Next Generation Biopharmaceuticals: Product Development.
Mathaes, Roman; Mahler, Hanns-Christian
Therapeutic proteins show a rapid market growth. The relatively young biotech industry already represents 20 % of the total global pharma market. The biotech industry environment has traditionally been fast-pasted and intellectually stimulated. Nowadays the top ten best selling drugs are dominated by monoclonal antibodies (mABs).Despite mABs being the biggest medical breakthrough in the last 25 years, technical innovation does not stand still.The goal remains to preserve the benefits of a conventional mAB (serum half-life and specificity) whilst further improving efficacy and safety and to open new and better avenues for treating patients, e.g., improving the potency of molecules, target binding, tissue penetration, tailored pharmacokinetics, and reduced adverse effects or immunogenicity.The next generation of biopharmaceuticals can pose specific chemistry, manufacturing, and control (CMC) challenges. In contrast to conventional proteins, next-generation biopharmaceuticals often require lyophilization of the final drug product to ensure storage stability over shelf-life time. In addition, next-generation biopharmaceuticals require analytical methods that cover different ways of possible degradation patterns and pathways, and product development is a long way from being straight forward. The element of "prior knowledge" does not exist equally for most novel formats compared to antibodies, and thus the assessment of critical quality attributes (CQAs) and the definition of CQA assessment criteria and specifications is difficult, especially in early-stage development.
Biopharmaceuticals from microorganisms: from production to purification.
Jozala, Angela Faustino; Geraldes, Danilo Costa; Tundisi, Louise Lacalendola; Feitosa, Valker de Araújo; Breyer, Carlos Alexandre; Cardoso, Samuel Leite; Mazzola, Priscila Gava; Oliveira-Nascimento, Laura de; Rangel-Yagui, Carlota de Oliveira; Magalhães, Pérola de Oliveira; Oliveira, Marcos Antonio de; Pessoa, Adalberto
The use of biopharmaceuticals dates from the 19th century and within 5-10 years, up to 50% of all drugs in development will be biopharmaceuticals. In the 1980s, the biopharmaceutical industry experienced a significant growth in the production and approval of recombinant proteins such as interferons (IFN α, β, and γ) and growth hormones. The production of biopharmaceuticals, known as bioprocess, involves a wide range of techniques. In this review, we discuss the technology involved in the bioprocess and describe the available strategies and main advances in microbial fermentation and purification process to obtain biopharmaceuticals. Copyright © 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
Martin-Moe, Sheryl; Lim, Fredric J; Wong, Rita L; Sreedhara, Alavattam; Sundaram, Jagannathan; Sane, Samir U
Quality by design (QbD) is a science- and risk-based approach to drug product development. Although pharmaceutical companies have historically used many of the same principles during development, this knowledge was not always formally captured or proactively submitted to regulators. In recent years, the US Food and Drug Administration has also recognized the need for more controls in the drug manufacturing processes, especially for biological therapeutics, and it has recently launched an initiative for Pharmaceutical Quality for the 21st Century to modernize pharmaceutical manufacturing and improve product quality. In the biopharmaceutical world, the QbD efforts have been mainly focused on active pharmaceutical ingredient processes with little emphasis on drug product development. We present a systematic approach to biopharmaceutical drug product development using a monoclonal antibody as an example. The approach presented herein leverages scientific understanding of products and processes, risk assessments, and rational experimental design to deliver processes that are consistent with QbD philosophy without excessive incremental effort. Data generated using these approaches will not only strengthen data packages to support specifications and manufacturing ranges but hopefully simplify implementation of postapproval changes. We anticipate that this approach will positively impact cost for companies, regulatory agencies, and patients, alike. Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
An Intercompany Perspective on Biopharmaceutical Drug Product Robustness Studies.
Morar-Mitrica, Sorina; Adams, Monica L; Crotts, George; Wurth, Christine; Ihnat, Peter M; Tabish, Tanvir; Antochshuk, Valentyn; DiLuzio, Willow; Dix, Daniel B; Fernandez, Jason E; Gupta, Kapil; Fleming, Michael S; He, Bing; Kranz, James K; Liu, Dingjiang; Narasimhan, Chakravarthy; Routhier, Eric; Taylor, Katherine D; Truong, Nobel; Stokes, Elaine S E
The Biophorum Development Group (BPDG) is an industry-wide consortium enabling networking and sharing of best practices for the development of biopharmaceuticals. To gain a better understanding of current industry approaches for establishing biopharmaceutical drug product (DP) robustness, the BPDG-Formulation Point Share group conducted an intercompany collaboration exercise, which included a bench-marking survey and extensive group discussions around the scope, design, and execution of robustness studies. The results of this industry collaboration revealed several key common themes: (1) overall DP robustness is defined by both the formulation and the manufacturing process robustness; (2) robustness integrates the principles of quality by design (QbD); (3) DP robustness is an important factor in setting critical quality attribute control strategies and commercial specifications; (4) most companies employ robustness studies, along with prior knowledge, risk assessments, and statistics, to develop the DP design space; (5) studies are tailored to commercial development needs and the practices of each company. Three case studies further illustrate how a robustness study design for a biopharmaceutical DP balances experimental complexity, statistical power, scientific understanding, and risk assessment to provide the desired product and process knowledge. The BPDG-Formulation Point Share discusses identified industry challenges with regard to biopharmaceutical DP robustness and presents some recommendations for best practices. Copyright © 2018 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Daniell, Henry; Streatfield, Stephen J.; Wycoff, Keith
The use of plants for medicinal purposes dates back thousands of years but genetic engineering of plants to produce desired biopharmaceuticals is much more recent. As the demand for biopharmaceuticals is expected to increase, it would be wise to ensure that they will be available in significantly larger amounts, on a cost-effective basis. Currently, the cost of biopharmaceuticals limits their availability. Plant-derived biopharmaceuticals are cheap to produce and store, easy to scale up for mass production, and safer than those derived from animals. Here, we discuss recent developments in this field and possible environmental concerns. PMID:11335175
Role of Knowledge Management in Development and Lifecycle Management of Biopharmaceuticals.
Rathore, Anurag S; Garcia-Aponte, Oscar Fabián; Golabgir, Aydin; Vallejo-Diaz, Bibiana Margarita; Herwig, Christoph
Knowledge Management (KM) is a key enabler for achieving quality in a lifecycle approach for production of biopharmaceuticals. Due to the important role that it plays towards successful implementation of Quality by Design (QbD), an analysis of KM solutions is needed. This work provides a comprehensive review of the interface between KM and QbD-driven biopharmaceutical production systems as perceived by academic as well as industrial viewpoints. A comprehensive set of 356 publications addressing the applications of KM tools to QbD-related tasks were screened and a query to gather industrial inputs from 17 major biopharmaceutical organizations was performed. Three KM tool classes were identified as having high relevance for biopharmaceutical production systems and have been further explored: knowledge indicators, ontologies, and process modeling. A proposed categorization of 16 distinct KM tool classes allowed for the identification of holistic technologies supporting QbD. In addition, the classification allowed for addressing the disparity between industrial and academic expectations regarding the application of KM methodologies. This is a first of a kind attempt and thus we think that this paper would be of considerable interest to those in academia and industry that are engaged in accelerating development and commercialization of biopharmaceuticals.
Examining the sources of variability in cell culture media used for biopharmaceutical production.
McGillicuddy, Nicola; Floris, Patrick; Albrecht, Simone; Bones, Jonathan
Raw materials, in particular cell culture media, represent a significant source of variability to biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes that can detrimentally affect cellular growth, viability and specific productivity or alter the quality profile of the expressed therapeutic protein. The continual expansion of the biopharmaceutical industry is creating an increasing demand on the production and supply chain consistency for cell culture media, especially as companies embrace intensive continuous processing. Here, we provide a historical perspective regarding the transition from serum containing to serum-free media, the development of chemically-defined cell culture media for biopharmaceutical production using industrial scale bioprocesses and review production mechanisms for liquid and powder culture media. An overview and critique of analytical approaches used for the characterisation of cell culture media and the identification of root causes of variability are also provided, including in-depth liquid phase separations, mass spectrometry and spectroscopic methods.
Malayandi, Rajkumar; Kondamudi, Phani Krishna; Ruby, P K; Aggarwal, Deepika
Colon targeted dosage forms have been extensively studied for the localized treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. These dosage forms not only improve the therapeutic efficacy but also reduce the incidence of adverse drug reactions and hence improve the patient compliance. However, complex and highly variable gastro intestinal physiology limits the clinical success of these dosage forms. Biopharmaceutical characteristics of these dosage forms play a key role in rapid formulation development and ensure the clinical success. The complexity in product development and clinical success of colon targeted dosage forms are based on the biopharmaceutical characteristics such as physicochemical properties of drug substances, pharmaceutical characteristics of dosage form, physiological conditions and pharmacokinetic properties of drug substances as well as drug products. Various in vitro and in vivo techniques have been employed in past to characterize the biopharmaceutical properties of colon targeted dosage forms. This review focuses on the factors influencing the biopharmaceutical performances of the dosage forms, in vitro characterization techniques and in vivo studies.
The biopharmaceutics risk assessment roadmap for optimizing clinical drug product performance.
Selen, Arzu; Dickinson, Paul A; Müllertz, Anette; Crison, John R; Mistry, Hitesh B; Cruañes, Maria T; Martinez, Marilyn N; Lennernäs, Hans; Wigal, Tim L; Swinney, David C; Polli, James E; Serajuddin, Abu T M; Cook, Jack A; Dressman, Jennifer B
The biopharmaceutics risk assessment roadmap (BioRAM) optimizes drug product development and performance by using therapy-driven target drug delivery profiles as a framework to achieve the desired therapeutic outcome. Hence, clinical relevance is directly built into early formulation development. Biopharmaceutics tools are used to identify and address potential challenges to optimize the drug product for patient benefit. For illustration, BioRAM is applied to four relatively common therapy-driven drug delivery scenarios: rapid therapeutic onset, multiphasic delivery, delayed therapeutic onset, and maintenance of target exposure. BioRAM considers the therapeutic target with the drug substance characteristics and enables collection of critical knowledge for development of a dosage form that can perform consistently for meeting the patient's needs. Accordingly, the key factors are identified and in vitro, in vivo, and in silico modeling and simulation techniques are used to elucidate the optimal drug delivery rate and pattern. BioRAM enables (1) feasibility assessment for the dosage form, (2) development and conduct of appropriate "learning and confirming" studies, (3) transparency in decision-making, (4) assurance of drug product quality during lifecycle management, and (5) development of robust linkages between the desired clinical outcome and the necessary product quality attributes for inclusion in the quality target product profile. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.
Bobst, Cedric E.; Kaltashov, Igor A.
Mass spectrometry has already become an indispensable tool in the analytical armamentarium of the biopharmaceutical industry, although its current uses are limited to characterization of covalent structure of recombinant protein drugs. However, the scope of applications of mass spectrometry-based methods is beginning to expand to include characterization of the higher order structure and dynamics of biopharmaceutical products, a development which is catalyzed by the recent progress in mass spectrometry-based methods to study higher order protein structure. The two particularly promising methods that are likely to have the most significant and lasting impact in many areas of biopharmaceutical analysis, direct ESI MS and hydrogen/deuterium exchange, are focus of this article. PMID:21542797
Biopharmaceutical production: Applications of surface plasmon resonance biosensors.
Thillaivinayagalingam, Pranavan; Gommeaux, Julien; McLoughlin, Michael; Collins, David; Newcombe, Anthony R
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) permits the quantitative analysis of therapeutic antibody concentrations and impurities including bacteria, Protein A, Protein G and small molecule ligands leached from chromatography media. The use of surface plasmon resonance has gained popularity within the biopharmaceutical industry due to the automated, label free, real time interaction that may be exploited when using this method. The application areas to assess protein interactions and develop analytical methods for biopharmaceutical downstream process development, quality control, and in-process monitoring are reviewed. 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hidalgo, Diego; Sanchez, Raul; Lalaleo, Liliana; Bonfill, Mercedes; Corchete, Purificacion; Palazon, Javier
Plant biofactories are biotechnological platforms based on plant cell and organ cultures used for the production of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals, although to date only a few of these systems have successfully been implemented at an industrial level. Metabolic engineering is possibly the most straightforward strategy to boost pharmaceutical production in plant biofactories, but social opposition to the use of GMOs means empirical approaches are still being used. Plant secondary metabolism involves thousands of different enzymes, some of which catalyze specific reactions, giving one product from a particular substrate, whereas others can yield multiple products from the same substrate. This trait opens plant cell biofactories to new applications, in which the natural metabolic machinery of plants can be harnessed for the bioconversion of phytochemicals or even the production of new bioactive compounds. Synthetic biological pipelines involving the bioconversion of natural substrates into products with a high market value may be established by the heterologous expression of target metabolic genes in model plants. To summarize the state of the art of plant biofactories and their applications for the pipeline production of cosme-, pharma- and biopharmaceuticals. In order to demonstrate the great potential of plant biofactories for multiple applications in the biotechnological production of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals, this review broadly covers the following: plant biofactories based on cell and hairy root cultures; secondary metabolite production; biotransformation reactions; metabolic engineering tools applied in plant biofactories; and biopharmaceutical production. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at
Selen, Arzu; Cruañes, Maria T; Müllertz, Anette; Dickinson, Paul A; Cook, Jack A; Polli, James E; Kesisoglou, Filippos; Crison, John; Johnson, Kevin C; Muirhead, Gordon T; Schofield, Timothy; Tsong, Yi
A biopharmaceutics and Quality by Design (QbD) conference was held on June 10-12, 2009 in Rockville, Maryland, USA to provide a forum and identify approaches for enhancing product quality for patient benefit. Presentations concerned the current biopharmaceutical toolbox (i.e., in vitro, in silico, pre-clinical, in vivo, and statistical approaches), as well as case studies, and reflections on new paradigms. Plenary and breakout session discussions evaluated the current state and envisioned a future state that more effectively integrates QbD and biopharmaceutics. Breakout groups discussed the following four topics: Integrating Biopharmaceutical Assessment into the QbD Paradigm, Predictive Statistical Tools, Predictive Mechanistic Tools, and Predictive Analytical Tools. Nine priority areas, further described in this report, were identified for advancing integration of biopharmaceutics and support a more fundamentally based, integrated approach to setting product dissolution/release acceptance criteria. Collaboration among a broad range of disciplines and fostering a knowledge sharing environment that places the patient's needs as the focus of drug development, consistent with science- and risk-based spirit of QbD, were identified as key components of the path forward.
Cell Engineering and Molecular Pharming for Biopharmaceuticals
Abdullah, M.A; Rahmah, Anisa ur; Sinskey, A.J; Rha, C.K
Biopharmaceuticals are often produced by recombinant E. coli or mammalian cell lines. This is usually achieved by the introduction of a gene or cDNA coding for the protein of interest into a well-characterized strain of producer cells. Naturally, each recombinant production system has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. This paper examines the current practices, developments, and future trends in the production of biopharmaceuticals. Platform technologies for rapid screening and analyses of biosystems are reviewed. Strategies to improve productivity via metabolic and integrated engineering are also highlighted. PMID:19662143
Edible plants for oral delivery of biopharmaceuticals.
Merlin, Matilde; Pezzotti, Mario; Avesani, Linda
Molecular farming is the use of plants for the production of high value recombinant proteins. Over the last 25 years, molecular farming has achieved the inexpensive, scalable and safe production of pharmaceutical proteins using a range of strategies. One of the most promising approaches is the use of edible plant organs expressing biopharmaceuticals for direct oral delivery. This approach has proven to be efficacious in several clinical vaccination and tolerance induction trials as well as multiple preclinical studies for disease prevention. The production of oral biopharmaceuticals in edible plant tissues could revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry by reducing the cost of production systems based on fermentation, and also eliminating expensive downstream purification, cold storage and transportation costs. This review considers the unique features that make plants ideal as platforms for the oral delivery of protein-based therapeutics and describes recent developments in the production of plant derived biopharmaceuticals for oral administration. © 2016 The British Pharmacological Society.
The Market of Biopharmaceutical Medicines: A Snapshot of a Diverse Industrial Landscape.
Moorkens, Evelien; Meuwissen, Nicolas; Huys, Isabelle; Declerck, Paul; Vulto, Arnold G; Simoens, Steven
Background: Biopharmaceutical medicines represent a growing share of the global pharmaceutical market, and with many of these biopharmaceutical products facing loss of exclusivity rights, also biosimilars may now enter the biopharmaceutical market. Objectives: This study aims to identify and document which investment and development strategies are adopted by industrial players in the global biopharmaceutical market. Methods: A descriptive analysis was undertaken of the investment and development strategies of the top 25 pharmaceutical companies according to 2015 worldwide prescription drug sales. Strategies were documented by collecting data on manufacturing plans, development programs, acquisition and collaboration agreements, the portfolio and pipeline of biosimilar, originator and next-generation biopharmaceutical products. Data were extracted from publicly available sources. Results: Various investment and development strategies can be identified in the global biopharmaceutical market: (a) development of originator biopharmaceuticals, (b) investment in biotechnology, (c) development of next-generation biopharmaceuticals, (d) development of biosimilars, (e) investment in emerging countries, and (f) collaboration between companies. In the top 25 pharmaceutical companies almost every company invests in originator biopharmaceuticals and in biotechnology in general, but only half of them develops next-generation biopharmaceuticals. Furthermore, only half of them invest in development of biosimilars. The companies' biosimilar pipeline is mainly focused on development of biosimilar monoclonal antibodies and to some extent on biosimilar insulins. A common strategy is collaboration between companies and investment in emerging countries. Conclusions: A snapshot of investment and development strategies used by industrial players in the global biopharmaceutical market shows that all top 25 pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the biopharmaceutical market and that this
The Market of Biopharmaceutical Medicines: A Snapshot of a Diverse Industrial Landscape
Moorkens, Evelien; Meuwissen, Nicolas; Huys, Isabelle; Declerck, Paul; Vulto, Arnold G.; Simoens, Steven
Background: Biopharmaceutical medicines represent a growing share of the global pharmaceutical market, and with many of these biopharmaceutical products facing loss of exclusivity rights, also biosimilars may now enter the biopharmaceutical market. Objectives: This study aims to identify and document which investment and development strategies are adopted by industrial players in the global biopharmaceutical market. Methods: A descriptive analysis was undertaken of the investment and development strategies of the top 25 pharmaceutical companies according to 2015 worldwide prescription drug sales. Strategies were documented by collecting data on manufacturing plans, development programs, acquisition and collaboration agreements, the portfolio and pipeline of biosimilar, originator and next-generation biopharmaceutical products. Data were extracted from publicly available sources. Results: Various investment and development strategies can be identified in the global biopharmaceutical market: (a) development of originator biopharmaceuticals, (b) investment in biotechnology, (c) development of next-generation biopharmaceuticals, (d) development of biosimilars, (e) investment in emerging countries, and (f) collaboration between companies. In the top 25 pharmaceutical companies almost every company invests in originator biopharmaceuticals and in biotechnology in general, but only half of them develops next-generation biopharmaceuticals. Furthermore, only half of them invest in development of biosimilars. The companies' biosimilar pipeline is mainly focused on development of biosimilar monoclonal antibodies and to some extent on biosimilar insulins. A common strategy is collaboration between companies and investment in emerging countries. Conclusions: A snapshot of investment and development strategies used by industrial players in the global biopharmaceutical market shows that all top 25 pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the biopharmaceutical market and that this
Patent production is a prerequisite for successful exit of a biopharmaceutical company.
Saotome, Chikako; Nakaya, Yurie; Abe, Seiji
Patents are especially important for the business of drug discovery; however, their importance for biopharmaceutical companies has not been revealed quantitatively yet. To examine the correlation between patents and long-term business outcome of biopharmaceutical companies we analyze annual number of patent families and business conditions of 123 public-listed biopharmaceutical companies established from 1990 to 1995 in the USA. Our results show the number of patent families per year correlates well with the business condition: average of the bankruptcy group is significantly smaller than those of the continuing and the merger and acquisitions (M&A) groups. In the M&A by big pharma group, the acquisition cost correlates with the number of annual patent families. However, patentability and strategy of foreign patent application are not different among the groups. Therefore, the productivity of invention is the key factor for success of biopharmaceutical companies. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Biopharmaceutical innovation and industrial developments in South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan.
Hsieh, Chee-Ruey; Löfgren, Hans
South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan are well known as export-oriented developmental states which for decades employed industrial policy to target particular industries for government support. In the past fifteen years, these three countries all identified the biopharmaceutical industry as a strategic sector. This article explores, through economic analysis, the rationale for this decision and the strategies chosen for linking into the global bio-economy with the objective of catching up in biopharmaceuticals. The paper identifies three comparative advantages enjoyed by these countries in the biopharma sector: (1) public investments in basic research; (2) private investments in phase 1 clinical trials; and (3) a potentially significant contract research industry managing latter-stage clinical trials. Governments employ a range of industrial policies, consistent with these comparative advantages, to promote the biopharmaceutical industry, including public investment in biomedical hubs, research funding and research and development (R&D) tax credits. We argue that the most important feature of the biopharmaceutical industry in these countries is the dominant role of the public sector. That these countries have made progress in innovative capabilities is illustrated by input measures such as R&D expenditure as share of gross domestic product, number of patents granted and clinical trials, and volume of foreign direct investment. In contrast, output indicators such as approval of new chemical entities suggest that the process of catching up has only just commenced. Pharmaceutical innovation is at the stage of mainly generating inputs to integrated processes controlled by the globally incumbent firms.
Japan-Specific Key Regulatory Aspects for Development of New Biopharmaceutical Drug Products.
Desai, Kashappa Goud; Obayashi, Hirokazu; Colandene, James D; Nesta, Douglas P
Japan represents the third largest pharmaceutical market in the world. Developing a new biopharmaceutical drug product for the Japanese market is a top business priority for global pharmaceutical companies while aligning with ethical drivers to treat more patients in need. Understanding Japan-specific key regulatory requirements is essential to achieve successful approvals. Understanding the full context of Japan-specific regulatory requirements/expectations is challenging to global pharmaceutical companies due to differences in language and culture. This article summarizes key Japan-specific regulatory aspects/requirements/expectations applicable to new drug development, approval, and postapproval phases. Formulation excipients should meet Japan compendial requirements with respect to the type of excipient, excipient grade, and excipient concentration. Preclinical safety assessments needed to support clinical phases I, II, and III development are summarized. Japanese regulatory authorities have taken appropriate steps to consider foreign clinical data, thereby enabling accelerated drug development and approval in Japan. Other important topics summarized in this article include: Japan new drug application-specific bracketing strategies for critical and noncritical aspects of the manufacturing process, regulatory requirements related to stability studies, release specifications and testing methods, standard processes involved in pre and postapproval inspections, management of postapproval changes, and Japan regulatory authority's consultation services available to global pharmaceutical companies. Copyright © 2018 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Microtools for single-cell analysis in biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing.
Love, Kerry Routenberg; Bagh, Sangram; Choi, Jonghoon; Love, J Christopher
Biologic drugs are promoting growth in the biopharmaceutical industry. Despite the clinical benefits of these drugs, the time and costs required to bring new biologics to market still are substantial. Three key challenges, among others, persist in the development of biologic drugs: namely, establishing product similarity, product toxicity, and global accessibility. New classes of microtools that facilitate the isolation and interrogation of single cells have the potential to impact each of these challenges. This opinion considers recent examples of microtools with demonstrated or potential utility to address problems in these areas. Integrating these advanced technologies into the development of new biologics could greatly reduce time and costs required to bring alternative products to market, and thus expand their global availability. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Carrot cells: a pioneering platform for biopharmaceuticals production.
Rosales-Mendoza, Sergio; Tello-Olea, Marlene Anahí
Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is of importance in the molecular farming field as it constitutes the first plant species approved to produce biopharmaceuticals for human use. In this review, features that make carrot an advantageous species in the molecular farming field are analyzed and a description of the developments achieved with this crop thus far is presented. A guide for genetic transformation procedures is also included. The state of the art comprises ten vaccine prototypes against Measles virus, Hepatitis B virus, Human immunodeficiency virus, Yersinia pestis, Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium diphtheria/Clostridium tetani/Bordetella pertussis, and Helicobacter pylori; as well as the case of the glucocerebrosidase, an enzyme used for replacement therapy, and other therapeutics. Perspectives for these developments are envisioned and innovations are proposed such as the use of transplastomic technologies-, hairy roots-, and viral expression-based systems to improve yields and develop new products derived from this advantageous plant species.
Plant-made vaccine antigens and biopharmaceuticals
Daniell, Henry; Singh, Nameirakpam D.; Mason, Hugh; Streatfield, Stephen J.
Plant cells are ideal bioreactors for the production and oral delivery of vaccines and biopharmaceuticals, eliminating the need for expensive fermentation, purification, cold storage, transportation and sterile delivery. Plant-made vaccines have been developed for two decades but none has advanced beyond Phase I. However, two plant-made biopharmaceuticals are now advancing through Phase II and Phase III human clinical trials. In this review, we evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different plant expression systems (stable nuclear and chloroplast or transient viral) and their current limitations or challenges. We provide suggestions for advancing this valuable concept for clinical applications and conclude that greater research emphasis is needed on large scale production, purification, functional characterization, oral delivery and preclinical evaluation. PMID:19836291
Guidance to Achieve Accurate Aggregate Quantitation in Biopharmaceuticals by SV-AUC.
Arthur, Kelly K; Kendrick, Brent S; Gabrielson, John P
The levels and types of aggregates present in protein biopharmaceuticals must be assessed during all stages of product development, manufacturing, and storage of the finished product. Routine monitoring of aggregate levels in biopharmaceuticals is typically achieved by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) due to its high precision, speed, robustness, and simplicity to operate. However, SEC is error prone and requires careful method development to ensure accuracy of reported aggregate levels. Sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation (SV-AUC) is an orthogonal technique that can be used to measure protein aggregation without many of the potential inaccuracies of SEC. In this chapter, we discuss applications of SV-AUC during biopharmaceutical development and how characteristics of the technique make it better suited for some applications than others. We then discuss the elements of a comprehensive analytical control strategy for SV-AUC. Successful implementation of these analytical control elements ensures that SV-AUC provides continued value over the long time frames necessary to bring biopharmaceuticals to market. © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Separation science is the key to successful biopharmaceuticals.
Guiochon, Georges; Beaver, Lois Ann
The impact of economic change, advances in science, therapy and production processes resulted in considerable growth in the area of biopharmaceuticals. Progress in selection of microorganisms and improvements in cell culture and bioreactors is evidenced by increased yields of the desired products in the complex fermentation mixture. At this stage the downstream process of extraction and purification of the desired biopharmaceutical requires considerable attention in the design and operation of the units used for preparative chromatography. Understanding of the process, optimization of column design and experimental conditions have become critical to the biopharmaceutical industry in order to minimize production costs while satisfying new regulatory requirements. Optimization of the purification of biopharmaceuticals by preparative liquid chromatography including an examination of column preparation and bed properties is the focus of this manuscript. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Kinch, Michael S; Moore, Ryan
The way new medicines are discovered and brought to market has fundamentally changed over the last 30 years. Our previous analysis showed that biotechnology companies had contributed significantly to the US Food and Drug Administration approval of new molecular entities up to the mid-1980s, when the trends started to decline. Although intriguing, the focus on biotechnology necessarily precluded the wider question of how the biopharmaceutical industry has been delivering on its goals to develop new drugs. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of all biopharmaceutical innovators and uncover unexpected findings. The present biopharmaceutical industry grew steadily from 1800 to 1950 and then stagnated for two decades, before a burst of growth attributable to the biotechnology revolution took place; but consolidation has reduced the number of active and independent innovators to a level not experienced since 1945. The trajectories and trends we observe raise fundamental questions about biopharmaceutical innovators and the sustainability of the drug-development enterprise. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Biopharmaceutical Evaluation and CMC Aspects of Oral Modified Release Formulations.
Chang, Rong-Kun; Mathias, Neil; Hussain, Munir A
This article discusses the range of outcomes from biopharmaceutical studies of specific modified release (MR) product examples in preclinical models and humans. It touches upon five major biopharmaceutical areas for MR drug products: (1) evidence for regional permeability throughout the GI tract, (2) susceptibility to food-effect, (3) susceptibility to pH-effect, (4) impact of chronopharmacology in designing MR products, and (5) implications to narrow therapeutic index products. Robust bioperformance requires that product quality is met through a thorough understanding of the appropriate critical quality attributes that ensure reliable and robust manufacture of a MR dosage form. The quality-by-design (QbD) aspects of MR dosage form design and development are discussed with the emphasis on the regulatory view of the data required to support dosage form development.
Heggendorn, Fabiano Luiz; Silva, Gabriela Cristina de Carvalho; Cardoso, Elisama Azevedo; Castro, Helena Carla; Gonçalves, Lúcio Souza; Dias, Eliane Pedra; Lione, Viviane de Oliveira Freitas; Lutterbach, Márcia Teresa Soares
This study assessed the cell viability of the inoculation vehicle of BACCOR (a combination of sulfate-reducing bacteria plus a culture media for bacteria), a biopharmaceutical product under development for dental use as aid in fractured endodontic file removal from the root canal. Different culture media for bacteria were evaluated: modified Postgate E (MCP-E mod), Modified Postgate E without Agar-agar (MCP-E w/Ag), Postgate C with Agar-agar (MCP-C Ag) and Postgate C without Agar-agar (MCP-C w/Ag). Cytotoxicity was quantified by the MTT test, exposing L929 and Vero cell lines to the vehicles over 24 h. The exposure of L929 cell line to MCP-E w/Ag resulted in biocompatibility (52% cell viability), while the exposure of the Vero kidney line revealed only MCP-E mod as cytotoxic. When diluted, all the vehicles showed biocompatibility with both cell lines. MCP-E w/Ag was the vehicle chosen for BACCOR, because of its biocompatibility with the cells used.
Hu, Hao; Chung, Chao-Chen
Background: This article sets up the initial discussion of the evolution of biopharmaceutical innovation in China through the perspective of sectoral innovation system (SIS). Methods: Two data sources including archival documentary data and field interviews were used in this study. Archival documentary data was collected from China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) and Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). In addition, industrial practitioners and leading researchers in academia were interviewed. Results: Biopharmaceutical in China was established through international knowledge transfer. The firms played more active role in commercializing biopharmaceutical in China though universities and research institutes were starting to interact with local firms and make contribution to biopharmaceutical industrialization. The transition of the Chinese government’s policies continuously shapes the evolution of biopharmaceutical sector. Policies have been dramatic changes before and after 1980s to encourage developing biopharmaceutical as a competitive industry for China. Conclusion: A SIS for biopharmaceutical has been shaped in China. However, currently biopharmaceutical is still a small sector in China, and for the further growth of the industry more synthetic policies should be implemented. Not only the policy supports towards the research and innovation of biopharmaceuticals in the early stage of development should be attended, but also commercialization of biopharmaceutical products in the later stage of sales. PMID:26673466
Hu, Hao; Chung, Chao-Chen
This article sets up the initial discussion of the evolution of biopharmaceutical innovation in China through the perspective of sectoral innovation system (SIS). Two data sources including archival documentary data and field interviews were used in this study. Archival documentary data was collected from China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) and Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). In addition, industrial practitioners and leading researchers in academia were interviewed. Biopharmaceutical in China was established through international knowledge transfer. The firms played more active role in commercializing biopharmaceutical in China though universities and research institutes were starting to interact with local firms and make contribution to biopharmaceutical industrialization. The transition of the Chinese government's policies continuously shapes the evolution of biopharmaceutical sector. Policies have been dramatic changes before and after 1980s to encourage developing biopharmaceutical as a competitive industry for China. A SIS for biopharmaceutical has been shaped in China. However, currently biopharmaceutical is still a small sector in China, and for the further growth of the industry more synthetic policies should be implemented. Not only the policy supports towards the research and innovation of biopharmaceuticals in the early stage of development should be attended, but also commercialization of biopharmaceutical products in the later stage of sales. © 2015 by Kerman University of Medical Sciences.
Health economics of market access for biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars.
Simoens, Steven
This article discusses health economic challenges of research and development, registration, pricing and reimbursement of biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars. A literature search was carried out of PubMed, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination databases, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and EconLit up to March 2009. The development process of biopharmaceuticals is risky, lengthy, complex and expensive. Registration is complicated by the inherent variation between biopharmaceuticals. Also, as biopharmaceuticals are likely to be efficacious in a subgroup of the patient population, there is a need to select the most responsive target population and to identify biomarkers. To inform pricing and reimbursement decisions, the development process needs to collect comparative data to calculate the incremental cost effectiveness and budget impact of biopharmaceuticals. There is a role for innovative mechanisms such as risk-sharing arrangements to reimburse biopharmaceuticals. Given that biosimilars are similar, but not identical to the reference biopharmaceutical, the development process needs to generate clinical trial data in order to gain marketing authorisation. From a health economic perspective, the question arises whether inherent differences between biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars produce differences in safety, effectiveness and costs: to date, this question is unresolved. The early inclusion of health economics in the process of developing biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars is imperative with a view to demonstrating their relative (cost) effectiveness and informing registration, pricing and reimbursement decisions.
The roles of a process development group in biopharmaceutical process startup.
Goochee, Charles F
The transfer of processes for biotherapeutic products into finalmanufacturing facilities was frequently problematic during the 1980's and early 1990's, resulting in costly delays to licensure(Pisano 1997). While plant startups for this class of products can become chaotic affairs, this is not an inherent or intrinsic feature. Major classes of process startup problems have been identified andmechanisms have been developed to reduce their likelihood of occurrence. These classes of process startup problems and resolution mechanisms are the major topic of this article. With proper planning and sufficient staffing, the probably of a smooth process startup for a biopharmaceutical product can be very high - i.e., successful process performance will often beachieved within the first two full-scale process lots in the plant. The primary focus of this article is the role of the Process Development Group in helping to assure this high probability of success.
Biopharmaceutical industry perspectives on the business prospects for personalized medicine.
Milne, Christopher-Paul; Zuckerman, Rachael
Personalized medicine is entering its second decade, yet the role it will play in addressing the biopharmaceutical industry's productivity gap and the rising cost of healthcare is still a matter of speculation. So what does the biopharmaceutical industry itself say about the business prospects for personalized medicine? The authors conducted interviews with 20 science and business experts from 13 companies to find out. In this article, particular attention is paid to drug-diagnostic codevelopment, so-called companion diagnostics. The results of the interviews are discussed in light of perspectives from various stakeholders available from the literature in the public domain. In brief, biopharmaceutical acknowledges the many difficulties that plague this path to product development with particular concern for knowledge gaps in the scientific base, the timing of studies during development, as well as the regulatory, reimbursement and commercial hurdles that can thwart approval, launch and market uptake. Nonetheless, personalized medicine in general and companion diagnostics in particular are believed to be an increasingly sustainable business proposition with expectations for rapid market growth in the near term.
Follow-on biologics: competition in the biopharmaceutical marketplace.
Devine, Joshua W; Cline, Richard R; Farley, Joel F
To describe the implications of a follow-on biologic approval process with focus on current stakeholders, implications of the status quo, and recommendations for future policy. A search using Medline, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, Med Ad News, F-D-C Reports/Pink Sheets, and Google index directories was conducted with terms such as biologic, biopharmaceutical, generic, and follow-on. Articles pertaining to the follow-on biologic debate. By the authors. Over the past decade, the biopharmaceutical market has experienced substantial growth in the number of product approvals and sales. In contrast with prescription medications, biologic agents currently lack an abbreviated regulatory approval process. Evidence from the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984 suggests that reducing barriers to generic competition in the pharmaceutical market successfully increases generic market penetration and reduces overall prices to consumers. Although scientific and regulatory dissimilarities between biopharmaceuticals and other medications exist, a follow-on biologic approval process has the potential to play an important role in containing growth in pharmaceutical spending. In addition to biopharmaceutical and generic biopharmaceutical manufacturers, stakeholders with a vested interest in this debate include individual consumers who continue to bear the burden of spending increases in the pharmaceutical market. The debate over a follow-on process likely will be difficult as parties seek a balance between incentives for biopharmaceutical innovation, consumer safety, and affordability of existing biologic products.
The roles of patents and research and development incentives in biopharmaceutical innovation.
Grabowski, Henry G; DiMasi, Joseph A; Long, Genia
Patents and other forms of intellectual property protection play essential roles in encouraging innovation in biopharmaceuticals. As part of the "21st Century Cures" initiative, Congress is reviewing the policy mechanisms designed to accelerate the discovery, development, and delivery of new treatments. Debate continues about how best to balance patent and intellectual property incentives to encourage innovation, on the one hand, and generic utilization and price competition, on the other hand. We review the current framework for accomplishing these dual objectives and the important role of patents and regulatory exclusivity (together, the patent-based system), given the lengthy, costly, and risky biopharmaceutical research and development process. We summarize existing targeted incentives, such as for orphan drugs and neglected diseases, and we consider the pros and cons of proposed voluntary or mandatory alternatives to the patent-based system, such as prizes and government research and development contracting. We conclude that patents and regulatory exclusivity provisions are likely to remain the core approach to providing incentives for biopharmaceutical research and development. However, prizes and other voluntary supplements could play a useful role in addressing unmet needs and gaps in specific circumstances. Project HOPE—The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
Analytical tools for characterizing biopharmaceuticals and the implications for biosimilars
Berkowitz, Steven A.; Engen, John R.; Mazzeo, Jeffrey R.; Jones, Graham B.
Biologics such as monoclonal antibodies are much more complex than small-molecule drugs, which raises challenging questions for the development and regulatory evaluation of follow-on versions of such biopharmaceutical products (also known as biosimilars) and their clinical use once patent protection for the pioneering biologic has expired. With the recent introduction of regulatory pathways for follow-on versions of complex biologics, the role of analytical technologies in comparing biosimilars with the corresponding reference product is attracting substantial interest in establishing the development requirements for biosimilars. Here, we discuss the current state of the art in analytical technologies to assess three characteristics of protein biopharmaceuticals that regulatory authorities have identified as being important in development strategies for biosimilars: post-translational modifications, three-dimensional structures and protein aggregation. PMID:22743980
Provisional in-silico biopharmaceutics classification (BCS) to guide oral drug product development
Wolk, Omri; Agbaria, Riad; Dahan, Arik
The main objective of this work was to investigate in-silico predictions of physicochemical properties, in order to guide oral drug development by provisional biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS). Four in-silico methods were used to estimate LogP: group contribution (CLogP) using two different software programs, atom contribution (ALogP), and element contribution (KLogP). The correlations (r2) of CLogP, ALogP and KLogP versus measured LogP data were 0.97, 0.82, and 0.71, respectively. The classification of drugs with reported intestinal permeability in humans was correct for 64.3%–72.4% of the 29 drugs on the dataset, and for 81.82%–90.91% of the 22 drugs that are passively absorbed using the different in-silico algorithms. Similar permeability classification was obtained with the various in-silico methods. The in-silico calculations, along with experimental melting points, were then incorporated into a thermodynamic equation for solubility estimations that largely matched the reference solubility values. It was revealed that the effect of melting point on the solubility is minor compared to the partition coefficient, and an average melting point (162.7°C) could replace the experimental values, with similar results. The in-silico methods classified 20.76% (±3.07%) as Class 1, 41.51% (±3.32%) as Class 2, 30.49% (±4.47%) as Class 3, and 6.27% (±4.39%) as Class 4. In conclusion, in-silico methods can be used for BCS classification of drugs in early development, from merely their molecular formula and without foreknowledge of their chemical structure, which will allow for the improved selection, engineering, and developability of candidates. These in-silico methods could enhance success rates, reduce costs, and accelerate oral drug products development. PMID:25284986
Delivery Systems for Biopharmaceuticals. Part I: Nanoparticles and Microparticles.
Silva, Ana C; Lopes, Carla M; Lobo, José M S; Amaral, Maria H
Pharmaceutical biotechnology has been showing therapeutic success never achieved with conventional drug molecules. Therefore, biopharmaceutical products are currently well-established in clinic and the development of new ones is expected. These products comprise mainly therapeutic proteins, although nucleic acids and cells are also included. However, according to their sensitive molecular structures, the efficient delivery of biopharmaceuticals is challenging. Several delivery systems (e.g. microparticles and nanoparticles) composed of different materials (e.g. polymers and lipids) have been explored and demonstrated excellent outcomes, such as: high cellular transfection efficiency for nucleic acids, cell targeting, increased proteins and peptides bioavailability, improved immune response in vaccination, and viability maintenance of microencapsulated cells. Nonetheless, important issues need to be addressed before they reach clinics. For example, more in vivo studies in animals, accessing the toxicity potential and predicting in vivo failure of these delivery systems are required. This is the Part I of two review articles, which presents the state of the art of delivery systems for biopharmaceuticals. Part I deals with microparticles and polymeric and lipid nanoparticles.
The successes and challenges of open-source biopharmaceutical innovation.
Allarakhia, Minna
Increasingly, open-source-based alliances seek to provide broad access to data, research-based tools, preclinical samples and downstream compounds. The challenge is how to create value from open-source biopharmaceutical innovation. This value creation may occur via transparency and usage of data across the biopharmaceutical value chain as stakeholders move dynamically between open source and open innovation. In this article, several examples are used to trace the evolution of biopharmaceutical open-source initiatives. The article specifically discusses the technological challenges associated with the integration and standardization of big data; the human capacity development challenges associated with skill development around big data usage; and the data-material access challenge associated with data and material access and usage rights, particularly as the boundary between open source and open innovation becomes more fluid. It is the author's opinion that the assessment of when and how value creation will occur, through open-source biopharmaceutical innovation, is paramount. The key is to determine the metrics of value creation and the necessary technological, educational and legal frameworks to support the downstream outcomes of now big data-based open-source initiatives. The continued focus on the early-stage value creation is not advisable. Instead, it would be more advisable to adopt an approach where stakeholders transform open-source initiatives into open-source discovery, crowdsourcing and open product development partnerships on the same platform.
Veterinary clinical pathologists in the biopharmaceutical industry.
Schultze, A Eric; Bounous, Denise I; Bolliger, Anne Provencher
There is an international shortage of veterinary clinical pathologists in the workplace. Current trainees in veterinary clinical pathology may choose to pursue careers in academe, diagnostic laboratories, government health services, biopharmaceutical companies, or private practice. Academic training programs attempt to provide trainees with an exposure to several career choices. However, due to the proprietary nature of much of the work in the biopharmaceutical industry, trainees may not be fully informed regarding the nature of work for veterinary clinical pathologists and the myriad opportunities that await employment in the biopharmaceutical industry. The goals of this report are to provide trainees in veterinary clinical pathology and other laboratory personnel with an overview of the work-life of veterinary clinical pathologists employed in the biopharmaceutical industry, and to raise the profile of this career choice for those seeking to enter the workforce. Biographical sketches, job descriptions, and motivation for 3 successful veterinary clinical pathologists employed in the biopharmaceutical industry are provided. Current and past statistics for veterinary clinical pathologists employed in the biopharmaceutical industry are reviewed. An overview of the drug development process and involvement of veterinary clinical pathologists in the areas of discovery, lead optimization, and candidate evaluation are discussed. Additional duties for veterinary clinical pathologists employed in the biopharmaceutical industry include development of biomarkers and new technologies, service as scientific resources, diagnostic support services, and laboratory management responsibilities. There are numerous opportunities available for trainees in veterinary clinical pathology to pursue employment in the biopharmaceutical industry and enjoy challenging and rewarding careers.
Kesisoglou, Filippos; Chung, John; van Asperen, Judith; Heimbach, Tycho
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in use of physiologically based pharmacokinetic models in drug development and regulatory applications. Although most of the published examples have focused on aspects such as first-in-human (FIH) dose predictions or drug-drug interactions, several publications have highlighted the application of these models in the biopharmaceutics field and their use to inform formulation development. In this report, we present 5 case studies of use of such models in this biopharmaceutics/formulation space across different pharmaceutical companies. The case studies cover different aspects of biopharmaceutics or formulation questions including (1) prediction of absorption prior to FIH studies; (2) optimization of formulation and dissolution method post-FIH data; (3) early exploration of a modified-release formulation; (4) addressing bridging questions for late-stage formulation changes; and (5) prediction of pharmacokinetics in the fed state for a Biopharmaceutics Classification System class I drug with fasted state data. The discussion of the case studies focuses on how such models can facilitate decisions and biopharmaceutic understanding of drug candidates and the opportunities for increased use and acceptance of such models in drug development and regulatory interactions. Copyright © 2016 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hybrid and Disposable Facilities for Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals: Pros and Cons
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ravisé, Aline; Cameau, Emmanuelle; de Abreu, Georges; Pralong, Alain
Modern biotechnology has grown over the last 35 years to a maturing industry producing and delivering high-value biopharmaceuticals that yield important medical and economical benefits. The constantly increasing need for biopharmaceuticals and significant costs related to time-consuming R&D work makes this industry risky and highly competitive. This trend is confirmed by the important number of biopharmaceuticals that are actually under development at all stages by all major pharmaceutical industry companies. A consequence of this evolution is an increasing need for development and manufacturing capacity. The build up of traditional - stainless steel - technology is complicated, time consuming and very expensive. The decision for such a major investment needs to be taken early in the development cycle of a promising drug to cope with future demands for clinical trials and product launch. Possibilities for the reduction of R&D and manufacturing costs are therefore of significant interest in order to be competitive.
Early Implementation of QbD in Biopharmaceutical Development: A Practical Example
Zurdo, Jesús; Arnell, Andreas; Obrezanova, Olga; Smith, Noel; Gómez de la Cuesta, Ramón; Gallagher, Thomas R. A.; Michael, Rebecca; Stallwood, Yvette; Ekblad, Caroline; Abrahmsén, Lars; Höidén-Guthenberg, Ingmarie
In drug development, the “onus” of the low R&D efficiency has been put traditionally onto the drug discovery process (i.e., finding the right target or “binding” functionality). Here, we show that manufacturing is not only a central component of product success, but also that, by integrating manufacturing and discovery activities in a “holistic” interpretation of QbD methodologies, we could expect to increase the efficiency of the drug discovery process as a whole. In this new context, early risk assessment, using developability methodologies and computational methods in particular, can assist in reducing risks during development in a cost-effective way. We define specific areas of risk and how they can impact product quality in a broad sense, including essential aspects such as product efficacy and patient safety. Emerging industry practices around developability are introduced, including some specific examples of applications to biotherapeutics. Furthermore, we suggest some potential workflows to illustrate how developability strategies can be introduced in practical terms during early drug development in order to mitigate risks, reduce drug attrition and ultimately increase the robustness of the biopharmaceutical supply chain. Finally, we also discuss how the implementation of such methodologies could accelerate the access of new therapeutic treatments to patients in the clinic. PMID:26075248
Velaga, Sitaram P; Djuris, Jelena; Cvijic, Sandra; Rozou, Stavroula; Russo, Paola; Colombo, Gaia; Rossi, Alessandra
In vitro dissolution testing is routinely used in the development of pharmaceutical products. Whilst the dissolution testing methods are well established and standardized for oral dosage forms, i.e. tablets and capsules, there are no pharmacopoeia methods or regulatory requirements for testing the dissolution of orally inhaled powders. Despite this, a wide variety of dissolution testing methods for orally inhaled powders has been developed and their bio-relevance has been evaluated. This review provides an overview of the in vitro dissolution methodologies for dry inhalation products, with particular emphasis on dry powder inhalers, where the dissolution behavior of the respirable particles can have a role on duration and absorption of the drug. Dissolution mechanisms of respirable particles as well as kinetic models have been presented. A more recent biorelevant dissolution set-ups and media for studying inhalation biopharmaceutics were also reviewed. In addition, factors affecting interplay between dissolution and absorption of deposited particles in the context of biopharmaceutical considerations of inhalation products were examined. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Silva, Ana C; Lopes, Carla M; Lobo, José M S; Amaral, Maria H
Biopharmaceuticals are a generation of drugs that include peptides, proteins, nucleic acids and cell products. According to their particular molecular characteristics (e.g. high molecular size, susceptibility to enzymatic activity), these products present some limitations for administration and usually parenteral routes are the only option. To avoid these limitations, different colloidal carriers (e.g. liposomes, micelles, microemulsions and dendrimers) have been proposed to improve biopharmaceuticals delivery. Liposomes are promising drug delivery systems, despite some limitations have been reported (e.g. in vivo failure, poor long-term stability and low transfection efficiency), and only a limited number of formulations have reached the market. Micelles and microemulsions require more studies to exclude some of the observed drawbacks and guarantee their potential for use in clinic. According to their peculiar structures, dendrimers have been showing good results for nucleic acids delivery and a great development of these systems during next years is expected. This is the Part II of two review articles, which provides the state of the art of biopharmaceuticals delivery systems. Part II deals with liposomes, micelles, microemulsions and dendrimers.
A new large-scale manufacturing platform for complex biopharmaceuticals.
Vogel, Jens H; Nguyen, Huong; Giovannini, Roberto; Ignowski, Jolene; Garger, Steve; Salgotra, Anil; Tom, Jennifer
Complex biopharmaceuticals, such as recombinant blood coagulation factors, are addressing critical medical needs and represent a growing multibillion-dollar market. For commercial manufacturing of such, sometimes inherently unstable, molecules it is important to minimize product residence time in non-ideal milieu in order to obtain acceptable yields and consistently high product quality. Continuous perfusion cell culture allows minimization of residence time in the bioreactor, but also brings unique challenges in product recovery, which requires innovative solutions. In order to maximize yield, process efficiency, facility and equipment utilization, we have developed, scaled-up and successfully implemented a new integrated manufacturing platform in commercial scale. This platform consists of a (semi-)continuous cell separation process based on a disposable flow path and integrated with the upstream perfusion operation, followed by membrane chromatography on large-scale adsorber capsules in rapid cycling mode. Implementation of the platform at commercial scale for a new product candidate led to a yield improvement of 40% compared to the conventional process technology, while product quality has been shown to be more consistently high. Over 1,000,000 L of cell culture harvest have been processed with 100% success rate to date, demonstrating the robustness of the new platform process in GMP manufacturing. While membrane chromatography is well established for polishing in flow-through mode, this is its first commercial-scale application for bind/elute chromatography in the biopharmaceutical industry and demonstrates its potential in particular for manufacturing of potent, low-dose biopharmaceuticals. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Amidon, KS; Langguth, P; Lennernäs, H; Yu, L; Amidon, GL
The demonstration of bioequivalence (BE) is an essential requirement for ensuring that patients receive a product that performs as indicated by the label. The BE standard for a particular product is set by its innovator, and this standard must subsequently be matched by generic drug products. The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) sets a scientific basis for an improved BE standard for immediate-release solid oral dosage forms. In this paper, we discuss BE and the BCS, as well as the issues that are currently relevant to BE as a pharmaceutical product standard. PMID:21775984
Second International Conference on Accelerating Biopharmaceutical Development
The Second International Conference on Accelerating Biopharmaceutical Development was held in Coronado, California. The meeting was organized by the Society for Biological Engineering (SBE) and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE); SBE is a technological community of the AIChE. Bob Adamson (Wyeth) and Chuck Goochee (Centocor) were co-chairs of the event, which had the theme “Delivering cost-effective, robust processes and methods quickly and efficiently.” The first day focused on emerging disruptive technologies and cutting-edge analytical techniques. Day two featured presentations on accelerated cell culture process development, critical quality attributes, specifications and comparability, and high throughput protein formulation development. The final day was dedicated to discussion of technology options and new analysis methods provided by emerging disruptive technologies; functional interaction, integration and synergy in platform development; and rapid and economic purification process development. PMID:20065637
Ponzio, Todd A; Feindt, Hans; Ferguson, Steven
Biopharmaceuticals are therapeutic products based on biotechnology. They are manufactured by or from living organisms and are the most complex of all commercial medicines to develop, manufacture and qualify for regulatory approval. In recent years biopharmaceuticals have rapidly increased in number and importance with over 400() already marketed in the U.S. and European markets alone. Many companies throughout the world are now ramping up investments in biopharmaceutical R&D and expanding their portfolios through licensing of early-stage biotechnologies from universities and other non-profit research institutions, and there is an increasing number of license agreements for biopharmaceutical product development relative to traditional small molecule drug compounds. This trend will only continue as large numbers of biosimilars and biogenerics enter the market.A primary goal of technology transfer offices associated with publicly-funded, non-profit research institutions is to establish patent protection for inventions deemed to have commercial potential and license them for product development. Such licenses help stimulate economic development and job creation, bring a stream of royalty revenue to the institution and, hopefully, advance the public good or public health by bringing new and useful products to market. In the course of applying for such licenses, a commercial development plan is usually put forth by the license applicant. This plan indicates the path the applicant expects to follow to bring the licensed invention to market. In the case of small molecule drug compounds, there exists a widely-recognized series of clinical development steps, dictated by regulatory requirements, that must be met to bring a new drug to market, such as completion of preclinical toxicology, Phase 1, 2 and 3 testing and product approvals. These steps often become the milestone/benchmark schedule incorporated into license agreements which technology transfer offices use to monitor
Ponzio, Todd A.; Feindt, Hans; Ferguson, Steven
Summary Biopharmaceuticals are therapeutic products based on biotechnology. They are manufactured by or from living organisms and are the most complex of all commercial medicines to develop, manufacture and qualify for regulatory approval. In recent years biopharmaceuticals have rapidly increased in number and importance with over 4001 already marketed in the U.S. and European markets alone. Many companies throughout the world are now ramping up investments in biopharmaceutical R&D and expanding their portfolios through licensing of early-stage biotechnologies from universities and other non-profit research institutions, and there is an increasing number of license agreements for biopharmaceutical product development relative to traditional small molecule drug compounds. This trend will only continue as large numbers of biosimilars and biogenerics enter the market. A primary goal of technology transfer offices associated with publicly-funded, non-profit research institutions is to establish patent protection for inventions deemed to have commercial potential and license them for product development. Such licenses help stimulate economic development and job creation, bring a stream of royalty revenue to the institution and, hopefully, advance the public good or public health by bringing new and useful products to market. In the course of applying for such licenses, a commercial development plan is usually put forth by the license applicant. This plan indicates the path the applicant expects to follow to bring the licensed invention to market. In the case of small molecule drug compounds, there exists a widely-recognized series of clinical development steps, dictated by regulatory requirements, that must be met to bring a new drug to market, such as completion of preclinical toxicology, Phase 1, 2 and 3 testing and product approvals. These steps often become the milestone/benchmark schedule incorporated into license agreements which technology transfer offices use to
Regulating biopharmaceuticals under CDER versus CBER: an insider's perspective.
Schwieterman, William D
The FDA has recently transferred jurisdiction for the regulation of certain biopharmaceuticals from the Center for Biologics, Evaluation and Research to the Center for Drugs, Evaluation and Research, where they will be reviewed in the same FDA divisions as are traditional pharmaceutical agents. With this transfer, sponsors of investigational biopharmaceuticals should expect changes in the regulatory requirements the FDA imposes on the clinical development plans, including an increase in the size and number of pivotal studies; more consistent requirements for conducting preclinical tests in two animal species; increased emphasis on organ structure and function as components of primary endpoints; more emphasis on characterizing dose-ranging and pharmacology; more intense scrutinizing of product advertising; and decreased direct communication with the review team.
Lennernäs, Hans; Abrahamsson, Bertil
Bioavailability (BA) and bioequivalence (BE) play a central role in pharmaceutical product development and BE studies are presently being conducted for New Drug Applications (NDAs) of new compounds, in supplementary NDAs for new medical indications and product line extensions, in Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs) of generic products and in applications for scale-up and post-approval changes. The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) has been developed to provide a scientific approach for classifying drug compounds based on solubility as related to dose and intestinal permeability in combination with the dissolution properties of the oral immediaterelease (IR) dosage form. The aim of the BCS is to provide a regulatory tool for replacing certain BE studies by accurate in-vitro dissolution tests. The aim of this review is to present the status of the BCS and discuss its future application in pharmaceutical product development. The future application of the BCS is most likely increasingly important when the present framework gains increased recognition, which will probably be the case if the BCS borders for certain class II and III drugs are extended. The future revision of the BCS guidelines by the regulatory agencies in communication with academic and industrial scientists is exciting and will hopefully result in an increased applicability in drug development. Finally, we emphasize the great use of the BCS as a simple tool in early drug development to determine the rate-limiting step in the oral absorption process, which has facilitated the information between different experts involved in the overall drug development process. This increased awareness of a proper biopharmaceutical characterization of new drugs may in the future result in drug molecules with a sufficiently high permeability, solubility and dissolution rate, and that will automatically increase the importance of the BCS as a regulatory tool over time.
The long road of biopharmaceutical drug development: from inception to marketing.
Mundae, M K; Ostör, A J K
The development of therapeutics is costly, time-consuming and has high attrition rates. Biopharmaceutical medications differ from traditional agents in their discovery, design, structure and formulation. Prior to marketing a drug must show efficacy and acceptable toxicity in both preclinical and clinical trials. Regulatory bodies have a pivotal role in the licensing, naming and marketing of an agent.
He, Yan; Friese, Olga V; Schlittler, Michele R; Wang, Qian; Yang, Xun; Bass, Laura A; Jones, Michael T
A methodology based on on-line coupling of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with mixed-mode liquid chromatography (LC) has been developed. The method allows for simultaneous measurement of a wide range of components in biopharmaceutical drug products. These components include the active pharmaceutical ingredient (protein) and various kinds of excipients such as cations, anions, nonionic hydrophobic surfactant and hydrophilic sugars. Dual short SEC columns are used to separate small molecule excipients from large protein molecules. The separated protein is quantified using a UV detector at 280 nm. The isolated excipients are switched, online, to the Trinity P1 mixed-mode column for separation, and detected by an evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD). Using a stationary phase with 1.7 μm particles in SEC allows for the use of volatile buffers for both SEC and mix-mode separation. This facilitates the detection of different excipients by ELSD and provides potential for online characterization of the protein with mass spectrometry (MS). The method has been applied to quantitate protein and excipients in different biopharmaceutical drug products including monoclonal antibodies (mAb), antibody drug conjugates (ADC) and vaccines. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hybrid and disposable facilities for manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals: pros and cons.
Ravisé, Aline; Cameau, Emmanuelle; De Abreu, Georges; Pralong, Alain
Modern biotechnology has grown over the last 35 years to a maturing industry producing and delivering high-value biopharmaceuticals that yield important medical and economical benefits. The constantly increasing need for biopharmaceuticals and significant costs related to time-consuming R&D work makes this industry risky and highly competitive. This trend is confirmed by the important number of biopharmaceuticals that are actually under development at all stages by all major pharmaceutical industry companies. A consequence of this evolution is an increasing need for development and manufacturing capacity. The build up of traditional - stainless steel - technology is complicated, time consuming and very expensive. The decision for such a major investment needs to be taken early in the development cycle of a promising drug to cope with future demands for clinical trials and product launch. Possibilities for the reduction of R&D and manufacturing costs are therefore of significant interest in order to be competitive.In this chapter, four case studies are presented which outline ways to reduce significantly R&D and manufacturing costs by using disposable technology in the frame of a the transfer of an antibody manufacturing process, the preparation of media and buffers in commercial manufacturing and a direct comparison of a traditional and a fully disposable pilot plant.
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Biopharmaceutics of Injectable Dosage Forms.
Akers, Michael J
Biopharmaceutics studies the relationship between the drug product and what happens after the product is administered. Since the majority of injectables are administered by the intravenous route, thus avoiding the need for drug absorption, not many articles are published compared to other routes of drug administration. However, other routes of administration for drug injection are becoming more frequent because of greater commercial availability of sustained- and controlled-release drug delivery systems. This article reviews basic principles of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination of injectable drugs and certain physicochemical and physiological factors affecting injectable drug biopharmaceutics. Copyright© by International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Inc.
Batchelor, Hannah K; Kendall, Richard; Desset-Brethes, Sabine; Alex, Rainer; Ernest, Terry B
Biopharmaceutics is routinely used in the design and development of medicines to generate science based evidence to predict in vivo performance; the application of this knowledge specifically to paediatric medicines development is yet to be explored. The aim of this review is to present the current status of available biopharmaceutical tools and tests including solubility, permeability and dissolution that may be appropriate for use in the development of immediate release oral paediatric medicines. The existing tools used in adults are discussed together with any limitations for their use within paediatric populations. The results of this review highlight several knowledge gaps in current methodologies in paediatric biopharmaceutics. The authors provide recommendations based on existing knowledge to adapt tests to better represent paediatric patient populations and also provide suggestions for future research that may lead to better tools to evaluate paediatric medicines. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Perfusion seed cultures improve biopharmaceutical fed-batch production capacity and product quality.
Yang, William C; Lu, Jiuyi; Kwiatkowski, Chris; Yuan, Hang; Kshirsagar, Rashmi; Ryll, Thomas; Huang, Yao-Ming
Volumetric productivity and product quality are two key performance indicators for any biopharmaceutical cell culture process. In this work, we showed proof-of-concept for improving both through the use of alternating tangential flow perfusion seed cultures coupled with high-seed fed-batch production cultures. First, we optimized the perfusion N-1 stage, the seed train bioreactor stage immediately prior to the production bioreactor stage, to minimize the consumption of perfusion media for one CHO cell line and then successfully applied the optimized perfusion process to a different CHO cell line. Exponential growth was observed throughout the N-1 duration, reaching >40 × 10(6) vc/mL at the end of the perfusion N-1 stage. The cultures were subsequently split into high-seed (10 × 10(6) vc/mL) fed-batch production cultures. This strategy significantly shortened the culture duration. The high-seed fed-batch production processes for cell lines A and B reached 5 g/L titer in 12 days, while their respective low-seed processes reached the same titer in 17 days. The shortened production culture duration potentially generates a 30% increase in manufacturing capacity while yielding comparable product quality. When perfusion N-1 and high-seed fed-batch production were applied to cell line C, higher levels of the active protein were obtained, compared to the low-seed process. This, combined with correspondingly lower levels of the inactive species, can enhance the overall process yield for the active species. Using three different CHO cell lines, we showed that perfusion seed cultures can optimize capacity utilization and improve process efficiency by increasing volumetric productivity while maintaining or improving product quality. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Throughput Optimization of Continuous Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities.
Garcia, Fernando A; Vandiver, Michael W
In order to operate profitably under different product demand scenarios, biopharmaceutical companies must design their facilities with mass output flexibility in mind. Traditional biologics manufacturing technologies pose operational challenges in this regard due to their high costs and slow equipment turnaround times, restricting the types of products and mass quantities that can be processed. Modern plant design, however, has facilitated the development of lean and efficient bioprocessing facilities through footprint reduction and adoption of disposable and continuous manufacturing technologies. These development efforts have proven to be crucial in seeking to drastically reduce the high costs typically associated with the manufacturing of recombinant proteins. In this work, mathematical modeling is used to optimize annual production schedules for a single-product commercial facility operating with a continuous upstream and discrete batch downstream platform. Utilizing cell culture duration and volumetric productivity as process variables in the model, and annual plant throughput as the optimization objective, 3-D surface plots are created to understand the effect of process and facility design on expected mass output. The model shows that once a plant has been fully debottlenecked it is capable of processing well over a metric ton of product per year. Moreover, the analysis helped to uncover a major limiting constraint on plant performance, the stability of the neutralized viral inactivated pool, which may indicate that this should be a focus of attention during future process development efforts. LAY ABSTRACT: Biopharmaceutical process modeling can be used to design and optimize manufacturing facilities and help companies achieve a predetermined set of goals. One way to perform optimization is by making the most efficient use of process equipment in order to minimize the expenditure of capital, labor and plant resources. To that end, this paper introduces a
Zimmermann, Hartmut F; Hentschel, Norbert
With the publication of the quality guideline ICH Q9 "Quality Risk Management" by the International Conference on Harmonization, risk management has already become a standard requirement during the life cycle of a pharmaceutical product. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a powerful risk analysis tool that has been used for decades in mechanical and electrical industries. However, the adaptation of the FMEA methodology to biopharmaceutical processes brings about some difficulties. The proposal presented here is intended to serve as a brief but nevertheless comprehensive and detailed guideline on how to conduct a biopharmaceutical process FMEA. It includes a detailed 1-to-10-scale FMEA rating table for occurrence, severity, and detectability of failures that has been especially designed for typical biopharmaceutical processes. The application for such a biopharmaceutical process FMEA is widespread. It can be useful whenever a biopharmaceutical manufacturing process is developed or scaled-up, or when it is transferred to a different manufacturing site. It may also be conducted during substantial optimization of an existing process or the development of a second-generation process. According to their resulting risk ratings, process parameters can be ranked for importance and important variables for process development, characterization, or validation can be identified. Health authorities around the world ask pharmaceutical companies to manage risk during development and manufacturing of pharmaceuticals. The so-called failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is an established risk analysis tool that has been used for decades in mechanical and electrical industries. However, the adaptation of the FMEA methodology to pharmaceutical processes that use modern biotechnology (biopharmaceutical processes) brings about some difficulties, because those biopharmaceutical processes differ from processes in mechanical and electrical industries. The proposal presented here
Kawabata, Yohei; Wada, Koichi; Nakatani, Manabu; Yamada, Shizuo; Onoue, Satomi
The poor oral bioavailability arising from poor aqueous solubility should make drug research and development more difficult. Various approaches have been developed with a focus on enhancement of the solubility, dissolution rate, and oral bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs. To complete development works within a limited amount of time, the establishment of a suitable formulation strategy should be a key consideration for the pharmaceutical development of poorly water-soluble drugs. In this article, viable formulation options are reviewed on the basis of the biopharmaceutics classification system of drug substances. The article describes the basic approaches for poorly water-soluble drugs, such as crystal modification, micronization, amorphization, self-emulsification, cyclodextrin complexation, and pH modification. Literature-based examples of the formulation options for poorly water-soluble compounds and their practical application to marketed products are also provided. Classification of drug candidates based on their biopharmaceutical properties can provide an indication of the difficulty of drug development works. A better understanding of the physicochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of drug substances and the limitations of each delivery option should lead to efficient formulation development for poorly water-soluble drugs. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Oral biopharmaceutics tools - time for a new initiative - an introduction to the IMI project OrBiTo.
Lennernäs, H; Aarons, L; Augustijns, P; Beato, S; Bolger, M; Box, K; Brewster, M; Butler, J; Dressman, J; Holm, R; Julia Frank, K; Kendall, R; Langguth, P; Sydor, J; Lindahl, A; McAllister, M; Muenster, U; Müllertz, A; Ojala, K; Pepin, X; Reppas, C; Rostami-Hodjegan, A; Verwei, M; Weitschies, W; Wilson, C; Karlsson, C; Abrahamsson, B
OrBiTo is a new European project within the IMI programme in the area of oral biopharmaceutics tools that includes world leading scientists from nine European universities, one regulatory agency, one non-profit research organization, four SMEs together with scientists from twelve pharmaceutical companies. The OrBiTo project will address key gaps in our knowledge of gastrointestinal (GI) drug absorption and deliver a framework for rational application of predictive biopharmaceutics tools for oral drug delivery. This will be achieved through novel prospective investigations to define new methodologies as well as refinement of existing tools. Extensive validation of novel and existing biopharmaceutics tools will be performed using active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), formulations and supporting datasets from industry partners. A combination of high quality in vitro or in silico characterizations of API and formulations will be integrated into physiologically based in silico biopharmaceutics models capturing the full complexity of GI drug absorption. This approach gives an unparalleled opportunity to initiate a transformational change in industrial research and development to achieve model-based pharmaceutical product development in accordance with the Quality by Design concept. Benefits include an accelerated and more efficient drug candidate selection, formulation development process, particularly for challenging projects such as low solubility molecules (BCS II and IV), enhanced and modified-release formulations, as well as allowing optimization of clinical product performance for patient benefit. In addition, the tools emerging from OrBiTo are expected to significantly reduce demand for animal experiments in the future as well as reducing the number of human bioequivalence studies required to bridge formulations after manufacturing or composition changes. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Steinebach, Fabian; Müller-Späth, Thomas; Morbidelli, Massimo
The economic advantages of continuous processing of biopharmaceuticals, which include smaller equipment and faster, efficient processes, have increased interest in this technology over the past decade. Continuous processes can also improve quality assurance and enable greater controllability, consistent with the quality initiatives of the FDA. Here, we discuss different continuous multi-column chromatography processes. Differences in the capture and polishing steps result in two different types of continuous processes that employ counter-current column movement. Continuous-capture processes are associated with increased productivity per cycle and decreased buffer consumption, whereas the typical purity-yield trade-off of classical batch chromatography can be surmounted by continuous processes for polishing applications. In the context of continuous manufacturing, different but complementary chromatographic columns or devices are typically combined to improve overall process performance and avoid unnecessary product storage. In the following, these various processes, their performances compared with batch processing and resulting product quality are discussed based on a review of the literature. Based on various examples of applications, primarily monoclonal antibody production processes, conclusions are drawn about the future of these continuous-manufacturing technologies. Copyright © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Biopharmaceutical insights of particulate emulsified systems - a prospective overview.
Katamreddy, Jyothshna Devi; Yalavarthi, Prasanna Raju; D, Subba Rao; Battu, Sowjanya; Peesa, Jaya Preethi
During the twenty-first century, drug discovery is expanding rapidly and a large number of chemical moieties are recognized. Many of them are poorly soluble and hence related biopharmaceutical constraints are to be addressed systematically. Among novel approaches to resolving biopharmaceutical issues, micro- and nano-emulsified systems serve as the best strategy for delivering both hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs owing to their greater solubilization and transportation capabilities. Of late, the unique physical and biopharmaceutical properties of these liquid isotropic homogenous systems have gained substantive research importance. In addition nano/micro lipid systems share structural and functional similarity with that of the physiological lipids which offer better tolerance ability in the body. In this context, this article provides information on the historical emergence of particulate emulsified systems, importance and rationale of selection of carriers. It also encompasses the physicochemical principles that are responsible for the elevation of therapeutic outcomes of delivery systems. Detailed and schematic absorption of these drug delivery systems is explained here. Gastro-intestinal biochemistry necessary in the understanding of digestion process, lipolytic products formed, micellar structures, enzymes, transporters, mechanism of cell uptake involved after subsequent oral absorption are also emphasized. In addition, this article also explains disposition and pharmacokinetic properties of emulsified systems with real-time therapeutic research outcomes. The influence of biochemical compositions and biopharmaceutical principles on absorption and disposition patterns of ME/NEs was described in the article for the interest of readers and young researchers.
Li, Ji; Larregieu, Caroline A; Benet, Leslie Z
Natural products (NPs) are compounds that are derived from natural sources such as plants, animals, and micro-organisms. Therapeutics has benefited from numerous drug classes derived from natural product sources. The Biopharmaceutics Drug Disposition Classification System (BDDCS) was proposed to serve as a basis for predicting the importance of transporters and enzymes in determining drug bioavailability and disposition. It categorizes drugs into one of four biopharmaceutical classes according to their water solubility and extent of metabolism. The present paper reviews 109 drugs from natural product sources: 29% belong to class 1 (high solubility, extensive metabolism), 22% to class 2 (low solubility, extensive metabolism), 40% to class 3 (high solubility, poor metabolism), and 9% to class 4 (low solubility, poor metabolism). Herein we evaluated the characteristics of NPs in terms of BDDCS class for all 109 drugs as wells as for subsets of NPs drugs derived from plant sources as antibiotics. In the 109 NPs drugs, we compiled 32 drugs from plants, 50% (16) of total in class 1, 22% (7) in class 2 and 28% (9) in class 3, none found in class 4; Meantime, the antibiotics were found 5 (16%) in class 2, 22 (71%) in class 3, and 4 (13%) in class 4; no drug was found in class 1. Based on this classification, we anticipate BDDCS to serve as a useful adjunct in evaluating the potential characteristics of new natural products. Copyright © 2016 China Pharmaceutical University. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Soybeans as bioreactors for biopharmaceuticals and industrial proteins.
Vianna, G R; Cunha, N B; Murad, A M; Rech, E L
Plants present various advantages for the production of biomolecules, including low risk of contamination with prions, viruses and other pathogens, scalability, low production costs, and available agronomical systems. Plants are also versatile vehicles for the production of recombinant molecules because they allow protein expression in various organs, such as tubers and seeds, which naturally accumulate large amounts of protein. Among crop plants, soybean is an excellent protein producer. Soybean plants are also a good source of abundant and cheap biomass and can be cultivated under controlled greenhouse conditions. Under containment, the plant cycle can be manipulated and the final seed yield can be maximized for large-scale protein production within a small and controlled area. Exploitation of specific regulatory sequences capable of directing and accumulating recombinant proteins in protein storage vacuoles in soybean seeds, associated with recently developed biological research tools and purification systems, has great potential to accelerate preliminary characterization of plant-derived biopharmaceuticals and industrial macromolecules. This is an important step in the development of genetically engineered products that are inexpensive and safe for medicinal, food and other uses.
Lakowitz, Antonia; Godard, Thibault; Biedendieck, Rebekka; Krull, Rainer
Bio-pharmaceuticals like antibodies, hormones and growth factors represent about one-fifth of commercial pharmaceuticals. Host candidates of growing interest for recombinant production of these proteins are strains of the genus Bacillus, long being established for biotechnological production of homologous and heterologous proteins. Bacillus strains benefit from development of efficient expression systems in the last decades and emerge as major industrial workhorses for recombinant proteins due to easy cultivation, non-pathogenicity and their ability to secrete recombinant proteins directly into extracellular medium allowing cost-effective downstream processing. Their broad product portfolio of pharmaceutically relevant recombinant proteins described in research include antibody fragments, growth factors, interferons and interleukins, insulin, penicillin G acylase, streptavidin and different kinases produced in various cultivation systems like microtiter plates, shake flasks and bioreactor systems in batch, fed-batch and continuous mode. To further improve production and secretion performance of Bacillus, bottlenecks and limiting factors concerning proteases, chaperones, secretion machinery or feedback mechanisms can be identified on different cell levels from genomics and transcriptomics via proteomics to metabolomics and fluxomics. For systematical identification of recurring patterns characteristic of given regulatory systems and key genetic targets, systems biology and omics-technology provide suitable and promising approaches, pushing Bacillus further towards industrial application for recombinant pharmaceutical protein production. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Particle shedding from peristaltic pump tubing in biopharmaceutical drug product manufacturing.
Saller, Verena; Matilainen, Julia; Grauschopf, Ulla; Bechtold-Peters, Karoline; Mahler, Hanns-Christian; Friess, Wolfgang
In a typical manufacturing setup for biopharmaceutical drug products, the fill and dosing pump is placed after the final sterile filtration unit in order to ensure adequate dispensing accuracy and avoid backpressure peaks. Given the sensitivity of protein molecules, peristaltic pumps are often preferred over piston pumps. However, particles may be shed from the silicone tubing employed. In this study, particle shedding and a potential turbidity increase during peristaltic pumping of water and buffer were investigated using three types of commercially available silicone tubing. In the recirculates, mainly particles of around 200 nm next to a very small fraction of particles in the lower micrometer range were found. Using 3D laser scanning microscopy, surface roughness of the inner tubing surface was found to be a determining factor for particle shedding from silicone tubing. As the propensity toward particle shedding varied between tubing types and also cannot be concluded from manufacturer's specifications, individual testing with the presented methods is recommended during tubing qualification. Choosing low abrasive tubing can help to further minimize the very low particle counts to be expected in pharmaceutical drug products. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.
Challa, Shruthi; Potumarthi, Ravichandra
Process analytical technology (PAT) is used to monitor and control critical process parameters in raw materials and in-process products to maintain the critical quality attributes and build quality into the product. Process analytical technology can be successfully implemented in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries not only to impart quality into the products but also to prevent out-of-specifications and improve the productivity. PAT implementation eliminates the drawbacks of traditional methods which involves excessive sampling and facilitates rapid testing through direct sampling without any destruction of sample. However, to successfully adapt PAT tools into pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical environment, thorough understanding of the process is needed along with mathematical and statistical tools to analyze large multidimensional spectral data generated by PAT tools. Chemometrics is a chemical discipline which incorporates both statistical and mathematical methods to obtain and analyze relevant information from PAT spectral tools. Applications of commonly used PAT tools in combination with appropriate chemometric method along with their advantages and working principle are discussed. Finally, systematic application of PAT tools in biopharmaceutical environment to control critical process parameters for achieving product quality is diagrammatically represented.
Stein, Susan; Bogard, Elizabeth; Boice, Nicole; Fernandez, Vivian; Field, Tessa; Gilstrap, Alan; Kahn, Susan R; Larkindale, Jane; Mathieson, Toni
Rare diseases are a global public health concern, affecting an estimated 350 million individuals. Only 5% of approximately 7000 known rare diseases have a treatment, and only about half have a patient advocacy organization. Biopharmaceutical companies face complex challenges in developing treatments for rare diseases. Patient advocacy organizations may play a major role by positively influencing research and development, clinical trials, and regulations. Thus, collaboration among patient advocacy organizations and industry is essential to bring new therapeutics to patients. We identified an unmet need for guidelines on day-to-day decision-making by rare disease patient advocacy organizations when working with biopharmaceutical partners. We convened an Independent Expert Panel experienced in collaborations between patient advocacy organizations and biopharmaceutical companies (April 2017) to develop consensus guidelines for these relationships. The guidelines were based on an original version by the International Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Association (IFOPA). The Expert Panel reviewed and broadened these to be applicable to all patient advocacy organizations. Comments on the draft Guidelines were provided first by Panel participants and subsequently by six independent experts from patient advocacy organizations and industry. The Panel comprised four experts from the rare disease community who lead patient advocacy organizations; three leaders who perform advocacy functions within biopharmaceutical companies; and two facilitators, both having leadership experience in rare diseases and industry. The finalized Guidelines consist of four main sections: Identification and Engagement With Companies, Patient Engagement and Patient Privacy, Financial Contributions, and Clinical Trial Communication and Support. The Guidelines address the daily considerations, choices, and consequences of patient advocacy organizations as they engage with biopharmaceutical
Idkaidek, Nasir M.
The aim of this commentary is to investigate the interplay of Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS), Biopharmaceutics Drug Disposition Classification System (BDDCS) and Salivary Excretion Classification System (SECS). BCS first classified drugs based on permeability and solubility for the purpose of predicting oral drug absorption. Then BDDCS linked permeability with hepatic metabolism and classified drugs based on metabolism and solubility for the purpose of predicting oral drug disposition. On the other hand, SECS classified drugs based on permeability and protein binding for the purpose of predicting the salivary excretion of drugs. The role of metabolism, rather than permeability, on salivary excretion is investigated and the results are not in agreement with BDDCS. Conclusion The proposed Salivary Excretion Classification System (SECS) can be used as a guide for drug salivary excretion based on permeability (not metabolism) and protein binding. PMID:24493977
Supramolecular PEGylation of biopharmaceuticals
Webber, Matthew J.; Vinciguerra, Brittany; Cortinas, Abel B.; Thapa, Lavanya S.; Jhunjhunwala, Siddharth; Isaacs, Lyle; Langer, Robert; Anderson, Daniel G.
The covalent modification of therapeutic biomolecules has been broadly explored, leading to a number of clinically approved modified protein drugs. These modifications are typically intended to address challenges arising in biopharmaceutical practice by promoting improved stability and shelf life of therapeutic proteins in formulation, or modifying pharmacokinetics in the body. Toward these objectives, covalent modification with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) has been a common direction. Here, a platform approach to biopharmaceutical modification is described that relies on noncovalent, supramolecular host–guest interactions to endow proteins with prosthetic functionality. Specifically, a series of cucurbit[7]uril (CB[7])–PEG conjugates are shown to substantially increase the stability of three distinct protein drugs in formulation. Leveraging the known and high-affinity interaction between CB[7] and an N-terminal aromatic residue on one specific protein drug, insulin, further results in altering of its pharmacological properties in vivo by extending activity in a manner dependent on molecular weight of the attached PEG chain. Supramolecular modification of therapeutic proteins affords a noncovalent route to modify its properties, improving protein stability and activity as a formulation excipient. Furthermore, this offers a modular approach to append functionality to biopharmaceuticals by noncovalent modification with other molecules or polymers, for applications in formulation or therapy. PMID:27911829
Locust bean gum: Exploring its potential for biopharmaceutical applications
Dionísio, Marita; Grenha, Ana
Polysaccharides have been finding, in the last decades, very interesting and useful applications in the biomedical and, specifically, in the biopharmaceutical field. Locust bean gum is a polysaccharide belonging to the group of galactomannans, being extracted from the seeds of the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua). This polymer displays a number of appealing characteristics for biopharmaceutical applications, among which its high gelling capacity should be highlighted. In this review, we describe critical aspects of locust bean gum, contributing for its role in biopharmaceutical applications. Physicochemical properties, as well as strong and effective synergies with other biomaterials are described. The potential for in vivo biodegradation is explored and the specific biopharmaceutical applications are discussed. PMID:22923958
The sweet tooth of biopharmaceuticals: importance of recombinant protein glycosylation analysis.
Lingg, Nico; Zhang, Peiqing; Song, Zhiwei; Bardor, Muriel
Biopharmaceuticals currently represent the fastest growing sector of the pharmaceutical industry, mainly driven by a rapid expansion in the manufacture of recombinant protein-based drugs. Glycosylation is the most prominent post-translational modification occurring on these protein drugs. It constitutes one of the critical quality attributes that requires thorough analysis for optimal efficacy and safety. This review examines the functional importance of glycosylation of recombinant protein drugs, illustrated using three examples of protein biopharmaceuticals: IgG antibodies, erythropoietin and glucocerebrosidase. Current analytical methods are reviewed as solutions for qualitative and quantitative measurements of glycosylation to monitor quality target product profiles of recombinant glycoprotein drugs. Finally, we propose a framework for designing the quality target product profile of recombinant glycoproteins and planning workflow for glycosylation analysis with the selection of available analytical methods and tools. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Capacity planning for batch and perfusion bioprocesses across multiple biopharmaceutical facilities.
Siganporia, Cyrus C; Ghosh, Soumitra; Daszkowski, Thomas; Papageorgiou, Lazaros G; Farid, Suzanne S
Production planning for biopharmaceutical portfolios becomes more complex when products switch between fed-batch and continuous perfusion culture processes. This article describes the development of a discrete-time mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model to optimize capacity plans for multiple biopharmaceutical products, with either batch or perfusion bioprocesses, across multiple facilities to meet quarterly demands. The model comprised specific features to account for products with fed-batch or perfusion culture processes such as sequence-dependent changeover times, continuous culture constraints, and decoupled upstream and downstream operations that permit independent scheduling of each. Strategic inventory levels were accounted for by applying cost penalties when they were not met. A rolling time horizon methodology was utilized in conjunction with the MILP model and was shown to obtain solutions with greater optimality in less computational time than the full-scale model. The model was applied to an industrial case study to illustrate how the framework aids decisions regarding outsourcing capacity to third party manufacturers or building new facilities. The impact of variations on key parameters such as demand or titres on the optimal production plans and costs was captured. The analysis identified the critical ratio of in-house to contract manufacturing organization (CMO) manufacturing costs that led the optimization results to favor building a future facility over using a CMO. The tool predicted that if titres were higher than expected then the optimal solution would allocate more production to in-house facilities, where manufacturing costs were lower. Utilization graphs indicated when capacity expansion should be considered. © 2014 The Authors Biotechnology Progress published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Rezaie, Rahim; McGahan, Anita M; Frew, Sarah E; Daar, Abdallah S; Singer, Peter A
Biopharmaceutical innovation has had a profound health and economic impact globally. Developed countries have traditionally been the source of most innovations as well as the destination for the resulting economic and health benefits. As a result, most prior research on this sector has focused on developed countries. This paper seeks to fill the gap in research on emerging markets by analyzing factors that influence innovative activity in the indigenous biopharmaceutical sectors of China, India, Brazil, and South Africa. Using qualitative research methodologies, this paper a) shows how biopharmaceutical innovation is taking place within the entrepreneurial sectors of these emerging markets, b) identifies common challenges that indigenous entrepreneurs face, c) highlights the key role played by the state, and d) reveals that the transition to innovation by companies in the emerging markets is characterized by increased global integration. It suggests that biopharmaceutical innovators in emerging markets are capitalizing on opportunities to participate in the drug development value chain and thus developing capabilities and relationships for competing globally both with and against established companies headquartered in developed countries.
Biopharmaceutical innovation has had a profound health and economic impact globally. Developed countries have traditionally been the source of most innovations as well as the destination for the resulting economic and health benefits. As a result, most prior research on this sector has focused on developed countries. This paper seeks to fill the gap in research on emerging markets by analyzing factors that influence innovative activity in the indigenous biopharmaceutical sectors of China, India, Brazil, and South Africa. Using qualitative research methodologies, this paper a) shows how biopharmaceutical innovation is taking place within the entrepreneurial sectors of these emerging markets, b) identifies common challenges that indigenous entrepreneurs face, c) highlights the key role played by the state, and d) reveals that the transition to innovation by companies in the emerging markets is characterized by increased global integration. It suggests that biopharmaceutical innovators in emerging markets are capitalizing on opportunities to participate in the drug development value chain and thus developing capabilities and relationships for competing globally both with and against established companies headquartered in developed countries. PMID:22672351
Biopharmaceuticals from plants: a multitude of options for posttranslational modifications.
Warzecha, Heribert
In 1982 the first recombinant therapeutic, human insulin, was introduced into the market and started a new branch of pharmaceutical development, manufacture, and therapy options. To date, more than 130 recombinant protein therapeutics have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and many more are being developed world wide. With the increasing number of protein therapeutics the number of potential production organisms is also expanding, and posttranslational modification of proteins has become a topic of special focus. One major difference between small-molecule drugs and protein therapeutics is that the latter are reliant on a host organism for their production and this can have a large influence on the final structure and can ultimately affect the pharmacokinetics, immunogenicity, and the function of the protein depending on the production process. Plants can be efficiently used as production systems for recombinant proteins thereby offering a variety of options for transgene targeting and modification. This review is intended to give an overview about the potential of plants to serve as a production system for therapeutic and prophylactic biopharmaceuticals with respect to posttranslational modifications.
Gandhi, Shivani V; Rodriguez, William; Khan, Mansoor; Polli, James E
It has been advocated that biopharmaceutic risk assessment should be conducted early in pediatric product development and synchronized with the adult product development program. However, we are unaware of efforts to classify drugs into a Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) framework for pediatric patients. The objective was to classify five drugs into a potential BCS. These five drugs were selected since both oral and intravenous pharmacokinetic data were available for each drug, and covered the four BCS classes in adults. Literature searches for each drug were conducted using Medline and applied to classify drugs with respect to solubility and permeability in pediatric subpopulations. Four pediatric subpopulations were considered: neonates, infants, children, and adolescents. Regarding solubility, dose numbers were calculated using a volume for each subpopulation based on body surface area (BSA) relative to 250 ml for a 1.73 m(2) adult. Dose numbers spanned a range of values, depending upon the pediatric dose formula and subpopulation. Regarding permeability, pharmacokinetic literature data required assumptions and decisions about data collection. Using a devised pediatric BCS framework, there was agreement in adult and pediatric BCS class for two drugs, azithromycin (class 3) and ciprofloxacin (class 4). There was discordance for the three drugs that have high adult permeability since all pediatric permeabilities were low: dolasetron (class 3 in pediatric), ketoprofen (class 4 in pediatric), and voriconazole (class 4 in pediatric). A main contribution of this work is the identification of critical factors required for a pediatric BCS.
Capacity Planning for Batch and Perfusion Bioprocesses Across Multiple Biopharmaceutical Facilities
Siganporia, Cyrus C; Ghosh, Soumitra; Daszkowski, Thomas; Papageorgiou, Lazaros G; Farid, Suzanne S
Production planning for biopharmaceutical portfolios becomes more complex when products switch between fed-batch and continuous perfusion culture processes. This article describes the development of a discrete-time mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model to optimize capacity plans for multiple biopharmaceutical products, with either batch or perfusion bioprocesses, across multiple facilities to meet quarterly demands. The model comprised specific features to account for products with fed-batch or perfusion culture processes such as sequence-dependent changeover times, continuous culture constraints, and decoupled upstream and downstream operations that permit independent scheduling of each. Strategic inventory levels were accounted for by applying cost penalties when they were not met. A rolling time horizon methodology was utilized in conjunction with the MILP model and was shown to obtain solutions with greater optimality in less computational time than the full-scale model. The model was applied to an industrial case study to illustrate how the framework aids decisions regarding outsourcing capacity to third party manufacturers or building new facilities. The impact of variations on key parameters such as demand or titres on the optimal production plans and costs was captured. The analysis identified the critical ratio of in-house to contract manufacturing organization (CMO) manufacturing costs that led the optimization results to favor building a future facility over using a CMO. The tool predicted that if titres were higher than expected then the optimal solution would allocate more production to in-house facilities, where manufacturing costs were lower. Utilization graphs indicated when capacity expansion should be considered. © 2013 The Authors Biotechnology Progress published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:594–606, 2014 PMID:24376262
Pharmaceutical applications of cyclodextrins: basic science and product development.
Loftsson, Thorsteinn; Brewster, Marcus E
Drug pipelines are becoming increasingly difficult to formulate. This is punctuated by both retrospective and prospective analyses that show that while 40% of currently marketed drugs are poorly soluble based on the definition of the biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS), about 90% of drugs in development can be characterized as poorly soluble. Although a number of techniques have been suggested for increasing oral bioavailability and for enabling parenteral formulations, cyclodextrins have emerged as a productive approach. This short review is intended to provide both some basic science information as well as data on the ability to develop drugs in cyclodextrin-containing formulations. There are currently a number of marketed products that make use of these functional solubilizing excipients and new product introduction continues to demonstrate their high added value. The ability to predict whether cyclodextrins will be of benefit in creating a dosage form for a particular drug candidate requires a good working knowledge of the properties of cyclodextrins, their mechanism of solubilization and factors that contribute to, or detract from, the biopharmaceutical characteristics of the formed complexes. We provide basic science information as well as data on the development of drugs in cyclodextrin-containing formulations. Cyclodextrins have emerged as an important tool in the formulator's armamentarium to improve apparent solubility and dissolution rate for poorly water-soluble drug candidates. The continued interest and productivity of these materials bode well for future application and their currency as excipients in research, development and drug product marketing. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
[Construction of biopharmaceutics classification system of Chinese materia medica].
Liu, Yang; Wei, Li; Dong, Ling; Zhu, Mei-Ling; Tang, Ming-Min; Zhang, Lei
Based on the characteristics of multicomponent of traditional Chinese medicine and drawing lessons from the concepts, methods and techniques of biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) in chemical field, this study comes up with the science framework of biopharmaceutics classification system of Chinese materia medica (CMMBCS). Using the different comparison method of multicomponent level and the CMMBCS method of overall traditional Chinese medicine, the study constructs the method process while setting forth academic thoughts and analyzing theory. The basic role of this system is clear to reveal the interaction and the related absorption mechanism of multicomponent in traditional Chinese medicine. It also provides new ideas and methods for improving the quality of Chinese materia medica and the development of new drug research.
Takaiwa, Fumio; Wakasa, Yuhya; Hayashi, Shimpei; Kawakatsu, Taiji
Cereal seed has been utilized as production platform for high-value biopharmaceutical proteins. Especially, protein bodies (PBs) in seeds are not only natural specialized storage organs of seed storage proteins (SSPs), but also suitable intracellular deposition compartment for recombinant proteins. When various recombinant proteins were produced as secretory proteins by attaching N terminal ER signal peptide and C terminal KDEL endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention signal or as fusion proteins with SSPs, high amounts of recombinant proteins can be predominantly accumulated in the PBs. Recombinant proteins bioencapsulated in PBs exhibit high resistance to digestive enzymes in gastrointestinal tract than other intracellular compartments and are highly stable at ambient temperature, thus allowing oral administration of PBs containing recombinant proteins as oral drugs or functional nutrients in cost-effective minimum processed formulation. In this review, we would like to address key factors determining accumulation levels of recombinant proteins in PBs. Understanding of bottle neck parts and improvement of specific deposition to PBs result in much higher levels of production of high quality recombinant proteins. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Applications of Raman Spectroscopy in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing: A Short Review.
Buckley, Kevin; Ryder, Alan G
The production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) is currently undergoing its biggest transformation in a century. The changes are based on the rapid and dramatic introduction of protein- and macromolecule-based drugs (collectively known as biopharmaceuticals) and can be traced back to the huge investment in biomedical science (in particular in genomics and proteomics) that has been ongoing since the 1970s. Biopharmaceuticals (or biologics) are manufactured using biological-expression systems (such as mammalian, bacterial, insect cells, etc.) and have spawned a large (>€35 billion sales annually in Europe) and growing biopharmaceutical industry (BioPharma). The structural and chemical complexity of biologics, combined with the intricacy of cell-based manufacturing, imposes a huge analytical burden to correctly characterize and quantify both processes (upstream) and products (downstream). In small molecule manufacturing, advances in analytical and computational methods have been extensively exploited to generate process analytical technologies (PAT) that are now used for routine process control, leading to more efficient processes and safer medicines. In the analytical domain, biologic manufacturing is considerably behind and there is both a huge scope and need to produce relevant PAT tools with which to better control processes, and better characterize product macromolecules. Raman spectroscopy, a vibrational spectroscopy with a number of useful properties (nondestructive, non-contact, robustness) has significant potential advantages in BioPharma. Key among them are intrinsically high molecular specificity, the ability to measure in water, the requirement for minimal (or no) sample pre-treatment, the flexibility of sampling configurations, and suitability for automation. Here, we review and discuss a representative selection of the more important Raman applications in BioPharma (with particular emphasis on mammalian cell culture). The review shows that
Opportunities and challenges of real-time release testing in biopharmaceutical manufacturing.
Jiang, Mo; Severson, Kristen A; Love, John Christopher; Madden, Helena; Swann, Patrick; Zang, Li; Braatz, Richard D
Real-time release testing (RTRT) is defined as "the ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of in-process and/or final drug product based on process data, which typically includes a valid combination of measured material attributes and process controls" (ICH Q8[R2]). This article discusses sensors (process analytical technology, PAT) and control strategies that enable RTRT for the spectrum of critical quality attributes (CQAs) in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Case studies from the small-molecule and biologic pharmaceutical industry are described to demonstrate how RTRT can be facilitated by integrated manufacturing and multivariable control strategies to ensure the quality of products. RTRT can enable increased assurance of product safety, efficacy, and quality-with improved productivity including faster release and potentially decreased costs-all of which improve the value to patients. To implement a complete RTRT solution, biologic drug manufacturers need to consider the special attributes of their industry, particularly sterility and the measurement of viral and microbial contamination. Continued advances in on-line and in-line sensor technologies are key for the biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry to achieve the potential of RTRT. Related article: © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Johnson, Richard; Jiskoot, Wim
An immune response to a therapeutic protein that compromises the biopharmaceutical activity or cross-reacts with an endogenous protein is a serious clinical event. The role of protein aggregates and particles in biopharmaceutical formulations in mediating this immune response has gained considerable attention over the recent past. Model systems that could consistently and reliably predict the relative immunogenicity of biopharmaceutical protein formulations would be extremely valuable. Several approaches have been developed in an attempt to provide this insight, including in silico algorithms, in vitro tests utilizing human leukocytes and in vivo animal models. This commentary provides an update of these various approaches as well as the author's perspectives on the pros and cons of these different methods. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Tulsyan, Aditya; Garvin, Christopher; Ündey, Cenk
Biopharmaceutical manufacturing comprises of multiple distinct processing steps that require effective and efficient monitoring of many variables simultaneously in real-time. The state-of-the-art real-time multivariate statistical batch process monitoring (BPM) platforms have been in use in recent years to ensure comprehensive monitoring is in place as a complementary tool for continued process verification to detect weak signals. This article addresses a longstanding, industry-wide problem in BPM, referred to as the "Low-N" problem, wherein a product has a limited production history. The current best industrial practice to address the Low-N problem is to switch from a multivariate to a univariate BPM, until sufficient product history is available to build and deploy a multivariate BPM platform. Every batch run without a robust multivariate BPM platform poses risk of not detecting potential weak signals developing in the process that might have an impact on process and product performance. In this article, we propose an approach to solve the Low-N problem by generating an arbitrarily large number of in silico batches through a combination of hardware exploitation and machine-learning methods. To the best of authors' knowledge, this is the first article to provide a solution to the Low-N problem in biopharmaceutical manufacturing using machine-learning methods. Several industrial case studies from bulk drug substance manufacturing are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach for BPM under various Low-N scenarios. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Aspects of research and development contract terms in the bio/pharmaceutical sector.
Banerjee, Tannista
The cost of new drug development is increasing every year. Pharmaceutical companies use R&D joint ventures, mergers, and outsource different stages of pharmaceutical R&D activities for a faster and cost minimizing method of innovation. Pharmaceutical companies outsource R&D activities to independent small biotech or pharmaceutical companies that specialize in different stages of pharmaceutical R&D. This chapter examines the determinants of the payment structure of research contracts between large bio/pharmaceutical companies and specialized research firms. Determinants of R&D contracts are analyzed using detailed R&D contract data between bio/pharmaceutical companies and independent research firms for 10 years. A multinomial logit model is used in order to understand the determinants of three different types of contracts; royalty contracts, fixed payment contracts, and the mixed contracts. Under uncertainty, the likelihood of a royalty contract rises for the early stages of the research and with the patent stock of the research firm. It is more likely to observe both royalty and fixed payment if the pharmaceutical client has past contracts with the same research firm. The results also suggest that if Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is more stringent in any disease area in reviewing the new drug application, then the likelihood of signing pure royalty contract decreases. Understanding the nature of R&D contracts and the effects of FDA's behavior on the pharmaceutical R&D contract is important because these contracts not only affect the cost of new drug invention but also the quality and the rate of invention. VALUE: Results are useful for both the pharmaceutical companies and the economic/business researchers.
Regdon, G; Regdon, G
Based on literary sources, the medical and pharmaceutical significance of vehicles and additives, which play an ever-increasing role in the production of all drug forms, is discussed. Then the groups of additives used in the production of suppositories are described partly on the basis of our own experiences, and their biopharmaceutical significance is evaluated.
Whaley, Kevin J; Hanes, Justin; Shattock, Robin; Cone, Richard A; Friend, David R
The HIV-1 epidemic remains unchecked despite existing technology; vaccines and microbicides in development may help reverse the epidemic. Reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs) formulated in gels tenofovir (TFV) and IVRs (dapivirine) are under clinical development. While TFV or similar products may prove successful for HIV-1, alternatives to RTIs may provide additional benefits, e.g., broader STI prevention. Biopharmaceutical agents under development as microbicides include cyanovirin, RANTES analogues, commensals, and Mabs. Cost of manufacturing biopharmaceuticals has been reduced and they can be formulated into tablets, films, and IVRs for vaginal delivery. Nanotechnology offers a novel approach to formulate microbicides potentially leading to uniform epithelial delivery. Delivery through vaginal mucus may be possible by controlling nanoparticle size and surface characteristics. Combining prevention modalities may be the most effective means of preventing STI transmission, importantly, codelivery of microbicides and vaccines has demonstrated. Finally, the safety of microbicide preparations and excipients commonly used can be assessed using a mouse/HSV-2 susceptibility model. Screening of new microbicide candidates and formulation excipients may avoid past issues of enhancing HIV-1 transmission. This article forms part of a special supplement covering several presentations on novel microbicide formulations from the symposium on "Recent Trends in Microbicide Formulations" held on 25 and 26 January 2010, Arlington, VA. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Reichert, Janice M; Jacob, Nitya; Amanullah, Ashraf
The Second International Conference on Accelerating Biopharmaceutical Development was held in Coronado, California. The meeting was organized by the Society for Biological Engineering (SBE) and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE); SBE is a technological community of the AIChE. Bob Adamson (Wyeth) and Chuck Goochee (Centocor) were co-chairs of the event, which had the theme "Delivering cost-effective, robust processes and methods quickly and efficiently." The first day focused on emerging disruptive technologies and cutting-edge analytical techniques. Day two featured presentations on accelerated cell culture process development, critical quality attributes, specifications and comparability, and high throughput protein formulation development. The final day was dedicated to discussion of technology options and new analysis methods provided by emerging disruptive technologies; functional interaction, integration and synergy in platform development; and rapid and economic purification process development.
Reichert, Janice M; Jacob, Nitya M; Amanullah, Ashraf
The Second International Conference on Accelerating Biopharmaceutical Development was held in Coronado, California. The meeting was organized by the Society for Biological Engineering (SBE) and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE); SBE is a technological community of the AIChE. Bob Adamson (Wyeth) and Chuck Goochee (Centocor) were co-chairs of the event, which had the theme "Delivering cost-effective, robust processes and methods quickly and efficiently." The first day focused on emerging disruptive technologies and cutting-edge analytical techniques. Day two featured presentations on accelerated cell culture process development, critical quality attributes, specifications and comparability, and high throughput protein formulation development. The final day was dedicated to discussion of technology options and new analysis methods provided by emerging disruptive technologies; functional interaction, integration and synergy in platform development; and rapid and economic purification process development.
Flanagan, Talia; Van Peer, Achiel; Lindahl, Anders
Regulatory interactions are an important part of the drug development and licensing process. A survey on the use of biopharmaceutical tools for regulatory purposes has been carried out within the industry community of the EU project OrBiTo within Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). The aim was to capture current practice and experience in using in vitro and in silico biopharmaceutics tools at various stages of development, what barriers exist or are perceived, and to understand the current gaps in regulatory biopharmaceutics. The survey indicated that biorelevant dissolution testing and physiologically based modelling and simulation are widely applied throughout development to address a number of biopharmaceutics issues. However, data from these in vitro and in silico predictive biopharmaceutics tools are submitted to regulatory authorities far less often than they are used for internal risk assessment and decision making. This may prevent regulators from becoming familiar with these tools and how they are applied in industry, and limits the opportunities for biopharmaceutics scientists working in industry to understand the acceptability of these tools in the regulatory environment. It is anticipated that the advanced biopharmaceutics tools and understanding delivered in the next years by OrBiTo and other initiatives in the area of predictive tools will also be of value in the regulatory setting, and provide a basis for more informed and confident biopharmaceutics risk assessment and regulatory decision making. To enable the regulatory potential of predictive biopharmaceutics tools to be realized, further scientific dialogue is needed between industry, regulators and scientists in academia, and more examples need to be published to demonstrate the applicability of these tools. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Biopharmaceuticals: The Economic Equation
Blackstone, Erwin A.; Fuhr, Joseph P.
As more biopharmaceuticals reach the market, more attention will be given to issues such as cost-effectiveness evaluations, biosimilars, and price controls. The value biologic therapies bring to the healthcare system may take years to appreciate in full –perhaps only when policy decisions allow for their economic effects to be understood. PMID:22478688
Trends in biopharmaceutical IPOS: 1996-2005.
Williams, David R; Young, Carlton C
This study examines the stock market reaction and other financial aspects of all biopharmaceutical firms that had an initial public offering (IPO) between 1996 and 2005. Overall, increases in stock price at the close of the first day averaged 20.9 percent while the stock price of those firms that went public and survived until the end of 2005 stock price increased by only 7.7 percent on average. Sixty-nine percent of the firms that went public during this period were still trading at the end of 2005, with the majority of those de-listed being acquired or merged. Three-fourths of all biopharmaceutical IPOs had venture capital investors. Venture capitalists owned 47.4 percent of all common stock outstanding prior to the IPO on average.
Tamilvanan, Shunmugaperumal; Raja, Natarajan Livingston; Sa, Biswanath; Basu, Sanat Kumar
Similar to the low molecular weight traditional drugs, biopharmaceuticals are capable of producing not only therapeutic effects but also side effects provided if the dose of these compounds exceeds certain concentration and/or if the exposure duration of these compounds at subtoxic doses is being lengthened. In addition, a major drawback of biopharmaceuticals is the risk of antibody formation. Following the administration of biopharmaceuticals into human body, the formation of antidrug-antibody (ADA) or neutralizing antibody and other general immune system effects (including allergy, anaphylaxis, or serum sickness) are of clinical concern regarding therapeutic efficacy and patient safety. For example, drug-induced neutralizing antibodies to erythropoietin (EPO) result in pure red cell aplasia, whereas drug-induced acquired anti-factor VIII antibodies worsen the pathology associated with hemophilia. Since most of the already developed or under development biopharmaceuticals are to some extent immunogenic, the regulatory agencies insist to conduct potential ADA formation during the drug development process itself. This review encompasses a short overview on the clinical concerns of immunogenicity produced at cellular levels by growth hormone, interferon-alpha, EPO, factor VIII, and factor IX following their parenteral administration into human body. Clinical concerns related to immunogenicity produced by the biosimilar versions of these drugs are also presented wherever possible.
PEG-modified biopharmaceuticals.
Bailon, Pascal; Won, Chee-Youb
PEGylation is a process in which one or more units of chemically activated polyethylene glycol reacts with a biomolecule, usually a protein, peptide, small molecule or oligonucleotide, creating a putative new molecular entity possessing physicochemical and physiological characteristics that are distinct from its predecessor molecules. In recent years, PEGylation has been used not only as a drug delivery technology but used also as a drug modification technology to transform existing biopharmaceuticals clinically more efficacious than before their PEGylation. PEGylation bestows several useful properties upon the native molecule, resulting in improved pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, which in turn enable the native molecule to achieve maximum clinical potency. In addition, PEGylation results in sustained clinical response with minimal dose and less frequency of dosing, leading to improved quality of life via increased patient compliance and reduced cost. During the course of development of various pegylated protein therapeutics, several new insights have been gained. This review article focuses on the approaches, strategies and the utilization of modern PEGylation concepts in the design and development of well-characterized pegylated protein therapeutics.
Biopharmaceutics and Therapeutic Potential of Engineered Nanomaterials
Liang, Xing-Jie; Chen, Chunying; Zhao, Yuliang; Jia, Lee; Wang, Paul C.
Engineered nanomaterials are at the leading edge of the rapidly developing nanosciences and are founding an important class of new materials with specific physicochemical properties different from bulk materials with the same compositions. The potential for nanomaterials is rapidly expanding with novel applications constantly being explored in different areas. The unique size-dependent properties of nanomaterials make them very attractive for pharmaceutical applications. Investigations of physical, chemical and biological properties of engineered nanomaterials have yielded valuable information. Cytotoxic effects of certain engineered nanomaterials towards malignant cells form the basis for one aspect of nanomedicine. It is inferred that size, three dimensional shape, hydrophobicity and electronic configurations make them an appealing subject in medicinal chemistry. Their unique structure coupled with immense scope for derivatization forms a base for exciting developments in therapeutics. This review article addresses the fate of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) of engineered nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo. It updates the distinctive methodology used for studying the biopharmaceutics of nanoparticles. This review addresses the future potential and safety concerns and genotoxicity of nanoparticle formulations in general. It particularly emphasizes the effects of nanoparticles on metabolic enzymes as well as the parenteral or inhalation administration routes of nanoparticle formulations. This paper illustrates the potential of nanomedicine by discussing biopharmaceutics of fullerene derivatives and their suitability for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Future direction is discussed as well. PMID:18855608
Computational knowledge integration in biopharmaceutical research.
Ficenec, David; Osborne, Mark; Pradines, Joel; Richards, Dan; Felciano, Ramon; Cho, Raymond J; Chen, Richard O; Liefeld, Ted; Owen, James; Ruttenberg, Alan; Reich, Christian; Horvath, Joseph; Clark, Tim
An initiative to increase biopharmaceutical research productivity by capturing, sharing and computationally integrating proprietary scientific discoveries with public knowledge is described. This initiative involves both organisational process change and multiple interoperating software systems. The software components rely on mutually supporting integration techniques. These include a richly structured ontology, statistical analysis of experimental data against stored conclusions, natural language processing of public literature, secure document repositories with lightweight metadata, web services integration, enterprise web portals and relational databases. This approach has already begun to increase scientific productivity in our enterprise by creating an organisational memory (OM) of internal research findings, accessible on the web. Through bringing together these components it has also been possible to construct a very large and expanding repository of biological pathway information linked to this repository of findings which is extremely useful in analysis of DNA microarray data. This repository, in turn, enables our research paradigm to be shifted towards more comprehensive systems-based understandings of drug action.
Analysis of illegal peptide biopharmaceuticals frequently encountered by controlling agencies.
Vanhee, Celine; Janvier, Steven; Desmedt, Bart; Moens, Goedele; Deconinck, Eric; De Beer, Jacques O; Courselle, Patricia
Recent advances in genomics, recombinant expression technologies and peptide synthesis have led to an increased development of protein and peptide therapeutics. Unfortunately this goes hand in hand with a growing market of counterfeit and illegal biopharmaceuticals, including substances that are still under pre-clinical and clinical development. These counterfeit and illegal protein and peptide substances could imply severe health threats as has been demonstrated by numerous case reports. The Belgian Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP) and customs are striving, together with their global counterparts, to curtail the trafficking and distributions of these substances. At their request, suspected protein and peptide preparations are analysed in our Official Medicines Control Laboratory (OMCL). It stands to reason that a general screening method would be beneficiary in the battle against counterfeit and illegal peptide drugs. In this paper we present such general screening method employing liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for the identification of counterfeit and illegal injectable peptide preparations, extended with a subsequent quantification method using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (UHPLC-DAD). The screening method, taking only 30 min, is able to selectively detect 25 different peptides and incorporates the proposed minimum of five identification points (IP) as has been recommended for sports drug testing applications. The group of peptides represent substances which have already been detected in illegal and counterfeit products seized by different European countries as well as some biopharmaceutical peptides which have not been confiscated yet by the controlling agencies, but are already being used according to the many internet users forums. Additionally, we also show that when applying the same LC gradient, it is also possible to quantify these peptides without the need for
Biopharmaceutic Risk Assessment of Brand and Generic Lamotrigine Tablets.
Vaithianathan, Soundarya; Raman, Siddarth; Jiang, Wenlei; Ting, Tricia Y; Kane, Maureen A; Polli, James E
The therapeutic equivalence of generic and brand name antiepileptic drugs has been questioned by neurologists and the epilepsy community. A potential contributor to such concerns is pharmaceutical quality. The objective was to assess the biopharmaceutic risk of brand name Lamictal 100 mg tablets and generic lamotrigine 100 mg tablets from several manufacturers. Lamotrigine was characterized in terms of the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS), including aqueous solubility and Caco-2 permeability. A panel of pharmaceutical quality tests was also performed on three batches of Lamictal, three batches of Teva generic, and one batch of each of four other generics: appearance, identity, assay, impurity, uniformity of dosage units, disintegration, dissolution, friability, and loss on drying. These market surveillance results indicate that all brand name and generic lamotrigine 100 mg tablets passed all tests and showed acceptable pharmaceutical quality and low biopharmaceutic risk. Lamotrigine was classified as a BCS class IIb drug, exhibiting pH-dependent aqueous solubility and dissolution. At pH 1.2 and 4.5, lamotrigine exhibited high solubility, whereas lamotrigine exhibited low solubility at pH 6.8, including non-sink dissolution. Lamotrigine showed high Caco-2 permeability. The apparent permeability (Papp) of lamotrigine was (73.7 ± 8.7) × 10(-6) cm/s in the apical-to-basolateral (AP-BL) direction and (41.4 ± 1.6) × 10(-6) cm/s in the BL-AP direction, which were higher than metoprolol's AP-BL Papp of (21.2 ± 0.9) × 10(-6) cm/s and BL-AP Papp of (34.6 ± 4.6) × 10(-6) cm/s. Overall, lamotrigine's favorable biopharmaceutics from a drug substance perspective and favorable quality characteristics from a tablet formulation perspective suggest that multisource lamotrigine tablets exhibit a low biopharmaceutic risk.
With the help of a foreign ally: biopharmaceutical innovation in India after TRIPS.
Angeli, Federica
This article investigates the implications of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), which reached full-fledged implementation in 2005, for the patenting activity of Indian biopharmaceutical companies. The Indian biopharmaceutical industry is well-known for its generic producers, whose business models capitalize on the opportunity to reverse-engineer patented compounds and produce them at low costs through process innovation. By strengthening intellectual property rights, TRIPS determined a major regulative change, which presents the characteristics of an institutional shock. The examination of the patenting and alliance activity of 123 Indian biopharmaceutical firms between 1999 and 2009 reveals two important insights. First, the innovation outcome of Indian biopharmaceuticals has sharply increased during the transition to TRIPS-compliant regulation, suggesting that Indian companies have been capable and willing to transit from an imitation-based to an innovation-based business model. Second, those biopharmaceutical firms holding cross-border alliances to foreign partners have proved significantly more successful at enhancing their innovative capability. This research delivers a multifold contribution to the policy debate surrounding the enforcement of TRIPS in emerging economies. First, it suggests that such regulatory change may have encouraged biopharmaceutical innovation in India, despite the sceptical voices who did not foresee any benefits because of inherent inertia of the industry. Second, by arguing and testing the advantages of foreign partnerships, this research highlights that the much feared return of pharmaceutical foreign companies to India could instead favour adaptation to institutional change. Implications for Indian public health are particularly critical. The impact of TRIPS on drug pricing and on the capability--and willingness--of Indian biopharmaceuticals to invest in local health conditions are two
Regional intestinal drug permeation: biopharmaceutics and drug development.
Lennernäs, Hans
Over the last 25 years, profound changes have been seen in both the development and regulation of pharmaceutical dosage forms, due primarily to the extensive use of the biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS) in both academia and industry. The BCS and the FDA scale-up and post-approval change guidelines were both developed during the 1990s and both are currently widely used to claim biowaivers. The development of the BCS and its wide acceptance were important steps in pharmaceutical science that contributed to the more rational development of oral dosage forms. The effective permeation (Peff) of drugs through the intestine often depends on the combined outcomes of passive diffusion and multiple parallel transport processes. Site-specific jejunal Peff cannot reflect the permeability of the whole intestinal tract, since this varies along the length of the intestine, but is a useful approximation of the fraction of the oral dose that is absorbed. It appears that drugs with a jejunal Peff>1.5×10(-4)cm/s will be completely absorbed no matter which transport mechanisms are utilized. In this paper, historical clinical data originating from earlier open, single-pass perfusion studies have been used to calculate the Peff of different substances from sites in the jejunum and ileum. More exploratory in vivo studies are required in order to obtain reliable data on regional intestinal drug absorption. The development of experimental and theoretical methods of assessing drug absorption from both small intestine and various sites in the colon is encouraged. Some of the existing human in vivo data are discussed in relation to commonly used cell culture models. It is crucial to accurately determine the input parameters, such as the regional intestinal Peff, as these will form the basis for the expected increase in modeling and simulation of all the processes involved in GI drug absorption, thus facilitating successful pharmaceutical development in the future. It is suggested
Saha, Shyamali; Malhotra, Meenakshi; Kahouli, Imen; Prakash, Satya
Microencapsulation is a technology that has shown significant promise in biotherapeutics, and other applications. It has been proven useful in the immobilization of drugs, live mammalian and bacterial cells and other cells, and other biopharmaceutics molecules, as it can provide material structuration, protection of the enclosed product, and controlled release of the encapsulated contents, all of which can ensure efficient and safe therapeutic effects. This paper is a comprehensive review of microencapsulation and its latest developments in the field. It provides a comprehensive overview of the technology and primary goals of microencapsulation and discusses various processes and techniques involved in microencapsulation including physical, chemical, physicochemical, and other methods involved. It also summarizes the state-of-the-art successes of microencapsulation, specifically with regard to the encapsulation of microorganisms, mammalian cells, drugs, and other biopharmaceutics in various diseases. The limitations and future directions of microencapsulation technologies are also discussed. PMID:26555963
Dickinson, Paul A; Kesisoglou, Filippos; Flanagan, Talia; Martinez, Marilyn N; Mistry, Hitesh B; Crison, John R; Polli, James E; Cruañes, Maria T; Serajuddin, Abu T M; Müllertz, Anette; Cook, Jack A; Selen, Arzu
The aim of Biopharmaceutics Risk Assessment Roadmap (BioRAM) and the BioRAM Scoring Grid is to facilitate optimization of clinical performance of drug products. BioRAM strategy relies on therapy-driven drug delivery and follows an integrated systems approach for formulating and addressing critical questions and decision-making (J Pharm Sci. 2014,103(11): 3777-97). In BioRAM, risk is defined as not achieving the intended in vivo drug product performance, and success is assessed by time to decision-making and action. Emphasis on time to decision-making and time to action highlights the value of well-formulated critical questions and well-designed and conducted integrated studies. This commentary describes and illustrates application of the BioRAM Scoring Grid, a companion to the BioRAM strategy, which guides implementation of such an integrated strategy encompassing 12 critical areas and 6 assessment stages. Application of the BioRAM Scoring Grid is illustrated using published literature. Organizational considerations for implementing BioRAM strategy, including the interactions, function, and skillsets of the BioRAM group members, are also reviewed. As a creative and innovative systems approach, we believe that BioRAM is going to have a broad-reaching impact, influencing drug development and leading to unique collaborations influencing how we learn, and leverage and share knowledge. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Recombinant drug development, regulation, and commercialization: an Indian industry perspective.
Sahoo, Niharika; Manchikanti, Padmavati
The Indian biopharmaceutical sector comprises nearly 40 companies that manufacture and/or market 14 recombinant drugs that account for nearly 50 products. Among these, 22 companies have manufacturing facilities in India. The aim of the present study was to analyze the patenting trends, commercialization, and regulatory system for biopharmaceuticals in India. Representatives from 19 such biopharmaceutical companies were interviewed on aspects related to regulatory compliance, manufacturing, commercialization, and innovation in order to understand the challenges faced by them in the current regulatory and patent system. The study revealed that 94% of the companies have filed patents and 52% are developing new biologic entities in areas such as diabetes mellitus, cancer, and congestive heart diseases. Forty-two percent of the companies consider delays in regulatory approval to be a major constraint for biopharmaceutical industry development. Almost all are of the opinion that uniform guidelines across countries would help to prevent delays in the commercialization of products. A high proportion of representatives of the biopharmaceutical industry in India identified that elaboration of regulatory guidelines, defined submission requirements, and drug approval timelines are vital to the growth of the biopharmaceutical industry. © 2011 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
Strategic biopharmaceutical portfolio development: an analysis of constraint-induced implications.
George, Edmund D; Farid, Suzanne S
Optimizing the structure and development pathway of biopharmaceutical drug portfolios are core concerns to the developer that come with several attached complexities. These include strategic decisions for the choice of drugs, the scheduling of critical activities, and the possible involvement of third parties for development and manufacturing at various stages for each drug. Additional complexities that must be considered include the impact of making such decisions in an uncertain environment. Presented here is the development of a stochastic multi-objective optimization framework designed to address these issues. The framework harnesses the ability of Bayesian networks to characterize the probabilistic structure of superior decisions via machine learning and evolve them to multi-objective optimality. Case studies that entailed three- and five-drug portfolios alongside a range of cash flow constraints were constructed to derive insight from the framework where results demonstrate that a variety of options exist for formulating nondominated strategies in the objective space considered, giving the manufacturer a range of pursuable options. In all cases limitations on cash flow reduce the potential for generating profits for a given probability of success. For the sizes of portfolio considered, results suggest that naïvely applying strategies optimal for a particular size of portfolio to a portfolio of another size is inappropriate. For the five-drug portfolio the most preferred means for development across the set of optimized strategies is to fully integrate development and commercial activities in-house. For the three-drug portfolio, the preferred means of development involves a mixture of in-house, outsourced, and partnered activities. Also, the size of the portfolio appears to have a larger impact on strategy and the quality of objectives than the magnitude of cash flow constraint.
Automated Antibody De Novo Sequencing and Its Utility in Biopharmaceutical Discovery
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sen, K. Ilker; Tang, Wilfred H.; Nayak, Shruti; Kil, Yong J.; Bern, Marshall; Ozoglu, Berk; Ueberheide, Beatrix; Davis, Darryl; Becker, Christopher
Applications of antibody de novo sequencing in the biopharmaceutical industry range from the discovery of new antibody drug candidates to identifying reagents for research and determining the primary structure of innovator products for biosimilar development. When murine, phage display, or patient-derived monoclonal antibodies against a target of interest are available, but the cDNA or the original cell line is not, de novo protein sequencing is required to humanize and recombinantly express these antibodies, followed by in vitro and in vivo testing for functional validation. Availability of fully automated software tools for monoclonal antibody de novo sequencing enables efficient and routine analysis. Here, we present a novel method to automatically de novo sequence antibodies using mass spectrometry and the Supernovo software. The robustness of the algorithm is demonstrated through a series of stress tests.
Just how good an investment is the biopharmaceutical sector?
Thakor, Richard T; Anaya, Nicholas; Zhang, Yuwei; Vilanilam, Christian; Siah, Kien Wei; Wong, Chi Heem; Lo, Andrew W
Uncertainty surrounding the risk and reward of investments in biopharmaceutical companies poses a challenge to those interested in funding such enterprises. Using data on publicly traded stocks, we track the performance of 1,066 biopharmaceutical companies from 1930 to 2015-the most comprehensive financial analysis of this sector to date. Our systematic exploration of methods for distinguishing biotech and pharmaceutical companies yields a dynamic, more accurate classification method. We find that the performance of the biotech sector is highly sensitive to the presence of a few outlier companies, and confirm that nearly all biotech companies are loss-making enterprises, exhibiting high stock volatility. In contrast, since 2000, pharmaceutical companies have become increasingly profitable, with risk-adjusted returns consistently outperforming the market. The performance of all biopharmaceutical companies is subject not only to factors arising from their drug pipelines (idiosyncratic risk), but also from general economic conditions (systematic risk). The risk associated with returns has profound implications both for patterns of investment and for funding innovation in biomedical R&D.
Brennan, Frank R; Baumann, Andreas; Blaich, Guenter; de Haan, Lolke; Fagg, Rajni; Kiessling, Andrea; Kronenberg, Sven; Locher, Mathias; Milton, Mark; Tibbitts, Jay; Ulrich, Peter; Weir, Lucinda
Non-clinical safety testing of biopharmaceuticals can present significant challenges to human risk assessment with these often innovative and complex drugs. Hot Topics in this field were discussed recently at the 4th Annual European Biosafe General Membership meeting. In this feature article, the presentations and subsequent discussions from the main sessions are summarized. The topics covered include: (i) wanted versus unwanted immune activation, (ii) bi-specific protein scaffolds, (iii) use of Pharmacokinetic (PK)/Pharmacodynamic (PD) data to impact/optimize toxicology study design, (iv) cytokine release and challenges to human translation (v) safety testing of cell and gene therapies including chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cells and retroviral vectors and (vi) biopharmaceutical development strategies encompassing a range of diverse topics including optimizing entry of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) into the brain, safety testing of therapeutic vaccines, non-clinical testing of biosimilars, infection in toxicology studies with immunomodulators and challenges to human risk assessment, maternal and infant anti-drug antibody (ADA) development and impact in non-human primate (NHP) developmental toxicity studies, and a summary of an NC3Rs workshop on the future vision for non-clinical safety assessment of biopharmaceuticals. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Jain, Atul; Kaur, Rajpreet; Beg, Sarwar; Kushwah, Varun; Jain, Sanyog; Singh, Bhupinder
The work describes systematic development of nanomicellar cationic supersaturable self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (CS-SNEDDS) for augmenting oral biopharmaceutical performance of raloxifene hydrochloride. Plain SNEDDS formulation containing Capryol 90, Cremophor RH 40, and Transcutol HP was optimized using D-optimal mixture design. SNEDDS were characterized for emulsification time, globule size, in vitro drug release, and ex vivo permeation. The CS-SNEDDS formulation was prepared from the optimized SNEDDS by adding oleylamine as the cationic charge inducer and HPMC as the polymeric precipitation inhibitor. Evaluation of CS-SNEDDS was carried out through in vitro cell line studies on Caco-2 and MCF-7 cells, in situ perfusion, and in vivo pharmacokinetic studies, which indicated significant improvement in biopharmaceutical attributes of the drug from CS-SNEDDS over plain drug.
Shah, Vinod P; Amidon, Gordon L
The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) has become widely accepted today in the academic, industrial, and regulatory world. While the initial application of the BCS was to regulatory science bioequivalence (BE) issues and related implications, it has come to be utilized widely by the pharmaceutical industry in drug discovery and development as well. This brief manuscript will relate the story of the BCS development. While much of the ground work for the BCS goes back to the pharmacokinetic and drug absorption research by Gordon Amidon (GLA) in the 1970s and 1980s, the realization of the need for a classification or categorization of drug and drug products for setting dissolution standards became apparent to GLA during his 1990-1991 sabbatical year at the FDA. Initiated at the invitation of the then CEDR director, Dr. Carl Peck, to become a visiting scientist at the FDA, the goal was to promote regulatory research at the FDA, in my case, in biopharmaceutics, and to develop a science-based system to simplify regulatory requirements.
Scientific and Regulatory Considerations in Solid Oral Modified Release Drug Product Development.
Li, Min; Sander, Sanna; Duan, John; Rosencrance, Susan; Miksinski, Sarah Pope; Yu, Lawrence; Seo, Paul; Rege, Bhagwant
This review presents scientific and regulatory considerations for the development of solid oral modified release (MR) drug products. It includes a rationale for patient-focused development based on Quality-by-Design (QbD) principles. Product and process understanding of MR products includes identification and risk-based evaluation of critical material attributes (CMAs), critical process parameters (CPPs), and their impact on critical quality attributes (CQAs) that affect the clinical performance. The use of various biopharmaceutics tools that link the CQAs to a predictable and reproducible clinical performance for patient benefit is emphasized. Product and process understanding lead to a more comprehensive control strategy that can maintain product quality through the shelf life and the lifecycle of the drug product. The overall goal is to develop MR products that consistently meet the clinical objectives while mitigating the risks to patients by reducing the probability and increasing the detectability of CQA failures.
Ion-exchange chromatography for the characterization of biopharmaceuticals.
Fekete, Szabolcs; Beck, Alain; Veuthey, Jean-Luc; Guillarme, Davy
Ion-exchange chromatography (IEX) is a historical technique widely used for the detailed characterization of therapeutic proteins and can be considered as a reference and powerful technique for the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of charge heterogeneity. The goal of this review is to provide an overview of theoretical and practical aspects of modern IEX applied for the characterization of therapeutic proteins including monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) and antibody drug conjugates (ADCs). The section on method development describes how to select a suitable stationary phase chemistry and dimensions, the mobile phase conditions (pH, nature and concentration of salt), as well as the temperature and flow rate, considering proteins isoelectric point (pI). In addition, both salt-gradient and pH-gradient approaches were critically reviewed and benefits as well as limitations of these two strategies were provided. Finally, several applications, mostly from pharmaceutical industries, illustrate the potential of IEX for the characterization of charge variants of various types of biopharmaceutical products. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Workflow for Criticality Assessment Applied in Biopharmaceutical Process Validation Stage 1.
Zahel, Thomas; Marschall, Lukas; Abad, Sandra; Vasilieva, Elena; Maurer, Daniel; Mueller, Eric M; Murphy, Patrick; Natschläger, Thomas; Brocard, Cécile; Reinisch, Daniela; Sagmeister, Patrick; Herwig, Christoph
Identification of critical process parameters that impact product quality is a central task during regulatory requested process validation. Commonly, this is done via design of experiments and identification of parameters significantly impacting product quality (rejection of the null hypothesis that the effect equals 0). However, parameters which show a large uncertainty and might result in an undesirable product quality limit critical to the product, may be missed. This might occur during the evaluation of experiments since residual/un-modelled variance in the experiments is larger than expected a priori. Estimation of such a risk is the task of the presented novel retrospective power analysis permutation test. This is evaluated using a data set for two unit operations established during characterization of a biopharmaceutical process in industry. The results show that, for one unit operation, the observed variance in the experiments is much larger than expected a priori, resulting in low power levels for all non-significant parameters. Moreover, we present a workflow of how to mitigate the risk associated with overlooked parameter effects. This enables a statistically sound identification of critical process parameters. The developed workflow will substantially support industry in delivering constant product quality, reduce process variance and increase patient safety.
Novais, J L; Titchener-Hooker, N J; Hoare, M
Time to market, cost effectiveness, and flexibility are key issues in today's biopharmaceutical market. Bioprocessing plants based on fully disposable, presterilized, and prevalidated components appear as an attractive alternative to conventional stainless steel plants, potentially allowing for shorter implementation times, smaller initial investments, and increased flexibility. To evaluate the economic case of such an alternative it was necessary to develop an appropriate costing model which allows an economic comparison between conventional and disposables-based engineering to be made. The production of an antibody fragment from an E. coli fermentation was used to provide a case study for both routes. The conventional bioprocessing option was costed through available models, which were then modified to account for the intrinsic differences observed in a disposables-based option. The outcome of the analysis indicates that the capital investment required for a disposables-based option is substantially reduced at less than 60% of that for a conventional option. The disposables-based running costs were evaluated as being 70% higher than those of the conventional equivalent. Despite this higher value, the net present value (NPV) of the disposables-based plant is positive and within 25% of that for the conventional plant. Sensitivity analysis performed on key variables indicated the robustness of the economic analysis presented. In particular a 9-month reduction in time to market arising from the adoption of a disposables-based approach, results in a NPV which is identical to that of the conventional option. Finally, the effect of any possible loss in yield resulting from the use of disposables was also examined. This had only a limited impact on the NPV: for example, a 50% lower yield in the disposable chromatography step results in a 10% reduction of the disposable NPV. The results provide the necessary framework for the economic comparison of disposables and
Recombinant protein production and streptomycetes.
Anné, Jozef; Maldonado, Bárbara; Van Impe, Jan; Van Mellaert, Lieve; Bernaerts, Kristel
The biopharmaceutical market has come a long way since 1982, when the first biopharmaceutical product, recombinant human insulin, was launched. Just over 200 biopharma products have already gained approval. The global market for biopharmaceuticals which is currently valued at over US$99 billion has been growing at an impressive compound annual growth rate over the previous years. To produce these biopharmaceuticals and other industrially important heterologous proteins, different prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression systems are used. All expression systems have some advantages as well as some disadvantages that should be considered in selecting which one to use. Choosing the best one requires evaluating the options--from yield to glycosylation, to proper folding, to economics of scale-up. No host cell from which all the proteins can be universally expressed in large quantities has been found so far. Therefore, it is important to provide a variety of host-vector expression systems in order to increase the opportunities to screen for the most suitable expression conditions or host cell. In this overview, we focus on Streptomyces lividans, a Gram-positive bacterium with a proven excellence in secretion capacity, as host for heterologous protein production. We will discuss its advantages and disadvantages, and how with systems biology approaches strains can be developed to better producing cell factories. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Venhuis, Bastiaan J; Keizers, Peter H J; Klausmann, Rüdiger; Hegger, Ingrid
Operation Pangea is an annual international week of action combating pharmaceutical crime. In this study, called Operation Resistance, we asked the national agencies in Europe to search for falsified antibiotics and biopharmaceutical injectables (peptides and proteins) amongst the medicines seized in Pangea 7 (2014). Reports were received from Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Spain, the United Kingdom, Norway, and Switzerland. The countries reported seizing about 21,000 dose units (e.g. tablets, capsules) of falsified antibiotics in total. Most of the antibiotics were unlicensed medicines with common antibiotic drugs. In this study week, very few falsified biopharmaceutical injectables were reported. Laboratories reported human growth hormone, sermorelin, melanotan II, and no active ingredients. The average shipment size seemed too large for personal use indicating that a substantial part was intended for resale. This study provides a snapshot of the falsified antibiotics and biopharmaceuticals that enter European countries. How much is actually reaching users during Pangea week - in on other weeks - remains unknown. The shipment sizes indicate falsified antibiotics and biopharmaceuticals are imported for both personal use and resale. The use of antibiotics from unreliable sources is a health risk, contributes to antimicrobial resistance, and may obscure a source of infection from health agencies. The falsified biopharmaceuticals are a health risk because they lack all labelling and may contain unlicensed drugs for injection. It seems important to raise awareness among health-care professionals that falsified medicines in Europe are not restricted to erectile dysfunction drugs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Takahashi, Maria Beatriz; Leme, Jaci; Caricati, Celso Pereira; Tonso, Aldo; Fernández Núñez, Eutimio Gustavo; Rocha, José Celso
Currently, mammalian cells are the most utilized hosts for biopharmaceutical production. The culture media for these cell lines include commonly in their composition a pH indicator. Spectroscopic techniques are used for biopharmaceutical process monitoring, among them, UV-Vis spectroscopy has found scarce applications. This work aimed to define artificial neural networks architecture and fit its parameters to predict some nutrients and metabolites, as well as viable cell concentration based on UV-Vis spectral data of mammalian cell bioprocess using phenol red in culture medium. The BHK-21 cell line was used as a mammalian cell model. Off-line spectra of supernatant samples taken from batches performed at different dissolved oxygen concentrations in two bioreactor configurations and with two pH control strategies were used to define two artificial neural networks. According to absolute errors, glutamine (0.13 ± 0.14 mM), glutamate (0.02 ± 0.02 mM), glucose (1.11 ± 1.70 mM), lactate (0.84 ± 0.68 mM) and viable cell concentrations (1.89 10(5) ± 1.90 10(5) cell/mL) were suitably predicted. The prediction error averages for monitored variables were lower than those previously reported using different spectroscopic techniques in combination with partial least squares or artificial neural network. The present work allows for UV-VIS sensor development, and decreases cost related to nutrients and metabolite quantifications.
Biopharmaceutical potentials of Prosopis spp. (Mimosaceae, Leguminosa).
Henciya, Santhaseelan; Seturaman, Prabha; James, Arthur Rathinam; Tsai, Yi-Hong; Nikam, Rahul; Wu, Yang-Chang; Dahms, Hans-Uwe; Chang, Fang Rong
Prosopis is a commercially important plant genus, which has been used since ancient times, particularly for medicinal purposes. Traditionally, Paste, gum, and smoke from leaves and pods are applied for anticancer, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial purposes. Components of Prosopis such as flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, quinones, or phenolic compounds demonstrate potentials in various biofunctions, such as analgesic, anthelmintic, antibiotic, antiemetic, microbial antioxidant, antimalarial, antiprotozoal, antipustule, and antiulcer activities; enhancement of H + , K + , ATPases; oral disinfection; and probiotic and nutritional effects; as well as in other biopharmaceutical applications, such as binding abilities for tablet production. The compound juliflorine provides a cure in Alzheimer disease by inhibiting acetylcholine esterase at cholinergic brain synapses. Some indirect medicinal applications of Prosopis spp. are indicated, including antimosquito larvicidal activity, chemical synthesis by associated fungal or bacterial symbionts, cyanobacterial degradation products, "mesquite" honey and pollens with high antioxidant activity, etc. This review will reveal the origins, distribution, folk uses, chemical components, biological functions, and applications of different representatives of Prosopis. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Impact of Magnetic Stirring on Stainless Steel Integrity: Effect on Biopharmaceutical Processing.
Thompson, Christopher; Wilson, Kelly; Kim, Yoen Joo; Xie, Min; Wang, William K; Wendeler, Michaela
Stainless steel containers are widely used in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry for the storage of buffers, process intermediates, and purified drug substance. They are generally held to be corrosion resistant, biocompatible, and nonreactive, although it is well established that trace amounts of metal ions can leach from stainless steel equipment into biopharmaceutical products. We report here that the use of stainless steel containers in conjunction with magnetic stirring bars leads to significantly aggravated metal contamination, consisting of both metal particles and significantly elevated metal ions in solution, the degree of which is several orders of magnitude higher than described for static conditions. Metal particles are analyzed by scanning electron microscopy with electron-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and metal content in solution is quantitated at different time points by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The concentration of iron, chromium, nickel, and manganese increases with increasing stirring time and speed. We describe the impact of buffer components on the extent of metal particles and ions in solution and illustrate the effect on model proteins. Copyright © 2017 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Cugovčan, Martina; Jablan, Jasna; Lovrić, Jasmina; Cinčić, Dominik; Galić, Nives; Jug, Mario
Mechanochemical activation using several different co-grinding additives was applied as a green chemistry approach to improve physiochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of praziquantel (PZQ). Liquid assisted grinding with an equimolar amount of citric acid (CA), malic acid (MA), salicylic acid (SA) and tartaric acid (TA) gained in cocrystal formation, which all showed pH-dependent solubility and dissolution rate. However, the most soluble cocrystal of PZQ with MA was chemically unstable, as seen during the stability testing. Equimolar cyclodextrin complexes prepared by neat grinding with amorphous hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) and randomly methylated β-cyclodextrin (MEβCD) showed the highest improvement in drug solubility and the dissolution rate, but only PZQ/HPβCD product presented an acceptable chemical and photostability profile. A combined approach, by co-grinding the drug with both MA and HPβCD in equimolar ratio, also gave highly soluble amorphous product which again was chemical instable and therefore not suitable for the pharmaceutical use. Studies on Caco-2 monolayer confirmed the biocompatibility of PZQ/HPβCD complex and showed that complexation did not adversely affect the intrinsically high PZQ permeability (P app (PZQ)=(3.72±0.33)×10 -5 cms -1 and P app (PZQ/HPβCD)=(3.65±0.21)×10 -5 cms -1 ; p>0.05). All this confirmed that the co-grinding with the proper additive is as a promising strategy to improve biopharmaceutical properties of the drug. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Development Considerations for Nanocrystal Drug Products.
Chen, Mei-Ling; John, Mathew; Lee, Sau L; Tyner, Katherine M
Nanocrystal technology has emerged as a valuable tool for facilitating the delivery of poorly water-soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and enhancing API bioavailability. To date, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has received over 80 applications for drug products containing nanocrystals. These products can be delivered by different routes of administration and are used in a variety of therapeutic areas. To aid in identifying key developmental considerations for these products, a retrospective analysis was performed on the submissions received by the FDA to date. Over 60% of the submissions were for the oral route of administration. Based on the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS), most nanocrystal drugs submitted to the FDA are class II compounds that possess low aqueous solubility and high intestinal permeability. Impact of food on drug bioavailability was reduced for most nanocrystal formulations as compared with their micronized counterparts. For all routes of administration, dose proportionality was observed for some, but not all, nanocrystal products. Particular emphasis in the development of nanocrystal products was placed on the in-process tests and controls at critical manufacturing steps (such as milling process), mitigation and control of process-related impurities, and the stability of APIs or polymorphic form (s) during manufacturing and upon storage. This emphasis resulted in identifying challenges to the development of these products including accurate determination of particle size (distribution) of drug substance and/or nanocrystal colloidal dispersion, identification of polymorphic form (s), and establishment of drug substance/product specifications.
Turecek, Peter L; Bossard, Mary J; Schoetens, Freddy; Ivens, Inge A
Modification of biopharmaceutical molecules by covalent conjugation of polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules is known to enhance pharmacologic and pharmaceutical properties of proteins and other large molecules and has been used successfully in 12 approved drugs. Both linear and branched-chain PEG reagents with molecular sizes of up to 40 kDa have been used with a variety of different PEG derivatives with different linker chemistries. This review describes the properties of PEG itself, the history and evolution of PEGylation chemistry, and provides examples of PEGylated drugs with an established medical history. A trend toward the use of complex PEG architectures and larger PEG polymers, but with very pure and well-characterized PEG reagents is described. Nonclinical toxicology findings related to PEG in approved PEGylated biopharmaceuticals are summarized. The effect attributed to the PEG part of the molecules as observed in 5 of the 12 marketed products was cellular vacuolation seen microscopically mainly in phagocytic cells which is likely related to their biological function to absorb and remove particles and macromolecules from blood and tissues. Experience with marketed PEGylated products indicates that adverse effects in toxicology studies are usually related to the active part of the drug but not to the PEG moiety. Copyright © 2016 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Beck, Alain; Reichert, Janice M
In a defining moment for the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the biopharmaceutical industry, on June 27, 2013 EMA's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use adopted a positive opinion for two biosimilar infliximab products (Celltrion's Remsima® and Hospira's Inflectra®), and recommended that they be approved for marketing in the European Union (EU). The European Commission's decision on an application is typically issued 67 d after an opinion is provided; thus, decisions are expected in early September 2013. If approved, the products will comprise the first biosimilar antibody made available to patients in a highly regulated market, although launch may be delayed due to an extension of the reference product's (Remicade®) patent in the EU.
Pediatric Biopharmaceutical Classification System: Using Age-Appropriate Initial Gastric Volume.
Shawahna, Ramzi
Development of optimized pediatric formulations for oral administration can be challenging, time consuming, and financially intensive process. Since its inception, the biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS) has facilitated the development of oral drug formulations destined for adults. At least theoretically, the BCS principles are applied also to pediatrics. A comprehensive age-appropriate BCS has not been fully developed. The objective of this work was to provisionally classify oral drugs listed on the latest World Health Organization's Essential Medicines List for Children into an age-appropriate BCS. A total of 38 orally administered drugs were included in this classification. Dose numbers were calculated using age-appropriate initial gastric volume for neonates, 6-month-old infants, and children aging 1 year through adulthood. Using age-appropriate initial gastric volume and British National Formulary age-specific dosing recommendations in the calculation of dose numbers, the solubility classes shifted from low to high in pediatric subpopulations of 12 years and older for amoxicillin, 5 years, 12 years and older for cephalexin, 9 years and older for chloramphenicol, 3-4 years, 9-11 and 15 years and older for diazepam, 18 years and older (adult) for doxycycline and erythromycin, 8 years and older for phenobarbital, 10 years and older for prednisolone, and 15 years and older for trimethoprim. Pediatric biopharmaceutics are not fully understood where several knowledge gaps have been recently emphasized. The current biowaiver criteria are not suitable for safe application in all pediatric populations.
Bai, Ge; Bee, Jared S; Biddlecombe, James G; Chen, Quanmin; Leach, W Thomas
Agitation of small amounts of liquid is performed routinely in biopharmaceutical process, formulation, and packaging development. Protein degradation commonly results from agitation, but the specific stress responsible or degradation mechanism is usually not well understood. Characterization of the agitation stress methods is critical to identifying protein degradation mechanisms or specific sensitivities. In this study, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to model agitation of 1 mL of fluid by four types of common laboratory agitation instruments, including a rotator, orbital shaker, magnetic stirrer and vortex mixer. Fluid stresses in the bulk liquid and near interfaces were identified, quantified and compared. The vortex mixer provides the most intense stresses overall, while the stir bar system presented locally intense shear proximal to the hydrophobic stir bar surface. The rotator provides gentler fluid stresses, but the air-water interfacial area and surface stresses are relatively high given its low rotational frequency. The orbital shaker provides intermediate-level stresses but with the advantage of a large stable platform for consistent vial-to-vial homogeneity. Selection of experimental agitation methods with targeted types and intensities of stresses can facilitate better understanding of protein degradation mechanisms and predictability for "real world" applications. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Moritz, Bernd; Locatelli, Valentina; Niess, Michele; Bathke, Andrea; Kiessig, Steffen; Entler, Barbara; Finkler, Christof; Wegele, Harald; Stracke, Jan
CZE is a well-established technique for charge heterogeneity testing of biopharmaceuticals. It is based on the differences between the ratios of net charge and hydrodynamic radius. In an extensive intercompany study, it was recently shown that CZE is very robust and can be easily implemented in labs that did not perform it before. However, individual characteristics of some examined proteins resulted in suboptimal resolution. Therefore, enhanced method development principles were applied here to investigate possibilities for further method optimization. For this purpose, a high number of different method parameters was evaluated with the aim to improve CZE separation. For the relevant parameters, design of experiments (DoE) models were generated and optimized in several ways for different sets of responses like resolution, peak width and number of peaks. In spite of product specific DoE optimization it was found that the resulting combination of optimized parameters did result in significant improvement of separation for 13 out of 16 different antibodies and other molecule formats. These results clearly demonstrate generic applicability of the optimized CZE method. Adaptation to individual molecular properties may sometimes still be required in order to achieve optimal separation but the set screws discussed in this study [mainly pH, identity of the polymer additive (HPC versus HPMC) and the concentrations of additives like acetonitrile, butanolamine and TETA] are expected to significantly reduce the effort for specific optimization. 2017 The Authors. Electrophoresis published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Jenke, Dennis R; Zietlow, David; Garber, Mary Jo; Sadain, Salma; Reiber, Duane; Terbush, William
Plastic materials are widely used in medical items, such as solution containers, transfusion sets, transfer tubing, and devices. An emerging trend in the biotechnology industry is the utilization of plastic containers to prepare, transport, and store an assortment of solutions including buffers, media, and in-process and finished product. The direct contact of such containers with the product at one or more points in its lifetime raises the possibility that container leachables may accumulate in the finished product. The interaction between several commercially available container materials and numerous model test solutions (representative of buffers and media used in biopharmaceutical applications) was investigated. This paper summarizes the identification of leachables associated with the container materials and documents the levels to which targeted leachables accumulate in the test solutions under defined storage conditions.
Safe handling of cytotoxic compounds in a biopharmaceutical environment.
Hensgen, Miriam I; Stump, Bernhard
Handling cytotoxic drugs such as antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) in a biopharmaceutical environment represents a challenge based on the potency of the compounds. These derivatives are dangerous to humans if they accidentally get in contact with the skin, are inhaled, or are ingested, either as pure compounds in their solid state or as a solution dissolved in a co-solvent. Any contamination of people involved in the manufacturing process has to be avoided. On the other hand, biopharmaceuticals need to be protected simultaneously against any contamination from the manufacturing personnel. Therefore, a tailor-made work environment is mandatory in order to manufacture ADCs. This asks for appropriate technical equipment to keep potential hazardous substances contained. In addition, clearly defined working procedures based on risk assessments as well as proper training for all personnel involved in the manufacturing process are needed to safely handle these highly potent pharmaceuticals.
Hu, Jianwen; Han, Jizhong; Li, Haoran; Zhang, Xian; Liu, Lan Lan; Chen, Fei; Zeng, Bin
Mammalian cells, e.g., CHO, BHK, HEK293, HT-1080, and NS0 cells, represent important manufacturing platforms in bioengineering. They are widely used for the production of recombinant therapeutic proteins, vaccines, anticancer agents, and other clinically relevant drugs. HEK293 (human embryonic kidney 293) cells and their derived cell lines provide an attractive heterologous system for the development of recombinant proteins or adenovirus productions, not least due to their human-like posttranslational modification of protein molecules to provide the desired biological activity. Secondly, they also exhibit high transfection efficiency yielding high-quality recombinant proteins. They are easy to maintain and express with high fidelity membrane proteins, such as ion channels and transporters, and thus are attractive for structural biology and electrophysiology studies. In this article, we review the literature on HEK293 cells regarding their origins but also stress their advancements into the different cell lines engineered and discuss some significant aspects which make them versatile systems for biopharmaceutical manufacturing, drug screening, structural biology research, and electrophysiology applications. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Yang, Yang; Fan, Chun-Mei; He, Xuan; Ren, Ke; Zhang, Jin-Kun; He, Ying-Ju; Yu, Luo-Ting; Zhao, Ying-Lan; Gong, Chang-Yang; Zheng, Yu; Song, Xiang-Rong; Zeng, Jun
Specific biopharmaceutics classification investigation and study on phamacokinetic profile of a novel drug candidate (2-methylcarbamoyl-4-{4-[3- (trifluoromethyl) benzamido] phenoxy} pyridinium 4-methylbenzenesulfonate monohydrate, NCE) were carried out. Equilibrium solubility and intrinsic dissolution rate (IDR) of NCE were estimated in different phosphate buffers. Effective intestinal permeability (Peff) of NCE was determined using single-pass intestinal perfusion technique in rat duodenum, jejunum and ileum at three concentrations. Theophylline (high permeability) and ranitidine (low permeability) were also applied to access the permeability of NCE as reference compounds. The bioavailability after intragastrical and intravenous administration was measured in beagle dogs. The solubility of NCE in tested phosphate buffers was quite low with the maximum solubility of 81.73 μg/mL at pH 1.0. The intrinsic dissolution ratio of NCE was 1 × 10−4 mg·min−1·cm−2. The Peff value of NCE in all intestinal segments was more proximate to the high-permeability reference theophylline. Therefore, NCE was classified as class II drug according to Biopharmaceutics Classification System due to its low solubility and high intestinal permeability. In addition, concentration-dependent permeability was not observed in all the segments, indicating that there might be passive transportation for NCE. The absolute oral bioavailability of NCE in beagle dogs was 26.75%. Therefore, dissolution promotion will be crucial for oral formulation development and intravenous administration route will also be suggested for further NCE formulation development. All the data would provide a reference for biopharmaceutics classification research of other novel drug candidates. PMID:24776763
Yang, Yang; Fan, Chun-Mei; He, Xuan; Ren, Ke; Zhang, Jin-Kun; He, Ying-Ju; Yu, Luo-Ting; Zhao, Ying-Lan; Gong, Chang-Yang; Zheng, Yu; Song, Xiang-Rong; Zeng, Jun
Specific biopharmaceutics classification investigation and study on phamacokinetic profile of a novel drug candidate (2-methylcarbamoyl-4-{4-[3- (trifluoromethyl) benzamido] phenoxy} pyridinium 4-methylbenzenesulfonate monohydrate, NCE) were carried out. Equilibrium solubility and intrinsic dissolution rate (IDR) of NCE were estimated in different phosphate buffers. Effective intestinal permeability (P(eff)) of NCE was determined using single-pass intestinal perfusion technique in rat duodenum, jejunum and ileum at three concentrations. Theophylline (high permeability) and ranitidine (low permeability) were also applied to access the permeability of NCE as reference compounds. The bioavailability after intragastrical and intravenous administration was measured in beagle dogs. The solubility of NCE in tested phosphate buffers was quite low with the maximum solubility of 81.73 μg/mL at pH 1.0. The intrinsic dissolution ratio of NCE was 1 × 10⁻⁴ mg·min⁻¹·cm⁻². The P(eff) value of NCE in all intestinal segments was more proximate to the high-permeability reference theophylline. Therefore, NCE was classified as class II drug according to Biopharmaceutics Classification System due to its low solubility and high intestinal permeability. In addition, concentration-dependent permeability was not observed in all the segments, indicating that there might be passive transportation for NCE. The absolute oral bioavailability of NCE in beagle dogs was 26.75%. Therefore, dissolution promotion will be crucial for oral formulation development and intravenous administration route will also be suggested for further NCE formulation development. All the data would provide a reference for biopharmaceutics classification research of other novel drug candidates.
Gross-Rother, J; Herrmann, N; Blech, M; Pinnapireddy, S R; Garidel, P; Bakowsky, U
Particle detection and analysis techniques are essential in biopharmaceutical industries to evaluate the quality of various parenteral formulations regarding product safety, product quality and to meet the regulations set by the authority agencies. Several particle analysis systems are available on the market, but for the operator, it is quite challenging to identify the suitable method to analyze the sample. At the same time these techniques are the basis to gain a better understanding in biophysical processes, e.g. protein interaction and aggregation processes. The STEP-Technology® (Space and Time resolved Extinction Profiles), as used in the analytical photocentrifuge LUMiSizer®, has been shown to be an effective and promising technique to investigate particle suspensions and emulsions in various fields. In this study, we evaluated the potentials and limitations of this technique for biopharmaceutical model samples. For a first experimental approach, we measured silica and polystyrene (PS) particle standard suspensions with given particle density and refractive index (RI). The concluding evaluation was performed using a variety of relevant data sets to demonstrate the significant influences of the particle density for the final particle size distribution (PSD). The most challenging property required for successful detection, turbidity, was stated and limits have been set based on the depicted absorbance value at 320 nm (A320 values). Furthermore, we produced chemically cross-linked protein particle suspensions to model physically "stable" protein aggregates. These results of LUMiSizer® analysis have been compared to the orthogonal methods of nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and micro-flow imaging (MFI). Sedimentation velocity distributions showed similar tendencies, but the PSDs and absolute size values could not be obtained. In conclusion, we could demonstrate some applications as well as limitations of this technique
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gilleskie, Gary L.; Reeves, Baley; van Zanten, John H.; Balchunas, John; Carbonell, Ruben G.
The Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC) at North Carolina State University is an instructional center that offers education and training programs in the area of biopharmaceutical process development and manufacturing. Our programs are designed to provide educational opportunities throughout the "life cycle" of a…
Multidimensional Methods for the Formulation of Biopharmaceuticals and Vaccines
Maddux, Nathaniel R.; Joshi, Sangeeta B.; Volkin, David B.; Ralston, John P.; Middaugh, C. Russell
Determining and preserving the higher order structural integrity and conformational stability of proteins, plasmid DNA and macromolecular complexes such as viruses, virus-like particles and adjuvanted antigens is often a significant barrier to the successful stabilization and formulation of biopharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. These properties typically must be investigated with multiple lower resolution experimental methods, since each technique monitors only a narrow aspect of the overall conformational state of a macromolecular system. This review describes the use of empirical phase diagrams (EPDs) to combine large amounts of data from multiple high-throughput instruments and construct a map of a target macromolecule's physical state as a function of temperature, solvent conditions, and other stress variables. We present a tutorial on the mathematical methodology, an overview of some of the experimental methods typically used, and examples of some of the previous major formulation applications. We also explore novel applications of EPDs including potential new mathematical approaches as well as possible new biopharmaceutical applications such as analytical comparability, chemical stability, and protein dynamics. PMID:21647886
von Stosch, Moritz; Davy, Steven; Francois, Kjell; Galvanauskas, Vytautas; Hamelink, Jan-Martijn; Luebbert, Andreas; Mayer, Martin; Oliveira, Rui; O'Kennedy, Ronan; Rice, Paul; Glassey, Jarka
This report highlights the drivers, challenges, and enablers of the hybrid modeling applications in biopharmaceutical industry. It is a summary of an expert panel discussion of European academics and industrialists with relevant scientific and engineering backgrounds. Hybrid modeling is viewed in its broader sense, namely as the integration of different knowledge sources in form of parametric and nonparametric models into a hybrid semi-parametric model, for instance the integration of fundamental and data-driven models. A brief description of the current state-of-the-art and industrial uptake of the methodology is provided. The report concludes with a number of recommendations to facilitate further developments and a wider industrial application of this modeling approach. These recommendations are limited to further exploiting the benefits of this methodology within process analytical technology (PAT) applications in biopharmaceutical industry. Copyright © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Zur, Moran; Cohen, Noa; Agbaria, Riad; Dahan, Arik
The purpose of this work was to study the challenges and prospects of regional-dependent absorption in a controlled-release scenario, through the oral biopharmaceutics of the sulfonylurea antidiabetic drug glipizide. The BCS solubility class of glipizide was determined, and its physicochemical properties and intestinal permeability were thoroughly investigated, both in-vitro (PAMPA and Caco-2) and in-vivo in rats. Metoprolol was used as the low/high permeability class boundary marker. Glipizide was found to be a low-solubility compound. All intestinal permeability experimental methods revealed similar trend; a mirror image small intestinal permeability with opposite regional/pH-dependency was obtained, a downward trend for glipizide, and an upward trend for metoprolol. Yet the lowest permeability of glipizide (terminal Ileum) was comparable to the lowest permeability of metoprolol (proximal jejunum). At the colon, similar permeability was evident for glipizide and metoprolol, that was higher than metoprolol's jejunal permeability. We present an analysis that identifies metoprolol's jejunal permeability as the low/high permeability class benchmark anywhere throughout the intestinal tract; we show that the permeability of both glipizide and metoprolol matches/exceeds this threshold throughout the entire intestinal tract, accounting for their success as controlled-release dosage form. This represents a key biopharmaceutical characteristic for a successful controlled-release dosage form. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Buyel, Johannes Felix; Fischer, Rainer
All biological platforms for the manufacture of biopharmaceutical proteins produce an initially turbid extract that must be clarified to avoid fouling sensitive media such as chromatography resins. Clarification is more challenging if the feed stream contains large amounts of dispersed particles, because these rapidly clog the filter media typically used to remove suspended solids. Charged polymers (flocculants) can increase the apparent size of the dispersed particles by aggregation, facilitating the separation of solids and liquids, and thus reducing process costs. However, many different factors can affect the behavior of flocculants, including the pH and conductivity of the medium, the size and charge distribution of the particulates, and the charge density and molecular mass of the polymer. Importantly, these properties can also affect the recovery of the target protein and the overall safety profile of the process. We therefore used a design of experiments approach to establish reliable predictive models that characterize the impact of flocculants during the downstream processing of biopharmaceutical proteins. We highlight strategies for the selection of flocculants during process optimization. These strategies will contribute to the quality by design aspects of process development and facilitate the development of safe and efficient downstream processes for plant-derived pharmaceutical proteins.
Human cell lines for biopharmaceutical manufacturing: history, status, and future perspectives
Dumont, Jennifer; Euwart, Don; Mei, Baisong; Estes, Scott; Kshirsagar, Rashmi
Abstract Biotherapeutic proteins represent a mainstay of treatment for a multitude of conditions, for example, autoimmune disorders, hematologic disorders, hormonal dysregulation, cancers, infectious diseases and genetic disorders. The technologies behind their production have changed substantially since biotherapeutic proteins were first approved in the 1980s. Although most biotherapeutic proteins developed to date have been produced using the mammalian Chinese hamster ovary and murine myeloma (NS0, Sp2/0) cell lines, there has been a recent shift toward the use of human cell lines. One of the most important advantages of using human cell lines for protein production is the greater likelihood that the resulting recombinant protein will bear post-translational modifications (PTMs) that are consistent with those seen on endogenous human proteins. Although other mammalian cell lines can produce PTMs similar to human cells, they also produce non-human PTMs, such as galactose-α1,3-galactose and N-glycolylneuraminic acid, which are potentially immunogenic. In addition, human cell lines are grown easily in a serum-free suspension culture, reproduce rapidly and have efficient protein production. A possible disadvantage of using human cell lines is the potential for human-specific viral contamination, although this risk can be mitigated with multiple viral inactivation or clearance steps. In addition, while human cell lines are currently widely used for biopharmaceutical research, vaccine production and production of some licensed protein therapeutics, there is a relative paucity of clinical experience with human cell lines because they have only recently begun to be used for the manufacture of proteins (compared with other types of cell lines). With additional research investment, human cell lines may be further optimized for routine commercial production of a broader range of biotherapeutic proteins. PMID:26383226
Development and regulation of biosimilars: current status and future challenges.
Tsiftsoglou, Asterios S; Ruiz, Sol; Schneider, Christian K
Biologic medicinal products developed via rDNA technology as recombinant protein-based medicines that have been in clinical use since the early 1980s as original biopharmaceuticals have greatly contributed to the therapy of severe metabolic and degenerative diseases. The recent expiration of the data protection or patents for most of them created opportunities for the development of copy versions of original biopharmaceuticals with similar biologic activity (termed biosimilars). Production of these new products is expected to meet worldwide demand, promote market competition, maintain the incentives for innovation, and sustain the healthcare systems. The licencing of these products, however, relies on the experience gained with the original biopharmaceuticals. Critical issues related to this class of medicinal products include their terminology (to avoid confusion with generics and non-innovator copy versions that have not been tested according to the biosimilar guidelines), manufacturing, and regulation. The European Union (EU) has been the first to establish a regulatory framework for marketing authorization application (MAA) and has named these products biosimilars, a term also recently adopted by the US FDA. Unlike the conventional, more common small molecular weight human medicines and chemical generics, protein-based medicines exhibit higher molecular weight, complexity in structure and function that can be affected by changes in the manufacturing process. Therefore, biosimilars represent a relatively heterogeneous class of medicinal products that make their regulation quite challenging. According to the current understanding in the EU, a biosimilar is a copy version of an already authorized biopharmaceutical (or reference product) with similar biologic activity, physicochemical characteristics, efficacy, and safety, based on a full comparability exercise at quality, preclinical and clinical level to ensure similar efficacy and safety. Guidance has been
Renaissance of protein crystallization and precipitation in biopharmaceuticals purification.
Dos Santos, Raquel; Carvalho, Ana Luísa; Roque, A Cecília A
The current chromatographic approaches used in protein purification are not keeping pace with the increasing biopharmaceutical market demand. With the upstream improvements, the bottleneck shifted towards the downstream process. New approaches rely in Anything But Chromatography methodologies and revisiting former techniques with a bioprocess perspective. Protein crystallization and precipitation methods are already implemented in the downstream process of diverse therapeutic biological macromolecules, overcoming the current chromatographic bottlenecks. Promising work is being developed in order to implement crystallization and precipitation in the purification pipeline of high value therapeutic molecules. This review focuses in the role of these two methodologies in current industrial purification processes, and highlights their potential implementation in the purification pipeline of high value therapeutic molecules, overcoming chromatographic holdups. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Tsume, Yasuhiro; Mudie, Deanna M; Langguth, Peter; Amidon, Greg E; Amidon, Gordon L
The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) has found widespread utility in drug discovery, product development and drug product regulatory sciences. The classification scheme captures the two most significant factors influencing oral drug absorption; solubility and intestinal permeability and it has proven to be a very useful and a widely accepted starting point for drug product development and drug product regulation. The mechanistic base of the BCS approach has, no doubt, contributed to its wide spread acceptance and utility. Nevertheless, underneath the simplicity of BCS are many detailed complexities, both in vitro and in vivo which must be evaluated and investigated for any given drug and drug product. In this manuscript we propose a simple extension of the BCS classes to include sub-specification of acid (a), base (b) and neutral (c) for classes II and IV. Sub-classification for Classes I and III (high solubility drugs as currently defined) is generally not needed except perhaps in border line solubility cases. It is well known that the , pKa physical property of a drug (API) has a significant impact on the aqueous solubility dissolution of drug from the drug product both in vitro and in vivo for BCS Class II and IV acids and bases, and is the basis, we propose for a sub-classification extension of the original BCS classification. This BCS sub-classification is particularly important for in vivo predictive dissolution methodology development due to the complex and variable in vivo environment in the gastrointestinal tract, with its changing pH, buffer capacity, luminal volume, surfactant luminal conditions, permeability profile along the gastrointestinal tract and variable transit and fasted and fed states. We believe this sub-classification is a step toward developing a more science-based mechanistic in vivo predictive dissolution (IPD) methodology. Such a dissolution methodology can be used by development scientists to assess the likelihood of a
Tsume, Yasuhiro; Mudie, Deanna M.; Langguth, Peter; Amidon, Greg E.; Amidon, Gordon L.
The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) has found widespread utility in drug discovery, product development and drug product regulatory sciences. The classification scheme captures the two most significant factors influencing oral drug absorption; solubility and intestinal permeability and it has proven to be a very useful and a widely accepted starting point for drug product development and drug product regulation. The mechanistic base of the BCS approach has, no doubt, contributed to its wide spread acceptance and utility. Nevertheless, underneath the simplicity of BCS are many detailed complexities, both in vitro and in vivo which must be evaluated and investigated for any given drug and drug product. In this manuscript we propose a simple extension of the BCS classes to include subspecification of acid (a), base (b) and neutral (c) for classes II and IV. Sub-classification for Classes I and III (high solubility drugs as currently defined) is generally not needed except perhaps in border line solubility cases. It is well known that the , pKa physical property of a drug (API) has a significant impact on the aqueous solubility dissolution of drug from the drug product both in vitro and in vivo for BCS Class II and IV acids and bases, and is the basis, we propose for a sub-classification extension of the original BCS classification. This BCS sub-classification is particularly important for in vivo predictive dissolution methodology development due to the complex and variable in vivo environment in the gastrointestinal tract, with its changing pH, buffer capacity, luminal volume, surfactant luminal conditions, permeability profile along the gastrointestinal tract and variable transit and fasted and fed states. We believe this sub-classification is a step toward developing a more science-based mechanistic in vivo predictive dissolution (IPD) methodology. Such a dissolution methodology can be used by development scientists to assess the likelihood of a
Impact of Postapproval Evidence Generation on the Biopharmaceutical Industry.
Milne, Christopher-Paul; Cohen, Joshua P; Felix, Abigail; Chakravarthy, Ranjana
Meeting marketplace demands for proving the value of new products requires more data than the industry has routinely produced. These data include evidence from comparative effectiveness research (CER), including randomized, controlled trials; pragmatic clinical trials; observational studies; and meta-analyses. We designed and conducted a survey to examine the industry's perceptions on new data requirements regarding CER evidence, the acceptability of postapproval study types, payer-specific issues related to CER, communication of data being generated postapproval, and methods used for facilitating postapproval evidence generation. CER is being used by payers for most types of postapproval decisions. Randomized, controlled trials were indicated as the most acceptable form of evidence. At the same time, there was support for the utility of other types of studies, such as pragmatic clinical trials and observational studies. Respondents indicated the use of multiple formats for communicating postapproval data with many different stakeholders including regulators, payers, providers, and patients. Risk-sharing agreements with payers were unanimously supported by respondents with regard to certain products with unclear clinical and economic outcomes at launch. In these instances, conditional reimbursement through coverage with evidence development was considered a constructive option. The Food and Drug Administration's initiative called Regulatory Science was considered by the respondents as having the most impact on streamlining the generation of postapproval research-related evidence. The biopharmaceutical industry is faced with a broad and complex set of challenges related to evidence generation for postapproval decisions by a variety of health care system stakeholders. Uncertainty remains as to how the industry and payers use postapproval studies to guide decision making with regard to pricing and reimbursement status. Correspondingly, there is uncertainty regarding
Hausberger, Anna; Lamanna, William C; Hartinger, Martin; Seidl, Andreas; Toll, Hansjoerg; Holzmann, Johann
Filgrastim is a recombinant, non-glycosylated form of human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, used to stimulate leukocyte proliferation in patients suffering from neutropenia. Since the expiration of patents associated with Amgen's filgrastim biopharmaceutical, Neupogen(®), in 2006, a number of filgrastim products have been marketed; however, a detailed characterization and comparison of variants associated with these products have not been publically reported. The objective of this study was to identify and quantify product-related variants in filgrastim reference products and biosimilars thereof that are presently available in highly regulated markets. In this study, we used intact and top-down mass spectrometry to identify and quantify product-related variants in filgrastim products. Mass spectrometry has become the method of choice for physicochemical characterization of biopharmaceuticals, allowing accurate and sensitive characterization of product-related variants. In addition to modifications ubiquitously present in biopharmaceuticals, such as methionine oxidation and asparagine/glutamine deamidation, we identified six different low-level, product-related variants present in some, but not all, of the tested products. Two variants, an acetylated filgrastim variant and a filgrastim variant containing an additional C-terminal tryptophan extension, are newly identified variants. This study demonstrates that filgrastim products already in widespread clinical use in highly regulated markets differ in low-level, product-related variants present at levels mostly below 1 % relative abundance. This study provides a comprehensive catalog of minor differences between filgrastim products and suggests that the filgrastim product-related variants described here are not clinically relevant when present at low abundance.
Yeast synthetic biology for the production of recombinant therapeutic proteins.
Kim, Hyunah; Yoo, Su Jin; Kang, Hyun Ah
The production of recombinant therapeutic proteins is one of the fast-growing areas of molecular medicine and currently plays an important role in treatment of several diseases. Yeasts are unicellular eukaryotic microbial host cells that offer unique advantages in producing biopharmaceutical proteins. Yeasts are capable of robust growth on simple media, readily accommodate genetic modifications, and incorporate typical eukaryotic post-translational modifications. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a traditional baker's yeast that has been used as a major host for the production of biopharmaceuticals; however, several nonconventional yeast species including Hansenula polymorpha, Pichia pastoris, and Yarrowia lipolytica have gained increasing attention as alternative hosts for the industrial production of recombinant proteins. In this review, we address the established and emerging genetic tools and host strains suitable for recombinant protein production in various yeast expression systems, particularly focusing on current efforts toward synthetic biology approaches in developing yeast cell factories for the production of therapeutic recombinant proteins. © FEMS 2015. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
A User-Friendly Model for Spray Drying to Aid Pharmaceutical Product Development
Grasmeijer, Niels; de Waard, Hans; Hinrichs, Wouter L. J.; Frijlink, Henderik W.
The aim of this study was to develop a user-friendly model for spray drying that can aid in the development of a pharmaceutical product, by shifting from a trial-and-error towards a quality-by-design approach. To achieve this, a spray dryer model was developed in commercial and open source spreadsheet software. The output of the model was first fitted to the experimental output of a Büchi B-290 spray dryer and subsequently validated. The predicted outlet temperatures of the spray dryer model matched the experimental values very well over the entire range of spray dryer settings that were tested. Finally, the model was applied to produce glassy sugars by spray drying, an often used excipient in formulations of biopharmaceuticals. For the production of glassy sugars, the model was extended to predict the relative humidity at the outlet, which is not measured in the spray dryer by default. This extended model was then successfully used to predict whether specific settings were suitable for producing glassy trehalose and inulin by spray drying. In conclusion, a spray dryer model was developed that is able to predict the output parameters of the spray drying process. The model can aid the development of spray dried pharmaceutical products by shifting from a trial-and-error towards a quality-by-design approach. PMID:24040240
A user-friendly model for spray drying to aid pharmaceutical product development.
Grasmeijer, Niels; de Waard, Hans; Hinrichs, Wouter L J; Frijlink, Henderik W
The aim of this study was to develop a user-friendly model for spray drying that can aid in the development of a pharmaceutical product, by shifting from a trial-and-error towards a quality-by-design approach. To achieve this, a spray dryer model was developed in commercial and open source spreadsheet software. The output of the model was first fitted to the experimental output of a Büchi B-290 spray dryer and subsequently validated. The predicted outlet temperatures of the spray dryer model matched the experimental values very well over the entire range of spray dryer settings that were tested. Finally, the model was applied to produce glassy sugars by spray drying, an often used excipient in formulations of biopharmaceuticals. For the production of glassy sugars, the model was extended to predict the relative humidity at the outlet, which is not measured in the spray dryer by default. This extended model was then successfully used to predict whether specific settings were suitable for producing glassy trehalose and inulin by spray drying. In conclusion, a spray dryer model was developed that is able to predict the output parameters of the spray drying process. The model can aid the development of spray dried pharmaceutical products by shifting from a trial-and-error towards a quality-by-design approach.
Beyer, Susanne; Xie, Li; Schmidt, Mike; de Bruin, Natasja; Ashtikar, Mukul; Rüschenbaum, Sabrina; Lange, Christian M; Vogel, Vitali; Mäntele, Werner; Parnham, Michael J; Wacker, Matthias G
As a rapidly growing class of therapeutics, biopharmaceuticals have conquered the global market. Despite the great potential from a therapeutic perspective, such formulations often require frequent injections due to their short half-life. Aiming to establish a parenteral dosage form with prolonged release properties, a biodegradable implant was developed, based on a combination of nanoencapsulation of protein-heparin complexes, creation of a slow release matrix by freeze-drying, and compression using hyaluronan and methylcellulose. In order to investigate this novel delivery system, formulations containing IFN-β-1a and trypsinogen as model proteins were developed. No degradation of the proteins was observed at any stage of the formulation processing. The potential of the delivery system was evaluated in vivo and in vitro after fluorescence-labeling of the biopharmaceuticals. An optimized agarose gel was utilized as in vitro release medium to simulate the subcutaneous environment in a biorelevant manner. In addition, the formulations were administered to female SJL mice and release was innovatively tracked by fluorescence imaging, setting up an in vitro-in vivo correlation. A prolonged time of residence of approximately 12days was observed for the selected formulation design. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A practical discussion of risk management for manufacturing of pharmaceutical products.
Mollah, A Hamid; Baseman, Harold S; Long, Mike; Rathore, Anurag S
Quality risk management (QRM) is now a regulatory expectation, and it makes good business sense. The goal of the risk assessment is to increase process understanding and deliver safe and effective product to the patients. Risk analysis and management is an acceptable and effective way to minimize patient risk and determine the appropriate level of controls in manufacturing. While understanding the elements of QRM is important, knowing how to apply them in the manufacturing environment is essential for effective process performance and control. This article will preview application of QRM in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturing to illustrate how QRM can help the reader achieve that objective. There are several areas of risk that a drug company may encounter in pharmaceutical manufacturing, specifically addressing oral solid and liquid formulations. QRM tools can be used effectively to identify the risks and develop strategy to minimize or control them. Risks are associated throughout the biopharmaceutical manufacturing process-from raw material supply through manufacturing and filling operations to final distribution via a controlled cold chain process. Assessing relevant attributes and risks for biotechnology-derived products is more complicated and challenging for complex pharmaceuticals. This paper discusses key risk factors in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Successful development and commercialization of pharmaceutical products is all about managing risks. If a company was to take zero risk, most likely the path to commercialization would not be commercially viable. On the other hand, if the risk taken was too much, the product is likely to have a suboptimal safety and efficacy profile and thus is unlikely to be a successful product. This article addresses the topic of quality risk management with the key objective of minimizing patient risk while creating an optimal process and product. Various tools are presented to aid implementation of these
Biopharmaceutical industry-sponsored global clinical trials in emerging countries.
Alvarenga, Lenio Souza; Martins, Elisabeth Nogueira
To evaluate biopharmaceutical industry-sponsored clinical trials placed in countries previously described as emerging regions for clinical research, and potential differences for those placed in Brazil. Data regarding recruitment of subjects for clinical trials were retrieved from on February 2nd 2009. Proportions of sites in each country were compared among emerging countries. Multiple logistic regressions were performed to evaluate whether trial placement in Brazil could be predicted by trial location in other countries and/or by trial features. A total of 8,501 trials were then active and 1,170 (13.8%) included sites in emerging countries (i.e., Argentina, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Mexico, Poland, Russia, South Korea, and South Africa). South Korea and China presented a significantly higher proportion of sites when compared to other countries (p<0.05). Multiple logistic regressions detected no negative correlation between placement in other countries when compared to Brazil. Trials involving subjects with less than 15 years of age, those with targeted recruitment of at least 1,000 subjects, and seven sponsors were identified as significant predictors of trial placement in Brazil. No clear direct competition between Brazil and other emerging countries was detected. South Korea showed the higher proportion of sites and ranked third in total number of trials, appearing as a major player in attractiveness for biopharmaceutical industry-sponsored clinical trials.
The formulation and immunogenicity of therapeutic proteins: Product quality as a key factor.
Richard, Joel; Prang, Nadia
The formation of anti-drug antibodies represents a risk that should be assessed carefully during biopharmaceutical drug product (DP) development, as such antibodies compromise safety and efficacy and may alter the pharmacokinetic properties of a compound. This feature review discusses immunogenicity issues in biopharmaceutical DP development, with a focus on product quality. Excipient-induced and aggregate-induced immunogenicity are reviewed based on the concepts of 'aggregation-competent' species and 'provocative' aggregates. In addition, the influence of formulation parameters, such as particulates and contaminants appearing in the DP during processing and storage, on aggregate-induced immunogenicity are presented, including the role of fill-and-finish equipments and the effect of interactions with container materials. Furthermore, methods to detect and quantify aggregation and precursor conformational changes in a protein formulation are reviewed, and immunological mechanisms that may lead to aggregate-induced immunogenicity are proposed and discussed.
Vicente, Tiago; Mota, José P B; Peixoto, Cristina; Alves, Paula M; Carrondo, Manuel J T
The advent of advanced therapies in the pharmaceutical industry has moved the spotlight into virus-like particles and viral vectors produced in cell culture holding great promise in a myriad of clinical targets, including cancer prophylaxis and treatment. Even though a couple of cases have reached the clinic, these products have yet to overcome a number of biological and technological challenges before broad utilization. Concerning the manufacturing processes, there is significant research focusing on the optimization of current cell culture systems and, more recently, on developing scalable downstream processes to generate material for pre-clinical and clinical trials. We review the current options for downstream processing of these complex biopharmaceuticals and underline current advances on knowledge-based toolboxes proposed for rational optimization of their processing. Rational tools developed to increase the yet scarce knowledge on the purification processes of complex biologicals are discussed as alternative to empirical, "black-boxed" based strategies classically used for process development. Innovative methodologies based on surface plasmon resonance, dynamic light scattering, scale-down high-throughput screening and mathematical modeling for supporting ion-exchange chromatography show great potential for a more efficient and cost-effective process design, optimization and equipment prototyping. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Liu, Yang; Yin, Xiu-Wen; Wang, Zi-Yu; Li, Xue-Lian; Pan, Meng; Li, Yan-Ping; Dong, Ling
One of the advantages of biopharmaceutics classification system of Chinese materia medica (CMMBCS) is expanding the classification research level from single ingredient to multi-components of Chinese herb, and from multi-components research to holistic research of the Chinese materia medica. In present paper, the alkaloids of extract of huanglian were chosen as the main research object to explore their change rules in solubility and intestinal permeability of single-component and multi-components, and to determine the biopharmaceutical classification of extract of Huanglian from holistic level. The typical shake-flask method and HPLC were used to detect the solubility of single ingredient of alkaloids from extract of huanglian. The quantitative research of alkaloids in intestinal absorption was measured in single-pass intestinal perfusion experiment while permeability coefficient of extract of huanglian was calculated by self-defined weight coefficient method. Copyright© by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.
Abdel-Rahman, Susan; Amidon, Gordon L.; Kaul, Ajay; Lukacova, Viera; Vinks, Alexander A.; Knipp, Gregory
The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) allows compounds to be classified based on their in vitro solubility and intestinal permeability. The BCS has found widespread use in the pharmaceutical community as an enabling guide for the rational selection of compounds, formulation for clinical advancement and generic biowaivers. The Pediatric Biopharmaceutics Classification System (PBCS) working group was convened to consider the possibility of developing an analogous pediatric based classification system. Since there are distinct developmental differences that can alter intestinal contents, volumes, permeability and potentially biorelevant solubilities at the different ages, the PBCS working group focused on identifying age specific issues that would need to be considered in establishing a flexible, yet rigorous PBCS. Objective To summarize the findings of the PBCS working group and provide insights into considerations required for the development of a pediatric based biopharmaceutics classification system. Methods Through several meetings conducted both at The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health, Human Development (NICHD)-US Pediatric Formulation Initiative (PFI) workshop (November 2011) and via teleconferences, the PBCS working group considered several high level questions that were raised to frame the classification system. In addition, the PBCS working group identified a number of knowledge gaps that would need to be addressed in order to develop a rigorous PBCS. Results It was determined that for a PBCS to be truly meaningful, it would need to be broken down into several different age groups that would account for developmental changes in intestinal permeability, luminal contents, and gastrointestinal transit. Several critical knowledge gaps where identified including: 1) a lack of fully understanding the ontogeny of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, in the liver and in the kidney; 2
Recombinant organisms for production of industrial products.
Adrio, Jose-Luis; Demain, Arnold L
A revolution in industrial microbiology was sparked by the discoveries of ther double-stranded structure of DNA and the development of recombinant DNA technology. Traditional industrial microbiology was merged with molecular biology to yield improved recombinant processes for the industrial production of primary and secondary metabolites, protein biopharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes. Novel genetic techniques such as metabolic engineering, combinatorial biosynthesis and molecular breeding techniques and their modifications are contributing greatly to the development of improved industrial processes. In addition, functional genomics, proteomics and metabolomics are being exploited for the discovery of novel valuable small molecules for medicine as well as enzymes for catalysis. The sequencing of industrial microbal genomes is being carried out which bodes well for future process improvement and discovery of new industrial products. © 2010 Landes Bioscience
Recombinant organisms for production of industrial products
Adrio, Jose-Luis
A revolution in industrial microbiology was sparked by the discoveries of ther double-stranded structure of DNA and the development of recombinant DNA technology. Traditional industrial microbiology was merged with molecular biology to yield improved recombinant processes for the industrial production of primary and secondary metabolites, protein biopharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes. Novel genetic techniques such as metabolic engineering, combinatorial biosynthesis and molecular breeding techniques and their modifications are contributing greatly to the development of improved industrial processes. In addition, functional genomics, proteomics and metabolomics are being exploited for the discovery of novel valuable small molecules for medicine as well as enzymes for catalysis. The sequencing of industrial microbal genomes is being carried out which bodes well for future process improvement and discovery of new industrial products. PMID:21326937
Hughson, Michael D; Cruz, Thayana A; Carvalho, Rimenys J; Castilho, Leda R
The pressures to efficiently produce complex biopharmaceuticals at reduced costs are driving the development of novel techniques, such as in downstream processing with straight-through processing (STP). This method involves directly and sequentially purifying a particular target with minimal holding steps. This work developed and compared six different 3-step STP strategies, combining membrane adsorbers, monoliths, and resins, to purify a large, complex, and labile glycoprotein from Chinese hamster ovary cell culture supernatant. The best performing pathway was cation exchange chromatography to hydrophobic interaction chromatography to affinity chromatography with an overall product recovery of up to 88% across the process and significant clearance of DNA and protein impurities. This work establishes a platform and considerations for the development of STP of biopharmaceutical products and highlights its suitability for integration with single-use technologies and continuous production methods. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:931-940, 2017. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
A Model of Risk Analysis in Analytical Methodology for Biopharmaceutical Quality Control.
Andrade, Cleyton Lage; Herrera, Miguel Angel De La O; Lemes, Elezer Monte Blanco
One key quality control parameter for biopharmaceutical products is the analysis of residual cellular DNA. To determine small amounts of DNA (around 100 pg) that may be in a biologically derived drug substance, an analytical method should be sensitive, robust, reliable, and accurate. In principle, three techniques have the ability to measure residual cellular DNA: radioactive dot-blot, a type of hybridization; threshold analysis; and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Quality risk management is a systematic process for evaluating, controlling, and reporting of risks that may affects method capabilities and supports a scientific and practical approach to decision making. This paper evaluates, by quality risk management, an alternative approach to assessing the performance risks associated with quality control methods used with biopharmaceuticals, using the tool hazard analysis and critical control points. This tool provides the possibility to find the steps in an analytical procedure with higher impact on method performance. By applying these principles to DNA analysis methods, we conclude that the radioactive dot-blot assay has the largest number of critical control points, followed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and threshold analysis. From the analysis of hazards (i.e., points of method failure) and the associated method procedure critical control points, we conclude that the analytical methodology with the lowest risk for performance failure for residual cellular DNA testing is quantitative polymerase chain reaction. LAY ABSTRACT: In order to mitigate the risk of adverse events by residual cellular DNA that is not completely cleared from downstream production processes, regulatory agencies have required the industry to guarantee a very low level of DNA in biologically derived pharmaceutical products. The technique historically used was radioactive blot hybridization. However, the technique is a challenging method to implement in a quality
Alahmad, Youssef; Tran, Nguyet Thuy; Le Potier, Isabelle; Forest, Eric; Jorieux, Sylvie; Taverna, Myriam
We present a new CZE method, which uses a polyethylene oxide-coated capillary to separate native HSA from more than five of its structural variants. These variants include oxidized, truncated, and cysteinylated forms of HSA which can all be found in biopharmaceutical products. Both CE and MS confirmed the high degree of heterogeneity of HSA preparations. Recovery studies demonstrated that adsorption of HSA on the capillary was significantly reduced under the conditions we developed, which led to a satisfactory repeatability (RSD for migration times and relative peak areas were less than 0.2 and 7.0%, respectively). Assignment of the main peaks was attempted using in vitro degraded/stressed HSA. We used our method to test batch-to-batch comparability and detected slight quantitative differences in the proportion of native HSA in batches produced from different fractionation methods. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Samiec, M; Skrzyszowska, M
Somatic cell cloning technology in mammals promotes the multiplication of productively-valuable genetically engineered individuals, and consequently allows also for standardization of transgenic farm animal-derived products, which, in the context of market requirements, will have growing significance. Gene farming is one of the most promising areas in modern biotechnology. The use of live bioreactors for the expression of human genes in the lactating mammary gland of transgenic animals seems to be the most cost-effective method for the production/processing of valuable recombinant therapeutic proteins. Among the transgenic farm livestock species used so far, cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and rabbits are useful candidates for the expression of tens to hundreds of grams of genetically-engineered proteins or xenogeneic biopreparations in the milk. At the beginning of the new millennium, a revolution in the treatment of disease is taking shape due to the emergence of new therapies based on recombinant human proteins. The ever-growing demand for such pharmaceutical or nutriceutical proteins is an important driving force for the development of safe and large-scale production platforms. The aim of this paper is to present an overall survey of the state of the art in investigations which provide the current knowledge for deciphering the possibilities of practical application of the transgenic mammalian species generated by somatic cell cloning in biomedicine, the biopharmaceutical industry, human nutrition/dietetics and agriculture.
Microgravity: New opportunities to facilitate biotechnology development
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Johnson, Terry; Todd, Paul; Stodieck, Louis S.
New opportunities exist to use the microgravity environment to facilitate biotechnology development. BioServe Space Technologies Center for the Commercial Development of Space offers access to microgravity environments for companies who wish to perform research or develop products in three specific life-science fields: Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Research, and Agricultural and Environmental Research. Examples of each include physiological testing of new pharmaceutical countermeasures against symptoms that are exaggerated in space flight, crystallization and testing of novel, precompetitive biopharmaceutical substances in a convection-free environment, and closed life-support system product development.
Industrial Production of Therapeutic Proteins: Cell Lines, Cell Culture, and Purification
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhu, Marie M.; Mollet, Michael; Hubert, Rene S.
The biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries have seen a recent surge in the development of biological drug products manufactured from engineered mammalian cell lines. Since the hugely successful launch of human tissue plasminogen activator in 1987 and erythropoietin in 1988, the biopharmaceutical market has grown immensely. Global sales in 2003 exceeded US 30 billion.1 Currently, a total of 108 biotherapeutics are approved and available to patients (Table 32.1). In addition, 324 medically related, biotechnology-derived medicines for nearly 150 diseases are in clinical trials or under review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.2 These biopharmaceutical candidates promise to bring more and better treatments to patients. Compared to small molecule drugs, biotherapeutics show exquisite specificity with fewer off-target interactions and improved safety profiles.
Abrego, Guadalupe; Alvarado, Helen; Souto, Eliana B; Guevara, Bessy; Bellowa, Lyda Halbaut; Parra, Alexander; Calpena, Ana; Garcia, María Luisa
Two optimized pranoprofen-loaded poly-l-lactic-co glycolic acid (PLGA) nanoparticles (PF-F1NPs; PF-F2NPs) have been developed and further dispersed into hydrogels for the production of semi-solid formulations intended for ocular administration. The optimized PF-NP suspensions were dispersed in freshly prepared carbomer hydrogels (HG_PF-F1NPs and HG_PF-F2NPs) or in hydrogels containing 1% azone (HG_PF-F1NPs-Azone and HG_PF-F2NPs-Azone) in order to improve the ocular biopharmaceutical profile of the selected non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), by prolonging the contact of the pranoprofen with the eye, increasing the drug retention in the organ and enhancing its anti-inflammatory and analgesic efficiency. Carbomer 934 has been selected as gel-forming polymer. The hydrogel formulations with or without azone showed a non-Newtonian behavior and adequate physicochemical properties for ocular instillation. The release study of pranoprofen from the semi-solid formulations exhibited a sustained release behavior. The results obtained from ex vivo corneal permeation and in vivo anti-inflammatory efficacy studies suggest that the ocular application of the hydrogels containing azone was more effective over the azone-free formulations in the treatment of edema on the ocular surface. No signs of ocular irritancy have been detected for the produced hydrogels. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Koshari, Stijn H S; Ross, Jean L; Nayak, Purnendu K; Zarraga, Isidro E; Rajagopal, Karthikan; Wagner, Norman J; Lenhoff, Abraham M
Protein-stabilizer microheterogeneity is believed to influence long-term protein stability in solid-state biopharmaceutical formulations and its characterization is therefore essential for the rational design of stable formulations. However, the spatial distribution of the protein and the stabilizer in a solid-state formulation is, in general, difficult to characterize because of the lack of a functional, simple, and reliable characterization technique. We demonstrate the use of confocal fluorescence microscopy with fluorescently labeled monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and antibody fragments (Fabs) to directly visualize three-dimensional particle morphologies and protein distributions in dried biopharmaceutical formulations, without restrictions on processing conditions or the need for extensive data analysis. While industrially relevant lyophilization procedures of a model IgG1 mAb generally lead to uniform protein-excipient distribution, the method shows that specific spray-drying conditions lead to distinct protein-excipient segregation. Therefore, this method can enable more definitive optimization of formulation conditions than has previously been possible.
Commercialization of biopharmaceutical knowledge in Iran; challenges and solutions
Background The objective of this study was to investigate the application of the university research findings or commercialization of the biopharmaceutical knowledge in Iran and determine the challenges and propose some solutions. Results A qualitative study including 19 in-depth interviews with experts was performed in 2011 and early 2012. National Innovation System (NIS) model was employed as the study design. Thematic method was applied for the analysis. The results demonstrate that policy making, regulations and management development are considered as fundamental reasons for current commercialization practice pattern. It is suggested to establish foundation for higher level documents that would involve relating bodies and provide them operational guidelines for the implementation of commercialization incentives. Conclusions Policy, regulations and management as the most influential issue should be considered for successful commercialization. The present study, for the first time, attempts to disclose the importance of evidence input for measures in order to facilitate the commercialization process by the authorities in Iran. Overall, the NIS model should be considered and utilized as one of the effective solutions for commercialization. PMID:24568555
Macheras, Panos; Iliadis, Athanassios; Melagraki, Georgia
The aim of this work is to develop a gastrointestinal (GI) drug absorption model based on a reaction limited model of dissolution and consider its impact on the biopharmaceutic classification of drugs. Estimates for the fraction of dose absorbed as a function of dose, solubility, reaction/dissolution rate constant and the stoichiometry of drug-GI fluids reaction/dissolution were derived by numerical solution of the model equations. The undissolved drug dose and the reaction/dissolution rate constant drive the dissolution rate and determine the extent of absorption when high-constant drug permeability throughout the gastrointestinal tract is assumed. Dose is an important element of drug-GI fluids reaction/dissolution while solubility exclusively acts as an upper limit for drug concentrations in the lumen. The 3D plots of fraction of dose absorbed as a function of dose and reaction/dissolution rate constant for highly soluble and low soluble drugs for different "stoichiometries" (0.7, 1.0, 2.0) of the drug-reaction/dissolution with the GI fluids revealed that high extent of absorption was found assuming high drug- reaction/dissolution rate constant and high drug solubility. The model equations were used to simulate in vivo supersaturation and precipitation phenomena. The model developed provides the theoretical basis for the interpretation of the extent of drug's absorption on the basis of the parameters associated with the drug-GI fluids reaction/dissolution. A new paradigm emerges for the biopharmaceutic classification of drugs, namely, a model independent biopharmaceutic classification scheme of four drug categories based on either the fulfillment or not of the current dissolution criteria and the high or low % drug metabolism. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Engelhardt, Lucas; Röhm, Martina; Mavoungou, Chrystelle; Schindowski, Katharina; Schafmeister, Annette; Simon, Ulrich
Aerosol particle deposition in the human nasal cavity is of high interest in particular for intranasal central nervous system (CNS) drug delivery via the olfactory cleft. The objective of this study was the development and comparison of a numerical and experimental model to investigate various parameters for olfactory particle deposition within the complex anatomical nasal geometry. Based on a standardized nasal cavity, a computational fluid and particle dynamics (CFPD) model was developed that enables the variation and optimization of different parameters, which were validated by in vitro experiments using a constructed rapid-prototyped human nose model. For various flow rates (5 to 40 l/min) and particle sizes (1 to 10 μm), the airflow velocities, the calculated particle airflow patterns and the particle deposition correlated very well with the experiment. Particle deposition was investigated numerically by varying particle sizes at constant flow rate and vice versa assuming the particle size distribution of the used nebulizer. The developed CFPD model could be directly translated to the in vitro results. Hence, it can be applied for parameter screening and will contribute to the improvement of aerosol particle deposition at the olfactory cleft for CNS drug delivery in particular for biopharmaceuticals.
Theil, Frank; Milsmann, Johanna; Anantharaman, Sankaran; van Lishaut, Holger
The preparation of an amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) by dissolving a poorly water-soluble active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in a polymer matrix can improve the bioavailability by orders of magnitude. Crystallization of the API in the ASD, though, is an inherent threat for bioavailability. Commonly, the impact of crystalline API on the drug release of the dosage form is studied with samples containing spiked crystallinity. These spiked samples possess implicit differences compared to native crystalline samples, regarding size and spatial distribution of the crystals as well as their molecular environment. In this study, we demonstrate that it is possible to grow defined amounts of crystalline API in solid dosage forms, which enables us to study the biopharmaceutical impact of actual crystallization. For this purpose, we studied the crystal growth in fenofibrate tablets over time under an elevated moisture using transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS). As a nondestructive method to assess API crystallinity in ASD formulations, TRS enables the monitoring of crystal growth in individual dosage forms. Once the kinetic trace of the crystal growth for a certain environmental condition is determined, this method can be used to produce samples with defined amounts of crystallized API. To investigate the biopharmaceutical impact of crystallized API, non-QC dissolution methods were used, designed to identify differences between the various amounts of crystalline materials present. The drug release in the samples manufactured in this fashion was compared to that of samples with spiked crystallinity. In this study, we present for the first time a method for targeted crystallization of amorphous tablets to simulate crystallized ASDs. This methodology is a valuable tool to generate model systems for biopharmaceutical studies on the impact of crystallinity on the bioavailability.
Pahl, Ina; Dorey, Samuel; Barbaroux, Magali; Lagrange, Bertille; Frankl, Heike
This paper describes an approach of extractables determination and gives information on extractables profiles for gamma-sterilized single-use bags with polyethylene inner contact surfaces from five different suppliers. Four extraction solvents were chosen to capture a broad spectrum of extractables. An 80% ethanol extraction was used to extract compounds that represent the bag resin and the organic additives used to stabilize or process the polymer films which would not normally be water-soluble. Extractions with1 M HCl extract, 1 M NaOH extract, and 1% polysorbate 80 were used to bracket potential leachables in biopharmaceutical process fluids. The objective of this study was to obtain extractables data from different bags under identical test conditions. All the bags had a nominal capacity of 5 L, were gamma-irradiated prior to testing, and were tested without modification except that connectors, if any, were removed prior to filling. They were extracted at 40 °C for 30 days. Extractables from all bag extracts were identified and the concentration estimated using headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and flame ionization detection for volatile compounds and for semi-volatile compounds, and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for targeted compounds. Metals and other elements were detected and quantified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis. The results showed a variety of extractables, some of which are not related to the inner polyethylene contact layer. Detected organic compounds included oligomers from polyolefins, additives and their degradation products, and oligomers from the fill tubing. The concentrations of extractables were in the range of parts-per-billion to parts-per-million per bag under the applied extraction conditions. Toxicological effects of the extractables are not addressed in this paper. Extractables and leachables characterization supports the validation and the use of single-use bags in the
Sandra, Koen; Vandenheede, Isabel; Sandra, Pat
Protein biopharmaceuticals such as monoclonal antibodies and therapeutic proteins are currently in widespread use for the treatment of various life-threatening diseases including cancer, autoimmune disorders, diabetes and anemia. The complexity of protein therapeutics is far exceeding that of small molecule drugs; hence, unraveling this complexity represents an analytical challenge. The current review provides the reader with state-of-the-art chromatographic and mass spectrometric tools available to dissect primary and higher order structures, post-translational modifications, purity and impurity profiles and pharmacokinetic properties of protein therapeutics. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Abdel-Rahman, Susan M; Amidon, Gordon L; Kaul, Ajay; Lukacova, Viera; Vinks, Alexander A; Knipp, Gregory T
The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) allows compounds to be classified based on their in vitro solubility and intestinal permeability. The BCS has found widespread use in the pharmaceutical community to be an enabling guide for the rational selection of compounds, formulation for clinical advancement, and generic biowaivers. The Pediatric Biopharmaceutics Classification System (PBCS) Working Group was convened to consider the possibility of developing an analogous pediatric-based classification system. Because there are distinct developmental differences that can alter intestinal contents, volumes, permeability, and potentially biorelevant solubilities at different ages, the PBCS Working Group focused on identifying age-specific issues that need to be considered in establishing a flexible, yet rigorous PBCS. We summarized the findings of the PBCS Working Group and provided insights into considerations required for the development of a PBCS. Through several meetings conducted both at The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health, Human Development-US Pediatric Formulation Initiative Workshop (November 2011) and via teleconferences, the PBCS Working Group considered several high-level questions that were raised to frame the classification system. In addition, the PBCS Working Group identified a number of knowledge gaps that need to be addressed to develop a rigorous PBCS. It was determined that for a PBCS to be truly meaningful, it needs to be broken down into several different age groups that account for developmental changes in intestinal permeability, luminal contents, and gastrointestinal (GI) transit. Several critical knowledge gaps were identified, including (1) a lack of fully understanding the ontogeny of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters along the GI tract, in the liver, and in the kidney; (2) an incomplete understanding of age-based changes in the GI, liver, and kidney physiology; (3) a clear need to better understand
Evangelatos, Nikolaos; Reumann, Matthias; Lehrach, Hans; Brand, Angela
Knowledge in the era of Omics and Big Data has been increasingly conceptualized as a public good. Sharing of de-identified patient data has been advocated as a means to increase confidence and public trust in the results of clinical trials. On the other hand, research has shown that the current research and development model of the biopharmaceutical industry has reached its innovation capacity. In response to that, the biopharmaceutical industry has adopted open innovation practices, with sharing of clinical trial data being among the most interesting ones. However, due to the free rider problem, clinical trial data sharing among biopharmaceutical companies could undermine their innovativeness. Based on the theory of public goods, we have developed a commons arrangement and devised a model, which enables secure and fair clinical trial data sharing over a Virtual Knowledge Bank based on a web platform. Our model uses data as a virtual currency and treats knowledge as a club good. Fair sharing of clinical trial data over the Virtual Knowledge Bank has positive effects on the innovation capacity of the biopharmaceutical industry without compromising the intellectual rights, proprietary interests and competitiveness of the latter. The Virtual Knowledge Bank is a sustainable and self-expanding model for secure and fair clinical trial data sharing that allows for sharing of clinical trial data, while at the same time it increases the innovation capacity of the biopharmaceutical industry. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Quality assurance after process changes of the production of a therapeutic antibody.
Brass, J M; Krummen, K; Moll-Kaufmann, C
Process development for the production of a therapeutic humanised antibody is a very complex operation. It involves recombinant genetics, verification of a strong expression system, gene amplification, characterisation of a stable host cell expression system, optimisation and design of the mammalian cell culture fermentation system and development of an efficient recovery process resulting in high yields and product quality. Rapid progress in the field and the wish of some pharmaceutical companies for outsourcing their production are the driving forces for process changes relatively late in the development phase. This literature survey is aimed at identifying the limits of acceptable process changes in up scaling of the fermentation and down stream processing of biopharmaceuticals and defining the demand in production validation to prove product equivalency and identity of the isolated, purified therapeutic antibody.
Torching the Haystack: modelling fast-fail strategies in drug development.
Lendrem, Dennis W; Lendrem, B Clare
By quickly clearing the development pipeline of failing or marginal products, fast-fail strategies release resources to focus on more promising molecules. The Quick-Kill model of drug development demonstrates that fast-fail strategies will: (1) reduce the expected time to market; (2) reduce expected R&D costs; and (3) increase R&D productivity. This paper outlines the model and demonstrates the impact of fast-fail strategies. The model is illustrated with costs and risks data from pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Emami Riedmaier, Arian; Lindley, David J; Hall, Jeffrey A; Castleberry, Steven; Slade, Russell T; Stuart, Patricia; Carr, Robert A; Borchardt, Thomas B; Bow, Daniel A J; Nijsen, Marjoleen
Venetoclax, a selective B-cell lymphoma-2 inhibitor, is a biopharmaceutics classification system class IV compound. The aim of this study was to develop a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model to mechanistically describe absorption and disposition of an amorphous solid dispersion formulation of venetoclax in humans. A mechanistic PBPK model was developed incorporating measured amorphous solubility, dissolution, metabolism, and plasma protein binding. A middle-out approach was used to define permeability. Model predictions of oral venetoclax pharmacokinetics were verified against clinical studies of fed and fasted healthy volunteers, and clinical drug interaction studies with strong CYP3A inhibitor (ketoconazole) and inducer (rifampicin). Model verification demonstrated accurate prediction of the observed food effect following a low-fat diet. Ratios of predicted versus observed C max and area under the curve of venetoclax were within 0.8- to 1.25-fold of observed ratios for strong CYP3A inhibitor and inducer interactions, indicating that the venetoclax elimination pathway was correctly specified. The verified venetoclax PBPK model is one of the first examples mechanistically capturing absorption, food effect, and exposure of an amorphous solid dispersion formulated compound. This model allows evaluation of untested drug-drug interactions, especially those primarily occurring in the intestine, and paves the way for future modeling of biopharmaceutics classification system IV compounds. Copyright © 2018 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Koren, Eugen; Smith, Holly W; Shores, Elizabeth; Shankar, Gopi; Finco-Kent, Deborah; Rup, Bonita; Barrett, Yu-Chen; Devanarayan, Viswanath; Gorovits, Boris; Gupta, Shalini; Parish, Thomas; Quarmby, Valerie; Moxness, Michael; Swanson, Steven J; Taniguchi, Gary; Zuckerman, Linda A; Stebbins, Christopher C; Mire-Sluis, Anthony
The appropriate evaluation of the immunogenicity of biopharmaceuticals is of major importance for their successful development and licensure. Antibodies elicited by these products in many cases cause no detectable clinical effects in humans. However, antibodies to some therapeutic proteins have been shown to cause a variety of clinical consequences ranging from relatively mild to serious adverse events. In addition, antibodies can affect drug efficacy. In non-clinical studies, anti-drug antibodies (ADA) can complicate interpretation of the toxicity, pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) data. Therefore, it is important to develop testing strategies that provide valid assessments of antibody responses in both non-clinical and clinical studies. This document provides recommendations for antibody testing strategies stemming from the experience of contributing authors. The recommendations are intended to foster a more unified approach to antibody testing across the biopharmaceutical industry. The strategies proposed are also expected to contribute to better understanding of antibody responses and to further advance immunogenicity evaluation.
Patient-Focused Drug Development: A New Direction for Collaboration.
Perfetto, Eleanor M; Burke, Laurie; Oehrlein, Elisabeth M; Epstein, Robert S
Patient-Focused Drug Development (PFDD) is a new initiative from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) intended to bring patient perspectives into an earlier stage of product development. The goal is that patients will be able to provide context for benefit-risk assessments and input to review divisions, and also aid in the development of new assessment tools, study endpoints, and risk communications. This paper provides a summary on what is known to date about FDA's PFDD initiative and describes implications for patients, researchers, payers, and the biopharmaceutical industry. It also provides a roadmap for stakeholders to consider in defining their role in and in shaping PFDD's direction, and for expanding PFDD principles to conditions beyond the current 20 under FDA consideration. A search was conducted of the peer-reviewed and gray literature using PubMed and Google. This included laws, FDA guidance documents, the peer-reviewed literature, and FDA presentations for content relevant to the search term "patient-focused drug development." Currently, FDA activities within PFDD are limited to gaining patient insights through 20 disease-specific meetings. However, many stakeholders see the initiative much more generally as representing a broad shift toward patient centeredness in biopharmaceutical product development. Depending upon the trajectory taken and whether or not all PFDD aims are eventually addressed, the initiative has the potential to change product development in fundamental ways. Further research should explore how patient input on disease manifestation and treatment options is best ascertained from patients and documented before initiating and during drug development.
Hurst, Susan; Loi, Cho-Ming; Brodfuehrer, Joanne; El-Kattan, Ayman
The onset, intensity and duration of therapeutic response to a compound depend on the intrinsic pharmacological activity of the drug and pharmacokinetic factors related to its absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination that are inherent to the biological system. The process of drug transfer from the site of administration to the systemic circulation and the interspecies factors that impact this process are the scope of this review. In general, the factors that influence oral drug bioavailability via absorption and metabolism can be divided into physicochemical/biopharmaceutical and physiological factors. Physicochemical and biopharmaceutical factors that influence permeability and solubility tend to be species independent. Although there are significant differences in the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract, these are not associated with significant differences in the rate and extent of drug absorption between rats and humans. However, species differences in drug metabolism in rats and humans did result in significant species differences in bioavailability. Overall, this review provides a better understanding of the interplay between drug physicochemical/biopharmaceutical factors and species differences/similarities in the absorption and metabolism mechanisms that affect oral bioavailability in rats and humans. This will enable a more rational approach to perform projection of oral bioavailability in human using available rat in vivo data.
Roohvand, Farzin; Shokri, Mehdi; Abdollahpour-Alitappeh, Meghdad; Ehsani, Parastoo
Yeasts, as Eukaryotes, offer unique features for ease of growth and genetic manipulation possibilities, making it an exceptional microbial host. Areas covered: This review provides general and patent-oriented insights into production of biopharmaceuticals by yeasts. Patents, wherever possible, were correlated to the original or review articles. The review describes applications of major GRAS (generally regarded as safe) yeasts for the production of therapeutic proteins and subunit vaccines; additionally, immunomodulatory properties of yeast cell wall components were reviewed for use of whole yeast cells as a new vaccine platform. The second part of the review will discuss yeast- humanization strategies and innovative applications. Expert opinion: Biomedical applications of yeasts were initiated by utilization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for production of leavened (fermented) products, and advanced to serve to produce biopharmaceuticals. Higher biomass production and expression/secretion yields, more similarity of glycosylation patterns to mammals and possibility of host-improvement strategies through application of synthetic biology might enhance selection of Pichia pastoris (instead of S. cerevisiae) as a host for production of biopharmaceutical in future. Immunomodulatory properties of yeast cell wall β-glucans and possibility of intracellular expression of heterologous pathogen/tumor antigens in yeast cells have expanded their application as a new platform, 'Whole Yeast Vaccines'.
Kwon, Kwang-Chul; Verma, Dheeraj; Singh, Nameirakpam D.; Herzog, Roland; Daniell, Henry
Among 12 billion injections administered annually, unsafe delivery leads to >20 million infections and >100 million reactions. In an emerging new concept, freeze-dried plant cells (lettuce) expressing vaccine antigens/biopharmaceuticals are protected in the stomach from acids/enzymes but are released to the immune or blood circulatory system when plant cell walls are digested by microbes that colonize the gut. Vaccine antigens bioencapsulated in plant cells upon oral delivery after priming, conferred both mucosal and systemic immunity and protection against bacterial, viral or protozoan pathogens or toxin challenge. Oral delivery of autoantigens was effective against complications of type 1diabetes and hemophilia, by developing tolerance. Oral delivery of proinsulin or exendin-4 expressed in plant cells regulated blood glucose levels similar to injections. Therefore, this new platform offers a low cost alternative to deliver different therapeutic proteins to combat infectious or inherited diseases by eliminating inactivated pathogens, expensive purification, cold storage/transportation and sterile injections. PMID:23099275
Reconceptualizing cancer immunotherapy based on plant production systems
Hefferon, Kathleen
Plants can be used as inexpensive and facile production platforms for vaccines and other biopharmaceuticals. More recently, plant-based biologics have expanded to include cancer immunotherapy agents. The following review describes the current state of the art for plant-derived strategies to prevent or reduce cancers. The review discusses avenues taken to prevent infection by oncogenic viruses, solid tumors and lymphomas. Strategies including cancer vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and virus nanoparticles are described, and examples are provided. The review ends with a discussion of the implications of plant-based cancer immunotherapy for developing countries. PMID:28884013
Allmendinger, Richard; Simaria, Ana S; Turner, Richard; Farid, Suzanne S
This paper considers a real-world optimization problem involving the identification of cost-effective equipment sizing strategies for the sequence of chromatography steps employed to purify biopharmaceuticals. Tackling this problem requires solving a combinatorial optimization problem subject to multiple constraints, uncertain parameters, and time-consuming fitness evaluations. An industrially-relevant case study is used to illustrate that evolutionary algorithms can identify chromatography sizing strategies with significant improvements in performance criteria related to process cost, time and product waste over the base case. The results demonstrate also that evolutionary algorithms perform best when infeasible solutions are repaired intelligently, the population size is set appropriately, and elitism is combined with a low number of Monte Carlo trials (needed to account for uncertainty). Adopting this setup turns out to be more important for scenarios where less time is available for the purification process. Finally, a data-visualization tool is employed to illustrate how user preferences can be accounted for when it comes to selecting a sizing strategy to be implemented in a real industrial setting. This work demonstrates that closed-loop evolutionary optimization, when tuned properly and combined with a detailed manufacturing cost model, acts as a powerful decisional tool for the identification of cost-effective purification strategies. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.
Liu, Yang; Wang, Gang; Dong, Ling; Tang, Ming-Min; Zhu, Mei-Ling; Dong, Hong-Huant; Hou, Cheng-Bo
The evaluation of permeability in biopharmaceutics classification system of Chinese materia medica (CMMBCS) requires multicomponent as a whole in order to conduct research, even in the study of a specific component, should also be put in the multicomponent environment. Based on this principle, the high content components in Gegen Qinlian decoction were used as multicomponent environmental impact factors in the experiment, and the relevant parameters of intestinal permeability about puerarin were measured with using in situ single-pass intestinal perfusion model, to investigate and evaluate the intestinal permeability of puerarin with other high content components. The experimental results showed that different proportions of baicalin, glycyrrhizic acid and berberine had certain influence on intestinal permeability of puerarin, and glycyrrhizic acid could significantly inhibit the intestinal absorption of puerarin, moreover, high concentration of berberine could promote the absorption of puerarin. The research results indicated that the important research ideas of permeability evaluation in biopharmaceutics classification system of Chinese materia medica with fully considering the effects of other ingredients in multicomponent environment.
Kim, Seung-Hyun; Kelly, Peter B; Clifford, Andrew J
(14)C has long been used as a tracer for quantifying the in vivo human metabolism of food components, biopharmaceuticals, and nutrients. Minute amounts (< or =1 x 10 (-18) mol) of (14)C can be measured with high-throughput (14)C-accelerator mass spectrometry (HT (14)C-AMS) in isolated chemical extracts of biological, biomedical, and environmental samples. Availability of in vivo human data sets using a (14)C tracer would enable current concepts of the metabolic behavior of food components, biopharmaceuticals, or nutrients to be organized into models suitable for quantitative hypothesis testing and determination of metabolic parameters. In vivo models are important for specification of intake levels for food components, biopharmaceuticals, and nutrients. Accurate estimation of the radiation exposure from ingested (14)C is an essential component of the experimental design. Therefore, this paper illustrates the calculation involved in determining the radiation exposure from a minute dose of orally administered (14)C-beta-carotene, (14)C-alpha-tocopherol, (14)C-lutein, and (14)C-folic acid from four prior experiments. The administered doses ranged from 36 to 100 nCi, and radiation exposure ranged from 0.12 to 5.2 microSv to whole body and from 0.2 to 3.4 microSv to liver with consideration of tissue weighting factor and fractional nutrient. In comparison, radiation exposure experienced during a 4 h airline flight across the United States at 37000 ft was 20 microSv.
Varma, Manthena V; Gardner, Iain; Steyn, Stefanus J; Nkansah, Paul; Rotter, Charles J; Whitney-Pickett, Carrie; Zhang, Hui; Di, Li; Cram, Michael; Fenner, Katherine S; El-Kattan, Ayman F
The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) is a scientific framework that provides a basis for predicting the oral absorption of drugs. These concepts have been extended in the Biopharmaceutics Drug Disposition Classification System (BDDCS) to explain the potential mechanism of drug clearance and understand the effects of uptake and efflux transporters on absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination. The objective of present work is to establish criteria for provisional biopharmaceutics classification using pH-dependent passive permeability and aqueous solubility data generated from high throughput screening methodologies in drug discovery settings. The apparent permeability across monolayers of clonal cell line of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, selected for low endogenous efflux transporter expression, was measured for a set of 105 drugs, with known BCS and BDDCS class. The permeability at apical pH 6.5 for acidic drugs and at pH 7.4 for nonacidic drugs showed a good correlation with the fraction absorbed in human (Fa). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was utilized to define the permeability class boundary. At permeability ≥ 5 × 10(-6) cm/s, the accuracy of predicting Fa of ≥ 0.90 was 87%. Also, this cutoff showed more than 80% sensitivity and specificity in predicting the literature permeability classes (BCS), and the metabolism classes (BDDCS). The equilibrium solubility of a subset of 49 drugs was measured in pH 1.2 medium, pH 6.5 phosphate buffer, and in FaSSIF medium (pH 6.5). Although dose was not considered, good concordance of the measured solubility with BCS and BDDCS solubility class was achieved, when solubility at pH 1.2 was used for acidic compounds and FaSSIF solubility was used for basic, neutral, and zwitterionic compounds. Using a cutoff of 200 μg/mL, the data set suggested a 93% sensitivity and 86% specificity in predicting both the BCS and BDDCS solubility classes. In conclusion, this study identified
Evaluation of the physicochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of fluoro-indomethacin.
Mori, Michela M; Airaksinen, Anu J; Hirvonen, Jouni T; Santos, Hélder A; Caramella, Carla M
Drug nanocarriers have shown great potential in therapy and as diagnostic probes, e.g. in imaging of cancer and inflammation. Imaging can be applied to localize the carrier or the drug itself in the body and/or tissues. In this particular case it is important that drug molecules have the characteristics for possible detection, e.g. after modification with positron emission tomography compliant radioisotopes, without affecting their pharmacological behavior. In order to easily and efficiently follow the ADME profile of the drug after loaded into nanocarriers, the drug can be radiolabelled with, e.g. 18F-label, in order to assess its biodistribution after enteral and parenteral administration in rats. However, this is only possible if the derivative compound behaves similarly to the parent drug compound. In this study, indomethacin (a poorly water-soluble drug) was chosen as a model compound and aimed to evaluate the physicochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of an analog of indomethacin (IMC), fluoro-indomethacin (F-IMC). Although some of the physicochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of IMC are already known, in order to establish a feasible comparison between IMC and F-IMC, the behavior of the former was also investigated in the same conditions as for F-IMC. In this context, both IMC and F-IMC were thermally and morphologically studied. Furthermore, the following properties were also studied for both compounds: pKa and logP, solubility and dissolution profiles at physiological pH values, and toxicity at different concentrations in Caco-2 cells. Finally, the transport across Caco- 2 monolayers of the IMC and F-IMC at physiological pH range was also investigated. The results obtained showed similar values in pKalogP, solubility, dissolution, cytotoxicity, and permeability for both compounds. Thus, there might be strong evidence that both IMC and F-IMC should have a similar ADME behavior and profiles in vivo. The results provide fundamental tools and
Innovations in vaccine development: can regulatory authorities keep up?
Cox, Manon M J; Onraedt, Annelies
Vaccine Production Summit San Francisco, CA, USA, 4-6 June 2012 IBC's 3rd Vaccine Production Summit featured 28 presentations discussing regulatory challenges in vaccine development, including the use of adjuvants, vaccine manufacturing and technology transfer, process development for vaccines and the role of quality by design, how to address vaccine stability, and how vaccine development timelines can be improved. The conference was run in parallel with the single-use applications for Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing conference. Approximately 250 attendees from large pharmaceutical companies, large and small biotech companies, vendors and a more limited number from academia were allowed to access sessions of either conference, including one shared session. This article summarizes the recurring themes across various presentations.
Zawada, James F; Yin, Gang; Steiner, Alexander R; Yang, Junhao; Naresh, Alpana; Roy, Sushmita M; Gold, Daniel S; Heinsohn, Henry G; Murray, Christopher J
Engineering robust protein production and purification of correctly folded biotherapeutic proteins in cell-based systems is often challenging due to the requirements for maintaining complex cellular networks for cell viability and the need to develop associated downstream processes that reproducibly yield biopharmaceutical products with high product quality. Here, we present an alternative Escherichia coli-based open cell-free synthesis (OCFS) system that is optimized for predictable high-yield protein synthesis and folding at any scale with straightforward downstream purification processes. We describe how the linear scalability of OCFS allows rapid process optimization of parameters affecting extract activation, gene sequence optimization, and redox folding conditions for disulfide bond formation at microliter scales. Efficient and predictable high-level protein production can then be achieved using batch processes in standard bioreactors. We show how a fully bioactive protein produced by OCFS from optimized frozen extract can be purified directly using a streamlined purification process that yields a biologically active cytokine, human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, produced at titers of 700 mg/L in 10 h. These results represent a milestone for in vitro protein synthesis, with potential for the cGMP production of disulfide-bonded biotherapeutic proteins. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011; 108:1570–1578. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. PMID:21337337
Industrialization of mAb production technology The bioprocessing industry at a crossroads
Manufacturing processes for therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have evolved tremendously since the first licensed mAb product in 1986. The rapid growth in product demand for mAbs triggered parallel efforts to increase production capacity through construction of large bulk manufacturing plants as well as improvements in cell culture processes to raise product titers. This combination has led to an excess of manufacturing capacity, and together with improvements in conventional purification technologies, promises nearly unlimited production capacity in the foreseeable future. The increase in titers has also led to a marked reduction in production costs, which could then become a relatively small fraction of sales price for future products which are sold at prices at or near current levels. The reduction of capacity and cost pressures for current state-of-the-art bulk production processes may shift the focus of process development efforts and have important implications for both plant design and product development strategies for both biopharmaceutical and contract manufacturing companies. PMID:20065641
Delivery of large biopharmaceuticals from cardiovascular stents: a review
Takahashi, Hironobu; Letourneur, Didier; Grainger, David W.
This review focuses on the new and emerging large-molecule bioactive agents delivered from stent surfaces in drug-eluting stents (DES) to inhibit vascular restenosis in the context of interventional cardiology. New therapeutic agents representing proteins, nucleic acids (small interfering RNAs and large DNA plasmids), viral delivery vectors and even engineered cell therapies require specific delivery designs distinct from traditional smaller molecule approaches on DES. While small molecules are currently the clinical standard for coronary stenting, extension of the DES to other lesion types, peripheral vasculature and non-vasculature therapies will seek to deliver an increasingly sophisticated armada of drug types. This review describes many of the larger molecule and biopharmaceutical approaches reported recently for stent-based delivery with the challenges associated with formulating and delivering these drug classes compared to the current small molecule drugs. It also includes perspectives on possible future applications that may improve safety and efficacy and facilitate diversification of the DES to other clinical applications. PMID:17929968
Closed-loop optimization of chromatography column sizing strategies in biopharmaceutical manufacture
Allmendinger, Richard; Simaria, Ana S; Turner, Richard; Farid, Suzanne S
BACKGROUND This paper considers a real-world optimization problem involving the identification of cost-effective equipment sizing strategies for the sequence of chromatography steps employed to purify biopharmaceuticals. Tackling this problem requires solving a combinatorial optimization problem subject to multiple constraints, uncertain parameters, and time-consuming fitness evaluations. RESULTS An industrially-relevant case study is used to illustrate that evolutionary algorithms can identify chromatography sizing strategies with significant improvements in performance criteria related to process cost, time and product waste over the base case. The results demonstrate also that evolutionary algorithms perform best when infeasible solutions are repaired intelligently, the population size is set appropriately, and elitism is combined with a low number of Monte Carlo trials (needed to account for uncertainty). Adopting this setup turns out to be more important for scenarios where less time is available for the purification process. Finally, a data-visualization tool is employed to illustrate how user preferences can be accounted for when it comes to selecting a sizing strategy to be implemented in a real industrial setting. CONCLUSION This work demonstrates that closed-loop evolutionary optimization, when tuned properly and combined with a detailed manufacturing cost model, acts as a powerful decisional tool for the identification of cost-effective purification strategies. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry. PMID:25506115
Ramirez, Elena; Laosa, Olga; Guerra, Pedro; Duque, Blanca; Mosquera, Beatriz; Borobia, Alberto M; Lei, Suhua H; Carcas, Antonio J; Frias, Jesus
AIM The aim of this study was to evaluate the acceptability of 124 bioequivalence (BE) studies with 80 active substances categorized according to the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) in order to establish if there were different probabilities of proving BE between the different BCS classes. METHODS We evaluated the differences between pharmaceutical products with active substances from different BCS classes in terms of acceptability, number of subjects in the study (n), the point estimates, and intra- and inter-subject coefficients of variation data from BE studies with generic products. RESULTS Out of 124 BE studies 89 (71.77%) were performed with pharmaceutical products containing active substances classified by the BCS. In all BCS classes there were non-bioequivalent pharmaceutical products: 4 out of 26 (15.38%) in class 1, 14 out of 28 (50%) in class 2, 3 out of 22 (13.63%) in class 3 and 1 out of 13 (7.69%) in class 4. When we removed those pharmaceutical products in which intra-subject variability was higher than predicted (2 in class 1 active substances, 9 in class 2 and 2 in class 3) there were still non-BE pharmaceutical products in classes 1, 2 and 3. CONCLUSIONS Comparisons between pharmaceutical products with active substances from the four BCS classes have not allowed us to define differential characteristics of each class in terms of n, inter and intra-subject variability for Cmax or AUC. Despite the usually employed test dissolution methodology proposed as quality control, pharmaceutical products with active substances from the four classes of BCS showed non-BE studies. PMID:21039763
Pathak, Shriram M; Ruff, Aaron; Kostewicz, Edmund S; Patel, Nikunjkumar; Turner, David B; Jamei, Masoud
KTZ for 200, 300, and 400 mg doses. These results demonstrate that IVIV_E applied to biopharmaceutical experiments can be used to understand and build confidence in the quality of the input parameters and mechanistic models used for mechanistic oral absorption simulations in vivo, thereby improving the prediction performance of PBPK models. Moreover, this approach can inform the selection and design of in vitro experiments, potentially eliminating redundant experiments and thus helping to reduce the cost and time of drug product development.
The yeast stands alone: the future of protein biologic production.
Love, Kerry R; Dalvie, Neil C; Love, J Christopher
Yeasts are promising alternative hosts for the manufacturing of recombinant protein therapeutics because they simply and efficiently meet needs for both platform and small-market drugs. Fast accumulation of biomass and low-cost media reduce the cost-of-goods when using yeast, which in turn can enable agile, small-volume manufacturing facilities. Small, tractable yeast genomes are amenable to rapid process development, facilitating strain and product quality by design. Specifically, Pichia pastoris is becoming a widely accepted yeast for biopharmaceutical manufacturing in much of the world owing to a clean secreted product and the rapidly expanding understanding of its cell biology as a host organism. We advocate for a near term partnership spanning industry and academia to promote open source, timely development of yeast hosts. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Trends in capacity utilization for therapeutic monoclonal antibody production.
Langer, Eric S
The administration of high doses of therapeutic antibodies requires large-scale, efficient, cost effective manufacturing processes. An understanding of how the industry is using its available production capacity is important for production planning, and facility expansion analysis. Inaccurate production planning for therapeutic antibodies can have serious financial ramifications. In the recent 5(th) Annual Report and Survey of Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Capacity and Production, 434 qualified respondents from 39 countries were asked to indicate, among other manufacturing issues, their current trends and future predictions with respect to the production capacity utilization of monoclonal antibodies in mammalian cell culture systems. While overall production of monoclonals has expanded dramatically since 2003, the average capacity utilization for mammalian cell culture systems, has decreased each year since 2003. Biomanufacturers aggressively attempt to avoid unanticipated high production demands that can create a capacity crunch. We summarize trends associated with capacity utilization and capacity constraints which indicate that biopharmaceutical manufacturers are doing a better job planning for capacity. The results have been a smoothing of capacity use shifts and an improved ability to forecast capacity and outsourcing needs. Despite these data, today, the instability and financial constraints caused by the current global economic crisis are likely to create unforeseen shifts in our capacity utilization and capacity expansion trends. These shifts will need to be measured in subsequent studies.
Ramamoorthi, Roopa; Graef, Katy M; Dent, Jennifer
Schistosomiasis, one of 17 diseases deemed to be neglected by the World Health Organization, has received little attention from the biopharmaceutical industry. Due to this, only a handful of drugs have been developed to treat schistosomiasis, with only one, praziquantel, used in most endemic regions. Growing concern over resistance coupled with praziquantel's incomplete efficacy across all stages of the Schistosoma platyhelminth life cycle highlights the urgent need for new drugs. The WIPO Re:Search consortium is a platform whereupon biopharmaceutical company compounds are being repurposed to efficiently and cost-effectively develop new drugs for neglected diseases such as schistosomiasis. This article summarizes recent clinical-stage efforts to identify new antischistosomals and highlights biopharmaceutical company compounds with potential for repurposing to treat schistosomiasis.
Healthcare sustainability and the challenges of innovation to biopharmaceuticals in Canada.
Rosenberg-Yunger, Zahava R S; Daar, Abdallah S; Singer, Peter A; Martin, Douglas K
Governments around the world have focused on issues of sustainability, innovations and priority setting within their health systems. Tension exists between governments' desire to increase biotechnology innovation and the need to address health system sustainability. This commentary will: (1) review government initiatives in biotechnology in health innovation; (2) discuss how innovation, specifically biopharmaceuticals, challenges health system sustainability; and (3) explore how the tension between innovation and sustainability can be addressed using fairness and legitimacy. It is evident that a uni-jurisdictional approach may not be optimal in promoting innovation while ensuring a sustainable health system. Harmonization of biotechnology policies across the federal, provincial, and territorial governments will ensure consistent policies across all branches in order to circumvent the possibility of one governmental branch refusing to reimburse the very innovations other branches are promoting.
Lennernäs, H; Lindahl, A; Van Peer, A; Ollier, C; Flanagan, T; Lionberger, R; Nordmark, A; Yamashita, S; Yu, L; Amidon, G L; Fischer, V; Sjögren, E; Zane, P; McAllister, M; Abrahamsson, B
The overall objective of OrBiTo, a project within Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), is to streamline and optimize the development of orally administered drug products through the creation and efficient application of biopharmaceutics tools. This toolkit will include both experimental and computational models developed on improved understanding of the highly dynamic gastrointestinal (GI) physiology relevant to the GI absorption of drug products in both fasted and fed states. A part of the annual OrBiTo meeting in 2015 was dedicated to the presentation of the most recent progress in the development of the regulatory use of PBPK in silico modeling, in vivo predictive dissolution (IPD) tests, and their application to biowaivers. There are still several areas for improvement of in vitro dissolution testing by means of generating results relevant for the intraluminal conditions in the GI tract. The major opportunity is probably in combining IPD testing and physiologically based in silico models where the in vitro data provide input to the absorption predictions. The OrBiTo project and other current research projects include definition of test media representative for the more distal parts of the GI tract, models capturing supersaturation and precipitation phenomena, and influence of motility waves on shear and other forces of hydrodynamic origin, addressing the interindividual variability in composition and characteristics of GI fluids, food effects, definition of biorelevant buffer systems, and intestinal water volumes. In conclusion, there is currently a mismatch between the extensive industrial usage of modern in vivo predictive tools and very limited inclusion of such data in regulatory files. However, there is a great interest among all stakeholders to introduce recent progresses in prediction of in vivo GI drug absorption into regulatory context.
Biernacka, Joanna; Betlejewska-Kielak, Katarzyna; Kłosińska-Szmurło, Ewa; Pluciński, Franciszek A; Mazurek, Aleksander P
The physicochemical properties relevant to biological activity of selected bisphosphonates such as clodronate disodium salt, etidronate disodium salt, pamidronate disodium salt, alendronate sodium salt, ibandronate sodium salt, risedronate sodium salt and zoledronate disodium salt were determined using in silico methods. The main aim of our research was to investigate and propose molecular determinants thataffect bioavailability of above mentioned compounds. These determinants are: stabilization energy (deltaE), free energy of solvation (deltaG(solv)), electrostatic potential, dipole moment, as well as partition and distribution coefficients estimated by the log P and log D values. Presented values indicate that selected bisphosphonates a recharacterized by high solubility and low permeability. The calculated parameters describing both solubility and permeability through biological membranes seem to be a good bioavailability indicators of bisphosphonates examined and can be a useful tool to include into Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) development.
Evans, Steven T; Stewart, Kevin D; Afdahl, Chris; Patel, Rohan; Newell, Kelcy J
In this paper, we discuss the optimization and implementation of a high throughput process development (HTPD) tool that utilizes commercially available micro-liter sized column technology for the purification of multiple clinically significant monoclonal antibodies. Chromatographic profiles generated using this optimized tool are shown to overlay with comparable profiles from the conventional bench-scale and clinical manufacturing scale. Further, all product quality attributes measured are comparable across scales for the mAb purifications. In addition to supporting chromatography process development efforts (e.g., optimization screening), comparable product quality results at all scales makes this tool is an appropriate scale model to enable purification and product quality comparisons of HTPD bioreactors conditions. The ability to perform up to 8 chromatography purifications in parallel with reduced material requirements per run creates opportunities for gathering more process knowledge in less time. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nweke, Mauryn C; McCartney, R Graham; Bracewell, Daniel G
Mechanical characterisation of agarose-based resins is an important factor in ensuring robust chromatographic performance in the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals. Pressure-flow profiles are most commonly used to characterise these properties. There are a number of drawbacks with this method, including the potential need for several re-packs to achieve the desired packing quality, the impact of wall effects on experimental set up and the quantities of chromatography media and buffers required. To address these issues, we have developed a dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) technique that characterises the mechanical properties of resins based on the viscoelasticity of a 1ml sample of slurry. This technique was conducted on seven resins with varying degrees of mechanical robustness and the results were compared to pressure-flow test results on the same resins. Results show a strong correlation between the two techniques. The most mechanically robust resin (Capto Q) had a critical velocity 3.3 times higher than the weakest (Sepharose CL-4B), whilst the DMA technique showed Capto Q to have a slurry deformation rate 8.3 times lower than Sepharose CL-4B. To ascertain whether polymer structure is indicative of mechanical strength, scanning electron microscopy images were also used to study the structural properties of each resin. Results indicate that DMA can be used as a small volume, complementary technique for the mechanical characterisation of chromatography media. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Gupta, Sanjeev K.; Shukla, Pratyoosh
The protein productions strategies are crucial towards the development of application based research and elucidating the novel purification strategies for industrial production. Currently, there are few innovative avenues are studies for cloning, upstream, and purification through efficient bioprocess development. Such strategies are beneficial for industries as well as proven to be vital for effectual therapeutic protein development. Though, these techniques are well documented, but, there is scope of addition to current knowledge with novel and new approaches and it will pave new avenues in production of recombinant microbial and non-microbial proteins including secondary metabolites. In this review, we have focussed on the recent development in clone selection, various modern fermentation and purification technologies and future directions in these emerging areas. Moreover, we have also highlighted notable perspectives and challenges involved in the bioengineering of such proteins, including quality by design, gene editing and pioneering ideas. The biopharmaceutical industries continue to shift towards more flexible, automated platforms and economical product development, which in turn can help in developing the cost effective processes and affordable drug development for a large community. PMID:28725194
Roy, Kevin; Undey, Cenk; Mistretta, Thomas; Naugle, Gregory; Sodhi, Manbir
Multivariate statistical process monitoring (MSPM) is becoming increasingly utilized to further enhance process monitoring in the biopharmaceutical industry. MSPM can play a critical role when there are many measurements and these measurements are highly correlated, as is typical for many biopharmaceutical operations. Specifically, for processes such as cleaning-in-place (CIP) and steaming-in-place (SIP, also known as sterilization-in-place), control systems typically oversee the execution of the cycles, and verification of the outcome is based on offline assays. These offline assays add to delays and corrective actions may require additional setup times. Moreover, this conventional approach does not take interactive effects of process variables into account and cycle optimization opportunities as well as salient trends in the process may be missed. Therefore, more proactive and holistic online continued verification approaches are desirable. This article demonstrates the application of real-time MSPM to processes such as CIP and SIP with industrial examples. The proposed approach has significant potential for facilitating enhanced continuous verification, improved process understanding, abnormal situation detection, and predictive monitoring, as applied to CIP and SIP operations. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars in psoriasis: what the dermatologist needs to know.
Strober, Bruce E; Armour, Katherine; Romiti, Ricardo; Smith, Catherine; Tebbey, Paul W; Menter, Alan; Leonardi, Craig
The entry of biosimilar forms of biopharmaceutical therapies for the treatment of psoriasis and other immune-mediated disorders has provoked considerable interest. Although dermatologists are accustomed to the use of a wide range of generic topical agents, recognition of key differences between original agent (ie, the name brand) and the generic or biosimilar agent is necessary to support optimal therapy management and patient care. In this review we have summarized the current state of the art related to the impending introduction of biosimilars into dermatology. Biosimilars represent important interventions that are less expensive and hence offer the potential to deliver benefit to large numbers of patients who may not currently be able to access these therapies. But the development of biosimilars is not equivalent to that of small molecule generic therapies because of differences in molecular structure and processes of manufacture. The planned regulatory guidelines and path to approval may not encompass all of these potentially important differences and this may have clinical relevance to the prescriber and patient. Consequently, we have identified a series of key issues that should be considered to support the full potential of biosimilars for the treatment of psoriasis; ie, that of increased access to appropriate therapy for the psoriasis population worldwide. Copyright © 2011 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
Britt, Keith A; Galvin, Jeffrey; Gammell, Patrick; Nti-Gyabaah, Joseph; Boras, George; Kolwyck, David; Ramirez, José G; Presente, Esther; Naugle, Gregory
Simethicone emulsion is used to regulate foaming in cell culture operations in biopharmaceutical processes. It is also a potential source of endotoxin contamination. The inactivation of endotoxins in dilute simethicone emulsions was assessed as a function of time at different steam temperatures using a Limulus amebocyte lysate kinetic chromogenic technique. Endotoxin inactivation from steam-heat treatment was fit to a four-parameter double exponential decay model, which indicated that endotoxin inactivation was biphasic, consisting of fast and slow regimes. In the fast regime, temperature-related effects were dominant. Transitioning into the slow regime, the observed temperature dependence diminished, and concentration-related effects became increasingly significant. The change in the Gibbs free energy moving through the transition state indicated that a large energy barrier must be overcome for endotoxin inactivation to occur. The corresponding Arrhenius pre-exponential factor was >10(12) s(-1) suggesting that endotoxins in aqueous solution exist as aggregates. The disorder associated with the endotoxin inactivation reaction pathway was assessed via the change in entropy moving through the transition state. This quantity was positive indicating that endotoxin inactivation may result from hydrolysis of individual endotoxin molecules, which perturbs the conformation of endotoxin aggregates, thereby modulating the biological activity observed. Steam-heat treatment decreased endotoxin levels by 1-2 logarithm (log) reduction (LRV), which may be practically relevant depending on incoming raw material endotoxin levels. Antifoam efficiency and cell culture performance were negligibly impacted following steam-heat treatment. The results from this study show that steam-heat treatment is a viable endotoxin control strategy that can be implemented to support large-scale biopharmaceutical manufacturing. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Human cells: new platform for recombinant therapeutic protein production.
Swiech, Kamilla; Picanço-Castro, Virgínia; Covas, Dimas Tadeu
The demand for recombinant therapeutic proteins is significantly increasing. There is a constant need to improve the existing expression systems, and also developing novel approaches to face the therapeutic proteins demands. Human cell lines have emerged as a new and powerful alternative for the production of human therapeutic proteins because this expression system is expected to produce recombinant proteins with post translation modifications more similar to their natural counterpart and reduce the potential immunogenic reactions against nonhuman epitopes. Currently, little information about the cultivation of human cells for the production of biopharmaceuticals is available. These cells have shown efficient production in laboratory scale and represent an important tool for the pharmaceutical industry. This review presents the cell lines available for large-scale recombinant proteins production and evaluates critically the advantages of this expression system in comparison with other expression systems for recombinant therapeutic protein production. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Goers, Lisa; Ainsworth, Catherine; Goey, Cher Hui; Kontoravdi, Cleo; Freemont, Paul S.
ABSTRACT Many high‐value added recombinant proteins, such as therapeutic glycoproteins, are produced using mammalian cell cultures. In order to optimize the productivity of these cultures it is important to monitor cellular metabolism, for example the utilization of nutrients and the accumulation of metabolic waste products. One metabolic waste product of interest is lactic acid (lactate), overaccumulation of which can decrease cellular growth and protein production. Current methods for the detection of lactate are limited in terms of cost, sensitivity, and robustness. Therefore, we developed a whole‐cell Escherichia coli lactate biosensor based on the lldPRD operon and successfully used it to monitor lactate concentration in mammalian cell cultures. Using real samples and analytical validation we demonstrate that our biosensor can be used for absolute quantification of metabolites in complex samples with high accuracy, sensitivity, and robustness. Importantly, our whole‐cell biosensor was able to detect lactate at concentrations more than two orders of magnitude lower than the industry standard method, making it useful for monitoring lactate concentrations in early phase culture. Given the importance of lactate in a variety of both industrial and clinical contexts we anticipate that our whole‐cell biosensor can be used to address a range of interesting biological questions. It also serves as a blueprint for how to capitalize on the wealth of genetic operons for metabolite sensing available in nature for the development of other whole‐cell biosensors. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 1290–1300. © 2017 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. PMID:28112405
Van Aerde, P; Moerman, E; Van Severen, R; Braeckman, P
In order to find a suitable animal model for biopharmaceutical studies after rectal application of theophylline, the pharmacokinetics of theophylline following the administration in rabbits of three different rectal preparations were examined and compared with those of the oral and i. v. route. No significant formulation related impact from the studied rectal dosage forms on the bioavailability of the drug was found. However, the unexpected rapid achievement of peak serum concentration after insertion of the suppository lacked any correlation with human experiments. It was concluded that the evaluation of rectal theophylline medication for man cannot directly be based on the data obtained from rabbits.
Development of at-line assay to monitor charge variants of MAbs during production.
St Amand, M M; Ogunnaike, B A; Robinson, A S
One major challenge currently facing the biopharmaceutical industry is to understand how MAb microheterogeneity affects therapeutic efficacy, potency, immunogenicity, and clearance. MAb micro-heterogeneity can result from post-translational modifications such as sialylation, galactosylation, C-terminal lysine cleavage, glycine amidation, and tryptophan oxidation, each of which can generate MAb charge variants; such heterogeneity can affect pharmacokinetics (PK) considerably. Implementation of appropriate on-line quality control strategies may help to regulate bioprocesses, thus enabling more homogenous material with desired post-translational modifications and PK behavior. However, one major restriction to implementation of quality control strategies is the availability of techniques for obtaining on-line or at-line measurements of these attributes. In this work, we describe the development of an at-line assay to separate MAb charge variants in near real-time, which could ultimately be used to implement on-line quality control strategies for MAb production. The assay consists of a 2D-HPLC method with sequential in-line Protein A and WCX-10 HPLC column steps. To perform the 2D-HPLC assay at-line, the two columns steps were integrated into a single method using a novel system configuration that allowed parallel flow over column 1 or column 2 or sequential flow from column 1 to column 2. A bioreactor system was also developed such that media samples could be removed automatically from bioreactor vessels during production and delivered to the 2D-HPLC for analysis. With this at-line HPLC assay, we have demonstrated that MAb microheterogeneity occurs throughout the cell cycle whether the host cell line is grown under different or the same nominal culture conditions. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Cardot, J-M; Garcia Arieta, A; Paixao, P; Tasevska, I; Davit, B
The US-FDA recently posted a draft guideline for industry recommending procedures necessary to obtain a biowaiver for immediate-release oral dosage forms based on the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS). This review compares the present FDA BCS biowaiver approach, with the existing European Medicines Agency (EMA) approach, with an emphasis on similarities, difficulties, and shared challenges. Some specifics of the current EMA BCS guideline are compared with those in the recently published draft US-FDA BCS guideline. In particular, similarities and differences in the EMA versus US-FDA approaches to establishing drug solubility, permeability, dissolution, and formulation suitability for BCS biowaiver are critically reviewed. Several case studies are presented to illustrate the (i) challenges of applying for BCS biowaivers for global registration in the face of differences in the EMA and US-FDA BCS biowaiver criteria, as well as (ii) challenges inherent in applying for BCS class I or III designation and common to both jurisdictions.
The utility of rat jejunal permeability for biopharmaceutics classification system.
Zakeri-Milani, Parvin; Valizadeh, Hadi; Tajerzadeh, Hosnieh; Islambulchilar, Ziba
The biopharmaceutical classification system has been developed to provide a scientific approach for classifying drug compounds based on their dose/solubility ratio and human intestinal permeability. Therefore in this study a new classification is presented, which is based on a correlation between rat and human intestinal permeability values. In situ technique in rat jejunum was used to determine the effective intestinal permeability of tested drugs. Then three dimensionless parameters--dose number, absorption number, and dissolution number (D(o), A(n), and D(n))--were calculated for each drug. Four classes of drugs were defined, that is, class I, D(0) < 0.5, P(eff(rat)) > 5.09 x 10(-5) cm/s; class II, D(o) > 1, P(eff(rat)) > 5.09 x 10( -5) cm/s; class III, D(0) < 0.5, P(eff(rat)) < 4.2 x 10(-5) cm/s; and class IV, D(o) > 1, P(eff(rat)) < 4.2 x 10(-5) cm/s. A region of borderline drugs (0.5 < D(o) < 1, 4.2 x 10(-5) < P(eff(rat)) < 5.09 x 10(-5) cm/s) was also defined. According to obtained results and proposed classification for drugs, it is concluded that drugs could be categorized correctly based on dose number and their intestinal permeability values in rat model using single-pass intestinal perfusion technique. This classification enables us to remark defined characteristics for intestinal absorption of all four classes using suitable cutoff points for both dose number and rat effective intestinal permeability values.
Production of biopharmaceuticals and vaccines in plants via the chloroplast genome.
Daniell, Henry
Transgenic plants offer many advantages, including low cost of production (by elimination of fermenters), storage and transportation; heat stability; and absence of human pathogens. When therapeutic proteins are orally delivered, plant cells protect antigens in the stomach through bioencapsulation and eliminate the need for expensive purification and sterile injections, in addition to development of both systemic and mucosal immunity. Chloroplast genetic engineering offers several advantages, including high levels of transgene expression, transgene containment via maternal inheritance and multi-gene expression in a single transformation event. Hyper-expression of vaccine antigens against cholera, tetanus, anthrax, plague or canine parvovirus (4-31% of total soluble protein, tsp) in transgenic chloroplasts (leaves) or non-green plastids (carrots, tomato), as well as the availability of antibiotic-free selectable markers or the ability to excise selectable marker genes, facilitate oral delivery. Hyper-expression of several therapeutic proteins, including human serum albumin (11.1% tsp), somatotropin (7% tsp), interferon-gamma (6% tsp), anti-microbial peptide (21.5% tsp), facilitates efficient and economic purification. Also, the presence of chaperones and enzymes in chloroplasts facilitate assembly of complex multi-subunit proteins and correct folding of human blood proteins with proper disulfide bonds. Functionality of chloroplast-derived vaccine antigens and therapeutic proteins has been demonstrated by several assays, including the macrophage lysis assay, GM1-ganglioside binding assay, protection of HeLa cells or human lung carcinoma cells against encephalomyocarditis virus, systemic immune response, protection against pathogen challenge, and growth or inhibition of cell cultures. Thus, transgenic chloroplasts are ideal bioreactors for production of functional human and animal therapeutic proteins in an environmentally friendly manner.
Khan, Muhammad Imran; Shin, Jin Hyuk; Kim, Jong Deog
Microalgae have recently attracted considerable interest worldwide, due to their extensive application potential in the renewable energy, biopharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries. Microalgae are renewable, sustainable, and economical sources of biofuels, bioactive medicinal products, and food ingredients. Several microalgae species have been investigated for their potential as value-added products with remarkable pharmacological and biological qualities. As biofuels, they are a perfect substitute to liquid fossil fuels with respect to cost, renewability, and environmental concerns. Microalgae have a significant ability to convert atmospheric CO 2 to useful products such as carbohydrates, lipids, and other bioactive metabolites. Although microalgae are feasible sources for bioenergy and biopharmaceuticals in general, some limitations and challenges remain, which must be overcome to upgrade the technology from pilot-phase to industrial level. The most challenging and crucial issues are enhancing microalgae growth rate and product synthesis, dewatering algae culture for biomass production, pretreating biomass, and optimizing the fermentation process in case of algal bioethanol production. The present review describes the advantages of microalgae for the production of biofuels and various bioactive compounds and discusses culturing parameters.
Chen, Dengyue; Sirkar, Kamalesh K; Jin, Chi; Singh, Dhananjay; Pfeffer, Robert
Membrane technologies are of increasing importance in a variety of separation and purification applications involving liquid phases and gaseous mixtures. Although the most widely used applications at this time are in water treatment including desalination, there are many applications in chemical, food, healthcare, paper and petrochemical industries. This brief review is concerned with existing and emerging applications of various membrane technologies in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry. The goal of this review article is to identify important membrane processes and techniques which are being used or proposed to be used in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical operations. How novel membrane processes can be useful for delivery of crystalline/particulate drugs is also of interest. Membrane separation technologies are extensively used in downstream processes for bio-pharmaceutical separation and purification operations via microfiltration, ultrafiltration and diafiltration. Also the new technique of membrane chromatography allows efficient purification of monoclonal antibodies. Membrane filtration techniques of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration are being combined with bioreactors and advanced oxidation processes to treat wastewaters from pharmaceutical plants. Nanofiltration with organic solvent-stable membranes can implement solvent exchange and catalyst recovery during organic solvent-based drug synthesis of pharmaceutical compounds/intermediates. Membranes in the form of hollow fibers can be conveniently used to implement crystallization of pharmaceutical compounds. The novel crystallization methods of solid hollow fiber cooling crystallizer (SHFCC) and porous hollow fiber anti-solvent crystallization (PHFAC) are being developed to provide efficient methods for continuous production of polymer-coated drug crystals in the area of drug delivery. This brief review provides a general introduction to various applications of membrane technologies in
Inhibition of apoptosis using exosomes in Chinese hamster ovary cell culture.
Han, Seora; Rhee, Won Jong
Animal cell culture technology for therapeutic protein production has shown significant improvement over the last few decades. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells have been widely adapted for the production of biopharmaceutical drugs. In the biopharmaceutical industry, it is crucial to develop cell culture media and culturing conditions to achieve the highest productivity and quality. However, CHO cells are significantly affected by apoptosis in the bioreactors, resulting in a substantial decrease in product quantity and quality. Thus, to overcome the obstacle of apoptosis in CHO cell culture, it is critical to develop a novel method that does not have minimal concern of safety or cost. Herein, we showed for the first time that exosomes, which are nano-sized extracellular vesicles, derived from CHO cells inhibited apoptosis in CHO cell culture when supplemented to the culture medium. Flow cytometric and microscopic analyses revealed that substantial amounts of exosomes were delivered to CHO cells. Higher cell viability after staurosporine treatment was observed by exosome supplementation (67.3%) as compared to control (41.1%). Furthermore, exosomes prevented the mitochondrial membrane potential loss and caspase-3 activation, meaning that the exosomes enhanced cellular activities under pro-apoptotic condition. As the exosomes supplements are derived from CHO cells themselves, it is not only beneficial for the biopharmaceutical productivity of CHO cell culture to inhibit apoptosis, but also from a regulatory standpoint to diminish any safety concerns. Thus, we conclude that the method developed in this research may contribute to the biopharmaceutical industry where minimizing apoptosis in CHO cell culture is beneficial. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Ding, Xuan; Day, Jeffrey S; Sperry, David C
Absorption modeling has demonstrated its great value in modern drug product development due to its utility in understanding and predicting in vivo performance. In this case, we integrated physiologically based modeling in the development processes to effectively design extended-release (ER) clinical products for an ester prodrug LY545694. By simulating the trial results of immediate-release products, we delineated complex pharmacokinetics due to prodrug conversion and established an absorption model to describe the clinical observations. This model suggested the prodrug has optimal biopharmaceutical properties to warrant developing an ER product. Subsequently, we incorporated release profiles of prototype ER tablets into the absorption model to simulate the in vivo performance of these products observed in an exploratory trial. The models suggested that the absorption of these ER tablets was lower than the IR products because the extended release from the formulations prevented the drug from taking advantage of the optimal absorption window. Using these models, we formed a strategy to optimize the ER product to minimize the impact of the absorption window limitation. Accurate prediction of the performance of these optimized products by modeling was confirmed in a third clinical trial.
Hwang, Thomas J
For biopharmaceutical companies, investments in research and development are risky, and the results from clinical trials are key inflection points in the process. Few studies have explored how and to what extent the public equity market values clinical trial results. Our study dataset matched announcements of clinical trial results for investigational compounds from January 2011 to May 2013 with daily stock market returns of large United States-listed pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Event study methodology was used to examine the relationship between clinical research events and changes in stock returns. We identified public announcements for clinical trials of 24 investigational compounds, including 16 (67%) positive and 8 (33%) negative events. The majority of announcements were for Phase 3 clinical trials (N = 13, 54%), and for oncologic (N = 7, 29%) and neurologic (N = 6, 24%) indications. The median cumulative abnormal returns on the day of the announcement were 0.8% (95% confidence interval [CI]: -2.3, 13.4%; P = 0.02) for positive events and -2.0% (95% CI: -9.1, 0.7%; P = 0.04) for negative events, with statistically significant differences from zero. In the day immediately following the announcement, firms with positive events were associated with stock price corrections, with median cumulative abnormal returns falling to 0.4% (95% CI: -3.8, 12.3%; P = 0.33). For firms with negative announcements, the median cumulative abnormal returns were -1.7% (95% CI: -9.5, 1.0%; P = 0.03), and remained significantly negative over the two day event window. The magnitude of abnormal returns did not differ statistically by indication, by trial phase, or between biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms. The release of clinical trial results is an economically significant event and has meaningful effects on market value for large biopharmaceutical companies. Stock return underperformance due to negative events is greater in magnitude and persists longer than
Hwang, Thomas J.
Background For biopharmaceutical companies, investments in research and development are risky, and the results from clinical trials are key inflection points in the process. Few studies have explored how and to what extent the public equity market values clinical trial results. Methods Our study dataset matched announcements of clinical trial results for investigational compounds from January 2011 to May 2013 with daily stock market returns of large United States-listed pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Event study methodology was used to examine the relationship between clinical research events and changes in stock returns. Results We identified public announcements for clinical trials of 24 investigational compounds, including 16 (67%) positive and 8 (33%) negative events. The majority of announcements were for Phase 3 clinical trials (N = 13, 54%), and for oncologic (N = 7, 29%) and neurologic (N = 6, 24%) indications. The median cumulative abnormal returns on the day of the announcement were 0.8% (95% confidence interval [CI]: –2.3, 13.4%; P = 0.02) for positive events and –2.0% (95% CI: –9.1, 0.7%; P = 0.04) for negative events, with statistically significant differences from zero. In the day immediately following the announcement, firms with positive events were associated with stock price corrections, with median cumulative abnormal returns falling to 0.4% (95% CI: –3.8, 12.3%; P = 0.33). For firms with negative announcements, the median cumulative abnormal returns were –1.7% (95% CI: –9.5, 1.0%; P = 0.03), and remained significantly negative over the two day event window. The magnitude of abnormal returns did not differ statistically by indication, by trial phase, or between biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms. Conclusions The release of clinical trial results is an economically significant event and has meaningful effects on market value for large biopharmaceutical companies. Stock return
Didier, Caroline; Forno, Guillermina; Etcheverrigaray, Marina; Kratje, Ricardo; Goicoechea, Héctor
The optimal blends of six compounds that should be present in culture media used in recombinant protein production were determined by means of artificial neural networks (ANN) coupled with crossed mixture experimental design. This combination constitutes a novel approach to develop a medium for cultivating genetically engineered mammalian cells. The compounds were collected in two mixtures of three elements each, and the experimental space was determined by a crossed mixture design. Empirical data from 51 experimental units were used in a multiresponse analysis to train artificial neural networks which satisfy different requirements, in order to define two new culture media (Medium 1 and Medium 2) to be used in a continuous biopharmaceutical production process. These media were tested in a bioreactor to produce a recombinant protein in CHO cells. Remarkably, for both predicted media all responses satisfied the predefined goals pursued during the analysis, except in the case of the specific growth rate (mu) observed for Medium 1. ANN analysis proved to be a suitable methodology to be used when dealing with complex experimental designs, as frequently occurs in the optimization of production processes in the biotechnology area. The present work is a new example of the use of ANN for the resolution of a complex, real life system, successfully employed in the context of a biopharmaceutical production process.
Engineered Chloroplast Genome just got Smarter
Jin, Shuangxia; Daniell, Henry
Chloroplasts are known to sustain life on earth by providing food, fuel and oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. However, the chloroplast genome has also been smartly engineered to confer valuable agronomic traits and/or serve as bioreactors for production of industrial enzymes, biopharmaceuticals, bio-products or vaccines. The recent breakthrough in hyper-expression of biopharmaceuticals in edible leaves has facilitated the advancement to clinical studies by major pharmaceutical companies. This review critically evaluates progress in developing new tools to enhance or simplify expression of targeted genes in chloroplasts. These tools hold the promise to further the development of novel fuels and products, enhance the photosynthetic process, and increase our understanding of retrograde signaling and cellular processes. PMID:26440432
Biosimilars: a regulatory perspective from America.
Kay, Jonathan
Biosimilars are protein products that are sufficiently similar to a biopharmaceutical already approved by a regulatory agency. Several biotechnology companies and generic drug manufacturers in Asia and Europe are developing biosimilars of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors and rituximab. A biosimilar etanercept is already being marketed in Colombia and China. In the US, several natural source products and recombinant proteins have been approved as generic drugs under Section 505(b)(2) of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. However, because the complexity of large biopharmaceuticals makes it difficult to demonstrate that a biosimilar is structurally identical to an already approved biopharmaceutical, this Act does not apply to biosimilars of large biopharmaceuticals. Section 7002 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, which is referred to as the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009, amends Section 351 of the Public Health Service Act to create an abbreviated pathway that permits a biosimilar to be evaluated by comparing it with only a single reference biological product. This paper reviews the processes for approval of biosimilars in the US and the European Union and highlights recent changes in federal regulations governing the approval of biosimilars in the US.
Khurana, Rajneet Kaur; Gaspar, Balan Louis; Welsby, Gail; Katare, O P; Singh, Kamalinder K; Singh, Bhupinder
The current research work encompasses the development, characterization, and evaluation of self-assembled phospholipidic nano-mixed miceller system (SPNMS) of a poorly soluble BCS Class IV xanthone bioactive, mangiferin (Mgf) functionalized with co-delivery of vitamin E TPGS. Systematic optimization using I-optimal design yielded self-assembled phospholipidic nano-micelles with a particle size of < 60 nm and > 80% of drug release in 15 min. The cytotoxicity and cellular uptake studies performed using MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines demonstrated greater kill and faster cellular uptake. The ex vivo intestinal permeability revealed higher lymphatic uptake, while in situ perfusion and in vivo pharmacokinetic studies indicated nearly 6.6- and 3.0-folds augmentation in permeability and bioavailability of Mgf. In a nutshell, vitamin E functionalized SPNMS of Mgf improved the biopharmaceutical performance of Mgf in rats for enhanced anticancer potency.
Introduction to the application of QbD principles for the development of monoclonal antibodies.
Finkler, Christof; Krummen, Lynne
Quality by Design (QbD) is a global regulatory initiative with the goal of enhancing pharmaceutical development through the proactive design of pharmaceutical manufacturing process and controls to consistently deliver the intended performance of the product. The principles of pharmaceutical development relevant to QbD are described in the ICH guidance documents (ICHQ8-11). An integrated set of risk assessments and their related elements developed at Roche/Genentech were designed to provide an overview of product and process knowledge for the production of a recombinant monoclonal antibody. This chapter introduces a publication series on the application of Quality by Design for biopharmaceuticals, with a focus on the development of recombinant monoclonal antibodies. The development of and overview on the QbD concept applied by Roche and Genentech is described and essential QbD elements are presented. Copyright © 2016 International Alliance for Biological Standardization. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Current trends in endotoxin detection and analysis of endotoxin-protein interactions.
Dullah, Elvina Clarie; Ongkudon, Clarence M
Endotoxin is a type of pyrogen that can be found in Gram-negative bacteria. Endotoxin can form a stable interaction with other biomolecules thus making its removal difficult especially during the production of biopharmaceutical drugs. The prevention of endotoxins from contaminating biopharmaceutical products is paramount as endotoxin contamination, even in small quantities, can result in fever, inflammation, sepsis, tissue damage and even lead to death. Highly sensitive and accurate detection of endotoxins are keys in the development of biopharmaceutical products derived from Gram-negative bacteria. It will facilitate the study of the intermolecular interaction of an endotoxin with other biomolecules, hence the selection of appropriate endotoxin removal strategies. Currently, most researchers rely on the conventional LAL-based endotoxin detection method. However, new methods have been and are being developed to overcome the problems associated with the LAL-based method. This review paper highlights the current research trends in endotoxin detection from conventional methods to newly developed biosensors. Additionally, it also provides an overview of the use of electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and docking programs in the endotoxin-protein analysis.
Morar-Mitrica, Sorina; Puri, Manasi; Beumer Sassi, Alexandra; Fuller, Joshua; Hu, Ping; Crotts, George; Nesta, Douglas
The physical and chemical integrity of a biopharmaceutical must be maintained not only during long-term storage but also during administration. Specifically for the intravenous (i.v.) delivery of a protein drug, loss of stability can occur when the protein formulation is compounded with i.v. bag diluents, thus modifying the original composition of the drug product. Here we present the challenges associated with the delivery of a low-dose, highly potent monoclonal antibody (mAb) via the i.v. route. Through parallel in-use stability studies and conventional formulation development, a drug product was developed in which adsorptive losses and critical oxidative degradation pathways were effectively controlled. This development approach enabled the i.v. administration of clinical doses in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 mg total protein, while ensuring liquid drug product storage stability under refrigerated conditions.
An approach to quality and security of supply for single-use bioreactors.
Barbaroux, Magali; Gerighausen, Susanne; Hackel, Heiko
Single-use systems (also referred to as disposables) have become a huge part of the bioprocessing industry, which raised concern in the industry regarding quality and security of supply. Processes must be in place to assure the supply and control of outsourced activities and quality of purchased materials along the product life cycle. Quality and security of supply for single-use bioreactors (SUBs) are based on a multidisciplinary approach. Developing a state-of-the-art SUB-system based on quality by design (QbD) principles requires broad expertise and know-how including the cell culture application, polymer chemistry, regulatory requirements, and a deep understanding of the biopharmaceutical industry. Using standardized products reduces the complexity and strengthens the robustness of the supply chain. Well-established supplier relations including risk mitigation strategies are the basis for achieving long-term security of supply. Well-developed quality systems including change control approaches aligned with the requirements of the biopharmaceutical industry are a key factor in supporting long-term product availability. This chapter outlines the approach to security of supply for key materials used in single-use production processes for biopharmaceuticals from a supplier perspective.
Grom, Matic; Kozorog, Mirijam; Caserman, Simon; Pohar, Andrej; Likozar, Blaž
Protein A-based affinity chromatography is a highly-efficient separation method to capture, purify and isolate biosimilar monoclonal antibodies (mAb) - an important medical product of biopharmaceutical industrial manufacturing. It is considered the most expensive step in purification downstream operations; therefore, its performance optimization offers a great cost saving in the overall production expenditure. The biochemical mixture-separating specific interaction experiments with Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell culture harvest, containing glycosylated extracellular immunoglobulins (Ig), were made using five different state-of-the-art commercial resins. Packing breakthrough curves were recorded at an array of prolonged residence times. A mathematical simulation model was developed, applied and validated in combination with non-linear regression algorithms on bed effluent concentrations to determine the previously-unknown binding properties of stationary phase materials. Apart from the columns' differential partitioning, the whole external system was also integrated. It was confirmed that internal pore diffusion is the global rate-limiting resistance of the compound retention process. Immobilizing substrate characteristics, obtained in this engineering study, are indispensable for the scale-up of the periodic counter-current control with mechanistic load, elution and wash reduction. Furthermore, unit's volumetric flow screening measurements revealed dynamic effect correlation to eluate quality parameters, like the presence of aggregates, the host cell-related impurities at supernatant's extended feeding, and titre. Numerical sensitivity outputs demonstrated the impacts of fluidics (e.g. axial dispersion coefficient), thermodynamics (Langmuir adsorption) and mass transfer fluxes. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Schaub, Jochen; Clemens, Christoph; Kaufmann, Hitto; Schulz, Torsten W
Development of efficient bioprocesses is essential for cost-effective manufacturing of recombinant therapeutic proteins. To achieve further process improvement and process rationalization comprehensive data analysis of both process data and phenotypic cell-level data is essential. Here, we present a framework for advanced bioprocess data analysis consisting of multivariate data analysis (MVDA), metabolic flux analysis (MFA), and pathway analysis for mapping of large-scale gene expression data sets. This data analysis platform was applied in a process development project with an IgG-producing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line in which the maximal product titer could be increased from about 5 to 8 g/L.Principal component analysis (PCA), k-means clustering, and partial least-squares (PLS) models were applied to analyze the macroscopic bioprocess data. MFA and gene expression analysis revealed intracellular information on the characteristics of high-performance cell cultivations. By MVDA, for example, correlations between several essential amino acids and the product concentration were observed. Also, a grouping into rather cell specific productivity-driven and process control-driven processes could be unraveled. By MFA, phenotypic characteristics in glycolysis, glutaminolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, citrate cycle, coupling of amino acid metabolism to citrate cycle, and in the energy yield could be identified. By gene expression analysis 247 deregulated metabolic genes were identified which are involved, inter alia, in amino acid metabolism, transport, and protein synthesis.
Baghel, Shrawan; Cathcart, Helen; O'Reilly, Niall J
Poor water solubility of many drugs has emerged as one of the major challenges in the pharmaceutical world. Polymer-based amorphous solid dispersions have been considered as the major advancement in overcoming limited aqueous solubility and oral absorption issues. The principle drawback of this approach is that they can lack necessary stability and revert to the crystalline form on storage. Significant upfront development is, therefore, required to generate stable amorphous formulations. A thorough understanding of the processes occurring at a molecular level is imperative for the rational design of amorphous solid dispersion products. This review attempts to address the critical molecular and thermodynamic aspects governing the physicochemical properties of such systems. A brief introduction to Biopharmaceutical Classification System, solid dispersions, glass transition, and solubility advantage of amorphous drugs is provided. The objective of this review is to weigh the current understanding of solid dispersion chemistry and to critically review the theoretical, technical, and molecular aspects of solid dispersions (amorphization and crystallization) and potential advantage of polymers (stabilization and solubilization) as inert, hydrophilic, pharmaceutical carrier matrices. In addition, different preformulation tools for the rational selection of polymers, state-of-the-art techniques for preparation and characterization of polymeric amorphous solid dispersions, and drug supersaturation in gastric media are also discussed. Copyright © 2016 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hou, Cheng-Bo; Wang, Guo-Peng; Zhang, Qiang; Yang, Wen-Ning; Lv, Bei-Ran; Wei, Li; Dong, Ling
To illustrate the solubility involved in biopharmaceutics classification system of Chinese materia medica (CMMBCS) , the influences of artificial multicomponent environment on solubility were investigated in this study. Mathematical model was built to describe the variation trend of their influence on the solubility of puerarin. Carried out with progressive levels, single component environment: baicalin, berberine and glycyrrhizic acid; double-component environment: baicalin and glycyrrhizic acid, baicalin and berberine and glycyrrhizic acid and berberine; and treble-component environment: baicalin, berberin, glycyrrhizic acid were used to describe the variation tendency of their influences on the solubility of puerarin, respectively. And then, the mathematical regression equation model was established to characterize the solubility of puerarin under multicomponent environment.
Biosimilars: a regulatory perspective from America
Biosimilars are protein products that are sufficiently similar to a biopharmaceutical already approved by a regulatory agency. Several biotechnology companies and generic drug manufacturers in Asia and Europe are developing biosimilars of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors and rituximab. A biosimilar etanercept is already being marketed in Colombia and China. In the US, several natural source products and recombinant proteins have been approved as generic drugs under Section 505(b)(2) of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. However, because the complexity of large biopharmaceuticals makes it difficult to demonstrate that a biosimilar is structurally identical to an already approved biopharmaceutical, this Act does not apply to biosimilars of large biopharmaceuticals. Section 7002 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, which is referred to as the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009, amends Section 351 of the Public Health Service Act to create an abbreviated pathway that permits a biosimilar to be evaluated by comparing it with only a single reference biological product. This paper reviews the processes for approval of biosimilars in the US and the European Union and highlights recent changes in federal regulations governing the approval of biosimilars in the US. PMID:21586106
Morar-Mitrica, Sorina; Puri, Manasi; Beumer Sassi, Alexandra; Fuller, Joshua; Hu, Ping; Crotts, George; Nesta, Douglas
The physical and chemical integrity of a biopharmaceutical must be maintained not only during long-term storage but also during administration. Specifically for the intravenous (i.v.) delivery of a protein drug, loss of stability can occur when the protein formulation is compounded with i.v. bag diluents, thus modifying the original composition of the drug product. Here we present the challenges associated with the delivery of a low-dose, highly potent monoclonal antibody (mAb) via the i.v. route. Through parallel in-use stability studies and conventional formulation development, a drug product was developed in which adsorptive losses and critical oxidative degradation pathways were effectively controlled. This development approach enabled the i.v. administration of clinical doses in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 mg total protein, while ensuring liquid drug product storage stability under refrigerated conditions. PMID:26073995
Friability Testing as a New Stress-Stability Assay for Biopharmaceuticals.
Torisu, Tetsuo; Maruno, Takahiro; Yoneda, Saki; Hamaji, Yoshinori; Honda, Shinya; Ohkubo, Tadayasu; Uchiyama, Susumu
A cycle of dropping and shaking a vial containing antibody solution was reported to induce aggregation. In this study, antibody solutions in glass prefillable syringes with or without silicone oil lubrication were subjected to the combined stresses of dropping and shaking, using a friability testing apparatus. Larger numbers of subvisible particles were generated, regardless of silicone oil lubrication, upon combination stress exposure than that with shaking stress alone. Nucleation of antibody molecules upon perturbation by an impact of dropping and adsorption of antibody molecules to the syringe surface followed by film formation and antibody film desorption were considered key steps in the particle formation promoted by combination stress. A larger number of silicone oil droplets was released when silicone oil-lubricated glass syringes containing phosphate buffer saline were exposed to combination stress than that observed with shaking stress alone. Polysorbate 20, a non-ionic surfactant, effectively reduced the number of protein particles, but failed to prevent silicone oil release upon combination stress exposure. This study indicates that stress-stability assays using the friability testing apparatus are effective for assessing the stability of biopharmaceuticals under the combined stresses of dropping and shaking, which have not been tested in conventional stress-stability assays. Copyright © 2017 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Tehler, Ulrika; Fagerberg, Jonas H; Svensson, Richard; Larhed, Mats; Artursson, Per; Bergström, Christel A S
Esterification was used to simultaneously increase solubility and permeability of ciprofloxacin, a biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) class 4 drug (low solubility/low permeability) with solid-state limited solubility. Molecular flexibility was increased to disturb the crystal lattice, lower the melting point, and thereby improve the solubility, whereas lipophilicity was increased to enhance the intestinal permeability. These structural changes resulted in BCS class 1 analogues (high solubility/high permeability) emphasizing that simple medicinal chemistry may improve both these properties.
Zhao, Mingzhi; Wu, Feilin; Xu, Ping
Trypsin is one of the most important enzymatic tools in proteomics and biopharmaceutical studies. Here, we describe the complete recombinant expression and purification from a trypsinogen expression vector construct. The Sus scrofa cationic trypsin gene with a propeptide sequence was optimized according to Escherichia coli codon-usage bias and chemically synthesized. The gene was inserted into pET-11c plasmid to yield an expression vector. Using high-density E. coli fed-batch fermentation, trypsinogen was expressed in inclusion bodies at 1.47 g/L. The inclusion body was refolded with a high yield of 36%. The purified trypsinogen was then activated to produce trypsin. To address stability problems, the trypsin thus produced was acetylated. The final product was generated upon gel filtration. The final yield of acetylated trypsin was 182 mg/L from a 5-L fermenter. Our acetylated trypsin product demonstrated higher BAEE activity (30,100 BAEE unit/mg) than a commercial product (9500 BAEE unit/mg, Promega). It also demonstrated resistance to autolysis. This is the first report of production of acetylated recombinant trypsin that is stable and suitable for scale-up. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Applications of recombinant Pichia pastoris in the healthcare industry.
Weinacker, Daniel; Rabert, Claudia; Zepeda, Andrea B; Figueroa, Carolina A; Pessoa, Adalberto; Farías, Jorge G
Since the 1970s, the establishment and development of the biotech industry has improved exponentially, allowing the commercial production of biopharmaceutical proteins. Nowadays, new recombinant protein production is considered a multibillion-dollar market, in which about 25% of commercial pharmaceuticals are biopharmaceuticals. But to achieve a competitive production process is not an easy task. Any production process has to be highly productive, efficient and economic. Despite that the perfect host is still not discovered, several research groups have chosen Pichia pastoris as expression system for the production of their protein because of its many features. The attempt of this review is to embrace several research lines that have adopted Pichia pastoris as their expression system to produce a protein on an industrial scale in the health care industry.
Applications of recombinant Pichia pastoris in the healthcare industry
Weinacker, Daniel; Rabert, Claudia; Zepeda, Andrea B.; Figueroa, Carolina A.; Pessoa, Adalberto; Farías, Jorge G.
Since the 1970s, the establishment and development of the biotech industry has improved exponentially, allowing the commercial production of biopharmaceutical proteins. Nowadays, new recombinant protein production is considered a multibillion-dollar market, in which about 25% of commercial pharmaceuticals are biopharmaceuticals. But to achieve a competitive production process is not an easy task. Any production process has to be highly productive, efficient and economic. Despite that the perfect host is still not discovered, several research groups have chosen Pichia pastoris as expression system for the production of their protein because of its many features. The attempt of this review is to embrace several research lines that have adopted Pichia pastoris as their expression system to produce a protein on an industrial scale in the health care industry. PMID:24688491
Papathanasiou, Maria M; Quiroga-Campano, Ana L; Steinebach, Fabian; Elviro, Montaña; Mantalaris, Athanasios; Pistikopoulos, Efstratios N
Current industrial trends encourage the development of sustainable, environmentally friendly processes with minimal energy and material consumption. In particular, the increasing market demand in biopharmaceutical industry and the tight regulations in product quality necessitate efficient operating procedures that guarantee products of high purity. In this direction, process intensification via continuous operation paves the way for the development of novel, eco-friendly processes, characterized by higher productivity and lower production costs. This work focuses on the development of advanced control strategies for (i) a cell culture system in a bioreactor and (ii) a semicontinuous purification process. More specifically, we consider a fed-batch culture of GS-NS0 cells and the semicontinuous Multicolumn Countercurrent Solvent Gradient Purification (MCSGP) for the purification process. The controllers are designed following the PAROC framework/software platform and their capabilities are assessed in silico, against the process models. It is demonstrated that the proposed controllers efficiently manage to increase the system productivity, returning strategies that can lead to continuous, stable process operation. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:966-988, 2017. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
A Perspective on the Development of Plant-Made Vaccines in the Fight against Ebola Virus
Rosales-Mendoza, Sergio; Nieto-Gómez, Ricardo; Angulo, Carlos
The Ebola virus (EBOV) epidemic indicated a great need for prophylactic and therapeutic strategies. The use of plants for the production of biopharmaceuticals is a concept being adopted by the pharmaceutical industry, with an enzyme for human use currently commercialized since 2012 and some plant-based vaccines close to being commercialized. Although plant-based antibodies against EBOV are under clinical evaluation, the development of plant-based vaccines against EBOV essentially remains an unexplored area. The current technologies for the production of plant-based vaccines include stable nuclear expression, transient expression mediated by viral vectors, and chloroplast expression. Specific perspectives on how these technologies can be applied for developing anti-EBOV vaccines are provided, including possibilities for the design of immunogens as well as the potential of the distinct expression modalities to produce the most relevant EBOV antigens in plants considering yields, posttranslational modifications, production time, and downstream processing. PMID:28344580
Rameez, Shahid; Mostafa, Sigma S; Miller, Christopher; Shukla, Abhinav A
Decreasing the timeframe for cell culture process development has been a key goal toward accelerating biopharmaceutical development. Advanced Microscale Bioreactors (ambr™) is an automated micro-bioreactor system with miniature single-use bioreactors with a 10-15 mL working volume controlled by an automated workstation. This system was compared to conventional bioreactor systems in terms of its performance for the production of a monoclonal antibody in a recombinant Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line. The miniaturized bioreactor system was found to produce cell culture profiles that matched across scales to 3 L, 15 L, and 200 L stirred tank bioreactors. The processes used in this article involve complex feed formulations, perturbations, and strict process control within the design space, which are in-line with processes used for commercial scale manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals. Changes to important process parameters in ambr™ resulted in predictable cell growth, viability and titer changes, which were in good agreement to data from the conventional larger scale bioreactors. ambr™ was found to successfully reproduce variations in temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and pH conditions similar to the larger bioreactor systems. Additionally, the miniature bioreactors were found to react well to perturbations in pH and DO through adjustments to the Proportional and Integral control loop. The data presented here demonstrates the utility of the ambr™ system as a high throughput system for cell culture process development. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Microbials for the production of monoclonal antibodies and antibody fragments.
Spadiut, Oliver; Capone, Simona; Krainer, Florian; Glieder, Anton; Herwig, Christoph
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and antibody fragments represent the most important biopharmaceutical products today. Because full length antibodies are glycosylated, mammalian cells, which allow human-like N-glycosylation, are currently used for their production. However, mammalian cells have several drawbacks when it comes to bioprocessing and scale-up, resulting in long processing times and elevated costs. By contrast, antibody fragments, that are not glycosylated but still exhibit antigen binding properties, can be produced in microbial organisms, which are easy to manipulate and cultivate. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the expression systems, strain engineering, and production processes for the three main microbials used in antibody and antibody fragment production, namely Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia pastoris, and Escherichia coli. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Jewelry Concepts, Inc.), and Huifeng Bio-Pharmaceutical Technology, Inc.; Order of Suspension of Trading... information concerning the securities of Huifeng Bio-Pharmaceutical Technology, Inc. because it has not filed...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kabadi, Pradeep G.; Sankaran, Praveen Kallamvalliillam; Palanivelu, Dinesh V.; Adhikary, Laxmi; Khedkar, Anand; Chatterjee, Amarnath
We present here extensive mass spectrometric studies on the formation of a Tris conjugate with a therapeutic monoclonal antibody. The results not only demonstrate the reactive nature of the Tris molecule but also the sequence and reaction conditions that trigger this reactivity. The results corroborate the fact that proteins are, in general, prone to conjugation and/or adduct formation reactions and any modification due to this essentially leads to formation of impurities in a protein sample. Further, the results demonstrate that the conjugation reaction happens via a succinimide intermediate and has sequence specificity. Additionally, the data presented in this study also shows that the Tris formation is produced in-solution and is not an in-source phenomenon. We believe that the facts given here will open further avenues on exploration of Tris as a conjugating agent as well as ensure that the use of Tris or any ionic buffer in the process of producing a biopharmaceutical drug is monitored closely for the presence of such conjugate formation.
Breda, Susana A; Jimenez-Kairuz, Alvaro F; Manzo, Ruben H; Olivera, María E
The hydrochlorides of the 1:3 aluminum:norfloxacin and aluminum:ciprofloxacin complexes were characterized according to the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) premises in comparison with their parent compounds. The pH-solubility profiles of the complexes were experimentally determined at 25 and 37 degrees C in the range of pH 1-8 and compared to that of uncomplexed norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin. Both complexes are clearly more soluble than the antibiotics themselves, even at the lowest solubility pHs. The increase in solubility was ascribed to the species controlling solubility, which were analyzed in the solid phases at equilibrium at selected pHs. Additionally, permeability was set as low, based on data reported in the scientific literature regarding oral bioavailability, intestinal and cell cultures permeabilities and also considering the influence of stoichiometric amounts of aluminum. The complexes fulfill the BCS criterion to be classified as class 3 compounds (high solubility/low permeability). Instead, the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) currently used in solid dosage forms, norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, proved to be BCS class 4 (low solubility/low permeability). The solubility improvement turns the complexes as potential biowaiver candidates from the scientific point of view and may be a good way for developing more dose-efficient formulations. An immediate release tablet showing very rapid dissolution was obtained. Its dissolution profile was compared to that of the commercial ciprofloxacin hydrochloride tablets allowing to dissolution of the complete dose at a critical pH such as 6.8.
Aftermarket Performance of Health Care and Biopharmaceutical IPOs: Evidence From ASEAN Countries
Komenkul, Kulabutr; Kiranand, Santi
We examine the evidence from the long-run abnormal returns using data for 76 health care and biopharmaceutical initial public offerings (IPOs) listed in a 29-year period between 1986 and 2014 in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Laos. Based on the event-time approach, the 3-year stock returns of the IPOs are investigated using cumulative abnormal return (CAR) and buy-and-hold abnormal return (BHAR). As a robustness check, the calendar-time approach, related to the market model as well as Fama-French and Carhart models, was applied for verifying long-run abnormal returns. We found evidence that the health care IPOs overperform in the long-run, irrespective of the alternative benchmarks and methods. In addition, when we divide our sample into 5 groups by listing countries, our results show that the health care stock prices of the Singaporean firms behaved differently from those of most of the other firms in ASEAN. The Singaporean IPOs are characterized by a worse post-offering performance, whereas the IPOs of Malaysian and Thai health care companies performed better in the long-run. PMID:28853306
Aftermarket Performance of Health Care and Biopharmaceutical IPOs: Evidence From ASEAN Countries.
Komenkul, Kulabutr; Kiranand, Santi
We examine the evidence from the long-run abnormal returns using data for 76 health care and biopharmaceutical initial public offerings (IPOs) listed in a 29-year period between 1986 and 2014 in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Laos. Based on the event-time approach, the 3-year stock returns of the IPOs are investigated using cumulative abnormal return (CAR) and buy-and-hold abnormal return (BHAR). As a robustness check, the calendar-time approach, related to the market model as well as Fama-French and Carhart models, was applied for verifying long-run abnormal returns. We found evidence that the health care IPOs overperform in the long-run, irrespective of the alternative benchmarks and methods. In addition, when we divide our sample into 5 groups by listing countries, our results show that the health care stock prices of the Singaporean firms behaved differently from those of most of the other firms in ASEAN. The Singaporean IPOs are characterized by a worse post-offering performance, whereas the IPOs of Malaysian and Thai health care companies performed better in the long-run.
Li, Hui-Fang; Zhang, Dong; Qu, Wen-Jun; Wang, Hai-Lin; Liu, Yang; Borjigdai, Almaz; Cui, Jian; Dong, Zheng-Qi
The solubility and permeability on four kinds of flavonoids (kaempferol, hesperidin, apigenin, genistein) were test according to the theory of biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS), and their absorption mechanism. The solubility was investigated by the method in determination of solubility of "Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2010". To detect appearance permeability of compounds mentioned above, the appropriate concentrations were selected by the MTT method in cell transfer experiments in Caco-2 cell model, which established by in vitro cell culture method. Therefore, these compounds were classified with BCS according to solubility and permeability. In addition, to explore absorption mechanisms, the experiments in three different concentrations of compounds in high, medium and low in bidirectional transformation methods in Caco-2 cell model contacted. The study indicated that all of kaempferol, hesperidin, apigenin, genistein have the characteristics in low solubility and high permeability, which belong to BCSⅡ, and the absorption mechanism of kaempferol was active transportation. Whereas, hesperidin, apigenin, genistein were passive transportation. In this study, it carried out initial explorations on establishment of determination for solubility and permeability in flavonoids, and provided theoretical reference for further research on BCS in traditional Chinese medicine. Copyright© by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.
Regulatory policy and the location of bio-pharmaceutical foreign direct investment in Europe.
Koenig, Pamina; Macgarvie, Megan
This paper examines the relationship between cross-country differences in drug price regulation and the location of biopharmaceutical Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Europe. Simple theory predicts that price regulation in one country might affect total investment, but not the location of that investment, if sales are global. Nevertheless, some manufacturers threaten that the introduction of price regulation in a country will motivate them to move their investments to other countries. Are such threats cheap talk, or is there evidence that firms avoid price-controlling countries when making FDI location choices? We use data on 527 investments initiated in 27 European countries between 2002 and 2009 and find that investors are less likely to choose countries with price controls, after controlling for other determinants of investment. We also observe a relative decline in investment in countries that increased the stringency of regulatory regimes during our sample period. The effect is restricted to non-manufacturing investments and is most robust for those related to administrative functions. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Production and purification of the multifunctional enzyme horseradish peroxidase
Spadiut, Oliver; Herwig, Christoph
The oxidoreductase horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is used in numerous industrial and medical applications. In this review, we briefly describe this well-studied enzyme and focus on its promising use in targeted cancer treatment. In combination with a plant hormone, HRP can be used in specific enzyme–prodrug therapies. Despite this outstanding application, HRP has not found its way as a biopharmaceutical into targeted cancer therapy yet. The reasons therefore lie in the present low-yield production and cumbersome purification of this enzyme from its natural source. However, surface glycosylation renders the recombinant production of HRP difficult. Here, we compare different production hosts for HRP and summarize currently used production and purification strategies for this enzyme. We further present our own strategy of glycoengineering this powerful enzyme to allow recombinant high-yield production in Pichia pastoris and subsequent simple downstream processing. PMID:24683473
Mathonet, Serge; Mahler, Hanns-Christian; Esswein, Stefan T; Mazaheri, Maryam; Cash, Patricia W; Wuchner, Klaus; Kallmeyer, Georg; Das, Tapan K; Finkler, Christof; Lennard, Andrew
Regulatory monographs in Europe and the United States require drug products for parenteral administration to be "practically free" or "essentially free" of visible particles, respectively. Both terms have been used interchangeably and acknowledge the probabilistic nature of visual particle inspection. The probability of seeing a particle in a drug product container varies according to the size and nature of the particles as well as container and inspection conditions. Therefore, the term "without visible particles" can be highly misleading in the context of what is practically achievable. This may lead to differences in understanding between industry practitioners and regulatory agencies. Is this term intended to mean "zero particles", or is there any intention to distinguish between particle type such as "zero extraneous visible particles" or "zero proteinaceous particles"? Furthermore, how can "zero" particles as a criterion for release testing be reconciled with "practically free from particles" as stated in the definition and a low, justified level of proteinaceous particles after production?The purpose of this position paper is to review best practices in the industry in terms of visual inspection process and associated operator training, quality control sampling, testing, and setting acceptance criteria corresponding to "practically free of visible particles" and providing considerations when visible proteinaceous particles are deemed unavoidable. It also provides a brief overview of visible particle characterization and gives perspectives on patient safety. This position paper applies to biotechnology-derived drug products including monoclonal antibodies in late-phase development to licensed products. In the 2011 monoclonal antibody monograph revision, European Pharmacopoeia experts acknowledged that protein products may also contain proteinaceous particles at release or that protein particles may form during storage. Indeed, industry experience has
Clinical trials for vaccine development in registry of Korea Food and Drug Administration.
Kang, Seog-Youn
Based on the action plan "Ensuring a stable supply of National Immunization Program vaccines and sovereignty of biopharmaceutical products," Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) has made efforts to develop vaccines in the context of self reliance and to protect public health. Along with the recognized infrastructures for clinical trials, clinical trials for vaccines have also gradually been conducted at multinational sites as well as at local sites. KFDA will support to expand six to eleven kinds of vaccines by 2017. In accordance with integrated regulatory system, KFDA has promoted clinical trials, established national lot release procedure, and strengthened good manufacturing practices inspection and post marketing surveillance. Against this backdrop, KFDA will support the vaccine development and promote excellent public health protection.
Clinical trials for vaccine development in registry of Korea Food and Drug Administration
Based on the action plan "Ensuring a stable supply of National Immunization Program vaccines and sovereignty of biopharmaceutical products," Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) has made efforts to develop vaccines in the context of self reliance and to protect public health. Along with the recognized infrastructures for clinical trials, clinical trials for vaccines have also gradually been conducted at multinational sites as well as at local sites. KFDA will support to expand six to eleven kinds of vaccines by 2017. In accordance with integrated regulatory system, KFDA has promoted clinical trials, established national lot release procedure, and strengthened good manufacturing practices inspection and post marketing surveillance. Against this backdrop, KFDA will support the vaccine development and promote excellent public health protection. PMID:23596594
Berry, Brandon N; Dobrowsky, Terrence M; Timson, Rebecca C; Kshirsagar, Rashmi; Ryll, Thomas; Wiltberger, Kelly
Mitigating risks to biotherapeutic protein production processes and products has driven the development of targeted process analytical technology (PAT); however implementing PAT during development without significantly increasing program timelines can be difficult. The development of a monoclonal antibody expressed in a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line via fed-batch processing presented an opportunity to demonstrate capabilities of altering percent glycated protein product. Glycation is caused by pseudo-first order, non-enzymatic reaction of a reducing sugar with an amino group. Glucose is the highest concentration reducing sugar in the chemically defined media (CDM), thus a strategy controlling glucose in the production bioreactor was developed utilizing Raman spectroscopy for feedback control. Raman regions for glucose were determined by spiking studies in water and CDM. Calibration spectra were collected during 8 bench scale batches designed to capture a wide glucose concentration space. Finally, a PLS model capable of translating Raman spectra to glucose concentration was built using the calibration spectra and spiking study regions. Bolus feeding in mammalian cell culture results in wide glucose concentration ranges. Here we describe the development of process automation enabling glucose setpoint control. Glucose-free nutrient feed was fed daily, however glucose stock solution was fed as needed according to online Raman measurements. Two feedback control conditions were executed where glucose was controlled at constant low concentration or decreased stepwise throughout. Glycation was reduced from ∼9% to 4% using a low target concentration but was not reduced in the stepwise condition as compared to the historical bolus glucose feeding regimen. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Lacy-Jones, Kristin; Hayward, Philip; Andrews, Steve; Gledhill, Ian; McAllister, Mark; Abrahamsson, Bertil; Rostami-Hodjegan, Amin; Pepin, Xavier
The OrBiTo IMI project was designed to improve the understanding and modelling of how drugs are absorbed. To achieve this 13 pharmaceutical companies agreed to share biopharmaceutics drug properties and performance data, as long as they were able to hide certain aspects of their dataset if required. This data was then used in simulations to test how three in silico Physiological Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) tools performed. A unique database system was designed and implemented to store the drug data. The database system was unique, in that it had the ability to make different sections of a dataset visible or hidden depending on the stage of the project. Users were also given the option to hide identifying API attributes, to help prevent identification of project members from previously published data. This was achieved by applying blinding strategies to data parameters and the adoption of a unique numbering system. An anonymous communication tool was proposed to exchange comments about data, which enabled its curation and evolution. This paper describes the strategy adopted for numbering and blinding of the data, the tools developed to gather and search data as well as the tools used for communicating around the data with the aim of publicising the approach for other pre-competitive research between organisations. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tan, Joo Shun; Abbasiliasi, Sahar; Kadkhodaei, Saeid; Tam, Yew Joon; Tang, Teck-Kim; Lee, Yee-Ying; Ariff, Arbakariya B
Demand for high-throughput bioprocessing has dramatically increased especially in the biopharmaceutical industry because the technologies are of vital importance to process optimization and media development. This can be efficiently boosted by using microtiter plate (MTP) cultivation setup embedded into an automated liquid-handling system. The objective of this study was to establish an automated microscale method for upstream and downstream bioprocessing of α-IFN2b production by recombinant Escherichia coli. The extraction performance of α-IFN2b by osmotic shock using two different systems, automated microscale platform and manual extraction in MTP was compared. The amount of α-IFN2b extracted using automated microscale platform (49.2 μg/L) was comparable to manual osmotic shock method (48.8 μg/L), but the standard deviation was 2 times lower as compared to manual osmotic shock method. Fermentation parameters in MTP involving inoculum size, agitation speed, working volume and induction profiling revealed that the fermentation conditions for the highest production of α-IFN2b (85.5 μg/L) was attained at inoculum size of 8%, working volume of 40% and agitation speed of 1000 rpm with induction at 4 h after the inoculation. Although the findings at MTP scale did not show perfect scalable results as compared to shake flask culture, but microscale technique development would serve as a convenient and low-cost solution in process optimization for recombinant protein.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Yi; Han, Jinyuan; Feng, Yan; Mu, Jun; Bao, Haiyan; Kulik, Andreas; Grond, Stephanie
Until recently, little was known about the fungi found in shark gills and their biomedicinal potential. In this article, we described the isolation, bioactivity, diversity, and secondary metabolites of bioactive fungi from the gill of a shark ( Carcharodon carcharias). A total of 115 isolates were obtained and grown in 12 culture media. Fifty-eight of these isolates demonstrated significant activity in four antimicrobial, pesticidal, and cytotoxic bioassay models. Four randomly selected bioactive isolates inhibited human cancer cell proliferation during re-screening. These active isolates were segregated into 6 genera using the internal transcribed spacer-large subunit (ITS-LSU) rDNA-sequence BLAST comparison. Four genera, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Mucor, and Chaetomium were the dominant taxa. A phylogenic tree illustrated their intergenera and intragenera genetic diversity. HPLC-DAD-HRMS analysis and subsequent database searching revealed that nine representative strains produced diverse bioactive compound profiles. These results detail the broad range of bioactive fungi found in a shark's gills, revealing their biopharmaceutical potential. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study characterizing shark gill fungi and their bioactivity.
Tung, Nguyen-Thach; Tran, Cao-Son; Nguyen, Tran-Linh; Hoang, Tung; Trinh, Thanh-Dat; Nguyen, Thi-Ngan
The objective of this study was to prepare and evaluate some physiochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of bitter taste masking microparticles containing azithromycin loaded in dispersible tablets. In the first stage of the study, the bitter taste masking microparticles were prepared by solvent evaporation and spray drying method. When compared to the bitter threshold (32.43µg/ml) of azithromycin (AZI), the microparticles using AZI:Eudragit L100=1:4 and having a size distribution of 45-212µm did significantly mask the bitter taste of AZI. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1 H NMR) proved that the taste masking of microparticles resulted from the intermolecular interaction of the amine group in AZI and the carbonyl group in Eudragit L100. Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) analysis was used to display the amorphous state of AZI in microparticles. Images obtaining from optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) indicated the existence of microparticles in regular cube shape with many layers. In the second stage, dispersible tablets containing microparticles (DTs-MP) were prepared by direct compression technique. Stability study was conducted to screen pH modulators for DTs-MP, and a combination of alkali agents (CaCO 3 :NaH 2 PO 4 , 2:1) was added into DTs-MP to create microenvironment pH of 5.0-6.0 for the tablets. The disintegration time of optimum DTs-MP was 53±5.29s and strongly depended on the kinds of lubricant and diluent. The pharmacokinetic study in the rabbit model using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry showed that the mean relative bioavailability (AUC) and mean maximum concentration (C max ) of DTs-MP were improved by 2.19 and 2.02 times, respectively, compared to the reference product (Zithromax®, Pfizer). Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Biopharmaceutical formulations for pre-filled delivery devices.
Jezek, Jan; Darton, Nicholas J; Derham, Barry K; Royle, Nikki; Simpson, Iain
Pre-filled syringes are becoming an increasingly popular format for delivering biotherapeutics conveniently and cost effectively. The device design and stable liquid formulations required to enable this pre-filled syringe format are technically challenging. In choosing the materials and process conditions to fabricate the syringe unit, their compatibility with the biotherapeutic needs to be carefully assessed. The biothereaputic stability demanded for the production of syringe-compatible low-viscosity liquid solutions requires critical excipient choices to be made. The purpose of this review is to discuss key issues related to the stability aspects of biotherapeutics in pre-filled devices. This includes effects on both physical and chemical stability due to a number of stress conditions the product is subjected to, as well as interactions with the packaging system. Particular attention is paid to the control of stability by formulation. We anticipate that there will be a significant move towards polymer primary packaging for most drugs in the longer term. The timescales for this will depend on a number of factors and hence will be hard to predict. Formulation will play a critical role in developing successful products in the pre-filled syringe format, particularly with the trend towards concentrated biotherapeutics. Development of novel, smart formulation technologies will, therefore, be increasingly important.
Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic and Absorption Modeling for Osmotic Pump Products.
Ni, Zhanglin; Talattof, Arjang; Fan, Jianghong; Tsakalozou, Eleftheria; Sharan, Satish; Sun, Dajun; Wen, Hong; Zhao, Liang; Zhang, Xinyuan
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) and absorption modeling approaches were employed for oral extended-release (ER) drug products based on an osmotic drug delivery system (osmotic pumps). The purpose was to systemically evaluate the in vivo relevance of in vitro dissolution for this type of formulation. As expected, in vitro dissolution appeared to be generally predictive of in vivo PK profiles, because of the unique feature of this delivery system that the in vitro and in vivo release of osmotic pump drug products is less susceptible to surrounding environment in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract such as pH, hydrodynamic, and food effects. The present study considered BCS (Biopharmaceutics Classification System) class 1, 2, and 3 drug products with half-lives ranging from 2 to greater than 24 h. In some cases, the colonic absorption models needed to be adjusted to account for absorption in the colon. C max (maximum plasma concentration) and AUCt (area under the concentration curve) of the studied drug products were sensitive to changes in colon permeability and segmental GI transit times in a drug product-dependent manner. While improvement of the methodology is still warranted for more precise prediction (e.g., colonic absorption and dynamic movement in the GI tract), the results from the present study further emphasized the advantage of using PBPK modeling in addressing product-specific questions arising from regulatory review and drug development.
Rup, B; Pallardy, M; Sikkema, D; Albert, T; Allez, M; Broet, P; Carini, C; Creeke, P; Davidson, J; De Vries, N; Finco, D; Fogdell-Hahn, A; Havrdova, E; Hincelin-Mery, A; C Holland, M; H Jensen, P E; Jury, E C; Kirby, H; Kramer, D; Lacroix-Desmazes, S; Legrand, J; Maggi, E; Maillère, B; Mariette, X; Mauri, C; Mikol, V; Mulleman, D; Oldenburg, J; Paintaud, G; R Pedersen, C; Ruperto, N; Seitz, R; Spindeldreher, S; Deisenhammer, F
Biopharmaceuticals (BPs) represent a rapidly growing class of approved and investigational drug therapies that is contributing significantly to advancing treatment in multiple disease areas, including inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, genetic deficiencies and cancer. Unfortunately, unwanted immunogenic responses to BPs, in particular those affecting clinical safety or efficacy, remain among the most common negative effects associated with this important class of drugs. To manage and reduce risk of unwanted immunogenicity, diverse communities of clinicians, pharmaceutical industry and academic scientists are involved in: interpretation and management of clinical and biological outcomes of BP immunogenicity, improvement of methods for describing, predicting and mitigating immunogenicity risk and elucidation of underlying causes. Collaboration and alignment of efforts across these communities is made difficult due to lack of agreement on concepts, practices and standardized terms and definitions related to immunogenicity. The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI;, ABIRISK consortium [Anti-Biopharmaceutical (BP) Immunization Prediction and Clinical Relevance to Reduce the Risk;] was formed by leading clinicians, academic scientists and EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) members to elucidate underlying causes, improve methods for immunogenicity prediction and mitigation and establish common definitions around terms and concepts related to immunogenicity. These efforts are expected to facilitate broader collaborations and lead to new guidelines for managing immunogenicity. To support alignment, an overview of concepts behind the set of key terms and definitions adopted to date by ABIRISK is provided herein along with a link to access and download the ABIRISK terms and definitions and provide comments ( © 2015 British Society for Immunology.
Rup, B; Pallardy, M; Sikkema, D; Albert, T; Allez, M; Broet, P; Carini, C; Creeke, P; Davidson, J; De Vries, N; Finco, D; Fogdell-Hahn, A; Havrdova, E; Hincelin-Mery, A; C Holland, M; H Jensen, P E; Jury, E C; Kirby, H; Kramer, D; Lacroix-Desmazes, S; Legrand, J; Maggi, E; Maillère, B; Mariette, X; Mauri, C; Mikol, V; Mulleman, D; Oldenburg, J; Paintaud, G; R Pedersen, C; Ruperto, N; Seitz, R; Spindeldreher, S; Deisenhammer, F
Biopharmaceuticals (BPs) represent a rapidly growing class of approved and investigational drug therapies that is contributing significantly to advancing treatment in multiple disease areas, including inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, genetic deficiencies and cancer. Unfortunately, unwanted immunogenic responses to BPs, in particular those affecting clinical safety or efficacy, remain among the most common negative effects associated with this important class of drugs. To manage and reduce risk of unwanted immunogenicity, diverse communities of clinicians, pharmaceutical industry and academic scientists are involved in: interpretation and management of clinical and biological outcomes of BP immunogenicity, improvement of methods for describing, predicting and mitigating immunogenicity risk and elucidation of underlying causes. Collaboration and alignment of efforts across these communities is made difficult due to lack of agreement on concepts, practices and standardized terms and definitions related to immunogenicity. The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI;, ABIRISK consortium [Anti-Biopharmaceutical (BP) Immunization Prediction and Clinical Relevance to Reduce the Risk;] was formed by leading clinicians, academic scientists and EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) members to elucidate underlying causes, improve methods for immunogenicity prediction and mitigation and establish common definitions around terms and concepts related to immunogenicity. These efforts are expected to facilitate broader collaborations and lead to new guidelines for managing immunogenicity. To support alignment, an overview of concepts behind the set of key terms and definitions adopted to date by ABIRISK is provided herein along with a link to access and download the ABIRISK terms and definitions and provide comments ( PMID:25959571
Tozer, Dean
Dean Tozer is Senior Vice President at Advanced BioHealing, Inc. (ABH), overseeing marketing, corporate development, government affairs, product development, various regulatory functions and international expansion. After completing his Bachelor of Commerce from Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Canada, Mr Tozer spent 10 years in the global pharmaceutical industry, primarily with G.D. Searle (a division of Monsanto) where he had a wide variety of roles in Global Marketing, Sales, Business Redesign, and Accounting and Finance. Mr Tozer then worked as a consultant to the biopharmaceutical industry, assisting start-up organizations in developing commercial strategies for both pharmaceutical products and biomedical devices, prior to joining ABH in March 2006 as Vice President of Marketing & Corporate Development. In addition to his leadership role at ABH, Mr Tozer currently serves as an officer and board member for the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, a Washington DC-based organization formed to advance regenerative medicine by representing and supporting the community of companies, academic research institutions, patient advocacy groups, foundations, and other organizations before the Congress, federal agencies and the general public.
Pitassi, Claudio; Gonçalves, Antonio Augusto; Moreno Júnior, Valter de Assis
The scope of this article is to identify and analyze the factors that influence the adoption of ICT tools in experiments with bioinformatics at the Brazilian Cancer Institute (INCA). It involves a descriptive and exploratory qualitative field study. Evidence was collected mainly based on in-depth interviews with the management team at the Research Center and the IT Division. The answers were analyzed using the categorical content method. The categories were selected from the scientific literature and consolidated in the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework created for this study. The model proposed made it possible to demonstrate how the factors selected impacted INCA´s adoption of bioinformatics systems and tools, contributing to the investigation of two critical areas for the development of the health industry in Brazil, namely technological innovation and bioinformatics. Based on the evidence collected, a research question was posed: to what extent can the alignment of the factors related to the adoption of ICT tools in experiments with bioinformatics increase the innovation capacity of a Brazilian biopharmaceutical organization?
Papich, Mark G; Martinez, Marilyn N
The Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) has been a prognostic tool for assessing the potential effects of formulation on the human drug oral bioavailability. When used in conjunction with in vitro dissolution tests, the BCS can support the prediction of in vivo product performance and the development of mechanistic models that support formulation assessments through the generation of "what if" scenarios. To date, the applicability of existing human BCS criteria has not been evaluated in dogs, thereby limiting its use in canine drug development. Therefore, we examined 50 drugs for which absolute bioavailability (F) was available both in dogs and humans. The drugs were also evaluated for any potential association between solubility (calculated from the dose number, Do) or lipophilicity (LogP) and F in dogs. In humans, solubility is determined in 250 mL of fluid. However, the appropriate volume for classifying drug solubility in dogs has not been established. In this analysis, the estimated volume of a water flush administered to fasted dogs (6 mL) and a volume of 250 mL scaled to a Beagle dog (35 mL) were examined. In addition, in humans, a Do value greater than 1.0 is used to define a compound as highly soluble and a LogP value greater than 1.72 as high permeability. These same criteria were applied for defining highly soluble and highly permeable in dogs. Whether using 35 or 6 mL to determine Do, the canine solubility classification remained unchanged for all but seven compounds. There were no clear associations between a drug's F in dogs and humans or between the canine value of F and either its human BCS classification, its LogP value, or the canine Do estimate. There was a tendency for those drugs with canine values of F equal to or greater than 80% to have LogP values equal to or greater than 1.0. Exceptions to this observation tended to be those compounds known to be absorbed via mechanisms other than passive diffusion (e.g., via transporters or
Biopharmaceutical characterization of decursin and their derivatives for drug discovery.
Mahat, Bimit; Chae, Jung-woo; Baek, In-hwan; Song, Gyu-yong; Song, Jin-sook; Ma, Jin-yeul; Kwon, Kwang-il
Angelica gigas Nakai and its components are known to have neuroprotective, antiplatelet, and anticancer activities. The present study evaluated the in vitro and in vivo biopharmaceutical characterization of Angelica gigas component substances, including decursin (the main substance), decursinol angelate (decursin isomer), JH714 (ether form of decursin) and epoxide decursin (epoxide form of decursin). Decursin, decursinol angelate and JH714 exhibited acceptable metabolic stability (>50%) in liver microsomes from human and higher bound fraction (>90%) in human plasma operating ultrafiltration. Decursin and decursinol angelate in CYP1A2 and CYP2C19 indicated less than 50% CYP activity, suggesting inhibition of the CYP isoforms using Vivid® CYP screening kit. JH714 only showed an apparent permeability coefficient of <10 × 10⁻⁶ cm/s in MDCK cells, suggesting that it is poorly absorbed. Blood brain barrier permeability was examined after oral administration to male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, and pharmacokinetic studies were performed after oral and intravenous administration of 10 mg/kg compounds. Decursin, decursinol angelate and JH714 showed ratios of compound concentration in brain with respect to plasma (Cbrain/Cplasma) of >1.5, suggesting good brain/plasma ratio at 0.5, 1, 3, and 5 h. In contrast, Cbrain/Cplasma was <0.5 for epoxide decursin. For all test compounds, >1.5% of the dose remained in GI tract after 8 h, and the excretion rate in urine was <0.5% which suggests that gastro intestinal tract may be major site of disposition following oral administration. Finally, these results may be useful for the design of dosage regimens of decursin and its derivatives.
Biosimilar therapeutics-what do we need to consider?
Schellekens, Huub
Patents for the first generation of approved biopharmaceuticals have either expired or are about to expire. Thus the market is opening for generic versions, referred to as 'biosimilars' (European Union) or 'follow-on protein products' (United States). Healthcare professionals need to understand the critical issues surrounding the use of biosimilars to make informed treatment decisions.The complex high-molecular-weight three-dimensional structures of biopharmaceuticals, their heterogeneity and dependence on production in living cells makes them different from classical chemical drugs. Current analytical methods cannot characterize these complex molecules sufficiently to confirm structural equivalence with reference molecules. Verification of the similarity of biosimilars to innovator biopharmaceuticals remains a key challenge. Furthermore, a critical safety issue, the immunogenicity of biopharmaceuticals, has been highlighted in recent years, confirming a need for comprehensive immunogenicity testing prior to approval and extended post-marketing surveillance.Biosimilars present a new set of challenges for regulatory authorities when compared with conventional generics. While the demonstration of a pharmacokinetic similarity is sufficient for conventional, small-molecule generic agents, a number of issues will make the approval of biosimilars more complicated. Documents recently published by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) outlining requirements for the market approval of biosimilars provide much-needed guidance. The EMEA has approved a number of biosimilar products in a scientifically rigorous and balanced process. Outstanding issues include the interchangeability of biosimilars and innovator products, the possible need for unique naming to differentiate the various biopharmaceutical products, and more comprehensive labelling for biosimilars to include relevant clinical data.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Huang, Yu-Chen; Tu, Jui-Che; Hung, So-Jeng
In response to the global trend of low carbon and the concept of sustainable development, enterprises need to develop R&D for the manufacturing of energy-saving and sustainable products and low carbon products. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to construct a decision model for sustainable product design and development from product…
Xu, Weichen; Jimenez, Rod Brian; Mowery, Rachel; Luo, Haibin; Cao, Mingyan; Agarwal, Nitin; Ramos, Irina; Wang, Xiangyang; Wang, Jihong
During manufacturing and storage process, therapeutic proteins are subject to various post-translational modifications (PTMs), such as isomerization, deamidation, oxidation, disulfide bond modifications and glycosylation. Certain PTMs may affect bioactivity, stability or pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics profile and are therefore classified as potential critical quality attributes (pCQAs). Identifying, monitoring and controlling these PTMs are usually key elements of the Quality by Design (QbD) approach. Traditionally, multiple analytical methods are utilized for these purposes, which is time consuming and costly. In recent years, multi-attribute monitoring methods have been developed in the biopharmaceutical industry. However, these methods combine high-end mass spectrometry with complicated data analysis software, which could pose difficulty when implementing in a quality control (QC) environment. Here we report a multi-attribute method (MAM) using a Quadrupole Dalton (QDa) mass detector to selectively monitor and quantitate PTMs in a therapeutic monoclonal antibody. The result output from the QDa-based MAM is straightforward and automatic. Evaluation results indicate this method provides comparable results to the traditional assays. To ensure future application in the QC environment, this method was qualified according to the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guideline and applied in the characterization of drug substance and stability samples. The QDa-based MAM is shown to be an extremely useful tool for product and process characterization studies that facilitates facile understanding of process impact on multiple quality attributes, while being QC friendly and cost-effective.
Glycoengineering of CHO Cells to Improve Product Quality.
Wang, Qiong; Yin, Bojiao; Chung, Cheng-Yu; Betenbaugh, Michael J
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells represent the predominant platform in biopharmaceutical industry for the production of recombinant biotherapeutic proteins, especially glycoproteins. These glycoproteins include oligosaccharide or glycan attachments that represent one of the principal components dictating product quality. Especially important are the N-glycan attachments present on many recombinant glycoproteins of commercial interest. Furthermore, altering the glycan composition can be used to modulate the production quality of a recombinant biotherapeutic from CHO and other mammalian hosts. This review first describes the glycosylation network in mammalian cells and compares the glycosylation patterns between CHO and human cells. Next genetic strategies used in CHO cells to modulate the sialylation patterns through overexpression of sialyltransfereases and other glycosyltransferases are summarized. In addition, other approaches to alter sialylation including manipulation of sialic acid biosynthetic pathways and inhibition of sialidases are described. Finally, this review also covers other strategies such as the glycosylation site insertion and manipulation of glycan heterogeneity to produce desired glycoforms for diverse biotechnology applications.
Is the full potential of the biopharmaceutics classification system reached?
Bergström, Christel A S; Andersson, Sara B E; Fagerberg, Jonas H; Ragnarsson, Gert; Lindahl, Anders
In this paper we analyse how the biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) has been used to date. A survey of the literature resulted in a compilation of 242 compounds for which BCS classes were reported. Of these, 183 compounds had been reported to belong to one specific BCS class whereas 59 compounds had been assigned to multiple BCS classes in different papers. Interestingly, a majority of the BCS class 2 compounds had fraction absorbed (FA) values >85%, indicating that they were completely absorbed after oral administration. Solubility was computationally predicted at pH 6.8 for BCS class 2 compounds to explore the impact of the pH of the small intestine, where most of the absorption occurs, on the solubility. In addition, the solubilization capacity of lipid aggregates naturally present in the intestine was studied computationally and experimentally for a subset of 12 compounds. It was found that all acidic compounds with FA>85% were completely dissolved in the pH of the small intestine. Further, lipids at the concentration used in fasted state simulated intestinal fluid (FaSSIF) dissolved the complete dose given of the most lipophilic (logD6.5>3) compounds studied. Overall, biorelevant dissolution media (pure buffer of intestinal pH or FaSSIF) identified that for 20 of the 29 BCS class 2 compounds with FA>85% the complete dose given orally would be dissolved. These results indicate that a more relevant pH restriction for acids and/or dissolution medium with lipids present better forecast solubility-limited absorption in vivo than the presently used BCS solubility criterion. The analysis presented herein further strengthens the discussion on the requirement of more physiologically relevant dissolution media for the in vitro solubility classification performed to reach the full potential of the BCS. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Plastid biotechnology for crop production: present status and future perspectives
Daniell, Henry
The world population is expected to reach an estimated 9.2 billion by 2050. Therefore, food production globally has to increase by 70% in order to feed the world, while total arable land, which has reached its maximal utilization, may even decrease. Moreover, climate change adds yet another challenge to global food security. In order to feed the world in 2050, biotechnological advances in modern agriculture are essential. Plant genetic engineering, which has created a new wave of global crop production after the first green revolution, will continue to play an important role in modern agriculture to meet these challenges. Plastid genetic engineering, with several unique advantages including transgene containment, has made significant progress in the last two decades in various biotechnology applications including development of crops with high levels of resistance to insects, bacterial, fungal and viral diseases, different types of herbicides, drought, salt and cold tolerance, cytoplasmic male sterility, metabolic engineering, phytoremediation of toxic metals and production of many vaccine antigens, biopharmaceuticals and biofuels. However, useful traits should be engineered via chloroplast genomes of several major crops. This review provides insight into the current state of the art of plastid engineering in relation to agricultural production, especially for engineering agronomic traits. Understanding the bottleneck of this technology and challenges for improvement of major crops in a changing climate are discussed. PMID:21437683
Biosimilar therapeutics—what do we need to consider?
Schellekens, Huub
Patents for the first generation of approved biopharmaceuticals have either expired or are about to expire. Thus the market is opening for generic versions, referred to as ‘biosimilars’ (European Union) or ‘follow-on protein products’ (United States). Healthcare professionals need to understand the critical issues surrounding the use of biosimilars to make informed treatment decisions. The complex high-molecular-weight three-dimensional structures of biopharmaceuticals, their heterogeneity and dependence on production in living cells makes them different from classical chemical drugs. Current analytical methods cannot characterize these complex molecules sufficiently to confirm structural equivalence with reference molecules. Verification of the similarity of biosimilars to innovator biopharmaceuticals remains a key challenge. Furthermore, a critical safety issue, the immunogenicity of biopharmaceuticals, has been highlighted in recent years, confirming a need for comprehensive immunogenicity testing prior to approval and extended post-marketing surveillance. Biosimilars present a new set of challenges for regulatory authorities when compared with conventional generics. While the demonstration of a pharmacokinetic similarity is sufficient for conventional, small-molecule generic agents, a number of issues will make the approval of biosimilars more complicated. Documents recently published by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) outlining requirements for the market approval of biosimilars provide much-needed guidance. The EMEA has approved a number of biosimilar products in a scientifically rigorous and balanced process. Outstanding issues include the interchangeability of biosimilars and innovator products, the possible need for unique naming to differentiate the various biopharmaceutical products, and more comprehensive labelling for biosimilars to include relevant clinical data. PMID:19461855
Aksu, Buket; De Beer, Thomas; Folestad, Staffan; Ketolainen, Jarkko; Lindén, Hans; Lopes, Joao Almeida; de Matas, Marcel; Oostra, Wim; Rantanen, Jukka; Weimer, Marco
Substantial changes in Pharmaceutical R&D strategy are required to address existing issues of low productivity, imminent patent expirations and pressures on pricing. Moves towards personalized healthcare and increasing diversity in the nature of portfolios including the rise of biopharmaceuticals however have the potential to provide considerable challenges to the establishment of cost effective and robust supply chains. To guarantee product quality and surety of supply for essential medicines it is necessary that manufacturing science keeps pace with advances in pharmaceutical R&D. In this position paper, the EUFEPS QbD and PAT Sciences network make recommendations that European industry, academia and health agencies focus attention on delivering step changes in science and technology in a number of key themes. These subject areas, all underpinned by the sciences allied to QbD and PAT, include product design and development for personalized healthcare, continuous-processing in pharmaceutical product manufacture, quantitative quality risk assessment for pharmaceutical development including life cycle management and the downstream processing of biopharmaceutical products. Plans are being established to gain commitment for inclusion of these themes into future funding priorities for the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Moutinho, Carla G; Matos, Carla M; Teixeira, José A; Balcão, Victor M
This review attempts to provide an updated compilation of studies reported in the literature pertaining to production of nanocarriers encasing peptides and/or proteins, in a way that helps the reader direct a bibliographic search and develop an integrated perspective of the subject. Highlights are given to bioactive proteins and peptides, with a special focus on those from dairy sources (including physicochemical characteristics and properties, and biopharmaceutical application possibilities of e.g. lactoferrin and glycomacropeptide), as well as to nanocarrier functional targeting. Features associated with micro- and (multiple) nanoemulsions, micellar systems, liposomes and solid lipid nanoparticles, together with biopharmaceutical considerations, are presented in the text in a systematic fashion.
[The role of biotechnology in pharmaceutical drug design].
Gaisser, Sibylle; Nusser, Michael
Biotechnological methods have become an important tool in pharmaceutical drug research and development. Today approximately 15 % of drug revenues are derived from biopharmaceuticals. The most relevant indications are oncology, metabolic disorders and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. For the future it can be expected that the relevance of biopharmaceuticals will further increase. Currently, the share of substances in preclinical testing that rely on biotechnology is more than 25 % of all substances in preclinical testing. Products for the treatment of cancer, metabolic disorders and infectious diseases are most important. New therapeutic approaches such as RNA interference only play a minor role in current commercial drug research and development with 1.5 % of all biological preclinical substances. Investments in sustainable high technology such as biotechnology are of vital importance for a highly developed country like Germany because of its lack of raw materials. Biotechnology helps the pharmaceutical industry to develop new products, new processes, methods and services and to improve existing ones. Thus, international competitiveness can be strengthened, new jobs can be created and existing jobs preserved.
Production of biologically active recombinant human factor H in Physcomitrella.
Büttner-Mainik, Annette; Parsons, Juliana; Jérôme, Hanna; Hartmann, Andrea; Lamer, Stephanie; Schaaf, Andreas; Schlosser, Andreas; Zipfel, Peter F; Reski, Ralf; Decker, Eva L
The human complement regulatory serum protein factor H (FH) is a promising future biopharmaceutical. Defects in the gene encoding FH are associated with human diseases like severe kidney and retinal disorders in the form of atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis II (MPGN II) or age-related macular degeneration (AMD). There is a current need to apply intact full-length FH for the therapy of patients with congenital or acquired defects of this protein. Application of purified or recombinant FH (rFH) to these patients is an important and promising approach for the treatment of these diseases. However, neither protein purified from plasma of healthy individuals nor recombinant protein is currently available on the market. Here, we report the first stable expression of the full-length human FH cDNA and the subsequent production of this glycoprotein in a plant system. The moss Physcomitrella patens perfectly suits the requirements for the production of complex biopharmaceuticals as this eukaryotic system not only offers an outstanding genetical accessibility, but moreover, proteins can be produced safely in scalable photobioreactors without the need for animal-derived medium compounds. Transgenic moss lines were created, which express the human FH cDNA and target the recombinant protein to the culture supernatant via a moss-derived secretion signal. Correct processing of the signal peptide and integrity of the moss-produced rFH were verified via peptide mapping by mass spectrometry. Ultimately, we show that the rFH displays complement regulatory activity comparable to FH purified from plasma. © 2010 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal © 2010 Society for Experimental Biology, Association of Applied Biologists and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
In vitro models for the prediction of in vivo performance of oral dosage forms.
Kostewicz, Edmund S; Abrahamsson, Bertil; Brewster, Marcus; Brouwers, Joachim; Butler, James; Carlert, Sara; Dickinson, Paul A; Dressman, Jennifer; Holm, René; Klein, Sandra; Mann, James; McAllister, Mark; Minekus, Mans; Muenster, Uwe; Müllertz, Anette; Verwei, Miriam; Vertzoni, Maria; Weitschies, Werner; Augustijns, Patrick
Accurate prediction of the in vivo biopharmaceutical performance of oral drug formulations is critical to efficient drug development. Traditionally, in vitro evaluation of oral drug formulations has focused on disintegration and dissolution testing for quality control (QC) purposes. The connection with in vivo biopharmaceutical performance has often been ignored. More recently, the switch to assessing drug products in a more biorelevant and mechanistic manner has advanced the understanding of drug formulation behavior. Notwithstanding this evolution, predicting the in vivo biopharmaceutical performance of formulations that rely on complex intraluminal processes (e.g. solubilization, supersaturation, precipitation…) remains extremely challenging. Concomitantly, the increasing demand for complex formulations to overcome low drug solubility or to control drug release rates urges the development of new in vitro tools. Development and optimizing innovative, predictive Oral Biopharmaceutical Tools is the main target of the OrBiTo project within the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) framework. A combination of physico-chemical measurements, in vitro tests, in vivo methods, and physiology-based pharmacokinetic modeling is expected to create a unique knowledge platform, enabling the bottlenecks in drug development to be removed and the whole process of drug development to become more efficient. As part of the basis for the OrBiTo project, this review summarizes the current status of predictive in vitro assessment tools for formulation behavior. Both pharmacopoeia-listed apparatus and more advanced tools are discussed. Special attention is paid to major issues limiting the predictive power of traditional tools, including the simulation of dynamic changes in gastrointestinal conditions, the adequate reproduction of gastrointestinal motility, the simulation of supersaturation and precipitation, and the implementation of the solubility-permeability interplay. It is
Daniell, Henry; Chan, Hui-Ting; Pasoreck, Elise K.
Plastid-made biopharmaceuticals treat major metabolic or genetic disorders, including Alzheimer’s, diabetes, hypertension, hemophilia, and retinopathy. Booster vaccines made in chloroplasts prevent global infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, malaria, cholera, and polio, and biological threats, such as anthrax and plague. Recent advances in this field include commercial-scale production of human therapeutic proteins in FDA-approved cGMP facilities, development of tags to deliver protein drugs to targeted human cells or tissues, methods to deliver precise doses, and long-term stability of protein drugs at ambient temperature, maintaining their efficacy. Codon optimization utilizing valuable information from sequenced chloroplast genomes enhanced expression of eukaryotic human or viral genes in chloroplasts and offered unique insights into translation in chloroplasts. Support from major biopharmaceutical companies, development of hydroponic production systems, and evaluation by regulatory agencies, including the CDC, FDA, and USDA, augur well for advancing this novel concept to the clinic and revolutionizing affordable healthcare. PMID:27893966
Design-for-Six-Sigma To Develop a Bioprocess Knowledge Management Framework.
Junker, Beth; Maheshwari, Gargi; Ranheim, Todd; Altaras, Nedim; Stankevicz, Michael; Harmon, Lori; Rios, Sandra; D'anjou, Marc
Owing to the high costs associated with biopharmaceutical development, considerable pressure has developed for the biopharmaceutical industry to increase productivity by becoming more lean and flexible. The ability to reuse knowledge was identified as one key advantage to streamline productivity, efficiently use resources, and ultimately perform better than the competition. A knowledge management (KM) strategy was assembled for bioprocess-related information using the technique of Design-for-Six-Sigma (DFSS). This strategy supported quality-by-design and process validation efforts for pipeline as well as licensed products. The DFSS technique was selected because it was both streamlined and efficient. These characteristics permitted development of a KM strategy with minimized team leader and team member resources. DFSS also placed a high emphasis on the voice of the customer, information considered crucial to the selection of solutions most appropriate for the current knowledge-based challenges of the organization. The KM strategy developed was comprised of nine workstreams, constructed from related solution buckets which in turn were assembled from the individual solution tasks that were identified. Each workstream's detailed design was evaluated against published and established best practices, as well as the KM strategy project charter and design inputs. Gaps and risks were identified and mitigated as necessary to improve the robustness of the proposed strategy. Aggregated resources (specifically expense/capital funds and staff) and timing were estimated to obtain vital management sponsorship for implementation. Where possible, existing governance and divisional/corporate information technology efforts were leveraged to minimize the additional bioprocess resources required for implementation. Finally, leading and lagging indicator metrics were selected to track the success of pilots and eventual implementation. A knowledge management framework was assembled for
Product Development Studies on Sonocrystallized Curcumin for the Treatment of Gastric Cancer
Ashif Khan, Mohammad; Akhtar, Nida; Sharma, Vijay; Pathak, Kamla
Curcumin suffers from the limitation of poor solubility and low dissolution that can lead to limited applications. The investigation was aimed to substantiate the potentiality of melt sonocrystallized gastroretentive tablets of curcumin. Melt sonocrystallized curcumin (MSC CMN) was developed and its therapeutic potential was validated by in vitro cytotoxicity studies against Human oral cancer cell line KB. MSC curcumin was then formulated as floating tablet and evaluated. MSC form of CMN exhibited 2.36-fold and 2.40-fold solubility enhancement in distilled water and phosphate buffer, pH 4.5, respectively, better flow properties and intrinsic dissolution rate (0.242 ± 1.42 and 0.195 ± 1.26 mg/cm2/min) in comparison to its original form. The GI50 value of MSC CMN was found to be less than 10, specifying inhibition of growth more effectively at its least concentration by 50%. The gastroretentive-floating tablet (Formulation F4) displayed controlled drug release (96.22% ± 1.43%) for over 12 h. The present study revealed melt sonocrystallization can be used to produce particles with superior biopharmaceutical properties without the use of organic solvents or the addition of other excipients, and amenable to formulation in to a pharmaceutical dosage form. PMID:25923809
Product development studies on sonocrystallized curcumin for the treatment of gastric cancer.
Khan, Mohammad Ashif; Akhtar, Nida; Sharma, Vijay; Pathak, Kamla
Curcumin suffers from the limitation of poor solubility and low dissolution that can lead to limited applications. The investigation was aimed to substantiate the potentiality of melt sonocrystallized gastroretentive tablets of curcumin. Melt sonocrystallized curcumin (MSC CMN) was developed and its therapeutic potential was validated by in vitro cytotoxicity studies against Human oral cancer cell line KB. MSC curcumin was then formulated as floating tablet and evaluated. MSC form of CMN exhibited 2.36-fold and 2.40-fold solubility enhancement in distilled water and phosphate buffer, pH 4.5, respectively, better flow properties and intrinsic dissolution rate (0.242 ± 1.42 and 0.195 ± 1.26 mg/cm2/min) in comparison to its original form. The GI50 value of MSC CMN was found to be less than 10, specifying inhibition of growth more effectively at its least concentration by 50%. The gastroretentive-floating tablet (Formulation F4) displayed controlled drug release (96.22% ± 1.43%) for over 12 h. The present study revealed melt sonocrystallization can be used to produce particles with superior biopharmaceutical properties without the use of organic solvents or the addition of other excipients, and amenable to formulation in to a pharmaceutical dosage form.
Schmitt, John; Beller, Justin; Russell, Brian; Quach, Anthony; Hermann, Elizabeth; Lyon, David; Breit, Jeffrey
As the biopharmaceutical industry evolves to include more diverse protein formats and processes, more robust control of Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) is needed to maintain processing flexibility without compromising quality. Active control of CQAs has been demonstrated using model predictive control techniques, which allow development of processes which are robust against disturbances associated with raw material variability and other potentially flexible operating conditions. Wide adoption of model predictive control in biopharmaceutical cell culture processes has been hampered, however, in part due to the large amount of data and expertise required to make a predictive model of controlled CQAs, a requirement for model predictive control. Here we developed a highly automated, perfusion apparatus to systematically and efficiently generate predictive models using application of system identification approaches. We successfully created a predictive model of %galactosylation using data obtained by manipulating galactose concentration in the perfusion apparatus in serialized step change experiments. We then demonstrated the use of the model in a model predictive controller in a simulated control scenario to successfully achieve a %galactosylation set point in a simulated fed‐batch culture. The automated model identification approach demonstrated here can potentially be generalized to many CQAs, and could be a more efficient, faster, and highly automated alternative to batch experiments for developing predictive models in cell culture processes, and allow the wider adoption of model predictive control in biopharmaceutical processes. © 2017 The Authors Biotechnology Progress published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:1647–1661, 2017 PMID:28786215
Zugic, Ana; Lunter, Dominique Jasmin; Daniels, Rolf; Pantelic, Ivana; Tasic Kostov, Marija; Tadic, Vanja; Misic, Dusan; Arsic, Ivana; Savic, Snezana
Topical treatment of skin infections is often limited by drawbacks related to both antimicrobial agents and their vehicles. In addition, considering the growing promotion of natural therapeutic products, our objective was to develop and evaluate naturally-based emulsion system, as prospective topical formulation for skin infections-treatment. Therefore, alkyl polyglucoside surfactants were used for stabilization of a vehicle serving as potential carrier for supercritical CO2-extract of Usnea barbata, lichen with well-documented antimicrobial activity, incorporated using two protocols and three concentrations. Comprehensive physicochemical characterization suggested possible involvement of extract's particles in stabilization of the investigated system. Raman spectral imaging served as the key method in disclosing extract's particles potential to participate in the microstructure of the tested emulsion system via three mechanisms: (1) particle-particle aggregation, (2) adsorption at the oil-water interface and (3) hydrophobic particle-surfactant interactions. Stated extract-vehicle interaction proved to be correlated to the preparation procedure and extract concentration on one hand and to affect the physicochemical and biopharmaceutical features of investigated system, on the other hand. Thereafter, formulation with the best preliminary stability and liberation profile was selected for further efficiency and in vivo skin irritation potential evaluation, implying pertinent in vitro antimicrobial activity against G+ bacteria and overall satisfying preliminary safety profile.
Regulatory guidelines for biosimilars in Malaysia.
Abas, Arpah
The biosimilars sector continues to attract huge interest and controversy. Biosimilars are new biopharmaceuticals that are "similar" but not identical to the innovator product. Characteristics of biopharmaceuticals are closely related to the manufacturing process, which implies that the products cannot be exactly duplicated. Minuscule differences in the product's structure and manufacturing process can result in different clinical outcome. This raises concerns over the safety, efficacy and even pharmacovigilance of biosimilars. Thus, biosimilars are unique - they are not a true chemical generic and are regulated via a distinct regulatory framework. This report discusses the features of Malaysian regulatory oversight of biosimilars and experience acquired in the evaluation of some products from various countries. Ensuring regulatory position adequately reflects scientific advancement, expertise/resources is key. The regulatory situation is an evolving process. Various guidance documents are being prepared with the aim of developing a uniform global framework towards assuring the dual goal of lower costs and patient safety while expediting the availability of important biosimilar products. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Chen, Chuan; Ma, Michael G; Fullenwider, Cody L; Chen, Weichao G; Sadeque, Abu J M
The objectives of the study were (1) to demonstrate that a Caco-2 cell-based permeability assay, developed in our laboratory, is suitable to identify the permeability classification according to the US Food and Drug Administration Biopharmaceutics Classification System guidance, and (2) to use the validated Caco-2 method to determine permeability class membership of lorcaserin. Lorcaserin, marketed in United States as Belviq, is a selective human 5-hydroxytryptamine 2C agonist used for weight management. First, the permeability of twenty commercially available drugs was determined in the apical-to-basolateral direction at a final concentration of 10 μM, with the pH of transporter buffer in the apical and basolateral compartments being 6.8 and 7.4, respectively. A rank-order relationship between in vitro permeability results and the extent of human intestinal absorption for the drugs tested was observed. Second, the apparent permeability coefficient values of lorcaserin at 2, 20, and 200 μM and apical pH values of 6.8 and 7.4 in the apical-to-basolateral direction were determined using the validated method and found to be comparable to those of the high-permeability internal standard metoprolol. Lorcaserin permeability across Caco-2 cell monolayers was not dependent on the variation of apical pH. Furthermore, lorcaserin was not a substrate for efflux transporters such as P-glycoprotein. In conclusion, using the validated Caco-2 permeability assay, it was shown that lorcaserin is a highly permeable compound.
Bartek, Ronald J
The business model for medical therapy development has changed drastically. Large companies that once conducted their own Research and Development (R&D) and funded all the preclinical studies, all phases of clinical development and marketing of the products are increasingly turning to others for more and more of the earlier work in hopes of being able to in-license a de-risked program well downstream, take it through the final phases of clinical development and into the marketplace. This new paradigm has required patient-advocacy foundations, especially in the rare-disease space, to become far more effective in building relationships with all the players along the therapy-development pathway -- academic scientists, government agencies, other foundations with overlapping interests, biotechs, small biopharmaceutical entities and even the larger industry companies. From the perspective of the patient-advocacy community, these increasingly essential public-private partnerships have taken on the nature of what could be called joint-venture philanthropy and involve a broad spectrum of collaborations and financial relationships between foundations and industry partners that are not without concerns about potential conflicts of interest.
The advent of biosimilars: challenges and risks.
Müller, Rüdiger; Renner, Christoph; Gabay, Cem; Cassata, Giuseppe; Lohri, Andreas; Hasler, Paul
Biosimilars represent a new class of medicinal products that will have significant impact on clinical use. They are identical on an amino acid sequence level to existing reference biopharmaceutical products (originals). However, they may exhibit differences on a protein level. This paper provides a brief overview of biosimilar development and describes the risk and challenges that should be considered during the admission of biosimilars into the clinic.
Letchmanan, Kumaran; Shen, Shou-Cang; Ng, Wai Kiong; Tan, Reginald B H
Biopharmaceutical properties of poorly water-soluble antimalarial drug, Artemisinin (ART), were improved by formulating amorphous solid dispersions with transglycosylated food additives (Hsp-G and Stevia-G) via co-spray drying. Both the formulated ART/Hsp-G and ART/Stevia-G showed superior dissolution properties with a burst release of more than 95% of drug within 5 min, whereas untreated ART dissolved only 4% in 5min. The supersaturation solubility of the formulated ART was enhanced by 2-fold as compared with untreated counterpart. The storage stability tests indicated that these formulations chemically stable at room temperature and under low humidity (<18% RH) conditions. However, high humidity (75% RH) induced re-crystallization and caused changes in the physical appearance of the solid dispersions. In addition, both the food additives and ART formulated samples showed low cytotoxicity to Caco-2 cell line suggesting their good biocompatibility. Thus, the formation of solid dispersions of ART with transglycosylated food additives is a potentially safe and effective approach to enhance the bioavailability of poorly water-soluble ART. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Braun, Jürgen; Kudrin, Alex
Biosimilars are biologic medical products whose active drug substance is made by a living organism or derived from it. The term is used to describe a subsequent version of an innovator biopharmaceutical product aiming at approval following patent expiry on the reference product. Biosimilars of monoclonal need to demonstrate similar but not identical quality of nonclinical and clinical attributes. Not all data of the originator product need to be recapitulated, as large numbers of patient-years of exposure data are already available. Thus, biosimilar development is largely based on the safety profiles of the originator product. The evaluation of biosimilarity includes immunogenicity attributed risks. CT-P13 (Remsima™/Inflectra™, Celltrion/Hospira), a biosimilar of the innovator drug infliximab (INF), was the first approved complex biosimilar monoclonal antibody in the EU, within the framework of WHO, EMA and US FDA biosimilar guidelines. CT-P13 has shown analytical and nonclinical features highly similar to INF including pharmacokinetics, efficacy, safety and immunogenicity profiles in ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. The objective of this article is to highlight the recent biosimilar development and to review the results from the studies PLANETRA and PLANETAS, which have supported the approval of CT-P13 for several indications.
Biopharmaceutics classification of puerarin and comparison of perfusion approaches in rats.
Li, Hewei; Dong, Ling; Liu, Yang; Wang, Guopeng; Wang, Gang; Qiao, Yanjiang
The present study was conducted to characterize the biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) category of puerarin in terms of intrinsic dissolution rate (IDR) and rat intestinal permeability and to investigate the poor intestinal absorption probably related to the drug metabolism in the gut wall of rats. Equilibrium solubility of puerarin was determined in various phosphate buffers and water, and IDR was estimated by measuring the dissolution of a non-disintegrating compact. Intestinal permeability (Peff and Pblood) of puerarin was determined using the technology of in situ single-pass intestinal perfusion (SPIP) and intestinal perfusion with venous sampling (IPVS) in fasted rats. Metabolism of puerarin in intestinal tissue was tested by S9 incubation in vitro. The aqueous solubility of puerarin in phosphate buffers and water was good with a maximum solubility of 7.56 mg/mL at pH 7.4. Obtained IDR values of puerarin were in the range of 0.360-1.088 mg/min/cm(2), with maximum and minimum IDR value of pH 7.4 and pH 4.0, respectively. The Peff was 1.252 × 10(-5)cm/s determined by SPIP and the Pblood was 0.068×10(-5)cm/s by IPVS in jejunum at puerarin 80 μg/mL. The metabolism rate of puerarin determined by the intestinal S9 fraction indicated that the gut wall metabolism of puerarin is one cause of poor absorption. According to the proposed classification of drugs and the results obtained from equilibrium solubility, IDR, Peff and Pblood, it is concluded that puerarin could be categorized IV drug of the BCS based on its low solubility and low intestinal permeability values. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Jenke, Dennis
An emerging trend in the biotechnology industry is the utilization of plastic components in manufacturing systems for the production of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) or a finished drug product (FDP). If the API, the FDP, or any solution used to generate them (for example, process streams such as media, buffers, and the like) come in contact with a plastic at any time during the manufacturing process, there is the potential that substances leached from the plastic may accumulate in the API or FDP, affecting safety and/or efficacy. In this article the author develops a terminology that addresses process streams associated with the manufacturing process. Additionally, the article outlines the safety assessment process for manufacturing systems, specifically addressing the topics of risk management and the role of compendial testing. Finally, the proper use of vendor-supplied extractables information is considered. Manufacturing suites used to produce biopharmaceuticals can include components that are made out of plastics. Thus it is possible that substances could leach out of the plastics and into manufacturing solutions, and it is further possible that such leachables could accumulate in the pharmaceutical product. In this article, the author develops a terminology that addresses process streams associated with the manufacturing process. Additionally, the author proposes a process by which the impact on product safety of such leached substances can be assessed.
Giri, Tapan Kumar; Choudhary, Chhatrapal; Ajazuddin; Alexander, Amit; Badwaik, Hemant; Tripathi, Dulal Krishna
Several methods and techniques are potentially useful for the preparation of microparticles in the field of controlled drug delivery. The type and the size of the microparticles, the entrapment, release characteristics and stability of drug in microparticles in the formulations are dependent on the method used. One of the most common methods of preparing microparticles is the single emulsion technique. Poorly soluble, lipophilic drugs are successfully retained within the microparticles prepared by this method. However, the encapsulation of highly water soluble compounds including protein and peptides presents formidable challenges to the researchers. The successful encapsulation of such compounds requires high drug loading in the microparticles, prevention of protein and peptide degradation by the encapsulation method involved and predictable release, both rate and extent, of the drug compound from the microparticles. The above mentioned problems can be overcome by using the double emulsion technique, alternatively called as multiple emulsion technique. Aiming to achieve this various techniques have been examined to prepare stable formulations utilizing w/o/w, s/o/w, w/o/o, and s/o/o type double emulsion methods. This article reviews the current state of the art in double emulsion based technologies for the preparation of microparticles including the investigation of various classes of substances that are pharmaceutically and biopharmaceutically active. PMID:23960828
Process performance and product quality in an integrated continuous antibody production process.
Karst, Daniel J; Steinebach, Fabian; Soos, Miroslav; Morbidelli, Massimo
Continuous manufacturing is currently being seriously considered in the biopharmaceutical industry as the possible new paradigm for producing therapeutic proteins, due to production cost and product quality related benefits. In this study, a monoclonal antibody producing CHO cell line was cultured in perfusion mode and connected to a continuous affinity capture step. The reliable and stable integration of the two systems was enabled by suitable control loops, regulating the continuous volumetric flow and adapting the operating conditions of the capture process. For the latter, an at-line HPLC measurement of the harvest concentration subsequent to the bioreactor was combined with a mechanistic model of the capture chromatographic unit. Thereby, optimal buffer consumption and productivity throughout the process was realized while always maintaining a yield above the target value of 99%. Stable operation was achieved at three consecutive viable cell density set points (20, 60, and 40 × 10 6 cells/mL), together with consistent product quality in terms of aggregates, fragments, charge isoforms, and N-linked glycosylation. In addition, different values for these product quality attributes such as N-linked glycosylation, charge variants, and aggregate content were measured at the different steady states. As expected, the amount of released DNA and HCP was significantly reduced by the capture step for all considered upstream operating conditions. This study is exemplary for the potential of enhancing product quality control and modulation by integrated continuous manufacturing. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 298-307. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Downey, Brandon; Schmitt, John; Beller, Justin; Russell, Brian; Quach, Anthony; Hermann, Elizabeth; Lyon, David; Breit, Jeffrey
As the biopharmaceutical industry evolves to include more diverse protein formats and processes, more robust control of Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) is needed to maintain processing flexibility without compromising quality. Active control of CQAs has been demonstrated using model predictive control techniques, which allow development of processes which are robust against disturbances associated with raw material variability and other potentially flexible operating conditions. Wide adoption of model predictive control in biopharmaceutical cell culture processes has been hampered, however, in part due to the large amount of data and expertise required to make a predictive model of controlled CQAs, a requirement for model predictive control. Here we developed a highly automated, perfusion apparatus to systematically and efficiently generate predictive models using application of system identification approaches. We successfully created a predictive model of %galactosylation using data obtained by manipulating galactose concentration in the perfusion apparatus in serialized step change experiments. We then demonstrated the use of the model in a model predictive controller in a simulated control scenario to successfully achieve a %galactosylation set point in a simulated fed-batch culture. The automated model identification approach demonstrated here can potentially be generalized to many CQAs, and could be a more efficient, faster, and highly automated alternative to batch experiments for developing predictive models in cell culture processes, and allow the wider adoption of model predictive control in biopharmaceutical processes. © 2017 The Authors Biotechnology Progress published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:1647-1661, 2017. © 2017 The Authors Biotechnology Progress published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Biosimilars: it's not as simple as cost alone.
Roger, S D; Goldsmith, D
Biosimilars or follow-on biologics (FoB) are biopharmaceuticals that, unlike small molecule generic products, are copies of larger, much more complex proteins. As such, data generated from one biopharmaceutical cannot be extrapolated to another. Unlike small molecule generics, FoB require a full developmental programme, albeit smaller than for an originator product. This has been recognized by European regulatory authorities and it is becoming clear that accelerated processes for FoB marketing approval are not feasible. To determine the balance between costs surrounding FoB (including relatively extensive developmental programmes and subsequent price to the market) and the necessity to ensure efficacy and safety. It is important that FoB are sufficiently tested to ensure patient safety is not compromised. Conducting such a development programme followed by sound pharmacovigilance is very challenging and costly. Cost-savings associated with FoB may be limited.
Hybrid modeling as a QbD/PAT tool in process development: an industrial E. coli case study.
von Stosch, Moritz; Hamelink, Jan-Martijn; Oliveira, Rui
Process understanding is emphasized in the process analytical technology initiative and the quality by design paradigm to be essential for manufacturing of biopharmaceutical products with consistent high quality. A typical approach to developing a process understanding is applying a combination of design of experiments with statistical data analysis. Hybrid semi-parametric modeling is investigated as an alternative method to pure statistical data analysis. The hybrid model framework provides flexibility to select model complexity based on available data and knowledge. Here, a parametric dynamic bioreactor model is integrated with a nonparametric artificial neural network that describes biomass and product formation rates as function of varied fed-batch fermentation conditions for high cell density heterologous protein production with E. coli. Our model can accurately describe biomass growth and product formation across variations in induction temperature, pH and feed rates. The model indicates that while product expression rate is a function of early induction phase conditions, it is negatively impacted as productivity increases. This could correspond with physiological changes due to cytoplasmic product accumulation. Due to the dynamic nature of the model, rational process timing decisions can be made and the impact of temporal variations in process parameters on product formation and process performance can be assessed, which is central for process understanding.
Success rates for product development strategies in new drug development.
Dahlin, E; Nelson, G M; Haynes, M; Sargeant, F
While research has examined the likelihood that drugs progress across phases of clinical trials, no research to date has examined the types of product development strategies that are the most likely to be successful in clinical trials. This research seeks to identify the strategies that are most likely to reach the market-those generated using a novel product development strategy or strategies that combine a company's expertise with both drugs and indications, which we call combined experience strategies. We evaluate the success of product development strategies in the drug development process for a sample of 2562 clinical trials completed by 406 US pharmaceutical companies. To identify product development strategies, we coded each clinical trial according to whether it consisted of an indication or a drug that was new to the firm. Accordingly, a clinical trial that consists of both an indication and a drug that were both new to the firm represents a novel product development strategy; indication experience is a product development strategy that consists of an indication that a firm had tested previously in a clinical trial, but with a drug that was new to the firm; drug experience is a product development strategy that consists of a drug that the firm had prior experience testing in clinical trials, but with an indication that was new to the firm; combined experience consists of both a drug and an indication that the firm had experience testing in clinical trials. Success rates for product development strategies across clinical phases were calculated for the clinical trials in our sample. Combined experience strategies had the highest success rate. More than three and a half percent (0·036) of the trials that combined experience with drugs and indications eventually reached the market. The next most successful strategy is drug experience (0·025) with novel strategies trailing closely (0·024). Indication experience strategies are the least successful (0·008
New product development: A batik multifunctional chair
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Indrawati, Sri; Sukmaningsih, Nias
The biggest challenge facing by Batik industry in ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) era is the greater number of fashion competitors both domestically and internationally. Based on that condition, the development of new product variants by considering product performance and price is needed. This research was conducted to develop batik products with a new target market. Products that being developed is batik multifunctional chair using integrated value engineering and analytic hierarchy process methods. This research has been done in several stages, ie. Information stage, creative stage, value analysis and product prototyping. The results of this research shows that the batik multifunctional chair product criteria are aesthetic (29%), multifunctional (34%) and ergonomic (37%). There are three new product design alternatives that successfully being developed. Based on value analysis, the product design alternatives that have the highest value is alternative design 2, the value is 2,37. The production cost for this design is Rp. 500.000,-. Alternative design 2 specification are using Mahoni wood, Batik parang rusak pattern with natural coloring process, can be used as table and fit with customer's body anthropometry. Then a batik multifunctional chair prototype is developed based on the best alternative design.
Plant expression systems, a budding way to confront chikungunya and Zika in developing countries?
Cardona-Ospina, Jaime A.; Sepúlveda-Arias, Juan C.; Mancilla, L.; Gutierrez-López, Luis G.
Plant expression systems could be used as biofactories of heterologous proteins that have the potential to be used with biopharmaceutical aims and vaccine design. This technology is scalable, safe and cost-effective and it has been previously proposed as an option for vaccine and protein pharmaceutical development in developing countries. Here we present a proposal of how plant expression systems could be used to address Zika and chikungunya outbreaks through development of vaccines and rapid diagnostic kits. PMID:27781090
The 10th Annual Bioassays and Bioanalytical Method Development Conference.
Ma, Mark; Tudan, Christopher; Koltchev, Dolly
The 10th Annual Bioassays and Bioanalytical Method Development Conference was hosted in Boston, MA, USA on 20-22 October 2014. This meeting brought together scientists from the biopharmaceutical and life sciences industries, the regulatory agency and academia to share and discuss current trends in cell-based assays and bioanalysis, challenges and ideas for the future of the bioassays and bioanalytical method development. The experiences associated with new and innovative technologies were evaluated as well as their impact on the current bioassays methodologies and bioanalysis workflow, including quality, feasibility, outsourcing strategies and challenges, productivity and compliance. Several presentations were also provided by members of the US FDA, sharing both scientific and regulatory paradigms including a most recent update on the position of the FDA with specific aspects of the draft Bioanalytical Method Validation guidance following its review of the industry's responses. The meeting was jointly coincided with the 15th Annual Immunogenicity for Biotherapeutics meeting, allowing for attendees to also familiarize themselves with new and emerging approaches to overcome the effect of immunogenicity, in addition to investigative strategies.
Emerging biopharmaceuticals from marine actinobacteria.
Hassan, Syed Shams Ul; Anjum, Komal; Abbas, Syed Qamar; Akhter, Najeeb; Shagufta, Bibi Ibtesam; Shah, Sayed Asmat Ali; Tasneem, Umber
Actinobacteria are quotidian microorganisms in the marine world, playing a crucial ecological role in the recycling of refractory biomaterials and producing novel secondary metabolites with pharmaceutical applications. Actinobacteria have been isolated from the huge area of marine organisms including sponges, tunicates, corals, mollusks, crabs, mangroves and seaweeds. Natural products investigation of the marine actinobacteria revealed that they can synthesize numerous natural products including alkaloids, polyketides, peptides, isoprenoids, phenazines, sterols, and others. These natural products have a potential to provide future drugs against crucial diseases like cancer, HIV, microbial and protozoal infections and severe inflammations. Therefore, marine actinobacteria portray as a pivotal resource for marine drugs. It is an upcoming field of research to probe a novel and pharmaceutically important secondary metabolites from marine actinobacteria. In this review, we attempt to summarize the present knowledge on the diversity, chemistry and mechanism of action of marine actinobacteria-derived secondary metabolites from 2007 to 2016. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
21 CFR 601.21 - Products under development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 7 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Products under development. 601.21 Section 601.21...) BIOLOGICS LICENSING Biologics Licensing § 601.21 Products under development. A biological product undergoing development, but not yet ready for a biologics license, may be shipped or otherwise delivered from one State...
21 CFR 601.21 - Products under development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 7 2011-04-01 2010-04-01 true Products under development. 601.21 Section 601.21...) BIOLOGICS LICENSING Biologics Licensing § 601.21 Products under development. A biological product undergoing development, but not yet ready for a biologics license, may be shipped or otherwise delivered from one State...
Kelley, Brian; Kiss, Robert; Laird, Michael
As biopharmaceutical companies have optimized cell line and production culture process development, titers of recombinant antibodies have risen steadily to 3-8 g/L for fed-batch mammalian cultures at production scales of 10 kL or larger. Most new antibody products are produced from Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell lines, and there are relatively few alternative production hosts under active evaluation. Many companies have adopted a strategy of using the same production cell line for early clinical phases as well as commercial production, which reduces the risk of product comparability issues during the development lifecycle. Product quality and consistency expectations rest on the platform knowledge of the CHO host cell line and processes used for the production of many licensed antibodies. The lack of impact of low-level product variants common to this platform on product safety and efficacy also builds on the established commercial history of recombinant antibodies, which dates back to 1997.Efforts to increase titers further will likely yield diminishing returns. Very few products would benefit significantly from a titer greater than 8 g/L; in many cases, a downstream processing bottleneck would preclude full recovery from production-scale bioreactors for high titer processes. The benefits of a process platform based on standard fed-batch production culture include predictable scale-up, process transfer, and production within a company's manufacturing network or at a contract manufacturing organization. Furthermore, the confidence in an established platform provides key support towards regulatory flexibility (e.g., design space) for license applications following a quality-by-design strategy.These factors suggest that novel technologies for antibody production may not provide a substantial return on investment. What, then, should be the focus of future process development efforts for companies that choose to launch antibody products using their current
Systematic Product Development of Control and Diagnosis Functionalities
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stetter, R.; Simundsson, A.
In the scientific field of systematic product development a wide range of helpful methods, guidelines and tools were generated and published in recent years. Until now little special attention was given to design guidelines aiming at supporting product development engineers to design products that allow and support control or diagnosis functions. The general trend to ubiquitous computing and the first development steps towards cognitive systems as well as a general trend toward higher product safety, reliability and reduced total cost of ownership (TCO) in many engineering fields lead to a higher importance of control and diagnosis. In this paper a first attempt is made to formulate general valid guidelines how products can be developed in order to allow and to achieve effective and efficient control and diagnosis. The guidelines are elucidated on the example of an automated guided vehicle. One main concern of this paper is the integration of control and diagnosis functionalities into the development of complete systems which include mechanical, electrical and electronic subsystems. For the development of such systems the strategies, methods and tools of systematic product development have attracted significant attention during the last decades. Today, the functionality and safety of most products is to a large degree dependent on control and diagnosis functionalities. Still, there is comparatively little research concentrating on the integration of the development of these functionalities into the overall product development processes. The paper starts with a background describing Systematic Product Development. The second section deals with the product development of the sample product. The third part clarifies the notions monitoring, control and diagnosis. The following parts summarize some insights and formulate first hypotheses concerning control and diagnosis in Systematic Product Development.
Davami, Fatemeh; Eghbalpour, Farnaz; Nematollahi, Leila; Barkhordari, Farzaneh; Mahboudi, Fereidoun
The optimization of bioprocess conditions towards improved growth profile and productivity yield is considered of great importance in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Peptones as efficient sources of nutrients have been studied for their effect on media development; however, their role on metabolic pathway is not well understood. In the present study, the effect of different concentration of peptones on a recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line grown in three serum-free suspension cultures was determined. Six peptones of different origins and available amino acid profiles were investigated regarding their impact on cell growth, productivity, and metabolic pathways changes. In optimized feeding strategies, increases of 136% and 159% in volumetric productivity (for a low-nutrient culture media) and 55% (for a high-nutrient culture media) were achieved. Furthermore, particular sources of peptones with specific amino acid profile developed preferential results for each different culture medium. Two peptones, SoyA2SC and SoyE-110, were the only hydrolysates that showed production improvement in all three media. Casein Peptone plus Tryptone N1 and SoyA3SC showed different improved results based on their implemented concentration for each individual basal medium. The amino acid profile of peptones may provide clues to identify the most effective feeding strategies for recombinant CHO cells.
Basics of Sterile Compounding: Particulate Matter.
Akers, Michael J
This article focuses on the requirements for particulate matter in sterile products. Topics include particles and quality, particulate matter standards (large- and small-volume injectables), development of the small-volume injectable test, electronic (light obscuration) and microscope testing, and special requirements for particulate matter in biopharmaceutical preparations. Copyright© by International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Inc.
Chinese ethnic meat products: Continuity and development.
Zeng, Weicai; Wen, Wenting; Deng, Yue; Tian, Yuanyuan; Sun, Honghu; Sun, Qun
With their distinctive sensory characterizations and unique processing technologies, Chinese ethnic meat products possess great potential for development and continuity in modern China's meat industry. Due to the greater demand for meat products and higher quality and safety concerns in economically fast growing China, the development and continuity of ethnic meat products face its own unique challenges. In this review, the classification of typical ethnic products and their characteristics, and the research progress on their quality and processing technologies are discussed. The application of innovative and green technologies to improve the safety and quality of ethnic meat products for greater industrialization and sustainable development is highlighted. Furthermore, the strategy for promoting the production of Chinese ethnic meat products during the next five years is presented. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Alvarez-Figueroa, M Javiera; Pessoa-Mahana, C David; Palavecino-González, M Elisa; Mella-Raipán, Jaime; Espinosa-Bustos, Cristián; Lagos-Muñoz, Manuel E
The permeability of five benzimidazole derivates with potential cannabinoid activity was determined in two models of membranes, parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA) and skin, in order to study the relationship of the physicochemical properties of the molecules and characteristics of the membranes with the permeability defined by the Biopharmaceutics Classification System. It was established that the PAMPA intestinal absorption method is a good predictor for classifying these molecules as very permeable, independent of their thermodynamic solubility, if and only if these have a Log P(oct) value <3.0. In contrast, transdermal permeability is conditioned on the solubility of the molecule so that it can only serve as a model for classifying the permeability of molecules that possess high solubility (class I: high solubility, high permeability; class III: high solubility, low permeability).
Evolving trends in mAb production processes
Wolfe, Leslie S.; Mostafa, Sigma S.; Norman, Carnley
Abstract Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have established themselves as the leading biopharmaceutical therapeutic modality. The establishment of robust manufacturing platforms are key for antibody drug discovery efforts to seamlessly translate into clinical and commercial successes. Several drivers are influencing the design of mAb manufacturing processes. The advent of biosimilars is driving a desire to achieve lower cost of goods and globalize biologics manufacturing. High titers are now routinely achieved for mAbs in mammalian cell culture. These drivers have resulted in significant evolution in process platform approaches. Additionally, several new trends in bioprocessing have arisen in keeping with these needs. These include the consideration of alternative expression systems, continuous biomanufacturing and non‐chromatographic separation formats. This paper discusses these drivers in the context of the kinds of changes they are driving in mAb production processes. PMID:29313024
Vann, Lucas; Sheppard, John
Control of biopharmaceutical processes is critical to achieve consistent product quality. The most challenging unit operation to control is cell growth in bioreactors due to the exquisitely sensitive and complex nature of the cells that are converting raw materials into new cells and products. Current monitoring capabilities are increasing, however, the main challenge is now becoming the ability to use the data generated in an effective manner. There are a number of contributors to this challenge including integration of different monitoring systems as well as the functionality to perform data analytics in real-time to generate process knowledge and understanding. In addition, there is a lack of ability to easily generate strategies and close the loop to feedback into the process for advanced process control (APC). The current research aims to demonstrate the use of advanced monitoring tools along with data analytics to generate process understanding in an Escherichia coli fermentation process. NIR spectroscopy was used to measure glucose and critical amino acids in real-time to help in determining the root cause of failures associated with different lots of yeast extract. First, scale-down of the process was required to execute a simple design of experiment, followed by scale-up to build NIR models as well as soft sensors for advanced process control. In addition, the research demonstrates the potential for a novel platform technology that enables manufacturers to consistently achieve "goldenbatch" performance through monitoring, integration, data analytics, understanding, strategy design and control (MIDUS control). MIDUS control was employed to increase batch-to-batch consistency in final product titers, decrease the coefficient of variability from 8.49 to 1.16%, predict possible exhaust filter failures and close the loop to prevent their occurrence and avoid lost batches.
Alonso, Meghan M
Commercializing a diagnostic or life science product often encompasses different goals than that of research and grant funding. There are several necessary steps, and a strategy needs to be well defined in order to be successful. Product development requires input from and between various groups within a company and, for academia, outside entities. The product development stakeholder groups/entities are research, marketing, development, regulatory, manufacturing, clinical, safety/efficacy, and quality. After initial research and development, much of the work in product development can be outsourced or jointly created using public-private partnerships. This chapter serves as an overview of the product development process and provides a guide to best define a product strategy.
Gupta, Sanjeev K; Shukla, Pratyoosh
Prokaryotic expression systems are superior in producing valuable recombinant proteins, enzymes and therapeutic products. Conventional microbial technology is evolving gradually and amalgamated with advanced technologies in order to give rise to improved processes for the production of metabolites, recombinant biopharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes. Recently, several novel approaches have been employed in a bacterial expression platform to improve recombinant protein expression. These approaches involve metabolic engineering, use of strong promoters, novel vector elements such as inducers and enhancers, protein tags, secretion signals, high-throughput devices for cloning and process screening as well as fermentation technologies. Advancement of the novel technologies in E. coli systems led to the production of "difficult to express" complex products including small peptides, antibody fragments, few proteins and full-length aglycosylated monoclonal antibodies in considerable large quantity. Wacker's secretion technologies, Pfenex system, inducers, cell-free systems, strain engineering for post-translational modification, such as disulfide bridging and bacterial N-glycosylation, are still under evaluation for the production of complex proteins and peptides in E. coli in an efficient manner. This appraisal provides an impression of expression technologies developed in recent times for enhanced production of heterologous proteins in E. coli which are of foremost importance for diverse applications in microbiology and biopharmaceutical production.
Production of drug-loaded polymeric nanoparticles by electrospraying technology.
Sosnik, Alejandro
The pharmaceutical industry struggles with high attrition. The outbreak of pharmaceutical micro/nanotechnology has been fundamental to overcome several (bio)pharmaceutic drawbacks of drugs such as poor aqueous solubility, physicochemical instability, short half life, inappropriate biodistribution and toxicity. The spatiotemporal release of drugs directly in the site of action and the restriction of the systemic exposure by means of nanotechnology has notoriously improved drug safety ratios. At the same time, the development of production methods that are cost-effective, scalable and reproducible under industrial settings becomes crucial to ensure the clinical translation of any development. The electrospraying process, also known as electrohydrodynamic atomization (EHDA), is a single-stage technique of liquid atomization by means of electrical forces that enables the generation of micro/nanoparticles with especially narrow size distribution. EHDA is based on the ability of an electric field to deform the interface of a liquid drop and break it into smaller mono-disperse droplets. The main advantageous features over conventional methods are the possibility to produce particles without the use of surfactants, at ambient temperature and pressure and with maximum encapsulation efficiency due to the absence of an external medium that allows the migration and/or dissolution of water-soluble cargos. In addition, the mild conditions are optimal for the encapsulation of thermo-sensitive cargos. The present article overviews the applications of this technology for the production of nano-drug delivery systems and discusses its key role to support the transfer of a broad spectrum of nanomedicines to the market.
Drug development and nonclinical to clinical translational databases: past and current efforts.
Monticello, Thomas M
The International Consortium for Innovation and Quality (IQ) in Pharmaceutical Development is a science-focused organization of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. The mission of the Preclinical Safety Leadership Group (DruSafe) of the IQ is to advance science-based standards for nonclinical development of pharmaceutical products and to promote high-quality and effective nonclinical safety testing that can enable human risk assessment. DruSafe is creating an industry-wide database to determine the accuracy with which the interpretation of nonclinical safety assessments in animal models correctly predicts human risk in the early clinical development of biopharmaceuticals. This initiative aligns with the 2011 Food and Drug Administration strategic plan to advance regulatory science and modernize toxicology to enhance product safety. Although similar in concept to the initial industry-wide concordance data set conducted by International Life Sciences Institute's Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI/ILSI), the DruSafe database will proactively track concordance, include exposure data and large and small molecules, and will continue to expand with longer duration nonclinical and clinical study comparisons. The output from this work will help identify actual human and animal adverse event data to define both the reliability and the potential limitations of nonclinical data and testing paradigms in predicting human safety in phase 1 clinical trials. © 2014 by The Author(s).
The art of CHO cell engineering: A comprehensive retrospect and future perspectives.
Fischer, Simon; Handrick, René; Otte, Kerstin
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells represent the most frequently applied host cell system for industrial manufacturing of recombinant protein therapeutics. CHO cells are capable of producing high quality biologics exhibiting human-like post-translational modifications in gram quantities. However, production processes for biopharmaceuticals using mammalian cells still suffer from cellular limitations such as limited growth, low productivity and stress resistance as well as higher expenses compared to bacterial or yeast based expression systems. Besides bioprocess, media and vector optimizations, advances in host cell engineering technologies comprising introduction, knock-out or post-transcriptional silencing of engineering genes have paved the way for remarkable achievements in CHO cell line development. Furthermore, thorough analysis of cellular pathways and mechanisms important for bioprocessing steadily unravels novel target molecules which might be addressed by functional genomic tools in order to establish superior production cell factories. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the most fundamental achievements in CHO cell engineering over the past three decades. Finally, the authors discuss the potential of novel and innovative methodologies that might contribute to further enhancement of existing CHO based production platforms for biopharmaceutical manufacturing in the future. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Basu, Anindya; Leong, Susanna Su Jan
The Hepatitis B Virus X (HBx) protein is a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. However, consistent expression of the protein as insoluble inclusion bodies in bacteria host systems has largely hindered HBx manufacturing via economical biosynthesis routes, thereby impeding the development of anti-HBx therapeutic strategies. To eliminate this roadblock, this work reports the development of the first 'chromatography refolding'-based bioprocess for HBx using immobilised metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). This process enabled production of HBx at quantities and purity that facilitate their direct use in structural and molecular characterization studies. In line with the principles of quality by design (QbD), we used a statistical design of experiments (DoE) methodology to design the optimum process which delivered bioactive HBx at a productivity of 0.21 mg/ml/h at a refolding yield of 54% (at 10 mg/ml refolding concentration), which was 4.4-fold higher than that achieved in dilution refolding. The systematic DoE methodology adopted for this study enabled us to obtain important insights into the effect of different bioprocess parameters like the effect of buffer exchange gradients on HBx productivity and quality. Such a bioprocess design approach can play a pivotal role in developing intensified processes for other novel proteins, and hence helping to resolve validation and speed-to-market challenges faced by the biopharmaceutical industry today. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Vara-Gama, Nancy; Valladares-Méndez, Adriana; Navarrete-Vazquez, Gabriel; Estrada-Soto, Samuel; Orozco-Castellanos, Luis Manuel; Rivera-Leyva, Julio César
In the current investigation, the physicochemical, biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic characterization of a new clofibric acid analog (Compound 1 ) was evaluated. Compound 1 showed affinity by lipophilic phase in 1 to 5 pH interval, indicating that this compound would be absorbed favorably in duodenum or jejunum. Also, Compound 1 possess two ionic species, first above of pH 4.43 and, the second one is present over pH 6.08. The apparent permeability in everted sac rat intestine model was 8.73 × 10 -6 cm/s in duodenum and 1.62 × 10 -5 cm/s in jejunum, suggesting that Compound 1 has low permeability. Elimination constant after an oral administration of 50 μg/kg in Wistar rat was 1.81 h -1 , absorption constant was 3.05 h -1 , C max was 3.57 μg/mL at 0.33 h, AUC 0-α was 956.54 μ/mL·h and distribution volume was 419.4 mL. To IV administration at the same dose, ke was 1.21 h -1 , Vd was 399.6 mL and AUC 0-α was 747.81 μ/mL·h. No significant differences were observed between pharmacokinetic parameters at every administration route. Bioavailability evaluated was 10.4%. Compound 1 is metabolized to Compound 2 probably by enzymatic hydrolysis, and it showed a half-life of 9.24 h. With these properties, Compound 1 would be considered as a prodrug of Compound 2 with potential as an antidiabetic and anti dyslipidemic agent.
Vanier, Gaëtan; Hempel, Franziska; Chan, Philippe; Rodamer, Michael; Vaudry, David; Maier, Uwe G; Lerouge, Patrice; Bardor, Muriel
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) represent actually the major class of biopharmaceuticals. They are produced recombinantly using living cells as biofactories. Among the different expression systems currently available, microalgae represent an emerging alternative which displays several biotechnological advantages. Indeed, microalgae are classified as generally recognized as safe organisms and can be grown easily in bioreactors with high growth rates similarly to CHO cells. Moreover, microalgae exhibit a phototrophic lifestyle involving low production costs as protein expression is fueled by photosynthesis. However, questions remain to be solved before any industrial production of algae-made biopharmaceuticals. Among them, protein heterogeneity as well as protein post-translational modifications need to be evaluated. Especially, N-glycosylation acquired by the secreted recombinant proteins is of major concern since most of the biopharmaceuticals including mAbs are N-glycosylated and it is well recognized that glycosylation represent one of their critical quality attribute. In this paper, we assess the quality of the first recombinant algae-made mAbs produced in the diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum. We are focusing on the characterization of their C- and N-terminal extremities, their signal peptide cleavage and their post-translational modifications including N-glycosylation macro- and microheterogeneity. This study brings understanding on diatom cellular biology, especially secretion and intracellular trafficking of proteins. Overall, it reinforces the positioning of P. tricornutum as an emerging host for the production of biopharmaceuticals and prove that P. tricornutum is suitable for producing recombinant proteins bearing high mannose-type N-glycans.
Karlberg, Micael; von Stosch, Moritz; Glassey, Jarka
In today's biopharmaceutical industries, the lead time to develop and produce a new monoclonal antibody takes years before it can be launched commercially. The reasons lie in the complexity of the monoclonal antibodies and the need for high product quality to ensure clinical safety which has a significant impact on the process development time. Frameworks such as quality by design are becoming widely used by the pharmaceutical industries as they introduce a systematic approach for building quality into the product. However, full implementation of quality by design has still not been achieved due to attrition mainly from limited risk assessment of product properties as well as the large number of process factors affecting product quality that needs to be investigated during the process development. This has introduced a need for better methods and tools that can be used for early risk assessment and predictions of critical product properties and process factors to enhance process development and reduce costs. In this review, we investigate how the quantitative structure-activity relationships framework can be applied to an existing process development framework such as quality by design in order to increase product understanding based on the protein structure of monoclonal antibodies. Compared to quality by design, where the effect of process parameters on the drug product are explored, quantitative structure-activity relationships gives a reversed perspective which investigates how the protein structure can affect the performance in different unit operations. This provides valuable information that can be used during the early process development of new drug products where limited process understanding is available. Thus, quantitative structure-activity relationships methodology is explored and explained in detail and we investigate the means of directly linking the structural properties of monoclonal antibodies to process data. The resulting information as a
Product development cycle time reduction
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Farran, Robin
We are facing here today the key issues that face us in the competitive environment. North American companies are struggling to compete in the global marketplace. Gone are the days when presence ensured success. Then, sales and earnings were guaranteed. Today the competition is intense. Many manufacturing and service companies are no longer competitive. Traditionally, manufacturing companies have created the most wealth for the community and economy. Losing this ability to create wealth is tragic and unnecessary. A company can only be successful by focusing on customer satisfaction at competitive costs. Revenue growth and earnings growth require a continuous stream of products that anticipate the customers' needs, result from shorter and shorter innovation cycles, continually improve in quality, and are produced at improved costs on each cycle. The best opportunities for increased quality and decreased costs are with new products. Sure, work on quality and costs everyday. The biggest changes, however, will come through the new product development cycle. We must improve our development processes to provide leadership products which result in high levels of customer satisfaction. This is a prerequisite for business success. When presence in the marketplace was a virtual guarantee of success for a North American company, technology tended to drive the products, and the customers bought virtually everything that was produced. Functional excellence was stressed within companies ... and that was enough. Effective planning processes were not a prerequisite for success. Today success demands highly developed business research and planning processes, and functional excellence combined with organizational capabilities that ensure commercialization excellence.
DiMasi, Joseph A; Smith, Zachary; Getz, Kenneth A
The extent to which new drug developers can benefit financially from shorter development times has implications for development efficiency and innovation incentives. We provided a real-world example of such gains by using recent estimates of drug development costs and returns. Time and fee data were obtained on 5 single-source manufacturing projects. Time and fees were modeled for these projects as if the drug substance and drug product processes had been contracted separately from 2 vendors. The multi-vendor model was taken as the base case, and financial impacts from single-source contracting were determined relative to the base case. The mean and median after-tax financial benefits of shorter development times from single-source contracting were $44.7 million and $34.9 million, respectively (2016 dollars). The after-tax increases in sponsor fees from single-source contracting were small in comparison (mean and median of $0.65 million and $0.25 million). For the data we examined, single-source contracting yielded substantial financial benefits over multi-source contracting, even after accounting for somewhat higher sponsor fees. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. All rights reserved.
Singh, Bhupinder; Kaur, Anterpreet; Dhiman, Shashi; Garg, Babita; Khurana, Rajneet Kaur; Beg, Sarwar
The current studies entail systematic quality by design (QbD)-based development of stimuli-responsive gastroretentive drug delivery systems (GRDDS) of acyclovir using polysaccharide blends for attaining controlled drug release profile and improved patient compliance. The patient-centric quality target product profile was defined and critical quality attributes (CQAs) earmarked. Risk assessment studies, carried out through Ishikawa fish bone diagram and failure mode, effect, and criticality analysis, helped in identifying the plausible risks or failure modes affecting the quality attributes of the drug product. A face-centered cubic design was employed for systematic development and optimization of the concentration of sodium alginate (X 1) and gellan (X 2) as the critical material attributes (CMAs) in the stimuli-responsive formulations, which were evaluated for CQAs viz. viscosity, gel strength, onset of floatation, and drug release characteristics. Mathematical modeling was carried out for generation of design space, and optimum formulation was embarked upon, exhibiting formulation characteristics marked by excellent floatation and bioadhesion characteristics along with promising drug release control up to 24 h. Drug-excipient compatibility studies through FTIR and DSC revealed absence of any interaction(s) among the formulation excipients. In vivo pharmacokinetic studies in Wistar rats corroborated extension in the drug absorption profile from the optimized stimuli-responsive GR formulations vis-à-vis the marketed suspension (ZOVIRAX®). Establishment of in vitro/in vivo correlation (IVIVC) revealed a high degree of correlation between the in vitro and in vivo data. In a nutshell, the present investigations report the successful development of stimuli-responsive GRDDS of acyclovir, which can be applicable as a platform approach for other drugs too.
21 CFR 814.19 - Product development protocol (PDP).
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Product development protocol (PDP). 814.19 Section...) MEDICAL DEVICES PREMARKET APPROVAL OF MEDICAL DEVICES General § 814.19 Product development protocol (PDP). A class III device for which a product development protocol has been declared completed by FDA under...
21 CFR 814.19 - Product development protocol (PDP).
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Product development protocol (PDP). 814.19 Section...) MEDICAL DEVICES PREMARKET APPROVAL OF MEDICAL DEVICES General § 814.19 Product development protocol (PDP). A class III device for which a product development protocol has been declared completed by FDA under...
Walwyn, David Richard; Huddy, Suzanne M; Rybicki, Edward P
Despite the advantages of plant-based transient expression systems relative to microbial or mammalian cell systems, the commercial production of recombinant proteins using plants has not yet been achieved to any significant extent. One of the challenges has been the lack of published data on the costs of manufacture for products other than biopharmaceuticals. In this study, we report on the techno-economic analysis of the production of a standard commercial enzyme, namely, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), using a transient expression system in Nicotiana benthamiana. Based on the proven plant yield of 240 mg HRP/kg biomass, a biomass productivity of 15-kg biomass/m(2)/year and a process yield of 54 % (mg HRP product/mg HRP in biomass), it is apparent that HRP can be manufactured economically via transient expression in plants in a large-scale facility (>5 kg HRP/year). At this level, the process is competitive versus the existing technology (extraction of the enzyme from horseradish), and the product is of comparable or improved activity, containing only the preferred isoenzyme C. Production scale, protein yield and biomass productivity are found to be the most important determinants of overall viability.
Löffelholz, Christian; Kaiser, Stephan C; Kraume, Matthias; Eibl, Regine; Eibl, Dieter
During the past 10 years, single-use bioreactors have been well accepted in modern biopharmaceutical production processes targeting high-value products. Up to now, such processes have mainly been small- or medium-scale mammalian cell culture-based seed inoculum, vaccine or antibody productions. However, recently first attempts have been made to modify existing single-use bioreactors for the cultivation of plant cells and tissue cultures, and microorganisms. This has even led to the development of new single-use bioreactor types. Moreover, due to safety issues it has become clear that single-use bioreactors are the "must have" for expanding human stem cells delivering cell therapeutics, the biopharmaceuticals of the next generation. So it comes as no surprise that numerous different dynamic single-use bioreactor types, which are suitable for a wide range of applications, already dominate the market today. Bioreactor working principles, main applications, and bioengineering data are presented in this review, based on a current overview of greater than milliliter-scale, commercially available, dynamic single-use bioreactors. The focus is on stirred versions, which are omnipresent in R&D and manufacturing, and in particular Sartorius Stedim's BIOSTAT family. Finally, we examine development trends for single-use bioreactors, after discussing proven approaches for fast scaling-up processes.
Lakkireddy, Harivardhan Reddy; Bazile, Didier
The design of the first polymeric nanoparticles could be traced back to the 1970s, and has thereafter received considerable attention, as evidenced by the significant increase of the number of articles and patents in this area. This review article is an attempt to take advantage of the existing literature on the clinically tested and commercialized biodegradable PLA(G)A-PEG nanotechnology as a model to propose quality building and outline translation and development principles for polymeric nano-medicines. We built such an approach from various building blocks including material design, nano-assembly - i.e. physicochemistry of drug/nano-object association in the pharmaceutical process, and release in relevant biological environment - characterization and identification of the quality attributes related to the biopharmaceutical properties. More specifically, as envisaged in a translational approach, the reported data on PLA(G)A-PEG nanotechnology have been structured into packages to evidence the links between the structure, physicochemical properties, and the in vitro and in vivo performances of the nanoparticles. The integration of these bodies of knowledge to build the CMC (Chemistry Manufacturing and Controls) quality management strategy and finally support the translation to proof of concept in human, and anticipation of the industrialization takes into account the specific requirements and biopharmaceutical features attached to the administration route. From this approach, some gaps are identified for the industrial development of such nanotechnology-based products, and the expected improvements are discussed. The viewpoint provided in this article is expected to shed light on design, translation and pharmaceutical development to realize their full potential for future clinical applications. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stetter, R.; Simundsson, A.
This paper is concerned with the integration of control and diagnosis functionalities into the development of complete systems which include mechanical, electrical and electronic subsystems. For the development of such systems the strategies, methods and tools of integrated product development have attracted significant attention during the last decades. Today, it is generally observed that product development processes of complex systems can only be successful if the activities in the different domains are well connected and synchronised and if an ongoing communication is present - an ongoing communication spanning the technical domains and also including functions such as production planning, marketing/distribution, quality assurance, service and project planning. Obviously, numerous approaches to tackle this challenge are present in scientific literature and in industrial practice, as well. Today, the functionality and safety of most products is to a large degree dependent on control and diagnosis functionalities. Still, there is comparatively little research concentrating on the integration of the development of these functionalities into the overall product development processes. The main source of insight of the presented research is the product development process of an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) which is intended to be used on rough terrain. The paper starts with a background describing Integrated Product Development. The second section deals with the product development of the sample product. The third part summarizes some insights and formulates first hypotheses concerning control and diagnosis in Integrated Product Development.
Peptone Supplementation of Culture Medium Has Variable Effects on the Productivity of CHO Cells
Davami, Fatemeh; Baldi, Lucia; Rajendra, Yashas; M. Wurm, Florian
The optimization of cell culture conditions for growth and productivity of recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells is a critical step in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. In the present study, the effects of the timing and amount of peptone feeding of a recombinant CHO cell line grown in a basal medium in serum-free suspension culture were determined for eight peptones of different origin (plant and casein). The amino acid content and the average molecular weight of the peptones chosen were available. In optimized feeding strategies with single peptones, increase 100 % volumetric productivity and 40 % in cell number were achieved. In feeding strategies with two peptones, several combinations stimulated protein productivity more than either peptone alone, depending on the peptone concentration and time of feeding. Some peptones, which did not stimulate productivity when added alone proved to be effective when used in combination. The combined peptones feeding strategies were more effective with peptones of different origin. Our data support the notion that the origin of peptones provides some guidance in identifying the most effective feeding strategies for recombinant CHO cells. PMID:25317401
Yeast biotechnology: teaching the old dog new tricks.
Mattanovich, Diethard; Sauer, Michael; Gasser, Brigitte
Yeasts are regarded as the first microorganisms used by humans to process food and alcoholic beverages. The technology developed out of these ancient processes has been the basis for modern industrial biotechnology. Yeast biotechnology has gained great interest again in the last decades. Joining the potentials of genomics, metabolic engineering, systems and synthetic biology enables the production of numerous valuable products of primary and secondary metabolism, technical enzymes and biopharmaceutical proteins. An overview of emerging and established substrates and products of yeast biotechnology is provided and discussed in the light of the recent literature.
Davami, Fatemeh; Eghbalpour, Farnaz; Nematollahi, Leila; Barkhordari, Farzaneh; Mahboudi, Fereidoun
Background: The optimization of bioprocess conditions towards improved growth profile and productivity yield is considered of great importance in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Peptones as efficient sources of nutrients have been studied for their effect on media development; however, their role on metabolic pathway is not well understood. Methods: In the present study, the effect of different concentration of peptones on a recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line grown in three serum-free suspension cultures was determined. Six peptones of different origins and available amino acid profiles were investigated regarding their impact on cell growth, productivity, and metabolic pathways changes. Results: In optimized feeding strategies, increases of 136% and 159% in volumetric productivity (for a low-nutrient culture media) and 55% (for a high-nutrient culture media) were achieved. Furthermore, particular sources of peptones with specific amino acid profile developed preferential results for each different culture medium. Two peptones, SoyA2SC and SoyE-110, were the only hydrolysates that showed production improvement in all three media. Casein Peptone plus Tryptone N1 and SoyA3SC showed different improved results based on their implemented concentration for each individual basal medium. Conclusion: The amino acid profile of peptones may provide clues to identify the most effective feeding strategies for recombinant CHO cells. PMID:26232332
Shawahna, Ramzi; Hroub, Abdel Kareem; Abed, Eliama; Jibali, Sondos; Al-Saghir, Ruba; Zaid, Abdel Naser
Atorvastatin reduces morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular events. This study was conducted to assess the prices and pharmaceutical quality of innovator atorvastatin 20 mg with its locally available generics in Palestine and to assess the suitability of their interchangeability. The prices of innovator and generic atorvastatin 20 mg were determined and compared. Innovator atorvastatin and four generic products were tested for their pharmaceutical quality. Tablets were tested for their drug contents, weight uniformity, hardness, disintegration and dissolution. Three out of four generics were less expensive than the innovator. Pharmaceutical quality assessments were satisfactory and within limits for all atorvastatin tested products. The average weight ranged from 206.6 ± 8.40 to 330 ± 3.92 mg and the %RSDs were within the permitted limits as per USP. Tablet hardness ranged from 102 ± 1.41 to 197.4 ± 6.88 kg and drug contents ranged from 92.2% to 105.3%. All products disintegrated within permitted time limits and showed very rapid dissolution. Products released more than 85% of their drug contents in less than 15 min. Our results showed that all tested innovator and generic atorvastatin products were of good pharmaceutical quality. Despite the lack of in vivo evaluation, our results indicate that these products are equivalent in vitro. Considering the in vitro release characteristics, these products might be used interchangeably. However, regulatory authorities permit the use of in vitro data in establishing similarity between immediate release oral dosage forms containing biopharmaceutical classification system class I and III drugs only.
77 FR 22843 - Notice of Product Development
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Railroad Administration [Docket Number FRA-2012-0020] Notice of Product Development In accordance with Part 211 of Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR... Administration (FRA) a Notice of Product Development per 49 CFR 236.913(d)(1)(i) for the modification of the...
Rocha-Pizaña, Maria Del Refugio; Ascencio-Favela, Guadalupe; Soto-García, Brenda Maribell; Martinez-Fierro, Margarita de la Luz; Alvarez, Mario Moisés
Therapy with biopharmaceuticals, mainly recombinant antibodies, offers patients higher life expectancy and better life quality than pharmacologic therapy. Countries with the highest scientific development are investing in this kind of therapy, and this is why the optimization of the production of these recombinant proteins would lead to their higher production and lower costs of the final product. Modifications in the use of promoters, the use of recombination regions, and the change in the order of the chains, are some of the genetic engineering changes that can increase the production of recombinant antibodies. In this work, three different promoters were tested: Prom A, hCMV, and EF1-a, for two different antibodies, one anti-TNFa and one anti-CD20 + . Changes were made in the order of the chains H-L or L-H and one or two UCOE (ubiquitous chromatin opening element) sequences were also used to identify the combinations that provide the best transient and stable expression for the antibodies in the CHO-s cells. In our results, we observed that the use of the two UCOE regions, with L-H order is almost three times better for the expression of the two different antibodies, while the strength of the promoter is conditioned by the sequence of each expressed protein. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.
The development speed paradox: can increasing development speed reduce R&D productivity?
Lendrem, Dennis W; Lendrem, B Clare
In the 1990s the pharmaceutical industry sought to increase R&D productivity by shifting development tasks into parallel to reduce development cycle times and increase development speed. This paper presents a simple model demonstrating that, when attrition rates are high as in pharmaceutical development, such development speed initiatives can increase the expected time for the first successful molecule to complete development. Increasing the development speed of successful molecules could actually reduce R&D productivity - the development speed paradox. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A Protein Chimera Strategy Supports Production of a Model "Difficult-to-Express" Recombinant Target.
Hussain, Hirra; Fisher, David I; Roth, Robert G; Abbott, W Mark; Carballo-Amador, Manuel Alejandro; Warwicker, Jim; Dickson, Alan J
Due in part to the needs of the biopharmaceutical industry, there has been an increased drive to generate high quality recombinant proteins in large amounts. However, achieving high yields can be a challenge as the novelty and increased complexity of new targets often makes them 'difficult-to-express'. This study aimed to define the molecular features that restrict the production of a model 'difficult-to-express' recombinant protein, Tissue Inhibitor Metalloproteinase-3 (TIMP-3). Building from experimental data, computational approaches were used to rationalise the re-design of this recombinant target to generate a chimera with enhanced secretion. The results highlight the importance of early identification of unfavourable sequence attributes, enabling the generation of engineered protein forms that bypass 'secretory' bottlenecks and result in efficient recombinant protein production. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Metric integration architecture for product development
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sieger, David B.
Present-day product development endeavors utilize the concurrent engineering philosophy as a logical means for incorporating a variety of viewpoints into the design of products. Since this approach provides no explicit procedural provisions, it is necessary to establish at least a mental coupling with a known design process model. The central feature of all such models is the management and transformation of information. While these models assist in structuring the design process, characterizing the basic flow of operations that are involved, they provide no guidance facilities. The significance of this feature, and the role it plays in the time required to develop products, is increasing in importance due to the inherent process dynamics, system/component complexities, and competitive forces. The methodology presented in this paper involves the use of a hierarchical system structure, discrete event system specification (DEVS), and multidimensional state variable based metrics. This approach is unique in its capability to quantify designer's actions throughout product development, provide recommendations about subsequent activity selection, and coordinate distributed activities of designers and/or design teams across all design stages. Conceptual design tool implementation results are used to demonstrate the utility of this technique in improving the incremental decision making process.
Kizhedath, Arathi; Wilkinson, Simon; Glassey, Jarka
Biopharmaceuticals, monoclonal antibody (mAb)-based therapeutics in particular, have positively impacted millions of lives. MAbs and related therapeutics are highly desirable from a biopharmaceutical perspective as they are highly target specific and well tolerated within the human system. Nevertheless, several mAbs have been discontinued or withdrawn based either on their inability to demonstrate efficacy and/or due to adverse effects. Approved monoclonal antibodies and derived therapeutics have been associated with adverse effects such as immunogenicity, cytokine release syndrome, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, intravascular haemolysis, cardiac arrhythmias, abnormal liver function, gastrointestinal perforation, bronchospasm, intraocular inflammation, urticaria, nephritis, neuropathy, birth defects, fever and cough to name a few. The advances made in this field are also impeded by a lack of progress in bioprocess development strategies as well as increasing costs owing to attrition, wherein the lack of efficacy and safety accounts for nearly 60 % of all factors contributing to attrition. This reiterates the need for smarter preclinical development using quality by design-based approaches encompassing carefully designed predictive models during early stages of drug development. Different in vitro and in silico methods are extensively used for predicting biological activity as well as toxicity during small molecule drug development; however, their full potential has not been utilized for biological drug development. The scope of in vitro and in silico tools in early developmental stages of monoclonal antibody-based therapeutics production and how it contributes to lower attrition rates leading to faster development of potential drug candidates has been evaluated. The applicability of computational toxicology approaches in this context as well as the pitfalls and promises of extending such techniques to biopharmaceutical development has been highlighted.
Camacho-Sandoval, Rosa; Sosa-Grande, Eréndira N; González-González, Edith; Tenorio-Calvo, Alejandra; López-Morales, Carlos A; Velasco-Velázquez, Marco; Pavón-Romero, Lenin; Pérez-Tapia, Sonia Mayra; Medina-Rivero, Emilio
Physicochemical and structural properties of proteins used as active pharmaceutical ingredients of biopharmaceuticals are determinant to carry out their biological activity. In this regard, the assays intended to evaluate functionality of biopharmaceuticals provide confirmatory evidence that they contain the appropriate physicochemical properties and structural conformation. The validation of the methodologies used for the assessment of critical quality attributes of biopharmaceuticals is a key requirement for manufacturing under GMP environments. Herein we present the development and validation of a flow cytometry-based methodology for the evaluation of adalimumab's affinity towards membrane-bound TNFα (mTNFα) on recombinant CHO cells. This in vitro methodology measures the interaction between an in-solution antibody and its target molecule onto the cell surface through a fluorescent signal. The characteristics evaluated during the validation exercise showed that this methodology is suitable for its intended purpose. The assay demonstrated to be accurate (r 2 = 0.92, slope = 1.20), precise (%CV ≤ 18.31) and specific (curve fitting, r 2 = 0.986-0.997) to evaluate binding of adalimumab to mTNFα. The results obtained here provide evidence that detection by flow cytometry is a viable alternative for bioassays used in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, this methodology could be standardized for the evaluation of other biomolecules acting through the same mechanism of action. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Innovation and industry-academia interactions: where conflicts arise and measures to avoid them.
Vagelos, P Roy
Every phase of the development of biopharmaceuticals and medical devices has the potential for conflict of interest, but adherence to established rules and practices throughout product development can eliminate the possibility of conflicts. Adherence to good practices should continue through the postmarketing period, with swift reporting and vigorous investigation of any safety concerns. Although some academic medical centers are restricting interactions between their faculty and industry to prevent possible conflicts in physician education about new products, industry and academia should look for new ways to come together in mutually agreed forums that focus on educating clinicians about new products in an efficient, transparent way.
The product space conditions the development of nations.
Hidalgo, C A; Klinger, B; Barabási, A-L; Hausmann, R
Economies grow by upgrading the products they produce and export. The technology, capital, institutions, and skills needed to make newer products are more easily adapted from some products than from others. Here, we study this network of relatedness between products, or "product space," finding that more-sophisticated products are located in a densely connected core whereas less-sophisticated products occupy a less-connected periphery. Empirically, countries move through the product space by developing goods close to those they currently produce. Most countries can reach the core only by traversing empirically infrequent distances, which may help explain why poor countries have trouble developing more competitive exports and fail to converge to the income levels of rich countries.
[Example of product development by industry and research solidarity].
Seki, Masayoshi
When the industrial firms develop the product, the research result from research institutions is used or to reflect the ideas from users on the developed product would be significant in order to improve the product. To state the software product which developed jointly as an example to describe the adopted development technique and its result, and to consider the modality of the industry solidarity seen from the company side and joint development. The software development methods have the merit and demerit and necessary to choose the optimal development technique by the system which develops. We have been jointly developed the dose distribution browsing software. As the software development method, we adopted the prototype model. In order to display the dose distribution information, it is necessary to load four objects which are CT-Image, Structure Set, RT-Plan, and RT-Dose, are displayed in a composite manner. The prototype model which is the development technique was adopted by this joint development was optimal especially to develop the dose distribution browsing software. In a prototype model, since the detail design was created based on the program source code after the program was finally completed, there was merit on the period shortening of document written and consist in design and implementation. This software eventually opened to the public as an open source. Based on this developed prototype software, the release version of the dose distribution browsing software was developed. Developing this type of novelty software, it normally takes two to three years, but since the joint development was adopted, it shortens the development period to one year. Shortening the development period was able to hold down to the minimum development cost for a company and thus, this will be reflected to the product price. The specialists make requests on the product from user's point of view are important, but increase in specialists as professionals for product
Wafer, Lucas; Kloczewiak, Marek; Luo, Yin
Analytical ultracentrifugation-sedimentation velocity (AUC-SV) is often used to quantify high molar mass species (HMMS) present in biopharmaceuticals. Although these species are often present in trace quantities, they have received significant attention due to their potential immunogenicity. Commonly, AUC-SV data is analyzed as a diffusion-corrected, sedimentation coefficient distribution, or c(s), using SEDFIT to numerically solve Lamm-type equations. SEDFIT also utilizes maximum entropy or Tikhonov-Phillips regularization to further allow the user to determine relevant sample information, including the number of species present, their sedimentation coefficients, and their relative abundance. However, this methodology has several, often unstated, limitations, which may impact the final analysis of protein therapeutics. These include regularization-specific effects, artificial "ripple peaks," and spurious shifts in the sedimentation coefficients. In this investigation, we experimentally verified that an explicit Bayesian approach, as implemented in SEDFIT, can largely correct for these effects. Clear guidelines on how to implement this technique and interpret the resulting data, especially for samples containing micro-heterogeneity (e.g., differential glycosylation), are also provided. In addition, we demonstrated how the Bayesian approach can be combined with F statistics to draw more accurate conclusions and rigorously exclude artifactual peaks. Numerous examples with an antibody and an antibody-drug conjugate were used to illustrate the strengths and drawbacks of each technique.
Hsu, Han-Hsiu; Araki, Michihiro; Mochizuki, Masao; Hori, Yoshimi; Murata, Masahiro; Kahar, Prihardi; Yoshida, Takanobu; Hasunuma, Tomohisa; Kondo, Akihiko
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are the primary host used for biopharmaceutical protein production. The engineering of CHO cells to produce higher amounts of biopharmaceuticals has been highly dependent on empirical approaches, but recent high-throughput "omics" methods are changing the situation in a rational manner. Omics data analyses using gene expression or metabolite profiling make it possible to identify key genes and metabolites in antibody production. Systematic omics approaches using different types of time-series data are expected to further enhance understanding of cellular behaviours and molecular networks for rational design of CHO cells. This study developed a systematic method for obtaining and analysing time-dependent intracellular and extracellular metabolite profiles, RNA-seq data (enzymatic mRNA levels) and cell counts from CHO cell cultures to capture an overall view of the CHO central metabolic pathway (CMP). We then calculated correlation coefficients among all the profiles and visualised the whole CMP by heatmap analysis and metabolic pathway mapping, to classify genes and metabolites together. This approach provides an efficient platform to identify key genes and metabolites in CHO cell culture.
Centanni, N; Monroe, M; White, L; Larson, R
The service sector within the biopharmaceutical industry has experienced phenomenal growth over the past decade. In the highly regulated Good Laboratory Practices environment, the need for timely, high-quality service, accurate results, and on-time deliverables becomes paramount for the success and profitability of biopharmaceutical companies. The quality assurance process is a vital component of this drug product-development cycle and ensures compliance to the highest domestic and international regulatory standards. Quality-assurance professionals historically have held the role of independent auditors of the processes, who certify that results meet current standards of practice. Covance, a contract research organization that includes Good Laboratory Practices laboratories, reorganized and expanded the functional responsibilities of its quality assurance team in 1997. Auditors and quality assurance professionals have assumed roles beyond traditional compliance auditing and are forging new leadership and mentoring roles as process-improvement specialists. The results have been tangible, measurable benefits for clients and the Covance organization. This article provides an overview of this cultural change and the processes put in place to improve efficiency, productivity, and customer and employee satisfaction.
Kergosien, Y; Tournamille, J-F; Laurence, B; Billaut, J-C
Chemotherapy drugs are intended for the treatment of cancer. The production of such drugs and their administration to the patient is a delicate and expensive operation. The study deals with the acquisition and processing of data regarding the production of intravenous chemotherapy, from the production request (the medical prescription), the production itself (pharmaceutical process), to the delivery in the health care unit, for the administration of the chemotherapy. The goal of this study is to develop a system that can schedule, control and track the chemotherapy preparations and satisfy a certification process of quality management ("ISO 9001 version 2000" standard). The solution proposed in this paper was developed within the framework of a common certification process at the Biopharmaceutical Unit of the Oncology Clinic (UBCO) of the Bretonneau hospital in Tours (France). The system consists of two software programs: a software to insure traceability and a decision making software to plan the production. To simplify the data entry process, some mobile entry points with bar code reader have been deployed. These tools enable an accurate tracking of the production, a security and control for the schedule production phases, and a full traceability of each operation leading to the administration of the chemotherapy drug. The first result is a software that creates the production schedule, allows a real time control of the production process and a full traceability of each step. Computational experiments are based on real data sets, with a comparison of a time period before and after the implementation of this solution. The results show the positive impacts of this software, like the reduction of delayed deliveries, real time generation of production indicators, optimization of the production and a saving of staff time. This intuitive system guarantees a traceability in connection with a high quality system certified ISO 9001-v2000 (with a rapid data entry), an
Pharmaceutical product development: A quality by design approach
Pramod, Kannissery; Tahir, M. Abu; Charoo, Naseem A.; Ansari, Shahid H.; Ali, Javed
The application of quality by design (QbD) in pharmaceutical product development is now a thrust area for the regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry. International Conference on Harmonization and United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) emphasized the principles and applications of QbD in pharmaceutical development in their guidance for the industry. QbD attributes are addressed in question-based review, developed by USFDA for chemistry, manufacturing, and controls section of abbreviated new drug applications. QbD principles, when implemented, lead to a successful product development, subsequent prompt regulatory approval, reduce exhaustive validation burden, and significantly reduce post-approval changes. The key elements of QbD viz., target product quality profile, critical quality attributes, risk assessments, design space, control strategy, product lifecycle management, and continual improvement are discussed to understand the performance of dosage forms within design space. Design of experiments, risk assessment tools, and process analytical technology are also discussed for their role in QbD. This review underlines the importance of QbD in inculcating science-based approach in pharmaceutical product development. PMID:27606256
Pharmaceutical product development: A quality by design approach.
Pramod, Kannissery; Tahir, M Abu; Charoo, Naseem A; Ansari, Shahid H; Ali, Javed
The application of quality by design (QbD) in pharmaceutical product development is now a thrust area for the regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry. International Conference on Harmonization and United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) emphasized the principles and applications of QbD in pharmaceutical development in their guidance for the industry. QbD attributes are addressed in question-based review, developed by USFDA for chemistry, manufacturing, and controls section of abbreviated new drug applications. QbD principles, when implemented, lead to a successful product development, subsequent prompt regulatory approval, reduce exhaustive validation burden, and significantly reduce post-approval changes. The key elements of QbD viz., target product quality profile, critical quality attributes, risk assessments, design space, control strategy, product lifecycle management, and continual improvement are discussed to understand the performance of dosage forms within design space. Design of experiments, risk assessment tools, and process analytical technology are also discussed for their role in QbD. This review underlines the importance of QbD in inculcating science-based approach in pharmaceutical product development.
Sustainability Assessment Model in Product Development
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Turan, Faiz Mohd; Johan, Kartina; Nor, Nik Hisyamudin Muhd; Omar, Badrul
Faster and more efficient development of innovative and sustainable products has become the focus for manufacturing companies in order to remain competitive in today’s technologically driven world. Design concept evaluation which is the end of conceptual design is one of the most critical decision points. It relates to the final success of product development, because poor criteria assessment in design concept evaluation can rarely compensated at the later stages. Furthermore, consumers, investors, shareholders and even competitors are basing their decisions on what to buy or invest in, from whom, and also on what company report, and sustainability is one of a critical component. In this research, a new methodology of sustainability assessment in product development for Malaysian industry has been developed using integration of green project management, new scale of “Weighting criteria” and Rough-Grey Analysis. This method will help design engineers to improve the effectiveness and objectivity of the sustainable design concept evaluation, enable them to make better-informed decisions before finalising their choice and consequently create value to the company or industry. The new framework is expected to provide an alternative to existing methods.
Javed, Md Noushad; Kohli, Kanchan; Amin, Saima
Statins are widely prescribed for hyperlipidemia, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease but are facing some inherent challenges such as low solubility and drug loading, higher hepatic metabolism, as well as instability at gastric pH. So, relatively higher circulating dose, required for exerting the therapeutic benefits, leads to dose-mediated severe toxicity. Furthermore, due to low biocompatibility, high toxicity, and other regulatory caveats such as product conformity, reproducibility, and stability of conventional formulations as well as preferentially higher bioabsorption of lipids in their favorable cuboidal geometry, enhancement in in vivo biopharmaceutical performance of Rosuvastatin could be well manifested in Quality by Design (QbD) integrated cuboidal-shaped mucoadhesive microcrystalline delivery systems (Limicubes). Here, quality-target-product-profile (QTPPs), critical quality attributes (CQAs), Ishikawa fishbone diagram, and integration of risk management through risk assessment matrix for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) followed by processing of Plackett-Burman design matrix using different statistical test for the first time established an approach to substantiate the claims that controlling levels of only these three screened out independent process variables, i.e., Monoolein (B = 800-1100 μL), Poloxamer (C = 150-200 mg), and stirring speed (F = 700-1000 rpm) were statistically significant to modulate and improve the biopharmaceutical performance affecting key attributes, viz., average particle size (Y 1 = 1.40-2.70 μ), entrapment efficiency (Y 2 = 62.60-88.80%), and drug loading (Y 3 = 0.817-1.15%), in QbD-enabled process. The optimal performance of developed Limicubes exhibited an average particle size of 1.8 ± 0.2 μ, entrapment efficiency 80.32 ± 2.88%, and drug loading 0.93 ± 0.08% at the level of 1100 μL (+ 1), 200 mg (+ 1), and 700 rpm (- 1) for Monoolein, Poloxamer, and stirring
Testing Software Development Project Productivity Model
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lipkin, Ilya
Software development is an increasingly influential factor in today's business environment, and a major issue affecting software development is how an organization estimates projects. If the organization underestimates cost, schedule, and quality requirements, the end results will not meet customer needs. On the other hand, if the organization overestimates these criteria, resources that could have been used more profitably will be wasted. There is no accurate model or measure available that can guide an organization in a quest for software development, with existing estimation models often underestimating software development efforts as much as 500 to 600 percent. To address this issue, existing models usually are calibrated using local data with a small sample size, with resulting estimates not offering improved cost analysis. This study presents a conceptual model for accurately estimating software development, based on an extensive literature review and theoretical analysis based on Sociotechnical Systems (STS) theory. The conceptual model serves as a solution to bridge organizational and technological factors and is validated using an empirical dataset provided by the DoD. Practical implications of this study allow for practitioners to concentrate on specific constructs of interest that provide the best value for the least amount of time. This study outlines key contributing constructs that are unique for Software Size E-SLOC, Man-hours Spent, and Quality of the Product, those constructs having the largest contribution to project productivity. This study discusses customer characteristics and provides a framework for a simplified project analysis for source selection evaluation and audit task reviews for the customers and suppliers. Theoretical contributions of this study provide an initial theory-based hypothesized project productivity model that can be used as a generic overall model across several application domains such as IT, Command and Control
Navigating sticky areas in transdermal product development.
Strasinger, Caroline; Raney, Sam G; Tran, Doanh C; Ghosh, Priyanka; Newman, Bryan; Bashaw, Edward D; Ghosh, Tapash; Shukla, Chinmay G
The benefits of transdermal delivery over the oral route to combat such issues of low bioavailability and limited controlled release opportunities are well known and have been previously discussed by many in the field (Prausnitz et al. (2004) [1]; Hadgraft and Lane (2006) [2]). However, significant challenges faced by developers as a product moves from the purely theoretical to commercial production have hampered full capitalization of the dosage forms vast benefits. While different technical aspects of transdermal system development have been discussed at various industry meetings and scientific workshops, uncertainties have persisted regarding the pharmaceutical industry's conventionally accepted approach for the development and manufacturing of transdermal systems. This review provides an overview of the challenges frequently faced and the industry's best practices for assuring the quality and performance of transdermal delivery systems and topical patches (collectively, TDS). The topics discussed are broadly divided into the evaluation of product quality and the evaluation of product performance; with the overall goal of the discussion to improve, advance and accelerate commercial development in the area of this complex controlled release dosage form. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Du, Zhimei; Treiber, David; McCarter, John D; Fomina-Yadlin, Dina; Saleem, Ramsey A; McCoy, Rebecca E; Zhang, Yuling; Tharmalingam, Tharmala; Leith, Matthew; Follstad, Brian D; Dell, Brad; Grisim, Brent; Zupke, Craig; Heath, Carole; Morris, Arvia E; Reddy, Pranhitha
The continued need to improve therapeutic recombinant protein productivity has led to ongoing assessment of appropriate strategies in the biopharmaceutical industry to establish robust processes with optimized critical variables, that is, viable cell density (VCD) and specific productivity (product per cell, qP). Even though high VCD is a positive factor for titer, uncontrolled proliferation beyond a certain cell mass is also undesirable. To enable efficient process development to achieve consistent and predictable growth arrest while maintaining VCD, as well as improving qP, without negative impacts on product quality from clone to clone, we identified an approach that directly targets the cell cycle G1-checkpoint by selectively inhibiting the function of cyclin dependent kinases (CDK) 4/6 with a small molecule compound. Results from studies on multiple recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines demonstrate that the selective inhibitor can mediate a complete and sustained G0/G1 arrest without impacting G2/M phase. Cell proliferation is consistently and rapidly controlled in all recombinant cell lines at one concentration of this inhibitor throughout the production processes with specific productivities increased up to 110 pg/cell/day. Additionally, the product quality attributes of the mAb, with regard to high molecular weight (HMW) and glycan profile, are not negatively impacted. In fact, high mannose is decreased after treatment, which is in contrast to other established growth control methods such as reducing culture temperature. Microarray analysis showed major differences in expression of regulatory genes of the glycosylation and cell cycle signaling pathways between these different growth control methods. Overall, our observations showed that cell cycle arrest by directly targeting CDK4/6 using selective inhibitor compound can be utilized consistently and rapidly to optimize process parameters, such as cell growth, qP, and glycosylation profile in
Production Systems and Rural Development in Canada.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sinclair, Peter R.
The paper examines the social structure of Canada's agricultural production. It argues that "the official development strategy is typical of state involvement in maturing capitalist economies and that, in so far as these policies are successful, they bring to an end small scale production of primary products by absorbing rural people into an…
Fazelahi, Mansoureh; Kia, Vahid; Kaghazian, Hooman; Paryan, Mahdi
Recombinant streptokinase is a biopharmaceutical which is usually produced in E. coli. Residual DNA as a contamination and risk factor may remain in the product. It is necessary to control the production procedure to exclude any possible contamination. The aim of the present study was to develop a highly specific and sensitive quantitative real-time PCR-based method to determine the amount of E. coli DNA in recombinant streptokinase. A specific primers and a probe was designed to detect all strains of E. coli. To determine the specificity, in addition to using NCBI BLASTn, 28 samples including human, bacterial, and viral genomes were used. The results confirmed that the assay detects no genomic DNA but E. coli's and the specificity was determined to be 100%. To determine the sensitivity and limit of detection of the assay, a 10-fold serial dilution (10 1 to 10 7 copies/µL) was tested in triplicate. The sensitivity of the test was determined to be 101 copies/µL or 35 fg/µL. Inter-assay and intra-assay were determined to be 0.86 and 1.69%, respectively. Based on the results, this assay can be used as an accurate method to evaluate the contamination of recombinant streptokinase in E. coli.
Advanced uncooled sensor product development
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kennedy, A.; Masini, P.; Lamb, M.; Hamers, J.; Kocian, T.; Gordon, E.; Parrish, W.; Williams, R.; LeBeau, T.
The partnership between RVS, Seek Thermal and Freescale Semiconductor continues on the path to bring the latest technology and innovation to both military and commercial customers. The partnership has matured the 17μm pixel for volume production on the Thermal Weapon Sight (TWS) program in efforts to bring advanced production capability to produce a low cost, high performance product. The partnership has developed the 12μm pixel and has demonstrated performance across a family of detector sizes ranging from formats as small as 206 x 156 to full high definition formats. Detector pixel sensitivities have been achieved using the RVS double level advanced pixel structure. Transition of the packaging of microbolometers from a traditional die level package to a wafer level package (WLP) in a high volume commercial environment is complete. Innovations in wafer fabrication techniques have been incorporated into this product line to assist in the high yield required for volume production. The WLP seal yield is currently > 95%. Simulated package vacuum lives >> 20 years have been demonstrated through accelerated life testing where the package has been shown to have no degradation after 2,500 hours at 150°C. Additionally the rugged assembly has shown no degradation after mechanical shock and vibration and thermal shock testing. The transition to production effort was successfully completed in 2014 and the WLP design has been integrated into multiple new production products including the TWS and the innovative Seek Thermal commercial product that interfaces directly to an iPhone or android device.
Modeling Sustainability in Product Development and Commercialization
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Carlson, Robert C.; Rafinejad, Dariush
In this article, the authors present the framework of a model that integrates strategic product development decisions with the product's impact on future conditions of resources and the environment. The impact of a product on stocks of nonrenewable sources and sinks is linked in a feedback loop to the cost of manufacturing and using the product…
Yeast biotechnology: teaching the old dog new tricks
Yeasts are regarded as the first microorganisms used by humans to process food and alcoholic beverages. The technology developed out of these ancient processes has been the basis for modern industrial biotechnology. Yeast biotechnology has gained great interest again in the last decades. Joining the potentials of genomics, metabolic engineering, systems and synthetic biology enables the production of numerous valuable products of primary and secondary metabolism, technical enzymes and biopharmaceutical proteins. An overview of emerging and established substrates and products of yeast biotechnology is provided and discussed in the light of the recent literature. PMID:24602262
del Val, Ioscani Jimenez; Kontoravdi, Cleo; Nagy, Judit M
Quality by design (QbD) is a scheme for the development, manufacture, and approval of pharmaceutical products. The end goal of QbD is to ensure product quality by building it into the manufacturing process. The main regulatory bodies are encouraging its implementation to the manufacture of all new pharmaceuticals including biological products. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are currently the leading products of the biopharmaceutical industry. It has been widely reported that glycosylation directly influences the therapeutic mechanisms by which mAbs function in vivo. In addition, glycosylation has been identified as one of the main sources of monoclonal antibody heterogeneity, and thus, a critical parameter to follow during mAb manufacture. This article reviews the research on glycosylation of mAbs over the past 2 decades under the QbD scope. The categories presented under this scope are: (a) definition of the desired clinical effects of mAbs, (b) definition of the glycosylation-associated critical quality attributes (glycCQAs) of mAbs, (c) assessment of process parameters that pose a risk for mAb glycCQAs, and (d) methods for accurately quantifying glycCQAs of mAbs. The information available in all four areas leads us to conclude that implementation of QbD to the manufacture of mAbs with specific glycosylation patterns will be a reality in the near future. We also foresee that the implementation of QbD will lead to the development of more robust and efficient manufacturing processes and to a new generation of mAbs with increased clinical efficacy. Copyright © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).
Bredael, Gerard M; Bowers, Niya; Boulineau, Fabien; Hahn, David
The ability to predict in vivo response of an oral dosage form based on an in vitro technique has been a sought after goal of the pharmaceutical scientist. Dissolution testing that demonstrates discrimination to various critical formulations or process attributes provides a sensitive quality check that may be representative or may be overpredictive of potential in vivo changes. Dissolution methodology with an established in vitro-in vivo relationship or correlation may provide the desired in vivo predictability. To establish this in vitro-in vivo link, a clinical study must be performed. In this article, recommendations are given in the selection of batches for the clinical study followed by potential outcome scenarios. The investigation of a Level C in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC), which is the most common correlation for immediate-release oral dosage forms, is presented. Lastly, an IVIVC case study involving a biopharmaceutical classification system class IV compound is presented encompassing this strategy and techniques. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.
Between Product Development and Mass Production: Tensions as Triggers for Concept-Level Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jalonen, Meri; Ristimäki, Päivi; Toiviainen, Hanna; Pulkkis, Anneli; Lohtander, Mika
Purpose: This paper aims to analyze learning in organizational transformations by focusing on concept-level tensions faced in two young companies, which were searching for a reorientation of activity with a production network between innovative product development and efficient mass production. Design/methodology/approach: An intervention-based…
The Reality of Virtual Reality Product Development
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dever, Clark
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are emerging areas of research and product development in enterprise companies. This talk will discuss industry standard tools and current areas of application in the commercial market. Attendees will gain insights into how to research, design, and (most importantly) ship, world class products. The presentation will recount the lessons learned to date developing a Virtual Reality tool to solve physics problems resulting from trying to perform aircraft maintenance on ships at sea.
Cybersecurity and the Medical Device Product Development Lifecycle.
Jones, Richard W; Katzis, Konstantinos
Protecting connected medical devices from evolving cyber related threats, requires a continuous lifecycle approach whereby cybersecurity is integrated within the product development lifecycle and both complements and re-enforces the safety risk management processes therein. This contribution reviews the guidance relating to medical device cybersecurity within the product development lifecycle.
Nanotherapeutics--product development along the "nanomaterial" discussion.
Wacker, Matthias G
Nanomaterials have become part of formulation development in the pharmaceutical industry and offer exciting opportunities in the area of targeted drug delivery. But they may also exert unexpected toxicities and potentially pose a threat to human health and the environment. Since the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks recommended a definition of "nanomaterials" for implementation into the existing and upcoming regulatory framework in the European Union, a discussion about safety requirements of new nanoscale products has emerged. At the same time, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States still observes recent developments in this area. Although the impact on the pharmaceutical product chain is still uncertain, guidelines on risk assessment in food products and cosmetics are available and offer a preview of future developments in the regimens of pharmaceuticals. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.
Plastid transformation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) by biolistic DNA delivery.
Ruhlman, Tracey A
The interest in producing pharmaceutical proteins in a nontoxic plant host has led to the development of an approach to express such proteins in transplastomic lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). A number of therapeutic proteins and vaccine antigen candidates have been stably integrated into the lettuce plastid genome using biolistic DNA delivery. High levels of accumulation and retention of biological activity suggest that lettuce may provide an ideal platform for the production of biopharmaceuticals.
Developing Technology Products - A Physicist's Perspective
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Burka, Michael
There are many physicists working in the industrial sector. We rarely have the word physicist in our job title; we are far more commonly called engineers or scientists. But, we are physicists, and we succeed because our training in physics has given us the habits of mind and the technical skills that one needs to solve complex technical challenges. This talk will explore the transition from physics research to technology product development using examples from my own career, first as a postdoctoral fellow and research scientist on the LIGO project, and then developing products in the spectroscopy, telecommunications, and medical device industries. Approaches to identifying and pursuing opportunities in industry will be discussed.
Non-Specific Microbicide Product Development: Then and Now
Romano, Joseph W.; Robbiani, Melissa; Doncel, Gustavo F.; Moench, Thomas
Despite the identification of HIV-1 as the etiological agent responsible for AIDS nearly 30 years ago, a sterilizing vaccine capable of preventing transmission of the virus remains elusive. In response to struggles on the vaccine development front, significant effort has been devoted to preventing the transmission of HIV with alternative products, technologies, and strategies. One of the early alternative HIV prevention strategies was microbicides, which are topical products that can be used to prevent sexual transmission of HIV either vaginally or rectally. First generation microbicide products were designed to be simple gel formulations comprised of readily available active agents that were inexpensive and broadly active (i.e., non-specific). Unfortunately, despite the clinical investigation of multiple product concepts satisfying these requirements, none were shown to be efficacious in pivotal trials. More recently, microbicide and oral prevention strategies involving highly specific and potent anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs have shown to be efficacious in trials. Although building on these successes continues, these products have a number of issues including potential toxicity with long term use, selection of HIV resistance, and cost. Further, all of the original justifications for non-specific microbicide products remain valid. This review provides a brief history of non-specific microbicide development, outlines the evolution to, and limitations of, ARV based microbicides, and summarizes the current activity on non-specific microbicide product development. PMID:22264041
User Experience Evaluation Methods in Product Development (UXEM'09)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Roto, Virpi; Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Kaisa; Law, Effie; Vermeeren, Arnold
High quality user experience (UX) has become a central competitive factor of product development in mature consumer markets [1]. Although the term UX originated from industry and is a widely used term also in academia, the tools for managing UX in product development are still inadequate. A prerequisite for designing delightful UX in an industrial setting is to understand both the requirements tied to the pragmatic level of functionality and interaction and the requirements pertaining to the hedonic level of personal human needs, which motivate product use [2]. Understanding these requirements helps managers set UX targets for product development. The next phase in a good user-centered design process is to iteratively design and evaluate prototypes [3]. Evaluation is critical for systematically improving UX. In many approaches to UX, evaluation basically needs to be postponed until the product is fully or at least almost fully functional. However, in an industrial setting, it is very expensive to find the UX failures only at this phase of product development. Thus, product development managers and developers have a strong need to conduct UX evaluation as early as possible, well before all the parts affecting the holistic experience are available. Different types of products require evaluation on different granularity and maturity levels of a prototype. For example, due to its multi-user characteristic, a community service or an enterprise resource planning system requires a broader scope of UX evaluation than a microwave oven or a word processor that is meant for a single user at a time. Before systematic UX evaluation can be taken into practice, practical, lightweight UX evaluation methods suitable for different types of products and different phases of product readiness are needed. A considerable amount of UX research is still about the conceptual frameworks and models for user experience [4]. Besides, applying existing usability evaluation methods (UEMs) without
Recent developments in drying of food products
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Valarmathi, T. N.; Sekar, S.; Purushothaman, M.; Sekar, S. D.; Rama Sharath Reddy, Maddela; Reddy, Kancham Reddy Naveen Kumar
Drying is a dehydration process to preserve agricultural products for long period usage. The most common and cheapest method is open sun drying in which the products are simply laid on ground, road, mats, roof, etc. But the open sun drying has some disadvantages like dependent on good weather, contamination by dust, birds and animals consume a considerable quantity, slow drying rate and damages due to strong winds and rain. To overcome these difficulties solar dryers are developed with closed environment for drying agricultural products effectively. To obtain good quality food with reduced energy consumption, selection of appropriate drying process and proper input parameters is essential. In recent years several researchers across the world have developed new drying systems for improving the product quality, increasing the drying rate, decreasing the energy consumption, etc. Some of the new systems are fluidized bed, vibrated fluidized bed, desiccant, microwave, vacuum, freeze, infrared, intermittent, electro hydrodynamic and hybrid dryers. In this review the most recent progress in the field of drying of agricultural food products such as new methods, new products and modeling and optimization techniques has been presented. Challenges and future directions are also highlighted. The review will be useful for new researchers entering into this ever needed and ever growing field of engineering.
Preclinical Development of Cell-Based Products: a European Regulatory Science Perspective.
McBlane, James W; Phul, Parvinder; Sharpe, Michaela
This article describes preclinical development of cell-based medicinal products for European markets and discusses European regulatory mechanisms open to developers to aid successful product development. Cell-based medicinal products are diverse, including cells that are autologous or allogeneic, have been genetically modified, or not, or expanded ex vivo, and applied systemically or to an anatomical site different to that of their origin; comments applicable to one product may not be applicable to others, so bespoke development is needed, for all elements - quality, preclinical and clinical. After establishing how the product is produced, proof of potential for therapeutic efficacy, and then safety, of the product need to be determined. This includes understanding biodistribution, persistence and toxicity, including potential for malignant transformation. These elements need to be considered in the context of the intended clinical development. This article describes regulatory mechanisms available to developers to support product development that aim to resolve scientific issues prior to marketing authorization application, to enable patients to have faster access to the product than would otherwise be the case. Developers are encouraged to be aware of both the scientific issues and regulatory mechanisms to ensure patients can be supplied with these products.
Hens, Bart; Sinko, Patrick; Job, Nicholas; Dean, Meagan; Al-Gousous, Jozef; Salehi, Niloufar; Ziff, Robert M; Tsume, Yasuhiro; Bermejo, Marival; Paixão, Paulo; Brasseur, James G; Yu, Alex; Talattof, Arjang; Benninghoff, Gail; Langguth, Peter; Lennernäs, Hans; Hasler, William L; Marciani, Luca; Dickens, Joseph; Shedden, Kerby; Sun, Duxin; Amidon, Gregory E; Amidon, Gordon L
Over the past decade, formulation predictive dissolution (fPD) testing has gained increasing attention. Another mindset is pushed forward where scientists in our field are more confident to explore the in vivo behavior of an oral drug product by performing predictive in vitro dissolution studies. Similarly, there is an increasing interest in the application of modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD) frameworks and high-performance computing platforms to study the local processes underlying absorption within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In that way, CFD and computing platforms both can inform future PBPK-based in silico frameworks and determine the GI-motility-driven hydrodynamic impacts that should be incorporated into in vitro dissolution methods for in vivo relevance. Current compendial dissolution methods are not always reliable to predict the in vivo behavior, especially not for biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) class 2/4 compounds suffering from a low aqueous solubility. Developing a predictive dissolution test will be more reliable, cost-effective and less time-consuming as long as the predictive power of the test is sufficiently strong. There is a need to develop a biorelevant, predictive dissolution method that can be applied by pharmaceutical drug companies to facilitate marketing access for generic and novel drug products. In 2014, Prof. Gordon L. Amidon and his team initiated a far-ranging research program designed to integrate (1) in vivo studies in humans in order to further improve the understanding of the intraluminal processing of oral dosage forms and dissolved drug along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, (2) advancement of in vitro methodologies that incorporates higher levels of in vivo relevance and (3) computational experiments to study the local processes underlying dissolution, transport and absorption within the intestines performed with a new unique CFD based framework. Of particular importance is revealing the physiological
Using X-Ray Crystallography to Simplify and Accelerate Biologics Drug Development.
Brader, Mark L; Baker, Edward N; Dunn, Michael F; Laue, Thomas M; Carpenter, John F
Every major biopharmaceutical company incorporates a protein crystallography unit that is central to its structure-based drug discovery efforts. Yet these capabilities are rarely leveraged toward the formal higher order structural characterization that is so challenging but integral to large-scale biologics manufacturing. Although the biotech industry laments the shortcomings of its favored biophysical techniques, x-ray crystallography is not even considered for drug development. Why not? We suggest that this is due, at least in part, to outdated thinking (for a recent industry-wide survey, see Gabrielson JP, Weiss IV WF. Technical decision-making with higher order structure data: starting a new dialogue. J Pharm Sci. 2015;104(4):1240-1245). We examine some myths surrounding protein crystallography and highlight the inherent properties of protein crystals (molecular identity, biochemical purity, conformational uniformity, and macromolecular crowding) as having practicable commonalities with today's patient-focused liquid drug products. In the new millennium, protein crystallography has become essentially a routine analytical test. Its application may aid the identification of better candidate molecules that are more amenable to high-concentration processing, formulation, and analysis thereby helping to make biologics drug development quicker, simpler, and cheaper. Copyright © 2017 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Smart consumer products with a pathfinder product development strategy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Robertson, Alec
It is generally acknowledged that technologies diffuse through industry and that the rate of diffusion varies both within different industries and according to the circumstances. Innovation is a process involving risk, especially during the adoption and adaptation of a powerful new technology. Central to a consumer products success using new technology is the quality of their designs and the nature of their forms. Form is of prime importance in influencing the purchasing decisions of consumers and it is also influential in determining the relationships between people in its use environment. The acceptance of a new product into the world is often unduly ad hoc. Many failures are created for each success and there are few guidelines to assist the formulation of a strategy for creating an appropriate form. It is suggested below that success of consumer products incorporating 'smart structures' may be determined not only by the function of products and systems, but also by the form they take. The definition of a desirable product form depends entirely on the point of view taken: technological, commercial, ecological, cultural, and social. However any design using new will incorporate the old and the new. The probability of acceptance of a new product is enhanced by maintaining a fine balance between imaginative and creative form and that with which people are familiar and prefer: a new design may be rejected if it is too novel and unfamiliar, or too traditional. The acceptance of a new product and its subsequent development depends on the success designers and engineers have when dealing with the initial forms, particularly using new technology such as 'smart structures'.
Aldor, Ilana S.; Krawitz, Denise C.; Forrest, William; Chen, Christina; Nishihara, Julie C.; Joly, John C.; Champion, Kathleen M.
By using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a proteomic analysis over time was conducted with high-cell-density, industrial, phosphate-limited Escherichia coli fermentations at the 10-liter scale. During production, a recombinant, humanized antibody fragment was secreted and assembled in a soluble form in the periplasm. E. coli protein changes associated with culture conditions were distinguished from protein changes associated with heterologous protein expression. Protein spots were monitored quantitatively and qualitatively. Differentially expressed proteins were quantitatively assessed by using a t-test method with a 1% false discovery rate as a significance criterion. As determined by this criterion, 81 protein spots changed significantly between 14 and 72 h (final time) of the control fermentations (vector only). Qualitative (on-off) comparisons indicated that 20 more protein spots were present only at 14 or 72 h in the control fermentations. These changes reflected physiological responses to the culture conditions. In control and production fermentations at 72 h, 25 protein spots were significantly differentially expressed. In addition, 19 protein spots were present only in control or production fermentations at this time. The quantitative and qualitative changes were attributable to overexpression of recombinant protein. The physiological changes observed during the fermentations included the up-regulation of phosphate starvation proteins and the down-regulation of ribosomal proteins and nucleotide biosynthesis proteins. Synthesis of the stress protein phage shock protein A (PspA) was strongly correlated with synthesis of a recombinant product. This suggested that manipulation of PspA levels might improve the soluble recombinant protein yield in the periplasm for this bioprocess. Indeed, controlled coexpression of PspA during production led to a moderate, but statistically significant, improvement in the yield. PMID:15811994
Emerging Issues from New Product Development in Food Manufacturing Industries.
where price competition can be avoided by increasing emphasis on new product development and by experimenting with product characteristics and images...stress price compe- tition rather than emphasize new product devel- opment and further extend the availability of economy-oriented food products based not on costs and price , but on new product development. 33/, 34/ 13 Economic theory predicts that forces that act to concentrate economic
Model of the Product Development Lifecycle.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
He, Sunny L.; Roe, Natalie H.; Wood, Evan
While the increased use of Commercial Off-The-Shelf information technology equipment has presented opportunities for improved cost effectiveness and flexibility, the corresponding loss of control over the product's development creates unique vulnerabilities and security concerns. Of particular interest is the possibility of a supply chain attack. A comprehensive model for the lifecycle of hardware and software products is proposed based on a survey of existing literature from academic, government, and industry sources. Seven major lifecycle stages are identified and defined: (1) Requirements, (2) Design, (3) Manufacturing for hardware and Development for software, (4) Testing, (5) Distribution, (6) Use and Maintenance, andmore » (7) Disposal. The model is then applied to examine the risk of attacks at various stages of the lifecycle.« less
Challenges in Introducing New Products: A Case Study on the New Product Development Process
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rankin, Robert; Mintu-Wimsatt, Alma
The case is based on an actual product introduction, and is designed to provide instruction on the new product development process. With the cost to launch new products estimated at least US $15 million and new product failure rates ranging from 40% to 80%, it is imperative that students learn how to determine the financial and market feasibility…
Development of a quarterly referral productivity report.
Wu, Cai; Sandoval, Alex; Hicks, Katrina N; Edwards, Tim J; Green, Lyle D
The Office of Physician Relations at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) has developed a dynamic referral productivity reporting tool for its Multidisciplinary Care Centers (MCC). The tool leverages information within the institution's Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) using business intelligent software Hyperion Intelligent Explorer Suite 8.3. the referral productivity reports are intended to provide each MCC with detailed referral and registration data outlining how, and from where, patients arrive here for treatment. The reports supports operational and strategic initiatives aimed at improving referral processes and market related program development.
Niimi, Shingo
Ministry of Health, Labour and Weltare has been conducting development of guidance for the approval process of brand-new medical products/development of guidance for medical devices in collaboration with Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as part of measures to promote practical use of brand-new medical products since 2005. The objective of this project is to expedite the processes from developmental process of medical devices to approval review and to introduce the medical devices to medical front quickly.. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare side has been making guidance for the guide in approval process of brand-new medical products and regeneration medicine products to aim at acceleration and facilitation of development and approval process of innovative medical products. Twenty-two of the guidance have been issued as director of the evaluation and licensing division. The evaluation index about safety and efficacy required for medical devices and regenerative medicine products in progress were put together in these guidance and useful for medical devices developer to understand the point at the approved review. Therefore, I think that the evaluation index could also contribute to the efficient product development. The guidance about implantable artificial heart is issued as the representative example which was useful in the approved review.
Sousa, Giovana D; Kishishita, Juliana; Aquino, Kátia A S; Presgrave, Octávio A F; Leal, Leila B; Santana, Davi P
The aim of this study was to compare the biopharmaceutical characteristics and irritation potentials of microemulsions (MEs) and conventional systems (CSs) containing oil from Syagrus cearensis for topical delivery of Amphotericin B (AmB). Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams were constructed using a water titration method to develop the MEs, and the CSs were prepared according to the classical technique of phase inversion. In the skin permeation and retention study, dermatomed pig skin without stratum corneum was used as an alternative disturbed skin model. The irritation potential was evaluated using three different methods, chorioallantoic membrane assays (HET-CAM and CAM-TBS), and bovine corneal opacity and permeability (BCOP) test. The optimized formulation (ME1) consisting of 0.1% (w/w) Amphotericin B, 9.1% (w/w) catolé oil, 81% (w/w) Smix (1:1, Tween 20 and Kolliphor EL) possessed droplet size of 31.02 ± 0.9 nm, zeta potential of -23.4 mV, and viscosity 0.63 ± 0.1 Pa.s. ME1 exhibited greater retention of AmB in to skin layers (84.79 ± 2.08 μg cm -2 ) than all the others formulations. In general, MEs showed higher drug release and retention than CSs and all of the formulations showed greater retentivity than permeability. Only MEs developed using Labrasol/Plurol Oleique (L/PO) as the surfactant and co-surfactant exhibited a moderate irritation potential; all other MEs and CSs were classified as non-irritants or slight irritants. The results indicate that formulations containing oil from S. cearensis are promising alternatives for the delivery of AmB targeting the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Target product selection - where can Molecular Pharming make the difference?
Paul, Mathew J; Teh, Audrey Y H; Twyman, Richard M; Ma, Julian K-C
Four major developments have taken place in the world of Molecular Pharming recently. In the USA, the DARPA initiative challenged plant biotechnology companies to develop strategies for the large-scale manufacture of influenza vaccines, resulting in a successful Phase I clinical trial; in Europe the Pharma-Planta academic consortium gained regulatory approval for a plant-derived monoclonal antibody and completed a first-in-human phase I clinical trial; the Dutch pharmaceutical company Synthon acquired the assets of Biolex Therapeutics, an established Molecular Pharming company with several clinical candidates produced in their proprietary LEX system based on aquatic plants; and finally, the Israeli biotechnology company Protalix Biotherapeutics won FDA approval for the commercial release of a recombinant form of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase produced in carrot cells, the first plant biotechnology-derived biopharmaceutical in the world approved for the market. Commercial momentum is gathering pace with additional candidates now undergoing or awaiting approval for phase III clinical trials. Filling the product pipeline is vital to establish commercial sustainability, and the selection of appropriate target products for Molecular Pharming will be a critical factor. An interesting feature of the four stories outlined above is that they span the use of very different platform technologies addressing different types of molecules which aim to satisfy distinct market demands. In each case, Molecular Pharming was an economically and technically suitable approach, but this decisionmaking process is not necessarily straightforward. Although the various technologies available to Molecular Pharming are broad ranging and flexible, competing technologies are better established, so there needs to be a compelling reason to move into plants. It is most unlikely that plant biotechnology will be the answer for the whole biologics field. In this article, we discuss the current plant
The NISTmAb Reference Material 8671 lifecycle management and quality plan.
Schiel, John E; Turner, Abigail
Comprehensive analysis of monoclonal antibody therapeutics involves an ever expanding cadre of technologies. Lifecycle-appropriate application of current and emerging techniques requires rigorous testing followed by discussion between industry and regulators in a pre-competitive space, an effort that may be facilitated by a widely available test metric. Biopharmaceutical quality materials, however, are often difficult to access and/or are protected by intellectual property rights. The NISTmAb, humanized IgG1κ Reference Material 8671 (RM 8671), has been established with the intent of filling that void. The NISTmAb embodies the quality and characteristics of a typical biopharmaceutical product, is widely available to the biopharmaceutical community, and is an open innovation tool for development and dissemination of results. The NISTmAb lifecyle management plan described herein provides a hierarchical strategy for maintenance of quality over time through rigorous method qualification detailed in additional submissions in the current publication series. The NISTmAb RM 8671 is a representative monoclonal antibody material and provides a means to continually evaluate current best practices, promote innovative approaches, and inform regulatory paradigms as technology advances. Graphical abstract The NISTmAb Reference Material (RM) 8671 is intended to be an industry standard monoclonal antibody for pre-competitive harmonization of best practices and designing next generation characterization technologies for identity, quality, and stability testing.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stavros, E. N.; Owen, S. E.
Information products are assimilated and used to: a) conduct scientific research and b) provide decision support for management and policy. For example, aboveground biomass (i.e. an information product) can be integrated into Earth system models to test hypotheses about the changing world, or used to inform decision-making with respect to natural resource management and policy. Production and dissemination of an information product is referred to as the data product life cycle, which includes: 1) identifying needed information from decision-makers and researchers, 2) engineering an instrument and collecting the raw physical measurements (e.g, number of photons returned), 3) the scientific algorithm(s) for processing the data into an observable (e.g., number of dying trees), and 4) the integration and utilization of that observables by researchers and decision-makers. In this talk, I will discuss the data product life cycle in detail and provide examples from the pre-Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) airborne campaign and the upcoming NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) mission. Examples will focus on information products related to terrestrial ecosystems and natural resource management and will demonstrate that the key to providing information products for advancing scientific understanding and informing decision-makers, is the interdisciplinary integration of science, engineering and applied science - noting that applied science defines the wider impact and adoption of scientific principles by a wider community. As pre-HyspIRI airborne data is for research and development and NISAR is not yet launched, examples will include current plans for developing exemplar data products (from pre-HyspIRI) and the mission Applications Plan (for NISAR). Copyright 2016 California Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved. We acknowledge support of the US Government, NASA, the Earth Science Division and Terrestrial Ecology program.
Rodrigues, A F; Formas-Oliveira, A S; Bandeira, V S; Alves, P M; Hu, W S; Coroadinha, A S
Biopharmaceuticals derived from enveloped virus comprise an expanding market of vaccines, oncolytic vectors and gene therapy products. Thus, increased attention is given to the development of robust high-titer cell hosts for their manufacture. However, the knowledge on the physiological constraints modulating virus production is still scarce and the use of integrated strategies to improve hosts productivity and upstream bioprocess an under-explored territory. In this work, we conducted a functional genomics study, including the transcriptional profiling and central carbon metabolism analysis, following the metabolic changes in the transition 'parental-to-producer' of two human cell lines producing recombinant retrovirus. Results were gathered into three comprehensive metabolic maps, providing a broad and integrated overview of gene expression changes for both cell lines. Eight pathways were identified to be recruited in the virus production state: amino acid catabolism, carbohydrate catabolism and integration of the energy metabolism, nucleotide metabolism, glutathione metabolism, pentose phosphate pathway, polyamines biosynthesis and lipid metabolism. Their ability to modulate viral titers was experimentally challenged, leading to improved specific productivities of recombinant retrovirus up to 6-fold. Within recruited pathways in the virus production state, we sought for metabolic engineering gene targets in the low producing phenotypes. A mining strategy was used alternative to the traditional approach 'high vs. low producer' clonal comparison. Instead, 'high vs. low producer' from different genetic backgrounds (i.e. cell origins) were compared. Several genes were identified as limiting in the low-production phenotype, including two enzymes from cholesterol biosynthesis, two enzymes from glutathione biosynthesis and the regulatory machinery of polyamines biosynthesis. This is thus a frontier work, bridging fundamentals to technological research and contributing
Xu, Ping; Clark, Colleen; Ryder, Todd; Sparks, Colleen; Zhou, Jiping; Wang, Michelle; Russell, Reb; Scott, Charo
Demands for development of biological therapies is rapidly increasing, as is the drive to reduce time to patient. In order to speed up development, the disposable Automated Microscale Bioreactor (Ambr 250) system is increasingly gaining interest due to its advantages, including highly automated control, high throughput capacity, and short turnaround time. Traditional early stage upstream process development conducted in 2 - 5 L bench-top bioreactors requires high foot-print, and running cost. The establishment of the Ambr 250 as a scale-down model leads to many benefits in process development. In this study, a comprehensive characterization of mass transfer coefficient (k L a) in the Ambr 250 was conducted to define optimal operational conditions. Scale-down approaches, including dimensionless volumetric flow rate (vvm), power per unit volume (P/V) and k L a have been evaluated using different cell lines. This study demonstrates that the Ambr 250 generated comparable profiles of cell growth and protein production, as seen at 5-L and 1000-L bioreactor scales, when using k L a as a scale-down parameter. In addition to mimicking processes at large scales, the suitability of the Ambr 250 as a tool for clone selection, which is traditionally conducted in bench-top bioreactors, was investigated. Data show that cell growth, productivity, metabolite profiles, and product qualities of material generated using the Ambr 250 were comparable to those from 5-L bioreactors. Therefore, Ambr 250 can be used for clone selection and process development as a replacement for traditional bench-top bioreactors minimizing resource utilization during the early stages of development in the biopharmaceutical industry. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:478-489, 2017. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Vanz, Ana Ls; Renard, Gaby; Palma, Mario S; Chies, Jocelei M; Dalmora, Sérgio L; Basso, Luiz A; Santos, Diógenes S
Biopharmaceutical drugs are mainly recombinant proteins produced by biotechnological tools. The patents of many biopharmaceuticals have expired, and biosimilars are thus currently being developed. Human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (hG-CSF) is a hematopoietic cytokine that acts on cells of the neutrophil lineage causing proliferation and differentiation of committed precursor cells and activation of mature neutrophils. Recombinant hG-CSF has been produced in genetically engineered Escherichia coli (Filgrastim) and successfully used to treat cancer patients suffering from chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. Filgrastim is a 175 amino acid protein, containing an extra N-terminal methionine, which is needed for expression in E. coli. Here we describe a simple and low-cost process that is amenable to scaling-up for the production and purification of homogeneous and active recombinant hG-CSF expressed in E. coli cells. Here we describe cloning of the human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor coding DNA sequence, protein expression in E. coli BL21(DE3) host cells in the absence of isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) induction, efficient isolation and solubilization of inclusion bodies by a multi-step washing procedure, and a purification protocol using a single cationic exchange column. Characterization of homogeneous rhG-CSF by size exclusion and reverse phase chromatography showed similar yields to the standard. The immunoassay and N-terminal sequencing confirmed the identity of rhG-CSF. The biological activity assay, in vivo, showed an equivalent biological effect (109.4%) to the standard reference rhG-CSF. The homogeneous rhG-CSF protein yield was 3.2 mg of bioactive protein per liter of cell culture. The recombinant protein expression in the absence of IPTG induction is advantageous since cost is reduced, and the protein purification protocol using a single chromatographic step should reduce cost even further for large scale production. The
Vanz, Ana LS; Renard, Gaby; Palma, Mario S; Chies, Jocelei M; Dalmora, Sérgio L; Basso, Luiz A; Santos, Diógenes S
Background Biopharmaceutical drugs are mainly recombinant proteins produced by biotechnological tools. The patents of many biopharmaceuticals have expired, and biosimilars are thus currently being developed. Human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (hG-CSF) is a hematopoietic cytokine that acts on cells of the neutrophil lineage causing proliferation and differentiation of committed precursor cells and activation of mature neutrophils. Recombinant hG-CSF has been produced in genetically engineered Escherichia coli (Filgrastim) and successfully used to treat cancer patients suffering from chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. Filgrastim is a 175 amino acid protein, containing an extra N-terminal methionine, which is needed for expression in E. coli. Here we describe a simple and low-cost process that is amenable to scaling-up for the production and purification of homogeneous and active recombinant hG-CSF expressed in E. coli cells. Results Here we describe cloning of the human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor coding DNA sequence, protein expression in E. coli BL21(DE3) host cells in the absence of isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) induction, efficient isolation and solubilization of inclusion bodies by a multi-step washing procedure, and a purification protocol using a single cationic exchange column. Characterization of homogeneous rhG-CSF by size exclusion and reverse phase chromatography showed similar yields to the standard. The immunoassay and N-terminal sequencing confirmed the identity of rhG-CSF. The biological activity assay, in vivo, showed an equivalent biological effect (109.4%) to the standard reference rhG-CSF. The homogeneous rhG-CSF protein yield was 3.2 mg of bioactive protein per liter of cell culture. Conclusion The recombinant protein expression in the absence of IPTG induction is advantageous since cost is reduced, and the protein purification protocol using a single chromatographic step should reduce cost even further for large
Löbenberg, Raimar; Chacra, Nadia B; Stippler, Erika S; Shah, Vinod P; DeStefano, Anthony J; Hauck, Walter W; Williams, Roger L
This study compared in vitro dissolution characteristics and other quality measures of different amoxicillin, metronidazole, and zidovudine products purchased in the Americas to a comparator pharmaceutical product (CPP). These three drugs are classified as Biopharmaceutics Classification System Class I drugs with the possibility that dissolution findings might be used to document bioequivalence. All investigated zidovudine products were found to be in vitro equivalent to the CPP. Only 3 of 12 tested amoxicillin products were found to be in vitro equivalent to the CPP. None of the tested metronidazole products were in vitro equivalent to the CPP. These findings suggest but do not confirm bioinequivalence where in vitro comparisons failed, given that an in vivo blood level study might have confirmed bioequivalence. At times, identifying a CPP in one of the selected markets proved difficult. The study demonstrates that products sold across national markets may not be bioequivalent. When coupled with the challenge of identifying a CPP in different countries, the results of this study suggest the value of an international CPP as well as increased use of BCS approaches as means of either documenting bioequivalence or signaling the need for further in vivo studies. Because of increased movement of medicines across national borders, practitioners and patients would benefit from these approaches.
Evens, Ronald P
The biotechnology segment of the overall biopharma industry has existed for only about 40–45 years, as a driver of new product development. This driving force was initiated with the FDA approval of recombinant human insulin in 1982, originating from the Genentech company. The pharma industry in the early years of 1970s and 1980s engaged with biotechnology companies only to a small extent with their in-licensing of a few recombinant molecules, led by Roche, Eli Lilly, and Johnson and Johnson. However, subsequently and dramatically over the last 25 years, biotechnology has become a primary driver of product and technology innovation and has become a cornerstone in new product development by all biopharma companies. This review demonstrates these evolutionary changes regarding approved products, product pipelines, novelty of the products, FDA approval rates, product sales, financial R&D investments in biotechnology, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, and patent issues. We now have about 300 biotechnology products approved in USA covering 16 medical disciplines and about 250 indications, with the engagement of 25 pharma companies, along with their biotechnology company innovators and partners. The biotechnology pipeline involves over 1000 molecules in clinical trials, including over 300 molecules associated with the top 10 pharma companies. Product approval rates by the FDA for biotechnology products are over double the rate for drugs. Yes, the R&D paradigm has changed with biotechnology now as one of the major focuses for new product development with novel molecules by the whole biopharma industry.
Davit, Barbara; Braddy, April C; Conner, Dale P; Yu, Lawrence X
The objective of this article is to discuss the similarities and differences among bioequivalence approaches used by international regulatory authorities when reviewing applications for marketing new generic drug products which are systemically active and intended for oral administration. We focused on the 13 jurisdictions and organizations participating in the International Generic Drug Regulators Pilot. These are Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, the European Medicines Association, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, the USA, and the World Health Organization. We began with a comparison of how the various jurisdictions and organizations define a generic product and its corresponding reference product. We then compared the following bioequivalence approaches: recommended bioequivalence study designs, method of pharmacokinetic calculations and bioequivalence acceptance limits, recommendations for modifying bioequivalence study designs and limits for highly variable drugs and narrow therapeutic index drugs, provisions for waiving bioequivalence study requirements (granting biowaivers), and implementation of the Biopharmaceutics Classification System. We observed that, overall, there are more similarities than differences in bioequivalence approaches among the regulatory authorities surveyed.
Developing Socio-Cultural Scaffolding Model to Elicit Learners's Speech Production
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Englishtina, Inti
This study is concerned with developing scaffolding model to elicit bilingual kindergarten children's English speech production. It is aimed at describing what the teachers need in eliciting their students' speech production; how a scaffolding model should be developed to elicit the children's speech production; and how effective is the…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Escobar, V. M.
Satellite remote sensing technology has contributed to the transformation of multiple earth science domains, putting space observations at the forefront of innovation in Earth Science. With new satellite missions being launched every year, new types of Earth Science data are being incorporated into science models and decision-making systems in a broad array of organizations. These applications help hazard mitigation and decision-making in government, private, and civic institutions working to reduce its impact on human wellbeing. Policy guidance and knowledge of product maturity can influence mission design as well as development of product applications in user organizations. Ensuring that satellite missions serve both the scientific and user communities without becoming unfocused and overly expensive is a critical outcome from engagement of user communities. Tracking the applications and product maturity help improve the use of data. NASA's Applications Readiness Levels reduce cost and increase the confidence in applications. ARLs help identify areas where NASA products are most useful while allowing the user to leverage products in early development as well as those ready for operational uses. By considering the needs of the user community early on in the mission-design process, agencies can use ARLs to ensure that satellites meet the needs of multiple constituencies and the development of products are integrated into user organizations organically. ARLs and user integration provide a perspective on the maturity and readiness of a products ability to influence policy and decision-making. This paper describes the mission application development process at NASA and within the Earth Science Directorate. We present the successes and challenges faced by NASA data users and explain how ARLs helps link NASA science to the appropriate policies and decision frameworks. The methods presented here can be adapted to other programs and institutions seeking to rapidly move
Pniewski, Tomasz; Czyż, Marcin; Wyrwa, Katarzyna; Bociąg, Piotr; Krajewski, Paweł; Kapusta, Józef
Micropropagation protocol of transgenic lettuce bearing S-, M- and L-HBsAg was developed for increased production of uniformised material for oral vaccine preparation. Effective manufacturing of plant-based biopharmaceuticals, including oral vaccines, depends on sufficient content of a protein of interest in the initial material and its efficient conversion into an administrable formulation. However, stable production of plants with a uniformised antigen content is equally important for reproducible processing. This can be provided by micropropagation techniques. Here, we present a protocol for micropropagation of transgenic lettuce lines bearing HBV surface antigens: S-, M- and L-HBsAg. These were multiplied through axillary buds to avoid the risk of somaclonal variation. Micropropagation effectiveness reached 3.5-5.7 per passage, which implies potential production of up to 6600 plant clones within a maximum 5 months. Multiplication and rooting rates were statistically homogenous for most transgenic and control plants. For most lines, more than 90 % of clones obtained via in vitro micropropagation had HBsAg content as high as reference plants directly developed from seeds. Clones were also several times more uniform in HBsAg expression. Variation coefficients of HBsAg content did not exceed 10 % for approximately 40-85 % of clones, or reached a maximum 20 % for 90 % of all clones. Tissue culture did not affect total and leaf biomass yields. Seed production for clones was decreased insignificantly and did not impact progeny condition. Micropropagation facilitates a substantial increase in the production of lettuce plants with high and considerably equalised HBsAg contents. This, together with the previously reported optimisation of plant tissue processing and its long-term stability, constitutes a successive step in manufacturing of a standardised anti-HBV oral vaccine of reliable efficacy.
Test Marketing in New Product Development
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Klompmaker, Jay E.; And Others
Discusses the role of test marketing in new product development, based on interviews with marketing executives. Attempts to clarify when a test market should be done, what its aims should be, and how it should be used. (JG)
Hamidi, Ahd; Kreeftenberg, Hans; V D Pol, Leo; Ghimire, Saroj; V D Wielen, Luuk A M; Ottens, Marcel
Vaccination is one of the most successful public health interventions being a cost-effective tool in preventing deaths among young children. The earliest vaccines were developed following empirical methods, creating vaccines by trial and error. New process development tools, for example mathematical modeling, as well as new regulatory initiatives requiring better understanding of both the product and the process are being applied to well-characterized biopharmaceuticals (for example recombinant proteins). The vaccine industry is still running behind in comparison to these industries. A production process for a new Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccine, including related quality control (QC) tests, was developed and transferred to a number of emerging vaccine manufacturers. This contributed to a sustainable global supply of affordable Hib conjugate vaccines, as illustrated by the market launch of the first Hib vaccine based on this technology in 2007 and concomitant price reduction of Hib vaccines. This paper describes the development approach followed for this Hib conjugate vaccine as well as the mathematical modeling tool applied recently in order to indicate options for further improvements of the initial Hib process. The strategy followed during the process development of this Hib conjugate vaccine was a targeted and integrated approach based on prior knowledge and experience with similar products using multi-disciplinary expertise. Mathematical modeling was used to develop a predictive model for the initial Hib process (the 'baseline' model) as well as an 'optimized' model, by proposing a number of process changes which could lead to further reduction in price. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:568-580, 2016. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
The Effects of Development Team Skill on Software Product Quality
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Beaver, Justin M.; Schiavone, Guy A.
This paper provides an analysis of the effect of the skill/experience of the software development team on the quality of the final software product. A method for the assessment of software development team skill and experience is proposed, and was derived from a workforce management tool currently in use by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Using data from 26 smallscale software development projects, the team skill measures are correlated to 5 software product quality metrics from the ISO/IEC 9126 Software Engineering Product Quality standard. in the analysis of the results, development team skill is found to be a significant factor in the adequacy of the design and implementation. In addition, the results imply that inexperienced software developers are tasked with responsibilities ill-suited to their skill level, and thus have a significant adverse effect on the quality of the software product. Keywords: software quality, development skill, software metrics
Translational research and the evolving landscape for biomedical innovation.
Kaitin, Kenneth I
This article addresses current challenges facing pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical developers, including the expiration of patents on many high-revenue-generating products, increasing competition in the marketplace, low public support, high regulatory hurdles, and the increasing time, cost, and risk of new product development. To meet these challenges, drug developers are looking to new models of innovation to improve efficiency, lower risk, and increase output. These new models include codevelopment agreements with small companies, multicompany consortia, and strategic partnerships with academic research centers. In the United States and the European Union, the government is supporting these efforts by creating incentives for academic centers to foster translational research and become more "commercially minded". The goal for all stakeholders is to reduce the barriers to product development and bring new medicines to market in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
Commercial imagery archive product development
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sakkas, Alysa
The Lockheed Martin (LM) team had garnered over a decade of operational experience in digital imagery management and analysis for the US Government at numerous worldwide sites. Recently, it set out to create a new commercial product to serve the needs of large-scale imagery archiving and analysis markets worldwide. LM decided to provide a turnkey commercial solution to receive, store, retrieve, process, analyze and disseminate in 'push' or 'pull' modes components and adapted and developed its own algorithms to provide added functionality not commercially available elsewhere. The resultant product, Intelligent Library System, satisfies requirements for (a) a potentially unbounded, data archive automated workflow management for increased user productivity; (c) automatic tracking and management of files stored on shelves; (d) ability to ingest, process and disseminate data involves with bandwidths ranging up to multi-gigabit per second; (e) access through a thin client- to-server network environment; (f) multiple interactive users needing retrieval of filters in seconds from both archived images or in real time, and (g) scalability that maintains information throughput performance as the size of the digital library grows.
New Food Product Development Assistance for Rural Food Enterprises.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Stoll, William F.
This article describes examples of new food product development activities engaged in at the University of Minnesota Technical College with local industry, showing how they have been used as teaching models in the classroom. These activities have led to a program of New Product Development Assistance for small food companies in southeastern…
An integrated new product development framework - an application on green and low-carbon products
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lin, Chun-Yu; Lee, Amy H. I.; Kang, He-Yau
Companies need to be innovative to survive in today's competitive market; thus, new product development (NPD) has become very important. This research constructs an integrated NPD framework for developing new products. In stage one, customer attributes (CAs) and engineering characteristics (ECs) for developing products are collected, and fuzzy interpretive structural modelling (FISM) is applied to understand the relationships among these critical factors. Based on quality function deployment (QFD), a house of quality is then built, and fuzzy analytic network process (FANP) is adopted to calculate the relative importance of ECs. In stage two, fuzzy failure mode and effects analysis (FFMEA) is applied to understand the potential failures of the ECs and to determine the importance of ECs with respect to risk control. In stage three, a goal programming (GP) model is constructed to consider the outcome from the FANP-QFD, FFMEA and other objectives, in order to select the most important ECs. Due to pollution and global warming, environmental protection has become an important topic. With both governments and consumers developing environmental consciousness, successful green and low-carbon NPD provides an important competitive advantage, enabling the survival or renewal of firms. The proposed framework is implemented in a panel manufacturing firm for designing a green and low-carbon product.
Qian Cutrone, Jingfang Jenny; Huang, Xiaohua Stella; Kozlowski, Edward S; Bao, Ye; Wang, Yingzi; Poronsky, Christopher S; Drexler, Dieter M; Tymiak, Adrienne A
Synthetic macrocyclic peptides with natural and unnatural amino acids have gained considerable attention from a number of pharmaceutical/biopharmaceutical companies in recent years as a promising approach to drug discovery, particularly for targets involving protein-protein or protein-peptide interactions. Analytical scientists charged with characterizing these leads face multiple challenges including dealing with a class of complex molecules with the potential for multiple isomers and variable charge states and no established standards for acceptable analytical characterization of materials used in drug discovery. In addition, due to the lack of intermediate purification during solid phase peptide synthesis, the final products usually contain a complex profile of impurities. In this paper, practical analytical strategies and methodologies were developed to address these challenges, including a tiered approach to assessing the purity of macrocyclic peptides at different stages of drug discovery. Our results also showed that successful progression and characterization of a new drug discovery modality benefited from active analytical engagement, focusing on fit-for-purpose analyses and leveraging a broad palette of analytical technologies and resources. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Biosimilars--global issues, national solutions.
Knezevic, Ivana; Griffiths, Elwyn
Biotechnology derived medicinal products are presently the best characterized biologicals with considerable production and clinical experience, and have revolutionized the treatment of some of the most difficult-to-treat diseases, prolonging and improving the quality of life and patient care. They are also currently one of the fastest growing segments of the pharmaceutical industry market. The critical challenge that the biopharmaceutical industry is facing is the expiry of patents for the first generation of biopharmaceuticals, mainly recombinant DNA derived products, such as interferons, growth hormone and erythropoetin. The question that immediately arose was how should such copies of the originator products be licensed, bearing in mind that they are highly complex biological molecules produced by equally complex biological production processes with their inherent problem of biological variability. Copying biologicals is much more complex than copying small molecules and the critical issue was how to handle the licensing of products if relying in part on data from an innovator product. Since 2004 there has been considerable international consultation on how to deal with biosimilars and biological copy products. This has led to a better understanding of the challenges in the regulatory evaluation of the quality, safety and efficacy of "biosimilars", to the exchange of information between regulators, as well as to the identification of key issues. The aim of this article is to provide a brief overview of the scientific and regulatory challenges faced in developing and evaluating similar biotherapeutic products for global use. It is intended as an introduction to the series of articles in this special issue of Biologicals devoted to similar biotherapeutic products. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Camelid VHH affinity ligands enable separation of closely related biopharmaceuticals
Pabst, Timothy M.; Wendeler, Michaela; Wang, Xiangyang; Bezemer, Sandra; Hermans, Pim
Abstract Interest in new and diverse classes of molecules such as recombinant toxins, enzymes, and blood factors continues to grow for use a biotherapeutics. Compared to monoclonal antibodies, these novel drugs typically lack a commercially available affinity chromatography option, which leads to greater process complexity, longer development timelines, and poor platformability. To date, for both monoclonal antibodies and novel molecules, affinity chromatography has been mostly reserved for separation of process‐related impurities such as host cell proteins and DNA. Reports of affinity purification of closely related product variants and modified forms are much rarer. In this work we describe custom affinity chromatography development using camelid VHH antibody fragments as "tunable" immunoaffinity ligands for separation of product‐related impurities. One example demonstrates high selectivity for a recombinant immunotoxin where no binding was observed for an undesired deamidated species. Also discussed is affinity purification of a coagulation factor through specific recognition of the gamma‐carboxylglutamic acid domain. PMID:27677057
Variables influencing food perception reviewed for consumer-oriented product development.
Sijtsema, Siet; Linnemann, Anita; van Gaasbeek, Ton; Dagevos, Hans; Jongen, Wim
Consumer wishes have to be translated into product characteristics to implement consumer-oriented product development. Before this step can be made, insight in food-related behavior and perception of consumers is necessary to make the right, useful, and successful translation. Food choice behavior and consumers' perception are studied in many disciplines. Models of food behavior and preferences therefore were studied from a multidisciplinary perspective. Nearly all models structure the determinants related to the person, the food, and the environment. Consequently, the overview of models was used as a basis to structure the variables influencing food perception into a model for consumer-oriented product development. To this new model, referred to as food perception model, other variables like time and place as part of consumption moment were added. These are important variables influencing consumers' perception, and therefore of increasing importance to consumer-oriented product development nowadays. In further research, the presented food perception model is used as a tool to implement successful consumer-oriented product development.
Mechatronics design principles for biotechnology product development.
Mandenius, Carl-Fredrik; Björkman, Mats
Traditionally, biotechnology design has focused on the manufacture of chemicals and biologics. Still, a majority of biotechnology products that appear on the market today is the result of mechanical-electric (mechatronic) construction. For these, the biological components play decisive roles in the design solution; the biological entities are either integral parts of the design, or are transformed by the mechatronic system. This article explains how the development and production engineering design principles used for typical mechanical products can be adapted to the demands of biotechnology products, and how electronics, mechanics and biology can be integrated more successfully. We discuss three emerging areas of biotechnology in which mechatronic design principles can apply: stem cell manufacture, artificial organs, and bioreactors. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Development of Cotton-Based Nonwovens Products
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
This article briefly describes the planned or projected developments of cotton-based nonwoven products, using state-of-the art technologies and equipment that now, after the devastating hurricane Katrina, have been made available for research at the Southern Regional Reserach Center. Although we sti...
A Product Development Decision Model for Cockpit Weather Information System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sireli, Yesim; Kauffmann, Paul; Gupta, Surabhi; Kachroo, Pushkin; Johnson, Edward J., Jr. (Technical Monitor)
There is a significant market demand for advanced cockpit weather information products. However, it is unclear how to identify the most promising technological options that provide the desired mix of consumer requirements by employing feasible technical systems at a price that achieves market success. This study develops a unique product development decision model that employs Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Kano's model of consumer choice. This model is specifically designed for exploration and resolution of this and similar information technology related product development problems.
A Product Development Decision Model for Cockpit Weather Information Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sireli, Yesim; Kauffmann, Paul; Gupta, Surabhi; Kachroo, Pushkin
There is a significant market demand for advanced cockpit weather information products. However, it is unclear how to identify the most promising technological options that provide the desired mix of consumer requirements by employing feasible technical systems at a price that achieves market success. This study develops a unique product development decision model that employs Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Kano's model of consumer choice. This model is specifically designed for exploration and resolution of this and similar information technology related product development problems.
EPO Program and Product Evaluation Throughout the Development Lifecycle
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kaiser, C.; Butcher, G. J.
Evaluation of successful education and public outreach (EPO) programs and products is becoming increasingly important for the continued development of such efforts. This presentation will detail the tools and techniques used to evaluate two EPO efforts- 1) NASA's REEL Science Communications Contest and Video Production Workshop, and 2) the 'Sensors, Circuits, and Satellites' product. A primary challenge with evaluating any EPO product geared towards children and students is the limitation on collecting information from minors. With regards to the REEL Science Contest, over 120 students participated in producing and entering 48 contest entries but because of the Office of Budget and Management (OBM) regulations that restrict collecting feedback from more than nine individuals, we were only able to collect evaluation data from a small subset of this group. The five winning students who participated in the final workshop took part in the evaluation. The benefit of a small group size is that it allowed for more in-depth one-on-one interviews with each student. The feedback collected from this evaluation offered valuable insight into what worked well along with areas of improvement for futures contests and workshops. The REEL Science video contest had another evaluation opportunity since NASA scientists, communications experts, and producers also participated in the program and worked directly with the students. A survey was administered for this audience in an effort to gauge the perceived value and success of the program from the perspective of the originating institution. We found that if a program is well received, the program is more likely to receive future support. Additionally, this component of the program evaluation provided useful feedback and lessons learned to help optimize the role of the internal audience for similar programs in the future. Implementing formative evaluation is key to developing a successful EPO product development. Collecting data at key
Smetanová, Libuše; Stětinová, Věra; Kholová, Dagmar; Kuneš, Martin; Nobilis, Milan; Svoboda, Zbyněk; Květina, Jaroslav
The aim of the study was 1) to estimate permeability of 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), 2) to categorize 5-ASA according to BCS (Biopharmaceutics Classification System), and 3) to contribute to determination of 5-ASA transintestinal transport and biotransformation mechanisms. The in situ rat intestine perfusion was used as an initial method to study 5-ASA transport. The amount of 5-ASA (released from tablet) transferred into portal circulation reached 5.79 ± 0.24%. During this transport, the intestinal formation of 5-ASA main metabolite (N-ac-5-ASA) occurred. N-ac-5-ASA was found in perfusate both from intestinal lumen and from v. portae. In in vitro Caco-2 monolayers, transport of 5-ASA (10-1000 µmol/l) was studied in apical-basolateral and basolateral-apical direction (iso-pH 7.4 conditions). The transport of total 5-ASA (parent drug plus intracellularly formed N-ac-5-ASA) was linear with time, concentration- and direction-dependent. Higher basolateral-apical (secretory) transport was mainly caused by higher transport of the metabolite (suggesting metabolite efflux transport). Transport of 5-ASA (only parent drug) was saturable (transepithelial carrier-mediated) at low doses, dominated by passive, paracellular process in higher doses which was confirmed by increased 5-ASA transport using Ca2+-free transport medium. The estimated low 5-ASA permeability and its low solubility enable to classify 5-ASA as BCS class IV.
Žakelj, Simon; Berginc, Katja; Roškar, Robert; Kraljič, Bor; Kristl, Albin
BCS based biowaivers are recognized by major regulatory agencies. An application for a biowaiver can be supported by or even based on "in vitro" measurements of drug permeability. However, guidelines limit the application of biowaivers to drug substances that are transported only by passive mechanisms. Regarding published permeability data as well as measurements obtained in our institution, one can rarely observe drug substances that conform to this very strict criterion. Therefore, we measured the apparent permeability coefficients of 13 drugs recommended by FDA's Guidance to be used as standards for "in vitro" permeability classification. The asymmetry of permeability data determined for both directions (mucosal-to-serosal and serosalto- mucosal) through the rat small intestine revealed significant active transport for four out of the nine high-permeability standards and for all four low-permeability standard drugs. As could be expected, this asymmetry was abolished at 4°C on rat intestine. The permeability of all nine high-permeability, but none of the low permeability standards, was also much lower when measured with intestinal tissue, Caco-2 cell monolayers or artificial membranes at 4°C compared to standard conditions (37°C). Additionally, concurrent testing of several standard drugs revealed that membrane transport can be affected by the use of internal permeability standards. The implications of the results are discussed regarding the regulatory aspects of biopharmaceutical classification, good practice in drug permeability evaluation and regarding the general relevance of transport proteins with broad specificity in drug absorption.
Razaghi, Ali; Owens, Leigh; Heimann, Kirsten
Human interferon gamma is a cytokine belonging to a diverse group of interferons which have a crucial immunological function against mycobacteria and a wide variety of viral infections. To date, it has been approved for treatment of chronic granulomatous disease and malignant osteopetrosis, and its application as an immunotherapeutic agent against cancer is an increasing prospect. Recombinant human interferon gamma, as a lucrative biopharmaceutical, has been engineered in different expression systems including prokaryotic, protozoan, fungal (yeasts), plant, insect and mammalian cells. Human interferon gamma is commonly expressed in Escherichia coli, marketed as ACTIMMUNE ® , however, the resulting product of the prokaryotic expression system is unglycosylated with a short half-life in the bloodstream; the purification process is tedious and makes the product costlier. Other expression systems also did not show satisfactory results in terms of yields, the biological activity of the protein or economic viability. Thus, the review aims to synthesise available information from previous studies on the production of human interferon gamma and its glycosylation patterns in different expression systems, to provide direction to future research in this field. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Development of textile-based high-tech products: the new challenge.
da Rocha, Ana Maria M F
The new generation of smart textiles is represented by fibers, yarns, fabrics and other resulting products that have special properties, regarding mechanical, chemical, electrical and thermal performances. These high-tech products, being able to respond to external stimuli through the integration of electronic components, phase change materials, shape memory materials or nano materials, enabled the development of different active and functional products. These products when combining the functions of medium, carrier and interface for micro-systems applications represent the ideal connecting channel between humans and the environment. This is a field of innovation that broadened the scope of the traditional textile and apparel products to high-tech textiles, designed to meet specific needs, involving different technologies and produced according to required properties, like personal protection, safety, leisure or health wear. The development of smart wear is a new challenge for the textile and clothing industry: it has to develop products based not only on design, fashion and comfort concepts but also in terms of functions. Moreover these products must be easy to care and durable.
Space Product Development (SPD)
Experiments to seek solutions for a range of biomedical issues are at the heart of several investigations that will be hosted by the Commercial Instrumentation Technology Associates (ITA), Inc. Biomedical Experiments (CIBX-2) payload. CIBX-2 is unique, encompassing more than 20 separate experiments including cancer research, commercial experiments, and student hands-on experiments from 10 schools as part of ITA's ongoing University Among the Stars program. Valerie Cassanto of ITA checks the Canadian Protein Crystallization Experiment (CAPE) carried by STS-86 to Mir in 1997. The experiments are sponsored by NASA's Space Product Development Program (SPD).
The third annual BRDS on research and development of nucleic acid-based nanomedicines
Chaudhary, Amit Kumar
The completion of human genome project, decrease in the sequencing cost, and correlation of genome sequencing data with specific diseases led to the exponential rise in the nucleic acid-based therapeutic approaches. In the third annual Biopharmaceutical Research and Development Symposium (BRDS) held at the Center for Drug Discovery and Lozier Center for Pharmacy Sciences and Education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), we highlighted the remarkable features of the nucleic acid-based nanomedicines, their significance, NIH funding opportunities on nanomedicines and gene therapy research, challenges and opportunities in the clinical translation of nucleic acids into therapeutics, and the role of intellectual property (IP) in drug discovery and development. PMID:27848223
Risk-based Process Development of Biosimilars as Part of the Quality by Design Paradigm.
Zalai, Dénes; Dietzsch, Christian; Herwig, Christoph
In the last few years, several quality by design (QbD) studies demonstrated the benefit of systematic approaches for biopharmaceutical development. However, only very few studies identified biosimilars as a special case of product development. The targeted quality profile of biosimilars is strictly defined by the originator's product characteristic. Moreover, the major source of prior knowledge is the experience with the originator product itself. Processing this information in biosimilar development has a major effect on risk management and process development strategies. The main objective of this contribution is to demonstrate how risk management can facilitate the implementation of QbD in early-stage product development with special emphasis on fitting the reported approaches to biosimilars. Risk assessments were highlighted as important tools to integrate prior knowledge in biosimilar development. The risk assessment process as suggested by the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH Q9) was reviewed and three elements were identified to play a key role in targeted risk assessment approaches: proper understanding of target linkage, risk assessment tool compliance, and criticality threshold value. Adjusting these steps to biosimilar applications helped to address some unique challenges of these products such as a strictly defined quality profile or a lack of process knowledge. This contribution demonstrates the need for tailored risk management approaches for the risk-based development of biosimilars and provides novel tools for the integration of additional knowledge available for these products. The pharmaceutical industry is facing challenges such as profit loss and price competition. Companies are forced to rationalize business models and to cut costs in development as well as manufacturing. These trends recently hinder the implementation of any concepts that do not offer certain financial benefit or promise a long return of investment. Quality by
Links between livestock production, the environment and sustainable development.
Pradbre, J-P
This study examines the prospects for strong growth in the supply and demand for animal products worldwide, especially in developing countries, where 80% of the world's population lives. Based on scientific publications, statistics and field observations, it reviews greenhouse gas emission levels from livestock, the ability of ruminant livestock systems to sequester carbon and the capacity of the livestock industry to meet the challenge of sustainable development and to share its benefits while minimising impacts to climate change. Special attention is paid to the situation of the 800 million livestock farmers in the world living at the extreme end of poverty. The study underlines the importance of improving livestock productivity and the interdependence of the economic, environmental and social components of sustainable development. It highlights how, in the least developed countries and most lower-middle-income countries, the pressure exerted by animal diseases hampers efforts to improve livestock productivity. Poor livestock farmers have not sufficiently benefited from development policies and need support to adopt technological advances to meet the challenges of sustainable development and poverty reduction.
Increasing Sales by Developing Production Consortiums.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Smith, Christopher A.; Russo, Robert
Intended to help rehabilitation facility administrators increase organizational income from manufacturing and/or contracted service sources, this document provides a decision-making model for the development of a production consortium. The document consists of five chapters and two appendices. Chapter 1 defines the consortium concept, explains…
Liu, Zihe; Liu, Lifang; Österlund, Tobias; Hou, Jin; Huang, Mingtao; Fagerberg, Linn; Petranovic, Dina; Uhlén, Mathias
The increasing demand for industrial enzymes and biopharmaceutical proteins relies on robust production hosts with high protein yield and productivity. Being one of the best-studied model organisms and capable of performing posttranslational modifications, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is widely used as a cell factory for recombinant protein production. However, many recombinant proteins are produced at only 1% (or less) of the theoretical capacity due to the complexity of the secretory pathway, which has not been fully exploited. In this study, we applied the concept of inverse metabolic engineering to identify novel targets for improving protein secretion. Screening that combined UV-random mutagenesis and selection for growth on starch was performed to find mutant strains producing heterologous amylase 5-fold above the level produced by the reference strain. Genomic mutations that could be associated with higher amylase secretion were identified through whole-genome sequencing. Several single-point mutations, including an S196I point mutation in the VTA1 gene coding for a protein involved in vacuolar sorting, were evaluated by introducing these to the starting strain. By applying this modification alone, the amylase secretion could be improved by 35%. As a complement to the identification of genomic variants, transcriptome analysis was also performed in order to understand on a global level the transcriptional changes associated with the improved amylase production caused by UV mutagenesis. PMID:24973076
The new role of HSE in chemical product development
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Purinton, R.J. Jr.; Manning, T.S.; Dowell, S.
Today, Health, Safety, and Environmental issues take a more prominent role than ever before in chemical product development for the global oilfield service industry. Prior to widespread regulatory guidelines, technical problems were solved and well treatment programs were developed using the chemicals which performed the best and were the least expensive for the application. HSE concerns were sometimes addressed from a remedial standpoint, rather than a preventive one throughout the process. With a clearer understanding of the potential impact of chemicals upon people and the environment, along with the ever-increasing array of government regulations, service companies are taking a newmore » approach to product development. HSE-related risks and costs are being assessed early and continued throughout chemical development, with both product and treatment process features then designed accordingly. One service company reflects this approach with its {open_quotes}cradle-to-grave{close_quotes} Product Development and Stewardship program. Integral to this program are planned HSE assessments at each step of development, including Feasibility, Lab Development, Field Testing, Manufacturing, and Commercial Field Introduction. These assessments provide the data necessary to {open_quotes}engineer-in{close_quotes} solutions to potential HSE-related problems, produce viable Risk Management Plans, and promote a smoother path to commercialization. This avoids arriving at the commercial launch point with a product which poses unacceptably high personal or environmental risks, may be restricted or banned in key markets, or requires lengthy and expensive government registrations. In order to optimize R&E resources and ensure continuous evaluation, decision points (to continue, modify, or abandon) are built into the process. Early HSE screenings must be accurate but also relatively quick and inexpensive to be meaningful and economical.« less
Examining the freezing process of an intermediate bulk containing an industrially relevant protein
Reinsch, Holger; Spadiut, Oliver; Heidingsfelder, Johannes; Herwig, Christoph
Numerous biopharmaceuticals are produced in recombinant microorganisms in the controlled environment of a bioreactor, a process known as Upstream Process. To minimize product loss due to physico-chemical and enzymatic degradation, the Upstream Process should be directly followed by product purification, known as Downstream Process. However, the Downstream Process can be technologically complex and time-consuming which is why Upstream and Downstream Process usually have to be decoupled temporally and spatially. Consequently, the product obtained after the Upstream Process, known as intermediate bulk, has to be stored. In those circumstances, a freezing procedure is often performed to prevent product loss. However, the freezing process itself is inseparably linked to physico-chemical changes of the intermediate bulk which may in turn damage the product. The present study analysed the behaviour of a Tris-buffered intermediate bulk containing a biopharmaceutically relevant protein during a bottle freezing process. Major damaging mechanisms, like the spatiotemporal redistribution of ion concentrations and pH, and their influence on product stability were investigated. Summarizing, we show the complex events which happen in an intermediate bulk during freezing and explain the different causes for product loss. PMID:25765305
Markert, Sven; Joeris, Klaus
We developed an automated microtiter plate (MTP)-based system for suspension cell culture to meet the increased demands for miniaturized high throughput applications in biopharmaceutical process development. The generic system is based on off-the-shelf commercial laboratory automation equipment and is able to utilize MTPs of different configurations (6-24 wells per plate) in orbital shaken mode. The shaking conditions were optimized by Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations. The fully automated system handles plate transport, seeding and feeding of cells, daily sampling, and preparation of analytical assays. The integration of all required analytical instrumentation into the system enables a hands-off operation which prevents bottlenecks in sample processing. The modular set-up makes the system flexible and adaptable for a continuous extension of analytical parameters and add-on components. The system proved suitable as screening tool for process development by verifying the comparability of results for the MTP-based system and bioreactors regarding profiles of viable cell density, lactate, and product concentration of CHO cell lines. These studies confirmed that 6 well MTPs as well as 24 deepwell MTPs were predictive for a scale up to a 1000 L stirred tank reactor (scale factor 1:200,000). Applying the established cell culture system for automated media blend screening in late stage development, a 22% increase in product yield was achieved in comparison to the reference process. The predicted product increase was subsequently confirmed in 2 L bioreactors. Thus, we demonstrated the feasibility of the automated MTP-based cell culture system for enhanced screening and optimization applications in process development and identified further application areas such as process robustness. The system offers a great potential to accelerate time-to-market for new biopharmaceuticals. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 113-121. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley
A more rational approach to new-product development.
Bonabeau, Eric; Bodick, Neil; Armstrong, Robert W
Companies often treat new-product development as a monolithic process, but it can be more rationally divided into two parts: an early stage that focuses on evaluating prospects and eliminating bad bets, and a late stage that maximizes the remaining candidates' market potential. Recognizing the value of this approach, Eli Lilly designed and piloted Chorus, an autonomous unit dedicated solely to the early stage. This article demonstrates how segmenting development in this way can speed it up and make it more cost-effective. Two classes of decision-making errors can impede NPD, the authors say. First, managers often ignore evidence challenging their assumptions that projects will succeed. As a result, many projects go forward despite multiple red flags; some even reach the market, only to fail dramatically after their introduction. Second, companies sometimes terminate projects prematurely because people fail to conduct the right experiments to reveal products' potential. Most companies promote both kinds of errors by focusing disproportionately on late-stage development; they lack the early, truth-seeking functions that would head such errors off. In segmented NPD, however, the early-stage organization maintains loyalty to the experiment rather than the product, whereas the late-stage organization pursues commercial success. Chorus has significantly improved NPD efficiency and productivity at Lilly. Although the unit absorbs just one-tenth of Lilly's investment in early-stage development, it delivers a substantially greater fraction of the molecules slated for late Phase II trials--at almost twice the speed and less than a third of the cost of the standard process, sometimes shaving as much as two years off the usual development time.
Nti, Christina A; Plahar, Wisdom A; Annan, Nana T
A process was developed for the production of a high-protein food ingredient, soy-agushie, from the residual by-product of soymilk production. The product, with a moisture content of about 6%, was evaluated for its quality characteristics and performance in traditional dishes. The protein content was about 26% with similar amino acids content as that of the whole soybean. Lysine remained high in the dehydrated product (6.57 g/16 g N). While over 60% of the original B vitamins content in the beans was extracted with the milk, high proportions of the minerals were found to be retained in the residual by-product. The process adequately reduced the trypsin inhibitor levels in the beans from 25 to 1.5 mg/g. High sensory scores were obtained for recipes developed with soy-agushie in traditional dishes. The scope of utilization of the soy-agushie could be widened to include several traditional foods and bakery products for maximum nutritional benefits.
Farid, Suzanne S; Washbrook, John; Titchener-Hooker, Nigel J
This paper presents the application of a decision-support tool, SIMBIOPHARMA, for assessing different manufacturing strategies under uncertainty for the production of biopharmaceuticals. SIMBIOPHARMA captures both the technical and business aspects of biopharmaceutical manufacture within a single tool that permits manufacturing alternatives to be evaluated in terms of cost, time, yield, project throughput, resource utilization, and risk. Its use for risk analysis is demonstrated through a hypothetical case study that uses the Monte Carlo simulation technique to imitate the randomness inherent in manufacturing subject to technical and market uncertainties. The case study addresses whether start-up companies should invest in a stainless steel pilot plant or use disposable equipment for the production of early phase clinical trial material. The effects of fluctuating product demands and titers on the performance of a biopharmaceutical company manufacturing clinical trial material are analyzed. The analysis highlights the impact of different manufacturing options on the range in possible outcomes for the project throughput and cost of goods and the likelihood that these metrics exceed a critical threshold. The simulation studies highlight the benefits of incorporating uncertainties when evaluating manufacturing strategies. Methods of presenting and analyzing information generated by the simulations are suggested. These are used to help determine the ranking of alternatives under different scenarios. The example illustrates the benefits to companies of using such a tool to improve management of their R&D portfolios so as to control the cost of goods.
da Cunha, Nicolau B; Vianna, Giovanni R; da Almeida Lima, Thaina; Rech, Elíbio
Plants have emerged as an attractive alternative to the traditional mammalian cell cultures or microbial cell-based systems system for the production of valuable recombinant proteins. Through recombinant DNA technology, plants can be engineered to produce large quantities of pharmaceuticals and industrial proteins of high quality at low costs. The recombinant production, by transgenic plants, of therapeutic proteins normally present in human plasma, such as cytokines, coagulation factors, anticoagulants, and immunoglobulins, represents a response to the ongoing challenges in meeting the demand for therapeutic proteins to treat serious inherited or acquired bleeding and immunological diseases. As the clinical utilization of fractionated plasma molecules is limited by high production costs, using recombinant biopharmaceuticals derived from plants represents a feasible alternative to provide efficient treatment. Plant-derived pharmaceuticals also reduce the potential risks to patients of infection with pathogens or unwanted immune responses due to immunogenic antigens. In this review, we summarize the recent advances in molecular farming of cytokines. We also examine the technological basis, upcoming challenges, and perspectives for the biosynthesis and detection of these molecules in different plant production platforms. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Development of medicine-intended isotope production technologies at Yerevan Physics Institute
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Avetisyan, Albert; Avagyan, Robert; Kerobyan, Ivetta; Dallakyan, Ruben; Harutyunyan, Gevorg; Melkonyan, Aleksandr
Accelerator-based 99mTc and 123I isotopes production technologies were created and developed at A.Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (former Yerevan Physics Institute - YerPhI). The method involves the irradiation of natural molybdenum (for 99mTc production) and natural xenon (for 123I production) using high-intensity bremsstrahlung photons from the electron beam of the LUE50 linear electron accelerator located at the YerPhI. We have developed and tested the extraction of 99mTc and 123I from the irradiated natural MoO3 and natural Xe, respectively. The production method has been developed and shown to be successful. The current activity is devoted to creation and development of the technology of direct production 99mTc on the 100Mo as target materials using the proton beam from an IBA C18/18 cyclotron. The proton cyclotron C18/18 (producer - IBA, Belgium) was purchased and will be installed nearby AANL (YerPhI) till end 2014. The 18 MeV protons will be used to investigate accelerator-based schemes for the direct production of 99mTc. Main topics of studies will include experimental measurement of 99mTc production yield for different energies of protons, irradiation times, intensities, development of new methods of 99mTc extraction from irradiated materials, development of target preparation technology, development of target material recovery methods for multiple use and others.
Hu, Zhilan; Hsu, Wendy; Pynn, Abby; Ng, Domingos; Quicho, Donna; Adem, Yilma; Kwong, Zephie; Mauger, Brad; Joly, John; Snedecor, Bradley; Laird, Michael W; Andersen, Dana C; Shen, Amy
In the biopharmaceutical industry, a clonally derived cell line is typically used to generate material for investigational new drug (IND)-enabling toxicology studies. The same cell line is then used to generate material for clinical studies. If a pool of clones can be used to produce material for IND-enabling toxicology studies (Pool for Tox (PFT) strategy) during the time a lead clone is being selected for clinical material production, the toxicology studies can be accelerated significantly (approximately 4 months at Genentech), leading to a potential acceleration of 4 months for the IND submission. We explored the feasibility of the PFT strategy with three antibodies-mAb1, mAb2, and mAb3-at the 2 L scale. For each antibody, two lead cell lines were identified that generated material with similar product quality to the material generated from the associated pool. For two antibody molecules, mAb1 and mAb2, the material generated by the lead cell lines from 2 L bioreactors was tested in an accelerated stability study and was shown to have stability comparable to the material generated by the associated pool. Additionally, we used this approach for two antibody molecules, mAb4 and mAb5, at Tox and GMP production. The materials from the Tox batch at 400 L scale and three GMP batches at 2000 L scale have comparable product quality attributes for both molecules. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of using a pool of clonally derived cell lines to generate material of similar product quality and stability for use in IND-enabling toxicology studies as was derived from the final production clone, which enabled significant acceleration of timelines into clinical development. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:1449-1455, 2017. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
7 CFR 915.45 - Production research, marketing research and development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 8 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Production research, marketing research and... AGRICULTURE AVOCADOS GROWN IN SOUTH FLORIDA Order Regulating Handling Research and Development § 915.45 Production research, marketing research and development. The committee may, with the approval of the...
7 CFR 915.45 - Production research, marketing research and development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 8 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Production research, marketing research and... AGRICULTURE AVOCADOS GROWN IN SOUTH FLORIDA Order Regulating Handling Research and Development § 915.45 Production research, marketing research and development. The committee may, with the approval of the...
7 CFR 915.45 - Production research, marketing research and development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 8 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Production research, marketing research and... AGRICULTURE AVOCADOS GROWN IN SOUTH FLORIDA Order Regulating Handling Research and Development § 915.45 Production research, marketing research and development. The committee may, with the approval of the...
7 CFR 915.45 - Production research, marketing research and development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 8 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Production research, marketing research and... AGRICULTURE AVOCADOS GROWN IN SOUTH FLORIDA Order Regulating Handling Research and Development § 915.45 Production research, marketing research and development. The committee may, with the approval of the...
7 CFR 915.45 - Production research, marketing research and development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Production research, marketing research and... AGRICULTURE AVOCADOS GROWN IN SOUTH FLORIDA Order Regulating Handling Research and Development § 915.45 Production research, marketing research and development. The committee may, with the approval of the...
New Product Development (NPD) Process - An Example of Industrial Sector
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kazimierska, Marianna; Grębosz-Krawczyk, Magdalena
This aim of this article is to present the process of new product introduction on example of industrial sector in context of new product development (NPD) concept. In the article, the concept of new product development is discussed and the different stages of the process of new electric motor development are analysed taking into account its objectives, implemented procedures, functions and responsibilities division. In the article, information from secondary sources and the results of empirical research - conducted in an international manufacturing company - are used. The research results show the significance of project leader and regular cooperation with final client in the NPD process.
Space Product Development (SPD)
Experiments to seek solutions for a range of biomedical issues are at the heart of several investigations that will be hosted by the Commercial Instrumentation Technology Associates (ITA), Inc. The biomedical experiments CIBX-2 payload is unique, encompassing more than 20 separate experiments including cancer research, commercial experiments, and student hands-on experiments from 10 schools as part of ITA's ongoing University Among the stars program. Here, Astronaut Story Musgrave activates the CMIX-5 (Commercial MDA ITA experiment) payload in the Space Shuttle mid deck during the STS-80 mission in 1996 which is similar to CIBX-2. The experiments are sponsored by NASA's Space Product Development Program (SPD).
Space Product Development (SPD)
Experiments to seek solutions for a range of biomedical issues are at the heart of several investigations that will be hosted by the Commercial Instrumentation Technology Associates (ITA), Inc. Biomedical Experiments (CIBX-2) payload. CIBX-2 is unique, encompassing more than 20 separate experiments including cancer research, commercial experiments, and student hands-on experiments from 10 schools as part of ITA's ongoing University Among the Stars program. Astronaut William G. Gregory activates Liquids Mixing Apparatus (LMA) vials during STS-67. Other LMAs hang at top on the face of the middeck locker array. The experiments are sponsored under NASA's Space Product Development Program (SPD).
Liposomal Drug Product Development and Quality: Current US Experience and Perspective.
Kapoor, Mamta; Lee, Sau L; Tyner, Katherine M
Research in the area of liposomes has grown substantially in the past few decades. Liposomes are lipid bilayer structures that can incorporate drug substances to modify the drug's pharmacokinetic profile thereby improving drug delivery. The agency has received over 400 liposomal drug product submissions (excluding combination therapies), and there are currently eight approved liposomal drug products on the US market. In order to identify the pain points in development and manufacturing of liposomal drug products, a retrospective analysis was performed from a quality perspective on submissions for new and generic liposomal drug products. General analysis on liposomal drug product submissions was also performed. Results indicated that 96% of the submissions were Investigational New Drug (IND) applications, 3% were New Drug Applications (NDAs), and the remaining 1% was Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs). Doxorubicin hydrochloride was the most commonly used drug substance incorporated into the liposomes (31%). The majority of the liposomal products were administered via intravenous route (84%) with cancer (various types) being the most common indication (63%). From a quality perspective, major challenges during the development of liposomal drug products included identification and (appropriate) characterization of critical quality attributes of liposomal drug products and suitable control strategies during product development. By focusing on these areas, a faster and more efficient development of liposomal drug products may be achieved. Additionally, in this way, the drug review process for such products can be streamlined.
Development of service-oriented products based on the inverse manufacturing concept.
Fujimoto, Jun; Umeda, Yasushi; Tamura, Tetsuya; Tomiyama, Tetsuo; Kimura, Fumihiko
To achieve sustainability, resource consumption and waste generation must be drastically decreased. For societal acceptance, preservation of both quality of life and corporate profits are essential. One promising approach is to shift the source of value from the amount of product sold to the quality of services the product provides. This paper describes the need for redesigning recycling systems from a manufacturing perspective and then discusses the possibility of this "servicification" of products, describing our experience with prototype development. We discuss development of product prototypes and their business, using consumer facsimile machines as an example of "service-oriented products". Traditional thought presumes that only products comprising new materials and components are valuable. Consideration of a service-oriented product can serve as a stimulus to revise this mode of thought and to control delivery and quality of disposed products. This paper also provides a life cycle simulation of the developed service-oriented business. Simulation results indicate that service-oriented business can potentially reduce environmental impact while extending business opportunities from the viewpoint of whole product life cycles.
Immunotherapeutics include drugs and biologics that render therapeutic benefit by harnessing the power of the immune system. The promise of immune-mediated therapies is target specificity with a consequent reduction in off-target side effects. Recent scientific advances have led to clinical trials of both active and passive immunotherapeutic products that have the potential to convert life-ending diseases into chronic but manageable conditions. Clinical trials investigating immunotherapeutics are ongoing with some trials at advanced stages of development. However, as with many products involving novel mechanisms of action, major regulatory and scientific issues arising with clinical use of immunotherapeutic products remain to be addressed. In this review, we address issues related to different immunotherapeutics and provide recommendations for the characterization and evaluation of these products during various stages of product and clinical development. PMID:24764535
Ethylene production throughout growth and development of plants
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wheeler, Raymond M.; Peterson, Barbara V.; Stutte, Gary W.
Ethylene production by 10 or 20 m2 stands of wheat, soybean, lettuce, potato, and tomato was monitored throughout growth and development in an atmospherically closed plant chamber. Chamber ethylene levels varied among species and rose during periods of canopy expansion and rapid growth for all species. Following this, ethylene levels either declined during seed fill and maturation for wheat and soybean, or remained relatively constant for potato and tomato (during flowering and early fruit development). Lettuce plants were harvested during rapid growth and peak ethylene production. Chamber ethylene levels increased rapidly during tomato ripening, reaching concentrations about 10 times that measured during vegetative growth. The highest ethylene production rates during vegetative growth ranged from 1.6 to 2.5 nmol m-2 d-1 during rapid growth of lettuce and wheat stands, or about 0.3 to 0.5 nmol g-1 fresh weight per hour. Estimates of stand ethylene production during tomato ripening showed that rates reached 43 nmol m-2 d-1 in one study and 93 nmol m-2 d-1 in a second study with higher lighting, or about 50x that of the rate during vegetative growth of tomato. In a related test with potato, the photoperiod was extended from 12 to 24 hours (continuous light) at 58 days after planting (to increase tuber yield), but this change in the environment caused a sharp increase in ethylene production from the basal rate of 0.4 to 6.2 nmol m-2 d-1. Following this, the photoperiod was changed back to 12 h at 61 days and ethylene levels decreased. The results suggest three separate categories of ethylene production were observed with whole stands of plants: 1) production during rapid vegetative growth, 2) production during climacteric fruit ripening, and 3) production from environmental stress.
7 CFR 917.39 - Production research, market research and development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 8 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Production research, market research and development... AGRICULTURE FRESH PEARS AND PEACHES GROWN IN CALIFORNIA Order Regulating Handling Research § 917.39 Production research, market research and development. The committees, with the approval of the Secretary, may...
7 CFR 917.39 - Production research, market research and development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 8 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Production research, market research and development... AGRICULTURE FRESH PEARS AND PEACHES GROWN IN CALIFORNIA Order Regulating Handling Research § 917.39 Production research, market research and development. The committees, with the approval of the Secretary, may...
7 CFR 917.39 - Production research, market research and development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 8 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Production research, market research and development... AGRICULTURE FRESH PEARS AND PEACHES GROWN IN CALIFORNIA Order Regulating Handling Research § 917.39 Production research, market research and development. The committees, with the approval of the Secretary, may...
7 CFR 917.39 - Production research, market research and development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Production research, market research and development... AGRICULTURE FRESH PEARS AND PEACHES GROWN IN CALIFORNIA Order Regulating Handling Research § 917.39 Production research, market research and development. The committees, with the approval of the Secretary, may...
7 CFR 917.39 - Production research, market research and development.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 8 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Production research, market research and development... AGRICULTURE FRESH PEARS AND PEACHES GROWN IN CALIFORNIA Order Regulating Handling Research § 917.39 Production research, market research and development. The committees, with the approval of the Secretary, may...
Grilo, António L; Mateus, Marília; Aires-Barros, Maria R; Azevedo, Ana M
Monoclonal antibodies currently dominate the biopharmaceutical market with growing sales having reached 80 billion USD in 2016. As most top-selling mAbs are approaching the end of their patent life, biopharmaceutical companies compete fiercely in the biosimilars market. These two factors present a strong motivation for alternative process strategies and process optimization. In this work a novel purification strategy for monoclonal antibodies comprising phenylboronic acid multimodal chromatography for capture followed by polishing by ion-exchange monolithic chromatography and packed bed hydrophobic interaction chromatography is presented and compared to the traditional protein-A-based process. Although the capital investment is similar for both processes, the operation cost is 20% lower for the novel strategy. This study shows that the new process is worthwhile investing in and could present a viable alternative to the platform process used by most industrial players. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Development and status of Arkansas' primary forest products industry
Dennis M. May
The development of Arkansas' primary forest products industry is presented by following the changes in numbers and types of mills operating through time as well as the State's production of roundwood to supply the changing industry.
Nieto, Alejandra; Roehl, Holger; Adler, Michael; Mohl, Silke
Frozen-state storage and cold-chain transport are key operations in the development and commercialization of biopharmaceuticals. Nowadays, a few marketed drug products are stored (and/or) shipped under frozen conditions to ensure sufficient stability, particularly for live viral vaccines. When these products are stored in glass vials with stoppers, the elastomer of the stopper needs to be flexible enough to seal the vial at the target's lowest temperature to ensure container closure integrity and hence both sterility and safety of the drug product. The container closure integrity assessment in the frozen state (e.g., -20°C, -80°C) should include: Container Closure Integrity (CCI) of the Container Closure System (CCS) itself, impact of processing, e.g. capping process on CCI and impact of shipment and movement on CCI in the frozen state. The objective of this work was an evaluation of the impact of processing and shipment on CCI of a CCS in the frozen state. The impact on other quality attributes was not investigated. In this light, the ThermCCI method was applied to evaluate the impact of shipping stress and variable capping force on CCI of frozen vials and to evaluate the temperature limits of rubber stoppers. In conclusion, retaining CCI during cold storage is mostly a function of vial-stopper combination and temperatures below -40°C may pose a risk to the CCI of a frozen drug product. Variable capping force may have an influence on the CCI of a frozen drug product if not appropriately assessed. Regarding the impact of shipment on the CCI of glass vials, no indication was given either at room temperature, -20°C or -75°C when compared to static storage at such temperatures. Copyright © 2018, Parenteral Drug Association.
New textile composite materials development, production, application
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mikhailov, Petr Y.
New textile composite materials development, production, and application are discussed. Topics covered include: super-high-strength, super-high-modulus fibers, filaments, and materials manufactured on their basis; heat-resistant and nonflammable fibers, filaments, and textile fabrics; fibers and textile fabrics based on fluorocarbon poylmers; antifriction textile fabrics based on polyfen filaments; development of new types of textile combines and composite materials; and carbon filament-based fabrics.
Tassi, Marco; De Vos, Jelle; Chatterjee, Sneha; Sobott, Frank; Bones, Jonathan; Eeltink, Sebastiaan
The characterization of biotherapeutics represents a major analytical challenge. This review discusses the current state-of-the-art in analytical technologies to profile biopharma products under native conditions, i.e., the protein three dimensional conformation is maintained during liquid chromatographic analysis. Native liquid-chromatographic modes that are discussed include aqueous size-exclusion chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and ion-exchange chromatography. Infusion conditions and the possibilities and limitations to hyphenate native liquid chromatography to mass spectrometry are discussed. Furthermore, the applicability of native liquid-chromatography methods and intact mass spectrometry analysis for the characterization of monoclonal antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates is discussed. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Forest biorefinery: Potential of poplar phytochemicals as value-added co-products.
Devappa, Rakshit K; Rakshit, Sudip K; Dekker, Robert F H
The global forestry industry after experiencing a market downturn during the past decade has now aimed its vision towards the integrated biorefinery. New business models and strategies are constantly being explored to re-invent the global wood and pulp/paper industry through sustainable resource exploitation. The goal is to produce diversified, innovative and revenue generating product lines using on-site bioresources (wood and tree residues). The most popular product lines are generally produced from wood fibers (biofuels, pulp/paper, biomaterials, and bio/chemicals). However, the bark and other tree residues like foliage that constitute forest wastes, still remain largely an underexploited resource from which extractives and phytochemicals can be harnessed as by-products (biopharmaceuticals, food additives and nutraceuticals, biopesticides, cosmetics). Commercially, Populus (poplar) tree species including hybrid varieties are cultivated as a fast growing bioenergy crop, but can also be utilized to produce bio-based chemicals. This review identifies and underlines the potential of natural products (phytochemicals) from Populus species that could lead to new business ventures in biorefineries and contribute to the bioeconomy. In brief, this review highlights the importance of by-products/co-products in forest industries, methods that can be employed to extract and purify poplar phytochemicals, the potential pharmaceutical and other uses of >160 phytochemicals identified from poplar species - their chemical structures, properties and bioactivities, the challenges and limitations of utilizing poplar phytochemicals, and potential commercial opportunities. Finally, the overall discussion and conclusion are made considering the recent biotechnological advances in phytochemical research to indicate the areas for future commercial applications from poplar tree species. Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Microreactor Development for Martian In-Situ Propellant Production
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Holladay, Jamie D.; Brooks, Kriston P.; Wegeng, Robert S.
The second part of the Martian In-situ Propellant Production (MIPPS) system reviews the development of the Sabatier Reactor (SR). The microchannel SR had integrated cooling channels as well as reaction channels. It was <100cc in volume. The reactor utilized a proprietary catalyst. When operated at 400oC 70-80% CO2 conversion was achieved which enabled ~0.0125 kg CH4/hr production, or 1/8th the target mission. The modular design of the microchannel reactors would enable simple scale up to full scale production for the proposed mission.
Evens, R P; Kaitin, K I
The marriage of biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry (pharma) is predicated on an evolution in technology and product innovation. It has come as a result of advances in both the science and the business practices of the biotechnology sector in the past 30 years. Biotechnology products can be thought of as "intelligent pharmaceuticals," in that they often provide novel mechanisms of action, new approaches to disease control, higher clinical success rates, improved patient care, extended patent protection, and a significant likelihood of reimbursement. Although the first biotechnology product, insulin, was approved just 32 years ago in 1982, today there are more than 200 biotechnology products commercially available. Research has expanded to include more than 900 biotechnology products in clinical trials. Pharma is substantially engaged in both the clinical development of these products and their commercialization.
Space Product Development (SPD)
Experiments to seek solutions for a range of biomedical issues are at the heart of several investigations that will be hosted by the Commercial Instrumentation Technology Associates (ITA), Inc. Biomedical Experiments (CIBX-2) payload. CIBX-2 is unique, encompassing more than 20 separate experiments including cancer research, commercial experiments, and student hands-on experiments from 10 schools as part of ITA's ongoing University Among the Stars program. Student Marnix Aklian and ITA's Mark Bem prepare biological samples for flight as part of ITA's hands-on student outreach program on STS-95. Similar activities are a part of the CIBX-2 payload. The experiments are sponsored by NASA's Space Product Development Program (SPD).
Potential Development Essential Oil Production of Central Java, Indonesia
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Alighiri, D.; Eden, W. T.; Supardi, K. I.; Masturi; Purwinarko, A.
Indonesia is the source of raw essential oil in the world. Essential oils are used in various types of industries such as food and beverage, flavour, fragrance, perfumery, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. However, the development of Indonesian essential oil industry has not been encouraging for the production of essential oils, further it is unable to meet global demand. Besides that, the quality of volatile oil resulted cannot meet the international market standards. Based on the facts, the potential of Indonesian essential oils needs to be developed to provide added value, through increased production, improved quality and product diversification. One part of Indonesia having abundant of raw essential oil source is Central Java. Central Java has the quite large potential production of essential oils. Some essential oils produced from refining industry owned by the government, private and community sectors include cananga oils (Boyolali district), clove oils (Semarang district), patchouli oils (Brebes district, Pemalang district, and Klaten district). The main problem in the development of plants industries that producing essential oil in Central Java is low crops production, farming properties, quality of essential oils are diverse, providing poor-quality products and volatile oil price fluctuations. Marketing constraints of Central Java essential oils are quite complex supply chain. In general, marketing constraints of essential oils due to three factors, namely the low quality due to type of essential oil business that generally shaped small businesses with different capital and technology, domestic marketing is still a buyer-market (price determined by the buyer) because of weak bargaining position processors businessman, and prices fluctuate (domestic and foreign) due to uncontrolled domestic production and inter-country competition among manufacturers.
Cilurzo, Felisa; Cristiano, Maria Chiara; Di Marzio, Luisa; Cosco, Donato; Carafa, Maria; Ventura, Cinzia Anna; Fresta, Massimo; Paolino, Donatella
The ability of some surfactants to self-assemble in a water/oil bi-phase environment thus forming supramolecular structure leading to the formation of w/o/w multiple emulsions was investigated. The w/o/w multiple emulsions obtained by self-assembling (one-step preparation method) were compared with those prepared following the traditional two-step procedure. Methyl-nicotinate was used as a hydrophilic model drug. The formation of the multiple emulsion structure was evidenced by optical microscopy, which showed a mean size of the inner oil droplets of 6 μm and 10 μm for one-step and two-step multiple emulsions, respectively. The in vitrobiopharmaceutical features of the various w/o/w multiple emulsion formulations were evalu