Wild, Edward
The significance of deja vu is widely recognised in the context of temporal lobe epilepsy, and enquiry about deja vu is frequently made in the clinical assessment of patients with possible epilepsy. Deja vu has also been associated with several psychiatric disorders. The historical context of current understanding of deja vu is discussed. The literature reveals deja vu to be a common phenomenon consistent with normality. Several authors have suggested the existence of a "pathological" form of deja vu that differs, qualitatively or quantitatively, from "non-pathological" deja vu. The features of deja vu suggesting neurological or psychiatric pathology are discussed. Several neuroanatomical and psychological models of the deja vu experience are highlighted, implicating the perceptual, mnemonic and affective regions of the lateral temporal cortex, hippocampus and amygdala in the genesis of deja vu. A possible genetic basis for a neurochemical model of deja vu is discussed. Clinical approaches to the patient presenting with possible deja vu are proposed.
A Nuclear Dilemma--Korean War Deja Vu
USAWC STRATEGY RESEARCH PROJECT A NUCLEAR DILEMMA—KOREAN WAR DEJA VU by Lieutenant Colonel Trent A. Pickering United States Air Force Colonel William...Lieutenant Colonel Trent A. Pickering TITLE: A Nuclear Dilemma—Korean War Deja Vu FORMAT: Strategy Research Project DATE: 8 March 2006 WORD COUNT: 19,270...1. REPORT DATE 15 MAR 2006 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 00-00-2005 to 00-00-2006 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Nuclear Dilemma--Korean War Deja
Somalia and Vietnam. Deja Vu All Over Again
Rev. 2-89) Pre•cribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18 298-102 AIR WAR COLLEGE AIR LUNIVRITY SOMALIA AND VIETNAM " DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN" by James M. Comgan A...BASE., ALABAMA APRIL 1994 II II 3 AIR WAR COLLEGE AIR UNIVERITY *! SOMALIA AND VIETNAM S1 " DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN" I 3 by James M. Corrigan A RESEARCH...Vietnam: " Deja Vu All Over Again" AUTHOR. James M. Corrigan, Lieutenant Colonel During the recet involvemen in Somalia, U.S. leadership likely
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
O'Connor, Akira R.; Moulin, Christopher J. A.
We report the case of a 39-year-old, temporal lobe epileptic male, MH. Prior to complex partial seizure, experienced up to three times a day, MH often experiences an aura experienced as a persistent sensation of deja vu. Data-driven theories of deja vu formation suggest that partial familiarity for the perceived stimulus is responsible for the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Martin, Chris B.; Mirsattari, Seyed M.; Pruessner, Jens C.; Pietrantonio, Sandra; Burneo, Jorge G.; Hayman-Abello, Brent; Kohler, Stefan
In deja vu, a phenomenological impression of familiarity for the current visual environment is experienced with a sense that it should in fact not feel familiar. The fleeting nature of this phenomenon in daily life, and the difficulty in developing experimental paradigms to elicit it, has hindered progress in understanding deja vu. Some…
The Danger of Deja Vu: Why the Iraq Surge is Not a Lesson for Afghanistan
JAN 2010 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 00-12-2009 to 00-01-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE The danger of deja vu . Why the Iraq surge is not a lesson...of five brigade combat teams — eerily mim- icked the surge number for Iraq. And there was more déjà vu when our senior civilian and military leaders...Department. PERSPECTIVES The danger of déjà vu Why the Iraq surge is not a lesson for Afghanistan BY COL. CHARLES D. ALLEN (RET.) The thing we take hold of
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
O'Connor, Akira R.; Moulin, Christopher J. A.
We report the case of a 25-year-old healthy, blind male, MT, who experiences normal patterns of deja vu. The optical pathway delay theory of deja vu formation assumes that neuronal input from the optical pathways is necessary for the formation of the experience. Surprisingly, although the sensation of deja vu is known to be experienced by blind…
Cleary, Anne M; Ryals, Anthony J; Nomi, Jason S
The strange feeling of having been somewhere or done something before--even though there is evidence to the contrary--is called déjà vu. Although déjà vu is beginning to receive attention among scientists (Brown, 2003, 2004), few studies have empirically investigated the phenomenon. We investigated the hypothesis that déjà vu is related to feelings of familiarity and that it can result from similarity between a novel scene and that of a scene experienced in one's past. We used a variation of the recognition-without-recall method of studying familiarity (Cleary, 2004) to examine instances in which participants failed to recall a studied scene in response to a configurally similar novel test scene. In such instances, resemblance to a previously viewed scene increased both feelings of familiarity and of déjà vu. Furthermore, in the absence of recall, resemblance of a novel scene to a previously viewed scene increased the probability of a reported déjà vu state for the novel scene, and feelings of familiarity with a novel scene were directly related to feelings of being in a déjà vu state.
Is there anything distinctive about epileptic deja vu?
Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Zeman, Adam
Déjà vu can occur as an aura of temporal lobe epilepsy and in some psychiatric conditions but is also common in the general population. It is unclear whether any clinical features distinguish pathological and physiological forms of déjà vu. 50 epileptic patients with ictal déjà vu, 50 non-epileptic patients attending general neurology clinics and 50 medical students at Edinburgh University were recruited. Data were collected on demographic factors, the experience of déjà vu using a questionnaire based on Sno's Inventory for Déjà Vu Experiences Assessment, symptoms of anxiety and depression using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale as well as seizure characteristics, anti-epileptic medications, handedness, EEG and neuroimaging findings for epileptic patients. 73.5% of neurology patients, 88% of students and (by definition) all epilepsy patients had experienced déjà vu. The experience of déjà vu itself was similar in the three groups. Epileptic déjà vu occurred more frequently and lasted somewhat longer than physiological déjà vu. Epilepsy patients were more likely to report prior fatigue and concentrated activity, associated derealisation, olfactory and gustatory hallucinations, physical symptoms such as headaches, abdominal sensations and fear. After controlling for study group, anxiety and depression scores were not associated with déjà vu frequency. Déjà vu is common and qualitatively similar whether it occurs as an epileptic aura or normal phenomenon. However ictal déjà vu occurs more frequently and is accompanied by several distinctive features. It is distinguished primarily by 'the company it keeps'.
Deja vu: a database of highly similar citations in the scientific literature.
Errami, Mounir; Sun, Zhaohui; Long, Tara C; George, Angela C; Garner, Harold R
In the scientific research community, plagiarism and covert multiple publications of the same data are considered unacceptable because they undermine the public confidence in the scientific integrity. Yet, little has been done to help authors and editors to identify highly similar citations, which sometimes may represent cases of unethical duplication. For this reason, we have made available Déjà vu, a publicly available database of highly similar Medline citations identified by the text similarity search engine eTBLAST. Following manual verification, highly similar citation pairs are classified into various categories ranging from duplicates with different authors to sanctioned duplicates. Déjà vu records also contain user-provided commentary and supporting information to substantiate each document's categorization. Déjà vu and eTBLAST are available to authors, editors, reviewers, ethicists and sociologists to study, intercept, annotate and deter questionable publication practices. These tools are part of a sustained effort to enhance the quality of Medline as 'the' biomedical corpus. The Déjà vu database is freely accessible at http://spore.swmed.edu/dejavu. The tool eTBLAST is also freely available at http://etblast.org.
[Electroencephalographic characteristics of the deja vu phenomenon].
Vlasov, P N; Cherviakov, A V; Gnezdinsiĭ, V V
Déjà vu (DV, from French "already seen") is an aberration of psychic activity associated with transitory erroneous perception of novel circumstances, objects, or people as already known. An aim of the study was to investigate EEG characteristics of DV in patients with epilepsy. We studied 166 people (63.2% women, mean age 25.17±9.19 years). The DV phenomenon was studied in patients (27 people) and in a control group (139 healthy people). Patients were interviewed for DV characteristics and underwent a long (12-16 h) ambulatory EEG-monitoring study. In EEG, DV episodes in patients began with polyspike activity in the right temporal lobe and, in some cases, ended with the slow-wave theta-delta activity in the right hemisphere.
War as Art or Science: A Humanist Vision
percent of its industrial capacity.74 72 Desmond Ball, Deja Vu : The Return to Counterforce in the Nixon Administration, (California Seminar on Arms...128. 80 Ball, Deja Vu , 33. 81 James Schlesinger, in Ball, Deja Vu , 33. 82 Sloss and Millot, 22-23. 54 able to "hold some vital enemy targets hostage
Transformation Déjà Vu ? A Comparison of Military Improvements of Israel (1967-1973) and the United States (1990-2002) Major William A. Forkner, USAF...Transformation Déjà Vu ? A Comparison of Military Improvements of Israel (1967-1973) and the United States (1990-2002) 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER
CSAF V. CNO: Core Values and Their Career Ending Impact
21 Deja - Vu .................................................................................................................. 24...Navy leadership as well. Deja - Vu The Navy experienced highs and lows like the Tailhook and Naval Academy cheating scandals during his tenure, but what
reasoning." Despite its ’For an example of a capabilities-driven analysis see Michael Eisenstadt, " Deja Vu All Over Again? An Assessment of Iran’s Military...Sancton, "No Longer Fenced In," Time, 23 May 1994, pp. 36-38. ’Michael Eisenstadt, " Deja Vu All Over Again? An Assessment of Iran’s Military Buildup...Eisenstadt, " Deja Vu All Over Again? An Assessment Of Iran’s Military Buildup," Iran’s Strategic Intentions and Capabilities, ed., Patrick Clawson
An Analysis of the Special Landing Force during the Vietnam War from 1965 to 1969
CONSIDERATIONS Extended Operations Ashore 24 Status Quo 26 1969: RETURN TO THE SEA AND OPERATIONAL ASSESSMENTS Deja vu : ; 27 . Varying Opinions .’ 29...THE SEA AND OPERATIONAL ASSESSMENTS Deja vu On the ground, 1969 looked to be yet another year of intense fighting and high operational tempo. III MAF
Assessment of Public Health Infrastructure to Determine Public Health Preparedness
and Theodore M. Brown, "The Unfulfilled Promise of Public Health: Deja Vu all Over again," Health Affairs 21, no. 6 (November/December, 2002): 31...Health: Deja Vu all Over Again." Health Affairs 21, no. 6 (November/December 2002). http://proquest.umi.com/ (accessed February 3, 2006). Flynn
Johnson, "Teaching Irregular Warfare; Deja vu All Over Again?" a paper presented to the Joint conference Pedagogy for the Long War: Teaching Irregular...Do about Them." Marine Corps Gazette 92, no. 2 (February 2008): 18- 23. Johnson, Wray. "Teaching Irregular Warfare; Deja vu All Over Again?" a paper
The Patterns and Dynamics of Revolution: Insights into Iraq
197. 80 Rabasa, 56. 26 81 Ibid., 53. 82 Roger Cohen. 83 Crane and Terrill, 33. 84 Andrew Krepinevich, "Iraq and Vietnam: Deja vu all over Again?" 8...in Iraq." Christian Science Monitor, 20 September 2004, 1. Krepinevich, Andrew. "Iraq and Vietnam: Deja vu all over Again?" Center for Strategic and
The Impact of the Soviet Union’s Demise on the U.S. Military Space Program
21 March 1993, 8. Fred Coleman, et al, " Deja vu all over again," US. Mews and WaIdReprp4 8 March 1993, 39. 5. Douglas Stanglin and Victoria Pope, et...Press, 1976. CNN, "Headline News, 20 January 1993, 4:30 P.M. Coleman, Fred, et al. " Deja vu all over again," US. Mews and WrldRepc4 8 March 1993, pp
Domestic Determinants of American Strategic Nuclear Doctrine: 1965-1980.
York: The Free Press, 1965. Ball, Desmond, Deja Vu : The Return to Counterforce in the Nixon Administration, paper presented at the California Seminar on...Ibid., pp. 44-45. 23U.S. Department of Defense, Annual Report Fiscal Year 1981, Washington: GPO, 1980, p. 67. 24 Ibid., p. 65. 2 5Desmond Ball, " Deja ... Vu : The Return to Counterforce in the Nixon Administration," California Seminar on Arms Control and Foreign Policy, December 1974, p. 46. 26William R
Déjà Vu: An Illusion of Prediction.
Cleary, Anne M; Claxton, Alexander B
Déjà vu is beginning to be scientifically understood as a memory phenomenon. Despite recent scientific advances, a remaining puzzle is the purported association between déjà vu and feelings of premonition. Building on research showing that déjà vu can be driven by an unrecalled memory of a past experience that relates to the current situation, we sought evidence of memory-based predictive ability during déjà vu states. Déjà vu did not lead to above-chance ability to predict the next turn in a navigational path resembling a previously experienced but unrecalled path (although such resemblance increased reports of déjà vu). However, déjà vu states were accompanied by increased feelings of knowing the direction of the next turn. The results suggest that feelings of premonition during déjà vu occur and can be illusory. Metacognitive bias brought on by the state itself may explain the peculiar association between déjà vu and the feeling of premonition.
Regionalization--Deja Vu Again?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hallanan, Edwin J.
The subject of regionalization or the consolidation of schools has been a major issue of discussion and educational research for the past 15 years. A fact that has come out of the research is that consolidation is expensive. Yet, some observers continue to recommend consolidating the remaining school districts. When schools are closed, children…
Déjà vu experiences in patients with schizophrenia.
Adachi, Takuya; Adachi, Naoto; Takekawa, Yoshikazu; Akanuma, Nozomi; Ito, Masumi; Matsubara, Ryouji; Ikeda, Hiroshi; Kimura, Michihiro; Arai, Heii
To investigate whether déjà vu experiences are psychopathologic phenomena, we studied the frequency and characteristics of déjà vu experiences in patients with schizophrenia. One hundred thirteen patients with schizophrenia and 386 nonclinical control subjects were evaluated with the Inventory of Déjà vu Experiences Assessment. The frequency and features of déjà vu experiences were compared between the 2 groups. The patients with schizophrenia had déjà vu experiences less frequently (53.1%) than did the nonclinical subjects (76.2%). The frequency of déjà vu experiences did not correlate significantly with age at evaluation or education level among the patients with schizophrenia. Most characteristics of déjà vu experiences of the patients were comparable with those of the control subjects. However, the experiences of the patients tended to be longer and more monotonous. The patients often felt alert, oppressed, and disturbed by the experiences. They appeared to have the experiences under unpleasant mental or physical states. Their déjà vu experiences are not primarily different in nature from those of the nonclinical subjects. The decreased frequency of the experiences in the patients may suggest déjà vu experiences as nonpathologic phenomena.
Déjà vu experiences are rarely associated with pathological dissociation.
Adachi, Naoto; Akanuma, Nozomi; Akanu, Nozomi; Adachi, Takuya; Takekawa, Yoshikazu; Adachi, Yasushi; Ito, Masumi; Ikeda, Hiroshi
We investigated the relation between déjà vu and dissociative experiences in nonclinical subjects. In 227 adult volunteers, déjà vu and dissociative experiences were evaluated by means of the inventory of déjà vu experiences assessment and dissociative experiences scale (DES). Déjà vu experiences occurred in 162 (71.4%) individuals. In univariate correlation analysis, the frequency of déjà vu experiences, as well as 5 other inventory of déjà vu experiences assessment symptoms and age at the time of evaluation, correlated significantly with the DES score. After exclusion of intercorrelative effects using multiple regression analysis, déjà vu experiences did not remain in the model. The DES score was best correlated with a model that included age, jamais vu, depersonalization, and precognitive dreams. Two indices for pathological dissociation (DES-taxon and DES > or = 30) were not associated with déjà vu experiences. Our findings suggest that déjà vu experiences are unlikely to be core pathological dissociative experiences.
What is French for déjà vu? Descriptions of déjà vu in native French and English speakers.
Fortier, Jonathan; Moulin, Chris J A
Little is known about how people characterise and classify the experience of déjà vu. The term déjà vu might capture a range of different phenomena and people may use it differently. We examined the description of déjà vu in two languages: French and English, hypothesising that the use of déjà vu would vary between the two languages. In French, the phrase déjà vu can be used to indicate a veridical experience of recognition - as in "I have already seen this face before". However, the same is not true in English. In an online questionnaire, we found equal rates of déjà vu amongst French and English speakers, and key differences in how the experience was described. As expected, the French group described the experience as being more frequent, but there was the unexpected finding that they found it to be more troubling. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Science Education - Deja Vu Revised.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Walsh, John
Summarizes views expressed and issues raised at the National Convocation on Precollege Education in Mathematics and Science and another meeting to establish a coalition of affiliates for science and mathematics education. (DC)
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
LaPidus, Jules B.
A discussion of the role of graduate education in preparing future college faculty looks at efforts over the last 45 years to integrate graduate study and professional socialization. Issues examined include the importance of specialized academic preparation, the role of teaching assistantships and internships, and the contribution of schools of…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dance, Frank E. X.
For over 40 years, there has been a sustained and persistent effort to remove any reference to speech or spoken language from the name of the Speech Communication Association. The term "speech" has received constant criticism, mainly on political grounds, and has given way to today's more prevalent term of "communication." By…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sullivan, Peggy
Discusses the author's experiences and beliefs regarding the role of the children's librarian in the reviewing and publishing of children's literature, and the goals of public library service for children. (CMV)
Déjà vu phenomenon-related EEG pattern. Case report.
Vlasov, P N; Chervyakov, A V; Gnezditskii, V V
Déjà vu (DV, from French déjà vu - "already seen") is an aberration of psychic activity associated with transitory erroneous perception of novel circumstances, objects, or people as already known. This study aimed to record the EEG pattern of déjà vu. The subjects participated in a survey concerning déjà vu characteristics and underwent ambulatory EEG monitoring (12-16 h). In patients with epilepsy, DV episodes began with polyspike activity in the right temporal lobe region and, in some cases, ended with slow-wave theta-delta activity over the right hemisphere. There were no epileptic discharges in healthy respondents during DV. Two types of déjà vu are suggested to exist: "pathological-epileptic" déjà vu, characteristic of patients with epilepsy and equivalent to an epileptic seizure, and "nonpathological-nonepileptic" déjà vu, which is characteristic of healthy people and psychological phenomenon.
Rouhier, Matthew F.; Hine, Rebecca M.; Park, Seokhwan Terry; Raphemot, Rene; Denton, Jerod; Piermarini, Peter M.
The effect of two small molecules VU342 and VU573 on renal functions in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti was investigated in vitro and in vivo. In isolated Malpighian tubules, VU342 (10 μM) had no effect on the transepithelial secretion of Na+, K+, Cl−, and water. In contrast, 10 μM VU573 first stimulated and then inhibited the transepithelial secretion of fluid when the tubules were bathed in Na+-rich or K+-rich Ringer solution. The early stimulation was blocked by bumetanide, suggesting the transient stimulation of Na-K-2Cl cotransport, and the late inhibition of fluid secretion was consistent with the known block of AeKir1, an Aedes inward rectifier K+ channel, by VU573. VU342 and VU573 at a hemolymph concentration of about 11 μM had no effect on the diuresis triggered by hemolymph Na+ or K+ loads. VU342 at a hemolymph concentration of 420 μM had no effect on the diuresis elicited by hemolymph Na+ or K+ loads. In contrast, the same concentration of VU573 significantly diminished the Na+ diuresis by inhibiting the urinary excretion of Na+, Cl−, and water. In K+-loaded mosquitoes, 420 μM VU573 significantly diminished the K+ diuresis by inhibiting the urinary excretion of K+, Na+, Cl−, and water. We conclude that 1) the effects of VU573 observed in isolated Malpighian tubules are overwhelmed in vivo by the diuresis triggered with the coinjection of Na+ and K+ loads, and 2) at a hemolymph concentration of 420 μM VU573 affects Kir channels systemically, including those that might be involved in the release of diuretic hormones. PMID:25056106
Persistent psychogenic déjà vu: a case report.
Wells, Christine E; Moulin, Chris J A; Ethridge, Paige; Illman, Nathan A; Davies, Emma; Zeman, Adam
Déjà vu is typically a transient mental state in which a novel experience feels highly familiar. Although extensively studied in relation to temporal lobe epilepsy as part of simple partial seizures, déjà vu has been less studied in other clinical populations. A recent review of temporal lobe epilepsy suggested a possible link between clinical levels of anxiety and debilitating déjà vu, indicating further research is required. Here, for the first time in the literature, we present a case study of a young man with anxiety and depersonalisation who reported experiencing persistent and debilitating déjà vu. This report therefore adds to the limited literature on the relationship between anxiety and déjà vu. A 23-year-old White British man presented with a form of persistent déjà vu in 2010, approximately 3 years since symptom onset. He reported a history of anxiety and experiencing feelings of depersonalisation. Neurological assessment (electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging) did not indicate any abnormalities. We assessed his recognition memory with a task used in patients with dementia who report similar experiences but lack awareness of their falseness. Our case's memory performance was more conservative than controls but did not indicate a memory deficit. Unlike other patients with chronic déjà vu (for example, in dementia), he is fully aware of the false nature of his déjà vu and this presumably leads to his intact recognition memory performance. We suggest that his persistent déjà vu is psychogenic and conclude that déjà vu should be further studied in psychiatric disorders.
Déjà Vu Experiences in Healthy Czech Adults.
Lacinová, Lenka; Neužilová Michalčáková, Radka; Širůček, Jan; Ježek, Stanislav; Chromec, Jakub; Masopustová, Zuzana; Urbánek, Tomáš; Brázdil, Milan
The study examines the prevalence of déjà vu in healthy Czech adults and explores its relationships with a number of variables: age, sex, neuroticism, depression, the degree of irritability in the limbic system, perceived stress, and finally attachment avoidance and anxiety. The participants were 365 healthy adults ranging from 18 to 70 years recruited in the Czech Republic (mean age = 29.05; SD = 11.17) who filled out online questionnaires. Déjà vu experiences were reported by 324 (88.8%) of them. Persons who experienced déjà vu were younger than the persons who had not experienced it. We found that sex, levels of neuroticism, depression, perceived stress, and attachment did not serve as predictors of experiences of déjà vu phenomena. Finally, those who had reported déjà vu experiences reported more limbic system irritability symptoms. We discuss the possibility that déjà vu reports together with other studied variables mainly reflect the participants' willingness to report "extraordinal" experiences.
Déjà vu phenomenon-related EEG pattern. Case report☆
Vlasov, P.N.; Chervyakov, A.V.; Gnezditskii, V.V.
Background Déjà vu (DV, from French déjà vu — “already seen”) is an aberration of psychic activity associated with transitory erroneous perception of novel circumstances, objects, or people as already known. Objective This study aimed to record the EEG pattern of déjà vu. Methods The subjects participated in a survey concerning déjà vu characteristics and underwent ambulatory EEG monitoring (12–16 h). Results In patients with epilepsy, DV episodes began with polyspike activity in the right temporal lobe region and, in some cases, ended with slow-wave theta–delta activity over the right hemisphere. There were no epileptic discharges in healthy respondents during DV. Conclusion Two types of déjà vu are suggested to exist: “pathological-epileptic” déjà vu, characteristic of patients with epilepsy and equivalent to an epileptic seizure, and “nonpathological-nonepileptic” déjà vu, which is characteristic of healthy people and psychological phenomenon. PMID:25667847
Recurring déjà vu associated with 5-hydroxytryptophan.
Kalra, Seema; Chancellor, Andrew; Zeman, Adam
Déjà vu occurs both in normal experience and as a neuropsychiatric symptom. Its pathogenesis is partially understood. We describe an iatrogenic case with implications for the neuropharmacological basis of déjà vu. A 42-year-old woman received 5-hydroxytryptophan, in combination with carbidopa, as treatment for palatal tremor, on two occasions, separated by 1 week. On each occasion, she experienced intense, protracted déjà vu, lasting for several hours. We discuss her case in relation to the neuroanatomical and neuropharmacological basis of déjà vu. The serotonergic system is involved in the genesis of déjà vu.
Many Faces of Déjà Vu: a Narrative Review.
Bošnjak Pašić, Marija; Horvat Velić, Emina; Fotak, Luka; Pašić, Hanna; Srkalović Imširagić, Azijada; Milat, Davorka; Šarac, Helena; Bjedov, Sarah; Petelin GadŽe, Željka
French expression standing for the phrase "already seen" is a déjà vu. It is thought that as much as 97% of the population have experienced déjà vu at least once in their lifetime and 67% experience it regularly. The explanations of this phenomenon in novels and poems include reincarnation, dreams, organic factors, and unconscious memories. In this narrative review connection between déjà vu and various other conditions has been mentioned: false memories, temporal lobe epilepsy and other neurological conditions. In psychiatric patients déjà vu phenomenon is more often seen in patients with anxiety and people with derealisation/ depersonalization. It seems that temporal region is the origin of déjà vu phenomena in both healthy individuals and in individuals with neurological and psychiatric conditions, but the exact mechanism of this phenomenon is however still unknown. More attention should also be given to déjà vu from philosophical and religious perspectives as well. Déjà vu is still an enigma which could only be revealed with multidisciplinary approach through cooperation between neurologists, brain scientists, psychiatrists and experimental psychologists.
Rhinal-hippocampal interactions during déjà vu.
Bartolomei, Fabrice; Barbeau, Emmanuel J; Nguyen, Trung; McGonigal, Aileen; Régis, Jean; Chauvel, Patrick; Wendling, Fabrice
The phenomenon of 'déjà vu' is caused by acute disturbance of mnemonic systems of the medial temporal lobe (MTL). In epileptic patients investigated with intracerebral electrodes, déjà vu can be more readily induced by stimulation of the rhinal cortices (RCs) than the hippocampus (H). Whether déjà vu results from acute dysfunction of the familiarity system alone (sustained by RC) or from more extensive involvement of the MTL region (including H) is debatable. We analysed the synchronisation of intracerebral electroencephalography (EEG) signals recorded from RC, H and amygdala (A) in epileptic patients in whom déjà vu was induced by electrical stimulation. EEG signal correlations (between signals from RC, A and H) were evaluated using a nonlinear regression. In comparison with RC stimulations that did not lead to déjà vu (DV-), stimulations triggering déjà vu (DV+) were associated with increased broadband EEG correlation (p=0.01). Changes in correlations were significantly different in the theta band for RC-A (p=0.007) and RC-H (p=0.01) and in the beta band for RC-H (p=0.001) interactions. Déjà vu is associated with increased EEG signal correlation between MTL structures. Results are in favour of a mechanism involving transient co-operation between various MTL structures, not limited to RC alone. Copyright © 2011 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recognition without identification, erroneous familiarity, and déjà vu.
O'Connor, Akira R; Moulin, Chris J A
Déjà vu is characterized by the recognition of a situation concurrent with the awareness that this recognition is inappropriate. Although forms of déjà vu resolve in favor of the inappropriate recognition and therefore have behavioral consequences, typical déjà vu experiences resolve in favor of the awareness that the sensation of recognition is inappropriate. The resultant lack of behavioral modification associated with typical déjà vu means that clinicians and experimenters rely heavily on self-report when observing the experience. In this review, we focus on recent déjà vu research. We consider issues facing neuropsychological, neuroscientific, and cognitive experimental frameworks attempting to explore and experimentally generate the experience. In doing this, we suggest the need for more experimentation and a more cautious interpretation of research findings, particularly as many techniques being used to explore déjà vu are in the early stages of development.
Déjà vu experiences in schizophrenia: relations with psychopathology and antipsychotic medication.
Adachi, Naoto; Adachi, Takuya; Akanuma, Nozomi; Matsubara, Ryouji; Ito, Masumi; Takekawa, Yoshikazu; Ikeda, Hiroshi; Arai, Heii
To clarify why patients with schizophrenia show déjà vu experiences less frequently, we studied déjà vu experiences in 113 schizophrenic patients in relation to psychopathologies and antipsychotic medication. Déjà vu experiences were observed in 53.1% of the schizophrenic patients. Patients with increased negative symptoms (blunted affect, motor retardation, emotional withdrawal, conceptual disorganization, and mannerisms) had déjà vu experiences less frequently. The other psychopathologies were not significantly associated with presence of déjà vu experiences. The dosage of antipsychotic drugs was significantly correlated with the frequency of déjà vu experiences. This correlation was not affected by their psychopathologies at the time of examination. The decreased frequency of déjà vu experiences in patients with schizophrenia may be mainly due to the negative symptoms. The positive relation between frequency of déjà vu experiences and the dosage of neuroleptics remains uncertain.
Déjà vu: possible parahippocampal mechanisms.
Spatt, Josef
Déjà vu experiences are common in normal subjects. In addition, they are established symptoms of temporal lobe seizures. The author argues that the phenomenon is the result of faulty and isolated activity of a recognition memory system that consists of the parahippocampal gyrus and its neocortical connections. This memory system is responsible for judgments of familiarity. The result is that a momentary perceived scene is given the characteristics of familiarity that normally accompany a conscious recollection. The normal functioning of other brain structures involved in memory retrieval--the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus proper--leads to the perplexing phenomenological quality of déjà vu. The hypothesis accounts for many characteristics of déjà vu in healthy subjects and is well fitting with experimental findings in patients with epilepsy.
Ide, M; Mizukami, K; Suzuki, T; Shiraishi, H
A 26-year-old female presented psychomotor seizures, deja vu and amnestic syndrome after meningitis at the age of 14 years. Repeated electroencephalograms (EEG) demonstrated occasional spikes localized in the right temporal region in addition to a considerable amount of theta waves mainly in the right fronto-temporal region. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) showed a marked hypoperfusion corresponding to the region in which the EEG showed abnormal findings, although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated no abnormal findings associated with the clinical features. Treatment with clonazepam in addition to sodium valproate resulted in a remarkable improvement of clinical symptoms (i.e. psychomotor seizures and deja vu), as well as of the EEG and SPECT findings. The present study suggests that SPECT is a useful method not only to determine the localization of regions associated with temporal lobe epilepsy but also to evaluate the effect of treatment in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Persistent déjà vu associated with hyperperfusion in the entorhinal cortex.
Takeda, Youji; Kurita, Tsugiko; Sakurai, Kotaro; Shiga, Tohru; Tamaki, Nagara; Koyama, Tsukasa
Déjà vu is a common experience among the normal population. However, in individuals with temporal lobe epilepsy, it often occurs as a seizure manifestation. The specific cause of such déjà vu is not yet known. Here, we report a case of epilepsy with persistent déjà vu. The patient described the state as if he were living the same life he had lived before. Blood perfusion single-photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) performed during the persistent déjà vu showed hyperperfusion in the left medial temporal area; discontinuation of déjà vu was accompanied by disappearance of the hyperperfused area on SPECT. Analysis with three-dimensional co-registration of SPECT and MRI revealed that the hyperperfused area during the persistent déjà vu was in the entorhinal cortex of the left temporal lobe. According to recent theories of recognition memory, malfunction of the parahippocampal area may cause déjà vu. It is also suggested that epileptic activity in the parahippocampal area, especially the entorhinal cortex, may elicit déjà vu. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Starnes, Bobby Ann
Describes nontraditional, creative teaching methods that celebrate differences among students. Contrasts these classrooms with programs that force teachers and learners into mediocre sameness using teacher-proof approaches that have been proven wrong for both teachers and learners. Uses personal examples from kindergarten and first-grade…
Deja Vu? A Response to Schachter.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wardaugh, Ronald
Responds to a previous article on research in second-language learning, challenging the need for discussion on the promises and problems, and asserting the need to report definitive results. (Author/JL)
Deja Vu--The Access/Success Pendulum
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gandara, Patricia; Orfield, Gary
In education, reform tends to follow cycles, often bouncing from one extreme to another without considering the possibility of incorporating multiple perspectives simultaneously. Policies aimed at helping more underrepresented students enter college and complete degrees have bounced from one pole to another, embracing access as the primary goal…
History repeating itself: Arnaud's case of pathological déjà vu.
Bertrand, Julie M F; Martinon, Léa M; Souchay, Céline; Moulin, Chris J A
We present a translation of Arnaud's (1896) case report of Patient Louis, a case he describes as having a pathological form of déjà vu. Louis has the delusional belief that the present moment is a repetition of an exact same previous event. Arnaud's paper is critical for two reasons. Firstly, it is amongst the first articles in the scientific literature to describe the déjà vu experience using the term 'déjà vu'. Secondly, the case report of someone with delusional and persistent déjà vu, anticipates recently reported cases with similar symptoms, which are beginning to gain interest as a particular form of memory disorder. We offer a contemporary analysis of Louis and conclude that, whilst the article was critical in the development of déjà vu as a scientific concern, Louis's distorted memory is not best described as déjà vu, but rather as a form of reduplicative paramnesia described as recollective confabulation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
EPP Monitor, Volume 8, Issues 1&2, Spring/Summer 2004
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Guerrier, Martine
This issue of EPP Monitor contains the following articles: "Countdown for Justice," Five Quick and Inexpensive Ways to End Overcrowding," "Third Grade Retention -- Deja Vu All Over Again," High-Need African-American and Latino Students Doing Better in Suburban Districts," "An Emerging Consensus on Facts, not…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kean, Thomas H.
Without governors' support, the emerging teaching reform agenda will go nowhere. States should eschew their "deja vu" attitudes and embrace quality of education as a major determinant of state and national economic survival. The governors' action agenda includes 10 recommendations addressing teacher education and standards, work…
Demographic and psychological features of déjà vu experiences in a nonclinical Japanese population.
Adachi, Naoto; Adachi, Takuya; Kimura, Michihiro; Akanuma, Nozomi; Takekawa, Yoshikazu; Kato, Masaaki
The authors investigated the frequency and correlates of déjà vu experiences in 386 healthy adult volunteers recruited from several areas in Japan. Déjà vu experiences and related experiences were evaluated using the Inventory of Déjà vu Experiences Assessment. Déjà vu experiences were observed by 294 (76.2%) of the 386 participants. Persons who experienced déjà vu were younger and more educated than persons who had not experienced it. There were no differences in the frequency of déjà vu experiences based on sex, hand preference, or area of residence. Subsequent factor analysis associated déjà vu with precognitive dreams and remembering dreams as dream- and memory-related factors rather than with the dissociation-related factors of depersonalization, derealization, jamais vu, and daydreams or with mental activity-related factors such as paranormal quality and travel frequency. Results suggest that déjà vu experiences are associated with good memory function.
German Foreign and Security Policy: Trends and Transatlantic Implications
October 3, 2006, http://www.germany.info/relaunch/politics/speeches/ 100306_Bush.html; see also Ulrike Guerot, “Germany and Europe: new Deal or Deja ... Vu ?” Notre Europe, Studies and Research No. 55, November 2006, http://www.notre-europe.eu. German Foreign and Security Policy: Trends and
Strategic Implications of Japan Amending Its Constitution
and Déjà Vu . Before discussing the four scenarios, it is important to make some valid assumptions to further keep the variables at a minimum for the...si a Passive China Reaction Aggressive China Reaction U S Fo rce s R e -D e p lo ye d b a ck to C O N U S IMPERIAL DRAGON POWDER KEG DEJA VUHIDDEN...well as posture itself to participate in collective security arrangements. Déjà Vu . While the previous scenario titles are self-explanatory, the Déjà
Performance as a Factor in Enlisted Promotions
the Airman Performance Report. When one reviews the previous research into the matter of enlisted promotions, one senses a feeling of corporate " deja ... vu ." An Air War College research report noted in 1952 that the 7 _... .. . .. _. ._. . . . . I I ’ . Air Force NCO corps had been "destroyed" during
Age Differences in Mystical Experience.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Levin, Jeffrey S.
Examined age differences in mystical experiences. According to 1988 General Social Survey (n=1,481) mystical experiences were somewhat more common in 1988 than in 1973, and deja vu, clairvoyance, and composite mysticism scores had increased with successively younger age cohorts. Private and subjective religiosity were positively related to overall…
Two forms of déjà vu experiences in patients with epilepsy.
Adachi, Naoto; Akanuma, Nozomi; Ito, Masumi; Adachi, Takuya; Takekawa, Yoshikazu; Adachi, Yasushi; Matsuura, Masato; Kanemoto, Kousuke; Kato, Masaaki
Persons with epilepsy experience déjà vu phenomena with or without seizure recognition. Déjà vu experiences are also common mental phenomena in nonclinical individuals. The purpose of this study was to clarify two forms of déjà vu experiences in persons with epilepsy. Déjà vu experiences of 312 patients with epilepsy and 402 nonclinical individuals were evaluated using the Inventory of Déjà vu Experiences Assessment. In the patients with epilepsy, characteristics of déjà vu experiences with seizure recognition (SR form) were compared with those experiences with no seizure recognition (NSR form). The incidence (63.1%) of déjà vu experiences in patients with epilepsy was significantly lower than that (76.1%) of nonclinical individuals (chi(2)=14.2, P=0.000). Among the patients with epilepsy, 55.6% had the NSR form and 24.0% had the SR form. Those with the NSR form manifested fewer psychopathological characteristics than did those with the SR form. Patients tended to view the SR form more negatively (i.e., frightened, uncomfortable, or disturbed) than the NSR form. The NSR form was significantly associated with idiopathic generalized epilepsies, less frequent antiepileptic drug administration, and no mesial temporal sclerosis. Although there was a significant association between the frequency of the SR form and patients' habitual seizures, the frequency of the NSR form was not associated with the frequency of the patients' habitual seizures. Persons with epilepsy experience two forms of déjà vu which are differently associated with their seizure recognition. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The "U.S. News" Rankings Roll On
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hoover, Eric
As usual, "U.S. News & World Report's" annual college rankings offered a heavy dose of deja vu when they arrived last August. In this article, the author discusses the response rate to the magazine's controversial reputational survey. The overall response rate plunged to its lowest level ever, a possible sign that organized criticism of the…
Education Reform and Career Education--Deja Vu.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Stock, Barbara
The current outcry for educational reform raises issues that have already long concerned career education. This situation gives career educators the opportunity to provide leadership in attaining common educational goals. (JB)
Is déjà vu a symptom of temporal lobe epilepsy?
Neppe, V M
The definition and conceptualization of the déjà vu phenomenon are interpreted in various ways. The common occurrence of déjà vu is the general population stresses the need for the development of specific qualitative features which will be valuable in the diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy.
Long-term subdural strip electrocorticographic monitoring of ictal déjà vu.
Weinand, M E; Hermann, B; Wyler, A R; Carter, L P; Oommen, K J; Labiner, D; Ahern, G; Herring, A
We report a series of 8 patients with ictal déjà vu. Subdural strip electrocorticographic (ECoG) monitoring localized the ictal epileptogenic focus as follows: right (n = 6) and left (n = 2) mesiotemporal lobe. In all 8 patients, the left hemisphere was dominant for language function based on intracarotid amytal testing. In 6 right-handed patients, ictal déjà vu was associated with a right temporal lobe focus. However, in the 2 left-handed patients, the ictal focus was left temporal lobe. Although ictal déjà vu localizes the epileptic focus to temporal lobe, this experimental phenomenon appears to lateralize to the hemisphere nondominant for handedness.
Abnormal rsFC and GMV changes in parahippocampal and DLPFC for high Déjà vu experienced subjects.
Qiu, Jiang; Xia, Yunman; He, Li; Chen, Qunlin; Sang, Na; Liu, Wei; Li, Hong
How déjà vu works has long been a mystery, partially because of its characteristics of unpredictable occurrences and quick disappearances, which make it difficult to be explored. Previous studies have described the anatomical structures underlying déjà vu in healthy subjects; however, the functional mechanism of déjà vu remains unclear. Therefore, this study investigated the brain structural and functional components underlying déjà vu by combining voxel-based morphometry analysis (VBM) with resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC). The VBM analysis revealed that the anterior parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) had significantly less grey matter volume (GMV) in high déjà vu group than low group, confirming previous studies. Further functional connectivity analysis revealed that the frequency of déjà vu experiences was negatively correlated with the strength of the rsFC between anterior dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and anterior PHG but positively correlated with the strength of the rsFC between posterior DLPFC and posterior PHG. Moreover, the frequency of déjà vu experiences was negatively correlated with the strength of the rsFC between the anterior and posterior regions of the PHG. These findings indicated that familiarity without recollection (PHG) and superior context monitoring (DLPFC) are critical for real-life déjà vu experiences. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bright Soil Near McCool: Salty Deja Vu?
Light-toned soil deposits might be widely distributed on the flanks and valley floors of the Columbia Hills region in Gusev Crater. The salts may record past presence of water, as they are easily mobilized and concentrated in liquid solution
Escape From Deja Vu: On Strengthening Teacher Education.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mertens, Sally K.; Yarger, Sam J.
Efforts to reform teacher education are traced, and the need for a prestigious, permanent national body to bring educational constituencies together is proposed. Such an organization could work on national education problems, set certification standards, and do long-range planning on difficulties such as fluctuations in teacher supply and demand.…
Deja Vu: Family Homelessness in New York City.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Institute for Children and Poverty, New York, NY.
This report describes family homelessness in New York City, which has risen sharply since 1980. Currently, the City's family shelter system is at capacity. Homeless children are typically raised by single mothers who receive no child support, are 27 years old, are unemployed and receiving welfare, and have had at least one public assistance…
Deja Vu: The Status of the Profession, 1987.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Holladay, Sylvia A.
In a response to the Minnesota Conference on the Future of Doctoral Study in English, asserts that the English faculty in two-year colleges should not be omitted from discussions of graduate study in English. Offers several recommendations for graduate education in English, particularly in relation to the implications for instructors in two-year…
The Electronic Revolution in Libraries: Microfilm Deja Vu?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cady, Susan A.
Reviews the use of microfilm as an acquisitions and preservation tool in academic libraries, and discusses how this use has fallen short of predictions that microfilm would revolutionize research methodology and scholarly productivity. This history is used to provide cautionary guidance in approaching the era of electronic documentation. (35…
On Dark Times, Parallel Universes, and Deja Vu.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Starnes, Bobby Ann
Effectiveness cannot be found in the mediocrity arising from programs that require lessons, teaching strategies, and precisely executed materials to ensure integrity. Expensive, scripted programs like Success for All are designed not to improve teaching, but to render the art of teaching unnecessary. (MLH)
Bright Soil Near 'McCool': Salty Deja Vu?
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
While driving eastward toward the northwestern flank of 'McCool Hill,' the wheels of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit churned up the largest amount of bright soil discovered so far in the mission. This image from Spirit's navigation camera, taken on the rover's 787th Martian day, or sol, of exploration (March 21, 2006), shows the strikingly light tone and large extent of the deposit. A few days earlier, Spirit's wheels unearthed a small patch of light-toned material informally named 'Tyrone.' In images from Spirit's panoramic camera, 'Tyrone' strongly resembled both 'Arad' and 'Paso Robles,' two patches of light-toned soils discovered earlier in the mission. Spirit found 'Paso Robles' in 2005 while climbing 'Cumberland Ridge' on the western slope of 'Husband Hill.' In early January 2006, the rover discovered 'Arad' on the basin floor just south of 'Husband Hill.' Spirit's instruments confirmed that those soils had a salty chemistry dominated by iron-bearing sulfates. Spirit's miniature thermal emission spectrometer is analyzing this most recent discovery, and researchers will compare it with those other deposits. These discoveries indicate that light-toned soil deposits might be widely distributed on the flanks and valley floors of the 'Columbia Hills' region in Gusev Crater on Mars. The salts may record the past presence of water, as they are easily mobilized and concentrated in liquid solution.Familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and the borderland of déjà vu.
Perucca, Piero; Crompton, Douglas E; Bellows, Susannah T; McIntosh, Anne M; Kalincik, Tomas; Newton, Mark R; Vajda, Frank J E; Scheffer, Ingrid E; Kwan, Patrick; O'Brien, Terence J; Tan, K Meng; Berkovic, Samuel F
The cause of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is often unknown. We ascertained to what extent newly diagnosed nonlesional MTLE actually represents familial MTLE (FMTLE). We identified all consecutive patients presenting to the Austin Health First Seizure Clinic with MTLE and normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or MRI evidence of hippocampal sclerosis over a 10-year period. Patients' first-degree relatives and pairwise age- and sex-matched controls underwent a comprehensive epilepsy interview. Each interview transcript was reviewed independently by 2 epileptologists, blinded to relative or control status. Reviewers classified each subject as follows: epilepsy, specifying if MTLE; manifestations suspicious for epilepsy; or unaffected. Physiological déjà vu was noted. Forty-four patients were included. At the Clinic, MTLE had been recognized to be familial in 2 patients only. Among 242 subjects interviewed, MTLE was diagnosed in 9 of 121 relatives versus 0 of 121 controls (p = 0.008). All affected relatives had seizures with intense déjà vu and accompanying features; 6 relatives had not been previously diagnosed. Déjà vu experiences that were suspicious, but not diagnostic, of MTLE occurred in 6 additional relatives versus none of the controls (p = 0.04). Physiological déjà vu was common, and did not differ significantly between relatives and controls. After completing the relatives' interviews, FMTLE was diagnosed in 8 of 44 patients (18.2%). FMTLE accounts for almost one-fifth of newly diagnosed nonlesional MTLE, and it is largely unrecognized without direct questioning of relatives. Relatives of patients with MTLE may experience déjà vu phenomena that clinically lie in the "borderland" between epileptic seizures and physiological déjà vu. Ann Neurol 2017;82:166-176. © 2017 American Neurological Association.
Persistent déjà vu associated with temporal lobe epilepsy in an adolescent.
Akgül, Sinem; Oksüz-Kanbur, Nuray; Turanlı, Güzide
The term déjà vu is used to refer to the feeling of having already witnessed or experienced a current situation, despite the exact circumstances of the prior encounter being unclear. Although the déjà vu experience may be a benign occurrence, it may also be one of the first warning signs of a neurological event such as temporal lobe epilepsy. Symptoms of epilepsy may be difficult to recognize in children and adolescents, as not all seizures involve obvious convulsions. Sometimes symptoms are far more subtle, and these "hidden signs" may appear to fall within the range of normal childhood behavior, or in an adolescent, may be misinterpreted as psychological problems. We describe here an adolescent diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy who experienced persistent déjà vu at a young age. This case presents an interesting finding, as it shows that young adolescents are able to describe in detail an aura such as déjà vu that will allow physicians to identify the disorder much earlier.
Discovery, Orbit and Orbital Evolution of the Distant Object (463368) 2012 VU85
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wlodarczyk, I.; Černis, K.; Boyle, R. P.
We present the discovery and time evolution of orbital elements of the distant Centaur-type object (463368) 2012 VU85. From all 2135 distant objects listed in the Minor Planet Center we select all 347 numbered distant object and integrate their equations of motion in the 1 Gyr forward and backward integration. The asteroid (463368) 2012 VU85 lies on the border of the group of 347 distant objects, which have a semimajor axis about 44 a.u., eccentricity 0.1 and inclination between 0° and 30°. We show that after 1 Gyr of forward integration, about half of the objects are expelled from the Solar System, \\ie their median lifetime is about 1 Gyr. We note that the long-lived distant objects are mainly located between the regions where Neptune controls aphelia of asteroids and the asteroids are in the mean motion resonance 2/3 with Neptune. We find eight almost regular approaches of clones of the asteroid (463368) 2012 VU85 to Neptune and several generally shorter in time regular approaches to Uranus. For other outer planets we did not detect any approaches below 5 a.u. for a period of 15 000 yr in forward and backward integrations. In our calculations we find eight episodes, each lasting about 3000 yr when the value of inclination oscillates around its average. These changes look similar to the changes of semimajor axis during the occurrence of orbital mean motion resonance with a planet. We find that half of the clones of the asteroid (463368) 2012 VU85 remain in the Solar System for a forward integration of 44 Myr, and for a backward integration of 34 Myr. This is a significantly shorter escape time as compared to the group of distant objects. Almost all long-lived clones have value of Tisserand parameter with respect to Neptune smaller than 3 during the whole 1 Gyr forward and backward integrations. This implies that there are several clones of the asteroid (463368) 2012 VU85 that cross the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. We find many orbital mean motion resonances
Guedj, Eric; Aubert, Sandrine; McGonigal, Aileen; Mundler, Olivier; Bartolomei, Fabrice
To contribute to the identification of brain regions involved in déjà-vu, we studied the metabolic pattern of cortical involvement in patients with seizures of temporal lobe origin presenting with or without déjà-vu. Using voxel-based analysis of 18FDG-PET brain scans, we compared glucose metabolic rate of 8 patients with déjà-vu, 8 patients without déjà-vu, and 20 age-matched healthy subjects. Patients were selected after comprehensive non-invasive presurgical evaluation, including normal brain MRI and surface electroclinical features compatible with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Patients with and without déjà-vu did not differ in terms of age, gender, epilepsy lateralization, epilepsy onset, epilepsy duration, and other subjective ictal manifestations. TLE patients with déjà-vu exhibited ipsilateral hypometabolism of superior temporal gyrus and of parahippocampal region, in the vicinity of perirhinal/entorhinal cortex, in comparison either to healthy subjects or to TLE patients without déjà-vu (p<0.05 FDR-corrected). By contrast, no difference was found between patient subgroups for hypometabolism of hippocampus and amygdala. At an individual-level, in comparison to healthy subjects, hypometabolism of both parahippocampal region and superior temporal gyrus was present in 7/8 patients with déjà-vu. Hippocampal metabolism was spared in 3 of these 7 patients. These findings argue for metabolic dysfunction of a medial-lateral temporal network in patients with déjà-vu and normal brain MRI. Within the medial temporal lobe, specific involvement of the parahippocampal region, often in the absence of hippocampal impairment, suggests that the feeling of familiarity during seizures greatly depends on alteration of the recognition memory system. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Urquhart, Josephine A; O'Connor, Akira R
Déjà vu is a nebulous memory experience defined by a clash between evaluations of familiarity and novelty for the same stimulus. We sought to generate it in the laboratory by pairing a DRM recognition task, which generates erroneous familiarity for critical words, with a monitoring task by which participants realise that some of these erroneously familiar words are in fact novel. We tested 30 participants in an experiment in which we varied both participant awareness of stimulus novelty and erroneous familiarity strength. We found that déjà vu reports were most frequent for high novelty critical words (∼25%), with low novelty critical words yielding only baseline levels of déjà vu report frequency (∼10%). There was no significant variation in déjà vu report frequency according to familiarity strength. Discursive accounts of the experimentally-generated déjà vu experience suggest that aspects of the naturalistic déjà vu experience were captured by this analogue, but that the analogue was also limited in its focus and prone to influence by demand characteristics. We discuss theoretical and methodological considerations relevant to further development of this procedure and propose that verifiable novelty is an important component of both naturalistic and experimental analogues of déjà vu.
Urquhart, Josephine A.
Déjà vu is a nebulous memory experience defined by a clash between evaluations of familiarity and novelty for the same stimulus. We sought to generate it in the laboratory by pairing a DRM recognition task, which generates erroneous familiarity for critical words, with a monitoring task by which participants realise that some of these erroneously familiar words are in fact novel. We tested 30 participants in an experiment in which we varied both participant awareness of stimulus novelty and erroneous familiarity strength. We found that déjà vu reports were most frequent for high novelty critical words (∼25%), with low novelty critical words yielding only baseline levels of déjà vu report frequency (∼10%). There was no significant variation in déjà vu report frequency according to familiarity strength. Discursive accounts of the experimentally-generated déjà vu experience suggest that aspects of the naturalistic déjà vu experience were captured by this analogue, but that the analogue was also limited in its focus and prone to influence by demand characteristics. We discuss theoretical and methodological considerations relevant to further development of this procedure and propose that verifiable novelty is an important component of both naturalistic and experimental analogues of déjà vu. PMID:25401055
Déjà vu: a database of highly similar citations in the scientific literature
Errami, Mounir; Sun, Zhaohui; Long, Tara C.; George, Angela C.; Garner, Harold R.
In the scientific research community, plagiarism and covert multiple publications of the same data are considered unacceptable because they undermine the public confidence in the scientific integrity. Yet, little has been done to help authors and editors to identify highly similar citations, which sometimes may represent cases of unethical duplication. For this reason, we have made available Déjà vu, a publicly available database of highly similar Medline citations identified by the text similarity search engine eTBLAST. Following manual verification, highly similar citation pairs are classified into various categories ranging from duplicates with different authors to sanctioned duplicates. Déjà vu records also contain user-provided commentary and supporting information to substantiate each document's categorization. Déjà vu and eTBLAST are available to authors, editors, reviewers, ethicists and sociologists to study, intercept, annotate and deter questionable publication practices. These tools are part of a sustained effort to enhance the quality of Medline as ‘the’ biomedical corpus. The Déjà vu database is freely accessible at http://spore.swmed.edu/dejavu. The tool eTBLAST is also freely available at http://etblast.org. PMID:18757888
Yuh, Joannes P.; Gregory, Karen J.; Morrison, Ryan D.; Bates, Brittney S.; Stauffer, Shaun R.; Emmitte, Kyle A.; Bubser, Michael; Peng, Weimin; Nedelcovych, Michael T.; Thompson, Analisa; Lv, Xiaohui; Xiang, Zixiu; Daniels, J. Scott; Niswender, Colleen M.; Lindsley, Craig W.; Jones, Carrie K.; Conn, P. Jeffrey
Negative allosteric modulators (NAMs) of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGlu5) have potential applications in the treatment of fragile X syndrome, levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, addiction, and anxiety; however, clinical and preclinical studies raise concerns that complete blockade of mGlu5 and inverse agonist activity of current mGlu5 NAMs contribute to adverse effects that limit the therapeutic use of these compounds. We report the discovery and characterization of a novel mGlu5 NAM, N,N-diethyl-5-((3-fluorophenyl)ethynyl)picolinamide (VU0477573) that binds to the same allosteric site as the prototypical mGlu5 NAM MPEP but displays weak negative cooperativity. Because of this weak cooperativity, VU0477573 acts as a “partial NAM” so that full occupancy of the MPEP site does not completely inhibit maximal effects of mGlu5 agonists on intracellular calcium mobilization, inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation, or inhibition of synaptic transmission at the hippocampal Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapse. Unlike previous mGlu5 NAMs, VU0477573 displays no inverse agonist activity assessed using measures of effects on basal [3H]inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation. VU0477573 acts as a full NAM when measuring effects on mGlu5-mediated extracellular signal-related kinases 1/2 phosphorylation, which may indicate functional bias. VU0477573 exhibits an excellent pharmacokinetic profile and good brain penetration in rodents and provides dose-dependent full mGlu5 occupancy in the central nervous system (CNS) with systemic administration. Interestingly, VU0477573 shows robust efficacy, comparable to the mGlu5 NAM MTEP, in models of anxiolytic activity at doses that provide full CNS occupancy of mGlu5 and demonstrate an excellent CNS occupancy-efficacy relationship. VU0477573 provides an exciting new tool to investigate the efficacy of partial NAMs in animal models. PMID:26503377
A study on super-sulfated cement using Dinh Vu phosphogypsum
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lam, Nguyen Ngoc
Super-sulfated cement (SSC) is a newly developed unburnt cementitious material. It is a kind of environmental-friendly cementitious material due to its energy-saving, carbon emission reducing, and waste-utilization. It mainly composes of phosphogysum (PG) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GFS), with a small amount of cement. In Vietnam, the Diammonium Phosphate DAP – Dinh Vu fertilizer plant in Dinh Vu industrial zone in the northern port city of Hai Phong – has discharged millions of tons of solid waste containing gypsum after 9 years of operation. The waste has changed the color of the water, eroded metal and destroyed fauna and floral systems in the surrounding area. Notably, according to the environmental impact assessment, the gypsum landfill area is supposed to be 13 hectares and the storage time reaches up to five years. This paper presents the experimental results on SSC using a high amount of Dinh Vu phosphogypsum and GFS in comparison with those of ordinary Portland cement (PC). The results show that the setting time of SSC is much longer than that of Portland cement but the compressive strength of SSC can be obtained 45-50 MPa at the age of 28 days, similar to that of the control sample using 100% PC40, and 69MPa at the age of 90 days. This value even exceeds the compressive strength of the PC40 cement.
O'Connor, Akira R; Moulin, Chris J A
Recent neuropsychological and neuroscientific research suggests that people who experience more déjà vu display characteristic patterns in normal recognition memory. We conducted a large individual differences study (n = 206) to test these predictions using recollection and familiarity parameters recovered from a standard memory task. Participants reported déjà vu frequency and a number of its correlates, and completed a recognition memory task analogous to a Remember-Know procedure. The individual difference measures replicated an established correlation between déjà vu frequency and frequency of travel, and recognition performance showed well-established word frequency and accuracy effects. Contrary to predictions, no relationships were found between déjà vu frequency and recollection or familiarity memory parameters from the recognition test. We suggest that déjà vu in the healthy population reflects a mismatch between errant memory signaling and memory monitoring processes not easily characterized by standard recognition memory task performance.
O’Connor, Akira R.; Moulin, Chris J. A.
Recent neuropsychological and neuroscientific research suggests that people who experience more déjà vu display characteristic patterns in normal recognition memory. We conducted a large individual differences study (n = 206) to test these predictions using recollection and familiarity parameters recovered from a standard memory task. Participants reported déjà vu frequency and a number of its correlates, and completed a recognition memory task analogous to a Remember-Know procedure. The individual difference measures replicated an established correlation between déjà vu frequency and frequency of travel, and recognition performance showed well-established word frequency and accuracy effects. Contrary to predictions, no relationships were found between déjà vu frequency and recollection or familiarity memory parameters from the recognition test. We suggest that déjà vu in the healthy population reflects a mismatch between errant memory signaling and memory monitoring processes not easily characterized by standard recognition memory task performance. PMID:24409159
Nickols, Hilary Highfield; Yuh, Joannes P; Gregory, Karen J; Morrison, Ryan D; Bates, Brittney S; Stauffer, Shaun R; Emmitte, Kyle A; Bubser, Michael; Peng, Weimin; Nedelcovych, Michael T; Thompson, Analisa; Lv, Xiaohui; Xiang, Zixiu; Daniels, J Scott; Niswender, Colleen M; Lindsley, Craig W; Jones, Carrie K; Conn, P Jeffrey
Negative allosteric modulators (NAMs) of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGlu5) have potential applications in the treatment of fragile X syndrome, levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, addiction, and anxiety; however, clinical and preclinical studies raise concerns that complete blockade of mGlu5 and inverse agonist activity of current mGlu5 NAMs contribute to adverse effects that limit the therapeutic use of these compounds. We report the discovery and characterization of a novel mGlu5 NAM, N,N-diethyl-5-((3-fluorophenyl)ethynyl)picolinamide (VU0477573) that binds to the same allosteric site as the prototypical mGlu5 NAM MPEP but displays weak negative cooperativity. Because of this weak cooperativity, VU0477573 acts as a "partial NAM" so that full occupancy of the MPEP site does not completely inhibit maximal effects of mGlu5 agonists on intracellular calcium mobilization, inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation, or inhibition of synaptic transmission at the hippocampal Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapse. Unlike previous mGlu5 NAMs, VU0477573 displays no inverse agonist activity assessed using measures of effects on basal [(3)H]inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation. VU0477573 acts as a full NAM when measuring effects on mGlu5-mediated extracellular signal-related kinases 1/2 phosphorylation, which may indicate functional bias. VU0477573 exhibits an excellent pharmacokinetic profile and good brain penetration in rodents and provides dose-dependent full mGlu5 occupancy in the central nervous system (CNS) with systemic administration. Interestingly, VU0477573 shows robust efficacy, comparable to the mGlu5 NAM MTEP, in models of anxiolytic activity at doses that provide full CNS occupancy of mGlu5 and demonstrate an excellent CNS occupancy-efficacy relationship. VU0477573 provides an exciting new tool to investigate the efficacy of partial NAMs in animal models. Copyright © 2015 by The American Society for Pharmacology and
Jersakova, Radka; Moulin, Chris J. A.
Déjà vu and tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) are retrieval-related subjective experiences whose study relies on participant self-report. In four experiments (ns = 224, 273, 123 and 154), we explored the effect of questioning method on reported occurrence of déjà vu and TOT in experimental settings. All participants carried out a continuous recognition task, which was not expected to induce déjà vu or TOT, but were asked about their experiences of these subjective states. When presented with contemporary definitions, between 32% and 58% of participants nonetheless reported experiencing déjà vu or TOT. Changing the definition of déjà vu or asking participants to bring to mind a real-life instance of déjà vu or TOT before completing the recognition task had no impact on reporting rates. However, there was an indication that changing the method of requesting subjective reports impacted reporting of both experiences. More specifically, moving from the commonly used retrospective questioning (e.g. “Have you experienced déjà vu?”) to free report instructions (e.g. “Indicate whenever you experience déjà vu.”) reduced the total number of reported déjà vu and TOT occurrences. We suggest that research on subjective experiences should move toward free report assessments. Such a shift would potentially reduce the presence of false alarms in experimental work, thereby reducing the overestimation of subjective experiences prevalent in this area of research. PMID:27100292
Jersakova, Radka; Moulin, Chris J A; O'Connor, Akira R
Déjà vu and tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) are retrieval-related subjective experiences whose study relies on participant self-report. In four experiments (ns = 224, 273, 123 and 154), we explored the effect of questioning method on reported occurrence of déjà vu and TOT in experimental settings. All participants carried out a continuous recognition task, which was not expected to induce déjà vu or TOT, but were asked about their experiences of these subjective states. When presented with contemporary definitions, between 32% and 58% of participants nonetheless reported experiencing déjà vu or TOT. Changing the definition of déjà vu or asking participants to bring to mind a real-life instance of déjà vu or TOT before completing the recognition task had no impact on reporting rates. However, there was an indication that changing the method of requesting subjective reports impacted reporting of both experiences. More specifically, moving from the commonly used retrospective questioning (e.g. "Have you experienced déjà vu?") to free report instructions (e.g. "Indicate whenever you experience déjà vu.") reduced the total number of reported déjà vu and TOT occurrences. We suggest that research on subjective experiences should move toward free report assessments. Such a shift would potentially reduce the presence of false alarms in experimental work, thereby reducing the overestimation of subjective experiences prevalent in this area of research.
Water Scarcity: A Selected Bibliography
2008-2009: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2009. 402pp. (TD345 .G633 2009) Grosskruger, Paul L...www.securityandclimate.cna.org/report/ National%20Security%20and%20the%20Threat%20of%20Climate%20Change.pdf Sullivan, Paul J., and Natalie Nasrallah. Improving Natural...2010): 9-14. ProQuest Chen, Linus . "Deja Vu: ESA [Endangered Species Act] Water Clashes in Klamath & Southeast." Natural Resources & Environment 24
DOwe Entered) Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGIMCe. Deja Na006 20. ABSTRACT (Continued). "standard soil testing techniques on the...0 *a .J - to >C 4*4 .4 W ( 0 0 .4) .4 aoCC 0n- y 0 5w 4 C7%C 00 ’A 0V fa vU eq I CORPS OF ENGINEERS 0/ .0 0 A ,0 0ioto 50200 A 25;C A 3O,00 A ON
Cancer immunotherapy: Breakthrough or "deja vu, all over again"?
Sell, Stewart
From the application of Coley's toxin in the early 1900s to the present clinical trials using immune checkpoint regulatory inhibitors, the history of cancer immunotherapy has consisted of extremely high levels of enthusiasm after anecdotal case reports of enormous success, followed by decreasing levels of enthusiasm as the results of controlled clinical trials are available. In this review, this pattern will be documented for the various immunotherapeutic approaches over the years. The sole exception being vaccination against cancer causing viruses, which have already prevented thousands of cancers. We can only hope that the present high level of enthusiasm for the use of immune stimulation by removal of blocks to cancer immunity will be more productive than the incremental improvements using previous immunotherapies.
Deja Vu: Another Call for Replications of Research, Again.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Newman, Isadore; McNeil, Keith; Fraas, John W.
Over the last few years, there has been evolution, although not a linear one, that has progressed from an emphasis on statistical significance to an emphasis on effect size to an emphasis on both of these concepts to what is believed to be a pragmatic emphasis on replicability. This paper presented two methods of estimating a study's replicability…
"Deja Vu All over Again" Initiatives in Academic Management.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bilik, Laurie J.; Blum, Mark C.
While colleges and universities are increasingly retreating to management models already considered counterproductive in industry, corporations are beginning to appreciate the principles of shared authority and are developing collegial-style cultures. (MSE)
Deja Vu: EGF receptors drive resistance to BRAF inhibitors.
Girotti, Maria Romina; Marais, Richard
The promise of personalized medicine is upon us, and in some cancers, targeted therapies are rapidly becoming the mainstay of treatment for selected patients based on their molecular profile. The protein kinase BRAF is a driver oncogene in both thyroid cancer and melanoma, but while drugs that target BRAF and its downstream signaling pathway are effective in melanoma, they are ineffective in thyroid cancer. In this issue of Cancer Discovery, Montero-Conde and colleagues investigate why thyroid cancer is resistant to BRAF inhibitors despite the presence of BRAF mutation.
O'Connor, Akira R; Moulin, Christopher J A
We report the case of a 39-year-old, temporal lobe epileptic male, MH. Prior to complex partial seizure, experienced up to three times a day, MH often experiences an aura experienced as a persistent sensation of déjà vu. Data-driven theories of déjà vu formation suggest that partial familiarity for the perceived stimulus is responsible for the sensation. Consequently, diverting attention away from this stimulus should cause the sensation to dissipate. MH, whose sensations of déjà vu persist long enough for him to shift his perceptual focus a number of times during the experience, spontaneously reports that these shifts make no difference to the sensation experienced. This novel observation challenges data-driven theories of déjà vu formation which have been used to explain the occurrence of déjà vu in those with temporal lobe epilepsy and the general population. Clearly, in epilepsy, erratic neuronal firing is the likely contributor, and in this paper we postulate that such brain firing causes higher-order erroneous 'cognitive feelings'. We tentatively extend this account to the general population. Rather than being a reaction to familiar elements in perceptual stimuli, déjà vu is likely to be the result of a cognitive feeling borne of the erroneous activation of neural familiarity circuits such as the parahippocampal gyrus, persisting as long as this activation persists.
McGregor, Tracy L.; Van Driest, Sara L.; Brothers, Kyle B.; Bowton, Erica A.; Muglia, Louis J.; Roden, Dan M.
The Vanderbilt DNA repository, BioVU, links DNA from leftover clinical blood samples to de-identified electronic medical records. After initiating adult sample collection, pediatric extension required consideration of ethical concerns specific to pediatrics and implementation of specialized DNA extraction methods. In the first year of pediatric sample collection, over 11,000 samples were included from individuals younger than 18 years. We compared the pediatric BioVU cohort to the overall Vanderbilt University Medical Center pediatric population and found similar demographic characteristics; however, the BioVU cohort has higher rates of select diseases, medication exposures, and laboratory testing, demonstrating enriched representation of severe or chronic disease. This unbalanced sample accumulation may accelerate research of some cohorts, but also may limit study of relatively benign conditions and the accrual of unaffected and unbiased control samples. BioVU represents a feasible model for pediatric DNA biobanking but involves both ethical and practical considerations specific to the pediatric population. PMID:23281421
O'Connor, Akira R; Barnier, Amanda J; Cox, Rochelle E
This experiment aimed to create a laboratory analogue of déjà vu. During hypnosis, 1 group of high hypnotizables completed a puzzle game and then received a posthypnotic amnesia suggestion to forget the game (PHA condition). Another group of highs were not given the game but received a posthypnotic familiarity suggestion that it would feel familiar (PHF condition). After hypnosis, all participants were given the game and described their reactions to it. Whereas 83% of participants in both conditions passed their respective suggestions, more in the PHF condition felt a sense of déjà vu. An EAT inquiry revealed that they experienced sensory fascination and confusion about the source of familiarity, akin to everyday déjà vu. These findings highlight the value of using hypnosis as a laboratory analogue of déjà vu and provide a framework for investigating clinical manifestations of this phenomenon.
Cleary, Anne M; Brown, Alan S; Sawyer, Benjamin D; Nomi, Jason S; Ajoku, Adaeze C; Ryals, Anthony J
Déjà vu is the striking sense that the present situation feels familiar, alongside the realization that it has to be new. According to the Gestalt familiarity hypothesis, déjà vu results when the configuration of elements within a scene maps onto a configuration previously seen, but the previous scene fails to come to mind. We examined this using virtual reality (VR) technology. When a new immersive VR scene resembled a previously-viewed scene in its configuration but people failed to recall the previously-viewed scene, familiarity ratings and reports of déjà vu were indeed higher than for completely novel scenes. People also exhibited the contrasting sense of newness and of familiarity that is characteristic of déjà vu. Familiarity ratings and déjà vu reports among scenes recognized as new increased with increasing feature-match of a scene to one stored in memory, suggesting that feature-matching can produce familiarity and déjà vu when recall fails. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Małecki, M
Déjà vu is often explained in terms of an unconscious transfer of familiarity between a familiar object or objects and accompanying new objects. However, empirical research tests more the priming effectiveness than such a transfer. This paper reviews the main explanations of déjà vu, proposes a cognitive model of the phenomenon, and tests its six major assumptions. The model states that a sense of familiarity can be felt toward an objectively new stimulus (point 1) and that it can be transferred from a known stimulus to a novel one (point 2) in a situation where the person is unaware of such a transfer (point 3). The criteria for déjà vu are that the known and the novel stimuli may have graphical or semantic similarity, but differences exclude priming explanations (point 4); the familiarity measure should be of an non-rational nature (sense of familiarity rather than recognition; point 5); and that the feeling of familiarity toward a novel stimuli produces a conflict, which could be measured by means of increased reaction (point 6). 119 participants were tested in three experiments. The participants were to assess the novel stimuli in terms of their sense of familiarity. The novel stimuli were primed or were not primed by the known stimulus (Exp. 1) or primed by the known vs a novel stimulus (Exp. 2 and 3). The priming was subliminal in all the experiments. Reaction times were measured in Exps. 2 and 3. The participants assessed the novel stimuli as more familiar when they were preceded by a known stimulus than when they were not (Exp. 1) or when they were preceded by a novel stimulus (Exps. 2 and 3). Reaction times were longer for assessments preceded by known stimulus than for assessments preceded by a novel stimulus, which contradicts the priming explanations. The results seem to support all six points of the proposed model of the mechanisms underlying the déjà vu experience.
[Depersonalization and déjà vu experiences: prevalences in nonclinical samples].
Probst, P; Jansen, J
According to the relevant psychological and psychiatric literature, depersonalization and déjà vu experiences are usually viewed as symptoms of severe psychiatric or neurological disorders, especially in schizophrenia, depression and epilepsy. Studies of these phenomena in non-clinical populations are rate. In this article we present the results of several epidemiological investigations. On the basis of survey and interview research, quantitative and qualitative aspects of both phenomena were assessed, as well as the relations with personality variables like emotionality. The results indicate prevalence rates up to 80 percent in non-clinical populations. Based on epidemiological considerations, the question of differentiation between clinical and non-clinical forms of depersonalization and déjà vu is discussed.
Taiminen, T; Jääskeläinen, S K
We report a case of a 39-year-old caucasian healthy male physician who developed intense and recurrent déjà vu experiences within 24h of initiating concomitant amantadine-phenylpropanolamine treatment against influenza. Déjà vu experiences terminated on discontinuation of medication. Findings in temporal epilepsy suggest that mesial temporal structures, including hippocampus, are related to paramnesic symptoms. On the other hand, previous case reports have confirmed that both amantadine and phenylpropanolamine alone, and particularly in combination, can induce psychotic symptoms due to their dopaminergic activity. The authors suggest that déjà vu experiences may be provoked by increased dopamine activity in mesial temporal structures of the brain. Copyright 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
The inventory for déjà vu experiences assessment. Development, utility, reliability, and validity.
Sno, H N; Schalken, H F; de Jonghe, F; Koeter, M W
In this article the development, utility, reliability, and validity of the Inventory for Déjà vu Experiences Assessment (IDEA) are described. The IDEA is a 23-item self-administered questionnaire consisting of a general section of nine questions and qualitative section of 14 questions. The latter questions comprise 48 topics. The questionnaire appeared to be a user-friendly instrument with satisfactory to good reliability and validity. The IDEA permits the study of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of déjà vu experiences.
Scenes from the STS-89/Mir 24 welcome ceremony
S89-E-5175 (24 Jan 1998) --- This Electronic Still Camera (ESC) image shows astronaut Bonnie J. Dunbar, payload commander, shortly after Shuttle/Mir docking activities began. "Deja-vu" may have come to the mind of Dunbar as she boarded Russia's Mir Space Station. Dunbar was a member of the STS-71 crew -- the first United States aggregation to visit Mir -- along with cosmonaut Anatoliy Y. Solovyev, Mir-24 commander. The ESC view was taken at 22:37:23 GMT, on January 24, 1998.
Kharade, Sujay V; Sheehan, Jonathan H; Figueroa, Eric E; Meiler, Jens; Denton, Jerod S
VU590 was the first publicly disclosed, submicromolar-affinity (IC 50 = 0.2 μ M), small-molecule inhibitor of the inward rectifier potassium (Kir) channel and diuretic target, Kir1.1. VU590 also inhibits Kir7.1 (IC 50 ∼ 8 μ M), and has been used to reveal new roles for Kir7.1 in regulation of myometrial contractility and melanocortin signaling. Here, we employed molecular modeling, mutagenesis, and patch clamp electrophysiology to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying VU590 inhibition of Kir1.1 and Kir7.1. Block of both channels is voltage- and K + -dependent, suggesting the VU590 binding site is located within the pore. Mutagenesis analysis in Kir1.1 revealed that asparagine 171 (N171) is the only pore-lining residue required for high-affinity block, and that substituting negatively charged residues (N171D, N171E) at this position dramatically weakens block. In contrast, substituting a negatively charged residue at the equivalent position in Kir7.1 enhances block by VU590, suggesting the VU590 binding mode is different. Interestingly, mutations of threonine 153 (T153) in Kir7.1 that reduce constrained polarity at this site (T153C, T153V, T153S) make wild-type and binding-site mutants (E149Q, A150S) more sensitive to block by VU590. The Kir7.1-T153C mutation enhances block by the structurally unrelated inhibitor VU714 but not by a higher-affinity analog ML418, suggesting that the polar side chain of T153 creates a barrier to low-affinity ligands that interact with E149 and A150. Reverse mutations in Kir1.1 suggest that this mechanism is conserved in other Kir channels. This study reveals a previously unappreciated role of membrane pore polarity in determination of Kir channel inhibitor pharmacology. Copyright © 2017 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.
[Unusual dreams in epileptics].
Boldyrev, A I
The author discusses bizarre dreams characteristic of epileptics and never occurring in normal subjects which have an important practical implication especially for early detection of epilepsy and the prevention of severe forms of the disease. This group of dreams includes vivid nightmares with vital fear, dreams not infrequently transforming into pro-dream states; persistently repeated stereotyped dreams and dreams with invariably the same unpleasant sensations representing an isolated aura of subsequent epileptic attacks. Diagnostically important may also be dreams with the symptoms of derealization and depersonalization, vague dream images and the deja vu phenomenon.
Deja Vu: Can We be Ready for the Next War
ed. Charles E. Heler and William A . Stofft, (Kansas: UP of Kansas, 1986), 243. 6 Thomas Parrish, The Simons and Schuster Encyclopedia of World...Charles E and William A . Stofft. America’s First Battles: 1776-1965. Lawrence: Univ Press of Kansas. 1986 14. Heppenheimer , T.A. Build-Down...next war? Author: Lieutenant Commander M. N. Millard, United States Navy Thesis: A nation can never be truly ready for war but the military
Deja Vu All Over Again: The Reappearance of Supernova Refsdal
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kelly, P. L.; Rodney, S. A.; Treu, T.; Strolger, L.-G.; Foley, R. J.; Jha, S. W.; Selsing, J.; Brammer, G.; Bradač, M.; Cenko, S. B.; Graur, O.; Filippenko, A. V.; Hjorth, J.; McCully, C.; Molino, A.; Nonino, M.; Riess, A. G.; Schmidt, K. B.; Tucker, B.; von der Linden, A.; Weiner, B. J.; Zitrin, A.
In Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging taken on 2014 November 10, four images of supernova (SN) “Refsdal” (redshift z = 1.49) appeared in an Einstein-cross-like configuration (images S1-S4) around an early-type galaxy in the cluster MACS J1149.5+2223 (z = 0.54). Almost all lens models of the cluster have predicted that the SN should reappear within a year in a second host-galaxy image created by the cluster’s potential. In HST observations taken on 2015 December 11, we find a new source at the predicted position of the new image of SN Refsdal approximately 8\\prime\\prime from the previous images S1-S4. This marks the first time the appearance of a SN at a particular time and location in the sky was successfully predicted in advance! We use these data and the light curve from the first four observed images of SN Refsdal to place constraints on the relative time delay and magnification of the new image (SX) compared to images S1-S4. This enables us, for the first time, to test “blind” lens model predictions of both magnifications and time delays for a lensed SN. We find that the timing and brightness of the new image are consistent with the blind predictions of a fraction of the models. The reappearance illustrates the discriminatory power of this blind test and its utility to uncover sources of systematic uncertainty. From planned HST photometry, we expect to reach a precision of 1%-2% on the time delay between S1-S4 and SX.
School and Public Library Relationships: Deja Vu or New Beginnings.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fitzgibbons, Shirley A.
Discusses school and public library relationships and maintains that an integrated, coordinated, and systematic planning process at both local and state levels will meet the needs of children and young adults. Topics include developments in the 1990s, barriers to cooperative efforts, examples of cooperative projects, and combined school-public…
To Be or Not to Be: Community Supervision Deja Vu
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Taxman, Faye S.
Supervision is an undervalued part of the correctional services. Over the last three decades, innovations have focused on increasing the number of contacts between the offender and the supervision employee, to little avail. A new generation of innovations is occurring in the supervision field that is directed at changing the interaction between…
I Get Deja Vu When I Read You, Mr. Hirsch.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hepburn, Mary A.
In each era of curriculum reform the prevailing perceptions of what the school curriculum must accomplish define the standard of cultural literacy for our society. E. D. Hirsch believes that contemporary youth lack cultural literacy and that without this knowledge of the fundamental facts of U.S. culture they cannot effectively read or…
Deja Vu All Over Again: The Reappearance of Supernova Refsdal
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kelly, P.L.; Rodney, S.A.; Treu, T.; Strolger, L.-G.; Foley, R.J.; Jha, S.W.; Selsing, J.; Brammer, G.; Bradac, M.; Cenko, S. B.
In Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging taken on 2014 November 10, four images of supernova (SN) Refsdal(redshift z1.49) appeared in an Einstein-cross-like configuration (images S1S4) around an early-type galaxy in the cluster MACS J1149.5+2223 (z0.54). Almost all lens models of the cluster have predicted that the SN should reappear within a year in a second host-galaxy image created by the clusters potential. In HST observations taken on 2015 December 11, we find a new source at the predicted position of the new image of SN Refsdal approximately 8 from the previous images S1S4. This marks the first time the appearance of a SN at a particular time and location in the sky was successfully predicted in advance! We use these data and the light curve from the first four observed images of SN Refsdal to place constraints on the relative time delay and magnification of the new image (SX) compared to images S1S4. This enables us, for the first time, to test blind lens model predictions of both magnifications and time delays for a lensed SN. We find that the timing and brightness of the new image are consistent with the blind predictions of a fraction of the models. The reappearance illustrates the discriminatory power of this blind test and its utility to uncover sources of systematic uncertainty. From planned HST photometry, we expect to reach a precision of 12 on the time delay between S1S4 and SX.
When I Read You, I Got Deja Vu, Mr. Hirsch.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hepburn, Mary A.
Compares the theories of E. D. Hirsch on teaching cultural literacy with the earlier work of education reformer, Carleton Washburne. Points out that Washburne also supported the notion of cultural literacy, developed a social studies curriculum, and promoted the organization and internal continuity of learning as the prime consideration. (NL)
Deja vu: The Unified Command Plan of the Future Revisited
Command Plan of the Future Revisited. 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR( S ) Col( S ) Edward F...Martignetti 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME( S ) AND ADDRESS(ES) Advanced Operational Art... S ) AND ADDRESS(ES) U.S. Army Command and General Staff College 100 Stimson Avenue Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-2301 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM
Mumoli, Laura; Tripepi, Giovanni; Augimeri, Antonio; Baggetta, Rossella; Bisulli, Francesca; Bruni, Antonella; Cavalli, Salvatore M.; D’Aniello, Alfredo; Daniele, Ornella; Di Bonaventura, Carlo; Di Gennaro, Giancarlo; Fattouch, Jinane; Ferlazzo, Edoardo; Ferrari, Alessandra; Giallonardo, Annateresa; Gasparini, Sara; Nigro, Salvatore; Romigi, Andrea; Sofia, Vito; Tinuper, Paolo; Vaccaro, Maria Grazia; Zummo, Leila; Quattrone, Aldo; Gambardella, Antonio; Labate, Angelo
The Inventory Déjà Vu Experiences Assessment (IDEA) is the only screening instrument proposed to evaluate the Déjà vu (DV) experience. Here, we intended to validate the Italian version of IDEA (I-IDEA) and at the same time to investigate the incidence and subjective qualities of the DV phenomenon in healthy Italian adult individuals on basis of an Italian multicentre observational study. In this study, we report normative data on the I-IDEA, collected on a sample of 542 Italian healthy subjects aging between 18–70 years (average age: 40) with a formal educational from 1–19 years. From September 2013 to March 2016, we recruited 542 healthy volunteers from 10 outpatient neurological clinics in Italy. All participants (i.e., family members of neurological patients enrolled, medical students, physicians) had no neurological or psychiatric illness and gave their informed consent to participate in the study. All subjects enrolled self-administered the questionnaire and they were able to complete I-IDEA test without any support. In total, 396 (73%) of the 542 healthy controls experienced the DV phenomenon. The frequency of DV was inversely related to age as well as to derealisation, jamais vu, precognitive dreams, depersonalization, paranormal activity, remembering dreams, travel frequency, and daydreams (all p < 0.012). The Italian version of IDEA maintains good properties, thus confirming that this instrument is reliable for detecting and characterising the DV phenomenon. PMID:28783090
Mumoli, Laura; Tripepi, Giovanni; Aguglia, Umberto; Augimeri, Antonio; Baggetta, Rossella; Bisulli, Francesca; Bruni, Antonella; Cavalli, Salvatore M; D'Aniello, Alfredo; Daniele, Ornella; Di Bonaventura, Carlo; Di Gennaro, Giancarlo; Fattouch, Jinane; Ferlazzo, Edoardo; Ferrari, Alessandra; Giallonardo, Annateresa; Gasparini, Sara; Nigro, Salvatore; Romigi, Andrea; Sofia, Vito; Tinuper, Paolo; Vaccaro, Maria Grazia; Zummo, Leila; Quattrone, Aldo; Gambardella, Antonio; Labate, Angelo
The Inventory Déjà Vu Experiences Assessment (IDEA) is the only screening instrument proposed to evaluate the Déjà vu (DV) experience. Here, we intended to validate the Italian version of IDEA (I-IDEA) and at the same time to investigate the incidence and subjective qualities of the DV phenomenon in healthy Italian adult individuals on basis of an Italian multicentre observational study. In this study, we report normative data on the I-IDEA, collected on a sample of 542 Italian healthy subjects aging between 18-70 years (average age: 40) with a formal educational from 1-19 years. From September 2013 to March 2016, we recruited 542 healthy volunteers from 10 outpatient neurological clinics in Italy. All participants (i.e., family members of neurological patients enrolled, medical students, physicians) had no neurological or psychiatric illness and gave their informed consent to participate in the study. All subjects enrolled self-administered the questionnaire and they were able to complete I-IDEA test without any support. In total, 396 (73%) of the 542 healthy controls experienced the DV phenomenon. The frequency of DV was inversely related to age as well as to derealisation, jamais vu, precognitive dreams, depersonalization, paranormal activity, remembering dreams, travel frequency, and daydreams (all p < 0.012). The Italian version of IDEA maintains good properties, thus confirming that this instrument is reliable for detecting and characterising the DV phenomenon.
An approach to nineteenth-century medical lexicon: the term "dreamy state".
Lardreau, Esther
Hughlings-Jackson coined the concept of dreamy state: According to him, one of the sensations of a "dreamy state" was an odd feeling of recognition and familiarity, often called "deja vu". A clear sense of strangeness could also be experienced in the "dreamy state" ("jamais vu"). Jackson himself did not use these French terms, but he was quite clear about the vivid feelings of strangeness and familiarity, which can occur in both normal and pathological conditions. In order to explore some of the exchanges between medical and nonmedical vocabularies, we examine the historical origins of this technical concept. By basing the study on European (medical and nonmedical) literature of the nineteenth century, we review the first descriptions of this state and compare them with the famous Hughlings-Jackson definitions. It appears that this medical concept was partly borrowed from a wide cultural background before being rationally developed and reworked in the fields of neurology and psychiatry.
Martin, Chris B; Mirsattari, Seyed M; Pruessner, Jens C; Pietrantonio, Sandra; Burneo, Jorge G; Hayman-Abello, Brent; Köhler, Stefan
In déjà vu, a phenomenological impression of familiarity for the current visual environment is experienced with a sense that it should in fact not feel familiar. The fleeting nature of this phenomenon in daily life, and the difficulty in developing experimental paradigms to elicit it, has hindered progress in understanding déjà vu. Some neurological patients with temporal-lobe epilepsy (TLE) consistently experience déjà vu at the onset of their seizures. An investigation of such patients offers a unique opportunity to shed light on its possible underlying mechanisms. In the present study, we sought to determine whether unilateral TLE patients with déjà vu (TLE+) show a unique pattern of interictal memory deficits that selectively affect familiarity assessment. In Experiment 1, we employed a Remember-Know paradigm for categorized visual scenes and found evidence for impairments that were limited to familiarity-based responses. In Experiment 2, we administered an exclusion task for highly similar categorized visual scenes that placed both recognition processes in opposition. TLE+ patients again displayed recognition impairments, and these impairments spared their ability to engage recollective processes so as to counteract familiarity. The selective deficits we observed in TLE+ patients contrasted with the broader pattern of recognition-memory impairments that was present in a control group of unilateral patients without déjà vu (TLE-). MRI volumetry revealed that ipsilateral medial temporal structures were less broadly affected in TLE+ than in TLE- patients, with a trend for more focal volume reductions in the rhinal cortices of the TLE+ group. The current findings establish a first empirical link between déjà vu in TLE and processes of familiarity assessment, as defined and measured in current cognitive models. They also reveal a pattern of selectivity in recognition impairments that is rarely observed and, thus, of significant theoretical interest to
Cortical stimulation study of the role of rhinal cortex in déjà vu and reminiscence of memories.
Bartolomei, F; Barbeau, E; Gavaret, M; Guye, M; McGonigal, A; Régis, J; Chauvel, P
To study the role of perirhinal (PC) and entorhinal cortices (EC) in dreamy state symptoms (déjà vu and reminiscence of scenes). These phenomena have been attributed to functional alteration of memory networks supported by the medial temporal lobes, principally involving the amygdala and hippocampus. The role of sub-hippocampal structures (EC and PC) in inducing these phenomena has not previously been addressed. The authors studied the symptoms evoked by direct electrical stimulations of PC and EC in comparison with those obtained after stimulation of the amygdala and hippocampus. Stimulations were performed in a group of 24 patients with epilepsy, during stereoelectroencephalographic (SEEG) recordings in the setting of presurgical evaluation. All patients had electrodes that sampled the rhinal cortices, amygdala, and hippocampus. A total of 280 stimulations were analyzed. Entorhinal and perirhinal stimulations induced classic mesial temporal lobe responses (emotional, dysautonomic) but also more specific responses, particularly the déjà vu phenomenon and reminiscence of scenes. Such déjà vu or déjà vécu type responses were produced proportionately more often by stimulation of the EC than by stimulation of the amygdala and hippocampus. In particular, déjà vu was associated with stimulation of the EC and reminiscence of memories with PC stimulation. This study strongly suggests that experiential symptoms are largely dependent upon functional modification of the physiology of the rhinal cortices.
Deja Vu and Moving the Conversation: Reactions to an Underutilized Partnership
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Galassi, John P.; Akos, Patrick
Romano and Kachgal argue for greater collaboration between counseling psychology and school counseling. Although their proposal has considerable merit, a variety of barriers to collaboration - including professional jealousies and turf, the lack of knowledge and interest of most counseling psychologists in schools, and the availability of benefits…
The Vu from Mt. Deja (Epimetheus Reports That Prometheus Remains Bound).
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Achilles, C. M.
Application of the study of humanities in administrator education is explored in this paper. The argument is made that humanities studies help to conceptualize ideas and generate theory, and to represent and explain what is uniquely human. Effective administrators require problem-solving and critical thinking skills for dealing with people-related…
"Groundhog Day, Deja Vu," and the Myth of the Eternal Recurrence.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Voeltz, Richard A.
Reveals that through the use of the movie "Groundhog Day," students in humanities courses can grasp Friedrich Nietzsche's myth of eternal recurrence; the myth addresses the question of what if everything that occurred in one's life occurred again just as it happened before. Discusses the similarities between Nietzsche's myth and the…
The Development of Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence: Amnesia and Deja Vu
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Priestley, Mark; Humes, Walter
Scotland's new "Curriculum for Excellence" (CfE) has been widely acknowledged as the most significant educational development in a generation, with the potential to transform learning and teaching in Scottish schools. In common with recent developments elsewhere, CfE seeks to re-engage teachers with processes of curriculum development,…
Shiah, Yung-Jong; Wu, Yi-Zhen; Chen, Yueh-Hua; Chiang, Shih-Kuang
The present study examined the relation between déjà vu experiences and paranormal beliefs in schizophrenic patients. A total of 522 participants (54.5% female; mean age=33.3, SD=16.02) were recruited, including 422 healthy adults (60.9% female; mean age=29.48, SD=15.07) and 100 medicated adult schizophrenic patients (27.3% female; mean age=48.98, SD=8.57). The Chinese version of the Inventory of Déjà-vu Experiences Assessment was created via back translation. Chinese versions of the Revised Paranormal Belief Scale (CRPB), Beck Anxiety Inventory (CBAI), and Perceived Stress Scale (CPSS) were also used. After controlling for age, gender, education, and anxiety, the results supported the following three hypotheses. Schizophrenic persons have fewer déjà vu experiences than normal persons. These experiences are positively related to paranormal beliefs in healthy adults but not in schizophrenic patients. Schizophrenic patients have higher scores than healthy adults on the psi and superstitious subscales of the CRPB. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
uPy: a ubiquitous computer graphics Python API with Biological Modeling Applications
Autin, L.; Johnson, G.; Hake, J.; Olson, A.; Sanner, M.
In this paper we describe uPy, an extension module for the Python programming language that provides a uniform abstraction of the APIs of several 3D computer graphics programs called hosts, including: Blender, Maya, Cinema4D, and DejaVu. A plugin written with uPy is a unique piece of code that will run in all uPy-supported hosts. We demonstrate the creation of complex plug-ins for molecular/cellular modeling and visualization and discuss how uPy can more generally simplify programming for many types of projects (not solely science applications) intended for multi-host distribution. uPy is available at http://upy.scripps.edu PMID:24806987
Rook, Jerri M; Bertron, Jeanette L; Cho, Hyekyung P; Garcia-Barrantes, Pedro M; Moran, Sean P; Maksymetz, James T; Nance, Kellie D; Dickerson, Jonathan W; Remke, Daniel H; Chang, Sichen; Harp, Joel M; Blobaum, Anna L; Niswender, Colleen M; Jones, Carrie K; Stauffer, Shaun R; Conn, P Jeffrey; Lindsley, Craig W
Selective activation of the M 1 subtype of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, via positive allosteric modulation (PAM), is an exciting strategy to improve cognition in schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease patients. However, highly potent M 1 ago-PAMs, such as MK-7622, PF-06764427, and PF-06827443, can engender excessive activation of M 1 , leading to agonist actions in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) that impair cognitive function, induce behavioral convulsions, and result in other classic cholinergic adverse events (AEs). Here, we report a fundamentally new and highly selective M 1 PAM, VU0486846. VU0486846 possesses only weak agonist activity in M 1 -expressing cell lines with high receptor reserve and is devoid of agonist actions in the PFC, unlike previously reported ago-PAMs MK-7622, PF-06764427, and PF-06827443. Moreover, VU0486846 shows no interaction with antagonist binding at the orthosteric acetylcholine (ACh) site (e.g., neither bitopic nor displaying negative cooperativity with [ 3 H]-NMS binding at the orthosteric site), no seizure liability at high brain exposures, and no cholinergic AEs. However, as opposed to ago-PAMs, VU0486846 produces robust efficacy in the novel object recognition model of cognitive function. Importantly, we show for the first time that an M 1 PAM can reverse the cognitive deficits induced by atypical antipsychotics, such as risperidone. These findings further strengthen the argument that compounds with modest in vitro M 1 PAM activity (EC 50 > 100 nM) and pure-PAM activity in native tissues display robust procognitive efficacy without AEs mediated by excessive activation of M 1 . Overall, the combination of compound assessment with recombinant in vitro assays (mindful of receptor reserve), native tissue systems (PFC), and phenotypic screens (behavioral convulsions) is essential to fully understand and evaluate lead compounds and enhance success in clinical development.
Deja Vu All Over Again: Effects of Reenactment on Toddlers' Event Memory.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sheffield, Ellyn G.; Hudson, Judith A.
Four experiments examined the effects of reenactment on 18-month-olds' event memory. Results indicated that reenacting novel activities in a laboratory playroom improved event memory. Reenactment was more effective after a time delay, and the effects of timing of reenactment were more pronounced after a six-month delay. Reenacting half of the…
Deja Vu All Over Again: A Researcher Explains the NICHD Study. Viewpoint.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Caldwell, Bettye M.
Describes methods and findings of the NICHD Study of Early Child Care. Argues that media focused too heavily on one isolated finding relating quantity of day care to child aggression. Describes the conduct of a steering committee to coordinate study design. Advocates improving child care quality and examines ways to prevent aggressive behavior and…
The Regular Education Initiative: A Deja Vu Remembered with Sadness and Concern.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Silver, Larry B.
This article compares the ideals of the regular education initiative to provide services for learning-disabled students within the regular classroom to the ideals and resulting negative effects (e.g., homelessness) of the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill during the 1960s. Resistance to efforts to decrease or eliminate special education…
The Law and Back to the Future. Deja Vu All Over Again.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Russo, Charles J.; Mawdsley, Ralph D.
In light of certain legal paradoxes following the 1954 "Brown versus Board of Education" Supreme Court decision, this article reflects on developments relating to desegregation, individuals with disabilities, and women. Unfortunately, schools are becoming more segregated, disabled individuals' employment picture remains dismal, and women…
Deja Vu All over Again: A Response to Saito, Horwitz, and Garza.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sparks, Richard L.; Ganschow, Leonore; Javorsky, James
Responds to an earlier article that introduced the concept of foreign language reading anxiety and reported the results of a preliminary study of reading anxiety. Argues that the explanations for the study findings are misguided. (Author/VWL)
Gould, Robert W; Grannan, Michael D; Gunter, Barak W; Ball, Jacob; Bubser, Michael; Bridges, Thomas M; Wess, Jurgen; Wood, Michael W; Brandon, Nicholas J; Duggan, Mark E; Niswender, Colleen M; Lindsley, Craig W; Conn, P Jeffrey; Jones, Carrie K
Although selective activation of the M 1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) subtype has been shown to improve cognitive function in animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders, recent evidence suggests that enhancing M 4 mAChR function can also improve memory performance. Positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) targeting the M 4 mAChR subtype have shown therapeutic potential for the treatment of multiple symptoms observed in schizophrenia, including positive and cognitive symptoms when assessed in acute preclinical dosing paradigms. Since the cholinergic system has been implicated in multiple stages of learning and memory, we evaluated the effects of repeated dosing with the highly selective M 4 PAM VU0467154 on either acquisition and/or consolidation of learning and memory when dosed alone or after pharmacologic challenge with the N-methyl-d-aspartate subtype of glutamate receptors (NMDAR) antagonist MK-801. MK-801 challenge represents a well-documented preclinical model of NMDAR hypofunction that is thought to underlie some of the positive and cognitive symptoms observed in schizophrenia. In wildtype mice, 10-day, once-daily dosing of VU0467154 either prior to, or immediately after daily testing enhanced the rate of learning in a touchscreen visual pairwise discrimination task; these effects were absent in M 4 mAChR knockout mice. Following a similar 10-day, once-daily dosing regimen of VU0467154, we also observed 1) improved acquisition of memory in a cue-mediated conditioned freezing paradigm, 2) attenuation of MK-801-induced disruptions in the acquisition of memory in a context-mediated conditioned freezing paradigm and 3) reversal of MK-801-induced hyperlocomotion. Comparable efficacy and plasma and brain concentrations of VU0467154 were observed after repeated dosing as those previously reported with an acute, single dose administration of this M 4 PAM. Together, these studies are the first to demonstrate that cognitive enhancing and antipsychotic
Unveiling the mystery of déjà vu: the structural anatomy of déjà vu.
Brázdil, Milan; Mareček, Radek; Urbánek, Tomáš; Kašpárek, Tomáš; Mikl, Michal; Rektor, Ivan; Zeman, Adam
Déjà vu (DV) is a widespread, fascinating and mysterious human experience. It occurs both in health and in disease, notably as an aura of temporal lobe epilepsy. This feeling of inappropriate familiarity has attracted interest from psychologists and neuroscientists for over a century, but still there is no widely agreed explanation for the phenomenon of non-pathological DV. Here we investigated differences in brain morphology between healthy subjects with and without DV using a novel multivariate neuroimaging technique, Source-Based Morphometry. The analysis revealed a set of cortical (predominantly mesiotemporal) and subcortical regions in which there was significantly less gray matter in subjects reporting DV. In these regions gray matter volume was inversely correlated with the frequency of DV. Our results demonstrate a structural correlate of DV in healthy individuals for the first time and support a neurological explanation for the phenomenon. We hypothesis that the observed local gray matter decrease in subjects experiencing DV reflects an alteration of hippocampal function and postnatal neurogenesis with resulting changes of volume in remote brain regions. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Srl. All rights reserved.
Lee, Darrin J; Owen, Christopher M; Khanifar, Elham; Kim, Ronald C; Binder, Devin K
Neurocysticercosis is the most common parasitic infection in the CNS and a leading cause of epilepsy. Since it is a circumscribed lesional cause of epilepsy, specific locations of neurocysticercal lesions may lead to specific clinical presentations. The authors describe a 17-year-old Hispanic boy who had a single enhancing bilobar mass in the right amygdala. Initially, the patient presented with secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures, which resolved with antiepilepsy drug therapy. On further investigation, he was found to have persistent olfactory and déjà vu auras. A right amygdalectomy without hippocampectomy was performed, and both the seizures and auras immediately resolved. Pathological analysis revealed neurocysticercosis. To the authors' knowledge, this case is the first reported instance of 2 distinct mesial temporal aura semiologies associated with localized neurocysticercosis in the amygdala and successfully treated with resection. Uniquely, the case demonstrates that both olfactory and déjà vu auras can emanate from the amygdala.
Wilson, Richard H
In 1940, a cooperative effort by the radio networks and Bell Telephone produced the volume unit (vu) meter that has been the mainstay instrument for monitoring the level of speech signals in commercial broadcasting and research laboratories. With the use of computers, today the amplitude of signals can be quantified easily using the root mean square (rms) algorithm. Researchers had previously reported that amplitude estimates of sentences and running speech were 4.8 dB higher when measured with a vu meter than when calculated with rms. This study addresses the vu-rms relation as applied to the carrier phrase and target word paradigm used to assess word-recognition abilities, the premise being that by definition the word-recognition paradigm is a special and different case from that described previously. The purpose was to evaluate the vu and rms amplitude relations for the carrier phrases and target words commonly used to assess word-recognition abilities. In addition, the relations with the target words between rms level and recognition performance were examined. Descriptive and correlational. Two recoded versions of the Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 were evaluated, the Auditec of St. Louis (Auditec) male speaker and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) female speaker. Using both visual and auditory cues from a waveform editor, the temporal onsets and offsets were defined for each carrier phrase and each target word. The rms amplitudes for those segments then were computed and expressed in decibels with reference to the maximum digitization range. The data were maintained for each of the four Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 word lists. Descriptive analyses were used with linear regressions used to evaluate the reliability of the measurement technique and the relation between the rms levels of the target words and recognition performances. Although there was a 1.3 dB difference between the calibration tones, the mean levels of the
Pathologies of hyperfamiliarity in dreams, delusions and déjà vu.
Gerrans, Philip
The ability to challenge and revise thoughts prompted by anomalous experiences depends on activity in right dorsolateral prefrontal circuitry. When activity in those circuits is absent or compromised subjects are less likely to make this kind of correction. This appears to be the cause of some delusions of misidentification consequent on experiences of hyperfamiliarity for faces. Comparing the way the mind responds to the experience of hyperfamiliarity in different conditions such as delusions, dreams, pathological and non-pathological déjà vu, provides a way to understand claims that delusions and dreams are both states characterized by deficient "reality testing."
School Choice and the Pressure To Perform: Deja Vu for Children with Disabilities?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Howe, Kenneth R.; Welner, Kevin G.
This article examines the tension between the principles underlying the inclusion of students with disabilities and those underlying school choice, particularly market competition and parental autonomy. It examines findings from five states and a case study of a school-choice system that indicate the exclusion of students with disabilities.…
School-College Collaboration and the Teaching of English: Deja Vu All over Again?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Harris, Charles B.
Traces the historically optimistic view of college-secondary school cooperation. Asks why such optimism has faded in recent years. Considers how college-level departments of English can collaborate with high school English programs, such as in collaborative conferences. (HB)
It's Deja Vu All over Again: Using Multiple-Spell Discrete-Time Survival Analysis.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Willett, John B.; Singer, Judith D.
The multiple-spell discrete-time survival analysis method is introduced and illustrated using longitudinal data on exit from and reentry into the teaching profession. The method is applicable to many educational problems involving the sequential occurrence of disparate events or episodes. (SLD)
"A Nation at Risk" and No Child Left Behind: Deja Vu for Administrators?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hunt, John W.
When the National Commission on Excellence in Education submitted "A Nation at Risk" to Secretary of Education Terrel Bell on 26 April 1983, there was little to suggest that this report would shine a spotlight on education that would last a quarter of a century. Indeed, not long after the release of this document, critics were already…
as the demand in the US for drugs produced in Latin America (e.g., cocaine, marijuana , methamphetamines) remains, Latin American drug cartels will...6,100 kilograms of cocaine, 10,284 pounds of methamphetamine, 1,619 pounds of heroin, 349,304 pounds of marijuana , and nearly $150 million in United...benefits from increased information sharing with the Intelligence Community and other federal agencies through a favorable relationship with BIFS
VuWiki: An Ontology-Based Semantic Wiki for Vulnerability Assessments
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Khazai, Bijan; Kunz-Plapp, Tina; Büscher, Christian; Wegner, Antje
The concept of vulnerability, as well as its implementation in vulnerability assessments, is used in various disciplines and contexts ranging from disaster management and reduction to ecology, public health or climate change and adaptation, and a corresponding multitude of ideas about how to conceptualize and measure vulnerability exists. Three decades of research in vulnerability have generated a complex and growing body of knowledge that challenges newcomers, practitioners and even experienced researchers. To provide a structured representation of the knowledge field "vulnerability assessment", we have set up an ontology-based semantic wiki for reviewing and representing vulnerability assessments: VuWiki, www.vuwiki.org. Based on a survey of 55 vulnerability assessment studies, we first developed an ontology as an explicit reference system for describing vulnerability assessments. We developed the ontology in a theoretically controlled manner based on general systems theory and guided by principles for ontology development in the field of earth and environment (Raskin and Pan 2005). Four key questions form the first level "branches" or categories of the developed ontology: (1) Vulnerability of what? (2) Vulnerability to what? (3) What reference framework was used in the vulnerability assessment?, and (4) What methodological approach was used in the vulnerability assessment? These questions correspond to the basic, abstract structure of the knowledge domain of vulnerability assessments and have been deduced from theories and concepts of various disciplines. The ontology was then implemented in a semantic wiki which allows for the classification and annotation of vulnerability assessments. As a semantic wiki, VuWiki does not aim at "synthesizing" a holistic and overarching model of vulnerability. Instead, it provides both scientists and practitioners with a uniform ontology as a reference system and offers easy and structured access to the knowledge field of
Pathologies of hyperfamiliarity in dreams, delusions and déjà vu
Gerrans, Philip
The ability to challenge and revise thoughts prompted by anomalous experiences depends on activity in right dorsolateral prefrontal circuitry. When activity in those circuits is absent or compromised subjects are less likely to make this kind of correction. This appears to be the cause of some delusions of misidentification consequent on experiences of hyperfamiliarity for faces. Comparing the way the mind responds to the experience of hyperfamiliarity in different conditions such as delusions, dreams, pathological and non-pathological déjà vu, provides a way to understand claims that delusions and dreams are both states characterized by deficient “reality testing.” PMID:24600415
Jones, Carrie K.; Bubser, Michael; Thompson, Analisa D.; Dickerson, Jonathan W.; Turle-Lorenzo, Nathalie; Amalric, Marianne; Blobaum, Anna L.; Bridges, Thomas M.; Morrison, Ryan D.; Jadhav, Satyawan; Engers, Darren W.; Italiano, Kimberly; Bode, Jacob; Daniels, J. Scott; Lindsley, Craig W.; Hopkins, Corey R.; Conn, P. Jeffrey
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a debilitating neurodegenerative disorder associated with severe motor impairments caused by the loss of dopaminergic innervation of the striatum. Previous studies have demonstrated that positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 (mGlu4), including N-phenyl-7-(hydroxyimino)cyclopropa[b]chromen-1a-carboxamide, can produce antiparkinsonian-like effects in preclinical models of PD. However, these early mGlu4 PAMs exhibited unsuitable physiochemical properties for systemic dosing, requiring intracerebroventricular administration and limiting their broader utility as in vivo tools to further understand the role of mGlu4 in the modulation of basal ganglia function relevant to PD. In the present study, we describe the pharmacologic characterization of a systemically active mGlu4 PAM, N-(3-chlorophenyl)picolinamide (VU0364770), in several rodent PD models. VU0364770 showed efficacy alone or when administered in combination with l-DOPA or an adenosine 2A (A2A) receptor antagonist currently in clinical development (preladenant). When administered alone, VU0364770 exhibited efficacy in reversing haloperidol-induced catalepsy, forelimb asymmetry-induced by unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions of the median forebrain bundle, and attentional deficits induced by bilateral 6-OHDA nigrostriatal lesions in rats. In addition, VU0364770 enhanced the efficacy of preladenant to reverse haloperidol-induced catalepsy when given in combination. The effects of VU0364770 to reverse forelimb asymmetry were also potentiated when the compound was coadministered with an inactive dose of l-DOPA, suggesting that mGlu4 PAMs may provide l-DOPA-sparing activity. The present findings provide exciting support for the potential role of selective mGlu4 PAMs as a novel approach for the symptomatic treatment of PD and a possible augmentation strategy with either l-DOPA or A2A antagonists. PMID:22088953
Scaling Hydrologic Processes in Boreal Forest Stands: New Eco-hydrological Perspectives or Deja vu?
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Silins, U.; Lieffers, V. J.; Landhausser, S. M.; Mendoza, C. A.; Devito, K. J.; Petrone, R. M.; Gan, T. Y.
The leaf area of forest canopies is both main attribute of stands controlling water balance through transpiration and interception, and "engine" driving stand growth, stand dynamics, and forest succession. While transpiration and interception dynamics are classic themes in forest hydrology, we present results from our eco-hydrological research on boreal trees to highlight how more recent eco-physiological insights into species specific controls over water use and leaf area such as hydraulic architecture, cavitation, sapwood-leaf area relationships, and root system controls over water uptake are providing new insights into integrated atmospheric-autecological controls over these hydrologic processes. These results are discussed in the context of newer eco-hydrological frameworks which may serve to aid in exploring how forest disturbance and subsequent trajectories of hydrologic recovery are likely to affect both forest growth dynamics and hydrology of forested landscapes in response to forest management, severe forest pest epidemics such as the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic in Western Canada, and climate change.
Neuroimaging and cognitive changes during déjà vu.
Kovacs, Norbert; Auer, Tibor; Balas, Istvan; Karadi, Kazmer; Zambo, Katalin; Schwarcz, Attila; Klivenyi, Peter; Jokeit, Hennric; Horvath, Krisztina; Nagy, Ferenc; Janszky, Jozsef
The cause or the physiological role of déjà vu (DV) in healthy people is unknown. The pathophysiology of DV-type epileptic aura is also unresolved. Here we describe a 22-year-old woman treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the left internal globus pallidus for hemidystonia. At certain stimulation settings, DBS elicited reproducible episodes of DV. Neuropsychological tests and single-photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) were performed during DBS-evoked DV and during normal DBS stimulation without DV. SPECT during DBS-evoked DV revealed hyperperfusion of the right (contralateral to the electrode) hippocampus and other limbic structures. Neuropsychological examinations performed during several evoked DV episodes revealed disturbances in nonverbal memory. Our results confirm the role of mesiotemporal structures in the pathogenesis of DV. We hypothesize that individual neuroanatomy and disturbances in gamma oscillations or in the dopaminergic system played a role in DBS-elicited DV in our patient.
uPy: a ubiquitous CG Python API with biological-modeling applications.
Autin, Ludovic; Johnson, Graham; Hake, Johan; Olson, Arthur; Sanner, Michel
The uPy Python extension module provides a uniform abstraction of the APIs of several 3D computer graphics programs (called hosts), including Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D, and DejaVu. A plug-in written with uPy can run in all uPy-supported hosts. Using uPy, researchers have created complex plug-ins for molecular and cellular modeling and visualization. uPy can simplify programming for many types of projects (not solely science applications) intended for multihost distribution. It's available at http://upy.scripps.edu. The first featured Web extra is a video that shows interactive analysis of a calcium dynamics simulation. YouTube URL: http://youtu.be/wvs-nWE6ypo. The second featured Web extra is a video that shows rotation of the HIV virus. YouTube URL: http://youtu.be/vEOybMaRoKc.
A 'bootstrapped' Teaching/Learning Procedure
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Odusina Odusote, Olusogo
Erasing preconceived antiphysics ideas by nonscience/nonmajor physics students have elicited diverse teaching methods. Introductory general physics courses at college level have been taught by a 'bootstrap' approach. A concise treatment of the syllabus by the teacher in about 1/2 of the course duration, with brief exercises and examples. Students are then introduced to real life situations - toys, home appliances, sports, disasters, etc, and the embedded physics concepts discussed. Usually this generates a feeling of deja vu, which elicits desire for more. Each application usually encompasses topics in a broad range of the syllabus. The other half of the course is used by students to work individually/groups on assigned and graded home-works and essays, with guidance from the lecture notes and the teacher/supervisor. An end of course examination shows increase in the success rate.
Burket, Jessica A; Benson, Andrew D; Green, Torrian L; Rook, Jerri M; Lindsley, Craig W; Conn, P Jeffrey; Deutsch, Stephen I
The NMDA receptor is a highly regulated glutamate-gated cationic channel receptor that has an important role in the regulation of sociability and cognition. The genetically-inbred Balb/c mouse has altered endogenous tone of NMDA receptor-mediated neurotransmission and is a model of impaired sociability, relevant to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Because glycine is an obligatory co-agonist that works cooperatively with glutamate to promote opening of the ion channel, one prominent strategy to promote NMDA receptor-mediated neurotransmission involves inhibition of the glycine type 1 transporter (GlyT1). The current study evaluated the dose-dependent effects of VU0410120, a selective, high-affinity competitive GlyT1 inhibitor, on measures of sociability, cognition and stereotypic behaviors in Balb/c and Swiss Webster mice. The data show that doses of VU0410120 (i.e., 18 and 30mg/kg) that improve measures of sociability and spatial working memory in the Balb/c mouse strain elicit intense stereotypic behaviors in the Swiss Webster comparator strain (i.e., burrowing and jumping). Furthermore, the data suggest that selective GlyT1 inhibition improves sociability and spatial working memory at doses that do not worsen or elicit stereotypic behaviors in a social situation in the Balb/c strain. However, the elicitation of stereotypic behaviors in the Swiss Webster comparator strain at therapeutically relevant doses of VU0410120 suggest that genetic factors (i.e., mouse strain differences) influence sensitivity to GlyT1-elicited stereotypic behaviors, and emergence of intense stereotypic behaviors may be dose-limiting side effects of this interventional strategy. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Commentary:Deja vu All Over Again: What Will It Take To Solve Big Instructional Problems.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ysseldyke, Jim
Presents a response to "School Psychology from an Instructional Perspective: Solving Big, Not Little Problems" (this issue). The author supports Shapiro's arguments but worries much about the barriers that would have to be overcome to enable such a paradigm shift to occur. (GCP)
Deja Vu All over Again?: Schools Will Operate in the Future as They Do Now
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Levin, Henry
In this article, the author responds to an article written by Chris Whittle, in which he maintains that most of America's education troubles will be over in just a quarter century. The author notes that Whittle's assumptions differ markedly from the available evidence on what works and ignore the complexity of the combined elements of politics,…
Not Quite "Deja Vu All over Again": "No Child Left Behind" Meets Effective Schools Research
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
O'Brien, Thomas V.; Roberson, Thelma J.
This article examines the connections between No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and the Effective Schools Research Movement. Using historical methodology, the authors argue that although both were premised on building capacity, over time the reform that became NCLB evolved to focus on accountability. This shift disconnected the reform from its research…
"Deja Vu"? A Decade of Research on Language Laboratories, Television and Video in Language Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Vanderplank, Robert
The developments in the last ten years in the form of DVD, streaming video, video on demand, interactive television and digital language laboratories call for an assessment of the research into language teaching and learning making use of these technologies and the learning paradigms underpinning them. This paper surveys research on language…
Kazemi-Esfarjani, Parsa; La Spada, Albert R
The article by McConoughey et al in the current issue of EMBO Molecular Medicine examines the contribution of transglutaminase 2 (TG2) to Huntington's disease (HD) pathogenesis. The authors find that TG2 inhibition can ameliorate HD neurodegeneration, and thereby elevate the status of transglutaminases (TGs) to a major therapeutic target—not because of their well-known activity in mutant protein aggregation, but instead based upon their ability to epigenetically modulate transcription and energy production. While the reintroduction of TG inhibition as a therapy for HD may evoke feelings of déjà vu, the outcome this time around could go in a dramatically different direction. PMID:20730854
Interictal 18FDG PET findings in temporal lobe epilepsy with déjà vu.
Adachi, N; Koutroumanidis, M; Elwes, R D; Polkey, C E; Binnie, C D; Reynolds, E H; Barrington, S F; Maisey, M N; Panayiotopoulos, C P
The authors studied the functional anatomy of the déjà vu (DV) experience in nonlesional temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), using interictal fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose PET in 14 patients with and 17 patients without DV. Several clinical conditions, such as age at PET study, side of ictal onset zone, and dominance for language, were no different between the two groups. The patients with DV showed significant relative reductions in glucose metabolism in the mesial temporal structures and the parietal cortex. The findings demonstrate that ictal DV is of no lateralizing value. They further suggest that temporal lobe dysfunction is necessary but not sufficient for the generation of DV. Extensive association cortical areas may be involved as part of the network that integrates this distinct experience.
[A case of focal epilepsy manifesting multiple psychiatric auras].
Ezura, Michinori; Kakisaka, Yosuke; Jin, Kazutaka; Kato, Kazuhiro; Iwasaki, Masaki; Fujikawa, Mayu; Aoki, Masashi; Nakasato, Nobukazu
We present a case of epilepsy with multiple types of focal seizures that were misdiagnosed as psychiatric disorders. A 20-year-old female patient presented with a variety of episodes, including loss of consciousness, deja vu, fear, delusion of possession, violent movements, and generalized convulsions. Each of these symptoms appeared in a stereotypic manner. She was initially diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder and treated with psychoactive medications, which had no effect. Long-term video electroencephalography revealed that her episodes of violent movement with impaired consciousness and secondarily generalized seizure were epileptic events originating in the right hemisphere. High-field brain magnetic resonance imaging for detecting subtle lesions revealed bilateral lesions from periventricular nodular heterotopia. Her final diagnosis was right hemispheric focal epilepsy. Carbamazepine administration was started, which successfully controlled all seizures. The present case demonstrates the pitfall of diagnosing focal epilepsy when it presents with multiple types of psychiatric aura. Epilepsy should thus be included in differential diagnoses, considering the stereotypic nature of symptoms, to avoid misdiagnosis.
Advances in Data Management in Remote Sensing and Climate Modeling
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Brown, P. G.
Recent commercial interest in "Big Data" information systems has yielded little more than a sense of deja vu among scientists whose work has always required getting their arms around extremely large databases, and writing programs to explore and analyze it. On the flip side, there are some commercial DBMS startups building "Big Data" platform using techniques taken from earth science, astronomy, high energy physics and high performance computing. In this talk, we will introduce one such platform; Paradigm4's SciDB, the first DBMS designed from the ground up to combine the kinds of quality-of-service guarantees made by SQL DBMS platforms—high level data model, query languages, extensibility, transactions—with the kinds of functionality familiar to scientific users—arrays as structural building blocks, integrated linear algebra, and client language interfaces that minimize the learning curve. We will review how SciDB is used to manage and analyze earth science data by several teams of scientific users.
D’Amore, V.; Santolini, I.; van Rijn, C.M.; Biagioni, F.; Molinaro, G.; Prete, A.; Conn, P.J.; Lindsley, C.W.; Zhou, Y.; Vinson, P.N.; Rodriguez, A.L.; Jones, C.K.; Stauffer, S.R.; Nicoletti, F.; van Luijtelaar, G.; Ngomba, R.T.
Absence epilepsy is generated by the cortico-thalamo-cortical network, which undergoes a finely tuned regulation by metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors. We have shown previously that potentiation of mGlu1 receptors reduces spontaneous occurring spike and wave discharges (SWDs) in the WAG/Rij rat model of absence epilepsy, whereas activation of mGlu2/3 and mGlu4 receptors produces the opposite effect. Here, we have extended the study to mGlu5 receptors, which are known to be highly expressed within the cortico-thalamo-cortical network. We used presymptomatic and symptomatic WAG/Rij rats and aged-matched ACI rats. WAG/Rij rats showed a reduction in the mGlu5 receptor protein levels and in the mGlu5-receptor mediated stimulation of polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis in the ventrobasal thalamus, whereas the expression of mGlu5 receptors was increased in the somatosensory cortex. Interestingly, these changes preceded the onset of the epileptic phenotype, being already visible in pre-symptomatic WAG/Rij rats. SWDs in symptomatic WAG/Rij rats were not influenced by pharmacological blockade of mGlu5 receptors with MTEP (10 or 30 mg/kg, i.p.), but were significantly decreased by mGlu5 receptor potentiation with the novel enhancer, VU0360172 (3 or 10 mg/kg, s.c.), without affecting motor behaviour. The effect of VU0360172 was prevented by co-treatment with MTEP. These findings suggest that changes in mGlu5 receptors might lie at the core of the absence-seizure prone phenotype of WAG/Rij rats, and that mGlu5 receptor enhancers are potential candidates to the treatment of absence epilepsy. PMID:22705340
Reed, Carson W; McGowan, Kevin M; Spearing, Paul K; Stansley, Branden J; Roenfanz, Hanna F; Engers, Darren W; Rodriguez, Alice L; Engelberg, Eileen M; Luscombe, Vincent B; Loch, Matthew T; Remke, Daniel H; Rook, Jerri M; Blobaum, Anna L; Conn, P Jeffrey; Niswender, Colleen M; Lindsley, Craig W
Herein, we report the structure-activity relationships within a series of mGlu 7 NAMs based on an N -(2-(1 H -1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-5-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl)benzamide core with excellent CNS penetration ( K p 1.9-5.8 and K p,uu 0.4-1.4). Analogues in this series displayed steep SAR. Of these, VU6010608 ( 11a ) emerged with robust efficacy in blocking high frequency stimulated long-term potentiation in electrophysiology studies.
Anatomical origin of déjà vu and vivid 'memories' in human temporal lobe epilepsy.
Bancaud, J; Brunet-Bourgin, F; Chauvel, P; Halgren, E
Jackson (Brain 1898; 21: 580-90) observed that seizures arising in the medial temporal lobe may result in a 'dreamy state', consisting of vivid memory-like hallucinations, and/or the sense of having previously lived through exactly the same situation (déjà vu). Penfield demonstrated that the dreamy state can sometimes be evoked by electrical stimulation of the lateral temporal neocortex, especially the superior temporal gyrus. Halgren et al. (Brain 1978; 101: 83-117) showed that the dreamy state can be evoked by stimulation of the hippocampal formation and amygdala and Gloor (Brain 1990; 113: 1673-94) has suggested that it is evoked by lateral stimulation only when the resulting after-discharge spreads medially. In order to resolve the relative importance of these areas, we considered the mental phenomena observed in epileptic patients with electrodes stereotaxically implanted into different brain areas for seizure localization prior to surgical treatment. Sixteen patients, all with seizures involving the temporal lobe, experienced the dreamy state either as a result of spontaneous seizures (nine dreamy states in six patients), or due to electrical stimulation (43 in 14) or to chemical activation (five in three). Déjà vu and hallucinations of scenes were often evoked by different stimulations of the same electrode in the same patient. As Jackson had also observed, the dreamy state could occur alone but was often associated with epigastric phenomena and fear, and followed by loss of contact and oro-alimentary automatisms, and then by simple gestural automatisms, all characteristic of partial seizures beginning in the medial temporal lobe. Furthermore, as also emphasized by Jackson, the dreamy state was seldom associated with sensory illusions. Stimulation of either the neocortex (15 occurrences), anterior hippocampus (17) or amygdala (10) could evoke a dreamy state. However, since fewer hippocampal and amygdala leads were stimulated than temporal neocortical
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Schuttloffel, Merylann J.
In fall 2007, nine Catholic colleges and universities began a collaborative process to explore ways Catholic institutions of higher education (CIHE) could increase effective support of pre-K-12 Catholic schools. This new organization, Catholic Higher Education Collaborative (CHEC), committed to hosting a series of six conferences focused on…
Neuro-anatomical differences among epileptic and non-epileptic déjà-vu.
Labate, Angelo; Cerasa, Antonio; Mumoli, Laura; Ferlazzo, Edoardo; Aguglia, Umberto; Quattrone, Aldo; Gambardella, Antonio
Dèjà-vù (DV) can occur as a seizure of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) and in almost 80% of healthy individuals. The remarkable similarity between epileptic DV and DV in healthy individuals raises the possibility that DV might sometimes be an ictal phenomenon in apparently normal individuals. Thus, we studied a group of healthy subjects versus individuals with benign MTLE (bMTLE) both experiencing DV. 63 individuals with epilepsy patients with bMTLE and 39 healthy controls at Catanzaro University were recruited. Participants completed the Inventory for Déjà Vu (DV) Experiences Assessment (IDEA) test, underwent awake and asleep electroencephalogram, MRI of the brain using a 3T scanner and whole brain voxel-based morphometry (VBM). bMTLE patients with DV and without DV were also matched for the presence of hippocampal sclerosis. Our controls had no history of neurological or psychiatric illness, epilepsy or history of febrile convulsions. Neurological and cognitive examinations were normal. Electroencephalographic procedures were unremarkable in all controls. In bMTLE group, the direct comparison of VBM between individuals with epilepsy with DV versus those without DV revealed abnormal anatomical changes in the left hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus and visual cortex. The VBM of healthy controls with DV showed abnormal anatomical changes only in the left insular cortex. Our VBM results demonstrated different morphologic patterns in individuals with epilepsy and control subjects experiencing DV, involving the memory circuit in bMTLE patients and cerebral regions in the emotional network in healthy controls. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Comparing Medline citations using modified N-grams.
Nawab, Rao Muhammad Adeel; Stevenson, Mark; Clough, Paul
We aim to identify duplicate pairs of Medline citations, particularly when the documents are not identical but contain similar information. Duplicate pairs of citations are identified by comparing word n-grams in pairs of documents. N-grams are modified using two approaches which take account of the fact that the document may have been altered. These are: (1) deletion, an item in the n-gram is removed; and (2) substitution, an item in the n-gram is substituted with a similar term obtained from the Unified Medical Language System Metathesaurus. N-grams are also weighted using a score derived from a language model. Evaluation is carried out using a set of 520 Medline citation pairs, including a set of 260 manually verified duplicate pairs obtained from the Deja Vu database. The approach accurately detects duplicate Medline document pairs with an F1 measure score of 0.99. Allowing for word deletions and substitution improves performance. The best results are obtained by combining scores for n-grams of length 1-5 words. Results show that the detection of duplicate Medline citations can be improved by modifying n-grams and that high performance can also be obtained using only unigrams (F1=0.959), particularly when allowing for substitutions of alternative phrases.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Booth, Amy E.; Waxman, Sandra R.
The authors assert that L. B. Smith and L. Samuelson's (2006; see record EJ750228) most recent critique of A. E. Booth, S. R. Waxman, and Y. T. Huang's (2005; see record EJ684979) work missed its mark, deflecting attention from the important theoretical difference between the two sets of authors' positions and focusing instead on imagined…
rivers or lakes? YES NO YES NO Went fishing? YES NO YES NO Went skateboarding ? YES NO YES NO Visited outdoor scenic places? YES NO YES NO Used undeveloped...VN SN N SU VU Playground equipment VN SN N SU VU Concessions VN SN N SU VU Bicycle trails VN SN N SU VU Skateboard paths VN SN N SU VU Exercise/fitness
Pieper, Barbara; Templin, Thomas N; Goldberg, Allon
To provide information on the Five-Times-Sit-to-Stand (FTSTS) and Timed-Up-and-Go (TUG) tests in persons with injection-related venous ulcers (VU+) and persons without venous ulcers (VU-). This continuing education activity is intended for physicians and nurses with an interest in skin and wound care. After participating in this educational activity, the participant should be better able to: To examine functional mobility using Five-Times-Sit-to-Stand (FTSTS) and Timed-Up-and-Go (TUG) tests in persons with injection-related venous ulcers (VU+) and compare these findings to persons without venous ulcers (VU-). Cross-sectional, comparative design. Outpatient clinic.PARTICPANTS: Participants (n = 61) were 31 persons VU+ and 30 persons VU-; 57.4% men; mean age, 54 years; 93% African American. Five-Times-Sit-to-Stand, TUG, physical activity, quality of life, comorbidities, falls, and body mass index. Participants VU+ were 36.8% slower on completion of the TUG test (P = .012) and 26.5% slower on completion of the FTSTS test (P = .081). Five-Times-Sit-to-Stand and TUG were strongly correlated with each other, r = 0.93, 0.87, P < .001 for VU- and VU+, respectively. Test-retest reliabilities for the FTSTS and TUG tests were high (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.89-0.94) for the VU+ and VU-. Within each group, correlations of FTSTS and TUG were similar for each of the variables examined. Across groups, correlations showed that the time to complete FTSTS and TUG increased as a function of comorbidities in the VU+ group; the correlations in the VU- group were not significantly different from zero. The VU+ group exhibited poorer physical performance than the VU- group. The high correlation between FTSTS and TUG and the similarity of correlations with other variables suggest that these physical performance measures may be interchangeable in their ability to predict physical functioning in these clinical groups despite differences in test demands. Clinicians need easy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lucas, Ray A.; Rohde, David; Tamura, Takayuki; van Dyne, Jeffrey
At the first NVO Summer School in September 2004, a complete sample of Texas Radio Survey sources, first derived in 1989 and subsequently observed with the VLA in A-array snapshot mode in 1990, was revisited. The original investigators had never had the occasion to reduce the A-array 5-minute snapshot data, nor to do any other significant follow-up, though the sample still seemed a possibly useful but relatively small study of radio galaxies, AGN, quasars, extragalactic sources, and galaxy clusters, etc. At the time of the original sample definition in late 1989, the best optical material available for the region was the SRC-J plate from the UK Schmidt Telescope in Australia. In much more recent times, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey has included the region in its DR2 data release, so good multicolor optical imaging in a number of standard bandpasses has finally become available. These data, along with other material in the radio, infrared, and (where available) were used to get a better preliminary idea of the nature of the objects in the 1989 sample. We also investigated one of the original questions: whether these radio sources with steeper (or at least non-flat) radio spectra were associated with galaxy clusters, and in some cases higher-redshift galaxy clusters and AGN. A rudimentary web service was created which allowed the user to perform simple cone searches and SIAP image extractions of specified field sizes for multiwavelength data across the electromagnetic spectrum, and a prototype web page was set up which would display the resulting images in wavelength order across the page for sources in the sample. Finally, as an additional investigation, using radio and X-ray IDs as a proxy for AGN which might be associated with large, central cluster galaxies, positional matches of radio and X-ray sources from two much larger catalogs were done using the tool TOPCAT in order to search for the degree of correlation between ID positions, radio luminosity, and cluster ID positions. It was hoped that cross-correlated matches could possibly give some clue to the relationship of these radio sources to galaxy clusters. These preliminary results need more in-depth investigation and are currently being pursued via a NVO grant to the first author. The original VLA 5-minute A-array snapshots have also now been reduced and are complementary in nature to the VLA FIRST data. It is planned to eventually make these reduced VLA A-array data publicas part of a web service via the NVO facilities along with a table of multiwavelength properties for the sources in VOTable format.
The political science of radioactive waste disposal
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Jacobi, L.R. Jr.
This paper was first presented at the annual meeting of the HPS in New Orleans in 1984. Twelve years later, the basic lessons learned are still found to be valid. In 1984, the following things were found to be true: A government agency is preferred by the public over a private company to manage radioactive waste. Semantics are important--How you say it is important, but how it is heard is more important. Public information and public relations are very important, but they are the last thing of concern to a scientist. Political constituency is important. Don`t overlook the need formore » someone to be on your side. Don`t forget that the media is part of the political process-they can make you or break you. Peer technical review is important, but so is citizen review. Sociology is an important issue that scientists and technical people often overlook. In summary, despite the political nature of radioactive waste disposal, it is as true today as it was in 1984 that technical facts must be used to reach sound technical conclusions. Only then, separately and openly, should political factors be considered. So, what can be said today that wasn`t said in 1984? Nothing. {open_quotes}It`s deja vu all over again.{close_quotes}« less
Comparing Medline citations using modified N-grams
Nawab, Rao Muhammad Adeel; Stevenson, Mark; Clough, Paul
Objective We aim to identify duplicate pairs of Medline citations, particularly when the documents are not identical but contain similar information. Materials and methods Duplicate pairs of citations are identified by comparing word n-grams in pairs of documents. N-grams are modified using two approaches which take account of the fact that the document may have been altered. These are: (1) deletion, an item in the n-gram is removed; and (2) substitution, an item in the n-gram is substituted with a similar term obtained from the Unified Medical Language System Metathesaurus. N-grams are also weighted using a score derived from a language model. Evaluation is carried out using a set of 520 Medline citation pairs, including a set of 260 manually verified duplicate pairs obtained from the Deja Vu database. Results The approach accurately detects duplicate Medline document pairs with an F1 measure score of 0.99. Allowing for word deletions and substitution improves performance. The best results are obtained by combining scores for n-grams of length 1–5 words. Discussion Results show that the detection of duplicate Medline citations can be improved by modifying n-grams and that high performance can also be obtained using only unigrams (F1=0.959), particularly when allowing for substitutions of alternative phrases. PMID:23715801
Tra, Tran Van; Thinh, Nguyen Xuan; Greiving, Stefan
Vu Gia- Thu Bon (VGTB) River Basin, located in the Central Coastal zone of Viet Nam currently faces water shortage. Climate change is expected to exacerbate the challenge. Therefore, there is a need to study the impacts of climate change on water shortage in the river basin. The study adopts a combined top-down and bottom-up climate change impact assessment to address the impacts of climate change on water shortage in the VGTB River Basin. A MIKE BASIN water balance model for the river basin was established to simulate the response of the hydrological system. Simulations were performed through parametrically varying temperature and precipitation to determine the vulnerability space of water shortage. General Circulation Models (GCMs) were then utilized to provide climate projections for the river basin. The output from GCMs was then mapped onto the vulnerability space determined earlier. In total, 9 out of 55 water demand nodes in the simulation are expected to face problematic conditions as future climate changes. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Kim, Kang-Hyun; Choung, Se-Young
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing inflammatory skin disease that responds to the interplay of environmental, immunological, and genetic factors. To explore the effect of Vaccinium uliginosum (VU) extract on AD, we orally administrated VU total water extract to AD-induced NC/Nga mice. VU extract reduced AD-like skin lesions, ear thickness, and the frequency of scratching episodes in a time-dependent manner. VU also suppressed the levels of IgE and histamine and the ratio of IgG1/IgG2a in the serum of AD-induced NC/Nga mice. VU administration resulted in the reduction of splenic cytokine production, epidermal thickening, and the infiltration of eosinophils, mast cells, and degranulated mast cells induced by 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB). In addition, VU significantly reduced the mRNA expression of chemokine ligands in dorsal skin. Total water extract and subfractions of VU inhibited interleukin (IL)-4 production in splenocytes, suggesting that VU total extract has a Th2 cytokine modulating effect. These results suggest that the VU total water extract could be a candidate therapeutic agent for the treatment of AD through an immunoregulatory effect.
Structural covariance mapping delineates medial and medio-lateral temporal networks in déjà vu.
Shaw, Daniel Joel; Mareček, Radek; Brázdil, Milan
Déjà vu (DV) is an eerie phenomenon experienced frequently as an aura of temporal lobe epilepsy, but also reported commonly by healthy individuals. The former pathological manifestation appears to result from aberrant neural activity among brain structures within the medial temporal lobes. Recent studies also implicate medial temporal brain structures in the non-pathological experience of DV, but as one element of a diffuse neuroanatomical correlate; it remains to be seen if neural activity among the medial temporal lobes also underlies this benign manifestation. The present study set out to investigate this. Due to its unpredictable and infrequent occurrence, however, non-pathological DV does not lend itself easily to functional neuroimaging. Instead, we draw on research showing that brain structure covaries among regions that interact frequently as nodes of functional networks. Specifically, we assessed whether grey-matter covariance among structures implicated in non-pathological DV differs according to the frequency with which the phenomenon is experienced. This revealed two diverging patterns of structural covariation: Among the first, comprised primarily of medial temporal structures and the caudate, grey-matter volume becomes more positively correlated with higher frequency of DV experience. The second pattern encompasses medial and lateral temporal structures, among which greater DV frequency is associated with more negatively correlated grey matter. Using a meta-analytic method of co-activation mapping, we demonstrate a higher probability of functional interactions among brain structures constituting the former pattern, particularly during memory-related processes. Our findings suggest that altered neural signalling within memory-related medial temporal brain structures underlies both pathological and non-pathological DV.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... rack 101VU by accomplishment of Airbus Service Bulletin (SB) A310-53-2076 was embodied on the aeroplane... the splicing with rack 107VU fitting. This condition, if not detected and corrected, could degrade the structural integrity of the crossbeam on NLG FR15A web attachment fitting of rack 107VU. Rack 107VU contains...
Dreamy states and psychoses in temporal lobe epilepsy: mediating role of affect.
Sengoku, A; Toichi, M; Murai, T
Among 104 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy treated in our clinic between 1992-1995, thirteen patients with repeated dreamy states were evaluated for affective manifestations of dreamy states and their relationship with psychotic states. The types of dreamy states were classified as déjà vu, jamais vu and reminiscence. The affective experiences during dreamy states were evaluated as positive, negative or neutral. As a result, seven patients had déjà vu and/or reminiscence: seizure manifestations in four of these patients were affectively evaluated as positive (familiar and/or pleasurable), and three as neutral. Six cases had experience of jamais vu: five of them were affectively evaluated as negative (mostly fear), and one as neutral. Psychiatrically, only four patients with jamias vu accompanied by feelings of fear had mental disorders: a chronic paranoid-hallucinatory state in two cases, a chronic paranoid state in one case, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in one case. Other patients who had positive or neutral affect did not demonstrate psychiatric disturbances. Thus, most patients with jamais vu were accompanied by negative affect of fear, and those patients with jamais vu tended to show more psychotic symptoms than those with reminiscence or déjà vu, which were associated with positive or neutral affects. Based on these results, we discuss the possibility that repeated negative feelings associated with jamais vu are one of the causes for developing epileptic psychoses.
Dissanayake, Sanjeeva; Suggett, Jason
Valved holding chambers (VHCs) reduce the need for inhalation-actuation coordination with pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDIs), reduce oropharyngeal drug deposition and may improve lung deposition and clinical outcomes compared to pMDIs used alone. While VHCs are thus widely advocated for use in vulnerable patient groups within clinical and regulatory guidelines, there is less consensus as to whether the performance differences between different VHCs have clinical implications. This review evaluates the VHC literature, in particular the data pertaining to large- versus small-volume chambers, aerosol performance with a VHC adjunct versus a pMDI alone, charge dissipative/conducting versus non-conducting VHCs, and facemasks, to ascertain whether potentially meaningful differences between VHCs exist. Inconsistencies in the literature are examined and explained, and relationships between in vitro and in vivo data are discussed. A particular focus of this review is the AeroChamber Plus® Flow-Vu® Anti-static VHC, the most recent iteration of the AeroChamber VHC family. PMID:29378477
Antioxidant activities of Vaccinium uliginosum L. extract and its active components.
Kim, Young-Hee; Bang, Chae-Young; Won, Eun-Kyung; Kim, Jong-Pyung; Choung, Se-Young
Vaccinium uliginosum L. (also known as bog bilberry) is a low-growing deciduous shrub classified in the Ericaceae family of plants, which includes numerous Vaccinium berries, blueberries, and cranberries. Berries of the Ericaceae family are known to contain organic acids, vitamins, glycosides, and anthocyanins and have been reported to have antioxidant activity. In order to identify the antioxidative principles of V. uliginosum, we separated water extracts into polyphenol, anthocyanin-rich (pigment), and sugar/acid fractions by using ethyl acetate, acidic methanol (MeOH), and 0.01 N HCl. Antioxidant activities were assessed by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), superoxide radical, and hydroxyl radical assays. The crude extract and fractions containing polyphenol and pigment exhibited the greatest antioxidant activities with 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) values of 85.8 microg/mL, 33.2 microg/mL, and 16.7 microg/mL, respectively, for the DPPH assay and 48.1 microg/mL, 83.8 microg/mL, and 51.9 microg/mL for the nonenzymatic superoxide radical assay. The fractions containing polyphenol, pigment, and sugar/acid significantly inhibited xanthine oxidase. To investigate the functional compounds from the active fractions, we purified the polyphenol fraction and separated the compounds by using chromatographic techniques. The crude extract was dissolved in MeOH and further purified by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using MeOH-water (35:65 vol/vol) (with 0.04% trifluoroacetic acid) to obtain VU-EA-1 (16.6 mg), VU-EA-2 (8.5 mg), VU-EA-3 (19.8 mg), VU-EA-4 (12.8 mg), VU-EA-5 (6.5 mg), and VU-EA-6 (23.5 mg). The MeOH-washed fraction from the HPLC was concentrated and purified by reversed-phase HPLC using MeOH-water (50:50 vol/vol) to give VU-EA-10 (12.4 mg). Antioxidant activity was assessed by DPPH, superoxide radical, and hydroxyl radical assays. The isolated compounds exhibited dose-dependent antioxidant activity with IC(50) values of
Menger, Michael D.
A recent cohort study of Charbonney et al. indicates that multiple trauma patients develop endotoxemia also in the absence of Gram-negative infection. This is most probably due to an increase of gut permeability. Non-survivors as well as patients with cardiovascular dysfunction and multiple organ failure (MOF) show significantly higher endotoxin levels at 24 h after injury compared to survivors and patients without MOF. These results are like a déjà-vu from the nineties of the last century, where several studies reported endotoxemia during the initial 24 h after multiple trauma with development of MOF and death at endotoxin levels >10 and >12 pg/mL, respectively. Of interest, other multiple trauma patient studies in the nineties have shown endogenous anti-endotoxin antibody production in survivors and reduced antibody production in non-survivors, which died from MOF. Although all these studies have pointed towards a mechanistic role of endotoxin in the fatal outcome after multiple injuries, clinical anti-endotoxin studies are still lacking. Thus, the future perspective must be prospective randomized multicenter trials, which have to elucidate the capability of anti-endotoxin treatment strategies to improve outcome in multiple trauma patients. PMID:27620806
Histing, Tina; Menger, Michael D
A recent cohort study of Charbonney et al. indicates that multiple trauma patients develop endotoxemia also in the absence of Gram-negative infection. This is most probably due to an increase of gut permeability. Non-survivors as well as patients with cardiovascular dysfunction and multiple organ failure (MOF) show significantly higher endotoxin levels at 24 h after injury compared to survivors and patients without MOF. These results are like a déjà-vu from the nineties of the last century, where several studies reported endotoxemia during the initial 24 h after multiple trauma with development of MOF and death at endotoxin levels >10 and >12 pg/mL, respectively. Of interest, other multiple trauma patient studies in the nineties have shown endogenous anti-endotoxin antibody production in survivors and reduced antibody production in non-survivors, which died from MOF. Although all these studies have pointed towards a mechanistic role of endotoxin in the fatal outcome after multiple injuries, clinical anti-endotoxin studies are still lacking. Thus, the future perspective must be prospective randomized multicenter trials, which have to elucidate the capability of anti-endotoxin treatment strategies to improve outcome in multiple trauma patients.
Déjà Experiences in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Illman, Nathan A.; Butler, Chris R.; Souchay, Celine; Moulin, Chris J. A.
Historically, déjà vu has been linked to seizure activity in temporal lobe epilepsy, and clinical reports suggest that many patients experience the phenomenon as a manifestation of simple partial seizures. We review studies on déjà vu in epilepsy with reference to recent advances in the understanding of déjà vu from a cognitive and neuropsychological standpoint. We propose a decoupled familiarity hypothesis, whereby déjà vu is produced by an erroneous feeling of familiarity which is not in keeping with current cognitive processing. Our hypothesis converges on a parahippocampal dysfunction as the locus of déjà vu experiences. However, several other temporal lobe structures feature in reports of déjà vu in epilepsy. We suggest that some of the inconsistency in the literature derives from a poor classification of the various types of déjà experiences. We propose déjà vu/déjà vécu as one way of understanding déjà experiences more fully. This distinction is based on current models of memory function, where déjà vu is caused by erroneous familiarity and déjà vécu by erroneous recollection. Priorities for future research and clinical issues are discussed. PMID:22957231
Déjà experiences in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Illman, Nathan A; Butler, Chris R; Souchay, Celine; Moulin, Chris J A
Historically, déjà vu has been linked to seizure activity in temporal lobe epilepsy, and clinical reports suggest that many patients experience the phenomenon as a manifestation of simple partial seizures. We review studies on déjà vu in epilepsy with reference to recent advances in the understanding of déjà vu from a cognitive and neuropsychological standpoint. We propose a decoupled familiarity hypothesis, whereby déjà vu is produced by an erroneous feeling of familiarity which is not in keeping with current cognitive processing. Our hypothesis converges on a parahippocampal dysfunction as the locus of déjà vu experiences. However, several other temporal lobe structures feature in reports of déjà vu in epilepsy. We suggest that some of the inconsistency in the literature derives from a poor classification of the various types of déjà experiences. We propose déjà vu/déjà vécu as one way of understanding déjà experiences more fully. This distinction is based on current models of memory function, where déjà vu is caused by erroneous familiarity and déjà vécu by erroneous recollection. Priorities for future research and clinical issues are discussed.
78 FR 28152 - Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... series airplanes. The existing AD currently requires repetitive inspections of the 80VU rack lower lateral fittings for damage; repetitive inspections of the 80VU rack lower central support for cracking... fittings of the 80VU rack. This proposed AD would reduce the inspection compliance time, add an inspection...
Primetta, Anja K; Karppinen, Katja; Riihinen, Kaisu R; Jaakola, Laura
MYBPA1-type R2R3 MYB transcription factor shows down-regulation in white mutant berries of Vaccinium uliginosum deficient in anthocyanins but not proanthocyanidins suggesting a role in the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis. Berries of the genus Vaccinium are among the best natural sources of flavonoids. In this study, the expression of structural and regulatory flavonoid biosynthetic genes and the accumulation of flavonoids in white mutant and blue-colored wild-type bog bilberry (V. uliginosum) fruits were measured at different stages of berry development. In contrast to high contents of anthocyanins in ripe blue-colored berries, only traces were detected by HPLC-ESI-MS in ripe white mutant berries. However, similar profile and high levels of flavonol glycosides and proanthocyanidins were quantified in both ripe white and ripe wild-type berries. Analysis with qRT-PCR showed strong down-regulation of structural genes chalcone synthase (VuCHS), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (VuDFR) and anthocyanidin synthase (VuANS) as well as MYBPA1-type transcription factor VuMYBPA1 in white berries during ripening compared to wild-type berries. The profiles of transcript accumulation of chalcone isomerase (VuCHI), anthocyanidin reductase (VuANR), leucoanthocyanidin reductase (VuLAR) and flavonoid 3'5' hydroxylase (VuF3'5'H) were more similar between the white and the wild-type berries during fruit development, while expression of UDP-glucose: flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase (VuUFGT) showed similar trend but fourfold lower level in white mutant. VuMYBPA1, the R2R3 MYB family member, is a homologue of VmMYB2 of V. myrtillus and VcMYBPA1 of V. corymbosum and belongs to MYBPA1-type MYB family which members are shown in some species to be related with proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in fruits. Our results combined with earlier data of the role of VmMYB2 in white mutant berries of V. myrtillus suggest that the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in Vaccinium species could differ
An Oxalyl-CoA Synthetase Is Involved in Oxalate Degradation and Aluminum Tolerance1[OPEN
Fan, Wei; Xu, Jia Meng; Gong, Yu Long; Jin, Jian Feng; Chen, Wei Wei; Liu, Ling Yu; Hai, Mei Rong
Acyl Activating Enzyme3 (AAE3) was identified to be involved in the catabolism of oxalate, which is critical for seed development and defense against fungal pathogens. However, the role of AAE3 protein in abiotic stress responses is unknown. Here, we investigated the role of rice bean (Vigna umbellata) VuAAE3 in Al tolerance. Recombinant VuAAE3 protein has specific activity against oxalate, with Km = 121 ± 8.2 µm and Vmax of 7.7 ± 0.88 µmol min−1 mg−1 protein, indicating it functions as an oxalyl-CoA synthetase. VuAAE3-GFP localization suggested that this enzyme is a soluble protein with no specific subcellular localization. Quantitative reverse transcription-PCR and VuAAE3 promoter-GUS reporter analysis showed that the expression induction of VuAAE3 is mainly confined to rice bean root tips. Accumulation of oxalate was induced rapidly by Al stress in rice bean root tips, and exogenous application of oxalate resulted in the inhibition of root elongation and VuAAE3 expression induction, suggesting that oxalate accumulation is involved in Al-induced root growth inhibition. Furthermore, overexpression of VuAAE3 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) resulted in the increase of Al tolerance, which was associated with the decrease of oxalate accumulation. In addition, NtMATE and NtALS3 expression showed no difference between transgenic lines and wild-type plants. Taken together, our results suggest that VuAAE3-dependent turnover of oxalate plays a critical role in Al tolerance mechanisms. PMID:27650448
A Formate Dehydrogenase Confers Tolerance to Aluminum and Low pH1[OPEN
Gong, Yu Long; Fan, Wei; Xu, Jia Meng; Liu, Yu; Cao, Meng Jie; Wang, Ming-Hu
Formate dehydrogenase (FDH) is involved in various higher plant abiotic stress responses. Here, we investigated the role of rice bean (Vigna umbellata) VuFDH in Al and low pH (H+) tolerance. Screening of various potential substrates for the VuFDH protein demonstrated that it functions as a formate dehydrogenase. Quantitative reverse transcription-PCR and histochemical analysis showed that the expression of VuFDH is induced in rice bean root tips by Al or H+ stresses. Fluorescence microscopic observation of VuFDH-GFP in transgenic Arabidopsis plants indicated that VuFDH is localized in the mitochondria. Accumulation of formate is induced by Al and H+ stress in rice bean root tips, and exogenous application of formate increases internal formate content that results in the inhibition of root elongation and induction of VuFDH expression, suggesting that formate accumulation is involved in both H+- and Al-induced root growth inhibition. Over-expression of VuFDH in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) results in decreased sensitivity to Al and H+ stress due to less production of formate in the transgenic tobacco lines under Al and H+ stresses. Moreover, NtMATE and NtALS3 expression showed no changes versus wild type in these over-expression lines, suggesting that herein known Al-resistant mechanisms are not involved. Thus, the increased Al tolerance of VuFDH over-expression lines is likely attributable to their decreased Al-induced formate production. Taken together, our findings advance understanding of higher plant Al toxicity mechanisms, and suggest a possible new route toward the improvement of plant performance in acidic soils, where Al toxicity and H+ stress coexist. PMID:27021188
Hennessy, M J; Binnie, C D
To establish the incidence and symptoms of partial seizures in a cohort of patients investigated on account of known sensitivity to intermittent photic stimulation and/or precipitation of seizures by environmental visual stimuli such as television (TV) screens or computer monitors. We report 43 consecutive patients with epilepsy, who had exhibited a significant EEG photoparoxysmal response or who had seizures precipitated by environmental visual stimuli and underwent detailed assessment of their photosensitivity in the EEG laboratory, during which all were questioned concerning their ictal symptoms. All patients were considered on clinical grounds to have an idiopathic epilepsy syndrome. Twenty-eight (65%) patients reported visually precipitated attacks occurring initially with maintained consciousness, in some instances evolving to a period of confusion or to a secondarily generalized seizure. Visual symptoms were most commonly reported and included positive symptoms such as coloured circles or spots, but also blindness and subjective symptoms such as "eyes going funny." Other symptoms described included nonspecific cephalic sensations, deja-vu, auditory hallucinations, nausea, and vomiting. No patient reported any clear spontaneous partial seizures, and there were no grounds for supposing that any had partial epilepsy excepting the ictal phenomenology of some or all of the visually induced attacks. These findings provide clinical support for the physiological studies that indicate that the trigger mechanism for human photosensitivity involves binocularly innervated cells located in the visual cortex. Thus the visual cortex is the seat of the primary epileptogenic process, and the photically triggered discharges and seizures may be regarded as partial with secondary generalization.
AWARE-AWAreness during REsuscitation-a prospective study.
Parnia, Sam; Spearpoint, Ken; de Vos, Gabriele; Fenwick, Peter; Goldberg, Diana; Yang, Jie; Zhu, Jiawen; Baker, Katie; Killingback, Hayley; McLean, Paula; Wood, Melanie; Zafari, A Maziar; Dickert, Neal; Beisteiner, Roland; Sterz, Fritz; Berger, Michael; Warlow, Celia; Bullock, Siobhan; Lovett, Salli; McPara, Russell Metcalfe Smith; Marti-Navarette, Sandra; Cushing, Pam; Wills, Paul; Harris, Kayla; Sutton, Jenny; Walmsley, Anthony; Deakin, Charles D; Little, Paul; Farber, Mark; Greyson, Bruce; Schoenfeld, Elinor R
Cardiac arrest (CA) survivors experience cognitive deficits including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is unclear whether these are related to cognitive/mental experiences and awareness during CPR. Despite anecdotal reports the broad range of cognitive/mental experiences and awareness associated with CPR has not been systematically studied. The incidence and validity of awareness together with the range, characteristics and themes relating to memories/cognitive processes during CA was investigated through a 4 year multi-center observational study using a three stage quantitative and qualitative interview system. The feasibility of objectively testing the accuracy of claims of visual and auditory awareness was examined using specific tests. The outcome measures were (1) awareness/memories during CA and (2) objective verification of claims of awareness using specific tests. Among 2060 CA events, 140 survivors completed stage 1 interviews, while 101 of 140 patients completed stage 2 interviews. 46% had memories with 7 major cognitive themes: fear; animals/plants; bright light; violence/persecution; deja-vu; family; recalling events post-CA and 9% had NDEs, while 2% described awareness with explicit recall of 'seeing' and 'hearing' actual events related to their resuscitation. One had a verifiable period of conscious awareness during which time cerebral function was not expected. CA survivors commonly experience a broad range of cognitive themes, with 2% exhibiting full awareness. This supports other recent studies that have indicated consciousness may be present despite clinically undetectable consciousness. This together with fearful experiences may contribute to PTSD and other cognitive deficits post CA. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Openshaw, Roger
Throughout Australasia, indigenous educational issues remain a subject of considerable debate. In New Zealand, Maori underachievement in education has long been a matter of widespread concern. Currently the most highly visible professional development programme now operating in New Zealand mainstream secondary schools, Te Kotahitanga claims to…
Silva, Fredy D A; Vasconcelos, Ilka M; Lobo, Marina D P; de Castro, Patrícia G; Magalhães, Vladimir G; de Freitas, Cléverson D T; Carlini, Célia R R S; Pinto, Paulo M; Beltramini, Leila M; Filho, José H A; Barros, Eduardo B; Alencar, Luciana M R; Grangeiro, Thalles B; Oliveira, José T A
Peroxiredoxins have diverse functions in cellular defense-signaling pathways. 2-Cys-peroxiredoxins (2-Cys-Prx) reduce H2O2 and alkyl-hydroperoxide. This study describes the purification and characterization of a genuine 2-Cys-Prx from Vigna unguiculata (Vu-2-Cys-Prx). Vu-2-Cys-Prx was purified from leaves by ammonium sulfate fractionation, chitin affinity and ion exchange chromatography. Vu-2-Cys-Prx reduces H2O2 using NADPH and DTT. Vu-2-Cys-Prx is a 44 kDa (SDS-PAGE)/46 kDa (exclusion chromatography) protein that appears as a 22 kDa molecule under reducing conditions, indicating that it is a homodimer linked intermolecularly by disulfide bonds and has a pI range of 4.56–4.72; its NH2-terminal sequence was similar to 2-Cys-Prx from Phaseolus vulgaris (96%) and Populus tricocarpa (96%). Analysis by ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS showed a molecular mass/pI of 28.622 kDa/5.18. Vu-2-Cys-Prx has 8% α-helix, 39% β-sheet, 22% of turns and 31% of unordered forms. Vu-2-Cys-Prx was heat stable, has optimal activity at pH 7.0, and prevented plasmid DNA degradation. Atomic force microscopy shows that Vu-2-Cys-Prx oligomerized in decamers which might be associated with its molecular chaperone activity that prevented denaturation of insulin and citrate synthase. Its cDNA analysis showed that the redox-active Cys52 residue and the amino acids Pro45, Thr49 and Arg128 are conserved as in other 2-Cys-Prx. The biochemical and molecular features of Vu-2-Cys-Prx are similar to other members of 2-Cys-Prx family. To date, only one publication reported on the purification of native 2-Cys-Prx from leaves and the subsequent analysis by N-terminal Edman sequencing, which is crucial for construction of stromal recombinant 2-Cys-Prx proteins.
Wachtel, Herbert; Nagel, Mark; Engel, Michael; El Azzi, Georges; Sharma, Ashish; Suggett, Jason
When characterizing inhalation products, a comprehensive assessment including in vitro, pharmacokinetic (PK), and clinical data is required. We conducted a characterization of tiotropium Respimat ® when administered with AeroChamber Plus ® Flow-Vu ® anti-static valved holding chamber (test VHC) with face mask in 1-5-year-olds with persistent asthmatic symptoms. In vitro tiotropium dose and particle size distribution delivered into a cascade impactor were evaluated under fixed paediatric and adult flow rates between actuation and samplings. The tiotropium mass likely to reach children's lungs was assessed by tidal breathing simulations and an ADAM-III Child Model. PK exposure to tiotropium in preschool children with persistent asthmatic symptoms (using test VHC) was compared with pooled data from nine Phase 2/3 trials in older children, adolescents, and adults with symptomatic persistent asthma not using test VHC. At fixed inspiratory flow rates, emitted mass and fine particle dose decreased under lower flow conditions; dose reduction was observed when Respimat ® was administered by test VHC at paediatric flow rates. In <5-year-old children, such a dose reduction is appropriate. In terms of dose per kg/body weight, in vitro-delivered dosing in children was comparable with adults. Transmission and aerosol holding properties of Respimat ® when administered with test VHC were fully sufficient for aerosol delivery to patients. At zero delay, particles <5 μm (most relevant fraction) exhibited a transfer efficacy of ≥60%. The half-time was>10 s, allowing multiple breaths. Standardized tidal inhalation resulted in an emitted mass from the test VHC of approximately one-third of labelled dose, independent of coordination and face mask use, indicating predictable tiotropium administration by test VHC with Respimat ® . Tiotropium exposure in 1-5-year-old patients using the test VHC, when adjusted by height or body surface, was comparable with that in older age
Development of CAD prototype system for Crohn's disease
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Oda, Masahiro; Kitasaka, Takayuki; Furukawa, Kazuhiro; Watanabe, Osamu; Ando, Takafumi; Goto, Hidemi; Mori, Kensaku
The purpose of this paper is to present a CAD prototype system for Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease causes inflammation or ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. The number of patients of Crohn's disease is increasing in Japan. Symptoms of Crohn's disease include intestinal stenosis, longitudinal ulcers, and fistulae. Optical endoscope cannot pass through intestinal stenosis in some cases. We propose a new CAD system using abdominal fecal tagging CT images for efficient diagnosis of Crohn's disease. The system displays virtual unfolded (VU), virtual endoscopic, curved planar reconstruction, multi planar reconstruction, and outside views of both small and large intestines. To generate the VU views, we employ a small and large intestines extraction method followed by a simple electronic cleansing method. The intestine extraction is based on the region growing process, which uses a characteristic that tagged fluid neighbor air in the intestine. The electronic cleansing enables observation of intestinal wall under tagged fluid. We change the height of the VU views according to the perimeter of the intestine. In addition, we developed a method to enhance the longitudinal ulcer on views of the system. We enhance concave parts on the intestinal wall, which are caused by the longitudinal ulcer, based on local intensity structure analysis. We examined the small and the large intestines of eleven CT images by the proposed system. The VU views enabled efficient observation of the intestinal wall. The height change of the VU views helps finding intestinal stenosis on the VU views. The concave region enhancement made longitudinal ulcers clear on the views.
Barriers to influenza vaccine uptake in obese people in Italy: Changes 2005-2013.
Barbadoro, Pamela; Recanatini, Claudia; Ponzio, Elisa; Illuminati, Diego; D'Errico, Marcello M; Prospero, Emilia
Obesity is an independent risk factor for developing flu-related complications. The aim of this study was to analyze influenza vaccine uptake (VU) in the Italian obese, before and after the introduction of obesity among the national recommendations, and to evaluate factors associated to VU. The comparison of two editions of the national survey carried out in 2004-2005, before the inclusion of obese people among the specific high risk categories for flu complications, and in 2013, reaching a sample of 21,857 persons who declared to have a BMI>30. Multilevel logistic regression was used to evaluate potential independent predictors of influenza immunization. Influenza vaccination coverage was 27.16% in 2013, versus 31.61% in 2005. A significant reduction of VU was registered after the introduction of obesity among the high risk conditions, for which flu VU was recommended. Regression modeling, both in adults and in older people, confirmed that barriers to VU in 2013 were younger age, medium level of education, absence of chronic disease, smoking habit, and reporting no contacts with GPs during the previous 12months. Among those aged 65 or more, the role of regional policies was associated to VU. Immunization rates among young obese population are low, especially if not affected by comorbidities. Moreover, a reduction was registered in 2013 with respect to 2005. Flu vaccine uptake among the older population seems to be influenced by regional vaccination strategies. The development of novel strategy is warranted, especially among the young adults. Copyright © 2016 European Federation of Internal Medicine. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Swale, Daniel R; Engers, Darren W; Bollinger, Sean R; Gross, Aaron; Inocente, Edna Alfaro; Days, Emily; Kanga, Fariba; Johnson, Reed M; Yang, Liu; Bloomquist, Jeffrey R; Hopkins, Corey R; Piermarini, Peter M; Denton, Jerod S
Insecticide resistance is a growing threat to mosquito control programs around the world, thus creating the need to discover novel target sites and target-specific compounds for insecticide development. Emerging evidence suggests that mosquito inward rectifier potassium (Kir) channels represent viable molecular targets for developing insecticides with new mechanisms of action. Here we describe the discovery and characterization of VU041, a submicromolar-affinity inhibitor of Anopheles (An.) gambiae and Aedes (Ae.) aegypti Kir1 channels that incapacitates adult female mosquitoes from representative insecticide-susceptible and -resistant strains of An. gambiae (G3 and Akron, respectively) and Ae. aegypti (Liverpool and Puerto Rico, respectively) following topical application. VU041 is selective for mosquito Kir channels over several mammalian orthologs, with the exception of Kir2.1, and is not lethal to honey bees. Medicinal chemistry was used to develop an analog, termed VU730, which retains activity toward mosquito Kir1 but is not active against Kir2.1 or other mammalian Kir channels. Thus, VU041 and VU730 are promising chemical scaffolds for developing new classes of insecticides to combat insecticide-resistant mosquitoes and the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases, such as Zika virus, without harmful effects on humans and beneficial insects.
Muscarinic receptor M4 positive allosteric modulators attenuate central effects of cocaine.
Dall, Camilla; Weikop, Pia; Dencker, Ditte; Molander, Anna C; Wörtwein, Gitta; Conn, P Jeffrey; Fink-Jensen, Anders; Thomsen, Morgane
Cocaine addiction is a chronic brain disease affecting neurotransmission. Muscarinic cholinergic receptors modulate dopaminergic signaling in the reward system, and muscarinic receptor stimulation can block direct reinforcing effects of cocaine. Here, we tested the hypothesis that specific muscarinic M 4 receptor stimulation can attenuate the discriminative stimulus effects and conditioned rewarding effects of cocaine, measures believed to predict the ability of cocaine and cocaine-associated cues to elicit relapse to drug taking. We tested the M 4 -selective positive allosteric modulators VU0152100 and VU0467154 in a drug discrimination assay and a conditioned place preference assay, including extinction and reinstatement of place preference. Specificity of the cocaine discrimination effect was verified using knockout mice lacking either M 1 or M 4 receptors (M 1 -/- , M 4 -/- ). We also replicated previous findings in cocaine-induced locomotor hyperactivity and striatal dopamine microdialysis assays. VU0152100 attenuated the discriminative stimulus effect of cocaine in wild-type mice and M 1 -/- mice, but not in M 4 -/- mice, without affecting rates of responding. As previously shown with VU0152100, VU0467154 almost eliminated cocaine-induced hyperactivity and striatal dopamine efflux. VU0467154 failed to attenuate acquisition of cocaine-conditioned place preference, but facilitated extinction and prevented reinstatement of the conditioned place preference. These findings further support the notion that M 4 receptors are promising targets for the treatment of cocaine addiction, by showing that results can be replicated using distinct ligands, and that in addition to blocking reinforcing effects of cocaine relevant to ongoing drug taking, M 4 positive allosteric modulators can also attenuate subjective and conditioned effects relevant to relapse. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Morrison, Ryan D.; Blobaum, Anna L.; Byers, Frank W.; Santomango, Tammy S.; Bridges, Thomas M.; Stec, Donald; Brewer, Katrina A.; Sanchez-Ponce, Raymundo; Corlew, Melany M.; Rush, Roger; Felts, Andrew S.; Manka, Jason; Bates, Brittney S.; Venable, Daryl F.; Rodriguez, Alice L.; Jones, Carrie K.; Niswender, Colleen M.; Conn, P. Jeffrey; Lindsley, Craig W.; Emmitte, Kyle A.
Negative allosteric modulation (NAM) of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGlu5) represents a therapeutic strategy for the treatment of childhood developmental disorders, such as fragile X syndrome and autism. VU0409106 emerged as a lead compound within a biaryl ether series, displaying potent and selective inhibition of mGlu5. Despite its high clearance and short half-life, VU0409106 demonstrated efficacy in rodent models of anxiety after extravascular administration. However, lack of a consistent correlation in rat between in vitro hepatic clearance and in vivo plasma clearance for the biaryl ether series prompted an investigation into the biotransformation of VU0409106 using hepatic subcellular fractions. An in vitro appraisal in rat, monkey, and human liver S9 fractions indicated that the principal pathway was NADPH-independent oxidation to metabolite M1 (+16 Da). Both raloxifene (aldehyde oxidase inhibitor) and allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor) attenuated the formation of M1, thus implicating the contribution of both molybdenum hydroxylases in the biotransformation of VU0409106. The use of 18O-labeled water in the S9 experiments confirmed the hydroxylase mechanism proposed, because 18O was incorporated into M1 (+18 Da) as well as in a secondary metabolite (M2; +36 Da), the formation of which was exclusively xanthine oxidase-mediated. This unusual dual and sequential hydroxylase metabolism was confirmed in liver S9 and hepatocytes of multiple species and correlated with in vivo data because M1 and M2 were the principal metabolites detected in rats administered VU0409106. An in vitro-in vivo correlation of predicted hepatic and plasma clearance was subsequently established for VU0409106 in rats and nonhuman primates. PMID:22711749
Bauman, Jordan
With the Medical Device Amendments of 1976, Congress granted FDA authority to regulate medical devices by implementing a risk-based regulatory framework. Several years prior to this legislation, the Cooper Committee reviewed the medical device regulatory landscape and uncovered weaknesses that could be detrimental to public health. However, only after several high-profile incidents involving unsafe medical devices did Congress respond with strong legislation. Since 1976, additional medical device legislative revisions have been enacted to address deficiencies highlighted by various groups representing Congress, FDA, and industry. A repetitive conclusion from these groups has been that the 510(k) program is incapable of serving as a premarket evaluation of safety and effectiveness under the existing statutory framework. However, these legislative revisions did not change the statutory framework despite these repeated findings. In 2009, CDRH convened separate groups to again review the 510(k) program. While more comprehensive than previous initiatives, the observed deficiencies and the proposed recommendations are remarkably similar to those identified by their predecessors. This cyclical review of the medical device regulatory landscape whereby the same observations and recommendations are repeated yet the output of such review does not yield major legislative revision of the existing statutory framework can be described as the "déjà vu effect." This will continue unless Congress enacts legislation that implements a new statutory framework with a different standard other than substantial equivalence. In the past, Congress has implemented major legislation only after a public health crisis. Hopefully this will not be the driving force in the future.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Seager, R.; Liu, H.; Henderson, N.; Kushnir, Y.; Ting, M.; Cook, B.; Nakamura, J.
The latest generation of global coupled climate models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Five (CMIP5), much anticipated after the prior CMIP3 models projected the southwest of North America to transition in the near term to a more arid climate, turned out to be a case of deja-vu all over again. While suggesting that northern California might get more midwinter precipitation, overall the CMIP5 models, like their CMIP3 precursors, project that the interior southwest of the U.S., most of Mexico, Texas and the southern Plains, will progressively transition to a more arid climate with reduced precipitation and increased potential evapotranspiration driving a reduction in soil moisture and streamflow. An about 10% reduction of Colorado River flow for the 2021-2040 period relative to the last half of the 20th Century appears a good ball park number to motivate adaptation efforts. Here we will present new detailed analyses of Reanalysis and CMIP5 model moisture budgets to determine the causes of the projected aridification. The role of moisture convergences by the mean and transient flows will be addressed as well as the dynamical causes of the shifts in atmospheric circulation that contribute to drying or locally offset it. The hydroclimate history of the West for the past few decades will also be examined for evidence that model projected aridification is in progress or cannot currently be detected amidst the large natural variability of hydroclimate in the region. But it will be cautioned that waiting for statistical significance might be as fruitful as Waiting for Godot while, during the wait, the southwest will already have transitioned into a troublingly drier climate with serious impacts on people, societies, ecosystems and agriculture.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Vincennes Univ., IN.
Compiled to assist advisors at Vincennes University (VU), a two-year college in Indiana, as well as high school counselors and prospective students, this book provides information on placement at VU and entry-level skills needed for success in specific programs, majors, or courses. A brief introduction describes the objectives of the skills guide…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Green, Kathleen
This article presents an interview with Thuy Vu, Research Coordinator at the University of Washington and Project Director at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington. In this interview, Vu talks about what she does, how she got these jobs, how her education ties in, and her first job out of college. The interview concludes…
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... States. New Jersey's SIP is in two parts: Reasonable Progress and application of Best Available Retrofit... view the hard copy of the docket. You may view the hard copy of the docket Monday through Friday, 8 a.m... working together through MANE-VU. \\1\\ On June 20, 2007, MANE-VU adopted two documents which provide the...
Galloway, Claire R; Lebois, Evan P; Shagarabi, Shezza L; Hernandez, Norma A; Manns, Joseph R
Acetylcholine signaling through muscarinic receptors has been shown to benefit memory performance in some conditions, but pan-muscarinic activation also frequently leads to peripheral side effects. Drug therapies that selectively target M1 or M4 muscarinic receptors could potentially improve memory while minimizing side effects mediated by the other muscarinic receptor subtypes. The ability of three recently developed drugs that selectively activate M1 or M4 receptors to improve recognition memory was tested by giving Long-Evans rats subcutaneous injections of three different doses of the M1 agonist VU0364572, the M1 positive allosteric modulator BQCA or the M4 positive allosteric modulator VU0152100 before performing an object recognition memory task. VU0364572 at 0.1 mg/kg, BQCA at 1.0 mg/kg and VU0152100 at 3.0 and 30.0 mg/kg improved the memory performance of rats that performed poorly at baseline, yet the improvements in memory performance were the most statistically robust for VU0152100 at 3.0 mg/kg. The results suggested that selective M1 and M4 receptor activation each improved memory but that the likelihood of obtaining behavioral efficacy at a given dose might vary between subjects even in healthy groups depending on baseline performance. These results also highlighted the potential of drug therapies that selectively target M1 or M4 receptors to improve memory performance in individuals with impaired memory.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
.... S = Concentration of SS from a user above a base level. Pc = O&M cost for treatment of a unit of any...(B)=Sc(S)=Pc(P)]Vu (3) Model No. 3. This model is commonly called the “quantity/quality formula”: Cu = Vc Vu=Bc Bu=Sc Su=Pc Pu (h) Other considerations. (1) Quantity discounts to large volume users will...
Moran, Jose F; James, Euan K; Rubio, Maria C; Sarath, Gautam; Klucas, Robert V; Becana, Manuel
An iron-superoxide dismutase (FeSOD) with an unusual subcellular localization, VuFeSOD, has been purified from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) nodules and leaves. The enzyme has two identical subunits of 27 kD that are not covalently bound. Comparison of its N-terminal sequence (NVAGINLL) with the cDNA-derived amino acid sequence showed that VuFeSOD is synthesized as a precursor with seven additional amino acids. The mature protein was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the recombinant enzyme was used to generate a polyclonal monospecific antibody. Phylogenetic and immunological data demonstrate that there are at least two types of FeSODs in plants. An enzyme homologous to VuFeSOD is present in soybean (Glycine max) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) nodules but not in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and pea (Pisum sativum) nodules. The latter two species also contain FeSODs in the leaves and nodules, but the enzymes are presumably localized to the chloroplasts and plastids. In contrast, immunoblots of the soluble nodule fraction and immunoelectron microscopy of cryo-processed nodule sections demonstrate that VuFeSOD is localized to the cytosol. Immunoblot analysis showed that the content of VuFeSOD protein increases in senescent nodules with active leghemoglobin degradation, suggesting a direct or indirect (free radical-mediated) role of the released Fe in enzyme induction. Therefore, contrary to the widely held view, FeSODs in plants are not restricted to the chloroplasts and may become an important defensive mechanism against the oxidative stress associated with senescence.
Pimentel, Roberta Ferreira; de Oliveira, Roberto Sotto Maior Fortes; Chaves, Maria das Graças Afonso Miranda; Elias, Carlos Nelson; Gravina, Marco Abdo
To evaluate and compare "in vitro" the maximum friction force generated by three types of esthetic brackets, two types of polycrystalline conventional ceramic brackets (20/40 and InVu) and one type of sapphire monocrystalline bracket (Radiance) in dry and artificial saliva wet settings. Also, to evaluate the influence exerted by artificial saliva on the friction forces of those brackets. Tests were performed in dry and artificial saliva wet setting (Oral Balance) by using an EMIC DL 10000 testing machine, simulating a 2 mm slide of 0.019 x 0.025-in rectangular stainless steel wires over the pre-angulated and pre-torqued (right superior canine, Roth prescription, slot 0.022 x 0.030-in) brackets (n = 18 for each bracket). In order to compare groups in dry and wet settings, the ANOVA was used. For comparisons related to the dry versus wet setting, the student t test was used for each group. The results showed that in the absence of saliva the Radiance monocrystalline brackets showed the highest friction coefficients, followed by the 20/40 and the InVu polycrystalline brackets. In tests with artificial saliva, the Radiance and the 20/40 brackets had statistically similar friction coefficients and both were greater than that presented by the InVu brackets. The artificial saliva did not change the maximum friction force of the Radiance brackets, but, for the others (20/40 and InVu), an increase of friction was observed in its presence. The InVu brackets showed, in the absence and in the presence of saliva, the lowest friction coefficient.
Landim, Patrícia G Castro; Correia, Tuana O; Silva, Fredy D A; Nepomuceno, Denise R; Costa, Helen P S; Pereira, Humberto M; Lobo, Marina D P; Moreno, Frederico B M B; Brandão-Neto, José; Medeiros, Suelen C; Vasconcelos, Ilka M; Oliveira, José T A; Sousa, Bruno L; Barroso-Neto, Ito L; Freire, Valder N; Carvalho, Cristina P S; Monteiro-Moreira, Ana C O; Grangeiro, Thalles B
A cowpea class I chitinase (VuChiI) was expressed in the methylotrophic yeast P. pastoris. The recombinant protein was secreted into the culture medium and purified by affinity chromatography on a chitin matrix. The purified chitinase migrated on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as two closely-related bands with apparent molecular masses of 34 and 37 kDa. The identity of these bands as VuChiI was demonstrated by mass spectrometry analysis of tryptic peptides and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. The recombinant chitinase was able to hydrolyze colloidal chitin but did not exhibit enzymatic activity toward synthetic substrates. The highest hydrolytic activity of the cowpea chitinase toward colloidal chitin was observed at pH 5.0. Furthermore, most VuChiI activity (approximately 92%) was retained after heating to 50 °C for 30 min, whereas treatment with 5 mM Cu 2+ caused a reduction of 67% in the enzyme's chitinolytic activity. The recombinant protein had antifungal activity as revealed by its ability to inhibit the spore germination and mycelial growth of Penicillium herquei. The three-dimensional structure of VuChiI was resolved at a resolution of 1.55 Å by molecular replacement. The refined model had 245 amino acid residues and 381 water molecules, and the final R-factor and R free values were 14.78 and 17.22%, respectively. The catalytic domain of VuChiI adopts an α-helix-rich fold, stabilized by 3 disulfide bridges and possessing a wide catalytic cleft. Analysis of the crystallographic model and molecular docking calculations using chito-oligosaccharides provided evidences about the VuChiI residues involved in sugar binding and catalysis, and a possible mechanism of antifungal action is suggested. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. and Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire (SFBBM). All rights reserved.
de Lucena, Reinaldo F P; Lucena, Camilla M; Araújo, Elcida L; Alves, Angelo G C; de Albuquerque, Ulysses P
This study analyzes three methods of data analysis to verify which one would be more appropriate to get information aiming the conservation, selecting the use value (VU) inventory in situ and conservation property index (IPC). It was developed in in Northeast Brazil, via interviewed householders (46 informants). The VU was calculated considering only the effective use of plants; the inventory in situ was made through the frequency of species occurrence in homes; and the IPC combining ethnobotanical and phytossociological data. It was observed a similar cast of the indicated species by VU and inventory in situ, being different from the IPC cast. As this study sought to analyze the best technique for species identification which were needing conservationist actions, and obtained different results among the chosen methods. It has been suggested the use of methods that unite in their analysis both ethnobotanical and ecological aspects, like in the plants list from the priority index of conservation, which demonstrated to be more efficient to identify rare species in the local vegetation. The VU and the inventory in situ are more efficient to identify the most known and used species in the communities, however without analyzing these plants in the local vegetation.
Lateralising value of experiential hallucinations in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Heydrich, Lukas; Marillier, Guillaume; Evans, Nathan; Blanke, Olaf; Seeck, Margitta
Ever since John Hughlings Jackson first described the so-called 'dreamy state' during temporal lobe epilepsy, that is, the sense of an abnormal familiarity (déjà vu) or vivid memory-like hallucinations from the past (experiential hallucinations), these phenomena have been studied and repeatedly linked to mesial temporal lobe structures. However, little is known about the lateralising value of either déjà vu or experiential hallucinations. We analysed a sample of 28 patients with intractable focal epilepsy suffering from either déjà vu or experiential hallucinations. All the patients underwent thorough presurgical examination, including MRI, positron emission tomography, single-photon emission CT, EEG and neuropsychological examination. While déjà vu was due to right or left mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, experiential hallucinations were strongly lateralised to the left mesial temporal lobe. Moreover, there was a significant effect for interictal language deficits being more frequent in patients suffering from experiential hallucinations. These results suggest a lateralising value for experiential hallucinations to the left temporal lobe. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to http://group.bmj.com/group/rights-licensing/permissions.
The Vietnam Petroleum Industry: Positioned for Growth but Ripe for Regional Complications
monopolistic character of PVN means the Vietnamese government is a major part of all aspects of the industry. Secondly, faced with increasing demand for...2013, JSTOR. 17 “U.S. EIA, “Vietnam” 20 18 Trong Vu and Simon Hall, “Oil Market Changes as Vietnam Build Another Refinery,” The Wall...Vietnam to Push Ahead with Offshore Exploration.” 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 25 Vu and Hall, “Oil Market Changes as Vietnam Build Another Refinery
An Interactive, Design and Educational Tool for Supersonic External-Compression Inlets
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Benson, Thomas J.
A workstation-based interactive design tool called VU-INLET was developed for the inviscid flow in rectangular, supersonic, external-compression inlets. VU-INLET solves for the flow conditions from free stream, through the supersonic compression ramps, across the terminal normal shock region and the subsonic diffuser to the engine face. It calculates the shock locations, the capture streamtube, and the additive drag of the inlet. The inlet geometry can be modified using a graphical user interface and the new flow conditions recalculated interactively. Free stream conditions and engine airflow can also be interactively varied and off-design performance evaluated. Flow results from VU-INLET can be saved to a file for a permanent record, and a series of help screens make the simulator easy to learn and use. This paper will detail the underlying assumptions of the models and the numerical methods used in the simulator.
Syngouna, Vasiliki I; Chrysikopoulos, Constantinos V
The cotransport of clay colloids and viruses in vertically oriented laboratory columns packed with glass beads was investigated. Bacteriophages MS2 and ΦX174 were used as model viruses, and kaolinite (ΚGa-1b) and montmorillonite (STx-1b) as model clay colloids. A steady flow rate of Q=1.5 mL/min was applied in both vertical up (VU) and vertical down (VD) flow directions. In the presence of KGa-1b, estimated mass recovery values for both viruses were higher for VD than VU flow direction, while in the presence of STx-1b the opposite was observed. However, for all cases examined, the produced mass of viruses attached onto suspended clay particles were higher for VD than VU flow direction, suggesting that the flow direction significantly influences virus attachment onto clays, as well as packed column retention of viruses attached onto suspended clays. KGa-1b hindered the transport of ΦX174 under VD flow, while STx-1b facilitated the transport of ΦX174 under both VU and VD flow directions. Moreover, KGa-1b and STx-1b facilitated the transport of MS2 in most of the cases examined except of the case where KGa-1b was present under VD flow. Also, the experimental data were used for the estimation of virus surface-coverages and virus surface concentrations generated by virus diffusion-limited attachment, as well as virus attachment due to sedimentation. Both sedimentation and diffusion limited virus attachment were higher for VD than VU flow, except the case of MS2 and STx-1b cotransport. The diffusion-limited attachment was higher for MS2 than ΦΧ174 for all cases examined. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of the M4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) represent a novel approach for the treatment of psychotic symptoms associated with schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders. We recently reported that the selective M4 PAM VU0152100 produced an antipsychotic drug-like profile in rodents after amphetamine challenge. Previous studies suggest that enhanced cholinergic activity may also improve cognitive function and reverse deficits observed with reduced signaling through the N-methyl-d-aspartate subtype of the glutamate receptor (NMDAR) in the central nervous system. Prior to this study, the M1 mAChR subtype was viewed as the primary candidate for these actions relative to the other mAChR subtypes. Here we describe the discovery of a novel M4 PAM, VU0467154, with enhanced in vitro potency and improved pharmacokinetic properties relative to other M4 PAMs, enabling a more extensive characterization of M4 actions in rodent models. We used VU0467154 to test the hypothesis that selective potentiation of M4 receptor signaling could ameliorate the behavioral, cognitive, and neurochemical impairments induced by the noncompetitive NMDAR antagonist MK-801. VU0467154 produced a robust dose-dependent reversal of MK-801-induced hyperlocomotion and deficits in preclinical models of associative learning and memory functions, including the touchscreen pairwise visual discrimination task in wild-type mice, but failed to reverse these stimulant-induced deficits in M4 KO mice. VU0467154 also enhanced the acquisition of both contextual and cue-mediated fear conditioning when administered alone in wild-type mice. These novel findings suggest that M4 PAMs may provide a strategy for addressing the more complex affective and cognitive disruptions associated with schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders. PMID:25137629
Quality of clinical practice guidelines of lower extremity venous ulcers.
Rumbo-Prieto, José María; Arantón-Areosa, Luis; Palomar-Llatas, Federico; Romero-Martín, Manuel
The clinical variability and professional uncertainty in the prevention and treatment of lower extremity venous ulcers (VU) has as a main consequence, the fact that patients can be subjected to diagnostic and therapeutic tests, sometimes of dubious utility, these may even be harmful to the health of the patient and that, at other times, certain procedures or processes that may be appropriate to the patient's situation and needs may be omitted. It is for this reason that a series of specific documents called clinical practice guidelines for the approach of VU (CPG-VU) have been created, with the aim of improving the effectiveness and quality of care, reducing unjustified variability and establishing homogeneous criteria for its handling. Nevertheless, the literature shows that not all CPGs have the same methodological and evidence-drawing criteria. Many of them are of poor scientific quality and editorial rigor. This implies that CPGs should be periodically reviewed and updated based on the most current evidence and their quality contrasted with validated instruments such as AGREE-II. After an analysis of the quality of six CPG-VU available today, it has been possible to identify what guidelines are recommended for its implementation in the practice of care, which should be modified to improve their applicability and development of the evidence. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Control de los escombros tras un desastre natural
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HPRT mutations in V79 Chinese hamster cells induced by accelerated Ni, Au and Pb ions.
Stoll, U; Barth, B; Scheerer, N; Schneider, E; Kiefer, J
Mutation induction by accelerated heavy ions to 6-TG resistance (HPRT system) in V79 Chinese hamster cells was investigated with Ni (6-630 Me V/u), Au (2.2, 8.7 Me V/u) and Pb ions (11.6-980 Me V/u) corresponding to a LET range between 180 and 12895 ke V/microns. Most experiments could only be performed once due to technical limitations using accelerator beam times. Survival curves were exponential, mutation induction curves linear with fluence. From their slopes inactivation- and mutation-induction cross-sections were derived. If they are plotted versus LET, single, ion-specific curves are obtained. It is shown that other parameters like ion energy and effective charge play an important role. In the case of Au and Pb ions the cross-sections follow a common line, since these ions have nearly the same atomic weight, so that they should have similar spatial ionization patterns in matter at the same energies. Calculated RBEs were higher for mutation induction than for killing for all LETs.
Mutational studies on HslU and its docking mode with HslV.
Song, H K; Hartmann, C; Ramachandran, R; Bochtler, M; Behrendt, R; Moroder, L; Huber, R
HslVU is an ATP-dependent prokaryotic protease complex. Despite detailed crystal and molecular structure determinations of free HslV and HslU, the mechanism of ATP-dependent peptide and protein hydrolysis remained unclear, mainly because the productive complex of HslV and HslU could not be unambiguously identified from the crystal data. In the crystalline complex, the I domains of HslU interact with HslV. Observations based on electron microscopy data were interpreted in the light of the crystal structure to indicate an alternative mode of association with the intermediate domains away from HslV. By generation and analysis of two dozen HslU mutants, we find that the amidolytic and caseinolytic activities of HslVU are quite robust to mutations on both alternative docking surfaces on HslU. In contrast, HslVU activity against the maltose-binding protein-SulA fusion protein depends on the presence of the I domain and is also sensitive to mutations in the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of HslU. Mutational studies around the hexameric pore of HslU seem to show that it is involved in the recognition/translocation of maltose-binding protein-SulA but not of chromogenic small substrates and casein. ATP-binding site mutations, among other things, confirm the essential role of the "sensor arginine" (R393) and the "arginine finger" (R325) in the ATPase action of HslU and demonstrate an important role for E321. Additionally, we report a better refined structure of the HslVU complex crystallized along with resorufin-labeled casein.
Search Engines: A Primer on Finding Information on the World Wide Web.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Maddux, Cleborne
Presents an annotated list of several World Wide Web search engines, including Yahoo, Infoseek, Alta Vista, Magellan, Lycos, Webcrawler, Excite, Deja News, and the LISZT Directory of discussion groups. Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) are included. Discussion assesses performance and describes rules and syntax for refining or limiting a search.…
Betts, Matthew J; O'Neill, Michael J; Duty, Susan
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE We recently reported that broad spectrum agonist-induced activation of presynaptic group III metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors within the substantia nigra pars compacta using L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate provided functional neuroprotection in the 6-hydroxydopamine lesion rat model of Parkinson's disease. The aim of this study was to establish whether selective activation of the mGlu4 receptor alone could afford similar functional neuroprotection. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH The neuroprotective effects of 8 days of supranigral treatment with a positive allosteric modulator of mGlu4 receptors, (+/−)-cis-2-(3,5-dichlorphenylcarbamoyl)cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (VU0155041), were investigated in rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions. The effects of VU0155041 treatment on motor function were assessed using both habitual (cylinder test) and forced (adjusted stepping, amphetamine-induced rotations) behavioural tests. Nigrostriatal tract integrity was examined by analysis of tyrosine hydroxylase, dopa decarboxylase or dopamine levels in the striatum and tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cell counts in the substantia nigra pars compacta. KEY RESULTS VU0155041 provided around 40% histological protection against a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion as well as significant preservation of motor function. These effects were inhibited by pre-treatment with (RS)-α-cyclopropyl-4-phosphonophenylglycine, confirming a receptor-mediated response. Reduced levels of inflammatory markers were also evident in the brains of VU0155041-treated animals. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Allosteric potentiation of mGlu4 receptors in the substantia nigra pars compacta provided neuroprotective effects in the 6-hydroxydopamine rat model A reduced inflammatory response may contribute, in part, to this action. In addition to the reported symptomatic effects, activation of mGlu4 receptors may also offer a novel approach for slowing the progressive degeneration observed in
Vandenboom, Rene; Hannon, James D; Sieck, Gary C
We tested the hypothesis that force-velocity history modulates thin filament activation, as assessed by the rate of force redevelopment after shortening (+dF/dtR). The influence of isotonic force on +dF/dtR was assessed by imposing uniform amplitude (2.55 to 2.15 μm sarcomere−1) but different speed releases to intact frog muscle fibres during fused tetani. Each release consisted of a contiguous ramp- and step-change in length. Ramp speed was changed from release to release to vary fibre shortening speed from 1.00 (2.76 ± 0.11 μm half-sarcomere−1 s−1) to 0.30 of maximum unloaded shortening velocity (Vu), thereby modulating isotonic force from 0 to 0.34 Fo, respectively. The step zeroed force and allowed the fibre to shorten unloaded for a brief period of time prior to force redevelopment. Although peak force redevelopment after different releases was similar, +dF/dtR increased by 81 ± 6% (P < 0.05) as fibre shortening speed was reduced from 1.00 Vu. The +dF/dtR after different releases was strongly correlated with the preceding isotonic force (r = 0.99, P < 0.001). Results from additional experiments showed that the slope of slack test plots produced by systematically increasing the step size that followed each ramp were similar. Thus, isotonic force did not influence Vu (mean: 2.84 ± 0.10 μm half-sarcomere−1 s−1, P < 0.05). We conclude that isotonic force modulates +dF/dtR independent of change in Vu, an outcome consistent with a cooperative influence of attached cross-bridges on thin filament activation that increases cross-bridge attachment rate without alteration to cross-bridge detachment rate. PMID:12205189
gvfl.nds. where [ý nS.VUJ denotes the jump in the F quantity • ns.VU across a triangle side S where b and i are defined by (1.11) with (in the interior of...error estimate for (1.12) recalling that i = (2.1b) u = 0o n P ,x I, max(C 2 hR(U)/ I VU I , h3/2): (2.Ic) u(.,0) u in le, ’ Theorem 1.1. There is a...8217"..< tn <"" tN -= IF be a sequence of discrete time levels, set We note that by (I. 16d) the quantity I/ = (tni, t.n+1 ), k1 = t+ I - t.n and E(h,U,f
[Kumagusu Minakata with temporal lobe epilepsy: a pathographic study].
Sengoku, Akira
Kumagusu Minakata (1867-1941), a Japanese genius devoted to natural history and folklore, is famous for his immense range of works (including 50 monographs in 'Nature') and his discovery of several varieties of mycetozoa. His diary and the observations of other persons reveal that he was affected by several grand mal epileptic seizures, and he complained himself of frequent déjà vu experiences which he called promnesia according to Myers. Promnesia means, for example, "I have lived through all this before, and I know what will happen this next minute." Minakata also had this rare type of aural sign. MRI analysis of his postmortem brain found evidence of right hippocampal atrophy. This result showed that he had temporal lobe epilepsy with focus of the right side, and this coincides with his déjà vu experiences which were the aura of the loss of consciousness. However, he did not notice that these were aural signs, and he also complained of memory disturbances due to frequent déjà vu. His behavioral characteristics were peculiar, and those of Dostoyevsky who also had temporal lobe epilepsy were similar. Temporal lobe epilepsies may influence behavioral patterns which control the emotions. As a positive point, some patients with temporal lobe epilepsy can exhibit their primordial mental actions and perform persistent works.
[Microbiology of pressure and vascular ulcer infections].
Ortiz Balbuena, Jorge; García Madero, Rodrigo; Segovia Gómez, Teresa; Cantero Caballero, Miriea; Sánchez Romero, Isabel; Ramos Martínez, Antonio
Pressure ulcer (PU) infection is a significant clinical problem in many elderly patients. To determine the microbiology of PU and vascular ulcer (VU) infections by conducting a cross-sectional study of outpatients treated in a chronic wounds unit over an 18 month period. Sixty six patients with PU infection and 159 patients with an infected VU were identified. The PUs were located below the knee in 36 patients (52%). Patients with pressure ulcers had a higher proportion of institutionalization, cognitive impairment, inability to walk, and sphincter incontinence. There was a greater number of infections caused by Enterobacteriaceae (52%, P=.002) and fewer S. aureus infections (24%, P<.001) in patients with a PU compared to those with those with a VU. Forty-one percent of S. aureus strains isolated in all the patients were resistant to methicillin (MRSA). The proportion of Enterobacteriaceae infections was similar in patients with infection of pelvic girdle PU and in those located below the knee. PU patients suffer a higher rate of infection by enterobacteria. The most common pathogen in UV infections is S. aureus. The proportion of MRSA infection in patients with chronic wounds is high. The microbiology of the infection in the pelvic girdle PU is similar to those located below the knee. Copyright © 2014 SEGG. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.
Malinowski, Jennifer; Farber-Eger, Eric; Crawford, Dana C
Electronic medical records (EMRs) are becoming more widely implemented following directives from the federal government and incentives for supplemental reimbursements for Medicare and Medicaid claims. Replete with rich phenotypic data, EMRs offer a unique opportunity for clinicians and researchers to identify potential research cohorts and perform epidemiologic studies. Notable limitations to the traditional epidemiologic study include cost, time to complete the study, and limited ancestral diversity; EMR-based epidemiologic studies offer an alternative. The Epidemiologic Architecture for Genes Linked to Environment (EAGLE) Study, as part of the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) I Study, has genotyped more than 15,000 patients of diverse ancestry in BioVU, the Vanderbilt University Medical Center's biorepository linked to the EMR (EAGLE BioVU). We report here the development and performance of data-mining techniques used to identify the age at menarche (AM) and age at menopause (AAM), important milestones in the reproductive lifespan, in women from EAGLE BioVU for genetic association studies. In addition, we demonstrate the ability to discriminate age at naturally-occurring menopause (ANM) from medically-induced menopause. Unusual timing of these events may indicate underlying pathologies and increased risk for some complex diseases and cancer; however, they are not consistently recorded in the EMR. Our algorithm offers a mechanism by which to extract these data for clinical and research goals.
Paramnesic multiplication of autobiographical memory as a manifestation of interictal psychosis.
Murai, Toshiya; Fukao, Kenjiro
This report describes a male patient with temporal lobe epilepsy who developed a persistent paranoid-hallucinatory state at the age of 23. The essential feature of his delusion was that he had repeatedly lived part of his life, namely between the ages of 21 and 25 years. The patient repeatedly attempted suicide to escape the endless repetition. His paramnesia has some similarity with a déjà vu phenomenon, which is a common ictal manifestation of temporal lobe epilepsy. However, while only a sense of vague familiarity is evoked in a déjà vu phenomenon, conscious recollection is experienced during his paramnesia. We attempted to explain the pathophysiological mechanism of the patient's paramnesia in the framework of the current neurobiological theory of human memory. Copyright 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel
X based interactive computer graphics applications for aerodynamic design and education
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Benson, Thomas J.; Higgs, C. Fred, III
Six computer applications packages have been developed to solve a variety of aerodynamic problems in an interactive environment on a single workstation. The packages perform classical one dimensional analysis under the control of a graphical user interface and can be used for preliminary design or educational purposes. The programs were originally developed on a Silicon Graphics workstation and used the GL version of the FORMS library as the graphical user interface. These programs have recently been converted to the XFORMS library of X based graphics widgets and have been tested on SGI, IBM, Sun, HP and PC-Lunix computers. The paper will show results from the new VU-DUCT program as a prime example. VU-DUCT has been developed as an educational package for the study of subsonic open and closed loop wind tunnels.
Sharp bounds for singular values of fractional integral operators
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Burman, Prabir
From the results of Dostanic [M.R. Dostanic, Asymptotic behavior of the singular values of fractional integral operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 175 (1993) 380-391] and Vu and Gorenflo [Kim Tuan Vu, R. Gorenflo, Singular values of fractional and Volterra integral operators, in: Inverse Problems and Applications to Geophysics, Industry, Medicine and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, 1995, Ho Chi Minh City Math. Soc., Ho Chi Minh City, 1995, pp. 174-185] it is known that the jth singular value of the fractional integral operator of order [alpha]>0 is approximately ([pi]j)-[alpha] for all large j. In this note we refine this result by obtaining sharp bounds for the singular values and use these bounds to show that the jth singular value is ([pi]j)-[alpha][1+O(j-1)].
Radiation Effects in M and NEMS
10.1117/12.876968 casing mobile core AFM tip Pt wire x δ a Figure 5. Proposed approach to combine single crystal silicon MEMS (Sandia) fab capabilities and form supporting structure for 2D materials (VU). 198
Langanke, Martin; Brothers, Kyle B; Erdmann, Pia; Weinert, Jakob; Krafczyk-Korth, Janina; Dörr, Marcus; Hoffmann, Wolfgang; Kroemer, Heyo K; Assel, Heinrich
In this article, two different scientific approaches to personalized medicine are compared. Biorepository at Vanderbilt University (BioVU) is a genomic biorepository at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN, USA. Genetic biosamples are collected from leftover clinical blood samples; medical information is derived from an electronic medical records. Greifswald Approach to Individualized Medicine is a research resource at the University of Greifswald, Germany, comprised of clinical records combined with biosamples collected for research. We demonstrate that although both approaches are based on the collection of clinical data and biosamples, different legal milieus present in the USA and Germany as well as slight differences in scientific goals have led to different 'ethical designs'. While BioVU can successfully operate with an 'opt-out' mechanism, an informed consent-based 'opt-in' model is indispensable to allow GANI_MED to reach its scientific goals.
Ictal mnemestic aura and verbal memory function.
Vederman, Aaron C; Holtzer, Roee; Zimmerman, Molly E; Devinsky, Orrin; Barr, William B
Déjà vu aura is a well-known phenomenon experienced by some patients with epilepsy. This study sought to explore the relationship between verbal memory and the experience of déjà vu or other types of mnemestic auras in 42 individuals with intractable seizures and 42 age- and education-matched patient controls. Verbal memory was assessed with indices of learning, long delay recall, and recognition from the California Verbal Learning Test. Results indicated that auras of any type were not associated with memory performance on the California Verbal Learning Test. As expected, age and education were related to verbal memory performance. Mnemestic auras were associated with clinical indices of illness, suggesting that the presence of these auras may be regarded as a risk factor for greater chronicity and severity in epilepsy. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The integrated Michaelis-Menten rate equation: déjà vu or vu jàdé?
Goličnik, Marko
A recent article of Johnson and Goody (Biochemistry, 2011;50:8264-8269) described the almost-100-years-old paper of Michaelis and Menten. Johnson and Goody translated this classic article and presented the historical perspective to one of incipient enzyme-reaction data analysis, including a pioneering global fit of the integrated rate equation in its implicit form to the experimental time-course data. They reanalyzed these data, although only numerical techniques were used to solve the model equations. However, there is also the still little known algebraic rate-integration equation in a closed form that enables direct fitting of the data. Therefore, in this commentary, I briefly present the integral solution of the Michaelis-Menten rate equation, which has been largely overlooked for three decades. This solution is expressed in terms of the Lambert W function, and I demonstrate here its use for global nonlinear regression curve fitting, as carried out with the original time-course dataset of Michaelis and Menten.
Isola spinal instrumentation system for idiopathic scoliosis.
Benli, I T; Akalin, S; Aydin, E; Baz, A; Citak, M; Kiş, M; Duman, E
Since the definition of three-dimensional components of the scoliotic deformity, there have been important improvements in the surgical treatment of the problem. A derotation maneuver was proposed as a treatment option with CD instrumentation, but the reports of imbalance and decompensation with this system repopularized sublaminar wiring and translation as a corrective maneuver. Isola spinal instrumentation is one of the modern systems that utilizes vertebral translation instead of rod rotation. This study analyzes the results of 24 patients with idiopathic scoliosis who had been followed up for at least 2 years, and were surgically treated with titanium Isola Spinal Instrumentation in the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ankara Social Security Hospital. Patients were grouped according to the King-Moe classification. Patients with type III, IV or V curves received only posterior instrumentation while this procedure followed anterior release and discectomy in the same session in patients with type I or II curves. A translation maneuver was utilized in the correction of scoliotic curves using the cantilever technique, either alone or supplemented by sublaminar wiring with Songer multifilament titanium cables. This study aimed to elucidate the effects of this technique in the frontal and sagittal plane curves and the trunk balance. The balance was analyzed clinically and radiologically by measurement of the lateral trunk shift (LT), shift of stable vertebra (SS), and shift of head (SH) in vertebral units (VU). The postoperative correction was significant in the frontal plane for all types of curves (p < 0.05). The postoperative correction was 80.9% +/- 9.5% in type III curves. Overall, the mean Cobb angle of the major curve value in the frontal plane was 66.9 degrees +/- 18.8 degrees, and it was corrected by 62.8% +/- 20.1%. The correction loss of Cobb angles in the frontal plane was 5.4 degrees +/- 5.5 degrees at the last follow-up visit. A normal
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Geipele, I.; Staube, T.; Ciemleja, G.; Zeltins, N.; Ekmanis, Yu.
The publication comprises the results from the practical scientific investigation to define the profile and distinctions of the Latvian innovative multifunctional material manufacturing industry. The research is carried out by a holistic approach, including expert interviews, qualitative analysis of the official register data, practical survey, and financial data analysis. The paper seeks to give the detailed data on a technological profile of the mentioned representative companies, if there is a synergy or tough competition in the Latvian market. The current research is topical, because it is unique and does not have analogues in Latvia, and the research is timely due to correspondence with recently stated Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation in Latvia. The main findings are associated with recognition of the factors that make impact on commercialisation of the finished goods, obtained financial results and planned directions of development of the respondent companies. Publikācija sniedz veiktā zinātniski praktiskā pētījuma rezultātus, kura ietvaros tika noteikts Latvijas inovatīvu daudzfunkcionālo materiālu ražotāju darbības profils un identitāte. Pētījumā tika izmantota kompleksās analīzes metode, kas ietvēra ekspertu intervijas, uzņēmumu oficiāli reģistrēto datu kvalitatīvo analīzi, zinātniski praktisko aptauju, kā arī pētāmo uzņēmumu finanšu darbības rezultātu analīzi. Zinātniskais darbs sniedz izsmeļošu informāciju par mērķa uzņēmumu tehnoloģisko profilu un pēta, vai Latvijas mērķa ražošanas nozarē ir sinerģijas vai sīvās konkurences pazīmes. Šim zinātniskajam pētījumam ir noteikta aktualitāte saskaņā ar tā unikalitāti Latvijas valsts mērogā un atbilstība Viedās specializācijas stratēģijai. Pētījuma galvenie secinājumi ir saistīti ar uzņēmumu produkcijas komercializācijas ietekmējošo faktoru apzināšanu, sasniegtajiem finansiālajiem rezultātiem un pl
77 FR 11914 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Vermont; Regional Haze
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... United States. Through source apportionment modeling, MANE-VU assisted States in determining their... Contributions of Pollutants to Visibility Impairments 2. Procedure for Identifying Sources To Evaluate for... is visibility impairment that is produced by a multitude of sources and activities which are located...
Autonomous Visual Tracking of Stationary Targets Using Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
59 Figure 43. Commanded and Actual Yaw Rates during Simulation ..................................60 Figure 44. Setup for Hardware In Loop Simulation...System with AVDS Figure 44. Setup for Hardware In Loop Simulation with AVDS and PerceptiVU 2. Test Conditions Simulations were conducted for the
Langanke, Martin; Brothers, Kyle B; Erdmann, Pia; Weinert, Jakob; Krafczyk-Korth, Janina; Dörr, Marcus; Hoffmann, Wolfgang; Kroemer, Heyo K; Assel, Heinrich
In this article, two different scientific approaches to personalized medicine are compared. Biorepository at Vanderbilt University (BioVU) is a genomic biorepository at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN, USA. Genetic biosamples are collected from leftover clinical blood samples; medical information is derived from an electronic medical records. Greifswald Approach to Individualized Medicine is a research resource at the University of Greifswald, Germany, comprised of clinical records combined with biosamples collected for research. We demonstrate that although both approaches are based on the collection of clinical data and biosamples, different legal milieus present in the USA and Germany as well as slight differences in scientific goals have led to different ‘ethical designs’. While BioVU can successfully operate with an ‘opt-out’ mechanism, an informed consent-based ‘opt-in’ model is indispensable to allow GANI_MED to reach its scientific goals. PMID:21892358
[Non-convulsive paroxysmal disorders in exogenous-organic diseases of the brain].
Piven', B N; Koveva, O P
Examination of 273 patients with exogenous-organic diseases of the brain revealed nonconvulsive paroxysmal disorders of traumatic, toxic, infectious, radioactive and combined origin in 112 cases (41.0%). Such disorders were characterised by pronounced polymorphism and presented with viscero-vegetative (36.6%), affective (27.7%), psychosensory (19.6%), sensory (15.2%), ideatoric (11.6%) paroxysms as well as with twilight states of consciousness (16.1%), absence seizures (10.7%), narcolepsy (2.7%), catalepcy (1.8%) and the states of "déjà vu" and "jamais vu" (5.4%). In most of the patients such paroxysms were found 5 or more years after exogenous influences, i.e. when the severity of the organic brain damage increased. A resemblance of nonconvulsive paroxysms was observed in the patients with different etiology of the disease. The disorders were seldom detected in routine medical practice which may cause in adequate therapy.
Λb→p ℓ-ν¯ ℓ and Λb→Λcℓ-ν¯ ℓ form factors from lattice QCD with relativistic heavy quarks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Detmold, William; Lehner, Christoph; Meinel, Stefan
Measurements of the Λb→p ℓ-ν¯ ℓ and Λb→Λcℓ-ν¯ ℓ decay rates can be used to determine the magnitudes of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements Vu b and Vc b, provided that the relevant hadronic form factors are known. Here we present a precise calculation of these form factors using lattice QCD with 2 +1 flavors of dynamical domain-wall fermions. The b and c quarks are implemented with relativistic heavy-quark actions, allowing us to work directly at the physical heavy-quark masses. The lattice computation is performed for six different pion masses and two different lattice spacings, using gauge-field configurations generated by the RBC and UKQCD Collaborations. The b →u and b →c currents are renormalized with a mostly nonperturbative method. We extrapolate the form factor results to the physical pion mass and the continuum limit, parametrizing the q2 dependence using z expansions. The form factors are presented in such a way as to enable the correlated propagation of both statistical and systematic uncertainties into derived quantities such as differential decay rates and asymmetries. Using these form factors, we present predictions for the Λb→p ℓ-ν¯ℓ and Λb→Λc ℓ-ν¯ℓ differential and integrated decay rates. Combined with experimental data, our results enable determinations of |Vu b|, |Vc b|, and |Vu b/Vc b| with theory uncertainties of 4.4%, 2.2%, and 4.9%, respectively.
Lee, Bom-Lee; Kang, Jung-Hwan; Kim, Hye-Mi; Jeong, Se-Hee; Jang, Dae-Sik; Jang, Young-Pyo; Choung, Se-Young
Polyphenols exert beneficial effects on vision. We hypothesized that polyphenol components of Vaccinium uliginosum L. (V.U.) extract protect retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells against blue light-induced damage. Our aim was to test extracts containing polyphenol components to ascertain effects to reduce damage against blue light in RPEs. We measured the activity in fractions eluted from water, ethanol, and HP20 resin (FH), and found that the FH fraction had the highest beneficial activity. We isolated the individual active compounds from the FH fraction using chromatographic techniques, and found that FH contained flavonoids, anthocyanins, phenyl propanoids, and iridoids. Cell cultures of A2E-laden ARPE-19 exposed to blue light after treatment with V.U. extract fractions and their individual constituents indicated improvement. V uliginosum L extract fractions and constituent compounds significantly reduced A2E photo-oxidation-induced RPE cell death and inhibited intracellular A2E accumulation. Furthermore, Balb/c male mice were exposed to blue light at 10000 lux for 1 h/d for 2 weeks to induce retinal damage. One week after the final blue light exposure, retinal damage evaluated revealed that the outer nuclear layer thickness and nuclei count were improved. Histologic examination of murine photoreceptor cells demonstrated that FH, rich in polyphenols, inhibited the loss of outer nuclear layer thickness and nuclei. Our findings suggest that V.U. extract and eluted fractions are a potential source of bioactive compounds that potentially serve a therapeutic approach for age-related macular degeneration. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Braaf, Boy; van de Watering, Thomas Christiaan; Spruijt, Kees; van der Heijde, Rob G.L.; Sicam, Victor Arni D.P.
Purpose To develop a method to calculate the angle λ of the human eye using Zernike tilt measurements in specular reflection corneal topography. Methods The meaning of Zernike tilt in specular reflection corneal topography is demonstrated by measurements on translated artificial surfaces using the VU Topographer. The relationship derived from the translation experiments is used to determine the angle λ. Corneal surfaces are measured for a set of eight different fixation points, for which tilt angles ρ are obtained from the Zernike tilt coefficients. The angles ρ are used with respect to the fixation target angles to determine angle λ by fitting a geometrical model. This method is validated with Orbscan II's angle-κ measurements in 9 eyes. Results The translation experiments show that the Zernike tilt coefficient is directly related to an angle ρ, which describes a tilt orientation of the cornea and can therefore be used to derive a value for angle λ. A significant correlation exists between measured values for angle λ with the VU Topographer and the angle κ with the Orbscan II (r=0.95, P<0.001). A Bland-Altman plot indicates a mean difference of -0.52 degrees between the two instruments, but this is not statistically significant as indicated by a matched-pairs Wilcoxon signed-rank test (P≤0.1748). The mean precision for measuring angle λ using the VU topographer is 0.6±0.3 degrees. Conclusion The method described above to determine angle λ is sufficiently repeatable and performs similarly to the angle-κ measurements made with the Orbscan II.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [FRL-9745-9] 2012 Fall Joint Meeting of the Ozone Transport... Fall Meeting of the Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) and the Mid-Atlantic Northeast Visibility Union (MANE- VU). The meeting agenda will include topics regarding reducing ground- level ozone precursors and...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...; and Lye Brook Wilderness Area in Vermont. Through source apportionment modeling, MANE-VU assisted... sources and activities which are located across a broad geographic area and emit fine particles and their...., sulfates, nitrates, organic carbon, elemental carbon, and soil dust), which also impair visibility by...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Manfroid, J.
matière sombre – Abell 2744 vu par ALMA – Bousculade dans Orion – Rotation stellaire – Tsunamis martiens – Planète X ou 9 – Formation d’étoiles dans les jets de trous noirs – Éjection d’un trou noir
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Manfroid, J.
Fragmentation et astéroïdes binaires; Astéroïde géocroiseur triple; Rosetta sort de son hibernation; Messenger; Transit lunaire vu par Deep Impact; Titan; Phobos; Phoenix; Einstein avait raison; Le ballet des taches rouges; Le poids des lentilles;
Identification of QTL in a tepary bean RIL population under abiotic stress
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
High temperatures and drought are critical abiotic factors that limit the production of grain legumes, especially in tropical countries. Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) is a species that is tolerant to high temperatures and drought. It is also closely related to common bean (Phaseolus vu...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...; Letter from Daniel G. Weaver, Ph.D., Professor of Finance, Rutgers Business School, dated April 26, 2012; Letter from Amber Anand, Associate Professor of Finance, Syracuse University, dated April 29, 2012; Letter from Albert J. Menkveld, Associate Professor of Finance, VU University Amsterdam, dated May 2...
Accuracy of semen counting chambers as determined by the use of latex beads.
Seaman, E K; Goluboff, E; BarChama, N; Fisch, H
To assess the accuracy of the Hemacytometer (Hausser Scientific, Horsham, PA), Makler (Sefi-Medical Instrument, Haifa, Israel), Cell-VU (Millennium Sciences Inc., New York, NY), and Micro-Cell chambers (Conception Technologies, San Diego, CA) counting chambers. A solution containing a known concentration of latex beads was used as the standard to perform counts on the four different counting chambers. Bead counts for the four different chambers were compared with the bead counts of the standard solution. Variability within chambers also was determined. Mean bead concentrations for both the Cell-VU and Micro-Cell chambers were consistently similar to the bead concentration of the standard solution. Both the hemacytometer and the Makler chambers overestimated the actual bead concentration of the standard solution by as much as 50% and revealed significant interchamber variability. Our data revealed marked differences in the accuracy and reliability of the different counting chambers tested and emphasized the need for standardization and quality control of laboratory procedures.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... fittings of the 80VU rack, typically elongated holes, migrated bushes [bushings], and/or missing bolts have... with a high load factor or strong vibration could lead to failure of the rack structure and/or... rack contains computers for Flight Controls, Communication and Radio-navigation. These functions are...
Terrorism in the United States was not considered a serious threat until the second half of the 1990s. However, recent attacks both at home and abroad have forced government planners to consider the possibility that critical elements of the U.S. infrastructure might in fact be vu...
More than Spinning Their Wheels
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cassola, Joel
Last fall, when Mastercam, the leading manufacturer of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software, announced the winners of its Innovators of the Future (IOF) contest, first, second and third prizes went to students in the advanced manufacturing program of Vincennes University's (VU's) Machine Trades Technology Department. The contest called for…
The 20TH Annual Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition: Building a Generation of Robotists
advisors as an excellent multidisciplinary design experience for student teams, and a number of engineering schools give credit in senior design courses...Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay IIT Bombay 1044.00 7 U.S. Naval Academy Robo -Goat 1041.67 8 Lawrence Technological University vuLTUre 2 1033.67
Haemorrhage from varicose veins and varicose ulceration: A systematic review.
Serra, Raffaele; Ielapi, Nicola; Bevacqua, Egidio; Rizzuto, Antonia; De Caridi, Giovanni; Massara, Mafalda; Casella, Filomena; Di Mizio, Giulio; de Franciscis, Stefano
Varicose veins (VVs) and varicose ulceration (VU) are usually considered non-life-threatening conditions, but in some cases they can lead to major complications such as fatal bleeding. The aim of this systematic review is to evidence the most updated information on bleeding from VV and VU. As evidence acquisition, we planned to include all the studies dealing with "Haemorrhage/Bleeding" and "VVs/VU". We excluded all the studies, which did not properly fit our research question, and with insufficient data. As evidence synthesis, of the 172 records found, after removing of duplicates, and after records excluded in title and abstract, 85 matched our inclusion criteria. After reading the full-text articles, we decided to exclude 68 articles because of the following reasons: (1) not responding properly to our research questions; (2) insufficient data; the final set included 17 articles. From literature searching, we identify the following main issues to be discussed in the review: epidemiology and predisposing factors, pathophysiology and forensic aspects, first aid. It has been estimated that deaths for bleeding due to peripheral venous problems account up to 0.01% of autopsy cases. From a pathological point of view, venous bleeding may arise from either acute or chronic perforation of an enlarged vein segment through the weakened skin. From a forensic point of view, in cases of fatal haemorrhage the death scene can even simulate non-natural events, due to crime or suicide. In most cases, incorrect first aid led to fatal complications. Further investigation on epidemiology and prevention measures are needed. © 2018 Medicalhelplines.com Inc and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Differential Effects of RET and TRKB on Axonal Branching and Survival of Parasympathetic Neurons
Simpson, Julie; Keefe, Julie; Nishi, Rae
Interactions between neurons and their targets of innervation influence many aspects of neural development. To examine how synaptic activity interacts with neurotrophic signaling, we determined the effects of blocking neuromuscular transmission on survival and axonal outgrowth of ciliary neurons from the embryonic chicken ciliary ganglion. Ciliary neurons undergo a period of cell loss due to programmed cell death between embryonic Days (E) 8 and 14 and they innervate the striated muscle of the iris. The nicotinic antagonist d-tubocurarine (dTC) induces an increase in branching measured by counting neurofilament-positive voxels (NF-VU) in the iris between E14–17 while reducing ciliary neuron survival. Blocking ganglionic transmission with dihyro-β-erythroidin and α-methyllycacontine does not mimic dTC. At E8, many trophic factors stimulate neurite outgrowth and branching of neurons placed in cell culture; however, at E13, only GDNF stimulates branching selectively in cultured ciliary neurons. The GDNF-induced branching at E13 could be inhibited by BDNF. Blocking ret signaling in vivo with a dominant negative (dn)ret decreases survival of ciliary and choroid neurons at E14 and prevents dTC induced increases in NF-VU in the iris at E17. Blocking TRKB signaling with dn TRKB increases NF-VU in the iris at E17 and decreases neuronal survival at E17, but not at E14. Thus, RET promotes survival during programmed cell death in the ciliary ganglion and contributes to promoting branching when synaptic transmission is blocked while TRKB inhibits branching and promotes maintenance of neuronal survival. These studies highlight the multifunctional nature of trophic molecule function during neuronal development. PMID:22648743
Optical Computations for Image Bandwidth Compression.
UnCl1 ed 3 ’ " * ~ SECURITY CLASSIFICA/ION OF TWIS PA E Doi&e, be,. Enteerdj’ . /j (I) RFRORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE EAPINSTRUCTIONS (I) ~tOT DCUMETATON...Bolling Air Force Base, D. C. 20332 . NME’/PG 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME 8 AOORESS(/I dilletnt from Controlling Office) IS. SECURITY CLASS. (oI thi ,(il... SECURITY CL.ASS4FICATII_ TI.AGE(W7Ief Deja Entered)2 (3)25imulations.m f a!1 incoherent optical/ *1 video feedback processor.. * Unclassi fled
Mucin-1 and its relation to grade, stage and survival in ovarian carcinoma patients
Background Mucin-1 is known to be over-expressed by various human carcinomas and is shed into the circulation where it can be detected in patient’s serum by specific anti-Mucin-1 antibodies, such as the tumour marker assays CA 15–3 and CA 27.29. The prognostic value of Mucin-1 expression in ovarian carcinoma remains uncertain. One aim of this study was to compare the concentrations of Mucin-1 in a cohort of patients with either benign or malignant ovarian tumours detected by CA 15–3 and CA 27.29. Another aim of this study was to evaluate Mucin-1 expression by immunohistochemistry in a different cohort of ovarian carcinoma patients with respect to grade, stage and survival. Methods Patients diagnosed with and treated for ovarian tumours were included in the study. Patient characteristics, histology including histological subtype, tumour stage, grading and follow-up data were available from patient records. Serum Mucin-1 concentrations were measured with ELISA technology detecting CA 15–3 and CA 27.29, Mucin-1 tissue expression was determined by immunohistochemistry using the VU4H5 and VU3C6 anti-Mucin-1 antibodies. Statistical analysis was performed by using SPSS 18.0. Results Serum samples of 118 patients with ovarian tumours were obtained to determine levels of Mucin-1. Median CA 15–3 and CA 27.29 concentrations were significantly higher in patients with malignant disease (p< 0.001) than in patients with benign disease. Paraffin-embedded tissue of 154 patients with ovarian carcinoma was available to determine Mucin-1 expression. The majority of patients presented with advanced stage disease at primary diagnosis. Median follow-up time was 11.39 years. Immunohistochemistry results for VU4H5 showed significant differences with respect to tumour grade, FIGO stage and overall survival. Patients with negative expression had a mean overall survival of 9.33 years compared to 6.27 years for patients with positive Mucin-1 expression. Conclusions This study found
Study on Instructional Paradigms of Virtual Education in Pakistan: A Learners' Perspective
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hussain, Irshad
The present study is aimed at examining instructional paradigms of virtual education in Pakistan. The population of the study consisted of learners from Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program at Virtual University (VU) of Pakistan. The researcher adopted convenient sampling technique and collected data from 600 learners through five-point…
Transient sensations of impending loss of consciousness: the "blip" syndrome.
Lance, J W
Momentary sensations of impending loss of consciousness may occur, particularly when a person is relaxed, without any obvious cardiac, cerebral vascular, or epileptic basis. These episodes may be a quasiepileptic phenomenon such as déjà vu and night starts and seem to have a benign prognosis. PMID:8774412
Leveraging Schools Systems as a Locus for Disaster Risk Reduction in Zimbabwe
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mutsau, Shepard; Billiat, Ednah
Disasters have become a déjàvu in many societies globally. The interaction between climate change and the ever increasing levels of poverty increase community vulnerability to disasters which weaken community resilience to disaster impacts. Such a scenario demands development practitioners, planners and scholarship to find novel ways of increasing…
Pupils' Religious Identity Formation for a Secular Age
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Miedema, Siebren
Starting his work as endowed Hendrik Pierson Professor for Christian Education at VU University Amsterdam in 1993 the author focused on the relationship of education, pedagogy, and religion. However, his attention was rather exclusively directed to Protestant schools. The argument was that in academia at that time, even in the faculties of…
DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK NIA 18. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING 9. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE 3o.o I 19. SIGNATURE OF INSPECT/’fi1’ ~V.U.. ELEVATION...EPA/540/-93/ 505 , U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH. Farrell, J., Kason, M., Melitas, N., Li
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... characteristics; i.e., levels of biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, etc. Each class is then assigned its... works. Factors such as strength, volume, and delivery flow rate characteristics shall be considered and... user charges can be developed on a volume basis in accordance with the model below: Cu = CT/VT(Vu) (2...
Non-Linear Vibrations, Stability, and Dynamics of Structures and Mechanisms
account. This kinematic hypothesis has been employed by many investigators ( Antman and Jordan 1975, Reissner 1973, 1981, and Simo and Vu-Quoc 1986). In...the preparation of this manuscript is thankfully acknowledged. 1. S.S. Antman and K.B. Jordan, Proc. R. Soc. Edinb. 73A (5), 85-105 (1975). 2. J.H
76 FR 45253 - Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Visibility Union Executive Board
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Contact: Kromeklia Bryant, Ozone Transport Commission (OTC), 444 North Capitol Street NW., Suite 638, Washington, DC 20001; (202) 508-3840; e-mail: [email protected] ; Web site: http://www.otcair.org/manevu... e-mail: [email protected] or via the MANE- VU Web site at http://www.otcair.org/manevu/ . Dated: July...
Equity Indicators: Measures of Socio-Economic Status at Victoria University.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sinclair, Genevieve; Doughney, James; Palermo, Josephine
After a review of relevant literature on socioeconomic status (SES) and the ways in which is used for higher education institutional research and policy, a detailed data analysis of Victoria University (VU), Australia student data was undertaken. Between 10,000 and 15,000 domestic student addresses were geocoded to Australian Bureau of Statistics…
Troop Topic: ’Chief Joseph - Lesson in Leadership and Discipline’
melons , potatoen and other vuýsetablcs, They took encallent care of the 96 head of catln 1.:sued thom. The Indian Agent reported that they appeared to be...direction, his people soon adjusted tham- solves to their now aurrounldings, built homes, and cultivated the fertile land on which they wore located, For
Vulnerability Discovery: Bridging the Gap Between Analysis and Engineering
work in selected technologies © 2006 Carnegie Mellon University 16 An Easy Target: ActiveX 1995 – OLE 2 COM ActiveX 2000 – CERT/CC... ActiveX Security Workshop 2005 – VU#680526 New vector for exploiting COM vulnerabilities via Internet Explorer discovered 2006 – Dranzer, the COM Object
Going Dutch: Higher Education in the Netherlands
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Law, David
This article outlines some of the policy issues currently faced by research-based universities in the Netherlands. The focus is on four leading universities (University of Amsterdam: UvA; Free University of Amsterdam: VU; Leiden University; and Delft University of Technology: TUD). The author visited these institutions as part of a Study Tour…
School Disruption on the Small Scale: Can Micro-Schools Break Out of an Elite Niche?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cohen, Justin C.
NuVu is an off-the-grid, independent "micro-school" in Massachusetts, whose 60 students are stretching the boundaries of what constitutes education in America. Instead of switching between subject-driven classes that teach a common curriculum, they follow a fluid schedule in two-week blocks, and apply math, reading, problem-solving, and…
Brandstätter, Jennifer; Kurz, Walter; Krenn, Kurt; Micheuz, Peter
In this study, we present new data from microthermometry of fluid inclusions entrapped in hydrothermal veins along the Cocos Ridge from the IODP Expedition 344 Site U1414. The results of our study concern a primary task of IODP Expedition 344 to evaluate fluid/rock interaction linked with the tectonic evolution of the incoming Cocos Plate from the Early Miocene up to recent times. Aqueous, low saline fluids are concentrated within veins from both the Cocos Ridge basalt and the overlying lithified sediments of Unit III. Mineralization and crosscutting relationships give constraints for different vein generations. Isochores from primary, reequilibrated, and secondary fluid inclusions crossed with litho/hydrostatic pressures indicate an anticlockwise PT evolution during vein precipitation and modification by isobaric heating and subsequent cooling at pressures between ∼210 and 350 bar. Internal over and underpressures in the inclusions enabled decrepitation and reequilibration of early inclusions but also modification of vein generations in the Cocos Ridge basalt and in the lithified sediments. We propose that lithification of the sediments was accompanied with a first stage of vein development (VU1 and VC1) that resulted from Galapagos hotspot activity in the Middle Miocene. Heat advection, either related to the Cocos-Nazca spreading center or to hotspot activity closer to the Middle America Trench, led to subsequent vein modification (VC2, VU2/3) related to isobaric heating. The latest mineralization (VC3, VU3) within aragonite and calcite veins and some vesicles of the Cocos Ridge basalt occurred during crustal cooling up to recent times. Fluid inclusion analyses and published isotope data show evidence for communication with deeper sourced, high-temperature hydrothermal fluids within the Cocos Plate. The fluid source of the hydrothermal veins reflects aqueous low saline pore water mixed with invaded seawater.
Brandstätter, Jennifer; Krenn, Kurt; Micheuz, Peter
Abstract In this study, we present new data from microthermometry of fluid inclusions entrapped in hydrothermal veins along the Cocos Ridge from the IODP Expedition 344 Site U1414. The results of our study concern a primary task of IODP Expedition 344 to evaluate fluid/rock interaction linked with the tectonic evolution of the incoming Cocos Plate from the Early Miocene up to recent times. Aqueous, low saline fluids are concentrated within veins from both the Cocos Ridge basalt and the overlying lithified sediments of Unit III. Mineralization and crosscutting relationships give constraints for different vein generations. Isochores from primary, reequilibrated, and secondary fluid inclusions crossed with litho/hydrostatic pressures indicate an anticlockwise PT evolution during vein precipitation and modification by isobaric heating and subsequent cooling at pressures between ∼210 and 350 bar. Internal over and underpressures in the inclusions enabled decrepitation and reequilibration of early inclusions but also modification of vein generations in the Cocos Ridge basalt and in the lithified sediments. We propose that lithification of the sediments was accompanied with a first stage of vein development (VU1 and VC1) that resulted from Galapagos hotspot activity in the Middle Miocene. Heat advection, either related to the Cocos‐Nazca spreading center or to hotspot activity closer to the Middle America Trench, led to subsequent vein modification (VC2, VU2/3) related to isobaric heating. The latest mineralization (VC3, VU3) within aragonite and calcite veins and some vesicles of the Cocos Ridge basalt occurred during crustal cooling up to recent times. Fluid inclusion analyses and published isotope data show evidence for communication with deeper sourced, high‐temperature hydrothermal fluids within the Cocos Plate. The fluid source of the hydrothermal veins reflects aqueous low saline pore water mixed with invaded seawater. PMID:27570496
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Firoz, A. B. M.; Nauditt, Alexandra; Fink, Manfred; Ribbe, Lars
Hydrological droughts are one of the most damaging disasters in terms of economic loss in central Vietnam and other regions of South-east Asia, severely affecting agricultural production and drinking water supply. Their increasing frequency and severity can be attributed to extended dry spells and increasing water abstractions for e.g. irrigation and hydropower development to meet the demand of dynamic socioeconomic development. Based on hydro-climatic data for the period from 1980 to 2013 and reservoir operation data, the impacts of recent hydropower development and other alterations of the hydrological network on downstream streamflow and drought risk were assessed for a mesoscale basin of steep topography in central Vietnam, the Vu Gia Thu Bon (VGTB) River basin. The Just Another Modelling System (JAMS)/J2000 was calibrated for the VGTB River basin to simulate reservoir inflow and the naturalized discharge time series for the downstream gauging stations. The HEC-ResSim reservoir operation model simulated reservoir outflow from eight major hydropower stations as well as the reconstructed streamflow for the main river branches Vu Gia and Thu Bon. Drought duration, severity, and frequency were analysed for different timescales for the naturalized and reconstructed streamflow by applying the daily varying threshold method. Efficiency statistics for both models show good results. A strong impact of reservoir operation on downstream discharge at the daily, monthly, seasonal, and annual scales was detected for four discharge stations relevant for downstream water allocation. We found a stronger hydrological drought risk for the Vu Gia river supplying water to the city of Da Nang and large irrigation systems especially in the dry season. We conclude that the calibrated model set-up provides a valuable tool to quantify the different origins of drought to support cross-sectorial water management and planning in a suitable way to be transferred to similar river basins.
Santos, Jansen Rodrigo Pereira; Ndeve, Arsenio Daniel; Huynh, Bao-Lam; Matthews, William Charles; Roberts, Philip Alan
Cowpea is one of the most important food and forage legumes in drier regions of the tropics and subtropics. However, cowpea yield worldwide is markedly below the known potential due to abiotic and biotic stresses, including parasitism by root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp., RKN). Two resistance genes with dominant effect, Rk and Rk2, have been reported to provide resistance against RKN in cowpea. Despite their description and use in breeding for resistance to RKN and particularly genetic mapping of the Rk locus, the exact genes conferring resistance to RKN remain unknown. In the present work, QTL mapping using recombinant inbred line (RIL) population 524B x IT84S-2049 segregating for a newly mapped locus and analysis of the transcriptome changes in two cowpea near-isogenic lines (NIL) were used to identify candidate genes for Rk and the newly mapped locus. A major QTL, designated QRk-vu9.1, associated with resistance to Meloidogyne javanica reproduction, was detected and mapped on linkage group LG9 at position 13.37 cM using egg production data. Transcriptome analysis on resistant and susceptible NILs 3 and 9 days after inoculation revealed up-regulation of 109 and 98 genes and down-regulation of 110 and 89 genes, respectively, out of 19,922 unique genes mapped to the common bean reference genome. Among the differentially expressed genes, four and nine genes were found within the QRk-vu9.1 and QRk-vu11.1 QTL intervals, respectively. Six of these genes belong to the TIR-NBS-LRR family of resistance genes and three were upregulated at one or more time-points. Quantitative RT-PCR validated gene expression to be positively correlated with RNA-seq expression pattern for eight genes. Future functional analysis of these cowpea genes will enhance our understanding of Rk-mediated resistance and identify the specific gene responsible for the resistance.
Screening for AMPA receptor auxiliary subunit specific modulators
Azumaya, Caleigh M.; Days, Emily L.; Vinson, Paige N.; Stauffer, Shaun; Sulikowski, Gary; Weaver, C. David; Nakagawa, Terunaga
AMPA receptors (AMPAR) are ligand gated ion channels critical for synaptic transmission and plasticity. Their dysfunction is implicated in a variety of psychiatric and neurological diseases ranging from major depressive disorder to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Attempting to potentiate or depress AMPAR activity is an inherently difficult balancing act between effective treatments and debilitating side effects. A newly explored strategy to target subsets of AMPARs in the central nervous system is to identify compounds that affect specific AMPAR-auxiliary subunit complexes. This exploits diverse spatio-temporal expression patterns of known AMPAR auxiliary subunits, providing means for designing brain region-selective compounds. Here we report a high-throughput screening-based pipeline that can identify compounds that are selective for GluA2-CNIH3 and GluA2-stargazin complexes. These compounds will help us build upon the growing library of AMPAR-auxiliary subunit specific inhibitors, which have thus far all been targeted to TARP γ-8. We used a cell-based assay combined with a voltage-sensitive dye (VSD) to identify changes in glutamate-gated cation flow across the membranes of HEK cells co-expressing GluA2 and an auxiliary subunit. We then used a calcium flux assay to further validate hits picked from the VSD assay. VU0612951 and VU0627849 are candidate compounds from the initial screen that were identified as negative and positive allosteric modulators (NAM and PAM), respectively. They both have lower IC50/EC50s on complexes containing stargazin and CNIH3 than GSG1L or the AMPAR alone. We have also identified a candidate compound, VU0539491, that has NAM activity in GluA2(R)-CNIH3 and GluA2(Q) complexes and PAM activity in GluA2(Q)-GSG1L complexes. PMID:28358902
Gregory, K J; Herman, E J; Ramsey, A J; Hammond, A S; Byun, N E; Stauffer, S R; Manka, J T; Jadhav, S; Bridges, T M; Weaver, C D; Niswender, C M; Steckler, T; Drinkenburg, W H; Ahnaou, A; Lavreysen, H; Macdonald, G J; Bartolomé, J M; Mackie, C; Hrupka, B J; Caron, M G; Daigle, T L; Lindsley, C W; Conn, P J; Jones, C K
Impaired transmission through glutamatergic circuits has been postulated to play a role in the underlying pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Furthermore, inhibition of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptors (NMDAR) induces a syndrome that recapitulates many of the symptoms observed in patients with schizophrenia. Selective activation of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGlu5) may provide a novel therapeutic approach for treatment of symptoms associated with schizophrenia through facilitation of transmission through central glutamatergic circuits. Here, we describe the characterization of two novel N-aryl piperazine mGlu5 positive allosteric modulators (PAMs): 2-(4-(2-(benzyloxy)acetyl)piperazin-1-yl)benzonitrile (VU0364289) and 1-(4-(2,4-difluorophenyl)piperazin-1-yl)-2-((4-fluorobenzyl)oxy)ethanone (DPFE). VU0364289 and DPFE induced robust leftward shifts in the glutamate concentration-response curves for Ca(2+) mobilization and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 phosphorylation. Both PAMs displayed micromolar affinity for the common mGlu5 allosteric binding site and high selectivity for mGlu5. VU0364289 and DPFE possessed suitable pharmacokinetic properties for dosing in vivo and produced robust dose-related effects in reversing amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion, a preclinical model predictive of antipsychotic-like activity. In addition, DPFE enhanced acquisition of contextual fear conditioning in rats and reversed behavioral deficits in a mouse model of NMDAR hypofunction. In contrast, DPFE had no effect on reversing apomorphine-induced disruptions of prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle reflex. These mGlu5 PAMs also increased monoamine levels in the prefrontal cortex, enhanced performance in a hippocampal-mediated memory task, and elicited changes in electroencephalogram dynamics commensurate with procognitive effects. Collectively, these data support and extend the role for the development of
Factors driving the global decline of cycad diversity.
Mankga, Ledile T; Yessoufou, Kowiyou
Mounting evidence indicates that we are witnessing the sixth mass extinction period. Given the important goods and services biodiversity delivers to humans, there is a need for a continued commitment to investigate what pre-disposes some taxa to greater risk of extinction. Here, we investigate this question using a phylogenetic comparative method and fitting a cumulative link mixed effect model on biological, ecological and evolutionary data of cycads, the most threatened lineage in the plant kingdom. We identified nine groups of threats to cycads, with habitat loss, over-collection, fire and reproduction failure being the most prominent, but only four of these threats (habitat loss, over-collection, medicinal uses and reproduction failure) clustered on the cycad tree of life. This clustering suggests that closely related species may be exposed to similar threats, perhaps because of geographic regionalization of cycad genera. Nonetheless, the diversity of threats and several variables linked to the biology and ecology of cycads correlate with extinction risk (e.g. altitude, height, diameter, geographic range), and different variables seem to be linked to different IUCN status of cycads. Although their predictive power is generally < 50 %, geographic range and maximum diameter stood out as the best predictors particularly for the Vulnerable (VU) category, with a predictive power of 87 % and 69 %, respectively. Using our best model for VU, we predicted all five Data Deficient (DD) species of cycads to be in the VU category. Collectively, our results elucidate the pattern of extinction risk in cycads and, since most threats that we identified as drivers of extinction risk of cycads are anthropogenically mediated, we recommend stronger legislation to regulate human-cycad interactions and the commitment of all governments globally to implement this regulation.
Factors driving the global decline of cycad diversity
Mankga, Ledile T.
Abstract Mounting evidence indicates that we are witnessing the sixth mass extinction period. Given the important goods and services biodiversity delivers to humans, there is a need for a continued commitment to investigate what pre-disposes some taxa to greater risk of extinction. Here, we investigate this question using a phylogenetic comparative method and fitting a cumulative link mixed effect model on biological, ecological and evolutionary data of cycads, the most threatened lineage in the plant kingdom. We identified nine groups of threats to cycads, with habitat loss, over-collection, fire and reproduction failure being the most prominent, but only four of these threats (habitat loss, over-collection, medicinal uses and reproduction failure) clustered on the cycad tree of life. This clustering suggests that closely related species may be exposed to similar threats, perhaps because of geographic regionalization of cycad genera. Nonetheless, the diversity of threats and several variables linked to the biology and ecology of cycads correlate with extinction risk (e.g. altitude, height, diameter, geographic range), and different variables seem to be linked to different IUCN status of cycads. Although their predictive power is generally < 50 %, geographic range and maximum diameter stood out as the best predictors particularly for the Vulnerable (VU) category, with a predictive power of 87 % and 69 %, respectively. Using our best model for VU, we predicted all five Data Deficient (DD) species of cycads to be in the VU category. Collectively, our results elucidate the pattern of extinction risk in cycads and, since most threats that we identified as drivers of extinction risk of cycads are anthropogenically mediated, we recommend stronger legislation to regulate human–cycad interactions and the commitment of all governments globally to implement this regulation. PMID:28721186
Solar thermal parabolic dish energy applications
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pijawka, W.
Vu-graphs are presented that show that applications are a viable distributed renewable power generation option. Quality energy can be produced in the form of electricity and high temperature heat. Modular systems are described that can be distributed to new or existing plants and that are mass producible with the associated economies of production.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Douglass, John Aubrey
Once again, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide on the contentious issue of Affirmative Action, and specifically the use of race in admissions decisions in public universities. Despite differences in the details, seasoned veterans of affirmative action debates are experiencing déjà vu. In this case, Abigail Noel Fisher claims overt racial…
Using a Web Application to Conduct and Investigate Syntheses of Methyl Orange Remotely
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
van Rens, Lisette; van Dijk, Hans; Mulder, Jan; Nieuwland, Pieter
Thirty-six pre-university chemistry students and two chemistry teachers used flow chemistry as a technology for the synthesis of methyl orange. FutureChemistry and VU University Amsterdam cooperatively created FlowStart Remote, a device that enabled the students to remotely conduct this synthesis and in real time monitor and control the device via…
Familial aggregation of focal seizure semiology in the Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project.
Tobochnik, Steven; Fahlstrom, Robyn; Shain, Catherine; Winawer, Melodie R
To improve phenotype definition in genetic studies of epilepsy, we assessed the familial aggregation of focal seizure types and of specific seizure symptoms within the focal epilepsies in families from the Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project. We studied 302 individuals with nonacquired focal epilepsy from 149 families. Familial aggregation was assessed by logistic regression analysis of relatives' traits (dependent variable) by probands' traits (independent variable), estimating the odds ratio for each symptom in a relative given presence vs absence of the symptom in the proband. In families containing multiple individuals with nonacquired focal epilepsy, we found significant evidence for familial aggregation of ictal motor, autonomic, psychic, and aphasic symptoms. Within these categories, ictal whole body posturing, diaphoresis, dyspnea, fear/anxiety, and déjà vu/jamais vu showed significant familial aggregation. Focal seizure type aggregated as well, including complex partial, simple partial, and secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Our results provide insight into genotype-phenotype correlation in the nonacquired focal epilepsies and a framework for identifying subgroups of patients likely to share susceptibility genes. © 2017 American Academy of Neurology.
Turner, Martha S; Shores, E Arthur; Breen, Nora; Coltheart, Max
In déjà vu, the feeling that what we are currently experiencing we have experienced before is fleeting and is not accepted as true. In contrast, in déjà vecu or "recollective confabulation", the sense of déjà vu is persistent and convincing, and patients genuinely believe that they have lived through the current moment at some previous time. In previous reports of cases of déjà vecu, both personal events and non-personal, world events gave rise to this experience. In this paper we describe a patient whose déjà vecu experiences are entirely restricted to non-personal events, suggesting that autobiographical and non-autobiographical episodic memory processing can dissociate. We suggest that this dissociation is secondary to differences in the degree to which personal and emotional associations are formed for these two different types of event, and offer a two-factor theory of déjà vecu. Crown Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
EPortfolios, Professional Development and Employability: Some Student Perceptions
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Woodley, Carolyn; Sims, Rob
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore business students' views about using ePortfolios at Victoria University (VU) in Melbourne. It also examines the extent to which students present ePortfolios to prospective employers in applying for jobs. Design/methodology/approach: This paper draws on the literature on ePortfolio use and the role…
BACK_ GVRATON; (geserate log me"ses from wather and wind planning log screenJ PERFORN AIPORT.PLANNIG LOGISSA ORItATION; (eSamrate log message from...ISSAGN H31.TAL(COUNT) .26 -kAUX imesase is constructed with wather imforimetiom ad stated) IF(VILO.TAM(J).DIl A(S)’ ’)1 (VXLOG.TABL(J).VU.(S)’ THEN
Models and Management of Student Employees in an Australian University Library
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
O'Neil, Frances; Comley, Jenny
Since 2008, Victoria University (VU) Library has employed 20 or more Student Assistants annually who work on a casual basis for up to 12 hours per week during terms/semesters to staff the Library in Study Hall mode (where there is self-service access to PCs and collections and limited staff assistance). This initiative appears to have been highly…
Constrained and Unconstrained Localization for Automated Inspection of Marine Propellers
associated control polyhedron and hq, (0 < i < m - 1, 0 < j n - 1) are positive weights. B1 v(u) and Bj,’v) are the B-spline basis functions over open...Inspection by Database Matching. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-85-4, The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, March, 1985. Tuohy, S. T., Patrikalakis
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Schneider, Cindy; Gooskens, Charlotte
The Vanuatu government has recently implemented a policy of vernacular literacy. Children are now to receive the first three years of schooling in a vernacular language. Needless to say, in a country with less than 300,000 people [Vanuatu National Statistics Office 2016 Accessed January 4, 2016. http://vnso.gov.vu/] and more than 100 indigenous…
Events Management Education through CD-ROM Simulation at Victoria University of Technology.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Perry, Marcia; And Others
There has been a rapid growth in the events industry in Victoria and Australia over the past five years with an increase in large scale events--resulting in substantive economic impact. The growth in events in Australia is projected to continue to beyond 2001. The Department of Management at Victoria University of Technology (VU) received a…
Kiritoshi, Takaki; Ji, Guangchen; Neugebauer, Volker
The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) serves executive functions that are impaired in neuropsychiatric disorders and pain. Underlying mechanisms remain to be determined. Here we advance the novel concept that metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) fails to engage endocannabinoid (2-AG) signaling to overcome abnormal synaptic inhibition in pain, but restoring endocannabinoid signaling allows mGluR5 to increase mPFC output hence inhibit pain behaviors and mitigate cognitive deficits. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were made from layer V pyramidal cells in the infralimbic mPFC in rat brain slices. Electrical and optogenetic stimulations were used to analyze amygdala-driven mPFC activity. A selective mGluR5 activator (VU0360172) increased pyramidal output through an endocannabinoid-dependent mechanism because intracellular inhibition of the major 2-AG synthesizing enzyme diacylglycerol lipase or blockade of CB1 receptors abolished the facilitatory effect of VU0360172. In an arthritis pain model mGluR5 activation failed to overcome abnormal synaptic inhibition and increase pyramidal output. mGluR5 function was rescued by restoring 2-AG-CB1 signaling with a CB1 agonist (ACEA) or inhibitors of postsynaptic 2-AG hydrolyzing enzyme ABHD6 (intracellular WWL70) and monoacylglycerol lipase MGL (JZL184) or by blocking GABAergic inhibition with intracellular picrotoxin. CB1-mediated depolarization-induced suppression of synaptic inhibition (DSI) was also impaired in the pain model but could be restored by coapplication of VU0360172 and ACEA. Stereotaxic coadministration of VU0360172 and ACEA into the infralimbic, but not anterior cingulate, cortex mitigated decision-making deficits and pain behaviors of arthritic animals. The results suggest that rescue of impaired endocannabinoid-dependent mGluR5 function in the mPFC can restore mPFC output and cognitive functions and inhibit pain. Significance statement: Dysfunctions in prefrontal cortical interactions with subcortical
Airsickness during Naval Flight Officer Training: Basic Squadron VT-10
coupled angular acceleration stimuli prodvoed by paced head 30 TIVDS motions on a rotating chair., TSVDT donote the time of day the 31 T1VDP teso was...Laboratory, 1977. 38 TWIA These mare pertn to th. notion siolasm symptom ating 39 IWItS element of" th se Vu - Vst ~bulor blu’stlo TesO (VV1T). 40 TWVIP TVYIR
The A [plus] B [double arrow] C of Chemical Thermodynamics.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gerhartl, F. J.
Basic chemical thermodynamics usually treats non-p,T reactions in a stepmotherly fashion. This paper covers the main aspects of the theoretical principles of reactions (p,T; V,T; p,H; and V,U) and offers results from the ABC computer program, which was designed to show the validity of the equilibrium theory to all types of reaction modes. (PVD)
Advancing Cyber Intelligence Practices Through the SEI’s Consortium
blogsjsocial media Extracurricular Activities Vu lnerabilities from these individuals roles with non-target entities-non-profits, activist groups, or...information to identify, track, and predict cyber capabilities, intentions, and activities to offer courses of action that enhance decision making 7 SEI...8 SEI Webinar Series January 27, 2015 © 2015 Carnegie Mellon University Offerings Steering Committee: Guide Consortium activities and plan for
Han, Siew-Ping; Yap, Alpha S
α-Catenin exists as part of the cadherin-catenin adhesion complex as well as in a cytoplasmic pool. However, which of these pools is responsible for its biological impact remains controversial. A structure-function analysis in Drosophila melanogaster illuminates how the molecular properties of α-catenin translate into functional outcomes in an intact organism.
Laboratory spectroscopy of Mars Analogue materials and latest field results from Iceland and Eifel
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Offringa, Marloes; Foing, Bernard H.
We have established a collection of samples, and measured them in the laboratory towards a spectrometric database that could be used as a reference for future orbital or in situ measurements. We are using systematically for all samples UV-VIS and NIR reflectance spectrometers, and sporadically a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer and a Raman laser spectrometer on control samples. We also used a documented set of Moon-Mars relevant minerals curated at VU Amsterdam, as well as samples retrieved from Mars analogue campaigns in Utah (Foing et al., 2011, 2016), Iceland (Mid-Atlantic ridge spreading and magma-ice interaction), La Réunion hot spot volcano and Eifel volcanic region (mixed hotspot and melt-ascent through crust fractures) from recent campaigns in 2015 and 2016.. We discuss samples spectral diagnostics of volcanic processes and hydrous alterations that can inform recent or upcoming measurements from Mars orbit or in situ rovers. Acknowledgements: we thank Dominic Doyle for ESTEC optical lab support, Euan Monaghan (Leiden U) for FTIR measurement support, Wim van Westrenen for access to VU samples, Oscar Kamps (Utrecht U), Aidan Cowley (EAC) and Matthias Sperl (DLR) for support discussions
Rebouças, Deborah Moura; De Sousa, Yuri Maia; Bagard, Matthieu; Costa, Jose Helio; Jolivet, Yves; De Melo, Dirce Fernandes; Repellin, Anne
The interactive effects of drought and ozone on the physiology and leaf membrane lipid content, composition and metabolism of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) were investigated in two cultivars (EPACE-1 and IT83-D) grown under controlled conditions. The drought treatment (three-week water deprivation) did not cause leaf injury but restricted growth through stomatal closure. In contrast, the short-term ozone treatment (130 ppb 12 h daily during 14 day) had a limited impact at the whole-plant level but caused leaf injury, hydrogen peroxide accumulation and galactolipid degradation. These effects were stronger in the IT83-D cultivar, which also showed specific ozone responses such as a higher digalactosyl-diacylglycerol (DGDG):monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) ratio and the coordinated up-regulation of DGDG synthase (VuDGD2) and ω-3 fatty acid desaturase 8 (VuFAD8) genes, suggesting that membrane remodeling occurred under ozone stress in the sensitive cultivar. When stresses were combined, ozone did not modify the stomatal response to drought and the observed effects on whole-plant physiology were essentially the same as when drought was applied alone. Conversely, the drought-induced stomatal closure appeared to alleviate ozone effects through the reduction of ozone uptake.
Berg, Stephen C; Stahl, Jonathan Miles; Lien, Wen; Slack, Casey M; Vandewalle, Kraig S
The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of detecting proximal carious lesions utilizing a new near-infrared transillumination (NIRTI) system (CariVu, Dexis) to traditional digital bitewing radiography (BWXR). Thirty patients received four posterior BWXRs and all premolars and molars were individually imaged with the NIRTI device. Sixty-seven proximal carious lesions were classified based on their depth into enamel or dentin for both BWXR and NIRTI images. The caries depth classification between the two systems were strongly correlated (r s = 0.66; Spearman range: 0.60-0.79 = strong) and significant (P < .001) with a median score of 3 for NIRTI and 2 for BWXR. The new NIRTI system (CariVu) may serve as an adjunct to BWXR in the diagnosis of proximal caries. The NIRTI system could serve as an adjunct diagnostic system that could be used in high-caries risk programs where patients are closely monitored with regimented follow-up appointments. NIRTI could also be beneficial with pregnant or pediatric patients, and in situations where radiography may not be available such as remote humanitarian missions. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Stanislaus, Shirvel; Manweiler, Robert; Koetke, Donald
This report summarizes the research carried out by the faculty, staff and students of Valparaiso University (VU) during the 30-year period from 1986 to 2015 using funds provided by the Medium Energy Nuclear Physics program of the Department of Energy (DOE). Three faculty members led the VU research group during the lifetime of the research grant. The three principal investigators responsible for the research were: Dr. Donald Koetke (1986 – 2007), Dr. Robert Manweiler (2008 – 2010), and Dr. Shirvel Stanislaus (2011 – 2015). During this period we participated and contributed to the progress of the following experiments: 1. Themore » MEGA Experiment at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LAMPF E969). 2. The Crystal Ball Experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL/AGS E906, E913). 3. The NuSea Experiment at Fermilab (FNAL E866). 4. The TWIST Experiment at TRIUMF (TRIUMF E614). 5. The STAR Experiment at RHIC. 6. The nEDM Experiment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In the following sections we briefly describe the goals of the above experiments and the contributions made by the Valparaiso University personnel towards the progress of each project.« less
Ndeve, Arsenio Daniel; Huynh, Bao-Lam; Matthews, William Charles; Roberts, Philip Alan
Cowpea is one of the most important food and forage legumes in drier regions of the tropics and subtropics. However, cowpea yield worldwide is markedly below the known potential due to abiotic and biotic stresses, including parasitism by root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp., RKN). Two resistance genes with dominant effect, Rk and Rk2, have been reported to provide resistance against RKN in cowpea. Despite their description and use in breeding for resistance to RKN and particularly genetic mapping of the Rk locus, the exact genes conferring resistance to RKN remain unknown. In the present work, QTL mapping using recombinant inbred line (RIL) population 524B x IT84S-2049 segregating for a newly mapped locus and analysis of the transcriptome changes in two cowpea near-isogenic lines (NIL) were used to identify candidate genes for Rk and the newly mapped locus. A major QTL, designated QRk-vu9.1, associated with resistance to Meloidogyne javanica reproduction, was detected and mapped on linkage group LG9 at position 13.37 cM using egg production data. Transcriptome analysis on resistant and susceptible NILs 3 and 9 days after inoculation revealed up-regulation of 109 and 98 genes and down-regulation of 110 and 89 genes, respectively, out of 19,922 unique genes mapped to the common bean reference genome. Among the differentially expressed genes, four and nine genes were found within the QRk-vu9.1 and QRk-vu11.1 QTL intervals, respectively. Six of these genes belong to the TIR-NBS-LRR family of resistance genes and three were upregulated at one or more time-points. Quantitative RT-PCR validated gene expression to be positively correlated with RNA-seq expression pattern for eight genes. Future functional analysis of these cowpea genes will enhance our understanding of Rk-mediated resistance and identify the specific gene responsible for the resistance. PMID:29300744
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Spänhoff, Bernd; Riss, Wolfgang; Jäkel, Paul; Dakkak, Nadja; Meyer, Elisabeth I.
A straightened stream stretch with poor habitat heterogeneity was divided into a “control” section with a low amount of submerged woody debris and an experimentally “wood-enriched” downstream section to study the effect of enhanced habitat diversity on the benthic invertebrate community. The downstream section was enriched by fixing 25 wood packages constructed from 9-10 branches on the stream bottom. Succession processes occurring in the two stream sections were compared by chironomid exuviae drift from July to November 2000 and from April to August 2001. During the first sampling period, more drifting chironomid exuviae (medians of control vs. wood-enriched: 446 vs. 331, no significant difference) and total number of taxa (44 vs. 36, Wilcoxon signed-rank test P = 0.019) were recorded for the control section. Although species compositions of both stream sections were highly similar (Sørensen index: 0.83) the diversity in the wood-enriched section was distinctly lower compared to the control section (Shannon-Weaver index: 1.19 vs. 1.50). During the second sampling period, exuviae numbers remained higher in the control section (median: 326 vs. 166), but total numbers of taxa were nearly equal (51 vs. 49), as well as species diversity (Shannon-Weaver index: 1.67 vs. 1.64). The lower chironomid diversity observed during the first sampling period coincided with a gradual but significant change of the streambed morphology in the wood-enriched section. There, the initially more U-shaped profile (V/U = 0.81 ± 0.37) had turned into a pronounced V shape (V/U = 1.14 ± 0.21), whereas the control section retained its unaltered U shape (V/U = 0.62-0.75). This small-scale study on experimental of woody debris in sandy lowland streams showed that the negative impact of increased hydraulic disturbance of the existing streambed more than outweighed any positive impact resulting from the increase in woody debris.
Studies on Typhus and Spotted Fever.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever , scrub typhus, trench fever, R. prowazekil, R. mooseri, R. Canada, R...rickettsia- static action: erythromycin and rifampin. Although erythromycin aiready had proven to be unreliable in the treatment of Rocky Mountain spotted fever , the...DC. 9. DuPont, H. L., R. B. Hornick, A. T. Dawkins, G. G. heiner. I. B. Fabrikant, C. L. Wisseman. Jr, and T. E. Woodward. 1VU1. Rocky Mountain spotted fever :
An Air Force History of Space Activities, 1945-1959
orated, aad 1D ad41 tioa there vu tbe aevly created ci..Uiaa ccmplex. S1ace the 11111 t&1:7 were obl1sate4 to proTide llASA v1 th much ot 1 te los1e ...fiscal year 1959 budget, but in the course of formulation the funds bad been deleted in favor of ARPA. lbrner boped tbese tunda would be returned to
Department of Defense Manpower Requirements Report: Fy 1993
retention programs are dealing effectively with the available strength shortfall; however, NOS qualifi- cation (MOSQ) remains the primary readiness inhibitor ...n r- nLn P4 r- 0 .a. W 43) 0%~~~ aa a aa a aa a VU 4343 Uf .ai 0 a 4 .44 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .’ 0n % Or - 0 - o% e n 5 ac vi %oc 4I oa jL nc "P
Dynamica - 5 - O1987 STD Research Corporation p(D/Dt - f. VU) =-V x (V. 11) + B. VJo- Jo" VB + p.V x E. When the RHS of Eq. (2.11) vanishes Kelvin’s...conductivity is of the order of lOS/r, the velocity of order 103m /s, and the magnetic field of order lOTesla. The corresponding power produced by 1m 3 of fluid
Moura Rebouças, Deborah; Maia De Sousa, Yuri; Bagard, Matthieu; Costa, Jose Helio; Jolivet, Yves; Fernandes De Melo, Dirce; Repellin, Anne
The interactive effects of drought and ozone on the physiology and leaf membrane lipid content, composition and metabolism of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) were investigated in two cultivars (EPACE-1 and IT83-D) grown under controlled conditions. The drought treatment (three-week water deprivation) did not cause leaf injury but restricted growth through stomatal closure. In contrast, the short-term ozone treatment (130 ppb 12 h daily during 14 day) had a limited impact at the whole-plant level but caused leaf injury, hydrogen peroxide accumulation and galactolipid degradation. These effects were stronger in the IT83-D cultivar, which also showed specific ozone responses such as a higher digalactosyl-diacylglycerol (DGDG):monogalactosyl-diacylglycerol (MGDG) ratio and the coordinated up-regulation of DGDG synthase (VuDGD2) and ω-3 fatty acid desaturase 8 (VuFAD8) genes, suggesting that membrane remodeling occurred under ozone stress in the sensitive cultivar. When stresses were combined, ozone did not modify the stomatal response to drought and the observed effects on whole-plant physiology were essentially the same as when drought was applied alone. Conversely, the drought-induced stomatal closure appeared to alleviate ozone effects through the reduction of ozone uptake. PMID:28273829
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ianuzzi, Patricia Anne
In 1999, the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) convened a national task force to draft Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. ACRL has recently launched a revision to those standards. The original standards were influential because they helped advance a national need in higher education at the time: a…
The lateralising significance of hypergraphia in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Roberts, J K; Robertson, M M; Trimble, M R
Six patients with hypergraphia and epilepsy are presented and their clinical features compared with other patients reported in the literature. It is suggested that hypergraphia occurs more frequently in patients with right-sided non-dominant temporal lobe lesions, in contrast for example to the schizophreniform presentation of left-sided lesions. Other features of psychopathology possibly associated with non-dominant lesions, including elation, hypereligiosity and déjà vu experiences, are also discussed.
The lateralising significance of hypergraphia in temporal lobe epilepsy
Roberts, JKA; Robertson, MM; Trimble, MR
Six patients with hypergraphia and epilepsy are presented and their clinical features compared with other patients reported in the literature. It is suggested that hypergraphia occurs more frequently in patients with right-sided non-dominant temporal lobe lesions, in contrast for example to the schizophreniform presentation of left-sided lesions. Other features of psychopathology possibly associated with non-dominant lesions, including elation, hypereligiosity and déjà vu experiences, are also discussed. PMID:7069424
USASOC Injury Prevention/Performance Optimization Musculoskeletal Screening Initiative
Initiative " PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Kim Beals RECIPIENT: Dr. Christie Vu REPORT DATE: October 2016 TYPE OF REPORT: Annual PREPARED FOR: U.S...Injury Prevention/Performance Optimization Musculoskeletal Screening Initiative 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER W81XWH-15-C-0179 " 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c... initiate work on the Phase 3 and 4 research aims b) IRB & DoD Regulatory Approvals i) University of Pittsburgh IRB approved May 23, 2016 ii) HRPO USAMRMC
in the kidney. Certain light/world tc the etiology of stone-education can spill the study of structure and chemical composition of the ramoved or...det=ct Ita h !cccccus aureis, it is thinner/less frequent than the ProteIs vu ca!E, which cause alkaline fermentation of urine. DOC = 80116005 PAGE Page...possible to reveal insignificant damages. However, in the additional photograph, made under such conditions, when central light bean is perpendicular
Evaluation of Candidate Anti-Aids Drugs In Vitro
conical core and lateral 0 body The muclooid remained unconden~sed in inumatre aidior defective particles. The nxwphologvy of the cells undergoing viral...0.00 1.9 134 ScNm R a=Lm~h ir.,vu, !S AV$ S I p- Ptt CatL Teoa Di ffc- -M(xIv Lm r c- o =4. ent A Lirw Dmae Ft t. iC so TC 25 I; TAI Ml 62 !3 011 VfZ
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Gill, Gary A.; Kuo, Li-Jung; Strivens, Jonathan E.
from a minimum of 13% for the AF8 formulation to a maximum of 29% for the AI8 formulation. All the V/U mass ratios at BKI are lower than observed for the AF1 adsorbent at PNNL (3.0). Temperature likely plays a significant role in the V/U mass ratio difference between BKI and PNNL. Because uranium has a higher adsorption capacity at higher temperatures, one would expect that warmer exposures would favor a lower V/U mass ratio, which could explain why the V/U mass ratio for the PNNL exposures are higher than observed for the BKI exposures. Marine Testing at BKI offers the opportunity to test adsorbent performance under warmer ambient and more saline conditions than exist at the marine test site on Sequim Bay. This is particularly important since the amidoxime-based adsorbents respond strongly to temperature. In addition, since salinities are about 15% higher at BKI compared to Sequim Bay (36 vs. 31), uranium adsorption capacities are about 15% higher at the BKI site compared to Sequim Bay.« less
Ear-Canal Reflectance, Umbo Velocity and Tympanometry in Normal Hearing Adults
Rosowski, John J; Nakajima, Hideko H.; Hamade, Mohamad A.; Mafoud, Lorice; Merchant, Gabrielle R.; Halpin, Christopher F.; Merchant, Saumil N.
Objective This study compares measurements of ear-canal reflectance (ECR) to other objective measurements of middle-ear function including, audiometry, umbo velocity (VU), and tympanometry in a population of strictly defined normal hearing ears. Design Data were prospectively gathered from 58 ears of 29 normal hearing subjects, 16 female and 13 male, aged 22–64 years. Subjects met all of the following criteria to be considered as having normal hearing. (1) No history of significant middle-ear disease. (2) No history of otologic surgery. (3) Normal tympanic membrane (TM) on otoscopy. (4) Pure-tone audiometric thresholds of 20 dB HL or better for 0.25 – 8 kHz. (5) Air-bone gaps no greater than 15 dB at 0.25 kHz and 10 dB for 0.5 – 4 kHz. (6) Normal, type-A peaked tympanograms. (7) All subjects had two “normal” ears (as defined by these criteria). Measurements included pure-tone audiometry for 0.25 – 8 kHz, standard 226 Hz tympanometry, Ear canal reflectance(ECR) for 0.2 – 6 kHz at 60 dB SPL using the Mimosa Acoustics HearID system, and Umbo Velocity (VU ) for 0.3 – 6 kHz at 70–90 dB SPL using the HLV-1000 laser Doppler vibrometer (Polytec Inc). Results Mean power reflectance (|ECR|2) was near 1.0 at 0.2– 0.3 kHz, decreased to a broad minimum of 0.3 to 0.4 between 1 and 4 kHz, and then sharply increased to almost 0.8 by 6 kHz. The mean pressure reflectance phase angle (∠ECR) plotted on a linear frequency scale showed a group delay of approximately 0.1 ms for 0.2 – 6 kHz. Small significant differences were observed in |ECR|2 at the lowest frequencies between right and left ears, and between males and females at 4 kHz. |ECR|2 decreased with age, but reached significance only at 1 kHz. Our ECR measurements were generally similar to previous published reports. Highly significant negative correlations were found between |ECR|2 and VU for frequencies below 1 kHz. Significant correlations were also found between the tympanometrically determined peak
A spectral model for signal elements isolated from zebrafish photopic electroretinogram
Nelson, Ralph; Singla, Nirmish
The zebrafish photopic ERG sums isolatable elements. In each element red, blue, green and UV (r, g, b, u) cone signals combine in a way that reflects retinal organization. ERG responses to monochromatic stimuli of different wavelengths and irradiances were recorded on a white, rod suppressing background using superfused eyecups. Onset elements were isolated with glutamatergic blockers and response subtractions. CNQX blocked ionotropic (AMPA/kainate) glutamate receptors; L-AP4 or CPPG blocked metabotropic (mGluR6) glutamate receptors; TBOA blocked glutamate transporters; and L-Aspartate inactivated all glutamatergic mechanisms. Seven elements emerged: photopic PIII, the L-Aspartate-isolated cone response; b1, a CNQX-sensitive early b-wave element of inner retinal origin; PII, a photopic, CNQX-insensitive, composite b-wave element from ON bipolar cells; PIIm, an L-AP4/CPPG-sensitive, CNQX-insensitive metabotropic sub-element of PII; PIInm, an L-AP4/CPPG/CNQX-insensitive, non-metabotropic sub-element of PII; a1nm, a TBOA-sensitive, CNQX/L-AP4/CPPG-insensitive, non-metabotropic, post-photoreceptor a-wave element; and a2, a CNQX-sensitive a-wave element linked to OFF bipolar cells. The first five elements were fit with a spectral model that demonstrates independence of cone color pathways. From this Vmax and half-saturation values (k) for the contributing r- g- b- and u-cone signals were calculated. Two signal patterns emerged. For PIII or PIInm the Vmax order was Vr > Vg ≫ Vb ≈ Vu. For b1, PII, and PIIm the Vmax order was Vr ≈ Vb > Vg > Vu. In either pattern u-cone amplitude (Vu) was smallest, but u-cone sensitivity (ku362) was greatest, some 10-30 times greater than r-cone (kr570). The spectra of b1/PII/PIIm elements peaked near b-cone and u-cone absorbance maxima regardless of criteria, but the spectra of PIII/PIInm elements shifted from b- towards r-cone absorbance maxima as criterion levels increased. The greatest gains in Vmax relative to PIII occurred for
Business Leaders Finds Most Favor Broad Coalition 7 Finnish Scholar-Diplomat, SPIEGEL Staffer Hit ’Finlandization’ Term 10 Korhonen: Term Erroneous 10...in the Government"] [Text] The VU [Volksunie] is being touched up inside and out. Painters are busy at work putting a fresh coat of paint on party...point of view of the SDP, a stand that would be consistent with principles is to press for refusal to do any business with the present Chilean
Control and Optimization Tools for Systems Governed by Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
parameter a) leading to a J&(a) f VST (X, y; a). ih dFb. aai Jrb where ST= aT " caai This sensitivity variable, along with s,, =-u and s = _-•p satisfy...with respect to the parameter ai: p(sU-Vu+u-Vsu) = --Vsp+V-.T(s)-pgI0sT+f, v.s =O0 pC (Su. VT + u VST ) V (KVST) +±q where we have assumed, among other
Comparison of Ear-Canal Reflectance and Umbo Velocity in Patients with Conductive Hearing Loss
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Merchant, Gabrielle R.; Nakajima, Hideko H.; Pisano, Dominic V.; Röösli, Christof; Hamade, Mohamad A.; Mafoud, Lorice; Halpin, Christopher F.; Merchant, Saumil N.; Rosowski, John J.
Patients who present at hearing clinics with a conductive hearing loss (CHL) in the presence of an intact, healthy tympanic membrane create a unique challenge for otologists. While patient counseling, treatment options, and outcome vary with differing middle-ear pathologies, a non-invasive diagnostic that can differentiate between these pathologies does not currently exist. We evaluated the clinical utility and diagnostic accuracy of two non-invasive measures of middle-ear mechanics: ear-canal reflectance (ECR) and umbo velocity (VU).
Psychomotor epileptic symptoms in six patients with bipolar mood disorders.
Lewis, D O; Feldman, M; Greene, M; Martinez-Mustardo, Y
Of 12 consecutive patients with bipolar mood disorders satisfying DSM-III criteria, six were discovered to have five or more psychomotor epileptic symptoms. All of the six had olfactory hallucinations, metamorphopsias, and multiple déjà vu or mystical experiences. Each of them responded to lithium carbonate and had a first-degree relative with a bipolar disorder. The authors suggest that psychomotor symptoms may be more prevalent in bipolar patients than has hitherto been recognized.
Apparent complex partial seizures in a bipolar patient after withdrawal of carbamazepine.
Garbutt, J C; Gillette, G M
A 64-year-old woman with long-standing bipolar illness was treated with carbamazepine and clonazepam with minimal success. Discontinuation of carbamazepine and clonazepam was followed by episodic amnesia, purposeless behavior, déjà vu, and confusion. Although her EEG was normal, the episodes were compatible with complex partial seizures and ceased after carbamazepine and clonazepam were reinstituted. This case raises the question of whether discontinuing carbamazepine and clonazepam can induce complex partial seizures in bipolar patients.
9th Annual UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium
Morikis UCR CHUNSHENG WANG University of California San Francisco Christopher Druzgalski PAHCE Jeffrey Chen UC Riverside BRITE Adriana Aguirre UC...Diagnosis B23 Foad Mashayekhi, Aaron S. Meyer, Stacey A. Shiigi, Vu Nguyen and Daniel T. Ka - 129 meL UCLA B24 Self-Assembly and DNA Binding Properties of...Journal of Immunclogy 165:3839 3848. 2Hannan JP, Young KA , Guthrid!le JM, Asokan R, Szakonyi G, Chen XJS, & Holers \\1M (2005) Journal of Molecular
remembers that the idea of participation, repeated last year at the congress in Courtrai, came from the VU? We stand for a free market economy with...be a RIZIV [National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance] office in every community ? This would in all respects make it impossible for the...a division of their own. This is shown by the new DAGENS NYHETER-IMU [Institute for Market Research] poll on confidence in the party leaders, in
Space Object Classification and Characterization Via Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation
BRDF ) which models light distribution scattered from the surface due to the incident light. The BRDF at any point on the surface is a function of two...uu B vu B nu obs I u sun I u I hu (b) Reflection Geometry Fig. 2: Reflection Geometry and Space Object Shape Model of the BRDF is ρdiff(i...Space Object Classification and Characterization Via Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation Richard Linares Director’s Postdoctoral Fellow Space Science
The DREEM, part 1: measurement of the educational environment in an osteopathy teaching program.
Vaughan, Brett; Carter, Annie; Macfarlane, Chris; Morrison, Tracy
Measurement of the educational environment has become more common in health professional education programs. Information gained from these investigations can be used to implement and measure changes to the curricula, educational delivery and the physical environment. A number of questionnaires exist to measure the educational environment, and the most commonly utilised of these is the Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM). The DREEM was administered to students in all year levels of the osteopathy program at Victoria University (VU), Melbourne, Australia. Students also completed a demographic survey. Inferential and correlational statistics were employed to investigate the educational environment based on the scores obtained from the DREEM. A response rate of 90% was achieved. The mean total DREEM score was 135.37 (+/- 19.33) with the scores ranging from 72 to 179. Some subscales and items demonstrated differences for gender, clinical phase, age and whether the student was in receipt of a government allowance. There are a number of areas in the program that are performing well, and some aspects that could be improved. Overall students rated the VU osteopathy program as more positive than negative. The information obtained in the present study has identified areas for improvement and will enable the program leaders to facilitate changes. It will also provide other educational institutions with data on which they can make comparisons with their own programs.
[Contribution of John Hughlings Jackson to the understanding of epilepsy].
Balcells Riba, M
The figure of J.H. Jackson is one of the most relevant in the history of neurology. His longest period not only during his training but also during his professional plenitude took place in the National Hospital. Jackson was a great clinician, wrote many articles and gave a lot of lectures, but never wrote either a treatise or a monograph about his special field. He did not carry out animal experiments. He introduced in Britain the use of the ophthalmoscope in the neurological exploration and founded the journal Brain. He was specially interested in language disorders, paralysis, vertigo, mental disorders, cerebral tumours and above all epilepsy. He systematized what we today know as complex partial crisis, establishing the link between the function of the temporal lobe and the sensorial auras, automatism's, déjà-vu and jamais vu phenomena. He described the uncinate crisis, the topographic progression of the motor partial crisis and its posterior generalisation, establishing the motor pattern of cerebral cortex. The clinical observations of epileptic phenomena, with the influence of the evolutive ideas from Spencer, were the seeds for the elaboration of the evolutive development of the function of the nervous system. His theory about evolution and dissolution of the neurological functions was the starting point for Freud's clinical investigation. The Jacksonian set of ideas were experimentally proved by the neurophysiological work of Sherrington.
[The turn of the screw: complex visual hallucinations in the Henry James' novel].
Alvaro, L C; Martín Del Burgo, A
The turn of the screw is one of the most celebrated stories by Henry James. It is also a top writing within the so-called fantastic literature, whose narrative strength comes from the intermittent visions suffered by the main character. The vividness and dramatic content that represent the firstly unidentified human figures, that moreover recur as brief, stereotyped and fragmentary images, are constitutive of complex visual hallucinations. These characteristics, alongside acute premonitory symptoms such as emotional changes (fear, anxiety) or altered thinking (forced, "dejà vu", "jamais vu"), and the final altered awareness or loss of consciousness, allow us to infer an epileptic nature of the ten episodes described. Postictal psychosis, that follows a lucid interval and may last up to the several weeks encompassed by the story, would account for the paranoia featured, in the setting of a temporal lobe epilepsy. The accurate descriptions prompted us to search for autobiographical, scientific or literary influences: The alcoholism and visual hallucinations suffered by his father, the knowledge on hallucinations provided by his brother Williams on his paramount and former The Principles of Psychology, and an early devotion to Poe's writings, an epileptic himself with excellent descriptions of seizures in his writings, might have enabled the author to perform his story with such a hallmark of neurological details.
de mines à la mar jettisoned mine L lancement launch largage jettison largage de détresse en condition de sécurité safe...configuration logistique Etat des conditions d’un matériel prévu pour le stockage et le transport par voies de communication. Pour les munition...durée de vie en service, durée de vie opérationnelle, cycle de vie, conditions de stockage et de transit] ANNEX C to /ANNEXE C à
2l.SU -Wf6e:uJfr-02tSU -V 69E ;W 9-2l IS« 0VS9 v 6se :w e"g(HSH ttWS:uJB-86SU ¥0l-8:uJ9"fr6SUOVW WW2 :lug-98SU U68l-:ujg-,£SSH — —VZL-VU61ZSU...and JAYCOR conducted infrared window material optical properties experiments; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) conducted 146 device
Evidence for Adsorbate-Enhanced Field Emission from Carbon Nanotube Fibers (Postprint)
information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 1. REPORT DATE (DD-MM...indi- cate no detectable change in partial pressure of either species during FE within regime I. However, the data do exhibit a threshold for...Thien Binh , et al., J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 21, 693 (2003). 3B. Diop and Vu Thien Binh , Rev. Sci . Instrum. 83, 094704 (2012). 4J. Zhang, G. Yang, Y
Rethinking Strategic Surprise: Defence Planning Under Bounded Uncertainty
souligne Betts : « On n‟a jamais vu de frappes venues de nulle part. Les attaques soudaines se produisent après des conflits politiques prolongés...came as a complete surprise to most Americans, the threat posed by al Qaeda and its mysterious leader Osama bin Laden had been known to the American...activities, the seriousness of the al Qaeda threat began to reveal itself. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, By 1997, officers in the [Central
Patents - An Information Resource.
11 vs sans dire que ces aspects de description at de divulqation interviennent en plus des trois critbrea classiques de nouveautd, de hauteur...la divulgation doit, nous 1’ avons vu, aux termes de Ia loi , permettre b l’homme de l’art de reconstituer 1’invention. Or on sait bien que lea d...je vous en donnerai confirmation au mayen de r~sultats dletudea conduites au cours de ceo dernibres annies dans diff~rents pays et secteurs
The Jones Commission - DoD Study of the Military Commissary System. Volume 2. Appendices
Lifeline (Interview LTG Bruce Reed Harris, DA, DISC4). Government Computer News V7, N16, P10(3), 1 Aug 1988 Taylor, James R ., Katambwe, Jo Mulamba. "Are New...Jimmy D. Ross, USA Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Logistics) Vice Admiral Stanley R . Arthur, USN PAGE vu A DOD STUDY OF MILITARY COMMISSARIES = Deputy...34 DEFENSE WASHINGTON O C 203C --* rCQCE "ANAGEMENT R AND PERSONNELMA G3 MEMORANDUM FOR ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE ARMY (INSTALLATIONS AND LOGISTICS
is then applied in i ABSTRCT : ,.:,.vu knowledge acquisition from those multiple sources for a specific design, for example, an expert system for...67. N 181.1 47.U3 a75 269;9.6 % A. %3 3 Genetic Explanations: For the concept of a genetic explanation (see .d -. above) to apply to the Gaither...Simulation Research Unit (Acock,1985; Baker,1983; Baker,1985). -. MD’,EX srves as an inner shell for apPlying Artificial Intelligence and E:pert System
Williams, Richard; Niswender, Colleen M.; Luo, Qingwei; Le, Uyen; Conn, P. Jeffrey; Lindsley, Craig W.
This Letter describes the synthesis and SAR of two mGluR4 positive allosteric modulator leads, 6 and 7. VU001171 (6) represents the most potent (EC50 = 650 nM), efficacious (141% Glu Max) and largest fold shift (36-fold) of any mGluR4 PAM reported to date. However, this work highlights the challenges in hit-to-lead for mGluR4 PAMs, with multiple confirmed HTS hits displaying little or no tractable SAR. PMID:19097893
'Green' enclosure of ocean space--déjà vu?
Sand, Peter H
The first wave of unilaterally declared environmental protection zones (starting with Canada's Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act of 1970) may have been halted by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Yet, a second wave now seems to be gaining momentum: the French 'ecological protection zone in the Mediterranean' of April 2003 (promptly emulated by Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy), the British 'environment (protection and preservation) zone' around the Chagos Archipelago of September 2003, and the US 'marine national monument' around the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands of June 2006, all claiming new environmental regulatory powers in sea areas way beyond territorial waters. This viewpoint article questions the unilateral legitimation of those claims, and postulates a trusteeship ethos and fiduciary accountability for ocean governance in these areas.
Thermal Response Turbine Shroud.
AD-AO82 754. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO CINCINNATI OH AIRCRAFT ENGINE GROUP F/G 21/5 THERMAL RESPONSE TURBINE SHROUO.(UI NOV 79 C N GAY F33615-7B-C-2071...SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES IS. IEV WORDS (C..tIam. ON guinea 80410 Itf08M 8". 1~0 &VU~ b lma n-M-) Clearance Shroud Clearance Control Turbine Shroud engine / aircrafte ...compressor Active Clearance Control Systems (ACC) de-signed for aircraft gas turbine engine applications. The study vas conducted by personnel of the
Prostate Dose Escalation by Innovative Inverse Planning-Driven IMRT
fLJ and at each step, we find the minimizer u,\\ of J’. The Euler-Lagrange equation for the regularized J’ functional is u- div ( 1 Vu )= f E S1,2A...GD, Agazaryan N, Solberg TD . 2003. The effects of tumor motion on planning and delivery of respiratory-gated IMRT. Med Phys 30:1052-1066. Jaffray DA...modulated) radiation therapy: a review. Phys Med Biol 51 :R403-425. Wink NM, McNitt-Gray MF, Solberg TD . 2005. Optimization of multi-slice helical
v 107.5 [73 M hu cm an 2600 "uspic 190 IMS mS U124/70 IUA1 MAsA . AMIM 7M.. 72*F MIM VU5UDITT 77 (NO CO5MMONU 4ŕ= W INDOW:- "e v’ A" 6c T 52 ILS. X3MV...exception is the Beech Queen Air which has a 380 hp engine with 7.9 ft diameter geared and synchrophased propellers. As in Table 6, no attempt is made to
DataOT JOL/IHüJ rJÄL. ti’ VU ’ 3 SPECIAL ft£hhl«;l FivüJaöl ! y * INS GREENHOUSE l ^ Statement A 0\\ Approved for public re!ofese...began in December 1951 and was essentially completed at the end of Operation Greenhouse in June 1951. The A-E T-M con- tractor, Holmes and Narver...repair, and store de- Cleanup and roll-up of humidification units No schedule Muzinbaarikku Aug. 1 Clean, repair, and store elec- Mechanical
Gray, Ryan S; Wilm, Thomas P; Smith, Jeff; Bagnat, Michel; Dale, Rodney M; Topczewski, Jacek; Johnson, Stephen L; Solnica-Krezel, Lilianna
Congenital vertebral malformations (CVM) occur in 1 in 1000 live births and in many cases can cause spinal deformities, such as scoliosis, and result in disability and distress of affected individuals. Many severe forms of the disease, such as spondylocostal dystostosis, are recessive monogenic traits affecting somitogenesis, however the etiologies of the majority of CVM cases remain undetermined. Here we demonstrate that morphological defects of the notochord in zebrafish can generate congenital-type spine defects. We characterize three recessive zebrafish leviathan/col8a1a mutant alleles ((m531, vu41, vu105)) that disrupt collagen type VIII alpha1a (col8a1a), and cause folding of the embryonic notochord and consequently adult vertebral column malformations. Furthermore, we provide evidence that a transient loss of col8a1a function or inhibition of Lysyl oxidases with drugs during embryogenesis was sufficient to generate vertebral fusions and scoliosis in the adult spine. Using periodic imaging of individual zebrafish, we correlate focal notochord defects of the embryo with vertebral malformations (VM) in the adult. Finally, we show that bends and kinks in the notochord can lead to aberrant apposition of osteoblasts normally confined to well-segmented areas of the developing vertebral bodies. Our results afford a novel mechanism for the formation of VM, independent of defects of somitogenesis, resulting from aberrant bone deposition at regions of misshapen notochord tissue. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A new name and seventeen new combinations in the Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) of China and Vietnam.
Callaghan, Chris; Png, Siak-Khoon Sk
A new name is proposed and seventeen new combinations are made as a result of the previous reduction of the remaining genera of subfamily Magnolioideae (Magnoliaceae) into the genus Magnolia. The replacement name Magnolia fansipanensis is proposed for Manglietia crassifolia Q. N. Vu et al., since its transfer to Magnolia would create an illegitimate later homonym of the fossil name M. crassifolia Göpp. A further 17 new combinations are made to transfer the following taxa to Magnolia: Manglietia guangzhouensis A. Q. Dong et al., M. kaifui Q. W. Zeng & X. M. Hu, M. lawii N. H. Xia & W. F. Liao, plus Michelia concinna H. Jiang & E. D. Liu, M. jianfenglingensis G. A. Fu & K. Pan, M. viridipetala Y. W. Law et al., M. wuzhishangensis G. A. Fu & K. Pan, M. xianianhei Q. N. Vu and Yulania carnosa D. L. Fu & D. L. Zhang, Y. cuneatofolia T. B. Chao (probably Zhao) et al., Y. dabieshanensis T. B. Zhao et al., Y. dimorpha T. B. Zhao & Z. X. Chen, Y. fragarigynandria T. B. Zhao et al., Y. shirenshanensis D. L. Fu & T. B. Zhao, Y. shizhenii D. L. Fu & F. W. Li, Y. verrucata D. L. Fu et al. and Y. xinyangensis T. B. Zhao et al. The transfer of the above taxa to Magnolia is necessary following the present almost universal recognition of Magnolioideae as one of two monogeneric subfamilies within Magnoliaceae.
Gray, Ryan S.; Wilm, Thomas; Smith, Jeff; Bagnat, Michel; Dale, Rodney M.; Topczewski, Jacek; Johnson, Stephen L.; Solnica-Krezel, Lilianna
Congenital vertebral malformations (CVM) occur in 1 in 1,000 live births and in many cases can cause spinal deformities, such as scoliosis, and result in disability and distress of affected individuals. Many severe forms of the disease, such as spondylocostal dystostosis, are recessive monogenic traits affecting somitogenesis, however the etiologies of the majority of CVM cases remain undetermined. Here we demonstrate that morphological defects of the notochord in zebrafish can generate congenital-type spine defects. We characterize three recessive zebrafish leviathan/col8a1a mutant alleles (m531, vu41, vu105) that disrupt collagen type VIII alpha1a (col8a1a), and cause folding of the embryonic notochord and consequently adult vertebral column malformations. Furthermore, we provide evidence that a transient loss of col8a1a function or inhibition of Lysyl oxidases with drugs during embryogenesis was sufficient to generate vertebral fusions and scoliosis in the adult spine. Using periodic imaging of individual zebrafish, we correlate focal notochord defects of the embryo with vertebral malformations (VM) in the adult. Finally, we show that bends and kinks in the notochord can lead to aberrant apposition of osteoblasts normally confined to well-segmented areas of the developing vertebral bodies. Our results afford a novel mechanism for the formation of VM, independent of defects of somitogenesis, resulting from aberrant bone deposition at regions of misshapen notochord tissue. PMID:24333517
Compression factor and error sensitivity together with statistical data have also been tabulated. This TIB is a companion drcument to NCS TIB’s 79-7...vu donner la priorit6 pour lour r~alisation. Chaque application est conf ice A un " chef do projet", responsable successivoment do sa conception. de son...pilote depend des r~sultats obtenus et fait I’objet d’une d~cision- de ’.a Direction Gdnerale. Ndanmoins, le chef do projet doit dOs le d~part consid~rer
pas la somme d’opérations d’analyse et de synthèse successives leur cerveau réalise à leur insu pour transformer chaque bribe d’information anodine en...enregistrée dans un coin de son cerveau avec plus d’attributs qu’il n’en a vu. Son expérience militaire, la connaissance du contexte, les habitudes...donc d’arriver à imiter le plus fidèlement possible le processus intellectuel et psychologique qui anime le cerveau humain. Il est cependant posé que
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Robert C. Haight; John L. Ullmann; Daniel D. Strottman
This Workshop was held on September 3--4, 1999, following the 10th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy. Presentations were made by 14 speakers, 6 from the US and 8 from other countries on topics relevant to s-, r- and rp-process nucleosynthesis. Laboratory experiments, both present and planned, and astrophysical observations were represented as were astrophysical models. Approximately 50 scientists participated in this Workshop. These Proceedings consist of copies of vu-graphs presented at the Workshop. For further information, the interested readers are referred to the authors.
B-1 Systems Approach to Training. Control and Display Catalog and Action Verb Thesaurus
Curcumin modulates cellular AP-1, NF-kB, and HPV16 E6 proteins in oral cancer.
Mishra, Alok; Kumar, Rakesh; Tyagi, Abhishek; Kohaar, Indu; Hedau, Suresh; Bharti, Alok C; Sarker, Subhodeep; Dey, Dipankar; Saluja, Daman; Das, Bhudev
In this study, we investigated the effects of the natural antioxidant curcumin on the HPV16-positive oral carcinoma cell line 93VU147T and demonstrated that curcumin is not only a potent inhibitor for the activity of host nuclear transcription factors AP-1 and NF-kB but it also selectively suppresses transcription of the HPV16/E6 oncogene during the carcinogenic process in oral cancer cells. This study suggests a therapeutic potential of curcumin for high-risk human papilloma virus (HPV)-infected oral cancers.
Curcumin modulates cellular AP-1, NF-kB, and HPV16 E6 proteins in oral cancer
Mishra, Alok; Kumar, Rakesh; Tyagi, Abhishek; Kohaar, Indu; Hedau, Suresh; Bharti, Alok C; Sarker, Subhodeep; Dey, Dipankar; Saluja, Daman; Das, Bhudev
In this study, we investigated the effects of the natural antioxidant curcumin on the HPV16-positive oral carcinoma cell line 93VU147T and demonstrated that curcumin is not only a potent inhibitor for the activity of host nuclear transcription factors AP-1 and NF-kB but it also selectively suppresses transcription of the HPV16/E6 oncogene during the carcinogenic process in oral cancer cells. This study suggests a therapeutic potential of curcumin for high-risk human papilloma virus (HPV)-infected oral cancers. PMID:25932049
Determination of Effects of Designated Pollutants on Plant Species
grown at var Early Bird White Lompoc Barley Hordeum vuZgare Burpee Grown at Lompoc between flower var CM 67 seed crops Bean Phaseolus vulgaris Burpee...Rapid growth, widespread field var Pinto and garden cultivation, good for comparisons with other investigators Citrus Citrus sinesis UCR-PPD2 Special use...damage, 46 SI l I 90 + BARLEY CM 67 90. PINTO BEAN S8080 N, E 70 70 . zo 60 60- S50 50. - + z 0 +w o 40 40 + z + o 4-- + () 30 0 30- 0 4 EXPOSURE TIME
facilitant la transition entre les plans d’ing~nierie 6lectronique et la matrice pertinente d’interconnexions requise pour le montage par c~blage enroul6 Wire...Wrap. Le d~veloppement de prototypes 6lectroniques s’est vu consid6rablement acc6l6r6 par la preparation plus rapide des donn~es d’interconnexions...directory, all located in *APL files (Sect. 7.0). A matrix called BANQUE is also formed by the program L to regroup those chip descriptions of the main
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
As a Jet Propulsion Laboratory astronomer, John D. Callahan developed a computer program called Multimission Interactive Planner (MIP) to help astronomers analyze scientific and optical data collected on the Voyager's Grand Tour. The commercial version of the program called XonVu is published by XonTech, Inc. Callahan has since developed two more advanced programs based on MIP technology, Grand Tour and Jovian Traveler, which simulate Voyager and Giotto missions. The software allows astronomers and space novices to view the objects seen by the spacecraft, manipulating perspective, distance and field of vision.
Trapped-Particle Instability Leading to Bursting in Stimulated Raman Scattering Simulations
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
S. Brunner; E. Valeo
Nonlinear, kinetic simulations of Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) for laser-fusion-relevant conditions present a bursting behavior. Different explanations for this regime has been given in previous studies: Saturation of SRS by increased nonlinear Landau damping [K. Estabrook et al., Phys. Fluids B 1 (1989) 1282] and detuning due to the nonlinear frequency shift of the plasma wave [H.X. Vu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 4306]. Another mechanism, also assigning a key role to the trapped electrons, is proposed here: The break-up of the plasma wave through the trapped-particle instability.
AIS and Collision Avoidance a Sense of Déjà Vu
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stitt, I. P. A.
Although AIS is already in use in a range of vessels, there has been little public discussion on how AIS should interact with the COLREGS in practice. The objective of this paper is to make a contribution to that debate, while recognising that “best practice” will evolve as more practical experience is obtained. The paper suggests the approach that should be adopted in several areas, but concludes that, overall, AIS is nothing more than one of several tools that should enable mariners to fulfil their existing obligations under the COLREGS.
Multiple opiate receptors: déjà vu all over again.
Pasternak, Gavril W
The concept of multiple opioid receptors has changed dramatically since their initial proposal by Martin nearly 40 years ago. Three major opioid receptor families have now been proposed: mu, kappa and delta. Most of the opioid analgesics used clinically selectively bind to mu opioid receptors. Yet, clinicians have long appreciated subtle, but significant, differences in their pharmacology. These observations suggested more than one mu opioid receptor mechanism of action and led us to propose multiple mu opioid receptors over 20 years ago based upon a range of pharmacological and receptor binding approaches. A mu opioid receptor, MOR-1, was cloned about a decade ago. More recent studies have now identified a number of splice variants of this clone. These splice variants may help explain the pharmacology of the mu opioids and open interesting directions for future opioid research.
Navarria, Andrea; Wohleb, Eric S.; Voleti, Bhavya; Ota, Kristie T.; Dutheil, Sophie; Lepack, Ashley E.; Dwyer, Jason M.; Fuchikami, Manabu; Becker, Astrid; Drago, Filippo; Duman, Ronald S.
Clinical studies demonstrate that scopolamine, a nonselective muscarinic acetycholine receptor (mAchR) antagonist, produces rapid therapeutic effects in depressed patients, and preclinical studies report that the actions of scopolamine require glutamate receptor activation and the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). The present study extends these findings to determine the role of the mPFC and specific muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M-AchR) subtypes in the actions of scopolamine. Administration of scopolamine increases the activity marker Fos in the mPFC, including the infralimbic (IL) and prelimbic (PrL) subregions. Microinfusions of scopolamine into either the IL or PrL produced significant antidepressant responses in the forced swim test, and neuronal silencing of IL or PrL blocked the antidepressant effects of systemic scopolamine. The results also demonstrate that systemic administration of a selective M1-AChR antagonist, VU0255035 produced an antidepressant response and stimulated mTORC1 signaling in the PFC, similar to the actions of scopolamine. Finally, we used a chronic unpredictable stress model as a more rigorous test of rapid antidepressant actions, and found that scopolamine or VU0255035 administration blocked the anhedonic response caused by CUS, an effect that requires chronic administration of typical antidepressants. Taken together, these findings indicate that mPFC is a critical mediator of the behavioral actions of scopolamine, and identify the M1-AChR as a therapeutic target for the development of novel and selective rapid-acting antidepressants. PMID:26102021
Navarria, Andrea; Wohleb, Eric S; Voleti, Bhavya; Ota, Kristie T; Dutheil, Sophie; Lepack, Ashley E; Dwyer, Jason M; Fuchikami, Manabu; Becker, Astrid; Drago, Filippo; Duman, Ronald S
Clinical studies demonstrate that scopolamine, a non-selective muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAchR) antagonist, produces rapid therapeutic effects in depressed patients, and preclinical studies report that the actions of scopolamine require glutamate receptor activation and the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). The present study extends these findings to determine the role of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and specific muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M-AchR) subtypes in the actions of scopolamine. The administration of scopolamine increases the activity marker Fos in the mPFC, including the infralimbic (IL) and prelimbic (PrL) subregions. Microinfusions of scopolamine into either the IL or the PrL produced significant antidepressant responses in the forced swim test, and neuronal silencing of IL or PrL blocked the antidepressant effects of systemic scopolamine. The results also demonstrate that the systemic administration of a selective M1-AChR antagonist, VU0255035, produced an antidepressant response and stimulated mTORC1 signaling in the PFC, similar to the actions of scopolamine. Finally, we used a chronic unpredictable stress model as a more rigorous test of rapid antidepressant actions and found that a single dose of scopolamine or VU0255035 blocked the anhedonic response caused by CUS, an effect that requires the chronic administration of typical antidepressants. Taken together, these findings indicate that mPFC is a critical mediator of the behavioral actions of scopolamine and identify the M1-AChR as a therapeutic target for the development of novel and selective rapid-acting antidepressants. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Gogliotti, Rocco G.; Senter, Rebecca K.; Rook, Jerri M.; Ghoshal, Ayan; Zamorano, Rocio; Malosh, Chrysa; Stauffer, Shaun R.; Bridges, Thomas M.; Bartolome, Jose M.; Daniels, J. Scott; Jones, Carrie K.; Lindsley, Craig W.; Conn, P. Jeffrey; Niswender, Colleen M.
Rett syndrome (RS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that shares many symptomatic and pathological commonalities with idiopathic autism. Alterations in protein synthesis-dependent synaptic plasticity (PSDSP) are a hallmark of a number of syndromic forms of autism; in the present work, we explore the consequences of disruption and rescue of PSDSP in a mouse model of RS. We report that expression of a key regulator of synaptic protein synthesis, the metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGlu5) protein, is significantly reduced in both the brains of RS model mice and in the motor cortex of human RS autopsy samples. Furthermore, we demonstrate that reduced mGlu5 expression correlates with attenuated DHPG-induced long-term depression in the hippocampus of RS model mice, and that administration of a novel mGlu5 positive allosteric modulator (PAM), termed VU0462807, can rescue synaptic plasticity defects. Additionally, treatment of Mecp2-deficient mice with VU0462807 improves motor performance (open-field behavior and gait dynamics), corrects repetitive clasping behavior, as well as normalizes cued fear-conditioning defects. Importantly, due to the rationale drug discovery approach used in its development, our novel mGlu5 PAM improves RS phenotypes and synaptic plasticity defects without evoking the overt adverse effects commonly associated with potentiation of mGlu5 signaling (i.e. seizures), or affecting cardiorespiratory defects in RS model mice. These findings provide strong support for the continued development of mGlu5 PAMs as potential therapeutic agents for use in RS, and, more broadly, for utility in idiopathic autism. PMID:26936821
Ictal fear: Associations with age, gender, and other experiential phenomena.
Chong, Derek J; Dugan, Patricia
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of fear to other auras and to gender and age using a large database. The Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project (EPGP) is a multicenter, multicontinental cross-sectional study in which ictal symptomatology and other data were ascertained in a standardized series of questionnaires then corroborated by epilepsy specialists. Auras were classified into subgroups of symptoms, with ictal fear, panic, or anxiety as a single category. Of 536 participants with focal epilepsy, 72 were coded as having ictal fear/panic/anxiety. Reviewing raw patient responses, 12 participants were deemed not to have fear, and 24 had inadequate data, leaving 36 (7%) of 512 with definite ictal fear. In univariate analyses, fear was significantly associated with auras historically considered temporal lobe in origin, including cephalic, olfactory, and visceral complaints; déjà vu; and derealization. On both univariate and multivariate stepwise analyses, fear was associated with jamais vu and auras with cardiac symptoms, dyspnea, and chest tightening. Expressive aphasia was associated with fear on univariate analysis only, but the general category of aphasias was associated with fear only in the multivariate model. There was no age or gender relationship with fear when compared to the overall population with focal epilepsy that was studied under the EPGP. Patients with ictal fear were more likely to have a right hemisphere seizure focus. Ictal fear was strongly associated with other auras considered to originate from the limbic system. No relationship of fear with age or gender was observed. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
da Rocha, José Maurício; Gravina, Marco Abdo; Campos, Marcio José da Silva; Quintão, Cátia Cardoso Abdo; Elias, Carlos Nelson; Vitral, Robert Willer Farinazzo
Objective To evaluate, in vitro, the shear bond strength presented by three brands of polycrystalline ceramic brackets and one brand of metallic bracket; verify the adhesive remnant index (ARI) after the tests, and analyze, through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) the enamel surface topography after debonding, detecting the release of mineral particles. Methods Sixty bovine lower incisors were used. Three ceramic brackets (Allure®, InVu®, and Clarity®) and one metallic bracket (Geneus®) were bonded with Transbond XT®. Kruskal-Wallis's test (significance level set at 5%) was applied to the results of share bond and ARI. Mann Whitney's test was performed to compare the pairs of brackets in relation to their ARI. Brown-Forsythe's test (significance level set at 5%) was applied to the results of enamel chemical composition. Comparisons between groups were made with Games-Howell's and the Post-hoc tests. Results No statistically significant difference was observed in relation to the shear bond strength loads. Clarity® brackets were the most affected in relation to the surface topography and to the release of mineral particles of enamel (calcium ions). Conclusion With regard to the ARI, there was a prevalence of score 4 (40.4%). As for enamel surface topography, the Geneus® bracket was the only one which did not show superficial tissue loss. The InVu® and Clarity® ones showed cohesive fractures in 33.3% and the Allure® in 50%, the latter being the one that presented most fractures during removal. PMID:24713563
Precision half-life measurement of 11C: The most precise mirror transition F t value
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Valverde, A. A.; Brodeur, M.; Ahn, T.; Allen, J.; Bardayan, D. W.; Becchetti, F. D.; Blankstein, D.; Brown, G.; Burdette, D. P.; Frentz, B.; Gilardy, G.; Hall, M. R.; King, S.; Kolata, J. J.; Long, J.; Macon, K. T.; Nelson, A.; O'Malley, P. D.; Skulski, M.; Strauss, S. Y.; Vande Kolk, B.
Background: The precise determination of the F t value in T =1 /2 mixed mirror decays is an important avenue for testing the standard model of the electroweak interaction through the determination of Vu d in nuclear β decays. 11C is an interesting case, as its low mass and small QE C value make it particularly sensitive to violations of the conserved vector current hypothesis. The present dominant source of uncertainty in the 11CF t value is the half-life. Purpose: A high-precision measurement of the 11C half-life was performed, and a new world average half-life was calculated. Method: 11C was created by transfer reactions and separated using the TwinSol facility at the Nuclear Science Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame. It was then implanted into a tantalum foil, and β counting was used to determine the half-life. Results: The new half-life, t1 /2=1220.27 (26 ) s, is consistent with the previous values but significantly more precise. A new world average was calculated, t1/2 world=1220.41 (32 ) s, and a new estimate for the Gamow-Teller to Fermi mixing ratio ρ is presented along with standard model correlation parameters. Conclusions: The new 11C world average half-life allows the calculation of a F tmirror value that is now the most precise value for all superallowed mixed mirror transitions. This gives a strong impetus for an experimental determination of ρ , to allow for the determination of Vu d from this decay.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Le Club de Rome s'est fait connaître du grand public par la publication du premier ouvrage "Halte à la croissance" qui a fait l'object d'un débat, il y a 2 ans. Le Prof. Tinbergen a commencé par s'adonner à la physique, il est docteur en physique et très tôt il s'est tourné vers les problèmes sociaux économiques. Il est expert auprès des nombreux gouvernements et organisations internationales et il a vu ses travaux couronnés par le prix Nobel en 1969.
Visual Motion Perception and Visual Information Processing
S submitted to Vision Research for publication. - (4) Studies of the detection and discrimination of visual acceleration. These two i r papers...1915). Vu. Res 2 (4) pp. 511-521. Supported by AIOSR Lde Scwrene Dvcmvte Gram U-0140 sad NI&M Grant 5132MH 14267. R Ipr ,,’: n Pr tl Ir I.t % I s t...0X903 or (eorge Sperling. HIP Lab. NYU. 6 Washington Place. New York. NY I (XX)3. 411 WM22-2496 91 S3.00 ,psrRht , 1l l h% siemic Pit s Inc --- j r ,Is 1
Airfields on Antarctic Glacier Ice
glacier ice Vu., vA2 2~ FEB 0C DLSPM ONSAEM- T r it Cover: Blue ice areas near the Scott Glacier. There is a possible landing field at 86035"S, 148025"W...pi. Ii7 t E 9 v 1.. - Site$ At Moliunt HoWe t87*20S. 14W 0W) -nd P-411 lardain t leois lower than that of clear Glacier (85ൎ’S, 16795T~) wur-a...emphasis much more vigorous than isthecasein thehighin- on the area of Mount Howe and D’Angelo Bluff teior of Antarctica. For example, near Mawson
The Deja Connu Phenomenon: A Study in the Formation and Modifiability of First Impressions.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Noffsinger, Edward B.; Pellegrini, Robert J.
Working from a rationale derived from cognitive learning theory, this study was designed to investigate the extent to which the formation and modifiability of first impressions may be affected by the perceiver's tendency to associate the stimulus person with some other individual. Fifty subjects rated their initial attractions toward male and…
Biofuels in transport sector of Latvia: experience, current status and barriers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Smigins, R.; Shipkovs, P.
During the last 10 years biofuel production and utilization in the European Union have become more extensive owing to support provided by the relevant EU Directives. Achievement of the main targets defined by Directives was not simple, being confronted with various barriers. Latvia is one of the EU member-countries that have set an ambitious goal as to the production of biofuel and its use in transport. The authors summarize the major achievements of the country in this area and analyze the main barriers to implementation of biofuels in the transport sector, providing an outlook on the current status of the bioenergy and the transport situation in Latvia. Pēdējo 10 gadu laikā biodegvielu ražošana un izmantošana ES ir kļuvusi daudz plašāka, pateicoties spēcīgam Direktīvu atbalstam. Galveno Direktīvu definēto mērķu sasniegšana nebija viegla un saskārās ar dažādiem sarežģījumiem. Latvija ir viena no ES valstīm, kas uzstādīja ambiciozu mērķi biodegvielu ražošanā un tālākā šīs degvielas izmantošanā transportā. Dotais raksts dod ieskatu galvenajos valsts sasniegumos šajā sfērā, kā arī analizē galvenās barjeras, kas traucē biodegvielu ieviešanu transporta sektorā. Tāpat tiek dots ieskats uz valsts esošo situāciju enerģētikā un transportā.
Prevalence of plagiarism in recent submissions to the Croatian Medical Journal.
Baždarić, Ksenija; Bilić-Zulle, Lidija; Brumini, Gordana; Petrovečki, Mladen
To assess the prevalence of plagiarism in manuscripts submitted for publication in the Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ). All manuscripts submitted in 2009-2010 were analyzed using plagiarism detection software: eTBLAST, CrossCheck, and WCopyfind. Plagiarism was suspected in manuscripts with more than 10% of the text derived from other sources. These manuscripts were checked against the Déjà vu database and manually verified by investigators. Of 754 submitted manuscripts, 105 (14%) were identified by the software as suspicious of plagiarism. Manual verification confirmed that 85 (11%) manuscripts were plagiarized: 63 (8%) were true plagiarism and 22 (3%) were self-plagiarism. Plagiarized manuscripts were mostly submitted from China (21%), Croatia (14%), and Turkey (19%). There was no significant difference in the text similarity rate between plagiarized and self-plagiarized manuscripts (25% [95% CI 22-27%] vs. 28% [95% CI 20-33%]; U = 645.50; P = 0.634). Differences in text similarity rate were found between various sections of self-plagiarized manuscripts (H = 12.65, P = 0.013). The plagiarism rate in the Materials and Methods (61% (95% CI 41-68%) was higher than in the Results (23% [95% CI 17-36%], U = 33.50; P = 0.009) or Discussion (25.5 [95% CI 15-35%]; U = 57.50; P < 0.001) sections. Three authors were identified in the Déjà vu database. Plagiarism detection software combined with manual verification may be used to detect plagiarized manuscripts and prevent their publication. The prevalence of plagiarized manuscripts submitted to the CMJ, a journal dedicated to promoting research integrity, was 11% in the 2-year period 2009-2010.
Dahir, Kathryn M; Tilden, Daniel R; Warner, Jeremy L; Bastarache, Lisa; Smith, Derek K; Gifford, Aliya; Ramirez, Andrea H; Simmons, Jill S; Black, Margo M; Newman, John H; Denny, Josh C
Mutations in alkaline phosphatase (AlkP), liver/bone/kidney (ALPL), which encodes tissue-nonspecific isozyme AlkP, cause hypophosphatasia (HPP). HPP is suspected by a low-serum AlkP. We hypothesized that some patients with bone or dental disease have undiagnosed HPP, caused by ALPL variants. Our objective was to discover the prevalence of these gene variants in the Vanderbilt University DNA Biobank (BioVU) and to assess phenotypic associations. We identified subjects in BioVU, a repository of DNA, that had at least one of three known, rare HPP disease-causing variants in ALPL: rs199669988, rs121918007, and/or rs121918002. To evaluate for phenotypic associations, we conducted a sequential phenome-wide association study of ALPL variants and then performed a de-identified manual record review to refine the phenotype. Out of 25,822 genotyped individuals, we identified 52 women and 53 men with HPP disease-causing variants in ALPL, 7/1000. None had a clinical diagnosis of HPP. For patients with ALPL variants, the average serum AlkP levels were in the lower range of normal or lower. Forty percent of men and 62% of women had documented bone and/or dental disease, compatible with the diagnosis of HPP. Forty percent of the female patients had ovarian pathology or other gynecological abnormalities compared with 15% seen in controls. Variants in the ALPL gene cause bone and dental disease in patients with and without the standard biomarker, low plasma AlkP. ALPL gene variants are more prevalent than currently reported and underdiagnosed. Gynecologic disease appears to be associated with HPP-causing variants in ALPL.
BioASF: a framework for automatically generating executable pathway models specified in BioPAX.
Haydarlou, Reza; Jacobsen, Annika; Bonzanni, Nicola; Feenstra, K Anton; Abeln, Sanne; Heringa, Jaap
Biological pathways play a key role in most cellular functions. To better understand these functions, diverse computational and cell biology researchers use biological pathway data for various analysis and modeling purposes. For specifying these biological pathways, a community of researchers has defined BioPAX and provided various tools for creating, validating and visualizing BioPAX models. However, a generic software framework for simulating BioPAX models is missing. Here, we attempt to fill this gap by introducing a generic simulation framework for BioPAX. The framework explicitly separates the execution model from the model structure as provided by BioPAX, with the advantage that the modelling process becomes more reproducible and intrinsically more modular; this ensures natural biological constraints are satisfied upon execution. The framework is based on the principles of discrete event systems and multi-agent systems, and is capable of automatically generating a hierarchical multi-agent system for a given BioPAX model. To demonstrate the applicability of the framework, we simulated two types of biological network models: a gene regulatory network modeling the haematopoietic stem cell regulators and a signal transduction network modeling the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. We observed that the results of the simulations performed using our framework were entirely consistent with the simulation results reported by the researchers who developed the original models in a proprietary language. The framework, implemented in Java, is open source and its source code, documentation and tutorial are available at http://www.ibi.vu.nl/programs/BioASF CONTACT: j.heringa@vu.nl. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.
Variational Solutin to the Problem of the Symmetrical Cylindrical Antenna
65 -3 +3594.0 ./•;•: • ?" •2/ 5 ?: Ä4::Iii^f 1116. +3540.9...8217. •",. •<,--- •,’, .•*:.--1....•..’.f’.vSkXiL^*! <:’-’ ••• >;,.-<?-’S-•:••’’\\ •’...• .J:^,’: :.->-.: fei’ 5 ; ’--^3 • ’ --’ •-•> ’•••’._-^v ;^-> -:.s...j...cO-7:>S;>- »2 5 ."^o VU^f)z*a- ..:^.;.:-*.na lllÄÄÄ^ pa* a» |». lifaj&ti.. t »>’ Pi? 111 - 5 " --Ä -h £ I ^ h.
Tarr, James C; Wood, Michael R; Noetzel, Meredith J; Bertron, Jeanette L; Weiner, Rebecca L; Rodriguez, Alice L; Lamsal, Atin; Byers, Frank W; Chang, Sichen; Cho, Hyekyung P; Jones, Carrie K; Niswender, Colleen M; Wood, Michael W; Brandon, Nicholas J; Duggan, Mark E; Conn, P Jeffrey; Bridges, Thomas M; Lindsley, Craig W
This letter details the continued chemical optimization of a novel series of M 4 positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) based on a 5-amino-thieno[2,3-c]pyridazine core by incorporating a 3-amino azetidine amide moiety. The analogs described within this work represent the most potent M 4 PAMs reported for this series to date. The SAR to address potency, clearance, subtype selectivity, CNS exposure, and P-gp efflux are described. This work culminated in the discovery of VU6000918, which demonstrated robust efficacy in a rat amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion reversal model at a minimum efficacious dose of 0.3mg/kg. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Haluza, M.; Pochylý, F.; Rudolf, P.
In the article is introduced the new type of the turbine - swirl turbine. This turbine is based on opposite principle than Kaplan turbine. Euler equation is satisfied in the form gHηh = -u2vu2. From this equation is seen, that inflow of liquid into the runner is without rotation and on the outflow is a rotation of liquid opposite of rotation of runner. This turbine is suitable for small head and large discharge. Some constructional variants of this turbine are introduced in the article and theoretical aspects regarding losses in the draft tube. The theory is followed by computational simulations in Fluent and experiments using laser Doppler anemometry.
A Graphical Test Bed for Analyzing and Reporting the Results of a Simulation Experiment.
I I WtO VI pWIf Mac 000 1 *eo I .. 0 0 I-In olu *~~~ in. I I ~ %flat us I JZ S x.4 0. rm I OOw pm - ^6 WON -14 * AA id I 001W. In o 01 04000 WH 4A VU A...qafl- *4* *AM04 N)~J- 0LAU)02m-44 ("%dco MC4 - - 20 4UWAWUU 0.4 mu P M s4. M 4. o 4m *4 PMdd * 0.4 0d ,E H 0 24 0~ 0 D2- 024I 2 * il4 *4dli*JU0W4 M Ua4
McKernan, Kevin J.; Spangler, Jessica; Zhang, Lei; Tadigotla, Vasisht; McLaughlin, Stephen; Warner, Jason; Zare, Amir; Boles, Richard G.
We have developed a PCR method, coined Déjà vu PCR, that utilizes six nucleotides in PCR with two methyl specific restriction enzymes that respectively digest these additional nucleotides. Use of this enzyme-and-nucleotide combination enables what we term a “DNA diode”, where DNA can advance in a laboratory in only one direction and cannot feedback into upstream assays. Here we describe aspects of this method that enable consecutive amplification with the introduction of a 5th and 6th base while simultaneously providing methylation dependent mitochondrial DNA enrichment. These additional nucleotides enable a novel DNA decontamination technique that generates ephemeral and easy to decontaminate DNA. PMID:24788618
Dataset of herbarium specimens of threatened vascular plants in Catalonia
Nualart, Neus; Ibáñez, Neus; Luque, Pere; Pedrol, Joan; Vilar, Lluís; Guàrdia, Roser
Abstract This data paper describes a specimens’ dataset of the Catalonian threatened vascular plants conserved in five public Catalonian herbaria (BC, BCN, HGI, HBIL and MTTE). Catalonia is an administrative region of Spain that includes large autochthon plants diversity and 199 taxa with IUCN threatened categories (EX, EW, RE, CR, EN and VU). This dataset includes 1,618 records collected from 17th century to nowadays. For each specimen, the species name, locality indication, collection date, collector, ecology and revision label are recorded. More than 94% of the taxa are represented in the herbaria, which evidence the paper of the botanical collections as an essential source of occurrence data. PMID:28814919
Predictive Capability Maturity Model (PCMM).
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Swiler, Laura Painton; Knupp, Patrick Michael; Urbina, Angel
Predictive Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) is a communication tool that must include a dicussion of the supporting evidence. PCMM is a tool for managing risk in the use of modeling and simulation. PCMM is in the service of organizing evidence to help tell the modeling and simulation (M&S) story. PCMM table describes what activities within each element are undertaken at each of the levels of maturity. Target levels of maturity can be established based on the intended application. The assessment is to inform what level has been achieved compared to the desired level, to help prioritize the VU activities &more » to allocate resources.« less
Un cosmologiste oublié: Jean Henri Lambert
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Débarbat, Suzanne; Lévy, Jacques
Si les travaux de Kepler ont eu une large influence sure les progrès réalisés en astronomie au cours du 17e siècle, le Siècle de lumières a vu apparaître de nouvelles conceptions. La court vie de J.H. lambert s'inscrit dans le 18e siècle. Il s'agit d'un nom bien connu dans différents domaines (photométrie, projections cartographiques, mathématiques appliquées, etc.); mais il n'est guàre mentionné en cosmologie, alors que Lambert y a fourni une contribution originale offrant quelques suprenantes anticipations...
Design and Field Evaluation of a Fuel Filtration/Additive Unit (FAU)
requtrements of various types of indusiry. DISTRIBUTE.D BY: FUDPOWER PRODUMC, MJC. HW N ANO GE NESEE RO 9 C box~m STICKFAW. LA 704664U P"WO~ (504) 542 S? FA...match pressure and capacity a Low la t/high presEtýire to low pres&jre/ high flovw from the same frame Was.-ID q~ 0 10 126 hiydveulic Motors OMP, OMPW...8TWANOR XSIA. 128. MECHAICAL SEAL -OPTIONAL UPW. PaM umAfl pamu- UI ow. MAT PA 4M vu p" owm umpm PA U3 ~ ~~~ 331W26 2 la wi- = 0p XS2*A,(82. MECHANICAL
Feature Weighting via Optimal Thresholding for Video Analysis (Open Access)
EKF MKL LPBoost ALF FWOT BP CaVT FMG GaVU GaA MaS PR PK RaA WaSP Mean 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 P m is s@ T E R = 1 2 .5 Trajectory EKF MKL...processing, and finance. SIAM Journal on Op- timization, 19(3):1344–1367, 2008. [8] H. Kuehne, H. Jhuang, E . Garrote, T. Poggio, and T. Serre. HMDB: a large...Vitaladevuni, X. Zhuang, S. Tsakalidis , U. Park, and R. Prasad. Multimodal feature fusion for robust event detection in web videos. In CVPR, 2012. [16] A
A Computer Code for Fully-Coupled Rocket Nozzle Flows (FULLNOZ)
surface (i.e. each integration It would be useful to incorporate an "initializing" scheme which utilizes comb tstion chamber properties as initial...density is greater than the critical electron density. (During the initial stages of the expansion process , where particle tempera- tures are very high it...34iW to19Cs*4909too xs *d99$900 wool ?* 0. SeFC16, .t) .6?900 1, 3x *,30?%I0 to 41,171 0I. 9"CI ,."v *?’o.9 A3 qhbs99r.oo, v.U118 0.1 ,t It Od Cs Sol-C
Déjà vu? A Comparison of Syphilis Outbreaks in Houston, Texas.
Hallmark, Camden J; Hill, Mandy J; Luswata, Charles; Watkins, Kellie L; Thornton, Lupita; McNeese, Marlene; Ross, Michael W
After reaching an all-time low in 2000, syphilis incidence in the United States has increased as the burden shifted from heterosexuals to men who have sex with men (MSM). Houston, Texas, experienced 2 outbreaks of syphilis during this transformation in trends. Further evaluation is necessary to determine if these outbreaks occurred among the same subpopulations. Surveillance data collected on all reported infectious syphilis cases in Houston from 1971 to 2013 were analyzed. Trends in incidence among MSM and human immunodeficiency virus-positive Houston residents were examined. Peak syphilis years subsequent to 1999, years 2007 and 2012, were compared to determine if outbreaks arose in distinctive subpopulations. Categorical variables between these years were compared using chi-square and Fisher's exact tests, whereas further associations between the years were evaluated using multivariable logistic regression. Incidence among MSM was 20.9 to 32.1 times higher than other men from 2005 to 2013. After adjusting for covariates, cases in 2012 were significantly more likely to be Hispanic (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 1.61; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.03-2.53), reported meeting partners via the Internet (AOR, 1.74; 95% CI, 1.18-2.58), and engaged in anonymous sex (AOR, 1.92; 95% CI, 1.40-2.63) in comparison to cases in 2007. We found marked disparities of syphilis by subpopulation in Houston. Herein, we present evidence that outbreaks have been distinct in a major southern city with a high burden of syphilis.
HCV versus HIV drug discovery: Déjà vu all over again?
Watkins, William J; Desai, Manoj C
Efforts to address HIV infection have been highly successful, enabling chronic suppression of viral replication with once-daily regimens. More recent research into HCV therapeutics have also resulted in very promising clinical candidates. This Digest explores similarities and differences in the two fields and compares the chronology of drug discovery relative to the availability of enabling tools, and concludes that safe and convenient, once-daily regimens are likely to reach approval much more rapidly for HCV than was the case for HIV. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Discovering Open Source Discovery: Using VuFind to Create MnPALS Plus
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Digby, Todd; Elfstrand, Stephen
The goal of having a robust discovery system is a priority of the libraries the authors serve (both work at the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities). Given the current fiscal situation facing public higher education in their state, the current commercial systems were not affordable for most of their libraries. They decided to implement and…
A new informant-based questionnaire for instrumental activities of daily living in dementia.
Sikkes, Sietske A M; de Lange-de Klerk, Elly S M; Pijnenburg, Yolande A L; Gillissen, Freek; Romkes, Rolinka; Knol, Dirk L; Uitdehaag, Bernard M J; Scheltens, Philip
Interference in everyday functioning is part of the diagnostic criteria for dementia. Questionnaires measuring "instrumental activities of daily living" (IADL) are used to measure this interference, but the psychometric quality of these questionnaires is often questioned. In addition, these questionnaires are less suited for early-onset patients. This is problematic, given the high frequency of relatively young patients in memory clinics. In this article, we describe the development and psychometric properties of a new informant-based IADL questionnaire aimed at detecting incipient dementia and appropriate for a broad age range. We defined IADL in consensus with experts and constructed items based on existing items and suggestions from experts and informants. Informants of subjects (n = 206) who visited the Alzheimer Center of the VU University Medical Center completed the questionnaire. Factor structure was investigated using classical exploratory factor analysis and item response theory. We assessed test-retest reliability in 73 informants using weighted κ values. The questionnaire consisted of 75 items and was computerized to enhance ease of administration. Exploratory factor analysis supported a single-factor model, with 48.3% of the variance being explained by the first factor. We removed five items, as they did not fit the model. High internal consistency was demonstrated. Test-retest reliability showed that the majority of items (87.9%) had substantial-to-almost perfect κ values. The Amsterdam IADL Questionnaire (Amsterdam IADL questionnaire is a registered trademark of Alzheimer Center VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) is a 70-item informant-based computerized questionnaire aimed at detecting early dementia and early-onset dementia. Initial results show that this questionnaire is a promising new tool. Copyright © 2012 The Alzheimer's Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The amygdala and temporal lobe simple partial seizures: a prospective and quantitative MRI study.
Van Paesschen, W; King, M D; Duncan, J S; Connelly, A
To determine whether specific temporal lobe simple partial seizures (SPSs) are associated with an abnormal amygdala T2 (AT2) ipsilateral to the seizure focus in patients with intractable unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). AT2 relaxation time mapping is a sensitive method for the detection of abnormal tissue in the amygdala in patients with refractory TLE. The relation between an abnormal AT2 in the epileptic temporal lobe and amygdala seizure onset has not been established. Fifty patients with intractable unilateral TLE and concordant data during presurgical evaluation were included. Patients with a foreign-tissue lesion on standard magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were excluded. All had AT2 mapping. Fifteen types of SPSs were ascertained prospectively, systematically, and blinded to the results of AT2 mapping. The SPSs of patients with a normal AT2 (n = 25) were compared with those of patients with an abnormal AT2 ipsilateral to the seizure focus (n = 25). The group of patients with an abnormal AT2 reported a median of six types of SPSs (range 1-11), in comparison with a median of three types of SPSs (range, 0-7) for the group with a normal AT2 (p<0.01). Déjà vu, a warm sensation, an indescribable strange sensation, a cephalic sensation, and fear were associated with an abnormal AT2. The combination of déjà vu, a cephalic sensation, a warm sensation, a gustatory hallucination, and an indescribable strange sensation discriminated best between the 25 patients with a normal and the 25 patients with an abnormal AT2. A high number and the types of different SPSs provide clinical evidence for early involvement of the amygdala during seizures in patients with refractory unilateral TLE and an abnormal AT2 in the epileptic temporal lobe
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Word Frequency Analysis. MOS: 68H. Skill Levels 1 & 2.
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A new species of Chirixalus from Vietnam (Anura: Rhacophoridae).
Matsui, Masafumi; Orlov, Nikolai
A new rhacophorid species is described on the basis of two specimens collected from Vu Quang Nature Reserve, Ha Tinh Province, central Vietnam. The species has inner and outer fingers that are not opposable, but in order to avoid taxonomic confusion, it is tentatively assigned to the genus Chirixalus. It is a large Chirixalus, having robust body with warty, grayish dorsum and immaculate ventrum, and lacking large pollex, white granules around anus and on limbs, and dark markings on sides of body. It is most similar to C. eiffingeri and C. idiootocus in external morphology, and much different from the other congeners. Generic definition of the genera Chirixalus and Kurixalus is discussed.
This Is My (Post) Truth, Tell Me Yours
Powell, Martin
This is a commentary on the article ‘The rise of post-truth populism in pluralist liberal democracies: challenges for health policy.’ It critically examines two of its key concepts: populism and ‘post truth.’ This commentary argues that there are different types of populism, with unclear links to impacts, and that in some ways, ‘post-truth’ has resonances with arguments advanced in the period at the beginning of the British National Health Service (NHS). In short, ‘post-truth’ populism’ may be ‘déjà vu all over again,’ and there are multiple (post) truths: this is my (post) truth, tell me yours. PMID:29172380
Response of the Cardiovascular System to Vibration and Combined Stresses
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Le Club de Rome s'est fait connaître du grand public par la publication du premier ouvrage "Halte à la croissance" qui a fait l'object d'un débat, il y a 2 ans. Le Prof. Tinbergen a commencé par s'adonner à la physique, il est docteur en physique et très tôt il s'est tourné vers les problèmes sociaux économiques. Il est expert auprès des nombreux gouvernements et organisations internationales et il a vu ses travaux couronnés par le prix Nobel en 1969.
Department of Defense Materiel Distribution System Study. Volume 3, Book 2. Appendices A, B and C
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Program Derivation by Proof Transformation
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Recommendations on Future Science and Engineering Studies for Ocean Color
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mannino, Antonio
The Ocean Health Index measured Ecological Integrity as the relative condition of assessed species in a given location. This was calculated as the weighted sum of the International Union for Conservation of Natures (IUCN) assessments of species. Weights used were based on the level of extinction risk following Butchart et al.2007: EX (extinct) 0.0, CR (critically endangered) 0.2, EN (endangered) 0.5, VU (vulnerable) 0.7, NT (not threatened) 0.9, and LC (least concern) 0.99. For primarily coastal goals, the spatial average of these per pixel scores was based on a 3nmi buffer; for goals derived from all ocean waters, the spatial average was computed for the entire EEZ.
Spectral methods in time for a class of parabolic partial differential equations
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ierley, G.; Spencer, B.; Worthing, R.
In this paper, we introduce a fully spectral solution for the partial differential equation u[sub t] + uu[sub x] + vu[sub xx] + [mu]u[sub xxx] + [lambda]u[sub xxxx] = O. For periodic boundary conditions in space, the use of a Fourier expansion in x admits of a particularly efficient algorithm with respect to expansion of the time dependence in a Chebyshev series. Boundary conditions other than periodic may still be treated with reasonable, though lesser, efficiency. for all cases, very high accuracy is attainable at moderate computational cost relative to the expense of variable order finite difference methods in time.more » 14 refs., 9 figs.« less
[Epilepsy in the temporal lobe: déjà vu in Primary Care].
Miguéns Blanco, I; Rodríguez Acevedo, B
Epilepsy is a common disease in the general population. 10% of the population will present a seizure throughout his life, although only 1% will have an epileptic condition. We can divide the generalized epilepsy and focal. Es in the latter that more diagnostic and management difficulties may arise in clinical practice, for its wide variety of symptoms and their identification difficult. These symptoms may be referred to differently by each patient, often dismissively. In focal epilepsy, the most prevalent epilepsy that originates in the temporal lobe. The identification and study of this pathology is very important because the patient may have episodes of disconnecting means and in one third of cases secondarily generalized crises. Although most patients the culprit lesion is mesial temporal sclerosis, one must rule out other causes such as tumors or infections. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.
Childbearing in adolescence: intergenerational dejà-vu? Evidence from a Brazilian birth cohort.
Ferraro, Alexandre Archanjo; Cardoso, Viviane Cunha; Barbosa, Aline Pires; Da Silva, Antônio Augusto Moura; Faria, Carlos Augusto; De Ribeiro, Valdinar Souza; Bettiol, Heloisa; Barbieri, Marco Antonio
Pregnancy in adolescence tends to repeat over generations. This event has been little studied in middle and low-income societies undergoing a rapid epidemiological transition. To assess this association it is important to adjust for socioeconomic conditions at different points in lifetime. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the independent effect of adolescent childbearing in a generation on its recurrence in the subsequent generation, after adjusting for socioeconomic status at different points in life. The study was conducted on a prospective cohort of singleton liveborn females from the city of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, evaluated in 1978/79, and their daughters assessed in 2002/04. A total of 1059 mother-daughter pairs were evaluated. The women who had their first childbirth before 20 years of age were considered to be adolescent mothers. The risk of childbearing in adolescence for the daughter was modeled as a function of the occurrence of teenage childbearing in her mother, after adjustment for socio-demographic variables in a Poisson regression model. The rate of childbearing during adolescence was 31.4% in 1978/79 and 17.1% in 2002/04. Among the daughters of the 1st generation adolescent mothers, this rate was 26.7%, as opposed to 12.7% among the daughters of non adolescent mothers. After adjustments the risk of adolescent childbearing for the 2nd generation was 35% higher for women whose mothers had been pregnant during adolescence - RR = 1.35 (95% CI 1.04-1.74). Adolescent childbearing in the 1st generation was a predictor of adolescent childbearing in the 2nd, regardless of socioeconomic factors determined at different points in lifetime.
A pill for HIV prevention: déjà vu all over again?
Myers, Julie E; Sepkowitz, Kent A
Recent FDA approval of tenofovir-emtricitabine for prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as a form of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has led to concern about implementation of this strategy. Fifty years ago, a very similar national and international debate occurred when the oral contraceptive pill ("the Pill" or "OCP") was approved. Contentious issues included OCP safety, cost, and the potential impact on sexual behavior--many of the same concerns being voiced currently about PrEP. In this article, we review the social and medical history of OCP, drawing parallels with the current PrEP debate. We also explore the key areas where PrEP differs from its forbear: lower efficacy, presence of drug resistance, and a more circumscribed (and marginalized) target population. A thoughtful approach to PrEP implementation, bearing in mind the historical insights gained from the 1960s, might serve as well as we begin this new chapter in the control of the HIV epidemic.
The Two Disciplines Problem--"It's Like Déjà Vu All over Again!"
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pellegrino, James W.
In this commentary on this issue's focus article by Baird et al., Pellegrino focuses first on the fundamental nature of educational assessment and its connection to theories, models, and data on learning. He then discusses the contemporary views of learning in the form of learning progressions as they relate to assessment development. In the third…
Drug resistance to targeted therapies: déjà vu all over again.
Groenendijk, Floris H; Bernards, René
A major limitation of targeted anticancer therapies is intrinsic or acquired resistance. This review emphasizes similarities in the mechanisms of resistance to endocrine therapies in breast cancer and those seen with the new generation of targeted cancer therapeutics. Resistance to single-agent cancer therapeutics is frequently the result of reactivation of the signaling pathway, indicating that a major limitation of targeted agents lies in their inability to fully block the cancer-relevant signaling pathway. The development of mechanism-based combinations of targeted therapies together with non-invasive molecular disease monitoring is a logical way forward to delay and ultimately overcome drug resistance development. Copyright © 2014 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Genetic mapping of 14 avirulence genes in an EU-B04 × 1639 progeny of Venturia inaequalis.
Broggini, Giovanni A L; Bus, Vincent G M; Parravicini, Gabriella; Kumar, Satish; Groenwold, Remmelt; Gessler, Cesare
Durable resistance to apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cke) Wint; anamorph Spilocaea pomi Fries) is one of the major goals of apple (Malus) breeding programs. Since current scab resistance breeding is heavily reliant on genes with gene-for-gene relationships, a good understanding of the genetic basis of host-pathogen interactions needs to be developed for this strategy to be successful. While the genomic organization of apple scab resistance genes has been studied extensively, little is known about the avirulence genes in the pathogen. The progeny of a cross of European V. inaequalis race (1) isolate EU-B04 and race (1,2,8,9) isolate 1639 was used to generate a genetic map based on microsatellite and AFLP markers, and investigated for inheritance of avirulence traits on 20 Malus accessions representing 17 scab resistance genes. The accessions comprised scab differential hosts (0), (1), (2), (8), and (9), and hosts carrying known as well as not previously reported secondary resistance genes, including some identified in crosses that have resistant accessions 'Geneva', 'Dolgo', Malus baccata jackii, M. micromalus, or 'Antonovka' in their pedigree. The latter genes appear to be narrow spectrum genes that showed gene-for-gene relationships as a segregation ratio of Avr:avr=1:1 was observed on 12 accessions, while a ratio of 3:1 was observed on five accessions and a ratio of 7:1 on one host. All progenies were shown to be pathogenic, as all of them were able to infect hosts (0) and (1). A genetic map consisting of 15 major linkage groups (LGs) and spanning 972cM was generated with the aid of 156 markers. The map position of 12 avirulence traits was determined: eight avirulence genes mapped into two separate clusters (1: AvrVdg2, AvrVv1, AvrVu1, AvrVrjrd; and 2: AvrVu2, AvrVh3.2, AvrVs1, AvrVu4), while four avirulence genes (AvrRvi8, AvrVv2, AvrVt57 and AvrVsv) mapped to different LGs. AvrRvi2 and AvrRvi9 also are genetically linked, but showed an interaction with Avr
Etude aerodynamique d'un jet turbulent impactant une paroi concave
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
LeBlanc, Benoit
Etant donne la demande croissante de temperatures elevees dans des chambres de combustion de systemes de propulsions en aerospatiale (turbomoteurs, moteur a reaction, etc.), l'interet dans le refroidissement par jets impactant s'est vu croitre. Le refroidissement des aubes de turbine permet une augmentation de temperature de combustion, ce qui se traduit en une augmentation de l'efficacite de combustion et donc une meilleure economie de carburant. Le transfert de chaleur dans les au bages est influence par les aspects aerodynamiques du refroidissement a jet, particulierement dans le cas d'ecoulements turbulents. Un manque de comprehension de l'aerodynamique a l'interieur de ces espaces confinees peut mener a des changements de transfert thermique qui sont inattendus, ce qui augmente le risque de fluage. Il est donc d'interet pour l'industrie aerospatiale et l'academie de poursuivre la recherche dans l'aerodynamique des jets turbulents impactant les parois courbes. Les jets impactant les surfaces courbes ont deja fait l'objet de nombreuses etudes. Par contre des conditions oscillatoires observees en laboratoire se sont averees difficiles a reproduire en numerique, puisque les structures d'ecoulements impactants des parois concaves sont fortement dependantes de la turbulence et des effets instationnaires. Une etude experimentale fut realisee a l'institut PPRIME a l'Universite de Poitiers afin d'observer le phenomene d'oscillation dans le jet. Une serie d'essais ont verifie les conditions d'ecoulement laminaires et turbulentes, toutefois le cout des essais experimentaux a seulement permis d'avoir un apercu du phenomene global. Une deuxieme serie d'essais fut realisee numeriquement a l'Universite de Moncton avec l'outil OpenFOAM pour des conditions d'ecoulement laminaire et bidimensionnel. Cette etude a donc comme but de poursuivre l'enquete de l'aerodynamique oscillatoire des jets impactant des parois courbes, mais pour un regime d'ecoulement transitoire, turbulent
Aura phenomena during syncope.
Benke, T; Hochleitner, M; Bauer, G
We studied the frequency and clinical characteristics of aura phenomena in 60 patients with cardiac and 40 subjects with vasovagal syncopes. The majority (93%) of all syncope patients recalled having experienced an aura. Aura phenomena were similar in both groups and were mostly compound auras comprising epigastric, vertiginous, visual, or somatosensory experiences, but were more detailed in the noncardiac group. The localizing significance of auras preceding a syncope was generally poor. Although hard to distinguish from epileptic auras from their structure and shape, syncope-related auras lacked symptoms that are commonly reported after epileptic seizures such as tastes, smells, déjà vu phenomena, scenic visual perceptions, and speech impairments. A detailed anamnestic exploration of auras seems worthwhile in unexplained disorders of consciousness.
DIVISION ;! -0 N xr-0 n 0n4 1 1 I- C) 0 Ic 0 C WIx W Qr - - r -r 01............................. I Cq I1 -a I- I X 0’ an w I w kI~r 1 0r- r- r . 0~~~ Cs CW 1...object from the SAR platform . Ground range, the 102 ~RIM RADAR DIVISION 0 0 sc 0’. C4 C4 Xn en % >4-4 441i V-u -- - W 1-11 04 v4 0o 0 4 0 (A~U Go 4J...Rg = rRF -hy ,(3) for the flat earth or low-altitude case, where h is the platform altitude. Because the range and azimuth scales are not the same
Simulating Radar Signals for Detection Performance Evaluation.
defined by g = e-(aO/e 3dB) 2 (70) where a = 1.6651 and 0 3dB Is the one-way half-power heamwidth, we note that from (60) and (68) a=( 03dB) 2 , ( 71 ...8217erform;ice of Some Nonparametric Rank Tests and an Alpplication to Radar," JEEE ’’ra.. Information Theory , Vol. IT-16, pp 309- 318 (c!;pecjally Section...V1 1 1 C . fl I V IC ’A It N FI (.LLTrif -I~d P’LE (,%I I CiRCS-SE CT IC& AREA C vu I$1 i rKI I %1 : 111. C I -PjI Ik ~I G%ft- 71 -Y: I I LAl. I J10F
Subjective spacetime derived from a causal histories approach
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gunji, Yukio-Pegio; Haruna, Taichi; Uragami, Daisuke; Nishikawa, Asaki
The internal description of spacetime can reveal ambiguity regarding an observer’s perception of the present, where an observer can refer to the present as if he were outside spacetime while actually existing in the present. This ambiguity can be expressed as the compatibility between an element and a set, and is here called a/{a}-compatibility. We describe a causal set as a lattice and a causal history as a quotient lattice, and implement the a/{a}-compatibility in the framework of a causal histories approach. This leads to a perpetual change of a pair of causal set and causal history, and can be used to describe subjective spacetime including the déjà vu experience and/or schizophrenic time.
From computer images to video presentation: Enhancing technology transfer
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Beam, Sherilee F.
With NASA placing increased emphasis on transferring technology to outside industry, NASA researchers need to evaluate many aspects of their efforts in this regard. Often it may seem like too much self-promotion to many researchers. However, industry's use of video presentations in sales, advertising, public relations and training should be considered. Today, the most typical presentation at NASA is through the use of vu-graphs (overhead transparencies) which can be effective for text or static presentations. For full blown color and sound presentations, however, the best method is videotape. In fact, it is frequently more convenient due to its portability and the availability of viewing equipment. This talk describes techniques for creating a video presentation through the use of a combined researcher and video professional team.
uses a COMMON block of 663 cells . PLOTT works from a table of data, and assigns to each trace (up to 6 traces) a preset character. Once yoor data is...ALFA 000777 1 ~L P M A LP A U VU I 00) EL4 ’ I’LAC 4-43 FLIER slU.-r t;IINk fLIE" (5,LP.KONUA IlEI 335 50C k k LJ~C I~ N’.12 5 ExTEN, REVISION of...FLAG, PLACLD IN CumM"O. 753 C N3.0,0 AS RUN OAIE (IF BLANK* TAKEN FROM SYSTEM C DATE CELL ) ?SS C e1-63 13 EXECUTION TIME LIMIT IN MINUTES (IF ?b6 C
Uncertainty relation for the discrete Fourier transform.
Massar, Serge; Spindel, Philippe
We derive an uncertainty relation for two unitary operators which obey a commutation relation of the form UV=e(i phi) VU. Its most important application is to constrain how much a quantum state can be localized simultaneously in two mutually unbiased bases related by a discrete fourier transform. It provides an uncertainty relation which smoothly interpolates between the well-known cases of the Pauli operators in two dimensions and the continuous variables position and momentum. This work also provides an uncertainty relation for modular variables, and could find applications in signal processing. In the finite dimensional case the minimum uncertainty states, discrete analogues of coherent and squeezed states, are minimum energy solutions of Harper's equation, a discrete version of the harmonic oscillator equation.
Sex differences in seizure types and symptoms.
Carlson, Chad; Dugan, Patricia; Kirsch, Heidi E; Friedman, Daniel
Despite the increasing interest in sex differences in disease manifestations and responses to treatment, very few data are available on sex differences in seizure types and semiology. The Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project (EPGP) is a large-scale, multi-institutional, collaborative study that aims to create a comprehensive repository of detailed clinical information and DNA samples from a large cohort of people with epilepsy. We used this well-characterized cohort to explore differences in seizure types as well as focal seizure symptoms between males and females. We reviewed the EPGP database and identified individuals with generalized epilepsy of unknown etiology (GE) (n = 760; female: 446, male: 314), nonacquired focal epilepsy (NAFE) (n = 476; female: 245, male: 231), or both (n = 64; female: 33, male: 31). Demographic data along with characterization of seizure type and focal seizure semiologies were examined. In GE, males reported atonic seizures more frequently than females (6.5% vs. 1.7%; p < 0.001). No differences were observed in other generalized seizure types. In NAFE, no sex differences were seen for seizure types with or without alteration of consciousness or progression to secondary generalization. Autonomic (16.4% vs. 26.6%; p = 0.005), psychic (26.7% vs. 40.3%; p = 0.001), and visual (10.3% vs. 19.9%; p = 0.002) symptoms were more frequently reported in females than males. Specifically, of psychic symptoms, more females than males endorsed déjà vu (p = 0.001) but not forced thoughts, derealization/depersonalization, jamais vu, or fear. With corrections for multiple comparisons, there were no significant differences in aphasic, motor, somatosensory, gustatory, olfactory, auditory, vertiginous, or ictal headache symptoms between sexes. Significant differences between the sexes were observed in the reporting of atonic seizures, which were more common in males with GE, and for autonomic, visual, and psychic symptoms associated with NAFE, which were more
Laboratory and Field Spectroscopy of Moon analogue material
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Offringa, Marloes; Foing, Bernard H.
Samples derived from terrestrial analogue sites are studied to gain insight into lunar processes in their geological context (Foing, Stoker, Ehrenfreund, 2011). For this study samples from the volcanic region of the Eifel, Germany collected during our latest field campaigns in November 2015 and February 2016 (Foing et al., 2010), are analyzed with a variety of spectrometers. The aim is to obtain a database of analyzed samples that could be used as a reference for future in situ measurements. We also use a documented set of Moon-Mars relevant minerals curated at VU Amsterdam. We are using systematically for all samples UV-VIS and NIR reflectance spectrometers, and sporadically a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer and a Raman laser spectrometer on control samples. Calibration of the UV-VIS and NIR reflectance spectrometers is the main focus of this research in order to obtain the clearest spectra. The calibration of the UV-VIS and NIR reflectance spectrometers requires the use of a good light source as well as suitable optical fibers to create a signal that covers the widest range in wavelengths available. To eliminate noise towards the edges of this range, multiple measurements are averaged and data is processed by dividing the signal by reference spectra. Obtained spectra can be tested for accuracy by comparing them with stationary laboratory spectrometers such as the FTIR spectrometer. The Raman, UV-VIS and NIR are also used in combination with the ExoGeoLab mock-up lander during field campaigns (Foing, Stoker, Ehrenfreund, 2011) also brought again to Eifel in February 2016, to prove the applicability of the equipment in the field. Acknowledgements: we thank Dominic Doyle for ESTEC optical lab support, Euan Monaghan (Leiden U) for FTIR measurement support, Wim van Westrenen for access to VU samples, Oscar Kamps (Utrecht U./ESTEC), Aidan Cowley (EAC) and Matthias Sperl (DLR) for support discussions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cannaò, E.; Agostini, S.; Scambelluri, M.; Tonarini, S.
Geochemical studies of fluid-mobile elements (FME) joined with B, Sr and Pb isotopic analyses of high-pressure mélanges terranes help constraining tectonic processes and mass transfer during accretion of slab and suprasubduction mantle in plate-interface domains. Here we focus on ultramafic rocks from two plate interface settings: (I) metasediment-dominated mélange (Cima di Gagnone, CdG, Adula Unit), where eclogite-facies de-serpentinized garnet peridotite and chlorite harzburgite lenses are embedded in paraschist; (II) dominated by high-pressure serpentinite (Erro-Tobbio, ET, and Voltri Units, VU, Ligurian Alps). CdG metaperidotite shows low [B], negative δ 11B and high Sr and Pb isotopic ratios. As, Sb loss from metasediment and gain by garnet and chlorite metaperidotite points to exchange between the two systems. Presence of As and Sb in eclogite-facies peridotite minerals and preferential low-T mobility of such elements suggest that exchange was during early subduction burial and prior to eclogitization. Based on high [B], positive δ11B, oxygen and hydrogen isotope, the ET serpentinties were recently interpreted as supra-subduction mantle flushed by slab fluids (Scambelluri & Tonarini, 2012, Geology, 40, 907-910). Their 206Pb/204Pb and 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios range between 18.300-18.514 and 0.7048-0.7060, respectively. Compared with ET rocks, VU serpentinites have higher As, Sb (up to 1.3 and 0.39 ppm, respectively) and are enriched in radiogenic Sr (up to 0.7105 87Sr/86Sr). This signature reflects interaction with fluids that exchanged with sedimentary rocks, either in outer rise environments or during accretion atop the slab. In the above cases, the serpentinized mantle rocks fingerprint interaction with fluids from different sources, indicating a timing of accretion to plate interface domains. We provide evidence that serpentinized mantle slices of different size and provenance (slab or wedge) accreted to plate interface domains since early subduction
Sex Differences in Seizure Types and Symptoms
Carlson, Chad; Dugan, Patricia; Kirsch, Heidi E; Friedman, Daniel
Background Despite the increasing interest in sex differences in disease manifestations and responses to treatment, very few data are available on sex differences in seizure types and semiology. The Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project (EPGP) is a large-scale, multi-institutional, collaborative study that aims to create a comprehensive repository of detailed clinical information and DNA samples from a large cohort of people with epilepsy. We used this well-characterized cohort to explore differences in seizure types as well as focal seizure symptoms between males and females. Methods We reviewed the EPGP database and identified individuals with generalized epilepsy of unknown etiology (GE) (n=760; female 446, male 314), non-acquired focal epilepsy (NAFE) (n=476; female 245, male 231), or both (n=64; female 33, male 31). Demographic data along with characterization of seizure type and focal seizure semiologies were examined. Results In GE, males reported atonic seizures more frequently than females (6.5% vs. 1.7%; p<0.001). No differences were observed in other generalized seizure types. In NAFE, no sex differences were seen for seizure types with or without alteration of consciousness or progression to secondary generalization. Autonomic (16.4% vs. 26.6%; p=0.005), psychic (26.7% vs. 40.3%; p=0.001), and visual symptoms (10.3% vs. 19.9%; p=0.002) were more frequently reported in females than males. Specifically, of psychic symptoms, more females than males endorsed déjà vu (p=0.001), but not forced thoughts, derealization/depersonalization, jamais vu, or fear. With corrections for multiple comparisons, there were no significant differences in aphasic, motor, somatosensory, gustatory, olfactory, auditory, vertiginous, or ictal headache symptoms between sexes. Conclusions Significant differences between the sexes were observed in the reporting of atonic seizures, which was more common in males with GE, and for autonomic, visual, and psychic symptoms associated with NAFE
Déjà-rêvé: Prior dreams induced by direct electrical brain stimulation.
Curot, Jonathan; Valton, Luc; Denuelle, Marie; Vignal, Jean-Pierre; Maillard, Louis; Pariente, Jérémie; Trébuchon, Agnès; Bartolomei, Fabrice; Barbeau, Emmanuel J
Epileptic patients sometimes report experiential phenomena related to a previous dream they had during seizures or electrical brain stimulation (EBS). This has been alluded to in the literature as "déjà-rêvé" ("already dreamed"). However, there is no neuroscientific evidence to support its existence and this concept is commonly mixed up with déjà-vu. We hypothesized that déjà-rêvé would be a specific entity, i.e., different from other experiential phenomena reported in epileptic patients, induced by EBS of specific brain areas. We collected all experiential phenomena related to dreams induced by electrical brain stimulations (EBS) in our epileptic patients (2003-2015) and in a review of the literature. The content of these déjà-rêvé and the location of EBS were analyzed. We collected 7 déjà-rêvé in our database and 35 from the literature, which corresponds to an estimated prevalence of 0.3‰ of all EBS-inducing déjà-rêvé. Déjà-rêvé is a generic term for three distinct entities: it can be the recollection of a specific dream ("episodic-like"), reminiscence of a vague dream ("familiarity-like") or experiences in which the subject feels like they are dreaming (literally "a dreamy state"). EBS-inducing "episodic-like" and "familiarity-like" déjà-rêvé were mostly located in the medial temporal lobes. "Dreamy states" were induced by less specific EBS areas although still related to the temporal lobes. This study demonstrates that déjà-rêvé is a heterogeneous entity that is different from déjà-vu, the historical "dreamy state" definition and other experiential phenomena. This may be relevant for clinical practice as it points to temporal lobe dysfunction and could be valuable for studying the neural substrates of dreams. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Guimarães-Souza, E M; Calaza, K C
Glutamate, the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the retina, functions by activation of both ionotropic (iGluR) and metabotropic (mGluR) glutamate receptors. Group III mGluRs, except for mGluR6, are mostly found in the inner plexiform layer (IPL), and their retinal functions are not well known. Therefore, we decided to investigate the effect of mGluRIII on glutamate release and GABAergic amacrine cells in the chick retina. The nonselective mGluRIII agonist L-SOP promoted a decrease in the number of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-positive cells and in the GABA immunoreactivity in all sublayers of the IPL. This effect was prevented by the antagonist MAP-4, by GAT-1 inhibitor, and by antagonists of iGluR. Under the conditions used, L-SOP did not alter endogenous glutamate release. VU0155041, an mGluR4-positive allosteric modulator, reduced GABA immunoreactivity in amacrine cells and in sublayers 2 and 4 of the IPL but evoked an increase in the glutamate released. VU0155041's effect was inhibited by the absence of calcium. AMN082, a selective mGluR7-positive allosteric modulator, also decreased GABA immunoreactivity in amacrine cells and sublayers 1, 2, and 3 and increased glutamate release, and this effect was also inhibited by calcium absence. DCPG, an mGluR8-selective agonist, did not significantly alter GABA immunoreactivity in amacrine cells or glutamate release. However, it did significantly increase GABA immunoreactivity in sublayers 4 and 5. The results suggest that mGluRIIIs are involved in the modulation of glutamate and GABA release in the retina, possibly participating in distinct visual pathways: mGluR4 might be involved with cholinergic circuitry, whereas mGluR7 and mGluR8 might participate, respectively, in the OFF and the ON pathways. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Participation, decentralisation and déjà vu: Remaking democracy in response to AIDS?
Kenworthy, Nora J
Participation, decentralisation and community partnership have served as prominent motifs and driving philosophies in the global scale-up of HIV programming. Given the fraught histories of these ideas in development studies, it is surprising to encounter their broad appeal as benchmarks and moral practices in global health work. This paper examines three intertwined, government-endorsed projects to deepen democratic processes of HIV policy-making in Lesotho: (1) the 'Gateway Approach' for decentralising and coordinating local HIV responses; (2) the implementation of a community council-driven priority-setting process; and (3) the establishment of community AIDS councils. Taken together, these efforts are striking and well intentioned, but nonetheless struggle in the face of powerful global agendas to establish meaningful practices of participation and decentralisation. Examining these efforts shows that HIV scale-up conveys formidable lessons for citizens about the politics of global health and their place in the world. As global health initiatives continue to remake important dimensions of political functioning, practitioners, agencies and governments implementing similar democratising projects may find the warnings of earlier development critics both useful and necessary.
The unfulfilled promise of public health: déjà vu all over again.
Fee, Elizabeth; Brown, Theodore M
Many complain about public health's weak infrastructure and poor capacity to respond to threats of bioterrorism. Such complaints are but the anxiety-heightened expression of a periodic rediscovery of the deficiencies and unfulfilled promise of U.S. public health. An overview of more than two centuries suggests that where we are now with public health has been shaped by our earlier, limited, and crisis-focused responses to changing disease threats. We have failed to sustain progress in any coherent manner. If we do not wish to repeat past mistakes, we should learn lessons from the past to guide us in the future.
An electro-conductive organic coating for scanning electron microscopy (déjà vu)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Burnett, Bryan R.
An organic compound, originally marketed as an antistatic, can form an extremely thin electro-conductive coating upon drying. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) application for this compound was first explored in the late 1960s. A coating of this compound eliminates the need for carbon or gold coating in some applications. It is well suited for the viewing of fabric samples and associated gunshot residue (GSR) in the SEM and makes it possible to quickly analyze fabric bullet wipe and bore wipe GSR. Fabric samples can also be examined for GSR from intermediate-range shots to estimate muzzle-target distances. Scanning
Study on zigzag maneuver characteristics of V-U very large crude oil (VLCC) tankers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jaswar, Maimun, A.; Wahid, M. A.; Priyanto, A.; Zamani, Pauzi, Saman
The Department of Marine Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University Teknologi Malaysia has recently developed an Ship Maneuverability tool which intends to upgrade student's level understanding the application of fluid dynamic on interaction between hull, propeller, and rudder during maneuvering. This paper discusses zigzag maneuver for conventional Very Large Crude Oil (VLCC) ships with the same principal dimensions but different stern flame shape. 10/10 zigzag maneuver characteristics of U and V types of VLCC ships are investigated. Simulation results for U-type show a good agreement with the experimental data, but V-type not good agreement with experimental one. Further study on zigzag maneuver characteristics are required.
Effects of Observer Dynamics on Motion Stability of Autonomous Vehicles
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r .~ ASSIFIED National Dam Safety Program. John D. ASSICATIO1J OWOAGRA01G Rockefeller Jr. Dam (Inventory Number ouL IS. 0:STP.3...JOH A: ROCKEELLE JR. DM.9 Ii Zee~~~~~1- n.,..d*-~~)~ ~ >-. I 20 * * I o u 4V e- VIWN.T MA 21. Ih ftJ 28I ChA S" r . I.’I ’Pi JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER JR. D...AI~~~ ~btt 4f p*~ SCLZ 40 L~~~~-w u 4 1.1l1d~ ___ -I~~-’ JOHN .. AOIEELR R A -*~ - a1 h I VU I I 0 i fe~. f~ ~A I * 1" ~mz ~Z1~t - I +9’-. I ii __
Some remarks on the genesis of scalar-tensor theories
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Goenner, Hubert
Between 1941 and 1962, scalar-tensor theories of gravitation were suggested four times by different scientists in four different countries. The earliest originator, the Swiss mathematician W. Scherrer, was virtually unknown until now whereas the chronologically latest pair gave their names to a multitude of publications on Brans-Dicke theory. P. Jordan, one of the pioneers of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, and Y. Thiry, known by his book on celestial mechanics, a student of the mathematician Lichnerowicz, complete the quartet. Diverse motivations for and conceptual interpretations of their theories will be discussed as well as relations among them. Also, external factors like language, citation habits, or closeness to the mainstream are considered. It will become clear why Brans-Dicke theory, although structurally a déjà-vu, superseded all the other approaches.
Balconi, Michela; Vanutelli, Maria Elide
The brain activity, considered in its hemodynamic (optical imaging: functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, fNIRS) and electrophysiological components (event-related potentials, ERPs, N200) was monitored when subjects observed (visual stimulation, V) or observed and heard (visual + auditory stimulation, VU) situations which represented inter-species (human-animal) interactions, with an emotional positive (cooperative) or negative (uncooperative) content. In addition, the cortical lateralization effect (more left or right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, DLPFC) was explored. Both ERP and fNIRS showed significant effects due to emotional interactions which were discussed at light of cross-modal integration effects. The significance of inter-species effect for the emotional behavior was considered. In addition, hemodynamic and EEG consonant results and their value as integrated measures were discussed at light of valence effect. PMID:26976052
Production Rule Systems as an Approach to Interpretation of Ground Sensor Information.
V-LC v- ) L. 0 M b nJrC .V L. Q C I -4a 0 0 4 3 3C i LUV C 0 L 0 -4 c 4 c c0 4t 0 MC I c 4). z 04)1 IV in W-4 V)U C0z4 M) -4 , LL _4) : 0) 0 0 )v40...RtEPORT DOCMENTAlnON PAGE 11111o INTC? PRNS 6RCPO3rT 0UM6bER I . NOVI ACCKWOOOIN me a fPgNT5 CATALOG NumbS U 9 T.L I Production Rule Systems as an...OPPICE NAMCE#4 ADDRESS53 Naval Postgraduate School. JunO’.--8 I - Monterey, California 93940 77Ucasfe (1C kASSIPICATIONIONGRAOING Approved for public
Origin of coffinite in sedimentary rocks by a sequential adsorption-reduction mechanism.
Goldhaber, M.B.; Hemingway, B.S.; Mohagheghi, A.; Reynolds, R.L.; Northrop, H.R.
Coffinite is the dominant ore mineral in the V-U ores of the Tony-M mine in the Henry Mts mineral belt of the Colorado Plateau. This orebody was formed at a density-stratified solution interface between uranyl-ion-bearing meteoric water and a saline fluid which was locally reducing. The localization of U at this solution interface occurred by adsorption onto the surfaces of detrital minerals, this adsorption being related to the pH difference between the two fluids. Experimental evidence is presented showing that the adsorption facilitated the reduction of uranium to U(IV). This adsorbed, reduced uranium bonded with aqueous silica in the ore zone to form coffinite. The high concentration of silica (as a monomeric species) in the ore-forming solution stabilized coffinite in preference to uraninite.-R.A.H.
Waste IPSC : Thermal-Hydrologic-Chemical-Mechanical (THCM) modeling and simulation.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Wang, Yifeng; Arguello, Jose Guadalupe, Jr.
Waste IPSC Objective is to develop an integrated suite of high performance computing capabilities to simulate radionuclide movement through the engineered components and geosphere of a radioactive waste storage or disposal system: (1) with robust thermal-hydrologic-chemical-mechanical (THCM) coupling; (2) for a range of disposal system alternatives (concepts, waste form types, engineered designs, geologic settings); (3) for long time scales and associated large uncertainties; (4) at multiple model fidelities (sub-continuum, high-fidelity continuum, PA); and (5) in accordance with V&V and software quality requirements. THCM Modeling collaborates with: (1) Other Waste IPSC activities: Sub-Continuum Processes (and FMM), Frameworks and Infrastructure (and VU,more » ECT, and CT); (2) Waste Form Campaign; (3) Used Fuel Disposition (UFD) Campaign; and (4) ASCEM.« less
La carence en vitamine D chez l'adulte au Gabon: cas isolé ou problème méconnu?
Ntyonga-Pono, Marie-Pierrette
La carence en vitamine D chez l'adulte est un sujet d'actualité à cause de ses multiples effets et de son extension de par le monde. Cependant elle est peu explorée au Gabon et en Afrique centrale en général. Le but de cet article qui rapporte trois cas documentés de carence en vitamine D chez l'adulte au Gabon, est d'attirer l'attention sur l'existence de ce problème même en zone équatoriale ensoleillée. Vu les implications de cette carence dans diverses pathologies osseuses, cardio-vasculaires, métaboliques, infectieuses, auto-immunes, néoplasiques..., des recherches plus approfondies sont nécessaires pour cerner le problème et prendre des mesures appropriées. PMID:25815104
Christ, J. M.; Neyerlin, K. C.; Richards, R.; ...
A rotating disk electrode (RDE) along with cyclic voltammetry (CV) and linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), were used to investigate the impact of two model compounds representing degradation products of Nafion and 3M perfluorinated sulfonic acid membranes on the electrochemical surface area (ECA) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity of polycrystalline Pt, nano-structured thin film (NSTF) Pt (3M), and Pt/Vulcan carbon (Pt/Vu) (TKK) electrodes. ORR kinetic currents (measured at 0.9 V and transport corrected) were found to decrease linearly with the log of concentration for both model compounds on all Pt surfaces studied. Ultimately, model compound adsorption effects on ECA weremore » more abstruse due to competitive organic anion adsorption on Pt surfaces superimposing with the hydrogen underpotential deposition (HUPD) region.« less
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Smith, F.; Flach, G.; BROWN, K.
This report describes enhancements made to code integration aspects of the Cementitious Barriers Project (CBP) Toolbox as a result of development work performed at the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) in collaboration with Vanderbilt University (VU) in the first half of fiscal year 2013. Code integration refers to the interfacing to standalone CBP partner codes, used to analyze the performance of cementitious materials, with the CBP Software Toolbox. The most significant enhancements are: 1) Improved graphical display of model results. 2) Improved error analysis and reporting. 3) Increase in the default maximum model mesh size from 301 to 501 nodes.more » 4) The ability to set the LeachXS/Orchestra simulation times through the GoldSim interface. These code interface enhancements have been included in a new release (Version 2.0) of the CBP Toolbox.« less
Quintão, Ana Flávia; Brito, Isabela; Oliveira, Frederico; Madureira, Ana Paula; Confalonieri, Ulisses
Vulnerability to climate change is a complex and dynamic phenomenon involving both social and physical/environmental aspects. It is presented as a method for the quantification of the vulnerability of all municipalities of Minas Gerais, a state in southeastern Brazil. It is based on the aggregation of different kinds of environmental, climatic, social, institutional, and epidemiological variables, to form a composite index. This was named "Index of Human Vulnerability" and was calculated using a software (SisVuClima®) specifically developed for this purpose. Social, environmental, and health data were combined with the climatic scenarios RCP 4.5 and 8.5, downscaled from ETA-HadGEM2-ES for each municipality. The Index of Human Vulnerability associated with the RCP 8.5 has shown a higher vulnerability for municipalities in the southern and eastern parts of the state of Minas Gerais.
Mécanismes de la non-stœchiométrie dans les nouveaux supraconducteurs à haute Tboldmath_c
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hervieu, M.; Michel, C.; Martin, C.; Huvé, M.; van Tendeloo, G.; Maignan, A.; Pelloquin, D.; Goutenoire, F.; Raveau, B.
Two new families of high T_c superconductors have been recently discovered : ll the mercury based oxides gg and the ll oxycarbonates gg. The main characteristics of the structural mechanisms were studied by high resolution electron microscopy. This paper deals with the description of the numerous order-disorder phenomena which have been observed on the cation and anion networks. Deux nouvelles familles de supraconducteurs ont récemment vu le jour : ll les oxydes à base de mercure gg et les ll oxycarbonates gg. Les caractéristiques essentielles des mécanismes structuraux ont été étudiées par microscopie électronique haute résolution. Les nombreux phénomènes ordre-désordre observés tant sur le réseau des cations que sur celui des anions sont exposés.
Accelerating Precision Drug Development and Drug Repurposing by Leveraging Human Genetics
Shirey-Rice, Jana K.; Lavieri, Robert R.; Jerome, Rebecca N.; Zaleski, Nicole M.; Aronoff, David M.; Bastarache, Lisa; Niu, Xinnan; Holroyd, Kenneth J.; Roden, Dan M.; Skaar, Eric P.; Niswender, Colleen M.; Marnett, Lawrence J.; Lindsley, Craig W.; Ekstrom, Leeland B.; Bentley, Alan R.; Bernard, Gordon R.; Hong, Charles C.; Denny, Joshua C.
Abstract The potential impact of using human genetic data linked to longitudinal electronic medical records on drug development is extraordinary; however, the practical application of these data necessitates some organizational innovations. Vanderbilt has created resources such as an easily queried database of >2.6 million de-identified electronic health records linked to BioVU, which is a DNA biobank with more than 230,000 unique samples. To ensure these data are used to maximally benefit and accelerate both de novo drug discovery and drug repurposing efforts, we created the Accelerating Drug Development and Repurposing Incubator, a multidisciplinary think tank of experts in various therapeutic areas within both basic and clinical science as well as experts in legal, business, and other operational domains. The Incubator supports a diverse pipeline of drug indication finding projects, leveraging the natural experiment of human genetics. PMID:28379727
A RC ..... sl6 3i4 ~ N0 A.o 0 o2 *I A3 05 .7 0 to TRACE A 5S :S TRAC .29 .0.0 *2.. *,.j st16 &TRC T ACt la S4 :01 o Ŕ TRAC risAc *4 ?P.TAC *I .0 .02...2l 046 t.2 145 .14 TRACE TRACI T*A TRI 004....~ 60 A001. sOJa .. , 46 .31 .04 .01 6 at .0 .2 .10 47 1_ 1_ - -A .121 __ 48 1.2 .61 .0 TRAC 2.9 l.9 al...r - sea--vu 6s 23.6 *7.6 20 1 9 26 1.9 7 02__1 wo 10mS 0 .5 02U*1*7 9 w 91 "m,. om .4FVC%. LA ~im wm ul 19 292 Ze* ~ U -A- GLiCBAL CLIMATOLOGY
Lytton, William W.
Preface Epilepsy is a complex set of disorders that can involve many areas of cortex as well as underlying deep brain systems. The myriad manifestations of seizures, as varied as déjà vu and olfactory hallucination, can thereby give researchers insights into regional functions and relations. Epilepsy is also complex genetically and pathophysiologically, involving microscopic (ion channels, synaptic proteins), macroscopic (brain trauma and rewiring) and intermediate changes in a complex interplay of causality. It has long been recognized that computer modeling will be required to disentangle causality, to better understand seizure spread and to understand and eventually predict treatment efficacy. Over the past few years, substantial progress has been made modeling epilepsy at levels ranging from the molecular to the socioeconomic. We review these efforts and connect them to the medical goals of understanding and treating this disorder. PMID:18594562
Is psychiatry only neurology? Or only abnormal psychology? Déjà vu after 100 years.
de Leon, Jose
Forgetting history, which frequently repeats itself, is a mistake. In General Psychopathology, Jaspers criticised early 20th century psychiatrists, including those who thought psychiatry was only neurology (Wernicke) or only abnormal psychology (Freud), or who did not see the limitations of the medical model in psychiatry (Kraepelin). Jaspers proposed that some psychiatric disorders follow the medical model (Group I), while others are variations of normality (Group III), or comprise schizophrenia and severe mood disorders (Group II). In the early 21st century, the players' names have changed but the game remains the same. The US NIMH is reprising both Wernicke's brain mythology and Kraepelin's marketing promises. The neo-Kraepelinian revolution started at Washington University, became pre-eminent through the DSM-III developed by Spitzer, but reached a dead end with the DSM-5. McHugh, who described four perspectives in psychiatry, is the leading contemporary representative of the Jaspersian diagnostic approach. Other neo-Jaspersians are: Berrios, Wiggins and Schwartz, Ghaemi, Stanghellini, Parnas and Sass. Can psychiatry learn from its mistakes? The current psychiatric language, organised at its three levels, symptoms, syndromes, and disorders, was developed in the 19th century but is obsolete for the 21st century. Scientific advances in Jaspers' Group III disorders require collaborating with researchers in the social and psychological sciences. Jaspers' Group II disorders, redefined by the author as schizophrenia, catatonic syndromes, and severe mood disorders, are the core of psychiatry. Scientific advancement in them is not easy because we are not sure how to delineate between and within them correctly.
[Vulnerability and National Health Service].
Lima, Cristina
Safegarding health has been an objective of every learned civilization, ancient and modern. In modern times, at least in the western world, the increase in longevity associated with social isolation has created further vu1nerability for the older individua1. Today, healthcare is a social burden of extremely high cost. Among us this service is provided by the National Health Service in accordance to the Constituição da República Portuguesa (Constitution of the Portuguese Republic). Despite the constitutional guarantees of equa1ity in health there are obvious discrepancies in access to health care and the conditions that promote health such as education and wealth. In a poor country, even with limited resources, inequa1ity can be minimized via policies and practical measures founded in equa1ity and social responsibility, not only the principles of economic efficiency. Only in this way can we guarantee equa1 access to health and the distribution of available resources in accordance to health care necessities. Yet, the investment in high technology among us seems out of fase with the investment in the area concerning functional recovery from high morta1ity illness, such as stroke. In Portugal the problem is extremely bad. Life expectancy has been extended but qua1ity of life is still very low. Victims of the social order, the elderly live alone without family who can care for them; on the other hand, the lack of investment in recovery and social integration of individua1s with disabling scars, Turns the ends of their life's into a nightmare for themselves and their kin. It follows stating the necessity to analyse and define the criteria to be used when allocating resources in order to guarantee equality in health and relief from suffering and also to stop discrimination of vu1nerable populations in access to healthcare. Whatever the criteria, it must be pre-defined and its principles widely discussed, reiterating, only that longevity cannot be an acceptable criteria
Familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy maps to chromosome 4q13.2-q21.3.
Hedera, P; Blair, M A; Andermann, E; Andermann, F; D'Agostino, D; Taylor, K A; Chahine, L; Pandolfo, M; Bradford, Y; Haines, J L; Abou-Khalil, B
To report results of linkage analysis in a large family with autosomal dominant (AD) familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (FMTLE). Although FMTLE is a heterogeneous syndrome, one important subgroup is characterized by a relatively benign course, absence of antecedent febrile seizures, and absence of hippocampal sclerosis. These patients have predominantly simple partial seizures (SPS) and infrequent complex partial seizures (CPS), and intense and frequent déjà vu phenomenon may be the only manifestation of this epilepsy syndrome. No linkage has been described in this form of FMTLE. We identified a four-generation kindred with several affected members meeting criteria for FMTLE and enrolled 21 individuals who gave informed consent. Every individual was personally interviewed and examined; EEG and MRI studies were performed on three affected subjects. DNA was extracted from every enrolled individual. We performed a genome-wide search using an 8 cM panel and fine mapping was performed in the regions with a multipoint lod score >1. We sequenced the highest priority candidate genes. Inheritance was consistent with AD mode with reduced penetrance. Eleven individuals were classified as affected with FMTLE and we also identified two living asymptomatic individuals who had affected offspring. Seizure semiologies included predominantly SPS with déjà vu feeling, infrequent CPS, and rare secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures. No structural abnormalities, including hippocampal sclerosis, were detected on MRI performed on three individuals. Genetic analysis detected a group of markers with lod score >3 on chromosome 4q13.2-q21.3 spanning a 7 cM region. No ion channel genes are predicted to be localized within this locus. We sequenced all coding exons of sodium bicarbonate cotransporter (SLC4A) gene, which plays an important role in tissue excitability, and cyclin I (CCNI), because of its role in the cell migration and possibility of subtle cortical abnormalities
Carter, Jeanne; Stabile, Cara; Seidel, Barbara; Baser, Raymond E.; Goldfarb, Shari; Goldfrank, Deborah J.
Purpose We sought to evaluate patient adherence and response to simple vaginal and sexual health treatment strategies in female cancer patients receiving treatment at a female sexual medicine and health program, and identify improvements of physical symptoms, per patient and clinical evaluation. Methods Evalubility criteria included gynecologic exam at initial visit; at least one follow-up with gynecologic exam within 8 months of initial visit; and all consecutive follow-ups <6 months apart. Demographics, medical information, and clinical assessments from 175 evaluable patients with at least 1 follow-up from 09/12–10/14 were analyzed. The majority of patients were being treated for or had a history of breast (n=90, 53%), gynecologic (n=54, 32%), or colorectal/anal (n=15, 9%) cancers. An assessment form included a clinician evaluation, Vaginal Assessment Scale (VAS), Vulvar Assessment Scale (VuAS), and patient-reported outcomes. Compliance with treatment recommendations were summarized, and changes over time were compared for clinical outcomes. Results Mean number of visits was 3.43. Mean age was 55.4 years; 92% (n=155/169) were in menopause. Treatment strategies included rationale and instruction for use of vaginal moisturizers, lubricants, pelvic floor exercises and dilator therapy, in addition to psychosexual education regarding sexual changes (response, anatomy and function) associated with cancer treatment and support. At last assessment, 89% had complied with the clinical recommendation (moisturize 2–5+ times/week). Vaginal pH scores >6.5 declined over time (p=0.03). VAS scores improved by last assessment (p<0.001), as did VuAS scores (p=0.001). Sexual function scores significantly improved (p<0.001), confidence about future sexual activity increased (p=0.004), and sexual/vaginal health concerns decreased (p=0.00003). Conclusion Significant changes were observed in women using treatment strategies, with improvement in vulvovaginal symptoms, a decrease in
Carter, Jeanne; Stabile, Cara; Seidel, Barbara; Baser, Raymond E; Goldfarb, Shari; Goldfrank, Deborah J
We sought to evaluate patient adherence and response to simple vaginal and sexual health treatment strategies in female cancer patients receiving treatment at a female sexual medicine and health program and identify improvements of physical symptoms, per patient and clinical evaluation. Evaluability criteria included gynecologic exam at initial visit, at least one follow-up with gynecologic exam within 8 months of initial visit, and all consecutive follow-ups <6 months apart. Demographics, medical information, and clinical assessments from 175 evaluable patients with at least one follow-up from 09/12 to 10/14 were analyzed. The majority of patients were being treated for or had a history of breast (n = 90, 53 %), gynecologic (n = 54, 32 %), or colorectal/anal (n = 15, 9 %) cancers. An assessment form included a clinician evaluation, Vaginal Assessment Scale (VAS), Vulvar Assessment Scale (VuAS), and patient-reported outcomes. Compliance with treatment recommendations were summarized, and changes over time were compared for clinical outcomes. Mean number of visits was 3.43. Mean age was 55.4 years; 92 % (n = 155/169) were in menopause. Treatment strategies included rationale and instruction for use of vaginal moisturizers, lubricants, pelvic floor exercises, and dilator therapy, in addition to psychosexual education regarding sexual changes (response, anatomy, and function) associated with cancer treatment and support. At last assessment, 89 % had complied with the clinical recommendation (moisturize 2-5+ times/week). Vaginal pH scores >6.5 declined over time (p = 0.03). VAS scores improved by last assessment (p < 0.001), as did VuAS scores (p = 0.001). Sexual function scores significantly improved (p < 0.001), confidence about future sexual activity increased (p = 0.004), and sexual/vaginal health concerns decreased (p = 0.00003). Significant changes were observed in women using treatment strategies, with improvement in vulvovaginal
Hancock, Peter A
It has been claimed that dreams are the royal road to the unconscious mind. The present work argues that dreams and associated brain states such as memory, attention, flow, and perhaps even consciousness itself arise from diverse conflicts over control of time in the brain. Dreams are the brain's offline efforts to distill projections of the future, while memory represents the vestiges of the past successes and survived failures of those and other conscious projections. Memory thus acts to inform and improve the prediction of possible future states through the use of conscious prospects (planning) and unconscious prospective memory (dreams). When successful, these prospects result in states of flow for conscious planning and déjà vu for its unconscious comparator. In consequence, and contrary to normal expectation, memory is overwhelmingly oriented to deal with the future. Consciousness is the comparable process operating in the present moment. Thus past, present, and future are homeomorphic with the parts of memory (episodic and autobiographical) that recall a personal past, consciousness, and the differing dimensions of prospective memory to plan for future circumstances, respectively. Dreaming (i.e., unconscious prospective memory), has the luxury to run multiple "what if" simulations of many possible futures, essentially offline. I explicate these propositions and their relations to allied constructs such as déjà vu and flow. More generally, I propose that what appear to us as a range of normal psychological experiences are actually manifestations of an ongoing pathological battle for control within the brain. The landscape of this conflict is time. I suggest that there are at least 3 general systems bidding for this control, and in the process of evolution, each system has individually conferred a sequentially increasing survival advantage, but only at the expense of a still incomplete functional integration. Through juxtaposition of these respective brain
Brito, Isabela; Oliveira, Frederico; Madureira, Ana Paula
Vulnerability to climate change is a complex and dynamic phenomenon involving both social and physical/environmental aspects. It is presented as a method for the quantification of the vulnerability of all municipalities of Minas Gerais, a state in southeastern Brazil. It is based on the aggregation of different kinds of environmental, climatic, social, institutional, and epidemiological variables, to form a composite index. This was named “Index of Human Vulnerability” and was calculated using a software (SisVuClima®) specifically developed for this purpose. Social, environmental, and health data were combined with the climatic scenarios RCP 4.5 and 8.5, downscaled from ETA-HadGEM2-ES for each municipality. The Index of Human Vulnerability associated with the RCP 8.5 has shown a higher vulnerability for municipalities in the southern and eastern parts of the state of Minas Gerais. PMID:28465693
Radiation dose-response curves: cell repair mechanisms vs. ion track overlapping
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kowalska, Agata; Czerski, Konrad; Nasonova, Elena; Kutsalo, Polina; Krasavin, Eugen
Chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes exposed to different doses of particle radiation: 150 MeV and spread out Bragg peak proton beams, 22 MeV/u boron beam and 199 V/u carbon beam were studied. For comparison, an experiment with 60Co γ-rays was also performed. We investigated distributions of aberration frequency and the shape of dose-response curves for the total aberration yield as well as for exchange and non-exchange aberrations, separately. Applying the linear-quadratic model, we could derive a relation between the fitted parameters and the ion track radius which could explain experimentally observed curvature of the dose-response curves. The results compared with physical expectations clearly show that the biological effects of cell repair are much more important than the ion track overlapping. Contribution to the Topical Issue "Dynamics of Systems at the Nanoscale", edited by Andrey Solov'yov and Andrei Korol.
Textilome abdominal: à propos d'un cas
Serghini, Issam; El Fikri, Abdelghani; Salim Lalaoui, Jaafar; Zoubir, Mohamed; Boui, Mohammed; Boughanem, Mohamed
Le textilome est une complication postopératoire très rare mais bien connue. Il peut s'agir d'un corps étranger composé de compresse(s) ou champ(s) chirurgicaux laissés au niveau d'un foyer opératoire. La découverte du textilome abdominale est généralement tardive. L'anamnèse est donc essentielle pour diagnostic vu que la clinique n'est pas concluante. La clinique associe des troubles chroniques du transit à des syndromes sub-occlusifs, le cliché d'abdomen sans préparation est peu contributif. L’échographie est fiable. La tomodensitométrie permet un diagnostic topographique précis. Certaines équipes proposent des explorations par IRM. Nous rapportons un cas de textilome intra abdominale, chez une patiente opérée 6 mois auparavant d'un fibrome utérin. PMID:22355422
Radionécrose cérébrale chez des patients irradiés pour cancers du nasopharynx: à propos de 3 cas
El Mazghi, Abderrahman; Lalya, Issam; Loukili, Kaoutar; El Kacemi, Hanan; Kebdani, Taieb; Hassouni, Khalid
La radionécrose cérébrale est une complication tardive, iatrogène, relativement rare de la radiothérapie qui survient après plus de six mois suivant le début du traitement. Elle pourrait s'expliquer par la conjonction de lésions vasculaires, gliales et d'ordre immunologiques. Elle peut mettre en jeu le pronostic fonctionnel et vital du malade. La prévention de cette affection redoutable est fondamentale vu l'absence de traitement potentiellement efficace. Nous rapportons 03 nouveaux cas, chez des patients traités par chimiothérapie d'induction puis radio- chimiothérapie concomitante pour des cancers localement avancés du nasopharynx. Le diagnostic a été orienté par l'IRM spectroscopique et l’évolution était favorable sous corticothérapie dans les 03 cas. PMID:25722784
Sequence harmony: detecting functional specificity from alignments
Feenstra, K. Anton; Pirovano, Walter; Krab, Klaas; Heringa, Jaap
Multiple sequence alignments are often used for the identification of key specificity-determining residues within protein families. We present a web server implementation of the Sequence Harmony (SH) method previously introduced. SH accurately detects subfamily specific positions from a multiple alignment by scoring compositional differences between subfamilies, without imposing conservation. The SH web server allows a quick selection of subtype specific sites from a multiple alignment given a subfamily grouping. In addition, it allows the predicted sites to be directly mapped onto a protein structure and displayed. We demonstrate the use of the SH server using the family of plant mitochondrial alternative oxidases (AOX). In addition, we illustrate the usefulness of combining sequence and structural information by showing that the predicted sites are clustered into a few distinct regions in an AOX homology model. The SH web server can be accessed at www.ibi.vu.nl/programs/seqharmwww. PMID:17584793
Approximate Reasoning and the REVEAL Software System. Users Guide.
Oi O O Sko mwr-r . . U~ -n APPENDIX B TACTICAL MODEL REVEAL CONTEXT *-4 u)63U .0 W -4 - 0-oLL 0 LA,- X -4 .- q 0 S... 0 03 Q C4U u r= <c El) ty E:, Ui...u .jI - k0 jC~ q ( 0t’ COr *o (0 C) V)0 r C C-r’ ko o A Ul -)- - ’ r) -UIUrU 0<D( . .* . . . . . . . . . . . (S 0< )(D< ()%D(D ( - Z C D IDC ()tD...i.N 0 0t0-400 U Uo 03 V4’U ko 0 o.... L) 4 40.). .4.4’ 403p03 L) -4 - --4 .- 4v V4 4 U)- U) 0 0U)U I u )uU) u ) - P tn V -C ) V~U)~) E -4 R -- 4
[Epilepsy and psychic seizures].
Fukao, Kenjiro
Various psychic symptoms as ictal manifestation have been found in epileptic patients. They are classified as psychic seizures within simple partial seizures, and subclassified into affective, cognitive, dysmnesic seizures and so on, although the subclassification is not yet satisfactory and almost nothing is known about their relationships with normal brain functions. In this presentation, the speaker picked ictal fear, déjà vu and out-of-body experience (OBE) from them and suggested that studies on these symptoms could uniquely contribute to the progress of cognitive neuroscience, presenting some results from the research and case study that he had been engaged in. Psychic seizures are prone to be missed or misdiagnosed unless psychiatrists with sufficient knowledge and experience on epilepsy care would not treat them, because they are subjective symptoms that are diverse and subtle, while they have some characteristics as ictal symptoms.
Delay and déjà vu: timing and repetition increase the power of false evidence.
Wright, Deborah S; Wade, Kimberley A; Watson, Derrick G
False images and videos can induce people to believe in and remember events that never happened. Using a novel method, we examined whether the timing of false evidence would influence its effect (Experiment 1) and determined the relationship between timing and repetition (Experiment 2). Subjects completed a hazard perception driving test and were falsely accused of cheating. Some subjects were shown a fake video or photograph of the cheating either after a 9-min delay (Experiment 1) or more than once with or without a delay (Experiment 2). Subjects were more likely to falsely believe that they had cheated and to provide details about how the cheating happened when the false evidence was delayed or repeated-especially when repeated over time-relative to controls. The results show that even a strikingly short delay between an event and when false evidence is disclosed can distort people's beliefs and that repeating false evidence over a brief delay fosters false beliefs more so than without a delay. These findings have theoretical implications for metacognitive models of autobiographical memory and practical implications for police interrogations.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Reggiani, Paolo; Todini, Ezio; Meißner, Dennis
A wide range of approaches are used for flow routing in hydrological models. One of the most attractive solutions is the variable-parameter Muskingum (VPM) method. Its major advantage consists in the fact that (i) it can be applied to poorly-gauged basins with unknown channel geometries, (ii) it requires short execution time and (iii) it adequately captures, also in the presence of mild slopes, the most salient features of a dynamic wave such as the looped rating curve and the steepening of the rising limb of the hydrograph. In addition, the method offers the possibility to derive average water levels for a reach segment, a quantity which is essential in flood forecasting and flood risk assessment. For reasons of computational economy the method is also appropriate for applications, in which hydrological and global circulation models (GCM) are coupled, and where computational effort becomes an issue. The VPM approach is presented from a philosophical and conceptual perspective, by showing the derivation of its mass and momentum balance properties from the point to the finite scale, and by demonstrating its strengths by means of an application in an operational context. The principal novel contributions of the article relate to (a) the extension of the Muskingum-Cunge-Todini approach to accept uniformly distributed lateral inflow, (b) the use of power law cross sections and (c) the validation of the method through a long-term simulation of a real-world case, including the comparison of results to those obtained using a full Saint Venant equations model.
Powell, Martin
This is a commentary on the article 'The rise of post-truth populism in pluralist liberal democracies: challenges for health policy.' It critically examines two of its key concepts: populism and 'post truth.' This commentary argues that there are different types of populism, with unclear links to impacts, and that in some ways, 'post-truth' has resonances with arguments advanced in the period at the beginning of the British National Health Service (NHS). In short, 'post-truth' populism' may be 'déjà vu all over again,' and there are multiple (post) truths: this is my (post) truth, tell me yours. © 2017 The Author(s); Published by Kerman University of Medical Sciences. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
ca S3« ’ > ■ja 41 s • > 0 8 V W e JB (o V 0 v to u u u 3 3 CO *■• a. cr o 3 s hH > >H U ,£ <H -a 93 IM 4J S < Ü 0 11 >> w •H...co — •H O 41 0 > O EU HO 0’ vO i-4 U-l JJ H i4 CO C vu £ 0 JB JJ o c <n C u 01 JJ X EX en 1-1 0 H...01 0 -3 en TO C 01 v4 a U-l X 01 4-J HH u TO 01 T< a 3 01 y • 30 0) 3-, CD c 01 X 3 a i-< CQ ^ TO T4 0 g fa CO CO ■r-> 30 3 TO fa 3 C Q. ac 01 B
The new patient with a first seizure.
King, Mark
First seizures are common, with one in 20 people suffering a seizure at some time in their life. This article aims to outline the assessment of patients with a first seizure, including making an accurate diagnosis of both seizure type and an epilepsy syndrome, if present. Seizures are classified into generalised and partial (arising from a focal region in the brain) based on clinical and electroencephalogram findings. However, as a partial seizure may proceed to a tonic clonic phase, differentiation may be difficult. Inquiring directly about 'minor' epileptic symptoms before the episode such as absences, myoclonic jerks, visual or auditory hallucinations or feelings of déjà vu, is needed to attempt to make a epilepsy syndrome diagnosis, as this has practical implications for treatment, prognosis and genetic counselling. Generalised epilepsies should be treated initially with valproate, while partial epilepsies should be treated with carbamazepine and switched to newer agents if intolerance occurs.
Friction loss in straight pipes of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride.
Iwasaki, T; Ojima, J
In order to design proper ductwork for a local exhaust system, airflow characteristics were investigated in straight pipes of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC). A linear decrease in static pressure was observed downstream at points from the opening of the VU pipes (JIS K 6741) located at distances greater than 10 times the pipe diameter, for velocities ranging between 10.18-36.91 m/s. Roughness inside pipes with small diameters was found to be 0.0042-0.0056 mm and the friction factor was calculated on the basis of Colebrook's equation for an airflow transition zone. An extended friction chart was then constructed on the basis of the roughness value and the friction factor. This chart can be applied when designing a local exhaust system with the ducts of diameters ranging from 40 to 900 mm. The friction loss of the PVC pipe was found to be approximately 2/3 of that of a galvanized steel pipe.
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Positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGlu5) represent a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of schizophrenia. Starting from an acetylene-based lead from high throughput screening, an evolved bicyclic dihydronaphthyridinone was identified. We describe further refinements leading to both dihydronaphthyridinone and tetrahydronaphthyridine mGlu5 PAMs containing an alkoxy-based linkage as an acetylene replacement. Exploration of several structural features including western pyridine ring isomers, positional amides, linker connectivity/position, and combinations thereof, reveal that these bicyclic modulators generally exhibit steep SAR and within specific subseries display a propensity for pharmacological mode switching at mGlu5 as well as antagonist activity at mGlu3. Structure–activity relationships within a dihydronaphthyridinone subseries uncovered 12c (VU0405372), a selective mGlu5 PAM with good in vitro potency, low glutamate fold-shift, acceptable DMPK properties, and in vivo efficacy in an amphetamine-based model of psychosis. PMID:24914612
Nguyen, Lan Huong; Mohan, Geetha; Jian, Pu; Takemoto, Kazuhiko; Fukushi, Kensuke
Currently in many cities and rural areas of Vietnam, wastewater is discharged to the environment without any treatment, which emits considerable amount of greenhouse gas (GHG), particularly methane. In this study, four GHG emission scenarios were examined, as well as the baseline scenario, in order to verify the potential of GHG reduction from domestic wastewater with adequate treatment facilities. The ArcGIS and ArcHydro tools were employed to visualize and analyze GHG emissions resulting from discharge of untreated wastewater, in rural areas of Vu Gia Thu Bon river basin, Vietnam. By applying the current IPCC guidelines for GHG emissions, we found that a reduction of GHG emissions can be achieved through treatment of domestic wastewater in the studied area. Compared with baseline scenario, a maximum 16% of total GHG emissions can be reduced, in which 30% of households existing latrines are substituted by Japanese Johkasou technology and other 20% of domestic wastewater is treated by conventional activated sludge.
Posttraumatic stress disorder caused by the misattribution of seizure-related experiential responses
Cohen, Matthew L.; Rozensky, Ronald H.; Zlatar, Zvinka Z.; Averbuch, Robert N.; Cibula, Jean E.
Patients with temporal lobe seizures sometimes experience what John Hughlings Jackson described as “dreamy states” during seizure onset. These phenomena may be characterized by a re-experiencing of past events, feelings of familiarity (déjà vu), and hallucinations. In previous reports, patients have been aware of the illusory nature of their experiences. Here, however, the case of a patient with a documented 37-year history of temporal lobe epilepsy who is not aware is described. Fifteen years ago, the patient saw visions of traumatic autobiographical events that he had never previously recalled. He believed them to be veridical memories from his childhood, although evidence from his family suggests that they were not. The patient’s psychological reaction to the “recovery” of these traumatic “memories” was severe enough to qualify as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To our knowledge, this is the first report of PTSD caused by the misattribution of mental states that accompany a seizure. PMID:21035405
Cohen, Matthew L; Rozensky, Ronald H; Zlatar, Zvinka Z; Averbuch, Robert N; Cibula, Jean E
Patients with temporal lobe seizures sometimes experience what John Hughlings Jackson described as "dreamy states" during seizure onset. These phenomena may be characterized by a re-experiencing of past events, feelings of familiarity (déjà vu), and hallucinations. In previous reports, patients have been aware of the illusory nature of their experiences. Here, however, the case of a patient with a documented 37-year history of temporal lobe epilepsy who is not aware is described. Fifteen years ago, the patient saw visions of traumatic autobiographical events that he had never previously recalled. He believed them to be veridical memories from his childhood, although evidence from his family suggests that they were not. The patient's psychological reaction to the "recovery" of these traumatic "memories" was severe enough to qualify as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To our knowledge, this is the first report of PTSD caused by the misattribution of mental states that accompany a seizure. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[Diagnosis of seizures originating in the amygdala and the hippocampus].
Padró, L; Rovira, R
Lesions in the hippocampus of some epileptic patients were first described one hundred and seventy years ago. Since then our knowledge of the relationship between epileptic seizures and temporal lobe lesions has greatly improved. The aim of this paper is to systematize the symptomatology of the hippocampus and amygdala seizures. These seizures may have a great number of different clinical features: special 'loss' or 'impairment of consciousness', epileptic automatisms and autonomic changes. Moreover, at the beginning of seizures some patients have reported experiences having subjective qualities similar to those experienced in everyday life. P Gloor named them 'experiential phenomena' and subdivided them into affective (eg: fear), perceptual (eg: visual hallucinations) and mnemonic (eg: 'déjà vu' illusion). It is very important to know the contribution of the hippocampus and the amygdala to the symptomatology of temporal lobe seizures due to the progress of MRI diagnostic possibilities that are improving the surgical outcome.
Computer modelling of epilepsy.
Lytton, William W
Epilepsy is a complex set of disorders that can involve many areas of the cortex, as well as underlying deep-brain systems. The myriad manifestations of seizures, which can be as varied as déjà vu and olfactory hallucination, can therefore give researchers insights into regional functions and relations. Epilepsy is also complex genetically and pathophysiologically: it involves microscopic (on the scale of ion channels and synaptic proteins), macroscopic (on the scale of brain trauma and rewiring) and intermediate changes in a complex interplay of causality. It has long been recognized that computer modelling will be required to disentangle causality, to better understand seizure spread and to understand and eventually predict treatment efficacy. Over the past few years, substantial progress has been made in modelling epilepsy at levels ranging from the molecular to the socioeconomic. We review these efforts and connect them to the medical goals of understanding and treating the disorder.
Fujita, Youshi; Ikeda, Akio; Kadono, Kentaro; Kawamata, Jun; Tomimoto, Hidekazu; Fukuyama, Hidenao; Takahashi, Ryosuke
We described a clinical feature of autosomal dominant lateral temporal epilepsy (ADLTE) in a Japanese patient having LGI1 mutation. The patient was a 27-year-old woman who had her first seizure at the age of 10 years, a nocturnal generalized seizure. She then had partial seizures manifesting auditory symptoms with or without anxiety, panic attack, déjà vu, sensory aphasia and visual symptoms. Repeated EEGs were normal. Brain MRI showed small left superior temporal gyrus. 18F-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PDG-PET) demonstrated glucose hypometabolism in the left lateral temporal lobe. Sequencing of the LGI1 revealed a single base substitution in exon 8 (1642C-->T) causing missense mutation at residue 473 of the LGI1 protein (S473 L). When one demonstrates ictal symptoms arising from the lateral temporal to occipital area with psychotic symptoms, ADLTE should be suspected and a detailed family history is warranted.
PyDREAM: high-dimensional parameter inference for biological models in python.
Shockley, Erin M; Vrugt, Jasper A; Lopez, Carlos F; Valencia, Alfonso
Biological models contain many parameters whose values are difficult to measure directly via experimentation and therefore require calibration against experimental data. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are suitable to estimate multivariate posterior model parameter distributions, but these methods may exhibit slow or premature convergence in high-dimensional search spaces. Here, we present PyDREAM, a Python implementation of the (Multiple-Try) Differential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis [DREAM(ZS)] algorithm developed by Vrugt and ter Braak (2008) and Laloy and Vrugt (2012). PyDREAM achieves excellent performance for complex, parameter-rich models and takes full advantage of distributed computing resources, facilitating parameter inference and uncertainty estimation of CPU-intensive biological models. PyDREAM is freely available under the GNU GPLv3 license from the Lopez lab GitHub repository at http://github.com/LoLab-VU/PyDREAM. c.lopez@vanderbilt.edu. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.
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CM ^ 7 w 3m Eh E-" S Q CM ^O S >AW CM Q O O GQ O Eh UN OS on< Ph Eh go a: H HH...UNCO CM O O CM O O rH O-CO CM {>-NO <H ONCO-3" CM COcM O- UN rH H rH rH CM ** •• •* r 7 ) Eh O -faX W c/2s-sx<-Sr~^>MEHCO<C £xl <Z fa O S fa s fa s •• rH...4i J>VU v> \\f <u -Q X Pi rxcvi CM fM»M (Moi IMIM OJ !M(V P4 PM m 10 Z IP — up up •• CP • UP< 7 » •* WU« •• U»V> •• w» •• y»y% •• u» •• l/« ••
Mohan, Geetha; Jian, Pu; Takemoto, Kazuhiko; Fukushi, Kensuke
Currently in many cities and rural areas of Vietnam, wastewater is discharged to the environment without any treatment, which emits considerable amount of greenhouse gas (GHG), particularly methane. In this study, four GHG emission scenarios were examined, as well as the baseline scenario, in order to verify the potential of GHG reduction from domestic wastewater with adequate treatment facilities. The ArcGIS and ArcHydro tools were employed to visualize and analyze GHG emissions resulting from discharge of untreated wastewater, in rural areas of Vu Gia Thu Bon river basin, Vietnam. By applying the current IPCC guidelines for GHG emissions, we found that a reduction of GHG emissions can be achieved through treatment of domestic wastewater in the studied area. Compared with baseline scenario, a maximum 16% of total GHG emissions can be reduced, in which 30% of households existing latrines are substituted by Japanese Johkasou technology and other 20% of domestic wastewater is treated by conventional activated sludge. PMID:27699202
[Genetic obesity: new diagnostic options].
de Vries, T I; Alsters, S I M; Kleinendorst, L; van Haaften, G; van der Zwaag, B; Van Haelst, M M
- Obesity is an important risk factor for morbidity and premature death, as well as a contributing factor to psychosocial problems. The incidence of obesity has increased dramatically over the last few decades.- Obesity is considered to be a multifactorial condition in which both environmental factors and genetic factors play a part.- In approximately 5% of patients with morbid obesity, a monogenic cause can be identified. Mutations in the MC4R gene are the most frequently occurring monogenic cause of obesity.- The department of Genetics at the VU University Medical Center Amsterdam offers morbidly obese patients a diagnostic analysis of 50 obesity-associated genes. - An underlying obesity-associated genetic defect can influence patient response to certain treatments. Therefore, if the gene defect is known, it can be taken into account when considering treatment options.- The understanding of the genetics of obesity will significantly contribute to research into the development of personalized treatment options.
Application of low-cost methodologies for mobile phone app development.
Zhang, Melvyn; Cheow, Enquan; Ho, Cyrus Sh; Ng, Beng Yeong; Ho, Roger; Cheok, Christopher Cheng Soon
The usage of mobile phones and mobile phone apps in the recent decade has indeed become more prevalent. Previous research has highlighted a method of using just the Internet browser and a text editor to create an app, but this does not eliminate the challenges faced by clinicians. More recently, two methodologies of app development have been shared, but there has not been any disclosures pertaining to the costs involved. In addition, limitations such as the distribution and dissemination of the apps have not been addressed. The aims of this research article are to: (1) highlight a low-cost methodology that clinicians without technical knowledge could use to develop educational apps; (2) clarify the respective costs involved in the process of development; (3) illustrate how limitations pertaining to dissemination could be addressed; and (4) to report initial utilization data of the apps and to share initial users' self-rated perception of the apps. In this study, we will present two techniques of how to create a mobile app using two of the well-established online mobile app building websites. The costs of development are specified and the methodology of dissemination of the apps will be shared. The application of the low-cost methodologies in the creation of the "Mastering Psychiatry" app for undergraduates and "Déjà vu" app for postgraduates will be discussed. A questionnaire survey has been administered to undergraduate students collating their perceptions towards the app. For the Mastering Psychiatry app, a cumulative total of 722 users have used the mobile app since inception, based on our analytics. For the Déjà vu app, there has been a cumulative total of 154 downloads since inception. The utilization data demonstrated the receptiveness towards these apps, and this is reinforced by the positive perceptions undergraduate students (n=185) had towards the low-cost self-developed apps. This is one of the few studies that have demonstrated the low
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Berrittella, C.; van Huissteden, J.
Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) interstadials are marked by a sharp increase in the atmospheric methane (CH4) concentration, as recorded in ice cores. Wetlands are assumed to be the major source of this CH4, although several other hypotheses have been advanced. Modelling of CH4 emissions is crucial to quantify CH4 sources for past climates. Vegetation effects are generally highly generalized in modelling past and present-day CH4 fluxes, but should not be neglected. Plants strongly affect the soil-atmosphere exchange of CH4 and the net primary production of the vegetation supplies organic matter as substrate for methanogens. For modelling past CH4 fluxes from northern wetlands, assumptions on vegetation are highly relevant since paleobotanical data indicate large differences in Last Glacial (LG) wetland vegetation composition as compared to modern wetland vegetation. Besides more cold-adapted vegetation, Sphagnum mosses appear to be much less dominant during large parts of the LG than at present, which particularly affects CH4 oxidation and transport. To evaluate the effect of vegetation parameters, we used the PEATLAND-VU wetland CO2/CH4 model to simulate emissions from wetlands in continental Europe during LG and modern climates. We tested the effect of parameters influencing oxidation during plant transport (fox), vegetation net primary production (NPP, parameter symbol Pmax), plant transport rate (Vtransp), maximum rooting depth (Zroot) and root exudation rate (fex). Our model results show that modelled CH4 fluxes are sensitive to fox and Zroot in particular. The effects of Pmax, Vtransp and fex are of lesser relevance. Interactions with water table modelling are significant for Vtransp. We conducted experiments with different wetland vegetation types for Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) stadial and interstadial climates and the present-day climate, by coupling PEATLAND-VU to high resolution climate model simulations for Europe. Experiments assuming dominance of
Prayer Healing: A Case Study Research Protocol.
Kruijthoff, Dirk J; van der Kooi, Cornelis; Glas, Gerrit; Abma, Tineke A
Context • Prayer healing is a common practice in many religious communities around the world. Even in the highly secularized Dutch society, cases of prayer healing are occasionally reported in the media, often generating public attention. There is an ongoing debate regarding whether such miraculous cures do actually occur and how to interpret them. Objective • The aim of the article was to present a research protocol for the investigation of reported cases of remarkable and/or unexplained healing after prayer. Design • The research team developed a method to perform a retrospective, case-based study of prayer healing. Reported prayer healings can be investigated systematically in accordance with a step-by-step methodology. The focus is on understanding the healing by studying it from multiple perspectives, using both medical judgment and patients' narratives collected by qualitative methods Setting • The study occurred at Vrije Universiteit (VU) and VU Medical Center (Amsterdam, Netherlands) as well as the general medical practice of the first author. Participants • Potential participants could be any individuals in the Netherlands or neighboring countries who claim to have been healed through prayer. The reports of healing came from multiple sources, including the research team's medical practices and their direct vicinities, newspaper articles, prayer healers, and medical colleagues. Outcome Measures • Medical data were obtained before and after prayer. Subsequently, a member of a research team and of a medical assessment committee made a standardized judgment that evaluated whether a cure was clinically remarkable or scientifically unexplained. The participants' experiences and insider perspectives were studied, using in-depth interviews in accordance with a qualitative research methodology, to gain insight into the perceptions and explanations of the cures that were offered by participants and by the members of the medical assessment committee. The
Yegla, Brittney; Valuskova, Paulina; Gurnani, Sarika; Lindsley, Craig W.
Some rats [sign-trackers (STs)] are prone to attribute incentive salience to reward cues, which can manifest as a propensity to approach and contact pavlovian cues, and for addiction-like behavior. STs also exhibit poor attentional performance, relative to goal-trackers (GTs), which is associated with attenuated acetylcholine (ACh) levels in prefrontal cortex (Paolone et al., 2013). Here, we demonstrate a cellular mechanism, linked to ACh synthesis, that accounts for attenuated cholinergic capacity in STs. First, we found that electrical stimulation of the basal forebrain increased cortical choline transporter (CHT)-mediated choline transport in GTs, paralleled by a redistribution of CHTs to the synaptic plasma membrane. Neither increases in choline uptake nor translocation of CHTs occurred in STs. Second, and consistent with uptake/translocation alterations, STs demonstrated a reduced ability to support cortical ACh release in vivo compared with GTs after reverse-dialysis to elevate extracellular potassium levels. Third, rats were significantly more likely to develop sign-tracking behavior if treated systemically before pavlovian conditioned approach training with the CHT inhibitor VU6001221. Consistent with its proposed mechanisms, administration of VU6001221 attenuated potassium-evoked ACh levels in prefrontal cortex measured with in vivo microdialysis. We propose that loss of CHT-dependent activation of cortical cholinergic activity in STs degrades top-down executive control over behavior, producing a bias for bottom-up or stimulus-driven attention. Such an attentional bias contributes to nonadaptive reward processing and thus identifies a novel mechanism that can support psychopathology, including addiction. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The vulnerability for addiction-like behavior has been associated with psychological traits, such as the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues that is modeled in rats by sign-tracking behavior. Sign-trackers tend
ESTEC/Geovusie/ILEWG planetary student design workshop: a teacher training perspective
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Preusterink, Jolanda; Foing, Bernard H.; Kaskes, Pim
An important role for education is to inform and create the right skills for people to develop their own vision, using their talents to the utmost and inspire others to learn to explore in the future. Great effort has been taken to prepare this interactive design workshop thoroughly. Three days in a row, starting with presentations of Artscience The Hague to ESA colleagues, followed by a Planetary research Symposium in Amsterdam and a student design workshop at the end complemented a rich environment with the focus on Planetary exploration. The design workshop was organised by GeoVUsie students, with ESTEC and ILEWG support for tutors and inviting regional and international students to participate in an interactive workshop to design 5 Planetary Missions, with experts sharing their expertise and knowhow on specific challenging items: 1. Mercury - Post BepiColombo (with Sébastien Besse, ESA) 2. Moon South Pole Mission (with Bernard Foing, ESA) 3. Post-ExoMars - In search for Life on Mars (with Jorge Vago, ESA) 4. Humans in Space - Mars One investigated(with Arno Wielders, Space Horizon) 5. Europa - life on the icy moon of Jupiter? (with Bert Vermeersen, TU Delft) Lectures were given for more than 150 geology students at the symposium “Moon, Mars and More” at VU university, Amsterdam (organized by GeoVUsie earth science students). All students were provided with information before and at start for designing their mission. After the morning session there was a visit to the exhibition at The Erasmus Facility - ESTEC to inspire them even more with real artifacts of earlier and future missions into space. After this visit they prepared their final presentations, with original results, with innovative ideas and a good start to work out further in the future. A telescope session for geology students had been organized indoor due to rain. A follow-up visit to the nearby public Copernicus observatory was planned for another clear sky occasion. The interactive character
Policies to protect persons with dementia in assisted living: déjà vu all over again?
Kaskie, Brian P; Nattinger, Matthew; Potter, Andrew
Continued growth in the number of individuals with dementia residing in assisted living (AL) raises concerns about their safety and protection. In this Forum, we review current AL practices relevant to residents with dementia and present a rationale for examining the government role in protecting these individuals within this context. Since public oversight of AL is currently a state prerogative, we assess states' regulatory activity across 3 domains closely related to safety and protection of persons with dementia: environmental features, staffing, and use of chemical restraints. We then step back to consider the state policymaking environment and assess the feasibility of developing a minimum standard of regulations from one state to the next. This Forum concludes with a historical comparison between the contemporary AL market and the nursing home care market prior to the Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987, and we discuss how an increased amount of federal interest could improve existing state efforts to protect persons with dementia residing in AL. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.
RACK1 and the microRNA pathway: is it déjà-vu all over again?
Speth, Corinna; Laubinger, Sascha
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) control many aspects of development and adaption in plants and in animals by post-transcriptional control of mRNA stability and translatability. Over the last years numerous proteins have been identified in the miRNA pathway. The versatile scaffold protein RACK1 has been associated with efficient miRNA production and function in plants and metazoans. Here, we briefly summarize the differences of RACK1 function in the plant and animal miRNA pathways and discuss putative mechanisms and functional roles of RACK1 in miRNA biogenesis and action.
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Technical Report Summaries. Third Quarter (CY).
Iy ?A ’ C .- * tD ’ 0 ~ E 0 41 3nv *i ; I-t u s4*Cw I *0 *L4 . 0 0u -C 0.0 -Az Z%- LL C .I ;; L’v > . --.0 g L’ a LC - L . L! >LI in 06 i E c) I i I...a) In~~~ 111C 0 .I Cto 01 04 4 C U)0 C4 0 0f 0 - I- m 0~ tD X*~ 4** L* C4 0.*aOC n L, .4 1’X ’ 01- 0 0)4 40’ EC M L. (. L1t- CO f 0o Si 04 l 11111...lx 0- 03 0E i( Vu ox ’- 0 I 0IJ. L. .59 M SE 0 i 0 SEh*~~~U hi4 . . td I IA. 2 4, 0 C3 StL 0 an C 64(4 0 0- m *0 0 ScSt h Im 0 m- 0 0-L- SE E, 0x V.C a
Vu, Tan T; del Río, Laura; Valdés-Solís, Teresa; Marbán, Gregorio
The aim of this study was to assess the activity of catalysts formed by nanostructured zinc oxide supported on stainless steel wire mesh for the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue under UV irradiation. Catalysts prepared by means of different low temperature synthesis methods, as described in a previous work (Vu et al., Mater. Res. Bull. 47 (2012) 1577-1586) were tested. A new activity parameter was introduced in order to compare the catalytic activity of the different catalysts. The best catalyst showed a catalytic activity higher than that of the reference material TiO(2) P25 (Degussa-Evonik). This high activity is attributed to a higher quantum yield derived from the small particle length of the ZnO deposited on the wire mesh. The photocatalytic degradation kinetics of methylene blue fitted a potential model with n orders ranging from 0.5 to 6.9. Reaction orders over 1 were attributed to catalyst deactivation during the reaction resulting from the photocorrosion of ZnO. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Specific airway resistance in healthy young Vietnamese and Caucasian adults.
Le Tuan, Thanh; Nguyen, Ngoc Minh; Demoulin, Bruno; Bonabel, Claude; Nguyen-Thi, Phi Linh; Ioan, Iulia; Schweitzer, Cyril; Nguyen, H T T; Varechova, Silvia; Marchal, Francois
In healthy Vietnamese children the respiratory resistance has been suggested to be similar at 110 cm height but larger at 130 cm when compared with data in Caucasians from the literature, suggesting smaller airways in older Vietnamese children (Vu et al., 2008). The hypothesis tested here is whether the difference in airway resistance remains consistent throughout growth, and if it is larger in adult Vietnamese than in Caucasians. Airway resistance and Functional Residual Capacity were measured in healthy young Caucasian and Vietnamese adults in their respective native country using identical equipment and protocols. Ninety five subjects in Vietnam (60 males) and 101 in France (41 males) were recruited. Airway resistance was significantly larger in Vietnamese than in Caucasians and in females than in males, consistent with difference in body dimensions. Specific airway resistance however was not different by ethnicity or gender. The findings do not support the hypothesis that airway size at adult age - once normalized for lung volume - differs between Vietnamese and Caucasians. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N~~~W 314’ tun ~~ 0 -z -CI RO 9.40. goo I..~rr-0 0N E . z- 0- E. -! t eq 14 R IN~ 0 00 5- h. C, ZWD u L LI 7 I-, ’ Iq CUZZ , UE -U~bU 2 UiI 8 ,a 4 -D...U8 0 U I-~ U UU. U" U cy-ý a I0 .00~o 4. 90 9 0 0’, 1 wO"Q a,~O0 -. h-- 221 * In~ 0u tunN vu) tun -w 0%0% -w%%~c In In.I SRu C, 20 8~98 0 -’C rmjw...0zI oo :9 _l go co AZ u 0~’.A~-( ~ 2(A (C U 0g -0 00 20 En~ýfR RR R R RE .E 0 b4(~ -u u- A u u u U 000Q -0 ýR Z2 0 L~ Es TZ 2 T! :g -’ t3 S tun >4 m
Recent Progress in Engine Noise Reduction Technologies
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Huff, Dennis; Gliebe, Philip
Highlights from NASA-funded research over the past ten years for aircraft engine noise reduction are presented showing overall technical plans, accomplishments, and selected applications to turbofan engines. The work was sponsored by NASA's Advanced Subsonic Technology (AST) Noise Reduction Program. Emphasis is given to only the engine noise reduction research and significant accomplishments that were investigated at Technology Readiness Levels ranging from 4 to 6. The Engine Noise Reduction sub-element was divided into four work areas: source noise prediction, model scale tests, engine validation, and active noise control. Highlights from each area include technologies for higher bypass ratio turbofans, scarf inlets, forward-swept fans, swept and leaned stators, chevron/tabbed nozzles, advanced noise prediction analyses, and active noise control for fans. Finally, an industry perspective is given from General Electric Aircraft Engines showing how these technologies are being applied to commercial products. This publication contains only presentation vu-graphs from an invited lecture given at the 41st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 6-9, 2003.
Reconstruction d’une Carbonisation du Pouce par Lambeau Chinois
Khales, A.; Achbouk, J.A.; Moussaoui, A.; Belmir, R.; Tourabi, K.; Oufkir, A.; Ihrai, H.
Summary La main en tant qu’organe majeur de la préhension peut être le siège de brûlures graves qui compromettent sa fonction. Bien qu’elle ne représente que 2% de la surface corporelle la brûlure de la main est grave et difficile à traiter, vu la vulnérabilité et la complexité de son appareil locomoteur. Nous rapportons dans ce travail le cas d’un patient victime d’une carbonisation de la main. Huit mois après le parage et la couverture par lambeau inguinal, le patient bénéficie d’une reconstruction du pouce par lambeau chinois associé à une greffe osseuse. Le résultat s’est avéré satisfaisant. Le lambeau chinois prouve par son apport vasculaire et par sa facilité technique qu’il est un moyen très intéressant dans la reconstruction du pouce - ou des doigts en général - surtout dans un contexte de brûlure. PMID:21991226
[IVF surrogacy after embryo transfer abroad. Dilemmas of pregnancy follow-up].
Winkel, Esther; Roumen, Frans J M E; Dermout, Sylvia M
A 43-year-old female, gravida 3, para 2, who was 9 weeks pregnant, presented herself as a surrogate mother for a 33-year-old couple at our outpatient clinic in Heerlen, the Netherlands, for pregnancy follow-up. As she had not passed the selection procedure in the Netherlands (VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam), IVF using the gametes of the prospective parents and embryo transfer was performed in Belgium. We discussed the management of possible problems and complications during pregnancy and delivery. After an uneventful pregnancy and delivery a healthy boy was taken home by the donor couple. In the Netherlands, high-tech surrogate motherhood under strict non-commercial conditions has been accepted by law since 1997. Since the inclusion criteria are very strict, some couples seem to find a way to have their wish fulfilled abroad. Uniformity of the IVF surrogacy legislation in Europe is necessary to discourage this practice. When this situation occurs nevertheless, it is important that doctors involved know how to handle the (often unknown) medical, ethical, legal, emotional and psychosocial aspects associated with high-tech IVF-surrogacy.
The two variables in the triple system HR 6469 = V819 Her: One eclipsing, one spotted
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Van Hamme, Walter V.; Hall, Douglas S.; Hargrove, Adam W.; Henry, Gregory W.; Wasson, Rick; Barksdale, William S.; Chang, Sandy; Fried, Robert E.; Green, Charles L.; Lines, Helen C.
A complete BV light curve, from 14 nights of good data obtained with the Vanderbilt University-Tennessee State University (VU-TSU) automatic telescope, are presented and solved with the Wilson-Devinney program. Third light is evaluated, with the companion star brighter by 0.58(sup m) in V and 0.11(sup m) in B. The eclipses are partial. Inferred color indices yield F2 V and F8 V for the eclipsing pair and G8 IV-III for the distant companion star. After removing the variability due to eclipses, we study the residual variability of the G8 IV-III star over the ten years 1982 to 1992. Each yearly light curve is fit with a two-spot model. Three relatively long-lived spots are identified, with rotation periods of 85.9(sup d), 85.9(sup d), and 86.1(sup d). The weak and intermittent variability is understood because the G8 IV-III star has a Rossby number at the threshold for the onset of heavy spottedness.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rahmat-Samii, Y.
Based on the works of Ruze (1966) and Vu (1969), a novel mathematical model has been developed to determine efficiently the average power pattern degradations caused by random surface errors. In this model, both nonuniform root mean square (rms) surface errors and nonuniform illumination functions are employed. In addition, the model incorporates the dependence on F/D in the construction of the solution. The mathematical foundation of the model rests on the assumption that in each prescribed annular region of the antenna, the geometrical rms surface value is known. It is shown that closed-form expressions can then be derived, which result in a very efficient computational method for the average power pattern. Detailed parametric studies are performed with these expressions to determine the effects of different random errors and illumination tapers on parameters such as gain loss and sidelobe levels. The results clearly demonstrate that as sidelobe levels decrease, their dependence on the surface rms/wavelength becomes much stronger and, for a specified tolerance level, a considerably smaller rms/wavelength is required to maintain the low sidelobes within the required bounds.
The dichotomous role of H2S in cancer cell biology? Déjà vu all over again.
Kashfi, Khosrow
Nitric oxide (NO) a gaseous free radical is one of the ten smallest molecules found in nature, while hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) is a gas that bears the pungent smell of rotten eggs. Both are toxic yet they are gasotransmitters of physiological relevance. There appears to be an uncanny resemblance between the general actions of these two gasotransmitters in health and disease. The role of NO and H 2 S in cancer has been quite perplexing, as both tumor promotion and inflammatory activities as well as anti-tumor and antiinflammatory properties have been described. These paradoxes have been explained for both gasotransmitters in terms of each having a dual or biphasic effect that is dependent on the local flux of each gas. In this review/commentary, I have discussed the major roles of NO and H 2 S in carcinogenesis, evaluating their dual nature, focusing on the enzymes that contribute to this paradox and evaluate the pros and cons of inhibiting or inducing each of these enzymes. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Browne, Liz; Rayner, Steve
The contemporary English policy discourse in higher education of "Putting Students at the Heart of the System" has led to an increasing use of managing by performance "smart-data" reinforcing a consumer-led representation of students as "partners" in the "business of learning" within the academy. This…
A simple approach for assessing equilibrated Kt/V beta 2-M on a routine basis.
Casino, Francesco G; Pedrini, Luciano A; Santoro, Antonio; Mandolfo, Salvatore; David, Salvatore; De Cristofaro, Vincenzo; Teatini, Ugo; Lomonte, Carlo; Lopez, Teodoro
Large observational studies have shown a reduction in morbidity and mortality in patients on high-flux haemodialysis (HD) or convective techniques, compared with low-flux HD. An index to evaluate treatment efficiency in middle molecule (MM) removal would be recommended. Since beta-2-microglobulin (beta2-M) is a recognized MM marker, we evaluated an easy approach for Kt/V(beta2-M) assessment on a routine basis, avoiding other complex methods. An equation that estimates single-pool (sp) Kt/V(beta2-M) was derived from Leypoldt's formula, which calculates beta2-M dialyser clearance (K(beta2-M)) from the post/pre-dialysis beta2-M concentration (C(t)/C(0)) ratio and the weight loss/end-dialysis weight (Delta W/W) ratio. Our equation, spKt/V(beta2-M) = 6.12 Delta W/W [1 - ln(C(t)/C(0))/ln(1 + 6.12 Delta W/W)], was derived by assuming urea distribution volume (V(u)) as 49% of W and beta2-M volume (V(beta2-M)) as V(u)/3, in agreement with the average patient values in the HEMO Study. The spKt/V(beta2-M) values calculated with our equation (F) in 129 patients on 407 sessions of different high-flux treatments were compared with those calculated with the method applied in the HEMO Study (HM). Equilibrated beta2-M concentration (C(eq)) of the same sessions was also estimated with the equation for C(eq) by Tattersall, and equilibrated Kt/V (eKt/V(beta2-M)) was calculated by introducing Tattersall's equation into our simplified spKt/V(beta2-M) formula. Mean results of our spKt/V(beta2-M) equation (F) were very close to those of the HM method (1.48 +/- 0.38 vs 1.47 +/- 0.37). The difference was less than +/-0.1 in 95% of cases. A mean end-session beta2-M rebound of 44 +/- 14% was predicted, which caused a mean reduction in actual Kt/V(beta2-M) of ~27% (eKt/V(beta2-M) = 1.08 +/- 0.26). The method proposed to estimate spKt/V(beta2-M) and eKt/V(beta2-M) could become a simple tool to monitor the efficiency of high-flux HD and convective techniques and to evaluate the adequacy of
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Loague, Keith; Kyriakidis, Phaedon C.
This paper is a continuation of the event-based rainfall-runoff model evaluation study reported by Loague and Freeze [1985[. Here we reevaluate the performance of a quasi-physically based rainfall-runoff model for three large events from the well-known R-5 catchment. Five different statistical criteria are used to quantitatively judge model performance. Temporal variability in the large R-5 infiltration data set [Loague and Gander, 1990] is filtered by working in terms of permeability. The transformed data set is reanalyzed via geostatistical methods to model the spatial distribution of permeability across the R-5 catchment. We present new estimates of the spatial distribution of infiltration that are in turn used in our rainfall-runoff simulations with the Horton rainfall-runoff model. The new rainfall-runoff simulations, complicated by reinfiltration impacts at the smaller scales of characterization, indicate that the near-surface hydrologic response of the R-5 catchment is most probably dominated by a combination of the Horton and Dunne overland flow mechanisms.
Block, C; Ergaz-Shaltiel, Z; Valinsky, L; Temper, V; Hidalgo-Grass, C; Minster, N; Weissman, C; Benenson, S; Jaffe, J; Moses, A E; Bar-Oz, B
Following a bloodstream infection in June 2011 with Ralstonia mannitolilytica in a premature infant treated with a humidifying respiratory therapy device, an investigation was initiated at the Hadassah Medical Centres in Jerusalem. The device delivers a warmed and humidified mixture of air and oxygen to patients by nasal cannula. The investigation revealed colonisation with R. mannitolilytica of two of 15 patients and contamination of components of five of six devices deployed in the premature units of the Hadassah hospitals. Ten isolates from the investigation were highly related and indistinguishable from isolates described in an outbreak in 2005 in the United States (US). Measures successful in containing the US outbreak were not included in user instructions provided to our hospitals by the distributor of the device.
Boeschoten, K H; Folmer, K B; van der Lee, J H; Nollet, F
To develop an observational instrument that can be used to evaluate the quality of arm and hand skills in daily functional activities in children with obstetric brachial plexus lesion (OBPL). A set of functional activities was constructed and standardized, and the intra-observer reliability of the assessment of this set of activities was studied. Department of Occupational Therapy and Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, VU University Medical Centre. Twenty-six children with OBPL in the age range of 4 -6 years. The children were asked to perform 47 bimanual activities, which were recorded on videotape. The videotapes were scored twice by the same occupational therapist. The percentage of agreement in scoring 'hand-use', 'speed' and 'assistance' was over 80% for a substantial number of activities, indicating a strong agreement. However, in scoring 'deviations in movements and body posture' the percentage of agreement was insufficient in most activities. This set of activities has good potential for assessment of the performance of functional activities in children with OBPL. This study, however, showed a number of difficulties in observing and scoring the activities that have to be considered when developing a standardized video observation.
Thomas, Rhys H; Mullins, Jane M; Waddington, Tracey; Nugent, Kane; Smith, Phil E M
An epilepsy diagnosis is very verbal, relying on witness history, personal narrative and analysis of how people describe the experience. Occasionally however, non-verbal descriptions of seizures allow us to gain a fuller understanding of this complex disorder. Artists are often inspired by personal experience, so it should be no surprise to find people depicting images of ill health, both their own and people they have observed. Furthermore, an ailment or affliction may influence an artist's portfolio over their lifetime, such as de Kooning's Alzheimer's disease and Monet's glaucoma. Epilepsy (in contrast with cerebrovascular or neurodegenerative disease) may present not just with a loss of function but with unusual super-added experiences such as déjà vu, ecstatic auras or hallucinations. Here we describe some artists who were thought to have had epilepsy, and the way in which their seizures influenced their art. It appears that for some, they have succeeded despite, rather than because of, their epilepsy and that rather than be inspired by their symptoms they were ashamed of them. If there is a common theme, it is in the unwanted psychological harm of some seizures provoking dark, frustrated imagery.
Molinari, Jesús; Bustos, Xiomar E; Burneo, Santiago F; Camacho, M Alejandra; Moreno, S Andrea; Fermín, Gustavo
Sturnira is the most speciose genus of New World leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae). We name Sturnira adrianae, new species. This taxon is born polytypic, divided into a larger subspecies (S. a. adrianae) widespread in the mountains of northern and western Venezuela, and northern Colombia, and a smaller subspecies (S. a. caripana) endemic to the mountains of northeastern Venezuela. The new species inhabits evergreen, deciduous, and cloud forests at mainly medium (1000-2000 m) elevations. It has long been confused with S. ludovici, but it is more closely related to S. oporaphilum. It can be distinguished from other species of Sturnira by genetic data, and based on discrete and continuously varying characters. Within the genus, the new species belongs to a clade that also includes S. oporaphilum, S. ludovici, S. hondurensis, and S. burtonlimi. The larger new subspecies is the largest member of this clade. The two new subspecies are the most sexually dimorphic members of this clade. The smaller new subspecies is restricted to small mountain systems undergoing severe deforestation processes, therefore can be assigned to the Vulnerable (VU) conservation category of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Multi-Harmony: detecting functional specificity from sequence alignment
Brandt, Bernd W.; Feenstra, K. Anton; Heringa, Jaap
Many protein families contain sub-families with functional specialization, such as binding different ligands or being involved in different protein–protein interactions. A small number of amino acids generally determine functional specificity. The identification of these residues can aid the understanding of protein function and help finding targets for experimental analysis. Here, we present multi-Harmony, an interactive web sever for detecting sub-type-specific sites in proteins starting from a multiple sequence alignment. Combining our Sequence Harmony (SH) and multi-Relief (mR) methods in one web server allows simultaneous analysis and comparison of specificity residues; furthermore, both methods have been significantly improved and extended. SH has been extended to cope with more than two sub-groups. mR has been changed from a sampling implementation to a deterministic one, making it more consistent and user friendly. For both methods Z-scores are reported. The multi-Harmony web server produces a dynamic output page, which includes interactive connections to the Jalview and Jmol applets, thereby allowing interactive analysis of the results. Multi-Harmony is available at http://www.ibi.vu.nl/ programs/shmrwww. PMID:20525785
Influence of the osteosynthesis plate on ultrasound propagation in the bone
Bezuti, Márcio Takey; Mandarano-Filho, Luiz Garcia; Barbieri, Giuliano; Mazzer, Nilton; Barbieri, Cláudio Henrique
Objective: To analyze the influence of steel plates for osteosynthesis on the velocity of ultrasound propagation (VU) through the bone. Methods: The transverse coronal and sagittal velocity of ultrasound propagation underwater were measured on the intact bone and then on assemblies of the same bone with two types of osteosynthesis plates (DCP and semi tubular), fixed onto the dorsal side of the bones. The first arriving signal (FAS) was the ultrasound parameter used, taking the coronal and sagittal diameters as the distances to calculate velocity. Intergroup statistical comparisons were made at significance level of 1% (p<0.01). Results: Velocity was higher on the intact bones than on the bone-plate assemblies and higher for the semitubular than for the compression plates, although differences were not statistically significant for most comparisons (p=0.0132 to 0.9884), indicating that the steel plates do not interfere significantly with ultrasound wave propagation through the bone-plate assemblies. Conclusion: The velocity reduction effect was attributed to the greater reflection coefficient of the steel as compared to that of bone and water. Ultrasonometry can, thus, be used in the evaluation of healing of fractures fixed with steel plates. Experimental Study. PMID:25328436
New mutations and an updated database for the patched-1 (PTCH1) gene.
Reinders, Marie G; van Hout, Antonius F; Cosgun, Betûl; Paulussen, Aimée D; Leter, Edward M; Steijlen, Peter M; Mosterd, Klara; van Geel, Michel; Gille, Johan J
Basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by multiple basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), maxillary keratocysts, and cerebral calcifications. BCNS most commonly is caused by a germline mutation in the patched-1 (PTCH1) gene. PTCH1 mutations are also described in patients with holoprosencephaly. We have established a locus-specific database for the PTCH1 gene using the Leiden Open Variation Database (LOVD). We included 117 new PTCH1 variations, in addition to 331 previously published unique PTCH1 mutations. These new mutations were found in 141 patients who had a positive PTCH1 mutation analysis in either the VU University Medical Centre (VUMC) or Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC) between 1995 and 2015. The database contains 331 previously published unique PTCH1 mutations and 117 new PTCH1 variations. We have established a locus-specific database for the PTCH1 gene using the Leiden Open Variation Database (LOVD). The database provides an open collection for both clinicians and researchers and is accessible online at http://www.lovd.nl/PTCH1. © 2018 The Authors. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Linear Mechanisms and Pressure Fluctuations in Wall Turbulence
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Septham, Kamthon; Morrison, Jonathan
Full-domain, linear feedback control of turbulent channel flow at Reτ <= 400 via vU' at low wavenumbers is an effective method to attenuate turbulent channel flow such that it is relaminarised. The passivity-based control approach is adopted and explained by the conservative characteristics of the nonlinear terms contributing to the Reynolds-Orr equation (Sharma et al .Phys .Fluids 2011). The linear forcing acts on the wall-normal velocity field and thus the pressure field via the linear (rapid) source term of the Poisson equation for pressure fluctuations, 2U'∂v/∂x . The minimum required spanwise wavelength resolution without losing control is constant at λz+ = 125, based on the wall friction velocity at t = 0 . The result shows that the maximum forcing is located at y+ ~ 20 , corresponding to the location of the maximum in the mean-square pressure gradient. The effectiveness of linear control is qualitatively explained by Landahl's theory for timescales, in that the control proceeds via the shear interaction timescale which is much shorter than both the nonlinear and viscous timescales. The response of the rapid (linear) and slow (nonlinear) pressure fluctuations to the linear control is examined and discussed.
Pressure fluctuations and time scales in turbulent channel flow
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Septham, Kamthon; Morrison, Jonathan; Diwan, Sourabh
Pressure fluctuations in turbulent channel flow subjected to globally stabilising linear feedback control are investigated at Reτ = 400 . The passivity-based control is adopted and explained by the conservative characteristics of the nonlinear terms contributing to the Reynolds-Orr equation (Sharma et al. Phys. Fluids 2011). The linear control operates via vU' ; the maximum forcing is located at y+ ~ 20 , corresponding to the location of the maximum in the mean-square pressure gradient. The responses of the rapid (linear) and slow (nonlinear) pressure fluctuations to the linear control are investigated using the Green's function representations. It demonstrates that the linear control operates via the linear source terms of the Poisson equation for pressure fluctuations. Landahl's timescales of the minimal flow unit (MFU) in turbulent channel flow are examined at y+ = 20 . It shows that the timescales of MFU agree well with the theoretical values proposed by Landahl (1993). Therefore, the effectiveness of the linear control to attenuate wall turbulence is explained by Landahl's theory for timescales, in that the control proceeds via the shear interaction timescale which is significantly shorter than both the nonlinear and viscous timescales.
Stillbirths: What Can Be Done To Confront An Invisible Public Health Problem In Pakistan?
Shaikh, Babar Tasneem; Hafeez, Assad; Hamid, Saima
Pakistan has been ranked highest and appears worst in stillbirths' rate according to the recent global estimates. Reasons could be manifold; socio-cultural, health system related country specific, and some of these of course déjà vu, i.e., the biomedical causes. Yet, a fresh stocktaking is necessary to understand the complex phenomenon in a country, awfully affected by this menace. Maternal, neonatal and child health program needs to be informed and geared up toward addressing the actual reasons behind this heavy toll of stillbirths in Pakistan. Maternal health indicators would never be improved, if the issue of stillbirths is not stalled at the earliest. Besides known medical reasons, this account attempts to document the health systems related factors, and more so the social determinants behind the whole scenario, so that appropriate and customized interventions could be suggested, developed and implemented. This paper will be a piece of evidence for policy corridors, program managers, development partners, non-governmental organizations, public health institutions, students, and researchers to enhance their understanding of a major public health problem, and to recognize the strengths and opportunities in the health system of Pakistan to cope with this challenge.
Jiao, Shengwu; Guo, Yumin; Huettmann, Falk; Lei, Guangchun
Avian nest-site selection is an important research and management subject. The hooded crane (Grus monacha) is a vulnerable (VU) species according to the IUCN Red List. Here, we present the first long-term Chinese legacy nest data for this species (1993-2010) with publicly available metadata. Further, we provide the first study that reports findings on multivariate nest habitat preference using such long-term field data for this species. Our work was carried out in Northeastern China, where we found and measured 24 nests and 81 randomly selected control plots and their environmental parameters in a vast landscape. We used machine learning (stochastic boosted regression trees) to quantify nest selection. Our analysis further included varclust (R Hmisc) and (TreenNet) to address statistical correlations and two-way interactions. We found that from an initial list of 14 measured field variables, water area (+), water depth (+) and shrub coverage (-) were the main explanatory variables that contributed to hooded crane nest-site selection. Agricultural sites played a smaller role in the selection of these nests. Our results are important for the conservation management of cranes all over East Asia and constitute a defensible and quantitative basis for predictive models.
Applying deep bidirectional LSTM and mixture density network for basketball trajectory prediction
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhao, Yu; Yang, Rennong; Chevalier, Guillaume; Shah, Rajiv C.; Romijnders, Rob
Data analytics helps basketball teams to create tactics. However, manual data collection and analytics are costly and ineffective. Therefore, we applied a deep bidirectional long short-term memory (BLSTM) and mixture density network (MDN) approach. This model is not only capable of predicting a basketball trajectory based on real data, but it also can generate new trajectory samples. It is an excellent application to help coaches and players decide when and where to shoot. Its structure is particularly suitable for dealing with time series problems. BLSTM receives forward and backward information at the same time, while stacking multiple BLSTMs further increases the learning ability of the model. Combined with BLSTMs, MDN is used to generate a multi-modal distribution of outputs. Thus, the proposed model can, in principle, represent arbitrary conditional probability distributions of output variables. We tested our model with two experiments on three-pointer datasets from NBA SportVu data. In the hit-or-miss classification experiment, the proposed model outperformed other models in terms of the convergence speed and accuracy. In the trajectory generation experiment, eight model-generated trajectories at a given time closely matched real trajectories.
Joshi, Shailendra; Ellis, Jason A; Emala, Charles W
For over six decades intra-arterial (IA) drugs have been sporadically used for the treatment of lethal brain diseases. In recent years considerable advance has been made in the IA treatment of retinoblastomas, liver and locally invasive breast cancers, but relatively little progress has been made in the treatment of brain cancers. High resting blood flow and the presence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), makes IA delivery to the brain tissue far more challenging, compared to other organs. The lack of advance in the field is also partly due to the inability to understand the complex pharmacokinetics of IA drugs as it is difficult to track drug concentrations in sub-second time frame by conventional chemical methods. The advances in optical imaging now provide unprecedented insights into the pharmacokinetics of IA drug and optical tracer delivery. Novel delivery methods, improved IA drug formulations, and optical pharmacokinetics, present us with untested paradigms in pharmacology that could lead to new therapeutic interventions for brain cancers and stroke. The object of this review is to bring into focus the current practice, problems, and the potential of IA drug delivery for treating brain diseases. A concerted effort is needed at basic sciences (pharmacology and drug imaging), and translational (drug delivery techniques and protocol development) levels by the interventional neuroradiology community to advance the field.
Neuroimaging Insights into the Pathophysiology of Sleep Disorders
Desseilles, Martin; Dang-Vu, Thanh; Schabus, Manuel; Sterpenich, Virginie; Maquet, Pierre; Schwartz, Sophie
Neuroimaging methods can be used to investigate whether sleep disorders are associated with specific changes in brain structure or regional activity. However, it is still unclear how these new data might improve our understanding of the pathophysiology underlying adult sleep disorders. Here we review functional brain imaging findings in major intrinsic sleep disorders (i.e., idiopathic insomnia, narcolepsy, and obstructive sleep apnea) and in abnormal motor behavior during sleep (i.e., periodic limb movement disorder and REM sleep behavior disorder). The studies reviewed include neuroanatomical assessments (voxel-based morphometry, magnetic resonance spectroscopy), metabolic/functional investigations (positron emission tomography, single photon emission computed tomography, functional magnetic resonance imaging), and ligand marker measurements. Based on the current state of the research, we suggest that brain imaging is a useful approach to assess the structural and functional correlates of sleep impairments as well as better understand the cerebral consequences of various therapeutic approaches. Modern neuroimaging techniques therefore provide a valuable tool to gain insight into possible pathophysiological mechanisms of sleep disorders in adult humans. Citation: Desseilles M; Dang-Vu TD; Schabus M; Sterpenich V; Maquet P; Schwartz S. Neuroimaging insights into the pathophysiology of sleep disorders. SLEEP 2008;31(6):777–794. PMID:18548822
Syndrome coronarien aigue suite à une injection accidentelle intraveineuse de Bupivacaine
Koita, Siriman Abdoulaye; Bouhabba, Najib; Salaheddine, Fjouji; Bensghir, Mustapha; Charki, Haimeur
Les erreurs médicamenteuses constituent une complication très redoutable en anesthésie. La fréquence des erreurs médicamenteuses par administration serait de l'ordre 1/10 000 à 1/1000. Nous rapportons un cas d'injection accidentelle de bupivacaine en intraveineuse directe. Il s'agissait d'un jeune patient classé ASA I qui était prévu pour cure chirurgicale d'une hydrocèle unilatérale sous rachianesthésie. Une injection de 12,5 mg de bupivacaine et 25 µg de fentanyl étaient injectés après un reflux net du liquide céphalorachidien sans incident. Après installation de la rachianesthésie, le début de l'intervention était autorisé sans incidents. Une sédation de confort était décidée. Juste après apparaissait des troubles de rythme à type tachycardie ventriculaire avec une élévation de taux de troponines en post opératoire. L’évolution était marquée par une normalisation de la troponine au troisième jour post opératoire et sorti de l'hôpital au cinquième jour. PMID:26889325
Human EEG gamma oscillations in neuropsychiatric disorders.
Herrmann, C S; Demiralp, T
Due to their small amplitude, the importance of high-frequency EEG oscillations with respect to cognitive functions and disorders is often underestimated as compared to slower oscillations. This article reviews the literature on the alterations of gamma oscillations (about 30-80 Hz) during the course of neuropsychiatric disorders and relates them to a model for the functional role of these oscillations for memory matching. The synchronous firing of neurons in the gamma-band has been proposed to bind multiple features of an object, which are coded in a distributed manner in the brain, and is modulated by cognitive processes such as attention and memory. In certain neuropsychiatric disorders the gamma activity shows significant changes. In schizophrenic patients, negative symptoms correlate with a decrease of gamma responses, whereas a significant increase in gamma amplitudes is observed during positive symptoms such as hallucinations. A reduction is also observed in Alzheimer's Disease (AD), whereas an increase is found in epileptic patients, probably reflecting both cortical excitation and perceptual distortions such as déjà vu phenomena frequently observed in epilepsy. ADHD patients also exhibit increased gamma amplitudes. A hypothesis of a gamma axis of these disorders mainly based on the significance of gamma oscillations for memory matching is formulated.
A frame selective dynamic programming approach for noise robust pitch estimation.
Yarra, Chiranjeevi; Deshmukh, Om D; Ghosh, Prasanta Kumar
The principles of the existing pitch estimation techniques are often different and complementary in nature. In this work, a frame selective dynamic programming (FSDP) method is proposed which exploits the complementary characteristics of two existing methods, namely, sub-harmonic to harmonic ratio (SHR) and sawtooth-wave inspired pitch estimator (SWIPE). Using variants of SHR and SWIPE, the proposed FSDP method classifies all the voiced frames into two classes-the first class consists of the frames where a confidence score maximization criterion is used for pitch estimation, while for the second class, a dynamic programming (DP) based approach is proposed. Experiments are performed on speech signals separately from KEELE, CSLU, and PaulBaghsaw corpora under clean and additive white Gaussian noise at 20, 10, 5, and 0 dB SNR conditions using four baseline schemes including SHR, SWIPE, and two DP based techniques. The pitch estimation performance of FSDP, when averaged over all SNRs, is found to be better than those of the baseline schemes suggesting the benefit of applying smoothness constraint using DP in selected frames in the proposed FSDP scheme. The VuV classification error from FSDP is also found to be lower than that from all four baseline schemes in almost all SNR conditions on three corpora.
Pressure loss in elbow pipes of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride.
Iwasaki, T; Ojima, J
In the ductwork of local exhaust systems, 90 degrees elbow pipes (JIS K 6739) are commonly used to alter the direction of airflow; thus, are important components of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ducts. Pressure loss in 90 degrees PVC elbow pipes was investigated by measuring static pressure, and the characteristics of airflow was determined. First, a linear decrease in static pressure was observed at points of the downstream side beyond a distance of 10 times the diameter (10d) from the flanged round opening of the smooth VU ducts (JIS K6741). The linear decrease was also observed at points of the downstream side located at distances of greater than 30d from the elbow pipe. Coefficients of loss in the PVC elbow pipes were found to be constant for the Reynolds numbers ranging from 3.38 x 10(4) to 5.96 x 10(5) for all diameters examined, and a chart of pressure loss was constructed with these coefficients. The coefficients of loss in PVC elbow pipes were not equivalent to those of metal stamped elbows for any R/d. However, the differences in the coefficients between the metal stamped elbow and the PVC elbow were smaller with larger R/d values.
The treatment of adolescent transsexuals: changing insights.
Cohen-Kettenis, Peggy T; Delemarre-van de Waal, Henriette A; Gooren, Louis J G
Treatment of individuals with gender identity disorder (GID) has in medicine nearly always met with a great deal of skepticism. Professionals largely follow the Standards of Care of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. For adolescents, specific guidelines have also been issued by the British Royal College of Psychiatrists. To describe the stepwise changes in treatment policy which, in recent years, have been made by the team of the Gender Identity Clinic at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The first step taken to treat adolescents was that, after careful evaluation, (cross-sex hormone) treatment could start between the ages of 16 and 18 years. A further step was the suppression of puberty by means of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs in 12-16 year olds; the latter serves also as a diagnostic tool. Very recently, other clinics in Europe and North America have followed this policy. Results. The first results from the Amsterdam clinic show that this policy is promising. Professionals who take responsibility for these youth and are willing to help should yet be fully aware of the impact of their interventions. In this article, the pros and cons of the various approaches to youngsters with GID are presented, hopefully inciting a sound scientific discussion of the issue.
Prescience as an aura of temporal lobe epilepsy.
Sadler, R Mark; Rahey, Susan
A patient with a distinct aura of prescience as a manifestation of temporal lobe epilepsy was encountered. The experience prompted a review of this ictal phenomenon among patients attending a tertiary care epilepsy outpatient clinic. A computer epilepsy database was searched for patients with simple partial sensory seizures and complex partial seizures with auras. Identified patients had charts reviewed for details of the auras; patients were contacted and asked to provide written descriptions of their experiences. Literature searches (PubMed) were done by using the terms "precognition" or "prescience" and "seizures" or "epilepsy." Standard comprehensive epilepsy textbooks were reviewed. The charts of 218 patients were reviewed from 927 in the database; three had prescience as an ictal feature. The patients' descriptions were very similar in all cases (a profound sense of "knowing" what was going to happen in their environment in the immediate future). The experience was distinct from déjà vu and other psychic experiences. All patients probably have temporal lobe epilepsy. Only one other description of prescience as an ictal feature was found in the literature. Prescience can occur as an ictal feature of temporal lobe epilepsy and represents a previously underreported psychic phenomenon. The potential lateralizing value of this symptom is yet to be determined.
DEPDC5 mutations are not a frequent cause of familial temporal lobe epilepsy.
Striano, Pasquale; Serioli, Elena; Santulli, Lia; Manna, Ida; Labate, Angelo; Dazzo, Emanuela; Pasini, Elena; Gambardella, Antonio; Michelucci, Roberto; Striano, Salvatore; Nobile, Carlo
Mutations in the DEPDC5 (DEP domain-containing protein 5) gene are a major cause of familial focal epilepsy with variable foci (FFEVF) and are predicted to account for 12-37% of families with inherited focal epilepsies. To assess the clinical impact of DEPDC5 mutations in familial temporal lobe epilepsy, we screened a collection of Italian families with either autosomal dominant lateral temporal epilepsy (ADLTE) or familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (FMTLE). The probands of 28 families classified as ADLTE and 17 families as FMTLE were screened for DEPDC5 mutations by whole exome or targeted massive parallel sequencing. Putative mutations were validated by Sanger sequencing. We identified a DEPDC5 nonsense mutation (c.918C>G; p.Tyr306*) in a family with two affected members, clinically classified as FMTLE. The proband had temporal lobe seizures with prominent psychic symptoms (déjà vu, derealization, and forced thoughts); her mother had temporal lobe seizures, mainly featuring visceral epigastric auras and anxiety. In total, we found a single DEPDC5 mutation in one of (2.2%) 45 families with genetic temporal lobe epilepsy, a proportion much lower than that reported in other inherited focal epilepsies. © 2015 The Authors. Epilepsia published by Wiley Periodicals Inc. on behalf of International League Against Epilepsy.
Oguz Akarsu, Emel; Dinçsoy Bir, Firdevs; Baykal, Can; Taşdemir, Volkan; Kara, Bülent; Bebek, Nerses; Gürses, Candan; Uyguner, Oya; Baykan, Betül
Lipoid proteinosis (LP) is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by deposition of hyaline material in skin and mucosae. Epilepsy, as an extracutaneous manifestation associated with typical mesial temporal calcifications, has already been identified, but its characteristics and long-term prognosis have not been thoroughly investigated. We included 7 consecutive patients with LP with typical intracranial calcifications out of 16 patients with ECM1 mutations and investigated the semiologic features, ictal and interictal EEG findings, and long-term prognosis of epilepsy in this genodermatosis. Four of them had seizures (57.1%), and focal seizures with motionless staring were the most common seizure phenotype, originating from bilateral mesial temporal areas, but interictal spikes were scant. Auras were observed in three patients, mostly as epigastric sensation and déjà vu, which indicated mesial temporal lobe origin. Three patients with homozygous mutations in sixth and seventh exons of the ECM1 gene had a drug-resistant course at the end of long-term follow-up. Molecular genetic testing showed a rare compound heterozygous mutation in one patient, which was also associated with seizures but without drug-resistance. Our findings indicated a spectrum for epilepsy with a desperate drug-resistant course for decades in most patients with LP, which is still an underrecognized disease by neurologists.
Identifying duplicate content using statistically improbable phrases
Errami, Mounir; Sun, Zhaohui; George, Angela C.; Long, Tara C.; Skinner, Michael A.; Wren, Jonathan D.; Garner, Harold R.
Motivation: Document similarity metrics such as PubMed's ‘Find related articles’ feature, which have been primarily used to identify studies with similar topics, can now also be used to detect duplicated or potentially plagiarized papers within literature reference databases. However, the CPU-intensive nature of document comparison has limited MEDLINE text similarity studies to the comparison of abstracts, which constitute only a small fraction of a publication's total text. Extending searches to include text archived by online search engines would drastically increase comparison ability. For large-scale studies, submitting short phrases encased in direct quotes to search engines for exact matches would be optimal for both individual queries and programmatic interfaces. We have derived a method of analyzing statistically improbable phrases (SIPs) for assistance in identifying duplicate content. Results: When applied to MEDLINE citations, this method substantially improves upon previous algorithms in the detection of duplication citations, yielding a precision and recall of 78.9% (versus 50.3% for eTBLAST) and 99.6% (versus 99.8% for eTBLAST), respectively. Availability: Similar citations identified by this work are freely accessible in the Déjà vu database, under the SIP discovery method category at http://dejavu.vbi.vt.edu/dejavu/ Contact: merrami@collin.edu PMID:20472545
Water and Western Energy: Impacts, Issues, and Choices
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Haimes, Yacov Y.
Since the 1973 oil embargo numerous studies have been commissioned on the subject of water and energy, and thus the proliferation of books and reports on associated problems is not surprising. The importance of the issues at stake and the realization that we were relatively unprepared to deal with the anticipated high level of future coal and shale development in the West altered our perceptions of many water-energy issues; the issues were elevated, at least in some quarters, from the level of a common planning problem to the level of a crisis. For those of us who were captured in this syndrome and were a part of these “crisis studies,” this document inescapably brings a sense of déja vu.The review of books serves multiple goals and purposes for readers as well as authors. For example, when I read book reviews in Eos, I am most interested in one that briefly introduces the book's topics, indicates the depth and breadth of the discussion, constructively highlights the major attributes and limitations of the book, critically evaluates the book as a whole, and, if possible, suggests other documents that either supplement or complement the book's writings. I will attempt to do just this.
Application of Glow Discharge Plasma to Alter Surface Properties of Materials
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Trigwell, Steve; Buhler, Charles R.; Calle, Carlos I.
Some polymer materials that are considered important for spaceport operations are rendered noncompliant when subjected to the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Standard electrostatic testing. These materials operate in stringent environmental conditions, such as high humidity. Treating materials that fail electrostatic testing and altering their surface properties so that they become compliant would result in considerable cost savings. Significant improvement in electrostatic dissipation of Saf-T-Vu PVC after treatment with air Atmospheric Plasma Glow Discharge (APGD) was observed and the material now passed the KSC electrostatic test. The O:C ratio on the surface, as monitored by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, increased from 0.165 tO 0.275 indicating enhanced oxidation, and surface contact angle measurements decreased from 107.5 to 72.6 showing increased hydrophilicity that accounted for the increased conductivity. Monitoring of the aging showed that the materials hydrophobic recovery resulted in it failing the electrostatic test 30 hours after treatment. This was probably due to the out-diffusion of the added Zn, Ba, and Cd salt stabilizers detected on the surface and/or diffusion of low molecular weight oligomers. On going work includes improving the long term hydrophilicity by optimizing the APGD process with different gas mixtures. Treatment of other spaceport materials is also presented.
Spectral monodromy of non-self-adjoint operators
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Phan, Quang Sang
In the present paper, we build a combinatorial invariant, called the "spectral monodromy" from the spectrum of a single (non-self-adjoint) h-pseudodifferential operator with two degrees of freedom in the semi-classical limit. Our inspiration comes from the quantum monodromy defined for the joint spectrum of an integrable system of n commuting self-adjoint h-pseudodifferential operators, given by S. Vu Ngoc ["Quantum monodromy in integrable systems," Commun. Math. Phys. 203(2), 465-479 (1999)]. The first simple case that we treat in this work is a normal operator. In this case, the discrete spectrum can be identified with the joint spectrum of an integrable quantum system. The second more complex case we propose is a small perturbation of a self-adjoint operator with a classical integrability property. We show that the discrete spectrum (in a small band around the real axis) also has a combinatorial monodromy. The main difficulty in this case is that we do not know the description of the spectrum everywhere, but only in a Cantor type set. In addition, we also show that the corresponding monodromy can be identified with the classical monodromy, defined by J. Duistermaat ["On global action-angle coordinates," Commun. Pure Appl. Math. 33(6), 687-706 (1980)].
Understanding the behavior of buried Bi nanostructures from first principles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sims, Hunter; Pantelides, Sokrates; Song, Jiaming; Hudak, Bethany; Lupini, Andrew; Snijders, Paul
Bismuth dopants in silicon provide several advantages over other n-type options such as phosphorus for usage as quantum bits (qubits). Self-assembled Bi nanolines on Si (100) surfaces may provide a means of introducing these dopants with greater control over placement and with less damage to the host system than is possible using ion implantation. However, these structures have thus far only been observed in vacuum, limiting their usefulness for application. We examine Bi nanolines overgrown with amorphous Si using density functional theory, comparing our findings with observations from scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) in order to better understand the way in which the Si surface is influenced by both the Bi ad-dimers and the capping layer. We compare the thermodynamic stability of the generally accepted haiku defect core to the modified core that we observe and offer insight from total energy calculations into how the overgrowth process affects the nanolines. Supported by Department of Energy Grant DE-FG02- 09ER46554 (VU) and by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy (ORNL).
Zhang, Zhiqing; Kuzmin, Nikolay V; Groot, Marie Louise; de Munck, Jan C
The morphologies contained in 3D third harmonic generation (THG) images of human brain tissue can report on the pathological state of the tissue. However, the complexity of THG brain images makes the usage of modern image processing tools, especially those of image filtering, segmentation and validation, to extract this information challenging. We developed a salient edge-enhancing model of anisotropic diffusion for image filtering, based on higher order statistics. We split the intrinsic 3-phase segmentation problem into two 2-phase segmentation problems, each of which we solved with a dedicated model, active contour weighted by prior extreme. We applied the novel proposed algorithms to THG images of structurally normal ex-vivo human brain tissue, revealing key tissue components-brain cells, microvessels and neuropil, enabling statistical characterization of these components. Comprehensive comparison to manually delineated ground truth validated the proposed algorithms. Quantitative comparison to second harmonic generation/auto-fluorescence images, acquired simultaneously from the same tissue area, confirmed the correctness of the main THG features detected. The software and test datasets are available from the authors. z.zhang@vu.nl. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com
Exploring the situational motivation of medical specialists: a qualitative study.
van der Burgt, Stéphanie M E; Kusurkar, Rashmi A; Croiset, Gerda; Peerdeman, Saskia M
The aim was to obtain insight into the factors in the work environment that motivate or demotivate a medical specialist during his/her working day. A qualitative ethnographic design was used, and a constructivist approach was adopted with the Self-Determination theory of motivation as a framework. Six medical specialists from VU University Medical Center in the Netherlands, recruited through convenience, snowball, and purposive sampling, were shadowed for one day each. Data were transcribed and open-coded. Themes were finalized through discussion and consensus. Sixty hours of observation data identified motivating and demotivating factors categorized into four themes that are important for specialists' motivation. Informational technology issues are demotivating factors. Working with colleagues can be both a motivating and demotivating factor, e.g., filling in for each other through feelings of relatedness was motivating. Being in control of one's planning through feelings of autonomy was motivating. Furthermore, patient care and teaching, especially in combination, stimulated specialists' motivation. Regarding the design of the study, we found that situational motivation is indeed observable. The basic psychological needs autonomy, competence, and relatedness are important for specialists' motivation. Investing in a more motivating, open, transparent, and basic-needs- supportive work environment for medical specialists is necessary. Keywords: Continuing professional development, motivation, medical specialists, self-determination theory, qualitative research.