Sample records for au cern pour

  1. Signature CERN-URSS




    Le DG W.Jentschke souhaite la bienvenue à l'assemblée et aux invités pour la signature du protocole entre le Cern et l'URSS qui est un événement important. C'est en 1955 que 55 visiteurs soviétiques ont visité le Cern pour la première fois. Le premier DG au Cern, F.Bloch, et Mons.Amaldi sont aussi présents. Tandis que le discours anglais de W.Jentschke est traduit en russe, le discours russe de Mons.Morozov est traduit en anglais.

  2. The significance of Cern




    Le Prof. V.Weisskopf, DG du Cern de 1961 à 1965, est né à Vienne, a fait ses études à Göttingen et a une carrière académique particulièrement riche. Il a travaillé à Berlin, Copenhague et Berlin et est parti aux Etats Unis pour participer au projet Manhattan et était Prof. au MTT jusqu'à 1960. Revenu en Europe, il a été DG du Cern et lui a donné l'impulsion que l'on sait.

  3. Analyse experimentale des performances d'une batterie au lithium pour l'aeronautique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonnin, Romain

    Ce memoire a pour objectif d'identifier et d'etudier les performances necessaires pour qu'une batterie au lithium puisse etre utilisee dans le secteur de l'aeronautique. C'est pourquoi dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous allons proposer une procedure de tests permettant d'analyser et de determiner si la batterie au lithium peut etre implantee dans un avion. En vue de repondre a l'analyse des performances, une etude des fonctionnalites demandees par l'avion ainsi que des normes preexistantes vont etre effectuees. Suite a cette etape, nous allons elaborer un banc d'essais. Une fois le banc d'essais acheve, nous allons tester une batterie au lithium qui est supposee disposer de toutes les caracteristiques techniques requises pour etre implantee dans un avion. Ces tests nous permettront donc d'emettre un avis sur l'utilisation des batteries au lithium dans le domaine de l'aeronautique.

  4. Urban Combat Advanced Training Technology Architecture (Architecture de technologie avancee pour l’entrainement au combat urbain)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    REPORT TR-MSG-098 Urban Combat Advanced Training Technology Architecture (Architecture de technologie avancée pour l’entraînement au combat urbain...REPORT TR-MSG-098 Urban Combat Advanced Training Technology Architecture (Architecture de technologie avancée pour l’entraînement au combat...3 1-2 1.3 Illustration of the Need for UCATT by Contemporary Example Situations 1-3 1.3.1 RNLA: Connection of NLD Mobile Combat Training Centre to


    PubMed Central

    LE FOLL, Bernard; JUSTINOVA, Zuzana; TANDA, Gianlugi; GOLDBERG, Steven R.


    RESUME Plus de trois millions de morts sont attribués au tabagisme dans le monde par an, et l’usage de tabac est en progression dans les pays en voie de développement. L’usage de tabac est donc une des rares causes de mortalité qui augmente, avec une prévision de plus de 10 millions de morts par an dans 30–40 ans. Le cannabis ou marijuana est la drogue illicite la plus consommée dans le monde et il n’y a actuellement pas de traitement disponible. Bien que les systèmes dopaminergiques jouent un rôle central dans les effets renforçants des drogues, d’autres systèmes sont impliqués. Nous présentons ici des résultats récents obtenus avec des antagonistes des récepteurs cannabinoides CB1, des récepteurs D3 de la dopamine et des récepteurs opioïdes. Ces antagonistes qui modulent de façon directe ou indirecte la transmission dopaminergique cérébrale représentent des approches prometteuses pour le traitement du tabagisme ou de la dépendance au cannabis. Ces approches sont à valider dans des essais cliniques. PMID:18663981

  6. 65th birthday Jack Steinberger




    Laudatio pour Jack Steinberger né le 25 mai 1921, à l'occasion de son 65me anniversaire et sa retraite officielle, pour sa précieuse collaboration au Cern. Néanmoins son principal activité continuera comme avant dans sa recherche au Cern. Plusieurs orateurs prennent la parole (p.ex. E.Picasso) pour le féliciter et lui rendre hommage

  7. Les déterminants du statut “perdu de vue” chez les patients pris en charge pour cancer au Maroc: situation avant le Plan Cancer

    PubMed Central

    Najdi, Adil; Berraho, Mohamed; Bendahhou, Karima; Obtel, Majdouline; Zidouh, Ahmed; Errihani, Hassan; Nejjari, Chakib


    Introduction Le cancer au Maroc représente un problème majeur de santé publique, sa prise en charge doit être globale, active et complète pour tous les patients. L'objectif de ce travail était d'estimer la fréquence des perdus de vue « PDV » en oncologie au Maroc durant la première année de suivi et de déterminer les facteurs associés à ce problème. Méthodes Par une étude rétrospective portant sur 2854 dossiers de malades hospitalisés dans les trois principaux centres d'oncologie au Maroc depuis janvier 2003 jusqu’à juin 2007 et concernant les cinq principales localisations de cancer au Maroc, nous avons cherché la date des dernières nouvelles des patients ayant un recul de 18 mois minimum afin de déterminer le statut de ces malades après un an de suivi. Résultats La moyenne d’âge était de 52±14 ans, une proportion féminine de 63%, les sujets actifs constituaient 28%, les mariés 71%, les analphabètes 51%, 70% des patients habitaient en milieu urbain et seulement 11% des malades disposaient d'une couverture sociale. La localisation cancéreuse la plus fréquente était le poumon (23,8%) suivie du colon-rectum (23,5%) puis le col (21,9%), le sein (20,4%) et les lymphomes (10,4%). Le taux des «PDV» à un an de suivi était de 48%, ce statut était significativement lié au sexe, à l’âge, au NSE et au statut matrimonial. Sur le plan médical, le statut «PDV» était lié à la localisation du cancer, au stade de diagnostic et au type de traitement reçu. Conclusion Notre étude a mis en évidence la grande ampleur du problème des PDV en cancérologie au Maroc ainsi que ces déterminants. Ces résultats incitent tous les acteurs dans le domaine de la cancérologie à collaborer ensemble pour prendre les mesures qui s'imposent pour y pallier PMID:25400850

  8. Appel pour une allocation intelligente dans le financement du système de santé au Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Sieleunou, Isidore


    Le Cameroun utilise un système de budgétisation historique et une approche «top-down» pour allouer ses ressources de santé publique. Cependant, le pays compte 175 districts de santé dont les fortes disparités de nature épidémiologique, économique, géographique et culturelle, devraient être prises en compte pour réduire les iniquités en matière de sante publique. Comment comprendre alors que dans ces conditions, le budget des administrations publiques alloué aux différents districts de santé au Cameroun soit quasi identique alors que les défis sont si différents? L'inefficience allocative (mauvaise attribution du budget) générée par un tel système conduit vraisemblablement à une inefficience technique (mauvaise utilisation du budget). Pour la marche vers l'atteinte des objectifs du millénaire en matière de sante, il est impératif et urgent que les décideurs du secteur de la santé allouent de manière intelligente les ressources dans le système de santé. PMID:22355420

  9. Une alternative au cobalt pour la synthese de nanotubes de carbone monoparoi par plasma inductif thermique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carrier, Jean-Francois

    Les nanotubes de carbone de type monoparoi (C-SWNT) sont une classe recente de nanomateriaux qui ont fait leur apparition en 1991. L'interet qu'on leur accorde provient des nombreuses proprietes d'avant-plan qu'ils possedent. Leur resistance mecanique serait des plus rigide, tout comme ils peuvent conduire l'electricite et la chaleur d'une maniere inegalee. Non moins, les C-SWNT promettent de devenir une nouvelle classe de plateforme moleculaire, en servant de site d'attache pour des groupements reactifs. Les promesses de ce type particulier de nanomateriau sont nombreuses, la question aujourd'hui est de comment les realiser. La technologie de synthese par plasma inductif thermique se situe avantageusement pour la qualite de ses produits, sa productivite et les faibles couts d'operation. Par contre, des recherches recentes ont permis de mettre en lumiere des risques d'expositions reliees a l'utilisation du cobalt, comme catalyseur de synthese; son elimination ou bien son remplacement est devenu une preoccupation importante. Quatre recettes alternatives ont ete mises a l'essai afin de trouver une alternative plus securitaire a la recette de base; un melange catalytique ternaire, compose de nickel, de cobalt et d'oxyde d'yttrium. La premiere consiste essentiellement a remplacer la proportion massique de cobalt par du nickel, qui etait deja present dans la recette de base. Les trois options suivantes contiennent de nouveaux catalyseurs, en remplacement au Co, qui sont apparus dans plusieurs recherches scientifiques au courant des dernieres annees: le dioxyde de zircone (ZrO2), dioxyde de manganese (MnO2) et le molybdene (Mo). La methode utilisee consiste a vaporiser la matiere premiere, sous forme solide, dans un reacteur plasma a haute frequence (3 MHz) a paroi refroidi. Apres le passage dans le plasma, le systeme traverse une section dite de "croissance", isolee thermiquement a l'aide de graphite, afin de maintenir une certaine plage de temperature favorable a la

  10. Sidération myocardique au cours d'une intoxication au monoxyde de carbone (CO) chez une femme enceinte

    PubMed Central

    Coulibaly, Mahamadoun; Berdai, Mohamed Adnane; Labib, Smael; Harandou, Mustapha


    L'intoxication au monoxyde de carbone (CO) est la première cause de décès par intoxication en France. La littérature est ancienne et peu connue. Les signes les plus fréquents de l'intoxication sont la triade: Céphalées; asthénie, faiblesse musculaire surtout des membres inférieurs. Ses conséquences sont potentiellement graves pour le fœtus quand elle survient chez la femme enceinte, il est particulièrement exposé au risque d'hypoxie en raison de la forte affinité de son hémoglobine pour le CO qui traverse aisément le placenta. Les événements cardiovasculaires ne sont pas rares et peuvent être responsable d'une morbi-mortalité assez importante qui peuvent être d'apparition rapide ou secondaire mais régressent habituellement en quelques jours. Des SCA peuvent survenir lors d'une une intoxication au CO avec à l'extrême infarctus myocardique avec surélévation du segment ST. Il paraît légitime de proposer pour toutes les patientes: l’éloignement maternel de la source de CO; l'oxygénothérapie à 100% au masque facial par les services de secours et pendant le transfert; le traitement par oxygénothérapie hyperbare pour toutes les femmes enceintes, le plus rapidement possible et quelque soit l’âge gestationnel. PMID:26405502

  11. Accelerating hydrodynamic description of pseudorapidity density and the initial energy density in p +p , Cu + Cu, Au + Au, and Pb + Pb collisions at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the CERN Large Hadron Collider

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ze-Fang, Jiang; Chun-Bin, Yang; Csanád, Máté; Csörgő, Tamás


    A known class of analytic, exact, accelerating solutions of prefect relativistic hydrodynamics with longitudinal acceleration is utilized to describe results on the pseudorapidity distributions for different collision systems. These results include d N /d η measured in p +p , Cu+Cu, Au+Au, and Pb+Pb collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the CERN Large Hadron Collider, in a broad centrality range. Going beyond the traditional Bjorken model, from the accelerating hydrodynamic description we determine the initial energy density and other thermodynamic quantities in those collisions.

  12. Synthese, etude structurale et electrochimique des materiaux d'electrode positive d'oxydes mixtes lithium cobalt nickel oxide (0 /= 1) pour les batteries rechargeables au lithium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grincourt, Yves

    Depuis une dizaine d'annees, on observe un interet grandissant pour les batteries rechargeables au lithium de tension superieure a 4 volts. La commercialisation de ces batteries pour l'electronique grand marche tend de plus en plus a supplanter celle des accumulateurs Ni-Cd et Ni-MH, de tension nominate 1,2 V. Ces batteries au lithium font appel a des materiaux d'electrode positive (cathode a la decharge) du type oxydes mixtes de metaux de transition LiMnO 2, LiMn2O4, LiNiO2 ou LiCoO2. Si le compose LiCoO2 est relativement aise a synthetiser, il n'en demeure pas moins que le cobalt reste un metal plus couteux compare au nickel et au manganese. La synthese de LiNiO2, quart a elle, demeure un probleme du point de vue stoechiometrique. Un defaut de lithium (5 a 10% molaire) conduira a des proprietes electrochimiques mediocres de la batterie. Dans cette etude nous nous proposons donc de preparer par voie humide et par voie seche les materiaux d'electrode positive de la famille LiCoyNi1-yO2 aver (0 ≤ y ≤ 1) et d'etudier en detail l'influence du pourcentage de nickel et de cobalt sur les proprietes electrochimiques des oxydes mixtes Li-Ni-Co. Une des caracteristiques est la morphologie plus fine des poudres de materiaux, observes par microscopie electronique a balayage (MEB). Un traitement thermique a plus basse temperature (750°C) que pour LiCoO2 (850°C) ainsi qu'un leger exces de lithium dans la preparation, ont permis d'aboutir a un materiau de stoechiometrie quasi parfaite. Neanmoins, le role de pilfer joue par 2 a 4% de moles de Ni2+ presents sur les sites lithium, permet de conserver intacte la structure hexagonale de la maille entre deux cycles consecutifs. Afin de mieux comprendre l'influence du vieillissement dune demi-pile Li/LiMeO2 (Me = Ni, Co) a temperature ambiante, des etudes electrochimiques et d'impedance spectroscopique ont ete menees en parallele. Le vieillissement de la cellule s'accompagne seulement dune chute de son potentiel due a son auto

  13. 25th Birthday Cern- Restaurant

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Cérémonie du 25ème anniversaire du Cern avec plusieurs orateurs et la présence de nombreux autorités cantonales et communales genevoises et personnalités, directeurs généraux, ministres, chercheurs.... Le conseiller féderal et chef du département des affaires étrangères de la confédération Monsieur Pierre Aubert prend la parole pour célébrer à la fois les résultats très remarquables de la coopération internationale en matière scientifique, mais aussi la volonté politique des états européens de mettre en commun leurs ressources pour faire oeuvre d'avenir. Un grand hommage est aussi donné aux deux directeurs disparus, les prof.Bakker et Gregory.

  14. Fabrication par injection flexible de pieces coniques pour des applications aerospatiales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shebib Loiselle, Vincent

    Les materiaux composites sont presents dans les tuyeres de moteurs spatiaux depuis les annees soixante. Aujourd'hui, l'avenement des tissus tridimensionnels apporte une solution innovatrice au probleme de delamination qui limitait les proprietes mecaniques de ces composites. L'utilisation de ces tissus necessite toutefois la conception de procedes de fabrication mieux adaptes. Une nouvelle methode de fabrication de pieces composites pour des applications aerospatiales a ete etudiee tout au long de ce travail. Celle-ci applique les principes de l'injection flexible (procede Polyflex) a la fabrication de pieces coniques de fortes epaisseurs. La piece de validation a fabriquer represente un modele reduit de piece de tuyere de moteur spatial. Elle est composee d'un renfort tridimensionnel en fibres de carbone et d'une resine phenolique. La reussite du projet est definie par plusieurs criteres sur la compaction et la formation de plis du renfort et sur la formation de porosites de la piece fabriquee. Un grand nombre d'etapes ont ete necessaires avant la fabrication de deux pieces de validation. Premierement, pour repondre au critere sur la compaction du renfort, la conception d'un outil de caracterisation a ete entreprise. L'etude de la compaction a ete effectuee afin d'obtenir les informations necessaires a la comprehension de la deformation d'un renfort 3D axisymetrique. Ensuite, le principe d'injection de la piece a ete defini pour ce nouveau procede. Pour en valider les concepts proposes, la permeabilite du renfort fibreux ainsi que la viscosite de la resine ont du etre caracterisees. A l'aide de ces donnees, une serie de simulations de l'ecoulement pendant l'injection de la piece ont ete realisees et une approximation du temps de remplissage calculee. Apres cette etape, la conception du moule de tuyere a ete entamee et appuyee par une simulation mecanique de la resistance aux conditions de fabrication. Egalement, plusieurs outillages necessaires pour la fabrication

  15. 25th Birthday Cern- Restaurant




    Cérémonie du 25ème anniversaire du Cern avec plusieurs orateurs et la présence de nombreux autorités cantonales et communales genevoises et personnalités, directeurs généraux, ministres, chercheurs.... Le conseiller féderal et chef du département des affaires étrangères de la confédération Monsieur Pierre Aubert prend la parole pour célébrer à la fois les résultats très remarquables de la coopération internationale en matière scientifique, mais aussi la volonté politique des états européens de mettre en commun leurs ressources pour faire oeuvre d'avenir. Un grand hommage est aussi donné aux deux directeurs disparus, les prof.Bakker et Gregory.

  16. Enhanced production of low-mass electron-positron pairs in 40-AGeV Pb-Au collisions at the CERN SPS.


    Adamová, D; Agakichiev, G; Appelshäuser, H; Belaga, V; Braun-Munzinger, P; Cherlin, A; Damjanović, S; Dietel, T; Dietrich, L; Drees, A; Esumi, S I; Filimonov, K; Fomenko, K; Fraenkel, Z; Garabatos, C; Glässel, P; Hering, G; Holeczek, J; Kushpil, V; Lenkeit, B; Maas, A; Marín, A; Milosević, J; Milov, A; Miśkowiec, D; Panebrattsev, Yu; Petchenova, O; Petrácek, V; Pfeiffer, A; Rak, J; Ravinovich, I; Rehak, P; Richter, M; Sako, H; Schmitz, W; Sedykh, S; Seipp, W; Sharma, A; Shimansky, S; Slívová, J; Specht, H J; Stachel, J; Sumbera, M; Tilsner, H; Tserruya, I; Wessels, J P; Wienold, T; Windelband, B; Wurm, J P; Xie, W; Yurevich, S; Yurevich, V


    We report on first measurements of low-mass electron-positron pairs in Pb-Au collisions at the CERN SPS beam energy of 40 AGeV. The observed pair yield integrated over the range of invariant masses 0.2e(+)e(-) annihilation with a modified rho propagator. They may be linked to chiral symmetry restoration and support the notion that the in-medium modifications of the rho are more driven by baryon density than by temperature.

  17. Les campagnes de dépistage du VIH, une stratégie efficace pour l’accès universel à la prévention et au traitement ? L’expérience du Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Somé, J.F.; Desclaux, A.; Ky-Zerbo, O.; Lougué, M.; Kéré, S.; Obermeyer, C.; Simaga, F.


    Objectifs l’augmentation du taux de personnes qui connaissent leur statut VIH est un impératif, notamment en Afrique subsaharienne, ce qui impose d’évaluer les stratégies utilisées pour accroître la fréquentation des services de dépistage. Cet article vise à faire le bilan de la pertinence, de la faisabilité et de l’efficacité des campagnes nationales de dépistagemenées entre 2006 et 2010 au Burkina Faso. Méthodologie une analyse de toutes les données de fréquentation du conseil dépistage sur cette période a été faite, couplée à des entretiens avec les principaux acteurs intervenant dans le dépistage. Résultats les résultats montrent que les huit campagnes de dépistage organisées sur la période ont permis à 487 727 personnes de faire leur test VIH. Ce nombre représente 50 % du nombre total de personnes ayant fait leur test et contribue à hauteur de 24,6 % au dépistage des personnes séropositives identifiées au cours de cette période. Les campagnes ont touché des populations difficiles à atteindre (en particulier les jeunes), à un coût moindre. Conclusions cette stratégie est donc pertinente pour identifier les personnes VIH+. Son intérêt pour la prévention, important selon les soignants et au vu des populations jeunes qui y participent, devrait être mesuré par des études complémentaires. Les campagnes sont efficaces et coût-efficaces même dans un pays de niveau de prévalence faible. Ces résultats soulignent l’intérêt de la synergie entre les associations et les services de santé dans l’offre de services de conseil et dépistage. PMID:24681563

  18. Le contrôle des infections au cabinet du pédiatre

    PubMed Central


    RÉSUMÉ La transmission des infections au cabinet du pédiatre est de plus en plus préoccupante. Le présent document expose les voies de transmission des infections et les principes sous-jacents aux mesures actuelles pour contrôler les infections. Pour prévenir les infections, il faut bien concevoir le cabinet et adopter des politiques administratives et de triage convenables, de même que des pratiques de base pour les soins de tous les patients (p. ex., hygiène des mains, port de gants, de masques, de lunettes de protection et d’une blouse d’hôpital pour des interventions précises; nettoyage, désinfection et stérilisation convenables des surfaces et du matériel, y compris les jouets, et techniques d’asepsie en cas d’interventions effractives) et des précautions additionnelles en cas d’infections précises. Le personnel doit avoir reçu les vaccins pertinents, et les personnes infectées doivent respecter les politiques de restriction au travail.

  19. Etude de l'affaiblissement du comportement mecanique du pergelisol du au rechauffement climatique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buteau, Sylvie

    Le rechauffement climatique predit pour les prochaines decennies, aura des impacts majeurs sur le pergelisol qui sont tres peu documentes pour l'instant. La presente etude a pour but d'evaluer ces impacts sur les proprietes mecaniques du pergelisol et sa stabilite a long terme. Une nouvelle technique d'essai de penetration au cone a taux de deformation controle, a ete developpee pour caracteriser en place le pergelisol. Ces essais geotechniques et la mesure de differentes proprietes physiques ont ete effectues sur une butte de pergelisol au cours du printemps 2000. Le developpement et l'utilisation d'un modele geothermique 1D tenant compte de la thermodependance du comportement mecanique ont permis d'evaluer que les etendues de pergelisol chaud deviendraient instables a la suite d'un rechauffement de l'ordre de 5°C sur cent ans. En effet, la resistance mecanique du pergelisol diminuera alors rapidement jusqu'a 11,6 MPa, ce qui correspond a une perte relative de 98% de la resistance par rapport a un scenario sans rechauffement.

  20. Translation into French of: “Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne – what does e-publication mean for you?”. Translated by Christian Feuillet and Valéry Malécot Changements des conditions requises pour la publication faits au XVIII e Congrès International de Botanique à Melbourne – qu’est-ce que la publication électronique représente pour vous?

    PubMed Central

    Knapp, Sandra; McNeill, John; Turland, Nicholas J.


    Résumé Les changements au Code International de Nomenclature Botanique sont décidés tous les 6 ans aux Sections de Nomenclature associées aux Congrès Internationaux de Botanique (CIB). Le XVIIIe CIB se tenait à Melbourne, Australie; la Section de Nomenclature s’est réunie les 18-22 juillet 2011 et ses décisions ont été acceptées par le Congrès en session plénière le 30 juillet. Suite à cette réunion, plusieurs modifications importantes ont été apportées au Code et vont affecter la publication de nouveaux noms. Deux de ces changements prendront effet le 1er janvier 2012, quelques mois avant que le Code de Melbourne soit publié. Les documents électroniques publiés en ligne en ‘Portable Document Format’ (PDF) avec un ‘International Standard Serial Number’ (ISSN) ou un ‘International Standard Book Number’ (ISBN) constitueront une publication effective, et l’exigence d’une description ou d’une diagnose en latin pour les noms des nouveaux taxa sera changée en l’exigence d’une description ou d’une diagnose en latin ou en anglais. De plus, à partir du 1er janvier 2013, les noms nouveaux des organismes traités comme champignons devront, pour que la publication soit valide, inclure dans le protologue (tous ce qui est associé au nom au moment de la publication valide) la citation d’un identifiant (‘identifier’) fourni par un dépôt reconnu (tel MycoBank). Une ébauche des nouveaux articles concernant la publication électronique est fournie et des conseils de bon usage sont esquissés. Pour encourager la diffusion des changements adoptés au Code International de Nomenclature pour les algues, les champignons et les plantes, cet article sera publié dans BMC Evolutionary Biology, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, Brittonia, Cladistics, MycoKeys, Mycotaxon, New Phytologist, North American Fungi, Novon, Opuscula Philolichenum, PhytoKeys, Phytoneuron, Phytotaxa, Plant Diversity and Resources, Systematic Botany et

  1. Methodologies nouvelles pour la realisation d'essais dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Flores Salinas, Manuel

    Le present memoire en genie de la production automatisee vise a decrire le travail effectue dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis du laboratoire LARCASE pour trouver les methodologies experimentales et les procedures de tests, qui seront utilisees avec les modeles d'ailes actuellement au laboratoire. Les methodologies et procedures presentees ici vont permettre de preparer les tests en soufflerie du projet MDO-505 Architectures et technologies deformables pour l'amelioration des performances des ailes, qui se derouleront durant l'annee 2015. D'abord, un bref historique des souffleries subsoniques sera fait. Les differentes sections de la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis seront decrites en mettant l'emphase sur leur influence dans la qualite de l'ecoulement qui se retrouve dans la chambre d'essai. Ensuite, une introduction a la pression, a sa mesure lors de tests en soufflerie et les instruments utilises pour les tests en soufflerie au laboratoire LARCASE sera presente, en particulier le capteur piezoelectrique XCQ-062. Une attention particuliere sera portee au mode de fonctionnement, a son installation, a la mesure et a la detection des frequences et aux sources d'erreurs lorsqu'on utilise des capteurs de haute precision comme la serie XCQ-062 du fournisseur Kulite. Finalement, les procedures et les methodologies elaborees pour les tests dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis seront utilisees sur quatre types d'ailes differentes. L'article New methodology for wind tunnel calibration using neural networks - EGD approch portant sur une nouvelle facon de predire les caracteristiques de l'ecoulement a l'interieur de la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis se trouve dans l'annexe 2 de ce document. Cet article porte sur la creation d'un reseau de neurones multicouche et sur l'entrainement des neurones, Ensuite, une comparaison des resultats du reseau de neurones a ete fait avec des valeurs simules avec le logiciel Fluent.

  2. Ceremony 25th birthday Cern

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Célébration du 25ème anniversaire du Cern (jour par jour) avec discours de L.Van Hove et J.B.Adams, des interludes musicals offerts par Mme Mey et ses collègues (au debut 1.mouvement du quatuor avec piano no 3 de L.van Beethoven) Les directeurs généraux procéderont à la remise du souvenir aux membres de personnel ayant 25 années de service dans l'organisation. Un témoignage de reconnaissance est auss fait à l'interprète Mme Zwerner

  3. Des ballons pour demain

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Régipa, R.

    A partir d'une théorie sur la détermination des formes et des contraintes globales d'un ballon de révolution, ou s'en rapprochant, une nouvelle famille de ballons a été définie. Les ballons actuels, dits de ``forme naturelle'', sont calculés en général pour une tension circonférencielle nulle. Ainsi, pour une mission donnée, la tension longitudinale et la forme de l'enveloppe sont strictement imposées. Les ballons de la nouvelle génération sont globalement cylindriques et leurs pôles sont réunis par un câble axial, chargé de transmettre une partie des efforts depuis le crochet (pôle inférieur), directement au pôle supérieur. De plus, la zone latérale cylindrique est soumise à un faible champ de tensions circonférencielles. Ainsi, deux paramètres permettent de faire évoluer la distribution des tensions et la forme de l'enveloppe: - la tension du câble de liaison entre pôles (ou la longueur de ce câble) - la tension circonférencielle moyenne désirée (ou le rayon du ballon). On peut donc calculer et réaliser: - soit des ballons de forme adaptée, comme les ballons à fond plat pour le bon fonctionnement des montgolfières infrarouge (projet MIR); - soit des ballons optimisés pour une bonne répartition des contraintes et une meilleure utilisation des matériaux d'enveloppe, pour l'ensemble des programmes stratosphériques. Il s'ensuit une économie sensible des coûts de fabrication, une fiabilité accrue du fonctionnement de ces ballons et une rendement opérationnel bien supérieur, permettant entre autres, d'envisager des vols à très haute altitude en matériaux très légers.

  4. Prediction du profil de durete de l'acier AISI 4340 traite thermiquement au laser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maamri, Ilyes

    Les traitements thermiques de surfaces sont des procedes qui visent a conferer au coeur et a la surface des pieces mecaniques des proprietes differentes. Ils permettent d'ameliorer la resistance a l'usure et a la fatigue en durcissant les zones critiques superficielles par des apports thermiques courts et localises. Parmi les procedes qui se distinguent par leur capacite en terme de puissance surfacique, le traitement thermique de surface au laser offre des cycles thermiques rapides, localises et precis tout en limitant les risques de deformations indesirables. Les proprietes mecaniques de la zone durcie obtenue par ce procede dependent des proprietes physicochimiques du materiau a traiter et de plusieurs parametres du procede. Pour etre en mesure d'exploiter adequatement les ressources qu'offre ce procede, il est necessaire de developper des strategies permettant de controler et regler les parametres de maniere a produire avec precision les caracteristiques desirees pour la surface durcie sans recourir au classique long et couteux processus essai-erreur. L'objectif du projet consiste donc a developper des modeles pour predire le profil de durete dans le cas de traitement thermique de pieces en acier AISI 4340. Pour comprendre le comportement du procede et evaluer les effets des differents parametres sur la qualite du traitement, une etude de sensibilite a ete menee en se basant sur une planification experimentale structuree combinee a des techniques d'analyse statistiques eprouvees. Les resultats de cette etude ont permis l'identification des variables les plus pertinentes a exploiter pour la modelisation. Suite a cette analyse et dans le but d'elaborer un premier modele, deux techniques de modelisation ont ete considerees, soient la regression multiple et les reseaux de neurones. Les deux techniques ont conduit a des modeles de qualite acceptable avec une precision d'environ 90%. Pour ameliorer les performances des modeles a base de reseaux de neurones, deux

  5. Retirement Kjell Johnsen

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    A l'occasion de son 65me anniversaire plusieurs orateurs (aussi l'ambassadeur de Norvège) remercient Kjell Johnsen, né en juin 1921 en Norvège, pour ses 34 ans de service au Cern et retracent sa vie et son travail. K.Johnsen a pris part aux premières études sur les accélérateurs du futur centre de physique et fut aussi le père et le premier directeur de l'Ecole du Cern sur les accélérateurs (CAS)

  6. Mise au point du rheometre a cisaillement annulaire pour l'etude de rheologie d'un mastic bitumineux avec verre incorpore =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    El Mansouri, Souleimane

    Dans le domaine viscoelastique lineaire (VEL, domaine des petites deformations), le comportement thermomecanique du bitume et du mastic bitumineux (melange uniforme de bitume et de fillers) a ete caracterise au Laboratoire des Chaussees et Materiaux Bitumineux (LCMB) de l'Ecole de technologie superieure (ETS) avec l'appui de nos partenaires externes : la Societe des Alcools du Quebec (SAQ) et Eco Entreprises Quebec (EEQ). Les proprietes rheologiques des bitumes et des mastics ont ete mesurees grâce a un nouvel outil d'investigation appele, Rheometre a Cisaillement Annulaire (RCA), sous differentes conditions de chargement. Cet appareil permet non seulement de solliciter des eprouvettes de tailles importantes par rapport a celles utilisees lors des essais classiques, mais aussi d'effectuer des essais en conditions quasi-homogenes, ce qui permet de donner acces a la loi de comportement des materiaux. Les essais sont realises sur une large gamme de temperatures et de frequences (de -15 °C a 45°C et de 0,03Hz a 10 Hz). Cette etude a ete menee principalement pour comparer le comportement d'un bitume avec celui d'un mastic bitumineux dans le domaine des petites deformations. neanmoins, dans une seconde perspective, on s'interesse a l'influence des fillers de verre de post-consommation sur le comportement d'un mastic a faibles niveaux de deformations en comparant l'evolution des modules complexes de cisaillements (G*) d'un mastic avec fillers de verre et un mastic avec fillers conventionnels (calcaire). Enfin, le modele analogique 2S2P1D est utilise pour simuler le comportement viscoelastique lineaire des bitumes et des mastics bitumineux testes lors de la campagne experimentale.

  7. STAR Au + Au Fixed Target Results

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meehan, Kathryn; STAR Collaboration


    The RHIC Beam Energy Scan (BES) program was proposed to look for the turn-off of signatures of the quark gluon plasma (QGP), search for a possible QCD critical point, and study the nature of the phase transition between hadronic and partonic matter. The results from the NA49 experiment at CERN have been used to claim that the onset of deconfinement occurs at a collision energy around a center-of-mass energy of 7 GeV, the low end of the BES range. Data from lower energies are needed to test if this onset occurs. The goal of the STAR Fixed-Target Program is to extend the collision energy range in BES II with the same detector to energies that are likely below the onset of deconfinement. Currently, STAR has inserted a gold target into the beam pipe and conducted test runs at center-of-mass energies 3.9 and 4.5 GeV. Tests have been done with both Au and Al beams. First physics results from a Coulomb analysis of Au + Au fixed-target collisions, which are found to be consistent with previous experiments, will be presented. These results demonstrate that STAR has good particle identification capabilities in this novel detector setup. Furthermore, the Coulomb potential, which is sensitive to the Z of the projectile and degree of baryonic stopping, will be compared with published results from the AGS. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1068833.

  8. Analyse de L'ancrage des Vortex Intergrains pour le Yttrium BARYUM(2) CUIVRE(3) OXYGENE(7) Polycristallin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fournier, Patrick

    Le Modele de l'Etat Critique Generalise (MECG) est utilise pour decrire les proprietes magnetiques et de transport du YBa_2Cu_3O _7 polycristallin. Ce modele empirique permet de relier la densite de courant critique a la densite de lignes de flux penetrant dans la region intergrain. Deux techniques de mesures sont utilisees pour caracteriser nos materiaux. La premiere consiste a mesurer le champ au centre d'un cylindre creux en fonction du champ magnetique applique pour des temperatures comprises entre 20 et 85K. En variant l'epaisseur de la paroi du cylindre creux, il est possible de suivre l'evolution des cycles d'hysteresis et de determiner des champs caracteristiques qui varient en fonction de cette dimension. En utilisant un lissage des resultats experimentaux, nous determinons J _{co}, H_ {o} et n, les parametres du MECG. La forme des cylindres, avec une longueur comparable au diametre externe, entrai ne la presence d'un champ demagnetisant qui peut etre inclus dans le modele theorique. Ceci nous permet d'evaluer la fraction du volume ecrante, f _{g}, ainsi que le facteur demagnetisant N. Nous trouvons que J_{ co}, H_{o} et f_{g} dependent de la temperature, tandis que n et N (pour une epaisseur de paroi fixe) n'en dependent pas. La deuxieme technique consiste a mesurer le courant critique de lames minces en fonction du champ applique pour differentes temperatures. Nous utilisons un montage que nous avons developpe permettant d'effectuer ces mesures en contact direct avec le liquide refrigerant, i.e. dans l'azote liquide. Nous varions la temperature du liquide en variant la pression du gaz au-dessus du bain d'azote. Cette methode nous permet de balayer des temperatures entre 65K et la temperature critique du materiau ({~ }92K). Nous effectuons le lissage des courbes de courant critique en fonction du champ applique encore a l'aide du MECG, pour a nouveau obtenir ses parametres. Pour trois echantillons avec des traitements thermiques differents, les parametres

  9. Un accumulateur echangeur de chaleur hybride pour la gestion simultanee des energies solaire et electrique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ait Hammou, Zouhair

    Cette etude porte sur la conception d'un accumulateur echangeur de chaleur hybride (AECH) pour la gestion simultanee des energies solaire et electrique. Un modele mathematique reposant sur les equations de conservation de la quantite d'energie est expose. Il est developpe pour tester differents materiaux de stockage, entre autres, les materiaux a changement de phase (solide/liquide) et les materiaux de stockage sensible. Un code de calcul est mis en eeuvre sur ordinateur, puis valide a l'aide des resultats analytiques et numeriques de la litterature. En parallele, un prototype experimental a echelle reduite est concu au laboratoire afin de valider le code de calcul. Des simulations sont effectuees pour etudier les effets des parametres de conception et des materiaux de stockage sur le comportement thermique de l'AECH et sur la consommation d'energie electrique. Les resultats des simulations sur quatre mois d'hiver montrent que la paraffine n-octadecane et l'acide caprique sont deux candidats souhaitables pour le stockage d'energie destine au chauffage des habitats. L'utilisation de ces deux materiaux dans l'AECH permet de reduire la consommation d'energie electrique de 32% et d'aplanir le probleme de pointe electrique puisque 90% de l'energie electrique est consommee durant les heures creuses. En plus, en adoptant un tarif preferentiel, le calcul des couts lies a la consommation d'energie electrique montre que le consommateur adoptant ce systeme beneficie d'une reduction de 50% de la facture d'electricite.

  10. Retirement Kjell Johnsen




    A l'occasion de son 65me anniversaire plusieurs orateurs (aussi l'ambassadeur de Norvège) remercient Kjell Johnsen, né en juin 1921 en Norvège, pour ses 34 ans de service au Cern et retracent sa vie et son travail. K.Johnsen a pris part aux premières études sur les accélérateurs du futur centre de physique et fut aussi le père et le premier directeur de l'Ecole du Cern sur les accélérateurs (CAS)

  11. Variation spatiotemporelle de la cryptorchidie et de l’hypospadias au Québec : Une étude exploratoire

    PubMed Central

    Guertin, Sophie; Lemieux, Karine-Sylvie; Makhoulian, Natalie; Michaud, Sébastien; Patry, Rose-Marie; Côté, Anne-Andrée; Gagnon, Fabien; Ayotte, Pierre; Bolduc, Stéphane


    Résumé Objectifs : La majorité des études effectuées au cours des dernières décennies ont mis en évidence une augmentation du nombre de cas de cryptorchidie et d’hypospadias entre 1970 et 1990. De plus, l’importante variabilité géographique de ces anomalies est bien décrite. Cette étude vise à mesurer la prévalence à la naissance de la cryptorchidie et de l’hypospadias au Québec, à vérifier si ces anomalies sont en augmentation et à en évaluer la répartition interrégionale. Méthode : Une étude épidémiologique descriptive a été réalisée à partir du nombre de garçons de cinq ans et moins hospitalisés pour une cryptorchidie ou un hypospadias au Québec de 1989 à 2004 selon les données du fichier administratif d’hospitalisation MED-ÉCHO. Les données sur les naissances provenaient de l’Institut de la statistique du Québec. Résultats : La prévalence annuelle moyenne pour 1000 naissances vivantes de sexe masculin est de 19,1 (IC à 95 % : 18,8–19,4) pour la cryptorchidie et 11,4 (IC à 95 % 11,1–11,6) pour l’hypospadias au Québec. Au cours de la période étudiée, la prévalence de cryptorchidie a légèrement diminué, alors que celle de l’hypospadias est demeurée stable. Comparativement à la province du Québec, des régions présentent une prévalence significativement différente de cryptorchidie et/ou d’hypospadias. . Conclusion : Au Québec, la prévalence de cryptorchidie est en légère diminution alors que celle de l’hypospadias est stable. Des variations régionales significatives sont observables. D’autres études sont nécessaires afin d’évaluer l’hypothèse d’un lien avec les contaminants environnementaux en émergence. L’implantation d’un système de surveillance des anomalies congénitales permettrait une représentation plus valide de la situation. PMID:21672476

  12. Variation spatiotemporelle de la cryptorchidie et de l'hypospadias au Québec : Une étude exploratoire.


    Guertin, Sophie; Lemieux, Karine-Sylvie; Makhoulian, Natalie; Michaud, Sébastien; Patry, Rose-Marie; Côté, Anne-Andrée; Gagnon, Fabien; Ayotte, Pierre; Bolduc, Stéphane


    RéSUMé: : La majorité des études effectuées au cours des dernières décennies ont mis en évidence une augmentation du nombre de cas de cryptorchidie et d'hypospadias entre 1970 et 1990. De plus, l'importante variabilité géographique de ces anomalies est bien décrite. Cette étude vise à mesurer la prévalence à la naissance de la cryptorchidie et de l'hypospadias au Québec, à vérifier si ces anomalies sont en augmentation et à en évaluer la répartition interrégionale. MéTHODE :: Une étude épidémiologique descriptive a été réalisée à partir du nombre de garçons de cinq ans et moins hospitalisés pour une cryptorchidie ou un hypospadias au Québec de 1989 à 2004 selon les données du fichier administratif d'hospitalisation MED-ÉCHO. Les données sur les naissances provenaient de l'Institut de la statistique du Québec. RéSULTATS :: La prévalence annuelle moyenne pour 1000 naissances vivantes de sexe masculin est de 19,1 (IC à 95 % : 18,8-19,4) pour la cryptorchidie et 11,4 (IC à 95 % 11,1-11,6) pour l'hypospadias au Québec. Au cours de la période étudiée, la prévalence de cryptorchidie a légèrement diminué, alors que celle de l'hypospadias est demeurée stable. Comparativement à la province du Québec, des régions présentent une prévalence significativement différente de cryptorchidie et/ou d'hypospadias. . : Au Québec, la prévalence de cryptorchidie est en légère diminution alors que celle de l'hypospadias est stable. Des variations régionales significatives sont observables. D'autres études sont nécessaires afin d'évaluer l'hypothèse d'un lien avec les contaminants environnementaux en émergence. L'implantation d'un système de surveillance des anomalies congénitales permettrait une représentation plus valide de la situation.

  13. Caracterisation thermique de modules de refroidissement pour la photovoltaique concentree

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Collin, Louis-Michel

    Pour rentabiliser la technologie des cellules solaires, une reduction du cout d'exploitation et de fabrication est necessaire. L'utilisation de materiaux photovoltaiques a un impact appreciable sur le prix final par quantite d'energie produite. Une technologie en developpement consiste a concentrer la lumiere sur les cellules solaires afin de reduire cette quantite de materiaux. Or, concentrer la lumiere augmente la temperature de la cellule et diminue ainsi son efficacite. Il faut donc assurer a la cellule un refroidissement efficace. La charge thermique a evacuer de la cellule passe au travers du recepteur, soit la composante soutenant physiquement la cellule. Le recepteur transmet le flux thermique de la cellule a un systeme de refroidissement. L'ensemble recepteur-systeme de refroidissement se nomme module de refroidissement. Habituellement, la surface du recepteur est plus grande que celle de la cellule. La chaleur se propage donc lateralement dans le recepteur au fur et a mesure qu'elle traverse le recepteur. Une telle propagation de la chaleur fournit une plus grande surface effective, reduisant la resistance thermique apparente des interfaces thermiques et du systeme de refroidissement en aval vers le module de refroidissement. Actuellement, aucune installation ni methode ne semble exister afin de caracteriser les performances thermiques des recepteurs. Ce projet traite d'une nouvelle technique de caracterisation pour definir la diffusion thermique du recepteur a l'interieur d'un module de refroidissement. Des indices de performance sont issus de resistances thermiques mesurees experimentalement sur les modules. Une plateforme de caracterisation est realisee afin de mesurer experimentalement les criteres de performance. Cette plateforme injecte un flux thermique controle sur une zone localisee de la surface superieure du recepteur. L'injection de chaleur remplace le flux thermique normalement fourni par la cellule. Un systeme de refroidissement est installe

  14. Evaluation d'un scenario d'apprentissage favorisant la mobilisation des habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blanchard, Samuel F. J.

    Les resultats au Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des eleves (PISA) demontrent que les jeunes neobrunswickois francophones se classent b un niveau significativement inferieur comparaiivement aux eleves anglophones du Nouveau-Brunswick, aux eleves des autres provinces canadiennes et se classent sous la moyenne internationale de tous les pays participants quant b la culture scientifique. L'evaluation de cette culture scientifique est basee sur une serie de savoirs, de savoir-faire et de savoir-etre reliee au processus d'enquete scolaire. Le processus d'enquete scolaire est une approche b l'apprentissage ou les eleves effectuent des recherches d'informations, discutent d'idees et entreprennent des investigations pour augmenter leur comprehension d'un probleme ou d'un sujet. Les recherches demontrent que le processus d'enquete scolaire est rarement une composante pedagogique importante de la salle de classe et les recherches portant sur l'implantation du processus d'enquete scolaire recommandent de rendre ce dernier plus accessible aux enseignantes et aux enseignants. Afin de rendre le processus d'enquete plus accessible aux enseignantes et aux enseignants, notre recherche porte sur l'evaluation de la valeur pedagogique d'un scenario d'apprentissage (PhaRoboS) concu specialement pour creer un environnement dans lequel les eleves auront plusieurs occasions a mobiliser les habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete. Les retombees de cette evaluation nous permettront d'offrir des pistes de remediations afin d'aider plus d'enseignantes et d'enseignants b creer un environnement dans lequel les eleves auront plusieurs occasions b mobiliser les habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete. Cette evaluation s'est faite a partir d'une methodologie inspiree de l'evaluation pour fin d'amelioration d'un objet pedagogique. L'analyse des donnees qualitatives recueillies aupres des eleves et de leur enseignante d'une ecole francophone du Nouveau-Brunswick semble montrer que

  15. Les campagnes communautaires de promotion du depistage VIH en Afrique de l’Ouest : perceptions des usagers au Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Desclaux, Alice; Ky-Zerbo, Odette; Somé, Jean-François; Makhlouf-Obermeyer, Carla


    Résumé La politique actuelle de lutte contre le sida qui repose sur l’extension de l’accès aux traitements et à la prévention exige qu’une proportion élevée de la population connaisse son statut en matière de VIH. Pour cela, l’OMS a proposé le développement de stratégies communautaires délivrant le dépistage et le conseil au-delà des services de soins, comme le test à domicile ou les campagnes de sensibilisation et dépistage de grande envergure, appliqués en Afrique australe et de l’Est. Pour définir les stratégies pertinentes dans des régions de basse prévalence comme l’Afrique de l’Ouest, les expériences communautaires de promotion du dépistage doivent y être évaluées. Cet article présente une évaluation des campagnes au Burkina Faso du point de vue des usagers. Dans le cadre d’un projet sur les pratiques et l’éthique du dépistage dans quatre pays africains (MATCH), une enquête qualitative spécifique a été menée pendant la campagne de 2008, auprès de personnes ayant fait le test pendant la campagne, ayant fait le test hors campagne ou n’ayant pas fait le test. Les appréciations sont globalement très favorables aux campagnes, notamment à cause de l’information dispensée, l’accessibilité des sites, la gratuité du test, la qualité des services et l’effet d’entrainement. Les limites ou critiques sont essentiellement liées à l’affluence ou à la crainte de ne pas être soutenu en cas de résultat positif. La démarche de recours au test ne fait plus l’objet de suspicion, au moins pendant la campagne. Cette « normalisation » du recours au test et la mobilisation collective facilitent des pratiques en groupe, ce qui peut rendre difficile de garder son statut VIH secret. L’évaluation des campagnes par les usagers les présente comme une opportunité pour accéder facilement au test et pour communiquer à ce sujet dans divers espaces sociaux à partir des informations délivrées sur le VIH

  16. Facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires au cours du lupus systémique

    PubMed Central

    Harzallah, Amel; Hajji, Mariem; Kaaroud, Hayet; Hamida, Fethi Ben; Abdallah, Taieb Ben


    Cette étude a pour objectif d’évaluer la fréquence des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires au cours du lupus et de préciser leur prévalence. Etude rétrospective portant sur 250 patients ayant un lupus, diagnostiqué selon les critères de l'ACR, hospitalisés entre 1970 et 2013. Les données cliniques et para cliniques ont été recueillies à partir des observations médicales. Il s'agit de 228 femmes et 22 hommes d’âge moyen au diagnostic du lupus de 30, 32 ans (extrêmes: 16-69). La durée moyenne du suivi des patients était de 64 mois (extrêmes: 7 jours- 382mois). Quatre vingt dix patients (36%) étaient hypertendus, 74% avaient une hypercholestérolémie et 22% étaient diabétiques. Pour les autres facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire traditionnels, un âge > 50 ans a été retrouvé dans 40% des cas, le sexe masculin dans 8% des cas, l'obésité dans 76% des cas et le tabagisme dans 11% des cas. Les facteurs de risque surajoutés sont représentés par la présence des anticorps antiphospholipides (47% des cas), la néphropathie lupique (49% des cas), l'insuffisance rénale (42% des cas), la corticothérapie au long cours (74% des cas) et la chronicité de la maladie dans 35% des cas. Les complications cardiovasculaires retrouvées dans notre série étaient: les accidents vasculaires cérébraux (2%) et l'insuffisance coronarienne (5,6%). Devant l'importance du risque cardiovasculaire au cours du lupus, une surveillance rapprochée des facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaires semble primordiale chez les lupiques. PMID:27022427

  17. CERN@school: bringing CERN into the classroom

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Whyntie, T.; Cook, J.; Coupe, A.; Fickling, R. L.; Parker, B.; Shearer, N.


    CERN@school brings technology from CERN into the classroom to aid with the teaching of particle physics. It also aims to inspire the next generation of physicists and engineers by giving participants the opportunity to be part of a national collaboration of students, teachers and academics, analysing data obtained from detectors based on the ground and in space to make new, curiosity-driven discoveries at school. CERN@school is based around the Timepix hybrid silicon pixel detector developed by the Medipix 2 Collaboration, which features a 300 μm thick silicon sensor bump-bonded to a Timepix readout ASIC. This defines a 256-by-256 grid of pixels with a pitch of 55 μm, the data from which can be used to visualise ionising radiation in a very accessible way. Broadly speaking, CERN@school consists of a web portal that allows access to data collected by the Langton Ultimate Cosmic ray Intensity Detector (LUCID) experiment in space and the student-operated Timepix detectors on the ground; a number of Timepix detector kits for ground-based experiments, to be made available to schools for both teaching and research purposes; and educational resources for teachers to use with LUCID data and detector kits in the classroom. By providing access to cutting-edge research equipment, raw data from ground and space-based experiments, CERN@school hopes to provide the foundation for a programme that meets the many of the aims and objectives of CERN and the project's supporting academic and industrial partners. The work presented here provides an update on the status of the programme as supported by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. This includes recent results from work with the GridPP Collaboration on using grid resources with schools to run GEANT4 simulations of CERN@school experiments.

  18. Séroprévalence et facteurs associés au VIH et aux hépatites virales B et C dans la ville de Bafoussam au Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Nkala, Isabelle Vanessa Monthe; Kalla, Ginette Claude Mireille; Nguefack-Tsague, Georges; Kamga, Hortense Gonsu; Noubom, Michel; Mvogo, Côme Ebana; Sosso, Maurice Aurelien


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer la séroprévalence et les facteurs associés au VIH et aux hépatites virales B et C dans la ville de Bafoussam au Cameroun. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive et analytique réalisée de février 2012 à Juin 2012 dans la ville de Bafoussam au Cameroun. Pour cette étude, nous avons obtenu une clairance éthique. Résultats Au total, 982 personnes ont été dépistées pour le VIH et les hépatites virales B et C. Les femmes représentaient 56,3% des personnes dépistées. La tranche d’âge la plus représentée était celle des 20 à 24 ans. L’âge médian était de 34,5 ans. Les prévalences du VIH, de l'AgHBs, et de l'Ac anti HCV étaient respectivement de 6,0%, 4,1%, et 0,4%. La prévalence du VIH était 2 fois plus élevée parmi les femmes que les hommes avec 8,1% contre 3,5% (p=0,01). Les prévalences les plus élevées ont été observées chez les personnes de 30 à 34 ans, 40 à 44 ans avec 15,0% et 11,5% (p=0,01), les personnes sans emploi avec 11,1% (p<0,001) et les personnes en union libre avec 17,9% (p=0,000). La prévalence du VIH n’était pas directement liée aux comportements et pratiques sexuels de la population de l’étude. On enregistrait une prévalence élevée de 29,3% chez les individus ayant déclaré avoir au moins une infection sexuellement transmissible (p=0,000). Conclusion Il apparait urgent de mettre en place des stratégies de prévention contre le VIH, les hépatites virales et les facteurs associés au Cameroun. PMID:26113899

  19. L'astronomie au féminin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nazé, Yaël


    Qui détient le record des découvertes de comètes ? Une femme. Qui a permis de comprendre comment est organisée la population des étoiles ? Une femme. Qui a découvert la loi permettant d'arpenter l'Univers, a trouvé des phares dans l'espace, a compris le fonctionnement des forges stellaires et a bouleversé notre vision de l'Univers ? Encore et toujours une femme... Pourtant, quand on doit citer un astronome -- historique -- au hasard, on pense le plus souvent -- des hommes : Ptolémée, Galilée, Copernic ou, plus près de nous par exemple, Hubble. Certes, au cours des siècles, les femmes n'ont guère eu accès aux sciences en général et -- l'astronomie en particulier mais ce n'est pas une raison pour croire en l'absence totale de contributions dues au beau sexe ! C'est ce que dévoile ici l'auteur. Loin de toute forme de féminisme enragé, on suivra le parcours de quelques scientifiques importantes qui ont par hasard en commun une même particularité : leur sexe.

  20. Utilisation d'images aeroportees a tres haute resolution spatiale pour l'estimation de la vigueur des peuplements forestiers du nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Louis, Ognel Pierre

    Le but de cette etude est de developper un outil permettant d'estimer le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur des peuplements forestiers de la region de Gounamitz au nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick via des donnees d'inventaires forestiers et des donnees de teledetection. Pour ce faire, un marteloscope de 100m x 100m et 20 parcelles d'echantillonnages ont ete delimites. A l'interieur de ces derniers, le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur des arbres ayant un DHP superieur ou egal a 9 cm a ete determine. Afin de caracteriser le risque de perte de vigueur des arbres, leurs positions spatiales ont ete repertoriees a partir d'un GPS en tenant compte des defauts au niveau des tiges. Pour mener a bien ce travail, les indices de vegetation et de textures et les bandes spectrales de l'image aeroportee ont ete extraits et consideres comme variables independantes. Le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur obtenu par espece d'arbre a travers les inventaires forestiers a ete considere comme variable dependante. En vue d'obtenir la superficie des peuplements forestiers de la region d'etude, une classification dirigee des images a partir de l'algorithme maximum de vraisemblance a ete effectuee. Le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur par type d'arbre a ensuite ete estime a l'aide des reseaux de neurones en utilisant un reseau dit perceptron multicouches. Il s'agit d'un modele de reseau de neurones compose de : 11 neurones sur la couche d'entree, correspondant aux variables independantes, 35 neurones sur la couche cachee et 4 neurones sur la couche de sortie. La prediction a partir des reseaux de neurones produit une matrice de confusion qui permet d'obtenir des mesures quantitatives d'estimation, notamment un pourcentage de classification globale de 91,7% pour la prediction du risque de perte de vigueur du peuplement de resineux et de 89,7% pour celui du peuplement de feuillus. L'evaluation de la performance des reseaux de neurones fournit une valeur de MSE globale de 0,04, et une

  1. Instrumentation optique pour l'identification per-operatoire des tissus durant les chirurgies de la thyroide

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Montigny, Etienne

    Cette these traite du developpement d'instrumentation pour l'imagerie medicale optique. Ces travaux sont centres sur une application particuliere ; faciliter l'identification des tissus durant les chirurgies de la thyroide et de la parathyroide. La thyroide est une glande situee dans le cou, attachee au larynx a la hauteur de la pomme d'Adam. Elle est entouree de plusieurs structures importantes : muscles, nerfs et glandes parathyroides. Ces dernieres controlent la calcemie et jouent donc un role essentiel dans le corps. Elles sont toutefois de petite taille et sont tres difficiles a distinguer du gras et des ganglions environnants. L'objectif principal de cette these est de developper une instrumentation basee sur la microscopie optique pour permettre l'identification des tissus : thyroide, parathyroide, gras et ganglions, durant les chirurgies. Les choix sont donc faits en fonction de cette application et du contexte specifique des mesures intra-operatoires sur des patients humains. Plusieurs modalites d'imagerie optique sont identifiees pour atteindre l'objectif : microscopie confocale en reflectance, tomographique par coherence optique, et mesure de l'autofluorescence des glandes parathyroides. Dans le but d'ameliorer leur compatibilite avec l'environnement clinique qui requiert stabilite dans le temps et resistance aux vibrations et aux conditions environnementales, ce projet se concentre sur les implementations miniaturisables et basees sur des fibres optiques. Pour implementer un systeme d'imagerie en fluorescence a balayage laser rapide, un systeme d'imagerie en fluorescence par encodage spectral est propose. Bien que l'utilisation de l'encodage spectral semble a priori incompatible avec le contraste en fluorescence, une implementation facile a realiser est proposee. Une seconde version du montage, compatible avec la clinique et facilitant le developpement d'un endoscope, est presentee. La preuve de principe de cette methode est faite a 1300nm, une longueur

  2. Tuberculose hépatique nodulaire: complication inhabituelle au cours de la maladie de Wilson

    PubMed Central

    Zinebi, Ali; Rkiouak, Adil; Akhouad, Youssef; Reggad, Ahmed; Kasmy, Zohor; Boudlal, Mostapha; Rabhi, Monsef; Ennibi, Khalid; Chaari, Jilali


    La tuberculose hépatique nodulaire est rare. Nous rapportons une forme pseudo-tumorale dont le tableau clinico-biologique et radiologique initial était aspécifique. Il s'agit d'un jeune marocain suivi pour maladie de Wilson et présentant une fièvre au long cours. L'imagerie met en évidence une lésion nodulaire hépatique non spécifique. L'examen anatomo-pathologique au cours d'une biopsie écho guidée du nodule hépatique permit de porter le diagnostic. L’évolution clinique est favorable sous traitement spécifique. PMID:24932333

  3. Ultra-relativistic Au+Au and d+Au collisions:

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Hauer, M.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Seals, H.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Stankiewicz, M. A.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Vaurynovich, S. S.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wenger, E.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.

    In this talk I will review PHOBOS data on charged particle multiplicities, obtained in Au+Au and d+Au collisions at RHIC. The general features of the Au+Au pseudorapidity distributions results will be discussed and compared to those of /line{p}p collisions. The total charged particle multiplicity, scaled by the number of participant pairs, is observed to be about 40% higher in Au+Au collisions than in /line{p}p and d+Au systems, but, surprisingly at the same level of e+e- collisions. Limiting fragmentation scaling is seen to be obeyed in Au+Au collisions.

  4. Elaboration de nouvelles approches micromecaniques pour l'optimisation des performances mecaniques des materiaux heterogenes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aboutajeddine, Ahmed

    Les modeles micromecaniques de transition d'echelles qui permettent de determiner les proprietes effectives des materiaux heterogenes a partir de la microstructure sont consideres dans ce travail. L'objectif est la prise en compte de la presence d'une interphase entre la matrice et le renforcement dans les modeles micromecaniques classiques, de meme que la reconsideration des approximations de base de ces modeles, afin de traiter les materiaux multiphasiques. Un nouveau modele micromecanique est alors propose pour tenir compte de la presence d'une interphase elastique mince lors de la determination des proprietes effectives. Ce modele a ete construit grace a l'apport de l'equation integrale, des operateurs interfaciaux de Hill et de la methode de Mori-Tanaka. Les expressions obtenues pour les modules globaux et les champs dans l'enrobage sont de nature analytique. L'approximation de base de ce modele est amelioree par la suite dans un nouveau modele qui s'interesse aux inclusions enrobees avec un enrobage mince ou epais. La resolution utilisee s'appuie sur une double homogeneisation realisee au niveau de l'inclusion enrobee et du materiau. Cette nouvelle demarche, permettra d'apprehender completement les implications des approximations de la modelisation. Les resultats obtenus sont exploites par la suite dans la solution de l'assemblage de Hashin. Ainsi, plusieurs modeles micromecaniques classiques d'origines differentes se voient unifier et rattacher, dans ce travail, a la representation geometrique de Hashin. En plus de pouvoir apprecier completement la pertinence de l'approximation de chaque modele dans cette vision unique, l'extension correcte de ces modeles aux materiaux multiphasiques est rendue possible. Plusieurs modeles analytiques et explicites sont alors proposee suivant des solutions de differents ordres de l'assemblage de Hashin. L'un des modeles explicite apparait comme une correction directe du modele de Mori-Tanaka, dans les cas ou celui ci echoue a

  5. Contribution a l'etude et au developpement de nouvelles poudres de fonte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boisvert, Mathieu

    L'obtention de graphite libre dans des pieces fabriquees par metallurgie des poudres (M/P) est un defi auquel plusieurs chercheurs se sont attardes. En effet, la presence de graphite apres frittage ameliore l'usinabilite des pieces, permettant donc de reduire les couts de production, et peut aussi engendrer une amelioration des proprietes tribologiques. L'approche utilisee dans cette these pour tenter d'obtenir du graphite libre apres frittage est par l'utilisation de nouvelles poudres de fontes atomisees a l'eau. L'atomisation a l'eau etant un procede de production de poudres relativement peu couteux qui permet de grandes capacites de production, le transfert des decouvertes de ce doctorat vers des applications industrielles sera donc economiquement plus favorable. En plus de l'objectif d'obtenir du graphite libre apres frittage, un autre aspect important des travaux est le controle de la morphologie du graphite libre apres frittage. En effet, il est connu dans la litterature des fontes coulees/moulees que la morphologie du graphite influencera les proprietes des fontes, ce qui est aussi vrai pour les pieces de M/P. Les fontes ductiles, pour lesquelles le graphite est sous forme de nodules spheroidaux isoles les uns des autres, possedent des proprietes mecaniques superieures aux fontes grises pour lesquelles le graphite est sous forme lamellaire et continu dans la matrice. Les resultats presentes dans cette these montrent qu'il est possible, dans des melanges contenant des poudres de fontes, d'avoir un controle sur la morphologie du graphite et donc sur les proprietes des pieces. Le controle de la morphologie du graphite a principalement ete realise par le type de frittage et le phenomene de diffusion " uphill " du carbone cause par des gradients en silicium. En effet, pour les frittages en phase solide, tous les nodules de graphite sont presents a l'interieur des grains de poudre apres frittage. Pour les frittages en phase liquide, l'intensite de la diffusion

  6. Developpement d'une methode de Monte Carlo dependante du temps et application au reacteur de type CANDU-6

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mahjoub, Mehdi

    La resolution de l'equation de Boltzmann demeure une etape importante dans la prediction du comportement d'un reacteur nucleaire. Malheureusement, la resolution de cette equation presente toujours un defi pour une geometrie complexe (reacteur) tout comme pour une geometrie simple (cellule). Ainsi, pour predire le comportement d'un reacteur nucleaire,un schema de calcul a deux etapes est necessaire. La premiere etape consiste a obtenir les parametres nucleaires d'une cellule du reacteur apres une etape d'homogeneisation et condensation. La deuxieme etape consiste en un calcul de diffusion pour tout le reacteur en utilisant les resultats de la premiere etape tout en simplifiant la geometrie du reacteur a un ensemble de cellules homogenes le tout entoure de reflecteur. Lors des transitoires (accident), ces deux etapes sont insuffisantes pour pouvoir predire le comportement du reacteur. Comme la resolution de l'equation de Boltzmann dans sa forme dependante du temps presente toujours un defi de taille pour tous types de geometries,un autre schema de calcul est necessaire. Afin de contourner cette difficulte, l'hypothese adiabatique est utilisee. Elle se concretise en un schema de calcul a quatre etapes. La premiere et deuxieme etapes demeurent les memes pour des conditions nominales du reacteur. La troisieme etape se resume a obtenir les nouvelles proprietes nucleaires de la cellule a la suite de la perturbation pour les utiliser, au niveau de la quatrieme etape, dans un nouveau calcul de reacteur et obtenir l'effet de la perturbation sur le reacteur. Ce projet vise a verifier cette hypothese. Ainsi, un nouveau schema de calcul a ete defini. La premiere etape de ce projet a ete de creer un nouveau logiciel capable de resoudre l'equation de Boltzmann dependante du temps par la methode stochastique Monte Carlo dans le but d'obtenir des sections efficaces qui evoluent dans le temps. Ce code a ete utilise pour simuler un accident LOCA dans un reacteur nucleaire de type

  7. Ressources pour les personnes atteintes de démence

    PubMed Central

    Frank, Christopher; Feldman, Sid; Schulz, Mary


    Résumé Objectif Résumer les services offerts par la Société Alzheimer et discuter des autres sources de soutien et d’information à la disposition des personnes atteintes de démence. Sources de l’information On a fait une recension dans Ovid MEDLINE à l’aide des expressions dementia, Alzheimer disease, community health services utilization et caregiver stress. Message principal Il a été démontré qu’il est bénéfique aux patients et aux aidants si le diagnostic de la démence est posé tôt dans la maladie. Une consultation auprès de la Société Alzheimer peut aider dans la prise en charge non pharmacologique de la démence au moment du diagnostic et en tout temps durant l’évolution de la maladie. Parmi les services offerts, on peut mentionner des renseignements au sujet de la démence, le soutien aux aidants, la coordination des services communautaires et une grande diversité de ressources écrites à l’intention des patients et des aidants. Là où il est offert, le programme Premier lien peut aider avec l’orientation vers des services en minimisant la nécessité pour les patients ou les aidants de communiquer eux-mêmes avec les filiales locales de la Société. On discute aussi d’autres ressources, y compris les soins de répit et les approches technologiques pour prendre en charge l’errance. Conclusion La Société Alzheimer joue un rôle important dans la prise en charge de la démence et les médecins de famille devraient toujours envisager d’y référer leurs patients au moment du diagnostic, quelle que soit la gravité de l’état. Premier lien, quand il est accessible, peut faciliter le contact avec les services. Des ressources comme les soins de répit et les programmes de jour devraient toujours être considérés lorsqu’ils sont disponibles.

  8. Developpement d'une commande pour une hydrolienne de riviere et optimisation =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tetrault, Philippe

    Suivant le developpement des energies renouvelables, la presente etude se veut une base theorique quant aux principes fondamentaux necessaires au bon fonctionnement et a l'implementation d'une hydrolienne de riviere. La problematique derriere ce nouveau type d'appareil est d'abord presentee. La machine electrique utilisee dans l'application, c'est-a-dire la machine synchrone a aimants permanents, est etudiee : ses equations dynamiques mecaniques et electriques sont developpees, introduisant en meme temps le concept de referentiel tournant. Le fonctionnement de l'onduleur utilise, soit un montage en pont complet a deux niveaux a semi-conducteurs, est explique et mit en equation pour permettre de comprendre les strategies de modulation disponibles. Un bref historique de ces strategies est fait avant de mettre l'emphase sur la modulation vectorielle qui sera celle utilisee pour l'application en cours. Les differents modules sont assembles dans une simulation Matlab pour confirmer leur bon fonctionnement et comparer les resultats de la simulation avec les calculs theoriques. Differents algorithmes permettant de traquer et maintenir un point de fonctionnement optimal sont presentes. Le comportement de la riviere est etudie afin d'evaluer l'ampleur des perturbations que le systeme devra gerer. Finalement, une nouvelle approche est presentee et comparee a une strategie plus conservatrice a l'aide d'un autre modele de simulation Matlab.

  9. Pratique de l’analgésie péridurale auprès de 20 parturientes au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sylvanus Olympio de Lomé (Togo)

    PubMed Central

    Egbohou, Pilakimwé; Mouzou, Tabana; Sama, Hamza Doles; Tchétike, Pikabalo; Assénouwé, Sarakawabalo; Akala-Yoba, Gnimdou; Tomta, Kadjika


    Etude prospective et descriptive sur la pratique de l’analgésie péridurale (APD) obstétricale au CHU Sylvanus Olympio (CHU SO) de Lomé. Etude menée de février à juin 2014. Après accord des gestantes choisies au hasard et en l’absence de contre-indication à l’issue de la consultation d’anesthésie, faite au 8ème mois de la grossesse, des femmes ont été retenues pour l’étude. Sur 29 gestantes retenues, 20 (69%) ont bénéficiées de l’APD. Age moyen 30,6±6,6 ans, primigestes : 35%, multipares 50%, Obèses (BMI>30): 25%. Nombre moyen de ponctions: 1,2±0,5; reflux de sang dans le cathéter: 5%, brèche dure-mérienne : 0. Délai moyen d’installation: 8,5 ±2,2mn. Quantité moyenne de bupivacaine isobare à 0,125%: 28,8±8ml; Echelle Numérique à T10min < 3 pour toutes les parturientes. Bloc moteur: 0. Hypotension: 1cas (5%). Mode d’accouchement: voie basse: 19 (95%), césarienne: 1 (5%). Détresse respiratoire à la naissance du nouveau né: 0. Note de satisfaction: 9,8±0,5 /10. L’APD obstétricale est possible au CHU Sylvanus Olympio de Lomé. En attendant sa vulgarisation à toutes les parturientes par la disponibilité des moyens humains et matériels, la réaliser pour ses indications médicales serait un premier pas. PMID:28451033

  10. Etude descriptive et analytique du cancer de l’œsophage au Togo

    PubMed Central

    Oumboma, Bouglouga; Mawuli, Lawson-Ananissoh Laté; Aklesso, Bagny; Laconi, Kaaga; Datouda, Redah


    Introduction Décrire les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, endoscopiques et histologiques du cancer de l’œsophage (CO) au Togo. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective descriptive et analytique menée sur 8 ans (Janvier 2005-Décembre 2012) dans le service d'hépato-gastroentérologie (HGE) du CHU Campus de Lomé. Etaient inclus les dossiers des patients hospitalisés pour CO confirmé histologiquement. Résultats Sur 8 ans, 24 patients remplissant nos critères d'inclusion ont été retenus soit 3cas de CO par an et 0,55% des hospitalisations. L’âge moyen des patients était de 57,08 ans (extrêmes: 32 et 82 ans). La dysphagie et l’épigastralgie étaient les motifs d'hospitalisation les plus rencontrés. L'alcool (n=15), le tabac (n=13) étaient les facteurs de risque les plus présents. A la fibroscopie, les lésions étaient ulcéro-bourgeonnantes et hémorragiques (n=12), ulcéro-bourgeonnantes (n=5); ces lésions siégeaient au niveau du 1/3 inférieur (n= 11), à l'union 1/3 supérieur 1/3moyen de l’œsophage (n= 13) et aucun au niveau du 1/3 supérieur. Seize lésions étaient des carcinomes épidermoïdes et 3 des adénocarcinomes. L’évolution dans le service a été fatale dans 2cas; 16 patients avaient été transférés en chirurgie pour des soins palliatifs et 5 patients (20,8%) étaient perdus de vue. Conclusion Le CO semble en augmentation au Togo. L'alcool et le tabac sont les facteurs de risque et le pronostic sévère dans notre série est lié au retard diagnostic. Son dépistage précoce passe par une consultation rapide devant toute dysphagie chez un sujet de 50 ans et plus. PMID:25883742

  11. Algorithmes et architectures pour ordinateurs quantiques supraconducteurs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blais, Alexandre

    Depuis sa formulation, la theorie de l'information a ete basee, implicitement, sur les lois de la physique classique. Une telle formulation est toutefois incomplete puisqu'elle ne tient pas compte de la realite quantique. Au cours des vingt dernieres annees, l'expansion de la theorie de l'information englobant les effets purement quantiques a connu un interet grandissant. La realisation d'un systeme de traitement de l'information quantique, un ordinateur quantique, presente toutefois de nombreux defis. Dans ce document, on s'interesse a differents aspects concernant ces defis. On commence par presenter des concepts algorithmiques comme l'optimisation de calculs quantiques et le calcul quantique geometrique. Par la suite, on s'interesse au design et a differents aspects de l'utilisation de qubits bases sur les jonctions Josephson. En particulier, un nouveau design de qubit supraconducteur est suggere. On presente aussi une approche originale pour l'interaction entre qubits. Cette approche est tres generale puisqu'elle peut etre appliquee a differents designs de qubits. Finalement, on s'interesse a la lecture des qubits supraconducteurs de flux. Le detecteur suggere ici a l'avantage de pouvoir etre decouple du qubit lorsqu'il n'y a pas de mesure en cours.

  12. Integration des sciences et de la langue: Creation et experimentation d'un modele pedagogique pour ameliorer l'apprentissage des sciences en milieu francophone minoritaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cormier, Marianne

    Les faibles resultats en sciences des eleves du milieu francophone minoritaire, lors d'epreuves au plan national et international, ont interpelle la recherche de solutions. Cette these avait pour but de creer et d'experimenter un modele pedagogique pour l'enseignement des sciences en milieu linguistique minoritaire. En raison de la presence de divers degres de francite chez la clientele scolaire de ce milieu, plusieurs elements langagiers (l'ecriture, la discussion et la lecture) ont ete integres a l'apprentissage scientifique. Nous avions recommande de commencer le processus d'apprentissage avec des elements langagiers plutot informels (redaction dans un journal, discussions en dyades...) pour progresser vers des activites langagieres plus formelles (redaction de rapports ou d'explications scientifiques). En ce qui a trait a l'apprentissage scientifique, le modele preconisait une demarche d'evolution conceptuelle d'inspiration socio-constructiviste tout en s'appuyant fortement sur l'apprentissage experientiel. Lors de l'experimentation du modele, nous voulions savoir si celui-ci provoquait une evolution conceptuelle chez les eleves, et si, simultanement, le vocabulaire scientifique de ces derniers s'enrichissait. Par ailleurs, nous cherchions a comprendre comment les eleves vivaient leurs apprentissages dans le cadre de ce modele pedagogique. Une classe de cinquieme annee de l'ecole de Grande-Digue, dans le Sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick, a participe a la mise a l'essai du modele en etudiant les marais sales locaux. Lors d'entrevues initiales, nous avons remarque que les connaissances des eleves au sujet des marais sales etaient limitees. En effet, s'ils etaient conscients que les marais etaient des lieux naturels, ils ne pouvaient pas necessairement les decrire avec precision. Nous avons egalement constate que les eleves utilisaient surtout des mots communs (plantes, oiseaux, insectes) pour decrire le marais. Les resultats obtenus indiquent que les eleves ont

  13. Nucleon-gold collisions at 200 A GeV using tagged d + Au interactions in the PHOBOS detector

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Becker, B.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Harrington, A. S.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lee, J. W.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wysłouch, B.; Zhang, J.; Phobos Collaboration


    Forward calorimetry in the PHOBOS detector has been used to study charged hadron production in d +Au , p +Au , and n +Au collisions at √{sN N}=200 GeV . The forward proton calorimeter detectors are described and a procedure for determining collision centrality with these detectors is detailed. The deposition of energy by deuteron spectator nucleons in the forward calorimeters is used to identify p +Au and n +Au collisions in the data. A weighted combination of the yield of p +Au and n +Au is constructed to build a reference for Au +Au collisions that better matches the isospin composition of the gold nucleus. The pT and centrality dependence of the yield of this improved reference system is found to match that of d +Au . The shape of the charged-particle transverse momentum distribution is observed to extrapolate smoothly from p +p ¯ to central d +Au as a function of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density. The asymmetry of positively and negatively charged hadron production in p +Au is compared to that of n +Au . No significant asymmetry is observed at midrapidity. These studies augment recent results from experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider and BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider facilities to give a more complete description of particle production in p +A and d +A collisions, essential for the understanding the medium produced in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions.

  14. Nucleon-gold collisions at 200A GeV using tagged d + Au interactions in the PHOBOS detector


    Back, B. B.; Nouicer, R.; Baker, M. D.; ...


    Forward calorimetry in the PHOBOS detector has been used to study charged hadron production in d+Au, p+Au, and n+Au collisions at √s NN =200GeV. The forward proton calorimeter detectors are described and a procedure for determining collision centrality with these detectors is detailed. The deposition of energy by deuteron spectator nucleons in the forward calorimeters is used to identify p+Au and n+Au collisions in the data. A weighted combination of the yield of p+Au and n+Au is constructed to build a reference for Au+Au collisions that better matches the isospin composition of the gold nucleus. The p T and centralitymore » dependence of the yield of this improved reference system is found to match that of d+Au. The shape of the charged-particle transverse momentum distribution is observed to extrapolate smoothly from p+p¯ to central d+Au as a function of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density. The asymmetry of positively and negatively charged hadron production in p+Au is compared to that of n+Au. No significant asymmetry is observed at midrapidity. In conclusion, these studies augment recent results from experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider and BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider facilities to give a more complete description of particle production in p+A and d+A collisions, essential for the understanding the medium produced in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions.« less

  15. Torsion d'annexe au second trimestre de la grossesse, à propos de deux cas

    PubMed Central

    Ayachi, Amira; Blel, Zeineb; Khelifa, Nahed; Mkaouer, Lassaad; Bouchahda, Rim; Mourali, Mechaal


    Les douleurs pelviennes aigues pendant la grossesse peuvent poser un problème de diagnostic différentiel.Nous rapportons deux cas de torsion d'annexes au deuxième trimestre de la grossesse afin d'attirer l'attention sur ce diagnostic, dont seule une prise en charge précoce permet d'éviter des lésions irréversibles dues à l'ischémie, pouvant mettre en jeu le pronostic ultérieur de fertilité. La première patiente, G1P0, enceinte à 20 SA, s'est présenté initialement pour un syndrome appendiculaire. Une incision de Mac Burney, au cours de l'exploration, a montré un ovaire droit nécrosé et une ovariectomie a été faite. Les suites post opératoires étaient simples. La seconde patiente, G2P2, s'est présenté aux urgences avec des douleurs aigues de la fosse iliaque gauche à 26 SA. La laparotomie a mis en évidence une torsion d'une hydatide de Morgani, dont l'aspect nécrosé dû à une torsion, a orienté vers une ablation de l'hydatide. Pour les deux patientes, aucune complication postopératoire n'a été relevée. La torsion d'annexe est une urgence à ne pas méconnaître devant toute douleur pelvienne aigue chez la femme enceinte. Le traitement conservateur est actuellement le gold standard et une prise en charge appropriée est nécessaire pour éviter d'éventuelles complications maternelles et fœtales. PMID:28292076

  16. Lutte contre la mortalité maternelle en milieu rural: décentralisation de l’offre des soins obstétricaux d’urgence au Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Kaboré, Souleymane; Méda, Clément Ziemlé; Sombié, Issiaka; Savadogo, Léon Blaise; Karama, Robert; Bakouan, Koabié; Ouédraogo, Djénéba Sanon; Coulibaly, Norbert; Kargougou, Robert Lucien; Lankoandé, Emanuel; Sawadogo, Ramatou windsouri; Gosch, Karen


    Introduction Pour combler la pénurie en sages-femmes (SF) dans le district sanitaire de Tougan au Burkina Faso, il a été conçu une stratégie de décentralisation de l'offre des soins obstétricaux d'urgence basée sur des interventions ponctuelles de prise en charge des complications obstétricales au niveau des centres de santé (CS) en milieu rural par des SF. La présente étude a eu pour objectif de décrire cette expérience et d'analyser ses résultats. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude intervention de type transversal analytique basée sur une revue des données routinières de l'ensemble des parturientes prises en charge de 2013 à 2015. La collecte des données s'est déroulée du 5 au 20 janvier 2016. Un test Chi2, des rapports de cotes (OR) et leurs intervalles de confiance à 95% ont été calculés. Résultats Au total 416 parturientes présentant des complications obstétricales ont été prises en charge par les SF de zone. L'âge moyen des parturientes était de 26.4 ans. La distance médiane parcourue pour prendre en charge les parturientes était de quinze km pour un délai moyen d'intervention de 21.1 minutes (déviation standard = 7.13 minutes). Les dystocies représentaient la moitié (50.7%, IC95% = 45.8-55.6) des complications prises en charge suivies des hémorragies (26.4%, IC95% = 22.3%-31.0%). Plus de 77% des interventions avaient abouti à la résolution locale des complications obstétricales. Enfin, le résultat de l'intervention était fonction de la pathologie prise en charge (OR = 5.88; p < 0.001). Conclusion Cette stratégie a permis d'apporter une réplique à l'absence de SF dans les CS périphériques du district sanitaire de Tougan. Dans ce contexte particulier, cette intervention pourrait apporter une solution alternative au manque de ressources humaines en santé en milieu rural. PMID:28979638

  17. Cost Structure and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) for Military Systems (structures de couts globaux de possession (LCC) pour systemes militaires)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    variables. Dans le plan (p = 2), la méthode de régression linéaire ajuste au nuage de points une droite qui minimise la somme des écarts au carré entre...cohérence de la définition du produit. Par exemple, pour un blindé, il faut valider l ’ « harmonie » du trio masse, puissance du moteur et vitesse maximale. Il...en condition opérationnelle. De façon plus générale, la DGA devrait s’orienter vers l ‘élaboration et l’acquisition de modèle d’estimation de coûts du

  18. Ingenierie de nanoparticules plasmoniques robustes pour la generation de bulles par laser en vue d'applications biomedicales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lachaine, Remi

    Les chirurgiens generent des bulles dans le corps humain a l'aide d'irradiation laser depuis plusieurs decennies. Ils utilisent ces bulles comme de petits scalpels, leur permettant de faire des incisions precises et localisees. Une des applications de cet outil chirurgical est la perforation cellulaire. Au lieu d'utiliser une aiguille pour perforer la membrane des cellules, il est possible de focaliser des impulsions laser en surface d'une cellule, formant un plasma au point focal du laser et generant une bulle qui perfore la membrane cellulaire. Toutefois, ce procede est assez lent et la perforation massive de cellules in-vivo n'est pas envisageable. Pour accelerer le processus, il est possible d'utiliser des nanoparticules plasmoniques. Ces dernieres agissent comme des nano-antennes qui permettent de concentrer la lumiere sur une echelle nanometrique. La possibilite d'irradier un grand nombre de nanoparticules simultanement a donne un nouvel elan a la generation de bulle comme outil de perforation cellulaire. L'utilisation de nanoparticules dans un contexte biomedical comporte toutefois certains risques. En particulier, la fragmentation de nanoparticules peut augmenter la toxicite du traitement. Dans un cas ideal, il est preferable d'utiliser des nanoparticules qui ne sont pas endommagees par l'irradiation laser. Cette these a pour but de developper une methode d'ingenierie de nanoparticules robustes permettant la generation efficace de bulles a des fins biomedicales. Il est tout d'abord demontre experimentalement que la formation de plasma est bel et bien le mecanisme physique principal menant a la generation de bulles lors de l'irradiation infrarouge (longueur d'onde de 800 nm) et ultrarapide (temps d'impulsion entre 45 fs et 1 ps) de nanoparticules d'or de 100 nm. Pour realiser cette demonstration, une methode pompe-sonde de detection de bulles d'environ 1 mum a ete elaboree. Cette methode a permis de mettre en evidence une difference de taille de 18% entre

  19. Developpement d'outils quantitatifs pour le suivi par imagerie TEP/TDM de la reponse a la chimiotherapie et de sa toxicite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Croteau, Etienne

    L'objectif de ce projet de doctorat est de developper des outils quantitatifs pour le suivi des traitements de chimiotherapie pour le cancer du sein et de leurs effets cardiotoxiques a l'aide de l'imagerie TEP dynamique. L'analyse cinetique en TEP dynamique permet l'evaluation de parametres biologiques in vivo. Cette analyse peut etre utilise pour caracteriser la reponse tumorale a la chimiotherapie et les effets secondaires nefastes qui peuvent en resulter. Le premier article de cette these decrit la mise au point des techniques d'analyse cinetique qui utilisent la fonction d'entree d'un radiotraceur derive de l'image dynamique. Des corrections de contamination radioactive externe (epanchement) et de l'effet de volume partiel ont ete necessaires pour standardiser l'analyse cinetique et la rendre quantitative. Le deuxieme article porte sur l'evaluation d'un nouveau radiotraceur myocardique. Le 11C-acetoacetate, un nouveau radiotraceur base sur un corps cetonique, a ete compare au 11C-acetate, couramment utilise en imagerie cardiaque TEP. L'utilisation de 3H-acetate et 14C-acetoacetate ont permis d'elucider la cinetique de ces traceurs depuis la fonction d'entree et la captation par les mitochondries cardiaques qui reflete la consommation en oxygene, jusqu'a la liberation de leurs principaux metabolites reciproques (3H20 et 14CO2). Le troisieme et dernier article de cette these presente l'integration d'un modele qui evalue la reserve cardiaque de perfusion et de consommation en oxygene. Un modele de cardiomyopathie a ete etabli a l'aide d'un agent chimiotherapeutique contre le cancer du sein, la doxorubicine, reconnu comme etant cardiotoxique. Un protocole de repos/effort a permis d'evaluer la capacite d'augmentation de perfusion et de consommation en oxygene par le coeur. La demonstration d'une reserve cardiaque reduite caracterise la cardiotoxicite. La derniere contribution de cette these porte sur la mise au point de methodes peu invasives pour mesurer la

  20. Conception et calibration d'un sonoreacteur pour l'oxydation de la cellulose par le systeme TEMPO/NaOCl/NaBr

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Paquin, Michel

    Avec le contexte economique actuel dans le domaine des pates et papiers au Canada, l'industrie se doit de diversifier ses produits mis en marche. La fermeture de plus de 20 usines depuis 2005, une baisse du PIB de l'industrie de 1,4 milliard CAD entre 1999--2008, une baisse de la demande de 2,4 %, une diminution du prix de la pate de 20,9 % depuis juillet 2009. La delocalisation du secteur vers l'Asie et l'hemisphere sud sont autant de raisons pour laquelle l'industrie se doit d'etre a l'avant plan de nouvelle technologie a base de fibre de bois. Pour augmenter leur rentabilite, l'industrie se doit de diversifier ses produits dans d'autres secteurs que le simple fabricant de papier impression-ecriture. Sa diversification passe par l'elaboration de nouveaux papiers a valeur ajoutee (papier conducteur, papier bioactif, etc.), par l'utilisation de la biomasse forestiere pour la production d'energie, par l'utilisation de la biomasse forestiere pour l'elaboration d'une plateforme de chimie verte, par l'utilisation de la lignine pour le developpement de polymeres et par l'utilisation de la fibre cellulosique pour la fabrication de nanomateriaux. La fabrication de nanofibrille de cellulose peut devenir un des produits qui servira a diversifier la production des usines de pates et papiers. Les nanofibrilles de cellulose possedent des proprietes mecaniques et chimiques exceptionnelles. Les nanofibrilles de cellulose sont fabriquees a partir d'une oxydation selective de la pate kraft de feuillu avec le systeme TEMPO-NaOCl-NaBr. L'oxydation selective de l'alcool primaire en C6 du monomere de glucose sous forme de carboxylates engendre une modification chimique de la cellulose qui accroit l'hydrophilicite des fibrilles. Suite a cette oxydation, nous devons effectuer une desintegration mecanique de la fibre kraft de feuillu oxydee pour separer les fibrilles. Le processus d'oxydation de la fibre par le systeme TEMPO-NaOCl-NaBr et sa defibrillation par la suite engendre une

  1. Nucleon-gold collisions at 200 A GeV using tagged d   +   Au interactions in the PHOBOS detector

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.


    Forward calorimetry in the PHOBOS detector has been used to study charged hadron production in d + Au, p + Au, and n + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The forward proton calorimeter detectors are described and a procedure for determining collision centrality with these detectors is detailed. The deposition of energy by deuteron spectator nucleons in the forward calorimeters is used to identify p + Au and n + Au collisions in the data. A weighted combination of the yield of p + Au and n + Au is constructed to build a reference for Aumore » + Au collisions that better matches the isospin composition of the gold nucleus. The p(T) and centrality dependence of the yield of this improved reference system is found to match that of d + Au. The shape of the charged-particle transverse momentum distribution is observed to extrapolate smoothly from p + (p) over bar to central d + Au as a function of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density. The asymmetry of positively and negatively charged hadron production in p + Au is compared to that of n + Au. No significant asymmetry is observed at midrapidity. These studies augment recent results from experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider and BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider facilities to give a more complete description of particle production in p + A and d + A collisions, essential for the understanding the medium produced in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions.« less

  2. Santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescentes de Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso: place de la communication parents-adolescentes pour la réduction des risques

    PubMed Central

    Some, Donmozoun Télesphore; Some, Der Adolphe; Hien, Hervé; Diallo, Ramata; Zingue, Dézémon; Diallo, Ibrahim; Diagbouga, Serge; Dao, Blami


    Introduction Les adolescentes sont très vulnérables face aux Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles (IST) et au VIH/SIDA. Notre étude a pour objectifs d’explorer la qualité de la communication entre les adolescentes et leurs parents sur les IST/VIH/SIDA et de recueillir leurs suggestions pour l’amélioration de cette communication. Méthodes L’étude était transversale qualitative sur 2 mois. La population de l’étude était composée par des adolescentes de 13 à 17 ans et leurs parents habitant la ville de Bobo Dioulasso. Vingt (20) adolescentes scolarisées ont été tirés au sort dans trois établissements secondaires et 20 autres non scolarisées choisies de façon accidentelle dans la ville. Les informations ont été collectées à l’aide de 8 focus groups. Les discussions ont été enregistrées sur cassettes, retranscrites en verbatim, et analysées à l’aide du logiciel QSR NVIVO 2.0. Résultats Les adolescentes et leurs parents communiquent très peu ou pas sur les questions des IST/VIH/SIDA; l’auto-information par les paires ou les médias est la première source d’information. Pour les parents, l’information existe et est accessible aux adolescentes alors que pour ces dernières, leurs connaissances de ces maladies sont parfois erronées. L’abstinence, la fidélité et le dépistage volontaire comme moyen de prévention sont très peu évoqués par les adolescentes de même que par leurs parents. Conclusion La communication parents-adolescentes est insuffisante voire absente dans certains milieux. Il est urgent de conduire des actions auprès des adolescentes et leurs parents pour mieux les informer sur les IST/VIH/SIDA et améliorer la communication sur ces maladies. PMID:22655099

  3. Magnetic susceptibilities of liquid Cr-Au, Mn-Au and Fe-Au alloys

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ohno, S.; Shimakura, H.; Tahara, S.

    The magnetic susceptibility of liquid Cr-Au, Mn-Au, Fe-Au and Cu-Au alloys was investigated as a function of temperature and composition. Liquid Cr{sub 1-c}Au{sub c} with 0.5 ≤ c and Mn{sub 1-c}Au{sub c} with 0.3≤c obeyed the Curie-Weiss law with regard to their dependence of χ on temperature. The magnetic susceptibilities of liquid Fe-Au alloys also exhibited Curie-Weiss behavior with a reasonable value for the effective number of Bohr magneton. On the Au-rich side, the composition dependence of χ for liquid TM-Au (TM=Cr, Mn, Fe) alloys increased rapidly with increasing TM content, respectively. Additionally, the composition dependences of χ for liquidmore » Cr-Au, Mn-Au, and Fe-Au alloys had maxima at compositions of 50 at% Cr, 70 at% Mn, and 85 at% Fe, respectively. We compared the composition dependences of χ{sub 3d} due to 3d electrons for liquid binary TM-M (M=Au, Al, Si, Sb), and investigated the relationship between χ{sub 3d} and E{sub F} in liquid binary TM-M alloys at a composition of 50 at% TM.« less

  4. Le niobate de lithium a haute temperature pour les applications ultrasons =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Castilla, Hector

    L'objectif de ce travail de maitrise en sciences appliquees est de trouver puis etudier un materiau piezoelectrique qui est potentiellement utilisable dans les transducteurs ultrasons a haute temperature. En effet, ces derniers sont actuellement limites a des temperatures de fonctionnement en dessous de 300°C a cause de l'element piezoelectrique qui les compose. Palier a cette limitation permettrait des controles non destructifs par ultrasons a haute temperature. Avec de bonnes proprietes electromecaniques et une temperature de Curie elevee (1200°C), le niobate de lithium (LiNbO 3) est un bon candidat. Mais certaines etudes affirment que des processus chimiques tels que l'apparition de conductivite ionique ou l'emergence d'une nouvelle phase ne permettent pas son utilisation dans les transducteurs ultrasons au-dessus de 600°C. Cependant, d'autres etudes plus recentes ont montre qu'il pouvait generer des ultrasons jusqu'a 1000°C et qu'aucune conductivite n'etait visible. Une hypothese a donc emerge : une conductivite ionique est presente dans le niobate de lithium a haute temperature (>500°C) mais elle n'affecte que faiblement ses proprietes a hautes frequences (>100 kHz). Une caracterisation du niobate de lithium a haute temperature est donc necessaire afin de verifier cette hypothese. Pour cela, la methode par resonance a ete employee. Elle permet une caracterisation de la plupart des coefficients electromecaniques avec une simple spectroscopie d'impedance electrochimique et un modele reliant de facon explicite les proprietes au spectre d'impedance. Il s'agit de trouver les coefficients du modele permettant de superposer au mieux le modele avec les mesures experimentales. Un banc experimental a ete realise permettant de controler la temperature des echantillons et de mesurer leur impedance electrochimique. Malheureusement, les modeles actuellement utilises pour la methode par resonance sont imprecis en presence de couplages entre les modes de vibration. Cela

  5. Influence du comportement des accompagnants sur le vécu des patients admis pour hémorragies digestives hautes au CHU campus de Lomé (Togo)

    PubMed Central

    Bagny, Aklesso; Dusabe, Angelique; Bouglouga, Oumboma; Lawson-ananisoh, Mawuli Late; Kaaga, Yeba Laconi; Djibril, Mohaman Awalou; Soedje, Kokou Mensah; Dassa, Simliwa Kolou; Redah, Datouda


    Introduction L'hémorragie digestive haute est une urgence, qui constitue souvent pour les patients un danger mortel suscitant inquiétude et agitation. Dans cet état, le patient dépend de ses accompagnants pour ses soins et pour honorer le traitement; mais souvent, il a été observé une discordance entre l'urgence et les comportements des accompagnants. Le but de cette étude était de décrire les facteurs socioéconomiques et psychologiques pouvant influencer les comportements des accompagnants des patients admis pour HDH, estimer l'indice de relation entre ces comportements et les facteurs associés d'une part et le vécu des patients admis pour HDH d'autre part. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude prospective menée de Septembre 2010 à Juin 2011 (soit 10 mois). Nous avions utilisé l'entretien semi-dirigé et l'observation directe pour collecter nos données, ces dernières avaient été traitées par les méthodes statistiques et d'analyse de contenu. Résultats Dans la présente étude, les comportements des accompagnants des patients admis pour HDH sont en majorité marqués par l'abandon (84%) et le manque de sollicitude (80,2%). Ces comportements sont souvent stimulés par les facteurs socioéconomiques tels que les difficultés économiques (83,2%), des conflits intrafamiliaux (85,1%) et des représentations (maladie incurable ou envoûtement) de la maladie par les accompagnants (73,3%) des cas. Quant aux patients, ils vivent ces comportements comme étant des menaces de mort ou des rejets (77,20%) et comme étant une dévalorisation ou une humiliation de la part de leurs accompagnants (70,30%). Les résultats confirment l'existence de lien significatif entre les comportements des accompagnants et les facteurs socio économiques, entre les comportements des accompagnants et des facteurs psychologiques, et entre le vécu des patients admis pour l'HDH et les comportements des accompagnants. Conclusion Des études ultérieures devraient aborder les points

  6. Prévention de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH/sida au Bénin: le consentement des femmes au dépistage est-il libre et éclairé ?

    PubMed Central

    Kêdoté, N.M.; Brousselle, A.; Champagne, F.; Laudy, D.


    Résumé Introduction Dans les politiques internationales et nationales sur le VIH/sida, le consentement libre et éclairé est reconnu comme une composante essentielle des programmes de dépistage. Le consentement libre et éclairé implique pour les femmes enceintes d’obtenir des informations sur le programme de prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant (PTME), de les comprendre et de faire un choix autonome après avoir évalué les risques et avantages. Cependant, aucune évaluation du programme de PTME ne s’est intéressée au consentement. L’objectif de cet article est d’explorer le caractère libre et éclairé du consentement des femmes enceintes quant au dépistage et à leurs motivations à faire le test. Méthode Nous avons utilisé des données récoltées dans le cadre d’une analyse d’implantation du programme de PTME au Bénin. Cette analyse s’appuie sur un devis d’étude de cas multiples incluant six maternités choisies parmi les 56 sites fonctionnels. Spécifiquement pour l’analyse du consentement, nous avons associé les données provenant d’une enquête à celles d’une recherche qualitative. Résultats Hormis trois cas de dépistage à l’insu, le caractère volontaire du consentement au test est respecté sur les sites de PTME. Vingt-neuf cas de refus ont été identifiés. Les raisons les plus souvent évoquées par les femmes enceintes sont la peur du résultat positif et de ses conséquences sur la vie familiale dans 55,2 % des cas et l’attente de l’accord ou du désaccord du mari dans 27,6 % des cas. Si globalement le consentement a été volontaire sur tous les sites, son caractère éclairé est moins probant. PMID:27840660

  7. Quantification des besoins en intrants antipaludiques: contribution à l'actualisation des hypothèses pour la quantification des intrants de prise en charge des cas de paludisme grave en République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Likwela, Joris Losimba; Otokoye, John Otshudiema


    Les formes graves de paludisme à Plasmodium falciparum sont une cause majeure de décès des enfants de moins de 5 ans en Afrique Sub-saharienne. Un traitement rapide dépend de la disponibilité de médicaments appropriés au niveau des points de prestation de service. La fréquence des ruptures de stock des commodités antipaludiques, en particuliers celles utilisées pour le paludisme grave, avait nécessité une mise à jour des hypothèses de quantification. Les données issues de la collecte de routine du PNLP de 2007 à 2012 ont été comparées à celles rapportés par d'autres pays africains et utilisées pour orienter les discussions au cours d'un atelier organisé par le PNLP et ses partenaires techniques et financiers afin de dégager un consensus national. La proportion des cas de paludisme rapportés comme grave en RDC est resté autour d'une médiane de 7% avec un domaine de variation de 6 à 9%. Hormis la proportion rapportée au Kenya (2%), les pays africains ont rapporté une proportion de cas grave variant entre 5 et 7%. Il apparaît que la proportion de 1% précédemment utilisée pour la quantification en RDC a été sous-estimée dans le contexte de la gestion des cas graves sur terrain. Un consensus s'est dégagé autour de la proportion de 5% étant entendu que des efforts de renforcement des capacités seraient déployés afin d'améliorer le diagnostic au niveau des points de prestation des services. PMID:26213595

  8. Revetements bioactifs a base de chondroitine sulfate et de facteurs de croissance pour applications vasculaires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lequoy, Pauline

    Malgre des avancees technologiques indeniables, l'efficacite des implants biomedicaux est encore limitee par les biomateriaux synthetiques qui les composent, notamment en raison de leur incapacite a generer une reponse biologique adequate. En particulier, la guerison tissulaire autour des implants vasculaires reste problematique. Une etude de la litterature a montre que dans le cas des endoprotheses couvertes (tuyaux polymeriques utilises pour la reparation endovasculaire des anevrismes de l'aorte abdominale), le manque de guerison observe s'explique non seulement par l'inertie des biomateriaux utilises mais aussi par le fait que l'implant est insere dans un vaisseau malade favorisant la mort des cellules par apoptose et presentant une depletion cellulaire marquee. L'hypothese a la base de ce projet est qu'un revetement bioactif pourrait ameliorer la guerison et la colonisation de l'implant par les cellules vasculaires et ainsi favoriser l'attachement de l'implant dans le vaisseau malade afin de prevenir les complications a long terme. Dans ce contexte, deux molecules anti-apoptotiques ont ete selectionnees pour developper le revetement, la chondroitine sulfate (CS), un glycosaminoglycane de la matrice extracellulaire, et le facteur de croissance de l'epiderme (EGF) qui possede egalement un role important dans la guerison tissulaire. L'un des defis de ce projet est de preserver la bioactivite de ces molecules lors de leur immobilisation dans un revetement. Pour etablir une preuve de concept, nous avons demontre qu'un revetement CS+EGF obtenu par greffage covalent permet d'ameliorer significativement la survie des cellules vasculaires humaines (cellules musculaires lisses, CMLV, et fibroblastes) sur les materiaux realistes (PET, ePTFE). Apres avoir transfere ce revetement sur des implants commerciaux en ePTFE, des tests in vivo ont demontre une amelioration de la guerison grâce au revetement bioactif, cependant la guerison n'a pas ete totale dans la cavite

  9. Le recours aux modeles dans l'enseignement de la biologie au secondaire : Conceptions d'enseignantes et d'enseignants et modes d'utilisation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Varlet, Madeleine

    Le recours aux modeles et a la modelisation est mentionne dans la documentation scientifique comme un moyen de favoriser la mise en oeuvre de pratiques d'enseignement-apprentissage constructivistes pour pallier les difficultes d'apprentissage en sciences. L'etude prealable du rapport des enseignantes et des enseignants aux modeles et a la modelisation est alors pertinente pour comprendre leurs pratiques d'enseignement et identifier des elements dont la prise en compte dans les formations initiale et disciplinaire peut contribuer au developpement d'un enseignement constructiviste des sciences. Plusieurs recherches ont porte sur ces conceptions sans faire de distinction selon les matieres enseignees, telles la physique, la chimie ou la biologie, alors que les modeles ne sont pas forcement utilises ou compris de la meme maniere dans ces differentes disciplines. Notre recherche s'est interessee aux conceptions d'enseignantes et d'enseignants de biologie au secondaire au sujet des modeles scientifiques, de quelques formes de representations de ces modeles ainsi que de leurs modes d'utilisation en classe. Les resultats, que nous avons obtenus au moyen d'une serie d'entrevues semi-dirigees, indiquent que globalement leurs conceptions au sujet des modeles sont compatibles avec celle scientifiquement admise, mais varient quant aux formes de representations des modeles. L'examen de ces conceptions temoigne d'une connaissance limitee des modeles et variable selon la matiere enseignee. Le niveau d'etudes, la formation prealable, l'experience en enseignement et un possible cloisonnement des matieres pourraient expliquer les differentes conceptions identifiees. En outre, des difficultes temporelles, conceptuelles et techniques peuvent freiner leurs tentatives de modelisation avec les eleves. Toutefois, nos resultats accreditent l'hypothese que les conceptions des enseignantes et des enseignants eux-memes au sujet des modeles, de leurs formes de representation et de leur approche

  10. Beam-energy dependence of charge balance functions from Au + Au collisions at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alekseev, I.; Alford, J.; Aparin, A.; Arkhipkin, D.; Aschenauer, E. C.; Averichev, G. S.; Banerjee, A.; Bellwied, R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A. K.; Bhattarai, P.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bland, L. C.; Bordyuzhin, I. G.; Bouchet, J.; Brandin, A. V.; Bunzarov, I.; Burton, T. P.; Butterworth, J.; Caines, H.; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M.; Campbell, J. M.; Cebra, D.; Cervantes, M. C.; Chakaberia, I.; Chaloupka, P.; Chang, Z.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, J. H.; Chen, H. F.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Christie, W.; Codrington, M. J. M.; Contin, G.; Crawford, H. J.; Cui, X.; Das, S.; De Silva, L. C.; Debbe, R. R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Deng, J.; Derevschikov, A. A.; Derradi de Souza, R.; di Ruzza, B.; Didenko, L.; Dilks, C.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J. L.; Draper, J. E.; Du, C. M.; Dunkelberger, L. E.; Dunlop, J. C.; Efimov, L. G.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Esha, R.; Evdokimov, O.; Eyser, O.; Fatemi, R.; Fazio, S.; Federic, P.; Fedorisin, J.; Feng, Filip, P.; Fisyak, Y.; Flores, C. E.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Garand, D.; Geurts, F.; Gibson, A.; Girard, M.; Greiner, L.; Grosnick, D.; Gunarathne, D. S.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, S.; Guryn, W.; Hamad, A.; Hamed, A.; Han, L.-X.; Haque, R.; Harris, J. W.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hoffmann, G. W.; Hofman, D. J.; Horvat, S.; Huang, B.; Huang, X.; Huang, H. Z.; Huck, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, W. W.; Jang, H.; Judd, E. G.; Kabana, S.; Kalinkin, D.; Kang, K.; Kauder, K.; Ke, H. W.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Khan, Z. H.; Kikola, D. P.; Kisel, I.; Kisiel, A.; Klein, S. R.; Koetke, D. D.; Kollegger, T.; Kosarzewski, L. K.; Kotchenda, L.; Kraishan, A. F.; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Kulakov, I.; Kumar, L.; Kycia, R. A.; Lamont, M. A. C.; Landgraf, J. M.; Landry, K. D.; Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednicky, R.; Lee, J. H.; Li, Z. M.; Li, X.; Li, W.; Li, Y.; Li, X.; Li, C.; Lisa, M. A.; Liu, F.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W. J.; Lomnitz, M.; Longacre, R. S.; Luo, X.; Ma, G. L.; Ma, R. M.; Ma, Y. G.; Magdy, N.; Mahapatra, D. P.; Majka, R.; Manion, A.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H. S.; McDonald, D.; Minaev, N. G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M. M.; Morozov, D. A.; Mustafa, M. K.; Nandi, B. K.; Nasim, Md.; Nayak, T. K.; Nigmatkulov, G.; Nogach, L. V.; Noh, S. Y.; Novak, J.; Nurushev, S. B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Oh, K.; Okorokov, V.; Olvitt, D. L.; Page, B. S.; Pan, Y. X.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Pawlak, T.; Pawlik, B.; Pei, H.; Perkins, C.; Pile, P.; Planinic, M.; Pluta, J.; Poljak, N.; Poniatowska, K.; Porter, J.; Poskanzer, A. M.; Pruthi, N. K.; Przybycien, M.; Putschke, J.; Qiu, H.; Quintero, A.; Ramachandran, S.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R. L.; Ritter, H. G.; Roberts, J. B.; Rogachevskiy, O. V.; Romero, J. L.; Roy, A.; Ruan, L.; Rusnak, J.; Rusnakova, O.; Sahoo, N. R.; Sahu, P. K.; Sakrejda, I.; Salur, S.; Sandacz, A.; Sandweiss, J.; Sarkar, A.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R. P.; Schmah, A. M.; Schmidke, W. B.; Schmitz, N.; Seger, J.; Seyboth, P.; Shah, N.; Shahaliev, E.; Shanmuganathan, P. V.; Shao, M.; Sharma, B.; Shen, W. Q.; Shi, S. S.; Shou, Q. Y.; Sichtermann, E. P.; Simko, M.; Skoby, M. J.; Smirnov, N.; Smirnov, D.; Solanki, D.; Song, L.; Sorensen, P.; Spinka, H. M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T. D. S.; Stock, R.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Sumbera, M.; Summa, B. J.; Sun, X. M.; Sun, Z.; Sun, Y.; Sun, X.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D. N.; Szelezniak, M. A.; Takahashi, J.; Tang, Z.; Tang, A. H.; Tarnowsky, T.; Tawfik, A. N.; Thomas, J. H.; Timmins, A. R.; Tlusty, D.; Tokarev, M.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tribedy, P.; Tripathy, S. K.; Trzeciak, B. A.; Tsai, O. D.; Turnau, J.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D. G.; Upsal, I.; Van Buren, G.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Varma, R.; Vasconcelos, G. M. S.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Vertesi, R.; Videbæk, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Voloshin, S. A.; Vossen, A.; Wang, J. S.; Wang, X. L.; Wang, Y.; Wang, H.; Wang, F.; Wang, G.; Webb, G.; Webb, J. C.; Wen, L.; Westfall, G. D.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S. W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y. F.; Xiao, Z.; Xie, W.; Xin, K.; Xu, N.; Xu, Z.; Xu, H.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Q. H.; Yan, W.; Yang, Y.; Yang, C.; Yang, Y.; Ye, Z.; Yepes, P.; Yi, L.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.-K.; Yu, N.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zha, W.; Zhang, X. P.; Zhang, Z. P.; Zhang, J. B.; Zhang, J. L.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, S.; Zhao, F.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhu, Y. H.; Zhu, X.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.; Zyzak, M.; STAR Collaboration


    Balance functions have been measured in terms of relative pseudorapidity (Δ η ) for charged particle pairs at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider from Au + Au collisions at √{sNN}=7.7 GeV to 200 GeV using the STAR detector. These results are compared with balance functions measured at the CERN Large Hadron Collider from Pb + Pb collisions at √{sNN}=2.76 TeV by the ALICE Collaboration. The width of the balance function decreases as the collisions become more central and as the beam energy is increased. In contrast, the widths of the balance functions calculated using shuffled events show little dependence on centrality or beam energy and are larger than the observed widths. Balance function widths calculated using events generated by UrQMD are wider than the measured widths in central collisions and show little centrality dependence. The measured widths of the balance functions in central collisions are consistent with the delayed hadronization of a deconfined quark gluon plasma (QGP). The narrowing of the balance function in central collisions at √{sNN}=7.7 GeV implies that a QGP is still being created at this relatively low energy.

  11. CERN welcomes new members

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


    Lithuania is on course to become an associate member of CERN, pending final approval by the Lithuanian parliament. Associate membership will allow representatives of the Baltic nation to take part in meetings of the CERN Council, which oversees the Geneva-based physics lab.

  12. Problématique de la prise en charge des cancers du sein au Sénégal: une approche transversale

    PubMed Central

    Gueye, Serigne Modou Kane; Gueye, Mamour; Coulbary, Sophie Aminata; Diouf, Alassane; Moreau, Jean Charles


    L’heure où les thérapeutiques innovantes se multiplient dans le cancer du sein, des pays moins nantis comme le Sénégal accusent encore un retard considérable dans la prise en charge globale de ce type de cancer. Au Sénégal, même si la prise en charge des cancers du sein avancés est actuellement bien codifiée, les résultats en terme de survie et de morbidités sont encore médiocres vu les retards diagnostiques et les traitements mutilants, parfois onéreux et mal tolérés, devenus nécessaires. Pour ces cancers avancés, les défis qui restent à relever résident dans l’érection de centres de soins palliatifs et le développement de la pluridisciplinarité pour améliorer la qualité de vie et l’accompagnement des malades. En revanche, pour les cancers infracliniques ou potentiellement guérissables, les défis restent immenses car il s’agira de les dépister, de bien les localiser et les diagnostiquer aussitôt (biopsie écho guidée ou stéréotaxique) mais également de les opérer de façon précise et entière (repérage – exérèse in sano et radiographie de pièce opératoire) tout en limitant les complications comme celles du curage classique (biopsie du ganglion sentinelle). Il s’agit là autant d’objectifs auxquels nos structures de santé ne sont pas toujours préparées. Cette mise au point est une analyse situationnelle sur les écueils contextuels qui grèvent encore la prise en charge globale des cancers du sein au Sénégal. PMID:28154696

  13. Adaptability in Coalition Teamwork (Faculte d’adaptation au travail d’ equipe en coalition)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    et des outils sont nécessaires au développement rapide d’équipes multiculturelles efficaces pour assurer le succès des missions, celles-ci étant...Les principaux résultats des 30 communications théoriques et de recherche ont été les suivants : • Les outils de formation (jeux, simulations...parmi les militaires ; • Le retour d’information sur le moral et les performances des équipes en opérations est un instrument qui est particulièrement

  14. Introduction to CERN


    Heuer, R.-D.


    Summer Student Lecture Programme Introduction. The mission of CERN; push back the frontiers of knowledge, e.g. the secrets of the Big Bang...what was the matter like within the first moments of the Universe's existence? You have to develop new technologies for accelerators and detectors (also information technology--the Web and the GRID and medicine--diagnosis and therapy). There are three key technology areas at CERN; accelerating, particle detection, large-scale computing.

  15. Developpement d'un montage simulant l'erosion par la pluie pour l'evaluation des revetements glaciophobes dans le domaine aerospatial

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tremblay, Sarah-Eve

    Ce memoire presente le developpement d’un montage simulant l’erosion par la pluie afin d’effectuer l’evaluation de differents revetements glaciophobes dans le domaine aerospatial. Bien que plusieurs revetements presentent une bonne efficacite a reduire l’adherence et/ou l’accumulation de glace, ils ne repondent pas necessairement aux normes de resistance a l’erosion simulee par les gouttes de pluie les frappant a grande vitesse. Il n’existe qu’une installation en Amerique du Nord offrant un service d’essai qui evalue la resistance a l’erosion par la pluie suivant les normes aerospatiales. Etant l’unique institution pouvant faire la certification de peintures utilisees sur les avions en ce qui a trait a l’erosion par la pluie, ce service est donc difficile d’acces et couteux. Le laboratoire international des materiaux antigivre (LIMA) a developpe un essai plus rapide et moins couteux, facilitant ainsi le developpement de revetements glaciophobes devant resister a l’erosion par la pluie. Dans cette etude, le developpement du montage d’erosion par la pluie effectue au laboratoire des materiaux antigivre (LIMA) est presente. En particulier, des essais sur quatre (4) revetements dont la resistance a l’erosion est connue, et sur trois revetements industriels, ont ete effectues afin d’ajuster les differents parametres du montage comme la pression et la temperature de l’eau ainsi que la robustesse du montage. Ensuite, des essais de sensibilite et de reproductibilite des resultats ont egalement ete effectues pour fin de validation du montage et du protocole experimental. Pour ce faire, le montage de type jet d’eau developpe consiste principalement en une pompe a haute pression qui projette un jet d’eau continu passant par les orifices d’un disque tournant. Cette operation permet de generer une goutte de pluie simulee qui est projetee sur un echantillon de revetement statique. L’essai est base sur la norme standard ASTM (Liquid

  16. Myélome multiple survenant au cours d'une Fièvre Méditerranéenne Familiale

    PubMed Central

    Salem, Bouomrani; Afef, Farah; Nadia, Bouassida; Nabil, Ayadi; Zouhir, Bahloul; Maher, Béji


    L'objectif de ce travail est de rapporter une observation particulière de myélome multiple survenant au cours d'une maladie périodique. Il s'agit d'un patient tunisien de 53 ans suivi depuis le jeune âge pour maladie périodique dont le diagnostic était confirmé par l’étude génétique montrant l'homozygotie pour la mutation M694V du gène MEFV, fut admis pour exploration d'une douleur avec tuméfaction fessière droite récente. Les explorations biologiques et radiologiques ont permis de retenir le diagnostic d'un myélome multiple de type IgA à chaînes légères kappa stade III B, associé à une volumineuse localisation plasmocytaire très agressive de l'aile iliaque droite envahissant les structures musculaires avoisinantes. Notre observation, qui à notre connaissance est la deuxième signalant une telle association, se distingue par sa survenue brutale, sa progression rapide et le caractère très agressif de l'hémopathie. PMID:24255729

  17. Approches pour la reduction de l'impact de defaut dans le transport d'energie du parc eolien offshore via VSC-HVDC =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Benadja, Mounir

    Dans ce travail est presente un systeme de generation d'energie d'un parc eolien offshore et un systeme de transport utilisant les stations VSC-HVDC connectees au reseau principal AC onshore. Trois configurations ont ete etudiees, modelisees et validees par simulation. Dans chacune des configurations, des contributions ameliorant les cotes techniques et economiques sont decrites ci-dessous : La premiere contribution concerne un nouvel algorithme MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) utilise pour l'extraction de la puissance maximale disponible dans les eoliennes des parcs offshores. Cette technique d'extraction du MPPT ameliore le rendement energetique de la chaine de conversion des energies renouvelables notamment l'energie eolienne a petite et a grande echelles (parc eolien offshore) qui constitue un probleme pour les constructeurs qui se trouvent confrontes a developper des dispositifs MPPT simples, moins couteux, robustes, fiables et capable d'obtenir un rendement energetique maximal. La deuxieme contribution concerne la reduction de la taille, du cout et de l'impact des defauts electriques (AC et DC) dans le systeme construit pour transporter l'energie d'un parc eolien offshore (OWF) vers le reseau principal AC onshore via deux stations 3L-NPC VSCHVDC. La solution developpee utilise des observateurs non-lineaires bases sur le filtre de Kalman etendu (EKF). Ce filtre permet d'estimer la vitesse de rotation et la position du rotor de chacune des generatrices du parc eolien offshore et de la tension du bus DC de l'onduleur DC-AC offshore et des deux stations 3L-NPC-VSC-HVDC (offshore et onshore). De plus, ce developpement du filtre de Kalman etendu a permis de reduire l'impact des defauts AC et DC. Deux commandes ont ete utilisees, l'une (commande indirect dans le plan abc) avec EKF integre destinee pour controler le convertisseur DC-AC offshore et l'autre (commande d-q) avec EKF integre pour controler les convertisseurs des deux stations AC-DC et DC-AC tout en

  18. Scaling the CERN OpenStack cloud

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bell, T.; Bompastor, B.; Bukowiec, S.; Castro Leon, J.; Denis, M. K.; van Eldik, J.; Fermin Lobo, M.; Fernandez Alvarez, L.; Fernandez Rodriguez, D.; Marino, A.; Moreira, B.; Noel, B.; Oulevey, T.; Takase, W.; Wiebalck, A.; Zilli, S.


    CERN has been running a production OpenStack cloud since July 2013 to support physics computing and infrastructure services for the site. In the past year, CERN Cloud Infrastructure has seen a constant increase in nodes, virtual machines, users and projects. This paper will present what has been done in order to make the CERN cloud infrastructure scale out.

  19. From the ternary Eu(Au/In) 2 and EuAu 4(Au/In) 2 with remarkable Au/In distributions to a new structure type: The gold-rich Eu 5Au 16(Au/In) 6 structure


    Steinberg, Simon; Card, Nathan; Mudring, Anja -Verena


    The ternary Eu(Au/In) 2 (EuAu 0.46In 1.54 (2)) (I), EuAu 4(Au/In) 2 (EuAu 4+xIn 2–x with x = 0.75(2) (II), 0.93(2), and 1.03(2)), and Eu 5Au 16(Au/In) 6 (Eu 5Au 17.29In 4.71(3)) (III) have been synthesized, and their structures were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. I and II crystallize with the CeCu 2-type (Pearson Symbol oI12; Imma; Z = 4; a = 4.9018(4) Å; b = 7.8237(5) Å; c = 8.4457(5) Å) and the YbAl 4Mo 2-type (tI14; I4/ mmm; Z = 2; a = 7.1612(7) Å; c = 5.5268(7) Å) and exhibit significant Au/In disorder. I is composed ofmore » an Au/In-mixed diamond-related host lattice encapsulating Eu atoms, while the structure of II features ribbons of distorted, squared Au 8 prisms enclosing Eu, Au, and In atoms. Combination of these structural motifs leads to a new structure type as observed for Eu 5Au 16(Au/In) 6 (Eu 5Au 17.29In 4.71(3)) (oS108; Cmcm; Z = 4; a = 7.2283(4) Å; b = 9.0499(6) Å; c = 34.619(2) Å), which formally represents a one-dimensional intergrowth of the series EuAu 2–“EuAu 4In 2”. The site preferences of the disordered Au/In positions in II were investigated for different hypothetical “EuAu 4(Au/In) 2” models using the projector-augmented wave method and indicate that these structures attempt to optimize the frequencies of the heteroatomic Au–In contacts. Furthermore, a chemical bonding analysis on two “EuAu 5In” and “EuAu 4In 2” models employed the TB-LMTO-ASA method and reveals that the subtle interplay between the local atomic environments and the bond energies determines the structural and site preferences for these systems.« less

  20. From the ternary Eu(Au/In) 2 and EuAu 4(Au/In) 2 with remarkable Au/In distributions to a new structure type: The gold-rich Eu 5Au 16(Au/In) 6 structure

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Steinberg, Simon; Card, Nathan; Mudring, Anja -Verena

    The ternary Eu(Au/In) 2 (EuAu 0.46In 1.54 (2)) (I), EuAu 4(Au/In) 2 (EuAu 4+xIn 2–x with x = 0.75(2) (II), 0.93(2), and 1.03(2)), and Eu 5Au 16(Au/In) 6 (Eu 5Au 17.29In 4.71(3)) (III) have been synthesized, and their structures were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. I and II crystallize with the CeCu 2-type (Pearson Symbol oI12; Imma; Z = 4; a = 4.9018(4) Å; b = 7.8237(5) Å; c = 8.4457(5) Å) and the YbAl 4Mo 2-type (tI14; I4/ mmm; Z = 2; a = 7.1612(7) Å; c = 5.5268(7) Å) and exhibit significant Au/In disorder. I is composed ofmore » an Au/In-mixed diamond-related host lattice encapsulating Eu atoms, while the structure of II features ribbons of distorted, squared Au 8 prisms enclosing Eu, Au, and In atoms. Combination of these structural motifs leads to a new structure type as observed for Eu 5Au 16(Au/In) 6 (Eu 5Au 17.29In 4.71(3)) (oS108; Cmcm; Z = 4; a = 7.2283(4) Å; b = 9.0499(6) Å; c = 34.619(2) Å), which formally represents a one-dimensional intergrowth of the series EuAu 2–“EuAu 4In 2”. The site preferences of the disordered Au/In positions in II were investigated for different hypothetical “EuAu 4(Au/In) 2” models using the projector-augmented wave method and indicate that these structures attempt to optimize the frequencies of the heteroatomic Au–In contacts. Furthermore, a chemical bonding analysis on two “EuAu 5In” and “EuAu 4In 2” models employed the TB-LMTO-ASA method and reveals that the subtle interplay between the local atomic environments and the bond energies determines the structural and site preferences for these systems.« less

  1. Evaluation d'une approche pedagogique respectant les facons d'apprendre des filles en sciences et en TIC en 9e annee au Nouveau-Brunswick

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lirette-Pitre, Nicole T.


    La reussite scolaire des filles les amene de plus en plus a poursuivre une formation postsecondaire et a exercer des professions qui demandent un haut niveau de connaissances et d'expertise scientifique. Toutefois, les filles demeurent toujours tres peu nombreuses a envisager une carriere en sciences (chimie et physique), en ingenierie ou en TIC (technologie d'information et de la communication), soit une carriere reliee a la nouvelle economie. Pour plusieurs filles, les sciences et les TIC ne sont pas des matieres scolaires qu'elles trouvent interessantes meme si elles y reussissent tres bien. Ces filles admettent que leurs experiences d'apprentissage en sciences et en TIC ne leur ont pas permis de developper un interet ni de se sentir confiante en leurs habiletes a reussir dans ces matieres. Par consequent, peu de filles choisissent de poursuivre leurs etudes postsecondaires dans ces disciplines. La theorie sociocognitive du choix carriere a ete choisie comme modele theorique pour mieux comprendre quelles variables entrent en jeu lorsque les filles choisissent leur carriere. Notre etude a pour objet la conception et l'evaluation de l'efficacite d'un materiel pedagogique concu specifiquement pour ameliorer les experiences d'apprentissage en sciences et en TIC des filles de 9e annee au Nouveau-Brunswick. L'approche pedagogique privilegiee dans notre materiel a mis en oeuvre des strategies pedagogiques issues des meilleures pratiques que nous avons identifiees et qui visaient particulierement l'augmentation du sentiment d'auto-efficacite et de l'interet des filles pour ces disciplines. Ce materiel disponible par Internet a l'adresse est directement en lien avec le programme d'etudes en sciences de la nature de 9e annee du Nouveau-Brunswick. L'evaluation de l'efficacite de notre materiel pedagogique a ete faite selon deux grandes etapes methodologiques: 1) l'evaluation de l'utilisabilite et de la convivialite du materiel et 2

  2. Une nouvelle voie pour la conception des implants intervertébraux

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gradel, T.; Tabourot, L.; Arrieux, R.; Balland, P.


    L'objectif de notre travail est la conception d'une nouvelle génération d'implants intersomatiques qui s'adapte parfaitement à la géométrie des plateaux vertébraux en se déformant. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé une nouvelle démarche qui consiste à simuler entièrement le procédé de fabrication en l'occurrence l'emboutissage, Cette simulation, en concervant l'historique des sollicitations exercées sur le matériau lors de sa mise en œuvre permet de valider très précisément sa résistance mécanique en fin de cycle. Au cours de cette étude, nous avons mené en parallèle deux analyses dites “ coopératives ” : l'une fondée sur un modèle phénoménologique de type HILL et l'autre sur un modèle multi-échelles prenant en compte des phénomènes plus physiques afin d'acquérir une bonne connaissance du comportement du matériau lors de la déformation. C'est pour sa bonne résistance, sa biocompatibilité et ses propriétés radiologiques que nous avons choisi le T40 (titane pur) comme matériau.

  3. Beam-energy dependence of charge balance functions from Au + Au collisions at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.

    Balance functions have been measured in terms of relative pseudorapidity ( Δη ) for charged particle pairs at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) from Au + Au collisions atmore » $$\\sqrt{s}$$$_{NN}$$ = 7.7 GeV to 200 GeV using the STAR detector. These results are compared with balance functions measured at the CERN Large Hadron Collider from Pb + Pb collisions at $$\\sqrt{s}$$$_{NN}$$ = 2.76 TeV by the ALICE Collaboration. The width of the balance function decreases as the collisions become more central and as the beam energy is increased. In contrast, the widths of the balance functions calculated using shuffled events show little dependence on centrality or beam energy and are larger than the observed widths. Balance function widths calculated using events generated by UrQMD are wider than the measured widths in central collisions and show little centrality dependence. The measured widths of the balance functions in central collisions are consistent with the delayed hadronization of a deconfined quark gluon plasma (QGP). Finally, the narrowing of the balance function in central collisions at $$\\sqrt{s}$$$_{NN}$$ = 7.7 GeV implies that a QGP is still being created at this relatively low energy.« less

  4. Beam-energy dependence of charge balance functions from Au + Au collisions at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider


    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; ...


    Balance functions have been measured in terms of relative pseudorapidity ( Δη ) for charged particle pairs at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) from Au + Au collisions atmore » $$\\sqrt{s}$$$_{NN}$$ = 7.7 GeV to 200 GeV using the STAR detector. These results are compared with balance functions measured at the CERN Large Hadron Collider from Pb + Pb collisions at $$\\sqrt{s}$$$_{NN}$$ = 2.76 TeV by the ALICE Collaboration. The width of the balance function decreases as the collisions become more central and as the beam energy is increased. In contrast, the widths of the balance functions calculated using shuffled events show little dependence on centrality or beam energy and are larger than the observed widths. Balance function widths calculated using events generated by UrQMD are wider than the measured widths in central collisions and show little centrality dependence. The measured widths of the balance functions in central collisions are consistent with the delayed hadronization of a deconfined quark gluon plasma (QGP). Finally, the narrowing of the balance function in central collisions at $$\\sqrt{s}$$$_{NN}$$ = 7.7 GeV implies that a QGP is still being created at this relatively low energy.« less

  5. New directions in the CernVM file system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blomer, Jakob; Buncic, Predrag; Ganis, Gerardo; Hardi, Nikola; Meusel, Rene; Popescu, Radu


    The CernVM File System today is commonly used to host and distribute application software stacks. In addition to this core task, recent developments expand the scope of the file system into two new areas. Firstly, CernVM-FS emerges as a good match for container engines to distribute the container image contents. Compared to native container image distribution (e.g. through the “Docker registry”), CernVM-FS massively reduces the network traffic for image distribution. This has been shown, for instance, by a prototype integration of CernVM-FS into Mesos developed by Mesosphere, Inc. We present a path for a smooth integration of CernVM-FS and Docker. Secondly, CernVM-FS recently raised new interest as an option for the distribution of experiment conditions data. Here, the focus is on improved versioning capabilities of CernVM-FS that allows to link the conditions data of a run period to the state of a CernVM-FS repository. Lastly, CernVM-FS has been extended to provide a name space for physics data for the LIGO and CMS collaborations. Searching through a data namespace is often done by a central, experiment specific database service. A name space on CernVM-FS can particularly benefit from an existing, scalable infrastructure and from the POSIX file system interface.

  6. EFQPSK Versus CERN: A Comparative Study

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Borah, Deva K.; Horan, Stephen


    This report presents a comparative study on Enhanced Feher's Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (EFQPSK) and Constrained Envelope Root Nyquist (CERN) techniques. These two techniques have been developed in recent times to provide high spectral and power efficiencies under nonlinear amplifier environment. The purpose of this study is to gain insights into these techniques and to help system planners and designers with an appropriate set of guidelines for using these techniques. The comparative study presented in this report relies on effective simulation models and procedures. Therefore, a significant part of this report is devoted to understanding the mathematical and simulation models of the techniques and their set-up procedures. In particular, mathematical models of EFQPSK and CERN, effects of the sampling rate in discrete time signal representation, and modeling of nonlinear amplifiers and predistorters have been considered in detail. The results of this study show that both EFQPSK and CERN signals provide spectrally efficient communications compared to filtered conventional linear modulation techniques when a nonlinear power amplifier is used. However, there are important differences. The spectral efficiency of CERN signals, with a small amount of input backoff, is significantly better than that of EFQPSK signals if the nonlinear amplifier is an ideal clipper. However, to achieve such spectral efficiencies with a practical nonlinear amplifier, CERN processing requires a predistorter which effectively translates the amplifier's characteristics close to those of an ideal clipper. Thus, the spectral performance of CERN signals strongly depends on the predistorter. EFQPSK signals, on the other hand, do not need such predistorters since their spectra are almost unaffected by the nonlinear amplifier, Ibis report discusses several receiver structures for EFQPSK signals. It is observed that optimal receiver structures can be realized for both coded and uncoded EFQPSK

  7. Vidyo@CERN: A Service Update

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fernandes, J.; Baron, T.


    We will present an overview of the current real-time video service offering for the LHC, in particular the operation of the CERN Vidyo service will be described in terms of consolidated performance and scale: The service is an increasingly critical part of the daily activity of the LHC collaborations, topping recently more than 50 million minutes of communication in one year, with peaks of up to 852 simultaneous connections. We will elaborate on the improvement of some front-end key features such as the integration with CERN Indico, or the enhancements of the Unified Client and also on new ones, released or in the pipeline, such as a new WebRTC client and CERN SSO/Federated SSO integration. An overview of future infrastructure improvements, such as virtualization techniques of Vidyo routers and geo-location mechanisms for load-balancing and optimum user distribution across the service infrastructure will also be discussed. The work done by CERN to improve the monitoring of its Vidyo network will also be presented and demoed. As a last point, we will touch the roadmap and strategy established by CERN and Vidyo with a clear objective of optimizing the service both on the end client and backend infrastructure to make it truly universal, to serve Global Science. To achieve those actions, the introduction of the multitenant concept to serve different communities is needed. This is one of the consequences of CERN's decision to offer the Vidyo service currently operated for the LHC, to other Sciences, Institutions and Virtual Organizations beyond HEP that might express interest for it.

  8. L’évaluation et le traitement du nourrisson exposé au virus d’immunodéficience humaine de type 1

    PubMed Central


    RÉSUMÉ Dans les pays industrialisés, des soins et un traitement sont offerts aux femmes enceintes et aux nourrissons, afin de faire chuter à 2 % ou moins le taux d’infection périnatale au virus d’immunodéficience humaine de type 1 (VIH-1). Le pédiatre joue un rôle de premier plan dans la prévention de la transmission du VIH-1 de la mère à l’enfant par le dépistage des nourrissons exposés au VIH dont l’infection au VIH de la mère n’a pas été diagnostiquée avant l’accouchement. Il prescrit une prophylaxie antirétrovirale à ces nourrissons, afin de réduire le risque d’acquisition de l’infection au VIH-1 et d’en éviter le plus possible la transmission par le lait maternel. De plus, le pédiatre peut soigner les nourrissons exposés au VIH-1 en les surveillant pour obtenir un dépistage précoce de l’infection au VIH-1 et évaluer les toxicités à court et à long terme de l’exposition aux antirétroviraux, assurer une chimioprophylaxie de la pneumonie à Pneumocystis et soutenir les familles qui vivent avec une infection au VIH-1, grâce à des conseils thérapeutiques aux parents ou aux soignants.

  9. Transplantation rénale au Maroc: l'hémodialysé et son entourage sont-ils suffisamment informés?

    PubMed Central

    Noto-Kadou-Kaza, Béfa; Sabi, Kossi Akomola; Imangue, Ghislain; Al-Torayhi, Mays Hadi; Amekoudi, Eyram Yoan Makafui; Tsevi, Claude Mawufemo; Zamd, Mohamed; Medkouri, Ghislaine; Benghanem, Mohamed Gharbi; Ramdani, Benyounes


    Introduction La transplantation rénale constitue le traitement idéal de l'insuffisance rénale chronique. Cependant il existe une insuffisance de donneurs contrairement aux receveurs dont le nombre ne cesse de s'accroitre. La méconnaissance de la transplantation par les hémodialysés et leur entourage pourrait être l'une des causes. Notre but était d’évaluer les connaissances et opinions de l'hémodialysé et de son entourage sur la transplantation rénale. Méthodes L'enquête menée en Aout 2013 avait inclus 83 hémodialysés de notre centre et 70 membres de leur entourage. Ils ont été soumis à un questionnaire qui portait sur les thèmes suivants: statut socio-économique, volonté d’être transplanté ou d’être donneur, avantages de la transplantation rénale, point de vue de la religion sur la transplantation. Aucun des individus interrogés n'avait jamais fait l'objet d'une transplantation ou d'un don d'organe. Résultats Parmi 83 hémodialysés on notait 49,4% de femmes avec une moyenne d’âge de 41,4±12 ans. Le niveau socio-économique bas représentait 66,7%. Le manque d'information chez était estimé à 62,7%. Seuls 41% se disaient être candidat à la transplantation rénale mais 12% seulement était inscrit sur la liste d'attente de greffe. La transplantation était estimée plus couteuse que l'hémodialyse par 50,6% des patients et seuls 71,1% estimaient qu'elle offrait une meilleure vie. Pour 20,5%, l'Islam s'opposerait au don cadavérique et pour 10,9% au don vivant. Parmi les 70 membres de l'entourage interrogé il y avait 56,8% de femmes; la moyenne d’âge était de 44,4±10,5 ans. Le niveau économique bas représentait 52,3%. Le manque d'information était estimé à 61,4%. Pour 56,8% la vie serait impossible avec un seul rein. Seuls 13,6% étaient inscrit sur le registre de don. Pour 45,5% l'Islam s'opposerait au don cadavérique. Conclusion Il importe d'intensifier la sensibilisation des hémodialysées et leur famille

  10. Cluster-to-cluster transformation among Au6, Au8 and Au11 nanoclusters.


    Ren, Xiuqing; Fu, Junhong; Lin, Xinzhang; Fu, Xuemei; Yan, Jinghui; Wu, Ren'an; Liu, Chao; Huang, Jiahui


    We present the cluster-to-cluster transformations among three gold nanoclusters, [Au6(dppp)4]2+ (Au6), [Au8(dppp)4Cl2]2+ (Au8) and [Au11(dppp)5]3+ (Au11). The conversion process follows a rule that states that the transformation of a small cluster to a large cluster is achieved through an oxidation process with an oxidizing agent (H2O2) or with heating, while the conversion of a large cluster to a small one occurs through a reduction process with a reducing agent (NaBH4). All the reactions were monitored using UV-Vis spectroscopy and ESI-MS. This work may provide an alternative approach to the synthesis of novel gold nanoclusters and a further understanding of the structural transformation relationship of gold nanoclusters.

  11. Interfacial nanodroplets guided construction of hierarchical Au, Au-Pt, and Au-Pd particles as excellent catalysts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ma, Aijing; Xu, Jie; Zhang, Xuehua; Zhang, Bin; Wang, Dayang; Xu, Haolan


    Interfacial nanodroplets were grafted to the surfaces of self-sacrificed template particles in a galvanic reaction system to assist the construction of 3D Au porous structures. The interfacial nanodroplets were formed via direct adsorption of surfactant-free emulsions onto the particle surfaces. The interfacial nanodroplets discretely distributed at the template particle surfaces and served as soft templates to guide the formation of porous Au structures. The self-variation of footprint sizes of interfacial nanodroplets during Au growth gave rise to a hierarchical pore size distribution of the obtained Au porous particles. This strategy could be easily extended to synthesize bimetal porous particles such as Au-Pt and Au-Pd. The obtained porous Au, Au-Pt, and Au-Pd particles showed excellent catalytic activity in catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol.

  12. Trois types de stratégies des fabricants pour la fidélisation aux médicaments de marque

    PubMed Central

    Prémont, Marie-Claude; Gagnon, Marc-André


    La restructuration de l'industrie pharmaceutique a mené au développement de trois nouveaux types de stratégies commerciales pour la fidélisation de différentes cohortes de patients à des médicaments: la fidélisation par le rabais, par l'accompagnement et par la compassion. La fidélisation par le rabais vise à maintenir les traitements au produit de marque et décourager la substitution au produit générique. La fidélisation par l'accompagnement est basée sur une offre des services de suivi et d'accompagnement à domicile et par téléphone afin d'encourager les patients à adopter un traitement puis d'en améliorer l'observance. Enfin, l'industrie offre des programmes de compassion où les patients peuvent recevoir des traitements avant même que le médicament ne soit généralement disponible ou remboursé par son assureur. Dès que le médicament (le plus souvent très dispendieux) est inscrit à la liste des médicaments remboursés, le manufacturier met fin au programme de compassion et bénéficie d'une importante cohorte de patients déjà sous traitement. L'impact de ces programmes sur les politiques publiques et les droits des patients soulève de nombreuses préoccupations, au nombre desquelles figurent au premier plan l'accès direct du fabricant au patient et ses données de santé et la pression à la hausse sur les coûts de l'assurance-médicaments. PMID:25617517

  13. Contrôle du marché informel à l’heure de la mondialisation des échanges. Le cas des antirétroviraux au Chili

    PubMed Central

    Brousselle, Astrid; Morales, Cristián


    Résumé Les nouveaux médicaments pour le VIH/sida ont créé des besoins d’accessibilité aux traitements que les gouvernements n’ont pas toujours réussi à couvrir. Il en résulte l’émergence d’un marché informel des ARV. Par l’analyse de la situation au Chili, nous traitons des différents créneaux d’approvisionnement, des conséquences de l’existence d’un tel marché, ainsi que des moyens envisageables pour réduire les effets indésirables. Les aspects tant microéconomiques que macroéconomiques concernant le marché et l’accessibilité aux médicaments sont abordés. PMID:23997580

  14. Revetements nanostructures pour la protection des metaux dans les environnements marins

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brassard, Jean-Denis

    L'objectif de cette recherche est de verifier qu'un materiau superhydrophobe peut diminuer l'adherence et l'accumulation de la glace tout en conservant de bonnes proprietes anticorrosion. Afin de verifier cette assertion, trois familles de nouveaux revetements micros et nanostructures, identifiees par les lettres A, B, et C, ont ete developpes de facon a pouvoir en determiner l'efficacite glaciophobe en relation avec l'angle de contact particulier a chaque structure obtenue. Les revetements ont tous ete optimises pour que l'angle de contact et l'adherence au substrat soient maximaux. Les trois revetements optimises sont les suivants: Le revetement A a ete developpe pour application sur l'acier galvanise. Les microrugosites creees sont celles de la structure de la couche du zinc electrodepose en surface et les nanorugosites sont celles creees par le film de silicone copolymerise nanostructure. Un temps optimal de 10 min a ete retenu pour l'electrodeposition du zinc, ce dernier maximisant l'angle de contact a 155° lorsqu'enduit d'un film de silicone de 100 nm d'epaisseur. Le revetement B a ete developpe pour application sur un alliage d'aluminium. Les microrugosites creees sont celles de la microstructure granulaire obtenue par gravure de l'aluminium immerge dans un bain de HCl et les nanorugosites sont celles creees d'un meme film nanostructure de silicone copolymerise. La valeur optimale du temps de gravure est de 8 minutes et donne l'angle de contact le plus eleve a 154°, lorsqu'enduit du meme film de silicone de 100 nm d'epaisseur depose sur le revetement A. Le revetement C a ete developpe pour etre applique indifferemment sur tout substrat degraisse d'aluminium ou d'acier. Les microrugosites et les nanorugosites sont celles creees par les agregats de nanoparticules de ZnO rendues hydrophobes melangees au silicone qui sont pulverisees sur une couche d'appret composee de silicone et de polymethylhydrosiloxane. On obtient alors un produit composite rigide ou les

  15. La carence en vitamine D chez l'adulte au Gabon: cas isolé ou problème méconnu?

    PubMed Central

    Ntyonga-Pono, Marie-Pierrette


    La carence en vitamine D chez l'adulte est un sujet d'actualité à cause de ses multiples effets et de son extension de par le monde. Cependant elle est peu explorée au Gabon et en Afrique centrale en général. Le but de cet article qui rapporte trois cas documentés de carence en vitamine D chez l'adulte au Gabon, est d'attirer l'attention sur l'existence de ce problème même en zone équatoriale ensoleillée. Vu les implications de cette carence dans diverses pathologies osseuses, cardio-vasculaires, métaboliques, infectieuses, auto-immunes, néoplasiques..., des recherches plus approfondies sont nécessaires pour cerner le problème et prendre des mesures appropriées. PMID:25815104

  16. CERN alerter—RSS based system for information broadcast to all CERN offices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Otto, R.


    Nearly every large organization uses a tool to broadcast messages and information across the internal campus (messages like alerts announcing interruption in services or just information about upcoming events). These tools typically allow administrators (operators) to send 'targeted' messages which are sent only to specific groups of users or computers, e/g only those located in a specified building or connected to a particular computing service. CERN has a long history of such tools: CERNVMS's SPM_quotMESSAGE command, Zephyr [2] and the most recent the NICE Alerter based on the NNTP protocol. The NICE Alerter used on all Windows-based computers had to be phased out as a consequence of phasing out NNTP at CERN. The new solution to broadcast information messages on the CERN campus continues to provide the service based on cross-platform technologies, hence minimizing custom developments and relying on commercial software as much as possible. The new system, called CERN Alerter, is based on RSS (Really Simple Syndication) [9] for the transport protocol and uses Microsoft SharePoint as the backend for database and posting interface. The windows-based client relies on Internet Explorer 7.0 with custom code to trigger the window pop-ups and the notifications for new events. Linux and Mac OS X clients could also rely on any RSS readers to subscribe to targeted notifications. The paper covers the architecture and implementation aspects of the new system.

  17. CERN and high energy physics, the grand picture


    Heuer, Rolf-Dieter


    The lecture will touch on several topics, to illustrate the role of CERN in the present and future of high-energy physics: how does CERN work? What is the role of the scientific community, of bodies like Council and SPC, and of international cooperation, in the definition of CERN's scientific programme? What are the plans for the future of the LHC and of the non-LHC physics programme? What is the role of R&D; and technology transfer at CERN?

  18. Suppression of Υ production in d + Au + and Au + Au collisions at √ sNN =200 GeV




    We report measurements of Upsilon meson production in p + p, d +Au, and Au+Au collisions using the STAR detector at RHIC. We compare the Upsilon yield to the measured cross section in p + p collisions in order to quantify any modifications of the yield in cold nuclear matter using d +Au data and in hot nuclear matter using Au+Au data separated into three centrality classes. Our p +p measurement is based on three times the statistics of our previous result. We obtain a nuclear modification factor for Upsilon (1S + 2S + 3S) in the rapidity range |y|more » < 1 in d + Au collisions of R dAu = 0.79 ± 0.24(stat.) ± 0.03(syst.) ± 0.10(p + p syst.). A comparison with models including shadowing and initial state part on energy loss indicates the presence of additional cold-nuclear matter suppression. Similarly, in the top 10% most-central Au + Au collisions, we measure a nuclear modification factor of R AA = 0.49 ±0.1(stat.) ±0.02(syst.) ±0.06(p + p syst.), which is a larger suppression factor than that seen in cold nuclear matter. Our results are consistent with complete suppression of excited-state Upsilon mesons in Au + Au collisions. The additional suppression in Au + Au is consistent with the level expected in model calculations that include the presence of a hot, deconfined Quark–Gluon Plasma. However, understanding the suppression seen in d + Au is still needed before any definitive statements about the nature of the suppression in Au + Au can be made.« less

  19. Cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone au Maroc: caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques

    PubMed Central

    Boufettal, Houssine; Samouh, Naïma


    Préciser la fréquence, les facteurs de risque et le pronostic du cancer du sein bilatéral, à partir d'une étude rétrospective de 22 cas de cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone dans un pays du Maghreb. De 2002 à 2010, 625 patientes étaient prises en charge pour cancer du sein au service de Gynécologie-Obstétrique «C» du centre hospitalier universitaire de Casablanca. 22 cas de cancer bilatéral synchrone étaient diagnostiqués. Nos résultats sont comparés avec ceux de la littérature. La fréquence de la bilatéralité du cancer du sein synchrone était de 3,52% (22/625). L'intervalle de temps moyen entre les deux cancers est de 4 mois (0 à 6 mois). Les patientes âgées de moins de 40 ans lors du premier cancer avaient six fois plus de risque de développer un cancer au niveau du sein controlatéral que les femmes âgées de plus de 40 ans. Les patientes atteintes d'une tumeur T3 ou T4 avaient un risque neuf fois plus élevé que les autres. 90,9% (2/22) des cas des premiers cancers sont des adénocarcinomes infiltrants. Les types histologiques du premier et du douzième cancer étaient identiques dans 86,4% (19/22) des cas. Quant au pronostic, il dépend à la fois du stade du premier et du deuxième cancer et le traitement de ce dernier doit obéir aux mêmes règles du traitement du premier cancer. L'incidence du cancer bilatéral synchrone du sein est de 3,52% dans notre série. Le cancer du sein unilatéral constitue un facteur de risque de développement d'un cancer du sein controlatéral. Une surveillance à vie est nécessaire au cours d'un cancer du sein pour détecter un cancer controlatéral. PMID:26090066

  20. Chiral magnetic effect search in p+Au, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at RHIC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhao, Jie


    Metastable domains of fluctuating topological charges can change the chirality of quarks and induce local parity violation in quantum chromodynamics. This can lead to observable charge separation along the direction of the strong magnetic field produced by spectator protons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a phenomenon called the chiral magnetic effect (CME). A major background source for CME measurements using the charge-dependent azimuthal correlator (Δϒ) is the intrinsic particle correlations (such as resonance decays) coupled with the azimuthal elliptical anisotropy (v2). In heavy-ion collisions, the magnetic field direction and event plane angle are correlated, thus the CME and the v2-induced background are entangled. In this report, we present two studies from STAR to shed further lights on the background issue. (1) The Δϒ should be all background in small system p+Au and d+Au collisions, because the event plane angles are dominated by geometry fluctuations uncorrelated to the magnetic field direction. However, significant Δϒ is observed, comparable to the peripheral Au+Au data, suggesting a background dominance in the latter, and likely also in the mid-central Au+Au collisions where the multiplicity and v2 scaled correlator is similar. (2) A new approach is devised to study Δϒ as a function of the particle pair invariant mass (minv) to identify the resonance backgrounds and hence to extract the possible CME signal. Signal is consistent with zero within uncertainties at high minv. Signal at low minv, extracted from a two-component model assuming smooth mass dependence, is consistent with zero within uncertainties.

  1. Modelisation de photodetecteurs a base de matrices de diodes avalanche monophotoniques pour tomographie d'emission par positrons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Corbeil Therrien, Audrey

    La tomographie d'emission par positrons (TEP) est un outil precieux en recherche preclinique et pour le diagnostic medical. Cette technique permet d'obtenir une image quantitative de fonctions metaboliques specifiques par la detection de photons d'annihilation. La detection des ces photons se fait a l'aide de deux composantes. D'abord, un scintillateur convertit l'energie du photon 511 keV en photons du spectre visible. Ensuite, un photodetecteur convertit l'energie lumineuse en signal electrique. Recemment, les photodiodes avalanche monophotoniques (PAMP) disposees en matrice suscitent beaucoup d'interet pour la TEP. Ces matrices forment des detecteurs sensibles, robustes, compacts et avec une resolution en temps hors pair. Ces qualites en font un photodetecteur prometteur pour la TEP, mais il faut optimiser les parametres de la matrice et de l'electronique de lecture afin d'atteindre les performances optimales pour la TEP. L'optimisation de la matrice devient rapidement une operation difficile, car les differents parametres interagissent de maniere complexe avec les processus d'avalanche et de generation de bruit. Enfin, l'electronique de lecture pour les matrices de PAMP demeure encore rudimentaire et il serait profitable d'analyser differentes strategies de lecture. Pour repondre a cette question, la solution la plus economique est d'utiliser un simulateur pour converger vers la configuration donnant les meilleures performances. Les travaux de ce memoire presentent le developpement d'un tel simulateur. Celui-ci modelise le comportement d'une matrice de PAMP en se basant sur les equations de physique des semiconducteurs et des modeles probabilistes. Il inclut les trois principales sources de bruit, soit le bruit thermique, les declenchements intempestifs correles et la diaphonie optique. Le simulateur permet aussi de tester et de comparer de nouvelles approches pour l'electronique de lecture plus adaptees a ce type de detecteur. Au final, le simulateur vise a

  2. 25th Birthday Cern- Amphi




    Cérémonie du 25ème anniversaire du Cern avec 2 orateurs: le Prof.Weisskopf parle de la signification et le rôle du Cern et le Prof.Casimir(?) fait un exposé sur les rélations entre la science pure et la science appliquée et la "big science" (science légère)

  3. Méthode d'estimation des tassements des sols fins sous les remblais d'infrastructures ferroviaires pour lignes à grande vitesse

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Said Alami, Soukaina; Reiffsteck, Philippe; Cuira, Fahd


    Le besoin de maîtriser les déformations des sols sous les remblais destinés à recevoir les structures de lignes à grande vitesse, en fait un enjeu important pour ces projets. Toutefois, de nombreuses difficultés ont été soulevées liées principalement au grand nombre d'incertitudes qui entourent le phénomène. En effet, la caractérisation géologique et géotechnique dépend de sondages et d'essais où le risque de remaniement est important et dont l'interprétation est, souvent, délicate. Cet article présente une procédure de calcul qui permettrait en pratique d'évaluer le tassement sous remblai avec une bonne précision et qui a été validée sur un certain nombre d'ouvrages. Pour cela, des corrections sont introduites aux méthodes usuelles de calcul permettant d'approcher les valeurs mesurées sur chantier.

  4. Successful synthesis and thermal stability of immiscible metal Au-Rh, Au-Ir andAu-Ir-Rh nanoalloys

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shubin, Yury; Plyusnin, Pavel; Sharafutdinov, Marat; Makotchenko, Evgenia; Korenev, Sergey


    We successfully prepared face-centred cubic nanoalloys in systems of Au-Ir, Au-Rh and Au-Ir-Rh, with large bulk miscibility gaps, in one-run reactions under thermal decomposition of specially synthesised single-source precursors, namely, [AuEn2][Ir(NO2)6], [AuEn2][Ir(NO2)6] х [Rh(NO2)6]1-х and [AuEn2][Rh(NO2)6]. The precursors employed contain all desired metals ‘mixed’ at the atomic level, thus providing significant advantages for obtaining alloys. The observations using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy show that the nanoalloy structures are composed of well-dispersed aggregates of crystalline domains with a mean size of 5 ± 3 nm. Еnergy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements confirm the formation of AuIr, AuRh, AuIr0.75Rh0.25, AuIr0.50Rh0.50 and AuIr0.25Rh0.75 metastable solid solutions. In situ high-temperature synchrotron XRD (HTXRD) was used to study the formation mechanism of nanoalloys. The observed transformations are described by the ‘conversion chemistry’ mechanism characterised by the primary development of particles comprising atoms of only one type, followed by a chemical reaction resulting in the final formation of a nanoalloy. The obtained metastable nanoalloys exhibit essential thermal stability. Exposure to 180 °C for 30 h does not cause any dealloying process.

  5. Successful synthesis and thermal stability of immiscible metal Au-Rh, Au-Ir andAu-Ir-Rh nanoalloys.


    Shubin, Yury; Plyusnin, Pavel; Sharafutdinov, Marat; Makotchenko, Evgenia; Korenev, Sergey


    We successfully prepared face-centred cubic nanoalloys in systems of Au-Ir, Au-Rh and Au-Ir-Rh, with large bulk miscibility gaps, in one-run reactions under thermal decomposition of specially synthesised single-source precursors, namely, [AuEn 2 ][Ir(NO 2 ) 6 ], [AuEn 2 ][Ir(NO 2 ) 6 ] х [Rh(NO 2 ) 6 ] 1-х and [AuEn 2 ][Rh(NO 2 ) 6 ]. The precursors employed contain all desired metals 'mixed' at the atomic level, thus providing significant advantages for obtaining alloys. The observations using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy show that the nanoalloy structures are composed of well-dispersed aggregates of crystalline domains with a mean size of 5 ± 3 nm. Еnergy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements confirm the formation of AuIr, AuRh, AuIr 0.75 Rh 0.25 , AuIr 0.50 Rh 0.50 and AuIr 0.25 Rh 0.75 metastable solid solutions. In situ high-temperature synchrotron XRD (HTXRD) was used to study the formation mechanism of nanoalloys. The observed transformations are described by the 'conversion chemistry' mechanism characterised by the primary development of particles comprising atoms of only one type, followed by a chemical reaction resulting in the final formation of a nanoalloy. The obtained metastable nanoalloys exhibit essential thermal stability. Exposure to 180 °C for 30 h does not cause any dealloying process.

  6. Evaluation de l'intergiciel de communication DDS pour son utilisation dans le domaine avionique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Levesque-Landry, Kevin

    Les aeronefs modernes doivent combler de plus en plus de fonctionnalites afin de satisfaire les besoins de la clientele. De ce fait, les besoins en communications des systemes avioniques sont grandissants. De plus, la portabilite et la reutilisabilite des applications sont des defis d'actualite dans le domaine avionique. De ce fait, ce projet de recherche vise a faire une evaluation de la technologie d'intergiciel de service de distribution de donnees (DDS) pour son utilisation dans le domaine avionique. Cette technologie permettrait de reduire la complexite des communications et faciliter la portabilite et reutilisabilite des applications grâce a son interface standardisee. Dans ce projet de recherche, la norme DDS est tout d'abord etudiee pour cibler les fonctionnalites qui sont utiles au domaine avionique. Les differentes polices de qualite de services sont ainsi etudiees et denotent la flexibilite de la technologie DDS. Un intergiciel DDS est egalement evalue dans un environnement de laboratoire afin de mesurer l'impact de l'utilisation de cette technologie sur les performances de latence ainsi que sur l'utilisation de la bande passante. Les resultats montrent une faible augmentation de la latence moyenne lorsque l'intergiciel DDS est utilise. L'intergiciel DDS est egalement utilise dans une etude de cas avec un AFCS (automatic flight control system) afin de quantifier les effets de son utilisation sur une application avionique. Les resultats montrent que l'utilisation de l'intergiciel DDS n'empeche pas l'AFCS d'atteindre la stabilite, mais qu'elle ralentit l'atteinte de cette derniere. Finalement, une etude de cas est effectuee afin de valider que la technologie DDS peut etre utilisee pour construire des systemes redondants. Les resultats montrent que l'intergiciel DDS permet de faire de la redondance de reserve sans avoir un impact visible sur les performances du systeme redondant.

  7. Developpement et validation d'un outil base sur l'acoustique geometrique pour le diagnostic du bruit de nacelle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Minard, Benoit

    De nos jours, la problématique du bruit généré par les avions est devenue un point de développement important dans le domaine de l'aéronautique. C'est ainsi que de nombreuses études sont faites dans le domaine et une première approche consiste à modéliser de façon numérique ce bruit de manière à réduire de façon conséquente les coûts lors de la conception. C'est dans ce contexte qu'un motoriste a demandé à l'université de Sherbrooke, et plus particulièrement au groupe d'acoustique de l'Université de Sherbrooke (GAUS), de développer un outil de calcul de la propagation des ondes acoustiques dans les nacelles mais aussi pour l'étude des effets d'installation. Cet outil de prédiction leur permet de réaliser des études afin d'optimiser les traitements acoustiques (« liners »), la géométrie de ces nacelles pour des études portant sur l'intérieur de la nacelle et des études de positionnement des moteurs et de design pour les effets d'installation. L'objectif de ce projet de maîtrise était donc de poursuivre le travail réalisé par [gousset, 2011] sur l'utilisation d'une méthode de lancer de rayons pour l'étude des effets d'installation des moteurs d'avion. L'amélioration du code, sa rapidité, sa fiabilité et sa généralité étaient les objectifs principaux. Le code peut être utilisé avec des traitements acoustiques de surfaces («liners») et peut prendre en compte le phénomène de la diffraction par les arêtes et enfin peut être utilisé pour réaliser des études dans des environnements complexes tels que les nacelles d'avion. Le code développé fonctionne en 3D et procéde en 3 étapes : (1) Calcul des faisceaux initiaux (division d'une sphère, demi-sphère, maillage des surfaces de la géométrie) (2) Propagation des faisceaux dans l'environnement d'étude : calcul de toutes les caractéristiques des rayons convergents (amplitude, phase, nombre de réflexions, ...) (3) Reconstruction du champ de pression en un ou

  8. CERN automatic audio-conference service

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sierra Moral, Rodrigo


    Scientists from all over the world need to collaborate with CERN on a daily basis. They must be able to communicate effectively on their joint projects at any time; as a result telephone conferences have become indispensable and widely used. Managed by 6 operators, CERN already has more than 20000 hours and 5700 audio-conferences per year. However, the traditional telephone based audio-conference system needed to be modernized in three ways. Firstly, to provide the participants with more autonomy in the organization of their conferences; secondly, to eliminate the constraints of manual intervention by operators; and thirdly, to integrate the audio-conferences into a collaborative working framework. The large number, and hence cost, of the conferences prohibited externalization and so the CERN telecommunications team drew up a specification to implement a new system. It was decided to use a new commercial collaborative audio-conference solution based on the SIP protocol. The system was tested as the first European pilot and several improvements (such as billing, security, redundancy...) were implemented based on CERN's recommendations. The new automatic conference system has been operational since the second half of 2006. It is very popular for the users and has doubled the number of conferences in the past two years.

  9. Conception et optimisation d'une peau en composite pour une aile adaptative =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Michaud, Francois

    Les preoccupations economiques et environnementales constituent des enjeux majeurs pour le developpement de nouvelles technologies en aeronautique. C'est dans cette optique qu'est ne le projet MDO-505 intitule Morphing Architectures and Related Technologies for Wing Efficiency Improvement. L'objectif de ce projet vise a concevoir une aile adaptative active servant a ameliorer sa laminarite et ainsi reduire la consommation de carburant et les emissions de l'avion. Les travaux de recherche realises ont permis de concevoir et optimiser une peau en composite adaptative permettant d'assurer l'amelioration de la laminarite tout en conservant son integrite structurale. D'abord, une methode d'optimisation en trois etapes fut developpee avec pour objectif de minimiser la masse de la peau en composite en assurant qu'elle s'adapte par un controle actif de la surface deformable aux profils aerodynamiques desires. Le processus d'optimisation incluait egalement des contraintes de resistance, de stabilite et de rigidite de la peau en composite. Suite a l'optimisation, la peau optimisee fut simplifiee afin de faciliter la fabrication et de respecter les regles de conception de Bombardier Aeronautique. Ce processus d'optimisation a permis de concevoir une peau en composite dont les deviations ou erreurs des formes obtenues etaient grandement reduites afin de repondre au mieux aux profils aerodynamiques optimises. Les analyses aerodynamiques realisees a partir de ces formes ont predit de bonnes ameliorations de la laminarite. Par la suite, une serie de validations analytiques fut realisee afin de valider l'integrite structurale de la peau en composite suivant les methodes generalement utilisees par Bombardier Aeronautique. D'abord, une analyse comparative par elements finis a permis de valider une rigidite equivalente de l'aile adaptative a la section d'aile d'origine. Le modele par elements finis fut par la suite mis en boucle avec des feuilles de calcul afin de valider la

  10. Pertinence de l'implantation de la filiere granule de bois pour le Quebec

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tremblay, Stephan

    Les spécialistes avancent que le marché mondial de l'énergie en forte demande et en offre limitée nécessitera bientôt toutes les formes d'énergie disponibles. Le granulé de bois est une forme de bioénergie principalement utilisée pour le chauffage des bâtiments et pourrait être davantage considéré dans l'offre énergétique du Québec. Comme le Québec est un territoire où il fait froid et donc susceptible de pouvoir se tourner vers cette forme d'énergie, l'objectif de ce mémoire est d'en analyser les avantages. Pour ce faire, nous commencerons par démontrer la croissance des besoins énergétiques sur les plans national et international et dresser un portrait des différentes formes d'énergies consommées au Québec. Puisque la majorité des Québécois chauffent leurs bâtiments à l'hydroélectricité, nous analyserons à travers le plan d'approvisionnement d'Hydro-Québec le portrait de la production et de la consommation de cette forme d'énergie renouvelable. Cela nous permettra de constater le défi face à la gestion de surplus importants, sauf pendant la période hivernale, et ce faisant, l'obligation de la société d'État d'utiliser davantage ses centrales au gaz ou de se tourner vers l'importation de l'électricité. Dans la même lignée, un regard sera porté sur les perspectives d'utilisation de l'hydroélectricité sur les plans de la production d'aluminium, de l'exportation et de l'utilisation dans l'électrification des transports au Québec. Cette analyse se fera dans l'objectif de s'interroger sur la pertinence d'utiliser cette source d'énergie dans le chauffage plutôt que dans des secteurs plus créateurs de richesse. Nous poserons ensuite l'hypothèse que le granulé de bois pourrait être un bon substitut à une autre forme d'énergie utilisée dans le chauffage, soit le mazout. Avant de dresser un portrait de ce combustible fossile, nous ferons celui de la production et de la consommation de granulés sur les plans r

  11. Au38(SPh)24: Au38 Protected with Aromatic Thiolate Ligands.


    Rambukwella, Milan; Burrage, Shayna; Neubrander, Marie; Baseggio, Oscar; Aprà, Edoardo; Stener, Mauro; Fortunelli, Alessandro; Dass, Amala


    Au 38 (SR) 24 is one of the most extensively investigated gold nanomolecules along with Au 25 (SR) 18 and Au 144 (SR) 60 . However, so far it has only been prepared using aliphatic-like ligands, where R = -SC 6 H 13 , -SC 12 H 25 and -SCH 2 CH 2 Ph. Au 38 (SCH 2 CH 2 Ph) 24 when reacted with HSPh undergoes core-size conversion to Au 36 (SPh) 24 , and existing literature suggests that Au 38 (SPh) 24 cannot be synthesized. Here, contrary to prevailing knowledge, we demonstrate that Au 38 (SPh) 24 can be prepared if the ligand exchanged conditions are optimized, under delicate conditions, without any formation of Au 36 (SPh) 24 . Conclusive evidence is presented in the form of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS), electrospray ionization mass spectra (ESI-MS) characterization, and optical spectra of Au 38 (SPh) 24 in a solid glass form showing distinct differences from that of Au 38 (S-aliphatic) 24 . Theoretical analysis confirms experimental assignment of the optical spectrum and shows that the stability of Au 38 (SPh) 24 is not negligible with respect to that of its aliphatic analogous, and contains a significant component of ligand-ligand attractive interactions. Thus, while Au 38 (SPh) 24 is stable at RT, it converts to Au 36 (SPh) 24 either on prolonged etching (longer than 2 hours) at RT or when etched at 80 °C.

  12. Evidence of final-state suppression of high-p{_ T} hadrons in Au + Au collisions using d + Au measurements at RHIC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Becker, B.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Harrington, A. S.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lee, J. W.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wysłouch, B.; Zhang, J.

    Transverse momentum spectra of charged hadrons with pT < 6 GeV/c have been measured near mid-rapidity (0.2 < ɛ < 1.4) by the PHOBOS experiment at RHIC in Au + Au and d + Au collisions at {√ {s{NN}} = {200 GeV}}. The spectra for different collision centralities are compared to {p + ¯ {p}} collisions at the same energy. The resulting nuclear modification factor for central Au + Au collisions shows evidence of strong suppression of charged hadrons in the high-pT region (>2 GeV/c). In contrast, the d + Au nuclear modification factor exhibits no suppression of the high-pT yields. These measurements suggest a large energy loss of the high-pT particles in the highly interacting medium created in the central Au + Au collisions. The lack of suppression in d + Au collisions suggests that it is unlikely that initial state effects can explain the suppression in the central Au + Au collisions. PACS: 25.75.-q

  13. Anisotropic flow of thermal photons at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chatterjee, Rupa; Dasgupta, Pingal; Srivastava, Dinesh K.


    We calculate elliptic and triangular flow parameters of thermal photons using an event-by-event hydrodynamic model with fluctuating initial conditions at 200 A GeV Au+Au collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and at 2.76 A TeV Pb+Pb collisions at the Cern Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for three different centrality bins. The photon elliptic flow shows strong centrality dependence where v2(pT) increases towards peripheral collisions both at RHIC and at the LHC energies. However, the triangular flow parameter does not show significant dependence on the collision centrality. The elliptic as well as the triangular flow parameters found to underestimate the PHENIX data at RHIC by a large margin for all three centrality bins. We calculate pT spectrum and anisotropic flow of thermal photons from 200 A GeV Cu+Cu collisions at RHIC for a 0-20% centrality bin and compare with the results with those from Au+Au collisions. The production of thermal photons is found to decrease significantly for Cu+Cu collisions compared to Au+Au collisions. However, the effect of initial state fluctuation is found to be more pronounced for anisotropic flow, resulting in larger v2 and v3 for Cu+Cu collisions. We study the correlation between the anisotropic flow parameters and the corresponding initial spatial anisotropies from their event-by-event distributions at RHIC and at the LHC energies. The linear correlation between v2 and ɛ2 is found be stronger compared to the correlation between v3 and ɛ3. In addition, the correlation coefficient is found to be larger at LHC than at RHIC.



    Dumont, Gérald; Pedrosa, Fernando Baltasar Dos Santos; Carbonez, Pierre; Forkel-Wirth, Doris; Ninin, Pierre; Fuentes, Eloy Reguero; Roesler, Stefan; Vollaire, Joachim


    CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, upgraded its operational dosimetry system in March 2013 to be prepared for the first Long Shutdown of CERN's facilities. The new system allows the immediate and automatic checking and recording of the dosimetry data before and after interventions in radiation areas. To facilitate the analysis of the data in context of CERN's approach to As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), this new system is interfaced to the Intervention Management Planning and Coordination Tool (IMPACT). IMPACT is a web-based application widely used in all CERN's accelerators and their associated technical infrastructures for the planning, the coordination and the approval of interventions (work permit principle). The coupling of the operational dosimetry database with the IMPACT repository allows a direct and almost immediate comparison of the actual dose with the estimations, in addition to enabling the configuration of alarm levels in the dosemeter in function of the intervention to be performed. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  15. 3D morphology of Au and Au@Ag nanobipyramids

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Burgin, Julien; Florea, Ileana; Majimel, Jérôme; Dobri, Adam; Ersen, Ovidiu; Tréguer-Delapierre, Mona


    The morphologies of Au and Au@Ag nanobipyramids were investigated using electron tomography. The 3D reconstruction reveals that the Au bipyramids have an irregular six-fold twinning structure with highly stepped dominant {151} facets. These short steps/edges stabilized via surface adsorbed CTAB favor the growth of silver on the lateral facets leading to strong blue shifts in longitudinal plasmon surface resonance.The morphologies of Au and Au@Ag nanobipyramids were investigated using electron tomography. The 3D reconstruction reveals that the Au bipyramids have an irregular six-fold twinning structure with highly stepped dominant {151} facets. These short steps/edges stabilized via surface adsorbed CTAB favor the growth of silver on the lateral facets leading to strong blue shifts in longitudinal plasmon surface resonance. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c2nr11454b

  16. L’investigation de la contusion myocardique pour la fracture sternale à l’urgence

    PubMed Central

    Audette, Jean-Sébastien; Émond, Marcel; Scott, Hugh; Lortie, Gilles


    Résumé Objectif Décrire la pratique d’acquisition d’un électrocardiogramme (ECG) initial, d’ECG de contrôle ou d’un monitoring équivalent et du dosage des troponines chez les patients avec une fracture sternale évalués au département d’urgence ou par un médecin de première ligne. Type d’étude Étude rétrospective descriptive multicentrique. Contexte Deux centres académiques de traumatologie de la région de Québec au Canada. Participants 54 patients ayant subi une fracture sternale traumatique. Interventions Évaluation de l’acquisition d’ECG initial et à 6 heures post-traumatisme ou un monitoring équivalent ainsi que le dosage des troponines sanguines. Principaux paramètres à l’étude En ce qui concerne l’ECG, les critères de comparaison de qualité furent sélectionnés à partir d’opinions d’experts rapportées dans quatre études. L’utilisation d’un ECG initial et de contrôle 6 heures post-traumatisme ou d’un monitoring cardiaque de 6 heures représente la pratique recommandée par la plupart de ceux-ci pour le diagnostic de la contusion myocardique dans la fracture sternale. L’utilisation des troponines I sanguines, 4 à 8 heures suivant un traumatisme thoracique, a également été proposée par certains auteurs comme méthode de détection efficace des arythmies significatives secondaires à la contusion myocardique. Des analyses descriptives univariées et des tests de chi-carré furent effectués. Une valeur P < ,05 fut considérée significative. Résultats Trente-neuf (72 %) patients ont été évalués initialement avec un ECG, tandis que 18 (33 %) de ces patients ont eu une évaluation par ECG ou monitoring cardiaque après 6 heures à l’urgence. Seize patients (30 %) ont été évalués à l’aide du dosage des troponines I. Deux patients (4 %) ont présenté des anomalies électrocardiographiques et un seul patient (2 %) a présenté des troponines I élevées. Conclusion Les urgentologues

  17. Gestion des ressources hydriques adaptee aux changements climatiques pour la production optimale d'hydroelectricite. Etude de cas: Bassin versant de la riviere Manicouagan

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haguma, Didier

    Il est dorenavant etabli que les changements climatiques auront des repercussions sur les ressources en eau. La situation est preoccupante pour le secteur de production d'energie hydroelectrique, car l'eau constitue le moteur pour generer cette forme d'energie. Il sera important d'adapter les regles de gestion et/ou les installations des systemes hydriques, afin de minimiser les impacts negatifs et/ou pour capitaliser sur les retombees positives que les changements climatiques pourront apporter. Les travaux de la presente recherche s'interessent au developpement d'une methode de gestion des systemes hydriques qui tient compte des projections climatiques pour mieux anticiper les impacts de l'evolution du climat sur la production d'hydroelectricite et d'etablir des strategies d'adaptation aux changements climatiques. Le domaine d'etude est le bassin versant de la riviere Manicouagan situe dans la partie centrale du Quebec. Une nouvelle approche d'optimisation des ressources hydriques dans le contexte des changements climatiques est proposee. L'approche traite le probleme de la saisonnalite et de la non-stationnarite du climat d'une maniere explicite pour representer l'incertitude rattachee a un ensemble des projections climatiques. Cette approche permet d'integrer les projections climatiques dans le probleme d'optimisation des ressources en eau pour une gestion a long terme des systemes hydriques et de developper des strategies d'adaptation de ces systemes aux changements climatiques. Les resultats montrent que les impacts des changements climatiques sur le regime hydrologique du bassin de la riviere Manicouagan seraient le devancement et l'attenuation de la crue printaniere et l'augmentation du volume annuel d'apports. L'adaptation des regles de gestion du systeme hydrique engendrerait une hausse de la production hydroelectrique. Neanmoins, une perte de la performance des installations existantes du systeme hydrique serait observee a cause de l'augmentation des

  18. Métamatériaux pour la protection sismique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guenneau, Sébastien; Enoch, Stefan; Colombi, Andrea; Roux, Philippe; Brule, Stéphane


    Les physiciens des ondes élaborent des modèles théoriques et numériques pour un contrôle accru de la lumière dans des matériaux structurés à l'échelle nanométrique et s'en inspirent pour contrôler les ondes mécaniques de Rayleigh dans des sols structurés à l'échelle métrique, avec des trous dans un sol ou des arbres en surface savamment agencés. Un transfert de paradigme s'opère entre les métamatériaux électromagnétiques pour la photonique et les métamatériaux sismiques pour le génie civil.

  19. Acceptabilité du test VIH proposé aux nourrissons dans les services pédiatriques, en Côte d'Ivoire, Significations pour la couverture du diagnostic pédiatrique

    PubMed Central

    Oga, Maxime; Brou, Hermann; Dago-Akribi, Hortense; Coffie, Patrick; Amani-Bossé, Clarisse; Ékouévi, Didier; Yapo, Vincent; Menan, Hervé; Ndondoki, Camille; Timité-Konan, M.; Leroy, Valériane


    Résumé Problème: Le dépistage VIH chez les enfants a rarement été au centre des préoccupations des chercheurs. Quand le dépistage pédiatrique a retenu l'attention, cela a été pour éclairer seulement sur les performances diagnostiques en ignorant même que le test pédiatrique comme bien d'autres peut s'accepter ou se refuser. Cet article met au cœur de son analyse les raisons qui peuvent expliquer qu'on accepte ou qu'on refuse de faire dépister son enfant. Objectif: Etudier chez les parents, les mères, les facteurs explicatifs de l'acceptabilité du test VIH des nourrissons de moins de six mois. Méthodes: Entretien semi-directif à passages répétés avec les parents de nourrissons de moins de six mois dans les formations sanitaires pour la pesée/vaccination et les consultations pédiatriques avec proposition systématique d'un test VIH pour leur nourrisson. Résultats: Nous retenons que la réalisation effective du test pédiatrique du VIH chez le nourrisson repose sur trois éléments. Primo, le personnel de santé par son discours (qui dénote de ses connaissances et perceptions même sur l'infection) orienté vers les mères influence leur acceptation ou non du test. Secundo, la mère qui par ses connaissances et perceptions même sur le VIH, dont le statut particulier, l'impression de bien-être chez elle et son enfant influence toute réalisation du test pédiatrique VIH. Tertio, l'environnement conjugal de la mère, particulièrement caractérisé par les rapports au sein du couple, sur la facilité de parler du test VIH et sa réalisation chez les deux parents ou chez la mère seulement sont autant de facteurs qui influencent la réalisation effective du dépistage du VIH chez l'enfant. Le principe préventif du VIH, et le désir de faire tester l'enfant ne suffisent pas à eux seuls pour aboutir à sa réalisation effective, selon certaines mères confrontées au refus du conjoint. A l'opposé, les autres mères refusant la r

  20. L’euthanasie de convenance des animaux de compagnie : portrait du dilemme au sein de la profession vétérinaire québécoise

    PubMed Central

    Rathwell-Deault, Dominick; Godard, Béatrice; Frank, Diane; Ravel, André; Doizé, Béatrice


    Résumé L’euthanasie de convenance des animaux de compagnie représente un dilemme auquel sont confrontés les vétérinaires travaillant dans le domaine des animaux de compagnie au Québec. De par leur formation comme professionnels de la santé, les vétérinaires sont formés pour soigner les animaux qui leur sont présentés. Il est donc facile d’envisager que le fait d’euthanasier des animaux sains provoque un dilemme moral au sein de la profession. Les balises réglementaires entourant cette pratique se concentrent sur la méthode employée, mais ne sont pas impératives sur la légitimité des circonstances qui devraient entourer les demandes d’euthanasie. À ce jour peu d’écrits sur le sujet au sein de la littérature sont disponibles et la voix des vétérinaires y est peu décrite. Cet article présente les résultats obtenus suite à une étude menée auprès des vétérinaires québécois. Pour ce faire, un sondage en ligne a été effectué et portait sur la vision des vétérinaires concernant l’euthanasie de convenance, sur les conséquences découlant de cet acte et sur les pistes de solutions envisageables par la profession pour améliorer la situation de l’euthanasie de convenance. Les données recueillies ont permis de mettre de l’avant la dualité d’allégeance à laquelle les vétérinaires doivent faire face dans ce dilemme. D’une part, les vétérinaires reconnaissent que l’euthanasie de convenance va à l’encontre du bien-être animal et d’autre part ils reconnaissent qu’ils doivent respecter le droit décisionnel du propriétaire de se départir de son animal en demandant son euthanasie. PMID:28878419

  1. Cancer du sein au Maroc: profil phénotypique des tumeurs

    PubMed Central

    Khalil, Ahmadaye Ibrahim; Bendahhou, Karima; Mestaghanmi, Houriya; Saile, Rachid; Benider, Abdellatif


    Le cancer du sein est le plus fréquent chez la femme et figure parmi les principales causes de mortalité liées au cancer. La curabilité de ce type tumoral est en augmentation, grâce aux programmes de dépistage et aux progrès thérapeutiques, qui ont certes augmenté la survie des patients. Mais des défis restent à relever en rapport avec l’instabilité phénotypique des cellules cancéreuses. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier le profil phénotypique du cancer du sein chez les patients pris en charge au Centre Mohammed VI pour le traitement des Cancers, durant les années 2013-2014. Il s’agit d’une étude transversale sur deux années, incluant les cas du cancer du sein pris en charge au Centre. Le recueil des données était fait à partir des dossiers des patients et analysés par le logiciel Epi Info. 1277 patients ont été pris en charge au sein de notre centre. 99,5% des cas de sexe féminin, l’âge moyen était 50,20 ± 11,34 ans. Le type histologique le plus fréquent était le carcinome canalaire infiltrant (80,7% des cas). Le stade diagnostic était précoce (56,9%). Le phénotype moléculaire le plus fréquent était le luminal A (41,4% des cas). Le luminal B, le HER2 et les triples négatifs étaient dans respectivement 10,4%, 6,3%, 11,2% des cas. L’étude du phénotype tumoral des patients atteints du cancer du sein permet l’orientation du clinicien dans le choix du traitement, et des décideurs dans la planification de programmes de lutte contre cette pathologie. PMID:28292037

  2. Les facteurs associés à l'infection au cours de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde

    PubMed Central

    Akasbi, Nessrine; Tahiri, Latifa; Houssaini, Ghita Sqalli; Harzy, Taoufik


    Les complications infectieuses sont redoutables au cours de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR). Le but de notre étude est d'estimer leur fréquence et de déterminer les facteurs associés à l'infection chez ces patients. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective incluant les cas de PR établis recensés entre 2007 et 2011 au service de rhumatologie au CHU Hassan II de Fès au Maroc. Nous avons inclu 164 patients atteint de PR, l’âge moyen des patients était de 47,9 ans, avec une prédominance féminine (137 F/27H). La fréquence des infections dans notre série était de 26,2%, dominées par les infections urogénitales (22 cas), pleuro pulmonaires (11 cas) dont 2 cas de tuberculose pulmonaire et un cas d'infection H1N1, 3 cas d'infections cutanées et 4 cas d'arthrite septiques. Dans notre série 127 patients étaient sous corticothérapie orale, 147 patients étaient sous méthotrexate, 25 patients étaient sous rituximab et 8 patients étaient sous tocilizumab. Dans notre étude, les facteurs associés à la survenue d'infection étaient l’âge avancé (p= 0,02), une CRP élevée (p= 0,04) et une dose de corticothérapie - 7.5 mg/j (p= 0,03). Notre étude a mis en évidence certains facteurs associés à la survenue d'une infection au cours de la PR. En connaissant ces facteurs, il faut instaurer une surveillance particulière pour améliorer la qualité de prise en charge. PMID:25120853

  3. Service management at CERN with Service-Now

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Toteva, Z.; Alvarez Alonso, R.; Alvarez Granda, E.; Cheimariou, M.-E.; Fedorko, I.; Hefferman, J.; Lemaitre, S.; Clavo, D. Martin; Martinez Pedreira, P.; Pera Mira, O.


    The Information Technology (IT) and the General Services (GS) departments at CERN have decided to combine their extensive experience in support for IT and non-IT services towards a common goal - to bring the services closer to the end user based on Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) best practice. The collaborative efforts have so far produced definitions for the incident and the request fulfilment processes which are based on a unique two-dimensional service catalogue that combines both the user and the support team views of all services. After an extensive evaluation of the available industrial solutions, Service-now was selected as the tool to implement the CERN Service-Management processes. The initial release of the tool provided an attractive web portal for the users and successfully implemented two basic ITIL processes; the incident management and the request fulfilment processes. It also integrated with the CERN personnel databases and the LHC GRID ticketing system. Subsequent releases continued to integrate with other third-party tools like the facility management systems of CERN as well as to implement new processes such as change management. Independently from those new development activities it was decided to simplify the request fulfilment process in order to achieve easier acceptance by the CERN user community. We believe that due to the high modularity of the Service-now tool, the parallel design of ITIL processes e.g., event management and non-ITIL processes, e.g., computer centre hardware management, will be easily achieved. This presentation will describe the experience that we have acquired and the techniques that were followed to achieve the CERN customization of the Service-Now tool.

  4. Le domaine des co-infections et des maladies concomitantes du Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des IRSC : lignes directrices canadiennes pour la prise en charge et le traitement de la co-infection par le VIH et l’hépatite C chez les adultes

    PubMed Central

    Hull, Mark; Giguère, Pierre; Klein, Marina; Shafran, Stephen; Tseng, Alice; Côté, Pierre; Poliquin, Marc; Cooper, Curtis


    HISTORIQUE : De 20 % à 30 % des Canadiens qui vivent avec le VIH sont co-infectés par le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC), lequel est responsable d’une morbidité et d’une mortalité importantes. La prise en charge du VIH et du VHC est plus complexe en raison de l’évolution accélérée de la maladie hépatique, du choix et des critères d’initiation de la thérapie antirétrovirale et du traitement anti-VHC, de la prise en charge de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies, des obstacles socioéconomiques et des interactions entre les nouvelles thérapies antivirales à action directe du VHC et les antirétroviraux OBJECTIF : Élaborer des normes nationales de prise en charge des adultes co-infectés par le VHC et le VIH dans le contexte canadien. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Le Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada a réuni un groupe d’experts possédant des compétences cliniques en co-infection par le VIH et le VHC pour réviser les publications à jour ainsi que les lignes directrices et les protocoles en place. Après une vaste sollicitation afin d’obtenir des points de vue, le groupe de travail a approuvé des recommandations consensuelles, qu’il a caractérisées au moyen d’une échelle de qualité des preuves fondée sur la classe (bienfaits par rapport aux préjudices) et sur la catégorie (degré de certitude). RÉSULTATS : Toutes les personnes co-infectées par le VIH et le VHC devraient subir une évaluation en vue de recevoir un traitement du VHC. Les personnes qui ne sont pas en mesure d’entreprendre un traitement du VHC devraient être soignées pour le VIH afin de ralentir l’évolution de la maladie hépatique. La norme de traitement du VHC de génotype 1 est un régime comprenant de l’interféron pégylé et de la ribavirine dosée en fonction du poids, associés à un inhibiteur de la protéase du VHC. Pour les génotypes 2 ou 3, une bithérapie classique est recommandée pendant 24 semaines s

  5. Aptitude visuelle à la conduite automobile: exemple des candidats au permis de conduire à Libreville

    PubMed Central

    Souhail, Hassane; Assoumou, Prudence; Birinda, Hilda; Mengome, Emmanuel Mve


    lourd ( C,D,E). Les candidats pour la catégorie de permis légers étaient inaptes dans 10 cas soit 2,5% de la population d’étude. Toutefois, tous les candidats à la catégorie de permis lourd étaient aptes à la conduite automobile. Nos résultats montraient que 2,5% des candidats étaient inaptes à la conduite automobile et que l'examen ophtalmologique n'avait pas été réalisé pour la quasi- totalité des candidats dans le cadre de l'obtention du permis de conduire. Rappelons toutefois que, l’évaluation de l'aptitude visuelle du futur conducteur constitue un acte de prévention de sécurité routière et qu'il revient donc à l'ophtalmologiste de délivrer le certificat d'aptitude visuelle à la conduite, pour s'assurer que le candidat au permis de conduire ne présente pas d'affection visuelle incompatible avec la conduite automobile. PMID:26889328

  6. Learning with the ATLAS Experiment at CERN

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barnett, R. M.; Johansson, K. E.; Kourkoumelis, C.; Long, L.; Pequenao, J.; Reimers, C.; Watkins, P.


    With the start of the LHC, the new particle collider at CERN, the ATLAS experiment is also providing high-energy particle collisions for educational purposes. Several education projects--education scenarios--have been developed and tested on students and teachers in several European countries within the Learning with ATLAS@CERN project. These…

  7. Anesthésie pour prothése totale de la hanche: à propos de 50 cas

    PubMed Central

    Serghini, Issam; Qamouss, Youssef; Zoubir, Mohamed; Lalaoui, Jaafar Salim; Koulali, Idrissi Khalid; Boughalem, Mohamed


    La chirurgie de la prothèse totale de la hanche (PTH) est une chirurgie fonctionnelle qui consiste en un remplacement d'une articulation endommagée afin d'améliorer la qualité de vie du patient. L'anesthésie pour PTH exige une préparation rigoureuse à l'intervention, la consultation d'anesthésie sera donc la clef de cette réussite. Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective concernant 60 arthroplasties totales de la hanche implantées chez 50 patients adultes, colligée au sevice de Traumatologie et de chirurgie orthopédique à l'Hôpital Militaire Avicenne de Marrakech sur une période étalée de Janvier 2010 au Décembre 2012. Nous avons évalué la prise en charge anesthésique: pré, per et postopératoire des patients opérés pour une PTH. La moyenne d’âge était de 56,5 ans, le sex-ratio était de 1,63 en faveur des hommes. L'indication prédominante était la coxarthrose primitive. L'anesthésie générale était la technique anesthésique la plus utilisée (66% des cas), l'intubation difficile était rencontrée chez 6% de nos patients. La durée moyenne de l'acte chirurgical était de 114 +/- 25,33 mn. 12% de nos patients ont présenté une hypotension artérielle peropératoire. L'incidence de la transfusion homologue perop était de 14%. Nous avons noté 08 cas de complications postop: 03 cas d'infection de la PTH 15 jours après l'intervention, 03 cas de descellement aseptique, 01 cas de luxation de PTH et 01 cas de descellement septique avec un recul moyen de 54 mois. PMID:27047619

  8. Update on CERN Search based on SharePoint 2013

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alvarez, E.; Fernandez, S.; Lossent, A.; Posada, I.; Silva, B.; Wagner, A.


    CERN’s enterprise Search solution “CERN Search” provides a central search solution for users and CERN service providers. A total of about 20 million public and protected documents from a wide range of document collections is indexed, including Indico, TWiki, Drupal, SharePoint, JACOW, E-group archives, EDMS, and CERN Web pages. In spring 2015, CERN Search was migrated to a new infrastructure based on SharePoint 2013. In the context of this upgrade, the document pre-processing and indexing process was redesigned and generalised. The new data feeding framework allows to profit from new functionality and it facilitates the long term maintenance of the system.

  9. Validation de la traduction française de la SURPS pour une population d’adolescents québécois

    PubMed Central

    Castonguay-Jolin, Laura; Perrier-Ménard, Eveline; Castellanos-Ryan, Natalie; Parent, Sophie; Vitaro, Frank; Tremblay, Richard E; Garel, Patricia; Séguin, Jean R; Conrod, Patricia J


    Objectif La Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) est un instrument de dépistage des caractéristiques de personnalité qui représentent un risque pour le développement d’une consommation problématique de substances. La SURPS comporte 23 items évaluant 4 dimensions et permet aux intervenants en santé mentale de mieux cibler la prévention. La SURPS a été validée au Canada anglais, au Royaume-Uni, en Chine et au Sri Lanka; l’objectif de cette étude est de valider une traduction française de la SURPS pour des adolescents francophones québécois, en plus d’en tester la sensibilité dans une population clinique. Méthode Deux cent deux jeunes de 15 ans d’un échantillon communautaire ont répondu à la SURPS et à des mesures de la personnalité et de l’utilisation de substances. La cohérence interne, la solution factorielle et la validité concomitante de l’échelle ont été évaluées. Quarante adolescents (âge moyen de 15,7 ans) présentant un diagnostic psychiatrique ont également répondu à la SURPS et les scores ont été comparés aux normes de l’échantillon communautaire. Résultats La traduction française de la SURPS démontre une bonne cohérence interne ainsi qu’une solution factorielle à 4 facteurs semblable à la version originale. Ses 4 souséchelles ont une bonne validité concomitante. De plus, 3 de ses souséchelles sont corrélées avec des mesures relatives à la consommation de substances psychoactives. Finalement, 95 % des participants de l’échantillon clinique ont été identifiés à risque selon les scores limites de la SURPS. Conclusion La version française de la SURPS paraît être une mesure valide et sensible pouvant être utilisée auprès d’une population adolescente, québécoise et francophone. PMID:24099502

  10. Rapport signal-sur-bruit et bande passante : mise au point

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jehenson, P.


    A widely diffused misconception is that reducing receiver filter bandwidth (BW) reduces noise levels in spectra and thus improves the signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio. We here try to simply explain why this is wrong in spectra (only true in the time domain). Reducing BW, which still is widely used, rather has disadvantages (for distorsions, noise, phasing...) and over-sampling often is convenient. The only, presently usually small, advantage is saving data storage space. Ways to improve spectral SNR rather are to increase the signal per unit BW, by reducing its bandwidth (influenced by T2 and shim) or to decrease noise per unit BW by reducing the various losses or temperature. Une idée fausse très répandue est que réduire la bande passante (BW) du récepteur réduit le bruit et améliore donc le rapport signal-sur-bruit (S/B) du spectre. Nous essayons d'expliquer simplement ici que c'est inexact pour le spectre (vrai seulement dans le domaine temporel). Réduire BW au plus serré, ce qui est encore très largement pratiqué, comporte plutôt des inconvénients (distorsions, bruit, phasage...) et il y a souvent intérêt, pour cela et d'autres raisons, à sur-échantillonner. Le seul avantage, actuellement souvent faible, est d'épargner de la place de stockage des données. Ce sont d'autres paramètres qui permettent d'améliorer le S/B.

  11. Evolution of Excited-State Dynamics in Periodic Au 28, Au 36, Au 44, and Au 52 Nanoclusters

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhou, Meng; Zeng, Chenjie; Sfeir, Matthew Y.

    An understanding of the correlation between the atomic structure and optical properties of gold nanoclusters is essential for exploration of their functionalities and applications involving light harvesting and electron transfer. We report the femto-nanosecond excited state dynamics of a periodic series of face-centered cubic (FCC) gold nanoclusters (including Au 28, Au 36, Au 44, and Au 52), which exhibit a set of unique features compared with other similar sized clusters. Molecular-like ultrafast S n → S 1 internal conversions (i.e., radiationless electronic transitions) are observed in the relaxation dynamics of FCC periodic series. Excited-state dynamics with near-HOMO–LUMO gap excitation lacksmore » ultrafast decay component, and only the structural relaxation dominates in the dynamical process, which proves the absence of core–shell relaxation. Interestingly, both the relaxation of the hot carriers and the band-edge carrier recombination become slower as the size increases. The evolution in excited-state properties of this FCC series offers new insight into the structure-dependent properties of metal nanoclusters, which will benefit their optical energy harvesting and photocatalytic applications.« less

  12. Evolution of Excited-State Dynamics in Periodic Au 28, Au 36, Au 44, and Au 52 Nanoclusters


    Zhou, Meng; Zeng, Chenjie; Sfeir, Matthew Y.; ...


    An understanding of the correlation between the atomic structure and optical properties of gold nanoclusters is essential for exploration of their functionalities and applications involving light harvesting and electron transfer. We report the femto-nanosecond excited state dynamics of a periodic series of face-centered cubic (FCC) gold nanoclusters (including Au 28, Au 36, Au 44, and Au 52), which exhibit a set of unique features compared with other similar sized clusters. Molecular-like ultrafast S n → S 1 internal conversions (i.e., radiationless electronic transitions) are observed in the relaxation dynamics of FCC periodic series. Excited-state dynamics with near-HOMO–LUMO gap excitation lacksmore » ultrafast decay component, and only the structural relaxation dominates in the dynamical process, which proves the absence of core–shell relaxation. Interestingly, both the relaxation of the hot carriers and the band-edge carrier recombination become slower as the size increases. The evolution in excited-state properties of this FCC series offers new insight into the structure-dependent properties of metal nanoclusters, which will benefit their optical energy harvesting and photocatalytic applications.« less

  13. Lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse

    PubMed Central

    Kahan, Meldon; Mailis-Gagnon, Angela; Wilson, Lynn; Srivastava, Anita


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux médecins de famille un résumé clinique pratique des lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse, produites par le National Opioid Use Guideline Group. Qualité des données Pour produire les lignes directrices, les chercheurs ont effectué une synthèse critique de la littérature médicale sur l’efficacité et l’innocuité des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse et ont rédigé une série de recommandations. Un panel de 49 cliniciens experts de toutes les régions du Canada ont passé en revue l’ébauche et ont atteint un consensus sur 24 recommandations. Message principal Il est recommandé de faire un dépistage du risque de dépendance avant de prescrire des opioïdes. On recommande des opioïdes faibles (codéine et tramadol) pour une douleur de légère à modérée qui n’a pas répondu aux traitements de première intention. On peut essayer l’oxycodone, l’hydromorphone et la morphine chez les patients qui n’ont pas eu de soulagement avec des opioïdes plus faibles. Une faible dose initiale et une lente hausse du titrage sont recommandées, ainsi qu’une étroite surveillance du patient qu’on a d’abord renseigné. Les médecins doivent surveiller l’apparition de complications comme l’apnée du sommeil. La dose optimale est celle qui améliore le fonctionnement ou atténue les cotes d’évaluation de la douleur d’au moins 30 %. Pour la grande majorité des patients, la dose optimale sera bien en deçà de l’équivalent de 200 mg de morphine par jour. On recommande le sevrage progressif pour les patients qui n’ont pas répondu à un essai d’opioïdes adéquat. Conclusion Les opioïdes jouent un rôle important dans la prise en charge de la douleur chronique non cancéreuse, mais il faut en prescrire avec prudence pour limiter les dommages potentiels. Les nouvelles lignes directrices

  14. A quoi ça CERN? De l'invention du Web à la Grille de calcul, l'informatique pour tous?




    Venez débattre autour de l'ordinateur ayant servi à réaliser la première page Web au monde et découvrir sur le grand écran la Grille de calcul mondiale. The video is black for the first 9 minutes.

  15. Di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV Au + Au and d + Au collisions at STAR

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alekseev, I.; Aparin, A.; Arkhipkin, D.; Aschenauer, E. C.; Averichev, G. S.; Bai, X.; Bairathi, V.; Banerjee, A.; Bellwied, R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A. K.; Bhattarai, P.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bland, L. C.; Bordyuzhin, I. G.; Bouchet, J.; Brandenburg, D.; Brandin, A. V.; Bunzarov, I.; Butterworth, J.; Caines, H.; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M.; Campbell, J. M.; Cebra, D.; Cervantes, M. C.; Chakaberia, I.; Chaloupka, P.; Chang, Z.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, X.; Chen, J. H.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Christie, W.; Contin, G.; Crawford, H. J.; Das, S.; De Silva, L. C.; Debbe, R. R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Deng, J.; Derevschikov, A. A.; di Ruzza, B.; Didenko, L.; Dilks, C.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J. L.; Draper, J. E.; Du, C. M.; Dunkelberger, L. E.; Dunlop, J. C.; Efimov, L. G.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Esha, R.; Evdokimov, O.; Eyser, O.; Fatemi, R.; Fazio, S.; Federic, P.; Fedorisin, J.; Feng, Z.; Filip, P.; Fisyak, Y.; Flores, C. E.; Fulek, L.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Garand, D.; Geurts, F.; Gibson, A.; Girard, M.; Greiner, L.; Grosnick, D.; Gunarathne, D. S.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, S.; Gupta, A.; Guryn, W.; Hamad, A.; Hamed, A.; Haque, R.; Harris, J. W.; He, L.; Heppelmann, S.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hoffmann, G. W.; Hofman, D. J.; Horvat, S.; Huang, T.; Huang, B.; Huang, H. Z.; Huang, X.; Huck, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, W. W.; Jang, H.; Jia, J.; Jiang, K.; Judd, E. G.; Kabana, S.; Kalinkin, D.; Kang, K.; Kauder, K.; Ke, H. W.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Khan, Z. H.; Kikoła, D. P.; Kisiel, A.; Kochenda, L.; Koetke, D. D.; Kosarzewski, L. K.; Kraishan, A. F.; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Kumar, L.; Lamont, M. A. C.; Landgraf, J. M.; Landry, K. D.; Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednicky, R.; Lee, J. H.; Li, X.; Li, W.; Li, Z. M.; Li, Y.; Li, C.; Li, X.; Lisa, M. A.; Liu, F.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W. J.; Lomnitz, M.; Longacre, R. S.; Luo, X.; Ma, G. L.; Ma, Y. G.; Ma, R.; Ma, L.; Magdy, N.; Majka, R.; Manion, A.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H. S.; McDonald, D.; Meehan, K.; Mei, J. C.; Minaev, N. G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mishra, D.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M. M.; Morozov, D. A.; Mustafa, M. K.; Nandi, B. K.; Nasim, Md.; Nayak, T. K.; Nigmatkulov, G.; Niida, T.; Nogach, L. V.; Noh, S. Y.; Novak, J.; Nurushev, S. B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Oh, K.; Okorokov, V.; Olvitt, D.; Page, B. S.; Pak, R.; Pan, Y. X.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Pawlik, B.; Pei, H.; Perkins, C.; Peterson, A.; Pile, P.; Pluta, J.; Poniatowska, K.; Porter, J.; Posik, M.; Poskanzer, A. M.; Pruthi, N. K.; Putschke, J.; Qiu, H.; Quintero, A.; Ramachandran, S.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R. L.; Ritter, H. G.; Roberts, J. B.; Rogachevskiy, O. V.; Romero, J. L.; Roy, A.; Ruan, L.; Rusnak, J.; Rusnakova, O.; Sahoo, N. R.; Sahu, P. K.; Sakrejda, I.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Sarkar, A.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R. P.; Schmah, A. M.; Schmidke, W. B.; Schmitz, N.; Seger, J.; Seyboth, P.; Shah, N.; Shahaliev, E.; Shanmuganathan, P. V.; Shao, M.; Sharma, B.; Sharma, M. K.; Shen, W. Q.; Shi, S. S.; Shou, Q. Y.; Sichtermann, E. P.; Sikora, R.; Simko, M.; Singha, S.; Skoby, M. J.; Smirnov, N.; Smirnov, D.; Song, L.; Sorensen, P.; Spinka, H. M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T. D. S.; Stepanov, M.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Sumbera, M.; Summa, B.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Sun, X. M.; Sun, X.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D. N.; Szelezniak, M. A.; Tang, A. H.; Tang, Z.; Tarnowsky, T.; Tawfik, A.; Thomas, J. H.; Timmins, A. R.; Tlusty, D.; Todoroki, T.; Tokarev, M.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tribedy, P.; Tripathy, S. K.; Tsai, O. D.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D. G.; Upsal, I.; Van Buren, G.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Varma, R.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Vertesi, R.; Videbæk, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Voloshin, S. A.; Vossen, A.; Wang, J. S.; Wang, F.; Wang, H.; Wang, G.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Webb, G.; Webb, J. C.; Wen, L.; Westfall, G. D.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S. W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y. F.; Wu; Xiao, Z. G.; Xie, W.; Xin, K.; Xu, H.; Xu, Z.; Xu, Q. H.; Xu, Y. F.; Xu, N.; Yang, S.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Q.; Yang, Y.; Yang, C.; Yang, Y.; Ye, Z.; Ye, Z.; Yepes, P.; Yi, L.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.-K.; Yu, N.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zha, W.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, J. B.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, X. P.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, J.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhou, L.; Zhu, X.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.


    The STAR Collaboration presents for the first time two-dimensional di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV central Au + Au and minimum-bias d + Au collisions to explore hadronization mechanisms in the quark gluon plasma. The enhancement of the jet-like yield for leading pions in Au + Au data with respect to the d + Au reference and the absence of such an enhancement for leading non-pions (protons and kaons) are discussed within the context of a quark recombination scenario. The correlated yield at large angles, specifically in the ridge region, is found to be significantly higher for leading non-pions than pions. The consistencies of the constituent quark scaling, azimuthal harmonic model and a mini-jet modification model description of the data are tested, providing further constraints on hadronization.



    Pozzi, Fabio; Garcia Alia, Ruben; Brugger, Markus; Carbonez, Pierre; Danzeca, Salvatore; Gkotse, Blerina; Richard Jaekel, Martin; Ravotti, Federico; Silari, Marco; Tali, Maris


    CERN provides unique irradiation facilities for applications in dosimetry, metrology, intercomparison of radiation protection devices, benchmark of Monte Carlo codes and radiation damage studies to electronics. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  18. Connected Au network in annealed Ni/Au thin films on p-GaN

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lee, S. P.; Jang, H. W.; Noh, D. Y.


    We report the formation of a connected Au network in annealed Ni/Au thin films on p-GaN, which was studied by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and synchrotron x-ray diffraction. As the Ni was oxidized into NiO upon annealing at 530 deg. C in air, the Au layer was transformed to an interconnected network with an increased thickness. During annealing, Ni atoms diffuse out onto the Au through defects to form NiO, while Au atoms replace the Ni positions. The Au network grows downward until it reaches the p-GaN substrate, and NiO columns fill the space between the Au network.

  19. Hangout with CERN: a direct conversation with the public

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rao, Achintya; Goldfarb, Steven; Kahle, Kate


    Hangout with CERN refers to a weekly, half-hour-long, topical webcast hosted at CERN. The aim of the programme is threefold: (i) to provide a virtual tour of various locations and facilities at CERN, (ii) to discuss the latest scientific results from the laboratory, and, most importantly, (iii) to engage in conversation with the public and answer their questions. For each ;episode;, scientists gather around webcam-enabled computers at CERN and partner institutes/universities, connecting to one another using the Google+ social network's ;Hangouts; tool. The show is structured as a conversation mediated by a host, usually a scientist, and viewers can ask questions to the experts in real time through a Twitter hashtag or YouTube comments. The history of Hangout with CERN can be traced back to ICHEP 2012, where several physicists crowded in front of a laptop connected to Google+, using a ;Hangout On Air; webcast to explain to the world the importance of the discovery of the Higgs-like boson, announced just two days before at the same conference. Hangout with CERN has also drawn inspiration from two existing outreach endeavours: (i) ATLAS Virtual Visits, which connected remote visitors with scientists in the ATLAS Control Room via video conference, and (ii) the Large Hangout Collider, in which CMS scientists gave underground tours via Hangouts to groups of schools and members of the public around the world. In this paper, we discuss the role of Hangout with CERN as a bi-directional outreach medium and an opportunity to train scientists in effective communication.

  20. Survie au cancer du sein à Rabat (Maroc) 2005-2008

    PubMed Central

    Mechita, Nada Bennani; Tazi, Mohammed Adnane; Er-Raki, Abdelouahed; Mrabet, Mustapha; Saadi, Asma; Benjaafar, Noureddine; Razine, Rachid


    Introduction Le cancer du sein représente un problème de santé publique au Maroc. L’objectif de ce travail était d’estimer le taux de survie au cancer du sein chez les patientes habitant la ville de Rabat. Méthodes Etude pronostique réalisée chez les patientes diagnostiquées pour cancer du sein de 2005 à 2008, habitant la ville de Rabat et enregistrées au registre des cancers de Rabat. La date d’inclusion dans l’étude correspondait à la date de confirmation histologique du cancer. L’estimation de la survie a été réalisée par la méthode de Kaplan Meier, et la comparaison entre les différentes classes d’une variable a été réalisée par le test de log rank. L’étude des facteurs associés à la survie a été effectuée par le modèle de Cox. Résultats Durant la période d’étude 628 cas de cancer du sein ont été collectés. Le pourcentage de décès était de 19,9%. La survie globale à un an était de 97,1%, elle était de 89,2% à 3 ans et de 80,6 % à 5 ans. En analyse multivariée la survie au cancer du sein était statistiquement moins bonne chez les patientes âgées de plus de 70 ans (p<0,001), ayantune grande taille de tumeur (p<0,001), un stade avancé d’adénopathies (p=0,007), présentant des métastases (p<0,001) et non traitées par hormonothérapie (p=0,002). Conclusion Une grande taille de la tumeur et la présence de métastases sont des facteurs de mauvais pronostic du cancer du sein d’où la nécessité de renforcer les programmes de dépistage. PMID:28292106

  1. Plasmon-enhanced versatile optical nonlinearities in a Au-Ag-Au multi-segmental hybrid structure.


    Yao, Lin-Hua; Zhang, Jun-Pei; Dai, Hong-Wei; Wang, Ming-Shan; Zhang, Lu-Man; Wang, Xia; Han, Jun-Bo


    A Au-Ag-Au multi-segmental hybrid structure has been synthesized by using an electrodeposition method based on an anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membrane. The third-order optical nonlinearities, second harmonic generation (SHG) and photoluminescence (PL) properties containing ultrafast supercontinuum generation and plasmon mediated thermal emission have been investigated. Significant optical enhancements have been obtained near surface plasmon resonance wavelength in all the abovementioned nonlinear processes. Comparative studies between the Au-Ag-Au multi-segmental hybrid structure and the corresponding single-component Au and Ag hybrid structures demonstrate that the Au-Ag-Au multi-segmental hybrid structure has much larger optical nonlinearities than its counterparts. These results demonstrate that the Au-Ag-Au hybrid structure is a promising candidate for applications in plasmonic devices and enhancement substrates.

  2. Di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV Au + Au and d + Au collisions at STAR


    Adamczyk, L.


    The STAR Collaboration presents for the first time two-dimensional di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV central Au + Au and minimum-bias d + Au collisions to explore hadronization mechanisms in the quark gluon plasma. The enhancement of the jet-like yield for leading pions in Au + Au data with respect to the d + Au reference and the absence of such an enhancement for leading non-pions (protons and kaons) are discussed within the context of a quark recombination scenario. The correlated yield at large angles, specifically in the ridge region, is found to be significantly higher formore » leading non-pions than pions. As a result, the consistencies of the constituent quark scaling, azimuthal harmonic model and a mini-jet modification model description of the data are tested, providing further constraints on hadronization.« less

  3. CERN Collider, France-Switzerland

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This image, acquired by NASA Terra spacecraft, is of the CERN Large Hadron Collider, the world largest and highest-energy particle accelerator laying beneath the French-Swiss border northwest of Geneva yellow circle.

  4. Le potentiel de l'asteroseismologie pour les etoiles sous-naines de type B

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Charpinet, Stephane

    L'objectif principal de cette thèse consiste à évaluer les possibilités que les étoiles sous naines de type B, aussi appelées sdB, puissent développer des variations de luminosité engendrées par des phénomènes de pulsations. Dans la mesure où, au commencement de cette étude, les sdB ne sont pas connues pour montrer ce type de comportement, notre approche s'effectue exclusivement sur des bases théoriques visant à déterminer, par le calcul, si ces étoiles ont le potentiel pour devenir instables. Le cas échéant, il s'agira d'évaluer quels sont les résultats susceptibles d'émerger d'un sondage de la structure interne de ces étoiles avec les méthodes de l'astéroséismologie. Après avoir introduit le contexte et les outils théoriques nécessaires à ce projet (théorie des pulsations stellaires et modèles d'étoiles sous-naines de type B), la démarche passe obligatoirement par une étude exhaustive des propriétés des modes de pulsation dans ces étoiles. Nous l'avons entreprise de manière systématique afin d'évaluer et de comprendre les comportements des oscillations en fonction des différents paramètres physiques qui caractérisent une sdB. Par souci de complétude, nous étudions également les rapports qu'entretiennent évolution et périodes de pulsation au cours de la phase sdB. Par la suite, fort des connaissances nouvellement acquises, nous nous lançons dans l'étude de la stabilité des modes d'oscillation, l'objectif étant d'identifier, le cas échéant, un mécanisme capable de déstabiliser, dans certaines conditions, une fraction de ces étoiles. Par cette approche, nous déterminons qu'un mécanisme κ associé à une région d'ionisation partielle de l'élément fer agit efficacement dans l'enveloppe des sdB si, toutefois, le fer y est présent en quantités extra- solaires. Nous montrons alors que des processus de diffusion, déjà fortement suspectes d'exister dans ces étoiles, sont en mesure d'accumuler des quantit

  5. Biosynthesis and stabilization of Au and Au Ag alloy nanoparticles by fungus, Fusarium semitectum

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dasaratrao Sawle, Balaji; Salimath, Basavaraja; Deshpande, Raghunandan; Dhondojirao Bedre, Mahesh; Krishnamurthy Prabhakar, Belawadi; Venkataraman, Abbaraju


    Crystallized and spherical-shaped Au and Au-Ag alloy nanoparticles have been synthesized and stabilized using a fungus, F . semitectum in an aqueous system. Aqueous solutions of chloroaurate ions for Au and chloroaurate and Ag+ ions (1 : 1 ratio) for Au-Ag alloy were treated with an extracellular filtrate of F . semitectum biomass for the formation of Au nanoparticles (AuNP) and Au-Ag alloy nanoparticles (Au-AgNP). Analysis of the feasibility of the biosynthesized nanoparticles and core-shell alloy nanoparticles from fungal strains is particularly significant. The resultant colloidal suspensions are highly stable for many weeks. The obtained Au and Au-Ag alloy nanoparticles were characterized by the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) peaks using a UV-vis spectrophotometer, and the structure, morphology and size were determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Possible optoelectronics and medical applications of these nanoparticles are envisaged.

  6. CERN goes iconic

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


    There are more than 1800 emoji that can be sent and received in text messages and e-mails. Now, the CERN particle-physics lab near Geneva has got in on the act and released its own collection of 35 images that can be used by anyone with an Apple device.

  7. Wi-Fi Service enhancement at CERN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ducret, V.; Sosnowski, A.; Gonzalez Caballero, B.; Barrand, Q.


    Since the early 2000’s, the number of mobile devices connected to CERN’s internal network has increased from just a handful to well over 10,000. Wireless access is no longer simply “nice to have” or just for conference and meeting rooms; support for mobility is expected by most, if not all, of the CERN community. In this context, a full renewal of the CERN Wi-Fi network has been launched to deliver a state-of-the-art campus-wide Wi-Fi Infrastructure. We aim to deliver, in more than 200 office buildings with a surface area of over 400,000m2 and including many high-priority and high-occupation zones, an end-user experience comparable, for most applications, to a wired connection and with seamless mobility support. We describe here the studies and tests performed at CERN to ensure the solution we are deploying can meet these goals as well as delivering a single, simple, flexible and open management platform.

  8. Conception, fabrication et validation d'une presse a injection basse pression pour le procede des poudres metalliques =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lamarre, Simon G.

    Le moulage par injection a basse pression de poudre metallique est une technique de mise en forme de pieces de formes complexes. La poudre metallique est melangee avec des polymeres basse viscosite (ex. : cire) pour former un melange homogene a une temperature superieure a la temperature de fusion des polymeres. Pour faciliter l'injection dans la cavite du moule, la composition des melanges est ajustee pour diminuer la viscosite. D'une part, les melanges peu visqueux possedent une bonne moulabilite. D'autre part, le phenomene de la segregation se manifeste rapidement avec les melanges peu visqueux. Les machines commerciales sont munies d'un canal d'injection et d'une valve qui relient le reservoir de melange et la cavite du moule. Le melange reste stationnaire dans ces composantes entre deux sequences d'injection, ce qui le rend propice a la segregation. Plusieurs brevets tentent de resoudre ce probleme en utilisant des pompes et des canaux de recirculation. Ces composantes sont difficiles a nettoyer en raison de leur complexite. Une machine a injection basse pression a ete concue et fabriquee pour l'etude de l'aptitude au moulage des melanges de tres faible viscosite (ex. : 0.1 Pa˙s), qui tient compte du phenomene de segregation et des contraintes de nettoyage. Un piston d'injection puise le volume desire d'un reservoir. Ensuite, un mouvement lateral cisaille le melange a l'intersection entre le reservoir et le cylindre et bouche l'orifice de sortie du reservoir. Le cylindre est degage et peut recevoir le moule. A la suite de l'injection, le piston retourne a la position du reservoir et entre dans son orifice de sortie. Le melange residuel est retourne dans le reservoir, melange et desaere a nouveau. L'appareil a ete valide par des essais d'injectabilite avec un melange de poudre d'acier inoxydable et de liants a basse viscosite. Des essais d'injection ont montre que le melange contenant l'acide stearique a parcouru la plus grande distance dans le moule de forme

  9. Review of CERN Data Centre Infrastructure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Andrade, P.; Bell, T.; van Eldik, J.; McCance, G.; Panzer-Steindel, B.; Coelho dos Santos, M.; Traylen and, S.; Schwickerath, U.


    The CERN Data Centre is reviewing strategies for optimizing the use of the existing infrastructure and expanding to a new data centre by studying how other large sites are being operated. Over the past six months, CERN has been investigating modern and widely-used tools and procedures used for virtualisation, clouds and fabric management in order to reduce operational effort, increase agility and support unattended remote data centres. This paper gives the details on the project's motivations, current status and areas for future investigation.

  10. Les recommandations relatives aux vaccins antigrippaux administrés aux enfants et aux adolescents pour la saison 2017-2018.


    Moore, Dorothy L


    La Société canadienne de pédiatrie continue d'encourager la vaccination antigrippale annuelle de TOUS les enfants et les adolescents, dès l'âge de six mois. Les recommandations du Comité consultatif national de l'immunisation (CCNI) pour la saison 2017-2018 n'ont pas subi de changements importants par rapport à la saison précédente. Le CCNI a analysé toutes les données sur l'efficacité du vaccin vivant atténué contre l'influenza (VVAI) sur le marché et conclut qu'elles en appuient l'utilisation au Canada, même si les États-Unis ne le recommandent pas en raison de doutes quant à son efficacité.

  11. Modification of jet-like correlations in Pb-Au collisions at 158A GeV/c

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ceres Collaboration; Adamová, D.; Agakichiev, G.; Antończyk, D.; Appelshäuser, H.; Belaga, V.; Bielčíková, J.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Busch, O.; Cherlin, A.; Damjanović, S.; Dietel, T.; Dietrich, L.; Drees, A.; Dubitzky, W.; Esumi, S. I.; Filimonov, K.; Fomenko, K.; Fraenkel, Z.; Garabatos, C.; Glässel, P.; Holeczek, J.; Kalisky, M.; Kniege, S.; Kushpil, V.; Maas, A.; Marín, A.; Milošević, J.; Milov, A.; Miśkowiec, D.; Panebrattsev, Yu.; Petchenova, O.; Petráček, V.; Pfeiffer, A.; Płoskoń, M.; Rak, J.; Ravinovich, I.; Rehak, P.; Sako, H.; Schmitz, W.; Schuchmann, S.; Sedykh, S.; Shimansky, S.; Stachel, J.; Šumbera, M.; Tilsner, H.; Tserruya, I.; Wessels, J. P.; Wienold, T.; Wurm, J. P.; Xie, W.; Yurevich, S.; Yurevich, V.


    Results of a two-particle correlation analysis of high-p charged particles in Pb-Au collisions at 158A GeV/c are presented. The data have been recorded by the CERES experiment at the CERN-SPS. The correlations are studied as function of transverse momentum, particle charge and collision centrality. We observe a jet-like structure in the vicinity of a high-p trigger particle and a broad back-to-back distribution. The yields of associated particles per trigger show a strong dependence on the trigger/associate charge combination. A comparison to PYTHIA confirms the jet-like pattern at the near-side but suggests a strong modification at the away-side, implying significant energy transfer of the hard-scattered parton to the medium.

  12. Big Bang Day: The Making of CERN (Episode 1)




    A two-part history of the CERN project. Quentin Cooper explores the fifty-year history of CERN, the European particle physics laboratory in Switzerland. The institution was created to bring scientists together after WW2 .......

  13. Big Bang Day: The Making of CERN (Episode 1)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    A two-part history of the CERN project. Quentin Cooper explores the fifty-year history of CERN, the European particle physics laboratory in Switzerland. The institution was created to bring scientists together after WW2 .......

  14. Fermi surfaces properties of AuAl2, AuGa2, and AuIn2 with the CaF2-type cubic structure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nishimura, K.; Kakihana, M.; Suzuki, F.; Yara, T.; Hedo, M.; Nakama, T.; Ōnuki, Y.; Harima, H.


    We grew high-quality single crystals of AuAl2, AuGa2, and AuIn2 with the fluorite (CaF2)-type cubic structure and determined the Fermi surface properties by the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) experiments using full-potential LAPW bad calculations. The Fermi surface and optical properties for three compounds were once studied from an interest of colors because AuAl2 has a striking bright reddish-purple color, whereas AuGa2 and AuIn2 are, respectively, neutral and bluish. The detected dHvA frequencies in the present study are found to be in a wide range of (0.1-13)×107 Oe. The main dHvA branches for three compounds are in excellent agreement with the theoretical ones, but some dHvA branches with small dHvA frequencies are slightly deviated from the theoretical ones, especially in AuGa2 and AuIn2.


    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    AERIAL OF SHUTTLE LANDING FACILITY [SLF] POURING OF CONCRETE KSC-375C-10036.31 108-KSC-375C-10036.31, P-21426, ARCHIVE-04502 Aerial oblique of Shuttle runway facilities. Pouring concrete on runway. Direction north - altitude 100'.

  16. Status and Roadmap of CernVM

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Berzano, D.; Blomer, J.; Buncic, P.; Charalampidis, I.; Ganis, G.; Meusel, R.


    Cloud resources nowadays contribute an essential share of resources for computing in high-energy physics. Such resources can be either provided by private or public IaaS clouds (e.g. OpenStack, Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine) or by volunteers computers (e.g. LHC@Home 2.0). In any case, experiments need to prepare a virtual machine image that provides the execution environment for the physics application at hand. The CernVM virtual machine since version 3 is a minimal and versatile virtual machine image capable of booting different operating systems. The virtual machine image is less than 20 megabyte in size. The actual operating system is delivered on demand by the CernVM File System. CernVM 3 has matured from a prototype to a production environment. It is used, for instance, to run LHC applications in the cloud, to tune event generators using a network of volunteer computers, and as a container for the historic Scientific Linux 5 and Scientific Linux 4 based software environments in the course of long-term data preservation efforts of the ALICE, CMS, and ALEPH experiments. We present experience and lessons learned from the use of CernVM at scale. We also provide an outlook on the upcoming developments. These developments include adding support for Scientific Linux 7, the use of container virtualization, such as provided by Docker, and the streamlining of virtual machine contextualization towards the cloud-init industry standard.

  17. How Does Amino Acid Ligand Modulate Au Core Structure and Characteristics in Peptide Coated Au Nanocluster?


    Li, Nan; Li, Xu; Zhao, Hongkang; Zhao, Lina


    The atomic structures and the corresponding physicochemical properties of peptide coated Au nanoclusters determine their distinctive biological targeting applications. To learn the modulation of amino acid ligand on the atomic structure and electronic characteristics of coated Au core is the fundamental knowledge for peptide coated Au nanocluster design and construction. Based on our recent coated Au nanocluster configuration study (Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 11454), we built the typically simplified Au13(Cys-Au-Cys) system to more clearly learn the basic modulation information of amino acid ligand on Au core by the density functional theory (DFT) calculations. There are two isomers as ligand adjacent bonding (Iso1) and diagonal bonding (Iso2) to Au13 cores. The geometry optimizations indicate the adjacent bonding Iso1 is more stable than Iso2. More important, the Au13 core of Iso1 distorts much more significantly than that of Iso2 by Cys-Au-Cys bonding through the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) analysis, which modulate their electronic characteristics in different ways. In addition, the frontier molecular orbital results of Au13(Cys-Au-Cys) isomers confirm that the Au cores mainly determine the blue shifts of Au13(Cys-Au-Cys) systems versus the original Au13 core in their UV-visible absorption spectrum studies. The configuration of Au13 core performs deformation under Cys-Au-Cys ligand modulation to reach new stability with distinct atomic structure and electronic properties, which could be the theory basis for peptide coated AuNCs design and construction.

  18. Wolfgang Kummer at CERN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schopper, Herwig

    Wolfgang Kummer was not only a great theorist but also a man with a noble spirit and extensive education, based on a fascinating long-term Austrian cultural tradition. As an experimentalist I am not sufficiently knowledgeable to evaluate his contributions to theoretical physics - this will certainly be done by more competent scientists. Nevertheless I admired him for not only being attached to fundamental and abstract problems like quantum field theory, quantum gravity or black holes, but for his interest in down to earth questions like electron-proton scattering or the toponium mass. I got to know Wolfgang Kummer very well and appreciate his human qualities during his long attachment to CERN, in particular when he served as president of the CERN Council, the highest decision taking authority of this international research centre, from 1985 to 1987 falling into my term as Director-General…

  19. The concrete technology of post pouring zone of raft foundation of Hongyun Building B tower

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yin, Suhua; Yu, Liu; Wu, Yanli; Zhao, Ying


    The foundation of Hongyun building B tower is made of raft board foundation which is 3300mm in the thickness concreted pouring amount of large and the late poured band in the pouring settlement formed. The temperature of the pouring settlement was controlled in order to prevent the crack of the construction of the late poured band. The steel of post pouring band was designed and monitorred. The quality of post pouring band quality is guaranteed in the raft concrete foundation of Hongyun Building B tower.

  20. Comparison of the space-time extent of the emission source in d +Au and Au + Au collisions at √{sNN} = 200 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ajitanand, N. N.; Phenix Collaboration


    Two-pion interferometry measurements in d +Au and Au + Au collisions at √{sNN} = 200 GeV are used to extract and compare the Gaussian source radii Rout, Rside and Rlong, which characterize the space-time extent of the emission sources. The comparisons, which are performed as a function of collision centrality and the mean transverse momentum for pion pairs, indicate strikingly similar patterns for the d +Au and Au + Au systems. They also indicate a linear dependence of Rside on the initial transverse geometric size R bar , as well as a smaller freeze-out size for the d +Au system. These patterns point to the important role of final-state re-scattering effects in the reaction dynamics of d +Au collisions.

  1. Big drinkers: how BMI, gender and rules of thumb influence the free pouring of wine.


    Smarandescu, Laura; Walker, Doug; Wansink, Brian


    This research examines free pouring behavior and provides an account of how Body Mass Index (BMI) and gender might lead to the overpouring, and consequently the overconsumption of wine. An observational study with young adults investigated how BMI and gender affect free-pouring of wine over a variety of pouring scenarios, and how rules-of-thumb in pouring affect the quantities of alcohol poured by men and women across BMI categories. For men, the amount poured was positively related to BMI. However, BMI did not affect pours by women. The use of the "half glass" rule-of-thumb in pouring reduced the volume of wine poured by over 20% for both men and women. Importantly, this rule-of-thumb substantially attenuated the pours by men at high BMI levels. Increasing awareness of pouring biases represents an early and effective step toward curbing alcohol consumption among men, and especially those who are overweight. Additionally, using a simple "half glass" rule-of-thumb may be an effective way to curb overpouring, despite non-standard glass sizes. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  3. First experience with the new .cern Top Level Domain

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alvarez, E.; Malo de Molina, M.; Salwerowicz, M.; Silva De Sousa, B.; Smith, T.; Wagner, A.


    In October 2015, CERN’s core website has been moved to a new address,, marking the launch of the brand new top-level domain .cern. In combination with a formal governance and registration policy, the IT infrastructure needed to be extended to accommodate the hosting of Web sites in this new top level domain. We will present the technical implementation in the framework of the CERN Web Services that allows to provide virtual hosting, a reverse proxy solution and that also includes the provisioning of SSL server certificates for secure communications.

  4. Dissemination of CERN's Technology Transfer: Added Value from Regional Transfer Agents

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hofer, Franz


    Technologies developed at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, are disseminated via a network of external technology transfer officers. Each of CERN's 20 member states has appointed at least one technology transfer officer to help establish links with CERN. This network has been in place since 2001 and early experiences indicate…

  5. Epidémiologie et facteurs de risque des complications respiratoires majeures après chirurgie de l'aorte abdominale au CHU Ibn Sina, Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Awab, Almahdi; Elahmadi, Brahim; Lamkinsi, Tarik; El Moussaoui, Rachid; El Hijri, Ahmed; Azzouzi, Abderrahim; Alilou, Mustapha


    Introduction L'incidence des complications respiratoires postopératoires (CRPO) reste très diversement appréciées selon les critères diagnostiques retenues dans les différentes études, ce qui la fait varier de 5 à plus de 50%. Les CRPO majeurs après chirurgie de l'aorte abdominale sont responsables d'une grande morbi-mortalité pouvant aller jusqu’à 36%, d'une durée d'hospitalisation et d'un coût plus importants. Ainsi dans l'optique d'améliorer notre prise en charge périopératoire de la chirurgie de l'aorte, nous avons décidé de mener une étude pour dresser le profil épidémiologique et déterminer les facteurs de risque des complications respiratoires dans notre contexte Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude de cohorte rétrospective du mois de Janvier 2007 au mois de décembre 2011 portant sur l'ensemble des patients opérés pour pathologie aortique au bloc opératoire central de l'hôpital Ibn Sina de Rabat, Maroc. Résultats Cent vingt cinq patients ont été inclus dans notre étude, 24 patients ont été opérés pour anévrysme de l'aorte abdominale et 101 patients pour lésion occlusive aortoiliaque. Dans notre série 22 malades soit 17,6% ont présenté une complication respiratoire majeure avec, une reventilation dans 4,8% des cas, une difficulté de sevrage de la ventilation artificielle dans 3,2% des cas, une pneumopathie dans 4% des cas, un syndrome de détresse respiratoire aigue (SDRA) dans 4% des cas et une nécessité de fibroaspiration bronchique dans 1,6% des cas. En analyse univariée: l’âge, la présence d'une BPCO avec dyspnée stade 3 ou 4, la présence d'une anomalie à l'EFR préopératoire, la présence d'un stade avancé (III ou IV) de LOAI et la reprise chirurgicale étaient statistiquement associés à la survenue d'une complication respiratoire postopératoire. En analyse multivariée, seule une anomalie à l'EFR en préopératoire constituait un facteur de risque indépendant de survenue d'une complication

  6. Offering Global Collaboration Services beyond CERN and HEP

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fernandes, J.; Ferreira, P.; Baron, T.


    The CERN IT department has built over the years a performant and integrated ecosystem of collaboration tools, from videoconference and webcast services to event management software. These services have been designed and evolved in very close collaboration with the various communities surrounding the laboratory and have been massively adopted by CERN users. To cope with this very heavy usage, global infrastructures have been deployed which take full advantage of CERN's international and global nature. If these services and tools are instrumental in enabling the worldwide collaboration which generates major HEP breakthroughs, they would certainly also benefit other sectors of science in which globalization has already taken place. Some of these services are driven by commercial software (Vidyo or Wowza for example), some others have been developed internally and have already been made available to the world as Open Source Software in line with CERN's spirit and mission. Indico for example is now installed in 100+ institutes worldwide. But providing the software is often not enough and institutes, collaborations and project teams do not always possess the expertise, or human or material resources that are needed to set up and maintain such services. Regional and national institutions have to answer needs, which are growingly global and often contradict their operational capabilities or organizational mandate and so are looking at existing worldwide service offers such as CERN's. We believe that the accumulated experience obtained through the operation of a large scale worldwide collaboration service combined with CERN's global network and its recently- deployed Agile Infrastructure would allow the Organization to set up and operate collaborative services, such as Indico and Vidyo, at a much larger scale and on behalf of worldwide research and education institutions and thus answer these pressing demands while optimizing resources at a global level. Such services would

  7. Appendicite aigue non compliquée: y a-t- il une place pour le traitement conservateur

    PubMed Central

    El Khader, Ahmed; Lahkim, Mohamed; El Barni, Rachid; Achour, Abdessamad


    Le but de cette étude a été d’évaluer l'efficacité de l'antibiothérapie seule dans le traitement des appendicites aigues non compliquées. C'est une étude prospective, intéressant 68 patients ayant eu une appendicite aigue simple, de confirmation radiologique, traités par l'amoxicilline associée à l'acide clavulanique pendant 10 jours. L'appendicectomie a été réalisée en cas d'aggravation ou en cas de non amélioration au bout de 48heures de traitement. Le traitement conservateur a été efficace dans 82,35% avec une résolution complète des symptômes chez 56 patients. Les 12 cas restants (17,65%) ont subit une appendicectomie. l'appendicite a été gangréneuse dans 8 cas et phlegmoneuse dans 4 cas. Cinq des 56 patients, qui ont bien évolué sous traitement conservateur, ont été réadmis et opérés pour récidive, soit 8,9%. Deux cas ont eu une appendicite compliquée. L'appendicectomie reste le traitement de référence pour l'appendicite aigue, mais le traitement antibiotique peut être proposé en première intension à des patients présentant une appendicite aigue non compliquée. PMID:26327981

  8. Sharing scientific discovery globally: toward a CERN virtual visit service

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Goldfarb, S.; Hatzifotiadou, D.; Lapka, M.; Papanestis, A.


    The installation of virtual visit services by the LHC collaborations began shortly after the first high-energy collisions were provided by the CERN accelerator in 2010. The experiments: ATLAS [1], CMS [2], LHCb [3], and ALICE [4] have all joined in this popular and effective method to bring the excitement of scientific exploration and discovery into classrooms and other public venues around the world. Their programmes, which use a combination of video conference, webcast, and video recording to communicate with remote audiences have already reached tens of thousands of viewers, and the demand only continues to grow. Other venues, such as the CERN Control Centre, are also considering similar permanent installations. We present a summary of the development of the various systems in use around CERN today, including the technology deployed and a variety of use cases. We then lay down the arguments for the creation of a CERN-wide service that would support these programmes in a more coherent and effective manner. Potential services include a central booking system and operational management similar to what is currently provided for the common CERN video conference facilities. Certain choices in technology could be made to support programmes based on popular tools including (but not limited to) Skype™ [5], Google Hangouts [6], Facebook Live [7], and Periscope [8]. Successful implementation of the project, which relies on close partnership between the experiments, CERN IT CDA [9], and CERN IR ECO [10], has the potential to reach an even larger, global audience, more effectively than ever before.

  9. Précipitation sélective de cations métalliques au moyen d'acide azélaïque issu de l'oxydation de l'acide oléique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zimmermann, F.; Meux, E.; Oget, N.; Lecuire, J. M.; Mieloszynski, J. L.


    Actuellement, les métaux présents dans les effluents liquides industriels sont précipités sous forme d'hydroxydes métalliques par ajout de lait de chaux. Les boues obtenues sont dirigées vers des centres de stockage de déchets ultimes sans possibilité de valorisation. Cette étude propose comme alternative au traitement actuel, une précipitation sélective par des réactifs qui peuvent être préparés à partir d'acides carboxyliques résultant de l'oxydation de l'acide oléique présent dans les huiles végétales. Cette publication présente dans un premier temps l'oxydation de l'acide oléique par le système oxydant NaIO4/RuO4 pour l'obtention de deux acides carboxyliques. Le rendement de l'oxydation de l'acide oléique est de 100% avec production des acides pélargonïque et azélaïque qui sont facilement purifiés par recristallisation dans l’eau. Dans un deuxième temps, cette étude présente la caractérisation de différents azélates métalliques. La détermination de leur stœchiométrie conduit à des composés de type MAz pour les cations divalents et M2Az3 pour les trivalents. Des mesures de solubilités ont été réalisées pour les azélates de Fe(III), Pb(II), Zn(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) et Ca(II). La gamme de solubilité s'étend de 1,17.10-2 M pour CaAz à 1,58.10-6 M pour Fe2Az3.

  10. The extraction characteristic of Au-Ag from Au concentrate by thiourea solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Bongju; Cho, Kanghee; On, Hyunsung; Choi, Nagchoul; Park, Cheonyoung


    The cyanidation process has been used commercially for the past 100 years, there are ores that are not amenable to treatment by cyanide. Interest in alternative lixiviants, such as thiourea, halogens, thiosulfate and malononitrile, has been revived as a result of a major increase in gold price, which has stimulated new developments in extraction technology, combined with environmental concern. The Au extraction process using the thiourea solvent has many advantages over the cyanidation process, including higher leaching rates, faster extraction time and less than toxicity. The purpose of this study was investigated to the extraction characteristic of Au-Ag from two different Au concentrate (sulfuric acid washing and roasting) under various experiment conditions (thiourea concentration, pH of solvent, temperature) by thiourea solvent. The result of extraction experiment showed that the Au-Ag extraction was a fast extraction process, reaching equilibrium (maximum extraction rate) within 30 min. The Au-Ag extraction rate was higher in the roasted concentrate than in the sulfuric acid washing. The higher the Au-Ag extraction rate (Au - 70.87%, Ag - 98.12%) from roasted concentrate was found when the more concentration of thiourea increased, pH decreased and extraction temperature increased. This study informs extraction method basic knowledge when thiourea was a possibility to eco-/economic resources of Au-Ag utilization studies including the hydrometallurgy.

  11. PREFACE: Lectures from the CERN Winter School on Strings, Supergravity and Gauge Theories, CERN, 9-13 February 2009 Lectures from the CERN Winter School on Strings, Supergravity and Gauge Theories, CERN, 9-13 February 2009

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Uranga, A. M.


    This special section is devoted to the proceedings of the conference `Winter School on Strings, Supergravity and Gauge Theories', which took place at CERN, the European Centre for Nuclear Research, in Geneva, Switzerland 9-13 February 2009. This event is part of a yearly series of scientific schools, which represents a well established tradition. Previous events have been held at SISSA, in Trieste, Italy, in February 2005 and at CERN in January 2006, January 2007 and January 2008, and were funded by the European Mobility Research and Training Network `Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe'. The next event will take place again at CERN, in January 2010. The school was primarily meant for young doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers working in the area of string theory. It consisted of several general lectures of four hours each, whose notes are published in this special section, and six working group discussion sessions, focused on specific topics of the network research program. It was well attended by over 200 participants. The topics of the lectures were chosen to provide an introduction to some of the areas of recent progress, and to the open problems, in string theory. One of the most active areas in string theory in recent years has been the AdS/CFT or gauge/gravity correspondence, which proposes the complete equivalence of string theory on (asymptotically) anti de Sitter spacetimes with certain quantum (gauge) field theories. The duality has recently been applied to understanding the hydrodynamical properties of a hot plasma in gauge theories (like the quark-gluon plasma created in heavy ion collisions at the RHIC experiment at Brookhaven, and soon at the LHC at CERN) in terms of a dual gravitational AdS theory in the presence of a black hole. These developments were reviewed in the lecture notes by M Rangamani. In addition, the AdS/CFT duality has been proposed as a tool to study interesting physical properties in other

  12. Submarine Structure Modeling and Analysis for Life-Cycle Management: Phase 2

    DTIC Science & Technology


    tous les emplacements de jauges extensométriques. Un certain nombre d’autres programmes FORTRAN ont également été mis au point pour incorporer dans... jauges extensométriques. Un certain nombre d’autres programmes FORTRAN ont également été mis au point pour incorporer dans les modèles par éléments

  13. Structure-activity relationships in cytotoxic Au(I)/Au(III) complexes derived from 2-(2'-pyridyl)benzimidazole.


    Maiore, Laura; Aragoni, Maria Carla; Deiana, Carlo; Cinellu, Maria Agostina; Isaia, Francesco; Lippolis, Vito; Pintus, Anna; Serratrice, Maria; Arca, Massimiliano


    Gold(I) and gold(III) complexes derived from 2-(2'-pyridyl)benzimidazole (pbiH) were proven to be a promising class of in vitro antitumor agents against A2780 human ovarian cancer cells. In this paper, a comparative electrochemical, UV-vis absorption, and emission spectroscopic investigation is reported on pbiH, the two mononuclear Au(III) complexes [(pbi)AuX2] (X = Cl (1), AcO (2)), the four mononuclear Au(I) derivatives [(pbiH)AuCl] (3), [(pbiH)Au(PPh3)]PF6 ((4(+))(PF6(-))), [(pbi)Au(PPh3)] (5), and [(pbi)Au(TPA)] (6), the three mixed-valence Au(III)/Au(I) complexes [(μ-pbi)Au2Cl3] (7), [(Ph3P)Au(μ-pbi)AuX2]PF6 (X = Cl ((8(+))(PF6(-))), AcO ((9(+))(PF6(-)))), and the binuclear Au(I)-Au(I) compound [(μ-pbi)Au2(PPh3)2]PF6 ((10(+))(PF6(-))). All complexes feature irreversible reduction processes related to the Au(III)/Au(I) or Au(I)/Au(0) processes and peculiar luminescent emission at about 360-370 nm in CH2Cl2, with quantum yields that are remarkably lower ((0.7-14.5) × 10(-2)) in comparison to that determined for the free pbiH ligand (31.5 × 10(-2)) in the same solvent. The spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of all complexes were interpreted on the grounds of time-dependent PBE0/DFT calculations carried out both in the gas phase and in CH2Cl2 implicitly considered within the IEF-PCM SCRF approach. The electronic structure of the complexes, and in particular the energy and composition of the Kohn-Sham LUMOs, can be related to the antiproliferative properties against the A2780 ovarian carcinoma cell line, providing sound quantitative structure-activity relationships and shedding a light on the role played by the global charge and nature of ancillary ligands in the effectiveness of Au-based antitumor drugs.

  14. Ablation laser pour la microélectronique plastique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alloncle, A.-P.; Thomas, B.; Grojo, D.; Delaporte, Ph.; Sentis, M.; Sanaur, S.; Barret, M.; Collot, Ph.


    La microélectronique plastique connaît un développement sans précédent dans le domaine de la recherche. Cette étude s'intéresse à l'utilisation des lasers impulsionnels pour la réalisation de composants organiques sur supports souples. Les deux aspects plus particulièrement étudiés sont d'une part la gravure de polymère pour réaliser un canal entre la source et le drain, et d'autre part le développement d'un procédéde dépôt appelé LIFT pour Laser Induced Forward Transfer. Ce dernier pourrait notamment permettre dedéposer des composés organiques non solubles.

  15. History of Cern

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Cérémonie à l'occasion de l'apparition du premier volume du livre sur l'histoire du Cern, avec plusieurs personnes présentes qui jouaient un rôle important dans cette organisation européenne couronnée de succès grâce à l'esprit des membres fondateurs qui est et restera essentiel

  16. Charged hadron transverse momentum distributions in Au+Au collisions at S=200 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roland, Christof; PHOBOS Collaboration; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Ballintijn, M.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    We present transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons produced in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV. The evolution of the spectra for transverse momenta p_T from 0.25 to 5GeV/c is studied as a function of collision centrality over a range from 65 to 344 participating nucleons. We find a significant change of the spectral shape between proton-antiproton and peripheral Au+Au collisions. Comparing peripheral to central Au+Au collisions, we find that the yields at the highest p_T exhibit approximate scaling with the number of participating nucleons, rather than scaling with the number of binary collisions.

  17. A Statistical Treatment of Bioassay Pour Fractions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Barengoltz, Jack; Hughes, David W.


    The binomial probability distribution is used to treat the statistics of a microbiological sample that is split into two parts, with only one part evaluated for spore count. One wishes to estimate the total number of spores in the sample based on the counts obtained from the part that is evaluated (pour fraction). Formally, the binomial distribution is recharacterized as a function of the observed counts (successes), with the total number (trials) an unknown. The pour fraction is the probability of success per spore (trial). This distribution must be renormalized in terms of the total number. Finally, the new renormalized distribution is integrated and mathematically inverted to yield the maximum estimate of the total number as a function of a desired level of confidence ( P(pour fraction. The extension to recovery efficiency corrections is also presented. Now the product of recovery efficiency and pour fraction may be small enough that the likely value may be much larger than the usual calculation: the number of spores divided by that product. The use of this analysis would not be limited to microbiological data.


    PubMed Central

    Brousselle, Astrid


    Résumé L’évaluateur doit porter attention aux distorsions qu’il contribue à créer lorsqu’il utilise l’entrevue comme méthode de collecte de données. L’évaluation est un exercice politique qui, placé dans un contexte politique, peut favoriser l’émergence de discours de résistance à l’objectivation. À partir des entrevues que nous avons effectuées lors de l’évaluation du processus d’implantation de l’initiative ONUSIDA d’accès aux médicaments au Chili, nous illustrons différentes tactiques que les acteurs utilisent et qui peuvent soit attirer la sympathie de l’évaluateur, soit faire obstacle à son besoin d’information. Nous présentons une méthode d’analyse que l’évaluateur peut utiliser pour redonner du sens aux discours de résistance. PMID:23997421

  19. Corrigendum to “Suppression of Υ production in d+Au and Au+Au collisions at √ SNN = 200 GeV" [Phys. Lett. B 735 (2014) 127-137


    Adamczyk, L.


    We report measurements of Υ meson production in p + p, d + Au, and Au+Au collisions using the STAR detector at RHIC. We compare the Υ yield to the measured cross section in p + p collisions in order to quantify any modifications of the yield in cold nuclear matter using d + Au data and in hot nuclear matter using Au+Au data separated into three centrality classes. Our p + p measurement is based on three times the statistics of our previous result. We obtain a nuclear modification factor for Upsilon (1S + 2S + 3S) in themore » rapidity range |y| < 1 in d + Au collisions of R dAu = 0.79 ± 0.24(stat.) ± 0.03(syst.) ± 0.10(p + p syst.). A comparison with models including shadowing and initial state parton energy loss indicates the presence of additional cold-nuclear matter suppression. Similarly, in the top 10% most-central Au + Au collisions, we measure a nuclear modification factor of R AA = 0.49 ±0.1(stat.) ±0.02(syst.) ±0.06(p + p syst.), which is a larger suppression factor than that seen in cold nuclear matter. Our results are consistent with complete suppression of excited-state Upsilon mesons in Au + Au collisions. The additional suppression in Au + Au is consistent with the level expected in model calculations that include the presence of a hot, deconfined Quark–Gluon Plasma. However, understanding the suppression seen in d + Au is still needed before any definitive statements about the nature of the suppression in Au + Au can be made.« less

  20. Corrigendum to “Suppression of Υ production in d+Au and Au+Au collisions at √ SNN = 200 GeV" [Phys. Lett. B 735 (2014) 127-137

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Adamczyk, L.

    We report measurements of Υ meson production in p + p, d + Au, and Au+Au collisions using the STAR detector at RHIC. We compare the Υ yield to the measured cross section in p + p collisions in order to quantify any modifications of the yield in cold nuclear matter using d + Au data and in hot nuclear matter using Au+Au data separated into three centrality classes. Our p + p measurement is based on three times the statistics of our previous result. We obtain a nuclear modification factor for Upsilon (1S + 2S + 3S) in themore » rapidity range |y| < 1 in d + Au collisions of R dAu = 0.79 ± 0.24(stat.) ± 0.03(syst.) ± 0.10(p + p syst.). A comparison with models including shadowing and initial state parton energy loss indicates the presence of additional cold-nuclear matter suppression. Similarly, in the top 10% most-central Au + Au collisions, we measure a nuclear modification factor of R AA = 0.49 ±0.1(stat.) ±0.02(syst.) ±0.06(p + p syst.), which is a larger suppression factor than that seen in cold nuclear matter. Our results are consistent with complete suppression of excited-state Upsilon mesons in Au + Au collisions. The additional suppression in Au + Au is consistent with the level expected in model calculations that include the presence of a hot, deconfined Quark–Gluon Plasma. However, understanding the suppression seen in d + Au is still needed before any definitive statements about the nature of the suppression in Au + Au can be made.« less

  1. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010




    The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe. The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons. Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva.

  2. Diphosphine-protected ultrasmall gold nanoclusters: opened icosahedral Au 13 and heart-shaped Au 8 clusters

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhang, Shan-Shan; Feng, Lei; Senanayake, Ravithree D.

    Two ultrasmall gold clusters, Au 13 and Au 8 , were identified as a distorted I h icosahedral Au 13 and edge-shared “core + 4 exo ” structure Au 8 S 2 cores, respectively. They showed interesting luminescence and electrochemical properties.

  3. Diphosphine-protected ultrasmall gold nanoclusters: opened icosahedral Au 13 and heart-shaped Au 8 clusters


    Zhang, Shan-Shan; Feng, Lei; Senanayake, Ravithree D.; ...


    Two ultrasmall gold clusters, Au 13 and Au 8 , were identified as a distorted I h icosahedral Au 13 and edge-shared “core + 4 exo ” structure Au 8 S 2 cores, respectively. They showed interesting luminescence and electrochemical properties.

  4. LHC, le Big Bang en éprouvette

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)


    Notre compréhension de l’Univers est en train de changer… Bar des Sciences - Tout public Débat modéré par Marie-Odile Montchicourt, journaliste de France Info. Evenement en vidéoconférence entre le Globe de la science et de l’innovation, le bar le Baloard de Montpellier et la Maison des Métallos à Paris. Intervenants au CERN : Philippe Charpentier et Daniel Froideveaux, physiciens au CERN. Intervenants à Paris : Vincent Bontemps, philosophe et chercheur au CEA ; Jacques Arnould, philosophe, historien des sciences et théologien, Jean-Jacques Beineix, réalisateur, producteur, scénariste de cinéma. Intervenants à Montpellier (LPTA) : André Neveu, physicien théoricien et directeur demore » recherche au CNRS ; Gilbert Moultaka, physicien théoricien et chargé de recherche au CNRS. Partenariat : CERN, CEA, IN2P3, Université MPL2 (LPTA) Dans le cadre de la Fête de la science 2008.« less

  5. Facteurs influençant l'initiation au traitement antirétroviral des personnes vivant avec le VIH dans les Centres de Traitement Agréés de Bamenda et de Bertoua au Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Voundi, Esther Voundi; Kalla, Ginette Claude Mireille; Emah, Irène; Angwafo, Fru; Muna, Walinjom


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer les facteurs influençant l'initiation au traitement antirétroviral des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) dans les centres de traitements agrées (CTA) de Bamenda et de Bertoua au Cameroun. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, analytique réalisée de Janvier à Avril 2011, dans les CTA de Bamenda et de Bertoua. Pour cette étude, nous avons obtenu une clairance éthique. Résultats Nous avons étudiés 460 dossiers de patients séropositifs en phase d'initiation au traitement antirétroviral dans les CTA de Bamenda et de Bertoua, 53,9% et 46,1% respectivement. L ‘âge médian était de 36 ans. La plupart des séropositifs à Bertoua (41) avaient fait un dépistage volontaire du VIH par rapport à ceux de Bamenda (22) (p= 0.008). Il y ‘avait plus de VIH de type 1 et 2 dans le CTA de Bamenda (15) par rapport à Bertoua (3) (p= 0.011). La majorité des patients était classé au stade clinique II à Bamenda (54,0%) tandis qu ‘à Bertoua le stade clinique III était prédominant (52,4%) (p = 0,000). Le taux médian de CD4 était de 133 cellules/mm3 dans le CTA de Bamenda et de 175 cellules/mm3 à Bertoua (p = 0,008). La Zidovudine était plus prescrit à Bamenda et le Ténofovir à Bertoua (p = 0,000). L ‘Efavirenz était plus prescrit à Bertoua tandis que la Névirapine l ‘était plus à Bamenda (p = 0,000). Le Lopinavir/r était plus prescrit à Bamenda qu ‘à Bertoua (p = 0,017). Conclusion Il apparait urgent de standardiser la prise en charge des PVVIH dans les CTA du Cameroun. PMID:25184023

  6. Identified particle distributions in pp and Au+Au collisions atsqrt sNN=200 GeV

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Adams, J.; Adler, C.; Aggarwal, M.M.


    Transverse mass and rapidity distributions for charged pions, charged kaons, protons and antiprotons are reported for {radical}sNN = 200 GeV pp and Au+Au collisions at RHIC. The transverse mass distributions are rapidity independent within |y| < 0.5, consistent with a boost-invariant system in this rapidity interval. Spectral shapes and relative particle yields are similar in pp and peripheral Au+Au collisions and change smoothly to central Au+Au collisions. No centrality dependence was observed in the kaon and antiproton production rates relative to the pion production rate from medium-central to central collisions. Chemical and kinetic equilibrium model fits to our data revealmore » strong radial flow and relatively long duration from chemical to kinetic freeze-out in central Au+Au collisions. The chemical freeze-out temperature appears to be independent of initial conditions at RHIC energies.« less

  7. Methode d'identification parametrique pour la surveillance in situ des joints a recouvrement par propagation d'ondes vibratoires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Francoeur, Dany

    Cette these de doctorat s'inscrit dans le cadre de projets CRIAQ (Consortium de recherche et d'innovation en aerospatiale du Quebec) orientes vers le developpement d'approches embarquees pour la detection de defauts dans des structures aeronautiques. L'originalite de cette these repose sur le developpement et la validation d'une nouvelle methode de detection, quantification et localisation d'une entaille dans une structure de joint a recouvrement par la propagation d'ondes vibratoires. La premiere partie expose l'etat des connaissances sur l'identification d'un defaut dans le contexte du Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), ainsi que la modelisation de joint a recouvrements. Le chapitre 3 developpe le modele de propagation d'onde d'un joint a recouvrement endommage par une entaille pour une onde de flexion dans la plage des moyennes frequences (10-50 kHz). A cette fin, un modele de transmission de ligne (TLM) est realise pour representer un joint unidimensionnel (1D). Ce modele 1D est ensuite adapte a un joint bi-dimensionnel (2D) en faisant l'hypothese d'un front d'onde plan incident et perpendiculaire au joint. Une methode d'identification parametrique est ensuite developpee pour permettre a la fois la calibration du modele du joint a recouvrement sain, la detection puis la caracterisation de l'entaille situee sur le joint. Cette methode est couplee a un algorithme qui permet une recherche exhaustive de tout l'espace parametrique. Cette technique permet d'extraire une zone d'incertitude reliee aux parametres du modele optimal. Une etude de sensibilite est egalement realisee sur l'identification. Plusieurs resultats de mesure sur des joints a recouvrements 1D et 2D sont realisees permettant ainsi l'etude de la repetabilite des resultats et la variabilite de differents cas d'endommagement. Les resultats de cette etude demontrent d'abord que la methode de detection proposee est tres efficace et permet de suivre la progression d'endommagement. De tres bons resultats


    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    AERIAL OF SHUTTLE LANDING FACILITY [SLF] POURING CONCRETE ON RUNWAY KSC-375C-10036.32 108-KSC-375C-10036.32, P-21425, ARCHIVE-04501 Aerial oblique of Shuttle Landing Facility. Pouring concrete on runway. Direction North - Altitude 100'.

  9. Evaluation d’un enseignement par les étudiants appliquée au module « aide à la rédaction de thèse»: destiné aux internes des hôpitaux des Armées au Centre d’épidémiologie et de Santé Publique des Armées, Marseille

    PubMed Central

    Kasouati, Jalal; Velut, Guillaume; Deparis, Xavier; Touloune, Farida


    Introduction En éducation, l'évaluation concerne les institutions de formation, les programmes, les enseignants ou les étudiants. Elle peut être prédictive, sommative ou formative. L'Evaluation d'un Enseignement par les Etudiants (EEE) est l'un des outils de ce dernier type. Objectif Évaluer l'enseignement de la première partie de la formation « aide à la rédaction de thèse ». Méthodes C'est une étude transversale classée dans le cadre « EEE » qui a porté sur le module « aide à la rédaction de thèse » dispensée au CESPA au profit de 27 participants préparant leur projet de fin d'étude. Résultats Le taux de réponse des participants présents était de 100%. D'un sexe ratio F/M de 2 et de une moyenne d'âge de 25,5 ans +/- 2,7 ans, les questionnés étaient majoritairement des internes de médecine générale. Plus de 85% affirmait n'avoir bénéficié d'aucune formation au préalable dans les domaines traités. Les participants avaient des attentes qui rejoignaient sommairement les objectifs de la formation. A part le rythme jugé non adapté par plus de la moitié, 80% des participants ont été satisfaits des autres aspects évalués et 95,8% parmi eux prévoyaient d'assister à la deuxième partie de la formation Pour tout les participants, la formation a permis d'amélioré de façon significative leur connaissance et aurais certainement un impact positif sur leurs travaux de recherche. Conclusion Notre travail était un moyen d'installer une certaine complicité entre les étudiants et les enseignants pour atteindre un objectif commun: « AMELIORER LA FORMATION ». PMID:27800091

  10. Charged hadron transverse momentum distributions in Au+Au collisions at √ SNN = 200 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Ballintijn, M.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.; van Nieuwenhuizen, Gerrit; PHOBOS Collaboration


    We present transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons produced in Au+Au collisions at √ SNN = 200 GeV. The evolution of the spectra for transverse momenta p T from 0.25 to 5 GeV/C is studied as a function of collision centrality. We find a significant change of the spectral shape between proton-antiproton and peripheral Au+Au collisions. When comparing peripheral to central Au+Au collisions, we find that the yields at the highest p T exhibit approximate scaling with the number of participating nucleons, rather than scaling with the number of binary collisions.

  11. Dependence of the pour point of diesel fuels on the properties of the initial components

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ostashov, V. M.; Bobrovskiy, S. A.


    An analytical expression is obtained for the dependence of the pour point of diesel fuels on the pour point and weight relationship of the initial components. For determining the pour point of a multicomponent fuel mixture, it is assumed that the mixture of two components has the pour point of a separate equivalent component, then calculating the pour point of this equivalent component mixed with a third component, etc.

  12. Synthesis, structure, and bonding in K12Au21Sn4. A polar intermetallic compound with dense Au20 and open AuSn4 layers.


    Li, Bin; Kim, Sung-Jin; Miller, Gordon J; Corbett, John D


    The new phase K(12)Au(21)Sn(4) has been synthesized by direct reaction of the elements at elevated temperatures. Single crystal X-ray diffraction established its orthorhombic structure, space group Pmmn (No. 59), a = 12.162(2); b = 18.058(4); c = 8.657(2) A, V = 1901.3(7) A(3), and Z = 2. The structure consists of infinite puckered sheets of vertex-sharing gold tetrahedra (Au(20)) that are tied together by thin layers of alternating four-bonded-Sn and -Au atoms (AuSn(4)). Remarkably, the dense but electron-poorer blocks of Au tetrahedra coexist with more open and saturated Au-Sn layers, which are fragments of a zinc blende type structure that maximize tetrahedral heteroatomic bonding outside of the network of gold tetrahedra. LMTO band structure calculations reveal metallic properties and a pseudogap at 256 valence electrons per formula unit, only three electrons fewer than in the title compound and at a point at which strong Au-Sn bonding is optimized. Additionally, the tight coordination of the Au framework atoms by K plays an important bonding role: each Au tetrahedra has 10 K neighbors and each K atom has 8-12 Au contacts. The appreciably different role of the p element Sn in this structure from that in the triel members in K(3)Au(5)In and Rb(2)Au(3)Tl appears to arise from its higher electron count which leads to better p-bonding (valence electron concentrations = 1.32 versus 1.22).

  13. Evidence from d+Au measurements for final-state suppression of high-p(T) hadrons in Au+Au collisions at RHIC.


    Adams, J; Adler, C; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Badyal, S K; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellwied, R; Berger, J; Bezverkhny, B I; Bhardwaj, S; Bhaskar, P; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Billmeier, A; Bland, L C; Blyth, C O; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Boucham, A; Brandin, A; Bravar, A; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Carroll, J; Castillo, J; Castro, M; Cebra, D; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, Y; Chernenko, S P; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Choi, B; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dubey, A K; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Majumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Fachini, P; Faine, V; Faivre, J; Fatemi, R; Filimonov, K; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flierl, D; Foley, K J; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Ganti, M S; Gagunashvili, N; Gans, J; Gaudichet, L; Germain, M; Geurts, F; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Grachov, O; Grigoriev, V; Gronstal, S; Grosnick, D; Guedon, M; Guertin, S M; Gupta, A; Gushin, E; Gutierrez, T D; Hallman, T J; Hardtke, D; Harris, J W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Herston, T; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffmann, G W; Horsley, M; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Ishihara, A; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Janik, M; Johnson, I; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kaneta, M; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Klay, J; Klein, S R; Klyachko, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Konstantinov, A S; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kovalenko, A D; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kunde, G J; Kunz, C L; Kutuev, R Kh; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lansdell, C P; Lasiuk, B; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednický, R; Leontiev, V M; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Liu, Q J; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Lopez-Noriega, M; Love, W A; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, J; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahajan, S; Mangotra, L K; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Marx, J; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McShane, T S; Meissner, F; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Messer, M; Miller, M L; Milosevich, Z; Minaev, N G; Mironov, C; Mishra, D; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Mora-Corral, M J; Morozov, V; de Moura, M M; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nayak, S K; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nevski, P; Nikitin, V A; Nogach, L V; Norman, B; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Paic, G; Pandey, S U; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Peryt, W; Petrov, V A; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rai, G; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ravel, O; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reichhold, D; Reid, J G; Renault, G; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevski, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L J; Rykov, V; Sahoo, R; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Savin, I; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schroeder, L S; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Seliverstov, D; Seyboth, P; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shestermanov, K E; Shimanskii, S S; Singaraju, R N; Simon, F; Skoro, G; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Struck, C; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Szarwas, P; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Tikhomirov, V; Tokarev, M; Tonjes, M B; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Trivedi, M D; Trofimov, V; Tsai, O; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; VanderMolen, A M; Vasiliev, A N; Vasiliev, M; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, X L; Wang, Z M; Ward, H; Watson, J W; Wells, R; Westfall, G D; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Willson, R; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Z; Xu, Z Z; Yakutin, A E; Yamamoto, E; Yang, J; Yepes, P; Yurevich, V I; Zanevski, Y V; Zborovský, I; Zhang, H; Zhang, H Y; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Z P; Zołnierczuk, P A; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, J; Zubarev, A N


    We report measurements of single-particle inclusive spectra and two-particle azimuthal distributions of charged hadrons at high transverse momentum (high p(T)) in minimum bias and central d+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200 GeV. The inclusive yield is enhanced in d+Au collisions relative to binary-scaled p+p collisions, while the two-particle azimuthal distributions are very similar to those observed in p+p collisions. These results demonstrate that the strong suppression of the inclusive yield and back-to-back correlations at high p(T) previously observed in central Au+Au collisions are due to final-state interactions with the dense medium generated in such collisions.

  14. Etude séro-épidémiologique de la leishmaniose canine au centre du Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Fellah, Hajiba; Doughmi, Oursula; Maniar, Saâd; Lalami, Abdelhakim El Ouali


    Dans le monde, la leishmaniose viscérale humaine est connue pour avoir comme principale source d'infection les Canidés domestiques et sauvages. Au centre du Maroc, les données épidémiologiques, cliniques et parasitologiques sur la leishmaniose canine, sont quasiment inexistantes. Ce travail traite une étude prospective au cours de laquelle 61 sérums canins ont été analysés par un test rapide et par l'immunofluorescence indirecte. La sensibilité du test rapide par rapport à celle de l'immunofluorescence indirecte (IFI) est de 33,33%. La fréquence de la maladie chez les chiens s’élève à 9,83% (Test Rapide) et 24,59% (IFI). 73,33% des cas canins positifs à la sérologie sont asymptomatiques. Ce sont les jeunes chiens de moins de 5 ans qui sont les plus fréquemment atteints avec une sensibilité de la race Berger Allmand à l'infection. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence la présence de chiens leishmaniens (15 chiens séropositifs parmi 61) et de prouver l'existence du réservoir canin. Une stratégie de prévention active doit être mise en place. PMID:25852791

  15. HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS: Bulgarians Sue CERN for Leniency.


    Koenig, R


    In cash-strapped Bulgaria, scientists are wondering whether a ticket for a front-row seat in high-energy physics is worth the price: Membership dues in CERN, the European particle physics lab, nearly equal the country's entire budget for competitive research grants. Faced with that grim statistic and a plea for leniency from Bulgaria's government, CERN's governing council is considering slashing the country's membership dues for the next 2 years.

  16. Flow in Au+Au collisions at RHIC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Belt Tonjes, Marguerite; the PHOBOS Collaboration; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Wozniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    The study of flow can provide information on the initial state dynamics and the degree of equilibration attained in heavy-ion collisions. This contribution presents results for both elliptic and directed flow as determined from data recorded by the PHOBOS experiment in Au+Au runs at RHIC at \\sqrt{sNN} = 19.6, 130 and 200 GeV. The PHOBOS detector provides a unique coverage in pseudorapidity for measuring flow at RHIC. The systematic dependence of flow on pseudorapidity, transverse momentum, centrality and energy is discussed.

  17. Flow in Au+Au collisions at RHIC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Belt Tonjes, Marguerite; PHOBOS Collaboration; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Holynski, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Wozniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wyslouch, B.


    The study of flow can provide information on the initial state dynamics and the degree of equilibration attained in heavy-ion collisions. This contribution presents results for both elliptic and directed flow as determined from data recorded by the PHOBOS experiment in Au+Au runs at RHIC at \\sqrt{s_{{\\rm NN}}} = 19.6, 130 and 200 GeV. The PHOBOS detector provides a unique coverage in pseudorapidity for measuring flow at RHIC. The systematic dependence of flow on pseudorapidity, transverse momentum, centrality and energy is discussed.

  18. Nanoporous Au structures by dealloying Au/Ag thermal- or laser-dewetted bilayers on surfaces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ruffino, F.; Torrisi, V.; Grillo, R.; Cacciato, G.; Zimbone, M.; Piccitto, G.; Grimaldi, M. G.


    Nanoporous Au attracts great technological interest and it is a promising candidate for optical and electrochemical sensors. In addition to nanoporous Au leafs and films, recently, interest was focused on nanoporous Au micro- and nano-structures on surfaces. In this work we report on the study of the characteristics of nanoporous Au structures produced on surfaces. We developed the following procedures to fabricate the nanoporous Au structures: we deposited thin Au/Ag bilayers on SiO2 or FTO (fluorine-doped tin oxide) substrates with thickness xAu and xAg of the Au and Ag layers; we induced the alloying and dewetting processes of the bilayers by furnace annealing processes of the bilayers deposited on SiO2 and by laser irradiations of the bilayers deposited on FTO; the alloying and dewetting processes result in the formation of AuxAgy alloy sub-micron particles being x and y tunable by xAu and xAg. These particles are dealloyed in HNO3 solution to remove the Ag atoms. We obtain, so, nanoporous sub-micron Au particles on the substrates. Analyzing the characteristics of these particles we find that: a) the size and shape of the particles depend on the nature of the dewetting process (solid-state dewetting on SiO2, molten-state dewetting on FTO); b) the porosity fraction of the particles depends on how the alloying process is reached: about 32% of porosity for the particles fabricated by the furnace annealing at 900 °C, about 45% of porosity for the particles fabricated by the laser irradiation at 0.5 J/cm2, in both cases independently on the Ag concentration in the alloy; c) After the dealloying process the mean volume of the Au particles shrinks of about 39%; d) After an annealing at 400 °C the nanoporous Au particles reprise their initial volume while the porosity fraction is reduced. Arguments to justify these behaviors are presented.

  19. Comment on “the ground-state structures of Au10-, Au8Ni and Au9Ni clusters”

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zheng, Ben-Xia; Die, Dong; Li, Qian-Qian; Dai, Ming-Liang; Li, Zhi-Qin; Yang, Ji-Xian


    The lowest energy structures of Aun+1- and AunNi (n = 2-9) clusters have been researched using the CALYPSO structure searching method in conjunction with the density functional theory. It is found that the most stable structures of Au10-, Au8Ni and Au9Ni clusters reported by Tang et al. [C. M. Tang, X. X. Chen and X. D. Yang, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 28, 1450138 (2014)] are low-lying isomers. The correct ground states and vibrational spectra are given in this paper.

  20. Inverse Catalysts for CO Oxidation: Enhanced Oxide–Metal Interactions in MgO/Au(111), CeO 2/Au(111), and TiO 2/Au(111)


    Palomino, Robert M.; Gutiérrez, Ramón A.; Liu, Zongyuan; ...


    Au(111) does not bind CO and O 2 well. The deposition of small nanoparticles of MgO, CeO 2, and TiO 2 on Au(111) produces excellent catalysts for CO oxidation at room temperature. In an inverse oxide/metal configuration there is a strong enhancement of the oxide–metal interactions, and the inverse catalysts are more active than conventional Au/MgO(001), Au/CeO 2(111), and Au/TiO 2(110) catalysts. An identical trend was seen after comparing the CO oxidation activity of TiO2/Au and Au/TiO 2 powder catalysts. In the model systems, the activity increased following the sequence: MgO/Au(111) < CeO 2/Au(111) < TiO 2/Au(111). Ambient pressure X-raymore » photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS) was used to elucidate the role of the titania–gold interface in inverse TiO 2/Au(111) model catalysts during CO oxidation. Stable surface intermediates such as CO(ads), CO 3 2–(ads), and OH(ads) were identified under reaction conditions. CO 3 2–(ads) and OH(ads) behaved as spectators. The concentration of CO(ad) initially increased and then decreased with increasing TiO 2 coverage, demonstrating a clear role of the Ti–Au interface and the size of the TiO 2 nanostructures in the catalytic process. Overall, our results show an enhancement in the strength of the oxide–metal interactions when working with inverse oxide/metal configurations, a phenomenon that can be utilized for the design of efficient catalysts useful for green and sustainable chemistry.« less

  1. Inverse Catalysts for CO Oxidation: Enhanced Oxide–Metal Interactions in MgO/Au(111), CeO 2/Au(111), and TiO 2/Au(111)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Palomino, Robert M.; Gutiérrez, Ramón A.; Liu, Zongyuan

    Au(111) does not bind CO and O 2 well. The deposition of small nanoparticles of MgO, CeO 2, and TiO 2 on Au(111) produces excellent catalysts for CO oxidation at room temperature. In an inverse oxide/metal configuration there is a strong enhancement of the oxide–metal interactions, and the inverse catalysts are more active than conventional Au/MgO(001), Au/CeO 2(111), and Au/TiO 2(110) catalysts. An identical trend was seen after comparing the CO oxidation activity of TiO2/Au and Au/TiO 2 powder catalysts. In the model systems, the activity increased following the sequence: MgO/Au(111) < CeO 2/Au(111) < TiO 2/Au(111). Ambient pressure X-raymore » photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS) was used to elucidate the role of the titania–gold interface in inverse TiO 2/Au(111) model catalysts during CO oxidation. Stable surface intermediates such as CO(ads), CO 3 2–(ads), and OH(ads) were identified under reaction conditions. CO 3 2–(ads) and OH(ads) behaved as spectators. The concentration of CO(ad) initially increased and then decreased with increasing TiO 2 coverage, demonstrating a clear role of the Ti–Au interface and the size of the TiO 2 nanostructures in the catalytic process. Overall, our results show an enhancement in the strength of the oxide–metal interactions when working with inverse oxide/metal configurations, a phenomenon that can be utilized for the design of efficient catalysts useful for green and sustainable chemistry.« less

  2. Hands on CERN: A Well-Used Physics Education Project

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Johansson, K. E.


    The "Hands on CERN" education project makes it possible for students and teachers to get close to the forefront of scientific research. The project confronts the students with contemporary physics at its most fundamental level with the help of particle collisions from the DELPHI particle physics experiment at CERN. It now exists in 14 languages…

  3. Measurement of antiproton annihilation on Cu, Ag and Au with emulsion films

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aghion, S.; Amsler, C.; Ariga, A.; Ariga, T.; Bonomi, G.; Bräunig, P.; Brusa, R. S.; Cabaret, L.; Caccia, M.; Caravita, R.; Castelli, F.; Cerchiari, G.; Comparat, D.; Consolati, G.; Demetrio, A.; Di Noto, L.; Doser, M.; Ereditato, A.; Evans, C.; Ferragut, R.; Fesel, J.; Fontana, A.; Gerber, S.; Giammarchi, M.; Gligorova, A.; Guatieri, F.; Haider, S.; Hinterberger, A.; Holmestad, H.; Huse, T.; Kawada, J.; Kellerbauer, A.; Kimura, M.; Krasnický, D.; Lagomarsino, V.; Lansonneur, P.; Lebrun, P.; Malbrunot, C.; Mariazzi, S.; Matveev, V.; Mazzotta, Z.; Müller, S. R.; Nebbia, G.; Nedelec, P.; Oberthaler, M.; Pacifico, N.; Pagano, D.; Penasa, L.; Petracek, V.; Pistillo, C.; Prelz, F.; Prevedelli, M.; Ravelli, L.; Rienaecker, B.; RØhne, O. M.; Rotondi, A.; Sacerdoti, M.; Sandaker, H.; Santoro, R.; Scampoli, P.; Simon, M.; Smestad, L.; Sorrentino, F.; Testera, G.; Tietje, I. C.; Vamosi, S.; Vladymyrov, M.; Widmann, E.; Yzombard, P.; Zimmer, C.; Zmeskal, J.; Zurlo, N.


    The characteristics of low energy antiproton annihilations on nuclei (e.g. hadronization and product multiplicities) are not well known, and Monte Carlo simulation packages that use different models provide different descriptions of the annihilation events. In this study, we measured the particle multiplicities resulting from antiproton annihilations on nuclei. The results were compared with predictions obtained using different models in the simulation tools GEANT4 and FLUKA. For this study, we exposed thin targets (Cu, Ag and Au) to a very low energy antiproton beam from CERN's Antiproton Decelerator, exploiting the secondary beamline available in the AEgIS experimental zone. The antiproton annihilation products were detected using emulsion films developed at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics in Bern, where they were analysed at the automatic microscope facility. The fragment multiplicity measured in this study is in good agreement with results obtained with FLUKA simulations for both minimally and heavily ionizing particles.

  4. History of Cern




    Cérémonie à l'occasion de l'apparition du premier volume du livre sur l'histoire du Cern, avec plusieurs personnes présentes qui jouaient un rôle important dans cette organisation européenne couronnée de succès grâce à l'esprit des membres fondateurs qui est et restera essentiel

  5. Influence of Au and TiO2 structures on hydrogen dissociation over TiO2/Au(100)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nakamura, I.; Mantoku, H.; Furukawa, T.; Takahashi, A.; Fujitani, T.


    We performed H2-D2 exchange reactions over TiOx/Au(100) and compared the observed reaction kinetics with those reported for TiOx/Au(111) in order to clarify the influence of the Au and TiO2 structures on dissociation of H2 molecules. Low energy electron diffraction observations showed that the TiO2 produced on Au(100) was disordered, in contrast to the comparatively ordered TiO2 structure formed on Au(111). The activation energies and the turnover frequencies for HD formation over TiO2/Au(100) agreed well with those for TiO2/Au(111), clearly indicating that the hydrogen dissociation sites created over TiO2/Au(100) were the perimeter interface between stoichiometric TiO2 and Au, as was previously concluded for TiO2/Au(111). We concluded that the creation of active sites for hydrogen dissociation was independent of the Au and TiO2 structures consisting perimeter interface, and that local bonds that formed between Au and O atoms of stoichiometric TiO2 were essential for the creation of active sites.

  6. Elastomeric impression materials: a comparison of accuracy of multiple pours.


    Kumar, Dheeraj; Madihalli, Anand U; Reddy, K Rajeev Kumar; Rastogi, Namrataa; Pradeep, N T


    The aim of the present study is to compare the various elastomeric impression materials in terms of accuracy and dimensional stability, with respect to obtaining multiple casts from a single elastomeric impression at various times of pours. Three master dies were prepared for the impression making, two of these were made of brass containing a central hole with undercuts. The third die simulated a conventionally prepared typodont maxillary central incisor. Three elastomeric impression materials were chosen for the study. Each impression was poured at various time periods. Casts thus obtained were evaluated under a traveling microscope to evaluate various dimensional changes. Addition silicones provided dies which were shorter in height and bigger in diameter. Polyethers provided dies which were shorter in both height and diameter. Condensation silicones showed insignificant changes from the master die at the immediate pour but deteriorated rapidly after that in subsequent pours. None of the impression material showed a consistent behavior up to the fourth pour. They occasionally showed deviation from the pattern, but all these values were statistically insignificant. Polyethers showed lesser ability than both the addition silicones as well as the condensation silicones to recover from induced deformation. Addition silicones as well as the condensation silicones have better ability to recover from induced deformation when compared to polyether.

  7. Charged hadron transverse momentum distributions in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Ballintijn, M.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Lee, J. W.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    We present transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons produced in Au+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV. The spectra were measured for transverse momenta pT from 0.25 to 4.5 GeV/c in a pseudorapidity range of 0.2<η<1.4. The evolution of the spectra is studied as a function of collision centrality, from 65 to 344 participating nucleons. The results are compared to data from proton-antiproton collisions and Au+Au collisions at lower RHIC energies. We find a significant change of the spectral shape between proton-antiproton and semi-peripheral Au+Au collisions. Comparing semi-peripheral to central Au+Au collisions, we find that the yields at high pT exhibit approximate scaling with the number of participating nucleons, rather than scaling with the number of binary collisions.

  8. A comparative theoretical study of the catalytic activities of Au2(-) and AuAg(-) dimers for CO oxidation.


    Liu, Peng; Song, Ke; Zhang, Dongju; Liu, Chengbu


    The detailed mechanisms of catalytic CO oxidation over Au(2)(-) and AuAg(-) dimers, which represent the simplest models for monometal Au and bimetallic Au-Ag nanoparticles, have been studied by performing density functional theory calculations. It is found that both Au(2)(-) and AuAg(-) dimers catalyze the reaction according to the similar mono-center Eley-Rideal mechanism. The catalytic reaction is of the multi-channel and multi-step characteristic, which can proceed along four possible pathways via two or three elementary steps. In AuAg(-), the Au site is more active than the Ag site, and the calculated energy barrier values for the rate-determining step of the Au-site catalytic reaction are remarkably smaller than those for both the Ag-site catalytic reaction and the Au(2)(-) catalytic reaction. The better catalytic activity of bimetallic AuAg(-) dimer is attributed to the synergistic effect between Au and Ag atom. The present results provide valuable information for understanding the higher catalytic activity of Au-Ag nanoparticles and nanoalloys for low-temperature CO oxidation than either pure metallic catalyst.

  9. Prospects for observation at CERN in NA62

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hahn, F.; NA62 Collaboration; Aglieri Rinella, G.; Aliberti, R.; Ambrosino, F.; Angelucci, B.; Antonelli, A.; Anzivino, G.; Arcidiacono, R.; Azhinenko, I.; Balev, S.; Bendotti, J.; Biagioni, A.; Biino, C.; Bizzeti, A.; Blazek, T.; Blik, A.; Bloch-Devaux, B.; Bolotov, V.; Bonaiuto, V.; Bragadireanu, M.; Britton, D.; Britvich, G.; Brook, N.; Bucci, F.; Butin, F.; Capitolo, E.; Capoccia, C.; Capussela, T.; Carassiti, V.; Cartiglia, N.; Cassese, A.; Catinaccio, A.; Cecchetti, A.; Ceccucci, A.; Cenci, P.; Cerny, V.; Cerri, C.; Chikilev, O.; Ciaranfi, R.; Collazuol, G.; Cooke, P.; Cooper, P.; Corradi, G.; Cortina Gil, E.; Costantini, F.; Cotta Ramusino, A.; Coward, D.; D'Agostini, G.; Dainton, J.; Dalpiaz, P.; Danielsson, H.; Degrange, J.; De Simone, N.; Di Filippo, D.; Di Lella, L.; Dixon, N.; Doble, N.; Duk, V.; Elsha, V.; Engelfried, J.; Enik, T.; Falaleev, V.; Fantechi, R.; Federici, L.; Fiorini, M.; Fry, J.; Fucci, A.; Fulton, L.; Gallorini, S.; Gatignon, L.; Gianoli, A.; Giudici, S.; Glonti, L.; Goncalves Martins, A.; Gonnella, F.; Goudzovski, E.; Guida, R.; Gushchin, E.; Hahn, F.; Hallgren, B.; Heath, H.; Herman, F.; Hutchcroft, D.; Iacopini, E.; Jamet, O.; Jarron, P.; Kampf, K.; Kaplon, J.; Karjavin, V.; Kekelidze, V.; Kholodenko, S.; Khoriauli, G.; Khudyakov, A.; Kiryushin, Yu; Kleinknecht, K.; Kluge, A.; Koval, M.; Kozhuharov, V.; Krivda, M.; Kudenko, Y.; Kunze, J.; Lamanna, G.; Lazzeroni, C.; Leitner, R.; Lenci, R.; Lenti, M.; Leonardi, E.; Lichard, P.; Lietava, R.; Litov, L.; Lomidze, D.; Lonardo, A.; Lurkin, N.; Madigozhin, D.; Maire, G.; Makarov, A.; Mannelli, I.; Mannocchi, G.; Mapelli, A.; Marchetto, F.; Massarotti, P.; Massri, K.; Matak, P.; Mazza, G.; Menichetti, E.; Mirra, M.; Misheva, M.; Molokanova, N.; Morant, J.; Morel, M.; Moulson, M.; Movchan, S.; Munday, D.; Napolitano, M.; Newson, F.; Norton, A.; Noy, M.; Nuessle, G.; Obraztsov, V.; Padolski, S.; Page, R.; Palladino, V.; Pardons, A.; Pedreschi, E.; Pepe, M.; Perez Gomez, F.; Perrin-Terrin, M.; Petrov, P.; Petrucci, F.; Piandani, R.; Piccini, M.; Pietreanu, D.; Pinzino, J.; Pivanti, M.; Polenkevich, I.; Popov, I.; Potrebenikov, Yu; Protopopescu, D.; Raffaelli, F.; Raggi, M.; Riedler, P.; Romano, A.; Rubin, P.; Ruggiero, G.; Russo, V.; Ryjov, V.; Salamon, A.; Salina, G.; Samsonov, V.; Santovetti, E.; Saracino, G.; Sargeni, F.; Schifano, S.; Semenov, V.; Sergi, A.; Serra, M.; Shkarovskiy, S.; Sotnikov, A.; Sougonyaev, V.; Sozzi, M.; Spadaro, T.; Spinella, F.; Staley, R.; Statera, M.; Sutcliffe, P.; Szilasi, N.; Tagnani, D.; Valdata-Nappi, M.; Valente, P.; Vasile, M.; Vassilieva, V.; Velghe, B.; Veltri, M.; Venditti, S.; Vormstein, M.; Wahl, H.; Wanke, R.; Wertelaers, P.; Winhart, A.; Winston, R.; Wrona, B.; Yushchenko, O.; Zamkovsky, M.; Zinchenko, A.


    The rare decays are excellent processes to probe the Standard Model and indirectly search for new physics complementary to the direct LHC searches. The NA62 experiment at CERN SPS aims to collect and analyse O(1013) kaon decays before the CERN long-shutdown 2 (in 2018). This will allow to measure the branching ratio to a level of 10% accuracy. The experimental apparatus has been commissioned during a first run in autumn 2014.

  10. Toward hybrid Au nanorods @ M (Au, Ag, Pd and Pt) core-shell heterostructures for ultrasensitive SERS probes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xie, Xiaobin; Gao, Guanhui; Kang, Shendong; Lei, Yanhua; Pan, Zhengyin; Shibayama, Tamaki; Cai, Lintao


    Being able to precisely control the morphologies of noble metallic nanostructures is of essential significance for promoting the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect. Herein, we demonstrate an overgrowth strategy for synthesizing Au @ M (M = Au, Ag, Pd, Pt) core-shell heterogeneous nanocrystals with an orientated structural evolution and highly improved properties by using Au nanorods as seeds. With the same reaction condition system applied, we obtain four well-designed heterostructures with diverse shapes, including Au concave nanocuboids (Au CNs), Au @ Ag crystalizing face central cube nanopeanuts, Au @ Pd porous nanocuboids and Au @ Pt nanotrepangs. Subsequently, the exact overgrowth mechanism of the above heterostructural building blocks is further analysed via the systematic optimiziation of a series of fabrications. Remarkably, the well-defined Au CNs and Au @ Ag nanopeanuts both exhibit highly promoted SERS activity. We expect to be able to supply a facile strategy for the fabrication of multimetallic heterogeneous nanostructures, exploring the high SERS effect and catalytic activities.

  11. Chiral Magnetic Effect Search in p(d)+Au, Au+Au Collisions at RHIC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhao, Jie

    The chiral magnetic effect (CME) refers to charge separation along a strong magnetic field of single-handed quarks, caused by interactions with topological gluon fields from QCD vacuum fluctuations. A major background of CME measurements in heavy-ion collisions comes from resonance decays coupled with elliptical flow anisotropy. These proceedings present two new studies from STAR to shed further light on the background issue: (1) small system p+Au and d+Au collisions where the CME signal is not expected, and (2) pair invariant mass dependence where resonance peaks can be identified.

  12. Enhanced middle-infrared light transmission through Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au aperture arrays.


    Xiao, Gongli; Yao, Xiang; Ji, Xinming; Zhou, Jia; Bao, Zongming; Huang, Yiping


    The enhanced middle-infrared light transmission through Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au aperture arrays by changing the refractive index and the thickness of a dielectric layer was studied experimentally. The results indicated that the transmission spectra was highly dependent on the refractive index and the thickness of SiO(x)N(y). We found that the transmission peaks redshifted regularly along with the refractive index from 1.6 to 1.8, owing to the role of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) coupling in the Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au cascaded metallic structure. Simultaneously, a higher transmission efficiency and narrower transmission peak was obtained in Au/SiO2.1N0.3/Au cascaded metallic structure with small refractive index (1.6) than in Au/SiO0.6N1/Au cascaded metallic structure with large refractive index (1.8). When the thickness of SiO(x)N(y) changes from 0.2 to 0.4 microm, the shape of transmission spectra exhibits a large change. It was found that a higher transmission efficiency and narrower transmission peak was obtained in Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au cascaded metallic structure with a thin dielectric film (0.2 microm), with the increase of SiO(x)N(y) film's thickness, the transmission peak gradually widened and disappeared finally. This effect is useful in applications of biochemical sensing and tunable integrated plasmonic devices in the middle-infrared region.

  13. Largely enhanced photocatalytic activity of Au/XS2/Au (X = Re, Mo) antenna-reactor hybrids: charge and energy transfer.


    Chen, Kai; Ding, Si-Jing; Luo, Zhi-Jun; Pan, Gui-Ming; Wang, Jia-Hong; Liu, Jia; Zhou, Li; Wang, Qu-Quan


    An antenna-reactor hybrid coupling plasmonic antenna with catalytic nanoparticles is a new strategy to optimize photocatalytic activity. Herein, we have rationally proposed a Au/XS 2 /Au (X = Re, Mo) antenna reactor, which has a large Au core as the antenna and small satellite Au nanoparticles as the reactor separated by an ultrathin two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenide XS 2 shell (∼2.6 nm). Due to efficient charge transfer across the XS 2 shell as well as energy transfer via coupling of the Au antenna and Au reactor, the photocatalytic activity has been largely enhanced: Au/ReS 2 /Au exhibits a 3.59-fold enhancement, whereas Au/MoS 2 /Au exhibits a 2.66-fold enhancement as compared to that of the sum of the three individual components. The different enhancement in the Au/ReS 2 /Au and Au/MoS 2 /Au antenna-reactor hybrid is related to the competition and cooperation of charge and energy transfer. These results indicate the great potential of the Au/XS 2 /Au antenna-reactor hybrid for the development of highly efficient plasmonic photocatalysts.

  14. Disk storage at CERN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mascetti, L.; Cano, E.; Chan, B.; Espinal, X.; Fiorot, A.; González Labrador, H.; Iven, J.; Lamanna, M.; Lo Presti, G.; Mościcki, JT; Peters, AJ; Ponce, S.; Rousseau, H.; van der Ster, D.


    CERN IT DSS operates the main storage resources for data taking and physics analysis mainly via three system: AFS, CASTOR and EOS. The total usable space available on disk for users is about 100 PB (with relative ratios 1:20:120). EOS actively uses the two CERN Tier0 centres (Meyrin and Wigner) with 50:50 ratio. IT DSS also provide sizeable on-demand resources for IT services most notably OpenStack and NFS-based clients: this is provided by a Ceph infrastructure (3 PB) and few proprietary servers (NetApp). We will describe our operational experience and recent changes to these systems with special emphasis to the present usages for LHC data taking, the convergence to commodity hardware (nodes with 200-TB each with optional SSD) shared across all services. We also describe our experience in coupling commodity and home-grown solution (e.g. CERNBox integration in EOS, Ceph disk pools for AFS, CASTOR and NFS) and finally the future evolution of these systems for WLCG and beyond.

  15. On the nature of L1{sub 0} ordering in equiatomic AuNi and AuCu thin films grown on Au(001)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dynna, M.; Marty, A.; Gilles, B.


    The L1{sub 0} ordering of thin epitaxial films having a (001) surface normal subject to elastic constraints imposed by a similarly oriented substrate has been investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Thin AuNi films grown by MBE at room temperature on Au(001) by means of the alternating deposition of Au and Ni are found to possess a L1{sub 0} structure free of periodic antiphase boundaries when growth is controlled in such a way as to ensure that the quantity of Au or Ni deposited is almost exactly equal to one monolayer. If such control is not exercised during growth, a structuremore » having periodic antiphase boundaries is formed. This behavior stands in contrast to that of AuCu during room temperature MBE growth on Au(001), where a strongly ordered L2{sub 0} structure free of antiphase boundaries is formed even on the codeposition of Au and Cu. The effect of elastic constraints on the state of order in an alloy film which undergoes an L2{sub 0} order-disorder transition is examined as a function of temperature, lattice mismatch, and film thickness within the context of a model which allows for the introduction of dislocations in order to relieve misfit strain. Calculations are performed in detail for the case of AuCu, where particular attention is paid to the coupling between film thickness, the number of misfit dislocations present at equilibrium, and the state of order.« less

  16. CERN and 60 years of science for peace

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Heuer, Rolf-Dieter, E-mail:


    This paper presents CERN as it celebrates its 60{sup th} Anniversary since its founding. The presentation first discusses the mission of CERN and its role as an inter-governmental Organization. The paper also reviews aspects of the particle physics research programme, looking at both current and future accelerator-based facilities at the high-energy and intensity frontiers. Finally, the paper considers issues beyond fundamental research, such as capacity-building and the interface between Art and Science.

  17. L'Abondance du Deutérium, de l'Ultraviolet au Visible

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hébrard, Guillaume


    Dans le cadre du modèle standard du Big Bang, le deutérium est l'élément dont l'abondance primordiale est la plus sensible à la densité baryonique de l'Univers. Cet élément est uniquement créé lors de la nucléosynthèse primordiale, quelques minutes après le Big Bang ; aucune théorie standard n'en prédit actuellement d'autres sources significatives. Au contraire, étant brûlé dans les étoiles, son abondance D/H décroît au cours de l'évolution cosmique. Les mesures de D/H apportent ainsi des contraintes sur les modèles de Big Bang et d'évolution chimique des galaxies. On peut distinguer trois types de mesures de D/H: les abondances primordiale, proto-solaire et interstellaire, respectivement représentatives de l'Univers il y a environ 15 milliards d'années, 4.5 milliards d'années et à l'époque actuelle. Si l'évolution du deutérium semble qualitativement claire, les résultats concernant ces trois types d'abondance ne convergent pas pour l'instant vers trois valeurs bien définies. Les travaux entrepris durant cette thèse sont reliés à la mesure de l'abondance interstellaire du deutérium. Celle-ci s'obtient habituellement par l'observation spectroscopique en absorption des séries de Lyman de l'hydrogène et du deutérium. Ces observations se font dans le domaine ultraviolet, au moyen d'observatoires spatiaux. Les résultats présentés ici ont été obtenus avec le Télescope spatial Hubble puis le satellite FUSE, récemment mis en orbite. D'autre part, une nouvelle méthode d'observation du deutérium a été proposée, dans le domaine visible à partir de télescopes au sol. Ce travail a mené aux premières détections et à l'identification de la série de Balmer du deutérium, observée en émission dans des régions HII avec le Télescope Canada-France-Hawaii et le Very Large Telescope. On-line Thesis, Guillaume Hébrard

  18. Écologie bactérienne de l'infection nosocomiale au service de réanimation de l'hôpital Laquintinie de Douala, Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Njall, Clotilde; Adiogo, Dieudonné; Bita, André; Ateba, Noel; Sume, Gérald; Kollo, Basile; Binam, Fidèle; Tchoua, Romain


    Introduction L'objectif principal de notre étude était d'identifier les bactéries associées à l'infection nosocomiale, dans le service de réanimation, de l'hôpital Laquintinie de Douala en vue d'améliorer la prise en charge et diminuer la létalité. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale et descriptive, menée du 1er mars au 31 mai 2011.Tous les patients hospitalisés depuis au moins 48 h étaient inclus dans l’étude et ceux présentant une infection documentée à l'admission étaient exclus. L'analyse des donnés a été faite par le logiciel SPSS 16.Les tests de Khi deux pour la signification. Résultats La prévalence de l'infection nosocomiale était de 12%, elle concernait des personnes âgées de plus de 60 ans et présentant une infection urinaire dans 79% des cas. La létalité était de 72% pour une durée moyenne de séjour de 11,7 ± 12,1 jours. Les bactéries responsables étaient en majorité des bactéries gram positifs (BGN), dont E coli dans 23,1% et les cocci gram positifs(CGP), dans 15,4% des cas. Conclusion L’étude de la résistance aux antibiotiques, montre une multi résistance, dont il faut tenir compte en mettant en place une stratégie de prévention active. PMID:23785545

  19. Role of Au(NPs) in the enhanced response of Au(NPs)-decorated MWCNT electrochemical biosensor

    PubMed Central

    Mehmood, Shahid; Ciancio, Regina; Carlino, Elvio; Bhatti, Arshad S


    Background The combination of Au-metallic-NPs and CNTs are a new class of hybrid nanomaterials for the development of electrochemical biosensor. Concentration of Au(nanoparticles [NPs]) in the electrochemical biosensor is crucial for the efficient charge transfer between the Au-NPs-MWCNTs modified electrode and electrolytic solution. Methods In this work, the charge transfer kinetics in the glassy carbon electrode (GCE) modified with Au(NPs)–multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) nanohybrid with varied concentrations of Au(NPs) in the range 40–100 nM was studied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Field emission scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy confirmed the attachment of Au(NPs) on the surface of MWCNTs. Results The cyclic voltammetry and EIS results showed that the charge transfer mechanism was diffusion controlled and the rate of charge transfer was dependent on the concentration of Au(NPs) in the nanohybrid. The formation of spherical diffusion zone, which was dependent on the concentration of Au(NPs) in nanohybrids, was attributed to result in 3 times the increase in the charge transfer rate ks, 5 times increase in mass transfer, and 5% (9%) increase in Ipa (Ipc) observed in cyclic voltammetry in 80 nM Au(NP) nanohybrid-modified GCE from MWCNT-modified GCE. The work was extended to probe the effect of charge transfer rates at various concentrations of Au(NPs) in the nanohybrid-modified electrodes in the presence of Escherichia coli. The cyclic voltammetry results clearly showed the best results for 80 nM Au(NPs) in nanohybrid electrode. Conclusion The present study suggested that the formation of spherical diffusion zone in nanohybrid-modified electrodes is critical for the enhanced electrochemical biosensing applications. PMID:29713161

  20. Investigation of the thermal annealing effect on electrical properties of Ni/Au, Ni/Mo/Au and Mo/Au Schottky barriers on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sleptsov, E. V.; Chernykh, A. V.; Chernykh, S. V.; Dorofeev, A. A.; Gladysheva, N. B.; Kondakov, M. N.; Sleptsova, A. A.; Panichkin, A. V.; Konovalov, M. P.; Didenko, S. I.


    Investigation of the thermal annealing effect on Schottky barrier parameters and the leakage current of Ni/Au, Ni/Mo/Au and Mo/Au Schottky barriers on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures has been performed. Improvement of Schottky barrier parameters after annealing of the investigated metallization schemes was observed. Ni/Au and Mo/Au contacts drastically degrade after annealing at the temperatures higher than 400 °C, whereas the Ni/Mo/Au contact exhibits excellent parameters after 500 °C annealing (qϕb = 1.00 eV, n = 1.13 и Ileak = 5 μA).

  1. Douleurs induites par les soins: la réalité au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Befelatanana Antananarivo, Madagascar

    PubMed Central

    Mahavivola, Ernestho-Ghoud Indretsy; Olivah, Razanaparany Miarisoa Mireille; Mihary, Dodo; Hendriniaina, Rakotoharivelo; Lalao, Randriamboavonjy Rado; Henintsoa, Rakotonirainy Oliva; Fahafahantsoa, Rapelanoro Rabenja


    La douleur induite par les soins correspond à la douleur survenant lors des actes à visé diagnostique et/ou thérapeutique. A notre connaissance, nous n'avons pas encore des données disponibles pour les douleurs induites par les soins à l'Hôpital de Befelatanana. Nos objectifs étaient de décrire le profil épidémiologique de la douleur induite par les soins, d'identifier les principaux facteurs influençant sur l'intensité de la douleur et leurs retentissements chez les patients. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective, transversale type un jour donné menée dans les douze services de Médecines au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Befelatanana en Novembre 2013. Cent deux patients ont été retenus dans l’étude et trois cent vingt trois actes douloureux étaient enregistrés. La fréquence de la douleur induite par les soins était de 69,86%. Le genre féminin prédominait dans 52% des cas (n = 53) avec un sex-ratio à 0,92. L’âge moyen était de 46 ans. Les ponctions vasculaires étaient l'acte prédominant dans 49,54% (n = 109) des cas. Les infirmiers réalisaient les soins dans 47,05% (n = 48) des cas. L'information verbale était la mesure préventive utilisée dans 57,84% des cas (n = 59). Le transport par marche à pied et au dos représentait 16,67% des cas (n = 17). Les patients naïfs des gestes étaient plus anxieux. Ces patients gardaient de mauvais souvenir dans 64,71% des cas (n = 66). La fréquence de douleur induite par les soins était trop élevée. Un effort important est nécessaire pour réduire la douleur induite par les soins PMID:25932071

  2. CERN's approach to public outreach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Landua, Rolf


    CERN's communication goes beyond publishing scientific results. Education and outreach are equally important ways of communicating with the general public, and in particular with the young generation. Over the last decade, CERN has significantly increased its efforts to accommodate the very large interest of the general public (about 300,000 visit requests per year), by ramping up its capacity for guided tours from 25,000 to more than 100,000 visitors per year, by creating six new of state-of-the-art exhibitions on-site, by building and operating a modern physics laboratory for school teachers and students, and by showing several traveling exhibitions in about 10 countries per year. The offer for school teachers has also been expanded, to 35-40 weeks of teacher courses with more than 1000 participants from more than 50 countries per year. The talk will give an overview about these and related activities.

  3. Developpement des betons semi autoplacants a rheologie adaptee pour des infrastructures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sotomayor Cruz, Cristian Daniel

    Au cours des dernières décennies, les infrastructures canadiennes et québécoises comportent plusieurs structures en béton armé présentant des problèmes de durabilité dus aux conditions climatiques sévères, à la mauvaise conception des structures, à la qualité des matériaux, aux types des bétons choisis, aux systèmes de construction ou à l'existence d'événements incontrôlables. En ce qui concerne le choix du béton pour la construction des infrastructures, une vaste gamme de béton divisée en deux principaux types peut être utilisée: le béton conventionnel vibré (BCV) et le béton autoplaçant (BAP). Dans le cas d'un BCV, la consolidation inadéquate par vibration a été un problème récurrent, occasionnant des dommages structuraux. Ceci a conduit à une réduction de la durabilité et à une augmentation du coût d'entretien et de réparation des infrastructures. Rien que l'utilisation d'un BAP a des avantages tels que l'élimination de la vibration, la réduction des coûts de main d'oeuvre et l'amélioration de la qualité des structures, néanmoins, le coût initial d'un BAP par rapport à un BCV ne permet pas encore de généraliser son utilisation dans l'industrie de la construction. Ce mémoire présente la conception d'une nouvelle gamme de béton semi-autoplaçant pour la construction des infrastructures (BSAP-I) exigeant une vibration minimale. Il s'agit de trouver un équilibre optimal entre la rhéologie et le coût initial du nouveau béton pour conférer une bonne performance structurale et économique aux structures. Le programme expérimental établi a premièrement permis d'évaluer la faisabilité d'utilisation des BSAP-I pour la mise en place des piliers d'une infrastructure de pont à Sherbrooke. En plus, l'utilisation d'un plan d'expériences a permis l'évaluation de trois paramètres de formulation sur les propriétés des mélanges de BSAP-I à l'état frais et durci. Finalement, l'évaluation de la performance des

  4. CERN: A European laboratory for a global project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voss, Rüdiger


    In the most important shift of paradigm of its membership rules in 60 years, CERN in 2010 introduced a policy of “Geographical Enlargement” which for the first time opened the door for membership of non-European States in the Organization. This short article reviews briefly the history of CERN's membership rules, discusses the rationale behind the new policy, its relationship with the emerging global roadmap of particle physics, and gives a short overview of the status of the enlargement process.

  5. Slab melting and the origin of gold in Au and Au-Cu deposits: geochemical clues from recent adakites.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Polve, M.; Maury, R.; Joron, J. L.


    Understanding the genetic processes responsible for the common occurrence of Au and Au-Cu deposits in subduction environments is a fairly "hot" question nowadays, as it is clear that most subduction-related magmatic rocks are barren. Studies of space and time relationships between magmatic intrusions, hydrothermal episodes and Au deposits have shown that, very often, Au deposits are associated with adakitic intrusions (Thieblemont et al, 1997, Sajona and Maury, 1998). Adakites are here understood as being generated by melting of the subducting oceanic crust. This study aims to check wether or not magmas derived from melted oceanic crust do contain significantly more Au than regular calc-alkaline magmas by measuring directly Au concentrations in fresh (and barren) adakites and equivalent calc-alkaline andesites. There is a lack of reliable data on Au content in unaltered adakites and andesites, because Au analyses are generally done on hydrothermalized rocks in connection with Au deposits and also because old measurements may give overestimated Au contents, due to technical limitations. Therefore we compiled recent literature data on gold contents of fresh calc-alkaline rocks, and measured Au on a selection of 40 well studied and dated adakites from different localities (Philippines, Baja California). Analyses have been performed either by INAA or by ICP-MS after Au extraction with aqua regia, following the method described by Terashima (1988). Preliminary results show that, for equivalent Si02 contents, adakites are systematically enriched in Au compared to regular dacites, even if regional trends also exist. Moreover, Au seems to behave as an incompatible element in adakitic magmas, whereas in calc-alkaline dacites it is controlled by sulfide crystallization. Our data suggest that, not excluding any other processes related to the hydrothermal phase in the deposit generation, adakites may indeed represent the source of Au, a possible explanation for the adakite-Au

  6. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010


    McAllister, Liam


    The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe". The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons. Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva. Other similar schools have been organized in the past by the former related RTN network "The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions". This edition of the school is not funded by the European Union. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Scientific committee: M. Gaberdiel, D. Luest, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen, E. Verlinde Local organizers: A. Uranga, J. Walcher

  7. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010




    The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe". The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons.Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva. Other similar schools have been organized in the past by the former related RTN network "The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions". This edition of the school is not funded by the European Union. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Scientific committee: M. Gaberdiel, D. Luest, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen, E. Verlinde Local organizers: A. Uranga, J. Walcher

  8. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010


    Sen, Ashoke


    Part 7.The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe". The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons. Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva. Other similar schools have been organized in the past by the former related RTN network "The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions". This edition of the school is not funded by the European Union. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Scientific committee: M. Gaberdiel, D. Luest, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen, E. Verlinde Local organizers: A. Uranga, J. Walcher

  9. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010




    The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe". The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons. Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva. Other similar schools have been organized in the past by the former related RTN network "The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions". This edition of the school is not funded by the European Union. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Scientific committee: M. Gaberdiel, D. Luest, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen, E. Verlinde Local organizers: A. Uranga, J. Walcher

  10. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010




    The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe". The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons. Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva. Other similar schools have been organized in the past by the former related RTN network "The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions". This edition of the school is not funded by the European Union. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Scientific committee: M. Gaberdiel, D. Luest, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen, E. Verlinde Local organizers: A. Uranga, J. Walcher

  11. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010




    The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe". The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons. Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva. Other similar schools have been organized in the past by the former related RTN network "The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions". This edition of the school is not funded by the European Union. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Scientific committee: M. Gaberdiel, D. Luest, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen, E. Verlinde Local organizers: A. Uranga, J. Walcher

  12. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010




    The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe". The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons. Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva. Other similar schools have been organized in the past by the former related RTN network "The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental InteractionS". This edition of the school is not funded by the European Union. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Scientific committee: M. Gaberdiel, D. Luest, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen, E. Verlinde Local organizers: A. Uranga, J. Walcher

  13. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010


    McAllister, Liam


    The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe";. The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons. Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva. Other similar schools have been organized in the past by the former related RTN network "The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions".This edition of the school is not funded by the European Union. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Scientific committee: M. Gaberdiel, D. Luest, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen, E. Verlinde. Local organizers: A. Uranga, J. Walcher

  14. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010


    Sen, Ashoke


    The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe". The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons. Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva. Other similar schools have been organized in the past by the former related RTN network". The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions". This edition of the school is not funded by the European Union. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Scientific committee: M. Gaberdiel, D. Luest, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen, E. Verlinde Local organizers: A. Uranga, J. Walcher.

  15. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe". The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series ofmore » pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons. Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva. Other similar schools have been organized in the past by the former related RTN network "The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions". This edition of the school is not funded by the European Union. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Scientific committee: M. Gaberdiel, D. Luest, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen, E. Verlinde Local organizers: A. Uranga, J. Walcher« less

  16. CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory 2010




    The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory is the analytic continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe";. The 2010 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Divison, and will take place from Monday January 25 to Friday January 29, at CERN. As its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The programme of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by tutorial discussion sessions in the afternoons. Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at CERN, Geneva. Other similar schools have been organized in the past by the former related RTN network "The Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions". This edition of the school is not funded by the European Union. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Division, and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Scientific committee: M. Gaberdiel, D. Luest, A. Sevrin, J. Simon, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen, E. Verlinde Local organizers: A. Uranga, J. Walcher

  17. Characteristics of Au Migration and Concentration Distributions in Au-Doped HgCdTe LPE Materials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sun, Quanzhi; Yang, Jianrong; Wei, Yanfeng; Zhang, Juan; Sun, Ruiyun


    Annealing techniques and secondary ion mass spectrometry have been used to study the characteristics of Au migration and concentration distributions in HgCdTe materials grown by liquid phase epitaxy. Secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements showed that Au concentrations had obvious positive correlations with Hg-vacancy concentration and dislocation density of the materials. Au atoms migrate toward regions of high Hg-vacancy concentration or move away from these regions when the Hg-vacancy concentration decreases during annealing. The phenomenon can be explained by defect chemical equilibrium theory if Au atoms have a very large migration velocity compared with Hg vacancies. Au atoms will also migrate toward regions of high dislocation density, leading to a peak concentration in the inter-diffusion region of HgCdTe materials near the substrate. By use of an Hg and Te-rich annealing technique, different concentration distributions of both Au atoms and Hg vacancies in HgCdTe materials were obtained, indicating that Au-doped HgCdTe materials can be designed and prepared to satisfy the requirements of HgCdTe devices.

  18. Local structure and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism of Au in Au-Co nanoalloys

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maurizio, C.; Michieli, N.; Kalinic, B.; Mattarello, V.; Bello, V.; Wilhelm, F.; Ollefs, K.; Mattei, G.


    Coupling a plasmonic metal with a magnetic one in thin films and nanostructures is very interesting for the emerging field of magnetoplasmonics. In particular, coupling through alloying is a promising strategy to induce a magnetic moment on the plasmonic metal atoms, in a way that is intimately related to the local structure of the (metastable) alloy material. In this framework, Au:Co bimetallic films have been produced via magnetron co-sputtering deposition. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at both Au- and Co-edges clearly indicates the formation of a full-metallic layer composed for the major part of a binary AuxCo1-x alloy, with x = 0.7-0.8. XAS and transmission electron microscopy analyses suggest the presence of a minor fraction of segregated metals. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) analysis at Au L2,3 edges detected a net magnetic moment of Au atoms (μ = 0.06 μB), significantly larger (≈3.5 times) that the one for Au-capped Co nanoclusters and comparable to the one for a Co-rich Au/Co multilayer, despite the 4 times larger concentration of Co with respect to the present case. This Au-Co magnetic coupling is favored by a high degree of mixing of the two metals in the alloy.

  19. Gold(I) Complexes with N-Donor Ligands. 2.(1) Reactions of Ammonium Salts with [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PR(3))] To Give [Au(NH(3))L](+), [(AuL)(2)(&mgr;(2)-NH(2))](+), [(AuL)(4)(&mgr;(4)-N)](+), or [(AuL)(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)](+). A New and Facile Synthesis of [Au(NH(3))(2)](+) Salts. Crystal Structure of [{AuP(C(6)H(4)OMe-4)(3)}(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)]CF(3)SO(3).


    Vicente, José; Chicote, María-Teresa; Guerrero, Rita; Jones, Peter G.; Ramírez De Arellano, M. Carmen


    The complexes [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PR(3))] (acac = acetylacetonate, R = Ph, C(6)H(4)OMe-4) react with (NH(4))ClO(4) to give amminegold(I), [Au(NH(3))(PR(3))]ClO(4), amidogold(I), [(AuPR(3))(2)(&mgr;(2)-NH(2))]ClO(4), or nitridogold(I), [(AuPR(3))(4)(&mgr;(4)-N)]ClO(4), complexes, depending on the reaction conditions. Similarly, [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PPh(3))] reacts with (NH(3)R')OTf (OTf = CF(3)SO(3)) (1:1) or with [H(3)N(CH(2))(2)NH(2)]OTf (1:1) to give (amine)gold(I) complexes [Au(NH(2)R')(PPh(3))]OTf (R' = Me, C(6)H(4)NO(2)-4) or [(AuPPh(3))(2){&mgr;(2)-H(2)N(CH(2))(2)NH(2)}](OTf)(2), respectively. The ammonium salts (NH(2)R'(2))OTf (R' = Et, Ph) react with [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PR(3))] (R = Ph, C(6)H(4)OMe-4) (1:2) to give, after hydrolysis, the oxonium salts [(AuPR(3))(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)]OTf (R = Ph, C(6)H(4)OMe-4). When NH(3) is bubbled through a solution of [AuCl(tht)] (tht = tetrahydrothiophene), the complex [Au(NH(3))(2)]Cl precipitates. Addition of [Au(NH(3))(2)]Cl to a solution of AgClO(4) or TlOTf leads to the isolation of [Au(NH(3))(2)]ClO(4) or [Au(NH(3))(2)]OTf, respectively. The crystal structure of [(AuPR(3))(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)]OTf.Me(2)CO (R = C(6)H(4)OMe-4) has been determined: triclinic, space group P&onemacr;, a = 14.884(3) Å, b = 15.828(3) Å, c = 16.061(3) Å, alpha = 83.39(3) degrees, beta = 86.28(3) degrees, gamma = 65.54(3) degrees, R1 (wR2) = 0.0370 (0.0788). The [(AuPR(3))(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)](+) cation shows an essentially trigonal pyramidal array of three gold atoms and one oxygen atom with O-Au-P bond angles of ca. 175 degrees and Au.Au contacts in the range 2.9585(7)-3.0505(14) Å. These cations are linked into centrosymmetric dimers through two short Au.Au [2.9585(7), 3.0919(9) Å] contacts. The gold atoms of the dimer form a six-membered ring with a chair conformation.

  20. Caracterisation des revetements par projection thermique a haute vitesse obtenus a partir de differentes poudres de wc-10co-4cr pour des applications en aeronautique =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Quintero Malpica, Alfonso

    Les revetements par projection thermique HVOF (High Velocity Oxy-Fuel) sont communement utilises dans l'industrie aeronautique, notamment au sein du partenaire industriel du projet (Tecnickrome Aeronautique Inc), comme des remplacants pour les revetements produits par l'electrodeposition du chrome dur due aux problemes environnementaux. Ce projet avait pour but de trouver une poudre alternative a celle qui est actuellement utilisee pour la production des revetements de type WC-10Co-4Cr obtenus avec la technologie de projection thermique a haute vitesse HVOF et en utilisant le systeme de projection HVOF-JET KOTERTM III. Dans un premier temps, cinq poudres incluant celle de reference, ayant des distributions granulometriques differentes, ont ete projetees dans le but d'identifier quelles poudres pouvaient etre utilisees avec le systeme de projection HVOF-JET KOTERTM III en gardant des parametres similaires (debit d'hydrogene, debit d'oxygene, debit de poudre et distance de projection) que pour la poudre de reference. Les revetements obtenus a partir des poudres etudiees ont ete evalues selon les criteres d'acceptation des revetements sollicites par les principaux manufacturiers des trains d'atterrissage. Les tests ont porte sur l'epaisseur, l'adhesion, la microstructure, la microdurete, les contraintes residuelles et la rugosite. A partir des resultats obtenus, seulement deux poudres ont rencontre toutes les proprietes demandees par les specifications aeronautiques. L'influence de la variation de la distance de projection sur la qualite des revetements a ete etudiee. Cinq distances (100, 125, 150, 175 et 200 mm) ont ete choisies pour faire la projection des deux poudres selectionnees. Les revetements obtenus ont montre de proprietes des revetements similaires (epaisseur, adhesion, microstructure, microdurete, contraintes residuelles et rugosite). Il a ete trouve que la distance de projection est un parametre indirect du systeme de projection HVOF-JET KOTERTM III et

  1. Development of amperometric lysine biosensors based on Au nanoparticles/multiwalled carbon nanotubes/polymers modified Au electrodes.


    Chauhan, Nidhi; Singh, Anamika; Narang, Jagriti; Dahiya, Swati; Pundir, C S


    The construction of two amperometric l-lysine biosensors is described in this study. The construction comprises the covalent immobilization of lysine oxidase (LOx) onto nanocomposite composed of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and carboxylated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (c-MWCNT), decorated on (i) polyaniline (PANI) and (ii) poly 1,2 diaminobenzene (DAB), electrodeposited on Au electrodes. The biosensors were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) studies. The optimum response (current) was observed within 2 s at pH 7.0 and 25 °C for LOx/AuNPs/c-MWCNT/PANI/Au, and 4 s at pH 7.0 and 30 °C for LOx/AuNPs/c-MWCNT/DAB/Au electrodes. There was a linear relationship between current and lysine concentration ranging from 5.0 to 600 μM for LOx/AuNPs/c-MWCNT/PANI/Au with a detection limit of 5.0 μM, and 20 to 600 μM for the LOx/AuNPs/c-MWCNT/DAB/Au electrode with a detection limit of 20 μM. The PANI modified electrode was in good agreement with the standard HPLC method, with a better correlation (r = 0.992) compared to the DAB modified electrode (r = 0.986). These observations revealed that the PANI modified Au electrode was better than the DAB modified electrode, and hence it was employed for the determination of lysine in milk, pharmaceutical tablets and sera. The PANI modified electrode showed a half life of 120 days, compared to that of 90 days for the DAB modified electrode, after their 100 uses, when stored at 4 °C.

  2. CERN data services for LHC computing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Espinal, X.; Bocchi, E.; Chan, B.; Fiorot, A.; Iven, J.; Lo Presti, G.; Lopez, J.; Gonzalez, H.; Lamanna, M.; Mascetti, L.; Moscicki, J.; Pace, A.; Peters, A.; Ponce, S.; Rousseau, H.; van der Ster, D.


    Dependability, resilience, adaptability and efficiency. Growing requirements require tailoring storage services and novel solutions. Unprecedented volumes of data coming from the broad number of experiments at CERN need to be quickly available in a highly scalable way for large-scale processing and data distribution while in parallel they are routed to tape for long-term archival. These activities are critical for the success of HEP experiments. Nowadays we operate at high incoming throughput (14GB/s during 2015 LHC Pb-Pb run and 11PB in July 2016) and with concurrent complex production work-loads. In parallel our systems provide the platform for the continuous user and experiment driven work-loads for large-scale data analysis, including end-user access and sharing. The storage services at CERN cover the needs of our community: EOS and CASTOR as a large-scale storage; CERNBox for end-user access and sharing; Ceph as data back-end for the CERN OpenStack infrastructure, NFS services and S3 functionality; AFS for legacy distributed-file-system services. In this paper we will summarise the experience in supporting LHC experiments and the transition of our infrastructure from static monolithic systems to flexible components providing a more coherent environment with pluggable protocols, tuneable QoS, sharing capabilities and fine grained ACLs management while continuing to guarantee dependable and robust services.

  3. Synthesis of Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24, Au36(SPh-tBu)24, and Au30(S-tBu)18 Nanomolecules from a Common Precursor Mixture.


    Rambukwella, Milan; Dass, Amala


    Phenylethanethiol protected nanomolecules such as Au 25 , Au 38 , and Au 144 are widely studied by a broad range of scientists in the community, owing primarily to the availability of simple synthetic protocols. However, synthetic methods are not available for other ligands, such as aromatic thiol and bulky ligands, impeding progress. Here we report the facile synthesis of three distinct nanomolecules, Au 38 (SCH 2 CH 2 Ph) 24 , Au 36 (SPh-tBu) 24 , and Au 30 (S-tBu) 18 , exclusively, starting from a common Au n (glutathione) m (where n and m are number of gold atoms and glutathiolate ligands) starting material upon reaction with HSCH 2 CH 2 Ph, HSPh-tBu, and HStBu, respectively. The systematic synthetic approach involves two steps: (i) synthesis of kinetically controlled Au n (glutathione) m crude nanocluster mixture with 1:4 gold to thiol molar ratio and (ii) thermochemical treatment of the purified nanocluster mixture with excess thiols to obtain thermodynamically stable nanomolecules. Thermochemical reactions with physicochemically different ligands formed highly monodispersed, exclusively three different core-size nanomolecules, suggesting a ligand induced core-size conversion and structural transformation. The purpose of this work is to make available a facile and simple synthetic method for the preparation of Au 38 (SCH 2 CH 2 Ph) 24 , Au 36 (SPh-tBu) 24 , and Au 30 (S-tBu) 18 , to nonspecialists and the broader scientific community. The central idea of simple synthetic method was demonstrated with other ligand systems such as cyclopentanethiol (HSC 5 H 9 ), cyclohexanethiol(HSC 6 H 11 ), para-methylbenzenethiol(pMBT), 1-pentanethiol(HSC 5 H 11 ), 1-hexanethiol(HSC 6 H 13 ), where Au 36 (SC 5 H 9 ) 24 , Au 36 (SC 6 H 11 ) 24 , Au 36 (pMBT) 24 , Au 38 (SC 5 H 11 ) 24 , and Au 38 (SC 6 H 13 ) 24 were obtained, respectively.

  4. Photoluminescence from Au nanoparticles embedded in Au:oxide composite films

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liao, Hongbo; Wen, Weijia; Wong, George K.


    Au:oxide composite multilayer films with Au nanoparticles sandwiched by oxide layers (such as SiO2, ZnO, and TiO2) were prepared in a magnetron sputtering system. Their photoluminescence (PL) spectra were investigated by employing a micro-Raman system in which an Argon laser with a wavelength of 514 nm was used as the pumping light. Distinct PL peaks located at a wavelength range between 590 and 680 nm were observed in most of our samples, with Au particle size varying from several to hundreds of nanometers. It was found that the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in these composites exerted a strong influence on the position of the PL peaks but had little effect on the PL intensity.

  5. Neutrino Factory Plans at CERN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Riche, J. A.


    The considerable interest raised by the discovery of neutrino oscillations and recent progress in studies of muon colliders has triggered interest in considering a neutrino factory at CERN. This paper explains the reference scenario, indicates the other possible choices and mentions the R&D that are foreseen.

  6. Multiple Nonstoichiometric Phases with Discrete Composition Ranges in the CaAu5−CaAu4Bi−BiAu2 System. A Case Study of the Chemistry of Spinodal Decomposition

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lin, Qisheng; Corbett, John D.


    Synthetic explorations in the CaAu{sub 5}-CaAu{sub 4}Bi-BiAu{sub 2} system at 400 C reveal five separate solid solution regions that show three distinct substitution patterns in the CaAu{sub 5} parent: (I) CaAu{sub 4}(Au{sub 1-m}Bi{sub m}) with 0 {le} m {le} 0.15(1), (II) 0.33(1) {le} m {le} 0.64(1), (III) 0.85(4) {le} m {le} 0.90(2); (IV) (Ca{sub 1-r}Au{sub r})Au{sub 4}(Bi{sub 1-s}Au{sub s}) with 0 {le} r {le} 0.39(1) and 0 {le} s {le} 0.12(2); (V) (Ca{sub 1-p-q}Au{sub p}Bi{sub q})Au{sub 4}Bi with 0.09(2) {le} p {le} 0.13(1) and 0.31(2) {le} q {le} 0.72(4). Single crystal X-ray studies establish that all of these phase regionsmore » have common cubic symmetry F{sub 4}3m and that their structures (MgCu{sub 4}Sn-type, an ordered derivative of MgCu{sub 2}) all feature three-dimensional networks of Au{sub 4} tetrahedra, in which the truncated tetrahedra are centered and capped by Ca/Au, Au/Bi, or Ca/Au/Bi mixtures to give 16-atom Friauf polyhedra. TB-LMTO-ASA and -COHP calculations also reveal that direct interactions between Ca-Au and Ca-Bi pairs of atoms are relatively weak and that the Bi-Au interactions in the unstable ideal CaAu{sub 4}Bi are antibonding in character at E{sub F} but that their bonding is optimized at {+-}1 e. Compositions between the five nonstoichiometric phases appear to undergo spinodal decompositions. The last phenomenon has been confirmed by HRTEM, STEM-HAADF, EPMA, and XRD studies of the nominal composition CaAu{sub 4.25}Bi{sub 0.75}. Its DTA analyses suggest that the phases resulting from spinodal decomposition have nearly the same melting point ({approx}807 C), as expected, and that they are interconvertible through peritectic reactions at {approx}717 C.« less

  7. Nanoporous Au: An experimental study on the porosity of dealloyed AuAg leafs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grillo, R.; Torrisi, V.; Ruffino, F.


    We present a study on the fraction of porosity for dealloyed nanoporous Au leafs. Nanoporous Au is attracting great scientific interest due to its peculiar plasmonic properties and the high exposed surface (∼10 m2/g). As examples, it was used in prototypes of chemical and biological devices. However, the maximization of the devices sensitivity is subjected to the maximization of the exposed surface by the nanoporous Au, i. e. maximization of the porosity fraction. So, we report on the analyses of the porosity fraction in nanoporous Au leafs as a function of the fabrication process parameters. We dealloyed 60 μm-thick Au23Ag77 at.% leafs and we show that: a) for dealloying time till to 6 h, only a 450 nm-thick surface layer of the leafs assumes a nanoporous structure with a porosity fraction of 32%. For a dealloying time of 20 h the leafs result fragmented in small black pieces with a porosity fraction increased to 60%. b) After 600 °C-30 minutes annealing of the previous samples, the nanopores disappear due to the Au/residual Ag inter-diffusion. c) After a second dealloying process on the previously annealed samples, the surface nanoporous structure is, again, obtained with the porosity fraction increased to 50%.

  8. The effect of Au amount on size uniformity of self-assembled Au nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, S.-H.; Wang, D.-C.; Chen, G.-Y.; Chen, K.-Y.


    The self-assembled fabrication of nanostructure, a dreaming approach in the area of fabrication engineering, is the ultimate goal of this research. A finding was proved through previous research that the size of the self-assembled gold nanoparticles could be controlled with the mole ratio between AuCl4- and thiol. In this study, the moles of Au were fixed, only the moles of thiol were adjusted. Five different mole ratios of Au/S with their effect on size uniformity were investigated. The mole ratios were 1:1/16, 1:1/8, 1:1, 1:8, 1:16, respectively. The size distributions of the gold nanoparticles were analyzed by Mac-View analysis software. HR-TEM was used to derive images of self-assembled gold nanoparticles. The result reached was also the higher the mole ratio between AuCl4- and thiol the bigger the self-assembled gold nanoparticles. Under the condition of moles of Au fixed, the most homogeneous nanoparticles in size distribution derived with the mole ratio of 1:1/8 between AuCl4- and thiol. The obtained nanoparticles could be used, for example, in uniform surface nanofabrication, leading to the fabrication of ordered array of quantum dots.

  9. Colloidal Au and Au-alloy catalysts for direct borohydride fuel cells: Electrocatalysis and fuel cell performance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Atwan, Mohammed H.; Macdonald, Charles L. B.; Northwood, Derek O.; Gyenge, Elod L.

    Supported colloidal Au and Au-alloys (Au-Pt and Au-Pd, 1:1 atomic ratio) on Vulcan XC-72 (with 20 wt% metal load) were prepared by the Bönneman method. The electrocatalytic activity of the colloidal metals with respect to borohydride electro-oxidation for fuel cell applications was investigated by voltammetry on static and rotating electrodes, chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry and fuel cell experiments. The fundamental electrochemical techniques showed that alloying Au, a metal that leads to the maximum eight-electron oxidation of BH 4 -, with Pd or Pt, well-known catalysts of dehydrogenation reactions, improved the electrode kinetics of BH 4 - oxidation. Fuel cell experiments corroborated the kinetic studies. Using 5 mg cm -2 colloidal metal load on the anode, it was found that Au-Pt was the most active catalyst giving a cell voltage of 0.47 V at 100 mA cm -2 and 333 K, while under identical conditions the cell voltage using colloidal Au was 0.17 V.

  10. CERN launches high-school internship programme

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Johnston, Hamish


    The CERN particle-physics lab has hosted 22 high-school students from Hungary in a pilot programme designed to show teenagers how science, technology, engineering and mathematics is used at the particle-physics lab.

  11. Measurements of charmonium production in p+p, p+Au, and Au+Au collisions at s NN = 200  GeV with the STAR experiment


    Todoroki, Takahito


    Here, we present the first results from the STAR MTD of mid-rapidity charmonium measurements via the di-muon decay channel in p+p, p+Au, and Au+Au collisions at √S NN = 200 GeV at RHIC. The inclusive J/Ψ production cross section in p+p collisions can be described by the Non-Relativistic QCD (NRQCD) formalism coupled with the color glass condensate e ective theory (CGC) at low transverse momentum (p T) and next-to-leading order NRQCD at high p T. The nuclear modification factor in p+Au collisions for inclusive J/Ψ is below unity at low p T and consistent with unity at high p T,more » which can be described by calculations including both nuclear PDF and nuclear absorption e ects. The double ratio of inclusive J/Ψ and Ψ(2S) production rates for 0 < p T < 10 GeV/c at mid-rapidity between p+p and p+Au collisions is measured to be 1.37 0.42 0.19. The nuclear modification factor in Au+Au collisions for inclusive J/Ψ shows significant J/Ψ suppression at high p T in central collisions and can be qualitatively described by transport models including dissociation and regeneration contributions.« less

  12. Measurements of charmonium production in p+p, p+Au, and Au+Au collisions at s NN = 200  GeV with the STAR experiment

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Todoroki, Takahito

    Here, we present the first results from the STAR MTD of mid-rapidity charmonium measurements via the di-muon decay channel in p+p, p+Au, and Au+Au collisions at √S NN = 200 GeV at RHIC. The inclusive J/Ψ production cross section in p+p collisions can be described by the Non-Relativistic QCD (NRQCD) formalism coupled with the color glass condensate e ective theory (CGC) at low transverse momentum (p T) and next-to-leading order NRQCD at high p T. The nuclear modification factor in p+Au collisions for inclusive J/Ψ is below unity at low p T and consistent with unity at high p T,more » which can be described by calculations including both nuclear PDF and nuclear absorption e ects. The double ratio of inclusive J/Ψ and Ψ(2S) production rates for 0 < p T < 10 GeV/c at mid-rapidity between p+p and p+Au collisions is measured to be 1.37 0.42 0.19. The nuclear modification factor in Au+Au collisions for inclusive J/Ψ shows significant J/Ψ suppression at high p T in central collisions and can be qualitatively described by transport models including dissociation and regeneration contributions.« less

  13. High-temperature stability of Au/Pd/Cu and Au/Pd(P)/Cu surface finishes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ho, C. E.; Hsieh, W. Z.; Lee, P. T.; Huang, Y. H.; Kuo, T. T.


    Thermal reliability of Au/Pd/Cu and Au/Pd(4-6 wt.% P)/Cu trilayers in the isothermal annealing at 180 °C were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The pure Pd film possessed a nanocrystalline structure with numerous grain boundaries, thereby facilitating the interdiffusion between Au and Cu. Out-diffusion of Cu through Pd and Au grain boundaries yielded a significant amount of Cu oxides (CuO and Cu2O) over the Au surface and gave rise to void formation in the Cu film. By contrast, the Pd(P) film was amorphous and served as a good diffusion barrier against Cu diffusion. The results of this study indicated that amorphous Pd(P) possessed better oxidation resistance and thermal reliability than crystalline Pd.

  14. Monitoring Evolution at CERN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Andrade, P.; Fiorini, B.; Murphy, S.; Pigueiras, L.; Santos, M.


    Over the past two years, the operation of the CERN Data Centres went through significant changes with the introduction of new mechanisms for hardware procurement, new services for cloud provisioning and configuration management, among other improvements. These changes resulted in an increase of resources being operated in a more dynamic environment. Today, the CERN Data Centres provide over 11000 multi-core processor servers, 130 PB disk servers, 100 PB tape robots, and 150 high performance tape drives. To cope with these developments, an evolution of the data centre monitoring tools was also required. This modernisation was based on a number of guiding rules: sustain the increase of resources, adapt to the new dynamic nature of the data centres, make monitoring data easier to share, give more flexibility to Service Managers on how they publish and consume monitoring metrics and logs, establish a common repository of monitoring data, optimise the handling of monitoring notifications, and replace the previous toolset by new open source technologies with large adoption and community support. This contribution describes how these improvements were delivered, present the architecture and technologies of the new monitoring tools, and review the experience of its production deployment.

  15. NEWS: A trip to CERN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ellison, A. D.


    Two years ago John Kinchin and myself were lucky enough to attend the Goldsmith's particle physics course. As well as many interesting lectures and activities, this course included a visit to CERN. To most physics teachers CERN is Mecca, a hallowed place where gods manipulate and manufacture matter. The experience of being there was even better. Alison Wright was an enthusiastic and very knowledgeable host who ensured the visit went smoothly and we all learned a lot. While we were there, John and I discussed the possibility of bringing a party of A-level students to see real physics in action. In February of this year we managed it. 33 students from two schools, Boston Grammar School and Northampton School for Boys, and four staff left England and caught the 2 am ferry to France. Many hours and a few `short cuts' later we arrived at our hotel in St Genis, not far from CERN. The first day was spent sight-seeing in Lausanne and Geneva. The Olympic museum in Lausanne is well worth a visit. Unfortunately, the famous fountain in Geneva was turned off, but then you can't have everything. The following morning we turned up at CERN late due to the coach's brakes being iced up! We were met once again by Alison Wright who forgave us and introduced the visit by giving an excellent talk on CERN, its background and its reason for existing. At this point we met another member of our Goldsmith's course and his students so we joined forces once again. We then piled back into the coach to re-cross the border and visit ALEPH. ALEPH is a monster of a detector 150 m below ground. We divided into four groups, each with a very able and knowledgeable guide, and toured the site. The size and scale of the detector are awesome and the students were suitably impressed. We repeated the speed of sound experiment of two years ago at the bottom of a 150 m concrete shaft (320 m s-1), posed for a group photo in front of the detector (figure 1) and returned to the main site for lunch in

  16. Uncommon and Emissive {[Au2(C3H6NS2)2][Au(C3H6NS2)2]2(PF6)2} Mixed Au+ and Au3+ Pseudotetranuclear Crystalline Compound: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Optical Properties.


    Langaro, Ana P; Souza, Ana K R; Morassuti, Claudio Y; Lima, Sandro M; Casagrande, Gleison A; Deflon, Victor M; Nunes, Luiz A O; Da Cunha Andrade, Luis H


    An uncommon emissive pseudotetranuclear compound, {[Au 2 (C 3 H 6 NS 2 ) 2 ][Au(C 3 H 6 NS 2 ) 2 ] 2 (PF 6 ) 2 }, was synthesized and characterized in terms of its structure and optical properties. The synthesis produced a crystalline compound composed of four gold atoms with two different oxidation states (Au + and Au 3+ ) in the same crystalline structure. The title complex belonged to a triclinic crystalline system involving the centrosymmetric P1̅ space group. X-ray diffractometry and vibrational spectroscopy (infrared, Raman, and SERS) were used for structural characterization of the new crystal. The vibrational spectroscopy techniques supported the X-ray diffraction results and confirmed the presence of bonds including Au-Au and Au-S. Optical characterization performed using UV-vis spectroscopy showed that under ultraviolet excitation, the emissive crystalline complex presented characteristic broad luminescent bands centered at 420 and 670 nm.

  17. Compound formation and superconductivity in Au-Si: X-ray absorption measurements on ion-beam-mixed Au-Si films

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jeon, Y.; Jisrawi, N.; Liang, G.

    Multilayered Au-Si thin films have been deposited with the net compositions ''Au/sub 1-//sub x/Si/sub x/,'' x = 0.29, 0.5, and 0.8. After ion-beam mixing these films exhibited superconductivity in the 0.3--1.2 K range despite the nonsuperconducting character of both Au and Si. Near-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements on the Au L/sub 3/ edge in these films indicate that metastable Au-Si compound formation occurs in these ion-mixed materials. Specifically, the XAS measurements indicate changes in Au 5d-orbital occupancy and changes in the local Au structural environment which are both consistent with local compound formation.

  18. Les infections à Pseudomonas aeruginosa au service des maladies infectieuses du CHU YO, Burkina Faso: à propos deux cas

    PubMed Central

    Mamoudou, Savadogo; Lassina, Dao; Fla, Koueta


    Nous rapportons deux cas d'infection à Pseudomonas aeruginosa: un cas de méningite et un cas d'infection urinaire. Les auteurs rappellent qu’à côté des étiologies classiques des méningites et des infections urinaires, des germes résistants comme Pseudomonas aeruginosa peuvent être responsables d'infections à localisation méningées et urinaires et dont il faut connaître pour une bonne prise en charge. Le traitement de ces infections requiert un antibiogramme au regard de la grande capacité de résistance de Pseudomonas aeruginosa en milieu hospitalier. La limitation des gestes invasifs et l'application rigoureuse des mesures de prévention des infections en milieu hospitalier contribueront à lutter efficacement contre ces infections en milieu de soins. PMID:26491521

  19. Au plasmonics in a WS{sub 2}-Au-CuInS{sub 2} photocatalyst for significantly enhanced hydrogen generation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cheng, Zhongzhou; School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083; Wang, Zhenxing, E-mail:, E-mail:


    Promoting the activities of photocatalysts is still the critical challenge in H{sub 2} generation area. Here, a Au plasmon enhanced photocatalyst of WS{sub 2}-Au-CuInS{sub 2} is developed by inserting Au nanoparticles between WS{sub 2} nanotubes and CuInS{sub 2} (CIS) nanoparticles. Due to the localized surface plasmonic resonance properties from Au nanoparticles, WS{sub 2}-Au-CIS shows the best performance as compared to Au-CIS, CIS, WS{sub 2}-CIS, CIS-Au, WS{sub 2}-Au, and WS{sub 2}-CIS-Au. The surface plasmonic resonance effects dramatically intensify the absorption of visible light and help to inject hot electrons into the semiconductors. Our findings open up an efficient method to optimizemore » the type-II structures for photocatalytic water splitting.« less

  20. Identified particles in Au+Au collisions at S=200 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Phobos Collaboration; Wosiek, Barbara; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Ballintijn, M.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    The yields of identified particles have been measured at RHIC for Au+Au collisions at S=200 GeV using the PHOBOS spectrometer. The ratios of antiparticle to particle yields near mid-rapidity are presented. The first measurements of the invariant yields of charged pions, kaons and protons at very low transverse momenta are also shown.

  1. pH-Induced transformation of ligated Au25 to brighter Au23 nanoclusters.


    Waszkielewicz, Magdalena; Olesiak-Banska, Joanna; Comby-Zerbino, Clothilde; Bertorelle, Franck; Dagany, Xavier; Bansal, Ashu K; Sajjad, Muhammad T; Samuel, Ifor D W; Sanader, Zeljka; Rozycka, Miroslawa; Wojtas, Magdalena; Matczyszyn, Katarzyna; Bonacic-Koutecky, Vlasta; Antoine, Rodolphe; Ozyhar, Andrzej; Samoc, Marek


    Thiolate-protected gold nanoclusters have recently attracted considerable attention due to their size-dependent luminescence characterized by a long lifetime and large Stokes shift. However, the optimization of nanocluster properties such as the luminescence quantum yield is still a challenge. We report here the transformation of Au25Capt18 (Capt labels captopril) nanoclusters occurring at low pH and yielding a product with a much increased luminescence quantum yield which we have identified as Au23Capt17. We applied a simple method of treatment with HCl to accomplish this transformation and we characterized the absorption and emission of the newly created ligated nanoclusters as well as their morphology. Based on DFT calculations we show which Au nanocluster size transformations can lead to highly luminescent species such as Au23Capt17.

  2. Utilisation de l'essai comete et du biomarqueur gamma-H2AX pour detecter les dommages induits a l'ADN cellulaire par le 5-bromodeoxyuridine post-irradiation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    La Madeleine, Carole

    Ce memoire est presente a la Faculte de medecine et des sciences de la sante de l'Universite de Sherbrooke en vue de l'obtention du grade de maitre es sciences (M.Sc.) en radiobiologie (2009). Un jury a revise les informations contenues dans ce memoire. Il etait compose de professeurs de la Faculte de medecine et des sciences de la sante soit : Darel Hunting PhD, directeur de recherche (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie), Leon Sanche PhD, directeur de recherche (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie), Richard Wagner PhD, membre du programme (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie) et Guylain Boissonneault PhD, membre exterieur au programme (departement de biochimie). Le 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), un analogue halogene de la thymidine reconnu depuis les annees 60 comme etant un excellent radiosensibilisateur. L'hypothese la plus repandue au sujet de l'effet radio sensibilisant du BrdU est qu'il augmente le nombre de cassures simple et double brin lorsqu'il est incorpore dans l'ADN de la cellule et expose aux radiations ionisantes. Toutefois, de nouvelles recherches semblent remettre en question les observations precedentes. Ces dernieres etudes ont confirme que le BrdU est un bon radiosensibilisateur, car il augmente les dommages radio-induits dans l'ADN. Mais, c'est en etant incorpore dans une region simple brin que le BrdU radiosensibilise l'ADN. Ces recherches ont egalement revele pour la premiere fois un nouveau type de dommages produits lors de l'irradiation de l'ADN contenant du BrdU : les dimeres interbrins. Le but de ces travaux de recherche est de determiner si la presence de bromodeoxyuridine dans l'ADN augmente l'induction de bris simple et / ou double brin chez les cellules irradiees en utilisant de nouvelles techniques plus sensibles et specifiques que celles utilisees auparavant. Pour ce faire, les essais cometes et la detection des foci H2AX phosphorylee pourraient permettre d'etablir les effets engendres par

  3. Integrating Containers in the CERN Private Cloud

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Noel, Bertrand; Michelino, Davide; Velten, Mathieu; Rocha, Ricardo; Trigazis, Spyridon


    Containers remain a hot topic in computing, with new use cases and tools appearing every day. Basic functionality such as spawning containers seems to have settled, but topics like volume support or networking are still evolving. Solutions like Docker Swarm, Kubernetes or Mesos provide similar functionality but target different use cases, exposing distinct interfaces and APIs. The CERN private cloud is made of thousands of nodes and users, with many different use cases. A single solution for container deployment would not cover every one of them, and supporting multiple solutions involves repeating the same process multiple times for integration with authentication services, storage services or networking. In this paper we describe OpenStack Magnum as the solution to offer container management in the CERN cloud. We will cover its main functionality and some advanced use cases using Docker Swarm and Kubernetes, highlighting some relevant differences between the two. We will describe the most common use cases in HEP and how we integrated popular services like CVMFS or AFS in the most transparent way possible, along with some limitations found. Finally we will look into ongoing work on advanced scheduling for both Swarm and Kubernetes, support for running batch like workloads and integration of container networking technologies with the CERN infrastructure.

  4. Measurements of mass-dependent azimuthal anisotropy in central p + Au, d + Au, and He 3 + Au collisions at s N N = 200 GeV


    Adare, A.; Aidala, C.; Ajitanand, N. N.; ...


    Here, we present measurements of the transverse-momentum dependence of elliptic flow v 2 for identified pions and (anti)protons at midrapidity (|η| < 0.35), in 0%–5% central p+Au and 3He+Au collisions at √ s NN = 200 GeV. When taken together with previously published measurements in d + Au collisions at √ s NN = 200 GeV, the results cover a broad range of small-collision-system multiplicities and intrinsic initial geometries. We observe a clear mass-dependent splitting of v 2(p T) in d + Au and 3He + Au collisions, just as in large nucleus-nucleus (A + A) collisions, and a smallermore » splitting in p + Au collisions. Both hydrodynamic and transport model calculations successfully describe the data at low p T (< 1.5GeV/c), but fail to describe various features at higher p T. In all systems, the v 2 values follow an approximate quark-number scaling as a function of the hadron transverse kinetic energy per constituent quark (KE T/n q), which was also seen previously in A + A collisions.« less

  5. Measurements of mass-dependent azimuthal anisotropy in central p + Au, d + Au, and He 3 + Au collisions at s N N = 200 GeV

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Adare, A.; Aidala, C.; Ajitanand, N. N.

    Here, we present measurements of the transverse-momentum dependence of elliptic flow v 2 for identified pions and (anti)protons at midrapidity (|η| < 0.35), in 0%–5% central p+Au and 3He+Au collisions at √ s NN = 200 GeV. When taken together with previously published measurements in d + Au collisions at √ s NN = 200 GeV, the results cover a broad range of small-collision-system multiplicities and intrinsic initial geometries. We observe a clear mass-dependent splitting of v 2(p T) in d + Au and 3He + Au collisions, just as in large nucleus-nucleus (A + A) collisions, and a smallermore » splitting in p + Au collisions. Both hydrodynamic and transport model calculations successfully describe the data at low p T (< 1.5GeV/c), but fail to describe various features at higher p T. In all systems, the v 2 values follow an approximate quark-number scaling as a function of the hadron transverse kinetic energy per constituent quark (KE T/n q), which was also seen previously in A + A collisions.« less

  6. Les perdus de vue en radiothérapie: expérience de l'Institut National d'Oncologie au Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Mezouri, Imane; Chenna, Hanane; Bellefqih, Sara; Elkacemi, Hanan; Kebdani, Tayeb; Benjaafar, Noureddine


    Les perdus de vue (PDV) sont toute personne incluse dans un programme et dont on est sans nouvelles depuis six mois. L'objectif de cette étude est de fournir une description objective du problème des malades PDV au service de radiothérapie à l'Institut National d'Oncologie (INO), elle permet d’étudier l'impact des facteurs socio-économiques, démographiques et ceux liés à la maladie entraînant l'abandon du traitement par le patient. Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective de 77 patients PDV parmi 2254 patient admis à l'INO du premier janvier au 31 décembre 2011 pour traitement par radiothérapie. La présente analyse a mis en évidence que les taux d'abandon sont associés à des facteurs liés à la maladie et qu’à la fois le patient et le médecin doivent être formés et être conscients de la façon dont les stades avancés de la maladie, le mauvais statut de performance ainsi que la combinaison des autres problèmes de santé peuvent suffisamment conduire le patient à l'abandon du traitement. PMID:25584129

  7. Recent HBT results in Au+Au and p+p collisions from PHENIX

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    PHENIX Collaboration; Glenn, Andrew; PHENIX Collaboration


    We present Hanbury-Brown Twiss measurements from the PHENIX experiment at RHIC for final results for charged kaon pairs from s=200 GeV Au+Au collisions and preliminary results for charged pion pairs from s=200 GeVp+p collisions. We find that for kaon pairs from Au+Au, each traditional 3D Gaussian radius shows approximately the same linear increase as a function of Npart1/3. An imaging analysis reveals a significant non-Gaussian tail for r≳10 fm. The presence of a tail for kaon pairs demonstrates that similar non-Gaussian tails observed in earlier pion measurements cannot be fully explained by decays of long-lived resonances. The preliminary analysis of pions from s=200 GeV p+p minimum biased collisions show correlations which are well suited to traditional 3D HBT radii extraction via the Bowler-Sinyukov method, and we present R, R, and R as a function of mean transverse pair mass.

  8. {phi} meson production in Au + Au and p + p collisions at {radical}s{sub NN}=200 GeV

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Adams, J.; Adler, C.; Aggarwal, M.M.


    We report the STAR measurement of {psi} meson production in Au + Au and p + p collisions at {radical}s{sub NN} = 200 GeV. Using the event mixing technique, the {psi} spectra and yields are obtained at midrapidity for five centrality bins in Au+Au collisions and for non-singly-diffractive p+p collisions. It is found that the {psi} transverse momentum distributions from Au+Au collisions are better fitted with a single-exponential while the p+p spectrum is better described by a double-exponential distribution. The measured nuclear modification factors indicate that {psi} production in central Au+Au collisions is suppressed relative to peripheral collisions when scaledmore » by the number of binary collisions (). The systematics of versus centrality and the constant {psi}/K{sup -} ratio versus beam species, centrality, and collision energy rule out kaon coalescence as the dominant mechanism for {psi} production.« less

  9. Measurements of mass-dependent azimuthal anisotropy in central p + Au, d + Au, and 3He + Au collisions at √{sN N}=200 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adare, A.; Aidala, C.; Ajitanand, N. N.; Akiba, Y.; Alfred, M.; Andrieux, V.; Apadula, N.; Asano, H.; Azmoun, B.; Babintsev, V.; Bagoly, A.; Bai, M.; Bandara, N. S.; Bannier, B.; Barish, K. N.; Bathe, S.; Bazilevsky, A.; Beaumier, M.; Beckman, S.; Belmont, R.; Berdnikov, A.; Berdnikov, Y.; Blau, D. S.; Boer, M.; Bok, J. S.; Boyle, K.; Brooks, M. L.; Bryslawskyj, J.; Bumazhnov, V.; Campbell, S.; Canoa Roman, V.; Cervantes, R.; Chen, C.-H.; Chi, C. Y.; Chiu, M.; Choi, I. J.; Choi, J. B.; Chujo, T.; Citron, Z.; Connors, M.; Cronin, N.; Csanád, M.; Csörgő, T.; Danley, T. W.; Datta, A.; Daugherity, M. S.; David, G.; Deblasio, K.; Dehmelt, K.; Denisov, A.; Deshpande, A.; Desmond, E. J.; Dion, A.; Diss, P. B.; Dixit, D.; Do, J. H.; Drees, A.; Drees, K. A.; Durham, J. M.; Durum, A.; Enokizono, A.; En'yo, H.; Esumi, S.; Fadem, B.; Fan, W.; Feege, N.; Fields, D. E.; Finger, M.; Finger, M.; Fokin, S. L.; Frantz, J. E.; Franz, A.; Frawley, A. D.; Fukuda, Y.; Gal, C.; Gallus, P.; Garg, P.; Ge, H.; Giordano, F.; Glenn, A.; Goto, Y.; Grau, N.; Greene, S. V.; Grosse Perdekamp, M.; Gunji, T.; Guragain, H.; Hachiya, T.; Haggerty, J. S.; Hahn, K. I.; Hamagaki, H.; Hamilton, H. F.; Han, S. Y.; Hanks, J.; Hasegawa, S.; Haseler, T. O. S.; Hashimoto, K.; He, X.; Hemmick, T. K.; Hill, J. C.; Hill, K.; Hodges, A.; Hollis, R. S.; Homma, K.; Hong, B.; Hoshino, T.; Hotvedt, N.; Huang, J.; Huang, S.; Imai, K.; Imrek, J.; Inaba, M.; Iordanova, A.; Isenhower, D.; Ivanishchev, D.; Jacak, B. V.; Jezghani, M.; Ji, Z.; Jia, J.; Jiang, X.; Johnson, B. M.; Jorjadze, V.; Jouan, D.; Jumper, D. S.; Kanda, S.; Kang, J. H.; Kapukchyan, D.; Karthas, S.; Kawall, D.; Kazantsev, A. V.; Key, J. A.; Khachatryan, V.; Khanzadeev, A.; Kim, C.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, E.-J.; Kim, G. W.; Kim, M.; Kim, M. H.; Kimelman, B.; Kincses, D.; Kistenev, E.; Kitamura, R.; Klatsky, J.; Kleinjan, D.; Kline, P.; Koblesky, T.; Komkov, B.; Kotov, D.; Kudo, S.; Kurgyis, B.; Kurita, K.; Kurosawa, M.; Kwon, Y.; Lacey, R.; Lajoie, J. G.; Lebedev, A.; Lee, S.; Lee, S. H.; Leitch, M. J.; Leung, Y. H.; Lewis, N. A.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Lim, S. H.; Liu, M. X.; Loggins, V.-R.; Lökös, S.; Lovasz, K.; Lynch, D.; Majoros, T.; Makdisi, Y. I.; Makek, M.; Manion, A.; Manko, V. I.; Mannel, E.; Masuda, H.; McCumber, M.; McGaughey, P. L.; McGlinchey, D.; McKinney, C.; Meles, A.; Mendoza, M.; Metzger, W. J.; Mignerey, A. C.; Mihalik, D. E.; Milov, A.; Mishra, D. K.; Mitchell, J. T.; Mitsuka, G.; Miyasaka, S.; Mizuno, S.; Mohanty, A. K.; Montuenga, P.; Moon, T.; Morrison, D. P.; Morrow, S. I.; Moukhanova, T. V.; Murakami, T.; Murata, J.; Mwai, A.; Nagai, K.; Nagashima, K.; Nagashima, T.; Nagle, J. L.; Nagy, M. I.; Nakagawa, I.; Nakagomi, H.; Nakano, K.; Nattrass, C.; Netrakanti, P. K.; Niida, T.; Nishimura, S.; Nouicer, R.; Novák, T.; Novitzky, N.; Nyanin, A. S.; O'Brien, E.; Ogilvie, C. A.; Orjuela Koop, J. D.; Osborn, J. D.; Oskarsson, A.; Ottino, G. J.; Ozawa, K.; Pak, R.; Pantuev, V.; Papavassiliou, V.; Park, J. S.; Park, S.; Pate, S. F.; Patel, M.; Peng, J.-C.; Peng, W.; Perepelitsa, D. V.; Perera, G. D. N.; Peressounko, D. Yu.; Perezlara, C. E.; Perry, J.; Petti, R.; Phipps, M.; Pinkenburg, C.; Pinson, R.; Pisani, R. P.; Pun, A.; Purschke, M. L.; Radzevich, P. V.; Rak, J.; Ramson, B. J.; Ravinovich, I.; Read, K. F.; Reynolds, D.; Riabov, V.; Riabov, Y.; Richford, D.; Rinn, T.; Rolnick, S. D.; Rosati, M.; Rowan, Z.; Rubin, J. G.; Runchey, J.; Safonov, A. S.; Sahlmueller, B.; Saito, N.; Sakaguchi, T.; Sako, H.; Samsonov, V.; Sarsour, M.; Sato, K.; Sato, S.; Schaefer, B.; Schmoll, B. K.; Sedgwick, K.; Seidl, R.; Sen, A.; Seto, R.; Sett, P.; Sexton, A.; Sharma, D.; Shein, I.; Shibata, T.-A.; Shigaki, K.; Shimomura, M.; Shioya, T.; Shukla, P.; Sickles, A.; Silva, C. L.; Silvermyr, D.; Singh, B. K.; Singh, C. P.; Singh, V.; Skoby, M. J.; Slunečka, M.; Snowball, M.; Soltz, R. A.; Sondheim, W. E.; Sorensen, S. P.; Sourikova, I. V.; Stankus, P. W.; Stepanov, M.; Stoll, S. P.; Sugitate, T.; Sukhanov, A.; Sumita, T.; Sun, J.; Sziklai, J.; Takeda, A.; Taketani, A.; Tanida, K.; Tannenbaum, M. J.; Tarafdar, S.; Taranenko, A.; Tarnai, G.; Tieulent, R.; Timilsina, A.; Todoroki, T.; Tomášek, M.; Towell, C. L.; Towell, R.; Towell, R. S.; Tserruya, I.; Ueda, Y.; Ujvari, B.; van Hecke, H. W.; Vazquez-Carson, S.; Velkovska, J.; Virius, M.; Vrba, V.; Vukman, N.; Wang, X. R.; Wang, Z.; Watanabe, Y.; Watanabe, Y. S.; Wei, F.; White, A. S.; Wong, C. P.; Woody, C. L.; Wysocki, M.; Xia, B.; Xu, C.; Xu, Q.; Xue, L.; Yalcin, S.; Yamaguchi, Y. L.; Yamamoto, H.; Yanovich, A.; Yin, P.; Yoo, J. H.; Yoon, I.; Yu, H.; Yushmanov, I. E.; Zajc, W. A.; Zelenski, A.; Zharko, S.; Zhou, S.; Zou, L.; Phenix Collaboration


    We present measurements of the transverse-momentum dependence of elliptic flow v2 for identified pions and (anti)protons at midrapidity (|η |<0.35 ), in 0%-5% central p +Au and 3He+Au collisions at √{sNN}=200 GeV. When taken together with previously published measurements in d +Au collisions at √{sNN}=200 GeV, the results cover a broad range of small-collision-system multiplicities and intrinsic initial geometries. We observe a clear mass-dependent splitting of v2(pT) in d +Au and 3He+Au collisions, just as in large nucleus-nucleus (A +A ) collisions, and a smaller splitting in p +Au collisions. Both hydrodynamic and transport model calculations successfully describe the data at low pT (<1.5 GeV /c ), but fail to describe various features at higher pT. In all systems, the v2 values follow an approximate quark-number scaling as a function of the hadron transverse kinetic energy per constituent quark (K ET/nq ), which was also seen previously in A +A collisions.

  10. Problématique de l'utilisation des Moustiquaires Imprégnées d'insecticide à Longue Durée (MILD) chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans en République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Philippe, Cilundika Mulenga; Odile, Nyota Nsenga; Numbi, Oscar Luboya


    Introduction Le paludisme est une maladie parasitaire à transmission vectorielle qui constitue un problème majeur de santé publique dans les pays tropicaux, particulièrement les pays de l'Afrique Subsaharienne. La présente étude avait pour objectif d'identifier le niveau d'utilisation de la MILD chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans la zone de santé de Mumbunda. Méthodes L’étude, de type transversal, a été mené du 25 au 27 octobre 2013 et a porté sur un échantillon de 410 ménages tirés au hasard et ayant au moins un enfant de moins de 5 ans. Résultats Parmi les ménages qui avaient déclaré possédaient la MILD 13,1% (n=54) des répondant avaient déclaré les utilisé chez les enfants de moins de 5ans et 80,2% pour tout le monde. Dans 22,0% des cas, les répondants ont évoqué le manque d'argent comme motif de la non possession de la MILD. Les répondants savaient déclarer à 79,8% avoir utilisé la MILD pour se protéger contre la malaria et à 66,3% pour se protéger contre les piqures des moustiques. La MILD a été étalée à l'ombre pendant 24h avant d’être utilisée pour la première fois par 77,9% des ménages. Les répondants avaient déclaré à 15,3% (n=63) avoir reçu les conseils par les médias pour l'usage de la moustiquaire. Et le personnel médical était la source la plus importante pour expliquer le mode d'emploi de la MILD pour 51,2% des ménages. Conclusion La réussite pour faire reculer le paludisme doit nécessairement passer par la prévention, le suivi et l’évaluation de l'utilisation des moustiquaires imprégnées au niveau de la zone de santé de Mumbunda. PMID:27222690

  11. The Evolution of CERN EDMS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wardzinska, Aleksandra; Petit, Stephan; Bray, Rachel; Delamare, Christophe; Garcia Arza, Griselda; Krastev, Tsvetelin; Pater, Krzysztof; Suwalska, Anna; Widegren, David


    Large-scale long-term projects such as the LHC require the ability to store, manage, organize and distribute large amounts of engineering information, covering a wide spectrum of fields. This information is a living material, evolving in time, following specific lifecycles. It has to reach the next generations of engineers so they understand how their predecessors designed, crafted, operated and maintained the most complex machines ever built. This is the role of CERN EDMS. The Engineering and Equipment Data Management Service has served the High Energy Physics Community for over 15 years. It is CERN's official PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), supporting engineering communities in their collaborations inside and outside the laboratory. EDMS is integrated with the CAD (Computer-aided Design) and CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management) systems used at CERN providing tools for engineers who work in different domains and who are not PLM specialists. Over the years, human collaborations and machines grew in size and complexity. So did EDMS: it is currently home to more than 2 million files and documents, and has over 6 thousand active users. In April 2014 we released a new major version of EDMS, featuring a complete makeover of the web interface, improved responsiveness and enhanced functionality. Following the results of user surveys and building upon feedback received from key users group, we brought what we think is a system that is more attractive and makes it easy to perform complex tasks. In this paper we will describe the main functions and the architecture of EDMS. We will discuss the available integration options, which enable further evolution and automation of engineering data management. We will also present our plans for the future development of EDMS.

  12. Electronic behaviour of Au-Pt alloys and the 4f binding energy shift anomaly in Au bimetallics- X-ray spectroscopy studies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Dongniu; Cui, Xiaoyu; Xiao, Qunfeng; Hu, Yongfeng; Wang, Zhiqiang; Yiu, Y. M.; Sham, T. K.


    The electronic structure and charge redistribution of 6s conduction charge and 5d charge in Au and Pt alloys, Au9Pt and AuPt9 have been investigated using a charge compensation model. It is found that, both the Au and Pt 4f binding energy (BE) exhibits a negative shift in the alloys relatively to the pure metal in apparent disagreement with electroneutrality considerations (Au is the most electronegative metallic element); more interestingly, the negative Au 4f BE shift in Au-Pt alloy is in contrast to previous observations for a large number of Au bimetallic systems with more electropositive hosts in which the more electropositive the host„ the more positive the Au 4f BE shift. This anomaly is counter intuitive to electronegativity considerations. This dilemma was resolved by the charge compensation model in which both electronegativity and charge neutrality can be satisfied and the overall charge flow δ, onto Au is small and positive and δ arises from charge flow of 6s conduction charge, Δnc onto Au site, which is partially compensated by the depletion of 6d charge Δnd at the Au site (δ = Δnc+ Δnd ˜0.1 >0). The much larger Coulomb interaction between 4f and 5d than that between 4f and 6s results in positive 4f BE shifts. The Au 4f BE shift in Au-Pt alloys together with 193Au Mössbauer data were used in the charge compensation model analysis which shows that the model is still valid in that the Au 4f shift in Au-Pt alloy arises from mainly conduction charge gain with little depletion of d charge at the Au site. The model also works for Pt. The Au and Pt 5d character in the alloys have been examined with valence band spectra which show both maintain their d characteristic in dilute alloys with Pt d piling up at the Fermi level, and the top of the Au valence band being pushed toward the Fermi level; this is confirmed with DFT densities of state calculations. When Pt is diluted in Au, it gains d charge as evident from the reduction in whiteline intensity

  13. Au99(SPh)42 nanomolecules: aromatic thiolate ligand induced conversion of Au144(SCH2CH2Ph)60.


    Nimmala, Praneeth Reddy; Dass, Amala


    A new aromatic thiolate protected gold nanomolecule Au99(SPh)42 has been synthesized by reacting the highly stable Au144(SCH2CH2Ph)60 with thiophenol, HSPh. The ubiquitous Au144(SR)60 is known for its high stability even at elevated temperature and in the presence of excess thiol. This report demonstrates for the first time the reactivity of the Au144(SCH2CH2Ph)60 with thiophenol to form a different 99-Au atom species. The resulting Au99(SPh)42 compound, however, is unreactive and highly stable in the presence of excess aromatic thiol. The molecular formula of the title compound is determined by high resolution electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and confirmed by the preparation of the 99-atom nanomolecule using two ligands, namely, Au99(SPh)42 and Au99(SPh-OMe)42. This mass spectrometry study is an unprecedented advance in nanoparticle reaction monitoring, in studying the 144-atom to 99-atom size evolution at such high m/z (∼12k) and resolution. The optical and electrochemical properties of Au99(SPh)42 are reported. Other substituents on the phenyl group, HS-Ph-X, where X = -F, -CH3, -OCH3, also show the Au144 to Au99 core size conversion, suggesting minimal electronic effects for these substituents. Control experiments were conducted by reacting Au144(SCH2CH2Ph)60 with HS-(CH2)n-Ph (where n = 1 and 2), bulky ligands like adamantanethiol and cyclohexanethiol. It was observed that conversion of Au144 to Au99 occurs only when the phenyl group is directly attached to the thiol, suggesting that the formation of a 99-atom species is largely influenced by aromaticity of the ligand and less so on the bulkiness of the ligand.

  14. Modification of the ρ meson detected by low-mass electron-positron pairs in central Pbsbnd Au collisions at 158A GeV/c

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adamová, D.; Agakichiev, G.; Antończyk, D.; Appelshäuser, H.; Belaga, V.; Bielcikova, J.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Busch, O.; Cherlin, A.; Damjanović, S.; Dietel, T.; Dietrich, L.; Drees, A.; Dubitzky, W.; Esumi, S. I.; Filimonov, K.; Fomenko, K.; Fraenkel, Z.; Garabatos, C.; Glässel, P.; Holeczek, J.; Kushpil, V.; Maas, A.; Marín, A.; Milošević, J.; Milov, A.; Miśkowiec, D.; Panebrattsev, Yu.; Petchenova, O.; Petráček, V.; Pfeiffer, A.; Rak, J.; Ravinovich, I.; Rehak, P.; Sako, H.; Schmitz, W.; Sedykh, S.; Shimansky, S.; Stachel, J.; Šumbera, M.; Tilsner, H.; Tserruya, I.; Wessels, J. P.; Wienold, T.; Wurm, J. P.; Xie, W.; Yurevich, S.; Yurevich, V.; Ceres Collaboration


    We present a measurement of e+e- pair production in central Pbsbnd Au collisions at 158 A GeV / c. As reported earlier, a significant excess of the e+e- pair yield over the expectation from hadron decays is observed. The improved mass resolution of the present data set, recorded with the upgraded CERES experiment at the CERN-SPS, allows for a comparison of the data with different theoretical approaches. The data clearly favor a substantial in-medium broadening of the ρ spectral function over a density-dependent shift of the ρ pole mass. The in-medium broadening model implies that baryon induced interactions are the key mechanism to the observed modifications of the ρ meson at SPS energy.

  15. Modification of the ρ meson detected by low-mass electron positron pairs in central PbAu collisions at 158A GeV/c

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ceres Collaboration; Adamová, D.; Agakichiev, G.; Antończyk, D.; Appelshäuser, H.; Belaga, V.; Bielcikova, J.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Busch, O.; Cherlin, A.; Damjanović, S.; Dietel, T.; Dietrich, L.; Drees, A.; Dubitzky, W.; Esumi, S. I.; Filimonov, K.; Fomenko, K.; Fraenkel, Z.; Garabatos, C.; Glässel, P.; Holeczek, J.; Kushpil, V.; Maas, A.; Marín, A.; Milošević, J.; Milov, A.; Miśkowiec, D.; Panebrattsev, Yu.; Petchenova, O.; Petráček, V.; Pfeiffer, A.; Rak, J.; Ravinovich, I.; Rehak, P.; Sako, H.; Schmitz, W.; Sedykh, S.; Shimansky, S.; Stachel, J.; Šumbera, M.; Tilsner, H.; Tserruya, I.; Wessels, J. P.; Wienold, T.; Wurm, J. P.; Xie, W.; Yurevich, S.; Yurevich, V.


    We present a measurement of ee pair production in central PbAu collisions at 158A GeV/c. As reported earlier, a significant excess of the ee pair yield over the expectation from hadron decays is observed. The improved mass resolution of the present data set, recorded with the upgraded CERES experiment at the CERN-SPS, allows for a comparison of the data with different theoretical approaches. The data clearly favor a substantial in-medium broadening of the ρ spectral function over a density-dependent shift of the ρ pole mass. The in-medium broadening model implies that baryon induced interactions are the key mechanism to the observed modifications of the ρ meson at SPS energy.

  16. LHC, le Big Bang en éprouvette




    Notre compréhension de l’Univers est en train de changer… Bar des Sciences - Tout public Débat modéré par Marie-Odile Montchicourt, journaliste de France Info. Evenement en vidéoconférence entre le Globe de la science et de l’innovation, le bar le Baloard de Montpellier et la Maison des Métallos à Paris. Intervenants au CERN : Philippe Charpentier et Daniel Froideveaux, physiciens au CERN. Intervenants à Paris : Vincent Bontemps, philosophe et chercheur au CEA ; Jacques Arnould, philosophe, historien des sciences et théologien, Jean-Jacques Beineix, réalisateur, producteur, scénariste de cinéma. Intervenants à Montpellier (LPTA) : André Neveu, physicien théoricien et directeur de recherche au CNRS ; Gilbert Moultaka, physicien théoricien et chargé de recherche au CNRS. Partenariat : CERN, CEA, IN2P3, Université MPL2 (LPTA) Dans le cadre de la Fête de la science 2008

  17. La prise en charge à long terme de l’asthme chez les enfants inuits et des Premières nations : un outil de transfert du savoir fondé sur les lignes directrices canadiennes pour l’asthme pédiatrique, conçu pour être utilisé par les professionnels de la santé de première ligne qui travaillent dans des communautés isolées

    PubMed Central

    Kovesi, Tom; Giles, Brenda Louise; Pasterkamp, Hans

    L’asthme est un grave problème de santé pour les enfants inuits et des Premières nations. Chez les enfants de moins d’un an, il faut distinguer l’asthme de la bronchiolite virale, anormalement fréquente chez les enfants autochtones du Canada. Chez les enfants de moins de six ans, le diagnostic dépend de la présence de symptômes classiques, de l’absence de caractéristiques atypiques et de la consignation de la réponse au traitement, notamment la réponse rapide et transitoire aux bronchodilatateurs. Chez les enfants plus âgés, il faut, dans la mesure du possible, déterminer la présence d’une obstruction réversible des voies aériennes par spirométrie afin de confirmer le diagnostic, ainsi qu’évaluer et corriger les déclencheurs environnementaux. L’utilisation régulière de corticoïdes en aérosol est la principale mesure à prendre pour maintenir un bon contrôle de l’asthme chez les enfants asthmatiques. Les clients et leur famille devraient recevoir une formation sur l’asthme. Il faut réévaluer régulièrement le contrôle aux visites de suivi dans des centres de santé et rajuster le traitement à la dose la plus basse possible pour le maintien de ce contrôle.

  18. Profil des diabétiques en hémodialyse chronique: étude multicentrique au Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Kabbali, Nadia; Mikou, Souad; El Pardiya, Nada Tazi; El Bardai, Ghita; Arrayhani, Mohamed; Houssaini, Tarik Sqalli


    Introduction Le diabète représente la première cause de mortalité par insuffisance rénale au Maroc. Sa prévalence selon l'Enquête Nationale sur la Population et la Santé Familiale de 2011 est de 3,3% [1]. Le but de ce travail est de déterminer la prévalence et d’étudier le profil clinique des diabétiques en hémodialyse chronique au Maroc. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude transversale multicentrique incluant 2066 hémodialysés chroniques dans les 39 centres d'hémodialyse de quatre régions marocaines. Résultats La prévalence du diabète en hémodialyse est 21,6%. L’âge moyen 59±13,2 ans (26-87). Le sex-ratio est de 1,9. L'IMC moyen est de 24,5 ± 4,4 kg/m2 (15-41). 42 patients sont porteurs d′une hépatite virale. La durée moyenne en HD est 39,3± 67 mois. 57% des patients gardent une diurèse résiduelle versus 43% chez les non diabétiques. Par rapport à ces derniers, nous avons noté plus d'HTA (64% versus 45%), plus de complications cardiovasculaires (23% versus 12%), un âge plus avancé à l'initiation de l'hémodialyse (55,5 versus 47 ans) et un taux de FAV proximales plus important. Conclusion La prévalence des diabétiques en hémodialyse est relativement élevée au Maroc sans tenir compte des patients qui ne bénéficient pas d’épuration extra-rénale pour des raisons socio-économiques. Le taux élevé de mortalité est imputable au retard et/ou à l'absence de la prise en charge néphrologique des diabétiques. Dans nos régions où le système sanitaire dispose de faible moyen, l'accent doit être mis sur le dépistage précoce de la néphropathie chez le diabétique. PMID:25374630

  19. Synthesis copolymer use to reduce pour point temperature of diamond crude oil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Than, Dao Viet; Chuong, Thai Hong; Tuy, Dao Quoc


    Diamond oil field is located in Block 01&02 Offshore Vietnam. Crude oil from Diamond Well Head Platform (WHP) is evacuated to FPSO via 20km 10" subsea flexible pipeline. The lowest seabed temperature in the field is 22°C, while the pour point temperature (PPT) of Diamond crude oil is very high (36°C) due to high paraffin content (25%). So studying to research a suitable Pour Point Depressant (PPD) for the crude oil is very important. The PPD must have ability to reduce pour point temperature of crude oil from 36°C to 21°C.

  20. La planification préalable des soins pour les patients en pédiatrie

    PubMed Central


    RÉSUMÉ Les progrès médicaux et technologiques ont permis d’ac-croître les taux de survie et d’améliorer la qualité de vie des nourrissons, des enfants et des adolescents ayant des maladies chroniques mettant la vie en danger. La planifi-cation préalable des soins inclut le processus relié aux discussions sur les traitements essentiels au maintien de la survie et la détermination des objectifs des soins de longue durée. Les dispensateurs de soins pédiatriques ont l’obligation éthique d’assimiler cet aspect des soins médicaux. Le présent document de principes vise à aider les dispensateurs de soins à discuter de la planification préalable des soins des patients pédiatriques dans diverses situations. La planification préalable des soins exige des communications efficaces afin de clarifier les objectifs des soins et de s’entendre sur les traitements pertinents ou non pour réaliser ces objectifs, y compris les mesures de réanimation et les mesures palliatives.

  1. Uptake of Au(III) Ions by Aluminum Hydroxide and Their Spontaneous Reduction to Elemental Gold (Au(0)).


    Yokoyama; Matsukado; Uchida; Motomura; Watanabe; Izawa


    The behavior of AuCl(4)(-) ions during the formation of aluminum hydroxide at pH 6 was examined. With an increase in NaCl concentration, the content of gold taken up by aluminum hydroxide decreased, suggesting that chloro-hydroxy complexes of Au(III) ion were taken up due to the formation of Al-O-Au bonds. It was found unexpectedly that the Au(III) ions taken up were spontaneously reduced to elemental gold without addition of a specific reducing reagent and then colloidal gold particles were formed. The mechanisms for the uptake of Au(III) ions by aluminum hydroxide and for their spontaneous reduction are discussed. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.

  2. Facile Syntheses of Monodisperse Ultra-Small Au Clusters

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bertino, Massimo F.; Sun, Zhong-Ming; Zhang, Rui


    During our effort to synthesize the tetrahedral Au20 cluster, we found a facile synthetic route to prepare monodisperse suspensions of ultra-small Au clusters AuN (N<12) using diphosphine ligands. In our monophasic and single-pot synthesis, a Au precursor ClAu(I)PPh3 and a bidentate phosphine ligand P(Ph)2(CH2)MP(Ph)2 (Ph = phenyl) are dissolved in an organic solvent. Au(I) is reduced slowly by a borane-tert-butylamine complex to form Au clusters coordinated by the diphosphine ligand. The Au clusters are characterized by both high resolution mass spectrometry and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. We found that the mean cluster size obtained depends on the chain length M ofmore » the ligand. In particular, a single monodispersed Au11 cluster is obtained with the P(Ph)2(CH2)3P(Ph)2 ligand, whereas P(Ph)2(CH2)MP(Ph)2 ligands with M = 5 and 6 yield Au10 and Au8 clusters. The simplicity of our synthetic method makes it suitable for large-scale production of nearly monodisperse ultrasmall Au clusters. It is suggested that diphosphines provide a set of flexible ligands to allow size-controlled synthesis of Au nanoparticles.« less

  3. Séroprévalence des marqueurs viraux sur les dons du sang au Centre de Transfusion Sanguine, Hôpital Militaire d’Instruction Mohammed V de Rabat

    PubMed Central

    Uwingabiye, Jean; Zahid, Hafidi; Unyendje, Loubet; Hadef, Rachid


    Le but de ce travail était de déterminer la prévalence du virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH), du virus de l’hépatite B (VHB) et C (VHC) sur les dons du sang collectés au Centre de transfusion sanguine(CTS) de l’hôpital militaire d’instruction Mohammed V entre 2010 et 2012. Etude rétrospective menée auprès des donneurs de sang militaires âgés de 18 à 50 ans avec prédominance masculine (95%). L’entretien médical pré-don constitue la première barrière de sélection des sujets à risque. Le dépistage biologique était réalisé par technique immuno-enzymatique en milieu liquide utilisant des anticorps et/ou des antigènes. L’ELISA (enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay) combiné de quatrième génération pour VHC et VIH a été utilisé. La confirmation a été faite en réalisant la même technique en double au CTS et au laboratoire de virologie. Dans notre série de 25661 échantillons testés, la prévalence du VHB était 3,97‰ (n=102), celle de VHC était 2,45 ‰ (n=63), celle de VIH était 0,15 ‰ (n=4). Un seul cas de coïnfection (0,039 ‰) par le VHB et VHC a été noté, aucune association entre VIH-VHB, VIH-VHC ou VHB, VHC et VIH n’a été enregistrée. Les taux faibles de séroprévalence des marqueurs viraux de notre étude montrent l’amélioration des mesures préventives en ce qui concerne la sélection des donneurs et des tests de dépistage. Cette prévalence constatée incite à maintenir l’utilisation du réactif combiné qui est la seule alternative à la biologie moléculaire pour les pays en voie de développement. PMID:28292147

  4. Thiol ligand-induced transformation of Au38(SC2H4Ph)24 to Au36(SPh-t-Bu)24.


    Zeng, Chenjie; Liu, Chunyan; Pei, Yong; Jin, Rongchao


    We report a disproportionation mechanism identified in the transformation of rod-like biicosahedral Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 to tetrahedral Au36(TBBT)24 nanoclusters. Time-dependent mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy analyses unambiguously map out the detailed size-conversion pathway. The ligand exchange of Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 with bulkier 4-tert-butylbenzenethiol (TBBT) until a certain extent starts to trigger structural distortion of the initial biicosahedral Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 structure, leading to the release of two Au atoms and eventually the Au36(TBBT)24 nanocluster with a tetrahedral structure, in which process the number of ligands is interestingly preserved. The other product of the disproportionation process, i.e., Au40(TBBT)m+2(SCH2CH2Ph)24-m, was concurrently observed as an intermediate, which was the result of addition of two Au atoms and two TBBT ligands to Au38(TBBT)m(SCH2CH2Ph)24-m. The reaction kinetics on the Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 to Au36(TBBT)24 conversion process was also performed, and the activation energies of the structural distortion and disproportionation steps were estimated to be 76 and 94 kJ/mol, respectively. The optical absorption features of Au36(TBBT)24 are interpreted on the basis of density functional theory simulations.

  5. Building an organic block storage service at CERN with Ceph

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    van der Ster, Daniel; Wiebalck, Arne


    Emerging storage requirements, such as the need for block storage for both OpenStack VMs and file services like AFS and NFS, have motivated the development of a generic backend storage service for CERN IT. The goals for such a service include (a) vendor neutrality, (b) horizontal scalability with commodity hardware, (c) fault tolerance at the disk, host, and network levels, and (d) support for geo-replication. Ceph is an attractive option due to its native block device layer RBD which is built upon its scalable, reliable, and performant object storage system, RADOS. It can be considered an "organic" storage solution because of its ability to balance and heal itself while living on an ever-changing set of heterogeneous disk servers. This work will present the outcome of a petabyte-scale test deployment of Ceph by CERN IT. We will first present the architecture and configuration of our cluster, including a summary of best practices learned from the community and discovered internally. Next the results of various functionality and performance tests will be shown: the cluster has been used as a backend block storage system for AFS and NFS servers as well as a large OpenStack cluster at CERN. Finally, we will discuss the next steps and future possibilities for Ceph at CERN.

  6. Medical Applications at CERN and the ENLIGHT Network

    PubMed Central

    Dosanjh, Manjit; Cirilli, Manuela; Myers, Steve; Navin, Sparsh


    State-of-the-art techniques derived from particle accelerators, detectors, and physics computing are routinely used in clinical practice and medical research centers: from imaging technologies to dedicated accelerators for cancer therapy and nuclear medicine, simulations, and data analytics. Principles of particle physics themselves are the foundation of a cutting edge radiotherapy technique for cancer treatment: hadron therapy. This article is an overview of the involvement of CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in medical applications, with specific focus on hadron therapy. It also presents the history, achievements, and future scientific goals of the European Network for Light Ion Hadron Therapy, whose co-ordination office is at CERN. PMID:26835422

  7. Medical Applications at CERN and the ENLIGHT Network.


    Dosanjh, Manjit; Cirilli, Manuela; Myers, Steve; Navin, Sparsh


    State-of-the-art techniques derived from particle accelerators, detectors, and physics computing are routinely used in clinical practice and medical research centers: from imaging technologies to dedicated accelerators for cancer therapy and nuclear medicine, simulations, and data analytics. Principles of particle physics themselves are the foundation of a cutting edge radiotherapy technique for cancer treatment: hadron therapy. This article is an overview of the involvement of CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in medical applications, with specific focus on hadron therapy. It also presents the history, achievements, and future scientific goals of the European Network for Light Ion Hadron Therapy, whose co-ordination office is at CERN.

  8. Commissioning the CERN IT Agile Infrastructure with experiment workloads

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Medrano Llamas, Ramón; Harald Barreiro Megino, Fernando; Kucharczyk, Katarzyna; Kamil Denis, Marek; Cinquilli, Mattia


    In order to ease the management of their infrastructure, most of the WLCG sites are adopting cloud based strategies. In the case of CERN, the Tier 0 of the WLCG, is completely restructuring the resource and configuration management of their computing center under the codename Agile Infrastructure. Its goal is to manage 15,000 Virtual Machines by means of an OpenStack middleware in order to unify all the resources in CERN's two datacenters: the one placed in Meyrin and the new on in Wigner, Hungary. During the commissioning of this infrastructure, CERN IT is offering an attractive amount of computing resources to the experiments (800 cores for ATLAS and CMS) through a private cloud interface. ATLAS and CMS have joined forces to exploit them by running stress tests and simulation workloads since November 2012. This work will describe the experience of the first deployments of the current experiment workloads on the CERN private cloud testbed. The paper is organized as follows: the first section will explain the integration of the experiment workload management systems (WMS) with the cloud resources. The second section will revisit the performance and stress testing performed with HammerCloud in order to evaluate and compare the suitability for the experiment workloads. The third section will go deeper into the dynamic provisioning techniques, such as the use of the cloud APIs directly by the WMS. The paper finishes with a review of the conclusions and the challenges ahead.

  9. Autonomous Repair Mechanism of Creep Damage in Fe-Au and Fe-Au-B-N Alloys

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, S.; Kwakernaak, C.; Tichelaar, F. D.; Sloof, W. G.; Kuzmina, M.; Herbig, M.; Raabe, D.; Brück, E.; van der Zwaag, S.; van Dijk, N. H.


    The autonomous repair mechanism of creep cavitation during high-temperature deformation has been investigated in Fe-Au and Fe-Au-B-N alloys. Combined electron-microscopy techniques and atom probe tomography reveal how the improved creep properties result from Au precipitation within the creep cavities, preferentially formed on grain boundaries oriented perpendicular to the applied stress. The selective precipitation of Au atoms at the free creep cavity surface results in pore filling, and thereby, autonomous repair of the creep damage. The large difference in atomic size between the Au and Fe strongly hampers the nucleation of precipitates in the matrix. As a result, the matrix acts as a reservoir for the supersaturated solute until damage occurs. Grain boundaries and dislocations are found to act as fast transport routes for solute gold from the matrix to the creep cavities. The mechanism responsible for the self-healing can be characterized by a simple model for cavity growth and cavity filling.

  10. AuNP-PE interface/phase and its effects on the tensile behaviour of AuNP-PE composites

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Yue; Wang, Ruijie; Wang, Chengyuan; Yu, Xiaozhu


    A comprehensive study was conducted for a gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-polyethylene (PE) composite. Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations were employed to construct the AuNP-PE systems, achieve their constitutive relations, and measure their tensile properties. Specifically, the AuNP-PE interface/phase was studied via the mass density profile, and its effect was evaluated by comparing the composite with a pure PE matrix. These research studies were followed by the study of the fracture mechanisms and the size and volume fraction effects of AuNPs. Efforts were also made to reveal the underlying physics of the MD simulations. In the present work, an AuNP-PE interface and a densified PE interphase were achieved due to the AuNP-PE van der Waals interaction. Such an interface/phase is found to enhance the Young's modulus and yield stress but decrease the fracture strength and strain.

  11. Flow and bose-einstein correlations in Au-Au collisions at RHIC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Phobos Collaboration; Manly, Steven; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; Garcia, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyinski, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    Argonne flow and Bose-Einstein correlations have been measured in Au-Au collisions at S=130 and 200 GeV using the PHOBOS detector at RHIC. The systematic dependencies of the flow signal on the transverse momentum, pseudorapidity, and centrality of the collision, as well as the beam energy are shown. In addition, results of a 3-dimensional analysis of two-pion correlations in the 200 GeV data are presented.

  12. Design and Preparation of Supported Au Catalyst with Enhanced Catalytic Activities by Rationally Positioning Au Nanoparticles on Anatase.


    Wang, Liang; Wang, Hong; Rice, Andrew E; Zhang, Wei; Li, Xiaokun; Chen, Mingshu; Meng, Xiangju; Lewis, James P; Xiao, Feng-Shou


    A synergistic effect between individual components is crucial for increasing the activity of metal/metal oxide catalysts. The greatest challenge is how to control the synergistic effect to obtain enhanced catalytic performance. Through density functional theory calculations of model Au/TiO2 catalysts, it is suggested that there is strong interaction between Au nanoparticles and Ti species at the edge/corner sites of anatase, which is favorable for the formation of stable oxygen vacancies. Motivated by this theoretical analysis, we have rationally prepared Au nanoparticles attached to edge/corner sites of anatase support (Au/TiO2-EC), confirmed by their HR-TEM images. As expected, this strong interaction is well characterized by Raman, UV-visible, and XPS techniques. Very interestingly, compared with conventional Au catalysts, Au/TiO2-EC exhibits superior catalytic activity in the oxidations using O2. Our approach to controlling Au nanoparticle positioning on anatase to obtain enhanced catalytic activity offers an efficient strategy for developing more novel supported metal catalysts.

  13. Probing Phase Evolutions of Au-Methyl-Propyl-Thiolate Self-Assembled Monolayers on Au(111) at the Molecular Level.


    Gao, Jianzhi; Lin, Haiping; Qin, Xuhui; Zhang, Xin; Ding, Haoxuan; Wang, Yitao; Rokni Fard, Mahroo; Kaya, Dogan; Zhu, Gangqiang; Li, Qing; Li, Youyong; Pan, Minghu; Guo, Quanmin


    A self-assembled monolayer (SAM) consisting of a mixture of CH 3 S-Au-SCH 3 , CH 3 S-Au-S(CH 2 ) 2 CH 3 , and CH 3 (CH 2 ) 2 S-Au-S(CH 2 ) 2 CH 3 was studied systematically using scanning tunneling microscopy and density functional calculations. We find that the SAM is subjected to frequent changes at the molecular level on the time scale of ∼minutes. The presence of CH 3 S or CH 3 S-Au as a dissociation product of CH 3 S-Au-SCH 3 plays a key role in the dynamical behavior of the mixed SAM. Slow phase separation takes place at room temperature over hours to days, leading to the formation of methyl-thiolate-rich and propyl-thiolate-rich phases. Our results provide new insights into the chemistry of the thiolate-Au interface, especially for ligand exchange reaction in the RS-Au-SR staple motif.

  14. Photoinduced Glycerol Oxidation over Plasmonic Au and AuM (M = Pt, Pd and Bi) Nanoparticle-Decorated TiO2 Photocatalysts

    PubMed Central

    Jedsukontorn, Trin; Saito, Nagahiro; Hunsom, Mali


    In this study, sol-immobilization was used to prepare gold nanoparticle (Au NP)-decorated titanium dioxide (TiO2) photocatalysts at different Au weight % (wt. %) loading (Aux/TiO2, where x is the Au wt. %) and Au–M NP-decorated TiO2 photocatalysts (Au3M3/TiO2), where M is bismuth (Bi), platinum (Pt) or palladium (Pd) at 3 wt. %. The Aux/TiO2 photocatalysts exhibited a stronger visible light absorption than the parent TiO2 due to the localized surface plasmon resonance effect. Increasing the Au content from 1 wt. % to 7 wt. % led to increased visible light absorption due to the increasing presence of defective structures that were capable of enhancing the photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared catalyst. The addition of Pt and Pd coupled with the Au3/TiO2 to form Au3M3/TiO2 improved the photocatalytic activity of the Au3/TiO2 photocatalyst by maximizing their light-absorption property. The Au3/TiO2, Au3Pt3/TiO2 and Au3Pd3/TiO2 photocatalysts promoted the formation of glyceraldehyde from glycerol as the principle product, while Au3Bi3/TiO2 facilitated glycolaldehyde formation as the major product. Among all the prepared photocatalysts, Au3Pd3/TiO2 exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity with a 98.75% glycerol conversion at 24 h of reaction time. PMID:29690645

  15. Distribution épidémiologique de l'infection à VIH chez les femmes enceintes dans les dix régions du Cameroun et implications stratégiques pour les programmes de prévention

    PubMed Central

    Billong, Serge-Clotaire; Fokam, Joseph; Billong, Edson-Joan; Nguefack-Tsague, Georges; Essi, Marie-Josée; Fodjo, Raoul; Sosso, Samuel-Martin; Gomba, Armelle; Mosoko-Jembia, Joseph; Loni-Ekali, Gabriel; Colizzi, Vittorio; Bissek, Anne-Cécile Zoung-Kani; Monebenimp, Francisca; Nfetam, Jean-Bosco Elat


    Introduction Le Cameroun se situe dans un contexte d’épidémie généralisée du VIH. La sous-population des femmes enceintes, facilement accessible au sein de la population générale, représente une cible probante pour mener la surveillance du VIH et estimer l’évolution épidémiologique. L'objectif de notre étude était d’évaluer la distribution épidémiologique du VIH chez les femmes enceintes. Méthodes Étude transversale menée en 2012 chez 6521 femmes enceintes (49,3% âgées de 15-24 ans) en première consultation prénatale (CPN1) dans 60 sites des 10 régions Camerounaises. L'algorithme en série a été utilisé pour le sérodiagnostic du VIH. Résultats La prévalence du VIH était de 7,8% (508/6521), avec une différence non significative (p = 0,297) entre milieu rural (7,4%) et milieu urbain (8,1%). En zone rurale, cette prévalence variait de 0,7% à l'Extrême-Nord à 11,8% au Sud. Cependant, en zone urbaine elle variait de 4% à l'Ouest à 11,1% au Sud-Ouest. Suivant l’âge, la prévalence était plus élevée (11,3%) chez les femmes de 35-39 ans. Suivant le niveau de scolarisation, la prévalence du VIH était plus faible (4,4%) chez celles non-scolarisées, et plus élevée (9,3%) chez celles ayant un niveau primaire. Selon la profession, l'infection était plus élevée chez les coiffeuses (15,5%), secrétaires (14,8%), commerçantes (12,9%) et institutrices/enseignantes (10,8%). Conclusion La prévalence du VIH reste élevée chez les femmes enceintes au Cameroun, sans distinction entre milieux rural et urbain. Les stratégies de prévention devraient s'orienter préférentiellement chez les femmes enceintes âgées, celles du niveau d'instruction primaire, et celles du secteur des petites et moyennes entreprises. PMID:26090037

  16. Les neuropathies liées au VIH/SIDA: une étude clinique chez les patients infectés par le VIH au Centre d'Excellence VIH/SIDA de l'Université de Lubumbashi

    PubMed Central

    Kabongo, Joe Katabwa; Kaputu-Kalala-Malu, Célestin; Luboya, Oscar; Mutombo, Valerien; Ntambwe, Abel; Mapatano, Mala Ali; Mukendi, Kavulu Mayamba


    Introduction En vue d'améliorer la prise en charge des patients souffrant de neuropathie (NP) associées à l'infection HIV, nous avons essayé de déterminer le profil clinique des personnes souffrant de NP au cours du suivi thérapeutique de leur infection HIV. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude transversale (n= 101) menée au centre d'excellence depuis 1 an. Notre analyse est essentiellement clinique. Par un examen clinique minutieux, nous avons recherché tous les symptômes et signes cliniques des NP. Subjectivement, les douleurs dominent le tableau. Pour affiner leur diagnostic, nous avons utilisé l’échelle DN4 (Diagnostic des douleurs neuropathiques) et l’échelle EVA (Evaluation de la gravité des douleurs). Nous avons ensuite analysé nos données en fonction de certains autres facteurs épidémiologiques tels que le taux des CD4, le traitement anti-HIV etc. Résultats Les 101 patients représentent 3,12% de la cohorte générale; 53,3% des patients présentent une abolition des réflexes ostéotendineux des membres inférieurs; 77,89% présentent une hypoesthésie thermo algique en chaussette et en gants; 25% ont présenté une amyotrophie des membres inférieurs; 76,5% ont été soumis à un traitement antirétroviral contenant la stavudine; 11,7% ont pris la didanosine (DDI) et Abacavir (ABC). 84% ont une moyenne de CD4 de 292 cel/mm3. Conclusion La NP altère la qualité de vie de nos patients et diminue l'adhérence au traitement antirétroviral. Plusieurs facteurs sont incriminés dans la survenue de la NP, l'effet direct des antirétroviraux, l'effet inflammatoire dysimmunitaire, l'effet infectieux lié aux infections opportunistes. D'autres facteurs seront recherchés et analysés ultérieurement. PMID:26185582

  17. Sharp Transition from Nonmetallic Au246 to Metallic Au279 with Nascent Surface Plasmon Resonance.


    Higaki, Tatsuya; Zhou, Meng; Lambright, Kelly J; Kirschbaum, Kristin; Sfeir, Matthew Y; Jin, Rongchao


    The optical properties of metal nanoparticles have attracted wide interest. Recent progress in controlling nanoparticles with atomic precision (often called nanoclusters) provide new opportunities for investigating many fundamental questions, such as the transition from excitonic to plasmonic state, which is a central question in metal nanoparticle research because it provides insights into the origin of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) as well as the formation of metallic bond. However, this question still remains elusive because of the extreme difficulty in preparing atomically precise nanoparticles larger than 2 nm. Here we report the synthesis and optical properties of an atomically precise Au 279 (SR) 84 nanocluster. Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopic analysis reveals that the Au 279 nanocluster shows a laser power dependence in its excited state lifetime, indicating metallic state of the particle, in contrast with the nonmetallic electronic structure of the Au 246 (SR) 80 nanocluster. Steady-state absorption spectra reveal that the nascent plasmon band of Au 279 at 506 nm shows no peak shift even down to 60 K, consistent with plasmon behavior. The sharp transition from nonmetallic Au 246 to metallic Au 279 is surprising and will stimulate future theoretical work on the transition and many other relevant issues.

  18. Atteinte pulmonaire sévère au cours de la vascularite hypocomplémentémique urticarienne

    PubMed Central

    Raoufi, Mohammed; Laine, Mustapha; Amrani, Hicham Naji; Souhi, Hicham; Janah, Hicham; Elouazzani, Hanane; Rhorfi, Ismail Abderrahmane; Abid, Ahmed


    L'atteinte pulmonaire au cours de la vascularite urticarienne hypocomplémentémique (VUH) ou syndrome de Mc duffie est très rare et de pronostique péjoratif. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente âgée de 55 ans suivie pour VUH depuis 20 ans. Le diagnostic était retenu sur les lésions urticariennes, l'inflammation occulaire, le test positif C1q-p par immunodiffusion, avec un faible du taux de C1q. La patiente a été traitée par des cycles à base de cyclophosphamide, des corticoïdes et des cures de rituximab alors qu'elle a développé une dyspnée actuellement classe III (classification NYHA). Le bilan clinico-radiologique et fonctionnel a montré une distension thoracique et une broncho-pneumopathie obstructive sévère non amélioré par le traitement systémique. Un traitement par aérosolthérapie a été démarré et la patiente présentait une nette amélioration clinique. L'atteinte pulmonaire au cours de la vascularite urticarienne hypocomplémentémique de Mc duffie conditionne le pronostique vital à cours terme. La connaissance des différentes formes de cette atteinte ouvre de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques. PMID:28154640

  19. Ceremony 25th birthday Cern




    Celebration of CERN's 25th birthday with a speech by L. Van Hove and J.B. Adams, musical interludes by Ms. Mey and her colleagues (starting with Beethoven). The general managers then proceed with the presentation of souvenirs to members of the personnel who have 25 years of service in the organization. A gesture of recognition is also given to Zwerner.

  20. Optical fibres in the radiation environment of CERN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guillermain, E.


    CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (in Geneva, Switzerland), is home to a complex scientific instrument: the 27-kilometre Large Hadron Collider (LHC) collides beams of high-energy particles at close to the speed of light. Optical fibres are widely used at CERN, both in surface areas (e.g. for inter-building IT networks) and in the accelerator complex underground (e.g. for cryogenics, vacuum, safety systems). Optical fibres in the accelerator are exposed to mixed radiation fields (mainly composed of protons, pions, neutrons and other hadrons, gamma rays and electrons), with dose rates depending on the particular installation zone, and with radiation levels often significantly higher than those encountered in space. In the LHC and its injector chain radiation levels range from relatively low annual doses of a few Gy up to hundreds of kGy. Optical fibres suffer from Radiation Induced Attenuation (RIA, expressed in dB per unit length) that affect light transmission and which depends on the irradiation conditions (e.g. dose rate, total dose, temperature). In the CERN accelerator complex, the failure of an optical link can affect the proper functionality of control or monitoring systems and induce the interruption of the accelerator operation. The qualification of optical fibres for installation in critical radiation areas is therefore crucial. Thus, all optical fibre types installed in radiation areas at CERN are subject to laboratory irradiation tests, in order to evaluate their RIA at different total dose and dose rates. This allows the selection of the appropriate optical fibre type (conventional or radiation resistant) compliant with the requirements of each installation. Irradiation tests are performed in collaboration with Fraunhofer INT (irradiation facilities and expert team in Euskirchen, Germany). Conventional off-the-shelf optical fibres can be installed for optical links exposed to low radiation levels (i.e. annual dose typically below few

  1. Au crystal growth on natural occurring Au-Ag aggregate elucidated by means of precession electron diffraction (PED)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roqué Rosell, Josep; Portillo Serra, Joaquim; Aiglsperger, Thomas; Plana-Ruiz, Sergi; Trifonov, Trifon; Proenza, Joaquín A.


    In the present work, a lamella from an Au-Ag aggregate found in Ni-laterites has been examined using Transmission Electron Microscope to produce a series of Precision Electron Diffraction (PED) patterns. The analysis of the structural data obtained, coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray microanalysis, made it possible to determine the orientation of twinned native gold growing on the Au-Ag aggregate. The native Au crystal domains are found to have grown at the outermost part of the aggregate whereas the inner core of the aggregate is an Au-Ag alloy (∼4 wt% Ag). The submicron structural study of the natural occurring Au aggregate points to the mobilization and precipitation of gold in laterites and provides insights on Au aggregates development at supergene conditions. This manuscript demonstrates the great potential of electron crystallographic analysis, and in particular, PED to study submicron structural features of micron sized mineral aggregates by using the example of a gold grain found in a Ni-laterite deposits.

  2. Fluorescent probe for turn-on sensing of L-cysteine by ensemble of AuNCs and polymer protected AuNPs.


    Xu, Xiaozhe; Qiao, Juan; Li, Nan; Qi, Li; Zhang, Shufeng


    A new fluorescent probe based on ensemble of gold nanoclusters (AuNCs) and polymer protected gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for turn-on sensing of L-cysteine was designed and prepared. The AuNCs were protected by bovine serum albumin and had strong fluorescence. The polymer protected AuNPs were synthesized by a facile in situ strategy at room temperature and could quench the fluorescence of AuNCs due to the Förster resonance energy transfer. Interestingly, it has been observed that the quenched fluorescence of AuNCs was recovered by L-cysteine, which could induce the aggregation of polymer protected AuNPs by sulfur group. Then the prepared fluorescent probe was successfully used for determination of L-Cys in human urines, which would have an evolving aspect and promote the subsequent exploration. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Investigation of pouring temperature and holding time for semisolid metal feedstock production

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Razak, N. A.; Ahmad, A. H.; Rashidi, M. M.


    Semisolid metal (SSM) processing, as a kind of new technology that exploits forming of alloys between solidus and liquidus temperatures, has attracted great attention from investigators for its thixotropic behaviour as well as having advantages in reducing porosity, macrosegregation, and forming forces during shaping process. Various techniques are employed to produce feedstock with fine globular microstructures, and direct thermal method is one of them. In this paper, the effect from different pouring temperatures and holding times using a direct thermal method on microstructure and hardness of aluminium alloy 6061 is presented. Molten aluminium alloy 6061 was poured into a cylindrical copper mould and cooled down to the semisolid temperature before being quenched in water at room temperature. The effect of different pouring temperatures of 660 °C, 680 °C, 700 °C, and holding time of 20 s, and 60 s on the microstructure of aluminium alloy 6061 were investigated. From the micrographs, it was found that the most globular structures were achieved at processing parameters of 660 °C pouring temperature and 60 s holding time. The highest density and hardness of the samples were found at the same processing parameters. It can be concluded that the most spheroidal microstructure, the highest density, and the hardness were recorded at lower pouring temperature and longer holding time.

  4. AGARD/SMP Review Damage Tolerance for Engine Structures. 2. Defects and Quantitative Materials Behaviour

    DTIC Science & Technology


    TURBISTAN). En ce qui concerne les materiaux pour aubes de turbine la question reste ouverte. La caracterisation des materiaux pour... caracterisation mecanique. Face aux couts des caracterisations et qualifications de materiaux pour disques de lurbomachines, il importe de concentrer ses propres forces : une solution possible est de constituer des plans standard de caracterisation . Federer au sein d’un groupe de

  5. Au-nanoparticles grafted on plasma treated PE

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Švorčík, V.; Chaloupka, A.; Řezanka, P.; Slepička, P.; Kolská, Z.; Kasálková, N.; Hubáček, T.; Siegel, J.


    Polyethylene (PE) surface was treated with Ar plasma. Activated surface was grafted from methanol solution of 1,2-ethanedithiol. Then the sample was immersed into freshly prepared colloid solution of Au-nanoparticles. Finally Au layer was sputtered on the samples. Properties of the modified PE were studied using various methods: AFM, EPR, RBS and nanoindentation. It was shown that the plasma treatment results in degradation of polymer chain (AFM) and creation of free radicals by EPR. After grafting with dithiol, the concentration of free radicals declines. The presence of Au and S in the surface layer after the coating with Au-nanoparticles was proved by RBS. Plasma treatment changes PE surface morphology and increases surface roughness, too. Another significant change in surface morphology and roughness was observed after deposition of Au-nanoparticles. Nanoindentation measurements show that the grafting with Au-nanoparticles increases adhesion of subsequently sputtered Au layer.

  6. Au/ZnO nanoarchitectures with Au as both supporter and antenna of visible-light

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Tianyu; Chen, Wei; Hua, Yuxiang; Liu, Xiaoheng


    In this paper, we fabricate Au/ZnO nanostructure with smaller ZnO nanoparticles loaded onto bigger gold nanoparticles via combining seed-mediated method and sol-gel method. The obtained Au/ZnO nanocomposites exhibit excellent properties in photocatalysis process like methyl orange (MO) degradation and oxidative conversion of methanol into formaldehyde under visible light irradiation. The enhanced properties were ascribed to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect of Au nanoparticles, which could contribute to the separation of photo-excited electrons and holes and facilitate the process of absorbing visible light. This paper contributes to the emergence of multi-functional nanocomposites with possible applications in visible-light driven photocatalysts and makes the Au/ZnO photocatalyst an exceptional choice for practical applications such as environmental purification of organic pollutants in aqueous solution and the synthesis of fine chemicals and intermediates.

  7. Effect of storage time of extended-pour and conventional alginate impressions on dimensional accuracy of casts.


    Rohanian, Ahmad; Ommati Shabestari, Ghasem; Zeighami, Somayeh; Samadi, Mohammad Javad; Shamshiri, Ahmad Reza


    Some manufacturers claim to have produced new irreversible hydro-colloids that are able to maintain their dimensional stability during storage. The present study evaluated the effect of storage time on dimensional stability of three alginates: Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast. In this experimental in-vitro trial, a total of 90 alginate impressions were made from a Dentoform model using Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast alginates. The impressions were stored in a sealed plastic bag without a damp paper towel for 0, 24, 48, 72 and 120 hours and then poured with type III dental stone. Cross-arch (facial of 6 to facial of 6 on the opposite side) and antero-posterior (distal of right first molar to the ipsilateral central incisor) measurements were made with a digital caliper on the casts. Data were analyzed by two-way and one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test (P<0.05). Alginate type and the pouring time significantly affected the dimensional stability of alginate impressions (both Ps<0.001). Pouring of Hydrogum 5 impressions can be delayed for up to 120 hours without significant dimensional changes. Alginoplast impressions may be poured after 72 hours, but Tropicalgin should be poured immediately and the storage time should not be more than 24 hours. Immediate pouring of alginate impressions provides the highest accuracy in reproducing the teeth and adjacent tissues; however, this study demonstrated that pouring may be delayed for up to five days using extended-pour (Hydrogum 5) alginates.

  8. Isomorphism and solid solutions among Ag- and Au-selenides

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Palyanova, Galina A.; Seryotkin, Yurii V.; Novosibirsk State University

    Au-Ag selenides were synthesized by heating stoichiometric mixtures of elementary substances of initial compositions Ag{sub 2−x}Au{sub x}Se with a step of x=0.25 (0≤x≤2) to 1050 °C and annealing at 500 °C. Scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, electron microprobe analysis and X-ray powder diffraction methods have been applied to study synthesized samples. Results of studies of synthesized products revealed the existence of three solid solutions with limited isomorphism Ag↔Au: naumannite Ag{sub 2}Se – Ag{sub 1.94}Au{sub 0.06}Se, fischesserite Ag{sub 3}AuSe{sub 2} - Ag{sub 3.2}Au{sub 0.8}Se{sub 2} and gold selenide AuSe - Au{sub 0.94}Ag{sub 0.06}Se. Solid solutions and AgAuSe phases were added tomore » the phase diagram of Ag-Au-Se system. Crystal-chemical interpretation of Ag-Au isomorphism in selenides was made on the basis of structural features of fischesserite, naumannite, and AuSe. - Highlights: • Au-Ag selenides were synthesized. • Limited Ag-Au isomorphism in the selenides is affected by structural features. • Some new phases were introduced to the phase diagram Ag-Au-Se.« less

  9. Energy Dependence of Particle Multiplicities in Central Au+Au Collisions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Corbo, J.; Decowski, M. P.; Garcia, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Henderson, C.; Hicks, D.; Hofman, D.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A.; Mülmenstädt, J.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Rafelski, M.; Rbeiz, M.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    We present the first measurement of the pseudorapidity density of primary charged particles in Au+Au collisions at (sNN) = 200 GeV. For the 6% most central collisions, we obtain dNch/dη\\|\\|η\\|<1 = 650+/-35(syst). Compared to collisions at (sNN) = 130 GeV, the highest energy studied previously, an increase by a factor of 1.14+/-0.05 at 90% confidence level, is found. The energy dependence of the pseudorapidity density is discussed in comparison with data from proton-induced collisions and theoretical predictions.

  10. Facteurs de risque de l'infection par le VIH dans le district de santé de Meyomessala au Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Nguefack-Tsague, Georges; Kalla, Ginette Claude Mireille; Abessolo, Stéphanie Abo'o; Angwafo, Fru; Muna, Walinjom


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer les facteurs de risque de l'infection par le VIH dans le district de santé de Meyomessala (Région du Sud) au Cameroun. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, descriptive et analytique qui s'est déroulée de Février à Mai 2011. Pour cette étude, nous avons obtenu une clairance éthique. Résultats L’échantillon était constitué de 315 participants dont 181 (57,46%) hommes et 134 (42,54%) femmes. L’âge moyen était de 24,5±8ans (extrême: 15-45ans). Quarante personnes (40) étaient séropositifs, soit une prévalence de l'infection par le VIH de 12,7%. Cette prévalence augmentait significativement (p = 0) avec le nombre de partenaires occasionnels au cours des douze derniers mois, allant de 2,7% chez ceux n'ayant eu aucun partenaire occasionnel à 21,25% chez ceux ayant plus de trois partenaires occasionnels (RC = 9,72; IC = 1,27-74,14; P = 0,03). le fait d’être âgé entre 20 et 24 ans (RC = 4,88; IC = 1,74-13,67; p = 0), avoir plus de trois partenaires sexuels au cours des douze derniers mois (RC = 9,72; IC = 1,27-74,14; p = 0,03), avoir les rapports sexuels avec les prostitués (RC = 2,86; IC = 1,42-5,76; p = 0), avoir eu le chlamydia (RC = 3,00; IC = 1,07-8,39; p = 0,04), avoir eu la syphilis (RC = 3,35; IC = 1,57-7,14; p = 0), avoir des avantages sociaux lors du premier rapport sexuel (RC = 2,57; IC = 1,03-6,43; p = 0,04) constituaient des potentiels facteurs de risque du VIH. Conclusion Il apparait urgent d'intensifier les campagnes de sensibilisation au risque d'infection par le VIH et les maladies sexuellement transmissibles dans le district de santé de Meyomessala PMID:25419299

  11. Helix Nebula and CERN: A Symbiotic approach to exploiting commercial clouds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barreiro Megino, Fernando H.; Jones, Robert; Kucharczyk, Katarzyna; Medrano Llamas, Ramón; van der Ster, Daniel


    The recent paradigm shift toward cloud computing in IT, and general interest in "Big Data" in particular, have demonstrated that the computing requirements of HEP are no longer globally unique. Indeed, the CERN IT department and LHC experiments have already made significant R&D investments in delivering and exploiting cloud computing resources. While a number of technical evaluations of interesting commercial offerings from global IT enterprises have been performed by various physics labs, further technical, security, sociological, and legal issues need to be address before their large-scale adoption by the research community can be envisaged. Helix Nebula - the Science Cloud is an initiative that explores these questions by joining the forces of three European research institutes (CERN, ESA and EMBL) with leading European commercial IT enterprises. The goals of Helix Nebula are to establish a cloud platform federating multiple commercial cloud providers, along with new business models, which can sustain the cloud marketplace for years to come. This contribution will summarize the participation of CERN in Helix Nebula. We will explain CERN's flagship use-case and the model used to integrate several cloud providers with an LHC experiment's workload management system. During the first proof of concept, this project contributed over 40.000 CPU-days of Monte Carlo production throughput to the ATLAS experiment with marginal manpower required. CERN's experience, together with that of ESA and EMBL, is providing a great insight into the cloud computing industry and highlighted several challenges that are being tackled in order to ease the export of the scientific workloads to the cloud environments.

  12. Electronic and geometric structures of Au30 clusters: a network of 2e-superatom Au cores protected by tridentate protecting motifs with u3-S

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tian, Zhimei; Cheng, Longjiu


    Density functional theory calculations have been performed to study the experimentally synthesized Au30S(SR)18 and two related Au30(SR)18 and Au30S2(SR)18 clusters. The patterns of thiolate ligands on the gold cores for the three thiolate-protected Au30 nanoclusters are on the basis of the ``divide and protect'' concept. A novel extended protecting motif with u3-S, S(Au2(SR)2)2AuSR, is discovered, which is termed the tridentate protecting motif. The Au cores of Au30S(SR)18, Au30(SR)18 and Au30S2(SR)18 clusters are Au17, Au20 and Au14, respectively. The superatom-network (SAN) model and the superatom complex (SAC) model are used to explain the chemical bonding patterns, which are verified by chemical bonding analysis based on the adaptive natural density partitioning (AdNDP) method and aromatic analysis on the basis of the nucleus-independent chemical shift (NICS) method. The Au17 core of the Au30S(SR)18 cluster can be viewed as a SAN of one Au6 superatom and four Au4 superatoms. The shape of the Au6 core is identical to that revealed in the recently synthesized Au18(SR)14 cluster. The Au20 core of the Au30(SR)18 cluster can be viewed as a SAN of two Au6 superatoms and four Au4 superatoms. The Au14 core of Au30S2(SR)18 can be regarded as a SAN of two pairs of two vertex-sharing Au4 superatoms. Meanwhile, the Au14 core is an 8e-superatom with 1S21P6 configuration. Our work may aid understanding and give new insights into the chemical synthesis of thiolate-protected Au clusters.Density functional theory calculations have been performed to study the experimentally synthesized Au30S(SR)18 and two related Au30(SR)18 and Au30S2(SR)18 clusters. The patterns of thiolate ligands on the gold cores for the three thiolate-protected Au30 nanoclusters are on the basis of the ``divide and protect'' concept. A novel extended protecting motif with u3-S, S(Au2(SR)2)2AuSR, is discovered, which is termed the tridentate protecting motif. The Au cores of Au30S(SR)18, Au30(SR)18 and Au30S

  13. CERN: A global project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voss, Rüdiger


    In the most important shift of paradigm of its membership rules in 60 years, CERN in 2010 introduced a policy of “Geographical Enlargement” which for the first time opened the door for membership of non-European States in the Organization. This short article reviews briefly the history of CERN’s membership rules, discusses the rationale behind the new policy, its relationship with the emerging global roadmap of particle physics, and gives a short overview of the status of the enlargement process.

  14. Measurements of Strangeness Production on Au+Au collisions at 62 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guimaraes, K. S. F. F.; Munhoz, M. G.; Takahashi, J.; Moura, M. M.; Suaide, A. A. P.; Cosentino, M.


    The STAR (Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC) experiment is a large acceptance collider detector that measures primarily hadronic observables to search for signatures of the quark-gluon plasma phase transition and study strongly interacting matter at high energy density. Operational since June 2000, the new heavy ion collider RHIC has already provided Au+Au collisions at σNN = 62, 130 and 200 GeV as well as p+p and d+Au collisions at 200 GeV. The various collision energies and systems allow the systematic study of particle production in heavy ion collisions. In particular, the production of strange (anti-)particles is one of the major topics of STAR. This detector allows the measurement of a variety of particle species at mid-rapidity, like neutral kaons; Λ, Ξ, and Ω. hyperons; and their anti-particles that are reconstructed via their decay topology. The strangeness measurements should provide important information on various phenomenological aspects of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. The goal of this work is to perform the measurement of neutral kaons on Au+Au collisions at 62 GeV. This measurement will bring important information about strangeness production in the energy range between the top RHIC energy and the top SPS energy, where important questions regarding particle production are still open. In this poster, preliminary results of the analysis will be presented, mainly the evaluation of the topological cuts necessary for the neutral kaon reconstruction and the corrections that are necessary to obtain the transverse momentum spectra.



    Boukabache, Hamza; Pangallo, Michel; Ducos, Gael; Cardines, Nicola; Bellotta, Antonio; Toner, Ciarán; Perrin, Daniel; Forkel-Wirth, Doris


    The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has the legal obligation to protect the public and the people working on its premises from any unjustified exposure to ionising radiation. In this context, radiation monitoring is one of the main concerns of the Radiation Protection Group. After 30 y of reliable service, the ARea CONtroller (ARCON) system is approaching the end of its lifecycle, which raises the need for new, more efficient radiation monitors with a high level of modularity to ensure better maintainability. Based on these two main principles, new detectors are currently being developed that will be capable of measuring very low dose rates down to 50 nSv h-1, whilst being able to measure radiation over an extensive range of 8 decades without any auto scaling. To reach these performances, CERN Radiation MOnitoring Electronics (CROME), the new generation of CERN radiation monitors, is based on the versatile architecture that includes new read-out electronics developed by the Instrumentation and Logistics section of the CERN Radiation Protection Group as well as a reconfigurable system on chip capable of performing complex processing calculations. Beside the capabilities of CROME to continuously measure the ambient dose rate, the system generates radiation alarms, provides interlock signals, drives alarm display units through a fieldbus and provides long-term, permanent and reliable data logging. The measurement tests performed during the first phase of the development show very promising results that pave the way to the second phase: the certification. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.


    PubMed Central

    Boukabache, Hamza; Pangallo, Michel; Ducos, Gael; Cardines, Nicola; Bellotta, Antonio; Toner, Ciarán; Perrin, Daniel; Forkel-Wirth, Doris


    Abstract The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has the legal obligation to protect the public and the people working on its premises from any unjustified exposure to ionising radiation. In this context, radiation monitoring is one of the main concerns of the Radiation Protection Group. After 30 y of reliable service, the ARea CONtroller (ARCON) system is approaching the end of its lifecycle, which raises the need for new, more efficient radiation monitors with a high level of modularity to ensure better maintainability. Based on these two main principles, new detectors are currently being developed that will be capable of measuring very low dose rates down to 50 nSv h−1, whilst being able to measure radiation over an extensive range of 8 decades without any auto scaling. To reach these performances, CERN Radiation MOnitoring Electronics (CROME), the new generation of CERN radiation monitors, is based on the versatile architecture that includes new read-out electronics developed by the Instrumentation and Logistics section of the CERN Radiation Protection Group as well as a reconfigurable system on chip capable of performing complex processing calculations. Beside the capabilities of CROME to continuously measure the ambient dose rate, the system generates radiation alarms, provides interlock signals, drives alarm display units through a fieldbus and provides long-term, permanent and reliable data logging. The measurement tests performed during the first phase of the development show very promising results that pave the way to the second phase: the certification. PMID:27909154

  17. J/ψ suppression at forward rapidity in Au + Au collisions at sNN=39 and 62.4 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adare, A.; Aidala, C.; Ajitanand, N. N.; Akiba, Y.; Akimoto, R.; Al-Ta'ani, H.; Alexander, J.; Angerami, A.; Aoki, K.; Apadula, N.; Aramaki, Y.; Asano, H.; Aschenauer, E. C.; Atomssa, E. T.; Awes, T. C.; Azmoun, B.; Babintsev, V.; Bai, M.; Bannier, B.; Barish, K. N.; Bassalleck, B.; Bathe, S.; Baublis, V.; Baumgart, S.; Bazilevsky, A.; Belmont, R.; Berdnikov, A.; Berdnikov, Y.; Bing, X.; Blau, D. S.; Boyle, K.; Brooks, M. L.; Buesching, H.; Bumazhnov, V.; Butsyk, S.; Campbell, S.; Castera, P.; Chen, C.-H.; Chi, C. Y.; Chiu, M.; Choi, I. J.; Choi, J. B.; Choi, S.; Choudhury, R. K.; Christiansen, P.; Chujo, T.; Chvala, O.; Cianciolo, V.; Citron, Z.; Cole, B. A.; Connors, M.; Csanád, M.; Csörgő, T.; Dairaku, S.; Datta, A.; Daugherity, M. S.; David, G.; Denisov, A.; Deshpande, A.; Desmond, E. J.; Dharmawardane, K. V.; Dietzsch, O.; Ding, L.; Dion, A.; Donadelli, M.; Drapier, O.; Drees, A.; Drees, K. A.; Durham, J. M.; Durum, A.; D'Orazio, L.; Edwards, S.; Efremenko, Y. V.; Engelmore, T.; Enokizono, A.; Esumi, S.; Eyser, K. O.; Fadem, B.; Fields, D. E.; Finger, M.; Finger, M., Jr.; Fleuret, F.; Fokin, S. L.; Frantz, J. E.; Franz, A.; Frawley, A. D.; Fukao, Y.; Fusayasu, T.; Gainey, K.; Gal, C.; Garishvili, A.; Garishvili, I.; Glenn, A.; Gong, X.; Gonin, M.; Goto, Y.; Granier de Cassagnac, R.; Grau, N.; Greene, S. V.; Grosse Perdekamp, M.; Gunji, T.; Guo, L.; Gustafsson, H.-Å.; Hachiya, T.; Haggerty, J. S.; Hahn, K. I.; Hamagaki, H.; Hanks, J.; Hashimoto, K.; Haslum, E.; Hayano, R.; He, X.; Hemmick, T. K.; Hester, T.; Hill, J. C.; Hollis, R. S.; Homma, K.; Hong, B.; Horaguchi, T.; Hori, Y.; Huang, S.; Ichihara, T.; Iinuma, H.; Ikeda, Y.; Imrek, J.; Inaba, M.; Iordanova, A.; Isenhower, D.; Issah, M.; Ivanischev, D.; Jacak, B. V.; Javani, M.; Jia, J.; Jiang, X.; Johnson, B. M.; Joo, K. S.; Jouan, D.; Kamin, J.; Kaneti, S.; Kang, B. H.; Kang, J. H.; Kang, J. S.; Kapustinsky, J.; Karatsu, K.; Kasai, M.; Kawall, D.; Kazantsev, A. V.; Kempel, T.; Khanzadeev, A.; Kijima, K. M.; Kim, B. I.; Kim, C.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, E.-J.; Kim, H. J.; Kim, K.-B.; Kim, Y.-J.; Kim, Y. K.; Kinney, E.; Kiss, Á.; Kistenev, E.; Klatsky, J.; Kleinjan, D.; Kline, P.; Komatsu, Y.; Komkov, B.; Koster, J.; Kotchetkov, D.; Kotov, D.; Král, A.; Krizek, F.; Kunde, G. J.; Kurita, K.; Kurosawa, M.; Kwon, Y.; Kyle, G. S.; Lacey, R.; Lai, Y. S.; Lajoie, J. G.; Lebedev, A.; Lee, B.; Lee, D. M.; Lee, J.; Lee, K. B.; Lee, K. S.; Lee, S. H.; Lee, S. R.; Leitch, M. J.; Leite, M. A. L.; Leitgab, M.; Lewis, B.; Lim, S. H.; Linden Levy, L. A.; Liu, M. X.; Love, B.; Maguire, C. F.; Makdisi, Y. I.; Makek, M.; Manion, A.; Manko, V. I.; Mannel, E.; Masumoto, S.; McCumber, M.; McGaughey, P. L.; McGlinchey, D.; McKinney, C.; Mendoza, M.; Meredith, B.; Miake, Y.; Mibe, T.; Mignerey, A. C.; Milov, A.; Mishra, D. K.; Mitchell, J. T.; Miyachi, Y.; Miyasaka, S.; Mohanty, A. K.; Moon, H. J.; Morrison, D. P.; Motschwiller, S.; Moukhanova, T. V.; Murakami, T.; Murata, J.; Nagae, T.; Nagamiya, S.; Nagle, J. L.; Nagy, M. I.; Nakagawa, I.; Nakamiya, Y.; Nakamura, K. R.; Nakamura, T.; Nakano, K.; Nattrass, C.; Nederlof, A.; Nihashi, M.; Nouicer, R.; Novitzky, N.; Nyanin, A. S.; O'Brien, E.; Ogilvie, C. A.; Okada, K.; Oskarsson, A.; Ouchida, M.; Ozawa, K.; Pak, R.; Pantuev, V.; Papavassiliou, V.; Park, B. H.; Park, I. H.; Park, S. K.; Pate, S. F.; Patel, L.; Pei, H.; Peng, J.-C.; Pereira, H.; Peressounko, D. Yu.; Petti, R.; Pinkenburg, C.; Pisani, R. P.; Proissl, M.; Purschke, M. L.; Qu, H.; Rak, J.; Ravinovich, I.; Read, K. F.; Reynolds, R.; Riabov, V.; Riabov, Y.; Richardson, E.; Roach, D.; Roche, G.; Rolnick, S. D.; Rosati, M.; Sahlmueller, B.; Saito, N.; Sakaguchi, T.; Samsonov, V.; Sano, M.; Sarsour, M.; Sawada, S.; Sedgwick, K.; Seidl, R.; Sen, A.; Seto, R.; Sharma, D.; Shein, I.; Shibata, T.-A.; Shigaki, K.; Shimomura, M.; Shoji, K.; Shukla, P.; Sickles, A.; Silva, C. L.; Silvermyr, D.; Sim, K. S.; Singh, B. K.; Singh, C. P.; Singh, V.; Slunečka, M.; Soltz, R. A.; Sondheim, W. E.; Sorensen, S. P.; Soumya, M.; Sourikova, I. V.; Stankus, P. W.; Stenlund, E.; Stepanov, M.; Ster, A.; Stoll, S. P.; Sugitate, T.; Sukhanov, A.; Sun, J.; Sziklai, J.; Takagui, E. M.; Takahara, A.; Taketani, A.; Tanaka, Y.; Taneja, S.; Tanida, K.; Tannenbaum, M. J.; Tarafdar, S.; Taranenko, A.; Tennant, E.; Themann, H.; Todoroki, T.; Tomášek, L.; Tomášek, M.; Torii, H.; Towell, R. S.; Tserruya, I.; Tsuchimoto, Y.; Tsuji, T.; Vale, C.; van Hecke, H. W.; Vargyas, M.; Vazquez-Zambrano, E.; Veicht, A.; Velkovska, J.; Vértesi, R.; Virius, M.; Vossen, A.; Vrba, V.; Vznuzdaev, E.; Wang, X. R.; Watanabe, D.; Watanabe, K.; Watanabe, Y.; Watanabe, Y. S.; Wei, F.; Wei, R.; White, S. N.; Winter, D.; Wolin, S.; Woody, C. L.; Wysocki, M.; Yamaguchi, Y. L.; Yang, R.; Yanovich, A.; Ying, J.; Yokkaichi, S.; You, Z.; Younus, I.; Yushmanov, I. E.; Zajc, W. A.; Zelenski, A.


    We present measurements of the J/ψ invariant yields in sNN=39 and 62.4 GeV Au + Au collisions at forward rapidity (1.2<|y|<2.2). Invariant yields are presented as a function of both collision centrality and transverse momentum. Nuclear modifications are obtained for central relative to peripheral Au + Au collisions (RCP) and for various centrality selections in Au + Au relative to scaled p + p cross sections obtained from other measurements (RAA). The observed suppression patterns at 39 and 62.4 GeV are quite similar to those previously measured at 200 GeV. This similar suppression presents a challenge to theoretical models that contain various competing mechanisms with different energy dependencies, some of which cause suppression and others enhancement.

  18. Disappearance of back-to-back high-pT hadron correlations in central Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s NN ] =200 GeV.


    Adler, C; Ahammed, Z; Allgower, C; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Averichev, G S; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellwied, R; Berger, J; Bichsel, H; Billmeier, A; Bland, L C; Blyth, C O; Bonner, B E; Boucham, A; Brandin, A; Bravar, A; Cadman, R V; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Cardenas, A; Carroll, J; Castillo, J; Castro, M; Cebra, D; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, Y; Chernenko, S P; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Choi, B; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Corral, M M; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Draper, J E; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Eckardt, V; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Fachini, P; Faine, V; Faivre, J; Fatemi, R; Filimonov, K; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flierl, D; Foley, K J; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Gagunashvili, N; Gans, J; Gaudichet, L; Germain, M; Geurts, F; Ghazikhanian, V; Grachov, O; Grigoriev, V; Guedon, M; Gushin, E; Hallman, T J; Hardtke, D; Harris, J W; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Herston, T; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffmann, G W; Horsley, M; Huang, H Z; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Ishihara, A; Ivanshin, Yu I; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Janik, M; Johnson, I; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kaneta, M; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Klay, J; Klein, S R; Klyachko, A; Kollegger, T; Konstantinov, A S; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kovalenko, A D; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kunde, G J; Kunz, C L; Kutuev, R Kh; Kuznetsov, A A; Lakehal-Ayat, L; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lansdell, C P; Lasiuk, B; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednický, R; Leontiev, V M; LeVine, M J; Li, Q; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Liu, Q J; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; LoCurto, G; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Lopez-Noriega, M; Love, W A; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, J; Magestro, D; Majka, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Marx, J; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McShane, T S; Meissner, F; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Messer, M; Miller, M L; Milosevich, Z; Minaev, N G; Mitchell, J; Moore, C F; Morozov, V; de Moura, M M; Munhoz, M G; Nelson, J M; Nevski, P; Nikitin, V A; Nogach, L V; Norman, B; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Paic, G; Pandey, S U; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Peryt, W; Petrov, V A; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potrebenikova, E; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rai, G; Rakness, G; Ravel, O; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reichhold, D; Reid, J G; Renault, G; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevski, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Rykov, V; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Savin, I; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schroeder, L S; Schüttauf, A; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Seliverstov, D; Seyboth, P; Shahaliev, E; Shestermanov, K E; Shimanskii, S S; Simon, F; Skoro, G; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stephenson, E J; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Struck, C; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Szarwas, P; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Thompson, M; Tikhomirov, V; Tokarev, M; Tonjes, M B; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Trofimov, V; Tsai, O; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; VanderMolen, A M; Vasilevski, I M; Vasiliev, A N; Vigdor, S E; Voloshin, S A; Wang, F; Ward, H; Watson, J W; Wells, R; Westfall, G D; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Willson, R; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Xu, N; Xu, Z; Yakutin, A E; Yamamoto, E; Yang, J; Yepes, P; Yurevich, V I; Zanevski, Y V; Zborovský, I; Zhang, H; Zhang, W M; Zoulkarneev, R; Zubarev, A N


    Azimuthal correlations for large transverse momentum charged hadrons have been measured over a wide pseudorapidity range and full azimuth in Au+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200 GeV. The small-angle correlations observed in p+p collisions and at all centralities of Au+Au collisions are characteristic of hard-scattering processes previously observed in high-energy collisions. A strong back-to-back correlation exists for p+p and peripheral Au+Au. In contrast, the back-to-back correlations are reduced considerably in the most central Au+Au collisions, indicating substantial interaction as the hard-scattered partons or their fragmentation products traverse the medium.

  19. Observation of D 0 meson nuclear modifications in Au + Au collisions at s NN = 200 GeV


    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; ...


    We report the first measurement of charmed-hadron (D 0) production via the hadronic decay channel (D 0→K -+π +) in Au+Au collisions at √ sNN=200 GeV with the STAR experiment. The charm production cross section per nucleon-nucleon collision at midrapidity scales with the number of binary collisions, N bin, from p+p to central Au+Au collisions. The D 0 meson yields in central Au+Aucollisions are strongly suppressed compared to those in p+p scaled by N bin, for transverse momenta p T>3 GeV/c, demonstrating significant energy loss of charm quarks in the hot and dense medium. An enhancement at intermediate p Tmore » is also observed. Model calculations including strong charm-medium interactions and coalescence hadronization describe our measurements.« less

  20. Bi-functional Au/FeS (Au/Co3O4) composite for in situ SERS monitoring and degradation of organic pollutants

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ma, Shuzhen; Cai, Qian; Lu, Kailing; Liao, Fan; Shao, Mingwang


    The bi-functional Au/FeS (Au/Co3O4) composite was fabricated by in situ reducing Au nanoparticles onto the surface of FeS (Co3O4). The as-prepared FeS possessed a multi-structure composed of plenty of nanoplates, which were coated by Au nanoparticles with an average size of 47.5 nm. While the Co3O4 showed a thin hexagonal sheet containing Au nanoparticles on its surface with an average size of 79.0 nm. Both the as-prepared Au/FeS and Au/Co3O4 composites exhibited excellent SERS performance, capable of enhancing the Raman signals of R6G molecules with the enhancement factor up to 1.81 × 106 and 7.60 × 104, respectively. Moreover, Au/FeS (Au/Co3O4) composite also has been verified to have intrinsic peroxidase-like activity, which could decompose H2O2 into hydroxyl radicals and then degrade organic pollutants into small molecules. Therefore, SERS can be used to real-time and in situ monitoring the degradation process of R6G molecules, employing the Au/FeS (Au/Co3O4) composite both as SERS substrate and catalyst.

  1. Gold surfaces and nanoparticles are protected by Au(0)-thiyl species and are destroyed when Au(I)-thiolates form.


    Reimers, Jeffrey R; Ford, Michael J; Halder, Arnab; Ulstrup, Jens; Hush, Noel S


    The synthetic chemistry and spectroscopy of sulfur-protected gold surfaces and nanoparticles is analyzed, indicating that the electronic structure of the interface is Au(0)-thiyl, with Au(I)-thiolates identified as high-energy excited surface states. Density-functional theory indicates that it is the noble character of gold and nanoparticle surfaces that destabilizes Au(I)-thiolates. Bonding results from large van der Waals forces, influenced by covalent bonding induced through s-d hybridization and charge polarization effects that perturbatively mix in some Au(I)-thiolate character. A simple method for quantifying these contributions is presented, revealing that a driving force for nanoparticle growth is nobleization, minimizing Au(I)-thiolate involvement. Predictions that Brust-Schiffrin reactions involve thiolate anion intermediates are verified spectroscopically, establishing a key feature needed to understand nanoparticle growth. Mixing of preprepared Au(I) and thiolate reactants always produces Au(I)-thiolate thin films or compounds rather than monolayers. Smooth links to O, Se, Te, C, and N linker chemistry are established.

  2. WorldWide Web: Hypertext from CERN.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nickerson, Gord


    Discussion of software tools for accessing information on the Internet focuses on the WorldWideWeb (WWW) system, which was developed at the European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN) in Switzerland to build a worldwide network of hypertext links using available networking technology. Its potential for use with multimedia documents is also…

  3. Identified particle distributions in pp and Au+Au collisions at square root of (sNN)=200 GeV.


    Adams, J; Adler, C; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Badyal, S K; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellwied, R; Berger, J; Bezverkhny, B I; Bhardwaj, S; Bhaskar, P; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Billmeier, A; Bland, L C; Blyth, C O; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Boucham, A; Brandin, A; Bravar, A; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Carroll, J; Castillo, J; Castro, M; Cebra, D; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, Y; Chernenko, S P; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Choi, B; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dubey, A K; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Majumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Estienne, M; Fachini, P; Faine, V; Faivre, J; Fatemi, R; Filimonov, K; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flierl, D; Foley, K J; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Ganti, M S; Gutierrez, T D; Gagunashvili, N; Gans, J; Gaudichet, L; Germain, M; Geurts, F; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Grachov, O; Grigoriev, V; Gronstal, S; Grosnick, D; Guedon, M; Guertin, S M; Gupta, A; Gushin, E; Hallman, T J; Hardtke, D; Harris, J W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Herston, T; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffmann, G W; Horsley, M; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Ishihara, A; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Janik, M; Johnson, I; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kaneta, M; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Klay, J; Klein, S R; Klyachko, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Konstantinov, A S; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kovalenko, A D; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kunde, G J; Kunz, C L; Kutuev, R Kh; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lansdell, C P; Lasiuk, B; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednický, R; Leontiev, V M; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Liu, Q J; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Lopez-Noriega, M; Love, W A; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, J; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahajan, S; Mangotra, L K; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Marx, J; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McShane, T S; Meissner, F; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Messer, M; Miller, M L; Milosevich, Z; Minaev, N G; Mironov, C; Mishra, D; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Mora-Corral, M J; Morozov, V; de Moura, M M; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nayak, S K; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nevski, P; Nikitin, V A; Nogach, L V; Norman, B; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Paic, G; Pandey, S U; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Peryt, W; Petrov, V A; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rai, G; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ravel, O; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reichhold, D; Reid, J G; Renault, G; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevski, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L J; Sahoo, R; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Savin, I; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schroeder, L S; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Seliverstov, D; Seyboth, P; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shestermanov, K E; Shimanskii, S S; Singaraju, R N; Simon, F; Skoro, G; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Struck, C; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; de Toledo, A Szanto; Szarwas, P; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Tikhomirov, V; Tokarev, M; Tonjes, M B; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Trivedi, M D; Trofimov, V; Tsai, O; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; VanderMolen, A M; Vasiliev, A N; Vasiliev, M; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, X L; Wang, Z M; Ward, H; Watson, J W; Wells, R; Westfall, G D; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Willson, R; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Z; Xu, Z Z; Yakutin, A E; Yamamoto, E; Yang, J; Yepes, P; Yurevich, V I; Zanevski, Y V; Zborovský, I; Zhang, H; Zhang, H Y; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Z P; Zołnierczuk, P A; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, J; Zubarev, A N


    Transverse mass and rapidity distributions for charged pions, charged kaons, protons, and antiprotons are reported for square root of [sNN]=200 GeV pp and Au+Au collisions at Relativistic Heary Ion Collider (RHIC). Chemical and kinetic equilibrium model fits to our data reveal strong radial flow and long duration from chemical to kinetic freeze-out in central Au+Au collisions. The chemical freeze-out temperature appears to be independent of initial conditions at RHIC energies.

  4. Towards a 21st century telephone exchange at CERN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Valentín, F.; Hesnaux, A.; Sierra, R.; Chapron, F.


    The advent of mobile telephony and Voice over IP (VoIP) has significantly impacted the traditional telephone exchange industry—to such an extent that private branch exchanges are likely to disappear completely in the near future. For large organisations, such as CERN, it is important to be able to smooth this transition by implementing new multimedia platforms that can protect past investments and the flexibility needed to securely interconnect emerging VoIP solutions and forthcoming developments such as Voice over LTE (VoLTE). We present the results of ongoing studies and tests at CERN of the latest technologies in this area.

  5. Effect of Storage Time of Extended-Pour and Conventional Alginate Impressions on Dimensional Accuracy of Casts

    PubMed Central

    Rohanian, Ahmad; Ommati Shabestari, Ghasem; Zeighami, Somayeh; Samadi, Mohammad Javad; Shamshiri, Ahmad Reza


    Objectives: Some manufacturers claim to have produced new irreversible hydro-colloids that are able to maintain their dimensional stability during storage. The present study evaluated the effect of storage time on dimensional stability of three alginates: Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast. Materials and Methods: In this experimental in-vitro trial, a total of 90 alginate impressions were made from a Dentoform model using Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast alginates. The impressions were stored in a sealed plastic bag without a damp paper towel for 0, 24, 48, 72 and 120 hours and then poured with type III dental stone. Cross-arch (facial of 6 to facial of 6 on the opposite side) and antero-posterior (distal of right first molar to the ipsilateral central incisor) measurements were made with a digital caliper on the casts. Data were analyzed by two-way and one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post-hoc test (P<0.05). Results: Alginate type and the pouring time significantly affected the dimensional stability of alginate impressions (both Ps<0.001). Pouring of Hydrogum 5 impressions can be delayed for up to 120 hours without significant dimensional changes. Alginoplast impressions may be poured after 72 hours, but Tropicalgin should be poured immediately and the storage time should not be more than 24 hours. Conclusion: Immediate pouring of alginate impressions provides the highest accuracy in reproducing the teeth and adjacent tissues; however, this study demonstrated that pouring may be delayed for up to five days using extended-pour (Hydrogum 5) alginates. PMID:25628695

  6. Surface plasmon aided high sensitive non-enzymatic glucose sensor using Au/NiAu multilayered nanowire arrays.


    Wang, Lanfang; Zhu, Weiqi; Lu, Wenbo; Qin, Xiufang; Xu, Xiaohong


    A novel plasmon aided non-enzymatic glucose sensor was first constructed based on the unique half-rough Au/NiAu multilayered nanowire arrays. These multilayered and half-rough nanowires provide high chemical activity and large surface area for glucose oxidation in an alkaline solution. Under visible light irradiation, the surface plasmons originated from Au part enhance the electron transfer in the vertically aligned nanowires, leading to high sensitivity and wide detection range. The resulting sensor exhibits a wide glucose detection concentration range, low detection limit, and high sensitivity for plasmon aided non-enzymatic glucose sensor. Moreover, the detection sensitivity is enhanced by almost 2 folds compared to that in the dark, which significantly enhanced the performance of Au/NiAu multilayered nanowire arrays sensor. An excellent selectivity and acceptable stability were also achieved. These results indicate that surface plasmon aided nanostructures are promising new platforms for the construction of non-enzymatic glucose sensors. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Collective flow measurements with HADES in Au+Au collisions at 1.23A GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kardan, Behruz; Hades Collaboration


    HADES has a large acceptance combined with a good mass-resolution and therefore allows the study of dielectron and hadron production in heavy-ion collisions with unprecedented precision. With the statistics of seven billion Au-Au collisions at 1.23A GeV recorded in 2012, the investigation of higher-order flow harmonics is possible. At the BEVALAC and SIS18 directed and elliptic flow has been measured for pions, charged kaons, protons, neutrons and fragments, but higher-order harmonics have not yet been studied. They provide additional important information on the properties of the dense hadronic medium produced in heavy-ion collisions. We present here a high-statistics, multidifferential measurement of v1 and v2 for protons in Au+Au collisions at 1.23A GeV.

  8. Coincidence studies of He ionized by C{sup 6+}, Au{sup 24+}, and Au{sup 53+}

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    McGovern, M.; Walters, H. R. J.; Assafrao, D.


    A recently developed [Phys. Rev. A 79, 042707 (2009)] impact parameter coupled pseudostate approximation (CP) is applied to calculate triple differential cross sections for single ionization of He by C{sup 6+}, Au{sup 24+}, and Au{sup 53+} projectiles at impact energies of 100 and 2 MeV/amu for C{sup 6+} and 3.6 MeV/amu for Au{sup 24+} and Au{sup 53+}. For C{sup 6+}, satisfactory, but not perfect, agreement is found with experimental measurements in coplanar geometry, but there is substantial disagreement with data taken in a perpendicular plane geometry. The CP calculations firmly contradict a projectile-nucleus interaction model which has been used tomore » support the perpendicular plane measurements. For Au{sup 24+} and Au{sup 53+}, there is a complete lack of accord with the available experiments. However, for Au{sup 24+} the theoretical position appears to be quite firm with clear indications of convergence in the CP approximation and very good agreement between CP and the completely different three-distorted-waves eikonal-initial-state (3DW-EIS) approximation. The situation for Au{sup 53+} is different. At the momentum transfers at which the measurements were made, there are doubts about the convergence of the CP approximation and a factor of 2 difference between the CP and 3DW-EIS predictions. The discord between theory and experiment is even greater with the experiment giving cross sections a factor of 10 larger than the theory. A study of the convergence of the CP approximation shows that it improves rapidly with reducing momentum transfer. As a consequence, lower-order cross sections than the triple are quite well converged and present an opportunity for a more reliable test of the experiment.« less

  9. When It Rains, It Pours

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mills, Linda


    "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring!" "The itsy, bitsy spider crawled up the waterspout, down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy, bitsy spider went up the spout again." What do children's nursery rhymes have to do with the school library? The author begins by telling a…

  10. Isomorphism and solid solutions among Ag- and Au-selenides

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Palyanova, Galina A.; Seryotkin, Yurii V.; Kokh, Konstantin A.; Bakakin, Vladimir V.


    Au-Ag selenides were synthesized by heating stoichiometric mixtures of elementary substances of initial compositions Ag2-xAuxSe with a step of х=0.25 (0≤х≤2) to 1050 °С and annealing at 500 °C. Scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, electron microprobe analysis and X-ray powder diffraction methods have been applied to study synthesized samples. Results of studies of synthesized products revealed the existence of three solid solutions with limited isomorphism Ag↔Au: naumannite Ag2Se - Ag1.94Au0.06Se, fischesserite Ag3AuSe2 - Ag3.2Au0.8Se2 and gold selenide AuSe - Au0.94Ag0.06Se. Solid solutions and AgAuSe phases were added to the phase diagram of Ag-Au-Se system. Crystal-chemical interpretation of Ag-Au isomorphism in selenides was made on the basis of structural features of fischesserite, naumannite, and AuSe.

  11. NA61/SHINE facility at the CERN SPS: beams and detector system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abgrall, N.; Andreeva, O.; Aduszkiewicz, A.; Ali, Y.; Anticic, T.; Antoniou, N.; Baatar, B.; Bay, F.; Blondel, A.; Blumer, J.; Bogomilov, M.; Bogusz, M.; Bravar, A.; Brzychczyk, J.; Bunyatov, S. A.; Christakoglou, P.; Cirkovic, M.; Czopowicz, T.; Davis, N.; Debieux, S.; Dembinski, H.; Diakonos, F.; Di Luise, S.; Dominik, W.; Drozhzhova, T.; Dumarchez, J.; Dynowski, K.; Engel, R.; Efthymiopoulos, I.; Ereditato, A.; Fabich, A.; Feofilov, G. A.; Fodor, Z.; Fulop, A.; Gaździcki, M.; Golubeva, M.; Grebieszkow, K.; Grzeszczuk, A.; Guber, F.; Haesler, A.; Hasegawa, T.; Hierholzer, M.; Idczak, R.; Igolkin, S.; Ivashkin, A.; Jokovic, D.; Kadija, K.; Kapoyannis, A.; Kaptur, E.; Kielczewska, D.; Kirejczyk, M.; Kisiel, J.; Kiss, T.; Kleinfelder, S.; Kobayashi, T.; Kolesnikov, V. I.; Kolev, D.; Kondratiev, V. P.; Korzenev, A.; Koversarski, P.; Kowalski, S.; Krasnoperov, A.; Kurepin, A.; Larsen, D.; Laszlo, A.; Lyubushkin, V. V.; Maćkowiak-Pawłowska, M.; Majka, Z.; Maksiak, B.; Malakhov, A. I.; Maletic, D.; Manglunki, D.; Manic, D.; Marchionni, A.; Marcinek, A.; Marin, V.; Marton, K.; Mathes, H.-J.; Matulewicz, T.; Matveev, V.; Melkumov, G. L.; Messina, M.; Mrówczyński, St.; Murphy, S.; Nakadaira, T.; Nirkko, M.; Nishikawa, K.; Palczewski, T.; Palla, G.; Panagiotou, A. D.; Paul, T.; Peryt, W.; Petukhov, O.; Pistillo, C.; Płaneta, R.; Pluta, J.; Popov, B. A.; Posiadala, M.; Puławski, S.; Puzovic, J.; Rauch, W.; Ravonel, M.; Redij, A.; Renfordt, R.; Richter-Was, E.; Robert, A.; Röhrich, D.; Rondio, E.; Rossi, B.; Roth, M.; Rubbia, A.; Rustamov, A.; Rybczyński, M.; Sadovsky, A.; Sakashita, K.; Savic, M.; Schmidt, K.; Sekiguchi, T.; Seyboth, P.; Sgalaberna, D.; Shibata, M.; Sipos, R.; Skrzypczak, E.; Słodkowski, M.; Sosin, Z.; Staszel, P.; Stefanek, G.; Stepaniak, J.; Stroebele, H.; Susa, T.; Szuba, M.; Tada, M.; Tereshchenko, V.; Tolyhi, T.; Tsenov, R.; Turko, L.; Ulrich, R.; Unger, M.; Vassiliou, M.; Veberic, D.; Vechernin, V. V.; Vesztergombi, G.; Vinogradov, L.; Wilczek, A.; Włodarczyk, Z.; Wojtaszek-Szwarz, A.; Wyszyński, O.; Zambelli, L.; Zipper, W.


    NA61/SHINE (SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment) is a multi-purpose experimental facility to study hadron production in hadron-proton, hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. It recorded the first physics data with hadron beams in 2009 and with ion beams (secondary 7Be beams) in 2011. NA61/SHINE has greatly profited from the long development of the CERN proton and ion sources and the accelerator chain as well as the H2 beamline of the CERN North Area. The latter has recently been modified to also serve as a fragment separator as needed to produce the Be beams for NA61/SHINE. Numerous components of the NA61/SHINE set-up were inherited from its predecessors, in particular, the last one, the NA49 experiment. Important new detectors and upgrades of the legacy equipment were introduced by the NA61/SHINE Collaboration. This paper describes the state of the NA61/SHINE facility — the beams and the detector system — before the CERN Long Shutdown I, which started in March 2013.

  12. Strange baryon resonance production in sqrt s NN=200 GeV p+p and Au+Au collisions.


    Abelev, B I; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Bai, Y; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellingeri-Laurikainen, A; Bellwied, R; Benedosso, F; Bhardwaj, S; Bhasin, A; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bland, L C; Blyth, S-L; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Bouchet, J; Brandin, A V; Bravar, A; Burton, T P; Bystersky, M; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Castillo, J; Catu, O; Cebra, D; Chajecki, Z; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, J H; Cheng, J; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cosentino, M R; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Dash, S; Daugherity, M; de Moura, M M; Dedovich, T G; DePhillips, M; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Djawotho, P; Dogra, S M; Dong, W J; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Mazumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Edwards, W R; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Estienne, M; Fachini, P; Fatemi, R; Fedorisin, J; Filimonov, K; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fine, V; Fisyak, Y; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Gaillard, L; Ganti, M S; Gaudichet, L; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Gorbunov, Y G; Gos, H; Grebenyuk, O; Grosnick, D; Guertin, S M; Guimaraes, K S F F; Gupta, N; Gutierrez, T D; Haag, B; Hallman, T J; Hamed, A; Harris, J W; He, W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Hepplemann, S; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffman, A M; Hoffmann, G W; Horner, M J; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Hughes, E W; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Jakl, P; Jia, F; Jiang, H; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kang, K; Kapitan, J; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kechechyan, A; Khodyrev, V Yu; Kim, B C; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Kislov, E M; Klein, S R; Kocoloski, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kouchpil, V; Kowalik, K L; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Kravtsov, V I; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; LaPointe, S; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednicky, R; Lee, C-H; Lehocka, S; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Li, Y; Lin, G; Lin, X; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, H; Liu, J; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Love, W A; Lu, Y; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, G L; Ma, J G; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Mangotra, L K; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McClain, C J; McShane, T S; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Millane, J; Miller, M L; Minaev, N G; Mioduszewski, S; Mironov, C; Mischke, A; Mishra, D K; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Morozov, D A; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nattrass, C; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Netrakanti, P K; Nogach, L V; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Pachr, M; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Peitzmann, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Perkins, C; Peryt, W; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Poljak, N; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reinnarth, J; Relyea, D; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevskiy, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L; Russcher, M J; Sahoo, R; Sakuma, T; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Sarsour, M; Sazhin, P S; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Selyuzhenkov, I; Seyboth, P; Shabetai, A; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shen, W Q; Shimanskiy, S S; Sichtermann, E; Simon, F; Singaraju, R N; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Speltz, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stadnik, A; Stanislaus, T D S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Sumbera, M; Sun, Z; Surrow, B; Swanger, M; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Tarnowsky, T; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Timmins, A R; Timoshenko, S; Tokarev, M; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Tsai, O D; Ulery, J; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Buren, G Van; van der Kolk, N; van Leeuwen, M; Molen, A M Vander; Varma, R; Vasilevski, I M; Vasiliev, A N; Vernet, R; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Vokal, S; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W T; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, J S; Wang, X L; Wang, Y; Watson, J W; Webb, J C; Westfall, G D; Wetzler, A; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Q H; Xu, Z; Yepes, P; Yoo, I-K; Yurevich, V I; Zhan, W; Zhang, H; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Z P; Zhao, Y; Zhong, C; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, Y; Zubarev, A N; Zuo, J X


    We report the measurements of Sigma(1385) and Lambda(1520) production in p+p and Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s{NN}]=200 GeV from the STAR Collaboration. The yields and the p(T) spectra are presented and discussed in terms of chemical and thermal freeze-out conditions and compared to model predictions. Thermal and microscopic models do not adequately describe the yields of all the resonances produced in central Au+Au collisions. Our results indicate that there may be a time span between chemical and thermal freeze-out during which elastic hadronic interactions occur.

  13. A statistical treatment of bioassay pour fractions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barengoltz, Jack; Hughes, David

    A bioassay is a method for estimating the number of bacterial spores on a spacecraft surface for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with planetary protection (PP) requirements (Ref. 1). The details of the process may be seen in the appropriate PP document (e.g., for NASA, Ref. 2). In general, the surface is mechanically sampled with a damp sterile swab or wipe. The completion of the process is colony formation in a growth medium in a plate (Petri dish); the colonies are counted. Consider a set of samples from randomly selected, known areas of one spacecraft surface, for simplicity. One may calculate the mean and standard deviation of the bioburden density, which is the ratio of counts to area sampled. The standard deviation represents an estimate of the variation from place to place of the true bioburden density commingled with the precision of the individual sample counts. The accuracy of individual sample results depends on the equipment used, the collection method, and the culturing method. One aspect that greatly influences the result is the pour fraction, which is the quantity of fluid added to the plates divided by the total fluid used in extracting spores from the sampling equipment. In an analysis of a single sample’s counts due to the pour fraction, one seeks to answer the question: What is the probability that if a certain number of spores are counted with a known pour fraction, that there are an additional number of spores in the part of the rinse not poured. This is given for specific values by the binomial distribution density, where detection (of culturable spores) is success and the probability of success is the pour fraction. A special summation over the binomial distribution, equivalent to adding for all possible values of the true total number of spores, is performed. This distribution when normalized will almost yield the desired quantity. It is the probability that the additional number of spores does not exceed a certain value. Of course

  14. Growth of germanium on Au(111): formation of germanene or intermixing of Au and Ge atoms?


    Cantero, Esteban D; Solis, Lara M; Tong, Yongfeng; Fuhr, Javier D; Martiarena, María Luz; Grizzi, Oscar; Sánchez, Esteban A


    We studied the growth of Ge layers on Au(111) under ultra-high vacuum conditions from the submonolayer regime up to a few layers with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), Direct Recoiling Spectroscopy (DRS) and Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED). Most STM images for the thicker layers are consistent with a commensurate 5 × 8 arrangement. The high surface sensitivity of TOF-DRS allows us to confirm the coexistence of Au and Ge atoms in the top layer for all stages of growth. An estimation of the Au to Ge ratio at the surface of the thick layer gives about 1 Au atom per 2 Ge ones. When the growth is carried out at sample temperatures higher than about 420 K, a fraction of the deposited Ge atoms migrate into the bulk of Au. This incorporation of Ge into the bulk reduces the growth rate of the Ge films, making it more difficult to obtain films thicker than a few layers. After sputtering the Ge/Au surface, the segregation of bulk Ge atoms to the surface occurs for temperatures ≥600 K. The surface obtained after segregation of Ge reaches a stable condition (saturation) with an n × n symmetry with n on the order of 14.

  15. Issue des accouchements sur utérus cicatriciel dans un hôpital universitaire au Burkina

    PubMed Central

    Dembélé, Adama; Tarnagda, Zekiba; Ouédraogo, Jean Louis; Thiombiano, Oumarou; Bambara, Moussa


    Certains auteurs ont tendance à privilégier la césarienne comme méthode de prise en charge d'une parturiente porteuse d'un utérus cicatriciel. D'autres auteurs préconisent un accouchement par voie basse quand des paramètres cliniques précis sont observés. Le but de cette étude est d'analyser la prise en charge et l'issue des accouchements sur utérus cicatriciel au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Souro Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso et de la comparer aux différentes approches recommandées. Nous avons menés une étude transversale dans le Département de Gynécologie d'Obstétrique et de Médecine de la Reproduction du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sanou Souro de Bobo Dioulasso du 1er août 2006 au 1er août 2007 et a concerné 252 parturientes ayant un utérus cicatriciel parmi 4256 accouchements déroulés pendant la même période. Les accouchements sur utérus cicatriciels ont représenté 5,92 % de l'ensemble des accouchements dans notre département. La moyenne d'âge des patientes était de 26,2 ans et la parité moyenne de 4,3. Une césarienne d'emblée a été pratiquée chez 44% des parturientes ayant un utérus cicatriciel et 56 % parmi elles ont fait l'objet d'une épreuve utérine. Sur l'ensemble des épreuves utérines, 61% des parturientes ont accouché par voie basse. La mortalité maternelle était nulle et La mortalité périnatale était relativement importante. Les conditions d'acceptabilité de la voie basse ont été les mêmes chez toutes les patientes et un check liste a été proposé pour une meilleure prise en charge. L'épreuve utérine en salle d'accouchement doit être la règle à chaque fois que cela est possible chez une parturiente porteuse d'utérus cicatriciel. L’établissement d'un check liste pour accouchement par voie basse sur utérus cicatriciel facilite les prises de décision. PMID:23133695

  16. Electron flow in large metallomacromolecules and electronic switch of nanoparticle stabilization: new click ferrocenyl dentromers that reduce Au(III) to Au nanoparticles.


    Astruc, Didier; Wang, Qi; Fu, Fangyu; Martinez-Villacorta, Angel M; Moya, Sergio; Salmon, Lionel; Ruiz, Jaime; Hunel, Julien; Vax, Amélie


    Click ferrocenyl-terminal dentromers, a family of arene-cored dendrimers with triple branching (9-Fc, 27-Fc, 81-Fc and 243-Fc) reduce Au(III) to ferricinium dentromer-stabilized Au nanoparticles (AuNPs). Cyclic voltammetry studies in CH2Cl2 show reversible CV waves with some adsorption for the 243-Fc dentromer and a number of redox groups found, 255 ± 25, using the Bard-Anson method, close to the theoretical number of 243. The dentromers reduce aqueous HAuCl4 to water-soluble ferricinium chloride dentromer-stabilized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with core sizes between 30 and 47 nm. These triazolylferricinium dentromer-stabilized AuNPs are reduced by cobaltocene to cobalticinium chloride and ferrocene dentromer-weakly stabilized AuNPs together with red shift of the AuNP plasmon. The weakness of the AuNP stabilization is characterized by dentromer extraction with CH2Cl2 along with irreversible AuNP agglomeration for the 9, 27 and 81-ferrocenyl dentromer, only the 243-ferrocenyl dentromer-AuNP withstanding this process. Altogether this demonstrates the electronic switch of the dentromer-mediated AuNP stabilization. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Proposition d'un modèle expérimental pour la caractérisation de la réponse mécanique d'un composite (tissu de verre / résine époxyde)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Naceri, A.; Vautrin, A.


    L'objet de cet article est de proposer une géométrie d'éprouvette pour la caractérisation de la réponse mécanique d'un composite constitué de 12 plis de tissus de fibres de verre noyé dans une résine époxyde. Des essais de traction uniaxiale en rampe monotone réalisés sur différentes configurations géométriques d'éprouvettes avec différentes vitesses d'essais et le calcul numérique par éléments finis de la répartition des contraintes dans la zone centrale du modèle expérimental proposé, nous ont permis de justifier le choix d'une éprouvette profilée avec un rayon de 1000 mm qui présente une section réduite au centre et pour laquelle la rupture survient dans la zone centrale sans chute notable des caractéristiques mécaniques ultimes par rapport à l'éprouvette de forme parallélépipédique.

  18. Analyse Pharmaceutique de la prescription des antibiotiques au service des brules et chirurgie plastique de l'Hopital Militaire d'Instruction Mohammed V, Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Benziane, H.; Karfo, R.; Siah, S.; Taoufik, J.


    Summary L'infection est longtemps restée la principale cause de mortalité chez le brûlé grave. Ce travail a pour but d'évaluer la prescription des antibiotiques dans notre Service des Brûlés et Chirurgie Plastique, au regard du dossier d'autorisation de mise sur le marché (Résumé des caractéristiques du produit). Tous les patients sous antibiothérapie, au Service des Brûlés et Chirurgie Plastique de l'Hôpital Militaire d'Instruction Mohammed V de Rabat, Maroc, durant la période janvier 2008/mai 2009, ont été inclus. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective qui a analysé 41 dossiers de patients. Les antibiotiques utilisés par le service appartiennent à différentes familles. Les plus utilisés sont les bêta-lactamines (65%), glycopeptides (10,5%), aminosides (9%), quinolones (7%) et colistine (4,3%), avec 4,2% pour les autres classes d'antibiotiques (métronidazole 500 mg en perfusion, fluconazole injectable 100 mg/50 ml, rifampicine 600 mg en perfusion, sulfadiazine argentique crème, acide fusidique 2% crème, etc.); 70% des prescriptions sont non documentées. La voie injectable est prépondérante (89%). En tout, 227 ordonnances nominatives d'antibiothérapie ont été analysées: la posologie et les contre-indications ont été respectées par rapport à l'autorisation de mise sur le marché. Trois cas d'interactions médicamenteuses ont été relevés (fluconazole-rifampicine, fluconazole-Saccharomyces boulardii, amikacine-vancomycine). Ce constat montre l'importance de l'analyse pharmaceutique des prescriptions des antibiotiques dans un service utilisant des antibiotiques de la réserve hospitalière, donc actifs mais très toxiques. PMID:22396670

  19. Spectroscopie pompe-sonde pour la détection de bioaérosols

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guyon, L.; Courvoisier, F.; Wood, V.; Boutou, V.; Bartelt, A.; Roth, M.; Rabitz, H.; Wolf, J. P.


    La fluorescence du Tryptophane excité par une impulsion ultra-brève à 270 nm peut être diminuée d'un facteur deux par une seconde impulsion à 800 nm, à l'aide d'un dispositif pompe-sonde. Cette décroissance est aussi observée pour les bactéries vivantes, dont le Tryptophane est l'un des fluorophores, tandis qu'aucune décroissance n'est observée pour d'autres molécules organiques comme le naphtalène ou le gazole, malgré des spectres d'absorption et de fluorescence similaires. Cette différence remarquable est très prometteuse pour la distinction d'aérosols biologiques et organiques.

  20. Highly Stable [C60AuC60]+/- Dumbbells.


    Goulart, Marcelo; Kuhn, Martin; Martini, Paul; Chen, Lei; Hagelberg, Frank; Kaiser, Alexander; Scheier, Paul; Ellis, Andrew M


    Ionic complexes between gold and C 60 have been observed for the first time. Cations and anions of the type [Au(C 60 ) 2 ] +/- are shown to have particular stability. Calculations suggest that these ions adopt a C 60 -Au-C 60 sandwich-like (dumbbell) structure, which is reminiscent of [XAuX] +/- ions previously observed for much smaller ligands. The [Au(C 60 ) 2 ] +/- ions can be regarded as Au(I) complexes, regardless of whether the net charge is positive or negative, but in both cases, the charge transfer between the Au and C 60 is incomplete, most likely because of a covalent contribution to the Au-C 60 binding. The C 60 -Au-C 60 dumbbell structure represents a new architecture in fullerene chemistry that might be replicable in synthetic nanostructures.

  1. Commissioning of a CERN Production and Analysis Facility Based on xrootd

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Campana, Simone; van der Ster, Daniel C.; Di Girolamo, Alessandro; Peters, Andreas J.; Duellmann, Dirk; Coelho Dos Santos, Miguel; Iven, Jan; Bell, Tim


    The CERN facility hosts the Tier-0 of the four LHC experiments, but as part of WLCG it also offers a platform for production activities and user analysis. The CERN CASTOR storage technology has been extensively tested and utilized for LHC data recording and exporting to external sites according to experiments computing model. On the other hand, to accommodate Grid data processing activities and, more importantly, chaotic user analysis, it was realized that additional functionality was needed including a different throttling mechanism for file access. This paper will describe the xroot-based CERN production and analysis facility for the ATLAS experiment and in particular the experiment use case and data access scenario, the xrootd redirector setup on top of the CASTOR storage system, the commissioning of the system and real life experience for data processing and data analysis.

  2. Facteurs associés à la tuberculose chez l'enfant au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Mère-Enfant de Tsaralalàna, Antananarivo: une étude cas-témoins

    PubMed Central

    Randriatsarafara, Fidiniaina Mamy; Vololonarivelo, Barbara Elyan Edwige; Rabemananjara, Nambinina Nirina Gaby; Randrianasolo, Jean Baptiste Olivier; Rakotomanga, Jean de Dieu Marie; Randrianarimanana, Vahiniarison Dieudonné


    Introduction A Madagascar, la tuberculose reste un problème de santé publique majeur, l'incidence s’élevant à 16% depuis 2009. Le présent travail a pour objet d'identifier les facteurs de risque de tuberculose chez l'enfant. Méthodes Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective de type cas-témoins sur les facteurs de risque de la tuberculose chez les enfants de 0 à 15 ans au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Mère-Enfant de Tsaralalàna, de Janvier 2009 à Décembre 2011. Les enfants diagnostiqués de tuberculose dont le diagnostic a été retenu par des éléments de certitude ou par le score pédiatrique de la tuberculose représentent les cas. Les enfants hospitalisés durant la même période, non tuberculeux et de même âge, sont classés témoins. L'Odds Ratio quantifie les associations. Résultats Au total, 91 cas et 173 témoins ont été inclus. Parmi les cas, 73,62% présentent une malnutrition. De fortes associations sont démontrées avec: la malnutrition sévère (OR=6 (IC95% 2,43-15,61 (p<10-5))); le contage tuberculeux (OR=4,71 (IC95% 1,76-12,7 (p=0,003))); la non vaccination par le BCG (OR=4,21 (IC95% 1,99-8,99 (p < 2.10-5))); le niveau intellectuel maternel bas (OR=4,17 (IC95% 0,67-28,14 (p=0,06))); la taille de la fratrie à partir de 5 (OR=4,5). Des associations faibles sont retrouvées pour les autres facteurs étudiés. Les cas présentent une létalité de 18,7% contre 6,3% chez les témoins (p<10-5); 64,7 % des décès sont dus aux formes méningées. Conclusion La tuberculose reste un fléau chez les enfants, avec une lourde responsabilité de la pauvreté rassemblant presque tous les facteurs sus-cités. PMID:25838852

  3. Heterojunction metal-oxide-metal Au-Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au single nanowire device for spintronics

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Reddy, K. M., E-mail:; Punnoose, Alex; Hanna, Charles


    In this report, we present the synthesis of heterojunction magnetite nanowires in alumina template and describe magnetic and electrical properties from a single nanowire device for spintronics applications. Heterojunction Au-Fe-Au nanowire arrays were electrodeposited in porous aluminum oxide templates, and an extensive and controlled heat treatment process converted Fe segment to nanocrystalline cubic magnetite phase with well-defined Au-Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} interfaces as confirmed by the transmission electron microscopy. Magnetic measurements revealed Verwey transition shoulder around 120 K and a room temperature coercive field of 90 Oe. Current–voltage (I-V) characteristics of a single Au-Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au nanowire have exhibited Ohmic behavior. Anomalous positivemore » magnetoresistance of about 0.5% is observed on a single nanowire, which is attributed to the high spin polarization in nanowire device with pure Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} phase and nanocontact barrier. This work demonstrates the ability to preserve the pristine Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} and well defined electrode contact metal (Au)–magnetite interface, which helps in attaining high spin polarized current.« less

  4. Disentangling flow and signals of Chiral Magnetic Effect in U+U, Au+Au and p+Au collisions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tribedy, Prithwish; STAR Collaboration


    We present STAR measurements of the charge-dependent three-particle correlator γ a , b = 〈 cos ⁡ (ϕ1a + ϕ2b - 2ϕ3) 〉 /v2 { 2 } and elliptic flow v2 { 2 } in U+U, Au+Au and p+Au collisions at RHIC. The difference Δγ = γ (opposite-sign) - γ (same-sign) measures charge separation across the reaction plane, a predicted signal of the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME). Although charge separation has been observed, it has been argued that the measured separation can also be explained by elliptic flow related backgrounds. In order to separate the two effects we perform measurements of the γ-correlator where background expectations differ from magnetic field driven effects. A differential measurement of γ with the relative pseudorapidity (Δη) between the first and second particles indicate that Δγ in peripheral A+A and p+A collisions are dominated by short-range correlations in Δη. However, a relatively wider component of the correlation in Δη tends to vanish the same way as projected magnetic field as predicted by MC-Glauber simulations.

  5. Initial Eccentricity in Deformed 197Au+197Au and 238U+238U Collisions at RHIC

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Filip, Peter; Lednicky, Richard; Masui, Hiroshi


    Initial eccentricity and eccentricity fluctuations of the interaction volume created in relativistic collisions of deformed {sup 197}Au and {sup 238}U nuclei are studied using optical and Monte-Carlo (MC) Glauber simulations. It is found that the non-sphericity noticeably influences the average eccentricity in central collisions and eccentricity fluctuations are enhanced due to deformation. Quantitative results are obtained for Au+Au and U+U collisions at energy {radical}s{sub NN} = 200 GeV.

  6. Development of an Assessment Methodology for Demonstrating Usability, Technical Maturity, and Operational Benefits of Advanced Medical Technology (Developpement d’une Methodologie d’Evaluation Permettant de Demontrer la Facilite d’Utilisation, la Maturite Technique et les Avantages Operationnels des Technologies Medicales Evoluees)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de nations, que ce soit au sein de l’Alliance ou dans le cadre du Partenariat pour la paix, ont développé au cours des ...pour l’évacuation des blessés (CASEVAC). Certaines de ces technologies peuvent inclure en temps réel le contrôle de l’état du combattant/patient, la ...localisation du patient, le contrôle de l’état de la logistique médicale, ou encore l’établissement de rapports épidémiologiques. Le

  7. Controlling Au Nanorod Dispersion in Thin Film Polymer Blends

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hore, Michael J. A.; Composto, Russell J.


    Dispersion of Au nanorods (Au NRs) in polymer thin films is studied using a combination of experimental and theoretical techniques. Here, we incorporate small volume fractions of polystyrene-functionalized Au NRs (φrod 0.05) into polystyrene (PS) thin films. By controlling the ratio of the brush length (N) to that of the matrix polymers (P), we can selectively obtain dispersed or aggregated Au NR structures in the PS-Au(N):PS(P) films. A dispersion map of these structures allows one to choose N and P to obtain either uniformly dispersed Au NRs or aggregates of closely packed, side-by-side aligned Au NRs. Furthermore, by blending poly(2,6-dimethyl-p-phenylene oxide) (PPO) into the PS films, we demonstrate that the Au nanorod morphology can be further tuned by reducing depletion-attraction forces and promoting miscibility of the Au NRs. These predictable structures ultimately give rise to tunable optical absorption in the films resulting from surface plasmon resonance coupling between the Au NRs. Finally, self-consistent field theoretic (SCFT) calculations for both the PS-Au(N):PS(P) and PS-Au(N):PS(P):PPO systems provide insight into the PS brush structure, and allow us to interpret morphology and optical property results in terms of wet and dry PS brush states.

  8. Identified hadron transverse momentum spectra in Au+Au collisions at sNN=62.4 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Hauer, M.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Reed, C.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Seals, H.; Sedykh, I.; Smith, C. E.; Stankiewicz, M. A.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; Nieuwenhuizen, G. J. Van; Vaurynovich, S. S.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wenger, E.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wysłouch, B.


    Transverse momentum spectra of pions, kaons, protons, and antiprotons from Au+Au collisions at sNN = 62.4 GeV have been measured by the PHOBOS experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The identification of particles relies on three different methods: low momentum particles stopping in the first detector layers; the specific energy loss (dE/dx) in the silicon spectrometer, and time-of-flight measurement. These methods cover the transverse momentum ranges 0.03 0.2, 0.2 1.0, and 0.5 3.0 GeV/c, respectively. Baryons are found to have substantially harder transverse momentum spectra than mesons. The pT region in which the proton to pion ratio reaches unity in central Au+Au collisions at sNN = 62.4 GeV fits into a smooth trend as a function of collision energy. At low transverse mass, the spectra of various species exhibit a significant deviation from transverse mass scaling. The observed particle yields at very low pT are comparable to extrapolations from higher pT for kaons, protons and antiprotons. By comparing our results to Au+Au collisions at sNN = 200 GeV, we conclude that the net proton yield at midrapidity is proportional to the number of participant nucleons in the collision.

  9. Evaluation des résultats après traitement des lésions intra épithéliales du col utérin par la cryothérapie: étude préliminaire au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Yaoundé: A propos de 21 cas

    PubMed Central

    Ndoua, Claude Cyrille Noa; Tebeu, Pierre Marie; Kemfang, Jean Dupont; Kasia, Jean Marie


    Nous rapportons les résultats d'une série de 21 cas de prise en charge par cryothérapie de lésions intra-épithéliales cervicales au Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire (CHU) de Yaoundé. Notre objectif principal était d’évaluer les résultats préliminaires de la prise en charge des lésions précancéreuses éligibles pour la cryothérapie. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale descriptive qui s'est étalée sur 24 mois. Etaient inclus dans l’étude toutes les femmes traitées par cryothérapie. Nous avons exclu les patientes traitées par une autre méthode, les patientes perdues de vue et les dossiers incomplets. Le statut cervical a été déterminé à 6 semaines, 6 mois et 12 mois. Les complications précoces et tardives ont également été répertoriées. Au total 95.2% des lésions étaient cicatrisées à 6 semaines. A 6 mois, toutes les lésions avaient disparu et au 12ème mois, la guérison était effective chez 95.2% des patientes. Les saignements et l'hydrorrhée étaient les principales complications tardives avec des fréquences respectives de 66.7% et 95.2%. Aucun cas de sténose cervicale n'a été répertorié. La cryothérapie peut être utilisée comme méthode de traitement pour des lésions précancéreuses du col. PMID:26140068

  10. Matériaux pour la dépollution des gaz d'échappement automobile

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mouaddib-Moral, N.; Gauthier, C.


    Les premières législations antipollution ont été mises en place suite à la détection, aux Etats Unis plus particulièrement en Californie, du smog photochimique et des pluies acides, néfastes pour la faune et la flore. Les estimations de la contribution de l'automobile aux émissions de composés, considérés comme précurseurs de ces phénomènes, ont été suffisantes pour provoquer la mise en place de normes draconiennes en matière d'émissions automobiles. Les matériaux catalytiques ont été évalués en tant que solution possible pour réduire les émissions à l'échappement. En Europe, l'utilisation des catalyseurs trois voies a été généralisée sur les véhicules essence fonctionnant à richesse stoechiométrique à partir de 1993. Une nouvelle génération de catalyseurs appelée piège à oxydes d'azote (NOx) est maintenant nécessaire pour le post-traitement des gaz d'échappement des motorisations à essence fonctionnant en mélange pauvre (combustion en présence d'un excès d'oxygène) pour diminuer la consommation et par conséquent réduire les émissions du CO2 connu pour son impact sur l'effet de serre. La dépollution des moteurs diesel via un catalyseur d'oxydation a été généralisée en Europe depuis 1996. La sévérisation des normes européennes impose pour les moteurs diesel le recours à des matériaux spécifiques pour le traitement des oxydes d'azotes et des particules par l'intermédiaire de filtres à particules dont l'efficacité de filtration est supérieure à 95%, mais doivent subir des régénérations périodiques.

  11. Parameterization and study of elliptic flow coefficient for Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at RHIC energy 200 GeV/A

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kumar, Somani Ajit; Bright, Keswani; Sudhir, Bhardwaj; Ashish, Agnihotri


    Elliptic flow coefficient is important observable in search of Quark Gluon Plasma. The variation of elliptic flow coefficient with centrality were studied using events generated by AMPT (Default) for Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at center of mass energy of 200 GeV/A. We compared the simulated data results with RHIC-PHENIX experimental results and found close agreement between them. The study of the variation of the v2 for Au+Au and Cu+Cu was parameterized by fitting. We proposed a new formula to predict the expected value of v2 at particular centrality for Au+Au or Cu+Cu at 200 GeV/A.

  12. Atomic and electronic structures of Si(1 1 1)-(√3 x √3)R30°-Au and (6 × 6)-Au surfaces.


    Patterson, C H


    Si(1 1 1)-Au surfaces with around one monolayer of Au exhibit many ordered structures and structures containing disordered domain walls. Hybrid density functional theory (DFT) calculations presented here reveal the origin of these complex structures and tendency to form domain walls. The conjugate honeycomb chain trimer (CHCT) structure of the [Formula: see text]-Au phase contains Si atoms with non-bonding surface states which can bind Au atoms in pairs in interstices of the CHCT structure and make this surface metallic. Si adatoms adsorbed on the [Formula: see text]-Au surface induce a gapped surface through interaction with the non-bonding states. Adsorption of extra Au atoms in interstitial sites of the [Formula: see text]-Au surface is stabilized by interaction with the non-bonding orbitals and leads to higher coverage ordered structures including the [Formula: see text]-Au phase. Extra Au atoms bound in interstitial sites of the [Formula: see text]-Au surface result in top layer Si atoms with an SiAu4 butterfly wing configuration. The structure of a [Formula: see text]-Au phase, whose in-plane top atomic layer positions were previously determined by an electron holography technique (Grozea et al 1998 Surf. Sci. 418 32), is calculated using total energy minimization. The Patterson function for this structure is calculated and is in good agreement with data from an in-plane x-ray diffraction study (Dornisch et al 1991 Phys. Rev. B 44 11221). Filled and empty state scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images are calculated for domain walls and the [Formula: see text]-Au structure. The [Formula: see text]-Au phase is 2D chiral and this is evident in computed and actual STM images. [Formula: see text]-Au and domain wall structures contain the SiAu4 motif with a butterfly wing shape. Chemical bonding within the Si-Au top layers of the [Formula: see text]-Au and [Formula: see text]-Au surfaces is analyzed and an explanation for the SiAu4 motif structure is given.

  13. CO oxidation on Alsbnd Au nano-composite systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rajesh, C.; Majumder, C.


    Using first principles method we report the CO oxidation behaviour of Alsbnd Au nano-composites in three different size ranges: Al6Au8, Al13Au42 and a periodic slab of Alsbnd Au(1 1 1) surface. The clusters prefer enclosed structures with alternating arrangement of Al and Au atoms, maximising Auδ-sbnd Alδ+ bonds. Charge distribution analysis suggests the charge transfer from Al to Au atoms, corroborated by the red shift in the density of states spectrum. Further, CO oxidation on these nano-composite systems was investigated through both Eley - Rideal and Langmuir Hinshelwood mechanism. While, these clusters interact with O2 non-dissociatively with an elongation of the Osbnd O bond, further interaction with CO led to formation of CO2 spontaneously. On contrary, the CO2 evolution by co-adsorption of O2 and CO molecules has a transition state barrier. On the basis of the results it is inferred that nano-composite material of Alsbnd Au shows significant promise toward effective oxidative catalysis.

  14. Comparison of the Effects of Magnetic Field on Low Noise MoAu and TiAu TES Bolometers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hijmering, R. A.; Khosropanah, P.; Ridder, M.; Gao, J. R.; Hoevers, H.; Jackson, B.; Goldie, D.; Withington, S.; Kozorezov, A. G.


    Recently we have reported on the effects of magnetic field on our low noise (NEP = 4 W/Hz) [1] TiAu TES bolometers that are being developed at SRON for the SAFARI FIR Imaging Spectrometer on SPICA telescope that will be operated in three different wavelength bands: S-band for 30-60 , M-band for 60-110 and L-band for 110-210 . The arrays for the S- and M- band will be based on TiAu TES bolometer arrays, developed by SRON. The L-band array will be based on a MoAu TES bolometer developed by University of Cambridge. We have investigated the effect of the magnetic field on the current, responsivity, speed and critical current for both the TiAu and MoAu TES bolometers in our high accuracy magnetic field set-up. A clear difference in weak link behavior is observed between the two types of TES bolometers in both strength of the effect and period of the oscillations.

  15. Lateral spreading of Au contacts on InP

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fatemi, Navid S.; Weizer, Victor G.


    The contact spreading phenomenon observed when small area Au contacts on InP are annealed at temperatures above about 400 C was investigated. It was found that the rapid lateral expansion of the contact metallization which consumes large quantities of InP during growth is closely related to the third stage in the series of solid state reactions that occur between InP and Au, i.e., to the Au3In-to-Au9In4 transition. Detailed descriptions are presented of both the spreading process and the Au3In-to-Au9In4 transition along with arguments that the two processes are manifestations of the same basic phenomenon.

  16. Scaling Properties of Proton and Antiproton Production in (sNN)=200 GeV Au+Au Collisions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adler, S. S.; Afanasiev, S.; Aidala, C.; Ajitanand, N. N.; Akiba, Y.; Alexander, J.; Amirikas, R.; Aphecetche, L.; Aronson, S. H.; Averbeck, R.; Awes, T. C.; Azmoun, R.; Babintsev, V.; Baldisseri, A.; Barish, K. N.; Barnes, P. D.; Bassalleck, B.; Bathe, S.; Batsouli, S.; Baublis, V.; Bazilevsky, A.; Belikov, S.; Berdnikov, Y.; Bhagavatula, S.; Boissevain, J. G.; Borel, H.; Borenstein, S.; Brooks, M. L.; Brown, D. S.; Bruner, N.; Bucher, D.; Buesching, H.; Bumazhnov, V.; Bunce, G.; Burward-Hoy, J. M.; Butsyk, S.; Camard, X.; Chai, J.-S.; Chand, P.; Chang, W. C.; Chernichenko, S.; Chi, C. Y.; Chiba, J.; Chiu, M.; Choi, I. J.; Choi, J.; Choudhury, R. K.; Chujo, T.; Cianciolo, V.; Cobigo, Y.; Cole, B. A.; Constantin, P.; D'Enterria, D. G.; David, G.; Delagrange, H.; Denisov, A.; Deshpande, A.; Desmond, E. J.; Dietzsch, O.; Drapier, O.; Drees, A.; Du Rietz, R.; Durum, A.; Dutta, D.; Efremenko, Y. V.; El Chenawi, K.; Enokizono, A.; En'yo, H.; Esumi, S.; Ewell, L.; Fields, D. E.; Fleuret, F.; Fokin, S. L.; Fox, B. D.; Fraenkel, Z.; Frantz, J. E.; Franz, A.; Frawley, A. D.; Fung, S.-Y.; Garpman, S.; Ghosh, T. K.; Glenn, A.; Gogiberidze, G.; Gonin, M.; Gosset, J.; Goto, Y.; Granier de Cassagnac, R.; Grau, N.; Greene, S. V.; Grosse Perdekamp, G.; Guryn, W.; Gustafsson, H.-Å.; Hachiya, T.; Haggerty, J. S.; Hamagaki, H.; Hansen, A. G.; Hartouni, E. P.; Harvey, M.; Hayano, R.; He, X.; Heffner, M.; Hemmick, T. K.; Heuser, J. M.; Hibino, M.; Hill, J. C.; Holzmann, W.; Homma, K.; Hong, B.; Hoover, A.; Ichihara, T.; Ikonnikov, V. V.; Imai, K.; Isenhower, L. D.; Ishihara, M.; Issah, M.; Isupov, A.; Jacak, B. V.; Jang, W. Y.; Jeong, Y.; Jia, J.; Jinnouchi, O.; Johnson, B. M.; Johnson, S. C.; Joo, K. S.; Jouan, D.; Kametani, S.; Kamihara, N.; Kang, J. H.; Kapoor, S. S.; Katou, K.; Kelly, S.; Khachaturov, B.; Khanzadeev, A.; Kikuchi, J.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, D. W.; Kim, E.; Kim, G.-B.; Kim, H. J.; Kistenev, E.; Kiyomichi, A.; Kiyoyama, K.; Klein-Boesing, C.; Kobayashi, H.; Kochenda, L.; Kochetkov, V.; Koehler, D.; Kohama, T.; Kopytine, M.; Kotchetkov, D.; Kozlov, A.; Kroon, P. J.; Kuberg, C. H.; Kurita, K.; Kuroki, Y.; Kweon, M. J.; Kwon, Y.; Kyle, G. S.; Lacey, R.; Ladygin, V.; Lajoie, J. G.; Lebedev, A.; Leckey, S.; Lee, D. M.; Lee, S.; Leitch, M. J.; Li, X. H.; Lim, H.; Litvinenko, A.; Liu, M. X.; Liu, Y.; Maguire, C. F.; Makdisi, Y. I.; Malakhov, A.; Manko, V. I.; Mao, Y.; Martinez, G.; Marx, M. D.; Masui, H.; Matathias, F.; Matsumoto, T.; McGaughey, P. L.; Melnikov, E.; Messer, F.; Miake, Y.; Milan, J.; Miller, T. E.; Milov, A.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mischke, R. E.; Mishra, G. C.; Mitchell, J. T.; Mohanty, A. K.; Morrison, D. P.; Moss, J. M.; Mühlbacher, F.; Mukhopadhyay, D.; Muniruzzaman, M.; Murata, J.; Nagamiya, S.; Nagle, J. L.; Nakamura, T.; Nandi, B. K.; Nara, M.; Newby, J.; Nilsson, P.; Nyanin, A. S.; Nystrand, J.; O'Brien, E.; Ogilvie, C. A.; Ohnishi, H.; Ojha, I. D.; Okada, K.; Ono, M.; Onuchin, V.; Oskarsson, A.; Otterlund, I.; Oyama, K.; Ozawa, K.; Pal, D.; Palounek, A. P.; Pantuev, V. S.; Papavassiliou, V.; Park, J.; Parmar, A.; Pate, S. F.; Peitzmann, T.; Peng, J.-C.; Peresedov, V.; Pinkenburg, C.; Pisani, R. P.; Plasil, F.; Purschke, M. L.; Purwar, A.; Rak, J.; Ravinovich, I.; Read, K. F.; Reuter, M.; Reygers, K.; Riabov, V.; Riabov, Y.; Roche, G.; Romana, A.; Rosati, M.; Rosnet, P.; Ryu, S. S.; Sadler, M. E.; Saito, N.; Sakaguchi, T.; Sakai, M.; Sakai, S.; Samsonov, V.; Sanfratello, L.; Santo, R.; Sato, H. D.; Sato, S.; Sawada, S.; Schutz, Y.; Semenov, V.; Seto, R.; Shaw, M. R.; Shea, T. K.; Shibata, T.-A.; Shigaki, K.; Shiina, T.; Silva, C. L.; Silvermyr, D.; Sim, K. S.; Singh, C. P.; Singh, V.; Sivertz, M.; Soldatov, A.; Soltz, R. A.; Sondheim, W. E.; Sorensen, S. P.; Sourikova, I. V.; Staley, F.; Stankus, P. W.; Stenlund, E.; Stepanov, M.; Ster, A.; Stoll, S. P.; Sugitate, T.; Sullivan, J. P.; Takagui, E. M.; Taketani, A.; Tamai, M.; Tanaka, K. H.; Tanaka, Y.; Tanida, K.; Tannenbaum, M. J.; Tarján, P.; Tepe, J. D.; Thomas, T. L.; Tojo, J.; Torii, H.; Towell, R. S.; Tserruya, I.; Tsuruoka, H.; Tuli, S. K.; Tydesjö, H.; Tyurin, N.; van Hecke, H. W.; Velkovska, J.; Velkovsky, M.; Villatte, L.; Vinogradov, A. A.; Volkov, M. A.; Vznuzdaev, E.; Wang, X. R.; Watanabe, Y.; White, S. N.; Wohn, F. K.; Woody, C. L.; Xie, W.; Yang, Y.; Yanovich, A.; Yokkaichi, S.; Young, G. R.; Yushmanov, I. E.; Zajc, W. A.; Zhang, C.; Zhou, S.; Zolin, L.


    We report on the yield of protons and antiprotons, as a function of centrality and transverse momentum, in Au+Au collisions at (sNN)=200 GeV measured at midrapidity by the PHENIX experiment at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. In central collisions at intermediate transverse momenta (1.5Au+Au, p+p, and e+e- collisions. This enhancement is limited to pT<5 GeV/c as deduced from the ratio of charged hadrons to π0 measured in the range 1.5

  17. Visit CD




    Le DG H.Schopper souhaite la bienvenue aux ambassadeurs des pays membres et aux représentants des pays avec lesquels le Cern entretient des relations proches et fait un exposé sur les activités au Cern

  18. Etude de faisabilite d'un systeme eolien diesel avec stockage d'air comprime

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Benchaabane, Youssef

    Le Systeme Hybride Eolien-Diesel avec Stockage d'Air Comprime (SHEDAC) utilise l'hybridation pneumatique pour remplacer la consommation des combustibles fossiles par de l'energie renouvelable, plus particulierement de l'energie eolienne. Le surplus de l'energie eolienne est utilise pour comprimer et stocker de l'air qui est utilise ensuite pour suralimenter le moteur diesel. Le memoire de maitrise est constitue de deux articles scientifiques. Le premier article presente le developpement d'un logiciel dedie a l'etude de faisabilite d'un systeme eolien-diesel avec stockage d'air comprime. Cette etude est basee sur l'analyse des couts et des revenus, des couts des equipements (eolienne, moteur diesel, systeme de stockage d'air). Elle est completee par une analyse de sensibilite aux differents parametres, une analyse des risques et des emissions des gaz a effet de serre (GES). Le deuxieme article est une application de ce logiciel pour l'installation d'un systeme SHEDAC au camp minier Esker au Quebec en remplacement des sources actuelles de production d'energie. L'utilisation du stockage d'air comprime a l'aide d'un systeme SHEDAC est le plus rentable par rapport a l'utilisation de l'energie eolienne seule ou d'une centrale thermique au diesel seule ou des deux combinees. Avec une valeur actuelle nette et un taux de rendement interne plus eleves, cette solution permet d'obtenir le plus bas cout de l'energie pour cette region eloignee. None None None

  19. X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Combined with Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Elucidates Differential Substitution Pathways of Au(I) and Au(III) with Zinc Fingers.


    Abbehausen, Camilla; de Paiva, Raphael Enoque Ferraz; Bjornsson, Ragnar; Gomes, Saulo Quintana; Du, Zhifeng; Corbi, Pedro Paulo; Lima, Frederico Alves; Farrell, Nicholas


    A combination of two elements' (Au, Zn) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) allowed the elucidation of differential substitution pathways of Au(I) and Au(III) compounds reacting with biologically relevant zinc fingers (ZnFs). Gold L 3 -edge XAS probed the interaction of gold and the C-terminal Cys 2 HisCys finger of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein NCp7, and the Cys 2 His 2 human transcription factor Sp1. The use of model compounds helped assign oxidation states and the identity of the gold-bound ligands. The computational studies accurately reproduced the experimental XAS spectra and allowed the proposition of structural models for the interaction products at early time points. The direct electrophilic attack on the ZnF by the highly thiophilic Au(I) resulted in a linear P-Au-Cys coordination sphere after zinc ejection whereas for the Sp1, loss of PEt 3 results in linear Cys-Au-Cys or Cys-Au-His arrangements. Reactions with Au(III) compounds, on the other hand, showed multiple binding modes. Prompt reaction between [AuCl(dien)] 2+ and [Au(dien)(DMAP)] 3+ with Sp1 showed a partially reduced Au center and a final linear His-Au-His coordination. Differently, in the presence of NCp7, [AuCl(dien)] 2+ readily reduces to Au(I) and changes from square-planar to linear geometry with Cys-Au-His coordination, while [Au(dien)(DMAP)] 3+ initially maintains its Au(III) oxidation state and square-planar geometry and the same first coordination sphere. The latter is the first observation of a "noncovalent" interaction of a Au(III) complex with a zinc finger and confirms early hypotheses that stabilization of Au(III) occurs with N-donor ligands. Modification of the zinc coordination sphere, suggesting full or partial zinc ejection, is observed in all cases, and for [Au(dien)(DMAP)] 3+ this represents a novel mechanism for nucleocapsid inactivation. The combination of XAS and TD-DFT presents the first direct experimental

  20. Evidence of significant covalent bonding in Au(CN)(2)(-).


    Wang, Xue-Bin; Wang, Yi-Lei; Yang, Jie; Xing, Xiao-Peng; Li, Jun; Wang, Lai-Sheng


    The Au(CN)(2)(-) ion is the most stable Au compound known for centuries, yet a detailed understanding of its chemical bonding is still lacking. Here we report direct experimental evidence of significant covalent bonding character in the Au-C bonds in Au(CN)(2)(-) using photoelectron spectroscopy and comparisons with its lighter congeners, Ag(CN)(2)(-) and Cu(CN)(2)(-). Vibrational progressions in the Au-C stretching mode were observed for all detachment transitions for Au(CN)(2)(-), in contrast to the atomic-like transitions for Cu(CN)(2)(-), revealing the Au-C covalent bonding character. In addition, rich electronic structural information was obtained for Au(CN)(2)(-) by employing 118 nm detachment photons. Density functional theory and high-level ab initio calculations were carried out to understand the photoelectron spectra and obtain insight into the nature of the chemical bonding in the M(CN)(2)(-) complexes. Significant covalent character in the Au-C bonding due to the strong relativistic effects was revealed in Au(CN)(2)(-), consistent with its high stability.

  1. Etude des phenomenes chimiques au contact entre le bloc cathodique et la barre collectrice d'une cellule d'electrolyse d'aluminium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lebeuf, Martin

    La production d'aluminium est une industrie importante au Québec. Les propriétés de ce métal le vouent à de multiples usages présents et futurs dans le cadre d'une économie moderne durable. Toutefois, le procédé Hall-Héroult est très énergivore et des progrès demeurent donc nécessaires pour en diminuer les coûts financiers et environnementaux. Parmi les améliorations envisageables de la cellule d'électrolyse se trouve le contact entre la cathode et la barre collectrice, qui doit offrir une faible résistivité au passage du courant électrique. En cours d'opération de la cellule, ce contact a tendance à se dégrader, générant des pertes énergétiques significatives. Les causes de cette dégradation, pouvant provenir de phénomènes chimiques, thermiques, mécaniques et/ou électriques, demeurent mal comprises. Le but du présent projet était donc d'étudier les phénomènes chimiques se produisant au contact bloc-barre de la cellule d'électrolyse Hall-Héroult. En premier lieu, un aspect crucial à considérer est la pénétration du bain électrolytique dans la cathode, car des composés de bain atteignent éventuellement la barre collectrice et peuvent y réagir. A cet effet, une méthode novatrice a été développée afin d'étudier les cathodes et la pénétration du bain dans celles-ci à l'aide de la microtomographie à rayons X. Cette méthode rapide et efficace s'est avérée fort utile dans le projet et a un potentiel important pour l'étude future des cathodes et des phénomènes qui s'y produisent. Ensuite, une cellule d'électrolyse rectangulaire à petite échelle a été développée. Plusieurs phénomènes observés 'en industrie sur des autopsies de cellules post-opération et rapportés dans la littérature ont été reproduis avec succès à l'aide de cette cellule expérimentale. Puis, des tests sans électrolyse, ciblant l'effet du bain électrolytique sur l'acier, ont aussi été conçus et complétés afin de s

  2. Validation de la version francophone d’une échelle composite multidimensionnelle pour l’évaluation de la douleur postopératoire chez les chats

    PubMed Central

    Steagall, Paulo V.M.; Monteiro, Beatriz P.; Lavoie, Anne-Marie; Frank, Diane; Troncy, Eric; Luna, Stelio P.L.; Brondani, Juliana T.


    Résumé L’objectif de cette étude était de valider la version francophone de l’échelle composite multidimensionnelle de douleur UNESP-Botucatu (MCPS-Fr) chez les chats. Deux vétérinaires et une étudiante de médecine vétérinaire francophones ont identifié trois catégories de comportements distincts sur des vidéos : «les changements psychomoteurs», «la protection de la région douloureuse» et «les variables physiologiques». La cohérence interne était excellente (score total du coefficient alpha de Cronbach était de 0,94; 0,90; et 0,61, respectivement). La bonne concordance entre les évaluations à l’aveugle des observateurs et l’évaluateur de référence confirme la validité de cet instrument. La fiabilité inter- et intra-évaluateur était bonne à très bonne. Le point limite optimal pour l’analgésie de secours, identifié avec une courbe ROC, était au-delà de 7 (échelle allant de 0 à 30 points), avec une sensibilité de 97,8 % et une spécificité de 99,1 %. La MCPS-Fr est un outil valide et sensible pour l’évaluation de la douleur aiguë chez les chattes ayant subi une ovariohystérectomie. PMID:28042156

  3. Que peut-on voir avec des neutrons? Une introduction pour des non spécialistes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schweizer, J.


    Le neutron est une particule élémentaire qui a été découverte en 1932 par James Chadwick. Ses caractéristiques principales sont résumées dans le tableau I. Il a été utilisé pour la première fois par Clifford Shull en 1946 comme outil pour des expériences de diffusion. Cette technique s'est depuis constamment développée pour concerner tous les aspects de la matière condensée: physique, chimie, matériaux, biologie. Il s'agit d'un outil tout à fait exceptionnel car le neutron possède des propriétés uniques et particulièrement adaptées pour ces études.

  4. Au13(8e): A secondary block for describing a special group of liganded gold clusters containing icosahedral Au13 motifs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xu, Wen Wu; Zeng, Xiao Cheng; Gao, Yi


    A grand unified model (GUM) has been proposed recently to understand structure anatomy and evolution of liganded gold clusters. In this work, besides the two types of elementary blocks (triangular Au3(2e) and tetrahedral Au4(2e)), we introduce a secondary block, namely, the icosahedral Au13 with 8e valence electrons, noted as Au13(8e). Using this secondary block, structural anatomy and evolution of a special group of liganded gold nanoclusters containing icosahedral Au13 motifs can be conveniently analyzed. In addition, a new ligand-protected cluster Au49(PR3)10(SR)15Cl2 is predicted to exhibit high chemical and thermal stability, suggesting likelihood of its synthesis in the laboratory.

  5. Au particle formation on the electron beam induced membrane

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Choi, Seong Soo; Park, Myoung Jin; Han, Chul Hee; Oh, Sae-Joong; Kim, Sung-In; Park, Nam Kyou; Park, Doo-Jae; Choi, Soo Bong; Kim, Yong-Sang


    Recently the single molecules such as protein and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) have been successfully characterized by using a portable solidstate nanopore (MinION) with an electrical detection technique. However, there have been several reports about the high error rates of the fabricated nanopore device, possibly due to an electrical double layer formed inside the pore channel. The current DNA sequencing technology utilized is based on the optical detection method. In order to utilize the current optical detection technique, we will present the formation of the Au nano-pore with Au particle under the various electron beam irradiations. In order to provide the diffusion of Au atoms, a 2 keV electron beam irradiation has been performed During electron beam irradiations by using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), Au and C atoms would diffuse together and form the binary mixture membrane. Initially, the Au atoms diffused in the membrane are smaller than 1 nm, below the detection limit of the transmission electron microscopy (TEM), so that we are unable to observe the Au atoms in the formed membrane. However, after several months later, the Au atoms became larger and larger with expense of the smaller particles: Ostwald ripening. Furthermore, we also observe the Au crystalline lattice structure on the binary Au-C membrane. The formed Au crystalline lattice structures were constantly changing during electron beam imaging process due to Spinodal decomposition; the unstable thermodynamic system of Au-C binary membrane. The fabricated Au nanopore with an Au nanoparticle can be utilized as a single molecule nanobio sensor.

  6. Conductive Au nanowires regulated by silk fibroin nanofibers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dong, Bo-Ju; Lu, Qiang


    Conductive Au-biopolymer composites have promising applications in tissue engineering such as nerve tissue regeneration. In this study, silk fibroin nanofibers were formed in aqueous solution by regulating silk self-assembly process and then used as template for Au nanowire fabrication. We performed the synthesis of Au seeds by repeating the seeding cycles for several times in order to increase the density of Au seeds on the nanofibers. After electroless plating, densely decorated Au seeds grew into irregularly shaped particles following silk nanofiber to fill the gaps between particles and finally form uniform continuous nanowires. The conductive property of the Au-silk fibroin nanowires was studied with current-voltage ( I-V) measurement. A typical ohmic behavior was observed, which highlighted their potential applications in nerve tissue regeneration.

  7. Identified baryon and meson distributions at large transverse momenta from Au + Au collisions at square root sNN=200 GeV.


    Abelev, B I; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Bai, Y; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellingeri-Laurikainen, A; Bellwied, R; Benedosso, F; Bhardwaj, S; Bhasin, A; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bland, L C; Blyth, S-L; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Bouchet, J; Brandin, A V; Bravar, A; Burton, T P; Bystersky, M; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Castillo, J; Catu, O; Cebra, D; Chajecki, Z; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, J H; Cheng, J; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cosentino, M R; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Dash, S; Daugherity, M; de Moura, M M; Dedovich, T G; Dephillips, M; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Djawotho, P; Dogra, S M; Dong, W J; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Mazumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Edwards, W R; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Estienne, M; Fachini, P; Fatemi, R; Fedorisin, J; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fine, V; Fisyak, Y; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Gaillard, L; Ganti, M S; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Gorbunov, Y G; Gos, H; Grebenyuk, O; Grosnick, D; Guertin, S M; Guimaraes, K S F F; Gupta, N; Gutierrez, T D; Haag, B; Hallman, T J; Hamed, A; Harris, J W; He, W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Hepplemann, S; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffman, A M; Hoffmann, G W; Horner, M J; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Hughes, E W; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Jakl, P; Jia, F; Jiang, H; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kang, K; Kapitan, J; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kechechyan, A; Khodyrev, V Yu; Kim, B C; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Kislov, E M; Klein, S R; Kocoloski, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kouchpil, V; Kowalik, K L; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Kravtsov, V I; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lapointe, S; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednicky, R; Lee, C-H; Lehocka, S; Levine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Li, Y; Lin, G; Lin, X; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, H; Liu, J; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Love, W A; Lu, Y; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, G L; Ma, J G; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Mangotra, L K; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McClain, C J; McShane, T S; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Millane, J; Miller, M L; Minaev, N G; Mioduszewski, S; Mironov, C; Mischke, A; Mishra, D K; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Morozov, D A; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nattrass, C; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nepali, N S; Netrakanti, P K; Nogach, L V; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Pachr, M; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Peitzmann, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Perkins, C; Peryt, W; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Poljak, N; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reinnarth, J; Relyea, D; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevskiy, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L; Russcher, M J; Sahoo, R; Sakuma, T; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Sarsour, M; Sazhin, P S; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Seger, J; Selyuzhenkov, I; Seyboth, P; Shabetai, A; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shen, W Q; Shimanskiy, S S; Sichtermann, E P; Simon, F; Singaraju, R N; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Speltz, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stadnik, A; Stanislaus, T D S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Suaide, A A P; Subba, N L; Sugarbaker, E; Sumbera, M; Sun, Z; Surrow, B; Swanger, M; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Tarnowsky, T; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Timmins, A R; Timoshenko, S; Tokarev, M; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Tsai, O D; Ulery, J; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; van der Kolk, N; van Leeuwen, M; Vander Molen, A M; Varma, R; Vasilevski, I M; Vasiliev, A N; Vernet, R; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Vokal, S; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W T; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, J S; Wang, X L; Wang, Y; Watson, J W; Webb, J C; Westfall, G D; Wetzler, A; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Q H; Xu, Z; Yepes, P; Yoo, I-K; Yurevich, V I; Zhan, W; Zhang, H; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Z P; Zhao, Y; Zhong, C; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, Y; Zubarev, A N; Zuo, J X


    Transverse momentum spectra of pi+/-, p, and p up to 12 GeV/c at midrapidity in centrality selected Au + Au collisions at square root sNN=200 GeV are presented. In central Au + Au collisions, both pi +/- and p(p) show significant suppression with respect to binary scaling at pT approximately >4 GeV/c. Protons and antiprotons are less suppressed than pi+/-, in the range 1.5 approximately < pT approximately < 6 GeV/c. The pi-/pi+ and p/p ratios show at most a weak pT dependence and no significant centrality dependence. The p/pi ratios in central Au + Au collisions approach the values in p + p and d + Au collisions at pT approximately >5 GeV/c. The results at high pT indicate that the partonic sources of pi+/-, p, and p have similar energy loss when traversing the nuclear medium.

  8. Synthesis of Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with concave Au nanocuboids as seeds and their enhanced electrocatalytic properties in the ethanol oxidation reaction.


    Tan, Lingyu; Li, Lidong; Peng, Yi; Guo, Lin


    Herein, a new type of uniform and well-structured Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles (BNPs) with highly active concave Au nanocuboids (NCs) as seeds was successfully synthesized by using the classic seed-mediated method. Electrochemical measurements were conducted to demonstrate their greatly enhanced catalytic performance in the ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). It was found that the electrochemical performance for Au@Pt BNPs with the concave Au NCs as seeds, which were enclosed by {611} high-index facets, could be seven times higher than that of the Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with regular spherical Au NPs as seeds. Furthermore, our findings show that the morphology and electrocatalytic activity of the Au@Pt BNPs can be tuned simply by changing the compositional ratios of the growth solution. The lower the amount of H2PtCl6 used in the growth solution, the thinner the Pt shell grew, and the more high-index facets of concave Au NCs seeds were exposed in Au@Pt BNPs, leading to higher electrochemical activity. These as-prepared concave Au@Pt BNPs will open up new strategies for improving catalytic efficiency and reducing the use of the expensive and scarce resource of platinum in the ethanol oxidation reaction, and are potentially applicable as electrochemical catalysts for direct ethanol fuel cells.

  9. Synthesis of Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with concave Au nanocuboids as seeds and their enhanced electrocatalytic properties in the ethanol oxidation reaction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tan, Lingyu; Li, Lidong; Peng, Yi; Guo, Lin


    Herein, a new type of uniform and well-structured Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles (BNPs) with highly active concave Au nanocuboids (NCs) as seeds was successfully synthesized by using the classic seed-mediated method. Electrochemical measurements were conducted to demonstrate their greatly enhanced catalytic performance in the ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). It was found that the electrochemical performance for Au@Pt BNPs with the concave Au NCs as seeds, which were enclosed by {611} high-index facets, could be seven times higher than that of the Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with regular spherical Au NPs as seeds. Furthermore, our findings show that the morphology and electrocatalytic activity of the Au@Pt BNPs can be tuned simply by changing the compositional ratios of the growth solution. The lower the amount of H2PtCl6 used in the growth solution, the thinner the Pt shell grew, and the more high-index facets of concave Au NCs seeds were exposed in Au@Pt BNPs, leading to higher electrochemical activity. These as-prepared concave Au@Pt BNPs will open up new strategies for improving catalytic efficiency and reducing the use of the expensive and scarce resource of platinum in the ethanol oxidation reaction, and are potentially applicable as electrochemical catalysts for direct ethanol fuel cells.

  10. Stabilizing ultrasmall Au clusters for enhanced photoredox catalysis.


    Weng, Bo; Lu, Kang-Qiang; Tang, Zichao; Chen, Hao Ming; Xu, Yi-Jun


    Recently, loading ligand-protected gold (Au) clusters as visible light photosensitizers onto various supports for photoredox catalysis has attracted considerable attention. However, the efficient control of long-term photostability of Au clusters on the metal-support interface remains challenging. Herein, we report a simple and efficient method for enhancing the photostability of glutathione-protected Au clusters (Au GSH clusters) loaded on the surface of SiO 2 sphere by utilizing multifunctional branched poly-ethylenimine (BPEI) as a surface charge modifying, reducing and stabilizing agent. The sequential coating of thickness controlled TiO 2 shells can further significantly improve the photocatalytic efficiency, while such structurally designed core-shell SiO 2 -Au GSH clusters-BPEI@TiO 2 composites maintain high photostability during longtime light illumination conditions. This joint strategy via interfacial modification and composition engineering provides a facile guideline for stabilizing ultrasmall Au clusters and rational design of Au clusters-based composites with improved activity toward targeting applications in photoredox catalysis.

  11. Cross section of the 197Au(n,2n)196Au reaction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kalamara, A.; Vlastou, R.; Kokkoris, M.; Diakaki, M.; Serris, M.; Patronis, N.; Axiotis, M.; Lagoyannis, A.


    The 197Au(n,2n)196Au reaction cross section has been measured at two energies, namely at 17.1 MeV and 20.9 MeV, by means of the activation technique, relative to the 27Al(n,α)24Na reference reaction cross section. Quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams were produced at the 5.5 MV Tandem T11/25 accelerator laboratory of NCSR "Demokritos", by means of the 3H(d,n)4He reaction, implementing a new Ti-tritiated target of ˜ 400 GBq activity. The induced γ-ray activity at the targets and reference foils has been measured with HPGe detectors. The cross section for the population of the second isomeric (12-) state m2 of 196Au was independently determined. Auxiliary Monte Carlo simulations were performed using the MCNP code. The present results are in agreement with previous experimental data and with theoretical calculations of the measured reaction cross sections, which were carried out with the use of the EMPIRE code.

  12. Prévalence et caractéristiques des effets indésirables des antihypertenseurs chez les patients suivis en ambulatoire au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo

    PubMed Central

    Millogo, Georges Rosario Christian; Zongo, Ragomzingba Frank Edgard; Benao, Anita; Youl, Estelle Noëla Hoho; Bassoleth, Blaise Alexandre Bazona; Ouédraogo, Moussa; Zabsonré, Patrice; Guissou, Innocent Pierre


    La prise en charge médicamenteuse de l'hypertension artérielle (HTA) entraine des effets indésirables qui peuvent être gênants et ainsi influencer l'observance du patient. Nous avons étudié ces effets indésirables dans le service de cardiologie du Centre hospitalier universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo afin de déterminer leurs fréquences et leurs caractéristiques. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale de juillet à septembre 2015 chez les patients suivis en ambulatoire pour HTA. Les données ont été obtenues à partir de l'interrogatoire, des carnets de suivi des patients et des fiches de consultations. Au total 278 patients ont été inclus. La population d'étude incluait 69,1% de femmes. L'âge moyen était de 52,2 ans avec des extrêmes de 23 et 86 ans. Quatre vingt et sept virgule huit pourcent (87,8%) vivaient en milieu urbain. Le tabagisme, la dyslipidémie et les antécédents familiaux d'HTA représentaient respectivement 9%, 35,6% et 57,2%. Au plan thérapeutique, 43,2% étaient sous monothérapie, 35,6% sous bithérapie à l'initiation du traitement. Les inhibiteurs calciques (59,7%) étaient la classe thérapeutique la plus utilisée. La prévalence globale des effets indésirables était de 60,1%. Les inhibiteurs calciques étaient impliqués dans 53,6% suivis des diurétiques (48,6%) dans la survenue de l'effet indésirable. La prévalence spécifique par molécule était 28,1% pour l'amlodipine et 24,5% pour l'hydrochlorothiazide. La diurèse excessive (13,7%), la toux (12,9%) et les vertiges (11,5%) étaient les effets indésirables les plus fréquemment évoqués par les patients. Le système nerveux central et périphérique et le système ostéo-musculaire étaient les systèmes les plus atteints. Les effets indésirables sont un déterminant majeur de l'adhésion aux traitements antihypertenseur, car leur impact sur la vie quotidienne des patients peut s'avérer significatif. PMID:29875965

  13. Prescrire du cannabis fumé pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse

    PubMed Central

    Kahan, Meldon; Srivastava, Anita; Spithoff, Sheryl; Bromley, Lisa


    qui prennent de fortes doses d’opioïdes ou de benzodiazépines (données probantes de niveau III). Il faut conseiller aux utilisateurs de cannabis d’attendre au moins 3 à 4 heures avant de conduire s’ils en ont fumé, au moins 6 heures s’ils en ont consommé par la bouche et au moins 8 heures s’ils ont ressenti un «high» subjectif (données probantes de niveau II). La dose maximale recommandée est de 1 inhalation 4 fois par jour (environ 400 mg par jour) de cannabis séché contenant 9 % de delta-9-tétrahydrocannabinol (données probantes de niveau III)). Les médecins devraient éviter de demander une consultation pour les patients auprès de cliniques «cannabinoïdes» (données probantes de niveau III). Conclusion Les lignes directrices futures devraient se fonder sur une révision systématique des ouvrages scientifiques sur la sécurité et l’efficacité du cannabis fumé. D’autres recherches sont nécessaires sur l’efficacité et la sécurité à long terme du cannabis fumé par rapport à d’autres cannabinoïdes pharmaceutiques, aux opioïdes et à d’autres analgésiques standards.

  14. CERN - Six Decades of Science, Innovation, Cooperation, and Inspiration

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Quigg, Chris

    The European Laboratory for Particle Physics, which straddles the Swiss-French border northwest of Geneva, celebrates its sixtieth birthday in 2014 CERN is the preeminent particle-physics institution in the world, currently emphasizing the study of collisions of protons and heavy nuclei at very high energies and the exploration of physics on the electroweak scale (energies where electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force merge). With brilliant accomplishments in research, innovation, and education, and a sustained history of cooperation among people from different countries and cultures, CERN ranks as one of the signal achievements of the postwar European Project. For physicists the worldmore » over, the laboratory is a source of pride and inspiration.« less

  15. Mechanical properties and grindability of experimental Ti-Au alloys.


    Takahashi, Masatoshi; Kikuchi, Masafumi; Okuno, Osamu


    Experimental Ti-Au alloys (5, 10, 20 and 40 mass% Au) were made. Mechanical properties and grindability of the castings of the Ti-Au alloys were examined. As the concentration of gold increased to 20%, the yield strength and the tensile strength of the Ti-Au alloys became higher without markedly deteriorating their ductility. This higher strength can be explained by the solid-solution strengthening of the a titanium. The Ti-40%Au alloy became brittle because the intermetallic compound Ti3Au precipitated intensively near the grain boundaries. There was no significant difference in the grinding rate and grinding ratio among all the Ti-Au alloys and the pure titanium at any speed.

  16. Dissemination of data measured at the CERN n_TOF facility

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dupont, E.; Otuka, N.; Cabellos, O.; Aberle, O.; Aerts, G.; Altstadt, S.; Alvarez, H.; Alvarez-Velarde, F.; Andriamonje, S.; Andrzejewski, J.; Audouin, L.; Bacak, M.; Badurek, G.; Balibrea, J.; Barbagallo, M.; Barros, S.; Baumann, P.; Bécares, V.; Bečvář, F.; Beinrucker, C.; Belloni, F.; Berthier, B.; Berthoumieux, E.; Billowes, J.; Boccone, V.; Bosnar, D.; Brown, A.; Brugger, M.; Caamaño, M.; Calviani, M.; Calviño, F.; Cano-Ott, D.; Capote, R.; Cardella, R.; Carrapiço, C.; Casanovas, A.; Castelluccio, D. M.; Cennini, P.; Cerutti, F.; Chen, Y. H.; Chiaveri, E.; Chin, M.; Colonna, N.; Cortés, G.; Cortés-Giraldo, M. A.; Cosentino, L.; Couture, A.; Cox, J.; Damone, L. A.; David, S.; Deo, K.; Diakaki, M.; Dillmann, I.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Dressler, R.; Dridi, W.; Duran, I.; Eleftheriadis, C.; Embid-Segura, M.; Fernández-Domínguez, B.; Ferrant, L.; Ferrari, A.; Ferreira, P.; Finocchiaro, P.; Fraval, K.; Frost, R. J. W.; Fujii, K.; Furman, W.; Ganesan, S.; Garcia, A. R.; Gawlik, A.; Gheorghe, I.; Gilardoni, S.; Giubrone, G.; Glodariu, T.; Göbel, K.; Gomez-Hornillos, M. B.; Goncalves, I. F.; Gonzalez-Romero, E.; Goverdovski, A.; Gramegna, F.; Griesmayer, E.; Guerrero, C.; Gunsing, F.; Gurusamy, P.; Haight, R.; Harada, H.; Heftrich, T.; Heil, M.; Heinitz, S.; Hernández-Prieto, A.; Heyse, J.; Igashira, M.; Isaev, S.; Jenkins, D. G.; Jericha, E.; Kadi, Y.; Kaeppeler, F.; Kalamara, A.; Karadimos, D.; Karamanis, D.; Katabuchi, T.; Kavrigin, P.; Kerveno, M.; Ketlerov, V.; Khryachkov, V.; Kimura, A.; Kivel, N.; Kokkoris, M.; Konovalov, V.; Krtička, M.; Kroll, J.; Kurtulgil, D.; Lampoudis, C.; Langer, C.; Leal-Cidoncha, E.; Lederer, C.; Leeb, H.; Naour, C. Le; Lerendegui-Marco, J.; Leong, L. S.; Licata, M.; Meo, S. Lo; Lonsdale, S. J.; Losito, R.; Lozano, M.; Macina, D.; Manousos, A.; Marganiec, J.; Martinez, T.; Marrone, S.; Masi, A.; Massimi, C.; Mastinu, P.; Mastromarco, M.; Matteucci, F.; Maugeri, E. A.; Mazzone, A.; Mendoza, E.; Mengoni, A.; Milazzo, P. M.; Mingrone, F.; Mirea, M.; Mondelaers, W.; Montesano, S.; Moreau, C.; Mosconi, M.; Musumarra, A.; Negret, A.; Nolte, R.; O'Brien, S.; Oprea, A.; Palomo-Pinto, F. R.; Pancin, J.; Paradela, C.; Patronis, N.; Pavlik, A.; Pavlopoulos, P.; Perkowski, J.; Perrot, L.; Pigni, M. T.; Plag, R.; Plompen, A.; Plukis, L.; Poch, A.; Porras, I.; Praena, J.; Pretel, C.; Quesada, J. M.; Radeck, D.; Rajeev, K.; Rauscher, T.; Reifarth, R.; Riego, A.; Robles, M.; Roman, F.; Rout, P. C.; Rudolf, G.; Rubbia, C.; Rullhusen, P.; Ryan, J. A.; Sabaté-Gilarte, M.; Salgado, J.; Santos, C.; Sarchiapone, L.; Sarmento, R.; Saxena, A.; Schillebeeckx, P.; Schmidt, S.; Schumann, D.; Sedyshev, P.; Smith, A. G.; Sosnin, N. V.; Stamatopoulos, A.; Stephan, C.; Suryanarayana, S. V.; Tagliente, G.; Tain, J. L.; Tarifeño-Saldivia, A.; Tarrío, D.; Tassan-Got, L.; Tavora, L.; Terlizzi, R.; Tsinganis, A.; Valenta, S.; Vannini, G.; Variale, V.; Vaz, P.; Ventura, A.; Versaci, R.; Vermeulen, M. J.; Villamarin, D.; Vicente, M. C.; Vlachoudis, V.; Vlastou, R.; Voss, F.; Wallner, A.; Walter, S.; Ware, T.; Warren, S.; Weigand, M.; Weiß, C.; Wolf, C.; Wiesher, M.; Wisshak, K.; Woods, P. J.; Wright, T.; Žugec, P.


    The n_TOF neutron time-of-flight facility at CERN is used for high quality nuclear data measurements from thermal energy up to hundreds of MeV. In line with the CERN open data policy, the n_TOF Collaboration takes actions to preserve its unique data, facilitate access to them in standardised format, and allow their re-use by a wide community in the fields of nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics and various nuclear technologies. The present contribution briefly describes the n_TOF outcomes, as well as the status of dissemination and preservation of n_TOF final data in the international EXFOR library.

  17. HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS: CERN Link Breathes Life Into Russian Physics.


    Stone, R


    Without fanfare, 600 Russian scientists here at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory, are playing key roles in building the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a machine that will explore fundamental questions such as why particles have mass, as well as search for exotic new particles whose existence would confirm supersymmetry, a popular theory that aims to unify the four forces of nature. In fact, even though Russia is not one of CERN's 20 member states, most top high-energy physicists in Russia are working on the LHC. Some say their work could prove the salvation of high-energy physics back home.

  18. First results on d+Au collisions from PHOBOS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Becker, B.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Harrington, A. S.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lee, J. W.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Noell, A.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Teng, R.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.; Zhang, J.


    We have measured transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons produced in d+Au collisions at √SNN = 200 GeV, in the range 0.25 < pT < 6.0 GeV/c. With increasing collision centrality, the yield at high transverse momenta increases more rapidly than the overall particle density, leading to a strong modification of the spectral shape. This change in spectral shape is qualitatively different from observations in Au+Au collisions at the same energy. The results provide important information for discriminating between different models for the suppression of high-pT hadrons observed in Au+Au collisions.

  19. Deep sub-threshold ϕ production in Au+Au collisions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adamczewski-Musch, J.; Arnold, O.; Behnke, C.; Belounnas, A.; Belyaev, A.; Berger-Chen, J. C.; Biernat, J.; Blanco, A.; Blume, C.; Böhmer, M.; Bordalo, P.; Chernenko, S.; Chlad, L.; Deveaux, C.; Dreyer, J.; Dybczak, A.; Epple, E.; Fabbietti, L.; Fateev, O.; Filip, P.; Fonte, P.; Franco, C.; Friese, J.; Fröhlich, I.; Galatyuk, T.; Garzón, J. A.; Gernhäuser, R.; Golubeva, M.; Greifenhagen, R.; Guber, F.; Gumberidze, M.; Harabasz, S.; Heinz, T.; Hennino, T.; Hlavac, S.; Höhne, C.; Holzmann, R.; Ierusalimov, A.; Ivashkin, A.; Kämpfer, B.; Karavicheva, T.; Kardan, B.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kolb, B. W.; Korcyl, G.; Kornakov, G.; Kotte, R.; Kühn, W.; Kugler, A.; Kunz, T.; Kurepin, A.; Kurilkin, A.; Kurilkin, P.; Ladygin, V.; Lalik, R.; Lapidus, K.; Lebedev, A.; Lopes, L.; Lorenz, M.; Mahmoud, T.; Maier, L.; Mangiarotti, A.; Markert, J.; Maurus, S.; Metag, V.; Michel, J.; Mihaylov, D. M.; Morozov, S.; Müntz, C.; Münzer, R.; Naumann, L.; Nowakowski, K. N.; Palka, M.; Parpottas, Y.; Pechenov, V.; Pechenova, O.; Petukhov, O.; Pietraszko, J.; Przygoda, W.; Ramos, S.; Ramstein, B.; Reshetin, A.; Rodriguez-Ramos, P.; Rosier, P.; Rost, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Salabura, P.; Scheib, T.; Schuldes, H.; Schwab, E.; Scozzi, F.; Seck, F.; Sellheim, P.; Siebenson, J.; Silva, L.; Sobolev, Yu. G.; Spataro, S.; Ströbele, H.; Stroth, J.; Strzempek, P.; Sturm, C.; Svoboda, O.; Szala, M.; Tlusty, P.; Traxler, M.; Tsertos, H.; Usenko, E.; Wagner, V.; Wendisch, C.; Wiebusch, M. G.; Wirth, J.; Zanevsky, Y.; Zumbruch, P.; Hades Collaboration


    We present data on charged kaons (K±) and ϕ mesons in Au(1.23A GeV)+Au collisions. It is the first simultaneous measurement of K- and ϕ mesons in central heavy-ion collisions below a kinetic beam energy of 10A GeV. The ϕ /K- multiplicity ratio is found to be surprisingly high with a value of 0.52 ± 0.16 and shows no dependence on the centrality of the collision. Consequently, the different slopes of the K+ and K- transverse-mass spectra can be explained solely by feed-down, which substantially softens the spectra of K- mesons. Hence, in contrast to the commonly adapted argumentation in literature, the different slopes do not necessarily imply diverging freeze-out temperatures of K+ and K- mesons caused by different couplings to baryons.

  20. Elaboration d'un plan de transition et de mise en oeuvre pour ameliorer la gestion de l'obsolescence dans une entreprise du secteur aeronautique =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Conrad, Heloise

    L'evolution technologique des composants electroniques entraine des problemes de gestion de l'obsolescence dans le secteur aeronautique. Les systemes aeronautiques ont en effet des durees de vie nettement superieures aux composants qu'ils contiennent. Cette difference de duree de vie et les normes strictes propres a l'aeronautique obligent les constructeurs a mettre en place une gestion efficace de l'obsolescence pour eviter les couts supplementaires de maintenance et de retards. De plus, a cause des faibles volumes de production qu'ils representent, les constructeurs aeronautiques n'ont que peu de controle sur leur chaine d'approvisionnement. La litterature offre beaucoup d'etudes sur l'obsolescence, appliquees a l'aeronautique. Les auteurs recommandent de mettre en place des processus de gestion et de prevision de l'obsolescence, et de construire des relations de collaboration avec leurs fournisseurs, qui ont plus de visibilite sur la chaine d'approvisionnement. Cette recherche presente d'abord l'elaboration d'une liste de criteres de bonne gestion de l'obsolescence, ainsi que la creation d'une methode de generation de plan de transition et de mise en oeuvre de l'amelioration de la gestion et de la prevision de l'obsolescence pour un cas concret. La methode est creee pour un manufacturier aeronautique ne possedant pas de systemes de gestion proactive ou de prevision de l'obsolescence. La creation de la methode s'est faite en suivant la methodologie de la science de la conception, en impliquant les employes concernes par la gestion de l'obsolescence. La methode comporte douze (12) etapes, amenant au developpement du plan de transition et de mise en oeuvre. Pour applique la methode, divers entretiens individuels et de groupe ont ete realises. Ces entretiens ont aussi permis de lister les criteres de gestion et de prevision efficaces de l'obsolescence. Cette liste a ete comparee avec les criteres issus de la litterature. En respect des besoins enonces par les

  1. K(892)* resonance production in Au+Au and p+p collisions at {radical}s{sub NN} = 200 GeV at RHIC

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Adams, J.; Aggarwal, M.M.; Ahammed, Z.


    The short-lived K(892)* resonance provides an efficient tool to probe properties of the hot and dense medium produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We report measurements of K* in {radical}s{sub NN} = 200 GeV Au+Au and p+p collisions reconstructed via its hadronic decay channels K(892)*{sup 0} {yields} K{pi} and K(892)*{sup +-} {yields} K{sub S}{sup 0}{pi}{sup +-} using the STAR detector at RHIC. The K*{sup 0} mass has been studied as function of p{sub T} in minimum bias p + p and central Au+Au collisions. The K* p{sub T} spectra for minimum bias p + p interactions and for Au+Au collisions inmore » different centralities are presented. The K*/K ratios for all centralities in Au+Au collisions are found to be significantly lower than the ratio in minimum bias p + p collisions, indicating the importance of hadronic interactions between chemical and kinetic freeze-outs. The nuclear modification factor of K* at intermediate p{sub T} is similar to that of K{sub S}{sup 0}, but different from {Lambda}. This establishes a baryon-meson effect over a mass effect in the particle production at intermediate p{sub T} (2 < p{sub T} {le} 4 GeV/c). A significant non-zero K*{sup 0} elliptic flow (v{sub 2}) is observed in Au+Au collisions and compared to the K{sub S}{sup 0} and {Lambda} v{sub 2}.« less

  2. Rationalization of Au concentration and distribution in AuNi@Pt core-shell nanoparticles for oxygen reduction reaction


    An, Wei; Liu, Ping


    Improving the activity and stability of Pt-based core–shell nanocatalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells while lowering Pt loading has been one of the big challenges in electrocatalysis. Here, using density functional theory, we report the effect of adding Au as the third element to enhance the durability and activity of Ni@Pt core–shell nanoparticles (NPs) during the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). Our results show that the durability and activity of a Ni@Pt NP can be finely tuned by controlling Au concentration and distribution. For a NiAu@Pt NP, the durability can be greatly promoted by thermodynamically favorable segregation of Au tomore » replace the Pt atoms at vertex, edge, and (100) facets on the shell, while still keeping the ORR activity on the active Pt(111) shell as high as that of Ni@Pt nanoparticles. Such behavior strongly depends on a direct interaction with the Ni interlayer. The results not only highlight the importance of interplay between surface strain on the shell and the interlayer–shell interaction in determining the durability and activity but also provide guidance on how to maximize the usage of Au to optimize the performance of core–shell (Pt) nanoparticles. As a result, such understanding has allowed us to discover a novel NiAu@Pt nanocatalyst for the ORR.« less

  3. Ag@Au concave cuboctahedra: A unique probe for monitoring Au-catalyzed reduction and oxidation reactions by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy


    Zhang, Jiawei; Winget, Sarah A.; Wu, Yiren; ...


    In this paper, we report a facile synthesis of Ag@Au concave cuboctahedra by titrating aqueous HAuCl4 into a suspension of Ag cuboctahedra in the presence of ascorbic acid (AA), NaOH, and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) at room temperature. Initially, the Au atoms derived from the reduction of Au 3+ by AA are conformally deposited on the entire surface of a Ag cuboctahedron. Upon the formation of a complete Au shell, however, the subsequently formed Au atoms are preferentially deposited onto the Au{100} facets, resulting in the formation of a Ag@Au cuboctahedron with concave structures at the sites of {111} facets. The concavemore » cuboctahedra embrace excellent SERS activity that is more than 70-fold stronger than that of the original Ag cuboctahedra at an excitation wavelength of 785 nm. The concave cuboctahedra also exhibit remarkable stability in the presence of an oxidant such as H 2O 2 because of the protection by a complete Au shell. These two unique attributes enable in-situ SERS monitoring of the reduction of 4-nitrothiophenol (4-NTP) to 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) by NaBH4 through a 4,4'-dimercaptoazobenzene ( trans-DMAB) intermediate and the subsequent oxidation of 4-ATP back to trans-DMAB upon the introduction of H 2O 2.« less

  4. Ag@Au concave cuboctahedra: A unique probe for monitoring Au-catalyzed reduction and oxidation reactions by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhang, Jiawei; Winget, Sarah A.; Wu, Yiren

    In this paper, we report a facile synthesis of Ag@Au concave cuboctahedra by titrating aqueous HAuCl4 into a suspension of Ag cuboctahedra in the presence of ascorbic acid (AA), NaOH, and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) at room temperature. Initially, the Au atoms derived from the reduction of Au 3+ by AA are conformally deposited on the entire surface of a Ag cuboctahedron. Upon the formation of a complete Au shell, however, the subsequently formed Au atoms are preferentially deposited onto the Au{100} facets, resulting in the formation of a Ag@Au cuboctahedron with concave structures at the sites of {111} facets. The concavemore » cuboctahedra embrace excellent SERS activity that is more than 70-fold stronger than that of the original Ag cuboctahedra at an excitation wavelength of 785 nm. The concave cuboctahedra also exhibit remarkable stability in the presence of an oxidant such as H 2O 2 because of the protection by a complete Au shell. These two unique attributes enable in-situ SERS monitoring of the reduction of 4-nitrothiophenol (4-NTP) to 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) by NaBH4 through a 4,4'-dimercaptoazobenzene ( trans-DMAB) intermediate and the subsequent oxidation of 4-ATP back to trans-DMAB upon the introduction of H 2O 2.« less

  5. Triangular flow of negative pions emitted in PbAu collisions at √{sNN} = 17.3 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adamová, D.; Agakichiev, G.; Andronic, A.; Antończyk, D.; Appelshäuser, H.; Belaga, V.; Bielčíková, J.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Busch, O.; Cherlin, A.; Damjanović, S.; Dietel, T.; Dietrich, L.; Drees, A.; Dubitzky, W.; Esumi, S. I.; Filimonov, K.; Fomenko, K.; Fraenkel, Z.; Garabatos, C.; Glässel, P.; Hering, G.; Holeczek, J.; Kalisky, M.; Karpenko, Iu.; Krobath, G.; Kushpil, V.; Maas, A.; Marín, A.; Milošević, J.; Miśkowiec, D.; Panebrattsev, Y.; Petchenova, O.; Petráček, V.; Radomski, S.; Rak, J.; Ravinovich, I.; Rehak, P.; Sako, H.; Schmitz, W.; Schuchmann, S.; Sedykh, S.; Shimansky, S.; Stachel, J.; Šumbera, M.; Tilsner, H.; Tserruya, I.; Tsiledakis, G.; Wessels, J. P.; Wienold, T.; Wurm, J. P.; Yurevich, S.; Yurevich, V.


    Differential triangular flow, v3 (pT), of negative pions is measured at √{sNN} = 17.3 GeV around midrapidity by the CERES/NA45 experiment at CERN in central PbAu collisions in the range 0-30% with a mean centrality of 5.5%. This is the first measurement as a function of transverse momentum of the triangular flow at SPS energies. The pT range extends from about 0.05 GeV/c to more than 2 GeV/c. The triangular flow magnitude, corrected for the HBT effects, is smaller by a factor of about 2 than the one measured by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC and the ALICE experiment at the LHC. Within the analyzed range of central collisions no significant centrality dependence is observed. The data are found to be well described by a viscous hydrodynamic calculation combined with an UrQMD cascade model for the late stages.

  6. The electric dipole moments in the ground states of gold oxide, AuO, and gold sulfide, AuS.


    Zhang, Ruohan; Yu, Yuanqin; Steimle, Timothy C; Cheng, Lan


    The B 2 Σ - - X 2 Π 3/2 (0,0) bands of a cold molecular beam sample of gold monoxide, AuO, and gold monosulfide, AuS, have been recorded at high resolution both field free and in the presence of a static electric field. The observed electric field induced splittings and shifts were analyzed to produce permanent electric dipole moments, μ→ el , of 2.94±0.06 D and 2.22±0.05 D for the X 2 Π 3/2 (v = 0) states of AuO and AuS, respectively. A molecular orbital correlation diagram is used to rationalize the trend in ground state μ→ el values for AuX (X = F, Cl, O, and S) molecules. The experimentally determined μ→ el are compared to those computed at the coupled-cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) level augmented with a perturbative inclusion of triple excitations (CCSD(T)) level of theory.

  7. Upgrade of the cryogenic CERN RF test facility

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pirotte, O.; Benda, V.; Brunner, O.


    With the large number of superconducting radiofrequency (RF) cryomodules to be tested for the former LEP and the present LHC accelerator a RF test facility was erected early in the 1990’s in the largest cryogenic test facility at CERN located at Point 18. This facility consisted of four vertical test stands for single cavities and originally one and then two horizontal test benches for RF cryomodules operating at 4.5 K in saturated helium. CERN is presently working on the upgrade of its accelerator infrastructure, which requires new superconducting cavities operating below 2 K in saturated superfluid helium. Consequently, the RFmore » test facility has been renewed in order to allow efficient cavity and cryomodule tests in superfluid helium and to improve its thermal performances. The new RF test facility is described and its performances are presented.« less

  8. Two Barium Gold Iodates: Syntheses, Structures, and Properties of Polar BaAu(IO3)5 and Nonpolar HBa4Au(IO3)12 Materials.


    Yang, Bing-Ping; Hu, Chun-Li; Mao, Fei-Fei; Xu, Xiang; Mao, Jiang-Gao


    Two new barium gold iodates, namely, BaAu(IO 3 ) 5 and HBa 4 Au(IO 3 ) 12 , have been prepared. BaAu(IO 3 ) 5 crystallizes in the polar space group Pca2 1 , whereas HBa 4 Au(IO 3 ) 12 crystallizes in the centrosymmetric space group P2 1 /c. BaAu(IO 3 ) 5 consists of unique polar [Au(IO 3 ) 4 ] - anions whose four iodate groups are located at both sides of the AuO 4 plane and the polarity points in the [001̅] direction. BaAu(IO 3 ) 5 displays strong second-harmonic-generation (SHG) effects about 0.6KTiOPO 4 (KTP) and is phase-matchable. Thermal properties, optical spectra analyses, and theoretical calculations are also reported.

  9. PARTICLE PHYSICS: CERN Gives Higgs Hunters Extra Month to Collect Data.


    Morton, O


    After 11 years of banging electrons and positrons together at higher energies than any other machine in the world, CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics, had decided to shut down the Large Electron-Positron collider (LEP) and install a new machine, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), in its 27-kilometer tunnel. In 2005, the LHC will start bashing protons together at even higher energies. But tantalizing hints of a long-sought fundamental particle have forced CERN managers to grant LEP a month's reprieve.

  10. Exfoliation restacking route to Au nanoparticle-clay nanohybrids

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Paek, Seung-Min; Jang, Jae-Up; Hwang, Seong-Ju; Choy, Jin-Ho


    A novel gold-pillared aluminosilicate (Au-PILC) were synthesized with positively charged gold nanoparticles capped by mercaptoammonium and exfoliated silicate layers. Gold nanoparticles were synthesized by NaBH4 reduction of AuCl4- in the presence of N,N,N-Trimethyl (11-mercaptoundecyl)ammonium (HS(CH2)11NMe3+) protecting ligand in an aqueous solution, and purified by dialysis. The resulting positively charged and water-soluble gold nanoparticles were hybridized with exfoliated silicate sheets by electrostatic interaction. The formation of Au clay hybrids could be easily confirmed by the powder X-ray diffraction with the increased basal spacing of clay upon insertion of Au nanoparticles. TEM image clearly revealed that the Au particles with an average size of 4 nm maintain their structure even after intercalation. The Au nanoparticles supported by clay matrix were found to be thermally more stable, suggesting that the Au nanoparticles were homogeneously protected with clay nanoplates. The present synthetic route could be further applicable to various hybrid systems between metal nanoparticles and clays.

  11. Template growth of Au, Ni and Ni–Au nanoclusters on hexagonal boron nitride/Rh(111): a combined STM, TPD and AES study

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wu, Fanglue; Huang, Dali; Yue, Yuan

    In this study, the template growth of Au, Ni, and Ni–Au bimetallic nanoclusters on hexagonal boron nitride/Rh(111), i.e. h-BN/Rh(111), was investigated via scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), temperature programmed-desorption (TPD), and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). STM study shows that template growth of Au clusters on h-BN/Rh(111) forms mainly well-dispersed monolayer clusters. In contrast, Ni forms large multilayer clusters showing a relatively high diffusivity on h-BN/Rh(111) substrate. Ni–Au bimetallic clusters are effectively formed first by Au deposition followed by Ni deposition, with the Au clusters functioning as nucleation sites for the subsequently deposited Ni. Further structural analysis was carried out via TPDmore » and AES. The resulting TPD and AES data show the surface composition and charge transfer between Au and Ni of the bimetallic clusters. These results suggest that the h-BN/Rh(111) substrate represents a unique candidate for supporting Ni–Au bimetallic clusters in further catalytic reactions.« less

  12. Template growth of Au, Ni and Ni–Au nanoclusters on hexagonal boron nitride/Rh(111): a combined STM, TPD and AES study


    Wu, Fanglue; Huang, Dali; Yue, Yuan; ...


    In this study, the template growth of Au, Ni, and Ni–Au bimetallic nanoclusters on hexagonal boron nitride/Rh(111), i.e. h-BN/Rh(111), was investigated via scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), temperature programmed-desorption (TPD), and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). STM study shows that template growth of Au clusters on h-BN/Rh(111) forms mainly well-dispersed monolayer clusters. In contrast, Ni forms large multilayer clusters showing a relatively high diffusivity on h-BN/Rh(111) substrate. Ni–Au bimetallic clusters are effectively formed first by Au deposition followed by Ni deposition, with the Au clusters functioning as nucleation sites for the subsequently deposited Ni. Further structural analysis was carried out via TPDmore » and AES. The resulting TPD and AES data show the surface composition and charge transfer between Au and Ni of the bimetallic clusters. These results suggest that the h-BN/Rh(111) substrate represents a unique candidate for supporting Ni–Au bimetallic clusters in further catalytic reactions.« less

  13. Transformation of Au144(SCH2CH2Ph)60 to Au133(SPh-tBu)52 Nanomolecules: Theoretical and Experimental Study.


    Nimmala, Praneeth Reddy; Theivendran, Shevanuja; Barcaro, Giovanni; Sementa, Luca; Kumara, Chanaka; Jupally, Vijay Reddy; Apra, Edoardo; Stener, Mauro; Fortunelli, Alessandro; Dass, Amala


    Ultrastable gold nanomolecule Au144(SCH2CH2Ph)60 upon etching with excess tert-butylbenzenethiol undergoes a core-size conversion and compositional change to form an entirely new core of Au133(SPh-tBu)52. This conversion was studied using high-resolution electrospray mass spectrometry which shows that the core size conversion is initiated after 22 ligand exchanges, suggesting a relatively high stability of the Au144(SCH2CH2Ph)38(SPh-tBu)22 intermediate. The Au144 → Au133 core size conversion is surprisingly different from the Au144 → Au99 core conversion reported in the case of thiophenol, -SPh. Theoretical analysis and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations show that rigid p-tBu groups play a crucial role by reducing the cluster structural freedom, and protecting the cluster from adsorption of exogenous and reactive species, thus rationalizing the kinetic factors that stabilize the Au133 core size. This 144-atom to 133-atom nanomolecule's compositional change is reflected in optical spectroscopy and electrochemistry.

  14. Na8Au9.8(4)Ga7.2 and Na17Au5.87(2)Ga46.63: The diversity of pseudo 5-fold symmetries in the Na-Au-Ga system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smetana, Volodymyr; Corbett, John D.; Miller, Gordon J.


    The Na-rich part (~30% Na) of the Na-Au-Ga system between NaAu2, NaGa4, and Na22Ga39 has been found to contain the ternary phases Na8Au9.8(4)Ga7.2 (I) and Na17Au5.87(2)Ga46.63 (II), according to the results of single crystal X-ray diffraction measurements. I is orthorhombic, Cmcm, a=5.3040(1), b=24.519(5), c=14.573(3) Å, and contains a network of clusters with local 5-fold symmetry along the a-axis. Such clusters are frequent building units in decagonal quasicrystals and their approximants. II is rhombohedral, R3¯m, a=16.325(2), c=35.242(7) Å, and contains building blocks that are structurally identical to the Bergman-type clusters as well as fused icosahedral units known with active metals, triels and late transition elements. II also contains a polycationic network with elements of the clathrate V type structure. Tight-binding electronic structure calculations using linear muffin-tin-orbital (LMTO) methods on idealized models of I and II indicate that both compounds are metallic with evident pseudogaps at the corresponding Fermi levels. The overall Hamilton bond populations are generally dominated by Au-Ga and Au-Au bonds in I and by Ga-Ga bonds in II; moreover, the Na-Au and Na-Ga contributions in I are unexpectedly large, ~20% of the total. A similar involvement of sodium in covalent bonding has also been found in the electron-richer i-Na13Au12Ga15 quasicrystal approximant.

  15. First-principles study of Au-decorated carbon nanotubes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ju, Weiwei; Li, Tongwei; Zhou, Qingxiao; Li, Haisheng; Li, Xiaohong


    The electronic structures and spin-orbit (SO) coupling of carbon nanotubes with adsorbed Au atoms are investigated based on density functional theory. Three kinds of zigzag single-walled CNT (8,0), (10,0) and (12,0) are selected. The Au atoms prefer to adsorb on the top of C atoms. The adsorption of Au atoms can introduce impurity states in the band gap, modifying the electronic properties of systems. Furthermore, the influence of SO coupling on these impurity states is also explored. Considerable SO splitting (∼130 meV) can be obtained. We find that the SO splitting decreases with the increase of the concentration of Au atoms, which can be ascribed to the interaction between Au atoms, suppressing the SO splitting. Our work provides imperative understanding on the electronic properties and SO coupling effect in Au-decorated CNTs.

  16. Transverse-momentum dependent modification of dynamic texture in central Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Adams, J.; Aggarwal, M.M.; Ahammed, Z.


    Correlations in the hadron distributions produced in relativistic Au+Au collisions are studied in the discrete wavelet expansion method. The analysis is performed in the space of pseudorapidity (|{eta}| {le} 1) and azimuth (full 2{pi}) in bins of transverse momentum (p{sub t}) from 0.14 {le} p{sub t} {le} 2.1 GeV/c. In peripheral Au+Au collisions a correlation structure ascribed to minijet fragmentation is observed. It evolves with collision centrality and p{sub t} in a way not seen before which suggests strong dissipation of minijet fragmentation in the longitudinally-expanding medium.

  17. Tuning SPT-3G Transition-Edge-Sensor Electrical Properties with a Four-Layer Ti-Au-Ti-Au Thin-Film Stack

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carter, F. W.; Ade, P. A. R.; Ahmed, Z.; Anderson, A. J.; Austermann, J. E.; Avva, J. S.; Thakur, R. Basu; Bender, A. N.; Benson, B. A.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Cecil, T.; Chang, C. L.; Cliche, J. F.; Cukierman, A.; Denison, E. V.; de Haan, T.; Ding, J.; Divan, R.; Dobbs, M. A.; Dutcher, D.; Everett, W.; Foster, A.; Gannon, R. N.; Gilbert, A.; Groh, J. C.; Halverson, N. W.; Harke-Hosemann, A. H.; Harrington, N. L.; Henning, J. W.; Hilton, G. C.; Holzapfel, W. L.; Huang, N.; Irwin, K. D.; Jeong, O. B.; Jonas, M.; Khaire, T.; Kofman, A. M.; Korman, M.; Kubik, D.; Kuhlmann, S.; Kuo, C. L.; Kutepova, V.; Lee, A. T.; Lowitz, A. E.; Meyer, S. S.; Michalik, D.; Miller, C. S.; Montgomery, J.; Nadolski, A.; Natoli, T.; Nguyen, H.; Noble, G. I.; Novosad, V.; Padin, S.; Pan, Z.; Pearson, J.; Posada, C. M.; Rahlin, A.; Ruhl, J. E.; Saunders, L. J.; Sayre, J. T.; Shirley, I.; Shirokoff, E.; Smecher, G.; Sobrin, J. A.; Stan, L.; Stark, A. A.; Story, K. T.; Suzuki, A.; Tang, Q. Y.; Thompson, K. L.; Tucker, C.; Vale, L. R.; Vanderlinde, K.; Vieira, J. D.; Wang, G.; Whitehorn, N.; Yefremenko, V.; Yoon, K. W.; Young, M. R.


    We have developed superconducting Ti transition-edge sensors with Au protection layers on the top and bottom for the South Pole Telescope's third-generation receiver (a cosmic microwave background polarimeter, due to be upgraded this austral summer of 2017/2018). The base Au layer (deposited on a thin Ti glue layer) isolates the Ti from any substrate effects; the top Au layer protects the Ti from oxidation during processing and subsequent use of the sensors. We control the transition temperature and normal resistance of the sensors by varying the sensor width and the relative thicknesses of the Ti and Au layers. The transition temperature is roughly six times more sensitive to the thickness of the base Au layer than to that of the top Au layer. The normal resistance is inversely proportional to sensor width for any given film configuration. For widths greater than five micrometers, the critical temperature is independent of width.

  18. Centrality and collision system dependence of antiproton production from p+A to Au+Au collisions at AGS energies

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sako, H.; Ahle, L.; Akiba, Y.; Ashktorab, K.; Baker, M. D.; Beavis, D.; Britt, H. C.; Chang, J.; Chasman, C.; Chen, Z.; hide


    Antiproton production in heavy ion collisions reflects subtle interplay between initial production and absorption by nucleons. Because the AGS energies (10--20 A(center-dot)GeV/c) are close to the antiproton production threshold, antiproton may be sensitive to cooperative processes such as QGP and hadronic multi-step processes. On the other hand, antiproton has been proposed as a probe of baryon density due to large N(anti N) annihilation cross sections. Cascade models predict the maximum baryon density reaches about 10 times the normal nucleus density in central Au+Au collisions, where the strong antiproton absorption is expected. In this paper, the authors show systematic studies of antiproton production from p+A to Au+Au collisions.

  19. Distributions of charged hadrons associated with high transverse momentum particles in pp and Au+Au collisions at sqrt[sNN]=200 GeV.


    Adams, J; Adler, C; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Badyal, S K; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellwied, R; Berger, J; Bezverkhny, B I; Bhardwaj, S; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Billmeier, A; Bland, L C; Blyth, C O; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Boucham, A; Brandin, A; Bravar, A; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Carroll, J; Castillo, J; Cebra, D; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, Y; Chernenko, S P; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Dong, W J; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dubey, A K; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Majumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Estienne, M; Fachini, P; Faine, V; Faivre, J; Fatemi, R; Filimonov, K; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flierl, D; Foley, K J; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Gagunashvili, N; Gans, J; Ganti, M S; Gaudichet, L; Geurts, F; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Grachov, O; Grebenyuk, O; Gronstal, S; Grosnick, D; Guertin, S M; Gupta, A; Gutierrez, T D; Hallman, T J; Hamed, A; Hardtke, D; Harris, J W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Herston, T; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffmann, G W; Horsley, M; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Hughes, E; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Ishihara, A; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Janik, M; Jiang, H; Johnson, I; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Khodyrev, V Yu; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Klay, J; Klein, S R; Klyachko, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kovalenko, A D; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Kravtsov, V I; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kunde, G J; Kunz, C L; Kutuev, R Kh; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lasiuk, B; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednický, R; Levine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Liu, Q J; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Lopez-Noriega, M; Love, W A; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, J; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahajan, S; Mangotra, L K; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Marx, J; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McClain, C J; McShane, T S; Meissner, F; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Miller, M L; Milosevich, Z; Minaev, N G; Mironov, C; Mischke, A; Mishra, D; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Mora-Corral, M J; Morozov, D A; Morozov, V; de Moura, M M; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nayak, S K; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Netrakanti, P K; Nikitin, V A; Nogach, L V; Norman, B; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Paic, G; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Peitzmann, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Perkins, C; Peryt, W; Petrov, V A; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rai, G; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ravel, O; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reichhold, D; Reid, J G; Renault, G; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevski, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L J; Sahoo, R; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Savin, I; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schroeder, L S; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Seyboth, P; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Shao, W; Sharma, M; Shestermanov, K E; Shimanskii, S S; Singaraju, R N; Simon, F; Skoro, G; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Speltz, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, T D S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Struck, C; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Szarwas, P; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Timoshenko, S; Tokarev, M; Tonjes, M B; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Tsai, O; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; Vandermolen, A M; Varma, R; Vasilevski, I; Vasiliev, A N; Vernet, R; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Voloshin, S A; Vznuzdaev, M; Waggoner, W; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, G; Wang, X L; Wang, Y; Wang, Z M; Ward, H; Watson, J W; Webb, J C; Wells, R; Westfall, G D; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Willson, R; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Z; Xu, Z Z; Yamamoto, E; Yepes, P; Yurevich, V I; Yuting, B; Zanevski, Y V; Zhang, H; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Z P; Zhaomin, Z P; Zizong, Z P; Zołnierczuk, P A; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, J; Zubarev, A N


    Charged hadrons in [EQUATION: SEE TEXT] associated with particles of [EQUATION: SEE TEXT] are reconstructed in pp and Au+Au collisions at sqrt[sNN]=200 GeV. The associated multiplicity and p magnitude sum are found to increase from pp to central Au+Au collisions. The associated p distributions, while similar in shape on the nearside, are significantly softened on the awayside in central Au+Au relative to pp and not much harder than that of inclusive hadrons. The results, consistent with jet quenching, suggest that the awayside fragments approach equilibration with the medium traversed.

  20. Reconstruction of K*+/-(892) in Au +Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zheng, He; STAR Collaboration


    The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) produces a hot, dense and deconfined Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) medium, called the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), with Au +Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV. The K*+/-(892) resonance is a short-lived particle with a lifetime shorter than the expected lifetime of the QGP. The K* production may provide an effective tool to probe the QGP properties, such as strangeness enhancement. Experimentally, K*+/- analysis is difficult and less studied previously because of large combinatorial background. In recent years, improvements in data sample statistics and particle identification capability promise better K*+/- measurements. In this presentation, we report the reconstruction of K*+/- resonance via the hadronic decay channel K*+/- (892) ->KS0π+/- as a function of transverse momentum (pT) up to 5 GeV/c for various collision centrality classes. The data are Au +Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV collected in the year 2011 run from the STAR experiment. Physics implications of our measurements will also be discussed. For the STAR collaboration.

  1. Virtual Reality: State of Military Research and Applications in Member Countries (La realite virutelle: L’etat actuel des travaux de recherche et des applications militaires dans les pays membres de l’Alliance)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    conducteur pour des sources liées au véhicule (bruits liés au moteur et à la transmission, bruits d’équipements, bruits des passagers , …), pour des...maquette de film , de pièce de théâtre ou de publicité. Initié par le département Réalité Virtuelle de CS, et financé par la Communauté Européenne, le projet... films vidéo, l’utilisateur interagit avec la simulation. L’objectif était de permettre d’étudier les apports de la Réalité Virtuelle dans les

  2. Plasmonic behaviour of sputtered Au nanoisland arrays

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tvarožek, V.; Szabó, O.; Novotný, I.; Kováčová, S.; Škriniarová, J.; Šutta, P.


    The specificity of the formation of Au sputtered nanoisland arrays (NIA) on a glass substrate or on a ZnO thin film doped by Ga is demonstrated. Statistical analysis of morphology images (SEM, AFM) exhibited the Log-normal distribution of the size (area) of nanoislands-their modus AM varied from 8 to 328 nm2 depending on the sputtering power density, which determined the nominal thicknesses in the range of 2-8 nm. Preferential polycrystalline texture (111) of Au NIA increased with the power density and after annealing. Transverse localised surface plasmonic resonance (LSPR; evaluated by transmission UV-vis spectroscopy) showed the red shift of the extinction peaks (Δl ≤ 100 nm) with an increase of the nominal thickness, and the blue shift (Δλ ≤ -65 nm) after annealing of Au NIA. The plasmonic behaviour of Au NIA was described by modification of a size-scaling universal model using the nominal thin film thickness as a technological scaling parameter. Sputtering of a Ti intermediate adhesive ultrathin film between the glass substrate and gold improves the adhesion of Au nanoislands as well as supporting the formation of more defined Au NIA structures of smaller dimensions.

  3. Gold surfaces and nanoparticles are protected by Au(0)–thiyl species and are destroyed when Au(I)–thiolates form

    PubMed Central

    Reimers, Jeffrey R.; Ford, Michael J.; Halder, Arnab; Ulstrup, Jens; Hush, Noel S.


    The synthetic chemistry and spectroscopy of sulfur-protected gold surfaces and nanoparticles is analyzed, indicating that the electronic structure of the interface is Au(0)–thiyl, with Au(I)–thiolates identified as high-energy excited surface states. Density-functional theory indicates that it is the noble character of gold and nanoparticle surfaces that destabilizes Au(I)–thiolates. Bonding results from large van der Waals forces, influenced by covalent bonding induced through s–d hybridization and charge polarization effects that perturbatively mix in some Au(I)–thiolate character. A simple method for quantifying these contributions is presented, revealing that a driving force for nanoparticle growth is nobleization, minimizing Au(I)–thiolate involvement. Predictions that Brust–Schiffrin reactions involve thiolate anion intermediates are verified spectroscopically, establishing a key feature needed to understand nanoparticle growth. Mixing of preprepared Au(I) and thiolate reactants always produces Au(I)–thiolate thin films or compounds rather than monolayers. Smooth links to O, Se, Te, C, and N linker chemistry are established. PMID:26929334

  4. Large drinks are no mistake: Glass size, but not shape, affects alcoholic beverage drink pours

    PubMed Central

    Kerr, William C.; Patterson, Deidre; Koenen, Mary Albert; Greenfield, Thomas K.


    Introduction and Aims Drink alcohol content has been shown to be variable and is an important determinant of alcohol intake. This study evaluates claims regarding the effects of glass size and glass shape on the amount of alcohol in on-premise drinks. Design and Methods Wine and spirits drinks were purchased and measured in 80 on-premise establishments in 10 Northern California Counties. Drink alcohol content was measured as the liquid volume of the drink multiplied by the percentage alcohol by volume of given brands or from analysis of mixed drink and wine samples. Results Larger glass size was associated with larger on-premise pours of straight shots and mixed drinks served in the relatively large pint glass and variable “other” glass type were found to contain more alcohol than drinks served in a short wide glass. No significant differences were found for other drink types. Drinks poured in short wide glasses were not found to contain more alcohol than drinks poured in tall thin glasses. Bars with mostly black patrons were found to serve spirits drinks with more alcohol than bars with other patron types. Discussion and Conclusions Glass shape does not affect actual drink pours in the US but glass size does in some cases. Drinkers should measure wine and spirits pours at home to achieve standard drink amounts and consumer education programs should foster awareness of the relatively high drink alcohol content of on-premise wine and mixed spirits drinks. More research is needed to evaluate potential differences in drink pours by patron race and ethnicity. PMID:19594789

  5. Au 2PbP 2, Au 2TlP 2, and Au 2HgP 2: Ternary Gold Polyphosphides with Lead, Thallium, and Mercury in the Oxidation State Zero

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eschen, Marcus; Jeitschko, Wolfgang


    The polyphosphide Au2PbP2 was prepared by reaction of the elemental components using liquid lead as a reaction medium. Well-developed crystals were obtained after dissolving the matrix in hydrochloric acid. Their crystal structure was determined from four-circle X-ray diffractometer data: Cmcm, a=323.6(1) pm, b=1137.1(2) pm, c=1121.8(1) pm, Z=4, R=0.023 for 478 structure factors and 20 variable parameters. The structure contains zigzag chains of phosphorus atoms with a typical single-bond distance of 219.4(2) pm. The two different kinds of gold atoms are both in linear phosphorus coordination with typical single-bond distances of 232.6(2) and 234.2(2) pm, and the lead atoms have only metal neighbors (7 Au and 2 Pb). Accordingly, chemical bonding of the compound may be expressed by the formula (Au+1)2Pb±0(P-1)2. The corresponding thallium and mercury polyphosphides Au2TlP2 (a=324.1(1) pm, b=1136.1(1) pm, c=1122.1(1) pm) and Au2HgP2 (a=322.1(1) pm, b=1131.4(2) pm, c=1122.6(1) pm) were found to be almost isotypic with Au2PbP2. Their crystal structures were refined from single-crystal X-ray data to R=0.036 (682 F values, 25 variables) and R=0.026 (539 F values, 35 variables), respectively. The structure of these compounds may also be described as consisting of a three-dimensional network of condensed 8- and 10-membered Au2P6 and Au4P6 rings forming parallel channels, which are filled by the lead, thallium, and mercury atoms. The lead atoms are well localized in these channels, while the thallium and even more the mercury atoms occupy additional positions within these channels. Freshly prepared samples of Au2HgP2 show reproducibly slightly different axial ratios and larger cell volumes (ΔV=0.5%) than those after exposure of the samples to air for several days.

  6. Fabrication of Au25 (SG)18 -ZIF-8 Nanocomposites: A Facile Strategy to Position Au25 (SG)18 Nanoclusters Inside and Outside ZIF-8.


    Luo, Yucheng; Fan, Shiyan; Yu, Wenqian; Wu, Zili; Cullen, David A; Liang, Chaolun; Shi, Jianying; Su, Chengyong


    Multifunctional composite materials are currently highly desired for sustainable energy applications. A general strategy to integrate atomically precise Au 25 (SG) 18 with ZIF-8 (Zn(MeIm) 2 , MeIm = 2-methylimidazole), is developed via the typical Zn-carboxylate type of linkage. Au 25 (SG) 18 are uniformly encapsulated into a ZIF-8 framework (Au 25 (SG) 18 @ZIF-8) by coordination-assisted self-assembly. In contrast, Au 25 (SG) 18 integrated by simple impregnation is oriented along the outer surface of ZIF-8 (Au 25 (SG) 18 /ZIF-8). The porous structure and thermal stability of these nanocomposites are characterized by N 2 adsorption-desorption isothermal analysis and thermal gravimetric analysis. The distribution of Au 25 (SG) 18 in the two nanocomposites is confirmed by electron microscopy, and the accessibility of Au 25 (SG) 18 is evaluated by the 4-nitrophenol reduction reaction. The as-prepared nanocomposites retain the high porosity and thermal stability of the ZIF-8 matrix, while also exhibiting the desired catalytic and optical properties derived from the integrated Au 25 (SG) 18 nanoclusters (NCs). Au 25 (SG) 18 @ZIF-8 with isolated Au 25 sites is a promising heterogenous catalyst with size selectivity imparted by the ZIF-8 matrix. The structural distinction between Au 25 (SG) 18 @ZIF-8 and Au 25 (SG) 18 /ZIF-8 determines their different emission features, and provides a new strategy to adjust the optical behavior of Au 25 (SG) 18 for applications in bioimaging and biotherapy. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Pouring rights contracts and childhood overweight: a critical theory perspective.


    Opalinski, Andra


    To examine school environments, and in particular, pouring rights contracts and how they relate to childhood overweight from a critical theory perspective. Pouring rights contracts provide a profit to powerful mega-corporations at the expense of children's health. There is a need to move beyond a solely individual approach to addressing childhood overweight and involve a social ecology approach. This would involve a push for social change, including removal of soda machines from schools, and changing marketing practices targeted at children. Nurses are poised in community situations to actively effect social changes to improve health outcomes of our nation's most vulnerable people, but nurses must get involved.

  8. Positron annihilation study of cavities in black Au films

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Melikhova, O.; Čížek, J.; Hruška, P.; Vlček, M.; Procházka, I.; Anwand, W.; Novotný, M.; Bulíř, J.


    Defects in a black Au film were studied using variable energy positron annihilation spectroscopy. Black Au films exhibit porous morphology similar to cauliflower. This type of structure enhances the optical absorption due to a multiple reflections in the micro-cavities. A nanostructured black Au film was compared with conventional smooth Au films with high reflectivity. The black Au film exhibited a remarkably enhanced S-parameter in sub-surface region. This is caused by a narrow para-Positronium contribution to the annihilation peak.

  9. Study on the failure temperature of Ti/Pt/Au and Pt5Si2-Ti/Pt/Au metallization systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Jie; Han, Jianqiang; Yin, Yijun; Dong, Lizhen; Niu, Wenju


    The Ti/Pt/Au metallization system has an advantage of resisting KOH or TMAH solution etching. To form a good ohmic contact, the Ti/Pt/Au metallization system must be alloyed at 400 °C. However, the process temperatures of typical MEMS packaging technologies, such as anodic bonding, glass solder bonding and eutectic bonding, generally exceed 400 °C. It is puzzling if the Ti/Pt/Au system is destroyed during the subsequent packaging process. In the present work, the resistance of doped polysilicon resistors contacted by the Ti/Pt/Au metallization system that have undergone different temperatures and time are measured. The experimental results show that the ohmic contacts will be destroyed if heated to 500 °C. But if a 20 nm Pt film is sputtered on heavily doped polysilicon and alloyed at 700 °C before sputtering Ti/Pt/Au films, the Pt5Si2-Ti/Pt/Au metallization system has a higher service temperature of 500 °C, which exceeds process temperatures of most typical MEMS packaging technologies. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61376114).

  10. Effet paradoxal du type d’excision sur la prise et le délai de cicatrisation des greffes expansées pour le traitement des brûlures aiguës: a propos de 1129 cas

    PubMed Central

    Guibert, M.; Chaouat, M.; Boccara, D.; Marco, O.; Lavocat, R.; Alameri, O.; Deslandes, E.; Montlahuc, C.; Mimoun, M.


    Summary La greffe de peau mince expansée est très employée dans le traitement des brûlures aiguës. Nous avons étudié l’influence de la préparation du sous-sol sur le taux de prise et le délai de cicatrisation des greffes expansées. Nous avons analysé rétrospectivement les 1 129 greffes expansées réalisées dans notre service entre 1995 et 2005 pour le traitement des brûlures aiguës. Leur taux de prise a été significativement meilleur après une préparation du sous-sol par avulsion (82%) par rapport à une préparation du sous-sol par excision tangentielle (75%). Ce taux était meilleur lorsque l’avulsion était pratiquée dans les 7 jours suivant la brûlure (83% vs 73%). Pour une prise en charge entre 7 et 21 jours, ce taux a semblé être meilleur après excision tangentielle, mais de façon non significative. La durée d’évolution jusqu’à cicatrisation était significativement raccourcie pour une préparation du sous-sol par excision tangentielle par rapport à une préparation du sous-sol par avulsion. Ces résultats montrent, paradoxalement, qu’une préparation du sous-sol par avulsion favorise la prise des greffes expansées mais rallonge leur délai de cicatrisation au contraire de l’excision tangentielle. PMID:28149235

  11. Low-mass e+e- mass distributions from 1.23A GeV Au+Au collisions with HADES

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Galatyuk, Tetyana; Hades Collaboration


    We present measurements of low-mass electron pairs for the Au+Au system based on a data sample of 2.6 billion events of the 40% most central collisions. In order to understand the microscopic structure of matter in the region of high baryochemical potential HADES pursues a strategy, which relies on systematic measurements of virtual photons emission in elementary and heavy-ion collisions. As of now, HADES has completed measurements of rare penetrating probes in p+p, n+p, C+C, p+Nb and Ar+KCl collisions. In continuation of a systematic investigation of the emissivity of strongly interacting matter, HADES has recently measured the dielectron emission in Au+Au collisions at 1.23A GeV beam energy. This measurement is part of the beam energy scan and marks lowest point in the excitation function of low-mass thermal dilepton radiation.

  12. Formation, Migration, and Reactivity of Au CO Complexes on Gold Surfaces

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wang, Jun; McEntee, Monica; Tang, Wenjie


    Here, we report experimental as well as theoretical evidence that suggests Au CO complex formation upon the exposure of CO to active sites (step edges and threading dislocations) on a Au(111) surface. Room-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, transmission infrared spectroscopy, and density functional theory calculations point to Au CO complex formation and migration. Room-temperature STM of the Au(111) surface at CO pressures in the range from 10^ 8 to 10^ 4 Torr (dosage up to 10^6 langmuir) indicates Au atom extraction from dislocation sites of the herringbone reconstruction, mobile Au CO complex formation and diffusion, and Aumore » adatom cluster formation on both elbows and step edges on the Au surface. The formation and mobility of the Au CO complex result from the reduced Au Au bonding at elbows and step edges leading to stronger Au CO bonding and to the formation of a more positively charged CO (CO +) on Au. These studies indicate that the mobile Au CO complex is involved in the Au nanoparticle formation and reactivity, and that the positive charge on CO increases due to the stronger adsorption of CO at Au sites with lower coordination numbers.« less

  13. Electronic Absorption and MCD Spectra for Pd(AuPPh(3))(8)(2+), Pt(AuPPh(3))(8)(2+), and Related Platinum-Centered Gold Cluster Complexes.


    Adrowski, Michael J.; Mason, W. Roy


    Electronic absorption and 7.0 T magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra in the UV-vis region, 1.6 to approximately 4.0 &mgr;m(-)(1) (1 &mgr;m(-)(1) = 10(4) cm(-)(1)) are reported for [Pd(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2) and [Pt(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2) in acetonitrile solutions at room temperature. The MCD spectra are better resolved than the absorption spectra and consist of both A and B terms. The spectra are interpreted in terms of D(4)(d)() skeletal geometry and MO's that are approximated by 5s and 6s orbitals for Pd and Pt/Au atoms, respectively. The lowest energy excited configurations and states are attributed to intraframework (IF) Au(8)(2+) transitions. Evidence is also presented for Pt 5d --> Au 6s transitions in the MCD spectra for Pt(AuPPh(3))(8)(2+). Acetonitrile solution absorption and MCD spectra for the related Pt-centered cluster complexes [Pt(CO)(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2), [Pt(AuP(p-tolyl)(3))(8)](NO(3))(2), [Pt(CuCl)(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2), [Pt(AgNO(3))(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2), [Pt(Hg)(2)(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2), [Pt(HgCl)(2)(AuPPh(3))(8)](BF(4))(2), and [Pt(HgNO(3))(2)(AuPPh(3))(8)](BF(4))(2) are also reported and interpreted within the context of the model developed for the M(AuPPh(3))(8)(2+) complexes.

  14. High Activity of Au/K/TiO 2(110) for CO Oxidation: Alkali-Metal-Enhanced Dispersion of Au and Bonding of CO

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rodriguez, Jose A.; Grinter, David C.; Ramirez, Pedro J.

    In this paper, images from scanning tunneling microscopy show high mobility for potassium (K) on an oxidized TiO 2(110) surface. At low coverages, the alkali metal occupies mainly terrace sites of the o-TiO 2(110) system. The results of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy indicate that K is fully ionized. The electron transferred from K to the titania affects the reactivity of this oxide, favoring the dispersion of Au particles on the terraces of the o-TiO 2(110) surface. When small coverages of K and Au are present on the o-TiO 2(110) system, only a few K–Au pairs are formed and the alkali metalmore » affects Au chemisorption mainly through the oxide interactions. Addition of K to Au/o-TiO 2(110) enhances the reactivity of the system, opening new reaction paths for the adsorption and oxidation of carbon monoxide. CO can undergo disproportionation (2CO → C ads + CO 2,ads) on K/o-TiO 2(110) and Au/K/o-TiO 2(110) surfaces. The Au–KO x interface binds CO much better than plain Au–TiO 2, increasing the surface coverage of CO and facilitating its oxidation. Kinetic tests show that K promotes CO oxidation on Au/TiO 2. Finally, turnover frequencies of 2.1 and 10.8 molecules (Au site) -1 s –1 were calculated for oxidation of CO on Au/o-TiO 2(110) and Au/K/o-TiO 2(110) catalysts, respectively.« less

  15. High Activity of Au/K/TiO 2(110) for CO Oxidation: Alkali-Metal-Enhanced Dispersion of Au and Bonding of CO


    Rodriguez, Jose A.; Grinter, David C.; Ramirez, Pedro J.; ...


    In this paper, images from scanning tunneling microscopy show high mobility for potassium (K) on an oxidized TiO 2(110) surface. At low coverages, the alkali metal occupies mainly terrace sites of the o-TiO 2(110) system. The results of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy indicate that K is fully ionized. The electron transferred from K to the titania affects the reactivity of this oxide, favoring the dispersion of Au particles on the terraces of the o-TiO 2(110) surface. When small coverages of K and Au are present on the o-TiO 2(110) system, only a few K–Au pairs are formed and the alkali metalmore » affects Au chemisorption mainly through the oxide interactions. Addition of K to Au/o-TiO 2(110) enhances the reactivity of the system, opening new reaction paths for the adsorption and oxidation of carbon monoxide. CO can undergo disproportionation (2CO → C ads + CO 2,ads) on K/o-TiO 2(110) and Au/K/o-TiO 2(110) surfaces. The Au–KO x interface binds CO much better than plain Au–TiO 2, increasing the surface coverage of CO and facilitating its oxidation. Kinetic tests show that K promotes CO oxidation on Au/TiO 2. Finally, turnover frequencies of 2.1 and 10.8 molecules (Au site) -1 s –1 were calculated for oxidation of CO on Au/o-TiO 2(110) and Au/K/o-TiO 2(110) catalysts, respectively.« less

  16. Developpement et application d'un systeme mobile de laser terrestre pour quantifier le bilan sedimentaire des plages

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Van-Wierts, Stefanie

    Au Québec maritime, l'érosion côtière est une problématique d'envergure, notamment sur les côtes de formations meubles. Les plages ont un rôle de zone tampon ayant comme fonction naturelle d'absorber l'énergie des vagues et donc d'assurer l'équilibre de certains écosystèmes et le maintien de l'écoumène en réduisant l'érosion de la côte. Les méthodes d'acquisition conventionnelles ne permettent pas de quantifier convenablement les changements morphosédimentaires d'une plage à l'échelle des cellules hydrosédimentaires. Le manque de méthode d'acquisition fiable et de données quantitatives mène à une surestimation ou à une sous-estimation de la disponibilité sédimentaire d'un système côtier. Pour contrer ces lacunes et afin de minimiser les coûts d'acquisition, un nouveau système mobile de LiDAR terrestre a été mis en place, permettant d'acquérir des données topographiques de l'estran, de la haute plage et des falaises. Le système multicapteurs comprend un LiDAR, un système de navigation à haute précision (IMU et D-GPS) et une caméra. L'ensemble des instruments et capteurs sont montés sur un véhicule de type tout-terrain. Le système a été évalué sur la zone côtière de la péninsule de Manicouagan. La comparaison des données LiDAR avec 1 050 points de référence géopositionnés au D-GPS montre une erreur verticale moyenne de 0,1 m sur les secteurs de plage. Les résultats montrent que le volume sédimentaire moyen des plages devant les zones où la ligne de rivage présente un ouvrage de protection en enrochement (12 m 3/m) est plus de trois fois plus faible que devant les secteurs à l'état naturel (35,5 m3/m). La moyenne des secteurs en transition, constituant les segments où une zone artificielle et une zone naturelle se chevauchent présentent un volume moyen de 28 m3/m. Aussi, les plages devant les secteurs anthropisés sont en moyenne près de 2 fois plus étroites (12,7 m) que devant les secteurs naturels (25

  17. Cardiopathies congénitales: aspects épidémiologiques et échocardiographies à propos de 109 cas au centre hospitalier universitaire pédiatrique Charles de Gaulle (CHUP-CDG) de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Kinda, Georges; Millogo, Georges Rosario Christian; Koueta, Fla; Dao, Lassina; Talbousouma, Sollimy; Cissé, Hassane; Djiguimdé, Aristide; Yé, Diarra; Sorgho, Claudine Lougue


    Notre travail avait pour objectif d’étudier les aspects épidémiologiques et écho-cardiographiques des cardiopathies congénitales au CHUP-CDG afin d'y faire l’état des lieux. Pour se faire, nous avons mené sur une période de 27 mois d'aout 2009 à mai 2010 et d'octobre 2011 à décembre 2011, une étude rétrospective des comptes rendus d’échocardiographies Doppler des patients admis dans le service d'imagerie médicale. Nous avons utilisé une sonde cardiaque de 5MHz sur appareil Aloka Prosound 4000 Plus. Durant la période d’étude, 380 examens écho-cardiographiques ont été réalisés et ont permis de mettre en évidence 109 cas de cardiopathies congénitales avec 138 entités nosologiques différentes. Les cardiopathies congénitales représentaient 0,98% des 11169 entrées. Les souffles étaient au premier rang des motifs de demande de l’échographie Doppler cardiaque (121 cas sur 380) soit 39,53%. Les CIV étaient au premier plan des cardiopathies congénitales (28,26%), suivies des CIA (23,19%), des sténoses pulmonaires (19,57%), des Tétralogie de Fallot (9,42%). Dans leur forme isolée, les CIA étaient les plus fréquentes avec 21,95% des cas, suivies des CIV avec 20,73%. Sur 138 cas de cardiopathies congénitales (chez 109 enfants), 53 cas ont été observés chez des enfants de sexe féminin et 56 cas chez des enfants de sexe masculin soit un sexe ration de 1,1. La tranche d’âge présentant une fréquence élevée de cardiopathie congénitale est celle de 1mois- 30 mois avec 55% des cas. Les cardiopathies congénitales de l'enfant sont une réalité en Afrique, leurs fréquences dans toutes les séries rapportées sont certainement sous estimées en raison de l'inaccessibilité de l’échocardiographie doppler. PMID:26090039

  18. CERN@school: demonstrating physics with the Timepix detector

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Whyntie, T.; Bithray, H.; Cook, J.; Coupe, A.; Eddy, D.; Fickling, R. L.; McKenna, J.; Parker, B.; Paul, A.; Shearer, N.


    This article shows how the Timepix hybrid silicon pixel detector, developed by the Medipix2 Collaboration, can be used by students and teachers alike to demonstrate some key aspects of any well-rounded physics curriculum with CERN@school. After an overview of the programme, the detector's capabilities for measuring and visualising ionising radiation are examined. The classification of clusters - groups of adjacent pixels - is discussed with respect to identifying the different types of particles. Three demonstration experiments - background radiation measurements, radiation profiles and the attenuation of radiation - are described; these can used as part of lessons or as inspiration for independent research projects. Results for exemplar data-sets are presented for reference, as well as details of ongoing research projects inspired by these experiments. Interested readers are encouraged to join the CERN@school Collaboration and so contribute to achieving the programme's aim of inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers.

  19. Charged particle multiplicity fluctuations in Au + Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wozniak, Krzysztof; the PHOBOS Collaboration; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J. L.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    This paper presents the first PHOBOS results on charged particle multiplicity fluctuations measured for Au+Au collisions at the highest RHIC energy within a wide pseudorapidity range of |η| < 3. The dependence on collision geometry is removed in the analysis by using the normalized difference between the number of particles in separate η bins. We compare our data to HIJING model predictions.

  20. Propriétés optiques du silicium mésoporeux et ses applications potentielles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lévy-Clément, C.; Bastide, S.


    Une couche de silicium poreux formée électrochimiquement à la surface de l'émetteur d'une jonction p-n+ peut jouer efficacement le rôle d'une couche antireflet pour les cellules solaires au silicium. En ajustant la densité de courant et le temps de formation, des simple et double-couches antireflet aux propriétés optiques optimisées ont pu être réalisées, conduisant à des réflectivités effectives respectives de 7.3 et 2.7 % sur l'ensemble du spectre solaire utile pour les cellules (400-1000 nm). De hauts rendements de conversion de l'énergie solaire, de l'ordre de 13-13.4 %, sont ainsi actuellement obtenus pour des cellules au silicium multicristallin avec une couche antireflet de silicium poreux.

  1. AuRu/AC as an effective catalyst for hydrogenation reactions


    Villa, Alberto; Chan-Thaw, Carine E.; Campisi, Sebastiano; ...


    AuRu bimetallic catalysts have been prepared by sequential deposition of Au on Ru or vice versa obtaining different nanostructures: when Ru has been deposited on Au, a Au core–Ru shell has been observed, whereas the deposition of Au on Ru leads to a bimetallic phase with Ru enrichment on the surface. In the latter case, the unexpected Ru enrichment could be attributed to the weak adhesion of Ru on the carbon support, thus allowing Ru particles to diffuse on Au particles. Both structures result very active in catalysing the liquid phase hydrogenolysis of glycerol and levulinic acid but the activity,more » the selectivity and the stability depend on the structure of the bimetallic nanoparticles. Ru@Au/AC core–shell structure mostly behaved as the monometallic Ru, whereas the presence of bimetallic AuRu phase in Au@Ru/AC provides a great beneficial effect on both activity and stability.« less


    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Yam, Y.


    The Autonomous Frequency Domain Identification program, AU-FREDI, is a system of methods, algorithms and software that was developed for the identification of structural dynamic parameters and system transfer function characterization for control of large space platforms and flexible spacecraft. It was validated in the CALTECH/Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Large Spacecraft Control Laboratory. Due to the unique characteristics of this laboratory environment, and the environment-specific nature of many of the software's routines, AU-FREDI should be considered to be a collection of routines which can be modified and reassembled to suit system identification and control experiments on large flexible structures. The AU-FREDI software was originally designed to command plant excitation and handle subsequent input/output data transfer, and to conduct system identification based on the I/O data. Key features of the AU-FREDI methodology are as follows: 1. AU-FREDI has on-line digital filter design to support on-orbit optimal input design and data composition. 2. Data composition of experimental data in overlapping frequency bands overcomes finite actuator power constraints. 3. Recursive least squares sine-dwell estimation accurately handles digitized sinusoids and low frequency modes. 4. The system also includes automated estimation of model order using a product moment matrix. 5. A sample-data transfer function parametrization supports digital control design. 6. Minimum variance estimation is assured with a curve fitting algorithm with iterative reweighting. 7. Robust root solvers accurately factorize high order polynomials to determine frequency and damping estimates. 8. Output error characterization of model additive uncertainty supports robustness analysis. The research objectives associated with AU-FREDI were particularly useful in focusing the identification methodology for realistic on-orbit testing conditions. Rather than estimating the entire structure, as is

  3. Photon interferometry of Au+Au collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider.


    Bass, Steffen A; Müller, Berndt; Srivastava, Dinesh K


    We calculate the two-body correlation function of direct photons produced in central Au+Au collisions at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider. Our calculation includes contributions from the early preequilibrium phase in which photons are produced via hard parton scatterings as well as radiation of photons from a thermalized quark-gluon plasma and the subsequent expanding hadron gas. We find that high energy photon interferometry provides a faithful probe of the details of the space-time evolution and of the early reaction stages of the system.

  4. Accuracy of Gypsum Casts after Different Impression Techniques and Double Pouring

    PubMed Central

    Silva, Stephania Caroline Rodolfo; Messias, Aion Mangino; Abi-Rached, Filipe de Oliveira; de Souza, Raphael Freitas; Reis, José Maurício dos Santos Nunes


    This study evaluated the accuracy of gypsum casts after different impression techniques and double pouring. Ten patients were selected and for each one it was obtained 5 partial putty/wash impressions with vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) material from teeth #13 to #16 with partial metal stock trays. The following techniques were performed: (1) one-step; two-step relief with: (2) PVC film; (3) slow-speed tungsten carbide bur and scalpel blade, (4) small movements of the tray and (5) without relief—negative control. The impressions were disinfected with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and stored during 110 and 230 minutes for the first and second pouring, respectively, with type IV gypsum. Three intra-oral lateral photographs of each patient were taken using a tripod and a customized radiographic positioner. The images were imported into ImageJ software and the total area of the buccal surface from teeth #13 to #16 was measured. A 4.0% coefficient of variance was criterion for using these measurements as Baseline values. The casts were photographed and analyzed using the same standardization for the clinical images. The area (mm2) obtained from the difference between the measurements of each gypsum cast and the Baseline value of the respective patient were calculated and analyzed by repeated-measures two way-ANOVA and Mauchly’s Sphericity test (α = 0.05). No significant effect was observed for Impression technique (P = 0.23), Second pouring (P = 0.99) and their interaction (P = 0.25). The impression techniques and double pouring did not influence the accuracy of the gypsum casts. PMID:27736967

  5. Accuracy of Gypsum Casts after Different Impression Techniques and Double Pouring.


    Silva, Stephania Caroline Rodolfo; Messias, Aion Mangino; Abi-Rached, Filipe de Oliveira; de Souza, Raphael Freitas; Reis, José Maurício Dos Santos Nunes


    This study evaluated the accuracy of gypsum casts after different impression techniques and double pouring. Ten patients were selected and for each one it was obtained 5 partial putty/wash impressions with vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) material from teeth #13 to #16 with partial metal stock trays. The following techniques were performed: (1) one-step; two-step relief with: (2) PVC film; (3) slow-speed tungsten carbide bur and scalpel blade, (4) small movements of the tray and (5) without relief-negative control. The impressions were disinfected with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and stored during 110 and 230 minutes for the first and second pouring, respectively, with type IV gypsum. Three intra-oral lateral photographs of each patient were taken using a tripod and a customized radiographic positioner. The images were imported into ImageJ software and the total area of the buccal surface from teeth #13 to #16 was measured. A 4.0% coefficient of variance was criterion for using these measurements as Baseline values. The casts were photographed and analyzed using the same standardization for the clinical images. The area (mm2) obtained from the difference between the measurements of each gypsum cast and the Baseline value of the respective patient were calculated and analyzed by repeated-measures two way-ANOVA and Mauchly's Sphericity test (α = 0.05). No significant effect was observed for Impression technique (P = 0.23), Second pouring (P = 0.99) and their interaction (P = 0.25). The impression techniques and double pouring did not influence the accuracy of the gypsum casts.

  6. Novel condensation of Au-centered trigonal prisms in rare-earth-metal-rich tellurides: Er7Au2Te2 and Lu7Au2Te2.


    Gupta, Shalabh; Corbett, John D


    A new monoclinic structure occurs for Er(7)Au(2)Te(2) according to X-ray diffraction analysis of single crystals grown at 1200 degrees C: C2/m, Z = 4, a = 17.8310(9) A, b = 3.9819(5) A, c = 16.9089(9) A, beta = 104.361(4) degrees. The isostructural Lu(7)Au(2)Te(2) also exists according to X-ray powder pattern means, a = 17.536(4) A, b = 3.9719(4) A, c = 16.695(2) A, beta = 104.33(1) degrees. The structure contains zigzag chains of condensed, Au-centered tricapped trigonal prisms (TCTP) of Er along c that also share basal faces along b to generate puckered sheets. Further bi-face-capping Er atoms between these generate the three dimensional network along a, with tellurium in cavities outlined by augmented trigonal prismatic Er polyhedra. Bonding analysis via LMTO-DFT methods reveal very significant Er-Au bonding interactions, as quantified by their energy-weighted Hamilton overlap populations (-ICOHP), approximately 49% of the total for all interactions. These and similar Er-Te contributions sharply contrast with the small Er-Er population, only approximately 14% of the total in spite of the high proportion of Er-Er contacts. The strong polar bonding of Er to the electronegative Au and Te leaves Er relatively oxidized, with many of its 5d states falling above the Fermi level and empty. The contradiction with customary representations of structures that highlight rare-earth metal clusters is manifest. The large Er-Au Hamilton overlap population is in accord with the strong bonding between early and late transition metals first noted by Brewer in 1973. The relationship of this structure to the more distorted orthorhombic (Imm2) structure type of neighboring Dy(7)Ir(2)Te(2) is considered.

  7. Electron transfer catalysis with monolayer protected Au25 clusters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Antonello, Sabrina; Hesari, Mahdi; Polo, Federico; Maran, Flavio


    Au25L18 (L = S(CH2)2Ph) clusters were prepared and characterized. The resulting monodisperse clusters were reacted with bis(pentafluorobenzoyl) peroxide in dichloromethane to form Au25L18+ quantitatively. The kinetics and thermodynamics of the corresponding electron transfer (ET) reactions were characterized via electrochemistry and thermochemical calculations. Au25L18+ was used in homogeneous redox catalysis experiments with a series of sym-substituted benzoyl peroxides, including the above peroxide, bis(para-cyanobenzoyl) peroxide, dibenzoyl peroxide, and bis(para-methoxybenzoyl) peroxide. Peroxide dissociative ET was catalyzed using both the Au25L18/Au25L18- and the Au25L18+/Au25L18 redox couples as redox mediators. Simulation of the CV curves led to determination of the ET rate constant (kET) values for concerted dissociative ET to the peroxides. The ET free energy ΔG° could be estimated for all donor-acceptor combinations, leading to observation of a nice activation-driving force (log kETvs. ΔG°) relationship. Comparison with the kET obtained using a ferrocene-type donor with a formal potential similar to that of Au25L18/Au25L18- showed that the presence of the capping monolayer affects the ET rate rather significantly, which is attributed to the intrinsic nonadiabaticity of peroxide acceptors.Au25L18 (L = S(CH2)2Ph) clusters were prepared and characterized. The resulting monodisperse clusters were reacted with bis(pentafluorobenzoyl) peroxide in dichloromethane to form Au25L18+ quantitatively. The kinetics and thermodynamics of the corresponding electron transfer (ET) reactions were characterized via electrochemistry and thermochemical calculations. Au25L18+ was used in homogeneous redox catalysis experiments with a series of sym-substituted benzoyl peroxides, including the above peroxide, bis(para-cyanobenzoyl) peroxide, dibenzoyl peroxide, and bis(para-methoxybenzoyl) peroxide. Peroxide dissociative ET was catalyzed using both the Au25L18/Au25L18- and

  8. Transverse-momentum and collision-energy dependence of high-pT hadron suppression in Au+Au collisions at ultrarelativistic energies.


    Adams, J; Adler, C; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Badyal, S K; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellwied, R; Berger, J; Bezverkhny, B I; Bhardwaj, S; Bhaskar, P; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Billmeier, A; Bland, L C; Blyth, C O; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Boucham, A; Brandin, A; Bravar, A; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Carroll, J; Castillo, J; Castro, M; Cebra, D; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, Y; Chernenko, S P; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Choi, B; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Drees, K A; Du, F; Dubey, A K; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Majumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Fachini, P; Faine, V; Faivre, J; Fatemi, R; Filimonov, K; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flierl, D; Foley, K J; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Ganti, M S; Gagunashvili, N; Gans, J; Gaudichet, L; Germain, M; Geurts, F; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Grachov, O; Grigoriev, V; Gronstal, S; Grosnick, D; Guedon, M; Guertin, S M; Gupta, A; Gushin, E; Gutierrez, T D; Hallman, T J; Hardtke, D; Harris, J W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Herston, T; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffmann, G W; Horsley, M; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Ishihara, A; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Janik, M; Johnson, I; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kaneta, M; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Klay, J; Klein, S R; Klyachko, A; Kollegger, T; Konstantinov, A S; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kovalenko, A D; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kunde, G J; Kunz, C L; Kutuev, R Kh; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lansdell, C P; Lasiuk, B; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednický, R; Leontiev, V M; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Liu, Q J; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Lopez-Noriega, M; Love, W A; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, J; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahajan, S; Mangotra, L K; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Marx, J; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McShane, T S; Meissner, F; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Messer, M; Miller, M L; Milosevich, Z; Minaev, N G; Mironov, C; Mishra, D; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Mora-Corral, M J; Morozov, V; de Moura, M M; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nayak, S K; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nevski, P; Nikitin, V A; Nogach, L V; Norman, B; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Paic, G; Pandey, S U; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Peryt, W; Petrov, V A; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rai, G; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ravel, O; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reichhold, D; Reid, J G; Renault, G; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevski, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L J; Rykov, V; Sahoo, R; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Savin, I; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schroeder, L S; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Seliverstov, D; Seyboth, P; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shestermanov, K E; Shimanskii, S S; Singaraju, R N; Simon, F; Skoro, G; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Struck, C; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Szarwas, P; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Tikhomirov, V; Tokarev, M; Tonjes, M B; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Trivedi, M D; Trofimov, V; Tsai, O; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; VanderMolen, A M; Vasiliev, A N; Vasiliev, M; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, X L; Wang, Z M; Ward, H; Watson, J W; Wells, R; Westfall, G D; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Willson, R; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Z; Xu, Z Z; Yakutin, A E; Yamamoto, E; Yang, J; Yepes, P; Yurevich, V I; Zanevski, Y V; Zborovský, I; Zhang, H; Zhang, H Y; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Z P; Zołnierczuk, P A; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, J; Zubarev, A N


    We report high statistics measurements of inclusive charged hadron production in Au+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200 GeV. A large, approximately constant hadron suppression is observed in central Au+Au collisions for 5

  9. Fabrication of Au 25(SG) 18–ZIF-8 Nanocomposites: A Facile Strategy to Position Au 25(SG) 18 Nanoclusters Inside and Outside ZIF-8

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Luo, Yucheng; Fan, Shiyan; Yu, Wenqian

    Multifunctional composite materials are currently highly desired for sustainable energy applications. A general strategy to integrate atomically precise Au 25(SG) 18 with ZIF-8 (Zn(MeIm) 2, MeIm = 2-methylimidazole), is developed in this paper via the typical Zn-carboxylate type of linkage. Au 25(SG) 18 are uniformly encapsulated into a ZIF-8 framework (Au 25(SG) 18@ZIF-8) by coordination-assisted self-assembly. In contrast, Au 25(SG) 18 integrated by simple impregnation is oriented along the outer surface of ZIF-8 (Au 25(SG) 18/ZIF-8). The porous structure and thermal stability of these nanocomposites are characterized by N 2 adsorption–desorption isothermal analysis and thermal gravimetric analysis. The distribution ofmore » Au 25(SG) 18 in the two nanocomposites is confirmed by electron microscopy, and the accessibility of Au 25(SG) 18 is evaluated by the 4-nitrophenol reduction reaction. The as-prepared nanocomposites retain the high porosity and thermal stability of the ZIF-8 matrix, while also exhibiting the desired catalytic and optical properties derived from the integrated Au 25(SG) 18 nanoclusters (NCs). Au 25(SG) 18@ZIF-8 with isolated Au 25 sites is a promising heterogenous catalyst with size selectivity imparted by the ZIF-8 matrix. Finally, the structural distinction between Au 25(SG) 18@ZIF-8 and Au 25(SG) 18/ZIF-8 determines their different emission features, and provides a new strategy to adjust the optical behavior of Au 25(SG) 18 for applications in bioimaging and biotherapy.« less

  10. Fabrication of Au 25(SG) 18–ZIF-8 Nanocomposites: A Facile Strategy to Position Au 25(SG) 18 Nanoclusters Inside and Outside ZIF-8


    Luo, Yucheng; Fan, Shiyan; Yu, Wenqian; ...


    Multifunctional composite materials are currently highly desired for sustainable energy applications. A general strategy to integrate atomically precise Au 25(SG) 18 with ZIF-8 (Zn(MeIm) 2, MeIm = 2-methylimidazole), is developed in this paper via the typical Zn-carboxylate type of linkage. Au 25(SG) 18 are uniformly encapsulated into a ZIF-8 framework (Au 25(SG) 18@ZIF-8) by coordination-assisted self-assembly. In contrast, Au 25(SG) 18 integrated by simple impregnation is oriented along the outer surface of ZIF-8 (Au 25(SG) 18/ZIF-8). The porous structure and thermal stability of these nanocomposites are characterized by N 2 adsorption–desorption isothermal analysis and thermal gravimetric analysis. The distribution ofmore » Au 25(SG) 18 in the two nanocomposites is confirmed by electron microscopy, and the accessibility of Au 25(SG) 18 is evaluated by the 4-nitrophenol reduction reaction. The as-prepared nanocomposites retain the high porosity and thermal stability of the ZIF-8 matrix, while also exhibiting the desired catalytic and optical properties derived from the integrated Au 25(SG) 18 nanoclusters (NCs). Au 25(SG) 18@ZIF-8 with isolated Au 25 sites is a promising heterogenous catalyst with size selectivity imparted by the ZIF-8 matrix. Finally, the structural distinction between Au 25(SG) 18@ZIF-8 and Au 25(SG) 18/ZIF-8 determines their different emission features, and provides a new strategy to adjust the optical behavior of Au 25(SG) 18 for applications in bioimaging and biotherapy.« less

  11. High-accuracy determination of the neutron flux in the new experimental area n_TOF-EAR2 at CERN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sabaté-Gilarte, M.; Barbagallo, M.; Colonna, N.; Gunsing, F.; Žugec, P.; Vlachoudis, V.; Chen, Y. H.; Stamatopoulos, A.; Lerendegui-Marco, J.; Cortés-Giraldo, M. A.; Villacorta, A.; Guerrero, C.; Damone, L.; Audouin, L.; Berthoumieux, E.; Cosentino, L.; Diakaki, M.; Finocchiaro, P.; Musumarra, A.; Papaevangelou, T.; Piscopo, M.; Tassan-Got, L.; Aberle, O.; Andrzejewski, J.; Bécares, V.; Bacak, M.; Baccomi, R.; Balibrea, J.; Barros, S.; Bečvář, F.; Beinrucker, C.; Belloni, F.; Billowes, J.; Bosnar, D.; Brugger, M.; Caamaño, M.; Calviño, F.; Calviani, M.; Cano-Ott, D.; Cardella, R.; Casanovas, A.; Castelluccio, D. M.; Cerutti, F.; Chiaveri, E.; Cortés, G.; Deo, K.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Dressler, R.; Dupont, E.; Durán, I.; Fernández-Domínguez, B.; Ferrari, A.; Ferreira, P.; Frost, R. J. W.; Furman, V.; Göbel, K.; García, A. R.; Gawlik, A.; Gheorghe, I.; Glodariu, T.; Gonçalves, I. F.; González, E.; Goverdovski, A.; Griesmayer, E.; Harada, H.; Heftrich, T.; Heinitz, S.; Hernández-Prieto, A.; Heyse, J.; Jenkins, D. G.; Jericha, E.; Käppeler, F.; Kadi, Y.; Katabuchi, T.; Kavrigin, P.; Ketlerov, V.; Khryachkov, V.; Kimura, A.; Kivel, N.; Kokkoris, M.; Krtička, M.; Leal-Cidoncha, E.; Lederer, C.; Leeb, H.; Licata, M.; Lo Meo, S.; Lonsdale, S. J.; Losito, R.; Macina, D.; Marganiec, J.; Martínez, T.; Massimi, C.; Mastinu, P.; Mastromarco, M.; Matteucci, F.; Maugeri, E. A.; Mendoza, E.; Mengoni, A.; Milazzo, P. M.; Mingrone, F.; Mirea, M.; Montesano, S.; Nolte, R.; Oprea, A.; Palomo-Pinto, F. R.; Paradela, C.; Patronis, N.; Pavlik, A.; Perkowski, J.; Porras, J. I.; Praena, J.; Quesada, J. M.; Rajeev, K.; Rauscher, T.; Reifarth, R.; Riego-Perez, A.; Robles, M. S.; Rout, P. C.; Rubbia, C.; Ryan, J. A.; Saxena, A.; Schillebeeckx, P.; Schmidt, S.; Schumann, D.; Sedyshev, P.; Smith, A. G.; Suryanarayana, S. V.; Tagliente, G.; Tain, J. L.; Tarifeño-Saldivia, A.; Tsinganis, A.; Valenta, S.; Vannini, G.; Variale, V.; Vaz, P.; Ventura, A.; Vlastou, R.; Wallner, A.; Warren, S.; Weigand, M.; Wolf, C.; Woods, P. J.; Weiss, C.; Wright, T.


    A new high flux experimental area has recently become operational at the n_TOF facility at CERN. This new measuring station, n_TOF-EAR2, is placed at the end of a vertical beam line at a distance of approximately 20m from the spallation target. The characterization of the neutron beam, in terms of flux, spatial profile and resolution function, is of crucial importance for the feasibility study and data analysis of all measurements to be performed in the new area. In this paper, the measurement of the neutron flux, performed with different solid-state and gaseous detection systems, and using three neutron-converting reactions considered standard in different energy regions is reported. The results of the various measurements have been combined, yielding an evaluated neutron energy distribution in a wide energy range, from 2meV to 100MeV, with an accuracy ranging from 2%, at low energy, to 6% in the high-energy region. In addition, an absolute normalization of the n_TOF-EAR2 neutron flux has been obtained by means of an activation measurement performed with 197Au foils in the beam.

  12. Corrosion behavior and microstructures of experimental Ti-Au alloys.


    Takahashi, Masatoshi; Kikuchi, Masafumi; Takada, Yukyo; Okuno, Osamu; Okabe, Toru


    Anodic polarization was performed in 0.9% NaCl and 1% lactic acid solutions to characterize the relationship between the corrosion behavior and microstructures of cast Ti-Au (5-40%) alloys. An abrupt increase in the current density occurred at approximately 0.6 V vs. SCE for the 30% and 40% Au alloys in the 0.9% NaCl solution. The microstructures after corrosion testing indicated that this breakdown may have been caused by the preferential dissolution of the Ti3Au. However, the potential for preferential dissolution was higher than the breakdown potential of stainless steel or Co-Cr alloy, which meant that the corrosion resistance of the Ti-Au alloys was superior. In 1% lactic acid solution, the corrosion resistance of the Ti-Au alloys was excellent, with no breakdown at any composition. In the present test solutions, the Ti-Au alloys up to 20% Au had good corrosion resistance comparable to that for pure titanium.

  13. Measurement of D 0 Azimuthal Anisotropy at Midrapidity in Au + Au Collisions at s N N = 200 GeV

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.

    In this paper, we report the first measurement of the elliptic anisotropy (v2) of the charm meson D 0 at midrapidity (|y| < 1) in Au + Au collisions atmore » $$\\sqrt{s}$$$_ {NN}$$ = 200 GeV. The measurement was conducted by the STAR experiment at RHIC utilizing a new high-resolution silicon tracker. The measured D 0 v 2 in 0%–80% centrality Au + Au collisions can be described by a viscous hydrodynamic calculation for a transverse momentum (p T) of less than 4 GeV/c . The D 0 v 2 as a function of transverse kinetic energy (m T - m 0 , where m T = $$\\sqrt{p}$$$2\\atop{T}$$ + m$$2\\atop{0}$$) is consistent with that of light mesons in 10%–40% centrality Au + Au collisions. These results suggest that charm quarks have achieved local thermal equilibrium with the medium created in such collisions. In conclusion, several theoretical models, with the temperature-dependent, dimensionless charm spatial diffusion coefficient (2πTD s) in the range of ~2–12 , are able to simultaneously reproduce our D 0 v 2 result and our previously published results for the D 0 nuclear modification factor.« less

  14. Measurement of D 0 Azimuthal Anisotropy at Midrapidity in Au + Au Collisions at s N N = 200 GeV


    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; ...


    In this paper, we report the first measurement of the elliptic anisotropy (v2) of the charm meson D 0 at midrapidity (|y| < 1) in Au + Au collisions atmore » $$\\sqrt{s}$$$_ {NN}$$ = 200 GeV. The measurement was conducted by the STAR experiment at RHIC utilizing a new high-resolution silicon tracker. The measured D 0 v 2 in 0%–80% centrality Au + Au collisions can be described by a viscous hydrodynamic calculation for a transverse momentum (p T) of less than 4 GeV/c . The D 0 v 2 as a function of transverse kinetic energy (m T - m 0 , where m T = $$\\sqrt{p}$$$2\\atop{T}$$ + m$$2\\atop{0}$$) is consistent with that of light mesons in 10%–40% centrality Au + Au collisions. These results suggest that charm quarks have achieved local thermal equilibrium with the medium created in such collisions. In conclusion, several theoretical models, with the temperature-dependent, dimensionless charm spatial diffusion coefficient (2πTD s) in the range of ~2–12 , are able to simultaneously reproduce our D 0 v 2 result and our previously published results for the D 0 nuclear modification factor.« less

  15. RHIC Au beam in Run 2014

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhang, S. Y.

    Au beam at the RHIC ramp in run 2014 is reviewed together with the run 2011 and run 2012. Observed bunch length and longitudinal emittance are compared with the IBS simulations. The IBS growth rate of the longitudinal emittance in run 2014 is similar to run 2011, and both are larger than run 2012. This is explained by the large transverse emittance at high intensity observed in run 2012, but not in run 2014. The big improvement of the AGS ramping in run 2014 might be related to this change. The importance of the injector intensity improvement in run 2014more » is emphasized, which gives rise to the initial luminosity improvement of 50% in run 2014, compared with the previous Au-Au run 2011. In addition, a modified IBS model, which is calibrated using the RHIC Au runs from 9.8 GeV/n to 100 GeV/n, is presented and used in the study.« less

  16. Validation of hot-poured crack sealant performance-based guidelines.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This report summarizes a comprehensive research effort to validate thresholds for performance-based guidelines and : grading system for hot-poured asphalt crack sealants. A series of performance tests were established in earlier research and : includ...

  17. Ordered arrays of Au catalysts by FIB assisted heterogeneous dewetting.


    Benkouider, A; Ronda, A; David, T; Favre, L; Abbarchi, M; Naffouti, M; Osmond, J; Delobbe, A; Sudraud, P; Berbezier, I


    Synthesizing Au0.8Si0.2 nanocatalysts that are homogeneous in size and have controlled position is becoming a challenging and crucial prequisite for the fabrication of ordered semiconductor nanowires. In this study, Au0.8Si0.2 nanocatalysts are synthesized via dewetting of Au layers on Si(111) during thermal annealing in an ultra-high vacuum. In the first part of the paper, the mechanism of homogeneous dewetting is analyzed as a function of the Au-deposited thickness (h Au). We distinguish three different dewetting regimes: (I) for a low thickness ([Formula: see text]), a submonolyer coverage of Au is stabilized and there is no dewetting. (II) For an intermediate thickness ([Formula: see text]), there is both dewetting and Au0.8Si0.2 phase formation. The size and density of the Au0.8Si0.2 clusters are directly related to h Au. When cooling down to room temperature, the clusters decompose and reject the Si at the Au/Si substrate interface. (III) For a large thickness ([Formula: see text]), only dewetting takes place, without forming AuSi clusters. In this regime, the dewetting is kinetically controlled by the self-diffusion of Au (activation energy ∼0.43 eV) without evidence of an Si-alloying effect. As a practical consequence, when relying solely on the homogeneous dewetting of Au/Si(111) to form the Au0.8Si0.2 catalysts (without a supply of Si atoms from vapor), regime II should be used to obtain good size and density control. In the second part of the paper, a process for ordering the catalysts using focused ion beam-(FIB) assisted dewetting (heterogeneous dewetting) is developed. We show that no matter what the FIB milling conditions and the Au nominal thickness are, dewetting is promoted by ion beam irradiation and is accompanied by the formation of Au0.8Si0.2 droplets. The droplets preferentially form on the patterned areas, while in similar annealing conditions, they do not form on the unpatterned areas. This behavior is attributed to the larger Au

  18. Epitaxial growth of a mono-crystalline metastable AuIn layer at the Au/InP(001) interface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Renda, M.; Morita, K.


    Thermal annealing of a gold layer deposited on the InP(001)-p(2×4) surface has been studied in-situ by means of LEED, AES and RBS techniques and by post analysis of RBS-channeling and glancing incidence X-ray diffraction. A clean LEED pattern of p(2×2) spots was observed for the specimen annealed for 10 min at 300°C. The composition ratio of Au/In in the epitaxial compound layer was found to be 49/51 by RBS and several at% of P was also detected by post sputter-AES analysis. It was also found that the epitaxial layer shows a clear channeling dip for an incident ion beam which is aligned along the <001> axis of InP substrate. The glancing incidence X-ray diffraction analysis indicates diffraction peaks from the pseudo-orthorombic phase of AuIn. From these experimental results, it is concluded that the epitaxial Au-compound layer is a mono-crystalline metastable phase of AuIn, of which every three atomic rows of Au or In in the [110] direction would be situated on every four atomic rows in the [010] direction of the In(001) face of the InP crystal.

  19. Développement d’un programme multidisciplinaire de diagnostic de l’adrénoleucodystrophie liée à l’X au Maroc: résultats de la mise en œuvre du programme de diagnostic clinique et biologique

    PubMed Central

    Benjelloun, Fatima-Zohra Madani; Chabraoui, Layachi; Kriouile, Yamna


    Introduction L'adrénoleucodystrophie liée à l'X (X-ALD) est une maladie neurodégénérative sévère, due à des mutations du gène ABCD1. Elle se manifeste par une atteinte du système nerveux central et périphérique, une insuffisance surrénalienne et une atteinte des testicules chez le garçon. Son diagnostic repose sur le dosage des Acides Gras à Très Longue Chaine. Le diagnostic précoce est d'une grande importance puisque il définit l'accessibilité aux traitements selon le stage de la maladie. Méthodes Nous avons mis en place un programme de diagnostic de l'X-ALD au Maroc au niveau de l'Hôpital d'enfants et du Laboratoire centrale des maladies héréditaires et du métabolisme de Rabat. Le programme s'articule sur trois axes à savoir : le recrutement des patients, le diagnostic et la sensibilisation. Le diagnostic s'effectue selon trois protocoles : un protocole pour les cas symptomatiques, un deuxième pour les cas asymptomatiques et un troisième pour les femmes hétérozygotes. Résultats Durant trois ans après la mise en place de notre programme de diagnostic de l'Adrénoleucodystrophie liée à l'X, nous avons diagnostiqué la maladie chez sept familles, avec neuf garçons et trois femmes hétérozygotes. Tous les enfants diagnostiqués présentaient la forme cérébrale démyélinisante. Toutes les femmes hétérozygotes étaient asymptomatiques. Une prise en charge thérapeutique a été mise place selon la symptomatologie de chaque cas. Conclusion l'X-ALD est une maladie rare. Notre programme de diagnostique a permis de diagnostiquer un nombre important de cas, ce qui montre son importance. Les compagnes de sensibilisation auprès des professionnels permettront de mieux comprendre la maladie et mieux la diagnostiquer et ainsi donner accès à un nombre plus élevé de patients. PMID:29599883

  20. Tuberculose chez le personnel de santé du secteur public au Burundi: fréquence et facteurs de risque

    PubMed Central

    Mukuku, Olivier; Ruhindiza, Bienvenu Mukuku; Mupepe, Alexis Kumba; Sawadogo, Michel


    Introduction Le but de cette étude était de déterminer la fréquence de la tuberculose (TB) chez le personnel de santé du secteur public en charge des patients tuberculeux et d’évaluer les facteurs de risque de contracter la tuberculose chez ce personnel au Burundi. Méthodes Il s’agit d’une étude transversale à visée analytique réalisée auprès de 300 travailleurs prestant dans 30 centres de dépistage et de traitement de la TB (CDT) au Burundi du 16 octobre au 15 novembre 2012. Les paramètres sociodémographiques et professionnels ainsi que l’antécédent de vaccination BCG de travailleurs ayant été touché par la TB ont été analysé et comparé à ceux de travailleurs qui ne l’ont pas été. Le seuil de signification a été fixé à p < 0,05. Résultats La fréquence de la TB chez le personnel de santé est de 15%. Le risque de souffrir de la TB est de près de 4 fois chez les travailleurs âgés d’au moins 50 ans (OR=3,73; 1,53-9,08), chez ceux qui n’ont jamais reçu de vaccin de BCG (OR=3,73; 1,24-11,03), chez ceux qui n’ont pas de cicatrice vaccinale de BCG (OR=3,80; 1,67-8,62) et chez ceux qui travaillent depuis au moins 6 ans dans un CDT (OR=3,79; 1,44-9,96); ce risque est de 9 fois chez ceux qui sont mariés (OR=9,42; 1,26-70,23), de 8 fois chez ceux qui n’aèrent pas leurs salles de travail (OR=8,20; 1,48-48,23) et de 6 fois chez ceux qui ont comme profession nettoyeur ou aide-soignant (OR=6,12; 2,92-12,82). Par contre, aucune corrélation statistiquement significative n’a été observée entre le fait de souffrir de la TB et le sexe mais aussi le nombre d’heures de contact d’un travailleur avec un patient tuberculeux (p>0,05). Conclusion L’âge, l’antécédent de vaccination de BCG ainsi que la majorité de paramètres professionnels sont en association avec la maladie TB des travailleurs de CDT. D’où, la maîtrise de certains facteurs de risque s’avère important pour faire face au fardeau de la TB parmi

  1. AU-18 Space Primer

    DTIC Science & Technology


    force air and space component commander (CFACC) should be des - ignated as the supported commander for counterspace operations. • To plan , execute, and...performing COMINT and/or FISINT activities. Figure 13-10. Poppy satellite with multiface de - sign. (Photo taken by the NRL and provided cour- tesy of the...SATCOM) Planning Information Network SPO special projects office; system programs office SPOT Satellite Pour L’Observation de la Terre SPS

  2. A comparative study of the Au + H{sub 2}, Au{sup +} + H{sub 2}, and Au{sup −} + H{sub 2} systems: Potential energy surfaces and dynamics of reactive collisions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dorta-Urra, Anaís; Zanchet, Alexandre; Roncero, Octavio


    In order to study the Au{sup −} + H{sub 2} collision, a new global potential energy surface (PES) describing the ground electronic state of AuH{sub 2}{sup −} system is developed and compared with the PESs of the neutral [Zanchet et al., J. Chem. Phys. 132, 034301 (2010)] and cationic systems [Anaís et al., J. Chem. Phys. 135, 091102 (2011)]. We found that Au{sup −} − H{sub 2} presents a H-Au-H insertion minimum attributed to the stabilization of the LUMO 3b{sub 2} orbital, which can be considered as the preamble of the chemisorption well appearing in larger gold clusters. While themore » LUMO orbital is stabilized, the HOMO 6a{sub 1} is destabilized, creating a barrier at the geometry where the energy orbitals’ curves are crossing. In the anion, this HOMO is doubly occupied, while in the neutral system is half-filled and completely empty in the cation, explaining the gradual disappearance of the well and the barrier as the number of electrons decreases. The cation presents a well in the entrance channel partially explained by electrostatic interactions. The three systems’ reactions are highly endothermic, by 1.66, 2.79, and 3.23 eV for AuH, AuH{sup +}, and AuH{sup −} products, respectively. The reaction dynamics is studied using quasi-classical trajectory method for the three systems. The one corresponding to the anionic system is new in this work. Collision energies between 1.00 and 8.00 eV, measured for the cation, are in good agreement with the simulated cross section for the AuH{sup +}. It was also found that the total fragmentation, in three atoms, competes becoming dominant at sufficiently high energy. Here, we study the competition between the two different reaction pathways for the anionic, cationic, and neutral species, explaining the differences using a simple model based on the topology of the potential energy surfaces.« less

  3. Non-flow correlations and elliptic flow fluctuations in Au+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alver, B.; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Hauer, M.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Li, W.; Lin, W. T.; Loizides, C.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Reed, C.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Seals, H.; Sedykh, I.; Smith, C. E.; Stankiewicz, M. A.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Vaurynovich, S. S.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Walters, P.; Wenger, E.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wysłouch, B.


    This article presents results on event-by-event elliptic flow fluctuations in Au+Au collisions at sNN= 200 GeV, where the contribution from non-flow correlations has been subtracted. An analysis method is introduced to measure non-flow correlations, relying on the assumption that non-flow correlations are most prominent at short ranges (|Δη|<2). Assuming that non-flow correlations are of the order that is observed in p+p collisions for long-range correlations (|Δη|>2), relative elliptic flow fluctuations of approximately 30-40% are observed. These results are consistent with predictions based on spatial fluctuations of the participating nucleons in the initial nuclear overlap region. It is found that the long-range non-flow correlations in Au+Au collisions would have to be more than an order of magnitude stronger compared to the p+p data to lead to the observed azimuthal anisotropy fluctuations with no intrinsic elliptic flow fluctuations.

  4. Optical and electrical properties of colloidal (spherical Au)-(spinel ferrite nanorod) heterostructures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    George, Chandramohan; Genovese, Alessandro; Qiao, Fen; Korobchevskaya, Kseniya; Comin, Alberto; Falqui, Andrea; Marras, Sergio; Roig, Anna; Zhang, Yang; Krahne, Roman; Manna, Liberato


    We report here a simple synthetic route to Au-FexOy heterostructures in which spinel ferrite (FexOy) grows as a nanorod on a spherical gold (Au) seed. The large red shift in the plasmon resonance in the heterostructures could be explained by a dielectric effect (although we could not entirely exclude a contribution due to electron transfer from Au to defect states at the Au-FexOy interface), while the magnetic properties of the Au-FexOy heterostructures were basically the same as those of the corresponding nanocrystals after Au leaching. In films of Au-FexOy heterostructures the electrical conductivity appeared to be mediated by the Au domains.We report here a simple synthetic route to Au-FexOy heterostructures in which spinel ferrite (FexOy) grows as a nanorod on a spherical gold (Au) seed. The large red shift in the plasmon resonance in the heterostructures could be explained by a dielectric effect (although we could not entirely exclude a contribution due to electron transfer from Au to defect states at the Au-FexOy interface), while the magnetic properties of the Au-FexOy heterostructures were basically the same as those of the corresponding nanocrystals after Au leaching. In films of Au-FexOy heterostructures the electrical conductivity appeared to be mediated by the Au domains. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: TEM/HRTEM images of (i) aliquots at the earliest stages of the growth of Au-FexOy HSs; (ii) Au-FexOy HSs synthesized at low DDAB concentrations; (iii) spherical iron oxide nanocrystals synthesized under the same conditions as the HSs, but in the absence of Au seeds; (iv) Au-FexOy urchin like nanostructures, also after attempts to leach out Au; (v) Au-FexOy HSs after treatment with hydrazine; (vi) FexOy HSs after Au leaching from Au-FexOy HSs; additional optical absorption spectra; additional I-V curves, also from films made of Au-FexOy dumbbells; and additional SEM images; vii) X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of a sample of Au

  5. Measurement of D0 Azimuthal Anisotropy at Midrapidity in Au +Au Collisions at √{sN N }=200 GeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Ajitanand, N. N.; Alekseev, I.; Anderson, D. M.; Aoyama, R.; Aparin, A.; Arkhipkin, D.; Aschenauer, E. C.; Ashraf, M. U.; Attri, A.; Averichev, G. S.; Bai, X.; Bairathi, V.; Behera, A.; Bellwied, R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A. K.; Bhattarai, P.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bland, L. C.; Bordyuzhin, I. G.; Bouchet, J.; Brandenburg, J. D.; Brandin, A. V.; Brown, D.; Bunzarov, I.; Butterworth, J.; Caines, H.; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M.; Campbell, J. M.; Cebra, D.; Chakaberia, I.; Chaloupka, P.; Chang, Z.; Chankova-Bunzarova, N.; Chatterjee, A.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, X.; Chen, J. H.; Chen, X.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Christie, W.; Contin, G.; Crawford, H. J.; Das, S.; De Silva, L. C.; Debbe, R. R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Deng, J.; Derevschikov, A. A.; Didenko, L.; Dilks, C.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J. L.; Draper, J. E.; Dunkelberger, L. E.; Dunlop, J. C.; Efimov, L. G.; Elsey, N.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Esha, R.; Esumi, S.; Evdokimov, O.; Ewigleben, J.; Eyser, O.; Fatemi, R.; Fazio, S.; Federic, P.; Federicova, P.; Fedorisin, J.; Feng, Z.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fisyak, Y.; Flores, C. E.; Fulek, L.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Garand, D.; Geurts, F.; Gibson, A.; Girard, M.; Greiner, L.; Grosnick, D.; Gunarathne, D. S.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, S.; Guryn, W.; Hamad, A. I.; Hamed, A.; Harlenderova, A.; Harris, J. W.; He, L.; Heppelmann, S.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hoffmann, G. W.; Horvat, S.; Huang, T.; Huang, B.; Huang, X.; Huang, H. Z.; Humanic, T. J.; Huo, P.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, W. W.; Jentsch, A.; Jia, J.; Jiang, K.; Jowzaee, S.; Judd, E. G.; Kabana, S.; Kalinkin, D.; Kang, K.; Kauder, K.; Ke, H. W.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Khan, Z.; Kikoła, D. P.; Kisel, I.; Kisiel, A.; Kochenda, L.; Kocmanek, M.; Kollegger, T.; Kosarzewski, L. K.; Kraishan, A. F.; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Kulathunga, N.; Kumar, L.; Kvapil, J.; Kwasizur, J. H.; Lacey, R.; Landgraf, J. M.; Landry, K. D.; Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednicky, R.; Lee, J. H.; Li, X.; Li, C.; Li, W.; Li, Y.; Lidrych, J.; Lin, T.; Lisa, M. A.; Liu, H.; Liu, P.; Liu, Y.; Liu, F.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W. J.; Lomnitz, M.; Longacre, R. S.; Luo, S.; Luo, X.; Ma, G. L.; Ma, L.; Ma, Y. G.; Ma, R.; Magdy, N.; Majka, R.; Mallick, D.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Matis, H. S.; Meehan, K.; Mei, J. C.; Miller, Z. W.; Minaev, N. G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mishra, D.; Mizuno, S.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M. M.; Morozov, D. A.; Mustafa, M. K.; Nasim, Md.; Nayak, T. K.; Nelson, J. M.; Nie, M.; Nigmatkulov, G.; Niida, T.; Nogach, L. V.; Nonaka, T.; Nurushev, S. B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Oh, K.; Okorokov, V. A.; Olvitt, D.; Page, B. S.; Pak, R.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Pawlik, B.; Pei, H.; Perkins, C.; Pile, P.; Pluta, J.; Poniatowska, K.; Porter, J.; Posik, M.; Poskanzer, A. M.; Pruthi, N. K.; Przybycien, M.; Putschke, J.; Qiu, H.; Quintero, A.; Ramachandran, S.; Ray, R. L.; Reed, R.; Rehbein, M. J.; Ritter, H. G.; Roberts, J. B.; Rogachevskiy, O. V.; Romero, J. L.; Roth, J. D.; Ruan, L.; Rusnak, J.; Rusnakova, O.; Sahoo, N. R.; Sahu, P. K.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Saur, M.; Schambach, J.; Schmah, A. M.; Schmidke, W. B.; Schmitz, N.; Schweid, B. R.; Seger, J.; Sergeeva, M.; Seyboth, P.; Shah, N.; Shahaliev, E.; Shanmuganathan, P. V.; Shao, M.; Sharma, A.; Sharma, M. K.; Shen, W. Q.; Shi, Z.; Shi, S. S.; Shou, Q. Y.; Sichtermann, E. P.; Sikora, R.; Simko, M.; Singha, S.; Skoby, M. J.; Smirnov, N.; Smirnov, D.; Solyst, W.; Song, L.; Sorensen, P.; Spinka, H. M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T. D. S.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Sugiura, T.; Sumbera, M.; Summa, B.; Sun, Y.; Sun, X. M.; Sun, X.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D. N.; Szelezniak, M. A.; Tang, A. H.; Tang, Z.; Taranenko, A.; Tarnowsky, T.; Tawfik, A.; Thäder, J.; Thomas, J. H.; Timmins, A. R.; Tlusty, D.; Todoroki, T.; Tokarev, M.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tribedy, P.; Tripathy, S. K.; Trzeciak, B. A.; Tsai, O. D.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D. G.; Upsal, I.; Van Buren, G.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Videbæk, F.; Vokal, S.; Voloshin, S. A.; Vossen, A.; Wang, G.; Wang, Y.; Wang, F.; Wang, Y.; Webb, J. C.; Webb, G.; Wen, L.; Westfall, G. D.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S. W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y.; Xiao, Z. G.; Xie, W.; Xie, G.; Xu, J.; Xu, N.; Xu, Q. H.; Xu, Y. F.; Xu, Z.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Q.; Yang, C.; Yang, S.; Ye, Z.; Ye, Z.; Yi, L.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.-K.; Yu, N.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zha, W.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, X. P.; Zhang, J. B.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, S.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhou, L.; Zhou, C.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, Z.; Zyzak, M.; STAR Collaboration


    We report the first measurement of the elliptic anisotropy (v2) of the charm meson D0 at midrapidity (|y |<1 ) in Au +Au collisions at √{sN N}=200 GeV . The measurement was conducted by the STAR experiment at RHIC utilizing a new high-resolution silicon tracker. The measured D0 v2 in 0%-80% centrality Au +Au collisions can be described by a viscous hydrodynamic calculation for a transverse momentum (pT) of less than 4 GeV /c . The D0 v2 as a function of transverse kinetic energy (mT-m0, where mT=√{pT2+m02 }) is consistent with that of light mesons in 10%-40% centrality Au +Au collisions. These results suggest that charm quarks have achieved local thermal equilibrium with the medium created in such collisions. Several theoretical models, with the temperature-dependent, dimensionless charm spatial diffusion coefficient (2 π T Ds) in the range of ˜2 - 12 , are able to simultaneously reproduce our D0 v2 result and our previously published results for the D0 nuclear modification factor.

  6. Kaon femtoscopy in Au+Au collisions at √SNN = 200 GeV at the STAR experiment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lidrych, Jindřich


    In this proceedings, the STAR preliminary results on femtoscopic correlations of identical kaons from Au+Au collisions at =200 GeV are presented. The measured kaon source radii are studied as a function of collision energy as well as centrality and transverse pair mass mT. In addition, extracted kaon blast-wave freeze-out parameters are presented.

  7. Molecular dynamics simulations on the effect of size and shape on the interactions between negative Au18(SR)14, Au102(SR)44 and Au144(SR)60 nanoparticles in physiological saline.


    Villareal, Oscar D; Rodriguez, Roberto A; Yu, Lili; Wambo, Thierry O


    Molecular dynamics simulations employing all-atom force fields have become a reliable way to study binding interactions quantitatively for a wide range of systems. In this work, we employ two recently developed methods for the calculation of dissociation constants K D between gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) of different sizes in a near-physiological environment through the potential of mean force (PMF) formalism: the method of geometrical restraints developed by Woo et al. and formalized by Gumbart et al. and the method of hybrid Steered Molecular Dynamics (hSMD). Obtaining identical results (within the margin of error) from both approaches on the negatively charged Au 18 (SR) 14 NP, functionalized by the negatively charged 4-mercapto-benzoate (pMBA) ligand, we draw parallels between their energetic and entropic interactions. By applying the hSMD method on Au 102 (SR) 44 and Au 144 (SR) 60 , both of them near-spherical in shape and functionalized by pMBA, we study the effects of size and shape on the binding interactions. Au 18 binds weakly with K D = 13 mM as a result of two opposing effects: its large surface curvature hindering the formation of salt bridges, and its large ligand density on preferential orientations favoring their formation. On the other hand, Au 102 binds more strongly with K D = 30 μM and Au 144 binds the strongest with K D = 3.2 nM .

  8. Role of Au-C Interactions on the Catalytic Activity of Au Nanoparticles Supported on TiC(001) Towards Molecular Oxygen Dissociation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rodriguez, J.A.; Feria, L.; Jirsak, T.


    High-resolution photoemission and density functional calculations on realistic slab surface models were used to study the interaction and subsequent dissociation of O{sub 2} with Au nanoparticles supported on TiC(001). The photoemission results indicate that at 150 K O{sub 2} adsorbs molecularly on the supported gold nanoparticles, and upon heating to temperatures above 200 K the O{sub 2} {yields} 2O reaction takes place with migration of atomic oxygen to the TiC(001) substrate. The addition of Au to TiC(001) substantially enhances the rate of O{sub 2} dissociation at room temperature. The reactivity of Au nanoparticles supported on TiC(001) toward O{sub 2} dissociationmore » is much larger than that of similar nanoparticles supported either on TiO{sub 2}(110) or MgO(001) surfaces, where the cleavage of O-O bonds is very difficult. Density functional calculations carried out on large supercells show that the contact of Au with TiC(001) is essential for charge polarization and an enhancement in the chemical activity of Au. Small two-dimensional particles which expose Au atoms in contact with TiC(001) are the most reactive. While O{sub 2} prefers binding to Au sites, the O atoms interact more strongly with the TiC(001) surface. The oxygen species active during the low-temperature (<200 K) oxidation of carbon monoxide on Au/TiC(001) is chemisorbed O{sub 2}. Once atomic O binds to TiC(001), the chemisorption bond is so strong that temperatures well above 400 K are necessary to remove the O adatoms from the TiC(001) substrate by direct reaction with CO. The high reactivity of Au/TiC(001) toward O{sub 2} at low-temperature opens the route for the transformation of alcohols and amines on the supported Au nanoparticles.« less

  9. Role of Au-C Interactions on the Catalytic Activity of Au Nanoparticles Supported on TiC(001) toward Molecular Oxygen Dissociation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rodriguez, J.; Feria, L; Jirsak, T


    High-resolution photoemission and density functional calculations on realistic slab surface models were used to study the interaction and subsequent dissociation of O{sub 2} with Au nanoparticles supported on TiC(001). The photoemission results indicate that at 150 K O{sub 2} adsorbs molecularly on the supported gold nanoparticles, and upon heating to temperatures above 200 K the O{sub 2} {yields} 2O reaction takes place with migration of atomic oxygen to the TiC(001) substrate. The addition of Au to TiC(001) substantially enhances the rate of O{sub 2} dissociation at room temperature. The reactivity of Au nanoparticles supported on TiC(001) toward O{sub 2} dissociationmore » is much larger than that of similar nanoparticles supported either on TiO{sub 2}(110) or MgO(001) surfaces, where the cleavage of O-O bonds is very difficult. Density functional calculations carried out on large supercells show that the contact of Au with TiC(001) is essential for charge polarization and an enhancement in the chemical activity of Au. Small two-dimensional particles which expose Au atoms in contact with TiC(001) are the most reactive. While O{sub 2} prefers binding to Au sites, the O atoms interact more strongly with the TiC(001) surface. The oxygen species active during the low-temperature (<200 K) oxidation of carbon monoxide on Au/TiC(001) is chemisorbed O{sub 2}. Once atomic O binds to TiC(001), the chemisorption bond is so strong that temperatures well above 400 K are necessary to remove the O adatoms from the TiC(001) substrate by direct reaction with CO. The high reactivity of Au/TiC(001) toward O{sub 2} at low-temperature opens the route for the transformation of alcohols and amines on the supported Au nanoparticles.« less

  10. Highly sensitive aptasensor based on synergetic catalysis activity of MoS2-Au-HE composite using cDNA-Au-GOD for signal amplification.


    Song, Hai-Yan; Kang, Tian-Fang; Lu, Li-Ping; Cheng, Shui-Yuan


    Single or few-layer nanosheets of MoS 2 (MoS 2 nanosheets) and a composite composed of MoS 2 nanosheets, Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) and hemin (HE) (denoted as MoS 2 -Au-HE) were prepared. The composites possessed high synergetic catalysis activity towards the electroreduction of hydrogen peroxide. Furthermore, glucose oxidase (GOD) and AuNPs were used as marker of the complementary DNA (cDNA) strand of kanamycin aptamer to prepare a conjugate (reffered as cDNA-Au-GOD) that was designed as the signal probe. Both cDNA-Au-GOD and MoS 2 -Au-HE were applied to fabricate aptasensor for kanamycin. MoS 2 -Au-HE acted as solid platform for kanamycin aptamer and signal transmitters. AuNPs were employed as the supporter of cDNA and GOD which catalyze dissolved oxygen to produce hydrogen peroxide in the presence of glucose. Then cathodic peak current of H 2 O 2 was recorded by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The electrochemical reduction of H 2 O 2 was catalyzed by MoS 2 -Au-HE that was modified onto the surface of a glassy carbon electrode (GCE). The cathodic peak current of H 2 O 2 was highly linearly decreased with an increase of kanamycin concentrations from 1.0ng/L to 1.0×10 5 ng/L, with a detection limit of 0.8ng/L. This aptasensor can be used to detect kanamycin in milk with high specificity, sensitivity and selectivity. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. 61. photographer unknown undated FIRST CONCRETE BEING POURED IN DRAFT ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    61. photographer unknown undated FIRST CONCRETE BEING POURED IN DRAFT TUBE FLOOR SLAB. - Bonneville Project, Powerhouse No.1, Spanning Bradford Slough, from Bradford Island, Bonneville, Multnomah County, OR

  12. Synthesis and characterization of Au incorporated Alq3 nanowires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khan, Mohammad Bilal; Ahmad, Sultan; Parwaz, M.; Rahul, Khan, Zishan H.


    We report the synthesis and characterization of pure and Au incorporated Alq3 nanowires. These nanowires are synthesized using thermal vapor transport method. The luminescence intensity of Au incorporated Alq3 nanowires are recorded to be higher than that of pure Alq3 nanowires, which is found to increase with the increase in Au concentration. Fluorescence quenching is also observed when Au concentration is increased beyond the certain limit.

  13. Methodes d'amas quantiques a temperature finie appliquees au modele de Hubbard

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plouffe, Dany

    Depuis leur decouverte dans les annees 80, les supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique ont suscite beaucoup d'interet en physique du solide. Comprendre l'origine des phases observees dans ces materiaux, telle la supraconductivite, est l'un des grands defis de la physique theorique du solide des 25 dernieres annees. L'un des mecanismes pressentis pour expliquer ces phenomenes est la forte interaction electron-electron. Le modele de Hubbard est l'un des modeles les plus simples pour tenir compte de ces interactions. Malgre la simplicite apparente de ce modele, certaines de ses caracteristiques, dont son diagramme de phase, ne sont toujours pas bien etablies, et ce malgre plusieurs avancements theoriques dans les dernieres annees. Cette etude se consacre a faire une analyse de methodes numeriques permettant de calculer diverses proprietes du modele de Hubbard en fonction de la temperature. Nous decrivons des methodes (la VCA et la CPT) qui permettent de calculer approximativement la fonction de Green a temperature finie sur un systeme infini a partir de la fonction de Green calculee sur un amas de taille finie. Pour calculer ces fonctions de Green, nous allons utiliser des methodes permettant de reduire considerablement les efforts numeriques necessaires pour les calculs des moyennes thermodynamiques, en reduisant considerablement l'espace des etats a considerer dans ces moyennes. Bien que cette etude vise d'abord a developper des methodes d'amas pour resoudre le modele de Hubbard a temperature finie de facon generale ainsi qu'a etudier les proprietes de base de ce modele, nous allons l'appliquer a des conditions qui s'approchent de supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique. Les methodes presentees dans cette etude permettent de tracer un diagramme de phase pour l'antiferromagnetisme et la supraconductivite qui presentent plusieurs similarites avec celui des supraconducteurs a haute temperature. Mots-cles : modele de Hubbard, thermodynamique

  14. Transverse momentum and centrality dependence of high-pT nonphotonic electron suppression in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s NN]=200 GeV.


    Abelev, B I; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Anderson, B D; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Bai, Y; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Baumgart, S; Belaga, V V; Bellingeri-Laurikainen, A; Bellwied, R; Benedosso, F; Betts, R R; Bhardwaj, S; Bhasin, A; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bland, L C; Blyth, S-L; Bombara, M; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Bouchet, J; Brandin, A V; Bravar, A; Burton, T P; Bystersky, M; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Callner, J; Catu, O; Cebra, D; Chajecki, Z; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, J H; Chen, J Y; Cheng, J; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Christie, W; Chung, S U; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cosentino, M R; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Dash, S; Daugherity, M; de Moura, M M; Dedovich, T G; Dephillips, M; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Djawotho, P; Dogra, S M; Dong, X; Drachenberg, J L; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Mazumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Edwards, W R; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Estienne, M; Fachini, P; Fatemi, R; Fedorisin, J; Feng, A; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fine, V; Fisyak, Y; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Gaillard, L; Ganti, M S; Garcia-Solis, E; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gorbunov, Y G; Gos, H; Grebenyuk, O; Grosnick, D; Guertin, S M; Guimaraes, K S F F; Gupta, N; Haag, B; Hallman, T J; Hamed, A; Harris, J W; He, W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffman, A M; Hoffmann, G W; Hofman, D; Hollis, R; Horner, M J; Huang, H Z; Hughes, E W; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Iordanova, A; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Jakl, P; Jia, F; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kang, K; Kapitan, J; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kechechyan, A; Kettler, D; Khodyrev, V Yu; Kim, B C; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Kislov, E M; Klein, S R; Knospe, A G; Kocoloski, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kouchpil, V; Kowalik, K L; Kravtsov, P; Kravtsov, V I; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kurnadi, P; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lapointe, S; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednicky, R; Lee, C-H; Lehocka, S; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Li, Y; Lin, G; Lin, X; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, H; Liu, J; Liu, L; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Longacre, R S; Love, W A; Lu, Y; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, G L; Ma, J G; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Mangotra, L K; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McClain, C J; McShane, T S; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Millane, J; Miller, M L; Minaev, N G; Mioduszewski, S; Mironov, C; Mischke, A; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Morozov, D A; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nattrass, C; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nepali, N S; Netrakanti, P K; Nogach, L V; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Pachr, M; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Peitzmann, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Perkins, C; Peryt, W; Phatak, S C; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Poljak, N; Porile, N; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Qattan, I A; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ray, R L; Relyea, D; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevskiy, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L; Russcher, M J; Sahoo, R; Sakrejda, I; Sakuma, T; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Sarsour, M; Sazhin, P S; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Seger, J; Selyuzhenkov, I; Seyboth, P; Shabetai, A; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shen, W Q; Shimanskiy, S S; Sichtermann, E P; Simon, F; Singaraju, R N; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Speltz, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stadnik, A; Stanislaus, T D S; Staszak, D; Stock, R; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Suaide, A A P; Suarez, M C; Subba, N L; Sumbera, M; Sun, X M; Sun, Z; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Tarnowsky, T; Thomas, J H; Timmins, A R; Timoshenko, S; Tokarev, M; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Tsai, O D; Ulery, J; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; van der Kolk, N; van Leeuwen, M; Vander Molen, A M; Varma, R; Vasilevski, I M; Vasiliev, A N; Vernet, R; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Vokal, S; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W T; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, J S; Wang, X L; Wang, Y; Watson, J W; Webb, J C; Westfall, G D; Wetzler, A; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wu, J; Wu, Y; Xu, N; Xu, Q H; Xu, Z; Yepes, P; Yoo, I-K; Yue, Q; Yurevich, V I; Zhan, W; Zhang, H; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Z P; Zhao, Y; Zhong, C; Zhou, J; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, Y; Zubarev, A N; Zuo, J X


    The STAR collaboration at the BNL Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) reports measurements of the inclusive yield of nonphotonic electrons, which arise dominantly from semileptonic decays of heavy flavor mesons, over a broad range of transverse momenta (1.2Au, and Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200 GeV. The nonphotonic electron yield exhibits an unexpectedly large suppression in central Au+Au collisions at high p(T), suggesting substantial heavy-quark energy loss at RHIC. The centrality and p(T) dependences of the suppression provide constraints on theoretical models of suppression.

  15. Microstructure and opto-electronic properties of Sn-rich Au-Sn diffusive solders

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rerek, T.; Skowronski, L.; Kobierski, M.; Naparty, M. K.; Derkowska-Zielinska, B.


    Microstructural and opto-electronic properties of Au ⧹ Sn and Sn ⧹ Au bilayers, obtained by sequential evaporating of metals on the Si substrate, were investigated by means of atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic ellipsometry. Thicknesses of individual films were established to obtain the atomic ratio of Au:Sn atoms 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4, which were favor the formation of AuSn, AuSn2 and AuSn4, respectively. However, the produced intermatallic compounds were detected as AuSn and AuSn2. Additionally, the unbounded Sn was found. The sequence of deposition of Au and Sn films as well as their thickness strongly affect on the composition, microstructure, optical and electrical properties of the produced layers. The Au ⧹ Sn (Sn on the top) layers were more smooth than Sn ⧹ Au (Au on the top) films. Generally, the Au ⧹ Sn layers exhibit a better electrical and optical properties than Sn ⧹ Au films. The optical parameters: plasma energy, free-carrier damping, mean relaxation time of conduction electrons and optical resistivity were determined from the effective complex dielectric function of the formed Au, Sn and Au-Sn films. The optical resistivity values are in the range from 17.8 μΩ cm to 85.1 μΩ cm and from 29.6 μΩ cm to 113.3 μΩ cm for Au ⧹ Sn and Sn ⧹ Au layers, respectively.

  16. Les calculs urinaires de l'enfant au Burkina Faso: à propos de 67 cas

    PubMed Central

    Ouédraogo, Isso; Napon, Aïcha Madina; Bandré, Emile; Ouédraogo, Francis Somkieta; Tapsoba, Wendlamita Toussaint; Wandaogo, Albert


    L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer la fréquence, de décrire les circonstances de découverte, les signes cliniques et paracliniques, la composition chimique des calculs prélevés et les difficultés rencontrées dans le traitement des lithiases urinaires. Notre étude a été rétrospective sur une période de six ans (janvier 2005 à décembre 2010) et a eu pour cadre le CHUP-CDG et a concerné 67 patients âgés de moins de 15 ans opérés pour lithiases urinaires. Les calculs de la dernière année au nombre de douze ont fait l'objet d'une analyse spectrophotométrique. La lithiase urinaire figure parmi les dix premières pathologies du service de chirurgie et représente 1,32% des hospitalisations. L’âge moyen de nos patients est de deux ans et varie de 6 mois à 14 ans. La symptomatologie de la lithiase urinaire est polymorphe. Le diagnostic des lithiases urinaires a été essentiellement radiologique (ASP) dans 87, 50 des cas. Les localisations les plus fréquentes sont: vésicales (49,25%) et pyéliques (46,26%). L'ECBU a révélé une infection urinaire chez 9 patients. Les germes le plus fréquemment rencontrés sont: Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumoniae (22,22%) et staphyloccocus aureus (22,22%). Les difficultés du traitement sont dues à la modicité de nos moyens diagnostiques et à la nature chimique des calculs et le traitement a été dans tous les cas chirurgical. La composition chimique est dominée par les sels calciques notamment les oxalates, les phosphates et les carbonates. PMID:26175840

  17. UV and visible light photocatalytic activity of Au/TiO2 nanoforests with Anatase/Rutile phase junctions and controlled Au locations.


    Yu, Yang; Wen, Wei; Qian, Xin-Yue; Liu, Jia-Bin; Wu, Jin-Ming


    To magnify anatase/rutile phase junction effects through appropriate Au decorations, a facile solution-based approach was developed to synthesize Au/TiO 2 nanoforests with controlled Au locations. The nanoforests cons®isted of anatase nanowires surrounded by radially grown rutile branches, on which Au nanoparticles were deposited with preferred locations controlled by simply altering the order of the fabrication step. The Au-decoration increased the photocatalytic activity under the illumination of either UV or visible light, because of the beneficial effects of either electron trapping or localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). Gold nanoparticles located preferably at the interface of anatase/rutile led to a further enhanced photocatalytic activity. The appropriate distributions of Au nanoparticles magnify the beneficial effects arising from the anatase/rutile phase junctions when illuminated by UV light. Under the visible light illumination, the LSPR effect followed by the consecutive electron transfer explains the enhanced photocatalysis. This study provides a facile route to control locations of gold nanoparticles in one-dimensional nanostructured arrays of multiple-phases semiconductors for achieving a further increased photocatalytic activity.

  18. The Influence of Interstitial Ga and Interfacial Au (sub 2)P (sub 3) on the Electrical and Metallurgical Behavior of Au-Contacted III-V Semiconductors

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Weizer, Victor G.; Fatemi, Navid S.


    The introduction of a very small amount of Ga into Au contact metallization on InP is shown to have a significant effect on both the metallurgical and electrical behavior of that contact system. Ga atoms in the interstices of the Au lattice are shown to be effective in preventing the solid state reactions that normally take place between Au and InP during contact sintering. In addition to suppressing the metallurgical interaction, the presence of small amounts of Ga is shown to cause an order of magnitude reduction in the specific contact resistivity. Evidence is presented that the reactions of GaP and GaAs with Au contacts are also drastically affected by the presence of Ga. The sintering behavior of the Au-GaP and the Au-GaAs systems (as contrasted with that of the Au-InP system) is explained as due to the presence of interstitial Ga in the contact metallization. Finally the large, two-to-three order of magnitude drop in the contact resistance that occurs in the Au-InP system upon sintering at 400 degrees Centigrade is shown to be a result of the formation of an Au (sub 2) P (sub 3) layer at the metal-semiconductor interface. Contact resistivities in the 10 (sup -6) ohm square centimeter range are obtained for as-deposited Au on InP when a thin (20 Angstrom) layer of Au (sub 2) P (sub 3) is introduced between the InP and the Au contacts.

  19. Identifying Au-based Te alloys for optical data storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wamwangi, D.; Detemple, R.; Woeltgens, H.-W.; Wuttig, M.; Zhang, X.


    Au18Sb23Te59 and Au19In26Te55 have been investigated to determine their suitability as phase change recording alloys. Recrystallization experiments identify Au18Sb23Te59 as a suitable phase change material with a recrystallization time of 110 ns and high optical contrast. Coupled to the high optical contrast is a considerable density increase of 4% upon crystallization which allows phase change recording for the Au18Sb23Te59 alloy. On the other hand no recrystallization has been observed optically for Au19In26Te55 due to its low optical contrast of less than 1%. This is related to a lower density contrast of 2%. The crystallization for the Au18Sb23Te59 and Au19In26Te55 alloys observed from temperature-dependent sheet resistance measurements have yielded transition temperatures of 113 and 175 °C, and activation barriers of 1.61±0.01 eV and 2.42±0.02 eV, respectively. We report a cubic structure (a=2.99±0.002 Å) for the Au18Sb23Te59 alloy and a chalcopyrite structure (a=6.50±0.018 Å and 12.27±0.025 Å) for the Au19In26Te55 material. These results confirm that suitable phase change alloys possess cubic structures rather than the chalcopyrite structure typical for sp3 bonded semiconductors.

  20. Identification of Au–S complexes on Au(100)


    Walen, Holly; Liu, Da -Jiang; Oh, Junepyo; ...


    In this study, using a combination of scanning tunneling microscopy and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we have identified a set of related Au–S complexes that form on Au(100), when sulfur adsorbs and lifts the hexagonal surface reconstruction. The predominant complex is diamond-shaped with stoichiometry Au 4S 5. All of the complexes can be regarded as combinations of S–Au–S subunits. The complexes exist within, or at the edges of, p(2 × 2) sulfur islands that cover the unreconstructed Au regions, and are observed throughout the range of S coverage examined in this study, 0.009 to 0.12 monolayers. A qualitative modelmore » is developed which incorporates competitive formation of complexes, Au rafts, and p(2 × 2) sulfur islands, as Au atoms are released by the surface structure transformation.« less

  1. A comparative study of the electrostatic potential of fullerene-like structures of Au 32 and Au 42

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Dong-Lai; Sun, Xiao-Ping; Shen, Hong-Tao; Hou, Dong-Yan; Zhai, Yu-Chun


    By using density functional theory calculations, it is found that the most negative MEP inside the gold cage occurs at the center of the sphere. The largest regions with the most negative MEP outside the sphere are localized in the neighborhood of the bridge sites and the vertex regions of the five-coordinated are more positive. The absolute values of the most negative potentials in both the inner and outer cages as well as the vertex regions of the five-coordinated of Au 32 structure are much larger than those of Au 42, which means Au 32 is preferable for electrophilic attack or nucleophilic processes.

  2. Au/NiFe/M(Au, MoS2, graphene) trilayer magnetoplasmonics DNA-hybridized sensors with high record of sensitivity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Faridi, Ehsan; Moradi, Maryam; Ansari, Narges; Ghasemi, Amir Hossein Baradaran; Afshar, Amir; Mohseni, Seyed Majid


    The demonstration of biosensors based on the surface plasmon effect holds promise for future high-sensitive electrodeless biodetection. The combination of magnetic effects with surface plasmon waves brings additional freedom to improve sensitivity and signal selectivity. Stacking biosensors with two-dimensional (2-D) materials, e.g., graphene (Gr) and MoS2, can influence plasmon waves and facilitate surface physiochemical properties as additional versatility aspects. We demonstrate magnetoplasmonic biosensors through the detuning of surface plasmon oscillation modes affected by magnetic effect via the presence of the NiFe (Py) layer and different light absorbers of Gr, MoS2, and Au ultrathin layers in three stacks of Au/Py/M(MoS2, Gr, Au) trilayers. We found minimum reflection, resonance angle shift, and transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect (TMOKE) responses of all sensors in the presence of the ss-DNA monolayer. Very few changes of ˜5×10-7 in the ss-DNA's refractive index result in valuable TMOKE response. We found that the presence of three-layer Gr and two-layer MoS2 on top of the Au/Py bilayer can dramatically increase the sensitivity by nine and four times, respectively, than the conventional Au/Co/Au trilayer. Our results show the highest reported DNA sensitivity based on the coupling of light with 2-D materials in magnetoplasmonic devices.

  3. A possible biomedical facility at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).


    Dosanjh, M; Jones, B; Myers, S


    A well-attended meeting, called "Brainstorming discussion for a possible biomedical facility at CERN", was held by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics on 25 June 2012. This was concerned with adapting an existing, but little used, 78-m circumference CERN synchrotron to deliver a wide range of ion species, preferably from protons to at least neon ions, with beam specifications that match existing clinical facilities. The potential extensive research portfolio discussed included beam ballistics in humanoid phantoms, advanced dosimetry, remote imaging techniques and technical developments in beam delivery, including gantry design. In addition, a modern laboratory for biomedical characterisation of these beams would allow important radiobiological studies, such as relative biological effectiveness, in a dedicated facility with standardisation of experimental conditions and biological end points. A control photon and electron beam would be required nearby for relative biological effectiveness comparisons. Research beam time availability would far exceed that at other facilities throughout the world. This would allow more rapid progress in several biomedical areas, such as in charged hadron therapy of cancer, radioisotope production and radioprotection. The ethos of CERN, in terms of open access, peer-reviewed projects and governance has been so successful for High Energy Physics that application of the same to biomedicine would attract high-quality research, with possible contributions from Europe and beyond, along with potential new funding streams.

  4. Size-induced chemical and magnetic ordering in individual Fe-Au nanoparticles.


    Mukherjee, Pinaki; Manchanda, Priyanka; Kumar, Pankaj; Zhou, Lin; Kramer, Matthew J; Kashyap, Arti; Skomski, Ralph; Sellmyer, David; Shield, Jeffrey E


    Formation of chemically ordered compounds of Fe and Au is inhibited in bulk materials due to their limited mutual solubility. However, here we report the formation of chemically ordered L12-type Fe3Au and FeAu3 compounds in Fe-Au sub-10 nm nanoparticles, suggesting that they are equilibrium structures in size-constrained systems. The stability of these L12-ordered Fe3Au and FeAu3 compounds along with a previously discovered L10-ordered FeAu has been explained by a size-dependent equilibrium thermodynamic model. Furthermore, the spin ordering of these three compounds has been computed using ab initio first-principle calculations. All ordered compounds exhibit a substantial magnetization at room temperature. The Fe3Au had a high saturation magnetization of about 143.6 emu/g with a ferromagnetic spin structure. The FeAu3 nanoparticles displayed a low saturation magnetization of about 11 emu/g. This suggests a antiferromagnetic spin structure, with the net magnetization arising from uncompensated surface spins. First-principle calculations using the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP) indicate that ferromagnetic ordering is energetically most stable in Fe3Au, while antiferromagnetic order is predicted in FeAu and FeAu3, consistent with the experimental results.

  5. Non Photonic e-D{sup 0} correlations in p+p and Au+Au collisions at {radical}(S{sub NN} = 200 GeV)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Geromitsos, Artemios

    The sum of charm and beauty in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV measured through non-photonic electrons, show similar suppression at high p{sub T} as light hadrons, in contrast to expectations based on the dead cone effect. To understand this observation, it is important to separate the charm and beauty components. Non-photonic electron-D{sup 0} and electron-hadron azimuthal angular correlations are used to disentangle the contributions from charm and beauty decays. The beauty contribution in p+p. collisions at 200 GeV is found to be comparable to charm at p{sub T}{approx}5.5 GeV, indicating that beauty may contribute significantly to the non photonic electronsmore » from heavy flavour decays in Au+Au data at high p{sub T}. Furthermore, we are employing microvertexing techniques, not used for the analysis of p+p collisions, in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV. We present our analysis status of D{sub 0} meson reconstruction.« less

  6. Charged particle multiplicity fluctuations in Au+Au collisions at \\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200\\, {\\rm GeV}

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wozniak, Krzysztof; PHOBOS Collaboration; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Holynski, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J. L.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wyslouch, B.


    This paper presents the first PHOBOS results on charged particle multiplicity fluctuations measured for Au+Au collisions at the highest RHIC energy within a wide pseudorapidity range of |eegr| < 3. The dependence on collision geometry is removed in the analysis by using the normalized difference between the number of particles in separate eegr bins. We compare our data to HIJING model predictions.

  7. A general and high-yield galvanic displacement approach to Au-M (M = Au, Pd, and Pt) core-shell nanostructures with porous shells and enhanced electrocatalytic performances.


    Kuai, Long; Geng, Baoyou; Wang, Shaozhen; Sang, Yan


    In this work, we utilize the galvanic displacement synthesis and make it a general and efficient method for the preparation of Au-M (M = Au, Pd, and Pt) core-shell nanostructures with porous shells, which consist of multilayer nanoparticles. The method is generally applicable to the preparation of Au-Au, Au-Pd, and Au-Pt core-shell nanostructures with typical porous shells. Moreover, the Au-Au isomeric core-shell nanostructure is reported for the first time. The lower oxidation states of Au(I), Pd(II), and Pt(II) are supposed to contribute to the formation of porous core-shell nanostructures instead of yolk-shell nanostructures. The electrocatalytic ethanol oxidation and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) performance of porous Au-Pd core-shell nanostructures are assessed as a typical example for the investigation of the advantages of the obtained core-shell nanostructures. As expected, the Au-Pd core-shell nanostructure indeed exhibits a significantly reduced overpotential (the peak potential is shifted in the positive direction by 44 mV and 32 mV), a much improved CO tolerance (I(f)/I(b) is 3.6 and 1.63 times higher), and an enhanced catalytic stability in comparison with Pd nanoparticles and Pt/C catalysts. Thus, porous Au-M (M = Au, Pd, and Pt) core-shell nanostructures may provide many opportunities in the fields of organic catalysis, direct alcohol fuel cells, surface-enhanced Raman scattering, and so forth. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. ϕ Meson Spin Alignment and the Azimuthal Angle Dependence of Λ (Λ) Polarization in Au+Au collisions at RHIC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tu, Biao


    Initial large global angular momentum in non-central relativistic heavy-ion collisions can produce strong vorticity, and through the spin-orbit coupling, causes the spin of particles to align with the system's global angular momentum. We present the azimuthal angle dependent (relative to the reaction plane) polarization for Λ and Λ in mid-central Au+Au collisions at = 200 GeV. We also present the ϕ meson spin alignment parameter, ρ00 in Au+Au collisions at = 19.6, 27, 39, 62.4 and 200 GeV. The implications of the results are discussed.

  9. 60. photographer unknown undated CONCRETE BEING POURED ON CENTER PORTION ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    60. photographer unknown undated CONCRETE BEING POURED ON CENTER PORTION OF DRAFT TUBE FLOOR SLAB. - Bonneville Project, Powerhouse No.1, Spanning Bradford Slough, from Bradford Island, Bonneville, Multnomah County, OR

  10. Calcifications valvulaires chez l'hémodialysé au Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Noto-Kadou-Kaza, Béfa; Abouamrane, Lalla Meryam; Mtiou, Naoufal; El Khaya, Selma; Zamd, Mohamed; Medkouri, Ghislaine; Bengahanem, Mohamed Gharbi; Ramdani, Benyounes


    Introduction Les calcifications valvulaires constituent une des complications cardiovasculaires majeures de l'hémodialysé de par sa prévalence et son caractère prédictif de morbidité et de mortalité. De nombreux facteurs de risque sont à l'origine de ces calcifications. Le but de notre étude est d’évaluer à la fois la prévalence des calcifications valvulaires chez nos patients hémodialysés ainsi que leurs facteurs de risque. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale monocentrique, descriptive et analytique, ayant inclus 111 patients adultes hémodialysés depuis plus de 6 mois au centre d'hémodialyse du CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca et qui ont eu à bénéficier d'une ETT durant l'année 2013. Résultats L’âge moyen de nos patients était de 44 ± 14 ans. L'ancienneté moyenne en hémodialyse était de 146 ± 80 mois. La pression artérielle moyenne était de 123 ± 23 mmHg pour la systolique et de 72 ± 13 mmHg pour la diastolique, la PTHi moyenne de 529±460 pg/ml, la calcémie moyenne de 86±10 mg/l et la phosphatémie moyenne de 40±15 mg/l. La CRP moyenne était de 11±19,8 mg/L. Sur le plan thérapeutique, 96% des patients étaient sous carbonate de calcium, 11% sous 25 OH vitamine D, 55,5% sous 1 hydroxy-vitamine D3. La prévalence des calcifications valvulaires était de 15% avec une localisation valvulaire aortique dans 41,2% et valvulaire mitrale dans 41,2%. En analyse univariée, seule la durée d'hémodialyse semble être associée à la survenue des calcifications avec p = 0,09 proche du seuil de significativité. Conclusion La prévalence des calcifications valvulaires chez nos patients hémodialysés reste élevée même si elle parait relativement moindre comparée aux données de la littérature. Aucun facteur de risque connu n'est apparu significativement associé à ces calcifications. PMID:27642453

  11. The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    ATLAS Collaboration; Aad, G.; Abat, E.; Abdallah, J.; Abdelalim, A. A.; Abdesselam, A.; Abdinov, O.; Abi, B. A.; Abolins, M.; Abramowicz, H.; Acerbi, E.; Acharya, B. S.; Achenbach, R.; Ackers, M.; Adams, D. L.; Adamyan, F.; Addy, T. N.; Aderholz, M.; Adorisio, C.; Adragna, P.; Aharrouche, M.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahles, F.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmed, H.; Aielli, G.; Åkesson, P. F.; Åkesson, T. P. A.; Akimov, A. V.; Alam, S. M.; Albert, J.; Albrand, S.; Aleksa, M.; Aleksandrov, I. N.; Aleppo, M.; Alessandria, F.; Alexa, C.; Alexander, G.; Alexopoulos, T.; Alimonti, G.; Aliyev, M.; Allport, P. P.; Allwood-Spiers, S. E.; Aloisio, A.; Alonso, J.; Alves, R.; Alviggi, M. G.; Amako, K.; Amaral, P.; Amaral, S. P.; Ambrosini, G.; Ambrosio, G.; Amelung, C.; Ammosov, V. V.; Amorim, A.; Amram, N.; Anastopoulos, C.; Anderson, B.; Anderson, K. J.; Anderssen, E. C.; Andreazza, A.; Andrei, V.; Andricek, L.; Andrieux, M.-L.; Anduaga, X. S.; Anghinolfi, F.; Antonaki, A.; Antonelli, M.; Antonelli, S.; Apsimon, R.; Arabidze, G.; Aracena, I.; Arai, Y.; Arce, A. T. H.; Archambault, J. P.; Arguin, J.-F.; Arik, E.; Arik, M.; Arms, K. E.; Armstrong, S. R.; Arnaud, M.; Arnault, C.; Artamonov, A.; Asai, S.; Ask, S.; Åsman, B.; Asner, D.; Asquith, L.; Assamagan, K.; Astbury, A.; Athar, B.; Atkinson, T.; Aubert, B.; Auerbach, B.; Auge, E.; Augsten, K.; Aulchenko, V. M.; Austin, N.; Avolio, G.; Avramidou, R.; Axen, A.; Ay, C.; Azuelos, G.; Baccaglioni, G.; Bacci, C.; Bachacou, H.; Bachas, K.; Bachy, G.; Badescu, E.; Bagnaia, P.; Bailey, D. C.; Baines, J. T.; Baker, O. K.; Ballester, F.; Baltasar Dos Santos Pedrosa, F.; Banas, E.; Banfi, D.; Bangert, A.; Bansal, V.; Baranov, S. P.; Baranov, S.; Barashkou, A.; Barberio, E. L.; Barberis, D.; Barbier, G.; Barclay, P.; Bardin, D. Y.; Bargassa, P.; Barillari, T.; Barisonzi, M.; Barnett, B. M.; Barnett, R. M.; Baron, S.; Baroncelli, A.; Barone, M.; Barr, A. J.; Barreiro, F.; Barreiro Guimarães da Costa, J.; Barrillon, P.; Barriuso Poy, A.; Barros, N.; Bartheld, V.; Bartko, H.; Bartoldus, R.; Basiladze, S.; Bastos, J.; Batchelor, L. E.; Bates, R. L.; Batley, J. R.; Batraneanu, S.; Battistin, M.; Battistoni, G.; Batusov, V.; Bauer, F.; Bauss, B.; Baynham, D. E.; Bazalova, M.; Bazan, A.; Beauchemin, P. H.; Beaugiraud, B.; Beccherle, R. B.; Beck, G. A.; Beck, H. P.; Becks, K. H.; Bedajanek, I.; Beddall, A. J.; Beddall, A.; Bednár, P.; Bednyakov, V. A.; Bee, C.; Behar Harpaz, S.; Belanger, G. A. N.; Belanger-Champagne, C.; Belhorma, B.; Bell, P. J.; Bell, W. H.; Bella, G.; Bellachia, F.; Bellagamba, L.; Bellina, F.; Bellomo, G.; Bellomo, M.; Beltramello, O.; Belymam, A.; Ben Ami, S.; Ben Moshe, M.; Benary, O.; Benchekroun, D.; Benchouk, C.; Bendel, M.; Benedict, B. H.; Benekos, N.; Benes, J.; Benhammou, Y.; Benincasa, G. P.; Benjamin, D. P.; Bensinger, J. R.; Benslama, K.; Bentvelsen, S.; Beretta, M.; Berge, D.; Bergeaas, E.; Berger, N.; Berghaus, F.; Berglund, S.; Bergsma, F.; Beringer, J.; Bernabéu, J.; Bernardet, K.; Berriaud, C.; Berry, T.; Bertelsen, H.; Bertin, A.; Bertinelli, F.; Bertolucci, S.; Besson, N.; Beteille, A.; Bethke, S.; Bialas, W.; Bianchi, R. M.; Bianco, M.; Biebel, O.; Bieri, M.; Biglietti, M.; Bilokon, H.; Binder, M.; Binet, S.; Bingefors, N.; Bingul, A.; Bini, C.; Biscarat, C.; Bischof, R.; Bischofberger, M.; Bitadze, A.; Bizzell, J. P.; Black, K. M.; Blair, R. E.; Blaising, J. J.; Blanch, O.; Blanchot, G.; Blocker, C.; Blocki, J.; Blondel, A.; Blum, W.; Blumenschein, U.; Boaretto, C.; Bobbink, G. J.; Bocci, A.; Bocian, D.; Bock, R.; Boehm, M.; Boek, J.; Bogaerts, J. A.; Bogouch, A.; Bohm, C.; Bohm, J.; Boisvert, V.; Bold, T.; Boldea, V.; Bondarenko, V. G.; Bonino, R.; Bonis, J.; Bonivento, W.; Bonneau, P.; Boonekamp, M.; Boorman, G.; Boosten, M.; Booth, C. N.; Booth, P. S. L.; Booth, P.; Booth, J. R. A.; Borer, K.; Borisov, A.; Borjanovic, I.; Bos, K.; Boscherini, D.; Bosi, F.; Bosman, M.; Bosteels, M.; Botchev, B.; Boterenbrood, H.; Botterill, D.; Boudreau, J.; Bouhova-Thacker, E. V.; Boulahouache, C.; Bourdarios, C.; Boutemeur, M.; Bouzakis, K.; Boyd, G. R.; Boyd, J.; Boyer, B. H.; Boyko, I. R.; Bozhko, N. I.; Braccini, S.; Braem, A.; Branchini, P.; Brandenburg, G. W.; Brandt, A.; Brandt, O.; Bratzler, U.; Braun, H. M.; Bravo, S.; Brawn, I. P.; Brelier, B.; Bremer, J.; Brenner, R.; Bressler, S.; Breton, D.; Brett, N. D.; Breugnon, P.; Bright-Thomas, P. G.; Brochu, F. M.; Brock, I.; Brock, R.; Brodbeck, T. J.; Brodet, E.; Broggi, F.; Broklova, Z.; Bromberg, C.; Brooijmans, G.; Brouwer, G.; Broz, J.; Brubaker, E.; Bruckman de Renstrom, P. A.; Bruncko, D.; Bruni, A.; Bruni, G.; Bruschi, M.; Buanes, T.; Buchanan, N. J.; Buchholz, P.; Budagov, I. A.; Büscher, V.; Bugge, L.; Buira-Clark, D.; Buis, E. J.; Bujor, F.; Buran, T.; Burckhart, H.; Burckhart-Chromek, D.; Burdin, S.; Burns, R.; Busato, E.; Buskop, J. J. F.; Buszello, K. P.; Butin, F.; Butler, J. M.; Buttar, C. M.; Butterworth, J.; Butterworth, J. M.; Byatt, T.; Cabrera Urbán, S.; Cabruja Casas, E.; Caccia, M.; Caforio, D.; Cakir, O.; Calafiura, P.; Calderini, G.; Calderón Terol, D.; Callahan, J.; Caloba, L. P.; Caloi, R.; Calvet, D.; Camard, A.; Camarena, F.; Camarri, P.; Cambiaghi, M.; Cameron, D.; Cammin, J.; Campabadal Segura, F.; Campana, S.; Canale, V.; Cantero, J.; Capeans Garrido, M. D. M.; Caprini, I.; Caprini, M.; Caprio, M.; Caracinha, D.; Caramarcu, C.; Carcagno, Y.; Cardarelli, R.; Cardeira, C.; Cardiel Sas, L.; Cardini, A.; Carli, T.; Carlino, G.; Carminati, L.; Caron, B.; Caron, S.; Carpentieri, C.; Carr, F. S.; Carter, A. A.; Carter, J. R.; Carvalho, J.; Casadei, D.; Casado, M. P.; Cascella, M.; Caso, C.; Castelo, J.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Castro, N.; Castrovillari, F.; Cataldi, G.; Cataneo, F.; Catinaccio, A.; Catmore, J. R.; Cattai, A.; Caughron, S.; Cauz, D.; Cavallari, A.; Cavalleri, P.; Cavalli, D.; Cavalli-Sforza, M.; Cavasinni, V.; Ceradini, F.; Cerna, C.; Cernoch, C.; Cerqueira, A. S.; Cerri, A.; Cerutti, F.; Cervetto, M.; Cetin, S. A.; Cevenini, F.; Chalifour, M.; Chamizo llatas, M.; Chan, A.; Chapman, J. W.; Charlton, D. G.; Charron, S.; Chekulaev, S. V.; Chelkov, G. A.; Chen, H.; Chen, L.; Chen, T.; Chen, X.; Cheng, S.; Cheng, T. L.; Cheplakov, A.; Chepurnov, V. F.; Cherkaoui El Moursli, R.; Chesneanu, D.; Cheu, E.; Chevalier, L.; Chevalley, J. L.; Chevallier, F.; Chiarella, V.; Chiefari, G.; Chikovani, L.; Chilingarov, A.; Chiodini, G.; Chouridou, S.; Chren, D.; Christiansen, T.; Christidi, I. A.; Christov, A.; Chu, M. L.; Chudoba, J.; Chuguev, A. G.; Ciapetti, G.; Cicalini, E.; Ciftci, A. K.; Cindro, V.; Ciobotaru, M. D.; Ciocio, A.; Cirilli, M.; Citterio, M.; Ciubancan, M.; Civera, J. V.; Clark, A.; Cleland, W.; Clemens, J. C.; Clement, B. C.; Clément, C.; Clements, D.; Clifft, R. W.; Cobal, M.; Coccaro, A.; Cochran, J.; Coco, R.; Coe, P.; Coelli, S.; Cogneras, E.; Cojocaru, C. D.; Colas, J.; Colijn, A. P.; Collard, C.; Collins-Tooth, C.; Collot, J.; Coluccia, R.; Comune, G.; Conde Muiño, P.; Coniavitis, E.; Consonni, M.; Constantinescu, S.; Conta, C.; Conventi, F. A.; Cook, J.; Cooke, M.; Cooper-Smith, N. J.; Cornelissen, T.; Corradi, M.; Correard, S.; Corso-Radu, A.; Coss, J.; Costa, G.; Costa, M. J.; Costanzo, D.; Costin, T.; Coura Torres, R.; Courneyea, L.; Couyoumtzelis, C.; Cowan, G.; Cox, B. E.; Cox, J.; Cragg, D. A.; Cranmer, K.; Cranshaw, J.; Cristinziani, M.; Crosetti, G.; Cuenca Almenar, C.; Cuneo, S.; Cunha, A.; Curatolo, M.; Curtis, C. J.; Cwetanski, P.; Czyczula, Z.; D'Auria, S.; D'Onofrio, M.; Da Rocha Gesualdi Mello, A.; Da Silva, P. V. M.; Da Silva, R.; Dabrowski, W.; Dael, A.; Dahlhoff, A.; Dai, T.; Dallapiccola, C.; Dallison, S. J.; Dalmau, J.; Daly, C. H.; Dam, M.; Damazio, D.; Dameri, M.; Danielsen, K. M.; Danielsson, H. O.; Dankers, R.; Dannheim, D.; Darbo, G.; Dargent, P.; Daum, C.; Dauvergne, J. P.; David, M.; Davidek, T.; Davidson, N.; Davidson, R.; Dawson, I.; Dawson, J. W.; Daya, R. K.; De, K.; de Asmundis, R.; de Boer, R.; DeCastro, S.; DeGroot, N.; de Jong, P.; de La Broise, X.; DeLa Cruz-Burelo, E.; DeLa Taille, C.; DeLotto, B.; DeOliveira Branco, M.; DePedis, D.; de Saintignon, P.; DeSalvo, A.; DeSanctis, U.; DeSanto, A.; DeVivie DeRegie, J. B.; DeZorzi, G.; Dean, S.; Dedes, G.; Dedovich, D. V.; Defay, P. O.; Degele, R.; Dehchar, M.; Deile, M.; DelPapa, C.; DelPeso, J.; DelPrete, T.; Delagnes, E.; Delebecque, P.; Dell'Acqua, A.; Della Pietra, M.; della Volpe, D.; Delmastro, M.; Delpierre, P.; Delruelle, N.; Delsart, P. A.; Deluca Silberberg, C.; Demers, S.; Demichev, M.; Demierre, P.; Demirköz, B.; Deng, W.; Denisov, S. P.; Dennis, C.; Densham, C. J.; Dentan, M.; Derkaoui, J. E.; Derue, F.; Dervan, P.; Desch, K. K.; Dewhurst, A.; Di Ciaccio, A.; Di Ciaccio, L.; Di Domenico, A.; Di Girolamo, A.; Di Girolamo, B.; Di Luise, S.; Di Mattia, A.; Di Simone, A.; Diaz Gomez, M. M.; Diehl, E. B.; Dietl, H.; Dietrich, J.; Dietsche, W.; Diglio, S.; Dima, M.; Dindar, K.; Dinkespiler, B.; Dionisi, C.; Dipanjan, R.; Dita, P.; Dita, S.; Dittus, F.; Dixon, S. D.; Djama, F.; Djilkibaev, R.; Djobava, T.; do Vale, M. A. B.; Dobbs, M.; Dobinson, R.; Dobos, D.; Dobson, E.; Dobson, M.; Dodd, J.; Dogan, O. B.; Doherty, T.; Doi, Y.; Dolejsi, J.; Dolenc, I.; Dolezal, Z.; Dolgoshein, B. A.; Domingo, E.; Donega, M.; Dopke, J.; Dorfan, D. E.; Dorholt, O.; Doria, A.; Dos Anjos, A.; Dosil, M.; Dotti, A.; Dova, M. T.; Dowell, J. D.; Doyle, A. T.; Drake, G.; Drakoulakos, D.; Drasal, Z.; Drees, J.; Dressnandt, N.; Drevermann, H.; Driouichi, C.; Dris, M.; Drohan, J. G.; Dubbert, J.; Dubbs, T.; Duchovni, E.; Duckeck, G.; Dudarev, A.; Dührssen, M.; Dür, H.; Duerdoth, I. P.; Duffin, S.; Duflot, L.; Dufour, M.-A.; Dumont Dayot, N.; Duran Yildiz, H.; Durand, D.; Dushkin, A.; Duxfield, R.; Dwuznik, M.; Dydak, F.; Dzahini, D.; Díez Cornell, S.; Düren, M.; Ebenstein, W. L.; Eckert, S.; Eckweiler, S.; Eerola, P.; Efthymiopoulos, I.; Egede, U.; Egorov, K.; Ehrenfeld, W.; Eifert, T.; Eigen, G.; Einsweiler, K.; Eisenhandler, E.; Ekelof, T.; Eklund, L. M.; El Kacimi, M.; Ellert, M.; Elles, S.; Ellis, N.; Elmsheuser, J.; Elsing, M.; Ely, R.; Emeliyanov, D.; Engelmann, R.; Engström, M.; Ennes, P.; Epp, B.; Eppig, A.; Epshteyn, V. S.; Ereditato, A.; Eremin, V.; Eriksson, D.; Ermoline, I.; Ernwein, J.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Escalier, M.; Escobar, C.; Espinal Curull, X.; Esposito, B.; Esteves, F.; Etienne, F.; Etienvre, A. I.; Etzion, E.; Evans, H.; Evdokimov, V. N.; Evtoukhovitch, P.; Eyring, A.; Fabbri, L.; Fabjan, C. W.; Fabre, C.; Faccioli, P.; Facius, K.; Fadeyev, V.; Fakhrutdinov, R. M.; Falciano, S.; Falleau, I.; Falou, A. C.; Fang, Y.; Fanti, M.; Farbin, A.; Farilla, A.; Farrell, J.; Farthouat, P.; Fasching, D.; Fassi, F.; Fassnacht, P.; Fassouliotis, D.; Fawzi, F.; Fayard, L.; Fayette, F.; Febbraro, R.; Fedin, O. L.; Fedorko, I.; Feld, L.; Feldman, G.; Feligioni, L.; Feng, C.; Feng, E. J.; Fent, J.; Fenyuk, A. B.; Ferencei, J.; Ferguson, D.; Ferland, J.; Fernando, W.; Ferrag, S.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrari, P.; Ferrari, R.; Ferrer, A.; Ferrer, M. L.; Ferrere, D.; Ferretti, C.; Ferro, F.; Fiascaris, M.; Fichet, S.; Fiedler, F.; Filimonov, V.; Filipčič, A.; Filippas, A.; Filthaut, F.; Fincke-Keeler, M.; Finocchiaro, G.; Fiorini, L.; Firan, A.; Fischer, P.; Fisher, M. J.; Fisher, S. M.; Flaminio, V.; Flammer, J.; Flechl, M.; Fleck, I.; Flegel, W.; Fleischmann, P.; Fleischmann, S.; Fleta Corral, C. M.; Fleuret, F.; Flick, T.; Flix, J.; Flores Castillo, L. R.; Flowerdew, M. J.; Föhlisch, F.; Fokitis, M.; Fonseca Martin, T. M.; Fopma, J.; Forbush, D. A.; Formica, A.; Foster, J. M.; Fournier, D.; Foussat, A.; Fowler, A. J.; Fox, H.; Francavilla, P.; Francis, D.; Franz, S.; Fraser, J. T.; Fraternali, M.; Fratianni, S.; Freestone, J.; French, R. S.; Fritsch, K.; Froidevaux, D.; Frost, J. A.; Fukunaga, C.; Fulachier, J.; Fullana Torregrosa, E.; Fuster, J.; Gabaldon, C.; Gadomski, S.; Gagliardi, G.; Gagnon, P.; Gallas, E. J.; Gallas, M. V.; Gallop, B. J.; Gan, K. K.; Gannaway, F. C.; Gao, Y. S.; Gapienko, V. A.; Gaponenko, A.; Garciá, C.; Garcia-Sciveres, M.; Garcìa Navarro, J. E.; Garde, V.; Gardner, R. W.; Garelli, N.; Garitaonandia, H.; Garonne, V. G.; Garvey, J.; Gatti, C.; Gaudio, G.; Gaumer, O.; Gautard, V.; Gauzzi, P.; Gavrilenko, I. L.; Gay, C.; Gayde, J.-C.; Gazis, E. N.; Gazo, E.; Gee, C. N. P.; Geich-Gimbel, C.; Gellerstedt, K.; Gemme, C.; Genest, M. H.; Gentile, S.; George, M. A.; George, S.; Gerlach, P.; Gernizky, Y.; Geweniger, C.; Ghazlane, H.; Ghete, V. M.; Ghez, P.; Ghodbane, N.; Giacobbe, B.; Giagu, S.; Giakoumopoulou, V.; Giangiobbe, V.; Gianotti, F.; Gibbard, B.; Gibson, A.; Gibson, M. D.; Gibson, S. M.; Gieraltowski, G. F.; Gil Botella, I.; Gilbert, L. M.; Gilchriese, M.; Gildemeister, O.; Gilewsky, V.; Gillman, A. R.; Gingrich, D. M.; Ginzburg, J.; Giokaris, N.; Giordani, M. P.; Girard, C. G.; Giraud, P. F.; Girtler, P.; Giugni, D.; Giusti, P.; Gjelsten, B. K.; Glasman, C.; Glazov, A.; Glitza, K. W.; Glonti, G. L.; Gnanvo, K. G.; Godlewski, J.; Göpfert, T.; Gössling, C.; Göttfert, T.; Goldfarb, S.; Goldin, D.; Goldschmidt, N.; Golling, T.; Gollub, N. P.; Golonka, P. J.; Golovnia, S. N.; Gomes, A.; Gomes, J.; Gonçalo, R.; Gongadze, A.; Gonidec, A.; Gonzalez, S.; González de la Hoz, S.; González Millán, V.; Gonzalez Silva, M. L.; Gonzalez-Pineiro, B.; González-Sevilla, S.; Goodrick, M. J.; Goodson, J. J.; Goossens, L.; Gorbounov, P. A.; Gordeev, A.; Gordon, H.; Gorelov, I.; Gorfine, G.; Gorini, B.; Gorini, E.; Gorišek, A.; Gornicki, E.; Gorokhov, S. A.; Gorski, B. T.; Goryachev, S. V.; Goryachev, V. N.; Gosselink, M.; Gostkin, M. I.; Gouanère, M.; Gough Eschrich, I.; Goujdami, D.; Goulette, M.; Gousakov, I.; Gouveia, J.; Gowdy, S.; Goy, C.; Grabowska-Bold, I.; Grabski, V.; Grafström, P.; Grah, C.; Grahn, K.-J.; Grancagnolo, F.; Grancagnolo, S.; Grassmann, H.; Gratchev, V.; Gray, H. M.; Graziani, E.; Green, B.; Greenall, A.; Greenfield, D.; Greenwood, D.; Gregor, I. M.; Grewal, A.; Griesmayer, E.; Grigalashvili, N.; Grigson, C.; Grillo, A. A.; Grimaldi, F.; Grimm, K.; Gris, P. L. Y.; Grishkevich, Y.; Groenstege, H.; Groer, L. S.; Grognuz, J.; Groh, M.; Gross, E.; Grosse-Knetter, J.; Grothe, M. E. M.; Grudzinski, J.; Gruse, C.; Gruwe, M.; Grybel, K.; Grybos, P.; Gschwendtner, E. M.; Guarino, V. J.; Guicheney, C. J.; Guilhem, G.; Guillemin, T.; Gunther, J.; Guo, B.; Gupta, A.; Gurriana, L.; Gushchin, V. N.; Gutierrez, P.; Guy, L.; Guyot, C.; Gwenlan, C.; Gwilliam, C. B.; Haas, A.; Haas, S.; Haber, C.; Haboubi, G.; Hackenburg, R.; Hadash, E.; Hadavand, H. K.; Haeberli, C.; Härtel, R.; Haggerty, R.; Hahn, F.; Haider, S.; Hajduk, Z.; Hakimi, M.; Hakobyan, H.; Hakobyan, H.; Haller, J.; Hallewell, G. D.; Hallgren, B.; Hamacher, K.; Hamilton, A.; Han, H.; Han, L.; Hanagaki, K.; Hance, M.; Hanke, P.; Hansen, C. J.; Hansen, F. H.; Hansen, J. R.; Hansen, J. B.; Hansen, J. D.; Hansen, P. H.; Hansl-Kozanecka, T.; Hanson, G.; Hansson, P.; Hara, K.; Harder, S.; Harel, A.; Harenberg, T.; Harper, R.; Hart, J. C.; Hart, R. G. G.; Hartjes, F.; Hartman, N.; Haruyama, T.; Harvey, A.; Hasegawa, Y.; Hashemi, K.; Hassani, S.; Hatch, M.; Hatley, R. W.; Haubold, T. G.; Hauff, D.; Haug, F.; Haug, S.; Hauschild, M.; Hauser, R.; Hauviller, C.; Havranek, M.; Hawes, B. M.; Hawkings, R. J.; Hawkins, D.; Hayler, T.; Hayward, H. S.; Haywood, S. J.; Hazen, E.; He, M.; He, Y. P.; Head, S. J.; Hedberg, V.; Heelan, L.; Heinemann, F. E. W.; Heldmann, M.; Hellman, S.; Helsens, C.; Henderson, R. C. W.; Hendriks, P. J.; Henriques Correia, A. M.; Henrot-Versille, S.; Henry-Couannier, F.; Henß, T.; Herten, G.; Hertenberger, R.; Hervas, L.; Hess, M.; Hessey, N. P.; Hicheur, A.; Hidvegi, A.; Higón-Rodriguez, E.; Hill, D.; Hill, J.; Hill, J. C.; Hill, N.; Hillier, S. J.; Hinchliffe, I.; Hindson, D.; Hinkelbein, C.; Hodges, T. A.; Hodgkinson, M. C.; Hodgson, P.; Hoecker, A.; Hoeferkamp, M. R.; Hoffman, J.; Hoffmann, A. E.; Hoffmann, D.; Hoffmann, H. F.; Holder, M.; Hollins, T. I.; Hollyman, G.; Holmes, A.; Holmgren, S. O.; Holt, R.; Holtom, E.; Holy, T.; Homer, R. J.; Homma, Y.; Homola, P.; Honerbach, W.; Honma, A.; Hooton, I.; Horazdovsky, T.; Horn, C.; Horvat, S.; Hostachy, J.-Y.; Hott, T.; Hou, S.; Houlden, M. A.; Hoummada, A.; Hover, J.; Howell, D. F.; Hrivnac, J.; Hruska, I.; Hryn'ova, T.; Huang, G. S.; Hubacek, Z.; Hubaut, F.; Huegging, F.; Huffman, B. T.; Hughes, E.; Hughes, G.; Hughes-Jones, R. E.; Hulsbergen, W.; Hurst, P.; Hurwitz, M.; Huse, T.; Huseynov, N.; Huston, J.; Huth, J.; Iacobucci, G.; Ibbotson, M.; Ibragimov, I.; Ichimiya, R.; Iconomidou-Fayard, L.; Idarraga, J.; Idzik, M.; Iengo, P.; Iglesias Escudero, M. C.; Igonkina, O.; Ikegami, Y.; Ikeno, M.; Ilchenko, Y.; Ilyushenka, Y.; Imbault, D.; Imbert, P.; Imhaeuser, M.; Imori, M.; Ince, T.; Inigo-Golfin, J.; Inoue, K.; Ioannou, P.; Iodice, M.; Ionescu, G.; Ishii, K.; Ishino, M.; Ishizawa, Y.; Ishmukhametov, R.; Issever, C.; Ito, H.; Ivashin, A. V.; Iwanski, W.; Iwasaki, H.; Izen, J. M.; Izzo, V.; Jackson, J.; Jackson, J. N.; Jaekel, M.; Jagielski, S.; Jahoda, M.; Jain, V.; Jakobs, K.; Jakubek, J.; Jansen, E.; Jansweijer, P. P. M.; Jared, R. C.; Jarlskog, G.; Jarp, S.; Jarron, P.; Jelen, K.; Jen-La Plante, I.; Jenni, P.; Jeremie, A.; Jez, P.; Jézéquel, S.; Jiang, Y.; Jin, G.; Jin, S.; Jinnouchi, O.; Joffe, D.; Johansen, L. G.; Johansen, M.; Johansson, K. E.; Johansson, P.; Johns, K. A.; Jon-And, K.; Jones, M.; Jones, R.; Jones, R. W. L.; Jones, T. W.; Jones, T. J.; Jones, A.; Jonsson, O.; Joo, K. K.; Joos, D.; Joos, M.; Joram, C.; Jorgensen, S.; Joseph, J.; Jovanovic, P.; Junnarkar, S. S.; Juranek, V.; Jussel, P.; Kabachenko, V. V.; Kabana, S.; Kaci, M.; Kaczmarska, A.; Kado, M.; Kagan, H.; Kagawa, S.; Kaiser, S.; Kajomovitz, E.; Kakurin, S.; Kalinovskaya, L. V.; Kama, S.; Kambara, H.; Kanaya, N.; Kandasamy, A.; Kandasamy, S.; Kaneda, M.; Kantserov, V. A.; Kanzaki, J.; Kaplan, B.; Kapliy, A.; Kaplon, J.; Karagounis, M.; Karagoz Unel, M.; Karr, K.; Karst, P.; Kartvelishvili, V.; Karyukhin, A. N.; Kashif, L.; Kasmi, A.; Kass, R. D.; Kastanas, A.; Kataoka, M.; Kataoka, Y.; Katsoufis, E.; Katunin, S.; Kawagoe, K.; Kawai, M.; Kawamoto, T.; Kayumov, F.; Kazanin, V. A.; Kazarinov, M. Y.; Kazarov, A.; Kazi, S. I.; Keates, J. R.; Keeler, R.; Keener, P. T.; Kehoe, R.; Keil, M.; Kekelidze, G. D.; Kelly, M.; Kennedy, J.; Kenyon, M.; Kepka, O.; Kerschen, N.; Kerševan, B. P.; Kersten, S.; Ketterer, C.; Khakzad, M.; Khalilzade, F.; Khandanyan, H.; Khanov, A.; Kharchenko, D.; Khodinov, A.; Kholodenko, A. G.; Khomich, A.; Khomutnikov, V. P.; Khoriauli, G.; Khovanskiy, N.; Khovanskiy, V.; Khramov, E.; Khubua, J.; Kieft, G.; Kierstead, J. A.; Kilvington, G.; Kim, H.; Kim, H.; Kim, S. H.; Kind, P.; King, B. T.; Kirk, J.; Kirsch, G. P.; Kirsch, L. E.; Kiryunin, A. E.; Kisielewska, D.; Kisielewski, B.; Kittelmann, T.; Kiver, A. M.; Kiyamura, H.; Kladiva, E.; Klaiber-Lodewigs, J.; Kleinknecht, K.; Klier, A.; Klimentov, A.; Kline, C. R.; Klingenberg, R.; Klinkby, E. B.; Klioutchnikova, T.; Klok, P. F.; Klous, S.; Kluge, E.-E.; Kluit, P.; Klute, M.; Kluth, S.; Knecht, N. K.; Kneringer, E.; Knezo, E.; Knobloch, J.; Ko, B. R.; Kobayashi, T.; Kobel, M.; Kodys, P.; König, A. C.; König, S.; Köpke, L.; Koetsveld, F.; Koffas, T.; Koffeman, E.; Kohout, Z.; Kohriki, T.; Kokott, T.; Kolachev, G. M.; Kolanoski, H.; Kolesnikov, V.; Koletsou, I.; Kollefrath, M.; Kolos, S.; Kolya, S. D.; Komar, A. A.; Komaragiri, J. R.; Kondo, T.; Kondo, Y.; Kondratyeva, N. V.; Kono, T.; Kononov, A. I.; Konoplich, R.; Konovalov, S. P.; Konstantinidis, N.; Kootz, A.; Koperny, S.; Kopikov, S. V.; Korcyl, K.; Kordas, K.; Koreshev, V.; Korn, A.; Korolkov, I.; Korotkov, V. A.; Korsmo, H.; Kortner, O.; Kostrikov, M. E.; Kostyukhin, V. V.; Kotamäki, M. J.; Kotchetkov, D.; Kotov, S.; Kotov, V. M.; Kotov, K. Y.; Kourkoumelis, C.; Koutsman, A.; Kovalenko, S.; Kowalewski, R.; Kowalski, H.; Kowalski, T. Z.; Kozanecki, W.; Kozhin, A. S.; Kral, V.; Kramarenko, V.; Kramberger, G.; Kramer, A.; Krasel, O.; Krasny, M. W.; Krasznahorkay, A.; Krepouri, A.; Krieger, P.; Krivkova, P.; Krobath, G.; Kroha, H.; Krstic, J.; Kruchonak, U.; Krüger, H.; Kruger, K.; Krumshteyn, Z. V.; Kubik, P.; Kubischta, W.; Kubota, T.; Kudin, L. G.; Kudlaty, J.; Kugel, A.; Kuhl, T.; Kuhn, D.; Kukhtin, V.; Kulchitsky, Y.; Kundu, N.; Kupco, A.; Kupper, M.; Kurashige, H.; Kurchaninov, L. L.; Kurochkin, Y. A.; Kus, V.; Kuykendall, W.; Kuzhir, P.; Kuznetsova, E. K.; Kvasnicka, O.; Kwee, R.; La Marra, D.; La Rosa, M.; La Rotonda, L.; Labarga, L.; Labbe, J. A.; Lacasta, C.; Lacava, F.; Lacker, H.; Lacour, D.; Lacuesta, V. R.; Ladygin, E.; Lafaye, R.; Laforge, B.; Lagouri, T.; Lai, S.; Lamanna, E.; Lambacher, M.; Lambert, F.; Lampl, W.; Lancon, E.; Landgraf, U.; Landon, M. P. J.; Landsman, H.; Langstaff, R. R.; Lankford, A. J.; Lanni, F.; Lantzsch, K.; Lanza, A.; Lapin, V. V.; Laplace, S.; Laporte, J. F.; Lara, V.; Lari, T.; Larionov, A. V.; Lasseur, C.; Lau, W.; Laurelli, P.; Lavorato, A.; Lavrijsen, W.; Lazarev, A. B.; LeBihan, A.-C.; LeDortz, O.; LeManer, C.; LeVine, M.; Leahu, L.; Leahu, M.; Lebel, C.; Lechowski, M.; LeCompte, T.; Ledroit-Guillon, F.; Lee, H.; Lee, J. S. H.; Lee, S. C.; Lefebvre, M.; Lefevre, R. P.; Legendre, M.; Leger, A.; LeGeyt, B. C.; Leggett, C.; Lehmacher, M.; Lehmann Miotto, G.; Lehto, M.; Leitner, R.; Lelas, D.; Lellouch, D.; Leltchouk, M.; Lendermann, V.; Leney, K. J. C.; Lenz, T.; Lenzen, G.; Lepidis, J.; Leroy, C.; Lessard, J.-R.; Lesser, J.; Lester, C. G.; Letheren, M.; Fook Cheong, A. Leung; Levêque, J.; Levin, D.; Levinson, L. J.; Levitski, M. S.; Lewandowska, M.; Leyton, M.; Li, J.; Li, W.; Liabline, M.; Liang, Z.; Liang, Z.; Liberti, B.; Lichard, P.; Liebig, W.; Lifshitz, R.; Liko, D.; Lim, H.; Limper, M.; Lin, S. C.; Lindahl, A.; Linde, F.; Lindquist, L.; Lindsay, S. W.; Linhart, V.; Lintern, A. J.; Liolios, A.; Lipniacka, A.; Liss, T. M.; Lissauer, A.; List, J.; Litke, A. M.; Liu, S.; Liu, T.; Liu, Y.; Livan, M.; Lleres, A.; Llosá Llácer, G.; Lloyd, S. L.; Lobkowicz, F.; Loch, P.; Lockman, W. S.; Loddenkoetter, T.; Loebinger, F. K.; Loginov, A.; Loh, C. W.; Lohse, T.; Lohwasser, K.; Lokajicek, M.; Loken, J.; Lokwitz, S.; Long, M. C.; Lopes, L.; Lopez Mateos, D.; Losty, M. J.; Lou, X.; Loureiro, K. F.; Lovas, L.; Love, J.; Lowe, A.; Lozano Fantoba, M.; Lu, F.; Lu, J.; Lu, L.; Lubatti, H. J.; Lucas, S.; Luci, C.; Lucotte, A.; Ludwig, A.; Ludwig, I.; Ludwig, J.; Luehring, F.; Lüke, D.; Luijckx, G.; Luisa, L.; Lumb, D.; Luminari, L.; Lund, E.; Lund-Jensen, B.; Lundberg, B.; Lundquist, J.; Lupi, A.; Lupu, N.; Lutz, G.; Lynn, D.; Lynn, J.; Lys, J.; Lysan, V.; Lytken, E.; López-Amengual, J. M.; Ma, H.; Ma, L. L.; Maaß en, M.; Maccarrone, G.; Mace, G. G. R.; Macina, D.; Mackeprang, R.; Macpherson, A.; MacQueen, D.; Macwaters, C.; Madaras, R. J.; Mader, W. F.; Maenner, R.; Maeno, T.; Mättig, P.; Mättig, S.; Magrath, C. A.; Mahalalel, Y.; Mahboubi, K.; Mahout, G.; Maidantchik, C.; Maio, A.; Mair, G. M.; Mair, K.; Makida, Y.; Makowiecki, D.; Malecki, P.; Maleev, V. P.; Malek, F.; Malon, D.; Maltezos, S.; Malychev, V.; Malyukov, S.; Mambelli, M.; Mameghani, R.; Mamuzic, J.; Manabe, A.; Manara, A.; Manca, G.; Mandelli, L.; Mandić, I.; Mandl, M.; Maneira, J.; Maneira, M.; Mangeard, P. S.; Mangin-Brinet, M.; Manjavidze, I. D.; Mann, W. A.; Manolopoulos, S.; Manousakis-Katsikakis, A.; Mansoulie, B.; Manz, A.; Mapelli, A.; Mapelli, L.; March, L.; Marchand, J. F.; Marchesotti, M.; Marcisovsky, M.; Marin, A.; Marques, C. N.; Marroquim, F.; Marshall, R.; Marshall, Z.; Martens, F. K.; Garcia, S. Marti i.; Martin, A. J.; Martin, B.; Martin, B.; Martin, F. F.; Martin, J. P.; Martin, Ph; Martinez, G.; Martínez Lacambra, C.; Martinez Outschoorn, V.; Martini, A.; Martins, J.; Maruyama, T.; Marzano, F.; Mashimo, T.; Mashinistov, R.; Masik, J.; Maslennikov, A. L.; Maß, M.; Massa, I.; Massaro, G.; Massol, N.; Mathes, M.; Matheson, J.; Matricon, P.; Matsumoto, H.; Matsunaga, H.; Maugain, J. M.; Maxfield, S. J.; May, E. N.; Mayer, J. K.; Mayri, C.; Mazini, R.; Mazzanti, M.; Mazzanti, P.; Mazzoni, E.; Mazzucato, F.; McKee, S. P.; McCarthy, R. L.; McCormick, C.; McCubbin, N. A.; McDonald, J.; McFarlane, K. W.; McGarvie, S.; McGlone, H.; McLaren, R. A.; McMahon, S. J.; McMahon, T. R.; McMahon, T. J.; McPherson, R. A.; Mechtel, M.; Meder-Marouelli, D.; Medinnis, M.; Meera-Lebbai, R.; Meessen, C.; Mehdiyev, R.; Mehta, A.; Meier, K.; Meinhard, H.; Meinhardt, J.; Meirosu, C.; Meisel, F.; Melamed-Katz, A.; Mellado Garcia, B. R.; Mendes Jorge, P.; Mendez, P.; Menke, S.; Menot, C.; Meoni, E.; Merkl, D.; Merola, L.; Meroni, C.; Merritt, F. S.; Messmer, I.; Metcalfe, J.; Meuser, S.; Meyer, J.-P.; Meyer, T. C.; Meyer, W. T.; Mialkovski, V.; Michelotto, M.; Micu, L.; Middleton, R.; Miele, P.; Migliaccio, A.; Mijović, L.; Mikenberg, G.; Mikestikova, M.; Mikestikova, M.; Mikulec, B.; Mikuž, M.; Miller, D. W.; Miller, R. J.; Miller, W.; Milosavljevic, M.; Milstead, D. A.; Mima, S.; Minaenko, A. A.; Minano, M.; Minashvili, I. A.; Mincer, A. I.; Mindur, B.; Mineev, M.; Mir, L. M.; Mirabelli, G.; Miralles Verge, L.; Misawa, S.; Miscetti, S.; Misiejuk, A.; Mitra, A.; Mitrofanov, G. Y.; Mitsou, V. A.; Miyagawa, P. S.; Miyazaki, Y.; Mjörnmark, J. U.; Mkrtchyan, S.; Mladenov, D.; Moa, T.; Moch, M.; Mochizuki, A.; Mockett, P.; Modesto, P.; Moed, S.; Mönig, K.; Möser, N.; Mohn, B.; Mohr, W.; Mohrdieck-Möck, S.; Moisseev, A. M.; Moles Valls, R. M.; Molina-Perez, J.; Moll, A.; Moloney, G.; Mommsen, R.; Moneta, L.; Monnier, E.; Montarou, G.; Montesano, S.; Monticelli, F.; Moore, R. W.; Moore, T. B.; Moorhead, G. F.; Moraes, A.; Morel, J.; Moreno, A.; Moreno, D.; Morettini, P.; Morgan, D.; Morii, M.; Morin, J.; Morley, A. K.; Mornacchi, G.; Morone, M.-C.; Morozov, S. V.; Morris, E. J.; Morris, J.; Morrissey, M. C.; Moser, H. G.; Mosidze, M.; Moszczynski, A.; Mouraviev, S. V.; Mouthuy, T.; Moye, T. H.; Moyse, E. J. W.; Mueller, J.; Müller, M.; Muijs, A.; Muller, T. R.; Munar, A.; Munday, D. J.; Murakami, K.; Murillo Garcia, R.; Murray, W. J.; Myagkov, A. G.; Myska, M.; Nagai, K.; Nagai, Y.; Nagano, K.; Nagasaka, Y.; Nairz, A. M.; Naito, D.; Nakamura, K.; Nakamura, Y.; Nakano, I.; Nanava, G.; Napier, A.; Nassiakou, M.; Nasteva, I.; Nation, N. R.; Naumann, T.; Nauyock, F.; Nderitu, S. K.; Neal, H. A.; Nebot, E.; Nechaeva, P.; Neganov, A.; Negri, A.; Negroni, S.; Nelson, C.; Nemecek, S.; Nemethy, P.; Nepomuceno, A. A.; Nessi, M.; Nesterov, S. Y.; Neukermans, L.; Nevski, P.; Newcomer, F. M.; Nichols, A.; Nicholson, C.; Nicholson, R.; Nickerson, R. B.; Nicolaidou, R.; Nicoletti, G.; Nicquevert, B.; Niculescu, M.; Nielsen, J.; Niinikoski, T.; Niinimaki, M. J.; Nikitin, N.; Nikolaev, K.; Nikolic-Audit, I.; Nikolopoulos, K.; Nilsen, H.; Nilsson, B. S.; Nilsson, P.; Nisati, A.; Nisius, R.; Nodulman, L. J.; Nomachi, M.; Nomoto, H.; Noppe, J.-M.; Nordberg, M.; Norniella Francisco, O.; Norton, P. R.; Novakova, J.; Nowak, M.; Nozaki, M.; Nunes, R.; Nunes Hanninger, G.; Nunnemann, T.; Nyman, T.; O'Connor, P.; O'Neale, S. W.; O'Neil, D. C.; O'Neill, M.; O'Shea, V.; Oakham, F. G.; Oberlack, H.; Obermaier, M.; Oberson, P.; Ochi, A.; Ockenfels, W.; Odaka, S.; Odenthal, I.; Odino, G. A.; Ogren, H.; Oh, S. H.; Ohshima, T.; Ohshita, H.; Okawa, H.; Olcese, M.; Olchevski, A. G.; Oliver, C.; Oliver, J.; Olivo Gomez, M.; Olszewski, A.; Olszowska, J.; Omachi, C.; Onea, A.; Onofre, A.; Oram, C. J.; Ordonez, G.; Oreglia, M. J.; Orellana, F.; Oren, Y.; Orestano, D.; Orlov, I. O.; Orr, R. S.; Orsini, F.; Osborne, L. S.; Osculati, B.; Osuna, C.; Otec, R.; Othegraven, R.; Ottewell, B.; Ould-Saada, F.; Ouraou, A.; Ouyang, Q.; Øye, O. K.; Ozcan, V. E.; Ozone, K.; Ozturk, N.; Pacheco Pages, A.; Padhi, S.; Padilla Aranda, C.; Paganis, E.; Paige, F.; Pailler, P. M.; Pajchel, K.; Palestini, S.; Palla, J.; Pallin, D.; Palmer, M. J.; Pan, Y. B.; Panikashvili, N.; Panin, V. N.; Panitkin, S.; Pantea, D.; Panuskova, M.; Paolone, V.; Paoloni, A.; Papadopoulos, I.; Papadopoulou, T.; Park, I.; Park, W.; Parker, M. A.; Parker, S.; Parkman, C.; Parodi, F.; Parsons, J. A.; Parzefall, U.; Pasqualucci, E.; Passardi, G.; Passeri, A.; Passmore, M. S.; Pastore, F.; Pastore, Fr; Pataraia, S.; Pate, D.; Pater, J. R.; Patricelli, S.; Pauly, T.; Pauna, E.; Peak, L. S.; Peeters, S. J. M.; Peez, M.; Pei, E.; Peleganchuk, S. V.; Pellegrini, G.; Pengo, R.; Pequenao, J.; Perantoni, M.; Perazzo, A.; Pereira, A.; Perepelkin, E.; Perera, V. J. O.; Perez Codina, E.; Perez Reale, V.; Peric, I.; Perini, L.; Pernegger, H.; Perrin, E.; Perrino, R.; Perrodo, P.; Perrot, G.; Perus, P.; Peshekhonov, V. D.; Petereit, E.; Petersen, J.; Petersen, T. C.; Petit, P. J. F.; Petridou, C.; Petrolo, E.; Petrucci, F.; Petti, R.; Pezzetti, M.; Pfeifer, B.; Phan, A.; Phillips, A. W.; Phillips, P. W.; Piacquadio, G.; Piccinini, M.; Pickford, A.; Piegaia, R.; Pier, S.; Pilcher, J. E.; Pilkington, A. D.; Pimenta Dos Santos, M. A.; Pina, J.; Pinfold, J. L.; Ping, J.; Pinhão, J.; Pinto, B.; Pirotte, O.; Placakyte, R.; Placci, A.; Plamondon, M.; Plano, W. G.; Pleier, M.-A.; Pleskach, A. V.; Podkladkin, S.; Podlyski, F.; Poffenberger, P.; Poggioli, L.; Pohl, M.; Polak, I.; Polesello, G.; Policicchio, A.; Polini, A.; Polychronakos, V.; Pomarede, D. M.; Pommès, K.; Ponsot, P.; Pontecorvo, L.; Pope, B. G.; Popescu, R.; Popovic, D. S.; Poppleton, A.; Popule, J.; Portell Bueso, X.; Posch, C.; Pospelov, G. E.; Pospichal, P.; Pospisil, S.; Postranecky, M.; Potrap, I. N.; Potter, C. J.; Poulard, G.; Pousada, A.; Poveda, J.; Prabhu, R.; Pralavorio, P.; Prasad, S.; Prast, J.; Prat, S.; Prata, M.; Pravahan, R.; Preda, T.; Pretzl, K.; Pribyl, L.; Price, D.; Price, L. E.; Price, M. J.; Prichard, P. M.; Prieur, D.; Primavera, M.; Primor, D.; Prokofiev, K.; Prosso, E.; Proudfoot, J.; Przysiezniak, H.; Puigdengoles, C.; Purdham, J.; Purohit, M.; Puzo, P.; Pylaev, A. N.; Pylypchenko, Y.; Qi, M.; Qian, J.; Qian, W.; Qian, Z.; Qing, D.; Quadt, A.; Quarrie, D. R.; Quayle, W. B.; Rabbers, J. J.; Radeka, V.; Rafi, J. M.; Ragusa, F.; Rahimi, A. M.; Rahm, D.; Raine, C.; Raith, B.; Rajagopalan, S.; Rajek, S.; Rammer, H.; Ramstedt, M.; Rangod, S.; Ratoff, P. N.; Raufer, T.; Rauscher, F.; Rauter, E.; Raymond, M.; Reads, A. L.; Rebuzzi, D.; Redlinger, G. R.; Reeves, K.; Rehak, M.; Reichold, A.; Reinherz-Aronis, E.; Reisinger, I.; Reljic, D.; Rembser, C.; Ren, Z.; Renaudin-Crepe, S. R. C.; Renkel, P.; Rensch, B.; Rescia, S.; Rescigno, M.; Resconi, S.; Resende, B.; Rewiersma, P.; Rey, J.; Rey-Campagnolle, M.; Rezaie, E.; Reznicek, P.; Richards, R. A.; Richer, J.-P.; Richter, R. H.; Richter, R.; Richter-Was, E.; Ridel, M.; Riegler, W.; Rieke, S.; Rijpstra, M.; Rijssenbeek, M.; Rimoldi, A.; Rios, R. R.; Riu Dachs, I.; Rivline, M.; Rivoltella, G.; Rizatdinova, F.; Robertson, S. H.; Robichaud-Veronneau, A.; Robins, S.; Robinson, D.; Robson, A.; Rochford, J. H.; Roda, C.; Rodier, S.; Roe, S.; Røhne, O.; Rohrbach, F.; Roldán, J.; Rolli, S.; Romance, J. B.; Romaniouk, A.; Romanov, V. M.; Romeo, G.; Roos, L.; Ros, E.; Rosati, S.; Rosenbaum, F.; Rosenbaum, G. A.; Rosenberg, E. I.; Rosselet, L.; Rossi, L. P.; Rossi, L.; Rotaru, M.; Rothberg, J.; Rottländer, I.; Rousseau, D.; Rozanov, A.; Rozen, Y.; Ruber, R.; Ruckert, B.; Rudolph, G.; Rühr, F.; Ruggieri, F.; Ruggiero, G.; Ruiz, H.; Ruiz-Martinez, A.; Rulikowska-Zarebska, E.; Rumiantsev, V.; Rumyantsev, L.; Runge, K.; Runolfsson, O.; Rusakovich, N. A.; Rust, D. R.; Rutherfoord, J. P.; Ruwiedel, C.; Ryabov, Y. F.; Ryadovikov, V.; Ryan, P.; Rybkine, G.; da Costa, J. Sá; Saavedra, A. F.; Saboumazrag, S.; F-W Sadrozinski, H.; Sadykov, R.; Sakamoto, H.; Sala, P.; Salamon, A.; Saleem, M.; Salihagic, D.; Salt, J.; Saltó Bauza, O.; Salvachúa Ferrando, B. M.; Salvatore, D.; Salzburger, A.; Sampsonidis, D.; Samset, B. H.; Sánchez Sánchez, C. A.; Sanchis Lozano, M. A.; Sanchis Peris, E.; Sandaker, H.; Sander, H. G.; Sandhoff, M.; Sandvoss, S.; Sankey, D. P. C.; Sanny, B.; Sansone, S.; Sansoni, A.; Santamarina Rios, C.; Santander, J.; Santi, L.; Santoni, C.; Santonico, R.; Santos, J.; Sapinski, M.; Saraiva, J. G.; Sarri, F.; Sasaki, O.; Sasaki, T.; Sasao, N.; Satsounkevitch, I.; Sauvage, D.; Sauvage, G.; Savard, P.; Savine, A. Y.; Savinov, V.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Savva, P.; Saxon, D. H.; Says, L. P.; Sbarra, C.; Sbrissa, E.; Sbrizzi, A.; Scannicchio, D. A.; Schaarschmidt, J.; Schacht, P.; Schäfer, U.; Schaffer, A. C.; Schaile, D.; Schaller, M.; Schamov, A. G.; Schegelsky, V. A.; Scheirich, D.; Schernau, M.; Scherzer, M. I.; Schiavi, C.; Schick, H.; Schieck, J.; Schieferdecker, P.; Schioppa, M.; Schlager, G.; Schlenker, S.; Schlereth, J. L.; Schmid, P.; Schmidt, M. P.; Schmitt, C.; Schmitt, K.; Schmitz, M.; Schmücker, H.; Schoerner, T.; Scholte, R. C.; Schott, M.; Schouten, D.; Schram, M.; Schricker, A.; Schroff, D.; Schuh, S.; Schuijlenburg, H. W.; Schuler, G.; Schultes, J.; Schultz-Coulon, H.-C.; Schumacher, J.; Schumacher, M.; Schune, Ph; Schwartzman, A.; Schweiger, D.; Schwemling, Ph; Schwick, C.; Schwienhorst, R.; Schwierz, R.; Schwindling, J.; Scott, W. G.; Secker, H.; Sedykh, E.; Seguin-Moreau, N.; Segura, E.; Seidel, S. C.; Seiden, A.; Seixas, J. M.; Sekhniaidze, G.; Seliverstov, D. M.; Selldén, B.; Seman, M.; Semprini-Cesari, N.; Serfon, C.; Serin, L.; Seuster, R.; Severini, H.; Sevior, M. E.; Sexton, K. A.; Sfyrla, A.; Shah, T. P.; Shan, L.; Shank, J. T.; Shapiro, M.; Shatalov, P. B.; Shaver, L.; Shaw, C.; Shears, T. G.; Sherwood, P.; Shibata, A.; Shield, P.; Shilov, S.; Shimojima, M.; Shin, T.; Shiyakova, M.; Shmeleva, A.; Shoa, M.; Shochet, M. J.; Shupe, M. A.; Sicho, P.; Sidoti, A.; Siebel, A.; Siebel, M.; Siegrist, J.; Sijacki, D.; Silva, J.; Silverstein, S. B.; Simak, V.; Simic, Lj; Simion, S.; Simmons, B.; Simonyan, M.; Sinervo, P.; Sipica, V.; Siragusa, G.; Sisakyan, A. N.; Sivoklokov, S.; Sjölin, J.; Skubic, P.; Skvorodnev, N.; Slattery, P.; Slavicek, T.; Sliwa, K.; Sloan, T. J.; Sloper, J.; Smakhtin, V.; Small, A.; Smirnov, S. Yu; Smirnov, Y.; Smirnova, L.; Smirnova, O.; Smith, N. A.; Smith, B. C.; Smith, D. S.; Smith, J.; Smith, K. M.; Smith, B.; Smizanska, M.; Smolek, K.; Snesarev, A. A.; Snow, S. W.; Snow, J.; Snuverink, J.; Snyder, S.; Soares, M.; Soares, S.; Sobie, R.; Sodomka, J.; Söderberg, M.; Soffer, A.; Solans, C. A.; Solar, M.; Sole, D.; Solfaroli Camillocci, E.; Solodkov, A. A.; Solov'yanov, O. V.; Soloviev, I.; Soluk, R.; Sondericker, J.; Sopko, V.; Sopko, B.; Sorbi, M.; Soret Medel, J.; Sosebee, M.; Sosnovtsev, V. V.; Sospedra Suay, L.; Soukharev, A.; Soukup, J.; Spagnolo, S.; Spano, F.; Speckmayer, P.; Spegel, M.; Spencer, E.; Spighi, R.; Spigo, G.; Spila, F.; Spiriti, E.; Spiwoks, R.; Spogli, L.; Spousta, M.; Sprachmann, G.; Spurlock, B.; St. Denis, R. D.; Stahl, T.; Staley, R. J.; Stamen, R.; Stancu, S. N.; Stanecka, E.; Stanek, R. W.; Stanescu, C.; Stapnes, S.; Starchenko, E. A.; Staroba, P.; Stastny, J.; Staude, A.; Stavina, P.; Stavrianakou, M.; Stavropoulos, G.; Stefanidis, E.; Steffens, J. L.; Stekl, I.; Stelzer, H. J.; Stenzel, H.; Stewart, G.; Stewart, T. D.; Stiller, W.; Stockmanns, T.; Stodulski, M.; Stonjek, S.; Stradling, A.; Straessner, A.; Strandberg, J.; Strandlie, A.; Strauss, M.; Strickland, V.; Striegel, D.; Strizenec, P.; Ströhmer, R.; Strom, D. M.; Strong, J. A.; Stroynowski, R.; Stugu, B.; Stumer, I.; Su, D.; Subramania, S.; Suchkov, S. I.; Sugaya, Y.; Sugimoto, T.; Suk, M.; Sulin, V. V.; Sultanov, S.; Sun, Z.; Sundal, B.; Sushkov, S.; Susinno, G.; Sutcliffe, P.; Sutton, M. R.; Sviridov, Yu M.; Sykora, I.; Szczygiel, R. R.; Szeless, B.; Szymocha, T.; Sánchez, J.; Ta, D.; Taboada Gameiro, S.; Tadel, M.; Tafirout, R.; Taga, A.; Takai, H.; Takashima, R.; Takeda, H.; Takeshita, T.; Talby, M.; Talyshev, A.; Tamsett, M. C.; Tanaka, J.; Tanaka, K.; Tanaka, R.; Tanaka, S.; Tanaka, S.; Tanaka, Y.; Tappern, G. P.; Tapprogge, S.; Tarem, S.; Tarrade, F.; Tarrant, J.; Tartarelli, G.; Tas, P.; Tasevsky, M.; Tayalati, Y.; Taylor, F. E.; Taylor, G.; Taylor, G. N.; Taylor, R. P.; Tcherniatine, V.; Tegenfeldt, F.; Teixeira-Dias, P.; Ten Kate, H.; Teng, P. K.; Ter-Antonyan, R.; Terada, S.; Terron, J.; Terwort, M.; Teuscher, R. J.; Tevlin, C. M.; Thadome, J.; Thion, J.; Thioye, M.; Thomas, A.; Thomas, J. P.; Thomas, T. L.; Thomas, E.; Thompson, R. J.; Thompson, A. S.; Thun, R. P.; Tic, T.; Tikhomirov, V. O.; Tikhonov, Y. A.; Timm, S.; Timmermans, C. J. W. P.; Tipton, P.; Tique Aires Viegas, F. J.; Tisserant, S.; Titov, M.; Tobias, J.; Tocut, V. M.; Toczek, B.; Todorova-Nova, S.; Tojo, J.; Tokár, S.; Tokushuku, K.; Tomasek, L.; Tomasek, M.; Tomasz, F.; Tomoto, M.; Tompkins, D.; Tompkins, L.; Toms, K.; Tonazzo, A.; Tong, G.; Tonoyan, A.; Topfel, C.; Topilin, N. D.; Torrence, E.; Torres Pais, J. G.; Toth, J.; Touchard, F.; Tovey, D. R.; Tovey, S. N.; Towndrow, E. F.; Trefzger, T.; Treichel, M.; Treis, J.; Tremblet, L.; Tribanek, W.; Tricoli, A.; Trigger, I. M.; Trilling, G.; Trincaz-Duvoid, S.; Tripiana, M. F.; Trischuk, W.; Trka, Z.; Trocmé, B.; Troncon, C.; C-L Tseng, J.; Tsiafis, I.; Tsiareshka, P. V.; Tsipolitis, G.; Tskhadadze, E. G.; Tsukerman, I. I.; Tsulaia, V.; Tsuno, S.; Turala, M.; Turk Cakir, I.; Turlay, E.; Tuts, P. M.; Twomey, M. S.; Tyndel, M.; Typaldos, D.; Tyrvainen, H.; Tzamarioudaki, E.; Tzanakos, G.; Ueda, I.; Uhrmacher, M.; Ukegawa, F.; Ullán Comes, M.; Unal, G.; Underwood, D. G.; Undrus, A.; Unel, G.; Unno, Y.; Urkovsky, E.; Usai, G.; Usov, Y.; Vacavant, L.; Vacek, V.; Vachon, B.; Vahsen, S.; Valderanis, C.; Valenta, J.; Valente, P.; Valero, A.; Valkar, S.; Valls Ferrer, J. A.; Van der Bij, H.; van der Graaf, H.; van der Kraaij, E.; Van Eijk, B.; van Eldik, N.; van Gemmeren, P.; van Kesteren, Z.; van Vulpen, I.; Van Berg, R.; Vandelli, W.; Vandoni, G.; Vaniachine, A.; Vannucci, F.; Varanda, M.; Varela Rodriguez, F.; Vari, R.; Varnes, E. W.; Varouchas, D.; Vartapetian, A.; Varvell, K. E.; Vassilakopoulos, V. I.; Vassilieva, L.; Vataga, E.; Vaz, L.; Vazeille, F.; Vedrine, P.; Vegni, G.; Veillet, J. J.; Vellidis, C.; Veloso, F.; Veness, R.; Veneziano, S.; Ventura, A.; Ventura, S.; Vercesi, V.; Verducci, M.; Verkerke, W.; Vermeulen, J. C.; Vertogardov, L.; Vetterli, M. C.; Vichou, I.; Vickey, T.; Viehhauser, G. H. A.; Vigeolas, E.; Villa, M.; Villani, E. G.; Villate, J.; Villella, I.; Vilucchi, E.; Vincent, P.; Vincke, H.; Vincter, M. G.; Vinogradov, V. B.; Virchaux, M.; Viret, S.; Virzi, J.; Vitale, A.; Vivarelli, I.; Vives, R.; Vives Vaques, F.; Vlachos, S.; Vogt, H.; Vokac, P.; Vollmer, C. F.; Volpi, M.; Volpini, G.; von Boehn-Buchholz, R.; von der Schmitt, H.; von Toerne, E.; Vorobel, V.; Vorobiev, A. P.; Vorozhtsov, A. S.; Vorozhtsov, S. B.; Vos, M.; Voss, K. C.; Voss, R.; Vossebeld, J. H.; Vovenko, A. S.; Vranjes, N.; Vrba, V.; Vreeswijk, M.; Anh, T. Vu; Vuaridel, B.; Vudragovic, M.; Vuillemin, V.; Vuillermet, R.; Wänanen, A.; Wahlen, H.; Walbersloh, J.; Walker, R.; Walkowiak, W.; Wall, R.; Wallny, R. S.; Walsh, S.; Wang, C.; Wang, J. C.; Wappler, F.; Warburton, A.; Ward, C. P.; Warner, G. P.; Warren, M.; Warsinsky, M.; Wastie, R.; Watkins, P. M.; Watson, A. T.; Watts, G.; Waugh, A. T.; Waugh, B. M.; Weaverdyck, C.; Webel, M.; Weber, G.; Weber, J.; Weber, M.; Weber, P.; Weidberg, A. R.; Weilhammer, P. M.; Weingarten, J.; Weiser, C.; Wellenstein, H.; Wellisch, H. P.; Wells, P. S.; Wemans, A.; Wen, M.; Wenaus, T.; Wendler, S.; Wengler, T.; Wenig, S.; Wermes, N.; Werneke, P.; Werner, P.; Werthenbach, U.; Wheeler-Ellis, S. J.; Whitaker, S. P.; White, A.; White, M. J.; White, S.; Whittington, D.; Wicek, F.; Wicke, D.; Wickens, F. J.; Wiedenmann, W.; Wielers, M.; Wienemann, P.; Wiesmann, M.; Wiesmann, M.; Wijnen, T.; Wildauer, A.; Wilhelm, I.; Wilkens, H. G.; Williams, H. H.; Willis, W.; Willocq, S.; Wilmut, I.; Wilson, J. A.; Wilson, A.; Wingerter-Seez, I.; Winton, L.; Witzeling, W.; Wlodek, T.; Woehrling, E.; Wolter, M. W.; Wolters, H.; Wosiek, B.; Wotschack, J.; Woudstra, M. J.; Wright, C.; Wu, S. L.; Wu, X.; Wuestenfeld, J.; Wunstorf, R.; Xella-Hansen, S.; Xiang, A.; Xie, S.; Xie, Y.; Xu, G.; Xu, N.; Yamamoto, A.; Yamamoto, S.; Yamaoka, H.; Yamazaki, Y.; Yan, Z.; Yang, H.; Yang, J. C.; Yang, S.; Yang, U. K.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Z.; Yao, W.-M.; Yao, Y.; Yarradoddi, K.; Yasu, Y.; Ye, J.; Yilmaz, M.; Yoosoofmiya, R.; Yorita, K.; Yoshida, H.; Yoshida, R.; Young, C.; Youssef, S. P.; Yu, D.; Yu, J.; Yu, M.; Yu, X.; Yuan, J.; Yurkewicz, A.; Zaets, V. G.; Zaidan, R.; Zaitsev, A. M.; Zajac, J.; Zajacova, Z.; Zalite, A. Yu; Zalite, Yo K.; Zanello, L.; Zarzhitsky, P.; Zaytsev, A.; Zdrazil, M.; Zeitnitz, C.; Zeller, M.; Zema, P. F.; Zendler, C.; Zenin, A. V.; Zenis, T.; Zenonos, Z.; Zenz, S.; Zerwas, D.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, J.; Zheng, W.; Zhang, X.; Zhao, L.; Zhao, T.; Zhao, X.; Zhao, Z.; Zhelezko, A.; Zhemchugov, A.; Zheng, S.; Zhichao, L.; Zhou, B.; Zhou, N.; Zhou, S.; Zhou, Y.; Zhu, C. G.; Zhu, H. Z.; Zhuang, X. A.; Zhuravlov, V.; Zilka, B.; Zimin, N. I.; Zimmermann, S.; Ziolkowski, M.; Zitoun, R.; Zivkovic, L.; Zmouchko, V. V.; Zobernig, G.; Zoccoli, A.; Zoeller, M. M.; Zolnierowski, Y.; Zsenei, A.; zur Nedden, M.; Zychacek, V.


    The ATLAS detector as installed in its experimental cavern at point 1 at CERN is described in this paper. A brief overview of the expected performance of the detector when the Large Hadron Collider begins operation is also presented.

  12. Étude Préliminaire de Fiabilité de l’Échelle de Labilité Émotionnelle Adaptée pour Adolescents dans une Population Interne Francophone

    PubMed Central

    Guilé, Jean Marc; Chapdelaine, Cimon; Desrosiers, Lyne; Cornez, Christine; Bouvier, Hélène; Breton, Jean-Jacques


    Résumé Objectif: étudier la fiabilité en population clinique francophone d’un auto-questionnaire portant sur l’instabilité émotionnelle des adolescents. Méthode: Après recension des écrits et consultation d’experts, l’Échelle de Labilité Émotionnelle (Affective Lability Scale) développée par Harvey et collaborateurs (1989) a été choisie. Une version anglophone et francophone adaptée à la population adolescente a été élaborée. La version finale comprend 54 questions réparties en six sections examinant les variations émotionnelles entre euthymie d’une part, et dépression, élation, colère et anxiété d’autre part, ainsi qu’entre anxiété et dépression, et enfin entre dépression et élation. La version francophone a fait l’objet d’une étude de fiabilité. Au total 43 adolescents francophones (48,8% garçons, 51,2% filles d’âge moyen=14,86 ans) ont participé à l’étude de compréhension et de fiabilité. Résultats: Toutes les questions ont un taux de compréhension par item (TCI)>0,60 tel qu’évalué par accord interjuge (Kappa-moyen=0,85). Le TCI-moyen est très satisfaisant (0,88, SD=0,14). La consistance interne appréciée par les coefficients de Cronbach est élevée pour chaque section et pour l’ensemble de l’instrument (0,87 à 0,95). La stabilité temporelle à trois semaines est satisfaisante avec un coefficient de corrélation-intraclasse (CIC) pour l’ensemble de l’échelle de 0,89 (intervalle de confiance à 95%=0,75 et 0,95) et des CIC de section s’échelonnant entre 0,72 et 0,89. Conclusion: Ces premières données de fiabilité soutiennent l’intérêt de l’ALS pour évaluer, en période euthymique chez des adolescents francophones en unité interne psychiatrique, un niveau global de labilité émotionnelle. Une étude future sur un plus grand échantillon permettra de confirmer ces premiers résultats et d’étudier la structure factorielle de l’instrument. PMID:19881938

  13. The kaon identification system in the NA62 experiment at CERN

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Romano, A.


    The main goal of the NA62 experiment at CERN is to measure the branching ratio of the ultra-rare K{sup +} → π{sup +} ν ν-bar decay with 10% accuracy. NA62 will use a 750 MHz high-energy un-separated charged hadron beam, with kaons corresponding to ∼6% of the beam, and a kaon decay-in-flight technique. The positive identification of kaons is performed with a differential Cherenkov detector (CEDAR), filled with Nitrogen gas and placed in the incoming beam. To stand the kaon rate (45 MHz average) and meet the performances required in NA62, the Cherenkov detector has been upgraded (KTAG) with newmore » photon detectors, readout, mechanics and cooling systems. The KTAG provides a fast identification of kaons with an efficiency of at least 95% and precise time information with a resolution below 100 ps. A half-equipped KTAG detector has been commissioned during a technical run at CERN in 2012, while the fully equipped detector, its readout and front-end have been commissioned during a pilot run at CERN in October 2014. The measured time resolution and efficiency are within the required performances. (authors)« less

  14. Forward-backward multiplicity correlations in sNN=200 GeV Au+Au collisions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Hauer, M.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Noucier, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Seals, H.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Stankiewicz, M. A.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; Nieuwenhuizen, G. J. Van; Vaurynovich, S. S.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wenger, E.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    Forward-backward correlations of charged-particle multiplicities in symmetric bins in pseudorapidity are studied to gain insight into the underlying correlation structure of particle production in Au+Au collisions. The PHOBOS detector is used to measure integrated multiplicities in bins centered at η, defined within |η|<3, and covering intervals Δη. The variance σC2 of a suitably defined forward-backward asymmetry variable C is calculated as a function of η,Δη, and centrality. It is found to be sensitive to short-range correlations, and the concept of “clustering” is used to interpret comparisons to phenomenological models.

  15. Exploring the Photoreduction of Au(III) Complexes in the Gas-Phase

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marcum, Jesse C.; Kaufman, Sydney H.; Weber, J. Mathias


    We have used photodissociation spectroscopy to probe the electronic structure and photoreduction of Au(III) in gas-phase complexes containing Cl- and OH-. The gas-phase electronic spectrum of [AuCl_4]- closely resembles the aqueous solution spectrum, showing a lack of strong solvatochromic shifts. Substitution of Cl- ligands with OH- results in a strong blue shift, in agreement with ligand-field theory. Upon excitation, [AuCl_4]- can dissociate by loss of either one or two neutral Cl atoms, resulting in the reduction of gold from Au(III) to Au(II) and Au(I) respectively. The hydroxide substituted complex, [AuCl_2(OH)_2]-, demonstrates similar behavior but the only observable fragment channel is the loss of two neutral OH ligands, leading only to Au(I).

  16. Nucleon shadowing effects in Cu + Cu and Au + Au collisions at RHIC within the HIJING code

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abdel-Waged, Khaled; Felemban, Nuha


    The centrality dependence of pseudorapidity density of charged particles ({{{d}}{N}}{{ch}}/{{d}}η ) in Cu + Cu (Au + Au) collisions at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider energy of \\sqrt{{s}{{NN}}}=22.4, 62.4 and 200 (19.6, 62.4 and 200) GeV, is investigated within an improved HIJING code. The standard HIJING model is enhanced by a prescription for collective nucleon-nucleon (NN) interactions and more modern parton distribution functions. The collective NN-interactions are used to induce both cascade and nucleon shadowing effects. We find collective cascade broadens the pseudorapidity distributions in the tails (at | η | > {y}{beam}) above 25%-30% collision centrality to be consistent with the {{{d}}{N}}{{ch}}/{{d}}η data at \\sqrt{{s}{{NN}}} =19.6,22.4,62.4 {GeV}. The overall contribution of nucleon shadowing is shown to depress the whole shape of {{{d}}{N}}{{ch}}/{{d}}η in the primary interaction region (at | η | < {y}{beam}) for semiperipheral (20%-25%) and peripheral (≥slant 35 % {--}40 % ) Cu + Cu (Au + Au) interactions at \\sqrt{{s}{{NN}}}=200 {GeV}, in accordance with the PHOBOS data.

  17. [CERN-MEDICIS (Medical Isotopes Collected from ISOLDE): a new facility].


    Viertl, David; Buchegger, Franz; Prior, John O; Forni, Michel; Morel, Philippe; Ratib, Osman; Bühler Léo H; Stora, Thierry


    CERN-MEDICIS is a facility dedicated to research and development in life science and medical applications. The research platform was inaugurated in October 2014 and will produce an increasing range of innovative isotopes using the proton beam of ISOLDE for fundamental studies in cancer research, for new imaging and therapy protocols in cell and animal models and for preclinical trials, possibly extended to specific early phase clinical studies (phase 0) up to phase I trials. CERN, the University Hospital of Geneva (HUG), the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer (ISREC) at Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (EPFL) that currently support the project will benefit of the initial production that will then be extended to other centers.

  18. Dual structural transition in small nanoparticles of Cu-Au alloy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gafner, Yuri; Gafner, Svetlana; Redel, Larisa; Zamulin, Ivan


    Cu-Au alloy nanoparticles are known to be widely used in the catalysis of various chemical reactions as it was experimentally defined that in many cases the partial substitution of copper with gold increases catalytic activity. However, providing the reaction capacity of alloy nanoparticles the surface electronic structure strongly depends on their atomic ordering. Therefore, to theoretically determine catalytic properties, one needs to use a most real structural model complying with Cu-Au nanoparticles under various external influences. So, thermal stability limits were studied for the initial L12 phase in Cu3Au nanoalloy clusters up to 8.0 nm and Cu-Au clusters up to 3.0 nm at various degrees of Au atom concentration, with molecular dynamics method using a modified tight-binding TB-SMA potential. Dual structural transition L12 → FCC and further FCC → Ih is shown to be possible under the thermal factor in Cu3Au and Cu-Au clusters with the diameter up to 3.0 nm. The temperature of the structural transition FCC → Ih is established to decrease for small particles of Cu-Au alloy under the increase of Au atom concentration. For clusters with this structural transition, the melting point is found to be a linear increasing function of concentration, and for clusters without FCC → Ih structural transition, the melting point is a linear decreasing function of Au content. Thus, the article shows that doping Cu nanoclusters with Au atoms allows to control the forming structure as well as the melting point.

  19. Astronomie, écologie et poésie par Hubert Reeves




    Hubert ReevesL'astrophysicien donne une conférence puis s'entretient avec l'écrivain François Bon autour de :"Astronomie, écologie et poésie"Pour plus d'informations : de places limité. Réservation obligatoire à la Réception du CERN : +41 22 767 76 76  Soirée diffusée en direct sur le Web :      

  20. Astronomie, écologie et poésie par Hubert Reeves

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Hubert ReevesL'astrophysicien donne une conférence puis s'entretient avec l'écrivain François Bon autour de :"Astronomie, écologie et poésie"Pour plus d'informations : de places limité. Réservation obligatoire à la Réception du CERN : +41 22 767 76 76  Soirée diffusée en direct sur le Web :      

  1. LHC@Home: a BOINC-based volunteer computing infrastructure for physics studies at CERN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barranco, Javier; Cai, Yunhai; Cameron, David; Crouch, Matthew; Maria, Riccardo De; Field, Laurence; Giovannozzi, Massimo; Hermes, Pascal; Høimyr, Nils; Kaltchev, Dobrin; Karastathis, Nikos; Luzzi, Cinzia; Maclean, Ewen; McIntosh, Eric; Mereghetti, Alessio; Molson, James; Nosochkov, Yuri; Pieloni, Tatiana; Reid, Ivan D.; Rivkin, Lenny; Segal, Ben; Sjobak, Kyrre; Skands, Peter; Tambasco, Claudia; Veken, Frederik Van der; Zacharov, Igor


    The LHC@Home BOINC project has provided computing capacity for numerical simulations to researchers at CERN since 2004, and has since 2011 been expanded with a wider range of applications. The traditional CERN accelerator physics simulation code SixTrack enjoys continuing volunteers support, and thanks to virtualisation a number of applications from the LHC experiment collaborations and particle theory groups have joined the consolidated LHC@Home BOINC project. This paper addresses the challenges related to traditional and virtualized applications in the BOINC environment, and how volunteer computing has been integrated into the overall computing strategy of the laboratory through the consolidated LHC@Home service. Thanks to the computing power provided by volunteers joining LHC@Home, numerous accelerator beam physics studies have been carried out, yielding an improved understanding of charged particle dynamics in the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its future upgrades. The main results are highlighted in this paper.

  2. Highlights from the CERN/ESO/NordForsk ''Gender in Physics Day''

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Primas, F.; Guinot, G.; Strandberg, L.


    In their role as observers on the EU Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area (GENERA) project, funded under the Horizon 2020 framework, CERN, ESO and NordForsk joined forces and organised a Gender in Physics Day at the CERN Globe of Science and Innovation. The one-day conference aimed to examine innovative activities promoting gender equality, and to discuss gender-oriented policies and best practice in the European Research Area (with special emphasis on intergovernmental organisations), as well as the importance of building solid networks. The event was very well attended and was declared a success. The main highlights of the meeting are reported.

  3. A Thermally Stable NiZn/Ta/Ni Scheme to Replace AuBe/Au Contacts in High-Efficiency AlGaInP-Based Light-Emitting Diodes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Dae-Hyun; Park, Jae-Seong; Kang, Daesung; Seong, Tae-Yeon


    We developed NiZn/(Ta/)Ni ohmic contacts to replace expensive AuBe/Au contacts commonly used in high-efficiency AlGaInP-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and compared the electrical properties of the two contact types. Unlike the AuBe/Au (130 nm/100 nm) contact, the NiZn/Ta/Ni (130 nm/20 nm/100 nm) contact shows improved electrical properties after being annealed at 500°C, with a contact resistivity of 5.2 × 10-6 Ω cm2. LEDs with the NiZn/Ta/Ni contact exhibited a 4.4% higher output power (at 250 mW) than LEDs with the AuBe/Au contact. In contrast to the trend for the AuBe/Au contact, the Ga 2 p core level for the NiZn/Ta/Ni contact shifted toward lower binding energies after being annealed at 500°C. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) depth profiles showed that annealing the AuBe/Au samples caused the outdiffusion of both Be and P atoms into the metal contact, whereas in the NiZn/Ta/Ni samples, Zn atoms indiffused into the GaP layer. The annealing-induced electrical degradation and ohmic contact formation mechanisms are described and discussed on the basis of the results of x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and AES.

  4. Composition distributions in FePt(Au) nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Srivastava, C.; Nikles, D. E.; Harrell, J. W.; Thompson, G. B.


    Ternary alloy FePt(Au) nanoparticles were prepared by the co-reduction of platinum(II) acetylacetonate and gold(III) acetate and the thermal decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl in hot phenyl ether in the presence of oleic acid and oleylamine ligands. This gave spherical particles with an average diameter of 4.4 nm with a range of diameters from approximately 1.6-9 nm. The as-synthesized particles had a solid solution, face-centered-cubic structure. Though the average composition of the particles was Fe44Pt45Au11, individual particle analysis by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy-X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy showed a broad distribution in composition. In general, smaller-sized particles tended to have a lower amount of Au as compared to larger-sized particles. As the Au content increased, the ratio of Fe/Pt widened.

  5. Ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density in multifragmentation of Au + Au

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, C. L.; Ma, Y. G.; Fang, D. Q.; Li, S. X.; Zhang, G. Q.


    The ratio of the shear viscosity (η) to entropy density (s) for the intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions has been calculated by using the Green-Kubo method in the framework of the quantum molecular dynamics model. The theoretical curve of η/s as a function of the incident energy for the head-on Au + Au collisions displays that a minimum region of η/s has been approached at higher incident energies, where the minimum η/s value is about 7 times Kovtun-Son-Starinets (KSS) bound (1/4π). We argue that the onset of minimum η/s region at higher incident energies corresponds to the nuclear liquid gas phase transition in nuclear multifragmentation.

  6. Surface effects on the radiation response of nanoporous Au foams

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fu, E. G.; Caro, M.; Wang, Y. Q.


    We report on an experimental and simulation campaign aimed at exploring the radiation response of nanoporous Au (np-Au) foams. We find different defect accumulation behavior by varying radiation dose-rate in ion-irradiated np-Au foams. Stacking fault tetrahedra are formed when np-Au foams are irradiated at high dose-rate, but they do not seem to be formed in np-Au at low dose-rate irradiation. A model is proposed to explain the dose-rate dependent defect accumulation based on these results.

  7. Simultaneous AuIII Extraction and In Situ Formation of Polymeric Membrane-Supported Au Nanoparticles: A Sustainable Process with Application in Catalysis.


    Mora-Tamez, Lucía; Esquivel-Peña, Vicente; Ocampo, Ana L; Rodríguez de San Miguel, Eduardo; Grande, Daniel; de Gyves, Josefina


    A polymeric membrane-supported catalyst with immobilized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) was prepared through the extraction and in situ reduction of Au III salts in a one-step strategy. Polymeric inclusion membranes (PIMs) and polymeric nanoporous membranes (PNMs) were tested as different membrane-support systems. Transport experiments indicated that PIMs composed of cellulose triacetate, 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether, and an aliphatic tertiary amine (Adogen 364 or Alamine 336) were the most efficient supports for Au III extraction. The simultaneous extraction and reduction processes were proven to be the result of a synergic phenomenon in which all the membrane components were involved. Scanning electron microscopy characterization of cross-sectional samples suggested a distribution of AuNPs throughout the membrane. Transmission electron microscopy characterization of the AuNPs indicated average particle sizes of 36.7 and 2.9 nm for the PIMs and PNMs, respectively. AuNPs supported on PIMs allowed for >95.4 % reduction of a 0.05 mmol L -1 4-nitrophenol aqueous solution with 10 mmol L -1 NaBH 4 solution within 25 min. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Aspects cliniques et thérapeutiques des anomalies de la jonction pyélo-urétérale au CHU du point G

    PubMed Central

    Tembely, Aly; Kassogué, Amadou; Berthé, Honoré; Ouattara, Zanafon


    Cette étude a été faite pour analyser les aspects cliniques et thérapeutiques des anomalies de la jonction pyélo-urétérale. Etude transversale et descriptive portant sur 35 cas d'anomalies de la jonction pyélo-urétérale (AJPU) colligés au service d'Urologie du CHU du Point G durant une période de 4 ans (Janvier 2010 au Décembre 2014). Les données ont été recueillies sur les fiches d'enquête, les dossiers médicaux et les registres du bloc. Les données sociodémographique, clinique et thérapeutique ont été saisies sur Microsoft Word 2007 et analysées sur Excel 2007 et SPSS 18.0. 35 cas d'AJPU ont été colligés en 4 ans. La moyenne d’âge était de 29,3 ans. La douleur lombaire était le motif de consultation le plus fréquent soit 40%. 20% des patients ont été en consultation pour la première fois 10 ans d’évolution symptomatique. Une destruction rénale avait été observée dans 28,6%. Le couple Echographie + UIV a permis d’établir le diagnostic chez 37,1%. La complication lithiasique était présente chez 17,1% des patients. 51,4% des patients ont reçu une pyéloplastie à ciel ouvert selon Anderson KUSS. L'anomalie de la jonction pyélo-urétérale dans notre étude a été caractérisée par un retard de consultation avec des complications redoutables. La chirurgie à ciel ouvert a été le gold standard avec des résultats satisfaisants. L'endopyéloplastie, la cure de la jonction coelioscopique sont des chirurgies mini invasives non disponible chez nous mais à encourager et à intégrer dans l'arsenal thérapeutique. PMID:27516821

  9. The diagnostic and clinical significance of café-au-lait macules.


    Shah, Kara N


    Café-au-lait, also referred to as café-au-lait spots or café-au-lait macules, present as well-circumscribed, evenly pigmented macules and patches that range in size from 1 to 2 mm to greater than 20 cm in greatest diameter. Café-au-lait are common in children. Although most café-au-lait present as 1 or 2 spots in an otherwise healthy child, the presence of multiple café-au-lait, large segmental café-au-lait, associated facial dysmorphism, other cutaneous anomalies, or unusual findings on physical examination should suggest the possibility of an associated syndrome. While neurofibromatosis type 1 is the most common syndrome seen in children with multiple café-au-lait, other syndromes associated with one or more café-au-lait include McCune-Albright syndrome, Legius syndrome, Noonan syndrome and other neuro-cardio-facialcutaneous syndromes, ring chromosome syndromes, and constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Noncentrosymmetric superconductor BeAu

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amon, A.; Svanidze, E.; Cardoso-Gil, R.; Wilson, M. N.; Rosner, H.; Bobnar, M.; Schnelle, W.; Lynn, J. W.; Gumeniuk, R.; Hennig, C.; Luke, G. M.; Borrmann, H.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Yu.


    Mixed spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing can occur in noncentrosymmetric superconductors. In this respect, a comprehensive characterization of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor BeAu was carried out. It was established that BeAu undergoes a structural phase transition from a low-temperature noncentrosymmetric FeSi structure type to a high-temperature centrosymmetric structure in the CsCl type at Ts=860 K. The low-temperature modification exhibits a superconducting transition below Tc=3.3 K. The values of lower (Hc1=32 Oe) and upper (Hc2=335 Oe) critical fields are rather small, confirming that this type-II (κG-L=2.3 ) weakly coupled (λe-p=0.5 ,Δ Ce/γnTc≈1.26 ) superconductor can be well understood within the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory. The muon spin relaxation analysis indicates that the time-reversal symmetry is preserved when the superconducting state is entered, supporting conventional superconductivity in BeAu. From the density functional band structure calculations, a considerable contribution of the Be electrons to the superconducting state was established. On average, a rather small mass renormalization was found, consistent with the experimental data.

  11. CERN Computing in Commercial Clouds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cordeiro, C.; Field, L.; Garrido Bear, B.; Giordano, D.; Jones, B.; Keeble, O.; Manzi, A.; Martelli, E.; McCance, G.; Moreno-García, D.; Traylen, S.


    By the end of 2016 more than 10 Million core-hours of computing resources have been delivered by several commercial cloud providers to the four LHC experiments to run their production workloads, from simulation to full chain processing. In this paper we describe the experience gained at CERN in procuring and exploiting commercial cloud resources for the computing needs of the LHC experiments. The mechanisms used for provisioning, monitoring, accounting, alarming and benchmarking will be discussed, as well as the involvement of the LHC collaborations in terms of managing the workflows of the experiments within a multicloud environment.

  12. The keys to CERN conference rooms - Managing local collaboration facilities in large organisations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baron, T.; Domaracky, M.; Duran, G.; Fernandes, J.; Ferreira, P.; Gonzalez Lopez, J. B.; Jouberjean, F.; Lavrut, L.; Tarocco, N.


    For a long time HEP has been ahead of the curve in its usage of remote collaboration tools, like videoconference and webcast, while the local CERN collaboration facilities were somewhat behind the expected quality standards for various reasons. This time is now over with the creation by the CERN IT department in 2012 of an integrated conference room service which provides guidance and installation services for new rooms (either equipped for videoconference or not), as well as maintenance and local support. Managing now nearly half of the 246 meeting rooms available on the CERN sites, this service has been built to cope with the management of all CERN rooms with limited human resources. This has been made possible by the intensive use of professional software to manage and monitor all the room equipment, maintenance and activity. This paper focuses on presenting these packages, either off-the-shelf commercial products (asset and maintenance management tool, remote audio-visual equipment monitoring systems, local automation devices, new generation touch screen interfaces for interacting with the room) when available or locally developed integration and operational layers (generic audio-visual control and monitoring framework) and how they help overcoming the challenges presented by such a service. The aim is to minimise local human interventions while preserving the highest service quality and placing the end user back in the centre of this collaboration platform.

  13. Au/NiFe/M(Au, MoS2, graphene) trilayer magnetoplasmonics DNA-hybridized sensors with high record of sensitivity.


    Faridi, Ehsan; Moradi, Maryam; Ansari, Narges; Baradaran Ghasemi, Amir Hossein; Afshar, Amir; Mohseni Armaki, Seyed Majid


    The demonstration of biosensors based on the surface plasmon effect holds promise for future high-sensitive electrodeless biodetection. The combination of magnetic effects with surface plasmon waves brings additional freedom to improve sensitivity and signal selectivity. Stacking biosensors with two-dimensional (2-D) materials, e.g., graphene (Gr) and MoS2, can influence plasmon waves and facilitate surface physiochemical properties as additional versatility aspects. We demonstrate magnetoplasmonic biosensors through the detuning of surface plasmon oscillation modes affected by magnetic effect via the presence of the NiFe (Py) layer and different light absorbers of Gr, MoS2, and Au ultrathin layers in three stacks of Au/Py/M(MoS2, Gr, Au) trilayers. We found minimum reflection, resonance angle shift, and transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect (TMOKE) responses of all sensors in the presence of the ss-DNA monolayer. Very few changes of ∼5×10-7 in the ss-DNA's refractive index result in valuable TMOKE response. We found that the presence of three-layer Gr and two-layer MoS2 on top of the Au/Py bilayer can dramatically increase the sensitivity by nine and four times, respectively, than the conventional Au/Co/Au trilayer. Our results show the highest reported DNA sensitivity based on the coupling of light with 2-D materials in magnetoplasmonic devices. (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

  14. Partonic Flow and phi-Meson production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt radical sNN = 200 GeV.


    Abelev, B I; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Anderson, B D; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Bai, Y; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Baumgart, S; Belaga, V V; Bellingeri-Laurikainen, A; Bellwied, R; Benedosso, F; Betts, R R; Bhardwaj, S; Bhasin, A; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bland, L C; Blyth, S-L; Bombara, M; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Bouchet, J; Brandin, A V; Bravar, A; Burton, T P; Bystersky, M; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Callner, J; Catu, O; Cebra, D; Chajecki, Z; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, J H; Chen, J Y; Cheng, J; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Christie, W; Chung, S U; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cosentino, M R; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Dash, S; Daugherity, M; de Moura, M M; Dedovich, T G; DePhillips, M; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Djawotho, P; Dogra, S M; Dong, X; Drachenberg, J L; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Mazumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Edwards, W R; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Estienne, M; Fachini, P; Fatemi, R; Fedorisin, J; Feng, A; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fine, V; Fisyak, Y; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Gaillard, L; Ganti, M S; Garcia-Solis, E; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gorbunov, Y G; Gos, H; Grebenyuk, O; Grosnick, D; Grube, B; Guertin, S M; Guimaraes, K S F F; Gupta, N; Haag, B; Hallman, T J; Hamed, A; Harris, J W; He, W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffman, A M; Hoffmann, G W; Hofman, D J; Hollis, R S; Horner, M J; Huang, H Z; Hughes, E W; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Iordanova, A; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Jakl, P; Jia, F; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kang, K; Kapitan, J; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kechechyan, A; Kettler, D; Khodyrev, V Yu; Kim, B C; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Kislov, E M; Klein, S R; Knospe, A G; Kocoloski, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kouchpil, V; Kowalik, K L; Kravtsov, P; Kravtsov, V I; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kurnadi, P; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; LaPointe, S; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednicky, R; Lee, C-H; Lehocka, S; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Li, Y; Lin, G; Lin, X; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, H; Liu, J; Liu, L; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Longacre, R S; Love, W A; Lu, Y; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, G L; Ma, J G; Ma, Y G; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Mangotra, L K; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McClain, C J; McShane, T S; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Millane, J; Miller, M L; Minaev, N G; Mioduszewski, S; Mironov, C; Mischke, A; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Morozov, D A; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nattrass, C; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nepali, C; Netrakanti, P K; Nogach, L V; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Pachr, M; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Peitzmann, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Perkins, C; Peryt, W; Phatak, S C; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Poljak, N; Porile, N; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Qattan, I A; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ray, R L; Relyea, D; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevskiy, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L; Russcher, M J; Sahoo, R; Sakrejda, I; Sakuma, T; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Sarsour, M; Sazhin, P S; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Seger, J; Selyuzhenkov, I; Seyboth, P; Shabetai, A; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shen, W Q; Shimanskiy, S S; Sichtermann, E P; Simon, F; Singaraju, R N; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Speltz, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stadnik, A; Stanislaus, T D S; Staszak, D; Stock, R; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Suaide, A A P; Suarez, M C; Subba, N L; Sumbera, M; Sun, X M; Sun, Z; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Tarnowsky, T; Thomas, J H; Timmins, A R; Timoshenko, S; Tokarev, M; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Tsai, O D; Ulery, J; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; van der Kolk, N; van Leeuwen, M; Vander Molen, A M; Varma, R; Vasilevski, I M; Vasiliev, A N; Vernet, R; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Vokal, S; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W T; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, J S; Wang, X L; Wang, Y; Watson, J W; Webb, J C; Westfall, G D; Wetzler, A; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wu, J; Wu, Y; Xu, N; Xu, Q H; Xu, Z; Yepes, P; Yoo, I-K; Yue, Q; Yurevich, V I; Zhan, W; Zhang, H; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Z P; Zhao, Y; Zhong, C; Zhou, J; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, Y; Zubarev, A N; Zuo, J X


    We present first measurements of the phi-meson elliptic flow (v2(pT)) and high-statistics pT distributions for different centralities from radical sNN=200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC. In minimum bias collisions the v2 of the phi meson is consistent with the trend observed for mesons. The ratio of the yields of the Omega to those of the phi as a function of transverse momentum is consistent with a model based on the recombination of thermal s quarks up to pT approximately 4 GeV/c, but disagrees at higher momenta. The nuclear modification factor (R CP) of phi follows the trend observed in the K S 0 mesons rather than in Lambda baryons, supporting baryon-meson scaling. These data are consistent with phi mesons in central Au+Au collisions being created via coalescence of thermalized s quarks and the formation of a hot and dense matter with partonic collectivity at RHIC.

  15. La connectivite mixte: prévalence et caractéristiques cliniques chez le noir africain, étude de 7 cas au Gabon et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Missounga, Landry; Ba, Josaphat Iba; Nseng Nseng Ondo, Ingrid Rosalie; Nziengui Madjinou, Maria Ines Carine; Malekou, Doris; Mouendou Mouloungui, Emeline Gracia; Nzengue, Emmanuel Ecke; Boguikouma, Jean Bruno; Kombila, Moussavou


    La littérature rapporte que la connectivite mixte semble plus fréquente dans la population noire et chez les asiatiques. Le but de l'étude était de déterminer la prévalence de la connectivite mixte (CM) parmi les connectivites et l'ensemble des pathologies rhumatologiques dans une population hospitalière au Gabon; de décrire ensuite les caractéristiques cliniques de la maladie. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective des dossiers de patients suivis pour connectivite mixte (critères de Kasukawa) et les autres entités de connectivites (critères ACR) en rhumatologie au CHU de Libreville entre janvier 2010 et décembre 2015. Pour chaque cas de CM, les manifestations articulaires et extra-articulaires, le taux d'anticorps anti-U1RNP, l'évolution, étaient les paramètres étudiés. Sept cas ont été colligés en 6 ans parmi 6050 patients et 67 cas de connectivites soit une prévalence de 0,11% et de 10,44% respectivement. Il s'agissait de 7 femmes (100%), d'âge moyen de 39,5 ans. Les signes articulaires comprenaient: polyarthrite, myalgies, doits boudinés et phénomène de Raynaud dans 87,5%, 87,5%, 28,6% et 14% respectivement. Les 7 patients avaient un taux d'anti-U1RNP élevé entre 5 et 35N (N≤7 UI). Un cas de décès par HTAP était constaté. Il s'agit de la série de CM la plus importante rapportée en Afrique noire. La maladie semble rare chez le noir africain, la raison pourrait être génétique. Les aspects démographiques et cliniques paraissent similaires chez les caucasiens, les asiatiques et les noirs hormis une faible fréquence du phénomène de Raynaud chez les noirs. PMID:28904690

  16. ΛΛ correlation function in Au + Au collisions at √ sNN = 200 GeV


    Adamczyk, L.


    In this study, we present ΛΛ correlation measurements in heavy-ion collisions for Au+Au collisions at √ sNN = 200 GeV using the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC). The Lednický-Lyuboshitz analytical model has been used to fit the data to obtain a source size, a scattering length and an effective range. Implications of the measurement of the ΛΛ correlation function and interaction parameters for di-hyperon searches are discussed.

  17. Chlorhexidine droplet splash from a skin preparation gallipot: effect of height of pouring.


    Evans, L; Cunningham, M; Tilakaratna, P


    Chlorhexidine contamination of equipment used in central neuraxial anaesthesia has been implicated in causing adhesive arachnoiditis. We measured the extent of chlorhexidine splash during pouring into a gallipot (antiseptic skin preparation container) from heights of 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm. Twenty experiments were performed at each height. Measurements made up to a horizontal distance of 40 cm radius from the gallipot showed a median (IQR [range]) maximum spread of splash droplets ≥ 2 mm diameter of 26.2 (10.2-36.4 [0-40]) cm. The 40-cm radius measurement area was divided into 5-cm-wide zones to assess spread. At pouring heights of 15 cm and 20 cm, all zones were contaminated. These results demonstrate that pouring chlorhexidine into a gallipot generates significant splash, and we recommend that this should be avoided near equipment used for neuraxial anaesthesia. © 2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.

  18. Facile preparation of SERS and catalytically active Au nanostructures using furfuryl derivatives

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Ki-Jung; Kim, Hyun-Chul; Park, Minsun; Huh, Seong


    Six different types of Au nanostructures with rough surfaces were readily prepared through the redox reactions between Au precursor, AuCl4-, and furfuryl derivatives without extra metal surface capping ligands, in deionized water at room temperature. Furfuryl alcohol (FA) or furfurylamine (FFA) was used as a sole reducing agent for the reduction of Au precursor. Both FA and FFA effectively polymerized during the redox reactions to form polyfuran polymers. These polymers are thought to act as surface capping ligands during the formation of Au nanostructures. Experiments were conducted with three different concentrations of each furfuryl derivative. Interestingly, Au particles prepared from the reaction with varying concentration of FA or FFA showed large differences in size, and revealed that the higher the ratios of [FA]/[AuCl4-] or [FFA]/[AuCl4-], the smaller the size of Au particles. The size of Au particles was in the range of 1 μm to under 30 nm. Among these samples, two nanostructured Au particles, AuFA-4 and AuFFA-1, deposited on a Si wafer by a simple drop-casting method, were revealed as highly active surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates for the detection of methylene blue (MB) and crystal violet (CV). High SERS enhancement factors (EFs) of 106 ∼ 108 for MB and CV were observed. Small size Au nanoparticles (AuFFA-2 and AuFFA-4) were also found to be very active for the catalytic hydrogenation of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol in the presence of NaBH4 at room temperature. AuFFA-2 could be recycled eight times, without losing its activity.

  19. 42. Casting floor, "B" furnace, pour in progress; mudgun is ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    42. Casting floor, "B" furnace, pour in progress; mudgun is to right of furnace; operator takes temperature of iron in trough during pout. Looking south - Rouge Steel Company, 3001 Miller Road, Dearborn, MI


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    INTERIOR VIEW WITH LADLE POURING MOLTEN IRON INTO Q-BOP FURNACE. - U.S. Steel, Fairfield Works, Q-Bop Furnace, North of Valley Road & West of Ensley, Pleasant Grove Road, Fairfield, Jefferson County, AL