November 2015). Sample: hello -jni. Android NDK. Available: http://developer.android.com/ndk/samples/sample_hellojni.html [49] A. Pyles and M. Peck...Demonstration Application We wrote an application based on Google’s sample custom class loading app [47] and the hello - jni sample app found in the
User's manual for SYNC: A FORTRAN program for merging and time-synchronizing data
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Maine, R. E.
The FORTRAN 77 computer program SYNC for merging and time synchronizing data is described. The program SYNC reads one or more input files which contain either synchronous data frames or time-tagged data points, which can be compressed. The program decompresses and time synchronizes the data, correcting for any channel time skews. Interpolation and hold last value synchronization algorithms are available. The output from SYNC is a file of time synchronized data frames at any requested sample rate.
Long frame sync words for binary PSK telemetry
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Levitt, B. K.
Correlation criteria have previously been established for identifying whether a given binary sequence would be a good frame sync word for phase-shift keyed telemetry. In the past, the search for a good K-bit sync word has involved the application of these criteria to the entire set of 2 exponent K binary K-tuples. It is shown that restricting this search to a much smaller subset consisting of K-bit prefixes of pseudonoise sequences results in sync words of comparable quality, with greatly reduced computer search times for larger values of K. As an example, this procedure is used to find good sync words of length 16-63; from a storage viewpoint, each of these sequences can be generated by a 5- or 6-bit linear feedback shift register.
Assessing the mental frame syncing in the elderly: a virtual reality protocol.
Serino, Silvia; Cipresso, Pietro; Gaggioli, Andrea; Riva, Giuseppe
Decline in spatial memory in the elderly is often underestimated, and it is crucial to fully investigate the cognitive underpinnings of early spatial impairment. A virtual reality-based procedure was developed to assess deficit in the "mental frame syncing", namely the cognitive ability that allows an effective orientation by synchronizing the allocentric view-point independent representation with the allocentric view-point dependent representation. A pilot study was carried out to evaluate abilities in the mental frame syncing in a sample of 16 elderly participants. Preliminary results indicated that the general cognitive functioning was associated with the ability in the synchronization between these two allocentric references frames.
Implementation of Wi-Fi Signal Sampling on an Android Smartphone for Indoor Positioning Systems.
Liu, Hung-Huan; Liu, Chun
Collecting and maintaining radio fingerprint for wireless indoor positioning systems involves considerable time and labor. We have proposed the quick radio fingerprint collection (QRFC) algorithm which employed the built-in accelerometer of Android smartphones to implement step detection in order to assist in collecting radio fingerprints. In the present study, we divided the algorithm into moving sampling (MS) and stepped MS (SMS), and describe the implementation of both algorithms and their comparison. Technical details and common errors concerning the use of Android smartphones to collect Wi-Fi radio beacons were surveyed and discussed. The results of signal sampling experiments performed in a hallway measuring 54 m in length showed that in terms of the amount of time required to complete collection of access point (AP) signals, static sampling (SS; a traditional procedure for collecting Wi-Fi signals) took at least 2 h, whereas MS and SMS took approximately 150 and 300 s, respectively. Notably, AP signals obtained through MS and SMS were comparable to those obtained through SS in terms of the distribution of received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and positioning accuracy. Therefore, MS and SMS are recommended instead of SS as signal sampling procedures for indoor positioning algorithms.
ShareSync: A Solution for Deterministic Data Sharing over Ethernet
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Dunn, Daniel J., II; Koons, William A.; Kennedy, Richard D.; Davis, Philip A.
As part of upgrading the Contact Dynamics Simulation Laboratory (CDSL) at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), a simple, cost effective method was needed to communicate data among the networked simulation machines and I/O controllers used to run the facility. To fill this need and similar applicable situations, a generic protocol was developed, called ShareSync. ShareSync is a lightweight, real-time, publish-subscribe Ethernet protocol for simple and deterministic data sharing across diverse machines and operating systems. ShareSync provides a simple Application Programming Interface (API) for simulation programmers to incorporate into their code. The protocol is compatible with virtually all Ethernet-capable machines, is flexible enough to support a variety of applications, is fast enough to provide soft real-time determinism, and is a low-cost resource for distributed simulation development, deployment, and maintenance. The first design cycle iteration of ShareSync has been completed, and the protocol has undergone several testing procedures including endurance and benchmarking tests and approaches the 2001ts data synchronization design goal for the CDSL.
Implementation of Wi-Fi Signal Sampling on an Android Smartphone for Indoor Positioning Systems
Liu, Chun
Collecting and maintaining radio fingerprint for wireless indoor positioning systems involves considerable time and labor. We have proposed the quick radio fingerprint collection (QRFC) algorithm which employed the built-in accelerometer of Android smartphones to implement step detection in order to assist in collecting radio fingerprints. In the present study, we divided the algorithm into moving sampling (MS) and stepped MS (SMS), and describe the implementation of both algorithms and their comparison. Technical details and common errors concerning the use of Android smartphones to collect Wi-Fi radio beacons were surveyed and discussed. The results of signal sampling experiments performed in a hallway measuring 54 m in length showed that in terms of the amount of time required to complete collection of access point (AP) signals, static sampling (SS; a traditional procedure for collecting Wi-Fi signals) took at least 2 h, whereas MS and SMS took approximately 150 and 300 s, respectively. Notably, AP signals obtained through MS and SMS were comparable to those obtained through SS in terms of the distribution of received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and positioning accuracy. Therefore, MS and SMS are recommended instead of SS as signal sampling procedures for indoor positioning algorithms. PMID:29267234
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jaehnig, Karl; Bird, Jonathan C.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Da Rio, Nicola; Tan, Jonathan C.; Cotaar, Michiel; Somers, Garrett
We study the occurrence of spectroscopic binaries in young star-forming regions using the INfrared Spectroscopy of Young Nebulous Clusters (IN-SYNC) survey, carried out in SDSS-III with the APOGEE spectrograph. Multi-epoch observations of thousands of low-mass stars in Orion A, NGC 2264, NGC 1333, IC 348, and the Pleiades have been carried out, yielding H-band spectra with a nominal resolution of R = 22,500 for sources with H < 12 mag. Radial velocity precisions of ˜0.3 {km} {{{s}}}-1 were achieved, which we use to identify radial velocity variations indicative of undetected companions. We use Monte Carlo simulations to assess the types of spectroscopic binaries to which we are sensitive, finding sensitivity to binaries with orbital periods ≲ {10}3.5 days, for stars with 2500 {{K}}≤slant {T}{eff}≤slant 6000 {{K}} and v \\sin i < 100 {km} {{{s}}}-1. Using Bayesian inference, we find evidence for a decline in the spectroscopic binary fraction, by a factor of 3-4, from the age of our pre-main-sequence (PMS) sample to the Pleiades age . The significance of this decline is weakened if spot-induced radial-velocity jitter is strong in the sample, and is only marginally significant when comparing any one of the PMS clusters against the Pleiades. However, the same decline in both sense and magnitude is found for each of the five PMS clusters, and the decline reaches a statistical significance of greater than 95% confidence when considering the PMS clusters jointly. Our results suggest that dynamical processes disrupt the widest spectroscopic binaries ({P}{orb}≈ {10}3{--}{10}4 days) as clusters age, indicating that this occurs early in the stars’ evolution, while they still reside within their nascent clusters.
Q-Sync Motors in Commercial Refrigeration. Preliminary Test Results and Projected Benefits
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Fricke, Brian A.; Becker, Bryan R.
This report provides background information on various fractional-horsepower electric motor technologies, summarizes initial data from a DOE-sponsored Q-Sync motor demonstration project, and extrapolates that data to project the potential economic and environmental benefits resulting from upgrading the current installed base of 9–12 W evaporator fan motors to Q-Sync motors.
dCache, Sync-and-Share for Big Data
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Millar, AP; Fuhrmann, P.; Mkrtchyan, T.; Behrmann, G.; Bernardt, C.; Buchholz, Q.; Guelzow, V.; Litvintsev, D.; Schwank, K.; Rossi, A.; van der Reest, P.
The availability of cheap, easy-to-use sync-and-share cloud services has split the scientific storage world into the traditional big data management systems and the very attractive sync-and-share services. With the former, the location of data is well understood while the latter is mostly operated in the Cloud, resulting in a rather complex legal situation. Beside legal issues, those two worlds have little overlap in user authentication and access protocols. While traditional storage technologies, popular in HEP, are based on X.509, cloud services and sync-and-share software technologies are generally based on username/password authentication or mechanisms like SAML or Open ID Connect. Similarly, data access models offered by both are somewhat different, with sync-and-share services often using proprietary protocols. As both approaches are very attractive, dCache.org developed a hybrid system, providing the best of both worlds. To avoid reinventing the wheel, dCache.org decided to embed another Open Source project: OwnCloud. This offers the required modern access capabilities but does not support the managed data functionality needed for large capacity data storage. With this hybrid system, scientists can share files and synchronize their data with laptops or mobile devices as easy as with any other cloud storage service. On top of this, the same data can be accessed via established mechanisms, like GridFTP to serve the Globus Transfer Service or the WLCG FTS3 tool, or the data can be made available to worker nodes or HPC applications via a mounted filesystem. As dCache provides a flexible authentication module, the same user can access its storage via different authentication mechanisms; e.g., X.509 and SAML. Additionally, users can specify the desired quality of service or trigger media transitions as necessary, thus tuning data access latency to the planned access profile. Such features are a natural consequence of using dCache. We will describe the design of
Hat Enterprise Linux, version 6.5 • Android Development Tools (ADT), version 22.3.0-887826 • Saferoot1 • Samsung Galaxy S3 • Dell Precision T7400...method used for the Samsung Galaxy S3 is called Saferoot1—a well- known, open- source software. According to the Saferoot website, the process of...is applicable for the Samsung Galaxy S3 as well as many other Android devices, but there are several steps involved in rooting an Android device (as
the attacker . Thus, this race condition causes a privilege escalation . 2.2.5 Summary This section reviewed software exploitation of a Linux kernel...has led to increased targeting by malware writers. Android attacks have naturally sparked interest in researching protections for Android . This...release, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. These rootkits focused on covert techniques to hide the presence of data used by an attacker to infect a
Wiley, Daniel A; Strogatz, Steven H; Girvan, Michelle
We suggest a new line of research that we hope will appeal to the nonlinear dynamics community, especially the readers of this Focus Issue. Consider a network of identical oscillators. Suppose the synchronous state is locally stable but not globally stable; it competes with other attractors for the available phase space. How likely is the system to synchronize, starting from a random initial condition? And how does the probability of synchronization depend on the way the network is connected? On the one hand, such questions are inherently difficult because they require calculation of a global geometric quantity, the size of the "sync basin" (or, more formally, the measure of the basin of attraction for the synchronous state). On the other hand, these questions are wide open, important in many real-world settings, and approachable by numerical experiments on various combinations of dynamical systems and network topologies. To give a case study in this direction, we report results on the sync basin for a ring of n > 1 identical phase oscillators with sinusoidal coupling. Each oscillator interacts equally with its k nearest neighbors on either side. For k/n greater than a critical value (approximately 0.34, obtained analytically), we show that the sync basin is the whole phase space, except for a set of measure zero. As k/n passes below this critical value, coexisting attractors are born in a well-defined sequence. These take the form of uniformly twisted waves, each characterized by an integer winding number q, the number of complete phase twists in one circuit around the ring. The maximum stable twist is proportional to n/k; the constant of proportionality is also obtained analytically. For large values of n/k, corresponding to large rings or short-range coupling, many different twisted states compete for their share of phase space. Our simulations reveal that their basin sizes obey a tantalizingly simple statistical law: the probability that the final state has q
Subthalamic nucleus detects unnatural android movement.
Ikeda, Takashi; Hirata, Masayuki; Kasaki, Masashi; Alimardani, Maryam; Matsushita, Kojiro; Yamamoto, Tomoyuki; Nishio, Shuichi; Ishiguro, Hiroshi
An android, i.e., a realistic humanoid robot with human-like capabilities, may induce an uncanny feeling in human observers. The uncanny feeling about an android has two main causes: its appearance and movement. The uncanny feeling about an android increases when its appearance is almost human-like but its movement is not fully natural or comparable to human movement. Even if an android has human-like flexible joints, its slightly jerky movements cause a human observer to detect subtle unnaturalness in them. However, the neural mechanism underlying the detection of unnatural movements remains unclear. We conducted an fMRI experiment to compare the observation of an android and the observation of a human on which the android is modelled, and we found differences in the activation pattern of the brain regions that are responsible for the production of smooth and natural movement. More specifically, we found that the visual observation of the android, compared with that of the human model, caused greater activation in the subthalamic nucleus (STN). When the android's slightly jerky movements are visually observed, the STN detects their subtle unnaturalness. This finding suggests that the detection of unnatural movements is attributed to an error signal resulting from a mismatch between a visual input and an internal model for smooth movement.
natural choice. In this document, we describe several aspects of video streaming and the challenges of performing video streaming between Android-based...client application was needed. Typically something like VideoLAN Client ( VLC ) is used for this purpose in a desktop environment. However, while VLC is...a very mature application on Windows and Linux, VLC for Android is still in a beta testing phase, and versions have only been developed to work
An Android Communication App Forensic Taxonomy.
Azfar, Abdullah; Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond; Liu, Lin
Due to the popularity of Android devices and applications (apps), Android forensics is one of the most studied topics within mobile forensics. Communication apps, such as instant messaging and Voice over IP (VoIP), are one popular app category used by mobile device users, including criminals. Therefore, a taxonomy outlining artifacts of forensic interest involving the use of Android communication apps will facilitate the timely collection and analysis of evidentiary materials from such apps. In this paper, 30 popular Android communication apps were examined, where a logical extraction of the Android phone images was collected using XRY, a widely used mobile forensic tool. Various information of forensic interest, such as contact lists and chronology of messages, was recovered. Based on the findings, a two-dimensional taxonomy of the forensic artifacts of the communication apps is proposed, with the app categories in one dimension and the classes of artifacts in the other dimension. Finally, the artifacts identified in the study of the 30 communication apps are summarized using the taxonomy. It is expected that the proposed taxonomy and the forensic findings in this paper will assist forensic investigations involving Android communication apps. © 2016 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
Eyeblink Synchrony in Multimodal Human-Android Interaction.
Tatsukawa, Kyohei; Nakano, Tamami; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Yoshikawa, Yuichiro
As the result of recent progress in technology of communication robot, robots are becoming an important social partner for humans. Behavioral synchrony is understood as an important factor in establishing good human-robot relationships. In this study, we hypothesized that biasing a human's attitude toward a robot changes the degree of synchrony between human and robot. We first examined whether eyeblinks were synchronized between a human and an android in face-to-face interaction and found that human listeners' eyeblinks were entrained to android speakers' eyeblinks. This eyeblink synchrony disappeared when the android speaker spoke while looking away from the human listeners but was enhanced when the human participants listened to the speaking android while touching the android's hand. These results suggest that eyeblink synchrony reflects a qualitative state in human-robot interactions.
Understanding of Android-Based Robotic and Game Structure
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Phongtraychack, A.; Syryamkin, V.
The development of an android with impressive lifelike appearance and behavior has been a long-standing goal in robotics and a new and exciting approach of smartphone-based robotics for research and education. Recent years have been progressive for many technologies, which allowed creating such androids. There are different examples including the autonomous Erica android system capable of conversational interaction and speech synthesis technologies. The behavior of Android-based robot could be running on the phone as the robot performed a task outdoors. In this paper, we present an overview and understanding of the platform of Android-based robotic and game structure for research and education.
Forensic Taxonomy of Android Social Apps.
Azfar, Abdullah; Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond; Liu, Lin
An Android social app taxonomy incorporating artifacts that are of forensic interest will enable users and forensic investigators to identify the personally identifiable information (PII) stored by the apps. In this study, 30 popular Android social apps were examined. Artifacts of forensic interest (e.g., contacts lists, chronology of messages, and timestamp of an added contact) were recovered. In addition, images were located, and Facebook token strings used to tie account identities and gain access to information entered into Facebook by a user were identified. Based on the findings, a two-dimensional taxonomy of the forensic artifacts of the social apps is proposed. A comparative summary of existing forensic taxonomies of different categories of Android apps, designed to facilitate timely collection and analysis of evidentiary materials from Android devices, is presented. © 2016 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
Fabrication of DIRC radiator bars and plates at InSync, Inc.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tonnessen, T. W.
Fabrication of quality radiator bars and plates is paramount to a successful DIRC project. This write up discusses the trials and tribulations of the manufacture of ~600 bars for the BaBar DIRC project and discusses the history and current capabilities of InSync, Inc.
Examining Application Components to Reveal Android Malware
RGBDroid: a novel response-based approach to android privilege escalation attacks ”. Proceedings of the 5th USENIX conference on Large-Scale Exploits and...Wetherall. “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for: retrofitting android to protect data from imperious applications”. Proceedings of the 18th ACM...copyright protection in the United States. AFIT-ENG-13-M-19 EXAMINING APPLICATION COMPONENTS TO REVEAL ANDROID MALWARE THESIS Presented to the Faculty
Usability of Low-Cost Android Data Collection System for Community-Based Participatory Research.
Salihu, Hamisu M; Salinas-Miranda, Abraham; Turner, DeAnne; King, Lindsey; Paothong, Arnut; Austin, Deborah; Berry, Estrellita Lo
Android tablet computers can be valuable tools for data collection, but their usability has not been evaluated in community-based participatory research (CBPR). This article examines the usability of a low-cost bilingual touchscreen computerized survey system using Android tablets, piloted with a sample of 201 community residents in Tampa, Florida, from November 2013 to March 2014. Needs assessment questions were designed with the droidSURVEY software, and deployed using Android tablet computers. In addition, participants were asked questions about system usability. The mean system usability was 77.57 ± 17.66 (range, 0-100). The mean completion time for taking the 63 survey questions in the needs assessment was 23.11 ± 9.62 minutes. The survey completion rate was optimal (100%), with only 6.34% missingness per variable. We found no sociodemographic differences in usability scores. Our findings indicate that Android tablets could serve as useful tools in CBPR studies.
Our research goal is to discover the principles underlying natural communication among individuals and to establish a methodology for the development of expressive humanoid robots. For this purpose we have developed androids that closely resemble human beings. The androids enable us to investigate a number of phenomena related to human interaction that could not otherwise be investigated with mechanical-looking robots. This is because more human-like devices are in a better position to elicit the kinds of responses that people direct toward each other. Moreover, we cannot ignore the role of appearance in giving us a subjective impression of human presence or intelligence. However, this impression is influenced by behavior and the complex relationship between appearance and behavior. This paper proposes a hypothesis about how appearance and behavior are related, and maps out a plan for android research to investigate this hypothesis. We then examine a study that evaluates the human likeness of androids according to the gaze behavior they elicit. Studies such as these, which integrate the development of androids with the investigation of human behavior, constitute a new research area that fuses engineering and science. PMID:18985174
Monitor Network Traffic with Packet Capture (pcap) on an Android Device
administrative privileges . Under the current design Android development requirement, an Android Graphical User Interface (GUI) application cannot directly...build an Android application to monitor network traffic using open source packet capture (pcap) libraries. 15. SUBJECT TERMS ELIDe, Android , pcap 16...Building Application with Native Codes 5 8.1 Calling Native Codes Using JNI 5 8.2 Calling Native Codes from an Android Application 8 9. Retrieve Live
Eyeblink Synchrony in Multimodal Human-Android Interaction
Tatsukawa, Kyohei; Nakano, Tamami; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Yoshikawa, Yuichiro
As the result of recent progress in technology of communication robot, robots are becoming an important social partner for humans. Behavioral synchrony is understood as an important factor in establishing good human-robot relationships. In this study, we hypothesized that biasing a human’s attitude toward a robot changes the degree of synchrony between human and robot. We first examined whether eyeblinks were synchronized between a human and an android in face-to-face interaction and found that human listeners’ eyeblinks were entrained to android speakers’ eyeblinks. This eyeblink synchrony disappeared when the android speaker spoke while looking away from the human listeners but was enhanced when the human participants listened to the speaking android while touching the android’s hand. These results suggest that eyeblink synchrony reflects a qualitative state in human-robot interactions. PMID:28009014
Blending an Android Development Course with Software Engineering Concepts
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chatzigeorgiou, Alexander; Theodorou, Tryfon L.; Violettas, George E.; Xinogalos, Stelios
The tremendous popularity of mobile computing and Android in particular has attracted millions of developers who see opportunities for building their own start-ups. As a consequence Computer Science students express an increasing interest into the related technology of Java development for Android applications. Android projects are complex by…
Android malware detection based on evolutionary super-network
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yan, Haisheng; Peng, Lingling
In the paper, an android malware detection method based on evolutionary super-network is proposed in order to improve the precision of android malware detection. Chi square statistics method is used for selecting characteristics on the basis of analyzing android authority. Boolean weighting is utilized for calculating characteristic weight. Processed characteristic vector is regarded as the system training set and test set; hyper edge alternative strategy is used for training super-network classification model, thereby classifying test set characteristic vectors, and it is compared with traditional classification algorithm. The results show that the detection method proposed in the paper is close to or better than traditional classification algorithm. The proposed method belongs to an effective Android malware detection means.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [File No. 500-1] In the Matter of E[dash]Sync Networks, Inc. (n/k/a ESNI, Inc.), EchoCath, Inc., Edison Brothers Stores, Inc., Electronic Technology Group, Inc. (n... information concerning the securities of E-Sync Networks, Inc. (n/k/a ESNI, Inc.) because it has not filed any...
Oyama, M A; Solter, P F; Thorn, C L; Stern, J A
An important aspect of heart failure is the progressive ineffectiveness of the salutary natriuretic peptide system and its secondary messenger, 3',5'-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). In humans with acute heart failure, administration of exogenous natriuretic peptide is associated with improvement in clinical signs and reduction of cardiac filling pressures. This study aimed to determine the feasibility, tolerance, and safety of subcutaneous (SC) synthetic canine B-type natriuretic peptide (syncBNP) administration in dogs. Six privately owned dogs. Dogs were enrolled in a modified 3 + 3 phase I trial. Three dogs initially received doses of 2.5 and 5 μg/kg SC syncBNP followed by an additional three dogs dosed at 5 and 10 μg/kg. Hemodynamic monitoring was performed for 120 min after each injection. Blood and urine samples were collected at 45 and 120 min after injection of 5 μg/kg. Major adverse clinical events that would potentially halt testing were pre-defined. Four healthy dogs and two dogs with stage B1 mitral valve disease were recruited. Synthetic canine B-type natriuretic peptide was well tolerated at all doses. Synthetic canine B-type natriuretic peptide at 5 μg/kg significantly increased median plasma cGMP (baseline cGMP, 131.5 pmol/mL [range, 91.9-183.6 pmol/mL]; 45 min, 153.6 pmol/mL [140.3-214.3 pmol/mL]; 120 min, 192.7 pmol/mL [139.1-240.1 pmol/mL]; p=0.041). We report for the first time administration of syncBNP in privately owned dogs. Administration of SC syncBNP was feasible, well tolerated, safe, and increased plasma cGMP concentration. Further studies using exogenous syncBNP for treatment of heart disease are warranted. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Development of Android based Smart Power Saving System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gupta, Ashutosh; Kumar, Pradeep; Ghosh, Tathagata; Bhawna, Shruthi. S.
An android based smart power saving system has been presented in this paper. For this purpose, an application is developed for controlling the intensity of an AC supply using a dimmer circuit in android platform and to monitor the current flow on different intensity level a current sensor is used in the circuit. Dimmer circuit provides a 16-different intensity level to control the flow of current and help in power saving. The system is very simple and robust as it is based on android platform.
Porting Extremely Lightweight Intrusion Detection (ELIDe) to Android
ARL-TN-0681 ● OCT 2015 US Army Research Laboratory Porting Extremely Lightweight Intrusion Detection (ELIDe) to Android by...Lightweight Intrusion Detection (ELIDe) to Android by Ken F Yu and Garret S Payer Computational and Information Sciences Directorate, ARL...
Android Smartphone Relevance to Military Weather Applications
lithium -ion battery that may be replaced by the user (unlike Apple iPod Touch devices), thus spare batteries can be carried. If there is only sporadic...Android Smartphone Relevance to Military Weather Applications by David Sauter ARL-TR-5793 October 2011...Android Smartphone Relevance to Military Weather Applications David Sauter Computational and Information Sciences Directorate, ARL
Evaluation of Android Smartphones for Telepathology.
Ekong, Donald; Liu, Fang; Brown, G Thomas; Ghosh, Arunima; Fontelo, Paul
In the year 2014, Android smartphones accounted for one-third of mobile connections globally but are predicted to increase to two-thirds by 2020. In developing countries, where teleconsultations can benefit health-care providers most, the ratio is even higher. This study compared the use of two Android phones, an 8 megapixel (MP) and a 16 MP phone, for capturing microscopic images. The Android phones were used to capture images and videos of a gastrointestinal biopsy teaching set of referred cases from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP). The acquired images and videos were reviewed online by two pathologists for image quality, adequacy for diagnosis, usefulness of video overviews, and confidence in diagnosis, on a 5-point Likert scale. The results show higher means in a 5-point Likert scale for the 8 MP versus the 16 MP phone that were statistically significant in adequacy of images (4.0 vs. 3.75) for rendering diagnosis and for agreement with the reference diagnosis (2.33 vs. 2.07). Although the quality of images was found higher in the 16 MP phone (3.8 vs. 3.65), these were not statistically significant. Adding video images of the entire specimen was found to be useful for evaluating the slides (combined mean, 4.0). For telepathology and other image dependent practices in developing countries, Android phones could be a useful tool for capturing images.
Mackey, Sean
Background We describe here Survalytics, a software module designed to address two broad areas of need. The first area is in the domain of surveys and app analytics: developers of mobile apps in both academic and commercial environments require information about their users, as well as how the apps are being used, to understand who their users are and how to optimally approach app development. The second area of need is in the field of ecological momentary assessment, also referred to as experience sampling: researchers in a wide variety of fields, spanning from the social sciences to psychology to clinical medicine, would like to be able to capture daily or even more frequent data from research subjects while in their natural environment. Objective Survalytics is an open-source solution for the collection of survey responses as well as arbitrary analytic metadata from users of Android operating system apps. Methods Surveys may be administered in any combination of one-time questions and ongoing questions. The module may be deployed as a stand-alone app for experience sampling purposes or as an add-on to existing apps. The module takes advantage of free-tier NoSQL cloud database management offered by the Amazon Web Services DynamoDB platform to package a secure, flexible, extensible data collection module. DynamoDB is capable of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act compliant storage of personal health information. Results The provided example app may be used without modification for a basic experience sampling project, and we provide example questions for daily collection of blood glucose data from study subjects. Conclusions The module will help researchers in a wide variety of fields rapidly develop tailor-made Android apps for a variety of data collection purposes. PMID:27261155
O'Reilly-Shah, Vikas; Mackey, Sean
We describe here Survalytics, a software module designed to address two broad areas of need. The first area is in the domain of surveys and app analytics: developers of mobile apps in both academic and commercial environments require information about their users, as well as how the apps are being used, to understand who their users are and how to optimally approach app development. The second area of need is in the field of ecological momentary assessment, also referred to as experience sampling: researchers in a wide variety of fields, spanning from the social sciences to psychology to clinical medicine, would like to be able to capture daily or even more frequent data from research subjects while in their natural environment. Survalytics is an open-source solution for the collection of survey responses as well as arbitrary analytic metadata from users of Android operating system apps. Surveys may be administered in any combination of one-time questions and ongoing questions. The module may be deployed as a stand-alone app for experience sampling purposes or as an add-on to existing apps. The module takes advantage of free-tier NoSQL cloud database management offered by the Amazon Web Services DynamoDB platform to package a secure, flexible, extensible data collection module. DynamoDB is capable of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act compliant storage of personal health information. The provided example app may be used without modification for a basic experience sampling project, and we provide example questions for daily collection of blood glucose data from study subjects. The module will help researchers in a wide variety of fields rapidly develop tailor-made Android apps for a variety of data collection purposes.
An Android malware detection system based on machine learning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wen, Long; Yu, Haiyang
The Android smartphone, with its open source character and excellent performance, has attracted many users. However, the convenience of the Android platform also has motivated the development of malware. The traditional method which detects the malware based on the signature is unable to detect unknown applications. The article proposes a machine learning-based lightweight system that is capable of identifying malware on Android devices. In this system we extract features based on the static analysis and the dynamitic analysis, then a new feature selection approach based on principle component analysis (PCA) and relief are presented in the article to decrease the dimensions of the features. After that, a model will be constructed with support vector machine (SVM) for classification. Experimental results show that our system provides an effective method in Android malware detection.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nanto, Dwi; Aini, Anisa Nurul; Mulhayatiah, Diah
This research reports a study of student worksheet based on discovery learning on Mechanical Behavior of Materials topics under Android application (Android worksheet application) for vocational high school. The samples are Architecture class X students of SMKN 4 (a public vocational high school) in Tangerang Selatan City, province of Banten, Indonesia. We made 3 groups based on Intellectual Quotient (IQ). They are average IQ group, middle IQ group and high IQ group. The method of research is used as a quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The technique of sampling is purposive sampling. Instruments used in this research are test instruments and non-test instruments. The test instruments are IQ test and test of student's achievement. For the test of student's achievement (pretest and posttest) we provide 25 multiple choice problems. The non-test instruments are questionnaire responses by the students and the teacher. Without IQ categorized, the result showed that there is an effect of Android worksheet application on student's achievement based on cognitive aspects of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. However, from the IQ groups point of view, only the middle IQ group and the high IQ group showed a significant effect from the Android worksheet application on student's achievement meanwhile for the average IQ group there was no effect.
Investigating weaknesses in Android certificate security
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Krych, Daniel E.; Lange-Maney, Stephen; McDaniel, Patrick; Glodek, William
Android's application market relies on secure certificate generation to establish trust between applications and their users; yet, cryptography is often not a priority for application developers and many fail to take the necessary security precautions. Indeed, there is cause for concern: several recent high-profile studies have observed a pervasive lack of entropy on Web-systems leading to the factorization of private keys.1 Sufficient entropy, or randomness, is essential to generate secure key pairs and combat predictable key generation. In this paper, we analyze the security of Android certificates. We investigate the entropy present in 550,000 Android application certificates using the Quasilinear GCD finding algorithm.1 Our results show that while the lack of entropy does not appear to be as ubiquitous in the mobile markets as on Web-systems, there is substantial reuse of certificates only one third of the certificates in our dataset were unique. In other words, we find that organizations frequently reuse certificates for different applications. While such a practice is acceptable under Google's specifications for a single developer, we find that in some cases the same certificates are used for a myriad of developers, potentially compromising Android's intended trust relationships. Further, we observed duplicate certificates being used by both malicious and non-malicious applications. The top 3 repeated certificates present in our dataset accounted for a total of 11,438 separate APKs. Of these applications, 451, or roughly 4%, were identified as malicious by antivirus services.
Evaluation of Android Smartphones for Telepathology
Ekong, Donald; Liu, Fang; Brown, G. Thomas; Ghosh, Arunima; Fontelo, Paul
Background: In the year 2014, Android smartphones accounted for one-third of mobile connections globally but are predicted to increase to two-thirds by 2020. In developing countries, where teleconsultations can benefit health-care providers most, the ratio is even higher. This study compared the use of two Android phones, an 8 megapixel (MP) and a 16 MP phone, for capturing microscopic images. Method: The Android phones were used to capture images and videos of a gastrointestinal biopsy teaching set of referred cases from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP). The acquired images and videos were reviewed online by two pathologists for image quality, adequacy for diagnosis, usefulness of video overviews, and confidence in diagnosis, on a 5-point Likert scale. Results: The results show higher means in a 5-point Likert scale for the 8 MP versus the 16 MP phone that were statistically significant in adequacy of images (4.0 vs. 3.75) for rendering diagnosis and for agreement with the reference diagnosis (2.33 vs. 2.07). Although the quality of images was found higher in the 16 MP phone (3.8 vs. 3.65), these were not statistically significant. Adding video images of the entire specimen was found to be useful for evaluating the slides (combined mean, 4.0). Conclusion: For telepathology and other image dependent practices in developing countries, Android phones could be a useful tool for capturing images. PMID:28480119
Space Images for NASA JPL Android Version
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nelson, Jon D.; Gutheinz, Sandy C.; Strom, Joshua R.; Arca, Jeremy M.; Perez, Martin; Boggs, Karen; Stanboli, Alice
This software addresses the demand for easily accessible NASA JPL images and videos by providing a user friendly and simple graphical user interface that can be run via the Android platform from any location where Internet connection is available. This app is complementary to the iPhone version of the application. A backend infrastructure stores, tracks, and retrieves space images from the JPL Photojournal and Institutional Communications Web server, and catalogs the information into a streamlined rating infrastructure. This system consists of four distinguishing components: image repository, database, server-side logic, and Android mobile application. The image repository contains images from various JPL flight projects. The database stores the image information as well as the user rating. The server-side logic retrieves the image information from the database and categorizes each image for display. The Android mobile application is an interfacing delivery system that retrieves the image information from the server for each Android mobile device user. Also created is a reporting and tracking system for charting and monitoring usage. Unlike other Android mobile image applications, this system uses the latest emerging technologies to produce image listings based directly on user input. This allows for countless combinations of images returned. The backend infrastructure uses industry-standard coding and database methods, enabling future software improvement and technology updates. The flexibility of the system design framework permits multiple levels of display possibilities and provides integration capabilities. Unique features of the software include image/video retrieval from a selected set of categories, image Web links that can be shared among e-mail users, sharing to Facebook/Twitter, marking as user's favorites, and image metadata searchable for instant results.
Migrating Dari Clustergen Flite Text-to-Speech Voice from Desktop to Android
Fig. 2 Android SDK Manager included in Eclipse ........................................................................7 Fig. 3 Android C Compiler...9 Android Flite Engine project imported to Eclipse .............................................................15 Fig. 10 Main page of the...17 Fig. 13 Building “libttsflite.so” in Eclipse using NDK ...............................................................18 Fig. 14
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Oskar Jaehnig, Karl; Stassun, Keivan; Tan, Jonathan C.; Covey, Kevin R.; Da Rio, Nicola
We study the nature of stellar multiplicity in young stellar systems using the INfrared Spectroscopy of Young Nebulous Clusters (IN-SYNC) survey, carried out in SDSS III with the APOGEE spectrograph. Multi-epoch observations of thousands of low-mass stars in Orion A, NGC2264, NGC1333 and IC348 have been carried out, yielding H-band spectra with R=22,500 for sources with H<12 mag. Radial velocity sensitivities ~0.3 km/s can be achieved, depending on the spectral type of the star. We search the IN-SYNC radial velocity catalog to identify sources with radial velocity variations indicative of spectroscopically undetected companions, analyze their spectral properties and discuss the implications for the overall multiplicity of stellar populations in young, embedded star clusters.
Comprehension-Driven Program Analysis (CPA) for Malware Detection in Android Phones
COMPREHENSION-DRIVEN PROGRAM ANALYSIS (CPA) FOR MALWARE DETECTION IN ANDROID PHONES IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY JULY 2015 FINAL...DRIVEN PROGRAM ANALYSIS (CPA) FOR MALWARE DETECTION IN ANDROID PHONES Sb. GRANT NUMBER N/A Sc. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6 1101E 6. AUTHOR(S) Sd...machine analysis system to detect novel, sophisticated Android malware. (c) An innovative library summarization technique and its incorporation in
Popular NREL-Developed Transportation Mobile App Launches on Android
Platform | News | NREL Popular NREL-Developed Transportation Mobile App Launches on Android Platform Popular NREL-Developed Transportation Mobile App Launches on Android Platform May 23, 2017 More . Department of Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory developed the new mobile application for
DE-Sync: A Doppler-Enhanced Time Synchronization for Mobile Underwater Sensor Networks.
Zhou, Feng; Wang, Qi; Nie, DongHu; Qiao, Gang
Time synchronization is the foundation of cooperative work among nodes of underwater sensor networks; it takes a critical role in the research and application of underwater sensor networks. Although numerous time synchronization protocols have been proposed for terrestrial wireless sensor networks, they cannot be directly applied to underwater sensor networks. This is because most of them typically assume that the propagation delay among sensor nodes is negligible, which is not the case in underwater sensor networks. Time synchronization is mainly affected by a long propagation delay among sensor nodes due to the low propagation speed of acoustic signals. Furthermore, sensor nodes in underwater tend to experience some degree of mobility due to wind or ocean current, or some other nodes are on self-propelled vehicles, such as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). In this paper, we propose a Doppler-enhanced time synchronization scheme for mobile underwater sensor networks, called DE-Sync. Our new scheme considers the effect of the clock skew during the process of estimating the Doppler scale factor and directly substitutes the Doppler scale factor into linear regression to achieve the estimation of the clock skew and offset. Simulation results show that DE-Sync outperforms existing time synchronization protocols in both accuracy and energy efficiency.
Wind turbine remote control using Android devices
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rat, C. L.; Panoiu, M.
This paper describes the remote control of a wind turbine system over the internet using an Android device, namely a tablet or a smartphone. The wind turbine workstation contains a LabVIEW program which monitors the entire wind turbine energy conversion system (WECS). The Android device connects to the LabVIEW application, working as a remote interface to the wind turbine. The communication between the devices needs to be secured because it takes place over the internet. Hence, the data are encrypted before being sent through the network. The scope was the design of remote control software capable of visualizing real-time wind turbine data through a secure connection. Since the WECS is fully automated and no full-time human operator exists, unattended access to the turbine workstation is needed. Therefore the device must not require any confirmation or permission from the computer operator in order to control it. Another condition is that Android application does not have any root requirements.
CERNBox + EOS: end-user storage for science
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mascetti, L.; Gonzalez Labrador, H.; Lamanna, M.; Mościcki, JT; Peters, AJ
CERNBox is a cloud synchronisation service for end-users: it allows syncing and sharing files on all major mobile and desktop platforms (Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Android, iOS) aiming to provide offline availability to any data stored in the CERN EOS infrastructure. The successful beta phase of the service confirmed the high demand in the community for an easily accessible cloud storage solution such as CERNBox. Integration of the CERNBox service with the EOS storage back-end is the next step towards providing “sync and share” capabilities for scientific and engineering use-cases. In this report we will present lessons learnt in offering the CERNBox service, key technical aspects of CERNBox/EOS integration and new, emerging usage possibilities. The latter includes the ongoing integration of “sync and share” capabilities with the LHC data analysis tools and transfer services.
Development of Android Based Powered Intelligent Wheelchair for Quadriplegic Persons
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gupta, Ashutosh; Ghosh, Tathagata; Kumar, Pradeep; Bhawna, Shruthi. S.
Several surveys give us the view that both children and adults benefit substantially from access towards independent mobility. With the inventions of technology, no individuals are satisfied with traditional manual operated machines. To accommodate population, researchers are using technology, originally developed for mobile robots to create ‘intelligent wheelchairs’. It’s a major challenge for quadriplegic persons as they really find it difficult to manipulate powered wheelchair during the activities of their daily living. As the Smartphone era has evolved with innovative android based applications, engineers are improving and trying to make such machines simple and cheap to the next level. In this paper, we present a development of android based powered intelligent wheelchair to assist the quadriplegic person by making them self sufficient in controlling the wheelchair. The wheels of the chair can be controlled by the voice or gesture movement or by touching the screen of the android app by the challenged persons. The system uses the Bluetooth communication to interface the microcontroller and the inbuilt sensors in the android Smartphone. According to the commands received from android phone, the kinematics of the wheels are controlled.
Sleep quality and duration are strong indicators of an individual’s health and quality of lifebut they are difficult to track in everyday life. Mobile apps such as Sleep as Android leverage smartphone sensors to track sleep patterns and make recommendations to improve sleeping habits. PMID:28293622
MixDroid: A multi-features and multi-classifiers bagging system for Android malware detection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huang, Weiqing; Hou, Erhang; Zheng, Liang; Feng, Weimiao
In the past decade, Android platform has rapidly taken over the mobile market for its superior convenience and open source characteristics. However, with the popularity of Android, malwares targeting on Android devices are increasing rapidly, while the conventional rule-based and expert-experienced approaches are no longer able to handle such explosive growth. In this paper, combining with the theory of natural language processing and machine learning, we not only implement the basic feature extraction of permission application features, but also propose two innovative schemes of feature extraction: Dalvik opcode features and malicious code image, and implement an automatic Android malware detection system MixDroid which is based on multi-features and multi-classifiers. According to our experiment results on 20,000 Android applications, detection accuracy of MixDroid is 98.1%, which proves our schemes' effectiveness in Android malware detection.
Developing and Benchmarking Native Linux Applications on Android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Batyuk, Leonid; Schmidt, Aubrey-Derrick; Schmidt, Hans-Gunther; Camtepe, Ahmet; Albayrak, Sahin
Smartphones get increasingly popular where more and more smartphone platforms emerge. Special attention was gained by the open source platform Android which was presented by the Open Handset Alliance (OHA) hosting members like Google, Motorola, and HTC. Android uses a Linux kernel and a stripped-down userland with a custom Java VM set on top. The resulting system joins the advantages of both environments, while third-parties are intended to develop only Java applications at the moment.
Formalization of the Access Control on ARM-Android Platform with the B Method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ren, Lu; Wang, Wei; Zhu, Xiaodong; Man, Yujia; Yin, Qing
ARM-Android is a widespread mobile platform with multi-layer access control mechanisms, security-critical in the system. Many access control vulnerabilities still exist due to the course-grained policy and numerous engineering defects, which have been widely studied. However, few researches focus on the mechanism formalization, including the Android permission framework, kernel process management and hardware isolation. This paper first develops a comprehensive formal access control model on the ARM-Android platform using the B method, from the Android middleware to hardware layer. All the model specifications are type checked and proved to be well-defined, with 75%of proof obligations demonstrated automatically. The results show that the proposed B model is feasible to specify and verify access control schemes in the ARM-Android system, and capable of implementing a practical control module.
panMetaDocs and DataSync - providing a convenient way to share and publish research data
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ulbricht, D.; Klump, J. F.
In recent years research institutions, geological surveys and funding organizations started to build infrastructures to facilitate the re-use of research data from previous work. At present, several intermeshed activities are coordinated to make data systems of the earth sciences interoperable and recorded data discoverable. Driven by governmental authorities, ISO19115/19139 emerged as metadata standards for discovery of data and services. Established metadata transport protocols like OAI-PMH and OGC-CSW are used to disseminate metadata to data portals. With the persistent identifiers like DOI and IGSN research data and corresponding physical samples can be given unambiguous names and thus become citable. In summary, these activities focus primarily on 'ready to give away'-data, already stored in an institutional repository and described with appropriate metadata. Many datasets are not 'born' in this state but are produced in small and federated research projects. To make access and reuse of these 'small data' easier, these data should be centrally stored and version controlled from the very beginning of activities. We developed DataSync [1] as supplemental application to the panMetaDocs [2] data exchange platform as a data management tool for small science projects. DataSync is a JAVA-application that runs on a local computer and synchronizes directory trees into an eSciDoc-repository [3] by creating eSciDoc-objects via eSciDocs' REST API. DataSync can be installed on multiple computers and is in this way able to synchronize files of a research team over the internet. XML Metadata can be added as separate files that are managed together with data files as versioned eSciDoc-objects. A project-customized instance of panMetaDocs is provided to show a web-based overview of the previously uploaded file collection and to allow further annotation with metadata inside the eSciDoc-repository. PanMetaDocs is a PHP based web application to assist the creation of metadata in
Android: Call C Functions with the Native Development Kit (NDK)
guide is intended to assist programmers with how to attach an NDK plugin to an Android Integrated Development Environment and how to call C functions...written in Java to interact with native C/C++. This guide is intended to take programmers through adding an NDK package into an Android Studio
VizieR Online Data Catalog: IN-SYNC. II. Candidate young stars in NGC 1333 (Foster+, 2015)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Foster, J. B.; Cottaar, M.; Covey, K. R.; Arce, H. G.; Meyer, M. R.; Nidever, D. L.; Stassun, K. G.; Tan, J. C.; Chojnowski, S. D.; da Rio, N.; Flaherty, K. M.; Rebull, L.; Frinchaboy, P. M.; Majewski, S. R.; Skrutskie, M.; Wilson, J. C.; Zasowski, G.
Spectra were obtained using the APOGEE multiobject spectrograph (1.51-1.69um with R~22500). The details of the data reduction and spectral fitting are presented in Paper I (INfrared Spectra of Young Nebulous Clusters (IN-SYNC); Cottaar et al. (2014, J/ApJ/794/125). (3 data files).
Development and Analysis of Security Policies in Security Enhanced Android
Privilege - Escalation Attacks on Android ,” Proc. 19th Annual...Services, Bethesda, MD, 2011, pp. 239–252. 98 [43] L. Davi, et al. “ Privilege Escalation Attacks on Android ,” Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Information...TaintDroid. XManDroid dynamically analyzes applications’ transitive permission usage in order to prevent application-level privilege escalation attacks
Developing a java android application of KMV-Merton default rate model
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yusof, Norliza Muhamad; Anuar, Aini Hayati; Isa, Norsyaheeda Natasha; Zulkafli, Sharifah Nursyuhada Syed; Sapini, Muhamad Luqman
This paper presents a developed java android application for KMV-Merton model in predicting the defaut rate of a firm. Predicting default rate is essential in the risk management area as default risk can be immediately transmitted from one entity to another entity. This is the reason default risk is known as a global risk. Although there are several efforts, instruments and methods used to manage the risk, it is said to be insufficient. To the best of our knowledge, there has been limited innovation in developing the default risk mathematical model into a mobile application. Therefore, through this study, default risk is predicted quantitatively using the KMV-Merton model. The KMV-Merton model has been integrated in the form of java program using the Android Studio Software. The developed java android application is tested by predicting the levels of default risk of the three different rated companies. It is found that the levels of default risk are equivalent to the ratings of the respective companies. This shows that the default rate predicted by the KMV-Merton model using the developed java android application can be a significant tool to the risk mangement field. The developed java android application grants users an alternative to predict level of default risk within less procedure.
Regier, Michael
Numerous studies have shown that android or truncal obesity is associated with a risk for metabolic and cardiovascular disease, yet there is evidence that gynoid fat distribution may be protective. However, these studies have focused on adults and obese children. The purpose of our study was to determine if the android/gynoid fat ratio is positively correlated with insulin resistance, HOMA2-IR, and dislipidemia in a child sample of varying body sizes. In 7–13-year-old children with BMI percentiles ranging from 0.1 to 99.6, the android/gynoid ratio was closely associated with insulin resistance and combined LDL + VLDL-cholesterol. When separated by sex, it became clear that these relationships were stronger in boys than in girls. Subjects were stratified into BMI percentile based tertiles. For boys, the android/gynoid ratio was significantly related to insulin resistance regardless of BMI tertile with and LDL + VLDL in tertiles 1 and 3. For girls, only LDL + VLDL showed any significance with android/gynoid ratio and only in tertile 2. We conclude that the android/gynoid fat ratio is closely associated with insulin resistance and LDL + VLDL-, “bad,” cholesterol in normal weight boys and may provide a measurement of metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk in that population. PMID:25302115
Samsell, Lennie; Regier, Michael; Walton, Cheryl; Cottrell, Lesley
Numerous studies have shown that android or truncal obesity is associated with a risk for metabolic and cardiovascular disease, yet there is evidence that gynoid fat distribution may be protective. However, these studies have focused on adults and obese children. The purpose of our study was to determine if the android/gynoid fat ratio is positively correlated with insulin resistance, HOMA2-IR, and dislipidemia in a child sample of varying body sizes. In 7-13-year-old children with BMI percentiles ranging from 0.1 to 99.6, the android/gynoid ratio was closely associated with insulin resistance and combined LDL + VLDL-cholesterol. When separated by sex, it became clear that these relationships were stronger in boys than in girls. Subjects were stratified into BMI percentile based tertiles. For boys, the android/gynoid ratio was significantly related to insulin resistance regardless of BMI tertile with and LDL + VLDL in tertiles 1 and 3. For girls, only LDL + VLDL showed any significance with android/gynoid ratio and only in tertile 2. We conclude that the android/gynoid fat ratio is closely associated with insulin resistance and LDL + VLDL-, "bad," cholesterol in normal weight boys and may provide a measurement of metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk in that population.
Designing indonesian teacher engagement index (itei) applications based on android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Manalu, S. R.; Sasmoko; Permai, S. D.; Widhoyoko, S. A.; Indrianti, Y.
Teachers who have a good level of engagement will be able to produce students who engage and excel. Level of national teachers’ engagement needs to be a reference to the level of educational success and equity of national education. The spread of geographically inaccessible Indonesian teachers is a barrier to these measurements. ITEI Android application developed by analysing the geographical problem, so that each teacher can participate wherever they are. The ITEI app is designed by implementing Android on the client side and load balancer on the server side. Android ITEI will feature a number of questions questionnaire to teachers. Meanwhile, the load balancer will distribute the answers to each server for processing. Load Balancer ensures fast data processing and minimize server failure. The results of the processing on the server will be sent back to Android in the form of profiling themselves ITEI teachers. While the data obtained and stored in the server can be used to measure the level of national teachers’ engagement. The result of this research is the design of ITEI application ready to be implemented in order to support the data collection process of teacher national engagement level.
Android Platform for Realtime Gait Tracking Using Inertial Measurement Units.
Aqueveque, Pablo; Sobarzo, Sergio; Saavedra, Francisco; Maldonado, Claudio; Gómez, Britam
One of the most important movements performed by the humans is gait. Biomechanical Gait analysis is usually by optical capture systems. However, such systems are expensive and sensitive to light and obstacles. In order to reduce those costs a system based on Inertial Measurements Units (IMU) is proposed. IMU are a good option to make movement analisys indoor with a low post-processing data, allowing to connect those systems to an Android platform. The design is based on two elements: a) The IMU sensors and the b) Android device. The IMU sensor is simple, small (35 x 35 mm), portable and autonomous (7.8 hrs). A resolution of 0.01° in their measurements is obtained, and sends data via Bluetooth link. The Android application works for Android 4.2 or higher, and it is compatible with Bluetooth devices 2.0 or higher. Three IMU sensors send data to a Tablet wirelessly, in order to evaluate the angles evolution for each joint of the leg (hip, knee and ankle). This information is used to calculate gait index and evaluate the gait quality online during the physical therapist is working with the patient.
[Temperature Measurement with Bluetooth under Android Platform].
Wang, Shuai; Shen, Hao; Luo, Changze
To realize the real-time transmission of temperature data and display using the platform of intelligent mobile phone and bluetooth. Application of Arduino Uno R3 in temperature data acquisition of digital temperature sensor DS18B20 acquisition, through the HC-05 bluetooth transmits the data to the intelligent smart phone Android system, realizes transmission of temperature data. Using Java language to write applications program under Android development environment, can achieve real-time temperature data display, storage and drawing temperature fluctuations drawn graphics. Temperature sensor is experimentally tested to meet the body temperature measurement precision and accuracy. This paper can provide a reference for other smart phone mobile medical product development.
Okosun, I S; Seale, J P; Lyn, R
To determine the independent and commingling effect of android and gynoid percent fat (measured using Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) on cardiometabolic dysregulation in normal weight American adults. The 2005-2006 data (n=1802) from the United States National Health and Nutritional Examination Surveys (NHANES) were used in this study. Associations of android percent fat, gynoid percent fat and their joint occurrence with risks of cardiometabolic risk factors were estimated using prevalence odds ratios from logistic regression analyses. Android-gynoid percent fat ratio was more highly correlated with cardiometabolic dysregulation than android percent fat, gynoid percent fat or body mass index. Commingling of android and gynoid adiposities was associated with much greater odds of cardiometabolic risk factors than either android or gynoid adiposities. Commingling of android and gynoid adiposities was associated with 1.75 (95% confidence interval (CI)=1.42-2.93), 1.48 (95% CI=1.32-1.91), 1.61 (95% CI=1.50-1.89), 3.56 (95% CI=2.91-4.11) and 1.86 (95% CI=1.49-1.96) increased odds of elevated glucose, elevated blood pressure, elevated low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, elevated triglyceride and low high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, respectively. Normal weight subjects who present with both android and gynoid adiposities should be advised of the associated health risks. Both android and gynoid fat accumulations should be considered in developing public health strategies for reducing cardiometabolic disease risk in normal weight subjects.
Light weight portable operator control unit using an Android-enabled mobile phone
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fung, Nicholas
There have been large gains in the field of robotics, both in hardware sophistication and technical capabilities. However, as more capable robots have been developed and introduced to battlefield environments, the problem of interfacing with human controllers has proven to be challenging. Particularly in the field of military applications, controller requirements can be stringent and can range from size and power consumption, to durability and cost. Traditional operator control units (OCUs) tend to resemble laptop personal computers (PCs), as these devices are mobile and have ample computing power. However, laptop PCs are bulky and have greater power requirements. To approach this problem, a light weight, inexpensive controller was created based on a mobile phone running the Android operating system. It was designed to control an iRobot Packbot through the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) in-house Agile Computing Infrastructure (ACI). The hardware capabilities of the mobile phone, such as Wi- Fi communications, touch screen interface, and the flexibility of the Android operating system, made it a compelling platform. The Android based OCU offers a more portable package and can be easily carried by a soldier along with normal gear requirements. In addition, the one hand operation of the Android OCU allows for the Soldier to keep an unoccupied hand for greater flexibility. To validate the Android OCU as a capable controller, experimental data was collected evaluating use of the controller and a traditional, tablet PC based OCU. Initial analysis suggests that the Android OCU performed positively in qualitative data collected from participants.
Android and gynoid fat percentages and serum lipid levels in United States adults.
Min, Kyoung-Bok; Min, Jin-Young
Accumulating evidence suggests that fat distribution is a better predictor of cardiovascular disease than body mass index (BMI). The aim of this study was to investigate the association of android and gynoid fat percentages with lipid profiles to determine whether android and/or gynoid fat percentages are associated with serum lipid levels. A population-based cross-sectional study. Five thousand six hundred and ninety-six adults (20 years and older) who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003-2006. The regional body composition in the android and gynoid regions was defined by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). The estimation of lipid risk profiles included total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) -cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) -cholesterol and triglycerides (TG). Regardless of gender, android and gynoid body fat percentages were positively and significantly correlated with BMI and waist circumference. After adjustment for age, ethnicity, education, smoking, alcohol consumption, dyslipidaemia and BMI, increases in android fat percentage were significantly associated with total cholesterol, TG and HDL cholesterol in males, and total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in females. The gynoid fat percentages showed a positive correlation with total cholesterol in males, whereas gynoid fat accumulation in females showed a favourable association with TG and HDL cholesterol. The observed associations differed according to ethnic groups. Our results suggest that regional fat distribution in the android and gynoid regions have different effects on lipid profiles, and that fat in the android region, rather than the gynoid region, may be an important factor in determining the risk of cardiovascular disease. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-73,072] Android Industries..., 2010, applicable to workers of Android Industries Belvidere, LLC, including on-site leased workers from... Belvidere, Illinois location of Android Industries Belvidere, LLC. The Department has determined that these...
The development of android - based children's nutritional status monitoring system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Suryanto, Agus; Paramita, Octavianti; Pribadi, Feddy Setio
The calculation of BMI (Body Mass Index) is one of the methods to calculate the nutritional status of a person. The BMI calculation has not yet widely understood and known by the public. In addition, people should know the importance of progress in the development of child nutrition each month. Therefore, an application to determine the nutritional status of children based on Android was developed in this study. This study restricted the calculation for children with the age of 0-60 months. The application can run on a smartphone or tablet PC with android operating system due to the rapid development of a smartphone or tablet PC with android operating system and many people own and use it. The aim of this study was to produce a android app to calculate of nutritional status of children. This study was Research and Development (R & D), with a design approach using experimental studies. The steps in this study included analyzing the formula of the Body Mass Index (BMI) and developing the initial application with the help of a computer that includes the design and manufacture of display using Eclipse software. This study resulted in android application that can be used to calculate the nutritional status of children with the age 0-60 months. The results of MES or the error calculation analysis using body mass index formula was 0. In addition, the results of MAPE percentage was 0%. It shows that there is no error in the calculation of the application based on the BMI formula. The smaller value of MSE and MAPE leads to higher level of accuracy.
Bridging the Mechanical and the Human Mind: Spontaneous Mimicry of a Physically Present Android
Hofree, Galit; Ruvolo, Paul; Bartlett, Marian Stewart; Winkielman, Piotr
The spontaneous mimicry of others' emotional facial expressions constitutes a rudimentary form of empathy and facilitates social understanding. Here, we show that human participants spontaneously match facial expressions of an android physically present in the room with them. This mimicry occurs even though these participants find the android unsettling and are fully aware that it lacks intentionality. Interestingly, a video of that same android elicits weaker mimicry reactions, occurring only in participants who find the android “humanlike.” These findings suggest that spontaneous mimicry depends on the salience of humanlike features highlighted by face-to-face contact, emphasizing the role of presence in human-robot interaction. Further, the findings suggest that mimicry of androids can dissociate from knowledge of artificiality and experienced emotional unease. These findings have implications for theoretical debates about the mechanisms of imitation. They also inform creation of future robots that effectively build rapport and engagement with their human users. PMID:25036365
Making DidFail Succeed: Enhancing the CERT Static Taint Analyzer for Android App Sets
privileged task for an application without permissions. The Epicc [3] tool precisely analyzes inter-app communication in Android . By looking at intents...security. By placing adjustable limitations on what resources applications can use, Android allows users a large degree of control over how much trust...the user’s location, contacts, and other personal details. One of the core assumptions of the Android permission system is that an application that
Making DidFail Succeed: Enhancing the CERT Static Taint Analyzer for Android App Sets
privileged task for an application without permissions. The Epicc [3] tool precisely analyzes inter-app communication in Android . By looking at intents...security. By placing adjustable limitations on what resources applications can use, Android allows users a large degree of control over how much trust...the user’s location, contacts, and other personal details. One of the core assumptions of the Android permission system is that an application that
Making DidFail Succeed: Enhancing the CERT Static Taint Analyzer for Android App Sets
limitations on what resources applications can use, Android allows users a large degree of control over how much trust should be given to specific...and other personal details. One of the core assumptions of the Android permission system is that an application that lacks permission to access a...the Android permission system is well suited for controlling access for applications in isolation, it can fail to protect resources on the device
Okosun, I S; Seale, J P; Lyn, R
Aim: To determine the independent and commingling effect of android and gynoid percent fat (measured using Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) on cardiometabolic dysregulation in normal weight American adults. Methods: The 2005–2006 data (n=1802) from the United States National Health and Nutritional Examination Surveys (NHANES) were used in this study. Associations of android percent fat, gynoid percent fat and their joint occurrence with risks of cardiometabolic risk factors were estimated using prevalence odds ratios from logistic regression analyses. Results: Android-gynoid percent fat ratio was more highly correlated with cardiometabolic dysregulation than android percent fat, gynoid percent fat or body mass index. Commingling of android and gynoid adiposities was associated with much greater odds of cardiometabolic risk factors than either android or gynoid adiposities. Commingling of android and gynoid adiposities was associated with 1.75 (95% confidence interval (CI)=1.42–2.93), 1.48 (95% CI=1.32–1.91), 1.61 (95% CI=1.50–1.89), 3.56 (95% CI=2.91–4.11) and 1.86 (95% CI=1.49–1.96) increased odds of elevated glucose, elevated blood pressure, elevated low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, elevated triglyceride and low high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, respectively. Conclusions: Normal weight subjects who present with both android and gynoid adiposities should be advised of the associated health risks. Both android and gynoid fat accumulations should be considered in developing public health strategies for reducing cardiometabolic disease risk in normal weight subjects. PMID:25985091
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Farida, I. I.; Jumadi; Wilujeng; Senam
The aims of this study are: to develop android-based science instructional media and to reveal the characteristic, the quality, and the effectiveness of android-based science instructional media with global warming topic to increase junior high school students’ scientific literacy. This study is a development research. The instructional media were reviewed by a media expert, a material expert, science teachers, peer reviewers, and students. The data was collected using media evaluation questionnaires. The results of the study showed that: (1) the android-based science instructional media has characteristics including interesting visualization, easy to use, flexible, and practical, (2) the android-based science instructional media was appropriate for teaching, in terms of material evaluation aspects, media evaluation aspects, and based on student test results, and (3) the android-based science instructional media can effectively used for teaching.
Face verification system for Android mobile devices using histogram based features
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sato, Sho; Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Chen, Qiu
This paper proposes a face verification system that runs on Android mobile devices. In this system, facial image is captured by a built-in camera on the Android device firstly, and then face detection is implemented using Haar-like features and AdaBoost learning algorithm. The proposed system verify the detected face using histogram based features, which are generated by binary Vector Quantization (VQ) histogram using DCT coefficients in low frequency domains, as well as Improved Local Binary Pattern (Improved LBP) histogram in spatial domain. Verification results with different type of histogram based features are first obtained separately and then combined by weighted averaging. We evaluate our proposed algorithm by using publicly available ORL database and facial images captured by an Android tablet.
The IATH ELAN Text-Sync Tool: A Simple System for Mobilizing ELAN Transcripts On- or Off-Line
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dobrin, Lise M.; Ross, Douglas
In this article we present the IATH ELAN Text-Sync Tool (ETST; see http://community.village.virginia.edu/etst), a series of scripts and workflow for playing ELAN files and associated audiovisual media in a web browser either on- or off-line. ELAN has become an indispensable part of documentary linguists' toolkit, but it is less than ideal for…
Prototype early warning system for heart disease detection using Android Application.
Zennifa, Fadilla; Fitrilina; Kamil, Husnil; Iramina, Keiji
Heart Disease affects approximately 70 million people worldwide where most people do not even know the symptoms. This research examines the prototype of early warning system for heart disease by android application. It aims to facilitate users to early detect heart disease which can be used independently. To build the application in android phone, variable centered intelligence rule system (VCIRS) as decision makers and pulse sensor - Arduino as heart rate detector were applied in this study. Moreover, in Arduino, the heart rate will become an input for symptoms in Android Application. The output of this system is the conclusion statement of users diagnosed with either coronary heart disease, hypertension heart disease, rheumatic heart disease or do not get any kind of heart disease. The result of diagnosis followed by analysis of the value of usage variable rate (VUR) rule usage rate (RUR) and node usage rate (NUR) that shows the value of the rule that will increase when the symptoms frequently appear. This application was compared with the medical analysis from 35 cases of heart disease and it showed concordance between diagnosis from android application and expert diagnosis of the doctors.
System Security And Monitoring On Smart Home Using Android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Romadhon, A. S.
Home security system is needed for homeowners who have a lot of activities, as a result, they often leave the house without locking the door and even leave the house in a state of lights that are not lit. In order to overcome this case, a system that can control and can monitor the state of the various devices contained in the house or smart home system is urgently required. The working principle of this smart home using android is when the homeowner sends a certain command using android, the command will be forwarded to the microcontroller and then it will be executed based on the parameters that have been determined. For example, it can turn off and on the light using android app. In this study, testing was conducted to a smart home prototype which is equipped with light bulbs, odour sensors, heat sensors, ultrasonic sensors, LDR, buzzer and camera. The test results indicate that the application has been able to control all the sensors of home appliances well.
Design of an accurate wireless data logger for vibration analysis with Android interface.
Blanco, J R; Menéndez, J; Ferrero, F J; Campo, J C; Valledor, M
In this work a new accurate wireless data logger using the Android interface was developed to monitor vibrations at low-cost. The new data logger is completely autonomous and extremely reduced in size. This instrument enables data collection wirelessly and the ability to display it on any tablet or smartphone with operating system Android. The prototype allows the monitoring of any industrial system with minimal investment in material and installation costs. The data logger is capable of making 12.8 kSPS enough to sample up to 5 kHz signals. The basic specification of the data logger includes a high resolution 1-axis piezoelectric accelerometer with a working range of ±30 G. In addition to the acceleration measurements, temperature can also be recorded. The data logger was tested during a 6-month period in industrial environments. The details of the specific hardware and software design are described. The proposed technology can be easily transferred to many other areas of industrial monitoring.
Medical applications: a database and characterization of apps in Apple iOS and Android platforms.
Seabrook, Heather J; Stromer, Julie N; Shevkenek, Cole; Bharwani, Aleem; de Grood, Jill; Ghali, William A
Medical applications (apps) for smart phones and tablet computers are growing in number and are commonly used in healthcare. In this context, there is a need for a diverse community of app users, medical researchers, and app developers to better understand the app landscape. In mid-2012, we undertook an environmental scan and classification of the medical app landscape in the two dominant platforms by searching the medical category of the Apple iTunes and Google Play app download sites. We identified target audiences, functions, costs and content themes using app descriptions and captured these data in a database. We only included apps released or updated between October 1, 2011 and May 31, 2012, with a primary "medical" app store categorization, in English, that contained health or medical content. Our sample of Android apps was limited to the most popular apps in the medical category. Our final sample of Apple iOS (n = 4561) and Android (n = 293) apps illustrate a diverse medical app landscape. The proportion of Apple iOS apps for the public (35%) and for physicians (36%) is similar. Few Apple iOS apps specifically target nurses (3%). Within the Android apps, those targeting the public dominated in our sample (51%). The distribution of app functions is similar in both platforms with reference being the most common function. Most app functions and content themes vary considerably by target audience. Social media apps are more common for patients and the public, while conference apps target physicians. We characterized existing medical apps and illustrated their diversity in terms of target audience, main functions, cost and healthcare topic. The resulting app database is a resource for app users, app developers and health informatics researchers.
Effect of android to gynoid fat ratio on insulin resistance in obese youth.
Aucouturier, Julien; Meyer, Martine; Thivel, David; Taillardat, Michel; Duché, Pascale
Upper body fat distribution is associated with the early development of insulin resistance in obese children and adolescents. To determine if an android to gynoid fat ratio is associated with the severity of insulin resistance in obese children and adolescents, whereas peripheral subcutaneous fat may have a protective effect against insulin resistance. The pediatric department of University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand, France. A retrospective analysis using data from medical consultations between January 2005 and January 2007. Data from 66 obese children and adolescents coming to the hospital for medical consultation were used in this study. Subjects were stratified into tertiles of android to gynoid fat ratio determined by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Insulin resistance was assessed by the homeostasis model of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index. There were no differences in weight, body mass index, and body fat percentage between tertiles. Values of HOMA-IR were significantly increased in the 2 higher tertiles (mean [SD], tertile 2, 2.73 [1.41]; tertile 3, 2.89 [1.28]) compared with the lower tertile (tertile 1, 1.67 [1.24]) of android to gynoid fat ratio (P < .001). The HOMA-IR value was significantly associated with android to gynoid fat ratio (r = 0.35; P < .01). Android fat distribution is associated with an increased insulin resistance in obese children and adolescents. An android to gynoid fat ratio based on dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry measurements is a useful and simple technique to assess distribution of body fat associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Subsidiary of Android Industries Including On-Site Leased Workers From Career Adventures, Inc. Shreveport..., 2011, applicable to workers of AI-Shreveport, LLC, a subsidiary of Android Industries, Shreveport...- Shreveport, LLC, a subsidiary of Android Industries. The amended notice applicable to TA-W-80,515 is hereby...
A cross-sectional content analysis of Android applications for asthma.
Househ, Mowafa; Hossain, Nassif; Jamal, Amr; Zakaria, Nasriah; Elmetwally, Ashraf; Alsalamah, Majid; Khalifa, Mohamed
Providing patients opportunities for self-management and education about their disease, asthma applications designed for use on an Android operating system can have positive health outcomes across the range of demographics who use mHealth applications. This study provides a content analysis of freely available Google Android Platform Mobile Applications for Asthma. A list of applications was collected on 26 October 2014, using the search feature of the Google Play Android platform and using the words and phrases "Asthma," "Lung Function" and "Peak Flow." Each application was coded for its approach to asthma self-management, based on categories adapted by Huckvale et al., which are based on the Global Initiative for Asthma and the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. The characteristics of the 15 asthma applications are described. Most of the asthma applications' primary function focused on patient self-monitoring and self-assessment. Using the HON Code, we found low health information quality across all asthma applications. Android asthma applications can have positive outcomes in helping patients as they provide opportunities for self-management and education about their disease. Future research should continue to monitor and evaluate the development and use of mHealth Asthma Applications. Based on these findings, and their indication of a gap in existing research, subsequent studies can continue to evaluate the development and use of mHealth Asthma Applications with increasing methodological consistency to improve the quality of in-app health information.
Development of a real time activity monitoring Android application utilizing SmartStep.
Hegde, Nagaraj; Melanson, Edward; Sazonov, Edward
Footwear based activity monitoring systems are becoming popular in academic research as well as consumer industry segments. In our previous work, we had presented developmental aspects of an insole based activity and gait monitoring system-SmartStep, which is a socially acceptable, fully wireless and versatile insole. The present work describes the development of an Android application that captures the SmartStep data wirelessly over Bluetooth Low energy (BLE), computes features on the received data, runs activity classification algorithms and provides real time feedback. The development of activity classification methods was based on the the data from a human study involving 4 participants. Participants were asked to perform activities of sitting, standing, walking, and cycling while they wore SmartStep insole system. Multinomial Logistic Discrimination (MLD) was utilized in the development of machine learning model for activity prediction. The resulting classification model was implemented in an Android Smartphone. The Android application was benchmarked for power consumption and CPU loading. Leave one out cross validation resulted in average accuracy of 96.9% during model training phase. The Android application for real time activity classification was tested on a human subject wearing SmartStep resulting in testing accuracy of 95.4%.
[Portable Epileptic Seizure Monitoring Intelligent System Based on Android System].
Liang, Zhenhu; Wu, Shufeng; Yang, Chunlin; Jiang, Zhenzhou; Yu, Tao; Lu, Chengbiao; Li, Xiaoli
The clinical electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring systems based on personal computer system can not meet the requirements of portability and home usage. The epilepsy patients have to be monitored in hospital for an extended period of time, which imposes a heavy burden on hospitals. In the present study, we designed a portable 16-lead networked monitoring system based on the Android smart phone. The system uses some technologies including the active electrode, the WiFi wireless transmission, the multi-scale permutation entropy (MPE) algorithm, the back-propagation (BP) neural network algorithm, etc. Moreover, the software of Android mobile application can realize the processing and analysis of EEG data, the display of EEG waveform and the alarm of epileptic seizure. The system has been tested on the mobile phones with Android 2. 3 operating system or higher version and the results showed that this software ran accurately and steadily in the detection of epileptic seizure. In conclusion, this paper provides a portable and reliable solution for epileptic seizure monitoring in clinical and home applications.
Jabbour, Noel; Sidman, James
There has been an increasing interest in assessment of technical skills in most medical and surgical disciplines. Many of these assessments involve microscopy or endoscopy and are thus amenable to video recording for post hoc review. An ideal skills assessment video would provide the reviewer with a simultaneous view of the examinee's instrument handling and the operative field. Ideally, a reviewer should be blinded to the identity of the examinee and whether the assessment was performed as a pretest or posttest examination, when given in conjunction with an educational intervention. We describe a simple method for reliably creating deidentified, multicamera, time-synced videos, which may be used in technical skills assessments. We pilot tested this method in a pediatric airway endoscopy Objective Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS). Total video length was compared with the OSATS administration time. Thirty-nine OSATS were administered. There were no errors encountered in time-syncing the videos using this method. Mean duration of OSATS videos was 11 minutes and 20 seconds, which was significantly less than the time needed for an expert to be present at the administration of each 30-minute OSATS (P < 0.001). The described method for creating time-synced, multicamera skills assessment videos is reliable and may be used in endosurgical or microsurgical skills assessments. Compared with live review, post hoc video review using this method can save valuable expert reviewer time. Most importantly, this method allows a reviewer to simultaneously evaluate an examinee's instrument handling and the operative field while being blinded to the examinee's identity and timing of examination administration.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huanqin, Wu; Yasheng, Jin; Yugang, Dai
Under the current situation where Internet technology develops rapidly, mobile E-commerce technology has brought great convenience to our life. Now, the graphical user interface (GUI) of most E-commerce platforms only supports Chinese. Thus, the development of Android client of E-commerce that supports ethnic languages owns a great prospect. The principle that combines front end design and database technology is adopted in this paper to construct the Android client system of E-commerce platforms that supports ethnic languages, which realizes the displaying, browsing, querying, searching, trading and other functions of ethnic characteristic agricultural products on android platforms.
IN-SYNC. V. Stellar Kinematics and Dynamics in the Orion A Molecular Cloud
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Da Rio, Nicola; Tan, Jonathan C.; Covey, Kevin R.; Cottaar, Michiel; Foster, Jonathan B.; Cullen, Nicholas C.; Tobin, John; Kim, Jinyoung S.; Meyer, Michael R.; Nidever, David L.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Chojnowski, S. Drew; Flaherty, Kevin M.; Majewski, Steven R.; Skrutskie, Michael F.; Zasowski, Gail; Pan, Kaike
The kinematics and dynamics of young stellar populations enable us to test theories of star formation. With this aim, we continue our analysis of the SDSS-III/APOGEE IN-SYNC survey, a high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopic survey of young clusters. We focus on the Orion A star-forming region, for which IN-SYNC obtained spectra of ˜2700 stars. In Paper IV we used these data to study the young stellar population. Here we study the kinematic properties through radial velocities (v r ). The young stellar population remains kinematically associated with the molecular gas, following a ˜ 10 {km} {{{s}}}-1 gradient along the filament. However, near the center of the region, the v r distribution is slightly blueshifted and asymmetric; we suggest that this population, which is older, is slightly in the foreground. We find evidence for kinematic subclustering, detecting statistically significant groupings of colocated stars with coherent motions. These are mostly in the lower-density regions of the cloud, while the ONC radial velocities are smoothly distributed, consistent with it being an older, more dynamically evolved cluster. The velocity dispersion {σ }v varies along the filament. The ONC appears virialized, or just slightly supervirial, consistent with an old dynamical age. Here there is also some evidence for ongoing expansion, from a v r -extinction correlation. In the southern filament, {σ }v is ˜2-3 times larger than virial in the L1641N region, where we infer a superposition along the line of sight of stellar subpopulations, detached from the gas. In contrast, {σ }v decreases toward L1641S, where the population is again in agreement with a virial state.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kumazaki, Hirokazu; Warren, Zachary; Swanson, Amy; Yoshikawa, Yuichiro; Matsumoto, Yoshio; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Sarkar, Nilanjan; Minabe, Yoshio; Kikuchi, Mitsuru
Identification of meaningful endophenotypes may be critical to unraveling the etiology and pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). We investigated whether impressions of "humanness" for android robot might represent a candidate characteristic of an ASD endophenotype. We used a female type of android robot with an appearance…
Android Based Mobile Environment for Moodle Users
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
de Clunie, Gisela T.; Clunie, Clifton; Castillo, Aris; Rangel, Norman
This paper is about the development of a platform that eases, throughout Android based mobile devices, mobility of users of virtual courses at Technological University of Panama. The platform deploys computational techniques such as "web services," design patterns, ontologies and mobile technologies to allow mobile devices communicate…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Riantana, R.; Darsono, D.; Triyono, A.; Azimut, H. B.
Calibration of the android censor was done by placing the device in a mounting at side of accelerograph TDL 303 QS that will be a means of comparison. Leveling of both devices was set same, so that the state of the device can be assumed same anyway. Then applied vibrations in order to have the maximum amplitude value of both censor, so it can be found equality of the coefficient of proportionality both of them. The results on both devices obtain the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) as follows, on the x axis (EW) android censor is obtained PGA -2.4478145 gal than at TDL 303 QS obtained PGA -2.5504 gal, the y-axis (NS) on the censor android obtained PGA 3.0066964 gal than at TDL 303 QS obtained PGA 3.2073 gal, the z-axis (UD) on the android censor obtained PGA -14.0702377 gal than at TDL 303 QS obtained PGA -13.2927 gal, A correction value for android accelerometer censor is ± 0.1 gal for the x-axis (EW), ± 0.2 gal for the y-axis (NS), and ± 0.7 gal for the z-axis (UD).
Analysis of Android Device-Based Solutions for Fall Detection
Casilari, Eduardo; Luque, Rafael; Morón, María-José
Falls are a major cause of health and psychological problems as well as hospitalization costs among older adults. Thus, the investigation on automatic Fall Detection Systems (FDSs) has received special attention from the research community during the last decade. In this area, the widespread popularity, decreasing price, computing capabilities, built-in sensors and multiplicity of wireless interfaces of Android-based devices (especially smartphones) have fostered the adoption of this technology to deploy wearable and inexpensive architectures for fall detection. This paper presents a critical and thorough analysis of those existing fall detection systems that are based on Android devices. The review systematically classifies and compares the proposals of the literature taking into account different criteria such as the system architecture, the employed sensors, the detection algorithm or the response in case of a fall alarms. The study emphasizes the analysis of the evaluation methods that are employed to assess the effectiveness of the detection process. The review reveals the complete lack of a reference framework to validate and compare the proposals. In addition, the study also shows that most research works do not evaluate the actual applicability of the Android devices (with limited battery and computing resources) to fall detection solutions. PMID:26213928
Analysis of Android Device-Based Solutions for Fall Detection.
Casilari, Eduardo; Luque, Rafael; Morón, María-José
Falls are a major cause of health and psychological problems as well as hospitalization costs among older adults. Thus, the investigation on automatic Fall Detection Systems (FDSs) has received special attention from the research community during the last decade. In this area, the widespread popularity, decreasing price, computing capabilities, built-in sensors and multiplicity of wireless interfaces of Android-based devices (especially smartphones) have fostered the adoption of this technology to deploy wearable and inexpensive architectures for fall detection. This paper presents a critical and thorough analysis of those existing fall detection systems that are based on Android devices. The review systematically classifies and compares the proposals of the literature taking into account different criteria such as the system architecture, the employed sensors, the detection algorithm or the response in case of a fall alarms. The study emphasizes the analysis of the evaluation methods that are employed to assess the effectiveness of the detection process. The review reveals the complete lack of a reference framework to validate and compare the proposals. In addition, the study also shows that most research works do not evaluate the actual applicability of the Android devices (with limited battery and computing resources) to fall detection solutions.
Kumazaki, Hirokazu; Warren, Zachary; Swanson, Amy; Yoshikawa, Yuichiro; Matsumoto, Yoshio; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Sarkar, Nilanjan; Minabe, Yoshio; Kikuchi, Mitsuru
Identification of meaningful endophenotypes may be critical to unraveling the etiology and pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). We investigated whether impressions of "humanness" for android robot might represent a candidate characteristic of an ASD endophenotype. We used a female type of android robot with an appearance similar to that of a real person. Significant differences in overall impressions of 'humanness' for android robot were found between adolescents with ASD and typical development (TD) controls, as well as parents of children with ASD and parents of TD controls. Our current work does suggest robotic systems could potentially play an intelligent role in dissecting ASD heterogeneity.
Android Malware Classification Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hamid, Isredza Rahmi A.; Syafiqah Khalid, Nur; Azma Abdullah, Nurul; Rahman, Nurul Hidayah Ab; Chai Wen, Chuah
Malware was designed to gain access or damage a computer system without user notice. Besides, attacker exploits malware to commit crime or fraud. This paper proposed Android malware classification approach based on K-Means clustering algorithm. We evaluate the proposed model in terms of accuracy using machine learning algorithms. Two datasets were selected to demonstrate the practicing of K-Means clustering algorithms that are Virus Total and Malgenome dataset. We classify the Android malware into three clusters which are ransomware, scareware and goodware. Nine features were considered for each types of dataset such as Lock Detected, Text Detected, Text Score, Encryption Detected, Threat, Porn, Law, Copyright and Moneypak. We used IBM SPSS Statistic software for data classification and WEKA tools to evaluate the built cluster. The proposed K-Means clustering algorithm shows promising result with high accuracy when tested using Random Forest algorithm.
Android Based Binus Profile Applications as the Marketing Tools of Bina Nusantara University
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Iskandar, Karto
Smart phones with apps in it is not a new phenomenon. Both of technologies have been fused with the lifestyle today. The ease and speed of access to information makes a lot of companies use it in the process of marketing a product to the public. Objective of this action is to win the competition that more competitive. The purpose of this research is to create mobile application android based to assist in the marketing and introduction Bina Nusantara University profile to prospective students. This research method using software engineering waterfall model to produce Android-based mobile applications. The results in the form of Android-based mobile application that can be used as a viral marketing tool for Bina Nusantara University. At the end of this study can be generated that mobile technology can be used as a media for effective marketing and branding, especially for Bina Nusantara University. Android technology based for marketing applications suited to the Bina Nusantara University applicant segment which are generally young people. The future along with the improvement of network quality and affordable cost, then the application can be made online, so features such as chat, maps, and other can be used optimally.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huda, C.; Hudha, M. N.; Ain, N.; Nandiyanto, A. B. D.; Abdullah, A. G.; Widiaty, I.
Computer programming course is theoretical. Sufficient practice is necessary to facilitate conceptual understanding and encouraging creativity in designing computer programs/animation. The development of tutorial video in an Android-based blended learning is needed for students’ guide. Using Android-based instructional material, students can independently learn anywhere and anytime. The tutorial video can facilitate students’ understanding about concepts, materials, and procedures of programming/animation making in detail. This study employed a Research and Development method adapting Thiagarajan’s 4D model. The developed Android-based instructional material and tutorial video were validated by experts in instructional media and experts in physics education. The expert validation results showed that the Android-based material was comprehensive and very feasible. The tutorial video was deemed feasible as it received average score of 92.9%. It was also revealed that students’ conceptual understanding, skills, and creativity in designing computer program/animation improved significantly.
Mobile PHRs compliance with Android and iOS usability guidelines.
Cruz Zapata, Belén; Hernández Niñirola, Antonio; Idri, Ali; Fernández-Alemán, José Luis; Toval, Ambrosio
Mobile Personal Health Records (PHRs) have achieved a particularly strong market share since the appearance of more powerful mobile devices and popular worldwide mobile application markets such as Apple's App Store and Android's Google Play. However, Android and Apple have a set of recommendations on design and usability targeted towards developers who wish to publish apps in their stores: Android Design Guidelines and iOS Human Interface Guidelines. This paper aims to evaluate compliance with these guidelines by assessing the usability recommendations of a set of 24 selected mobile PHR applications. An analysis process based on a well-known Systematic Literature Review (SLR) protocol was used. The results show that the 24 mobile PHR applications studied are not suitably structured. 46 % of these applications do not use any of the recommended patterns, using instead lists or springboards, which are deprecated patterns for top-level menus. 70 % of the PHRs require a registration to be able to test the application when these interactions should be delayed. Our study will help both PHR users to select user-friendly mobile PHRs and PHR providers and developers to identify the good usability practices implemented by the applications with the highest scores.
Design and Implementation of Campus Application APP Based on Android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
dongxu, Zhu; yabin, liu; xian lei, PI; weixiang, Zhou; meng, Huang
In this paper, "Internet + campus" as the entrance of the Android technology based on the application of campus design and implementation of Application program. Based on GIS(Geographic Information System) spatial database, GIS spatial analysis technology, Java development technology and Android development technology, this system server adopts the Model View Controller architectue to realize the efficient use of campus information and provide real-time information of all kinds of learning and life for campus student at the same time. "Fingertips on the Institute of Disaster Prevention Science and Technology" release for the campus students of all grades of life, learning, entertainment provides a convenient.
The Emerging Wireless Body Area Network on Android Smartphones: A Review
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Puspitaningayu, P.; Widodo, A.; Yundra, E.
Our society now has driven us into an era where almost everything can be digitally monitored and controlled including the human body. The growth of wireless body area network (WBAN), as a specific scope of sensor networks which mounted or attached to human body also developing rapidly. It allows people to monitor their health and several daily activities. This study is intended to review the trend of WBAN especially on Android, one of the most popular smartphone platforms. A systematic literature review is concerned to the following parameters: the purpose of the device and/or application, the type of sensors, the type of Android device, and its connectivity. Most of the studies were more concern to healthcare or medical monitoring systems: blood pressure, electro cardiograph, tremor detection, etc. On the other hand, the rest of them aimed for activity tracker, environment sensing, and epidemic control. After all, those studies shown that not only Android can be a powerful platform to process data from various sensors but also smartphones can be a good alternative to develop WBANs for medical and other daily applications.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: IN-SYNC. III. Radial velocities of IC348 stars (Cottaar+, 2015)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cottaar, M.; Covey, K. R.; Foster, J. B.; Meyer, M. R.; Tan, J. C.; Nidever, D. L.; Drew Chojnowski, S.; da Rio, N.; Flaherty, K. M.; Frinchaboy, P. M.; Majewski, S.; Skrutskie, M. F.; Wilson, J. C.; Zasowski, G.
Cottaar et al. (Paper I, 2014, J/ApJ/794/125) describes the analysis of the high-resolution near-infrared spectra obtained by the APOGEE multi-object spectrograph from stars in IC 348, NGC 1333, NGC 2264, and Orion A as part of the INfrared Spectroscopy of Young Nebulous Clusters (IN-SYNC) ancillary program. Using radial velocities determined from APOGEE spectra of 380 likely cluster members, we have measured the radial velocity distribution of the young (2-6Myr) cluster IC 348. (2 data files).
Android Based Area Web Monitoring
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kanigoro, Bayu; Galih Salman, Afan; Moniaga, Jurike V.; Chandra, Eric; Rezky Chandra, Zein
The research objective is to develop an application that can be used in the monitoring of an area by using a webcam. It aims to create a sense of security on the user's application because it can monitor an area using mobile phone anywhere. The results obtained in this study is to create an area with a webcam monitoring application that can be accessed anywhere as long as the monitoring results have internet access and can also be accessed through Android Based Mobile Phone.
Using Android-Based Educational Game for Learning Colloid Material
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sari, S.; Anjani, R.; Farida, I.; Ramdhani, M. A.
This research is based on the importance of the development of student’s chemical literacy on Colloid material using Android-based educational game media. Educational game products are developed through research and development design. In the analysis phase, material analysis is performed to generate concept maps, determine chemical literacy indicators, game strategies and set game paths. In the design phase, product packaging is carried out, then validation and feasibility test are performed. Research produces educational game based on Android that has the characteristics that is: Colloid material presented in 12 levels of game in the form of questions and challenges, presents visualization of discourse, images and animation contextually to develop the process of thinking and attitude. Based on the analysis of validation and trial results, the product is considered feasible to use.
GeoTools: An android phone application in geology
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Weng, Yi-Hua; Sun, Fu-Shing; Grigsby, Jeffry D.
GeoTools is an Android application that can carry out several tasks essential in geological field studies. By employing the accelerometer in the Android phone, the application turns the handset into a pocket transit compass by which users can measure directions, strike and dip of a bedding plane, or trend and plunge of a fold. The application integrates functionalities of photo taking, videotaping, audio recording, and note writing with GPS coordinates to track the location at which each datum was taken. A time-stamped file name is shared by the various types of data taken at the same location. Data collected at different locations are named in a chronological sequence. At the end of each set of operations, GeoTools also automatically generates an XML file to summarize the characteristics of data being collected corresponding to a specific location. In this way, GeoTools allows geologists to use a multimedia approach to document their field observations with a clear data organization scheme in one handy gadget.
Family Expense Manager Application in Android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rajaprabha, M. N.
FAMILY EXPENSES MANAGER is an android application. This monitors your own costs, family costs and incidental costs. This resembles a present day costs day book in your versatile. This application helps you to monitor your every day costs, settlement points of interest, general rundown, report in detail and periodic costs subtle elements. Every one of the information is put away in database and can be recovered by the client and their relatives.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jumarlis, Mila; Mirfan, Mirfan
Local language learning had been leaving by people especially young people had affected technology advances so that involved lack of interest to learn culture especially local language. So required interactive and interest learning media for introduction Lontara. This research aims to design and implement augmented reality on introduction Lontara on mobile device especially android. Application of introduction Lontara based on Android was designed by Vuforia and Unity. Data collection method were observation, interview, and literature review. That data was analysed for being information. The system was designed by Unified Modeling Language (UML). The method used is a marker. The test result found that application of Augmented Reality on introduction Lontara based on Android could improve public interest for introducing local language particularly young people in learning about Lontara because of using technology. Application of introduction of Lontara based on Android used augmented reality occurred sound and how to write Lontara with animation. This application could be running without an internet connection, so that its used more efficient and could maximize from user.
Kang, Seon Mee; Yoon, Ji Won; Ahn, Hwa Young; Kim, So Yeon; Lee, Kyoung Ho; Shin, Hayley; Choi, Sung Hee; Park, Kyong Soo; Jang, Hak Chul; Lim, Soo
Fat accumulation in android compartments may confer increased metabolic risk. The incremental utility of measuring regional fat deposition in association with metabolic syndrome (MS) has not been well described particularly in an elderly population. As part of the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging, which is a community-based cohort study of people aged more than 65 years, subjects (287 male, 75.9±8.6 years and 278 female, 76.0±8.8 years) with regional body composition data using Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry for android/gynoid area, computed tomography for visceral/subcutaneous adipose tissue (VAT/SAT), and cardiometabolic markers including adiponectin and high-sensitivity CRP were enrolled. We investigated the relationship between regional body composition and MS in multivariate regression models. Mean VAT and SAT area was 131.4±65.5 cm(2) and 126.9±55.2 cm(2) in men (P = 0.045) and 120.0±46.7 cm(2) and 211.8±65.9 cm(2) in women (P<0.01). Mean android and gynoid fat amount was 1.8±0.8 kg and 2.5±0.8 kg in men and 2.0±0.6 kg and 3.3±0.8 kg in women, respectively (both P<0.01). VAT area and android fat amount was strongly correlated with most metabolic risk factors compared to SAT or gynoid fat. Furthermore, android fat amount was significantly associated with clustering of MS components after adjustment for multiple parameters including age, gender, adiponectin, hsCRP, a surrogate marker of insulin resistance, whole body fat mass and VAT area. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesized role of android fat as a pathogenic fat depot in the MS. Measurement of android fat may provide a more complete understanding of metabolic risk associated with variations in fat distribution.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mardiana, Nana; Kuswanto, Heru
The aims of the research concerned here were to reveal (1) the characteristics of Android-assisted PML (physics mobile learning) to improve SMA (sekolah menengah atas, Indonesian senior high school) students' divergent thinking skills and physics HOTS (higher order thinking skills); (2) the feasibility of the Android-assisted PML; and (3) the influence of using the Android-assisted PML on improvement in SMA students' divergent thinking skills and physics HOTS. The7 research was of the R&D (research and development) type, adapted from theBorg-&-Gall development model. The research data were analyzed by means of MANOVA with the significance level of 5%. The results are as follows. (1) The product of the development, a learning media in software form with the android package(apk) format, is named PML (to refer to Physics Mobile Learning), which has such characterictics as being operable with use of Android devicesand being very good in quality in the aspect oflearning, material, software technology, and audiovisual appearance. 2) The developed learning media referred to as PML is appropriate for learning activity according to evaluation by a material expert, a media expert, peer reviewers, and physics teachers as well as according to results of students' tryouts. (3) The use of the Android-assisted PML media product could improve SMA students' divergent thinking skillsand physics HOTS with the respective high-category gain scores of 0.701 and 0.759.
QRS peak detection for heart rate monitoring on Android smartphone
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pambudi Utomo, Trio; Nuryani, Nuryani; Darmanto
In this study, Android smartphone is used for heart rate monitoring and displaying electrocardiogram (ECG) graph. Heart rate determination is based on QRS peak detection. Two methods are studied to detect the QRS complex peak; they are Peak Threshold and Peak Filter. The acquisition of ECG data is utilized by AD8232 module from Analog Devices, three electrodes, and Microcontroller Arduino UNO R3. To record the ECG data from a patient, three electrodes are attached to particular body’s surface of a patient. Patient’s heart activity which is recorded by AD8232 module is decoded by Arduino UNO R3 into analog data. Then, the analog data is converted into a voltage value (mV) and is processed to get the QRS complex peak. Heart rate value is calculated by Microcontroller Arduino UNO R3 uses the QRS complex peak. Voltage, heart rate, and the QRS complex peak are sent to Android smartphone by Bluetooth HC-05. ECG data is displayed as the graph by Android smartphone. To evaluate the performance of QRS complex peak detection method, three parameters are used; they are positive predictive, accuracy and sensitivity. Positive predictive, accuracy, and sensitivity of Peak Threshold method is 92.39%, 70.30%, 74.62% and for Peak Filter method are 98.38%, 82.47%, 83.61%, respectively.
CAreDroid: Adaptation Framework for Android Context-Aware Applications
Elmalaki, Salma; Wanner, Lucas; Srivastava, Mani
Context-awareness is the ability of software systems to sense and adapt to their physical environment. Many contemporary mobile applications adapt to changing locations, connectivity states, available computational and energy resources, and proximity to other users and devices. Nevertheless, there is little systematic support for context-awareness in contemporary mobile operating systems. Because of this, application developers must build their own context-awareness adaptation engines, dealing directly with sensors and polluting application code with complex adaptation decisions. In this paper, we introduce CAreDroid, which is a framework that is designed to decouple the application logic from the complex adaptation decisions in Android context-aware applications. In this framework, developers are required— only—to focus on the application logic by providing a list of methods that are sensitive to certain contexts along with the permissible operating ranges under those contexts. At run time, CAreDroid monitors the context of the physical environment and intercepts calls to sensitive methods, activating only the blocks of code that best fit the current physical context. CAreDroid is implemented as part of the Android runtime system. By pushing context monitoring and adaptation into the runtime system, CAreDroid eases the development of context-aware applications and increases their efficiency. In particular, case study applications implemented using CAre-Droid are shown to have: (1) at least half lines of code fewer and (2) at least 10× more efficient in execution time compared to equivalent context-aware applications that use only standard Android APIs. PMID:26834512
Architecture for high performance stereoscopic game rendering on Android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Flack, Julien; Sanderson, Hugh; Shetty, Sampath
Stereoscopic gaming is a popular source of content for consumer 3D display systems. There has been a significant shift in the gaming industry towards casual games for mobile devices running on the Android™ Operating System and driven by ARM™ and other low power processors. Such systems are now being integrated directly into the next generation of 3D TVs potentially removing the requirement for an external games console. Although native stereo support has been integrated into some high profile titles on established platforms like Windows PC and PS3 there is a lack of GPU independent 3D support for the emerging Android platform. We describe a framework for enabling stereoscopic 3D gaming on Android for applications on mobile devices, set top boxes and TVs. A core component of the architecture is a 3D game driver, which is integrated into the Android OpenGL™ ES graphics stack to convert existing 2D graphics applications into stereoscopic 3D in real-time. The architecture includes a method of analyzing 2D games and using rule based Artificial Intelligence (AI) to position separate objects in 3D space. We describe an innovative stereo 3D rendering technique to separate the views in the depth domain and render directly into the display buffer. The advantages of the stereo renderer are demonstrated by characterizing the performance in comparison to more traditional render techniques, including depth based image rendering, both in terms of frame rates and impact on battery consumption.
CAreDroid: Adaptation Framework for Android Context-Aware Applications.
Elmalaki, Salma; Wanner, Lucas; Srivastava, Mani
Context-awareness is the ability of software systems to sense and adapt to their physical environment. Many contemporary mobile applications adapt to changing locations, connectivity states, available computational and energy resources, and proximity to other users and devices. Nevertheless, there is little systematic support for context-awareness in contemporary mobile operating systems. Because of this, application developers must build their own context-awareness adaptation engines, dealing directly with sensors and polluting application code with complex adaptation decisions. In this paper, we introduce CAreDroid, which is a framework that is designed to decouple the application logic from the complex adaptation decisions in Android context-aware applications. In this framework, developers are required- only-to focus on the application logic by providing a list of methods that are sensitive to certain contexts along with the permissible operating ranges under those contexts. At run time, CAreDroid monitors the context of the physical environment and intercepts calls to sensitive methods, activating only the blocks of code that best fit the current physical context. CAreDroid is implemented as part of the Android runtime system. By pushing context monitoring and adaptation into the runtime system, CAreDroid eases the development of context-aware applications and increases their efficiency. In particular, case study applications implemented using CAre-Droid are shown to have: (1) at least half lines of code fewer and (2) at least 10× more efficient in execution time compared to equivalent context-aware applications that use only standard Android APIs.
A concept of dynamic permission mechanism on android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Aron, Lukas; Hanacek, Petr
This paper discuss the main security topic in mobile security area and this topic is protect user against the leakage of data. This work primarily contains the proposal of concept of dynamic permission mechanism for Android operating system. This mechanism deals with assignment or enforcement permissions to the application according to files that the application works with. Application has set of permissions that can use, but if the user opens confident files the application permissions should change its permission set and there should not be possible leakage of this secret data. The permissions set should be stricter according to opened confidential file or more open (without restriction) if the file is not secret file. The concept proposes the solution for protecting this data leakage. Idea covers rule that user should be avoided of change this permissions himself, but this behavior should be dynamic, automatic and independent. This proposal is mainly aimed to Android operating system, but the concept can be applied to other mobile platforms with some implementation changes.
A comparison of the characteristics of iOS and Android users of a smoking cessation app.
Ubhi, Harveen Kaur; Kotz, Daniel; Michie, Susan; van Schayck, Onno C P; West, Robert
iOS and Android smartphone users may differ in ways that affect their use and likelihood of success when using a smoking cessation application (app). If so, it may be necessary to take the device type (iOS and Android) into account when designing smoking cessation apps and in studies evaluating app effectiveness. How do socio-demographic and smoking characteristics, potentially relevant to engagement and cessation outcomes, of the SF28 app users differ between those using the iOS version and those using the Android version? Data were collected between October 2013 and April 2015. The variables measured were age, gender, social grade, time since the most recent quit attempt, choice of medication use (nicotine replacement therapy or varenicline), weekly expenditure on cigarettes, cigarettes smoked per day, reason for using the app and quit date set. The alpha was set to p < 0.006 to adjust for multiple comparisons. A total of 1368 users were included in the analysis. iOS and Android device users were similar in terms of age, social grade, weekly expenditure on cigarettes and cigarettes smoked per day. Compared with Android users, iOS users were more likely to have downloaded the app for a serious quit attempt (74.3 versus 69.6%, p = 0.001), made a quit attempt within the last 12 months (59.6 versus 45.9%, p < 0.001) and set their quit date on the day of registration (61 versus 46.2%, p < 0.001). They were less likely to have used stop-smoking medication to support their quit attempt (31.5 versus 48.6%, p < 0.001). Differences between smokers using the iOS version of smoking cessation apps and those using the Android version may influence quit success.
Orbetzova, Maria M; Koleva, Daniela I; Mitkov, Mitko D; Atanassova, Iliana B; Nikolova, Julia G; Atanassova, Pepa K; Genchev, Gencho D
The AIM of the study was to compare the levels of certain adipose tissue hormones in women with the two main morphological types of obesity - android and gynoid obesity. The study included 2 groups of age- and weight-matched women with android (n = 32) and gynoid (n = 27) type of obesity, and a group of age-matched healthy women (n = 24) with normal weight and body constitution. Leptin, resistin, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), neuropeptide Y (NPY), glucose and insulin were measured. HOMA index was calculated. Leptin levels in the women with gynoid obesity did not differ significantly from those in the controls and the women with android obesity. The controls had significantly lower leptin levels compared with the android obesity women. NPY was significantly higher in the control women compared to the women with android obesity and did not differ significantly between the two groups of obese women. TNFalpha levels in all groups were very similar. Resistin did not show significant differences between all groups but tended to have the lowest levels in the controls. In the women with android obesity, insulin was significantly higher than that in the women with gynoid obesity and the controls. Insulin resistance was found in the women with android obesity only. Basal insulin and HOMA index in the women with gynoid obesity did not differ significantly from the values in the control group. The results from this study contribute to understanding the association of adipose tissue hormones and insulin resistance in obesity. When adipose tissue is predominantly distributed in the abdominal area at similar amount and percentage of body fats, leptin production is higher and insulin resistance develops. In the gynoid type of adipose tissue predisposition, overt insulin resistance is not found, leptin levels does not differ significantly from those in the control group.
Kumazaki, Hirokazu; Warren, Zachary; Corbett, Blythe A.; Yoshikawa, Yuichiro; Matsumoto, Yoshio; Higashida, Haruhiro; Yuhi, Teruko; Ikeda, Takashi; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Kikuchi, Mitsuru
The feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an android robot-mediated mock job interview training in terms of both bolstering self-confidence and reducing biological levels of stress in comparison to a psycho-educational approach human interview was assessed in a randomized study. Young adults (ages 18–25 years) with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were randomized to participate either in a mock job interview training with our android robot system (n = 7) or a self-paced review of materials about job-interviewing skills (n = 8). Baseline and outcome measurements of self-reported performance/efficacy and salivary cortisol were obtained after a mock job interview with a human interviewer. After training sessions, individuals with ASD participating in the android robot-mediated sessions reported marginally improved self-confidence and demonstrated significantly lower levels of salivary cortisol as compared to the control condition. These results provide preliminary support for the feasibility and efficacy of android robot-mediated learning. PMID:28955254
Kumazaki, Hirokazu; Warren, Zachary; Corbett, Blythe A; Yoshikawa, Yuichiro; Matsumoto, Yoshio; Higashida, Haruhiro; Yuhi, Teruko; Ikeda, Takashi; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Kikuchi, Mitsuru
The feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an android robot-mediated mock job interview training in terms of both bolstering self-confidence and reducing biological levels of stress in comparison to a psycho-educational approach human interview was assessed in a randomized study. Young adults (ages 18-25 years) with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were randomized to participate either in a mock job interview training with our android robot system ( n = 7) or a self-paced review of materials about job-interviewing skills ( n = 8). Baseline and outcome measurements of self-reported performance/efficacy and salivary cortisol were obtained after a mock job interview with a human interviewer. After training sessions, individuals with ASD participating in the android robot-mediated sessions reported marginally improved self-confidence and demonstrated significantly lower levels of salivary cortisol as compared to the control condition. These results provide preliminary support for the feasibility and efficacy of android robot-mediated learning.
Kang, Seon Mee; Yoon, Ji Won; Ahn, Hwa Young; Kim, So Yeon; Lee, Kyoung Ho; Shin, Hayley; Choi, Sung Hee; Park, Kyong Soo; Jang, Hak Chul; Lim, Soo
Background Fat accumulation in android compartments may confer increased metabolic risk. The incremental utility of measuring regional fat deposition in association with metabolic syndrome (MS) has not been well described particularly in an elderly population. Methods and Findings As part of the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging, which is a community-based cohort study of people aged more than 65 years, subjects (287 male, 75.9±8.6 years and 278 female, 76.0±8.8 years) with regional body composition data using Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry for android/gynoid area, computed tomography for visceral/subcutaneous adipose tissue (VAT/SAT), and cardiometabolic markers including adiponectin and high-sensitivity CRP were enrolled. We investigated the relationship between regional body composition and MS in multivariate regression models. Mean VAT and SAT area was 131.4±65.5 cm2 and 126.9±55.2 cm2 in men (P = 0.045) and 120.0±46.7 cm2 and 211.8±65.9 cm2 in women (P<0.01). Mean android and gynoid fat amount was 1.8±0.8 kg and 2.5±0.8 kg in men and 2.0±0.6 kg and 3.3±0.8 kg in women, respectively (both P<0.01). VAT area and android fat amount was strongly correlated with most metabolic risk factors compared to SAT or gynoid fat. Furthermore, android fat amount was significantly associated with clustering of MS components after adjustment for multiple parameters including age, gender, adiponectin, hsCRP, a surrogate marker of insulin resistance, whole body fat mass and VAT area. Conclusions Our findings are consistent with the hypothesized role of android fat as a pathogenic fat depot in the MS. Measurement of android fat may provide a more complete understanding of metabolic risk associated with variations in fat distribution. PMID:22096613
DARKDROID: Exposing the Dark Side of Android Marketplaces
Moreover, our approaches can detect apps containing both intentional and unintentional vulnerabilities, such as unsafe code loading mechanisms and...Security, Static Analysis, Dynamic Analysis, Malware Detection , Vulnerability Scanning 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT UU 18...applications in a DoD context. ................... 1 1.2.2 Develop sophisticated whole-system static analyses to detect malicious Android applications
Secure Ad Hoc Networking on an Android Platform
Once the device is provisioned, connections can be initiated by tapping two devices together, this uses NFC to bootstrap a Bluetooth connection. Once...4 2.2 Residual Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Device Provisioning 5 3.1...the inclusion of SE Android’s Install-time Mandatory Access Control (MAC) feature. Some knowledge of Android is required to understand the system
Learning Application of Astronomy Based Augmented Reality using Android Platform
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Maleke, B.; Paseru, D.; Padang, R.
Astronomy is a branch of science involving observations of celestial bodies such as stars, planets, nebular comets, star clusters, and galaxies as well as natural phenomena occurring outside the Earth’s atmosphere. The way of learning of Astronomy is quite varied, such as by using a book or observe directly with a telescope. But both ways of learning have shortcomings, for example learning through books is only presented in the form of interesting 2D drawings. While learning with a telescope requires a fairly expensive cost to buy the equipment. This study will present a more interesting way of learning from the previous one, namely through Augmented Reality (AR) application using Android platform. Augmented Reality is a combination of virtual world (virtual) and real world (real) made by computer. Virtual objects can be text, animation, 3D models or videos that are combined with the actual environment so that the user feels the virtual object is in his environment. With the use of the Android platform, this application makes the learning method more interesting because it can be used on various Android smartphones so that learning can be done anytime and anywhere. The methodology used in making applications is Multimedia Lifecycle, along with C # language for AR programming and flowchart as a modelling tool. The results of research on some users stated that this application can run well and can be used as an alternative way of learning Astronomy with more interesting.
First aid manual in an android environment.
Theodoromanolakis, Panos; Zygouras, Nikolaos; Mantas, John
The First Aid Manual constitutes a detailed guide which contains useful information and suggested acts for potential pathogenic conditions in everyday life, given in an Android environment. The aim of the project is the capability of eliciting information regarding First Aid, by means of a widespread use device, such as smartphones. For the conduction of the project a database was used, into which the information was incorporated, in order to be later reloaded into the Eclipse environment. It will there receive its final form as an executable file for android cellphones. The executable file axx.apk originated an application which, providing the user with 6 main categories (definition, epidemiological evidence, aggravating factors, symptoms, what to do, what to avoid, acts) gives them access to an easy navigation and enables them to provide first grade care, without the requirement of any previous experience. The more and more advanced needs of the modern lifestyle, combined with technological achievements have created a complex system of social fabric, having of course an effect also on the area of human accidents. Hence, First Aid information given in the environment of a mobile phone can prove to be a useful tool for anyone, in case of an accident.
Develop applications based on android: Teacher Engagement Control of Health (TECH)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sasmoko; Manalu, S. R.; Widhoyoko, S. A.; Indrianti, Y.; Suparto
Physical and psychological condition of teachers is very important because it helped determine the realization of a positive school climate and productive so that they can run their profession optimally. This research is an advanced research on the design of ITEI application that able to see the profile of teacher’s engagement in Indonesia and to optimize the condition is needed an application that can detect the health of teachers both physically and psychologically. The research method used is the neuroresearch method combined with the development of IT system design for TECH which includes server design, database and android TECH application display. The study yielded 1) mental health benchmarks, 2) physical health benchmarks, and 3) the design of Android Application for Teacher Engagement Control of Health (TECH).
Androidal fat dominates in predicting cardiometabolic risk in postmenopausal women
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
We hypothesized that soy isoflavones would attenuate the anticipated increase in androidal fat mass in postmenopausal women during the 36-month treatment, and thereby favorably modify the circulating cardiometabolic risk factors: triacylglycerol, LDLC, HDL-C, glucose, insulin, uric acid, C-reactive ...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Letsoin, Sri Murniani Angelina; Kolyaan, Yuliana; Cahyadi, Dedy
The cause of maternal mortality can be divided into two, the direct cause and indirect cause. One of the indirect causes is too difficult to reach health services and the lack of pregnancy knowledge. On the other hand, Android smartphone development of communications technology has increased compared to users of other devices, e.g. blackberry, which has dropped from 11.5% to 4.8% while the android market share has grown from 46.9% up to 68.1%. This increasing is being an opportunity for the software developers to design some software based on Android. The aim of this study was to facilitate the pregnant women to find out some information about the nutritional health, abstinence, calculate gestational age and nutrition based on the period of pregnancy. The information system was designed by using UML, the Eclipse IDE with the java programming language, MySQL as the database. The testing results showed that the nutrition information system based on android could help pregnant women to obtain health nutrition information such as nutrition, calories, dietary restrictions that should be avoided during the first month to the nine month of pregnancy, and the calculation of gestation.
Indoor integrated navigation and synchronous data acquisition method for Android smartphone
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hu, Chunsheng; Wei, Wenjian; Qin, Shiqiao; Wang, Xingshu; Habib, Ayman; Wang, Ruisheng
Smartphones are widely used at present. Most smartphones have cameras and kinds of sensors, such as gyroscope, accelerometer and magnet meter. Indoor navigation based on smartphone is very important and valuable. According to the features of the smartphone and indoor navigation, a new indoor integrated navigation method is proposed, which uses MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), camera and magnet meter of smartphone. The proposed navigation method mainly involves data acquisition, camera calibration, image measurement, IMU calibration, initial alignment, strapdown integral, zero velocity update and integrated navigation. Synchronous data acquisition of the sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer and magnet meter) and the camera is the base of the indoor navigation on the smartphone. A camera data acquisition method is introduced, which uses the camera class of Android to record images and time of smartphone camera. Two kinds of sensor data acquisition methods are introduced and compared. The first method records sensor data and time with the SensorManager of Android. The second method realizes open, close, data receiving and saving functions in C language, and calls the sensor functions in Java language with JNI interface. A data acquisition software is developed with JDK (Java Development Kit), Android ADT (Android Development Tools) and NDK (Native Development Kit). The software can record camera data, sensor data and time at the same time. Data acquisition experiments have been done with the developed software and Sumsang Note 2 smartphone. The experimental results show that the first method of sensor data acquisition is convenient but lost the sensor data sometimes, the second method is much better in real-time performance and much less in data losing. A checkerboard image is recorded, and the corner points of the checkerboard are detected with the Harris method. The sensor data of gyroscope, accelerometer and magnet meter have
Residual Network Data Structures in Android Devices
Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android, RIM’s Blackberry and Nokia’s Symbian. Each Smartphone presents unique characteristics for forensic examiners. In...another. • Home Agent: A router on mobile node’s home network that tunnels traffic to mobile node when not on home network. Also maintains mobile nodes...Address notification to the Home Agent. When traffic arrives at the Home Agent for the mobile node, the Home Agent tunnels the traffic to the Care-of
Forte, R; Pesce, C; De Vito, G; Boreham, C A G
To examine the relationship between regional and whole body fat accumulation and core cognitive executive functions. Cross-sectional study. 78 healthy men and women aged between 65 and 75 years recruited through consumer's database. DXA measured percentage total body fat, android, gynoid distribution and android/gynoid ratio; inhibition and working memory updating through Random Number Generation test and cognitive flexibility by Trail Making test. First-order partial correlations between regional body fat and cognitive executive function were computed partialling out the effects of whole body fat. Moderation analysis was performed to verify the effect of gender on the body fat-cognition relationship. Results showed a differentiated pattern of fat-cognition relationship depending on fat localization and type of cognitive function. Statistically significant relationships were observed between working memory updating and: android fat (r = -0.232; p = 0.042), gynoid fat (r = 0.333; p = 0.003) and android/gynoid ratio (r = -0.272; p = 0.017). Separating genders, the only significant relationship was observed in females between working memory updating and gynoid fat (r = 0.280; p = 0.045). In spite of gender differences in both working memory updating and gynoid body fat levels, moderation analysis did not show an effect of gender on the relationship between gynoid fat and working memory updating. Results suggest a protective effect of gynoid body fat and a deleterious effect of android body fat. Although excessive body fat increases the risk of developing CDV, metabolic and cognitive problems, maintaining a certain proportion of gynoid fat may help prevent cognitive decline, particularly in older women. Guidelines for optimal body composition maintenance for the elderly should not target indiscriminate weight loss, but weight maintenance through body fat/lean mass control based on non-pharmacological tools such as physical exercise, known to have protective effects
Teaching smartphone and microcontroller systems using "Android Java"
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tigrek, Seyitriza
Mobile devices are becoming indispensable tools for many students and educators. Mobile technology is starting a new era in the computing methodologies in many engineering disciplines and laboratories. Microcontroller extension that communicates with mobile devices will take the data acquisition and control process into a new level in the sensing technology and communication. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a framework to incorporate the new mobile platform with robust embedded systems into the engineering curriculum. For this purpose a course material is developed "Introduction to Programming Java on a Mobile Platform" to teach novice programmers how to create applications, specifically on Android. Combining an introductory level programming class with the Android platform can appeal to non-programming individuals in multiple disciplines. The proposed course curriculum reduces the learning time, and allows senior engineering students to use the new framework for their specific needs in the labs such as mobile data acquisition and control projects. This work provides techniques for instructors with modest programming background to teach cutting edge technology, which is smartphone programming. Techniques developed in this work minimize unnecessary information carried into current teaching approaches with hands-on practice. It also helps the students with minimal background requirements overcome the barriers that have evolved around computer programming. The motivation of this thesis is to create a tailored programming introductory course to teach Java programming on Android by incorporating selected efficient methods from extant literature. The mechanism proposed in this thesis is to keep students motivated by an active approach based on student-centered learning with collaborative work. Teamwork through pair programming is adapted in this teaching process. Bloom's taxonomy, along with a knowledge survey, is used as a guide to classify the information and
DataSync - sharing data via filesystem
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ulbricht, Damian; Klump, Jens
Usually research work is a cycle of to hypothesize, to collect data, to corroborate the hypothesis, and finally to publish the results. In this sequence there are possibilities to base the own work on the work of others. Maybe there are candidates of physical samples listed in the IGSN-Registry and there is no need to go on excursion to acquire physical samples. Hopefully the DataCite catalogue lists already metadata of datasets that meet the constraints of the hypothesis and that are now open for reappraisal. After all, working with the measured data to corroborate the hypothesis involves new methods, and proven methods as well as different software tools. A cohort of intermediate data is created that can be shared with colleagues to discuss the research progress and receive a first evaluation. In consequence, the intermediate data should be versioned to easily get back to valid intermediate data, when you notice you get on the wrong track. Things are different for project managers. They want to know what is currently done, what has been done, and what is the last valid data, if somebody has to continue the work. To make life of members of small science projects easier we developed Datasync [1] as a software for sharing and versioning data. Datasync is designed to synchronize directory trees between different computers of a research team over the internet. The software is developed as JAVA application and watches a local directory tree for changes that are replicated as eSciDoc-objects into an eSciDoc-infrastructure [2] using the eSciDoc REST API. Modifications to the local filesystem automatically create a new version of an eSciDoc-object inside the eSciDoc-infrastructure. This way individual folders can be shared between team members while project managers can get a general idea of current status by synchronizing whole project inventories. Additionally XML metadata from separate files can be managed together with data files inside the eSciDoc-objects. While
Sung, Wen-Tsai; Chiang, Yen-Chun
This study examines wireless sensor network with real-time remote identification using the Android study of things (HCIOT) platform in community healthcare. An improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) method is proposed to efficiently enhance physiological multi-sensors data fusion measurement precision in the Internet of Things (IOT) system. Improved PSO (IPSO) includes: inertia weight factor design, shrinkage factor adjustment to allow improved PSO algorithm data fusion performance. The Android platform is employed to build multi-physiological signal processing and timely medical care of things analysis. Wireless sensor network signal transmission and Internet links allow community or family members to have timely medical care network services.
Lee, Jane J.; Freeland-Graves, Jeanne H.; Pepper, M. Reese; Stanforth, Philip R.; Xu, Bugao
Objective Current methods for measuring regional body fat are expensive and inconvenient compared to the relative cost-effectiveness and ease-of-use of a stereovision body imaging (SBI) system. The primary goal of this research is to develop prediction models for android and gynoid fat by body measurements assessed via SBI and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Subsequently, mathematical equations for prediction of total and regional (trunk, leg) body adiposity were established via parameters measured by SBI and DXA. Methods A total of 121 participants were randomly assigned into primary and cross-validation groups. Body measurements were obtained via traditional anthropometrics, SBI, and DXA. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to develop mathematical equations by demographics and SBI assessed body measurements as independent variables and body adiposity (fat mass and percent fat) as dependent variables. The validity of the prediction models was evaluated by a split sample method and Bland-Altman analysis. Results The R2 of the prediction equations for fat mass and percent body fat were 93.2% and 76.4% for android, and 91.4% and 66.5% for gynoid, respectively. The limits of agreement for the fat mass and percent fat were − 0.06 ± 0.87 kg and − 0.11 ± 1.97 % for android and − 0.04 ± 1.58 kg and − 0.19 ± 4.27 % for gynoid. Prediction values for fat mass and percent fat were 94.6% and 88.9% for total body, 93.9% and 71.0% for trunk, and 92.4% and 64.1% for leg, respectively. Conclusions The three-dimensional (3D) SBI produces reliable parameters that can predict android and gynoid, as well as total and regional (trunk, leg) fat mass. PMID:25915106
Lee, Jane J; Freeland-Graves, Jeanne H; Pepper, M Reese; Stanforth, Philip R; Xu, Bugao
Current methods for measuring regional body fat are expensive and inconvenient compared to the relative cost-effectiveness and ease of use of a stereovision body imaging (SBI) system. The primary goal of this research is to develop prediction models for android and gynoid fat by body measurements assessed via SBI and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Subsequently, mathematical equations for prediction of total and regional (trunk, leg) body adiposity were established via parameters measured by SBI and DXA. A total of 121 participants were randomly assigned into primary and cross-validation groups. Body measurements were obtained via traditional anthropometrics, SBI, and DXA. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to develop mathematical equations by demographics and SBI assessed body measurements as independent variables and body adiposity (fat mass and percentage fat) as dependent variables. The validity of the prediction models was evaluated by a split sample method and Bland-Altman analysis. The R(2) of the prediction equations for fat mass and percentage body fat were 93.2% and 76.4% for android and 91.4% and 66.5% for gynoid, respectively. The limits of agreement for the fat mass and percentage fat were -0.06 ± 0.87 kg and -0.11% ± 1.97% for android and -0.04 ± 1.58 kg and -0.19% ± 4.27% for gynoid. Prediction values for fat mass and percentage fat were 94.6% and 88.9% for total body, 93.9% and 71.0% for trunk, and 92.4% and 64.1% for leg, respectively. The three-dimensional (3D) SBI produces reliable parameters that can predict android and gynoid as well as total and regional (trunk, leg) fat mass.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Narwadi, Teguh; Subiyanto
The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is one of the best known NP-hard problems, which means that no exact algorithm to solve it in polynomial time. This paper present a new variant application genetic algorithm approach with a local search technique has been developed to solve the TSP. For the local search technique, an iterative hill climbing method has been used. The system is implemented on the Android OS because android is now widely used around the world and it is mobile system. It is also integrated with Google API that can to get the geographical location and the distance of the cities, and displays the route. Therefore, we do some experimentation to test the behavior of the application. To test the effectiveness of the application of hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) is compare with the application of simple GA in 5 sample from the cities in Central Java, Indonesia with different numbers of cities. According to the experiment results obtained that in the average solution HGA shows in 5 tests out of 5 (100%) is better than simple GA. The results have shown that the hybrid genetic algorithm outperforms the genetic algorithm especially in the case with the problem higher complexity.
Open Source Dataturbine (OSDT) Android Sensorpod in Environmental Observing Systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fountain, T. R.; Shin, P.; Tilak, S.; Trinh, T.; Smith, J.; Kram, S.
The OSDT Android SensorPod is a custom-designed mobile computing platform for assembling wireless sensor networks for environmental monitoring applications. Funded by an award from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the OSDT SensorPod represents a significant technological advance in the application of mobile and cloud computing technologies to near-real-time applications in environmental science, natural resources management, and disaster response and recovery. It provides a modular architecture based on open standards and open-source software that allows system developers to align their projects with industry best practices and technology trends, while avoiding commercial vendor lock-in to expensive proprietary software and hardware systems. The integration of mobile and cloud-computing infrastructure represents a disruptive technology in the field of environmental science, since basic assumptions about technology requirements are now open to revision, e.g., the roles of special purpose data loggers and dedicated site infrastructure. The OSDT Android SensorPod was designed with these considerations in mind, and the resulting system exhibits the following characteristics - it is flexible, efficient and robust. The system was developed and tested in the three science applications: 1) a fresh water limnology deployment in Wisconsin, 2) a near coastal marine science deployment at the UCSD Scripps Pier, and 3) a terrestrial ecological deployment in the mountains of Taiwan. As part of a public education and outreach effort, a Facebook page with daily ocean pH measurements from the UCSD Scripps pier was developed. Wireless sensor networks and the virtualization of data and network services is the future of environmental science infrastructure. The OSDT Android SensorPod was designed and developed to harness these new technology developments for environmental monitoring applications.
Processable Data Making in the Remote Server Sent by Android Phone as a GIS Data Collecting Tool
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Karaagac, Abdullah; Bostancı, Bulent
Mobile technologies are improving and getting cheaper everyday. Not only smart phones are improved much but also new types of mobile applications and sensors come with the smart phone together. Maps and navigation applications one of the most popular types of applications on these types. Most of these applications uses location services including GNSS, Wi Fi, cellular data and beacon services. Although these coordinate precision not very high, it is appropriate for many applications to utilize. Android is a mobile operating system based on Linux Kernel. It is compatible for varies mobile devices like smart phones, tablets, smart TV's, wearable technologies etc. Android has large capability for application development by using the open source libraries and device sensors like gyroscope, GNSS etc. Android Studio is the most popular integrated development environment (IDE) for Android devices, mainly developing by Google. It had been announced on May 16, 2013 at Google I/O conference. Android Studio is built upon Gradle architecture which is written in Java language. SQLite is a relational database operating system which has so common usage for mobile devices. It developed by using C programming library. It is mostly used via embedding into a software or application. It supports many operating systems including Android. Remote servers can be in several forms from high complexity to simplicity. For this project we will use a open source quad core board computer named Raspberry Pi 2. This device includes 900 MHz ARMv7 compatible quad core CPU, VideoCore IV GPU and 1 GB RAM. Although Raspberry Pi 2's main operating system is Raspbian, we use Debian which are both Linux based operating systems. Raspberry is compatible for many programming language, however some languages are optimized for this device. These are Python, Java, C, C++, Ruby, Perl and Squeak Smalltalk. In this paper, a mobile application will be developed to send coordinate and string data to a SQL database
Mobile Food Ordering Application using Android OS Platform
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yosep Ricky, Michael
The purpose of this research is making an ordering food application based on Android with New Order, Order History, Restaurant Profile, Order Status, Tracking Order, and Setting Profile features. The research method used in this research is water model of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with following phases: requirement definition, analyzing and determining the features needed in developing application and making the detail definition of each features, system and software design, designing the flow of developing application by using storyboard design, user experience design, Unified Modeling Language (UML) design, and database structure design, implementation an unit testing, making database and translating the result of designs to programming language code then doing unit testing, integration and System testing, integrating unit program to one unit system then doing system testing, operation and maintenance, operating the result of system testing and if any changes and reparations needed then the previous phases could be back. The result of this research is an ordering food application based on Android for customer and courier user, and a website for restaurant and admin user. The conclusion of this research is to help customer in making order easily, to give detail information needed by customer, to help restaurant in receiving order, and to help courier while doing delivery.
Environment Modeling Using Runtime Values for JPF-Android
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
van der Merwe, Heila; Tkachuk, Oksana; Nel, Seal; van der Merwe, Brink; Visser, Willem
Software applications are developed to be executed in a specific environment. This environment includes external native libraries to add functionality to the application and drivers to fire the application execution. For testing and verification, the environment of an application is simplified abstracted using models or stubs. Empty stubs, returning default values, are simple to generate automatically, but they do not perform well when the application expects specific return values. Symbolic execution is used to find input parameters for drivers and return values for library stubs, but it struggles to detect the values of complex objects. In this work-in-progress paper, we explore an approach to generate drivers and stubs based on values collected during runtime instead of using default values. Entry-points and methods that need to be modeled are instrumented to log their parameters and return values. The instrumented applications are then executed using a driver and instrumented libraries. The values collected during runtime are used to generate driver and stub values on- the-fly that improve coverage during verification by enabling the execution of code that previously crashed or was missed. We are implementing this approach to improve the environment model of JPF-Android, our model checking and analysis tool for Android applications.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pritykin, F. N.; Nebritov, V. I.
The structure of graphic database specifying the shape and the work envelope projection position of an android arm mechanism with various positions of the known in advance forbidden zones is proposed. The technique of analytical assignment of the work envelope based on the methods of analytical geometry and theory of sets is represented. The conducted studies can be applied in creation of knowledge bases for intellectual systems of android control functioning independently in the sophisticated environment.
Improving College Students English Learning with Dr. Eye Android Mid
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Yang, Ju Yin; Che, Pei-Chun
This paper investigates college students' English language learning through use of Dr. Eye Android handheld mobile Internet device (MID). Compared to related studies, students' English learning using MIDs has not been evaluated and fully understood in the field of higher education. Quantitatively, the researchers used TOEIC pretest and posttest to…
Using Integer Clocks to Verify the Timing-Sync Sensor Network Protocol
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Huang, Xiaowan; Singh, Anu; Smolka, Scott A.
We use the UPPAAL model checker for Timed Automata to verify the Timing-Sync time-synchronization protocol for sensor networks (TPSN). The TPSN protocol seeks to provide network-wide synchronization of the distributed clocks in a sensor network. Clock-synchronization algorithms for sensor networks such as TPSN must be able to perform arithmetic on clock values to calculate clock drift and network propagation delays. They must be able to read the value of a local clock and assign it to another local clock. Such operations are not directly supported by the theory of Timed Automata. To overcome this formal-modeling obstacle, we augment the UPPAAL specification language with the integer clock derived type. Integer clocks, which are essentially integer variables that are periodically incremented by a global pulse generator, greatly facilitate the encoding of the operations required to synchronize clocks as in the TPSN protocol. With this integer-clock-based model of TPSN in hand, we use UPPAAL to verify that the protocol achieves network-wide time synchronization and is devoid of deadlock. We also use the UPPAAL Tracer tool to illustrate how integer clocks can be used to capture clock drift and resynchronization during protocol execution
Validity of "Hi_Science" as instructional media based-android refer to experiential learning model
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Qamariah, Jumadi, Senam, Wilujeng, Insih
Hi_Science is instructional media based-android in learning science on material environmental pollution and global warming. This study is aimed: (a) to show the display of Hi_Science that will be applied in Junior High School, and (b) to describe the validity of Hi_Science. Hi_Science as instructional media created with colaboration of innovative learning model and development of technology at the current time. Learning media selected is based-android and collaborated with experiential learning model as an innovative learning model. Hi_Science had adapted student worksheet by Taufiq (2015). Student worksheet had very good category by two expert lecturers and two science teachers (Taufik, 2015). This student worksheet is refined and redeveloped in android as an instructional media which can be used by students for learning science not only in the classroom, but also at home. Therefore, student worksheet which has become instructional media based-android must be validated again. Hi_Science has been validated by two experts. The validation is based on assessment of meterials aspects and media aspects. The data collection was done by media assessment instrument. The result showed the assessment of material aspects has obtained the average value 4,72 with percentage of agreement 96,47%, that means Hi_Science on the material aspects is in excellent category or very valid category. The assessment of media aspects has obtained the average value 4,53 with percentage of agreement 98,70%, that means Hi_Science on the media aspects is in excellent category or very valid category. It was concluded that Hi_Science as instructional media can be applied in the junior high school.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pritykin, F. N.; Nebritov, V. I.
The paper presents the configuration of knowledge base necessary for intelligent control of android arm mechanism motion with different positions of certain forbidden regions taken into account. The present structure of the knowledge base characterizes the past experience of arm motion synthesis in the vector of velocities with due regard for the known obstacles. This structure also specifies its intrinsic properties. Knowledge base generation is based on the study of the arm mechanism instantaneous states implementations. Computational experiments connected with the virtual control of android arm motion with known forbidden regions using the developed knowledge base are introduced. Using the developed knowledge base to control virtually the arm motion reduces the time of test assignments calculation. The results of the research can be used in developing control systems of autonomous android robots in the known in advance environment.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Antrakusuma, B.; Masykuri, M.; Ulfa, M.
Evolution of Android technology can be applied to chemistry learning, one of the complex chemistry concept was solubility equilibrium. this concept required the science process skills (SPS). This study aims to: 1) Characteristic scientific based chemistry Android module to empowering SPS, and 2) Validity of the module based on content validity and feasibility test. This research uses a Research and Development approach (RnD). Research subjects were 135 s1tudents and three teachers at three high schools in Boyolali, Central of Java. Content validity of the module was tested by seven experts using Aiken’s V technique, and the module feasibility was tested to students and teachers in each school. Characteristics of chemistry module can be accessed using the Android device. The result of validation of the module contents got V = 0.89 (Valid), and the results of the feasibility test Obtained 81.63% (by the student) and 73.98% (by the teacher) indicates this module got good criteria.
A5: Automated Analysis of Adversarial Android Applications
algorithm is fairly intuitive. First, A5 invokes the DED [11] decompiler to create Java classes from the Android application code. Next, A5 uses Soot [30...implemented such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, sensors , etc. These hardware features are very common in physical devices and are simply not present in the...such as Androguard [1] and Soot [30]. Deficiencies in these tools may also manifest in A5. The bytecode static analysis is limited to finding only
Mobile Attendance Checking System on Android Platform for Kazakhstani University
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Saparkhojayev, N.; Shakhov, E.; Mailybayev, Y.
In the 21st century-the century of Information Technology, it is difficult to imagine life without any gadgets: phones, tablets, computers, laptops, and so on. Today, smartphones and tablets are becoming popular, and thus their operating systems become popular too. Android is designed for low-power devices that run on battery power at full capacity, using all of its services, such as cameras, lights, GPS navigation, Wi-Fi, etc. In Kazakhstani universities, the process of checking students’ attendance is one of the important issues, because final grade evaluation of students is based on their total number of appearances and their grades during the whole semester. This raises the question of having some tool to control students’ attendance. There are many possible ways of controlling attendance: there are many examples when universities prefer to control attendance by the use of paper sheet, and some universities prefer to use two-stage way of controlling attendance: firstly, teachers and professors use paper sheet for checking students’ attendance and after this, they fill out these information into a system manually. However, this is not an efficient way since there will be spent much of time for calling students names and putting marks like “presence” or “absence” if the class is a lecture class, and in this class at least 5 groups are presented. Furthermore, some students may call his/her friend as “presence” nevertheless to the fact that this student is currently absent. After taking into consideration all these issues and the fact that many gadgets use Android platform, authors of the following research paper decided to create a mobile system that makes easier to check students’ attendance automatically, and this system is implemented in Almaty Management University, Kazakhstan. The system is based on Android platform, and in this paper, details of this system are presented.
"Sliders" Android Game - Improving Logical Skills of People with Disabilities.
Guzsvinecz, Tibor; Koszegi-Vigh, David; Szucs, Veronika; Sik Lanyi, Cecilia
Logic is part of our everyday life. However, there are some cases where people have difficulties using deductive reasoning. The aim of this work is to help people with mild intellectual disability or learning disability to learn the basis of logical thinking. We developed an application on Android operating system to improve logical thinking.
AdDroid: Privilege Separation for Applications and Advertisers in Android
integrates these three components into the Android Open Source Project, version 2.3.3 (Ginger- bread ). 4.1 AdDroid Library API The AdDroid userspace...AdPropert ies IAB MRECT public stat ic int NO REFRESH stat ic enum AdPropert ies . Al ign BOTTOM TOP UNSET Class AdRequest public AdRequest ( ) public
Android Based Behavioral Biometric Authentication via Multi-Modal Fusion
such as the way he or she uses the mouse, or interacts with the Graphical User Interface (GUI) [9]. Described simply, standard biometrics is determined...as a login screen on a standard computer. Active authentication is authentication that occurs dynamically throughout interaction with the device. A...because they are higher level constructs in themselves. The Android framework was specifically used for capturing the multitouch gestures: pinch and zoom
Comparision and analysis of top 10 exercise android Apps in mainland China.
Wang, Yanling; Sun, Liu; Xu, Yahong; Xiao, Qian; Chang, Polun; Wu, Ying
Medical guidelines highly recommend physical activity and aerobic exercise in the prevention of primary and secondary cardiovascular disease. The use of exercise-promoting application software may improve clinical outcomes for cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients. The study aimed to compare and analyze the functions of the top 10 exercise Android Apps which had more than 1,000,000 downloads from the main four Android App stores in mainland China. The results showed that most of these popular apps had pedometer, exercise plan preset, user data presentation, user encouragement and community sharing functions while a few of them had exercise video clips or animation support and wearable devices. Given these data, the conclusion is that these popular apps fulfill some of the functions recommended by medical guidelines, however, lack of some functions such as pre-exercise risk assessment, the exercise intensity recording, specific instructions by professionals, and monitoring functions for CVD patients.
Mnati, Mohannad Jabbar; Van den Bossche, Alex; Chisab, Raad Farhood
In this paper, a new smart voltage and current monitoring system (SVCMS) technique is proposed. It monitors a three phase electrical system using an Arduino platform as a microcontroller to read the voltage and current from sensors and then wirelessly send the measured data to monitor the results using a new Android application. The integrated SVCMS design uses an Arduino Nano V3.0 as the microcontroller to measure the results from three voltage and three current sensors and then send this data, after calculation, to the Android smartphone device of an end user using Bluetooth HC-05. The Arduino Nano V3.0 controller and Bluetooth HC-05 are a cheap microcontroller and wireless device, respectively. The new Android smartphone application that monitors the voltage and current measurements uses the open source MIT App Inventor 2 software. It allows for monitoring some elementary fundamental voltage power quality properties. An effort has been made to investigate what is possible using available off-the-shelf components and open source software. PMID:28420132
Mnati, Mohannad Jabbar; Van den Bossche, Alex; Chisab, Raad Farhood
In this paper, a new smart voltage and current monitoring system (SVCMS) technique is proposed. It monitors a three phase electrical system using an Arduino platform as a microcontroller to read the voltage and current from sensors and then wirelessly send the measured data to monitor the results using a new Android application. The integrated SVCMS design uses an Arduino Nano V3.0 as the microcontroller to measure the results from three voltage and three current sensors and then send this data, after calculation, to the Android smartphone device of an end user using Bluetooth HC-05. The Arduino Nano V3.0 controller and Bluetooth HC-05 are a cheap microcontroller and wireless device, respectively. The new Android smartphone application that monitors the voltage and current measurements uses the open source MIT App Inventor 2 software. It allows for monitoring some elementary fundamental voltage power quality properties. An effort has been made to investigate what is possible using available off-the-shelf components and open source software.
Android-based E-Traffic law enforcement system in Surakarta City
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yulianto, Budi; Setiono
The urban advancement is always overpowered by the increasing number of vehicles as the need for movement of people and goods. This can lead to traffic problems if there is no effort on the implementation of traffic management and engineering, and traffic law enforcement. In this case, the Government of Surakarta City has implemented various policies and regulations related to traffic management and engineering in order to run traffic in an orderly, safe and comfortable manner according to the applicable law. However, conditions in the field shows that traffic violations still occurred frequently due to the weakness of traffic law enforcement in terms of human resources and the system. In this connection, a tool is needed to support traffic law enforcement, especially in relation to the reporting system of traffic violations. This study aims to develop an Android-based traffic violations reporting application (E-Traffic Law Enforcement) as part of the traffic law enforcement system in Surakarta City. The Android-apps records the location and time of the traffic violations incident along with the visual evidence of the infringement. This information will be connected to the database system to detect offenders and to do the traffic law enforcement process.
Registration system of cloud campus by using android smart tablet.
Kamada, Shin; Ichimura, Takumi; Shigeyasu, Tetsuya; Takemoto, Yasuhiko
Near Field Communication (NFC) standard covers communication protocols and data exchange formats. NFC technology is one of radio-frequency identification (RFID) standards. In Japan, Felica card is a popular way to identify the unique ID. We developed the attendance management system (AMS) as the Android application which works in the smart tablet with NFC. Generally, the AMS in the university is fixed to the wall and each student touches or slides his/her own card to the dedicated equipment. Because a teacher can use his/her own smart tablet and/or smartphone, the attendance records are viewed anytime and anywhere. Moreover, we developed the collecting system between PC and some tablets by using Android beam. Any personal data are encrypted and the file can be transferred over the NFC Bluetooth Handover between PC Linux and smart tablet. By the mining of the collected records, early discovery for chronic non-attenders are extracted in educational affairs section. In this paper, a registration system on the cloud campus system by using the personal smartphone with NFC is developed. The system enables to introduce the university courses that are open to the general public.
E-Learning Application of Tarsier with Virtual Reality using Android Platform
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Oroh, H. N.; Munir, R.; Paseru, D.
Spectral Tarsier is a primitive primate that can only be found in the province of North Sulawesi. To study these primates can be used an e-learning application with Augmented Reality technology that uses a marker to confronted the camera computer to interact with three dimensions Tarsier object. But that application only shows tarsier object in three dimensions without habitat and requires a lot of resources because it runs on a Personal Computer. The same technology can be shown three dimensions’ objects is Virtual Reality to excess can make the user like venturing into the virtual world with Android platform that requires fewer resources. So, put on Virtual Reality technology using the Android platform that can make users not only to view and interact with the tarsiers but also the habitat. The results of this research indicate that the user can learn the Tarsier and habitat with good. Thus, the use of Virtual Reality technology in the e-learning application of tarsiers can help people to see, know, and learn about Spectral Tarsier.
Ma, Shuoxin; Yu, Hong; Jin, Yu-Biao; Zheng, Jun
Background The smartphone-based whole slide imaging (WSI) system represents a low-cost and effective alternative to automatic scanners for telepathology. In a previous study, the development of one such solution, named scalable whole slide imaging (sWSI), was presented and analyzed. A clinical evaluation of its iOS version with 100 frozen section samples verified the diagnosis-readiness of the produced virtual slides. Objective The first aim of this study was to delve into the quantifying issues encountered in the development of an Android version. It should also provide insights into future high-resolution real-time feedback medical imaging apps on Android and invoke the awareness of smartphone manufacturers for collaboration. The second aim of this study was to further verify the clinical value of sWSI with cytology samples. This type is different from the frozen section samples in that they require finer detail on the cellular level. Methods During sWSI development on Android, it was discovered that many models do not support uncompressed camera pixel data with sufficient resolution and full field of view. The proportion of models supporting the optimal format was estimated in a test on 200 mainstream Android models. Other factors, including slower processing speed and camera preview freezing, also led to inferior performance of sWSI on Android compared with the iOS version. The processing speed was mostly determined by the central processing unit frequency in theory, and the relationship was investigated in the 200-model simulation experiment with physical devices. The camera preview freezing was caused by the lag between triggering photo capture and resuming preview. In the clinical evaluation, 100 ThinPrep cytology test samples covering 6 diseases were scanned with sWSI and compared against the ground truth of optical microscopy. Results Among the tested Android models, only 3.0% (6/200) provided an optimal data format, meeting all criteria of quality and
Automated hydroponics nutrition plants systems using arduino uno microcontroller based on android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sihombing, P.; Karina, N. A.; Tarigan, J. T.; Syarif, M. I.
Technological developments today make the combination of science is very common, including in Computer Science and Agriculture to make both of science need each other. This paper aims to develop a control tool for the flow of nutrients of hydroponic plants automatically using Arduino microcontroller and controlled by smartphone. We use an Arduino Uno microcontroller to automatically control the flow of nutrient solution with logic if else. The microcontroller can also send data of fluid level (solution) and temperature around the plant to smartphone android of the owner of the hydroponics plant. The height of the nutrient solution (water) is detected by the Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and the temperature is detected by the temperature sensor LM35. Data from the sensor will forward into Arduino Uno and displayed in liquid crystal display (LCD) then via wireless fidelity (WIFI) ESP8266 module will transmit the height of the nutrient solution and the temperature around of the plants to Android smartphone.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Eyler, E. E.
Several high-performance lab instruments suitable for manual assembly have been developed using low-pin-count 32-bit microcontrollers that communicate with an Android tablet via a USB interface. A single Android tablet app accommodates multiple interface needs by uploading parameter lists and graphical data from the microcontrollers, which are themselves programmed with easily modified C code. The hardware design of the instruments emphasizes low chip counts and is highly modular, relying on small "daughter boards" for special functions such as USB power management, waveform generation, and phase-sensitive signal detection. In one example, a daughter board provides a complete waveform generator and direct digital synthesizer that fits on a 1.5 in. × 0.8 in. circuit card.
Peterson, Mark D; Al Snih, Soham; Serra-Rexach, José A; Burant, Charles
Physical inactivity and excess adiposity are thought to be interdependent "lifestyle" factors and thus, many older adults are at exaggerated risk for preventable diseases. The purposes of this study were to determine the degree of discordance between body mass index (BMI) and adiposity among adults older than 50 years, and to determine the extent to which direct measures of adiposity, and objectively measured sedentary behavior (SB) and physical activity (PA) are associated with insulin resistance (IR) or diabetes. A population representative sample of 2,816 individuals, aged 50-85 years, was included from the combined 2003-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) datasets. BMI, percent body fat (%BF) and android adiposity as determined by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, objectively measured SB and PA, established markers of cardiometabolic risk, IR, and type 2 diabetes were analyzed. Approximately 50% of the men and 64% of the women who were normal weight according to BMI had excessive %BF. Adults with the least SB and greatest moderate and vigorous PA exhibited the healthiest cardiometabolic profiles, whereas adults with the greatest SB and lowest activity had highest risk. Greater android adiposity stores were robustly associated with IR or diabetes in all adults, independent of SB and activity. Among men, less moderate-to-vigorous PA was associated with IR or diabetes; whereas among women, less lifestyle moderate activity was associated with IR or diabetes. Android adiposity and low moderate and vigorous PA are the strongest predictors of IR or diabetes among aging adults. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.
Preliminary Observations from the 2014 Sand Dunes Experiment
sync (start) 06/01/2014 09:00 0.00 ms ( latched ) Clock sync (end) 06/18/2014 11:55:00 10.846 ms slow Drift rate 633.471 μs/day (slowing) 22...10m (faired Kevlar) 210.0 m Sample rate 9765.625 Hz Clock sync (start) 06/01/2014 (YD 152) 01:33 0.00s ( latched ) Clock sync (end) 06/19/2014 (YD...02/2014 07:43 0.00s ( latched ) Clock sync (end) 06/16/2014 01:10 38.527 ms fast Drift rate 2.8066 ms/day (fast) 32 Figure 30. SBE39
RSTensorFlow: GPU Enabled TensorFlow for Deep Learning on Commodity Android Devices
Alzantot, Moustafa; Wang, Yingnan; Ren, Zhengshuang; Srivastava, Mani B.
Mobile devices have become an essential part of our daily lives. By virtue of both their increasing computing power and the recent progress made in AI, mobile devices evolved to act as intelligent assistants in many tasks rather than a mere way of making phone calls. However, popular and commonly used tools and frameworks for machine intelligence are still lacking the ability to make proper use of the available heterogeneous computing resources on mobile devices. In this paper, we study the benefits of utilizing the heterogeneous (CPU and GPU) computing resources available on commodity android devices while running deep learning models. We leveraged the heterogeneous computing framework RenderScript to accelerate the execution of deep learning models on commodity Android devices. Our system is implemented as an extension to the popular open-source framework TensorFlow. By integrating our acceleration framework tightly into TensorFlow, machine learning engineers can now easily make benefit of the heterogeneous computing resources on mobile devices without the need of any extra tools. We evaluate our system on different android phones models to study the trade-offs of running different neural network operations on the GPU. We also compare the performance of running different models architectures such as convolutional and recurrent neural networks on CPU only vs using heterogeneous computing resources. Our result shows that although GPUs on the phones are capable of offering substantial performance gain in matrix multiplication on mobile devices. Therefore, models that involve multiplication of large matrices can run much faster (approx. 3 times faster in our experiments) due to GPU support. PMID:29629431
RSTensorFlow: GPU Enabled TensorFlow for Deep Learning on Commodity Android Devices.
Alzantot, Moustafa; Wang, Yingnan; Ren, Zhengshuang; Srivastava, Mani B
Mobile devices have become an essential part of our daily lives. By virtue of both their increasing computing power and the recent progress made in AI, mobile devices evolved to act as intelligent assistants in many tasks rather than a mere way of making phone calls. However, popular and commonly used tools and frameworks for machine intelligence are still lacking the ability to make proper use of the available heterogeneous computing resources on mobile devices. In this paper, we study the benefits of utilizing the heterogeneous (CPU and GPU) computing resources available on commodity android devices while running deep learning models. We leveraged the heterogeneous computing framework RenderScript to accelerate the execution of deep learning models on commodity Android devices. Our system is implemented as an extension to the popular open-source framework TensorFlow. By integrating our acceleration framework tightly into TensorFlow, machine learning engineers can now easily make benefit of the heterogeneous computing resources on mobile devices without the need of any extra tools. We evaluate our system on different android phones models to study the trade-offs of running different neural network operations on the GPU. We also compare the performance of running different models architectures such as convolutional and recurrent neural networks on CPU only vs using heterogeneous computing resources. Our result shows that although GPUs on the phones are capable of offering substantial performance gain in matrix multiplication on mobile devices. Therefore, models that involve multiplication of large matrices can run much faster (approx. 3 times faster in our experiments) due to GPU support.
Infrastructure-Less Communication Platform for Off-The-Shelf Android Smartphones.
Oide, Takuma; Abe, Toru; Suganuma, Takuo
As smartphones and other small portable devices become more sophisticated and popular, opportunities for communication and information sharing among such device users have increased. In particular, since it is known that infrastructure-less device-to-device (D2D) communication platforms consisting only of such devices are excellent in terms of, for example, bandwidth efficiency, efforts are being made to merge their information sharing capabilities with conventional infrastructure. However, efficient multi-hop communication is difficult with the D2D communication protocol, and many conventional D2D communication platforms require modifications of the protocol and terminal operating systems (OSs). In response to these issues, this paper reports on a proposed tree-structured D2D communication platform for Android devices that combines Wi-Fi Direct and Wi-Fi functions. The proposed platform, which is expected to be used with general Android 4.0 (or higher) OS equipped terminals, makes it possible to construct an ad hoc network instantaneously without sharing prior knowledge among participating devices. We will show the feasibility of our proposed platform through its design and demonstrate the implementation of a prototype using real devices. In addition, we will report on our investigation into communication delays and stability based on the number of hops and on terminal performance through experimental confirmation experiments.
Wireless Self-Acquistion of 12-Lead ECG via Android Smart Phone
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Schlegel, Todd T.
Researchers at NASA s Johnson Space Center and at Orbital Research, Inc. (a NASA SBIR grant recipient) have recently developed a dry-electrode harness that allows for self-acquisition of resting 12-lead ECGs by minimally trained laypersons. When used in conjunction with commercial wireless (e.g., Bluetooth(TM) or 802.11-enabled) 12-lead ECG devices and custom smart phone-based software, the collected 12-lead ECG data can also immediately be forwarded from any geographic location within cellular range to the user s physician(s) of choice. The system can also be used to immediately forward to central receiving stations 12-lead ECG data collected during space flight or during activities in any remote terrestrial location supported by an internet or cellular phone infrastructure. The main novel aspects of the system are first, the dry-electrode 12-lead ECG harness itself, and second, an accompanying Android(TM) smart phone-based wireless 12-lead ECG capability. The ECG harness nominally employs dry electrodes manufactured by Orbital Research, Inc, recently cleared through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, other dry electrodes that are not yet FDA cleared, for example those recently developed by Nanosonic, Inc as part of another NASA SBIR grant, can also be used. The various advantageous features of the harness include: 1) laypersons can be quickly instructed on its correct use, remotely if necessary; 2) all tangled "leadwire spaghetti" is eliminated, as is the common clinical problem of "leadwire reversal"; 3) all adhesives and disposables are also eliminated, the harness being fully reusable; if multiple individuals intend to use use the same harness, then standard antimicrobial wipes can be employed to sterilize the dry electrodes (and harness surface if needed) between users; 5) padded cushions at the lateral sides of the torso function to press the left arm (LA) and right arm (RA) dry electrodes mounted on the cushions against sideward or downward
Huang, Yu-Ning; Peng, Xing-Chun; Ma, Shuoxin; Yu, Hong; Jin, Yu-Biao; Zheng, Jun; Fu, Guo-Hui
The smartphone-based whole slide imaging (WSI) system represents a low-cost and effective alternative to automatic scanners for telepathology. In a previous study, the development of one such solution, named scalable whole slide imaging (sWSI), was presented and analyzed. A clinical evaluation of its iOS version with 100 frozen section samples verified the diagnosis-readiness of the produced virtual slides. The first aim of this study was to delve into the quantifying issues encountered in the development of an Android version. It should also provide insights into future high-resolution real-time feedback medical imaging apps on Android and invoke the awareness of smartphone manufacturers for collaboration. The second aim of this study was to further verify the clinical value of sWSI with cytology samples. This type is different from the frozen section samples in that they require finer detail on the cellular level. During sWSI development on Android, it was discovered that many models do not support uncompressed camera pixel data with sufficient resolution and full field of view. The proportion of models supporting the optimal format was estimated in a test on 200 mainstream Android models. Other factors, including slower processing speed and camera preview freezing, also led to inferior performance of sWSI on Android compared with the iOS version. The processing speed was mostly determined by the central processing unit frequency in theory, and the relationship was investigated in the 200-model simulation experiment with physical devices. The camera preview freezing was caused by the lag between triggering photo capture and resuming preview. In the clinical evaluation, 100 ThinPrep cytology test samples covering 6 diseases were scanned with sWSI and compared against the ground truth of optical microscopy. Among the tested Android models, only 3.0% (6/200) provided an optimal data format, meeting all criteria of quality and efficiency. The image-processing speed
Deep learning application: rubbish classification with aid of an android device
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Sijiang; Jiang, Bo; Zhan, Jie
Deep learning is a very hot topic currently in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence researches. Aiming at the practical problem that people usually don't know correct classifications some rubbish should belong to, based on the powerful image classification ability of the deep learning method, we have designed a prototype system to help users to classify kinds of rubbish. Firstly the CaffeNet Model was adopted for our classification network training on the ImageNet dataset, and the trained network was deployed on a web server. Secondly an android app was developed for users to capture images of unclassified rubbish, upload images to the web server for analyzing backstage and retrieve the feedback, so that users can obtain the classification guide by an android device conveniently. Tests on our prototype system of rubbish classification show that: an image of one single type of rubbish with origin shape can be better used to judge its classification, while an image containing kinds of rubbish or rubbish with changed shape may fail to help users to decide rubbish's classification. However, the system still shows promising auxiliary function for rubbish classification if the network training strategy can be optimized further.
Android application for determining surgical variables in brain-tumor resection procedures.
Vijayan, Rohan C; Thompson, Reid C; Chambless, Lola B; Morone, Peter J; He, Le; Clements, Logan W; Griesenauer, Rebekah H; Kang, Hakmook; Miga, Michael I
The fidelity of image-guided neurosurgical procedures is often compromised due to the mechanical deformations that occur during surgery. In recent work, a framework was developed to predict the extent of this brain shift in brain-tumor resection procedures. The approach uses preoperatively determined surgical variables to predict brain shift and then subsequently corrects the patient's preoperative image volume to more closely match the intraoperative state of the patient's brain. However, a clinical workflow difficulty with the execution of this framework is the preoperative acquisition of surgical variables. To simplify and expedite this process, an Android, Java-based application was developed for tablets to provide neurosurgeons with the ability to manipulate three-dimensional models of the patient's neuroanatomy and determine an expected head orientation, craniotomy size and location, and trajectory to be taken into the tumor. These variables can then be exported for use as inputs to the biomechanical model associated with the correction framework. A multisurgeon, multicase mock trial was conducted to compare the accuracy of the virtual plan to that of a mock physical surgery. It was concluded that the Android application was an accurate, efficient, and timely method for planning surgical variables.
Quek, June; Brauer, Sandra G; Treleaven, Julia; Pua, Yong-Hao; Mentiplay, Benjamin; Clark, Ross Allan
Concurrent validity and intra-rater reliability using a customized Android phone application to measure cervical-spine range-of-motion (ROM) has not been previously validated against a gold-standard three-dimensional motion analysis (3DMA) system. Twenty-one healthy individuals (age:31 ± 9.1 years, male:11) participated, with 16 re-examined for intra-rater reliability 1-7 days later. An Android phone was fixed on a helmet, which was then securely fastened on the participant's head. Cervical-spine ROM in flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation were performed in sitting with concurrent measurements obtained from both a 3DMA system and the phone.The phone demonstrated moderate to excellent (ICC = 0.53-0.98, Spearman ρ = 0.52-0.98) concurrent validity for ROM measurements in cervical flexion, extension, lateral-flexion and rotation. However, cervical rotation demonstrated both proportional and fixed bias. Excellent intra-rater reliability was demonstrated for cervical flexion, extension and lateral flexion (ICC = 0.82-0.90), but poor for right- and left-rotation (ICC = 0.05-0.33) using the phone. Possible reasons for the outcome are that flexion, extension and lateral-flexion measurements are detected by gravity-dependent accelerometers while rotation measurements are detected by the magnetometer which can be adversely affected by surrounding magnetic fields. The results of this study demonstrate that the tested Android phone application is valid and reliable to measure ROM of the cervical-spine in flexion, extension and lateral-flexion but not in rotation likely due to magnetic interference. The clinical implication of this study is that therapists should be mindful of the plane of measurement when using the Android phone to measure ROM of the cervical-spine.
Background Concurrent validity and intra-rater reliability using a customized Android phone application to measure cervical-spine range-of-motion (ROM) has not been previously validated against a gold-standard three-dimensional motion analysis (3DMA) system. Findings Twenty-one healthy individuals (age:31 ± 9.1 years, male:11) participated, with 16 re-examined for intra-rater reliability 1–7 days later. An Android phone was fixed on a helmet, which was then securely fastened on the participant’s head. Cervical-spine ROM in flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation were performed in sitting with concurrent measurements obtained from both a 3DMA system and the phone. The phone demonstrated moderate to excellent (ICC = 0.53-0.98, Spearman ρ = 0.52-0.98) concurrent validity for ROM measurements in cervical flexion, extension, lateral-flexion and rotation. However, cervical rotation demonstrated both proportional and fixed bias. Excellent intra-rater reliability was demonstrated for cervical flexion, extension and lateral flexion (ICC = 0.82-0.90), but poor for right- and left-rotation (ICC = 0.05-0.33) using the phone. Possible reasons for the outcome are that flexion, extension and lateral-flexion measurements are detected by gravity-dependent accelerometers while rotation measurements are detected by the magnetometer which can be adversely affected by surrounding magnetic fields. Conclusion The results of this study demonstrate that the tested Android phone application is valid and reliable to measure ROM of the cervical-spine in flexion, extension and lateral-flexion but not in rotation likely due to magnetic interference. The clinical implication of this study is that therapists should be mindful of the plane of measurement when using the Android phone to measure ROM of the cervical-spine. PMID:24742001
Development of Portable Automatic Number Plate Recognition System on Android Mobile Phone
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mutholib, Abdul; Gunawan, Teddy S.; Chebil, Jalel; Kartiwi, Mira
The Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) System has performed as the main role in various access control and security, such as: tracking of stolen vehicles, traffic violations (speed trap) and parking management system. In this paper, the portable ANPR implemented on android mobile phone is presented. The main challenges in mobile application are including higher coding efficiency, reduced computational complexity, and improved flexibility. Significance efforts are being explored to find suitable and adaptive algorithm for implementation of ANPR on mobile phone. ANPR system for mobile phone need to be optimize due to its limited CPU and memory resources, its ability for geo-tagging image captured using GPS coordinates and its ability to access online database to store the vehicle's information. In this paper, the design of portable ANPR on android mobile phone will be described as follows. First, the graphical user interface (GUI) for capturing image using built-in camera was developed to acquire vehicle plate number in Malaysia. Second, the preprocessing of raw image was done using contrast enhancement. Next, character segmentation using fixed pitch and an optical character recognition (OCR) using neural network were utilized to extract texts and numbers. Both character segmentation and OCR were using Tesseract library from Google Inc. The proposed portable ANPR algorithm was implemented and simulated using Android SDK on a computer. Based on the experimental results, the proposed system can effectively recognize the license plate number at 90.86%. The required processing time to recognize a license plate is only 2 seconds on average. The result is consider good in comparison with the results obtained from previous system that was processed in a desktop PC with the range of result from 91.59% to 98% recognition rate and 0.284 second to 1.5 seconds recognition time.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nettles, J. J.; Bowring, J. F.
NSF requires data management plans as part of funding proposals and geochronologists, among other scientists, are archiving their data and results to the public cloud archives managed by the NSF-funded Integrated Earth Data Applications, or IEDA. GeoChron is a database for geochronology housed within IEDA. The software application U-Pb_Redux developed at the Cyber Infrastructure Research and Development Lab for the Earth Sciences (CIRDLES.org) at the College of Charleston provides seamless connectivity to GeoChron for uranium-lead (U-Pb) geochronologists to automatically upload and retrieve their data and results. U-Pb_Redux also manages publication-quality documents including report tables and graphs. CHRONI is a lightweight mobile application for Android devices that provides easy access to these archived data and results. With CHRONI, U-Pb geochronologists can view archived data and analyses downloaded from the Geochron database, or any other location, in a customizable format. CHRONI uses the same extensible markup language (XML) schema and documents used by U-Pb_Redux and GeoChron. Report Settings are special XML files that can be customized in U-Pb_Redux, stored in the cloud, and then accessed and used in CHRONI to create the same customized data display on the mobile device. In addition to providing geologists effortless and mobile access to archived data and analyses, CHRONI allows users to manage their GeoChron credentials, quickly download private and public files via a specified IEDA International Geo Sample Number (IGSN) or URL, and view specialized graphics associated with particular IGSNs. Future versions of CHRONI will be developed to support iOS compatible devices. CHRONI is an open source project under the Apache 2 license and is hosted at https://github.com/CIRDLES/CHRONI. We encourage community participation in its continued development.
Meng, Philipp; Fehre, Karsten; Rappelsberger, Andrea; Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter
Various applications using near field communication (NFC) have been developed for the medical sector. As a method of short-range wireless contact-driven data transfer, NFC is a useful tool in medicine. It can be used to transfer data such as blood pressure, control adherence to medication, or transmit in vivo data. The first proposed general framework uses NFC as a mechanism for indoor geo-localization in hospitals. NFC geo-localization is economical compared to classical concepts using indoor GPS or WLAN triangulation, and the granularity of location retrieval can be defined at a tag level. Using this framework, we facilitate the development of medical applications that require exact indoor geo-localization. Multi-user Android systems are addressed in the second framework. Using private NFC tags, users are able to carry on their personal settings for enabled applications. This eliminates the need for multiple user accounts on common Android devices, improves usability, and eases technical administration. Based on the prototypes presented here, we show a novel concept of using NFC-enabled Android devices in hospital environments.
Comparison and characterization of Android-based fall detection systems.
Luque, Rafael; Casilari, Eduardo; Morón, María-José; Redondo, Gema
Falls are a foremost source of injuries and hospitalization for seniors. The adoption of automatic fall detection mechanisms can noticeably reduce the response time of the medical staff or caregivers when a fall takes place. Smartphones are being increasingly proposed as wearable, cost-effective and not-intrusive systems for fall detection. The exploitation of smartphones' potential (and in particular, the Android Operating System) can benefit from the wide implantation, the growing computational capabilities and the diversity of communication interfaces and embedded sensors of these personal devices. After revising the state-of-the-art on this matter, this study develops an experimental testbed to assess the performance of different fall detection algorithms that ground their decisions on the analysis of the inertial data registered by the accelerometer of the smartphone. Results obtained in a real testbed with diverse individuals indicate that the accuracy of the accelerometry-based techniques to identify the falls depends strongly on the fall pattern. The performed tests also show the difficulty to set detection acceleration thresholds that allow achieving a good trade-off between false negatives (falls that remain unnoticed) and false positives (conventional movements that are erroneously classified as falls). In any case, the study of the evolution of the battery drain reveals that the extra power consumption introduced by the Android monitoring applications cannot be neglected when evaluating the autonomy and even the viability of fall detection systems.
Smartphones for Geological Data Collection- an Android Phone Application
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sun, F.; Weng, Y.; Grigsby, J. D.
Recently, smartphones have attracted great attention in the wireless device market because of their powerful processors, ample memory capacity, advanced connectivity, and numerous utility programs. Considering the prominent new features a smartphone has, such as the large touch screen, speaker, microphone, camera, GPS receiver, accelerometer, and Internet connections, it can serve as a perfect digital aide for data recording on any geological field trip. We have designed and developed an application by using aforementioned features in an Android phone to provide functionalities used in field studies. For example, employing the accelerometer in the Android phone, the application turns the handset into a brunton-like device by which users can measure directions, strike and dip of a bedding plane or trend and plunge of a fold. Our application also includes functionalities of image taking, GPS coordinates tracking, videotaping, audio recording, and note writing. Data recorded from the application are tied together by the time log, which makes the task easy to track all data regarding a specific geologic object. The application pulls the GPS reading from the phone’s built-in GPS receiver and uses it as a spatial index to link up the other type of data, then maps them to the Google Maps/Earth for visualization. In this way, notes, pictures, audio or video recordings to depict the characteristics of the outcrops and their spatial relations, all can be well documented and organized in one handy gadget.
Comparison and Characterization of Android-Based Fall Detection Systems
Luque, Rafael; Casilari, Eduardo; Morón, María-José; Redondo, Gema
Falls are a foremost source of injuries and hospitalization for seniors. The adoption of automatic fall detection mechanisms can noticeably reduce the response time of the medical staff or caregivers when a fall takes place. Smartphones are being increasingly proposed as wearable, cost-effective and not-intrusive systems for fall detection. The exploitation of smartphones' potential (and in particular, the Android Operating System) can benefit from the wide implantation, the growing computational capabilities and the diversity of communication interfaces and embedded sensors of these personal devices. After revising the state-of-the-art on this matter, this study develops an experimental testbed to assess the performance of different fall detection algorithms that ground their decisions on the analysis of the inertial data registered by the accelerometer of the smartphone. Results obtained in a real testbed with diverse individuals indicate that the accuracy of the accelerometry-based techniques to identify the falls depends strongly on the fall pattern. The performed tests also show the difficulty to set detection acceleration thresholds that allow achieving a good trade-off between false negatives (falls that remain unnoticed) and false positives (conventional movements that are erroneously classified as falls). In any case, the study of the evolution of the battery drain reveals that the extra power consumption introduced by the Android monitoring applications cannot be neglected when evaluating the autonomy and even the viability of fall detection systems. PMID:25299953
Tree Height Calculator: An Android App for Estimating Tree Height
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Burca, V. S.; Htet, N. M.; Huang, X.; de Lanerolle, T. R.; Morelli, R.; Gourley, J. R.
Conventionally, measuring tree height requires a collection of different tools - clinometer, transit, pencil, paper, laptop computer. Results are recorded manually and entered into a spreadsheet or database for future calculation and analysis. Tree Height Calculator is a mobile Android app the integrates the various steps in this process thereby improving the accuracy and dramatically reducing the time required to go from taking measurements to analyzing data. Given the user's height and the distance from the base of the tree (which can be downloaded into the app from a server), the app uses the phone's orientation sensor to calculate the angle of elevation. A simple trigonometric formula is then used to calculate and record the tree's height in the phone's database. When the phone has a WiFi connection, the data are transmitted to a server, from where they can be downloaded directly into a spreadsheet. The application was first tested in an Environmental Science laboratory at Trinity College. On the first trial, 103 data samples were collected, stored, and uploaded to the online database with only couple of dropped data points. On the second trial, 98 data samples were gathered with no loss of data. The app combined the individual measurements taken by the students in the lab, reducing the time required to produce a graph of the class's results from days to hours.
Hofree, Galit; Ruvolo, Paul; Reinert, Audrey; Bartlett, Marian S; Winkielman, Piotr
Facial actions are key elements of non-verbal behavior. Perceivers' reactions to others' facial expressions often represent a match or mirroring (e.g., they smile to a smile). However, the information conveyed by an expression depends on context. Thus, when shown by an opponent, a smile conveys bad news and evokes frowning. The availability of anthropomorphic agents capable of facial actions raises the question of how people respond to such agents in social context. We explored this issue in a study where participants played a strategic game with or against a facially expressive android. Electromyography (EMG) recorded participants' reactions over zygomaticus muscle (smiling) and corrugator muscle (frowning). We found that participants' facial responses to android's expressions reflect their informational value, rather than a direct match. Overall, participants smiled more, and frowned less, when winning than losing. Critically, participants' responses to the game outcome were similar regardless of whether it was conveyed via the android's smile or frown. Furthermore, the outcome had greater impact on people's facial reactions when it was conveyed through android's face than a computer screen. These findings demonstrate that facial actions of artificial agents impact human facial responding. They also suggest a sophistication in human-robot communication that highlights the signaling value of facial expressions.
Security Concerns in Android mHealth Apps.
He, Dongjing; Naveed, Muhammad; Gunter, Carl A; Nahrstedt, Klara
Mobile Health (mHealth) applications lie outside of regulatory protection such as HIPAA, which requires a baseline of privacy and security protections appropriate to sensitive medical data. However, mHealth apps, particularly those in the app stores for iOS and Android, are increasingly handling sensitive data for both professionals and patients. This paper presents a series of three studies of the mHealth apps in Google Play that show that mHealth apps make widespread use of unsecured Internet communications and third party servers. Both of these practices would be considered problematic under HIPAA, suggesting that increased use of mHealth apps could lead to less secure treatment of health data unless mHealth vendors make improvements in the way they communicate and store data.
Infrastructure-Less Communication Platform for Off-The-Shelf Android Smartphones
As smartphones and other small portable devices become more sophisticated and popular, opportunities for communication and information sharing among such device users have increased. In particular, since it is known that infrastructure-less device-to-device (D2D) communication platforms consisting only of such devices are excellent in terms of, for example, bandwidth efficiency, efforts are being made to merge their information sharing capabilities with conventional infrastructure. However, efficient multi-hop communication is difficult with the D2D communication protocol, and many conventional D2D communication platforms require modifications of the protocol and terminal operating systems (OSs). In response to these issues, this paper reports on a proposed tree-structured D2D communication platform for Android devices that combines Wi-Fi Direct and Wi-Fi functions. The proposed platform, which is expected to be used with general Android 4.0 (or higher) OS equipped terminals, makes it possible to construct an ad hoc network instantaneously without sharing prior knowledge among participating devices. We will show the feasibility of our proposed platform through its design and demonstrate the implementation of a prototype using real devices. In addition, we will report on our investigation into communication delays and stability based on the number of hops and on terminal performance through experimental confirmation experiments. PMID:29510536
Android application for determining surgical variables in brain-tumor resection procedures
Vijayan, Rohan C.; Thompson, Reid C.; Chambless, Lola B.; Morone, Peter J.; He, Le; Clements, Logan W.; Griesenauer, Rebekah H.; Kang, Hakmook; Miga, Michael I.
Abstract. The fidelity of image-guided neurosurgical procedures is often compromised due to the mechanical deformations that occur during surgery. In recent work, a framework was developed to predict the extent of this brain shift in brain-tumor resection procedures. The approach uses preoperatively determined surgical variables to predict brain shift and then subsequently corrects the patient’s preoperative image volume to more closely match the intraoperative state of the patient’s brain. However, a clinical workflow difficulty with the execution of this framework is the preoperative acquisition of surgical variables. To simplify and expedite this process, an Android, Java-based application was developed for tablets to provide neurosurgeons with the ability to manipulate three-dimensional models of the patient’s neuroanatomy and determine an expected head orientation, craniotomy size and location, and trajectory to be taken into the tumor. These variables can then be exported for use as inputs to the biomechanical model associated with the correction framework. A multisurgeon, multicase mock trial was conducted to compare the accuracy of the virtual plan to that of a mock physical surgery. It was concluded that the Android application was an accurate, efficient, and timely method for planning surgical variables. PMID:28331887
Installing the ARL Phrase Book Android Application and Configuring its Dependencies
device and configuring several additional applications required by the Phrase Book. 15. SUBJECT TERMS Android, Phrase Book, Domain Translator, Festival ...CMU] Festival Light Dari Text-to-Speech [TTS] Engine, the Dari/Pashto soft keyboard2) were integrated into the Phrase Book for additional capability...apps (as APK files): • Dari and Pashto AnySoftKeyboards. Delivered as a 94-KB AnySoftKeyboardLanguagePackPashto.apk. • Festival Lite (Flite) TTS
Realtime Space Weather Forecasts Via Android Phone App
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Crowley, G.; Haacke, B.; Reynolds, A.
For the past several years, ASTRA has run a first-principles global 3-D fully coupled thermosphere-ionosphere model in real-time for space weather applications. The model is the Thermosphere-Ionosphere Mesosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIMEGCM). ASTRA also runs the Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics (AMIE) in real-time. Using AMIE to drive the high latitude inputs to the TIMEGCM produces high fidelity simulations of the global thermosphere and ionosphere. These simulations can be viewed on the Android Phone App developed by ASTRA. The SpaceWeather app for the Android operating system is free and can be downloaded from the Google Marketplace. We present the current status of realtime thermosphere-ionosphere space-weather forcasting and discuss the way forward. We explore some of the issues in maintaining real-time simulations with assimilative data feeds in a quasi-operational setting. We also discuss some of the challenges of presenting large amounts of data on a smartphone. The ASTRA SpaceWeather app includes the broadest and most unique range of space weather data yet to be found on a single smartphone app. This is a one-stop-shop for space weather and the only app where you can get access to ASTRA’s real-time predictions of the global thermosphere and ionosphere, high latitude convection and geomagnetic activity. Because of the phone's GPS capability, users can obtain location specific vertical profiles of electron density, temperature, and time-histories of various parameters from the models. The SpaceWeather app has over 9000 downloads, 30 reviews, and a following of active users. It is clear that real-time space weather on smartphones is here to stay, and must be included in planning for any transition to operational space-weather use.
The Design and Development of BMI Calc Android Application
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mohd Ali, Iliana; Samsudin, Nooraida
Body mass index is a familiar term for those who are weight conscious. It is the term that let user know about the overall body composition in terms of fat.The available body mass index calculators whether online or on Play Store do not provide Malaysian meal suggestions. Hence, this paper proposes an application for body mass index calculator together with Malaysian meal suggestion. The objectives of the study are to design and develop BMI Calc android application for the purpose of calculating body mass index while embedding meal suggestion module. The design and methodology involve in the process are also presented.
A Maze Game on Android Using Growing Tree Method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hendrawan, Y. F.
A maze is a type of puzzle games where a player moves in complex and branched passages to find a particular target or location. One method to create a maze is the Growing Tree method. The method creates a tree that has branches which are the paths of a maze. This research explored three types of Growing Tree method implementations for maze generation on Android mobile devices. The layouts produced could be played in first and third-person perspectives. The experiment results showed that it took 17.3 seconds on average to generate 20 cells x 20 cells dynamic maze layouts.
Destination Information System for Bandung City Using Location-Based Services (LBS) on Android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kurniawan, B.; Pranoto, H.
Bandung is a city in West Java, Indonesia with many interesting locations to visit. For most favourite destinations, we can easily look for it on Google and we will find some blogs there discussing about related content. The problem is we can not guarantee that the destination is frequented by visitor. In this research, we utilizes an application to help everyone choosing destination frequented by visitor. The use of information technology in the form of picture, maps, and textual on Android application makes it possible for user to have information about destination with its visitor in a period of time. If destination has visit history, selection of proper destination will be given with fresh informations. This application can run well on Android Lollipop (API Level 21) or above with a minimum RAM of 2 GB since it will compare two coordinates for every data. The use of this app make it possible to access information about location with its visitor history and could help choosing proper destinations for the users.
Security Concerns in Android mHealth Apps
He, Dongjing; Naveed, Muhammad; Gunter, Carl A.; Nahrstedt, Klara
Mobile Health (mHealth) applications lie outside of regulatory protection such as HIPAA, which requires a baseline of privacy and security protections appropriate to sensitive medical data. However, mHealth apps, particularly those in the app stores for iOS and Android, are increasingly handling sensitive data for both professionals and patients. This paper presents a series of three studies of the mHealth apps in Google Play that show that mHealth apps make widespread use of unsecured Internet communications and third party servers. Both of these practices would be considered problematic under HIPAA, suggesting that increased use of mHealth apps could lead to less secure treatment of health data unless mHealth vendors make improvements in the way they communicate and store data. PMID:25954370
McCormack, Lacey; Meendering, Jessica; Specker, Bonny; Binkley, Teresa
Negative health outcomes are associated with excess body fat, low levels of physical activity (PA), and high sedentary time (ST). Relationships between PA, ST, and body fat distribution, including android and gynoid fat, assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) have not been measured in children. The purpose of this study was to test associations between levels of activity and body composition in children and to evaluate if levels of activity predict body composition by DXA and by body mass index percentile in a similar manner. PA, ST, and body composition from 87 children (8.8-11.8 yr, grades 3-5, 44 boys) were used to test the association among study variables. Accelerometers measured PA and ST. Body composition measured by DXA included bone mineral content (BMC) and fat and lean mass of the total body (TB, less head), android, and gynoid regions. ST (range: 409-685 min/wk) was positively associated with TB percent fat (0.03, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.00-0.05) and android fat mass (1.5 g, 95% CI: 0.4-3.0), and inversely associated with the lean mass of the TB (-10.7 g, 95% CI: -20.8 to -0.63) and gynoid regions (-2.2 g, 95% CI: -4.3 to -0.2), and with BMC (-0.43 g, 95% CI: 0.77-0.09). Moderate-to-vigorous PA was associated with lower TB (-53 g, 95% CI: -87 to -18), android (-5 g, 95% CI: -8 to -2]), and gynoid fat (-6 g, 95% CI: -11 to -0.5). Vigorous activity results were similar. Light PA was associated with increased TB (17.1 g, 95% CI: 3.0-31.3) and gynoid lean mass (3.9 g, 95% CI: 1.0-6.8) and BMC (0.59 g, 95% CI: 0.10-1.07). In boys, there were significant associations between activity and DXA percent body fat measures that were not found with the body mass index percentile. Objective measures of PA were inversely associated with TB, android, and gynoid fat, whereas ST was directly associated with TB percent fat and, in particular, android fat. Activity levels predict body composition measures by DXA and, in
Dicoogle Mobile: a medical imaging platform for Android.
Viana-Ferreira, Carlos; Ferreira, Daniel; Valente, Frederico; Monteiro, Eriksson; Costa, Carlos; Oliveira, José Luís
Mobile computing technologies are increasingly becoming a valuable asset in healthcare information systems. The adoption of these technologies helps to assist in improving quality of care, increasing productivity and facilitating clinical decision support. They provide practitioners with ubiquitous access to patient records, being actually an important component in telemedicine and tele-work environments. We have developed Dicoogle Mobile, an Android application that provides remote access to distributed medical imaging data through a cloud relay service. Besides, this application has the capability to store and index local imaging data, so that they can also be searched and visualized. In this paper, we will describe Dicoogle Mobile concept as well the architecture of the whole system that makes it running.
Weight fluctuations could increase blood pressure in android obese women.
Guagnano, M T; Pace-Palitti, V; Carrabs, C; Merlitti, D; Sensi, S
Recent studies have documented a relationship between increased morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases and a history of weight cycling (WC) in obese subjects. We performed a cross-sectional analysis in 96 weight-cycling android obese women, matched with 96 non-weight-cycling android obese women by age, body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), to evaluate any increase in blood pressure (BP) levels in association with WC. The patients were all between 20 and 45 years old, were non-menopausal, did not smoke, did not take any medication, had normal glucose tolerance and were otherwise healthy. A history of WC was established on the basis of at least five weight losses in the previous 5 years due to dieting, with a weight loss of at least 4.5 kg per cycle. We documented higher levels of casual BP in the weight-cycling obese compared with the non-weight-cycling subjects: 147+/-12/90+/-8 mmHg versus 125+/-14/79+/-8 mmHg (P<0.001). The women with WC showed a statistically significant positive correlation between BP and age, weight, BMI, waist circumference, WHR, total weight regained and weight cycling index (WCI). However, in a multiple regression model only the WHR and WCI contributed significantly to the BP variability. These findings could support the hypothesis that it is the combined exposure of central-type obesity and WC that strongly raises the prediction of hypertension.
Serino, Silvia; Pedroli, Elisa; Tuena, Cosimo; De Leo, Gianluca; Stramba-Badiale, Marco; Goulene, Karine; Mariotti, Noemi G; Riva, Giuseppe
A growing body of evidence suggests that people with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) show compromised spatial abilities. In addition, there exists from the earliest stages of AD a specific impairment in "mental frame syncing," which is the ability to synchronize an allocentric viewpoint-independent representation (including object-to-object information) with an egocentric one by computing the bearing of each relevant "object" in the environment in relation to the stored heading in space (i.e., information about our viewpoint contained in the allocentric viewpoint-dependent representation). The main objective of this development-of-concept trial was to evaluate the efficacy of a novel VR-based training protocol focused on the enhancement of the "mental frame syncing" of the different spatial representations in subjects with AD. We recruited 20 individuals with AD who were randomly assigned to either "VR-based training" or "Control Group." Moreover, eight cognitively healthy elderly individuals were recruited to participate in the VR-based training in order to have a different comparison group. Based on a neuropsychological assessment, our results indicated a significant improvement in long-term spatial memory after the VR-based training for patients with AD; this means that transference of improvements from the VR-based training to more general aspects of spatial cognition was observed. Interestingly, there was also a significant effect of VR-based training on executive functioning for cognitively healthy elderly individuals. In sum, VR could be considered as an advanced embodied tool suitable for treating spatial recall impairments.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hendikawati, P.; Arifudin, R.; Zahid, M. Z.
This study aims to design an android Statistics Data Analysis application that can be accessed through mobile devices to making it easier for users to access. The Statistics Data Analysis application includes various topics of basic statistical along with a parametric statistics data analysis application. The output of this application system is parametric statistics data analysis that can be used for students, lecturers, and users who need the results of statistical calculations quickly and easily understood. Android application development is created using Java programming language. The server programming language uses PHP with the Code Igniter framework, and the database used MySQL. The system development methodology used is the Waterfall methodology with the stages of analysis, design, coding, testing, and implementation and system maintenance. This statistical data analysis application is expected to support statistical lecturing activities and make students easier to understand the statistical analysis of mobile devices.
our focus will remain on Android rather than being all-inclusive of others such as iOS, Blackberry 10, and Windows Phone. The proof-of-concept...the attack surface for malicious applications to compromise vulnerable Services grows . Additionally, Services also have a life cycle with
Development and Use of an EFL Reading Practice Application for an Android Tablet Computer
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ishikawa, Yasushige; Smith, Craig; Kondo, Mutsumi; Akano, Ichiro; Maher, Kate; Wada, Norihisa
This paper reports on the use of an English-language reading practice application for an Android tablet computer with students who are not native speakers of English. The application materials for vocabulary learning in reading-passage contexts were created to include words from a database of low-frequency and technical noun-verb collocations…
Zhu, Mingshan; Zeng, Bixin
In this paper, we designed an oxygen saturation, heart rate, respiration rate monitoring system based on smartphone of android operating system, physiological signal acquired by MSP430 microcontroller and transmitted by Bluetooth module.
Portable electrocardiograph through android application.
De Oliveira, Igor H; Cene, V H; Balbinot, A
An electrocardiograph was designed and implemented, being capable of obtaining electrical signals from the heart, and sending this data via Bluetooth to a tablet, in which the signals are graphically shown. The user interface is developed as an Android application. Because of the technological progress and the increasing use of full portable systems, such as tablets and cell phones, it is important to understand the functioning and development of an application, which provides a basis for conducting studies using this technology as an interface. The project development includes concepts of electronics and its application to achieve a portable and functional final project, besides using a specific programmable integrated circuit for electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram and electromyogram, the ADS1294. Using a simulator of cardiac signals, 36 different waveforms were recorded, including normal sinus rhythm, arrhythmias and artifacts. Simulations include variations of heart rate from 30 to 190 beats per minute (BPM), with variations in peak amplitude of 1 mV to 2 mV. Tests were performed with a subject at rest and in motion, observing the signals obtained and the damage to their interpretation due to the introduction of muscle movement artifacts in motion situations.
Moving Phones Tick Slower: Creating an Android App to Demonstrate Time Dilation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Underwood, Bret; Zhai, Yunxiao
Smartphones and tablets are packed with sensors that allow us to take experimental data, essentially making them mobile physics labs. Apps exist that make it easy to capture and analyze data from these sensors, allowing users to study diverse phenomena such as free fall acceleration, the speed of sound, radioactivity, and many others. Commonly, the use of apps in the physics classroom focuses on existing apps rather than on the creation of apps themselves. This is for a good reason-writing an app usually requires advanced knowledge of programming languages and experience with app design. These skills are generally regarded as beyond the typical physics student. However, there are app development environments, such as MIT App Inventor 2 for Android, which make the process of creating an app and utilizing the sensors much more accessible to students. Putting the ability to create and configure apps within the reach of students can also help integrate computation into the curriculum. In this article, we discuss our creation of an Android app, Time Dilation Calculator, done as part of a senior undergraduate capstone project, which uses App Inventor and a mobile device's global positioning system (GPS) receiver to calculate the time dilation effect of special relativity.
Development and Use of an EFL Reading Practice Application for an Android Tablet Computer
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ishikawa, Yasushige; Smith, Craig; Kondo, Mutsumi; Akano, Ichiro; Maher, Kate; Wada, Norihisa
This paper reports on the use of an English-language reading practice application for an android tablet computer operating system with students who are not native speakers of English. The application materials for vocabulary learning in reading-passage contexts were created to include words from a database of low-frequency and technical noun-verb…
Mobile healthcare information management utilizing Cloud Computing and Android OS.
Doukas, Charalampos; Pliakas, Thomas; Maglogiannis, Ilias
Cloud Computing provides functionality for managing information data in a distributed, ubiquitous and pervasive manner supporting several platforms, systems and applications. This work presents the implementation of a mobile system that enables electronic healthcare data storage, update and retrieval using Cloud Computing. The mobile application is developed using Google's Android operating system and provides management of patient health records and medical images (supporting DICOM format and JPEG2000 coding). The developed system has been evaluated using the Amazon's S3 cloud service. This article summarizes the implementation details and presents initial results of the system in practice.
Hekler, Eric B; Buman, Matthew P; Grieco, Lauren; Rosenberger, Mary; Winter, Sandra J; Haskell, William; King, Abby C
There is increasing interest in using smartphones as stand-alone physical activity monitors via their built-in accelerometers, but there is presently limited data on the validity of this approach. The purpose of this work was to determine the validity and reliability of 3 Android smartphones for measuring physical activity among midlife and older adults. A laboratory (study 1) and a free-living (study 2) protocol were conducted. In study 1, individuals engaged in prescribed activities including sedentary (eg, sitting), light (sweeping), moderate (eg, walking 3 mph on a treadmill), and vigorous (eg, jogging 5 mph on a treadmill) activity over a 2-hour period wearing both an ActiGraph and 3 Android smartphones (ie, HTC MyTouch, Google Nexus One, and Motorola Cliq). In the free-living study, individuals engaged in usual daily activities over 7 days while wearing an Android smartphone (Google Nexus One) and an ActiGraph. Study 1 included 15 participants (age: mean 55.5, SD 6.6 years; women: 56%, 8/15). Correlations between the ActiGraph and the 3 phones were strong to very strong (ρ=.77-.82). Further, after excluding bicycling and standing, cut-point derived classifications of activities yielded a high percentage of activities classified correctly according to intensity level (eg, 78%-91% by phone) that were similar to the ActiGraph's percent correctly classified (ie, 91%). Study 2 included 23 participants (age: mean 57.0, SD 6.4 years; women: 74%, 17/23). Within the free-living context, results suggested a moderate correlation (ie, ρ=.59, P<.001) between the raw ActiGraph counts/minute and the phone's raw counts/minute and a strong correlation on minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA; ie, ρ=.67, P<.001). Results from Bland-Altman plots suggested close mean absolute estimates of sedentary (mean difference=-26 min/day of sedentary behavior) and MVPA (mean difference=-1.3 min/day of MVPA) although there was large variation. Overall, results suggest
Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Habitat Surveillance by Android Mobile Devices in Guangzhou, China.
Wu, Tai-Ping; Tian, Jun-Hua; Xue, Rui-De; Fang, Yi-Liang; Zheng, Ai-Hua
In 2014, Guangzhou City, South China, suffered from its worst outbreak of dengue fever in decades. Larval mosquito habitat surveillance was carried out by using android mobile devices in four study sites in May 2015. The habitats with larval mosquitoes were recorded as photo waypoints in OruxMaps or in videos. The total number of potential mosquito habitats was 342, of which 166 (49%) were found to have mosquito larvae or pupae. Small containers were the most abundant potential habitats, accounting for 26% of the total number. More mosquito larvae and pupae, were found in small containers than in other objects holding water, for example, potted or hydroponic plants ( p < 0.05). Mosquito larvae were collected from all plastic road barriers, used tires, and underground water. Aedes albopictus larvae were found from small and large containers, stumps, among others. The overall route index (RI) was 11.3, which was 14.2 times higher than the grade C criteria of the National Patriotic Health Campaign Committee (NPHCC), China. The higher RIs were found from the bird and flower markets, schools, and underground parking lots. The results indicated that Android mobile devices are a convenient and useful tool for surveillance of mosquito habitats, and the enhancement of source reduction may benefit the prevention and control of dengue vector mosquitoes.
Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Habitat Surveillance by Android Mobile Devices in Guangzhou, China
Wu, Tai-Ping; Tian, Jun-Hua; Xue, Rui-De; Fang, Yi-Liang; Zheng, Ai-Hua
In 2014, Guangzhou City, South China, suffered from its worst outbreak of dengue fever in decades. Larval mosquito habitat surveillance was carried out by using android mobile devices in four study sites in May 2015. The habitats with larval mosquitoes were recorded as photo waypoints in OruxMaps or in videos. The total number of potential mosquito habitats was 342, of which 166 (49%) were found to have mosquito larvae or pupae. Small containers were the most abundant potential habitats, accounting for 26% of the total number. More mosquito larvae and pupae, were found in small containers than in other objects holding water, for example, potted or hydroponic plants (p < 0.05). Mosquito larvae were collected from all plastic road barriers, used tires, and underground water. Aedes albopictus larvae were found from small and large containers, stumps, among others. The overall route index (RI) was 11.3, which was 14.2 times higher than the grade C criteria of the National Patriotic Health Campaign Committee (NPHCC), China. The higher RIs were found from the bird and flower markets, schools, and underground parking lots. The results indicated that Android mobile devices are a convenient and useful tool for surveillance of mosquito habitats, and the enhancement of source reduction may benefit the prevention and control of dengue vector mosquitoes. PMID:27999305
An Offline-Online Android Application for Hazard Event Mapping Using WebGIS Open Source Technologies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Olyazadeh, Roya; Jaboyedoff, Michel; Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen; Derron, Marc-Henri; Devkota, Sanjaya
Nowadays, Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) plays an important role in better understanding and managing disaster risk reduction around the world. National and local government, NGOs and other stakeholders are increasingly seeking and producing data on hazards. Most of the hazard event inventories and land use mapping are based on remote sensing data, with little ground truthing, creating difficulties depending on the terrain and accessibility. Open Source WebGIS tools offer an opportunity for quicker and easier ground truthing of critical areas in order to analyse hazard patterns and triggering factors. This study presents a secure mobile-map application for hazard event mapping using Open Source WebGIS technologies such as Postgres database, Postgis, Leaflet, Cordova and Phonegap. The objectives of this prototype are: 1. An Offline-Online android mobile application with advanced Geospatial visualisation; 2. Easy Collection and storage of events information applied services; 3. Centralized data storage with accessibility by all the service (smartphone, standard web browser); 4. Improving data management by using active participation in hazard event mapping and storage. This application has been implemented as a low-cost, rapid and participatory method for recording impacts from hazard events and includes geolocation (GPS data and Internet), visualizing maps with overlay of satellite images, viewing uploaded images and events as cluster points, drawing and adding event information. The data can be recorded in offline (Android device) or online version (all browsers) and consequently uploaded through the server whenever internet is available. All the events and records can be visualized by an administrator and made public after approval. Different user levels can be defined to access the data for communicating the information. This application was tested for landslides in post-earthquake Nepal but can be used for any other type of hazards such as flood, avalanche
González-Barranco, J; López-Alvarenga, J C; Roiz-Simancas, M; Bravo-García, A L; Fanghänel-Salmón, G; Laviada Arrigunaga, E; Castaño, L R; García Tapia, M P
Studies about migration to industrialized countries have shown an increased prevalence of diabetes, obesity and dyslipidaemias, all of them related to android body fat distribution. Migration status might be influence body fat distribution but it has not been sufficiently investigated. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between body fat distribution and migration from rural to urban areas in Mexico. This sequential sample of 433 women were seen in the outpatient obesity clinic of four federal states: Tabasco (n = 81), Mexico City (n = 166), Coahuila (n = 80), and Yucatan (n = 106). Migration history from rural to urban area, familial history of diabetes, ages of onset of obesity, height and weight circumferences were obtained. A regression logistic model was used and maintained as dependent variable body fat distribution. Age and federal state were considered as confounders and they adjusted the model. Migrating women from rural to urban area were 121 (27.9%). The waist circumference was higher in Tabasco (102.2 +/- 12 cm), and lesser in Yucatan (93.6 +/- 15 cm, p < 0.001); no differences were found for hip circumference. The logistic regression model showed that body fat distribution is associated to migration from rural to urban area, and also to diabetes of mother and age of onset of obesity. Migrating from rural to urban area is a risk factor for android body fat distribution and this risk increases with age, history of diabetes in mother and adulthood onset o obesity.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Arista, Fitra Suci; Kuswanto, Heru
The research study concerned here was to: (1) produce a virtual physics laboratory application to be called ViPhyLab by using the Android smartphone as basis; (2) determine the appropriateness and quality of the virtual physics laboratory application that had been developed; and (3) describe the improvement in learning independence and conceptual…
A system for diagnosis of wheat leaf diseases based on Android smartphone
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xie, Xinhua; Zhang, Xiangqian; He, Bing; Liang, Dong; Zhang, Dongyang; Huang, Linsheng
Owing to the shortages of inconvenience, expensive and high professional requirements etc. for conventional recognition devices of wheat leaf diseases, it does not satisfy the requirements of uploading and releasing timely investigation data in the large-scale field, which may influence the effectiveness of prevention and control for wheat diseases. In this study, a fast, accurate, and robust diagnose system of wheat leaf diseases based on android smartphone was developed, which comprises of two parts—the client and the server. The functions of the client include image acquisition, GPS positioning, corresponding, and knowledge base of disease prevention and control. The server includes image processing, feature extraction, and selection, and classifier establishing. The recognition process of the system goes as follow: when disease images were collected in fields and sent to the server by android smartphone, and then image processing of disease spots was carried out by the server. Eighteen larger weight features were selected by algorithm relief-F and as the input of Relevance Vector Machine (RVM), and the automatic identification of wheat stripe rust and powdery mildew was realized. The experimental results showed that the average recognition rate and predicted speed of RVM model were 5.56% and 7.41 times higher than that of Support Vector Machine (SVM). And application discovered that it needs about 1 minute to get the identification result. Therefore, it can be concluded that the system could be used to recognize wheat diseases and real-time investigate in fields.
Energy consumption estimation of an OMAP-based Android operating system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
González, Gabriel; Juárez, Eduardo; Castro, Juan José; Sanz, César
System-level energy optimization of battery-powered multimedia embedded systems has recently become a design goal. The poor operational time of multimedia terminals makes computationally demanding applications impractical in real scenarios. For instance, the so-called smart-phones are currently unable to remain in operation longer than several hours. The OMAP3530 processor basically consists of two processing cores, a General Purpose Processor (GPP) and a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The former, an ARM Cortex-A8 processor, is aimed to run a generic Operating System (OS) while the latter, a DSP core based on the C64x+, has architecture optimized for video processing. The BeagleBoard, a commercial prototyping board based on the OMAP processor, has been used to test the Android Operating System and measure its performance. The board has 128 MB of SDRAM external memory, 256 MB of Flash external memory and several interfaces. Note that the clock frequency of the ARM and DSP OMAP cores is 600 MHz and 430 MHz, respectively. This paper describes the energy consumption estimation of the processes and multimedia applications of an Android v1.6 (Donut) OS on the OMAP3530-Based BeagleBoard. In addition, tools to communicate the two processing cores have been employed. A test-bench to profile the OS resource usage has been developed. As far as the energy estimates concern, the OMAP processor energy consumption model provided by the manufacturer has been used. The model is basically divided in two energy components. The former, the baseline core energy, describes the energy consumption that is independent of any chip activity. The latter, the module active energy, describes the energy consumed by the active modules depending on resource usage.
Mobile/android application for QRS detection using zero cross method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rizqyawan, M. I.; Simbolon, A. I.; Suhendra, M. A.; Amri, M. F.; Kusumandari, D. E.
In automatic ECG signal processing, one of the main topics of research is QRS complex detection. Detecting correct QRS complex or R peak is important since it is used to measure several other ECG metrics. One of the robust methods for QRS detection is Zero Cross method. This method uses an addition of high-frequency signal and zero crossing count to detect QRS complex which has a low-frequency oscillation. This paper presents an application of QRS detection using Zero Cross algorithm in the Android-based system. The performance of the algorithm in the mobile environment is measured. The result shows that this method is suitable for real-time QRS detection in a mobile application.
A new android smartphone app for geospatial mapping from drones and kites
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Anderson, Karen; Griffiths, Dave; Debell, Leon; Steve, Hancock; James, Duffy; Jamie, Shutler; Liam, Reinhardt; Griffiths, Amber; Threadgill, Katie
This paper will describe the development, testing and deployment of a free-to-use, open-source, android-based smartphone application for capturing geo-tagged aerial photographs for grass-roots remote sensing (RS) and mapping applications. Historically, RS data have been acquired from sensors on platforms such as piloted aircraft or satellites but a new self-service, and to some extent, 'grassroots' (participatory and distributed) RS revolution is underway making use of drones and kites as platforms for proximal observations of environmental phenomena. There are a growing number of papers in the geosciences and in landscape ecology utilising such platforms for cost-effective, self-service acquisition of RS data. These platforms cannot carry the heavy payloads used on satellites or aircraft, but they offer a more flexible way of gathering responsive survey data, and their low flying capability means that very fine-grained data can be captured easily. The current scientific focus for drone- and kite-based aerial mapping relies on automatically-triggered camera systems, followed by complex post-processing algorithms (e.g. computer vision-based 'structure-from-motion' software) to convert the resulting aerial photography data into orthorectified maps and point clouds. Whilst these approaches generate high quality products, for many applications the complexity is a barrier to uptake. Wiring the camera to an autopilot trigger is non-trivial, and the post-processing stage demands expensive and complex software and high performance computing. For many basic mapping applications, the workflow is too complex and the detail in the products exceed what is really needed. We asked: what if a basic smartphone, with its plethora of on-board sensors (accelerometer, GPS, compass, camera) could be used to generate ready-to-use spatial data from lightweight aerial platforms such as drones or kites? We built an android application to test the capability of standard smartphones as remote
IN-SYNC. IV. The Young Stellar Population in the Orion A Molecular Cloud
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Da Rio, Nicola; Tan, Jonathan C.; Covey, Kevin R.; Cottaar, Michiel; Foster, Jonathan B.; Cullen, Nicholas C.; Tobin, John J.; Kim, Jinyoung S.; Meyer, Michael R.; Nidever, David L.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Chojnowski, S. Drew; Flaherty, Kevin M.; Majewski, Steve; Skrutskie, Michael F.; Zasowski, Gail; Pan, Kaike
We present the results of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey APOGEE INfrared Spectroscopy of Young Nebulous Clusters program (IN-SYNC) survey of the Orion A molecular cloud. This survey obtained high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of about 2700 young pre-main-sequence stars on a ˜ 6^\\circ field of view. We have measured accurate stellar parameters ({T}{{eff}}, {log}g, v{sin}I) and extinctions and placed the sources in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD). We have also extracted radial velocities for the kinematic characterization of the population. We compare our measurements with literature results to assess the performance and accuracy of the survey. Source extinction shows evidence for dust grains that are larger than those in the diffuse interstellar medium: we estimate an average RV = 5.5 in the region. Importantly, we find a clear correlation between HRD inferred ages and spectroscopic surface-gravity-inferred ages and between extinction and disk presence; this strongly suggests a real spread of ages larger than a few Myr. Focusing on the young population around NGC 1980/ι Ori, which has previously been suggested to be a separate, foreground, older cluster, we confirm its older (˜5 Myr) age and low AV, but considering that its radial velocity distribution is indistinguishable from Orion A’s population, we suggest that NGC 1980 is part of Orion A’s star formation activity. Based on their stellar parameters and kinematic properties, we identify 383 new candidate members of Orion A, most of which are diskless sources in areas of the region poorly studied by previous works.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Da Rio, Nicola; SDSS Apogee IN-SYNC ancillary program Team
I will present the results of our characterization of the dynamical status of the young stellar population in the Orion A star forming region. This is based on radial velocity measurements obtained within the SDSS-III Apogee IN-SYNC Orion Survey, which obtained high-resolution spectroscopy of ~3000 objects in the region, from the dense Orion Nebula Cluster - the prototypical nearby region of active massive star formation - to the low-density environments of the L1641 region. We find evidence for kinematic subclustering along the star forming filament, where the stellar component remains kinematically associated to the gas; in the ONC we find that the stellar population is supervirial and currently expanding. We rule out the existence of a controversial candidate foreground cluster to the south of the ONC. These results, complemented with an analysis of the spatial structure of the population, enables critical tests of theories that describe the formation and early evolution of Orion and young clusters in general.
Liu, Jinpeng; Horimai, Hideyoshi; Lin, Xiao; Liu, Jinyan; Huang, Yong; Tan, Xiaodi
The collinear holographic data storage system (CHDSS) is a very promising storage system due to its large storage capacities and high transfer rates in the era of big data. The digital micro-mirror device (DMD) as a spatial light modulator is the key device of the CHDSS due to its high speed, high precision, and broadband working range. To improve the system stability and performance, an optimal micro-mirror tilt angle was theoretically calculated and experimentally confirmed by analyzing the relationship between the tilt angle of the micro-mirror on the DMD and the power profiles of diffraction patterns of the DMD at the Fourier plane. In addition, we proposed a novel chess board sync mark design in the data page to reduce the system bit error rate in circumstances of reduced aperture required to decrease noise and median exposure amount. It will provide practical guidance for future DMD based CHDSS development.
by using a common communication technology there is no need to develop a complicated communications plan and generate an ad - hoc communications...DISTRIBUTION CODE A 13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words) Maintaining an accurate Common Operational Picture (COP) is a strategic requirement for...TERMS Android Programming, Cloud Computing, Common Operating Picture, Web Programing 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF REPORT
Estai, Mohamed; Kanagasingam, Yogesan; Xiao, Di; Vignarajan, Janardhan; Bunt, Stuart; Kruger, Estie; Tennant, Marc
Objective This study aimed to evaluate users' acceptance of a teledentistry model utilizing a smartphone camera used for dental caries screening and to identify a number of areas for improvement of the system. Methods A store-and-forward telemedicine platform "Remote-I" was developed to assist in the screening of oral diseases using an image acquisition Android app operated by 17 teledental assistants. A total of 485 images (five images per case) were directly transmitted from the Android app to the server. A panel of five dental practitioners (graders) assessed the images and reported their diagnosis. A user acceptance survey was sent to the graders and smartphone users following completion of the screening program. Results Of the 22 surveys sent out, 20 (91%) were completed. Generally, users showed optimism towards the use of the teledentistry system, and strongly positively assessed items on content and service quality. The majority of graders took less than 15 min to read the images while phone users took 5-10 min to complete the dental photography using the Android app. This study identified a number of factors that are essential for improving the current system, such as optimization of smartphone camera features, the format of the server, and the orientation of images and using oral retractors during photography. Conclusions Users appear to be generally satisfied with the proposed teledentistry model. However, they have specific concerns to address, many of which could be resolved through more effective training, coordination between sites and upgrading the current system.
Smartphone-Based Android app for Determining UVA Aerosol Optical Depth and Direct Solar Irradiances.
Igoe, Damien P; Parisi, Alfio; Carter, Brad
This research describes the development and evaluation of the accuracy and precision of an Android app specifically designed, written and installed on a smartphone for detecting and quantifying incident solar UVA radiation and subsequently, aerosol optical depth at 340 and 380 nm. Earlier studies demonstrated that a smartphone image sensor can detect UVA radiation and the responsivity can be calibrated to measured direct solar irradiance. This current research provides the data collection, calibration, processing, calculations and display all on a smartphone. A very strong coefficient of determination of 0.98 was achieved when the digital response was recalibrated and compared to the Microtops sun photometer direct UVA irradiance observations. The mean percentage discrepancy for derived direct solar irradiance was only 4% and 6% for observations at 380 and 340 nm, respectively, lessening with decreasing solar zenith angle. An 8% mean percent difference discrepancy was observed when comparing aerosol optical depth, also decreasing as solar zenith angle decreases. The results indicate that a specifically designed Android app linking and using a smartphone image sensor, calendar and clock, with additional external narrow bandpass and neutral density filters can be used as a field sensor to evaluate both direct solar UVA irradiance and low aerosol optical depths for areas with low aerosol loads. © 2013 The American Society of Photobiology.
Carnero Gregorio, Miguel; Blanco Ramos, Montserrat; Obeso Carillo, Gerardo Andrés; García Fontán, Eva; Álvarez González, Miguel Ángel; Cañizares Carretero, Miguel Ángel
To design and develop a nutritional application for smartphones and tablets with Android operating system for using to in- and outpatients that need a nutritional assessment. To check the validity of the results of such software. The application was compiled for version 2.1 of the Android operating system from Google. A cohort of 30 patients was included for evaluating the reliability of the application. The calculations were performed by staff of the Nutrition Unit of the Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo, manually and through e-Nutrimet software on a smartphone and a tablet. Concordance was absolute between results of different methods obtained using e-Nutrimet on a smartphone and a tablet (Fleiss index κ= 1). The same level of concordance was obtained by comparing handmade and e-Nutrimet made results. The degree of correlation is good, and it would be extended to all healthcare staff who wants to determine whether a patient has malnutrition, or not. The nutritional assessment software e-Nutrimet does not replace healthcare staff in any case, but could be an important aid in assessing patients who may be in risk of malnutrition, saving time of evaluation. Copyright AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2014. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kröger, Knut; Creutzburg, Reiner
The growth of Android in the mobile sector and the interest to investigate these devices from a forensic point of view has rapidly increased. Many companies have security problems with mobile devices in their own IT infrastructure. To respond to these incidents, it is important to have professional trained staff. Furthermore, it is necessary to further train their existing employees in the practical applications of mobile forensics owing to the fact that a lot of companies are trusted with very sensitive data. Inspired by these facts, this paper - a continuation of a paper of January 2012 [1] which showed the conception of a course for professional training and education in the field of computer and mobile forensics - addresses training approaches and practical exercises to investigate Android mobile devices.
Portable electrocardiogram device using Android smartphone.
Brucal, S G E; Clamor, G K D; Pasiliao, L A O; Soriano, J P F; Varilla, L P M
Portable electrocardiogram (ECG) capturing device can be interfaced to a smart phone installed with an android-based application (app). This app processes and analyses the data sent by the device to provide an interpretation of the patient/user's heart current condition (e.g.: beats per minute, heart signal waveform, R-R interval). The ECG recorded by the app is stored in the smart phone's Secure Digital (SD) card and cloud storage which can be accessed remotely by a physician to aid in providing medical diagnosis. The project aims to help patients living at a far distance from hospitals and experience difficulty in consulting their physician for regular check-ups, and assist doctors in regularly monitoring their patient's heart condition. The hardware data acquisition device and software application were subjected to trials in a clinic with volunteer-patients to measure the ECG and heart rate, data saving speed on the SD card, success rate of the saved data and uploaded file. Different ECG tests using the project prototype were done for 12 patients/users and yielded a reading difference of 7.61% in an R-R interval reading and 5.35% in heart rate reading as compared with the cardiologist's conventional 12-electrode ECG machine. Using the developed ECG device, it took less than 5 seconds to save ECG reading using SD card and approximately 2 minutes to upload via cloud.
MedAd-AppQ: A quality assessment tool for medication adherence apps on iOS and android platforms.
Ali, Eskinder Eshetu; Teo, Amanda Kai Sin; Goh, Sherlyn Xue Lin; Chew, Lita; Yap, Kevin Yi-Lwern
With the recent proliferation of smartphone medication adherence applications (apps), it is increasingly more difficult for patients and clinicians to identify the most useful app. To develop a quality assessment tool for medication adherence apps, and evaluate the quality of such apps from the major app stores. In this study, a Medication Adherence App Quality assessment tool (MedAd-AppQ) was developed and two evaluators independently assessed apps that fulfilled the following criteria: availability in English, had at least a medication reminder feature, non-specific to certain disease conditions (generic apps), free of technical malfunctions and availability on both the iPhone Operating System (iOS) and Android platforms. Descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U test, Pearson product moment correlation and Spearman rank-order correlation were used for statistical analysis. MedAd-AppQ was designed to have 24 items (total 43 points) categorized under three sections: content reliability (11 points), feature usefulness (29 points) and feature convenience (3 points). The three sections of MedAd-AppQ were found to have inter-rater correlation coefficients of 0.801 (p-value < .001) or higher. Based on analysis of 52 apps (27 iOS and 25 Android), quality scores ranged between 7/43 (16.3%) and 28/43 (65.1%). There was no significant difference between the quality scores of the Android and iOS versions. None of the apps had features for self-management of side effects. Only two apps in each platform provided disease-related and/or medication information. MedAd-AppQ can be used to reliably assess the quality of adherence apps. Clinicians can use the tool in selecting apps for use by patients. Developers of adherence apps should consider features that provide therapy-related information and help patients in medications and side-effects management. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Rankin, Kathleen C; O'Brien, Laura C; Gorgey, Ashraf S
To determine whether dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) compared to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may accurately quantify trunk lean mass (LM) after chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) and to investigate the relationships between trunk LM, visceral adiposity, trunk fat mass and basal metabolic rate (BMR). Cross-sectional design and correlational analysis. Research setting in a medical center. Twenty-two men with motor complete paraplegia (n = 14; T4-T11) and tetraplegia (n = 8; C5-C7) were recruited as part of a clinical trial. Not applicable. Trunk and android LM were measured using DXA. The volume of six trunk muscle groups were then measured using MRI to quantify trunk LM-MRI. Subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) cross-sectional areas were also measured using MRI. After overnight fast, BMR was evaluated using indirect calorimetry. Trunk LM-DXA (24 ± 3.3 kg) and android LM-DXA (3.6 ± 0.7 kg) overestimated (P < 0.0001) trunk LM-MRI (1.7 ± 0.5 kg). Trunk LM-MRI = 0.088* log (trunk LM-DXA)-0.415; r 2 =0.29, SEE= 0.44 kg, P = 0.007. Trunk LM-MRI = 1.53* android LM-DXA + 0.126; r 2 =0.26, SEE= 0.21 kg, P = 0.018. Percentage trunk LM-MRI was inversely related to VAT (r=-0.79, P < 0.0001) and trunk fat mass (r=-0.83, P < 0.001). Only trunk LM-DXA was related to BMR (r = 0.61, P = 0.002). Persons with tetraplegia have 13% smaller trunk muscle cross-sectional areas (P = 0.036) compared to those with paraplegia. Trunk LM-DXA and android LM-DXA overestimated trunk LM-MRI. Percentage trunk LM-MRI, but not LM-DXA, was inversely related to trunk central adiposity. The findings highlight the importance of exercising trunk LM to attenuate cardio-metabolic disorders after SCI.
Debener, Stefan; Emkes, Reiner; Volkening, Nils; Fudickar, Sebastian; Bleichner, Martin G.
Objective Our aim was the development and validation of a modular signal processing and classification application enabling online electroencephalography (EEG) signal processing on off-the-shelf mobile Android devices. The software application SCALA (Signal ProCessing and CLassification on Android) supports a standardized communication interface to exchange information with external software and hardware. Approach In order to implement a closed-loop brain-computer interface (BCI) on the smartphone, we used a multiapp framework, which integrates applications for stimulus presentation, data acquisition, data processing, classification, and delivery of feedback to the user. Main Results We have implemented the open source signal processing application SCALA. We present timing test results supporting sufficient temporal precision of audio events. We also validate SCALA with a well-established auditory selective attention paradigm and report above chance level classification results for all participants. Regarding the 24-channel EEG signal quality, evaluation results confirm typical sound onset auditory evoked potentials as well as cognitive event-related potentials that differentiate between correct and incorrect task performance feedback. Significance We present a fully smartphone-operated, modular closed-loop BCI system that can be combined with different EEG amplifiers and can easily implement other paradigms. PMID:29349070
Blum, Sarah; Debener, Stefan; Emkes, Reiner; Volkening, Nils; Fudickar, Sebastian; Bleichner, Martin G
Our aim was the development and validation of a modular signal processing and classification application enabling online electroencephalography (EEG) signal processing on off-the-shelf mobile Android devices. The software application SCALA (Signal ProCessing and CLassification on Android) supports a standardized communication interface to exchange information with external software and hardware. In order to implement a closed-loop brain-computer interface (BCI) on the smartphone, we used a multiapp framework, which integrates applications for stimulus presentation, data acquisition, data processing, classification, and delivery of feedback to the user. We have implemented the open source signal processing application SCALA. We present timing test results supporting sufficient temporal precision of audio events. We also validate SCALA with a well-established auditory selective attention paradigm and report above chance level classification results for all participants. Regarding the 24-channel EEG signal quality, evaluation results confirm typical sound onset auditory evoked potentials as well as cognitive event-related potentials that differentiate between correct and incorrect task performance feedback. We present a fully smartphone-operated, modular closed-loop BCI system that can be combined with different EEG amplifiers and can easily implement other paradigms.
Android application for handwriting segmentation using PerTOHS theory
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Akouaydi, Hanen; Njah, Sourour; Alimi, Adel M.
The paper handles the problem of segmentation of handwriting on mobile devices. Many applications have been developed in order to facilitate the recognition of handwriting and to skip the limited numbers of keys in keyboards and try to introduce a space of drawing for writing instead of using keyboards. In this one, we will present a mobile theory for the segmentation of for handwriting uses PerTOHS theory, Perceptual Theory of On line Handwriting Segmentation, where handwriting is defined as a sequence of elementary and perceptual codes. In fact, the theory analyzes the written script and tries to learn the handwriting visual codes features in order to generate new ones via the generated perceptual sequences. To get this classification we try to apply the Beta-elliptic model, fuzzy detector and also genetic algorithms in order to get the EPCs (Elementary Perceptual Codes) and GPCs (Global Perceptual Codes) that composed the script. So, we will present our Android application M-PerTOHS for segmentation of handwriting.
Weber-Spickschen, Thomas Sanjay; Colcuc, Christian; Hanke, Alexander; Clausen, Jan-Dierk; James, Paul Abraham; Horstmann, Hauke
The initial goals of rehabilitation after knee injuries and operations are to achieve full knee extension and to activate quadriceps muscle. In addition to regular physiotherapy, an android-based knee training device is designed to help patients achieve these goals and improve compliance in the early rehabilitation period. This knee training device combines fun in a computer game with muscular training or rehabilitation. Our aim was to test the feasibility and acceptability of this new device. 50 volunteered subjects enrolled to test out the computer game aided device. The first game was the high-striker game, which recorded maximum knee extension power. The second game involved controlling quadriceps muscular power to simulate flying an aeroplane in order to record accuracy of muscle activation. The subjects evaluated this game by completing a simple questionnaire. No technical problem was encountered during the usage of this device. No subjects complained of any discomfort after using this device. Measurements including maximum knee extension power, knee muscle activation and control were recorded successfully. Subjects rated their experience with the device as either excellent or very good and agreed that the device can motivate and monitor the progress of knee rehabilitation training. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first android-based tool available to fast track knee rehabilitation training. All subjects gave very positive feedback to this computer game aided knee device.
Implementing MANETS in Android based environment using Wi-Fi direct
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Waqas, Muhammad; Babar, Mohammad Inayatullah Khan; Zafar, Mohammad Haseeb
Packet loss occurs in real-time voice transmission over wireless broadcast Ad-hoc network which creates disruptions in sound. Basic objective of this research is to design a wireless Ad-hoc network based on two Android devices by using the Wireless Fidelity (WIFI) Direct Application Programming Interface (API) and apply the Network Codec, Reed Solomon Code. The network codec is used to encode the data of a music wav file and recover the lost packets if any, packets are dropped using a loss module at the transmitter device to analyze the performance with the objective of retrieving the original file at the receiver device using the network codec. This resulted in faster transmission of the files despite dropped packets. In the end both files had the original formatted music files with complete performance analysis based on the transmission delay.
Androids: application of EAP as artificial muscles to entertainment industry
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hanson, D.; Pioggia, G.; Bar-Cohen, Yoseph; de Rossi, D.
The classic movie Metropolis (1926), which is nowadays considered a cinema milestone, has shown the possibility to build robots called androids that are science and fiction run together to realize a dream: the human-like robot. In that movie, Dr. Rotwang transforms a simple and cold calculating robot into the body of a beautiful woman. Robots have often been depicted as metal creatures with cold steel bodies, but there is no reason why metals should be the only kind of material for construction of robots. The authors examined the issues related to applying electroactive polymers materials (EAP) to the entertainment industry. EAP are offering attractive characteristics with the potential to produce more realistic models of living creatures at significantly lower cost. This paper seeks to elucidate how EAP might infiltrate and ultimately revolutionize entertainment, showing some applicative examples.
Utilization of Android-base Smartphone to Support Handmade Spectrophotometer : A Preliminary Study
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ujiningtyas, R.; Apriliani, E.; Yohana, I.; Afrillianti, L.; Hikmah, N.; Kurniawan, C.
Visible spectrophotometer is a powerful instrument in chemistry. We can identify the chemical species base on their specific color and then we can also determine the amount of the species using the spectrophotometer. However, the availability of visible spectrophotometer still limited, particularly for education. This affect the skill of student to have experience on handling the instrumentation. On the other hand, the communication technology creates an opportunity for student to explore their smart feature, mainly the camera. The objective of this research is to make an application that utilize the camera feature as a detector for handmade visible spectrophotometer. The software have been made based on android program, and we name it as Spectrophone®. The spectrophotometer consists of an acrylic body, sample compartment, and light sources (USB-LED lamp powered by 6600 mAh battery). Before reach the sample, the light source was filtered using colored-mica plastic. The spectrophone® apps utilize the camera to detect the color based on its RGB composition. A different colored solution will show a different RGB composition based on the concentration and specific absorbance wavelength. We then can choose one type of color composition, R or G or B only to be converted as an absorbance using -Log (Cs/Co), where Cs and Co are color composition of sample and blank, respectively. The calibration curve of metilen blue measured. In a red (R) composition, the regression is not linear (R2=0.78) compare to the result of UV-Vis spectrophotomer model Spectroquant Pharo 300 (R2=0.8053). This measurement result shows that The Spectrophone® still need to be evaluated and corrected. One problem than can we identify that the diameter of pick point of RGB composition is too wide and this will affect the reading color composition. Next, we will fix the problem and in advance we will apply this Spectrophone® in a wide scale.
Dehling, Tobias; Gao, Fangjian; Schneider, Stephan; Sunyaev, Ali
Mobile health (mHealth) apps aim at providing seamless access to tailored health information technology and have the potential to alleviate global health burdens. Yet, they bear risks to information security and privacy because users need to reveal private, sensitive medical information to redeem certain benefits. Due to the plethora and diversity of available mHealth apps, implications for information security and privacy are unclear and complex. The objective of this study was to establish an overview of mHealth apps offered on iOS and Android with a special focus on potential damage to users through information security and privacy infringements. We assessed apps available in English and offered in the categories "Medical" and "Health & Fitness" in the iOS and Android App Stores. Based on the information retrievable from the app stores, we established an overview of available mHealth apps, tagged apps to make offered information machine-readable, and clustered the discovered apps to identify and group similar apps. Subsequently, information security and privacy implications were assessed based on health specificity of information available to apps, potential damage through information leaks, potential damage through information manipulation, potential damage through information loss, and potential value of information to third parties. We discovered 24,405 health-related apps (iOS; 21,953; Android; 2452). Absence or scarceness of ratings for 81.36% (17,860/21,953) of iOS and 76.14% (1867/2452) of Android apps indicates that less than a quarter of mHealth apps are in more or less widespread use. Clustering resulted in 245 distinct clusters, which were consolidated into 12 app archetypes grouping clusters with similar assessments of potential damage through information security and privacy infringements. There were 6426 apps that were excluded during clustering. The majority of apps (95.63%, 17,193/17,979; of apps) pose at least some potential damage through
Discovering and understanding the vector field using simulation in android app
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Budi, A.; Muliyati, D.
An understanding of vector field’s concepts are fundamental parts of the electrodynamics course. In this paper, we use a simple simulation that can be used to show qualitative imaging results as a variation of the vector field. Android application packages the simulation with consideration of the efficiency of use during the lecture. In addition, this simulation also trying to cover the divergences and curl concepts from the same conditions that students have a complete understanding and can distinguish concepts that have been described only mathematically. This simulation is designed to show the relationship between the field magnitude and its potential. This application can show vector field simulations in various conditions that help to improve students’ understanding of vector field concepts and their relation to particle existence around the field vector.
The development of indonesian traditional bekel game in android platform
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rahmat, R. F.; Fahrani, O. R.; Purnamawati, S.; Pasha, M. F.
Bekel is one of traditional Indonesian game that is rarely played nowadays. Bekel is a game to test dexterity level using a bekel ball and 6 to10 seeds. The game is played by throwing the ball up in the air, spreading the seeds randomly on the floor then picking the seeds up until the ground is clear. This game application is an adaptation of Bekel game focusing on the movements of the ball and the randomization of the seed positions. This game application has three levels of difficulty based on the basic rules of the actual Bekel game. The focus of the study is the free fall method of the ball and the random function of the seeds in the Android environment. The result show the Bekel application has sensitivity level of 71% for the ball movements and the probability rate of the random event occurrence is at 23%.
Research on water management system based on Android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Dongjiang; Hu, Songlin
With the rapid development of Smart city, Smart water is an important part of Smart city, which is paid more and more attention. It obtains and deals with urban water information through information technology. It can effectively manage urban water supply, The sale of water and other processes. At the same time, due to the popularity of Smartphones, Smartphone applications have covered every aspect of life and become an indispensable part of people's daily life. Through the Smartphone applications, the user can achieve online mobile water purchase, query the water situation, water quality and other basic situation, greatly facilitate the use of the user, for wisdom water construction is of great significance. In this paper, the water management system based on Android is designed and implemented according to the user's needs. It includes intelligent water meter terminal, monitoring center server, Smartphone application and wireless communication network. The user can use the Smartphone at any time and at any place to view the user's water information in real time providing great convenience for users. So its application prospect is very broad as an important part of smart city.
In Sync: The Effect of Physiology Feedback on the Match between Heart Rate and Self-Reported Stress.
van Dijk, Elisabeth T; Westerink, Joyce H D M; Beute, Femke; IJsselsteijn, Wijnand A
Over the past years self-tracking of physiological parameters has become increasingly common: more and more people are keeping track of aspects of their physiological state (e.g., heart rate, blood sugar, and blood pressure). To shed light on the possible effects of self-tracking of physiology, a study was conducted to test whether physiology feedback has acute effects on self-reported stress and the extent to which self-reported stress corresponds to physiological stress. In this study, participants executed several short tasks, while they were either shown visual feedback about their heart rate or not. Results show that self-reported stress is more in sync with heart rate for participants who received physiology feedback. Interactions between two personality factors (neuroticism and anxiety sensitivity) and feedback on the level of self-reported stress were found, indicating that while physiology feedback may be beneficial for individuals high in neuroticism, it may be detrimental for those high in anxiety sensitivity. Additional work is needed to establish how the results of this study may extend beyond immediate effects in a controlled lab setting, but our results do provide a first indication of how self-tracking of physiology may lead to better body awareness and how personality characteristics can help us predict which individuals are most likely to benefit from self-tracking of physiology.
In Sync: The Effect of Physiology Feedback on the Match between Heart Rate and Self-Reported Stress
van Dijk, Elisabeth T.; Westerink, Joyce H. D. M.; Beute, Femke; IJsselsteijn, Wijnand A.
Over the past years self-tracking of physiological parameters has become increasingly common: more and more people are keeping track of aspects of their physiological state (e.g., heart rate, blood sugar, and blood pressure). To shed light on the possible effects of self-tracking of physiology, a study was conducted to test whether physiology feedback has acute effects on self-reported stress and the extent to which self-reported stress corresponds to physiological stress. In this study, participants executed several short tasks, while they were either shown visual feedback about their heart rate or not. Results show that self-reported stress is more in sync with heart rate for participants who received physiology feedback. Interactions between two personality factors (neuroticism and anxiety sensitivity) and feedback on the level of self-reported stress were found, indicating that while physiology feedback may be beneficial for individuals high in neuroticism, it may be detrimental for those high in anxiety sensitivity. Additional work is needed to establish how the results of this study may extend beyond immediate effects in a controlled lab setting, but our results do provide a first indication of how self-tracking of physiology may lead to better body awareness and how personality characteristics can help us predict which individuals are most likely to benefit from self-tracking of physiology. PMID:26146611
Weber-Spickschen, Thomas Sanjay; Colcuc, Christian; Hanke, Alexander; Clausen, Jan-Dierk; James, Paul Abraham; Horstmann, Hauke
Purpose: The initial goals of rehabilitation after knee injuries and operations are to achieve full knee extension and to activate quadriceps muscle. In addition to regular physiotherapy, an android-based knee training device is designed to help patients achieve these goals and improve compliance in the early rehabilitation period. This knee training device combines fun in a computer game with muscular training or rehabilitation. Our aim was to test the feasibility and acceptability of this new device. Methods: 50 volunteered subjects enrolled to test out the computer game aided device. The first game was the high-striker game, which recorded maximum knee extension power. The second game involved controlling quadriceps muscular power to simulate flying an aeroplane in order to record accuracy of muscle activation. The subjects evaluated this game by completing a simple questionnaire. Results: No technical problem was encountered during the usage of this device. No subjects complained of any discomfort after using this device. Measurements including maximum knee extension power, knee muscle activation and control were recorded successfully. Subjects rated their experience with the device as either excellent or very good and agreed that the device can motivate and monitor the progress of knee rehabilitation training. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first android-based tool available to fast track knee rehabilitation training. All subjects gave very positive feedback to this computer game aided knee device. PMID:29081870
Sejdić, E.; Millecamps, A.; Teoli, J.; Rothfuss, M. A.; Franconi, N. G.; Perera, S.; Jones, A. K.; Brach, J. S.; Mickle, M. H.
Gait function is traditionally assessed using well-lit, unobstructed walkways with minimal distractions. In patients with subclinical physiological abnormalities, these conditions may not provide enough stress on their ability to adapt to walking. The introduction of challenging walking conditions in gait can induce responses in physiological systems in addition to the locomotor system. There is a need for a device that is capable of monitoring multiple physiological systems in various walking conditions. To address this need, an Android-based gait-monitoring device was developed that enabled the recording of a patient's physiological systems during walking. The gait-monitoring device was tested during self-regulated overground walking sessions of fifteen healthy subjects that included 6 females and 9 males aged 18 to 35 years. The gait-monitoring device measures the patient's stride interval, acceleration, electrocardiogram, skin conductance and respiratory rate. The data is stored on an Android phone and is analyzed offline through the extraction of features in the time, frequency and time-frequency domains. The analysis of the data depicted multisystem physiological interactions during overground walking in healthy subjects. These interactions included locomotion-electrodermal, locomotion-respiratory and cardiolocomotion couplings. The current results depicting strong interactions between the locomotion system and the other considered systems (i.e., electrodermal, respiratory and cardivascular systems) warrant further investigation into multisystem interactions during walking, particularly in challenging walking conditions with older adults. PMID:26390946
Bouchi, Ryotaro; Fukuda, Tatsuya; Takeuchi, Takato; Nakano, Yujiro; Murakami, Masanori; Minami, Isao; Izumiyama, Hajime; Hashimoto, Koshi; Yoshimoto, Takanobu; Ogawa, Yoshihiro
Increased visceral adiposity is strongly associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, little attention has been paid to the association between the change in subcutaneous adipose mass and the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We aimed to investigate whether increased subcutaneous adipose tissue (gynoid fat mass) could be protective against the progression of NAFLD in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes. This is a retrospective observational study of 294 Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes (65 ± 10 years old, 40% female). Liver attenuation index (LAI) measured by abdominal computed tomography was used for the assessment of hepatic steatosis. Both gynoid (kg) and android (kg) fat masses were measured by the whole body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. One-year changes in LAI, gynoid, and android fat masses were evaluated in both male and female patients. Linear regression analysis with a stepwise procedure was used for the statistical analyses to investigate the association of the changes in gynoid and android fat masses with the change in LAI. LAI levels at baseline were 1.15 ± 0.31 and 1.10 ± 0.34 in female and male patients ( p = 0.455). The change in gynoid fat mass was significantly and positively associated with the change in LAI in both univariate (standardized β 0.331, p = 0.049) and multivariate (standardized β 0.360, p = 0.016) models in the female patients. However, no significant association was observed in males. In contrast, the increase in android fat mass was significantly associated with the reduced LAI in both genders in the multivariate models (standardized β -0.651, p < 0.001 in females and standardized β -0.519, p = 0.042 in males). This study provides evidence that increased gynoid fat mass may be protective against the progression of NAFLD in female Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vahidi, H.; Mobasheri, A.; Alimardani, M.; Guan, Q.; Bakillah, M.
Providing early mental health services during disaster is a great challenge in the disaster response phase. Lack of access to adequate mental-health professionals in the early stages of large-scale disasters dramatically influences the trend of a successful mental health aid. In this paper, a conceptual framework has been suggested for adopting cellphone-type tele-operated android robots in the early stages of disasters for providing the early mental health services for disaster survivors by developing a locationbased and participatory approach. The techniques of enabling GI-services in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) environment were studied to overcome the limitations of current centralized services. Therefore, the aim of this research study is to add more flexibility and autonomy to GI web services (WMS, WFS, WPS, etc.) and alleviate to some degree the inherent limitations of these centralized systems. A P2P system Architecture is presented for the location-based service using minimalistic tele-operated android robots, and some key techniques of implementing this service using BestPeer were studied for developing this framework.
File Cryptography with AES and RSA for Mobile Based on Android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
laia, Yonata; Nababan, Marlince; Sihombing, Oloan; Aisyah, Siti; Sitanggang, Delima; Parsaoran, Saut; Zendato, Niskarto
The users of mobile based on android were increasing currently even now mobile was almost the same computer one of which could be used to be done by every users mobile was save the individual important data.Saving the data on mobile was very risk because become hackers’ target. That was the reason of researchers want to add cryptography which the combination between Advance Encryption System (AES) dan Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir dan Len Adleman (RSA). The result of the second method above could do cryptography data on mobile. With different encryption time where the file size; 25.44 KB, encryption time 4 second, 200 KB, 5 second, 600 KB 7 second, 2.29 MB, 10 second. Where decryption 25.44 KB, encryption 2 second, 200 KB, 1.5 second, 600 KB 2.5 second, 2.29 MB, 2.7 second.
Remote stereoscopic video play platform for naked eyes based on the Android system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jia, Changxin; Sang, Xinzhu; Liu, Jing; Cheng, Mingsheng
As people's life quality have been improved significantly, the traditional 2D video technology can not meet people's urgent desire for a better video quality, which leads to the rapid development of 3D video technology. Simultaneously people want to watch 3D video in portable devices,. For achieving the above purpose, we set up a remote stereoscopic video play platform. The platform consists of a server and clients. The server is used for transmission of different formats of video and the client is responsible for receiving remote video for the next decoding and pixel restructuring. We utilize and improve Live555 as video transmission server. Live555 is a cross-platform open source project which provides solutions for streaming media such as RTSP protocol and supports transmission of multiple video formats. At the receiving end, we use our laboratory own player. The player for Android, which is with all the basic functions as the ordinary players do and able to play normal 2D video, is the basic structure for redevelopment. Also RTSP is implemented into this structure for telecommunication. In order to achieve stereoscopic display, we need to make pixel rearrangement in this player's decoding part. The decoding part is the local code which JNI interface calls so that we can extract video frames more effectively. The video formats that we process are left and right, up and down and nine grids. In the design and development, a large number of key technologies from Android application development have been employed, including a variety of wireless transmission, pixel restructuring and JNI call. By employing these key technologies, the design plan has been finally completed. After some updates and optimizations, the video player can play remote 3D video well anytime and anywhere and meet people's requirement.
Mechanism of Food Ordering in A Restaurant Using Android Technology
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Aulia, Rachmat; Zakir, Ahmad; Dafitri, Haida; Siregar, Dodi; Hasdiana
A Restaurant is a gathering place for many people to taste the favorite foods are in there. The restaurant which visited many people sure will increase the attraction of them to visit it. Of course, the owner will get more benefit. However, what happens when a restaurant is famous still uses a service without technology, such as making orders using pens and paper, inspects the food stocks manually, and delivering orders to the kitchen using manpower, and more. Therefore, it designed a system that can accelerate the ordering and processing food in the restaurant. This system replaces the use of pen and paper with digital devices such as tablets/smartphones based on Android. Not only that, order data can be sent through a wireless network which connects tablets/smartphones with the kitchen's computer. It can be read by kitcheners and showed directly on the LCD screen. By the application is expected to reduce the level of error in the processing of the consumer's order.
Toussirot, Éric; Mourot, Laurent; Dehecq, Barbara; Wendling, Daniel; Grandclément, Émilie; Dumoulin, Gilles
To evaluate the long-term consequences of TNFα inhibitors on body composition and fat distribution, as well as changes in serum adipokines in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Eight patients with RA and twelve with AS requiring a TNFα inhibitor were prospectively followed for 2 years. Body composition was evaluated by dual X-ray absorptiometry and included measurements of total fat mass, lean mass, fat in the gynoid and android regions, and visceral fat. Serum leptin, total and high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin, resistin, and ghrelin were also assessed. There was a significant gain in body mass index (p = 0.05) and a tendency for weight (p = 0.07), android fat (p = 0.07), and visceral fat (p = 0.059) increase in patients with RA, while in AS, total fat mass significantly increased (p = 0.02) with a parallel weight gain (p = 0.07). When examining the whole population of patients, we observed after 2 years a significant increase in body weight (+1.9%; p = 0.003), body mass index (+2.5%; p = 0.004), total fat mass (+11.1%; p = 0.007), and fat in the android region (+18.3%; p = 0.02). There was a substantial, albeit nonsignificant gain in visceral fat (+24.3%; p = 0.088). Lean mass and gynoid fat were not modified. No major changes were observed for serum leptin, total adiponectin, and ghrelin, while HMW adiponectin and the HMW/total adiponectin ratio tended to decrease (-15.2%, p = 0.057 and -9.3%, p = 0.067, respectively). Resistin decreased significantly (-22.4%, p = 0.01). Long-term TNFα inhibition in RA and AS is associated with a significant gain in fat mass, with a shift to the android (visceral) region. This fat redistribution raises questions about its influence on the cardiovascular profile of patients receiving these treatments.
Santoso, Hanna Yuanita Dana; Supriyana, Supriyana; Bahiyatun, Bahiyatun; Widyawati, Melyana Nurul; Fatmasari, Diyah; Sudiyono, Sudiyono; Widyastari, Dyah Anantalia; Sinaga, Doni Marisi
Objective: WHO recommends Mobile health , a practice of medicine and public health supported by mobile devices, to improve community health status and change people's behavior for the health purposes. The present study sought to examine the effectiveness of the android application program of Suami Siaga Plus in increasing husband's scores in birth preparedness and complication readiness (BP/CR) intervention. Materials and methods: It was a randomized controlled trial with pretest-posttest design. A total of 38 couples of husbands and pregnant women from three health centers at three sub districts in Semarang was selected by proportional systematic random sampling technique and equally distributed into control and intervention group. A questionnaire related to BP/CR published by JHPIEGO was employed in data collection. Statistical analysis was performed to obtain the frequency distribution and percentage of the variables, and also to assess the mean difference of BP/CR score of husbands. Results: Husbands' knowledge of key danger signs and five standard elements in BP/CR practices in both intervention and control group increased after counseling. Moreover, the proportion of husbands who understand the key danger signs during pregnancy was higher among those who were exposed by Suami Siaga Plus application delivered via mobile phone. Counseling only increased husbands' score from 61.5 to 62.6 (2%), whilst the combination of counseling and the application boosted 20% of husbands' score from 60.4 to 72.9 (p-value 0.000). Conclusion: A combination of counseling and Suami Siaga Plus application significantly improves husbands and wives' score on BP/CR compared to those who received counseling only. The data suggests the application would be able to suppress the three delays, which in turn can reduce the maternal mortality rate. The study results could be important information for the Department of Health and health professionals to use android application program , in
does not find any critically private information. To What Extent Do Apps Use Cryptography or Transmit Nonessential Private Data? In a third experiment... cryptography and private data. Specifically, we analyzed 50 banking apps on both iOS and Android to understand how well these apps use cryptography . First...RAND’s Engineering and Applied Sciences Department. His research expertise includes applied cryptography and technology policy. Zev Winkelman is a
iPhone, Android, or Kindle: The Emma S. Clark Memorial Library Has an App for That and So Can You
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Johnson, Bob; Gutmann, Ted
If you are like the millions of people buying the latest smartphone, iPhone 5, or Samsung Galaxy S III, your local library should have something to offer you. The Emma S. Clark Memorial Library, for one, has an app for that! Dubbed "Emma Mobile," the library's application works with iOS (Apple), Android (Google), and Amazon Kindle Fire…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Astra, I Made; Nasbey, Hadi; Nugraha, Aditiya
The aim of this research is to create learning media for senior high school students through an android application in the form of a simulation lab. The method employed in the study is research and development. A simulation lab which has been made subsequently validated by concept and media experts, further empirical testing by teachers and…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Listyorini, Tri; Muzid, Syafiul
The promotion team of Muria Kudus University (UMK) has done annual promotion visit to several senior high schools in Indonesia. The visits were done to numbers of schools in Kudus, Jepara, Demak, Rembang and Purwodadi. To simplify the visit, each visit round is limited to 15 (fifteen) schools. However, the team frequently faces some obstacles during the visit, particularly in determining the route that they should take toward the targeted school. It is due to the long distance or the difficult route to reach the targeted school that leads to elongated travel duration and inefficient fuel cost. To solve these problems, the development of a certain application using heuristic genetic algorithm method based on the dynamic of population size or Population Resizing on Fitness lmprovement Genetic Algorithm (PRoFIGA), was done. This android-based application was developed to make the visit easier and to determine a shorter route for the team, hence, the visiting period will be effective and efficient. The result of this research was an android-based application to determine the shortest route by combining heuristic method and Google Maps Application Programming lnterface (API) that display the route options for the team.
Dehling, Tobias; Gao, Fangjian; Schneider, Stephan
Background Mobile health (mHealth) apps aim at providing seamless access to tailored health information technology and have the potential to alleviate global health burdens. Yet, they bear risks to information security and privacy because users need to reveal private, sensitive medical information to redeem certain benefits. Due to the plethora and diversity of available mHealth apps, implications for information security and privacy are unclear and complex. Objective The objective of this study was to establish an overview of mHealth apps offered on iOS and Android with a special focus on potential damage to users through information security and privacy infringements. Methods We assessed apps available in English and offered in the categories “Medical” and “Health & Fitness” in the iOS and Android App Stores. Based on the information retrievable from the app stores, we established an overview of available mHealth apps, tagged apps to make offered information machine-readable, and clustered the discovered apps to identify and group similar apps. Subsequently, information security and privacy implications were assessed based on health specificity of information available to apps, potential damage through information leaks, potential damage through information manipulation, potential damage through information loss, and potential value of information to third parties. Results We discovered 24,405 health-related apps (iOS; 21,953; Android; 2452). Absence or scarceness of ratings for 81.36% (17,860/21,953) of iOS and 76.14% (1867/2452) of Android apps indicates that less than a quarter of mHealth apps are in more or less widespread use. Clustering resulted in 245 distinct clusters, which were consolidated into 12 app archetypes grouping clusters with similar assessments of potential damage through information security and privacy infringements. There were 6426 apps that were excluded during clustering. The majority of apps (95.63%, 17,193/17,979; of apps) pose
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vásquez-Ramírez, Raquel; Alor-Hernández, Giner; Sánchez-Ramírez, Cuauhtémoc; Guzmán-Luna, Jaime; Zatarain-Cabada, Ramón; Barrón-Estrada, María-Lucía
Education has become a key component of any society since it is the means by which humanity functions and governs itself. It allows individuals to appropriately integrate into a given community. For this reason, new ways of interaction between students and educational contents are emerging in order to improve the quality of education. In this context, devices such as computers, smartphones, or electronic tablets represent new ways of accessing educational resources which do not limit students to their usage merely inside the classroom since these devices are available anywhere. Nowadays, television has become one of these technological tools able to support the teaching-learning process through documentary films or movies, among others. However, two main issues appear. First, some of these educational contents are not those needed by a professor since information is restricted, and second, the development of TV-based applications requires an integrative approach involving the support of several specialists in education who provide the guidelines needed to build high-quality contents, as well as application designers and developers who are able to deliver the educational applications demanded by students. This work presents a system called AthenaTV to generate android-based educational applications for TV. AthenaTV takes into account the 10-foot design scheme used by Google to develop interfaces based on interface design patterns established in Google TV, and it is based on the android development guidelines and HTML5 standard.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Cottaar, Michiel; Meyer, Michael R.; Covey, Kevin R.
Over two years, 8859 high-resolution H-band spectra of 3493 young (1-10 Myr) stars were gathered by the multi-object spectrograph of the APOGEE project as part of the IN-SYNC ancillary program of the SDSS-III survey. Here we present the forward modeling approach used to derive effective temperatures, surface gravities, radial velocities, rotational velocities, and H-band veiling from these near-infrared spectra. We discuss in detail the statistical and systematic uncertainties in these stellar parameters. In addition, we present accurate extinctions by measuring the E(J – H) of these young stars with respect to the single-star photometric locus in the Pleiades. Finally, wemore » identify an intrinsic stellar radius spread of about 25% for late-type stars in IC 348 using three (nearly) independent measures of stellar radius, namely, the extinction-corrected J-band magnitude, the surface gravity, and the Rsin i from the rotational velocities and literature rotation periods. We exclude that this spread is caused by uncertainties in the stellar parameters by showing that the three estimators of stellar radius are correlated, so that brighter stars tend to have lower surface gravities and larger Rsin i than fainter stars at the same effective temperature. Tables providing the spectral and photometric parameters for the Pleiades and IC 348 have been provided online.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cottaar, Michiel; Covey, Kevin R.; Meyer, Michael R.; Nidever, David L.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Foster, Jonathan B.; Tan, Jonathan C.; Chojnowski, S. Drew; da Rio, Nicola; Flaherty, Kevin M.; Frinchaboy, Peter M.; Skrutskie, Michael; Majewski, Steven R.; Wilson, John C.; Zasowski, Gail
Over two years, 8859 high-resolution H-band spectra of 3493 young (1-10 Myr) stars were gathered by the multi-object spectrograph of the APOGEE project as part of the IN-SYNC ancillary program of the SDSS-III survey. Here we present the forward modeling approach used to derive effective temperatures, surface gravities, radial velocities, rotational velocities, and H-band veiling from these near-infrared spectra. We discuss in detail the statistical and systematic uncertainties in these stellar parameters. In addition, we present accurate extinctions by measuring the E(J - H) of these young stars with respect to the single-star photometric locus in the Pleiades. Finally, we identify an intrinsic stellar radius spread of about 25% for late-type stars in IC 348 using three (nearly) independent measures of stellar radius, namely, the extinction-corrected J-band magnitude, the surface gravity, and the Rsin i from the rotational velocities and literature rotation periods. We exclude that this spread is caused by uncertainties in the stellar parameters by showing that the three estimators of stellar radius are correlated, so that brighter stars tend to have lower surface gravities and larger Rsin i than fainter stars at the same effective temperature. Tables providing the spectral and photometric parameters for the Pleiades and IC 348 have been provided online.
Noncoherent Symbol Synchronization Techniques
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Simon, Marvin
Traditional methods for establishing symbol synchronization (sync) in digital communication receivers assume that carrier sync has already been established, i.e., the problem is addressed at the baseband level assuming that a 'perfect' estimate of carrier phase is available. We refer to this approach as coherent symbol sync. Since, for NRZ signaling, a suppressed carrier sync loop such as an I-Q Costas loop includes integrate-and-dump (I and D) filters in its in-phase (1) and quadrature (Q) arms, the traditional approach is to first track the carrier in the absence of symbol sync information, then feed back the symbol sync estimate to these filters, and then iterate between the two to a desirable operating level In this paper, we revisit the symbol sync problem by examining methods for obtaining such sync in the absence of carrier phase information, i.e., so-called noncoherent symbol sync loops. We compare the performance of these loops with that of a well-known coherent symbol sync loop and examine the conditions under which one is preferable over the other.
AccessMRS: integrating OpenMRS with smart forms on Android.
Fazen, Louis E; Chemwolo, Benjamin T; Songok, Julia J; Ruhl, Laura J; Kipkoech, Carolyne; Green, James M; Ikemeri, Justus E; Christoffersen-Deb, Astrid
We present a new open-source Android application, AccessMRS, for interfacing with an electronic medical record system (OpenMRS) and loading 'Smart Forms' on a mobile device. AccessMRS functions as a patient-centered interface for viewing OpenMRS data; managing patient information in reminders, task lists, and previous encounters; and launching patient-specific 'Smart Forms' for electronic data collection and dissemination of health information. We present AccessMRS in the context of related software applications we developed to serve Community Health Workers, including AccessInfo, AccessAdmin, AccessMaps, and AccessForms. The specific features and design of AccessMRS are detailed in relationship to the requirements that drove development: the workflows of the Kenyan Ministry of Health Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) supported by the AMPATH Primary Health Care Program. Specifically, AccessMRS was designed to improve the quality of community-based Maternal and Child Health services delivered by CHVs in Kosirai Division. AccessMRS is currently in use by more than 80 CHVs in Kenya and undergoing formal assessment of acceptability, effectiveness, and cost.
Fish measurement using Android smart phone: the example of swamp eel
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Baisong; Fu, Zhuo; Ouyang, Haiying; Sun, Yingze; Ge, Changshui; Hu, Jing
The body length and weight are critical physiological parameters for fishes, especially eel-like fishes like swamp eel(Monopterusalbus).Fast and accurate measuring of body length is significant for swamp eel culturing as well as its resource investigation and protection. This paper presents an Android smart phone-based photogrammetry technology for measuring and estimating the length and weight of swamp eel. This method utilizes the feature that the ratio of lengths of two objects within an image is equal to that of in reality to measure the length of swamp eels. And then, it estimates the weight via a pre-built length-weight regression model. Analysis and experimental results have indicated that this method is a fast and accurate method for length and weight measurements of swamp eel. The cross-validation results shows that the RMSE (root-mean-square error) of total length measurement of swamp eel is0.4 cm, and the RMSE of weight estimation is 11 grams.
Bega - Android-Based Beergame Simulation Software for Interactive Training and Innovation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lestyánszka Škůrková, Katarína; Szander, Norina
The supply chain management challenges and inventory holding problems can easily be demonstrated by the widely known BeerGame simulation. In the Szabó-Szoba R&D Laboratory, we developed an android-based software application for tablets and smart phones for the purpose of having an adaptable, entertaining and effective program which can provide a real life experience to the participants about the nature of the bullwhip effect. Having an appropriate and comprehensive performance measurement system with the critical parameters and KPIs is inevitable for finding the right solutions - We used four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard method. The innovative force of our research is based on the trainings: the discussion on outcomes and the team learning. The purpose of the current development is to build a new feature in the software: an artificial client can substitute one or more players in the supply chain, which makes decisions by using genetic algorithms.
Miniature multichannel biotelemeter system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Carraway, J. B.; Sumida, J. T. (Inventor)
A miniature multichannel biotelemeter system is described. The system includes a transmitter where signals from different sources are sampled to produce a wavetrain of pulses. The transmitter also separates signals by sync pulses. The pulses amplitude modulate a radio frequency carrier which is received at a receiver unit. There the sync pulses are detected by a demultiplexer which routes the pulses from each different source to a separate output channel where the pulses are used to reconstruct the signals from the particular source.
Monitoring physiology and behavior using Android in phobias.
Cruz, Telmo; Brás, Susana; Soares, Sandra C; Fernandes, José Maria
In this paper, we present an Android-based system Application - AWARE - for the assessment of the person's physiology and behavior outside of the laboratory. To accomplish this purpose, AWARE delivers context dependent audio-visual stimuli, embedded into the subject's real-world perception, via marker/vision-based augmented reality (AR) technology. In addition, it employs external measuring resources connected via Bluetooth, as well as the smartphone's integrated resources. It synchronously acquires the experiment's video (camera input with AR overlay), physiologic responses (with a dedicated ECG measuring device) and behavior (through movement and location, with accelerometer/gyroscope and GPS, respectively). Psychological assessment is heavily based on laboratory procedures, even though it is known that these settings disturb the subjects' natural reactions and condition. The major idea of this application is to evaluate the participant condition, mimicking his/her real life conditions. Given that phobias are rather context specific, they represent the ideal candidate for assessing the feasibility of a mobile system application. AWARE allowed presenting AR stimuli (e.g., 3D spiders) and quantifying the subjects' reactions non-intrusively (e.g., heart rate variation) - more emphatic in the phobic volunteer when presented with spider vs non phobic stimulus. Although still a proof of concept, AWARE proved to be flexible, and straightforward to setup, with the potential to support ecologically valid monitoring experiments.
A new sensors-based covert channel on android.
Al-Haiqi, Ahmed; Ismail, Mahamod; Nordin, Rosdiadee
Covert channels are not new in computing systems, and have been studied since their first definition four decades ago. New platforms invoke thorough investigations to assess their security. Now is the time for Android platform to analyze its security model, in particular the two key principles: process-isolation and the permissions system. Aside from all sorts of malware, one threat proved intractable by current protection solutions, that is, collusion attacks involving two applications communicating over covert channels. Still no universal solution can countermeasure this sort of attack unless the covert channels are known. This paper is an attempt to reveal a new covert channel, not only being specific to smartphones, but also exploiting an unusual resource as a vehicle to carry covert information: sensors data. Accelerometers generate signals that reflect user motions, and malware applications can apparently only read their data. However, if the vibration motor on the device is used properly, programmatically produced vibration patterns can encode stolen data and hence an application can cause discernible effects on acceleration data to be received and decoded by another application. Our evaluations confirmed a real threat where strings of tens of characters could be transmitted errorless if the throughput is reduced to around 2.5-5 bps. The proposed covert channel is very stealthy as no unusual permissions are required and there is no explicit communication between the colluding applications.
Ramoun, A A; Emara, A M; Heleil, B A; Darweish, S A; Abou-Ghait, H A
Fifty one cyclic Egyptian buffaloes were used to study the hormonal profile and follicular dynamics concurrent with CIDR and insulin modified Ovsync TAI programs and their impacts on the consequent fertility responses. The buffaloes were randomly assigned into 3 ovulation synchronization protocols: Ovsync-alone (n = 13, control) CIDR-sync (n = 20) and Insulin-sync (n = 18). Ovsync-alone protocol consisted of two im injections of 20 μg bueserlin (GnRHa) on Day 0 (GnRH 1) and on Day 9 (GnRH 2) with an im injection of 500 μg of cloprostenol sodium (PGF 2 α) on Day 7. The CIDR-sync protocol consisted of the same treatment protocol as in Ovsync in addition to intra-vaginal insertion of CIDR (contains 1.38 gm of progesterone) on Day 0 followed by removal on Day 7. The Insulin-sync protocol consisted of the same treatment protocol as in Ovsync plus 3 sc injections of insulin at a dose of 0.25 i.u/1 kg, on Days 7, 8, and 9. Buffaloes in all groups were inseminated 16 h after GnRH2 by the same inseminator using frozen semen in straws. Blood samples were collected on Days 0, 3, 5 for serum progesterone assay and on Day 9 to measure serum concentrations of estradiol, insulin and IGF-1. Transrectal ultrasonographic scanning of the ovaries was conducted on Days 7, 8 and 9 to record the diameter of the largest follicle. Pregnancy diagnosis was conducted on Day 30 post-TAI by trans-rectal ultrasonographic scanning of the uterus to calculate conception rate. The serum progesterone concentration showed an increase (p < 0.01) in pregnant compared with non-pregnant buffaloes in both Ovsync-alone and Insulin-sync groups, but not in CIDR-sync group (p > 0.05) on Days 3 and 5. The serum estradiol concentration on Day 9 showed an increase (p < 0.01) in pregnant compared with the non-pregnant buffaloes in all of the treated groups. In Insulin-sync and Ovsync-alone groups, the diameter of the largest follicle (LF) was larger (p < 0.01) in pregnant compared with non
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ma, Jinqiang
To carry out the identification of the professional skills of the soldiers is to further promote the regularization of the needs of the fire brigade, in accordance with the “public security active forces soldiers professional skills identification implementation approach” to meet the needs of candidates for mobile learning to solve the paper learning materials bring a lot of inconvenience; This article uses the Android technology to develop a set of soldiers professional skills Identification Theory learning app, the learning software based on mobile learning, learning function is perfect, you can learn to practice, to achieve the goal of learning at any time, to enhance the soldier's post ability has a good practical value.
Circular zig-zag scan video format
Peterson, C. Glen; Simmons, Charles M.
A circular, ziz-zag scan for use with vidicon tubes. A sine wave is generated, rectified and its fourth root extracted. The fourth root, and its inverse, are used to generate horizontal ramp and sync signals. The fourth root is also used to generate a vertical sync signal, and the vertical sync signal, along with the horizontal sync signal, are used to generate the vertical ramp signal. Cathode blanking and preamplifier clamp signals are also obtained from the vertical sync signal.
Abtahi, F; Berndtsson, A; Abtahi, S; Seoane, F; Lindecrantz, K
The reduced Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is believed to be associated with several diseases such as congestive heart failure, diabetes and chronic kidney diseases (CKD). In these cases, HRV biofeedback may be a potential intervention method to increase HRV which in turn is beneficial to these patients. In this work, a real-time Android biofeedback application based on a Bluetooth enabled ECG and thoracic electrical bioimpedance (respiration) measurement device has been developed. The system performance and usability have been evaluated in a brief study with eight healthy volunteers. The result demonstrates real-time performance of system and positive effects of biofeedback training session by increased HRV and reduced heart rate. Further development of the application and training protocol is ongoing to investigate duration of training session to find an optimum length and interval of biofeedback sessions to use in potential interventions.
iWander: An Android application for dementia patients.
Sposaro, Frank; Danielson, Justin; Tyson, Gary
Non-pharmacological management of dementia puts a burden on those who are taking care of a patient that suffer from this chronic condition. Caregivers frequently need to assist their patients with activities of daily living. However, they are also encouraged to promote functional independence. With the use of a discrete monitoring device, functional independence is increased among dementia patients while decreasing the stress put on caregivers. This paper describes a tool which improves the quality of treatment for dementia patients using mobile applications. Our application, iWander, runs on several Android based devices with GPS and communication capabilities. This allows for caregivers to cost effectively monitor their patients remotely. The data uncollected from the device is evaluated using Bayesian network techniques which estimate the probability of wandering behavior. Upon evaluation several courses of action can be taken based on the situation's severity, dynamic settings and probability. These actions include issuing audible prompts to the patient, offering directions to navigate them home, sending notifications to the caregiver containing the location of the patient, establishing a line of communication between the patient-caregiver and performing a party call between the caregiver-patient and patient's local 911. As patients use this monitoring system more, it will better learn and identify normal behavioral patterns which increases the accuracy of the Bayesian network for all patients. Normal behavior classifications are also used to alert the caregiver or help patients navigate home if they begin to wander while driving allowing for functional independence.
A New Sensors-Based Covert Channel on Android
Covert channels are not new in computing systems, and have been studied since their first definition four decades ago. New platforms invoke thorough investigations to assess their security. Now is the time for Android platform to analyze its security model, in particular the two key principles: process-isolation and the permissions system. Aside from all sorts of malware, one threat proved intractable by current protection solutions, that is, collusion attacks involving two applications communicating over covert channels. Still no universal solution can countermeasure this sort of attack unless the covert channels are known. This paper is an attempt to reveal a new covert channel, not only being specific to smartphones, but also exploiting an unusual resource as a vehicle to carry covert information: sensors data. Accelerometers generate signals that reflect user motions, and malware applications can apparently only read their data. However, if the vibration motor on the device is used properly, programmatically produced vibration patterns can encode stolen data and hence an application can cause discernible effects on acceleration data to be received and decoded by another application. Our evaluations confirmed a real threat where strings of tens of characters could be transmitted errorless if the throughput is reduced to around 2.5–5 bps. The proposed covert channel is very stealthy as no unusual permissions are required and there is no explicit communication between the colluding applications. PMID:25295311
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Covey, Kevin R.; Cottaar, M.; Foster, J. B.; Nidever, D. L.; Meyer, M.; Tan, J.; Da Rio, N.; Flaherty, K. M.; Stassun, K.; Frinchaboy, P. M.; Majewski, S.; APOGEE IN-SYNC Team
Demographic studies of stellar clusters indicate that relatively few persist as bound structures for 100 Myrs or longer. If cluster dispersal is a 'violent' process, it could strongly influence the formation and early evolution of stellar binaries and planetary systems. Unfortunately, measuring the dynamical state of 'typical' (i.e., ~300-1000 member) young star clusters has been difficult, particularly for clusters still embedded within their parental molecular cloud. The near-infrared spectrograph for the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE), which can measure precise radial velocities for 230 cluster stars simultaneously, is uniquely suited to diagnosing the dynamics of Galactic star formation regions. We give an overview of the INfrared Survey of Young Nebulous Clusters (IN-SYNC), an APOGEE ancillary science program that is carrying out a comparative study of young clusters in the Perseus molecular cloud: NGC 1333, a heavily embedded cluster, and IC 348, which has begun to disperse its surrounding molecular gas. These observations appear to rule out a significantly super-virial velocity dispersion in IC 348, contrary to predictions of models where a cluster's dynamics is strongly influenced by the dispersal of its primordial gas. We also summarize the properties of two newly identified spectroscopic binaries; binary systems such as these play a key role in the dynamical evolution of young clusters, and introduce velocity offsets that must be accounted for in measuring cluster velocity dispersions.
Circular zig-zag scan video format
Peterson, C.G.; Simmons, C.M.
A circular, ziz-zag scan for use with vidicon tubes is disclosed. A sine wave is generated, rectified and its fourth root extracted. The fourth root, and its inverse, are used to generate horizontal ramp and sync signals. The fourth root is also used to generate a vertical sync signal, and the vertical sync signal, along with the horizontal sync signal, are used to generate the vertical ramp signal. Cathode blanking and preamplifier clamp signals are also obtained from the vertical sync signal. 10 figs.
Users of the main smartphone operating systems (iOS, Android) differ only little in personality
Stieger, Stefan; Reips, Ulf-Dietrich
The increasingly widespread use of mobile phone applications (apps) as research tools and cost-effective means of vast data collection raises new methodological challenges. In recent years, it has become a common practice for scientists to design apps that run only on a single operating system, thereby excluding large numbers of users who use a different operating system. However, empirical evidence investigating any selection biases that might result thereof is scarce. Henceforth, we conducted two studies drawing from a large multi-national (Study 1; N = 1,081) and a German-speaking sample (Study 2; N = 2,438). As such Study 1 compared iOS and Android users across an array of key personality traits (i.e., well-being, self-esteem, willingness to take risks, optimism, pessimism, Dark Triad, and the Big Five). Focusing on Big Five personality traits in a broader scope, in addition to smartphone users, Study 2 also examined users of the main computer operating systems (i.e., Mac OS, Windows). In both studies, very few significant differences were found, all of which were of small or even tiny effect size mostly disappearing after sociodemographics had been controlled for. Taken together, minor differences in personality seem to exist, but they are of small to negligible effect size (ranging from OR = 0.919 to 1.344 (Study 1), ηp2 = .005 to .036 (Study 2), respectively) and may reflect differences in sociodemographic composition, rather than operating system of smartphone users. PMID:28467473
Users of the main smartphone operating systems (iOS, Android) differ only little in personality.
Götz, Friedrich M; Stieger, Stefan; Reips, Ulf-Dietrich
The increasingly widespread use of mobile phone applications (apps) as research tools and cost-effective means of vast data collection raises new methodological challenges. In recent years, it has become a common practice for scientists to design apps that run only on a single operating system, thereby excluding large numbers of users who use a different operating system. However, empirical evidence investigating any selection biases that might result thereof is scarce. Henceforth, we conducted two studies drawing from a large multi-national (Study 1; N = 1,081) and a German-speaking sample (Study 2; N = 2,438). As such Study 1 compared iOS and Android users across an array of key personality traits (i.e., well-being, self-esteem, willingness to take risks, optimism, pessimism, Dark Triad, and the Big Five). Focusing on Big Five personality traits in a broader scope, in addition to smartphone users, Study 2 also examined users of the main computer operating systems (i.e., Mac OS, Windows). In both studies, very few significant differences were found, all of which were of small or even tiny effect size mostly disappearing after sociodemographics had been controlled for. Taken together, minor differences in personality seem to exist, but they are of small to negligible effect size (ranging from OR = 0.919 to 1.344 (Study 1), ηp2 = .005 to .036 (Study 2), respectively) and may reflect differences in sociodemographic composition, rather than operating system of smartphone users.
Rautenberg, Philipp L; Kumaraswamy, Ajayrama; Tejero-Cantero, Alvaro; Doblander, Christoph; Norouzian, Mohammad R; Kai, Kazuki; Jacobsen, Hans-Arno; Ai, Hiroyuki; Wachtler, Thomas; Ikeno, Hidetoshi
Neuroscience today deals with a "data deluge" derived from the availability of high-throughput sensors of brain structure and brain activity, and increased computational resources for detailed simulations with complex output. We report here (1) a novel approach to data sharing between collaborating scientists that brings together file system tools and cloud technologies, (2) a service implementing this approach, called NeuronDepot, and (3) an example application of the service to a complex use case in the neurosciences. The main drivers for our approach are to facilitate collaborations with a transparent, automated data flow that shields scientists from having to learn new tools or data structuring paradigms. Using NeuronDepot is simple: one-time data assignment from the originator and cloud based syncing-thus making experimental and modeling data available across the collaboration with minimum overhead. Since data sharing is cloud based, our approach opens up the possibility of using new software developments and hardware scalabitliy which are associated with elastic cloud computing. We provide an implementation that relies on existing synchronization services and is usable from all devices via a reactive web interface. We are motivating our solution by solving the practical problems of the GinJang project, a collaboration of three universities across eight time zones with a complex workflow encompassing data from electrophysiological recordings, imaging, morphological reconstructions, and simulations.
Human-like object tracking and gaze estimation with PKD android
Wijayasinghe, Indika B.; Miller, Haylie L.; Das, Sumit K; Bugnariu, Nicoleta L.; Popa, Dan O.
As the use of robots increases for tasks that require human-robot interactions, it is vital that robots exhibit and understand human-like cues for effective communication. In this paper, we describe the implementation of object tracking capability on Philip K. Dick (PKD) android and a gaze tracking algorithm, both of which further robot capabilities with regard to human communication. PKD's ability to track objects with human-like head postures is achieved with visual feedback from a Kinect system and an eye camera. The goal of object tracking with human-like gestures is twofold : to facilitate better human-robot interactions and to enable PKD as a human gaze emulator for future studies. The gaze tracking system employs a mobile eye tracking system (ETG; SensoMotoric Instruments) and a motion capture system (Cortex; Motion Analysis Corp.) for tracking the head orientations. Objects to be tracked are displayed by a virtual reality system, the Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN; MotekForce Link). The gaze tracking algorithm converts eye tracking data and head orientations to gaze information facilitating two objectives: to evaluate the performance of the object tracking system for PKD and to use the gaze information to predict the intentions of the user, enabling the robot to understand physical cues by humans. PMID:29416193
Human-like object tracking and gaze estimation with PKD android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wijayasinghe, Indika B.; Miller, Haylie L.; Das, Sumit K.; Bugnariu, Nicoleta L.; Popa, Dan O.
As the use of robots increases for tasks that require human-robot interactions, it is vital that robots exhibit and understand human-like cues for effective communication. In this paper, we describe the implementation of object tracking capability on Philip K. Dick (PKD) android and a gaze tracking algorithm, both of which further robot capabilities with regard to human communication. PKD's ability to track objects with human-like head postures is achieved with visual feedback from a Kinect system and an eye camera. The goal of object tracking with human-like gestures is twofold: to facilitate better human-robot interactions and to enable PKD as a human gaze emulator for future studies. The gaze tracking system employs a mobile eye tracking system (ETG; SensoMotoric Instruments) and a motion capture system (Cortex; Motion Analysis Corp.) for tracking the head orientations. Objects to be tracked are displayed by a virtual reality system, the Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN; MotekForce Link). The gaze tracking algorithm converts eye tracking data and head orientations to gaze information facilitating two objectives: to evaluate the performance of the object tracking system for PKD and to use the gaze information to predict the intentions of the user, enabling the robot to understand physical cues by humans.
Android-Based Daily Routine Organizing Application for Elementary School Students Living with ASD.
Barta, Eva A; Guzsvinecz, Tibor; Sik Lanyi, Cecilia; Szucs, Veronika
Today, more and more children with Autism Spectrum disorder are diagnosed, which means that around 1% of the population is concerned. Most of the concerned can acquire daily routine tasks by a bit of help and can fit in the society. As Besio et al. said, "…play is an instinctive need for both humans….In children with disabilities, depending on the type of functional limitations, the spontaneity of play is lost and the activity becomes problematic. Children with cognitive and intellectual impairments have a difficulties in communication, social interactions,….Since play is also a window for children's cognitive development, children may be perceived as more developmentally delayed than they actually are, leading to reduce expectations on the part of adults." The aim of the authors was to create an Android based application which helps 6-9 year old children living with Autism Spectrum disorder to learn everyday tasks and acquire everyday routine.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Budiman, M. A.; Rachmawati, D.; Jessica
This study aims to combine the trithemus algorithm and double transposition cipher in file security that will be implemented to be an Android-based application. The parameters being examined are the real running time, and the complexity value. The type of file to be used is a file in PDF format. The overall result shows that the complexity of the two algorithms with duper encryption method is reported as Θ (n 2). However, the processing time required in the encryption process uses the Trithemius algorithm much faster than using the Double Transposition Cipher. With the length of plaintext and password linearly proportional to the processing time.
BBIS: Beacon Bus Information System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasim, Shahreen; Hafit, Hanayanti; Pei Juin, Kong; Afizah Afif, Zehan; Hashim, Rathiah; Ruslai, Husni; Jahidin, Kamaruzzaman; Syafwan Arshad, Mohammad
Lack of bus information for example bus timetable, status of the bus and messy advertisement on bulletin board at the bus stop will give negative impact to tourist. Therefore, a real-time update bus information bulletin board provides all information needed so that passengers can save their bus information searching time. Supported with Android or iOS, Beacon Bus Information System (BBIS) provides bus information between Batu Pahat and Kluang area. BBIS is a system that implements physical web technology and interaction on demand. It built on Backend-as-a-Service, a cloud solution and Firebase non relational database as data persistence backend and syncs between user client in the real-time. People walk through bus stop with smart device and do not require any application. Bluetooth Beacon is used to achieve smart device's best performance of data sharing. Intellij IDEA 15 is one of the tools that that used to develop the BBIS system. Multi-language included front end and backend supported Integration development environment (IDE) helped to speed up integration process.
Maleghemi, Sylvester
Background Data collection in Sub-Saharan Africa has traditionally been paper-based. However, the popularization of Android mobile devices and data capture software has brought paperless data management within reach. We used Open Data Kit (ODK) technology on Android mobile devices during a household survey in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Objective The aim of this study was to describe the pros and cons of deploying ODK for data management. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional household survey was carried out by 6 data collectors between April and May 2016. Data were obtained from 1706 persons in 601 households across 6 communities in 3 states in the Niger Delta. The use of Android mobile devices and ODK technology involved form building, testing, collection, aggregation, and download for data analysis. The median duration for data collection per household and per individual was 25.7 and 9.3 min, respectively. Results Data entries per device ranged from 33 (33/1706, 1.93%) to 482 (482/1706, 28.25%) individuals between 9 (9/601, 1.5%) and 122 (122/601, 20.3%) households. The most entries (470) were made by data collector 5. Only 2 respondents had data entry errors (2/1706, 0.12%). However, 73 (73/601, 12.1%) households had inaccurate date and time entries for when data collection started and ended. The cost of deploying ODK was estimated at US $206.7 in comparison with the estimated cost of US $466.7 for paper-based data management. Conclusions We found the use of mobile data capture technology to be efficient and cost-effective. As Internet services improve in Africa, we advocate their use as effective tools for health information management. PMID:29191798
Maduka, Omosivie; Akpan, Godwin; Maleghemi, Sylvester
Data collection in Sub-Saharan Africa has traditionally been paper-based. However, the popularization of Android mobile devices and data capture software has brought paperless data management within reach. We used Open Data Kit (ODK) technology on Android mobile devices during a household survey in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The aim of this study was to describe the pros and cons of deploying ODK for data management. A descriptive cross-sectional household survey was carried out by 6 data collectors between April and May 2016. Data were obtained from 1706 persons in 601 households across 6 communities in 3 states in the Niger Delta. The use of Android mobile devices and ODK technology involved form building, testing, collection, aggregation, and download for data analysis. The median duration for data collection per household and per individual was 25.7 and 9.3 min, respectively. Data entries per device ranged from 33 (33/1706, 1.93%) to 482 (482/1706, 28.25%) individuals between 9 (9/601, 1.5%) and 122 (122/601, 20.3%) households. The most entries (470) were made by data collector 5. Only 2 respondents had data entry errors (2/1706, 0.12%). However, 73 (73/601, 12.1%) households had inaccurate date and time entries for when data collection started and ended. The cost of deploying ODK was estimated at US $206.7 in comparison with the estimated cost of US $466.7 for paper-based data management. We found the use of mobile data capture technology to be efficient and cost-effective. As Internet services improve in Africa, we advocate their use as effective tools for health information management. ©Omosivie Maduka, Godwin Akpan, Sylvester Maleghemi. Originally published in JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth (http://mhealth.jmir.org), 30.11.2017.
Improving situation awareness with the Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Usbeck, Kyle; Gillen, Matthew; Loyall, Joseph; Gronosky, Andrew; Sterling, Joshua; Kohler, Ralph; Hanlon, Kelly; Scally, Andrew; Newkirk, Richard; Canestrare, David
To make appropriate, timely decisions in the field, Situational Awareness (SA) needs to be conveyed in a decentralized manner to the users at the edge of the network as well as at operations centers. Sharing real-time SA efficiently between command centers and operational troops poses many challenges, including handling heterogeneous and dynamic networks, resource constraints, and varying needs for the collection, dissemination, and display of information, as well as recording that information. A mapping application that allows teams to share relevant geospatial information efficiently and to communicate effectively with one another and command centers has wide applicability to many vertical markets across the Department of Defense, as well as a wide variety of federal, state local, and non-profit agencies that need to share locations, text, photos, and video. This paper describes the Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK), an advanced, distributed tool for commercial- off-the-shelf (COTS) mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. ATAK provides a variety of useful SA functions for soldiers, law enforcement, homeland defense, and civilian collaborative use; including mapping and navigation, range and bearing, text chat, force tracking, geospatial markup tools, image and file sharing, video playback, site surveys, and many others. This paper describes ATAK, the SA tools that ATAK has built-in, and the ways it is being used by a variety of military, homeland security, and law enforcement users.
TV synchronization system features stability and noise immunity
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Landauer, F. P.
Horizontal jitter in the video presentation in television systems is prevented by using an additional sync level. This circuitry uses simultaneous signals at both sync and porch frequencies, providing a sync identification from which a coincidence circuit can generate pulses having the required stability and noise immunity.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mantas, V. M.; Liu, Z.; Pereira, A. J. S. C.
The full potential of Satellite Rainfall Estimates (SRE) can only be realized if timely access to the datasets is possible. Existing data distribution web portals are often focused on global products and offer limited customization options, especially for the purpose of routine regional monitoring. Furthermore, most online systems are designed to meet the needs of desktop users, limiting the compatibility with mobile devices. In response to the growing demand for SRE and to address the current limitations of available web portals a project was devised to create a set of freely available applications and services, available at a common portal that can: (1) simplify cross-platform access to Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Online Visualization and Analysis System (TOVAS) data (including from Android mobile devices), (2) provide customized and continuous monitoring of SRE in response to user demands and (3) combine data from different online data distribution services, including rainfall estimates, river gauge measurements or imagery from Earth Observation missions at a single portal, known as the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Explorer. The TRMM Explorer project suite includes a Python-based web service and Android applications capable of providing SRE and ancillary data in different intuitive formats with the focus on regional and continuous analysis. The outputs include dynamic plots, tables and data files that can also be used to feed downstream applications and services. A case study in Southern Angola is used to describe the potential of the TRMM Explorer for SRE distribution and analysis in the context of ungauged watersheds. The development of a collection of data distribution instances helped to validate the concept and identify the limitations of the program, in a real context and based on user feedback. The TRMM Explorer can successfully supplement existing web portals distributing SRE and provide a cost-efficient resource to small and medium
Android and ODK based data collection framework to aid in epidemiological analysis
Raja, A.; Tridane, A.; Gaffar, A.; Lindquist, T.; Pribadi, K.
Periodic collection of field data, analysis and interpretation of data are key to a good healthcare service. This data is used by the subsequent decision makers to recognize preventive measures, provide timely support to the affected and to help measure the effects of their interventions. While the resources required for good disease surveillance and proactive healthcare are available more readily in developed countries, the lack of these in developing countries may compromise the quality of service provided. This combined with the critical nature of some diseases makes this an essential issue to be addressed. Taking advantage of the rapid growth of cell phone usage and related infrastructure in developed as well as developing countries, several systems have been established to address the gaps in data collection. Android, being an open sourced platform, has gained considerable popularity in this aspect. Open data kit is one such tool developed to aid in data collection. The aim of this paper is to present a prototype framework built using few such existing tools and technologies to address data collection for seasonal influenza, commonly referred to as the flu. PMID:24678381
Boyer-Moore Algorithm in Retrieving Deleted Short Message Service in Android Platform
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rahmat, R. F.; Prayoga, D. F.; Gunawan, D.; Sitompul, O. S.
Short message service (SMS) can be used as digital evidence of disclosure of crime because it can strengthen the charges against the offenders. Criminals use various ways to destroy the evidence, including by deleting SMS. On the Android OS, SMS is stored in a SQLite database file. Deletion of SMS data is not followed by bit deletion in memory so that it is possible to rediscover the deleted SMS. Based on this case, the mobile forensic needs to be done to rediscover the short message service. The proposed method in this study is Boyer-Moore algorithm for searching string matching. An auto finds feature is designed to rediscover the short message service by searching using a particular pattern to rematch a text with the result of the hex value conversion in the database file. The system will redisplay the message for each of a match. From all the testing results, the proposed method has quite a high accuracy in rediscovering the short message service using the used dataset. The search results to rediscover the deleted SMS depend on the possibility of overwriting process and the vacuum procedure on the database file.
A Mobile App for Geochemical Field Data Acquisition
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Klump, J. F.; Reid, N.; Ballsun-Stanton, B.; White, A.; Sobotkova, A.
We have developed a geochemical sampling application for use on Android tablets. This app was developed together with the Federated Archaeological Information Management Systems (FAIMS) at Macquarie University and is based on the open source FAIMS mobile platform, which was originally designed for archaeological field data collection. The FAIMS mobile platform has proved valuable for hydrogeochemical, biogeochemical, soil and rock sample collection due to the ability to customise data collection methodologies for any field research. The module we commissioned allows for using inbuilt or external GPS to locate sample points, it incorporates standard and incremental sampling names which can be easily fed into the International Geo-Sample Number (IGSN). Sampling can be documented not only in metadata, but also accompanied by photographic documentation and sketches. The module is augmented by dropdown menus for fields specific for each sample type and user defined tags. The module also provides users with an overview of all records from a field campaign in a records viewer. We also use basic mapping functionality, showing the current location, sampled points overlaid on preloaded rasters, and allows for drawing of points and simple polygons to be later exported as shape files. A particular challenge is the remoteness of the sampling locations, hundreds of kilometres away from network access. The first trial raised the issue of backup without access to the internet, so in collaboration with the FAIMS team and Solutions First, we commissioned a vehicle mounted portable server. This server box is constantly syncing with the tablets in the field via Wi-Fi, it has an uninterruptible power supply that can run for up to 45 minutes when the vehicle is turned off, and a 1TB hard drive for storage of all data and photographs. The server can be logged into via any of the field tablets or laptop to download all the data collected to date or to just view it on the server.
iFall: an Android application for fall monitoring and response.
Sposaro, Frank; Tyson, Gary
Injuries due to falls are among the leading causes of hospitalization in elderly persons, often resulting in a rapid decline in quality of life or death. Rapid response can improve the patients outcome, but this is often lacking when the injured person lives alone and the nature of the injury complicates calling for help. This paper presents an alert system for fall detection using common commercially available electronic devices to both detect the fall and alert authorities. We use an Android-based smart phone with an integrated tri-axial accelerometer. Data from the accelerometer is evaluated with several threshold based algorithms and position data to determine a fall. The threshold is adaptive based on user provided parameters such as: height, weight, and level of activity. The algorithm adapts to unique movements that a phone experiences as opposed to similar systems which require users to mount accelerometers to their chest or trunk. If a fall is suspected a notification is raised requiring the user's response. If the user does not respond, the system alerts pre-specified social contacts with an informational message via SMS. If a contact responds the system commits an audible notification, automatically connects, and enables the speakerphone. If a social contact confirms a fall, an appropriate emergency service is alerted. Our system provides a realizable, cost effective solution to fall detection using a simple graphical interface while not overwhelming the user with uncomfortable sensors.
Clements, Mark A; Staggs, Vincent S
Many individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) upload and review blood glucose data between clinic visits. Mobile phone applications that receive data from a "connected" glucometer and that support pattern management are available and have the capacity to make data upload and review less burdensome. Whether mobile apps can improve diabetes self-management among individuals with type 1 diabetes remains unknown. We analyzed retrospective data on 81 youths with T1D who were trained to use a glucometer-connected mobile app in their self-management. To assess the effect of glucometer synchronization ("sync") rate on hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), mean blood glucose (mBG), and daily frequency of SMBG, we regressed those clinical outcomes on the frequency of glucometer syncs with the mobile app after controlling for other clinical care variables. Median age was 14.0 (IQR 10.4-15.9) years, median duration of diabetes was 4.9 (2.7, 7.5) years, and median baseline HbA1c was 8.6% (7.9, 9.8). The sample was 49% male and 86% white. Youths with T1D synchronized glucometer data with the mobile app an average of 0.22 times per week (range 0-2.25). The glucometer sync rate did not have a statistically significant association with HbA1c or mean BG; in contrast, data sync frequency was associated with the frequency of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) such that each additional sync was associated with a 2.3-fold increase in SMBG frequency ( P < .01). A glucometer-connected mobile app may increase an individual's engagement with other aspects of care (eg, SMBG frequency). Whether diabetes device-connected mobile apps can improve glycemic control remains to be determined.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Covey, Kevin R.; Cottaar, Michiel; Foster, Jonathan B.; Da Rio, Nicola; Tan, Jonathan; Meyer, Michael; Nidever, David L.; Flaherty, Kevin M.; Arce, Hector G.; Rebull, Luisa M.; Chojnowski, S. Drew; Frinchaboy, Peter M.; Hearty, Fred R.; Majewski, Steven R.; Skrutskie, Michael F.; Stassun, Keivan; Wilson, John C.; Zasowski, Gail
Young clusters are the most prolific sites of star formation in the Milky Way, but demographic studies indicate that relatively few of the Milky Way's stellar clusters persist as bound structures for 100 Myrs or longer. Uniform & precise measurements of the stellar populations and internal dynamics of these regions are difficult to obtain, however, particularly for extremely young clusters whose optical visibility is greatly hampered by their parental molecular cloud. The INfrared Survey of Young Nebulous Clusters (IN-SYNC), an SDSS-III ancillary science program, leverages the stability and multiplex capability of the APOGEE spectrograph to obtain high resolution spectra at near-infrared wavelengths, where photospheric emission is better able to penetrate the dusty shrouds that surround sites of active star formation. We summarize our recent measurements of the kinematics and stellar populations of IC 348 and NGC 1333, two young clusters in the Perseus Molecular Cloud, and of the members of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) and L1641 filament in the Orion molecular complex. These measurements highlight the dynamically 'warm' environment within these young clusters, and suggest a range of stellar radii within these quasi-single-age populations. We close with a preview of plans for continuing this work as part of the APOGEE-2 science portfolio: self-consistent measurements of the kinematics and star formation histories for clusters spanning a range of initial conditions and ages will provide a opportunity to disentangle the mechanisms that drive the formation and dissolution of sites of active star formation.
Leaf-IT: An Android application for measuring leaf area.
Schrader, Julian; Pillar, Giso; Kreft, Holger
The use of plant functional traits has become increasingly popular in ecological studies because plant functional traits help to understand key ecological processes in plant species and communities. This also includes changes in diversity, inter- and intraspecific interactions, and relationships of species at different spatiotemporal scales. Leaf traits are among the most important traits as they describe key dimensions of a plant's life history strategy. Further, leaf area is a key parameter with relevance for other traits such as specific leaf area, which in turn correlates with leaf chemical composition, photosynthetic rate, leaf longevity, and carbon investment. Measuring leaf area usually involves the use of scanners and commercial software and can be difficult under field conditions. We present Leaf-IT, a new smartphone application for measuring leaf area and other trait-related areas. Leaf-IT is free, designed for scientific purposes, and runs on Android 4 or higher. We tested the precision and accuracy using objects with standardized area and compared the area measurements of real leaves with the well-established, commercial software WinFOLIA using the Altman-Bland method. Area measurements of standardized objects show that Leaf-IT measures area with high accuracy and precision. Area measurements with Leaf-IT of real leaves are comparable to those of WinFOLIA. Leaf-IT is an easy-to-use application running on a wide range of smartphones. That increases the portability and use of Leaf-IT and makes it possible to measure leaf area under field conditions typical for remote locations. Its high accuracy and precision are similar to WinFOLIA. Currently, its main limitation is margin detection of damaged leaves or complex leaf morphologies.
Horejsi, R; Möller, R; Rackl, S; Giuliani, A; Freytag, U; Crailsheim, K; Sudi, K; Tafeit, E
The new optical device, the lipometer, enables the noninvasive, quick, safe, and precise determination of the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) layers at any given site of the human body. Fifteen anatomically well-defined body sites from neck to calf describe a SAT topography (SAT-Top) like an individual "fingerprint" of a subject. This SAT-Top was examined in 16 women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and compared to the body fat distribution of 87 age-matched healthy controls and 20 type-2 diabetic women. SAT-Top differences of these three groups were described and, to render the possibility of visual comparison, the 15-dimensional body fat information was condensed to a two-dimensional factor plot by factor analysis. All PCOS patients had an android body fat distribution with significantly thinner SAT layers on the legs as compared to healthy controls. Moreover, a hierarchical cluster analysis resulted in two distinctly different groups of PCOS women, a lean (PCOSL) and an obese (PCOSO) cluster: compared to healthy women, lean PCOS patients had significantly lower total SAT development, even though height, weight, and body mass index did not deviate significantly. Especially on the legs, their SAT layers were significantly lowered, indicating a more "apple-like" fat distribution type. Obese PCOS women showed a SAT-Top pattern very similar to that of women with type-2 diabetes, although the mean age difference between these groups was more than 30 years. Compared to healthy controls, the SAT-Top of these obese PCOS patients was strongly shifted into the android direction, appearing as "super-apples" with a significantly increased upper trunk obesity to 237.8% and a significantly decreased leg SAT development to 79.8%. Copyright 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Android platform based smartphones for a logistical remote association repair framework.
Lien, Shao-Fan; Wang, Chun-Chieh; Su, Juhng-Perng; Chen, Hong-Ming; Wu, Chein-Hsing
The maintenance of large-scale systems is an important issue for logistics support planning. In this paper, we developed a Logistical Remote Association Repair Framework (LRARF) to aid repairmen in keeping the system available. LRARF includes four subsystems: smart mobile phones, a Database Management System (DBMS), a Maintenance Support Center (MSC) and wireless networks. The repairman uses smart mobile phones to capture QR-codes and the images of faulty circuit boards. The captured QR-codes and images are transmitted to the DBMS so the invalid modules can be recognized via the proposed algorithm. In this paper, the Linear Projective Transform (LPT) is employed for fast QR-code calibration. Moreover, the ANFIS-based data mining system is used for module identification and searching automatically for the maintenance manual corresponding to the invalid modules. The inputs of the ANFIS-based data mining system are the QR-codes and image features; the output is the module ID. DBMS also transmits the maintenance manual back to the maintenance staff. If modules are not recognizable, the repairmen and center engineers can obtain the relevant information about the invalid modules through live video. The experimental results validate the applicability of the Android-based platform in the recognition of invalid modules. In addition, the live video can also be recorded synchronously on the MSC for later use.
Android Platform Based Smartphones for a Logistical Remote Association Repair Framework
Lien, Shao-Fan; Wang, Chun-Chieh; Su, Juhng-Perng; Chen, Hong-Ming; Wu, Chein-Hsing
The maintenance of large-scale systems is an important issue for logistics support planning. In this paper, we developed a Logistical Remote Association Repair Framework (LRARF) to aid repairmen in keeping the system available. LRARF includes four subsystems: smart mobile phones, a Database Management System (DBMS), a Maintenance Support Center (MSC) and wireless networks. The repairman uses smart mobile phones to capture QR-codes and the images of faulty circuit boards. The captured QR-codes and images are transmitted to the DBMS so the invalid modules can be recognized via the proposed algorithm. In this paper, the Linear Projective Transform (LPT) is employed for fast QR-code calibration. Moreover, the ANFIS-based data mining system is used for module identification and searching automatically for the maintenance manual corresponding to the invalid modules. The inputs of the ANFIS-based data mining system are the QR-codes and image features; the output is the module ID. DBMS also transmits the maintenance manual back to the maintenance staff. If modules are not recognizable, the repairmen and center engineers can obtain the relevant information about the invalid modules through live video. The experimental results validate the applicability of the Android-based platform in the recognition of invalid modules. In addition, the live video can also be recorded synchronously on the MSC for later use. PMID:24967603
Spyridonis, Fotios; Gronli, Tor-Morten; Hansen, Jarle; Ghinea, Gheorghita
Pain constitutes an important medical concern that can have severe implications to a wheelchair user's quality of life. Results from studies indicate that pain is a common problem in this group of individuals, having a reported frequency of always (12%) and everyday (33%). This incidence signifies the need for more applicable and effective pain management clinical tools. As a result, in this paper we present an Android application (PainDroid) that has been enhanced with Virtual Reality (VR) technology for the purpose of improving the management of pain. Our evaluation with a group of wheelchair users revealed that PainDroid demonstrated high usability among this population, and is foreseen that it can make an important contribution in research on the assessment and management of pain.
Applang - A DSL for specification of mobile applications for android platform based on textX
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kosanović, Milan; Dejanović, Igor; Milosavljević, Gordana
Mobile platforms become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives thus making more pressure to software developers to develop more applications faster and with the support for different mobile operating systems. To foster the faster development of mobile services and applications and to support various mobile operating systems a new software development approaches must be undertaken. Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) are a viable approach that promise to solve a problem of target platform diversity as well as to facilitate rapid application development and shorter time-to-market. This paper presents Applang, a DSL for the specification of mobile applications for the Android platform, based on textX meta-language. The application is described using Applang DSL and the source code for a target platform is automatically generated by the provided code generator. The same application defined using single Applang source can be transformed to various targets with little or no manual modifications.
Analysis of space telescope data collection system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ingles, F.; Schoggen, W. O.
The effects of frame synchronization loss were analyzed. A frame sync loss will create loss of data for the frame in which it occurs (since one would not know whether the preceding data was properly in sync or not) and during search from frame sync the system would be losing data. The search mode for reacquisition utilizes multiple search procedures.
GIS Data Collection for Pedestrian Facilities and Furniture Using Mapinr for Android
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Naharudin, N.; Ahamad, M. S. S.; Sadullah, A. F. M.
Mobile GIS is introduced to reduce the time taken in completing the field data collection procedure. With the expansion of technology today, mobile GIS is not far behind. It can be integrated with the high-end innovation tools like smartphones. Spatial data capture which deemed to be the toughest stage of a GIS project is made simple with this method. Many studies had demonstrated the usage of mobile GIS in collecting spatial data and this paper discusses how it can be applied in capturing the GPS location of pedestrian furniture and facilities. Although some of the spatial data are available from local agencies, still a more detailed data is needed to create a better data model for this study. This study uses a free android application, MAPinr, which is available on the Google PlayStore to collect spatial data on site. It adopted the GNSS and cellular network positioning to locate the position of the required data. As the application allows the captured data to be exported to a GIS platform, the geometric error of the data was improved. In the end, an authenticated spatial dataset comprising pedestrian facilities and furniture in point and line form will be produced and later be used in a pedestrian network analysis study.
Forman, Leah S; Patts, Gregory J; Coleman, Sharon M; Blokhina, Elena; Lu, John; Yaroslavtseva, Tatiana; Gnatienko, Natalia; Krupitsky, Evgeny; Samet, Jeffrey H; Chaisson, Christine E
Reproducible outcomes in clinical trials depend on adherence to study protocol. Short message service (also known as text message) reminders have been shown to improve clinical trial adherence in the United States and elsewhere. However, due to systematic differences in mobile data plans, languages, and technology, these systems are not easily translated to international settings. To gauge technical capabilities for international projects, we developed SMSMessenger, an automated Android application that uses a US server to send medication reminders to participants in a clinical trial in St. Petersburg, Russia (Zinc for HIV disease among alcohol users-a randomized controlled trial in the Russia Alcohol Research Collaboration on HIV/AIDS cohort). The application is downloaded once onto an Android study phone. When it is time for the text message reminders to be sent, study personnel access the application on a local phone, which in turn accesses the existing clinical trial database hosted on a US web server. The application retrieves a list of participants with the following information: phone number, whether a message should be received at that time, and the appropriate text of the message. The application is capable of storing multiple outgoing messages. With a few clicks, text messages are sent to study participants who can reply directly to the message. Study staff can check the local phone for incoming messages. The SMSMessenger application uses an existing clinical trial database and is able to receive real-time updates. All communications between the application and server are encrypted, and phone numbers are stored in a secure database behind a firewall. No sensitive data are stored on the phone, as outgoing messages are sent through the application and not by messaging features on the phone itself. Messages are sent simultaneously to study participants, which reduces the burden on local study staff. Costs and setup are minimal. The only local requirements
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Shi, Xin, E-mail: xinshih86029@gmail.com; Zhao, Xiangmo, E-mail: xinshih86029@gmail.com; Hui, Fei, E-mail: xinshih86029@gmail.com
Clock synchronization in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been studied extensively in recent years and many protocols are put forward based on the point of statistical signal processing, which is an effective way to optimize accuracy. However, the accuracy derived from the statistical data can be improved mainly by sufficient packets exchange, which will consume the limited power resources greatly. In this paper, a reliable clock estimation using linear weighted fusion based on pairwise broadcast synchronization is proposed to optimize sync accuracy without expending additional sync packets. As a contribution, a linear weighted fusion scheme for multiple clock deviations ismore » constructed with the collaborative sensing of clock timestamp. And the fusion weight is defined by the covariance of sync errors for different clock deviations. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed approach can achieve better performance in terms of sync overhead and sync accuracy.« less
Vyas, A; Goel, G
Minimal invasive surgery training requires a lot of practice and for this purpose innovative tools are needed to develop methods for practice and training skills outside the operating room. Commercially available devices are readily available but cost effectiveness and availability are major limiting factors in resource limited setting. We present an innovative and cost effective laparoscopic simulator which can be easily manufactured and used for practice of laparoscopic surgery. Using a free android application, such as IP webcam we can relay video to laptop without the use of any cables and uniquely we use the flash of a camera as the light source and a selfie stick for movement of the camera. Use of this type of setup can help to reduce cost of simulated learning in low income countries and makes laparoscopic training facilities readily available. Copyright© Authors.
Developing Screening Services for Colorectal Cancer on Android Smartphones
Wu, Hui-Ching; Chang, Chiao-Jung; Lin, Chun-Che; Tsai, Ming-Chang; Chang, Che-Chia
Abstract Introduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is an important health problem in Western countries and also in Asia. It is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in Taiwan. According to the well-known adenoma-to-carcinoma sequence, the majority of CRC develops from colorectal adenomatous polyps. This concept provides the rationale for screening and prevention of CRC. Removal of colorectal adenoma could reduce the mortality and incidence of CRC. Mobile phones are now playing an ever more crucial role in people's daily lives. The latest generation of smartphones is increasingly viewed as hand-held computers rather than as phones, because of their powerful on-board computing capability, capacious memories, large screens, and open operating systems that encourage development of applications (apps). Subjects and Methods: If we can detect the potential CRC patients early and offer them appropriate treatments and services, this would not only promote the quality of life, but also reduce the possible serious complications and medical costs. In this study, an intelligent CRC screening app on Android™ (Google™, Mountain View, CA) smartphones has been developed based on a data mining approach using decision tree algorithms. For comparison, the stepwise backward multivariate logistic regression model and the fecal occult blood test were also used. Results: Compared with the stepwise backward multivariate logistic regression model and the fecal occult blood test, the proposed app system not only provides an easy and efficient way to quickly detect high-risk groups of potential CRC patients, but also brings more information about CRC to customer-oriented services. Conclusions: We developed and implemented an app system on Android platforms for ubiquitous healthcare services for CRC screening. It can assist people in achieving early screening, diagnosis, and treatment purposes, prevent the occurrence of complications, and thus reach the goal of
Developing screening services for colorectal cancer on Android smartphones.
Wu, Hui-Ching; Chang, Chiao-Jung; Lin, Chun-Che; Tsai, Ming-Chang; Chang, Che-Chia; Tseng, Ming-Hseng
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is an important health problem in Western countries and also in Asia. It is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in Taiwan. According to the well-known adenoma-to-carcinoma sequence, the majority of CRC develops from colorectal adenomatous polyps. This concept provides the rationale for screening and prevention of CRC. Removal of colorectal adenoma could reduce the mortality and incidence of CRC. Mobile phones are now playing an ever more crucial role in people's daily lives. The latest generation of smartphones is increasingly viewed as hand-held computers rather than as phones, because of their powerful on-board computing capability, capacious memories, large screens, and open operating systems that encourage development of applications (apps). If we can detect the potential CRC patients early and offer them appropriate treatments and services, this would not only promote the quality of life, but also reduce the possible serious complications and medical costs. In this study, an intelligent CRC screening app on Android™ (Google™, Mountain View, CA) smartphones has been developed based on a data mining approach using decision tree algorithms. For comparison, the stepwise backward multivariate logistic regression model and the fecal occult blood test were also used. Compared with the stepwise backward multivariate logistic regression model and the fecal occult blood test, the proposed app system not only provides an easy and efficient way to quickly detect high-risk groups of potential CRC patients, but also brings more information about CRC to customer-oriented services. We developed and implemented an app system on Android platforms for ubiquitous healthcare services for CRC screening. It can assist people in achieving early screening, diagnosis, and treatment purposes, prevent the occurrence of complications, and thus reach the goal of preventive medicine.
An android application for crime analysis in San Diego
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gonchikara, Likhita
Over the past few years, smartphone adoption has increased worldwide. In this era of smartphones, one of the easiest ways to make this information available to many users is through smartphone applications. Smartphone applications can provide requested information in a readable and user friendly format. Information related to data such as real estate, property, post offices, crime locations and many others can be very useful. Such information helps city planners, residents, students and commuters to identify and communicate trends and patterns about places. ESRI`s ARCGIS provides various services and tools which help visualize real-world features, discover patterns, obtain information, and communicate that information to others. When these services work in conjunction with GPS based location services in smartphones, they create new avenues for applications. This thesis implements an Android smartphone application with features to analyze location based crime data. The user of this application can view crime data in a region and filter different crime types. The application allows the user to query and analyze crimes that have occurred near his location or at a location of interest. The application includes features to measure distance between crime spots and also measure area on the map. The user can also switch the base-map from street map to NatGeo map. Powered with this information, renters and home buyers can ensure that their new home is in a safe location. Real estate agents can buy or sell property in safer locations. Commuters can find routes which avoid crime spots. Tourists can find accommodation in safer places. Students can be aware of the high crime rate areas around the school campus. This application uses ArcGIS feature service by ESRI to render all data on the map.
Zare Moayedi, Mahboobeh; Aslani, Azam; Fakhrahmad, Mostafa; Ezzatzadegan J, Shahrokh
This study was conducted to develop an android based patient decision aid (PDA) as a self-care instrument for patients after kidney transplant and its usability evaluation. In this study, the systematic development process of Android-based self-care application for patients after kidney transplant based on Ottawa standard was included: scoping, assemble steering group, analysis of requirements, designing, develop of a prototype and system evaluation. The PDA is a self-triage system that will help early identification of risk symptoms in patients, and help manage them. System recommendations for risk signs are: Refer to the nearest hospital or healthcare center without delay, refer to the doctor and tell your doctor in the next visit. To identify patient care needs, a semi-structured interview with members of steering group, including patients and clinical experts, was conducted by the researchers. A prototype of the decision aid was made according to identified needs in the previous step. Finally, in order to evaluate its usability rate by using the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire, it was used by exerts and patients. This study identified information needs, risk signs and steps that patients need to make appropriate decisions about them. The main capabilities of the decision aid are features such as reminders for appointment/test, time of taking medication, registration of symptoms, weight, blood pressure, body temperature, advising to patient in case of signs of risk, weight, blood pressure, body temperature and test results which were reported in the diagram. The mean score of system's usability evaluated by medical informatics specialists, clinicians, and patients were 88.33, 95, and 91. PDAs was usable and desirable from the point of view of medical informatics specialists, clinicians and patients.
Fault-Tolerant Self-Stabilizing Distributed Clock Synchronization Protocol for Arbitrary Digraphs
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Malekpour, Mahyar R. (Inventor)
A self-stabilizing network in the form of an arbitrary, non-partitioned digraph includes K nodes having a synchronizer executing a protocol. K-1 monitors of each node may receive a Sync message transmitted from a directly connected node. When the Sync message is received, the logical clock value for the receiving node is set to between 0 and a communication latency value (gamma) if the clock value is less than a minimum event-response delay (D). A new Sync message is also transmitted to any directly connected nodes if the clock value is greater than or equal to both D and a graph threshold (T(sub S)). When the Sync message is not received the synchronizer increments the clock value if the clock value is less than a resynchronization period (P), and resets the clock value and transmits a new Sync message to all directly connected nodes when the clock value equals or exceeds P.
Defibrillator synchronization tester.
Demirbilek, Fatma N; Krajnak, Mike; Stolarczyk, George
A defibrillator sync output signal connector provides an ECG synchronization signal that can be used by some defibrillators for the purpose of performing synchronized cardioversion [1]. This process is used to stop an abnormally fast heart rate or cardiac arrhythmia by the delivery of a therapeutic dose of electric current to the heart during the R-wave of the cardiac cycle. Timing the shock to the R-wave prevents the delivery of the shock during the vulnerable period of the cardiac cycle, which could induce ventricular fibrillation [2]. GE patient monitors include a selectable analog output feature, which provides an analog ECG or arterial blood pressure signal. The blood pressure signal can be used to synchronize balloon pumps to provide cardiac assist to post-MI patients with poor injection fraction. Proper operation requires the defibrillator sync and analog output function to be checked. Checkouts are typically done during planned maintenance and after major part replacements such as patient monitor's main CPU board. Checking out defibrillator sync signals could be done using a GE defibrillator sync tester. The defibrillator sync tester provides a loop back path for the defibrillator sync signals to be displayed on the patient monitor screen and eliminates the need for an external oscilloscope.
Usability Testing For Android Based Application “Jogja Smart Tourism”
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Harwati; Djati Widodo, Imam
The android based application “Jogja Smart Tourism (JST)” is designed to help everyone who visited Yogyakarta to enjoy their travel. As new application, it is need to be tested for its usability before launched. Usability testing will show how easy user interfaces are to used. The objective of this research is to demonstrate the result of usability testing for application JST based on five characteristics: learnability, effectiveness, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. About 30 respondents were involved to test the usability of this application. Learnability and effectiveness is calculated from some task that should be finished by respondents, and the rest aspects are calculated from questionnaires that should be answered after simulation. There are 14 functions bound in this usability testing. The result shows total usability level is in 81.75%. Learnability testing shows that 98.8% of respondent could finish the task successfully with 87.5% in efficiency. The memorability level of respondents is good (84.5%) where their ability to fix the errors is 71.5%. And the last for satisfaction level of application interface is 66.25%. Low level of satisfaction occurred because most of respondent felt uncomfortable with landscape interface of application because they should turn their mobile phone while using JST application and also it happened because the lack of using picture and colour inside the application. Both of these becomes important note for the improvement of further applications where the interface in a portrait version is more comfort the use and also utilization of colour and the image will be the main focus to improve customer satisfaction.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kassim, Mohar; Zaidi, Ahmad Mujahid Ahmad; Sholihin Mokhtar, Rahmat
Mobile software application has become a part of today’s lifestyle. This mobile app is designed to help society to be physically active. The application is named UPNM Cardio Fitness, and is developed on the Android platform. The original purpose of the application is to measure and analyse the level of cardiovascular fitness of 18 years old male Military cadet Officers through a 2.4 km run test. The application is based on a data base using Google Fusion Table that stores and analyses the data received. The application consists of two parts: information of the individual and their respective fitness norms that can be accessed either automatically or manually. The classification of the norms is obtained from the fitness norms of 120 male cadets aged 18 years old. The norms are grouped into five categories which are: Excellent, Very Good, Good, Moderate and Poor. The software consists of 5 hyperlinks which are the main page, individual information, test result, file and record. The application is created using MIT App Inventor Software and Windows 7. The creation of the application has enabled researchers particularly in the Science Training programme in UPNM to carry out tests as well as to identify the level of fitness of their trainees immediately, accurately, and systematically.
Crowley, Sheila A; Foley, Sallie M; Wittmann, Daniela; Jagielski, Christina H; Dunn, Rodney L; Clark, Patricia M; Griggs, Jennifer J; Peterson, Catherine; Leonard, Marcia; An, Lawrence C; Wei, John T; Montie, James E; Janz, Nancy K
While it is recognized that cancer treatment can contribute to problems in sexual function, much less is currently known about the specific sexual health concerns and information needs of cancer survivors. This study tested a new instrument to measure cancer survivors' sexual health concerns and needs for sexual information after cancer treatment. The Information on Sexual Health: Your Needs after Cancer (InSYNC), developed by a multidisciplinary team of experts, is a novel 12-item questionnaire to measure sexual health concerns and information needs of cancer survivors. We tested the measure with a sample of breast and prostate cancer survivors. A convenience sample of 114 cancer survivors (58 breast, 56 prostate) was enrolled. Results of the InSYNC questionnaire showed high levels of sexual concern among cancer survivors. Areas of concern differed by cancer type. Prostate cancer survivors were most concerned about being able to satisfy their partners (57 %) while breast cancer survivors were most concerned with changes in how their bodies worked sexually (46 %). Approximately 35 % of all cancer survivors wanted more information about sexual health. Sexual health concerns and unmet information needs are common among breast and prostate cancer survivors, varying in some aspects by type of cancer. Routine screening for sexual health concerns should be included in comprehensive cancer survivorship care to appropriately address health care needs. The InSYNC questionnaire is one tool that may help clinicians identify concerns facing their patients.
GPR Image and Signal Processing for Pavement and Road Monitoring on Android Smartphones and Tablets
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Benedetto, Francesco; Benedetto, Andrea; Tedeschi, Antonio
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a geophysical method that uses radar pulses to image the subsurface. This non-destructive method uses electromagnetic radiation and detects the reflected signals from subsurface structures. It can detect objects, changes in material, and voids and cracks. GPR has many applications in a number of fields. In the field of civil engineering one of the most advanced technologies used for road pavement monitoring is based on the deployment of advanced GPR systems. One of the most relevant causes of road pavement damage is often referable to water intrusion in structural layers. In this context, GPR has been recently proposed as a method to estimate moisture content in a porous medium without preventive calibration. Hence, the development of methods to obtain an estimate of the moisture content is a crucial research field involving economic, social and strategic aspects in road safety for a great number of public and private Agencies. In particular, a recent new approach was proposed to estimate moisture content in a porous medium basing on the theory of Rayleigh scattering, showing a shift of the frequency peak of the GPR spectrum towards lower frequencies as the moisture content increases in the soil. Addressing some of these issues, this work proposes a mobile application, for smartphones and tablets, for GPR image and signal processing. Our application has been designed for the Android mobile operating system, since it is open source and android mobile platforms are selling the most smartphones in the world (2013). The GPR map can be displayed in black/white or color and the user can zoom and navigate into the image. The map can be loaded in two different ways: from the local memory of the portable device or from a remote server. This latter possibility can be very useful for real-time and mobile monitoring of road and pavement inspection. In addition, the application allows analyzing the GPR data also in the frequency domain. It is
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vandegriff, J. D.; Kusterer, M. B.; Byun, S.; Steele, R. J.; Mitchell, D. G.
We present a new mobile app for Android and an existing app for iPhone, both capable of viewing the numerous browse plots available for data collected by the MIMI suite on NASA's Cassini spacecraft. Both apps allow convenient mobile access to pre-made plots of data from various instruments on the suite, including daily, and monthly plots of particle intensities (line plots and spectrograms) from LEMMS, CHEMS and INCA. Also, the apps can show short movies made from sequences of INCA neutral atom images. Browsing the plots or movies is as simple as swiping to the left or right, and the app hides all access details needed to finding the images. Note that the app requires a data connection, since it locates and downloads the plot files live from various instrument team servers. We will demonstrate the current versions of both apps, which are available in Apple's App Store and the Google Play Store.
Sadasivam, Rajani S; Gathibandhe, Vaibhav; Tanik, Murat M; Willig, James H
Medication dosing errors can greatly reduce HIV treatment effectiveness as incorrect dosing leads to drug resistance and non-adherence. In order to dose correctly, HIV therapy providers must balance several patient characteristics such as renal functions and weight. In developing countries and other resource-limited settings, dosing errors are more likely because treatment is provided by mid-level providers with only basic training in HIV therapy. These providers also typically lack electronic tools informing medical decisions. Widespread adoption of mobile phones in developing nations offers an opportunity to implement a point-of-care system to help providers reduce dosing errors. We discuss the development of the mHIV-Dr system prototype using the new Android mobile platform. mHIV-Dr is being designed to provide dosing recommendations for front-line providers in developing countries. We also discuss the additional challenges in the implementation of the mHIV-Dr system in a resource limited setting.
Selective data segment monitoring system. [using shift registers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wirth, M. N. (Inventor)
High speed data monitoring apparatus is described for displaying the bit pattern of a selected portion of a block of transmitted data comprising a shift register for receiving the transmitted data and for temporarily containing the consecutive data bits. A programmable sync detector for monitoring the contents of the shift register and for generating a sync signal when the shift register contains a predetermined sync code is included. A counter is described for counting the data bits input to the shift register after the sync signal is generated and for generating a count complete signal when a selected number of data bits have been input to the register. A data storage device is used for storing the contents of the shift register at the time the count complete signal is generated.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jacobsen, Jurma; Edlich, Stefan
There is a broad range of potential useful mobile location-based applications. One crucial point seems to be to make them available to the public at large. This case illuminates the abilities of Android - the operating system for mobile devices - to fulfill this demand in the mashup way by use of some special geocoding web services and one integrated web service for getting the nearest cash machines data. It shows an exemplary approach for building mobile location-based mashups for everyone: 1. As a basis for reaching as many people as possible the open source Android OS is assumed to spread widely. 2. Everyone also means that the handset has not to be an expensive GPS device. This is realized by re-utilization of the existing GSM infrastructure with the Cell of Origin (COO) method which makes a lookup of the CellID in one of the growing web available CellID databases. Some of these databases are still undocumented and not yet published. Furthermore the Google Maps API for Mobile (GMM) and the open source counterpart OpenCellID are used. The user's current position localization via lookup of the closest cell to which the handset is currently connected to (COO) is not as precise as GPS, but appears to be sufficient for lots of applications. For this reason the GPS user is the most pleased one - for this user the system is fully automated. In contrary there could be some users who doesn't own a GPS cellular. This user should refine his/her location by one click on the map inside of the determined circular region. The users are then shown and guided by a path to the nearest cash machine by integrating Google Maps API with an overlay. Additionally, the GPS user can keep track of him- or herself by getting a frequently updated view via constantly requested precise GPS data for his or her position.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fernandez, M. A.; Covey, Kevin R.; De Lee, Nathan; Chojnowski, S. Drew; Nidever, David; Ballantyne, Richard; Cottaar, Michiel; Da Rio, Nicola; Foster, Jonathan B.; Majewski, Steven R.; Meyer, Michael R.; Reyna, A. M.; Roberts, G. W.; Skinner, Jacob; Stassun, Keivan; Tan, Jonathan C.; Troup, Nicholas; Zasowski, Gail
We present radial velocity measurements for 70 high confidence, and 34 potential binary systems in fields containing the Perseus Molecular Cloud, Pleiades, NGC 2264, and the Orion A star-forming region. Eighteen of these systems have been previously identified as binaries in the literature. Candidate double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2s) are identified by analyzing the cross-correlation functions (CCFs) computed during the reduction of each APOGEE spectrum. We identify sources whose CCFs are well fit as the sum of two Lorentzians as likely binaries, and provide an initial characterization of the system based on the radial velocities indicated by that dual fit. For systems observed over several epochs, we present mass ratios and systemic velocities; for two systems with observations on eight or more epochs, and which meet our criteria for robust orbital coverage, we derive initial orbital parameters. The distribution of mass ratios for multi-epoch sources in our sample peaks at q = 1, but with a significant tail toward lower q values. Tables reporting radial velocities, systemic velocities, and mass ratios are provided online. We discuss future improvements to the radial velocity extraction method we employ, as well as limitations imposed by the number of epochs currently available in the APOGEE database. The Appendix contains brief notes from the literature on each system in the sample, and more extensive notes for select sources of interest.
Dixit, R B; Neema, M M
Head down tilt is given to patients after sub arachnoid block for adjustment of height of block. However, the amount of tilt given is subjective and cannot be documented. We used an android application named "clinometer" to measure exact degree of tilt given by anesthesiologists as their routine practice. This observational study, at a medical college hospital, was done in 130 patients given sub arachnoid block for lower abdominal surgeries. We observed and documented vital data of patients and measured tilt given by application "clinometer." We observed that the application was easy to use and measured tilt each time. The result obtained can be documented, digitally saved and transferred. In 130 patients studied, we observed incidence of degree of tilt as follows: 6-8° tilt in 38 patients (29.23%), 8-10 in 36 patients (27.69%), 10-12 in 30 patients (23.08%), 12-14 in 12 patients (9.23%) and 14-16° tilt in 14 patients (10.77%). Use of application was received with enthusiasm by practicing anesthesiologists. Various possible uses of this application are discussed.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Quinn, Gregory B.; Bi, Chunxiao; Christie, Cole H.
The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) resource provides tools for query, analysis and visualization of the 3D structures in the PDB archive. As the mobile Web is starting to surpass desktop and laptop usage, scientists and educators are beginning to integrate mobile devices into their research and teaching. In response, we have developed the RCSB PDB Mobile app for the iOS and Android mobile platforms to enable fast and convenient access to RCSB PDB data and services. Lastly, using the app, users from the general public to expert researchers can quickly search and visualize biomolecules,more » and add personal annotations via the RCSB PDB's integrated MyPDB service.« less
Quinn, Gregory B.; Bi, Chunxiao; Christie, Cole H.; ...
The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) resource provides tools for query, analysis and visualization of the 3D structures in the PDB archive. As the mobile Web is starting to surpass desktop and laptop usage, scientists and educators are beginning to integrate mobile devices into their research and teaching. In response, we have developed the RCSB PDB Mobile app for the iOS and Android mobile platforms to enable fast and convenient access to RCSB PDB data and services. Lastly, using the app, users from the general public to expert researchers can quickly search and visualize biomolecules,more » and add personal annotations via the RCSB PDB's integrated MyPDB service.« less
Guede-Fernandez, F; Ferrer-Mileo, V; Ramos-Castro, J; Fernandez-Chimeno, M; Garcia-Gonzalez, M A
The aim of this paper is to present a smartphone based system for real-time pulse-to-pulse (PP) interval time series acquisition by frame-to-frame camera image processing. The developed smartphone application acquires image frames from built-in rear-camera at the maximum available rate (30 Hz) and the smartphone GPU has been used by Renderscript API for high performance frame-by-frame image acquisition and computing in order to obtain PPG signal and PP interval time series. The relative error of mean heart rate is negligible. In addition, measurement posture and the employed smartphone model influences on the beat-to-beat error measurement of heart rate and HRV indices have been analyzed. Then, the standard deviation of the beat-to-beat error (SDE) was 7.81 ± 3.81 ms in the worst case. Furthermore, in supine measurement posture, significant device influence on the SDE has been found and the SDE is lower with Samsung S5 than Motorola X. This study can be applied to analyze the reliability of different smartphone models for HRV assessment from real-time Android camera frames processing.
On Frequency Offset Estimation Using the iNET Preamble in Frequency Selective Fading Channels
ASM fields; (bottom) the relationship between the indexes of the received samples r(n), the signal samples s(n), the preamble samples p (n) and the short...frequency offset estimators for SOQPSK-TG equipped with the iNET preamble and operating in ISI channels. Four of the five estimators exam - ined here are...sync marker ( ASM ), and data bits (an LDPC codeword). The availability of a preamble introduces the possibility of data-aided synchro- nization in
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stindl, Reinhard
Charles Darwin knew that the fossil record is not overwhelmingly supportive of genetic and phenotypic gradualism; therefore, he developed the core of his theory on the basis of breeding experiments. Here, I present evidence for the existence of a cell biological mechanism that strongly points to the almost forgotten European concept of saltatory evolution of nonadaptive characters, which is in perfect agreement with the gaps in the fossil record. The standard model of chromosomal evolution has always been handicapped by a paradox, namely, how speciation can occur by spontaneous chromosomal rearrangements that are known to decrease the fertility of heterozygotes in a population. However, the hallmark of almost all closely related species is a differing chromosome complement and therefore chromosomal rearrangements seem to be crucial for speciation. Telomeres, the caps of eukaryotic chromosomes, erode in somatic tissues during life, but have been thought to remain stable in the germline of a species. Recently, a large human study spanning three healthy generations clearly found a cumulative telomere effect, which is indicative of transgenerational telomere erosion in the human species. The telomeric sync model of speciation presented here is based on telomere erosion between generations, which leads to identical fusions of chromosomes and triggers a transposon-mediated genomic repatterning in the germline of many individuals of a species. The phenotypic outcome of the telomere-triggered transposon activity is the saltatory appearance of nonadaptive characters simultaneously in many individuals. Transgenerational telomere erosion is therefore the material basis of aging at the species level.
Clements, Mark A.; Staggs, Vincent S.
Background: Many individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) upload and review blood glucose data between clinic visits. Mobile phone applications that receive data from a “connected” glucometer and that support pattern management are available and have the capacity to make data upload and review less burdensome. Whether mobile apps can improve diabetes self-management among individuals with type 1 diabetes remains unknown. Method: We analyzed retrospective data on 81 youths with T1D who were trained to use a glucometer-connected mobile app in their self-management. To assess the effect of glucometer synchronization (“sync”) rate on hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), mean blood glucose (mBG), and daily frequency of SMBG, we regressed those clinical outcomes on the frequency of glucometer syncs with the mobile app after controlling for other clinical care variables. Results: Median age was 14.0 (IQR 10.4-15.9) years, median duration of diabetes was 4.9 (2.7, 7.5) years, and median baseline HbA1c was 8.6% (7.9, 9.8). The sample was 49% male and 86% white. Youths with T1D synchronized glucometer data with the mobile app an average of 0.22 times per week (range 0-2.25). The glucometer sync rate did not have a statistically significant association with HbA1c or mean BG; in contrast, data sync frequency was associated with the frequency of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) such that each additional sync was associated with a 2.3-fold increase in SMBG frequency (P < .01). Conclusion: A glucometer-connected mobile app may increase an individual’s engagement with other aspects of care (eg, SMBG frequency). Whether diabetes device-connected mobile apps can improve glycemic control remains to be determined. PMID:28745097
US forests are showing increased rates of decline in response to a changing climate
Warren B. Cohen; Zhiqiang Yang; David M. Bell; Stephen V. Stehman
How vulnerable are US forest to a changing climate? We answer this question using Landsat time series data and a unique interpretation approach, TimeSync, a plot-based Landsat visualization and data collection tool. Original analyses were based on a stratified two-stage cluster sample design that included interpretation of 3858 forested plots. From these data, we...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Finkel, Ed
Community college presidents and board members come and go. But a major driver of the continued success of two-year colleges is how fruitfully the relationships between CEOs and their boards evolve over time--from the onboarding process when a president first takes the helm to the "outboarding" process that starts with them giving…
Memory-based frame synchronizer. [for digital communication systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Stattel, R. J.; Niswander, J. K. (Inventor)
A frame synchronizer for use in digital communications systems wherein data formats can be easily and dynamically changed is described. The use of memory array elements provide increased flexibility in format selection and sync word selection in addition to real time reconfiguration ability. The frame synchronizer comprises a serial-to-parallel converter which converts a serial input data stream to a constantly changing parallel data output. This parallel data output is supplied to programmable sync word recognizers each consisting of a multiplexer and a random access memory (RAM). The multiplexer is connected to both the parallel data output and an address bus which may be connected to a microprocessor or computer for purposes of programming the sync word recognizer. The RAM is used as an associative memory or decorder and is programmed to identify a specific sync word. Additional programmable RAMs are used as counter decoders to define word bit length, frame word length, and paragraph frame length.
Smith, Joshua E; Griffin, Daniel K; Leny, Juliann K; Hagen, Joshua A; Chávez, Jorge L; Kelley-Loughnane, Nancy
The feasibility of using aptamer-gold nanoparticle conjugates (Apt-AuNPs) to design colorimetric assays for in the field detection of small molecules was investigated. An assay to detect cocaine was designed using two clones of a known cocaine-binding aptamer. The assay was based on the AuNPs difference in affinity for single-stranded DNA (non-binding) and double stranded DNA (target bound). In the first assay, a commonly used design was followed, in which the aptamer and target were incubated to allow binding followed by exposure to the AuNPs. Interactions between the non-bound analytes and the AuNPs surface resulted in a number of false positives. The assay was redesigned by incubating the AuNPs and the aptamer prior to target addition to passivate the AuNPs surface. The adsorbed aptamer was able to bind the target while preventing non-specific interactions. The assay was validated with a number of masking and cutting agents and other controlled substances showing minimal false positives. Studies to improve the assay performance in the field were performed, showing that assay activity could be preserved for up to 2 months. To facilitate the assay analysis, an android application for automatic colorimetric characterization was developed. The application was validated by challenging the assay with cocaine standards of different concentrations, and comparing the results to a conventional plate reader, showing outstanding agreement. Finally, the rapid identification of cocaine in mixtures mimicking street samples was demonstrated. This work established that Apt-AuNPs can be used to design robust assays to be used in the field. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Quinn, Gregory B; Bi, Chunxiao; Christie, Cole H; Pang, Kyle; Prlić, Andreas; Nakane, Takanori; Zardecki, Christine; Voigt, Maria; Berman, Helen M; Bourne, Philip E; Rose, Peter W
The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) resource provides tools for query, analysis and visualization of the 3D structures in the PDB archive. As the mobile Web is starting to surpass desktop and laptop usage, scientists and educators are beginning to integrate mobile devices into their research and teaching. In response, we have developed the RCSB PDB Mobile app for the iOS and Android mobile platforms to enable fast and convenient access to RCSB PDB data and services. Using the app, users from the general public to expert researchers can quickly search and visualize biomolecules, and add personal annotations via the RCSB PDB's integrated MyPDB service. RCSB PDB Mobile is freely available from the Apple App Store and Google Play (http://www.rcsb.org). © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press.
Quinn, Gregory B.; Bi, Chunxiao; Christie, Cole H.; Pang, Kyle; Prlić, Andreas; Nakane, Takanori; Zardecki, Christine; Voigt, Maria; Berman, Helen M.; Rose, Peter W.
Summary: The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) resource provides tools for query, analysis and visualization of the 3D structures in the PDB archive. As the mobile Web is starting to surpass desktop and laptop usage, scientists and educators are beginning to integrate mobile devices into their research and teaching. In response, we have developed the RCSB PDB Mobile app for the iOS and Android mobile platforms to enable fast and convenient access to RCSB PDB data and services. Using the app, users from the general public to expert researchers can quickly search and visualize biomolecules, and add personal annotations via the RCSB PDB’s integrated MyPDB service. Availability and implementation: RCSB PDB Mobile is freely available from the Apple App Store and Google Play (http://www.rcsb.org). Contact: pwrose@ucsd.edu PMID:25183487
Putative mechanisms mediating tolerance for audiovisual stimulus onset asynchrony.
Bhat, Jyoti; Miller, Lee M; Pitt, Mark A; Shahin, Antoine J
Audiovisual (AV) speech perception is robust to temporal asynchronies between visual and auditory stimuli. We investigated the neural mechanisms that facilitate tolerance for audiovisual stimulus onset asynchrony (AVOA) with EEG. Individuals were presented with AV words that were asynchronous in onsets of voice and mouth movement and judged whether they were synchronous or not. Behaviorally, individuals tolerated (perceived as synchronous) longer AVOAs when mouth movement preceded the speech (V-A) stimuli than when the speech preceded mouth movement (A-V). Neurophysiologically, the P1-N1-P2 auditory evoked potentials (AEPs), time-locked to sound onsets and known to arise in and surrounding the primary auditory cortex (PAC), were smaller for the in-sync than the out-of-sync percepts. Spectral power of oscillatory activity in the beta band (14-30 Hz) following the AEPs was larger during the in-sync than out-of-sync perception for both A-V and V-A conditions. However, alpha power (8-14 Hz), also following AEPs, was larger for the in-sync than out-of-sync percepts only in the V-A condition. These results demonstrate that AVOA tolerance is enhanced by inhibiting low-level auditory activity (e.g., AEPs representing generators in and surrounding PAC) that code for acoustic onsets. By reducing sensitivity to acoustic onsets, visual-to-auditory onset mapping is weakened, allowing for greater AVOA tolerance. In contrast, beta and alpha results suggest the involvement of higher-level neural processes that may code for language cues (phonetic, lexical), selective attention, and binding of AV percepts, allowing for wider neural windows of temporal integration, i.e., greater AVOA tolerance. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.
Accuracy of three Android-based pedometer applications in laboratory and free-living settings.
Leong, Jia Yan; Wong, Jyh Eiin
This study examines the accuracy of three popular, free Android-based pedometer applications (apps), namely, Runtastic (RT), Pacer Works (PW), and Tayutau (TY) in laboratory and free-living settings. Forty-eight adults (22.5 ± 1.4 years) completed 3-min bouts of treadmill walking at five incremental speeds while carrying a test smartphone installed with the three apps. Experiment was repeated thrice, with the smartphone placed either in the pants pockets, at waist level, or secured to the left arm by an armband. The actual step count was manually counted by a tally counter. In the free-living setting, each of the 44 participants (21.9 ± 1.6 years) carried a smartphone with installed apps and a reference pedometer (Yamax Digi-Walker CW700) for 7 consecutive days. Results showed that TY produced the lowest mean absolute percent error (APE 6.7%) and was the only app with acceptable accuracy in counting steps in a laboratory setting. RT consistently underestimated steps with APE of 16.8% in the laboratory. PW significantly underestimated steps when the smartphone was secured to the arm, but overestimated under other conditions (APE 19.7%). TY was the most accurate app in counting steps in a laboratory setting with the lowest APE of 6.7%. In the free-living setting, the APE relative to the reference pedometer was 16.6%, 18.0%, and 16.8% for RT, PW, and TY, respectively. None of the three apps counted steps accurately in the free-living setting.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ulfa, Andi Maria; Sugiyarto, Kristian H.; Ikhsan, Jaslin
Poor achievement of students' performance on Chemistry may result from unfavourable learning processes. Therefore, innovation on learning process must be created. Regarding fast development of mobile technology, learning process cannot ignore the crucial role of the technology. This research and development (R&D) studies was done to develop android based application and to study the effect of its integration in Learning together (LT) into the improvement of students' learning creativity and cognitive achievement. The development of the application was carried out by adapting Borg & Gall and Dick & Carey model. The developed-product was reviewed by chemist, learning media practitioners, peer reviewers, and educators. After the revision based on the reviews, the application was used in the LT model on the topic of Stoichiometry in a senior high school. The instruments were questionnaires to get comments and suggestion from the reviewers about the application, and the another questionnaire was to collect the data of learning creativity. Another instrument used was a set of test by which data of students' achievement was collected. The results showed that the use of the mobile based application on Learning Together can bring about significant improvement of students' performance including creativity and cognitive achievement.
Bell, Andrew Reid; Ward, Patrick S; Killilea, Mary E; Tamal, Md Ehsanul Haque
The advent of cheap smartphones in rural areas across the globe presents an opportunity to change the mode with which researchers engage hard-to-reach populations. In particular, smartphones allow researchers to connect with respondents more frequently than standard household surveys, opening a new window into important short-term variability in key measures of household and community wellbeing. In this paper, we present early results from a pilot study in rural Bangladesh using a 'microtasks for micropayments' model to collect a range of community and household living standards data using Android smartphones. We find that more frequent task repetition with shorter recall periods leads to more inclusive reporting, improved capture of intra-seasonal variability, and earlier signals of events such as illness. Payments in the form of mobile talk time and data provide a positive development externality in the form of expanded access to mobile internet and social networks. Taken to scale, programs such as this have potential to transform data collection in rural areas, providing near-real-time windows into the development of markets, the spread of illnesses, or the diffusion of ideas and innovations.
Dixit, RB; Neema, MM
Context: Head down tilt is given to patients after sub arachnoid block for adjustment of height of block. However, the amount of tilt given is subjective and cannot be documented. Aims: We used an android application named “clinometer” to measure exact degree of tilt given by anesthesiologists as their routine practice. Settings and Design: This observational study, at a medical college hospital, was done in 130 patients given sub arachnoid block for lower abdominal surgeries. Materials and Methods: We observed and documented vital data of patients and measured tilt given by application “clinometer.” Results: We observed that the application was easy to use and measured tilt each time. The result obtained can be documented, digitally saved and transferred. In 130 patients studied, we observed incidence of degree of tilt as follows: 6-8° tilt in 38 patients (29.23%), 8-10 in 36 patients (27.69%), 10-12 in 30 patients (23.08%), 12-14 in 12 patients (9.23%) and 14-16° tilt in 14 patients (10.77%). Use of application was received with enthusiasm by practicing anesthesiologists. Various possible uses of this application are discussed. PMID:26955307
Jover-Esplá, Ana Gabriela; Palazón-Bru, Antonio; Folgado-de la Rosa, David Manuel; Severá-Ferrándiz, Guillermo; Sancho-Mestre, Manuela; de Juan-Herrero, Joaquín; Gil-Guillén, Vicente Francisco
The existing predictive models of laryngeal cancer recurrence present limitations for clinical practice. Therefore, we constructed, internally validated and implemented in a mobile application (Android) a new model based on a points system taking into account the internationally recommended statistical methodology. This longitudinal prospective study included 189 patients with glottic cancer in 2004-2016 in a Spanish region. The main variable was time-to-recurrence, and its potential predictors were: age, gender, TNM classification, stage, smoking, alcohol consumption, and histology. A points system was developed to predict five-year risk of recurrence based on a Cox model. This was validated internally by bootstrapping, determining discrimination (C-statistics) and calibration (smooth curves). A total of 77 patients presented recurrence (40.7%) in a mean follow-up period of 3.4 ± 3.0 years. The factors in the model were: age, lymph node stage, alcohol consumption and stage. Discrimination and calibration were satisfactory. A points system was developed to obtain the probability of recurrence of laryngeal glottic cancer in five years, using five clinical variables. Our system should be validated externally in other geographical areas. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vijayan, Rohan; Conley, Rebekah H.; Thompson, Reid C.; Clements, Logan W.; Miga, Michael I.
Brain shift describes the deformation that the brain undergoes from mechanical and physiological effects typically during a neurosurgical or neurointerventional procedure. With respect to image guidance techniques, brain shift has been shown to compromise the fidelity of these approaches. In recent work, a computational pipeline has been developed to predict "brain shift" based on preoperatively determined surgical variables (such as head orientation), and subsequently correct preoperative images to more closely match the intraoperative state of the brain. However, a clinical workflow difficulty in the execution of this pipeline has been acquiring the surgical variables by the neurosurgeon prior to surgery. In order to simplify and expedite this process, an Android, Java-based application designed for tablets was developed to provide the neurosurgeon with the ability to orient 3D computer graphic models of the patient's head, determine expected location and size of the craniotomy, and provide the trajectory into the tumor. These variables are exported for use as inputs for the biomechanical models of the preoperative computing phase for the brain shift correction pipeline. The accuracy of the application's exported data was determined by comparing it to data acquired from the physical execution of the surgeon's plan on a phantom head. Results indicated good overlap of craniotomy predictions, craniotomy centroid locations, and estimates of patient's head orientation with respect to gravity. However, improvements in the app interface and mock surgical setup are needed to minimize error.
Ward, Patrick S.; Killilea, Mary E.; Tamal, Md. Ehsanul Haque
The advent of cheap smartphones in rural areas across the globe presents an opportunity to change the mode with which researchers engage hard-to-reach populations. In particular, smartphones allow researchers to connect with respondents more frequently than standard household surveys, opening a new window into important short-term variability in key measures of household and community wellbeing. In this paper, we present early results from a pilot study in rural Bangladesh using a ‘microtasks for micropayments’ model to collect a range of community and household living standards data using Android smartphones. We find that more frequent task repetition with shorter recall periods leads to more inclusive reporting, improved capture of intra-seasonal variability, and earlier signals of events such as illness. Payments in the form of mobile talk time and data provide a positive development externality in the form of expanded access to mobile internet and social networks. Taken to scale, programs such as this have potential to transform data collection in rural areas, providing near-real-time windows into the development of markets, the spread of illnesses, or the diffusion of ideas and innovations. PMID:27832116
Pukajło, Katarzyna; Łaczmański, Łukasz; Kolackov, Katarzyna; Kuliczkowska-Płaksej, Justyna; Bolanowski, Marek; Milewicz, Andrzej; Daroszewski, Jacek
Irisin (Ir), a recently identified adipo-myokine, cleaved and secreted from the protein FNDC5 in response to physical activity, has been postulated to induce the differentiation of a subset of white adipocytes into brown fat and to mediate the beneficial effects on metabolic homeostasis. Metabolic syndrome (MS), a cluster of factors leading to impaired energy homeostasis, affects a significant proportion of subjects suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between Ir plasma concentrations and metabolic disturbances. The study group consisted of 179 PCOS patients and a population of 122 healthy controls (both groups aged 25-35 years). A subset of 90 subjects with MS was isolated. A positive association between Ir plasma level and MS in the whole group and in controls was found. In subjects with high adipose body content (>40%), Ir was higher than in lean persons (<30%). Our results showed a significant positive association between Ir concentration and android type of adipose tissue in the whole study group and in the control group. Understanding the role of Ir in increased energy expenditure may lead to the development of new therapeutics for obesity and obesity-related diseases.
Fire Extinguisher Robot Using Ultrasonic Camera and Wi-Fi Network Controlled with Android Smartphone
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Siregar, B.; Purba, H. A.; Efendi, S.; Fahmi, F.
Fire disasters can occur anytime and result in high losses. It is often that fire fighters cannot access the source of fire due to the damage of building and very high temperature, or even due to the presence of explosive materials. With such constraints and high risk in the handling of the fire, a technological breakthrough that can help fighting the fire is necessary. Our paper proposed the use of robots to extinguish the fire that can be controlled from a specified distance in order to reduce the risk. A fire extinguisher robot was assembled with the intention to extinguish the fire by using a water pump as actuators. The robot movement was controlled using Android smartphones via Wi-fi networks utilizing Wi-fi module contained in the robot. User commands were sent to the microcontroller on the robot and then translated into robotic movement. We used ATMega8 as main microcontroller in the robot. The robot was equipped with cameras and ultrasonic sensors. The camera played role in giving feedback to user and in finding the source of fire. Ultrasonic sensors were used to avoid collisions during movement. Feedback provided by camera on the robot displayed on a screen of smartphone. In lab, testing environment the robot can move following the user command such as turn right, turn left, forward and backward. The ultrasonic sensors worked well that the robot can be stopped at a distance of less than 15 cm. In the fire test, the robot can perform the task properly to extinguish the fire.
The Utility of an Online Convenience Panel for Reaching Rare and Dispersed Populations.
Sell, Randall; Goldberg, Shoshana; Conron, Kerith
Gaps in data collection systems, as well as challenges associated with gathering data from rare and dispersed populations, render current health surveillance systems inadequate to identify and monitor efforts to reduce health disparities. Using sexual and gender minorities we investigated the utility of using a large nonprobability online panel to conduct rapid population assessments of such populations using brief surveys. Surveys of the Google Android Panel (four assessing sexual orientation and one assessing gender identity and sex assigned at birth) were conducted resulting in invitation of 53,739 application users (37,505 of whom viewed the invitation) to generate a total of 34,759 who completed screening questions indicating their sexual orientation, or gender identity and sex at birth. Where possible we make comparisons to similar data from two population-based surveys (NHIS and NESARC). We found that 99.4% to 100.0% of respondents across our Google Android panel samples completed the screening questions and 97.8% to 99.2% of those that consented to participate in our surveys indicated they were "OK" with the content of surveys that assessed sexual orientation and sex/gender. In our Google Android panel samples there was a higher percentage of sexual minority respondents than in either NHIS or NESARC with 7.4% of men and 12.4% of women reporting gay, lesbian or bisexual identities. The proportion sexual minority was 2.8 to 5.6 times higher in the Google Android panel samples than was found in the 2012 NHIS sample, for men and women, respectively. The percentage of "transgender" identified individuals in the Google sample was 0.7%, which is similar to 0.5% transgender identified through the Massachusetts BRFSS, and using a transgender status item we found that 2.0% of the overall sample fit could be classified as transgender. The Google samples sometimes more closely approximated national averages for ethnicity and race than NHIS.
The Utility of an Online Convenience Panel for Reaching Rare and Dispersed Populations
Sell, Randall; Goldberg, Shoshana; Conron, Kerith
Gaps in data collection systems, as well as challenges associated with gathering data from rare and dispersed populations, render current health surveillance systems inadequate to identify and monitor efforts to reduce health disparities. Using sexual and gender minorities we investigated the utility of using a large nonprobability online panel to conduct rapid population assessments of such populations using brief surveys. Surveys of the Google Android Panel (four assessing sexual orientation and one assessing gender identity and sex assigned at birth) were conducted resulting in invitation of 53,739 application users (37,505 of whom viewed the invitation) to generate a total of 34,759 who completed screening questions indicating their sexual orientation, or gender identity and sex at birth. Where possible we make comparisons to similar data from two population-based surveys (NHIS and NESARC). We found that 99.4% to 100.0% of respondents across our Google Android panel samples completed the screening questions and 97.8% to 99.2% of those that consented to participate in our surveys indicated they were “OK” with the content of surveys that assessed sexual orientation and sex/gender. In our Google Android panel samples there was a higher percentage of sexual minority respondents than in either NHIS or NESARC with 7.4% of men and 12.4% of women reporting gay, lesbian or bisexual identities. The proportion sexual minority was 2.8 to 5.6 times higher in the Google Android panel samples than was found in the 2012 NHIS sample, for men and women, respectively. The percentage of “transgender” identified individuals in the Google sample was 0.7%, which is similar to 0.5% transgender identified through the Massachusetts BRFSS, and using a transgender status item we found that 2.0% of the overall sample fit could be classified as transgender. The Google samples sometimes more closely approximated national averages for ethnicity and race than NHIS. PMID:26641840
Modular Multi-Sensor Display System Design Study. Volume 2. Detail Design and Application Analysis
control grid . 2. Horizontal AFC/Deflection Module - Generates horizontal sweep signals from input syncs to provide 525 to 1023 line television raster...separation, and gener- ate composite blanking for the CRT control grid . Signal Number of Lines Signal Type Characteristics Input Interface Composite...SEPERATOR DC RESTORA- TION l_i BLANKING VERT DRIVE ■♦ Bl" CRT " CATHODE * _fc> BRIGHTNESS ^ (FRONT PANEL) .CRT GRID ■♦• COMP SYNC Figure
Frame synchronization methods based on channel symbol measurements
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Dolinar, S.; Cheung, K.-M.
The current DSN frame synchronization procedure is based on monitoring the decoded bit stream for the appearance of a sync marker sequence that is transmitted once every data frame. The possibility of obtaining frame synchronization by processing the raw received channel symbols rather than the decoded bits is explored. Performance results are derived for three channel symbol sync methods, and these are compared with results for decoded bit sync methods reported elsewhere. It is shown that each class of methods has advantages or disadvantages under different assumptions on the frame length, the global acquisition strategy, and the desired measure of acquisition timeliness. It is shown that the sync statistics based on decoded bits are superior to the statistics based on channel symbols, if the desired operating region utilizes a probability of miss many orders of magnitude higher than the probability of false alarm. This operating point is applicable for very large frame lengths and minimal frame-to-frame verification strategy. On the other hand, the statistics based on channel symbols are superior if the desired operating point has a miss probability only a few orders of magnitude greater than the false alarm probability. This happens for small frames or when frame-to-frame verifications are required.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bari, Vlasta; Marchi, Andrea; De Maria, Beatrice; Rossato, Gianluca; Nollo, Giandomenico; Faes, Luca; Porta, Alberto
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular regulatory systems are vital control mechanisms responsible for guaranteeing homeostasis and are affected by respiration. This work proposes the investigation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular control systems and the nonlinear influences of respiration on both regulations through joint symbolic analysis (JSA), conditioned or unconditioned on respiration. Interactions between cardiovascular and cerebrovascular regulatory systems were evaluated as well by performing correlation analysis between JSA indexes describing the two control systems. Heart period, systolic and mean arterial pressure, mean cerebral blood flow velocity and respiration were acquired on a beat-to-beat basis in 13 subjects experiencing recurrent syncope episodes (SYNC) and 13 healthy individuals (non-SYNC) in supine resting condition and during head-up tilt test at 60° (TILT). Results showed that JSA distinguished conditions and groups, whereas time domain parameters detected only the effect of TILT. Respiration affected cardiovascular and cerebrovascular regulatory systems in a nonlinear way and was able to modulate the interactions between the two control systems with different outcome in non-SYNC and SYNC groups, thus suggesting that the analysis of the impact of respiration on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular regulatory systems might improve our understanding of the mechanisms underpinning the development of postural-related syncope.
Siddiqui, Mohd Farhan; Kim, Soocheol; Jeon, Hyoil; Kim, Taeho; Joo, Chulmin; Park, Seungkyung
Conventional methods for analyzing heavy metal contamination in soil and water generally require laboratory equipped instruments, complex procedures, skilled personnel and a significant amount of time. With the advancement in computing and multitasking performances, smartphone-based sensors potentially allow the transition of the laboratory-based analytical processes to field applicable, simple methods. In the present work, we demonstrate the novel miniaturized setup for simultaneous sample preparation and smartphone-based optical sensing of arsenic As(III) in the contaminated soil. Colorimetric detection protocol utilizing aptamers, gold nanoparticles and NaCl have been optimized and tested on the PDMS-chip to obtain the high sensitivity with the limit of detection of 0.71 ppm (in the sample) and a correlation coefficient of 0.98. The performance of the device is further demonstrated through the comparative analysis of arsenic-spiked soil samples with standard laboratory method, and a good agreement with a correlation coefficient of 0.9917 and the average difference of 0.37 ppm, are experimentally achieved. With the android application on the device to run the experiment, the whole process from sample preparation to detection is completed within 3 hours without the necessity of skilled personnel. The approximate cost of setup is estimated around 1 USD, weight 55 g. Therefore, the presented method offers the simple, rapid, portable and cost-effective means for onsite sensing of arsenic in soil. Combined with the geometric information inside the smartphones, the system will allow the monitoring of the contamination status of soils in a nation-wide manner.
Determinants of quality, latency, and amount of Stack Overflow answers about recent Android APIs
Filkov, Vladimir
Stack Overflow is a popular crowdsourced question and answer website for programming-related issues. It is an invaluable resource for software developers; on average, questions posted there get answered in minutes to an hour. Questions about well established topics, e.g., the coercion operator in C++, or the difference between canonical and class names in Java, get asked often in one form or another, and answered very quickly. On the other hand, questions on previously unseen or niche topics take a while to get a good answer. This is particularly the case with questions about current updates to or the introduction of new application programming interfaces (APIs). In a hyper-competitive online market, getting good answers to current programming questions sooner could increase the chances of an app getting released and used. So, can developers anyhow, e.g., hasten the speed to good answers to questions about new APIs? Here, we empirically study Stack Overflow questions pertaining to new Android APIs and their associated answers. We contrast the interest in these questions, their answer quality, and timeliness of their answers to questions about old APIs. We find that Stack Overflow answerers in general prioritize with respect to currentness: questions about new APIs do get more answers, but good quality answers take longer. We also find that incentives in terms of question bounties, if used appropriately, can significantly shorten the time and increase answer quality. Interestingly, no operationalization of bounty amount shows significance in our models. In practice, our findings confirm the value of bounties in enhancing expert participation. In addition, they show that the Stack Overflow style of crowdsourcing, for all its glory in providing answers about established programming knowledge, is less effective with new API questions. PMID:29547620
Observation and imitation of actions performed by humans, androids, and robots: an EMG study
Hofree, Galit; Urgen, Burcu A.; Winkielman, Piotr; Saygin, Ayse P.
Understanding others’ actions is essential for functioning in the physical and social world. In the past two decades research has shown that action perception involves the motor system, supporting theories that we understand others’ behavior via embodied motor simulation. Recently, empirical approach to action perception has been facilitated by using well-controlled artificial stimuli, such as robots. One broad question this approach can address is what aspects of similarity between the observer and the observed agent facilitate motor simulation. Since humans have evolved among other humans and animals, using artificial stimuli such as robots allows us to probe whether our social perceptual systems are specifically tuned to process other biological entities. In this study, we used humanoid robots with different degrees of human-likeness in appearance and motion along with electromyography (EMG) to measure muscle activity in participants’ arms while they either observed or imitated videos of three agents produce actions with their right arm. The agents were a Human (biological appearance and motion), a Robot (mechanical appearance and motion), and an Android (biological appearance and mechanical motion). Right arm muscle activity increased when participants imitated all agents. Increased muscle activation was found also in the stationary arm both during imitation and observation. Furthermore, muscle activity was sensitive to motion dynamics: activity was significantly stronger for imitation of the human than both mechanical agents. There was also a relationship between the dynamics of the muscle activity and motion dynamics in stimuli. Overall our data indicate that motor simulation is not limited to observation and imitation of agents with a biological appearance, but is also found for robots. However we also found sensitivity to human motion in the EMG responses. Combining data from multiple methods allows us to obtain a more complete picture of action
Determinants of quality, latency, and amount of Stack Overflow answers about recent Android APIs.
Kavaler, David; Filkov, Vladimir
Stack Overflow is a popular crowdsourced question and answer website for programming-related issues. It is an invaluable resource for software developers; on average, questions posted there get answered in minutes to an hour. Questions about well established topics, e.g., the coercion operator in C++, or the difference between canonical and class names in Java, get asked often in one form or another, and answered very quickly. On the other hand, questions on previously unseen or niche topics take a while to get a good answer. This is particularly the case with questions about current updates to or the introduction of new application programming interfaces (APIs). In a hyper-competitive online market, getting good answers to current programming questions sooner could increase the chances of an app getting released and used. So, can developers anyhow, e.g., hasten the speed to good answers to questions about new APIs? Here, we empirically study Stack Overflow questions pertaining to new Android APIs and their associated answers. We contrast the interest in these questions, their answer quality, and timeliness of their answers to questions about old APIs. We find that Stack Overflow answerers in general prioritize with respect to currentness: questions about new APIs do get more answers, but good quality answers take longer. We also find that incentives in terms of question bounties, if used appropriately, can significantly shorten the time and increase answer quality. Interestingly, no operationalization of bounty amount shows significance in our models. In practice, our findings confirm the value of bounties in enhancing expert participation. In addition, they show that the Stack Overflow style of crowdsourcing, for all its glory in providing answers about established programming knowledge, is less effective with new API questions.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hsu, L.; Bristol, S.; Lehnert, K. A.; Arko, R. A.; Peters, S. E.; Uhen, M. D.; Song, L.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is an exemplar of the need for improved cyberinfrastructure for its vast holdings of invaluable physical geoscience data. Millions of discrete paleobiological and geological specimens lie in USGS warehouses and at the Smithsonian Institution. These specimens serve as the basis for many geologic maps and geochemical databases, and are a potential treasure trove of new scientific knowledge. The extent of this treasure is virtually unknown and inaccessible outside a small group of paleogeoscientists and geochemists. A team from the USGS, the Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA) facility, and the Paleobiology Database (PBDB) are working to expose information on paleontological and geochemical specimens for discovery by scientists and citizens. This project uses existing infrastructure of the System for Earth Sample Registration (SESAR) and PBDB, which already contains much of the fundamental data schemas that are necessary to accommodate USGS records. The project is also developing a new Linked Data interface for the USGS National Geochemical Database (NGDB). The International Geo Sample Number (IGSN) is the identifier that links samples between all systems. For paleontological specimens, SESAR and PBDB will be the primary repositories for USGS records, with a data syncing process to archive records within the USGS ScienceBase system. The process began with mapping the metadata fields necessary for USGS collections to the existing SESAR and PBDB data structures, while aligning them with the Observations & Measurements and Darwin Core standards. New functionality needed in SESAR included links to a USGS locality registry, fossil classifications, a spatial qualifier attribution for samples with sensitive locations, and acknowledgement of data and metadata licensing. The team is developing a harvesting mechanism to periodically transfer USGS records from within PBDB and SESAR to ScienceBase. For the NGDB, the samples are being
Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano; Grebennikov, Vasily V
We report the first record of the beetle tribe Xylographellini (Ciidae) from the continental Palaearctic Region, represented by five new species discovered in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces, China: Scolytocis danae sp. nov., Syncosmetus euryale sp. nov., Sync. medusa sp. nov., Sync. perseus sp. nov. and Sync. stheno sp. nov. Illustrations and identification keys are provided for these new species, and in order to facilitate further research of Ciidae we present an open-access DNA barcode library (dx.doi.org/10.5883/DS-SYNCOSM) containing 114 records (of 44 species in 14 genera), 15 of which belong to the newly described species. A phylogenetic analysis based on the barcode fragment of the cytochrome oxidase I gene did not recover much tree structure within Ciidae, however both Xylographus Mellié and Syncosmetus Sharp were recovered as clades, with a single Scolytocis Blair being the sister to the latter.
Hoppe, C D; Cade, J E; Carter, M
Mobile applications (apps) could support diabetes management through dietary, weight and blood glucose self-monitoring, as well as by promoting behaviour change. The present study aimed to evaluate diabetes apps for content, functions and behaviour change techniques (BCTs). Diabetes self-management apps for Android smartphones were searched for on the Google Play Store. Ten apps each from the following search terms were included; 'diabetes', 'diabetes type 1', 'diabetes type 2', 'gestational diabetes'. Apps were evaluated by being scored according to their number of functions and BCTs, price, and user rating. The mean (SD) number of functions was 8.9 (5.9) out of a possible maximum of 27. Furthermore, the mean (SD) number of BCTs was 4.4 (2.6) out of a possible maximum of 26. Apps with optimum BCT had significantly more functions [13.8; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 11.9-15.9] than apps that did not (4.7; 95% CI = 3.2-6.2; P < 0.01) and significantly more BCTs (5.8; 95% CI = 4.8-7.0) than apps without (3.1; 95% CI = 2.2-4.1; P < 0.01). Additionally, apps with optimum BCT also cost more than other apps. In the adjusted models, highly rated apps had an average of 4.8 (95% CI = 0.9-8.7; P = 0.02) more functions than lower rated apps. 'Diabetes apps' include few functions or BCTs compared to the maximum score possible. Apps with optimum BCTs could indicate higher quality. App developers should consider including both specific functions and BCTs in 'diabetes apps' to make them more helpful. More research is needed to understand the components of an effective app for people with diabetes. © 2016 The British Dietetic Association Ltd.
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An offline-online Web-GIS Android application for fast data acquisition of landslide hazard and risk
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Olyazadeh, Roya; Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen; Jaboyedoff, Michel; Derron, Marc-Henri; Devkota, Sanjaya
Regional landslide assessments and mapping have been effectively pursued by research institutions, national and local governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and different stakeholders for some time, and a wide range of methodologies and technologies have consequently been proposed. Land-use mapping and hazard event inventories are mostly created by remote-sensing data, subject to difficulties, such as accessibility and terrain, which need to be overcome. Likewise, landslide data acquisition for the field navigation can magnify the accuracy of databases and analysis. Open-source Web and mobile GIS tools can be used for improved ground-truthing of critical areas to improve the analysis of hazard patterns and triggering factors. This paper reviews the implementation and selected results of a secure mobile-map application called ROOMA (Rapid Offline-Online Mapping Application) for the rapid data collection of landslide hazard and risk. This prototype assists the quick creation of landslide inventory maps (LIMs) by collecting information on the type, feature, volume, date, and patterns of landslides using open-source Web-GIS technologies such as Leaflet maps, Cordova, GeoServer, PostgreSQL as the real DBMS (database management system), and PostGIS as its plug-in for spatial database management. This application comprises Leaflet maps coupled with satellite images as a base layer, drawing tools, geolocation (using GPS and the Internet), photo mapping, and event clustering. All the features and information are recorded into a GeoJSON text file in an offline version (Android) and subsequently uploaded to the online mode (using all browsers) with the availability of Internet. Finally, the events can be accessed and edited after approval by an administrator and then be visualized by the general public.
Word and frame synchronization with verification for PPM optical communications
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Marshall, William K.
A method for obtaining word and frame synchronization in pulse position modulated optical communication systems is described. The method uses a short sync sequence inserted at the beginning of each data frame and a verification procedure to distinguish between inserted and randomly occurring sequences at the receiver. This results in an easy to implement sync system which provides reliable synchronization even at high symbol error rates. Results are given for the application of this approach to a highly energy efficient 256-ary PPM test system.
Design of the Trigger Interface and Distribution Board for CEBAF 12 GeV Upgrade
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Gu, Jianhui; Dong, Hai; Cuevas, R
The design of the Trigger Interface and Distribution (TID) board for the 12 GeV Upgrade at the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at TJNAL is described. The TID board distributes a low jitter system clock, synchronized trigger, and synchronized multi-purpose SYNC signal. The TID also initiates data acquisition for the crate. With the TID boards, a multi-crate system can be setup for experiment test and commissioning. The TID board can be selectively populated as a Trigger Interface (TI) board, or a Trigger Distribution (TD) board for the 12 GeV upgrade experiments. When the TID is populated as a TI,more » it can be located in the VXS crate and distribute the CLOCK/TRIGGER/SYNC through the VXS P0 connector; it can also be located in the standard VME64 crate, and distribute the CLOCK/TRIGGER/SYNC through the VME P2 connector or front panel. It initiates the data acquisition for the front crate where the TI is positioned in. When the TID is populated as a TD, it fans out the CLOCK/TRIGGER/SYNC from trigger supervisor to the front end crates through optical fibres. The TD monitors the trigger processing on the TIs, and gives feedback to the TS for trigger flow control. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) is utilised on TID board to provide programmability. The TID boards were intensively tested on the bench, and various setups.« less
Oran, Paul E.; Trenchevska, Olgica; Nedelkov, Dobrin; Borges, Chad R.; Schaab, Matthew R.; Rehder, Douglas S.; Jarvis, Jason W.; Sherma, Nisha D.; Shen, Luhui; Krastins, Bryan; Lopez, Mary F.; Schwenke, Dawn C.; Reaven, Peter D.; Nelson, Randall W.
Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) is an important biomarker for the management of growth hormone disorders. Recently there has been rising interest in deploying mass spectrometric (MS) methods of detection for measuring IGF1. However, widespread clinical adoption of any MS-based IGF1 assay will require increased throughput and speed to justify the costs of analyses, and robust industrial platforms that are reproducible across laboratories. Presented here is an MS-based quantitative IGF1 assay with performance rating of >1,000 samples/day, and a capability of quantifying IGF1 point mutations and posttranslational modifications. The throughput of the IGF1 mass spectrometric immunoassay (MSIA) benefited from a simplified sample preparation step, IGF1 immunocapture in a tip format, and high-throughput MALDI-TOF MS analysis. The Limit of Detection and Limit of Quantification of the resulting assay were 1.5 μg/L and 5 μg/L, respectively, with intra- and inter-assay precision CVs of less than 10%, and good linearity and recovery characteristics. The IGF1 MSIA was benchmarked against commercially available IGF1 ELISA via Bland-Altman method comparison test, resulting in a slight positive bias of 16%. The IGF1 MSIA was employed in an optimized parallel workflow utilizing two pipetting robots and MALDI-TOF-MS instruments synced into one-hour phases of sample preparation, extraction and MSIA pipette tip elution, MS data collection, and data processing. Using this workflow, high-throughput IGF1 quantification of 1,054 human samples was achieved in approximately 9 hours. This rate of assaying is a significant improvement over existing MS-based IGF1 assays, and is on par with that of the enzyme-based immunoassays. Furthermore, a mutation was detected in ∼1% of the samples (SNP: rs17884626, creating an A→T substitution at position 67 of the IGF1), demonstrating the capability of IGF1 MSIA to detect point mutations and posttranslational modifications. PMID:24664114
Oscillators that sync and swarm.
O'Keeffe, Kevin P; Hong, Hyunsuk; Strogatz, Steven H
Synchronization occurs in many natural and technological systems, from cardiac pacemaker cells to coupled lasers. In the synchronized state, the individual cells or lasers coordinate the timing of their oscillations, but they do not move through space. A complementary form of self-organization occurs among swarming insects, flocking birds, or schooling fish; now the individuals move through space, but without conspicuously altering their internal states. Here we explore systems in which both synchronization and swarming occur together. Specifically, we consider oscillators whose phase dynamics and spatial dynamics are coupled. We call them swarmalators, to highlight their dual character. A case study of a generalized Kuramoto model predicts five collective states as possible long-term modes of organization. These states may be observable in groups of sperm, Japanese tree frogs, colloidal suspensions of magnetic particles, and other biological and physical systems in which self-assembly and synchronization interact.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Scribner-MacLean, Michelle; Nikonchuk, Andrew; Kaplo, Patrick; Wall, Michael
Science educators are often among the first to use emerging technologies in the classroom and laboratory. For the technologically savvy science teacher, the handheld computer is a terrific tool. A handheld computer is a portable electronic device that helps organize (via calendars, contact lists, to-do lists) and integrate electronic data…
Bari, Vlasta; De Maria, Beatrice; Mazzucco, Claudio Enrico; Rossato, Gianluca; Tonon, Davide; Nollo, Giandomenico; Faes, Luca; Porta, Alberto
A model-based conditional transfer entropy approach was exploited to quantify the information transfer in cerebrovascular (CBV) and cardiovascular (CV) systems in subjects prone to develop postural syncope. Spontaneous beat-to-beat variations of mean cerebral blood flow velocity (MCBFV) derived from a transcranial Doppler device, heart period (HP) derived from surface electrocardiogram, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and systolic arterial pressure (SAP) derived from finger plethysmographic arterial pressure device were monitored at rest in supine position (REST) and during 60° head-up tilt (TILT) in 13 individuals (age mean ± standard deviation: 28 ± 9 years, min-max range: 18-44 years, 5 males) with a history of recurrent episodes of syncope (SYNC) and in 13 age- and gender-matched controls (NonSYNC). Respiration (R) obtained from a thoracic belt was acquired as well and considered as a conditioning signal in transfer entropy assessment. Synchronous sequences of 250 consecutive MCBFV, HP, MAP, SAP and R values were utilized to estimate the information genuinely transferred from MAP to MCBFV (i.e. disambiguated from R influences) and vice versa. Analogous indexes were computed from SAP to HP and vice versa. Traditional time and frequency domain analyses were carried out as well. SYNC subjects showed an increased genuine information transfer from MAP to MCBFV during TILT, while they did not exhibit the expected rise of the genuine information transfer from SAP to HP. We conclude that SYNC individuals featured an impaired cerebral autoregulation visible during TILT and were unable to activate cardiac baroreflex to cope with the postural challenge. Traditional frequency domain markers based on transfer function modulus, phase and coherence functions were less powerful or less specific in typifying the CBV and CV controls of SYNC individuals. Conditional transfer entropy approach can identify the impairment of CBV and CV controls and provide
Tools for Large-Scale Mobile Malware Analysis
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bierma, Michael
Analyzing mobile applications for malicious behavior is an important area of re- search, and is made di cult, in part, by the increasingly large number of appli- cations available for the major operating systems. There are currently over 1.2 million apps available in both the Google Play and Apple App stores (the respec- tive o cial marketplaces for the Android and iOS operating systems)[1, 2]. Our research provides two large-scale analysis tools to aid in the detection and analysis of mobile malware. The rst tool we present, Andlantis, is a scalable dynamic analysis system capa- ble of processing over 3000more » Android applications per hour. Traditionally, Android dynamic analysis techniques have been relatively limited in scale due to the compu- tational resources required to emulate the full Android system to achieve accurate execution. Andlantis is the most scalable Android dynamic analysis framework to date, and is able to collect valuable forensic data, which helps reverse-engineers and malware researchers identify and understand anomalous application behavior. We discuss the results of running 1261 malware samples through the system, and provide examples of malware analysis performed with the resulting data. While techniques exist to perform static analysis on a large number of appli- cations, large-scale analysis of iOS applications has been relatively small scale due to the closed nature of the iOS ecosystem, and the di culty of acquiring appli- cations for analysis. The second tool we present, iClone, addresses the challenges associated with iOS research in order to detect application clones within a dataset of over 20,000 iOS applications.« less
Tahmasebian, Shahram; Langarizadeh, Mostafa; Ghazisaeidi, Marjan; Mahdavi-Mazdeh, Mitra
Introduction: Case-based reasoning (CBR) systems are one of the effective methods to find the nearest solution to the current problems. These systems are used in various spheres as well as industry, business, and economy. The medical field is not an exception in this regard, and these systems are nowadays used in the various aspects of diagnosis and treatment. Methodology: In this study, the effective parameters were first extracted from the structured discharge summary prepared for patients with chronic kidney diseases based on data mining method. Then, through holding a meeting with experts in nephrology and using data mining methods, the weights of the parameters were extracted. Finally, fuzzy system has been employed in order to compare the similarities of current case and previous cases, and the system was implemented on the Android platform. Discussion: The data on electronic discharge records of patients with chronic kidney diseases were entered into the system. The measure of similarity was assessed using the algorithm provided in the system, and then compared with other known methods in CBR systems. Conclusion: Developing Clinical fuzzy CBR system used in Knowledge management framework for registering specific therapeutic methods, Knowledge sharing environment for experts in a specific domain and Powerful tools at the point of care. PMID:27708490
An Integrated System for Wildlife Sensing
design requirement. “Sensor Controller” software. A custom Sensor Controller application was developed for the Android device in order to collect...and log readings from that device’s sensors. “Camera Controller” software. A custom Camera Controller application was developed for the Android device...into 2 separate Android applications (Figure 4). The Sensor Controller logs readings periodically from the Android device’s organic sensors, and
Privacy as Part of the App Decision-Making Process
concerns they may not actively consider privacy while downloading apps from smartphone application marketplaces. Currently Android users have only the... Android permissions display which appears after they have selected an app to download to help them understand how applications access their information...marketplaces. Currently, Android users have only the Android permissions display, which appears after they have selected an app to download, to help
An iPad and Android-based Application for Digitally Recording Geologic Field Data
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Malinconico, L. L.; Sunderlin, D.; Liew, C.; Ho, A. S.; Bekele, K. A.
Field experience is a significant component in most geology courses, especially sed/strat and structural geology. Increasingly, the spatial presentation, analysis and interpretation of geologic data is done using digital methodologies (GIS, Google Earth, stereonet and spreadsheet programs). However, students and professionals continue to collect field data manually on paper maps and in the traditional "orange field notebooks". Upon returning from the field, data are then manually transferred into digital formats for processing, mapping and interpretation. The transfer process is both cumbersome and prone to transcription error. In conjunction with the computer science department, we are in the process of developing an application (App) for iOS (the iPad) and Android platforms that can be used to digitally record data measured in the field. This is not a mapping program, but rather a way of bypassing the field book step to acquire digital data directly that can then be used in various analysis and display programs. Currently, the application allows the user to select from five different structural data situations: contact, bedding, fault, joints and "other". The user can define a folder for the collection and separation of data for each project. Observations are stored as individual records of field measurements in each folder. The exact information gathered depends on the nature of the observation, but common to all pages is the ability to log date, time, and lat/long directly from the tablet. Information like strike and dip are entered using scroll wheels and formation names are also entered using scroll wheels that access easy-to-modify lists of the area's stratigraphic units. This insures uniformity in the creation of the digital records from day-to-day and across field teams. Pictures can also be taken using the tablet's camera that are linked to each record. Once the field collection is complete the data (including images) can be easily exported to a .csv file
Communication Applet) UNIGE – D.I.M.E. Using a free application as “MIT APP Inventor” Android Software Development Kit DEGRADED C2 ICCRTS 2013...operate on an Android operating system up-gradable on which will be developed a simplified ACA ( Android Communication Applet) that will call C24U...Server) IP number . . . Portable COTS Devices ACA - C24U ( Android Communication Applet) Sending/receiving SEFL (Simple Exchange
Ahn, Roy; Nelson, Brett D; Kagan, Calvin; Burke, Thomas F
Objectives To assess the feasibility and impact of using a low-cost Android tablet to deliver clinical skills training to third-year medical students in Kenya. Design A prospective study using a low cost tablet called ‘connecTAB’, which was designed and manufactured specifically for areas with low bandwidth. Instructional video tutorials demonstrating techniques of cardiovascular and abdominal clinical examinations were pre-loaded onto the tablet. Setting Maseno University School of Medicine, Western Kenya. Participants Fifty-one third-year medical students from Maseno University School of Medicine were subjects in the study. Twenty-five students were assigned to the intervention group and 26 to the control group. Main outcome measures At the start of the study, students from both groups completed an Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) of the cardiovascular and abdominal evaluations. Students who were allocated to the intervention group then received the connecTAB, whereas students in the control group did not. After a period of three weeks, students from both groups completed a post-study OSCE for both the cardiovascular and abdominal evaluations. Results There were significantly higher improvements in the scores for both cardiovascular and abdominal examinations (p < 0.001) within the group who received the e-tablets as compared to the control group. Conclusion The study suggests that access to connecTAB improves clinical education and efficacy and holds promise for international training in both medical and allied healthcare professional spheres in resource-limited settings. PMID:27540487
O'Donovan, James; Ahn, Roy; Nelson, Brett D; Kagan, Calvin; Burke, Thomas F
To assess the feasibility and impact of using a low-cost Android tablet to deliver clinical skills training to third-year medical students in Kenya. A prospective study using a low cost tablet called 'connecTAB', which was designed and manufactured specifically for areas with low bandwidth. Instructional video tutorials demonstrating techniques of cardiovascular and abdominal clinical examinations were pre-loaded onto the tablet. Maseno University School of Medicine, Western Kenya. Fifty-one third-year medical students from Maseno University School of Medicine were subjects in the study. Twenty-five students were assigned to the intervention group and 26 to the control group. At the start of the study, students from both groups completed an Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) of the cardiovascular and abdominal evaluations. Students who were allocated to the intervention group then received the connecTAB, whereas students in the control group did not. After a period of three weeks, students from both groups completed a post-study OSCE for both the cardiovascular and abdominal evaluations. There were significantly higher improvements in the scores for both cardiovascular and abdominal examinations (p < 0.001) within the group who received the e-tablets as compared to the control group. The study suggests that access to connecTAB improves clinical education and efficacy and holds promise for international training in both medical and allied healthcare professional spheres in resource-limited settings.
Accurate mobile malware detection and classification in the cloud.
Wang, Xiaolei; Yang, Yuexiang; Zeng, Yingzhi
As the dominator of the Smartphone operating system market, consequently android has attracted the attention of s malware authors and researcher alike. The number of types of android malware is increasing rapidly regardless of the considerable number of proposed malware analysis systems. In this paper, by taking advantages of low false-positive rate of misuse detection and the ability of anomaly detection to detect zero-day malware, we propose a novel hybrid detection system based on a new open-source framework CuckooDroid, which enables the use of Cuckoo Sandbox's features to analyze Android malware through dynamic and static analysis. Our proposed system mainly consists of two parts: anomaly detection engine performing abnormal apps detection through dynamic analysis; signature detection engine performing known malware detection and classification with the combination of static and dynamic analysis. We evaluate our system using 5560 malware samples and 6000 benign samples. Experiments show that our anomaly detection engine with dynamic analysis is capable of detecting zero-day malware with a low false negative rate (1.16 %) and acceptable false positive rate (1.30 %); it is worth noting that our signature detection engine with hybrid analysis can accurately classify malware samples with an average positive rate 98.94 %. Considering the intensive computing resources required by the static and dynamic analysis, our proposed detection system should be deployed off-device, such as in the Cloud. The app store markets and the ordinary users can access our detection system for malware detection through cloud service.
Extremely Lightweight Intrusion Detection (ELIDe) algorithm on an Android -based mobile device. Our results show that the hashing and inner product...approximately 2.5 megabits per second (assuming a normal distribution of packet sizes) with no significant packet loss. 15. SUBJECT TERMS ELIDe, Android , pcap...system (OS). To run ELIDe, the current version was ported for use on Android .4 2.1 Mobile Device After ELIDe was ported to the Android mobile
Imtiaz, Sayed Ahmed; Krishnaiah, Sannapaneni; Yadav, Sunil Kumar; Bharath, Balasubramaniam; Ramani, Ramanathan V
To investigate the effectiveness, efficiency and cost gains in collecting patient eye health information from remote rural villages of India by trained field investigators through an Android Based Tablet Application namely 'Sankara Electronic Remote Vision Information System (SERVIS)". During January and March 2016, a population based cross-sectional study was conducted in three Indian states employing SERVIS and manual method. The SERVIS application has a 48-items survey instrument programed into the application. Data on 281 individuals were collected for each of these methods as part of screening. The demographic details of individuals between both screening methods were comparable (P>0.05). The mean time (in minutes) to screen an individual by SERVIS was significantly less when compared to manual method (6.57±1.46 versus 11.93±1.53) (P<0.0001). The efficiency of SERVIS in screening was significantly evident as 26% (n = 73) of the patients screened have been referred to campsite and 69.8% (n = 51) of those referred were visited the campsite for a detailed eye examination by an ophthalmologist. The cost of screening through SERVIS is significantly less when compared to manual method; INR 7,633 (USD 113.9) Versus INR 24,780 (USD 370). SERVIS is an effective and efficient tool in terms of patients' referral conversion to the camp site leading to timely detection of potential blinding eye conditions and their appropriate treatment. This ensures timely prevention of avoidable blindness and visual impairment. In addition, the storage and access of eye health epidemiological quality data is helpful to plan appropriate blindness prevention initiatives in rural India.
Shiinoki, Takehiro; Hanazawa, Hideki; Yuasa, Yuki; Fujimoto, Koya; Uehara, Takuya; Shibuya, Keiko
A combined system comprising the TrueBeam linear accelerator and a new real-time tumour-tracking radiotherapy system, SyncTraX, was installed at our institution. The objectives of this study are to develop a method for the verification of respiratory-gated radiotherapy with SyncTraX using cine electronic portal image device (EPID) images and a log file and to verify this treatment in clinical cases. Respiratory-gated radiotherapy was performed using TrueBeam and the SyncTraX system. Cine EPID images and a log file were acquired for a phantom and three patients during the course of the treatment. Digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) were created for each treatment beam using a planning CT set. The cine EPID images, log file, and DRRs were analysed using a developed software. For the phantom case, the accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated to verify the respiratory-gated radiotherapy. For the clinical cases, the intra- and inter-fractional variations of the fiducial marker used as an internal surrogate were calculated to evaluate the gating accuracy and set-up uncertainty in the superior-inferior (SI), anterior-posterior (AP), and left-right (LR) directions. The proposed method achieved high accuracy for the phantom verification. For the clinical cases, the intra- and inter-fractional variations of the fiducial marker were ⩽3 mm and ±3 mm in the SI, AP, and LR directions. We proposed a method for the verification of respiratory-gated radiotherapy with SyncTraX using cine EPID images and a log file and showed that this treatment is performed with high accuracy in clinical cases.
Aquino, Arturo; Millan, Borja; Gaston, Daniel; Diago, María-Paz; Tardaguila, Javier
Grapevine flowering and fruit set greatly determine crop yield. This paper presents a new smartphone application for automatically counting, non-invasively and directly in the vineyard, the flower number in grapevine inflorescence photos by implementing artificial vision techniques. The application, called vitisFlower(®), firstly guides the user to appropriately take an inflorescence photo using the smartphone's camera. Then, by means of image analysis, the flowers in the image are detected and counted. vitisFlower(®) has been developed for Android devices and uses the OpenCV libraries to maximize computational efficiency. The application was tested on 140 inflorescence images of 11 grapevine varieties taken with two different devices. On average, more than 84% of flowers in the captures were found, with a precision exceeding 94%. Additionally, the application's efficiency on four different devices covering a wide range of the market's spectrum was also studied. The results of this benchmarking study showed significant differences among devices, although indicating that the application is efficiently usable even with low-range devices. vitisFlower is one of the first applications for viticulture that is currently freely available on Google Play.
Aquino, Arturo; Millan, Borja; Gaston, Daniel; Diago, María-Paz; Tardaguila, Javier
Grapevine flowering and fruit set greatly determine crop yield. This paper presents a new smartphone application for automatically counting, non-invasively and directly in the vineyard, the flower number in grapevine inflorescence photos by implementing artificial vision techniques. The application, called vitisFlower®, firstly guides the user to appropriately take an inflorescence photo using the smartphone’s camera. Then, by means of image analysis, the flowers in the image are detected and counted. vitisFlower® has been developed for Android devices and uses the OpenCV libraries to maximize computational efficiency. The application was tested on 140 inflorescence images of 11 grapevine varieties taken with two different devices. On average, more than 84% of flowers in the captures were found, with a precision exceeding 94%. Additionally, the application’s efficiency on four different devices covering a wide range of the market’s spectrum was also studied. The results of this benchmarking study showed significant differences among devices, although indicating that the application is efficiently usable even with low-range devices. vitisFlower is one of the first applications for viticulture that is currently freely available on Google Play. PMID:26343664
Developing a Value of Information (VoI) Enabled System from Collection to Analysis
Information, Android, smartphone , information dissemination, visual analytic 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF...List of Figures Fig. 1 Spot report main screen .........................................................................2 Fig. 2 Smartphone app...included the creation of 2 Android smartphone applications (apps) and the enhancement of an existing tool (Contour). Prior work with Android
Kumar, N B; Cantor, A; Allen, K; Cox, C E
Although a large body of research exists concerning pathologic prognostic indicators of the rate of incidence and survival from breast carcinoma, to the authors' knowledge very few studies have examined the effects of anthropometric variables such as height, obesity, weight gain in adulthood, timing of weight gain, and body composition to survival, although these variables are related to the incidence rate. The survival status of 166 patients diagnosed with primary breast carcinoma and followed for at least 10 years was obtained from the Cancer Center's registry, and significant anthropometric and other known prognostic indicators regarding survival after diagnosis were determined by Cox proportional hazards analysis. Eighty-three of 166 breast carcinoma patients (50%) with up to 10 years of follow-up died of disease. Android body fat distribution, as indicated by a higher suprailiac:thigh ratio, was a statistically significant (P < 0.0001) prognostic indicator for survival after controlling for stage of disease, with a hazards ratio of 2.6 (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.63-4.17). Adult weight gain, as indicated specifically by weight at age 30 years, was a statistically significant (P < 0.05) prognostic indicator for survival with a hazards ratio of 1.15 (95% CI, 1.0-1.28). In addition, the authors observed the Quatelet Index, a negatively significant (P < 0.01) prognostic indicator for survival with a hazards ratio of 0.92 (95% CI, 0.87-0.98). Other markers of general obesity such as weight at diagnosis, percent body fat, and body surface area were not significant markers influencing survival. Similarly, height; triceps, biceps; subscapular, suprailiac, abdominal, and thigh skinfolds; waist and hip circumferences; family history; and reproductive and hormonal variables at the time of diagnosis showed no apparent significant relation to survival. The results of the current study provide some evidence that android body fat distribution at diagnosis and
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Section 337 by HTC. Specifically, the ALJ found that the accused HTC Android smartphones and the accused... the accused HTC Android smartphones, (2) infringement of the asserted claims of the '769 patent by the... with respect to the '769 patent on the bases that (1) the accused HTC Android smartphones and the...
Exergaming: Syncing Physical Activity and Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hicks, Lisa; Higgins, John
This article discusses exergaming, a groundbreaking type of video game which is creating a revolution in physical education. Exergaming combines physical activity and video gaming to create an enjoyable and appealing way for students to be physically active. An extremely popular choice in this genre is the music video/dance rhythm game (MVDG). One…
Weights and Measures: Out of Sync.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Melone, Rudy J.
Looks at the economic problems resulting from U.S. resistance to the metric system. Considers factors underpinning this resistance and reasons for industry and education to accelerate the pace of metric learning. Describes Gavilan College's pilot testing of metrics instructional materials. Lists organizations endorsing metrication. (DMM)
Frame Synchronization Without Attached Sync Markers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hamkins, Jon
We describe a method to synchronize codeword frames without making use of attached synchronization markers (ASMs). Instead, the synchronizer identifies the code structure present in the received symbols, by operating the decoder for a handful of iterations at each possible symbol offset and forming an appropriate metric. This method is computationally more complex and doesn't perform as well as frame synchronizers that utilize an ASM; nevertheless, the new synchronizer acquires frame synchronization in about two seconds when using a 600 kbps software decoder, and would take about 15 milliseconds on prototype hardware. It also eliminates the need for the ASMs, which is an attractive feature for short uplink codes whose coding gain would be diminished by the overheard of ASM bits. The lack of ASMs also would simplify clock distribution for the AR4JA low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and adds a small amount to the coding gain as well (up to 0.2 dB).
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shiinoki, Takehiro; Onizuka, Ryota; Kawahara, Daisuke; Suzuki, Tatsuhiko; Yuasa, Yuki; Fujimoto, Koya; Uehara, Takuya; Hanazawa, Hideki; Shibuya, Keiko
Purpose: To quantify the patient-specific imaging dose for real-time tumour monitoring in the lung during respiratory-gated stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in clinical cases using SyncTraX. Methods and Materials: Ten patients who underwent respiratory-gated SBRT with SyncTraX were enrolled in this study. The imaging procedure for real-time tumour monitoring using SyncTraX was simulated using Monte Carlo. We evaluated the dosimetric effect of a real-time tumour monitoring in a critical organ at risk (OAR) and the planning target volume (PTV) over the course of treatment. The relationship between skin dose and gating efficiency was also investigated. Results: For all patients, the mean D50 to the PTV, ipsilateral lung, liver, heart, spinal cord and skin was 118.3 (21.5–175.9), 31.9 (9.5–75.4), 15.4 (1.1–31.6), 10.1 (1.3–18.1), 25.0 (1.6–101.8), and 3.6 (0.9–7.1) mGy, respectively. The mean D2 was 352.0 (26.5–935.8), 146.4 (27.3–226.7), 90.7 (3.6–255.0), 42.2 (4.8–82.7), 88.0 (15.4–248.5), and 273.5 (98.3–611.6) mGy, respectively. The D2 of the skin dose was found to increase as the gating efficiency decreased. Conclusions: The additional dose to the PTV was at most 1.9% of the prescribed dose over the course of treatment for real-time tumour monitoring. For OARs, we could confirm the high dose region, which may not be susceptible to radiation toxicity. However, to reduce the skin dose from SyncTraX, it is necessary to increase the gating efficiency.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shiinoki, Takehiro; Hanazawa, Hideki; Yuasa, Yuki; Fujimoto, Koya; Uehara, Takuya; Shibuya, Keiko
A combined system comprising the TrueBeam linear accelerator and a new real-time tumour-tracking radiotherapy system, SyncTraX, was installed at our institution. The objectives of this study are to develop a method for the verification of respiratory-gated radiotherapy with SyncTraX using cine electronic portal image device (EPID) images and a log file and to verify this treatment in clinical cases. Respiratory-gated radiotherapy was performed using TrueBeam and the SyncTraX system. Cine EPID images and a log file were acquired for a phantom and three patients during the course of the treatment. Digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) were created for each treatment beam using a planning CT set. The cine EPID images, log file, and DRRs were analysed using a developed software. For the phantom case, the accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated to verify the respiratory-gated radiotherapy. For the clinical cases, the intra- and inter-fractional variations of the fiducial marker used as an internal surrogate were calculated to evaluate the gating accuracy and set-up uncertainty in the superior-inferior (SI), anterior-posterior (AP), and left-right (LR) directions. The proposed method achieved high accuracy for the phantom verification. For the clinical cases, the intra- and inter-fractional variations of the fiducial marker were ⩽3 mm and ±3 mm in the SI, AP, and LR directions. We proposed a method for the verification of respiratory-gated radiotherapy with SyncTraX using cine EPID images and a log file and showed that this treatment is performed with high accuracy in clinical cases. This work was partly presented at the 58th Annual meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine.
Design Report for Isolated RS-485 Bus Node
controlled wired RS-485 network. The Android-based smartphone or tablet is used in conjunction with a USB to serial bridge to operate as the bus master in...Android-based smartphone or tablet is used in conjunction with a USB to serial bridge to operate as the bus master in the system. The Android device
Evaluating video digitizer errors
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Peterson, C.
Analog output video cameras remain popular for recording meteor data. Although these cameras uniformly employ electronic detectors with fixed pixel arrays, the digitization process requires resampling the horizontal lines as they are output in order to reconstruct the pixel data, usually resulting in a new data array of different horizontal dimensions than the native sensor. Pixel timing is not provided by the camera, and must be reconstructed based on line sync information embedded in the analog video signal. Using a technique based on hot pixels, I present evidence that jitter, sync detection, and other timing errors introduce both position and intensity errors which are not present in cameras which internally digitize their sensors and output the digital data directly.
Pedersen, O
Recent research has demonstrated that reduced insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle (insulin resistance) and hyperinsulinism are common features in widespread diseases such as essential hypertension, android obesity, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia (in the form of raised serum triglyceride and reduced serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol) and arteriosclerosis. Simultaneously, investigations in a comprehensive group of healthy middle-aged men have revealed insulin resistance in one fourth. On the basis of these observations, a working hypothesis is suggested which postulates that genetic abnormalities in one or more of the candidate genes in the modes of action of insulin occur in a great proportion of the population. These may result in insulin resistance (primary genetic insulin resistance). Primary insulin resistance may be potentiated by a series of circumstances such as ageing, high-fat diet, lack of physical activity, hormonal and metabolic abnormalities or drugs (secondary insulin resistance). As a consequence of the reduced effect of insulin on muscle tissue, compensatory hyperinsulinism develops. Depending on the remaining vulnerability of the individual the hyperinsulinism is presumed to result in development of one or more phenotypes. For example if the beta-cells of the pancreas are unable to secrete sufficient insulin to compensate the insulin resistance on account of genetic defects, glucose intolerance will develop. In a similar manner, hyperinsulinism in insulin-resistant individuals who are predisposed to essential hypertension is presumed to reveal genetic defects in the blood pressure regulating mechanisms and thus contribute to development of the disease.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Cold Environment Assessment Tool (CEAT) User’s Guide for Apple Mobile Devices
discussion of mobile Android device relevance to the military see, “Android Smartphone Relevance to Military Weather Applications”.5 2. CEAT Inputs To...eating, resting, sleeping , clerical work • Low: Walking, marching without rucksack, drill and ceremony • High: Digging foxhole, running, marching...2013. 5. Sauter, D. Android smartphone relevance to military weather applications. White Sands Missile Range (NM): Army Research Laboratory (US
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Verkaik, J.
The Netherlands Hydrological Instrument (NHI) model predicts water demands in periods of drought, supporting the Dutch decision makers in taking operational as well as long-term decisions with respect to the water supply. Other applications of NHI are predicting fresh-salt interaction, nutrient loadings, and agriculture change. The NHI model consists of several coupled models: a saturated groundwater model (MODFLOW), an unsaturated groundwater model (MetaSWAP), a sub-catchment surface water model (MOZART), and a distribution network of surface waters model (DM/SOBEK). Each of these models requires specific, usually large, input data that may be the result of sophisticated schematization workflows. Input data can also be dependent on each other, for example, the precipitation data is input for the unsaturated zone model (cells) as well as for the surface water models (polygons). For efficient data management, we developed several Python tools such that the modeler or stakeholder can use the model in a user-friendly manner, and data is managed in a consistent, transparent and reproducible way. Two open source Python tools are presented here: the data version control module for the workflow manager VisTrails called FileSync, and the NHI model control script that uses FileSync. VisTrails is an open-source scientific workflow and provenance management system that provides support for simulations, data exploration and visualization. Since VisTrails does not directly support version control we developed a version control module called FileSync. With this generic module, the user can synchronize data from and to his workflow through a dialog window. The FileSync dialog calls the FileSync script that is command-line based and performs the actual data synchronization. This script allows the user to easily create a model repository, upload and download data, create releases and define scenarios. The data synchronization approach applied here differs from systems as Subversion
Inexpensive driver for stereo videogame glasses
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pique, Michael; Coogan, Anthony
We have adapted home videogame glasses from Sega as workstation stereo viewers. A small (4x7x9 cm.) box of electronics receives sync signals in parallel with the monitor (either separate ROB-Sync or composite video) and drives the glasses.The view is dimmer than with costlier shutters, there is more ghosting, and the user is feuered by the wires. But the glasses are so much cheaper than the full-screen shutters (250 instead of about 10 000) that it is practical to provide the benefits of stereo to many more workstation users. We are using them with Sun TAAC-1 workstations; the interlaced video can also be recorded on ordinary NTSC videotape and played on television monitors.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Price, Richard N.
This paper intends to describe the lessons learned while specifying validating and installing a bit sync to replace the 30 year old Aydin Model 335a PCM bit sync used in the Space Shuttle Launch Control Center. The engineer had to analyze the original requirements and specifications and then create new requirements documentation that more correctly described our needs. One issue to consider was the removal of unnecessary requirements such as various data formats when only one format is used. The conversion to a system that no longer has an assortment of analog rotary switches required retraining of the operators. Finally, post-procurement corrections for undisclosed user requirements and missed design requirements required close contact with a manufacturer who was willing to accommodate the changes.
Rapid Cycling and Its Treatment
... may be rapid, ultra-rapid or ultradian cycling. Biological rhythm disturbances: This theory proposes that people with rapid cycling have daily biological rhythms that are out of sync with typical “ ...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Richter, Steffen; Hammitzsch, Martin
Disasters like the Tohoku tsunami in March 2011 and the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, have shown clearly that the rapid detection of possible negative impact on population and infrastructure is crucial for the rapid organization of effective counter measures integration activities. It has turned out that effective planning of relief and rescue measures requires both information provided by governmental authorities and feedback of the general public. Every citizen experiencing the events directly on site becomes a potential witness and can provide valuable information about the disaster. Citizens can use various information channels to communicate and share their experiences. During the last years, the crowdsourcing approach has gained the attention of users of modern communication and information systems. The term crowdsourcing describes the interactive collaboration of voluntary users on the Internet, working on a common topic. A similar approach is mobile crowdsourcing which evolved in the quickly growing community of smartphone users: Crowdsourcing platforms provide additional application scenarios for modern smartphone. Smartphone users are enabled to compose and share reports immediately at the scene of the disaster. A growing number of modern smartphones also includes sensors for taking pictures and to determine the current geographical position. This additional content can significantly enhance the value of a disaster event report. The project Collaborative, Complex, and Critical Decision-Support in Evolving Crises (TRIDEC), co-funded by the European Commission in its Seventh Framework Programme, is focused on the management of crisis situations. Part of the project is the development of an application for the Android smartphone platform. This application enables access to an continuously updated situation report for current natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis based on incoming crowdsourced reports. The App is used to immediately sent
Message Prioritization for Routing in a DTN Environment
goal was to effectively connect a remote village with a connected area, in this case a city, by using android phones given to people who regularly... Android phone or iPhone would involve developing or recoding the entire system in a language that is compatible with the phones. While certainly a...due to the fact it currently runs on an Android platform as an application. This showed promise initially; however, we discovered that the actual
Varma, Niraj; O'Donnell, David; Bassiouny, Mohammed; Ritter, Philippe; Pappone, Carlo; Mangual, Jan; Cantillon, Daniel; Badie, Nima; Thibault, Bernard; Wisnoskey, Brian
QRS narrowing following cardiac resynchronization therapy with biventricular (BiV) or left ventricular (LV) pacing is likely affected by patient-specific conduction characteristics (PR, qLV, LV-paced propagation interval), making a universal programming strategy likely ineffective. We tested these factors using a novel, device-based algorithm (SyncAV) that automatically adjusts paced atrioventricular delay (default or programmable offset) according to intrinsic atrioventricular conduction. Seventy-five patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy (age 66±11 years; 65% male; 32% with ischemic cardiomyopathy; LV ejection fraction 28±8%; QRS duration 162±16 ms) with intact atrioventricular conduction (PR interval 194±34, range 128-300 ms), left bundle branch block, and optimized LV lead position were studied at implant. QRS duration (QRSd) reduction was compared for the following pacing configurations: nominal simultaneous BiV (Mode I: paced/sensed atrioventricular delay=140/110 ms), BiV+SyncAV with 50 ms offset (Mode II), BiV+SyncAV with offset that minimized QRSd (Mode III), or LV-only pacing+SyncAV with 50 ms offset (Mode IV). The intrinsic QRSd (162±16 ms) was reduced to 142±17 ms (-11.8%) by Mode I, 136±14 ms (-15.6%) by Mode IV, and 132±13 ms (-17.8%) by Mode II. Mode III yielded the shortest overall QRSd (123±12 ms, -23.9% [ P <0.001 versus all modes]) and was the only configuration without QRSd prolongation in any patient. QRS narrowing occurred regardless of QRSd, PR, or LV-paced intervals, or underlying ischemic disease. Post-implant electrical optimization in already well-selected patients with left bundle branch block and optimized LV lead position is facilitated by patient-tailored BiV pacing adjusted to intrinsic atrioventricular timing using an automatic device-based algorithm. © 2018 The Authors. Published on behalf of the American Heart Association, Inc., by Wiley.
Evaluating Mobile Device Ownership and Usage in the U.S. Army: Implications for Army Training
any of the following mobile devices? MARK ALL THAT APPLY? iPhone iPad (or other tablet PC) iPhone Touch Android smartphone Blackberry E-Reader (e.g...THAT APPLY? iPhone iPad (or other tablet PC) iPhone Touch Android smartphone Blackberry E-Reader (e.g., Kindle, Nook) None of the above 5...age groups owned more iPhones than Android or Blackberrys . These trends changed as age increased. Upper- middle-aged Soldiers owned a mix of
Army Communicator. Volume 35, Number 4, Winter 2010
Students and cadre at the Signal Center of Excellence have written and published nearly 30 applications on the Android Market and iTunes Store in just...Android Market or the iTunes Store: http:// www.android.com/market/or www.apple.com/ iTunes . Our aggressive move into application development...family members, this Army would have collapsed like a deck of cards .” I agree. I would also like to thank our Army families for their sacrifice and
In sync: gamma oscillations and emotional memory
Headley, Drew B.; Paré, Denis
Emotional experiences leave vivid memories that can last a lifetime. The emotional facilitation of memory has been attributed to the engagement of diffusely projecting neuromodulatory systems that enhance the consolidation of synaptic plasticity in regions activated by the experience. This process requires the propagation of signals between brain regions, and for those signals to induce long-lasting synaptic plasticity. Both of these demands are met by gamma oscillations, which reflect synchronous population activity on a fast timescale (35–120 Hz). Regions known to participate in the formation of emotional memories, such as the basolateral amygdala, also promote gamma-band activation throughout cortical and subcortical circuits. Recent studies have demonstrated that gamma oscillations are enhanced during emotional situations, coherent between regions engaged by salient stimuli, and predict subsequent memory for cues associated with aversive stimuli. Furthermore, neutral stimuli that come to predict emotional events develop enhanced gamma oscillations, reflecting altered processing in the brain, which may underpin how past emotional experiences color future learning and memory. PMID:24319416
In sync: gamma oscillations and emotional memory.
Headley, Drew B; Paré, Denis
Emotional experiences leave vivid memories that can last a lifetime. The emotional facilitation of memory has been attributed to the engagement of diffusely projecting neuromodulatory systems that enhance the consolidation of synaptic plasticity in regions activated by the experience. This process requires the propagation of signals between brain regions, and for those signals to induce long-lasting synaptic plasticity. Both of these demands are met by gamma oscillations, which reflect synchronous population activity on a fast timescale (35-120 Hz). Regions known to participate in the formation of emotional memories, such as the basolateral amygdala, also promote gamma-band activation throughout cortical and subcortical circuits. Recent studies have demonstrated that gamma oscillations are enhanced during emotional situations, coherent between regions engaged by salient stimuli, and predict subsequent memory for cues associated with aversive stimuli. Furthermore, neutral stimuli that come to predict emotional events develop enhanced gamma oscillations, reflecting altered processing in the brain, which may underpin how past emotional experiences color future learning and memory.
A collaborative interaction and visualization multi-modal environment for surgical planning.
Foo, Jung Leng; Martinez-Escobar, Marisol; Peloquin, Catherine; Lobe, Thom; Winer, Eliot
The proliferation of virtual reality visualization and interaction technologies has changed the way medical image data is analyzed and processed. This paper presents a multi-modal environment that combines a virtual reality application with a desktop application for collaborative surgical planning. Both visualization applications can function independently but can also be synced over a network connection for collaborative work. Any changes to either application is immediately synced and updated to the other. This is an efficient collaboration tool that allows multiple teams of doctors with only an internet connection to visualize and interact with the same patient data simultaneously. With this multi-modal environment framework, one team working in the VR environment and another team from a remote location working on a desktop machine can both collaborate in the examination and discussion for procedures such as diagnosis, surgical planning, teaching and tele-mentoring.
Electronic construction collaboration system : phase III.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This phase of the electronic collaboration project involved two major efforts: 1) implementation of AEC Sync (formerly known as Attolist), a web-based project management system (WPMS), on the Broadway Viaduct Bridge Project and the Iowa Falls Arch Br...
Serial-to-parallel color-TV converter
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Doak, T. W.; Merwin, R. B.; Zuckswert, S. E.; Sepper, W.
Solid analog-to-digital converter eliminates flicker and problems with time base stability and gain variation in sequential color TV cameras. Device includes 3-bit delta modulator; two-field memory; timing, switching, and sync network; and three 3-bit delta demodulators
Nutritional status and body fat distribution in children and adolescentes with Cystic Fibrosis.
Chaves, Célia Regina Moutinho de Miranda; Cunha, Ana Lúcia Pereira da; Costa, Ana Carolina da; Costa, Roseli de Souza Santos da; Lacerda, Speranza Vieira
assessing the nutritional status and body fat distribution in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis. Fifty-six (56) 8-18 year old patients were assessed for fat distribution by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, for nutritional status by height/age, and for body mass index to age and dietary intake by 24-hour dietary recall. Approximately 50% of the sample showed adequate nutritional status. Most of it showed inadequate caloric and lipid intake. BMI/age was the nutritional indicator that best showed the increased percentage of trunk fat, android/gynecoidratio and trunk fat/total fat ratio. Patients with Pancreatic Insufficiency and eutrophic individuals showed higher median android/gynecoidratio. Increased abdominal adiposity was evidenced by DXA. The BMI did not identify decreased lean body mass. However, when body mass was high, it was significant for abdominal adiposity. The anthropometric assessment of patients with cystic fibrosis should be associated with body composition and body fat distribution to obtain an earlier malnutrition and cardiometabolic risk factor diagnosis.
Navigating a social world with robot partners: A quantitative cartography of the Uncanny Valley.
Mathur, Maya B; Reichling, David B
Android robots are entering human social life. However, human-robot interactions may be complicated by a hypothetical Uncanny Valley (UV) in which imperfect human-likeness provokes dislike. Previous investigations using unnaturally blended images reported inconsistent UV effects. We demonstrate an UV in subjects' explicit ratings of likability for a large, objectively chosen sample of 80 real-world robot faces and a complementary controlled set of edited faces. An "investment game" showed that the UV penetrated even more deeply to influence subjects' implicit decisions concerning robots' social trustworthiness, and that these fundamental social decisions depend on subtle cues of facial expression that are also used to judge humans. Preliminary evidence suggests category confusion may occur in the UV but does not mediate the likability effect. These findings suggest that while classic elements of human social psychology govern human-robot social interaction, robust UV effects pose a formidable android-specific problem. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cognitive radio based optimal channel sensing and resources allocation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vijayasarveswari, V.; Khatun, S.; Fakir, M. M.; Nayeem, M. N.; Kamarudin, L. M.; Jakaria, A.
Cognitive radio (CR) is the latest type of wireless technoloy that is proposed to mitigate spectrum saturation problem. İn cognitve radio, secondary user will use primary user's spectrum during primary user's absence without interupting primary user's transmission. This paper focuses on practical cognitive radio network development process using Android based smart phone for the data transmission. Energy detector based sensing method was proposed and used here because it doesnot require primary user's information. Bluetooth and Wi-fi are the two available types of spectrum that was sensed for CR detection. Simulation showed cognitive radio network can be developed using Android based smart phones. So, a complete application was developed using Java based Android Eclipse program. Finally, the application was uploaded and run on Android based smart phone to form and verify CR network for channel sensing and resource allocation. The observed efficiency of the application was around 81%.
Electronic construction collaboration system -- final phase.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This phase of the research project involved two major efforts: (1) Complete the implementation of AEC-Sync (formerly known as : Attolist) on the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge project and (2) develop a WPMS for projects under $10 million. : For the first maj...
Sync Matrix Assessing J/ADOCS (Fires) TBMCS (ATO) Executing Monitoring (SA) C2 Strategy Objectives • Provide Expanded Mission Management...Computers, and Intelligence T&E Test and Evaluation PMW150 Program Warfare Office Command and Control TBMCS Theater Battle Management Core System POR
Adaptive reference voltage generator for firing angle control of line-commutated inverters
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Dolland, C. R. (Inventor)
A control system for a permanent-magnet motor driven by a multiphase line-commulated inverter is described. It is provided with integrators for integrating the back EMF of each phase of the motor for use in generating system control signals for an inverter gate logic using a sync and firing angle control generator connected to the outputs of the integrators. The firing angle control signals are produced by the control generator by means for combining 120 deg segments of the integrated back EMF signals symmetrical about their maxima into composite positive and negative waveforms, and means for sampling the maxima of each waveform every 120 deg. These samples are then used as positive and negative firing angle control signals. Whereby any change in amplitude of the integrated back EMF signals will not affect a change in the operating power factor of the motor and inverter.
Creative Digital Worksheet Base on Mobile Learning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wibawa, S. C.; Cholifah, R.; Utami, A. W.; Nurhidayat, A. I.
The student is required to understand and act in the classroom and it is very important for selecting the media learning to determine the learning outcome. An instructional media is needed to help students achieve the best learning outcome. The objectives of this study are (1) to make Android-based student worksheet, (2) to know the students’ response on Android-based student worksheet in multimedia subject, (3) to determine the student result using Android-based student worksheet. The method used was Research and Development (R&D) using post-test-only in controlled quasi-experimental group design. The subjects of the study were 2 classes, a control class and an experimental class. The results showed (1) Android-based student worksheet was categorized very good as percentage of 85%; (2) the students’ responses was categorized very good as percentage of 86.42%; (3) the experimental class results were better than control class. The average result on cognitive tests on the experimental class was 89.97 and on control class was 78.31; whether the average result on psychomotor test on the experimental class was 89.90 and on the control class was 79.83. In conclusion, student result using Android-based student worksheet was better than those without it.
Preparing for the Inclusive Classroom: Changing Teachers' Attitudes and Knowledge
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Srivastava, Meenakshi; de Boer, Anke A.; Pijl, Sip Jan
India's educational policy on inclusive education for students with disabilities is in sync with general global developments. Especially in the last couple of years there have been significant legislative achievements towards this endeavour. However, the implementation of inclusive education remains elusive. Besides this, teachers' preparedness…
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The assembly drawings of the receiver unit are presented for the data compression/error correction digital test system. Equipment specifications are given for the various receiver parts, including the TV input buffer register, delta demodulator, TV sync generator, memory devices, and data storage devices.
... clock is out of sync with the normal day-night cycle and causes a disrupted sleep schedule.) Tasimelteon ... It is usually taken without food once a day before bedtime. Take tasimelteon at the same time every night. If you are unable to take tasimelteon at ...
Xiao, Qian; Gu, Fangyi; Caporaso, Neil; Matthews, Charles E
Short sleep has been linked to obesity. However, sleep is a multidimensional behavior that cannot be characterized solely by sleep duration. There is limited study that comprehensively examined different sleep characteristics in relation to obesity. We examined various aspects of sleep in relation to adiposity in 2005-2006 NHANES participants who were 18 or older and free of cardiovascular disease, cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and depression ( N = 3995). Sleep characteristics were self-reported, and included duration, overall quality, onset latency, fragmentation, daytime sleepiness, snoring, and sleep disorders. Body measurements included weight, height, waist circumference, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measured fat mass. Snoring was associated with higher BMI (adjusted difference in kg/m 2 comparing snoring for 5+ nights/week with no snoring (95 % confidence interval), 1.85 (0.88, 2.83)), larger waist circumference (cm, 4.52 (2.29, 6.75)), higher percentage of body fat (%, 1.61 (0.84, 2.38)), and higher android/gynoid ratio (0.03 (0.01, 0.06)). The associations were independent of sleep duration and sleep quality, and cannot be explained by the existence of sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. Poor sleep quality (two or more problematic sleep conditions) and short sleep duration (<6 h) were also associated with higher measures of body size and fat composition, although the effects were attenuated after snoring was adjusted. In a nationally representative sample of healthy US adults, snoring, short sleep, and poor sleep quality were associated with higher adiposity.
A New Tool to Facilitate Learning Reading for Early Childhood
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Puspitasari, Cita; Subiyanto
This paper proposes a new android application for early childhood learning reading. The description includes a design, development, and an evaluation experiment of an educational game for learning reading on android. Before developing the game, Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams, interfaces, animation, narrative or audio were designed.…
Using Mobile App Development Tools to Build a GIS Application
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mital, A.; Catchen, M.; Mital, K.
Our group designed and built working web, android, and IOS applications using different mapping libraries as bases on which to overlay fire data from NASA. The group originally planned to make app versions for Google Maps, Leaflet, and OpenLayers. However, because the Leaflet library did not properly load on Android, the group focused efforts on the other two mapping libraries. For Google Maps, the group first designed a UI for the web app and made a working version of the app. After updating the source of fire data to one which also provided historical fire data, the design had to be modified to include the extra data. After completing a working version of the web app, the group used webview in android, a built in resource which allowed porting the web app to android without rewriting the code for android. Upon completing this, the group found Apple IOS devices had a similar capability, and so decided to add an IOS app to the project using a function similar to webview. Alongside this effort, the group began implementing an OpenLayers fire map using a simpler UI. This web app was completed fairly quickly relative to Google Maps; however, it did not include functionality such as satellite imagery or searchable locations. The group finished the project with a working android version of the Google Maps based app supporting API levels 14-19 and an OpenLayers based app supporting API levels 8-19, as well as a Google Maps based IOS app supporting both old and new screen formats. This project was implemented by high school and college students under an SGT Inc. STEM internship program
Frame synchronization for the Galileo code
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Arnold, S.; Swanson, L.
Results are reported on the performance of the Deep Space Network's frame synchronizer for the (15,1/4) convolutional code after Viterbi decoding. The threshold is found that optimizes the probability of acquiring true sync within four frames using a strategy that requires next frame verification.
Age of Creative Insecurity: Student-Centered Learning. Historical Paper 7
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Martell, Charles
Trapped by inflexible mechanisms, many institutions are unable to adapt smoothly to the changing expectations and needs of their clients. Our educational system is particularly out-of-sync. Student-centered teaching--participative education--through unstructuring is one method for encouraging a flexible, creative, classroom environment. However,…
Pycock, Jonathan
Jonathan Pycock is one of three equine claims consultants with the Veterinary Defence Society. His career in equine reproduction, and lecturing on the same topic, has given him the opportunity to work and travel widely, and ensure his work/life balance stays in sync. British Veterinary Association.
Key Technologies of Phone Storage Forensics Based on ARM Architecture
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Jianghan; Che, Shengbing
Smart phones are mainly running Android, IOS and Windows Phone three mobile platform operating systems. The android smart phone has the best market shares and its processor chips are almost ARM software architecture. The chips memory address mapping mechanism of ARM software architecture is different with x86 software architecture. To forensics to android mart phone, we need to understand three key technologies: memory data acquisition, the conversion mechanism from virtual address to the physical address, and find the system’s key data. This article presents a viable solution which does not rely on the operating system API for a complete solution to these three issues.
Recommendation: Smartphone/ Android technology and the creation of “ Apps ” for emergency management tools should be considered essential for the...and Training Center …………………………………………………….. 14 6.2 Communications ………………………………………………………………………………….. 17 6.2.1 Android ...effectively. Monmouth University’s Android application was not handling COGs effectively. The programmer’s (doctoral students) were on constant standby
Trees, Jason; Snider, Joseph; Falahpour, Maryam; Guo, Nick; Lu, Kun; Johnson, Douglas C; Poizner, Howard; Liu, Thomas T
Hyperscanning, an emerging technique in which data from multiple interacting subjects' brains are simultaneously recorded, has become an increasingly popular way to address complex topics, such as "theory of mind." However, most previous fMRI hyperscanning experiments have been limited to abstract social interactions (e.g. phone conversations). Our new method utilizes a virtual reality (VR) environment used for military training, Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2), to create realistic avatar-avatar interactions and cooperative tasks. To control the virtual avatar, subjects use a MRI compatible Playstation 3 game controller, modified by removing all extraneous metal components and replacing any necessary ones with 3D printed plastic models. Control of both scanners' operation is initiated by a VBS2 plugin to sync scanner time to the known time within the VR environment. Our modifications include:•Modification of game controller to be MRI compatible.•Design of VBS2 virtual environment for cooperative interactions.•Syncing two MRI machines for simultaneous recording.
Shahin, Antoine J; Shen, Stanley; Kerlin, Jess R
We examined the relationship between tolerance for audiovisual onset asynchrony (AVOA) and the spectrotemporal fidelity of the spoken words and the speaker's mouth movements. In two experiments that only varied in the temporal order of sensory modality, visual speech leading (exp1) or lagging (exp2) acoustic speech, participants watched intact and blurred videos of a speaker uttering trisyllabic words and nonwords that were noise vocoded with 4-, 8-, 16-, and 32-channels. They judged whether the speaker's mouth movements and the speech sounds were in-sync or out-of-sync . Individuals perceived synchrony (tolerated AVOA) on more trials when the acoustic speech was more speech-like (8 channels and higher vs. 4 channels), and when visual speech was intact than blurred (exp1 only). These findings suggest that enhanced spectrotemporal fidelity of the audiovisual (AV) signal prompts the brain to widen the window of integration promoting the fusion of temporally distant AV percepts.
Flow measurement behind a pair of vertical-axis wind turbines
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Parker, Colin M.; Hummels, Raymond; Leftwich, Megan C.
The wake from a pair of vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) is measured using particle imaging velocimetry (PIV). The VAWT models are mounted in a low-speed wind tunnel and driven using a motor control system. The rotation of the turbines is synced using a proportional controller that allows the turbine's rotational position to be set relative to each other. The rotation of the turbines is also synced with the PIV system for taking phase averaged results. The VAWTs are tested for both co- and counter-rotating cases over a range of relative phase offsets. Time averaged and phase averaged results are measured at the horizontal mid-plane in the near wake. The time-averaged results compare the bulk wake profiles from the pair of turbines. Phase averaged results look at the vortex interactions in the near wake of the turbines. By changing the phase relation between the turbines we can see the impact of the structure interactions in both the phase and time averaged results.
Serino, Silvia; Morganti, Francesca; Colombo, Desirée; Pedroli, Elisa; Cipresso, Pietro; Riva, Giuseppe
A growing body of evidence pointed out that a decline in effectively using spatial reference frames for categorizing information occurs both in normal and pathological aging. Moreover, it is also known that executive deficits primarily characterize the cognitive profile of older individuals. Acknowledging this literature, the current study was aimed to specifically disentangle the contribution of the cognitive abilities related to the use of spatial reference frames to executive functioning in both healthy and pathological aging. 48 healthy elderly individuals and 52 elderly suffering from probable Alzheimer's Disease (AD) took part in the study. We exploited the potentiality of Virtual Reality to specifically measure the abilities in retrieving and syncing between different spatial reference frames, and then we administrated different neuropsychological tests for evaluating executive functions. Our results indicated that allocentric functions contributed significantly to the planning abilities, while syncing abilities influenced the attentional ones. The findings were discussed in terms of previous literature exploring relationships between cognitive deficits in the first phase of AD.
Trees, Jason; Snider, Joseph; Falahpour, Maryam; Guo, Nick; Lu, Kun; Johnson, Douglas C.; Poizner, Howard; Liu, Thomas T.
Hyperscanning, an emerging technique in which data from multiple interacting subjects’ brains are simultaneously recorded, has become an increasingly popular way to address complex topics, such as “theory of mind.” However, most previous fMRI hyperscanning experiments have been limited to abstract social interactions (e.g. phone conversations). Our new method utilizes a virtual reality (VR) environment used for military training, Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2), to create realistic avatar-avatar interactions and cooperative tasks. To control the virtual avatar, subjects use a MRI compatible Playstation 3 game controller, modified by removing all extraneous metal components and replacing any necessary ones with 3D printed plastic models. Control of both scanners’ operation is initiated by a VBS2 plugin to sync scanner time to the known time within the VR environment. Our modifications include:•Modification of game controller to be MRI compatible.•Design of VBS2 virtual environment for cooperative interactions.•Syncing two MRI machines for simultaneous recording. PMID:26150964
Combinational logic for generating gate drive signals for phase control rectifiers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Dolland, C. R.; Trimble, D. W. (Inventor)
Control signals for phase-delay rectifiers, which require a variable firing angle that ranges from 0 deg to 180 deg, are derived from line-to-line 3-phase signals and both positive and negative firing angle control signals which are generated by comparing current command and actual current. Line-to-line phases are transformed into line-to-neutral phases and integrated to produce 90 deg phase delayed signals that are inverted to produce three cosine signals, such that for each its maximum occurs at the intersection of positive half cycles of the other two phases which are inputs to other inverters. At the same time, both positive and negative (inverted) phase sync signals are generated for each phase by comparing each with the next and producing a square wave when it is greater. Ramp, sync and firing angle controls signals are than used in combinational logic to generate the gate firing control signals SCR gate drives which fire SCR devices in a bridge circuit.
Ensemble Perception of Dynamic Emotional Groups.
Elias, Elric; Dyer, Michael; Sweeny, Timothy D
Crowds of emotional faces are ubiquitous, so much so that the visual system utilizes a specialized mechanism known as ensemble coding to see them. In addition to being proximally close, members of emotional crowds, such as a laughing audience or an angry mob, often behave together. The manner in which crowd members behave-in sync or out of sync-may be critical for understanding their collective affect. Are ensemble mechanisms sensitive to these dynamic properties of groups? Here, observers estimated the average emotion of a crowd of dynamic faces. The members of some crowds changed their expressions synchronously, whereas individuals in other crowds acted asynchronously. Observers perceived the emotion of a synchronous group more precisely than the emotion of an asynchronous crowd or even a single dynamic face. These results demonstrate that ensemble representation is particularly sensitive to coordinated behavior, and they suggest that shared behavior is critical for understanding emotion in groups.
Manufacturing Methods and Technology Engineering for Tape Chip Carrier.
equipment and fixtures were used in the manufacturer of the Sync Counter hybrid microcircuit. o Continuous Tape Plater - Model No. STP, Microplate ...Headquarters 001 Commander ATTN: Ray L. Gilbert Naval Ocean Systems Center 608 Independence Ave., SW ATTN: Dr. W. D. McKee, Jr. Washington, DC 20546 Code
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pescosolido, Bernice A.
Across the field of higher education and within the discipline of sociology, several important reconceptualizations of academic work have emerged. While not absolutely in sync, there is a striking overlap across three of the most visible of these: Boyer's Scholarship Reconsidered, Carnegie's Stewardship of the Discipline, and Burawoy's Public…
Mitchell, Katy; Graff, Megan; Hedt, Corbin; Simmons, James
Purpose/hypothesis: This study was designed to investigate the test-retest reliability, concurrent validity, and the standard error of measurement (SEm) of a pulse rate assessment application (Azumio®'s Instant Heart Rate) on both Android® and iOS® (iphone operating system) smartphones as compared to a FT7 Polar® Heart Rate monitor. Number of subjects: 111. Resting (sitting) pulse rate was assessed twice and then the participants were asked to complete a 1-min standing step test and then immediately re-assessed. The smartphone assessors were blinded to their measurements. Test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC 2,1] and 95% confidence interval) for the three tools at rest (time 1/time 2): iOS® (0.76 [0.67-0.83]); Polar® (0.84 [0.78-0.89]); and Android® (0.82 [0.75-0.88]). Concurrent validity at rest time 2 (ICC 2,1) with the Polar® device: IOS® (0.92 [0.88-0.94]) and Android® (0.95 [0.92-0.96]). Concurrent validity post-exercise (time 3) (ICC) with the Polar® device: iOS® (0.90 [0.86-0.93]) and Android® (0.94 [0.91-0.96]). The SEm values for the three devices at rest: iOS® (5.77 beats per minute [BPM]), Polar® (4.56 BPM) and Android® (4.96 BPM). The Android®, iOS®, and Polar® devices showed acceptable test-retest reliability at rest and post-exercise. Both the smartphone platforms demonstrated concurrent validity with the Polar® at rest and post-exercise. The Azumio® Instant Heart Rate application when used by either platform appears to be a reliable and valid tool to assess pulse rate in healthy individuals.
The Intersection of Robust Intelligence and Trust: Hybrid Teams, Firms, and Systems
bites dogma: Apple’s iOS ate up Android, Blackberry U.S. market share losses this summer”; http://appleinsider.com/articles/13/10/05/data-bites-dogma...ios-ate-up-android- blackberry -us-market-share-losses-this- summer 9 Compare night satellite photos of the USA with Cuba; or South Korea with North
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ferrara, Michele; Tempesta, Daniela; De Gennaro, Luigi
In the science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick ;Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?; [2] Blade Runners used a polygraph-like machine to determine if an individual was a replicant, by measuring his/her empathetic responses. Although made of biological materials and physically indistinguishable from humans, androids were considered to be pieces of machinery.
Smartphone-based low light detection for bioluminescence application.
Kim, Huisung; Jung, Youngkee; Doh, Iyll-Joon; Lozano-Mahecha, Roxana Andrea; Applegate, Bruce; Bae, Euiwon
We report a smartphone-based device and associated imaging-processing algorithm to maximize the sensitivity of standard smartphone cameras, that can detect the presence of single-digit pW of radiant flux intensity. The proposed hardware and software, called bioluminescent-based analyte quantitation by smartphone (BAQS), provides an opportunity for onsite analysis and quantitation of luminescent signals from biological and non-biological sensing elements which emit photons in response to an analyte. A simple cradle that houses the smartphone, sample tube, and collection lens supports the measuring platform, while noise reduction by ensemble averaging simultaneously lowers the background and enhances the signal from emitted photons. Five different types of smartphones, both Android and iOS devices, were tested, and the top two candidates were used to evaluate luminescence from the bioluminescent reporter Pseudomonas fluorescens M3A. The best results were achieved by OnePlus One (android), which was able to detect luminescence from ~10 6 CFU/mL of the bio-reporter, which corresponds to ~10 7 photons/s with 180 seconds of integration time.
Smartphone-based low light detection for bioluminescence application
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, Huisung; Jung, Youngkee; Doh, Iyll-Joon; Lozano-Mahecha, Roxana Andrea; Applegate, Bruce; Bae, Euiwon
We report a smartphone-based device and associated imaging-processing algorithm to maximize the sensitivity of standard smartphone cameras, that can detect the presence of single-digit pW of radiant flux intensity. The proposed hardware and software, called bioluminescent-based analyte quantitation by smartphone (BAQS), provides an opportunity for onsite analysis and quantitation of luminescent signals from biological and non-biological sensing elements which emit photons in response to an analyte. A simple cradle that houses the smartphone, sample tube, and collection lens supports the measuring platform, while noise reduction by ensemble averaging simultaneously lowers the background and enhances the signal from emitted photons. Five different types of smartphones, both Android and iOS devices, were tested, and the top two candidates were used to evaluate luminescence from the bioluminescent reporter Pseudomonas fluorescens M3A. The best results were achieved by OnePlus One (android), which was able to detect luminescence from ~106 CFU/mL of the bio-reporter, which corresponds to ~107 photons/s with 180 seconds of integration time.
Smartphone-based low light detection for bioluminescence application
Kim, Huisung; Jung, Youngkee; Doh, Iyll-Joon; Lozano-Mahecha, Roxana Andrea; Applegate, Bruce; Bae, Euiwon
We report a smartphone-based device and associated imaging-processing algorithm to maximize the sensitivity of standard smartphone cameras, that can detect the presence of single-digit pW of radiant flux intensity. The proposed hardware and software, called bioluminescent-based analyte quantitation by smartphone (BAQS), provides an opportunity for onsite analysis and quantitation of luminescent signals from biological and non-biological sensing elements which emit photons in response to an analyte. A simple cradle that houses the smartphone, sample tube, and collection lens supports the measuring platform, while noise reduction by ensemble averaging simultaneously lowers the background and enhances the signal from emitted photons. Five different types of smartphones, both Android and iOS devices, were tested, and the top two candidates were used to evaluate luminescence from the bioluminescent reporter Pseudomonas fluorescens M3A. The best results were achieved by OnePlus One (android), which was able to detect luminescence from ~106 CFU/mL of the bio-reporter, which corresponds to ~107 photons/s with 180 seconds of integration time. PMID:28067287
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Flynn, Charles Joseph
The objective of this project was to design and build a cost competitive, more efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) motor than what is currently available on the market. Though different potential motor architectures among QMP’s primary technology platforms were investigated and evaluated, including through the building of numerous prototypes, the project ultimately focused on scaling up QM Power, Inc.’s (QMP) Q-Sync permanent magnet synchronous motors from available sub-fractional horsepower (HP) sizes for commercial refrigeration fan applications to larger fractional horsepower sizes appropriate for HVAC applications, and to add multi-speed functionality. The more specific goal became the research, design,more » development, and testing of a prototype 1/2 HP Q-Sync motor that has at least two operating speeds and 87% peak efficiency compared to incumbent electronically commutated motors (EC or ECM, also known as brushless direct current (DC) motors), the heretofore highest efficiency HVACR fan motor solution, at approximately 82% peak efficiency. The resulting motor prototype built achieved these goals, hitting 90% efficiency and .95 power factor at full load and speed, and 80% efficiency and .7 power factor at half speed. Q-Sync, developed in part through a DOE SBIR grant (Award # DE-SC0006311), is a novel, patented motor technology that improves on electronically commutated permanent magnet motors through an advanced electronic circuit technology. It allows a motor to “sync” with the alternating current (AC) power flow. It does so by eliminating the constant, wasteful power conversions from AC to DC and back to AC through the synthetic creation of a new AC wave on the primary circuit board (PCB) by a process called pulse width modulation (PWM; aka electronic commutation) that is incessantly required to sustain motor operation in an EC permanent magnet motor. The Q-Sync circuit improves the power factor of the motor by removing
Deso, Steven E.; Idakoji, Ibrahim A.; Muelly, Michael C.; Kuo, William T.
Owing to a myriad of inferior vena cava (IVC) filter types and their potential complications, rapid and correct identification may be challenging when encountered on routine imaging. The authors aimed to develop an interactive mobile application that allows recognition of all IVC filters and related complications, to optimize the care of patients with indwelling IVC filters. The FDA Premarket Notification Database was queried from 1980 to 2014 to identify all IVC filter types in the United States. An electronic search was then performed on MEDLINE and the FDA MAUDE database to identify all reported complications associated with each device. High-resolution photos were taken of each filter type and corresponding computed tomographic and fluoroscopic images were obtained from an institutional review board–approved IVC filter registry. A wireframe and storyboard were created, and software was developed using HTML5/CSS compliant code. The software was deployed using PhoneGap (Adobe, San Jose, CA), and the prototype was tested and refined. Twenty-three IVC filter types were identified for inclusion. Safety data from FDA MAUDE and 72 relevant peer-reviewed studies were acquired, and complication rates for each filter type were highlighted in the application. Digital photos, fluoroscopic images, and CT DICOM files were seamlessly incorporated. All data were succinctly organized electronically, and the software was successfully deployed into Android (Google, Mountain View, CA) and iOS (Apple, Cupertino, CA) platforms. A powerful electronic mobile application was successfully created to allow rapid identification of all IVC filter types and related complications. This application may be used to optimize the care of patients with IVC filters. PMID:27247483
Deso, Steven E; Idakoji, Ibrahim A; Muelly, Michael C; Kuo, William T
Owing to a myriad of inferior vena cava (IVC) filter types and their potential complications, rapid and correct identification may be challenging when encountered on routine imaging. The authors aimed to develop an interactive mobile application that allows recognition of all IVC filters and related complications, to optimize the care of patients with indwelling IVC filters. The FDA Premarket Notification Database was queried from 1980 to 2014 to identify all IVC filter types in the United States. An electronic search was then performed on MEDLINE and the FDA MAUDE database to identify all reported complications associated with each device. High-resolution photos were taken of each filter type and corresponding computed tomographic and fluoroscopic images were obtained from an institutional review board-approved IVC filter registry. A wireframe and storyboard were created, and software was developed using HTML5/CSS compliant code. The software was deployed using PhoneGap (Adobe, San Jose, CA), and the prototype was tested and refined. Twenty-three IVC filter types were identified for inclusion. Safety data from FDA MAUDE and 72 relevant peer-reviewed studies were acquired, and complication rates for each filter type were highlighted in the application. Digital photos, fluoroscopic images, and CT DICOM files were seamlessly incorporated. All data were succinctly organized electronically, and the software was successfully deployed into Android (Google, Mountain View, CA) and iOS (Apple, Cupertino, CA) platforms. A powerful electronic mobile application was successfully created to allow rapid identification of all IVC filter types and related complications. This application may be used to optimize the care of patients with IVC filters.
Evaluating Afterschool Programs
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Little, Priscilla M.
Well-implemented afterschool programs can promote a range of positive learning and developmental outcomes. However, not all research and evaluation studies have shown the benefits of participation, in part because programs and their evaluation were out of sync. This chapter provides practical guidance on how to foster that alignment between…
When Worlds Collide: An Augmented Reality Check
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Villano, Matt
The technology is simple: Mobile technologies such as handheld computers and global positioning systems work in sync to create an alternate, hybrid world that mixes virtual characters with the actual physical environment. The result is a digital simulation that offers powerful game-playing opportunities and allows students to become more engaged…
Understanding Our Gifted. Volume 5, Issues 1-6, September 1992-August 1993.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Silverman, Linda Kreger, Ed.
The six issues of this newsletter have the following themes: (1) home schooling, (2) promising practices, (3) parent advocacy, (4) the young gifted child, (5) "being out of sync," and (6) philosophy of giftedness. Major articles include the following: "Homeschooling for Gifted Primary Students" (Patricia Linehan); "Learning to Fly: A Home…
An important aspect of digital communications is the problem of determining efficient methods for acquiring block synchronization . In this paper we...utilizes an N-digit sync sequence as prefix to the data blocks. The results of this study show that this technique is a practical method for acquiring block synchronization .
E-Governance in Education: Pursuit of Education Excellence
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Natarajan, Sundarapandiyan
This article aims to explore today's educational challenges, being technologically supreme, the primary focus on education is to bring out the outcome and value based education to the community. Electronic Governance (e- Governance) focuses not only the technological infrastructure and getting the learning environment sync is the major challenge.…
Techtalk: Mobile Learning and Literacy Development
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Caverly, David C.
In the last column, author David Caverly discussed the role of mobile devices (i.e., phones, tablets, laptops) in everyday lives and in academia. In this column, he reviews specific apps for fostering literacy development. Still, he warns that with over 800,000 apps for Apple and Android devices (iOS or Android, respectively) and the Windows…
Context-Based Mobile Security Enclave
29 c. Change IMSI .............................30 d. Change CellID ...........................31 e. Change Geolocation ...Assisted Global Positioning System ADB Android Debugger API Application Programming Interface APK Android Application Package BSC Base Station...Programming Interfaces ( APIs ), which use Java compatible libraries based on Apache Harmony (an open source Java implementation developed by the Apache
BPcontrol. A Mobile App to Monitor Hypertensive Patients.
Carrera, Adrian; Pifarré, Marc; Vilaplana, Jordi; Cuadrado, Josep; Solsona, Sara; Mateo, Jordi; Solsona, Francesc
Hypertension or high blood pressure is on the rise. Not only does it affect the elderly but is also increasingly spreading to younger sectors of the population. Treating this condition involves exhaustive monitoring of patients. The current mobile health services can be improved to perform this task more effectively. To develop a useful, user-friendly, robust and efficient app, to monitor hypertensive patients and adapted to the particular requirements of hypertension. This work presents BPcontrol, an Android and iOS app that allows hypertensive patients to communicate with their health-care centers, thus facilitating monitoring and diagnosis. Usability, robustness and efficiency factors for BPcontrol were evaluated for different devices and operating systems (Android, iOS and system-aware). Furthermore, its features were compared with other similar apps in the literature. BPcontrol is robust and user-friendly. The respective start-up efficiency of the Android and iOS versions of BPcontrol were 2.4 and 8.8 times faster than a system-aware app. Similar values were obtained for the communication efficiency (7.25 and 11.75 times faster for the Android and iOS respectively). When comparing plotting performance, BPcontrol was on average 2.25 times faster in the Android case. Most of the apps in the literature have no communication with a server, thus making it impossible to compare their performance with BPcontrol. Its optimal design and the good behavior of its facilities make BPcontrol a very promising mobile app for monitoring hypertensive patients.
Detection and Prevention of Android Malware Attempting to Root the Device
detect the operation of malware trying to root the phone. This research aims to detect the Exploid, RageAgainstTheCage, and Gingerbreak exploits on...attackers can use malware to root the system. By placing sensors inside the critical paths, the research detected all 379 malware samples trying the root...zero false positive results. Unlike static signature detection at the application level, this research provides dynamic detection at the kernel level
A comparison of frame synchronization methods. [Deep Space Network
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Swanson, L.
Different methods are considered for frame synchronization of a concatenated block code/Viterbi link. Synchronization after Viterbi decoding, synchronization before Viterbi decoding based on hard-quantized channel symbols are all compared. For each scheme, the probability under certain conditions of true detection of sync within four 10,000 bit frames is tabulated.
branches of our work . 3.1 Understanding Sensitive API Call and API Information Usage Android applications are written in a type- safe language (Java...directly invoke resolved targets. Because DroidSafe works with a comprehensive model of the Android environment , it supports precise resolution of...STATEMENT. FOR THE CHIEF ENGINEER: / S / / S / MARK K. WILLIAMS WARREN H. DEBANY, JR. Work Unit Manager
Photogrammetric 3D reconstruction using mobile imaging
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fritsch, Dieter; Syll, Miguel
In our paper we demonstrate the development of an Android Application (AndroidSfM) for photogrammetric 3D reconstruction that works on smartphones and tablets likewise. The photos are taken with mobile devices, and can thereafter directly be calibrated using standard calibration algorithms of photogrammetry and computer vision, on that device. Due to still limited computing resources on mobile devices, a client-server handshake using Dropbox transfers the photos to the sever to run AndroidSfM for the pose estimation of all photos by Structure-from-Motion and, thereafter, uses the oriented bunch of photos for dense point cloud estimation by dense image matching algorithms. The result is transferred back to the mobile device for visualization and ad-hoc on-screen measurements.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Qian, Li; Anlei, Jing
Urbanization is an issue of universal concern today distinctly affecting the supply, content, and orientation of education. Based on a field study in a city in East China, the article argues that rural-urban migration in the process of urbanization created private sectors in education enterprises that were in sync with the urban community…
Noise-sustained synchronization between electrically coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo networks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cascallares, Guadalupe; Sánchez, Alejandro D.; dell'Erba, Matías G.; Izús, Gonzalo G.
We investigate the capability of electrical synapses to transmit the noise-sustained network activity from one network to another. The particular setup we consider is two identical rings with excitable FitzHugh-Nagumo cell dynamics and nearest-neighbor antiphase intra-ring coupling, electrically coupled between corresponding nodes. The whole system is submitted to independent local additive Gaussian white noises with common intensity η, but only one ring is externally forced by a global adiabatic subthreshold harmonic signal. We then seek conditions for a particular noise level to promote synchronized stable firing patterns. By running numerical integrations with increasing η, we observe the excitation activity to become spatiotemporally self-organized, until η is so strong that spoils sync between networks for a given value of the electric coupling strength. By means of a four-cell model and calculating the stationary probability distribution, we obtain a (signal-dependent) non-equilibrium potential landscape which explains qualitatively the observed regimes, and whose barrier heights give a good estimate of the optimal noise intensity for the sync between networks.
Design of a Software Configuration for Real-Time Multimedia Group Communication; HNUMTP
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Park, Gil-Cheol
This paper designs transport protocol of multi-session/channel method for real time multimedia group telecommunication and realizes it. The special features of the designed and realized protocol are first, that it solved the sync problem which is the specific character of multimedia telecommunication by using multi-channel method protocol. Usual multimedia telecommunication is assigned one channel by each media data. This paper shortened the phenomenon that waits data for sync of receiving part by assigning more than one channel for the channel that has a lot of data per hour as video data. The problem of intermedia synchronization that happens then could be solved by sending temporal/spacial related data among data assigning extra control channel. Second, that it does integrated management for sessions. Each session is one group telecommunication unit which supports mutual working environment that is independent. Each session communicates the participants in the group independently, the session manager manages all the communication among groups and lets media sources connected with all network be operated efficiently.
Infant discrimination of humanoid robots
Matsuda, Goh; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Hiraki, Kazuo
Recently, extremely humanlike robots called “androids” have been developed, some of which are already being used in the field of entertainment. In the context of psychological studies, androids are expected to be used in the future as fully controllable human stimuli to investigate human nature. In this study, we used an android to examine infant discrimination ability between human beings and non-human agents. Participants (N = 42 infants) were assigned to three groups based on their age, i.e., 6- to 8-month-olds, 9- to 11-month-olds, and 12- to 14-month-olds, and took part in a preferential looking paradigm. Of three types of agents involved in the paradigm—a human, an android modeled on the human, and a mechanical-looking robot made from the android—two at a time were presented side-by-side as they performed a grasping action. Infants’ looking behavior was measured using an eye tracking system, and the amount of time spent focusing on each of three areas of interest (face, goal, and body) was analyzed. Results showed that all age groups predominantly looked at the robot and at the face area, and that infants aged over 9 months watched the goal area for longer than the body area. There was no difference in looking times and areas focused on between the human and the android. These findings suggest that 6- to 14-month-olds are unable to discriminate between the human and the android, although they can distinguish the mechanical robot from the human. PMID:26441772
Carrera, Adrián; Pifarré, Marc; Vilaplana, Jordi; Cuadrado, Josep; Solsona, Sara; Mateo, Jordi
Summary Background Hypertension or high blood pressure is on the rise. Not only does it affect the elderly but is also increasingly spreading to younger sectors of the population. Treating this condition involves exhaustive monitoring of patients. The current mobile health services can be improved to perform this task more effectively. Objective To develop a useful, user-friendly, robust and efficient app, to monitor hypertensive patients and adapted to the particular requirements of hypertension. Methods This work presents BPcontrol, an Android and iOS app that allows hypertensive patients to communicate with their health-care centers, thus facilitating monitoring and diagnosis. Usability, robustness and efficiency factors for BPcontrol were evaluated for different devices and operating systems (Android, iOS and system-aware). Furthermore, its features were compared with other similar apps in the literature. Results BPcontrol is robust and user-friendly. The respective start-up efficiency of the Android and iOS versions of BPcontrol were 2.4 and 8.8 times faster than a system-aware app. Similar values were obtained for the communication efficiency (7.25 and 11.75 times faster for the Android and iOS respectively). When comparing plotting performance, BPcontrol was on average 2.25 times faster in the Android case. Most of the apps in the literature have no communication with a server, thus making it impossible to compare their performance with BPcontrol. Conclusions Its optimal design and the good behavior of its facilities make BPcontrol a very promising mobile app for monitoring hypertensive patients. PMID:27924346
eMontage: An Architecture for Rapid Integration of Situational Awareness Data at the Edge
Request Response Interaction Android Client Dispatcher Servlet Spring MVC Controller Camel Producer Template Camel Route Remote Data Service - REST...8SATURN 2013© 2013 Carnegie Mellon University Publish Subscribe Interaction Android Client Dispatcher Servlet Spring MVC Controller Remote Data...set ..., "’"C oUkRelw•b J’- - ’ ~ ’~------’ ~-------- ’-------~ , Parse XML into a single Java XML Document object. -=--:=’ Software Engineering
Giduthuri, Joseph G.; Maire, Nicolas; Joseph, Saju; Kudale, Abhay; Schaetti, Christian; Sundaram, Neisha; Schindler, Christian; Weiss, Mitchell G.
Background Mobile electronic devices are replacing paper-based instruments and questionnaires for epidemiological and public health research. The elimination of a data-entry step after an interview is a notable advantage over paper, saving investigator time, decreasing the time lags in managing and analyzing data, and potentially improving the data quality by removing the error-prone data-entry step. Research has not yet provided adequate evidence, however, to substantiate the claim of fewer errors for computerized interviews. Methodology We developed an Android-based illness explanatory interview for influenza vaccine acceptance and tested the instrument in a field study in Pune, India, for feasibility and acceptability. Error rates for tablet and paper were compared with reference to the voice recording of the interview as gold standard to assess discrepancies. We also examined the preference of interviewers for the classical paper-based or the electronic version of the interview and compared the costs of research with both data collection devices. Results In 95 interviews with household respondents, total error rates with paper and tablet devices were nearly the same (2.01% and 1.99% respectively). Most interviewers indicated no preference for a particular device; but those with a preference opted for tablets. The initial investment in tablet-based interviews was higher compared to paper, while the recurring costs per interview were lower with the use of tablets. Conclusion An Android-based tablet version of a complex interview was developed and successfully validated. Advantages were not compromised by increased errors, and field research assistants with a preference preferred the Android device. Use of tablets may be more costly than paper for small samples and less costly for large studies. PMID:25233212
Offspring sex ratio in women with android body fat distribution.
Singh, D; Zambarano, R J
The relationship between waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), several behavioral factors, and the number of male and female offspring was examined in a sample of 69 women. Two questions were examined: (1) Are hormonal differences, as indicated by differences in the WHR, associated with offspring sex ratio? and (2) are there any behavioral factors, such as coital frequency or orgasm, that are associated with offspring sex ratio? After statistically controlling for subject's age, socioeconomic status, and total number of offspring, we found that women with a higher WHR tended to have more sons than daughters. In addition, women who reported greater ease of having multiple orgasms also tended to have more sons than daughters. The results thus support both a hormonal and a behavioral influence on offspring sex ratio.
Partial and Synchronized Captioning: A New Tool for Second Language Listening Development
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mirzaei, Maryam Sadat; Akita, Yuya; Kawahara, Tatsuya
This study investigates a novel method of captioning, partial and synchronized, as a listening tool for second language (L2) learners. In this method, the term partial and synchronized caption (PSC) pertains to the presence of a selected set of words in a caption where words are synced to their corresponding speech signal, using a state-of-the-art…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Van Orsdel, Lee C.; Born, Kathleen
In a year filled with drama and hyperbole, the serials marketplace churned toward a future whose shape is the subject of fierce debate. Forecasts from commercial publishers touting collapse and disaster seemed oddly out of sync with the profits they enjoyed--around 25 percent on average. Nevertheless, in a market where prices continued to rise and…
Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math-Coach
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ebner, Martin; Schön, Martin; Taraghi, Behnam; Steyre, Michael
Individual learning is out of sync with the elements of a curricula and the daily program of a teacher. At a time when multidigit multiplication methods are taught, many children are not perfectly performing the basic multiplication table. Teachers organize settings for learning and they usually have no time to give an individual feedback to every…
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Couvillon, L. A., Jr.; Carl, C.; Goldstein, R. M.; Posner, E. C.; Green, R. R. (Inventor)
A method and apparatus are described for synchronizing a received PCM communications signal without requiring a separate synchronizing channel. The technique provides digital correlation of the received signal with a reference signal, first with its unmodulated subcarrier and then with a bit sync code modulated subcarrier, where the code sequence length is equal in duration to each data bit.
Best Practice in Management Education: Capitalising on Gender Diversity Awareness.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Smith, Catherine R.
Responses from 50 women and 35 men (of 472) studying management in Australia identified sex bias in management education and suggested that orientation to gender issues of male educators and female students was significantly more out of sync than that of male educators and male students. A video on gender awareness was developed based on the…
How Can Botnets Cause Storms? Understanding the Evolution and Impact of Mobile Botnets
Android.Bmaster [4] in China that had infected an estimate of hundreds of thousands of Android phones. As a result, mobile botnets have already become...malware via centralized infrastructures (e.g., using short and multimedia message services [1], [4], [5]). However, The work was sponsored by ARO staff...infrastructures (malware sending its copies using short/ multimedia message services or advertising its applications (APPs) on mobile markets [1], [4
On Cybersecurity, Crowdsourcing, and Social Cyber-Attack
gahran_1_android- app - android -phone-apple-s- app - store?_s=PM:TECH. Accessed January 9, 2013. DR. REBECCA GOOLSBY is a Program Officer with the Office of Naval...legitimate messages, and understand how quickly mobile apps and text services can disseminate false information. Authorities and volunteers must develop...inflammatory information and disinfor- mation. Like the conflicts sparked by Guttenberg’s invention, significant real-world impacts of a more troubled
Creating In-Sync Environments for Children with Sensory Issues
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Humphries, Jane; Rains, Kari
When Abe joined the program as an infant, the teachers in the classroom began to notice issues that made caring for Abe just a little more sensitive. As Abe grew into a mobile toddler, he would cover his ears when classroom noise got loud, cry when other children touched him, and often hide under tables to get away. Luckily for Abe, the staff and…
Strangers in sync: Achieving embodied rapport through shared movements
Vacharkulksemsuk, Tanya; Fredrickson, Barbara L.
This paper examines the emergence of behavioral synchrony among strangers in the context of self-disclosure, and their path in predicting interaction quality. Specifically, we hypothesize that behavioral synchrony mediates the direct effect of self-disclosure on the development of embodied rapport. Same-sex stranger pairs (n=94) were randomly assigned to a videorecorded self-disclosure or control condition, and afterward each member rated their social interaction. Following the procedure used by Bernieri, Reznick, & Rosenthal (1988), two trained judges independently watched each video record and rated each pair interaction on behavioral synchrony. Bootstrapping analyses provide support for the hypothesized mediating effect of behavioral synchrony, which emerged as independent of the effects of self-other overlap and positive affect. The authors discuss implications of behavioral synchrony for relationship formation processes and the inevitable entwinement of behavior and judgments in light of embodied cognition. PMID:22389521
Rodrigues, David; Prada, Marília; Gaspar, Rui; Garrido, Margarida V; Lopes, Diniz
The use of emoticons and emoji is increasingly popular across a variety of new platforms of online communication. They have also become popular as stimulus materials in scientific research. However, the assumption that emoji/emoticon users' interpretations always correspond to the developers'/researchers' intended meanings might be misleading. This article presents subjective norms of emoji and emoticons provided by everyday users. The Lisbon Emoji and Emoticon Database (LEED) comprises 238 stimuli: 85 emoticons and 153 emoji (collected from iOS, Android, Facebook, and Emojipedia). The sample included 505 Portuguese participants recruited online. Each participant evaluated a random subset of 20 stimuli for seven dimensions: aesthetic appeal, familiarity, visual complexity, concreteness, valence, arousal, and meaningfulness. Participants were additionally asked to attribute a meaning to each stimulus. The norms obtained include quantitative descriptive results (means, standard deviations, and confidence intervals) and a meaning analysis for each stimulus. We also examined the correlations between the dimensions and tested for differences between emoticons and emoji, as well as between the two major operating systems-Android and iOS. The LEED constitutes a readily available normative database (available at www.osf.io/nua4x ) with potential applications to different research domains.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Godavarthi, Bhavana; Nalajala, Paparao; Ganapuram, Vasavi
Advanced vehicle monitoring and tracking system based on embedded Linux board and android application is designed and implemented for monitoring the school vehicle from any location A to location B at real time. The present system would make good use of new technology that based on embedded Linux namely Raspberry Pi and Smartphone android application. This system works on GPS/GPRS/GSM SIM900A. GPS finds the current location of the vehicle, GPRS sends the tracking information to the server and the GSM is used for sending alert message to vehicle’s owner mobile. This system is placed inside the vehicle whose position is to be determined on the web page and monitored at real time. There is a comparison between the current vehicle path already specified paths into the file system. Inside the raspberry pi’s file system taken from vehicle owners through android phone using android application. Means the selection of path from location A to B takes place from vehicle owner’s android application which gives more safety and secures traveling to the traveler. Hence the driver drives the vehicle only on the vehicle owner’s specified path. The driver drives the vehicle only on the vehicle owner’s specified path but if the driver drives in wrong path the message alert will be sent from this system to the vehicle owners mobile and also sent speakers alert to driver through audio jack. If the vehicles speed goes beyond the specified value of the speed, then warning message will be sent to owner mobile. This system also takes care of the traveler’s safety by using Gas leakage and Temperature sensors
Application of Aquaculture Monitoring System Based on CC2530
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, H. L.; Liu, X. Q.
In order to improve the intelligent level of aquaculture technology, this paper puts forward a remote wireless monitoring system based on ZigBee technology, GPRS technology and Android mobile phone platform. The system is composed of wireless sensor network (WSN), GPRS module, PC server, and Android client. The WSN was set up by CC2530 chips based on ZigBee protocol, to realize the collection of water quality parameters such as the water level, temperature, PH and dissolved oxygen. The GPRS module realizes remote communication between WSN and PC server. Android client communicates with server to monitor the level of water quality. The PID (proportion, integration, differentiation) control is adopted in the control part, the control commands from the android mobile phone is sent to the server, the server again send it to the lower machine to control the water level regulating valve and increasing oxygen pump. After practical testing to the system in Liyang, Jiangsu province, China, temperature measurement accuracy reaches 0.5°C, PH measurement accuracy reaches 0.3, water level control precision can be controlled within ± 3cm, dissolved oxygen control precision can be controlled within ±0.3 mg/L, all the indexes can meet the requirements, this system is very suitable for aquaculture.
Ambient Sound-Based Collaborative Localization of Indeterministic Devices
Kamminga, Jacob; Le, Duc; Havinga, Paul
Localization is essential in wireless sensor networks. To our knowledge, no prior work has utilized low-cost devices for collaborative localization based on only ambient sound, without the support of local infrastructure. The reason may be the fact that most low-cost devices are indeterministic and suffer from uncertain input latencies. This uncertainty makes accurate localization challenging. Therefore, we present a collaborative localization algorithm (Cooperative Localization on Android with ambient Sound Sources (CLASS)) that simultaneously localizes the position of indeterministic devices and ambient sound sources without local infrastructure. The CLASS algorithm deals with the uncertainty by splitting the devices into subsets so that outliers can be removed from the time difference of arrival values and localization results. Since Android is indeterministic, we select Android devices to evaluate our approach. The algorithm is evaluated with an outdoor experiment and achieves a mean Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 2.18 m with a standard deviation of 0.22 m. Estimated directions towards the sound sources have a mean RMSE of 17.5° and a standard deviation of 2.3°. These results show that it is feasible to simultaneously achieve a relative positioning of both devices and sound sources with sufficient accuracy, even when using non-deterministic devices and platforms, such as Android. PMID:27649176
Wearable Notification via Dissemination Service in a Pervasive Computing Environment
context, state, and environment in a manner that would be transparent to a Soldier’s common operations. 15. SUBJECT TERMS pervasive computing, Android ...of user context shifts, i.e., changes in the user’s position, history , workflow, or resource interests. If the PCE is described as a 2-component...convenient viewing on the Glass’s screen just above the line of sight. All of the software developed uses Google’s Android open-source software stack
Determination of Altitude Sickness Risk (DASR) User’s Guide for Apple Mobile Devices
Android Smartphone Relevance to Military Weather Applications”.2 2. DASR Inputs To launch DASR, simply tap the DASR icon on the device start screen...risk due to sleep deprivation). TB MED 505 should be consulted for additional details if necessary. 5 Fig. 4 Individual Factors view The risk...armypubs.army.mil/med/index.html]. 2. Sauter, D. Android smartphone relevance to military weather applications. White Sands Missile Range (NM); Army Research
Objective: Cognitive–behavioral models of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) propose that patients respond to symptoms with 2 predominant activity patterns—activity limitation and all-or-nothing behaviors—both of which may contribute to illness persistence. The current study investigated whether activity patterns occurred at the same time as, or followed on from, patient symptom experience and affect. Method: Twenty-three adults with CFS were recruited from U.K. CFS services. Experience sampling methodology (ESM) was used to assess fluctuations in patient symptom experience, affect, and activity management patterns over 10 assessments per day for a total of 6 days. Assessments were conducted within patients’ daily life and were delivered through an app on touchscreen Android mobile phones. Multilevel model analyses were conducted to examine the role of self-reported patient fatigue, pain, and affect as predictors of change in activity patterns at the same and subsequent assessment. Results: Current experience of fatigue-related symptoms and pain predicted higher patient activity limitation at the current and subsequent assessments whereas subjective wellness predicted higher all-or-nothing behavior at both times. Current pain predicted less all-or-nothing behavior at the subsequent assessment. In contrast to hypotheses, current positive affect was predictive of current activity limitation whereas current negative affect was predictive of current all-or-nothing behavior. Both activity patterns varied at the momentary level. Conclusions: Patient symptom experiences appear to be driving patient activity management patterns in line with the cognitive–behavioral model of CFS. ESM offers a useful method for examining multiple interacting variables within the context of patients’ daily life. PMID:27819461
Student Engagement, 21st Century Skills, and How the Ipad Is
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bloemsma, Michael Scott
This study investigated the use of Apple's iPads as a means to engage students in learning and help them to relate what they are learning in school to the real world. Research suggests students are increasingly disengaged from school because schools are out of sync with the digital world in which "Millennial" students have grown up.…
Failure to Launch: Structural Shift and the New Lost Generation
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Carnevale, Anthony P.; Hanson, Andrew R.; Gulish, Artem
The lockstep march from school to work and then on to retirement no longer applies for a growing share of Americans. Many young adults are launching their careers later, while older adults are working longer. As a result, the education and labor market institutions that were the foundation of a 20th century system are out of sync with the 21st…
The How To Book of Teen Self Discovery: Helping Teens Find Balance, Security & Esteem.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Childre, Doc Lew
The teenage years are full of promise and confusion. Ways in which adults can help teens listen to their hearts to find inner security and understanding are detailed in this book. Self-discovery is presented as a joint venture between the head and the heart. When these are out of sync, insecurity and conflict may arise, but when they work…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Carr-Chellman, Alison
Boy culture is out of sync with school culture. There are several reasons for this, including zero tolerance policies that are too often taken to extremes, the lack of male teachers, and the compression of the curriculum. What's more, boy culture is not socially accepted, and boys quickly come to feel that they are not good at school. For many…
Managing and Controlling Stress Using mHealth: Systematic Search in App Stores.
Blázquez Martín, David; De La Torre, Isabel; Garcia-Zapirain, Begonya; Lopez-Coronado, Miguel; Rodrigues, Joel
Traditional stress management techniques have been proven insufficient to tackle the needs of today's population. Computational-based techniques and now mobile health (mHealth) apps are showing promise to enable ease of use and access while educating end users on self-management. The main aim of this paper was to put forward a systematic review of mHealth apps for stress management. The scenario chosen for this study consists of a sample of the most relevant mHealth apps found on the British and Spanish online stores of the two main mobile operating systems: iOS and Android. The apps have been categorized and scored base on their impact, presence, number of results, language, and operating system. A total of 433 different mobile apps for stress management was analyzed. Of these apps, 21.7% (94/433) belonged to the "relaxing music" category, 10.9% (47/433) were in the "draw and paint" category, 1.2% (5/433) belonged to the "heart rate control" category, and 1.2% (5/433) fell under "integral methodology." Only 2.0% (8/433) of the apps qualified as high or medium interest while 98.0% were low interest. Furthermore, 2.0% (8/433) of the apps were available on both iOS and Android, and 98% of apps ran on only one platform (iOS or Android). There are many low-value apps available at the moment, but the analysis shows that they are adding new functionalities and becoming fully integrated self-management systems with extra capabilities such as professional assistance services and online support communities. ©David Blázquez Martín, Isabel De La Torre, Begonya Garcia-Zapirain, Miguel Lopez-Coronado, Joel Rodrigues. Originally published in JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth (http://mhealth.jmir.org), 09.05.2018.
Negative association between acrylamide exposure and body composition in adults: NHANES, 2003–2004
Chu, P-L; Lin, L-Y; Chen, P-C; Su, T-C; Lin, C-Y
Background/Objectives: Acrylamide is present in mainstream cigarette smoke and in some food prepared at high temperature. Animal studies have shown that acrylamide exposure reduces body weight. Prenatal exposure to acrylamide also has been linked to reduced birth weight in human. Whether acrylamide exposure is associated with altered body compositions in adults is not clear. Subjects/Methods: We selected 3623 subjects (aged ⩾20 years) from a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in 2003–2004 to determine the relationship among hemoglobin adducts of acrylamide (HbAA), hemoglobin adducts of glycidamide (HbGA) and body composition (body measures, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)). Data were adjusted for potential confounding variables. Results: The geometric means and 95% CI concentrations of HbAA and HbGA were 60.48 (59.32–61.65) pmol/g Hb and 55.64 (54.40–56.92) pmol/g Hb, respectively. After weighting for sampling strategy, we identified that one-unit increase in natural log-HbAA, but not HbGA, was associated with reduction in body measures (body weight, body mass index (BMI), subscapular/triceps skinfold), parameters of BIA (fat-free mass, fat mass, percent body fat, total body water) and parameters of DXA (android fat mass, android percent fat, gynoid fat/lean mass, gynoid percent mass, android to gynoid ratio). Subgroup analysis showed that these associations were more evident in subjects at younger age, male gender, whites, lower education level, active smokers and those with lower BMI. Conclusions: Higher concentrations of HbAA are associated with a decrease in body composition in the US general population. Further studies are warranted to clarify this association. PMID:28287631
Development of a metal detector for smartphones and its use in the teaching laboratory
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sobral, G. A.
In this article, we describe how to develop an inductive metal detector that can be integrated to any Android or iOS smartphone with a standard audio port at low cost. The results indicate the metal detector can be used in the physics teaching laboratory as a practical application of principles of electromagnetism. It allows one to differentiate ferromagnetic samples from the diamagnetic and paramagnetic ones and can also be used to investigate the direction of alternating magnetic fields and to demonstrate the Faraday’s cage shielding effect.
Ozay, Guner; Seyhan, Ferda; Yilmaz, Aysun; Whitaker, Thomas B; Slate, Andrew B; Giesbrecht, Francis
The variability associated with the aflatoxin test procedure used to estimate aflatoxin levels in bulk shipments of hazelnuts was investigated. Sixteen 10 kg samples of shelled hazelnuts were taken from each of 20 lots that were suspected of aflatoxin contamination. The total variance associated with testing shelled hazelnuts was estimated and partitioned into sampling, sample preparation, and analytical variance components. Each variance component increased as aflatoxin concentration (either B1 or total) increased. With the use of regression analysis, mathematical expressions were developed to model the relationship between aflatoxin concentration and the total, sampling, sample preparation, and analytical variances. The expressions for these relationships were used to estimate the variance for any sample size, subsample size, and number of analyses for a specific aflatoxin concentration. The sampling, sample preparation, and analytical variances associated with estimating aflatoxin in a hazelnut lot at a total aflatoxin level of 10 ng/g and using a 10 kg sample, a 50 g subsample, dry comminution with a Robot Coupe mill, and a high-performance liquid chromatographic analytical method are 174.40, 0.74, and 0.27, respectively. The sampling, sample preparation, and analytical steps of the aflatoxin test procedure accounted for 99.4, 0.4, and 0.2% of the total variability, respectively.
A Mars Sample Return Sample Handling System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wilson, David; Stroker, Carol
We present a sample handling system, a subsystem of the proposed Dragon landed Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission [1], that can return to Earth orbit a significant mass of frozen Mars samples potentially consisting of: rock cores, subsurface drilled rock and ice cuttings, pebble sized rocks, and soil scoops. The sample collection, storage, retrieval and packaging assumptions and concepts in this study are applicable for the NASA's MPPG MSR mission architecture options [2]. Our study assumes a predecessor rover mission collects samples for return to Earth to address questions on: past life, climate change, water history, age dating, understanding Mars interior evolution [3], and, human safety and in-situ resource utilization. Hence the rover will have "integrated priorities for rock sampling" [3] that cover collection of subaqueous or hydrothermal sediments, low-temperature fluidaltered rocks, unaltered igneous rocks, regolith and atmosphere samples. Samples could include: drilled rock cores, alluvial and fluvial deposits, subsurface ice and soils, clays, sulfates, salts including perchlorates, aeolian deposits, and concretions. Thus samples will have a broad range of bulk densities, and require for Earth based analysis where practical: in-situ characterization, management of degradation such as perchlorate deliquescence and volatile release, and contamination management. We propose to adopt a sample container with a set of cups each with a sample from a specific location. We considered two sample cups sizes: (1) a small cup sized for samples matching those submitted to in-situ characterization instruments, and, (2) a larger cup for 100 mm rock cores [4] and pebble sized rocks, thus providing diverse samples and optimizing the MSR sample mass payload fraction for a given payload volume. We minimize sample degradation by keeping them frozen in the MSR payload sample canister using Peltier chip cooling. The cups are sealed by interference fitted heat activated memory
Prosodic alignment in human-computer interaction
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Suzuki, N.; Katagiri, Y.
Androids that replicate humans in form also need to replicate them in behaviour to achieve a high level of believability or lifelikeness. We explore the minimal social cues that can induce in people the human tendency for social acceptance, or ethopoeia, toward artifacts, including androids. It has been observed that people exhibit a strong tendency to adjust to each other, through a number of speech and language features in human-human conversational interactions, to obtain communication efficiency and emotional engagement. We investigate in this paper the phenomena related to prosodic alignment in human-computer interactions, with particular focus on human-computer alignment of speech characteristics. We found that people exhibit unidirectional and spontaneous short-term alignment of loudness and response latency in their speech in response to computer-generated speech. We believe this phenomenon of prosodic alignment provides one of the key components for building social acceptance of androids.
Background Using the Android platform as a notification instrument for diseases and disorders forms a new alternative for computerization of epidemiological studies. Objective The objective of our study was to construct a tool for gathering epidemiological data on schistosomiasis using the Android platform. Methods The developed application (app), named the Schisto Track, is a tool for data capture and analysis that was designed to meet the needs of a traditional epidemiological survey. An initial version of the app was finished and tested in both real situations and simulations for epidemiological surveys. Results The app proved to be a tool capable of automation of activities, with data organization and standardization, easy data recovery (to enable interfacing with other systems), and totally modular architecture. Conclusions The proposed Schisto Track is in line with worldwide trends toward use of smartphones with the Android platform for modeling epidemiological scenarios. PMID:25099881
Implementation of Nearest Neighbor using HSV to Identify Skin Disease
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gerhana, Y. A.; Zulfikar, W. B.; Ramdani, A. H.; Ramdhani, M. A.
Today, Android is one of the most widely used operating system in the world. Most of android device has a camera that could capture an image, this feature could be optimized to identify skin disease. The disease is one of health problem caused by bacterium, fungi, and virus. The symptoms of skin disease usually visible. In this work, the symptoms that captured as image contains HSV in every pixel of the image. HSV can extracted and then calculate to earn euclidean value. The value compared using nearest neighbor algorithm to discover closer value between image testing and image training to get highest value that decide class label or type of skin disease. The testing result show that 166 of 200 or about 80% is accurate. There are some reasons that influence the result of classification model like number of image training and quality of android device’s camera.
Link Performance Analysis and monitoring - A unified approach to divergent requirements
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Thom, G. A.
Link Performance Analysis and real-time monitoring are generally covered by a wide range of equipment. Bit Error Rate testers provide digital link performance measurements but are not useful during real-time data flows. Real-time performance monitors utilize the fixed overhead content but vary widely from format to format. Link quality information is also present from signal reconstruction equipment in the form of receiver AGC, bit synchronizer AGC, and bit synchronizer soft decision level outputs, but no general approach to utilizing this information exists. This paper presents an approach to link tests, real-time data quality monitoring, and results presentation that utilizes a set of general purpose modules in a flexible architectural environment. The system operates over a wide range of bit rates (up to 150 Mbs) and employs several measurement techniques, including P/N code errors or fixed PCM format errors, derived real-time BER from frame sync errors, and Data Quality Analysis derived by counting significant sync status changes. The architecture performs with a minimum of elements in place to permit a phased update of the user's unit in accordance with his needs.
Development of a personal digital assistant-based wireless application in clinical practice.
Chen, Yen-Cheng; Chiu, Hou-Chang; Tsai, Ming-Dar; Chang, Hang; Chong, Chee-Fah
Our study aims to develop a personal digital assistant (PDA)-based wireless application in medical information processing by using Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b wireless standards and SyncML codes. In this study, an "integrated database access module" is used to provide a unified integrated access interface while consistency of wireless data transmission is achieved by using the standardized SyncML protocol. A prototype of the system has been developed, implemented, and tested for its mobility, usability, stability, and performance with questionnaire survey. Response time for browsing/searching was usually less than 3s. The average time intervals needed for data transmissions were 68.6+/-8.5s for Bluetooth and 47.0+/-4.8s for 802.11b. The five-point Likert scale (from 1=least to 5=most) questionnaire survey of 30 medical professionals yielded a high degree of satisfaction with the system's mobility (4.18+/-0.89), usability (4.69+/-0.90), stability (3.81+/-0.94), and performance (3.97+/-0.88). The results of our study suggested that PDA applications which exploit wireless communication are convenient and feasible in clinical practice.
UAV field demonstration of social media enabled tactical data link
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Olson, Christopher C.; Xu, Da; Martin, Sean R.; Castelli, Jonathan C.; Newman, Andrew J.
This paper addresses the problem of enabling Command and Control (C2) and data exfiltration functions for missions using small, unmanned, airborne surveillance and reconnaissance platforms. The authors demonstrated the feasibility of using existing commercial wireless networks as the data transmission infrastructure to support Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) autonomy functions such as transmission of commands, imagery, metadata, and multi-vehicle coordination messages. The authors developed and integrated a C2 Android application for ground users with a common smart phone, a C2 and data exfiltration Android application deployed on-board the UAVs, and a web server with database to disseminate the collected data to distributed users using standard web browsers. The authors performed a mission-relevant field test and demonstration in which operators commanded a UAV from an Android device to search and loiter; and remote users viewed imagery, video, and metadata via web server to identify and track a vehicle on the ground. Social media served as the tactical data link for all command messages, images, videos, and metadata during the field demonstration. Imagery, video, and metadata were transmitted from the UAV to the web server via multiple Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, and similar media accounts. The web server reassembled images and video with corresponding metadata for distributed users. The UAV autopilot communicated with the on-board Android device via on-board Bluetooth network.
Systematic Assessment of the Impact of User Roles on Network Flow Patterns
Protocol SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SQL Structured Query Language SSH Secure Shell SYN TCP Sync Flag SVDD Support Vector Data Description SVM...and evaluating users based on roles provide the best approach for defining normal digital behaviors? People are individuals, with different interests...activities on the network. We evaluate the assumption that users sharing similar roles exhibit similar network behaviors, and contrast the level of similarity
Time Management: Addressing and Assessing Classroom Participation Problems
Time Management Addressing and Assessing Classroom Participation Problems Cary A. Balser Abstract While research shows that technology in...novel experimental design in concert with SmartSync technology to block cadet use of internet and outlook email on their computers in order to measure...undergraduate institution with a clear focus on STEM, technology in the classroom is very nearly necessitated by the content in many technical courses
A Proposed Time Transfer Experiment Between the USA and the South Pacific
1 nanosecond, The corrected position will be traris~nitted by both the time transfer modem and the existing TV line sync dissemination process...communications satellite (AUSSAT K1) (Figure 5), With after-the- fact ephemeris correction , this is useful to the 20 nanosecond level. The second...spheric corrections will ultimately reduce ephemeris related time transfer errors to the 1 nanosecond level. The corrected position will be transmitted
[A comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling].
Suen, Lee-Jen Wu; Huang, Hui-Man; Lee, Hao-Hsien
Convenience sampling and purposive sampling are two different sampling methods. This article first explains sampling terms such as target population, accessible population, simple random sampling, intended sample, actual sample, and statistical power analysis. These terms are then used to explain the difference between "convenience sampling" and purposive sampling." Convenience sampling is a non-probabilistic sampling technique applicable to qualitative or quantitative studies, although it is most frequently used in quantitative studies. In convenience samples, subjects more readily accessible to the researcher are more likely to be included. Thus, in quantitative studies, opportunity to participate is not equal for all qualified individuals in the target population and study results are not necessarily generalizable to this population. As in all quantitative studies, increasing the sample size increases the statistical power of the convenience sample. In contrast, purposive sampling is typically used in qualitative studies. Researchers who use this technique carefully select subjects based on study purpose with the expectation that each participant will provide unique and rich information of value to the study. As a result, members of the accessible population are not interchangeable and sample size is determined by data saturation not by statistical power analysis.
hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources , gathering and maintaining the data needed, and...architecture of MECH v0.1 is shown in Figure 1. The Android MECH-App shown on the left side of the figure is for end users to request tactical risk...when or where the next attack will take place. 3 2 MECH-App MECH-App runs on a touch screen based Android device for end users to access the
Information sampling behavior with explicit sampling costs
Juni, Mordechai Z.; Gureckis, Todd M.; Maloney, Laurence T.
The decision to gather information should take into account both the value of information and its accrual costs in time, energy and money. Here we explore how people balance the monetary costs and benefits of gathering additional information in a perceptual-motor estimation task. Participants were rewarded for touching a hidden circular target on a touch-screen display. The target’s center coincided with the mean of a circular Gaussian distribution from which participants could sample repeatedly. Each “cue” — sampled one at a time — was plotted as a dot on the display. Participants had to repeatedly decide, after sampling each cue, whether to stop sampling and attempt to touch the hidden target or continue sampling. Each additional cue increased the participants’ probability of successfully touching the hidden target but reduced their potential reward. Two experimental conditions differed in the initial reward associated with touching the hidden target and the fixed cost per cue. For each condition we computed the optimal number of cues that participants should sample, before taking action, to maximize expected gain. Contrary to recent claims that people gather less information than they objectively should before taking action, we found that participants over-sampled in one experimental condition, and did not significantly under- or over-sample in the other. Additionally, while the ideal observer model ignores the current sample dispersion, we found that participants used it to decide whether to stop sampling and take action or continue sampling, a possible consequence of imperfect learning of the underlying population dispersion across trials. PMID:27429991
Lunar Sample Quarantine & Sample Curation
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Allton, Judith H.
The main goal of this presentation is to discuss some of the responsibility of the lunar sample quarantine project. The responsibilities are: flying the mission safely, and on schedule, protect the Earth from biohazard, and preserve scientific integrity of samples.
Synchronization as Aggregation: Cluster Kinetics of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators.
O'Keeffe, Kevin P; Krapivsky, P L; Strogatz, Steven H
We consider models of identical pulse-coupled oscillators with global interactions. Previous work showed that under certain conditions such systems always end up in sync, but did not quantify how small clusters of synchronized oscillators progressively coalesce into larger ones. Using tools from the study of aggregation phenomena, we obtain exact results for the time-dependent distribution of cluster sizes as the system evolves from disorder to synchrony.
Synchronizing A Stroboscope With A Video Camera
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rhodes, David B.; Franke, John M.; Jones, Stephen B.; Dismond, Harriet R.
Circuit synchronizes flash of light from stroboscope with frame and field periods of video camera. Sync stripper sends vertical-synchronization signal to delay generator, which generates trigger signal. Flashlamp power supply accepts delayed trigger signal and sends pulse of power to flash lamp. Designed for use in making short-exposure images that "freeze" flow in wind tunnel. Also used for making longer-exposure images obtained by use of continuous intense illumination.
Soil sampling kit and a method of sampling therewith
Thompson, Cyril V.
A soil sampling device and a sample containment device for containing a soil sample is disclosed. In addition, a method for taking a soil sample using the soil sampling device and soil sample containment device to minimize the loss of any volatile organic compounds contained in the soil sample prior to analysis is disclosed. The soil sampling device comprises two close fitting, longitudinal tubular members of suitable length, the inner tube having the outward end closed. With the inner closed tube withdrawn a selected distance, the outer tube can be inserted into the ground or other similar soft material to withdraw a sample of material for examination. The inner closed end tube controls the volume of the sample taken and also serves to eject the sample. The soil sample containment device has a sealing member which is adapted to attach to an analytical apparatus which analyzes the volatile organic compounds contained in the sample. The soil sampling device in combination with the soil sample containment device allow an operator to obtain a soil sample containing volatile organic compounds and minimizing the loss of the volatile organic compounds prior to analysis of the soil sample for the volatile organic compounds.
Ahmadani, Muhammad Yakoob; Hakeem, Rubina; Fawwad, Asher; Basit, Abdul; Shera, A Samad
To assess insulin levels and their association with metabolic risk factors (family history of diabetes, abnormal glucose tolerance, hypertension, overweight and android obesity) among a representative group of Pakistan. The study data was taken from the database of a population-based survey conducted in Sindh Province, Pakistan, in 1994 to assess the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Through stratified random sampling; oral glucose tolerance tests were performed in 967 adults; every fifth sample was estimated for fasting and random (2-hour post-75 gm glucose load) insulin levels. The total number of metabolic risk factors was counted for each subject, and their association with insulin levels studied. Of the 130 subjects, 56.1% were females and 95.4% were Sindhi. The mean age of males and females was 43.84 and 40.61 years, respectively. Family history for diabetes and frequency of overweight had significant positive associations with both fasting and random insulin levels (P < 0.05). Association between hypertension and insulin levels was significant only for random insulin levels, and between android obesity, abnormal glucose tolerance, or male gender and insulin levels only for fasting insulin levels (P < 0.05). Metabolic risk factors had significant positive associations with both fasting (r = 0.351 P = 0.000) as well as random insulin levels (r = 0.364 P = 0.000). This paper provides baseline pioneering information applicable to the Pakistani population. Furthermore, the observations made in this study about differences in association of fasting or random insulin levels with various metabolic risk factors highlight the possibility of using either of them for risk assessment. This finding needs to be assessed in a larger and nationally representative sample.
Asynchronous learning: student utilization out of sync with their preference.
Lew, Edward K; Nordquist, Erik K
Asynchronous learning is gaining popularity. Data are limited regarding this learning method in medical students rotating in emergency medicine (EM). In EM, faculty time is limited to give in-person lectures. The authors sought to create an online curriculum that students could utilize as an additional learning modality. The goal was to evaluate effectiveness, participation, and preference for this mode of learning. We developed five online, narrated PowerPoint presentations. After orientation, access to the online curriculum was provided to the students, which they could review at their leisure. One hundred and seven fourth-year medical students participated. They reported the curriculum to be of high quality. Pretest scores were similar for those that viewed all lectures - compliant group (CG) (9.5 [CI 4.8-14.1]) and those that did not view any - non-compliant group (NCG) (9.6 [CI 5.9-13.4]). There was no statistical significant difference in posttest scores between the groups although there was improvement overall: CG 14.6 (CI 6.9-22.1); NCG 11.4 (CI 5.7-17.1). A majority (69.2%) favored inclusion of asynchronous learning, but less than a quarter (22.4%) reported viewing all five modules and more than a third (36.4%) viewed none. Despite student-expressed preference for an online curriculum, they used the online resource less than expected. This should give pause to educators looking to convert core EM topics to an online format. However, when high-quality online lectures are utilized as a learning tool, this study demonstrates that they had neither a positive nor a negative impact on test scores.
Soil sampling kit and a method of sampling therewith
Thompson, C.V.
A soil sampling device and a sample containment device for containing a soil sample is disclosed. In addition, a method for taking a soil sample using the soil sampling device and soil sample containment device to minimize the loss of any volatile organic compounds contained in the soil sample prior to analysis is disclosed. The soil sampling device comprises two close fitting, longitudinal tubular members of suitable length, the inner tube having the outward end closed. With the inner closed tube withdrawn a selected distance, the outer tube can be inserted into the ground or other similar soft material to withdraw a sample of material for examination. The inner closed end tube controls the volume of the sample taken and also serves to eject the sample. The soil sample containment device has a sealing member which is adapted to attach to an analytical apparatus which analyzes the volatile organic compounds contained in the sample. The soil sampling device in combination with the soil sample containment device allows an operator to obtain a soil sample containing volatile organic compounds and minimizing the loss of the volatile organic compounds prior to analysis of the soil sample for the volatile organic compounds. 11 figures.
Sample Manipulation System for Sample Analysis at Mars
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mumm, Erik; Kennedy, Tom; Carlson, Lee; Roberts, Dustyn
The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument will analyze Martian samples collected by the Mars Science Laboratory Rover with a suite of spectrometers. This paper discusses the driving requirements, design, and lessons learned in the development of the Sample Manipulation System (SMS) within SAM. The SMS stores and manipulates 74 sample cups to be used for solid sample pyrolysis experiments. Focus is given to the unique mechanism architecture developed to deliver a high packing density of sample cups in a reliable, fault tolerant manner while minimizing system mass and control complexity. Lessons learned are presented on contamination control, launch restraint mechanisms for fragile sample cups, and mechanism test data.
Environmental sampling can be difficult and expensive to carry out. Those taking the samples would like to integrate their knowledge of the system of study or their judgment about the system into the sample selection process to decrease the number of necessary samples. However,...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Crussell, Jonathan; Erickson, Jeremy; Fritz, David
minimega is an emulytics platform for creating testbeds of networked devices. The platoform consists of easily deployable tools to facilitate bringing up large networks of virtual machines including Windows, Linux, and Android. minimega allows experiments to be brought up quickly with almost no configuration. minimega also includes tools for simple cluster, management, as well as tools for creating Linux-based virtual machines. This release of minimega includes new emulated sensors for Android devices to improve the fidelity of testbeds that include mobile devices. Emulated sensors include GPS and
Analog design of wireless control for home equipment
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zheng, Shiyong; Li, Zhao; Li, Biqing; Jiang, Suping
This design consists of a STC89C52 microcontroller, a serial Bluetooth module and the Android system. Production of STC89C52 controlled by single-chip computer telephone systems. The system is composed of mobile phone Android system as a master in the family centre,via serial Bluetooth module pass instructions and information to implement wireless transceiver using STC89C52 MCU wireless Bluetooth transmission to control homedevices. System high reliability, low cost easy to use, stong applicability and other characerristics, can be used in single-user family, has great significance.
Sampling for area estimation: A comparison of full-frame sampling with the sample segment approach
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hixson, M.; Bauer, M. E.; Davis, B. J. (Principal Investigator)
The author has identified the following significant results. Full-frame classifications of wheat and non-wheat for eighty counties in Kansas were repetitively sampled to simulate alternative sampling plans. Evaluation of four sampling schemes involving different numbers of samples and different size sampling units shows that the precision of the wheat estimates increased as the segment size decreased and the number of segments was increased. Although the average bias associated with the various sampling schemes was not significantly different, the maximum absolute bias was directly related to sampling size unit.
Aitken, C G
It is thought that, in a consignment of discrete units, a certain proportion of the units contain illegal material. A sample of the consignment is to be inspected. Various methods for the determination of the sample size are compared. The consignment will be considered as a random sample from some super-population of units, a certain proportion of which contain drugs. For large consignments, a probability distribution, known as the beta distribution, for the proportion of the consignment which contains illegal material is obtained. This distribution is based on prior beliefs about the proportion. Under certain specific conditions the beta distribution gives the same numerical results as an approach based on the binomial distribution. The binomial distribution provides a probability for the number of units in a sample which contain illegal material, conditional on knowing the proportion of the consignment which contains illegal material. This is in contrast to the beta distribution which provides probabilities for the proportion of a consignment which contains illegal material, conditional on knowing the number of units in the sample which contain illegal material. The interpretation when the beta distribution is used is much more intuitively satisfactory. It is also much more flexible in its ability to cater for prior beliefs which may vary given the different circumstances of different crimes. For small consignments, a distribution, known as the beta-binomial distribution, for the number of units in the consignment which are found to contain illegal material, is obtained, based on prior beliefs about the number of units in the consignment which are thought to contain illegal material. As with the beta and binomial distributions for large samples, it is shown that, in certain specific conditions, the beta-binomial and hypergeometric distributions give the same numerical results. However, the beta-binomial distribution, as with the beta distribution, has a more
Sample introducing apparatus and sample modules for mass spectrometer
Thompson, Cyril V.; Wise, Marcus B.
An apparatus for introducing gaseous samples from a wide range of environmental matrices into a mass spectrometer for analysis of the samples is described. Several sample preparing modules including a real-time air monitoring module, a soil/liquid purge module, and a thermal desorption module are individually and rapidly attachable to the sample introducing apparatus for supplying gaseous samples to the mass spectrometer. The sample-introducing apparatus uses a capillary column for conveying the gaseous samples into the mass spectrometer and is provided with an open/split interface in communication with the capillary and a sample archiving port through which at least about 90 percent of the gaseous sample in a mixture with an inert gas that was introduced into the sample introducing apparatus is separated from a minor portion of the mixture entering the capillary discharged from the sample introducing apparatus.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dana, Aykutlu; Ozgur, Erol; Torunoglu, Gamze
We present a dynamic approach to scanning near field optical microscopy that extends the measurement technique to the third dimension, by strobing the illumination in sync with the cantilever oscillation. Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in nanodiamonds placed on cantilever tips are used as stable emitters for emission enhancement. Local field enhancement and modulation of optical density states are mapped in three dimensions based on fluorescence intensity and spectrum changes as the tip is scanned over plasmonic nanostructures. The excitation of NV centers is done using a total internal reflection setup. Using a digital phase locked loop to pulse the excitation in various tip sample separations, 2D slices of fluorescence enhancement can be recorded. Alternatively, a conventional SNOM tip can be used to selectively couple wideband excitation to the collection path, with subdiffraction resolution of 60 nm in x and y and 10 nm in z directions. The approach solves the problem of tip-sample separation stabilization over extended periods of measurement time, required to collect data resolved in emission wavelength and three spatial dimensions. The method can provide a unique way of accessing the three dimensional field and mode profiles of nanophotonics structures.
Sample introducing apparatus and sample modules for mass spectrometer
Thompson, C.V.; Wise, M.B.
An apparatus for introducing gaseous samples from a wide range of environmental matrices into a mass spectrometer for analysis of the samples is described. Several sample preparing modules including a real-time air monitoring module, a soil/liquid purge module, and a thermal desorption module are individually and rapidly attachable to the sample introducing apparatus for supplying gaseous samples to the mass spectrometer. The sample-introducing apparatus uses a capillary column for conveying the gaseous samples into the mass spectrometer and is provided with an open/split interface in communication with the capillary and a sample archiving port through which at least about 90 percent of the gaseous sample in a mixture with an inert gas that was introduced into the sample introducing apparatus is separated from a minor portion of the mixture entering the capillary discharged from the sample introducing apparatus. 5 figures.