Air Force Audit Agency Management Information System
Support Directorate. AFAA/QL performs multilocation . Air Force-wide audits and issues reports to the SAF. It, however, specializes in the multibillion...USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED NOV 90 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE S. FUNDING NUMBERS Air Force Audit Agency...appreciated. Mail them to: CADRE/RI, Building 1400, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-5532.• Air Force Audit Agency Management Hobbs Information System C 0* 0 0
19. DETAIL OF AIR FORCE WEATHER INFORMATION TERMINAL AND CHART RECORDER LOCATED IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF CONSOLE IN PHOTOS A-15 THROUGH A-18. - Vandenberg Air Force Base, Space Launch Complex 3, Launch Operations Building, Napa & Alden Roads, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, CA
Information Assurance within the United States Air Force
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cherry, John D.
According to the Department of Defense (DoD), a review of information assurance (IA) in the United States Air Force (USAF) in 2009, cyber security is jeopardized because of information loss. This situation has occurred in large part because of less than optimal training practices or adherence to training protocols. The purpose of this study was…
estimate should have a standardized structure that breaks costs into discrete elements with sufficient detail to ensure that cost elements are...FORCE STRUCTURE Better Information Needed to Support Air Force A-10 and Other Future Divestment Decisions Report...Accountability Office Highlights of GAO-16-816, a report to congressional committees August 2016 FORCE STRUCTURE Better Information Needed to Support
Assessing Air Force Investment and Opportunities in Information Superiority
Jones, Rosanne Martin, and Pete Worden; Lieutenant Colonel Ann McLeod; Majors Karen Bridges, Randy Comer, Greg Rattray, and Laura Sakos; and Captain...far less vulnerable to information- hungry weapons.2 The leadership of the United States Air Force is wrestling the nature of the this new information...that are used describe representative information age organizational frameworks conducive to innovation—“the organization as a brain ” and the “garbage
found at the following web address: <>. The Air Force is advised to contact Sandra Veazey at...advised to contact Sandra Veazey at (850) 595·8300 for additional information on asbestos issues.
Assignment Procedures in the Air Force Procurement Management Information System.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ward, Joe H., Jr.; And Others
An overview is presented of the procedure for offering jobs in the Air Force Procurement Management Information System (PROMIS), an assignment system which makes possible the use of human resources research findings to improve individual personnel assignments. A general framework for viewing personnel assignment systems is presented; then job…
Air Force Historical Research Agency
Command Capt Joseph J Merhar Jr collection Early Wright Brothers Flying Machines History of the 3rd Organizations Wings and Groups Squadrons and Flights Studies Documents Personal Papers Oral History Catalogue S. Fairchild Research Information Center Military Sites Air Force Link DefenseLINK Air Force History
Air Force Integrated Personnel and Pay System (AFIPPS)
2016 Major Automated Information System Annual Report Air Force Integrated Personnel and Pay System (AFIPPS) Defense Acquisition Management...DSN Fax: 665-1207 Date Assigned: February 1, 2016 Program Information Program Name Air Force Integrated Personnel and Pay System (AFIPPS) DoD...therefore, no Original Estimate has been established. AFIPPS 2016 MAR UNCLASSIFIED 4 Program Description Air Force Integrated Personnel and Pay
to contact Sandra Veazey at (850) 595-8300 for additional information on asbestos issues. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) supports...The notification form for the Department can be found at the following web address:. The Air Force is advised to contact Sandra Veazey at (850) 595
Air Force Technical Objective Document FY 87
Air Force Systems Command Edwards Air Force Base. Cal ifornia 93523-5000 NOTICES THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE ONL Y This...acquisition of Air Foree weapon systems . Each Air Foree laboratory annually formulates Q Research and Technology (R& T) Pion in response to available...guidance based on USAF requirements, the identification of scientific and technological opportunities, and the needs of present and projected systems
77 FR 55465 - US Air Force Exclusive Patent License
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...: Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate, Rome, New York, Department of the Air Force.... Written objections should be sent to: Air Force Research Laboratory, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, AFRL/RIJ, 26 Electronic Parkway, Rome, New York 13441-4514. Telephone: (315) 330-2087; Facsimile (315...
Air Force Research Laboratory, Edwards Air Force Base, CA
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFMC) AFRL /RZS 1 Ara Road Edwards AFB CA 93524-7013 AFRL -RZ-ED-VG-2011-269 9...SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) Air Force Research Laboratory (AFMC) AFRL /RZS 11. SPONSOR...Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239.18 Air Force Research Laboratory Ed d Ai F B CA Col Mike Platt war s r orce
design process requires teams to analyze and organize information in a manner that communicates efficiently with stakeholders. This communication is...share information (with each other and local school districts) on available/applicable grants b. How to help school districts identify and/or...graphed below. The graph compares the advance’s relative impact on the ability of the Air Force to maintain 12 information and decision dominance (x
Integration of the Peruvian Air Force Information Systems through an Integrated LAN/WAN
telecommunication systems are virtually indistinguishable from computer systems. These two technologies meet to work together. 3. Types of Telecommunications...information are virtually out of control. What limits on access exist tend to be the result of habit and tradition, as well as of the sheer difficulty...organization cannot be related to one another, it is virtually impossible for information to be shared or accessed in a timely manner. D. PZRUVIAN AIR FORCE
The Information Age and Hot Air.
Austin, Paul N
Forced-air warmers have been used for over twenty years to help prevent and treat inadvertent perioperative hypothermia. One result of hypothermia can be an increased risk of surgical site infection. Paradoxically, the question has been raised about the role of forced-air warmers in causing surgical site infections. A manufacturer of a competing device has been sending information directly to clinicians with warnings about using forced-air warmers with patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty. Three reviews have been published and none of these condemned the use of forced-air warmers in the operating room including with patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty. Clinicians must continue to seek information about this problem from peer-reviewed journals and not rely on interpretation by others such as manufacturers.
U.S. Air Force Scientific and Technical Information Program - The STINFO Program
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Blados, Walter R.
The U.S. Air Force STINFO (Scientific and Technical Information) program has as its main goal the proper use of all available scientific and technical information in the development of programs. The organization of STINFO databases, the use of STINFO in the development and advancement of aerospace science and technology and the acquisition of superior systems at lowest cost, and the application to public and private sectors of technologies developed for military uses are examined. STINFO user training is addressed. A project for aerospace knowledge diffusion is discussed.
Shah, Sachin D.; Quigley, Sean M.
Air Force Plant 4 (AFP4) and adjacent Naval Air Station-Joint Reserve Base (NAS-JRB) at Fort Worth, Tex., constitute a government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) facility that has been in operation since 1942. Contaminants from the facility, primarily volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and metals, have entered the groundwater-flow system through leakage from waste-disposal sites (landfills and pits) and from manufacturing processes (U.S. Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Center, 1995). The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force (USAF), Aeronautical Systems Center, Environmental Management Directorate (ASC/ENVR), developed a comprehensive database (or geodatabase) of temporal and spatial environmental information associated with the geology, hydrology, and water quality at AFP4 and NAS-JRB. The database of this report provides information about the AFP4 and NAS-JRB study area including sample location names, identification numbers, locations, historical dates, and various measured hydrologic data. This database does not include every sample location at the site, but is limited to an aggregation of selected digital and hardcopy data of the USAF, USGS, and various consultants who have previously or are currently working at the site.
Air Force Leadership Diversity
AIR WAR COLLEGE AIR UNIVERSITY AIR FORCE LEADERSHIP DIVERSITY by G. Hall Sebren, Jr., Col, USAF A Research Report Submitted to the...both in HAF/A8 (Strategic Plans and Programs). iv Abstract The Air Force is not drawing upon its full talent pool for leadership in its...promotions boards, but the Air Force promotion system itself is not the problem. Leadership decisions to only allow officers selected for promotion from
An Analysis of Air Force Management of Turbine Engine Monitoring Systems (TEMS).
AIR FORCE AIR UNIVERSITY (ATC) C AIR FORCE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LWright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 80 9 22 057 All BBO RCE j GEMEM Elbert B...detrimental ideas, or deleterious information are contained therein. Furthermore, the views expressed in the document are those of the author(s) and...role problems, information flow and integration problems, and leadership and command problems. Four alternative management concepts were analyzed. Based
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
78 FR 49484 - Exchange of Air Force Real Property for Non-Air Force Real Property
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of Air Force Exchange of Air Force Real Property for Non-Air Force Real Property SUMMARY: Notice identifies excess Federal real property under administrative jurisdiction of the United States Air Force it intends to exchange for real property not currently owned by the...
Financial Management November 27, 2002 Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense Financial Reporting of Deferred Maintenance...Report Type N/A Dates Covered (from... to) - Title and Subtitle Financial Management: Financial Reporting of Deferred Maintenance Information on Air...Department of the Air Force 26 Background This is one in a series of planned reports that discusses the financial reporting of deferred
Centennial Aerospace Power: The ’US Air Force’ at 100 Years
culture during this time will be based both on the national power status of the United States relative to the rest of the world as...must develop an information warrior culture . This culture must be information based and include the application of force through air, space, and cyber... The culture of the U.S. Air Force will have to expand from one of employing air and space forces to one of
Hazardous waste: Siting of storage facility at Kelly Air Force Base, Texas
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Not Available
This report provides information on whether the hazardous waste storage facility at Kelly Air Force Base meets Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, state, and Air Force siting requirements; on whether the Air Force or the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office selected the best site available to protect the public and to preserve good public relations with the community; on whether the Air Force, Kelly Air Force Base, or the Defense Logistics Agency adjusted siting standards as a result of the adverse publicity the hazardous waste facility has generated; and on whether Kelly Air Force Base is revising its hazardous wastemore » management organization so that it is similar to the organizations at Tinker and McClellan Air Force Bases.« less
Around the Air Force: April 26 > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
Air Force Research Laboratory 8 June 2009 Mr. Leo Marple Ai F R h L b t r orce esearc a ora ory DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A...TITLE AND SUBTITLE Air Force Research Laboratory 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER...5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Air Force Research Laboratory ,Wright
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
the future. Then to design an information and data architecture to enable many use cases for further mission experimentation and acquisition strategy...development. A key feature of the future of smart cities (or, in our case , smart bases) is that citizen engagement with one another and with their...cybersecurity on Air Force installations. Participants The design sprint brought in over 30 participants from across the military and industry
Analysis of data on Air Force personnel collected at Lackland Air Force Base
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
In July, 1967, a report was published by the Personnel Research Laboratory, Lackland Air Force Base, entitled "An Attempt to Predict Automobile Accidents Among Air Force Personnnel". Approximately twelve thousand basic airmen and eleven hundred offic...
Air Force officials name SARC of the year > U.S. Air Force > Article
The Book Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games
Task analysis of Air Force pharmacy practice.
Bartholomew, A; Sawyer, W T; Coats, L
The frequency with which United States Air Force pharmacists perform specific professional tasks and the pharmacists' views as to the importance of those tasks were studied. A questionnaire was prepared that asked recipients to rate each of 36 tasks selected as representing the spectrum of practice activities. There were four categories of tasks: managerial tasks, dispensing tasks, drug information tasks, and patient care tasks. Recipients rated the tasks with respect to frequency of performance and importance on separate 6-point scales. The questionnaire was mailed in May 1991 to the 225 pharmacists then serving in the Air Force worldwide. Of the 225 questionnaires, 150 usable questionnaires were returned (response rate, 67%). All the tasks in the survey were performed by at least one Air Force pharmacy officer, although the frequency of task performance varied. In particular, the frequency of many patient care tasks was low. All the tasks were perceived to have some importance, but drug information tasks were rated as being significantly more important than tasks in the other categories; patient care tasks were rated lowest in importance. The results varied with the respondents' demographic characteristics. Pharmacy officers with more years of service, more senior positions, higher rank, or an advanced degree in a field other than pharmacy tended to give responses that diverged from those of the population. A 1991 survey showed an awareness among Air Force pharmacists of the need to orient practice around patient care; however, they were not spending substantial time on patient care and tended to view it as less important than more traditional pharmacy tasks.
Improving Energy Security for Air Force Installations
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Schill, David
Like civilian infrastructure, Air Force installations are dependent on electrical energy for daily operations. Energy shortages translate to decreased productivity, higher costs, and increased health risks. But for the United States military, energy shortages have the potential to become national security risks. Over ninety-five percent of the electrical energy used by the Air Force is supplied by the domestic grid, which is susceptible to shortages and disruptions. Many Air Force operations require a continuous source of energy, and while the Air Force has historically established redundant supplies of electrical energy, these back-ups are designed for short-term outages and may not provide sufficient supply for a longer, sustained power outage. Furthermore, it is the goal of the Department of Defense to produce or procure 25 percent of its facility energy from renewable sources by fiscal year 2025. In a government budget environment where decision makers are required to provide more capability with less money, it is becoming increasingly important for informed decisions regarding which energy supply options bear the most benefit for an installation. The analysis begins by exploring the field of energy supply options available to an Air Force installation. The supply options are assessed according to their ability to provide continuous and reliable energy, their applicability to unique requirements of Air Force installations, and their costs. Various methods of calculating energy usage by an installation are also addressed. The next step of this research develops a methodology and tool which assesses how an installation responds to various power outage scenarios. Lastly, various energy supply options are applied to the tool, and the results are reported in terms of cost and loss of installation capability. This approach will allow installation commanders and energy managers the ability to evaluate the cost and effectiveness of various energy investment options.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
..., Fla.; Air Force missile testing area, Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. 334.590 Section 334.590 Navigation... RESTRICTED AREA REGULATIONS § 334.590 Atlantic Ocean off Cape Canaveral, Fla.; Air Force missile testing area... during firing periods to be specified by the Commander, Air Force Missile Test Center, Patrick Air Force...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
..., Fla.; Air Force missile testing area, Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. 334.590 Section 334.590 Navigation... RESTRICTED AREA REGULATIONS § 334.590 Atlantic Ocean off Cape Canaveral, Fla.; Air Force missile testing area... during firing periods to be specified by the Commander, Air Force Missile Test Center, Patrick Air Force...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
..., Fla.; Air Force missile testing area, Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. 334.590 Section 334.590 Navigation... RESTRICTED AREA REGULATIONS § 334.590 Atlantic Ocean off Cape Canaveral, Fla.; Air Force missile testing area... during firing periods to be specified by the Commander, Air Force Missile Test Center, Patrick Air Force...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
..., Fla.; Air Force missile testing area, Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. 334.590 Section 334.590 Navigation... RESTRICTED AREA REGULATIONS § 334.590 Atlantic Ocean off Cape Canaveral, Fla.; Air Force missile testing area... during firing periods to be specified by the Commander, Air Force Missile Test Center, Patrick Air Force...
Air Force Civil Engineer, Volume 15, Number 3, 2007
Korea during the winter. The runway is made of pierced steel plank . (U.S. Air Force photo) Transforming Air Force Firefighting...expect the fire chief and fire marshal to inform installation leadership when the mission is potentially impacted and to advocate risk mitigation...measures, and we expect leadership to listen. The use of “manage” in the phrase indicates that FES flights are expected to manage the event to the
Air Force Medical Service > Resources > Suicide Prevention
Air Force Medical Service Air Force Medical Service Join the Air Force Home Your Healthcare Healthy Videos MHS Genesis AFMS Priorities Trusted Care Vision Air Force Medical Home Full Spectrum Medical ) Air Force EFMP Who is an EFM? Who must enroll? EFMP-Medical EFMP-M Objectives Family Criteria EFMP-M
Air Force Institute of Technology, Civil Engineering School: Environmental Protection Course.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Air Force Inst. of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering.
This document contains information assembled by the Civil Engineering School to meet the initial requirements of NEPA 1969 and Executive Orders which required the Air Force to implement an effective environmental protection program. This course presents the various aspects of Air Force environmental protection problems which military personnel…
for treatment in the military health system, and Air Force civilian (appropriated and non-appropriated (or equivalent) or installation vice wing commander, executing the Air Force's Sexual Assault
32 CFR 855.22 - Air Force procedures.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Air Force procedures. 855.22 Section 855.22 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT USE OF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AIRFIELDS Agreements for Civil Aircraft Use of Air Force Airfields § 855...
32 CFR 855.22 - Air Force procedures.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Air Force procedures. 855.22 Section 855.22 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT USE OF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AIRFIELDS Agreements for Civil Aircraft Use of Air Force Airfields § 855...
32 CFR 855.22 - Air Force procedures.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Air Force procedures. 855.22 Section 855.22 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT USE OF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AIRFIELDS Agreements for Civil Aircraft Use of Air Force Airfields § 855...
Reduced Toxicity, High Performance Monopropellant at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
develop reduced toxicity monopropellant formulations to replace spacecraft hydrazine monopropellant. The Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL’s...Public Release, Distribution unlimited REDUCED TOXICITY, HIGH PERFORMANCE MONOPROPELLANT AT THE U.S. AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY T.W. Hawkins...information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
..., Fla.; Air Force missile testing area, Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. 334.590 Section 334.590 Navigation... RESTRICTED AREA REGULATIONS § 334.590 Atlantic Ocean off Cape Canaveral, Fla.; Air Force missile testing area, Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. (a) The danger zone. An area in the Atlantic Ocean immediately offshore from...
The United States Air Force Occupational Research Project.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Christal, Raymond E.
This informal presentation describes how and why the Air Force uses the job inventory approach for collecting, analyzing, and reporting information describing the work performed by its personnel. This is followed by a brief description of the Comprehensive Occupational Data Computer Program (CODAP) system, the applications of job survey…
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
Air Force Research Laboratory Preparation for Year 2000.
Air Force Research Laboratory , Phillips Research Site , Kirkland Air Force Base, New...Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301-1900. The identity of each writer and caller is fully protected. Acronym AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory INSPECTOR...completion of the implementation phase was May 31, 1999. Air Force Research Laboratory . The Air Force Research
75 FR 22560 - Federal Advisory Committee; U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board; Charter Renewal
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Chairperson. In addition, the Secretary of the Air Force may appoint, as deemed necessary non-voting... provided to the membership for their consideration. Contact information for the U.S. Air Force Scientific... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary Federal Advisory Committee; U.S. Air Force...
financial statements . We delegated the audit of the FY 1996 Air Force consolidated financial statements to the Air Force Audit Agency on May 17, 1996...This report provides our endorsement of the Air Force Audit Agency disclaimer of opinion on the Air Force consolidated financial statements for FY...1996, along with the Air Force Audit Agency Report of Audit, ’Opinion on Fiscal Year 1996 Air Force Consolidated Financial Statements .’
List of EPA Certified Forced-Air Furnaces
The EPA-Certified Forced-Air Furnace list contains EPA-certified forced-air furnaces that meet the 2015 NSPS for New Residential Wood Heaters, New Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces.
Force Research Laboratory , Space Vehicles Directorate ( AFRL /RV) located at Kirtland Air Force Base is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for...United States Air Force Research Laboratory , Space Vehicles Directorate ( AFRL /RV) located at Kirtland Air Force Base is preparing an Environmental...United States Air Force Research Laboratory , Space Vehicles Directorate ( AFRL
The Air Force Nurse Intern Program.
Smith, R H
The Air Force Nurse Intern Program is a 5-month-long introduction to Air Force nursing for BSN-prepared graduate nurses. The program is designed to facilitate the transition from civilian nursing student to practicing Air Force Nurse Corps Officer. After attending Military Indoctrination for Medical Service Officers, newly commissioned nurses attend the program at one of 10 Air Force medical centers before going to their permanent duty stations. Preceptors guide and instruct the interns at each of four clinical rotation sites. The author, a former nurse intern, describes some of the many opportunities available to nurse interns.
Yap, Glenn A; Platonova, Elena A; Musa, Philip F
An exploratory study used Ansoff's strategic planning model as a framework to assess perceived effectiveness of information systems in supporting strategic business plan development at Air Force medical treatment facilities (MTFs). Results showed information systems were most effective in supporting historical trend analysis, strategic business plans appeared to be a balance of operational and strategic plans, and facilities perceived a greater need for new clinical, vice administrative, information systems to support strategic planning processes. Administrators believed information systems should not be developed at the local level and perceived information systems have the greatest impact on improving clinical quality outcomes, followed by ability to deliver cost effective care and finally, ability to increase market share.
financial statements . We delegated the audit of the FY 1995 Air Force consolidated financial statements to the Air Force Audit Agency. On March 1...1996, the Air Force Audit Agency issued its "Report of Audit: Opinion on Fiscal Year 1995 Air Force Consolidated Financial Statements " (Project 94053001...disclaimer of opinion. The audit objective was to determine the accuracy and completeness of the audit of the FY 1995 Air Force consolidated financial statements conducted
Air Force FY 2000 Financial Reporting of Operating Materials and Supplies
AIR FORCE FY 2000 FINANCIAL REPORTING OF OPERATING MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Report No. D-2001-156 July 5...Covered (from... to) ("DD MON YYYY") Title and Subtitle Air Force FY 2000 Financial Reporting of Operating Materials and Supplies Contract or Grant...munitions assets. Objectives. The overall audit objective was to obtain information on the financial reporting of operating materials and supplies
Remodeling Air Force Cyber Command and Control
AIR FORCE CYBERWORX REPORT: REMODELING AIR FORCE CYBER COMMAND & CONTROL COURSE DESIGN PROJECT CONDUCTED 5 Jan – 5 May 17 Produced...For the Air Force Cyber Command and Control (C2) Design Project, CyberWorx brought together 25 cadets from the United States Air Force Academy...warfighting based upon the findings of the design teams. Participants The design course was attended by a diverse group of civilians from industry
33 CFR 334.1280 - Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. 334.1280 Section 334.1280 Navigation and Navigable... REGULATIONS § 334.1280 Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. (a... enforced by the Commander, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force, Seattle, Washington, or such agencies as he...
33 CFR 334.1280 - Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. 334.1280 Section 334.1280 Navigation and Navigable... REGULATIONS § 334.1280 Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. (a... enforced by the Commander, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force, Seattle, Washington, or such agencies as he...
33 CFR 334.1280 - Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. 334.1280 Section 334.1280 Navigation and Navigable... REGULATIONS § 334.1280 Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. (a... enforced by the Commander, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force, Seattle, Washington, or such agencies as he...
33 CFR 334.1280 - Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. 334.1280 Section 334.1280 Navigation and Navigable... REGULATIONS § 334.1280 Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. (a... enforced by the Commander, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force, Seattle, Washington, or such agencies as he...
33 CFR 334.1280 - Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. 334.1280 Section 334.1280 Navigation and Navigable... REGULATIONS § 334.1280 Bristol Bay, Alaska; air-to-air weapon range, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force. (a... enforced by the Commander, Alaskan Air Command, U.S. Air Force, Seattle, Washington, or such agencies as he...
Historical Lessons of Air Force Communications
AU/ACSC/ CUSTINE /AY10 AIR COMMAND AND STAFF COLLEGE AIR UNIVERSITY HISTORICAL LESSONS OF AIR FORCE Jay D. Custine , Civ, DAF A Research Report Submitted to the Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Graduation...Requirements Advisor: Lt Col Paul E. Griffith Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama December 2010 AU/ACSC/ CUSTINE /AY10 ii
AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY SPACE VEHICLES INTEGRATED EXPERMENTS DIVISION OFFICE SPACE AT KIRTLAND AIR FORCE ... Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB). The office building would house the Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Integrated Experiments Division...ADDRESS(ES) Air Force Research Laboratory ,Space Vehicles Directorate,3550 Aberdeen Ave. SE, Kirtland
Byres, E. J., Lowe, J. (2004). The Myths and facts behind cyber security risks for industrial control systems . Berlin, Germany: VDE 2004 Congress...ACQUISITION (SCADA) SYSTEM THESIS Jason R. Nielsen, Major, USAF AFIT/GCO/ENG/11-10 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR UNIVERSITY AIR FORCE...DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) SYSTEM THESIS Presented to the Faculty Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate School of
An Air Force Strategic Vision for 2020-2030
General Corley about the Future of Air Power,” Second Line of Defense, August 2010, http:// p =11608. 14. Dahm, Report on Technology...Publication Series, 2001); Alberts, J. J. Garstka, and F. P . Stein, Network Centric Warfare: Develop- ing and Leveraging Information Superiority (Washington...2005), 217–30. 38. See Jennifer D. P . Moroney et al., International Cooperation with Partner Air Forces (Washington: Rand Publishing, 2009), 9
Rebalancing the Air Force: A Comprehensive Solution
the consequences can be significant. High Tempo (Figure 4) Lt Gen Charles E. Stenner , Jr., Chief of the Air Force Reserve, stated while...29 January 2010. 14 Lt Gen Charles E. Stenner Jr., Chief of the Air Force Reserve, ―Total Force Policy 21: A 21 st Century Framework for...Military Force Mix Decisions,‖ White Paper, 15 July 2010. 15 Lt Gen Charles E. Stenner Jr., Chief of the Air Force Reserve, ―Testimony Before the House
Survival Analysis of US Air Force Officer Retention Rate
Air Force Institute of Technology AFIT Scholar Theses and Dissertations 3-23-2017 Survival Analysis of US Air Force Officer Retention Rate Courtney N...AIR UNIVERSITY AIR FORCE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. APPROVED FOR PUBLIC the Faculty Department of Operational Sciences Graduate School of Engineering and Management Air Force Institute of Technology Air University
32 CFR 855.22 - Air Force procedures.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Air Force procedures. 855.22 Section 855.22 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT USE... is located. AFI 13-201, Air Force Airspace Management, 8 lists the AFREPs and their addresses. The...
32 CFR 855.22 - Air Force procedures.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Air Force procedures. 855.22 Section 855.22 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT USE... is located. AFI 13-201, Air Force Airspace Management, 8 lists the AFREPs and their addresses. The...
32 CFR 631.15 - Air Force policy.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2014-07-01 2013-07-01 true Air Force policy. 631.15 Section 631.15 National...-Installation Operations (Military Patrols and Investigative Activities) and Policy § 631.15 Air Force policy. (a) Airmen, military and/or Department of the Air Force Civilian (DAFC) police performing off...
32 CFR 631.15 - Air Force policy.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Air Force policy. 631.15 Section 631.15 National...-Installation Operations (Military Patrols and Investigative Activities) and Policy § 631.15 Air Force policy. (a) Airmen, military and/or Department of the Air Force Civilian (DAFC) police performing off...
32 CFR 631.15 - Air Force policy.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Air Force policy. 631.15 Section 631.15 National...-Installation Operations (Military Patrols and Investigative Activities) and Policy § 631.15 Air Force policy. (a) Airmen, military and/or Department of the Air Force Civilian (DAFC) police performing off...
Air Force UAVs: The Secret History
iA Mitchell Institute Study i Air Force UAVs The Secret History A Mitchell Institute Study July 2010 By Thomas P. Ehrhard Report Documentation Page...DATES COVERED 00-00-2010 to 00-00-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Air Force UAVs The Secret History 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c...opening phases of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. By Thomas P. Ehrhard a miTchEll insTiTuTE sTudy July 2010 Air Force UAVs The Secret History
32 CFR 842.11 - Air Force claims organization.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Air Force claims organization. 842.11 Section 842.11 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE CLAIMS AND LITIGATION ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIMS Functions and Responsibilities § 842.11 Air Force claims organization. Air...
32 CFR 842.11 - Air Force claims organization.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Air Force claims organization. 842.11 Section 842.11 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE CLAIMS AND LITIGATION ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIMS Functions and Responsibilities § 842.11 Air Force claims organization. Air...
32 CFR 842.11 - Air Force claims organization.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Air Force claims organization. 842.11 Section 842.11 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE CLAIMS AND LITIGATION ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIMS Functions and Responsibilities § 842.11 Air Force claims organization. Air...
Project Air Force Annual Report 2007
China has developed options that would make it a formidable adversary, particularly in a conflict over Taiwan , which the United States remains...he focused on China’s relationship with Taiwan . Since then, he has worked with other RAND analysts, such as David Orletsky, Evan Medeiros, Keith Crane...Hamilton, engineers Jeff Hagen and David Vaughan, Air Force Fellow Michelle Grace, behavioral scientist Larry Hanser, and information scientist Herb Shukiar
Air Force Office of Scientific Research 1991 Research Highlights
research at Air Force Europe, allied victory in the Persian Gulf con- programs totaling nearly $300 million annual- laboratories . Air Force ...transitioning nological environment? laboratories and research centers into four research accomplishments for Air Force use. In this added role as... Air Force’s saries; maintaining a strong research Organizationally, AFOSR has also glo ehran gol per infrastructure among Air Force
Air Force and the Cyberspace Mission: Defending the Air Force’s Computer Network in the Future
computers, their operating systems and software purchased by the Air Force are commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, often manufactured abroad due...crystal clear 2003 information security report: “The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) relies too much on commercial software , doesn’t know who is...creating the software , and faces other significant cybersecurity problems.”11 This paper explores the topic of defense of the cyberspace domain by
Air Force Special Operations Command > Home > POTFF
Air Force Special Operations Command Air Force Special Operations Command Join the Air Force Home Sheets AFSOC Senior Leaders AFSOC Heritage Units 1st Special Operations Wing 24th Special Operations Wing 27th Special Operations Wing 352nd Special Operations Wing 353rd Special Operations Group 492nd Special
AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE STRATEGIC AIRLIFT PLANNING bY APPLICATION OF A COMPTER BASED MANAGEMENT INFO4ATION SYSTEM THESIS Presented to the Faculty of the...Master of Science in Information Management Neil A. Cooper, BBus Squadron Leader, RAAF December 1991 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited...grateful to the time and honest views given to me by the ADANS manager , Lieutenant Colonel Charlie Davis. For my Canadian research, I relied on the
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; U.S. Air Force Launches, Aircraft and Helicopter Operations, and Harbor Activities Related to Launch Vehicles From Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB... comments and information. SUMMARY: NMFS has received a request from the U.S. Air Force (USAF) for...
Reducing Air Force Fighter Pilot Shortages
that active-component fighter pilot requirements (particularly nonflying staff requirements) exceed its capacity to train and provide initial...pilots in the reserve components. This research was sponsored by four elements of the U.S. Air Force: the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (AF/A3...the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services (AF/A1); the Commander, Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC/CC); and the Director, Air
Air Force UAV’s: The Secret History
iA Mitchell Institute Study i Air Force UAVs The Secret History A Mitchell Institute Study July 2010 By Thomas P. Ehrhard Report Documentation Page...DATES COVERED 00-00-2010 to 00-00-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Air Force UAVs The Secret History 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c... The Secret History 2 Air Force UAVs: The Secret History2 air Force uaVs: The secret history Has any airplane in the past decade captured the public
NASA/Air Force Cost Model: NAFCOM
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Winn, Sharon D.; Hamcher, John W. (Technical Monitor)
The NASA/Air Force Cost Model (NAFCOM) is a parametric estimating tool for space hardware. It is based on historical NASA and Air Force space projects and is primarily used in the very early phases of a development project. NAFCOM can be used at the subsystem or component levels.
Aircraft: United States Air Force Child Care Program Activity Guide.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Boggs, Juanita; Brant, Linda
General information about United States' aircraft is provided in this program activity guide for teachers and caregivers in Air Force preschools and day care centers. The guide includes basic information for teachers and caregivers, basic understandings, suggested teaching methods and group activities, vocabulary, ideas for interest centers, and…
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... for Acquisitions with Lt Gen Basla, Chief, Information Dominance and Chief Information Officer, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Please direct any written... the Air Force. DATES: Effective Date: November 6, 2012. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to 5 U.S.C...
Air Force Research Laboratory’s Focused Long Term Challenges
Air Force Research Laboratory ( AFRL ) mission is to provide support to the Air Force (AF) and the warfighters with... Air Force Research Laboratory’s Focused Long Term Challenges Leo J Rose Munitions Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory , 101 W Eglin Blvd...This technology vision, which was born in our Air Force Research Laboratory , builds on the Air Force’s traditional kill
The Soviet Air Force and Strategic Bombing
to envision a British Air Force that could be totally divorced from some form of ground support role. Consequently, he saw an air campaign that would...CA: Presidio Press, 1986. Black, Steven K. The Icarus Illusion: Technology, Doctrine and the Soviet Air Force. Monterrey , CA, 1986. Cockburn, Andrew
32 CFR 631.15 - Air Force policy.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Air Force policy. 631.15 Section 631.15 National... INVESTIGATIONS ARMED FORCES DISCIPLINARY CONTROL BOARDS AND OFF-INSTALLATION LIAISON AND OPERATIONS Off-Installation Operations (Military Patrols and Investigative Activities) and Policy § 631.15 Air Force policy...
77 FR 33202 - Department of the Air Force
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force Corrected Intent To Grant a Partially Exclusive Patent License AGENCY: The United States Air Force, DoD. SUMMARY: This notice replaces the one published... implements Public Law 96- 517, as amended; the Department of the Air Force announces its intention to grant...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mayhew, Ellen R.
Seal technology development is an important part of the Air Force's participation in the Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology (IHPTET) initiative, the joint DOD, NASA, ARPA, and industry endeavor to double turbine engine capabilities by the turn of the century. Significant performance and efficiency improvements can be obtained through reducing internal flow system leakage, but seal environment requirements continue to become more extreme as the engine thermodynamic cycles advance towards these IHPTET goals. Brush seal technology continues to be pursued by the Air Force to reduce leakage at the required conditions. Likewise, challenges in engine mainshaft air/oil seals are also being addressed. Counter-rotating intershaft applications within the IHPTET initiative involve very high rubbing velocities. This viewgraph presentation briefly describes past and current seal research and development programs and gives a summary of seal applications in demonstrator and developmental engine testing.
Project Manager : CSA: Angela Febbraro The scientific or technical validity of this Contract Report is entirely the responsibility of the...ways, for example, in leadership styles and command arrangements. Unfortunately for the Canadian Air Force, very little has been written about how its...culture and professional working environment have influenced the development of unique Canadian air force leadership styles and command
Variables Related to Pre-Service Cannabis Use in a Sample of Air Force Enlistees.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mullins, Cecil J.; And Others
This report is an attempt to add to the existing information about cannabis use, its correlates, and its effects. The sample population consisted of self-admitted abusers of various drugs, identified shortly after entering the Air Force. The subjects (N=4688) were located through the Drug Control Office at Lackland Air Force Base. Variables…
Air Force and Diversity: The Awkward Embrace
Streeter is a U.S. Air Force intelligence officer assigned to the Air War College, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL. She graduated from the United States...future leaders.” Princeton University Office of Human Resources Web site; Wilson et al, Grooming Top Leaders, 4. 28 45. Dr Fil J . Arenas...Air Force Diversity Strategic Roadmap (2012), 14. 86. Dr. Fil J . Arenas (Associate Professor, Organizational Leadership Studies, Squadron
Air Force Weapons Laboratory Computational Requirements for 1976 Through 1980
Air Force Weapons Laboratory , Attn: DYS, Kirtland AFB, NM report was prepared by the Air Force Weapons Laboratory , Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico under Job Order 06CB. Dr. Clifford E. Rhoades, Jr... Force Base, New Mexico 87117 62601F, 06CB II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Ai"- Force Weapons Laboratory / Jan 1076 Kirtland Air Force Base,
continue to be beyond our technical ability to realize aggresively pursue advanced technical solutions to stay at the leading edge of technological...inherent to each caf Way and to seek continual improvement through exploration of innovative concepts, advanced capabilities, game -changing...available online at the air force portal: COMBAT AIR FORCE STRATEGIC PLAN Points of Contact securing the high
Cognitive Evaluation of Israeli Air Force Pilot Cadets.
Gordon, Shirley; Goren, Chen; Carmon, Erez; Shelef, Leah
In aviation psychology, there is a constant need for the cognitive evaluation of pilots as part of operational fitness and safety criteria. A cross-sectional study with comparison between the performance of Israeli Air Force pilot cadets (N = 318) and U.S. Air Force pilot training candidates (N = 512) as assessed by a cognitive battery was undertaken. The data of the comparison group was collected from Callister, King, and Retzlaff, as published in 1996. In general, the means in the three components composing the battery-speed, accuracy, and throughput variables-indicated that the Israeli Air Force pilot cadets' scores were higher than those of the U.S. Air Force pilot candidates' scores in 50 of 53 variables. Nonsignificant differences were found in Accuracy of shifting attention-arrow color (SATAC), pathfinder-combined (PFC), and pathfinder-letter (PFL). The difference in performance between the two groups may be due to differences in population characteristics. However, these results need to be considered cautiously, as the groups were sampled at a sizeable time gap (1996 for the U.S. Air Force vs. 2013 for the Israeli Air Force), with each time period characterized by different cultural and technological influences.Gordon S, Goren C, Carmon E, Shelef L. Cognitive evaluation of Israeli Air Force pilot cadets. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2017; 88(4):392-398.
Chief of Staff of the Air Force
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
usage and O&S costs hours will inform Air Force leadership on how to better allocate its budget resources. We provide an overview of issues related...the Relationship Between Usage and Operating and Support Costs for Air Force Aircraft 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT...An Examination of the Relationship Between Usage and Operating and Support Costs for Air Force Aircraft Eric J. Unger This document was submitted as
headquarters staff at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, May 16, 2016. U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Russell L Tarin Punsri (center left), and attendees pose for a photo in the Courtyard of Heroes at Joint Base commander's call at Misawa Air Base, Japan, May 11, 2018. The general highlighted the strategic importance of
Report on the Audit of the U.S. Air Force Preparatory School
OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Report REPORT ON THE AUDIT OF THE U.S. PREPARATORY SCHOOL No. 95-077 AIR FORCE January 18, 1995 :W:^>»*»!l...SUBJECT: Report on the Audit of the U.S. Air Force Preparatory School (Report No. 95-077) This final report is provided for your information and use. It...comments are required. The courtesies extended to the audit staff are appreciated. If you have questions on this audit, please contact Mr. Harlan M
How Management Information Systems Can Enhance the Air Force Drug Testing Program
promising processes to positively identify potential system users (46:401). Scope This study will cover issues concerning the Air Force drug testing...7 Scope....................10 Limitations of the Research . . . 10 Investigative Questions ............ 10 Expected Benefits of the Study . . . . 11...Resource Allocation. ....... 41 M1.>ethodology....................44 The Historical Research Method . . .. 44 The Historical Research Method for this Study
United States Air Force Wipe Solvent Testing
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hornung, Steven D.; Beeson, Harold D.
The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB), as part of the Air Force Material Command, requested that NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) White Sands Test Facility (WSTF) conduct testing and analyses in support of the United States Air Force Wipe Solvent Development Project. The purpose of the wipe solvent project is to develop an alternative to be used by Air Force flight line and maintenance personnel for the wipe cleaning of oxygen equipment. This report provides material compatibility, liquid oxygen (LOX) mechanical impact, autogenous ignition temperature (AIT), and gauge cleaning test data for some of the currently available solvents that may be used to replace CFC-113 and methyl chloroform. It provides data from previous WSTF test programs sponsored by the Naval Sea Systems Command, the Kennedy Space Center, and other NASA programs for the purpose of assisting WP AFB in identifying the best alternative solvents for validation testing.
U.S. Air Force Doctrine: A Perspective
of Air Power." This document provided the independence long desired by proponents of a separate air force. It recognized the role of air superiority...guidance. First, AFM 1-1 fails to adequately address the corduct of war across the spectrum of conflict. The document tails to address the Vietnam war...have made it possible--in deed necessary-to update the doctrine;" "Air Force puts 3-2 in a class by itself and has given it superstar status billing
Construction and Administration of Ten Air Force Job Inventories.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mayo, Clyde C.
Ten job inventories were constructed for survey of 11 Air Force career ladders. Background variables designed to assess task-related information were included in each inventory. A replication of a previous study of contributions of technical advisers to inventory construction supported the earlier finding that airmen at supervisory skill levels…
Combat Squadrons of the Air Force, World War II,
1952. Inactivated on 1 Jul 1957. Redes- of a paddle wheel river boat, Air Force ignated 7o2d Troop Carrier Squadron blue, the windows lighted Air Force ...782d Bombard- hitched to a red wagon with wheels red, ment Squadron (Heavy) on 19 May hub yellow, tires and axles black, the 1943. Activated on 1 Aug...AD-A128 026 COMBAT SQUADRONS OF TOE AIR FORCE WORLD WAR IU) 1OFFICEOF AIR FORCE HISTORY WASHINGTON DC M MAURER UNCLASSIFIED F/G 15/7 NL
Air Force Strategy Study 2020-2030
shocks (also known as “black swans”), having 2 │ introduction the potential to radically alter the utility of the capability, as a way of highlighting... utilized by its expeditionary air units.”5 The Air Force must present strategic and operational options along with forces capable of operating and...Emer- gency Management Agency (FEMA) regional staffs, in part representing the service and USNORTHCOM. The imagery analysts’ utility is largely due
Advanced Robotics for Air Force Operations
evaluated current and potential uses of advanced robotics to support Air Force systems, (2) recommended the most effective aplications of advanced robotics...manpower. Such a robot system would The boom would not only transfer fuel, be considerably more mobile and effi- 10 ADVANCED ROBOTICS FOR AIR FORCE...increased manpower resources in war tive clothing reduce vision, hearing, and make this an attractive potential appli- mobility , which further reduce
The Air Force and the Cold War
March 2001. 49An Air Force Association Special Report 49An Air Force As ociation Special Report CANAN , James. War in Space. Harper & Row, 1982...Press, 1989. GARDNER, Lloyd C. Spheres of Influence: The Great Powers Partition Europe, From Munich to Yalta. Ivan R. Dee Publisher, 1993. GARTHOFF
Forecasting Foreign Currency Exchange Rates for Air Force Budgeting
32 CFR 644.516 - Clearance of Air Force lands.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Clearance of Air Force lands. 644.516 Section 644... Excess Land and Improvements § 644.516 Clearance of Air Force lands. The Chief of Engineers has no responsibility for inspecting or clearing excess Air Force land of explosives or chemical/biological contaminants...
Obstacles to the Termination of Air Force Activities.
sugsts how. it the Air Force leadership con- eludes that termination is necessary the Air Force can surmount the obstacles.’ The stud v was cMIduct ed...the Air Force leadership concludes that the termination of a major activity is a promising or necessary management option, the report suggests that it...complicated inter- nal political process; it takes time to work out. The top leadership should begin the process of corporate strategy building and priority
Documentation Page Form ApprovedOMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including...SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY...private-sector entity or public utility. When no lease proposals were submitted, the Air Force pursued the option to close the plant, finding that the
Nanoscience and Technology at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY ( AFRL ) Dr. Richard A. Vaia Dr. Daniel Miracle Dr. Thomas Cruse Air Force Research ...Technology At The Air Force Research Laboratory ( AFRL ) 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT...98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 AFRL NST Overview 2 AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY VISION We defend
Nanoscience and Technology at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY ( AFRL ) Dr. Richard A. Vaia Dr. Daniel Miracle Dr. Thomas Cruse Air Force Research ...Technology At The Air Force Research Laboratory ( AFRL ) 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT...98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 AFRL NST Overview 2 AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY VISION We defend
Analysis of Organizational Architectures for the Air Force Tuition Assistance Program
37th Training Wing > Units > Inter-American Air Forces Academy
37th Training Wing 37th Training Wing Join the Air Force Home News Commentaries Features Photos Art Information CAC/ID Card Information Units 37th Training Group 341st Training Squadron 344th Training Squadron 37th Training Wing Staff Agency 737th Training Group Defense Language Institute English Language Center
Starfleet Deferred: Project Orion in the 1962 Air Force Space Program
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ziarnick, B.
Project Orion, the Cold War American program (1957-1965) studying nuclear pulse propulsion for space applications, has long interested space enthusiasts for what it was and what it might have been, but it has long been believed that neither the United States government nor the US Air Force took the program very seriously. However, recently declassified US Air Force documents shed more light on the classified history of Project Orion. Far from being ignored by Air Force leadership, through the efforts of the Strategic Air Command, Air Force leaders like General Curtis LeMay were convinced that Project Orion should be funded as a major weapons system. The high water mark of Project Orion was the 1962 Air Force Space Program proposal by the Air Force Chief of Staff to devote almost twenty percent of the Air Force space budget from 1962-1967 to Orion development before the program was cancelled by the civilian Secretary of the Air Force under pressure from the Department of Defense. This paper details the history of Project Orion in the 1962 Air Force Space Program proposal, and concludes with a few lessons learned for use by modern interstellar advocates.
The second step is to create a Cross Check program—essentially franchising the Think Tank process in smaller groups across the Air Force as a forum...accessed 20 July 2014). 32 Cross Check Think Tank 14D proposes the implementation of “Cross Check” programs—essentially franchising the Think Tank...Tank Franchise , the meetings would be action-oriented, and networked together throughout the Air Force to provide lessons-learned, 33 resources
Air Force construction automation/robotics
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nease, AL; Dusseault, Christopher
The Air Force has several unique requirements that are being met through the development of construction robotic technology. The missions associated with these requirements place construction/repair equipment operators in potentially harmful situations. Additionally, force reductions require that human resources be leveraged to the maximum extent possible and that more stringent construction repair requirements push for increased automation. To solve these problems, the U.S. Air Force is undertaking a research and development effort at Tyndall AFB, FL to develop robotic teleoperation, telerobotics, robotic vehicle communications, automated damage assessment, vehicle navigation, mission/vehicle task control architecture, and associated computing environment. The ultimate goal is the fielding of robotic repair capability operating at the level of supervised autonomy. The authors of this paper will discuss current and planned efforts in construction/repair, explosive ordnance disposal, hazardous waste cleanup, fire fighting, and space construction.
Low-temperature forced-air drying of Appalachian hardwoods
Donald G. Cuppett; E. Paul Craft
Low-temperature forced-air drying involves drying green lumber in heated buildings with forced-air circulation and partial control of temperature and humidity conditions. The lumber is dried to about 20 percent moisture content at dry-bulb temperatures of 70º to 110ºF and with air velocities of 300 to 600 feet per minute. Equipment, methods, and...
Air Force research in human sensory feedback for telepresence
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Julian, Ronald G.
Telepresence operations require high quality information transfer between the human master and the remotely located slave. Present Air Force research focuses on the human aspects of the information needed to complete the control/feedback loop. Work in three key areas of human sensory feedback for manipulation of objects are described. Specific projects in each key area are outlined, including research tools (hardware), planned research, and test results. Nonmanipulative feedback technologies are mentioned to complete the advanced teleoperation discussions.
Pollution Prevention in Air Force System Acquisition Programs
Audits Number of Facility Audits 12. Chemical Spill Prevention Measures Number of Measures 13. Unresolved Notices of Violation Number of Open Notices...14. Air Force Environmental Audit Findings Number of Open Findings 15. Awareness / Information Tools Number of New Tools 16. Environmental Training...building thirty-six aircraft (FY94 budget) to be delivered in 1995-1996. The latest audited cost data that can be used in the negotiations ends in
75 FR 32750 - US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Notice of Meeting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Notice of Meeting AGENCY: Department of the Air Force, US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. ACTION: Meeting....150, the Department of Defense announces that the United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board...
International Affairs Programs: The Air Force Versus the Army
individual tutoring programs . Additionally RAS personnel are offered regional enhancement studies opportunities at several facilities.48 RAS personnel...AU/ACSC/2015 AIR COMMAND AND STAFF COLLEGE AIR UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS PROGRAMS : THE AIR FORCE VERSUS THE ARMY by Robin L...5 COMPARISON: INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS PROGRAMS AIR FORCE VERSUS ARMY 8
United States Air Force Summer Research Program -- 1993. Volume 3. Phillips Laboratory
PHILLIPS LABORATORY KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NEW MEXICO SPONSORED BY: AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ROLLING AIR FORCE BASE, WASHINGTON ,D.C...Report for. Summer Faculty Research Program at Phillips Laboratory Kirtland Air Force Base Sponsored by: Air Force Offlce of Scientific Research ...Prcgram Phillips Laboratory Kirtland
Environmental Assessment Proposed Demolition Plan Hill Air Force Base, Utah
1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law , no person shall be subject to a penalty...Demolition Plan Hill Air Force Base, Utah 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR( S ) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK...NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME( S ) AND ADDRESS(ES) United States Air Force - Air Force Material Command,Hill Air Force
Challenges of Enterprise Wide AM for Air Force Sustainment
December 2016 Naguy is chief of the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s Product Support Engineering Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base and into the future. To truly capitalize on the full potential of AM, the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) in close collabora...approach for material standards and quality include un- derstanding powder characteristics, developing an enterprise material characterization
Consolidated Financial Statements . Our objective was to determine the accuracy and completeness of the Air Force Audit Agency audit of the FY 1999 Air Force General Fund financial statements. See Appendix A for a discussion of the audit
Embouchure Dysfunction in Air Force Band Brass Musicians.
Storms, Patrick R; Elkins, Candice P; Strohecker, Eric M
Occupational injuries and medical problems in musicians are well described, but relatively less attention has been paid to orofacial and embouchure-related problems in professional brass players. This study addressed embouchure-related problems in Air Force Band members, a population of musicians with an intense practice and performance schedule. A survey was developed and distributed via the Air Force Survey Office to 599 active-duty Air Force Band members and 201 Air National Guard members. The survey assessed practice patterns, practice and performance venues, and presence of symptoms suggesting embouchure dysfunction. Responses were obtained from 167 Air Force Band brass players. Of the 157 responding to the question about embouchure dysfunction, 42% reported having experienced an embouchure problem at some point in the past, and 53% of those respondents reported that they were currently experiencing an embouchure problem. Forty-one percent of those with embouchure problems cited practice venues that were not conducive to effective and efficient practice at the time their embouchure problems began, and 48% of those with embouchure problems reported having to overblow in rehearsal at the time their problems began. Embouchure disorders were reported in a large proportion of Air Force Band brass survey respondents, and specific concerns related to practice venues and the need to overblow in practice settings suggest factors suitable to remediation and preventive strategies.
Science and Technology: The Making of the Air Force Research Laboratory
AFRL . . . . . . . . . . . 187 11 Air Force Research Laboratory : Before and After...United States Air Force during my tenure as chief of staff—the crea - tion of the Air Force Research Laboratory ( AFRL ). As the “high technology” service...consolidate four existing laboratories into one Air Force Research Laboratory ( AFRL ) designed to lead to a more efficient and streamlined
U.S. Air Force Annual Financial Statement 2010
certain contract financing payments that are not reported elsewhere on Air Force’s Balance Sheet. The Air Force conducts business with commercial...the reporting entity has a contractual commitment for payment is $712.8 million. The Air Force is a party in numerous individual contracts that...promulgated by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board; the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-136, Financial Reporting
Chambliss; Colonel Michael Stickney; Colonel Eric Mathewson; Lieutenant Colonel Robert Kiebler; Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Kilmurray; Lieutenant...16 Peter Layton , Group Captain, Royal Air Force, “Hedging Strategies, UCAVs, budgets, and improbable threats,” Armed Forces Journal...10 Colonel Eric Mathewson, US Air Force HAF/A2 DCS ISR, “Air Force ISR in a Changed World: ISR Transformation, the Importance
United States Air Force Summer Research Program -- 1993. Volume 13. Phillips Laboratory
Research Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM August 1993 14-1 My Summer Apprenticeship At Kirtland Air Force Base, Phillips Laboratory Andrea Garcia...AFOSR Summer Research Program Phillips Laboratory Sponsored By: Air Force Office of Scientific Research Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM... Phillips Laboratory Sponsored by: Air
Evaluation of Air Force and Navy Demand Forecasting Systems
forecasting approach, the Air Force Material Command is questioning the adoption of the Navy’s Statistical Demand Forecasting System ( Gitman , 1994). The...Recoverable Item Process in the Requirements Data Bank System is to manage reparable spare parts ( Gitman , 1994). Although RDB will have the capability of...D062) ( Gitman , 1994). Since a comparison is made to address Air Force concerns, this research only limits its analysis to the range of Air Force
Estimated Air Pollutant Emissions for Boilers at CSPs at Tinker AFB ..................... 3-8 6 Table 3-2. Special Status Plant and Animal Species of...environment associated with the decentralization and optimization offour central steam plants (CSPs) located at Tinker Air Force Base (AFB), Oklahoma...square feet and represent approximately 48 percent of the installation’s total building area. Three of the plants (CSP 208, CSP 3001 and CSP 5802
UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS Further Actions Needed to Fully Address Air Force and Army Pilot Workforce Challenges...Armed Services, U.S. Senate March 16, 2016 UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS Further Actions Needed to Fully Address Air Force and Army Pilot Workforce ...High-performing organizations use complete and current data to inform their strategic human capital planning and remain open to reevaluating workforce
will not involve an element of high risk or uncertainty on the human environment, and its effects on the quality of the human environment are not...Information System HAPs Hazardous air pollutants HAZMAT Hazardous Material HVAC heating, ventilation , and air conditioning HUD U.S. Housing and...Engineers USAF Unites States Air Force USC United States Code USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife
Director of the Air National Guard20 Lt Gen Charles E. Stenner Jr., Chief of the Air Force Reserve21 Specificity about what rebalancing the force...January 2012). Sharp, Travis. Vision Meets Reality: 2010 QDR and 2011 Defense Budget. Center for a New American Security, February 2010. Stenner ...Lt Gen Charles E. Stenner Jr., commander of Air Force Reserve Command (address, Air Force Reserve Senior Leader Conference
Air Force Leadership Development: Transformation’s Constant
32 CFR 644.327 - Air Force military real property.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Air Force military real property. 644.327 Section... Force military real property. Military real property under the control of the Department of the Air Force will be placed in excess status as outlined in AFR 87-4. ...
Environmental Assessment: Military Family Housing Privatization Maxwell Air Force Base
Ray L. Raton Mildred J . Worthy February 9, 2005 Lt. Colonel David W. Maninez Deputy Commander, 42nd MSG 50 South LeMay Plaza (Bldg 804) Maxwell ...Environmental Assessment Military Family Housing Privatization Maxwell Air Force Base United States Air Force Air Education and Training Command... Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama June 2005 Report Documentation Page Form ApprovedOMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of
32 CFR 806.29 - Administrative processing of Air Force FOIA requests.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... section. (c) Contacts with FOIA requesters and non-Air Force submitters of data. (1) Contacts with Air... memoranda documenting requester contacts with Air Force elements regarding a pending FOIA request in the requester's FOIA file. If the requester contacts Air Force elements telephonically about a pending FOIA...
32 CFR 806.29 - Administrative processing of Air Force FOIA requests.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... section. (c) Contacts with FOIA requesters and non-Air Force submitters of data. (1) Contacts with Air... memoranda documenting requester contacts with Air Force elements regarding a pending FOIA request in the requester's FOIA file. If the requester contacts Air Force elements telephonically about a pending FOIA...
32 CFR 806.29 - Administrative processing of Air Force FOIA requests.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... section. (c) Contacts with FOIA requesters and non-Air Force submitters of data. (1) Contacts with Air... memoranda documenting requester contacts with Air Force elements regarding a pending FOIA request in the requester's FOIA file. If the requester contacts Air Force elements telephonically about a pending FOIA...
Langman, Jeff B.; Gebhardt, Fredrick E.; Falk, Sarah E.
In cooperation with the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Geological Survey characterized the ground-water hydrology and water quality at Melrose Air Force Range in east-central New Mexico. The purpose of the study was to provide baseline data to Cannon Air Force Base resource managers to make informed decisions concerning actions that may affect the ground-water system. Five periods of water-level measurements and four periods of water-quality sample collection were completed at Melrose Air Force Range during 2002 and 2003. The water-level measurements and water-quality samples were collected from a 29-well monitoring network that included wells in the Impact Area and leased lands of Melrose Air Force Range managed by Cannon Air Force Base personnel. The purpose of this report is to provide a broad overview of ground-water flow and ground-water quality in the Southern High Plains aquifer in the Ogallala Formation at Melrose Air Force Range. Results of the ground-water characterization of the Southern High Plains aquifer indicated a local flow system in the unconfined aquifer flowing northeastward from a topographic high, the Mesa (located in the southwestern part of the Range), toward a regional flow system in the unconfined aquifer that flows southeastward through the Portales Valley. Ground water was less than 55 years old across the Range; ground water was younger (less than 25 years) near the Mesa and ephemeral channels and older (25 years to 55 years) in the Portales Valley. Results of water-quality analysis indicated three areas of different water types: near the Mesa and ephemeral channels, in the Impact Area of the Range, and in the Portales Valley. Within the Southern High Plains aquifer, a sodium/chloride-dominated ground water was found in the center of the Impact Area of the Range with water-quality characteristics similar to ground water from the underlying Chinle Formation. This sodium/chloride-dominated ground water of the unconfined aquifer in the Impact
Absenteeism Among Air Force Active Duty and Civilian Personnel.
Fitzgibbons, Dale and Michael Moch. "Employee Absenteeism : A Multivariate Analysis with Replication," Organizational Behavior and Human Performance ...AD-A161 073 ABSENTEEISM AMONG AIR FORCE ACTIVE DUTY AND CIVILIAN PERSONNEL(U) AIR FORCE INST OF TECH IRIGHT-PRTTERSON AFB OH SCHOOL OF SYSTEMS AND...8217o 7 ABSENTEEISM AMONG AIR FORCE ACTIUE DUTY AND CIUILIAN PERSONNEL THESIS William M. Getter Captain, USAF AF IT/GLM/LSB/5S-27 DT|C ELECTE SNOVI 2Q8 v
SOUTHEAST AND NORTHEAST SIDES. Looking west Edwards Air Force ...
SOUTHEAST AND NORTHEAST SIDES. Looking west - Edwards Air Force Base, Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, Fuel & Water Tank, Test Area 1-115, northwest end of Saturn Boulevard, Boron, Kern County, CA
2. GENERAL VIEW OF SLC-3 AIR FORCE BUILDING (BLDG. 761) FROM THE NORTHWEST - Vandenberg Air Force Base, Space Launch Complex 3, SLC-3 Air Force Building, Napa & Alden Roads, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, CA
1. GENERAL VIEW OF SLC-3 AIR FORCE BUILDING (BLDG. 761) FROM THE SOUTHWEST - Vandenberg Air Force Base, Space Launch Complex 3, SLC-3 Air Force Building, Napa & Alden Roads, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, CA
(Environmental investigation of ground water contamination at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio)
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Not Available
This report presents information related to the sampling of ground water at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. It is part of an investigation into possible ground water contamination. Information concerns well drilling/construction; x-ray diffraction and sampling; soil boring logs; and chain-of-custody records.
Air Force Research Laboratory Sensors Directorate Leadership Legacy, 1960-2011
AFRL -RY-WP-TM-2011-1017 AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY SENSORS DIRECTORATE LEADERSHIP LEGACY, 1960-2011 Compiled by Raymond C. Rang...Structures Divi- sion, Space Vehicles Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory , Kirtland AFB, N.M. 7. March 1998 - July 1999, Chief, Integration and... Research Laboratory ( AFRL ), and Deputy Director of the Sensors Direc- torate, Air Force Research
10. "TEST STAND 1-5, AIR FORCE FLIGHT TEST CENTER." ca. 1958. Test Area 1-115. Original is a color print, showing Test Stand 1-5 from below, also showing the superstructure of TS1-4 at left. - Edwards Air Force Base, Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, Leuhman Ridge near Highways 58 & 395, Boron, Kern County, CA
Forced convection heat transfer to air/water vapor mixtures
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Richards, D. R.; Florschuetz, L. W.
Heat transfer coefficients were measured using both dry and humid air in the same forced convection cooling scheme and were compared using appropriate nondimensional parameters (Nusselt, Prandtl and Reynolds numbers). A forced convection scheme with a complex flow field, two dimensional arrays of circular jets with crossflow, was utilized with humidity ratios (mass ratio of water vapor to air) up to 0.23. The dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity and specific heat of air, steam and air/steam mixtures are examined. Methods for determining gaseous mixture properties from the properties of their pure components are reviewed as well as methods for determining these properties with good confidence. The need for more experimentally determined property data for humid air is discussed. It is concluded that dimensionless forms of forced convection heat transfer data and empirical correlations based on measurements with dry air may be applied to conditions involving humid air with the same confidence as for the dry air case itself, provided that the thermophysical properties of the humid air mixtures are known with the same confidence as their dry air counterparts.
76 FR 18537 - U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board; Notice of Meeting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board; Notice of Meeting AGENCY: Department of the Air Force, US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. ACTION... 102-3.150, the Department of Defense announces that the United States Air Force Scientific Advisory...
The United States Air Force in Korea: A Chronology, 1950-1953
War , the U.S. Air Force (USAF) Historian commissioned the Research Division, Air Force His- torical Research Agency (AFHRA), Maxwell Air Force Base...and aces. Finally, it attempts to summarize those USAF events in Korea that best illustrate the air war and the application of air power in the...sources, usually to confirm the most signifi- cant events of the air war in Korea. AFHRA historians or archivists who researched and wrote the monthly and
Human Capital Management of Air Force SOF: Leadership Identification, Selection and Cultivation
MANAGEMENT OF AIR FORCE SOF: LEADERSHIP IDENTIFICATION, SELECTION AND CULTIVATION by Paul R. Andrews Jr. Brett A. Stitt December 2017...No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for... information . Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information , including suggestions for reducing this
U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine Laboratory Sampling and Analysis Guide
valuable information during the environmental health risk assessment. EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). IRIS is a human health assessment...information for more than 550 chemical substances containing information on human health effects that may result from exposure to various substances in the...Crystalyn E. Brown November 2016 Air Force Research Laboratory 711th Human Performance Wing School of Aerospace Medicine
76 FR 65187 - U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Notice of Meeting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Notice of Meeting AGENCY: US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Department of the Air Force, DoD. ACTION: Meeting Cancellation Notice. SUMMARY: Due to difficulties, beyond the control of the U.S. Air Force...
Fixing the Mobility Air Forces New Way
Stenner explains, “Our units and people make outstanding contributions to the national defense. Every day, we leverage a portion of the strategic...calculate the ARC’s contribution to the military’s global reach.78 The cost effectiveness that General Stenner refers to is only one of at least three...Department of the Air Force, Mobilization Planning, 18. 60 Ibid. 61 U.S. Department of the Air Force, Mobilization Planning, 9. 62 Charles E. Stenner
Air Force Journal of Logistics. Volume 29, Number 1, Spring 2005
Air Force, is necessary in the transaction of the public business as required by the law of the department. The Secretary of the Air Force approved the...reengineer Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) progress and introduce a supplier scorecard. sustainment business processes. This transformation effort, AFMC...empowerment." company. I think one of the things we’re seeing in American However, the business side of the Air Force consistently has business is a resurgence
4. BUILDING 8767, INTERIOR. Looking west. Edwards Air Force ...
4. BUILDING 8767, INTERIOR. Looking west. - Edwards Air Force Base, Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, Observation Bunkers for Test Stand 1-A, Test Area 1-120, north end of Jupiter Boulevard, Boron, Kern County, CA
Air Force Officer Specialty Structure. Reviewing the Fundamentals
Corporation, is the U.S. Air Force’s federally funded research and development center for studies and analyses. PAF pro - vides the Air Force with...Shirlene LeBleu for sharing their database and insights about job con - tent and specialty analyses. At the Air Force Manpower Agency, we thank Col...processes. Also, we thank Maj Ernest Wearren (AF/ A1MZ) and Gary Stockinger (AF/A1MX) for sharing their knowledge of the Manpower Pro - gramming Execution
76 FR 28215 - U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Notice of Meeting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Notice of Meeting AGENCY: Department of the Air Force, U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, DoD. ACTION... 102-3.150, the Department of Defense announces that the United States Air Force Scientific Advisory...
found to be significantly associated with coordination and a central nervous system index, but cranial nerve function and peripheral nerve status...AD-A237 516 Air Force Health Study A An Epidemiologic In vestigation of Health Effects in Air Force Personnel Following Exposure to Herbicides SAIC...Smeda SCIENCE APPLICATIONS EPIDEMIOLOGY RESEARCH DIVISION INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION ARMSTRONG LABORATORY 8400 Westpark Drive HUMAN SYSTEMS DIVISION
77 FR 22770 - U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board; Notice of Meeting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... extended use of Air Force Space Command space-based sensors. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board; Notice of Meeting AGENCY: Department of the Air Force, U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. ACTION...
United States Air Force Graduate Student Research Program. 1989 Program Management Report
research at Air Force laboratories /centers. Each assignment is in a subject area and at an Air Force facility mutually agreed upon by the...housing difficult to find, c) 10 weeks too short for research period. June 20, 1989 Astronautics Laboratory Edwards Air Force Base, California June 21...1989 HRL: Operations Training Division Williams Air Force Base, Arizona June 22, 1989 Weapons Laboratory Kirtland Air
Mindfulness over matter > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
Air Force construction automation/robotics
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nease, A. D.; Alexander, E. F.
The Air Force has several missions which generate unique requirements that are being met through the development of construction robotic technology. One especially important mission will be the conduct of Department of Defense (DOD) space activities. Space operations and other missions place construction/repair equipment operators in dangerous environments and potentially harmful situations. Additionally, force reductions require that human resources be leveraged to the maximum extent possible, and more stringent construction repair requirements push for increased automation. To solve these problems, the U.S. Air Force is undertaking a research and development effort at Tyndall AFB, FL, to develop robotic construction/repair equipment. This development effort involves the following technologies: teleoperation, telerobotics, construction operations (excavation, grading, leveling, tool change), robotic vehicle communications, vehicle navigation, mission/vehicle task control architecture, and associated computing environment. The ultimate goal is the fielding of a robotic repair capability operating at the level of supervised autonomy. This paper will discuss current and planned efforts in space construction/repair, explosive ordnance disposal, hazardous waste cleanup, and fire fighting.
Report on Operations of the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory Infrared Array Spectrometer
AIR FORCE GEOPHYSICS LABORATORY INFRARED ARRAY... LABORATORY Directorate of Geophysics AIR FORCE MATERIEL COMMAND HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, MA 01731-3010 93-27655IEEE|EIIE1ENI This technical report has...ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are grateful to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research , especially Henry Radowski. for their financial corn- mitment to this project.
The Official Home Page of the U.S. Air Force
: May 24 Air Force directs one-day operational safety review SecAF LOI SecAF LOI Letter of Intent AF and members using two C-130 and one C-17 training airframes. (U.S. Air Force photo by Richard Eldridge) The Transport Team crew members using two C-130 and one C-17 training airframes. (U.S. Air Force photo by
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force Record of Decision for the Air Space Training Initiative Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina Final Environmental Impact Statement ACTION: Notice of Availability (NOA) of a Record of Decision (ROD). SUMMARY: On December 9, 2011, the United States Air Force...
Creating Joint Leaders Today for a Successful Air Force Tomorrow (1REV)
armed force in the same grade and competitive category who are serving on, or have served on, the HQ staff of their armed force; and 2. Officers in the...period from the release of the promotion results and the pin-on date. 5 Department of the Air Force, HQ Air Force Personnel Center, Demographics and...2009), Section 619a. 9 ibid, Section 619a. 10 Department of the Air Force, HQ Air Force Personnel Center, A-1 Manpower Division. 11 Phone
The United States Air Force Academy: A Bibliography 1954 - 1964
August 1958. 498 Stringer, Roger. " Pro Nobis Astra" (Class of selects its ring), Talon 5;5, May 1960. 499 Trotogott, Pete. Cadet...relate to establishing an air academy. These are not included since they have no specific bearing on the Academy as it now exists. The Library staff...Newsletter AF Times - Air Force Times Air Cond Heat & Ven - Air Conditioning, Heating, and Venti- lating Air Force Airman Air Power Historian
Analysis of Air Force Secondary Power Logistics Solution Contract
IL 62225 SUBJECT: Audit. Analysis of Air Force Secondary Power Logistics Solution Contract, 748th Supply Chain Management Group, Hill Air Fon:r... Power Logis.tics Solution Contnict. 748111 Supply Ch.,in Management Group. !-lill Air FOfC! BII.SI!, UT (Project 02009· DOOOCH·0213.000) I. AUlIctlcd...00-00-2010 to 00-00-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Analysis of Air Force Secondary Power Logistics Solution Contract 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT
Management and Oversight of Services Acquisition Within the United States Air Force
Air Mobility Command AFDW Air Force District of Washington AFSPC Air Force Space Command AT&L Acquisition Technologies and Logistics CPM ...were commonly performed in industry. The types of services included advertising for Navy recruitment, custodial services on Air Force bases, and on
The Air Force's central reference laboratory: maximizing service while minimizing cost.
Armbruster, D A
The Laboratory Services Branch (Epi Lab) of the Epidemiology Division, Brooks AFB, Texas, is designated by regulation to serve as the Air Force's central reference laboratory, providing clinical laboratory testing support to all Air Force medical treatment facilities (MTFs). Epi Lab recognized that it was not offering the MTFs a service comparable to civilian reference laboratories and that, as a result, the Air Force medical system was spending hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly for commercial laboratory support. An in-house laboratory upgrade program was proposed to and approved by the USAF Surgeon General, as a Congressional Efficiencies Add project, to launch a two-phase initiative consisting of a 1-year field trial of 30 MTFs, followed by expansion to another 60 MTFs. Major components of the program include overnight air courier service to deliver patient samples to Epi Lab, a mainframe computer laboratory information system and electronic reporting of results to the MTFs throughout the CONUS. Application of medical marketing concepts and the Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophy allowed Epi to provide dramatically enhanced reference service at a cost savings of about $1 million to the medical system. The Epi Lab upgrade program represents an innovative problem-solving approach, combining technical and managerial improvements, resulting in substantial patient care service and financial dividends. It serves as an example of successful application of TQM and marketing within the military medical system.
Page Get One Now AFR Mission and Vision Statement Social Media Facebook Logo #AlwaysThere Facebook Logo Technician job vacancies on 2017 AFR Modernization Book AFR Vision and Guiding Principles 2013 AFR Vision Update 2015 Contact Air Force Reserve AFRC Public Affairs AF Reserve Recruiting Service
32 CFR 855.7 - Conditions for use of Air Force airfields.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Conditions for use of Air Force airfields. 855.7 Section 855.7 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT USE OF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AIRFIELDS Civil Aircraft Landing Permits § 855.7...
32 CFR 855.7 - Conditions for use of Air Force airfields.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Conditions for use of Air Force airfields. 855.7 Section 855.7 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT USE OF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AIRFIELDS Civil Aircraft Landing Permits § 855.7...
32 CFR 855.7 - Conditions for use of Air Force airfields.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Conditions for use of Air Force airfields. 855.7 Section 855.7 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT USE OF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AIRFIELDS Civil Aircraft Landing Permits § 855.7...
32 CFR 855.7 - Conditions for use of Air Force airfields.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Conditions for use of Air Force airfields. 855.7 Section 855.7 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT USE OF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AIRFIELDS Civil Aircraft Landing Permits § 855.7...
32 CFR 855.7 - Conditions for use of Air Force airfields.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Conditions for use of Air Force airfields. 855.7 Section 855.7 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT USE OF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AIRFIELDS Civil Aircraft Landing Permits § 855.7...
Army’s Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Lt Col Herwick holds a bachelor of science degree in Computer Science from the...United States Air Force Academy and a master’s degree in Computer Resources and Information Management from Webster University. iii Abstract...vocabulary and while it is common to use conversationally, that usage is not always based on specific definitions. As a result, it finds common usage in
sPEcIfIcATIOns Weight 51,000 lb. (22,950 kg ) Range 800 miles (695 nautical miles) Armament One 30 mm GAU-8/A seven-barrel Gatling gun with over 1,150...battlefield air and space profession- als who bring unequaled accuracy, responsiveness, flexibility, and persistence to the Joint warfight. LOSS Of...approximately $12.4 billion. This loss of buying power reduced Air Force Program content by an additional $10 billion per year. Base Realignment
Task force on deterrence of air piracy : final report.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
In February 1969, as the frequency of hijacking of U.S. air carrier aircraft was rising to an all-time high, the Federal Aviation Administration established a multi-disciplinary Task Force on Deterrence of Air Piracy. The work of the Task Force in de...
Processing Multiyear Procurement (MYP) Submissions - A Handbook for Air Force Program Offices
Contracting and Manufacturing Policy; "Policy Letter 84-1l - Multiyear Contracting Guidance" Headquarters, United States Air Force, Washington, D.C...supplement to Air Force FAR Sup No. 17.191: as enclosed in Thomas E. Lloyd, Colonel, USAF, Assistant DCS/Contracting , and Manufacturing , "DCS...Contracting and Manufacturing Policy Letter 84-16, Multiyear Contracting Guidance." Headquarters, Air Force Systems Command, Andrew Air Force Base
Air Force Civil Engineer, Volume 15, Number 4, 2007, 2007 Almanac
Report Documentation Page Form ApprovedOMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour...subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1 . REPORT DATE...PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Air Force Civil Engineer (AFCESA/PCT),139 Barnes Drive, Suite 1 ,Tyndall AFB,FL,32403-5319 8
Innovations in Site Characterization Case Study: Hanscom Air Force Base, Operable Unit 1
This document is a condensation of the information provided in the much more detailed Hanscom AFB Report entitled A Dynamic Site Investigation: Adaptive Sampling and Analysis Program for Operable Unit 1 at Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, Massachusetts.
Annotated Bibliography of the Air Force Human Resources Laboratory Technical Reports - 1979.
Force Human Resources Laboratory, March 1980. (Covers all AFHRL projects.) NTIS. This document provides the academic and industrial R&D community with...D-AI02 04 AIR FORCE HUMAN RESOURCES LAB BROOKS AF TX F/G 5/2 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE AIR FORCE HUMAN RESOURCES LABORAT--ETC(U) MAY 81 E M...OF THE AIR FORCE HUMAN RESOURCES LABORATORY TECHNICAL REPORTS - 1979U M By M Esther M. Barlow A N TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION Brooks Air Force Base
Modeling U.S. Air Force Occupational Health Costs
for the 75th Aerospace Medicine Group, Hill Air Force Base, Utah. Bioenvironmental engineers sought a more robust cost comparison tool, Major Feltenberger and Major Johns at the Air Force Medical Operations Agency and Captain Batchellor from the 75th Aerospace Medicine Squadron...resources on support functions is challenging, and rightly so. In a sense, commanders are fiduciaries to the taxpayers and must responsibly spend
The Air Force and Diversity: The Awkward Embrace
Space Power Journal | 105 Streeter The Air Force and Diversity Feature eling an intelligence problem at the tactical level, through developing Discordance exists between Air Force intentions vis-à-vis diversity and any effective programs and policies to retain and develop a di...though the service has initiated formal di- versity efforts, recommended policy and development programs may help develop and retain competent
Air Force Materiel Command: A Survey of Performance Measures
32 CFR 728.25 - Army and Air Force National Guard personnel.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 32 National Defense 5 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Army and Air Force National Guard personnel. 728... Guard Personnel § 728.25 Army and Air Force National Guard personnel. (a) Medical and dental care. Upon... Care) and AFR 168-6 (Persons Authorized Medical Care) to members of the Army and Air Force National...
32 CFR 728.25 - Army and Air Force National Guard personnel.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 32 National Defense 5 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Army and Air Force National Guard personnel. 728... Guard Personnel § 728.25 Army and Air Force National Guard personnel. (a) Medical and dental care. Upon... Care) and AFR 168-6 (Persons Authorized Medical Care) to members of the Army and Air Force National...
32 CFR 728.25 - Army and Air Force National Guard personnel.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Army and Air Force National Guard personnel. 728... Guard Personnel § 728.25 Army and Air Force National Guard personnel. (a) Medical and dental care. Upon... Care) and AFR 168-6 (Persons Authorized Medical Care) to members of the Army and Air Force National...
32 CFR 728.25 - Army and Air Force National Guard personnel.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 32 National Defense 5 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Army and Air Force National Guard personnel. 728... Guard Personnel § 728.25 Army and Air Force National Guard personnel. (a) Medical and dental care. Upon... Care) and AFR 168-6 (Persons Authorized Medical Care) to members of the Army and Air Force National...
The Air Force Research Laboratory’s In-Space Propulsion Program
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFMC) AFRL /RQRS 1 Ara...MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) Air Force Research Laboratory (AFMC) AFRL /RQR 5 Pollux Drive 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT Edwards AFB CA 93524-7048 NUMBER(S) AFRL ...illustrate the rationale behind AFRL’s technology development strategy. INTRODUCTION The Air Force Research Laboratory ( AFRL ) is the technology
32 CFR 644.475 - Excessing Army military and Air Force property.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Excessing Army military and Air Force property... the Related Land) § 644.475 Excessing Army military and Air Force property. The procedures for placing... commander concerned is required. When, under AFR 87-4, the responsible DE is called upon by the Air Force...
76 FR 22083 - U.S. Air Force Academy Board of Visitors Notice of Meeting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...'t Tell'' way ahead; an Air Force perspective on Diversity; an Ethics briefing; and Air Force Academy... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force U.S. Air Force Academy Board of Visitors Notice of Meeting AGENCY: U.S. Air Force Academy Board of Visitors. ACTION: Meeting notice. SUMMARY...
76 FR 71333 - U.S. Air Force Academy Board of Visitors Notice of Meeting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Don't Tell;'' a National and Air Force perspective on Diversity; the Air Force Academy Athletic... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force U.S. Air Force Academy Board of Visitors Notice of Meeting AGENCY: U.S. Air Force Academy Board of Visitors. ACTION: Meeting notice. SUMMARY: In...
Effects of Forced Air Warming on Airflow around the Operating Table.
Shirozu, Kazuhiro; Kai, Tetsuya; Setoguchi, Hidekazu; Ayagaki, Nobuyasu; Hoka, Sumio
Forced air warming systems are used to maintain body temperature during surgery. Benefits of forced air warming have been established, but the possibility that it may disturb the operating room environment and contribute to surgical site contamination is debated. The direction and speed of forced air warming airflow and the influence of laminar airflow in the operating room have not been reported. In one institutional operating room, we examined changes in airflow speed and direction from a lower-body forced air warming device with sterile drapes mimicking abdominal surgery or total knee arthroplasty, and effects of laminar airflow, using a three-dimensional ultrasonic anemometer. Airflow from forced air warming and effects of laminar airflow were visualized using special smoke and laser light. Forced air warming caused upward airflow (39 cm/s) in the patient head area and a unidirectional convection flow (9 to 14 cm/s) along the ceiling from head to foot. No convection flows were observed around the sides of the operating table. Downward laminar airflow of approximately 40 cm/s counteracted the upward airflow caused by forced air warming and formed downward airflow at 36 to 45 cm/s. Downward airflows (34 to 56 cm/s) flowing diagonally away from the operating table were detected at operating table height in both sides. Airflow caused by forced air warming is well counteracted by downward laminar airflow from the ceiling. Thus it would be less likely to cause surgical field contamination in the presence of sufficient laminar airflow.
Spiritual Development for Strategic Leadership in the Air Force
millionaire civilian pilot who had grown close to senior Air Force officials and the Thunderbirds.”8 The Thunderbirds are the Air Force’s high...integrated with the other well- known streams of development: cognitive, social , emotional, and moral. The name commonly given is spiritual...and socialize the Air Force core values of “Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do,” adopted in 1997. This document states
2009 Strategic Plan, Air Force District of Washington (AFDW)
JTF CapMed . As the Air Force single voice for Joint matters in the NCR, AFDW has a critical responsibility to protect and enhance the Air...and its surrounding counties, is a critical Area of Responsibility (AOR) for US military organizations. It is the central hub of US political and...NCR and worldwide. Furthermore, AFDW presents forces to Joint Task Force-National Capital Region Medical Command (JTF CapMed ) and, through the
Air Force Civil Engineer, Volume 16, Number 2, 2008
HORSE and Prime BEEF work together to put up a legal complex for JTF Guantanamo 11 Building Information Modeling in the Air Force Going beyond CADD team. Engineers from the 823rd RED HORSE Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Fla., were responsible for most of the design work. The 474th...BEEF construction team and a RED HORSE design team, we quickly became known as the “Red Bulls.” The advance party — consisting of the first sergeant
Back to the Future: Does History Support the Expeditionary Air Force Concept?
Operations Forces 550, “Agile Combat Support,” Mr. Ron Orr, USAF/IL, 2 Feb 00. 4 Davis, pg. 11. 5 Toulmin , H.A., Jr., Air Service, American...John A., “The Expeditionary Air Force Takes Shape,” Air Force Magazine, Vol. 80, No. 6, June 1997. Toulmin , H.A., Jr., Air Service, American
Parenting Attitudes of Expectant Couples Associated with the Air Force
child abuse . These factors are also associated with Air Force life. These inherent risk factors when coupled with negative or abusive parenting attitudes could lead to child abuse . Little attention has been given to parenting attitudes in the Air Force population. Data were collected from a convenience sample of 67 participants in either the new OB orientation classes or the prepared child birth classes at two Air Force bases in the Southwest. The instrument was the Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory
Focused Logistics; What the Air Force Brings to the Fight
Agency partnered to develop a Strategic Distribution Management Initiative that support the Air Force’s logistics transformation and is linked by Global Command and Control System and Global Combat Support System-Air Force.
DETAIL, CONTROL BOOTH, RP1 TANK FARM - Edwards Air Force Base, Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, Combined Fuel Storage Tank Farm, Test Area 1-120, north end of Jupiter Boulevard, Boron, Kern County, CA
The Maharaja’s New AVTAAR: Air-Refuelling Strategy for the Indian Air Force
and Lolita C Baldor, "Boeing gets $35 Billion Air Force Tanker Order," Aviation on NBC Feruary 24, 2011. (accessed March 23, 2013). Cassata, Donna, and Lolita C Baldor. "Boeing gets $35 Billion Air Force
Improving Development Teams to Support Deliberate Development of Air Force Officers
the USAF Cyber Force (Scott et al., 2010) • Understrength Air Force Officer Career Fields: A Force Management Approach ( Galway et al., 2005...D., “The New Way of Officer Assignments,” Air Force Magazine, June 1998, pp. 64–67. Galway , Lionel A., Richard J. Buddin, Michael R. Thirtle, Peter
Active Duty manpower vacancies, such as Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) instructor duties, are being filled through unique...has invested in a variety of ways to fill manpower gaps, to include using enlisted Active Duty members to conduct what was previously considered...entire Air Force airlift mission, resulting in substantial stressors on civilian careers and family life, which has always been the cornerstone of
Transformation in the French Air Force in an Era of Change
Abria.indd 6 10/30/08 1:15:37 PM Transformation in the French Air Force in an Era of Change Général d’armée aérienne Stéphane Abrial, chef...l’armée l’air,” sponsored by the Centre d’études stratégiques aérospatiales, 3 June 2008. The French Air Force, like all defense organizations...related to our equipment, because the French aircraft Gen Stéphane Abrial is the chief of staff of the French Air Force. He completed the French Air
B-52 Stratofortress > U.S. Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
Air Force Handbook. 109th Congress
FY06 Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL) Acquisition Status Capabilities/Profile Functions /Performance Parameters 38 • Air Force’s primary source for...Broadcast Service (GBS) Capabilities/Profile Acquisition Status Functions /Performance Parameters • Purchase Requirements (Phase 2): • 3 primary ...Operations (AF CONOPS) that support the CSAF and joint vision of combat operations. • AF CONOPS describe key Air Force mission and/or functional areas
Achieving the Air Force’s Energy Vision
sor of logistics and supply chain management at AFIT. The US Air Force is the largest con -sumer of energy in the federal gov-ernment, spending $, motors , advanced bat- teries, and ultracapacitors. AFIT is playing a critical role in meeting Air Force and industry demand for more...Flight Design displayed a parallel hybrid-electric propul- sion system with an ICE and electric motor (fig. 2) for a general aviation aircraft. A
COIN in Cyberspace: Focusing Air Force Doctrine Development
cyberspace and began codifying its cyber warfare doctrine. This effort is hampered, however, by a limited understanding of cyberspace by rank and file Air...Force members. Many believe cyberspace and cyber warfare are the responsibility of the communications community. If this new doctrine is to be...doctrine to build upon, the Air Force can create unity of effort among Airmen at all levels, ensure unity of purpose in the prosecution of cyber warfare , and
How Does the Air Force Create Effective Accountability for Initial Spares?
effective accountability for initial spares? AUTHOR: Pamela J. Henson, Civilian, USAF The accountability for acquisition cost , schedule, place to allow the Program Manager to effectively manage this cost element. Initial spares have traditionally been managed in Air Force Maxwell Air Force Base. Pamela became the Chief, Cost Analysis Division at HQ Air Force Logistics Command in 1987, where she received the Civilian
The U.S. Air Force Aeromedical Evacuation Mission: A Mission for the Air Reserve Components
AU/ACSC/2016 AIR COMMAND AND STAFF COLLEGE AIR UNIVERSITY THE U.S. AIR FORCE AEROMEDICAL EVACUATION MISSION: A MISSION FOR THE AIR RESERVE...Aeromedical Evacuation ............................................................................................................. 7 The Current Problem...13 Evaluation
Wireless Sensor Network Applications for the Combat Air Forces
Air Force Air Refueling for Naval Operations: History, Practice, and Recommendations
Air Force Air Refueling 0 ELECTE C4 N 910U for BU Naval Operations History, Practice, and Recommendations UtMON STA~IMENT X [ Apov.e ,opu,. Lt three hose reels provide redundancy over just one. 13. Be used in coordination with carriler -launched buddy tankers, there- by providing the
Helical Explosive Flux Compression Generator Research at the Air Force Research Laboratory
Air Force Research Laboratory Kirtland AFB...ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Directed Energy Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory Kirtland AFB, NM 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION support of the Air Force Research Laboratory ( AFRL ) explosive pulsed power program. These include circuit codes such as Microcap and
In Search of an Identity: Air Force Core Competencies
for connecting core competencies to both inside and outside the service . Core competencies have become a decision making framework for the Air Force...Proposed Intra– Service Relationship ................................................................. 76 Figure 2. Proposed Inter- service and Joint...connecting core competencies to both inside and outside the service . Core competencies have become a decision making framework for the Air Force. They
Preliminary Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Air Force Advertising.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Vitola, Bart M.
The Airman Enlistment Questionnaire was administered to a sample of non prior service enlistees, 1,667 males and 300 females. Analysis of the responses shows (1)educational opportunity is the strongest motivator for enlisting in the Air Force; (2) there is an indication that Air Force advertising should make different appeals to men and women; and…
[Professional psychological selection system in the Air Force - 50 years].
Pokrovskiĭ, B L
Given the data about the establishment of the professional psychological selection system in the Air Force in 1958-1964 in the NIIIAM Air Force by the team psychological department under the leadership of K.K.Platonova. Given the names of the developers of this system and given the results of their research. The result of all made work the order of Air Force Commander about the introduction of the psychological selection in Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, starting from a set of 1964 became. Recommendations for professional psychological selection of a wide range of aviation professionals in various fields, and in the future - and other professionals of the Armed Forces, became the results of future work.
Zero-Base Budgeting Impact on Air Force Laboratories.
discon- tinued. ZBB later surfaced, some think originated, at Texas Instruments, having been introduced by Peter Phyrr in 1968.21 Jimmy Carter, then...little more sense to some people and a little less to others. It just does not hang together as a presentation of agency policies. There are more...8217s the Air Force formed the Air Force Management Improvement Group to address people inter- actions and how they fit the future needs. The emphasis of
AU/ACSC/2016 AIR COMMAND AND STAFF COLLEGE AIR UNIVERSITY IS FREE REALLY FREE ? PALACE ACQUIRE AS AN EFFECTIVE FORCE RENEWAL SOURCE FOR AIR...transfer-eligible candidates, and external applicants. Ultimately, this research reveals, the cost – in both money and manpower – does not support...these employees provide to their sponsoring offices in “ free manning.” 5 CHAPTER 1 Introduction Public Affairs is key aspect of Air Force
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bergmann, Joseph A.; Smith, Michael C.
An occupational survey comparing active duty and Reserve Forces nurses was conducted to support a Nursing Resources Study Group gathering information on current and future nurse requirements. Job inventory booklets were sent to chief nurses at Reserve and Air National Guard locations which were administered during unit training meetings. Returned…
The United States Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps: Looking to the Future
Brigadier General Robin G. Tornow Commandant, Air Force ROTC (Note 25) Over the years, Air Force ROTC has developed many strong points. Paramount among...maintaining a leaner and more capable force for the future. Brigadier General Robin G. Tornow Commandant, Air Force ROTC (Note 35) This alternative
32 CFR 865.5 - Decision of the Secretary of the Air Force.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Decision of the Secretary of the Air Force. 865.5 Section 865.5 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE ORGANIZATION AND MISSION-GENERAL PERSONNEL REVIEW BOARDS Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records...
32 CFR 989.7 - Requests from Non-Air Force agencies or entities.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Requests from Non-Air Force agencies or entities. 989.7 Section 989.7 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS PROCESS (EIAP) § 989.7 Requests from Non-Air Force...
A Study of Black Officer Candidate Attrition in the United States Air Force
concern among Air Force accession policy officials (Travers, 1992). Prior to 1973 the Air Force, as well as all other services, was under -represented in...Although the Air Force did not exist in 1940, its predecessor, the Army Air Corps, fell under this new policy. Thus, by the time the Air Force was made a...participation increased from 0.6 percent in 1942 to approximately 2 percent by 1973. However, blacks were 3till vastly under -represented in relation to both the
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Nashold, B.; Rosenblatt, D.; Hau, J.
This summary describes a Supplemental Site Inspection (SSI) conducted by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) at Air Force Plant 59 (AFP 59) in Johnson City, New York. All required data pertaining to this project were entered by ANL into the Air Force-wide Installation Restoration Program Information System (IRPIMS) computer format and submitted to an appropriate authority. The work was sponsored by the United States Air Force as part of its Installation Restoration Program (IRP). Previous studies had revealed the presence of contaminants at the site and identified several potential contaminant sources. Argonne`s study was conducted to answer questions raised by earliermore » investigations. This volume consists of appendices F-Q, which contain the analytical data from the site characterization.« less
Training; Resource Management; and Strategy and Doctrine. The research reported here was prepared under contract FA7014-06-C-0001. Additional information...bankruptcies and mergers. During this period, many airline pilot groups made concessions on pay and benefits. By 2015, pay levels for major airline pilots had... Virgin America UNIQUE_CARRIER_NAME 14 Figure 8. Air Force and Commercial Maintenance Personnel Salaries NOTE: AF Annual = Air Force, enlisted. Avg
Air Force Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Fuze Modernization (ICBM Fuze Mod)
Selected Acquisition Report ( SAR ) RCS: DD-A&T(Q&A)823-498 Air Force Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Fuze Modernization (ICBM Fuze Mod) As of FY...2015 SAR March 17, 2016 09:03:03 UNCLASSIFIED 2 Table of Contents Common Acronyms and Abbreviations for MDAP Programs 3 Program Information...Acquisition Unit Cost ICBM Fuze Mod December 2015 SAR March 17, 2016 09:03:03 UNCLASSIFIED 3 PB - President’s Budget PE - Program Element PEO - Program
Adding Value to Air Force Management Through Building Partnerships Assessment
information on reprint and linking permissions, please see RAND Permissions. Skip all front matter: Jump to Page 16 The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit...public service of the RAND Corporation . CHILDREN AND FAMILIES EDUCATION AND THE ARTS ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE INFRASTRUCTURE AND...5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Rand Corporation ,Project Air Force,PO Box 2138,Santa Monica,CA,90407-2138
Diversity Within the U.S. Air Force Senior Leadership
15 1 Introduction The United States Air Force is committed to equal opportunity and diversity within its ranks. According to...Office. Diversity and Equal Opportunity in Our Air Force. AFTV Video. 9 min., March 2009. 2 What is diversity and is it important? When...attributes reflect unchangeable human differences that are either inborn or developed in our early socialization . Secondary dimensions of diversity
Force Base ( AFB ), and Pillar Point Air Force Station (AFS), California. The 30th Space Wing at Vandenberg AFB operates the Western Launch and Test...Range (Western Range). The Western Range begins at the coastal boundaries of Vandenberg AFB and extends westward to the Marshall Islands, including...Vandenberg AFB . Vandenberg AFB is headquarters to the 30th Space Wing, the Air Force Space Command unit that operates Vandenberg AFB and the Western
Air Force Roles and Missions: A History
armies fighting on the Western Front. In July, Foch gave Pershing tactical control of a sector in the Chateau- Thierry region, with only one division...In the battle at Chateau- Thierry in July, air squadrons flying support for the American division learned a costly lesson. Air units were deci- mated... Thierry , he saw Trenchard’s views on the need to concentrate air forces to achieve aerial superiority confirmed. The losses helped Mitchell convince
United States Air Force Statistical Digest, Fiscal Year 2001
FORCES 756 750 753 32 CIVIL ENGINEERING 1,434 1,402 1,351 33 COMM- COMPUTER SYSTEMS 4,124 4,090 4,038 34 MORALE, WELFARE, REC, & SERVICES 339 348 368...AND WEAPONS 14,863 14,671 14,137 3A INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 11,706 11,562 10,716 3C COMMUNICATIONS- COMPUTER SYSTEMS 13,130 13,290 13,407 3E CIVIL...146 134 114 110 112 Air Logistics Center Aug - - - - - 7 Base Communciation - - - - - 18 Base Ops Support - 17 22 19 29 47
This report discusses authority, mission, and responsibilities of the audit organizations that perform oversight of Air Force operations. A...the discussion of the major audit organizations. The audit oversight function is here to stay. Auditors and audit organizations can be beneficial to Air
Customer Management Skills for Effective Air Force Civil Engineering Customer Service.
advertise --competence. (1) Craftsmen working closely with customer service -doing what is promised when it’s promised -if return to job site required, tell...RD-RI74 1 4 CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT SKILLS FOR EFFECTIVE AIR FORCE / I CIVIL ENGINEERING CUST (U) AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON RFS ON...I93 -A CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT SKILLS FOR EFFECTIVE AIR FORCE CIVIL ENGINEERING CUSTOMER SERVICE THESIS Danny S.- Long Captain, USAF AFIT/GEM/DEM/86S-1 7
United States Air Force Response to Problems of Child Abuse within the Military Community.
The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act became national law in the United States. This act authorized a National Center on Child Abuse and...Neglect to compile information, operate a clearinghouse on programs showing promise of success in prevention, identification and treatment of child abuse , publish...Force base to investigate and evaluate suspected child abuse cases. This study focuses on child abuse in the Air Force community rather than in the
Measuring Air Force Contracting Customer Satisfaction
NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA MBA PROFESSIONAL REPORT MEASURING AIR FORCE CONTRACTING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ...... satisfaction elements should be included in a standardized tool that measures the level of customer satisfaction for AF Contracting’s external and
Physical Profiling Performance of Air Force Primary Care Providers
AFRL-SA-WP-TR-2017-0014 Physical Profiling Performance of Air Force Primary Care Providers Anthony P. Tvaryanas1; William P...COVERED (From – To) September 2016 – January 2017 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Physical Profiling Performance of Air Force Primary Care Providers...encounter with their primary care team. An independent medical standards subject matter expert (SME) reviewed encounters in the electronic health record
The Air Force Role in Low-Intensity Conflict
attempt, Kabbej was chief pilot of Royal Air Maroc , Morocco’s national airline . He was more than a pilot who happened to gain the trust of the King...Royal Air Maroc . But he kept a reserve commission in the air force. Thus, because of his active duty and reserve service, Kabbej is not regarded in
United States Air Force Civil Engineering Additive Manufacturing Applications: Tools and Jigs
designs for printing applications. The overall results push forward the Air Forces 3D printing knowledge while providing critical information for decision makers on this up and coming technology....the results indicate that 3Dscanning technology will reach a point within the next 5 years where it can help foster the rapid build-up of 3D CE asset
The Air Force Fitness Program and the Challenge of Creating a More Fit Force
their fitness habits. In the early 1990s the Air Force transitioned to the bike test. The Weight Management Program continued with little change. The...member reported that he had lost ten pounds and was walking every day. I along with my Chief Master Sergeant continued to monitor the progress of the... continually high standard. The study 12 will show that the current Air Force fitness program does provide a basic view of fitness, but it does
i< AEROSPACE MEDICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY AEROSPACE MEDICAL DIVISION AIR FORCE SYSTEMS COMMAND WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, OHIO any way be related thereto. Please do not request copies of this report from Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory. Additional copies may be...34Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals," Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research Council. The voluntary informed
Fraternization in the United States Air Force: Development of a Policy Booklet
perspective. Military custom, the UCMJ, military court decisions, and administrative actions have all played impor- tant roles in defining and enforcing a...your contribution. Good luck on publishing your work. Good job! We need it in the field !" Maj David Barton Chief. Military Affairs. Hq ATC JAG Office...GSM/LSR/88S-5 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR UNIVERSITY AIR FORCE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio DISTPJBU1• )N
BASED ENVIROMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS PROCESS LAUGHLIN AIR FORCE BASE, TEXAS AGENCY: 47th Flying Training Wing (FTW), Laughlin Air Force Base (AFB), Texas...8217\\ \\ \\ \\ \\\\ \\ ~ >(- \\ , ~ AOC01 \\ PS018 / WP002 \\ DP008 // WP006 \\ ~ ,/ ’----- -----·-------------~--/·/ LAUGHLIN AIR FORCE BASE ENVIROMENTAL RESTORATION
Job Dissatisfaction among Air Force Clinical Nurses: Causes and Ways to Change It.
44%) of nurses planning an L Air Force career (14:--). Recognizing job satisfaction can be a major deciding factor in choosing an Air Force career ... burnout and searched for ideas on how to improve clinical nursing in the Air Force. improving job satisfaction in nursing today is a hot topic and...clinical nurses are falling victim to " burnout " syndrome, which in turn is affecting their job satisfaction . Air Force clinical inpatient nurses are managing
Air Force Pilot Retention-1988.
34 Air Force Times, 11 January 1988, pp. -" 1,12. 3. D.irbv’, Kit. "Dear Military Pilot." Future Aviation Pro- fessionals of America, ( FAPA ), 15...America ( FAPA . 0. Other professional journals or publications E. Newspapers . A. "Wurd of mouth" L. Personal contact(s) made while occupying my present
Setup: What the Air Force Did in Vietnam and Why
4, no. 2 (Fall 1950) : 12 . 18 . Ibid . 19 . Giulio Douhet, The Command ofthe Air, trans . Dino Ferrari, reprinted by the Office of Air Force History...demilitarized zone (DMZ). Ironically, in November 1954, Gen Tran Van Don and other leading Vietnamese generals suggested that the MAAG organize their...Office ofAir Force History, 1981), 36. 37 . Ibid., 49-50. 38 . According to formerSouth Vietnamese minister ofnational defense Gen Tran Van Don, he and
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Buynak, C. F.; Blackshire, J.; Lindgren, E. A.; Jata, K. V.
As one of the primary data and information sources in the maintenance of USAF Aging Military Fleet, NDE plays a major role in the definition and operation of maintenance processes on these aircraft. To focus new NDE developmental efforts, the AFRL NDE R&D group has the charter to research, develop and transition new capabilities to the field and depot users. This multi-faceted task is achieved through a balanced NDE and on-board sensor development program with the ultimate goal to transition technology to the Air Force user Commands. Technology requirements for NDE and Material State Awareness emerge from Air Force Initiatives to realize Condition Based Maintenance and to develop the "Depot of the Future". This evening session will present an overview of Air Force Initiatives, emerging R&D issues for Structural Health Monitoring and NDE methodologies as well as basic research initiatives within the Air Force Research Laboratory. It is intended that the session provide an open forum to pursue paths for new technology development and application.
Why Is Outdoor Recreation Worth $30 Million to the Air Force?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Heeg, Phillip
The Air Force outdoor recreation program evolved from the Army "rest and recreation" areas set up during World War II. During the last decade, financial pressures and eroding support for recreation programs forced a reexamination of the objectives of such programs. Starting with the premise that the Air Force was the main customer and…
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Surplus Buildings and Land at Air Force Research Labs (AFRL) Mesa, Located in Maricopa County, AZ SUMMARY: This notice provides information regarding the surplus property at AFRL Mesa in Maricopa County... to plan the reuse of the AFRL Mesa property. The property is located within the former Williams Air...
Air Force B-21 Long Range Strike Bomber
and B - 52 bombers, and would possibly replace B -2s in the future. B -21 development was highly classified until the summer of 2015, when the Air Force...Air Force had indicated that its fleet of B -1, B -2, and B - 52 bombers would suffice until 2037, when advanced technologies, such as hypersonic cruise...was the prime contractor for the B -1. Boeing was the prime contractor for the B - 52 . From FY2004 to FY2009, DOD requested more than $1.4 billion in the
Air Reserve Component: Key to the Air Force’s Future
REPORT TYPE STRATEGY RESEARCH PROJECT .33 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Air Reserve Component: Key to the Air Force’s...b. ABSTRACT UU c. THIS PAGE UU 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code) USAWC STRATEGY RESEARCH PROJECT...RAND Corporation, Prepared for the Office of Secretary of Defense, 2008), XV. 64 T.X. Hammes, "Offshore Control: A Proposed Strategy ," Infinity
Comparison of 20-, 23-, and 25-gauge air infusion forces.
Machado, Leonardo Martins; Magalhães, Octaviano; Maia, Mauricio; Rodrigues, Eduardo B; Farah, Michel Eid; Ismail, Kamal A R; Molon, Leandro; Oliveira, Danilo A
To determine and compare 20-, 23-, and 25-gauge retinal infusion air jet impact pressure (force per unit area) in an experimental setting. Experimental laboratory investigation. Infusion cannulas were connected to a compressed air system. A controlled valve mechanism was used to obtain increasing levels of infusion pressure. Each infusion tube was positioned in front of a manual transducer to measure force. Impact pressure was calculated using known formulas in fluid dynamics. The 20-gauge infusion jet showed similar impact pressure values compared with the 23-gauge infusion jet. Both showed higher levels than the 25-gauge infusion jet. This was because of the smaller jet force for the 25-gauge system. In this experimental study, both the 23- and the 20-gauge air infusion jet showed higher impact pressure values compared with the 25-gauge air infusion jet. This could be of concern regarding air infusion during 23-gauge vitrectomy since retinal damage has been shown in standard-gauge surgeries.
32 CFR 644.392 - Air Force-preliminary report of excess.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Air Force-preliminary report of excess. 644.392... PROPERTY REAL ESTATE HANDBOOK Disposal Predisposal Action § 644.392 Air Force—preliminary report of excess... Force screens its own properties for other defense requirements and clears the disposal with DOD and the...
MAJOR GENERAL PETER E. GERSTEN > U.S. Air Force > Biography Display
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
An Optimization of the Maintenance Assets Distribution Network in the Argentine Air Force
Air Force (2010). Manual de Conduccion Logistica . Buenos Aires: HQ Argentine Air Force. Argentine Air Force (2012). El vuelo del condor: 1912-2012...recommendation was made to consider organic or private transportation and reduce transportation time in order to improve responsiveness and drive down...determine overall transportation demand and capacity required for a defined level of service, and to evaluate the tradeoffs between costs and service
Cost-effectiveness of forced air warming during sedation in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory.
Conway, Aaron; Duff, Jed; Sutherland, Joanna
To determine the cost-effectiveness of forced air warming during sedation in a cardiac catheterisation laboratory. Forced air warming improves thermal comfort in comparison with standard care. It is not known whether the extra costs required for forced air warming are good value. Cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a randomised controlled trial conducted in 2016-2017. A cost-effectiveness analysis was undertaken using Monte Carlo simulations from input distributions to estimate costs and effects associated with using forced air warming to reduce risk of thermal discomfort for patients receiving sedation in a cardiac catheterisation laboratory. A range of willingness to pay threshold values were tested with results plotted on a cost-effectiveness acceptability curve. Costs were calculated in Australian currency ($AUD). Estimated total costs were $5.21 (SD 3.26) higher per patient for forced air warming in comparison to standard care. Estimated probability of success (rating of thermal comfort) was 0.16 (0.06) higher for forced air warming. Forced air warming becomes more likely to result in a net benefit than standard care at a willingness to pay threshold of $34. Forced air warming could be considered cost-effective for procedures performed with sedation in a cardiac catheterisation laboratory if the extra cost of an incremental gain in thermal comfort is less than the decision maker's willingness to pay for it. Therefore, those responsible for decision-making regarding use of forced air warming in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory can use results of our model to decide if it represents good value for their organisation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Forced-air patient warming blankets disrupt unidirectional airflow.
Legg, A J; Hamer, A J
We have recently shown that waste heat from forced-air warming blankets can increase the temperature and concentration of airborne particles over the surgical site. The mechanism for the increased concentration of particles and their site of origin remained unclear. We therefore attempted to visualise the airflow in theatre over a simulated total knee replacement using neutral-buoyancy helium bubbles. Particles were created using a Rocket PS23 smoke machine positioned below the operating table, a potential area of contamination. The same theatre set-up, warming devices and controls were used as in our previous study. This demonstrated that waste heat from the poorly insulated forced-air warming blanket increased the air temperature on the surgical side of the drape by > 5°C. This created convection currents that rose against the downward unidirectional airflow, causing turbulence over the patient. The convection currents increased the particle concentration 1000-fold (2 174 000 particles/m(3) for forced-air warming vs 1000 particles/m(3) for radiant warming and 2000 particles/m(3) for the control) by drawing potentially contaminated particles from below the operating table into the surgical site. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2013;95-B:407-10.
Some Factors Influencing Air Force Simulator Training Effectiveness. Technical Report.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Caro, Paul W.
A study of U.S. Air Force simulator training was conducted to identify factors that influence the effectiveness of such training and to learn how its effectiveness is being determined. The research consisted of a survey of ten representative Air Force simulator training programs and a review of the simulator training research literature. A number…
Air Force Civil Engineer, Volume 14, Number 2, 2006
homes located off base), reimburs - able service agreements are created between the housing development’s project owner and both the Air Force...Just as with security, fire protection is provided by the on-base fire department on a reimbursable basis. At a recent fire at Hanscom AFB, Mass... reimbursable clients; and programming functions. Input of this “living record” allows the database to manage the 5-Year Plan so 16 AIR FORCE CIVIL
Spectral Longwave Cloud Radiative Forcing as Observed by AIRS
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Blaisdell, John M.; Susskind, Joel; Lee, Jae N.; Iredell, Lena
AIRS V6 products contain the spectral contributions to Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), clear-sky OLR (OLR(sub CLR)), and Longwave Cloud Radiative Forcing (LWCRF) in 16 bands from 100 cm(exp -1) to 3260 cm(exp -1). We show climatologies of selected spectrally resolved AIRS V6 products over the period of September 2002 through August 2016. Spectrally resolved LWCRF can better describe the response of the Earth system to cloud and cloud feedback processes. The spectral LWCRF enables us to estimate the fraction of each contributing factor to cloud forcing, i.e.: surface temperature, mid to upper tropospheric water vapor, and tropospheric temperature. This presentation also compares the spatial characteristics of LWCRF from AIRS, CERES_EBAF Edition-2.8, and MERRA-2. AIRS and CERES LWCRF products show good agreement. The OLR bias between AIRS and CERES is very close to that of OLR(sub CLR). This implies that both AIRS and CERES OLR products accurately account for the effect of clouds on OLR.
Silhouetted against the cloud-strewn sky over NASA's Kennedy Space Center, a U.S. Air Force Thunderbird F-16D aircraft displays its prowess. The pilot is Maj. Tad Clark, who, after landing at the Shuttle Landing Facility, announced that Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex will host the inaugural World Space Expo from Nov. 3 to 11, featuring an aerial salute by the Thunderbirds on its opening weekend. The Expo will create one of the largest displays of space artifacts, hardware and personalities ever assembled in one location with the objective to inspire, educate and engage the public by highlighting the achievements and benefits of space exploration.
Living History: Pioneering Bandswomen of the United States Air Force
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nichols, Jeananne
This narrative describes two United States Air Force bandswomen whose combined careers span the past sixty years. Cornetist Martha (Martye) Jean Awkerman joined the U.S. Women in the Air Force (WAF) Band in 1955. She served the WAF band as cornet soloist and principal trumpet until the band was disbanded in 1961. In 1983, tubist Jan Duga joined…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Debons, Anthony; and Others
A proposed classification system was studied to determine its efficacy to the Air Force Control-Display Area. Based on negative outcomes from a logical assessment of the proposed system, an alternate system was proposed to include the coordinate index concept. Upon development of a thesaurus and an index system for 106 documents on VSTOL/VTOL…
Inculcating Quality Concepts in the US Air Force: Right Music, Wrong Step
CONCEPTS IN THE US AIR FORCE: RIGHT MUSIC , WRONG STEP Acceslon For NTIS CRA&J DTIC TAB Unannounced fJ by Justification Barbara A. Kucharczyk By. Lieutenant...TITLE: Inculcating Quality Concepts in the US Air Force: Right Music , Wrong Step AUTHOR: Barbara A. Kucharczyk, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF In its...perceived attitudinal backlash.4 While basic quality concepts are certainly the right music , many Air Force members are dancing the wrong step. Why? This
United States Air Force Child Care Center Infant Care Guide.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Craig, Ardyn; And Others
Intended to guide Air Force infant caregivers in providing high quality group care for infants 6 weeks to 6 months of age, this infant care guide must be used in conjunction with other Air Force regulations on day care, such as AFR 215-1, Volume VI (to be renumbered AFR 215-27). After a brief introductory chapter (Chapter I), Chapter II indicates…
Enabling Air Force Satellite Ground System Automation Through Software Engineering
US Air Force satellite ground stations require significant manpower to operate due to their fragmented legacy architectures . To improve operating...daily operations, but also the development, maintainability, and the extensibility of such systems. This thesis researches challenges to Air Force...satellite automation: 1) existing architecture of legacy systems, 2) space segment diversity, and 3) unclear definition and scoping of the term, automation
Beyond the Wild Blue Yonder: Creating an Air and Space Culture in Today’s Air Force
Organizational Change . 2nd ed. Westport, C.T.: Praeger Publishers, 1994. Estes III, Gen Howell M. “Air Force at a Crossroad” Speech, Air Force...American Military Styles in Strategy and Analysis. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989. Conner, Patrick E., and Linda K. Lake. Managing
Development and Validation of the Air Force Cyber Intruder Alert Testbed (CIAT)
Validation of the Air Force Cyber Intruder Alert Testbed (CIAT) 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER FA8650-16-C-6722 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT analysts. Therefore, a new cyber STE focused on network analysts called the Air Force Cyber Intruder Alert Testbed (CIAT) was developed. This...Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18 Development and Validation of the Air Force Cyber Intruder Alert Testbed (CIAT) Gregory Funke, Gregory Dye, Brett Borghetti
Environmental Assessment for New Veterinary Clinic, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota
The following prehistory and history of Ellsworth AFB has been excerpted from the Ellsworth AFB Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan (U.S...Air Force, 2011). Prehistoric Period Northern Plains prehistory has been the subject of several published studies and archaeological surveys as...information or research questions related to the prehistory of the immediate Ellsworth AFB area. Historical Period The Black Hills mining boom began
The US Air Force suicide prevention program: implications for public health policy.
Knox, Kerry L; Pflanz, Steven; Talcott, Gerald W; Campise, Rick L; Lavigne, Jill E; Bajorska, Alina; Tu, Xin; Caine, Eric D
We evaluated the effectiveness of the US Air Force Suicide Prevention Program (AFSPP) in reducing suicide, and we measured the extent to which air force installations implemented the program. We determined the AFSPP's impact on suicide rates in the air force by applying an intervention regression model to data from 1981 through 2008, providing 16 years of data before the program's 1997 launch and 11 years of data after launch. Also, we measured implementation of program components at 2 points in time: during a 2004 increase in suicide rates, and 2 years afterward. Suicide rates in the air force were significantly lower after the AFSPP was launched than before, except during 2004. We also determined that the program was being implemented less rigorously in 2004. The AFSPP effectively prevented suicides in the US Air Force. The long-term effectiveness of this program depends upon extensive implementation and effective monitoring of implementation. Suicides can be reduced through a multilayered, overlapping approach that encompasses key prevention domains and tracks implementation of program activities.
The US Air Force Suicide Prevention Program: Implications for Public Health Policy
Pflanz, Steven; Talcott, Gerald W.; Campise, Rick L.; Lavigne, Jill E.; Bajorska, Alina; Tu, Xin; Caine, Eric D.
Objectives. We evaluated the effectiveness of the US Air Force Suicide Prevention Program (AFSPP) in reducing suicide, and we measured the extent to which air force installations implemented the program. Methods. We determined the AFSPP's impact on suicide rates in the air force by applying an intervention regression model to data from 1981 through 2008, providing 16 years of data before the program's 1997 launch and 11 years of data after launch. Also, we measured implementation of program components at 2 points in time: during a 2004 increase in suicide rates, and 2 years afterward. Results. Suicide rates in the air force were significantly lower after the AFSPP was launched than before, except during 2004. We also determined that the program was being implemented less rigorously in 2004. Conclusions. The AFSPP effectively prevented suicides in the US Air Force. The long-term effectiveness of this program depends upon extensive implementation and effective monitoring of implementation. Suicides can be reduced through a multilayered, overlapping approach that encompasses key prevention domains and tracks implementation of program activities. PMID:20466973
Close Air Support and Interdiction Missions as Seen by the Air Force and Army
vehicle. Artillery Artillery is the surface weapon that typically causes the greatest destruction on the battlefield. Statistics from World War II show... Coursebook (USAF Air Command and Staff College, 1996), 628. 51. Dunnigan, 458. 52. Stephen Hosmer, Psychological Effects Of U.S. Air Operations In Four...Strategic Structures AY 96. Coursebook , vol. II. Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: 1995. Air War—Vietnam. New York, Arno Press, 1978. Atkinson, Rick
77 FR 1913 - Notice of Meeting of the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Conservation Service Notice of Meeting of the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force AGENCY: Natural Resources...), Agricultural Air Quality Task Force (AAQTF) will meet to continue discussions on critical air quality issues... relationship between agricultural production and air quality. The meeting is open to the public, and a draft...
Commanding an Air Force Squadron
I The M ission ...................................... 3 The People ...................................... 5 The Chain of Command...of Air Force squadron commanders. By so doing, it serves as an explanatory text to allied officers, as a model for leadership studies, and as a...personnel, meeting the chain of command above him, and understanding the role of other units on the base. The Mission Lt Col John Bell, chief of the wing
Turnover Among Air Force Nurses.
Statistics. - The U. S. Air Force Institute of Technology, Civilian Institutions , Allied Health Branch, for their assistance and partial financial support...The University of Utah, Computer Center, for their financial support and use of computer equipment used in the statistical analysis. xiv The following...retain the nurses currently employed (Decker, et al., 19S2; Weisman, 1982). White (1980) concludes that nursina staff is a considerable [ financial
Military Retirement. Dream or Dilemma for Air Force Chaplains
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, ii different Irom Report) I6. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 1S. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side...Chaplains by James W. Milisaps, Chaplain, Lt Col, USAF A RESEARCH REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY IN FULFILLMENT OF THE RESEARCH seFo REQUIREMENT IY&’IC...TAR February 1983 IA ~.t.~ I -- w DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE MR WAR COLLEGE (ATC) MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASS, ALABAMA 26112 Office of the Dean School of
Ground-water resources of Olmsted Air Force Base, Middletown, Pennsylvania
Meisler, Harold; Longwill, Stanley Miller
Olmsted Air Force Base is underlain by the Gettysburg shale of Triassic age. The Gettysburg shale at the Air Force Base consists of interbedded red sandstone, siltstone, and shale. The average strike of the strata is N. 43° E., and the strata dip to the northwest at an average angle of 26°. The transmissibility of known aquifers in the warehouse area of the Air Force Base is low. Therefore, wells in the warehouse area have low specific capacities and yield only small supplies of water. Wells on the main base, however, yield relatively large supplies of water because the transmissibilities of the aquifers are relatively high. Pumping tests in the warehouse area and the eastern area of the main base indicated the presence of impermeable boundaries in both areas. Pumping tests in the central and western parts of the main base revealed that the Susquehanna River probably is acting as a source of recharge (forms a recharge boundary) for wells in those areas. Data obtained during this investigation indicate that additional supplies of ground water for Olmsted Air Force Base could best be obtained from the western part of the main base.
Profile of a Successful Civil Engineering Career in the United States Air Force.
Introduction ........ * * ........... 7 Career Success .. .. .. . .. . . ... 4- . .. ....... 8 Research Methods . .. . .. a.. . .. .. ............ it III...Definition of Terms I The following terms, for the purpose of this study, were defined as: Career success refers to an Air Force civil engineering officer...discussion of career success . An Air Force civil engineer is an officer currently possessing a 55XX duty Air Force . Specialty Code (AFSC). Statement of
Environmental Assessment: Proposed Training Facilities, Hill Air Force Base, Utah
FA8201-09-D-0002 Facilities, Hill Air Force Base, Utah 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Klein, Randal 5d...PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Streamline Consulting, LLC 1713 N. Sweetwater Lane Farmington, Utah 84025...proposes to construct new training facilities at Hill Air Force Base, Utah . The findings of this EA indicate that the proposed action would not have
United States Air Force Statistical Digest, Fiscal Year 1963, Eighteenth Edition
CAUSE FACTORS, WORLD-WI DE , BY QUARTER - FY 1963 (Includes United States Air Force, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, Military Air Transport ...DEFINITIONS. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 177 MILITARY AIR TRANSPORT Sf;RV.Cl;: (MATS) SELECTED TRANSPORT OPl!:R...SELECTED TR ...HSPORT OPERATIONS 0.. THE S,N- GLE MANAGER OP.RATING AOIII:~cY By ACTIVITY - FY 1963 ••••••• • • • • • 178 MIL.ITARV AIR TRANSPORT A,Rl..’P’T
United States Air Force Summer Research Program -- 1993. Volume 8. Phillips Laboratory
Research Program Phillips Laboratory Kirtland Air Force Base Albuquerque. New Mexico Sponsored by...Best Available Copy UNITED STATES AIR FORCE SUMMER RESEARCH PROGRAM -- 1993 SUMMER RESEARCH PROGRAM FINAL REPORTS VOLUME 8 PHILLIPS LABORATORY ...Alabama Box 870344 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0344 Final Report for: Graduate Student Research Program Phillips Laboratory , Hanscom AFB Sponsored by: Air
78 FR 32241 - U.S. Air Force Seeks Industry Input for National Security Space Launch Assessment
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Security Space Launch Assessment AGENCY: Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force for Space... that the United States Air Force, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force for Space.... Robert Long, 703-693-4978, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force for Space, 1670 Air...
Environmental Assessment for Kirtland Air Force Base Prairie Dog Management Program
such as chicken and small pox and is characterized by rashes, temperature at or above 99.3 degrees, chills and/or sweats, headache, backache...FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT PRAIRIE DOG MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AT KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NEW MEXICO The 377th Air Base Wing of Air Force Materiel...of African rodents, prairie dogs, and certain other animals. We are taking this action to prevent the spread of monkey pox , a communicable disease, in
Energy Horizons: A Science and Technology Vision for Air Force Energy
target energy as a center of gravity. To date , more than 3,000 American Sol- diers and contractors have been killed or wounded protecting supply...failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE APR 2012 2. REPORT TYPE...3. DATES COVERED 00-00-2012 to 00-00-2012 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Energy Horizons: A Science and Technology Vision for Air Force Energy 5a
STS-67 landing at Edwards Air Force Base
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The Space Shuttle Endeavour, after completing a mission of almost 17 days duration in space, touches down on runway 22 at Edwards Air Force Base in southern California. Landing occurred at 1:46 p.m. (EST), March 18, 1995. In this photo the nose gear is still in the air as the orbiter touches down.
77 FR 41165 - Notice of Meeting of the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Agricultural Air Quality Task Force AGENCY: Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: The Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Air Quality Task Force (AAQTF) will.../Concerns Discussion Continued discussion of goals for Task Force Anaerobic Digester Technologies Odor...
Separated from family, students chalk up their emotions > U.S. Air Force >
The Book Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games
New urgent care pilot program for Prime beneficiaries > U.S. Air Force >
The Book Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games
VCSAF, spouse take in Ramstein mission sets > U.S. Air Force > Article
The Book Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games
Institutional Memory and the US Air Force
38 | Air & Space Power Journal Institutional Memory and the US Air Force Lt Col Daniel J. Brown, USAF Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed...national defense. After each ad- vance is tested in combat, a new round of intellectual sparring commences regarding Summer 2016 | 39 Institutional Memory ...the service’s institutional memory of how it fights and what it fights with—the ways and means of war fighting. Critical to maintaining its
Range Environmental Assessment Overland Air Operations, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida
Level AICUZ Air Installation Compatible Use Zones ALANG Alabama Air National Guard ALARNG Alabama Army National Guard ASC Aeronautical Systems Center...7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (7 SFG): x 2 − Alabama Air National Guard ( ALANG ): x 2 − Other Units: x 2 − 53rd Wing (53 WG): x 1.5...N&P 3 6 CH47 CH-47D 2 4 C23 HS748 1 2 U28A JPATS 2 4 CASA212 HS748 1 2 ALANG UH60 UH60A 4 8 Total for R-2915A 7575 14293 R-2915B AFSOC A10 A
Report on the Audit of the Use of Mobile Computers -- Air Force
We are providing this final report on the Audit of the Use of Mobile Computers--Air Force for your review and comments. The audit was conducted from...November 1989 through August 1990. The audit was part of our review of the use of mobile computers throughout DoD. Our overall objectives were to...operate, and maintain. The audit showed that the Air Force needed to retain no more than 5 of the 18 TSS’s. This would save the Air Force $27.3 million (Enclosure 2).
AU/ACSC/2016 AIR COMMAND AND STAFF COLLEGE AIR UNIVERSITY AEROMEDICAL EVACUATION: CLINICALLY PREPARING AIR FORCE FLIGHT NURSES by Michael...15 Figure 6: Patient Movement Visibility……………………………………………………..……16 Figure 7: Clinical Flight Nursing Qualification Criteria...treating each patient’s malady. Flight nurses ensure patients receive safe transport and are treated with dignity. For military members required
AF presents fiscal year 2017 budget > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
B-52 Stratofortress joins coalition team > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
F-15s complete Hungarian deployment > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
Goldfein nominated as 21st CSAF > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
F-22 inaugural deployment to Europe > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
75 FR 48929 - Notice of Meeting of the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Agricultural Air Quality Task Force AGENCY: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), United States... Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711; (919) 541-5400. The Agricultural Air Quality Task Force (AAQTF) will meet to continue discussions on air quality issues relating to agriculture. Additionally, the Livestock...
78 FR 10127 - Request for Nominations to the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Conservation Service Request for Nominations to the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force AGENCY: Natural... Nominations to the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force. SUMMARY: The Secretary of Agriculture invites... Force (AAQTF) which was established by the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 to...
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing...Tactical Air Controller GIS Geographic Information System H2S hydrogen sulfide H3PO4 orthophosphoric acid H4P2O7 pyrophosphoric acid H5P3O10... Data .............................................................. 3-24 Final EA for White Phosphorus Rocket Use at Melrose Air Force Range, New
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ikehara, M.E.; McCaffrey, W.F.; Williams, J.S.
A U.S. Geological Survey report is presented giving information on the elevations of bench marks, observation wells, and production wells at Mather Air Force Base, Sacramento County, California, 1988.
Communicating Why: Aligning the Air Force Message
innovation as the Air Force’s HOW, after all the service could not have demonstrated its WHY without it. For example, Lt Col Jimmy Doolittle ...the Doolittle Raid.54 Later in the war, General Doolittle’s first order as the newly appointed commander of the 8th Air Force was to free the...fighters from their strict bomber tether so they could go on the offensive against the German fighters.55 As Doolittle later noted, the German General of
U.S. Air Force Posture Statement 2000
quality of life for all Air Force members assigned to the headquarters. It will fo- cus on cutting costs, eliminating redun- dancies, reducing work of...of life initia- tives at the base level are essential. We re- alize that while we recruit individuals, we retain families . Especially with so many...power and constant vigilance. Our world-class people make it work — they will always be our first priority. We are an expedi- tionary aerospace force
33 CFR 334.560 - Banana River at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.; restricted area.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Commander, 45th Space Wing, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, and such agencies as he/she may designate. [29... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Banana River at Patrick Air Force... River at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.; restricted area. (a) The area. The waters within an area...
33 CFR 334.560 - Banana River at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.; restricted area.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Commander, 45th Space Wing, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, and such agencies as he/she may designate. [29... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Banana River at Patrick Air Force... River at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.; restricted area. (a) The area. The waters within an area...
33 CFR 334.560 - Banana River at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.; restricted area.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... Commander, 45th Space Wing, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, and such agencies as he/she may designate. [29... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Banana River at Patrick Air Force... River at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.; restricted area. (a) The area. The waters within an area...
33 CFR 334.560 - Banana River at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.; restricted area.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Commander, 45th Space Wing, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, and such agencies as he/she may designate. [29... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Banana River at Patrick Air Force... River at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.; restricted area. (a) The area. The waters within an area...
33 CFR 165.768 - Security Zone; MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa Bay, FL.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Security Zone; MacDill Air Force....768 Security Zone; MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa Bay, FL. (a) Location. The following area is a... title. All waters within Tampa Bay, Florida in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force Base, including...
The United States Strategic Bombing Survey and Air Force Doctrine
a picture of Air Force doctrine after World War II. Published official Air Force doctrine is evaluated, but is not the sole source as it was tardy ...126. 21 Anderson’s Military Analysis Division had a similar response to the Naval Analysis Division’s report, The Philippines Campaign. Samples...of their response are shown below. Comment No. 2. This sentence concluded that the defeat in the Philippines campaign would constitute the final
meet state and U.S. Air Force (Air Force) environmental requirements for the use of cleaning products and washing systems; comply with Air Force and...and O/WSs • Use environmentally compliant cleaning products and wash systems • Be equipped with a credit card reader or similar device, to document... cleaning products and washing systems, including operating a covered O/WS within design capacity limits • Comply with Air Force and Department of
Air Force Academy Aeronautics Digest.
Farren, Glauert, R. H. Fowler , George Thomson, E . D. Adrian and Melvill Jones were certainly "Chudleighites." When I arrived at Farnborough I was put to... E . McCann, Lt. Colonel, USAF Director of Research, Studies, and Analysis UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF TIlS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE...NOS P ROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT E LE MENT NO. NO. NO. NO * 11 TITLE fInclude Secuity Clawiaiciceton) Air Force Academy Aeronautics Digest
Trips PM10E = .0022 * Trips COE = .262 * Trips Year 2010 and beyond: VOCE = .012 * Trips NOxE = .013 * Trips PM10E = .0022 * Trips COE...Air Force Base, Florida To convert from pounds per day to tons per year: VOC (tons/yr) = VOCE * DPYII/2000 NOx (tons/yr) = NOxE * DPYII/2000
What It Takes. Air Force Command of Joint Operations
Iraq Assistance Group IDE intermediate developmental education IO international organization ISAF International Security and Assistance Force ISR...Operations Table A.1—Continued Joint Task Force Mission/Operation Start End Service Command Rank JTF–Joint Area Support Group (JASG) Iraqi of interest to a wide group of Air Force personnel involved in the development and func- tion of the service’s command organizations, including
Supporting Air and Space Expeditionary Forces: Analysis of Combat Support Basing Options
Brooke et al., 2003. 13 For more information on Set Covering models, see Daskin , 1995. Analysis Methodology 43 Transportation Model. A detailed...This PDF document was made available from as a public service of the RAND Corporation. 6Jump down to document Visit RAND Explore RAND Project AIR FORCE View document details This document and trademark(s) contained herein are protected by law as indicated in a
A Sixty-Year Timeline of the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing Site
19.3 million dollar contract to Contraves USA to build the AEOS 3.67-m telescope. Site Management Duffner, 2009 May 1992 The Air Force approves...system. Site Management Oder, undated Dec 18 1996 Contraves completes factory testing of AEOS telescope at its plant in Pennsylvania...States. Dec 13 1991 The Air Force awards a $19.3 million dollar contract to Contraves USA to build the AEOS 3.67-m telescope. May 1992 The Air Force
Sections. March Air Force Base, Riverside, California, Combat Operations Center, ...
Sections. March Air Force Base, Riverside, California, Combat Operations Center, Combat Operations Building. By Moffatt and Nichol, Engineers, 122 West Fifth Street, Long Beach, California; for the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Office of the District Engineer, Los Angeles, California. Drawing no. AW-60-02-03, sheet no. 14, approved March, 1962; specifications no. ENG-04-353-62-66; D.O. series AW 1596/15, Rev. "A"; file drawer 1290. Last revised 3 October 1966. Scale one-eighth inch to one foot. 30x36 inches. pencil on paper - March Air Force Base, Strategic Air Command, Combat Operations Center, 5220 Riverside Drive, Moreno Valley, Riverside County, CA
Elevations. March Air Force Base, Riverside, California, Combat Operations Center, ...
Elevations. March Air Force Base, Riverside, California, Combat Operations Center, Combat Operations Building. By Moffatt and Nichol, Engineers, 122 West Fifth Street, Long Beach, California; for the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Office of the District Engineer, Los Angeles, California. Drawing no. AW-60-02-03, sheet no. 14, approved March, 1962; specifications no. ENG-04-353-62-66; D.O. series AW 1596/14, Rev. "B"; file drawer 77-1/102. Last revised 3 October 1966. Scale one-eighth inch to one foot. 30x36 inches. photocopy on paper - March Air Force Base, Strategic Air Command, Combat Operations Center, 5220 Riverside Drive, Moreno Valley, Riverside County, CA
Utility Building Plan, elevations and sections. March Air Force Base, ...
Utility Building Plan, elevations and sections. March Air Force Base, Riverside, California, COmbat Operations Center, Utility Building. By Moffatt and Nichol, Engineers, 122 West Fifth Street, Long Beach, California; for the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Office of the District Engineer, Los Angeles, California. Drawing no. AW-60-02-03, sheet no. 57, approved March, 1962; specifications no. ENG-04-353-62-66; D.O. series AW 1596/57, Rev. "B"; file drawer 1290. Last revised 3 October 1966 "drawings updated." Various scales. 29 x 41 inches. pencil on paper - March Air Force Base, Strategic Air Command, Utility Building, 5220 Riverside Drive, Moreno Valley, Riverside County, CA
Tough Tommy’s Space Force: General Thomas S. Power and the Air Force Space Program
public release by AU Security and Policy Review Office. TOUGH TOMMY’S SPACE FORCE GENERAL THOMAS S . POWER AND THE AIR FORCE SPACE PROGRAM 2007, a Master of Operational Art and Science from the Air Command and Staff College in 2015, and a Doctorate in Economic Development from New...without a college diploma, and a relic of a bygone era of barnstormers perhaps high on courage but low on intelligence.8 In history, Power was a “sadist
Charting the Course for a New Air Force Inspection System
are down the hall from 3 All normative or prescriptive statements in this section reflect statements we heard from Air Force personnel. reducing multiple forms. The responses we heard in the field tell us that the Air Force will achieve a better reception for MICT if its leadership first...primarily from the theory of High Reliability Organizations (HROs) pioneered by Karlene H. Roberts,9 whose work owed a great deal to the same body of
Characteristics of Child Sexual Abuse in the United States Air Force.
68 CHILD ABUSE IN MILITARY AND CIVILIAN COMMUNITIES ............................. 72 SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF IMPLICATIONS OF THE LITERATURE...AND CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE IN THE AIR FORCE ............... 86 LABELING THEORY ........................... 87 CHILD ABUSE AND THE LABELING PERSPECTIVE...and, case status) of the reports of child sexual abuse made to the Family Advocacy Program (the Air Force’s program for dealing with child abuse --this
Methodology for Constructing a Modernization Roadmap for Air Force Automatic Test Systems
Constructing a Modernization Roadmap for Air Force Automatic Test Systems Lionel A. Galway , Rachel Rue, James M. Masters, Ben D. Van Roo, Manuel...constructing a modernization roadmap for Air Force automatic test systems / Lionel A. Galway ... [et al.]. p. cm. Includes bibliographical...references. ISBN 978-0-8330-5899-7 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. United States. Air Force—Weapons systems—Testing. I. Galway , Lionel A., 1950- UG633.M3445
Rescuing Joint Personnel Recovery: Using Air Force Capability to Address Joint Shortfalls
of an IP, the IP is not successfully reintegrated or the lessons learned are not incorporated into other operations. Adversaries will benefit from...Washington, D.C.: Office of Air Force History , United States Air Force, 1980, 117. 47 Durant , Michael J. In the Company of Heroes, Penguin Group... Lessons Learned, 22 September 2005, 3. 2 US Joint Task Force Katrina. The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina Lessons Learned, February 2006, 54
Reed, Mike; Kimberger, Oliver; McGovern, Paul D; Albrecht, Mark C
Forced-air warming devices are effective for the prevention of surgical hypothermia. However, these devices intake nonsterile floor-level air, and it is unknown whether they have adequate filtration measures to prevent the internal buildup or emission of microbial contaminants. We rated the intake filtration efficiency of a popular current-generation forced-air warming device (Bair Hugger model 750, Arizant Healthcare) using a monodisperse sodium chloride aerosol in the laboratory. We further sampled 23 forced-air warming devices (same model) in daily hospital use for internal microbial buildup and airborne-contamination emissions via swabbing and particle counting. Laboratory testing found the intake filter to be 63.8% efficient. Swabbing detected microorganisms within 100% of the forced-air warming blowers sampled, with isolates of coagulase-negative staphylococci, mold, and micrococci identified. Particle counting showed 96% of forced-air warming blowers to be emitting significant levels of internally generated airborne contaminants out of the hose end. These findings highlight the need for upgraded intake filtration, preferably high-efficiency particulate air filtration (99.97% efficient), on current-generation forced-air warming devices to reduce contamination buildup and emission risks.
Developing a Model for Assigning Senior Officers in the Brazilian Air Force
Federativa do Brasil 2014)................................................... 3 Figure 2. Distribution of senior officers by specialty (after Presidente da...República Federativa do Brasil 2014)................................................... 4 Figure 3. Simplified layout of the Brazilian Air Force...Specialties and ranks in the Brazilian Air Force (after Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil 2014
32 CFR 644.327 - Air Force military real property.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Air Force military real property. 644.327 Section 644.327 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (CONTINUED) REAL PROPERTY REAL ESTATE HANDBOOK Disposal Procedure for Placing Real Property in Excess Status § 644.327 Air...
Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 32-70, Environmental Quality ( July 20, 1994); and Air Force Instruction (AFI) 32-7064, Integrated Natural Resources...Environmental Conservation Program; Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 32-70, Environmental Quality ( July 20, 1994); and Air Force Instruction (AFI...thunderstorms occur in the late spring to summer months along the Front Range and can result in flash flood conditions (greatest potential in July and August
doctrine, especially joint doctrine. Because of this we make mistakes. I believe that the Air Force needs to develop a formal doctrinallo education...jresenteo arguments for all three points of view, but ne was particularly critical of tne educacional system within tae United States military. He said tnat
Air Force Training: Further Analysis and Planning Needed to Improve Effectiveness
training, and (3) established virtual training plans that include desirable characteristics of a comprehensive strategy. GAO reviewed Air Force training...requirements may not reflect current and emerging training needs, because the Air Force has not comprehensively reassessed the assumptions underlying them...include all desirable characteristics of a comprehensive strategy, such as a risk-based investment strategy or a time line for addressing training needs
Bring Me Men: Intertextual Identity Formation at the US Air Force Academy
equivalent performance from the alienated gender was a surprise rather than an expectation; the "Women in the Air Force" display is a two panel glass...note card I held at eyelevel in front of me trying to memorize. The bus stopped before I could memorize all the information about General Butler , Class...the Wing is performed only twice in a cadet’s career; once after successful completion of Basic Cadet Training when the new Fourth Classmen
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kimzey, Reed T.; Prince, Samuel M. O.
The thesis discusses the advantages and disadvantages of one work force scheduling technique--flextime. The authors were interested in determining if a flextime schedule could be put into effect in a governmental organization such as Headquarters Air Force Logistics Command (AFLC). The study objectives were to determine the feasibility,…
78 FR 59343 - Meeting of the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... of the Air Force AGENCY: Director of Administration and Management, DoD. ACTION: Notice of Advisory... following Federal Advisory Committee meeting of the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force... Commission on the Structure of the Air Force, 1950 Defense Pentagon, Room 3A874, Washington, DC 20301-1950...
KC-46 team wins DOD environmental award > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games Portraits in Courage
Reasons for Using and Not Using Air Force Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs
February 2, 11 Draft Report: February 24 I I 1-2 I 1.2 SURVEY APPROACH This study supplies information on MWR usage and underlying motivations ...objective was to complete interviews with 500 officers and 500 enlisted personnel whose distribution exactly matched the distribution of the original...insured the distribution of the 1000 completed interviews across the strata matched the distribution of all Air Force personnel. The data collection
Facilities and the Air Force Systems Acquisition Process.
INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (it applicable) Sc. ADDRESS (City. State and ZIP Code) 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NOS. PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT...L- . - - - CHAP T-F< I P f),DUCTr JOti The Air Force is in the midst of its most extensive peacetime force modernization programs ...will answer the following ques- tions: a. Are facility requirements anticipated and ade- quatel% scoped during the early phase of program development so
Air Force Strategic Planning: Past, Present, and Future
understanding the policy environment; encouraging ideas from the bottom; starting the strategy from the top; keeping the message succinct, substantive, and...Force became a separate and equal service, it developed a reputation for innovative thinking. Starting in the aftermath of World War I, American...least long-range programmatic planning and resource allocation) proved fortuitous. Starting in the early 1980s, the Air Force also needed to plan how
Forced air heat sink apparatus
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rippel, Wally E. (Inventor)
A high efficiency forced air heat sink assembly employs a split feed transverse flow configuration to minimize the length of the air flow path through at least two separated fin structures. Different embodiments use different fin structure material configurations including honeycomb, corrugated and serpentine. Each such embodiment uses a thermally conductive plate having opposed exterior surfaces; one for receiving a component to be cooled and one for receiving the fin structures. The serpentine structured fin embodiment employs a plurality of fin supports extending from the plate and forming a plurality of channels for receiving the fin structures. A high thermal conductivity bondant, such as metal-filled epoxy, may be used to bond the fin structures to either the plate or the fin supports. Dip brazing and soldering may also be employed depending upon the materials selected.
Pleistocene/Early-Holocene Prehistory (12,000 to 7,000 BP). The Lake Mojave Period in the southwestern Great Basin comprises a regional manifestation...adaptive patterns with focal exploitation of such habitats (Tetra Tech 2010). Middle-Holocene Prehistory (8,000 to 4,000 BP). Succeeding Lake Mojave in the...Security Fence at Edwards Air Force Base, California Late Holocene Prehistory (4,000 to Contact). With return to more “favorable” environmental
NPDES Permit for Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station in Colorado
Under NPDES permit CO-0034762, the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station is authorized to discharge from the interior storm drainage system and air exhaust stacks at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in El Paso County, Colorado, to tributaries Fountain Creek.
Air Force Command and Control: The Path Ahead. Volume 1: Summary
benefits of an integrated approach to implementation. The organization, management, and process are not in place to carry out the evolution in...critical support for successful EAF operations. 9 Air Force Space Operations Center (AFSPACE) AOC. The 14th Air Force AFSPACE AOC is an in- place ...right times and places , so that they can pass consistent data that convert to shared understanding, ultimately producing cooperative decision making
Rand Project AIR FORCE Annual Report 2010
LLC Michael Lynton, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sony Pictures Entertainment Ronald L. Olson, Partner, Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP Paul, and his Air Force career centered on research. Even a shared love of music finds them in different parts of the orchestra, with Ray as a
Considering the Audience: Air Force Recruiting Presentations
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Malone, Darek L.
Each Air Force recruiter is formally trained in public speaking and the art of salesmanship or persuasion. These recruiters communicate to thousands of high school students each year through presentations in classrooms, auditoriums and other venues as part of their assigned duties. Persuasive presentations are public speaking events specifically…
76 FR 52932 - Notice of Meeting of the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Natural Resources Conservation Service Notice of Meeting of the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force AGENCY: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: The Agricultural Air Quality Task Force (AAQTF) will meet to continue discussions on...
Training augmentation device for the Air Force satellite Control Network
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Shoates, Keith B.
From the 1960's and into the early 1980's satellite operations and control were conducted by Air Force Systems Command (AFSC), now Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), out of the Satellite Control Facility at Onizuka AFB, CA. AFSC was responsible for acquiring satellite command and control systems and conducting routine satellite operations. The daily operations, consisting of satellite health and status contacts and station keeping activities, were performed for AFSC by a Mission Control Team (MCT) staffed by civilian contractors who were responsible for providing their own technically 'qualified' personnel as satellite operators. An MCT consists of five positions: mission planner, ground controller, planner analyst, orbit analyst, and ranger controller. Most of the training consisted of On-the-Job-Training (OJT) with junior personnel apprenticed to senior personnel until they could demonstrate job proficiency. With most of the satellite operators having 15 to 25 years of experience, there was minimal risk to the mission. In the mid 1980's Air Force Space Command (AFSPACOM) assumed operational responsibility for a newly established control node at Falcon AFB (FAFB) in CO. The satellites and ground system program offices (SPO's) are organized under AFSC's Space and Missiles Systems Center (SMC) to function as a systems engineering and acquisition agency for AFSPACECOM. The collection of the satellite control nodes, ground tracking stations, computer processing equipment, and connecting communications links is referred to as the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN).
Air pollution radiative forcing from specific emissions sectors at 2030
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Unger, Nadine; Shindell, Drew T.; Koch, Dorothy M.; Streets, David G.
Reduction of short-lived air pollutants can contribute to mitigate global warming in the near-term with ancillary benefits to human health. However, the radiative forcings of short-lived air pollutants depend on the location and source type of the precursor emissions. We apply the Goddard Institute for Space Studies atmospheric composition-climate model to quantify near-future (2030 A1B) global annual mean radiative forcing by ozone (O3) and sulfate from six emissions sectors in seven geographic regions. At 2030 the net forcings from O3, sulfate, black and organic carbon, and indirect CH4 effects for each emission sector are (in mWm-2) biomass burning, +95; domestic, +68; transportation, +67; industry, -131; and power, -224. Biomass burning emissions in East Asia and central and southern Africa, domestic biofuel emissions in East Asia, south Asia, and central and southern Africa, and transportation emissions in Europe and North America have large net positive forcings and are therefore attractive targets to counter global warming. Power and industry emissions from East Asia, south Asia, and north Africa and the Middle East have large net negative forcings. Therefore air quality control measures that affect these regional sectors require offsetting climate measures to avoid a warming impact. Linear relationships exist between O3 forcing and biomass burning and domestic biofuel CO precursor emissions independent of region with sensitivity of +0.2 mWm-2/TgCO. Similarly, linear relationships exist between sulfate forcing and SO2 precursor emissions that depend upon region but are independent of sector with sensitivities ranging from -3 to -12 mWm-2/TgS.
Strapping in and Bailing out: Navy and Air Force Joint Acquisition of Aircraft
Secretary of the Air Force and the Secretary of Defense were not pleased with the attempted shenanigans . With the rarely invoked contractor review...December 14, 1990. Tarascio, Colonel John R., Director of Budget & Appropriations Liaison, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force ( Financial Management
The United States Air Force Academy: A Bibliography: 1968 - 1972
Hist - Aerospace Historian Aero Med - Aerospace Medicine Air Reservist Airman America Armed Forces Compt - Armed Forces Comptroller Armed Forces for aviary medicine . Airman 15:48, May 1971. 235 Jeans, Kit. Children learn at Academy school--CHAP pro- gram. AF Times 30:26, 29 Apr...Indoctrination 10355 Merit lists 10356 Organization 10330 Wing strength 10354 Marihuana incidents 10912 Marriage of cadet 10326
Support Air and Space Expeditionary Forces. Analysis of Combat Support Basing Options
Mahyar A . Amouzegar, Robert S. Tripp, Ronald G. McGarve Edward W Chan C. Robert Roll, Jr. _77 Ap L_ L; Reý PROJECT AIR FORCE - Supporting Air and Space...Expeditionary Forces Analysis of Combat Support Basing Options Mahyar A . Amouzegar Robert S. Tripp Ronald G. McGarvey Edward W. Chan C. Robert basing options / Mahyar A . Amouzegar ... [et al. p. cm. "’MG-261." Indudes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-8330-3675-0 (pbk.) 1. Air bases
Evaluation and review of the safety management system implementation in the Royal Thai Air Force
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chaiwan, Sakkarin
This study was designed to determine situation and effectiveness of the safety management system currently implemented in the Royal Thai Air Force. Reviewing the ICAO's SMS and the RTAF's SMS was conducted to identify similarities and differences between the two safety management systems. Later, the researcher acquired safety statistics from the RTAF Safety Center to investigate effectiveness of its safety system. The researcher also collected data to identify other factors affecting effectiveness of the safety system during conducting in-depth interviews. Findings and Conclusions: The study shows that the Royal Thai Air Force has never applied the International Civil Aviation Organization's Safety management System to its safety system. However, the RTAF's SMS and the ICAO's SMS have been developed based on the same concepts. These concepts are from Richard H. Woods's book, Aviation safety programs: A management handbook. However, the effectiveness of the Royal Thai Air Force's safety system is in good stance. An accident rate has been decreasing regularly but there are no known factors to describe the increasing rate, according to the participants' opinion. The participants have informed that there are many issues to be resolved to improve the RTAF's safety system. Those issues are cooperation among safety center's staffs, attitude toward safety of the RTAF senior commanders, and safety standards.
The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test: Validity, Fairness, and Bias. Technical Report
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hardison, Chaitra M.; Sims, Carra S.; Wong, Eunice C.
The Air Force has long recognized the importance of selecting the most qualified officers possible. For more than 60 years, it has relied on the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) as one measure of those qualifications. A variety of concerns have been raised about whether the AFOQT is biased, too expensive, or even valid for predicting…
DEM/88S- 1 AN ANALYSIS OF AIR FORCE SERVICE CONTRACT CASES APPEALED TO THE ARMED SERVICES BOARD OF CONTRACT APPEALS THESIS Diane L. Bowden First...CONTRACT CASES APPEALED TO THE ARMED SERVICES BOARD OF CONTRACT APPEALS THESIS Presented to the Faculty of the School of Systems and Logistics of the Air...analyze, and condense information that might be useful to contracting and contract management personnel. Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals
form of weapons cleaning products and wastes. State of Florida and Air Force regulations have been implemented 05/31/05 Final Environmental Assessment...Forces Complex will generate hazardous materials in the form of weapons cleaning products and wastes. Break-Free CLP Liquid is a cleaner, lubricant
Air Force Groundwater Contamination Cleanup: An Evaluation of the Pump- and-Treat Method.
Other contaminants commonly detected at Air Force installations are benzene, mercury , pesticides, polychlori- nated biphenyls (PCBs), and Toxaphene...the air base experienced a 3000 gallon fuel (JP-4) spill at Fire Training Area 5 and contracted the DETOX company to conduct cleanup operations. After...several months of pumping, DETOX estimated that only 300 gallons of the fuel had been recovered. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, unsatisfied with
Air Force Journal of Logistics. Volume XXIII, Number 4, Winter 1999
needs of the Air Force. 2. Uses existing software developed by base-level Air Force Reserve Command units as a benchmark. MSgt Maura A. Barton, DSN... Maura A. Barton, DSN 596-4581 Follow-on Technical Support for the Weapons Load Crew Management Program LM199812000—Consulting Study 1. Ensures the... Kelly AFB, an aging munitions infrastructure, and current runway restrictions for airlift aircraft make the future of that STAMP location uncertain
Investigation of Ground Water Pollution at Air Force Plant Number 4, Fort Worth Texas
Dbtibz~o Ud~mxtm!UCTtq! - INVESTIGATION OF GROUND WATER POLLUTION AT - AIR FORCE PLANT NO. 4 FORT WORTH, TEXAS REPORT TO - UNITED STATES AIR FORCE...performed at the plant : Three pairs of Paluxy monitoring wells weze drilled along the south boundary of the plant to determine if pollutants discovered in...a nonhazardous dye tracer in selected wells. v U, INVESTIGATION OF POLLUTION OF GROUND WATER IN THE PALUXY AQUIFER AT AIR FORCE PLANT NO. 4, FORT
United States Air Force Hearing Conservation Program, Annual Report for Calendar Year 2016
Program (HCP) section prepares an annual status report on the USAF HCP in accordance with Air Force Instruction 48-127, Occupational Noise and Hearing...Conservation Program, Section, and Department of Defense Instruction 6055.12, Hearing Conservation Program. This report covers calendar year...covers information regarding software implementation status, HCP effectiveness metrics, to include an overview of a few standard reports currently available in the DOEHRS-HC DR database, and our recommendations.
Air Force Policy for Advanced Education: Production of Human Capital or Cheap Signals?
is not prima facie evidence that all on-base and distance-learning graduate programs offered to military members are devoid of any production of...then becomes whether or not most officers engaged in vol untary off- duty education programs do so to augment their promotion opportunities or to...their capability to perform the duties of the next rank. However, members of the board do not have information such as IQ, Air Force Officer Qualifying
Forced-Air Warmers and Surgical Site Infections in Patients Undergoing Knee or Hip Arthroplasty.
Austin, Paul N
The majority of the evidence indicates preventing inadvertent perioperative hypothermia reduces the incidence of many perioperative complications. Among the results of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia are increased bleeding, myocardial events, impaired wound healing, and diminished renal function. Most researchers agree there is an increased incidence of surgical site infections in patients who experience inadvertent perioperative hypothermia. Forced-air warming is effective in preventing inadvertent perioperative hypothermia. Paradoxically, forced-air warmers have been implicated in causing surgical site infections in patients undergoing total knee or hip arthroplasty. The results of investigations suggest these devices harbor pathogens and cause unwanted airflow disturbances. However, no significant increases in bacterial counts were found when forced-air warmers were used according to the manufacturer's directions. The results of one study suggested the incidence of surgical site infections in patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty was increased when using a forced-air warmer. However these researchers did not control for other factors affecting the incidence of surgical site infections in these patients. Current evidence does not support forced-air warmers causing surgical site infections in patients undergoing total knee or hip arthroplasty. Clinicians must use and maintain these devices as per the manufacturer's directions. They may consider using alternative warming methods. Well-conducted studies are needed to help determine the role of forced-air warmers in causing infections in these patients.
International Cooperation with Partner Air Forces
AND HEALTH CARE INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS NATIONAL SECURITY POPULATION AND AGING PUBLIC SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SUBSTANCE ABUSE TERRORISM AND...bibliographical references. “MG-203.” ISBN 978-0-8330-4571-3 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Combined operations (Military science ) 2. United States. Air Force. 3...Military relations—Foreign countries. 7. Military art and science —International cooperation. I. Moroney, Jennifer D. P., 1973– U260.I53 2009
Project Air Force, Annual Report 2003
to Simulate Personnel Retention The CAPM system is based on a simple assumption about employee retention: A rational individual faced with the...analysis to certain parts of the force. CAPM keeps a complete record of the assumptions , policies, and data used for each scenario. Thus decisionmakers...premises and assumptions . Instead, the Commission concluded that space is a separate oper- ating arena equivalent to the air, land, and maritime
The Air Force Aviation Investment Challenge
7 Procurement percentage excludes modification funding. 8 IOC from Department of Defense, Annual Aviation Inventory and Funding Plan, Fiscal Years...its engineering and manufacturing development phase, is projected to triple over the course of the FYDP. 9 The newer programs begin with relatively...Through a Non-Air Force Budget As part of its markup of the Navy’s proposed FY2015 budget, Congress created the National Sea- Based Deterrence Fund
76 FR 75453 - Restricted Areas and Danger Zones at Eglin Air Force Base, FL
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... and Danger Zones at Eglin Air Force Base, FL AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of... within the Eglin Air Force Base (AFB) facilities and along the Eglin AFB facility shoreline in Florida... have the permission of the Commander, 96 Air Base Wing, Eglin AFB or his/her authorized representative...
Resilient Airmen: Pacific Air Forces’ Critical Enabler
VIEWS T he sun never sets on Pacific Air Forces (PACAF). From Alaska to Antarctica and from California to India, PACAF’s area of re- sponsibility...and defend US interests. This article not only addresses the meaning of resiliency but also-and more importantly-examines why it is critical demonstrates how the RA LOO is part of larger, strategic game plan to inject resiliency into our entire force structure as a means of fulfilling
VIEW, FRONT ELEVATION, LOOKING SOUTH-SOUTHEAST - Mountain Home Air Force Base 1958 Senior Officers' Housing, Colonel's Residence, Tuck Street (originally Locust Street), Mountain Home, Elmore County, ID
10 31984 . PREPARED FOR UNITED STATES AIR FORCE OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH LABORATORY BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TEXAS 78235 ,,c.’p! ed di...Force August 1984 Occupational and Environmental Health Laboratory I3 NUMBER OF PAGES Aerospace Medical Division (AFSC) 249 total pages• ~~Brooks Air...PROGRAM BACKGROUND i-I 1.2 FACILITY HISTORY 1-3 1.3 DISPOSAL SITE DESCRIPTIONS 1-b 1.4 PROJECT STAFF 1-20 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 2-1 2.1 METEOROLOGY 2-1
NORAD, USNORTHCOM and the Mexican Air Force to participate in AMALGAM EAGLE
. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), will participate, with the Mexican Air Force, in AMALGAM EAGLE 15, a the Mexican Air Force to participate in AMALGAM EAGLE 15 N-NC Public Affairs PRINT | E-MAIL PETERSON tactical exercise, to be conducted Jun.30 - Jul.2, 2015, in which Mexico and the United States will respond
Michigan/Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Collaborative Center in Control Science (MACCCS)
AFRL-RQ-WP-TR-2016-0139 MICHIGAN/AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY (AFRL) COLLABORATIVE CENTER IN CONTROL SCIENCE (MACCCS) Anouck Girard...Final 18 April 2007 – 30 September 2016 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE MICHIGAN/AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY (AFRL) COLLABORATIVE CENTER IN CONTROL SCIENCE...and amplify an internationally recognized center of excellence in control science research and education, through interaction between the faculty and
STS-92 - Landing at Edwards Air Force Base
With its drag parachute deployed to help slow it down, the Space Shuttle Discovery rolls down the runway after landing at Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California at the conclusion of mission STS-92 on October 24, 2000.
Installation Restoration Program Records Search for Langley Air Force Base, Virginia
Septic Tanks at Langley Air Force Base 12 Location of Oil /Water Separators at Langley Air Force Base 13 Location Map of Possible Contaminated Area at...No. J.) and old vehicle dumping area (Site No. 15). A-17 Location of old underground fuel lines--possible oil -saturated area. vi FIGURES--Continued A...18 Location of old wastewater treatment plant at the Main Base Area (Site No. 2). A-19 Location of old underground oil storage tanks-possible oil
and John Yaccino, DDS Abstract Introduction: The Air Force Dental Service (AFDS) has established evidence-based treatment standards for endodontics...and cuspal coverage restorations (4-6). With this research, the Air Force Dental Service (AFDS) established evidence-based treatment standards for...endodontics to ensure Airmen receive high-quality, safe dental care (7). These standards are taught at the two Air Force (AF) Postgraduate Endodontic
4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Final Environmental Assessment for Low-Level Flight Testing, Evaluation, and Training, Edwards Air Force Base 5a. CONTRACT...NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Air Force Flight Test Center,Environmental Management Directorate,Edwards AFB,CA,93524 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT...DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT The U.S. Air Force Flight Test
78 FR 63459 - Names of Members of the Performance Review Board for the Department of the Air Force
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
.... Air Force are: 1. Board President--Gen Shelton, Commander, Air Force Space Command 2. Lt Gen... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force Names of Members of the Performance Review Board for the Department of the Air Force ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: Notice is given of the names of members...
Review of wildlife resources of Vandenberg Air Force Base, California
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Breininger, David R.
Wildlife resources are reviewed for purposes of developing a Base Biological Monitoring Program (BMP) for Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) in Santa Barbara County, California. The review and recommendations were prepared by review of applicable scientific literature and environmental documents for VAFB, discussing information needs with natural resource management professionals at VAFB, and observations of base field conditions. This process found that there are 29 federally listed vertebrates (endangered, threatened, or Category 2) that occur or may occur in the vicinity of VAFB. There are also 63 other state listed or regionally declining species that may occur in the vicinity of VAFB. Habitats of VAFB represent a very valuable environmental resource for rare and declining wildlife in California. However, little information is available on VAFB wildlife resources other than lists of species that occur or are expected to occur. Recommendations are presented to initiate a long-term wildlife monitoring program at VAFB to provide information for environmental impact assessment and wise land use planning.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... adjacent to Santa Rosa Island, Air Force Proving Ground Command, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. 334.710 Section... Santa Rosa Island, Air Force Proving Ground Command, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. (a) The restricted area... regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Commander, Air Force Proving Ground Command, Eglin Air...
Anthropometry of Brazilian Air Force pilots.
da Silva, Gilvan V; Halpern, Manny; Gordon, Claire C
Anthropometric data are essential for the design of military equipment including sizing of aircraft cockpits and personal gear. Currently, there are no anthropometric databases specific to Brazilian military personnel. The aim of this study was to create a Brazilian anthropometric database of Air Force pilots. The methods, protocols, descriptions, definitions, landmarks, tools and measurements procedures followed the instructions outlined in Measurer's Handbook: US Army and Marine Corps Anthropometric Surveys, 2010-2011 - NATICK/TR-11/017. The participants were measured countrywide, in all five Brazilian Geographical Regions. Thirty-nine anthropometric measurements related to cockpit design were selected. The results of 2133 males and 206 females aged 16-52 years constitute a set of basic data for cockpit design, space arrangement issues and adjustments, protective gear and equipment design, as well as for digital human modelling. Another important implication is that this study can be considered a starting point for reducing gender bias in women's career as pilots. Practitioner Summary: This paper describes the first large-scale anthropometric survey of the Brazilian Air Force pilots and the development of the related database. This study provides critical data for improving aircraft cockpit design for ergonomics and comprehensive pilot accommodation, protective gear and uniform design, as well as digital human modelling.
U.S. Air Force > About Us > Observances
Media Sites Site Registration Contact Us Search Highlights APIM-Rotator Womens History Month African American History Month posters African American History Month Asian American Pacific Islander . (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Will McCrary/Released). USAFE band member discovers family history
78 FR 26758 - U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board; Notice of Meeting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Board (SAB) meeting will take place 25 June 2013 at the Secretary of the Air Force Technical and... States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board should submit a written statement in accordance with 41 CFR... in this paragraph. Written statements can be submitted to the Designated Federal Officer at the...
An Analysis of the Populations of the Air Force's Medical and Professional Officer Corps.
Keating, Edward G; Massey, Hugh G; Mele, Judith D; Mundell, Benjamin F
Since the advent of the all-volunteer force, one of the foremost personnel challenges of the U.S. Air Force has been recruiting and retaining an adequate number of medical and professional officers in the Air Force's seven medical and professional officer corps: the Biomedical Sciences Corps (BSC), the Chaplain Corps, the Dental Corps, the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps (attorneys), the Medical Corps (physicians), the Medical Service Corps (MSC), and the Nurse Corps. For each of these corps, there are highly similar jobs in the private sector, so attracting and retaining these corps' officers is a constant challenge. This article analyzes all seven Air Force medical and professional officer corps and their relative statuses with regard to end strengths, accession levels, promotion flow, and attrition since the late 1970s. The authors find that recent accession and retention trends have been most adverse in the Air Force's Nurse Corps, while the MSC and the JAG Corps appear to have the most stable populations.
Fairchild takes in evacuated McConnell KC-135s > U.S. Air Force > Article
The Book Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games
32 CFR 644.392 - Air Force-preliminary report of excess.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2014-07-01 2013-07-01 true Air Force-preliminary report of excess. 644.392... PROPERTY REAL ESTATE HANDBOOK Disposal Predisposal Action § 644.392 Air Force—preliminary report of excess... Armed Services Committees of the Congress.) When the preliminary real estate disposal directive is...
Defense DODAF Department of Defense Architecture Framework DOE design of experiment EMMI energy , mass, material wealth, information FNF fire and... energy or blast power (depending on the type of projectile). Tank munitions have significant penetrative ability and can cause serious damage to...survivability of ground combat vehicles during ground force maneuver operations. The simulation results indicated that the presence of air defense
32 CFR 643.122 - Reserve facilities-Air Force and Navy use.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Reserve facilities-Air Force and Navy use. 643... Force and Navy use. MACOM may approve local agreements with other Army, DOD, and Reserve elements... Force or Navy Reserve, or which involve a transfer of funds between services for other than minor...
A Job-Oriented Reading Program for the Air Force: Development and Field Evaluation.
spent in a conventional classroom setting, working on word power and phonics. At the end of the week, a diagnostic test is administered and the...and " soft " systems procedures in the Air Force. 3. The candidate career fields should have a large number of job incumbents, and be well represented...written information on page 47, where does the integral brake system obtain braking power ?". For an example of a complete Narrative worksheet, see Figure
F-22 Operational Squadron and T-38 Detachment Beddown at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida
tactics, radar employment, identification, weapons employment, defensive response, electronic countermeasures, and electronic counter...use, and electronic countermeasures. Warning Area, MOA, and ATCAA 2,000 AGL to 60,000 MSL 0.75 to 1.5 hour (Dissimilar) Air Combat...night), air refueling, and strike-force rendezvous, conducting air-to-ground strikes, strike force defense and escort, air intercepts, electronic
Retrieved from awst on multiple occasions. Baron, Kevin. “Retiring Air Force...Defense. January 2011a. -----. “The Evolution of PRC Air Power.” Second Line of Defense. January 2011b. 70 Drew, Donald R . and others
19M I Prepared for: The Surgeon General ~, United States Air Force Washington, D.C. 20314 USAF SCHOOL OF AEROSPACE MEDICINE Brooks Air Force Base...School of Aerospace Medicine , Aerospace Medical Division, AFSC, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, under job order 2767-00-01. la When Government drawings...Wolfe. Ljeujenant; Colonel, USAF. M C S F. IlFONMING ORGANIZATION NAMS AND AODRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASKUSAF School of Aerospace Medicine
Resistive-heating or forced-air warming for the prevention of redistribution hypothermia.
De Witte, Jan L; Demeyer, Caroline; Vandemaele, Els
We evaluated the efficacy of resistive-heating or forced-air warming versus no prewarming, applied before induction of anesthesia for prevention of hypothermia. Twenty-seven patients scheduled for laparoscopic colorectal surgery were randomized into 1 of 3 groups: no prewarming; 30 minutes of prewarming with a carbon fiber total body cover at 42 degrees C; or 30 minutes of preoperative forced-air warming at 42 degrees C. The forced-air warming cover excluded the shoulders, ankles, and feet. The prewarming period was exactly 30 minutes. At the 31st minute, a total IV anesthesia technique was initiated, and all patients were actively warmed with a lithotomy blanket. Tympanic and distal esophageal temperatures were measured. Categorical data were analyzed using chi(2) test, and continuous data were analyzed with analysis of variance. P <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The mean esophageal temperatures differed significantly between the control and the carbon fiber group from 40 to 90 minutes of anesthesia. After 50 minutes of anesthesia, the mean esophageal temperatures in the control, carbon fiber, and forced-air groups were 35.9 degrees C +/- 0.3 degrees C, 36.5 degrees C +/- 0.4 degrees C, and 36.2 degrees C +/- 0.3 degrees C, respectively. No statistically significant difference was found between the forced-air and control groups. After 30 minutes of prewarming with resistive heating, patients had an esophageal temperature that was significantly higher than the control group. Prewarming should be considered part of the anesthetic management when patients are at risk for postoperative hypothermia.
The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia: Tactical Airlift
in the upper panhandle, resulted in near- disaster . Ten Air Force and eight Air America helicopters successfully inserted the two hundred- man assault...details at squadron level, and the dilemma of the leader tempering his zeal for the mission with the knowledge that one accident resulting from hundred resupply flights daily. Twenty French battalions in Laos. meanwhile, became entirely dependent on air supply as a result of fresh
A Case for Air Force Reorganization
overstaffing problem exists, sev- eral theories lend insight into why and how this overgrowth occurs. Noted German sociologist Max Weber discusses...USAF Almanac, 1980,” May 1980; “2010 USAF Almanac”; and “Air Force Strength from FY 1948–2012.” 9. Max Weber , On Charisma and Institution Building...MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1957), 67. 22. Max Weber , The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, trans. A. M. Henderson and
Year of the Air Force Family: 2009 Survey of Active-Duty Spouses
E. Norwood, eds., Emotional Aftermath of the Persian Gulf War : Veterans, Families, Communities, and Nations, Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric...illness). Additional questions measured other items of interest. The Air Force devotes a great deal of resources toward recreational programs and...closing 973 37 6 Year of the Air Force Family: 2009 Survey of Active-Duty Spouses Using the American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR
Design of a National Skills Market Model for Air Force Enlisted Personnel
specific occupations, rather than merely by industrial sector, labor market behavior could be more clearly related to specific Air Force specialties. The ...distinguishable but related purposes. First, it is desired as an adjunct to the Integrated Simulation Evaluation Model (ISEM) currently being...corn- puter simulation model of the Air Force Manpower and Personnel System (AFM&PS) that integrates the behavioral relationships deter- mining the
77 FR 35365 - U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Notice of Meeting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Board (SAB) meeting will take place 27-28 June 2012 at the Secretary of the Air Force Technical and... to provide input to the United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board should submit a written... Act and the procedures described in this paragraph. Written statements can be submitted to the...
77 FR 51526 - U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board; Notice of Meeting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Board (SAB) meeting will take place 11-12 September 2012 at the Secretary of the Air Force Technical and... States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board should submit a written statement in accordance with 41 CFR... in this paragraph. Written statements can be submitted to the Designated Federal Officer at the...
32 CFR 644.392 - Air Force-preliminary report of excess.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Air Force-preliminary report of excess. 644.392 Section 644.392 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (CONTINUED) REAL PROPERTY REAL ESTATE HANDBOOK Disposal Predisposal Action § 644.392 Air Force—preliminary report of excess...
Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio: Air Force Institute of Technology, 1972. Williams , Robert Leon, A Review of the “Should Cost” Process and Management Issues...We thank William Bartlebaugh of the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency; David Dudley of the Air Force Electronics System Center; Tommy Gilbert of Warner...better performance. The program experienced large cost overruns. Air Force Deputy for Management Systems A. Ernest Fitzgerald, on the staff of the
Innovating to integrate the intangibles into the learning Air Force.
Hazen, Benjamin T; Weigel, Fred K; Overstreet, Robert E
United States federal law and other regulations require the US military services to provide professional military education to their forces. Meeting that requirement will become increasingly difficult with the absence of a federal government budget, significant cuts to defense spending, and expected future cuts to both defense spending and manpower. Additionally, the operations tempo remains high despite the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and the planned withdrawal from Afghanistan. The resulting time and budget constraints will likely make it more difficult for the services to provide every member with the opportunity to compete for positions in coveted in-residence professional military education programs. Thus, the Air Force is considering a new lifetime learning approach to professional military education. As the Air Force seeks to develop its new paradigm, we must understand what benefits of the current system should be retained and what drawbacks should be allayed. Unfortunately, there is little research in this area. We content analyze data collected from Air Force officers attending in-residence professional military education, synthesize our findings with education and technology literature, and suggest innovative technologies that can maximize the intangible benefits and minimize the drawbacks of professional military education. The blended approach we present can create a richer, more meaningful learning experience for the service member, while simultaneously lowering the cost per member and providing greater opportunity to attend in-residence professional military education.
Jr (Bomber) o Seventh Air Force, LTG Jeffrey A. Remington (Fighter) o Eleventh Air Force, LTG Dana T. Atkins (Fighter) o Thirteenth Air Force, LTG...Acculturation.‖ In Handbook of Socialization: Theory and Research, edited by Joan E. Grusec, and Paul D. Hastings, 543-560. New York, NY: Guilford...Philip. ―Determinism and Indeterminacy in the History of Technology.‖ In Does Technology Drive History?, edited by Merritt Roe Smith, and Leo Marx
Measuring the force of drag on air sheared sessile drops
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Milne, Andrew J. B.; Fleck, Brian; Amirfazli, Alidad
To blow a drop along or off of a surface (i.e. to shed the drop), the drag force on the drop (based on flow conditions, drop shape, and fluid properties) must overcome the adhesion force between the drop and the surface (based on surface tension, drop shape, and contact angle). While the shedding of sessile drops by shear flow has been studied [Milne, A. J. B. & Amirfazli, A. Langmuir 25, 14155 (2009).], no independent measurements of the drag or adhesion forces have been made. Likewise, analytic predictions are limited to hemispherical drops and low air velocities. We present, therefore, measurements of the drag force on sessile drops at air velocities up to the point of incipient motion. Measurements were made using a modified floating element shear sensor in a laminar low speed wind tunnel to record drag force over the surface with the drop absent, and over the combined system of the surface and drop partially immersed in the boundary layer. Surfaces of different wettabilities were used to study the effects of drop shape and contact angles, with drop volume ranged between approximately 10 and 100 microlitres. The drag force for incipient motion (which by definition equals the maximum of the adhesion force) is compared to simplified models for drop adhesion such as that of Furmidge
STS 51-G Discovery lands at Edwards Air Force Base, California
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
STS 51-G Discovery lands at Edwards Air Force Base, California. In these side views its main landing gear has touched down, kicking up a cloud of dirt. Its nose gear is still in the air (224); Closer view of the Discovery with its main landing gear down and its nose wheels in the air (225).
Final Environmental Assessment for Force Structure Changes at Langley Air Force Base, VA
Shepard Blvd, Hampton, VA, 23665, DEQ PC No. 20095002, PC Case Status - Release Confirmed, Case Closed. Langley Air Force Base- Building 333, 90 Oak...NOISEXPO ‘77, Chicago , IL. March. White, R. 1972. Effects of Repetitive Sonic Booms on Glass Breakage. FAA Report FAA-RD-72- 43. April. 6
Effect of forced-air warming on the performance of operating theatre laminar flow ventilation.
Dasari, K B; Albrecht, M; Harper, M
Forced-air warming exhaust may disrupt operating theatre airflows via formation of convection currents, which depends upon differences in exhaust and operating room air temperatures. We investigated whether the floor-to-ceiling temperatures around a draped manikin in a laminar-flow theatre differed when using three types of warming devices: a forced-air warming blanket (Bair Hugger™); an over-body conductive blanket (Hot Dog™); and an under-body resistive mattress (Inditherm™). With forced-air warming, mean (SD) temperatures were significantly elevated over the surgical site vs those measured with the conductive blanket (+2.73 (0.7) °C; p<0.001) or resistive mattress (+3.63 (0.7) °C; p<0.001). Air temperature differences were insignificant between devices at floor (p=0.339), knee (p=0.799) and head height levels (p=0.573). We conclude that forced-air warming generates convection current activity in the vicinity of the surgical site. The clinical concern is that these currents may disrupt ventilation airflows intended to clear airborne contaminants from the surgical site. Anaesthesia © 2012 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.
Atmospheric Science Data Center
AirMSPI Data and Information Airborne Multi-angle Spectro Polarimetric ... where 3-D radiative transfer may dominate, and (b) enable retrieval of aerosol and cloud macrophysical properties (distribution, height), ... MISR Home Page DISCOVER-AQ Information AirMSPI Announcements MISR Data Table ...
Shipping InSight Mars Spacecraft to Buckley Air Force Base
A truck carrying NASA s InSight spacecraft leaves Lockheed Martin Space, Denver, where the spacecraft was built and tested, on February 28, 2018. InSight was driven to Buckley Air Force Base, where it was loaded into a C-17 cargo aircraft and flown to Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. There, it will be prepared for a May launch. InSight, short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport, is the first mission dedicated to studying the deep interior of Mars. Its findings will advance understanding of the early history of all rocky planets, including Earth.
Looking north Beale Air Force Base, Perimeter Acquisition Vehicle ...
Looking north - Beale Air Force Base, Perimeter Acquisition Vehicle Entry Phased-Array Warning System, Electric Substation, End of Spencer Paul Road, north of Warren Shingle Road (14th Street), Marysville, Yuba County, CA
CONTROL BUILDING, WEST FRONT SHOWING ENTRANCE - Edwards Air Force Base, X-15 Engine Test Complex, Firing Control Building, Rogers Dry Lake, east of runway between North Base & South Base, Boron, Kern County, CA
Analysis of the Perceived Adequacy of Air Force Civil Engineering Prime Beef Training
P.9 0); - I 6Q ANALYSIS OF THE PERCEIUED ADEOUACY OF AIR FORCE CIUIL ENGINEER!NG PRIME BEEF TRAINING THESIS William C. Morris Captain, USAF AFIT...Ohio TIWA docm=ent La 1;;, Ow psl• c relm’,-j and owme;d _! i8U0- ________IS____rft* 85 11 05 04 AFIT/SEM/DET/BE ANALYSIS OF THE PERCEIVED ADEQUACY...distribution unlimited L * The contents of the document are technically accurate, and 6 no sensitive items, detrimental ideas, or deleterious information are
plants ); and recycling and reuse practices. Recyclable waste generated during construction wouJd be recycled according to the type of material ...the Air Force Air Education and Training Command 325th Fighter Wing Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida November 2006 Report Documentation...relies on highly trained , motivated unaccompanied enlisted men and women to support our increasingly technical air and space missions. The retention of
The Early Development of Satellite Characterization Capabilities at the Air Force Laboratories
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lambert, J.; Kissell, K.
This presentation overviews the development of optical Space Object Identification (SOI) techniques at the Air Force laboratories during the two-decade "pre-operational" period prior to 1980 when the Groundbased Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS) sensors were deployed. Beginning with the launch of Sputnik in 1957, the United States Air Force has actively pursued the development and application of optical sensor technology for the detection, tracking, and characterization of artificial satellites. Until the mid-1980s, these activities were primarily conducted within Air Force research and development laboratories which supplied data to the operational components on a contributing basis. This presentation traces the early evolution of the optical space surveillance technologies from the early experimental sensors that led to the current generation of operationally deployed and research systems. The contributions of the participating Air Force organizations and facilities will be reviewed with special emphasis on the development of technologies for the characterization of spacecraft using optical signatures and imagery. The presentation will include descriptions and photographs of the early facilities and instrumentation, and examples of the SOI collection and analysis techniques employed. In this early period, computer support was limited so all aspects of space surveillance relied heavily on manual interaction. Many military, government, educational, and contractor agencies supported the development of instrumentation and analysis techniques. This overview focuses mainly on the role played by Air Force System Command and Office of Aerospace Research, and the closely related activities at the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The omission of other agencies from this review reflects the limitations of this presentation, not the significance of their contributions.
Photographic copy of plan drawing, Department of the Air Force, ...
Photographic copy of plan drawing, Department of the Air Force, Air Defense Command Directorate of Installations, May 28, 1954, Civil Engineers Office, in possession of Selfridge Base Museum, Mt. Clemens, Michigan. FLOOR PLAN, 826-198-4 - Selfridge Field, Building No. 199, South of George Avenue between Walnut & Birch Streets, Mount Clemens, Macomb County, MI
32 CFR 644.415 - Army military and Air Force lands-$50,000 limitation.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Army military and Air Force lands-$50,000 limitation. 644.415 Section 644.415 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY... Interests § 644.415 Army military and Air Force lands—$50,000 limitation. (a) 10 U.S.C. 2672 authorizes the...
radiography . Two large inspection bays would each accommodate one F-22 aircraft and robotic x-ray inspection equipment. Six smaller bays would accommodate...large aircraft components (two ultrasonic inspection bays, two laser shearography inspection bays, and two digital radiography inspection bays...Hill Air Force Base, Utah Final Environmental Assessment: Proposed Composite Aircraft Inspection Facilities, Hill Air Force Base, Utah
75 FR 30689 - Modification of Class C Airspace; Beale Air Force Base, CA
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...-0367; Airspace Docket No. 10-AWA-2] RIN 2120-AA66 Modification of Class C Airspace; Beale Air Force... modifies the legal description of the Beale Air Force Base (AFB), CA, Class C airspace area by allowing the... Beale AFB Class C airspace area will be consistent with the actual hours of operation of the Beale AFB...
STS-66 landing at Edwards Air Force Base
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The drag chute is fully deployed as the Space Shuttle Atlantis heads toward a stop at Edwards Air Force Base in southern California, ending a successful 10 day, 22 hour and 34 minute space mission. Landing occured at 7:34 a.m. (PST), November 14, 1994.
United States Air Force Infrastructure Energy Strategic Plan
sulfur diesel ( LSD ) fuel to ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel throughout the Air Force. As bases converted from LSD to ULSD, 820 tracking had to be...direction; develops initiatives, ideas, and poten- tial strategies; and further develops command policy, guidance, and execution strategies. Shaw AFB
H. Wegner for developing the tactical air and ground force databases and producing the campaign results. Thanks are also due to Group Captain Michael ... Jackson , RAF, for developing the evaluation criteria for NATO’s tactical air force reductions during his stay at RAND. -xi. CONTENTS PREFACE
NPDES Permit for Buckley Air Force Base Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System in Colorado
Under NPDES permit CO-R042003, the U.S. Air Force is authorized to discharge from all MS4 outfalls existing as of the effective date of this permit to specified receiving waters within the exterior boundaries of Buckley Air Force Base, in Aurora, Colorado
United States Air Force Statistical Digest, Fiscal Year 1951. Sixth Edition
2 2 2 Mili tary Air Transport Service Squadron - Total 2 2 g 2 g g 2 s 1 ! 1 ! , curce a Qrganhat10n geccr- de (AFASC-6F)j oenerea orden from Major...STATISTICAL SERVICES DeS COMPTROLLER", USAF WASHINGTON, DC .J DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON, 20 SEPTEMBER 1948 Am FORCE REGULATION) NO. 5-24...AND LUBES. 223 PART V III STOCKPILING •. 235 PART IX INDUSTRIAL RESERVE’ 241 PART X TRANSPORTATION ..• Z8S PART X I RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 2 t
Analyzing the United States Air Force Organizational Structure - A Case for Reorganization
professional staff manning. 159 David R. Segal and Mady Wechsler Segal, “Change in Military Organization”, Annual Review of Sociology, no. 9 (1983): 156...budget (accessed February 7, 2011). Segal, David R., and Segal, Mady Wechsler . Change in Military Organization. Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 9 (1983...workforce. This does not include the intelligence organizations.” 91 Air Force Personnel Center, “Air Force Strength from 1948 thru 2010,” http://w11
Specialists (43X/44X/45X) Chaplain (52R) Civil Engineer (32E) Combat Air Force Contracting (64P) Cyber Operations (17D) Dental (47X) Finance (65 F...assume the principal has a perfect decision making calculus . The MAF DT may actually have asymmetric information, and given the opportunity, they could
Interior, looking northeast Beale Air Force Base, Perimeter Acquisition ...
Interior, looking northeast - Beale Air Force Base, Perimeter Acquisition Vehicle Entry Phased-Array Warning System, Microwave Equipment Building, End of Spencer Paul Road, north of Warren Shingle Road (14th Street), Marysville, Yuba County, CA
Egan, Cameron; Bernstein, Ethan; Reddy, Desigen; Ali, Madi; Paul, James; Yang, Dongsheng; Sessler, Daniel I
The PerfecTemp is an underbody resistive warming system that combines servocontrolled underbody warming with viscoelastic foam pressure relief. Clinical efficacy of the system has yet to be formally evaluated. We therefore tested the hypothesis that intraoperative distal esophageal (core) temperatures with the PerfecTemp (underbody resistive) warming system are noninferior to upper-body forced-air warming in patients undergoing major open abdominal surgery under general anesthesia. Adults scheduled for elective major open abdominal surgery (liver, pancreas, gynecological, and colorectal surgery) under general anesthesia were enrolled at 2 centers. Patients were randomly assigned to underbody resistive or forced-air warming. Resistive heating started when patients were transferred to the operating room table; forced-air warming started after patients were draped. The primary outcome was noninferiority of intraoperative time-weighted average core temperature, adjusted for baseline characteristics and using a buffer of 0.5°C. Thirty-six patients were randomly assigned to underbody resistive heating and 34 to forced-air warming. Baseline and surgical characteristics were generally similar. We had sufficient evidence (P=0.018) to conclude that underbody resistive warming is not worse than (i.e., noninferior to) upper-body forced-air warming in the time-weighted average intraoperative temperature, with a mean difference of -0.12°C [95% confidence interval (CI) -0.37 to 0.14]. Core temperatures at the end of surgery averaged 36.3°C [95% CI 36 to 36.5] in the resistive warming patients and 36.6°C [95% CI 36.4 to 36.8] in those assigned to forced-air warming for a mean difference of -0.34°C [95% CI -0.69 to 0.01]. Mean intraoperative time-weighted average core temperatures were no different, and significantly noninferior, with underbody resistive heating in comparison with upper-body forced-air warming. Underbody resistive heating may be an alternative to forced-air
Advances in quantifying air-sea gas exchange and environmental forcing.
Wanninkhof, Rik; Asher, William E; Ho, David T; Sweeney, Colm; McGillis, Wade R
The past decade has seen a substantial amount of research on air-sea gas exchange and its environmental controls. These studies have significantly advanced the understanding of processes that control gas transfer, led to higher quality field measurements, and improved estimates of the flux of climate-relevant gases between the ocean and atmosphere. This review discusses the fundamental principles of air-sea gas transfer and recent developments in gas transfer theory, parameterizations, and measurement techniques in the context of the exchange of carbon dioxide. However, much of this discussion is applicable to any sparingly soluble, non-reactive gas. We show how the use of global variables of environmental forcing that have recently become available and gas exchange relationships that incorporate the main forcing factors will lead to improved estimates of global and regional air-sea gas fluxes based on better fundamental physical, chemical, and biological foundations.
telephone, local computer systems, long-haul communications , and land mobile radio systems (WPAFB 2001). There are over 100 miles of communication cable...10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11 . SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release...Air Force technologies and would include unique characteristics in design, propulsion, payload capacity, buman factors, communication , range, speed
Army Air Forces Statistical Digest, 1946. First Annual Number
accordance with AAF Letter 5-5 dated 28 April 1947, the Army Air Forces Statistical Digest has been designated as the official AAF statisti- cal yearbook...more detailed exposition, Since the Digest is designed primarily as a reference. manual, the re- action of users to its contents is important in the...distributed by this Headquarters (Statistical Control Division, Office of the Air Comptroller) is hereby designated as the official AAF statistical yearbook
STS-67 landing at Edwards Air Force Base
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The drag chute is fully deployed in this view of the Space Shuttle Endeavour as it completes a mission of almost 17 days duration in space on runway 22 at Edwards Air Force Base in southern California. Landing occurred at 1:46 p.m. (EST), March 18, 1995.
Air Force Civil Engineer, Volume 12, Number 2, 2004
Volume 12 • No. 2 • 2004 CIVIL ENGINEERAir Force Report Documentation Page Form ApprovedOMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection...Section: USAF Facility Energy Management Program. (Air Force Civil Engineer, Volume 12 , Number 02, 2004) 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c...AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12 . DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
The importance of the diurnal and annual cycle of air traffic for contrail radiative forcing.
Stuber, Nicola; Forster, Piers; Rädel, Gaby; Shine, Keith
Air traffic condensation trails, or contrails, are believed to have a net atmospheric warming effect, although one that is currently small compared to that induced by other sources of human emissions. However, the comparably large growth rate of air traffic requires an improved understanding of the resulting impact of aircraft radiative forcing on climate. Contrails have an effect on the Earth's energy balance similar to that of high thin ice clouds. Their trapping of outgoing longwave radiation emitted by the Earth and atmosphere (positive radiative forcing) is partly compensated by their reflection of incoming solar radiation (negative radiative forcing). On average, the longwave effect dominates and the net contrail radiative forcing is believed to be positive. Over daily and annual timescales, varying levels of air traffic, meteorological conditions, and solar insolation influence the net forcing effect of contrails. Here we determine the factors most important for contrail climate forcing using a sophisticated radiative transfer model for a site in southeast England, located in the entrance to the North Atlantic flight corridor. We find that night-time flights during winter (December to February) are responsible for most of the contrail radiative forcing. Night flights account for only 25 per cent of daily air traffic, but contribute 60 to 80 per cent of the contrail forcing. Further, winter flights account for only 22 per cent of annual air traffic, but contribute half of the annual mean forcing. These results suggest that flight rescheduling could help to minimize the climate impact of aviation.
General view. View to southwest Offutt Air Force Base, ...
General view. View to southwest - Offutt Air Force Base, Looking Glass Airborne Command Post, Vehicle Refueling Station, Northeast of AGE Storage Facility at far northwest end of Project Looking Glass Historic District, Bellevue, Sarpy County, NE
FLOOR PLAN Dyess Air Force Base, Atlas F Missle ...
FLOOR PLAN - Dyess Air Force Base, Atlas F Missle Site S-8, Launch Control Center (LCC), Approximately 3 miles east of Winters, 500 feet southwest of Highway 17700, northwest of Launch Facility, Winters, Runnels County, TX
SECTION BB, FLOOR PLAN Dyess Air Force Base, Atlas ...
SECTION B-B, FLOOR PLAN - Dyess Air Force Base, Atlas F Missle Site S-8, Launch Facility, Approximately 3 miles east of Winters, 500 feet southwest of Highway 1770, center of complex, Winters, Runnels County, TX
Ballistic Missile Early Warning System Clear Air Force Station, ...
Ballistic Missile Early Warning System - Clear Air Force Station, Ballistic Missile Early Warning System Site II, One mile west of mile marker 293.5 on Parks Highway, 5 miles southwest of Anderson, Anderson, Denali Borough, AK
Air Force Public Affairs - Can It Support Air Force Doctrine More Effectively.
government resources to operate, maintain and modernize its forces. * 3 In the early 1980’s movie about the first American astronauts, ’The Right... movie portrayed and also is true now. If you accept the premise that funding is what makes aircraft and missiles fly, then the emphasis is to gain...consists of divisions which are functionally aligned into Media Relations, Community Relations, Internal Information, and Security Review and Plans
Project management plan for asbestos control at Randolph Air Force Base
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Broers, G.J.
The United States Air Force Air Training Command (ATC) Headquarters requested assistance from the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) in February, 1987 to develop processes and procedures and provide program management to minimize and control asbestos hazard at its thirteen bases. This effort was requested by the ATC to comply with Executive Order 12088 under which the USAF is directed to meet all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations. In response to that request the efforts identified within this document provide the ATC with a thorough base-wide Asbestos Survey Report, an Asbestos Management Plan and an Operations and Maintenancemore » Plan for Randolph AFB which, when implemented, will comply with current and anticipated federal laws and provide the base with accurate information needed for long range asbestos management. The other twelve bases will be surveyed and sampled in the four years to follow with appropriate asbestos management plans developed for each. 6 figs.« less
F-22 Raptors fly into Lithuania as part of European tour > U.S. Air Force >
The Book Speeches Archive Former AF Top 3 Viewpoints and Speeches Air Force Warrior Games 2017 Events 2018 Air Force Strategic Documents Desert Storm 25th Anniversary Observances DoD Warrior Games
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...The U.S. Air Force is issuing this notice to advise the public of an extension to submit scoping comments. The initial Notice of Availability published in the Federal Register on May 17, 2013 (Vol. 78, No. 96/Notices/29120), requested public scoping comments no later than June 10, 2013. The Air Force has extended the deadline for submitting public comments to July 5, 2013. All substantive scoping comments received during the public scoping period will be considered in the preparation of the Draft EIS. Point of Contact: Please direct any written comments or requests for information to KC-46A EIS Project Manager, National Guard Bureau, NGB/A7AM, 3501 Fetchet Avenue, Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, 20762- 5157.
which are often referred to as ear tufts. It has white eyebrows, yellow eyes, and long stilt-like legs. Burrowing owls are found in open, them to James Specht at (661) 277-1411. ROBERT M. SHIRLEY, Chief Environmental Quality Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS 95TH AIR BASE WING (AFMC) EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE CALIFORNIA
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Launch Complex 39, Solid Rocket ...
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Launch Complex 39, Solid Rocket Booster Disassembly & Refurbishment Complex, Thrust Vector Control Deservicing Facility, Hangar Road, Cape Canaveral, Brevard County, FL
JP-8 jet fuel (similar to commercial/international jet A-1 fuel) is the standard military fuel for all types of vehicles, including the U.S. Air Force aircraft inventory. As such, JP-8 presents the most common chemical exposure in the Air Force, particularly for flight and gro...
balances to match Treasury balances. 19The financial reporting system collects and consolidates information for financial statement presentation...2The financial reporting system collects and consolidates information for financial statement presentation. 3Subsistence...efforts to achieve auditability of its financial statements , the Air Force in July 2014 asserted audit readiness for its Schedule of Budgetary
Apollo 15 crew receive welcome on arrival at Ellington Air Force Base
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The three Apollo 15 crew receive a welcome on their arrival at Ellington Air Force Base, Houston, Texas, after en eight-hour flight aboard a U.S. Air Force C-141 jet aircraft from Hawaii. Left to right are Astronauts David R. Scott, Alfred M. Worden and James B. Irwin. Members of the astronaut's families identified in picture are left to right, Scott's daughter, Tracy; Worden's father, Merrill Worden; Worden's daughter, Merrill; and Irwin's two daughters, Joy and Jill.
A Practicality Study of Air Force Depot Maintenance Cost Allocation.
of Master of Science in Systems Management Bruce M. Kalish, B.S. Captain, USAF September 1987 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited...8217u foW’J.4D r-4 W) 0 r-- -% i -w vD 4 -W " V0%L : -40 r4c4c j nJ o Jm0 (n-)W 1W q 0 - m m O V 0 1oar-0co.o C.J, InaV -4 Io Dr- co %o %oc4 f5 0) r-’iD...Bibliography 1. AFSC Cost Estimating Handbook. Prepared for Air Force Systems Command by the Analytical Sciences Corporation, undated. 2. Air Force
Applying Lean to the F-15 Maintenance Process for the Royal Saudi Air Force
Royal Saudi Air Force. The research focuses on improving the F-15 maintenance process in the Royal Saudi Air Force’s Maintenance Squadrons. The F-15...and on the aircraft age condition, the researcher concludes it is time to get rid of some obstacles and use new management techniques to resolve the...processes? Research Focus This research is focusing on the Royal Saudi Air Force F-15 maintenance process. Because of the time and
options at his disposal to back up other efforts. The global strike capabilities outlined in this paper are not particularly palatable . They would...against Serbia as part of operation Allied Force. During the air war over the ethnic cleansing of Albanian Muslims in Kosovo, the coalition forces...convince the Serb leader, Slobodan Milosevic, to end the cleansing by his troops. The top Air Force leader in Europe believed that the lack of
Service , CSE, Scott AFB, IL 62225. aws, usaf ltr dtd 8 jul 1976 >- a. CD SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1/ 2500 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica...Government Agen-TfAf* 17 MAR 1976 cies only. Other requests for this document ’-^ must be referred to Air Weather Service /CSi^,, Scott Air Force...Air Force Communica- tions Service must be clear’y defined. The appropriate Air Force Conmunications Service Agency should be responsible for the
Offutt Air Force Base, Looking Glass Airborne Command Post, Blast ...
Offutt Air Force Base, Looking Glass Airborne Command Post, Blast Deflector Fences, Northeast & Southwest sides of Operational Apron, Project Looking Glass Historic District, Bellevue, Sarpy County, NE
Why and Whither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force
of strong interest in high supersonic and hypersonic flight. Actual flight achievements—notably the first supersonic flight by the XS - 1 on 14...Air Force is sponsoring Future Strike Aircraft studies with Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman . Under these studies, subsonic, supersonic...SMC/XRD) MSE Technology Applications, Inc. Northrop Grumman Air Combat Systems Orbital Sciences Corporation Boeing Phantom Works 18 May 2000
SECTION AA, AXONOMETRIC Dyess Air Force Base, Atlas F ...
SECTION A-A, AXONOMETRIC - Dyess Air Force Base, Atlas F Missle Site S-8, Launch Control Center (LCC), Approximately 3 miles east of Winters, 500 feet southwest of Highway 17700, northwest of Launch Facility, Winters, Runnels County, TX
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Gulf of Mexico adjacent to Santa Rosa Island, Air Force Proving Ground Command, Eglin Air Force Base... Sound and Gulf of Mexico adjacent to Santa Rosa Island, Air Force Proving Ground Command, Eglin Air..., Headquarters Air Proving Ground Command, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, and such agencies as he may designate...
Avian and Herpetological Survey Results for Fairchild Air Force Base and Ancillary Properties
unlimited. The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) solves the nation’s toughest engineering and environmental challenges. ERDC...Herpetological Survey Results for Fairchild Air Force Base and Ancillary Properties Jinelle H. Sperry Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) US ...Air Force Base (FAFB) and used survey results to extrapolate guidelines for species management. DISCLAIMER: The contents of this report are not to be
Air System Information Management
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Filman, Robert E.
I flew to Washington last week, a trip rich in distributed information management. Buying tickets, at the gate, in flight, landing and at the baggage claim, myriad messages about my reservation, the weather, our flight plans, gates, bags and so forth flew among a variety of travel agency, airline and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) computers and personnel. By and large, each kind of information ran on a particular application, often specialized to own data formats and communications network. I went to Washington to attend an FAA meeting on System-Wide Information Management (SWIM) for the National Airspace System (NAS) ( NAS (and its information infrastructure, SWIM) is an attempt to bring greater regularity, efficiency and uniformity to the collection of stovepipe applications now used to manage air traffic. Current systems hold information about flight plans, flight trajectories, weather, air turbulence, current and forecast weather, radar summaries, hazardous condition warnings, airport and airspace capacity constraints, temporary flight restrictions, and so forth. Information moving among these stovepipe systems is usually mediated by people (for example, air traffic controllers) or single-purpose applications. People, whose intelligence is critical for difficult tasks and unusual circumstances, are not as efficient as computers for tasks that can be automated. Better information sharing can lead to higher system capacity, more efficient utilization and safer operations. Better information sharing through greater automation is possible though not necessarily easy.
Space chimp Enos returns to Patrick Air Force Base
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Enos the chimpanzee that orbited the earth twice in a Mercury spacecraft arrives back at Patrick Air Force Base. Enos landed some 220 nautical miles south of Bermuda and was picked up up by the U.S.S. Stormes.
Offutt Air Force Base, Looking Glass Airborne Command Post, Operational ...
Offutt Air Force Base, Looking Glass Airborne Command Post, Operational & Hangar Access Aprons, Spanning length of northeast half of Project Looking Glass Historic District, Bellevue, Sarpy County, NE
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Carson, Stuart B.; And Others.
The Air Force conducted this study for two purposes: (1) to define the system of Air Force On-the-Job Training (OJT); and (2) to prepare a set of functional specifications for an integrated, base-level OJT evaluation and management system with linkages to the Major Commands and Air Staff. The study was conducted in four phases. During the first…
Establishing Criteria for Assigning Personnel to Air Force Jobs Requiring Heavy Work
loads (for example, carrying meat at the slaughterhouse , carrying of sacks, loading wood by hand) wood cutting in the forest by hand tools, agricultural...8217 factor history. Medical Service Digest (United States Air Force), 27(2), 1976, pp. 14-16. 186 Trimeloni, Col. B.D. The Role of Women in the Air Force...Rahden. Effect of training on maximum oxygen intake and on anaerobic metabolism in man. Int. Z. Angew Physiol., 24(2), 1967, pp. 102-110. 188 Wyndham, C.H
G Ot-T GOO) D. BRENT WILSON, P.E. Base Civil Engineer Kirtland Air Force Base Kirtland AFB Fuel Storage and Ofjloading Facilities Construction...September 2005 A-1 3 77 MSG/CEVQ DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 3 77th Civil Engineer Division (AFMC) 2050 Wyoming Blvd SE, Suite 120 Kirtland AFB NM...FINAL FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FOR THE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND REP AIR OF FUEL STORAGE AND OFFLOADING FACILITIES AT KIRTLAND AIR FORCE
Bring Me Men and Women. Mandated Change at the U.S. Air Force Academy.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Stiehm, Judith Hicks
The planning and problems associated with the 1975 Congressional mandate calling for the integration of women into the U.S. Air Force Academy are described. The book examines how Air Force planners made decisions and whether their decisions were effective. Beliefs that were previously held inviolable--that upper body strength is important, that…
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Not Available
This report presents information related to the sampling of ground water at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. It is part of an investigation into possible ground water contamination. Information concerns well drilling/construction; x-ray diffraction and sampling; soil boring logs; and chain-of-custody records.
and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)-Free, non -chromate low temperature powder coating (LTPC) system for United States Air Force use PHASE II PR...required to support and successfully complete this effort. 1.1 Objective(s). The Contractor shall be required to demonstrate a non -chromate...5.0 General Information 5.1 Continuation of Mission-Essential Services During a Crisis. The Functional Commander (FC) or civilian equivalent has
Forces Acting on a Ball in an Air Jet
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lopez-Arias, T.; Gratton, L. M.; Zendri, G.; Oss, S.
The forces acting on a ball in an air jet have been measured using simple equipment. Such measurements allow quite a precise, non-ambiguous description and understanding of the physical mechanism which explains the famous levitating ball experiment. (Contains 7 figures.)
United States Air Force Posture Statement 2004
warfighting effort from planning to execution. Air, ground, maritime, and space forces worked together at the same time for the same objectives, not merely...nation, the growing nexus of radicalism and technology. As we continue our work in Afghanistan and Iraq, we stand ready to respond to flashpoints...their potential application in future threats, the mere maintenance of our aging aircraft and space systems will not suffice. Simply stated, our
7. INTERIOR VIEW, SHOWING LASER LABORATORY. - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Area B, Building 71A, Propulsion Research Laboratory, Seventh Street between D & G Streets, Dayton, Montgomery County, OH
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...: Headquarters Air Force, Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force (Space). ACTION: Publicize Consent Order... Force (Space), as the Compliance Officer under the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Decision and Order... Under Secretary of the Air Force (Space). This position is now held by Dr. Troy Meink. [[Page 77107...
[The problems of assessment of the high noise impact on the experts of the Air Force].
Zinkin, V N; Sheshegov, P M
Air Force specialists are exposed to high intensity noise levels exceeded the maximum permissible levels. Infrasound as a productive factor in accordance with the general technical requirements (OTT) Air Force-86 is not included in the list of standardized factors. The adverse acoustic environment makes the risk of occupational (sensorineural deafness) and professionally-related diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The system of physical fitness for military service in the Air Force and serving in the Air Force with high-intensity sources of noise, the system of treatment and preventive measures for adverse effects of noise and the procedure for examination of persons with diseases caused by the influence of noise are needed to be reviewed in accordance with the existing state legislative frameworks.
Fracture Analysis of the F-5, 15%-Spar Bolt DR Devendra Kumar SAALC/LD 6- 16 CUNY-City College, New York, NY A Simple, Multiversion Concurrency Control...Program, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. [3]AFGROW, Air Force Crack Propagation Analysis Program, Version 3.82 (1997) 15-8 A SIMPLE, MULTIVERSION ...Office of Scientific Research Boiling Air Force Base, DC and San Antonio Air Logistic Center August 1997 16-1 A SIMPLE, MULTIVERSION CONCURRENCY
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Force Base, Fla.; small-arms firing range and aircraft jettison, U.S. Air Force, MacDill Air Force Base... Force Base, Fla.; small-arms firing range and aircraft jettison, U.S. Air Force, MacDill Air Force Base...″, longitude 82°33′02.44″; and thence to a point on the shore line of MacDill Air Force Base at latitude 27°50...
Refractometry and Extinguishment/Burnback Testing of Pacific Air Forces AFFF
AFRL-ML-TY-TR-2006-4536 REFRACTOMETRY AND EXTINGUISHMENT/ BURNBACK TESTING OF PACIFIC AIR FORCES AFFF Jennifer L. Kalberer...NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code) 31-04-2006 Interim Technical Report 01-08-2005 -- 30-09-2005 Refractometry and...AFRL) performed refractometry and extinguishment/burnback tests on samples of Ansulite and 3M aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) from an overseas air
The Lavelle Affair: An Air Force Case Study in Ethics
THE LAVELLE AFFAIR: AN AIR FORCE CASE STUDY IN ETHICS BY KRISTINA ELLIS A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF... ethical transgressions. As such, the story of General Lavelle’s wartime command experiences became a case study in ethics and integrity within Air...1 1 THE LIFE AND CAREER OF GENERAL LAVELLE 8 1 VIETNAM 14 2 CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS 25 2 ETHICAL
Evolving Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) for Air Force Cyber Defense
Telecommunications and Assessment Program ( TMAP ) notes in Air Force Instruction (AFI) 10-712 that “adversaries can easily monitor (unclassified) systems to...Instruction (AFI) 10-712, Telecommunications Monitoring And Assessment Program ( TMAP ), 2011, 4. 23. Lt Col Hugh M. Ragland., interview with author...Monitoring And Assessment Program ( TMAP ), 8 June 2011. Brenner, Carl N. Col, USAF. NASIC Air & Cyber Analysis Group/CC. Interview by the author. 29
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Tampa Bay south of MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.; small-arms firing range and aircraft jettison, U.S. Air Force, MacDill Air Force Base... Force Base, Fla.; small-arms firing range and aircraft jettison, U.S. Air Force, MacDill Air Force Base...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Tampa Bay south of MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.; small-arms firing range and aircraft jettison, U.S. Air Force, MacDill Air Force Base... Force Base, Fla.; small-arms firing range and aircraft jettison, U.S. Air Force, MacDill Air Force Base...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Tampa Bay south of MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.; small-arms firing range and aircraft jettison, U.S. Air Force, MacDill Air Force Base... Force Base, Fla.; small-arms firing range and aircraft jettison, U.S. Air Force, MacDill Air Force Base...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Tampa Bay south of MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.; small-arms firing range and aircraft jettison, U.S. Air Force, MacDill Air Force Base... Force Base, Fla.; small-arms firing range and aircraft jettison, U.S. Air Force, MacDill Air Force Base...
Management of Social Incentives in Air Force Technical Training: A Field Experiment. Final Report.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hakel, Milton D.; And Others
The report is a study of the utility of social reinforcement for improving Air Force training. It was conducted through a field evaluation of social incentive instructional systems which would serve to improve student motivation, classroom performance, and attitudes. The participants included a total of 300 trainees from two Air Force bases; 25…
Air Force Journal of Logistics. Volume 23, Number 1.
19980623 136 Lieutenant General Hallin Discusses Reengineering Air Force Logistics DJT I~rON STATVEMEN ApProv- d fcu p,\\ie rol?.’e; Past of deployed operations in France between 1914 and 1918. Also in this issue: • Risk Matrix Operation JUST CAUSE D ’?I QUM=IT INBEOTED 1 AIR...transaction of tlhe public business as required by law of the D )epartment Use of funds for printing this publication has been approved by the Secretary of the
Offutt Air Force Base, Looking Glass Airborne Command Post, Hydraulic ...
Offutt Air Force Base, Looking Glass Airborne Command Post, Hydraulic Fluid Buildings, Northeast of Looking Glass Avenue at southwest side of Project Looking Glass Historic District, Bellevue, Sarpy County, NE
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Suzuki, Masahiro; Nakade, Koji
A basic study of flow controls using air blowing was conducted to reduce unsteady aerodynamic force acting on trains running in tunnels. An air blowing device is installed around a model car in a wind tunnel. Steady and periodic blowings are examined utilizing electromagnetic valves. Pressure fluctuations are measured and the aerodynamic force acting on the car is estimated. The results are as follows: a) The air blowing allows reducing the unsteady aerodynamic force. b) It is effective to blow air horizontally at the lower side of the car facing the tunnel wall. c) The reduction rate of the unsteady aerodynamic force relates to the rate of momentum of the blowing to that of the uniform flow. d) The periodic blowing with the same frequency as the unsteady aerodynamic force reduces the aerodynamic force in a manner similar to the steady blowing.
A Model for Determining Modular Heat Recovery Incinerator Feasibility on Air Force Installations.
INCINERATOR FEASIBILITY ON AIR FORCE INSTALLATIONS THESIS Presented to the Faculty of the School of Engineering of the Air Force Institute of Technology...commer- cial, (and) institutional discards...not (including] industrial process or manufacturing discards, segre- gated medical waste, or construction...have "... particular 11 value as an additive to an existing steam system, such as a central heating plant for an institution " (46:E-26). Exam- ples
Mortality from Fungal Disease in the US Air Force from 1970 to 2013
We review a unique set of documents, death certificates, catalogued in the US Air Force Mortality Registry, which tracks deaths for current and...retired Air Force service members. We screened the records for all deaths caused by fungal diseases between 1970 and 2013. There were 216 deaths caused...pneumocystosis, sporotrichosis, and zygomycosis. The single most common identified cause of death was opportunistic candidiasis. Of the total 216 deaths
CSAR-eXit: The Future of Air Force Combat Search and Rescue
lines is high. At the same time the DoD must remain a trusted steward of the nation’s talent and treasure. It is our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and...never accept defeat, never quit, and never leave a fallen comrade.” General Peter J . Schoomaker Chief of Staff, United States Army In the post 9...1 Dec 1946 – 8 Jul 1952 The last line of the Air Force Vision states, “We will excel as stewards of all Air Force resources in service to the
Offutt Air Force Base, Looking Glass Airborne Command Post, Vehicle ...
Offutt Air Force Base, Looking Glass Airborne Command Post, Vehicle Refueling Station, Northeast of AGE Storage Facility at far northwest end of Project Looking Glass Historic District, Bellevue, Sarpy County, NE
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Launch Complex 39, The Solid ...
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Launch Complex 39, The Solid Rocket Booster Assembly and Refurbishment Facility Manufacturing Building, Southeast corner of Schwartz Road and Contractors Road, Cape Canaveral, Brevard County, FL
33 CFR 165.768 - Security Zone; MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa Bay, FL.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Security Zone; MacDill Air Force....768 Security Zone; MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa Bay, FL. (a) Location. The following area is a security zone which exists concurrent with an Army Corps of Engineers restricted area in § 334.635 of this...
33 CFR 165.768 - Security Zone; MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa Bay, FL.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Security Zone; MacDill Air Force....768 Security Zone; MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa Bay, FL. (a) Location. The following area is a security zone which exists concurrent with an Army Corps of Engineers restricted area in § 334.635 of this...
33 CFR 165.768 - Security Zone; MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa Bay, FL.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Security Zone; MacDill Air Force....768 Security Zone; MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa Bay, FL. (a) Location. The following area is a security zone which exists concurrent with an Army Corps of Engineers restricted area in § 334.635 of this...
33 CFR 165.768 - Security Zone; MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa Bay, FL.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Security Zone; MacDill Air Force....768 Security Zone; MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa Bay, FL. (a) Location. The following area is a security zone which exists concurrent with an Army Corps of Engineers restricted area in § 334.635 of this...
Zielinski , EDAW, Inc., concerning utilities supply and demand for Vandenberg Air Force Base, 1 August. Rush, P., 2002. Personal communication between...Pernell W. Rush, Technical Sergeant, Water Utilities/Water Treatment NCO, USAF 30th CES/CEOIU, Vandenberg Air Force Base, and James E. Zielinski ... Dave Savinsky, Environmental Consultant, 30 CES/CEVC, Vandenberg Air Force Base, on the Preliminary Draft Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD