Blood-gas analyzer calibration and quality control using a precision gas-mixing instrument.
Wallace, W D; Clark, J S; Cutler, C A
We describe a new instrument that performs on-site mixing of oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrogen (N2) to create compositions that can replace gases from standard premixed cylinders. This instrument yields accurate and predictable gas mixtures that can be used for two-point gas calibration of blood gas/pH analyzers or for liquid tonometry of either an aqueous buffer or blood used as quality-control material on blood-gas electrodes. The desired mixture of O2, CO2, and N2 is produced by microprocessor control of the sequential open-times on three solenoid valves that meter these pure gases through a common small-bore orifice. Any combination of O2 and CO2 can be chosen by dialing the front panel thumbwheels and pressing a button. Gas chromatographic evaluation of this gas-mixing instrument demonstrates its accuracy and precision to be better than +/- 0.1% absolute full scale for O2, CO2, and N2, making this instrument calibration and tonometry.
Introduction Glucose control to prevent both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia is important in an intensive care unit. Arterial blood gas analyzers and glucose meters are commonly used to measure blood-glucose concentration in an intensive care unit; however, their accuracies are still unclear. Methods We performed a systematic literature search (January 1, 2001, to August 31, 2012) to find clinical studies comparing blood-glucose values measured with glucose meters and/or arterial blood gas analyzers with those simultaneously measured with a central laboratory machine in critically ill adult patients. Results We reviewed 879 articles and found 21 studies in which the accuracy of blood-glucose monitoring by arterial blood gas analyzers and/or glucometers by using central laboratory methods as references was assessed in critically ill adult patients. Of those 21 studies, 11 studies in which International Organization for Standardization criteria, error-grid method, or percentage of values within 20% of the error of a reference were used were selected for evaluation. The accuracy of blood-glucose measurements by arterial blood gas analyzers and glucose meters by using arterial blood was significantly higher than that of measurements with glucose meters by using capillary blood (odds ratios for error: 0.04, P < 0.001; and 0.36, P < 0.001). The accuracy of blood-glucose measurements with arterial blood gas analyzers tended to be higher than that of measurements with glucose meters by using arterial blood (P = 0.20). In the hypoglycemic range (defined as < 81 mg/dl), the incidence of errors using these devices was higher than that in the nonhypoglycemic range (odds ratios for error: arterial blood gas analyzers, 1.86, P = 0.15; glucose meters with capillary blood, 1.84, P = 0.03; glucose meters with arterial blood, 2.33, P = 0.02). Unstable hemodynamics (edema and use of a vasopressor) and use of insulin were associated with increased error of blood glucose monitoring with
Acikgoz, Seyyid Bilal; Genc, Ahmet Bilal; Sipahi, Savas; Yildirim, Mehmet; Cinemre, Behice; Tamer, Ali; Solak, Yalcin
Several studies investigated the agreement between central laboratory biochemistry analyzers and blood gas analyzers for potassium measurements. However, data are scarce when the potassium level is moderate to severely high. We aimed to evaluate the agreement between central laboratory biochemistry analyzers and blood gas analyzer in terms of serum potassium level measurement because differences in potassium at this level translate into very different clinical actions. This was a retrospective medical record review study in which patients who presented to the emergency department and had serum potassium levels ≥6mmol/L were included. Patients who did not have simultaneous potassium measurement by blood gas analyzer were excluded. We included all patients meeting potassium criteria irrespective of their underlying disease or comorbidities. We evaluated agreement between the measurement methods with Pearson correlation, Bland-Altman plot, and Sign test. A total of 118 blood sample pairs were included. The mean serum potassium level measured by biochemistry analyzer was 6.78±0.79mmol/L, whereas it was 6.16±0.86mmol/L by blood gas analyzer (P<.001, Sign test). There was a strong correlation (P<.001, r=0.864) between the 2 methods, but agreement was relatively poor. Blood gas analyzer tended to measure potassium significantly lower than measured by biochemistry analyzer. The mean difference between the methods was 0.62±0.43mmol/L. In patients with moderate to severe hyperkalemia, blood gas analyzer and biochemistry analyzer gives significantly different serum potassium results which may be clinically important. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Luukkonen, Antti A M; Lehto, Tiina M; Hedberg, Pirjo S M; Vaskivuo, Tommy E
Intensive care units, operating rooms, emergency departments, and neonatology units need rapid measurements of blood gases, electrolytes, and metabolites. These analyses can be performed in a central laboratory or at the clinic with traditional or compact cassette-type blood gas analyzers such as the epoc blood gas testing system for analyzing whole blood samples at the bedside. In this study, the performance and interchangeability of a hand-held epoc blood gas analyzer was evaluated. The analytical performance of the epoc analyzer was evaluated by determining within-and between-run precisions. The accuracy of the epoc analyzer was assessed by comparing patient results from the device with those obtained with the Siemens Rapidlab 1265 and Rapidpoint RP500 and Siemens Dimension Vista and Sysmex XE-2100 analyzers. The following parameters were measured: pH, pCO2, pO2, Hb (calc), Na+, K+, iCa2+, glucose, and lactate. The CV% of the epoc's between-day imprecision for the various parameters varied from 0.4 to 8.6. The within-run imprecision CV% varied from 0.6 to 5.2. The squared regression coefficient (R2) between the epoc and RL1265 varied from 0.94 to 0.99, with the exception of Na+ and Ca2+ (R2≥0.82). The correlation (R2) of Na+ and K+ between epoc and Dimension Vista was 0.73 and 0.89, respectively. The correlation (R2) of Hb between the epoc and the XE-2100 analyzer was 0.94. With most of the measured blood gas parameters, the epoc analyzer correlated well with reference techniques. The epoc analyzer is suitable for rapid measurement of the blood gases, the electrolytes, and the metabolites in the ICU.
Portable automatic blood analyzer
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Coleman, R. L.
Analyzer employs chemical-sensing electrodes for determination of blood, gas, and ion concentrations. It is rugged, easily serviced, and comparatively simple to operate. System can analyze up to eight parameters and can be modified to measure other blood constituents including nonionic species, such as urea, glucose, and oxygen.
Schwarzer, Patrik; Kuhn, Sven-Olaf; Stracke, Sylvia; Gründling, Matthias; Knigge, Stephan; Selleng, Sixten; Helm, Maximilian; Friesecke, Sigrun; Abel, Peter; Kallner, Anders; Nauck, Matthias; Petersmann, Astrid
Ionized calcium (iCa) concentration is often used in critical care and measured using blood gas analyzers at the point of care. Controlling and adjusting regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) for continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) involves measuring the iCa concentration in two samples: systemic with physiological iCa concentrations and post filter samples with very low iCa concentrations. However, modern blood gas analyzers are optimized for physiological iCa concentrations which might make them less suitable for measuring low iCa in blood with a high concentration of citrate. We present results of iCa measurements from six different blood gas analyzers and the impact on clinical decisions based on the recommendations of the dialysis' device manufacturer. The iCa concentrations of systemic and post filter samples were measured using six distinct, frequently used blood gas analyzers. We obtained iCa results of 74 systemic and 84 post filter samples from patients undergoing RCA for CRRT at the University Medicine of Greifswald. The systemic samples showed concordant results on all analyzers with median iCa concentrations ranging from 1.07 to 1.16 mmol/L. The medians of iCa concentrations for post filter samples ranged from 0.21 to 0.50 mmol/L. Results of >70% of the post filter samples would lead to major differences in decisions regarding citrate flow depending on the instrument used. Measurements of iCa in post filter samples may give misleading information in monitoring the RCA. Recommendations of the dialysis manufacturer need to be revised. Meanwhile, little weight should be given to post filter iCa. Reference methods for low iCa in whole blood containing citrate should be established.
Lesho, E P; Roth, B J
Our laboratory uses pH paper rather than a blood gas analyzer to measure pleural fluid pH to decrease cost and avoid analyzer malfunction due to viscous fluids. To compare these two methods of determining pleural fluid pH, 42 patients undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic thoracentesis had two 1-mL aliquots of pleural fluid anaerobically collected in a heparinized syringe and placed on ice. pH measurements were made using litmus paper (pHydron Vivid 6-8 brand litmus paper; MicroEssential Labs; Brooklyn, NY) and the model 995-Hb blood gas analyzer (AVL Instruments; Roswell, GA) within 1 h of collection. Agreement analysis was performed in three ways: on the entire group; in subcategories of complicated or uncomplicated parapneumonic effusions (<7.1, 7.1 to 7.3, >7.3); and in subcategories of poor prognosis or better prognosis malignant effusions(<7.3, >7.3). pH measured with pH paper was significantly more variable (SD=0.55, coefficient of variation [CV]=7.5%) than was pH measured with the blood gas analyzer (SD=0.11, CV=1.5%). There was no significant correlation between values obtained with the two techniques (r=-0.26, SD of the differences=0.59). Using the pH subcategories, there was 72% discordance in classification between litmus paper and arterial blood gas (ABG) determinations for patients with parapneumonic effusions. In patients with malignant effusions, there was 30% discordance. The pH values obtained by the ABG analyzer predicted tube thoracostomy 72% of the time, whereas the pH values obtained using pH paper were consistent only 36% of the time. Determination of pleural fluid pH using pH paper is unreliable and should not be considered an acceptable alternative to the blood gas analyzer. There is no need to determine pH on purulent samples. Hospital laboratories will be more likely to allow the use of the ABG analyzer on fluids other than blood if clinicians keep this in mind.
Continuous intra-arterial blood-gas monitoring
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Divers, George A.; Riccitelli, Samuel D.; Blais, Maurice; Hui, Henry K.
Fiber optic technology and optical fluorescence have made the continuous monitoring of arterial blood gases a reality. Practical products that continuously monitor blood gases by use of an invasive sensor are now available. Anesthesiologists and intensive care physicians are beginning to explore the practical implications of this technology. With the advent of intra- arterial blood gas monitors it is possible to assess arterial blood gas values without the labor intensive steps of drawing blood and transporting a blood sample to the lab followed by the actual analysis. These intra-arterial blood gas monitors use new optical sensor technologies that can be reduced in size to the point that the sensor can be inserted into the arterial blood flow through a 20-gauge arterial cannula. In the best of these technologies the sensors accuracy and precision are similar to those in vitro analyzers. This presentation focuses on background technology and in vivo performance of a device developed, manufactured, and marketed by Puritan-Bennett Corporation.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The M200 originated in the 1970's under an Ames Research Center/Stanford University contract to develop a small, lightweight gas analyzer for Viking Landers. Although the unit was not used on the spacecraft, it was further developed by The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Three researchers from the project later formed Microsensor Technology, Inc. (MTI) to commercialize the analyzer. The original version (Micromonitor 500) was introduced in 1982, and the M200 in 1988. The M200, a more advanced version, features dual gas chromatograph which separate a gaseous mixture into components and measure concentrations of each gas. It is useful for monitoring gas leaks, chemical spills, etc. Many analyses are completed in less than 30 seconds, and a wide range of mixtures can be analyzed.
A critical evaluation of automated blood gas measurements in comparative respiratory physiology.
Malte, Christian Lind; Jakobsen, Sashia Lindhøj; Wang, Tobias
Precise measurements of blood gases and pH are of pivotal importance to respiratory physiology. However, the traditional electrodes that could be calibrated and maintained at the same temperature as the experimental animal are increasingly being replaced by new automated blood gas analyzers. These are typically designed for clinical use and automatically heat the blood sample to 37°C for measurements. While most blood gas analyzers allow for temperature corrections of the measurements, the underlying algorithms are based on temperature-effects for human blood, and any discrepancies in the temperature dependency between the blood sample from a given species and human samples will bias measurements. In this study we review the effects of temperature on blood gases and pH and evaluate the performance of an automated blood gas analyzer (GEM Premier 3500). Whole blood obtained from pythons and freshwater turtles was equilibrated in rotating Eschweiler tonometers to a variety of known P(O2)'s and P(CO2)'s in gas mixtures prepared by Wösthoff gas mixing pumps and blood samples were measured immediately on the GEM Premier 3500. The pH measurements were compared to measurements using a Radiometer BMS glass capillary pH electrode kept and calibrated at the experimental temperature. We show that while the blood gas analyzer provides reliable temperature-corrections for P(CO2) and pH, P(O2) measurements were substantially biased. This was in agreement with the theoretical considerations and emphasizes the need for critical calibrations/corrections when using automated blood gas analyzers. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Schaal, T P; Arango, J; Wolc, A; Brady, J V; Fulton, J E; Rubinoff, I; Ehr, I J; Persia, M E; O'Sullivan, N P
Venous blood gas and chemistry reference ranges were determined for commercial Hy-Line W-36 pullets and laying hens utilizing the portable i-STAT®1 analyzer and CG8+ cartridges. A total of 632 samples were analyzed from birds between 4 and 110 wk of age. Reference ranges were established for pullets (4 to 15 wk), first cycle laying hens (20 to 68 wk), and second cycle (post molt) laying hens (70 to 110 wk) for the following traits: sodium (Na mmol/L), potassium (K mmol/L), ionized calcium (iCa mmol/L), glucose (Glu mg/dl), hematocrit (Hct% Packed Cell Volume [PCV]), pH, partial pressure carbon dioxide (PCO2 mm Hg), partial pressure oxygen (PO2 mm Hg), total concentration carbon dioxide (TCO2 mmol/L), bicarbonate (HCO3 mmol/L), base excess (BE mmol/L), oxygen saturation (sO2%), and hemoglobin (Hb g/dl). Data were analyzed using ANOVA to investigate the effect of production status as categorized by bird age. Trait relationships were evaluated by linear correlation and their spectral decomposition. All traits differed significantly among pullets and mature laying hens in both first and second lay cycles. Levels for K, iCa, Hct, pH, TCO2, HCO3, BE, sO2, and Hb differed significantly between first cycle and second cycle laying hens. Many venous blood gas and chemistry parameters were significantly correlated. The first 3 eigenvalues explained ∼2/3 of total variation. The first 2 principal components (PC) explained 51% of the total variation and indicated acid-balance and relationship between blood O2 and CO2. The third PC explained 16% of variation and seems to be related to blood iCa. Establishing reference ranges for pullet and laying hen blood gas and chemistry with the i-STAT®1 handheld unit provides a mechanism to further investigate pullet and layer physiology, evaluate metabolic disturbances, and may potentially serve as a means to select breeder candidates with optimal blood gas or chemistry levels on-farm. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University
21 CFR 868.1150 - Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer. 868.1150 Section 868.1150 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF... “Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Indwelling Blood Gas Analyzers; Final Guidance for Industry...
Sampling and storage of blood for pH and blood gas analysis.
Haskins, S C
Techniques used in sampling and storage of a blood sample for pH and gas measurements can have an important effect on the measured values. Observation of these techniques and principles will minimize in vitro alteration of the pH and blood gas values. To consider that a significant change has occurred in a pH or blood gas measurement from previous values, the change must exceed 0.015 for pH, 3 mm Hg for PCO2, 5 mm Hg for PO2, and 2 mEq/L for [HCO-3] or base excess/deficit. In vitro dilution of the blood sample with anticoagulant should be avoided because it will alter the measured PCO2 and base excess/deficit values. Arterial samples should be collected for meaningful pH and blood gas values. Central venous and free-flowing capillary blood can be used for screening procedures in normal patients but are subject to considerable error. A blood sample can be stored for up to 30 minutes at room temperature without significant change in acid-base values but only up to 12 minutes before significant changes occur in PO2. A blood sample can be stored for up to 3.5 hours in an ice-water bath without significant change in pH and for 6 hours without significant change in PCO2 or PO2. Variations of body temperatures from normal will cause a measurable change in pH and blood gas values when the blood is exposed to the normal water bath temperatures of the analyzer.
Bedside arterial blood gas monitoring system using fluorescent optical sensors
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bartnik, Daniel J.; Rymut, Russell A.
We describe a bedside arterial blood gas (ABG) monitoring system which uses fluorescent optical sensors in the measurement of blood pH, PCO2 and PO2. The Point-of-Care Arterial Blood Gas Monitoring System consists of the SensiCathTM optical sensor unit manufactured by Optical Sensors Incorporated and the TramTM Critical Care Monitoring System with ABG Module manufactured by Marquette Electronics Incorporated. Current blood gas measurement techniques require a blood sample to be removed from the patient and transported to an electrochemical analyzer for analysis. The ABG system does not require removal of blood from the patient or transport of the sample. The sensor is added to the patient's existing arterial line. ABG measurements are made by drawing a small blood sample from the arterial line in sufficient quantity to ensure an undiluted sample at the sensor. Measurements of pH, PCO2 and PO2 are made within 60 seconds. The blood is then returned to the patient, the line flushed and results appear on the bedside monitor. The ABG system offers several advantages over traditional electrochemical analyzers. Since the arterial line remains closed during the blood sampling procedure the patient's risk of infection is reduced and the caregiver's exposure to blood is eliminated. The single-use, disposable sensor can be measure 100 blood samples over 72 hours after a single two-point calibration. Quality Assurance checks are also available and provide the caregiver the ability to assess system performance even after the sensor is patient attached. The ABG module integrates with an existing bedside monitoring system. This allows ABG results to appear on the same display as ECG, respiration, blood pressure, cardiac output, SpO2, and other clinical information. The small module takes up little space in the crowded intensive care unit. Performance studies compare the ABG system with an electrochemical blood gas analyzer. Study results demonstrated accurate and precise blood
Oyaert, Matthijs; Van Maerken, Tom; Bridts, Silke; Van Loon, Silvi; Laverge, Heleen; Stove, Veronique
Point-of-care blood gas test results may benefit therapeutic decision making by their immediate impact on patient care. We evaluated the (pre-)analytical performance of a novel cartridge-type blood gas analyzer, the GEM Premier 5000 (Werfen), for the determination of pH, partial carbon dioxide pressure (pCO 2 ), partial oxygen pressure (pO 2 ), sodium (Na + ), potassium (K + ), chloride (Cl - ), ionized calcium ( i Ca 2+ ), glucose, lactate, and total hemoglobin (tHb). Total imprecision was estimated according to the CLSI EP5-A2 protocol. The estimated total error was calculated based on the mean of the range claimed by the manufacturer. Based on the CLSI EP9-A2 evaluation protocol, a method comparison with the Siemens RapidPoint 500 and Abbott i-STAT CG8+ was performed. Obtained data were compared against preset quality specifications. Interference of potential pre-analytical confounders on co-oximetry and electrolyte concentrations were studied. The analytical performance was acceptable for all parameters tested. Method comparison demonstrated good agreement to the RapidPoint 500 and i-STAT CG8+, except for some parameters (RapidPoint 500: pCO 2 , K + , lactate and tHb; i-STAT CG8+: pO 2 , Na + , i Ca 2+ and tHb) for which significant differences between analyzers were recorded. No interference of lipemia or methylene blue on CO-oximetry results was found. On the contrary, significant interference for benzalkonium and hemolysis on electrolyte measurements were found, for which the user is notified by an interferent specific flag. Identification of sample errors from pre-analytical sources, such as interferences and automatic corrective actions, along with the analytical performance, ease of use and low maintenance time of the instrument, makes the evaluated instrument a suitable blood gas analyzer for both POCT and laboratory use. Copyright © 2018 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
A miniature gas chromatograph, a system which separates a gaseous mixture into its components and measures the concentration of the individual gases, was designed for the Viking Lander. The technology was further developed under National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and funded by Ames Research Center/Stanford as a toxic gas leak detection device. Three researchers on the project later formed Microsensor Technology, Inc. to commercialize the product. It is a battery-powered system consisting of a sensing wand connected to a computerized analyzer. Marketed as the Michromonitor 500, it has a wide range of applications.
Incorporating the gas analyzer response time in gas exchange computations.
Mitchell, R R
A simple method for including the gas analyzer response time in the breath-by-breath computation of gas exchange rates is described. The method uses a difference equation form of a model for the gas analyzer in the computation of oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production and avoids a numerical differentiation required to correct the gas fraction wave forms. The effect of not accounting for analyzer response time is shown to be a 20% underestimation in gas exchange rate. The present method accurately measures gas exchange rate, is relatively insensitive to measurement errors in the analyzer time constant, and does not significantly increase the computation time.
Molecular wake shield gas analyzer
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hoffman, J. H.
Techniques for measuring and characterizing the ultrahigh vacuum in the wake of an orbiting spacecraft are studied. A high sensitivity mass spectrometer that contains a double mass analyzer consisting of an open source miniature magnetic sector field neutral gas analyzer and an identical ion analyzer is proposed. These are configured to detect and identify gas and ion species of hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, oxygen, nitric oxide, and carbon dioxide and any other gas or ion species in the 1 to 46 amu mass range. This range covers the normal atmospheric constituents. The sensitivity of the instrument is sufficient to measure ambient gases and ion with a particle density of the order of one per cc. A chemical pump, or getter, is mounted near the entrance aperture of the neutral gas analyzer which integrates the absorption of ambient gases for a selectable period of time for subsequent release and analysis. The sensitivity is realizable for all but rare gases using this technique.
21 CFR 868.1640 - Helium gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Helium gas analyzer. 868.1640 Section 868.1640...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1640 Helium gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A helium gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of helium in a gas...
21 CFR 868.1640 - Helium gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Helium gas analyzer. 868.1640 Section 868.1640...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1640 Helium gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A helium gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of helium in a gas...
Claerhout, Helena; De Prins, Martine; Mesotten, Dieter; Van den Berghe, Greet; Mathieu, Chantal; Van Eldere, Johan; Vanstapel, Florent
We verified the analytical performance of strip-based handheld glucose meters (GM) for prescription use, in a comparative split-sample protocol using blood gas samples from a surgical intensive care unit (ICU). Freestyle Precision Pro (Abbott), StatStrip Connectivity Meter (Nova), ACCU-CHEK Inform II (Roche) were evaluated for recovery/linearity, imprecision/repeatability. The GMs and the ABL90 (Radiometer) blood gas analyzer (BGA) were tested for relative accuracy vs. the comparator hexokinase glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (HK/G6PDH) assay on a Cobas c702 analyzer (Roche). Recovery of spiked glucose was linear up to 19.3 mmol/L (347 mg/dL) with a slope of 0.91-0.94 for all GMs. Repeatability estimated by pooling duplicate measurements on samples below (n=9), in (n=51) or above (n=80) the 4.2-5.9 mM (74-106 mg/dL) range were for Freestyle Precision Pro: 4.2%, 4.0%, 3.6%; StatStrip Connectivity Meter: 4.0%, 4.3%, 4.5%; and ACCU-CHEK Inform II: 1.4%, 2.5%, 3.5%. GMs were in agreement with the comparator method. The BGA outperformed the GMs, with a MARD of 3.9% compared to 6.5%, 5.8% and 4.4% for the FreeStyle, StatStrip and ACCU-CHEK, respectively. Zero % of the BGA results deviated more than the FDA 10% criterion as compared to 9.4%, 3.7% and 2.2% for the FreeStyle, StatStrip and ACCU-CHEK, respectively. For all GMs, icodextrin did not interfere. Variation in the putative influence factors hematocrit and O2 tension could not explain observed differences with the comparator method. GMs quantified blood glucose in whole blood at about the 10% total error criterion, proposed by the FDA for prescription use.
21 CFR 868.1690 - Nitrogen gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Nitrogen gas analyzer. 868.1690 Section 868.1690...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1690 Nitrogen gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A nitrogen gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of nitrogen in...
21 CFR 868.1690 - Nitrogen gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Nitrogen gas analyzer. 868.1690 Section 868.1690...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1690 Nitrogen gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A nitrogen gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of nitrogen in...
21 CFR 868.1690 - Nitrogen gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Nitrogen gas analyzer. 868.1690 Section 868.1690...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1690 Nitrogen gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A nitrogen gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of nitrogen in...
21 CFR 868.1720 - Oxygen gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Oxygen gas analyzer. 868.1720 Section 868.1720...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1720 Oxygen gas analyzer. (a) Identification. An oxygen gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of oxygen in respiratory...
21 CFR 868.1720 - Oxygen gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Oxygen gas analyzer. 868.1720 Section 868.1720...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1720 Oxygen gas analyzer. (a) Identification. An oxygen gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of oxygen in respiratory...
21 CFR 868.1720 - Oxygen gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Oxygen gas analyzer. 868.1720 Section 868.1720...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1720 Oxygen gas analyzer. (a) Identification. An oxygen gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of oxygen in respiratory...
21 CFR 868.1720 - Oxygen gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Oxygen gas analyzer. 868.1720 Section 868.1720...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1720 Oxygen gas analyzer. (a) Identification. An oxygen gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of oxygen in respiratory...
21 CFR 868.1720 - Oxygen gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Oxygen gas analyzer. 868.1720 Section 868.1720...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1720 Oxygen gas analyzer. (a) Identification. An oxygen gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of oxygen in respiratory...
20 CFR 718.105 - Arterial blood-gas studies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Arterial blood-gas studies. 718.105 Section... blood-gas studies. (a) Blood-gas studies are performed to detect an impairment in the process of... either at rest or during exercise. No blood-gas study shall be performed if medically contraindicated. (b...
21 CFR 868.1690 - Nitrogen gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... gas chromatography or mass spectrometry. (b) Classification. Class II (performance standards). ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Nitrogen gas analyzer. 868.1690 Section 868.1690...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1690 Nitrogen gas analyzer. (a...
21 CFR 868.1690 - Nitrogen gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... gas chromatography or mass spectrometry. (b) Classification. Class II (performance standards). ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Nitrogen gas analyzer. 868.1690 Section 868.1690...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1690 Nitrogen gas analyzer. (a...
Trace Gas Analyzer (TGA) program
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The design, fabrication, and test of a breadboard trace gas analyzer (TGA) is documented. The TGA is a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer system. The gas chromatograph subsystem employs a recirculating hydrogen carrier gas. The recirculation feature minimizes the requirement for transport and storage of large volumes of carrier gas during a mission. The silver-palladium hydrogen separator which permits the removal of the carrier gas and its reuse also decreases vacuum requirements for the mass spectrometer since the mass spectrometer vacuum system need handle only the very low sample pressure, not sample plus carrier. System performance was evaluated with a representative group of compounds.
20 CFR 718.105 - Arterial blood-gas studies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Arterial blood-gas studies. 718.105 Section...-gas studies. (a) Blood-gas studies are performed to detect an impairment in the process of alveolar... at rest or during exercise. No blood-gas study shall be performed if medically contraindicated. (b) A...
Rapid evaluation of fibrinogen levels using the CG02N whole blood coagulation analyzer.
Hayakawa, Mineji; Gando, Satoshi; Ono, Yuichi; Mizugaki, Asumi; Katabami, Kenichi; Maekawa, Kunihiko; Miyamoto, Daisuke; Wada, Takeshi; Yanagida, Yuichiro; Sawamura, Atsushi
Rapid evaluation of fibrinogen (Fbg) levels is essential for maintaining homeostasis in patients with massive bleeding during severe trauma and major surgery. This study evaluated the accuracy of fibrinogen levels measured by the CG02N whole blood coagulation analyzer (A&T Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan) using heparinized blood drawn for blood gas analysis (whole blood-Fbg). A total of 100 matched pairs of heparinized blood samples and citrated blood samples were simultaneously collected from patients in the intensive care unit. Whole blood-Fbg results were compared with those of citrated plasma (standard-Fbg). The whole blood coagulation analyzer measured fibrinogen levels within 2 minutes. Strong correlations between standard-Fbg and whole blood-Fbg were observed (ρ = 0.91, p < 0.001). Error grid analysis showed that 88% of the values were clinically acceptable, and 12% were in a range with possible effects on clinical decision-making; none were in a clinically dangerous range without appropriate treatment. Using a fibrinogen cutoff value of 1.5 g/L for standard-Fbg, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of whole blood-Fbg was 0.980 (95% confidence interval 0.951-1.000, p < 0.001). The whole blood coagulation analyzer can rapidly measure fibrinogen levels in heparinized blood and could be useful in critical care settings where excessive bleeding is a concern. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.
21 CFR 868.1400 - Carbon dioxide gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Carbon dioxide gas analyzer. 868.1400 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1400 Carbon dioxide gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A carbon dioxide gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of carbon dioxide...
21 CFR 868.1400 - Carbon dioxide gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Carbon dioxide gas analyzer. 868.1400 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1400 Carbon dioxide gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A carbon dioxide gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of carbon dioxide...
21 CFR 868.1700 - Nitrous oxide gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Nitrous oxide gas analyzer. 868.1700 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1700 Nitrous oxide gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A nitrous oxide gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of nitrous oxide...
21 CFR 868.1400 - Carbon dioxide gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Carbon dioxide gas analyzer. 868.1400 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1400 Carbon dioxide gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A carbon dioxide gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of carbon dioxide...
21 CFR 868.1400 - Carbon dioxide gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Carbon dioxide gas analyzer. 868.1400 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1400 Carbon dioxide gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A carbon dioxide gas analyzer is a device intended to measure the concentration of carbon dioxide...
21 CFR 868.1400 - Carbon dioxide gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Carbon dioxide gas analyzer. 868.1400 Section 868.1400 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1400 Carbon dioxide gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A carbon dioxide gas analyzer...
Analysis of factors affecting gas exchange in intravascular blood gas exchanger.
Niranjan, S C; Clark, J W; San, K Y; Zwischenberger, J B; Bidani, A
A mathematical model of an intravascular hollow-fiber gas-exchange device, called IVOX, has been developed using a Krogh cylinder-like approach with a repeating unit structure comprised of a single fiber with gas flowing through its lumen surrounded by a coaxial cylinder of blood flowing in the opposite direction. Species mass balances on O2 and CO2 result in a nonlinear coupled set of convective-diffusion parabolic partial differential equations that are solved numerically using an alternating-direction implicit finite-difference method. Computed results indicated the presence of a large resistance to gas transport on the external (blood) side of the hollow-fiber exchanger. Increasing gas flow through the device favored CO2 removal from but not O2 addition to blood. Increasing blood flow over the device favored both CO2 removal as well as O2 addition. The rate of CO2 removal increased linearly with the transmural PCO2 gradient imposed across the device. The effect of fiber crimping on blood phase mass transfer resistance was evaluated indirectly by varying species blood diffusivity. Computed results indicated that CO2 excretion by IVOX can be significantly enhanced with improved bulk mixing of vena caval blood around the IVOX fibers.
21 CFR 868.1500 - Enflurane gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Enflurane gas analyzer. 868.1500 Section 868.1500 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1500 Enflurane gas analyzer. (a...
21 CFR 868.1620 - Halothane gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Halothane gas analyzer. 868.1620 Section 868.1620 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1620 Halothane gas analyzer. (a...
21 CFR 868.1075 - Argon gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Argon gas analyzer. 868.1075 Section 868.1075 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1075 Argon gas analyzer. (a) Identification. An...
21 CFR 868.1075 - Argon gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Argon gas analyzer. 868.1075 Section 868.1075 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1075 Argon gas analyzer. (a) Identification. An...
21 CFR 868.1430 - Carbon monoxide gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... techniques such as infrared absorption or gas chromatography. (b) Classification. Class II (performance... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Carbon monoxide gas analyzer. 868.1430 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1430 Carbon monoxide gas analyzer. (a...
21 CFR 868.1430 - Carbon monoxide gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... techniques such as infrared absorption or gas chromatography. (b) Classification. Class II (performance... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Carbon monoxide gas analyzer. 868.1430 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1430 Carbon monoxide gas analyzer. (a...
21 CFR 868.1430 - Carbon monoxide gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Carbon monoxide gas analyzer. 868.1430 Section 868.1430 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1430 Carbon monoxide gas analyzer. (a) Identification. A carbon monoxide gas...
Market study: Whole blood analyzer
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
A market survey was conducted to develop findings relative to the commercialization potential and key market factors of the whole blood analyzer which is being developed in conjunction with NASA's Space Shuttle Medical System.
[Smartphone application for blood gas interpretation].
Obiols, Julien; Bardo, Pascale; Garnier, Jean-Pierre; Brouard, Benoît
Ninety four per cent of health professionals use their smartphone for business purposes and more than 50% has medical applications. The «Blood Gas» application was created to be part of this dynamic and participate to e-health development in France. The «Blood Gas» application facilitates interpretation of the results of blood gas analysis using an algorithm developed with reference to a medical bibliography. It can detect some complex or intricate acid-base disorders in evaluating the effectiveness of the secondary response. The application also studied the respiratory status of the patient by calculating the PaO2/FiO2 ratio and the alveol-arterial gradient. It also indicates the presence of a shunt effect. Finally, a specific module to calculate the SID (strong ion difference) depending on the model of Stewart can detect complex acid-base disorders.
Blood gas analysis and cooximetry in retired racing Greyhounds
Zaldivar-Lopez, Sara; Chisnell, Hope K.; Guillermo Couto, C.; Westendorf-Stingle, Nicole; Marin, Liliana M.; Iazbik, Maria C.; Cooper, Edward S.; Wellman, Maxey L.; Muir, William W.
Objective The purposes of this study were to evaluate the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin (Hb) in healthy retired racing Greyhounds via cooximetry, and to establish reference intervals for blood gases and cooximetry in this breed. Design Prospective clinical study. Setting University Teaching Hospital. Animals Fifty-seven Greyhounds and 30 non-Greyhound dogs. Interventions Venous blood samples were collected from the jugular vein and placed into heparinized tubes. The samples were analyzed within 30 minutes of collection using a blood gas analyzer equipped with a cooximeter. Measurements and Main Results Greyhounds had significantly higher pH, PO2, oxygen saturation, oxyhemoglobin, total Hb, oxygen content, and oxygen capacity and significantly lower deoxyhemoglobin and P50 when compared with non-Greyhound dogs. Conclusion These findings support the fact that this breed is able to carry a higher concentration of total oxygen in the blood. As reported previously, this breed also has lower P50 and, therefore, high oxygen affinity. In light of recent findings suggesting that in certain tissues a high affinity for oxygen is beneficial, this adaptation may be of benefit during strenuous exercise. PMID:21288290
Arterial blood gas reference values for sea level and an altitude of 1,400 meters.
Crapo, R O; Jensen, R L; Hegewald, M; Tashkin, D P
Blood gas measurements were collected on healthy lifetime nonsmokers at sea level (n = 96) and at an altitude of 1,400 meters (n = 243) to establish reference equations. At each study site, arterial blood samples were analyzed in duplicate on two separate blood gas analyzers and CO-oximeters. Arterial blood gas variables included Pa(O(2)), Pa(CO(2)), pH, and calculated alveolar-arterial PO(2) difference (AaPO(2)). CO-oximeter variables were Hb, COHb, MetHb, and Sa(O(2)). Subjects were 18 to 81 yr of age with 166 male and 173 female. Outlier data were excluded from multiple regression analysis, and reference equations were fitted to the data in two ways: (1) best fit using linear, squared, and cross-product terms; (2) simple equations, including only the variables that explained at least 3% of the variance. Two sets of equations were created: (1) using only the sea level data and (2) using the combined data with barometric pressure as an independent variable. Comparisons with earlier studies revealed small but significant differences; the decline in Pa(O(2)) with age at each altitude was consistent with most previous studies. At sea level, the equation that included barometric pressure predicted Pa(O(2)) slightly better than the sea level specific equation. The inclusion of barometric pressure in the equations allows better prediction of blood gas reference values at sea level and at altitudes as high as 1,400 meters.
21 CFR 870.4330 - Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor... Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor is a device used in conjunction with a blood gas sensor to measure the level of gases in the blood...
21 CFR 870.4330 - Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor... Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor is a device used in conjunction with a blood gas sensor to measure the level of gases in the blood...
21 CFR 870.4330 - Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor... Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor is a device used in conjunction with a blood gas sensor to measure the level of gases in the blood...
21 CFR 870.4330 - Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor is a device used in conjunction with a blood gas sensor to measure the level of gases in the blood... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor...
21 CFR 870.4330 - Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor is a device used in conjunction with a blood gas sensor to measure the level of gases in the blood... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor...
28 CFR Appendix B to Part 79 - Blood-Gas Study Tables
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Blood-Gas Study Tables B Appendix B to... COMPENSATION ACT Pt. 79, App. B Appendix B to Part 79—Blood-Gas Study Tables For arterial blood-gas studies... mmHg 65 mmHg or below. Above 50 mmHg Any value. For arterial blood-gas studies performed at test...
28 CFR Appendix B to Part 79 - Blood-Gas Study Tables
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Blood-Gas Study Tables B Appendix B to... COMPENSATION ACT Pt. 79, App. B Appendix B to Part 79—Blood-Gas Study Tables For arterial blood-gas studies... mmHg 65 mmHg or below. Above 50 mmHg Any value. For arterial blood-gas studies performed at test...
28 CFR Appendix B to Part 79 - Blood-Gas Study Tables
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Blood-Gas Study Tables B Appendix B to... COMPENSATION ACT Pt. 79, App. B Appendix B to Part 79—Blood-Gas Study Tables For arterial blood-gas studies... mmHg 65 mmHg or below. Above 50 mmHg Any value. For arterial blood-gas studies performed at test...
28 CFR Appendix B to Part 79 - Blood-Gas Study Tables
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Blood-Gas Study Tables B Appendix B to... COMPENSATION ACT Pt. 79, App. B Appendix B to Part 79—Blood-Gas Study Tables For arterial blood-gas studies... mmHg 65 mmHg or below. Above 50 mmHg Any value. For arterial blood-gas studies performed at test...
28 CFR Appendix B to Part 79 - Blood-Gas Study Tables
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Blood-Gas Study Tables B Appendix B to... COMPENSATION ACT Pt. 79, App. B Appendix B to Part 79—Blood-Gas Study Tables For arterial blood-gas studies... mmHg 65 mmHg or below. Above 50 mmHg Any value. For arterial blood-gas studies performed at test...
Clinical, operational and economic outcomes of point-of-care blood gas analysis in COPD patients.
Oliver, Paloma; Buno, Antonio; Alvarez-Sala, Rodolfo; Fernandez-Calle, Pilar; Alcaide, Maria Jose; Casitas, Raquel; Garcia-Quero, Cristina; Madero, Rosario; Gomez-Rioja, Ruben; Iturzaeta, Jose Manuel
Arterial blood gas analysis is relevant in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) management. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the use of a blood gas analyzer in pulmonology departments improves the clinical, operational and economic outcomes when compared with clinical laboratory measurements. It is an observational prospective study. 112 patients were selected. After specimen collection, the measurement was performed both in pulmonology office as point-of-care and in laboratory. We evaluated clinical outcomes (modification of the indication of long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) according to results, changes in blood gas analysis results, relationship of the partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) obtained in the medical visit and velocity of change of the PaO2, influence of total haemoglobin concentration and the change in PaO2), operational outcomes (turnaround time (TAT) from specimen collection to receiving the blood gas analysis report) and economic outcomes (overall cost per process of patient care). There were discrepancies in the indication of LTOT in 13.4% of patients. All parameters showed changes. PaO2 levels showed changes in 2 ways, though they frequently increase over time. The correlation was not good in the other two clinical outcomes. The median TATs in pulmonology office were 1 min versus 79 in laboratory, with 52 min for specimen preparation and transport and 17 min for TAT intralaboratory. The overall cost for the 112 patients in pulmonology office and laboratory was 16,769.89€ and 22,260.97€ respectively. The use of a blood gas analyzer in a pulmonology office improves clinical, operational and economic outcomes when compared with clinical laboratory. Copyright © 2014 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
20 CFR Appendix C to Part 718 - Blood-Gas Tables
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Blood-Gas Tables C Appendix C to Part 718... DUE TO PNEUMOCONIOSIS Pt. 718, App. C Appendix C to Part 718—Blood-Gas Tables The following tables set... of the following tables are met: (1) For arterial blood-gas studies performed at test sites up to 2...
20 CFR Appendix C to Part 718 - Blood-Gas Tables
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 20 Employees' Benefits 4 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Blood-Gas Tables C Appendix C to Part 718... DUE TO PNEUMOCONIOSIS Pt. 718, App. C Appendix C to Part 718—Blood-Gas Tables The following tables set... of the following tables are met: (1) For arterial blood-gas studies performed at test sites up to 2...
Blood gas and serum biochemical RIs for healthy newborn Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis).
Santana, André M; Silva, Daniela G; Clemente, Virna; Pizauro, Lucas J L; Bernardes, Priscila A; Santana, Clarissa H; Eckersall, Peter D; Fagliari, José J
There is a lack of published work on RIs for newborn buffaloes. Establishing blood gas and serum biochemical RIs for newborn buffaloes is important for monitoring health. This study establishes blood gas and serum biochemical RIs of newborn buffaloes. Twenty-eight newborn buffaloes, 10-30 days old, were selected. Thirty blood biochemical variables were analyzed. The Anderson-Darling test was used to assess the normality of the distribution. The Dixon test and the Tukey test were used to identify outliers. The RI and 90% CI were determined using standard and robust methods and the Box-Cox transformation. A total of 30 RIs for healthy buffalo calves have been reported in this study. RIs for blood gas variables were reported for pH, partial pressure of oxygen (pO 2 ), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO 2 ), saturation of O 2 (SO 2 ), bicarbonate (cHCO 3 - ), base excess (BE), total carbon dioxide (ctCO 2 ), and anion gap (AG). RIs for serum biochemical variables were reported for glucose (GLU), direct bilirubin (DB), total bilirubin (TB), AST, ALP, GGT, CK, LDH, creatinine (CREA), urea, cholesterol (CHOL), triglycerides (TG), Ca, P, Mg, Na, K, iCa, Cl, iron, total protein (TP), and albumin (ALB). This is the first reported study covering complete serum chemistry and blood gas RIs for healthy 1-month-old Murrah buffaloes. © 2018 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology.
21 CFR 870.4410 - Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor... Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor is a transducer that measures the level of gases in the blood. (b) Classification. Class II...
21 CFR 870.4410 - Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor... Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor is a transducer that measures the level of gases in the blood. (b) Classification. Class II...
21 CFR 870.4410 - Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor... Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor is a transducer that measures the level of gases in the blood. (b) Classification. Class II...
21 CFR 870.4410 - Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor... Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor is a transducer that measures the level of gases in the blood. (b) Classification. Class II...
21 CFR 870.4410 - Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor... Cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass in-line blood gas sensor is a transducer that measures the level of gases in the blood. (b) Classification. Class II...
20 CFR Appendix C to Part 718 - Blood-Gas Tables
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Blood-Gas Tables C Appendix C to Part 718... PNEUMOCONIOSIS Pt. 718, App. C Appendix C to Part 718—Blood-Gas Tables The following tables set forth the values... tables are met: (1) For arterial blood-gas studies performed at test sites up to 2,999 feet above sea...
21 CFR 868.1120 - Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration... Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin... hemoglobin in blood to aid in determining the patient's physiological status. (b) Classification. Class III...
21 CFR 868.1120 - Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration... Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin... hemoglobin in blood to aid in determining the patient's physiological status. (b) Classification. Class III...
21 CFR 868.1120 - Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration... Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin... hemoglobin in blood to aid in determining the patient's physiological status. (b) Classification. Class III...
21 CFR 868.1120 - Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration... Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin... hemoglobin in blood to aid in determining the patient's physiological status. (b) Classification. Class III...
21 CFR 868.1120 - Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration... Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin... hemoglobin in blood to aid in determining the patient's physiological status. (b) Classification. Class III...
Relocation of blood gas laboratory to the emergency department helps decrease lactic acid values.
Brazg, Jared; Huang, Phyllis; Weiner, Corey; Singh, Guneet; Likourezos, Antonios; Salem, Linda; Dickman, Eitan; Marshall, John
lactate values decreased when measured in an ED blood gas laboratory and may provide more accurate LA results than blood gas samples analyzed at an SL blood gas laboratory within the same institution. Hospitals may consider moving blood gas laboratories to the ED to improve accuracy of one of the most important early blood markers used in the definition of sepsis and in the identification of the critically ill. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Relocation of blood gas laboratory to the emergency department helps decrease lactic acid values.
Brazg, Jared; Huang, Phyllis; Weiner, Corey; Singh, Guneet; Likourezos, Antonios; Salem, Linda; Dickman, Eitan; Marshall, John
lactate values decreased when measured in an ED blood gas laboratory and may provide more accurate LA results than blood gas samples analyzed at an SL blood gas laboratory within the same institution. Hospitals may consider moving blood gas laboratories to the ED to improve accuracy of one of the most important early blood markers used in the definition of sepsis and in the identification of the critically ill. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Katz, S.; Weber, C.W.
A reagent gas and a sample gas are chemically combined on a continuous basis in a reaction zone maintained at a selected temperature. The reagent gas and the sample gas are introduced to the reaction zone at preselected. constant molar rates of flow. The reagent gas and the selected gas in the sample mixture combine in the reaction zone to form a product gas having a different number of moles from the sum of the moles of the reactants. The difference in the total molar rates of flow into and out of the reaction zone is measured and indicated to determine the concentration of the selected gas.
20 CFR Appendix C to Part 718 - Blood-Gas Tables
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 20 Employees' Benefits 4 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Blood-Gas Tables C Appendix C to Part 718... DUE TO PNEUMOCONIOSIS Pt. 718, App. C Appendix C to Part 718—Blood-Gas Tables The following tables set... rebutting evidence, if the values specified in one of the following tables are met: (1) For arterial blood...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... which you sample and record gas-analyzer concentrations. (b) Measurement principles. This test verifies... appropriate frequency to prevent loss of information. This test also verifies that the measurement system... instructions. Adjust the measurement system as needed to optimize performance. Run this verification with the...
Mikashinovich, Z I; Suroedova, R A; Olempieva, E V
The specific features of blood gas transport system functioning were analyzed in patients with cardiovascular diseases. In patients with postinfarction cardiosclerosis (PICS), the quantitative mechanism for hypoxia adaptation tended to decrease, which may be considered to be a compensatory-adaptive reaction aimed at eliminating the sludge phenomenon and improving the rheological characteristics of blood. Acute myocardial reinfarction developed in patents with PICS is characterized by the lower functional activity of red blood cells, and developing hypoxia is an important link of activation of apoptotic cell death. The degree of hypoxia may be believed to correlate with the sizes of a myocardial necrosis focus.
Using Willie's Acid-Base Box for Blood Gas Analysis
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dietz, John R.
In this article, the author describes a method developed by Dr. William T. Lipscomb for teaching blood gas analysis of acid-base status and provides three examples using Willie's acid-base box. Willie's acid-base box is constructed using three of the parameters of standard arterial blood gas analysis: (1) pH; (2) bicarbonate; and (3) CO[subscript…
Inert gas transport in blood and tissues.
Baker, A Barry; Farmery, Andrew D
This article establishes the basic mathematical models and the principles and assumptions used for inert gas transfer within body tissues-first, for a single compartment model and then for a multicompartment model. From these, and other more complex mathematical models, the transport of inert gases between lungs, blood, and other tissues is derived and compared to known experimental studies in both animals and humans. Some aspects of airway and lung transfer are particularly important to the uptake and elimination of inert gases, and these aspects of gas transport in tissues are briefly described. The most frequently used inert gases are those that are administered in anesthesia, and the specific issues relating to the uptake, transport, and elimination of these gases and vapors are dealt with in some detail showing how their transfer depends on various physical and chemical attributes, particularly their solubilities in blood and different tissues. Absorption characteristics of inert gases from within gas cavities or tissue bubbles are described, and the effects other inhaled gas mixtures have on the composition of these gas cavities are discussed. Very brief consideration is given to the effects of hyper- and hypobaric conditions on inert gas transport. © 2011 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 1:569-592, 2011.
Kohn, G L; Hardie, W D
STUDY PURPOSES: To survey hospital laboratories in the United States to determine methods used for measuring pleural fluid pH, and to compare pleural fluid pH values obtained with a traditional tabletop blood gas analyzer (BGA) to those obtained with a handheld analyzer. Hospital laboratories nationwide were contacted by telephone to survey the methods used to measure pleural fluid pH. In a second phase, pleural fluid was prospectively collected from 19 pediatric and adult patients with pleural effusions, and pleural fluid pH was measured simultaneously with a traditional tabletop BGA and with a handheld unit. A total of 220 hospital laboratories were contacted by telephone, and 166 responded (75%). The methods for determining pleural fluid pH for all hospital laboratories were pH meter (35%; n = 59), BGA (32%; n = 53), and litmus paper (31%: n = 51); 2% (n = 3) did not perform the test. University hospitals were more likely to use a BGA, compared to community hospitals (p < 0.014) or children's hospitals (p < 0.001). In the comparison of pleural fluid measurements, the mean pH for the traditional BGA was 7.358 +/- 0.189, and the mean pH for the handheld unit was 7.382 +/- 0.203. The absolute difference between the two machines was 0.024 U, and the two methods were correlated (p < 0.01; r = 0.993; degrees of freedom = 36). Most hospital laboratories in the United States do not measure pleural fluid pH using a traditional BGA and use alternative methods that have previously been shown to be inaccurate. Pleural fluid pH obtained by a handheld unit has a high degree of correlation to that of a traditional tabletop BGA, and it offers a satisfactory alternative for laboratories reluctant to measure pleural fluid pH with a BGA.
Blood gas analysis as a determinant of occupationally related disability
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Morgan, W.K.; Zaldivar, G.L.
Arterial blood gas analysis is one of the criteria used by the Department of Labor to award total and permanent disability for coal workers' pneumoconiosis (Black Lung). We have observed that Black Lung claimants often undergo several blood gas analyses with widely differing results that sometimes range from complete normality to life-threatening hypoxemia in the same subject. We concluded that blood gas analysis in occupationally related disability determination is unreliable, in that quality control and instrumentation are variable; that severe hypoxemia is rare in coal workers' pneumoconiosis; and that such hypoxemia is nonspecific and correlates poorly with breathlessness.
Dukić, Lora; Kopčinović, Lara Milevoj; Dorotić, Adrijana; Baršić, Ivana
Blood gas analysis (BGA) is exposed to risks of errors caused by improper sampling, transport and storage conditions. The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) generated documents with recommendations for avoidance of potential errors caused by sample mishandling. Two main documents related to BGA issued by the CLSI are GP43-A4 (former H11-A4) Procedures for the collection of arterial blood specimens; approved standard - fourth edition, and C46-A2 Blood gas and pH analysis and related measurements; approved guideline - second edition. Practices related to processing of blood gas samples are not standardized in the Republic of Croatia. Each institution has its own protocol for ordering, collection and analysis of blood gases. Although many laboratories use state of the art analyzers, still many preanalytical procedures remain unchanged. The objective of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CSMBLM) is to standardize the procedures for BGA based on CLSI recommendations. The Working Group for Blood Gas Testing as part of the Committee for the Scientific Professional Development of the CSMBLM prepared a set of recommended protocols for sampling, transport, storage and processing of blood gas samples based on relevant CLSI documents, relevant literature search and on the results of Croatian survey study on practices and policies in acid-base testing. Recommendations are intended for laboratory professionals and all healthcare workers involved in blood gas processing.
Dukić, Lora; Kopčinović, Lara Milevoj; Dorotić, Adrijana; Baršić, Ivana
Blood gas analysis (BGA) is exposed to risks of errors caused by improper sampling, transport and storage conditions. The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) generated documents with recommendations for avoidance of potential errors caused by sample mishandling. Two main documents related to BGA issued by the CLSI are GP43-A4 (former H11-A4) Procedures for the collection of arterial blood specimens; approved standard – fourth edition, and C46-A2 Blood gas and pH analysis and related measurements; approved guideline – second edition. Practices related to processing of blood gas samples are not standardized in the Republic of Croatia. Each institution has its own protocol for ordering, collection and analysis of blood gases. Although many laboratories use state of the art analyzers, still many preanalytical procedures remain unchanged. The objective of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CSMBLM) is to standardize the procedures for BGA based on CLSI recommendations. The Working Group for Blood Gas Testing as part of the Committee for the Scientific Professional Development of the CSMBLM prepared a set of recommended protocols for sampling, transport, storage and processing of blood gas samples based on relevant CLSI documents, relevant literature search and on the results of Croatian survey study on practices and policies in acid-base testing. Recommendations are intended for laboratory professionals and all healthcare workers involved in blood gas processing. PMID:27812301
Point-of-care, portable microfluidic blood analyzer system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Maleki, Teimour; Fricke, Todd; Quesenberry, J. T.; Todd, Paul W.; Leary, James F.
Recent advances in MEMS technology have provided an opportunity to develop microfluidic devices with enormous potential for portable, point-of-care, low-cost medical diagnostic tools. Hand-held flow cytometers will soon be used in disease diagnosis and monitoring. Despite much interest in miniaturizing commercially available cytometers, they remain costly, bulky, and require expert operation. In this article, we report progress on the development of a battery-powered handheld blood analyzer that will quickly and automatically process a drop of whole human blood by real-time, on-chip magnetic separation of white blood cells (WBCs), fluorescence analysis of labeled WBC subsets, and counting a reproducible fraction of the red blood cells (RBCs) by light scattering. The whole blood (WB) analyzer is composed of a micro-mixer, a special branching/separation system, an optical detection system, and electronic readout circuitry. A droplet of un-processed blood is mixed with the reagents, i.e. magnetic beads and fluorescent stain in the micro-mixer. Valve-less sorting is achieved by magnetic deflection of magnetic microparticle-labeled WBC. LED excitation in combination with an avalanche photodiode (APD) detection system is used for counting fluorescent WBC subsets using several colors of immune-Qdots, while counting a reproducible fraction of red blood cells (RBC) is performed using a laser light scatting measurement with a photodiode. Optimized branching/channel width is achieved using Comsol Multi-Physics™ simulation. To accommodate full portability, all required power supplies (40v, +/-10V, and +3V) are provided via step-up voltage converters from one battery. A simple onboard lock-in amplifier is used to increase the sensitivity/resolution of the pulse counting circuitry.
Whole blood coagulation analyzers.
Whole blood Coagulation analyzers (WBCAs) are widely used point-of-care (POC) testing devices found primarily in cardiothoracic surgical suites and cardia catheterization laboratories. Most of these devices can perform a number of coagulation tests that provide information about a patient's blood clotting status. Clinicians use the results of the WBCA tests, which are available minutes after applying a blood sample, primarily to monitor the effectiveness of heparin therapy--an anticoagulation therapy used during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery, angioplasty, hemodialysis, and other clinical procedures. In this study we evaluated five WBCAs from four suppliers. Our testing focused on the applications for which WBCAs are primarily used: Monitoring moderate to high heparin levels, as would be required, for example, during CPB are angioplasty. For this function, WCBAs are typically used to perform an activated clotting time (ACT) test or, as one supplier refers to its test, a heparin management test (HMT). All models included in this study offered an ACT test or an HMT. Monitoring low heparin levels, as would be required, for example,during hemodialysis. For this function, WBCAs would normally be used to perform either a low-range ACT (LACT) test or a whole blood activated partial thromboplastin time (WBAPTT) test. Most of the evaluated units could perform at least one of these tests; one unit did not offer either test and was therefore not rated for this application. We rated and ranked each evaluated model separately for each of these two applications. In addition, we provided a combined rating and ranking that considers the units' appropriateness for performing both application. We based our conclusions on a unit's performance and humans factor design, as determined by our testing, and on its five-year life-cycle cost, as determined by our net present value (NPV) analysis. While we rated all evaluated units acceptable for each appropriate category, we did
21 CFR 868.1620 - Halothane gas analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... infrared or ultraviolet radiation. (b) Classification. Class II (performance standards). ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Halothane gas analyzer. 868.1620 Section 868.1620 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED...
Sensor gas analyzer for acetone determination in expired air
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Baranov, Vitaly V.
Diseases and changes in the way of life change the concentration and composition of the expired air. Our adaptable gas analyzer is intended for the selective analysis of expired air and can be adapted for the solution of current diagnostic and analytical tasks by the user (a physician or a patient). Having analyzed the existing trends in the development of noninvasive diagnostics we have chosen the method of noninvasive acetone detection in expired air, where the acetone concentration correlates with blood and urine glucose concentrations. The appearance of acetone in expired air is indicative of disorders that may be caused not only by diabetes but also be wrong diet, incorrect sportsmen training etc. To control the disorders one should know the acetone concentration in the human body. This knowledge allows one to judge upon the state of the patient, choose a correct diet that will not cause damage to the patient's health, determine sportsmen training efficiency and results and solve the artificial pancreas problem. Our device provide highly accurate analysis, rapid diagnostics and authentic acetone quantification in the patient's body at any time aimed at prediction of the patient's state and assessing the efficiency of the therapy used. Clinical implementation of the device will improve the health and save lives of many thousands of diabetes sufferers.
20 CFR Appendix C to Part 718 - Blood-Gas Tables
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 20 Employees' Benefits 4 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Blood-Gas Tables C Appendix C to Part 718... DUE TO PNEUMOCONIOSIS Pt. 718, App. C Appendix C to Part 718—Blood-Gas Tables The following tables set... with §§ 718.204(b)(2)(ii) and 718.305(a), (c). The values contained in the tables are indicative of...
Improving respiration measurements with gas exchange analyzers.
Montero, R; Ribas-Carbó, M; Del Saz, N F; El Aou-Ouad, H; Berry, J A; Flexas, J; Bota, J
Dark respiration measurements with open-flow gas exchange analyzers are often questioned for their low accuracy as their low values often reach the precision limit of the instrument. Respiration was measured in five species, two hypostomatous (Vitis Vinifera L. and Acanthus mollis) and three amphistomatous, one with similar amount of stomata in both sides (Eucalyptus citriodora) and two with different stomata density (Brassica oleracea and Vicia faba). CO 2 differential (ΔCO 2 ) increased two-fold with no change in apparent R d , when the two leaves with higher stomatal density faced outside. These results showed a clear effect of the position of stomata on ΔCO 2 . Therefore, it can be concluded that leaf position is important to guarantee the improvement of respiration measurements increasing ΔCO 2 without affecting the respiration results by leaf or mass units. This method will help to increase the accuracy of leaf respiration measurements using gas exchange analyzers. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Temperature correction of arterial blood-gas parameters: A comparative review of methodology.
Andritsch, R F; Muravchick, S; Gold, M I
The need for accurate clinical diagnosis and appropriate intervention requires that a modern blood-gas laboratory have the means to correct for significant discrepancies between patient temperature and the temperature at which in vitro blood samples are analyzed. Recent advances in mini- and microcomputer technology permit application of any or all of the correction formulas above at modest cost and minimal inconvenience (See the Appendix). An expanded program for a TI-59 desk-top calculator and P-100C printer which gives labeled hard-copy readout of temperature-corrected pH, PCO2, PO2, and hemoglobin saturation values, as well as bicarbonate concentration and in vivo base excess is in daily clinical use in our operating room and is available from the authors upon request.
21 CFR 868.1150 - Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure....1150 Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure PCO2 analyzer is a device that consists of a catheter-tip...
21 CFR 868.1150 - Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure....1150 Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure PCO2 analyzer is a device that consists of a catheter-tip...
21 CFR 868.1150 - Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure....1150 Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure PCO2 analyzer is a device that consists of a catheter-tip...
21 CFR 868.1150 - Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure....1150 Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure PCO2 analyzer is a device that consists of a catheter-tip...
Pulsatile Flow and Gas Transport of Blood over an Array of Cylinders
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chan, Kit Yan
In the artificial lung, blood passes through an array of micro-fibers and the gas transfer is strongly dependent on the flow field. The blood flow is unsteady and pulsatile. We have numerically simulated pulsatile flow and gas transfer of blood (modeled as a Casson fluid) over arrays of cylindrical micro-fibers. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are assumed to be in local equilibrium with hemoglobin in blood; and the carbon dioxide facilitated oxygen transport is incorporated into the model by allowing the coupling of carbon dioxide partial pressure and oxygen saturation. The pulsatile flow inputs considered are the sinusoidal and the cardiac waveforms. The squared and staggered arrays of arrangement of the cylinders are considered in this study. Gas transport can be enhanced by: increasing the oscillation frequency; increasing the Reynolds number; increasing the oscillation amplitude; decreasing the void fraction; the use of the cardiac pulsatile input. The overall gas transport is greatly enhanced by the presence of hemoglobin in blood even though the non-Newtonian effect of blood tends to decrease the size and strength of vortices. The pressure drop is also presented as it is an important design parameter confronting the heart.
Farmery, A D; Hahn, C E
Tidal ventilation gas-exchange models in respiratory physiology and medicine not only require solution of mass balance equations breath-by-breath but also may require within-breath measurements, which are instantaneous functions of time. This demands a degree of temporal resolution and fidelity of integration of gas flow and concentration signals that cannot be provided by most clinical gas analyzers because of their slow response times. We have characterized the step responses of the Datex Ultima (Datex Instrumentation, Helsinki, Finland) gas analyzer to oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide in terms of a Gompertz four-parameter sigmoidal function. By inversion of this function, we were able to reduce the rise times for all these gases almost fivefold, and, by its application to real on-line respiratory gas signals, it is possible to achieve a performance comparable to the fastest mass spectrometers. With the use of this technique, measurements required for non-steady-state and tidal gas-exchange models can be made easily and reliably in the clinical setting.
21 CFR 868.1170 - Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH... Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood hydrogen... used to measure, in vivo, the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) in blood to aid in determining the...
21 CFR 868.1170 - Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH... Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood hydrogen... used to measure, in vivo, the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) in blood to aid in determining the...
21 CFR 868.1170 - Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH... Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood hydrogen... used to measure, in vivo, the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) in blood to aid in determining the...
21 CFR 868.1170 - Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH... Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood hydrogen... used to measure, in vivo, the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) in blood to aid in determining the...
21 CFR 868.1170 - Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH... Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood hydrogen... used to measure, in vivo, the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) in blood to aid in determining the...
[Investigation of reference intervals of blood gas and acid-base analysis assays in China].
Zhang, Lu; Wang, Wei; Wang, Zhiguo
To investigate and analyze the upper and lower limits and their sources of reference intervals in blood gas and acid-base analysis assays. The data of reference intervals were collected, which come from the first run of 2014 External Quality Assessment (EQA) program in blood gas and acid-base analysis assays performed by National Center for Clinical Laboratories (NCCL). All the abnormal values and errors were eliminated. Data statistics was performed by SPSS 13.0 and Excel 2007 referring to upper and lower limits of reference intervals and sources of 7 blood gas and acid-base analysis assays, i.e. pH value, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Cl-. Values were further grouped based on instrument system and the difference between each group were analyzed. There were 225 laboratories submitting the information on the reference intervals they had been using. The three main sources of reference intervals were National Guide to Clinical Laboratory Procedures [37.07% (400/1 079)], instructions of instrument manufactures [31.23% (337/1 079)] and instructions of reagent manufactures [23.26% (251/1 079)]. Approximately 35.1% (79/225) of the laboratories had validated the reference intervals they used. The difference of upper and lower limits in most assays among 7 laboratories was moderate, both minimum and maximum (i.e. the upper limits of pH value was 7.00-7.45, the lower limits of Na+ was 130.00-156.00 mmol/L), and mean and median (i.e. the upper limits of K+ was 5.04 mmol/L and 5.10 mmol/L, the upper limits of PCO2 was 45.65 mmHg and 45.00 mmHg, 1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa), as well as the difference in P2.5 and P97.5 between each instrument system group. It was shown by Kruskal-Wallis method that the P values of upper and lower limits of all the parameters were lower than 0.001, expecting the lower limits of Na+ with P value 0.029. It was shown by Mann-Whitney that the statistic differences were found among instrument
[On-line data management system using a portable blood gas analyzer in the operating room].
Shimosato, G; Ibuki, T; Hirata, M; Shigemi, K; Tanaka, Y
It is very important to establish a clinical testing system which is not only prompt, simple and accurate but also safe for the patients and medical staff in the operating room, emergency room and intensive care unit. In our institution an i-STAT portable blood gas analyser has been widely used for point of care testing in all the operating rooms. This clinical testing system has been upgraded by adding an i-STAT communication protocol to our online data management system. The analysed data transmitted by the i-STAT as an infrared signal is transformed to an electronic signal through the IR link and sent to the central data station (CDS) via RS232C. The data received by the CDS is then sent to the upper grade computer system where the data is recorded on the hard disk. One advantage of this system is that it is connected to the hospital computer system. Not only does this new system meet the need for accurate, safe, effective and economical laboratory testing, but also retrospective and multifactorial analysis of intraoperative events can be easily carried out. In the future this system can be applied to telemedicine through the Internet and contribute to the treatment of critically ill patients.
21 CFR 868.1200 - Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2... Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood oxygen... electrode) and that is used to measure, in vivo, the partial pressure of oxygen in blood to aid in...
21 CFR 868.1200 - Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2... Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood oxygen... electrode) and that is used to measure, in vivo, the partial pressure of oxygen in blood to aid in...
21 CFR 868.1200 - Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2... Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood oxygen... electrode) and that is used to measure, in vivo, the partial pressure of oxygen in blood to aid in...
21 CFR 868.1200 - Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2... Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood oxygen... electrode) and that is used to measure, in vivo, the partial pressure of oxygen in blood to aid in...
21 CFR 868.1200 - Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2... Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer. (a) Identification. An indwelling blood oxygen... electrode) and that is used to measure, in vivo, the partial pressure of oxygen in blood to aid in...
Flow-based ammonia gas analyzer with an open channel scrubber for indoor environments.
Ohira, Shin-Ichi; Heima, Minako; Yamasaki, Takayuki; Tanaka, Toshinori; Koga, Tomoko; Toda, Kei
A robust and fully automated indoor ammonia gas monitoring system with an open channel scrubber (OCS) was developed. The sample gas channel dimensions, hydrophilic surface treatment to produce a thin absorbing solution layer, and solution flow rate of the OCS were optimized to connect the OCS as in-line gas collector and avoid sample humidity effects. The OCS effluent containing absorbed ammonia in sample gas was injected into a derivatization solution flow. Derivatization was achieved with o-phthalaldehyde and sulfite in pH 11 buffer solution. The product, 1-sulfonateisoindole, is detected with a home-made fluorescence detector. The limit of detection of the analyzer based on three times the standard deviation of baseline noise was 0.9 ppbv. Sample gas could be analyzed 40 times per hour. Furthermore, relative humidity of up to 90% did not interfere considerably with the analyzer. Interference from amines was not observed. The developed gas analysis system was calibrated using a solution-based method. The system was used to analyze ammonia in an indoor environment along with an off-site method, traditional impinger gas collection followed by ion chromatographic analysis, for comparison. The results obtained using both methods agreed well. Therefore, the developed system can perform on-site monitoring of ammonia in indoor environments with improved time resolution compared with that of other methods. Crown Copyright © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hedberg, P; Lehto, T
This study presents the results of an aging stability study of complete blood count (CBC) and leukocyte differential parameters using the Abbott CELL-DYN Sapphire hematology analyzer. Stability studies showed no substantial change in CBC parameters up to 24-48 h at +23 +/- 2 degrees C (room temperature), except for optical platelet count (PLTo). For specimens aged over 24, the value of impedance platelet count yielded more reliable results than the routine PLTo. White blood cell (WBC) differential parameters, except eosinophils, were stable for up to 48 h at +23 +/- 2 degrees C. CBC parameters were stable for 72 h, except mean platelet volume, which slightly increased between 48 and 72 h, at +4 degrees C. WBC differentials were stable 48-72 h, with a slight decrease observed in absolute neutrophils and lymphocytes at +4 degrees C.
Extracorporeal gas exchange with the DeltaStream rotary blood pump in experimental lung injury.
Dembinski, Rolf; Kopp, Rüdger; Henzler, Dietrich; Hochhausen, Nadine; Oslender, Nicole; Max, Martin; Rossaint, Rolf; Kuhlen, Ralf
In most severe cases of the acute respiratory distress syndrome, veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be used to facilitate gas exchange. However, the clinical use is limited due to the size and the concomitant risk of severe adverse events of conventionally-used centrifugal blood pumps with high extracorporeal blood volumes. The DeltaStream blood pump is a small-sized rotary blood pump that may reduce extracorporeal blood volume, foreign surfaces, contact activation of the coagulation system, and blood trauma. The aim of the present study was to test the safety and efficacy of the DeltaStream pump for ECMO in animals with normal lung function and experimental acute lung injury (ALI). Therefore, veno-venous ECMO was performed for 6 hours in mechanically ventilated pigs with normal lung function (n=6) and with ALI induced by repeated lung lavage (n=6) with a blood flow of 30% of the cardiac output. Gas flow with a FiO2 of 1.0 was set to equal blood flow. With a mean activated clotting time of 121 +/- 22 s, no circulatory impairment or thrombus formation was revealed during ECMO. Furthermore, free plasma Hb did not increase. In controls, hemodynamics and gas exchange remained unchanged. In animals with ALI, hemodynamics remained stable and gas transfer across the extracorporeal oxygenators was optimal, but only in 2 animals was a marked increase in PaO2 observed. CO2 removal was efficacious in all animals. We concluded that the DeltaStream blood pump may be used for veno-venous ECMO without major blood damage or hemodynamic impairment.
Determination of paraldehyde by gas chromatography in whole blood from children.
Githiga, Isaiah M; Muchohi, Simon N; Ogutu, Bernhards R; Newton, Charles R J C; Otieno, Godfrey O; Gitau, Evelyn N; Kokwaro, Gilbert O
A rapid, sensitive and selective gas chromatographic method with flame ionization detection was developed for the determination of paraldehyde in small blood samples taken from children. Whole blood samples (300 microl) collected in a 3 ml Wheaton glass sample vial were spiked with acetone (internal standard: 15 ng) followed by addition of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The mixture was heated in the sealed airtight sample vial in a water bath (96 Celsius; 5 min) to depolymerize paraldehyde to acetaldehyde. A 2 ml aliquot of the headspace was analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector using a stainless steel column (3 m x 4 mm i.d.) packed with 10% Carbowax 20 M/ 2% KOH on 80/100 Chromosorb WAW. Calibration curves were linear from 1.0-20 microg (r2>0.99). The limit of detection was 1.5 microg/ml, while relative mean recoveries at 2 and 18 microg were 105.6 +/- 8.4 and 101.2 +/- 5.9%, respectively (n = 10 for each level). Intra- and inter-assay relative standard deviations at 2, 10 and 18 microg were <15%. There was no interference from other drugs concurrently used in children with severe malaria, such as anticonvulsants (diazepam, phenytoin, phenobarbitone), antipyretics/analgesics (paracetamol and salicylate), antibiotics (gentamicin, chloramphenicol, benzyl penicillin) and antimalarials (chloroquine, quinine, proguanil, cycloguanil, pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine). The method was successfully applied for pharmacokinetic studies of paraldehyde in children with convulsions associated with severe malaria.
Acierno, Mark J; Mitchell, Mark A; Schuster, Patricia J; Freeman, Diana; Sanchez-Migallon Guzman, David; Tully, Thomas N
To determine the degree of agreement between 3 commercially available point-of-care blood glucose meters and a laboratory analyzer for measurement of blood glucose concentrations in Hispaniolan Amazon parrots (Amazona ventralis). 20 healthy adult Hispaniolan Amazon parrots. A 26-gauge needle and 3-mL syringe were used to obtain a blood sample (approx 0.5 mL) from a jugular vein of each parrot. Small volumes of blood (0.6 to 1.5 microL) were used to operate each of the blood glucose meters, and the remainder was placed into lithium heparin microtubes and centrifuged. Plasma was harvested and frozen at -30 degrees C. Within 5 days after collection, plasma samples were thawed and plasma glucose concentrations were measured by means of the laboratory analyzer. Agreement between pairs of blood glucose meters and between each blood glucose meter and the laboratory analyzer was evaluated by means of the Bland-Altman method, and limits of agreement (LOA) were calculated. None of the results of the 3 blood glucose meters agreed with results of the laboratory analyzer. Each point-of-care blood glucose meter underestimated the blood glucose concentration, and the degree of negative bias was not consistent (meter A bias, -94.9 mg/dL [LOA, -148.0 to -41.7 mg/dL]; meter B bias, -52 mg/dL [LOA, -107.5 to 3.5 mg/dL]; and meter C bias, -78.9 mg/dL [LOA, -137.2 to -20.6 mg/dL]). On the basis of these results, use of handheld blood glucose meters in the diagnosis or treatment of Hispaniolan Amazon parrots and other psittacines cannot be recommended.
Analyzer for measuring gas contained in the pore space of rocks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kudasik, Mateusz; Skoczylas, Norbert
In the present paper, the authors discussed the functioning of their own analyzer for measuring gas contained in the pore space of high strength rocks. A sample is placed inside a hermetic measuring chamber, and then undergoes impact milling as a result of colliding with the vibrating blade of a knife which is rotationally driven by a high-speed brushless electric motor. The measuring chamber is equipped with all the necessary sensors, i.e. gas, pressure, and temperature sensors. Trial tests involving the comminution of dolomite and anhydrite samples demonstrated that the constructed device is able to break up rocks into grains so fine that they are measured in single microns, and the sensors used in the construction ensure balancing of the released gas. The tests of the analyzer showed that the metrological concept behind it, together with the way it was built, make it fit for measurements of the content and composition of selected gases from the rock pore space. On the basis of the conducted tests of balancing the gases contained in the two samples, it was stated that the gas content of Sample no. 1 was (0.055 ± 0.002) cm3 g-1, and Sample no. 2 contained gas at atmospheric pressure, composed mostly of air.
Comparative study of gas-analyzing systems designed for continuous monitoring of TPP emissions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kondrat'eva, O. E.; Roslyakov, P. V.
Determining the composition of combustion products is important in terms of both control of emissions into the atmosphere from thermal power plants and optimization of fuel combustion processes in electric power plants. For this purpose, the concentration of oxygen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, and sulfur oxides in flue gases is monitored; in case of solid fuel combustion, fly ash concentration is monitored as well. According to the new nature conservation law in Russia, all large TPPs shall be equipped with continuous emission monitoring and measurement systems (CEMMS) into the atmosphere. In order to ensure the continuous monitoring of pollutant emissions, direct round-the-clock measurements are conducted with the use of either domestically produced or imported gas analyzers and analysis systems, the operation of which is based on various physicochemical methods and which can be generally used when introducing CEMMS. Depending on the type and purposes of measurement, various kinds of instruments having different features may be used. This article represents a comparative study of gas-analysis systems for measuring the content of polluting substances in exhaust gases based on various physical and physicochemical analysis methods. It lists basic characteristics of the methods commonly applied in the area of gas analysis. It is proven that, considering the necessity of the long-term, continuous operation of gas analyzers for monitoring and measurement of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere, as well as the requirements for reliability and independence from aggressive components and temperature of the gas flow, it is preferable to use optical gas analyzers for the aforementioned purposes. In order to reduce the costs of equipment comprising a CEMMS at a TPP and optimize the combustion processes, electrochemical and thermomagnetic gas analyzers may also be used.
Field intercomparison of four methane gas analyzers suitable for eddy covariance flux measurements
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Peltola, O.; Mammarella, I.; Haapanala, S.; Burba, G.; Vesala, T.
Performances of four methane gas analyzers suitable for eddy covariance measurements are assessed. The assessment and comparison was performed by analyzing eddy covariance data obtained during summer 2010 (1 April to 26 October) at a pristine fen, Siikaneva, Southern Finland. High methane fluxes with pronounced seasonality have been measured at this fen. The four participating methane gas analyzers are commercially available closed-path units TGA-100A (Campbell Scientific Inc., USA), RMT-200 (Los Gatos Research, USA), G1301-f (Picarro Inc., USA) and an early prototype open-path unit Prototype-7700 (LI-COR Biosciences, USA). The RMT-200 functioned most reliably throughout the measurement campaign, during low and high flux periods. Methane fluxes from RMT-200 and G1301-f had the smallest random errors and the fluxes agree remarkably well throughout the measurement campaign. Cospectra and power spectra calculated from RMT-200 and G1301-f data agree well with corresponding temperature spectra during a high flux period. None of the gas analyzers showed statistically significant diurnal variation for methane flux. Prototype-7700 functioned only for a short period of time, over one month, in the beginning of the measurement campaign during low flux period, and thus, its overall accuracy and season-long performance were not assessed. The open-path gas analyzer is a practical choice for measurement sites in remote locations due to its low power demand, whereas for G1301-f methane measurements interference from water vapor is straightforward to correct since the instrument measures both gases simultaneously. In any case, if only the performance in this intercomparison is considered, RMT-200 performed the best and is the recommended choice if a new fast response methane gas analyzer is needed.
A comparison of four different blood gas analysers.
Kofstad, J
Four automatic blood gas analysers from four different manufactures were evaluated and compared. The measurements were performed on blood representing respiratory acidosis and hypoxemia, normal conditions, and respiratory alkalosis and hyperoxemia. On each level nine complete runs were carried out, each run consisting of six replicates of each parameter (pH, Pco2 and Po2) on each instrument (six rounds). Only the directly measured parameters (pH, Pco2, Po2) were compared. The main conclusion is that the four instruments can be used alternatively, and that the differences between the values measured by the four instruments are of little clinical significance.
Siggaard-Andersen, O; Siggaard-Andersen, M
Input parameters for the program are the arterial pH, pCO2, and pO2 (measured by a blood gas analyzer), oxygen saturation, carboxy-, met-, and total hemoglobin (measured by a multi-wavelength spectrometer), supplemented by patient age, sex, temperature, inspired oxygen fraction, fraction of fetal hemoglobin, and ambient pressure. Output parameters are the inspired and alveolar oxygen partial pressures, pH,pCO2 and pO2 referring to the actual patient temperature, estimated shunt fraction, half-saturation tension, estimated 2,3-diphosphoglycerate concentration, oxygen content and oxygen capacity, extracellular base excess, and plasma bicarbonate concentration. Three parameters related to the blood oxygen availability are calculated: the oxygen extraction tension, concentration of extractable oxygen, and oxygen compensation factor. Calculations of the 'reverse' type may also be performed so that the effect of therapeutic measures on the oxygen status or the acid-base status can be predicted. The user may choose among several different units of measurement and two different conventions for symbols. The results are presented in a data display screen comprising all quantities together with age, sex, and temperature adjusted reference values. The program generates a 'laboratory diagnosis' of the oxygen status and the acid-base status and three graphs illustrating the oxygen status and the acid-base status of the patient: the oxygen graph, the acid-base chart and the blood gas map. A printed summary in one A4 page including a graphical display can be produced with an Epson or HP Laser compatible printer. The program is primarily intended for routine laboratories with a blood gas analyzer combined with a multi-wavelength spectrometer. Calculating the derived quantities may enhance the usefulness of the analyzers and improve patient care. The program may also be used as a teaching aid in acid-base and respiratory physiology. The program requires an IBM PC, XT, AT or similar
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Fields, C.L.; Roy, T.M.; Dow, F.T.
The Department of Labor has set guidelines for the use of resting arterial blood gas analysis in determination of total and permanent disability for coal workers' pneumoconiosis. To determine the prevalence with which bituminous coal miners fall below the arterial tensions of both oxygen and carbon dioxide published in the Federal Register, we studied 1012 miners who had both reproducible spirometry and arterial blood gas analysis as part of their disability evaluation. Eighty-seven percent of impaired miners could be identified by the spirometric criteria. Thirteen percent of impaired bituminous coal miners had acceptable pulmonary function but were eligible for blackmore » lung benefits by the blood gas guidelines. This population would have been missed if blood gas analysis were excluded from the evaluation process. On the other hand, approximately 25% of the blood gas analyses that were performed could be eliminated if a policy was adopted to do this test only on miners with spirometry that exceed the federal guidelines.« less
Effectiveness of the Stewart Method in the Evaluation of Blood Gas Parameters.
Gezer, Mustafa; Bulucu, Fatih; Ozturk, Kadir; Kilic, Selim; Kaldirim, Umit; Eyi, Yusuf Emrah
In 1981, Peter A. Stewart published a paper describing his concept for employing Strong Ion Difference. In this study we compared the HCO3 levels and Anion Gap (AG) calculated using the classic method and the Stewart method. Four hundred nine (409) arterial blood gases of 90 patients were collected retrospectively. Some were obtained from the same patients in different times and conditions. All blood samples were evaluated using the same device (ABL 800 Blood Gas Analyzer). HCO3 level and AG were calculated using the Stewart method via the website HCO3 levels, AG and strong ion difference (SID) were calculated using the Stewart method, incorporating the parameters of age, serum lactate, glucose, sodium, and pH, etc. According to classic method, the levels of HCO3 and AG were 22.4±7.2 mEq/L and 20.1±4.1 mEq/L respectively. According to Stewart method, the levels of HCO3 and AG were 22.6±7.4 and 19.9±4.5 mEq/L respectively. There was strong correlation between the classic method and the Stewart method for calculating HCO3 and AG. The Stewart method may be more effective in the evaluation of complex metabolic acidosis.
Frankel, E N; Tappel, A L
An improved headspace capillary gas chromatographic (GC) method was developed to measure the oxidative susceptibility of human red blood cell (RBC) membranes. This method analyzed volatile peroxidation products of both n-6 (hexanal and pentane) and n-3 (propanal) polyunsaturated fatty acids. Oxidative susceptibility tests were standardized by incubating in a sealed 10-mL headspace bottle 0.25 or 1 mL of human RBC membrane in 40 mM phosphate buffer for 1 hr at 37 degrees C with a mixture of Fe++, ascorbic acid and H2O2. Sodium dodecyl sulfate increased significantly the amount of hexanal measured by headspace GC. By this standard headspace method, in one series of red blood cell membranes (RBCM) samples a four-fold variation in oxidative susceptibility was observed in RBCM from blood freshly drawn from six healthy subjects. In another series of RBCM samples a sixteen-fold variation in oxidative susceptibility was noted in frozen RBCM from blood freshly drawn from five healthy subjects. Correlation between hexanal formation and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) depletion provided good evidence that under these standard conditions hexanal is exclusively derived from the oxidation of arachidonic acid. Hydroperoxides of arachidonic acid are more readily formed and decomposed than those of linoleic acid in the presence of Fe++, ascorbic acid and H2O2 to produce hexanal as the main product that can be readily analyzed by headspace GC. This method may provide a useful tool to study susceptibility toward lipid peroxidative damage in human RBC membranes.
Arazawa, D T; Kimmel, J D; Finn, M C; Federspiel, W J
The use of extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) is well established as a therapy for patients suffering from acute respiratory failure. Development of next generation low blood flow (<500 mL/min) ECCO2R devices necessitates more efficient gas exchange devices. Since over 90% of blood CO2 is transported as bicarbonate (HCO3(-)), we previously reported development of a carbonic anhydrase (CA) immobilized bioactive hollow fiber membrane (HFM) which significantly accelerates CO2 removal from blood in model gas exchange devices by converting bicarbonate to CO2 directly at the HFM surface. This present study tested the hypothesis that dilute sulfur dioxide (SO2) in oxygen sweep gas could further increase CO2 removal by creating an acidic microenvironment within the diffusional boundary layer adjacent to the HFM surface, facilitating dehydration of bicarbonate to CO2. CA was covalently immobilized onto poly (methyl pentene) (PMP) HFMs through glutaraldehyde activated chitosan spacers, potted in model gas exchange devices (0.0151 m(2)) and tested for CO2 removal rate with oxygen (O2) sweep gas and a 2.2% SO2 in oxygen sweep gas mixture. Using pure O2 sweep gas, CA-PMP increased CO2 removal by 31% (258 mL/min/m(2)) compared to PMP (197 mL/min/m(2)) (P<0.05). Using 2.2% SO2 acidic sweep gas increased PMP CO2 removal by 17% (230 mL/min/m(2)) compared to pure oxygen sweep gas control (P<0.05); device outlet blood pH was 7.38 units. When employing both CA-PMP and 2.2% SO2 sweep gas, CO2 removal increased by 109% (411 mL/min/m(2)) (P<0.05); device outlet blood pH was 7.35 units. Dilute acidic sweep gas increases CO2 removal, and when used in combination with bioactive CA-HFMs has a synergistic effect to more than double CO2 removal while maintaining physiologic pH. Through these technologies the next generation of intravascular and paracorporeal respiratory assist devices can remove more CO2 with smaller blood contacting surface areas. A clinical need exists for more
Evaluation of Portable Multi-Gas Analyzers for use by Safety Personnel
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lueck, D. E.; Meneghelli, B. J.; Bardel, D. N.
During confined space entry operations as well as Shuttle-safing operations, United Space Alliance (USA)/National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) safety personnel use a variety of portable instrumentation to monitor for hazardous levels of compounds such as nitrogen dioxide (N%), monomethylhydrazine (NMM), FREON 21, ammonia (NH3), oxygen (O2), and combustibles (as hydrogen (H2)). Except for O2 and H2, each compound is monitored using a single analyzer. In many cases these analyzers are 5 to 10 years old and require frequent maintenance. In addition, they are cumbersome to carry and tend to make the job of personnel monitoring physically taxing. As part of an effort to upgrade the sensor technology background information was requested from a total of 27 manufacturers of portable multi-gas instruments. A set of criteria was established to determine which vendors would be selected for laboratory evaluation. These criteria were based on requests made by USA/NASA Safety personnel in order to meet requirements within their respective areas for confined-space and Shuttle-safing operations. Each of the 27 manufacturers of multi-gas analyzers was sent a copy of the criteria and asked to fill in the appropriate information pertaining to their instrumentation. Based on the results of the sensor criteria worksheets, a total of 9 vendors out of 27 surveyed manufacturers were chosen for evaluation. Each vendor included in the final evaluation process was requested to configure each of two analyzers with NO2, NH3, O2, and combustible sensors. A set of lab tests was designed in order to determine which of the multi-gas instruments under evaluation was best suited for use in both shuttle and confined space operations. These tests included linearity/repeatability, zero/span drift response/recovery, humidity, interference, and maintenance. At the conclusion of lab testing three vendors were selected for additional field testing. Based on the results of both the lab and
Raghav, Raj; Middleton, Rachael; BSc, Rinshiya Ahamed; Arjunan, Raji; Caliendo, Valentina
Arterial and venous blood gas analysis is useful in the assessment of tissue oxygenation and ventilation and in diagnosis of metabolic and respiratory derangements. It can be performed with a relatively small volume of blood in avian patients under emergency situations. Arterial and venous blood gas analysis was performed in 30 healthy gyr falcons ( Falco rusticolus ) under anaesthesia to establish temperature-corrected reference intervals for arterial blood gas values and to compare them to temperature-corrected venous blood gas values with a portable point-of-care blood gas analyzer (i-STAT 1, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL, USA). Statistically significant differences were observed between the temperature-corrected values of pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pco2), and partial pressure of oxygen (Po2) and the corresponding nontemperature-corrected values of these parameters in both arterial and venous blood. Values of temperature-corrected pH, temperature-corrected Pco2, bicarbonate concentrations, and base excess of extra cellular fluid did not differ significantly between arterial and venous blood, suggesting that, in anesthetized gyr falcons, venous blood gas analysis can be used in place of arterial blood gas analysis in clinical situations. Values for hematocrit, measured by the point-of-care analyzer, were significantly lower compared with those obtained by the microhematocrit method.
Haematological, blood gas and acid-base values in the Galgo Español (Spanish greyhound).
Mesa-Sanchez, I; Zaldivar-Lopez, S; Couto, C G; Gamito-Gomez, A; Granados-Machuca, M M; Lopez-Villalba, I; Galan-Rodriguez, A
Haematologic profiles, electrolyte concentrations, blood gas values and acid-base balance have been studied and reported in healthy greyhounds; however, there is only one study published on blood gas values in Galgos Españoles. Because of their purported common origins with greyhounds (same group and class), it was hypothesised that Galgos Españoles also have differences in haematologic values, electrolyte concentrations, blood gas values and acid-base balance compared to other non-sporting breeds. Venous blood samples from 30 Galgos Españoles and 20 dogs from different breeds were collected, and complete blood counts, electrolyte concentrations, blood gas values and acid-base balance were measured. From the 24 parameters analysed, 5 had statistically significant differences (P<0·05). Galgos Españoles had higher haematocrit (P<0·001), haemoglobin concentration (P=0·003), erythrocyte count (P=0·016) and pH (P=0·03), and lower platelet count (P=0·005), than those in other-breed dogs. These results confirm that significant haematologic differences exist in Galgos Españoles when compared with other dogs, although these differences are not as striking as in greyhounds. Practitioners need to be aware of these breed-specific differences in order to make accurate diagnoses in Galgos Españoles. © 2012 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.
Integrated gas analyzer for complete monitoring of turbine engine test cells.
Markham, James R; Bush, Patrick M; Bonzani, Peter J; Scire, James J; Zaccardi, Vincent A; Jalbert, Paul A; Bryant, M Denise; Gardner, Donald G
Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy is proving to be reliable and economical for the quantification of many gas-phase species during testing and development of gas turbine engines in ground-based facilities such as sea-level test cells and altitude test cells. FT-IR measurement applications include engine-generated exhaust gases, facility air provided as input to engines, and ambient air in and around test cells. Potentially, the traditionally used assembly of many gas-specific single gas analyzers will be eliminated. However, the quest for a single instrument capable of complete gas-phase monitoring at turbine engine test cells has previously suffered since the FT-IR method cannot measure infrared-inactive oxygen molecules, a key operational gas to both air-breathing propulsion systems and test cell personnel. To further the quest, the FT-IR sensor used for the measurements presented in this article was modified by integration of a miniature, solid-state electrochemical oxygen sensor. Embedded in the FT-IR unit at a location near the long-effective-optical-path-length gas sampling cell, the amperometric oxygen sensor provides simultaneous, complementary information to the wealth of spectroscopic data provided by the FT-IR method.
User's guide to the Residual Gas Analyzer (RGA)
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Artman, S.A.
The Residual Gas Analyzer (RGA), a Model 100C UTI quadrupole mass spectrometer, measures the concentrations of selected masses in the Fusion Energy Division's (FED) Advanced Toroidal Facility (ATF). The RGA software is a VAX FORTRAN computer program which controls the experimental apparatus, records the raw data, performs data reduction, and plots the data. The RGA program allows data to be collected from an RGA on ATF or from either of two RGAs in the laboratory. In the laboratory, the RGA diagnostic plays an important role in outgassing studied on various candidate materials for fusion experiments. One such material, graphite, ismore » being used more often in fusion experiments due to its ability to withstand high power loads. One of the functions of the RGA diagnostic is aid in the determination of the best grade of graphite to be used in these experiments and to study the procedures used to condition it. A procedure of particular interest involves baking the graphite sample in order to remove impurities that may be present in it. These impurities can be studied while in the ATF plasma or while being baked and outgassed in the laboratory. The Residual Gas Analyzer is a quadrupole mass spectrometer capable of scanning masses ranging in size from 1 atomic mass unit (amu) to 300 amu while under computer control. The procedure for collecting data for a particular mass is outlined.« less
Neves, R C; Stokol, T; Bach, K D; McArt, J A A
The objective of this study was to assess an optimized ion-selective electrode Ca-module prototype as a potential cow-side device for ionized Ca (iCa) measurements in bovine blood. A linearity experiment showed no deviation from linearity over a range of iCa concentrations compared with a commercial point-of-care (POC) device commonly used in the field (POC VS ; VetScan i-STAT, Abaxis North America, Union City, CA) and a laboratory gold standard benchtop blood-gas analyzer [reference analyzer (RA); ABL-800 FLEX, Radiometer Medical, Copenhagen, Denmark]. Coefficient of variation on 3 samples with high, within-range, and low iCa concentrations ranged from 1.0 to 3.9% for the prototype. A follow-up validation experiment was performed, in which our objectives were to (1) assess the performance of the prototype cow-side against the POC VS (farm gold-standard) using fresh non-anticoagulated whole-blood samples; (2) assess the performance of the prototype and the POC VS against the RA in a diagnostic laboratory using blood collected in a heparin-balanced syringe; and (3) assess the agreement of the prototype and POC VS on-farm (fresh non-anticoagulated whole blood) against the RA on heparin-balanced blood. Finally, sensitivity and specificity of the results obtained by the prototype and the POC VS cow-side compared with the results obtained by the laboratory RA using 3 different iCa cut points for classification of subclinical hypocalcemia were calculated. A total of 101 periparturient Holstein cows from 3 dairy farms in New York State were used for the second experiment. Ionized Ca results from the prototype cow-side were, on average, 0.06 mmol/L higher than the POC VS . With heparin-balanced samples under laboratory conditions, the prototype and POC VS measured an average 0.04 mmol/L higher and lower, respectively, compared with the RA. Results from the prototype and POC VS cow-side were 0.01 mmol/L higher and 0.05 mmol/L lower, respectively, compared with results from
A sample-to-result system for blood coagulation tests on a microfluidic disk analyzer
Lin, Chia-Hui; Liu, Cheng-Yuan; Shih, Chih-Hsin; Lu, Chien-Hsing
In this report, we describe in detail a microfluidic analyzer, which is able to conduct blood coagulation tests using whole blood samples. Sample preparation steps, such as whole blood aliquoting and metering, plasma separation, decanting, and mixing with reagents were performed in sequence through microfluidic functions integrated on a disk. Both prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) were carried out on the same platform and the test results can be reported in 5 min. Fifty clinical samples were tested for both PT and aPTT utilizing the microfluidic disk analyzer and the instrument used in hospitals. The test results showed good correlation and agreement between the two instruments. PMID:25332733
Headspace gas chromatographic method for the measurement of difluoroethane in blood.
Broussard, L A; Broussard, A; Pittman, T; Lafferty, D; Presley, L
To develop a gas chromatographic assay for the analysis of difluoroethane, a volatile substance, in blood and to determine assay characteristics including linearity, limit of quantitation, precision, and specificity. Referral toxicology laboratory Difluoroethane, a colorless, odorless, highly flammable gas used as a refrigerant blend component and aerosol propellant, may be abused via inhalation. A headspace gas chromatographic procedure for the identification and quantitation of difluoroethane in blood is presented. A methanolic stock standard prepared from pure gaseous difluoroethane was used to prepare whole blood calibrators. Quantitation of difluoroethane was performed using a six-point calibration curve and an internal standard of 1-propanol. The assay is linear from 0 to 115 mg/L including a low calibrator at 4 mg/L, the limit of quantitation. Within-run coefficients of variation at mean concentrations of 13.8 mg/L and 38.5 mg/L were 5.8% and 6.8% respectively. Between-run coefficients of variation at mean concentrations of 15.9 mg/L and 45.7 mg/L were 13.4% and 9.8% respectively. Several volatile substances were tested as potential interfering compounds with propane having a retention time identical to that of difluoroethane. This method requires minimal sample preparation, is rapid and reproducible, can be modified for the quantitation of other volatiles, and could be automated using an automatic sampler/injector system.
Thomas, Frank O; Hoffman, Terri L; Handrahan, Diana L; Crapo, Robert O; Snow, Greg
Portable blood gas analyzer and monitor devices are increasingly being used to direct ventilator therapy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the "measure of treatment agreement" between portable and laboratory blood gas measurements used in guiding protocol-driven ventilator management. Using National Institutes of Health Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome network ventilator management guidelines to manage patient care, measurements taken from the Nonin 8500 M pulse oximeter (SpO2), the Novametrix-610 end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) detector, and the i-STAT 1 (SaO2, PO2, pH, PCO2) were compared with the recommended treatment from paired laboratory ABL-725 (SaCO2, PO2, pH, PCO2) measurements. Four hundred forty-six intubated adult intensive care unit patients were studied prospectively. Except for the ETCO2 (R2 = 0.460), correlation coefficients between portable and laboratory measurements were high (R2 > or = 0.755). Testing for equivalence, the Nonin-SpO2, iSTAT-PO2, iSTAT-pH, and iSTAT-PCO2 were deemed "equivalent" surrogates to paired ABL measurements. Testing for the limits of agreement found only the iSTAT-PCO2 to be an acceptable surrogate measurement. The measure of treatment agreement between the portable and paired laboratory blood gas measurements were Nonin-SpO2 (68%), iSTAT-SaO2 (73%), iSTAT-PO2 (97%), iSTAT-pH (88%), iSTAT-PCO2 (95%), and Novametrix-ETCO2 (60%). Only the iSTAT-PO2 and the iSTAT-PCO2 achieved the > or =95% treatment agreement threshold to be considered as acceptable surrogates to laboratory measurements. : The iSTAT-PO2 and -PCO2 were portable device measurements acceptable as surrogates to standard clinical laboratory blood gas measurements in guiding protocol-directed ventilator management. The "measure of treatment agreement," based on standardized decisions and measurement thresholds of a protocol, provides a simple method for assessing clinical validity of surrogate measurements.
Description of the prototype diagnostic residual gas analyzer for ITER.
Younkin, T R; Biewer, T M; Klepper, C C; Marcus, C
The diagnostic residual gas analyzer (DRGA) system to be used during ITER tokamak operation is being designed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to measure fuel ratios (deuterium and tritium), fusion ash (helium), and impurities in the plasma. The eventual purpose of this instrument is for machine protection, basic control, and physics on ITER. Prototyping is ongoing to optimize the hardware setup and measurement capabilities. The DRGA prototype is comprised of a vacuum system and measurement technologies that will overlap to meet ITER measurement requirements. Three technologies included in this diagnostic are a quadrupole mass spectrometer, an ion trap mass spectrometer, and an optical penning gauge that are designed to document relative and absolute gas concentrations.
Farmery, A D; Hahn, C E
The use of sidestream infrared and paramagnetic clinical gas analyzers is widespread in anesthesiology and respiratory medicine. For most clinical applications, these instruments are entirely satisfactory. However, their ability to measure breath-by-breath volumetric gas fluxes, as required for measurement of airway dead space, oxygen uptake, and so on, is usually inferior to that of the mass spectrometer, and this is thought to be due, in part, to their slower response times. We describe how volumetric gas analysis with the Datex Ultima analyzer, although reasonably accurate for spontaneous ventilation, gives very inaccurate results in conditions of positive-pressure ventilation. We show that this problem is a property of the gas sampling system rather than the technique of gas analysis itself. We examine the source of this error and describe how cyclic changes in airway pressure result in variations in the flow rate of the gas within the sampling catheter. This results in the phenomenon of "time distortion," and the resultant gas concentration signal becomes a nonlinear time series. This corrupted signal cannot be aligned or integrated with the measured flow signal. We describe a method to correct for this effect. With the use of this method, measurements required for breath-by-breath gas-exchange models can be made easily and reliably in the clinical setting.
Effect of stratified inequality of blood flow on gas exchange in liquid-filled lungs.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
West, J. B.; Maloney, J. E.; Castle, B. L.
This investigation set out to answer two questions: (1) are the distal alveoli in the terminal lung units less well perfused than the proximal alveoli, i.e., is there stratification of blood flow; and (2) if so, does this enhance gas exchange in the presence of stratified inequality of ventilation. Excised dog lungs were ventilated with saline and perfused with blood. Following single inspirations of xenon 133 in saline and various periods of breath holding, the expired xenon concentration against volume was measured and it confirmed marked stratified inequality of ventilation under these conditions. By measuring the rate of depletion of xenon from alveoli during a period of blood flow, we showed that the alveoli which emptied at the end of expiration had 16% less blood flow than those exhaling earlier. However, by measuring the xenon concentration in pulmonary venous blood, we found that about 10% less tracer was transferred from the alveoli into the blood when the inspired xenon was stratified within the respiratory zone. Thus while stratification of blood flow was confirmed, it was shown to impair rather than enhance the efficiency of gas transfer.
Baratloo, Alireza; Rahmati, Farhad; Rouhipour, Alaleh; Motamedi, Maryam; Gheytanchi, Elmira; Amini, Fariba; Safari, Saeed
Objective: To determine the correlation between blood gas parameters and central venous pressure (CVP) in patients suffering from septic shock. Methods: Forty adult patients with diagnosis of septic shock who were admitted to the emergency department (ED) of Shohadaye Tajrish Hospital affiliated with Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, and met inclusion and exclusion criteria were enrolled. For all patients, sampling was done for venous blood gas analysis, serum sodium and chlorine levels. At the time of sampling; blood pressure, pulse rate and CVP were recorded. Correlation between blood gas parameters and hemodynamic indices were. Results: A significant direct correlation between CVP with anion gap (AG) and inversely with base deficit (BD) and bicarbonate. CVP also showed a relative correlation with pH, whereas it was not correlated with BD/ AG ratio and serum chlorine level. There was no significant association between CVP and clinical parameters including shock index (SI) and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Conclusion: It seems that some of non invasive blood gas parameters could be served as alternative to invasive measures such as CVP in treatment planning of patients referred to an ED with septic shock. PMID:27162870
Effects of gravity and blood volume shifts on cardiogenic oscillations in respired gas.
Montmerle, Stéphanie; Linnarsson, Dag
During the cardiac cycle, cardiogenic oscillations of expired gas (x) concentrations (COS([x])) are generated. At the same time, there are heart-synchronous cardiogenic oscillations of airway flow (COS(flow)), where inflow occurs during systole. We hypothesized that both phenomena, although primarily generated by the heartbeat, would react differently to the cephalad blood shift caused by inflation of an anti-gravity (anti-G) suit and to changes in gravity. Twelve seated subjects performed a rebreathing-breath-holding-expiration maneuver with a gas mixture containing O2 and He at normal (1 G) and moderately increased gravity (2 G); an anti-G suit was inflated to 85 mmHg in each condition. When the anti-G suit was inflated, COS(flow) amplitude increased (P = 0.0028) at 1 G to 186% of the control value without inflation (1-G control) and at 2 G to 203% of the control value without inflation (2-G control). In contrast, the amplitude of COS of the concentration of the blood-soluble gas O2 (COS([O2/He])), an index of the differences in pulmonary perfusion between lung units, declined to 75% of the 1-G control value and to 74% of the 2-G control value (P = 0.0030). There were no significant changes in COS(flow) or COS([O2/He]) amplitudes with gravity. We conclude that the heart-synchronous mechanical agitation of the lungs, as expressed by COS(flow), is highly dependent on peripheral-to-central blood shifts. In contrast, COS([blood-soluble gas]) appears relatively independent of this mechanical agitation and seems to be determined mainly by differences in intrapulmonary perfusion.
[Gas analyzer "HelicoSense" as a new device for diagnosis of the Helicobacter infection].
Kozlov, A V; Evstratova, Iu S; Novikova, V P; Tkachenko, E I; Khochinskaia, O Iu
According to recommendations of the European Health Committee, noninvasive methods should be preferred for diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection in children. Equipment and reagents for respiration diagnostic tests available from foreign manufacturers have rather high cost, which hinders their use in domestic medical institutions. A new noninvasive electrochemical technique for HP detection is based on the use of HelicoSense gas analyzer. 150 patients (100 children 6-17 years old and 50 adults 18-78 years old) participated in mulicenter testing of the developed technique. Chronic gastritis was previously diagnosed by endoscopic and morphological examination in all patients. HP status was studied using bacteriological, serological, and cytological methods, as well as the Helpil test. The obtained results were compared to the results of examination with HelicoSense gas analyzer. Our study showed that HelicoSense gas analyzer provides easy use, patient's safety, and possibility of rapid testing. Its application does not require specially trained medical personnel. The device provides high specificity (86.7%) and high sensitivity (93.7%).
Ballesteros-Peña, Sendoa; Vallejo-De la Hoz, Gorka; Fernández-Aedo, Irrintzi
To analyse vein catheterisation and blood gas test-related pain among adult patients in the emergency department and to explore pain score-related factors. An observational and multicentre research study was performed. Patients undergoing vein catheterisation or arterial puncture for gas test were included consecutively. After each procedure, patients scored the pain experienced using the NRS-11. 780 vein catheterisations and 101 blood gas tests were analysed. Venipuncture was scored with an average score of 2.8 (95% CI: 2.6-3), and arterial puncture with 3.6 (95%CI 3.1-4). Iatrogenic pain scores were associated with moderate - high difficulty procedures (P<.001); with the choice of the humeral rather than the radial artery (P=.02) in the gas test and correlated to baseline pain in venipunctures (P<.001). Pain scores related to other variables such as sex, place of origin or needle gauge did not present statistically significant differences. Vein catheterisation and blood gas test-related pain can be considered mild to moderately and moderately painful procedures, respectively. The pain score is associated with certain variables such as the difficulty of the procedure, the anatomic area of the puncture or baseline pain. A better understanding of painful effects related to emergency nursing procedures and the factors associated with pain self-perception could help to determine when and how to act to mitigate this undesired effect. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... discrete-mode testing. For this check we consider water vapor a gaseous constituent. This verification does... for water removed from the sample done in post-processing according to § 1065.659 and it does not... humidification vessel that contains water. You must humidify NO2 span gas with another moist gas stream. We...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... discrete-mode testing. For this check we consider water vapor a gaseous constituent. This verification does... for water removed from the sample done in post-processing according to § 1065.659 (40 CFR 1066.620 for... contains water. You must humidify NO2 span gas with another moist gas stream. We recommend humidifying your...
Larsen, V H; Waldau, T; Gravesen, H; Siggaard-Andersen, O
To describe a clinical case where an extremely low erythrocyte 2,3-diphosphoglycerate concentration (2,3-DPG) was discovered by routine blood gas analysis supplemented by computer calculation of derived quantities. The finding of a low 2,3-DPG revealed a severe hypophosphatemia. Open uncontrolled study of a patient case. Intensive care observation during 41 days. A 44 year old woman with an abdominal abscess. Surgical drainage, antibiotics and parenteral nutrition. daily routine blood gas analyses with computer calculation of the hemoglobin oxygen affinity and estimation of the 2,3-DPG. An abrupt decline of 2,3-DPG was observed late in the course coincident with a pronounced hypophosphatemia. The fall in 2,3-DPG was verified by enzymatic analysis. 2,3-DPG may be estimated by computer calculation of routine blood gas data. A low 2,3-DPG which may be associated with hypophosphatemia causes an unfavorable increase in hemoglobin oxygen affinity which reduces the oxygen release to the tissues.
Brown, Corrine S.; Luebbert, Joanne; Mulcahy, Daniel M.; Schamber, Jason L.; Rosenberg, Daniel H.
Sea duck populations are declining in Alaska. The reasons for the decline are not known; environmental lead exposure is one suspected cause. Thirty wild Steller's eider ducks (Polysticta stelleri) and 40 wild black scoter ducks (Melanitta nigra) were tested for blood lead levels using a portable blood lead analyzer (LeadCare; ESA, Inc., Chelmsford, Massachusetts 01824, USA). Sixty-seven and one-tenth percent of the sea ducks had undetectable blood lead levels, 30.0% had values indicating normal or background lead exposure, and 2.9% had values indicating lead exposure. None of the birds had values indicating lead toxicity, and no birds demonstrated clinical signs of toxicity. Birds in areas with higher human population density had higher blood lead levels than those in less densely populated areas. This is the first time a portable blood lead analyzer has been utilized with sea ducks in a field setting. Because it provides immediate results, it is valuable as a screening tool for investigators carrying out surgical procedures on birds in the field as well as establishing baseline blood lead data on sea ducks. Lead exposure does occur in wild sea ducks, and the study indicates that additional research is needed in order to determine the role environmental lead plays in declining sea duck populations.
Krasil'nikov, V G; Artem'eva, A I
In anesthetized cats, under perfusion and with constant volume of the hemodynamically isolated brain, hypercapnia and hypoxia led to a decrease of cerebral vessels resistance and to a reduction of the brain blood flow, whereas a decrease in the PCO2 and an increase in the PO2 in the blood exerted on opposite effect. The different responses of the vessels had some similar features in respect to threshold changes of the PCO2 and PO2, to potentiation of effects of both parts of the brain vascular system on increased shifts of the blood gas tension, to greater sensitivity of both parts to PCO2 changes, to effect of the blood gas tension on reactivity of both parts to noradrenaline. The authors suggest a possibility of alterations of the filter-absorption interrelationships in the brain due to different responses of arterial and venous vessels to changes of the blood gas tension.
Delay time correction of the gas analyzer in the calculation of anatomical dead space of the lung.
Okubo, T; Shibata, H; Takishima, T
By means of a mathematical model, we have studied a way to correct the delay time of the gas analyzer in order to calculate the anatomical dead space using Fowler's graphical method. The mathematical model was constructed of ten tubes of equal diameter but unequal length, so that the amount of dead space varied from tube to tube; the tubes were emptied sequentially. The gas analyzer responds with a time lag from the input of the gas signal to the beginning of the response, followed by an exponential response output. The single breath expired volume-concentration relationship was examined with three types of expired flow patterns of which were constant, exponential and sinusoidal. The results indicate that the time correction by the lag time plus time constant of the exponential response of the gas analyzer gives an accurate estimation of anatomical dead space. Time correction less inclusive than this, e.g. lag time only or lag time plus 50% response time, gives an overestimation, and a correction larger than this results in underestimation. The magnitude of error is dependent on the flow pattern and flow rate. The time correction in this study is only for the calculation of dead space, as the corrected volume-concentration curves does not coincide with the true curve. Such correction of the output of the gas analyzer is extremely important when one needs to compare the dead spaces of different gas species at a rather faster flow rate.
Laboratory-based validation of the baseline sensors of the ITER diagnostic residual gas analyzer
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Klepper, C. C.; Biewer, T. M.; Marcus, C.; Andrew, P.; Gardner, W. L.; Graves, V. B.; Hughes, S.
The divertor-specific ITER Diagnostic Residual Gas Analyzer (DRGA) will provide essential information relating to DT fusion plasma performance. This includes pulse-resolving measurements of the fuel isotopic mix reaching the pumping ducts, as well as the concentration of the helium generated as the ash of the fusion reaction. In the present baseline design, the cluster of sensors attached to this diagnostic's differentially pumped analysis chamber assembly includes a radiation compatible version of a commercial quadrupole mass spectrometer, as well as an optical gas analyzer using a plasma-based light excitation source. This paper reports on a laboratory study intended to validate the performance of this sensor cluster, with emphasis on the detection limit of the isotopic measurement. This validation study was carried out in a laboratory set-up that closely prototyped the analysis chamber assembly configuration of the baseline design. This includes an ITER-specific placement of the optical gas measurement downstream from the first turbine of the chamber's turbo-molecular pump to provide sufficient light emission while preserving the gas dynamics conditions that allow for \\textasciitilde 1 s response time from the sensor cluster [1].
Utilization of arterial blood gas measurements in a large tertiary care hospital.
Melanson, Stacy E F; Szymanski, Trevor; Rogers, Selwyn O; Jarolim, Petr; Frendl, Gyorgy; Rawn, James D; Cooper, Zara; Ferrigno, Massimo
We describe the patterns of utilization of arterial blood gas (ABG) tests in a large tertiary care hospital. To our knowledge, no hospital-wide analysis of ABG test utilization has been published. We analyzed 491 ABG tests performed during 24 two-hour intervals, representative of different staff shifts throughout the 7-day week. The clinician ordering each ABG test was asked to fill out a utilization survey. The most common reasons for requesting an ABG test were changes in ventilator settings (27.6%), respiratory events (26.4%), and routine (25.7%). Of the results, approximately 79% were expected, and a change in patient management (eg, a change in ventilator settings) occurred in 42% of cases. Many ABG tests were ordered as part of a clinical routine or to monitor parameters that can be assessed clinically or through less invasive testing. Implementation of practice guidelines may prove useful in controlling test utilization and in decreasing costs.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
...) AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS ENGINE-TESTING PROCEDURES Calibrations and Verifications § 1065.308 Continuous..., the gas concentrations must be adjusted to account for the dilution from ambient air drawn into the... recommended when blending span gases diluted in N2 with span gases diluted in air. You may use a multi-gas...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
...) AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS ENGINE-TESTING PROCEDURES Calibrations and Verifications § 1065.308 Continuous..., the gas concentrations must be adjusted to account for the dilution from ambient air drawn into the... recommended when blending span gases diluted in N2 with span gases diluted in air. You may use a multi-gas...
Liu, Jia-Ming; Shen, Jian-Xiong; Zhang, Jian-Guo; Zhao, Hong; Li, Shu-Gang; Zhao, Yu; Qiu, Giu-Xing
It has been stated that preoperative pulmonary function tests are essential to assess the surgical risk in patients with scoliosis. Arterial blood gas tests have also been used to evaluate pulmonary function before scoliotic surgery. However, few studies have been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate the roles of preoperative arterial blood gas tests in the surgical treatment of scoliosis with moderate or severe pulmonary dysfunction. This study involved scoliotic patients with moderate or severe pulmonary dysfunction (forced vital capacity < 60%) who underwent surgical treatment between January 2002 and April 2010. A total of 73 scoliotic patients (23 males and 50 females) with moderate or severe pulmonary dysfunction were included. The average age of the patients was 16.53 years (ranged 10 - 44). The demographic distribution, medical records, and radiographs of all patients were collected. All patients received arterial blood gas tests and pulmonary function tests before surgery. The arterial blood gas tests included five parameters: partial pressure of arterial oxygen, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide, alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient, pH, and standard bases excess. The pulmonary function tests included three parameters: forced expiratory volume in 1 second ratio, forced vital capacity ratio, and peak expiratory flow ratio. All five parameters of the arterial blood gas tests were compared between the two groups with or without postoperative pulmonary complications by variance analysis. Similarly, all three parameters of the pulmonary function tests were compared. The average coronal Cobb angle before surgery was 97.42° (range, 50° - 180°). A total of 15 (20.5%) patients had postoperative pulmonary complications, including hypoxemia in 5 cases (33.3%), increased requirement for postoperative ventilatory support in 4 (26.7%), pneumonia in 2 (13.3%), atelectasis in 2 (13.3%), pneumothorax in 1 (6.7%), and hydrothorax in 1 (6
The use of mass spectrometry to analyze dried blood spots.
Wagner, Michel; Tonoli, David; Varesio, Emmanuel; Hopfgartner, Gérard
Dried blood spots (DBS) typically consist in the deposition of small volumes of capillary blood onto dedicated paper cards. Comparatively to whole blood or plasma samples, their benefits rely in the fact that sample collection is easier and that logistic aspects related to sample storage and shipment can be relatively limited, respectively, without the need of a refrigerator or dry ice. Originally, this approach has been developed in the sixties to support the analysis of phenylalanine for the detection of phenylketonuria in newborns using bacterial inhibition test. In the nineties tandem mass spectrometry was established as the detection technique for phenylalanine and tyrosine. DBS became rapidly recognized for their clinical value: they were widely implemented in pediatric settings with mass spectrometric detection, and were closely associated to the debut of newborn screening (NBS) programs, as a part of public health policies. Since then, sample collection on paper cards has been explored with various analytical techniques in other areas more or less successfully regarding large-scale applications. Moreover, in the last 5 years a regain of interest for DBS was observed and originated from the bioanalytical community to support drug development (e.g., PK studies) or therapeutic drug monitoring mainly. Those recent applications were essentially driven by improved sensitivity of triple quadrupole mass spectrometers. This review presents an overall view of all instrumental and methodological developments for DBS analysis with mass spectrometric detection, with and without separation techniques. A general introduction to DBS will describe their advantages and historical aspects of their emergence. A second section will focus on blood collection, with a strong emphasis on specific parameters that can impact quantitative analysis, including chromatographic effects, hematocrit effects, blood effects, and analyte stability. A third part of the review is dedicated to
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
...) AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS ENGINE-TESTING PROCEDURES Calibrations and Verifications § 1065.308 Continuous... adjusted to account for the dilution from ambient air drawn into the probe. We recommend you use the final... gases diluted in air. You may use a multi-gas span gas, such as NO-CO-CO2-C3H8-CH4, to verify multiple...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sun, Y. W.; Liu, C.; Xie, P. H.; Hartl, A.; Chan, K. L.; Tian, Y.; Wang, W.; Qin, M.; Liu, J. G.; Liu, W. Q.
In this paper, we demonstrate achieving accurate industrial SO2 emissions monitoring using a portable multi-channel gas analyzer with an optimized retrieval algorithm. The introduced analyzer features with large dynamic measurement range and correction of interferences from other co-existing infrared absorbers, e.g., NO, CO, CO2, NO2, CH4, HC, N2O and H2O. Both effects have been the major limitations of industrial SO2 emissions monitoring. The multi-channel gas analyzer measures 11 different wavelength channels simultaneously in order to achieve correction of several major problems of an infrared gas analyzer, including system drift, conflict of sensitivity, interferences among different infrared absorbers and limitation of measurement range. The optimized algorithm makes use of a 3rd polynomial rather than a constant factor to quantify gas-to-gas interference. The measurement results show good performance in both linear and nonlinear range, thereby solving the problem that the conventional interference correction is restricted by the linearity of both intended and interfering channels. The result implies that the measurement range of the developed multi-channel analyzer can be extended to the nonlinear absorption region. The measurement range and accuracy are evaluated by experimental laboratory calibration. An excellent agreement was achieved with a Pearson correlation coefficient (r2) of 0.99977 with measurement range from ~5 ppmv to 10 000 ppmv and measurement error <2 %. The instrument was also deployed for field measurement. Emissions from 3 different factories were measured. The emissions of these factories have been characterized with different co-existing infrared absorbers, covering a wide range of concentration levels. We compared our measurements with the commercial SO2 analyzers. The overall good agreements are achieved.
Novović, Miloš; Topić, Vesna
Arterial blood gas (ABG) analyses have an important role in the assessment and monitoring of the metabolic and oxygen status of patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Arterial puncture could have a lot of adverse effects, while sampling of venous blood is simpler and is not so invasive. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether venous blood gas (VBG) values of pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), partial oxygen pressure (PO2), bicarbonate (HCO3), and venous and arterial blood oxygen saturation (SO2) can reliably predict ABG levels in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD. Forty-seven patients with a prior diagnosis of COPD were included in this prospective study. The patients with acute exacerbation of this disease were examined at the General Hospital EMS Department in Prijepolje. ABG samples were taken immediately after venous sampling, and both were analyzed. The Pearson correlation coefficients between arterial and venous parameters were 0.828, 0.877, 0.599, 0.896 and 0.312 for pH, PCO2, PO2, HCO3 and SO2, respectively. The statistically significant correlation between arterial and venous pH, PCO2 and HCO3, values was found in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD (p<0.001). When we cannot provide arterial blood for analysis, venous values of the pH, Pv,CO2 and HCO3 parameters can be an alternative to their arterial equivalents in the interpretation of the metabolic status in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD, while the values of venous Pv,O, and Sv,O2 cannot be used as predictors in the assessment of oxygen status of such patients.
Becker, P-H; Fenneteau, O; Da Costa, L
The automated XN-1000 hematology analyzer enables to perform a blood cell count and a leukocyte differential. When abnormal cells were detected, a flag was generated by the analyzer and a manual microscopic examination of the corresponding blood film was performed. We compared the white blood cell differentials provided by the automated hematology analyzer XN-1000 in a pediatric population (n = 765) with those obtained through microscopic examination by cytologists and those obtained using a previous version of this analyzer, the XE-2100. Leukocytes count as well as flags sensitivity and specificity was analyzed. The leukocytes count provided by the analyzer is in good accordance with the differential obtained by manual count in children older than 3 months. The sensitivity for blast detection is 99% and the detection of reactive cells is 63%. The flag specificity remains low (<35%) for blood samples collected from infants between 8 days and 2 years of age, but increases up to 67% thereafter. The results obtained with the XN-1000 analyzer show an improvement in comparison with those obtained with the XE-2100 analyzer. The automated WBC differential provided by the XN-1000 analyzer in the pediatric setting is accurate, but a meticulous microscopic examination of blood smears remains necessary for infants up to 3 months of age to validate the analyzer flags. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Quantitation of dissolved gas content in emulsions and in blood using mass spectrometric detection
Grimley, Everett; Turner, Nicole; Newell, Clayton; Simpkins, Cuthbert; Rodriguez, Juan
Quantitation of dissolved gases in blood or in other biological media is essential for understanding the dynamics of metabolic processes. Current detection techniques, while enabling rapid and convenient assessment of dissolved gases, provide only direct information on the partial pressure of gases dissolved in the aqueous fraction of the fluid. The more relevant quantity known as gas content, which refers to the total amount of the gas in all fractions of the sample, can be inferred from those partial pressures, but only indirectly through mathematical modeling. Here we describe a simple mass spectrometric technique for rapid and direct quantitation of gas content for a wide range of gases. The technique is based on a mass spectrometer detector that continuously monitors gases that are rapidly extracted from samples injected into a purge vessel. The accuracy and sample processing speed of the system is demonstrated with experiments that reproduce within minutes literature values for the solubility of various gases in water. The capability of the technique is further demonstrated through accurate determination of O2 content in a lipid emulsion and in whole blood, using as little as 20 μL of sample. The approach to gas content quantitation described here should greatly expand the range of animals and conditions that may be used in studies of metabolic gas exchange, and facilitate the development of artificial oxygen carriers and resuscitation fluids. PMID:21497566
Measuring xenon in human plasma and blood by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Thevis, Mario; Piper, Thomas; Geyer, Hans; Thomas, Andreas; Schaefer, Maximilian S; Kienbaum, Peter; Schänzer, Wilhelm
Due to the favorable pharmacokinetic properties and minimal side effects of xenon, its use in modern anesthesia has been well accepted, and recent studies further demonstrated the intra- and postoperative neuro-, cardio-, and reno-protective action of the noble gas. Since the production of the hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) and its downstream effector erythropoietin as well as noradrenalin reuptake inhibition have been found to play key roles in this context, the question arose as to whether the use of xenon is a matter for doping controls and preventive doping research. The aim of the present study was hence to evaluate whether the (ab)use of xenon can be detected from doping control samples with the instrumentation commonly available in sports drug testing laboratories. Plasma was saturated with xenon according to reported protocols, and the target analyte was measured by means of gas chromatography/time-of-flight and triple quadrupole mass spectrometry with headspace injection. Recording the accurate mass of three major xenon isotopes at m/z 128.9048, 130.9045 and 131.9042 allowed for the unequivocal identification of the analyte and the detection assay was characterized concerning limit of detection (LOD), intraday precision, and specificity as well as analyte recovery under different storage conditions. Xenon was detected in fortified plasma samples with detection limits of approximately 0.5 nmol/mL to 50 nmol/mL, depending on the type of mass spectrometer used. The method characteristics of intraday precision (coefficient of variation <20%) and specificity demonstrated the fitness-for-purpose of the analytical approach to unambiguously detect xenon at non-physiological concentrations in human plasma and blood. Eventually, authentic plasma and blood samples collected pre-, intra-, and post-operative (4, 8, and 24 h) were positively analyzed after storage for up to 30 h, and provided proof-of-concept for the developed assay. If relevant to
Rapid Point of Care Analyzer for the Measurement of Cyanide in Blood
Ma, Jian; Ohira, Shin-Ichi; Mishra, Santosh K.; Puanngam, Mahitti; Dasgupta, Purnendu K.; Mahon, Sari B.; Brenner, Matthew; Blackledge, William; Boss, Gerry R.
A simple, sensitive optical analyzer for the rapid determination of cyanide in blood in point of care applications is described. HCN is liberated by the addition of 20% H3PO4 and is absorbed by a paper filter impregnated with borate-buffered (pH 9.0) hydroxoaquocobinamide Hereinafter called cobinamide). Cobinamide on the filter changes color from orange (λmax = 510 nm) to violet (λmax = 583 nm) upon reaction with cyanide. This color change is monitored in the transmission mode by a light emitting diode (LED) with a 583 nm emission maximum and a photodiode detector. The observed rate of color change increases 10x when the cobinamide solution for filter impregnation is prepared in borate-buffer rather than in water. The use of a second LED emitting at 653 nm and alternate pulsing of the LEDs improve the limit of detection by 4x to ~ 0.5 μM for a 1 mL blood sample. Blood cyanide levels of imminent concern (≥ 10 μM) can be accurately measured in ~ 2 min. The response is proportional to the mass of cyanide in the sample – smaller sample volumes can be successfully used with proportionate change in the concentration LODs. Bubbling air through the blood-acid mixture was found effective for mixing of the acid with the sample and the liberation of HCN. A small amount of ethanol added to the top of the blood was found to be the most effective means to prevent frothing during aeration. The relative standard deviation (RSD) for repetitive determination of blood samples containing 9 μM CN was 1.09% (n=5). The technique was compared blind with a standard microdiffusion-spectrophotometric method used for the determination of cyanide in rabbit blood. The results showed good correlation (slope 1.05, r2 0.9257); independent calibration standards were used. PMID:21553921
Linked gas chromatograph-thermal energy analyzer/ion trap mass spectrometer
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Alcaraz, A.; Martin, W.H.; Andresen, B.D.
The capability of comparing a nitrogen chromatogram generated from a gas chromatograph (GC, Varian model 3400) linked to a thermal energy analyzer (TEA, Thermedics Inc. Model 610) with a total ion chromatogram (from a Finnigan-MAT Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer, ITMS) has provided a new means to screen and identifying trace levels of nitrogen-containing compounds in complex mixtures. Prior to the work described here, it has not been possible to simultaneously acquire TEA and MS data. What was needed was a viable GC-TEA/ITMS interface to combine the capabilities of both instruments. 4 figs.
Mirzazadeh, Mehdi; Morovat, Alireza; James, Tim; Smith, Ian; Kirby, Justin; Shine, Brian
Point-of-care testing allows rapid analysis of samples to facilitate prompt clinical decisions. Electrolyte and calcium abnormalities are common in acutely ill patients and can be associated with life-threatening consequences. There is uncertainty whether clinical decisions can be based on the results obtained from blood gas analysers or if laboratory results should be awaited. To assess the agreement between sodium, potassium and calcium results from blood gas and laboratory mainstream analysers in a tertiary centre, with a network consisting of one referral and two peripheral hospitals, consisting of three networked clinical biochemistry laboratories. Using the laboratory information management system database and over 11 000 paired samples in three hospital sites, the results of sodium, potassium and ionised calcium on blood gas analysers were studied over a 5-year period and compared with the corresponding laboratory results from the same patients booked in the laboratory within 1 h. The Pearson's linear correlation coefficient between laboratory and blood gas results for sodium, potassium and calcium were 0.92, 0.84 and 0.78, respectively. Deming regression analysis showed a slope of 1.04 and an intercept of -5.7 for sodium, slope of 0.93 and an intercept of 0.22 for potassium and a slope of 1.23 with an intercept of -0.55 for calcium. With some strict statistical assumptions, percentages of results lying outside the least significant difference were 9%, 26.7% and 20.8% for sodium, potassium and calcium, respectively. Most clinicians wait for the laboratory confirmation of results generated by blood gas analysers. In a large retrospective study we have shown that there is sufficient agreement between the results obtained from the blood gas and laboratory analysers to enable prompt clinical decisions to be made. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
Arterial blood gas management in retrograde cerebral perfusion: the importance of carbon dioxide.
Ueno, K; Takamoto, S; Miyairi, T; Morota, T; Shibata, K; Murakami, A; Kotsuka, Y
Many interventional physiological assessments for retrograde cerebral perfusion (RCP) have been explored. However, the appropriate arterial gas management of carbon dioxide (CO2) remains controversial. The aim of this study is to determine whether alpha-stat or pH-stat could be used for effective brain protection under RCP in terms of cortical cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRO2), and distribution of regional cerebral blood flow. Fifteen anesthetized dogs (25.1+/-1.1 kg) on cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) were cooled to 18 degrees C under alpha-stat management and had RCP for 90 min under: (1), alpha-stat; (2), pH-stat; or (3), deep hypothermic (18 degrees C) antegrade CPB (antegrade). RCP flow was regulated for a sagittal sinus pressure of around 25 mmHg. CBF was monitored by a laser tissue flowmeter. Serial analyses of blood gas were made. The regional cerebral blood flow was measured with colored microspheres before discontinuation of RCP. CBF and CMRO2 were evaluated as the percentage of the baseline level (%CBF, %CMRO2). The oxygen content of arterial inflow and oxygen extraction was not significantly different between the RCP groups. The %CBF and %CMRO2 were significantly higher for pH-stat RCP than for alpha-stat RCP. The regional cerebral blood flow, measured with colored microspheres, tended to be higher for pH-stat RCP than for alpha-stat RCP, at every site in the brain. Irrespective of CO2 management, regional differences were not significant among any site in the brain. CO2 management is crucial for brain protection under deep hypothermic RCP. This study revealed that pH-stat was considered to be better than alpha-stat in terms of CBF and oxygen metabolism in the brain. The regional blood flow distribution was considered to be unchanged irrespective of CO2 management.
Quantitation of dissolved gas content in emulsions and in blood using mass spectrometric detection.
Grimley, Everett; Turner, Nicole; Newell, Clayton; Simpkins, Cuthbert; Rodriguez, Juan
Quantitation of dissolved gases in blood or in other biological media is essential for understanding the dynamics of metabolic processes. Current detection techniques, while enabling rapid and convenient assessment of dissolved gases, provide only direct information on the partial pressure of gases dissolved in the aqueous fraction of the fluid. The more relevant quantity known as gas content, which refers to the total amount of the gas in all fractions of the sample, can be inferred from those partial pressures, but only indirectly through mathematical modeling. Here we describe a simple mass spectrometric technique for rapid and direct quantitation of gas content for a wide range of gases. The technique is based on a mass spectrometer detector that continuously monitors gases that are rapidly extracted from samples injected into a purge vessel. The accuracy and sample processing speed of the system is demonstrated with experiments that reproduce within minutes literature values for the solubility of various gases in water. The capability of the technique is further demonstrated through accurate determination of O(2) content in a lipid emulsion and in whole blood, using as little as 20 μL of sample. The approach to gas content quantitation described here should greatly expand the range of animals and conditions that may be used in studies of metabolic gas exchange, and facilitate the development of artificial oxygen carriers and resuscitation fluids. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Monitoring volatilization products using Residual Gas Analyzers during MeV ion beam irradiations
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wetteland, C. J.; Kriewaldt, K.; Taylor, L. A.; McSween, H. Y.; Sickafus, K. E.
The use of Residual Gas Analyzers (RGAs) during irradiation experiments can provide valuable information when incorporated into experimental end-stations. The instruments can track the volatilization products of beam-sensitive materials, which may ultimately aid researchers in selecting appropriate flux values for conducting experiments. Furthermore, the type of gaseous species released during an irradiation can be monitored directly, which may lead to new insights into the radiolysis and/or heating mechanisms responsible for gas evolution. A survey of several classes of materials exposed to extremes in particle flux is presented to show how RGA instrumentation can be incorporated to qualitatively assess ion-solid interactions in a variety of fields.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hoffman, John H.; Hedgecock, Jud; Nienaber, Terry; Cooper, Bonnie; Allen, Carlton; Ming, Doug
The Regolith Evolved Gas Analyzer (REGA) is a high-temperature furnace and mass spectrometer instrument for determining the mineralogical composition and reactivity of soil samples. REGA provides key mineralogical and reactivity data that is needed to understand the soil chemistry of an asteroid, which then aids in determining in-situ which materials should be selected for return to earth. REGA is capable of conducting a number of direct soil measurements that are unique to this instrument. These experimental measurements include: (1) Mass spectrum analysis of evolved gases from soil samples as they are heated from ambient temperature to 900 C; and (2) Identification of liberated chemicals, e.g., water, oxygen, sulfur, chlorine, and fluorine. REGA would be placed on the surface of a near earth asteroid. It is an autonomous instrument that is controlled from earth but does the analysis of regolith materials automatically. The REGA instrument consists of four primary components: (1) a flight-proven mass spectrometer, (2) a high-temperature furnace, (3) a soil handling system, and (4) a microcontroller. An external arm containing a scoop or drill gathers regolith samples. A sample is placed in the inlet orifice where the finest-grained particles are sifted into a metering volume and subsequently moved into a crucible. A movable arm then places the crucible in the furnace. The furnace is closed, thereby sealing the inner volume to collect the evolved gases for analysis. Owing to the very low g forces on an asteroid compared to Mars or the moon, the sample must be moved from inlet to crucible by mechanical means rather than by gravity. As the soil sample is heated through a programmed pattern, the gases evolved at each temperature are passed through a transfer tube to the mass spectrometer for analysis and identification. Return data from the instrument will lead to new insights and discoveries including: (1) Identification of the molecular masses of all of the gases
Comparison of iSTAT and EPOC Blood Analyzers
requires accurate blood analysis across a range of environmental conditions and, in extreme circumstances, use beyond the expiration date. We compared... analysis across a range of environmental conditions and, in extreme circumstances, use beyond the expiration date. We compared gold standard laboratory...temperatures for either device can result in spurious results, particularly for blood gases. 2.0 BACKGROUND Blood analysis is a critical aspect of
Cross, B A; Grant, B J; Guz, A; Jones, P W; Semple, S J; Stidwill, R P
1. The hypothesis that respiratory oscillations of arterial blood gas composition influence ventilation has been examined. 2. Phrenic motoneurone output recorded in the C5 root of the left phrenic nerve and the respiratory oscillations of arterial pH in the right common carotid artery were measured in vagotomized anaesthetized dogs which had been paralysed and artificially ventilated. 3. The effect of a change in tidal volume for one or two breaths on phrenic motoneurone output was measured with the inspiratory pump set at a constant frequency similar to, and in phase with, the animal's own respiratory frequency. A reduction of tidal volume to zero or an increase by 30% led to a corresponding change of mean carotid artery pH level. The changes of carotid artery pH resulted in a change of phrenic motoneurone output, predominantly of expiratory time (Te) but to a lesser extent of inspiratory time (T1) and also peak amplitude of 'integrated' phrenic motoneurone output (Phr). Denervation of the carotid bifurcation blocked this response. 4. The onset of movement of the inspiratory pump was triggered by the onset of phrenic motoneurone output. When a time delay was interposed between them, the phase relationship between respiratory oscillations of arterial pH and phrenic motoneurone output altered. The dominant effect was to alter Te; smaller and less consistent changes of Phr and T1 were observed. 5. When the inspiratory pump was maintained at a constant frequency but independent of and slightly different from the animal's own respiratory frequency (as judged by phrenic motoneurone output), the phase relationship between phrenic motoneurone output and the respiratory oscillations of pH changed breath by breath over a sequence of 100-200 breaths, without change of the mean level of arterial blood gas composition. Te varied by up to 30% about its mean value depending on the phase relationship. Ti and Phr were also dependent on the phase relationship but varied to a lesser
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Musselwhite, D. S.; Boynton, W. V.; Ming, Douglas W.; Quadlander, G.; Kerry, K. E.; Bode, R. C.; Bailey, S. H.; Ward, M. G.; Pathare, A. V.; Lorenz, R. D.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) combined with evolved gas analysis (EGA) is a well developed technique for the analysis of a wide variety of sample types with broad application in material and soil sciences. However, the use of the technique for samples under conditions of pressure and temperature as found on other planets is one of current C development and cutting edge research. The Thermal Evolved Gas Analyzer (MGA), which was designed, built and tested at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Lab (LPL), utilizes DSC/EGA. TEGA, which was sent to Mars on the ill-fated Mars Polar Lander, was to be the first application of DSC/EGA on the surface of Mars as well as the first direct measurement of the volatile-bearing mineralogy in martian soil.
Peat, Judy; Garg, Uttam
Tetrahydrozoline, a derivative of imidazoline, is widely used for the symptomatic relief of conjunctival and nasal congestion; however, intentional or unintentional high doses can result in toxicity manifested by hypotension, tachycardia, and CNS depression. The detection of the drug in blood and urine is helpful in the diagnosis and management of a toxic patient. For the analysis, plasma, serum, or urine is added to a tube containing alkaline buffer and organic extraction solvents, and tetrahydrozoline from the sample is extracted into the organic phase by gentle mixing. After centrifugation, the upper organic solvent layer containing the drug is removed and dried under stream of nitrogen at 40 degrees C. The residue is reconstituted in a hexane-ethanol mixture and analyzed using gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry. Quantitation of the drug is done by comparing responses of unknown sample to the responses of the calibrators using selected ion monitoring. Naphazoline is used as an internal standard.
Development of a Miniaturized and Portable Methane Analyzer for Natural Gas Leak Walking Surveys
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huang, Y. W.; Leen, J. B.; Gupta, M.; Baer, D. S.
Traditional natural gas leak walking surveys have been conducted with devices that are based on technologies such as flame ionization detector (FID), IR-based spectrometer and IR camera. The sensitivity is typically on the ppm level. The low sensitivity means the device cannot pick up leaks far from it, and more time is spent surveying the area before pinpointing the leak location. A miniaturized methane analyzer has been developed to significantly improve the sensitivity of the device used in walking surveys to detect natural gas leaks at greater distance. ABB/LGR's patented Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) is utilized to offer rugged and highly sensitive methane detection in a portable package. The miniaturized package weighs 13.5 lb, with a 4-hour rechargeable battery inside. The precision of the analyzer for methane is 2 ppb at 1 second. The analyzer operates at 10 Hz and its flow response time is 3 seconds for measurements through a 1-meter long sampling wand to registering on the data stream. The data can be viewed in real-time on a tablet or a smartphone. The compact and simplified package of the methane analyzer allows for more efficient walking surveys. It also allows for other applications that require low-power, low-weight and a portable package. We present data from walking surveys to demonstrate its ability to detect methane leaks.
Evaluation of GasmetTM DX-4015 Series Fourier Transform Infrared Gas Analyzer
penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR...Series FTIR Gas Analyzer Instrument test conditions simulated current ALS Increment 0 conditions. Briefly, unknown samples are collected in a "hot...a 1M cell. Emission radiation can be collected following a reflection or transmission process. Only one system is being considered and that system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bekeschus, Sander; Brüggemeier, Janik; Hackbarth, Christine; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; von Woedtke, Thomas; Partecke, Lars-Ivo; van der Linde, Julia
Cold atmospheric (physical) plasma has long been suggested to be a useful tool for blood coagulation. However, the clinical applicability of this approach has not been addressed sufficiently. We have previously demonstrated the ability of a clinically accepted atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet (kINPen® MED) to coagulate liver incisions in mice with similar performance compared to the gold standard electrocauterization. We could show that plasma-mediated blood coagulation was dependent on platelet activation. In the present work, we extended on this by investigating kINPen®-mediated platelet activation in anticoagulated human donor blood ex vivo. With focus on establishing high-throughput, multi-parametric platelet activation assays and performing argon feed gas parameter studies we achieved the following results: (i) plasma activated platelets in heparinized but not in EDTA-anticoagulated blood; (ii) plasma decreased total platelet counts but increased numbers of microparticles; (iii) plasma elevated the expression of several surface activation markers on platelets (CD62P, CD63, CD69, and CD41/61); (iv) in platelet activation, wet and dry argon plasma outperformed feed gas admixtures with oxygen and/or nitrogen; (v) plasma-mediated platelet activation was accompanied by platelet aggregation. Platelet aggregation is a necessary requirement for blood clot formation. These findings are important to further elucidate molecular details and clinical feasibility of cold physical plasma-mediated blood coagulation.
Gunnar, Teemu; Mykkänen, Sirpa; Ariniemi, Kari; Lillsunde, Pirjo
A comprehensively validated procedure is presented for simultaneous semiquantitative/quantitative screening of 51 drugs of abuse or drugs potentially hazardous for traffic safety in serum, plasma or whole blood. Benzodiazepines (12), cannabinoids (3), opioids (8), cocaine, antidepressants (13), antipsychotics (5) and antiepileptics (2) as well as zolpidem, zaleplon, zopiclone, meprobamate, carisoprodol, tizanidine and orphenadrine and internal standard flurazepam, were isolated by high-yield liquid-liquid extraction (LLE). The dried extracts were derivatized by two-step silylation and analyzed by the combination of two different gas chromatographic (GC) separations with both electron capture detection (ECD) and mass spectrometry (MS) operating in a selected ion-monitoring (SIM) mode. Quantitative or semiquantitative results were obtained for each substance based on four-point calibration. In the validation tests, accuracy, reproducibility, linearity, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ), selectivity, as well as extraction efficiency and stability of standard stock solutions were tested, and derivatization was optimized in detail. Intra- and inter-day precisions were within 2.5-21.8 and 6.0-22.5%, and square of correlation coefficients of linearity ranged from 0.9896 to 0.9999. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) varied from 2 to 2000 ng/ml due to a variety of the relevant concentrations of the analyzed substances in blood. The method is feasible for highly sensitive, reliable and possibly routinely performed clinical and forensic toxicological analyses.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... change the system response. (b) Measurement principles. This procedure verifies that the updating and... gas detectors used to generate a continuously combined/compensated concentration measurement signal... verifies that the measurement system meets a minimum response time. For this procedure, ensure that all...
Bailey, Timothy S; Klaff, Leslie J; Wallace, Jane F; Greene, Carmine; Pardo, Scott; Harrison, Bern; Simmons, David A
As blood glucose monitoring system (BGMS) accuracy is based on comparison of BGMS and laboratory reference glucose analyzer results, reference instrument accuracy is important to discriminate small differences between BGMS and reference glucose analyzer results. Here, we demonstrate the important role of reference glucose analyzer accuracy in BGMS accuracy evaluations. Two clinical studies assessed the performance of a new BGMS, using different reference instrument procedures. BGMS and YSI analyzer results were compared for fingertip blood that was obtained by untrained subjects' self-testing and study staff testing, respectively. YSI analyzer accuracy was monitored using traceable serum controls. In study 1 (N = 136), 94.1% of BGMS results were within International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15197:2013 accuracy criteria; YSI analyzer serum control results showed a negative bias (-0.64% to -2.48%) at the first site and a positive bias (3.36% to 6.91%) at the other site. In study 2 (N = 329), 97.8% of BGMS results were within accuracy criteria; serum controls showed minimal bias (<0.92%) at both sites. These findings suggest that the ability to demonstrate that a BGMS meets accuracy guidelines is influenced by reference instrument accuracy. © 2016 Diabetes Technology Society.
Tarbert, Danielle K; Behling-Kelly, Erica; Priest, Heather; Childs-Sanford, Sara
Thei-STAT® portable clinical analyzer (PCA) provides patient-side results for hematologic, biochemical, and blood gas values when immediate results are desired. This analyzer is commonly used in nondomestic animals; however, validation of this method in comparison with traditional benchtop methods should be performed for each species. In this study, the i-STAT PCA was compared with the Radiometer ABL 800 Flex benchtop analyzer using 24 heparinized whole blood samples obtained from healthy E. maximus . In addition, the effect of sample storage was evaluated on the i-STAT PCA. Analytes evaluated were hydrogen ion concentration (pH), glucose, potassium (K + ), sodium (Na + ), bicarbonate (HCO 3 - ), total carbon dioxide (TCO 2 ), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO 2 ), and ionized calcium (iCa 2+ ). Statistical analysis using correlation coefficients, Passing-Bablok regression analysis, and Bland-Altman plots found good agreement between results from samples run immediately after phlebotomy and 4 hr postsampling on the i-STAT PCA with the exception of K + , which is known to change with sample storage. Comparison of the results from the two analyzers at 4 hr postsampling found very strong or strong correlation in all values except K + , with statistically significant bias in all values except glucose and PCO 2 . Despite bias, mean differences assessed via Bland-Altman plots were clinically acceptable for all analytes excluding K + . Within the reference range for iCa 2+ , the iCa 2+ values obtained by the i-STAT PCA and Radiometer ABL 800 Flex were close in value, however in light of the constant and proportionate biases detected, overestimation at higher values and underestimation at lower values of iCa 2+ by the i-STAT PCA would be of potential concern. This study supports the use of the i-STAT PCA for the evaluation of these analytes, with the exception of K + , in the Asian elephant.
History of blood gas analysis. II. pH and acid-base balance measurements.
Severinghaus, J W; Astrup, P B
Electrometric measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration was discovered by Wilhelm Ostwald in Leipzig about 1890 and described thermodynamically by his student Walther Nernst, using the van't Hoff concept of osmotic pressure as a kind of gas pressure, and the Arrhenius concept of ionization of acids, both of which had been formalized in 1887. Hasselbalch, after adapting the pH nomenclature of Sørensen to the carbonic-acid mass equation of Henderson, made the first actual blood pH measurements (with a hydrogen electrode) and proposed that metabolic acid-base imbalance be quantified as the "reduced" pH of blood after equilibration to a carbon dioxide tension (PCO2) of 40 mm Hg. This good idea, coming 40 years before simple blood pH measurements at 37 degrees C became widely available, was never adopted. Instead, Van Slyke developed a concept of acid-base chemistry that depended on measuring plasma CO2 content with his manometric apparatus, a standard method until the 1960s, when it was displaced by the three-electrode method of blood gas analysis. The 1952 polio epidemic in Copenhagen stimulated Astrup to develop a glass electrode in which pH could be measured in blood at 37 degrees C before and after equilibration with known PCO2. He introduced the interpolative measurement of PCO2 and bicarbonate level (later base excess) using only pH measurements and, with Siggaard-Andersen, developed clinical acid-base chemistry. Controversy arose when blood base excess was noted to be altered by acute changes in PCO2 and when abnormalities of base excess were called metabolic acidosis or alkalosis, even when they represented compensation for respiratory abnormalities in PCO2. In the 1970s it became clear that "in-vivo" or "extracellular fluid" base excess (measured at an average extracellular fluid hemoglobin concentration of 5 g) eliminated the error caused by acute changes in PCO2. Base excess is now almost universally used as the index of nonrespiratory acid
Alarming levels of carboxyhemoglobin in banked blood.
Ehlers, Melissa; Labaze, Georges; Hanakova, Marcela; McCloskey, David; Wilner, George
To determine the level of carboxyhemoglobin found in banked blood in the Albany, NY region. A retrospective descriptive analysis of carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels in a series of packed red blood cell (PRBC) units. The blood bank of a university tertiary care hospital in Albany, NY. All PRBC units considered for possible use in pediatric cardiac surgery were first analyzed for levels of COHb. Only those units with COHb levels of <1.5% were deemed acceptable for use during pediatric cardiac surgery. A sample of blood drawn from the sample side arm of each PRBC unit was analyzed on a Chiron 855 Blood Gas Analyzer (Chiron Inc, Emeryville, CA, now Siemens/Bayer RapidLab 865) to determine the level of COHb. The average COHb level was 0.78% (standard deviation +/- 1.48%), and out of the 468 units tested, 48 (10.3%) had COHb levels of 1.5% or greater. The highest recorded COHb level was 12%. The transfusion of PRBC units may artificially elevate readings of COHb and cause confusion over possible causes. Certain high-risk populations (eg, cyanotic neonates undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass) may be especially at risk. Although levels of COHb in the US blood supply are dropping, institutions may want to consider analyzing COHb levels in their PRBC units before transfusion in these high-risk populations.
Nakayama, Shunya; Koie, Hiroshi; Kanayama, Kiichi; Katakai, Yuko; Ito-Fujishiro, Yasuyo; Sankai, Tadashi; Yasutomi, Yasuhiro; Ageyama, Naohide
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has a tremendous impact on the quality of life of humans. While experimental animals are valuable to medical research as models of human diseases, cardiac systems differ widely across various animal species. Thus, we examined a CVD model in cynomolgus monkeys. Laboratory primates are precious resources, making it imperative that symptoms of diseases and disorders are detected as early as possible. Thus, in this study we comprehensively examined important indicators of CVD in cynomolgus monkeys, including arterial blood gas, complete blood count (CBC), biochemistry, and cardiac hormones. The control group included 20 healthy macaques showing non-abnormal findings in screening tests, whereas the CVD group included 20 macaques with valvular disease and cardiomyopathy. An increase of red blood cell distribution width was observed in the CBC, indicating chronic inflammation related to CVD. An increase of HCO 3 was attributed to the correction of acidosis. Furthermore, development of the CVD model was supported by significant increases in natriuretic peptides. It is suggested that these results indicated a correlation between human CVD and the model in monkeys. Moreover, blood tests including arterial blood gas are non-invasive and can be performed more easily than other technical tests. CVD affected animals easily change their condition by anesthesia and surgical invasion. Pay attention to arterial blood gas and proper respond to their condition are important for research. This data may facilitate human research and aid in the management and veterinary care of nonhuman primates.
Kim, Changsun; Kim, Hansol
Comparing a point-of-care (POC) test using the capillary blood obtained from skin puncture with conventional laboratory tests. In this study, which was conducted at the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital in April-July 2017, 232 patients were enrolled, and three types of blood samples (capillary blood from skin puncture, arterial and venous blood from blood vessel puncture) were simultaneously collected. Each blood sample was analyzed using a POC analyzer (epoc® system, USA), an arterial blood gas analyzer (pHOx®Ultra, Nova biomedical, USA) and venous blood analyzers (AU5800, DxH2401, Beckman Coulter, USA). Twelve parameters were compared between the epoc and reference analyzers, with an equivalence test, Bland-Altman plot analysis and linear regression employed to show the agreement or correlation between the two methods. The pH, HCO 3 , Ca 2+ , Na + , K + , Cl - , glucose, Hb and Hct measured by the epoc were equivalent to the reference values (95% confidence interval of mean difference within the range of the agreement target) with clinically inconsequential mean differences and narrow limits of agreement. All of them, except pH, had clinically acceptable agreements between the two methods (results within target value ≥80%). Of the remaining three parameters (pCO 2, pO 2 and lactate), the epoc pCO 2 and lactate values were highly correlated with the reference device values, whereas pO 2 was not. (pCO 2 : R 2 =0.824, y=-1.411+0.877·x; lactate: R 2 =0.902, y=-0.544+0.966·x; pO 2 : R 2 =0.037, y=61.6+0.431·x). Most parameters, except only pO 2 , measured by the epoc were equivalent to or correlated with those from the reference method. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Blood gases, biochemistry and haematology of Galápagos hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata).
Muñoz-Pérez, Juan Pablo; Lewbart, Gregory A; Hirschfeld, Maximilian; Alarcón-Ruales, Daniela; Denkinger, Judith; Castañeda, Jason Guillermo; García, Juan; Lohmann, Kenneth J
The hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata , is a marine chelonian with a circum-global distribution, but the species is critically endangered and has nearly vanished from the eastern Pacific. Although reference blood parameter intervals have been published for many chelonian species and populations, including nesting Atlantic hawksbills, no such baseline biochemical and blood gas values have been reported for wild Pacific hawksbill turtles. Blood samples were drawn from eight hawksbill turtles captured in near shore foraging locations within the Galápagos archipelago over a period of four sequential years; three of these turtles were recaptured and sampled on multiple occasions. Of the eight sea turtles sampled, five were immature and of unknown sex, and the other three were females. A portable blood analyzer was used to obtain near immediate field results for a suite of blood gas and chemistry parameters. Values affected by temperature were corrected in two ways: (i) with standard formulas and (ii) with auto-corrections made by the portable analyzer. A bench top blood chemistry analyzer was used to measure a series of biochemistry parameters from plasma. Standard laboratory haematology techniques were employed for red and white blood cell counts and to determine haematocrit manually, which was compared to the haematocrit values generated by the portable analyzer. The values reported in this study provide reference data that may be useful in comparisons among populations and in detecting changes in health status among Galápagos sea turtles. The findings might also be helpful in future efforts to demonstrate associations between specific biochemical parameters and disease or environmental disasters.
Development of a primary diffusion source of organic vapors for gas analyzer calibration
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lecuna, M.; Demichelis, A.; Sassi, G.; Sassi, M. P.
The generation of reference mixtures of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at trace levels (10 ppt-10 ppb) is a challenge for both environmental and clinical measurements. The calibration of gas analyzers for trace VOC measurements requires a stable and accurate source of the compound of interest. The dynamic preparation of gas mixtures by diffusion is a suitable method for fulfilling these requirements. The estimation of the uncertainty of the molar fraction of the VOC in the mixture is a key step in the metrological characterization of a dynamic generator. The performance of a dynamic generator was monitored over a wide range of operating conditions. The generation system was simulated by a model developed with computational fluid dynamics and validated against experimental data. The vapor pressure of the VOC was found to be one of the main contributors to the uncertainty of the diffusion rate and its influence at 10-70 kPa was analyzed and discussed. The air buoyancy effect and perturbations due to the weighing duration were studied. The gas carrier flow rate and the amount of liquid in the vial were found to play a role in limiting the diffusion rate. The results of sensitivity analyses were reported through an uncertainty budget for the diffusion rate. The roles of each influence quantity were discussed. A set of criteria to minimize the uncertainty contribution to the primary diffusion source (25 µg min-1) were estimated: carrier gas flow rate higher than 37.7 sml min-1, a maximum VOC liquid mass decrease in the vial of 4.8 g, a minimum residual mass of 1 g and vial weighing times of 1-3 min. With this procedure a limit uncertainty of 0.5% in the diffusion rate can be obtained for VOC mixtures at trace levels (10 ppt-10 ppb), making the developed diffusion vials a primary diffusion source with potential to become a new reference material for trace VOC analysis.
Bailey, Timothy S.; Klaff, Leslie J.; Wallace, Jane F.; Greene, Carmine; Pardo, Scott; Harrison, Bern; Simmons, David A.
Background: As blood glucose monitoring system (BGMS) accuracy is based on comparison of BGMS and laboratory reference glucose analyzer results, reference instrument accuracy is important to discriminate small differences between BGMS and reference glucose analyzer results. Here, we demonstrate the important role of reference glucose analyzer accuracy in BGMS accuracy evaluations. Methods: Two clinical studies assessed the performance of a new BGMS, using different reference instrument procedures. BGMS and YSI analyzer results were compared for fingertip blood that was obtained by untrained subjects’ self-testing and study staff testing, respectively. YSI analyzer accuracy was monitored using traceable serum controls. Results: In study 1 (N = 136), 94.1% of BGMS results were within International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15197:2013 accuracy criteria; YSI analyzer serum control results showed a negative bias (−0.64% to −2.48%) at the first site and a positive bias (3.36% to 6.91%) at the other site. In study 2 (N = 329), 97.8% of BGMS results were within accuracy criteria; serum controls showed minimal bias (<0.92%) at both sites. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the ability to demonstrate that a BGMS meets accuracy guidelines is influenced by reference instrument accuracy. PMID:26902794
Cembrowski, George S; Xu, Qian; Cembrowski, Adam R; Mei, Junyi; Sadrzadeh, Hossein
Within- and/or between-instrument variation may falsely indicate patient trends or obscure real trends. We employ a methodology that transforms sequential intra-patient results into estimates of biologic and analytic variation. We previously derived realistic biologic variation (s b ) of blood gas (BG) and hematology analytes. We extend this methodology to derive the imprecision of two GEM 4000 BG analyzers. A laboratory data repository provided arterial BG, electrolyte and metabolite results generated by two GEM 4000s on ICU patients in 2012-2013. We tabulated consecutive pairs of intra-patient results separated by increasing time interval between consecutive tests. The average between pair variations were regressed against time with the y-intercept representing the sum of the biologic variation and short term analytic variation: y o 2 =s b 2 +s a 2 . Using an equivalent equation for the Radiometer ABL, the imprecision of the two GEMs was calculated: s aGEM =(y oGEM 2 -y oABL 2 +s aABL 2 ) 1/2 . This analysis was performed for nearly all measurements, regardless of time as well for values obtained over two 12h mutually exclusive periods, starting either at 2am or 2pm. Regression graphs were derived from 1800 patients' blood gas results with least 10,000 data pairs grouped into 2h intervals. The calculated s aGEM exceed the directly measured s aABL with many GEM sigma ratios of biologic variation/analytic variation being close to unity. All of the afternoon s aGEM exceeded their morning counterparts with pH, pCO 2 , K and bicarbonate being statistically significant. For many analytes, the average analytical variation of tandem GEMs approximates the biologic variation, indicating impaired clinical usefulness of tandem sequential measurements. A significant component of this variation is due to increased variation of the GEMs between 2pm and 2am. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Polarized 3He gas circulating technologies for neutron analyzers
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Watt, David W.
We outline our project to develop a circulating polarized helium-3 system for developing of large, quasi-continuously operating neutron analyzers. The project consisted of four areas: 1) Development of robust external cavity narrowed diode laser output with spectral line width < 0.17 nm and power of 2000 W. 2) Development of large glass polarizing cells using cell surface treatments to obtain long relaxation lifetimes. 3) Refinements of the circulation system with an emphasis on gas purification and materials testing. 4) Design/fabrication of a new polarizer system. 5) Preliminary testing of the new polarizer. 1. Developed Robust High-Power Narrowed Laser The opticalmore » configuration of the laser was discussed in the proposal and will be reviewed in the body of this report. The external cavity is configured to mutually lock the wavelength of five 10-bar laser stacks. All the logistical milestones were been met and critical subsystems- laser stack manifold and power divider, external laser cavity, and output telescope- were assembled and tested at low power. Each individual bar is narrowed to ~0.05 nm; when combined the laser has a cumulative spectral width of 0.17 nm across the entire beam due to variations of the bars central wavelength by +/- 0.1 nm, which is similar to that of Volume Bragg Grating narrowed laser bars. This configuration eliminates the free-running “pedestal” that occurs in other external cavity diode lasers. The full-scale laser was completed in 2016 and was used in both the older and newer helium polarizers. This laser was operated at 75% power for periods of up to 8 hours. Once installed, the spectrum became slightly broader (~.25 nm) at full power; this is likely due to very slight misalignments that occurred during handling. 2. Developed the processes to create uniform sintered sol-gel coatings. Our work on cell development comprised: 1) Production of large GE180 cells and explore different means of cell preparation, and 2
An economical method of analyzing transient motion of gas-lubricated rotor-bearing systems.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Falkenhagen, G. L.; Ayers, A. L.; Barsalou, L. C.
A method of economically evaluating the hydrodynamic forces generated in a gas-lubricated tilting-pad bearing is presented. The numerical method consists of solving the case of the infinite width bearing and then converting this solution to the case of the finite bearing by accounting for end leakage. The approximate method is compared to the finite-difference solution of Reynolds equation and yields acceptable accuracy while running about one-hundred times faster. A mathematical model of a gas-lubricated tilting-pad vertical rotor systems is developed. The model is capable of analyzing a two-bearing-rotor system in which the rotor center of mass is not at midspan by accounting for gyroscopic moments. The numerical results from the model are compared to actual test data as well as analytical results of other investigators.
Finite-sized gas bubble motion in a blood vessel: Non-Newtonian effects
Mukundakrishnan, Karthik; Ayyaswamy, Portonovo S.; Eckmann, David M.
We have numerically investigated the axisymmetric motion of a finite-sized nearly occluding air bubble through a shear-thinning Casson fluid flowing in blood vessels of circular cross section. The numerical solution entails solving a two-layer fluid model—a cell-free layer and a non-Newtonian core together with the gas bubble. This problem is of interest to the field of rheology and for gas embolism studies in health sciences. The numerical method is based on a modified front-tracking method. The viscosity expression in the Casson model for blood (bulk fluid) includes the hematocrit [the volume fraction of red blood cells (RBCs)] as an explicit parameter. Three different flow Reynolds numbers, Reapp=ρlUmaxd/μapp, in the neighborhood of 0.2, 2, and 200 are investigated. Here, ρl is the density of blood, Umax is the centerline velocity of the inlet Casson profile, d is the diameter of the vessel, and μapp is the apparent viscosity of whole blood. Three different hematocrits have also been considered: 0.45, 0.4, and 0.335. The vessel sizes considered correspond to small arteries, and small and large arterioles in normal humans. The degree of bubble occlusion is characterized by the ratio of bubble to vessel radius (aspect ratio), λ, in the range 0.9≤λ≤1.05. For arteriolar flow, where relevant, the Fahraeus-Lindqvist effects are taken into account. Both horizontal and vertical vessel geometries have been investigated. Many significant insights are revealed by our study: (i) bubble motion causes large temporal and spatial gradients of shear stress at the “endothelial cell” (EC) surface lining the blood vessel wall as the bubble approaches the cell, moves over it, and passes it by; (ii) rapid reversals occur in the sign of the shear stress (+ → − → +) imparted to the cell surface during bubble motion; (iii) large shear stress gradients together with sign reversals are ascribable to the development of a recirculation vortex at the rear of the bubble
Kimel, Sol; Choi, Bernard; Svaasand, Lars O; Lotfi, Justin; Viator, John A; Nelson, J Stuart
Hypervascular skin lesions (HVSL) are treated with medical lasers characterized by a variety of parameters such as wavelength lambda, pulse duration t(p), and radiant exposure E that can be adjusted for different pathology and blood vessel size. Treatment parameters have been optimized assuming constant optical properties of blood during laser photocoagulation. However, recent studies suggest that this assumption may not always be true. Our objective was to quantify thermally induced changes in blood that occur during irradiation using standard laser parameters. Glass capillary tubes (diameter D = 100, 200, and 337 microm) filled with fresh or hemolyzed rabbit blood were irradiated once at lambda = 585, 595, or 600 nm, t(p) = 1.5 milliseconds; and also at lambda = 585 nm, t(p) = 0.45 milliseconds. E was increased until blood ablation caused formation of permanent gas bubbles. In a corroborative study, human blood was heated at 50 degrees C and absorbance spectra were measured as a function of time. Threshold radiant exposure, E(thresh), for gas bubble formation was found not to depend on lambda, which might be surprising in view of the 10-fold lower absorption coefficient at 600 nm as compared to 585 nm. The spectroscopic study revealed heat-induced changes in blood constituent composition of hemoglobins (Hb) from initially 100% oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) to deoxyhemoglobin (HHb) and, ultimately, methemoglobin (metHb) as the major constituent. Model calculations of E(thresh)(lambda,D) based on changing constituent blood composition during heating with milliseconds lasers were found to correlate with experimental results. For laser treatment of HVSL it appears that lambda is of secondary importance and that the choice of t(p) is a more important factor. Copyright 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Mendoza, James; Passafaro, Rachael; Baby, Santhosh; Young, Alex P; Bates, James N; Gaston, Benjamin; Lewis, Stephen J
This study determined whether the membrane-permeable ventilatory stimulant, L-cysteine ethylester (L-CYSee), reversed the deleterious actions of morphine on arterial blood-gas chemistry in isoflurane-anesthetized rats. Morphine (2 mg/kg, i.v.) elicited sustained decreases in arterial blood pH, pO₂ and sO₂, and increases in pCO₂ (all responses indicative of hypoventilation) and alveolar-arterial gradient (indicative of ventilation-perfusion mismatch). Injections of L-CYSee (100 μmol/kg, i.v.) reversed the effects of morphine in tracheotomized rats but were minimally active in non-tracheotomized rats. L-cysteine or L-serine ethylester (100 μmol/kg, i.v.) were without effect. It is evident that L-CYSee can reverse the negative effects of morphine on arterial blood-gas chemistry and alveolar-arterial gradient but that this positive activity is negated by increases in upper-airway resistance. Since L-cysteine and L-serine ethylester were ineffective, it is evident that cell penetrability and the sulfur moiety of L-CYSee are essential for activity. Due to its ready penetrability into the lungs, chest wall muscle and brain, the effects of L-CYSee on morphine-induced changes in arterial blood-gas chemistry are likely to involve both central and peripheral sites of action. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[Prehospital arterial blood gas analysis after collapse connected to triathlon participation].
Ettrup-Christensen, Asbjørn; Amstrup-Hansen, Louise; Zwisler, Stine T
Long-distance athletes are at risk of serious fluid and electrolyte disturbances, such as hypernatraemia (dehydration). Recently, cases of serious morbidity have been reported, due to acute exercise-associated hyponatraemia, which can advance to encephalopathy. An arterial blood gas analysis (ABG) was drawn from collapsed athletes at the championship of full-distance triathlon 2015, and different electrolyte imbalances were found. Our findings show that prehospital ABG can assist in differentiating the cause of collapse, and presumably, targeted treatment can be initiated already on scene.
Ross, D W; Bishop, C; Henderson, A; Kaplow, L
We adapted previously published methods for nonspecific esterase and alkaline phosphatase staining of white blood cells in suspension for use on a Technicon H-1 hematology analyzer. The objective was to develop a semiautomated method using whole blood that could be employed on a large scale for hematology laboratory applications, including toxicology studies, measurement of neutrophil left shift, and cytochemical classification of myeloid leukemias. The nonspecific esterase method uses the pararosaniline stain, generating the unstable substrate from two stable precursors. Whole blood is added to the substrate plus dye mix. Next, acid lysis and fixation steps destroy red cells and stabilize the monocyte staining. The alkaline phosphatase stain employs a stable naphthyl phosphate substrate and fast blue B coupling dye. The red cells are lysed with a pH 10.3 propanediol buffer, and the white blood cells are then stabilized with formalin fixation. For both methods the staining is performed off-line, and the sample is then diluted with propanediol to match the refractive index of the sheath on the H-1 analyzer, before aspiration into the direct cytometry port. A cytogram of scattered versus absorbed light is obtained. The number of cells staining and the intensity of the stain can be quantified from the cytogram.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bajric, Sendin
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has recently procured a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). Current popular uses are biological sensors, surface chemistry, and vapor detection. LANL has projects related to analyzing curing kinetics, measuring gas sorption on polymers, and analyzing the loss of volatile compounds in polymer materials. The QCM has yet to be employed; however, this review will cover the use of the QCM in these applications and its potential.
Perrault, Justin R; Bresette, Michael J; Mott, Cody R; Stacy, Nicole I
: We compared glucose concentrations in whole blood and plasma from green turtles ( Chelonia mydas) using a glucometer with plasma glucose analyzed by dry chemistry analyzer. Whole blood glucose (glucometer) and plasma glucose (dry chemistry) had the best agreement ( r s =0.85) and a small negative bias (-0.08 mmol/L).
Accuracy of Transcutaneous CO2 Values Compared With Arterial and Capillary Blood Gases.
Lambert, Laura L; Baldwin, Melissa B; Gonzalez, Cruz Velasco; Lowe, Gary R; Willis, J Randy
Transcutaneous monitors are utilized to monitor a patient's respiratory status. Some patients have similar values when comparing transcutaneous carbon dioxide ( P tcCO 2 ) values with blood gas analysis, whereas others show extreme variability. A retrospective review of data was performed to determine how accurately P tcCO 2 correlated with CO 2 values obtained by arterial blood gas (ABG) or capillary blood gas. To determine whether P tcCO 2 values correlated with ABG or capillary blood gas values, subjects' records were retrospectively reviewed. Data collected included the P tcCO 2 value at the time of blood gas procurement and the ABG or capillary blood gas P CO 2 value. Agreement of pairs of methods (ABG vs P tcCO 2 and capillary blood gas vs P tcCO 2 ) was assessed with the Bland-Altman approach with limits of agreement estimated with a mixed model to account for serial measurements per subject. A total of 912 pairs of ABG/ P tcCO 2 values on 54 subjects and 307 pairs of capillary blood gas/ P tcCO 2 values on 34 subjects were analyzed. The P CO 2 range for ABG was 24-106 mm Hg, and P tcCO 2 values were 27-133 mm Hg. The P CO 2 range for capillary blood gas was 29-108 mm Hg, and P tcCO 2 values were 30-103 mm Hg. For ABG/ P tcCO 2 comparisons, the Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.82, 95% CI was 0.80-0.84, and P was <.001. For capillary blood gas/ P tcCO 2 comparisons, the Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.77, 95% CI was 0.72-0.81, and P was <.001. For ABG/ P tcCO 2 , the estimated difference ± SD was -6.79 t± 7.62 mm Hg, and limits of agreement were -22.03 to 8.45. For capillary blood gas/ P tcCO 2 , the estimated difference ± SD was -1.61 ± 7.64 mm Hg, and limits of agreement were -16.88 to 13.66. The repeatability coefficient was about 30 mm Hg. Based on these data, capillary blood gas comparisons showed less variation and a slightly lower correlation with P tcCO 2 than did ABG comparisons. After accounting for serial measurements per patient
Blood gases, biochemistry and haematology of Galápagos hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata)
Muñoz-Pérez, Juan Pablo; Hirschfeld, Maximilian; Alarcón-Ruales, Daniela; Denkinger, Judith; Castañeda, Jason Guillermo; García, Juan; Lohmann, Kenneth J.
Abstract The hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata, is a marine chelonian with a circum-global distribution, but the species is critically endangered and has nearly vanished from the eastern Pacific. Although reference blood parameter intervals have been published for many chelonian species and populations, including nesting Atlantic hawksbills, no such baseline biochemical and blood gas values have been reported for wild Pacific hawksbill turtles. Blood samples were drawn from eight hawksbill turtles captured in near shore foraging locations within the Galápagos archipelago over a period of four sequential years; three of these turtles were recaptured and sampled on multiple occasions. Of the eight sea turtles sampled, five were immature and of unknown sex, and the other three were females. A portable blood analyzer was used to obtain near immediate field results for a suite of blood gas and chemistry parameters. Values affected by temperature were corrected in two ways: (i) with standard formulas and (ii) with auto-corrections made by the portable analyzer. A bench top blood chemistry analyzer was used to measure a series of biochemistry parameters from plasma. Standard laboratory haematology techniques were employed for red and white blood cell counts and to determine haematocrit manually, which was compared to the haematocrit values generated by the portable analyzer. The values reported in this study provide reference data that may be useful in comparisons among populations and in detecting changes in health status among Galápagos sea turtles. The findings might also be helpful in future efforts to demonstrate associations between specific biochemical parameters and disease or environmental disasters. PMID:28496982
Bitensky, M.W.; Yoshida, Tatsuro
A method is disclosed using oxygen removal for extending the useful shelf-life of refrigerated red blood cells. A cost-effective, 4 C storage procedure that preserves red cell quality and prolongs post-transfusion in vivo survival is described. Preservation of adenosine triphosphate levels and reduction in hemolysis and in membrane vesicle production of red blood cells stored at 4 C for prolonged periods of time is achieved by removing oxygen from the red blood cells at the time of storage; in particular, by flushing with an inert gas. Adenosine triphosphate levels of the stored red blood cells are boosted in some samples by addition of ammonium phosphate. 4 figs.
Haruta, M; Saeki, N; Naka, Y; Funato, T; Ohtsuki, Y
Umbilical blood-gas status at elective cesarean section with oxygen inhalation for breech presentation (25 cases) was compared with that for vertex presentation (25 cases), so as to confirm the security of full-term breech fetuses delivered by cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Umbilical arterial oxygen levels were significantly lower in the breech group (Mean PO2:18.9 mmHg; SO2:37.3%; Oxygen content:7.6 ml/dl). The number of hypoxemic fetuses was significantly higher in the breech group (the breech: 7; the vertex; 0). The other umbilical blood-gas values revealed no significant differences between the breech and vertex groups, and were within normal limits in both groups. Oxygen extraction in the breech (Mean: 49.0%) was higher than that in the vertex (32.9%). Therefore decreased umbilical blood flow in the breech was suggested. The incidence of depression at 1 minute after delivery in the breech infants (24%) was significantly higher than that in the vertex infants (0%). It became obvious in the breech that as the interval between the uterine incision and delivery increased, umbilical arterial blood tended to acidosis and the 1 minute Apgar score decreased. Cesarean section for breech presentation requires sufficient and optimal incisions of the abdominal wall and uterus as well as a skillful manual delivery technique, because the fetus or neonate should be protected against asphyxia resulting from umbilical compression and prolonged delivery interval.
Baumer, Ursula; Dietemann, Patrick
Dragon's blood is a common but non-specific name for red-coloured resins that are produced by various plants, particularly exudations from plant species belonging to the genera Dracaena and Daemonorops. Although dragon's blood is mentioned in historic sources as a colourant, it has hardly ever been identified in real artworks. This paper reports the identification and discrimination of dragon's blood produced by Dracaena cinnabari, Dracaena draco as well as Daemonorops draco and Daemonorops micracantha by means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) within the context of a routine analysis of binding media used in works of art. The detection of specific flavonoid marker compounds in both underivatised and methylated methanol extracts provided the first evidence for the use of dragon's blood from all four species in various works of art from the fifteenth to nineteenth centuries. Dragon's blood was mainly used as a red colourant in gold lacquers as well as translucent glazes and paints, e.g. in reverse-glass paintings (Hinterglasmalerei).
[Dynamic determination of the medicine concentration of poisoned blood of acephate].
Chu, Jian-Xin; Shen, Ju-Hua; Jiang, Wen-Hui
To observe rule of medicine concentration of blood and the last concentration that through hemoperfusion after poisoned by acephate. Utilizeng the patient annual bonus venous blood in hospital emergency room, the content of acephate in plasma was analyzed by gas chromatography. After hemoperfusion, the concentration of acephate showed a rapid drop and the characteristic that the concentration drops quicker if medicine concentration of blood before hemoperfusion is higher. Hemoperfusion is able to rapidly reduce the concentration of acephate in blood, its speed is determined by initial concentration and the beginning time of hemoperfusion etc.
Schlanstein, Peter C; Borchardt, Ralf; Mager, Ilona; Schmitz-Rode, Thomas; Steinseifer, Ulrich; Arens, Jutta
Oxygenators have been used in neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) since the 1970s. The need to develop a more effective oxygenator for this patient cohort exists due to their size and blood volume limitations. This study sought to validate the next design iteration of a novel oxygenator for neonatal ECMO with an integrated pulsatile displacement pump, thereby superseding an additional blood pump. Pulsating blood flow within the oxygenator is generated by synchronized active air flow expansion and contraction of integrated silicone pump tubes and hose pinching valves located at the oxygenator inlet and outlet. The current redesign improved upon previous prototypes by optimizing silicone pump tube distribution within the oxygenator fiber bundle; introduction of an oval shaped inner fiber bundle core, and housing; and a higher fiber packing density, all of which in combination reduced the priming volume by about 50% (50 to 27 mL and 41 to 20 mL, respectively). Gas exchange efficiency was tested for two new oxygenators manufactured with different fiber materials: one with coating and one with smaller pore size, both capable of long-term use (OXYPLUS® and CELGARD®). Results demonstrated that the oxygen transfer for both oxygenators was 5.3-24.7 mlO2/min for blood flow ranges of 100-500 mlblood/min. Carbon dioxide transfer for both oxygenators was 3.7-26.3 mlCO2/min for the same blood flow range. These preliminary results validated the oxygenator redesign by demonstrating an increase in packing density and thus in gas transfer, an increase in pumping capacity and a reduction in priming volume.
Low-Power Architecture for an Optical Life Gas Analyzer
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pilgrim, Jeffrey; Vakhtin, Andrei
Analog and digital electronic control architecture has been combined with an operating methodology for an optical trace gas sensor platform that allows very low power consumption while providing four independent gas measurements in essentially real time, as well as a user interface and digital data storage and output. The implemented design eliminates the cross-talk between the measurement channels while maximizing the sensitivity, selectivity, and dynamic range for each measured gas. The combination provides for battery operation on a simple camcorder battery for as long as eight hours. The custom, compact, rugged, self-contained design specifically targets applications of optical major constituent and trace gas detection for multiple gases using multiple lasers and photodetectors in an integrated package.
Cabrales, Pedro; Intaglietta, Marcos
The development of oxygen (O2) carrying blood substitutes has evolved from the goal of replicating blood O2 transports properties to that of preserving microvascular and organ function, reducing the inherent or potential toxicity of the material used to carry O2, and treating pathologies initiated by anemia and hypoxia. Furthermore, the emphasis has shifted from blood replacement fluid to “O2 therapeutics” that restore tissue oxygenation to specific tissues regions. This review covers the different alternatives, potential and limitations of hemoglobin based O2 carriers (HBOCs) and perfluorocarbon based O2 carriers (PFCOCs), with emphasis on the physiological conditions disturbed in the situation that they will be used. It describes how concepts learned from plasma expanders without O2 carrying capacity can be applied to maintain O2 delivery and summarizes the microvascular responses due to HBOCs and PFCOCs. This review also presents alternative applications of HBOCs and PFCOCs namely: 1) How HBOC O2 affinity can be engineered to target O2 delivery to hypoxic tissues; and 2) How the high gas solubility of PFCOCs provides new opportunities for carrying, dissolving and delivering gases with biological activity. It is concluded that current blood substitutes development has amplified their applications horizon by devising therapeutic functions for oxygen carriers requiring limited O2 delivery capacity restoration. Conversely, full, blood-like O2 carrying capacity re-establishment awaits control of O2 carrier toxicity. PMID:23820271
Bitensky, Mark W.; Yoshida, Tatsuro
Method using oxygen removal for extending the useful shelf-life of refrigerated red blood cells. A cost-effective, C. storage procedure that preserves red cell quality and prolongs post-transfusion in vivo survival is described. Preservation of adenosine triphosphate levels and reduction in hemolysis and in membrane vesicle production of red blood cells stored at C. for prolonged periods of time is achieved by removing oxygen therefrom at the time of storage; in particular, by flushing with an inert gas. Adenosine triphosphate levels of the stored red blood cells are boosted in some samples by addition of ammonium phosphate.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lim, Jeong Sik; Park, Miyeon; Lee, Jinbok; Lee, Jeongsoon
The effect of background gas composition on the measurement of CO2 levels was investigated by wavelength-scanned cavity ring-down spectrometry (WS-CRDS) employing a spectral line centered at the R(1) of the (3 00 1)III ← (0 0 0) band. For this purpose, eight cylinders with various gas compositions were gravimetrically and volumetrically prepared within 2σ = 0.1 %, and these gas mixtures were introduced into the WS-CRDS analyzer calibrated against standards of ambient air composition. Depending on the gas composition, deviations between CRDS-determined and gravimetrically (or volumetrically) assigned CO2 concentrations ranged from -9.77 to 5.36 µmol mol-1, e.g., excess N2 exhibited a negative deviation, whereas excess Ar showed a positive one. The total pressure broadening coefficients (TPBCs) obtained from the composition of N2, O2, and Ar thoroughly corrected the deviations up to -0.5 to 0.6 µmol mol-1, while these values were -0.43 to 1.43 µmol mol-1 considering PBCs induced by only N2. The use of TPBC enhanced deviations to be corrected to ˜ 0.15 %. Furthermore, the above correction linearly shifted CRDS responses for a large extent of TPBCs ranging from 0.065 to 0.081 cm-1 atm-1. Thus, accurate measurements using optical intensity-based techniques such as WS-CRDS require TPBC-based instrument calibration or use standards prepared in the same background composition of ambient air.
Pupek, Alex; Matthewson, Beverly; Whitman, Erin; Fullarton, Rachel; Chen, Yu
The pneumatic tube system (PTS) is commonly used in modern clinical laboratories to provide quick specimen delivery. However, its impact on sample integrity and laboratory testing results are still debatable. In addition, each PTS installation and configuration is unique to its institution. We sought to validate our Swisslog PTS by comparing routine chemistry, hematology, coagulation and blood gas test results and sample integrity indices between duplicate samples transported either manually or by PTS. Duplicate samples were delivered to the core laboratory manually by human courier or via the Swisslog PTS. Head-to-head comparisons of 48 routine chemistry, hematology, coagulation and blood gas laboratory tests, and three sample integrity indices were conducted on 41 healthy volunteers and 61 adult patients. The PTS showed no impact on sample hemolysis, lipemia, or icterus indices (all p<0.05). Although alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin and hemoglobin reached statistical significance (p=0.009, 0.027 and 0.012, respectively), all had very low average bias which ranged from 0.01% to 2%. Potassium, total hemoglobin and percent deoxyhemoglobin were statistically significant for the neonatal capillary tube study (p=0.011, 0.033 and 0.041, respectively) but no biases greater than ±4% were identified for these parameters. All observed differences of these 48 laboratory tests were not clinically significant. The modern PTS investigated in this study is acceptable for reliable sample delivery for routine chemistry, hematology, coagulation and blood gas (in syringe and capillary tube) laboratory tests.
In-situ continuous water analyzing module
Thompson, Cyril V.; Wise, Marcus B.
An in-situ continuous liquid analyzing system for continuously analyzing volatile components contained in a water source comprises: a carrier gas supply, an extraction container and a mass spectrometer. The carrier gas supply continuously supplies the carrier gas to the extraction container and is mixed with a water sample that is continuously drawn into the extraction container. The carrier gas continuously extracts the volatile components out of the water sample. The water sample is returned to the water source after the volatile components are extracted from it. The extracted volatile components and the carrier gas are delivered continuously to the mass spectometer and the volatile components are continuously analyzed by the mass spectrometer.
Deng, Chunhui; Li, Ning; Zhang, Xiangmin
The purpose of this study was to develop a simple, rapid and sensitive analytical method for determination of amino acids in neonatal blood samples. The developed method involves the employment of derivatization and a solid-phase microextraction (SPME) technique together with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Amino acids in blood samples were derivatized by a mixture of isobutyl chloroformate, methanol and pyridine, and the N(O,S)-alkoxycarbonyl alkyl esters thus formed were headspace extracted by a SPME fiber. Finally, the extracted analytes on the fiber were desorbed and detected by GC/MS in electron impact (EI) mode. L-Valine, L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-phenylanaline and L-tyrosine in blood samples were quantitatively analyzed by measurement of the corresponding N(O,S)-alkoxycarbonyl alkyl esters using an external standard method. SPME conditions were optimized, and the method was validated. The method was applied to diagnosis of neonatal phenylkenuria (PKU) and maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) by the analyses of five amino acids in blood samples. The results showed that the proposed method is a potentially powerful tool for simultaneous screening for neonatal PKU and MSUD. Copyright (c) 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Evaluation of mouse red blood cell and platelet counting with an automated hematology analyzer.
Fukuda, Teruko; Asou, Eri; Nogi, Kimiko; Goto, Kazuo
An evaluation of mouse red blood cell (RBC) and platelet (PLT) counting with an automated hematology analyzer was performed with three strains of mice, C57BL/6 (B6), BALB/c (BALB) and DBA/2 (D2). There were no significant differences in RBC and PLT counts between manual and automated optical methods in any of the samples, except for D2 mice. For D2, RBC counts obtained using the manual method were significantly lower than those obtained using the automated optical method (P<0.05), and PLT counts obtained using the manual method were higher than those obtained using the automated optical method (P<0.05). An automated hematology analyzer can be used for RBC and PLT counting; however, an appropriate method should be selected when D2 mice samples are used.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ng, Y. S.
A theoretical analysis of constant momentum mass spectrometry was made. A maximum resolving power for the decelerating mode constant momentum mass spectrometer was shown theoretically to exist for a beam of ions of known energy. A vacuum system and an electron beam ionization source was constructed. Supporting electronics for a residual gas analyzer were built. Experimental investigations of various types of accelerating and decelerating impulsive modes of a constant momentum mass spectrometer as applied to a residual gas analyzer were made. The data indicate that the resolving power for the decelerating mode is comparable to that of the accelerating mode.
Pirsa, Sajad
A portable chromatography device and a method were developed to analyze a gas mixture. The device comprises a chromatographic column for separating components of a sample of the gas mixture. It has an air pump coupled to the inlet of a chromatographic column for pumping air and an injector coupled to the inlet of chromatographic column for feeding the sample using the air as a carrier gas. A detector is arranged downstream from and coupled to the outlet of the chromatographic column. The detector is a nanostructure semiconductive microfiber. The device further comprises an evaluation unit arranged and configured to evaluate each detected component to determine the concentration. The designed portable system was used for simultaneous detection of amines. The possibility of applying dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for the determination of analytes in trace levels is demonstrated. The reproducibility of this method is acceptable, and good standard deviations were obtained. The relative standard deviation value is less than 6% for all analytes. Finally, the method was successfully applied to the extraction and determination of analytes in water samples. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Weiss, V; Roth, M
In 50 cases of Caesarean section for various indication, methoxyflurane was administered to two groups of patients in two different dosages by a Pentec-vaporizer. Blood was sampled simultaneously in the radial artery of the mother and in the umbilical vein. The methoxyflurane concentrations of both samples of blood were measured by gas chromatography. With an inspiratory concentration of 0.2 vol.-% methoxyflurane, the mean concentration was 166 mumol/1(2.75 mg/100 ml) in the maternal blood and 69 mumol/1 (1.14 mg/100 ml) in the umbilical vein. With 0.5 vol.-%, the corresponding values were 345 mumol/1 (5.72 mg/100 ml) and 137 mumol/1 (2.25 mg/100 ml) respectively. The condition of the new-born did not appear to be affected by the given doses of methoxyflurane.
A portable Fourier transform infrared gas analyzer with a photoacoustic detector performed reliably during pollution prevention research at two industrial facilities. It exhibited good agreement (within approximately 6%) with other analytical instruments (dispersive infrared and ...
Summary of Results from the Mars Phoenix Lander's Thermal Evolved Gas Analyzer
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sutter, B.; Ming, D. W.; Boynton, W. V.; Niles, P. B.; Hoffman, J.; Lauer, H. V.; Golden, D. C.
The Mars Phoenix Scout Mission with its diverse instrument suite successfully examined several soils on the Northern plains of Mars. The Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA) was employed to detect evolved volatiles and organic and inorganic materials by coupling a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) with a magnetic-sector mass spectrometer (MS) that can detect masses in the 2 to 140 dalton range [1]. Five Martian soils were individually heated to 1000 C in the DSC ovens where evolved gases from mineral decompostion products were examined with the MS. TEGA s DSC has the capability to detect endothermic and exothermic reactions during heating that are characteristic of minerals present in the Martian soil.
Nishikawa, Hirokazu; Shirano, Michinori; Kasamatsu, Yu; Morimura, Ayumi; Iida, Ko; Kishi, Tomomi; Goto, Tetsushi; Okamoto, Saki; Ehara, Eiji
To assess relationships of inflammatory markers and 2 related clinical factors with blood culture results, we retrospectively investigated inpatients' blood culture and blood chemistry findings that were recorded from January to December 2014 using electronic medical records and analyzed the data of 852 subjects (426 culture-positive and 426 culture-negative). Results suggested that the risk of positive blood culture statistically increased as inflammatory marker levels and the number of related factors increased. Concerning the effectiveness of inflammatory markers, when the outcome definition was also changed for C-reactive protein (CRP), the odds ratio had a similar value, whereas when the outcome definition of blood culture positivity was used for procalcitonin (PCT), the greatest effectiveness of that was detected. Therefore, the current results suggest that PCT is more useful than CRP as an auxiliary indication of bacterial infection. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Niknafs, Pedram; Norouzi, Elahe; Bahman Bijari, Bahareh; Baneshi, Mohammad Reza
Neonates with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), who are treated according to INSURE protocol; require arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis to decide on appropriate management. We conducted this study to investigate the validity of pulse oximetry instead of frequent ABG analysis in the evaluation of these patients. From a total of 193 blood samples obtained from 30 neonates <1500 grams with RDS, 7.2% were found to have one or more of the followings: acidosis, hypercapnia, or hypoxemia. We found that pulse oximetry in the detection of hyperoxemia had a good validity to appropriately manage patients without blood gas analysis. However, the validity of pulse oximetry was not good enough to detect acidosis, hypercapnia, and hypoxemia. PMID:25999627
Development of an Infrared Fluorescent Gas Analyzer.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
McClatchie, E. A.
A prototype model low level carbon monoxide analyzer was developed using fluorescent cell and negative chopping techniques to achieve a device superior to state of art NDIR (Nondispersive infrared) analyzers in stability and cross-sensitivity to other gaseous species. It is clear that this type of analyzer has that capacity. The prototype…
Wang, Xiaobo; Ye, Nengsheng; Wang, Jifen; Gu, Xuexin
A method was developed for the simultaneous determination of cocaine (COC) and its metabolite ecgonine methyl ester (EME) in human blood using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The blood sample was prepared by microwave extraction (MWE). The optimal parameters of MWE were as follows: 6 mL of chloroform-isopropanol (9: 1, v/v) mixture as extraction solvent, the pH value of the sample was adjusted at 10.0 with 0.05 mol/L Na2CO3-NaHCO3 buffer, the extraction was performed at 40 degrees C for 6 min. The COC and EME in the extract were qualified using GC-MS and quantitated using GC-FID. The average recoveries of COC and EME were from 79.91% to 99.85%, the relative standard deviations were less than 3.10%, and the limits of detection (LOD) were 60 and 40 mg/L, respectively. In the method COC and EME were detected without derivatization. The method is rapid, accurate and sensitive, and can be used for the simultaneous determination of COC and EME in blood samples.
Real-time airborne particle analyzer
Reilly, Peter T.A.
An aerosol particle analyzer includes a laser ablation chamber, a gas-filled conduit, and a mass spectrometer. The laser ablation chamber can be operated at a low pressure, which can be from 0.1 mTorr to 30 mTorr. The ablated ions are transferred into a gas-filled conduit. The gas-filled conduit reduces the electrical charge and the speed of ablated ions as they collide and mix with buffer gases in the gas-filled conduit. Preferably, the gas filled-conduit includes an electromagnetic multipole structure that collimates the nascent ions into a beam, which is guided into the mass spectrometer. Because the gas-filled conduit allows storage of vast quantities of the ions from the ablated particles, the ions from a single ablated particle can be analyzed multiple times and by a variety of techniques to supply statistically meaningful analysis of composition and isotope ratios.
Burtis, C.A.; Johnson, W.F.; Walker, W.A.
A rotor and disc assembly for use in a centrifugal fast analyzer. The assembly is designed to process multiple samples of whole blood followed by aliquoting of the resultant serum into precisely measured samples for subsequent chemical analysis. The assembly requires minimal operator involvement with no mechanical pipetting. The system comprises: (1) a whole blood sample disc; (2) a serum sample disc; (3) a sample preparation rotor; and (4) an analytical rotor. The blood sample disc and serum sample disc are designed with a plurality of precision bore capillary tubes arranged in a spoked array. Samples of blood are loaded into the blood sample disc by capillary action and centrifugally discharged into cavities of the sample preparation rotor where separation of serum and solids is accomplished. The serum is loaded into the capillaries of the serum sample disc by capillary action and subsequently centrifugally expelled into cuvettes of the analyticaly rotor for conventional methods. 5 figs.
Burtis, Carl A.; Johnson, Wayne F.; Walker, William A.
A rotor and disc assembly for use in a centrifugal fast analyzer. The assembly is designed to process multiple samples of whole blood followed by aliquoting of the resultant serum into precisely measured samples for subsequent chemical analysis. The assembly requires minimal operator involvement with no mechanical pipetting. The system comprises (1) a whole blood sample disc, (2) a serum sample disc, (3) a sample preparation rotor, and (4) an analytical rotor. The blood sample disc and serum sample disc are designed with a plurality of precision bore capillary tubes arranged in a spoked array. Samples of blood are loaded into the blood sample disc in capillary tubes filled by capillary action and centrifugally discharged into cavities of the sample preparation rotor where separation of serum and solids is accomplished. The serum is loaded into the capillaries of the serum sample disc by capillary action and subsequently centrifugally expelled into cuvettes of the analytical rotor for analysis by conventional methods.
Tamasawa, Atsuko; Mochizuki, Kazuki; Hariya, Natsuyo; Saito, Miyoko; Ishida, Hidenori; Doguchi, Satako; Yanagiya, Syoko; Osonoi, Takeshi
Acarbose, an α-glucosidase inhibitor, leads to the production of hydrogen gas, which reduces oxidative stress. In this study, we examined the effects of a single dose of acarbose immediately before a test meal on postprandial hydrogen gas in breath and peripheral blood interleukin (IL)-1β mRNA expression in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients. Sixteen Japanese patients (14 men, 2 women) participated in this study. The mean±standard deviation age, hemoglobin A1c and body mass index were 52.1±15.4 years, 10.2±2.0%, and 27.7±8.0kg/m(2), respectively. The patients were admitted into our hospital for 2 days and underwent test meals at breakfast without (day 1) or with acarbose (day 2). We performed continuous glucose monitoring and measured hydrogen gas levels in breath, and peripheral blood IL-1β mRNA levels before (0min) and after the test meal (hydrogen gas: 60, 120, 180, and 300min; IL-1β: 180min). The induction of hydrogen gas production and the reduction in peripheral blood IL-1β mRNA after the test meal were not significant between days 1 (without acarbose) and 2 (with acarbose). However, the changes in total hydrogen gas production from day 1 to day 2 were closely and inversely associated with the changes in peripheral blood IL-1β mRNA levels. Our results suggest that an increase in hydrogen gas production is inversely associated with a reduction of the peripheral blood IL-1β mRNA level after a single dose of acarbose in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A novel pump-driven veno-venous gas exchange system during extracorporeal CO2-removal.
Hermann, Alexander; Riss, Katharina; Schellongowski, Peter; Bojic, Andja; Wohlfarth, Philipp; Robak, Oliver; Sperr, Wolfgang R; Staudinger, Thomas
Pump-driven veno-venous extracorporeal CO2-removal (ECCO2-R) increasingly takes root in hypercapnic lung failure to minimize ventilation invasiveness or to avoid intubation. A recently developed device (iLA activve(®), Novalung, Germany) allows effective decarboxylation via a 22 French double lumen cannula. To assess determinants of gas exchange, we prospectively evaluated the performance of ECCO2-R in ten patients receiving iLA activve(®) due to hypercapnic respiratory failure. Sweep gas flow was increased in steps from 1 to 14 L/min at constant blood flow (phase 1). Similarly, blood flow was gradually increased at constant sweep gas flow (phase 2). At each step gas transfer via the membrane as well as arterial blood gas samples were analyzed. During phase 1, we observed a significant increase in CO2 transfer together with a decrease in PaCO2 levels from a median of 66 mmHg (range 46-85) to 49 (31-65) mmHg from 1 to 14 L/min sweep gas flow (p < 0.0001), while arterial oxygenation deteriorated with high sweep gas flow rates. During phase 2, oxygen transfer significantly increased leading to an increase in PaO2 from 67 (49-87) at 0.5 L/min to 117 (66-305) mmHg at 2.0 L/min (p < 0.0001). Higher blood flows also significantly enhanced decarboxylation (p < 0.0001). Increasing sweep gas flow results in effective CO2-removal, which can be further reinforced by raising blood flow. The clinically relevant oxygenation effect in this setting could broaden the range of indications of the system and help to set up an individually tailored configuration.
Schmidt, R; Wahl, H G; Häberle, H; Dieterich, H J; Schurig, V
Several in vivo and in vitro studies on the stereoselective potency of isoflurane enantiomers suggest beneficial effects of the (+)-(S)-enantiomer. In order to detect possible differences in the pharmacokinetics of isoflurane enantiomers, a clinical study of 41 patients undergoing general anesthesia maintained with racemic isoflurane was performed. The isoflurane enantiomers were analyzed in blood samples drawn before induction, at cessation (day 0), and up to eight days after isoflurane anesthesia (day 1-8). A multipurpose sampler (Gerstel MPS) was used for the headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis, and it was combined with a cold injection system (Gerstel CIS 3) for coldtrapping, enrichment, and focusing of the analyte. The enantiomer separation was achieved by using a capillary column coated with octakis(3-O-butanoyl-2,6-di-O-pentyl)-gamma-cyclodextrin (Lipodex E) dissolved in the polysiloxane PS 255. Detection was done in the selected ion monitoring mode with ions m/z 117 and m/z 149. An enrichment of (+)-(S)-isoflurane in all blood samples drawn after anesthesia was found. The highest enantiomer bias, up to 52-54% (+)-(S)-isoflurane as compared to 50% for the racemate, was observed on day 2 for most of the patients. Furthermore, quantification of isoflurane in blood samples of five patients was done by enantiomer labeling, employing enantiomerically pure (+)-(S)-isoflurane as internal standard. The isoflurane concentration decreased rapidly from 383 nmol/ml to 0.6 nmol/ml (mean values) eight days after anesthesia. The present study shows differences in the pharmacokinetics of isoflurane enantiomers in man. However, it is not possible to distinguish between enantioselective distribution and enantioselective metabolism, if any.
Wang, W; Erf, G F; Wideman, R F
Intravenous endotoxin has been shown to trigger a delayed pulmonary hypertensive response that varies widely in magnitude and duration among individual broilers. It was proposed that this individual variability may reflect immunological differences acquired during previous respiratory challenges that might have subsequently altered the endotoxin-initiated biochemical cascade. In Experiment 1, we tested the hypothesis that, when compared with broilers reared in clean stainless steel cages (Cage group), broilers reared on floor litter (Floor group) should experience a greater respiratory challenge and therefore may consistently exhibit a more enhanced pulmonary hypertensive response to intravenous endotoxin. Birds in the Cage group were grown in stainless steel cages at a low density (72 birds/8 m2 chamber), and fecal and dander materials were removed daily. Birds in the Floor group were reared on wood-shavings litter at a higher density (110 birds/8 m2 chamber). Pulmonary and systemic mean arterial pressures and blood-gas values were evaluated prior to and following the intravenous administration of 1 mg Salmonella typhimurium endotoxin. Broilers in the Floor and Cage groups exhibited pulmonary hypertensive responses to endotoxin that were very similar in terms of time of onset, duration, and magnitude, as well as variability in the response among individuals. Systemic hypotension also developed similarly in both groups following endotoxin injection. Blood-gas values indicated that the partial pressure of CO2 and the HCO3- concentration in arterial blood were higher (P < 0.05) in the Floor group than in the Cage group prior to and subsequent to the endotoxin injection. In Experiment 2, we reevaluated the effect of a dirty vs. a clean environment on blood-gas values using a different strain of broilers, and confirmed the negative impact of floor rearing on blood-gas values. We conclude that broilers reared on the floor inhaled litter dust and noxious fumes, which
Further development and testing of the metabolic gas analyzer
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Continued development of a metabolic monitor utilizing a mass spectrometer and digital computer to perform measurements and data reduction, is reported. The device prints-out breath-by-breath values for 02 consumption, C02 production, minute volume and tidal volume. The flow is measured by introduction of a tracer gas to the expired gas stream. Design modifications to reduce pressure drop in the flow splitter to one inch of water at 600 liters/min flow and to extend the range of linear flow measurement to 1000 liters/min are discussed.
Continuous neonatal blood gas monitoring using a multiparameter intra-arterial sensor
Morgan, C; Newell, S; Ducker, D; Hodgkinson, J; White, D; Morley, C; Church, J
AIMS—To compare arterial blood gas (ABG) readings obtained with a multiparameter intra-arterial sensor with those from an ABG analyser. METHODS—An MPIAS with the ability to measure continuously pH, PaCO2, and PaO2 was introduced via an umbilical arterial catheter in 27 neonates requiring intensive care. They underwent 3260 hours of MPIAS monitoring, during which 753 ABG readings were performed. RESULTS—Overall bias (mean difference: MPIAS-ABG) and precision (standard deviation of differences) values were: −0.002 and 0.022,respectively, for pH; +0.26 and 0.52 for PaCO2 (kPa); and −0.19 and 0.99 for PaO2 (kPa). This gave 95% limits of agreement as: −0.047 to +0.042 for pH, −0.76 to +1.28 kPa for PaCO2, and −2.13 to +1.75 kPa for PaO2. For each variable, precision across readings from the same individual was better than overall precision for all data. No complications related to the use of the catheter were observed. CONCLUSIONS—Continuous MPIAS ABG monitoring is an exciting development, with the potential to reduce blood transfusions and improve ABG homeostasis. PMID:10325783
Kieninger, M; Zech, N; Mulzer, Y; Bele, S; Seemann, M; Künzig, H; Schneiker, A; Gruber, M
Point of care testing with blood gas analysis (BGA) is an important factor for intensive care medicine. Continuous efforts to optimize workflow, improve safety for the staff and avoid preanalytical mistakes are important and should reflect quality management standards. In a prospective observational study it was investigated whether the implementation of a new system for BGA using labeled syringes and automated processing of the specimens leads to improvements compared to the previously used procedure. In a 4-week test period the time until receiving the final results of the BGA with the standard method used in the clinical routine (control group) was compared to the results in a second 4-week test period using the new labeled syringes and automated processing of the specimens (intervention group). In addition, preanalytical mistakes with both systems were checked during routine daily use. Finally, it was investigated whether a delay of 10 min between taking and analyzing the blood samples alters the results of the BGA. Preanalytical errors were frequently observed in the control group where non-deaerated samples were recorded in 87.3 % but in the intervention group almost all samples (98.9 %) were correctly deaerated. Insufficient homogenization due to omission of manual pivoting was seen in 83.2 % in the control group and in 89.9 % in the intervention group; however, in the intervention group the samples were homogenized automatically during the further analytical process. Although a survey among the staff revealed a high acceptance of the new system and a subjective improvement of workflow, a measurable gain in time after conversion to the new procedure could not be seen. The mean time needed for a complete analysis process until receiving the final results was 244 s in the intervention group and 201 s in the control group. A 10-min delay between taking and analyzing the blood samples led to a significant and clinically relevant elevation of the values for
Bahraminejad, Behzad; Basri, Shahnor; Isa, Maryam; Hambli, Zarida
In this study, the ability of the Capillary-attached conductive gas sensor (CGS) in real-time gas identification was investigated. The structure of the prototype fabricated CGS is presented. Portions were selected from the beginning of the CGS transient response including the first 11 samples to the first 100 samples. Different feature extraction and classification methods were applied on the selected portions. Validation of methods was evaluated to study the ability of an early portion of the CGS transient response in target gas (TG) identification. Experimental results proved that applying extracted features from an early part of the CGS transient response along with a classifier can distinguish short-chain alcohols from each other perfectly. Decreasing time of exposition in the interaction between target gas and sensing element improved the reliability of the sensor. Classification rate was also improved and time of identification was decreased. Moreover, the results indicated the optimum interval of the early transient response of the CGS for selecting portions to achieve the best classification rates. PMID:22219666
Temporally resolved plasma spectroscopy for analyzing natural gas components
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kobayashi, Kazunobu; Tsumaki, Naomasa; Ito, Tsuyohito
Temporally resolved plasma spectroscopy has been carried out in two different hydrocarbon gas mixtures (CH4/Ar and C2H6/Ar) to explore the possibility of a new gas sensor using plasma emission spectral analysis. In this experiment, a nanosecond-pulsed plasma discharge was applied to observe optical emissions representing the initial molecular structure. It is found that a CH emission intensity in CH4/Ar is higher than that in C2H6/Ar. On the other hand, C2 intensities are almost the same degree between CH4/Ar and C2H6/Ar. This finding indicates that the emission intensity ratio of CH to C2 might be an effective index for a gas analysis. In addition, a time for the highest emission intensities of CH and C2 is several nanoseconds later than that of Ar. This result suggests that spectra from the initial molecular structure may be observed at the early stage of the discharge before molecules are fully dissociated, and this is currently in progress.
40 CFR 86.521-90 - Hydrocarbon analyzer calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
.... Analyzers used with petroleum fuels and liquefied petroleum gas-fuel shall be optimized using propane. Analyzers used with natural gas-fuel for measurement of hydrocarbons shall be optimized using methane. If a... gas-fuel. Alternate methods yielding equivalent results may be used, if approved in advance by the...
40 CFR 86.521-90 - Hydrocarbon analyzer calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
.... Analyzers used with petroleum fuels and liquefied petroleum gas-fuel shall be optimized using propane. Analyzers used with natural gas-fuel for measurement of hydrocarbons shall be optimized using methane. If a... gas-fuel. Alternate methods yielding equivalent results may be used, if approved in advance by the...
40 CFR 86.1221-90 - Hydrocarbon analyzer calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... methane. When the FID analyzer to be used for the analysis of natural gas-fueled vehicle hydrocarbon... and liquefied petroleum gas-fuel shall be optimized using propane. Analyzers used with natural gas... air (or methane in air as appropriate) calibration gases having nominal concentrations of 15, 30, 45...
40 CFR 86.521-90 - Hydrocarbon analyzer calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
.... Analyzers used with petroleum fuels and liquefied petroleum gas-fuel shall be optimized using propane. Analyzers used with natural gas-fuel for measurement of hydrocarbons shall be optimized using methane. If a... gas-fuel. Alternate methods yielding equivalent results may be used, if approved in advance by the...
40 CFR 86.1221-90 - Hydrocarbon analyzer calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... methane. When the FID analyzer to be used for the analysis of natural gas-fueled vehicle hydrocarbon... and liquefied petroleum gas-fuel shall be optimized using propane. Analyzers used with natural gas... air (or methane in air as appropriate) calibration gases having nominal concentrations of 15, 30, 45...
Gas Transfer in Cellularized Collagen-Membrane Gas Exchange Devices.
Lo, Justin H; Bassett, Erik K; Penson, Elliot J N; Hoganson, David M; Vacanti, Joseph P
Chronic lower respiratory disease is highly prevalent in the United States, and there remains a need for alternatives to lung transplant for patients who progress to end-stage lung disease. Portable or implantable gas oxygenators based on microfluidic technologies can address this need, provided they operate both efficiently and biocompatibly. Incorporating biomimetic materials into such devices can help replicate native gas exchange function and additionally support cellular components. In this work, we have developed microfluidic devices that enable blood gas exchange across ultra-thin collagen membranes (as thin as 2 μm). Endothelial, stromal, and parenchymal cells readily adhere to these membranes, and long-term culture with cellular components results in remodeling, reflected by reduced membrane thickness. Functionally, acellular collagen-membrane lung devices can mediate effective gas exchange up to ∼288 mL/min/m(2) of oxygen and ∼685 mL/min/m(2) of carbon dioxide, approaching the gas exchange efficiency noted in the native lung. Testing several configurations of lung devices to explore various physical parameters of the device design, we concluded that thinner membranes and longer gas exchange distances result in improved hemoglobin saturation and increases in pO2. However, in the design space tested, these effects are relatively small compared to the improvement in overall oxygen and carbon dioxide transfer by increasing the blood flow rate. Finally, devices cultured with endothelial and parenchymal cells achieved similar gas exchange rates compared with acellular devices. Biomimetic blood oxygenator design opens the possibility of creating portable or implantable microfluidic devices that achieve efficient gas transfer while also maintaining physiologic conditions.
Impact of airway gas exchange on the multiple inert gas elimination technique: theory.
Anderson, Joseph C; Hlastala, Michael P
The multiple inert gas elimination technique (MIGET) provides a method for estimating alveolar gas exchange efficiency. Six soluble inert gases are infused into a peripheral vein. Measurements of these gases in breath, arterial blood, and venous blood are interpreted using a mathematical model of alveolar gas exchange (MIGET model) that neglects airway gas exchange. A mathematical model describing airway and alveolar gas exchange predicts that two of these gases, ether and acetone, exchange primarily within the airways. To determine the effect of airway gas exchange on the MIGET, we selected two additional gases, toluene and m-dichlorobenzene, that have the same blood solubility as ether and acetone and minimize airway gas exchange via their low water solubility. The airway-alveolar gas exchange model simulated the exchange of toluene, m-dichlorobenzene, and the six MIGET gases under multiple conditions of alveolar ventilation-to-perfusion, VA/Q, heterogeneity. We increased the importance of airway gas exchange by changing bronchial blood flow, Qbr. From these simulations, we calculated the excretion and retention of the eight inert gases and divided the results into two groups: (1) the standard MIGET gases which included acetone and ether and (2) the modified MIGET gases which included toluene and m-dichlorobenzene. The MIGET mathematical model predicted distributions of ventilation and perfusion for each grouping of gases and multiple perturbations of VA/Q and Qbr. Using the modified MIGET gases, MIGET predicted a smaller dead space fraction, greater mean VA, greater log(SDVA), and more closely matched the imposed VA distribution than that using the standard MIGET gases. Perfusion distributions were relatively unaffected.
Azzouz, Abdelmonaim; Rascón, Andrés J; Ballesteros, Evaristo
A highly sensitive gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) including parabens, alkylphenols, phenylphenols, bisphenol A and triclosan in human breast milk, blood and urine samples is proposed. Blood and milk require a pretreatment to remove proteins and other substances potentially interfering with the continuous solid-phase extraction (SPE) system used; on the other hand, urine samples can be directly introduced into the system after filtering. Analytes are retained on a LiChrolut EN column and derivatized by silylation following elution with acetonitrile. The resulting trimethylsilyl derivatives are determined by GC-MS. The proposed method exhibited good linearity (r(2)>0.995) for all target EDCs over the concentration range 0.7-10,000ng/l in urine, and 3.3-50,000ng/l in blood and milk. Also, it provided low limits of detection (0.2-1.8ng/l in urine, and 1.0-9.0ng/l in blood and milk), good precision (relative standard deviations less than 7%) and recoveries from 86 to 104%. A total of 24 human fluid samples were analyzed and most found to contain some target EDC at concentrations from 0.10 to 14μg/l. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ruiz, B C; Tucker, W K; Kirby, R R
With a desk-top, programmable calculator, it is now possible to do complex, previously time-consuming computations in the blood-gas laboratory. The authors have developed a program with the necessary algorithms for temperature correction of blood gases and calculation of acid-base variables and intrapulmonary shunt. It was necessary to develop formulas for the Po2 temperature-correction coefficient, the oxyhemoglobin-dissociation curve for adults (withe necessary adjustments for fetal blood), and changes in water vapor pressure due to variation in body temperature. Using this program in conjuction with a Monroe 1860-21 statistical programmable calculator, it is possible to temperature-correct pH,Pco2, and Po2. The machine will compute alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient, oxygen saturation (So2), oxygen content (Co2), actual HCO minus 3 and a modified base excess. If arterial blood and mixed venous blood are obtained, the calculator will print out intrapulmonary shunt data (Qs/Qt) and arteriovenous oxygen differences (a minus vDo2). There also is a formula to compute P50 if pH,Pco2,Po2, and measured So2 from two samples of tonometered blood (one above 50 per cent and one below 50 per cent saturation) are put into the calculator.
Photoacoustic measurements of red blood cell oxygen saturation in blood bags in situ
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pinto, Ruben N.; Bagga, Karan; Douplik, Alexandre; Acker, Jason P.; Kolios, Michael C.
Red blood cell (RBC) transfusion is a critical component of the health care services. RBCs are stored in blood bags in hypothermic temperatures for a maximum of 6 weeks post donation. During this in vitro storage period, RBCs have been documented to undergo changes in structure and function due to mechanical and biochemical stress. Currently, there are no assessment methods that monitor the quality of RBCs within blood bags stored for transfusion. Conventional assessment methods require the extraction of samples, consequently voiding the sterility of the blood bags and potentially rendering them unfit for transfusions. It is hypothesized that photoacoustic (PA) technology can provide a rapid and non-invasive indication of RBC quality. In this study, a novel PA setup was developed for the acquisition of oxygen saturation (SO2) of two blood bags in situ. These measurements were taken throughout the lifespan of the blood bags (42 days) and compared against the clinical gold standard method of the blood gas analyzer (BGA). SO2 values of the blood bags increased monotonically throughout the storage period. A strong correlation between PA SO2 and BGA SO2 was found, however, PA values were on average 3.5% lower. Both techniques found the bags to increase by an SO2 of approximately 20%, and measured very similar rates of SO2 change. Future work will be focused on determining the cause of discrepancy between SO2 values acquired from PA versus BGA, as well as establishing links between the measured SO2 increase and other changes in RBC in situ.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chelibanov, V. P.; Ishanin, G. G.; Isaev, L. N.
Role of nitrogen oxide in ambient air is described and analyzed. New method of nitrogen oxide concentration measurement in gas phase is suggested based on ozone concentration measurement with titration by nitrogen oxide. Research of chemiluminescent sensor composition is carried out on experimental stand. The sensor produced on the base of solid state non-activated chemiluminescent composition is applied as ozone sensor. Composition is put on the surface of polymer matrix with developed surface. Sensor compositions includes gallic acid with addition of rodamine-6G. Model of interaction process between sensor composition and ozone has been developed, main products appeared during reaction are identified. The product determining the speed of luminescense appearance is found. This product belongs to quinone class. Then new structure of chemiluminescent composition was suggested, with absence of activation period and with high stability of operation. Experimental model of gas analyzer was constructed and operation algorithm was developed. It was demonstrated that developed NO measuring instrument would be applied for monitoring purposes of ambient air. This work was partially financially supported by Government of Russian Federation, Grant 074-U01
Giuliani, N; Saugy, M; Augsburger, M; Varlet, V
A headspace-gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS/MS) method for the trace measurement of perfluorocarbon compounds (PFCs) in blood was developed. Due to oxygen carrying capabilities of PFCs, application to doping and sports misuse is speculated. This study was therefore extended to perform validation methods for F-tert-butylcyclohexane (Oxycyte(®)), perfluoro(methyldecalin) (PFMD) and perfluorodecalin (PFD). The limit of detection of these compounds was established and found to be 1.2 µg/mL blood for F-tert-butylcyclohexane, 4.9 µg/mL blood for PFMD and 9.6 µg/mL blood for PFD. The limit of quantification was assumed to be 12 µg/mL blood (F-tert-butylcyclohexane), 48 µg/mL blood (PFMD) and 96 µg/mL blood (PFD). HS-GC-MS/MS technique allows detection from 1000 to 10,000 times lower than the estimated required dose to ensure a biological effect for the investigated PFCs. Thus, this technique could be used to identify a PFC misuse several hours, maybe days, after the injection or the sporting event. Clinical trials with those compounds are still required to evaluate the validation parameters with the calculated estimations. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ye, H P; Shao, J; Tan, S W; Shan, X Y; Shi, Y P
Objective: To establish a method for determing the trichloroethylene(TCE)and trichloroethanol(TCOH)in blood samples by liquid-liquid extraction-gas chromatography with electron capture detector. Methods: With this method,ether was used as extraction solvent and trichloromethane was used as an internal standard. The whole blood sample was extracted with ether, and dehydrated by anhydrous sodium sulfate. Then the analytes were separated on HP-5 capillary column(30m×0.32mm×0.15μm)and detected byECD.The retention time was for qualitative analysis and the internal standard was for quantitation. Results: The standard curves of TCE and TCOH showed significant linearity between 95.5μg/L-7640.0μg/L( r =0.9997)and 19.0μg/L-1520.0μg/L( r =0.9992). The average recovery was 95.5%-103.6%.The intra-day and inter-day precisions( RSD )were 2.5%-6.8%( n =6)and 1.6%-4.3%( n =6) respectively. The detect limit of TCE and TCOH were 2.10 μg/L and 0.56μg/L(S/N=3)respectively.The blood can be kept 7 days at-20℃ refrigerator without significantly loss. Conclusion: This method is proved to be simple,practical and highly sensitive. It can satisfy the request for the determination of blood samples of humans exposed to TCE.
Evaluation of the i-STAT Point-of-Care Analyzer in Critically Ill Adult Patients
Steinfelder-Visscher, Jacoline; Teerenstra, Steven; Klein Gunnewiek, Jacqueline M.T.; Weerwind, Patrick W.
Abstract: Point-of-care analyzers may benefit therapeutic decision making by reducing turn-around-time for samples. This is especially true when biochemical parameters exceed the clinical reference range, in which acute and effective treatment is essential. We therefore evaluated the analytical performance of the i-STAT point-of-care analyzer in two critically ill adult patient populations. During a 3-month period, 48 blood samples from patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and 42 blood samples from non-cardiac patients who needed intensive care treatment were analyzed on both the i-STAT analyzer (CPB and non-CPB mode, respectively) and our laboratory analyzers (RapidLab 865/Sysmex XE-2100 instrument). The agreement analysis for quantitative data was used to compare i-STAT to RapidLab for blood gas/electrolytes and for hematocrit with the Sysmex instrument. Point-of-care electrolytes and blood gases had constant deviation, except for pH, pO2, and hematocrit. A clear linear trend in deviation of i-STAT from RapidLab was noticed for pH during CPB (r = 0.32, p = .03) and for pO2 > 10 kPa during CPB (r = −0.59, p < .0001 when 10 < pO2 <30 kPa) and in the intensive care unit (r = −0.61, p < .001 when 10 < pO2 <30 kPa). In the normal pO2 range (10.6 < pO2 <13.3 kPa), the performance of the i-STAT was comparable to the RapidLab. In contrast to hematocrit measured during CPB, hematocrit using the non-CPB mode in the non-cardiac intensive care population showed an underestimation up to 2.2% (p < .0001) in the hematocrit range below 25% (n = 11) using the i-STAT. The i-STAT analyzer is suitable for point-of-care testing of electrolytes and blood gases in critically ill patients, except for high pO2. However, the discrepancy in hematocrit bias shows that accuracy established in one patient population cannot be automatically extrapolated to other patient populations, thus stressing the need for separate evaluation. PMID:18389666
Park, Je Sung; Lee, Byung Kook; Jeung, Kyung Woon; Choi, Sung Soo; Park, Sang Wook; Song, Kyung Hwan; Lee, Sung Min; Heo, Tag; Min, Yong Il
We investigated the use of blood color brightness and blood gas variables for discriminating arterial from venous puncture during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The study's aims were to determine if discrimination using Po2 is superior to using blood color brightness, and if blood color brightness, Po2, and acid-base variables derived from blood gas analysis accurately discriminate arterial from venous blood during CPR. Fifteen pigs underwent ventricular fibrillation followed by CPR. During CPR, paired femoral arterial and venous blood samples were obtained, and 2 blinded observers were asked to identify the blood's origin. Blood color brightness was measured using a blood brightness scale (BBS). The discriminatory performances of the BBS and blood gas variables were evaluated by calculating the area under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC). The observers accurately discriminated arterial from venous blood with a sensitivity of 97.0% (84.7%-99.5%) and specificity of 84.9% (69.1%-93.4%). The BBS (AUC = 0.983) and Po2 (AUC = 0.981) methods both showed comparable and excellent discriminatory performances. pH, Pco2, and HCO3(-) all discriminated arterial from venous blood (AUC = 0.831, 0.971, and 0.652, respectively). The AUC for Pco2 was comparable to that for Po2 but significantly larger than that for pH (P = .002) or HCO3(-) (P < .001). The BBS and Po2 methods showed comparable and excellent discrimination performances. Using pH, Pco2, and HCO3(-) levels also discriminated arterial from venous blood during CPR with statistical significance. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Guerrini, G; Morabito, A; Samaja, M
The aim is to determine if a single measurement of blood 2,3-diphosphoglycerate combined with gas analysis (pH, PCO2, PO2 and saturation) can identify the cause of an altered blood-oxygen affinity: the presence of an abnormal haemoglobin or a red cell disorder. The population (n=94) was divided into healthy controls (A, n=14), carriers of red cell disorders (B, n=72) and carriers of high oxygen affinity haemoglobins (C, n=8). Those variables were measured both in samples equilibrated at selected PCO2 and PO2 and in venous blood. In the univariable approach applied to equilibrated samples, we correctly identified C subjects in 93.6% or 96.8% of the cases depending on the selected variable, the standard P50 (PO2 at which 50% of haemoglobin is oxygenated) or a composite variable calculated from the above measurements. After introducing the haemoglobin concentration as a further discriminating variable, the A and B subjects were correctly identified in 91.9% or 94.2% of the cases, respectively. These figures become 93.0% or 86.1%, and 93.7% or 94.9% of the cases when using direct readings from venous blood, thereby avoiding the blood equilibration step. This test is feasible also in blood samples stored at 4 degrees C for 48 h, or at room temperature for 8 h.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Majerek, Dariusz; Guz, Łukasz; Suchorab, Zbigniew; Łagód, Grzegorz; Sobczuk, Henryk
Mold that develops on moistened building barriers is a major cause of the Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). Fungal contamination is normally evaluated using standard biological methods which are time-consuming and require a lot of manual labor. Fungi emit Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) that can be detected in the indoor air using several techniques of detection e.g. chromatography. VOCs can be also detected using gas sensors arrays. All array sensors generate particular voltage signals that ought to be analyzed using properly selected statistical methods of interpretation. This work is focused on the attempt to apply statistical classifying models in evaluation of signals from gas sensors matrix to analyze the air sampled from the headspace of various types of the building materials at different level of contamination but also clean reference materials.
Walpurgis, Katja; Kohler, Maxie; Thomas, Andreas; Wenzel, Folker; Geyer, Hans; Schänzer, Wilhelm; Thevis, Mario
The storage of packed red blood cells (RBCs) is associated with the development of morphological and biochemical changes leading to a reduced posttransfusion functionality and viability of the cells. Within this study, 2D DIGE and high-resolution/high-accuracy Orbitrap MS were used to analyze the storage-induced changes of the cytosolic RBC proteome and identify characteristic protein patterns and potential marker proteins for the assessment of RBC storage lesions. Leukodepleted RBC concentrates were stored according to standard blood bank conditions for 0, 7, 14, 28, and 42 days and analyzed by using a characterized and validated protocol. Following statistical evaluation, a total of 14 protein spots were found to be significantly altered after 42 days of ex vivo storage. Protein identification was accomplished by tryptic digestion and LC-MS/MS and three proteins potentially useful as biomarkers for RBC aging comprising transglutaminase 2, beta actin, and copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase were selected and validated by western blot analysis. These can serve as a basis for the development of a screening assay to detect RBC storage lesions and autologous blood doping in sports. © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Hanley, Christopher S; Clyde, Victoria L; Wallace, Roberta S; Paul-Murphy, Joanne; Patterson, Tamatha A; Keuler, Nicholas S; Sladky, Kurt K
OBJECTIVE-To evaluate serial blood gas values and lactate concentrations in 3 fish species undergoing surgery and to compare blood lactate concentrations between fish that survived and those that died during the short-term postoperative period. DESIGN-Prospective cohort study. Animals-10 yellow perch, 5 walleye pike, and 8 koi. PROCEDURES-Blood samples were collected from each fish at 3 time points: before anesthesia, during anesthesia, and immediately after surgery. Blood gas values and blood lactate concentrations were measured. Fish were monitored for 2 weeks postoperatively. RESULTS-All walleye and koi survived, but 2 perch died. Blood pH significantly decreased in perch from before to during anesthesia, but increased back to preanesthesia baseline values after surgery. Blood Pco(2) decreased significantly in perch from before anesthesia to immediately after surgery, and also from during anesthesia to immediately after surgery, whereas blood Pco(2) decreased significantly in koi from before to during anesthesia. Blood Po(2) increased significantly in both perch and koi from before to during anesthesia, and also in koi from before anesthesia to immediately after surgery. For all 3 species, blood lactate concentrations increased significantly from before anesthesia to immediately after surgery. Blood lactate concentration (mean +/- SD) immediately after surgery for the 8 surviving perch was 6.06 +/- 1.47 mmol/L, which was significantly lower than blood lactate concentrations in the 2 nonsurviving perch (10.58 and 10.72 mmol/L). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE-High blood lactate concentrations following surgery in fish may be predictive of a poor short-term postoperative survival rate.
Implantable blood pressure sensor for analyzing elasticity in arteries
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Franco-Ayala, Marco; Martínez-Piñón, Fernando; Reyes-Barranca, Alfredo; Sánchez de la Peña, Salvador; Álvarez-Chavez, José A.
MEMS technology could be an option for the development of a pressure sensor which allows the monitoring of several electronic signals in humans. In this work, a comparison is made between the typical elasticity curves of several arteries in the human body and the elasticity obtained for MEMS silicon microstructures such as membranes and cantilevers employing Finite Element analysis tools. The purpose is to identify which types of microstructures are mechanically compatible with human arteries. The goal is to integrate a blood pressure sensor which can be implanted in proximity with an artery. The expected benefits for this type of sensor are mainly to reduce the problems associated with the use of bulk devices through the day and during several days. Such a sensor could give precise blood pressure readings in a continuous or periodic form, i.e. information that is especially important for some critical cases of hypertension patients.
Albanyan, A; Al-Musa, A; AlNounou, R; Al Zahrani, H; Nasr, R; AlJefri, A; Saleh, M; Malik, A; Masmali, H; Owaidah, T
Glanzmann thrombasthenia (GT) is a rare inherited platelet disorder that is characterized by spontaneous or postprocedural bleeding. The diagnosis of GT depends on identifying the dysfunction of the platelets. The aim of this study was to compare a whole blood impedance Multiplate analyzer (MEA) with the standard method, light transmission aggregometry (LTA) in diagnosis of GT. Fifteen patients with GT were assessed on MEA and LTA using arachidonic acid (ASPI: 15 mm), (TRAP: 1 mm), collagen (100 μg/mL), ADP (0.2 mm), and ristocetin (Risto: 10 mg/mL). Whole blood samples were collected in sodium citrate and hirudin vacuum, blood collection tubes and tested within 4 h. Platelet-rich plasma was used for LTA using platelet agonists (ristocetin 1.5 mg/mL) (arachidonic acid 0.5 mg/mL) (ADP 2.5 mg/mL) and (collagen 1 mg/mL). The platelet count and PFA-100 results were (average and SD) 319 ± 93 × 10(9) L and 252 ± 34 s, respectively. Flow cytometry analysis showed that all samples are positive for CD42a and CD42b, whereas 9/15 samples were negative for CD61 and CD41. The other six patients had either partial or full expression of CD61/CD41. Aggregation analysis using both methods showed that all samples had no aggregation response to any of the agonists used apart from six samples which, using only the MEA, showed minimal aggregation in response to collagen (average = 14.3 ± 7 μg, which may suggest ability to detect qualitative abnormality of GPIIb/IIIa). These results suggest that the MEA is sensitive for the detection of Glanzmann thrombasthenia. Furthermore, MEA may also be able to differentiate between the subtypes of Glanzmann thrombasthenia. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Eddy Covariance Measurements of Methane Flux Using an Open-Path Gas Analyzer
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Burba, G.; Anderson, T.; Zona, D.; Schedlbauer, J.; Anderson, D.; Eckles, R.; Hastings, S.; Ikawa, H.; McDermitt, D.; Oberbauer, S.; Oechel, W.; Riensche, B.; Starr, G.; Sturtevant, C.; Xu, L.
Methane is an important greenhouse gas with a warming potential of about 23 times that of carbon dioxide over a 100-year cycle (Houghton et al., 2001). Measurements of methane fluxes from the terrestrial biosphere have mostly been made using flux chambers, which have many advantages, but are discrete in time and space and may disturb surface integrity and air pressure. Open-path analyzers offer a number of advantages for measuring methane fluxes, including undisturbed in- situ flux measurements, spatial integration using the Eddy Covariance approach, zero frequency response errors due to tube attenuation, confident water and thermal density terms from co-located fast measurements of water and sonic temperature, and remote deployment due to lower power demands in the absence of a pump. The prototype open-path methane analyzer is a VCSEL (vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser)-based instrument. It employs an open Herriott cell and measures levels of methane with RMS noise below 6 ppb at 10 Hz sampling in controlled laboratory environment. Field maintenance is minimized by a self-cleaning mechanism to keep the lower mirror free of contamination. Eddy Covariance measurements of methane flux using the prototype open-path methane analyzer are presented for the period between 2006 and 2008 in three ecosystems with contrasting weather and moisture conditions: (1) Fluxes over a short-hydroperiod sawgrass wetland in the Florida Everglades were measured in a warm and humid environment with temperatures often exceeding 25oC, variable winds, and frequent heavy dew at night; (2) Fluxes over coastal wetlands in an Arctic tundra were measured in an environment with frequent sub-zero temperatures, moderate winds, and ocean mist; (3) Fluxes over pacific mangroves in Mexico were measured in an environment with moderate air temperatures high winds, and sea spray. Presented eddy covariance flux data were collected from a co-located prototype open-path methane analyzer, LI-7500, and
Song, Kang-Ho; Fan, Alexander C; Hinkle, Joshua J; Newman, Joshua; Borden, Mark A; Harvey, Brandon K
Focused ultrasound with microbubbles is being developed to transiently, locally and noninvasively open the blood-brain barrier (BBB) for improved pharmaceutical delivery. Prior work has demonstrated that, for a given concentration dose, microbubble size affects both the intravascular circulation persistence and extent of BBB opening. When matched to gas volume dose, however, the circulation half-life was found to be independent of microbubble size. In order to determine whether this holds true for BBB opening as well, we independently measured the effects of microbubble size (2 vs. 6 µm diameter) and concentration, covering a range of overlapping gas volume doses (1-40 µL/kg). We first demonstrated precise targeting and a linear dose-response of Evans Blue dye extravasation to the rat striatum for a set of constant microbubble and ultrasound parameters. We found that dye extravasation increased linearly with gas volume dose, with data points from both microbubble sizes collapsing to a single line. A linear trend was observed for both the initial sonication (R 2 =0.90) and a second sonication on the contralateral side (R 2 =0.68). Based on these results, we conclude that microbubble gas volume dose, not size, determines the extent of BBB opening by focused ultrasound (1 MHz, ~0.5 MPa at the focus). This result may simplify planning for focused ultrasound treatments by constraining the protocol to a single microbubble parameter - gas volume dose - which gives equivalent results for varying size distributions. Finally, using optimal parameters determined for Evan Blue, we demonstrated gene delivery and expression using a viral vector, dsAAV1-CMV-EGFP, one week after BBB disruption, which allowed us to qualitatively evaluate neuronal health.
[Gas chromatography in quantitative analysis of hydrocyanic acid and its salts in cadaveric blood].
Iablochkin, V D
A direct gas chromatography method was designed for the quantitative determination of cyanides (prussic acid) in cadaveric blood. Its sensitivity is 0.05 mg/ml. The routine volatile products, including substances, which emerge due to putrefaction of organic matters, do not affect the accuracy and reproducibility of the method; the exception is H-propanol that was used as the internal standard. The method was used in legal chemical expertise related with acute cyanide poisoning (suicide) as well as with poisoning of products of combustion of nonmetals (foam-rubber). The absolute error does not exceed 10% with a mean quadratic deviation of 0.0029-0.0033 mg.
Development of a Contingency Gas Analyzer for the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Niu, Bill; Carney, Kenneth; Steiner, George; OHarra, William; Lewis, John
NASA's experience with electrochemical sensors in a hand-held toxic gas monitor serves as a basis for the development of a fixed on-board instrument, the Contingency Gas Analyzer (CGA), for monitoring selected toxic combustion products as well as oxygen and carbon dioxide on the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV). Oxygen and carbon dioxide are major components of the cabin environment and accurate measurement of these compounds is critical to maintaining a safe working environment for the crew. Fire or thermal degradation events may produce harmful levels of toxic products, including carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and hydrogen chloride (HCl) in the environment. These three components, besides being toxic in their own right, can serve as surrogates for a panoply of hazardous combustion products. On orbit monitoring of these surrogates provides for crew health and safety by indicating the presence of toxic combustion products in the environment before, during and after combustion or thermal degradation events. Issues identified in previous NASA experiences mandate hardening the instrument and components to endure the mechanical and operational stresses of the CEV environment while maintaining high analytical fidelity. Specific functional challenges involve protecting the sensors from various anticipated events- such as rapid pressure changes, low cabin pressures, and extreme vibration/shock exposures- and extending the sensor lifetime and calibration periods far beyond the current state of the art to avoid the need for on-orbit calibration. This paper focuses on lessons learned from the earlier NASA hardware, current testing results, and engineering solutions to the identified problems. Of particular focus will be the means for protecting the sensors, addressing well known cross-sensitivity issues and the efficacy of a novel self monitoring mechanism for extending sensor calibration periods.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Limero, Thomas F.; James, John T.
A Volatile Organic Analyzer (VOA) is being developed as an essential component of the Space Station's Environmental Health System (EHS) air quality monitoring strategy to provide warning to the crew and ground personnel if volatile organic compounds exceed established exposure limits. The short duration of most Shuttle flights and the relative simplicity of the contaminant removal mechanism have lessened the concern about crew exposure to air contaminants on the Shuttle. However, the longer missions associated with the Space Station, the complex air revitalization system and the proposed number of experiments have led to a desire for real-time monitoring of the contaminants in the Space Station atmosphere. Achieving the performance requirements established for the VOA within the Space Station resource (e.g., power, weight) allocations led to a novel approach that joined a gas chromatograph (GC) to an ion mobility spectrometer (IMS). The authors of this paper will discuss the rational for selecting the GC/IMS technology as opposed to the more established gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for the foundation of the VOA. The data presented from preliminary evaluations will demonstrate the versatile capability of the GC/IMS to analyze the major contaminants expected in the Space Station atmosphere. The favorable GC/IMS characteristics illustrated in this paper included excellent sensitivity, dual-mode operation for selective detection, and mobility drift times to distinguish co-eluting GC peaks. Preliminary studies have shown that the GC/IMS technology can meet surpass the performance requirements of the Space Station VOA.
Schlatter, J; Chiadmi, F; Gandon, V; Chariot, P
Methanol, acetaldehyde, acetone, and ethanol, which are commonly used as biomarkers of several diseases, in acute intoxications, and forensic settings, can be detected and quantified in biological fluids. Gas chromatography (GC)-mass spectrometry techniques are complex, require highly trained personnel and expensive materials. Gas chromatographic determinations of ethanol, methanol, and acetone have been reported in one study with suboptimal accuracy. Our objective was to improve the assessment of these compounds in human blood using GC with flame ionization detection. An amount of 50 µl of blood was diluted with 300 µl of sterile water, 40 µl of 10% sodium tungstate, and 20 µl of 1% sulphuric acid. After centrifugation, 1 µl of the supernatant was injected into the gas chromatograph. We used a dimethylpolysiloxane capillary column of 30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm. We observed linear correlations from 7.5 to 240 mg/l for methanol, acetaldehyde, and acetone and from 75 to 2400 mg/l for ethanol. Precision at concentrations 15, 60, and 120 mg/l for methanol, acetaldehyde, and acetone and 150, 600, and 1200 mg/ml for ethanol were 0.8-6.9%. Ranges of accuracy were 94.7-98.9% for methanol, 91.2-97.4% for acetaldehyde, 96.1-98.7% for acetone, and 105.5-111.6% for ethanol. Limits of detection were 0.80 mg/l for methanol, 0.61 mg/l for acetaldehyde, 0.58 mg/l for acetone, and 0.53 mg/l for ethanol. This method is suitable for routine clinical and forensic practices.
Libong, Danielle; Bouchonnet, Stéphane; Ricordel, Ivan
A gas chromatography-ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (GC-ion trap MS-MS) method for detection and quantitation of LSD in whole blood is presented. The sample preparation process, including a solid-phase extraction step with Bond Elut cartridges, was performed with 2 mL of whole blood. Eight microliters of the purified extract was injected with a cold on-column injection method. Positive chemical ionization was performed using acetonitrile as reagent gas; LSD was detected in the MS-MS mode. The chromatograms obtained from blood extracts showed the great selectivity of the method. GC-MS quantitation was performed using lysergic acid methylpropylamide as the internal standard. The response of the MS was linear for concentrations ranging from 0.02 ng/mL (detection threshold) to 10.0 ng/mL. Several parameters such as the choice of the capillary column, the choice of the internal standard and that of the ionization mode (positive CI vs. EI) were rationalized. Decomposition pathways under both ionization modes were studied. Within-day and between-day stability were evaluated.
Ernst, D; Clerc, J; Decullier, E; Gavanier, G; Dupuis, O
At birth, evaluation of neonatal well-being is crucial. It is though important to perform umbilical cord blood gas analysis, and then to analyze the samples. We wanted to establish the feasibility and reliability of systematic umbilical cord blood sampling in a French labour ward. Study of systematic umbilical cord blood gas analysis was realized retrospectively from 1000 consecutive deliveries. We first established the feasibility of the samples. Feasibility was defined by the ratio of complete cord acid-base data on the number of deliveries from alive newborns. Afterwards, we established the reliability on the remaining cord samples. Reliability was the ratio of samples that fulfilled quality criteria defined by Westgate et al. and revised by Kro et al., on the number of complete samples from alive newborns. At last, we looked for factors that would influence these results. The systematic umbilical cord blood sample feasibility reached 91.6%, and the reliability reached 80.7%. About the delivery mode, 38.6% of emergency caesarians (IC 95% [30.8-46.3]; P<0.0001) led to non-valid samples, when only 11.3% of programmed caesarians (IC 95% [4.3-18.2]; P<0.0001) led to non-valid samples. Umbilical cord blood analysis were significantly less validated during emergency caesarians. Realization of systematic cord blood gas analysis was followed by 8.4% of incomplete samples, and by 19.3% that were uninterpretable. Training sessions should be organized to improve the feasibility and reliability, especially during emergency caesarians. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Blood circulatory system for noninvasive diagnostics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fricke, D.; Kraitl, J.; Ewald, H.
Based on the human circulatory system, an artificial blood circulatory system was developed to allow the controlled variation of the following blood parameters: total hemoglobin concentration (ctHb), oxyhemoglobin (O2Hb) methemoglobin (MetHb) and carboxyhemoglobin (COHb). The optical properties of the blood were observed by online spectrometer measurements. The purpose of this was to observe and quantify the absorption, transmission and scattering properties of human whole blood in the wavelength range of 400 to 1700 nm. All the non-invasive measurements of the whole blood transmission-spectra were compared with sample results obtained by a Blood Gas Analyzer (BGA) to validate the results. For all measurements, donor erythrocyte concentrates were used. The concentration of hemoglobin was changed by adding fixed amounts of blood plasma to the erythrocyte concentrate. Oxygen saturation and COHb were adjusted by a continuous flow of N2, N2-CO and compressed air through a hollow fibre membrane oxygenator. Different methemoglobin concentrations were adjusted by using natrium nitrite. The blood temperature was kept constant at 37 °C via a tube heating mechanism, with a separate circulation of water passing through the membrane Oxygenator. The Temperature and pressure of the system were automatically controlled and monitored. The model was also used to test new non-invasive measurement systems, and for this reason special cuvettes were designed to imitate human tissue and generate plethysmographical signals. In the future, the blood circulatory system has the potential to be used for testing, validating and also to calibrate newly developed optical prototype devices. It can also be used to further investigate blood components of interest.
Nomura, N; Saito, K; Ikeda, M; Yuasa, S; Pastore, M; Chabert, C; Kono, E; Sakai, A; Tanaka, H; Ikemoto, T; Takubo, T
We evaluated the basic performance of Microsemi CRP, an unique automated hematology analyzer which can simultaneously measure CBC including 3-part WBC differential (3-Diff) and CRP using whole blood treated with EDTA-2K anticoagulant. We found that it produced generally the acceptable results for all parameters performed (repeatability, reproducibility, linearity, interference effect, carry over, and correlation) using control materials, fresh human whole bloods, and serum samples. CBC data examined using Microsemi CRP showed the good correlation with the previous model, Micros CRP200 (r ≧ 0.9), and also those obtained using the routine analyzer, ADVIA 2120i (r ≧ 0.989). Concerning the 3-Diff, both GRA (%) and LYM (%) showed the excellent correlation coefficient between Microsemi CRP and Micros CRP200 (r ≧ 0.992) as well as ADVIA 2120i (r ≧ 0.957). MON (%) showed good correlation between Microsemi CRP and Micros CRP200 (r = 0.959), but lower correlation between Microsemi CRP and ADVIA 2120 i (r = 0.471). CRP data showed the good correlation with HITACHI7600 (r ≧ 0.997) and Micros CRP200 (r ≧ 0.997). From these findings, we concluded that Microsemi CRP seemed the convenient laboratory analyzer in the setting of point of care testing (POCT) especially at NICU or primary care unit. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Acierno, Mark J; Schnellbacher, Rodney; Tully, Thomas N
Although abnormalities in blood glucose concentrations in avian species are not as common as they are in mammals, the inability to provide point-of-care glucose measurement likely results in underreporting and missed treatment opportunities. A veterinary glucometer that uses different optimization codes for specific groups of animals has been produced. To obtain data for a psittacine bird-specific optimization code, as well as to calculate agreement between the veterinary glucometer, a standard human glucometer, and a laboratory analyzer, blood samples were obtained from 25 Hispaniolan Amazon parrots (Amazona ventralis) in a 2-phase study. In the initial phase, blood samples were obtained from 20 parrots twice at a 2-week interval. For each sample, the packed cell volume was determined, and the blood glucose concentration was measured by the veterinary glucometer. The rest of each sample was placed into a lithium heparin microtainer tube and centrifuged, and plasma was removed and frozen at -30 degrees C. Within 5 days, tubes were thawed, and blood glucose concentrations were measured with a laboratory analyzer. The data from both procedures were used to develop a psittacine bird-specific code. For the second phase of the study, the same procedure was repeated twice at a 2-week interval in 25 birds to determine agreement between the veterinary glucometer, a standard human glucometer, and a laboratory analyzer. Neither glucometer was in good agreement with the laboratory analyzer (veterinary glucometer bias, 9.0; level of agreement, -38.1 to 56.2; standard glucometer bias, 69.4; level of agreement -17.8 to 156.7). Based on these results, the use of handheld glucometers in the diagnostic testing of Hispaniolan Amazon parrots and other psittacine birds cannot be recommended.
Qing, Kun; Ruppert, Kai; Jiang, Yun; Mata, Jaime F.; Miller, G. Wilson; Shim, Y. Michael; Wang, Chengbo; Ruset, Iulian C.; Hersman, F. William; Altes, Talissa A.; Mugler, John P.
Purpose To develop a breath-hold acquisition for regional mapping of ventilation and the fractions of hyperpolarized xenon-129 (Xe129) dissolved in tissue (lung parenchyma and plasma) and red blood cells (RBCs), and to perform an exploratory study to characterize data obtained in human subjects. Materials and Methods A three-dimensional, multi-echo, radial-trajectory pulse sequence was developed to obtain ventilation (gaseous Xe129), tissue and RBC images in healthy subjects, smokers and asthmatics. Signal ratios (total dissolved Xe129 to gas, tissue-to-gas, RBC-to-gas and RBC-to-tissue) were calculated from the images for quantitative comparison. Results Healthy subjects demonstrated generally uniform values within coronal slices, and a gradient in values along the anterior-to-posterior direction. In contrast, images and associated ratio maps in smokers and asthmatics were generally heterogeneous and exhibited values mostly lower than those in healthy subjects. Whole-lung values of total dissolved Xe129 to gas, tissue-to-gas, and RBC-to-gas ratios in healthy subjects were significantly larger than those in diseased subjects. Conclusion Regional maps of tissue and RBC fractions of dissolved Xe129 were obtained from a short breath-hold acquisition, well tolerated by healthy volunteers and subjects with obstructive lung disease. Marked differences were observed in spatial distributions and overall amounts of Xe129 dissolved in tissue and RBCs among healthy subjects, smokers and asthmatics. PMID:23681559
Blood perfusion and pH monitoring in organs by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vari, Sandor G.; Papazoglou, Theodore G.; Pergadia, Vani R.; Stavridi, Marigo; Snyder, Wendy J.; Papaioannou, Thanassis; Duffy, J. T.; Weiss, Andrew B.; Thomas, Reem; Grundfest, Warren S.
Sensitivity of laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIFS) in detecting a change in tissue pH, and blood perfusion was determined. Rabbits were anesthetized, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated. The arterial and venous blood supplies of the kidney were isolated and ligated to alter the perfusion. The femoral artery was cannulated to extract samples for blood gas analysis. A 308-nm XeCl was used as an excitation source. A 600 micrometers core diameter fiber was used for fluorescence acquisition, and the spectra analyzed by an optical multichannel analyzer (EG & G, OMA III). the corresponding intensity ratio R equals INADH / ICOLL was used as an index for respiratory acidosis. Blood perfusion was assessed using the following algorithm: (IELAS minus ICOLL) divided by (INADH minus ICOLL). The intensity ratio linearly decreased with the reduction of blood perfusion. When we totally occluded the artery the ratio decreased tenfold when compared to the ratio of a fully perfused kidney. Results of monitoring blood acidosis by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy shows a significant trend between pH and intensity ratio. Since all the slopes were negative, there is an obvious significant correlation between the pH and NADH.COLLAGEN RATIO. Blue-light-induced fluorescence measurements and ratio fluorometry is a sensitive method for monitoring blood perfusion and acidity or alkalinity of an organ.
Klegerman, Melvin E.; Moody, Melanie R.; Hurling, Jermaine R.; Peng, Tao; Huang, Shao-Ling; McPherson, David D.
Rationale We have produced a liposomal formulation of xenon (Xe-ELIP) as a neuroprotectant for inhibition of brain damage in stroke patients. This mandates development of a reliable assay to measure the amount of dissolved xenon released from Xe-ELIP in water and blood samples. Methods Gas chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to quantify xenon gas released into the headspace of vials containing Xe-ELIP samples in water or blood. In order to determine blood concentration of xenon in vivo after Xe-ELIP administration, 6 mg Xe-ELIP lipid was infused intravenously into rats. Blood samples were drawn directly from a catheterized right carotid artery. After introduction of the samples, each vial was allowed to equilibrate to 37° C in a water bath, followed by 20 minutes of sonication prior to headspace sampling. Xenon concentrations were calculated from a gas dose-response curve and normalized using the published xenon water-gas solubility coefficient. Results The mean corrected percent of xenon from Xe-ELIP released into water was 3.87 ± 0.56% (SD, n = 8), corresponding to 19.3 ± 2.8 μl/mg lipid, which is consistent with previous independent Xe-ELIP measurements. The corresponding xenon content of Xe-ELIP in rat blood was 23.38 ± 7.36 μl/mg lipid (n = 8). Mean rat blood xenon concentration after IV administration of Xe-ELIP was 14 ± 10 μM, which is approximately 15% of the estimated neuroprotective level. Conclusions Using this approach, we have established a reproducible method for measuring dissolved xenon in fluids. These measurements have established that neuroprotective effects can be elicited by less than 20% of the calculated neuroprotective xenon blood concentration. More work will have to be done to establish the protective xenon pharmacokinetic range. PMID:27689777
Assessing Atmospheric CO2 Entrapped in Clay Nanotubes using Residual Gas Analyzer.
Das, Sankar; Maity, Abhijit; Pradhan, Manik; Jana, Subhra
A residual gas analyzer (RGA) coupled with a high-vacuum chamber has been explored to measure atmospheric CO2 entrapped in aminosilane-modified clay nanotubes. Ambient CO2 uptake efficacy together with stability of these novel adsorbents composed of both primary and/or secondary amine sites has been demonstrated at standard ambient temperature and pressure. The unprecedented sensitivity and accuracy of the RGA-based mass spectrometry technique toward atmospheric CO2 measurement has been substantiated with a laser-based optical cavity-enhanced integrated cavity output spectroscopy. The adsorption kinetics of atmospheric CO2 on amine-functionalized clay nanotubes followed the fractional-order kinetic model compared to that of the pseudo-first-order or pseudo-second-order rate equations. The efficiency along with stability of these novel adsorbents has also been demonstrated by their repetitive use for CO2 capture in the oxidative environment. Our findings thus point to a fundamental study on the atmospheric CO2 adsorption by amine-loaded adsorbents using an easy handling and low-cost benchtop RGA-based mass spectrometer, opening a new strategy for CO2 capture and sequestering study.
Masoumi, Gholamreza; Pour, Evaz Hidar; Sadeghpour, Ali; Ziayeefard, Mohsen; Alavi, Mostapha; Anbardan, Sanam Javid; Shirani, Shahin
On-pump coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery impairs gas exchange in the early postoperative period. The main object on this study was evaluation of changes in arterial blood gas values in patients underwent on pump CABG surgery receiving different dose of intravenous nitroglycerin (NTG). sixty-seven consecutive patients undergoing elective on-pump CABG randomly enrolled into three groups receiving NTG 50 μg/min (Group N1, n =67), 100 μg/min (Group N2, n = 67), and 150 μg/min (Group N3, n = 67). Arterial blood gas (ABG) tensions were evaluated just before induction of anesthesia, during anesthesia, at the end of warming up period, and 6 h after admission to the intensive care unit. Pao2 and PH had the highest value during surgery in Group N1, Group N2, and Group N3. No significant difference was noted in mean values of Pao2 and PH during surgery between three groups (P > 0.05). There was no significant difference in HCO3 values in different time intervals among three groups (P > 0.05). our results showed that infusing three different dosage of NTG (50, 100, and 150 μg/min) had no significant effect on ABG tensions in patients underwent on-pump CABG surgery.
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Eddy covariance flux research has relied on open- or closed-path gas analyzers for producing estimates of net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O). The two instruments have had different challenges that have led to development of an enclosed design that is intended to max...
Monitoring of rapid blood pH variations by CO detection in breath with tunable diode laser
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kouznetsov, Andrian I.; Stepanov, Eugene V.; Zyrianov, Pavel V.; Shulagin, Yurii A.; Diachenko, Alexander I.; Gurfinkel, Youri I.
Detection of endogenous carbon monoxide content in breath with tunable diode lasers (TDL) was proposed for noninvasive monitoring of rapid blood pH variation. Applied approach is based on high sensitivity of the haemoglobin and myoglobin affinity for CO to blood pH value and an ability to detect rapidly small variations of CO content in expired air. Breath CO absorption in 4.7 micrometers spectral region was carefully measured using PbSSe tunable diode laser that can provide 1 ppb CO concentration sensitivity and 10 s time constant. Applied TDL gas analyzer was used to monitor expired air of studied persons in physiological tests including hyperventilation and physical load. Simultaneous blood tests were conducted to demonstrate correlation between blood and breath chemical parameters.
Grubb, D; Rasmussen, B; Linnet, K; Olsson, S G; Lindberg, L
A novel breath-alcohol analyzer based on the standardization of the breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) to the alveolar-air water vapour concentration has been developed and evaluated. The present study compares results with this particular breath analyzer with arterial blood alcohol concentrations (ABAC), the most relevant quantitative measure of brain alcohol exposure. The precision of analysis of alcohol in arterial blood and breath were determined as well as the agreement between ABAC and BrAC over time post-dosing. Twelve healthy volunteers were administered 0.6g alcohol/kg bodyweight via an orogastric tube. Duplicate breath and arterial blood samples were obtained simultaneously during the absorption, distribution and elimination phases of the alcohol metabolism with particular emphasis on the absorption phase. The precision of the breath analyzer was similar to the determination of blood alcohol concentration by headspace gas chromatography (CV 2.40 vs. 2.38%, p=0.43). The ABAC/BrAC ratio stabilized 30min post-dosing (2089±99; mean±SD). Before this the BrAC tended to underestimate the coexisting ABAC. In conclusion, breath alcohol analysis utilizing standardization of alcohol to water vapour was as precise as blood alcohol analysis, the present "gold standard" method. The BrAC reliably predicted the coexisting ABAC from 30min onwards after the intake of alcohol. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new method for noninvasive measurement of pulmonary gas exchange using expired gas.
West, John B; Prisk, G Kim
Measurement of the gas exchange efficiency of the lung is often required in the practice of pulmonary medicine and in other settings. The traditional standard is the values of the PO2, PCO2, and pH of arterial blood. However arterial puncture requires technical expertise, is invasive, uncomfortable for the patient, and expensive. Here we describe how the composition of expired gas can be used in conjunction with pulse oximetry to obtain useful measures of gas exchange efficiency. The new procedure is noninvasive, well tolerated by the patient, and takes only a few minutes. It could be particularly useful when repeated measurements of pulmonary gas exchange are required. One product of the procedure is the difference between the PO2 of end-tidal alveolar gas and the calculated PO2 of arterial blood. This measurement is related to the classical alveolar-arterial PO2 difference based on ideal alveolar gas. However that traditional index is heavily influenced by lung units with low ventilation-perfusion ratios, whereas the new index has a broader physiological basis because it includes contributions from the whole lung. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Harigae, M; Hirose, Y; Gamo, M; Hirose, M; Fujiwara, C; Matsuo, K
We applied a continuous intra-arterial blood gas monitoring system (Paratrend 7) to a patient with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis during pulmonary lavage. Lavage was performed under general anesthesia with one lung ventilation. We inserted the sensor of Patatrend 7 through a 20 G catheter into the radial artery, and monitored pH, PaCO2 and PaO2 continuously throughout the procedure. SpO2 and EtCO2 were also monitored. Saline 1000-1500 ml was instilled and drained repeatedly by volume limited methods. PaO2 values by Paratrend 7 increased during instillation and decreased during drainage of the irrigating fluid. In contrast, PaCO2 value by Paratrend 7 decreased slightly during instillation and increased during drainage. The change of SpO2 was almost the same as that by Paratrend 7, but the response time of pulse oxymetry was a little quicker than Paratrend 7. During the lavage procedure, respiratory and circulatory condition changed very rapidly, and it is necessary to monitor blood gas change intensively. Paratrend 7 is useful as a perioperative monitoring system, but pulse oxymetry might be sufficient during pulmonary lavage considering its cost.
Klegerman, Melvin E; Moody, Melanie R; Hurling, Jermaine R; Peng, Tao; Huang, Shao-Ling; McPherson, David D
We have produced a liposomal formulation of xenon (Xe-ELIP) as a neuroprotectant for inhibition of brain damage in stroke patients. This mandates development of a reliable assay to measure the amount of dissolved xenon released from Xe-ELIP in water and blood samples. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was used to quantify xenon gas released into the headspace of vials containing Xe-ELIP samples in water or blood. In order to determine blood concentration of xenon in vivo after Xe-ELIP administration, 6 mg of Xe-ELIP lipid was infused intravenously into rats. Blood samples were drawn directly from a catheterized right carotid artery. After introduction of the samples, each vial was allowed to equilibrate to 37°C in a water bath, followed by 20 minutes of sonication prior to headspace sampling. Xenon concentrations were calculated from a gas dose-response curve and normalized using the published xenon water-gas solubility coefficient. The mean corrected percent of xenon from Xe-ELIP released into water was 3.87 ± 0.56% (SD, n = 8), corresponding to 19.3 ± 2.8 μL/mg lipid, which is consistent with previous independent Xe-ELIP measurements. The corresponding xenon content of Xe-ELIP in rat blood was 23.38 ± 7.36 μL/mg lipid (n = 8). Mean rat blood xenon concentration after intravenous administration of Xe-ELIP was 14 ± 10 μM, which is approximately 15% of the estimated neuroprotective level. Using this approach, we have established a reproducible method for measuring dissolved xenon in fluids. These measurements have established that neuroprotective effects can be elicited by less than 20% of the calculated neuroprotective xenon blood concentration. More work will have to be done to establish the protective xenon pharmacokinetic range. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Ameri, Mehrdad; Schnaars, Henry A; Sibley, John R; Honor, David J
The time from sampling to analysis can be delayed when blood samples are shipped to distant reference laboratories or when analysis cannot be readily performed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the stability of hematologic analytes in blood samples from monkeys, rabbits, rats, and mice when samples were stored for up to 72 hours at 4°C. Blood samples from 30 monkeys, 15 rabbits, 20 rats, and 30 mice were collected into EDTA-containing tubes and were initially analyzed within 1 hour of collection using the ADVIA 120 analyzer. The samples were then stored at 4°C and reanalyzed at 24, 48, and 72 hours after collection. Significant (P<.0003) changes in hematologic analytes and calculations included increased HCT and MCV and decreased MCHC and cell hemoglobin concentration mean (CHCM) at 72 hours and increased MPV at 24 hours in monkeys; increased MCV at 72 hours and MPV at 48 hours and decreased monocyte count at 24 hours in rabbits; increased MCV and decreased MCHC, CHCM, and monocyte count at 24 hours in rats; increased MCV, red cell distribution width, and MPV and decreased MCHC, CHCM, and monocyte count at 24 hours in mice. Although most of the changes in the hematologic analytes in blood from monkeys, rabbits, rats, and mice when samples were stored at 4°C were analytically acceptable and clinically negligible, the best practice in measuring hematologic analytes in these animals is timely processing of blood samples, preferably within 1 hour after collection. ©2011 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ocasio, W. C.; Rigney, D. R.; Clark, K. P.; Mark, R. G.; Goldberger, A. L. (Principal Investigator)
We describe the theory and computer implementation of a newly-derived mathematical model for analyzing the shape of blood pressure waveforms. Input to the program consists of an ECG signal, plus a single continuous channel of peripheral blood pressure, which is often obtained invasively from an indwelling catheter during intensive-care monitoring or non-invasively from a tonometer. Output from the program includes a set of parameter estimates, made for every heart beat. Parameters of the model can be interpreted in terms of the capacitance of large arteries, the capacitance of peripheral arteries, the inertance of blood flow, the peripheral resistance, and arterial pressure due to basal vascular tone. Aortic flow due to contraction of the left ventricle is represented by a forcing function in the form of a descending ramp, the area under which represents the stroke volume. Differential equations describing the model are solved by the method of Laplace transforms, permitting rapid parameter estimation by the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Parameter estimates and their confidence intervals are given in six examples, which are chosen to represent a variety of pressure waveforms that are observed during intensive-care monitoring. The examples demonstrate that some of the parameters may fluctuate markedly from beat to beat. Our program will find application in projects that are intended to correlate the details of the blood pressure waveform with other physiological variables, pathological conditions, and the effects of interventions.
Detection of bacterial growth by gas absorption.
Waters, J R
When 24 different aerobic organisms were grown in a shaken culture, all were found to first absorb gas from the headspace. In a rudimentary medium, such as tryptic soy broth, 16 of the 24 organisms did not produce gas following the initial gas absorption. We have developed a simple, noninvasive method for detecting both gas absorption and production in multiple culture vials. The time to positivity was compared with that obtained by the BACTEC 460 blood culture system. For nearly all of these organisms, there was no difference. For some of those organisms that did not produce gas, e.g. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Moraxella osloensis, and Neisseria meningitidis, detection by gas absorption was a few hours faster. Gas absorption appears to be a promising technique for a new automated blood culture system because of its simplicity and because medium without special additives can be used to detect organisms that do not produce gas.
Biochemical characterization of blood orange, sweet orange, lemon, bergamot and bitter orange.
Moufida, Saïdani; Marzouk, Brahim
This paper reports on the composition of aroma compounds and fatty acids and some physico-chemical parameters (juice percentage, acidity and total sugars) in five varieties of citrus: blood orange, sweet orange, lemon, bergamot and bitter orange. Volatile compounds and methyl esters have been analyzed by gas chromatography. Limonene is the most abundant compound of monoterpene hydrocarbons for all of the examined juices. Eighteen fatty acids have been identified in the studied citrus juices, their quantification points out that unsaturated acids predominate over the saturated ones. Mean concentration of fatty acids varies from 311.8 mg/l in blood orange juice to 678 mg/l in bitter orange juice. Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Determinants of pulmonary blood flow distribution.
Glenny, Robb W; Robertson, H Thomas
The primary function of the pulmonary circulation is to deliver blood to the alveolar capillaries to exchange gases. Distributing blood over a vast surface area facilitates gas exchange, yet the pulmonary vascular tree must be constrained to fit within the thoracic cavity. In addition, pressures must remain low within the circulatory system to protect the thin alveolar capillary membranes that allow efficient gas exchange. The pulmonary circulation is engineered for these unique requirements and in turn these special attributes affect the spatial distribution of blood flow. As the largest organ in the body, the physical characteristics of the lung vary regionally, influencing the spatial distribution on large-, moderate-, and small-scale levels. © 2011 American Physiological Society.
Park, Marcelo; Mendes, Pedro Vitale; Hirota, Adriana Sayuri; dos Santos, Edzangela Vasconcelos; Costa, Eduardo Leite Vieira; Azevedo, Luciano Cesar Pontes
Objective To analyze the correlations of the blood flow/pump rotation ratio and the transmembrane pressure, CO2 and O2 transfer during the extracorporeal respiratory support. Methods Five animals were instrumented and submitted to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a five-step protocol, including abdominal sepsis and lung injury. Results This study showed that blood flow/pump rotations ratio variations are dependent on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation blood flow in a positive logarithmic fashion. Blood flow/pump rotation ratio variations are negatively associated with transmembrane pressure (R2 = 0.5 for blood flow = 1500mL/minute and R2 = 0.4 for blood flow = 3500mL/minute, both with p < 0.001) and positively associated with CO2 transfer variations (R2 = 0.2 for sweep gas flow ≤ 6L/minute, p < 0.001, and R2 = 0.1 for sweep gas flow > 6L/minute, p = 0.006), and the blood flow/pump rotation ratio is not associated with O2 transfer variations (R2 = 0.01 for blood flow = 1500mL/minute, p = 0.19, and R2 = - 0.01 for blood flow = 3500 mL/minute, p = 0.46). Conclusion Blood flow/pump rotation ratio variation is negatively associated with transmembrane pressure and positively associated with CO2 transfer in this animal model. According to the clinical situation, a decrease in the blood flow/pump rotation ratio can indicate artificial lung dysfunction without the occurrence of hypoxemia. PMID:26340159
Park, Marcelo; Mendes, Pedro Vitale; Hirota, Adriana Sayuri; dos Santos, Edzangela Vasconcelos; Costa, Eduardo Leite Vieira; Azevedo, Luciano Cesar Pontes
To analyze the correlations of the blood flow/pump rotation ratio and the transmembrane pressure, CO2 and O2 transfer during the extracorporeal respiratory support. Five animals were instrumented and submitted to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a five-step protocol, including abdominal sepsis and lung injury. This study showed that blood flow/pump rotations ratio variations are dependent on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation blood flow in a positive logarithmic fashion. Blood flow/pump rotation ratio variations are negatively associated with transmembrane pressure (R2 = 0.5 for blood flow = 1500mL/minute and R2 = 0.4 for blood flow = 3500mL/minute, both with p < 0.001) and positively associated with CO2 transfer variations (R2 = 0.2 for sweep gas flow ≤ 6L/minute, p < 0.001, and R2 = 0.1 for sweep gas flow > 6L/minute, p = 0.006), and the blood flow/pump rotation ratio is not associated with O2 transfer variations (R2 = 0.01 for blood flow = 1500mL/minute, p = 0.19, and R2 = - 0.01 for blood flow = 3500 mL/minute, p = 0.46). Blood flow/pump rotation ratio variation is negatively associated with transmembrane pressure and positively associated with CO2 transfer in this animal model. According to the clinical situation, a decrease in the blood flow/pump rotation ratio can indicate artificial lung dysfunction without the occurrence of hypoxemia.
Methane asphyxia. Coal mine accident investigation of distribution of gas
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Terazawa, K.; Takatori, T.; Tomii, S.
Death from asphyxia due to substitution of air by methane gas may occur in coal mine by gas outburst. In such a case, it is required to determine methane gas contents from cadaveric blood and tissues for diagnosing cause of death and estimating conditions of the accident. The methane concentration in blood and tissue samples of 22 male victims by a gas outburst accident was measured by gas chromatography. The level of methane in the cardiac blood was in the range of 6.8-26.8 microliters/g. As a model of gas outburst in coal mine, rats were exposed experimentally to various concentrationsmore » of methane. Their course of death and methane distribution in the bodies were observed. From these findings, diagnostic criteria for asphyxia from substitution of air by methane are also discussed.« less
Schober, Yvonne; Wahl, Hans Günther; Renz, Harald; Nockher, Wolfgang Andreas
Cellular fatty acid (FA) profiles have been acknowledged as biomarkers in various human diseases. Nevertheless, common FA analysis by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) requires long analysis time. Hence, there is a need for feasible methods for high throughput analysis in clinical studies. FA was extracted from red blood cells (RBC) and derivatized to fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). A method using gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) with ammonia-induced chemical ionization (CI) was developed for the analysis of FA profiles in human RBC. We compared this method with classical single GC-MS using electron impact ionization (EI). The FA profiles of 703 RBC samples were determined by GC-MS/MS. In contrast to EI ammonia-induced CI resulted in adequate amounts of molecular ions for further fragmentation of FAME. Specific fragments for confident quantification and fragmentation were determined for 45 FA. The GC-MS/MS method has a total run time of 9min compared to typical analysis times of up to 60min in conventional GC-MS. Intra and inter assay variations were <10% for all FA analyzed. Analysis of RBC FA composition revealed an age-dependent increase of the omega-3 eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid, and a decline of the omega-6 linoleic acid with a corresponding rise of the omega-3 index. The combination of ammonia-induced CI and tandem mass spectrometry after GC separation allows for high-throughput, robust and confident analysis of FA profiles in the clinical laboratory. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Incentives for Blood Donation: A Discrete Choice Experiment to Analyze Extrinsic Motivation.
Sadler, Andrew; Shi, Ling; Bethge, Susanne; Mühlbacher, Axel
Background: Demographic trends affect size and age structure of populations. One of the consequences will be an increasing need for blood products to treat age-related diseases. Donation services rely on voluntariness and charitable motivation. It might be questioned whether there will be sufficient blood supply with voluntary donation. The present study focused on elicitation of preferences for incentives and aimed to contribute to the discussion on how to increase donation rates. Methods: A self-administered discrete choice experiment (DCE) was applied. Respondents were repeatedly asked to choose between hypothetical blood donation centers. In case of reluctance to receiving incentives a none-option was included. Random parameter logit (RPL) and latent class models (LCM) were used for analysis. Results: The study sample included 416 college students from the US and Germany. Choice decisions were significantly influenced by the characteristics of the donation center in the DCE. Incentives most preferred were monetary compensation, paid leave, and blood screening test. LCM identified subgroups with preference heterogeneity. Small subgroups indicated moderate to strong aversion to incentives. Conclusion: The majority of the sample positively responded to incentives and indicated a willingness to accept incentives. In face of future challenges, the judicious use and appropriate utilization of incentives might be an option to motivate potential donors and should be open to discussion.
Gas sampling system for reactive gas-solid mixtures
Daum, Edward D.; Downs, William; Jankura, Bryan J.; McCoury, Jr., John M.
An apparatus and method for sampling a gas containing a reactive particulate solid phase flowing through a duct and for communicating a representative sample to a gas analyzer. A sample probe sheath 32 with an angular opening 34 extends vertically into a sample gas duct 30. The angular opening 34 is opposite the gas flow. A gas sampling probe 36 concentrically located within sheath 32 along with calibration probe 40 partly extend in the sheath 32. Calibration probe 40 extends further in the sheath 32 than gas sampling probe 36 for purging the probe sheath area with a calibration gas during calibration.
Gas sampling system for reactive gas-solid mixtures
Daum, Edward D.; Downs, William; Jankura, Bryan J.; McCoury, Jr., John M.
An apparatus and method for sampling gas containing a reactive particulate solid phase flowing through a duct and for communicating a representative sample to a gas analyzer. A sample probe sheath 32 with an angular opening 34 extends vertically into a sample gas duct 30. The angular opening 34 is opposite the gas flow. A gas sampling probe 36 concentrically located within sheath 32 along with calibration probe 40 partly extends in the sheath 32. Calibration probe 40 extends further in the sheath 32 than gas sampling probe 36 for purging the probe sheath area with a calibration gas during calibration.
Solubility of Haloether Anesthetics in Human and Animal Blood
Soares, Joao H. N.; Brosnan, Robert J.; Fukushima, Fabíola B.; Hodges, Joanne; Liu, Hong
Background Anesthetic blood solubility predicts pharmacokinetics for inhaled agents and is essential for determination of blood anesthetic concentrations from end-tidal gas concentrations using Henry’s Law. Though used to model anesthetic effects in humans, there are limited interspecies solubility comparisons that include modern haloethers. This study aimed to measure hematocrit-adjusted blood:gas anesthetic partition coefficients (λB:G) for desflurane, sevoflurane, isoflurane, and methoxyflurane in humans and animals. Methods Whole blood was collected from 20 rats, 8 horses, and 4 each of cats, cattle, humans, dogs, goats, pigs, rabbits, and sheep. Plasma or cell volume was removed to adjust all samples to a packed cell volume of 40%. A single agent calibration gas headspace was added to blood in a glass syringe and was mixed and equilibrated at 37°C for 2 hours. Agent concentrations in the calibration gas and syringe headspace were measured using gas chromatography. Anesthetic solubility in saline, citrate-phosphate-dextrose-adenine, and olive oil were similarly measured. Results Except for goats, all animal species had at least one λB:G measurement that differed significantly from humans. For each agent, λB:G positively correlated with serum triglyceride concentrations, but this only explained 25% of interspecies variability. Desflurane was significantly less soluble in blood than sevoflurane in some species (e.g., humans) but not in others (e.g., rabbits). Conclusions Anesthetic partition coefficients differ significantly between humans and most animals for haloether anesthetics. Because of their similar λB:G values, goats may be a better animal model for inhaled anesthetic pharmacokinetics in people. PMID:22510863
Solubility of haloether anesthetics in human and animal blood.
Soares, Joao H N; Brosnan, Robert J; Fukushima, Fabíola B; Hodges, Joanne; Liu, Hong
Anesthetic blood solubility predicts pharmacokinetics for inhaled agents and is essential for determination of blood anesthetic concentrations from end-tidal gas concentrations using Henry's Law. Though used to model anesthetic effects in humans, there are limited interspecies solubility comparisons that include modern haloethers. This study aimed to measure hematocrit-adjusted blood:gas anesthetic partition coefficients (λ B:G) for desflurane, sevoflurane, isoflurane, and methoxyflurane in humans and animals. Whole blood was collected from 20 rats, 8 horses, and 4 each of cats, cattle, humans, dogs, goats, pigs, rabbits, and sheep. Plasma or cell volume was removed to adjust all samples to a packed cell volume of 40%. A single-agent calibration gas headspace was added to blood in a glass syringe and was mixed and equilibrated at 37°C for 2 h. Agent concentrations in the calibration gas and syringe headspace were measured using gas chromatography. Anesthetic solubility in saline, citrate-phosphate-dextrose-adenine, and olive oil were similarly measured. Except for goats, all animal species had at least one λ B:G measurement that differed significantly from humans. For each agent, λ B:G positively correlated with serum triglyceride concentrations, but this only explained 25% of interspecies variability. Desflurane was significantly less soluble in blood than sevoflurane in some species (e.g., humans) but not in others (e.g., rabbits). Anesthetic partition coefficients differ significantly between humans and most animals for haloether anesthetics. Because of their similar λ B:G values, goats may be a better animal model for inhaled anesthetic pharmacokinetics in people.
Ishii, A; Seno, H; Watanabe-Suzuki, K; Suzuki, O; Kumazawa, T
Cyanide, one of the most important toxic substances, has been found measurable with high sensitivity by capillary gas chromatography (GC) with cryogenic oven trapping upon injection of headspace (HS) vapor samples. The entire amount of cyanide in the HS sample could be cryogenically trapped prior to on-line GC analysis. A 0.5-mL volume of blood in the presence or absence of cyanide and propionitrile (internal standard, IS) was added to a vial containing 0.25 mL of distilled water, 0.3 g of Na2-SO4, 0.2 mL of 50% H3PO4, and 0.1 g of ascorbic acid (when needed), and the mixture was heated at 70 degrees C for 15 min. A 5-mL volume of the HS vapor was introduced into a GC capillary column in the splitless mode at -30 degrees C oven temperature that was programmed up to 160 degrees C for GC analysis with nitrogen-phosphorus detection. A sharp peak was obtained for cyanide under the present conditions, and backgrounds were very clean. The extraction efficiencies of cyanide and IS were 2.89-3.22 (100 or 500 ng/mL) and 2.42%, respectively. The calibration curve showed good linearity in the range of 25-1000 ng/mL and the detection limit was approximately 2 ng/mL. The coefficients of intraday and interday variations were 2.9 and 11.8%, respectively. The mean blood cyanide level measured for actual fire victims was 687 +/- 597 ng/mL (mean +/- SD, n = 9). Endogenous blood cyanide concentration for healthy subjects was 8.41 +/- 3.09 ng/mL (mean +/- SD, n = 6).
Super liquid-repellent gas membranes for carbon dioxide capture and heart-lung machines.
Paven, Maxime; Papadopoulos, Periklis; Schöttler, Susanne; Deng, Xu; Mailänder, Volker; Vollmer, Doris; Butt, Hans-Jürgen
In a gas membrane, gas is transferred between a liquid and a gas through a microporous membrane. The main challenge is to achieve a high gas transfer while preventing wetting and clogging. With respect to the oxygenation of blood, haemocompatibility is also required. Here we coat macroporous meshes with a superamphiphobic-or liquid repellent-layer to meet this challenge. The superamphiphobic layer consists of a fractal-like network of fluorinated silicon oxide nanospheres; gas trapped between the nanospheres keeps the liquid from contacting the wall of the membrane. We demonstrate the capabilities of the membrane by capturing carbon dioxide gas into a basic aqueous solution and in addition use it to oxygenate blood. Usually, blood tends to clog membranes because of the abundance of blood cells, platelets, proteins and lipids. We show that human blood stored in a superamphiphobic well for 24 h can be poured off without leaving cells or adsorbed protein behind.
Mathematical model of gas plasma applied to chronic wounds
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Wang, J. G.; Liu, X. Y.; Liu, D. W.
Chronic wounds are a major burden for worldwide health care systems, and patients suffer pain and discomfort from this type of wound. Recently gas plasmas have been shown to safely speed chronic wounds healing. In this paper, we develop a deterministic mathematical model formulated by eight-species reaction-diffusion equations, and use it to analyze the plasma treatment process. The model follows spatial and temporal concentration within the wound of oxygen, chemoattractants, capillary sprouts, blood vessels, fibroblasts, extracellular matrix material, nitric oxide (NO), and inflammatory cell. Two effects of plasma, increasing NO concentration and reducing bacteria load, are considered in this model.more » The plasma treatment decreases the complete healing time from 25 days (normal wound healing) to 17 days, and the contributions of increasing NO concentration and reducing bacteria load are about 1/4 and 3/4, respectively. Increasing plasma treatment frequency from twice to three times per day accelerates healing process. Finally, the response of chronic wounds of different etiologies to treatment with gas plasmas is analyzed.« less
Reif, Philipp; Lakovschek, Ioanna; Tappauf, Carmen; Haas, Josef; Lang, Uwe; Schöll, Wolfgang
Although fetal blood sampling for pH is well established the use of lactate has not been widely adopted. This study validated the performance and utility of a handheld point-of-care (POC) lactate device in comparison with the lactate and pH values obtained by the ABL 800 blood gas analyzer. The clinical performance and influences on accuracy and decision-making criteria were assessed with freshly taken fetal blood scalp samples (n=57) and umbilical cord samples (n=310). Bland-Altman plot was used for data plotting and analyzing the agreement between the two measurement devices and correlation coefficients (R²) were determined using Passing-Bablok regression analysis. Sample processing errors were much lower in the testing device (22.8% vs. 0.5%). Following a preclinical assessment and calibration offset alignment (0.5 mmol/L) the test POC device showed good correlation with the reference method for lactate FBS (R²=0.977, p<0.0001, 95% CI 0.9 59-0.988), arterial cord blood (R²=0.976, p<0.0001, 95% CI 0.967-0.983) and venous cord blood (R²=0.977, p<0.0001, 95% CI 0.968-0.984). A POC device which allows for a calibration adjustment to be made following preclinical testing can provide results that will correlate closely to an incumbent lactate method such as a blood gas analyzer. The use of a POC lactate device can address the impracticality and reality of pH sample collection and testing failures experienced in day to day clinical practice. For the StatStrip Lactate meter we suggest using a lactate cut-off of 5.1 mmol/L for predicting fetal acidosis (pH<7.20).
Haverstick, Doris M; Brill, Louis B; Scott, Mitchell G; Bruns, David E
Measurements of free (ionized) calcium (iCa) are increasingly requested in patient care locations where immediate analysis is unavailable. Evacuated blood collection tubes containing lithium heparin and gel separator material are widely used in clinical laboratories, but little information is available on the effects of these tubes or of delay prior to analysis on the concentration or stability of iCa. We collected blood from volunteers into lithium-heparin tubes (PST, Vacutainer PST, BD Pre-Analytic Systems) of multiple lots and into electrolyte-balanced heparin syringes (Portex Dry Heparin, Smiths Medical). iCa was measured (Siemens 1265 blood gas analyzers) immediately and, in PST, at 0-7 h with or without transportation of the tubes from remote sites. The mean difference of free calcium results in the PST tubes and electrolyte-balanced syringes was -0.08 (95% confidence interval -0.17 to 0.012) mmol/l, and the SD of the residuals (Sy, x) of the regression was 0.03 mmol/l. There was no detectable lot-to-lot variation in results. Free calcium was stable in tubes at room temperature and at 4 degrees C for at least 7 h with or without transportation. iCa measured in the examined blood collection tubes is stable and unaffected by lot-to-lot variation of tubes, but results are slightly lower than with special blood gas syringes.
Matsuoka, Tadashi; Suzuki, Masaru; Sano, Motoaki; Hayashida, Kei; Tamura, Tomoyoshi; Homma, Koichiro; Fukuda, Keiichi; Sasaki, Junichi
Mortality of hemorrhagic shock primarily depends on whether or not the patients can endure the loss of circulating volume until radical treatment is applied. We investigated whether hydrogen (H2) gas inhalation would influence the tolerance to hemorrhagic shock and improve survival. Hemorrhagic shock was achieved by withdrawing blood until the mean arterial blood pressure reached 30-35 mm Hg. After 60 minutes of shock, the rats were resuscitated with a volume of normal saline equal to four times the volume of shed blood. The rats were assigned to either the H2 gas (1.3% H2, 26% O2, 72.7% N2)-treated group or the control gas (26% O2, 74% N2)-treated group. Inhalation of the specified gas mixture began at the initiation of blood withdrawal and continued for 2 hours after fluid resuscitation. The survival rate at 6 hours after fluid resuscitation was 80% in H2 gas-treated rats and 30% in control gas-treated rats (p < 0.05). The volume of blood that was removed through a catheter to induce shock was significantly larger in the H2 gas-treated rats than in the control rats. Despite losing more blood, the increase in serum potassium levels was suppressed in the H2 gas-treated rats after 60 minutes of shock. Fluid resuscitation completely restored blood pressure in the H2 gas-treated rats, whereas it failed to fully restore the blood pressure in the control gas-treated rats. At 2 hours after fluid resuscitation, blood pressure remained in the normal range and metabolic acidosis was well compensated in the H2 gas-treated rats, whereas we observed decreased blood pressure and uncompensated metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia in the surviving control gas-treated rats. H2 gas inhalation delays the progression to irreversible shock. Clinically, H2 gas inhalation is expected to stabilize the subject until curative treatment can be performed, thereby increasing the probability of survival after hemorrhagic shock.
Blood in ancient Jewish culture.
Kottek, Samuel S
The article analyzes the Jewish attitude towards blood, conceived both as the vehicle of life, and as a polluting product of feminine bodies. The author analyzes numerous Biblical sources concerning the 'unapproachable' blood of menstruation, the role of blood in the generation of the fetus, the blood as source of illness, the practice of bloodletting, and finally the idea that male menstruation exists as a peculiarity of the Jews.
40 CFR 89.318 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... shall be checked for response to water vapor and CO2. (1) Follow good engineering practices for... gases of concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench responses to these two... gas.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor...
40 CFR 89.318 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... shall be checked for response to water vapor and CO2. (1) Follow good engineering practices for... gases of concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench responses to these two... gas.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor...
40 CFR 89.318 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... shall be checked for response to water vapor and CO2. (1) Follow good engineering practices for... gases of concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench responses to these two... gas.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor...
40 CFR 89.318 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... shall be checked for response to water vapor and CO2. (1) Follow good engineering practices for... gases of concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench responses to these two... gas.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor...
40 CFR 89.318 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... shall be checked for response to water vapor and CO2. (1) Follow good engineering practices for... gases of concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench responses to these two... gas.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor...
Andreis, Elisabeth; Küllmer, Kai
Self-monitoring of blood glucose (BG) by means of handheld BG systems is a cornerstone in diabetes therapy. The aim of this article is to describe a procedure with proven traceability for calibration and evaluation of BG systems to guarantee reliable BG measurements. Isotope dilution gas chromatography mass spectrometry (ID/GC/MS) is a method that fulfills all requirements to be used in a higher-order reference measurement procedure. However, this method is not applicable for routine measurements because of the time-consuming sample preparation. A hexokinase method with perchloric acid (PCA) sample pretreatment is used in a measurement procedure for such purposes. This method is directly linked to the ID/GC/MS method by calibration with a glucose solution that has an ID/GC/MS-determined target value. BG systems are calibrated with whole blood samples. The glucose levels in such samples are analyzed by this ID/GC/MS-linked hexokinase method to establish traceability to higher-order reference material. For method comparison, the glucose concentrations in 577 whole blood samples were measured using the PCA-hexokinase method and the ID/GC/MS method; this resulted in a mean deviation of 0.1%. The mean deviation between BG levels measured in >500 valid whole blood samples with BG systems and the ID/GC/MS was 1.1%. BG systems allow a reliable glucose measurement if a true reference measurement procedure, with a noninterrupted traceability chain using ID/GC/MS linked hexokinase method for calibration of BG systems, is implemented. Systems should be calibrated by means of a traceable and defined measurement procedure to avoid bias. PMID:24876614
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sugano, Koji; Matsumoto, Ryu; Tsutsui, Ryota; Kishihara, Hiroyuki; Matsuzuka, Naoki; Yamashita, Ichiro; Uraoka, Yukiharu; Isono, Yoshitada
This study focuses on the development of a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) forest integrated micromechanical resonator working as a rarefied gas analyzer for nitrogen (N2) and hydrogen (H2) gases in a medium vacuum atmosphere. The resonant response is detected in the form of changes in the resonant frequency or damping effects, depending on the rarefied gas species. The carbon nanotube (CNT) forest on the resonator enhances the effective specific surface area of the resonator, such that the variation of the resonant frequency and the damping effect based on the gas species increase significantly. We developed the fabrication process for the proposed resonator, which consists of standard micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) processes and high-density CNT synthesis on the resonator mass. The high-density CNT synthesis was realized using multistep alternate coating of two types of ferritin proteins that act as catalytic iron particles. Two devices with different CNT densities were fabricated and characterized to evaluate the effect of the surface area of the CNT forest on the resonant response as a function of gas pressures ranging from 0.011 to 1 Pa for N2 and H2. Considering the damping effect, we found that the device with higher density was able to distinguish N2 and H2 clearly, whereas the device with lower density showed no difference between N2 and H2. We confirmed that a larger surface area showed a higher damping effect. These results were explained based on the kinetic theory of gases. In the case of resonant frequency, the relative resonant frequency shift increased with gas pressure and surface area because of the adsorption of gas molecules on the resonator surfaces. Higher density CNT forest adsorbed more gas molecules on the surfaces. The developed CNT forest integrated micromechanical resonator could successfully detect N2 and H2 gases and distinguish between them under pressures of 1 Pa.
Da Rin, G; Vidali, M; Balboni, F; Benegiamo, A; Borin, M; Ciardelli, M L; Dima, F; Di Fabio, A; Fanelli, A; Fiorini, F; Francione, S; Germagnoli, L; Gioia, M; Lari, T; Lorubbio, M; Marini, A; Papa, A; Seghezzi, M; Solarino, L; Pipitone, S; Tilocca, E; Buoro, S
Recent automated hematology analyzers (HAs) can identify and report nucleated red blood cells (NRBC) count as a separate population out of white blood cells (WBC). The aim of this study was to investigate the analytical performances of NRBC enumeration on five top of the range HAs. We evaluated the within-run and between-day precision, limit of blank (LoB), limit of detection (LoD), and limit of quantitation (LoQ) of XE-2100 and XN-module (Sysmex), ADVIA 2120i (Siemens), BC-6800 (Mindray), and UniCel DxH 800 (Beckman Coulter). Automated NRBC counts were also compared with optical microscopy (OM). The limits of detection for NRBC of the BC-6800, XN-module, XE-2100, UniCel DxH 800, and ADVIA 2120i are 0.035×10 9 /L, 0.019×10 9 /L, 0.067×10 9 /L, 0.038×10 9 /L, and 0.167×10 9 /L, respectively. Our data indicated excellent performance in terms of precision. The agreement with OM was excellent for BC-6800, XN-module, and XE-2100 (Bias 0.023, 0.019, and 0.033×10 9 /L, respectively). ADVIA 2120i displayed a significant constant error and UniCel DxH 800 both proportional and small constant error. Regards to NRBC counting, the performances shown by BC-6800, XN-module, and XE-2100 are excellent also a low count, ADVIA 2120i and UniCel DxH 800 need to be improved. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Stomach gas analyses in canine acute gastric dilatation with volvulus.
Van Kruiningen, H J; Gargamelli, C; Havier, J; Frueh, S; Jin, L; Suib, S
The origin of the gas in the stomachs of dogs with acute gastric dilatation or gastric dilatation with volvulus (GDV) often is disputed. We tested the hypothesis that gaseous distention resulted from aerophagia. Ten cases of GDV that were submitted to an emergency clinic were sampled intraoperatively. With the abdomen open, the needle of a vacutainer blood collection set was inserted into the distended stomach, and gas was collected into 10 mL glass vacutainer vials with rubber stoppers. These were stored at room temperature for 1-7 days and then analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. CO2 composition ranged from 13 to 20%. One dog had an H2 concentration of 29%. Because the CO2 content of atmospheric air is less than 1%, these findings suggest that the gaseous gastric distention in GDV is not the result of aerophagia. Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
Fiorini, Dennis; Boarelli, Maria Chiara; Gabbianelli, Rosita; Ballini, Roberto; Pacetti, Deborah
This study sought to develop and validate a quantitative method to analyze short chain free fatty acids (SCFAs) in rat feces by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography (SPME-GC) using the salt mixture ammonium sulfate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate as salting out agent. Conditioning and extraction time, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, repeatability, and recovery were evaluated. The proposed method allows quantification with improved sensitivity as compared with other methods exploiting SPME-GC. The method has been applied to analyze rat fecal samples, quantifying acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric, isopentanoic, pentanoic, and hexanoic acids. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Gao, Xue; Guo, Hao; Wang, Junwei; Zhao, Qingbiao
In this study, a sensitive and fast procedure of ultrasonic-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (UADLLME) coupled with gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) for the determination of major pyrethroid pesticides (permethrin, tetramethrin, bifenthrin, fenvalerate, flucythrinate, fluvalinate, fenpropathrin, deltamethrin, and cyhalothrin) in blood samples was developed. Response surface methodology (RSM) combined with Box-Behnken design (BBD) and ANOVA function was used to optimize key factors affecting the extraction efficiency of UADLLME procedure. Target compounds were analyzed by GC-MS/MS. Under the optimal conditions, good linearity (R 2 >0.99) was achieved for all the analytes in the concentration range of 0.5 to 100 μg L -1 . The recoveries for spiked samples at 3 concentration levels were between 70.2 and 91.8%, with relative standard deviations (RSD) lower than 10%. Very low limits of detection (LODs) and limits of quantification (LOQs) ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 μg L -1 and from 0.03 to 0.3 μg L -1 were achieved. This method was successfully applied to the determination of low concentration of pyrethroids in blood samples from real forensic cases. High sensitivity, fast determination, simplicity in operation, small sample volume, and low usage of organic solvents are the advantages of this method. This methodology is of important value for sensitive and quick determination of residue pesticides and metabolites, study of residue pesticides behavior in human body, as well as application in real forensic cases. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Olek, Robert A.; Kujach, Sylwester; Wnuk, Damian; Laskowski, Radoslaw
This study examined the effect of a single sodium pyruvate ingestion on a blood acid-base status and exercise metabolism markers. Nine active, but non-specifically trained, male subjects participated in the double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. One hour prior to the exercise, subjects ingested either 0.1 g·kg−1 of body mass of a sodium pyruvate or placebo. The capillary blood samples were obtained at rest, 60 min after ingestion, and then three and 15 min after completing the workout protocol to analyze acid-base status and lactate, pyruvate, alanine, glucose concentrations. The pulmonary gas exchange, minute ventilation and the heart rate were measured during the exercise at a constant power output, corresponding to ~90% O2max. The blood pH, bicarbonate and the base excess were significantly higher after sodium pyruvate ingestion than in the placebo trial. The blood lactate concentration was not different after the ingestion, but the post-exercise was significantly higher in the pyruvate trial (12.9 ± 0.9 mM) than in the placebo trial (10.6 ± 0.3 mM, p < 0.05) and remained elevated (nonsignificant) after 15 min of recovery. The blood pyruvate, alanine and glucose concentrations, as well as the overall pulmonary gas exchange during the exercise were not affected by the pyruvate ingestion. In conclusion, the sodium pyruvate ingestion one hour before workout modified the blood acid-base status and the lactate production during the exercise. PMID:24841105
McCain, Stephanie L; Flatland, Bente; Schumacher, Juergen P; Clarke Iii, Elsburgh O; Fry, Michael M
Advantages of handheld and small bench-top biochemical analyzers include requirements for smaller sample volume and practicality for use in the field or in practices, but little has been published on the performance of these instruments compared with standard reference methods in analysis of reptilian blood. The aim of this study was to compare reptilian blood biochemical values obtained using the Abaxis VetScan Classic bench-top analyzer and a Heska i-STAT handheld analyzer with values obtained using a Roche Hitachi 911 chemical analyzer. Reptiles, including 14 bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps), 4 blue-tongued skinks (Tiliqua gigas), 8 Burmese star tortoises (Geochelone platynota), 10 Indian star tortoises (Geochelone elegans), 5 red-tailed boas (Boa constrictor), and 5 Northern pine snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus), were manually restrained, and a single blood sample was obtained and divided for analysis. Results for concentrations of albumin, bile acids, calcium, glucose, phosphates, potassium, sodium, total protein, and uric acid and activities of aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase obtained from the VetScan Classic and Hitachi 911 were compared. Results for concentrations of chloride, glucose, potassium, and sodium obtained from the i-STAT and Hitachi 911 were compared. Compared with results from the Hitachi 911, those from the VetScan Classic and i-STAT had variable correlations, and constant or proportional bias was found for many analytes. Bile acid data could not be evaluated because results for 44 of 45 samples fell below the lower linearity limit of the VetScan Classic. Although the 2 portable instruments might provide measurements with clinical utility, there were significant differences compared with the reference analyzer, and development of analyzer-specific reference intervals is recommended. ©2010 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology.
Transport of cardiovascular microbubbles in gas embolotherapy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bull, Joseph L.; Calderon, Andres J.; Eshpuniyani, Brijesh; Valassis, Doug; Fowlkes, J. Brian
This work is motivated by our ongoing development of a novel gas embolotherapy technique to occlude blood flow to tumors using gas bubbles that are selectively formed by the in vivo acoustic vaporization of liquid perfluorocarbon droplets. The droplets are small enough to pass through the microcirculation, but the subsequent bubbles are large enough to lodge in vessels. The uniformity of tumor infarction depends on the transport the blood-borne bubbles before they stick. We theoretically and experimentally investigate the transport of gas bubbles through bifurcating blood vessels. More homogenous bubble splitting is observed for higher values of capillary numbers and lower values of Bond numbers. The dependence of bubble lodging on flow parameters is also investigated, and several modes of bubble lodging and sticking are identified. These findings indicate the ability of gas bubbles to occlude flow and suggest the potential for development of treatment strategies that uniformly occlude the tumor circulation while minimizing collateral infarction. This work is supported by NSF grant BES-0301278 and NIH grant EB003541.
Verification and quality control of routine hematology analyzers.
Vis, J Y; Huisman, A
Verification of hematology analyzers (automated blood cell counters) is mandatory before new hematology analyzers may be used in routine clinical care. The verification process consists of several items which comprise among others: precision, accuracy, comparability, carryover, background and linearity throughout the expected range of results. Yet, which standard should be met or which verification limit be used is at the discretion of the laboratory specialist. This paper offers practical guidance on verification and quality control of automated hematology analyzers and provides an expert opinion on the performance standard that should be met by the contemporary generation of hematology analyzers. Therefore (i) the state-of-the-art performance of hematology analyzers for complete blood count parameters is summarized, (ii) considerations, challenges, and pitfalls concerning the development of a verification plan are discussed, (iii) guidance is given regarding the establishment of reference intervals, and (iv) different methods on quality control of hematology analyzers are reviewed. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Itoh, Toshio; Miwa, Toshio; Tsuruta, Akihiro; Akamatsu, Takafumi; Izu, Noriya; Shin, Woosuck; Park, Jangchul; Hida, Toyoaki; Eda, Takeshi; Setoguchi, Yasuhiro
Various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in breath exhaled by patients with lung cancer, healthy controls, and patients with lung cancer who underwent surgery for resection of cancer were analyzed by gas condenser-equipped gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for development of an exhaled breath monitoring prototype system involving metal oxide gas sensors, a gas condenser, and gas chromatography columns. The gas condenser-GC/MS analysis identified concentrations of 56 VOCs in the breath exhaled by the test population of 136 volunteers (107 patients with lung cancer and 29 controls), and selected four target VOCs, nonanal, acetoin, acetic acid, and propanoic acid, for use with the condenser, GC, and sensor-type prototype system. The prototype system analyzed exhaled breath samples from 101 volunteers (74 patients with lung cancer and 27 controls). The prototype system exhibited a level of performance similar to that of the gas condenser-GC/MS system for breath analysis. PMID:27834896
Elbashir, Ahmed B; Abdelbagi, Azhari O; Hammad, Ahmed M A; Elzorgani, Gafar A; Laing, Mark D
Ninety-six human blood samples were collected from six locations that represent areas of intensive pesticide use in Sudan, which included irrigated cotton schemes (Wad Medani, Hasaheesa, Elmanagil, and Elfaw) and sugarcane schemes (Kenana and Gunaid). Blood samples were analyzed for organochlorine pesticide residues by gas liquid chromatography (GLC) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD). Residues of p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), heptachlor epoxide, γ-HCH, and dieldrin were detected in blood from all locations surveyed. Aldrin was not detected in any of the samples analyzed, probably due to its conversion to dieldrin. The levels of total organochlorine burden detected were higher in the blood from people in the irrigated cotton schemes (mean 261 ng ml(-1), range 38-641 ng ml(-1)) than in the blood of people from the irrigated sugarcane schemes (mean 204 ng ml(-1), range 59-365 ng ml(-1)). The highest levels of heptachlor epoxide (170 ng ml(-1)) and γ-HCH (92 ng ml(-1)) were observed in blood samples from Hasaheesa, while the highest levels of DDE (618 ng ml(-1)) and dieldrin (82 ng ml(-1)) were observed in blood samples from Wad Medani and Kenana, respectively. The organochlorine levels in blood samples seemed to decrease with increasing distance from the old irrigated cotton schemes (Wad Medani, Hasaheesa, and Elmanagil) where the heavy application of these pesticides took place historically.
... of shock. Tests that may be done include: Tissue and fluid cultures to test for bacteria including clostridial species Blood culture to determine the bacteria causing the infection Gram ... X-ray , CT scan, or MRI of the area may show gas in the tissues.
Blood gases, biochemistry, and hematology of Galapagos green turtles (Chelonia mydas).
Lewbart, Gregory A; Hirschfeld, Maximilian; Denkinger, Judith; Vasco, Karla; Guevara, Nataly; García, Juan; Muñoz, Juanpablo; Lohmann, Kenneth J
The green turtle, Chelonia mydas, is an endangered marine chelonian with a circum-global distribution. Reference blood parameter intervals have been published for some chelonian species, but baseline hematology, biochemical, and blood gas values are lacking from the Galapagos sea turtles. Analyses were done on blood samples drawn from 28 green turtles captured in two foraging locations on San Cristóbal Island (14 from each site). Of these turtles, 20 were immature and of unknown sex; the other eight were males (five mature, three immature). A portable blood analyzer (iSTAT) was used to obtain near immediate field results for pH, lactate, pO2, pCO2, HCO3-, Hct, Hb, Na, K, iCa, and Glu. Parameter values affected by temperature were corrected in two ways: (1) with standard formulas; and (2) with auto-corrections made by the iSTAT. The two methods yielded clinically equivalent results. Standard laboratory hematology techniques were employed for the red and white blood cell counts and the hematocrit determination, which was also compared to the hematocrit values generated by the iSTAT. Of all blood analytes, only lactate concentrations were positively correlated with body size. All other values showed no significant difference between the two sample locations nor were they correlated with body size or internal temperature. For hematocrit count, the iSTAT blood analyzer yielded results indistinguishable from those obtained with high-speed centrifugation. The values reported in this study provide baseline data that may be useful in comparisons among populations and in detecting changes in health status among Galapagos sea turtles. The findings might also be helpful in future efforts to demonstrate associations between specific biochemical parameters and disease.
Blood Gases, Biochemistry, and Hematology of Galapagos Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas)
Lewbart, Gregory A.; Hirschfeld, Maximilian; Denkinger, Judith; Vasco, Karla; Guevara, Nataly; García, Juan; Muñoz, Juanpablo; Lohmann, Kenneth J.
The green turtle, Chelonia mydas, is an endangered marine chelonian with a circum-global distribution. Reference blood parameter intervals have been published for some chelonian species, but baseline hematology, biochemical, and blood gas values are lacking from the Galapagos sea turtles. Analyses were done on blood samples drawn from 28 green turtles captured in two foraging locations on San Cristóbal Island (14 from each site). Of these turtles, 20 were immature and of unknown sex; the other eight were males (five mature, three immature). A portable blood analyzer (iSTAT) was used to obtain near immediate field results for pH, lactate, pO2, pCO2, HCO3 −, Hct, Hb, Na, K, iCa, and Glu. Parameter values affected by temperature were corrected in two ways: (1) with standard formulas; and (2) with auto-corrections made by the iSTAT. The two methods yielded clinically equivalent results. Standard laboratory hematology techniques were employed for the red and white blood cell counts and the hematocrit determination, which was also compared to the hematocrit values generated by the iSTAT. Of all blood analytes, only lactate concentrations were positively correlated with body size. All other values showed no significant difference between the two sample locations nor were they correlated with body size or internal temperature. For hematocrit count, the iSTAT blood analyzer yielded results indistinguishable from those obtained with high-speed centrifugation. The values reported in this study provide baseline data that may be useful in comparisons among populations and in detecting changes in health status among Galapagos sea turtles. The findings might also be helpful in future efforts to demonstrate associations between specific biochemical parameters and disease. PMID:24824065
40 CFR 86.121-90 - Hydrocarbon analyzer calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... used operating range with propane in air calibration gases (either methanol or methane in air as... response factor to methane. When the FID analyzer is to be used for the analysis of gasoline, diesel, methanol, ethanol, liquefied petroleum gas, and natural gas-fueled vehicle hydrocarbon samples, the methane...
40 CFR 86.121-90 - Hydrocarbon analyzer calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... used operating range with propane in air calibration gases (either methanol or methane in air as... response factor to methane. When the FID analyzer is to be used for the analysis of gasoline, diesel, methanol, ethanol, liquefied petroleum gas, and natural gas-fueled vehicle hydrocarbon samples, the methane...
40 CFR 86.121-90 - Hydrocarbon analyzer calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... used operating range with propane in air calibration gases (either methanol or methane in air as... response factor to methane. When the FID analyzer is to be used for the analysis of gasoline, diesel, methanol, ethanol, liquefied petroleum gas, and natural gas-fueled vehicle hydrocarbon samples, the methane...
Kojima, T; Ishii, A; Watanabe-Suzuki, K; Kurihara, R; Seno, H; Kumazawa, T; Suzuki, O; Katsumata, Y
Four general anaesthetics, sevoflurane, isoflurane, enflurane and halothane, in human whole blood, have been found measurable with very high sensitivity by capillary gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) with cryogenic oven trapping upon injection of headspace (HS) vapor sample. To a 7-ml vial, containing 0.48 ml of distilled water and 20 microl of internal standard solution (5 microg), a 0.5-ml of whole blood sample spiked with or without anaesthetics, was added, and the mixture was heated at 55 degrees C for 15 min. A measure of 10 ml HS vapor was injected into the GC in the splitless mode at -40 degrees C oven temperature, which was programmed up to 250 degrees C. All four peaks were clearly separated; no impurity peaks were found among their peaks. Their extraction efficiencies were about 10%. The calibration curves showed good linearity in the range of 0.5-20 microg/ml; their detection limits were 10-100 ng/ml, which are almost comparable to those by previous reports. The coefficients of intra-day and day-to-day variations were 6.5-9.8 and 7.3-17.2%, respectively. Isoflurane or enflurane was also measured from whole blood samples in which three volunteers inhaled each compound.
Robotic Arm Camera Image of the South Side of the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer (Door TA4
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer (TEGA) instrument aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander is shown with one set of oven doors open and dirt from a sample delivery. After the 'seventh shake' of TEGA, a portion of the dirt sample entered the oven via a screen for analysis. This image was taken by the Robotic Arm Camera on Sol 18 (June 13, 2008), or 18th Martian day of the mission. The Phoenix Mission is led by the University of Arizona, Tucson, on behalf of NASA. Project management of the mission is by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Spacecraft development is by Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver.Chakravarthy, Murali; Narayan, Sandeep; Govindarajan, Raghav; Jawali, Vivek; Rajeev, Subramanyam
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide and oxygen were transcutaneously measured in adults after off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) surgery. The clinical use of such measurements and interchangeability with arterial blood gas measurements for weaning patients from postoperative mechanical ventilation were assessed. This was a prospective observational study. Tertiary referral heart hospital. Postoperative OPCAB surgical patients. Transcutaneous oxygen and carbon dioxide measurements. In this prospective observational study, 32 consecutive adult patients in a tertiary care medical center underwent OPCAB surgery. Noninvasive measurement of respiratory gases was performed during the postoperative period and compared with arterial blood gases. The investigator was blinded to the reports of arterial blood gas studies and weaned patients using a "weaning protocol" based on transcutaneous gas measurement. The number of patients successfully weaned based on transcutaneous measurements and the number of times the weaning process was held up were noted. A total of 212 samples (pairs of arterial and transcutaneous values of oxygen and carbon dioxide) were obtained from 32 patients. Bland-Altman plots and mountain plots were used to analyze the interchangeability of the data. Twenty-five (79%) of the patients were weaned from the ventilator based on transcutaneous gas measurements alone. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide measurements were found to be interchangeable with arterial carbon dioxide during 96% of measurements, versus 79% for oxygen measurements. More than three fourths of the patients were weaned from mechanical ventilation and extubated based on transcutaneous gas values alone after OPCAB surgery. The noninvasive transcutaneous carbon dioxide measurement can be used as a surrogate for arterial carbon dioxide measurement to manage postoperative OPCAB patients. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
40 CFR 89.313 - Initial calibration of analyzers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... the HFID analyzer shall be optimized in order to meet the specifications in § 89.319(b)(2). (c) Zero... analyzers shall be set at zero. (2) Introduce the appropriate calibration gases to the analyzers and the values recorded. The same gas flow rates shall be used as when sampling exhaust. (d) Rechecking of zero...
40 CFR 89.313 - Initial calibration of analyzers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... the HFID analyzer shall be optimized in order to meet the specifications in § 89.319(b)(2). (c) Zero... analyzers shall be set at zero. (2) Introduce the appropriate calibration gases to the analyzers and the values recorded. The same gas flow rates shall be used as when sampling exhaust. (d) Rechecking of zero...
40 CFR 89.313 - Initial calibration of analyzers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... the HFID analyzer shall be optimized in order to meet the specifications in § 89.319(b)(2). (c) Zero... analyzers shall be set at zero. (2) Introduce the appropriate calibration gases to the analyzers and the values recorded. The same gas flow rates shall be used as when sampling exhaust. (d) Rechecking of zero...
40 CFR 89.313 - Initial calibration of analyzers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... the HFID analyzer shall be optimized in order to meet the specifications in § 89.319(b)(2). (c) Zero... analyzers shall be set at zero. (2) Introduce the appropriate calibration gases to the analyzers and the values recorded. The same gas flow rates shall be used as when sampling exhaust. (d) Rechecking of zero...
40 CFR 89.313 - Initial calibration of analyzers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... the HFID analyzer shall be optimized in order to meet the specifications in § 89.319(b)(2). (c) Zero... analyzers shall be set at zero. (2) Introduce the appropriate calibration gases to the analyzers and the values recorded. The same gas flow rates shall be used as when sampling exhaust. (d) Rechecking of zero...
radioactivity. Mustard gas appeared to be a very effective alkylating agent for. bases in DNA. Even in blood, with a variety of reactive sites, 1 out of 124...single-stranded material is required for effective competition in the ELISA test. although it contained at least as many adducts as the single-stranded DNA...DNA isolated from human white blood cells as competitor. 203 Figure 92: The effect of the concentration of mustard gas to which single-stranded calf
Blood Glucose Measurement in the Intensive Care Unit: What Is the Best Method?
Le, Huong T.; Harris, Neil S.; Estilong, Abby J.; Olson, Arvid; Rice, Mark J.
Abnormal glucose measurements are common among intensive care unit (ICU) patients for numerous reasons and hypoglycemia is especially dangerous because these patients are often sedated and unable to relate the associated symptoms. Additionally, wide swings in blood glucose have been closely tied to increased mortality. Therefore, accurate and timely glucose measurement in this population is critical. Clinicians have several choices available to assess blood glucose values in the ICU, including central laboratory devices, blood gas analyzers, and point-of-care meters. In this review, the method of glucose measurement will be reviewed for each device, and the important characteristics, including accuracy, cost, speed of result, and sample volume, will be reviewed, specifically as these are used in the ICU environment. Following evaluation of the individual measurement devices and after considering the many features of each, recommendations are made for optimal ICU glucose determination. PMID:23567008
Detto, Matteo; Verfaillie, Joseph; Anderson, Frank; Xu, Liukang; Baldocchi, Dennis
Closed- and open-path methane gas analyzers are used in eddy covariance systems to compare three potential methane emitting ecosystems in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (CA, USA): a rice field, a peatland pasture and a restored wetland. The study points out similarities and differences of the systems in field experiments and data processing. The closed-path system, despite a less intrusive placement with the sonic anemometer, required more care and power. In contrast, the open-path system appears more versatile for a remote and unattended experimental site. Overall, the two systems have comparable minimum detectable limits, but synchronization between wind speed and methane data, air density corrections and spectral losses have different impacts on the computed flux covariances. For the closed-path analyzer, air density effects are less important, but the synchronization and spectral losses may represent a problem when fluxes are small or when an undersized pump is used. For the open-path analyzer air density corrections are greater, due to spectroscopy effects and the classic Webb–Pearman–Leuning correction. Comparison between the 30-min fluxes reveals good agreement in terms of magnitudes between open-path and closed-path flux systems. However, the scatter is large, as consequence of the intensive data processing which both systems require.
Manens, J; Ricci, R; Damoiseaux, C; Gault, S; Contiero, B; Diez, M; Clercx, C
Few studies show the detrimental effect of canine obesity on cardiopulmonary function (CPF). The 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) is a noninvasive exercise test easy to perform in clinical settings. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of obesity and body weight loss (BWL) on CPF assessed by the 6MWT and arterial blood gas analysis. Six experimental Beagles and 9 privately owned obese dogs were enrolled in a diet-induced BWL program. Arterial blood gas analysis and 6MWT were repeated in obese subjects (BCS 8-9/9), in the middle of BWL (overweight, BCS 6-7/9), and in lean dogs (BCS 5/9). Heart rate (HRp) and oxygen saturation (SpO2 ) were measured by pulse oximetry before the 6MWT, at midtest, and during a 5-minute recovery period. Twelve dogs completed the BWL program (initial BW, 27.3 ± 2.9 kg; final BW, 20.85 ± 2.9, lsmeans ± SE, P ≤ .001). BWL caused a significant increase in 6MWT walked distance (WD; obese: 509 ± 35 m; overweight: 575 ± 36 m; lean: 589 ± 36 m; P ≤ .05). Resting arterial blood gas results were not influenced by BWL. Including all time points, obese dogs showed higher HRp and lower SpO2 compared to overweight and lean dogs. SpO2 at the end of the walk was significantly lower in obese dogs. Obesity negatively affects 6MWT performances in dogs. The 6MWT may be used to demonstrate the efficacy of BWL to improve CPF and quality of life in obese dogs. Although BWL induced significant improvement of cardiopulmonary parameters before ideal BW, WD improved until the end of the BWL program. Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Borchert, Mark S. (Inventor); Lambert, James L. (Inventor)
A non-invasive method for analyzing the blood-brain barrier includes obtaining a Raman spectrum of a selected portion of the eye and monitoring the Raman spectrum to ascertain a change to the dynamics of the blood brain barrier.Also, non-invasive methods for determining the brain or blood level of an analyte of interest, such as glucose, drugs, alcohol, poisons, and the like, comprises: generating an excitation laser beam at a selected wavelength (e.g., at a wavelength of about 400 to 900 nanometers); focusing the excitation laser beam into the anterior chamber of an eye of the subject so that aqueous humor, vitreous humor, or one or more conjunctiva vessels in the eye is illuminated; detecting (preferably confocally detecting) a Raman spectrum from the illuminated portion of the eye; and then determining the blood level or brain level (intracranial or cerebral spinal fluid level) of an analyte of interest for the subject from the Raman spectrum. In certain embodiments, the detecting step may be followed by the step of subtracting a confounding fluorescence spectrum from the Raman spectrum to produce a difference spectrum; and determining the blood level and/or brain level of the analyte of interest for the subject from that difference spectrum, preferably using linear or nonlinear multivariate analysis such as partial least squares analysis. Apparatus for carrying out the foregoing methods are also disclosed.
Gaseous trace impurity analyzer and method
Edwards, Jr., David; Schneider, William
Simple apparatus for analyzing trace impurities in a gas, such as helium or hydrogen, comprises means for drawing a measured volume of the gas as sample into a heated zone. A segregable portion of the zone is then chilled to condense trace impurities in the gas in the chilled portion. The gas sample is evacuated from the heated zone including the chilled portion. Finally, the chilled portion is warmed to vaporize the condensed impurities in the order of their boiling points. As the temperature of the chilled portion rises, pressure will develop in the evacuated, heated zone by the vaporization of an impurity. The temperature at which the pressure increase occurs identifies that impurity and the pressure increase attained until the vaporization of the next impurity causes a further pressure increase is a measure of the quantity of the preceding impurity.
Pathophysiology of spontaneous venous gas embolism
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lambertsen, C. J.; Albertine, K. H.; Pisarello, J. B.; Flores, N. D.
The use of controllable degrees and durations of continuous isobaric counterdiffusion venous gas embolism to investigate effects of venous gas embolism upon blood, cardiovascular, and respiratory gas exchange function, as well as pathological effects upon the lung and its microcirculation is discussed. Use of N2O/He counterdiffusion permitted performance of the pathophysiologic and pulmonary microstructural effects at one ATA without hyperbaric or hypobaric exposures.
40 CFR 91.315 - Analyzer initial calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... in § 91.316(b). (c) Zero setting and calibration. Using purified synthetic air (or nitrogen), set the CO, CO2, NOX and HC analyzers at zero. Connect the appropriate calibrating gases to the analyzers and record the values. The same gas flow rates shall be used as when sampling exhaust. (d) Rechecking of zero...
40 CFR 91.315 - Analyzer initial calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... in § 91.316(b). (c) Zero setting and calibration. Using purified synthetic air (or nitrogen), set the CO, CO2, NOX and HC analyzers at zero. Connect the appropriate calibrating gases to the analyzers and record the values. The same gas flow rates shall be used as when sampling exhaust. (d) Rechecking of zero...
40 CFR 91.315 - Analyzer initial calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... in § 91.316(b). (c) Zero setting and calibration. Using purified synthetic air (or nitrogen), set the CO, CO2, NOX and HC analyzers at zero. Connect the appropriate calibrating gases to the analyzers and record the values. The same gas flow rates shall be used as when sampling exhaust. (d) Rechecking of zero...
40 CFR 91.315 - Analyzer initial calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... in § 91.316(b). (c) Zero setting and calibration. Using purified synthetic air (or nitrogen), set the CO, CO2, NOX and HC analyzers at zero. Connect the appropriate calibrating gases to the analyzers and record the values. The same gas flow rates shall be used as when sampling exhaust. (d) Rechecking of zero...
40 CFR 91.315 - Analyzer initial calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... in § 91.316(b). (c) Zero setting and calibration. Using purified synthetic air (or nitrogen), set the CO, CO2, NOX and HC analyzers at zero. Connect the appropriate calibrating gases to the analyzers and record the values. The same gas flow rates shall be used as when sampling exhaust. (d) Rechecking of zero...
Vermeulen, Tyler Dennis; Boulet, Lindsey M; Stembridge, Mike; Williams, Alexandra Mackenzie; Anholm, James D; Subedi, Prajan; Gasho, Chris; Ainslie, Philip N; Feigl, Eric O; Foster, Glen Edward
It remains unclear if the human coronary vasculature is inherently sensitive to changes in arterial PO 2 and PCO 2 or if coronary vascular responses are the result of concomitant increases in myocardial O 2 consumption/demand (MVO 2 ). We hypothesized that the coronary vascular response to PO 2 and PCO 2 would be attenuated in healthy men when MVO 2 was attenuated with β 1 -adrenergic receptor blockade. Healthy men (n=11; age: 25 {plus minus} 1 years) received intravenous esmolol (β 1 -adrenergic receptor antagonist) or volume-matched saline in a double-blind, randomized, crossover study, and were exposed to poikilocapnic hypoxia, isocapnic hypoxia, and hypercapnic hypoxia. Measurements made at baseline and following 5-min of steady state at each gas manipulation included left anterior descending coronary blood velocity (LAD V ; Doppler echocardiography), heart rate and arterial blood pressure. LAD V values at the end of each hypoxic condition were compared between esmolol and placebo. Rate pressure product (RPP) and left-ventricular mechanical energy (ME LV ) were calculated as indices of MVO 2 . All gas manipulations augmented RPP, ME LV , and LAD V but only RPP and ME LV were attenuated (4-18%) following β 1 -adrenergic receptor blockade (P<0.05). Despite attenuated RPP and MELV responses, β 1 -adrenergic receptor blockade did not attenuate the mean LADV vasodilatory response when compared to placebo during poikilocapnic hypoxia (29.4{plus minus}2.2 vs. 27.3{plus minus}1.6 cm/s) and isocapnic hypoxia (29.5{plus minus}1.5 vs. 30.3{plus minus}2.2 cm/s). Hypercapnic hypoxia elicited a feed-forward coronary dilation that was blocked by β 1 -adrenergic receptor blockade. These results indicate a direct influence of arterial PO 2 on coronary vascular regulation that is independent of MVO 2 .
Yu, Ran; Duan, Lei; Jiang, Jingkun; Hao, Jiming
The ozonation of hydroxyl compounds (e.g., sugars and alcohols) gives a broad range of products such as alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids. This study developed and optimized a two-step derivatization procedure for analyzing polar products of aldehydes and carboxylic acids from the ozonation of diethylene glycol (DEG) in a non-aqueous environment using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Experiments based on Central Composite Design with response surface methodology were carried out to evaluate the effects of derivatization variables and their interactions on the analysis. The most desirable derivatization conditions were reported, i.e., oximation was performed at room temperature overnight with the o-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl) hydroxyl amine to analyte molar ratio of 6, silylation reaction temperature of 70°C, reaction duration of 70min, and N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide volume of 12.5μL. The applicability of this optimized procedure was verified by analyzing DEG ozonation products in an ultrafine condensation particle counter simulation system. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sutter, B.; Archer, D.; Niles, P. B.; Stein, T. C.; Hamara, D.; Boynton, W. V.; Ming, D. W.
The Mars Phoenix Scout Lander mission in 2008 examined the history of water, searched for organics, and evaluated the potential for past/present microbial habitability in a martian arctic ice-rich soil [1]. The Thermal Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA) instrument measured the isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 and detected volatile bearing mineralogy (perchlorate, carbonate, hydrated mineral phases) in the martian soil [2-7]. The TEGA data are archived at the Planetary Data System (PDS) Geosciences Node but are reported in forms that require further processing to be of use to the non-TEGA expert. The soil and blank TEGA thermal data are reported as duty cycle and must be converted to differential power (mW) to allow for enthalpy calculations of exothermic/endothermic transitions. The exothermic/endothermic temperatures are also used to determine what phases (inorganic/organic) are present in the sample. The objectives of this work are to: 1) Describe how interpretable thermal data can be created from TEGA data sets on the PDS and 2) Provide additional thermal data interpretation of two Phoenix soils (Baby Bear, Wicked Witch) and include interpretations from three unreported soils (Rosy Red 1, 2, and Burning Coals).
Metzger, Stefan; Burba, George; Burns, Sean P.; ...
Several initiatives are currently emerging to observe the exchange of energy and matter between the earth's surface and atmosphere standardized over larger space and time domains. For example, the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and the Integrated Carbon Observing System (ICOS) are set to provide the ability of unbiased ecological inference across ecoclimatic zones and decades by deploying highly scalable and robust instruments and data processing. In the construction of these observatories, enclosed infrared gas analyzers are widely employed for eddy covariance applications. While these sensors represent a substantial improvement compared to their open- and closed-path predecessors, remaining high-frequency attenuation variesmore » with site properties and gas sampling systems, and requires correction. Here, we show that components of the gas sampling system can substantially contribute to such high-frequency attenuation, but their effects can be significantly reduced by careful system design. From laboratory tests we determine the frequency at which signal attenuation reaches 50 % for individual parts of the gas sampling system. For different models of rain caps and particulate filters, this frequency falls into ranges of 2.5–16.5 Hz for CO 2, 2.4–14.3 Hz for H 2O, and 8.3–21.8 Hz for CO 2, 1.4–19.9 Hz for H 2O, respectively. A short and thin stainless steel intake tube was found to not limit frequency response, with 50 % attenuation occurring at frequencies well above 10 Hz for both H 2O and CO 2. From field tests we found that heating the intake tube and particulate filter continuously with 4 W was effective, and reduced the occurrence of problematic relative humidity levels (RH > 60 %) by 50 % in the infrared gas analyzer cell. No further improvement of H 2O frequency response was found for heating in excess of 4 W. These laboratory and field tests were reconciled using resistor–capacitor theory, and NEON's final gas sampling
Nurjuliana, M; Che Man, Y B; Mat Hashim, D; Mohamed, A K S
The volatile compounds of pork, other meats and meat products were studied using an electronic nose and gas chromatography mass spectrometer with headspace analyzer (GCMS-HS) for halal verification. The zNose™ was successfully employed for identification and differentiation of pork and pork sausages from beef, mutton and chicken meats and sausages which were achieved using a visual odor pattern called VaporPrint™, derived from the frequency of the surface acoustic wave (SAW) detector of the electronic nose. GCMS-HS was employed to separate and analyze the headspace gasses from samples into peaks corresponding to individual compounds for the purpose of identification. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied for data interpretation. Analysis by PCA was able to cluster and discriminate pork from other types of meats and sausages. It was shown that PCA could provide a good separation of the samples with 67% of the total variance accounted by PC1. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Olszowski, Tomasz; Baranowska-Bosiacka, Irena; Rębacz-Maron, Ewa; Gutowska, Izabela; Jamioł, Dominika; Prokopowicz, Adam; Goschorska, Marta; Chlubek, Dariusz
The aim of this study was to determine cadmium concentration in mothers' blood, milk, and newborns' blood from Szczecin (Poland) as a result of environmental cadmium exposure and evaluate the correlation (1) between cadmium levels in analyzed matrices, (2) between cadmium and fatty acids in those matrices, and (3) between cadmium and some selected personal variables, such as anthropometric characteristics, mothers' smoking status, and fruit and fish consumption by mothers. The concentration of cadmium in whole blood and milk of mothers and in the umbilical cord blood of newborns was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace atomization and Zeeman correction. The fatty acid concentrations were determined by gas chromatography in our previous study. The mean concentrations of cadmium in maternal blood, newborn's blood, and breast milk were 0.61 ± 0.62 μg/L, 0.05 ± 0.04 μg/L, and 0.11 ± 0.07 μg/L, respectively, and differed significantly between analyzed matrices. Cadmium concentrations in the umbilical cord blood were 15 % (range 0-83 %) of the concentration in maternal blood, whereas cadmium concentrations in breast milk constituted 35 % (range 3-142 %) of the concentration in mothers' blood. No correlation was found between cadmium levels in three analyzed matrices. The correlation analysis revealed significant low positive correlation between maternal blood cadmium concentrations and concentrations of elaidic, oleic, and cis-vaccenic acids in mothers' milk (correlation coefficients 0.30, 0.32, and 0.31, respectively). Mothers' blood cadmium correlated with mothers' age (r = -0.26, p = 0.03), maternal smoking before pregnancy (r = 0.55, p < 0.000), maternal smoking during pregnancy (r = 0.58, p < 0.000), and fruit consumption by mothers after delivery (r = -0.44, p = 0.003). Mothers' height was the only variable that correlated significantly with breast milk cadmium levels. Newborns
Benner, W.H.
An oxygen analyzer which identifies and classifies microgram quantities of oxygen in ambient particulate matter and for quantitating organic oxygen in solvent extracts of ambient particulate matter. A sample is pyrolyzed in oxygen-free nitrogen gas (N/sub 2/), and the resulting oxygen quantitatively converted to carbon monoxide (CO) by contact with hot granular carbon (C). Two analysis modes are made possible: (1) rapid determination of total pyrolyzable obtained by decomposing the sample at 1135/sup 0/C, or (2) temperature-programmed oxygen thermal analysis obtained by heating the sample from room temperature to 1135/sup 0/C as a function of time. The analyzer basically comprises a pyrolysis tube containing a bed of granular carbon under N/sub 2/, ovens used to heat the carbon and/or decompose the sample, and a non-dispersive infrared CO detector coupled to a mini-computer to quantitate oxygen in the decomposition products and control oven heating.
Benner, William H.
An oxygen analyzer which identifies and classifies microgram quantities of oxygen in ambient particulate matter and for quantitating organic oxygen in solvent extracts of ambient particulate matter. A sample is pyrolyzed in oxygen-free nitrogen gas (N.sub.2), and the resulting oxygen quantitatively converted to carbon monoxide (CO) by contact with hot granular carbon (C). Two analysis modes are made possible: (1) rapid determination of total pyrolyzable oxygen obtained by decomposing the sample at C., or (2) temperature-programmed oxygen thermal analysis obtained by heating the sample from room temperature to C. as a function of time. The analyzer basically comprises a pyrolysis tube containing a bed of granular carbon under N.sub.2, ovens used to heat the carbon and/or decompose the sample, and a non-dispersive infrared CO detector coupled to a mini-computer to quantitate oxygen in the decomposition products and control oven heating.
Qu, Zhijun; Wang, Geng; Xu, Chengshi; Zhang, Dazhi; Qu, Xiangdong; Zhou, Haibin; Ma, Jun
Preoperative platelet rich plasma (PRP) harvest has been used in cardiopulmonary surgery for more than 10 years. There is no previous study dealing with PRP in bilateral total hip replacement. This study was to investigate the effects of PRP on blood saving and blood coagulation function in patients with bilateral total hip replacement. A prospective, randomized, clinical trial was conducted. Sixty patients were enrolled, including 30 patients undergoing PRP in the PRP group and 30 controls. The surgery time, total transfusion volume, blood loss, allogenic blood transfusion, autologous blood transfusion, urine volume, drainage volume, some blood parameters (including Fibrinogen, D-dimer, Prothrombin time, international normalizedratio, activated partial thromboplastin time, Platelet, Haemoglobin B), thrombelastogram (TEG) and blood-gas parameters were studied in the perioperative stage. The measurement data were analyzed statistically. There was no statistical difference between the two groups in baseline characteristics, surgery time, total transfusion volume, blood loss, autologous blood transfusion, etc. Allogenic blood transfusion in the PRP group was less than the control group with statistical difference (p = 0.024). Fibrinogen in the PRP group was higher than the control group (p = 0.008). Among the TEG indicators, activated clotting time and coagulation time K in the PRP group were less than the control group. Clotting rate and maximum amplitude in the PRP group were higher. The blood-gas parameters presented no statistical difference. The results suggested that PRP probably played a positive role in blood coagulation function as well as blood saving in patients with bilateral total hip replacement. Copyright © 2016 IJS Publishing Group Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rydosz, Artur
Exhaled acetone analysis has long been recognized as a supplementary tool for diagnosis and monitoring diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes. It is essential, therefore to determine the relationship between exhaled acetone concentration and glucose in blood. Usually, a direct linear correlation between this both compounds has been expected. However, in some cases we can observe a reverse correlation. When blood glucose was increasing, breath acetone declined. The breath analysis as a supplementary tool for diagnosing and monitoring diabetes makes sense only in case of utilization of portable analyzers. This need has created a market for gas sensors. However, commercially available acetone gas sensors are developed for measuring samples at several tens part per million. The exhaled acetone concentration was measured using commercial acetone gas sensor (TGS 822, 823 Figaro, Arlington Heights, IL, USA Inc) with micropreconcentrator in low temperature cofired ceramics. The reference analyzer-mass spectrometry (HPR-20 QIC, Hiden Analytical, Warrington, UK) was used. Twenty-two healthy volunteers with no history of any respiratory disease participated in the research, as did 31 patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Respectively, 3 healthy volunteer and 5 type 1 diabetes mellitus subjects with reverse trend were selected. The linear fitting coefficient various from 0.1139 to 0.9573. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the correlation between blood glucose concentrations and under different conditions, for example, insulin levels, as well as correlate the results with clinical tests, for example, Hb1Ac. It is well known that the concentration of acetone is strongly influenced by diet, insulin treatment, and so on. Therefore, much more complex analysis with long-term measurements are required. Thus, presented results should be regarded as tentative, and validation studies with the analysis of clinical test and in a large number of patients, including control groups
Xin, Guobin; Tan, Jiayi; Yao, Lijuan; Zhu, Yu; Jiang, Zhaolin; Song, Hui
A method for the determination of three phenoxyalkanoic acid herbicides, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-propanoic acid (2,4-DP), and 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy-acetic acid (MCPA), in blood was developed. The blood sample was diluted with 0.1 mol/L hydrochloric acid, and extracted by solid-phase extraction using porous resin GDX401 as adsorbent and ethyl ether as eluent. The extract was esterified with dichloropropanol in the presence of sulfuric acid as catalyst. The derivatives were analysed by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection. The detection limits of 2,4-D, 2,4-DP and MCPA were 20, 8 and 40 ng/mL, respectively. In quantitative analysis, 2,4-dichlorophenylacetic acid was used as an internal standard. The linear relationships and recoveries were satisfactory. The derivatization of the three herbicides with methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, n-butanol, and trifluoroethanol were also studied, and the analytical methods of these derivatization were compared with that of dichloropropanol as esterifying agent. The method is sensitive enough for the examination of the poison samples in actual.
Assessment of the levels of hexachlorocyclohexane in blood samples from Mexico.
Trejo-Acevedo, Antonio; Rivero-Pérez, Norma Edith; Flores-Ramirez, Rogelio; Orta-García, Sandra Teresa; Pruneda-Álvarez, Lucia Guadalupe; Pérez-Maldonado, Iván N
The aim of this study was to evaluate hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) exposure in children living in nine hot spots in four Mexican states. We analyzed HCH (α, β, and γ-isomers) in blood using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. HCH exposure level in 261 children was assessed and approximately 75 % of the children studied had detectable levels of HCH. These levels ranged from 188 to 40,096.7 ng/g lipid. The highest mean levels were found in Lacanja (5,446.9 ng/g lipid), an indigenous community in Chiapas, Mexico. Our data indicate high exposure to HCH in children living in these communities.
A programmable palm-size gas analyzer for use in micro-autonomous systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gordenker, Robert J. M.; Wise, Kensall D.
Gas analysis systems having small size, low power, and high selectivity are badly needed for defense (detection of explosives and chemical warfare agents), homeland security, health care, and environmental applications. This paper presents a palm-size gas chromatography system having analysis times of 5-50sec, detection limits less than 1ppb, and an average power dissipation less than one watt. It uses no consumables. The three-chip fluidic system consists of a preconcentrator, a 25cm-3m separation column, and a chemi-resistive detector and is supported by a microcomputer and circuitry for programmable temperature control. The entire system, including the mini-pump and battery, occupies less than 200cc and is configured for use on autonomous robotic vehicles.
Miyamoto, Suzanne; Taylor, Sandra L.; Barupal, Dinesh K.; Taguchi, Ayumu; Wohlgemuth, Gert; Wikoff, William R.; Yoneda, Ken Y.; Gandara, David R.; Hanash, Samir M.; Kim, Kyoungmi; Fiehn, Oliver
Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Metabolic alterations in tumor cells coupled with systemic indicators of the host response to tumor development have the potential to yield blood profiles with clinical utility for diagnosis and monitoring of treatment. We report results from two separate studies using gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF MS) to profile metabolites in human blood samples that significantly differ from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) adenocarcinoma and other lung cancer cases. Metabolomic analysis of blood samples from the two studies yielded a total of 437 metabolites, of which 148 were identified as known compounds and 289 identified as unknown compounds. Differential analysis identified 15 known metabolites in one study and 18 in a second study that were statistically different (p-values <0.05). Levels of maltose, palmitic acid, glycerol, ethanolamine, glutamic acid, and lactic acid were increased in cancer samples while amino acids tryptophan, lysine and histidine decreased. Many of the metabolites were found to be significantly different in both studies, suggesting that metabolomics appears to be robust enough to find systemic changes from lung cancer, thus showing the potential of this type of analysis for lung cancer detection. PMID:25859693
A new gas lesion syndrome in man, induced by 'isobaric gas counterdiffusion'
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lambertsen, C. J.; Idicula, J.
Normal men have been found to develop pruritis and gas bubble lesions in the skin, and disruption of vestibular function, when breathing nitrogen or neon with oxygen while surrounded by helium at increased ambient pressure. This phenomenon, which occurs at stable ambient pressures, at 1 or many ATA, has been designated the isobaric gas counterdiffusion syndrome. In a series of analyses and experiments in vivo and in vitro the cause of the syndrome has been established as due to gas accumulation and development of gas bubbles in tissues as a result of differences in selective diffusivities, for various respired and ambient gases, in the tissue substances between capillary blood and the surrounding atmosphere. The phenomenon described in man is an initial stage of a process shown later in animals to progress to continuous, massive, lethal, intravascular gas embolization.
Inert gas clearance from tissue by co-currently and counter-currently arranged microvessels
Lu, Y.; Michel, C. C.
To elucidate the clearance of dissolved inert gas from tissues, we have developed numerical models of gas transport in a cylindrical block of tissue supplied by one or two capillaries. With two capillaries, attention is given to the effects of co-current and counter-current flow on tissue gas clearance. Clearance by counter-current flow is compared with clearance by a single capillary or by two co-currently arranged capillaries. Effects of the blood velocity, solubility, and diffusivity of the gas in the tissue are investigated using parameters with physiological values. It is found that under the conditions investigated, almost identical clearances are achieved by a single capillary as by a co-current pair when the total flow per tissue volume in each unit is the same (i.e., flow velocity in the single capillary is twice that in each co-current vessel). For both co-current and counter-current arrangements, approximate linear relations exist between the tissue gas clearance rate and tissue blood perfusion rate. However, the counter-current arrangement of capillaries results in less-efficient clearance of the inert gas from tissues. Furthermore, this difference in efficiency increases at higher blood flow rates. At a given blood flow, the simple conduction-capacitance model, which has been used to estimate tissue blood perfusion rate from inert gas clearance, underestimates gas clearance rates predicted by the numerical models for single vessel or for two vessels with co-current flow. This difference is accounted for in discussion, which also considers the choice of parameters and possible effects of microvascular architecture on the interpretation of tissue inert gas clearance. PMID:22604885
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Measurement of the total organic carbon content in water is important in assessing contamination levels in high purity water for power generation, pharmaceutical production and electronics manufacture. Even trace levels of organic compounds can cause defects in manufactured products. The Sievers Model 800 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer, based on technology developed for the Space Station, uses a strong chemical oxidizing agent and ultraviolet light to convert organic compounds in water to carbon dioxide. After ionizing the carbon dioxide, the amount of ions is determined by measuring the conductivity of the deionized water. The new technique is highly sensitive, does not require compressed gas, and maintenance is minimal.
At-Sea Test and Evaluation Of Oxygen (O2) Analyzers.
Paramagnetic Oxygen Analyzer 2-6 2.4 Thermomagnetic Oxygen Analyzer Sensor 2-8 2.5 Cell Voltage versus Oxygen Concentration at 2-11 Various Cell ...of flue gas out of the stack across the cell and back into the stack. In-situ units place the cell directly in the flue gas path in the uptake. ) The...repetitive failurc of a cell heater temperature control circuit and a control cabinet electron- ic malfunction. Of the five (5) units that remained in
Analyzing volatile compounds in dairy products
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Volatile compounds give the first indication of the flavor in a dairy product. Volatiles are isolated from the sample matrix and then analyzed by chromatography, sensory methods, or an electronic nose. Isolation may be performed by solvent extraction or headspace analysis, and gas chromatography i...
Zar, Harvey A; Noe, Frances E; Szalados, James E; Goodrich, Michael D; Busby, Michael G
A repetitive graphic display of the single breath pulmonary function can indicate changes in cardiac and pulmonary physiology brought on by clinical events. Parallel advances in computer technology and monitoring make real-time, single breath pulmonary function clinically practicable. We describe a system built from a commercially available airway gas monitor and off the shelf computer and data-acquisition hardware. Analog data for gas flow rate, O2, and CO2 concentrations are introduced into a computer through an analog-to-digital conversion board. Oxygen uptake (VO2) and carbon dioxide output (VCO2) are calculated for each breath. Inspired minus expired concentrations for O2 and CO2 are displayed simultaneously with the expired gas flow rate curve for each breath. Dead-space and alveolar ventilation are calculated for each breath and readily appreciated from the display. Graphs illustrating the function of the system are presented for the following clinical scenarios; upper airway obstruction, bronchospasm, bronchopleural fistula, pulmonary perfusion changes and inadequate oxygen delivery. This paper describes a real-time, single breath pulmonary monitoring system that displays three parameters graphed against time: expired flow rate, oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production. This system allows for early and rapid recognition of treatable conditions that may lead to adverse events without any additional patient measurements or invasive procedures. Monitoring systems similar to the one described in this paper may lead to a higher level of patient safety without any additional patient risk.
New method for determination of ten pesticides in human blood.
García-Repetto, R; Giménez, M P; Repetto, M
An analytical method was developed for precise identification and quantitation of 10 pesticides in human blood. The pesticides studied, which have appeared frequently in actual cases, were endosulfan, lindane, parathion, ethyl-azinphos, diazinon, malathion, alachlor, tetradifon, fenthion and dicofol (o-p' and p-p' isomers). The current method replaces an earlier method which involved liquid-liquid extraction with a mixture of n-hexane-benzene (1 + 1). The extraction is performed by solid-phase extraction, with C18 cartridges and 2 internal standards, perthane and triphenylphosphate. Eluates were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) with nitrogen-phosphorus and electrochemical detectors. Results were confirmed by GC-mass spectrometry in the electron impact mode. Blood blank samples spiked with 2 standard mixtures and an internal standard were used for quantitation. Mean recoveries ranged from 71.83 to 97.10%. Detection and quantitation limits are reported for each pesticide. Examples are provided to show the application of the present method to actual samples.
[Application of melting curve to analyze genotype of Duffy blood group antigen Fy-a/b].
Chen, Xue; Zhou, Chang-Hua; Hong, Ying; Gong, Tian-Xiang
This study was aimed to establish the real-time multiple-PCR with melting curve analysis for Duffy blood group Fy-a/b genotyping. According to the sequence of mRNA coding for β-actin and Fy-a/b, the primers of β-actin and Fy-a/b were synthesized. The real-time multiple-PCR with melting curve analysis for Fy-a/b genotyping was established. The Fy-a/b genotyping of 198 blood donors in Chinese Chengdu area has been investigated by melting curve analysis and PCR-SSP. The results showed that the results of Fy-a/b genotype by melting curve analysis were consistent with PCR-SSP. In all of 198 donors in Chinese Chengdu, 178 were Fy(a) (+) (89.9%), 19 were Fy(a) (+) Fy(b) (+) (9.6%), and 1 was Fy(b) (+) (0.5%). The gene frequency of Fy(a) was 0.947, while that of Fy(b) was 0.053. It is concluded that the genotyping method of Duffy blood group with melting curve analysis is established, which can be used as a high-throughput screening tool for Duffy blood group genotyping; and the Fy(a) genotype is the major of Duffy blood group of donors in Chinese Chengdu area.
Smartphone-based assessment of blood alteration severity
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Xianglin; Xue, Jiaxin; Li, Wei; Li, Ting
Blood quality and safety management is a critical issue for cold chain transportation of blood or blood-based biological reagent. The conventional methods of blood alteration severity assessment mainly rely on kit test or blood-gas analysis required opening the blood package to get samples, which cause possible blood pollution and are complicate, timeconsuming, and expensive. Here we proposed to develop a portable, real-time, safety, easy-operated and low cost method aimed at assessing blood alteration severity. Color images of the blood in transparent blood bags were collected with a smartphone and the alteration severity of the blood was assessed by the smartphone app offered analysis of RGB color values of the blood. The algorithm is based on a large number sample of RGB values of blood at different alteration degree. The blood quality results evaluated by the smartphone are in accordance with the actual data. This study indicates the potential of smart phone in real time, convenient, and reliable blood quality assessment.
Jirovetz, L; Buchbauer, G; Jäger, W; Woidich, A; Nikiforov, A
After inhalation experiments with sandalwood oil and the pure fragrance compounds coumarin and alpha-terpineol, substances were detected and measured in the blood samples of test animals (mice) using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) (MID) in connection with GC/FTIR (SWC), GC/AES (carbon and oxygen trace) and flame ionization detection/gas chromatography. Using tiglinic acid benzyl ester as the internal standard the following concentrations in serum could be found: alpha-santalol 6.1 ng/mL, beta-santalol 5.3 ng/mL and alpha-santalene 0.5 ng/mL. In separate inhalation experiments with coumarin and with alpha-terpineol the corresponding concentrations were 7.7 ng/mL and 6.9 ng/mL, respectively.
21 CFR 870.4260 - Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter... Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator) system to filter nonbiologic...
21 CFR 870.4260 - Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter... Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator) system to filter nonbiologic...
21 CFR 870.4260 - Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter... Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator) system to filter nonbiologic...
21 CFR 870.4260 - Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter... Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator) system to filter nonbiologic...
21 CFR 870.4260 - Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter... Cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator) system to filter nonbiologic...
Blood-Pressure Measuring System Gives Accurate Graphic Output
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The problem: To develop an instrument that will provide an external (indirect) measurement of arterial blood pressure in the form of an easily interpreted graphic trace that can be correlated with standard clinical blood-pressure measurements. From sphygmograms produced by conventional sphygmographs, it is very difficult to differentiate the systolic and diastolic blood-pressure pulses and to correlate these indices with the standard clinical values. It is nearly impossible to determine these indices when the subject is under physical or emotional stress. The solution: An electronic blood-pressure system, basically similar to conventional ausculatory sphygmomanometers, employing a standard occluding cuff, a gas-pressure source, and a gas-pressure regulator and valve. An electrical output transducer senses cuff pressure, and a microphone positioned on the brachial artery under the occluding cuff monitors the Korotkoff sounds from this artery. The output signals present the conventional systolic and diastolic indices in a clear, graphical display. The complete system also includes an electronic timer and cycle-control circuit.
Simultaneous assessment of blood coagulation and hematocrit levels in dielectric blood coagulometry.
Hayashi, Yoshihito; Brun, Marc-Aurèle; Machida, Kenzo; Lee, Seungmin; Murata, Aya; Omori, Shinji; Uchiyama, Hidetoshi; Inoue, Yoshinori; Kudo, Toshifumi; Toyofuku, Takahiro; Nagasawa, Masayuki; Uchimura, Isao; Nakamura, Tomomasa; Muneta, Takeshi
In a whole blood coagulation test, the concentration of any in vitro diagnostic agent in plasma is dependent on the hematocrit level but its impact on the test result is unknown. The aim of this work was to clarify the effects of reagent concentration, particularly Ca2+, and to find a method for hematocrit estimation compatible with the coagulation test. Whole blood coagulation tests by dielectric blood coagulometry (DBCM) and rotational thromboelastometry were performed with various concentrations of Ca2+ or on samples with different hematocrit levels. DBCM data from a previous clinical study of patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty were re-analyzed. Clear Ca2+ concentration and hematocrit level dependences of the characteristic times of blood coagulation were observed. Rouleau formation made hematocrit estimation difficult in DBCM, but use of permittivity at around 3 MHz made it possible. The re-analyzed clinical data showed a good correlation between permittivity at 3 MHz and hematocrit level (R2=0.83). Changes in the hematocrit level may affect whole blood coagulation tests. DBCM has the potential to overcome this effect with some automated correction using results from simultaneous evaluations of the hematocrit level and blood coagulability.
Is the U.S. shale gas boom having an effect on the European gas market?
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yao, Isaac
This thesis focuses on the impact of the American shale gas boom on the European natural gas market. The study presents different tests in order to analyze the dynamics of natural gas prices in the U.S., U.K. and German natural gas market. The question of cointegration between these different markets are analyzed using several tests. More specifically, the ADF tests for the presence of a unit root. The error correction model test and the Johansen cointegration procedure are applied in order to accept or reject the hypothesis of an integrated market. The results suggest no evidence of cointegration between these markets. There currently is no evidence of an impact of the U.S. shale gas boom on the European market.
40 CFR 91.314 - Analyzer accuracy and specifications.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
.... (3) Zero drift. The analyzer zero-response drift during a one-hour period must be less than two percent of full-scale chart deflection on the lowest range used. The zero-response is defined as the mean... calibration or span gas. (2) Noise. The analyzer peak-to-peak response to zero and calibration or span gases...
[Poisoning by exhaust gas of the imperfect combustion of natural gas: 22 cases study].
Dong, Li-Min; Zhao, Hai; Zhang, Ming-Chang; He, Meng
To analyze the case characteristics of poisoning by exhaust gas of the imperfect combustion of natural gas and provide references for forensic identification and prevention of such accidents. Twenty-two cases of poisoning by exhaust gas of the imperfect combustion of natural gas in Minhang District during 2004 to 2013 were collected. Some aspects such as general conditions of deaths, incidence time, weather, field investigation, and autopsy were retrospectively analyzed. In the 22 cases, there were 15 males and 16 females. The age range was between 2 and 82 years old. The major occurring time was in January or February (8 cases in each) and the cases almost occurred in small area room (21 cases). There was wide crack next to the exhaust port when the gas water heater was been used in all cases. There are more prone to occurrence of exhaust gas poisoning of imperfect combustion of natural gas in small area room with a ventilation window near the exhaust port of gas water heated. It shows that the scene of combustion exhaust gas poisoning should be more concerned in the cold season.
Performance evaluation of Samsung LABGEO(HC10) Hematology Analyzer.
Park, Il Joong; Ahn, Sunhyun; Kim, Young In; Kang, Seon Joo; Cho, Sung Ran
The Samsung LABGEO(HC10) Hematology Analyzer (LABGEO(HC10)) is a recently developed automated hematology analyzer that uses impedance technologies. The analyzer provides 18 parameters including 3-part differential at a maximum rate of 80 samples per hour. To evaluate the performance of the LABGEO(HC10). We evaluated precision, linearity, carryover, and relationship for complete blood cell count parameters between the LABGEO(HC10) and the LH780 (Beckman Coulter Inc) in a university hospital in Korea according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. Sample stability and differences due to the anticoagulant used (K₂EDTA versus K₃EDTA) were also evaluated. The LABGEO(HC10) showed linearity over a wide range and minimal carryover (<1%) for white blood cell, hemoglobin, red blood cell, and platelet parameters. Correlation between the LABGEO(HC10) and the LH780 was good for all complete blood cell count parameters (R > 0.92) except for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. The bias estimated was acceptable for all parameters investigated except for monocyte count. Most parameters were stable until 24 hours both at room temperature and at 4°C. The difference by anticoagulant type was statistically insignificant for all parameters except for a few red cell parameters. The accurate results achievable and simplicity of operation make the unit recommendable for small to medium-sized laboratories.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Schlager, Kenneth J.; Ruchti, Timothy L.
TAMM for Transcutaneous Analyte Measuring Method is a near infrared spectroscopic technique for the noninvasive measurement of human blood chemistry. A near infrared indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) photodiode array spectrometer has been developed and tested on over 1,000 patients as a part of an SBIR program sponsored by the Naval Medical Research and Development Command. Nine (9) blood analytes have been measured and evaluated during pre-clinical testing: sodium, chloride, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, BUN, glucose, hematocrit and hemoglobin. A reflective rather than a transmissive invasive approach to measurement has been taken to avoid variations resulting from skin color and sensor positioning. The current status of the instrumentation, neural network pattern recognition algorithms and test results will be discussed.
Páez-Rosas, Diego; Hirschfeld, Maximilian; Deresienski, Diane; Lewbart, Gregory A
The Galápagos sea lion, Zalophus wollebaeki, is an endemic and endangered species subject to population decline associated with environmental variability, such as El Niño events, constant feeding stress, and exposure to diseases through contact with introduced species. Reference blood parameter intervals have been published for some pinniped species, but baseline biochemical and blood gas values are lacking from Z. wollebaeki. We analyzed blood samples from 30 juvenile Galápagos sea lions (19 females, 11 males) captured in two rookeries on San Cristóbal Island. A portable blood analyzer (iSTAT) was used to obtain near-immediate field results for pH, partial pressure of O2, partial pressure of CO2, bicarbonate (HCO3(-)), hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin, Na, K, ionized Ca, and glucose, and blood lactate was measured using a portable Lactate Plus(TM) analyzer. Average heart rate, biochemistry, and hematology parameters were comparable with healthy individuals of other pinniped species. Hemoglobin was significantly correlated with body condition of juvenile Galápagos sea lions. When compared with available blood values of clinically healthy California sea lions, Galápagos sea lions had higher total protein and Hct and lower Ca and K levels. Our results provide baseline data that may be useful in comparisons among populations and in detecting changes in health status among Galápagos sea lions.
Automated measurement of respiratory gas exchange by an inert gas dilution technique
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sawin, C. F.; Rummel, J. A.; Michel, E. L.
A respiratory gas analyzer (RGA) has been developed wherein a mass spectrometer is the sole transducer required for measurement of respiratory gas exchange. The mass spectrometer maintains all signals in absolute phase relationships, precluding the need to synchronize flow and gas composition as required in other systems. The RGA system was evaluated by comparison with the Douglas bag technique. The RGA system established the feasibility of the inert gas dilution method for measuring breath-by-breath respiratory gas exchange. This breath-by-breath analytical capability permits detailed study of transient respiratory responses to exercise.
Gas diffusion liquid storage bag and method of use for storing blood
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bank, H.; Cleland, E. L. (Inventor)
The shelf life of stored whole blood may be doubled by adding a buffer which maintains a desired pH level. However, this buffer causes the generation of CO2 which, if not removed at a controlled rate, causes the pH value of the blood to decrease, which shortens the useful life of the blood. A blood storage bag is described which permits the CO2 to be diffused out at a controlled rate into the atmosphere, thereby maintaining the desired pH value and providing a bag strong enough to permit handling.
Gas analysis system for the Eight Foot High Temperature Tunnel
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Leighty, Bradley D.; Davis, Patricia P.; Upchurch, Billy T.; Puster, Richard L.
This paper describes the development of a gas collection and analysis system that is to be installed in the Eight-Foot High Temperature Tunnel (8' HTT) at NASA's Langley Research Center. This system will be used to analyze the test gas medium that results after burning a methane-air mixture to achieve the proper tunnel test parameters. The system consists of a sampling rake, a gas sample storage array, and a gas chromatographic system. Gas samples will be analyzed after each run to assure that proper combustion takes place in the tunnel resulting in a correctly balanced composition of the test gas medium. The proper ratio of gas species is critically necessary in order for the proper operation and testing of scramjet engines in the tunnel. After a variety of methane-air burn conditions have been analyzed, additional oxygen will be introduced into the combusted gas and the enriched test gas medium analyzed. The pre/post enrichment sets of data will be compared to verify that the gas species of the test gas medium is correctly balanced for testing of air-breathing engines.
Liquid propellant gas generators
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The design of gas generators intended to provide hot gases for turbine drive is discussed. Emphasis is placed on the design and operation of bipropellant gas generators because of their wider use. Problems and limitations involved in turbine operation due to temperature effects are analyzed. Methods of temperature control of gas turbines and combustion products are examined. Drawings of critical sections of gas turbines to show their operation and areas of stress are included.
International Space Station Major Constituent Analyzer On-Orbit Performance
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gardner, Ben D.; Erwin, Philip M.; Thoresen, Souzan; Granahan, John; Matty, Chris
The Major Constituent Analyzer is a mass spectrometer based system that measures the major atmospheric constituents on the International Space Station. A number of limited-life components require periodic changeout, including the analyzer (ORU 02) and the verification gas assembly (ORU 08). The longest lasting ORU 02 was recently replaced after a record service length of 1033 days. The comparatively high performance duration may be attributable to a reduced inlet flow rate into the analyzer, resulting in increased ion pump lifetime; however, there may be other factors as well. A recent schedule slip for delivery of replacement verification gas led to a demonstration that the calibration interval could be extended on a short-term basis. An analysis of ORU 08 performance characteristics indicates that it is possible to temporarily extend the calibration interval from 6 weeks to 12 weeks if necessary.
20 CFR 718.105 - Arterial blood-gas studies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... OR DEATH DUE TO PNEUMOCONIOSIS Criteria for the Development of Medical Evidence § 718.105 Arterial... exercise); (7) Duration and type of exercise; (8) Pulse rate at the time the blood sample was drawn; (9... table in Appendix C is administered during a hospitalization which ends in the miner's death, then any...
20 CFR 718.105 - Arterial blood-gas studies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... OR DEATH DUE TO PNEUMOCONIOSIS Criteria for the Development of Medical Evidence § 718.105 Arterial... exercise); (7) Duration and type of exercise; (8) Pulse rate at the time the blood sample was drawn; (9... table in Appendix C is administered during a hospitalization which ends in the miner's death, then any...
20 CFR 718.105 - Arterial blood-gas studies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... OR DEATH DUE TO PNEUMOCONIOSIS Criteria for the Development of Medical Evidence § 718.105 Arterial... exercise); (7) Duration and type of exercise; (8) Pulse rate at the time the blood sample was drawn; (9... table in Appendix C is administered during a hospitalization which ends in the miner's death, then any...
Simultaneous assessment of blood coagulation and hematocrit levels in dielectric blood coagulometry
Hayashi, Yoshihito; Brun, Marc-Aurèle; Machida, Kenzo; Lee, Seungmin; Murata, Aya; Omori, Shinji; Uchiyama, Hidetoshi; Inoue, Yoshinori; Kudo, Toshifumi; Toyofuku, Takahiro; Nagasawa, Masayuki; Uchimura, Isao; Nakamura, Tomomasa; Muneta, Takeshi
Background: In a whole blood coagulation test, the concentration of any in vitro diagnostic agent in plasma is dependent on the hematocrit level but its impact on the test result is unknown. Objective: The aim of this work was to clarify the effects of reagent concentration, particularly Ca2+, and to find a method for hematocrit estimation compatible with the coagulation test. Methods: Whole blood coagulation tests by dielectric blood coagulometry (DBCM) and rotational thromboelastometry were performed with various concentrations of Ca2+ or on samples with different hematocrit levels. DBCM data from a previous clinical study of patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty were re-analyzed. Results: Clear Ca2+ concentration and hematocrit level dependences of the characteristic times of blood coagulation were observed. Rouleau formation made hematocrit estimation difficult in DBCM, but use of permittivity at around 3 MHz made it possible. The re-analyzed clinical data showed a good correlation between permittivity at 3 MHz and hematocrit level (R2=0.83). Conclusions: Changes in the hematocrit level may affect whole blood coagulation tests. DBCM has the potential to overcome this effect with some automated correction using results from simultaneous evaluations of the hematocrit level and blood coagulability. PMID:28800301
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Raphaelian, L.A.; Boparai, A.S.; Schneider, J.F.
Objectives of this research project were: (1) to enhance the capabilities of analyzing the complex mixtures found in coal wastes by using gas chromatography/matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy (GC/MIIR); (2) to separate, by supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), the complex mixtures found in coal wastes into a few, less-complex mixtures so that analysis by gas chromatography (GC/MS) and GC/MIIR would be simplified. Preliminary results are presented for the mass spectra and infrared spectra of xylene isomers, gas chromatogram of 12 C/sub 2/-Napthalenes, averaged IR spectrum and a comparison of matrix isolation with light-pipe infrared spectra. A SFC chromatogram of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbonsmore » is also presented. 2 refs., 5 figs.« less
Wong, Jeremy D; O'Connor, Shawn M; Selinger, Jessica C; Donelan, J Maxwell
People can adapt their gait to minimize energetic cost, indicating that walking's neural control has access to ongoing measurements of the body's energy use. In this study we tested the hypothesis that an important source of energetic cost measurements arises from blood gas receptors that are sensitive to O 2 and CO 2 concentrations. These receptors are known to play a role in regulating other physiological processes related to energy consumption, such as ventilation rate. Given the role of O 2 and CO 2 in oxidative metabolism, sensing their levels can provide an accurate estimate of the body's total energy use. To test our hypothesis, we simulated an added energetic cost for blood gas receptors that depended on a subject's step frequency and determined if subjects changed their behavior in response to this simulated cost. These energetic costs were simulated by controlling inspired gas concentrations to decrease the circulating levels of O 2 and increase CO 2 We found this blood gas control to be effective at shifting the step frequency that minimized the ventilation rate and perceived exertion away from the normally preferred frequency, indicating that these receptors provide the nervous system with strong physiological and psychological signals. However, rather than adapt their preferred step frequency toward these lower simulated costs, subjects persevered at their normally preferred frequency even after extensive experience with the new simulated costs. These results suggest that blood gas receptors play a negligible role in sensing energetic cost for the purpose of optimizing gait. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Human gait adaptation implies that the nervous system senses energetic cost, yet this signal is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that the blood gas receptors sense cost for gait optimization by controlling blood O 2 and CO 2 with step frequency as people walked. At the simulated energetic minimum, ventilation and perceived exertion were lowest, yet subjects
21 CFR 870.4270 - Cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... blood filter. 870.4270 Section 870.4270 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF... Devices § 870.4270 Cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator...
21 CFR 870.4270 - Cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... blood filter. 870.4270 Section 870.4270 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF... Devices § 870.4270 Cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator...
21 CFR 870.4270 - Cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... blood filter. 870.4270 Section 870.4270 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF... Devices § 870.4270 Cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator...
21 CFR 870.4270 - Cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... blood filter. 870.4270 Section 870.4270 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF... Devices § 870.4270 Cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator...
21 CFR 870.4270 - Cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... blood filter. 870.4270 Section 870.4270 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF... Devices § 870.4270 Cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter. (a) Identification. A cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator...
Improvement of a respiratory ozone analyzer.
Ultman, J S; Ben-Jebria, A; Mac Dougall, C S; Rigas, M L
The breath-to-breath measurement of total respiratory ozone (O3) uptake requires monitoring O3 concentration at the airway opening with an instrument that responds rapidly relative to the breathing frequency. Our original chemiluminescent analyzer, using 2-methyl-2-butene as the reactant gas, had a 10% to 90% step-response time of 110 msec and a minimal detectable concentration of 0.018 parts per million (ppm) O3 (Ben-Jebria et al. 1990). This instrument was suitable for respiratory O3 monitoring during quiet breathing and light exercise. For this study, we constructed a more self-contained analyzer with a faster response time using ethylene as the reactant gas. When the analyzer was operated at a reaction chamber pressure of 350 torr, an ethylene-to-sample flow ratio of 4:1, and a sampling flow of 0.6 liters per minute (Lpm), it had a 10% to 90% step-response time of 70 msec and a minimal detectable concentration of 0.006 ppm. These specifications make respiratory O3 monitoring possible during moderate-to-heavy exercise. In addition, the nonlinear calibration and the carbon dioxide (CO2) interference exhibited by the original analyzer were eliminated. In breath-to-breath measurements in two healthy men, the fractional uptake of O3 during one minute of quiet breathing was comparable to the results obtained by using a slowly responding commercial analyzer with a quasi-steady material balance method (Wiester et al. 1996). In fact, fractional uptake was about 0.8 regardless of O3 exposure concentration (0.11 to 0.43 ppm) or ventilation rate (4 to 41 Lpm/m2).
Plössl, Florian; Giera, Martin; Bracher, Franz
A convenient analytical method for the simultaneous determination of more than 40 pharmaceuticals belonging to various therapeutic categories in whole blood has been developed. Exemplarily, the method was fully validated for eight different pharmaceuticals. The procedure entails addition of acetonitrile, magnesium sulfate and sodium chloride to a small amount of blood, then the mixture is shaken intensively and centrifuged for phase separation. An aliquot of the organic layer is cleaned up by dispersive solid-phase extraction employing bulk sorbents as well as magnesium sulfate for the removal of residual water. This method was based on the QuEChERS approach developed for pesticide residue analysis in food. Gas chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with electron (EI) and chemical (CI) ionisation was then used for qualitative and quantitative determination of the pharmaceuticals. The dispersive SPE with PSA (sorbent functionalized with primary and secondary amines) was found more suitable than aminopropyl and a styrene-divinylbenzene sorbent for sample clean-up before drug level determination in whole blood and plasma, as it was found that most of endogenous matrix components were removed and the analytes were isolated from spiked samples with recoveries above 80%. Variation coefficients of the repeatability typically smaller than 10% have been achieved for a wide range of the investigated substances. The used analytical conditions allowed to separate successively a variety of drugs and poisons with the typical limit of detection at <20 ng mL(-1) levels using 1 microL injection of equivalent blood sample in whole blood. The method is simple, rapid, cheap and very effective for therapeutic drug monitoring and forensic chemistry.
Teaching Pulmonary Gas Exchange Physiology Using Computer Modeling
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kapitan, Kent S.
Students often have difficulty understanding the relationship of O[subscript 2] consumption, CO[subscript 2] production, cardiac output, and distribution of ventilation-perfusion ratios in the lung to the final arterial blood gas composition. To overcome this difficulty, I have developed an interactive computer simulation of pulmonary gas exchange…
Reliable noninvasive measurement of blood gases
Thomas, Edward V.; Robinson, Mark R.; Haaland, David M.; Alam, Mary K.
Methods and apparatus for, preferably, determining noninvasively and in vivo at least two of the five blood gas parameters (i.e., pH, PCO.sub.2, [HCO.sub.3.sup.- ], PO.sub.2, and O.sub.2 sat.) in a human. The non-invasive method includes the steps of: generating light at three or more different wavelengths in the range of 500 nm to 2500 nm; irradiating blood containing tissue; measuring the intensities of the wavelengths emerging from the blood containing tissue to obtain a set of at least three spectral intensities v. wavelengths; and determining the unknown values of at least two of pH, [HCO.sub.3.sup.- ], PCO.sub.2 and a measure of oxygen concentration. The determined values are within the physiological ranges observed in blood containing tissue. The method also includes the steps of providing calibration samples, determining if the spectral intensities v. wavelengths from the tissue represents an outlier, and determining if any of the calibration samples represents an outlier. The determination of the unknown values is performed by at least one multivariate algorithm using two or more variables and at least one calibration model. Preferably, there is a separate calibration for each blood gas parameter being determined. The method can be utilized in a pulse mode and can also be used invasively. The apparatus includes a tissue positioning device, a source, at least one detector, electronics, a microprocessor, memory, and apparatus for indicating the determined values.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Buch, A.; Freissinet, C.; Sternberg, R.; Szopa, C.; Coll, P. J.; Brault, A.; Pinnick, V.; Siljeström, S.; Raulin, F.; Steininger, H.; Goesmann, F.; MOMA Team
With the aim of separating and detecting organic compounds from Martian soil onboard the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) experiment of the ExoMars 2018 upcoming joint ESA/NASA mission, we have developed three different space compatible sample preparation techniques compatible with space missions, able to extract and analyze by GC-MS a wide range of volatile and refractory compounds, including chirality analysis. Then, a sample processing utilizing three derivatization/extraction reactions has been carried out. The first reaction is based on a silyl reagent N-Methyl-N- (Tert-Butyldimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA) [1], the second one, N,N-Dimethylformamide Dimethylacetal (DMF-DMA) [2,3] is dedicated to the chirality detection and the third one is a thermochemolysis based on the use of tetramethylammoniumhydroxide (TMAH). The sample processing system is performed in an oven, dedicated to the MOMA experiment containing the solid sample (50-100mg). The internal temperature of the oven ranges from 20 to 900 °C. The extraction step is achieved by using thermodesorption in the range of 100 to 300°C for 5 to 20 min. Then, the chemical derivatization of the extracted compounds is performed directly on the soil sample by using a derivatyization capsule which contains a mixture of MTBSTFA-DMF or DMF-DMA solution when enantiomeric separation is required. By decreasing the polarity of the targeted molecules, this step allows their volatilization at a temperature below 250°C without any thermal degradation. Once derivatized, the volatile target molecules are trapped in a chemical trap and promptly desorbed into the gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer. Thermochemolysis is directly performed in the oven at 400°C during 5 min with a 25% (w/w) methanol solution of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH). Then, pyrolysis in the presence of TMAH allows both an efficient cleavage of polar bonds and the subsequent methylation of COOH, OH and NH2 groups, hence
Oliveira, Claudia Di Lorenzo; de Almeida-Neto, Cesar; Liu, Emily Jing; Sabino, Ester Cerdeira; Leão, Silvana Carneiro; Loureiro, Paula; Wright, David; Custer, Brian; Gonçalez, Thelma Therezinha; Capuani, Ligia; Busch, Michael; Proietti, Anna Bárbara de Freitas Carneiro
Seasonal distribution of blood donation hinders efforts to provide a safe and adequate blood supply leading to chronic and persistent shortages. This study examined whether holidays, geographical area and donation type (community versus replacement) has any impact on the fluctuation of donations. The numbers of blood donations from 2007 through 2010 in three Brazilian Retrovirus Epidemiological Donor Study II (REDS-II) participating centers were analyzed according to the week of donation. The weeks were classified as holiday or non-holiday. To compare donations performed during holiday versus non-holiday weeks, tabulations and descriptive statistics for weekly donations by blood center were examined and time series analysis was conducted. The average weekly number of donations varied according to the blood center and type of week. The average number of donations decreased significantly during Carnival and Christmas and increased during the Brazilian National Donor Week. The fluctuation was more pronounced in Recife and Belo Horizonte when compared to São Paulo and higher among community donors. National bank holidays affect the blood supply by reducing available blood donations. Blood banks should take into account these oscillations in order to plan local campaigns, aiming at maintaining the blood supply at acceptable levels.
40 CFR 1065.350 - H2O interference verification for CO2 NDIR analyzers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... verification as follows: (1) Start, operate, zero, and span the CO2 NDIR analyzer as you would before an.... (2) Create a humidified test gas by bubbling zero gas that meets the specifications in § 1065.750..., as close as possible to the inlet of the analyzer. For example, measure dewpoint, T dew, and absolute...
40 CFR 1065.350 - H2O interference verification for CO2 NDIR analyzers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... verification as follows: (1) Start, operate, zero, and span the CO2 NDIR analyzer as you would before an.... (2) Create a humidified test gas by bubbling zero gas that meets the specifications in § 1065.750..., as close as possible to the inlet of the analyzer. For example, measure dewpoint, T dew, and absolute...
40 CFR 1065.350 - H2O interference verification for CO2 NDIR analyzers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... verification as follows: (1) Start, operate, zero, and span the CO2 NDIR analyzer as you would before an.... (2) Create a humidified test gas by bubbling zero gas that meets the specifications in § 1065.750..., as close as possible to the inlet of the analyzer. For example, measure dewpoint, T dew, and absolute...
40 CFR 1065.350 - H2O interference verification for CO2 NDIR analyzers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... verification as follows: (1) Start, operate, zero, and span the CO2 NDIR analyzer as you would before an.... (2) Create a humidified test gas by bubbling zero gas that meets the specifications in § 1065.750..., as close as possible to the inlet of the analyzer. For example, measure dewpoint, T dew, and absolute...
40 CFR 1065.350 - H2O interference verification for CO2 NDIR analyzers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... verification as follows: (1) Start, operate, zero, and span the CO2 NDIR analyzer as you would before an.... (2) Create a humidified test gas by bubbling zero gas that meets the specifications in § 1065.750..., as close as possible to the inlet of the analyzer. For example, measure dewpoint, T dew, and absolute...
Automatic Analyzers and Signal Indicators of Toxic and Dangerously Explosive Substances in Air,
of air are used also thermo- conductometry and electroconductometric methods. The thermo- conductometry method of analysis is based on a change of the... conductometry gas analyzers is very limited and is reduced in essence to the analysis of two-component mixtures or multicomponent ones, all whose...differs. Rain disadvantage in tae tnormo- conductometry gas analyzers - increased sensitivity to a change in the ambient conditions, in consequence of
40 CFR 92.120 - NDIR analyzer calibration and checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
....120 NDIR analyzer calibration and checks. (a) NDIR water rejection ratio check. (1) Zero and span the analyzer on the lowest range that will be used. (2) Introduce a saturated mixture of water and zero gas at...) in absolute units in Pascal. Gauges G3 and G4 may be used if the values are converted to the correct...
40 CFR 92.120 - NDIR analyzer calibration and checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
....120 NDIR analyzer calibration and checks. (a) NDIR water rejection ratio check. (1) Zero and span the analyzer on the lowest range that will be used. (2) Introduce a saturated mixture of water and zero gas at...) in absolute units in Pascal. Gauges G3 and G4 may be used if the values are converted to the correct...
40 CFR 92.120 - NDIR analyzer calibration and checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
....120 NDIR analyzer calibration and checks. (a) NDIR water rejection ratio check. (1) Zero and span the analyzer on the lowest range that will be used. (2) Introduce a saturated mixture of water and zero gas at...) in absolute units in Pascal. Gauges G3 and G4 may be used if the values are converted to the correct...
40 CFR 92.120 - NDIR analyzer calibration and checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
....120 NDIR analyzer calibration and checks. (a) NDIR water rejection ratio check. (1) Zero and span the analyzer on the lowest range that will be used. (2) Introduce a saturated mixture of water and zero gas at...) in absolute units in Pascal. Gauges G3 and G4 may be used if the values are converted to the correct...
40 CFR 92.120 - NDIR analyzer calibration and checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
....120 NDIR analyzer calibration and checks. (a) NDIR water rejection ratio check. (1) Zero and span the analyzer on the lowest range that will be used. (2) Introduce a saturated mixture of water and zero gas at...) in absolute units in Pascal. Gauges G3 and G4 may be used if the values are converted to the correct...
Endoscopical determination of gastric mucosal blood flow by the crossed thermocouple method.
Hiramatsu, A; Watanabe, T; Okuhira, M; Uchiyama, S; Mizuno, T; Sameshima, Y
A crossed thermocouple method in combination with endoscopy was applied to determine the blood flow rate of the human gastric mucosa. Determination was carried out with 11 healthy control subjects at 8 sites of the stomach. The blood flow rates at all sites in the corpus were found to be higher than those at the antrum. In subjects less than 50 years old the blood flow rate in the corpus was higher than in older subjects. These results were in agreed well with those obtained by the hydrogen gas clearance method, which is widely adopted clinically. The crossed thermocouple method is easily applicable to all sites in the gastric mucosa and the time required for the assay is very short. This method dose not require the inhalation of hydrogen gas which is necessary for the hydrogen gas clearance method and which is possibly harmful to humans. Although the values obtained by the crossed thermocouple method are relative to the value at a certain fixed site, this method will holds great potential for the determination of gastric mucosal blood flow rate.
Nitric oxide transport in blood: a third gas in the respiratory cycle.
Doctor, Allan; Stamler, Jonathan S
The trapping, processing, and delivery of nitric oxide (NO) bioactivity by red blood cells (RBCs) have emerged as a conserved mechanism through which regional blood flow is linked to biochemical cues of perfusion sufficiency. We present here an expanded paradigm for the human respiratory cycle based on the coordinated transport of three gases: NO, O₂, and CO₂. By linking O₂ and NO flux, RBCs couple vessel caliber (and thus blood flow) to O₂ availability in the lung and to O₂ need in the periphery. The elements required for regulated O₂-based signal transduction via controlled NO processing within RBCs are presented herein, including S-nitrosothiol (SNO) synthesis by hemoglobin and O₂-regulated delivery of NO bioactivity (capture, activation, and delivery of NO groups at sites remote from NO synthesis by NO synthase). The role of NO transport in the respiratory cycle at molecular, microcirculatory, and system levels is reviewed. We elucidate the mechanism through which regulated NO transport in blood supports O₂ homeostasis, not only through adaptive regulation of regional systemic blood flow but also by optimizing ventilation-perfusion matching in the lung. Furthermore, we discuss the role of NO transport in the central control of breathing and in baroreceptor control of blood pressure, which subserve O₂ supply to tissue. Additionally, malfunctions of this transport and signaling system that are implicated in a wide array of human pathophysiologies are described. Understanding the (dys)function of NO processing in blood is a prerequisite for the development of novel therapies that target the vasoactive capacities of RBCs. © 2011 American Physiological Society.
False alarm recognition in hyperspectral gas plume identification
Conger, James L [San Ramon, CA; Lawson, Janice K [Tracy, CA; Aimonetti, William D [Livermore, CA
According to one embodiment, a method for analyzing hyperspectral data includes collecting first hyperspectral data of a scene using a hyperspectral imager during a no-gas period and analyzing the first hyperspectral data using one or more gas plume detection logics. The gas plume detection logic is executed using a low detection threshold, and detects each occurrence of an observed hyperspectral signature. The method also includes generating a histogram for all occurrences of each observed hyperspectral signature which is detected using the gas plume detection logic, and determining a probability of false alarm (PFA) for all occurrences of each observed hyperspectral signature based on the histogram. Possibly at some other time, the method includes collecting second hyperspectral data, and analyzing the second hyperspectral data using the one or more gas plume detection logics and the PFA to determine if any gas is present. Other systems and methods are also included.
Rout, M. W.; Lane, D. J.; Wollner, L.
Respiratory pattern and arterial blood gas tensions were assessed in patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents. Hyperventilation, low Pco2, and high arterial pH were associated with a poor prognosis, whereas patients with normal respiratory pattern and blood gas tensions survived. Periodic and Cheyne-Stokes breathing carried an intermediate prognosis. PMID:5091916
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Coltrin, M.E.; Kee, R.J.; Rupley, F.M.
Heterogeneous reaction at the interface between a solid surface and adjacent gas is central to many chemical processes. Our purpose for developing the software package SURFACE CHEMKIN was motivated by our need to understand the complex surface chemistry in chemical vapor deposition systems involving silicon, silicon nitride, and gallium arsenide. However, we have developed the approach and implemented the software in a general setting. Thus, we expect it will find use in such diverse applications as chemical vapor deposition, chemical etching, combustion of solids, and catalytic processes, and for a wide range of chemical systems. We believe that it providesmore » a powerful capability to help model, understand, and optimize important industrial and research chemical processes. The SURFACE CHEMKIN software is designed to work in conjunction with the CHEMKIN-2 software, which handles the chemical kinetics in the gas phase. It may also be used in conjunction with the Transport Property Package, which provides information about molecular diffusion. Thus, these three packages provide a foundation on which a user can build applications software to analyze gas-phase and heterogeneous chemistry in flowing systems. These packages should not be considered programs'' in the ordinary sense. That is, they are not designed to accept input, solve a particular problem, and report the answer. Instead, they are software tools intended to help a user work efficiently with large systems of chemical reactions and develop Fortran representations of systems of equations that define a particular problem. It is up the user to solve the problem and interpret the answer. 11 refs., 15 figs., 5 tabs.« less
Influence of vascular network design on gas transfer in lung assist device technology.
Bassett, Erik K; Hoganson, David M; Lo, Justin H; Penson, Elliot J N; Vacanti, Joseph P
Blood oxygenators are vital for the critically ill, but their use is limited to the hospital setting. A portable blood oxygenator or a lung assist device for ambulatory or long-term use would greatly benefit patients with chronic lung disease. In this work, a biomimetic blood oxygenator system was developed which consisted of a microfluidic vascular network covered by a gas permeable silicone membrane. This system was used to determine the influence of key microfluidic parameters-channel size, oxygen exposure length, and blood shear rate-on blood oxygenation and carbon dioxide removal. Total gas transfer increased linearly with flow rate, independent of channel size and oxygen exposure length. On average, CO(2) transfer was 4.3 times higher than oxygen transfer. Blood oxygen saturation was also found to depend on the flow rate per channel but in an inverse manner; oxygenation decreased and approached an asymptote as the flow rate per channel increased. These relationships can be used to optimize future biomimetic vascular networks for specific lung applications: gas transfer for carbon dioxide removal in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or oxygenation for premature infants requiring complete lung replacement therapy.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shimanov, A. A.; Biryuk, V. V.; Sheludko, L. P.; Shabanov, K. Yu.
In the framework of this paper, there have been analyzed power station building methods to construct a power station for utilities for gas-main pipelines compressor stations. The application efficiency of turbo expanders in them to expand the power gas of compressor stations' gas compressor units has been shown. New schemes for gas-turbine expander power generating systems have been proposed.
Woźniak, Mateusz Kacper; Wiergowski, Marek; Aszyk, Justyna; Kubica, Paweł; Namieśnik, Jacek; Biziuk, Marek
Amphetamine, methamphetamine, phentermine, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), and 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine (MDEA) are the most popular amphetamine-type stimulants. The use of these substances is a serious societal problem worldwide. In this study, a method based on gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) with simple and rapid liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and derivatization was developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of the six aforementioned amphetamine derivatives in blood and urine. The detection of all compounds was based on multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions. The most important advantage of the method is the minimal sample volume (as low as 200μL) required for the extraction procedure. The validation parameters, i.e., the recovery (90.5-104%), inter-day accuracy (94.2-109.1%) and precision (0.5-5.8%), showed the repeatability and sensitivity of the method for both matrices and indicated that the proposed procedure fulfils internationally established acceptance criteria for bioanalytical methods The procedure was successfully applied to the analysis of real blood and urine samples examined in 22 forensic toxicological cases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work presenting the use of GC-MS/MS for the determination of amphetamine-type stimulants in blood and urine. In view of the low limits of detection (0.09-0.81ng/mL), limits of quantification (0.26-2.4ng/mL), and high selectivity, the procedure can be applied for drug monitoring in both fatal and non-fatal intoxication cases in routine toxicology analysis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Palosh, L.; Agadzhanyan, N. A.; Davydov, G. A.; Rybakov, B. K.; Sergiyenko, A. S.
Maximum permissible concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in a controlled atmosphere were determined by evaluating their effects on human gas exchange, blood coagulation, and tolerances to acute hypoxia, acceleration, and physical loads. It was found that functional disturbances depend on the concentration of respiratory gases and the length of stay in an altered atmosphere. By changing the atmospheric composition and by bringing the gaseous environment into accordance with the work and rest regimen and energy expenditures, the general reactivity of the body changes favorably.
Real-time exhaust gas modular flowmeter and emissions reporting system for mobile apparatus
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Breton, Leo Alphonse Gerard (Inventor)
A real-time emissions reporting system includes an instrument module adapted to be detachably connected to the exhaust pipe of a combustion engine to provide for flow of exhaust gas therethrough. The instrument module includes a differential pressure probe which allows for determination of flow rate of the exhaust gas and a gas sampling tube for continuously feeding a sample of the exhaust gas to a gas analyzer or a mounting location for a non-sampling gas analyzer. In addition to the module, the emissions reporting system also includes an elastomeric boot for detachably connecting the module to the exhaust pipe of the combustion engine, a gas analyzer for receiving and analyzing gases sampled within the module and a computer for calculating pollutant mass flow rates based on concentrations detected by the gas analyzer and the detected flowrate of the exhaust gas. The system may also include a particulate matter detector with a second gas sampling tube feeding same mounted within the instrument module.
Oliveira, Claudia Di Lorenzo; de Almeida-Neto, Cesar; Liu, Emily Jing; Sabino, Ester Cerdeira; Leão, Silvana Carneiro; Loureiro, Paula; Wright, David; Custer, Brian; Gonçalez, Thelma Therezinha; Capuani, Ligia; Busch, Michael; Proietti, Anna Bárbara de Freitas Carneiro
Background Seasonal distribution of blood donation hinders efforts to provide a safe and adequate blood supply leading to chronic and persistent shortages. This study examined whether holidays, geographical area and donation type (community versus replacement) has any impact on the fluctuation of donations. Methods The numbers of blood donations from 2007 through 2010 in three Brazilian Retrovirus Epidemiological Donor Study II (REDS-II) participating centers were analyzed according to the week of donation. The weeks were classified as holiday or non-holiday. To compare donations performed during holiday versus non-holiday weeks, tabulations and descriptive statistics for weekly donations by blood center were examined and time series analysis was conducted. Results The average weekly number of donations varied according to the blood center and type of week. The average number of donations decreased significantly during Carnival and Christmas and increased during the Brazilian National Donor Week. The fluctuation was more pronounced in Recife and Belo Horizonte when compared to São Paulo and higher among community donors. Conclusion National bank holidays affect the blood supply by reducing available blood donations. Blood banks should take into account these oscillations in order to plan local campaigns, aiming at maintaining the blood supply at acceptable levels. PMID:24106441
Kretzschmar, Moritz; Schilling, Thomas; Vogt, Andreas; Rothen, Hans Ulrich; Borges, João Batista; Hachenberg, Thomas; Larsson, Anders; Baumgardner, James E; Hedenstierna, Göran
The mismatching of alveolar ventilation and perfusion (VA/Q) is the major determinant of impaired gas exchange. The gold standard for measuring VA/Q distributions is based on measurements of the elimination and retention of infused inert gases. Conventional multiple inert gas elimination technique (MIGET) uses gas chromatography (GC) to measure the inert gas partial pressures, which requires tonometry of blood samples with a gas that can then be injected into the chromatograph. The method is laborious and requires meticulous care. A new technique based on micropore membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MMIMS) facilitates the handling of blood and gas samples and provides nearly real-time analysis. In this study we compared MIGET by GC and MMIMS in 10 piglets: 1) 3 with healthy lungs; 2) 4 with oleic acid injury; and 3) 3 with isolated left lower lobe ventilation. The different protocols ensured a large range of normal and abnormal VA/Q distributions. Eight inert gases (SF6, krypton, ethane, cyclopropane, desflurane, enflurane, diethyl ether, and acetone) were infused; six of these gases were measured with MMIMS, and six were measured with GC. We found close agreement of retention and excretion of the gases and the constructed VA/Q distributions between GC and MMIMS, and predicted PaO2 from both methods compared well with measured PaO2. VA/Q by GC produced more widely dispersed modes than MMIMS, explained in part by differences in the algorithms used to calculate VA/Q distributions. In conclusion, MMIMS enables faster measurement of VA/Q, is less demanding than GC, and produces comparable results.
40 CFR 86.332-79 - Oxides of nitrogen analyzer calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Emission Regulations for New Gasoline-Fueled and Diesel-Fueled Heavy-Duty Engines; Gaseous Exhaust Test.... (2) Zero the oxides of nitrogen analyzer. (3) Connect the outlet of the NOX generator (see Figure D79... operating range. (4) Introduce into the NOX generator-analyzer system a span gas with a NO concentration...
40 CFR 86.332-79 - Oxides of nitrogen analyzer calibration.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Emission Regulations for New Gasoline-Fueled and Diesel-Fueled Heavy-Duty Engines; Gaseous Exhaust Test.... (2) Zero the oxides of nitrogen analyzer. (3) Connect the outlet of the NOX generator (see Figure D79... operating range. (4) Introduce into the NOX generator-analyzer system a span gas with a NO concentration...
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sutter, B.; Lauer, H. V.; Golden, D. C.; Ming, D. W.; Boynton, W. V.
The Mars Scout Phoenix lander will land in the north polar region of Mars in May, 2008. One objective of the Phoenix lander is to search for evidence of past life in the form of molecular organics that may be preserved in the subsurface soil. The Thermal Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA) was developed to detect these organics by coupling a simultaneous differential thermal analyzer (SDTA) with a mass spectrometer. Martian soil will be heated to approx.1000 C and potential organic decomposition products such as CO2, CH4 etc. will be examined for with the MS. TEGA s SDTA will also assess the presence of endothermic and exothermic reactions that are characteristic of soil organics and minerals as the soil is heated. The MS in addition to detecting organic decompositon products, will also assess the levels of soil inorganic volatiles such as H2O, SO2, and CO2. Organic detection has a high priority for this mission; however, TEGA has the ability to provide valuable insight into the mineralogical composition of the soil. The overall goal of this work is to develop a TEGA database of minerals that will serve as a reference for the interpretation of Phoenix-TEGA. Previous databases for the ill-fated Mars Polar Lander (MPL)-TEGA instrument only went to 725 C. Furthermore, the MPL-TEGA could only detect CO2 and H2O while the Phoenix-TEGA MS can examine up to 144 atomic mass units. The higher temperature Phoenix-TEGA SDTA coupled with the more capable MS indicates that a higher temperature database is required for TEGA interpretation. The overall goal of this work is to develop a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) database of minerals along with corresponding MS data of evolved gases that can used to interpret TEGA data during and after mission operations. While SDTA and DSC measurement techniques are slightly different (SDTA does not use a reference pan), the results are fundamentally similar and thus DSC is a useful technique in providing comparative data for the TEGA
Validity of a portable glucose, total cholesterol, and triglycerides multi-analyzer in adults.
Coqueiro, Raildo da Silva; Santos, Mateus Carmo; Neto, João de Souza Leal; Queiroz, Bruno Morbeck de; Brügger, Nelson Augusto Jardim; Barbosa, Aline Rodrigues
This study investigated the accuracy and precision of the Accutrend Plus system to determine blood glucose, total cholesterol, and plasma triglycerides in adults and evaluated its efficiency in measuring these blood variables. The sample consisted of 53 subjects (≥ 18 years). For blood variable laboratory determination, venous blood samples were collected and processed in a Labmax 240 analyzer. To measure blood variables with the Accutrend Plus system, samples of capillary blood were collected. In the analysis, the following tests were included: Wilcoxon and Student's t-tests for paired samples, Lin's concordance coefficient, Bland-Altman method, receiver operating characteristic curve, McNemar test, and k statistics. The results show that the Accutrend Plus system provided significantly higher values (p ≤ .05) of glucose and triglycerides but not of total cholesterol (p > .05) as compared to the values determined in the laboratory. However, the system showed good reproducibility (Lin's coefficient: glucose = .958, triglycerides = .992, total cholesterol = .940) and high concordance with the laboratory method (Lin's coefficient: glucose = .952, triglycerides = .990, total cholesterol = .944) and high sensitivity (glucose = 80.0%, triglycerides = 90.5%, total cholesterol = 84.4%) and specificity (glucose = 100.0%, triglycerides = 96.9%, total cholesterol = 95.2%) in the discrimination of high values of the three blood variables analyzed. It could be concluded that despite the tendency to overestimate glucose and triglyceride levels, a portable multi-analyzer is a valid alternative for the monitoring of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular risk factors. © The Author(s) 2013.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The Remote Monitoring System (RMS) is manufactured by Perkin Elmer Corporation. The principal component of the RMS was originally developed for spacecraft use to monitor astronaut's respiratory gases in NASA's Gemini and Apollo program. At Wishard Memorial Hospital in Indianapolis, IN, the RMS is used in operating rooms for analysis of anesthetic gases and measurement of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen concentrations. It assures that the patient undergoing surgery has the proper breathing environment.
Fiber optic coupled multipass gas minicell, design assembly thereof
Bond, Tiziana C.; Bora, Mihail; Engel, Michael A.; McCarrick, James F.; Moran, Bryan D.
A method directs a gas of interest into a minicell and uses an emitting laser to produce laser emission light that is directed into the minicell and onto the gas of interest. The laser emission light is reflected within the cell to make multipasses through the gas of interest. After the multipasses through the gas of interest the laser light is analyzed to produces gas spectroscopy data. The minicell receives the gas of interest and a transmitting optic connected to the minicell that directs a beam into the minicell and onto the gas of interest. A receiving optic connected to the minicell receives the beam from the gas of interest and directs the beam to an analyzer that produces gas spectroscopy data.
Suominen, Pertti K; Stayer, Stephen; Wang, Wei; Chang, Anthony C
We evaluated accuracy of end-tidal carbon dioxide tension (PETco2) monitoring and measured the effect of temperature correction of blood gas values in children after cardiac surgery. Data from 49 consecutive mechanically ventilated children after cardiac surgery in the cardiac intensive care unit were prospectively collected. One patient was excluded from the study. Four arterial-end-tidal CO2 pairs in each patient were obtained. Both the arterial carbon dioxide tension (Paco2) values determined at a temperature of 37 degrees C and values corrected to body temperature (Patcco2) were compared with the PETco2 values. After the surgical correction 28 patients had biventricular, acyanotic (mean age 2.7 +/- 4.8 years) and 20 patients had a cyanotic lesion (mean age 1.0 +/- 1.7 years). The body temperature ranged from 35.2 degrees C to 38.9 degrees C. The Pa-PETco2 discrepancy was affected both by the type of cardiac lesion and by the temperature correction of Paco2 values. Correlation slopes of the Pa-PETco2 and Patc-PETco2 discrepancies were significantly different (p = 0.040) when the body temperature was higher or lower than 37 degrees C. In children, after cardiac surgery, end-tidal CO2 monitoring provided a clinically acceptable estimate of arterial CO2 value, which remained stabile in repeated measurements. End-tidal CO2 monitoring more accurately reflects temperature-corrected blood gas values.
Factors influencing blood donations and the rational use of blood.
Sharma, Rajeev; Madan, Nidhi; Venkatesh, S; Ichhpujani, R L; Lal, S
A multicentric quasi-experimental study was conducted in Delhi, from March 2007 to September 2007, on i) the factors which stimulate the donors to donate blood, ii) major barriers and myths associated with blood donation and iii) clinicians perception of the rational use of blood. The study design included a face-to-face survey, with a pre-tested questionnaire paper in two leading blood banks of Delhi and by relevant interviewers from the community and medical fraternity. The sample size was 240-blood donors from two different blood banks and the control group included 100 potential donors from community and 50 clinicians from various hospitals. The data generated was analyzed using excel sheet and Epi-Info software. The study revealed the factors which influence the blood donation included replacement credit and family/peer pressure. Regarding myths and barriers, among potential donors, about a quarter of them felt that it is time consuming, and 20% felt it could lead to sexual impairment or is not rewarding. A total of 10% were not aware about the blood donation while 15% said that donation time was inconvenient. Of the 50 clinicians, a quarter of them were not aware of the rational use of blood.
40 CFR 91.325 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench responses to these two gases are... calculations.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor and scaling of the water vapor concentration of the mixture to that expected during testing. Determine...
40 CFR 91.325 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench responses to these two gases are... calculations.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor and scaling of the water vapor concentration of the mixture to that expected during testing. Determine...
40 CFR 91.325 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench responses to these two gases are... calculations.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor and scaling of the water vapor concentration of the mixture to that expected during testing. Determine...
40 CFR 90.325 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... quench check. The two gases of concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench... calculations.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor and scaling of the water vapor concentration of the mixture to that expected during testing. Determine...
40 CFR 91.325 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench responses to these two gases are... calculations.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor and scaling of the water vapor concentration of the mixture to that expected during testing. Determine...
40 CFR 91.325 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench responses to these two gases are... calculations.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor and scaling of the water vapor concentration of the mixture to that expected during testing. Determine...
40 CFR 90.325 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... quench check. The two gases of concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench... calculations.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor and scaling of the water vapor concentration of the mixture to that expected during testing. Determine...
40 CFR 90.325 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... quench check. The two gases of concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench... calculations.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor and scaling of the water vapor concentration of the mixture to that expected during testing. Determine...
40 CFR 90.325 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... quench check. The two gases of concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench... calculations.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor and scaling of the water vapor concentration of the mixture to that expected during testing. Determine...
40 CFR 90.325 - Analyzer interference checks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... quench check. The two gases of concern for CLD (and HCLD) analyzers are CO2 and water vapor. Quench... calculations.) (ii) Calculations for water quench must consider dilution of the NO span gas with water vapor and scaling of the water vapor concentration of the mixture to that expected during testing. Determine...
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lambert, James L. (Inventor); Borchert, Mark S. (Inventor)
A non-invasive method for analyzing the blood-brain barrier includes obtaining a Raman spectrum of a selected portion of the eye and monitoring the Raman spectrum to ascertain a change to the dynamics of the blood brain barrier. Also, non-invasive methods for determining the brain or blood level of an analyte of interest, such as glucose, drugs, alcohol, poisons, and the like, comprises: generating an excitation laser beam (e.g., at a wavelength of 600 to 900 nanometers); focusing the excitation laser beam into the anterior chamber of an eye of the subject so that aqueous humor, vitreous humor, or one or more conjunctiva vessels in the eye is illuminated; detecting (preferably confocally detecting) a Raman spectrum from the illuminated portion of the eye; and then determining the blood level or brain level (intracranial or cerebral spinal fluid level) of an analyte of interest for the subject from the Raman spectrum. In certain embodiments, the detecting step may be followed by the step of subtracting a confounding fluorescence spectrum from the Raman spectrum to produce a difference spectrum; and determining the blood level and/or brain level of the analyte of interest for the subject from that difference spectrum, preferably using linear or nonlinear multivariate analysis such as partial least squares analysis. Apparatus for carrying out the foregoing methods are also disclosed.
West, John B; Wang, Daniel L; Prisk, G Kim
We are developing a novel, noninvasive method for measuring the efficiency of pulmonary gas exchange in patients with lung disease. The patient wears an oximeter, and we measure the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in inspired and expired gas using miniature analyzers. The arterial Po 2 is then calculated from the oximeter reading and the oxygen dissociation curve, using the end-tidal Pco 2 to allow for the Bohr effect. This calculation is only accurate when the oxygen saturation is <94%, and therefore, these normal subjects breathed 12.5% oxygen. When the procedure is used in patients with hypoxemia, they breathe air. The Po 2 difference between the end-tidal and arterial values is called the "oxygen deficit." Preliminary data show that this index increases substantially in patients with lung disease. Here we report measurements of the oxygen deficit in 20 young normal subjects (age 19 to 31 yr) and 11 older normal subjects (47 to 88 yr). The mean value of the oxygen deficit in the young subjects was 2.02 ± 3.56 mmHg (means ± SD). This mean is remarkably small. The corresponding value in the older group was 7.53 ± 5.16 mmHg (means ± SD). The results are consistent with the age-related trend of the traditional alveolar-arterial difference, which is calculated from the calculated ideal alveolar Po 2 minus the measured arterial Po 2 . That measurement requires an arterial blood sample. The present study suggests that this noninvasive procedure will be valuable in assessing the degree of impaired gas exchange in patients with lung disease.
Teramoto, K; Horiguchi, S
For monitoring solvents exposure, it is useful to determine not only metabolites of the solvents in urine but also the solvents themselves in blood and tissues. In a series of studies on the industrial styrene poisoning, we have been determining styrene in blood and other tissues as occasion calls. Our examination of the method is presented in this report. The outline on the method is as follows: Aliquots of 0.5g of tissues being added 5 ml of n-hexane are homogenized by a high-speed homogenizer (Polytoron) for 10 to 30 seconds and the filtrates containing extracts are analyzed for styrene by gas chromatography. The linearity was ascertained from the calibration curve obtained by adding the known quantities of styrene (4, 10, 20, 40, 100 ppm) to the blood, liver and adipose tissues of rats. Rates of recoveries of styrene from the above tissues were 92 to 101 per cent. Reproducibility of this method was examined by repeating determinations of styrene in the blood, liver and adipose tissues of rats exposed to 500 ppm styrene for 4 hours, the coefficients of variation being 2.8 to 14.0 per cent. There was an approximately linear relationship between the styrene concentration (0 to 1,000 ppm) of the exposed air and those in the blood of exposed rats. We conclude that our simple and rapid method is applicable to determination of solvents other than styrene in organs and tissues by combining suitable solvents for extraction and packings of gas chromatography.
Cycle of a closed gas-turbine plant with a gas-dynamic energy-separation device
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Leontiev, A. I.; Burtsev, S. A.
The efficiency of closed gas-turbine space-based plants is analyzed. The weight-size characteristics of closed gas-turbine plants are shown in many respects as determined by the refrigerator-radiator parameters. The scheme of closed gas-turbine plants with a gas-dynamic temperature-stratification device is proposed, and a calculation model is developed. This model shows that the cycle efficiency decreases by 2% in comparison with that of the closed gas-turbine plants operating by the traditional scheme with increasing temperature at the output from the refrigerator-radiator by 28 K and decreasing its area by 13.7%.
Neural net controlled tag gas sampling system for nuclear reactors
Gross, Kenneth C.; Laug, Matthew T.; Lambert, John D. B.; Herzog, James P.
A method and system for providing a tag gas identifier to a nuclear fuel rod and analyze escaped tag gas to identify a particular failed nuclear fuel rod. The method and system include disposing a unique tag gas composition into a plenum of a nuclear fuel rod, monitoring gamma ray activity, analyzing gamma ray signals to assess whether a nuclear fuel rod has failed and is emitting tag gas, activating a tag gas sampling and analysis system upon sensing tag gas emission from a failed nuclear rod and evaluating the escaped tag gas to identify the particular failed nuclear fuel rod.
Thromboelastography platelet mapping in healthy dogs using 1 analyzer versus 2 analyzers.
Blois, Shauna L; Banerjee, Amrita; Wood, R Darren; Park, Fiona M
The objective of this study was to describe the results of thromboelastography platelet mapping (TEG-PM) carried out using 2 techniques in 20 healthy dogs. Maximum amplitudes (MA) generated by thrombin (MAthrombin), fibrin (MAfibrin), adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor activity (MAADP), and thromboxane A2 (TxA2) receptor activity (stimulated by arachidonic acid, MAAA) were recorded. Thromboelastography platelet mapping was carried out according to the manufacturer's guidelines (2-analyzer technique) and using a variation of this method employing only 1 analyzer (1-analyzer technique) on 2 separate blood samples obtained from each dog. Mean [± standard deviation (SD)] MA values for the 1-analyzer/2-analyzer techniques were: MAthrombin = 51.9 mm (± 7.1)/52.5 mm (± 8.0); MAfibrin = 20.7 mm (± 21.8)/23.0 mm (± 26.1); MAADP = 44.5 mm (± 15.6)/45.6 mm (± 17.0); and MAAA = 45.7 mm (± 11.6)/45.0 mm (± 15.4). Mean (± SD) percentage aggregation due to ADP receptor activity was 70.4% (± 32.8)/67.6% (± 33.7). Mean percentage aggregation due to TxA2 receptor activity was 77.3% (± 31.6)/78.1% (± 50.2). Results of TEG-PM were not significantly different for the 1-analyzer and 2-analyzer methods. High correlation was found between the 2 methods for MAfibrin [concordance correlation coefficient (r) = 0.930]; moderate correlation was found for MAthrombin (r = 0.70) and MAADP (r = 0.57); correlation between the 2 methods for MAAA was lower (r = 0.32). Thromboelastography platelet mapping (TEG-PM) should be further investigated to determine if it is a suitable method for measuring platelet dysfunction in dogs with thrombopathy.
Thromboelastography platelet mapping in healthy dogs using 1 analyzer versus 2 analyzers
Blois, Shauna L.; Banerjee, Amrita; Wood, R. Darren; Park, Fiona M.
The objective of this study was to describe the results of thromboelastography platelet mapping (TEG-PM) carried out using 2 techniques in 20 healthy dogs. Maximum amplitudes (MA) generated by thrombin (MAthrombin), fibrin (MAfibrin), adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor activity (MAADP), and thromboxane A2 (TxA2) receptor activity (stimulated by arachidonic acid, MAAA) were recorded. Thromboelastography platelet mapping was carried out according to the manufacturer’s guidelines (2-analyzer technique) and using a variation of this method employing only 1 analyzer (1-analyzer technique) on 2 separate blood samples obtained from each dog. Mean [± standard deviation (SD)] MA values for the 1-analyzer/2-analyzer techniques were: MAthrombin = 51.9 mm (± 7.1)/52.5 mm (± 8.0); MAfibrin = 20.7 mm (± 21.8)/23.0 mm (± 26.1); MAADP = 44.5 mm (± 15.6)/45.6 mm (± 17.0); and MAAA = 45.7 mm (± 11.6)/45.0 mm (± 15.4). Mean (± SD) percentage aggregation due to ADP receptor activity was 70.4% (± 32.8)/67.6% (± 33.7). Mean percentage aggregation due to TxA2 receptor activity was 77.3% (± 31.6)/78.1% (± 50.2). Results of TEG-PM were not significantly different for the 1-analyzer and 2-analyzer methods. High correlation was found between the 2 methods for MAfibrin [concordance correlation coefficient (r) = 0.930]; moderate correlation was found for MAthrombin (r = 0.70) and MAADP (r = 0.57); correlation between the 2 methods for MAAA was lower (r = 0.32). Thromboelastography platelet mapping (TEG-PM) should be further investigated to determine if it is a suitable method for measuring platelet dysfunction in dogs with thrombopathy. PMID:24101802
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
An estimated 30 million people in the United States have high blood pressure, or hypertension. But a great many of them are unaware of it because hypertension, in its initial stages, displays no symptoms. Thus, the simply-operated blood pressure checking devices now widely located in public places are useful health aids. The one pictured above, called -Medimax 30, is a direct spinoff from NASA technology developed to monitor astronauts in space. For manned space flights, NASA wanted a compact, highly-reliable, extremely accurate method of checking astronauts' blood pressure without the need for a physician's interpretive skill. NASA's Johnson Space Center and Technology, Inc., a contractor, developed an electronic sound processor that automatically analyzes blood flow sounds to get both systolic (contracting arteries) and diastolic (expanding arteries) blood pressure measurements. NASA granted a patent license for this technology to Advanced Life Sciences, Inc., New York City, manufacturers of Medimax 30.
Micro-anatomical changes in major blood vessel caused by dengue virus (serotype 2) infection.
Priya, Sivan Padma; Sakinah, S; Ling, Mok Pooi; Chee, Hui-Yee; Higuchi, Akon; Hamat, Rukman Awang; Neela, Vasantha Kumari; Alarfaj, Abdullah A; Munusamy, Murugan A; Hatamleh, Ashraf A; Al-Sabri, Ahmed E; Abdulaziz Al-Suwailem, Ibrahim Ahmad; Rajan, Mariappan; Benelli, Giovanni; Marlina; Kumar, S Suresh
Dengue virus (DENV) has emerged as a major economic concern in developing countries, with 2.5 billion people believed to be at risk. Vascular endothelial cells (ECs) lining the circulatory system from heart to end vessels perform crucial functions in the human body, by aiding gas exchange in lungs, gaseous, nutritional and its waste exchange in all tissues, including the blood brain barrier, filtration of fluid in the glomeruli, neutrophil recruitment, hormone trafficking, as well as maintenance of blood vessel tone and hemostasis. These functions can be deregulated during DENV infection. In this study, BALB/c mice infected with DENV serotype 2 were analyzed histologically for changes in major blood vessels in response to DENV infection. In the uninfected mouse model, blood vessels showed normal architecture with intact endothelial monolayer, tunica media, and tunica adventitia. In the infected mouse model, DENV distorted the endothelium lining and disturbed the smooth muscle, elastic laminae and their supporting tissues causing vascular structural disarrangement. This may explain the severe pathological illness in DENV-infected individuals. The overall DENV-induced damages on the endothelial and it's supporting tissues and the dysregulated immune reactions initiated by the host were discussed. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Al-Amrah, Hadba Jar-Allah; Aboznada, Osama Abdullah; Alam, Mohammad Zubair; ElAssouli, M-Zaki Mustafa; Mujallid, Mohammad Ibrahim; ElAssouli, Sufian Mohamad
Waterpipe smoke causes DNA damage in peripheral blood leukocytes and in buccal cells of smokers. To determine the exposure effect of waterpipe smoke on buccal cells and peripheral blood leukocytes in regard to DNA damage using comet assay. The waterpipe smoke condensates were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The study was performed on 20 waterpipe smokers. To perform comet assay on bucaal cells of smokers, 10 µl of cell suspension was mixed with 85 µl of pre-warmed 1% low melting agarose, applied to comet slide and electrophoresed. To analyze the effect of smoke condensate in vitro, 1 ml of peripheral blood was mixed with 10 µl of smoke condensate and subjected for comet assay. The GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H-pyran-4on, nicotine, hydroxymethyl furancarboxaldehyde and 3-ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde in the smoke condensates. Waterpipe smoking caused DNA damage in vivo in buccal cells of smokers. The tail moment and tail length in buccal cells of smokers were 186 ± 26 and 456 ± 71, respectively, which are higher than control. The jurak and moassel smoke condensates were found to cause DNA damage in peripheral blood leukocytes. The moassel smoke condensate was more damaging. There is wide misconception that waterpipe smoking is not as harmful as cigarette smoking. This study demonstrated that waterpipe smoke induced DNA damage in exposed cells. Waterpipe smokes cause DNA damage in buccal cells. The smoke condensate of both jurak and moassel caused comet formation suggesting DNA damage in peripheral blood leukocytes.
Reliable noninvasive measurement of blood gases
Thomas, Edward V.; Robinson, Mark R.; Haaland, David M.; Alam, Mary K.
This invention relates to methods and apparatus for, preferably, determining non-invasively and in vivo at least two of the five blood gas parameters (i.e., pH, [HCO.sub.3.sup.- ], PCO.sub.2, PO.sub.2, and O.sub.2 sat.) in a human.
Zeolite-based hemostat QuikClot releases calcium into blood and promotes blood coagulation in vitro
Li, Jing; Cao, Wei; Lv, Xiao-xing; Jiang, Li; Li, Yue-jun; Li, Wang-zhou; Chen, Shao-zong; Li, Xue-yong
Aim: To examine the changes in electrolyte concentrations after addition of zeolite-based hemostat QuikClot in blood and the effects of zeolite on blood coagulation in vitro. Methods: Fresh blood was taken from healthy adult volunteers and sheep, and the electrolyte concentrations in blood were measured using a blood electrolyte analyzer. Zeolite Saline Solution (ZSS) was prepared by addition of 2 g zeolite to 0.9% NaCl solution (4, 8, or 16 mL). The electrolytes in ZSS were measured using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. The prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) of blood were measured using the test tube method. The activated clotting time (ACT) and clotting rate (CR) of blood were measured with Sonoclot Coagulation and Platelet Function Analyzer. Results: Addition of zeolite (50 and 100 mg) in 2 mL human blood significantly increased Ca2+ concentration, while Na+ and K+ concentrations were significantly decreased. Addition of zeolite (50 and 100 mg) in 0.9% NaCl solution (2 mL) caused similar changes in Ca2+ and Na+ concentrations. Si4+ (0.2434 g/L) and Al3+ (0.2575 g/L) were detected in ZSS (2 g/8 mL). Addition of ZSS in sheep blood shortened APTT in a concentration dependent manner, without changing PT. ZSS or aqueous solution of CaCl2 that contained Ca2+ concentration identical to that of ZSS significantly shortened ACT in human blood without significantly changing CR, and the effect of ZSS on ACT was not significantly different from that of CaCl2. Conclusion: Zeolite releases Ca2+ into blood, thus accelerating the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation and shortening the clot formation time. PMID:23334236
Zeolite-based hemostat QuikClot releases calcium into blood and promotes blood coagulation in vitro.
Li, Jing; Cao, Wei; Lv, Xiao-xing; Jiang, Li; Li, Yue-jun; Li, Wang-zhou; Chen, Shao-zong; Li, Xue-yong
To examine the changes in electrolyte concentrations after addition of zeolite-based hemostat QuikClot in blood and the effects of zeolite on blood coagulation in vitro. Fresh blood was taken from healthy adult volunteers and sheep, and the electrolyte concentrations in blood were measured using a blood electrolyte analyzer. Zeolite Saline Solution (ZSS) was prepared by addition of 2 g zeolite to 0.9% NaCl solution (4, 8, or 16 mL). The electrolytes in ZSS were measured using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. The prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) of blood were measured using the test tube method. The activated clotting time (ACT) and clotting rate (CR) of blood were measured with Sonoclot Coagulation and Platelet Function Analyzer. Addition of zeolite (50 and 100 mg) in 2 mL human blood significantly increased Ca(2+) concentration, while Na(+) and K(+) concentrations were significantly decreased. Addition of zeolite (50 and 100 mg) in 0.9% NaCl solution (2 mL) caused similar changes in Ca(2+) and Na(+) concentrations. Si(4+) (0.2434 g/L) and Al(3+) (0.2575 g/L) were detected in ZSS (2 g/8 mL). Addition of ZSS in sheep blood shortened APTT in a concentration dependent manner, without changing PT. ZSS or aqueous solution of CaCl2 that contained Ca(2+) concentration identical to that of ZSS significantly shortened ACT in human blood without significantly changing CR, and the effect of ZSS on ACT was not significantly different from that of CaCl2. Zeolite releases Ca(2+) into blood, thus accelerating the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation and shortening the clot formation time.
Hyperpolarized (129)Xe T (1) in oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Albert, M. S.; Balamore, D.; Kacher, D. F.; Venkatesh, A. K.; Jolesz, F. A.
The viability of the new technique of hyperpolarized (129)Xe MRI (HypX-MRI) for imaging organs other than the lungs depends on whether the spin-lattice relaxation time, T(1), of (129)Xe is sufficiently long in the blood. In previous experiments by the authors, the T(1) was found to be strongly dependent upon the oxygenation of the blood, with T(1) increasing from about 3 s in deoxygenated samples to about 10 s in oxygenated samples. Contrarily, Tseng et al. (J. Magn. Reson. 1997; 126: 79-86) reported extremely long T(1) values deduced from an indirect experiment in which hyperpolarized (129)Xe was used to create a 'blood-foam'. They found that oxygenation decreased T(1). Pivotal to their experiment is the continual and rapid exchange of hyperpolarized (129)Xe between the gas phase (within blood-foam bubbles) and the dissolved phase (in the skin of the bubbles); this necessitated a complicated analysis to extract the T(1) of (129)Xe in blood. In the present study, the experimental design minimizes gas exchange after the initial bolus of hyperpolarized (129)Xe has been bubbled through the sample. This study confirms that oxygenation increases the T(1) of (129)Xe in blood, from about 4 s in freshly drawn venous blood, to about 13 s in blood oxygenated to arterial levels, and also shifts the red blood cell resonance to higher frequency. Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Abbreviations used BOLD blood oxygen level dependent NOE nuclear overhouses effect PO(2) oxygen partial pressure RBC red blood cells RF radio frequency SNR signal-to-noise ratio.
Gas-phase mercury reduction to measure total mercury in the flue gas of a coal-fired boiler.
Meischen, Sandra J; Van Pelt, Vincent J; Zarate, Eugene A; Stephens, Edward A
Gaseous elemental and total (elemental + oxidized) mercury (Hg) in the flue gas from a coal-fired boiler was measured by a modified ultraviolet (UV) spectrometer. Challenges to Hg measurement were the spectral interferences from other flue gas components and that UV measures only elemental Hg. To eliminate interference from flue gas components, a cartridge filled with gold-coated sand removed elemental Hg from a flue gas sample. The Hg-free flue gas was the reference gas, eliminating the spectral interferences. To measure total Hg by UV, oxidized Hg underwent a gas-phase, thermal-reduction in a quartz cell heated to 750 degrees C. Simultaneously, hydrogen was added to flash react with the oxygen present forming water vapor and preventing Hg re-oxidation as it exits the cell. Hg concentration results are in parts per billion by volume Hg at the flue gas oxygen concentration. The modified Hg analyzer and the Ontario Hydro method concurrently measured Hg at a field test site. Measurements were made at a 700-MW steam turbine plant with scrubber units and selective catalytic reduction. The flue gas sampled downstream of the selective catalytic reduction contained 2100 ppm SO2 and 75 ppm NOx. Total Hg measured by the Hg analyzer was within 20% of the Ontario Hydro results.
Extra-corporeal blood access, sensing, and radiation methods and apparatuses
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Castle, Kent D. (Inventor)
The described invention is related to extra-corporeal blood access and radiation methods and apparatuses and, in particular, to subjecting flowing blood to energy in variety of forms, including radiation, electromagnetic force fields or atomic particles. It is directed to methods and apparatuses for accessing flowing blood and for subjecting the blood to electrical conductive, electrostatic or electromagnetic fields or for radiating the blood with some type of radiation, e.g., radio waves, ultrasonic or audio waves, microwaves, IR rays, visible light, UV radiation, x-rays, alpha, beta or gamma rays. An apparatus is employed which includes one or more access ports or windows for radiating blood and/or for sensing/analyzing blood. This invention is useful for killing viruses and bacteria in blood, monitoring blood for medical purposes, genetic modification of blood, and analyzing and/or treating blood components.
Background The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of two commercial feed supplements, Egusin 250® [E-250] and Egusin SLH® [E-SLH], on gastric ulcer scores, gastric fluid pH, and blood gas values in stall-confined horses undergoing feed-deprivation. Methods Nine Thoroughbred horses were used in a three-period crossover study. For the three treatment groups, sweet feed was mixed with E-250, E-SLH, or nothing (control group) and fed twice daily. Horses were treated for 21 days, then an additional 7 days while on an alternating feed-deprivation model to induce or worsen ulcers (period one). In periods two and three, horses (n=6) were treated for an additional 7 days after feed-deprivation. Gastroscopies were performed on day -1 (n=9), day 21 (n=9), day 28 (n=9) and day 35 (n=6). Gastric juice pH was measured and gastric ulcer scores were assigned. Venous blood gas values were also measured. Results Gastric ulcers in control horses significantly decreased after 21 days, but there was no difference in ulcer scores when compared to the Egusin® treated horses. NG gastric ulcer scores significantly increased in E-250 and control horses on day 28 compared to day 21 as a result of intermittent feed-deprivation, but no treatment effect was observed. NG ulcer scores remained high in the control group but significantly decreased in the E-SLH- and E-250-treated horses by day 35. Gastric juice pH values were low and variable and no treatment effect was observed. Mean blood pCO2 values were significantly increased two hours after feeding in treated horses compared to controls, whereas mean blood TCO2 values increased in the 24 hour sample, but did not exceed 38 mmol/l. Conclusions The feed-deprivation model increased NG gastric ulcer severity in the horses. However, by day 35, Egusin® treated horses had less severe NG gastric ulcers compared to untreated control horses. After 35 days, Egusin® products tested here ameliorate the severity of gastric ulcers in
Woodward, Michelle C; Huff, Nan K; Garza, Frank; Keowen, Michael L; Kearney, Michael T; Andrews, Frank M
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of two commercial feed supplements, Egusin 250® [E-250] and Egusin SLH® [E-SLH], on gastric ulcer scores, gastric fluid pH, and blood gas values in stall-confined horses undergoing feed-deprivation. Nine Thoroughbred horses were used in a three-period crossover study. For the three treatment groups, sweet feed was mixed with E-250, E-SLH, or nothing (control group) and fed twice daily. Horses were treated for 21 days, then an additional 7 days while on an alternating feed-deprivation model to induce or worsen ulcers (period one). In periods two and three, horses (n=6) were treated for an additional 7 days after feed-deprivation. Gastroscopies were performed on day -1 (n=9), day 21 (n=9), day 28 (n=9) and day 35 (n=6). Gastric juice pH was measured and gastric ulcer scores were assigned. Venous blood gas values were also measured. Gastric ulcers in control horses significantly decreased after 21 days, but there was no difference in ulcer scores when compared to the Egusin® treated horses. NG gastric ulcer scores significantly increased in E-250 and control horses on day 28 compared to day 21 as a result of intermittent feed-deprivation, but no treatment effect was observed. NG ulcer scores remained high in the control group but significantly decreased in the E-SLH- and E-250-treated horses by day 35. Gastric juice pH values were low and variable and no treatment effect was observed. Mean blood pCO2 values were significantly increased two hours after feeding in treated horses compared to controls, whereas mean blood TCO2 values increased in the 24 hour sample, but did not exceed 38 mmol/l. The feed-deprivation model increased NG gastric ulcer severity in the horses. However, by day 35, Egusin® treated horses had less severe NG gastric ulcers compared to untreated control horses. After 35 days, Egusin® products tested here ameliorate the severity of gastric ulcers in stall-confined horses after feed stress.
Membrane oxygenator heat exchanger failure detected by unique blood gas findings.
Hawkins, Justin L
Failure of components integrated into the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit, although rare, can bring about catastrophic results. One of these components is the heat exchanger of the membrane oxygenator. In this compartment, unsterile water from the heater cooler device is separated from the sterile blood by stainless steel, aluminum, or by polyurethane. These areas are glued or welded to keep the two compartments separate, maintaining sterility of the blood. Although quality control testing is performed by the manufacturer at the factory level, transport presents the real possibility for damage. Because of this, each manufacturer has included in the instructions for use a testing procedure for testing the integrity of the heat exchanger component. Water is circulated through the heat exchanger before priming and a visible check is made of the oxygenator bundle to check for leaks. If none are apparent, then priming of the oxygenator is performed. In this particular case, this procedure was not useful in detecting communication between the water and blood chambers of the oxygenator.
Ciepiela, Olga; Kotuła, Iwona; Kierat, Szymon; Sieczkowska, Sandra; Podsiadłowska, Anna; Jenczelewska, Anna; Księżarczyk, Karolina; Demkow, Urszula
Modern automated laboratory hematology analyzers allow the measurement of over 30 different hematological parameters useful in the diagnostic and clinical interpretation of patient symptoms. They use different methods to measure the same parameters. Thus, a comparison of complete blood count made by Mindray BC-6800, Sysmex XN-2000 and Beckman Coulter LH750 was performed. A comparison of results obtained by automated analysis of 807 anticoagulated blood samples from children and 125 manual microscopic differentiations were performed. This comparative study included white blood cell count, red blood cell count, and erythrocyte indices, as well as platelet count. The present study showed a poor level of agreement between white blood cell enumeration and differentiation of the three automated hematology analyzers under comparison. A very good agreement was found when comparing manual blood smear and automated granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes differentiation. Red blood cell evaluation showed better agreement than white blood cells between the studied analyzers. To conclude, studied instruments did not ensure satisfactory interchangeability and did not facilitate a substitution of one analyzer by another. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Chelton, C F; Zakraysek, N; Lautner, G M; Confer, R G
Two direct reading instruments, the H-Nu PI 101 photoionization analyzer and the J.W. Bacharach TLV Sniffer, were evaluated under laboratory conditions to determine their performance characteristics when challenged by vapors of common hydrocarbon solvent mixtures. Each instrument was evaluated against the manufacturer's recommended test solvent for rise time, fall time, noise, span drift, zero drift, position sensitivity, battery life, and recharge time. The precision, accuracy, and operating linear range were also determined for the test solvents and some petroleum solvent mixtures which are common refinery products. For these latter mixtures, correction factors are presented which allow for an improved estimate of ambient concentrations when monitoring with each of these instruments. All tests except operating humidity range were performed by challenging each instrument with a known concentration of hydrocarbon generated by evaporating calculated liquid volumes into a static chamber. Humidity tests were performed using a dynamic dilution apparatus generating a fixed concentration of hydrocarbon while relative humidity was varied. Concentrations in both systems were verified by gas injection into gas chromatograph. Each instrument performed well when challenged by manufacturers' recommended test solvents. Humidity was shown to influence each instrument's readings. Also, the instruments were shown to have application as monitors of airborne concentrations of common hydrocarbon solvent mixtures.
Chen, Hauh-Jyun Candy; Fan, Chih-Huang; Yang, Ya-Fen
Dried blood spot (DBS) is an emerging microsampling technique for the bioanalysis of small molecules, including fatty acids, metabolites, drugs, and toxicants. DBS offers many advantages as a sample format including easy sample collection and cheap sample shipment. Hemoglobin adducts have been recognized as a suitable biomarker for monitoring chemical exposure. We previously reported that certain modified peptides in hemoglobin derived from reactive chlorine, nitrogen, and oxygen species are associated with factors including smoking, diabetes mellitus, and aging. However, the stability of these oxidation-induced modifications of hemoglobin remains unknown and whether they can be formed artifactually during storage of DBS. To answer these questions, globin extracted from the DBS cards was analyzed, and the stability of the modifications was evaluated. After storage of the DBS cards at 4 °C or room temperature up to 7 weeks, we isolated globin from a quarter of the spot every week. The extents of 11 sites and types of post-translational modifications (PTMs), including nitration and nitrosylation of tyrosine and oxidation of cysteine and methionine residues, in human hemoglobin were measured in the trypsin digest by nanoflow liquid chromatography-nanospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (nanoLC-NSI/MS/MS) using selected reaction monitoring. The extents of all these PTMs are stable within 14 days when stored on DBS at room temperature and at 4 °C, while those from direct extraction of fresh blood are stable for at least 8 weeks when stored as an aqueous solution at -20 °C. Extraction of globin from a DBS card is of particular importance for hemolytic blood samples. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the stability of oxidative modifications of hemoglobin on DBSs, which are stable for 14 days under ambient conditions (room temperature, in air). Therefore, it is feasible and convenient to analyze these hemoglobin modifications from DBSs in studies
In Vivo Model to Test Implanted Biosensors for Blood pH
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Arnaud, Sara B.; Somps, Chris J.; Madou, Marc; Hines, John; Wade, Charles E. (Technical Monitor)
Biosensors for monitoring physiologic data continuously through telemetry are available for heart rate, respiration, and temperature but not for blood pH or ions affected by hydrogen ion concentration. A telemetric biosensor for monitoring blood pH on-line could be used to identify and manage problems in fluid and electrolyte metabolism, cardiac and respiratory function during space flight and the acid-base status of patients without the need for venipuncture in patients on Earth. Critical to the development of biosensors is a method for evaluating their performance after implantation. Mature rats, prepared with jugular, cannulas for repeated blood samples, were exposed to a gas mixture containing high levels of carbon dioxide (7%) in a closed environment to induce mild respiratory acidosis. Serial blood gas and pH measurements in venous blood were compared with electrical responses from sensors implanted in the subcutaneous tissue. Animals became slightly tachypneic after exposure to excess CO2, but remained alert and active. After 5 minutes, basal blood pH decreased from 7.404 +/- 0.013 to 7.289 +/- 0.010 (p less than 0.001)and PC02 increased from 45 +/- 6 to 65 +/- 4 mm. Hg (p les than 0.001). Thereafter pH and blood gas parameters remained stable. Implanted sensors showed a decrease in millivolts (mV) which paralleled the change in pH and averaged 5-6 mV per 0.1 unit pH. Implanted sensors remained sensitive to modest changes in tissue pH for one week. A system for inducing acidosis in rats was developed to test the in vivo performance of pH biosensors. The system provides a method which is sensitive, rapid and reproducible in the same and different animals with full recovery, for testing the performance of sensors implanted in subcutaneous tissues.
Orta-García, Sandra T; Ochoa-Martínez, Ángeles C; Varela-Silva, José A; Pérez-Maldonado, Iván N
The aim of this study was to perform a polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) exposure assessment using blood samples collected from children living in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico (GDL). Five congeners of PBDEs were analyzed using a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique. The blood concentrations of total PBDEs ranged from 5.50 to 169 ng/g lipid (42.0 ± 18.0 ng/g lipid; mean ± standard deviation). Regarding BDE congeners, the main congener (highest blood levels) was BDE99 (14.5 ± 5.50 ng/g lipid), followed by BDE100 (9.80 ± 3.40 ng/g lipid) and BDE154 (9.80 ± 5.90 ng/g lipid), and finally BDE153 (5.80 ± 2.30 ng/g lipid) and BDE47 (2.20 ± 1.20 ng/g lipid). In conclusion, blood PBDEs concentrations of concern were detected in this study, as blood levels were similar to the ones found in North America (the highest worldwide).
Neural net controlled tag gas sampling system for nuclear reactors
Gross, K.C.; Laug, M.T.; Lambert, J.B.; Herzog, J.P.
A method and system are disclosed for providing a tag gas identifier to a nuclear fuel rod and analyze escaped tag gas to identify a particular failed nuclear fuel rod. The method and system include disposing a unique tag gas composition into a plenum of a nuclear fuel rod, monitoring gamma ray activity, analyzing gamma ray signals to assess whether a nuclear fuel rod has failed and is emitting tag gas, activating a tag gas sampling and analysis system upon sensing tag gas emission from a failed nuclear rod and evaluating the escaped tag gas to identify the particular failed nuclear fuel rod. 12 figs.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kriesel, Jason M.; Makarem, Camille N.; Phillips, Mark C.
We describe a versatile mid-infrared (Mid-IR) spectroscopy system developed to measure the concentration of a wide range of gases with an ultra-low sample size. The system combines a rapidly-swept external cavity quantum cascade laser (ECQCL) with a hollow fiber gas cell. The ECQCL has sufficient spectral resolution and reproducibility to measure gases with narrow features (e.g., water, methane, ammonia, etc.), and also the spectral tuning range needed to measure volatile organic compounds (VOCs), (e.g., aldehydes, ketones, hydrocarbons), sulfur compounds, chlorine compounds, etc. The hollow fiber is a capillary tube having an internal reflective coating optimized for transmitting the Mid-IR lasermore » beam to a detector. Sample gas introduced into the fiber (e.g., internal volume = 0.6 ml) interacts strongly with the laser beam, and despite relatively modest path lengths (e.g., L ~ 3 m), the requisite quantity of sample needed for sensitive measurements can be significantly less than what is required using conventional IR laser spectroscopy systems. Example measurements are presented including quantification of VOCs relevant for human breath analysis with a sensitivity of ~2 picomoles at a 1 Hz data rate.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kriesel, Jason M.; Makarem, Camille N.; Phillips, Mark C.; Moran, James J.; Coleman, Max L.; Christensen, Lance E.; Kelly, James F.
We describe a versatile mid-infrared (Mid-IR) spectroscopy system developed to measure the concentration of a wide range of gases with an ultra-low sample size. The system combines a rapidly-swept external cavity quantum cascade laser (ECQCL) with a hollow fiber gas cell. The ECQCL has sufficient spectral resolution and reproducibility to measure gases with narrow features (e.g., water, methane, ammonia, etc.), and also the spectral tuning range needed to measure volatile organic compounds (VOCs), (e.g., aldehydes, ketones, hydrocarbons), sulfur compounds, chlorine compounds, etc. The hollow fiber is a capillary tube having an internal reflective coating optimized for transmitting the Mid-IR laser beam to a detector. Sample gas introduced into the fiber (e.g., internal volume = 0.6 ml) interacts strongly with the laser beam, and despite relatively modest path lengths (e.g., L 3 m), the requisite quantity of sample needed for sensitive measurements can be significantly less than what is required using conventional IR laser spectroscopy systems. Example measurements are presented including quantification of VOCs relevant for human breath analysis with a sensitivity of 2 picomoles at a 1 Hz data rate.
Luengo-Oroz, Miguel Angel; Arranz, Asier; Frean, John
There are 600,000 new malaria cases daily worldwide. The gold standard for estimating the parasite burden and the corresponding severity of the disease consists in manually counting the number of parasites in blood smears through a microscope, a process that can take more than 20 minutes of an expert microscopist's time. This research tests the feasibility of a crowdsourced approach to malaria image analysis. In particular, we investigated whether anonymous volunteers with no prior experience would be able to count malaria parasites in digitized images of thick blood smears by playing a Web-based game. The experimental system consisted of a Web-based game where online volunteers were tasked with detecting parasites in digitized blood sample images coupled with a decision algorithm that combined the analyses from several players to produce an improved collective detection outcome. Data were collected through the MalariaSpot website. Random images of thick blood films containing Plasmodium falciparum at medium to low parasitemias, acquired by conventional optical microscopy, were presented to players. In the game, players had to find and tag as many parasites as possible in 1 minute. In the event that players found all the parasites present in the image, they were presented with a new image. In order to combine the choices of different players into a single crowd decision, we implemented an image processing pipeline and a quorum algorithm that judged a parasite tagged when a group of players agreed on its position. Over 1 month, anonymous players from 95 countries played more than 12,000 games and generated a database of more than 270,000 clicks on the test images. Results revealed that combining 22 games from nonexpert players achieved a parasite counting accuracy higher than 99%. This performance could be obtained also by combining 13 games from players trained for 1 minute. Exhaustive computations measured the parasite counting accuracy for all players as a
Arranz, Asier; Frean, John
Background There are 600,000 new malaria cases daily worldwide. The gold standard for estimating the parasite burden and the corresponding severity of the disease consists in manually counting the number of parasites in blood smears through a microscope, a process that can take more than 20 minutes of an expert microscopist’s time. Objective This research tests the feasibility of a crowdsourced approach to malaria image analysis. In particular, we investigated whether anonymous volunteers with no prior experience would be able to count malaria parasites in digitized images of thick blood smears by playing a Web-based game. Methods The experimental system consisted of a Web-based game where online volunteers were tasked with detecting parasites in digitized blood sample images coupled with a decision algorithm that combined the analyses from several players to produce an improved collective detection outcome. Data were collected through the MalariaSpot website. Random images of thick blood films containing Plasmodium falciparum at medium to low parasitemias, acquired by conventional optical microscopy, were presented to players. In the game, players had to find and tag as many parasites as possible in 1 minute. In the event that players found all the parasites present in the image, they were presented with a new image. In order to combine the choices of different players into a single crowd decision, we implemented an image processing pipeline and a quorum algorithm that judged a parasite tagged when a group of players agreed on its position. Results Over 1 month, anonymous players from 95 countries played more than 12,000 games and generated a database of more than 270,000 clicks on the test images. Results revealed that combining 22 games from nonexpert players achieved a parasite counting accuracy higher than 99%. This performance could be obtained also by combining 13 games from players trained for 1 minute. Exhaustive computations measured the parasite
Lin, Ting; Huang, Jie-Feng; Lin, Qi-Chang; Chen, Gong-Ping; Wang, Bi-Ying; Zhao, Jian-Ming; Qi, Jia-Chao
The aim of this observational study was to investigate the influence of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on arterial blood gas and venous lactate, markers of tissue hypoxia, among obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) patients, and determine the risk factor of serum lactate and hydrogen ion concentration (PH) in OSAS patients. One-hundred and nine patients with newly diagnosed OSAS were enrolled in the study. All individuals were treated with CPAP for one night. Venous lactate and arterial blood gas were gathered from all subjects in the morning at the end of polysomnography and the next morning after CPAP treatment. Of the 109 selected subjects, the average lactate level was 2.23 ± 0.59 mmol/L, and the mean PH, PaO 2 , and PaCO 2 were 7.380 ± 0.23, 88.14 ± 17.83 mmHg, and 38.70 ± 4.28 mmHg, respectively. Compared to baseline, lactic acid significantly decreased (2.10 ± 0.50 mmol/L, p = 0.03), while PH increased (7.388 ± 0.27, p < 0.05) after CPAP treatment. In addition, neck circumference and the polysomnographic parameters, including apnea-hypopnea index, oxygen desaturation index (ODI), mean oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ), and the percentage of sleep time with SpO 2 <90 % (TS90 %), positively correlated with lactate, while age correlated negatively with lactate (all p < 0.05). Significantly positive associations were found between age, neck circumference, and PH; furthermore, a negative correlation was found between ODI and PH. Finally, after adjusting for confounding factors, TS90 % was the major contributing predictor for elevated lactate (p < 0.05), and age was a predictor for an increase in PH (p < 0.05). The results indicated that CPAP treatment could reduce serum lactate and increase PH in OSAS patients and might alleviate acid-base balance disorders in OSAS. Furthermore, TS90 % was a risk factor for elevated lactate, and age was independently associated with PH.
Weingärtner, Sebastian; Meßner, Nadja M; Zöllner, Frank G; Akçakaya, Mehmet; Schad, Lothar R
To study the feasibility of black-blood contrast in native T 1 mapping for reduction of partial voluming at the blood-myocardium interface. A saturation pulse prepared heart-rate-independent inversion recovery (SAPPHIRE) T 1 mapping sequence was combined with motion-sensitized driven-equilibrium (MSDE) blood suppression for black-blood T 1 mapping at 3 Tesla. Phantom scans were performed to assess the T 1 time accuracy. In vivo black-blood and conventional SAPPHIRE T 1 mapping was performed in eight healthy subjects and analyzed for T 1 times, precision, and inter- and intraobserver variability. Furthermore, manually drawn regions of interest (ROIs) in all T 1 maps were dilated and eroded to analyze the dependence of septal T 1 times on the ROI thickness. Phantom results and in vivo myocardial T 1 times show comparable accuracy with black-blood compared to conventional SAPPHIRE (in vivo: black-blood: 1562 ± 56 ms vs. conventional: 1583 ± 58 ms, P = 0.20); Using black-blood SAPPHIRE precision was significantly lower (standard deviation: 133.9 ± 24.6 ms vs. 63.1 ± 6.4 ms, P < .0001), and blood T 1 time measurement was not possible. Significantly increased interobserver interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (0.996 vs. 0.967, P = 0.011) and similar intraobserver ICC (0.979 vs. 0.939, P = 0.11) was obtained with the black-blood sequence. Conventional SAPPHIRE showed strong dependence on the ROI thickness (R 2 = 0.99). No such trend was observed using the black-blood approach (R 2 = 0.29). Black-blood SAPPHIRE successfully eliminates partial voluming at the blood pool in native myocardial T 1 mapping while providing accurate T 1 times, albeit at a reduced precision. Magn Reson Med 78:484-493, 2017. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
a Mini Multi-Gas Detection System Based on Infrared Principle
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhijian, Xie; Qiulin, Tan
To counter the problems of gas accidents in coal mines, family safety resulted from using gas, a new infrared detection system with integration and miniaturization has been developed. The infrared detection optics principle used in developing this system is mainly analyzed. The idea that multi gas detection is introduced and guided through analyzing single gas detection is got across. Through researching the design of cell structure, the cell with integration and miniaturization has been devised. The way of data transmission on Controller Area Network (CAN) bus is explained. By taking Single-Chip Microcomputer (SCM) as intelligence handling, the functional block diagram of gas detection system is designed with its hardware and software system analyzed and devised. This system designed has reached the technology requirement of lower power consumption, mini-volume, big measure range, and able to realize multi-gas detection.
Hunt, Andrew G.
This report addresses the standard operating procedures used by the U.S. Geological Survey’s Noble Gas Laboratory in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., for the measurement of dissolved gases (methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide) and noble gas isotopes (helium-3, helium-4, neon-20, neon-21, neon-22, argon-36, argon-38, argon-40, kryton-84, krypton-86, xenon-103, and xenon-132) dissolved in water. A synopsis of the instrumentation used, procedures followed, calibration practices, standards used, and a quality assurance and quality control program is presented. The report outlines the day-to-day operation of the Residual Gas Analyzer Model 200, Mass Analyzer Products Model 215–50, and ultralow vacuum extraction line along with the sample handling procedures, noble gas extraction and purification, instrument measurement procedures, instrumental data acquisition, and calculations for the conversion of raw data from the mass spectrometer into noble gas concentrations per unit mass of water analyzed. Techniques for the preparation of artificial dissolved gas standards are detailed and coupled to a quality assurance and quality control program to present the accuracy of the procedures used in the laboratory.
Enhancing blood donor skin disinfection using natural oils.
Alabdullatif, Meshari; Boujezza, Imen; Mekni, Mohamed; Taha, Mariam; Kumaran, Dilini; Yi, Qi-Long; Landoulsi, Ahmed; Ramirez-Arcos, Sandra
Effective donor skin disinfection is essential in preventing bacterial contamination of blood components with skin flora bacteria like Staphylococcus epidermidis. Cell aggregates of S. epidermidis (biofilms) are found on the skin and are resistant to the commonly used donor skin disinfectants chlorhexidine-gluconate and isopropyl alcohol. It has been demonstrated that essential oils synergistically enhance the antibacterial activity of chlorhexidine-gluconate. The objective of this study was to test plant-extracted essential oils in combination with chlorhexidine-gluconate or chlorhexidine-gluconate plus isopropyl alcohol for their ability to eliminate S. epidermidis biofilms. The composition of oils extracted from Artemisia herba-alba, Lavandula multifida, Origanum marjoram, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Thymus capitatus was analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A rabbit model was used to assess skin irritation caused by the oils. In addition, the anti-biofilm activity of the oils used alone or in combination with chlorhexidine-gluconate or chlorhexidine-gluconate plus isopropyl alcohol was tested against S. epidermidis biofilms. Essential oil concentrations 10%, 20%, and 30% were chosen for anti-biofilm assays, because skin irritation was observed at concentrations greater than 30%. All oils except for O. marjoram had anti-biofilm activity at these three concentrations. L. multifida synergistically enhanced the anti-biofilm activity of chlorhexidine-gluconate and resulted in the highest anti-biofilm activity observed when combined with chlorhexidine-gluconate plus isopropyl alcohol. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that the main component contributing to the activity of L. multifida oil was a natural terpene alcohol called linalool. The anti-biofilm activity of chlorhexidine-gluconate plus isopropyl alcohol can be greatly enhanced by L. multifida oil or linalool. Therefore, these components could potentially be used to improve blood
Liu, Hongtao; Huang, Liping; Chen, Yuxin; Guo, Liman; Li, Limin; Zhou, Haiyun; Luan, Tiangang
A rapid, precise and accurate method for the simultaneous determination of 5 polycyclic musks (PCMs) in biological fluids was developed by solid supported liquid-liquid extraction (SLE) coupled with gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). All parameters influencing SLE-GC-MS performance, including electron energy of electron-impact ionization source, collision energy for tandem mass spectrometer when operated in selected-reaction monitoring (SRM) mode, type and volume of elution reagent, nitrogen evaporation time, pH and salinity of sample have been carefully optimized. Eight milliliter of n-hexane was finally chosen as elution reagent. Blood and urine sample could be loaded into SLE cartridge without adjusting pH and salinity. Deuterated tonalide (AHTN-d3) was chosen as internal standard. The correlation coefficient (r(2)) of the calibration curves of target compounds ranged from 0.9996 to 0.9998. The dynamic range spanned over two orders of magnitude. The limit of detection (LOD) of target compounds in blood and urine ranged from 0.008 to 0.105μgL(-1) and 0.005 to 0.075μgL(-1), respectively. The developed procedure was successfully applied to the analysis of PCMs in human blood and urine obtaining satisfying recoveries on low, medium and high levels. The method was compared with SLE-GC-MS and shown one to two orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Evaluation of Mindray BC-3600 hematology analyzer in a university hospital.
Shu, G; Lu, H; Du, H; Shi, J; Wu, G
The BC-3600 Auto Hematology Analyzer (hereinafter call BC-3600) is a quantitative, automated hematology analyzer and leukocyte differential counter for In Vitro Diagnostic Use in clinical laboratories. The analyzer was evaluated and compared with the Mindray BC-3200 3-part differential (BC-3200) and Sysmex XE-2100 5-part differential (XE-2100) Hematology Analyzer in the hematology laboratory of a university hospital. The BC-3600 was evaluated according to guidelines published by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), the International Committee for Standardization in Hematology (ICSH), and Department of Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There were no background, minimal carryover (<0.5%), and excellent linearity for white blood cell (WBC), hemoglobin (Hb) level, red blood cell (RBC), and platelet (PLT) counts (r > 0.999). Precision was good at all levels for the routine cell blood count (CBC) parameters: CV% being ≤2.0, except for platelet count (PLT) at the low level with CV% of ≤5.0% and WBC at the low level with CV% of <3.0%. Correlation between the BC-3600 and BC-3200, XE-2100 were excellent (r > 0.99) for all major CBC parameters. It is concluded that the overall performance of the BC-3600 is excellent and compares well with that of BC-3200 and XE-2100. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Blood pressure documentation in the emergency department
Daniel, Ana Carolina Queiroz Godoy; Machado, Juliana Pereira; Veiga, Eugenia Velludo
ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the frequency of blood pressure documentation performed by nursing professionals in an emergency department. Methods This is a cross-sectional, observational, descriptive, and analytical study, which included medical records of adult patients admitted to the observation ward of an emergency department, between March and May 2014. Data were obtained through a collection instrument divided into three parts: patient identification, triage data, and blood pressure documentation. For statistical analysis, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used, with a significance level of α<0.05. Results One hundred fifty-seven records and 430 blood pressure measurements were analyzed with an average of three measurements per patient. Of these measures, 46.5% were abnormal. The mean time from admission to documentation of the first blood pressure measurement was 2.5 minutes, with 42 minutes between subsequent measures. There is no correlation between the systolic blood pressure values and the mean time interval between blood pressure documentations: 0.173 (p=0.031). Conclusion The present study found no correlation between frequency of blood pressure documentation and blood pressure values. The frequency of blood pressure documentation increased according to the severity of the patient and decreased during the length of stay in the emergency department. PMID:28444085
Retinal venous blood carbon monoxide response to bright light in male pigs: A preliminary study.
Oren, Dan A; Duda, Magdalena; Kozioł, Katarzyna; Romerowicz-Misielak, Maria; Koziorowska, Anna; Sołek, Przemysław; Nowak, Sławomir; Kulpa, Magdalena; Koziorowski, Marek
The physical mechanism by which light is absorbed in the eye and has antidepressant and energizing effects in Seasonal Affective Disorder and other forms of psychiatric major depression is of scientific interest. This study was designed to explore one specific aspect of a proposed humoral phototransduction mechanism, namely that carbon monoxide (CO) levels increase in retinal venous blood in response to bright light. Eleven mature male pigs approximately six months of age were kept for 7days in darkness and fasted for 12h prior to surgery. Following mild sedation, anesthesia was induced. Silastic catheters were inserted into the dorsal nasal vein through the angular vein of the eye to reach the ophthalmic sinus, from which venous blood outflowing from the eye area was collected. The animals were exposed to 5000lx of fluorescent-generated white light. CO levels in the blood were analyzed by gas chromatography before and after 80min of light exposure. At baseline, mean CO levels in the retinal venous blood were 0.43±0.05(SE)nmol/ml. After bright light, mean CO levels increased to 0.54±0.06nmol/ml (two-tailed t-test p<0.05). This study provides preliminary mammalian evidence that acute bright light exposure raises carbon monoxide levels in ophthalmic venous blood. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lano, Ian Marie; Lyon, Andrew W; Wang, Li; Ruskin, Rob; Lyon, Martha E
Clinically significant variation has been reported within and between plasma and whole blood total bilirubin methods used to identify neonates for whom clinical intervention for hyperbilirubinemia may be required. To evaluate total bilirubin measurements between the Radiometer whole blood co-oximeter and plasma bilirubin methods from Roche Diagnostics and Ortho Clinical Diagnostics using neonatal specimens. Total bilirubin levels were analyzed by whole blood co-oximetry (Radiometer® ABL90). Specimens were centrifuged and plasma analyzed for total bilirubin with a diazo method (Roche Cobas® C-601) and a reflectance spectrophotometric BuBc dry film method (Ortho Clinical Diagnostics VITROS® 350). Results were evaluated by regression, Bland-Altman comparisons and t-tests. The patient correlation study yielded the following regression equations in μmol/L: a) Radiometer=1.03 Roche - 3.5μmol/L b) Radiometer=0.98 Ortho - 5.7μmol/L c) Roche=0.97 Ortho - 2.4μmol/L. The mean bias over the range of total bilirubin levels examined was -1.0μmol/L for the Radiometer versus the Roche (p≤0.305); -4.4μmol/L for the Radiometer versus Ortho (p≤0.005) and -4.4μmol/L for the Roche versus Ortho (p≤0.002). Whole blood total bilirubin measurement using the Radiometer ABL90 blood gas analyzer provides accurate and precise results compared to the Roche plasma diazo method. Compared to the reflectance spectrophotometric method, results are precise and had a small but statistically significant bias of -4.4μmol/L. Copyright © 2017 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A gas-phase chemiluminescence-based analyzer for waterborne arsenic
Idowu, A.D.; Dasgupta, P.K.; Genfa, Z.; Toda, K.; Garbarino, J.R.
We show a practical sequential injection/zone fluidics-based analyzer that measures waterborne arsenic. The approach is capable of differentiating between inorganic As(III) and As(V). The principle is based on generating AsH 3 from the sample in a confined chamber by borohydride reduction at controlled pH, sparging the chamber to drive the AsH3 to a small reflective cell located atop a photomultiplier tube, allowing it to react with ozone generated from ambient air, and measuring the intense chemiluminescence that results. Arsine generation and removal from solution results in isolation from the sample matrix, avoiding the pitfalls encountered in some solution-based analysis techniques. The differential determination of As(III) and As(V) is based on the different pH dependence of the reducibility of these species to AsH3. At pH ???1, both As(III) and As(V) are quantitatively converted to arsine in the presence of NaBH4. At a pH of 4-5, only As(III) is converted to arsine. In the present form, the limit of detection (S/N = 3) is 0.05 ??g/L As at pH ???1 and 0.09 ??g/L As(III) at pH ???4-5 for a 3-mL sample. The analyzer is intrinsically automated and requires 4 min per determination. It is also possible to determine As(III) first at pH 4.5 and then determine the remaining As in a sequential manner; this requires 6 min. There are no significant practical interferences. A new borohydride solution formulation permits month-long reagent stability. ?? 2006 American Chemical Society.
Homology of lungs and gas bladders: insights from arterial vasculature.
Longo, Sarah; Riccio, Mark; McCune, Amy R
Gas bladders of ray-finned fishes serve a variety of vital functions and are thus an important novelty of most living vertebrates. The gas bladder has long been regarded as an evolutionary modification of lungs. Critical evidence for this hypothesized homology is whether pulmonary arteries supply the gas bladder as well as the lungs. Pulmonary arteries, paired branches of the fourth efferent branchial arteries, deliver blood to the lungs in osteichthyans with functional lungs (lungfishes, tetrapods, and the ray-finned polypterid fishes). The fact that pulmonary arteries also supply the respiratory gas bladder of Amia calva (bowfin) has been used to support the homology of lungs and gas bladders, collectively termed air-filled organs (AO). However, the homology of pulmonary arteries in bowfin and lunged osteichthyans has been uncertain, given the apparent lack of pulmonary arteries in critical taxa. To re-evaluate the homology of pulmonary arteries in bowfin and lunged osteichthyans, we studied, using micro-CT technology, the arterial vasculature of Protopterus, Polypterus, Acipenser, Polyodon, Amia, and Lepisosteus, and analyzed these data using a phylogenetic approach. Our data reveal that Acipenser and Polyodon have paired posterior branches of the fourth efferent branchial arteries, which are thus similar in origin to pulmonary arteries. We hypothesize that these arteries are vestigial pulmonary arteries that have been coopted for new functions due to the dorsal shift of the AO and/or the loss of respiration in these taxa. Ancestral state reconstructions support pulmonary arteries as a synapomorphy of the Osteichthyes, provide the first concrete evidence for the retention of pulmonary arteries in Amia, and support thehomology of lungs and gas bladders due to a shared vascular supply. Finally, we use ancestral state reconstructions to show that arterial AO supplies from the celiacomesenteric artery or dorsal aorta appear to be convergent between teleosts and
Leukemic Cells "Gas Up" Leaky Bone Marrow Blood Vessels.
Itkin, Tomer; Rafii, Shahin
In this issue of Cancer Cell, Passaro et al. demonstrate how leukemia through aberrant induction of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide production trigger marrow vessel leakiness, instigating pro-leukemic function. Disrupted tumor blood vessels promote exhaustion of non-malignant stem and progenitor cells and may facilitate leukemia relapse following chemotherapeutic treatment. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Lancaster, C; Kokoris, M; Nabavi, M; Clemmens, J; Maloney, P; Capadanno, J; Gerdes, J; Battrell, C F
We demonstrate sorting of rare cancer cells from blood using a thin ribbon monolayer of cells within a credit-card sized, microfluidic laboratory-on-a-card ("lab card") structure. This enables higher cell throughput per minute thereby speeding up cell interrogation. In this approach, multiple cells are viewed and sorted, not individually, but as a whole cell row or section of the ribbon at a time. Gated selection of only the cell rows containing a tagged rare cell provides enrichment of the rare cell relative to background blood cells. We also designed the cell injector for laminar flow antibody labeling within 20s. The approach combines rapid laminar flow cell labeling with monolayer cell sorting thereby enabling rare cell target detection at sensitivity levels 1000 to 10,000 times that of existing flow cytometers. Using this method, total cell labeling and data acquisition time on card may be reduced to a few minutes compared to 30-60 min for standard flow methods.
A blood chemistry profile for lake trout
Edsall, Carol Cotant
A blood chemistry profile for lake trout Salvelinus namaycush was developed by establishing baseline ranges for several clinical chemistry tests (glucose, total protein, amylase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase, calcium, and magnesium). Measurements were made accurately and rapidly with a Kodak Ektachem DT60 Analyzer and the Ektachem DTSC Module. Blood serum was collected from both laboratory-reared lake trout (1978 and 1986 year-classes) and feral spawning trout from Lake Michigan and then analyzed in the laboratory. No clinically significant differences were found between samples analyzed fresh and those frozen for 1 or 6 weeks. The ranges in chemistry variables for feral lake trout were generally wider than those for laboratory-reared lake trout, and significant differences existed between male and female feral lake trout for several tests. Blood chemistry profiles also varied seasonally on fish sampled repeatedly.
Blood Type 0 is not associated with increased blood loss in extensive spine surgery✩
Komatsu, Ryu; Dalton, Jarrod E.; Ghobrial, Michael; Fu, Alexander Y.; Lee, Jae H.; Egan, Cameron; Sessler, Daniel I.; Kasuya, Yusuke; Turan, Alparslan
Study Objective To investigate whether Type O blood group status is associated with increased intraoperative blood loss and requirement of blood transfusion in extensive spine surgery. Design Retrospective comparative study. Setting University-affiliated, non-profit teaching hospital. Measurements Data from 1,050 ASA physical status 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 patients who underwent spine surgeries involving 4 or more vertebral levels were analyzed. Patients with Type O blood were matched to similar patients with other blood types using propensity scores, which were estimated via demographic and morphometric data, medical history variables, and extent of surgery. Intraoperative estimated blood loss (EBL) was compared among matched patients using a linear regression model; intraoperative transfusion requirement in volume of red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelet, cryoprecipitate, cell salvaged blood, volume of intraoperative infusion of hetastarch, 5% albumin, crystalloids, and hospital length of hospital (LOS) were compared using Wilcoxon rank-sum tests. Main Results Intraoperative EBL and requirement of blood product transfusion were similar in patients with Type O blood group and those with other blood groups. Conclusion There was no association between Type O blood and increased intraoperative blood loss or blood transfusion requirement during extensive spine surgery, with similar hospital LOS in Type O and non-O patients. PMID:25172503
Wintner, Edward A; Deckwerth, Thomas L; Langston, William; Bengtsson, Asa; Leviten, Dina; Hill, Paul; Insko, Michael A; Dumpit, Ronald; VandenEkart, Emily; Toombs, Christopher F; Szabo, Csaba
Background and purpose: Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is a labile, endogenous metabolite of cysteine, with multiple biological roles. The development of sulphide-based therapies for human diseases will benefit from a reliable method of quantifying H2S in blood and tissues. Experimental approach: Concentrations of reactive sulphide in saline and freshly drawn whole blood were quantified by reaction with the thio-specific derivatization agent monobromobimane, followed by reversed-phase fluorescence HPLC and/or mass spectrometry. In pharmacokinetic studies, male rats were exposed either to intravenous infusions of sodium sulphide or to H2S gas inhalation, and levels of available blood sulphide were measured. Levels of dissolved H2S/HS- were concomitantly measured using an amperometric sensor. Key results: Monobromobimane was found to rapidly and quantitatively derivatize sulphide in saline or whole blood to yield the stable small molecule sulphide dibimane. Extraction and quantification of this bis-bimane derivative were validated via reversed-phase HPLC separation coupled to fluorescence detection, and also by mass spectrometry. Baseline levels of sulphide in blood were in the range of 0.4–0.9 µM. Intravenous administration of sodium sulphide solution (2–20 mg·kg−1·h−1) or inhalation of H2S gas (50–400 ppm) elevated reactive sulphide in blood in a dose-dependent manner. Each 1 mg·kg−1·h−1 of sodium sulphide infusion into rats was found to be pharmacokinetically equivalent to approximately 30 ppm of H2S gas inhalation. Conclusions and implications: The monobromobimane derivatization method is a sensitive and reliable means to measure reactive sulphide species in whole blood. Using this method, we have established a bioequivalence between infused sodium sulphide and inhaled H2S gas. PMID:20590590
Wintner, Edward A; Deckwerth, Thomas L; Langston, William; Bengtsson, Asa; Leviten, Dina; Hill, Paul; Insko, Michael A; Dumpit, Ronald; VandenEkart, Emily; Toombs, Christopher F; Szabo, Csaba
Hydrogen sulphide (H(2)S) is a labile, endogenous metabolite of cysteine, with multiple biological roles. The development of sulphide-based therapies for human diseases will benefit from a reliable method of quantifying H(2)S in blood and tissues. Concentrations of reactive sulphide in saline and freshly drawn whole blood were quantified by reaction with the thio-specific derivatization agent monobromobimane, followed by reversed-phase fluorescence HPLC and/or mass spectrometry. In pharmacokinetic studies, male rats were exposed either to intravenous infusions of sodium sulphide or to H(2)S gas inhalation, and levels of available blood sulphide were measured. Levels of dissolved H(2)S/HS(-) were concomitantly measured using an amperometric sensor. Monobromobimane was found to rapidly and quantitatively derivatize sulphide in saline or whole blood to yield the stable small molecule sulphide dibimane. Extraction and quantification of this bis-bimane derivative were validated via reversed-phase HPLC separation coupled to fluorescence detection, and also by mass spectrometry. Baseline levels of sulphide in blood were in the range of 0.4-0.9 microM. Intravenous administration of sodium sulphide solution (2-20 mg x kg(-1) x h(-1)) or inhalation of H(2)S gas (50-400 ppm) elevated reactive sulphide in blood in a dose-dependent manner. Each 1 mg x kg(-1) x h(-1) of sodium sulphide infusion into rats was found to be pharmacokinetically equivalent to approximately 30 ppm of H(2)S gas inhalation. The monobromobimane derivatization method is a sensitive and reliable means to measure reactive sulphide species in whole blood. Using this method, we have established a bioequivalence between infused sodium sulphide and inhaled H(2)S gas.
Ahn, Chi Bum; Kang, Yang Jun; Kim, Myoung Gon; Yang, Sung; Lim, Choon Hak; Son, Ho Sung; Kim, Ji Sung; Lee, So Young; Son, Kuk Hui; Sun, Kyung
Background Extracorporeal circulation (ECC) can induce alterations in blood viscoelasticity and cause red blood cell (RBC) aggregation. In this study, the authors evaluated the effects of pump flow pulsatility on blood viscoelasticity and RBC aggregation. Methods Mongrel dogs were randomly assigned to two groups: a nonpulsatile pump group (n=6) or a pulsatile pump group (n=6). After ECC was started at a pump flow rate of 80 mL/kg/min, cardiac fibrillation was induced. Blood sampling was performed before and at 1, 2, and 3 hours after ECC commencement. To eliminate bias induced by hematocrit and plasma, all blood samples were adjusted to a hematocrit of 45% using baseline plasma. Blood viscoelasticity, plasma viscosity, hematocrit, arterial blood gas analysis, central venous O2 saturation, and lactate were measured. Results The blood viscosity and aggregation index decreased abruptly 1 hour after ECC and then remained low during ECC in both groups, but blood elasticity did not change during ECC. Blood viscosity, blood elasticity, plasma viscosity, and the aggregation index were not significantly different in the groups at any time. Hematocrit decreased abruptly 1 hour after ECC in both groups due to dilution by the priming solution used. Conclusion After ECC, blood viscoelasticity and RBC aggregation were not different in the pulsatile and nonpulsatile groups in the adult dog model. Furthermore, pulsatile flow did not have a more harmful effect on blood viscoelasticity or RBC aggregation than nonpulsatile flow. PMID:27298790
Ahn, Chi Bum; Kang, Yang Jun; Kim, Myoung Gon; Yang, Sung; Lim, Choon Hak; Son, Ho Sung; Kim, Ji Sung; Lee, So Young; Son, Kuk Hui; Sun, Kyung
Extracorporeal circulation (ECC) can induce alterations in blood viscoelasticity and cause red blood cell (RBC) aggregation. In this study, the authors evaluated the effects of pump flow pulsatility on blood viscoelasticity and RBC aggregation. Mongrel dogs were randomly assigned to two groups: a nonpulsatile pump group (n=6) or a pulsatile pump group (n=6). After ECC was started at a pump flow rate of 80 mL/kg/min, cardiac fibrillation was induced. Blood sampling was performed before and at 1, 2, and 3 hours after ECC commencement. To eliminate bias induced by hematocrit and plasma, all blood samples were adjusted to a hematocrit of 45% using baseline plasma. Blood viscoelasticity, plasma viscosity, hematocrit, arterial blood gas analysis, central venous O2 saturation, and lactate were measured. The blood viscosity and aggregation index decreased abruptly 1 hour after ECC and then remained low during ECC in both groups, but blood elasticity did not change during ECC. Blood viscosity, blood elasticity, plasma viscosity, and the aggregation index were not significantly different in the groups at any time. Hematocrit decreased abruptly 1 hour after ECC in both groups due to dilution by the priming solution used. After ECC, blood viscoelasticity and RBC aggregation were not different in the pulsatile and nonpulsatile groups in the adult dog model. Furthermore, pulsatile flow did not have a more harmful effect on blood viscoelasticity or RBC aggregation than nonpulsatile flow.
Rydosz, Artur
Background: Exhaled acetone analysis has long been recognized as a supplementary tool for diagnosis and monitoring diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes. It is essential, therefore to determine the relationship between exhaled acetone concentration and glucose in blood. Usually, a direct linear correlation between this both compounds has been expected. However, in some cases we can observe a reverse correlation. When blood glucose was increasing, breath acetone declined. Methods: The breath analysis as a supplementary tool for diagnosing and monitoring diabetes makes sense only in case of utilization of portable analyzers. This need has created a market for gas sensors. However, commercially available acetone gas sensors are developed for measuring samples at several tens part per million. The exhaled acetone concentration was measured using commercial acetone gas sensor (TGS 822, 823 Figaro, Arlington Heights, IL, USA Inc) with micropreconcentrator in low temperature cofired ceramics. The reference analyzer–mass spectrometry (HPR-20 QIC, Hiden Analytical, Warrington, UK) was used. Results: Twenty-two healthy volunteers with no history of any respiratory disease participated in the research, as did 31 patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Respectively, 3 healthy volunteer and 5 type 1 diabetes mellitus subjects with reverse trend were selected. The linear fitting coefficient various from 0.1139 to 0.9573. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the correlation between blood glucose concentrations and under different conditions, for example, insulin levels, as well as correlate the results with clinical tests, for example, Hb1Ac. Conclusions: It is well known that the concentration of acetone is strongly influenced by diet, insulin treatment, and so on. Therefore, much more complex analysis with long-term measurements are required. Thus, presented results should be regarded as tentative, and validation studies with the analysis of clinical test and in a large
The effect of hydrate promoters on gas uptake.
Xu, Chun-Gang; Yu, Yi-Song; Ding, Ya-Long; Cai, Jing; Li, Xiao-Sen
Gas hydrate technology is considered as a promising technology in the fields of gas storage and transportation, gas separation and purification, seawater desalination, and phase-change thermal energy storage. However, to date, the technology is still not commercially used mainly due to the low gas hydrate formation rate and the low gas uptake. In this study, the effect of hydrate promoters on gas uptake was systematically studied and analyzed based on hydrate-based CH 4 storage and CO 2 capture from CO 2 /H 2 gas mixture experiments. Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and gas chromatography (GC) were employed to analyze the microstructures and gas compositions. The results indicate that the effect of the hydrate promoter on the gas uptake depends on the physical and chemical properties of the promoter and gas. A strong polar ionic promoter is not helpful towards obtaining the ideal gas uptake because a dense hydrate layer is easily formed at the gas-liquid interface, which hinders gas diffusion from the gas phase to the bulk solution. For a weak polar or non-polar promoter, the gas uptake depends on the dissolution characteristics among the different substances in the system. The lower the mutual solubility among the substances co-existing in the system, the higher the independence among the substances in the system; this is so that each phase has an equal chance to occupy the hydrate cages without or with small interactions, finally leading to a relatively high gas uptake.
Lindberg, L; Brauer, S; Wollmer, P; Goldberg, L; Jones, A W; Olsson, S G
A new breath alcohol (ethanol) analyzer has been developed, which allows free exhalation, standardizes measured exhaled alcohol concentration to fully saturated water vapor at a body temperature of 37 degrees C (43.95 mg/L) and includes a built-in self-calibration system. We evaluated the performance of this instrument by comparing standardized alcohol concentration in freely expired breath (BrAC) with arterial (ABAC) and venous (VBAC) blood alcohol concentrations in fifteen healthy volunteers who drank 0.6 g of alcohol per kg body weight. The precision (coefficient of variation, CV) of the analyzer based on in vivo duplicate measurements in all phases of the alcohol metabolism was 1.7%. The ABAC/BrAC ratio was 2251+/-46 (mean+/-S.D.) in the post-absorptive phase and the mean bias between ABAC and BrAC x 2251 was 0.0035 g/L with 95% limits of agreement of 0.033 and -0.026. The ABAC and BrAC x 2251 were highly correlated (r=0.998, p<0.001) and the regression relationship was ABAC = 0.00045 + 1.0069 x (BrAC x 2251) indicating excellent agreement and no fixed or proportional bias. In the absorption phase, ABAC exceeded BrAC x 2251 by at most 0.04+/-0.03 g/L when tests were made at 10 min post-dosing (p<0.05). The VBAC/BrAC ratio never stabilized and varied continuously between 1834 and 3259. There was a proportional bias between VBAC and BrAC x 2251 (ABAC) in the post-absorptive phase (p<0.001). The pharmacokinetic analysis of the elimination rates of alcohol and times to zero BAC confirmed that BrAC x 2251 and ABAC agreed very well with each other, but not with VBAC (p<0.001). We conclude that this new breath analyzer using free exhalation has a high precision for in vivo testing. The BrAC reflects very accurately ABAC in the post-absorption phase and substantially well in the absorption phase and thereby reflects the concentration of alcohol reaching the brain. Our findings highlight the magnitude of arterio-venous differences in alcohol concentration and support
Alemu, Getaneh; Mama, Mohammedaman
Background. Determination of the various ABO/Rh blood group distributions and their association with malaria infection has paramount importance in the context of transfusion medicine and malaria control. Methods. Facility based cross-sectional study was conducted from February to June, 2015, to assess ABO/Rh blood groups distribution and their association with asymptomatic malaria. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Blood grouping was done using monoclonal antibodies. Thin and thick blood films were examined for Plasmodium parasites. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Results. A total of 416 blood donors participated with median age of 22 ± 0.29 (median ± standard error of the mean). Distribution of ABO phenotypes, in decreasing order, was O (175, 42.1%), A (136, 32.7%), B (87, 20.9%), and AB (18, 4.3%). Most of them were Rh+ (386, 92.8%). The overall malaria prevalence was 4.1% (17/416). ABO blood group is significantly associated with malaria infection (P = 0.022). High rate of parasitemia was seen in blood group O donors (6.899, P = 0.003) compared to those with other ABO blood groups. Conclusion. Blood groups O and AB phenotypes are the most and the least ABO blood groups, respectively. There is significant association between ABO blood group and asymptomatic malaria parasitemia. PMID:26925291
Towards a Biohybrid Lung: Endothelial Cells Promote Oxygen Transfer through Gas Permeable Membranes.
Menzel, Sarah; Finocchiaro, Nicole; Donay, Christine; Thiebes, Anja Lena; Hesselmann, Felix; Arens, Jutta; Djeljadini, Suzana; Wessling, Matthias; Schmitz-Rode, Thomas; Jockenhoevel, Stefan; Cornelissen, Christian Gabriel
In patients with respiratory failure, extracorporeal lung support can ensure the vital gas exchange via gas permeable membranes but its application is restricted by limited long-term stability and hemocompatibility of the gas permeable membranes, which are in contact with the blood. Endothelial cells lining these membranes promise physiological hemocompatibility and should enable prolonged application. However, the endothelial cells increase the diffusion barrier of the blood-gas interface and thus affect gas transfer. In this study, we evaluated how the endothelial cells affect the gas exchange to optimize performance while maintaining an integral cell layer. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells were seeded on gas permeable cell culture membranes and cultivated in a custom-made bioreactor. Oxygen transfer rates of blank and endothelialized membranes in endothelial culture medium were determined. Cell morphology was assessed by microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Both setups provided oxygenation of the test fluid featuring small standard deviations of the measurements. Throughout the measuring range, the endothelial cells seem to promote gas transfer to a certain extent exceeding the blank membranes gas transfer performance by up to 120%. Although the underlying principles hereof still need to be clarified, the results represent a significant step towards the development of a biohybrid lung.
Laser speckle imaging of rat retinal blood flow with hybrid temporal and spatial analysis method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cheng, Haiying; Yan, Yumei; Duong, Timothy Q.
Noninvasive monitoring of blood flow in retinal circulation will reveal the progression and treatment of ocular disorders, such as diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma. A non-invasive and direct BF measurement technique with high spatial-temporal resolution is needed for retinal imaging. Laser speckle imaging (LSI) is such a method. Currently, there are two analysis methods for LSI: spatial statistics LSI (SS-LSI) and temporal statistical LSI (TS-LSI). Comparing these two analysis methods, SS-LSI has higher signal to noise ratio (SNR) and TSLSI is less susceptible to artifacts from stationary speckle. We proposed a hybrid temporal and spatial analysis method (HTS-LSI) to measure the retinal blood flow. Gas challenge experiment was performed and images were analyzed by HTS-LSI. Results showed that HTS-LSI can not only remove the stationary speckle but also increase the SNR. Under 100% O2, retinal BF decreased by 20-30%. This was consistent with the results observed with laser Doppler technique. As retinal blood flow is a critical physiological parameter and its perturbation has been implicated in the early stages of many retinal diseases, HTS-LSI will be an efficient method in early detection of retina diseases.
Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: gas concentrations.
Heber, Albert J; Ni, Ji-Qin; Lim, Teng T; Tao, Pei-Chun; Schmidt, Amy M; Koziel, Jacek A; Beasley, David B; Hoff, Steven J; Nicolai, Richard E; Jacobson, Larry D; Zhang, Yuanhui
Comprehensive field studies were initiated in 2002 to measure emissions of ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC), particulate matter <10 microm in diameter, and total suspended particulate from swine and poultry production buildings in the United States. This paper focuses on the quasicontinuous gas concentration measurement at multiple locations among paired barns in seven states. Documented principles, used in air pollution monitoring at industrial sources, were applied in developing quality assurance (QA) project plans for these studies. Air was sampled from multiple locations with each gas analyzed with one high quality commercial gas analyzer that was located in an environmentally controlled on-farm instrument shelter. A nominal 4 L/min gas sampling system was designed and constructed with Teflon wetted surfaces, bypass pumping, and sample line flow and pressure sensors. Three-way solenoids were used to automatically switch between multiple gas sampling lines with > or =10 min sampling intervals. Inside and outside gas sampling probes were between 10 and 115 m away from the analyzers. Analyzers used chemiluminescence, fluorescence, photoacoustic infrared, and photoionization detectors for NH3, H2S, CO2, CH4, and NMHC, respectively. Data were collected using personal computer-based data acquisition hardware and software. This paper discusses the methodology of gas concentration measurements and the unique challenges that livestock barns pose for achieving desired accuracy and precision, data representativeness, comparability and completeness, and instrument calibration and maintenance.
Effects of cardiac oscillations and lung volume on acinar gas mixing during apnea
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Mackenzie, C.F.; Skacel, M.; Barnas, G.M.
We evaluated the importance of cardiogenic gas mixing in the acini of 13 dogs during 2 min of apnea. 133Xe (1-2 mCi in 4 ml of saline) was injected into an alveolar region through an occluded pulmonary artery branch, and washout was measured by gamma scintillation scanning during continued occlusion or with blood flow reinstated. The monoexponential rate constant for Xe washout (XeW) was -0.4 +/- 0.08 (SE) min-1 at functional residual capacity (FRC) with no blood flow in the injected region. It decreased by more than half at lung volumes 500 ml above and 392 ml below FRC. Withmore » intact pulmonary blood flow, XeW was -1.0 +/- 0.08 (SE) min-1 at FRC, and it increased with decreasing lung volume. However, if calculated Xe uptake by the blood was subtracted from the XeW measured with blood flow intact, resulting values at FRC and at FRC + 500 ml were not different from XeW with no blood flow. Reasonable calculation of Xe blood uptake at 392 ml below FRC was not possible because airway closure, increased shunt, and other factors affect XeW. After death, no significant XeW could be measured, which suggests that XeW caused by molecular diffusion was small. We conclude that (1) the effect of heart motion on the lung parenchyma increases acinar gas mixing during apnea, (2) this effect diminishes above or below FRC, and (3) there is probably no direct effect of pulmonary vascular pulsatility on acinar gas mixing.« less
NMR of laser-polarized 129Xe in blood foam
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Tseng, C. H.; Peled, S.; Nascimben, L.; Oteiza, E.; Walsworth, R. L.; Jolesz, F. A.
Laser-polarized 129Xe dissolved in a foam preparation of fresh human blood was investigated. The NMR signal of 129Xe dissolved in blood was enhanced by creating a foam in which the dissolved 129Xe exchanged with a large reservoir of gaseous laser-polarized 129Xe. The dissolved 129Xe T1 in this system was found to be significantly shorter in oxygenated blood than in deoxygenated blood. The T1 of 129Xe dissolved in oxygenated blood foam was found to be approximately 21 (+/-5) s, and in deoxygenated blood foam to be greater than 40 s. To understand the oxygenation trend, T1 measurements were also made on plasma and hemoglobin foam preparations. The measurement technique using a foam gas-liquid exchange interface may also be useful for studying foam coarsening and other liquid physical properties.
Solar-gas systems impact analysis study
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Neill, C. P.; Hahn, E. F.; Loose, J. C.; Poe, T. E.; Hirshberg, A. S.; Haas, S.; Preble, B.; Halpin, J.
The impacts of solar/gas technologies on gas consumers and on gas utilities were measured separately and compared against the impacts of competing gas and electric systems in four climatic regions of the U.S. A methodology was developed for measuring the benefits or penalties of solar/gas systems on a combined basis for consumers sand distribution companies. It is shown that the combined benefits associated with solar/gas systems are generally greatest when the systems are purchased by customers who would have otherwise chosen high-efficiency electric systems (were solar/gas systems not available in the market place). The role of gas utilities in encouraging consumer acceptance of solar/gas systems was also examined ion a qualitative fashion. A decision framework for analyzing the type and level of utility involvement in solar/gas technologies was developed.