Sample records for adolescentes mujeres escolares

  1. [Not Available].


    Pacheco-Herrera, Javier Darío; Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson; Correa-Bautista, Jorge Enrique


    Objetivo: el presente estudio tuvo por objetivos: a) determinar los valores de referencia de la condición muscular mediante el índice general de fuerza (IGF); y b) estudiar si el IGF está asociado con indicadores de adiposidad en niños y adolescentes escolares de Bogotá, Colombia.Métodos: del total de 7.268 niños y adolescentes (9-17,9 años) evaluados en el estudio FUPRECOL, 4.139 (57%) fueron mujeres. Se evaluó el IGF como marcador del desempeño muscular a partir de la tipificación de las pruebas de fuerza prensil (FP) y salto de longitud (SL). El IGF se recodificó en cuartiles (Q), siendo el Q4 la posición con mejor valor del IGF. El índice de masa corporal (IMC), la circunferencia de cintura (CC), el índice cintura/talla (ICT) y el porcentaje de grasa corporal (% GC) por bioimpedancia eléctrica se midieron como marcadores de adiposidad.Resultados: la edad media de los evaluados fue 12,8 ± 2,3 años. Se aprecia una tendencia hacia un incremento del nivel de condición física muscular en los varones conforme aumenta la edad, y hacia la estabilidad o un ligero aumento en el caso de las mujeres. El IGF se relacionóinversamente con el ICT y % GC en los varones (r = -0,280, r = -0,327, p < 0,01), respectivamente. Los escolares ubicados en el Q4 del IGF presentaron menores valores en marcadores de adiposidad IMC, CC, ICT y % GC, p < 0,01, que su contraparte del Q1.Conclusión: se presentan valores de referencia del IGF a partir de la estandarización de los resultados obtenidos en la FP y SL. La evaluación de la fuerza muscular en edades tempranas permitirá implementar programas de prevención de riesgo cardiovascular y metabólico futuro.

  2. Adolescentes: comportamento e risco cardiovascular

    PubMed Central

    da Costa, Ivelise Fhrideraid Alves Furtado; Medeiros, Carla Campos Muniz; da Costa, Fernanda Dayenne Alves Furtado; de Farias, Camilla Ribeiro Lima; Souza, Diogo Rodrigues; Adriano, Wellington Sabino; Simões, Mônica Oliveira da Silva; Carvalho, Danielle Franklin


    Resumo Contexto Os benefícios para a saúde decorrentes da prática regular de atividade física estão bem documentados. Entretanto, são raros os estudos associando essa prática ao comportamento sedentário e ao risco cardiovascular em adolescentes. Objetivos Pretende-se avaliar a prática de atividade física, o comportamento sedentário e a associação com o risco cardiovascular mensurado pelo escore Pathobiological Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth (PDAY). Métodos Estudo transversal desenvolvido nas escolas públicas estaduais de Campina Grande, PB, Brasil, com 576 adolescentes de 15 a 19 anos, incluindo variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas, de estilo de vida e clínicas. Os dados foram coletados através de formulário validado, antropometria, aferição da pressão arterial e exames laboratoriais. Foram utilizadas medidas descritivas, teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson e regressão logística binomial. Trabalhou-se com o SPSS 22.0 se adotou intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados A idade média foi de 16,8 anos. A maioria dos adolescentes era do sexo feminino (66,8%), não branco (78.7%) e pertencente às classes C, D e (69,1%). Quanto ao sedentarismo e à insuficiência de atividade física, as prevalências foram de 78,1% e 60,2%, respectivamente. De acordo com o escore PDAY, 10,4% dos adolescentes apresentaram alto risco cardiovascular; 31,8% risco intermediário; e 57,8%, risco baixo. Verificou-se que PDAY esteve associado ao sexo e à adiposidade abdominal. Conclusões Ficou comprovado que adiposidade abdominal e sexo masculino representam importantes fatores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes. Considerando-se a presença de um fator de risco modificável, medidas preventivas voltadas ao estilo de vida são essenciais. PMID:29930648

  3. Santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescentes de Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso: place de la communication parents-adolescentes pour la réduction des risques

    PubMed Central

    Some, Donmozoun Télesphore; Some, Der Adolphe; Hien, Hervé; Diallo, Ramata; Zingue, Dézémon; Diallo, Ibrahim; Diagbouga, Serge; Dao, Blami


    Introduction Les adolescentes sont très vulnérables face aux Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles (IST) et au VIH/SIDA. Notre étude a pour objectifs d’explorer la qualité de la communication entre les adolescentes et leurs parents sur les IST/VIH/SIDA et de recueillir leurs suggestions pour l’amélioration de cette communication. Méthodes L’étude était transversale qualitative sur 2 mois. La population de l’étude était composée par des adolescentes de 13 à 17 ans et leurs parents habitant la ville de Bobo Dioulasso. Vingt (20) adolescentes scolarisées ont été tirés au sort dans trois établissements secondaires et 20 autres non scolarisées choisies de façon accidentelle dans la ville. Les informations ont été collectées à l’aide de 8 focus groups. Les discussions ont été enregistrées sur cassettes, retranscrites en verbatim, et analysées à l’aide du logiciel QSR NVIVO 2.0. Résultats Les adolescentes et leurs parents communiquent très peu ou pas sur les questions des IST/VIH/SIDA; l’auto-information par les paires ou les médias est la première source d’information. Pour les parents, l’information existe et est accessible aux adolescentes alors que pour ces dernières, leurs connaissances de ces maladies sont parfois erronées. L’abstinence, la fidélité et le dépistage volontaire comme moyen de prévention sont très peu évoqués par les adolescentes de même que par leurs parents. Conclusion La communication parents-adolescentes est insuffisante voire absente dans certains milieux. Il est urgent de conduire des actions auprès des adolescentes et leurs parents pour mieux les informer sur les IST/VIH/SIDA et améliorer la communication sur ces maladies. PMID:22655099

  4. Mujeres en accion: design and baseline data.


    Keller, Colleen; Fleury, Julie; Perez, Adriana; Belyea, Michael; Castro, Felipe G


    The majority of programs designed to promote physical activity in older Hispanic women includes few innovative theory-based interventions that address cultural relevant strategies. The purpose of this report is to describe the design and baseline data for Mujeres en Accion, a physical activity intervention to increase regular physical activity, and cardiovascular health outcomes among older Hispanic women. Mujeres en Accion [Women in Action for Health], a 12 month randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a social support physical activity intervention in midlife and older Hispanic women. This study tests an innovative intervention, Mujeres en Accion, and includes the use of a theory-driven approach to intervention, explores social support as a theoretical mediating variable, use of a Promotora model and a Community Advisory group to incorporate cultural and social approaches and resources, and use of objective measures of physical activity in Hispanic women.

  5. Mujeres en Accion: Design and Baseline Data

    PubMed Central

    Fleury, Julie; Perez, Adriana; Belyea, Michael; Castro, Felipe G.


    The majority of programs designed to promote physical activity in older Hispanic women includes few innovative theory-based interventions that address cultural relevant strategies. The purpose of this report is to describe the design and baseline data for Mujeres en Accion, a physical activity intervention to increase regular physical activity, and cardiovascular health outcomes among older Hispanic women. Mujeres en Accion [Women in Action for Health], a 12 month randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a social support physical activity intervention in midlife and older Hispanic women. This study tests an innovative intervention, Mujeres en Accion, and includes the use of a theory-driven approach to intervention, explores social support as a theoretical mediating variable, use of a Promotora model and a Community Advisory group to incorporate cultural and social approaches and resources, and use of objective measures of physical activity in Hispanic women. PMID:21298400


    PubMed Central

    Miner, Sarah; Poupin, Lauren; Bernales, Margarita; Ferrer, Lilian; Cianelli, Rosina


    RESUMEN En Chile se estima que aproximadamente 38 mil personas viven con el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana [VIH]. En el año 2001, 1.092 mujeres chilenas vivían con VIH, actualmente se cree que hay más de 7.600 mujeres con el virus. Frente a estas cifras surge la necesidad de crear estrategias de prevención dirigidas a mujeres chilenas. Objetivo analizar los estudios ya realizados en la prevención de VIH para determinar qué aspectos se deben incluir en programas exitosos de prevención de VIH en mujeres. Diseño y Método se realizó una revisión de la literatura utilizando la base de datos Proquest, CINAHL, Pubmed y Scielo. Los límites comprendieron: textos completos, de los últimos 10 años, de acceso gratuito y escrito en español o inglés. Se seleccionaron 15 artículos para la revisión. Resultados todos los artículos comprenden la evaluación del efecto de una intervención sobre conocimiento y conductas relacionadas con VIH/SIDA. Catorce muestran resultados significativos en cambios positivos de conducta o conocimientos relacionados con la prevención de VIH. Conclusiones los programas de prevención de VIH en mujeres pueden ser efectivos para lograr cambios de conducta y de conocimiento. Las intervenciones exitosas son aquellas basadas en teorías o modelos de prevención y en cambios de conductas, todas adaptadas a la cultura de la población estudiada. PMID:27667897


    PubMed Central

    Fernández, Ana Michelle; McFarlane, Melvin Negrón; González, Ricardo; Díaz, Leslie; Betancourt-Díaz, Elba; Cintrón-Bou, Francheska; Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Villarruel, Antonia


    RESUMEN La comunicación sobre sexualidad entre padres/madres y adolescentes enfrenta dificultades particulares producto de factores socioculturales. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo documentar las actitudes de padres/madres y adolescentes hacia la comunicación sobre temas de sexualidad. Los resultados emanan de la medición inicial del Proyecto Cuídalos. Los datos de este estudio forman parte de un estudio amplio que evaluó un módulo interactivo basado en la web para mejorar comunicación sobre temas de salud entre padres/madres y adolescentes entre 13–17 años. En este artículo, reportamos datos basales que contestaron los/as participantes sobre comodidad al hablar sobre temas de salud sexual. La muestra, de los datos aquí expuestos, estuvo compuesta por 458 diadas de madres/padres y sus hijos/as adolescentes (n=916). Se realizó análisis de frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central con los datos obtenidos inicialmente. La edad promedio de los adolescentes fue de 15 años, de los que un 15% se encontraban activos sexualmente. Los/as adolescentes tienen mejor disposición que los/as padres/madres para hablar sobre sexualidad. Sin embargo, los/as padres/madres entienden que comparten suficiente información sobre temas relacionados a la sexualidad. Los/as padres/madres y adolescentes reportaron algún grado de dificultad e incomodidad al hablar sobre métodos específicos de prevención. Los resultados destacan la necesidad de incorporar a los/as padres/madres en intervenciones con adolescentes sobre temas de salud sexual. En Puerto Rico es necesario desarrollar programas dirigidos a minimizar las conductas sexuales de alto riesgo en jóvenes. PMID:28736599


    PubMed Central

    Pérez, Grace Rosado; Reyes, Glendalys Rivera; Villanueva, Victoria Larrieux; Torres, Gilliam J. Torres; Díaz, Elba Betancourt; Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Villaruel, Antonia


    La comunicación entre padres/madres y adolescentes sobre el tema de la sexualidad es importante para el desarrollo de la salud de personas jóvenes. Dicha comunicación puede verse negativamente impactada por actitudes estigmatizantes hacia el tema del VIH/SIDA. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar actitudes estigmatizantes hacia el VIH/SIDA entre padres/madres y adolescentes puertorriqueños/as. Este esfuerzo es parte del Proyecto Cuídalos, dirigido a probar una intervención en formato electrónico que busca aumentar la comunicación sobre sexualidad y salud entre padres/madres y adolescentes mediante un diseño experimental con 458 diadas de padres/madres y adolescentes de 13 a 17 años. Para propósitos de este artículo reportamos estadísticas descriptivas sobre estigma hacia el VIH/SIDA con la información recopilada en la medición basal. Tanto adultos/as como adolescentes mostraron actitudes estigmatizantes hacia el VIH/SIDA. A la luz de los resultados es necesario continuar desarrollando intervenciones para la reducción de estigma en esta población. Los/as padres/madres pueden ser un recurso invaluable para reducir el estigma en los/as jóvenes, y prevenir conductas sexuales de riesgo e infecciones. PMID:27099649

  9. Navajo minettes in the Cerros de las Mujeres, New Mexico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vaniman, D.; Laughlin, A. W.; Gladney, E. S.


    The Cerros de las Mujeres in west-central New Mexico are three mafic minette plugs that should be considered part of the Navajo volcanic fields on the central Colorado Plateau. This newly recognized occurrence extends the Navajo volcanic fields to the southeastern margin of the Colorado Plateau, within 45 km of the extensional tectonic setting in which the Mogollon ash-flow tuff cauldrons occur. The Cerros de las Mujeres provide additional evidence for contemporaneous sodic and potassic volcanism within the Navajo volcanic fields.

  10. Uso de Sustancias en Mujeres con Desventaja Social: Riesgo para el Contagio de VIH/SIDA

    PubMed Central

    Cianelli, R.; Ferrer, L; Bernales, M.; Miner, S.; Irarrázabal, L.; Molina, Y.


    Antecedentes La caracterización epidemiológica en Chile apunta a feminización, pauperización y heterosexualización de la epidemia del VIH, lo que implica un mayor riesgo para las mujeres en desventaja social. Si a esto se suma la utilización de sustancias, la vulnerabilidad de este grupo frente al VIH/SIDA aumenta. Objetivo Describir el uso de sustancias en mujeres con desventaja social e identificar factores de riesgo de contagio de VIH, asociados a este consumo. Material y Método 52 mujeres fueron entrevistadas como parte del proyecto “Testeando una intervención en prevención de VIH/SIDA en mujeres chilenas” GRANT # RO1 TW 006977. Se describen variables sociodemográficas y de consumo de sustancias a través de estadísticas descriptivas y se analiza la relación entre variables a través de pruebas de correlación. Resultados Los resultados indican un perfil sociodemográfico que sitúa a las mujeres en situación de vulnerabilidad frente al contagio de VIH/SIDA, con alto índice de uso de sustancias que acentúa el riesgo. Conclusiones Los hallazgos apuntan a la necesidad de considerar intervenciones que se enfoquen en la prevención de VIH en mujeres, abordando los riesgos asociados al consumo de sustancias. PMID:21197380

  11. La Mujer Chicana: An Annotated Bibliography, 1976.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chapa, Evey, Ed.; And Others

    Intended to provide interested persons, researchers, and educators with information about "la mujer Chicana", this annotated bibliography cites 320 materials published between 1916 and 1975, with the majority being between 1960 and 1975. The 12 sections cover the following subject areas: Chicana publications; Chicana feminism and…

  12. PubMed

    Caamaño Navarrete, Felipe; Delgado Floody, Pedro; Jerez Mayorga, Daniel; Osorio Poblete, Aldo


    Introducción: bajos niveles de actividad física, moderada y vigorosa, son un factor de riesgo conductual importante en la obesidad en niños.Objetivo: el objetivo del estudio fue determinar el estado nutricional y la condición física de escolares, comparando los resultados obtenidos por género, obesidad y rendimiento físico.Material y métodos:578 escolares: 308 hombres de 11,22 ± 1,93 años y 270 mujeres de 10,93 ± 1,92 años participaron en la investigación. Fueron evaluados: índice de masa corporal (IMC), porcentaje de masa grasa (%MG), contorno de cintura (CC), razón cintura-estatura (RCE) y rendimiento físico según los test del Estudio Nacional de Educación Física de la Agencia de Calidad de la Educación de Chile.Resultados: el %MG fue mayor en la mujeres (p < 0,001). En el test de abdominales y en el de Navette el rendimiento fue mayor en los hombres, y en el test de flexo-extensiones de brazo el rendimiento fue mayor en las mujeres (p < 0,05). Los escolares en categoría de obeso presentaron inferiores resultados en los test de: abdominales, salto largo, flexo-extensiones de brazo y Navette (p < 0,001). El VO2MAX fue menor en los sujetos con obesidad (p < 0,001). Los estudiantes que necesitan mejorar 3 o 4 test presentan mayor RCE (p < 0,001) y %MG (p < 0,001). Existe una asociación negativa entre la RCE y el VO2MAX (-0,543, p < 0,001).Conclusiones: existe una elevada prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad. Además, se aprecia un bajo rendimiento físico asociado a esta condición. Los escolares que necesitan mejorar 3 o 4 test de la condición física presentan mayores promedios de %MG y RCE; esta última variable es un potente indicador de riesgo cardiovascular.

  13. [Not Available].


    Martínez-Baena, Alejandro; Mayorga-Vega, Daniel; Viciana, Jesús


    Introducción: el aumento de la motivación hacia la Educación Física podría resultar un elemento esencial para propiciar un incremento en la condición física saludable de los escolares. La ausencia de estudios en población española hace necesario el desarrollo de esta línea de investigación.Objetivos: el objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar la asociación entre la motivación hacia la Educación Física y los niveles de condición física saludable en adolescentes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.Métodos: un total de 294 escolares (167 varones y 127 mujeres), de 13 a 16 años de edad cumplimentaron la versión española de la Escala de Locus Percibido de Causalidad en Educación Física y realizaron las pruebas de condición física saludable de la Batería ALPHA-Fitness de Alta Prioridad.Resultados: los resultados del estudio mostraron una asociación positiva entre tener una alta motivación hacia la Educación Física y presentar una mayor capacidad cardiorrespiratoria, tanto en niños como en niñas (p < 0,05). En cambio, no se encontró una asociación entre la motivación hacia la Educación Física y el sobrepeso o fuerza muscular.Conclusiones: existe una asociación positiva entre la motivación hacia la Educación Física y la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria. Por tanto, con el objetivo de que los alumnos presenten una capacidad cardiorespiratoria saludable, los profesores de Educación Física deberían promover la motivación hacia la Educación Física.

  14. Mujeres Unidas en Accion: A Popular Education Process.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Young, Eva; Padilla, Mariwilda


    Describes the development and structure of Mujeres Unidas en Accion, Inc., a nonprofit community-based agency in Dorchester, Massachusetts, that offers educational programs to low-income Latina women, and looks closely at one of its educational components, the Spanish program. (Author/JOW)

  15. The visual ecology of a deep-sea fish, the escolar Lepidocybium flavobrunneum (Smith, 1843)†

    PubMed Central

    Landgren, Eva; Fritsches, Kerstin; Brill, Richard; Warrant, Eric


    Escolar (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, family Gempylidae) are large and darkly coloured deep-sea predatory fish found in the cold depths (more than 200 m) during the day and in warm surface waters at night. They have large eyes and an overall low density of retinal ganglion cells that endow them with a very high optical sensitivity. Escolar have banked retinae comprising six to eight layers of rods to increase the optical path length for maximal absorption of the incoming light. Their retinae possess two main areae of higher ganglion cell density, one in the ventral retina viewing the dorsal world above (with a moderate acuity of 4.6 cycles deg−1), and the second in the temporal retina viewing the frontal world ahead. Electrophysiological recordings of the flicker fusion frequency (FFF) in isolated retinas indicate that escolar have slow vision, with maximal FFF at the highest light levels and temperatures (around 9 Hz at 23°C) which fall to 1–2 Hz in dim light or cooler temperatures. Our results suggest that escolar are slowly moving sit-and-wait predators. In dim, warm surface waters at night, their slow vision, moderate dorsal resolution and highly sensitive eyes may allow them to surprise prey from below that are silhouetted in the downwelling light. PMID:24395966

  16. By and for women. Nicaragua's Si Mujer.



    In Nicaragua, a group of women physicians and health professionals created an alternative health service for women. "Si Mujer" (Yes Woman), which stands for Integrated Services for Women, provides: 1) gynecologic services (comprehensive check-up, early cancer detection, sterility counseling, and AIDS and sexually transmitted disease [STD] prevention); 2) obstetric services (prenatal care, normal and high-risk pregnancy care, and family planning); 3) counseling (for women, couples, and families, and for victims of sexual violence); and 4) sex education and training (in reproductive health, gynecology, and sexuality). The non-profit organization collects fees according to ability to pay (11% pay nothing) and serves approximately 800 clients per month. Special programs provide services to teenagers and to men. While the training program began as a secondary effort, it is now as important as the direct service provision, with training activities reaching more than 1600 people in the first year through courses on such topics as sexuality, gender and power, AIDS and STD prevention, and cancer prevention. Si Mujer is one of more than 52 women's health centers in Nicaragua that have arisen to fill the gap left by the deterioration of public health services and which apply a gender perspective to the manner in which they approach their clients.

  17. Development of the Inventario de Comportamiento Escolar (IDCE) for Puerto Rican Children.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bauermeister, Jose J.; And Others


    The "Inventario de Comportamiento Escolar" is a teacher rating inventory for the assessment of Puerto Rican children, particularly those with a behavior pattern indicative of attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, or academic underachievement. (JHZ)

  18. Uso Del Condón en Adolescentes Nahuas, un Modelo Explicativo.


    Tirado, María de Los Ángeles Meneses; Benavides-Torres, Raquel A; Navarro, Sergio Meneses; de la Colina, Juan Antonio Doncel; Rodríguez, Dora Julia Onofre; Hernández, Francisco Javier Baéz


    En México, la población indígena supera los siete millones de habitantes, en Puebla el grupo más representativo es el Náhuatl. Sin embargo, las condiciones de vida, salud, educación y transporte son precarias para esta población. En los adolescentes, las responsabilidades como el matrimonio, la familia y los compromisos ante la comunidad, favorecen conductas de riesgo sexual que dificultan su desarrollo económico, social y reproductivo. El objetivo fue proponer un modelo explicativo del uso del condón en adolescentes nahuas. Método. Bajo el marco de la teoría social cognitiva, el concepto de valores culturales de Leininger y el proceso de la sustracción teórica, se desarrolló este artículo. Se muestran las relaciones del modelo con las proposiciones y los factores que influyen en el uso del condón para este grupo específico. Finalmente, el modelo explica las variables de interés, los niveles de abstracción y las relaciones entre sí en el contexto náhuatl. El siguiente paso será implementar los indicadores empíricos para conocer el grado de influencia de los factores personales y ambientales hacia el uso del condón en adolescentes nahuas. Resultados que aportarán información para el desarrollo del conocimiento en enfermería y la reducción de riesgo sexual de esta población.

  19. Astrophysics in Schools: Playing with Observational Data. (Spanish Title: Astrofísica Escolar: Jugando con Datos Observacionales.) Astrofísica Escolar: Brincando com Dados Observacionais

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Navone, Hugo D.; Scancich, Miriam; Vázquez, Rubén A.


    The use of observational records in the design of teaching sequences in Astrophysics in High Schools is quite uncommon. It is also uncommon the thematic approach within the context provided by Nature of Science. Besides these shortcomings, we should also consider the lack of proposals to use the computer as a laboratory from which nature is studied. These aspects expose the existence of a disconnection between school science and scientist's science, establishing the need for simple educational projects that promote interdisciplinary dialogue between the two fields of knowledge. Based on these assumptions, this paper presents the school reformulation of the redshift-distance problem as addressed by Hubble in his diagram, and explores the main educational dimensions emerging from it. The proposal is directed not only for senior students of high school and/or early 1st year students at University level, but also for students and teachers from teacher training colleges. Practical evidence shows that this proposal is viable, mobilizes interests about issues of Astrophysics and promotes a ludic and cooperative character among students. La utilización de registros observacionales en el diseño de secuencias didácticas en Astrofísica Escolar no es algo usual en el ámbito de la escuela media. Tampoco lo es el abordaje de temáticas desde el contexto que provee Naturaleza de la Ciencia. A estas carencias se le suma la falta de propuestas que hagan intervenir a la computadora como un laboratorio desde el cual se interpela a la naturaleza. Los aspectos mencionados exponen la existencia de un desajuste entre ciencia escolar y ciencia experta estableciendo la necesidad de elaborar proyectos educativos sencillos que promuevan el diálogo interdisciplinar entre ambos campos del conocimiento. Partiendo de estos presupuestos, en este trabajo se presenta la reformulación escolar del problema abordado por Hubble -que diera lugar al diagrama que lleva su nombre- y se exploran las

  20. [Not Available].


    Flores Navarro-Pérez, Carmen; González-Jiménez, Emilio; Schmidt-RioVilla, Jacqueline; Meneses-Echávez, José Francisco; Correa-Bautista, Jorge Enrique; Correa-Rodríguez, María; Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson


    Objetivos: los objetivos de este estudio fueron analizar el nivel nutricional en una población de niños y adolescentes colombianos y determinar la posible relación entre el nivel nutricional y el estado nutricional según el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y la circunferencia de cintura (CC).Material y métodos: estudio transversal en 6.383 niños y adolescentes de entre 9 y 17,9 años de edad, de Bogotá, Colombia. Se aplicó de manera autodiligenciada el cuestionario Krece Plus validado en el estudio enKid como indicador del nivel nutricional con las categorías alto (test ≥ 9), medio (test 6-8) y bajo (test ≤ 5). Se tomaron medidas de peso, talla, CC, y se calculó el IMC como marcadores del estado nutricional.Resultados: de la población general, el 57,9% eran chicas (promedio de edad 12,7 ± 2,3 años). En todas las categorías del IMC, más del 50% de chicos y chicas siguen una dieta de muy baja calidad, que empeora progresivamente con el avance en edad. En ambos sexos, se observaron tendencias entre un nivel nutricional muy bajo con el desarrollo de sobrepeso. Asimismo, la obesidad abdominal por CC se relacionó con una puntuación baja en el Krece Plus en ambos sexos.Conclusiones: en escolares de Bogotá, una dieta de muy baja calidad se relacionó con alteraciones del estado nutricional (IMC y CC), especialmente entre chicas y adolescentes. Estos resultados deben alentar el desarrollo de intervenciones orientadas a mejorar los hábitos nutricionales entre los escolares colombianos.

  1. Adelante, Mujer Hispana: A Conference Model for Hispanic Women. Pamphlet 20.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Women's Bureau (DOL), Washington, DC.

    The model is based on the highly successful first Women's Bureau sponsored Colorado Education and Employment Conference for Hispanic Women ("Adelante, Mujer Hispana") held in January 1980 for low-income women seeking employment and employed women seeking better jobs and upward mobility. It is intended for use by groups and individuals in…

  2. Factor Structure of the "Escala de Autoeficacia para la Depresion en Adolescentes" (EADA)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Diaz-Santos, Mirella; Cumba-Aviles, Eduardo; Bernal, Guillermo; Rivera-Medina, Carmen


    The current concept and measures of self-efficacy for depression in adolescents do not consider developmental and cultural aspects essential to understand and assess this construct in Latino youth. We examined the factor structure of the "Escala de Autoeficacia para la Depresion en Adolescentes" (EADA), a Spanish instrument designed to…

  3. [Crustaceans associated to macroalgae in Bajo Pepito, Isla Mujeres, Mexican Caribbean].


    Campos Vázquez, C


    Crustaceans associated with macroalgae were collected for one year by scuba diving in Bajo Pepito, Isla Mujeres, mexican Caribbean. A total of 148 organisms were found: three orders, 11 families, 18 genera and 19 species in nine types of associations. The order with highest abundance was Isopoda (112), followed by Amphipoda (20) and Decapoda (16).

  4. A large outbreak of scombroid fish poisoning associated with eating escolar fish (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum).


    Feldman, K A; Werner, S B; Cronan, S; Hernandez, M; Horvath, A R; Lea, C S; Au, A M; Vugia, D J


    In August 2003, an outbreak of scombroid fish poisoning occurred at a retreat centre in California, USA. In a retrospective cohort study, 42 (75%) of the 56 dinner attendees who ate escolar fish (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum) met the case definition. Individuals who ate at least 2 oz of fish were 1.5 times more likely to develop symptoms than those who ate less (relative risk 1.5, 95% confidence interval 0.9-2.6), and to develop more symptoms (median 7 vs. 3 symptoms, P = 0.03). Patients who took medicine had a longer duration of symptoms than those who did not (median 4 vs. 1.5 h, P = 0.05), and experienced a greater number of symptoms (median 8 vs. 3 symptoms, P = 0.0002). Samples of fish contained markedly elevated histamine levels (from 2000 to 3800 ppm). This is one of the largest reported outbreaks of scombroid fish poisoning in the United States and was associated with a rare vehicle for scombroid fish poisoning, escolar.

  5. Conocimientos y autoeficacia asociados a la prevención del VIH y SIDA en mujeres chilenas

    PubMed Central

    Villegas Rodríguez, Natalia; Ferrer Lagunas, Lilian Marcela; Cianelli Acosta, Rosina; Miner, Sarah; Lara Campos, Loreto; Peragallo, Nilda


    Resumen Objetivo Evaluar la relación existente entre conocimientos y autoeficacia asociados al VIH/SIDA en mujeres chilenas en desventaja social. Metodología Estudio correlacional, que utiliza la medición basal del estudio “Testeando una intervención en VIH y SIDA en mujeres chilenas”, realizada entre 2006 y 2008, que tiene una muestra de 496 mujeres entre 18 y 49 años residentes en dos comunas de Santiago de Chile. Las participantes respondieron un cuestionario estructurado aplicado por entrevistadoras entrenadas. Este cuestionario incluyó preguntas sobre datos sociodemográficos, escala de conocimientos de conductas de riesgo y autoeficacia, entre otros. Resultados Edad promedio de 32.3±9.1 años, 72.2% vive con su pareja y 42.7% poseen educación media completa. La puntuación media de los conocimientos de la infección por el VIH fue de 8.9±2.5, mientras que para las tres escalas empleadas para medir autoeficacia fueron: “Normas de los pares” =9.8±3.6, “Intención de reducir conductas de riesgo” =12.2±3.6 y “Self Efficacy Form”=20.2±4.7. Los conocimientos tuvieron una correlación positiva débil con la “intención de reducir conductas de riesgo” (r=0.19; p<0.0001) y con la escala “Self Efficacy Form” (r=0.34; p<0.0001), pero no se relacionaron con las “normas de los pares en cuanto a relaciones sexuales seguras” (r=0.13; p=0.78). Conclusión Existe una débil correlación positiva entre el nivel de conocimientos sobre el VIH/SIDA y la autoeficacia en mujeres chilenas en desventaja social. PMID:25284914

  6. Desarrollo de fotonovelas para concienciar sobre trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en latinos en los Estados Unidos

    PubMed Central

    Reyes-Rodríguez, Mae Lynn; García, Marissa; Silva, Yormeri; Sala, Margarita; Quaranta, Michela; Bulik, Cynthia M.


    Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar fotonovelas, un tipo de novela gráfica popular en la población latina, para crear conciencia y educar sobre los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA). Cuatro caricaturas ilustradas y guiones adaptados para adultos y adolescentes de ambos sexos fueron presentados en discusiones focales y en una entrevista de profundidad. Diecisiete latinos adultos (14 mujeres; 3 hombres) y 10 adolescentes (9 féminas; 1 varón) participaron en el estudio. Los participantes encontraron las fotonovelas interesantes y que captaban más la atención que los folletos tradicionales. El uso del espanglish y la clarificación de las diferencias entre los TCA fueron sugeridos por las adolescentes femeninas. Los adultos varones sugirieron cambiar el título, que se enfocara en las consecuencias en la salud de los TCA para que llame la atención en los hombres a leer la historia. Basado en la aceptación encontrada en este estudio, la fotonovela pudiera ser una avenida prometedora para crear conciencia y educar a la comunidad latina sobre los TCA en los Estados Unidos. PMID:27313838

  7. Violencia de Pareja en Mujeres Hispanas: Implicaciones para la Investigación y la Práctica

    PubMed Central

    Gonzalez-Guarda, Rosa Maria; Becerra, Maria Mercedes


    Las investigaciones sobre la violencia entre parejas sugieren que las mujeres hispanas están siendo afectadas desproporcionadamente por la ocurrencia y consecuencias de este problema de salud pública. El objetivo del presente artículo es dar a conocer el estado del arte en relación a la epidemiologia, consecuencias y factores de riesgo para VP entre mujeres Hispanas, discutiendo las implicaciones para la investigación y la práctica. Investigaciones han demostrado una fuerte asociación del status socioeconómico, abuso de droga y el alcohol, la salud mental, aculturación, inmigración, comportamientos sexuales riesgosos e historia de abuso con la violencia entre parejas. Sin embargo, más estudios se deben llevar a cabo para identificar otros factores de riesgos y de protección a poblaciones hispanas no clínicas. Mientras que el conocimiento sobre la etiología de la VP entre mujeres Hispanas se expanda, enfermeras y otros profesionales de la salud deben desarrollar, implementar y evaluar estrategias culturalmente adecuadas para la prevención primaria y secundaria de la violencia entre pareja. PMID:26166938

  8. A large outbreak of scombroid fish poisoning associated with eating escolar fish (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum).

    PubMed Central

    Feldman, K. A.; Werner, S. B.; Cronan, S.; Hernandez, M.; Horvath, A. R.; Lea, C. S.; Au, A. M.; Vugia, D. J.


    In August 2003, an outbreak of scombroid fish poisoning occurred at a retreat centre in California, USA. In a retrospective cohort study, 42 (75%) of the 56 dinner attendees who ate escolar fish (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum) met the case definition. Individuals who ate at least 2 oz of fish were 1.5 times more likely to develop symptoms than those who ate less (relative risk 1.5, 95% confidence interval 0.9-2.6), and to develop more symptoms (median 7 vs. 3 symptoms, P = 0.03). Patients who took medicine had a longer duration of symptoms than those who did not (median 4 vs. 1.5 h, P = 0.05), and experienced a greater number of symptoms (median 8 vs. 3 symptoms, P = 0.0002). Samples of fish contained markedly elevated histamine levels (from 2000 to 3800 ppm). This is one of the largest reported outbreaks of scombroid fish poisoning in the United States and was associated with a rare vehicle for scombroid fish poisoning, escolar. PMID:15724707

  9. Comunicación de pareja y VIH en mujeres en desventaja social

    PubMed Central

    Rosina Cianelli, A.; Lilian Ferrer, L.; Margarita Bernales, S.; Natalia Villegas, R.


    Introducción La epidemia de VIH y SIDA se ha diseminado rápidamente a nivel mundial tendiendo a la feminización, pauperización y heterosexualización. La comunicación de pareja en torno el VIH es descrita como uno de los factores protectores en la adquisición de esta enfermedad, favoreciendo la adopción de conductas sexuales seguras tales como la negociación de pareja y la utilización de preservativo, consideróndose como un pilar fundamental en la incorporación de medidas de autocuidado en la sexualidad femenina. Objetivo Determinar el nivel de comunicación de pareja en torno al VIH en mujeres chilenas en desventaja social. Metodología Cuatrocientas noventa y seis mujeres contestaron la entrevista inicial de la investigación “Testing an HIV/AIDS Prevention Intervention for Chilean Women” (RO1 TW 006977 PI Cianelli). Se utilizó la escala “Health protective sexual communication scale (HPC)” (0–10 puntos). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo utilizando el programa SPSS 16.0. Resultados El promedio del nivel de comunicación de pareja fue de 3,26 ± 2,7 puntos con la pareja principal, de 2,52 ± 2,48 puntos con una segunda pareja y de 0 puntos con una tercera pareja. Los temas de menor comunicación entre las parejas fueron el uso de preservativo y la realización del test para VIH antes de tener relaciones sexuales. Conclusión Las mujeres de la muestra presentan bajos niveles de comunicación de pareja en relación a VIH con todas sus parejas sexuales. Son necesarias estrategias que potencien este tópico dentro de las intervenciones de prevención de VIH y SIDA de manera de fortalecer la adopción de conductas de autocuidado en torno al tema. PMID:19936328

  10. PubMed

    Rodríguez-Villalba, Luisa Fernanda; Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson; Correa-Bautista, Jorge Enrique


    Objetivo: el propósito del estudio fue relacionar la etapa en el cambio en el comportamiento frente a la actividad física y el estado nutricional en escolares de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL.Método: se trata de un estudio transversal, realizado en 8.000 niños y adolescentes de entre 9 y 17 años, pertenecientes a 24 instituciones educativas. Se aplicó de manera autodiligenciada el cuestionario de cambio de comportamiento en función de la intención de realizar actividad física (CCC-FUPRECOL) y se midió el peso y la estatura para determinar el estado nutricional con el índice de masa corporal (IMC).Resultados: el porcentaje de respuesta fue del 82,5% y se consideraron válidos 6.606 registros, siendo el 58,3% (n = 3.850) niñas, con un promedio de edad de 12,7 ± 2,3 años. En la población general, el 5,3% de los escolares se encontraba en etapa de precontemplación, el 31,8% en contemplación, el 26,7% en acción y el 36,2% en etapa de mantenimiento. Al comparar la etapa de cambio con el estado nutricional por IMC, los escolares clasificados como obesos mostraron mayor frecuencia de respuesta en la etapa de precontemplación, mientras que los escolares con peso saludable acusaron mayores porcentajes en la etapa de mantenimiento.Conclusión: en escolares de Bogotá, Colombia, se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la intención de realizar actividad con el estado nutricional medido con el IMC. Fomentar la promoción de la actividad física y monitorizar el estado nutricional deberá ser una prioridad en las agendas y políticas públicas dentro del ámbito escolar.

  11. La mortalidad en adolescentes con cáncer: características clinicoepidemiológicas de muerte y aspectos éticos emergentes.


    Cicero-Oneto, Carlo Egysto; Mata-Valderrama, Guadalupe; Valdez-Martínez, Edith

    Describir los aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos y éticos de la mortalidad de los adolescentes con cáncer en -México. Se revisaron 63 expedientes clínicos de adolescentes (de 14 a 18 años de edad) con cáncer, fallecidos entre 2011 y 2014, para obtener información clínica y epidemiológica de su muerte. Los sitios de estudio fueron tres hospitales de concentración en la Ciudad de México. De los 40 adolescentes con criterios de fase terminal, 16 (40%) continuaron recibiendo tratamiento con fines curativos. De los 51 cuyo lugar de muerte era conocido, 45 (88%) murieron en hospital. De los 41 que murieron dentro de los 30 días de su última hospitalización, las muertes fueron principalmente debidas a complicaciones (51%), a progresión de la enfermedad (41%) o bien fueron muertes en tratamiento paliativo (7%, 3/41). La práctica oncológica descansa en lo que es conocido como modelo biomédico. Los resultados del estudio sugieren y apoyan la urgente necesidad de implementar verdaderos servicios de cuidados paliativos, pero más importante que eso, está el ímpetu de poner la ética de la práctica clínica en acción, y de ese modo reforzar la buena práctica de la medicina. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  12. Estudio participativo para el desarrolllo de un instrumento de observación de violencia escolar

    PubMed Central

    Medina Santiago, Nilda G.; Rivera, Tania Cruz; Rodríguez, Maryanes Trenche; Báez Ávila, Loggina S.


    La violencia en las escuelas es reconocida como un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial que impacta negativamente el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Sin embargo, en Puerto Rico las estadísticas oficiales y los medios de comunicación generalmente se enfocan en hechos aislados de violencia extrema donde se utilizan armas o se destruye propiedad y no recogen formas de violencia más comunes que suelen ocurrir a diario en las escuelas. En este estudio se utilizó el Instrumento de Observación de Violencia Escolar (INOVE), preparado con el insumo de las comunidades escolares participantes del Proyecto VIAS (Violence and Asthma Health Disparity Network) de la Universidad del Este (UNE), para recopilar información acerca de las características de la violencia en dos escuelas puertorriqueñas. Entre los hallazgos del estudio se destacan diferencias por sexo en cuanto a categorías de violencia observadas y la observación de agresividad en juegos e interacciones entre estudiantes. Los datos recopilados han servido de base para la toma de decisiones en cuanto a la prevención de la violencia en las escuelas participantes y tienen implicaciones para el desarrollo de estrategias y programas de prevención. PMID:29643972

  13. [Embryology and "official science": the contribution of the anatomical school of José Escolar to embryology during the first Francoism (1939-1959)].


    Velasco Morgado, Raúl


    In this paper, we analyse the contribution of the anatomical school of José Escolar (1913-1998) to embryology during the first two decades of the Francoist dictatorship. Special attention is paid to the process by which the Spanish group, with the support of the new Superior National Research Council, made contact with the German morphology being developed by Hugo Spatz (1888-1979) at the Max Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung. Our study reveals the numerous influences that finally led to the anatomy and embryology of Escolar. In Spain, we found a direct influence of the Gegenbaurian morphology of Gumersindo Sánchez Guisande (1894-1976) and the neuroanatomy of Juan José Barcia Goyanes (1901-2003), full of references to studies by Braus. International contacts of the "Escolarian group", first with North America and then with Germany, created a homogeneous group with a single anatomy (functional and ontophylogenetic) but with so many research interests that subspecialisations had to be developed. An important embryological work resulted from an intense relationship with the German anatomical community during the 1950s. Escolar worked in this field on the development of the amygdala and allocortex, Fernando Reinoso studied the embryology of the diencephalon and Smith Victor Agreda, along with the German scientist Rudolf Diepen, made some important discoveries on the development of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

  14. Los “puntos débiles o sensibles” de los Ensayos Clínicos en niñas/os y adolescentes

    PubMed Central

    Melamed, Irene N.


    Resumen La revisión ética de un Ensayo Clínico1 que incluye a niñas/os y adolescentes en calidad de participantes, debe centrar su mirada en aspectos relacionados con la vulnerabilidad inherente a esa etapa de la vida, condición que se nutre de elementos biológicos, emocionales, de justicia y de equidad, entre otros. Sin embargo, la visión sugerida en este caso y sin desoír las características mencionadas, es la que busca profundizar en uno de los actores del proceso de investigación: el Ensayo Clínico. El objetivo es poder determinar la presencia o no de “zonas frágiles o de puntos débiles” en su interior, los que al ser individualizados y especialmente considerados, contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de la revisión ética de las investigaciones que son llevadas a cabo en niñas/os y adolescentes. PMID:28757905

  15. The Role Of Women In Popular Education In Bolivia: A Case Study Of The "Oficina Juridica Para La Mujer"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kollins, Judith M.; Hansman, Catherine A.


    This study examines how the Education Office of the "Oficina Juridica Para la Mujer" [Women's Legal Office] , a community-based popular education organization in Cochabamba, Bolivia, works with women to address personal, legal, and policy issues through local leadership training and popular education methodology. We investigate the…

  16. Etude du pronostic maternel et périnatal au cours de l’accouchement chez l’adolescente à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Luhete, Prosper Kakudji; Mukuku, Olivier; Tambwe, Albert Mwembo; Kayamba, Prosper Kalenga Muenze


    Introduction L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la fréquence et d’évaluer le pronostic maternel et périnatal lors de l’accouchement chez les adolescentes dans la ville de Lubumbashi. Méthodes C’était une étude cas-témoin des accouchées d’une grossesse monofoetale de Décembre 2013 à Mai 2014 dans 10 maternités de référence à Lubumbashi (RD Congo). Les adolescentes (< 20 ans) ont été comparées aux femmes âgées de 20-34 ans. Les paramètres sociodémographiques maternels, la morbi-mortalité maternelle et périnatale ont été analysées. Les statistiques usuelles et la régression logistique ont été utilisées pour analyser les résultats. Le seuil de signification a été fixé à une valeur de p<0,05. Résultats La fréquence d’accouchement chez les adolescentes était de 7,7%. Nous avons observé que la césarienne (ORa=1,9 (1,1-3,1)), l’épisiotomie (ORa=4,2 (2,9-5,9)), la délivrance pathologique (ORa= 2,7 (1,1-6,5)), l’éclampsie (ORa= 4,4 (1,3-14,5)) et le faible poids de naissance (ORa=2,0 (1,3-3,0)) ont été significativement plus élevés chez les adolescentes que chez les adultes. Conclusion L’accouchement chez les adolescentes, comparativement à celui de femmes âgées de 20-34 ans, reste associé à un mauvais pronostic. D’où l’organisation des séances de sensibilisation pour une meilleure fréquentation des services consultations prénatales, une optimisation du dépistage, de la surveillance et de la prévention des pathologies de la grossesse chez les adolescentes s’avère importante et urgente. Introduction This study aimed to determine the frequency and to assess maternal and perinatal prognosis for vaginal delivery in adolescent girls in the city of Lubumbashi. Methods We conducted a case-control study of vaginal deliveries in singleton pregnancy in 10 referral hospitals in Lubumbashi (DR Congo) from December 2013 to May 2014. Adolescent girls (< 20 years) were compared to older women

  17. [Validity and reproducibility of Escala de Evaluación da Insatisfación Corporal para Adolescentes].


    Conti, Maria Aparecida; Slater, Betzabeth; Latorre, Maria do Rosário Dias de Oliveira


    To validate a body dissatisfaction scale for adolescents. The study included 386 female and male adolescents aged 10 to 17 years enrolled in a private elementary and middle school in the city of São Bernardo do Campo, southeastern Brazil, in 2006. 'Escala de Evaluación da Insatisfación Corporal para Adolescentes' (body dissatisfaction scale for adolescents) was translated and culturally adapted. The Portuguese instrument was evaluated for internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha, factor analysis with Varimax rotation, discriminant validity by comparing score means according to nutritional status (low weight, normal weight, and at risk of overweight and obesity) using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Concurrent validity was assessed using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between scores and body mass index, waist-hip ratio and waist circumference. Reproducibility was evaluated using Wilcoxon test, and intraclass correlation coefficient. The translated and back-translated scale showed good agreement with the original one. The translated scale had good internal consistency in all subgroups studied (males and females in early and intermediate adolescence) and was able to discriminate adolescents according to their nutritional status. In the concurrent analysis, all three measures were correlated, except for males in early adolescence. Its reproducibility was ascertained. The 'Escala de Evaluación da Insatisfación Corporal para Adolescentes' was successfully translated into Portuguese and adapted to the Brazilian background and showed good results. It is recommended for the evaluation of the attitudinal component of body image in adolescents.

  18. Providing sanctuary for battered women: Nicaragua's casas de la mujer.


    Wessel, L; Campbell, J C


    A combination of participant observation and in-depth interviews (10 with key informants; 21 with battered women) was used to investigate wife battering in Nicaragua and the casas de la mujer, or women's centers, that have been established to help abused women. The results are presented within the context of the historical and structural realities of women's lives in Nicaragua and the sanctions and sanctuary framework of cultural analysis of wife battering. Nicaraguan wife battering is exacerbated in the context of cultural traditions of acceptance of wife beating, machismo, and the recent history of warfare. Findings about the relationship context and intervention outcomes were similar to those found in studies of battered women and shelters in the United States. The results were generally supportive of the framework, demonstrating the importance of women's solidarity groups, community sanctions against domestic violence, and sanctuary for battered women.

  19. Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte: The Effects of a Culturally-Relevant, Community-Based, Promotores Program to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening among Latinas

    PubMed Central

    McDonough, A. Manuela; Vargas, Marcela; Nguyen-Rodriguez, Selena; Garcia, Melawhy; Galvez, Gino; Rios-Ellis, Britt


    Objective Although cervical cancer can be prevented through screening and follow-up, Latinas’ rate of Pap tests remains low due to knowledge gaps and cultural and attitudinal factors. Methods This study used a single-group pre-/post-test design to evaluate the effectiveness of Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte (Healthy Woman, Strong Family), an intervention intended to improve Latinas’ cervical cancer prevention knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy to obtain a Pap test, and intention to get tested. The intervention is delivered through a single session by promotores de salud, who use a culturally competent, linguistically appropriate toolkit. A total of 5,211 Latinas participated in the study. Results The evaluation indicated that participants had increases in knowledge, positive attitudes, self-efficacy, and intention to test. Conclusion Latinas have a low rate of cervical cancer screening but a high rate of cervical cancer, and Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte shows promise as a public health practice for use with this population. PMID:27180696

  20. Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte: The Effects of a Culturally-Relevant, Community-Based, Promotores Program to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening among Latinas.


    McDonough, A Manuela; Vargas, Marcela; Nguyen-Rodriguez, Selena; Garcia, Melawhy; Galvez, Gino; Rios-Ellis, Britt


    Although cervical cancer can be prevented through screening and follow-up, Latinas' rate of Pap tests remains low due to knowledge gaps and cultural and attitudinal factors. This study used a single-group pre-/post-test design to evaluate the effectiveness of Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte (Healthy Woman, Strong Family), an intervention intended to improve Latinas' cervical cancer prevention knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy to obtain a Pap test, and intention to get tested. The intervention is delivered through a single session by promotores de salud, who use a culturally competent, linguistically appropriate toolkit. A total of 5,211 Latinas participated in the study. The evaluation indicated that participants had increases in knowledge, positive attitudes, self-efficacy, and intention to test. Latinas have a low rate of cervical cancer screening but a high rate of cervical cancer, and Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte shows promise as a public health practice for use with this population.

  1. Capital social de los padres de escolares de una zona vulnerable.


    Cornejo, Susana; Herrera, Ariel; Hilas, Elena; Gigena, Y Pablo


    El capital social supone importantes inversiones materiales, simbólicas y de esfuerzos. Conocer el capital social de una comunidad puede facilitar la comprensión del beneficio de las relaciones comunitarias para la promoción de salud. Con el objetivo de reconocer los componentes del capital social de padres de escolares atendiendo una escuela en una zona vulnerable de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina, indagamos a través de grupos focales acerca de elementos esenciales del capital social. La asintonía socio-cultural entre los pobladores originarios y los reubicados, la estigmatización policial y el clientelismo político han generado desconfianza del uno hacia el otro en diferentes aspectos convivenciales, siendo la familia la única red de apoyo. La escuela se reconoce como espacio adonde la gente espontáneamente se organiza para invertir en redes sociales, presentándose así con potencialidad para la promoción de conductas saludables, por el lugar simbólico que ocupa para los padres.


    PubMed Central

    Villegas, N.; Cianelli, R.; Ferrer, L.; Kaelber, L.; Peragallo, N.; Yaya, Alexandra O.


    Introducción Las mujeres Hispanas de 50 años y más (MHC) son una minoría en Estados Unidos que está a elevado riesgo de adquirir VIH y son el grupo menos estudiado en lo que respecta a salud, características sociales y de comportamiento sexual. Objetivo Investigar los factores que incrementan el riesgo de VIH en las MHC con el propósito de desarrollar o adaptar una intervención apropiada para la “edad y la cultura "de este grupo de mujeres. Metodología Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con una muestra de 50 MHC, sexualmente activas y que residían en Miami, Florida, Estados Unidos. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado administrado por entrevistadores entrenados y bilingües (inglés/español). Las participantes fueron reclutadas en diferentes lugares en el Sur de Florida. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó estadística descriptiva, tanto medidas de tendencia central como medidas de dispersión. Resultados La edad promedio de las MHC fue de 55,7 ± 6 años (rango 50–76 años). Todas las MHC estaban en la menopausia. Prevención del VIH Las MHC reportaron niveles medios de conocimientos sobre VIH y comunicación con la pareja. En la muestra se reportó la presencia de síntomas depresivos, violencia en la pareja, actitudes negativas hacia las personas viviendo con VIH y baja percepción de riesgo de adquirir VIH. Las MHC mencionaron necesidades de aprendizaje en tópicos relacionados con prevención de VIH y cambios de la edad. Conclusión Las MHC están a riesgo de adquirir VIH y tienen necesidades especiales en términos de educación sobre prevención de VIH. PMID:25242862

  3. Knowledge, attitude and practice of the smear test and its relation with female age.


    Silveira, Nara Sibério Pinho; Vasconcelos, Camila Teixeira Moreira; Nicolau, Ana Izabel Oliveira; Oriá, Mônica Oliveira Batista; Pinheiro, Patricia Neyva da Costa; Pinheiro, Ana Karina Bezerra


    to verify the association among the knowledge attitude and practice of women in relation to the smear test and the age range. a cross-sectional research was undertaken, associated with the knowledge, attitude and practice survey at a Primary Health Care service. The sample consisted of 775 women, distributed in three age ranges: adolescent, young and elderly. although high rates of inappropriate knowledge were found in all age ranges, it was significantly higher among the adolescents (p=0.000). A similar trend was found in the attitude component, with percentages of inappropriateness in adolescence that drop as age advances (p=0.000). Nevertheless, no statistical difference among the groups was found in terms of practice (p=0.852). the study demonstrated a relation between the age range and knowledge, attitude and practice of the smear test. verificar a associação entre o conhecimento, atitude e prática de mulheres em relação ao exame colpocitológico e a faixa etária. trata-se de pesquisa de corte transversal associada ao inquérito conhecimento, atitude e prática, em uma Unidade de Atenção Primária à Saúde. A amostra foi composta por 775 mulheres, distribuídas em três faixas etárias: adolescentes, jovens e idosas. embora o conhecimento inadequado tenha tido altas taxas em todas as faixas etárias, foi significativamente superior entre as adolescentes (p=0,000). Tendência semelhante no componente atitude por apresentar percentuais de inadequabilidade na adolescência e decair com o avançar da idade (p=0,000). Todavia, não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos quanto à prática (p=0,852). o estudo demonstrou relação entre a faixa etária e o conhecimento, a atitude e a prática do exame colpocitológico. verificar la asociación entre el conocimiento, la actitud y práctica de mujeres con relación a la prueba colpocitológica y el rango de edad. se trata de investigación trasversal asociada a la encuesta conocimiento, actitud y pr

  4. Petrography of Mayan mortar, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bain, R.J.


    Along coastal regions of the Yucatan Peninsula Mayan builders used a mixture of beach sand, shell fragments, and clasts of rock as mortar for construction. With exposure to subaerial conditions, the aragonitic sand was converted into a semi-lithified mortar. Petrographic analysis of mortar samples collected from Mayan ruins on the south end of Isla Mujeres indicates that the mortar is cemented by blocky, meniscus style, low Mg calcite. In addition to the cement, low Mg calcite also occurs as blocky equant crystals either replacing grains or filling grain-moldic porosity. X-ray analysis of both modern beach sand and mortar shows themore » sand is composed of aragonite and high Mg calcite but lacks low Mg calcite. Mortar, on the other hand, consists of low Mg calcite, high Mg calcite, and aragonite however aragonite is much less abundant than in the sand. Aragonitic ooids, pellets and bioclasts of beach sand used in mortar were dissolved producing moldic porosity. At the same time, CaCO/sub 3/ derived from this process was precipitated as low Mg calcite which formed meniscus cement and filled moldic porosity within the walls of Mayan structures producing a remarkably hard mortar.« less

  5. [Not Available].


    Díaz, Toni; Ficapal-Cusí, Pilar; Aguilar-Martínez, Alicia


    Introducción: a pesar de la relevancia nutricional del desayuno para el desarrollo y su asociación a un mejor aprendizaje y rendimiento escolar, numerosos estudios ponen en evidencia que en muchos casos se omite o se hace mal.Objetivo: determinar la calidad del desayuno de estudiantes de entre 10 y 16 años con intención de determinar en qué momento sería conveniente realizar programas educativos sobre la importancia de esta comida y cómo mejorar su calidad.Método: estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal a partir de un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas acerca de los hábitos de alimentación en el desayuno en estudiantes de educación primaria y secundaria.Resultados y conclusión: solo el 18,5% de los estudiantes realiza un desayuno de buena calidad y su mala calidad va aumentando progresivamente con los cursos y se asocia al hecho de desayunar solo. En ambos niveles educativos los alimentos más consumidos en casa pertenecen al grupo de los lácteos y los cereales, mientras que en el centro escolar, el bocadillo resulta el desayuno más habitual; no obstante se observan diferencias entre primaria y secundaria en cuanto al consumo de fruta y bebidas azucaradas, entre otros.Conclusión: sería interesante valorar la instauración de programas de desayuno escolar incluyendo en ellos no solo a estudiantes de primaria, sino también, y especialmente, a adolescentes pues son estos quienes omiten esta comida en mayor proporción. Las intervenciones deberían orientarse a corregir las desviaciones más habituales observadas en cada uno de los niveles educativos.

  6. [Not Available].


    Campos Jara, Christian; Delgado Floody, Pedro; Caamaño Navarrete, Felipe; Guzmán Guzmán, Iris; Cesp Barría, Mauricio; Jerez Mayorga, Daniel; Alarcón Hormazábal, Manuel; Osorio Poblete, Aldo


    Antecedentes: la prevalencia de obesidad infantil ha aumentado considerablemente en Chile y el mundo, presentando asociación negativa con el rendimiento físico. Objetivo: el propósito del estudio fue determinar el rendimiento físico en escolares y asociarlos a los niveles de sobrepeso, obesidad y riesgo cardiometabólico.Material y métodos: 342 escolares, entre 11 y 16 años de edad, participaron del estudio, un 44,2% correspondió a mujeres y un 55,8% a hombres. Se evaluaron las siguientes variables: peso, índice de masa corporal, porcentaje de masa grasa, contorno cintura, razón cintura estatura, Test de salto largo, Test de abdominales, Test de flexo-extensiones de brazo, Test de Cafra y Test de Navette.Resultados: s e observó que los escolares con sobrepeso y obesidad (48,3%) mostraron un incremento significativo en las medidas antropométricas, así como una disminución en todas las variables que determinan rendimiento físico. En el análisis de los Test de Cafra y Navette, se observó que la presencia de la alteración de al menos uno de ellos se asoció con riesgo cardiometabólico (OR= 9,29, p<0,001), mientras que la presencia de la alteración de los dos test se asocia fuertemente con la presencia de sobrepeso y obesidad (OR = 11,8, p = 0,003) y con riesgo cardiometabólico (OR = 30, 1, p<0,001).Conclusión: Los escolares con obesidad presentaron disminución en todas las variables que determinaron el rendimiento físico y fue la alteración capacidad cardiorrespiratoria medida a través de los Test de Cafra y Navette los que presentaron mayor asociación y significativa con el sobrepeso, obesidad y riesgo cardiometabólico.

  7. Knowledge of adolescents regarding sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy.


    Almeida, Rebeca Aranha Arrais Santos; Corrêa, Rita da Graça Carvalhal Frazão; Rolim, Isaura Letícia Tavares Palmeira; Hora, Jessica Marques da; Linard, Andrea Gomes; Coutinho, Nair Portela Silva; Oliveira, Priscila da Silva


    To investigate the knowledge of adolescents related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), AIDS, and pregnancy, and understand the role of school in sex education. A qualitative descriptive study, developed through a semi-structured interview and a form for participant characterization, with 22 high school students from a public school aged 16 to 19 years. Data were submitted to content analysis. After analysis, four thematic categories were developed: sexuality and sex education; understanding of risk behaviors; knowledge of STI/AIDS; and knowledge of and practices for prevention. This study showed the need for preventive educational actions for adolescents, because the lack of information contributes to their vulnerability. The adolescents recognize the importance of sex education; therefore it is important to implement strategies to promote and protect health in the school environment to encourage and strengthen self-care in health. investigar o conhecimento de adolescentes relacionado às Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST), AIDS e gravidez, além de conhecer a compreensão sobre o papel da escola na educação sexual. estudo qualitativo, descritivo, desenvolvido por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e formulário para caracterização dos participantes, com 22 adolescentes entre 16 e 19 anos de idade, estudantes do Ensino Médio em uma escola pública. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo. da análise emergiram quatro categorias temáticas: Sexualidade e educação sexual; Compreensão de comportamentos de risco; Conhecimento de IST/AIDS; Conhecimento e práticas de prevenção. revelou-se a necessidade de ações educativas de prevenção para os adolescentes, pois a falta de informações contribui para a sua vulnerabilidade. Os adolescentes reconhecem a importância da educação sexual; consequentemente, é importante a implementação de estratégias de promoção e de proteção à saúde no ambiente escolar para contribuir e


    PubMed Central

    Vélez, Yovanska Duarté; Dávila, Paloma Torres; Hernández, Samariz Laboy


    Presentamos un estudio de caso de una adolescente puertorriqueña con comportamiento suicida. Esta comenzó una Terapia Socio Cognitivo-Conductual para el Comportamiento Suicida (TSCC-CS) de tipo ambulatorio luego de una hospitalización por intento suicida. La TSCC-CS incorpora una perspectiva ecológica y de desarrollo a la terapia cognitivo-conductual. Inicialmente mostró baja autoestima y severos síntomas depresivos y de ansiedad. Al finalizar el tratamiento, manifestó un cambio significativo en su sintomatología clínica y evidenció una mejoría en sus destrezas de manejo. No presentó ideas suicidas durante meses previos, ni durante el seguimiento. El análisis de este caso permitió realizar cambios en el protocolo de tratamiento, particularmente en las sesiones de familia y de comunicación con el fin de aumentar la viabilidad del tratamiento. PMID:26702337

  9. Factor Structure of the Escala de Autoeficacia para la Depresión en Adolescentes (EADA)

    PubMed Central

    Díaz-Santos, Mirella; Cumba-Avilés, Eduardo; Bernal, Guillermo; Rivera-Medina, Carmen


    The current concept and measures of self-efficacy for depression in adolescents do not consider developmental and cultural aspects essential to understand and assess this construct in Latino youth. We examined the factor structure of the Escala de Autoeficacia para la Depresión en Adolescentes (EADA): a Spanish instrument designed to assess this construct as experienced by this population. Participants were 116 Puerto Rican adolescents aged 13 to 17 years who completed the EADA and two other self-report measures. An exploratory factor analysis yielded a two-factor solution (Personal Self-Efficacy for Depression and Interpersonal Self-Efficacy for Depression) accounting for 37.57% of the total variance. Results revealed that EADA factors have excellent internal consistency as well as concurrent and construct validity, supporting its adequacy to assess Latino adolescents’ self-efficacy for depression. The conceptual meaning of the factors was consistent with the distinction between aspects of this construct hypothesized to be important among Latino youth.

  10. La dinámica demográfica y la desigualdad educativa en Méxicoa

    PubMed Central

    Giorguli Saucedo, Silvia E.; Vargas Valle, Eunice D.; Ulloa, Viviana Salinas; Hubert, Celia; Potter, Joseph E.


    En este trabajo se presenta una investigación sobre el vínculo entre los procesos educativos y la dinámica demográfica en México. La tradición del pensamiento sobre población y desarrollo ha partido de la hipótesis de que el ritmo de crecimiento poblacional, el tamaño de las familias y la migración influyen sobre la acumulación de capital humano entre la población en edades escolares. Se explora aquí la relación del desempeño educativo de los jóvenes entre 14 y 23 años y la razón de dependencia juvenil, la fecundidad adolescente y la migración interna e internacional; para ello se utilizan datos agregados a escala municipal del año 2000. El análisis incluye indicadores de la oferta educativa municipal basados en estadísticas administrativas de la SEP. PMID:26146427

  11. America's Women of Color: Integrating Cultural Diversity into Non-Sex-Biased Curricula. Filmstrip User's Guide for La Mujer Hispana: Mito y Realidad (The Hispanic Woman: Myth and Reality).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Saint Paul Public Schools, MN.

    This document is one of five filmstrip users' guides that can be used to increase understanding of minority women in the United States by supplying basic information on their histories, current concerns, myths, and misleading stereotypes. The guide was designed to be used with a filmstrip entitled "La Mujer Hispana: Mito y Realidad (The…

  12. Factores que Influencian la Adquisición de Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y VIH en Mujeres Jóvenes Chilenas que Participaron en la Intervención Online I-STIPI

    PubMed Central

    Villegas, Natalia; Cianelli, Rosina; Santisteban, Daniel; Lara, Loreto; Vargas, Jessica


    Resumen El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo de corte transversal fue investigar los siguientes factores asociados a la prevención de las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) y el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH): (a) conocimientos, (b) actitudes, (c) autoeficacia, (d) vulnerabilidad, (e) conductas de riesgo, (f) conductas de prevención, y (g) uso de internet en mujeres chilenas entre 18 y 24 años. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado disponible en un sitio web seguro para la recolección de datos que incluyó preguntas relacionadas con la prevención de ITS/VIH. Los resultados del estudio indicaron que las mujeres jóvenes están en riesgo de adquirir ITS/VIH y tienen necesidades especiales para la prevención. La familiaridad y frecuencia del uso de internet en esta población puede ser utilizado para la prevención de ITS/VIH. PMID:27257190

  13. Inclusion of Visually Impaired in the School Programme Scheduled Visit of the Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST). (Breton Title: Inclusão de Deficientes Visuais no Programa de Visita Escolar Programada do Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST).) Inclusión de Discapacitados Visuales en el Programa Escolar Programado del Museo de Astronomía y Ciencias Afines (MAST)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Oliveira Gonçalves, Carla; da Conceição Barbosa-Lima, Maria


    Inclusive Education in Brazil, contemplated in the 1988 Constitution and in the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (9.394/96) highlights the importance and urgency of promoting inclusive education as a formative element of nationality. Inclusive Education refers to all people who are struggling in school. Inclusion should be in all educational institutions (formal and informal). Our goal in the graduation final task was to report the experience of mediation to visually impaired students of the Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC) at the Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST), and also suggest some modifications and present new proposals for the School Visit Program (VEP) through a specially constructed apparatus, where the sky can be sensed near the latitude of Rio de Janeiro. A educação inclusiva no Brasil, contemplada na Constituição de 1988 e a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (9.394/96), destaca a importância e urgência de se promover a inclusão escolar como elemento formador da nacionalidade. A educação inclusiva diz respeito a todas as pessoas que enfrentam dificuldades na escola. A inclusão deve estar em todas as instituições educacionais (formais e não formais). Nosso objetivo, no trabalho de final de curso de licenciatura, foi apresentar o relato de experiência de mediação aos alunos deficientes visuais do Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC) no Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST), as modificações e novas propostas para o Programa de Visita Escolar Programada (VEP) através de um aparelho especialmente construído onde se pode perceber o céu na latitude próxima a do Rio de Janeiro. La educación inclusiva en el Brasil, contemplada en la Constitución de 1988 y en la Ley de Directrices y Bases de la Educación Nacional (9.394/96), destaca la importancia y la urgencia de promover la inclusión escolar como elemento formador de la nacionalidad. La educación inclusiva se refiere a todas las personas

  14. [Not Available].


    Cruz-Sáez, María Soledad; Pascual Jimeno, Aitziber; Wlodarczyk, Anna; Polo-López, Rocío; Echeburúa Odriozola, Enrique


    Introducción: los problemas relacionados con el peso constituyen un problema importante de salud pública debido a su alta prevalencia y a las adversas consecuencias que tienen para la salud.Objetivo: el objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar si la depresión y la ansiedad tienen un papel mediador en la relación entre la insatisfacción corporal y las conductas de control del peso en chicas adolescentes con sobrepeso.Material y métodos: en el estudio participaron 140 mujeres de 16 a 20 años con sobrepeso. Las participantes tuvieron que cumplimentar la escala de insatisfacción corporal del EDI-2, las escalas de ansiedad y depresión del GHQ-28 y una adaptación de las escalas del EAT survey para evaluar las conductas de control del peso. Para los análisis estadísticos se utilizaron métodos de diferencias de medias, correlaciones y de mediación secuencial.Resultados: las adolescentes con sobrepeso y alta insatisfacción corporal presentaban más sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva, así como mayor cantidad de conductas de control del peso. Los resultados del análisis de mediación secuencial evidencian que el efecto de la insatisfacción corporal en las conductas de control del peso está parcialmente mediado por las variables depresión y ansiedad. Mientras que la sintomatología ansiosa presenta efectos directos e indirectos sobre las conductas de control de peso, la sintomatología depresiva solamente presenta un efecto indirecto.Conclusiones:los resultados del estudio destacan el rol mediador de la sintomatología depresiva y, especialmente, de la ansiedad en el desarrollo de conductas no saludables de control del peso.

  15. Impact of Mano a Mano-Mujer, an HIV prevention intervention, on depressive symptoms among Chilean women.


    Cianelli, R; Lara, L; Villegas, N; Bernales, M; Ferrer, L; Kaelber, L; Peragallo, N


    Worldwide, and in Chile, the number of women living with HIV is increasing. Depression is considered a factor that interferes with HIV prevention. Depression may reach 41% among low-income Chilean women. Depressed people are less willing to participate in behaviours that protect them against HIV. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of Mano a Mano-Mujer (MM-M), and HIV prevention intervention, on depressive symptoms among Chilean women. A quasi-experimental design was used for this study. The research was conducted in Santiago, Chile; a total of 400 women participated in the study (intervention group, n=182; control group, n=218). The intervention was guided by the social-cognitive model and the primary health care model. The intervention consists of six 2-h sessions delivered in small groups. Sessions covered: HIV prevention, depression, partner's communication, and substance abuse. Face-to-face interviews were conducted at baseline and at 3-month follow-up. Chilean women who participated in MM-M significantly decreased, at 3 months follow up, their reported depressive symptoms. MM-M provided significant benefits for women's depression symptoms. In this study nurses participated as leaders for the screening of depressive symptoms and as facilitators of community interventions. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing.

  16. Mujeres felices por ser saludables: a breast cancer risk reduction program for Latino women.


    Fitzgibbon, Marian L; Gapstur, Susan M; Knight, Sara J


    Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the most common cause of cancer mortality among Latino women. Several behavioral factors such as early detection and dietary practices could help decrease morbidity and mortality associated with breast cancer in this population. Unfortunately, there are few data regarding the efficacy of health-related interventions for young Latino women. Mujeres Felices por ser Saludables is a randomized intervention project designed to assess breast cancer risk reduction behavior among Latino women ages 20-40 years. The primary objectives of the project were to determine whether an 8-month integrated dietary/breast health intervention could lead to a greater reduction in dietary fat, increase in dietary fiber, increase in the frequency and proficiency of breast self examination (BSE), and reduction in anxiety related to BSE compared to controls. Herein we describe the overall design of the project and present baseline characteristics of the 256 randomized women. Our results suggest that the average daily intake of dietary fat (percentage of total energy) was slightly below 30% (percentage of total energy) among the women randomized. While over half of these women reported that they practice BSE, and few reported anxiety related to BSE, less than 27% of women were proficient in the recommended BSE technique. There are few data on the dietary and breast health behaviors of young low-acculturated Latino women. This study documents the feasibility of recruiting, randomizing, and obtaining both baseline dietary and breast health data on this unique and underserved population.

  17. Impact of Mano a Mano Mujer, an HIV Prevention Intervention, on Depressive Symptoms among Chilean Women

    PubMed Central

    Cianelli, Rosina; Lara, Loreto; Villegas, Natalia; Bernales, Margarita; Ferrer, Lilian; Kaelber, Lorena; Peragallo, Nilda


    Background Worldwide, an in Chile, the number of women living with HIV is increasing. Depression is considered a factor that interferes with HIV prevention. Depression may reach 41% among low income Chilean women. Depressed people are less willing to participate in behaviors that protect them against HIV. Objectives To analyze the impact of Mano a Mano-Mujer (MM-M) on depressive symptoms among Chilean women. Methods A quasi-experimental design was used to test the impact of MM-M, an HIV prevention intervention. The research was conducted in Santiago- Chile, a total of 400 women participated in the study (intervention group, n = 182; control group, n = 218). The intervention was guided by the social-cognitive model and the primary health model. The intervention consists of six two-hour sessions delivered in small groups. Sessions covered: HIV prevention, depression, partner's communication, and substance abuse. Face to face interviews were conducted at baseline and at 3 months follow-up Results At 3 months post-intervention, Chilean women who participated in MM-M significantly decreased their reported depressive symptoms. Conclusions MM-M provided significant benefits for women's depression symptoms. This study offers a model that address depression, a risk factor for HIV. It uses nurses as leaders for the screening of depressive symptoms and as facilitators of community interventions. PMID:22452388

  18. Teenage pregnancies in Mozambique: the experience of "Servicios Amigos dos Adolescentes" clinics in Beira.


    Pizzol, Damiano; Di Gennaro, Francesco; Boscardin, Chiara; Putoto, Giovanni; Cuppini, Elena; Pita, Graciana; George, Alexandra; Monno, Laura; Saracino, Annalisa; Da Dalt, Liviana; De Palma, Angela


    The purpose of this article is to provide insights into the demand for pregnancy-related health services by adolescent girls and young women in Mozambique. We analysed the patient registers for the first year of operation (2014) of the Servicios Amigos dos Adolescentes (SAAJ) [Friendly Services for Adolescents] clinics in Beira, Mozambique. These registers provide details of the service demands of, and services provided to the 8 290 adolescent girls and young women who accessed the 6 SAAJ clinics in 2014. Analysis of that record, with disaggregation of the patients according to age (9 years or less; 10-14; 15-19; 20-24; 25 and older), show that 3 021 (36%) were pregnant or had previously been pregnant; most being girls in the 15-19 age band (59%). Being pregnant or having been pregnant previously was associated with dropping out of school. Of all the girls and women, 60% agreed to HIV testing and counselling; the HIV prevalence rate amongst this group was 4-5% amongst adolescents and 25% amongst women 25 years and older. A minority of the girls and women who were pregnant or had been pregnant previously agreed to HIV testing and counselling. Notwithstanding the limitations for analysis, the results were alarming: substantially high HIV prevalence rates were indicated (2% amongst 10-14 year old girls; 8% amongst 15-19 year olds; 10% amongst 20-24 year olds; and 28% amongst >24 year olds). The data from the SAAJ clinics and results pertain only to conditions in Beira. However, as the first empirical assessment of pregnancy-related service demand amongst adolescent girls and young women in the country and involving a relatively large sample, we contend that this study affirms the need for expansion of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, including HIV services, for adolescent girls and young women in Mozambique.

  19. Mujeres

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Elsasser, Nan; And Others


    Hispanic great-grandmas and great-granddaughters discuss their attitudes toward mothering and being mothers. These women are country and city women; they are business women, artists, maids, and teachers. (NQ)

  20. [In Process Citation].


    Guzmán-Mercado, Elizabeth; Vásquez-Garibay, Edgar M; Troyo-Sanroman, Rogelio; Romero-Velarde, Enrique


    Objetivo: identificar los hábitos alimentarios de adolescentes embarazadas en cuatro estados civiles diferentes: casada, cohabita con una pareja, soltera sin pareja y soltera con una pareja. Métodos: en estudio transversal, se incluyeron 321 adolescentes embarazadas de 13-19 años que acudieron al Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Dr. Juan I Menchaca, Guadalajara (Jalisco, México). Se encontraban sanas, en cualquier trimestre del embarazo y pertenecían a un nivel socioe-conómico bajo o medio-bajo. El estado civil se estratificó en: casadas; en unión libre; soltera con una pareja y soltera sin pareja. Se incluyeron datos socio-demográficos, económicos y de hábitos de alimentación. Se utilizaron pruebas de ANOVA, pruebas post-hoc para Chi 2 , razón de momios y modelos de regresión logística. Resultados: la frecuencia de las adolescentes casadas fue de 9,3%, 59,8% en unión libre, 15,3% eran solteras sin pareja y 15,6% solteras con pareja. La baja escolaridad (RM 2,6 [1,5-4,4]) y la ocupación en el hogar (RM 4,47 [1,99-10,0]) predominaron entre las adolescentes en unión libre; la ocupación en el hogar (RM 0,28 [0,127-0,61]) y cenar sin compañía (RM 4,12 [1,62-10,8]) fueron significativamente más frecuentes en adolescentes sin pareja. El consumo de verduras fue menor en las adolescentes casadas y en quienes cohabitaban con pareja; el consumo de frijoles y pan dulce fue menor en adolescentes embarazadas casadas. Conclusión: debido a que ciertas variables y hábitos de alimentación mostraron diferencias entre los grupos es pertinente analizar las adolescentes embarazadas de acuerdo a su estado civil.

  1. Relationship between Cardiometabolic Parameters and Elevated Resting and Effort Heart Rate in Schoolchildren.


    Silva, Cristiane Fernanda da; Burgos, Miria Suzana; Silva, Priscila Tatiana da; Burgos, Leandro Tibiriçá; Welser, Letícia; Sehn, Ana Paula; Horta, Jorge André; Mello, Elza Daniel de; Reuter, Cézane Priscila


    Little has been studied on heart rate and its relationship with metabolic disorders. To identify possible association between heart rate (HR) and metabolic disorders in children and adolescents. This cross-sectional study evaluated 2.098 subjects, aged between 7 and 17 years. The variables evaluated were: HR, systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), pulse pressure (PP), double-product (DP), myocardial oxygen consumption (mVO2), lipids, glucose and uric acid levels, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). The values of HR at rest and effort were divided into quartiles. The association between continuous values of HR and cardiometabolic indicators was tested by linear regression. LDL cholesterol presented a significantly higher mean (p = 0.003) in schoolchildren with resting HR greater or equal to 91 bpm, compared to students with less than 75 bpm. Compared with the quartiles of effort HR, SBP, DBP, glucose and uric acid presented high values when HR was greater or equal than 185 bpm. SBP, glucose and HDL cholesterol demonstrated a significant association with resting HR. Uric acid was observed as a predictor of increased effort HR. Schoolchildren with a higher resting HR have higher mean of LDL cholesterol. For effort HR, there was an increase in blood pressure, glucose and uric acid levels. Uric acid has been shown to be a predictor of elevated effort HR. Pouco se tem estudado sobre frequência cardíaca e suas relações com alterações metabólicas. Verificar se existe associação entre frequência cardíaca e disfunções metabólicas em crianças e adolescentes. Estudo transversal com 2.098 escolares, com idade entre 7 e 17 anos. As variáveis avaliadas foram: frequência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e de pulso (PP), duplo-produto (DP), consumo de oxigênio pelo miocárdio (mVO2), perfil lipídico e glicêmico, níveis de ácido úrico, índice de massa corporal (IMC) e circunferência da cintura

  2. Results of Mujeres Felices por ser Saludables: a dietary/breast health randomized clinical trial for Latino women.


    Fitzgibbon, Marian L; Gapstur, Susan M; Knight, Sara J


    Data are limited on the efficacy of health-focused interventions for young, low-acculturated Latino women. Because breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the most common cause of cancer mortality in this population, combined interventions that address both early detection and dietary patterns could help reduce both morbidity and mortality associated with breast cancer in this underserved population. Mujeres Felices por ser Saludables was randomized intervention study designed to assess the efficacy of an 8-month combined dietary and breast health intervention to reduce fat and increase fiber intake as well as to increase the frequency and proficiency of breast self-examination (BSE) and reduce anxiety related to BSE among Latinas. Blocked randomization in blocks of 6 was used to randomize 256 20- to 40-year-old Latinas to the intervention (n = 127) or control group (n = 129). The intervention group attended an 8-month multicomponent education program designed specifically for low-acculturated Latinas. The control group received mailed health education material on a schedule comparable to the intervention. A total of 195 women (76.2%) completed both the baseline and 8-month follow-up interviews. The intervention and control groups were similar on baseline sociodemographic characteristics. At the 8-month follow up, the intervention group reported lower dietary fat (P < .001) and higher fiber intake (p = .06); a higher proportion reported practicing BSE at the recommended interval (p < .001) and showed improved BSE proficiency (p < .001) compared to the control group. BSE-related anxiety was low for both groups at baseline, and no difference in reduction was observed. This project provides a successful model for achieving dietary change and improving breast health behavior in young, low-acculturated Latinas.

  3. PubMed

    Martínez Alfonso, Julia; Pozuelo-Carrascosa, Diana P; Solera-Martínez, Montserrat; González-García, Alberto; Martínez-Vizcaíno, Vicente; Sánchez-López, Mairena; Martínez-Hernández, David


    Introducción y objetivos: los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: a) estimar la prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad y delgadez en escolares nacidos en 2007 y 2008 de Castilla-La Mancha, España, en los años 2013 y 2015; y b) analizar la persistencia en las mismas categorías de estatus ponderal entre 2013 y 2015 en esta cohorte de escolares.Material y métodos: estudio de seguimiento en el que se analizaron los datos antropométricos de los escolares nacidos en 2007 y 2008 en los años 2013 (4-6 años) y 2015 (6-8 años). Se invitó a participar a todos los escolares de 21 colegios de las provincias de Cuenca y Ciudad Real que cursaban tercero de Educación Infantil o primero de Educación Primaria en 2013. En todos ellos se determinaron, además de variables sociodemográficas, peso, talla y porcentaje de grasa corporal por bioimpedancia eléctrica.Resultados: la prevalencia de delgadez, sobrepeso y obesidad en la medición basal fue de 20,7%, 12% y 8,2% respectivamente. Dos años después, la prevalencia de delgadez disminuyó hasta 14,7% y la de sobrepeso y obesidad aumentó hasta 15,4% y 8,4% respectivamente. Por otro lado, el 78,8% de los escolares permanecía en 2015 en la misma categoría ponderal que en 2013.Conclusiones: el aumento en la prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad de los escolares parece estar remitiendo, al mismo tiempo que el incremento en la prevalencia de bajo peso ha aumentado sustancialmente. Por último, los escolares tienden a mantener el estatus ponderal previo al rebote adiposo durante la edad escolar.

  4. Iniciativas escolares y deportivas lideradas desde la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA): revisión sistemática.


    Correa, Jorge E; Meneses-Echávez, José F; Barengo, Noël C; Tovar, Gustavo; Ruiz-Castellanos, Erika; Lobelo, Felipe; Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson


    Introducción: Los programas iniciados por la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) consisten en la difusión de mensajes relacionados con el cuidado de la salud y como estrategia de prevención de lesiones deportivas entre los niños y jóvenes. El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue resumir los resultados de la implementación de los programas "FIFA 11 para la salud" y "FIFA 11+". Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos electrónicos de MEDLINE, EMBASE y Scopus, identificando los estudios que evaluaran la implementación de los programas "FIFA 11 para la salud" y "FIFA 11+", durante los últimos 10 años (1 enero 2003 a 1 diciembre 2013). Resultados: Incluimos 17 estudios. Dos estudios evaluaron la implementación del programa "FIFA 11 para la salud" y encontraron un aumento significativo en el conocimiento de los mensajes de promoción de la salud; 15 estudios evaluaron los efectos del programa "FIFA 11+", reportando una reducción en el riesgo de lesiones deportivas y mejorías en el rendimiento deportivo. Discusión: Los programas "FIFA 11 para la salud" y "FIFA 11+" han demostrado resultados positivos para la salud, en el ámbito escolar y deportivo. Conclusiones: Dichos programas del FIFA representan una oportunidad para crear hábitos protectores y fomentar modos de vida saludables en niños y jóvenes.

  5. Mujeres Fuertes y Corazones Saludables: adaptation of the StrongWomen -healthy hearts program for rural Latinas using an intervention mapping approach.


    Perry, Cynthia K; McCalmont, Jean C; Ward, Judy P; Menelas, Hannah-Dulya K; Jackson, Christie; De Witz, Jazmyne R; Solanki, Emma; Seguin, Rebecca A


    To describe our use of intervention mapping as a systematic method to adapt an evidence-based physical activity and nutrition program to reflect the needs of rural Latinas. An intervention mapping process involving six steps guided the adaptation of an evidence based physical activity and nutrition program, using a community-based participatory research approach. We partnered with a community advisory board of rural Latinas throughout the adaptation process. A needs assessment and logic models were used to ascertain which program was the best fit for adaptation. Once identified, we collaborated with one of the developers of the original program (StrongWomen - Healthy Hearts) during the adaptation process. First, essential theoretical methods and program elements were identified, and additional elements were added or adapted. Next, we reviewed and made changes to reflect the community and cultural context of the practical applications, intervention strategies, program curriculum, materials, and participant information. Finally, we planned for the implementation and evaluation of the adapted program, Mujeres Fuertes y Corazones Saludables, within the context of the rural community. A pilot study will be conducted with overweight, sedentary, middle-aged, Spanish-speaking Latinas. Outcome measures will assess change in weight, physical fitness, physical activity, and nutrition behavior. The intervention mapping process was feasible and provided a systematic approach to balance fit and fidelity in the adaptation of an evidence-based program. Collaboration with community members ensured that the components of the curriculum that were adapted were culturally appropriate and relevant within the local community context.

  6. Parent-adolescent communication in foster, inter-country adoptive, and biological Italian families: Gender and generational differences.


    Rosnati, Rosa; Iafrate, Raffaella; Scabini, Eugenia


    . En tanto que los adolescentes adoptados perciben una comunicación más positiva que la de sus compañeros que viven en familias biológicas y de cuidado temporal. En el nivel de díadas, surgieron algunas diferencias entre los tres grupos. En las familias biológicas, se observó una distancia más pronunciada entre padres e hijos. En las familias adoptivas, el padre y el adolescente comparten percepciones más similares, mientras que discrepan significativamente madre e hijo. Se encontró un nivel mayor de congruencia perceptual entre los adolescentes y sus padres en las familias de cuidado temporal. En cuanto a diferencias de género, las madres experimentan una comunicación más abierta con sus hijos en comparación con los padres, y los adolescentes, sobretodo las mujeres, se comunican mejor con sus madres que con sus padres en los tres grupos de familias.

  7. [Not Available].


    Grao-Cruces, Alberto; Loureiro, Nuno; Fernández-Martínez, Antonio; Mota, Jorge


    Introducción y objetivos: examinar la asociación del apoyo de los padres y de los amigos con diferentes intensidades de actividad física durante el tiempo libre de adolescentes españoles de ambos sexos.Métodos: un total 352 adolescentes españoles (51.70% chicos; 12-16 años) cumplimentaron el International Physical Activity Questionnarie for Adolescents y un cuestionario validado sobre apoyo social. Se realizaron análisis de regresión linear ajustados por edad.Resultados: el apoyo social de padres y amigos influyó positivamente sobre los niveles de actividad física vigorosa que los adolescentes españoles realizan durante su tiempo libre (β=.226 y β=.285 en chicos y β=.167 y β=.181 en chicas, para el apoyo de padres y amigos respectivamente) y sobre los de intensidad moderada en el caso de las chicas (β=.195 y β=.200, respectivamente).Conclusiones: el apoyo de padres y amigos contribuye a los niveles de actividad física moderada o vigorosa en adolescentes españoles.

  8. High Performance School Buildings in Portugal: A Life Cycle Perspective

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jorge, Graca Fonseca; da Costa, Marta Marques


    In 2007 the Portuguese government launched a major school modernisation programme, and has taken steps to ensure the long-term sustainability of facilities. A specially created state-owned company, Parque Escolar (PE) has already completed 104 schools; 70 are work-in-progress and an additional 39 are under design or tender. Parque Escolar is…

  9. [Not Available].


    Latorre-Román, Pedro Ángel; Martínez-López, Emilio José; Ruiz-Ariza, Alberto; Izquierdo-Rus, Tomás; Salas-Sánchez, Jesús; García-Pinillos, Felipe


    Objetivo: el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de disfrute por el ejercicio físico (PACES) en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad.Métodos: participaron 139 adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad: 91 niñas (edad = 13,85 ± 1,92 años; índice de masa corporal [IMC] = 26,83 ± 3,16 kg/m2) y 48 niños (edad = 14,29 ± 1,62 años; IMC = 28,31 ± 3,74 kg/m2). Para analizar el disfrute por la actividad física se empleó el cuestionario Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES).Resultados: los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio han mostrado una estructura de dos factores; a su vez el PACES presenta una consistencia interna muy alta (alfa de Cronbach = 0,908). La fiabilidad test-retest indica una buena concordancia temporal (Spearman rho = 0,815, p < 0,001). Por último, el PACES en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad manifiesta una validez convergente adecuada con la intencionalidad de ser activo (MIFA), la atracción por la actividad física (CAPA), la resistencia cardiorrespiratoria y los pliegues suprailiacoy subescapular.Conclusión: los resultados confirman que el PACES es una medida válida y fiable del disfrute por la actividad física en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad. El disfrute por la actividad física puede ser relevante en la participación de los adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad en estas actividades.

  10. Nursing interventions in monitoring the adolescent with Cystic Fibrosis: a literature review.


    Reisinho, Maria da Conceição Marinho Sousa Ribeiro Oliveira; Gomes, Bárbara Pereira


    to search for nursing interventions focused on the improvement of quality of life and promotion of self-care of adolescents suffering from the Cystic Fibrosis. literature review. The inclusion criteria were: primary studies and studies with interventions developed by nurses in the adolescent population with Cystic Fibrosis, using Portuguese, Spanish, French and English with no time limit, and supported by the databases Scopus, Web of Science and CINAHL. The search expressions were: nursing AND care AND adolescent AND "Cystic Fibrosis" AND ("quality of life" OR "self-care"). a total of 59 articles was retrieved; 8 matched the criteria chosen. Nursing interventions targeted at adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis and their family members were identified. These interventions were organized according to the nurses' role, namely caregiver, coordinator, counsellor, researcher, trainer and care partner. nursing interventions targeted at following up the adolescent during the entire therapeutic process, involving the presence of parents/significant others, since both the adolescent and family have to be responsible for self-care. Healthcare professionals should be capable of identifying the specific needs of patients with chronic disease and their family, permitting a better understanding and adaptation to the health-disease transition process. buscar intervenções de enfermagem que enfoquem a melhoria da qualidade de vida e a promoção do autocuidado em adolescentes que sofrem de fibrose cística. revisão de literatura. Os critérios de inclusão foram: estudos primários e estudos com intervenções desenvolvidas por enfermeiros na população adolescente com fibrose cística, em português, espanhol, francês e inglês, sem delimitação temporal, nas bases de dados Scopus, Web of Science e CINAHL. Os termos utilizados na busca foram: enfermagem AND cuidado AND adolescente AND "Fibrose Cística" AND ("qualidade de vida" OR "autocuidado"). ao total, 59 artigos foram

  11. Cuban Telecommunications, Computer Networking, and U.S. Policy Implications,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Informacion para la Prensa Federacion de Mujeres Cubanas Grupo para la Educacion sobre el SIDA Instituto Superior Latinoamericano de Ajedrez...DIR) Informacion sobre Medio Ambiente (DIR) Medicina Alternativa (DIR) Servicio Especial de la Mujer (DIR) Eventos Internacionales (DIR

  12. PubMed

    Valero Gaspar, Teresa; Del Pozo de la Calle, Susana; Ruiz Moreno, Emma; Ávila Torres, Osé Manuel; Varela-Moreiras, Gregorio; Cuadrado Vives, Carmen


    Introducción: a finales del siglo xx, no se conocía con precisión si la comida del comedor escolar contribuía adecuadamente a la dieta de la población infantil. Además, este servicio complementario no se contemplaba en el proyecto educativo del centro pese a considerarse fundamental en todas sus dimensiones.Objetivo: describir el origen y desarrollo del programa de comedores escolares de la Comunidad de Madrid (CM) en 15 años desde su implantación.Métodos: se elaboró una normativa a cumplir por las empresas de restauración, y que contemplaba aspectos nutricionales y de composición y variedad de los menús, que se utilizó en los concursos para acceder a la prestación del servicio de comedor escolar, publicados en los años 2001, 2002, 2005, 2009 y 2013. Además se realizaron visitas acreditadas a los centros sin previo aviso para verifi car el cumplimiento de la documentación aportada durante el concurso.Resultados: los criterios más actuales sobre programación y elaboración de menús escolares se recogen en el Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas del año 2013 (C-504/001-2013). Un 92% de las empresas de restauración superaron los cinco concursos habidos en los 15 años de funcionamiento. Hasta el año 2014, se han realizado 755 visitas, revisándose un total de 574 centros.Conclusiones: el programa de comedores escolares de la CM, desde su implementación pionera en España, ha contribuido a la mejora del servicio complementario de comedor. En estos años se han ido incluyendo nuevos requisitos dietéticos y nutricionales que han logrado menús cada vez más ajustados a las recomendaciones de la población escolar.

  13. Fertility rates and perinatal outcomes of adolescent pregnancies: a retrospective population-based study.


    Souza, Maria de Lourdes de; Lynn, Fiona Ann; Johnston, Linda; Tavares, Eduardo Cardoso Teixeira; Brüggemann, Odaléa Maria; Botelho, Lúcio José


    analyze trends in fertility rates and associations with perinatal outcomes for adolescents in Santa Catarina, Brazil. a population-based study covering 2006 to 2013 was carried out to evaluate associations between perinatal outcomes and age groups, using odds ratios, and Chi-squared tests. differences in the fertility rate among female adolescents across regions and time period were observed, ranging from 40.9 to 72.0 per 1,000 in mothers aged 15-19 years. Adolescents had fewer prenatal care appointments than mothers ≥20 years, and a higher proportion had no partner. Mothers aged 15-19 years were more likely to experience preterm birth (OR:1.1; CI:1.08-1.13; p<0.001), have an infant with low birthweight (OR:1.1; CI:1.10-1.15; p<0.001) and low Apgar score at 5 minutes (OR:1.4; CI:1.34-1.45; p<0.001) than mothers ≥20 years, with the odds for adverse outcomes greater for those aged 10-14 years. this study provides evidence of fertility rates among adolescents remaining higher in regions of social and economic deprivation. Adolescent mothers and their infants more likely to experience adverse perinatal outcomes. Nurses, public health practitioners, health and social care professionals and educators need to work collaboratively to better target strategies for adolescents at greater risk; to help reduce fertility rates and improve outcomes. analizar as tendências das taxas de fertilidade e associações com desfechos perinatais entre adolescentes em Santa Catarina, Brasil. estudo populacional conduzido de 2016 à 2013. Associações entre desfechos perinatais e grupos por faixa etária foram investigadas usando odds Ratio e teste Chi-quadrado. as diferenças encontradas nas taxas de fertilidade entre mães adolescentes nas regiões e período observado variaram de 40,9-72,0 por 1.000 entre mães de 15 a 19 anos de idade. As adolescentes atenderam menos consultas pré-natais, quando comparadas às mães com 20 anos ou mais, e a maioria não tinha parceiro. M

  14. Health promotion in school environment in Brazil.


    Horta, Rogério Lessa; Andersen, Cristine Scattolin; Pinto, Raquel Oliveira; Horta, Bernardo Lessa; Oliveira-Campos, Maryane; Andreazzi, Marco Antonio Ratzsch de; Malta, Deborah Carvalho


    Evaluate the school environments to which ninth-year students are exposed in Brazil and in the five regions of the country according to health promotion guidelines. Cross-sectional study from 2012, with a representative sample of Brazil and its macroregions. We interviewed ninth-year schoolchildren and managers of public and private schools. We proposed a score of health promotion in the school environment (EPSAE) and estimated the distribution of school members according to this score. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) were used, by ordinal regression, to determine the schoolchildren and schools with higher scores, according to the independent variables. A student is more likely to attend a school with a higher EPSAE in the South (OR = 2.80; 95%CI 2.67-2.93) if the school is private (OR = 4.52; 95%CI 4.25-4.81) and located in a state capital, as well as if the student is 15 years of age or older, has a paid job, or has parents with higher education. The inequalities among the country's regions and schools are significant, demonstrating the need for resources and actions that promote greater equity. Avaliar os ambientes escolares aos quais estão expostos estudantes do nono ano no Brasil e nas cinco regiões do país segundo diretrizes de promoção da saúde. Estudo transversal, de 2012, com amostra representativa do Brasil e suas macrorregiões. Escolares do nono ano e gestores de escolas públicas e privadas foram entrevistados. Foi proposto o Escore de Promoção de Saúde no Ambiente Escolar (EPSAE) e foi estimada a distribuição dos escolares segundo esse escore e segundo odds ratio (OR) brutas e ajustadas, por regressão ordinal, para exposição dos escolares a escolas com escores mais elevados, segundo as variáveis independentes. Um escolar tem mais probabilidade de frequentar escola com EPSAE elevado na região Sul (OR = 2,80; IC95% 2,67-2,93) se a escola for privada privada (OR = 4,52; IC95% 4,25-4,81) e estiver localizada em capital de estado e se o

  15. [In Process Citation].


    Álvarez, Cristian; Ramírez-Campillo, Rodrigo; Vallejos-Rojas, Andrea; Jaramillo-Gallardo, Javiera; Salas Bravo, Carlos; Cano-Montoya, Johnattan; Celis-Morales, Carlos


     Introducción: obesidad e inactividad física son importantes factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de hipertensión en adultos. No obstante, hay poca evidencia sobre el efecto de estos factores de riesgo en el desarrollo de hipertensión en población infantil. Objetivo: investigar la asociación del estado nutricional, niveles de actividad física y etnicidad con niveles de hipertensión en escolares entre 6 y 13 años de edad. Métodos: un total de 418 escolares de ascendencia étnica europea (n = 311) y mapuche (n = 107) fueron participantes de este estudio transversal. Se midió el peso, talla, índice de masa corporal (IMC) y presión arterial, utilizando protocolos estandarizados. Resultados: no se encontraron diferencias significativas en IMC, estado nutricional y presión arterial entre niños con ascendencia europea y mapuche. No obstante, la prevalencia de prehipertensión (21,3% vs. 11,1%) e hipertensión (28,9% vs. 18,6%) fue significativamente mayor en escolares mapuches en comparación con europeos, respectivamente. Escolares con ascendencia mapuche tienen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar prehipertensión o hipertensión que escolares con ascendencia europea (OR: 1,92 [1,19 a 3,06], p < 0,01). La prevalencia de hipertensión aumenta significativamente en ambos grupos étnicos con el incremento de IMC y bajos niveles de actividad física. Conclusiones: el riesgo de desarrollar prehipertensión o hipertensión es mayor en población infantil ascendiente de mapuches que ascendiente de europeos y este riesgo se ve acentuado con el incremento de obesidad y bajos niveles de actividad física.

  16. Legal Knowledge as a Tool for Social Change: La Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres as an Expert on Colombian Abortion Law.


    González Vélez, Ana Cristina; Jaramillo, Isabel Cristina


    In May 2006, Colombia's Constitutional Court liberalized abortion, introducing three circumstances under which the procedure would not be considered a crime: (1) rape or incest; (2) a risk to the woman's health or life; and (3) fetal malformations incompatible with life. Immediately following the court's ruling, known as Sentence C-355, members of La Mesa por la Vida y Salud de las Mujeres (hereinafter La Mesa) began to mobilize to ensure the decision's implementation, bearing in mind the limited impact that the legal framework endorsed by the court has had in other countries in the region. We argue that La Mesa's strategy is an innovative one in the field of legal mobilization insofar as it presumes that law can be shaped not just by public officials and universities but also by social actors engaged in the creation and diffusion of legal knowledge. In this regard, La Mesa has become a legal expert on abortion by accumulating knowledge about the multiple legal rules affecting the practice of abortion and about the situations in which these rules are to be applied. In addition, by becoming a legal expert, La Mesa has been able to persuade health providers that they will not risk criminal prosecution or being fired if they perform abortions. We call this effect of legal mobilization a "pedagogical effect" insofar as it involves the production of expertise and appropriation of knowledge by health professionals. We conclude by discussing La Mesa's choice to become a legal expert on abortion as opposed to recruiting academics to do this work or encouraging women to produce and disseminate this knowledge.

  17. Prevalence of inter-hemispheric asymetry in children and adolescents with interdisciplinary diagnosis of non-verbal learning disorder.


    Wajnsztejn, Alessandra Bernardes Caturani; Bianco, Bianca; Barbosa, Caio Parente


    To describe clinical and epidemiological features of children and adolescents with interdisciplinary diagnosis of non-verbal learning disorder and to investigate the prevalence of inter-hemispheric asymmetry in this population group. Cross-sectional study including children and adolescents referred for interdisciplinary assessment with learning difficulty complaints, who were given an interdisciplinary diagnosis of non-verbal learning disorder. The following variables were included in the analysis: sex-related prevalence, educational system, initial presumptive diagnoses and respective prevalence, overall non-verbal learning disorder prevalence, prevalence according to school year, age range at the time of assessment, major family complaints, presence of inter-hemispheric asymmetry, arithmetic deficits, visuoconstruction impairments and major signs and symptoms of non-verbal learning disorder. Out of 810 medical records analyzed, 14 were from individuals who met the diagnostic criteria for non-verbal learning disorder, including the presence of inter-hemispheric asymmetry. Of these 14 patients, 8 were male. The high prevalence of inter-hemispheric asymmetry suggests this parameter can be used to predict or support the diagnosis of non-verbal learning disorder. Descrever as características clínicas e epidemiológicas de crianças e adolescentes com transtorno de aprendizagem não verbal, e investigar a prevalência de assimetria inter-hemisférica neste grupo populacional. Estudo transversal que incluiu crianças e adolescentes encaminhados para uma avaliação interdisciplinar, com queixas de dificuldades de aprendizagem e que receberam diagnóstico interdisciplinar de transtorno de aprendizagem não verbal. As variáveis avaliadas foram prevalência por sexo, sistema de ensino, hipóteses diagnósticas iniciais e respectivas prevalências, prevalência de condições em relação à amostra total, prevalência geral do transtorno de aprendizagem não verbal

  18. Revealing, Reinterpreting, Rewriting Mujeres

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Preuss, Cara Lynne; Saavedra, Cinthya M.


    This paper reanalyzed research previously conducted with Spanish-speaking childcare providers who participated in an educational literacy program. The women in the program were generally framed as the deficient other--illiterate, immigrant women. The authors used a critical framework and Chicana/Latina feminist methodologies, namely "pláticas…

  19. Increasing Access to Modern Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Care

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Hogan, Ed.M., Georgina De La Torre, B.A., Mary E. Avellone, Ph.D. Northwestern University Medical School Hispanics participate less in breast...Increasing Adherence to Physicians’ Screening Mammography 32-38 Recommendations Project 5: Mujeres Felices por ser Saludables: Happy Healthy Women. A...availability: Results of a controlled clinical trial. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1999; 159:393-398. 38 PROJECT 5 - Mujeres Felices por Ser Saludables

  20. [Renal patient's diet: Can fish be included?].


    Castro González, M I; Maafs Rodríguez, A G; Galindo Gómez, C


    Medical and nutritional treatment for renal disease, now a major public health issue, is highly complicated. Nutritional therapy must seek to retard renal dysfunction, maintain an optimal nutritional status and prevent the development of underlying pathologies. To analyze ten fish species to identify those that, because of their low phosphorus content, high biological value protein and elevated n-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, could be included in renal patient's diet. The following fish species (Litte tunny, Red drum, Spotted eagleray, Escolar, Swordfish, Big-scale pomfret, Cortez flounder, Largemouth blackbass, Periche mojarra, Florida Pompano) were analyzed according to the AOAC and Keller techniques to determine their protein, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, cholesterol, vitamins D(3) and E, and n-3 EPA+DHA content. These results were used to calculate relations between nutrients. The protein in the analyzed species ranged from 16.5 g/100 g of fillet (Largemouth black bass) to 27.2 g/100 g (Red drum); the lowest phosphorus value was 28.6 mg/100 g (Periche mojarra) and the highest 216.3 mg/100 g (Spotted eagle ray). 80% of the fish presented > 100 mg EPA + DHA in 100 g of fillet. By its Phosphorus/gProtein ratio, Escolar and Swordfish could not be included in the renal diet; Little tunny, Escolar, Big-scale pomfret, Largemouth black-bass, Periche mojarra and Florida Pompano presented a lower Phosphorus/EPA + DHA ratio. Florida pompano is the most recommended specie for renal patients, due to its optimal nutrient relations. However, all analyzed species, except Escolar and Swordfish, could be included in renal diets.

  1. N° 341-Diagnostic et prise en charge de la torsion annexielle chez les filles, les adolescentes et les femmes adultes.


    Kives, Sari; Gascon, Suzy; Dubuc, Élise; Van Eyk, Nancy


    Passer en revue les connaissances scientifiques actuelles et formuler des recommandations relatives au diagnostic et à la prise en charge de la torsion annexielle chez les filles, les adolescentes et les femmes adultes. L'étude porte sur les facteurs de risque, la précision diagnostique, les options de prise en charge et les issues de la torsion annexielle. RéSULTATS: Nous avons examiné les études publiées en faisant des recherches dans MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL et la Bibliothèque Cochrane à l'aide d'une terminologie contrôlée et de mots-clés appropriés (« adnexal torsion », « ovarian torsion »). Nous avons limité les résultats aux revues systématiques, aux essais contrôlés aléatoires, aux essais cliniques contrôlés et aux études d'observation. Nous avons refait les recherches de façon régulière et intégré de nouvelles données à la directive jusqu'en décembre 2014. Nous avons également étudié la littérature grise (non publiée) trouvée sur les sites Web d'organismes d'évaluation des technologies de la santé et d'autres organismes connexes, dans des collections de directives cliniques et dans des registres d'essais cliniques, et obtenue auprès d'associations nationales et internationales de médecins spécialistes. Les résultats ont été examinés et évalués par le comité CANPAGO de la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada (SOGC), sous la direction des auteures principales. Les recommandations ont été classées selon les critères établis par le Groupe d'étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs. AVANTAGES, DéSAVANTAGES ET COûTS: L'application de la directive devrait aider les praticiens à adopter une approche de diagnostic et de prise en charge optimale en matière de torsion annexielle, à réduire au minimum les effets néfastes et à améliorer l'issue qui attend les patientes. La présente directive a été évaluée et approuvée par le Comité de pratique - gynécologie de la SOGC

  2. Knowledge and Beliefs of Breast Cancer Among Elderly Puerto Rican Women.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    nuevos modelos * conceptuales e hip6tesis de investigaci6n que pueden ser cornprobadas posteriorrnente con un ni~mero mayor de sujetos (O’Brien mama. 1. Las mujeres que han tenido cdncer de mama tienen m6.s Riesgos posibilidad de desarrollarlo de nuevo . 2. Las mujeres que tuvieron su primer...4 A. Instrucciones Generales .......................... 4 B. Responsabilidades de la entrevistadora ........... 6 C. Materiales a ser llevados al

  3. von Willebrand Disease


    ... Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & Alcohol School & Jobs Sports Expert ...

  4. 76 FR 23962 - Fisheries Off West Coast States; Highly Migratory Species Fisheries; Annual Catch Limits and...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... currently MUS, plus pelagic sting ray (Dasyetis violacea), wahoo (Acathocybium solandri), common mola (Mola mola), escolar (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum), lancetfishes (Alepisauridae), and louvar (Luvarus...

  5. Condom use and alcohol consumption in adolescents and youth.


    Mola, Rachel; Pitangui, Ana Carolina Rodarti; Barbosa, Sháyra Anny Moura; Almeida, Layane Sá; Sousa, Mayara Ruth Marinho de; Pio, Wellypâmela Pauliny de Lima; Araújo, Rodrigo Cappato de


    To determine the association between not using the male condom and alcohol consumption in adolescents and schoolchildren. An epidemiological study, with a cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlation design carried out from March to July 2014. The sample consisted of students in public primary and secondary education, aged between 12 and 24 years. The social and demographic survey and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey questionnaire were used. The study included 1,275 students, of these; 37.0% reported having had sexual relations. The prevalent age of sexual initiation was 14-16 years 55.7% and 65.6% used condom in the last sexual intercourse. Regarding the lack of condom use at the last intercourse, girls showed an association with drunkenness in the previous 30 days (2.19; 95%CI: 1.06-4.54). In females, the non-use of condoms was associated with drunkenness in the previous 30 days. Identificar os fatores associados ao não uso de preservativo masculino e ao consumo de bebida alcoólica em adolescentes e jovens escolares. Estudo epidemiológico, com delineamento transversal, descritivo e correlacional, desenvolvido de março a julho de 2014. A amostra foi composta por estudantes dos Ensinos Fundamental e Médio da rede pública estadual, com idades entre 12 e 24 anos. Empregaram-se o inquérito sociodemográfico e o questionário Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Foram incluídos 1.275 estudantes; 37,0% deles relataram terem tido relação sexual. A idade prevalente de iniciação sexual foi de 14 a 16 anos, com 55,7%; 65,6% usaram preservativo na última relação. Com relação ao não uso de preservativo na última relação, as meninas apresentaram associação com bebedeira nos últimos 30 dias (2,19; IC95%: 1,06-4,54). O não uso de preservativos esteve associado com bebedeira nos últimos 30 dias nas meninas.

  6. Amphetamines


    ... site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & ... español Anfetaminas What It Is: Amphetamines are very addictive stimulants. They speed up functions in the brain and ...

  7. Mujeres Latinas--Santas y Marquesas.


    Arredondo, Patricia


    This presidential address is a conceptualization and application of psychohistorical and mestizo psychology frameworks to address gender and ethnic identity conflicts for contemporary Latinas. Connections are made between historical and cultural icons and Latina literature of the 21st century with protagonists who give voice to the struggles of acculturated and self-empowered women. Spanish terms are used to communicate and give emphasis to the Latino landscape. The article comes to conclusion with personal reflections about María Morales de Zaldívar, or Mamá, the author's grandmother, who embodies the santa y marquesa life script.

  8. Bibliography on La Mujer Chicana.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gutierrez, Lewis A.

    Compiled from materials obtained by the Chicana Library Project, this bibliography cites 186 books, texts, articles, clippings, and special editions on the Chicana. Published between 1959 and 1974, the materials are available through the Human Resources Center. The materials are listed under the following subject headings: art, bibliographies,…

  9. Mindfulness Exercises (for Kids)


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes ... español Ejercicios de conciencia plena Being mindful helps people do better in just about every part of life, like focusing on homework or ...

  10. Mitral Valve Prolapse


    ... Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions ... If you have unhealthy gums (gum disease or gingivitis ), your gums become inflamed or irritated. Bacteria that ...

  11. Dealing with Pain during Childbirth


    ... Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual ... your muscles and prepare your body for the stress of labor. Exercise also can increase your endurance, ...

  12. Pubic Lice (Crabs) (For Teens)


    ... Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual ... with whom you've had sexual contact (oral, anal, or vaginal) in the last month should check ...

  13. Why Do Some Pregnant Women Get Varicose Veins?


    ... Things That Help Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes ... this can cut off circulation. Get daily low-impact exercise if your doctor says it's OK. Sleep ...

  14. Bursitis


    ... Things That Help Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes ... Bursitis is often the result of a hard impact on a joint or overworking a joint, and ...

  15. Nightmares (For Kids)


    ... Things That Help Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes ... thing that may cause nightmares is watching scary movies or reading scary books, especially before you go ...

  16. Bedwetting


    ... Things That Help Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes ... friends: your new video games going to the movies what to do this weekend Things that you ...

  17. Breasts and Bras (For Kids)


    ... Things That Help Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes ... get attention (just look at magazines, TV, or movies), some girls may worry if their breasts are ...

  18. For Boys: Trouble "Down There"


    ... Things That Help Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes ... Is Too Embarrassed? Print You see it in movies all the time. Some guy gets hit right ...

  19. When It's Just You After School


    ... Things That Help Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes ... get home? Are you allowed to watch TV, movies, and videos, or play computer games? If so, ...

  20. What's Up with Warts?


    ... Things That Help Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes ... warts . They're the kind that witches in movies and fairytale books have on their chins or ...

  1. [Not Available].


    De Arriba Muñoz, Antonio; López Úbeda, Marta; Rueda Caballero, Carmen; Labarta Aizpún, José Ignacio; Ferrández Longás, Ángel


    Introducción: saber diagnosticar y tratar la obesidad se ha convertido en el mayor reto del siglo XXI, debido al aumento de su prevalencia.Objetivos: determinar los valores de normalidad de perímetro abdominal (PA) e índice de masa corporal (IMC) según edad y sexo en población española sana.Métodos: estudio longitudinal observacional realizado entre 1980 y 2014. Se incluyeron 165 niños y 169 niñas recién nacidas, recogiendo datos de forma anual hasta los 18 años (74 varones y 92 mujeres), y posteriormente a los 28 años (42 varones y 45 mujeres). Se realizó medición de peso, longitud/talla y perímetro abdominal. Se calcularon los percentiles (P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90, P97) de IMC y PA según edad y sexo.Resultados: se presentan datos evolutivos de IMC y PA durante la infancia, destacando cómo aumentan los valores entre los 18 y 28 años de los percentiles superiores al p50, sobre todo en mujeres. Existe una correlación positiva en relación al PA entre el valor obtenido a los 3 años con el valor de los 18 años y de los 28 años tanto en varones (r = 0,722 y r = 0,605, p = 0,000, respectivamente) como en mujeres(r = 0,922, r = 0,857, p = 0,000, respectivamente). Y entre los 18 y 28 años (r = 0,731, p = 0,000 para varones y r = 0,961, p = 0,000 para mujeres).Conclusión: se presentan valores de normalidad de PA e IMC según edad y sexo, que podrán utilizarse como herramienta de referencia para identificar a personas con riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades cardiovasculares o diabetes.

  2. Growth, lung function, and physical activity in schoolchildren who were very-low-birth-weight preterm infants.


    Winck, Aline Dill; Heinzmann-Filho, João Paulo; Schumann, Deise; Zatti, Helen; Mattiello, Rita; Jones, Marcus Herbert; Stein, Renato Tetelbom


    To compare somatic growth, lung function, and level of physical activity in schoolchildren who had been very-low-birth-weight preterm infants (VLBWPIs) or normal-birth-weight full-term infants. We recruited two groups of schoolchildren between 8 and 11 years of age residing in the study catchment area: those who had been VLBWPIs (birth weight < 1,500 g); and those who had been normal-birth-weight full-term infants (controls, birth weight ≥ 2,500 g). Anthropometric and spirometric data were collected from the schoolchildren, who also completed a questionnaire regarding their physical activity. In addition, data regarding the perinatal and neonatal period were collected from the medical records of the VLBWPIs. Of the 93 schoolchildren screened, 48 and 45 were in the VLBWPI and control groups, respectively. No significant differences were found between the groups regarding anthropometric characteristics, nutritional status, or pulmonary function. No associations were found between perinatal/neonatal variables and lung function parameters in the VLBWPI group. Although the difference was not significant, the level of physical activity was slightly higher in the VLBWPI group than in the control group. Among the schoolchildren evaluated here, neither growth nor lung function appear to have been affected by prematurity birth weight, or level of physical activity. Comparar o crescimento somático, a função pulmonar e o nível de atividade física entre escolares nascidos prematuros com muito baixo peso e escolares nascidos a termo e com peso adequado. Foram recrutados escolares com idade de 8 a 11 anos residentes na mesma área de abrangência do estudo: prematuros e com peso < 1.500 g e controles (nascidos a termo e com peso ≥ 2.500 g). Foram obtidas medidas antropométricas e espirométricas e aplicado um questionário sobre a atividade física. Além disso, foram coletadas informações do período perinatal/neonatal dos recém-nascidos com muito baixo peso (RNMBP

  3. Period Cramps


    ... Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & ... español Dolores menstruales Twelve-year-old Cindy woke up one morning and felt familiar pain in her lower belly. She knew what ...

  4. What's the Right Weight for My Height? (For Teens)


    ... Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health ... the Right Weight for My Height? KidsHealth / For Teens / What's the Right Weight for My Height? What's ...

  5. Pilates


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... methods from around the world, among them the mind-body formats of yoga and Chinese martial arts. Joseph ...

  6. Yoga


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... East). It means to "yoke," or unite, the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga includes physical exercise , but it's ...

  7. Phobias


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... sense may not be able to stop the mind and body from reacting and having a panic attack. Different ...

  8. Tips for Divorcing Parents


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... your kids how to take good care of mind and body during difficult times can help them become more ...

  9. Types of Cancer Teens Get


    ... Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual ... for Educators Search English Español Types of Cancer Teens Get KidsHealth / For Teens / Types of Cancer Teens ...

  10. Easy Exercises for Teens


    ... Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual ... for Educators Search English Español Easy Exercises for Teens KidsHealth / For Teens / Easy Exercises for Teens Print ...

  11. Household Safety: Preventing Choking


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... exploring are the activities that develop your child's body and mind. Reviewed by: Rupal Christine Gupta, MD Date reviewed: ...

  12. What's an Adam's Apple? (For Kids)


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... going on here? When kids hit puberty , their bodies and minds go through tons of changes. One change that ...

  13. Smoking Stinks! (For Kids)


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... that if you start to use nicotine, your body and mind will become so used to it that you' ...

  14. Household Safety: Preventing Poisoning (For Parents)


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... exploring are the activities that develop your child's body and mind. Reviewed by: Rupal Christine Gupta, MD Date reviewed: ...

  15. All about Menstruation (For Teens)


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... between the ages of 8 and 13. Their bodies and minds change in many ways. Hormones kick off changes ...

  16. Help! Is This My Body? (For Teens)


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... twenties are (yet again) a time when the body and mind take another step in maturing and changing. For ...

  17. When Being Overweight Is a Health Problem (For Teens)


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... Being Overweight Obesity is bad news for both body and mind. Not only can it make someone feel tired ...

  18. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... that the way certain conditions interact within the body and mind might leave some people at risk of developing ...

  19. Review of Pennella Oken, 1816 (Copepoda: Pennellidae) with a description of Pennella benzi sp. nov., a parasite of Escolar, Lepidocybium flavobrunneum (Pisces) in the northwest Atlantic Ocean.


    Hogans, W E


    The genus Pennella Oken, 1816, mesoparasitic copepods from marine fish and mammals, is reviewed with the objective of determining the validity of members of the genus. Details of the external morphological structures of the adult female are presented. Pennella species are differentiated based on a combination of characters: the type of host parasitized, overall length of the parasite, shape, size and configuration of cephalothoracic papillae, segmentation of the first and second antenna, holdfast horn number, shape and configuration, and structure of the abdominal plumes. A new species of Pennella, Pennella benzi sp. nov., is described from the escolar, Lepidocybium flavobrunneum in the northwest Atlantic. Pennella balaenoptera Koren & Danielssen, 1877 is reported from the harbor porpoise (Phocaena phocaena) in the Bay of Fundy, a new locality record. The validity of 44 species is assessed; nine species (P. balaenoptera Koren & Danielssen, 1877, P. benzi sp. nov., P. diodontis Oken, 1816, P. exocoeti (Holten, 1802), P. filosa Linnaeus, 1758, P. hawaiiensis Kazachenko & Kurochkin, 1974, P. instructa Wilson, 1917, P. makaira Hogans, 1988 and P. sagitta Linnaeus, 1758) are considered substantiated and valid; six species (P. elegans Gnanamuthu, 1957, P. longicauda Gnanamuthu, 1957, P. platycephalus Gnanamuthu, 1957, P. remorae Murray, 1856, P. robusta Gnanamuthu, 1957, and P. selaris Kirtisinghe, 1964) exhibit unique characteristics, but are based on descriptions of single specimens, have not been found since the original reports and are considered as species inquirendae; the remaining species are unsubstantiated and invalid based on inadequate or missing original descriptions, or are designated as synonyms of valid species. A key to the valid species of the genus is provided.

  20. Enlarged Adenoids


    ... Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health ... Educators Search English Español Enlarged Adenoids KidsHealth / For Teens / Enlarged Adenoids What's in this article? Symptoms of ...

  1. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) (For Teens)


    ... Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health ... English Español Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) KidsHealth / For Teens / Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) What's in this article? ...

  2. Costochondritis (For Teens)


    ... Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health ... for Educators Search English Español Costochondritis KidsHealth / For Teens / Costochondritis What's in this article? What Is Costochondritis? ...

  3. Breastfeeding FAQs: Pumping


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... can be hard, especially at first, for your body ( and your mind) to get used to producing milk without your ...

  4. Test Anxiety


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... Like other anxiety reactions, test anxiety affects the body and the mind. When you're under stress, your body releases ...

  5. Learning, Play, and Your 4- to 7-Month-Old


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... and encouraging as your child develops a stronger body, a curious mind, and a feel for language. Provide chances for ...

  6. Peritonsillar Abscess (For Teens)


    ... Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health ... Educators Search English Español Peritonsillar Abscess KidsHealth / For Teens / Peritonsillar Abscess Print en español Abscesos periamigdalinos What's ...

  7. Can Diabetes Be Prevented? (For Teens)


    ... Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health ... English Español Can Diabetes Be Prevented? KidsHealth / For Teens / Can Diabetes Be Prevented? Print en español ¿Es ...

  8. Visual Impairment


    ... site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & Alcohol School & Jobs Sports Expert Answers (Q&A) Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Visual Impairment KidsHealth / For Teens / Visual Impairment What's in ...

  9. Anesthesia -- What to Expect (For Teens)


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... numbed local — when one small part of the body is numbed To ease your mind and to help you feel better informed, here's ...

  10. KidsHealth


    [Skip to Content] KidsHealth from Nemours for Parents - Knowledge, advice, and comfort for Kids - Homework help and how the body works for Teens - ... Para Niños Para Adolescentes for Educators Nemours About KidsHealth Partners Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

  11. Genetics Home Reference: Brody myopathy


    ... Citation on PubMed Odermatt A, Barton K, Khanna VK, Mathieu J, Escolar D, Kuntzer T, Karpati G, ... Citation on PubMed Odermatt A, Taschner PE, Khanna VK, Busch HF, Karpati G, Jablecki CK, Breuning MH, ...

  12. The Adolescentizing of the GED

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rachal, John R.; Bingham, Millard J.


    The changing demographic population of GED test-takers from the period of returning World War II veterans to today's younger, recent high school dropouts invites debate as to whether GED instruction should utilize methods of adult education. The growth trends in the U. S. from 1989 to 2001 indicate increasing numbers of 16- and 17-year-olds…

  13. Estereotipos Sexuales y su Relación con Conductas Sexuales Riesgosas1,2,3

    PubMed Central

    Pérez-Jiménez, David; Orengo-Aguayo, Rosaura E.


    Resumen Los estereotipos sexuales son creencias generalmente aceptadas y poco cuestionadas que podrían contribuir a cómo los hombres y las mujeres debemos expresar nuestra sexualidad. Los objetivos de este estudio eran identificar cuántos hombres y mujeres heterosexuales en Puerto Rico endosaban ciertos estereotipos acerca de la sexualidad masculina y femenina y explorar la relación entre el endoso de estos estereotipos sexuales y las actitudes hacia el condón masculino y su uso en relaciones sexuales vaginales Llevamos a cabo un estudio descriptivo-correlacional mediante el cual le administramos dos escalas, una sobre sexualidad masculina y otra sobre sexualidad femenina a un grupo de 429 personas heterosexuales. Encontramos que los hombres endosaron estereotipos sexuales masculinos y femeninos más que las mujeres y que estos tienden a tener una visión más conservadora respecto a la sexualidad femenina que la que tienen sobre su propia sexualidad. Las mujeres, por otra parte, tienden a ver su propia sexualidad y la sexualidad masculina en términos menos estereotipados y más equitativos. También encontramos que a mayor endoso de creencias tradicionales sobre la sexualidad masculina y femenina, peor la actitud hacia el uso del condón masculino. Sin embargo, el endosar estereotipos sexuales masculinos y/o femeninos no se relacionó con el uso del condón. Estos hallazgos contradicen la literatura que sugiere que estos estereotipos sexuales y de género resultan en conductas sexuales de alto riesgo, lo cual tiene implicaciones importantes para el desarrollo e implementación de programas de prevención. PMID:24575164

  14. PubMed

    Serrano-Guzmán, María; Valenza-Peña, Carmen M; Serrano-Guzmán, Carmen; Aguilar-Ferrándiz, Encarnación; Olmedo-Alguacil, Milagrosa; Villaverde-Gutiérrez, Carmen


    Objetivo: este estudio tuvo como objetivo probar la eficacia de un programa de danzaterapia en la composición corporal y calidad de vida en mujeres mayores de 65 años, que no realizan ejercicio físico de forma habitual. Métodos: cincuenta y dos mujeres sedentarias (edad media de 69,27 ± 3,85 años) fueron asignadas al azar para realizar un programa de danzaterapia (n = 27) o formar parte del grupo control (n = 25). El grupo de danza, participó durante ocho semanas en un programa de danza, tres sesiones semanales de 50 minutos cada una, basado en danza popular española (sevillanas) y ballet. Ambos grupos reciben información sobre la importancia de la alimentación y del ejercicio físico al comienzo y mitad del estudio. La circunferencia de la cintura, la presión arterial, el índice de masa corporal y la calidad de vida se evaluaron al inicio y después del tratamiento en ambos grupos. El análisis estadístico se realizó con un 2 × 2 ANOVA.Resultados: las mujeres del grupo de danza mostraron reducción significativa de la circunferencia de la cintura (p = 0,001) en comparación con las del grupo control. Los cambios en el IMC y la calidad de vida, aunque mejoraron en el grupo de danza, no alcanzaron significación estadística. Conclusión: la danzaterapia española es una forma de ejercicio físico eficaz para reducir la grasa visceral y prevenir comorbilidades en mujeres mayores, contribuyendo a cambiar estilos de vida poco saludables.

  15. PubMed

    Baenas, Diego Federico; Palmieri, Hugo J; Alomar, Juan Manuel; Álvarez Garzón, Joaquín Horacio; Berenguer, Leandro; Vilaró, Mario; Albertini, Ricardo Arturo


    Nuestros objetivos fueron determinar la etiología y analizar los perfiles de resistencia antimicrobiana de los microorganismos causantes de  infecciones urinarias no complicadas en nuestro medio. Se realizó un estudio analítico de corte transversal. Se analizó la resistencia antimicrobiana in vitro de los urocultivos. Se incluyeron 580 urocultivos de mujeres mayores de 15 años. Un 82.6% de urocultivos  correspondieron a cistitis y el 17.4%  a pielonefritis.Se obtuvieron 353 urocultivos de mujeres  < 50 años (60.9%) y 227 a ? 50 años (39.1%).Los patógenos más frecuentes fueron: Escherichia coli (85.5%) y Klebsiella pneumoniae (4.7%). Se encontró una resistencia de E coli a trimetoprima-sulfametoxazol del 28.6%, a ciprofloxacina de  7.9% y a nitrofurantoína de 0.4%. Se evidenció diferencia significativa (p=0.005) en la resistencia de E coli a ciprofloxacina en las mujeres ?50 años de edad. Nuestros datos muestran que existe una baja resistencia in vitro a nitrofurantoína.

  16. Lactancia Materna y VIH/SIDA

    PubMed Central

    Valeria Cortés, F.; Jaime Pérez, A.; Lilian Ferrer, L.; Rosina Cianelli, A.; Báltica Cabieses, V.


    Resumen VIH/SIDA es una pandemia que afecta a hombres, mujeres y niños, pero que presenta una tendencia hacia la feminización, afectando especialmente a mujeres jóvenes. Su consecuencia es el aumento de la transmisión vertical, durante el embarazo, parto o lactancia materna. Este estudio bibliográfico describe la relación entre VIH/SIDA y lactancia materna, explicitando factores que influyen en la elección de la modalidad de alimentación de madres viviendo con VIH/SIDA. Se describen causas de morbimortalidad infantil asociada y recomendaciones internacionales de lactancia en mujeres con VIH/SIDA. En un mundo globalizado con constantes migraciones poblacionales, estos resultados representan un llamado de atención para profesionales de salud quienes deben considerar factores sociales que influenciarán la toma de decisión de madres viviendo con VIH/SIDA al escoger la modalidad de lactancia. No sólo basta conocer el riesgo de transmisión vertical, sino que se debe tomar conciencia de aquellos factores dinámicos y específicos de cada comunidad. PMID:20046815

  17. Bibliography of Writings on La Mujer.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Portillo, Cristina, Comp.; And Others

    The 283 materials cited in this bibliography are chiefly on Chicanas in the United States. However, books or articles that discuss Mexicanas or women in general and can be related to the experiences of Chicanas are also cited. Areas covered include the arts, education, sociology, economics, history, health, and literature. The materials are…

  18. La Mujer Chicana. (The Chicana Woman).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Herrera, Gloria; Lizcano, Jeanette

    As objectives for this secondary level unit, students are to: (1) read the unit with comprehension; (2) demonstrate their comprehension of the Chicana's history by participating in an oral discussion utilizing four discussion questions; and (3) correctly answer 15 of the 20 questions on a multiple choice test. The unit consists of a brief history…

  19. Proyecto Del Progreso De La Mujer.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Flores, Oralia T.


    Women farmworkers and staff members of farmworker organizations revealed barriers (e.g. lack of education, training, transportation, family responsibility, spouse's cooperation) that limit women's participation in all levels of farmworker organizational structure. Available from Farmworker Data Network, 7905 W. 44th, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033…

  20. Therapy and Weight Management (For Teens)


    ... site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & Alcohol School & Jobs Sports Expert Answers (Q&A) Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Therapy and Weight Management KidsHealth / For Teens / Therapy and Weight Management What's ...

  1. Physical Therapy (For Parents)


    ... Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & Alcohol School & Jobs Sports Expert Answers (Q&A) Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Physical Therapy KidsHealth / For Parents / Physical Therapy Print en ...

  2. Going to a Therapist


    ... More for Teens Teens site Sitio para adolescentes Body Mind Sexual Health Food & Fitness Diseases & Conditions Infections Drugs & ... helps you build confidence. Take care of your body. Exercise and eat healthy foods. ... Take care of your mind. Learn mindful breathing to help you be calm ...

  3. Goals and Personality in Adolescents

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sanz de Acedo Lizarraga, M. L.; Ugarte, M. D.; Lumbreras, M. Victoria; Sanz de Acedo Baquedano, M. T.


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of personality factors in the value allotted by adolescents to various groups of goals. For this purpose, the "Cuestionario de Personalidad Situacional, CPS" (Situational Personality Questionnaire) and the "Cuestionario de Metas para Adolescentes, CMA" (Goals for…

  4. Using a Comprehensive Sexuality Education Framework to Analyse the Contents of a Brazilian Adolescent Health Handbook

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jobim Fischer, Vinicius; González-Jiménez, Antonio José


    This study set out to analyse the sexuality contents of the "Caderneta de Saúde do Adolescente," an adolescent health handbook developed for use in Brazil. Using content analysis, the adequacy of the document was assessed using an approach informed by the International Planned Parenthood Federations comprehensive sexuality education…

  5. [Gender and work: the experience of providers of health services to indigenous women from Guerrero y Oaxaca].


    Amaya-Castellanos, Claudia Isabel; Pelcastre-Villafuerte, Blanca; Márquez-Serrano, Margarita; Juárez-Ramírez, Clara


    The scope of this paper was to identify the role of gender for women as workers, through the perception and discourse of health service providers at the 'Health Centers for Indigenous Women' ("Casas de Salud de las Mujeres Indígenas") in Ometepec, Guerrero and Matías Romero, Oaxaca, Mexico. It is a qualitative study, based on a secondary analysis of the interviews conducted as part of the "Rescatando la experiencia de la Casa de la Mujer Indígena: sistematización y evaluación del proceso" project. A strong sense of the value of work and a strong commitment towards the community were identified. Guilt appears as the result of tension between work outside the home and the responsibilities as mothers and wives. The possibility of helping other women is a source of gratification that dissipates these conflicts; prestige and recognition are added to the benefits of their role. The labor experience of female workers in the "Casas de Salud de las Mujeres Indígenas" of Matías Romero, Oaxaca and Ometepec, Guerrero, described in this paper, reveals that it has very specific characteristics, which are difficult to replicate in other regions of the country. In future studies it is necessary to consider the different contexts of vulnerability.

  6. Pain from the life cycle perspective: Evaluation and Measurement through psychophysical methods of category estimation and magnitude estimation.


    Sousa, Fátima Aparecida Emm Faleiros; Silva, Talita de Cássia Raminelli da; Siqueira, Hilze Benigno de Oliveira Moura; Saltareli, Simone; Gomez, Rodrigo Ramon Falconi; Hortense, Priscilla


    to describe acute and chronic pain from the perspective of the life cycle. participants: 861 people in pain. The Multidimensional Pain Evaluation Scale (MPES) was used. in the category estimation method the highest descriptors of chronic pain for children/ adolescents were "Annoying" and for adults "Uncomfortable". The highest descriptors of acute pain for children/adolescents was "Complicated"; and for adults was "Unbearable". In magnitude estimation method, the highest descriptors of chronic pain was "Desperate" and for descriptors of acute pain was "Terrible". the MPES is a reliable scale it can be applied during different stages of development. descrever a dor aguda e a crônica na perspectiva do ciclo vital. Métodos: participaram 861 pessoas com dor. Foi utilizada a Escala Multidimensional de Avaliação da Dor (EMADOR). Resultados: no método da estimação de categoria o descritor da dor crônica de maior atribuição para crianças e adolescentes foi "Chata" e para adultos foi "Desconfortável". Os descritores de maior atribuição para dor aguda em crianças e adolescentes foram "Complicada" e em adultos "Insuportável". No método de estimação de magnitude, o descritor de maior atribuição na dor crônica foi "Atormentadora" e na dor aguda foi "Terrível". a EMADOR é uma escala confiável e pode ser utilizada nas diferentes etapas do desenvolvimento humano. la descripción del dolor agudo y crónico desde las perspectiva del ciclo de vida. participaron 861 personas con dolor. Se utilizó la Escala Multidimensional de Evaluación del Dolor (EMEDOR). en el método de estimación de categoría el descriptor de dolor crónico más alto para niños y adolescentes fue de Molesto y para adultos fue Incómodo. Los descriptores mayores de dolor agudo para niños y adolescentes fueron Complejo y para adultos Insoportable. En el método de estimación de magnitud, el mayor descriptor de dolor crónico fueron Atormentador y el mayor de dolor agudo fue Terrible

  7. Book Reviews.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    International Journal of Early Childhood, 1994


    Reviews "La Educacion Preescolar: Desafio y Aventura" (Lavanchy Bobsien); "Working towards Better Childcare" (Peeters and Vandenbroeck, editors); "Children's Savings: A Study in the Development of Economic Behavior" (Sonuga-Barke and Webley); "Curvas de Crecimiento Estaturo-ponderal en Escolares" (Saez Crespo and others); and "Helping Bereaved…

  8. Adolescent pregnancy and transition to adulthood in young users of the SUS.


    Vieira, Elisabeth Meloni; Bousquat, Aylene; Barros, Claudia Renata Dos Santos; Alves, Maria Cecilia Goi Porto


    The objective of this study is to contextualize adolescent pregnancy from milestones associated with the process of transition from youth to adulthood. This is a cross-sectional study conducted with 200 adolescents, users of the Brazilian Unified Health System. The sample size for the estimation of proportions has been calculated assuming a population ratio of 0.50 and 95% confidence level. The dependent variables - planned pregnancy, living with a partner, and having left the parents' house - have been considered as markers of transition from dependence to independence, from youth to adulthood. In the analysis of the associated factors, we have used the Poisson model with robust variance. Average age was 17.3 years, and most adolescents lived with a partner; approximately half of the adolescents got pregnant from their first partner and the average age of first sexual intercourse was 14.6 years. Only 19% of the adolescents were studying and most dropped out of school before the beginning of the pregnancy. In the bivariate and multiple analysis, we could see that the relationship with a partner for more than two years was associated with the three dependent variables. The path of transition to adulthood has been the establishment of a link with a partner and consequent pregnancy, suggesting a clear pattern of male guardianship. The changing role of women in society observed in recent decades, which means choosing a professional career, defining the number of children, and choosing their partner(s), has not reached these young persons. Contextualizar a gestação em adolescentes a partir de marcos associados ao processo de transição da juventude para a vida adulta. Estudo transversal realizado com 200 adolescentes usuárias do Sistema Único de Saúde. O tamanho da amostra para a estimação de proporções foi calculado considerando uma proporção populacional de 0,50, e nível de confiança de 95%. As variáveis dependentes - gestação planejada, morar com o

  9. Organization of professional practices against intrafamily violence against children and adolescents in the institutional context.


    Schek, Gabriele; Silva, Mara Regina Santos da; Lacharité, Carl; Bueno, Maria Emília Nunes


    to analyze based on the practitioners' discourse, the way they organize their practices confronting situations of intra-family violence against children and adolescents. qualitative research carried out with 15 professionals who work in social and health services located in the southernmost of Brazil. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, performed at the participants' workplace. We used a theoretical matrix to analyze the data, based on Institutional Ethnography and the technique of discursive textual analysis. the practitioners' practices developed in situations of intra-family violence against children and adolescents are organized on the basis of: power relations that take place in services that respond to violence situations; routines instituted to meet the demands of care in services; and the interplay between the conception of violence as a public health problem and the conception of violence as a social problem. the way these practices are organized is reflected in actions that are not protective against situations of intra-family violence against children and adolescents. analisar, com base no discurso dos profissionais, como ocorre a organização de suas práticas frente às situações de violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes. pesquisa qualitativa, realizada com 15 profissionais que atuam em serviços sociais e de saúde localizados no extremo sul do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas no próprio local de trabalho dos participantes. Para a análise dos dados foi construída uma matriz teórica com base na Etnografia Institucional e utilizada a técnica de análise textual discursiva. as práticas profissionais desenvolvidas nas situações de violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes se organizam a partir de: relações de poder que se desenrolam nos serviços que atendem às situações de violência; rotinas instituídas para suprir as demandas de

  10. Evaluating the Impact of National Educational Policy to Reduce Retention and Increase Achievement in Compulsory Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barata, M. Clara; Calheiros, M. Manuela; Patrício, Joana Nunes; Graça, João; Lima, M. Luisa


    Despite the accumulated evidence that retention is an ineffective and potentially harmful remedial strategy, several countries struggle with high levels of retention in compulsory schooling. This article provides evidence of the impact of the Portuguese national educational policy "Programa Mais Sucesso Escolar" (PMSE) using class size,…

  11. Transnational Education in the Late Nineteenth Century: Brazil, France and Portugal Connected by a School Museum

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vidal, Diana Gonçalves


    This article focuses on the circulation of a single artefact, the "Museu Escolar Brasileiro" (Brazilian School Museum) and its use in education through the pedagogical method of object lessons. Concentrating on the activities of particular individuals and enterprises (Menezes Vieira, Oliveira Lopes and Maison Deyrolle), within three…

  12. Parent Participation in the Spanish School System: School Councils

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cobano-Delgado, Verónica


    Parents of pupils participate in the supervision and management of Spanish schools through the School Council ["Consejo Escolar"], which is the principal body through which such participation and oversight is channeled. Through it families, pupils, teachers and non-teaching staff contribute collectively to making the important decisions…

  13. Qualitative analysis of the contributions of nutritionists to the development of an online instrument for monitoring the food intake of schoolchildren

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    The Consumo Alimentar e Atividade Fisica de Escolares (CAAFE) questionnaire is an online research tool that has been developed to enable the self-report of physical activity and diet by Brazilian schoolchildren aged 7–10 years. Formative research was conducted with nutritionists during the developme...

  14. Qualitative analysis of the contributions of nutritionists to the development of an online instrument for monitoring the food intake of schoolchildren

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    The Consumo Alimentar e Atividade Fisica de Escolares (CAAFE) questionnaire is an online research tool that has been developed to enable the self-report of physical activity and diet by Brazilian school children aged 7–10 years. Formative research was conducted with nutritionists during the developm...

  15. Teaching with Technology: Applications of Collaborative Online Learning Units to Improve 21st Century Skills for All

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Terrazas-Arellanes, Fatima E.; Strycker, Lisa A.; Walden, Emily D.; Gallard, Alejandro


    Inquiry-based learning methods, coupled with advanced technology, hold promise for closing the science literacy gap for English learners (ELs) and students with learning difficulties (SWLDs). Project ESCOLAR (Etext Supports for Collaborative Online Learning and Academic Reading) created collaborative online learning units for middle school science…

  16. Portugal's Secondary School Modernisation Programme

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Heitor, Teresa V.; Freire da Silva, Jose M. R.


    The aim of the Secondary School Modernisation Programme, being implemented in Portugal by "Parque Escolar, EPE", is based on the pursuit of quality and makes Portuguese education a potential international benchmark. This paper discusses the strategies adopted to reorganise school spaces. It describes the conceptual model and highlights…

  17. Essays on La Mujer. Anthology No. 1.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sanchez, Rosaura, Ed.; Cruz, Rosa Martinez, Ed.

    The 10 essays introduce some concepts and topics of particular concern and interest to those wishing to analyze the situation of the Chicana within her particular historical, social and economical context. Topics of the essays are: (1) the Chicana labor force; (2) the role of the Chicana within the student movement; (3) the Chicana and the Chicano…

  18. Femme, Frau, Mujer: A World of Women.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Roe, Mary Jane B.

    In response to requests from students for information about the role of women in target-language cultures, a curriculum was developed by the Minneapolis public schools for women's studies in the high school foreign language classroom. The focus was on women in French, German, and Spanish-speaking countries. The role of women in these cultures has…

  19. [Not Available].


    López-Fuenzalida, Antonio; Valdés-Badilla, Pablo; Herrera-Valenzuela, Tomás; Rodríguez Canales, Carolina; Reyes Ponc, Álvaro; Arriaza Ardiles, Enrique; Durán Agüero, Samuel


    Introducción: la categorización del estado nutricional a través del índice de masa corporal (IMC) es uno de los recursos de valoración clínica más utilizados en el síndrome metabólico (SM). Sin embargo, es desconocida su capacidad para identificar las diferencias en la composición corporal.Objetivo: determinar si las variaciones en el estado nutricional se reflejan en la composición corporal en mujeres con SM e identificar la concordancia de clasificación del riesgo cardiometabólico entre el estado nutricional e índices antropométricos.Material y métodos: la muestra incluyó 136 mujeres (edad 42 ± 3,5 años) con SM. Se evaluó el estado nutricional, masa muscular, masa adiposa, perímetro de cintura (PC), índice cintura-cadera (ICC) e índice cintura-estatura (ICE). Se compararon los valores de composición corporale índices antropométricos; adicionalmente se determinó la concordancia clasificatoria del riesgo cardiometabólico entre los índices y el IMC.Resultados: solo la edad (p = 0,358), estatura (p = 0,209) y porcentaje de adiposidad (p = 0,234) no mostraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos. La mejor concordancia clasificatoria del riesgo cardiometabólico se observó en el PC > 88 cm (94,9%) e ICE ≥ 0,5 (94,1%) al categorizar el IMC en normopeso vs. exceso de peso; mientras que el PC > 88 cm obtuvo mejor concordancia separando al grupo en normopeso-sobrepesovs. obesidad (85,3%), aunque la sensibilidad y especificidad fueron más homogéneas con el ICC ≥ 0,85.Conclusión: el IMC no logra identificar las variaciones de la adiposidad corporal en mujeres con SM agrupadas según su estado nutricional. El IMC presenta mejor sensibilidad que especificidad respecto a los índices considerados para determinar riesgo cardiometabólico en mujeres con SM.

  20. Family-based Exercise Intervention for Children and Adolescents with Prader-Willi Syndrome

    DTIC Science & Technology


    que tienen obesidad y el La Dra. Rubin responsable de que mucstras de su nino esten y que Ia informaci6n proporcionada acerca de su hijo se...padres es muy importante en Ia prevenci6n y el tratamiento de Ia obesidad infantil en niflos sin el SPW. En los niflos y adolescentes, los padres son

  1. A Reappraising of Cosmography: the Interface Between Astronomical and Geographic Studies. (Breton Title: Releitura do Conceito de Cosmografia: a Interface Entre os Estudos Astronômicos e Geográficos.) Una Relectura del Concepto de Cosmografía: la Interfase Entre los Estudios Astronómicos y Geográficos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Azevedo Sobreira, Paulo Henrique


    The concept of "Cosmography" is in disuse since the 80s of the last century, but the astronomical themes previously discussed in the school subjects of Geography and Cosmography remain in current textbooks. The use of term "Cosmography" was rescued in this research, and the study of its re-signification prompted the appearance of the term Geographic Cosmography. The Geographic Cosmography is a field of studies of the Geography, whose set of knowledge and skills is predominantly scholar. It studies the interface between terrestrial and celestial knowledge, and assigns a geographic significance to them. It examines human and natural relationships with Sidereal Space and its consequences for society and nature. O conceito de "Cosmografia" está em desuso desde os anos 80 do século XX, mas os temas astronômicos anteriormente abordados nas disciplinas escolares de Cosmografia e de Geografia permanecem nos atuais livros didáticos. O uso do termo "Cosmografia" foi resgatado nesta pesquisa e o estudo de sua ressignificação proporcionou o surgimento do termo Cosmografia Geográfica. A Cosmografia Geográfica é um campo de estudos da Geografia, cujo conjunto de conhecimentos e habilidades é predominantemente escolar. Estuda a interface entre os conhecimentos terrestres e os celestes e lhes atribui significância geográfica. Analisa as relações humanas e naturais com o Espaço Sideral e suas consequências para a sociedade e a natureza.

    Aunque el concepto de "Cosmografía" no se usa desde la década de los '80 del siglo pasado, los temas astronómicos que se enseñaban anteriormente en las asignaturas escolares de Cosmografía y de Geografía permanecen en los actuales libros didácticos. El uso del término "Cosmografía" fue rescatado en esta investigación y el estudio de su resignificación proporcionó el surgimiento del término Cosmografía Geográfica. La Cosmografía Geográfica es un campo de estudio de la Geografía, donde

  2. Educational Journals and Worldwide Circulation of Pedagogical Knowledge: Brazil and Portugal (1921?1935)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Francisco, Jaime; Cordeiro, Parreira; Carvalho, Luis Miguel


    This article focuses on the circulation of educational models between Portugal and Brazil (from 1920 to 1935), within a broader context of an intensive international transfer of "ways of thinking" about education. It describes and analyses the results from research on two educational journals, one Portuguese (Revista Escolar) the other…

  3. Empowering Parents to Improve Education: Evidence from Rural Mexico. Impact Evaluation Series Number 4. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3935

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gertler, Paul; Patrinos, Harry; Rubio-Codina, Marta


    Mexico's compensatory education program provides extra resources to primary schools that enroll disadvantaged students in highly disadvantaged rural communities. One of the most important components of the program is the school-based management intervention known as Apoyo a la Gestion Escolar, (AGEs). The impact of the AGEs is assessed on…

  4. Revisiting an era in Germany from the perspective of adolescents in mother-headed single-parent families.


    Sharma, Deepali; Silbereisen, Rainer K


    , soit 1991. Les répondants ont rapporté sur des mesures de symptômes psychosomatiques, de stress, de délinquance, de satisfaction de la vie, de l'accomplissement scolaire et des variables reliées a la famille. Des ANCOVAs, en contrôlant pour le revenu ajusté pour la taille du ménage, ont indiqué que les adolescents provenant de familles de mères monoparentales ont des expériences très similaires aux répondants vivant avec leurs parents biologiques sur toutes les mesures à l'exception de leur évaluation de l'environnement familial. Les adolescents vivant dans des familles recomposées avec beau-père ont rapporté les expériences les moins favorables. Les résultats de cette étude dévoilent un contexte social en Allemagne qui, malgré l'unification du pays et ses difficultés initiales pour les familles de mères monoparentales, leur a quand même offert plus d'opportunités que de contraintes. Gran parte de trabajo documentado con familias encabezadas por una madre soltera se basa en datos de países del norte de América y anglo sajones. Muchos investigadores consideran a las familias de madre soltera en desventaja, debido a políticas que no apoyan a las familias. Este trabajo emplea datos de un contexto social diferente, la República Democrática Alemana (RDA). La RDA proporcionó gran apoyo estatal a las familias de madres solteras y, por lo tanto, difería ampliamente de otros países. Este trabajo, basado en la revisión de la literatura y empleando la teoría del estrés familiar de Hill, propone como hipótesis que habría similitud entre los adolescentes que viven en familias de madre soltera y aquéllos que viven con ambos padres biológicos respecto a desenlaces sociales (manifestación de síntomas psicosomáticos, percepción de estrés, manifestación de conducta delincuente, satisfacción con la vida, autoeficacia académica, y calificaciones escolares) y desenlaces relativos a la familia ( relación con los padres y percepción del

  5. Urban versus rural lifestyle in adolescents: associations between environment, physical activity levels and sedentary behavior.


    Regis, Manuela Ferreira; Oliveira, Luciano Machado Ferreira Tenório de; Santos, Ana Raquel Mendes Dos; Leonidio, Ameliane da Conceição Reubens; Diniz, Paula Rejane Beserra; Freitas, Clara Maria Silvestre Monteiro de


    To analyze the levels of physical activity and sedentary behavior in adolescents living in urban and rural areas. An epidemiological, cross-section study with quantitative design, carried out at the regional level. The sample comprised 6,234 students aged 14 to 19 years, selected using random cluster sampling. The χ2 test and binary logistic regression were used in the analysis. A total of 74.5% of adolescents lived in urban areas. After adjustment, rural residents spent less time watching television (odds ratio - OR: 0.45; 95% confidence interval - 95%CI: 0.39-0.52), using a computer and/or playing video games (OR: 0.30; 95%CI: 0.22-0.42), or sitting down (OR: 0.66; 95%CI: 0.54-0.80); chose passive leisure less often (OR: 0.83; 95%IC: 0.72-0.95) and were less likely to be classified as insufficiently active (OR: 0.88; 95%IC: 0.78-0.99) when compared to urban residents, regardless of sex or age. The fact that adolescents living in rural areas who did not work were more likely to be classified as insufficiently active (OR: 2.59; 95%CI: 2.07-3.24) emphasized the significant role of occupation in physical activity levels in this group. Adolescents living in rural areas were less exposed to the sedentary behaviors, chose more active leisure, and had higher levels of physical activity. Place of residence and occupation may play a major role in youth lifestyle. Analisar os níveis de atividade física e o comportamento sedentário em adolescentes das áreas urbanas e rurais. Estudo epidemiológico, transversal, com abordagem quantitativa e abrangência estadual, cuja amostra foi constituída por 6.234 estudantes (14 a 19 anos), selecionados por meio de uma estratégia de amostragem aleatória de conglomerados. As análises foram realizadas por meio do teste χ2 e da regressão logística binária. Na amostra, 74,5% dos adolescentes eram residentes em área urbana. Após o ajuste, constatou-se que os adolescentes oriundos da área rural usavam menos televisão (odds

  6. Analyzing the Learning of the Taking Personal and Social Responsibility Model within a New Physical Education Undergraduate Degree Program in El Salvador

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Andre, Mauro H.; Mandigo, James L.


    El Salvador has an unfortunate history that includes a military regime and a civil war that together created a legacy of violence in which the country still struggles nowadays. Salud Escolar Integral (SEI) was created in 2005 by universities, federal governments, a corporate sponsor, and sport associations as a program to combat youth violence…

  7. Constructing and Validating the Foreign Language Attitudes and Goals Survey (FLAGS)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cid, Eva; Granena, Gisela; Tragant, Elsa


    The present study describes the process that was followed in the construction and validation of the foreign language attitudes and goals survey (FLAGS), a new questionnaire based on qualitative data from Tragant and Munoz [Tragant, Munoz, C., 2000. "La motivacion y su relacion con la edad en un contexto escolar de aprendizaje de una lengua…

  8. Advice given to women in Argentina about breast-feeding and the use of alcohol

    PubMed Central

    Pepino, M. Yanina; Mennella, Julie A.


    pregnancy and lactation. There is a need for professional development strategies that will address women’s awareness of the risks of alcohol consumption and alcohol usage. RESUMEN Objetivo Explorar el tipo de consejos que los profesionales de la salud, parientes y amigos le dieron a una muestra de mujeres en Argentina acerca del consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y el uso de alcohol durante el embarazo y la lactancia. Métodos En diciembre de 2001 y diciembre de 2002 se llevaron a cabo entrevistas estructuradas con un total de 167 mujeres que estaban amamantando o que habían amamantado recientemente. A las madres se les preguntó qué tipo de consejos, en caso de haberlos, les dieron los profesionales de la salud y sus parientes y amistades acerca del consumo de alcohol. También se plantearon preguntas sobre la bebida tradicional argentina, el mate —infusión muy popular en América del Sur que se prepara con las hojas de la planta Ilex paraguayensis— y la clase de consejos que recibieron las mujeres acerca de la lactancia materna y los cuidados neonatales en general. Resultados De las 167 mujeres estudiadas, 96,4% indicaron que el médico les había aconsejado que amamantaran a su hijo. Además, 93,4% afirmaron que habían frotado con alcohol el muñón umbilical del niño. Menos de la mitad de las mujeres (46,7%) indicaron haber recibido del médico asesoramiento acerca del consumo de bebidas alcohólicas durante el embarazo, y un porcentaje aun menor (25,7%) indicó haber recibido este tipo de asesoramiento durante la lactancia. Los parientes y amigos mostraron aproximadamente la misma propensión a aconsejar acerca del consumo de bebidas alcohólicas durante el embarazo (42,6%) y la lactancia (47,9%). No obstante, el tipo de consejo fue distinto en uno y otro caso, en el sentido de que los parientes y amigos mostraron una proclividad mayor (en grado estadísticamente significativo) a alentar a la mujer a consumir bebidas alcohólicas durante la lactancia que

  9. "The World in a Drop of Water": The Feminist Vision of Patricia Howell.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Holmlund, Chris


    Discusses two films ("Dos veces mujer" and "Intima raiz") of Patricia Howell. Demonstrates how thoroughly the feminist themes Howell's films weave together around motherhood are inflected by the specific Latin American and Costa Rican contexts in which she works. (RS)

  10. Overactive Thyroid: What You Need to Know


    ... tiroides hiperactiva, ocurre cuando la glándula tiroides produce más hormona tiroidea de lo que el cuerpo necesita. ... Las mujeres tienen de dos a 10 veces más probabilidades de tener hipertiroidismo que los hombres. 1 ...

  11. Implementation of an efficacious intervention for high risk women in Mexico: protocol for a multi-site randomized trial with a parallel study of organizational factors.


    Patterson, Thomas L; Semple, Shirley J; Chavarin, Claudia V; Mendoza, Doroteo V; Santos, Lorena E; Chaffin, Mark; Palinkas, Lawrence A; Strathdee, Steffanie A; Aarons, Gregory A


    Studies of implementation of efficacious human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention interventions are rare, especially in resource-poor settings, but important, because they have the potential to increase the impact of interventions by improving uptake and sustainability. Few studies have focused on provider and organizational factors that may influence uptake and fidelity to core intervention components. Using a hybrid design, we will study the implementation of an efficacious intervention to reduce sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among female sex workers (FSWs) in 12 cities across Mexico. Our protocol will test a 'train-the-trainer' implementation model for transporting the Mujer Segura (Healthy Woman) intervention into community-based organizations (CBOs). We have partnered with Mexican Foundation for Family Planning (Mexfam), a non-governmental organization that has CBOs throughout Mexico. At each CBO, trained ethnographers will survey CBO staff on characteristics of their organization and on their attitudes toward their CBO and toward the implementation of evidence-based interventions (EBIs). Then, after CBO staff recruit a sample of 80 eligible FSWs and deliver a standard-care, didactic intervention to 40 women randomly selected from that pool, a Mexfam staff person will be trained in the Mujer Segura intervention and will then train other counselors to deliver Mujer Segura to the 40 remaining participating FSWs. FSW participants will receive a baseline behavioral assessment and be tested for HIV and STIs (syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia); they will be reassessed at six months post-intervention to measure for possible intervention effects. At the same time, both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected on the implementation process, including measures of counselors' fidelity to the intervention model. After data collection at each CBO is complete, the relative efficacy of the Mujer Segura intervention will be analyzed, and across CBOs

  12. [In Process Citation].


    Fófano do Lago, Márcia; Chaia Kaippert, Vanessa; Lopes Souto, Débora; Lopes Rosado, Eliane


    Introducción: el tipo de ácido graso de la dieta presenta diferentes efectos sobre la obesidad y sus complicaciones, pero estos efectos pueden verse influenciados por los genes y sus polimorfismos, tales como los receptores activados por el proliferador de los peroxisomas isoforma γ2 (PPARγ2). Además, no está claro si el grado de insaturación de los lípidos posee diferentes efectos en el metabolismo de los lípidos y de la glucosa y, particularmente, en la pérdida de peso. Objetivos: evaluar la influencia de dietas ricas en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (AGPI) y monoinsaturados (AGMI) en las variables antropométricas y bioquímicas en el peso corporal y el perfil glucémico y lipémico en mujeres obesas con el genotipo Pro12Pro en el gen PPARγ2. Métodos: dieciocho mujeres obesas con genotipo Pro12Pro fueron distribuidas aleatoriamente para una de las dietas, rica en AGPI (n = 8) o AGMI (n = 10). Las variables antropométricas (índice de masa corporal [IMC] y circunferencia de la cintura) y bioquímicas (glucosa, insulina, HOMA-IR, colesterol total, LDL-colesterol, HDL colesterol y triglicéridos) fueron evaluadas antes y después de un periodo de 45 días. Resultados: las variables antropométricas y bioquímicas fueron similares entre los grupos antes y después de la intervención (p > 0,05). El IMC disminuyó después de la ingesta de AGPI (p = 0,01), probablemente debido al menor contenido de lípidos. El AGMI redujo la glucosa (p = 0,03), insulina (p = 0,03) y HOMA-IR (p = 0,02). Conclusión: los AGMI fueron más eficientes para reducir la resistencia a la insulina en mujeres obesas con el genotipo Pro12Pro en el gen PPARγ2, aunque las mujeres presentaran una elevada ingesta de lípidos totales y ácidos grasos saturados.

  13. Caractéristiques cliniques des jeunes déprimés en pédopsychiatrie

    PubMed Central

    Breton, Jean-Jacques; Labelle, Réal; Huynh, Christophe; Berthiaume, Claude; St-Georges, Marie; Guilé, Jean-Marc


    Résumé Objectif Décrire le profil clinique de jeunes déprimés selon le groupe d’âge et le sexe. Méthodologie L’étude a été réalisée à l’aide d’une grille d’analyse sur 75 dossiers de jeunes de 6–17 ans enregistrés en pédopsychiatrie en 2002–2003 et présentant un diagnostic de trouble dépressif. Des statistiques descriptives et des tests d’association pour comparer les garçons 6–11 ans, les garçons 12–17 ans et les filles 12–17 ans ont été complétés. Résultats Un jeune sur deux à l’adolescence a doublé une année scolaire. Près de 60% des garçons de 6–11 ans déprimés sont dirigés en pédopsychiatrie pour des difficultés comportementales et 71% des garçons de ce groupe d’âge présentent un trouble dépressif en comorbidité avec un trouble du comportement perturbateur. Les filles et garçons à l’adolescence présentent en plus grande proportion une symptomatologie intériorisée. Les idées suicidaires sont cependant aussi présentes chez les enfants (71%) que chez les adolescents (72%) et les adolescentes (85%). Les problèmes parent-enfant se retrouvent chez la majorité des jeunes, particulièrement chez les adolescentes. Conclusion Il est tout aussi important d’évaluer la dépression et l’idéation suicidaire chez les jeunes garçons avec troubles de comportement que chez les adolescents et les adolescentes et la dimension familiale est importante à considérer dans l’évaluation et le traitement. PMID:22299011

  14. The effect of a self-constructed material on children's physical activity during recess.


    Méndez-Giménez, Antonio; Cecchini, José-Antonio; Fernández-Río, Javier


    To analyze whether an intervention supported by free play with a self-constructed material increases the level of physical activity of students during recess. The participants were 166 children of third to sixth grade, between nine and 12 years old (average = 10.64; SS = 1.13). An experimental project was conducted with pre-test and post-test measurement, and a control group. Experimental group participants built cardboard paddles (third and fourth) and flying rings (fifth and sixth), a material they used freely for one week during recess. ActiGraph-GT3X accelerometers were used to measure physical activity. An ANOVA of repeated measures was used to find differences between groups and genders. Significant intervention effects were found in the analyzed variables: sedentary activity (F = 38.19; p < 0.01), light (F = 76.56; p < 0.01), moderate (F = 27.44; p < 0.01), vigorous (F = 61.55; p < 0.01), and moderate and vigorous (F = 68.76; p < 0.01). Significant gender differences were shown (time × group × gender) for moderate (F = 6.58; p < 0.05) and vigorous (F = 5.51; p < 0.05) activity. The self-constructed material is effective to increase the physical activity levels of children during recess; it decreases sedentary activity and light physical activity and increases the time devoted to moderate physical activity and vigorous physical activity, both in boys and in girls. The boys had an increase in vigorous physical activity and the girls in moderate physical activity. Due to its low cost, this strategy is recommended for administrators and teachers to increase the physical activity of children during recess. Analizar si una intervención basada en el juego libre con material autoconstruido aumenta el nivel de actividad física de los escolares durante el recreo. Participaron 166 niños de tercero a sexto de educación primaria, de entre nueve y 12 años de edad (media = 10,64; DE = 1,13). Se realizó un diseño experimental con medidas pretest y postest, y un

  15. Women Connected to at Risk Indian Men Who Have Sex with Men: An Unexplored Network.


    Satyanarayan, Sammita; Kapur, Abhinav; Azhar, Sameena; Yeldandi, Vijay; Schneider, John A


    Little is known about the women connected to Indian MSM and their impact on HIV risk. We surveyed 240 Indian MSM, who identified their social networks (n = 7,092). Women (n = 1,321) comprised 16.7 % of the network, with 94.7 % representing non-sexual connections. MSM were classified as having low, moderate, or high female network proportion. MSM with moderate female network proportion (8-24 % total network) had significantly lowered odds of HIV seropositivity (AOR = 0.24, 95 % CI = 0.1-0.6). This suggests moderate proportions of female connections could mediate HIV risk. HIV prevention interventions in India could consider the greater involvement of women among their target audiences. Se sabe poco sobre las mujeres conectadas a HSH en India y su impacto en el riesgo de VIH. Se encuestó a 240 HSH indios, quienes identificaron sus redes sociales (n = 7,092). Las mujeres (n = 1,321) formaron al 16.7 % de la red, del cual el 94.7 % representa conexiones no sexuales. Los HSH se clasificaron como baja, moderada o alta proporción de red femenina. HSH con proporción moderada de red femenina (8-24 % del red total) tuvieron un riesgo significativamente reducido de seropositividad de VIH (AOR = 0,24; IC 95 % = 0,1-0,6). Esto sugiere que tener una proporción moderada de contactos femeninos podría atenuar el riesgo de VIH. Las intervenciones de prevención del VIH en India podrían considerar una mayor participación de las mujeres en su público objetivo.

  16. [Not Available].


    Norte Navarro, Aurora Isabel; Sansano Perea, Miriam; Martínez Sanz, José Miguel; Sospedra López, Isabel; Hurtado Sánchez, José Antonio; Ortiz Moncada, Rocío


    Introducción y objetivos: las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) son la principal causa de muerte mundial, por ello el objetivo de este estudio es analizar los factores de riesgo de ECV en los trabajadores de la Universidad de Alicante.Material y métodos: estudio transversal descriptivo. Muestra aleatoria (n = 124), 46,6% mujeres y 53,4% hombres, de edades entre 25-68 años. Recogida de datos mediante cuestionario online autocumplimentado. sociodemográficas, peso y talla autorreferidos, consumo de tabaco, actividad física, consumo diario de aceite de oliva, hortalizas-verduras, mantequilla-margarina-nata y consumo semanal de repostería comercial y frutos secos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo con el paquete estadístico SPSS 19.0.Resultados: el 12% de mujeres y el 10,5% de los hombres mayores de 44 años presentan obesidad; además, el 32% de mujeres y el 23,7% de los hombres no realizan actividad física. Consume aceite de oliva a diario el total de la muestra a estudio.Conclusión: los hábitos alimentarios de los estudiados se asemejan a los patrones dietéticos mediterráneos considerados saludables. Destacar el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de consumo de aceite de oliva y la realización de actividad física habitual como protectores de las ECV. El entorno laboral de la población estudiada favorece unos hábitos saludables.

  17. Mujeres de La Raza (Women of the Race).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Hispanic Univ., Oakland, CA.

    This unit profiles nine women of La Raza who have contributed to the betterment of humanity and Hispanic culture. It encourages students to learn about them and other Raza women as models of people involved in the Chicano community. The unit, offered in both Spanish and English, also teaches that these representative Raza women had to overcome…

  18. "Mujeres" in the Principal's Office: Latina School Leaders

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Méndez-Morse, Sylvia; Murakami, Elizabeth T.; Byrne-Jiménez, Mónica; Hernandez, Frank


    This article is based on a national survey of Latina/o principals and assistant principals conducted by the National Latina/o Leadership Project and focuses on the women participants. Included is a description of Latinas' leadership experiences, their career paths, and the influence of racial/ethnic identity on their leadership practice. The…

  19. Animating Grassroots Development: Women's Popular Education in Bolivia.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Healy, Kevin


    Describes Capacitacion Integral de la Mujer Campesina (CIMCA) development efforts within Bolivian farm communities. Describes CIMCA's focus on social change, ethnic empowerment, and women's rights. Describes organization's initial clashes with rural culture. Describes use of rotafolio drawings to spark workshop discussions, to improve women's…

  20. [Not Available].


    Roman B-C, Michela; Gonzales-Huamán, Flor; Maguiña, Jorge L


    Leímos con interés el artículo titulado "Valores del índice cintura/cadera en la población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia. Estudio FUPRECOL" que se realizó en 5.921 sujetos de entre 9 a 17,9 años y que tuvo como objetivo determinar los valores de referencia del índice cintura-cadera (ICC).

  1. Commentary: Latina Literacies in "Convivencia": Communal Spaces of Teaching and Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Villenas, Sofia A.


    Inspired by Delgado-Gaitan's work with Latina mothers' stories of transformation, this commentary engages scholarship on the communal "mujer-" or womanist-oriented spaces of teaching and learning. The author explores themes of "convivencia" (communalism) centered on faith, spirituality, and humor central to creating compassionate spaces of…

  2. Nominalizations in Spanish. Studies in Linguistics and Language Learning, Volume V.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Falk, Julia Sableski

    Using methods developed in transformational generative grammar, three types of nominal constructions in Spanish are treated in this paper: Fact nominalizations ("[El] Escribir es agradable"), Manner nominalizations ("El tocar [de la mujer] es agradable"), and Abstract noun nominalizations ("La construccion rapida de esta escuela es dudosa"). While…


    PubMed Central

    Fernández Rodríguez, María del C.; Squiabro, José Calderón


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con el propósito de explorar actitudes de rechazo y distancia social hacia las personas gays y lesbianas (GL) en 565 universitarios. Se utilizó una escala para medir Prejuicio y otra escala para medir Distancia Social. Los participantes reflejaron niveles moderados de prejuicio y distancia social (DS) hacia las personas gays y lesbianas. Los varones (M=104.5, DT= 27.47) mostraron significativamente más prejuicio que las mujeres (M=98.8, DT= 23.41). Los hombres (M=22.7, DT= 7.00) mostraron significativamente mayor DS que las mujeres (M=21.1, DT= 5.41). Las personas que asisten con regularidad a la iglesia mostraron más prejuicio y DS que los que no asisten. Se analiza importancia de incluir el tema de la diversidad sexual a través del currículo para desmontar prejuicios hacia la comunidad homosexual. PMID:25606066

  4. New Directions in Education: Estudios Femeniles de la Chicana.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nieto-Gomez, Anna, Ed.

    A team of outstanding Mexican American women educators from the Southwest designed these course outlines for college and university levels focusing on "la mujer Chicana" in history, literature, sociology, and higher education. This curriculum guide includes materials aimed to stimulate the student's examination of the Chicana in finding…

  5. Detección y expresión de superantígenos y de resistencia antimicrobiana en aislamientos obtenidos de mujeres portadoras de Staphylococcus aureus que cuidan y alimentan niños.


    Guaca-González, Yina Marcela; Flórez-Restrepo, Gladys Fernanda; Moncayo-Ortíz, José Ignacio; Santacruz-Ibarra, Jorge; Álvarez-Aldana, Adalucy


    .Conclusión. La tasa de aislamientos de S. aureus toxigénicos y resistentes obtenidos de mujeres que cuidan y preparan alimentos para niños fue de más de 70 %, lo que demostró su gran virulencia y la consecuente necesidad de aplicar estrictamente las normas higiénicas y sanitarias vigentes para evitar el riesgo de intoxicación alimentaria.

  6. Fidelity Moderates the Association Between Negative Condom Attitudes and Outcome Behavior in an Evidence-Based Sexual Risk Reduction Intervention for Female Sex Workers.


    Pitpitan, Eileen V; Chavarin, Claudia V; Semple, Shirley J; Mendoza, Doroteo; Rodriguez, Carlos Magis; Staines, Hugo; Aarons, Gregory A; Patterson, Thomas L


    Intervention fidelity and participant-level variables, such as negative attitudes towards condoms, are important variables to consider in the successful implementation of evidence-based HIV prevention interventions. Mujer Segura is an intervention that has been shown to be efficacious at reducing condomless sex for female sex workers (FSWs) in Mexico [1]. We examined main effects of fidelity, negative condom attitudes, and their interaction on the effectiveness of the Mujer Segura intervention at reducing condomless sex at intervention follow-up. Of the FSWs recruited from 13 cities across Mexico, 528 participated in the Mujer Segura intervention. We measured negative condom attitudes at baseline (comprising of beliefs and outcome evaluations) and condomless sex with clients at baseline and 6-month follow-up. Fidelity was measured by a fidelity checklist completed by independent raters; the sum of potentially 43 total elements completed by the counselor constituted fidelity. Complete fidelity was found in only 15.1% (n = 73) of sessions. There was no significant main effect of intervention fidelity on condomless sex with clients at follow-up. There was a significant and positive main effect of negative condom attitudes and a significant two-way interaction. At lower levels of fidelity, negative condom attitudes predicted greater condomless sex acts, whereas at higher levels of fidelity, the effect of condom attitudes became weaker. The results also indicated that the interaction between negative condom attitudes and fidelity were driven primarily by negative condom beliefs, as opposed to negative condom outcome evaluations. Ensuring treatment fidelity in an HIV prevention intervention is particularly important when participants have negative attitudes towards condoms.

  7. Implementation of an efficacious intervention for high risk women in Mexico: protocol for a multi-site randomized trial with a parallel study of organizational factors

    PubMed Central


    Background Studies of implementation of efficacious human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention interventions are rare, especially in resource-poor settings, but important, because they have the potential to increase the impact of interventions by improving uptake and sustainability. Few studies have focused on provider and organizational factors that may influence uptake and fidelity to core intervention components. Using a hybrid design, we will study the implementation of an efficacious intervention to reduce sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among female sex workers (FSWs) in 12 cities across Mexico. Our protocol will test a ‘train-the-trainer’ implementation model for transporting the Mujer Segura (Healthy Woman) intervention into community-based organizations (CBOs). Methods We have partnered with Mexican Foundation for Family Planning (Mexfam), a non-governmental organization that has CBOs throughout Mexico. At each CBO, trained ethnographers will survey CBO staff on characteristics of their organization and on their attitudes toward their CBO and toward the implementation of evidence-based interventions (EBIs). Then, after CBO staff recruit a sample of 80 eligible FSWs and deliver a standard-care, didactic intervention to 40 women randomly selected from that pool, a Mexfam staff person will be trained in the Mujer Segura intervention and will then train other counselors to deliver Mujer Segura to the 40 remaining participating FSWs. FSW participants will receive a baseline behavioral assessment and be tested for HIV and STIs (syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia); they will be reassessed at six months post-intervention to measure for possible intervention effects. At the same time, both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected on the implementation process, including measures of counselors’ fidelity to the intervention model. After data collection at each CBO is complete, the relative efficacy of the Mujer Segura intervention will be

  8. A Classroom on the Mall: Indigenous Women and the Culture of Development.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Farmelo, Martha


    When rural women do not participate in relevant decision making, development projects risk diminished effectiveness and may increase already onerous workloads. Consisting of 139 Mapuche women textile artisans in Chile, the Casa de la Mujer Mapuche provides its members with income, role models, and a platform to express women's needs and…

  9. Overweight effect on spirometric parameters in adolescents undergoing exercise.


    Costa, Rayana de Oliveira; Silva, Juliana Pereira; Lacerda, Eliana Mattos; Dias, Rodrigo; Pezolato, Vitor Alexandre; Silva, Carlos Alberto da; Krinski, Kleverton; Correia, Marco Aurélio de Valois; Cieslak, Fabrício


    To evaluate effects of overweight on spirometric parameters in adolescents who underwent bronchial provocation test for exercise. We included 71 male adolescents. The diagnosis of asthma was done based on participants' clinical history and on the International Study Questionnaire Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, and the diagnosis of obesity was based on body mass index above 95th percentile. The bronchospasm induced by exercise was assessed using the run-walk test on a treadmill for eight minutes. The decrease in forced expiratory volume in one second > or equal to 10% before exercise was considered positive, and to calculate the intensity in exercise-induced bronchospasm we measured the maximum percentage of forced expiratory volume in one second and above the curve area. Data analysis was carried out using the Mann-Whitney U test and Friedman test (ANOVA), followed by Wilcoxon test (p<0.05). In addition, we used Fisher's exact test to analyze the exercise-induced bronchospasm frequency. Significant differences were observed among obese adolescents in exercise-induced bronchospasm frequency (p=0,013) and in relation to time required for recovery after exercise (p=0,007). Overweight can influence the increase in the exercise-induced bronchospasm frequency in non-asthmatic adolescents compared with eutrophic adolescents. Avaliar o efeito do excesso de peso sobre parâmetros espirométricos em adolescentes submetidos ao teste de broncoprovocação por exercício. Participaram do estudo 71 adolescentes do sexo masculino. O diagnóstico de asma foi obtido por meio de histórico clínico e do questionário International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, e o de obesidade, pelo índice de massa corporal acima do percentil 95. Para avaliar o broncoespasmo induzido pelo exercício, utilizou-se o teste correr/caminhar em esteira ergométrica, com duração de 8 minutos, considerando positivo se diminuição do volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo >10

  10. Victimization, perception of insecurity, and changes in daily routines in Mexico.


    Ávila, María Elena; Martínez-Ferrer, Belén; Vera, Alejandro; Bahena, Alejandro; Musitu, Gonzalo


    To analyze the relationships between victimization, perception of insecurity, and changes in routines. The 8,170 subjects of both sexes (49.9% women and 50.1% men) aged between 12 and 60 years, selected from a proportional stratified sampling, participated in this study. The measuring instrument was an adaptation of the National Survey on Victimization and Perception of Public Security. Chi-square tests were performed. The results show significant differences on victimization and sex regarding perception of insecurity, restrictions on everyday activities, and protection measures. 13.1% of those interviewed claimed to have been victims of a crime in the past 12 months. 52.7% of women considered their municipality as unsafe or very unsafe. In the case of men, this percentage was 58.2%. Female victims reported significant restrictions in everyday activities when compared to non-victims. In relation to men, the percentage of victims with a high restriction of activities was higher in male victims than non-victims. In the group of victimized women, the segment of women who opted for increased measures of protection against crime was larger than expected, while those of non-victims who took less protective measures was lower than expected. These same results were observed in the group of men. The experience of victimization implies a greater perception of insecurity. However, the climate of insecurity is widespread in a large number of citizens. Gender differences in a high-crime environment show the importance of investigating in depth the roles of both genders in the perception of insecurity and changes in routines. Analizar las relaciones existentes entre victimización, percepción de inseguridad y cambios en las rutinas. Participaron en este estudio 8,170 sujetos de ambos sexos (49.9% mujeres y 50.1% hombres) de entre 12 y 60 años, seleccionados a partir de un muestro estratificado proporcional. El instrumento de medida fue una adaptación de la Encuesta Nacional

  11. Reproductive aspects and knowledge of family planning among women with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.


    Lima, Ivana Cristina Vieira de; Cunha, Maria da Conceição Dos Santos Oliveira; Cunha, Gilmara Holanda da; Galvão, Marli Teresinha Gimeniz


    filhos, enquanto a laqueadura tubária foi maior em mulheres que não receberam orientações sobre planejamento familiar. A maioria das mulheres com Aids não pretendem mais ter filhos. O conhecimento sobre o planejamento familiar foi limitado por falta de orientações pelos profissionais de saúde. Analizar aspectos reproductivos y el conocimiento acerca de planificación familiar de las mujeres con síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA). Estudio transversal, descriptivo realizado de enero a diciembre de 2015, en la sala de enfermedades infecciosas de un hospital de Fortaleza, Ceará. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de una entrevista semiestructurada de forma de cuestionario en un ámbito privado. El estudio incluyó a 102 mujeres. La mayoría de ellos tenían conocimiento de ser seropositivas para el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) durante la atención prenatal (96,1%), y que no tenía intención de tener más hijos (63,7%). Mujeres menores de 39 años, con educación superior y terapia antirretroviral más corta eran más propensas a tener hijos (p=0,05). Mujeres con edades de menos de 39 años y más educación tenían más probabilidades de tener la información correcta acerca de tener hijos en presencia del VIH (p=0,05). Tener pareja estable aumentó la posibilidad de desear tener hijos, mientras que la ligadura de trompas fue mayor en las mujeres que no han recibido orientación sobre la planificación familiar. La mayoría de las mujeres con SIDA no tienen intención de tener hijos. El conocimiento acerca de la planificación familiar se vio limitada por la falta de orientación por los profesionales de la salud.

  12. Sentido de coherencia y mapa de activos para la salud en jóvenes presos de la Comunidad Valenciana en España.


    Vera-Remartínez, Enrique J; Paredes-Carbonell, Joan J; Aviñó Juan-Ulpiano, Dory; Jiménez-Pérez, Mercedes; Araujo Pérez, Rosa; Agulló-Cantos, José M; Mora Notario, Almudena


    Estudio realizado desde el enfoque de la salutogénesis que pretende determinar el sentido de coherencia (SOC) en jóvenes presos de la Comunidad Valenciana en España y elaborar un mapa de activos para la salud dirigido a promover la salud en esta población. Se utilizó el test "SOC-13" y un cuestionario de preguntas abiertas elaborado ad hoc, el cual autocompletaron los internos de 18 a 22 años de edad, de los tres centros penitenciarios de la región. Participaron 124 jóvenes varones (ya que no había ninguna mujer) y se recogieron variables sociodemográficas y penitenciarias. En el análisis cuantitativo, las variables categóricas se expresaron como frecuencias absolutas y relativas; y las cuantitativas, mediante medias con intervalos de confianza (IC) al 95%. Se realizó un estudio comparativo bivariante, utilizando las siguientes pruebas: Student t-test, análisis de variación (ANOVA), Wilcoxon y Ji-cuadrado. Del cuestionario de preguntas abiertas, se realizó un análisis cualitativo descriptivo temático de los activos identificados, clasificándolos en: internos (recursos personales, en relación con los demás y capacidad para realizar comportamientos saludables) y externos (personas, grupos, instituciones y espacios físicos, situados tanto dentro como fuera de prisión). La edad media fue de 21,1 años (IC 95%: 20,8-21,3); y el SOC de 52,4 (IC 95%: 50,5-54,3), de entre un valor mínimo de 13 y máximo de 91 para la prueba. Los internos del centro penitenciario que ofrecía más actividades escolares y deportivas obtuvieron una puntuación mayor en la dimensión de significatividad del SOC ( p = 0,024), y los internos inmigrantes presentaron un SOC superior ( p = 0,037) a los españoles, en los tres centros. Los jóvenes identificaron los activos internos que cualitativamente se vinculan con las dimensiones de comprensibilidad, manejabilidad y significatividad del SOC; y los activos externos, sobre todo los amigos, familiares y espacios

  13. The War of the Triple Alliance (1864-1870): A Historical Case Study on the Causes of Regional Conflict

    DTIC Science & Technology


    The U.S. Library of Congress and the U.S. National Archives are valuable sources, as well as the Biblioteca Nacional del Paraguay (National Library of...2009). 66 Dom Pedro spoke Hebrew, and Arabic, and could read Sanskrit ( Biblioteca Virtual de Paraguay), and he visited the United States in his...27 “Enciclopedia Escolar de la Historia del Paraguay,” Revista ABC Color, February 13, 2000, vol. 6

  14. Using Intervention Mapping as a Participatory Strategy: Development of a Cervical Cancer Screening Intervention for Hispanic Women

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Byrd, Theresa L.; Wilson, Katherine M.; Smith, Judith Lee; Heckert, Andrea; Orians, Carlyn E.; Vernon, Sally W.; Fernandez-Esquer, Maria E.; Fernandez, Maria E.


    Cervical cancer is preventable with treatment of precancerous lesions and treatable at early stages. Hispanics have higher rates of cervical cancer and lower rates of screening. "Ayndando a las Mujeres con Informaccion, Guia, y Amor para su Salud" (AMIGAS) is an intervention to increase cervical cancer screening in U.S. women of Mexican…

  15. In Times of Challenge: Chicanos and Chicanas in American Society. Mexican American Studies Monograph Series No. 6.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Garcia, Juan R., Ed; And Others

    This anthology compiles articles and essays on Chicano and Chicana political concerns in the 1980's, on cultural aspects of the Chicano experience, and on historical issues and events. The papers are: (1) "Chicano Politics after 1984" by Christine Marie Sierra; (2) "Hacia una Teoria para la Liberacion de la Mujer" (analysis of…

  16. Puerto Rican Women as Workers and Writers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vazquez, Blanca, Ed.


    This theme issue of the "Centro Bulletin" highlights recent studies by and about employed Puerto Rican and Latina women. "La mujer en el Puerto Rico del siglo XIX" (O. Jimenez de Wagenheim), in Spanish, reviews the contributions of women to Puerto Rican economic, political, and social life during the nineteenth century.…

  17. Eventos de Agosto (August Events).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Toro, Leonor; Pla, Myrna

    Written in Spanish, this booklet contains brief information on seven August events celebrated by Puerto Ricans: Herbert Hoover's birthdate (August 10); Acta del Seguro Social (Social Security Act, August 14); Julian E. Blanco (August 14), Enmienda 19 Sufragia de la Mujer (Amendment 19, Women's Suffrage, August 26); Benjamin Harrison (August 20);…

  18. The Women's Studies Center--A Women's-Led NGO Deepening Democracy in Chile: Educating Women through Personal Empowerment and Political Agency.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    King, Caroline

    This paper explores how the Women's Studies Center (Centro de Estudios de la Mujer, CEM), a feminist, women-led nongovernmental organization (NGO), is contributing to socio-cultural change in Chile 11 years after the country's democratic transition. CEM merges the theoretical and the practical, and the personal and the political through education…

  19. Telephone interventions for adherence to colpocytological examination.


    Lima, Thais Marques; Nicolau, Ana Izabel Oliveira; Carvalho, Francisco Herlânio Costa; Vasconcelos, Camila Teixeira Moreira; Aquino, Priscila de Souza; Pinheiro, Ana Karina Bezerra


    . ao comparar antes e depois das intervenções comportamental e educativa constatou-se que houve uma mudança estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,0283) no aumento do conhecimento das mulheres que participaram da intervenção educativa; não houve mudança comprovada na atitude das mulheres de nenhum dos grupos e houve um aumento da adesão ao exame colpocitológico nos dois grupos (p < 0,0001), com maior adesão das mulheres que participaram do grupo comportamental (66,8%). as intervenções comportamentais e educativas por telefone foram eficazes na adesão das mulheres ao exame colpocitológico, representando estratégias importantes para educação permanente em saúde, promovendo a atenção para a prevenção do câncer cérvico-uterino. comprobar los efectos de intervención comportamental y educativa por teléfono en la adhesión de las mujeres, con periodicidad inadecuada, al examen de citología vaginal. estudio casi experimental, con muestra constituida por 524 mujeres seleccionadas conforme a los siguientes criterios de inclusión: estar en el intervalo etario entre 25 y 64 años, haber iniciado actividad sexual, estar con la periodicidad del examen inadecuada y poseer teléfono móvil o fijo. Las mujeres fueron divididas en dos grupos para aplicación de la intervención comportamental y educativa por teléfono. Se utilizó una guía de intervención según los preceptos de la Entrevista Motivacional. al comparar antes y después de la intervención comportamental y educativa se constató que hubo un cambio estadísticamente significativo (p = 0,0283) en el aumento del conocimiento de las mujeres que participaron de la intervención educativa; no hubo cambio comprobado en la actitud de las mujeres de ninguno de los grupos y hubo un aumento de la adhesión al examen de citología vaginal en los dos grupos (p < 0,0001), con mayor adhesión de las mujeres que participaron del grupo comportamental (66,8%). las intervenciones comportamentales y educativas

  20. Captivity and Complicity: Some Suggestions for Teaching about Chicana Writers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maier, Carol

    Works of three Chicana authors focus on the individual Chicana's response to tradition and restraint and, taken as a whole, illustrate three essential steps in breaking away from the myth of the Chicana as submissive, suffering, passive, and powerless. "El ser mujer..." by poet Ana Castillo calls for the Chicana to speak out regarding…

  1. Fatigue in children and adolescents with cancer from the perspective of health professionals.


    Silva, Michele Cristina Miyauti da; Lopes, Luís Carlos; Nascimento, Lucila Castanheira; Lima, Regina Aparecida Garcia de


    to investigate health professionals' knowledge about the concept, assessment and intervention in fatigue in children and adolescents with cancer. exploratory study with qualitative approach, with 53 health professionals (10 nurses, 33 assistant nurses, 3 physicians, 3 nutritionists, 2 psychologists and 2 physical therapists). Semi structured interviews were held, which were recorded and analyzed by means of inductive thematic content analysis. the data were organized around three themes: knowledge of health professionals about fatigue; identification of fatigue and interventions to relieve fatigue. the results indicate the health professionals' limited knowledge about fatigue, as well as the lack of investment in their training and continuing education. Most of all, the lack of research on the theme in the Brazilian context remains a barrier to support improvements in care for this symptom in children and adolescents with cancer. investigar quais conhecimentos os profissionais de saúde têm acerca do conhecimento, avaliação e intervenção sobre a fadiga em crianças e adolescentes com câncer. estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, realizado com 53 profissionais de saúde (10 enfermeiros, 33 auxiliares de enfermagem, 3 médicos, 3 nutricionistas, 2 psicólogos e 2 fisioterapeutas). Foram conduzidas entrevistas semiestruturadas as quais foram gravadas e analisadas por meio do modelo de análise de conteúdo do tipo temática indutiva. os dados foram organizados ao redor de três temas: conhecimento dos profissionais da saúde sobre fadiga; identificação da fadiga e intervenções para o alívio da fadiga. os achados apontam para o conhecimento limitado dos profissionais de saúde sobre fadiga, bem como para o pouco investimento em educação continuada e permanente. Sobretudo, a escassez de estudos sobre o assunto no cenário brasileiro ainda é uma barreira para oferecer subsídios para melhoria deste sintoma em crianças e adolescentes com c

  2. Cultura, Identidad y Aprendizaje en la Edad Pre-escolar.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Engelbrecht, Guillermina; Moyer, Joan


    Maintains that it is not the volume of information about diverse groups that will help children develop attitudes of respect and appreciation of differences; rather, it is the skill of processing such information in a positive manner. Concrete examples illustrate the different process skills which should be introduced in school. (Author/BB)

  3. Politica de las Construcciones Escolares (Policy for School Construction).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Storni, Adolfo Enrique, Ed.; And Others

    This document establishes the policy for school construction programs and projects to be conducted in Argentina. The first part establishes the bases for construction and defines the policy and its objectives. The second part discusses school construction in view of educational reform and planning and considers analysis of current systems,…

  4. Quality of Primary Health Care for children and adolescents living with HIV.


    Nascimento, Leticia do; Paula, Cristiane Cardoso de; Magnago, Tania Solange Bosi de Souza; Padoin, Stela Maris de Mello; Harzheim, Erno; Silva, Clarissa Bohrer da


    to evaluate the quality of health care for children and adolescents living with HIV, among the different types of Primary Health Care services of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. cross-sectional study, developed with 118 Primary Health Care professionals. The Primary Care Evaluation Instrument, Professional version, was used. For verification of the variables associated with the high score, Poisson Regression was used. the professionals of the Family Health Strategy, when compared to those of the Primary Health Units, obtained a greater degree of orientation to primary care, both for the overall score and for the derived attributes score, as well as for the integrality and community orientation attributes. A specialization in Primary Health Care, other employment and a statutory work contract were associated with quality of care. the Family Health Strategy was shown to provide higher quality health care for children and adolescents living with HIV, however, the coverage is still low. The need was highlighted to expand this coverage and invest in vocational training directed toward Primary Care and making the professionals effective, through public selection procedure, as well as an improvement program that recognizes the care requirements, in these settings, of children and adolescents infected with HIV. avaliar a qualidade de atenção à saúde da criança e adolescente vivendo com HIV, entre os diferentes tipos de serviço de Atenção Primária à Saúde, de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. estudo transversal, desenvolvido com 118 profissionais da Atenção Primária à Saúde. Utilizou-se o Instrumento de Avaliação da Atenção Primária, versão Profissionais. Para verificação das variáveis associadas ao alto escore, foi utilizada a Regressão de Poisson. os profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família, quando comparados aos de Unidades Básicas de Saúde, obtiveram maior grau de orientação à atenção primária, tanto pelo escore geral quanto

  5. JPRS Report, West Europe

    DTIC Science & Technology



  6. Association between domestic violence and women's quality of life.


    Lucena, Kerle Dayana Tavares de; Vianna, Rodrigo Pinheiro de Toledo; Nascimento, João Agnaldo do; Campos, Hemílio Fernandes Coelho; Oliveira, Elaine Cristina Tôrres


    s mulheres (p=0,019) e segurança (p=0,006). o estudo comprovou a evidência de associação entre a violência doméstica contra a mulher e qualidade de vida, situação que reafirma a importância de construir políticas públicas com enfoque na emancipação de gênero. analizar la asociación entre la violencia doméstica contra la mujer y su calidad de vida. encuesta domiciliar de base poblacional, de tipo transversal, realizada con mujeres con más de 18 años, considerando un plan de muestreo estratificado por barrios. En el análisis fue verificada la prevalencia de la violencia doméstica e índice de calidad de vida; se utilizó la regresión logística para determinación de asociaciones; el nivel de significancia fue de 5%. participaron de esta investigación 424 mujeres que presentaron prevalencia de violencia doméstica de 54,4% e índice de calidad de vida de 61,59. Se verificó, por medio de regresión logística, que la violencia doméstica posee asociación con la calidad de vida de las mujeres (p=0,017). Las variables observadas que influencian la ocurrencia de violencia doméstica fueron: dominio de las relaciones sociales (p=0,000), oferta de tratamiento médico destinado a las mujeres (p=0,019) y seguridad (p=0,006). el estudio comprobó la evidencia de asociación entre la violencia doméstica contra la mujer y su calidad de vida, situación que reafirma la importancia de construir políticas públicas con enfoque en la emancipación de género.

  7. Professionals and interfamily violence against children and adolescents: in between legal and conceptual precepts.


    Schek, Gabriele; Silva, Mara Regina Santos da; Lacharité, Carl; Bueno, Maria Emilia Nunes


    To identify the conceptions of professionals regarding interfamily violence against children and adolescents. A qualitative study conducted with 15 professionals who had taken children and adolescents under their care as a result of interfamily violence. Data were collected between November, 2013, and March, 2015, through semi-structured interviews. Data were organized and analyzed using the Textual Discourse Analysis technique. The professional discourse highlighted that some legal aspects regarding the handling of interfamily violence against children and adolescents are neglected; an omission supported by the justification of professionals to preserve the family. We highlight the confrontation between the concept of family as a caregiver and the family that commits violence against children, in addition to the positioning of professionals, which does not include the family or the aggressor in the intervention process in facing situations of interfamily violence attended to by the services. Acting against interfamily violence requires professionals to do away with some pre-established concepts in ordee to put the actual needs of victims and families into evidence. Identificar, com base no discurso dos profissionais, suas concepções a respeito da violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes. Estudo qualitativo, realizado com 15 profissionais, que tiveram sob seus cuidados crianças e adolescentes atendidas em decorrência da violência intrafamiliar. Os dados foram coletados entre novembro de 2013 e março de 2015, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados foram organizados e analisados utilizando a técnica de Análise Textual Discursiva. O discurso dos profissionais colocou em evidência que alguns aspectos legais em relação ao manejo da violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes são negligenciados, omissão respaldada pela justificativa dos profissionais de preservar a família. Destaca-se o confronto entre a concep

  8. Astronomia para/com crianças carentes em Limeira

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, P. S.; Oliveira, V. C.


    Em 2001, o Instituto Superior de Ciências Aplicadas (ISCA Faculdades de Limeira) iniciou um projeto pelo qual o Observatório do Morro Azul empreendeu uma parceria com o Centro de Promoção Social Municipal (CEPROSOM), instituição mantida pela Prefeitura Municipal de Limeira para atender crianças e adolescentes carentes. O CEPROSOM contava com dois projetos: Projeto Centro de Convivência Infantil (CCI) e Programa Criança e Adolescente (PCA), que atendiam crianças e adolescentes em Centros Comunitários de diversas áreas da cidade. Esses projetos têm como prioridades estabelecer atividades prazerosas para as crianças no sentido de retirá-las das ruas. Assim sendo, as crianças passaram a ter mais um tipo de atividade - as visitas ao observatório. Este painel descreve as várias fases do projeto, que envolveu: reuniões de planejamento, curso de Astronomia para as orientadoras dos CCIs e PCAs, atividades relacionadas a visitas das crianças ao Observatório, proposta de construção de gnômons e relógios de Sol nos diversos Centros Comunitários de Limeira e divulgação do projeto na imprensa. O painel inclui discussões sobre a aprendizagem de crianças carentes, relatos que mostram a postura das orientadoras sobre a pertinência do ensino de Astronomia, relatos do monitor que fez o atendimento no Observatório e o que o número de crianças atendidas representou para as atividades da instituição desde o início de suas atividades e, em particular, em 2001. Os resultados são baseados na análise de relatos das orientadoras e do monitor do Observatório, registros de visitas e matérias da imprensa local. Conclui com uma avaliação do que tal projeto representou para as Instituições participantes. Para o Observatório, em particular, foi feita uma análise com relação às outras modalidades de atendimentos que envolvem alunos de escolas e público em geral. Também é abordada a questão do compromisso social do Observatório na educação do

  9. Mechanisms of insecticide resistance in field populations of Aedes aegypti (L.) from Quintana Roo, Southern Mexico.


    Flores, Adriana E; Grajales, Jaime Salomon; Salas, Ildefonso Fernandez; Garcia, Gustavo Ponce; Becerra, Ma Haydee Loaiza; Lozano, Saul; Brogdon, William G; Black, William C; Beaty, Barry


    Potential insecticide-resistance mechanisms were studied with the use of biochemical assays in Aedes aegypti (L.) collected from 5 municipalities representing the north part of Quintana Roo: Benito Juarez, Cozumel, Isla Mujeres, Lazaro Cardenas, and Solidaridad. The activities of alpha and beta esterases, mixed-function oxidases (MFO), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), acethylcholinesterase (AChE), and insensitive acethylcholinesterase (iAChE) were assayed in microplates. Three replicates were performed for each enzyme and 60 males and 60 females were analyzed in each population. The New Orleans (NO) susceptible strain of Ae. aegypti was used as a susceptible reference and the threshold criteria for each enzyme were the highest NO absorbance values. In none of the 6 tests were absorbance values correlated in males and females. alpha esterases were elevated in Benito Juarez, Cozumel females and in Lazaro Cardenas males and females. beta esterases were elevated in Benito Juarez, Cozumel females and in Cozumel and Lazaro Cardenas males. Elevated esterases suggest potential insecticide-resistance mechanisms against organophosphate, carbamate, and some pyrethroid insecticides. Slightly elevated levels of MFOs appeared in Lazaro Cardenas females and in Cozumel, Isla Mujeres, and Solidaridad males. Mechanisms involving iAChE or GST were not apparent.

  10. Perceptional gaps among women, husbands and family members about intentions for birthplace: a cross-sectional study.


    Shimpuku, Yoko; Madeni, Frida Elikana; Horiuchi, Shigeko; Leshabari, Sebalda Charles


    (BIQ), medindo o conhecimento, atitude, percepcão de controle comportamental, normas subjetivas e intenção para lugar de parto. Análise descritivas, ANOVA, Qui-quadrado e regressão linear múltipla foram utilizados para analisar os dados. o modelo de regressão mostrou que o conhecimento, percepcão de controle comportamental e normas subjetivas previram intenção de lugar de parto (R2 = 0,28). Enquanto 81% das mulheres grávidas pensavam que seus maridos eram os decisores para seu parto, apenas 38% dos maridos e 37% dos membros da família concordaram. As mulheres grávidas tiveram escores significativamente mais baixos sobre o item "Vou me preparar para o parto com a minha família", em comparação com os maridos (p < 0,01) e outros membros da família (p < 0,001). Proporcionar preparação para o parto baseada em evidencias e a redução das lacunas de percepção identificadas podem melhorar a intenção das mulheres para dar à luz em unidades de saúde. las mujeres son más propensas a dar a luz en un centro de salud cuando sus familias están de acuerdo con el lugar de parto. Sin embargo, en las zonas rurales de Tanzania, las mujeres son a menudo marginadas de la toma de decisiones. Este estudio predijo la intención del lugar de parto y los factores identificados para reducir la brecha de percepción entre las mujeres embarazadas, esposos y miembros de la familia. encuesta transversal explicativa llevada a cabo en tres aldeas en el noreste de Tanzania. Los participantes fueron 138 mujeres embarazadas y sus familias, que respondieron al Cuestionario sobre Intención del Parto (BIQ), que mide el conocimiento, la actitud, percepción de control del comportamiento, las normas subjetivas y la intención de lugar de parto. Se utilizaron análisis descriptivo, ANOVA, Chi-cuadrado y regresión lineal múltiple para analizar los datos. el modelo de regresión mostró que el conocimiento, la percepción de control del comportamiento, y las normas subjetivas

  11. Acceptability of an Embodied Conversational Agent-based Computer Application for Hispanic Women

    PubMed Central

    Wells, Kristen J.; Vázquez-Otero, Coralia; Bredice, Marissa; Meade, Cathy D.; Chaet, Alexis; Rivera, Maria I.; Arroyo, Gloria; Proctor, Sara K.; Barnes, Laura E.


    There are few Spanish language interactive, technology-driven health education programs. Objectives of this feasibility study were to: 1) learn more about computer and technology usage among Hispanic women living in a rural community; and 2) evaluate acceptability of the concept of using an embodied conversational agent (ECA) computer application among this population. A survey about computer usage history and interest in computers was administered to a convenience sample of 26 women. A sample video prototype of a hospital discharge ECA was administered followed by questions to gauge opinion about the ECA. Data indicate women exhibited both a high level of computer experience and enthusiasm for the ECA. Feedback from community is essential to ensure equity in state of the art dissemination of health information. Hay algunos programas interactivos en español que usan la tecnología para educar sobre la salud. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: 1) aprender más sobre el uso de computadoras y tecnología entre mujeres Hispanas que viven en comunidades rurales y 2) evaluar la aceptabilidad del concepto de usar un programa de computadora utilizando un agente de conversación encarnado (ECA) en esta población. Se administro una encuesta sobre el historial de uso y del interés de aprender sobre computadoras fue a 26 mujeres por muestreo de conveniencia. Un ejemplo del prototipo ECA en forma de video de un alta hospitalaria fue administrado y fue seguido por preguntas sobre la opinión que tenían del ECA. Los datos indican que las mujeres mostraron un alto nivel de experiencia con las computadoras y un alto nivel de entusiasmo sobre el ECA. La retroalimentación de la comunidad es esencial para asegurar equidad en la diseminación de información sobre la salud con tecnología de punta. PMID:26671558

  12. Providing primary health care through integrated microfinance and health services in Latin America.


    Geissler, Kimberley H; Leatherman, Sheila


    The simultaneous burdens of communicable and chronic non-communicable diseases cause significant morbidity and mortality in middle-income countries. The poor are at particular risk, with lower access to health care and higher rates of avoidable mortality. Integrating health-related services with microfinance has been shown to improve health knowledge, behaviors, and access to appropriate health care. However, limited evidence is available on effects of fully integrating clinical health service delivery alongside microfinance services through large scale and sustained long-term programs. Using a conceptual model of health services access, we examine supply- and demand-side factors in a microfinance client population receiving integrated services. We conduct a case study using data from 2010 to 2012 of the design of a universal screening program and primary care services provided in conjunction with microfinance loans by Pro Mujer, a women's development organization in Latin America. The program operates in Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru. We analyze descriptive reports and administrative data for measures related to improving access to primary health services and management of chronic diseases. We find provision of preventive care is substantial, with an average of 13% of Pro Mujer clients being screened for cervical cancer each year, 21% receiving breast exams, 16% having a blood glucose measurement, 39% receiving a blood pressure measurement, and 46% having their body mass index calculated. This population, with more than half of those screened being overweight or obese and 9% of those screened having elevated glucose measures, has major risk factors for diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease without intervention. The components of the Pro Mujer health program address four dimensions of healthcare access: geographic accessibility, availability, affordability, and acceptability. Significant progress has been made to meet basic

  13. Microbicidas Metodo de Prevencion en VIH/SIDA Controlado por Mujeres

    PubMed Central

    Ruiz, Cindy; Torres, Viviana; Cianelli, Rosina; Ferrer, Lilian


    HIV/AIDS continues to expand throughout the world, and in recent times has had a severe impact on the number of women living with HIV. Access to methods of prevention for HIV/AIDS around the world is limited and for many women may not be feasible. Examples of such methods are sexual abstinence, which though recognized as an effective method of prevention is difficult for many women to achieve. Mutual fidelity is another option, but many women cannot control the sexual behavior of their partners. Finally, the male condom continues to be an available method of HIV prevention for sexually active people. However, in many places, gender inequality, social norms, and economic disparities severely limit women's capacity to negotiate the use of a condom with their partner. For this reason, an urgent need exists to develop a product for the prevention of HIV/AIDS that can be handled by women. Microbicides, products that can reduce HIV risk when applied intravaginally, hold promise for stopping the advance of HIV/AIDS, especially when considering that women can make their own decisions about whether to use them when other methods of prevention are not available. The objective of the current literature review was to understand the scientific advances related to microbicides in the prevention of HIV/AIDS in women through the analysis of available literature in this area. Interest in this topic emerged from the need to contribute to women's health and HIV/AIDS prevention. To achieve this review's objective, a search was carried out in multiple databases, including OVID, PUBMED, PROQUEST, and CINAHL, as well as published materials from organizations related to this area such as UNAIDS and CONASIDA, and literature available from the Internet. Upon completion of the literature review, it was concluded that microbicides are an effective method for preventing HIV/AIDS for women as well as their partners. Although they have a high level of acceptance among the female population, the majority of microbicides are still in clinical studies, requiring further evaluation for their safe use in humans. There are 3 microbicides in the final phases of clinical studies that will soon be available on the market. One of these was found to be 60% effective in protecting against the transmission of HIV and was used by women in 50% of their sexual activity, which resulted in avoiding approximately 2.5 million new HIV infections in men, women, and children over a 3-year period. PMID:28111528

  14. La mujer en la astronomía: pasado y presente

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dubner, G.

    There exists a long and honorable tradition of participation of women in astronomy, affording many significant contributions to the field. Historically, however, many of these contributions have remained ignored, or recorded under the names of husbands, brothers or bosses. The present report includes an historical perspective, summarizing some of the most signicant contributions done along the last three centuries by female astronomers. Briefly: Catherina Hevelius (1646-1693), author of the largest and last stars catalog made without the aid of a telescope; Nicole-Reine Lepaute (1723-1788) extraordinary mathematician who predicted the path of Halley's Comet in 1757; Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) assistant of her brother William, discovered 8 comets, reduced the positions to a common epoch and published the catalog of 2500 nebulae observed by her brother, was elected honorary member of the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS); Maria Mitchell (1818-1889), professor of astronomy and director of the Vassar College Observatory, dedicated her life to women's education; Williamina Fleming (1857-1911)discovered 94 of the 107 Wolf-Rayet stars known at her time, the bulk of the first HD catalog was based on her spectral types classification; Annie Cannon (1863-1941) examined and classified nearly 500.000 stars, rearranged Fleming's spectral system, defining the OBAFGKM series; Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868-1921) worked cataloging variable stars, discovered the period-luminosity relations in Cepheids; Cecilia Payne-Gaposhkin combined observations with theory to obtain a temperature scale for Cannon's spectral types; Ruby Payne-Scott (1912-1981), the first female radioastronomer in the world, developed the theory of aperture synthesis, in which most of the larger radio interferometers are based. The present trends are analized based on statistics of the International Astronomical Union (IAU): women represent 11.8% of the total of IAU members; in Argentina the percentage is 33.3%, the highest among countries with more than one member. Based on studies carried out by the American Astronomical Society (AAS) (Boyce 1993) it is concluded that there is virtually no difference in the productivity of men and women. Papers, however, receive different rate depending on the gender of the author (Billard 1993). In CONICET (Argentina), based on studies carried out by the Network of Gender, Science and Technology (for all sciences), it is concluded that even when women are majority in the lower categories, the female percentage rapidly decay for higher categories, suggesting than gender facts may be biasing promotions. Most of these data are taken from Mercury XXI, No. 1, 1992

  15. Microbicidas Metodo de Prevencion en VIH/SIDA Controlado por Mujeres.


    Ruiz, Cindy; Torres, Viviana; Cianelli, Rosina; Ferrer, Lilian


    HIV/AIDS continues to expand throughout the world, and in recent times has had a severe impact on the number of women living with HIV. Access to methods of prevention for HIV/AIDS around the world is limited and for many women may not be feasible. Examples of such methods are sexual abstinence, which though recognized as an effective method of prevention is difficult for many women to achieve. Mutual fidelity is another option, but many women cannot control the sexual behavior of their partners. Finally, the male condom continues to be an available method of HIV prevention for sexually active people. However, in many places, gender inequality, social norms, and economic disparities severely limit women's capacity to negotiate the use of a condom with their partner. For this reason, an urgent need exists to develop a product for the prevention of HIV/AIDS that can be handled by women. Microbicides, products that can reduce HIV risk when applied intravaginally, hold promise for stopping the advance of HIV/AIDS, especially when considering that women can make their own decisions about whether to use them when other methods of prevention are not available. The objective of the current literature review was to understand the scientific advances related to microbicides in the prevention of HIV/AIDS in women through the analysis of available literature in this area. Interest in this topic emerged from the need to contribute to women's health and HIV/AIDS prevention. To achieve this review's objective, a search was carried out in multiple databases, including OVID, PUBMED, PROQUEST, and CINAHL, as well as published materials from organizations related to this area such as UNAIDS and CONASIDA, and literature available from the Internet. Upon completion of the literature review, it was concluded that microbicides are an effective method for preventing HIV/AIDS for women as well as their partners. Although they have a high level of acceptance among the female population, the majority of microbicides are still in clinical studies, requiring further evaluation for their safe use in humans. There are 3 microbicides in the final phases of clinical studies that will soon be available on the market. One of these was found to be 60% effective in protecting against the transmission of HIV and was used by women in 50% of their sexual activity, which resulted in avoiding approximately 2.5 million new HIV infections in men, women, and children over a 3-year period.

  16. [Epiphytic algae from Bajo Pepito, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico].


    Quan-Young, L I; Díaz-Martín, M A; Espinoza-Avalos, J


    A total of 96 epiphytic algae species were identified from Bajo Pepito, Quintana Roo, México. 60.4% (58) belonged to the Rhodophyta, 19.79% (19) to the Phaeophyta, 16.6% (16) to the Chlorophyta and 3.1% (3) to the Cyanophyta; 49 species (50.5%) were found only in one month, while Heterosiphonia crispella was found in all of the sampled months. That species provided the largest contribution to the biomass of epiphytes. During January we registered the greater biommass and richness of epiphytes species, coincidently with high values of host species cover and rainfall.

  17. Le premier examen gynécologique de l'adolescente

    PubMed Central

    Charbonneau, Louise


    Increasingly, family physicians are expressing an interest in this facet of adolescent health care, realizing that a successful initial consultation offers tremendous educational opportunities. This article compares the use of a comprehensive questionnaire to a less formal approach. It describes various components of the pelvic examination that can teach adolescents to take responsibility for their health. PMID:21229022

  18. Hypertriglyceridemic Waist Phenotype and Changes in the Fasting Glycemia and Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents Over One-Year Follow-Up Period.


    Costa, Priscila Ribas de Farias; Assis, Ana Marlúcia Oliveira; Cunha, Carla de Magalhães; Pereira, Emile Miranda; Jesus, Gabriela Dos Santos de; Silva, Lais Eloy Machado da; Alves, Wilanne Pinheiro de Oliveira


    The hypertriglyceridemic waist (HTW) phenotype is defined as the simultaneous presence of increased waist circumference (WC) and serum triglycerides (TG) levels and it has been associated with cardiometabolic risk in children and adolescents. The objective was to evaluate the influence of HTW phenotype in the fasting glycemia and blood pressure in children and adolescents over one-year follow-up period. It is a cohort study involving 492 children and adolescents from 7 to 15 years old, both genders, who were submitted to anthropometric, biochemical and clinical evaluation at the baseline, and also after 6 and 12 months of follow-up. Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) models were calculated to evaluate the longitudinal influence of the HTW phenotype in the glycemia and blood pressure over one-year. It was observed a prevalence of 10.6% (n = 52) of HTW phenotype in the students. The GEE models identified that students with HTW phenotype had an increase of 3.87 mg/dl in the fasting glycemia mean (CI: 1.68-6.05) and of 3.67mmHg in the systolic blood pressure (SBP) mean (CI: 1.55-6.08) over one-year follow-up, after adjusting for confounding variables. The results of this study suggest that HTW phenotype is a risk factor for longitudinal changes in glycemia and SBP in children and adolescents over one-year follow-up period. O fenótipo de cintura hipertrigliceridêmica (CHT) é definido como a presença simultânea de circunferência de cintura (CC) e níveis séricos de triglicérides (TG) aumentados e tem sido associado com risco cardiometabólico em crianças e adolescentes. Avaliar a influência do fenótipo CHT na glicemia de jejum e na pressão arterial em crianças e adolescentes em um período de acompanhamento de um ano. Trata-se de um estudo de coorte envolvendo 492 crianças e adolescentes de 7 a 15 anos de ambos os sexos, que foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica, bioquímica e clínica no início e também após 6 e 12 meses de seguimento. Os


    PubMed Central

    Chávez, Natividad; Molina, Helfer; Sánchez, Jorge; Gelaye, Bizu; Sánchez, Sixto E.


    Vaginosis bacteriana (VB) es una infección caracterizada por el cambio en la microflora de la vagina, asociándose a resultados adversos del embarazo y a la adquisición de infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS), incluyendo el VIH. En este estudio se buscó la asociación entre el uso de duchas vaginales y otros factores de riesgos con VB. Se usó un diseño observacional descriptivo transversal prospectivo, en 1,252 mujeres que asistieron al servicio de planificación familiar de tres hospitales nacionales (Dos de Mayo, Arzobispo Loayza, San Bartolomé) y el Instituto Materno Perinatal, durante el año 1997. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado donde se registraron variables socio demográficas y características del estilo de vida de las participantes. VB fue diagnosticada mediante el puntaje de Nugent. Se empleó análisis de regresión logística para calcular odds ratio (OR) e intervalos de confianza al 95%. La edad promedio de las participantes fue 25.1 ± 4,7 años, el 23.4% tenían más de 11 años de educación. La prevalencía de VB fue 20,1%. Las mujeres que practicaban duchas vaginales tuvieron 2.28 veces (OR = 2.28, IC 95% [1.0–5.0]) mayor probabilidad de tener VB comparado con aquellas que no lo practicaban. Tener dos o más parejas sexuales estuvo asociado con 2.0 veces (OR =2.0, IC 95% [1.2–3.5]) mayor probabilidad de adquirir VB comparado con aquellas que habían tenido solo una pareja sexual. Las participantes que iniciaron una relación sexual a una edad temprana tuvieron 1.4 veces (OR=1.4, IC 95% [1.0 –1.9]) mayor probabilidad de adquirir VB. El uso de duchas vaginales es un factor de riesgo de VB. Los programas destinados a la salud de la mujer deben abordar las repercusiones perjudiciales para la salud asociados con las duchas vaginales. PMID:21132048

  20. Mano a Mano Mujer: An Effective HIV Prevention for Chilean Women

    PubMed Central

    Cianelli, Rosina; Ferrer, Lilian; Norr, Kathleen F.; Miner, Sarah; Irarrazabal, Lisette; Bernales, Margarita; Peragallo, Nilda; Levy, Judith; Norr, James L.; McElmurry, Beverly


    The impact of a professionally-facilitated peer group intervention for HIV prevention among 400 low income Chilean women was examined using a quasi-experimental design. At three months post-intervention, the intervention group had higher HIV-related knowledge, more positive attitudes towards people living with HIV, fewer perceived condom use barriers, greater self-efficacy, higher HIV reduction behavioral intentions, more communication with partners about safer sex, and decreased depression symptoms. However, they did not have increased condom use or self-esteem. More attention to gender barriers is needed. This intervention offers a model for reducing HIV for women in Chile and other Latin American countries. PMID:22420675

  1. "Testimonio" Praxis in Educational Spaces: Lessons from "Mujeres" in the Field

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Martínez, Vanessa Lina; Hernandez Sanchez, Ma. Eugenia; Flores Carmona, Judith; El Ashmawi, Yvonne P.


    Drawing from their educational "testimonios," in this article the authors explore the notion of leadership via "testimonio" tenets. The authors share their positionalities as "testimonialistas" and delve into "testimonio" as methodology, epistemology, and pedagogy. The authors focus on what…

  2. Sal Adelante Mujer!: Support Group for Latina First-Year College Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Segura-Malady, Evelyn E.


    Latinas are at a disadvantage when it comes to earning a college degree, as is evidenced by the fact that they take longer to complete their degrees than Black, Asian, and white college students and have the lowest graduation rates in comparison to these respective groups (Fry, 2004; Fry, 2012; Rodriguez, Guido-Brito, Torres, & Talbot, 2000).…

  3. Maestras, Mujeres y Mas: Creating Teacher Networks for Resistance and Voice

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Montano, Theresa; Burstein, Joyce


    This ethnographic case study documents the socialization of Chicana teachers entering the teaching profession within the past 5 years. As college students, they were actively involved in social justice issues. The belief system of these teachers is based on critical pedagogy, multicultural and antiracist education, and Chicano/a studies--the…

  4. "Mujeres Truchas": Urban Girls Redefining Smartness in a Dystopic Global South

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cervantes-Soon, Claudia G.


    Set against colonial narratives of border women and neoliberal ideologies increasingly permeating school systems around the world, this article maps out ways in which a group of young women in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico embody and reconstruct notions of smartness. I draw on Chicana feminist theory to introduce the concept of "mujeres…

  5. Estilo de Liderazgo de Maestros y Maestras de Salud Escolar del Nivel Secundario en la Implantacion del Programa de Educacion en Salud Escolar en Puerto Rico

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rosario Arroyo, Luis Antonio


    Health education school programs have a planned activity structure that focus on developing awareness on the need of keeping an adequate integral health, through the teaching and learning processes within an appropriate methodological context that promotes students full development. It is expected that school health teachers are effective leaders;…

  6. Earth observations taken during STS-77

    NASA Image and Video Library


    STS077-704-010 (19-29 May 1996) --- The northeastern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula is visible in this Earth scene. The eastern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula is characterized by bluffs, bays, and islands. Isla Mujeres is one of the larger islands off the eastern coast where a tourism industry is being developed. The different shades of blue along the coast is an indication of water depth, with the lighter shades representing more shallow water.

  7. Alteraciones puberales en adolescentes con leucemia en fase de vigilancia.


    Arriaga-Cázares, Héctor Eliud; Cázares-Bellazetin, Mara Alejandra; Sánchez-Sánchez, Luz María; Bahena-García, Ana Laura; Palacios-Saucedo, Gerardo Del Carmen


    To evaluate which factors are associated with alterations in pubertal development in pediatric patients with leukemia in the surveillance phase. A case-control study was carried out, including patients aged 8-14 years with diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia under surveillance. Demographic data were collected, age at diagnosis, type of leukemia, risk of leukemia, duration and type of treatment received, time of surveillance phase; and pubertal development was assessed by Tanner stage, bone age, pelvic ultrasound for women, and LH levels. Fisher's exact test and Mann-Whitney U-test were used. Twenty-five pediatric patients with a diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia between 8 and 14 years of age with a median of 8 were included, only 4 (16%) presented pubertal alterations, 1 had pubertal delay and 3 advanced puberty. The history of radiotherapy was related to pubertal alterations (p = 0.03). The antecedent of having received radiotherapy as part of the treatment in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a risk factor for developing pubertal abnormalities. Copyright: © 2017 SecretarÍa de Salud

  8. [Not Available].


    Sellés, Sergio; Fernández-Sáez, José; López-Lluch, Guillermo; Cejuela, Roberto


    El proceso de formación de futuros deportistas debe ser un trabajo estructurado y planificado para poder alcanzar el máximo nivel deportivo. Es fundamental en este periodo tener presentes los ritmos de desarrollo y maduración de los jóvenes deportistas para así adecuar las cargas de entrenamientos a sus estados evolutivos. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar y analizar la edad morfológica en nadadores y triatletas adolescentes, estableciendo diferencias entre su edad cronológica, grupos y género. A través del método antropométrico se determinó el estado de maduración biológica en un grupo de 37 deportistas jóvenes tecnificados. Los resultados muestran que la mayoría de la muestra (70,8%) se encuentra en un estado avanzado de desarrollo con respecto a su edad cronológica, siendo más notorio en el caso de los nadadores este estado de madurez avanzado. Tener una edad morfológica más avanzada respecto a su edad cronológica podría favorecer a los deportistas adolescentes a la hora de conseguir mejores marcas y resultados en las competiciones y de esta manera acceder con más facilidad a los programas de tecnificación. El índice de desarrollo corporal modificado (IDCm) se presenta como un método validado, fiable y no invasivo para tener presente el grado de desarrollo y maduración en la selección de talentos deportivos y adecuar las cargas de entrenamiento al estado evolutivo de los deportistas.

  9. Sailfish migrations connect productive coastal areas in the West Atlantic Ocean

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lam, Chi Hin; Galuardi, Benjamin; Mendillo, Anthony; Chandler, Emily; Lutcavage, Molly E.


    Isla Mujeres, Mexico is home to one of the most well-known aggregations of sailfish. Despite its fisheries prominence, little is known about this sailfish assemblage, or its relationship to other aggregation sites in the western Atlantic. In January 2012, April 2013 and 2014, we deployed 34 popup satellite archival tags on sailfish in order to study their behavior, population connectivity and biophysical interactions. Sailfish were monitored for up to one year, and displayed (1) predominantly shelf associated activity (2) occupancy of the Yucatán Current near Isla Mujeres for up to five months and (3) subsequent dispersals from the Yucatán to productive coastal areas in the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and along the South American coast. Tagged sailfish occupied a median temperature of 26.4°C (interquartile range, IQR = 2.5 °C range = 12.3-33.3 °C) and median depth of 4.4 m (IQR = 19 m range = 0-452 m). Diel activity was present and individuals made distinctive descents before sunrise and sunset. Tracking missions of sufficient duration (~1 year) revealed previously undetected connectivity between western Atlantic sailfish fisheries and pelagic longline catches, and highlighted how fishery independent tagging can improve understanding of sailfish migrations and behavior for assessment and management.

  10. Sailfish migrations connect productive coastal areas in the West Atlantic Ocean.


    Lam, Chi Hin; Galuardi, Benjamin; Mendillo, Anthony; Chandler, Emily; Lutcavage, Molly E


    Isla Mujeres, Mexico is home to one of the most well-known aggregations of sailfish. Despite its fisheries prominence, little is known about this sailfish assemblage, or its relationship to other aggregation sites in the western Atlantic. In January 2012, April 2013 and 2014, we deployed 34 popup satellite archival tags on sailfish in order to study their behavior, population connectivity and biophysical interactions. Sailfish were monitored for up to one year, and displayed (1) predominantly shelf associated activity (2) occupancy of the Yucatán Current near Isla Mujeres for up to five months and (3) subsequent dispersals from the Yucatán to productive coastal areas in the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and along the South American coast. Tagged sailfish occupied a median temperature of 26.4°C (interquartile range, IQR = 2.5 °C; range = 12.3-33.3 °C) and median depth of 4.4 m (IQR = 19 m; range = 0-452 m). Diel activity was present and individuals made distinctive descents before sunrise and sunset. Tracking missions of sufficient duration (~1 year) revealed previously undetected connectivity between western Atlantic sailfish fisheries and pelagic longline catches, and highlighted how fishery independent tagging can improve understanding of sailfish migrations and behavior for assessment and management.

  11. Sailfish migrations connect productive coastal areas in the West Atlantic Ocean

    PubMed Central

    Lam, Chi Hin; Galuardi, Benjamin; Mendillo, Anthony; Chandler, Emily; Lutcavage, Molly E.


    Isla Mujeres, Mexico is home to one of the most well-known aggregations of sailfish. Despite its fisheries prominence, little is known about this sailfish assemblage, or its relationship to other aggregation sites in the western Atlantic. In January 2012, April 2013 and 2014, we deployed 34 popup satellite archival tags on sailfish in order to study their behavior, population connectivity and biophysical interactions. Sailfish were monitored for up to one year, and displayed (1) predominantly shelf associated activity (2) occupancy of the Yucatán Current near Isla Mujeres for up to five months and (3) subsequent dispersals from the Yucatán to productive coastal areas in the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and along the South American coast. Tagged sailfish occupied a median temperature of 26.4°C (interquartile range, IQR = 2.5 °C; range = 12.3–33.3 °C) and median depth of 4.4 m (IQR = 19 m; range = 0–452 m). Diel activity was present and individuals made distinctive descents before sunrise and sunset. Tracking missions of sufficient duration (~1 year) revealed previously undetected connectivity between western Atlantic sailfish fisheries and pelagic longline catches, and highlighted how fishery independent tagging can improve understanding of sailfish migrations and behavior for assessment and management. PMID:27905559

  12. The Measure your World / Mide tu Mundo Project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hojman, S.; Johnson, R. M.; Meymaris, K. K.; Ward, D. L.; Russell, R.; Genyuk, J.; Lagrave, M.; Henderson, S.; Ostrosky, J.; Martinez, M.


    Over 22 centuries ago Erathostenes devised a method to determine the Earth radius. Measure your World / Mide tu Mundo is a joint venture lead by Windows to the Universe/Ventanas al Universo in the United States of America, EducaRed in Chile and RedEscolar in Mexico seeking to partner teams of students, teachers and parents from the three countries in a collaborative effort to determine the Earth circumference by sharing the results of their measurements, and exchanging cultural information. Data are collected from September 29 through October 7, 2007. A report of the whole experience will be presented.

  13. Liderazgo para la cultura escolar (Leadership for School Culture). ERIC Digest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stolp, Stephen

    The concept of school culture offers principals and other leaders a broader framework for understanding problems and relationships within the school. School culture can be defined as the historically transmitted patterns of meaning that include the norms, values, beliefs, and myths understood by members of the school community. Researchers have…

  14. Pre-School Education in Portugal = Educacao Pre-Escolar em Portugal. Report.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ministry of Education, Lisbon (Portugal).

    This report, containing both English and Portuguese text, describes the historical background and current state of preschool education systems in Portugal, and presents recommendations on guideline consolidation in the implementation of a common preschool education policy. Part 1 of the report, "Historical Background," discusses the…

  15. The Organization of Knowledge in a Multi-Lingual, Integrated Parser.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    presunto S maniatico sexual quo dio muerte a golpes y a punalades a una mujer do 55 anos, informiron fuentes illegadas a Is investigacion. Literally in...el hospital la joven Rosa Areas, la que fue herida de bala por un uniformado. English: Rosa Areas is still in the hospital after being shot and a soldier. In this sentence, the subject, " joven " (young person), is found after the verb, "se encuentra" (finds herself). To handle situations

  16. Phenotypes of asthma in low-income children and adolescents: cluster analysis.


    Cabral, Anna Lucia Barros; Sousa, Andrey Wirgues; Mendes, Felipe Augusto Rodrigues; Carvalho, Celso Ricardo Fernandes de


    Studies characterizing asthma phenotypes have predominantly included adults or have involved children and adolescents in developed countries. Therefore, their applicability in other populations, such as those of developing countries, remains indeterminate. Our objective was to determine how low-income children and adolescents with asthma in Brazil are distributed across a cluster analysis. We included 306 children and adolescents (6-18 years of age) with a clinical diagnosis of asthma and under medical treatment for at least one year of follow-up. At enrollment, all the patients were clinically stable. For the cluster analysis, we selected 20 variables commonly measured in clinical practice and considered important in defining asthma phenotypes. Variables with high multicollinearity were excluded. A cluster analysis was applied using a twostep agglomerative test and log-likelihood distance measure. Three clusters were defined for our population. Cluster 1 (n = 94) included subjects with normal pulmonary function, mild eosinophil inflammation, few exacerbations, later age at asthma onset, and mild atopy. Cluster 2 (n = 87) included those with normal pulmonary function, a moderate number of exacerbations, early age at asthma onset, more severe eosinophil inflammation, and moderate atopy. Cluster 3 (n = 108) included those with poor pulmonary function, frequent exacerbations, severe eosinophil inflammation, and severe atopy. Asthma was characterized by the presence of atopy, number of exacerbations, and lung function in low-income children and adolescents in Brazil. The many similarities with previous cluster analyses of phenotypes indicate that this approach shows good generalizability. Estudos que caracterizam fenótipos de asma predominantemente incluem adultos ou foram realizados em crianças e adolescentes de países desenvolvidos; portanto, sua aplicabilidade em outras populações, tais como as de países em desenvolvimento, permanece indeterminada. Nosso

  17. [In Process Citation].


    Blázquez, Ferrán Padrós; Navarro Contreras, Gabriela; Garcidueñas Gallegos, Diana; Fulgencio Juárez, Mónica


    Introducción: la obesidad es una enfermedad asociada a diferentes trastornos físicos y emocionales que inciden en la calidad de vida y que representan un problema de elevada prevalencia en el mundo. La etiología es múltiple y compleja; se ha señalado la culpa como consecuencia del sobrepeso y, al mismo tiempo, como factor asociado al aumento de peso. En México no existen instrumentos para evaluar la culpa por obesidad y sobrepeso en niños y adolescentes. Objetivos: analizar la fiabilidad y validez de la Escala de Culpa por Obesidad o Sobrepeso para Niños y Adolescentes (ECOSNA) en población de Morelia (México). Material y métodos: se elaboró una versión preliminar basada en la bibliografía que se sometió a la revisión de jueces expertos. La escala obtenida de 6 ítems se aplicó a una muestra de 1.418 estudiantes de educación básica de 7 a 15 años. Se realizó un análisis factorial confir- matorio y se estudió la relación de la escala con otras variables como autoestima, sintomatología depresiva y ansiedad. Resultados: la escala resultó unifactorial, se obtuvo un índice alfa de Cronbach de 0,853. La escala ECOSNA mostró una correlación moderada e inversa con la escala de autoestima, y directa y baja con la sintomatología depresiva y la ansiedad clínica. Conclusión: los datos empíricos indican que la escala presenta una validez y confiabilidad satisfactorias.

  18. Physical activity and overweight among adolescents on the Texas-Mexico border

    PubMed Central

    Pérez, Adriana; Reininger, Belinda M.; Flores, Maria Isabel Aguirre; Sanderson, Maureen; Roberts, Robert E.


    overweight and are overweight. Implementation of interventions on healthful dietary choices and participation in physical education classes and sports teams are essential for reducing the extremely high prevalence of overweight among students on both sides of the Texas/Mexico border. ABSTRACT. Spanish. Objetivo: Investigar si hay diferencias en las asociaciones entre la actividad física y el sobrepeso observadas en estudiantes de dos zonas colindantes en la frontera mexicanoestadounidense: estudiantes de la ciudad de Matamoros, México, y estudiantes mexicanoestadounidenses del valle a lo largo de la desembocadura del Río Bravo (VRB) en la parte sur del estado de Texas. Dada la consabida prevalencia extremadamente alta de sobrepeso en adolescentes mexicanoestadounidenses, los autores queríamos determinar si el sobrepeso también se ha convertido en un problema entre adolescentes mexicanos. Métodos: Estudiantes de 6 escuelas (n = 653), que comprenden 11% de los estudiantes de noveno grado en Matamoros durante 2002–2003, y estudiantes de 13 bachilleratos (n = 4 736), que comprenden 22% de los estudiantes de noveno grado del VRB durante 2000–2001, contestaron cuestionarios. Se llevó a cabo una regresión logística politómica a fin de calcular el riesgo de estar en riesgo de tener sobrepeso (≥85.° percentil a <95.° percentil de índice de masa corporal (IMC) para la edad y el sexo) y el riesgo de tener sobrepeso (≥95.° percentil de índice de masa corporal (IMC) para la edad y el sexo), frente a un peso normal, que se asociaban con distintos grados de actividad física. En aras de la sencillez, en la clasificación del peso normal también se abarcó la insuficiencia de peso. Resultados: Un mayor porcentaje de adolescentes estaban en riesgo de sufrir sobrepeso en el VRB (17%) que en Matamoros (15%). Los porcentajes de adolescentes de VRB y de Matamoros que tenían sobrepeso fueron idénticos (17%). Los varones adolescentes en el VRB (razón de posibilidades [RP

  19. Soy Mujer!: A Case Study for Understanding Latina Achievement in Higher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stephens, Elizabeth


    Latinas are one of fastest growing segments of the population in the United States, which clearly shows a need to better understand and support education for Latinas within higher education. This study sought to understand the process for and experience of Latinas' academic achievement within higher education. The study focused particularly on the…

  20. Mi Vecina es una Mujer Colpeada (My Neighbor Is a Battered Woman).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Howard, Melissa

    This book, the Spanish version of "My Neighbor is a Battered Woman," is intended as a general introduction to the problems of battered women. The format for part 1 consists of the presentation of facts about wife beating, i.e., who are victims, characteristics of batterers, the environment in which family violence exists, and services…

  1. Mano a Mano-Mujer: an effective HIV prevention intervention for Chilean women.


    Cianelli, Rosina; Ferrer, Lilian; Norr, Kathleen F; Miner, Sarah; Irarrazabal, Lisette; Bernales, Margarita; Peragallo, Nilda; Levy, Judith; Norr, James L; McElmurry, Beverly


    The impact of a professionally facilitated peer group intervention for HIV prevention among 400 low-income Chilean women was examined using a quasiexperimental design. At 3 months postintervention, the intervention group had higher HIV-related knowledge, more positive attitudes toward people living with HIV, fewer perceived condom use barriers, greater self- efficacy, higher HIV reduction behavioral intentions, more communication with partners about safer sex, and decreased depression symptoms. They did not, however, have increased condom use or self-esteem. More attention to gender barriers is needed. This intervention offers a model for reducing HIV for women in Chile and other Latin American countries.

  2. Salud de la mujer: using fotonovelas to increase health literacy among Latinas.


    Sberna Hinojosa, Melanie; Hinojosa, Ramon; Nelson, David A; Delgado, Angelica; Witzack, Bernadette; Gonzalez, Magdalisse; Farias, Rene; Ahmed, Syed; Meurer, Linda


    There is an identified need for health literacy strategies to be culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate. The goal of our community-based participatory research (CBPR) project related to health and nutrition is to demonstrate that active community involvement in the creation of health education fotonovelas that are relevant to culture, ethnicity, gender, social class, and language can increase the health literacy of women in a disadvantaged community. We recruited 12 women to take part in our pilot fotonovela intervention about healthy eating and nutrition. Pre- and post-test assessments of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior around nutrition were given at baseline and will be collected after the completion of the project. We hypothesize that post-test assessments of our participants will reveal increased nutrition knowledge as well as positive changes in attitudes and behavior toward healthy eating. We believe that our fotonovelas will represent experiences of community members and encourage good health practices by increasing knowledge and cooperation among community members.

  3. Las Mujeres: Conversations from a Hispanic Community. Women's Lives/Women's Work Project.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Elsasser, Nan; And Others

    The life stories of 21 Hispanic women of New Mexico spanning roughly four generations, are recorded in this book. Four sections ("But I Remember,""The Soul of the Home,""Little by Little," and "A Lighted Fire") develop these central themes: the shift from a rural to an urban environment; the struggle to…

  4. Social skills: a factor of protection against eating disorders in adolescentes.


    Uzunian, Laura Giron; Vitalle, Maria Sylvia de Souza


    The purpose of this study is to provide a review of the literature on the relationship between eating disorders and social skills in adolescents. A search was made on the Medline, SciELO and Lilacs databases, for items combining the terms 'eating disorders', 'anorexia nervosa', 'bulimia nervosa' and 'food behavior', with the terms 'social psychology' and 'social isolation', and with the keywords 'social competence', 'social skill' and 'interpersonal relations'. The following were included: studies on adolescents; in Portuguese, English and Spanish; published in the years 2007 through 2012. The search resulted in 63 articles, and 50 were included in this review. The majority of the studies were made in Brazil and the United States. Of the total, 43 were original articles. The studies aimed to understand how emotional state could influence the establishment of eating disorders, interpersonal relationships and peer relationship. The articles also discussed the influence of the media and of society in this process. Based on the analysis of the studies, it was observed that the greater an adolescent's repertory of social skills, the greater his or her factor of protection against the development of eating disorders.

  5. [Mexican adolescentes' goals as determinants in the prevention of early pregnancies].


    Atienzo, Erika E; Campero, Lourdes; Lozada, Ana Lilia; Herrera, Cristina


    This study aims to explore adolescents' intentions related to the early formation of a family. We administered a survey to students in eight schools in Morelos and Mexico City, in 2010. We analyzed intentions of marrying or having a child and fitted an exploratory path model to assess predictors of the intentions of having a child before the age of 20 (n=2974). Around 77% of adolescents expect to have their first child at 20 years or later; 21% show ambivalence or incongruence regarding this, whereas 2% expect to have a child before the age of 20. Parents' expectations for their child's education influence the importance that adolescents give to education. The latter promotes the idea of postponing childbearing until 20 years or later (β=0.13). In order to prevent early pregnancies, interventions and programs should encourage the construction of personal and professional goals.

  6. [Social representations on HIV/AIDS among adolescentes: implications for nursing care].


    Thiengo, Maria Aparecida; de Oliveira, Denize Cristina; Rodrigues, Benedita Maria Rêgo Deusdará


    With the objective of discussing the implications of the social representations of HIV/AIDS for the interpersonal relations and the practices for protection among adolescents, 15 semidirective interviews were carried out with adolescents, both with and without HIV, assisted at a Hospital School in Rio de Janeiro. The software ALCESTE 4.5 was used for the data analysis. It was observed that the social representation of AIDS is structured around cognitions connected to prevention, revealing a contradiction between the knowledge and the practices reported by the group. It is suggested that the nursing practices should be directed towards the reduction of the distance between practices, representations and scientific knowledge.

  7. Common mental disorders and associated factors: a study of women from a rural area.


    Parreira, Bibiane Dias Miranda; Goulart, Bethania Ferreira; Haas, Vanderlei José; Silva, Sueli Riul da; Monteiro, Juliana Cristina Dos Santos; Gomes-Sponholz, Flávia Azevedo; Parreira, Bibiane Dias Miranda; Goulart, Bethania Ferreira; Haas, Vanderlei José; Silva, Sueli Riul da; Monteiro, Juliana Cristina Dos Santos; Gomes-Sponholz, Flávia Azevedo


    associação de fatores sociais e comportamentais com o transtorno mental comum, entre mulheres rurais. A identificação e a assistência individualizada na atenção primária de saúde são essenciais para a qualidade de vida destas mulheres. Identificar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales comunes y analizar la influencia de las variables socio-demográficas, económicas, de comportamiento y de salud reproductiva en el trastorno mental común en las mujeres en edad fértil, que viven en el municipio rural de Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Estudio observacional y transversal. Se usaron instrumentos sociodemográficos, económicos, de comportamiento y salud reproductiva, y el Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) para identificar los trastornos mentales comunes. En el análisis multifactorial de los datos, se utilizó la regresión logística múltiple. El estudio incluyó a 280 mujeres. La prevalencia de los trastornos mentales comunes fue de 35,7%. En el análisis de regresión logística, las variables convivencia con su pareja y la escolarización se asociaron con trastorno mental común, incluso después de ajustar por otras variables. Los resultados muestran la relación entre los factores sociales y de comportamiento con el trastorno mental común entre las mujeres rurales. La identificación y la atención individual en la atención primaria de salud son esenciales para la calidad de vida de las mujeres.

  8. Parents Ask about School Profiles = Los padres preguntan acerca del perfil escolar.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    RMC Research Corp., Portsmouth, NH.

    This guide, which includes both English and Spanish versions, explains that a school profile is like a report card for a school. It tells how students are achieving and what the school is doing to help all students achieve. Each school that receives money under Title I of the Improving America's Schools Act, the Federal aid program that provides…

  9. Parent-child conflict and psychological maladjustment: a mediational analysis with reciprocal filial belief and perceived threat.


    Yeh, Kuang-Hui; Tsao, Wei-Chun; Chen, Wei-Wen


    , nous avons observé un plus grand effet du rôle paternel plus que maternel sur le lien entre le conflit et la croyance filiale réciproque atténuée ainsi qu'entre la menace perçue et les problèmes internalisés. Les implications pour la compréhension des processus de médiation responsables pour tous les effets indirects, même ceux qui sont accessoires, et le plus grand impact du conflit avec le père plus qu'avec la mère sont discutés. Les limites de l'étude et les considérations pour la recherche future sont aussi abordées. La investigación empírica ha demostrado que el conflicto entre padres e hijos está positivamente relacionado con pobre ajuste en adolescentes; no obstante, el proceso subyacente no ha sido examinado adecuadamente. Para explorar posibles caminos, se eligieron la creencia filial recíproca y la amenaza percibida con el objetivo de representar dos posibles mecanismos explicativos de cómo el conflicto padres-hijos daña la percepción de los adolescentes de su relación con los padres y su auto-percepción dentro de su marco de valoración cognitiva. El primero actúa atenuando el afecto de los hijos hacia los padres y el último bajando su auto-percepción. Este estudio también distingue los problemas interiorizados de los exteriorizados para examinar si la baja creencia filial recíproca es un mediador más fuerte de la relación entre el conflicto con los padres y los problemas exteriorizados de los adolescentes y si la amenaza percibida es un mediador más fuerte de la relación entre el conflicto con los padres y los problemas interiorizados de los adolescentes. Se han planteado las siguientes hipótesis: (1) cuanto más conflicto entre padres e hijos refieran los adolescentes, menor será el reconocimiento de la creencia filial recíproca, lo cual llevará a inadaptación, sobre todo, exteriorizada; (2) cuanto más conflicto entre padres e hijos refieran los adolescentes, mayor será la amenaza percibida, lo cual llevará a

  10. Short version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21: is it valid for Brazilian adolescents?


    Silva, Hítalo Andrade da; Passos, Muana Hiandra Pereira Dos; Oliveira, Valéria Mayaly Alves de; Palmeira, Aline Cabral; Pitangui, Ana Carolina Rodarti; Araújo, Rodrigo Cappato de


    To evaluate the interday reproducibility, agreement and validity of the construct of short version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 applied to adolescents. The sample consisted of adolescents of both sexes, aged between 10 and 19 years, who were recruited from schools and sports centers. The validity of the construct was performed by exploratory factor analysis, and reliability was calculated for each construct using the intraclass correlation coefficient, standard error of measurement and the minimum detectable change. The factor analysis combining the items corresponding to anxiety and stress in a single factor, and depression in a second factor, showed a better match of all 21 items, with higher factor loadings in their respective constructs. The reproducibility values for depression were intraclass correlation coefficient with 0.86, standard error of measurement with 0.80, and minimum detectable change with 2.22; and, for anxiety/stress: intraclass correlation coefficient with 0.82, standard error of measurement with 1.80, and minimum detectable change with 4.99. The short version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 showed excellent values of reliability, and strong internal consistency. The two-factor model with condensation of the constructs anxiety and stress in a single factor was the most acceptable for the adolescent population. Avaliar a reprodutibilidade interdias, a concordância e a validade do construto da versão reduzida da Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 aplicada a adolescentes. A amostra foi composta por adolescentes de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 10 e 19 anos, recrutados de escolas e centros esportivos. A validade de construto foi realizada por análise fatorial exploratória, e a confiabilidade foi calculada para cada construto, por meio de coeficiente de correlação intraclasse, erro padrão de medida e mudança mínima detectável. A análise fatorial combinando os itens correspondentes a ansiedade e estresse em um

  11. Pulmonary function in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease: have we paid proper attention to this problem?


    Vieira, Ana Karine; Alvim, Cristina Gonçalves; Carneiro, Maria Cristina Marquez; Ibiapina, Cássio da Cunha


    To evaluate pulmonary function and functional capacity in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease. This was a cross-sectional study involving 70 children and adolescents (8-15 years of age) with sickle cell disease who underwent pulmonary function tests (spirometry) and functional capacity testing (six-minute walk test). The results of the pulmonary function tests were compared with variables related to the severity of sickle cell disease and history of asthma and of acute chest syndrome. Of the 64 patients who underwent spirometry, 15 (23.4%) showed abnormal results: restrictive lung disease, in 8 (12.5%); and obstructive lung disease, in 7 (10.9%). Of the 69 patients who underwent the six-minute walk test, 18 (26.1%) showed abnormal results regarding the six-minute walk distance as a percentage of the predicted value for age, and there was a ≥ 3% decrease in SpO2 in 36 patients (52.2%). Abnormal pulmonary function was not significantly associated with any of the other variables studied, except for hypoxemia and restrictive lung disease. In this sample of children and adolescents with sickle cell disease, there was a significant prevalence of abnormal pulmonary function. The high prevalence of respiratory disorders suggests the need for a closer look at the lung function of this population, in childhood and thereafter. Avaliar a função pulmonar e a capacidade funcional em crianças e adolescentes com doença falciforme. Estudo transversal com 70 crianças e adolescentes com doença falciforme (8-15 anos), submetidos a testes de função respiratória (espirometria) e de capacidade funcional (teste de caminhada de seis minutos). Os resultados da avaliação da função pulmonar foram comparados com variáveis relacionadas à gravidade da doença falciforme e à presença de história de asma e de síndrome torácica aguda. Dos 64 pacientes submetidos à espirometria, 15 (23,4%) apresentaram resultados alterados: distúrbio ventilatório restritivo, em

  12. [Not Available].


    Visiedo, Andrea; Sainz de Baranda, Pilar; Crone, Diane; Aznar, Susana; Pérez-Llamas, Francisca; Sánchez-Jiménez, Regina; Velázquez, Francisca; Berná-Serna, Juan de Dios; Zamora, Salvador


    Introducción y objetivos: en el presente trabajo se ha realizado una revisión sistemática durante los últimos 15 años de los estudios científicos que se han desarrollado con el objetivo de aumentar los niveles de actividad física, mejorar la salud y disminuir la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en escolares de entre 5 y 10 años.Material y métodos: se han encontrado un total de 28 estudios: 2 revisiones sistemáticas, 2 artículos descriptivos del proceso metodológico y 24 de intervención. Se pueden diferenciar dos tipos de intervenciones, por un lado aquellas intervenciones centradas en aumentar los niveles de actividad física, y por otro, aquellas que introducen además una parte de educación y valoración nutricional.Resultados: el análisis de los resultados muestra mejoras estadísticamente significativas en el 47,3% de las intervenciones que evaluaron el IMC, en el 44,4% de las que evaluaron la composición corporal, en el 40% de las que evaluaron el índice cintura-cadera, en el 50% de las que evaluaron el sumatorio de pliegues cutáneos. En relación con los efectos sobre la condición física, destacar que en el 45,4% de las intervenciones que avaluaron la resistencia cardiovascular se observaron mejoras significativas, al igual que en el 66,6% de las que analizaron los efectos sobre la fuerza. Finalmente, se observaron cambios en los hábitos alimentarios o en el conocimiento de los escolares en alimentación y nutrición en el 66,6% de los estudios que evaluaron dichos parámetros.

  13. Single-dose systemic methotrexate vs expectant management for treatment of tubal ectopic pregnancy: a placebo-controlled randomized trial.


    Jurkovic, D; Memtsa, M; Sawyer, E; Donaldson, A N A; Jamil, A; Schramm, K; Sana, Y; Otify, M; Farahani, L; Nunes, N; Ambler, G; Ross, J A


    compared with 62% in those receiving methotrexate. This difference was not statistically significant and a larger sample size would be needed to give sufficient power to detect a difference in the subgroup of women with higher β-hCG. In women with successful conservative treatment, there was no significant difference in median β-hCG resolution times between study arms (17.5 (interquartile range (IQR), 14-28.0) days (n = 30) in the methotrexate group vs 14 (IQR, 7-29.5) days (n = 25) in the placebo group; P = 0.73). The results of our study do not support the routine use of methotrexate for the treatment of clinically stable women diagnosed with tubal ectopic pregnancy presenting with low serum β-hCG (< 1500 IU/L). Further work is required to identify a subgroup of women with tubal ectopic pregnancy and β-hCG ≥ 1500 IU/L in whom methotrexate may offer a safe and cost-effective alternative to surgery. Copyright © 2016 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Comparación entre una sola dosis de metotrexate sistémico y la conducta expectante en el tratamiento de casos de embarazo ectópico tubárico: un ensayo aleatorio controlado con placebo RESUMEN OBJETIVO: El metotrexate se utiliza de modo rutinario en todo el mundo para el tratamiento de las mujeres clínicamente estables con un embarazo ectópico tubárico. Esto sucede a pesar de la falta de evidencia rigurosa que demuestre que su eficacia es superior a la conducta expectante. El objetivo de este ensayo controlado aleatorio multicéntrico fue comparar las tasas de éxito del metotrexate con las de un placebo para el tratamiento cauteloso del embarazo ectópico tubárico. MÉTODOS: Este estudio se llevó a cabo en dos clínicas de control de gestación temprana en el Reino Unido entre agosto de 2005 y junio de 2014. Los criterios de inclusión fueron mujeres clínicamente estables con un diagnóstico ecográfico concluyente de embarazo ectópico tubárico, las cuáles presentaban una

  14. Preclinical atherosclerosis at the time of pre-eclamptic pregnancy and up to 10 years postpartum: systematic review and meta-analysis.


    Milic, N M; Milin-Lazovic, J; Weissgerber, T L; Trajkovic, G; White, W M; Garovic, V D


    Ltd. La preeclampsia (PE) es un trastorno hipertensivo específico del embarazo que ha sido asociada con factores de riesgo cardiovascular y cambios vasculares, tales como aterosis aguda en los vasos sanguíneos de la placenta, similares a las primeras etapas de la aterosclerosis. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si las mujeres con PE han aumentado la carga aterosclerótica, según lo determinado por el espesor del complejo íntima-media de la arteria carótida (CIMT, por sus siglas en inglés), en comparación con las mujeres sin PE. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una revisión sistemática y un metaanálisis de estudios que reportaron el CIMT, una medida no invasiva de la aterosclerosis subclínica obtenida mediante ecografía, comparando mujeres con PE y mujeres sin ella. Solo se incluyeron estudios llevados a cabo durante el embarazo o durante la primera década después del parto, y en los que se midió el CIMT en la arteria carótida común. Se usaron las bases de datos de PubMed, EMBASE y Web of Science para identificar estudios publicados antes del 7 marzo de 2016. Dos revisores utilizaron formularios y protocolos preestablecidos para evaluar de forma independiente la elegibilidad de los estudios, a partir de los títulos y los resúmenes, y para realizar un cribado del texto completo, un resumen de los datos y una evaluación de calidad. La heterogeneidad se evaluó mediante el test estadístico I 2 . Se usó la diferencia de medias estandarizada (SMD, por sus siglas en inglés) como una medida de la magnitud del efecto. En el metaanálisis se incluyeron catorce estudios. Siete de los estudios se llevaron a cabo durante embarazos complicados por PE, 10 se realizaron hasta 10 años después del parto y tres incluyeron mediciones tomadas en ambos períodos. Las mujeres con PE tuvieron un CIMT significativamente mayor que aquellas que no la tenían, tanto en el momento del diagnóstico (SMD 1,10 (I 95%, 0,73-1,48), P <0,001) como en la primera década despu

  15. Ventricule droit à double chambre (VDDC) isolé: à propos d'un cas au CNHU, Cotonou, Bénin

    PubMed Central

    Adjagba, Philippe Mahouna; Sonou, Arnaud; Tossa, Léhila Bagnan; Codjo, Léopold; Hounkponou, Murielle; Moutaïrou, Salimatou Assani; Kpossou, Yasmine Eyissè; Moussé, Latif; Tchabi, Yessoufou; Sacca, Jeanne Vehounkpé; Houénassi, Martin Dèdonougbo


    Le ventricule droit à double chambre (VDDC) est une malformation cardiaque rare dans laquelle le ventricule droit est divisé en deux chambres par une bande musculaire anormale. Il est associé dans 80 à 90% à d'autres malformations. L'expression clinique est variée et dépend de l'importance de l'obstruction intraventriculaire. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une adolescente de 16 ans, présentant une forme isolée de VDDC révélée par des syncopes à répétition. Le diagnostic est fait par l'échocardiographie Döppler. La résection chirurgicale de la bande musculaire anormale a été faite avec succès. PMID:28748009

  16. Sustainability of Evidence-Based Practices for HIV Prevention among Female Sex Workers in Mexico.


    Palinkas, Lawrence A; Chavarin, Claudia V; Rafful, Claudia M; Um, Mee Young; Mendoza, Doroteo V; Staines, Hugo; Aarons, Gregory A; Patterson, Thomas L


    This study examined service provider perceptions of requirements for successful sustainment of an efficacious intervention for preventing HIV/AIDS and STIs in female sex workers (FSWs) in Mexico. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 77 leaders and counselors from 12 community-based reproductive health clinics located throughout Mexico participating in a large hybrid effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial to scale-up the use of Mujer Segura, a psychoeducational intervention designed to promote condom use and enhance safer sex negotiation skills among FSWs. Five sets of requirements for sustainment were identified: 1) characteristics of the provider, including competence in delivering the intervention, need for continued technical support and assistance from outside experts, and satisfaction with addressing the needs of this population; 2) characteristics of the clients (i.e., FSWs), including client need and demand for services and incentives for participation; 3) characteristics of the organization, including its mission, benefits, and operations; 4) characteristics of the outer setting, including financial support and relationship with the community-based organization's central offices, and transportation and security in areas where FSWs live and work; and 5) outcomes associated with the intervention itself, including a reduction of risk through education and increased outreach through referrals from FSWs who received the intervention. Although the requirements for successful sustainment of interventions like Mujer Segura are consistent with the factors identified in many models of implementation, the results illustrate the importance of local context in assigning priority to these model elements and suggest that the five categories are not discrete entities but interconnected.

  17. Life Course Experiences, Pain and Suffering: A Case Study of an Older Mexican American Woman with Mobility Impairment

    PubMed Central

    Walker, Janiece L.; Harrison, Tracie C.; Hendrickson, Sherry G.


    There is a dearth of literature examining how adversity shapes the experiences of pain and/or suffering in a middle aged Mexican American women. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to understand pain and suffering from a life course perspective as described by a Mexican American woman aging with early onset mobility impairment. This Hispanic woman experienced episodes of abuse and rejection over the life course, which may have significantly influenced her pain and suffering experience in adulthood. This adds to the literature on how adversity influences later life pain experience and provides insight on why pharmacological treatment alone may not be as successful as a holistic intervention. Hay escasez de literatura que examine cómo la adversidad da forma a las experiencias de dolor y / o sufrimiento en mujeres mexicana-americana mayores de edad. El propósito de este estudio descriptivo cualitativo fue comprender el dolor y el sufrimiento desde una perspectiva de ciclo de vida como descrito por una mujer mexicana-americana envejeciendo con inicio temprano de deterioro de movilidad. Esta Latina experimentó episodios de maltrato y rechazo, que se percibió haber afectado su experiencia de dolor y sufrimiento luego como adulta. Este estudio aumenta la literatura sobre cómo la adversidad influya la experiencia de dolor más tarde en la vida, y nos permite comprender mejor como el tratamiento farmacológico por sí solo no es tan exitoso como pueda ser una intervención integral. PMID:24830728

  18. Estimaciones de Prevalencia del VIH por Género y Grupo de Riesgo en Tijuana, México: 2006

    PubMed Central

    Iñiguez-Stevens, Esmeralda; Brouwer, Kimberly C.; Hogg, Robert S.; Patterson, Thomas L.; Lozada, Remedios; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Elder, John P.; Viani, Rolando M.; Strathdee, Steffanie A.


    OBJETIVO Estimar la prevalencia del VIH en adultos de 15-49 años de edad en Tijuana, México - en la población general y en subgrupos de riesgo en el 2006. METODOS Se obtuvieron datos demográficos del censo Mexicano del 2005, y la prevalencia del VIH se obtuvo de la literatura. Se construyó un modelo de prevalencia del VIH para la población general y de acuerdo al género. El análisis de sensibilidad consistió en estimar errores estándar del promedio-ponderado de la prevalencia del VIH y tomar derivados parciales con respecto a cada parámetro. RESULTADOS La prevalencia del VIH es 0.54%(N = 4,347) (Rango: 0.22%–0.86%, (N = 1,750–6,944)). Esto sugiere que 0.85%(Rango: 0.39%–1.31%) de los hombres y 0.22%(Rango: 0.04%–0.40%) de las mujeres podrían ser VIH-positivos. Los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH), las trabajadoras sexuales usuarias de drogas inyectables (MTS-UDI), MTS-noUDI, mujeres UDI, y los hombres UDI contribuyeron las proporciones más elevadas de personas infectadas por el VIH. CONCLUSIONES El número de adultos VIH-positivos entre subgrupos de riesgo en la población de Tijuana es considerable, marcando la necesidad de enforcar las intervenciones de prevención en sus necesidades específicas. El presente modelo estima que hasta 1 en cada 116 adultos podrían ser VIH-positivos. PMID:19685824

  19. Sustainability of Evidence-Based Practices for HIV Prevention among Female Sex Workers in Mexico

    PubMed Central

    Palinkas, Lawrence A.; Chavarin, Claudia V.; Rafful, Claudia M.; Um, Mee Young; Mendoza, Doroteo V.; Staines, Hugo; Aarons, Gregory A.; Patterson, Thomas L.


    Objective This study examined service provider perceptions of requirements for successful sustainment of an efficacious intervention for preventing HIV/AIDS and STIs in female sex workers (FSWs) in Mexico. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 77 leaders and counselors from 12 community-based reproductive health clinics located throughout Mexico participating in a large hybrid effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial to scale-up the use of Mujer Segura, a psychoeducational intervention designed to promote condom use and enhance safer sex negotiation skills among FSWs. Results Five sets of requirements for sustainment were identified: 1) characteristics of the provider, including competence in delivering the intervention, need for continued technical support and assistance from outside experts, and satisfaction with addressing the needs of this population; 2) characteristics of the clients (i.e., FSWs), including client need and demand for services and incentives for participation; 3) characteristics of the organization, including its mission, benefits, and operations; 4) characteristics of the outer setting, including financial support and relationship with the community-based organization’s central offices, and transportation and security in areas where FSWs live and work; and 5) outcomes associated with the intervention itself, including a reduction of risk through education and increased outreach through referrals from FSWs who received the intervention. Conclusions Although the requirements for successful sustainment of interventions like Mujer Segura are consistent with the factors identified in many models of implementation, the results illustrate the importance of local context in assigning priority to these model elements and suggest that the five categories are not discrete entities but interconnected. PMID:26517265

  20. Survey Response Styles, Acculturation, and Culture Among a Sample of Mexican American Adults.


    Davis, Rachel E; Resnicow, Ken; Couper, Mick P


    A number of studies have investigated use of extreme (ERS) and acquiescent (ARS) response styles across cultural groups. However, due to within-group heterogeneity, it is important to also examine use of response styles, acculturation, and endorsement of cultural variables at the individual level. This study explores relationships between acculturation, six Mexican cultural factors, ERS, and ARS among a sample of 288 Mexican American telephone survey respondents. Three aspects of acculturation were assessed: Spanish use, the importance of preserving Mexican culture, and interaction with Mexican Americans versus Anglos. These variables were hypothesized to positively associate with ERS and ARS. Participants with higher Spanish use did utilize more ERS and ARS; however, value for preserving Mexican culture and interaction with Mexican Americans were not associated with response style use. In analyses of cultural factors, endorsement of familismo and simpatia were related to more frequent ERS and ARS, machismo was associated with lower ERS among men, and la mujer was related to higher ERS among women. Caballerismo was marginally associated with utilization of ERS among men. No association was found between la mujer abnegada and ERS among women. Relationships between male gender roles and ARS were nonsignificant. Relationships between female gender roles and ARS were mixed but trended in the positive direction. Overall, these findings suggest that Mexican American respondents vary in their use of response styles by acculturation and cultural factors. This usage may be specifically influenced by participants' valuing of and engagement with constructs directly associated with social behavior.

  1. Survey Response Styles, Acculturation, and Culture Among a Sample of Mexican American Adults

    PubMed Central

    Davis, Rachel E.; Resnicow, Ken; Couper, Mick P.


    A number of studies have investigated use of extreme (ERS) and acquiescent (ARS) response styles across cultural groups. However, due to within-group heterogeneity, it is important to also examine use of response styles, acculturation, and endorsement of cultural variables at the individual level. This study explores relationships between acculturation, six Mexican cultural factors, ERS, and ARS among a sample of 288 Mexican American telephone survey respondents. Three aspects of acculturation were assessed: Spanish use, the importance of preserving Mexican culture, and interaction with Mexican Americans versus Anglos. These variables were hypothesized to positively associate with ERS and ARS. Participants with higher Spanish use did utilize more ERS and ARS; however, value for preserving Mexican culture and interaction with Mexican Americans were not associated with response style use. In analyses of cultural factors, endorsement of familismo and simpatia were related to more frequent ERS and ARS, machismo was associated with lower ERS among men, and la mujer was related to higher ERS among women. Caballerismo was marginally associated with utilization of ERS among men. No association was found between la mujer abnegada and ERS among women. Relationships between male gender roles and ARS were nonsignificant. Relationships between female gender roles and ARS were mixed but trended in the positive direction. Overall, these findings suggest that Mexican American respondents vary in their use of response styles by acculturation and cultural factors. This usage may be specifically influenced by participants' valuing of and engagement with constructs directly associated with social behavior. PMID:21927503

  2. The Needs of the Spanish Speaking Mujer [Woman] in Woman-Manpower Training Programs.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nieto-Gomez, Anna

    Although the Spanish Speaking woman is usually considered to be outside the labor market, 36 percent of the 52 percent Spanish Speaking women were in the labor force in March 1972. These women suffer economic-sexist discrimination due to ascription of work according to sex and race by a racial-sexual hierarchy existing within the traditional…

  3. Depresion: Lo Que Toda Mujer Debe Saber (Depression: What Every Woman Should Know).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Inst. of Mental Health (DHHS), Bethesda, MD.

    This publication, written in Spanish, explains why women are at greater risk for depression than men. Types of depressive illnesses are explained along with the symptoms. It states that some women are predisposed genetically to depression but biochemical, environmental, psychological, and social factors also often contribute to its occurrence.…

  4. La Marihuana: Informacion para los Adolescentes. Revisada (Marijuana: Facts for Teens. Revised).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Inst. on Drug Abuse (DHHS/PHS), Rockville, MD.

    Using a question and answer format, this booklet is designed to inform teens about the dangers of marijuana usage. Inset facts about marijuana and teen perspectives compliment the following topics: (1) What is marijuana? (2) How is marijuana used? (3) How long does marijuana stay in the user's body? (4) How many teens smoke marijuana? (5) Why do…

  5. Los fundamentos de la seguridad escolar (The Fundamentals of School Security). ERIC Digest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gaustad, Joan

    This digest in Spanish presents ways that school administrators can realistically assess their schools' security needs. It opens by reporting that some types of school violence are declining, such as self-reported weapon carrying and fighting on school property, which reflects an overall decline in youth violence. However, schools still must…

  6. Como Lo Hago Yo: Myelomeningocele

    PubMed Central

    Lazareff, Jorge


    Fortificación con ádico fólico es efectiva, pero aún falta conciencia en los jóvenes. La legalidad del aborto aumenta la importancia de la consulta prenatal. Realizo la cirugía bajo microcoscopio por razones didácticas. Irrigación continua para reducir la temperatura del tejido. Trato a la plaqueta como tejido viable. No suturo la plaqueta. No cierro músculo. ATB por una semana después de cirugía. Hidrocefalia: Válvula en todos los casos de ventriculomegalia. Médula anclada: Desanclar una sola vez. Chiari II: Revisar la válvula. Incluir en el seguimiento rendimiento escolar, puede indicar obstrucción de la válvula o médula anclada. PMID:24791217

  7. Para La Mujer: Defining a Chicana Feminist Rhetoric at the Turn of the Century

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Enoch, Jessica


    The ways in which Renteria, Ramirez and Astrea articulated a Chicana feminist rhetoric is investigated. To make this investigation these women were contextualized in their place and time as a means to highlight the definitions and demands placed on Mexican women at the turn of the century.

  8. Mujeres que Consumen Sustancias y su Vulnerabilidad frente al VIH en Santiago de Chile

    PubMed Central

    Irarrázabal, Lisette P.; Ferrer, Lilian; Villegas, Natalia; Sanhueza, Sebastián; Molina, Yerko; Cianelli, Rosina


    Introduction Women represent 15% of the people living with HIV in Chile. Risk behaviors for HIV are: multiple partners, unsafe sex, and exchange of sex for drugs/money. Methodology A correlational design was used. A sample of 203 women who were sexually active and consumed substances within the last 3-months were selected for this study. Results The average age of the participants was 32.4 years (SD = 9.2) and 68.1% were housewives. The substance most commonly used was alcohol (95.1%) and marijuana (49.8%); 23.7% of the women were drunk or drugged before having sex; 74.4% had multiple sexual partners and 95.6% had unprotected sex. There is a significant correlation (p < 0.05) between substance abuse and HIV risk behaviors. Conclusion It is necessary to develop more research to understand in depth the relationship between substance use and HIV risk among Chilean women. It is important to consider the use of substances to develop and implement HIV prevention programs in the Chilean community. PMID:27257222

  9. Women Break Through: Students At Work. La Mujer Adelanta: Alumnos Trabajando. A Teachers Guide.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY. Div. of Curriculum and Instruction.

    This document is a teachers guide explaining the purpose and contents of an educational radio series in Brooklyn, New York which dramatizes the issues affecting the roles of women who are first entering the work force, and explores opportunities for alternative career choices. Part one examines the cooperative education programs, the executive…

  10. Las mujeres saludables: reaching Latinas for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer prevention and screening.


    Larkey, Linda


    Community health advisors have effectively promoted breast and cervical cancer prevention and screening among low-income Latina women. Specific elements of such programs, such as enhanced social support, may explain successes. Promotion of colorectal cancer screening has been less studied. Promotoras de Salud (i.e., Latina health advisors) implemented a 12-week program among women recruited from community-based organizations. The program educated 366 Latinas in breast, cervical and colorectal cancer prevention and screening and emphasized social support among class members. Pre- and post-intervention assessments demonstrated significant increases for fruit and vegetable consumption (3.05 to 3.60 servings/day), and physical activity (65.15 to 122.40 minutes/week). Of women previously non-compliant, 39 percent, 31 percent and 4 percent received Pap tests, mammography, and fecal occult blood test (FOBT), respectively. A culturally aligned education program using community health advisors and emphasizing social support among participants may improve prevention and selected screening behaviors, but more intensive interventions may be required for colorectal cancer screening compliance.

  11. Women of Mexico: The Consecrated and the Commoners, 1519-1900. La Mujer Latina Series.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gugliotta, Bobette

    This collective biography offers insight into the more famous and infamous women in Mexico's history and weaves the tale of how their ways and deeds have shaped both a culture and a nation. The book starts with the conquest and ends with the twentieth century, outlining the lives of Mexican women and their causes. The women described in the book…

  12. A Standards-Based Thematic Unit: "La Mujer Que Brillaba Aun Mas Que el Sol"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bullitt, Leslie Kay; Gonzalez, Augusta C.; Luna, Boni


    This unit was created as a result of a summer institute sponsored by the National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. The Center's goal is to improve student learning of foreign languages in kindergarten through twelfth grade (K-12). To this end, the Center provides professional support for foreign language…

  13. Promoting oral care in the preschool child: effects of a playful learning intervention.


    Sigaud, Cecília Helena de Siqueira; Santos, Bruna Rodrigues Dos; Costa, Priscila; Toriyama, Aurea Tamami Minagawa


    To compare the number of appropriate behaviors for tooth brushing before and after a playful learning intervention with preschool children. A quasi-experimental, quantitative, before and after study design was conducted in an early childhood educational institution, with children between three and five years of age. The intervention consisted of three meetings with educational activities about tooth brushing, whose outcome was evaluated by means of observation of ten behaviors suitable for tooth brushing. Forty-four children participated in the study. The mean of adequate behaviors was 4.4 before the intervention, and 8.5 after the intervention. A significant increase in the adoption of appropriate behaviors for tooth brushing (p <0.01) was identified. Nurses can enhance oral health promotion actions with preschoolers in preschool institution using playful learning interventions. Comparar o número de comportamentos adequados para a escovação de dentes antes e após uma intervenção educativa lúdica com pré-escolares. Estudo quase-experimental, do tipo antes-depois, com abordagem quantitativa e conduzido em instituição de educação infantil com crianças entre três e cinco anos de idade. A intervenção consistiu em três encontros com atividades educativas lúdicas sobre escovação de dentes, cujo efeito foi avaliado por meio da observação de dez comportamentos adequados para a escovação dos dentes. Participaram do estudo 44 crianças. A média de comportamentos adequados foi de 4,4 antes da intervenção e 8,5 após a mesma. Houve um aumento significativo na adoção de comportamentos adequados para a escovação de dentes (p < 0,01). Por meio de intervenções educativas lúdicas, recomenda-se que os enfermeiros potencializem as ações de promoção da saúde bucal com pré-escolares em instituições de educação infantil.

  14. [In Process Citation].


    López Siguero, Juan Pedro


    La prevalencia de obesidad y de diabetes tipo 2 ha aumentado enormemente en las últimas décadas hasta convertirse en una epidemia amenazante. El listado de factores de riesgo es amplio, pero lo encabeza el cambio del estilo de vida (alimentación y actividad física) que constituye, además, la herramienta preventiva más importante. El trabajo de Caravalí-Meza y cols. en este número de la revista hace hincapié en el consumo de bebidas azucaradas y su relación con la obesidad. Sus autores concluyen que el consumo de azúcares refinados de las bebidas en adolescentes mexicanos, conlleva un riesgo de incremento del perímetro de la cintura y, en el caso de mantenerse, también del índice de masa corporal.

  15. Nutritional status and body fat distribution in children and adolescentes with Cystic Fibrosis.


    Chaves, Célia Regina Moutinho de Miranda; Cunha, Ana Lúcia Pereira da; Costa, Ana Carolina da; Costa, Roseli de Souza Santos da; Lacerda, Speranza Vieira


    assessing the nutritional status and body fat distribution in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis. Fifty-six (56) 8-18 year old patients were assessed for fat distribution by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, for nutritional status by height/age, and for body mass index to age and dietary intake by 24-hour dietary recall. Approximately 50% of the sample showed adequate nutritional status. Most of it showed inadequate caloric and lipid intake. BMI/age was the nutritional indicator that best showed the increased percentage of trunk fat, android/gynecoidratio and trunk fat/total fat ratio. Patients with Pancreatic Insufficiency and eutrophic individuals showed higher median android/gynecoidratio. Increased abdominal adiposity was evidenced by DXA. The BMI did not identify decreased lean body mass. However, when body mass was high, it was significant for abdominal adiposity. The anthropometric assessment of patients with cystic fibrosis should be associated with body composition and body fat distribution to obtain an earlier malnutrition and cardiometabolic risk factor diagnosis.

  16. Conceptos Basicos Sobre el Propano (in Spanish)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    El propano provee energia a mas de 143.000 vehiculos en los Estados Unidos y 23 millones en todo el mundo. Flotas de todos los Estados Unidos han implementado con exito el uso de vehiculos que funcionan con gas propano, y en la actualidad varios funcionan gracias a este gas, incluyendo autobuses escolares, lanzaderas y autobuses publicos, asi como tambien furgonetas, taxis, vehiculos utilizados por las fuerzas del orden, barredoras de calles y camiones para uso profesional. El propano tambien se utiliza con frecuencia en aplicaciones fuera de la carretera, tales como montacargas, podadoras y equipos de uso profesional y otrosmore » equipos agricolas. Las ventajas del propano incluyen la disponibilidad interna, su rendimiento y el hecho de que genera menos emisiones de gases contaminantes que otras alternativas energeticas.« less

  17. Mexico: perspectives in school health.


    Allensworth, D M; Greene, A G


    The school health program in Mexico, directed by the Office of School Hygiene (la Unidad de Higiene Escolar), is in a state of flux. The program will change substantially if an initiative between the national offices of health and education is enacted. The initiative would establish a national commission to be replicated at state, county, and district levels. Commissions would oversee integration of the health services component, social participation, and research into the school health program which currently only focuses on health instruction and a healthy school environment. The initiative would restore and improve a former model that incorporated health services as a part of the school health program. The history of the school health program, which can trace its roots to 1861 and President Benito Juarez, is provided.

  18. PubMed

    Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson; Triana-Reina, Héctor Reynaldo; Carrillo, Hugo Alejandro; Ramos-Sepúlveda, Jeison Alexander


    Objetivo: evaluar la relación entre la percepción de las barreras para la práctica de la actividad física (AF) con la presencia de obesidad abdominal (OA) en universitarios de Colombia.Métodos :estudio descriptivo y transversal en 5.663 sujetos entre 18 y 30 años de edad (3.348 hombres), pertenecientes a tres ciudades de Colombia. Se midió la circunferencia de cintura (CC) como indicador de OA y el riesgo se clasificó según valores de referencia internacionales. La autopercepción de barreras se determinó con el cuestionario Barriers to Being Active Quiz (BBAQ-21) validado en Colombia. Se calcularon razones de prevalencia (RP) entre cada dominio del cuestionario y clasificación de OA.Resultados: la prevalencia de obesidad abdominal fue del 10,4% con diferencias por sexo (7,3% hombres vs.12,6% mujeres p < 0,01). La "falta de tiempo", la "influencia social" y la "falta de habilidades" fueron las barreras más prevalentes para cesar la práctica de AF en el grupo de entrevistados con OA en ambos sexos. Al comparar los estudiantes con CC saludable, la RP de presentar OA fue mayor en el grupo de mujeres que en hombres en los dominios del cuestionario BBAQ-21 "falta de tiempo" (RP = 1,33 [IC 95% 1,11-1,60]) vs.(RP = 1,14 [IC 95% 1,03-1,26]) y "falta de recursos" (RP = 1, 93 [IC 95% 11,67-2,24])vs. (RP = 1,83 [IC 95% 1,68-1,99]), respectivamente.Conclusión: una mayor autopercepción de las barreras para realizar AF se relacionó con mayor frecuencia en el grupo con OA en universitarios de Colombia.

  19. Validation of maternal cardiac output assessed by transthoracic echocardiography against pulmonary artery catheterization in severely ill pregnant women: prospective comparative study and systematic review.


    Cornette, J; Laker, S; Jeffery, B; Lombaard, H; Alberts, A; Rizopoulos, D; Roos-Hesselink, J W; Pattinson, R C


    ámicos serios, debido a los cuales existe la necesidad de sistemas validados de monitorización hemodinámica para mujeres embarazadas. Aunque la cateterización de la arteria pulmonar (CAP) mediante termodilución es el patrón de referencia clínico para la medición del gasto cardíaco (GC), este método se usa con poca frecuencia debido a su naturaleza invasiva. La ecocardiografía transtorácica (ETT) permite la determinación no invasiva del GC. El objetivo de este estudio fue validar la ETT frente al CAP para determinar el GC en mujeres embarazadas gravemente enfermas. MÉTODOS: Este estudio consistió en un metaanálisis que combinó datos de un estudio prospectivo y una revisión sistemática. El estudio prospectivo se llevó a cabo en Pretoria (Sudáfrica) en 2003. Se incluyeron mujeres con complicaciones graves en el embarazo que requerían una monitorización invasiva mediante CAP según las directrices de ese momento. Se realizó una ETT en un plazo de 15 minutos de haber realizado el CAP y el investigador no tuvo acceso a las mediciones del CAP. Las mediciones comparativas se extrajeron de estudios similares obtenidos a partir de una revisión sistemática de la literatura y se añadieron a una base de datos. Se compararon las mediciones simultáneas del GC mediante ETT y CAP. La concordancia entre métodos se evaluó a través del método estadístico de Bland-Altman y de coeficientes de correlación intraclase (CCI). Se incluyeron treinta y cuatro mediciones comparativas en el metaanálisis. Los valores medios del GC obtenidos mediante CAP y ETT fueron de 7,39 l/min y 7.18 l/min, respectivamente. El sesgo fue de 0,21 l/min, siendo los límites inferior y superior de la concordancia de -1,18 l/min y 1.60 l/min; el error porcentual fue del 19,1%, y el CCI entre ambos métodos fue de 0,94. Las mediciones del GC en mujeres embarazadas mediante ETT muestran una excelente concordancia con las obtenidas mediante CAP. Dada su naturaleza no invasiva y su

  20. Tecnologias mas nuevas para la seguridad escolar (Newer Technologies for School Security). ERIC Digest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schneider, Tod

    This digest in Spanish describes several technologies that can be used to control access to, and improve surveillance of, school grounds. Access can be controlled by using "smart" cards to control keyed entries. Many schools have problems with multiple copies of keys, and these card systems are integrated with computer software that…

  1. La Administracion de las Bibliotecas Escolares (School Library Administration). IFLA Professional Reports, No. 29.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Galler, Anne M.; Coulter, Joan M.

    This manual provides practical information on the planning, organization, and operation of school libraries. Some of the guidelines differentiate between small libraries with minimal collections and larger, better-equipped libraries with more resources. Introductory materials include definitions of terms used in this manual. Guidelines are then…

  2. Healthy School, Happy School: Design and Protocol for a Randomized Clinical Trial Designed to Prevent Weight Gain in Children.


    Schuh, Daniela Schneid; Goulart, Maíra Ribas; Barbiero, Sandra Mari; Sica, Caroline D'Azevedo; Borges, Raphael; Moraes, David William; Pellanda, Lucia Campos


    Schools have become a key figure for the promotion of health and obesity interventions, bringing the development of critical awareness to the construction and promotion of a healthy diet, physical activity, and the monitoring of the nutritional status in childhood and adolescence. To describe a study protocol to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention designed to improve knowledge of food choices in the school environment. This is a cluster-randomized, parallel, two-arm study conducted in public elementary and middle schools in Brazil. Participants will be children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 15 years, from both genders. The interventions will be focusing on changes in lifestyle, physical activities and nutritional education. Intervention activities will occur monthly in the school's multimedia room or sports court. The control group arm will receive usual recommendations by the school. The primary outcome variable will be anthropometric measures, such as body mass index percentiles and levels of physical activity by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. We expect that after the study children will increase the ingestion of fresh food, reduce excessive consumption of sugary and processed foods, and reduce the hours of sedentary activities. The purpose of starting the dietary intervention at this stage of life is to develop a knowledge that will enable for healthy choices, providing opportunities for a better future for this population. As escolas tornaram-se essenciais para a promoção de saúde e de intervenções para obesidade, propiciando o desenvolvimento de consciência crítica para a construção e promoção de dieta saudável, atividade física e monitoramento do status nutricional na infância e adolescência. Descrever um protocolo de estudo para avaliar a eficiência de uma intervenção projetada para aprimorar o conhecimento sobre escolhas alimentares no ambiente escolar. Estudo clínico randomizado em cluster

  3. Quand la biopsie cutanée peut étiqueter une épilepsie

    PubMed Central

    Harmouch, Taoufiq; Gallouj, Salim; Znati, Kaoutar; Sennou, Aicha Slassi; Belahcen, Faouzi; Amarti, Afaf


    La maladie de Lafora (ML) représente une forme rare et grave d’épilepsie myoclonique progressive. C'est une affection à transmission autosomique récessive, hétérogène sur le plan génétique. Nous rapportons le cas d'une adolescente de 16 ans, issue de parents consanguins de premier degré, qui présente depuis l’âge de 14 ans des crises d’épilepsie et des myoclonies. L'examen neurologique a montré un syndrome cérébelleux et une détérioration intellectuelle. La biopsie cutanée était indispensable pour orienter le diagnostic. La ML a un pronostic constamment fatal. L’étude histologique confirme le diagnostic et l’étude moléculaire peut aider à établir un conseil génétique. PMID:22187608

  4. El Planetario Móvil de la Municipalidad de la ciudad de Córdoba

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Suárez, F. E.; Campos, M.; Goldes, G. V.; Carranza, G. J.; Romero, R.; Juri, H. O.

    Se describen las características y operatoria del nuevo Planetario Móvil. Se trata de un equipamiento de propiedad de la Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Córdoba que es operado por personal y en el predio de la Universidad, en virtud de un convenio suscripto entre ambas instituciones. El planetario consta de una cúpula inflable y de un proyector con programas alternativos que incluyen temas de astronomía, geografía, biología y medio ambiente, entre otros. En la actualidad opera en las instalaciones del Pabellón Argentina de la Ciudad Universitaria y recibe delegaciones escolares de todo el territorio provincial. El Planetario Móvil es parte de un proyecto más amplio de divulgación científica en el cual interactúan la Universidad y el Municipio.

  5. Products purchased from family farming for school meals in the cities of Rio Grande do Sul.


    Ferigollo, Daniele; Kirsten, Vanessa Ramos; Heckler, Dienifer; Figueredo, Oscar Agustín Torres; Perez-Cassarino, Julian; Triches, Rozane Márcia


    This study aims to verify the adequacy profile of the cities of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in relation to the purchase of products of family farming by the Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE - National Program of School Meals). This is a quantitative descriptive study, with secondary data analysis (public calls-to-bid). The sample consisted of approximately 10% (n = 52) of the cities in the State, establishing a representation by mesoregion and size of the population. We have assessed the percentage of food purchased from family farming, as well as the type of product, requirements of frequency, delivery points, and presence of prices in 114 notices of public calls-to-bid, in 2013. Of the cities analyzed, 71.2% (n = 37) reached 30% of food purchased from family farming. Most public calls-to-bid demanded both products of plant (90.4%; n = 103) and animal origin (79.8%; n = 91). Regarding the degree of processing, fresh products appeared in 92.1% (n = 105) of the public calls-to-bid. In relation to the delivery of products, centralized (49.1%; n = 56) and weekly deliveries (47.4%; n = 54) were the most described. Only 60% (n = 68) of the public calls-to-bid contained the price of products. Most of the cities analyzed have fulfilled what is determined by the legislation of the PNAE. We have found in the public calls-to-bid a wide variety of food, both of plant and animal origin, and most of it is fresh. In relation to the delivery of the products, the centralized and weekly options prevailed. Verificar o perfil de adequação dos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul no que tange à aquisição de produtos da agricultura familiar pelo Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar. Trata-se de estudo quantitativo descritivo, com análise de dados secundários (chamadas públicas). A amostra foi composta por aproximadamente 10% (n = 52) dos municípios do estado, tomando-se o cuidado de estabelecer uma representatividade por mesorregião e tamanho da

  6. Fempress: a communication strategy for women.


    Santa Cruz, A


    In 1981, two Chilean women living in exile in Mexico started Fempress, the Latin American Media Network which puts out a monthly magazine, operates a press service on women's issues, and provides a Radio Press Service which covers Latin America. The monthly magazine, Mujer-Fempress, started out as 200 copies of a xeroxed bulletin and now runs 5000 copies per issue. This magazine has played an important role in achieving communication within the far-flung women's movement in Latin American. Early in its existence, Fempress began to concentrate on creating alternative media channels as a means of empowering women through raising awareness and stimulating change. Since the market will not support such alternative work, Fempress is dependent upon international cooperation for funding.

  7. JPRS Report, West Europe

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de la Nation? (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10 i (2)(%i . HOMBflE, MUJER (3Ji%, (4Kl »29 ANOS (M 3<M5 »NOS r 46*4 1 ANOS Cil 65 Y MAS...iQai opinion le merece la actuation del Gobiemo en a cuestiön de sanidad? ( 2 )TOTAL .HQMBR W »29 AfiOS (•/.) 3M5 AfiOS (• «64 ) AfiOS (%) 65 Y...opinion le merece la actuation del Gobiemo en la cuestiön de impuestos? (5) MUY BUENA 0.1 0,8 0.7 0,6 0.4 0,8 1,5 (6) BUENA 12.3 13.0 11,7 9,2 14.0 12.1

  8. Comparison among the efficacy of interventions for the return rate to receive the pap test report: randomized controlled clinical trial.


    Vasconcelos, Camila Teixeira Moreira; Pinheiro, Ana Karina Bezerra; Nicolau, Ana Izabel Oliveira; Lima, Thaís Marques; Barbosa, Denise de Fátima Fernandes


    to test the effects of a behavioral, an educative and a comparative intervention on women's adherence to the return appointment to receive the pap test report. randomized controlled clinical trial at a Primary Health Care Service, involving three groups: EG (educative session and test demonstration), BG (recall ribbon) and standard intervention (card containing the return appointment - graphical reminder), called comparative group here (CG). To select the sample, the following was established: having started sexual activity and undergoing the pap smear during the study, resulting in 775 women. among the 775 women, 585 (75.5%) returned to receive the test result within 65 days. The educative group presented the highest return rate (EG=82%/CG=77%/BG=66%), statistically significant only when compared to the behavioral group (p=0.000). The educative group obtained the smallest interval (p<0.05) concerning the mean number of days of return to receive the test result (EG:M=43days/BG:M=47.5days/CG:M=44.8 days). the educative group reached higher return rates and the women returned earlier, but the behavioral intervention showed to be the least effective. Brazilian Clinical Trial Register: RBR-93ykhs. testar los efectos de una intervención comportamental (GCP), educativa (GE) y otra comparativa (GCA) en la adhesión de las mujeres a la consulta de retorno para recibir el laudo de citología vaginal. estudio experimental aleatorizado controlado en una Unidad de Atención Primaria de Salud con tres grupos: GE (sesión educativa y demonstración del examen), GCP (cinta recuerdo) e intervención estándar (tarjeta con la fecha de la consulta de retorno - recuerdo gráfico), llamado de grupo comparativo (GCA). Para seleccionar la muestra, fue establecido: haber iniciado actividad sexual y hacer la citología vaginal durante el estudio, resultando en 775 mujeres. entre las 775 mujeres, 585 (75,5%) regresaron para recibir el resultado del examen con hasta 65 días. El grupo

  9. Arte: Un Programa Creativo Para Ninos Pre-Escolares (Art: A Creative Curriculum for Early Childhood).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Creative Associates, Inc., Washington, DC.

    Written in Spanish and focusing on art activities for early childhood education, this manual provides guidelines for Spanish-speaking teachers of preschool and primary school children. The content of the manual is oriented to the learning styles and special interests of Spanish-speaking children. Part One defines artistic activity in the preschool…

  10. The contribution of the therapist's competence in the treatment of adolescents with generalized social phobia.


    Olivares, José; Olivares-Olivares, Pablo J; Rosa-Alcázar, Ana I; Montesinos, Luis; Macià, Diego


    The purpose of this study was to explore which of the outcomes attained by the application of the psychological program Intervención en Adolescentes con Fobia Social (Intervention in Adolescents with Social Phobia) can be attributed to the therapist's competence. The experimental study consists of three conditions: Waiting list control, Group treated by expert psychologists, and Group treated by inexperienced psychologists, with a sample of 110 Spanish adolescents whose mean age was 15.42 years (SD = 0.97, range: 14-18). All participants met the criteria for diagnosis of Generalized Social Phobia) and most of them were female (65.45%). (i) The effect size attributable to the therapist was low compared to the effect size associated with the manual-based treatment program in the dependent variables measured, and (ii) Expert therapists attained a much greater remission of the criteria for the diagnosis of Generalized Social Phobia among participants than did the inexperienced therapists. The IAFS Program was responsible for most of the change measured in participants.

  11. Efficacy of three treatment protocols for adolescents with social anxiety disorder: a 5-year follow-up assessment.


    Garcia-Lopez, Luis-Joaquin; Olivares, Jose; Beidel, Deborah; Albano, Anne-Marie; Turner, Samuel; Rosa, Ana I


    Few studies have reported long-term follow-up data in adults and even fewer in adolescents. The purpose of this work is to report on the longest follow-up assessment in the literature on treatments for adolescents with social phobia. A 5-year follow-up assessment was conducted with subjects who originally received either Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Adolescents (CBGT-A), Social Effectiveness Therapy for Adolescents--Spanish version (SET-Asv), or Intervención en Adolescentes con Fobia Social--Treatment for Adolescents with Social Phobia (IAFS) in a controlled clinical trial. Twenty-three subjects completing the treatment conditions were available for the 5-year follow-up. Results demonstrate that subjects treated either with CBGT-A, SET-Asv and IAFS continued to maintain their gains after treatments were terminated. Either the CBGT-A, SET-Asv and IAFS can provide lasting effects to the majority of adolescents with social anxiety. Issues that may contribute to future research and clinical implications are discussed.

  12. Self-concept, self-esteem and psychopathological symptoms in persons with intellectual disability.


    Garaigordobil, Maite; Pérez, José Ignacio


    The purpose of this study is two-fold: (a) to analyze self-concept, self-esteem, and psychopathological symptoms in individuals with and without intellectual disability; and (b) to explore whether there were gender differences in these same variables in both groups. The sample is made up of 170 participants aged 19 to 40, 128 without disability and 42 with intellectual disability. The methodology is descriptive. To measure the variables, three assessment instruments were applied: the "Listado de adjetivos para la evaluaci6n del autoconcepto en adolescentes y adultos" (LAEA; Garaigordobil, in press), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE; Rosenberg, 1965), and the Revised Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90; Derogatis, 1983). The ANOVA showed that participants with intellectual disability scored significantly lower in self-concept and self-esteem, and higher in all the psychopathological symptoms except for somatization. The ANOVA did not reveal significant gender differences in any variables in either of the two groups.

  13. [Psychological violence against women: What factors increase the risk of this kind of intimate partner abuse?


    Safranoff, Ana


    Using data from Argentina's National Study on Violence Against Women [Estudio nacional sobre violencias contra las mujeres] carried out in 2015, the article identifies the risk factors that increase women's vulnerability to psychological abuse. Findings show that women who are more prone to be victims of this kind of partner violence are those who are less educated, older, do not earn a wage for their work, live with children at home, are involved in less "formal" long-term relationships, as well as those whose male partners have a lower educational level than their own and/or have alcohol problems and/or were victims or witnesses of violence during their childhood. The article suggests possible intervention strategies to eradicate abuse, which should be primarily targeted at empowering women and strengthening their independence from their partners.

  14. Binge drinking and illicit drug use among adolescent students.


    Raposo, Jakelline Cipriano Dos Santos; Costa, Ana Carolina de Queiroz; Valença, Paula Andréa de Melo; Zarzar, Patrícia Maria; Diniz, Alcides da Silva; Colares, Viviane; Franca, Carolina da


    To estimate the prevalence of illicit drug use and its association with binge drinking and sociodemographic factors among adolescent students. This is a cross-sectional study with probabilistic conglomerate sampling, involving 1,154 students, aged 13 to 19 years old, from the public school system, in the city of Olinda, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, carried out in 2014. We used the Youth Risk Behavior Survey questionnaire, validated for use with Brazilian adolescents. The Chi-square test (≤ 0.05) and Poisson regression analysis were used to estimate the prevalence ratios, with 95% confidence intervals. Use in life of illicit drugs was four times more prevalent among students who reported binge drinking (95%CI 3.19-5.45). Being in the age group of 16 to 19 years, being male, and having no religion were also significantly associated with illicit drug use. The prevalence of use in life of illicit drugs was higher in this study than in other studies carried out in Brazil and it was strongly associated with binge drinking. This factor was associated with gender, age, and religion. Estimar a prevalência do uso de drogas ilícitas e sua associação com binge drinking e fatores sociodemográficos entre estudantes adolescentes. Estudo transversal com amostra probabilística por conglomerado, envolvendo 1.154 estudantes, de 13 a 19 anos de idade, da rede pública de ensino, no município de Olinda, PE, 2014. Foi utilizado o questionário Youth Risk Behavior Survey, validado para uso com adolescentes brasileiros. Para análise dos dados foi utilizado o teste do Qui-quadrado (≤ 0,05) e análise de regressão de Poisson, para estimar razões de prevalência, com intervalos com 95% de confiança. O uso na vida de drogas ilícitas foi quatro vezes mais prevalente entre os estudantes que relataram o binge drinking (IC95% 3,19-5,45). Estar na faixa etária de 16 a 19 anos, ser do sexo masculino e não ter religião também foram significativamente associados ao uso de drogas

  15. Use of global positioning system for physical activity research in youth: ESPAÇOS Adolescentes, Brazil.


    Alberico, Claudia Oliveira; Schipperijn, Jasper; Reis, Rodrigo S


    The built environment is an important factor associated with physical activity and sedentary behavior (SB) during adolescence. This study presents the methods for objective assessment of context-specific moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and SB, as well as describes results from the first project using such methodology in adolescents from a developing country. An initial sample of 381 adolescents was recruited from 32 census tracts in Curitiba, Brazil (2013); 80 had their homes geocoded and wore accelerometer and GPS devices for seven days. Four domains were defined as important contexts: home, school, transport and leisure. The majority of participants (n=80) were boys (46; 57.5%), with a normal BMI (52; 65.0%) and a mean age (SD) of 14.5 (5.5) years. Adolescents spent most of their time at home, engaging in SB. Overall, the largest proportion of MVPA was while in transport (17.1% of time spent in this context) and SB while in leisure (188.6min per day). Participants engaged in MVPA for a median of 28.7 (IQR 18.2-43.2) and 17.9 (IQR 9.2-32.1) minutes during week and weekend days, respectively. Participants spent most of their day in the leisure and home domains. The use of Geographic Information System (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and accelerometer data allowed objective identification of the amount of time spent in MVPA and SB in four different domains. Though the combination of objective measures is still an emerging methodology, this is a promising and feasible approach to understanding interactions between people and their environments in developing countries. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Assessment of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness as an Early Marker Of Vascular Damage In Hypertensive Children.


    Baroncini, Liz Andréa Villela; Sylvestre, Lucimary de Castro; Baroncini, Camila Varotto; Pecoits, Roberto


    The increased carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) correlates with the presence of atherosclerosis in adults and describes vascular abnormalities in both hypertensive children and adolescents. To assess CIMT as an early marker of atherosclerosis and vascular damage in hypertensive children and adolescents compared with non-hypertensive controls and to evaluate the influence of gender, age, and body mass index (BMI) on CIMT on each group. Observational cohort study. A total of 133 hypertensive subjects (male, n = 69; mean age, 10.5 ± 4 years) underwent carotid ultrasound exam for assessment of CIMT. One hundred and twenty-one non-hypertensive subjects (male, n = 64; mean age, 9.8 ± 4.1 years) were selected as controls for gender, age (± 1 year), and BMI (± 10%). There were no significant difference regarding gender (p = 0.954) and age (p = 0.067) between groups. Hypertensive subjects had higher BMI when compared to control group (p = 0.004), although within the established range of 10%. Subjects in the hypertensive group had higher CIMT values when compared to control group (0.46 ± 0.05 versus 0.42 ± 0.05 mm, respectively, p < 0.001; one-way ANOVA). Carotid IMT values were not significantly influenced by gender, age, and BMI when analyzed in both groups separately (Student's t-test for independent samples). According to the adjusted determination coefficient (R²) only 11.7% of CIMT variations were accounted for by group variations, including age, gender, and BMI. Carotid intima-media thickness was higher in hypertensive children and adolescents when compared to the control group. The presence of hypertension increased CIMT regardless of age, gender, and BMI. O aumento da espessura médio-intimal carotídea (EMIC) correlaciona-se com a presença de aterosclerose em adultos e descreve anormalidades vasculares em crianças e adolescentes hipertensos. Avaliar a EMIC como marcador precoce de aterosclerose e dano vascular em crianças e adolescentes hipertensos em

  17. Is the algorithm used to process heart rate variability data clinically relevant? Analysis in male adolescents.


    Soares, Antonio Henrique Germano; Farah, Breno Quintella; Cucato, Gabriel Grizzo; Bastos-Filho, Carmelo José Albanez; Christofaro, Diego Giulliano Destro; Vanderlei, Luiz Carlos Marques; Lima, Aluísio Henrique Rodrigues de Andrade; Ritti-Dias, Raphael Mendes


    cardiovascular adolescentes do gênero masculino. Estudo transversal, que incluiu 1.152 adolescentes do gênero masculino (14 a 19 anos). Componentes de baixa e alta frequência (absolutos e unidades normalizadas), razão componente de baixa frequência/componente de alta frequência e poder total da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca foram obtidos em repouso, na posição supina, usando os métodos transformada rápida de Fourier e autorregressivo. Todos os parâmetros da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca para ambos os métodos foram diferentes (p<0,05). Entretanto, um pequeno tamanho do efeito (<0,1) foi observado para todos os parâmetros. Os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse entre os métodos variaram de 0,96 a 0,99, enquanto os coeficientes de variação foram de 7,4 a 14,8%. A circunferência abdominal foi negativamente associada com o componente de alta frequência, e positivamente associada com o componente de baixa frequência e o balanço simpatovagal (p<0,001 para a transformada rápida de Fourier e o autorregressivo em todas as associações). A pressão arterial sistólica foi negativamente associada com o poder total e o componente de alta frequência, enquanto foi positivamente associada com o componente de baixa frequência e o balanço simpatovagal (p<0,001 para a transformada rápida de Fourier e o autorregressivo em todas as associações). O índice de massa corporal foi negativamente associado com o componente de alta frequência, enquanto foi positivamente associado com o componente de baixa frequência e o balanço simpatovagal (valores de p variando de <0,001 a 0,007). Houve diferenças significantes nos parâmetros da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca obtidos com os métodos transformada rápida de Fourier e autorregressivo em adolescentes masculinos, mas essas diferenças não foram clinicamente significativas.

  18. Relationship between Resting Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Pulse Pressure in Adolescents.


    Christofaro, Diego Giulliano Destro; Casonatto, Juliano; Vanderlei, Luiz Carlos Marques; Cucato, Gabriel Grizzo; Dias, Raphael Mendes Ritti


    High resting heart rate is considered an important factor for increasing mortality chance in adults. However, it remains unclear whether the observed associations would remain after adjustment for confounders in adolescents. To analyze the relationship between resting heart rate, blood pressure and pulse pressure in adolescents of both sexes. A cross-sectional study with 1231 adolescents (716 girls and 515 boys) aged 14-17 years. Heart rate, blood pressure and pulse pressure were evaluated using an oscillometric blood pressure device, validated for this population. Weight and height were measured with an electronic scale and a stadiometer, respectively, and waist circumference with a non-elastic tape. Multivariate analysis using linear regression investigated the relationship between resting heart rate and blood pressure and pulse pressure in boys and girls, controlling for general and abdominal obesity. Higher resting heart rate values were observed in girls (80.1 ± 11.0 beats/min) compared to boys (75.9 ± 12.7 beats/min) (p ≤ 0.001). Resting heart rate was associated with systolic blood pressure in boys (Beta = 0.15 [0.04; 0.26]) and girls (Beta = 0.24 [0.16; 0.33]), with diastolic blood pressure in boys (Beta = 0.50 [0.37; 0.64]) and girls (Beta = 0.41 [0.30; 0.53]), and with pulse pressure in boys (Beta = -0.16 [-0.27; -0.04]). This study demonstrated a relationship between elevated resting heart rate and increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure in both sexes and pulse pressure in boys even after controlling for potential confounders, such as general and abdominal obesity. A frequência cardíaca de repouso é considerada um importante fator de aumento de mortalidade em adultos. Entretanto, ainda é incerto se as associações observadas permanecem após ajuste para fatores de confusão em adolescentes. Analisar a relação entre frequência cardíaca de repouso, pressão arterial e pressão de pulso em adolescentes dos dois sexos. Estudo transversal

  19. Adherence to dietary recommendations for preschoolers: clinical trial with teenage mothers.


    Soldateli, Betina; Vigo, Alvaro; Giugliani, Elsa Regina Justo


    To assess the effect of educational dietary intervention offered in the child's first year of life, as well as teenage mothers and grandmothers in carrying out the dietary recommendations at four to seven years. Randomized clinical trial initiated in 2006, in Porto Alegre, RS, involving 323 teenage mothers and grandmothers who cohabited. The intervention consisted of six counseling sessions on breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding. The first session occurred in the maternity ward and the other ones in the households of mothers at seven, 15, 30, 60, and 120 days of the child's life. The information about the child's diet were obtained on a monthly basis in the first six months, every two months in the second half-year, and at four to seven years, using a food frequency questionnaire. To assess the adequacy of food consumption to the recommendations from the Ministry of Health, we elaborated a score system that would reflect the compliance with the Ten Steps for Healthy Toddlers from 2 to 10 Years. The average scores of intervention and control groups were compared using the t-test. Low adherence to recommendations on child nutrition was found in the study population, with no difference in implementation the steps between the groups. The score on the compliance with the steps was similar in both groups (9.6 [SD = 1.63] and 9.3 [SD = 1.60] in the intervention and control groups, respectively) and no influence of the cohabitation with the grandmother was found. Educational dietary intervention in the first four months of the child's life for teenage mothers and grandmothers had no effect on the compliance with the recommendations at four to seven years of the child's life. Avaliar o efeito de intervenção alimentar educativa oferecida, no primeiro ano de vida da criança, a mães adolescentes e avós maternas, no cumprimento das recomendações alimentares aos quatro a sete anos. Ensaio clínico randomizado iniciado em 2006, em Porto Alegre, RS, envolvendo

  20. [Nutrition and child development I; nutritional status of school children in a peripheral district of Madrid (Rev Clin Esp 1944; XII:87-94)].


    Grande Covián, F; Rof Carballo, J; Jiménez García, F; Morata Cernuda, A


    El estudio clínico del estado nutritivo de un grupo de niños en edad escolar, habitantes de un suburbio madrileño revela la existencia, relativamente rara, de signos carenciales específicos, que contrasta vivamente con el considerable retraso que se observa en su desarrollo somático. Los hechos parecen demostrar que el problema nutritivo de estos niños es sobre todo un problema cuantitativo. El retraso de la evolución está en relación con la insuficiencia global de la dieta y con el déficit de calcio que es probablemente el elemento individual con mayor grado de carencia en las dietas. La anemia que presenta el 98% de los niños no parece deberse únicamente a una deficiencia de hierro porque la dieta parece tener una cantidad adecuada; probablemente esté más en relación con el exiguo contenido de proteínas animales de la ración.

  1. [From the prehypertensive adolescent to the hypertensive adult. Is possible to predict the conversion?].


    Pérez-Fernández, Guillermo Alberto; Grau-Abalo, Ricardo


    There are many risk factors for developing hypertension. In the XXI century, smarter ways to investigate are needed, so preventing the turning of an adolescent into a hypertensive adult must be a priority. The aim of this paper is to predict the risk of hypertension onset in adulthood, from cardiovascular tension and risk stratification since adolescence. A representative sample of 125 adolescents from the project "Pesquisaje Escolar en la Adolescencia de Hipertensión Arterial" (PESESCAD-HTA) was studied. They were diagnosed with prehypertension in 2001, and were followed for eight years (96 months) until January 2009. Two predictive indexes were obtained. The first, based on the total cardiovascular risk and the second from the multiplication of these risks with an accuracy index for each of 61.6% and 70.4%, respectively. The index based on the multiplication of cardiovascular risk can predict, with adequate accuracy, the turning of a prehypertensive adolescent into hypertensive once he/she reaches adulthood.

  2. [Translated Title: Participatory research to develop a school violence observation instrument].


    Medina Santiago, Nilda G; Rivera, Tania Cruz; Rodríguez, Maryanes Trenche; Báez Ávila, Loggina S


    School violence has been recognized worldwide as a public health problem that negatively impacts the educational process. However, in Puerto Rico official statistics and the media generally focus on isolated incidents of extreme violence in which weapons are used or property is destroyed. Little data is available about the most common forms of violence that often occur in schools on a daily basis. The Instrumento de Observación de Violencia Escolar (INOVE) , developed with the input of school communities participating in Project VIAS (Violence and Asthma Health Disparity Network) of Universidad del Este (UNE), was used in this study to gather information about the characteristics of violence in two Puerto Rican schools. Among the study findings we highlight gender differences in observed violence and aggressive games and interactions between students. The data collected have served as a basis for decision-making regarding violence prevention in participating schools and have implications for the development of prevention strategies and programs.

  3. Tendências De Teses e Dissertações Sobre Educação em Astronomia No Brasil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, Paulo Sergio; Megid Neto, Jorge


    Apresentam-se os resultados de uma pesquisa do tipo estado da arte sobre teses e dissertações defendidas no Brasil e relativas ao ensino de Astronomia, com objetivo de identificar essa produção e conhecer as principais tendências da pesquisa nesse campo. Foram localizadas 13 dissertações de mestrado e 3 teses de doutorado, as quais foram estudadas em função dos seguintes aspectos: isntituição, ano de defesa, nível escolar abrangido no estudo, foco temático do estudo e gênero de trabalho acadêmico. Pretende-se assim colaborar com a divulgação ampla da produção acadêmica na área. Ao mesmo tempo o estudo possibilita, a partir de investigações decorrentes, apontar as contribuições dessa produção para o ensino e sinalizar com necessidades a serem supridas por futuras pesquisas.

  4. Educacao Fisica Escolar: A Construcao de um Conceito (School Physical Education: The Construction of a Concept).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Colpas, Ricardo Ducatti


    Seeks to understand school physical education praxis in light of the human development theories of Lev Vygotsky. Develops a methodology of teaching and a conception of learning that enables students to recognize physical education as a school discipline connected to a dynamic curriculum. (BT)


    PubMed Central

    Aguila, Emma; Mejía, Nelly; Pérez, Francisco; Rivera, Alfonso; Ramírez, Edgar


    La situación de los jóvenes que no estudian ni trabajan (ninis) se ha vuelto evidente en los últimos años debido a los riesgos que enfrenta dicha población. Este artículo contribuye a la literatura al analizar las características económicas y laborales de los ninis, explora la situación laboral de sus parejas y provee proyecciones al año 2030. Asimismo, propone una clasificación de ninis para focalizar el diseño de políticas públicas, que identifica una tendencia a la baja de éstos debido a las mujeres que acceden al sistema educativo y al mercado laboral y que una mayor proporción de esta población estará compuesta por desempleados. PMID:25918452

  6. Woman experiencing gynecologic surgery: coping with the changes imposed by surgery.


    Silva, Carolina de Mendonça Coutinho E; Vargens, Octavio Muniz da Costa


    Traqueloplastia. Realizadas entrevistas individuais em profundidade, gravadas e analisadas segundo a técnica de análise comparativa da Grounded Theory. a partir dos dados emergiram duas categorias - Percebendo um corpo diferente e sentindo-se uma pessoa diferente e Construindo o significado de mutilação. As mudanças vivenciadas fazem as mulheres construírem novos significados e mudar a percepção de si e do seu meio social. A partir da interação consigo mesmas e com este meio, ocorreu a reflexão sobre relacionamentos, a diferença no corpo e em si, nas funções que desempenha e sobre a mutilação provocada pela cirurgia. as participantes sentiram-se mulheres diferentes; a mutilação sentida desdobrou-se em concreta, pela perda do órgão, e abstrata, vinculada ao impacto na identidade social e funcional feminina. Percebe-se a importância da enfermeira estabelecer um cuidado multidimensional, que identifique as necessidades que vão além do corpo biológico. describir las sensaciones y percepciones que surgen de la cirugía ginecológica para las mujeres y analizar cómo experimentan los cambios generados por la cirugía. estudio cualitativo, descriptivo-exploratorio, que tenía el Interaccionismo Simbólico y la Grounded Theory como marco teórico y metodológico. Los sujetos fueron 13 mujeres sometidas a cirugía: Histerectomía abdominal total, Histerectomía Abdominal Total con Anexectomía bilateral, cirugía Wertheim-Meigs, Ooforectomía, Salpingectomía, Mastectomía, Cuadrantectomía y Traqueloplastia. Se realizaron entrevistas individuales en profundidad, registradas y analizadas de acuerdo con la técnica de análisis comparativo de la Grounded Theory. a partir de los datos surgieron dos categorías - Darse cuenta de un cuerpo diferente y sentirse una persona diferente y Construyendo el significado de la mutilación. Los cambios experimentados hacen que las mujeres construyan nuevos significados y cambien la percepción de si misma y el entorno social. A

  7. Educación sobre sexualidad y prevención del VIH: un diagnóstico para América Latina y el Caribe

    PubMed Central

    DeMaria, Lisa M.; Galárraga, Omar; Campero, Lourdes; Walker, Dilys M.


    RESUMEN Objetivo Mostrar, a través de un diagnóstico en América Latina y el Caribe, el panorama legislativo y curricular sobre sexualidad y prevención contra el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) en el ámbito escolar, contrastándolo con los comportamientos sexuales reportados en encuestas demográficas y de salud. Métodos En mayo de 2008 se realizó, con el apoyo del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA), una encuesta a informantes clave en 34 países de la Región. El cuestionario autoaplicado solicitó información sustantiva de agentes de las diferentes partes interesadas, como ministerios de educación y de salud, sobre los programas de prevención contra el VIH/Sida que se están aplicando en las escuelas. Resultados Respondieron a la encuesta 27 países que representan 95,5% de la población objetivo (6 a 18 años de edad). La mayoría de los países informó tener al menos un libro de texto o un capítulo específico para enseñar los temas de educación sobre sexualidad y prevención del VIH. En la escuela secundaria se cubren la mayor parte de los temas pertinentes relevantes para la educación sobre sexualidad, pero no todos. Por ejemplo, el problema de la discriminación por orientación o preferencia sexual no se incluye en los programas escolares. Conclusiones El material educativo sobre sexualidad debe ser revisado y actualizado periódicamente de modo que refleje los avances en los temas y en la forma de tratar los contenidos. En cada país el currículo debe abordar el tema del respeto a la diversidad sobre orientación, preferencia e identidad sexuales, y en particular el manejo apropiado de la educación para prevenir infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres. Los esfuerzos de evaluación de la efectividad de los programas deben contemplar desenlaces tales como marcadores biológicos (incidencia y prevalencia de ITS y embarazo) y no únicamente indicadores de conocimiento y

  8. Tendências de teses e dissertações sobre ensino de astronomia no Brasil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, P. S.; Megid Neto, J.


    Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa do tipo estado da arte sobre teses e dissertações defendidas no Brasil e relativas ao ensino de Astronomia. Teve por objetivo identificar essa produção e conhecer as principais tendências da pesquisa nesse campo. O procedimento inicial consistiu de um levantamento bibliográfico junto ao Centro de Documentação em Ensino de Ciências (CEDOC) da Faculdade de Educação da UNICAMP e ao Banco de Teses da CAPES disponível na Internet. Foram localizadas 13 dissertações de mestrado e 3 teses de doutorado, as quais foram estudadas em função dos seguintes aspectos: instituição, ano de defesa, nível escolar abrangido no estudo, foco temático do estudo e gênero de trabalho acadêmico. Deste conjunto de pesquisas, 13 (81,3%) delas foram defendidas a partir da segunda metade dos anos 90, indicando uma preocupação mais recente com temas relativos ao ensino de Astronomia no conjunto da produção acadêmica em programas de pós-graduação no Brasil. Verificou-se que 43,7% dos trabalhos foram produzidas na USP e 18,8% na UNICAMP. Quanto ao nível escolar abrangido nos estudos, predominaram os estudos direcionados ao Ensino Fundamental de 5a a 8a séries (62,5%). No que diz respeito ao foco temático das pesquisas, as principais tendências voltaram-se: 56,3% para Conteúdo e Método; 43,8% para Concepções do Professor; 37,5% para Currículo e Programas; 37,5% para Recursos Didáticos. Quanto ao gênero de trabalho acadêmico, verificou-se que 43,8% são de Pesquisa Experimental e 31,3% de Pesquisa de Análise de Conteúdo. Estudos de revisão bibliográfica como este visam colaborar com a divulgação ampla da produção acadêmica em determinada área, traçando algumas de suas tendências. Ao mesmo tempo possibilita, a partir de investigações decorrentes, apontar as suas contribuições para o ensino e sinalizar com necessidades a serem supridas por futuras pesquisas.

  9. MUJER: Mothers United for Jobs, Education, and Results. 1997-8 Project FORWARD Project-based Learning Project Summary.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Green, Anson M.

    Students in the Culebra Road GED/JOBS (General Educational Development/Job Opportunities and Basic Skills) class, an adult education class for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) students, created their own website. First, students completed a computer literacy survey to gauge their computer skills. Next, students were encouraged to…

  10. Ayer y hoy: La mujer en el viejo mundo [Yesterday and Today: Women in the Old World].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pico, Isabel; And Others

    This teaching guide for sixth grade social studies teachers focuses on the roles of women in European history and the roles women play in more contemporary European, American, African, and Asian societies. Study units provided include: (1) "Daily Life in Ancient Greece"; (2) a unit on the equality of the sexes in ancient Egypt; (3) a…

  11. Two-Year Follow-Up of a Sexual Health Promotion Program for Spanish Adolescents.


    Espada, Jose P; Escribano, Silvia; Morales, Alexandra; Orgilés, Mireia


    The aim is to evaluate the effects of the Competencias para adolescentes con una sexualidad saludable (COMPAS) program and compare them with an evidence-based program ( ¡Cuídate!) and a control group (CG). Eighteen public high schools were randomly assigned to one of the three experimental conditions. Initially, 1,563 Spanish adolescents between 14 and 16 years of age participated, and 24 months after their implementation, 635 of them completed a survey. Self-report measures collected data on sexual behavior, knowledge, attitudes, intention, sexual risk perception, and perceived norm. Compared to the CG, COMPAS increased the level of knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and improved the attitudes toward people living with human immunodeficiency virus at the 2-year follow-up. Neither intervention had a long-term impact on behavioral variables. Results suggest that COMPAS has a comparable impact to the other intervention on the variables predicting consistent condom use. Reinforcing the messages and skills that have the greatest impact on condom use and adding booster sessions following program completion as strategies to maintain long-term effects are necessary.

  12. [Not Available].


    Curilem Gatica, Cristian; Almagià Flores, Atilio; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Fernando; Yuing Farias, Tuillang; Berral de la Rosa, Francisco; Martínez Salazar, Cristian; Jorquera Aguilera, Carlos; Bahamondes Ávila, Carlos; Soís Urra, Patricio; Cristi Montero, Carlos; Bruneau Chávez, José; Pinto Aguilante, Juan; Niedmann Brunet, Luis


    El índice de masa corporal (IMC) otorga uno de los índices más usados para determinar el estado nutricional de la población a nivel mundial, donde a pesar de existir recomendaciones claras y definidas para su interpretación como el sexo, edad, raza, entre otros, normalmente se estandariza su clasificación, independiente de las variables, aumentando el error en el resultado y en la clasificación del estado nutricional.El uso de la composición corporal a través de la antropometría entrega mayor información que el IMC, siendo la masa grasa y la masa muscular los principales resultados útiles.Este artículo presenta una revisión de las ecuaciones existentes y propone aquellas más simples y con menor error de estimación para ser usadas como una herramienta que reemplace o complemente al IMC, favoreciendo una mejor comprensión e interpretación del estado nutricional y nivelde actividad física en niños y adolescentes.

  13. Association between poor clinical prognosis and sleep duration among breast cancer patients.


    Mansano-Schlosser, Thalyta Cristina; Ceolim, Maria Filomena


    la asociación entre progresión clínica y calidad y duración del sueño en mujeres con cáncer de mama. estudio longitudinal, con 114 participantes, realizado en un hospital de Brasil. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: cuestionario para caracterización sociodemográfica y clínica; índice de calidad del sueño de Pittsburgh; Inventario de Depresión de Beck; y Escala de esperanza de Herth. Los datos se analizaron a través de análisis descriptivo y de supervivencia (resultado: evolución clínica desfavorable), utilizando la curva de Kaplan-Meier, la prueba log-rank y el modelo proporcional de Cox. se comprobó una mayor probabilidad de progresión clínica desfavorable en mujeres con duración de sueño inferior a seis horas o más de nueve horas (p = 0,0173). los resultados sugieren la importancia de realizar más estudios que busquen verificar si la gestión cuantitativa de los trastornos del sueño tendría un impacto en la progresión del cáncer de mama. Las mujeres deben ser alentadas a informar esto espontáneamente a las enfermeras.

  14. Teaching astronomy mediated by information and communication technologies: a preliminary approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rosa, R. H. L.; Voelzke, M. R.


    O presente trabalho é parte preliminar de um estudo mais amplo em nível de doutorado sobre o ensino de astronomia mediado pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação, utilizando dispositivos compactos, móveis e pessoais. Este estudo também faz parte do projeto institucional do CEFETMG sobre ambientes diversificados de aprendizagem sob fomento da agência estadual FAPEMIG (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais). Esta apresentação aborda o resultado das concepções prévias de estudantes em relação a conhecimentos básicos de astronomia, ligados à percepção e observação direta do céu. Três turmas de estudantes de 1ª série e uma turma de 3ª série do ensino integrado médio técnico da Educação Básica, Técnica e Tecnológica (EBTT) do CEFETMG Campus II - Belo Horizonte/MG foram submetidas a uma avaliação prévia através de questionário estruturado. Este questionário foi elaborado de forma a abordar a percepção dos estudantes em relação aos recursos gráficos (figuras e desenhos) representativos de conhecimentos básicos de astronomia, comuns em livros didáticos. Após a análise dos resultados desta avaliação, organizou-se uma estratégia de intervenção didática em sala de aula sobre o conteúdo de astronomia, utilizando-se de recursos de mediação baseados nas tecnologias da informação e comunicação. Os temas selecionados para esta estratégia didática foram relacionados aos assuntos básicos de astronomia em que ocorreu maior nível de desconhecimento dos estudantes. Os estudantes foram submetidos a avaliação posterior elaborada com os mesmos pressupostos da avaliação prévia. A análise dos resultados foi realizada a partir dos pressupostos da aprendizagem significativa (Ausubel; Novak e Hanesian, 1983). O ensino de astronomia por mediação das tecnologias da informação e comunicação indica uma alternativa preliminar aos trabalhos de campo usuais orientados na prática escolar, tais

  15. Factors associated with the implementation of programs for drug abuse prevention in schools.


    Pereira, Ana Paula Dias; Paes, Ângela Tavares; Sanchez, Zila M


    To analyze if characteristics of managers, schools, and curriculum are associated with the implementation of programs for drug abuse prevention in elementary and high schools. Cross-sectional study, with random sample of 263 school managers. Data were collected between 2012 and 2013 by a program that sends forms via internet. A closed self-filling questionnaire was applied online. Statistical analysis included Chi-square tests and logistic regression models. The outcome variable was the presence of program for drug abuse prevention inserted in the daily life and educational program of the school. The explanatory variables were divided into: demographic data of the manager; characteristics of the school and of the curriculum; health education; and drug use in the school. We found that 42.5% (95%CI 36.1-49.1) of the evaluated schools had programs for drug abuse prevention. With the multiple logistic regression model, we observed that the more time the manager has worked with education, the chance of the school having a program increased at about 4.0%. Experimenting with innovative teaching techniques also increased at about six times the chance of the school developing a program for drug abuse prevention. The difficulties in the implementation of the programs were more present in state and municipal schools, when compared with private schools, due to, for instance: lack of teaching materials, lack of money, and competing demands for teaching other subjects. The implementation of programs for drug abuse prevention in the city of Sao Paulo is associated with the experience of the manager in education and with the teaching strategies of the school. Analisar se características dos dirigentes, das escolas e do currículo escolar estão associadas à implantação de programas de prevenção ao uso de drogas nas escolas do ciclo fundamental II e médio. Estudo transversal, com amostra aleatória sistemática de 263 dirigentes escolares. Os dados foram coletados nos anos

  16. [Cambios en la salud sexual de los pacientes obesos tras cirugía bariátrica].


    Pomares-Callejón, María A; Ferrer-Márquez, Manuel; Solvas-Salmerón, María J


    Los objetivos del estudio fueron: 1) evaluar la salud sexual en pacientes con obesidad grave/mórbida candidatos a cirugía bariátrica; y 2) valorar la evolución de la salud sexual tras 12 meses de la cirugía. Estudio descriptivo, prospectivo desde febrero de 2011 hasta junio de 2014. Se valoró la actividad sexual en los hombres a través del cuestionario EVAS-H y la función sexual en la mujer a través de la escala FSM (44 pacientes). Durante el estudio basal en los hombres, un 21% de la muestra presentó disfunción sexual en diferentes dimensiones, mientras que un 43% presentó problemas de eyaculación precoz. Tras 12 meses de la intervención, se observó un incremento de la actividad sexual global (p = 0.026). En torno al 70-89% de las mujeres, previamente a la cirugía, no presentaban trastorno. En la evolución no se observaron cambios medios relevantes (p > 0.05). Los pacientes con obesidad grave/mórbida candidatos a cirugía bariátrica presentan alteraciones considerables en diversas dimensiones de la salud sexual. Después de 12 meses de seguimiento, la salud sexual parece mejorar en los hombres. The aims of the study were: 1) to assess sexual health patients severe/morbid obesity patients candidates for bariatric surgery; and 2) to assess sexual health evolution after 12 months of surgery. Descriptive, prospective study from February 2011 to June 2014. Sexual activity in men was valued through EVAS-H questionnaire and through FSM scale on women (44 patients). During the basal study in men, a 21% of the sample showed sexual disfunction in different dimensions, while a 43% showed problems with premature ejaculation. 12 months after surgery, global sexual activity was improved significantly (p = 0,026). Approximately 70-89% of women presented no disturbance before surgery. No average relevant changes were observed within the evolution (p > 0.05). Morbid/severe obesity patients candidates to bariatric surgery, show considerable alterations on diverse

  17. Voluntarias De Sesame Street: Manual Para Conducir Las Sesiones "Sesame Street" Con Ninos De Edad Pre-Escolar.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Filep, Robert T.; And Others

    This guide was prepared to aid Spanish-speaking volunteers working with preschool children before, during, and after viewing the television program, "Sesame Street". The text is written in Spanish. Suggestions in this booklet grew out of a study called the Sesame Mother Pilot Project conducted in 1970-71 by the Institute for Educational…

  18. Content Management System for Developing a Virtual Platform for Association of Women's Aid with Lack of Resources

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sainz de Abajo, Beatriz; Flores García, Alberto; García Salcines, Enrique; Burón Fernández, F. Javier; López Coronado, Miguel; de Castro Lozano, Carlos

    In this paper we show a Virtual Platform for an Association of Women's Aid called Centro Integral de Ayuda a la Mujer (CIAM). After analyzing different Content Management Systems (CMS) and the benefits that its use would contribute to the development of the Virtual Platform, taking into account the needs and requirements set by CIAM, we have opted for the use of Joomla!. This free CMS, for its characteristics, is the most benefits provided us. The virtual platform design has been developed following customer specifications, to have understood the simplicity and easy handling of the resulting platform. This platform will be integrated into the Web portal that has the Amarex Association and it will be able to be administrates from the CIAM without specific knowledge of programming languages. If new services were necessary, they would be easily implemented, adding new modules and components to perform these services.

  19. Validation study of the Questionnaire on School Maladjustment Problems (QSMP).


    de la Fuente Arias, Jesús; Peralta Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Sánchez Roda, María Dolores; Trianes Torres, María Victoria


    The aim of this study was to analyze the exploratory and confirmatory structure, as well as other psychometric properties, of the Cuestionario de Problemas de Convivencia Escolar (CPCE; in Spanish, the Questionnaire on School Maladjustment Problems [QSMP]), using a sample of Spanish adolescents. The instrument was administered to 60 secondary education teachers (53.4% females and 46.6% males) between the ages of 28 and 54 years (M= 41.2, SD= 11.5), who evaluated a total of 857 adolescent students. The first-order exploratory factor analysis identified 7 factors, explaining a total variance of 62%. A second-order factor analysis yielded three dimensions that explain 84% of the variance. A confirmatory factor analysis was subsequently performed in order to reduce the number of factors obtained in the exploratory analysis as well as the number of items. Lastly, we present the results of reliability, internal consistency, and validity indices. These results and their implications for future research and for the practice of educational guidance and intervention are discussed in the conclusions.

  20. Using intervention mapping as a participatory strategy: development of a cervical cancer screening intervention for Hispanic women.


    Byrd, Theresa L; Wilson, Katherine M; Smith, Judith Lee; Heckert, Andrea; Orians, Carlyn E; Vernon, Sally W; Fernandez-Esquer, Maria E; Fernandez, Maria E


    Cervical cancer is preventable with treatment of precancerous lesions and treatable at early stages. Hispanics have higher rates of cervical cancer and lower rates of screening. Ayudando a las Mujeres con Informacción, Guía, y Amor para su Salud (AMIGAS) is an intervention to increase cervical cancer screening in U.S. women of Mexican origin. AMIGAS was developed with the participation of the community using intervention mapping (IM). Following the IM process, the authors completed a needs assessment, development of program objectives, selection of intervention methods and strategies, and program design. A benefit of IM is its linkage with community-based participatory research as it includes engagement of community members to identify and refine priority areas. The success of this strategy suggests it a useful tool for other populations. The resulting intervention program is currently being tested for efficacy and cost-effectiveness in three sites: El Paso, Texas; Houston, Texas; and Yakima, Washington.

  1. [Prevalence of urinary tract infection in hospitalized patients with preterm labor].


    Acosta-Terriquez, Jorge Emmanuel; Ramos-Martínez, Martín Alberto; Zamora-Aguilar, Liliana María; Murillo-Llanes, Joel


    To determine the prevalence of urinary tract infection (UTI) in patients with preterm labor. A prospective, observational, descriptive study, with a sample of 272 patients who were hospitalized in the Hospital de la Mujer at Culiacan, Sinaloa that presented symptoms of preterm labor. Age body mass index (BMI), parity, education, weeks of gestation, mode of delivery, history of preterm delivery and UTI were assessed. Of the 272 patients with threatened preterm delivery, 97 (35.6%) had positive urine culture and of these patients, 32 (32.9%) had preterm labor. Association between urinary tract infection and patients with a hemoglobin (Hb) less than 11 g/dL OR: 2.66 95% CI (1.55-4.55), p 0.0003. Was isolated E. coli in 72 (74.4%) patients, Proteus in 9 (9.2%) patients. It was found that 42% of E. coli strains were resistant to ampicillin and 38.4% to ciprofloxacin. The prevalence of UTI is higher than the national prevalence.

  2. Promotoras across the border: a pilot study addressing depression in Mexican women impacted by migration.


    Edelblute, Heather B; Clark, Sandra; Mann, Lilli; McKenney, Kathryn M; Bischof, Jason J; Kistler, Christine


    The migration of working-aged men from Mexico to the United States fractures the family-centered support structures typical of Latin America and contributes to high levels of depression in women left behind in migratory sending communities in Mexico. Mujeres en Solidaridad Apoyandose (MESA) was developed to improve depression in women through social support in a resource poor setting. MESA is a promotora intervention that trains women in the community to lead social support groups over a five-week period. The MESA curriculum uses a combination of cognitive behavioral theory techniques, psychoeducation, and social support activities aimed at alleviating or preventing depression in women. Results from this pilot efficacy study (n = 39) show that depressed participants at baseline experienced declines in depression as measured by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale at follow-up. Other findings demonstrate the complexity behind addressing social support and depression for women impacted by migration in different ways.

  3. [Increase in cigarette smoking and decrease in the level of physical activity among Spanish adolescentes. AVENA study].


    Tercedor, P; Martín-Matillas, M; Chillón, P; Pérez López, I J; Ortega, F B; Wärnberg, J; Ruiz, J R; Delgado, M


    Cigarette smoking among adolescents as well as the level of physical activity constitutes a public health care issue. The aim is knowing the relationship between cigarette smoking and practice of physical activity. Schooled Spanish adolescents 2859 Spanish adolescents (1357 boys, 1502 girls; age range: 13-18.5 years). A questionnaire is applied to know the level of cigarette smoking and four other questionnaires to know the level of physical activity during different periods. 40.8% of the adolescents stated not doing any physical activity at all, boys being more active than girls (p < 0.001). 29.9% of the adolescents stated usually smoking cigarettes, without differences by gender. Both active boys and girls stated smoking less (P < or = 0.01). The greater the age, the higher cigarette smoking and the lower the level of physical activity, both in boys and girls (p < 0.001). The level of physical activity is low, being even lower for girls. Cigarette smoking shows a negative relationship with the level of physical activity, the individuals more physically active being those smoking the less.

  4. Educational topics for school from the perspective of professionals in the Mobile Emergency Service.


    Mota, Larissa Larie; Andrade, Selma Regina de


    To systematize, with professionals from the Mobile Emergency Care Service of Santa Catarina municipality, the main issues for the development of an educational tool of attention to the emergency room, dedicated to the school-age population. Qualitative study, conducted through meetings in the focus group format, with 19 professionals who develop their activities in the city Emergency Mobile Emergency Service. Data were categorized and analyzed using thematic analysis technique. The contents discussed at the meetings were grouped into four thematic categories: The Mobile Emergency Service and the school: education and health promotion for children; As the Mobile Emergency Care Service works: What is important to know ?; Something's wrong, what now? and; We are nearly finished, give your opinion. The specific issues arising from the meetings contributed to the production of an educational tool on the activities of the Mobile Emergency Service, which may be used by the School Health Program to promote health education in the care area to the emergency room with the population schoolchildren. Sistematizar, junto aos profissionais do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência de um município catarinense, os principais temas para a elaboração de um instrumento educativo sobre atenção às urgências, dedicado à população em idade escolar. Estudo qualitativo, realizado por meio de encontros no formato de grupo focal, com 19 profissionais que desenvolvem suas atividades no Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência municipal. Os dados foram categorizados e analisados com a técnica de análise temática. Os conteúdos debatidos nos encontros foram agrupados em quatro categorias temáticas: O Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência e a escola: educação e promoção da saúde para as crianças; Como o Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência funciona: o que é importante saber?; Tem algo errado, e agora? e; Estamos quase concluindo, dê sua opinião. Os

  5. Suicidal Tendency Among Adolescents With Adjustment Disorder.


    Ferrer, Laia; Kirchner, Teresa


    Adolescents with adjustment disorder (AD) are at risk of presenting suicidal symptoms. Certain personality traits are linked to suicidal tendencies. There is a lack of information about the link between suicide and personality patterns in adolescents with AD. To identify the personality characteristics that predispose to or prevent the development of suicidal ideation and behavior among adolescents with AD. We recruited 108 adolescents with AD at a public mental health center near Barcelona (Spain). They were administered the Inventario de Riesgo Suicida para Adolescentes (IRIS) to assess suicidal symptoms, as well as the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI) and the 16PF Adolescent Personality Questionnaire (16PF-APQ) to appraise personality features. Doleful personality emerged as the principal risk for suicidal symptoms. The conforming personality pattern exerted a protective effect, and emotional stability was associated with low levels of suicidal tendencies. Among the Big Five factors, anxiety had the highest explanatory power for suicidal tendencies. Certain personality characteristics are associated with heightened or reduced risk of suicidal tendencies in adolescents with AD. Their identification is important for clinicians designing treatment programs for these patients.

  6. Del sujeto que ha intentado suicidarse y el Otro: la Institución Psiquiátrica

    PubMed Central

    Liliana, Mondragón B.; Miguel Ángel, Caballero G.


    El hospital psiquiátrico se ha constituido como un lugar donde se posibilita legitimar la exclusión y la radicalidad de ese otro “que no es igual”, como es el caso del sujeto que atenta contra su propia vida. En consecuencia, el intento de suicidio desde el pensamiento foucaultiano, es una resistencia que desmantela la estructura de dominación a través de un acto de poder, el cual se ejerce sobre el propio cuerpo. Así, la intención de este texto es mostrar que la relación Otro-otro es un lugar en la estructura subjetiva, que se deposita en la institución psiquiátrica, la cual representa el poder, la ley, y es aquello a lo que se le quiere agredir, resistir, abatir con un intento de suicidio. Para demostrar como se materializan estos hechos, se exponen los testimonios de tres adolescentes atendidas en un hospital psiquiátrico por intentos suicidas, en los cuales se señalan los diferentes significados que le atribuyen a la institución psiquiátrica en tanto que representa un Otro en sus actos autoinfligidos. PMID:25400324

  7. Prevalencia de síntomas depresivos e invarianza factorial de la Escala de Depresión del Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos (CES-D) en población indígena mexicana.


    Franco-Díaz, Karen Lizbeth; Fernández-Niño, Julián Alfredo; Astudillo-García, Claudia Iveth


    Introducción. La versión breve de la Escala de Depresión del Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos (CESD) es un recurso factible para la tamización de los síntomas de depresión en la población general, pero no se ha reportado la prevalencia en la población indígena, ni su invarianza factorial en Latinoamérica.Objetivo. Describir la prevalencia de los síntomas de depresión y la invarianza factorial de la versión breve de la escala CES-D en población indígena mexicana.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio transversal en una muestra representativa de 37.165 adultos mexicanos de 20 a 59 años de edad. La identidad indígena se determinó mediante el propio reporte de la persona como hablante de una lengua indígena. Se conformaron ocho grupos de análisis según el sexo, el alfabetismo y el ser indígena. Se describió la prevalencia de los síntomas depresivos en cada grupo, así como la invarianza factorial de la configuración de los perfiles mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio. Las matrices de varianza y covarianza se compararon entre pares de perfiles usando el test modificado de Mantel.Resultados. La prevalencia de síntomas depresivos en mujeres indígenas que sabían leer fue de 16,8 % (IC95%: 13,4-20,3); en mujeres indígenas que no sabían leer, de 21,3 % (IC95%: 15,5-27,1); en hombres indígenas que sabían leer de 8,5 % (IC95%: 6,0-11,1), y en hombres indígenas que no sabían leer de 10,4 % (IC95%: 5,2-15,6). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en las cargas factoriales entre los perfiles.Conclusión. Se reportó una menor prevalencia de síntomas depresivos en indígenas que en la población no indígena. La escala CES-D en su versión breve mostró invarianza factorial al emplearla en la población indígena.

  8. Síndrome del Outlet Torácico: ¿Una Patología Siempre Quirúrgica? Análisis de una Serie de 31 Cirugías Realizadas por Vía Supraclavicular Serie clínica

    PubMed Central

    Socolovsky, Mariano; Di Masi, Gilda; Binaghi, Daniela; Campero, Álvaro; Páez, Miguel Domínguez; Dubrovsky, Alberto


    Introducción: El síndrome de outlet torácico es una compresión del plexo braquial que suscita polémica. Se clasifica en Outlet Torácico Verdadero o neurogénico (OTV) y Outlet Torácico Disputado o no neurogénico (OTD). El primero presenta síntomas motores en la mano, mientras que el segundo sólo síntomas sensitivos en el miembro superior. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los resultados obtenidos en una serie de 31 cirugías. Métodos: Se analizaron las cirugías de nervios efectuadas entre 2003-2012, tomando los diagnósticos de outlet torácico cuyo período de seguimiento post-operatorio mínimo fuera de 6 meses. Se buscaron los siguientes datos: edad, sexo, presencia de síntomas sensitivos y/o motores, clasificación, resultado de los estudios neurofisiológicos y de imágenes, resultado de la cirugía, complicaciones post-operatorias y recidivas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 31 cirugías realizadas en 30 pacientes, 9 OTV (8 mujeres) de 24.3 años, y 21 con OTD (18 mujeres) de 37.4 años de edad en promedio. Un 90% presentaron alteraciones neurofisiológicas preoperatorias, y 66,6% imagenológicas. En el intraoperatorio, el 100% de los OTV presentó una alteración anatómica relacionada con la sintomatología, hecho observado sólo en el 36.7% de los OTD operados. El 87,5% de los OTV mejoraron sensitivamente, mientras que 77,7% mejoraron la atrofia. Por el contrario, 45.4% de los OTD mejoraron permanentemente, 36.3% no tuvieron cambios, 13.6% mejoraron transitoriamente y 4.5% (un caso) empeoró. Las complicaciones post-operatorias fueron más frecuentes aunque transitorias en el grupo de OTV (3 casos sobre 9 operados, 33.3%) que en los OTD (3 casos sobre 22, un 13.6%). Conclusión: El OTV suele mayormente mejorar luego de la cirugía, igual que el OTD aunque en una proporción mucho menor. Estos hallazgos coinciden con otros reportes recientes de esta patología. PMID:25165614

  9. Women of Spanish Origin in the United States, 1976. La Mujer de Origen Hispano en los Estados Unidos, 1976.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Employment Standards Administration (DOL), Washington, DC. Women's Bureau.

    The report presents data on selected social, economic, and demographic characteristics of women of Spanish origin in the United States. Derived from the population reports of the U.S. Census Bureau and the March 1973 Manpower Report of the President, the statistical data pertain to age, residence, marital status, heads of families and households,…

  10. Sexual violence as a limiting factor on the perception and management of the risk of HIV in women married to migrants.


    Flores, Yesica Yolanda Rangel


    não são decisivas na gestão da ameaça a qual estão expostas. Por isso, torna-se urgente que a enfermagem problematize a violência sexual nos "relacionamentos estáveis", como um desafio para a promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis. analizar la influencia que la violencia sexual tiene en la percepción y gestión del riesgo frente al VIH en mujeres parejas de migrantes. estudio con enfoque etnográfico, en comunidades urbanas y rurales. Los datos fueron obtenidos por triangulación de métodos, observación participante y no participante, así como entrevistas. Las informantes fueron 21 mujeres parejas de migrantes internacionales. Las entrevistas se transcribieron y se aplicó sobre ellas análisis de discurso. de los discursos emergieron tres categorías para problematizar la influencia de la violencia sexual en la percepción y la gestión del riesgo frente al VIH: "Caracterización de las prácticas sexuales en el marco de la migración", "Experiencias de violencia sexual" y "Construcción del riesgo de VIH-sida". las mujeres tienen dificultad para reconocer los actos de violencia sexual en sus cotidianeidades y sus percepciones respecto al riesgo no son determinantes en la gestión que respecto a la amenaza asumen. Resulta urgente que enfermería problematice la violencia sexual al interior de las "parejas estables", como desafío en la promoción de estilos de vida saludables.

  11. Levels of total mercury in predatory fish sold in Canada in 2005.


    Dabeka, R W; McKenzie, A D; Forsyth, D S


    Total mercury was analysed in 188 samples of predatory fish purchased at the retail level in Canada in 2005. The average concentrations (ng g(-1), range) were: sea bass 329 (38-1367), red snapper 148 (36-431), orange roughy 543 (279-974), fresh water trout 55 (20-430), grouper 360 (8-1060), black cod 284 (71-651), Arctic char 37 (28-54), king fish 440 (42-923), tilefish 601 (79-1164) and marlin 854 (125-2346). The Canadian standard for maximum total mercury allowed in the edible portions of fish sold at the retail level is 1000 ng g(-1) for shark, swordfish, marlin, orange roughy, escolar and both fresh and frozen tuna. The standard is 500 ng g(-1) for all other types of fish. In this study, despite the small number of samples of each species, the 1000 ng g(-1) maximum was exceeded in five samples of marlin (28%). The 500 ng g(-1) maximum was exceeded by six samples of sea bass (20%), four of tilefish (50%), five of grouper (24%), six of king fish (40%) and one of black cod (13%).

  12. Longitudinal hemodynamics in acute phase of treatment with labetalol in hypertensive pregnant women to predict need for vasodilatory therapy.


    Stott, D; Bolten, M; Paraschiv, D; Papastefanou, I; Chambers, J B; Kametas, N A


    decrease at 1 h and 24 h. Stroke volume and CO did not decrease during the acute phase of treatment in either group. The best model for prediction of the need for vasodilators was provided at 24 h by combining ethnicity and longitudinal BP and heart rate changes. The model achieved a detection rate of 100% for a false-positive rate of 20% and an area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve of 0.97. Maternal demographics and hemodynamic changes in the acute phase of labetalol monotherapy provide a powerful tool to identify hypertensive pregnant patients who are unlikely to have their BP controlled by this therapy and will consequently need additional vasodilatory therapy. Copyright © 2016 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Las embarazadas hipertensas que no responden al tratamiento con labetalol para el control de la presión arterial (PA), pero que requieren terapia vasodilatadora, evolucionan rápidamente hacia una hipertensión severa. Ésta se puede retrasar mediante un diagnóstico precoz y un tratamiento individual. En este estudio se ha tratado de crear modelos de predicción a partir de datos al inicio del tratamiento y al cabo de 1 hora y de 24 horas después del mismo, para identificar a las pacientes que no mostrarán una respuesta constante al labetalol y que por lo tanto necesitarán terapia vasodilatadora. MÉTODOS: La población de estudio incluyó 134 mujeres con hipertensión en un hospital del Reino Unido. El tratamiento con labetalol por vía oral se administró cuando la PA fue >150/100 mm de Hg o >140/90 mm de Hg con enfermedad multisistémica. Se registró la PA y los parámetros hemodinámicos tanto al inicio como al cabo de 1 h y de 24 h después del inicio del tratamiento. Las dosis de Labetalol se ajustaron para mantener la PA en torno a los 135/85 mm de Hg. Las mujeres cuya PA no produjo respuesta, a pesar de haberles administrado la dosis máxima de labetalol (2400 mg/día), recibieron terapia vasodilatadora adicional con

  13. Financial Aid for Students Workbook, 1994-95 School Year = Ayuda Financiera para Estudiantes, Libreta del Ano Escolar 1994-95.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California Student Aid Commission, Sacramento.

    Presented in both English and Spanish language formats, this workbook explains how California residents can qualify for and obtain student financial aid in the form of federal and state grants and loans, work-study programs, institutional grants, federal campus-based programs, and the Federal Family Education Loan Program loans. A calendar of…

  14. Comunicación y empoderamiento ciudadano en salud: un caso de investigación-acción en la Venezuela polarizada

    PubMed Central

    NAHÓN SERFATY, Isaac; EID, Mahmoud


    En el marco de un proyecto de investigación-acción que se implementó en Venezuela de 2009 a 2013 se buscó empoderar (empower) a activistas sociales y pacientes en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama (CM). Este proyecto se puso en marcha en un contexto de alta polarización política y social en el marco de la llamada «Revolución bolivariana». A partir de una perspectiva ecológica de la comunicación y el activismo en salud, que integra los niveles interpersonal, grupal y social, se celebraron una serie de actividades orientadas a desarrollar las habilidades de vocería de ciudadanos, especialmente de mujeres, y ampliar las redes de cooperación entre diversos sectores, al mismo tiempo que se perfiló una visión consensuada entre actores sociales e institucionales sobre una respuesta nacional contra el CM. Una comunicación horizontal y participativa permitió que se escuchara la voz de actores usualmente marginalizados en las políticas sanitarias. PMID:27867911

  15. Factorial validity of the Job Expectations Questionnaire in a sample of Mexican workers.


    Villa-George, Fabiola Itzel; Moreno-Jiménez, Bernardo; Rodríguez-Muñoz, Alfredo; Villalpando Uribe, Jessica


    The aim of this study was to examine the factorial validity of the Job Expectations Questionnaire (Cuestionario de Expectativas Laborales CEL) in a sample of Mexican workers. Following a cross validation approach, two samples were used in the study. The first sample consisted of 380 professionals who mainly performed administrative work in the Health Services in Puebla-Mexico. The second sample comprised 400 health professionals from the Hospital de la Mujer in Puebla-Mexico. Exploratory factor analysis yielded a three-factor solution, accounting for 51.8% of the variance. The results of confirmatory factorial analysis indicate that the three-factor model provided the best fit with the data (CFI = .96, GFI = .95, NNFI = .95, RMSEA = .04), maintaining the structure with 12 items. The reliability of the questionnaire and the diverse subscales showed high internal consistency. Significant correlations were found between job expectations and autonomy, vigor, dedication, and absorption, providing evidence of its construct validity. The evaluation of the psychometric qualities confirms this questionnaire as a valid and specific instrument to measure job expectations.

  16. Vaginal progesterone vs intramuscular 17α-hydroxyprogesterone caproate for prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm birth in singleton gestations: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.


    Saccone, G; Khalifeh, A; Elimian, A; Bahrami, E; Chaman-Ara, K; Bahrami, M A; Berghella, V


    identificar todos los ECA con embarazos de feto único asintomáticos con historial de PPTE antes de ser asignados al azar a un tratamiento profiláctico, ya fuera con progesterona vaginal (grupo de intervención) o con 17-OHPC intramuscular (grupo de control). No se aplicaron restricciones respecto al idioma o la ubicación geográfica. El resultado primario fue PPTE < 34 semanas. Los resultados secundarios fueron PPTE <37 semanas, < 32 semanas, < 28 semanas y < 24 semanas, la reacción materna adversa al fármaco y los resultados neonatales. Las medidas del resumen se reportaron como riesgo relativo (RR) con IC del 95%. Para cada estudio incluido se evaluó el riesgo de sesgo. Se incluyeron tres ECA (680 mujeres). La media de la edad gestacional en el momento de la aleatorización fue de 16 semanas. A las mujeres se les administró progesterona hasta la semana 36 o hasta el parto. Con respecto a la progesterona vaginal, un estudio utilizó gel de 90 mg diariamente, otro utilizó un supositorio diario de 100 mg y el otro utilizó un supositorio diario de 200 mg. Todos los ECA incluidos en el grupo de comparación utilizaron 250 mg semanales de 17-OHPC por vía intramuscular. Las mujeres que recibieron progesterona vaginal tuvieron tasas significativamente más bajas de PPTE < 34 semanas (17,5% vs. 25,0%; RR 0,71 (IC 95%, 0,53-0,95); calidad de la evidencia baja) y < 32 semanas (8,9% vs. 14,5%; RR 0,62 (IC 95%, 0,40-0,94); calidad de evidencia baja), en comparación con las mujeres que recibieron 17-OHPC. No hubo diferencias significativas en las tasas de PPTE < 37 semanas, < 28 semanas y < 24 semanas. La tasa de mujeres que reportaron reacciones adversas a los medicamentos fue significativamente menor en el grupo de progesterona vaginal en comparación con el grupo de 17-OHPC (7,1% vs. 13,2%; RR 0,53 (IC 95%, 0,31-0,91); calidad de la evidencia muy baja). En cuanto a los resultados neonatales, la progesterona vaginal se asoció a una menor tasa de admisiones en la unidad

  17. Sedentary behaviours and socio-economic status in Spanish adolescents: the AVENA study.


    Rey-López, Juan P; Tomas, Concepción; Vicente-Rodriguez, German; Gracia-Marco, Luis; Jiménez-Pavón, David; Pérez-Llamas, Francisca; Redondo, Carlos; Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse De; Sjöström, Michael; Marcos, Ascensión; Chillón, Palma; Moreno, Luis A


    This study aimed to describe the influence of socio-economic status (SES) on the prevalence sedentary behaviours among Spanish adolescents. Cross-sectional data from Spanish adolescents from the Alimentación y Valoración del Estado Nutricional de los Adolescentes (AVENA) Study (2002). A national representative sample of 1776 adolescents aged 13-18.5 years provided information about time spent watching television (TV), playing with computer or videogames and studying. Parental education and occupation were assessed as SES. Participants were categorized by gender, age, parental education and occupation. Logistic regression models were used. No gender differences were found for TV viewing. For computer and videogames use (weekdays), more boys played >3 h/day (P < 0.001), whereas a higher percentage of girls reported studying >3 h/day (P < 0.001). Among boys, parental education and occupation were inversely associated with TV viewing, parental occupation directly associated with study and maternal education inversely with computer and videogames use during weekdays (all P < 0.05). For girls, parental occupation was inversely associated with TV viewing. Spanish adolescents presented different sedentary patterns according to age, gender and SES. Boys reported more time engaged in electronic games, whereas girls reported more time studying. Parental occupation had more influence than parental education on the time spent in sedentary behaviours.

  18. Um Projeto de Intervenção nos Espaços de Exposições do Planetário do Parque do Ibirapuera

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elias, D. S.; Amaral, L. H.; de Araújo, C. F., Jr.; Matsuura, O. T.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Cada vez mais a humanidade, em sua imensa maioria, está alheia às próprias conquistas. A insatisfação com esta realidade tem levado muitos pesquisadores, instituições, empresas e governos a procurar formas alternativas de acompanhar e transmitir todo este acervo científico cultural à sociedade, buscando a melhoria da qualidade da divulgação científica e contribuindo para o processo de cultura e alfabetização científica. Não há tempo nem espaço nos limitados planos curriculares do ensino médio e mesmo nos programas de ensino que propiciem a cultura científica e o acompanhamento do vertiginoso progresso científico e tecnológico atual. Neste sentido, a educação formal escolar precisa ser complementada ou acrescida de uma educação informal, extra-escolar, que possa oferecer à sociedade o que a escola não pode oferecer. A interação do público com museus, feiras de ciências, planetários, exposições científicas e/ou culturais é de grande importância para a aquisição e difusão de conhecimentos relacionados ao mundo científico. Reconhecidamente como um modelo de alfabetização científica esses ambientes promovem uma interação social capaz de propiciar de forma efetiva uma melhor relação ensino-aprendizagem com o público. Partindo desta realidade a Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul e a Escola Municipal de Astronomia (EMA) vêm desenvolvendo um projeto de intervenção no espaço em torno do Planetário do Parque do Ibirapuera com o objetivo de se implantar um ambiente de aprendizagem motivador e desafiador que promova a popularização de conteúdos relacionados à astronomia, astrofísica e cosmologia. Busca-se, também, a aproximação e interação do público com exposições que estão sendo implementadas no planetário. Considerando que se trata de um projeto de mestrado em fase inicial o objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar a concepção básica e os critérios que estão sendo utilizados do ponto de vista pedag

  19. [Adaptation and psychometric proprieties study for the Portuguese version of the Adolescent Coping Scale - Escala de Coping para Adolescentes].


    Guerreiro, Diogo Frasquilho; Cruz, Diana; Figueira, Maria Luísa; Sampaio, Daniel


    Coping is a psychological process that prompts the individual to adapt to stressful situations. The Adolescent Coping Scale is a widely used research and clinical tool. This study aimed to develop a Portuguese version of the Adolescent Coping Scale and to analyze the strategies and coping styles of young people in our sample. An anonymous questionnaire comprising the Adolescent Coping Scale was submitted and replied by 1 713 students (56% female, from 12 to 20 years, average age 16) The validity study of the scale included: principal component and reliability analysis; confirmatory analysis using structural equation modelling Subsequently, a gender comparison of both the strategies and the coping styles was conducted through independent samples t tests. The final structure of the Adolescent Coping Scale adaptation retained 70 items assessing 16 coping strategies grouped into three major styles. The scales showed good internal consistency (Cronbach alpha values between 0.63. and 0.86, with the exception of one dimension that as shown a value of 0.55) and the confirmatory model showed a good fit (goodness of fit index values between 0.94 e 0.96). Two coping strategies were eliminated on statistical grounds (insufficient saturations of items in the corresponding dimensions). We found that the style of coping focused on problem solving is the most used by youths from our sample, in both sexes. Females had higher mean values in non-productive coping style and reference to others. This adapted version has high similarity with the original scale, with expectable minor changes, given that coping is influenced by cultural, geographical and socio-economic variables. The present study represents an important part of the validation protocol Portuguese Adolescent Coping Scale, including its linguistic adaptation and its internal consistency and factor structure studies.

  20. Early Childhood Education and Care Policy in Portugal = A Educacao Pre-Escolar e os Cuidados para a Infancia em Portugal.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ministry of Education, Lisbon (Portugal).

    Based on the view that the rapid expansion and development of preschool education requires careful scrutiny of both educational policy and practices, this book presents information on current early childhood education and care policy in Portugal. Section 1 of the book provides a historical framework for the development of early childhood education…

  1. [Tuberculin reactivity among ninth-grade schoolchildren in the city of Havana, Cuba].


    Borroto Gutiérrez, Susana M; González Ochoa, Edilberto; Armas Pérez, Luisa; Urbino López-Chávez, Amelia; Martínez, Ana Maribel; Llanes, María Josefa; Sevy Court, José; Carreras Corzo, Libertad


    infección tuberculosa en escolares de 14 años de Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Métodos. Mediante un muestreo monoetápico por conglomerados se aplicaron 1 936 pruebas de Mantoux (tuberculina) a estudiantes de noveno grado del curso escolar 1999-2000 (cohorte de los nacidos en 1985) de 20 escuelas secundarias básicas seleccionadas aleatoriamente en Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Las pruebas se realizaron según la técnica estándar recomendada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y se evaluaron a las 72 horas. Se calcularon los porcentajes de reactividad y el diámetro medio de las induraciones cutáneas en la cohorte y según el sexo. Las comparaciones de medias y porcentajes se realizaron mediante la prueba de ji al cuadrado con 95% de confiabilidad. Se usó el programa Epi Info v. 6.0. Resultados. Noventa y seis por ciento de las pruebas leídas fueron negativas (0-4 mm), 2,5% fueron dudosas (5-9 mm) y 1,5% resultaron positivas ( >/= 10 mm). El porcentaje de reactividad disminuyó a 0,1% cuando se utilizó un valor de corte de 15 mm. El diámetro medio de las induraciones fue de 0,41 mm y no se detectó ninguna diferencia estadísticamente significativa en función del sexo. Conclusiones. La proporción de personas que reaccionaron a la tuberculina, usando como punto de corte un diámetro de induración cutánea de 10 mm, fue muy baja (1,5%) en este estudio y mucho más baja (0,1%) cuando se utilizó 15 mm como punto de corte. Si se toma en cuenta la baja frecuencia de tuberculosis bacilífera en Cuba y que hay una relación inversa entre el tiempo transcurrido desde la aplicación de la vacuna a base del bacilo de Calmette-Guérin (BCG) y la intensidad de la respuesta a la tuberculina, las reacciones cutáneas con un diámetro de induración >/= 10 mm podrían ser la expresión de una infección natural, por lo que, en ese caso, la prevalencia puntual de infección tuberculosa en este grupo de escolares sería de 1,5%.

  2. Experiencias de Vida de la Mujer Adulta: Estudio de Caso de Lideres en Desarrollo del Programa de Administracion y Supervision Educativa

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Morales-Roman, Gildrette M.


    Since the twentieth century to present, the role of women in society has undergone fundamental changes. Women, today, has assumed many different task and new roles, becoming part of professional workforce and increasing level of education by aspiring a higher education gaining access to leadership positions. The purpose of this qualitative…

  3. Anxiety and coping in women with breast cancer in chemotherapy.


    Silva, Araceli Vicente da; Zandonade, Eliana; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa


    com o enfrentamento com foco no problema (p=0,001) e com o foco na emoção (p=0,004). Os resultados demonstram fracas associações entre as diferentes estratégias de enfrentamento. a estratégia de enfrentamento eleita pelas mulheres com câncer de mama tem relação direta com a ansiedade. As pacientes que possuem ansiedade com nível baixo tendem a utilizar como estratégia a resolução dos problemas e quando o nível é médio a alto o enfrentamento com foco na emoção. identificar las estrategias de enfrentamiento utilizadas por las mujeres con cáncer de mama sometidas a quimioterapia y la asociación con el perfil de la ansiedad que presentan. estudio transversal de tipo analítico. Utilizamos muestra aleatoria de 307 mujeres con cáncer con quimioterapia previa, adyuvante o paliativa. Se recogieron los datos con entrevistas registradas en un formulario y búsqueda activa en los registros médicos, Escala de Modo de Enfrentamiento de Problemas e Inventario de Ansiedad y Estado. Se utilizó para análisis el Paquete Estadístico para Ciencias Sociales 19.0, coeficiente de correlación Pearson y la prueba de Mann-Whitney. hubo una asociación significativa del rasgo ansiedad y las estrategias de enfrentamiento centradas en el problema y en la emoción (p<0,000) y el estado de ansiedad con el enfrentamiento centrado en el problema (p=0,001) y con el foco en emoción (p=0,004). Los resultados muestran asociaciones débiles entre diferentes estrategias de enfrentamiento. la estrategia de enfrentamiento elegida por las mujeres con cáncer de mama está directamente relacionada con la ansiedad. Las pacientes que tienen ansiedad con niveles bajos tienden a utilizar una estrategia de solución de problemas y cuando el nivel es medio a alto utilizan el enfrentamiento centrado en la emoción.

  4. Diabetes mellitus and drug abuse during pregnancy and the risk for orofacial clefts and related abnormalities.


    Trindade-Suedam, Ivy Kiemle; Kostrisch, Lília Maria von; Pimenta, Luiz André Freire; Negrato, Carlos Antônio; Franzolin, Solange Braga; Trindade, Alceu Sergio


    to assessed the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and drug abuse in mothers of children with orofacial clefts (OFC). 325 women who had children (0-3y) with clefts were interviewed. Data regarding type of diabetes, use of legal/illegal drugs during pregnancy, waist girth and fasting blood sugar at the first prenatal consult were collected. twenty seven percent of the women had DM, out of these, 89% had gestational DM, 5,5% type 1 DM and 5,5% type 2 DM. The prevalence of DM in mothers of children with OFC was 27%, it is significantly higher than the average Brazilian population which is 7.6% (p<0.01) (OR=4.5, 95%CI=3.5-5.8). Regarding drug abuse during pregnancy, 32% of the mothers used drugs and a significant positive correlation was observed between drug abuse and the occurrence of clefts and other craniofacial anomalies (p=0.028) (OR=2.87; 95%CI=1.1-7.4). DM and drug abuse during pregnancy increases the risk for OFC and related anomalies and early diagnosis of DM and prevention of drug abuse, especially in pregnant women, should be emphasized. esta investigación estableció la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus (DM) y el abuso de drogas en madres de niños con malformaciones creaneofaciales (MCF). 325 mujeres que tuvieron hijos (0-3 años) con malformaciones fueron entrevistadas. Se obtuvieron datos referentes a: tipo de diabetes; uso de drogas lícitas o ilícitas durante el embarazo; circunferencia de la cintura; y, glucemia en ayunas en la primera consulta prenatal. el veintisiete por ciento de las mujeres tenían DM. Entre estas, el 89% tuvieron DM gestacional, el 5,5% DM tipo 1 y el 5,5% DM tipo 2. La prevalencia de DM en madres de hijos con MCF fue de 27%. Esto es significativamente más alto que el promedio de la población brasileña afectada por esa enfermedad, que es de 7,6% (p<0.01) (OR=4,5, 95%IC=3,5-5,8). Observando el abuso de drogas durante el embarazo, el 32% de las madres había utilizado drogas y una correlación positiva significativa fue

  5. La enumeración de la soltería femenina en los censos de población: sesgo y propuesta de corrección

    PubMed Central

    McCaa, Robert; Esteve, Albert; Garcia, Joan


    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo investigar el efecto que la disolución de las uniones consensuales tiene en los niveles de soltería que proporciona el Censo de Población, niveles derivados de la variable estado civil. Para ello comparamos los datos censales con los de la Encuestas de Demografía y Salud (de ahora en adelante DHS) en aquellos países y años para los que disponemos de ambas fuentes en el mismo año o años adyacentes (Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia y Perú). Los resultados muestran claramente que las proporciones de nunca unidas derivadas de la variable censal ’Estado civil’ son sistemáticamente más elevadas que las estimadas a partir de las DHS. La razón de esta sobreestimación obedece al hecho de que personas que estuvieron en unión libre en el pasado se declaran solteras en el momento del Censo. La elevada proporción de mujeres solteras que tienen hijos según el Censo es una prueba de ello y a su vez una solución efectiva para corregir el sesgo. PMID:25593515

  6. PubMed

    Valladares, Macarena; Campos, Brianda; Zapata, Camila; Durán Agüero, Samuel; Obregón, Ana María


    Introducción: existen características respecto a los ritmos circadianos (ciclo sueño-vigilia), lo que genera un rasgo denominado cronotipo (madrugador o trasnochador). Se ha asociado el cronotipo vespertino a menos horas de sueño y hábitos alimentarios poco saludables. El cronotipo vespertino se asocia con un mayor riesgo de desarrollar obesidad.Objetivo: determinar la asociación del cronotipo con variables antropométricas en jóvenes de 18 a 25 años.Métodos: jóvenes (n = 65) (18 a 25 años), se les determinó el cronotipo (cuestionario de Horne-Ostberg) y mediciones antropométricas (peso, talla, porcentaje de grasa y perímetro de cintura). Resultados: los hombres con cronotipo trasnochador presentaron significativamente mayor perímetro de cintura (p = 0,03). Las mujeres con un porcentaje de grasa < 25% se asoció con cronotipo trasnochador (p = 0,05). Conclusiones: el cronotipo trasnochador se asocia a mayor perímetro de cintura y mayor porcentaje de grasa. El cronotipo constituye un nuevo foco para la prevención y el tratamiento de la obesidad.


    PubMed Central

    Peña, Pablo A.


    Este artículo documenta una respuesta agregada negativa del logro educativo superior (más de 12 años de escolaridad) en México a la recesión de 1982–83 y el estancamiento que le siguió. La respuesta no fue homogénea entre géneros, regiones y entornos familiares. Los hombres experimentaron una caída en el logro mientras que las mujeres experimentaron un crecimiento más lento. En promedio, los estados con un mayor logro antes del choque experimentaron mayores caídas. La respuesta entre distintos entornos familiares no presenta un patrón claro. Sin embargo, el efecto negativo en el logro se observa incluso entre hermanos. La evidencia sugiere una historia por el lado de la demanda: la caída en el ingreso de los hogares parece ser el determinante de la caída/desaceleración del logro educativo superior. La conclusión es que la recesión y la falta de crecimiento que le siguió tuvieron un efecto negativo importante y duradero en la formación de capacidades en México. PMID:25328251

  8. Descompresión microvascular en neuralgia del trigémino: Reporte de 36 casos y revisión de la literatura

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Alvaro; Ajler, Pablo; Campero, Abraham Agustín


    Objetivo: El propósito del presente trabajo es presentar los resultados de 36 pacientes con diagnóstico de neuralgia del trigémino (NT), en los cuales se realizó una descompresión microvascular (DMV). Material y Método: Desde junio de 2005 a mayo de 2012, 36 pacientes con diagnóstico de NT fueron operados por el primer autor (AC), realizando una DMV. Se evaluó: Edad, sexo, tiempo de sintomatología previo a la cirugía, hallazgos intraoperatorios (a través de los videos quirúrgicos), y resultados postoperatorios. Resultados: De los 36 pacientes operados, 25 fueron mujeres y 11 varones. El promedio de edad fue de 48 años. El seguimiento postoperatorio fue en promedio de 38 meses. De los 36 pacientes, 32 (88%) evolucionaron sin dolor hasta la fecha. De los 4 casos con recurrencia de dolor, en dos pacientes se observó como hallazgo intraoperatorio un conflicto venoso. Conclusión: La DMV como tratamiento de la NT es un procedimiento efectivo y seguro. El hallazgo intraoperatorio de una “compresión” venosa podría indicar una evolución postoperatoria desfavorable. PMID:25379343

  9. Guia para Madres y Padres de Familia sobre Educacion Pre-Escolar a Temprana Edad (A Parents' Guide to Early Childhood Education).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dodge, Diane Trister; Phinney, Joanna

    This booklet for parents explains what children learn in preschools that employ the Creative Curriculum for Early Childhood and the ways in which learning can be reinforced at home. The first sections of the booklet explain the goals and philosophy of experience-based preschools. Goals include teaching children to love reading and school and to be…

  10. Finding an Appropriate Preschool for Your Child with Special Needs = Como Encontrar un Programa Pre-escolar para su nino con desabilidades.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bernstein, Sandra; Wonderlick, Mary; Madden, Drina

    This booklet, with English and Spanish versions, provides a step-by-step procedure to help families find an appropriate preschool program in the community for their child with disabilities. The booklet lists six steps for locating a program: (1) decide what kind of program is wanted for the child; (2) complete included form outlining child's needs…

  11. Parental Empowerment in Mexico: Randomized Experiment of the "Apoyos a La Gestion Escolar (Age)" Program in Rural Primary Schools in Mexico

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gertler, Paul; Patrinos, Harry Anthony; Rodriguez-Oreggia, Eduardo


    Previous evaluations from Mexico are limited. The urban school-based management program, Programa Escuelas de Calidad (PEC), was analyzed using panel data regression analysis and propensity score matching. Participation in PEC is found to lead to decreases in dropout, failure and repetition rates. An evaluation of the rural parental empowerment…

  12. Social orientations and adolescent health behaviours in Hungary.


    Piko, Bettina F; Skultéti, Dóra; Luszczynska, Aleksandra; Gibbons, Frederick X


    ôle que ces orientations sociales peuvent jouer dans les comportements de santé (à la fois néfastes et bénéfiques). Les données ont été recueillies auprès d'étudiants collégiaux (N = 548; âgés de 14 à 20 ans; 39.9% masculins) dans deux comtés du sud de la Hongrie. Les questionnaires auto-administrés contenaient des items portant sur les aspects sociodémographiques (tels que l'âge, le sexe, la scolarité des parents et le niveau économique), la performance scolaire, les comportements de santé, la compétitivité et la comparaison sociale. Des analyses de régression multiple suggèrent que ceux qui ont obtenu des scores supérieurs de compétitivité consommaient plus de substances, un patron qui n'était pas présent pour les comportements de santé bénéfiques. La comparaison sociale, cependant, était associée à de faibles niveaux de consommation de substances. De plus, en relation avec les comportements de santé néfastes, à la fois la compétitivité et la comparaison sociale interagissaient avec le sexe; les deux variables d'orientation sociale se sont révélées être plus importantes pour les garçons. La comparaison sociale contribuait aussi aux comportements de santé bénéfiques chez les garçons. Ces résultats soutiennent l'idée que le rôle des orientations sociales, telles que la compétitivité et la comparaison sociale, peut être assez différent dépendamment du sexe de l'individu et de la nature du comportement de santé. Tandis que la compétitivité peut agir comme facteur de risque pour la consommation de substances chez les garçons, la comparaison sociale peut agir comme facteur de protection. Il apparaît que les orientations sociales jouent un rôle moins grand en ce qui concerne les comportements de santé des filles. Il est nécessaire de focaliser davantage sur les différences de genre dans les influences reliées aux comportements de santé des adolescents. Las conductas de salud en adolescentes son

  13. Las Mujeres: Mexican American/Chicana Women. Photographs and Biographies of Seventeen Women from the Spanish Colonial Period to the Present. Revised Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ruthsdotter, Mary

    This booklet presents the lives of 17 Mexican American women and institutions that have made significant contributions to Mexican society from past to present day culture. The biographies cover the following women and institutions: Eulalia Arrila de Perez, Dona Maria del Carmen Calvillo, Jovita Idar, Maria Hernandez, Alicia Dickerson Montemayor,…

  14. "Una mujer trabaja doble aqui": Vignette-based focus groups on stress and work for Latina blue-collar women in eastern North Carolina.


    Easter, Michele M; Linnan, Laura A; Bentley, Margaret E; DeVellis, Brenda M; Meier, Andrea; Frasier, Pamela Y; Kelsey, Kristine S; Campbell, Marci K


    Latina women are a growing percentage of the working population, and very little is known about their health needs and interests. The purpose of this article is to share qualitative research results gathered from Latina women with a particular focus on exploring stress and health. This project was a substudy of Health Works in the Community, a 5-year CDC-funded multiple risk-factor reduction trial using participatory action research approaches to address smoking, healthy eating, stress, and physical activity among blue-collar women from 12 manufacturing work sites in rural, eastern North Carolina. Five focus groups were conducted with trained, bilingual facilitators using a vignette-based moderator guide that appeared particularly effective with this population. Results from the focus groups are used to make recommendations for future research with Latinas and for developing effective work-site-based interventions to address issues of stress and health within this population.

  15. Mujer Mas Segura (Safer Women): a combination prevention intervention to reduce sexual and injection risks among female sex workers who inject drugs.


    Vera, Alicia; Abramovitz, Daniela; Lozada, Remedios; Martinez, Gustavo; Rangel, M Gudelia; Staines, Hugo; Patterson, Thomas L; Strathdee, Steffanie A


    Female sex workers who inject drugs (FSW-IDUs) are at risk of acquiring HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and blood-borne infections through unprotected sex and sharing injection equipment. We conducted a 2×2 factorial randomized controlled trial to evaluate combination interventions to simultaneously reduce sexual and injection risks among FSW-IDUs in Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. FSW-IDUs ≥18 years reporting sharing injection equipment and unprotected sex with clients within the last month were randomized to one of four conditions based on an a priori randomization schedule, blinding interviewer/counselors to assignment. Due to the extreme vulnerability of this population, we did not include a control group that would deny some women access to preventive information. All women received similar information regardless of group allocation; the difference was in the way the information was delivered and the extent to which women had an interactive role. Each condition was a single 60-minute session, including either an interactive or didactic version of an injection risk intervention and sexual risk intervention. Women underwent interviewer-administered surveys and testing for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Trichomonas at baseline and quarterly for 12 months. Combined HIV/STI incidence will be the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes are proportionate reductions in sharing of injection equipment and unprotected sex with clients. Of 1,132 women, 548 (48.4%) were excluded (88.9% were ineligible; 11.1% refused to participate or did not return); 584 eligible women enrolled (284 in Tijuana; 300 in Ciudad Juarez). All 584 participants completed the baseline interview, provided biological samples and were randomized to one of the four groups. During follow-up, 17 participants (2.9%) were lost to follow-up, of whom 10 (58.8%) had died, leaving 567 participants for analysis. This study appears to be the first intervention to attempt to simultaneously reduce injection and sexual risk behaviors among FSW-IDUs. The factorial design will permit analysis to determine whether the combination of the two interactive interventions and/or its respective components are effective in reducing injection and/or sexual risks, which will have direct, tangible policy implications for Mexico and potentially other resource-poor countries. NCT00840658.

  16. Mujer Mas Segura (Safer Women): a combination prevention intervention to reduce sexual and injection risks among female sex workers who inject drugs

    PubMed Central


    Background Female sex workers who inject drugs (FSW-IDUs) are at risk of acquiring HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and blood-borne infections through unprotected sex and sharing injection equipment. We conducted a 2×2 factorial randomized controlled trial to evaluate combination interventions to simultaneously reduce sexual and injection risks among FSW-IDUs in Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Methods/design FSW-IDUs ≥18 years reporting sharing injection equipment and unprotected sex with clients within the last month were randomized to one of four conditions based on an a priori randomization schedule, blinding interviewer/counselors to assignment. Due to the extreme vulnerability of this population, we did not include a control group that would deny some women access to preventive information. All women received similar information regardless of group allocation; the difference was in the way the information was delivered and the extent to which women had an interactive role. Each condition was a single 60-minute session, including either an interactive or didactic version of an injection risk intervention and sexual risk intervention. Women underwent interviewer-administered surveys and testing for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Trichomonas at baseline and quarterly for 12 months. Combined HIV/STI incidence will be the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes are proportionate reductions in sharing of injection equipment and unprotected sex with clients. Discussion Of 1,132 women, 548 (48.4%) were excluded (88.9% were ineligible; 11.1% refused to participate or did not return); 584 eligible women enrolled (284 in Tijuana; 300 in Ciudad Juarez). All 584 participants completed the baseline interview, provided biological samples and were randomized to one of the four groups. During follow-up, 17 participants (2.9%) were lost to follow-up, of whom 10 (58.8%) had died, leaving 567 participants for analysis. This study appears to be the first intervention to attempt to simultaneously reduce injection and sexual risk behaviors among FSW-IDUs. The factorial design will permit analysis to determine whether the combination of the two interactive interventions and/or its respective components are effective in reducing injection and/or sexual risks, which will have direct, tangible policy implications for Mexico and potentially other resource-poor countries. Trial registration NCT00840658 PMID:22891807

  17. Um Breve Balanço dos Estudos em Astronomia e Educação no Brasil no Período de 2010 a 2013

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Goncalves, Erica de Oliveira; Kern, C.


    No Brasil, as pesquisas em ensino de astronomia para a Educação Básica vem ganhando destaque. Posto como importante área do conhecimento para estudantes e professores, os estudos em astronomia conquistam espaços nos documentos oficiais da educação e nos currículos escolares. Diante desse cenário, fez-se, neste trabalho, um mapeamento no banco de dados da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações , com base nas palavras-chave "astronomia" e "educação" no período de 2010 a 2013. Para compor o que aqui denominamos de balanço da área de estudo, foram selecionados trabalhos e analisados os títulos, os resumos, as considerações finais e as referências, bem como identificamos as fontes epistemológicas correntes nas pesquisas de pós-graduação no período supracitado. Identificou-se, na maior parte dos trabalhos pesquisados, referenciais teóricos relacionados & agrave; área de física, ciências e astronomia que envolvem discussões sobre currículo e práticas pedagógicas vinculados ao ensino de astronomia no ensino fundamental e médio da Educação Bãsica e nos cursos de formação de professores.

  18. How To Talk to Your Teens and Children about AIDS = Como hablar con sus adolescentes y sus ninos sobre el SIDA.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National PTA, Chicago, IL.

    Two brochures, one in English and one in Spanish, provide parents with basic information that will enable them to educate their children about Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Contents address 11 questions: (1) What is AIDS? (2) How do you get AIDS? (3) How is AIDS not spread? (4) Who can get AIDS? (5) How can you tell if someone has…


    PubMed Central

    Martos-Moreno, G.A.; Kopchick, J.J.; Argente, y J.


    El incremento universal de la prevalencia de obesidad en niños y adolescentes durante las últimas décadas, junto con la evidencia creciente de que el establecimiento de obesidad en etapas precoces de la vida está asociado con un incremento de la prevalencia de comorbilidades y del riesgo de muerte prematura, con gran repercusión económica en los sistemas sanitarios de los países occidentales, ha impulsado la investigación en este área. Estos estudios han remarcado la importante actividad endocrina del tejido adiposo, ejercida por medio de la síntesis y secreción de un gran número de péptidos y citoquinas, denominados adipoquinas. En esta revisión se resume el estado actual de los conocimientos, así como los estudios más relevantes, en relación con la dinámica de secreción de las principales adipoquinas en niños, centrándose en el control de la homeostasis energética, regulación metabólica (fundamentalmente, metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono) e inflamación. Asímismo, se analizan las particularidades de la síntesis, secreción y acciones de las adipoquinas desde el nacimiento hasta la adolescencia, reseñando el efecto que, sobre ellas, ejerce la instauración de la obesidad. PMID:23228441

  20. [Lipid and metabolic profiles in adolescents are affected more by physical fitness than physical activity (AVENA study)].


    García-Artero, Enrique; Ortega, Francisco B; Ruiz, Jonatan R; Mesa, José L; Delgado, Manuel; González-Gross, Marcela; García-Fuentes, Miguel; Vicente-Rodríguez, Germán; Gutiérrez, Angel; Castillo, Manuel J


    To determine whether the level of physical activity or physical fitness (i.e., aerobic capacity and muscle strength) in Spanish adolescents influences lipid and metabolic profiles. From a total of 2859 Spanish adolescents (age 13.0-18.5 years) taking part in the AVENA (Alimentación y Valoración del Estado Nutricional en Adolescentes) study, 460 (248 male, 212 female) were randomly selected for blood analysis. Their level of physical activity was determined by questionnaire. Aerobic capacity was assessed using the Course-Navette test. Muscle strength was evaluated using manual dynamometry, the long jump test, and the flexed arm hang test. A lipid-metabolic cardiovascular risk index was derived from the levels of triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC), and glucose. No relationship was found between the level of physical activity and lipid-metabolic index in either sex. In contrast, there was an inverse relationship between the lipid-metabolic index and aerobic capacity in males (P=.003) after adjustment for physical activity level and muscle strength. In females, a favorable lipid-metabolic index was associated with greater muscle strength (P=.048) after adjustment for aerobic capacity. These results indicate that, in adolescents, physical fitness, and not physical activity, is related to lipid and metabolic cardiovascular risk. Higher aerobic capacity in males and greater muscle strength in females were associated with lower lipid and metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


    PubMed Central



    RESUMEN El estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA continúa afectando la prestación de servicios de salud y el bienestar físico y mental de las personas con VIH/SIDA (PVS). Recientemente la literatura científica ha señalado la importancia de comprender las manifestaciones de estigma más allá de las interacciones individuales. Por tal razón, investigaciones recientes en y fuera de Puerto Rico enfatizan la importancia de entender cómo factores socio-estructurales (FSE) influyen en los procesos de estigmatización social. Con el propósito de examinar los FSE que influyen en las manifestaciones de estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA, realizamos y analizamos nueve grupos focales compuestos por hombres y mujeres en tratamiento para el VIH/SIDA que habían tenido experiencias estigmatizantes. Los participantes identificaron FSE relacionados a las manifestaciones de estigma, tales como el uso de viviendas especializadas, descentralización de los servicios de salud y el desarrollo de protocolos administrativos excluyentes en los servicios de salud. Los resultados demuestran la importancia de considerar los FSE en el desarrollo e implementación de intervenciones dirigidas a la población. PMID:24639599

  2. Expanding beyond "mother-child" services.


    Paulson, S


    Several reproductive health programs in Bolivia have attempted to reduce institutionalized gender inequalities through efforts ranging from consciousness-raising courses to national legislation against domestic violence. It has been found that a maternal-child health-oriented approach to reproductive health eliminates many of those who require services, including childless women, women who have completed childbearing, and men. Moreover, the traditional exclusion of men from family planning decision-making often exacerbates women's vulnerability to abuse. La Casa de la Mujer in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, conducts family planning workshops for couples, works with young men and women, and seeks to involve male partners of its clients in center activities. Gender awareness not only helps couples to improve their relationships, but also improves the quality of interactions between family planning clients and providers. The widespread tendency of clinic doctors and staff to dismiss women's questions and concerns about contraceptive methods undermines providers' ability to counter misinformation and urge user compliance. The Center for Research and Development of Women in El Alto, Bolivia, has developed an approach to communication in which providers and clients discuss options in a collaborative manner. This approach has led to improved provider-client cooperation, more accurate diagnoses, and improved client health.

  3. Pelvic packing with vaginal traction for the management of intractable hemorrhage.


    Naranjo-Gutiérrez, Leonardo A; Oliva-Cristerna, Joaquín; Ramírez-Montiel, Martha L; Ortiz, Mario I


    To present clinical cases examining the effectiveness and safety of pelvic packing with vaginal traction for inhibiting obstetric hemorrhage among women receiving treatment at a public obstetrics and gynecology tertiary care hospital in Mexico. In a retrospective observational descriptive study, eight cases of obstetric hemorrhage treated by pelvic packing with vaginal traction between January 2012 and December 2013 at Hospital de la Mujer, Mexico City, Mexico, were reviewed. The mean patient age was 28.8±6.8 years. The average blood loss was 4535±897 mL. Uterine atony was the cause of bleeding among six patients: histopathologic examination revealed two cases of placenta accreta, one case of placenta percreta, two cases of uteroplacental apoplexy, and one case of myomatosis. For two patients, placental separation was difficult and required surgical management. The packing technique was effective for all patients. No patients presented with infection or required re-operation for bleeding management. No deaths occurred. For management of bleeding among patients with underlying coagulation disorders, pelvic packing can be useful when standard techniques such as hysterectomy, tubal hypogastric ligation, and/or pharmacologic therapy are unsuccessful. Copyright © 2014 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Temporal dynamic of reef benthic communities in two marine protected areas in the Caribbean

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Perera-Valderrama, Susana; Hernández-Arana, Héctor; Ruiz-Zárate, Miguel-Ángel; Alcolado, Pedro M.; Caballero-Aragón, Hansel; González-Cano, Jaime; Vega-Zepeda, Alejandro; Victoria-Salazar, Isael; Cobián-Rojas, Dorka; González-Méndez, Juliett; Hernández-González, Zaimiuri; de la Guardia-Llansó, Elena


    This study assessed the coral reef condition of two marine protected areas in the Caribbean: Guanahacabibes National Park, Cuba, and Costa Occidental de Isla Mujeres-Punta Cancun-Punta Nizuc National Park, Mexico, in a two-year period. The analyzed indicators for corals were live coral cover, diameter and height of the colonies, ancient and recent mortalities and abundance of recruits, which were evaluated in quadrats of 1 m2. In addition, it was estimated the coverage by morphofunctional groups of macroalgae in 25 × 25 cm quadrats and the density of the Diadema antillarum urchin in 1 m2 quadrats. The results showed differences between countries at broad spatial scales (hundreds of kilometers). Reefs of both MPAs seem to be in different stages of changes, which have been associated with deterioration of Caribbean reefs, toward the dominance of more resistant, non-tridimensional coral species, causing a decrease of the reef complexity that may leads to the reefs to collapse. At scales of kilometers (within MPAs), a similar pattern was found in reefs of GNP-Cuba and different trends were observed in reefs of CNP-Mexico. The observed differences between CNP-Mexico sites appear to be associated with the current tourism use patterns.

  5. Partnering for Health with Nebraska's Latina Immigrant Community Using Design Thinking Process.


    Ramos, Athena K; Trinidad, Natalia; Correa, Antonia; Rivera, Roy


    The Center for Reducing Health Disparities at the University of Nebraska Medical Center partnered with El Centro de Las Americas, a community-based organization, and various community members to develop a 1-day Spanish-language health conference entitled El Encuentro de La Mujer Sana (Healthy Woman Summit) for immigrant Latinas in Nebraska during May 2013 as part of National Women's Health Week. Design thinking was used to create a meaningful learning experience specifically designed for monolingual Spanish-speaking immigrant Latinas in Nebraska and build a foundation for collaboration between an academic institution, community-based organizational partners, and community members. We used the design thinking methodology to generate ideas for topics and prototyped agendas with community stakeholders that would be relevant and provide culturally and linguistically appropriate health education. By developing community-based health education programs for Latinas with Latinas through a community-engaged co-creation process, organizations and communities build trust, enhance community capacity, and meet identified needs for education and service. Design thinking is a valuable tool that can be used to develop community health education initiatives and enhance civic participation. This method holds promise for health education and public health in becoming more relevant for traditionally marginalized or disenfranchised populations.

  6. Strategies for improving outcome of assisted reproduction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: systematic review and meta-analysis.


    Kollmann, M; Martins, W P; Lima, M L S; Craciunas, L; Nastri, C O; Richardson, A; Raine-Fenning, N


    they reduce the incidence of OHSS without interfering with clinical pregnancy and live birth for women with PCOS. Additionally there is low-quality evidence pointing to a benefit of metformin supplementation on clinical pregnancy and live birth; and that ovulation induction and administration of estradiol seem to be equally effective for endometrial preparation before FET for women with PCOS. For all other interventions, the evidence is of very low quality, not allowing any meaningful conclusions to be drawn. Estrategias para mejorar el resultado de la reproducción asistida en mujeres con síndrome de ovario poliquístico: revisión sistemática y metaanálisis RESUMEN OBJETIVOS: Identificar, evaluar y resumir la evidencia actual sobre la eficacia de las estrategias para mejorar las técnicas de reproducción asistida en mujeres con síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP). MÉTODOS: Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva de literatura en las bases de datos médicas estándar. La última búsqueda electrónica se realizó en julio de 2015. Las medidas de resultado primarias fueron los nacimientos vivos/embarazos en curso y el síndrome de hiperestimulación ovárica (SHO). Las medidas de resultado secundarias fueron el embarazo confirmado ecográficamente y el aborto. Se cribaron 1021 registros, de los que se evaluaron por completo 173, para finalmente incluir 66 estudios en el análisis cuantitativo. Aunque se evaluaron muchas intervenciones diferentes, en general la calidad de los estudios fue baja. Se observó evidencia de calidad moderada de que no hay diferencias relevantes clínicamente en las tasas de nacimientos vivos/embarazos en curso (riesgo relativo (RR): 0,95 (IC 95%, 0,84-1,08)), o de embarazos confirmados ecográficamente (RR: 1,02 (IC 95%, 0,91-1,15)), cuando se comparan los protocolos de antagonistas y agonistas para la estimulación ovárica. Además, se encontró evidencia de baja calidad en que la metformina mejora las tasas de nacimientos vivos

  7. Serial hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment of maternal hypertension leads to reduction in severe hypertension.


    Stott, D; Papastefanou, I; Paraschiv, D; Clark, K; Kametas, N A


    at presentation and throughout gestation, demonstrated well-maintained cardiac output and had the lowest rates of fetal growth restriction. The groups that required dual therapy to control their blood pressure had persistently higher blood pressure and rate of fetal growth restriction. The groups that required vasodilator therapy due to high levels of peripheral vascular resistance, either at presentation or later in pregnancy, accounted for 81% of cases with fetal growth restriction. Using serial hemodynamic monitoring in pregnancy to guide treatment of hypertension significantly reduces the rate of severe hypertension and allows identification of high-resistance, low-output hypertensive pregnancies that are associated with an increased rate of fetal growth restriction. Copyright © 2016 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Examinar si el tratamiento para la hipertensión en el embarazo guiado por un seguimiento en serie de las principales constantes hemodinámicas de la madre conduce a una reducción en la tasa de hipertensión grave, definida como presión arterial ≥ 160/110 mmHg; y evaluar los diferentes perfiles hemodinámicos longitudinales asociados a la monoterapia con beta-bloqueantes, la monoterapia con vasodilatadores y la terapia dual, y su relación con los resultados, como la restricción del crecimiento fetal. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio observacional prospectivo en una clínica especializada en hipertensión prenatal de un hospital de atención terciaria del Reino Unido. Se reclutaron consecutivamente a cincuenta y dos mujeres no tratadas que presentaban hipertensión y se comenzó a tratarlas, bien con un beta-bloqueante o bien con un vasodilatador. La elección del agente antihipertensivo inicial se determinó de acuerdo con un modelo elaborado previamente para predecir la respuesta al beta-bloqueante labetalol en mujeres embarazadas que necesitaban tratamiento antihipertensivo. Al inicio se registraron las características demogr

  8. Bariatric surgery: is it reasonable before the age of 16?


    Massabki, Lilian Helena Polak; Sewaybricker, Letícia Esposito; Nakamura, Keila Hayashi; Mendes, Roberto Teixeira; Barros, Antonio DE Azevedo; Antonio, Maria Ângela Reis DE Góes Monteiro; Zambon, Mariana Porto


    to assess the severity of obesity in children and adolescents through the presence of comorbidities and the potential indication of bariatric surgery. we conducted a cross-sectional study with clinical and laboratory data of the first consultation of patients at the childhood obesity clinic at a tertiary hospital from 2005 to 2013. We divided the patients into groups with or without potential indication for surgery, and recorded age, gender, birth weight, age of obesity onset, BMI Z score, presence of acanthosis nigricans, blood pressure, total cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides, blood glucose and fasting insulin, HOMA1-IR, CRP and ESR. The group with potential indication for surgery included: BMI > 40 or between 35-40 with comorbidities (Triglycerides >130mg/dl, glucose levels >100mg/dl, HOMA1-IR >3.16, Total Cholesterol >200mg/dl, LDL >130mg/dl and HDL <45mg/dl), regardless of age, epiphysis consolidation and previous treatment. of the 296 patients included in the study, 282 (95.3%) were younger than 16 years. The most frequent change was the HDL (63.2%), followed by HOMA1-IR (37.5%). Of the group of 66 patients with potential indication for surgery (22.3%), only ten (15.1%) had more than 16 years. Acanthosis nigricans, the average HOMA1-IR, insulin, CRP, ESR, age, BMI Z score and systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significant in the group with potential surgical indication. bariatric surgery might be indicated by BMI and comorbidities in children and adolescents under 16 years. avaliar a gravidade da obesidade em crianças e adolescentes pela presença de comorbidades e pela potencial indicação de cirurgia bariátrica. estudo transversal com dados clínicos e laboratoriais da primeira consulta de pacientes do ambulatório de obesidade infantil em um hospital terciário no período de 2005 a 2013. Os pacientes foram divididos em grupos com ou sem potencial indicação cirúrgica, e associados com idade, sexo, peso de nascimento, idade de in

  9. [Not Available].


    Navarro-González, Inmaculada; Ros, Gaspar; Martínez-García, Brígida; Rodríguez-Tadeo, Alejandra; Periago, M Jesús


    Introducción y objetivos: la evolución que ha experimentado en los últimos años la sociedad española ha originado una serie de cambios sociológicos y/o culturales que afectan claramente a los hábitos y preferencias alimentarias. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido evaluar la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea (DM) de la población universitaria en la ciudad de Murcia y la calidad de su desayuno, estableciendo la relación existente entre estas dos variables entre sí, y otras variables sociológicas analizadas.Métodos: se evaluó la adherencia a la DM en una muestra de 312 estudiantes mediante el test KIDMED, cuestionario de 16 preguntas. La calidad del desayuno fue determinada en función de la ingesta de los distintos grupos de alimentos (lácteos, cereales y frutas), de forma que se establecieron las siguientes categorías de calidad: pésima, mala, regular y buena. De cada encuestado se registraron los datos personales, lugar de origen, zona geográfica y tipo de residencia, sexo, edad, titulación universitaria, curso y las variables antropométricas (peso, altura, perímetro de cintura y cadera).Resultados: la muestra estuvo formada por 238 mujeres y 74 hombres todos ellos estudiantes universitarios de distintos títulos de grado. El 7,85% de los universitarios mostró una baja adherencia a la DM, el 48,4% media y el 43,8% alta. Los estudiantes de grado en Educación Primaria mostraron una mayor adherencia media a la DM; los estudiantes de grado en Enfermería tomaron más de una ración de verdura al día; y los de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos consumían una pieza de fruta al día. Teniendo en cuenta el sexo de los participantes, el 37,8% de las mujeres tomaban más de una verdura diaria y el 91,5% desayunaba bollería industrial; mientras que el 54,1% de los hombres tomaban frutos secos (al menos 2 o 3 veces por semana) y el 74,5% desayunaba todos los días. El 1,15% de los estudiantes mostró una calidad del desayuno pésima, el 17

  10. Grammaire de l’expérience romantique adolescente au Québec: une analyse sociosémantique des idéaux amoureux

    PubMed Central

    Blais, Martin; Hébert-Ratté, Roxanne; Hébert, Martine; Lavoie, Francine


    Cette étude vise à décrire, à travers les thèmes qu’évoque la plus belle expérience amoureuse chez de jeunes Québécois âgés de 14 à 19 ans, les formes sémantiques de l’amour contemporain ainsi que les attentes et les paradoxes dont elles témoignent sur le plan communicationnel. Au total, 6 961 jeunes Québécois âgés de 14 à 18 ans recrutés dans les milieux scolaires ont décrit leur plus belle expérience amoureuse vécue ou souhaitée. Une analyse des champs lexicaux, réalisée avec le logiciel Sémato, a permis de dégager six (6) formes sémantiques dominantes: 1) la fidélité, le respect et l’authenticité, 2) les références à la sensualité (embrasser et enlacement), 3) l’ancrage de l’amour idéal dans la compagnie de l’autre et des activités concrètes, 4) l’importance de la passion, de la magie (pour les deux genres) et, surtout pour les garçons, du plaisir, 5) l’ancrage de l’idéal amoureux dans des projets d’union et d’enfants, et 6) l’ancrage du couple dans des lieux précis, dans un quotidien ou des souvenirs tangibles. Ces formes sémantiques sont discutées en fonction des problèmes qu’elles ont pu résoudre et ceux qu’elles font émerger. Les différences de genre sont aussi discutées. PMID:27917004

  11. Prevalencia y tamizaje del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad en Costa Rica

    PubMed Central

    Weiss, Nicholas T.; Schuler, Jovita; Monge, Silvia; McGough, James J.; Chavira, Denise; Bagnarello, Monica; Herrera, Luis Diego; Mathews, Carol A.


    Resumen La investigación tuvo como propósito estimar la prevalencia del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH) en Costa Rica y determinar si la versión en español del cuestionario Swanson Nolan and Pelham Scale IV (SNAP-IV) es un instrumento de tamizaje útil en una población de niños y niñas escolares costarricenses. El instrumento fue entregado a padres y maestros de 425 niños entre 5 y 13 años de edad (promedio = 8.8). Todos fueron evaluados con el instrumento Swanson, Kotkin, Agler, M-Flynn and Pelham Scale (SKAMP). Su diagnóstico fue confirmado con una entrevista clínica. La sensibilidad y la especificidad del SNAP-IV fueron evaluadas como predictores de criterios de diagnóstico según el DSM-IV. La prevalencia puntual en la muestra del TDAH fue del 5%. El tamizaje más preciso lo hizo el SNAP-IV completado por el maestro en un corte de 20%, con una sensibilidad de 96% y una especificidad de un 82%. La sensibilidad de los instrumentos completados por los padres fue más baja que aquella de los maestros. El SNAP-IV completado por las maestras con un corte aislando el 20% de los mayores puntajes categorizó correctamente a un 87% de los sujetos. PMID:22432094

  12. Guia para Padres Educacion Especial para Ninos en Pre-Escolar en Pennsylvania. (A Parent Guide to Special Education for Preschool Children in Pennsylvania).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Parent Education Network, York, PA.

    This guide, in Spanish, is intended to help Pennsylvania parents of preschool children with special needs to understand their rights and assist in the design of an appropriate early intervention preschool educational program. An overview of special education laws focuses on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B. The main sections…

  13. Factores predictores de inicio y cesación de tabaquismo en una cohorte de mujeres chilenas con 5,5 años de seguimiento

    PubMed Central

    Puschel, Klaus; Thompson, Beti; Olcay, Fabiola; Frreccio, Catterina


    Background Chilean women have one of the highest smoking prevalence in the world. Aim To estimate the main factors associated with smoking initiation and quitting among a cohort of adult women living in a low socioeconomic status area of Santiago, Chile. Material and methods A random population-based sample of 1,100 women, 18 years and older, were selected from a community located in the South East area of Santiago. Sociodemographic, as well as smoking, beliefs, behaviors, stages of change and nicotine addiction level were recorded during a personal interview. After an average follow-up period of 5.5 years, women were re-evaluated. Results Seventy-three percent of women completed the study. At baseline, 39% of women were smokers. At the end of the study, there was an absolute smoking rate reduction of 7.1% (p<0.001). The main variables associated with smoking initiation were younger age (Odds ratio (OR): 1.08, 95% confidence intervals (CI): 1.05–1.12), higher education level (OR: 1.2, 95% CI: 1.07–1.35), and having fewer children (OR: 1.3 95% CI: 1.01–1.66). Factors related with quitting were younger age of onset (OR: 1.06 95% CI: 1.02–1.1), higher level of nicotine dependence (OR: 4.22, 95% CI: 1.74–10.27), and higher perception of smoking addiction (OR: 4.34, 95% CI: 2–9.09). Stage of change was associated with smoking cessation but its effect was diluted after adjusting for the level of nicotine addiction. Conclusions Sociodemographic and family factors were the main variables related with initiation, whereas age of onset, belief of addiction, and nicotine dependence were the main factors related with cessation. Women with a high motivation for quitting should be evaluated for nicotine addiction level to define the best strategy for intervention (Rev Méd Chile 2009; 137: 1001–9). PMID:19915762

  14. Short-term evaluation of a skill-development sexual education program for Spanish adolescents compared with a well-established program.


    Espada, José P; Morales, Alexandra; Orgilés, Mireia; Jemmott, John B; Jemmott, Loretta S


    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlights the importance of evaluating interventions rigorously and recommends evaluating new interventions against interventions with established efficacy. Competencias para adolescentes con una sexualidad saludable (COMPAS) is a school-based HIV prevention program that has been shown to be effective in reducing sexual risk behaviors among adolescents in Spain. This study evaluates the efficacy of COMPAS program compared with a Spanish-culture adapted version of ¡Cuídate! (Take Care of Yourself), an evidence-based HIV prevention curriculum designed for Latino adolescents in the US. This cluster randomized controlled trial involved 1,563 adolescents attending 18 public high schools located in 5 provinces of Spain. The schools invited to participate were enrolled and randomly assigned to the three experimental conditions: COMPAS, ¡Cuídate!, and control group (CG; no intervention). Generalized estimating equation analyses revealed that both interventions improved attitudes toward people living with human immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV)/AIDS and the HIV test and increased HIV/sexually transmitted infection knowledge and intention to engage in safer sex behaviors compared with the CG. Although only COMPAS increased participants' sexual risk perception and attitude toward condom use compared with the CG, the two interventions did not significantly differ on any outcome. When compared with an established program, COMPAS was at least as effective at increasing the intention to engage in safer sex behaviors as the evidence-based intervention. Copyright © 2015 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Chilean clinic serves more than medical needs.


    Blaney, C L


    The experience of staff in treating adolescent pregnancy and the formidable problems (medical, educational, nutritional, and emotional) these girls face are discussed. The implementing agency was the Centro de Medicina Reproductiva del Adolescente (CEMERA) in Santiago, Chile. One 15-year old girl is reported to have felt comfortable at CEMERA because of friendships with other similarly pregnant girls. The director, Dr. Ramiro Molina, established CEMERA with a comprehensive approach to adolescent reproductive health; there was also sex education, medical student training, and research. The program began in 1981 as a research project and included a center of 1990. Presently, CEMERA treats about 1800 low-income adolescents/year, of whom 80% are female. The problem of teenage sexuality and pregnancy was identified in a 1988 survey, which revealed that 70% of first births in the 15-24 year old age group were out of wedlock, and 20% or fewer used contraceptives at first premarital intercourse. The program currently not only provides care for adolescents, but also gives workshops and assistance to partners and parents, and contraceptive counseling to young men and women. Most services are free. There has been an increase in clinics addressing adolescent reproductive health from 2 in 1981 to more than 95 presently; most of the health personnel in the current settings have been trained by CEMERA CEMERA is located in converted row houses in central Santiago, and provides an informal setting less threatening to adolescents. The traditional white medical clothes are not used very often.

  16. [Low level of physical fitness in Spanish adolescents. Relevance for future cardiovascular health (AVENA study)].


    Ortega, Francisco B; Ruiz, Jonatan R; Castillo, Manuel J; Moreno, Luis A; González-Gross, Marcela; Wärnberg, Julia; Gutiérrez, Angel


    Several studies have demonstrated that physical fitness in childhood and adolescence is related to cardiovascular risk in adulthood. Current data on the physical fitness of Spanish adolescents are not available. Therefore, the aims of this study were: a) to assess the physical fitness of Spanish adolescents and establish reference values for use in health and educational settings as indicators of cardiovascular health, and b) to determine the percentage of Spanish adolescents below the minimum level of aerobic fitness needed to guarantee future cardiovascular health. The modified EUROFIT battery of tests was used to assess physical fitness in a representative sample of Spanish adolescents (n=2859; 1357 boys and 1502 girls) taking part in the AVENA (Alimentación y Valoración del Estado Nutricional de los Adolescentes) study. Standard parameters for the physical condition of Spanish adolescents are reported in this study. The 5th percentile for maximum aerobic capacity (Course Navette test) ranged from 2.0-3.3 palier in boys and from 1.4-1.9 palier in girls. The findings indicate that, on the basis of aerobic fitness, approximately 20% of Spanish adolescents have an increased risk of future cardiovascular disease. This subgroup also performed poorly in all other tests of physical fitness used. The results reported in this study enable the level of physical fitness in adolescents to be interpreted as an indicator of future cardiovascular health. They also indicate that the physical fitness of Spanish adolescents must be improved to help protect against cardiovascular disease in adulthood.

  17. [The mental health promotion of children and teenagers in vulnerability and social violence: the challenges for an intersectoral network].


    Passos, Izabel Christina Friche; Vieira, Kelly; Moreira, Laura; Rodrigues, Flávia; Amorim, Margarete; Santos, Cláudia; Abreu, Ana; Gomes, Lucas; Mendes, Luciana; Lima, Isabella; Moura, Francisco; França, Cassandra; Ferraz, Cláudia

    This paper presents and discusses the results of an intervention research conducted in Ouro Preto, Brazil from August 2014 to March 2016. The main objective was to contribute to the development of an intersectoral and interdisciplinary network to face psychosocial vulnerabilities of children and teenagers, especially related to sexual violence and drug use. To achieve this, we identified the difficulties faced by the Sistema de Garantia de Direitos Humanos da Criança e do Adolescente (SGDHCA) implemented by the municipality which take care of this population. We also identified protective and promotion factors accomplished to empower them. The methodology used combines Deleuze and Guattari Cartography, Institutional Analysis and the Cross Training. This latter methodology was developed by a group of researchers of Douglas Institute, in Montreal, which we met through scientific co-operation with our laboratory. On account of the practical-theoric and co-participative activities with the professional network of Ouro Preto, we produced a detailed diagnosis of the SGDHCA and a document proposing short, medium and long-term strategies. As final result, we intend to help the local collective-the Forum Intersetorial da Infância e Juventude-to develop a work plan from the proposed actions. In this paper we will concentrate the potential of the methodology used by presenting outcome from two important moments of the research: the discussions of successful and unsuccessful cases that elucidate the network operation and the potential and difficulties arising from the Rotation Positional, important technical of the Cross Training.

  18. Modernised Portuguese schools - From IAQ and thermal comfort towards energy efficiency plans

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pereira, Luisa Maria Dias

    A major rehabilitation and refurbishment programme of secondary school buildings has been carried out in the last few years in Portugal, led by the state-owned company Parque Escolar E.P.E. (PE), known as Secondary School Buildings Modernisation Programme. This programme took into consideration renewable energy systems, mostly solar panels for domestic hot water (DHW) production. Nevertheless, with the introduction of HVAC systems in buildings that were previously naturally ventilated, an increase on energy consumption has been verified. During the first occupancy phase of new and refurbished buildings, energy and indoor climate quality (ICQ) audits are important strategies to improve the buildings’ energy use. In new buildings, the most common errors are due to poor operation and management. Schools energy management programmes often result in a list of energy efficiency measures that do not necessarily reflect occupants’ conditions or satisfaction. They are more directed to management control and comparison with benchmarks of energy use/m2 or cost/student to assess energy efficiency. In all cases, monitoring and consumption patterns are mandatory. In this context, this thesis aims at developing energy efficiency plans (EEP) for modernised Portuguese school buildings. The framework of the thesis starts with the development of an international overview of the recent research and development in the field of energy consumption in schools [searching for statistical benchmarks that could contribute to an accurate school building indicator (SBI)]. Then, based on a database provided by Parque Escolar, an energy consumption assessment of Portuguese school buildings is presented, between the pre and post intervention phases. Drawing on this procedure, eight representative modernised secondary schools were selected, geographically and climatically distributed. After, an energy audit and indoor environment quality (IEQ) monitoring is performed in this schools selection

  19. Comparison and evaluation of dietary quality between older and younger Mexican-American women.


    Pignotti, Giselle A P; Vega-López, Sonia; Keller, Colleen; Belyea, Michael; Ainsworth, Barbara; Nagle Williams, Allison; Records, Kathie; Coonrod, Dean; Permana, Paska


    To compare and evaluate the dietary quality of young and older sedentary Mexican-American women. Understanding key dietary concerns, while considering developmental transition periods and cultural relevance, can provide insight for developing appropriate nutrition interventions. Cross-sectional dietary data were collected using unannounced 24 h diet recalls to assess nutrient intake adequacy (Estimated Average Requirement cut-point method) and dietary quality (Healthy Eating Index (HEI) 2010). Mujeres en Acción and Madres para la Salud, two community-based physical activity interventions. Participants were 139 young (28 (sd 6) years) and 124 older (55 (sd 7) years) overweight/obese sedentary Mexican-American women (BMI=25·0-35·0 kg/m2) of low socio-economic status. Older women consumed less Ca, Fe, folate, empty calories and energy from carbohydrate, but more fruit, vegetables, greens and beans, and fibre than younger women (all P<0·05). Over 60 % of all participants had an intake below recommendations for fibre, Ca, vitamin E, vitamin C and folate. Both groups had low total HEI-2010 scores (62 for older and 63 for younger women; NS), with 57 % of older and 48 % of younger women classified as having a poor diet. Despite differences in nutrient requirements according to developmental transition periods (childbearing v. perimenopausal), overall, older and younger Mexican-American women generally had low-quality diets and may benefit from dietary quality improvement.

  20. Eritema anular eosinofílico en un adulto Eosinophilic anular erythema in an adult.


    Lobo, Marta Aguado; Gonzalo, Elena Sierra; Jiménez-Reyes, José


    Eosinophilic annular erythema (EAE) is an uncommon eosinophilic dermatosis. Clinically it is characterized by recurrent episodes of annular or figurative plaques. The histopathological study shows a perivascular inflammatory infiltrate in the superficial and deep dermis, composed of lymphocytes and eosinophils. It was originally described in children. We report an adult woman who presented with recurrent erythematous annular plaques on the trunk and extremities. A biopsy showed a mainly perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate with numerous eosinophils in the dermis. Laboratory examinations revealed subclinical hypothyroidism. The lesions resolved with topical corticosteroid spontaneously after 3 months.El eritema anular eosinofílico (EAE) es una dermatosis eosinofílica poco frecuente. Clínicamente se caracteriza por episodios recurrentes de placas anulares o figuradas.El estudio histopatológico muestra un infiltrado inflamatorio en dermis superficial y profunda, de localización perivascular y compuesto por linfocitos y eosinófilos. Se describió originariamente en niños. Presentamos una mujer adulta con episodios recurrentes de placas anulares o figuradas en el tronco y extremidades. La biopsia mostró un infiltrado linfocítico perivascular con numerosos eosinófilos en la dermis. La analítica reveló la presencia de hipotiroidismo subclínico. Las lesiones se resolvieron después de tres meses de tratamiento con una crema de corticoesteriodes.

  1. [Prevalence and factors associated with intimate partner abuse in female users of public health services in Mexico: a comparative analyses].


    Ávila-Burgos, Leticia; Valdez-Santiagob, Rosario; Barroso-Quiab, Abigail; Híjar, Martha; Rojas, Rosalba; Del Río-Zolezzi, Aurora


    To analyze the evolution of the prevalence in intimate partner violence during the years 2003 and 2006 in Mexico, identifying factors associated with its severity, comparing our results with findings from 2003. Data from the Encuesta Nacional de Violencia contra las Mujeres (ENVIM 2006) was used; it has urban-rural national representation of female users of Mexican public health services. A total of 22,318 women above 14 years of age were interviewed. A multinomial logistic regression model was adjusted. The dependent variable was the Index of Intimate Partner Abuse. Intimate partner abuse increased 17% in comparison to the year 2003. Women's personal history of childhood abuse (ORA= 5.12, 95% CI4.15-6.30) and rape (ORA = 3.5, 95% CI = 2.66-4.62) were the most important women's factors that were found associated with severe violence. Male partner's daily alcohol consumption increased eleven fold the possibility of severe violence; higher disagreement with traditional female gender roles and higher education of both partners were protective factors. Factors associated with violence and their severities were consistent with findings reported in 2003. Intimate partner violence is a highly prevalent social problem which requires comprehensive strategies supporting empowerment of women through higher education, early detection and care of those battered, as well as structured interventions to prevent violence in future generations.

  2. Contaminación por mercurio de leche materna de madres lactantes de municipios de Antioquia con explotación minera de oro.


    Molina, Carlos Federico; Arango, Catalina María; Sepúlveda, Hernán


    Introducción. La leche materna es esencial para el desarrollo del ser humano, pero puede contener sustancias tóxicas provenientes de la contaminación ambiental, especialmente en las áreas mineras.Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de la contaminación con mercurio de la leche materna de mujeres lactantes residentes en los municipios con explotación minera de oro.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio transversal de 150 madres lactantes de cuatro municipios mineros de Antioquia (El Bagre, Segovia, Remedios y Zaragoza), a quienes se les hizo una encuesta sobre factores sociodemográficos, ocupacionales y ambientales relacionados con el mercurio, y se les tomaron muestras de leche materna, de orina y de cabello. Se calculó el promedio de la concentración de mercurio y las prevalencias municipales de contaminación.Resultados. El promedio de la concentración de mercurio en la leche materna fue de 2,5 (± desviación estándar 9,2) μg/L. La prevalencia de muestras de leche materna con niveles altos de mercurio fue de 11,7 %.Conclusión. En este estudio se evidencia un grave problema en las regiones mineras auríferas de Antioquia por el efecto de la contaminación con mercurio en sectores de la población más vulnerable.

  3. Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus in Women from Mexico City

    PubMed Central

    López Rivera, María Guadalupe; Flores, Maria Olivia Medel; Villalba Magdaleno, José D'Artagnan; Sánchez Monroy, Virginia


    Introduction. Cervical cancer is the most common cancer among Mexican women. The goal of the present study was to determine the prevalence and distribution of HPV types in women from Mexico City. Methods. Our study was conducted in the Clinica de Especialidades de la Mujer de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, Mexico. Random samples were taken from 929 healthy women requesting a cervical Papanicolaou examination. Detection and genotyping of HPV were performed by multiplex PCR, with the HPV4A ACE Screening kit (Seegene). Results. 85 of nine hundred twenty-nine women (9.1%) were infected with HPV. Of HPV-positive women, 99% and 1% had high- and low-risk HPV genotypes, respectively. The prevalence of the 16 high-risk (HR) HPV types that were screened was 43% : 42% (18) were HPV positive and 14% (16) were HPV positive, which includes coinfection. Multiple infections with different viral genotypes were detected in 10% of the positive cases. Abnormal cervical cytological results were found in only 15.3% of HPV-positive women, while 84.7% had normal cytological results. Conclusions. We found a similar prevalence of HPV to previous studies in Mexico. The heterogeneity of the HPV genotype distribution in Mexico is evident in this study, which found a high frequency of HPV HR genotypes, the majority of which were HPV 18. PMID:22811590

  4. [Evaluation of postmenopausal uterine bleeding by endometrial biopsy in-office hysteroscopy vs endometrial biopsy with manual vacuum aspiration in the office. Preliminary report].


    Hernández, José Arias; Franco, María Eugenia Lozano; Mendizábal, David Pablo Bulnes; Broca, Yrma Bocanegra; Escoto, Adrián Fores


    To compare endometrial biopsy by hysteroscopy vs manual endouterine aspiration in office, in patients of Climateric Clinic from Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de la Mujer Tabasco, with postmenopausal uterine bleeding. There were included patients that come from October 30 2007 to December 20 2008 to Climateric Clinic, with abnormal uterine bleeding and without hormonal replacement therapy. There were taken biopsy by hysteroscopy and AMEU. The histopathology results were compared. A total of 25 women were evaluated. The average age was 53 years (+/- 5.6). The delivery average was 3 births (+/- 1). We found polyps in 9 (37%) patients, endometrial atrophy in 3 (13%), cystic hyperplasia in 2 (8%), proliferative endometrium in 4 (17%), submucous myomas in 5 (21%) and neoplasia in 1 (4%). The correlation between endometrial biopsy by hysteroscopy and AMEU was 100% for endometrial atrophy, cystic hyperplasia, proliferativo endometrium and neoplasia. There was not correlation between manual endouterine aspiration and endometrial biopsy by hysteroscopy for polyps and submucous myomas. We didn't have complications during the procedures. Hysteroscopic endometrial biopsy seems to have the same histopathology results than AMEU for endometrial atrophy, cystic hyperplasia, proliferative endometrium and neoplasia, not for miomas and polyps. Hysteroscopy can give us the possibility to see miomas and polyps and treat surgical pathology at the same moment almost in all cases.

  5. Prevalence and Correlates of Hazardous Drinking among Female Sex Workers in 13 Mexican Cities.


    Semple, Shirley J; Pitpitan, Eileen V; Chavarin, Claudia V; Strathdee, Steffanie A; Zavala, Rosa Icela; Aarons, Gregory A; Patterson, Thomas L


    To describe the prevalence and correlates of hazardous drinking among female sex workers (FSWs) at 13 sites throughout Mexico. FSWs (N = 1089) who were enrolled in a brief sexual risk reduction intervention (Mujer Segura) were queried about their sexual risk and substance use practices and their work contexts. Participants were classified as hazardous or non-hazardous drinkers based on the Alcohol Use Disorders test (AUDIT-C). Logistic regression models were used to examine individual, contextual, and community-level factors as correlates of hazardous drinking. Ninety-two percent of participants reported alcohol consumption in the past month. Among drinkers (N = 1001), 83% met AUDIT-C criteria for hazardous drinking. Factors that were independently associated with hazardous drinking included: drug use in the past month (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 3.31; 95% CI 1.29-8.45), being a cigarette smoker (AOR = 1.71; 95% CI 1.13-2.58), being a barmaid or dance hostess (AOR = 3.40; 95% CI 1.95-5.91), alcohol use before or during sex with clients (AOR = 7.78; 95% CI 4.84-12.52), and working in a city with a higher marginalization index (AOR = 1.07; 95% CI 1.04-1.11). Findings support the high prioritization by public health authorities of alcohol prevention and treatment programs for FSWs. © The Author 2015. Medical Council on Alcohol and Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.

  6. Prevalence and Correlates of Hazardous Drinking among Female Sex Workers in 13 Mexican Cities

    PubMed Central

    Semple, Shirley J.; Pitpitan, Eileen V.; Chavarin, Claudia V.; Strathdee, Steffanie A.; Zavala, Rosa Icela; Aarons, Gregory A.; Patterson, Thomas L.


    Aims To describe the prevalence and correlates of hazardous drinking among female sex workers (FSWs) at 13 sites throughout Mexico. Methods FSWs (N = 1089) who were enrolled in a brief sexual risk reduction intervention (Mujer Segura) were queried about their sexual risk and substance use practices and their work contexts. Participants were classified as hazardous or non-hazardous drinkers based on the Alcohol Use Disorders test (AUDIT-C). Logistic regression models were used to examine individual, contextual, and community-level factors as correlates of hazardous drinking. Results Ninety-two percent of participants reported alcohol consumption in the past month. Among drinkers (N = 1001), 83% met AUDIT-C criteria for hazardous drinking. Factors that were independently associated with hazardous drinking included: drug use in the past month (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 3.31; 95% CI 1.29—8.45), being a cigarette smoker (AOR = 1.71; 95% CI 1.13—2.58), being a barmaid or dance hostess (AOR = 3.40; 95% CI 1.95–5.91), alcohol use before or during sex with clients (AOR = 7.78; 95% CI 4.84–12.52), and working in a city with a higher marginalization index (AOR = 1.07; 95% CI 1.04–1.11). Conclusions Findings support the high prioritization by public health authorities of alcohol prevention and treatment programs for FSWs. PMID:26546017

  7. Good clinical outcomes from a 7-year holistic programme of fistula repair in Guinea

    PubMed Central

    Delamou, Alexandre; Diallo, Moustapha; Beavogui, Abdoul Habib; Delvaux, Thérèse; Millimono, Sita; Kourouma, Mamady; Beattie, Karen; Barone, Mark; Barry, Thierno Hamidou; Khogali, Mohamed; Edginton, Mary; Hinderaker, Sven Gudmund; Ruminjo, Joseph; Zhang, Wei-Hong; De Brouwere, Vincent


    discutir los resultados clínicos de 7 años de trabajo con 2116 mujeres intervenidas en tres hospitales del país. Métodos Estudio retrospectivo de cohortes utilizando datos tomados de historias clínicas de reparaciones de fístula realizadas entre el 2007 y el 2013. Los datos del estudio se revisaron durante el periodo entre Abril y Agosto 2014. Resultados La mayoría de las 2116 mujeres que se sometieron a la reparación quirúrgica tenían una fistula vesico-vaginal (n = 2045, 97%) y 3% tenían una fístula recto-vaginal o una combinación de ambas. En general, 1748 (83%) tenían la fístula cerrada y eran continentes inmediatamente después de la cirugía. En el momento del alta, 1795 mujeres (85%) tenían la fistula cerrada y 1680 (79%) estaban secas, es decir que ya no perdían orina y/o heces. 115 (5%) continuaron teniendo incontinencia residual a pesar de que la fistula estaba cerrada. El seguimiento a los tres meses se completó para 1663 (79%) mujeres, de las cuales 1405 (84.5%) tenían la fistula cerrada y 80% eran continentes. Un 21% fueron perdidas durante el seguimiento. Conclusión La reparación rutinaria programada de la fístula obstétrica en lugares con pocos recursos puede dar buenos resultados. Sin embargo, se requieren más esfuerzos para resolver la pérdida durante el seguimiento, mantener los resultados y prevenir la aparición y/o reaparición de la fístula. PMID:25706671

  8. Effects of relaxation on depression levels in women with high-risk pregnancies: a randomised clinical trial.


    Araújo, Wanda Scherrer de; Romero, Walckiria Garcia; Zandonade, Eliana; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa


    com nível de significância de 5%. Os testes de Wilcoxon e t pareado foram utilizados para avaliar os níveis de depressão entre os dois momentos. Em relação aos dados categóricos, foi utilizado o teste de McNemar para analisar diferenças na gravidade da depressão antes e depois da intervenção. os níveis de depressão diminuíram no grupo intervenção cinco dias após a aplicação da técnica de relaxamento (4.5±3, p<0.05) em comparação sos níveis do primeiro momento (10.3±5.9). como uma intervenção de enfermagem, o relaxamento foi eficaz na diminuição dos sintomas de depressão em mulheres internadas com gravidez de alto risco. analizar los efectos de la relajación como una intervención de enfermería sobre los niveles de depresión de mujeres hospitalizadas con embarazos de alto riesgo. un ensayo clínico aleatorizado realizado en un centro de referencia para embarazos de alto riesgo. La muestra consistía en 50 mujeres con embarazos de alto riesgo (25 en el grupo control y 25 en el grupo de intervención). Se aplicó la técnica de relajación de Benson al grupo de intervención durante cinco días. Las variables control se recogieron usando un formulario prediseñado, y los signos y síntomas de depresión se evaluaron usando la Escala de Depresión Postparto de Edimburgo (EDPE, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale - EPDS). El Paquete Estadístico para Ciencias Sociales (SPSS, del inglés Statistical Package for Social Sciences), versión 20.0, se usó con un nivel de significación del 5%. La prueba de Wilcoxon y la prueba de t de Student pareada se usaron para evaluar los niveles de depresión entre dos puntos en el tiempo. Usando datos categóricos, la prueba de McNemar se usó para analizar diferencias en la severidad de la depresión antes y después de la intervención. los niveles de depresión disminuyeron en el grupo de intervención a los cinco días después de que la técnica de relajación fuera aplicada (4.5 ± 3, p<0.05) en

  9. Percentiles of body fat measured by bioelectrical impedance in children and adolescents from Bogotá (Colombia): the FUPRECOL study.


    Escobar-Cardozo, Germán D; Correa-Bautista, Jorge E; González-Jiménez, Emilio; Schmidt-RioValle, Jacqueline; Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson


    The analysis of body composition is a fundamental part of nutritional status assessment. The objective of this study was to establish body fat percentiles by bioelectrical impedance in children and adolescents from Bogotá (Colombia) who were part of the FUPRECOL study (Asociación de la Fuerza Prensil con Manifestaciones Tempranas de Riesgo Cardiovascular en Niños y Adolescentes Colombianos - Association between prehensile force and early signs of cardiovascular risk in Colombian children and adolescents). This was a cross-sectional study conducted among 5850 students aged 9-17.9 years old from Bogotá (Colombia). Body fat percentage was measured using foot-to-foot bioelectrical impedance (Tanita®, BF-689), by age and gender. Weight, height, waist circumference, and hip circumference were measured, and sexual maturity was self-staged. Percentiles (P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90 and P97) and centile curves were estimated using the LMS method (L [BoxCox curve], M [median curve] and S [variation coefficient curve]), by age and gender. Subjects included were 2526 children and 3324 adolescents. Body fat percentages and centile curves by age and gender were established. For most age groups, values resulted higher among girls than boys. Participants with values above P90 were considered to have a high cardiovascular risk due to excess fat (boys > 23.428.3, girls > 31.0-34.1). Body fat percentage percentiles measured using bioelectrical impedance by age and gender are presented here and may be used as reference to assess nutritional status and to predict cardiovascular risk due to excess fat at an early age. Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría.

  10. Eating habits and total and abdominal fat in Spanish adolescents: influence of physical activity. The AVENA study.


    Gómez-Martínez, Sonia; Martínez-Gómez, David; Perez de Heredia, Fatima; Romeo, Javier; Cuenca-Garcia, Magdalena; Martín-Matillas, Miguel; Castillo, Manuel; Rey-López, Juan-Pablo; Vicente-Rodriguez, German; Moreno, Luis; Marcos, Ascensión


    To evaluate the association between specific dietary habits and body fatness in Spanish adolescents, and to analyze the role of leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) in this association. In this cross-sectional study, 1,978 adolescents (1,017 girls) aged 13.0-18.5 years from the AVENA (Alimentación y Valoración del Estado Nutricional en Adolescentes) study were included. Particular dietary habits (breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and nighttime snack, as well as time spent eating, number of meals, consumption of soft drinks, and ready-to-eat foods) and LTPA were self-reported and analyzed as dichotomic variables (yes/no). The sum of six skinfold thicknesses and waist circumference (WC) values were the main body fatness variables. Skinfolds and WC values were lower in adolescents who reported consumption of mid-morning snack, afternoon snack, more than four meals per day, and an adequate speed of eating, independently of participation in LTPA. Moreover, a beneficial influence of breakfast consumption on skinfolds and WC values was observed in those adolescent boys who did not participate in LTPA (p for interactions = .044 and .040, respectively). In Spanish adolescents, certain healthy dietary habits (i.e., mid-morning snack, afternoon snack, > 4 meals per day, adequate eating speed) are associated with lower body fatness, independently of engaging in LTPA. In addition, among boys with non-LTPA, those who skipped breakfast showed the highest body fatness values, indicating a beneficial influence of daily breakfast on body fat in this particular group. Copyright © 2012 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. ERICA: age at menarche and its association with nutritional status.


    Barros, Bruna de Siqueira; Kuschnir, Maria Cristina Maria Caetano; Bloch, Katia Vergetti; Silva, Thiago Luiz Nogueira da


    To estimate the mean age at menarche and its association with nutritional status in Brazilian adolescents. The study sample included female adolescents aged 12-17 who participated in a multicenter, school-based, country-wide, cross-sectional study entitled The Study of Cardiovascular Risk in Adolescents (Estudo de Riscos Cardiovasculares em Adolescentes [ERICA]). Mean and median ages at menarche in Brazil were estimated. The association of age at menarche with sociodemographic data and nutritional status were described as means and their respective 95% confidence intervals. Survival analysis was used to assess the age at menarche according to nutritional status categories and the log-rank test was used to compare the medians. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed using Cox regression to verify the association between menarche and other variables. A total of 73,624 students were evaluated, comprising 40,803 girls, of whom 37,390 reported menarche at a mean age of 11.71 years and a median of 12.41 years. Median age at menarche was lower in overweight and obese girls (p<0.001). The multivariate analysis showed that excess weight (HR=1.28; 95% CI 1.21-1.36; p<0.001) and studying in a private school (HR=1.06; 95% CI 1.02-1.10; p=0.003) were associated with menarche. This is a pioneering study in Brazil with national and regional representativeness to estimate the mean and the median age of occurrence of menarche. Adolescents with excess weight had an earlier menarche than their peers, even after adjustment for confounding factors. Copyright © 2018 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  12. Enticing Spanish-Speaking Adolescents: Recent Books in Spanish for Every Taste/Cautivar a los Adolescentes Hispanohablantes: Libros Recientes en Espanol Para Todos los Gustos.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schon, Isabel


    Argues that books in Spanish can engage Spanish-speaking students in the reading process, and that fostering the love of reading is a necessary first step to reading proficiency in any language. Offers brief descriptions of 16 recently published books in Spanish, and describes a large database of recommended books for children and adolescents in…

  13. Experiencia Pedagogica con Adolescentes Paraliticos Cerebrales: La Musica, Un Elemento Rehabilitador (A Pedagogical Experience with Teenage Cerebral Paralytics Using Music as a Rehabilitating Element).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Colomer, Marta; And Others

    The monograph describes efforts carried out in the Department of Work Therapy of a center for cerebral paralysis in Barcelona, Spain. The rehabilitation program incorporated music and movement in an attempt to develop the musical ear, sensitivity, and a sensorial education. The program stresses rhythm, melody, harmony, voice, musical audition, and…

  14. Objeto Mental Fracción de Alumnos de Secundaria con Problemas de Absentismo Escolar = Mental Object for Fractions of Middle School Students with Absenteeism Problems

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Valenzuela García, Carlos; Figueras, Olimpia; Arnau Vera, David; Gutiérrez-Soto, Juan


    In this paper characterizations of mental objects for fractions of middle school students (from 12 to 14 years old) with absenteeism problems and low academic performance, are described. A test was designed as part of a research whose general purpose is to contribute in the building up of better mental objects for fractions through a teaching…

  15. Funding women's health work -- no easy answers.


    Ikeda, J


    This article discusses a community's solution to improving women's health in Guatemala. Indigenous women from the highland community of Cajola formed the Asociacion Pro-Bienestar de la Mujer Mam (APBMM). The APBMM identified a need for women health promoters and good, low-cost medicines. The Instituto de Educacion Integral para la Salud y el Desarrollo (IDEI) helped train 16 women as health communicators or promoters in 1996. The health communicators learned about setting up community medicine distribution. The mayor bypassed APBMM's efforts to set up medicine distribution and set up a community pharmacy himself. Someone else opened a private pharmacy. The 200-member group was frustrated and redirected their energies to making natural herbal medicines, such as eucalyptus rub. The group set up a community medicine chest in the IDEI medical clinic and sold modern medicine, homemade vapor rubs, and syrups. The group was joined by midwives and other volunteers and began educating mothers about treatment of diarrhea and respiratory diseases. The Drogueria Estatal, which distributes medicines nationally to nongovernmental groups, agreed to sell high quality, low cost medicine to the medicine chest, which was renamed Venta Social de Medicamentos (VSM). The health communicators are working on three potential income generation projects: VSM, the production and sale of traditional medicines and educational materials, and an experimental greenhouse to grow medicinal plants and research other crops that can be grown in the highlands.

  16. Ependimoma myxopapilar sacro gigante con osteolisis

    PubMed Central

    Ajler, Pablo; Landriel, Federico; Goldschmidt, Ezequiel; Campero, Álvaro; Yampolsky, Claudio


    Objetivo: la presentación de un caso de una paciente con un ependimoma sacro con extensa infiltración y destrucción ósea local. Descripción del caso: una mujer de 53 años acudió a la consulta por dolor lumbosacro y alteraciones sensitivas perineales y esfinterianas. La imágenes por Resonancia Magnética (IRM) y la Tomografía Axial Computada (TAC) mostraron una lesión expansiva gigante a nivel S2-S4 con extensa osteólisis e invasión de tejidos adyacentes. Se realizó una exéresis tumoral completa con mejoría del estatus funcional. La anatomía patológica informó ependimoma mixopapilar. Discusión: la extensión de la resección quirúrgica es el mejor predictor de buen pronóstico. El tratamiento radiante se reserva como opción adyuvante para las resecciones incompletas y recidiva tumoral. La quimioterapia sólo debería utilizarse en casos en que la cirugía y la radioterapia estén contraindicadas. Conclusión: Los ependimomas mixopapilares sacros con destrucción ósea y presentación intra y extradural son muy infrecuentes y deben ser tenidos en cuenta entre los diagnósticos diferenciales preoperatorios. Su resección total, siempre que sea posible, es la mejor alternativa terapéutica. PMID:25165615

  17. [Clinical-epidemiological study in children with cleft lip palate in a secondary-level hospital].


    Pons-Bonals, Alicia; Pons-Bonals, Leticia; Hidalgo-Martínez, Sandra Margarita; Sosa-Ferreyra, Carlos Francisco

    One of the most common congenital disorders that affects the facial structures is the cleft lip palate (CLP). The aim of this study was to generate the clinical-epidemiological profile of CLP patients from Hospital de Especialidades del Niño y la Mujer (HENM) Dr. Felipe Nuñez Lara, from the Ministry of Health, Queretaro, Mexico, from 2011 to 2014, who received treatment from the Cleft Lip Palate Clinic in order to provide interdisciplinary treatments for CLP patients based on the information from the pediatric records. Retrospective, cross-sectional, observational study using univariate analysis frequencies for qualitative variables; central statistical and dispersion for quantitative variables and clinical profile. One hundred records were reviewed, from which 15 were discarded for being syndromic cases. Epidemiological, clinical, and socio-demographic variables were studied. The epidemiological profile (variables associated with mother's pregnancy, patient's health at birth, nutritional and psychomotor development; family medical records, addictions, and socioeconomic factors) and clinical profile (disease classification by sex, structure, and side; surgeries classification and order in which they took place) of the treated population were registered. The results showed the need to standardize the data registration on medical records to improve the monitoring and treatment of patients and emphasize actions to maintain low incidence of CLP in Queretaro. Copyright © 2017 Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  18. PubMed

    Roldan, Mariela; Bella, Monica; Dionisio, Leandro


    Ciencias Médicas Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.ResumenLa violencia doméstica es actualmente un problema de salud pública debido a su magnitud y repercusiones sociosanitarias. Objetivo: explorar las características epidemiológicas sociodemográficas y psicopatológicas  de personas denunciadas como agresores en la ciudad de Córdoba. Material y Métodos: estudio exploratorio, retrospectivo y transversal de los registros de personas denunciadas como presuntos agresores de violencia intrafamiliar en la fiscalía de violencia familiar de los tribunales Judiciales Provinciales de Córdoba Capital en el período junio 2011 a mayo 2012. Resultados: el (86%) fueron varones y el (14%) mujeres con una  edad de ±35 años. La violencia de pareja fue la más prevalente en el (69%). El grupo etario más comprometido fue el de 20 a 39 años El tipo de lesión más frecuente fue la amenaza (45,6%), seguida de lesiones graves (35,3%). La mayor parte de  los casos no presentó diagnóstico de trastorno mental (64,3%). El trastorno mental más frecuente fue el consumo de sustancia (28,3%). Conclusión: el tipo de violencia denunciada con mayor frecuencia fue la violencia intrafamiliar de pareja y afectó a la gente de edad joven y productiva mostrando un comportamiento de género y factores de riesgo social.

  19. Policing behaviors, safe injection self-efficacy, and intervening on injection risks: Moderated mediation results from a randomized trial.


    Pitpitan, Eileen V; Patterson, Thomas L; Abramovitz, Daniela; Vera, Alicia; Martinez, Gustavo; Staines, Hugo; Strathdee, Steffanie A


    We aim to use conditional or moderated mediation to simultaneously test how and for whom an injection risk intervention was efficacious at reducing receptive needle sharing among female sex workers who inject drugs (FSWs-IDUs) in Mexico. Secondary analysis of data from a randomized trial. A total of 300 FSW-IDUs participated in Mujer Mas Segura in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and were randomized to an interactive injection risk intervention or a didactic injection risk intervention. We measured safe injection self-efficacy as the hypothesized mediator and policing behaviors (being arrested and syringe confiscation) as hypothesized moderators. In total, 213 women provided complete data for the current analyses. Conditional (moderated) mediation showed that the intervention affected receptive needle sharing through safe injection self-efficacy among women who experienced syringe confiscation. On average, police syringe confiscation was associated with lower safe injection self-efficacy (p = .04). Among those who experienced syringe confiscation, those who received the interactive (vs. didactic) intervention reported higher self-efficacy, which in turn predicted lower receptive needle sharing (p = .04). Whereas syringe confiscation by the police negatively affected safe injection self-efficacy and ultimately injection risk behavior, our interactive intervention helped to "buffer" this negative impact of police behavior on risky injection practices. The theory-based, active skills building elements included in the interactive condition, which were absent from the didactic condition, helped participants' self-efficacy for safer injection in the face of syringe confiscation. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  20. Policing Behaviors, Safe Injection Self-Efficacy, and Intervening on Injection Risks: Moderated Mediation Results from a Randomized Trial

    PubMed Central

    Pitpitan, Eileen V.; Patterson, Thomas L.; Abramovitz, Daniela; Vera, Alicia; Martinez, Gustavo; Staines, Hugo; Strathdee, Steffanie A.


    Objective We aim to use conditional, or moderated mediation to simultaneously test how and for whom an injection risk intervention was efficacious at reducing receptive needle sharing among female sex workers who inject drugs (FSWs-IDUs) in Mexico. Methods Secondary analysis of data from a randomized trial. A total of 300 FSW-IDUs participated in Mujer Mas Segura in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and were randomized to an interactive injection risk intervention or a didactic injection risk intervention. We measured safe injection self-efficacy as the hypothesized mediator, and policing behaviors (being arrested and syringe confiscation) as hypothesized moderators. 213 women provided complete data for the current analyses. Results Conditional (moderated) mediation showed that the intervention affected receptive needle sharing through safe injection self-efficacy among women who experienced syringe confiscation. On average, police syringe confiscation was associated with lower safe injection self-efficacy (p = 0.04). Among those who experienced syringe confiscation, those who received the interactive (vs. didactic) intervention reported higher self-efficacy, which in turn predicted lower receptive needle sharing (p = 0.04). Conclusions Whereas syringe confiscation by the police negatively impacted safe injection self-efficacy and ultimately injection risk behavior, our interactive intervention helped to “buffer” this negative impact of police behavior on risky injection practices. The theory-based, active skills building elements included in the interactive condition, which were absent from the didactic condition, helped participants’ self-efficacy for safer injection in the face of syringe confiscation. PMID:26120851

  1. PubMed

    Ávila García, Manuel; Huertas Delgado, Francisco Javier Huertas Delgado; Tercedor Sánchez, Pablo


    Introducción: España es el tercer país europeo con mayor prevalencia de obesidad infantil, dando lugar a la aparición de programas de intervención destinados a fomentar hábitos alimentarios saludables y/o de actividad física (AF).Objetivo: el propósito de esta revisión sistemática fue conocer aquellos programas de intervención para la promoción de hábitos alimentarios y de AF desarrollados en escolares españoles de Educación Primaria (EP) y analizar la influencia que han tenido las intervenciones sobre la composición corporal, los hábitos alimentarios y la AF.Método: se revisaron los artículos publicados entre los años 2000 y 2015 en las siguientes bases de datos: Web of Science, Scopus, Dialnet, PubMed, Eric, Sportdiscus y Psycinfo por dos revisores independientes.Resultados: se contabilizaron un total de 813 artículos, de los cuales tras la eliminación de duplicados (192), lectura de títulos y resumen (587) y lectura del texto completo (17), tan solo 7 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión.Conclusiones: los programas de intervención analizados mostraron cambios positivos en la mejora de la composición corporal en algo menos de la mitad de los estudios analizados; por otro lado, casi todos los programas de intervención analizados tuvieron un efecto positivo sobre conductas respecto a ciertos hábitos alimentarios, como la ingesta de frutas, y sobre el incremento del nivel de AF.

  2. Products purchased from family farming for school meals in the cities of Rio Grande do Sul

    PubMed Central

    Ferigollo, Daniele; Kirsten, Vanessa Ramos; Heckler, Dienifer; Figueredo, Oscar Agustín Torres; Perez-Cassarino, Julian; Triches, Rozane Márcia


    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE This study aims to verify the adequacy profile of the cities of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in relation to the purchase of products of family farming by the Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE - National Program of School Meals). METHODS This is a quantitative descriptive study, with secondary data analysis (public calls-to-bid). The sample consisted of approximately 10% (n = 52) of the cities in the State, establishing a representation by mesoregion and size of the population. We have assessed the percentage of food purchased from family farming, as well as the type of product, requirements of frequency, delivery points, and presence of prices in 114 notices of public calls-to-bid, in 2013. RESULTS Of the cities analyzed, 71.2% (n = 37) reached 30% of food purchased from family farming. Most public calls-to-bid demanded both products of plant (90.4%; n = 103) and animal origin (79.8%; n = 91). Regarding the degree of processing, fresh products appeared in 92.1% (n = 105) of the public calls-to-bid. In relation to the delivery of products, centralized (49.1%; n = 56) and weekly deliveries (47.4%; n = 54) were the most described. Only 60% (n = 68) of the public calls-to-bid contained the price of products. CONCLUSIONS Most of the cities analyzed have fulfilled what is determined by the legislation of the PNAE. We have found in the public calls-to-bid a wide variety of food, both of plant and animal origin, and most of it is fresh. In relation to the delivery of the products, the centralized and weekly options prevailed. PMID:28225910

  3. Community resilience and Chagas disease in a rural region of Mexico.


    Rangel, José Antonio Santana; Monreal, Luz Arenas; Ramsey, Janine M


    óvenes, mujeres y hombres adultos. La investigación se efectúo en una localidad rural del Estado de Morelos, México, entre 2006 y 2007. Se efectuaron sesiones educativas con la población en general, para que los habitantes identificaran la relación entre el vector Triatoma pallidipennis, el parásito (Trypanosoma cruzi), la sintomatología y acciones preventivas para la enfermedad de Chagas. El registro etnográfico y los grupos fueron analizados con base en una modificación de Taylor y Bogdan, y el foco fue comprender los significados socioculturales que guían los discursos y actividades de los pobladores en relación a los pilares de la resiliencia comunitaria. La población se sentía orgullosa de pertenecer a esa localidad y se identificaron con claridad tres pilares de la resiliencia comunitaria: autoestima colectiva, identidad cultural y honestidad social. Tomando como base estos pilares, se impulsó la participación de la población en torno a la enfermedad de Chagas, y se formó un Grupo de Acción Comunitaria con jóvenes, hombres y mujeres adultos, y líderes sociales. Este Grupo inició acciones de vigilancia epidemiológica y entomológica en la comunidad para hacer frente a esta problemática. Es necesario generar más experiencias que profundicen en la comprensión de los pilares de resiliencia comunitaria, y en la manera en que estos contribuyen a potenciar la participación en salud para enfrentar la enfermedad de Chagas.

  4. Como Lo Hago Yo: Mielomeningocele En Bolivia

    PubMed Central

    Dabdoub, Carlos F.; Dabdoub, Carlos B.; Villavicencio, Ramiro; Quevedo, Germán


    Introducción: Las malformaciones del tubo neural (MTN) representan la segunda causa más frecuente de anomalías congénitas, luego de las cardiopatías. En este grupo se destaca el mielomeningocele (MMC) por su mayor incidencia, y por ser la más incapacitante y la más compleja entre todas las demás malformaciones del sistema nervioso c`entral (SNC). En Bolivia, como en muchos países de Sudamérica, los bajos niveles socio-culturales y la debilidad en el sistema sanitario, hacen que su incidencia y su morbilidad, sean mayores que en las naciones más desarrolladas. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo de 70 casos de MMC, atendidos por un equipo multidisciplinario en el Hospital Universitario Japonés (HUJ) de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, entre 2008-2011. De ellos, 60 fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente. Resultados: Se realizaron controles prenatales sólo en 27 mujeres (38.6%), diagnosticándose una disrafia espinal en apenas dos casos (7.4%). La edad de ingreso del MMC en su mayoría fue después de las 24 horas (65.6%), predominando su localización en la región lumbosacra (64.3%). De ellos, 67.2% eran abiertos, presentando un 32.9% un daño neurológico motor parcial mientras que 47.1% tenían paraplejia por debajo de la lesión. De los 70 casos, tres (4.3%) no fueron intervenidos, por presentar defectos congénitos severos o estado general grave. Las principales complicaciones posoperatorias inmediatas fueron: dehiscencia de sutura y/o infección de la herida (16.6%), fístula de líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR) (10%) e infección del SNC (11.7%). La mortalidad general y postoperatoria fue de 7.1% y 3.3%, respectivamente. Al mes de vida presentaban hidrocefalia un 80% de los pacientes operados, colocándose una derivación ventriculoperitoneal (DVP) de presión media. De 9 pacientes que tuvieron un acompanamiento de dos o más años, seis presentaron una médula anclada, que fueron intervenidas quirúrgicamente. Conclusi

  5. Impact of Chloroquine on Viral Load in Breast Milk

    PubMed Central

    Semrau, Katherine; Kuhn, Louise; Kasonde, Prisca; Sinkala, Moses; Kankasa, Chipepo; Shutes, Erin; Vwalika, Cheswa; Ghosh, Mrinal; Aldrovandi, Grace; Thea, Donald M.


    , chloroquine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, charge virale du lait maternel, fièvre Impacto de la cloroquina en la carga viral de la leche materna El antimalárico cloroquina tiene actividad frente al VIH. Comparamos el efecto de la cloroquina (n = 18) frente a un antimalárico sin actividad anti-VIH conocida, la sulfadoxina-pirimetamina (n = 12), en los niveles de ARN en la leche materna de mujeres infectadas con VIH, en Zambia. Después de ajustar para recuento de CD4 y la carga viral en plasma, se asoció a la cloroquina con una tendencia hacia menores niveles de ARN del VIH en leche materna, comparado con la sulfadoxina pirimetamina (P = 0.05). También se observó una mayor carga viral en la leche materna de mujeres recibiendo tratamiento presuntivo para malaria sintomática, que en los controles asintomáticos y controles que habáan reportado fiebre la semana anterior. Es necesario realizar más estudios para determinar el papel potencial de la cloroquina en la prevención de la trasmisión de VIH a través de la lactancia materna. palabras claveVIH, malaria, lactancia materna, cloroquina, sulfadoxina pirimetamina, transmisión vertical, leche materna, carga viral, fiebre PMID:16772000

  6. Foot length measurements of newborns of high and low risk pregnancies.


    Salge, Ana Karina Marques; Rocha, Érika Lopes; Gaíva, Maria Aparecida Munhoz; Castral, Thaíla Correa; Guimarães, Janaína Valadares; Xavier, Raphaela Maioni


    de la longitud hallux-calcáneo de los recién nacidos en embarazos de alto y bajo riesgo en un hospital público de Goiânia, GO.MÉTODOSEstudio transversal realizado de abril 2013 a mayo 2015, cuya muestra estuvo constituida por 180 recién nacidos, 106 de mujeres con embarazos de alto riesgo y 74 de mujeres con embarazos de bajo riesgo. Los datos se analizaron de manera descriptiva. La medida de la longitud hallux-calcáneo se realizó mediante regla de plástico rígido transparente, graduada en milímetros. Se midieron en ambos pies, las longitudes de la punta del hallux hasta el final del calcáneo. Se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la longitud hallux-calcáneo y el peso del recién nacido, entre las circunferencias cefálica y torácica en el grupo de alto riesgo y entre la circunferencia cefálica en el grupo control. Existe la necesidad de crear puntos de corte para identificar los recién nacidos con desviaciones de crecimiento intrauterino utilizando la longitud desde el hallux hasta el calcáneo.

  7. Experiencias atípicas psicóticas y cuasi-psicóticas en adolescentes puertorriqueños/as deprimidos/as: Prevalencia y factores asociados1

    PubMed Central

    López Robledo, Yaritza M.; Cumba-Avilés, Eduardo; Bernal, Guillermo


    Se examinó la prevalencia de experiencias atípicas psicóticas y cuasi-psicóticas y se identificaron factores asociados a éstas en 162 jóvenes puertorriqueños/as entre 13 y 17.5 años. Se evaluó la sintomatología depresiva, la ideación suicida, así como la presencia o historia de experiencias atípicas, eventos traumáticos y maltrato o abuso. Las experiencias atípicas estuvieron asociadas (p<.05) a ser fémina, a tener enfermedades físicas, a experimentar eventos traumáticos, a haber recibido tratamiento para la depresión, y a una sintomatología depresiva e ideación suicida elevada. Los eventos traumáticos, el tratamiento farmacológico para la depresión y la severidad de la ideación suicida fueron predictores significativos del número de experiencias reportadas. Los resultados confirman que la mayoría de las experiencias no son psicóticas. Se discuten las implicaciones para la evaluación y el tratamiento de jóvenes deprimidos/as.

  8. Previniendo el Uso de Drogas entre Ninos y Adolescentes: Una Guia Basada en Investigaciones (Preventing Drug Use among Children and Adolescents: A Research-Based Guide).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sloboda, Zili; David, Susan L.

    This question and answer guide provides an overview of the research on the origins and pathways of drug abuse, the basic principles derived from effective drug abuse prevention research, and the application of research results to the prevention of drug use among young people. The basic principles derived from drug abuse prevention research are…

  9. Interpretation d'une Controverse Scientifique: Strategies Argumentatives d'Adolescentes et d'Adolescents Quebecois (Interpretation of a Scientific Controversy: Argument Strategies of Adolescents and Quebecois Adolescents).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bader, Barbara


    Sketches out the argumentative strategies used by three 17-year-old boys to interpret the disagreement presented to them. Shows that they were inclined to adduce current ideas about science--framed according to a realist, empiricist epistemology--but that there are grounds for thinking that high school students would be capable of actualizing…

  10. Experiencias en Lenguaje Para su Nino ed Edad Pre-escolar. Parte I: Actividades Para la Casa. (Language Experiences for Your Preschooler. Part I: Activities at Home.)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York State Education Dept., Albany. Bureau of Continuing Education Curriculum Development.

    The purpose of this manuscript (written in Spanish) is to encourage the development of communication skills of preschool children by introducing their parents to a number of learning activities suitable for home use. It is written to be used by an instructor who is working with preschool parents. The activities, which are designed to be…

  11. A Cross-Sectional Study on the Diet and Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls in Zambézia Province, Mozambique (the ZANE Study): Design, Methods, and Population Characteristics.


    Korkalo, Liisa; Freese, Riitta; Fidalgo, Lourdes; Selvester, Kerry; Ismael, Carina; Mutanen, Marja


    There is very little published work on dietary intake and nutritional status of Mozambicans. We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study on the diet and nutritional status of adolescent girls in different types of communities in Zambézia Province, Central Mozambique, in two distinct seasons. The purpose of this paper is to present the design, methods, and study population characteristics of the Estudo do Estado Nutricional e da Dieta em Raparigas Adolescentes na Zambézia (the ZANE Study). Data was collected in January-February 2010 ("hunger season") and in May-June 2010 ("harvest season"). A total of 551 girls in the age group 14-19 years old were recruited from one urban area and two districts (district towns and rural villages). The study protocol included a background interview, a 24-hour dietary recall interview, a food frequency questionnaire, anthropometric measurements, bioimpedance, hemoglobin measurement, and venous blood, urine, buccal cell, and fecal sampling. Adolescent motherhood was common in all study regions. Stunting prevalence for the total study population as a weighted percentage was 17.8% (95/549; 95% CI 14.3-22.0) with no regional differences. Overweight was found mainly in the urban area where the prevalence was 12.6% (20/159; 95% CI 7.5-17.6), thinness was rare. There were regional differences in the prevalence of malaria parasitemia and intestinal helminth infestation, but not human immunodeficiency virus. The fully analyzed data from the ZANE Study will yield results useful for setting priorities in nutrition policy and further research on the diet and nutritional status in Mozambique and other countries with similar nutritional problems. NCT01944891; (Archived by WebCite at

  12. Suicidal tendency in a sample of adolescent outpatients with adjustment disorder: gender differences.


    Ferrer, Laia; Kirchner, Teresa


    Although Adjustment Disorder (AD) is a prevalent diagnosis in adolescent mental health services and linked to suicidal tendency in adolescence, little research exists examining prevalence and gender differences of suicidal symptoms among AD patients using standardized instruments. The present study aims to assess the presence of suicidal tendency in a clinical sample of Spanish adolescents with AD analyzing gender differences. Ninety-seven adolescents with AD were recruited at a public mental health center and included in the AD sample; they were administered the Inventario de Riesgo Suicida para Adolescentes (Suicide Risk Inventory for Adolescents-IRIS) and the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI). Ninety-nine community adolescents were recruited and administered the IRIS inventory. The community sample works as a contrast group. Girls with AD show higher levels of suicidal symptoms than boys on both the IRIS Suicidal Ideation and Intention scale (t=8.15, p<.001) and the MACI Suicidal Tendency scale (t=6.6, p<.001). Girls with AD scored significantly higher than girls from the community contrast group sample in the IRIS Suicidal Ideation and Intention scale, but boys with AD presented no differences with regard to boys form the community contrast group sample. Compared with normative clinical samples of the MACI, no differences in the Suicidal Tendency scale scores were found between AD and normative girls, but AD boys showed significantly lower mean scores than normative boys. Suicidal symptoms were presented by 27% of girls and 18% of boys, although only 6% of the girls and none of the boys presented clear suicidal tendencies. Considering suicidal tendencies in adolescents with Adjustment Disorder is important-especially in girls, who present high suicidal tendencies in relation both to boys and to community peers and the normative clinical population. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. [Changes in smoking prevalence among adolescents in Spain].


    Villalbí, Joan R; Suelves, Josep M; García-Continente, Xavier; Saltó, Esteve; Ariza, Carles; Cabezas, Carmen


    To analyse information on adolescent use of tobacco in Spain from different school surveys. Data on daily smoking prevalence by sex at the end of compulsory education is extracted and figures are compared, analysing trends. The five representative studies on adolescents in Spain are reviewed: The National Survey on Drug Use in Secondary School Children (Encuesta estatal sobre uso de drogas en estudiantes de secundaria (ESTUDES); Survey of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC-ECERS); Surveillance System of Risk Factors Associated With Non-Transmittable diseases in the Young Population (Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo Asociados a Enfermedades No Transmisibles dirigido a población Juvenil)(SIVFRENT-J); Study of Risk Factors in Secondary School Children (Estudio de factores de riesgo en estudiantes de secundaria) (FRESC); Surveillance Study of Health Behaviour in Adolescents (Estudio de Monitorización de las Conductas de Salud de los Adolescentes) (EMCSAT). The prevalence of daily smokers varies among studies, in boys from 8.5 to 13.3% and in girls from 12.7 to 16.4%. Although some series show variations, the trend from 1993 to 2008 is downwards. With data from recent years, weighted annual declines in smoking prevalence in adolescence can be estimated to be 6.47% for boys and 6.96% for girls. There is a decreasing pattern in adolescent daily smoking prevalence in Spain from the different existing studies, which provide consistent data, although surveillance must be kept due to fluctuations. This is in agreement with tobacco sales statistics and health surveys in the adult population. However, the pace of change should be more rapid and constant. © 2010 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  14. Pediatric chronic patients at outpatient clinics: a study in a Latin American University Hospital.


    Alveno, Renata A; Miranda, Caroline V; Passone, Caroline G; Waetge, Aurora R; Hojo, Elza S; Farhat, Sylvia C L; Odone-Filho, Vicente; Tannuri, Uenis; Carvalho, Werther B; Carneiro-Sampaio, Magda; Silva, Clovis A


    To describe the characteristics of children and adolescentes with chronic diseases of outpatient clinics at a tertiary university hospital. A cross-sectional study was performed with 16,237 patients with chronic diseases followed-up in one year. The data were collected through the electronic system, according to the number of physician appointments in 23 pediatric specialties. Patients were divided in two groups: children (0-9 years) and adolescents (10-19 years). Early (10-14 years) and late (15-19 years) adolescent groups were also analyzed. Of the total sample, 56% were children and 46% were adolescents. The frequencies of following pediatric specialties were significantly higher in adolescents when compared with children: cardiology, endocrinology, hematology, nephrology/renal transplantation, neurology, nutrology, oncology, palliative and pain care, psychiatry, and rheumatology (p<0.05). The frequencies of emergency service visits (30% vs. 17%, p<0.001), hospitalizations (23% vs. 11%, p<0.001), intensive care unit admissions (6% vs. 2%, p<0.001), and deaths (1% vs. 0.6%, p=0.002) were significantly lower in adolescents than in children. However, the number of physician appointments (≥13) per patient was also higher in the adolescent group (5% vs. 6%, p=0.018). Further analysis comparison between early and late adolescents revealed that the first group had significantly more physician appointments (35% vs. 32%, p=0.025), and required more than two pediatric specialties (22% vs. 21%, p=0.047). Likewise, the frequencies of emergency service visits (19% vs. 14%, p<0.001) and hospitalizations (12% vs. 10%, p=0.035) were higher in early adolescents. This study evaluated a large population in a Latin American hospital and suggested that early adolescents with chronic diseases required many appointments, multiple specialties and hospital admissions. Copyright © 2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  15. A Cross-Sectional Study on the Diet and Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls in Zambézia Province, Mozambique (the ZANE Study): Design, Methods, and Population Characteristics

    PubMed Central

    Freese, Riitta; Fidalgo, Lourdes; Selvester, Kerry; Ismael, Carina; Mutanen, Marja


    Background There is very little published work on dietary intake and nutritional status of Mozambicans. We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study on the diet and nutritional status of adolescent girls in different types of communities in Zambézia Province, Central Mozambique, in two distinct seasons. Objective The purpose of this paper is to present the design, methods, and study population characteristics of the Estudo do Estado Nutricional e da Dieta em Raparigas Adolescentes na Zambézia (the ZANE Study). Methods Data was collected in January-February 2010 ("hunger season") and in May-June 2010 ("harvest season"). A total of 551 girls in the age group 14-19 years old were recruited from one urban area and two districts (district towns and rural villages). The study protocol included a background interview, a 24-hour dietary recall interview, a food frequency questionnaire, anthropometric measurements, bioimpedance, hemoglobin measurement, and venous blood, urine, buccal cell, and fecal sampling. Results Adolescent motherhood was common in all study regions. Stunting prevalence for the total study population as a weighted percentage was 17.8% (95/549; 95% CI 14.3-22.0) with no regional differences. Overweight was found mainly in the urban area where the prevalence was 12.6% (20/159; 95% CI 7.5-17.6), thinness was rare. There were regional differences in the prevalence of malaria parasitemia and intestinal helminth infestation, but not human immunodeficiency virus. Conclusions The fully analyzed data from the ZANE Study will yield results useful for setting priorities in nutrition policy and further research on the diet and nutritional status in Mozambique and other countries with similar nutritional problems. Trial Registration NCT01944891; (Archived by WebCite at PMID:24598035

  16. Television watching, videogames, and excess of body fat in Spanish adolescents: the AVENA study.


    Vicente-Rodríguez, Germán; Rey-López, J Pablo; Martín-Matillas, Miguel; Moreno, Luis A; Wärnberg, Julia; Redondo, Carlos; Tercedor, Pablo; Delgado, Manuel; Marcos, Ascensión; Castillo, Manuel; Bueno, Manuel


    We assessed the individual association of sedentary behaviors with the risk of overweight and excess body fat (overfat) in adolescents. A representative sample (1960 subjects, 1012 males, age 13-18.5 y) of Spanish adolescents was studied within the framework of the Alimentación y Valoración del Estado Nutricional de los Adolescentes (AVENA) study. Television (TV) watching, videogame and computer usage, doing homework, and the way students got to school, physical activity, and socioeconomic status were analyzed. Anthropometrics were measured to describe overweight (International Obesity Task Force cutoffs for body mass index) and overfat (body fat percentage >85th percentile). When all subjects were considered as an entire group, the overweight risk increased by 15.8% (P < 0.05) per increasing hour of TV watching. The overweight risks decreased by 32.5% in females, 22% per increasing year of age, and 12.5% by increasing socioeconomic status by 1 U (all Ps < 0.05). The obesity risks decreased with age by 17.8% per year in males and 27.1% in females (both Ps < 0.05). The overfat risks increased by 26.8% and 9.4% per increasing hour of TV and weekend videogame usage, respectively (both Ps < 0.05). In males, the overfat risk increased by 21.5% per increasing hour in weekend videogame usage (P < 0.05). Each hour of TV use increased the overfat risks by 22% in males and 28.3% in females (both Ps < 0.05). Time spent watching TV increased the risk of overweight and obesity in Spanish adolescents, but the effect was influenced by age, sex, and socioeconomic status. Moreover, an excess of body fat was more directly explained by the time spent watching TV and playing videogames during the weekend.

  17. [Personal and social factors associated with the perception of health and the perception of happiness in a nonclinical adolescent population].


    Gaspar de Matos, M; Simões, C; Batista-Foguet, J; Cottraux, J


    A theoretical conceptualization of the relationship between health and happiness and associated factors was studied using a structural equation model. Data from the Portuguese part of a World Health Organization collaborative study, health behavior in school-aged children [Currie C, Smith R, Boyce W, et al. HBSC, a WHO cross national study: Research protocol for the 2001/2002 survey. Copenhagen: WHO; 2001], were used. A representative national sample (N=6131) of 11-, 13- and 15-year-old pupils was studied [Matos M.G., Equipa do Projecto Aventura Social. A saúde dos adolescentes portugueses: Quatro anos depois (La santé des adolescents portugais : quatre ans après). Lisboa: Edições FMH; 2003] and data were analyzed for the purpose of this paper. Results showed a significant positive correlation between perception of health and perception of happiness. A group of personal and social factors was associated with this correlation. Results demonstrated that personal factors had more impact on health perception, and social factors had more impact on happiness perception. Adjustment fit indexes were good. Socioeconomic status (SES) was significantly associated with a positive health perception, and SES was also significantly but modestly associated with the perception of happiness. Results highlighted the importance of a holistic and positive approach to adolescent health. This study confirmed the importance of family, peer relationship and positive evaluation of the school on adolescents' health and well-being. Results may suggest that preventive interventions in school settings should target both personal factors (e.g., promoting social competence) and social factors (e.g., promoting social support and acceptance). Interventions should also target physical and mental health in order to help adolescents to cope with the daily challenges they meet. Copyright (c) 2008 L'Encéphale, Paris. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  18. Mujeres que Consumen Sustancias y su Vulnerabilidad frente al VIH en Santiago de Chile (Women Who Consume Substances and Their Vulnerability to HIV in Santiago of Chile).


    Irarrázabal, Lisette P; Ferrer, Lilian; Villegas, Natalia; Sanhueza, Sebastián; Molina, Yerko; Cianelli, Rosina


    Women represent 15% of the people living with HIV in Chile. Risk behaviors for HIV are: multiple partners, unsafe sex, and exchange of sex for drugs/money. A correlational design was used. A sample of 203 women who were sexually active and consumed substances within the last 3-months were selected for this study. The average age of the participants was 32.4 years (SD = 9.2) and 68.1% were housewives. The substance most commonly used was alcohol (95.1%) and marijuana (49.8%); 23.7% of the women were drunk or drugged before having sex; 74.4% had multiple sexual partners and 95.6% had unprotected sex. There is a significant correlation (p < 0.05) between substance abuse and HIV risk behaviors. It is necessary to develop more research to understand in depth the relationship between substance use and HIV risk among Chilean women. It is important to consider the use of substances to develop and implement HIV prevention programs in the Chilean community. © The Author(s) 2016.

  19. Conversation with Lara about the Earth and Land. (Spanish Title: Conversando con Lara sobre la Tierra y la Teirra.) Conversando com Lara sobre a Terra e a Terra

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Conceição Barbosa-Lima, Maria


    The present article is the analysis of a conversation between the author and Lara, a four-yearold- girl, enrolled in nursery school, while she makes a drawing of the Earth. It took place outside school environment and without any other person around to avoid interference during the interview. According to Ferreira & Silva (2004), a researcher can only comprehend a child's drawing, or form, by listening to him/her while he/she is creating it. Lara presented the traditional flat drawing, picturing the sky parallel to the ground, as reported by Nardi & Carvalho (1996). However, when asked to draw the World - term used by Butterworth et al. (2002), in order to avoid unnecessary confusion - she represented it by a circle, with herself on the surface. Her drawings led to the conclusion that such girl does not know yet the World in which she lives is the Earth, and probably because of that, within her age and consequent maturity, she accurately differentiates the concepts of land and Earth. El presente artículo analiza una entrevista libre, mientras una niña de 4 años y 4 meses, matriculada en el pregrado, dibuja la Tierra. Esta entrevista se realizó fuera del ambiente escolar y sin otra persona alrededor que pudiera interferir. De acuerdo con Ferreira Silva (2004), para quien investiga es posible conocer realmente lo que un niño o una niña pone en el papel a través de grafismos y/o dibujos si se lo escucha durante el proceso de creación de la escritura con imágenes. La niña, en este caso, representa la Tierra con el tradicional dibujo plano y el "cielo" paralelo al suelo, conforme analizaron Nardi & Carvalho (1996). Pero, cuando se Le solicita dibujar el "Mundo" - palabra empleada en un trabajo de Butterworth et al. (2002), con intención de no provocar "confusiones" innecesarias a sus sujetos de investigación- lo representa de forma circular, poniéndose sobre su superficie. Sus dibujos llevan a concluir que esta niña aún no tiene conocimiento que el mundo

  20. [Sociodemographic profile of femicide in Spain and its association with domestic abuse reporting].


    Sanz-Barbero, Belén; Heras-Mosterio, Julio; Otero-García, Laura; Vives-Cases, Carmen


    To analyse the characteristics associated with the risk of femicide in Spain among women exposed to domestic violence or similar aggression, and the possible association with filing judicial complaints against the aggressors. A case-control study was carried out for the period 2010-2011. The cases included 135 adult women killed by their partners (or similar) during the period, identified through the webpage of the Federación de Asociaciones de Mujeres Separadas y Divorciadas (Association of Separated and Divorced Women), and from the reports of the General Council of the Judiciary. The control cases included 185 women exposed to domestic violence in the past year, from the Macrosurvey of Gender Violence 2011. The association between filing a complaint and the risk of femicide was estimated through multivariate logistic regression models. There was no association found between the filing of a complaint against the aggressor and the risk of murder (OR: 1.38; 95% CI: 0.68-2.79). Immigrant women exposed to domestic violence were at greater risk of being murdered (ref.: Spanish women; OR: 5.38; 95% CI: 2.41-11.99). This association was also observed in women living in rural areas (ref.: urban areas; OR: 2.94; 95% CI: 1.36-6.38). Filing a judicial complaint against the aggressor does not seem to affect the risk of murder among women exposed to domestic violence. Protection measures for women should be strengthened among immigrant women and women living in rural areas. Copyright © 2016 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  1. Efficacy of a health educator-delivered HIV prevention intervention for Latina women: a randomized controlled trial.


    Wingood, Gina M; DiClemente, Ralph J; Villamizar, Kira; Er, Deja L; DeVarona, Martina; Taveras, Janelle; Painter, Thomas M; Lang, Delia L; Hardin, James W; Ullah, Evelyn; Stallworth, JoAna; Purcell, David W; Jean, Reynald


    We developed and assessed AMIGAS (Amigas, Mujeres Latinas, Inform andonos, Gui andonos, y Apoy andonos contra el SIDA [friends, Latina women, informing each other, guiding each other, and supporting each other against AIDS]), a culturally congruent HIV prevention intervention for Latina women adapted from SiSTA (Sistas Informing Sistas about Topics on AIDS), an intervention for African American women. We recruited 252 Latina women aged 18 to 35 years in Miami, Florida, in 2008 to 2009 and randomized them to the 4-session AMIGAS intervention or a 1-session health intervention. Participants completed audio computer-assisted self-interviews at baseline and follow-up. Over the 6-month follow-up, AMIGAS participants reported more consistent condom use during the past 90 (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 4.81; P < .001) and 30 (AOR = 3.14; P < .001) days and at last sexual encounter (AOR = 2.76; P < .001), and a higher mean percentage condom use during the past 90 (relative change = 55.7%; P < .001) and 30 (relative change = 43.8%; P < .001) days than did comparison participants. AMIGAS participants reported fewer traditional views of gender roles (P = .008), greater self-efficacy for negotiating safer sex (P < .001), greater feelings of power in relationships (P = .02), greater self-efficacy for using condoms (P < .001), and greater HIV knowledge (P = .009) and perceived fewer barriers to using condoms (P < .001). Our results support the efficacy of this linguistically and culturally adapted HIV intervention among ethnically diverse, predominantly foreign-born Latina women.

  2. Using Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) to Develop a Community-Level HIV Prevention Intervention for Latinas: A Local Response to a Global Challenge

    PubMed Central

    Rhodes, Scott D.; Kelley, Casey; Simán, Florence; Cashman, Rebecca; Alonzo, Jorge; McGuire, Jamie; Wellendorf, Teresa; Hinshaw, Kathy; Allen, Alex Boeving; Downs, Mario; Brown, Monica; Martínez, Omar; Duck, Stacy; Reboussin, Beth


    Introduction and Background The arsenal of interventions to reduce the disproportionate rates of HIV and sexually transmitted disease (STD) infection among Latinos in the United States lags behind what is available for other populations. The purpose of this project was to develop an intervention that builds on existing community strengths to promote sexual health among immigrant Latinas. Methods Our community-based participatory research (CBPR) partnership engaged in a multistep intervention development process. The steps were to (1) increase Latina participation in the existing partnership, (2) establish an intervention team, (3) review the existing sexual health literature, (4) explore health-related needs and priorities of Latinas, (5) narrow priorities based on what is important and changeable, (6) blend health behavior theory with Latinas’ lived experiences, (7) design an intervention conceptual model, (8) develop training modules and (9) resource materials, and (10) pretest and (11) revise the intervention. Results The MuJEReS intervention contains five modules to train Latinas to serve as lay health advisors (LHAs) known as “Comadres.” These modules synthesize locally collected data with other local and national data, blend health behavior theory with the lived experiences of immigrant Latinas, and harness a powerful existing community asset, namely, the informal social support Latinas provide one another. Conclusion This promising intervention is designed to meet the sexual health priorities of Latinas. It extends beyond HIV and STDs and frames disease prevention within a sexual health promotion framework. It builds on the strong, preexisting social networks of Latinas and the preexisting, culturally congruent roles of LHAs. PMID:22483581

  3. Efficacy of a Health Educator–Delivered HIV Prevention Intervention for Latina Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

    PubMed Central

    DiClemente, Ralph J.; Villamizar, Kira; Er, Deja L.; DeVarona, Martina; Taveras, Janelle; Painter, Thomas M.; Lang, Delia L.; Hardin, James W.; Ullah, Evelyn; Stallworth, JoAna; Purcell, David W.; Jean, Reynald


    Objectives. We developed and assessed AMIGAS (Amigas, Mujeres Latinas, Inform andonos, Gui andonos, y Apoy andonos contra el SIDA [friends, Latina women, informing each other, guiding each other, and supporting each other against AIDS]), a culturally congruent HIV prevention intervention for Latina women adapted from SiSTA (Sistas Informing Sistas about Topics on AIDS), an intervention for African American women. Methods. We recruited 252 Latina women aged 18 to 35 years in Miami, Florida, in 2008 to 2009 and randomized them to the 4-session AMIGAS intervention or a 1-session health intervention. Participants completed audio computer-assisted self-interviews at baseline and follow-up. Results. Over the 6-month follow-up, AMIGAS participants reported more consistent condom use during the past 90 (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 4.81; P < .001) and 30 (AOR = 3.14; P < .001) days and at last sexual encounter (AOR = 2.76; P < .001), and a higher mean percentage condom use during the past 90 (relative change = 55.7%; P < .001) and 30 (relative change = 43.8%; P < .001) days than did comparison participants. AMIGAS participants reported fewer traditional views of gender roles (P = .008), greater self-efficacy for negotiating safer sex (P < .001), greater feelings of power in relationships (P = .02), greater self-efficacy for using condoms (P < .001), and greater HIV knowledge (P = .009) and perceived fewer barriers to using condoms (P < .001). Conclusions. Our results support the efficacy of this linguistically and culturally adapted HIV intervention among ethnically diverse, predominantly foreign-born Latina women. PMID:22021297

  4. Accessing Programs for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers with Disabilities: A Parent's Guide = Programas para Infantes y Ninos Pre-escolares con Discapacidades: Guia para Padres de Familia. Update.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kupper, Lisa, Ed.

    This parent's guide (presented in both English and Spanish) is intended to help families access services for young children with special needs. It is presented in the form of questions and answers arranged in three parts. Part I presents 12 questions and answers about early intervention services for infants and toddlers (ages birth through 2…

  5. [In Process Citation].


    López-Fuenzalida, Antonio; Rodríguez Canales, Carolina; Reyes Ponce, Álvaro; Contreras Molina, Ángela; Fernández Quezada, Javiera; Aguirre Polanco, Carolina


    Introducción: dado el incremento del sobrepeso y obesidad infantil, es relevante estudiar no solo las consecuencias metabólicas, sino también aquellas de índole musculoesqueléticas que pueden afectar la funcionalidad motriz, como es el pie plano, en esta población. Objetivo: identificar la asociación entre el estado nutricional y la prevalencia de pie plano en niños y niñas chilenos de 6 a 10 años. Métodos: el z-score del índice de masa corporal (IMC) y el registro y análisis de las huellas plantares según la metodología de Hernández-Corvo fue llevado a cabo en 388 escolares (52,3% niñas). Un test de diferencia para dos proporciones fue utilizado para evaluar las diferencias entre los grupos. Se considera una significancia estadística con p ≤ 0,05. Resultados: la prevalencia del exceso de peso fue de más del 40%. Esta prevalencia fue más alta en las niñas (47,8%) que en los niños (42,7%). La prevalencia de pie plano en todos los niños fue del 17%, presentando valores más elevados el pie derecho (18,3%) que el izquierdo (15,7%). Hay un incremento significativo de la prevalencia de pie plano en los niños obesos en relación con los niños con sobrepeso y normopeso. Conclusión: el estado nutricional está asociado con incrementos en la prevalencia de pie plano en niños. En la población infantil de 6 a 10 años de edad, la obesidad está asociada con la alteración morfológica del pie.

  6. [Not Available].


    Villa-González, Emilio; Rodríguez-López, Carlos; Barranco-Ruiz, Yaira; Cabezas-Arévalo, Luis Fabián; Chillón, Palma


    Objetivo: analizar la concordancia de dos métodos de medición (Google MapsTM vs. Sistema de Información Geográfica) para la determinación de la distancia desde el domicilio familiar hasta el colegio.Métodos: un total de 542 escolares de entre 8-11 años de edad (media = 9,36 ± 0,6) del sur de España participaron en el estudio, facilitando la dirección de su domicilio familiar. La distancia desde el domicilio familiar al colegio se calculó mediante la utilización de dos programas diferentes:Google MapsTM y Sistema de Información Geográfica (GIS) en ruta y en línea recta. La asociación entre ambos métodos fue analizada utilizando la correlación de Spearman y el grado de acuerdo a través del coeficiente de correlación intraclase (ICC), así como el método Bland Altman.Resultados: la correlación entre ambos métodos de medición propuestos fue muy significativa (r = 0,966, p < 0,001; r = 0,984, p < 0,001; y r = 0,954, p < 0,001, respectivamente), y la concordancia fue excelente (ICC = 0,96, p < 0,001; ICC = 0,92, p < 0,001; ICC = 0,97, p < 0,001).Conclusiones: los métodos de medición estudiados podrían ser utilizados en función de las necesidades de la investigación, al presentar ambos una alta concordancia. Sin embargo, se recomienda la utilización del Sistema de Información Geográfica en ruta si se cuenta con medios yfinanciación, por tratarse de un método constatado en fiabilidad y validez.

  7. [Not Available].


    Vio, Fernando; Lera, Lydia; Salinas, Judith


    Objetivo: mediante la técnica de consenso Delphi, conocer la opinión de un grupo de expertos en nutrición, educación y gastronomía para buscar consenso sobre metodologías educativas en alimentación saludable, alumnos de tercero a quinto año básico, sus familias y profesores.Métodos: con los resultados de encuestas y grupos focales realizados previamente a niños, padres y profesores, se elaboró un cuestionario que fue enviado a 51 expertos en nutrición, educación y gastronomía en una primera ronda. Los resultados fueron analizados y reenviados en una segunda ronda con las preguntas no consensuadas, obteniendo 38 respuestas.Resultados: hubo consenso en que se pueden cambiar hábitos en escuelas mediante talleres de cocina con chefs o monitores, educación activo-participativa y huertos escolares. Padres y profesores deben tener habilidades culinarias saludables para educar a los niños. Estos deben hacer uso racional del dinero en la escuela. Para ello es necesario cambiar la oferta del kiosko hacia alimentos saludables, o suprimirlo si no es saludable. Los profesores deben capacitarse con talleres de autocuidado y vida sana para educar en alimentación saludable a los niños en horarios de clase con material educativo, talleres de cocina con recetas y aprovechar horarios de desayuno y almuerzo para actividades educativas. Los padres deben participar en talleres para escoger alimentos saludables en lugares de venta y preparar menús saludables. Los niños deben aprender habilidades culinarias simples, preparando y degustando alimentos saludables. Conclusiones: estos resultados son fundamentales para diseñar materiales educativos en alimentación saludable que cambien los malos hábitos alimentarios actuales.

  8. On Ensino de Astronomia: Desafios para Implantação

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Faria, R. Z.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Em 2002 o ensino de Astronomia foi proposto como um dos temas estruturadores pelos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e sugerido como facilitador para que o aluno compreendesse a Física como construção humana e parte do seu mundo vivencial, mas raramente seus conceitos foram ensinados. A presente pesquisa discute dois aspectos relacionados à abordagem de Astronomia. O primeiro aspecto é se ela está sendo abordada pelos professores do Ensino Médio e o segundo, aborda a maneira como ela está sendo ensinada. Optou-se pela aplicação de um questionário a partir do 2° semestre de 2006 e durante o ano de 2007 com professores que ministram a disciplina de Física, os quais trabalham em escolas estaduais em Rio Grande da Serra, Ribeirão Pires e Mauá no estado São Paulo. Dos 66,2% dos professores que responderam ao questionário nos municípios de Rio Grande da Serra, Ribeirão Pires e Mauá, 57,4% não aplicaram nenhum tópico de astronomia, 70,2% não utilizaram laboratório, 89,4% não utilizaram qualquer tipo de programa computacional, 83,0% nunca fizeram visitas com alunos a museus e planetários e 38,3% não indicaram qualquer tipo de livro ou revista referente à astronomia aos seus alunos. Mesmo considerando a Astronomia um conteúdo potencialmente significativo, esta não fez parte dos planejamentos escolares. Portanto são necessárias propostas que visem estratégias para a educação continuada dos professores como, por exemplo, cursos específicos sobre o ensino em Astronomia.

  9. Socioeconomic inequalities and changes in oral health behaviors among Brazilian adolescents from 2009 to 2012

    PubMed Central

    Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Jordão, Lidia Moraes Ribeiro; Malta, Deborah Carvalho; Andrade, Silvânia Suely Caribé de Araújo; Peres, Marco Aurelio


    OBJECTIVE To analyze oral health behaviors changes over time in Brazilian adolescents concerning maternal educational inequalities. METHODS Data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (Brazilian National School Health Survey) were analyzed. The sample was composed of 60,973 and 61,145 students from 26 Brazilian state capitals and the Federal District in 2009 and 2012, respectively. The analyzed factors were oral health behaviors (toothbrushing frequency, sweets consumption, soft drink consumption, and cigarette experimentation) and sociodemographics (age, sex, race, type of school and maternal schooling). Oral health behaviors and sociodemographic factors in the two years were compared (Rao-Scott test) and relative and absolute measures of socioeconomic inequalities in health were estimated (slope index of inequality and relative concentration index), using maternal education as a socioeconomic indicator, expressed in number of years of study (> 11; 9-11; ≤ 8). RESULTS Results from 2012, when compared with those from 2009, for all maternal education categories, showed that the proportion of people with low toothbrushing frequency increased, and that consumption of sweets and soft drinks and cigarette experimentation decreased. In private schools, positive slope index of inequality and relative concentration index indicated higher soft drink consumption in 2012 and higher cigarette experimentation in both years among students who reported greater maternal schooling, with no significant change in inequalities. In public schools, negative slope index of inequality and relative concentration index indicated higher soft drink consumption among students who reported lower maternal schooling in both years, with no significant change overtime. The positive relative concentration index indicated inequality in 2009 for cigarette experimentation, with a higher prevalence among students who reported greater maternal schooling. There were no inequalities for

  10. Using Web-Based Activities to Promote Reading: An Exploratory Study with Teenagers (Uso de actividades en la red para promover la lectura: un estudio exploratorio con adolescentes)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rátiva Velandia, Marlén; Pedreros Torres, Andrés Leonardo; Núñez Alí, Mónica


    It is considered valuable to take advantage of web activities to improve and qualify the English teaching and learning processes, especially in the promotion of reading comprehension. In this article we share the process and results of a study that focused on some activities based on web materials that were designed and used with 10th grade…

  11. Kids First. Leadership Guide for School Reform. Facilitator's Manual, Participant's Resource Materials, and Los Ninos Primero: Guia de Liderazgo para la Reforma Escolar. Materiales de Recurso para Participantes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chicago School Reform Training Task Force, IL.

    This document combines a facilitator's manual designed to train candidates for Local School Councils (LSCs) and others who want to improve Chicago (Illinois) schools with fact sheets, worksheets, checklists, and case studies (in English and Spanish) to be used by participants in the leadership training program. The following goals are outlined in…

  12. Capacitación-acción participativa: una experiencia de 24 años en las comunidades rurales de Oaxaca, México.


    Ysunza, Alberto M; Diez-Urdanivia, Silvia; Pérez-Gil, Sara E


    Resumen: En este artículo presentamos el proyecto de capacitación llevado a cabo en comunidades de la sierra y costa de Oaxaca, México, desde 1991, por el Centro de Capacitación Integral para Promotores Comunitarios (CECIPROC). La decisión de hacer este trabajo en Oaxaca responde a que ese estado ocupa uno de los primeros lugares de marginación y de desnutrición en menores de 5 años. El objetivo es describir un modelo de capacitación y compartir parte de las experiencias derivadas, tanto del modelo como del trabajo realizado en las distintas áreas (nutrición y alimentación, salud comunitaria, ecología y etnobotánica, y educación y organización), por promotores mujeres y hombres en sus comunidades. La experiencia obtenida en 24 años muestra la factibilidad técnica y social del proyecto en el ámbito de la salud, el reconocimiento social del proyecto del CECIPROC como un organismo civil que ha aportado alternativas como solución a la problemática de salud, el hacer suyo el proyecto por algunos promotores y los diferentes obstáculos a los que se ha enfrentado. Enfatizamos el hecho de que la situación socioeconómica y política prevaleciente en el estado de Oaxaca es una limitante para el buen desarrollo de los programas colectivos de salud, e insistimos en la necesidad de compartir nuestras experiencias para que puedan ser utilizadas en la planificación y ejecución de otros proyectos.

  13. AMIGAS: A Multicity, Multicomponent Cervical Cancer Prevention Trial Among Mexican American Women

    PubMed Central

    Byrd, Theresa L.; Wilson, Katherine M.; Smith, Judith Lee; Coronado, Gloria; Vernon, Sally W.; Fernandez-Esquer, Maria Eugenia; Thompson, Beti; Ortiz, Melchor; Lairson, David; Fernandez, Maria E.


    BACKGROUND Considerable efforts have been undertaken in the United States to reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality by increasing screening; however, disparities in screening rates continue to exist among certain racial and ethnic minority groups. The objective of the current study was to determine the effectiveness of a lay health worker-delivered intervention—AMIGAS (Ayudando a las Mujeres con Informacion, Guia, y Amor para su Salud [helping women with information, guidance, and love for their health])—to increase Papanicolaou (Pap) test screening among 3 populations of women of Mexican origin. METHODS Six hundred thirteen women of Mexican origin in 3 treatment sites were randomized among 4 study arms: the full AMIGAS program with a video and a flip chart (n = 151), the AMIGAS program without the video (n = 154), the AMIGAS program without the flip chart (n = 155), and a usual care control group (n = 153). Six months after enrollment, women were surveyed and reported whether or not they had been screened. RESULTS Women in any of the intervention arms were statistically significantly more likely to report being screened than those in the usual care group in both an intent-to-treat analysis and a per-protocol analysis. In the intent-to-treat analysis, 25% of women in the control group and 52% in the full AMIGAS program group reported having had Pap tests (P < .001); in the per-protocol analysis, the percentages were 29% and 62%, respectively (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS AMIGAS was effective in increasing Pap test screening among women of Mexican descent when used in a 1-to-1 setting. Future research should compare the 1-on-1 intervention with the group-based intervention. PMID:23280399

  14. Experiences from regional public funding agencies

    PubMed Central

    Alonso-Trujillo, Federico


    Introduction There is an increasing demand of social and health services by persons with long-term care (LTC) needs. On the other hand the devolution process has shifted governance and funding to regional agencies in many EU countries. Regional agencies are getting an increasing role in funding LTC. Knowledge transfer (KT) plays a key role in the development of regional funding agencies, as they should cooperate with both local and national agencies as well as several European organisations and companies operating in their regions. The communication barriers between social and health services play a particular role at regional level. Description of care or policy practice In Spain the 17 regions have full government autonomy in health and social care. These regions have developed different approaches to coordination of care and KT. Andalusia is the larger region in Spain. In order to coordinate provision and planning, the regional government has developed a network of cross-sectional agencies in specific areas such as Mental Health (FAISEM), Social Services in Ageing, Disabilities, Poverty and TICs (FASS), Emergency care (EPES), care related to gender (Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer), Health Care for the Elderly in the community (Living Lab and IAVANTE Foundation) or innovation in new technologies applied to social care (I2BC); among several others. A number of these public organisations are privately run. Discussion Coordination and links across these organisations as well as funding issues are discussed here. The relationship or coordination agencies with citizens and other stakeholders deserve special attention as well. Andalusia provides an interesting case of cross-sectorial coordination within the European context.

  15. Legal Knowledge as a Tool for Social Change

    PubMed Central

    González Vélez, Ana Cristina; Jaramillo, Isabel Cristina


    Abstract In May 2006, Colombia’s Constitutional Court liberalized abortion, introducing three circumstances under which the procedure would not be considered a crime: (1) rape or incest; (2) a risk to the woman’s health or life; and (3) fetal malformations incompatible with life. Immediately following the court’s ruling, known as Sentence C-355, members of La Mesa por la Vida y Salud de las Mujeres (hereinafter La Mesa) began to mobilize to ensure the decision’s implementation, bearing in mind the limited impact that the legal framework endorsed by the court has had in other countries in the region. We argue that La Mesa’s strategy is an innovative one in the field of legal mobilization insofar as it presumes that law can be shaped not just by public officials and universities but also by social actors engaged in the creation and diffusion of legal knowledge. In this regard, La Mesa has become a legal expert on abortion by accumulating knowledge about the multiple legal rules affecting the practice of abortion and about the situations in which these rules are to be applied. In addition, by becoming a legal expert, La Mesa has been able to persuade health providers that they will not risk criminal prosecution or being fired if they perform abortions. We call this effect of legal mobilization a “pedagogical effect” insofar as it involves the production of expertise and appropriation of knowledge by health professionals. We conclude by discussing La Mesa’s choice to become a legal expert on abortion as opposed to recruiting academics to do this work or encouraging women to produce and disseminate this knowledge. PMID:28630545

  16. Cohort Study to Assess the Impact of Breast Implants on Breastfeeding.


    Filiciani, Sandra; Siemienczuk, Guillermo F; Nardín, Juan M; Cappio, Bárbara; Albertengo, Andrés C; Nozzi, Guillermo; Caggioli, Matías


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of breast implant surgery and its approaches on lactation by comparing women with and without breast implants at the time of childbirth. Between April of 2013 and July of 2014, in Rosario (Sanatorio de la Mujer and Centro Quirúrgico Rosario), Argentina, a prospective cohort study of women with and without breast implants was performed. Of a total of 3950 births that occurred during this period, 200 patients with similar anthropometric characteristics (maternal and newborn) were selected. Breastfeeding (exclusive or mixed) was compared with artificial feeding at 24 and 48 hours and 30 days in both groups, and the type of incision was also compared. Breastfeeding at 30 days showed a nonsignificant trend favoring the control group (OR, 7.39; 95 percent CI, 0.92 to 339.2). The percentage of women with implants who succeeded in establishing breastfeeding (exclusive or mixed) was very high (93 percent). In the control group, 99 percent of the women were breastfeeding at 30 days. In a comparison of the submammary and areola incision, breastfeeding showed odds ratios of 0.78 (95 percent CI, 0.33 to 1.87) at 24 hours, 1.10 (95 percent CI, 0.48 to 2.56) at 48 hours, and 0.18 (95 percent CI, 0.36 to 1.82) at 30 days. This study shows that most patients with breast implants were able to establish breastfeeding. However, there is a higher number of women without implants that established exclusive breastfeeding. No significant difference was found between the different surgical approaches. Therapeutic, II.

  17. Cervical Cancer Screening with AMIGAS

    PubMed Central

    Lairson, David R.; Chang, Yu-Chia; Byrd, Theresa L.; Smith, Judith Lee; Fernandez, Maria E.; Wilson, Katherine M.


    Background Hispanic women have a higher incidence of cervical cancer than all other races and ethnicities. In Hispanic subgroups, Mexican American women were among the least likely to have received cervical cancer screening. In a recent RCT, Ayudando a las Mujeres con Información, Guia, y Amor para su Salud (AMIGAS) was shown to increase cervical cancer screening rates among women of Mexican descent at 6 months in all intervention arms compared to the control arm. Limited information exists about the economics of interventions to increase cervical cancer screening rates among women of Mexican descent. Purpose This study aims to estimate the cost-effectiveness of the alternative AMIGAS intervention methods for increasing cervical cancer screening among low-income women of Mexican descent in three U.S. communities. Methods Cost data were collected from 2008 to 2011 alongside the AMIGAS study of 613 women. Receipt of Pap test within 6 months of intervention was the primary outcome measure in the cost-effectiveness analysis, conducted during 2012–2013. Results The cost per additional woman screened comparing the video-only intervention to usual care was $980. The cost increased to $1,309 with participant time cost included. With an additional cost per participant of $3.90 compared to flipchart only, the full AMIGAS program (video plus flipchart) yielded 6.8% additional women screened. Conclusions Results on the average and incremental cost-effectiveness of the AMIGAS program elements may assist health policymakers and program managers to select and appropriately budget for interventions shown to increase cervical cancer screening among low-income women of Mexican descent. PMID:24842738

  18. Yo misma fui mi ruta: La mujer en la historia y cultura de Puerto Rico [I Was My Own Path: Women in the History and Culture of Puerto Rico].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pico, Isabel; And Others

    This teaching guide on women in Puerto Rican history and culture is intended for use in third and fourth grade social studies classes. The book begins with a discussion of the omission of women's roles from most history textbooks and points out the implications of this omission for the knowledge and socialization of both male and female Puerto…

  19. Diagnostic labels of NANDA-I in a southern region of Spain.


    González-Rodríguez, Rafael; Martelo-Baro, María de Los Ángeles; Bas-Sarmiento, Pilar


    to determine the incidence of NANDA-I diagnostic labels (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association-International) and to establish the distribution of cases of assistance and the associated labels, according to sociodemographic variables (age and sex). descriptive, cross-sectional epidemiological study of labels of NANDA-I, under ecological design. The distribution of labels was analyzed according to sex and age; the corresponding frequencies were calculated and for each label the incidence were calculated rates with aggregate data from the attended cases. the total number of cases of care under study was 9,928 (41.65% men and 58.35% women). The identified labels were 16,456 (7,084 men and 9,372 women); average of 1.7 labels per case of care; Out of 216 labels proposed by NANDA-I, in its 2012-14 classification, 152 were used, representing 70.4%. The labels with the highest incidence rates per thousand inhabitants were: Anxiety, Willingness to Improve Knowledge and Risk of Infection. the study allowed detecting, through NANDA-I, the answers to the health problems of greater incidence in the users attended. determinar la incidencia de las etiquetas diagnósticas de la NANDA-I (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association-International) y establecer la distribución de los episodios asistenciales y de sus respectivas etiquetas, en función de variables sociodemográficas (edad y sexo). estudio epidemiológico descriptivo y de corte transversal de las etiquetas de la NANDA-I, bajo diseño ecológico. Se analizó la distribución de las etiquetas según sexo y edad, se calcularon las frecuencias correspondientes y se computaron las tasas de incidencia con datos agregados para los episodios asistenciales por etiqueta. el número total de episodios asistenciales del estudio fue de 9.928 (41,65% hombres y 58,35% mujeres). Las etiquetas identificadas en los episodios fueron 16.456 (7.084 hombres y 9.372 mujeres), con un promedio de 1,7 etiquetas por episodio; de las 216

  20. Su cumpleanos es en el verano: El dilema de la edad de entrada al jardin pre-escolar (He Has a Summer Birthday: The Kindergarten Entrance Age Dilemma). ERIC Digest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Crosser, Sandra

    Educators commonly recommend that children born during the summer months, especially boys, be given an extra year to mature before entering kindergarten so that they will not suffer from the academic disadvantages of being among the youngest children in a class. Terms such as "academic red-shirting" and "graying of the…

  1. Using Cooperative Learning to Foster the Development of Adolescents' English Writing Skills (Incidencia del aprendizaje cooperativo en el avance de adolescentes en la escritura en inglés)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Caicedo Triviño, Paula Andrea


    Seventh grade teachers at a Colombian public school chose cooperative learning as a strategy to improve student's social performance and as a tool to get learners to enrich their academic level. This article reports on an action research and innovation project focused on the results eight students obtained in their written performance in English…

  2. Violence against children and adolescents: the perspective of Primary Health Care.


    Carlos, Diene Monique; Pádua, Elisabete Matallo Marchesini de; Ferriani, Maria das Graças Carvalho


    To analyze the care provided by Basic Health Units (BHU) to families involved in domestic intrafamily violence against children and adolescents. Qualitative research, based on the Paradigm of Complexity. Data collection was performed with 41 professionals through focus groups and semi-structured interviews. The following categories emerged from data analysis: 'Everything comes here', which reflects the legitimate place of BHUs for the population and the actions taken to build care for families; and 'We only do what is really necessary', which brings the look to violence still based on the positivist and biomedical paradigm. The model of understanding and construction of work processes in the BHU is structured in the aforementioned paradigm. Nurses have the possibility to become agents of change, both in professionals' training and in the care thought and provided to communities. Analisar o cuidado realizado por Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) junto a famílias envolvidas na violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes. Pesquisa qualitativa, fundamentada no Paradigma da Complexidade. A coleta de dados foi realizada com 41 profissionais, por meio de grupos focais e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Da análise dos dados, emergiram as seguintes categorias: "Tudo desemboca aqui", que reflete o lugar legitimado das UBSs para a população e as ações realizadas para construção do cuidado às famílias; e "A gente só faz o que é indispensável mesmo", que traz o olhar para a violência ainda pautado no paradigma positivista e biomédico. O modelo de compreensão e construção dos processos de trabalho na UBS é estruturado no último paradigma citado. O enfermeiro tem a possibilidade de se colocar como um agente de mudanças, tanto na formação dos profissionais quanto no cuidado pensado e executado junto às comunidades.

  3. Nivel de Actividad Física, Autoeficacia, Beneficios y Barreras Percibidas en Mujeres Mayores Mexicanas Independientes (Physical Activity Level, Exercise Self-Efficacy, Benefits and Perceived Barriers of Independent Mexican Older Women).


    Enríquez-Reyna, María Cristina; Cruz-Castruita, Rosa María; Zamarripa, Jorge; Ceballos-Gurrola, Oswaldo; Guevara-Valtier, Milton Carlos


    This descriptive comparative study examined differences in personal characteristics, exercise self-efficacy, benefits and barriers of independent elderly women to perform physical activity (PA) according with the PA level. Two hundred three women older than 60 years of age, from a community located in Nuevo Leon, Mexico participated in the study. Data was collected using: a) A personal data questionnaire, b) Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale, c) Exercise Benefits/ Barriers Scale and d) Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly were completed. Age was similar in participants with low and acceptable PA level. Participants with lower levels of PA reported consuming more medications, fewer years of education and lower values of exercise self-efficacy, benefits and barriers. In this sample, exercise self-efficacy and benefits were positively associated with the PA level. © 2016. All rights reserved.

  4. Associations of maternal o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE levels with birth outcomes in a Bolivian cohort.


    Arrebola, Juan P; Cuellar, Miriam; Bonde, Jens Peter; González-Alzaga, Beatriz; Mercado, Luis A


    This study examined the potential association of maternal serum levels of o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE with gestation time and with anthropometric measurements and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels of newborns in a Bolivian birth cohort. Two hundred mothers were consecutively recruited between January and March 2013 at the "Hospital de la Mujer Dr. Percy Boland" in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Potential confounders were derived from an ad hoc questionnaire. o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE were quantified in cord serum by high-resolution gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Multivariable linear regression analyses were performed, with POP concentrations as independent variables and log-transformed newborn birth outcomes (newborn weight, gestational age, head circumference, birth height, ponderal index, and TSH levels) as dependent variables. o,p'-DDT was detected in 82.5% of samples at median concentration of 0.22ng/mL and p,p'-DDE in 86.5% of samples at median concentration of 1.01ng/mL. Opposite associations with birth weight were found for p,p'-DDE (β=0.012, p=0.006) and o,p'-DDT (β=-0.014, p=0.039), and these associations were stronger when both chemicals were entered in the same model. p,p'-DDE was negatively associated with gestation time (β=-0.004, p=0.012), and o,p'-DDT was borderline negatively associated with newborn head circumference (β=-0.004, p=0.054). We observed no relevant changes in the magnitude of the coefficients or in statistical significance after adjustment for newborn TSH levels. This study indicates a possible impact of prenatal exposure to o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE on newborn anthropometric measurements in a population showing evidence of recent exposure to the pesticide DDT. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. [Not Available].


    Arellano Ortiz, Ana Lidia; Jiménez Vega, Florinda; Díaz Hernández, Cecilia; Salcedo Vargas, Muricio; De la Mora Covarrubias, Antonio; López Díaz, José Alberto; Vargas Requena, Claudia Lucía; Cassís Nosthas, María Lorena


    Introducción: las lesiones intraepiteliales escamosas (LIE) son un estado de transición hacia el cáncer cervicouterino (CaCu) y un déficit de micronutrientes puede acelerar este proceso. Por ello, determinar la existencia de este déficit y conocer qué factores se asocian permitiría una posible prevención en esta población de riesgo.Objetivo: determinar la presencia de alguna deficiencia de micronutrientes involucrados en el proceso anticancerígeno y asociar este déficit con hábitos y factores demográficos en pacientes con LIE de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México.Métodos:en un estudio transversal analítico fueron seleccionadas 102 pacientes con LIE. Se realizó una encuesta dietaría (recordatorio de 24 horas) para estimar la ingesta de micronutrientes. La deficiencia fue determinada con un consumo < 75% de la ingesta diaria recomendada o sugerida (IDR o IDS) en México. Algunos hábitos y factores demográficos fueron obtenidos mediante la entrevista con la paciente. Se realizó un modelo de regresión logística para asociar la presencia de deficiencia con factores que afectan a la ingesta o incrementan el requerimiento de micronutrientes.Resultados:el retinol, ácido fólico, zinc, vitaminas C y E, considerados como micronutrientes en el proceso anticancerígeno del CaCu, se encontraron por debajo del 75% de la IDR. Aquellas mujeres con sobrepeso, obesidad y amas de casa se asociaron significativamente con la deficiencia de micronutrientes.Conclusión: el sobrepeso, la obesidad y la ocupación han sido asociados para presentar deficiencias de micronutrientes en este estudio. Estas variables convergen en una posible inseguridad alimentaria, la cual podría asociarse al incremento de incidencia de CaCu en México.

  6. [In Process Citation].


    Caravalí-Meza, Nuris Yohana; Jiménez-Cruz, Arturo; Bacardí-Gascón, Montserrat


    Antecedentes: se ha reportado una asociación entre el aumento del consumo de bebidas azucaradas y varias enfermedades metabólicas. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto del consumo de bebidas azucaradas sobre la obesidad en un periodo de 12 meses en mexicanos de 15 a 19 años. Métodos: el diseño del estudio fue prospectivo, con 12 meses de seguimiento. Se midieron el peso, la talla y la circunferencia de cintura (CC), y se calculó el puntaje z de índice de masa corporal (IMC). Se aplicó un cuestionario sobre consumo de 19 bebidas. Para evaluar la predicción del aumento de IMC y de CC como resultado del consumo de bebidas, se utilizó análisis de regresión logística binomial. Resultados: al final del estudio se evaluó al 89% (1.344). El promedio de edad fue de 15 años, 55% fueron mujeres. La prevalencia de sobre- peso y obesidad al final del estudio fue del 33%. Al final del estudio, un 25% de los participantes consumían más de 50 g de azúcar proveniente de las bebidas. Quienes consumieron 50 g de azúcar o más al día presentaron mayor riesgo de aumentar la CC ≥ 2 cm (RR = 1,19, IC 95%, 1,03-1,39, p = 0,02). Quienes mantuvieron el consumo de bebidas azucaradas durante 12 meses, al compararlo con los que disminuyeron el consumo a 10 g/día, presentaron 71% más probabilidades de aumentar a un puntaje de IMC ≥ 2 (RR = 1,71, IC 95%, 1,03-2,86, p = 0,039). Conclusión: el alto consumo de bebidas azucaradas aumentó las probabilidades de aumentar de peso y de circunferencia de cintura.

  7. Prevalence and Correlates of Client-Perpetrated Violence against Female Sex Workers in 13 Mexican Cities.


    Semple, Shirley J; Stockman, Jamila K; Pitpitan, Eileen V; Strathdee, Steffanie A; Chavarin, Claudia V; Mendoza, Doroteo V; Aarons, Gregory A; Patterson, Thomas L


    Globally, client-perpetrated violence against female sex workers (FSWs) has been associated with multiple health-related harms, including high-risk sexual behavior and increased exposure to HIV/STIs. This study examined correlates of client-perpetrated sexual, physical, and economic violence (e.g., robbery) against FSWs in 13 cities throughout Mexico. FSWs (N = 1,089) who were enrolled in a brief, evidence-based, sexual risk reduction intervention for FSWs (Mujer Segura) were interviewed about their work context, including experiences of violence perpetrated by clients, sexual risk and substance use practices, financial need, and social supports. Three broad categories of factors (sociodemographic, work context, behavioral and social characteristics of FSWs) were examined as correlates of sexual, physical, and economic violence. The prevalence of different types of client-perpetrated violence against FSWs in the past 6 months was: sexual (11.7%), physical (11.8%), economic (16.9%), and any violence (22.6%). Greater financial need, self-identification as a street worker, and lower perceived emotional support were independently associated with all three types of violence. Alcohol use before or during sex with clients in the past month was associated with physical and sexual violence. Using drugs before or during sex with clients, injection drug use in the past month, and population size of city were associated with sexual violence only, and FSWs' alcohol use score (AUDIT-C) was associated with economic violence only. Correlates of client-perpetrated violence encompassed sociodemographic, work context, and behavioral and social factors, suggesting that approaches to violence prevention for FSWs must be multi-dimensional. Prevention could involve teaching FSWs strategies for risk avoidance in the workplace (e.g., avoiding use of alcohol with clients), enhancement of FSWs' community-based supports, development of interventions that deliver an anti-violence curriculum to

  8. PubMed

    Müller Velázquez, Lucía; Bobadilla, Fernando; Novosak, Marina; Cortese, Iliana; Laczeski, Margarita


    Streptococcus agalactiae (SGB) es causa de infecciones severas en menores de tres meses. Meningitis, neumonía y sepsis son los principales cuadros en estos niños. Estas infecciones se encuentran entre las más graves que puede sufrir un individuo en sus primeras doce horas de vida. El niño adquiere la infección por transmisión vertical de la madre colonizada. Para prevenir la enfermedad neonatal se recomienda penicilina como droga de elección en la profilaxis intraparto (PIP) en embarazadas colonizadas. Sin embargo, actualmente se han detectado cepas con sensibilidad disminuida a penicilina por lo que resulta importante realizar la vigilancia de la sensibilidad al mismo para asegurar su utilidad durante la profilaxis. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la sensibilidad a penicilina en cepas de SGB recuperados de mujeres embarazadas de 35-37 semanas de gestación. Se estudiaron 96 aislamientos y se determinó la sensibilidad por método epsilométrico Etest® (LIOFILCHEM, Italia), siguiendo las recomendaciones del Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Se obtuvo la Concentración Inhibitoria Mínima (CIM) para cada aislamiento bacteriano. El 100% (96) de las cepas estudiadas fue sensible a penicilina con valores de CIM comprendidos entre 0,012 y 0,094 µg mL-1. Estos resultados indican que penicilina sigue siendo el antimicrobiano de elección durante la profilaxis intraparto, para la prevención de la enfermedad neonatal causada por SGB en nuestra región. Se destaca la importancia de la vigilancia epidemiológica de la sensibilidad a penicilina y a otros antimicrobianos para alertar sobre nuevos mecanismos de resistencia y adecuar estrategias de tratamiento.

  9. Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping of Genome Regions Controlling Permethrin Resistance in the Mosquito Aedes aegypti

    PubMed Central

    Saavedra-Rodriguez, Karla; Strode, Clare; Flores Suarez, Adriana; Fernandez Salas, Ildefonso; Ranson, Hilary; Hemingway, Janet; Black, William C.


    The mosquito Aedes aegypti is the principal vector of dengue and yellow fever flaviviruses. Permethrin is an insecticide used to suppress Ae. aegypti adult populations but metabolic and target site resistance to pyrethroids has evolved in many locations worldwide. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling permethrin survival in Ae. aegypti were mapped in an F3 advanced intercross line. Parents came from a collection of mosquitoes from Isla Mujeres, México, that had been selected for permethrin resistance for two generations and a reference permethrin-susceptible strain originally from New Orleans. Following a 1-hr permethrin exposure, 439 F3 adult mosquitoes were phenotyped as knockdown resistant, knocked down/recovered, or dead. For QTL mapping, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified at 22 loci with potential antixenobiotic activity including genes encoding cytochrome P450s (CYP), esterases (EST), or glutathione transferases (GST) and at 12 previously mapped loci. Seven antixenobiotic genes mapped to chromosome I, six to chromosome II, and nine to chromosome III. Two QTL of major effect were detected on chromosome III. One corresponds with a SNP previously associated with permethrin resistance in the para sodium channel gene and the second with the CCEunk7o esterase marker. Additional QTL but of relatively minor effect were also found. These included two sex-linked QTL on chromosome I affecting knockdown and recovery and a QTL affecting survival and recovery. On chromosome II, one QTL affecting survival and a second affecting recovery were detected. The patterns confirm that mutations in the para gene cause target-site insensitivity and are the major source of permethrin resistance but that other genes dispersed throughout the genome contribute to recovery and survival of mosquitoes following permethrin exposure. PMID:18723882

  10. Cirugía transnasal endoscópica para tumores de hipófisis

    PubMed Central

    Ajler, Pablo; Hem, Santiago; Goldschmidt, Ezequiel; Landriel, Federico; Campero, Alvaro; Yampolsky, Claudio; Carrizo, Antonio


    Introducción: Exponer la técnica utilizada y los resultados obtenidos en los primeros 52 pacientes portadores de tumores hipofisarios tratados por la vía endoscópica transnasal en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un análisis retrospectivo de 52 cirugías endoscópicas transnasales utilizadas en el tratamiento de tumores hipofisários. Las mismas fueron realizadas en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires durante el período junio del 2011 a junio del 2012. Se analizaron las características demográficas de los pacientes, la patología de base y la morbimortalidad asociada a la cirugía. Resultados: La edad media de los pacientes fue de 41,52 años con un rango de 18-79. La distribución fue similar entre hombres y mujeres. Las patologías más frecuentes fueron: adenomas no funcionantes (40.4%), tumores productores de GH/Acromegalia (25%) y tumores productores de ACTH/Enfermedad de Cushing (23.1%). Aproximadamente el 70 % correspondieron a macroadenomas. Sólo un paciente presentó complicaciones. No se registro ningún óbito. Conclusión: Si bien podremos objetivar fehacientemente resultados más concluyentes en futuros trabajos, podemos decir a priori que, en la endoscopía el detalle anatómico es claramente superior al microscópico y que la posibilidad de la introducción del endoscopio en la silla turca permite la visualización directa de remanentes tumorales, de sitios de fístula y como así también de la glándula normal, ventajas que potencialmente podrían permitir obtener mejores resultados quirúrgicos, en términos de control de la enfermedad y tasa de complicaciones. PMID:23596553

  11. PubMed

    López, Ana Cristina; Cecchetto, Eugenio; Aguirre, Ana Noemí; Ontiveros, Marina Celeste; Roitter, Claudia Valentina; Garcia, Adelaida Judith; Bernet, Jorgelina; Aguirre, Jorge Alberto


    El objetivo del estudio fue describir características clínicas, sociodemográficas y hábitos en adultos con diabetes mellitus y estudiar su asociación con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Se seleccionó una muestra de 311 pacientes del Programa de Diabetes de una obra social universitaria, de la provincia de Córdoba. Se analizaron los datos a como proporciones y los componentes físico y mental del cuestionario SF-36® . El 57,4% alcanzó un nivel de instrucción terciario o universitario. La hipertensión arterial fue el factor de riesgo cardiovascular más prevalente (86,8%), seguida por dislipemia (50,6%) y obesidad (46,5%). El 24,8% tenía complicación macrovascular y el 29% microvascular. En el componente físico (CF) de calidad de vida las mujeres tuvieron una chance 4,2 veces mayor de reportar un valor inferior en relación a los varones. Entre los 50 y los 70 años se triplicó y los mayores de  70 años tuvieron 4 veces peor una puntuación en el CF respecto a los más jóvenes. Las complicaciones macro y microvasculares y los que reportaron menos de 2 hábitos de vida saludables tuvieron el doble de chances de puntuar por debajo del promedio general en el CF. La asociación entre complicaciones y peor calidad de vida es un motivo más para alcanzar un buen control metabólico, optimizar el manejo de factores de riesgo, evitando o retrasando la aparición de complicaciones.

  12. [Not Available].


    Vergara, Diego; Ríos-Reina, Rocío; Úbeda, Cristina; Escudero-Gilete, M Luisa; Callejón, Raquel M


    Introducción: en la actualidad existe un déficit en la evaluación de comedores dirigidos a niños menores de 3 años, a pesar de que se han realizado numerosas intervenciones en los comedores escolares con el fin de conseguir una alimentación segura y adecuada.Objetivo: realizar una evaluación nutricional de los menús ofertados en los centros de educación infantil de Sevilla.Material y métodos: se evaluó la frecuencia, variedad, rotación de alimentos, métodos culinarios e información de los menús de seis centros infantiles de Sevilla. Se valoró el aporte energético y nutricional mediante el programa Dietowin® y el método de pesada.Resultados: las frutas y verduras fueron deficitarias en la mayoría de los menús, y excesivas la carne, patatas, pasta y arroz. Se observó una escasa variedad de recetas por grupo de alimentos y no se daba una información completa del menú. Sin embargo, la variedad de procesos culinarios y la rotación de alimentos fueron adecuadas. Aunque la energía y el aporte de carbohidratos (~55%) se ajustaban a las necesidades, se observó un aporte excesivo de proteínas (~19%) y deficiente de lípidos (< 30%), sobre todo de grasas insaturadas. Respecto a los micronutrientes,solo vitamina C, E y calcio estaban por debajo de lo recomendado.Conclusiones: los centros de educación infantil están haciendo un gran esfuerzo por cumplir las recomendaciones nutricionales, pero todavía deben disminuir el aporte proteico y aumentar las grasas insaturadas de la dieta. Además, deben fomentar la oferta de frutas y verduras, ampliar la variedad de recetas, dar mayor información y disminuir el aporte de alimentos cárnicos.

  13. The Real maccoyii: Identifying Tuna Sushi with DNA Barcodes – Contrasting Characteristic Attributes and Genetic Distances

    PubMed Central

    Lowenstein, Jacob H.; Amato, George; Kolokotronis, Sergios-Orestis


    Background The use of DNA barcodes for the identification of described species is one of the least controversial and most promising applications of barcoding. There is no consensus, however, as to what constitutes an appropriate identification standard and most barcoding efforts simply attempt to pair a query sequence with reference sequences and deem identification successful if it falls within the bounds of some pre-established cutoffs using genetic distance. Since the Renaissance, however, most biological classification schemes have relied on the use of diagnostic characters to identify and place species. Methodology/Principal Findings Here we developed a cytochrome c oxidase subunit I character-based key for the identification of all tuna species of the genus Thunnus, and compared its performance with distance-based measures for identification of 68 samples of tuna sushi purchased from 31 restaurants in Manhattan (New York City) and Denver, Colorado. Both the character-based key and GenBank BLAST successfully identified 100% of the tuna samples, while the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) as well as genetic distance thresholds, and neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree building performed poorly in terms of species identification. A piece of tuna sushi has the potential to be an endangered species, a fraud, or a health hazard. All three of these cases were uncovered in this study. Nineteen restaurant establishments were unable to clarify or misrepresented what species they sold. Five out of nine samples sold as a variant of “white tuna” were not albacore (T. alalunga), but escolar (Lepidocybium flavorunneum), a gempylid species banned for sale in Italy and Japan due to health concerns. Nineteen samples were northern bluefin tuna (T. thynnus) or the critically endangered southern bluefin tuna (T. maccoyii), though nine restaurants that sold these species did not state these species on their menus. Conclusions/Significance The Convention on International Trade

  14. Uma Visão do Universo Segundo um Grupo de Alunos do Ensino Médio de São Paulo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elias, D. S.; Araújo, M.; Amaral, L. H.; Voelzke, M. R.; Araújo, M.


    A astronomia, embora seja uma ciência popular, com inúmeras descobertas de interesse público, ainda é apresentada desconsiderando-se os aspectos históricos e científicos relacionados ao seu desenvolvimento, sendo geralmente veiculada nos meios de comunicação de maneira pouco esclarecedora e não raro com imprecisões. Neste trabalho analisou-se a concepção de um grupo de estudantes de Ensino Médio sobre conceitos de astronomia, visando identificar sua visão de mundo a respeito do Universo, envolvendo idéias sobre espaço e tempo. Para issso, foi aplicado um questionário em três escolas da grande São Paulo em um espaço amostral de 270 alunos. Constatou-se que, embora o ensino de astronomia esteja previsto nos PCNEM, os resultados obtidos na pesquisa mostram que há grande deficiência no conhecimento dos temas investigados. Nesse sentido, verificou-se que apenas 20% dos alunos eram capazes de relacionar a sucessão das semanas com as fases da lua, enquanto 28% associaram as estações do ano à inclinação do eixo de rotação da Terra. Por outro lado, somente 23% dos alunos tinham noções das distâncias entre os objetos celestes próximos da Terra e 56% conseguiram relacionar o Big Bang com a origem do Universo. Finalmente, constatou-se que 37% reconheciam o ano-luz como uma unidade de distância e 60% reconheciam o Sol como sendo uma estrela. Apesar de 60% dos alunos indicarem que a escola é a principal fonte para aquisição dos conhecimentos de astronomia, conclui-se que seus conceitos nessa área ainda são inadequados, havendo necessidade de ampliação e aprimoramento da abordagem desses conteúdos nos ambientes escolares.

  15. Parents of children with physical disabilities perceive that characteristics of home exercise programs and physiotherapists' teaching styles influence adherence: a qualitative study.


    Lillo-Navarro, Carmen; Medina-Mirapeix, Francesc; Escolar-Reina, Pilar; Montilla-Herrador, Joaquina; Gomez-Arnaldos, Francisco; Oliveira-Sousa, Silvana L


    What are the perceptions of parents of children with physical disabilities about the home exercise programs that physiotherapists prescribe? How do these perceptions affect adherence to home exercise programs? Qualitative study using focus groups and a modified grounded theory approach. Parents of children with physical disabilities who have been prescribed a home exercise program by physiotherapists. Twenty-eight parents participated in the focus groups. Two key themes that related to adherence to home exercise programs in young children with physical disabilities were identified: the characteristics of the home exercise program; and the characteristics of the physiotherapist's teaching style. In the first theme, the participants described their experiences regarding their preference for exercises, which was related to the perceived effects of the exercises, their complexity, and the number of exercises undertaken. These factors determined the amount of time spent performing the exercises, the effect of the exercises on the family's relationships, and any sense of related burden. In the second theme, participants revealed that they adhered better to prescribed exercises when their physiotherapist made an effort to build their confidence in the exercises, helped the parents to incorporate the home exercise program into their daily routine, provided incentives and increased motivation. Parents perceive that their children's adherence to home-based exercises, which are supervised by the parents, is more successful when the physiotherapist's style and the content of the exercise program are positively experienced. These findings reveal which issues should be considered when prescribing home exercise programs to children with physical disabilities. [Lillo-Navarro C, Medina-Mirapeix F, Escolar-Reina P, Montilla-Herrador J, Gomez-Arnaldos F, Oliveira-Sousa SL (2015) Parents of children with physical disabilities perceive that characteristics of home exercise programs and

  16. Impact of Cyberprogram 2.0 on Different Types of School Violence and Aggressiveness.


    Garaigordobil, Maite; Martínez-Valderrey, Vanesa


    Some antibullying interventions have shown positive outcomes with regard to reducing violence. The aim of the study was to experimentally assess the effects on school violence and aggressiveness of a program to prevent and reduce cyberbullying. The sample was comprised of a randomly selected sample of 176 adolescents (93 experimental, 83 control), aged 13-15 years. The study used a repeated measures pre-posttest design with a control group. Before and after the program, two assessment instruments were administered: the "Cuestionario de Violencia Escolar-Revisado" (CUVE-R [School Violence Questionnaire - Revised]; Álvarez-García et al., 2011) and the "Cuestionario de agresividad premeditada e impulsiva" (CAPI-A [Premeditated and Impulsive Aggressiveness Questionnaire]; Andreu, 2010). The intervention consisted of 19 one-hour sessions carried out during the school term. The program contains 25 activities with the following objectives: (1) to identify and conceptualize bullying/cyberbullying; (2) to analyze the consequences of bullying/cyberbullying, promoting participants' capacity to report such actions when they are discovered; (3) to develop coping strategies to prevent and reduce bullying/cyberbullying; and (4) to achieve other transversal goals, such as developing positive variables (empathy, active listening, social skills, constructive conflict resolution, etc.). The pre-posttest ANCOVAs confirmed that the program stimulated a decrease in: (1) diverse types of school violence-teachers' violence toward students (ridiculing or publicly humiliating students in front of the class, etc.); students' physical violence (fights, blows, shoves… aimed at the victim, or at his or her property, etc.); students' verbal violence (using offensive language, cruel, embarrassing, or insulting words… toward classmates and teachers); social exclusion (rejection or exclusion of a person or group, etc.), and violence through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT

  17. On Ensino de Astronomia nas Cidades de Ribeirão Pires e Rio Grande da Serra

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Faria, R. Z.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Apesar da astronomia ser um dos temas indicados pelos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, observa-se que poucas mudanças ocorreram desde a implementação do mesmo em sala de aula. A presente pesquisa diz respeito sobre como os tópicos de astronomia estão sendo abordados pelos professores no ensino médio. Optou-se por aplicar um questionário com os professores que ministram a disciplina de física. Os mesmos trabalham em escolas estaduais situadas nas cidades de Ribeirão Pires e Rio Grande da Serra, ambas subordinadas a Diretoria de Ensino de Mauá, no Estado de São Paulo. O questionário foi aplicado durante o 2° semestre de 2006. Até o momento os resultados são preliminares. Dos 82,0% dos professores que responderam ao questionário no município de Rio Grande da Serra, 66,7% não aplicaram nenhum tópico de astronomia, 77,8% não utilizaram qualquer tipo de programa computacional, 66,7% não utilizaram laboratório, que 77,8% nunca levaram os alunos a museus e ou planetários e que 66,7% não indicaram qualquer tipo de revista ou livro sobre astronomia aos seus alunos. No município de Ribeirão Pires, 53,3% dos professores responderam ao questionário, destes 75,0% não aplicaram nenhum tópico de astronomia, 93,8% não utilizaram qualquer tipo de programa computacional, 75,0% não utilizaram laboratório, 81,3% nunca levaram os alunos a museus e ou planetário e 56,3% não indicaram qualquer tipo de revista ou livro sobre astronomia ao seus alunos. Apesar da maioria dos professores reconhecerem que o conteúdo de astronomia influi na formação do jovem, os mesmos não incluem o tema em seus planejamentos escolares.

  18. The real maccoyii: identifying tuna sushi with DNA barcodes--contrasting characteristic attributes and genetic distances.


    Lowenstein, Jacob H; Amato, George; Kolokotronis, Sergios-Orestis


    The use of DNA barcodes for the identification of described species is one of the least controversial and most promising applications of barcoding. There is no consensus, however, as to what constitutes an appropriate identification standard and most barcoding efforts simply attempt to pair a query sequence with reference sequences and deem identification successful if it falls within the bounds of some pre-established cutoffs using genetic distance. Since the Renaissance, however, most biological classification schemes have relied on the use of diagnostic characters to identify and place species. Here we developed a cytochrome c oxidase subunit I character-based key for the identification of all tuna species of the genus Thunnus, and compared its performance with distance-based measures for identification of 68 samples of tuna sushi purchased from 31 restaurants in Manhattan (New York City) and Denver, Colorado. Both the character-based key and GenBank BLAST successfully identified 100% of the tuna samples, while the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) as well as genetic distance thresholds, and neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree building performed poorly in terms of species identification. A piece of tuna sushi has the potential to be an endangered species, a fraud, or a health hazard. All three of these cases were uncovered in this study. Nineteen restaurant establishments were unable to clarify or misrepresented what species they sold. Five out of nine samples sold as a variant of "white tuna" were not albacore (T. alalunga), but escolar (Lepidocybium flavorunneum), a gempylid species banned for sale in Italy and Japan due to health concerns. Nineteen samples were northern bluefin tuna (T. thynnus) or the critically endangered southern bluefin tuna (T. maccoyii), though nine restaurants that sold these species did not state these species on their menus. The Convention on International Trade Endangered Species (CITES) requires that listed species must be

  19. Family violence against children and adolescents in context: How the territories of care are imbricated in the picture.


    Carlos, Diene Monique; Ferriani, Maria das Graças Carvalho


    to understand the context of care addressed to the families involved in family violence against children and adolescents (IVCA), as produced in the context of the Primary Health Care (PHC), from the vantage point of the practitioners of a municipality in the State of Sao Paulo. qualitative research of the social-strategic type, based on the Complexity Paradigm. The participants were 41 health practitioners in five health units of the municipality under study, pertaining to the five districts of the municipality. Data collection was done through 5 focus groups and 10 semi-structured interviews from April 24th 2013 to December 12th 2013. Data analysis was oriented by the comprehension and contextualization mindset and based on the dialogic, recursive and hologramatic principles. two main issues regarding the care provided by the Health of the Family team were identified: the context of this violence (the domestic space) and the power relations that prevail in the territory where this violence surfaces. The community health workers are the targets of specific attention because they experience the live/work dialogic in this same area. paying attention to the territory, and considering the complexity of contexts and dimensions is inherently linked to the design of care to families involved in IVCA in the PHC environment. compreender o contexto de cuidado direcionado às famílias envolvidas na violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes (VICCA), produzido a partir da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), sob a ótica de profissionais de um município do interior do estado de São Paulo. pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo social estratégica, fundamentada pelo Paradigma da Complexidade. Participaram do estudo 41 profissionais de saúde de cinco unidades do município estudado, cada qual pertencente a um de seus cinco Distritos Sanitários. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de 5 grupos focais e 10 entrevistas semiestruturadas, no período de 24/04/13 a 17

  20. Translation, adaptation and validation the contents of the Diabetes Medical Management Plan for the Brazilian context.


    Torres, Heloísa de Carvalho; Chaves, Fernanda Figueredo; Silva, Daniel Dutra Romualdo da; Bosco, Adriana Aparecida; Gabriel, Beatriz Diniz; Reis, Ilka Afonso; Rodrigues, Júlia Santos Nunes; Pagano, Adriana Silvina


    to translate, adapt and validate the contents of the Diabetes Medical Management Plan for the Brazilian context. This protocol was developed by the American Diabetes Association and guides the procedure of educators for the care of children and adolescents with diabetes in schools. this methodological study was conducted in four stages: initial translation, synthesis of initial translation, back translation and content validation by an expert committee, composed of 94 specialists (29 applied linguists and 65 health professionals), for evaluation of the translated version through an online questionnaire. The concordance level of the judges was calculated based on the Content Validity Index. Data were exported into the R program for statistical analysis. the evaluation of the instrument showed good concordance between the judges of the Health and Applied Linguistics areas, with a mean content validity index of 0.9 and 0.89, respectively, and slight variability of the index between groups (difference of less than 0.01). The items in the translated version, evaluated as unsatisfactory by the judges, were reformulated based on the considerations of the professionals of each group. a Brazilian version of Diabetes Medical Management Plan was constructed, called the Plano de Manejo do Diabetes na Escola. traduzir, adaptar e validar o conteúdo do Diabetes Medical Management Plan para o contexto brasileiro, protocolo elaborado pela Associação Americana de Diabetes, que orienta a conduta dos educadores para o cuidado das crianças e adolescentes com diabetes mellitus nas escolas. trata-se de estudo metodológico, realizado em quatro etapas: tradução inicial, síntese da tradução inicial, retrotradução e validação de conteúdo por um Comitê de Juízes, composto por 94 especialistas (29 linguistas aplicados e 65 profissionais da área da Saúde), para avaliação da versão traduzida por meio de um questionário online. O nível de concordância dos juízes foi

  1. The Kindergarten Survival Handbook: The Before School Checklist & a Guide for Parents. (El Manual de Como Sobrevivir El Jardin de Ninos: La Lista Pre-escolar y Una Guia Para Los Padres).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Elovson, Allana Cummings

    Written to help parents understand what their children need to know before they start kindergarten, this volume, bound separately in English and Spanish, is intended to help parents become their children's best, as well as their first and most important, teachers. The first part of the book, the before school checklist, is divided into eight…

  2. Presentaciones escolares. Serie de programas para conmemorar acontecimientos de valor cultural para el mexico americano (School Assembly Presentations. Series of Programs to Commemorate Events of Cultural Value to the Mexican American).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Villarreal, Abelardo; And Others

    This material consists of a series of cultural presentations designed for elementary school assemblies or special programs. The activities are intended to strengthen Mexican-American children's awareness of their cultural heritage. Program scripts, poems, songs, historical narratives and skits are included to illustrate and celebrate Mexican and…

  3. Enacting a People-Centred Curriculum in ELT with Teenage Learners (La vivencia de un currículo basado en los actores de la clase de inglés con adolescentes)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Banegas, Darío Luis; Velázquez, Aurelia


    In this paper we reflect on the extent to which the learner-centred curriculum in English language teaching includes teachers and learners. We briefly describe the top-down nature of curriculum development in Argentina, then describe and discuss personal and collaborative explorations based on our identities as teachers of English in secondary…

  4. Women of Hispanic Origin in the Labor Force. Facts on Working Women No. 89-1 = La mujer de origen hispano en la fuerza laboral. Facts on Working Women Num. 89-1S.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Women's Bureau (DOL), Washington, DC.

    Data on Hispanic women in the labor force between 1978 and 1988 show the following: (1) 6.5 percent of the women in the work force in 1988 were of Hispanic origin (3.6 million); (2) the median age of Hispanic women was 26.1 years, 2-5 years younger than Black or White women; (3) 66 percent of Hispanic women participate in the labor force, a higher…

  5. Mise à jour sur le nouveau vaccin 9-valent pour la prévention du virus du papillome humain

    PubMed Central

    Yang, David Yi; Bracken, Keyna


    Résumé Objectif Informer les médecins de famille quant à l’efficacité, à l’innocuité, aux effets sur la santé publique et à la rentabilité du vaccin 9-valent contre le virus du papillome humain (VPH). Qualité des données Des articles pertinents publiés dans PubMed jusqu’en mai 2015 ont été examinés et analysés. La plupart des données citées sont de niveau I (essais randomisés et contrôlés et méta-analyses) ou de niveau II (études transversales, cas-témoins et épidémiologiques). Des rapports et recommandations du gouvernement sont aussi cités en référence. Message principal Le vaccin 9-valent contre le VPH, qui offre une protection contre les types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 et 58 du VPH, est sûr et efficace et réduira encore plus l’incidence des infections à VPH, de même que les cas de cancer lié au VPH. Il peut également protéger indirectement les personnes non immunisées par l’entremise du phénomène d’immunité collective. Un programme d’immunisation efficace peut prévenir la plupart des cancers du col de l’utérus. Les analyses montrent que la rentabilité du vaccin 9-valent chez les femmes est comparable à celle du vaccin quadrivalent original contre le VPH (qui protège contre les types 6, 11, 16 et 18 du VPH) en usage à l’heure actuelle. Toutefois, il faut investiguer plus en profondeur l’utilité d’immuniser les garçons avec le vaccin 9-valent contre le VPH. Conclusion en plus d’être sûr, le vaccin 9-valent protège mieux contre le VPH que le vaccin quadrivalent. Une analyse coûtefficacité en favorise l’emploi, du moins chez les adolescentes. Ainsi, les médecins devraient recommander le vaccin 9-valent à leurs patients plutôt que le vaccin quadrivalent contre le VPH.

  6. Validation de la traduction française de la SURPS pour une population d’adolescents québécois

    PubMed Central

    Castonguay-Jolin, Laura; Perrier-Ménard, Eveline; Castellanos-Ryan, Natalie; Parent, Sophie; Vitaro, Frank; Tremblay, Richard E; Garel, Patricia; Séguin, Jean R; Conrod, Patricia J


    Objectif La Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) est un instrument de dépistage des caractéristiques de personnalité qui représentent un risque pour le développement d’une consommation problématique de substances. La SURPS comporte 23 items évaluant 4 dimensions et permet aux intervenants en santé mentale de mieux cibler la prévention. La SURPS a été validée au Canada anglais, au Royaume-Uni, en Chine et au Sri Lanka; l’objectif de cette étude est de valider une traduction française de la SURPS pour des adolescents francophones québécois, en plus d’en tester la sensibilité dans une population clinique. Méthode Deux cent deux jeunes de 15 ans d’un échantillon communautaire ont répondu à la SURPS et à des mesures de la personnalité et de l’utilisation de substances. La cohérence interne, la solution factorielle et la validité concomitante de l’échelle ont été évaluées. Quarante adolescents (âge moyen de 15,7 ans) présentant un diagnostic psychiatrique ont également répondu à la SURPS et les scores ont été comparés aux normes de l’échantillon communautaire. Résultats La traduction française de la SURPS démontre une bonne cohérence interne ainsi qu’une solution factorielle à 4 facteurs semblable à la version originale. Ses 4 souséchelles ont une bonne validité concomitante. De plus, 3 de ses souséchelles sont corrélées avec des mesures relatives à la consommation de substances psychoactives. Finalement, 95 % des participants de l’échantillon clinique ont été identifiés à risque selon les scores limites de la SURPS. Conclusion La version française de la SURPS paraît être une mesure valide et sensible pouvant être utilisée auprès d’une population adolescente, québécoise et francophone. PMID:24099502

  7. Anxiety, depression, resilience and self-esteem in individuals with cardiovascular diseases.


    Carvalho, Isabela Gonzales; Bertolli, Eduarda Dos Santos; Paiva, Luciana; Rossi, Lidia Aparecida; Dantas, Rosana Aparecida Spadoti; Pompeo, Daniele Alcalá


    presentaron síntomas depresivos (p < 0,001) y, las mujeres ansiosas, fueron menos resilientes (p = 0,042). Los mayores puntajes de autoestima estuvieron presentes en pacientes con ansiedad y depresión. Los hombres presentaron mayor resiliencia y menor autoestima cuando comparados a las mujeres. los pacientes con ansiedad y depresión fueron menos resilientes y presentaron mayor autoestima.

  8. Differences in foot self-care and lifestyle between men and women with diabetes mellitus.


    Rossaneis, Mariana Angela; Haddad, Maria do Carmo Fernandez Lourenço; Mathias, Thaís Aidar de Freitas; Marcon, Sonia Silva


    de calçados inadequados em comparação às mulheres. Em relação ao estilo de vida, os homens também apresentaram comportamentos menos saudáveis pois tem significativamente menor controle alimentar e não realizam os exames laboratoriais referentes ao perfil lipídico na frequência recomendada. considerar as diferenças de gênero no autocuidado com os pés e no estilo de vida permite à equipe de enfermagem direcionar atividades educacionais e intervenções nos fatores de risco à ulceração dos pés. investigar las diferencias en el autocuidado de los pies y estilo de vida entre mujeres y hombres diabéticos. estudio transversal realizado con una muestra de 1.515 diabéticos con 40 años o más. Fueron utilizados los modelos de regresión de Poisson para identificar diferencias entre los sexos en la prevalencia de déficit de autocuidado de los pies y estilo de vida, ajustándolas por características socioeconómicas, clínicas, tabaquismo y alcoholismo. la prevalencia de déficit de autocuidado de los pies, caracterizada por: baja frecuencia de secado de los espacios interdigitales; falta de evaluación periódica de los pies; hábito de andar descalzo; higiene insatisfactoria; y, corte inadecuado de uñas, fue significativamente mayor entre los hombre. Sin embargo, estos presentaron menor prevalencia en la práctica de escaldar los pies y en el uso de calzados inadecuados en comparación a las mujeres. En relación al estilo de vida, los hombres también presentaron comportamientos menos saludables ya que tienen significativamente menor control alimentario y no realizan los exámenes de laboratorio referentes al perfil lipídico, con la frecuencia recomendada. considerar las diferencias de género en el autocuidado de los pies y en el estilo de vida, le permite al equipo de enfermería realizar actividades educacionales e intervenciones en los factores de riesgo para la ulceración de los pies.

  9. Rights and Responsibilities of Parents and Schools in the Education of Handicapped Children = Derechos y Responsabilidades de los Padres de Familia y los Distritos Escolares en la Educacion de los Ninos Incapacitados.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arizona State Dept. of Education, Phoenix. Div. of Career and Vocational Education.

    The booklet is intended to help Arizona parents understand their role in the education of handicapped children. A question and answer format draws upon contents of P.L. 94-142, The Education for All Handicapped Children Act; Arizona revised statutes; and the State Board of Education rules and regulations. Four main topics are covered: (1)…

  10. [Food consumption and the nutritional status of schoolchildren of the Community of Madrid (CAENPE): general methodology and overall food consumption. Consumo de alimentos y estado nutricional de la población escolar].


    Vázquez, C; de Cos, A I; Martínez, P; Jaunsolo, M A; Román, E; Gómez, C; López, T; Hernáez, I; Seijas, V; Ramos, V


    The CAENPE study (Food Consumption and Nutritional State of the School Population) was a transversal observational study funded and promoted by the Directorate-General of Food Hygiene in the Ministry of Health, implemented in 1991-93, with the main aim of quantifying food consumption in the school population (6-14 years of age) in the Regional Community of Madrid, together with an anthropometric study and nutritional analysis of that population. This project sets our the General Methodology for the study, paying particular attention to the sampling design, to ensure that the sample is representative of the community, and the results of the overall consumption of food and its comparison with recommended diet and other population studies. Quantification shows a high and rising consumption of meat, meat products, sweets, snacks and prepared dishes, suitable consumption of eggs, legumes and fruit and a notable lack of greens, vegetables and potatoes. The basic results underline the need to introduce educational measures with practical effect on home and school menus.

  11. The Latinas' Guide to the Information Superhighway: A Bilingual Guide for Latinas by Latinas = Guia para Mujeres Latinas sobre la Supercarretera de la Informacion: Una Guia Bilingue para Latinas por medio de Latinas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    MANA, A National Latina Organization, Washington, DC.

    This guide to the Internet is designed to give Latinas basic information on computers and the information superhighway. Written in both Spanish and English, the guide begins by defining the Internet and making some suggestions about acquiring access to a computer. Among the topics discussed are how to choose an Internet service provider, how to…

  12. [Not Available].


    Pérez-Flores, Juan Emmanuel; Chávez-Tostado, Mariana; Larios-Del-Toro, Youné Elizabeth; García-Rentería, Jesús; Rendrón-Félix, Jorge; Salazar-Parra, Marcela; Irusteta-Jiménez, Leire; Michel-Espinoza, Luis Rodrigo; Márquez-Valdez, Aída Rebeca; Cuesta-Márquez, Lisbeth; Álvarez-Villaseñor, Andrea Socorro; Fuentes-Orozco, Clotilde; González Ojeda, Alejandro


    Introducción: la desnutrición intrahospitalaria se ha descrito hace más de 70 años como un problema frecuente. En México se reportan cifras de entre el 20% al 50%; sin embargo no se ha estudiado su prevalencia ni su asociación con la morbilidad y mortalidad hospitalaria.Objetivos: evaluar el estado nutricional y su relación con la morbimortalidad hospitalaria en pacientes mexicanos.Métodos: cohorte prospectiva de pacientes que ingresaron en un hospital de referencia para una estancia hospitalaria mayor de 5 días. Se capturó peso, talla, índice de masa corporal (IMC), estado nutricional de acuerdo con la valoración global subjetiva (VGS) a su ingreso y egreso hospitalario, así como diagnóstico médico, complicaciones y mortalidad. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la prueba T de Student, prueba Chi-cuadrado y prueba Exacta de Fisher.Resultados: se incluyeron 610 pacientes en total, con un promedio de edad de 50,8 ± 17,32 años, 267 mujeres (43,8%) y 343 hombres (56,2%). Del total, 154 fueron catalogados con sospecha de desnutrición o desnutrición (pacientes expuestos, 25,2%) y 456 bien nutridos (pacientes no expuestos, 74,8%), con una relación de 1 a 3. La morbilidad total de la cohorte tuvo un RR = 2,70, IC 95 % (2,06-3,55) y la mortalidad con un RR = 2,64, IC 95% (1,74-4,0), siendo ambas estadísticamente significativas (p = 0,001).Conclusiones: el diagnóstico de desnutrición al ingreso hospitalario constituye un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de complicaciones y mortalidad. Este padecimiento al ingreso en comparación con el paciente que no presenta desnutrición incrementó el riesgo de mortalidad hasta en 2.64 veces.

  13. [In Process Citation].


    Almeida Dos Santos, Alyne Dayana; Sabino Pinho, Cláudia Porto; Santos do Nascimento, Alexsandra Camila; Oliveira Costa, Ana Carolina


    Introducción: la sarcopenia se define como un síndrome geriátrico, multifactorial, caracterizado por la pérdida progresiva de masa muscular esquelética, asociada a consecuencias graves, tales como comorbideces, mala calidad de vida y mortandad. Objetivo: identificar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la sarcopenia en ancianos atendidos ambulatoriamente. Métodos: estudio transversal y observacional realizado con pacientes ancianos de ambos sexos atendidos en ambulatorio geriátrico, entre junio y diciembre de 2014, en un hospital universitario ubicado en el nordeste brasileño. Se determinó la sarcopenia a través de la masa muscular (circunferencia de la pantorrilla < 31 cm), fuerza muscular (evaluada por la fuerza de prensión palmar < 30 kg para hombres y < 20 kg para mujeres) y velocidad de marcha (< 0,8 metros/segundo). Entre las variables de asociación, se consideraron aspectos socioeconómicos y demográficos, variables clínicas, estilo de vida y antropometría. La tabulación y análisis de los datos se realizaron por medio del paquete estadístico SPSS versión 13.0. Resultados: la muestra se compuso de 50 pacientes, con promedio de edad de 73,9 (± 7,4) años, en la que se verificó una prevalencia de sarcopenia del 18%. La sarcopenia fue más prevalente en individuos con edad ≥ 80 años (p = 0,012), en los ancianos con bajo peso según el IMC (p < 0,001), con desnutrición de acuerdo con la CB (p = 0,004) y en los pacientes sin hipertensión arterial (p = 0,027), no encontrándose asociación con variables socioeconómicas, clínicas y del estilo de vida. Conclusiones: la prevalencia de la sarcopenia fue significativa y semejante a la descrita por otros autores, encontrándose asociación con la edad avanzada, desnutrición y ausencia de hipertensión.

  14. AMIGAS: Building a Cervical Cancer Screening Intervention for Public Health Practice

    PubMed Central

    Smith, Judith Lee; Wilson, Katherine M.; Orians, Carlyn E.; Byrd, Theresa L.


    Background Many barriers to cervical cancer screening for Hispanic women have been documented, but few effective interventions exist. The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends increasing cervical cancer screening through various methods. Building on this evidence, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funded the research and testing phases for an evidence-based and theoretically grounded intervention designed to increase cervical cancer screening among never and rarely screened Hispanic women of Mexican descent. In this article, we describe the development process of the AMIGAS (Ayudando a las Mujeres con Información, Guía, y Amor para su Salud) intervention, highlight the integration of scientific evidence and community-based participatory research principles, and identify opportunities for dissemination, adaptation, and implementation of this intervention. Methods The AMIGAS team was a collaboration among researchers, promotoras (community health workers), and program administrators. The multiyear, multiphase project was conducted in Houston, Texas; El Paso, Texas; and Yakima, Washington. The team completed several rounds of formative research, designed intervention materials and methodology, conducted a randomized controlled trial, created a guide for program administrators, and developed an intervention dissemination plan. Results Trial results demonstrated that AMIGAS was successful in increasing cervical cancer screening among Hispanic women. Adaptation of AMIGAS showed minimal reduction of outcomes. Dissemination efforts are underway to make AMIGAS available in a downloadable format via the Internet. Conclusions Developing a community-based intervention that is evidence-based and theoretically grounded is challenging, time-intensive, and requires collaboration among multiple disciplines. Inclusion of key stakeholders—in particular program deliverers and administrators—and planning for dissemination and translation to practice are

  15. Meningiomas del foramen magno: Reporte de 12 casos y revisión de la literatura

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Álvaro; Ajler, Pablo; Roman, Guillermo; Rivadeneira, Conrado


    Resumen Objetivo: El propósito del presente trabajo es presentar los resultados de 12 pacientes con diagnóstico de meningiomas del foramen magno (MFM), de localización anterior o lateral, operados con técnicas microquirúrgicas. Método: Desde Junio de 2005 a Diciembre de 2016, 12 pacientes con diagnóstico de MFM fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente. Se evaluó: edad, sexo, localización de la lesión (anterior o lateral), sintomatología, tipo de abordaje utilizado y resultados postoperatorios. Resultados: De los pacientes intervenidos, 8 fueron mujeres y 4 varones. La edad promedio fue de 47 años. La localización fue anterior en 8 casos y lateral en 4 casos. La sintomatología más frecuente fue dolor occipito-cervical (8 casos), seguido de tetraparesia (3 casos). En los pacientes con MFM de localización anterior se realizó un abordaje extremo-lateral transcondilar (ELTC), mientras que en los tumores laterales el abordaje fue extremo-lateral retrocondilar (ELRC). En 10 casos la resección fue completa. En dos pacientes fue necesario dejar una pequeña lámina de meningioma sobre la arteria vertebral y a nivel del foramen yugular. Como complicaciones postoperatorias, 3 pacientes presentaron una paresia del XII nervio craneano y 2 pacientes paresia del XI nervio craneano; además, 1 paciente presentó una fístula de LCR. Conclusión: La cirugía de los MFM de localización anterior y lateral puede ser realizada de forma segura y efectiva. Es necesario: a) buen conocimiento anatómico de la región; b) disecar los músculos de la nuca en 2 planos, exponiendo el triángulo suboccipital y la arteria vertebral (AV); 3) realizar un abordaje ELRC en los tumores laterales, y ELTC en los tumores anteriores; y 4) buena técnica microquirúrgica. PMID:29142778

  16. Pneumatocele selar a tensión: Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Álvaro; Ajler, Pablo; Goldschmidt, Ezequiel; Bendersky, Damián; Campero, Abraham


    Introducción: El neumoencéfalo a tensión luego de la cirugía transesfenoidal es poco común. En la literatura existen pocos casos reportados en los cuales el aire se encuentra localizado exclusivamente en las regiones selar y supraselar, constituyendo un pneumatocele selar. En este artículo se describe un caso inusual de pneumatocele selar a tensión de presentación tardía. Descripción del caso: Una mujer de 57 años consultó por hemianopsia bitemporal. Previamente, ya se le había realizado una cirugía transnasal por un adenoma hipofisario y se le había colocado una derivación lumbo-peritoneal por la presencia de una fístula de líquido cefalorraquídeo. Además, se le había realizado una resección transcraneal de un componente intracavernoso del tumor y radiocirugía debido a la agresividad del mismo. Se llevó a cabo una resonancia magnética que demostró un pneumatocele selar y supraselar. Intervención: Se realizó un abordaje transciliar. La región selar estaba encapsulada por tejido cicatrizal debido a los procedimientos previos. Se abrió la cicatriz y el aire fue evacuado. Posteriormente, el piso selar fue cerrado con grasa y cola de fibrina. Despuós del procedimiento, su campo visual retornó a la normalidad. Un año después de su última cirugía, continua asintomática. Conclusión: El pneumatocele selar y supraselar a tensión es un hallazgo extremadamente raro luego de una cirugía transesfenoidal. Su manifestaciónw clínica sería la alteración visual debida a la compresión inferior de la vía óptica. El pneumatocele selar a tensión debe ser evacuado en un corto plazo. PMID:23596554

  17. Prevalence and Correlates of Client-Perpetrated Violence against Female Sex Workers in 13 Mexican Cities

    PubMed Central

    Semple, Shirley J.; Stockman, Jamila K.; Pitpitan, Eileen V.; Strathdee, Steffanie A.; Chavarin, Claudia V.; Mendoza, Doroteo V.; Aarons, Gregory A.; Patterson, Thomas L.


    Background Globally, client-perpetrated violence against female sex workers (FSWs) has been associated with multiple health-related harms, including high-risk sexual behavior and increased exposure to HIV/STIs. This study examined correlates of client-perpetrated sexual, physical, and economic violence (e.g., robbery) against FSWs in 13 cities throughout Mexico. Methods FSWs (N = 1,089) who were enrolled in a brief, evidence-based, sexual risk reduction intervention for FSWs (Mujer Segura) were interviewed about their work context, including experiences of violence perpetrated by clients, sexual risk and substance use practices, financial need, and social supports. Three broad categories of factors (sociodemographic, work context, behavioral and social characteristics of FSWs) were examined as correlates of sexual, physical, and economic violence. Results The prevalence of different types of client-perpetrated violence against FSWs in the past 6 months was: sexual (11.7%), physical (11.8%), economic (16.9%), and any violence (22.6%). Greater financial need, self-identification as a street worker, and lower perceived emotional support were independently associated with all three types of violence. Alcohol use before or during sex with clients in the past month was associated with physical and sexual violence. Using drugs before or during sex with clients, injection drug use in the past month, and population size of city were associated with sexual violence only, and FSWs’ alcohol use score (AUDIT-C) was associated with economic violence only. Conclusions Correlates of client-perpetrated violence encompassed sociodemographic, work context, and behavioral and social factors, suggesting that approaches to violence prevention for FSWs must be multi-dimensional. Prevention could involve teaching FSWs strategies for risk avoidance in the workplace (e.g., avoiding use of alcohol with clients), enhancement of FSWs’ community-based supports, development of interventions

  18. PubMed

    Redondo Del Río, María Paz; De Mateo Silleras, Beatriz; Carreño Enciso, Laura; Marugán de Miguelsanz, José Manuel; Fernández McPhee, Marina; Camina Martín, María Alicia


    Introducción: la alimentación de los jóvenes universitarios se aleja cada vez más de la dieta mediterránea (DM). El binomio alimentación-actividad física es fundamental para mantener un adecuado estado de salud.Objetivo: comparar la ingesta en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios deportistas frente a otro que no realiza deporte habitualmente.Sujetos y métodos:estudio observacional transversal realizado en 49 voluntarios de la Universidad de Valladolid. Se determinaron peso, talla y actividad física (cuestionario GPAQ). La ingesta se evaluó a partir de un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo y un registro de alimentos de 3 días. La adherencia a la DM se estimó con el Mediterranean Diet Score. Las diferencias entre las variables en función del sexo y la práctica deportiva se analizaron con la t de Student o la U-Mann-Whitney. Significación estadística: p < 0,05.Resultados: todos los sujetos presentaron normopeso, sin diferencias en función de la práctica deportiva. El nivel de actividad física fue inferior en las mujeres. En todos los estudiantes la dieta fue ligeramente hiperproteica, rica en grasas y colesterol, con un inadecuado perfil lipídico y deficiente en hidratos de carbono y fibra. Se cubren los requerimientos de micronutrientes. Destaca un escaso consumo de frutas-verdurashortalizas, cereales, aceite de oliva, pescado y frutos secos; y un exceso de carne, mantequilla, bollería-industrial, dulces, snacksy refrescos. El 50% de la muestra tiene una adherencia baja o muy baja a la DM.Conclusión: las dietas de los jóvenes universitarios no cumplen los objetivos nutricionales para la población española y presentan una adherencia media-baja a la DM, independientemente de la práctica deportiva.

  19. Predictors of HIV enacted stigma among Chilean women

    PubMed Central

    Cianelli, Rosina; Villlegas, Natalia; De Oliveira, Giovanna; Hires, Kimberly; Gattamorta, Karina; Ferrer, Lilian; Peragallo, Nilda


    Aims and objectives To investigate if socio-demographic factors, religiosity, HIV-related knowledge, Marianismo, history of having been tested for HIV, knowing someone who died of AIDS and HIV risk perception were predictive factors to HIV enacted stigma predictors among Chilean women. Background HIV infection is the number one cause of death among women during their reproductive years. In Chile, studies with people living with HIV demonstrate the existence of HIV-related stigma. However, limited evidence is available about the underlying causes of HIV enacted stigma that results in stigmatisation and discrimination. Design The current cross-sectional study is a secondary analysis of data collected to assess the impact of an HIV prevention intervention (Mano a Mano-Mujer) designed for Chilean women. A quasi-experimental design was used in the original study. Methods This study was conducted in two communities in Santiago, Chile. The sample for this study consisted of 496 Chileans between ages 18–49. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression were used for the analysis. Results Participants in the study reported high levels (77·8%) of HIV enacted stigma. Higher levels of HIV-related knowledge were associated with lower levels of HIV enacted stigma. Women with higher education had lower levels of HIV enacted stigma than women with elementary education. In addition, greater levels of marianismo (cultural belief that women should be passive, faithful, and devoted to family) were associated with higher HIV enacted stigma scores. Conclusions The findings reflected the presence of HIV enacted stigma among Chilean women. Identifying the significant predictors of HIV enacted stigma can help the nursing community to design HIV prevention interventions that include the reduction in HIV enacted stigma. HIV evidence-based prevention interventions should incorporate contents related to stigma to contribute to prevent HIV enacted stigma at individual and community levels

  20. Detección de Treponema pallidum subespecie pallidum para el diagnóstico de sífilis congénita mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa anidada.


    Pinilla, Gladys; Campos, Lesly; Durán, Andrea; Navarrete, Jeannette; Muñoz, Liliana


    Introducción. La sífilis es una enfermedad producida por Treponema pallidum subespecie pallidum cuya incidencia mundial es de 12 millones de casos por año, aproximadamente; de estos, más de dos millones se presentan en mujeres gestantes, siendo la sífilis congénita la complicación más grave de esta infección en el embarazo.Objetivo. Detectar la presencia de T. pallidum subespecie pallidum en muestras clínicas para el diagnóstico de sífilis congénita mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) anidada y determinar su concordancia con las pruebas serológicas.Materiales y métodos. Mediante PCR convencional y anidada, se amplificaron tres genes diana (polA, 16S ADNr y TpN47) y se confirmaron los productos de amplificación de los genes TpN47 y polA por secuenciación. Las pruebas serológicas empleadas fueron la VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory), la de reagina plasmática rápida (Rapid Plasma Reagin, RPR) y la de aglutinación de partículas para Treponema pallidum (Treponema pallidum Particle Agglutination Assay, TPPA).Resultados. La sensibilidad para la PCR convencional fue de 52 pg y, para la PCR anidada, de 0,52 pg. La especificidad con los iniciadores TpN47 y polA fue de 100 %; los resultados de la secuenciación mostraron una identidad de 97 % con T. pallidum. En 70 % de las muestras, los resultados de las pruebas serológicas y la PCR anidada concordaron.Conclusión. El gen TpN47 resultó ser el mejor blanco molecular para la identificación de T. pallidum. La PCR anidada se presenta como una alternativa de diagnóstico molecular promisoria para el diagnóstico de sífilis congénita.

  1. Muscle dysmorphia: detection of the use-abuse of anabolic adrogenic steroids in a Spanish sample.


    González-Martí, Irene; Fernández-Bustos, Juan Gregorio; Contreras Jordán, Onofre Ricardo; Sokolova, Marina


    Debido a una distorsión en la imagen corporal, las personas que padecen Dismorfia Muscular se perciben menos musculosas de lo que son en realidad. Con el fin de aumentar su musculatura, algunas de estas personas hacen uso de hormonas cuya función principal es la del aumento del tamaño muscular. Por lo que el objetivo de este estudio es conocer la prevalencia del uso de hormonas en personas afectadas por Dismorfia Muscular. 562 hombres y 172 mujeres fisicoculturistas y levantadores de pesas, a los que se le administraron diferentes cuestionarios para conocer, primero si padecían el trastorno, y después en qué porcentaje usaban hormonas la muestra afectada. Para la creación de los modelos de regresión de la dismorfia muscular fueron empleadas las técnicas estadísticas de árboles de decisión (R = 0.78 y R2 = 0.62). Los resultados indican que casi un 50% de participantes, afectados por este trastorno, hacen uso de estas drogas. Due to a distortion in the body image, the people who suffer from muscle dysmorphia have the self-perception of being less muscular than they currently are. With the aim of increasing their muscular development, they resort to the use of AAS. The purpose of the present study is to know the prevalence of the use of AAS in a Spanish sample affected by muscle dysmorphia. 562 male and 172 female bodybuilders and weightlifters were provided with different questionnaires in order to know, firstly, if they suffered from this disorder and, secondly, the percentage of the participants affected who use these substances. Decision trees and regression was applied to create explanatory models for muscle dysmorphia (R = 0.78 and R2 = 0.62). The results show that almost 50% of the participants, male and female, affected by this disorder use this kind of drugs.

  2. Predictors of HIV enacted stigma among Chilean women.


    Cianelli, Rosina; Villlegas, Natalia; De Oliveira, Giovanna; Hires, Kimberly; Gattamorta, Karina; Ferrer, Lilian; Peragallo, Nilda


    To investigate if socio-demographic factors, religiosity, HIV-related knowledge, Marianismo, history of having been tested for HIV, knowing someone who died of AIDS and HIV risk perception were predictive factors to HIV enacted stigma predictors among Chilean women. HIV infection is the number one cause of death among women during their reproductive years. In Chile, studies with people living with HIV demonstrate the existence of HIV-related stigma. However, limited evidence is available about the underlying causes of HIV enacted stigma that results in stigmatisation and discrimination. The current cross-sectional study is a secondary analysis of data collected to assess the impact of an HIV prevention intervention (Mano a Mano-Mujer) designed for Chilean women. A quasi-experimental design was used in the original study. This study was conducted in two communities in Santiago, Chile. The sample for this study consisted of 496 Chileans between ages 18-49. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression were used for the analysis. Participants in the study reported high levels (77·8%) of HIV enacted stigma. Higher levels of HIV-related knowledge were associated with lower levels of HIV enacted stigma. Women with higher education had lower levels of HIV enacted stigma than women with elementary education. In addition, greater levels of marianismo (cultural belief that women should be passive, faithful, and devoted to family) were associated with higher HIV enacted stigma scores. The findings reflected the presence of HIV enacted stigma among Chilean women. Identifying the significant predictors of HIV enacted stigma can help the nursing community to design HIV prevention interventions that include the reduction in HIV enacted stigma. HIV evidence-based prevention interventions should incorporate contents related to stigma to contribute to prevent HIV enacted stigma at individual and community levels in accordance with the bioecological model. The results of this study

  3. Hemangioblastomas de fosa posterior: Reporte de 16 casos y revisión de la literatura

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Alvaro; Ajler, Pablo; Fernandez, Julio; Isolan, Gustavo; Paiz, Martin; Rivadeneira, Conrado


    Resumen Objetivo: El propósito del presente trabajo es presentar los resultados de 16 pacientes con diagnóstico de hemangioblastoma de fosa posterior (HBFP), operados con técnicas microquirúrgicas. Método: Desde junio de 2005 a diciembre de 2015, 16 pacientes con diagnóstico de HBFP fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente. Se evaluó: sexo, edad, tipo de lesión (quística con nódulo, quística sin nódulo, sólida y sólida-quística), sintomatología y resultados postoperatorios. Resultados: De los 16 pacientes intervenidos, 11 fueron varones y 5 mujeres. La edad promedio fue de 44 años. La forma más frecuente fue quística con nódulo (57%), seguida por forma sólida (31%). Un solo caso presentó la forma quística sin nódulo (6%), y uno solo la forma sólido-quística (6%). La sintomatología más frecuente fue cefalea acompañada de síndrome cerebeloso (43%), seguido de síndrome de hipertensión endocraneana (25%). En todos los casos la resección fue completa, siendo necesario en un caso una embolización previa. Como complicaciones postoperatorias, 2 pacientes presentaron ataxia (mejoró al cabo de 3 meses), y 1 paciente presentó una fístula de LCR (se solucionó con un drenaje espinal externo). Se registró un óbito por complicaciones postoperatorias. Conclusión: Lo más frecuente de ver en pacientes con HBFP es la forma quística con nódulo, siendo su sintomatología predominante la cefalea acompañada de síndrome cerebeloso. La resección quirúrgica completa es posible, con una baja tasa de morbimortalidad. PMID:27999708

  4. Horizontal movements, migration patterns, and population structure of whale sharks in the Gulf of Mexico and northwestern Caribbean sea.


    Hueter, Robert E; Tyminski, John P; de la Parra, Rafael


    Whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, aggregate by the hundreds in a summer feeding area off the northeastern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, where the Gulf of Mexico meets the Caribbean Sea. The aggregation remains in the nutrient-rich waters off Isla Holbox, Isla Contoy and Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo for several months in the summer and then dissipates between August and October. Little has been known about where these sharks come from or migrate to after they disperse. From 2003-2012, we used conventional visual tags, photo-identification, and satellite tags to characterize the basic population structure and large-scale horizontal movements of whale sharks that come to this feeding area off Mexico. The aggregation comprised sharks ranging 2.5-10.0 m in total length and included juveniles, subadults, and adults of both sexes, with a male-biased sex ratio (72%). Individual sharks remained in the area for an estimated mean duration of 24-33 days with maximum residency up to about 6 months as determined by photo-identification. After leaving the feeding area the sharks showed horizontal movements in multiple directions throughout the Gulf of Mexico basin, the northwestern Caribbean Sea, and the Straits of Florida. Returns of individual sharks to the Quintana Roo feeding area in subsequent years were common, with some animals returning for six consecutive years. One female shark with an estimated total length of 7.5 m moved at least 7,213 km in 150 days, traveling through the northern Caribbean Sea and across the equator to the South Atlantic Ocean where her satellite tag popped up near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. We hypothesize this journey to the open waters of the Mid-Atlantic was for reproductive purposes but alternative explanations are considered. The broad movements of whale sharks across multiple political boundaries corroborates genetics data supporting gene flow between geographically distinct areas and underscores the need for management and conservation strategies for

  5. Horizontal Movements, Migration Patterns, and Population Structure of Whale Sharks in the Gulf of Mexico and Northwestern Caribbean Sea

    PubMed Central

    Hueter, Robert E.; Tyminski, John P.; de la Parra, Rafael


    Whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, aggregate by the hundreds in a summer feeding area off the northeastern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, where the Gulf of Mexico meets the Caribbean Sea. The aggregation remains in the nutrient-rich waters off Isla Holbox, Isla Contoy and Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo for several months in the summer and then dissipates between August and October. Little has been known about where these sharks come from or migrate to after they disperse. From 2003–2012, we used conventional visual tags, photo-identification, and satellite tags to characterize the basic population structure and large-scale horizontal movements of whale sharks that come to this feeding area off Mexico. The aggregation comprised sharks ranging 2.5–10.0 m in total length and included juveniles, subadults, and adults of both sexes, with a male-biased sex ratio (72%). Individual sharks remained in the area for an estimated mean duration of 24–33 days with maximum residency up to about 6 months as determined by photo-identification. After leaving the feeding area the sharks showed horizontal movements in multiple directions throughout the Gulf of Mexico basin, the northwestern Caribbean Sea, and the Straits of Florida. Returns of individual sharks to the Quintana Roo feeding area in subsequent years were common, with some animals returning for six consecutive years. One female shark with an estimated total length of 7.5 m moved at least 7,213 km in 150 days, traveling through the northern Caribbean Sea and across the equator to the South Atlantic Ocean where her satellite tag popped up near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. We hypothesize this journey to the open waters of the Mid-Atlantic was for reproductive purposes but alternative explanations are considered. The broad movements of whale sharks across multiple political boundaries corroborates genetics data supporting gene flow between geographically distinct areas and underscores the need for management and conservation strategies

  6. [Not Available].


    Fehrman-Rosas, Pamela; Delgado-Sánchez, Claudia; Fuentes-Fuentes, Jessica; Hidalgo-Fernández, Andrea; Quintana-Muñoz, Carol; Yunge-Hidalgo, Wilma; Fernández-Godoy, Eloina; Durán-Agüero, Samuel


    Objetivo: asociar patrones alimentarios con la autopercepción del estado nutricional en estudiantes universitarios chilenos de Nutrición y Dietética.Material y métodos: estudio transversal en el que se evaluó a 634 estudiantes de Nutrición y Dietética, de los cuales un 86,4% eran mujeres. A cada alumno se le mostraron siete modelos anatómicos correspondientes a valores de índice de masa corporal (IMC) de 18, 22, 25, 27, 30, 35 y 40 kg/m2. Cada estudiante debía elegir el modelo con el que mejor se identificaba. Posteriormente, se realizó la evaluación antropométrica, se calculó el IMC real comparándolo posteriormente con el IMC percibido, y finalmente se le aplicó una encuesta alimentaria.Resultados: se observa que los sujetos que sobreestiman su peso presentan un menor porcentaje de cumplimiento en el consumo de frutas y verduras al día; en cambio, el mayor porcentaje de sujetos que sigue las recomendaciones se encuentra en el grupo que se ve igual. Hay unaasociación entre una buena percepción de la imagen corporal y el consumo de 3 o más porciones de frutas al día OR = 0,554 (IC 95%; 0,360-0,852), 2 o más porciones de verduras al día OR = 0,438 (IC 95%; 0,283-0,678) y un consumo de alcohol menor de una vez a la semanaOR = 0,451 (IC 95%; 0,270-0,752).Conclusión: los estudiantes que registran una ingesta adecuada de verduras y frutas autodefinen su alimentación como saludable e ideal y tienden a autopercibirse coherentemente en relación con su estado nutricional; además, estos sujetos son los que presentan una ingesta menor de alimentos poco saludables.

  7. Descompresión microvascular en espasmo hemifacial: Reporte de 13 casos y revisión de la literatura

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Alvaro; Herreros, Isabel Cuervo-Arango; Barrenechea, Ignacio; Andjel, Germán; Ajler, Pablo; Rhoton, Albert


    Objetivo: El propósito del presente trabajo es presentar los resultados de 13 pacientes con diagnóstico de espasmo hemifacial (EHF), en los cuales se realizó una descompresión microvascular (DMV). Material y Método: Desde Junio de 2005 a Mayo de 2014, 13 pacientes con diagnóstico de EHF fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente, realizando una DMV. Se evaluó: edad, sexo, tiempo de evolución de la sintomatología, hallazgos intraoperatorios y resultados postoperatorios. Resultados: De los 13 pacientes intervenidos, 7 fueron mujeres y 6 varones. La media de edad fue de 53 años. El tiempo medio entre el inicio de la sintomatología y la intervención quirúrgica osciló entre 3 y 9 años. En todos los casos el EHF era típico, uno de ellos con neuralgia trigeminal concomitante, observándose en todos compresión neurovascular intraoperatoria. Por orden decreciente de frecuencia la causa de la compresión fue arteria cerebelosa anteroinferior, arteria cerebelosa posteroinferior, arteria dolicomega basilar y arteria dolicomega vertebral. El seguimiento postoperatorio fue en promedio de 24 meses. El 62% presentó desaparición postquirúrgica inmediata de la sintomatología preoperatoria, el 30% desaparición tras un período de 3 semanas a 2 meses (8% con mejoría parcial), y en el 8% no hubo mejoría. En cuanto a las complicaciones postoperatorias: 3 pacientes presentaron paresia facial II-III en la escala de House-Brackman (se recuperaron en un período de 6 meses), y 1 paciente presentó fístula de líquido cefalorraquídeo. Ninguno de los pacientes de la serie presentaron hipoacusia transitorio o permanente. Conclusión: La DMV como tratamiento del EHF es un procedimiento efectivo y seguro, que permite la resolución completa de la patología en la mayoría de los casos. PMID:27127708

  8. El aprendizaje significativo en las ciencias al participar en proyectos de investigacion cientifica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mora Polanco, Miguelena

    La ciencia es el eje fundamental a traves del cual se desarrollan las habilidades necesarias para el pensar cientifico que va a la busqueda del conocimiento cientifico. La intencion de este estudio fue indagar en el tema de investigacion cientifica desde el punto de vista de los participantes en los siguientes aspectos relacionados con la experiencia de investigacion cientifica: a) conceptos, b) proceso, c) destrezas y d) disposicion. Tambien se analizaron: a) las perspectivas del metodo cientifico, b) la estrategia de ensenanza, c) la cultura cientifica y d) la exposicion del proyecto investigativo en la Feria Cientifica; como parte del aprendizaje significativo de la ciencias de los participantes. Esta investigacion cualitativa propuso como diseno el estudio de caso. Los aspectos relacionados a la experiencia de participar en proyecto de investigacion cientifica son el fenomeno o caso bajo estudio. En el estudio participaron cinco (5) estudiantes egresados de escuela publica o privada que cursaban hasta el tercer ano de estudios universitarios, conducentes a un bachillerato en educacion secundaria en ciencias o en ciencias naturales. Las tecnicas utilizadas para recopilar los datos fueron: analisis de documentos del DEPR, revision de artefactos y entrevistas profundas. Para el analisis de los datos de las entrevistas se utilizo el modelo de Wolcott (1994). Del analisis de documentos del DEPR se identificaron areas a mejorar en las guias de las cartas circulares con relacion a la investigacion escolar y la feria cientifica. El analisis de los artefactos proveyo evidencia de como los internados, simposios e investigaciones fomentan el que los estudiantes se superen en el aspecto cognitivo, se conviertan en creadores del conocimiento, al hacer suyo los conceptos para poder explicarlos al publico. De las entrevistas los participantes manifestaron que la experiencia de investigacion fue una de aprendizaje significativo que los marco para toda la vida y les expandio su

  9. Ensino de astronomia e óptica: é possível fazê-lo de forma contextualizada no nível médio?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sobrinho, A. A.; Jafelice, L. C.


    Discutimos nossa participação em um curso de treinamento para professores de diversas disciplinas do ensino médio. Nossa preocupação básica foi desenvolver instrumentos educacionais adequados para levar à sala de aula, nesse nível de ensino, de forma contextualizada, questionamentos freqüentes dos alunos sobre astronomia e sua relação com tecnologia e sociedade. Encaminhamos questões como: a evolução da astronomia, suas relações com outros ramos do conhecimento humano e conseqüentes aplicações; avanços na tecnologia dos instrumentos ópticos versus a importância da observação do céu a olho nu; a relação entre olho humano, luneta e telescópio; e desenvolvimento da tecnologia espacial e sua influência em nosso cotidiano. Objetivamos com isto fazer um resgate histórico e pedagógico das aplicações e observações do céu no cenário escolar, destacando a relação entre eventos astronômicos, olho humano, instrumentos mediadores e suas contextualizações históricas e sociais. Produtos desta abordagem foram o desenvolvimento e a adaptação de práticas e materiais instrucionais diversos (e.g., "espelhos" de isopor e "raios luminosos" de bolinhas de gude; montagens envolvendo velas, lasers, lentes e espelhos; desmonte e análise de peças de um telescópio; etc.). Além disto, como outro resultado deste trabalho, elaboramos textos sobre história da astronomia e da óptica para atividades em classe. Com estas ações visamos facilitar a concretização de conceitos físicos envolvidos, exemplificar um ensino contextualizado e interdisciplinar motivado por temas astronômicos e favorecer que práticas e discussões feitas com os treinandos possam ser transpostas para a sala de aula. A reação dos professores às práticas propostas foi bastante positiva. Todos esses aspectos são discutidos em detalhe neste trabalho. (PPGECNM/UFRN; PRONEX/FINEP; NUPA/USP; Temáticos/FAPESP)

  10. Astronomy Teaching and Teachers Continuing Education: the Interdisciplinarity during a Total Lunar Eclipse. (Spanish Title: Enseñanza de la Astronomía y la Formación Continua de Profesores: la Interdisciplinariedad Durante un Eclipse Total de Luna.) Educação EM Astronomia E Formação Continuada de Professores: a Interdisciplinaridade Durante um Eclipse Lunar TOTAL

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Langhi, Rodolfo


    para caminhos que podem proporcionar a motivação e a cultura científica, através de aproximações entre as comunidades científica, amadora e escolar.

  11. Ensino de astronomia no 1o. e 2o. ciclos do nível fundamental e na educação de jovens e adultos: exemplos e discussões

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Queiroz, A. S. B.; Jafelice, L. C.


    Tem-se constatado uma preocupante carência no ensino de astronomia nos diversos níveis de escolaridade. Neste trabalho discutimos várias práticas didático-pedagógicas que vimos desenvolvendo para crianças, jovens e adultos em processo de alfabetização, visando contribuir para reparar aquela carência. Propomos uma metodologia que incorpora as recentes exigências das políticas públicas educacionais, estimula o desenvolvimento de textos e materiais instrucionais, é compatível com a realidade desse público e é adaptável às respectivas faixas etárias. A observação do céu sempre esteve presente na vida de nossos antepassados, dando suporte à compreensão do ser humano como integrante da natureza. Visamos com este trabalho suprir a deficiência encontrada para se tratar a relação do ser humano com o céu, no ambiente escolar. Os resultados são animadores e envolvem práticas e textos que desenvolvemos e atividades realizadas pelos alunos. No primeiro grupo destacamos o desenvolvimento de várias práticas: "viagem aos planetas" (construímos o "foguete", os planetas em escala, contamos história e redigimos texto de orientação para os professores); "gnômon humano" (os próprios corpos dos alunos são usados para registrar o movimento aparente do Sol); "crateras da Lua" (concretização de "meteoritos" e "solo lunar" de gesso e exploração da relação entre energia cinética do bólido e tamanho da cratera formada); etc. No segundo grupo, produções de desenhos e redações e discussões dos alunos após a realização de cada prática, revelam que estas têm se mostrado muito eficientes, tanto para estimular a imaginação e a fantasia dos envolvidos, como para trabalhar-se habilidades, competências e conteúdos relacionados à astronomia, segundo uma perspectiva interdisciplinar contextualizada. (PPGECNM/UFRN; NUPA/USP; Temáticos/FAPESP)

  12. Association between secondhand smoking in the home and respiratory morbidity in preschool children.


    Sigaud, Cecília Helena de Siqueira; Castanheira, Ana Barbara de Couto; Costa, Priscila


    Identifying the prevalence of secondhand smoking in the home and its association with morbidity and hospitalization from respiratory causes in preschool children. This is a cross-sectional study conducted in five early childhood education centers at a public university in São Paulo. Sample size calculation was performed and the participants were randomly determined. Data were collected through questionnaires completed by family members or caregivers of 215 children. Chi-square and Student's t-test were used for the statistical analysis, using a 0.05 significance level. The prevalence of secondhand smoke in the household was 15.3%. Bivariate analysis revealed that secondhand smoke in the household was associated with the occurrence of rapid breathing, subdiaphragmatic retractions in the past three months, and treated ear infections/otitis. A low prevalence of secondhand smoking in the home was found. Secondhand smoke was associated with a higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms and morbidity. Identificar a prevalência de tabagismo passivo em domicílio e verificar sua associação com morbidades e hospitalização por causas respiratórias em crianças pré-escolares. Trata-se de estudo transversal conduzido em cinco centros de educação infantil de uma universidade pública de São Paulo. Foi realizado cálculo de tamanho amostral, e a seleção dos participantes foi feita por sorteio. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionários preenchidos pelos familiares ou cuidadores de 215 crianças. Na análise estatística foram empregados os testes Qui-quadrado e t-Student, considerando-se um nível de significância de 0,05. A prevalência de tabagismo passivo em domicílio foi de 15,3%. Verificou-se na análise bivariada que o tabagismo passivo em domicílio esteve associado à ocorrência de respiração rápida, retração subdiafragmática nos últimos três meses, e otite tratada. Verificou-se uma baixa prevalência de tabagismo passivo domiciliar. O

  13. Impact of Cyberprogram 2.0 on Different Types of School Violence and Aggressiveness

    PubMed Central

    Garaigordobil, Maite; Martínez-Valderrey, Vanesa


    Some antibullying interventions have shown positive outcomes with regard to reducing violence. The aim of the study was to experimentally assess the effects on school violence and aggressiveness of a program to prevent and reduce cyberbullying. The sample was comprised of a randomly selected sample of 176 adolescents (93 experimental, 83 control), aged 13–15 years. The study used a repeated measures pre-posttest design with a control group. Before and after the program, two assessment instruments were administered: the “Cuestionario de Violencia Escolar-Revisado” (CUVE-R [School Violence Questionnaire – Revised]; Álvarez-García et al., 2011) and the “Cuestionario de agresividad premeditada e impulsiva” (CAPI-A [Premeditated and Impulsive Aggressiveness Questionnaire]; Andreu, 2010). The intervention consisted of 19 one-hour sessions carried out during the school term. The program contains 25 activities with the following objectives: (1) to identify and conceptualize bullying/cyberbullying; (2) to analyze the consequences of bullying/cyberbullying, promoting participants’ capacity to report such actions when they are discovered; (3) to develop coping strategies to prevent and reduce bullying/cyberbullying; and (4) to achieve other transversal goals, such as developing positive variables (empathy, active listening, social skills, constructive conflict resolution, etc.). The pre-posttest ANCOVAs confirmed that the program stimulated a decrease in: (1) diverse types of school violence—teachers’ violence toward students (ridiculing or publicly humiliating students in front of the class, etc.); students’ physical violence (fights, blows, shoves… aimed at the victim, or at his or her property, etc.); students’ verbal violence (using offensive language, cruel, embarrassing, or insulting words… toward classmates and teachers); social exclusion (rejection or exclusion of a person or group, etc.), and violence through Information and Communication

  14. Negligencia en la Educacion de Estudiantes Mexico-Americanos en el Distrito Escolar Unificado Lucia Mar, Pismo Beach, California. (Educational Neglect of Mexican-American Students in Lucia Mar Unified School District, Pismo Beach, California.)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights.

    California State Advisory Committee (SAC) of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held hearings in Santa Maria, California (May 20, 1972) to collect information on civil rights problems of Mexican American students in the Lucia Mar School District. Major issues were community complaints about the arrest of 26 Mexican American students and some…

  15. Estrategias Didácticas y Conocimiento Especializado de Profesores de Matemáticas. Un Caso en Álgebra Escolar = Teaching Strategies and Mathematics Teacher's Specialized Knowledge. A Case in School Algebra

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sandoval, Ivonne; Solares Rojas, Armando; García-Campos, Montserrat


    We present results of the analysis of knowledge used by a secondary school mathematics teacher in her classroom practice. This knowledge takes shape and is displayed as specific teaching strategies in the management of her class when she incorporates Computer Algebra Systems. Based on observations of regular classes, we find that her knowledge…

  16. The Feasibility of Assessing Teenagers' Oral English Language Performance with a Rubric (La viabilidad de evaluar el desempeño oral de los adolescentes en inglés con una rúbrica)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pineda, Diana


    This article reports the experience of a study group in a public university in Colombia, formed mostly by academic coordinators who worked in the design of assessment rubrics. Its focus is on the experience of the academic coordinator of the English program for teenagers, who concentrated on implementing the rubric to assess the students' oral…

  17. Adolescent Students' Intercultural Awareness When Using Culture-Based Materials in the English Class (La conciencia intercultural de estudiantes adolescentes al usar materiales con contenido cultural en la clase de inglés)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Castañeda Usaquén, Mireya Esther


    This article reports on a qualitative and interpretative case study conducted at a high school located in the southeast of Bogotá. The case is comprised of a group of fifty-one eighth graders who had had little contact with English. It aimed at exploring how these adolescents made sense of the culture-based materials implemented in the English…

  18. Como ayudar a su hijo con la tarea escolar: Para los padres con ninos en la primaria y la secundaria (Helping Your Child with Homework: For Parents of Children in Elementary through Middle School).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Department of Education, Washington, DC. Office of Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs.

    Homework is an opportunity for children to learn and for families to be involved with their children's education, but helping children with homework is not always easy. This Spanish-language booklet is designed to provide parents of elementary and middle grades students with an understanding of the purpose and nature of homework and offers…

  19. Adolescents' Awareness of Environmental Care: Experiences When Writing Short Descriptive Texts in English (Concientización de los adolescentes sobre el cuidado ambiental: experiencias al escribir textos descriptivos cortos en inglés)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jaramillo Urrutia, Lorena; Medina Gutiérrez, Ana Stella


    Today it is necessary to approach environmental topics with students in an interdisciplinary manner to mitigate the environmental damages that the Earth is suffering. In this paper we report an action-research and innovation study aimed at sensitizing students with respect to the care and preservation of the environment through the writing of…

  20. Predictive Relationship between Humane Values of Adolescents Cyberbullying and Cyberbullying Sensibility (Relaciones predictivas entre los valores humanos de los adolescentes, el acoso cibernético y la sensibilidad al acoso cibernético)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dilmac, Bülent; Yurt, Eyüp; Aydin, Mustafa; Kasarci, Ismail


    Introduction: Cyberbullying has been more common than the traditional bullying in recent years. As with the traditional bullying, humane values likely to explain the reason why adolescents tend to bully via cyber-means. Cyber-bullying behaviors also reasoned by adolescents' sensibility towards it. This study investigates the predictive…