Sample records for du circuit primaire

  1. Lignes directrices sur l’aiguillage des cas soupçonnés de cancer du poumon par un médecin de famille ou autre professionnel des soins primaires

    PubMed Central

    Del Giudice, M. Elisabeth; Young, Sheila-Mae; Vella, Emily T.; Ash, Marla; Bansal, Praveen; Robinson, Andrew; Skrastins, Roland; Ung, Yee; Zeldin, Robert; Levitt, Cheryl


    Résumé Objectif Les présentes lignes directrices visent à aider les médecins de famille et autres généralistes à reconnaître les manifestations cliniques devant éveiller les soupçons quant à la présence d’un cancer du poumon chez les patients. Composition du comité Les membres du comité ont été choisis parmi les leaders régionaux en soins primaires du Réseau provincial des soins primaires et de la lutte contre le cancer d’Action Cancer Ontario et parmi les membres du Groupe sur le siège de la maladie, Cancer du poumon d’Action Cancer Ontario. Méthodes Les présentes lignes directrices sont le fruit d’une revue systématique des données probantes, d’une synthèse des données et d’un examen externe formel effectué par des intervenants canadiens qui ont validé la pertinence des recommandations. Rapport Ces lignes directrices fondées sur des données probantes ont été formulées pour améliorer la prise en charge en contexte canadien des patients qui présentent des manifestations cliniques du cancer du poumon. Conclusion Le dépistage et l’aiguillage précoces des patients atteints de cancer du poumon pourraient en fin de compte aider à réduire les morbidités et mortalités liées au cancer. Ces lignes directrices pourraient aussi s’avérer utiles dans la mise sur pied de programmes de diagnostic du cancer du poumon et pour aider les décideurs à veiller à ce que les ressources appropriées soient en place.

  2. Blast pulmonaire primaire chez le brûlé. a propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Siah, S.; Emane, A.; Bertin-Maghit, M.


    Summary Le blast est à l’origine de lésions spécifiques pour lesquelles une prise en charge spécialisée est nécessaire. Après une explosion on peut observer des lésions de blast primaire, liées à l’onde de choc, secondaire par polycriblage et tertiaire par projection du patient. Les blasts secondaire et tertiaire sont plus fréquents que le blast primaire et peuvent entraîner un polytraumatisme. Dans 5% des cas, on retrouve des brûlures pouvant faire partie du blast quaternaire, qui regroupe toutes les lésions d’autres mécanismes que ceux précités. La prise en charge des lésions secondaires et tertiaires de blast est comparable à celle des traumatisés graves. Le blast pulmonaire primaire aggrave le pronostic des blessés les plus graves mais impose rarement une prise en charge spécifique. La connaissance des particularités physiopathologiques et lésionnelles permet de mieux traiter les blastés et brûlés graves survivants. Nous rapportons une observation de blast pulmonaire primaire chez un brûlé. PMID:28149247

  3. Le traumatisme du colon: l'expérience du CHU Hassan II de Fès

    PubMed Central

    Benjelloun, El Bachir; Hafid, Hasnai; Karim, Ibnmajdoub; Ousadden, Abdelmalek; Mazaz, Khalid; Taleb, Kahlid Ait


    Introduction Les traumatismes du colon sont associés à un risque majeur de complications septiques et de mortalité. Le but de notre étude est d’évaluer les circonstances, la prise en charge, le suivi et les facteurs pronostic de morbidité postopératoire des malades victimes d'un traumatisme colique. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective sur une série de 49 patients opérés pour des plaies coliques aux services de chirurgie viscérale du CHU HASSAN II de Fès sur une période de 8 ans de juillet 2003 à juillet 2011. Résultats L’âge moyen de nos patients était de 25ans (16-70) avec une nette prédominance masculine (93.8%). Les plaies coliques secondaires à un traumatisme par arme blanche représentent 85% des cas (42 patients), suivi par les plaies iatrogènes au cours d'une coloscopie chez 6 patients (13%), puis les contusions abdominales chez 1 patient (2%). Les parties du cadre colique les plus touchées étaient le colon transverse chez 19 patients (38%) et le colon descendant chez 12 patients (24, 5%). Le colon sigmoïde était le segment le plus touché au cours d'une coloscopie4/6. Quarante-deux patients (85%) ont eu une suture primaire des plaies coliques, six patients (13%) une diversion fécale et un patient (2%) une résection-anastomose. Deux patients (4%) sont décédés suite à un choc septique. La morbidité globale était de 38,7% dominé essentiellement par l'infection de la paroi chez 14 patients et une péritonite post opératoire chez 3 patients. L'analyse univarié a montré une différence significatif en terme d'infection de la paroi entre le groupe colostomie versus suture simple (50% vs 20,9% p<0,05). L'atteinte du colon gauche et la réalisation d'une colostomie sont associés à un risque plus élevés de complications postopératoires. Conclusion La suture primaire peut être effectuée avec un faible taux de complications postopératoire chez la majorité des patients suite à un traumatisme du colon. PMID

  4. Diagnostic et prise en charge du psoriasis

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Whan B.; Jerome, Dana; Yeung, Jensen


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux cliniciens en soins primaires un aperçu pratique et à jour du diagnostic et de la prise en charge du psoriasis. Sources des données Une recension a été effectuée dans les bases de données de PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE et Cochrane pour trouver des méta-analyses, des études randomisées contrôlées, des revues systématiques et des études observationnelles pertinentes portant sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge du psoriasis. Message principal Le psoriasis est une maladie inflammatoire chronique et multisystémique qui affecte principalement la peau et les articulations. En plus des dimensions physiques de la maladie, le psoriasis a des répercussions émotionnelles et psychosociales considérables sur les patients, et nuit au fonctionnement social et aux relations interpersonnelles. En tant que maladie inflammatoire systémique, le psoriasis est associé à de multiples comorbidités, dont les maladies cardiovasculaires et les cancers. Le diagnostic est principalement d’ordre clinique et une biopsie de la peau est rarement nécessaire. Selon la sévérité de la maladie, un traitement approprié peut être amorcé. Pour les cas de légers à modérés, le traitement de première intention comporte des thérapies topiques, dont les corticostéroïdes, les analogues de la vitamine D3 et des produits combinés. Ces traitements topiques sont efficaces et peuvent être initiés et prescrits en toute sécurité par des médecins de soins primaires. Les patients dont les symptômes sont plus graves et réfractaires pourraient devoir être envoyés en consultation auprès d’un dermatologue pour une évaluation plus approfondie et une thérapie systémique. Conclusion De nombreux patients atteints de psoriasis consultent leur médecin de soins primaires pour une évaluation initiale et pour recevoir un traitement. La reconnaissance du psoriasis, de même que des comorbidités médicales et psychiatriques qui lui sont associ

  5. Approche à l’endroit des blessures traumatiques à la main en soins primaires

    PubMed Central

    Cheung, Kevin; Hatchell, Alexandra; Thoma, Achilleas


    Résumé Objectif Passer en revue la prise en charge initiale des blessures traumatiques communes à la main que voient les médecins de soins primaires. Sources des données Nous avons examiné les données cliniques probantes et les ouvrages spécialisés récents cernés par des recherches dans la base de données électronique MEDLINE. Nous avons utilisé l’opinion d’experts pour compléter les recommandations dans les domaines où les données scientifiques étaient rares. Message principal Les médecins de soins primaires sont couramment appelés à prendre en charge des patients victimes de blessures traumatiques à la main. Dans le contexte d’un cas clinique, nous examinons l’évaluation, le diagnostic et la prise en charge initiale des traumatismes communs à la main. La présentation et la prise en charge des blessures au lit de l’ongle, des amputations de l’extrémité du doigt, des doigts en maillet, des fractures à la main, des lacérations de tendons, des morsures et de la ténosynovite infectieuse seront aussi discutées. Les principes de la prise en charge des blessures traumatiques à la main comportent la réduction et l’immobilisation des fractures, la prescription d’imagerie radiographique post-réduction, l’obtention d’un recouvrement par les tissus mous, la prévention et le traitement des infections et l’assurance d’une prophylaxie antitétanique. Conclusion Il est essentiel d’assurer une évaluation et une prise en charge appropriées des blessures traumatiques à la main pour prévenir une morbidité considérable à long terme dans une population autrement en santé. La reconnaissance sans délai des blessures qui nécessitent une demande de consultation urgente ou rapide auprès d’un chirurgien spécialiste de la main est également critique.

  6. Soins primaires aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale

    PubMed Central

    Sullivan, William F.; Berg, Joseph M.; Bradley, Elspeth; Cheetham, Tom; Denton, Richard; Heng, John; Hennen, Brian; Joyce, David; Kelly, Maureen; Korossy, Marika; Lunsky, Yona; McMillan, Shirley


    Résumé Objectif Mettre à jour les lignes directrices canadiennes de 2006 sur les soins primaires aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale (DD) et présenter des recommandations pratiques fondées sur les connaissances actuelles pour traiter des problèmes de santé particuliers chez des adultes ayant une DD. Qualité des preuves Des professionnels de la santé expérimentés participant à un colloque et un groupe de travail subséquent ont discuté et convenu des révisions aux lignes directrices de 2006 en se fondant sur une recherche documentaire exhaustive, la rétroaction obtenue des utilisateurs du guide de pratique et les expériences cliniques personnelles. La plupart des preuves disponibles dans ce domaine viennent de l’opinion d’experts ou de déclarations consensuelles publiées (niveau III). Message principal Les adultes ayant une DD ont des problèmes de santé complexes, dont plusieurs diffèrent de ceux de la population en général. De bons soins primaires permettent d’identifier les problèmes de santé particuliers dont souffrent les adultes ayant une DD pour améliorer leur qualité de vie et leur accès aux soins de santé et prévenir la morbidité et le décès prématuré. Ces lignes directrices résument les problèmes de santé générale, physique, comportementale et mentale des adultes ayant une DD que devraient connaître les professionnels des soins primaires et présentent des recommandations pour le dépistage et la prise en charge en se basant sur les connaissances actuelles que les cliniciens peuvent mettre en pratique. En raison de l’interaction des facteurs biologiques, psychoaffectifs et sociaux qui contribuent à la santé et au bien-être des adultes ayant une DD, ces lignes directrices insistent sur la participation des aidants, l’adaptation des interventions, au besoin, et la consultation auprès de divers professionnels de la santé quand ils sont accessibles. Elles mettent aussi en évidence la

  7. Mise à jour sur la prévention et le dépistage selon l’âge à l’intention des médecins de soins primaires canadiens

    PubMed Central

    Shimizu, Tawnya; Bouchard, Manon; Mavriplis, Cleo


    Résumé Objectif Faire la synthèse des meilleures lignes directrices fondées sur des données probantes concernant la prévention et le dépistage chez les adultes canadiens selon l’âge. Qualité des données Les recommandations du Groupe d’étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs représentent la source principale des renseignements et sont complétées par les recommandations pertinentes du Preventive Services Task Force des États-Unis lorsque celles du Groupe d’étude canadien étaient inaccessibles ou désuètes. Les guides de pratique des principales organisations nationales axées spécifiquement sur une maladie ou une spécialité ont aussi fait l’objet d’une révision pour prendre en compte les données factuelles les plus récentes. Message principal Les interventions de dépistage recommandées selon l’âge et le sexe sont présentées dans un tableau de synthèse où est mise en évidence la qualité des données à l’appui de ces recommandations. Un exemple de modèle à suivre dans les dossiers médicaux électroniques ou sur papier est aussi proposé. Conclusion Qu’il s’agisse d’une visite consacrée à la prévention ou d’une occasion saisie autrement de faire du counseling et du dépistage de prévention chez leurs patients, les médecins de soins primaires peuvent se servir de cette synthèse des recommandations fondées sur des données probantes pour maximiser leur efficience et prévenir d’importantes omissions ou des dépistages inutiles.

  8. Evaluation de la sécurité du circuit des médicaments anticancéreux dans un hôpital régional en Tunisie

    PubMed Central

    Sahli, Jihène; El Ghardallou, Meriam; Bougmiza, Iheb; Henchiri, Besma; Limam, Manel; Mejdoub, Rim; Mtiraoui, Ali; Ajmi, Thouraya


    Introduction Parmi les événements indésirables, ceux liés au circuit des médicaments occupent une place importante et risquent de causer un préjudice grave aux patients. Dans ce contexte, nous avons mené cette étude dans l'optique de décrire et d’évaluer le circuit des médicaments anticancéreux dans un hôpital régional tunisien. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude évaluative du risque lié aux médicaments anticancéreux, type « visite de risque » menée sur une période de 15 jours au cours de l'année 2014 au service de cancérologie de l'hôpital régional de Gafsa (Tunisie). Cette méthode d’évaluation est inspirée de celle conduite par le projet « SECURIMED » développé par le Comité de Coordination de l'Evaluation Clinique et de la Qualité en Aquitaine (CCECQA), en France. Résultats Dans notre étude, l'observation du circuit des médicaments anticancéreux a révélé certaines insuffisances. On a noté que la répartition des missions des différents acteurs est sujette parfois à des glissements de tâches. Un manque important ainsi que une inadéquation aux normes au niveau des équipements nécessaires pour la préparation et la protection des professionnels manipulant ces médicaments ont été également décelés. Conclusion La sécurisation du circuit des médicaments devrait être une priorité inscrite dans l'ensemble des démarches nationales et partagée par tous les intervenants et ce dans l'optique d'atteindre un objectif prémium: la qualité de la prise en charge globale et la sécurité des patients. PMID:27200135

  9. Distribution épidémiologique de l'infection à VIH chez les femmes enceintes dans les dix régions du Cameroun et implications stratégiques pour les programmes de prévention

    PubMed Central

    Billong, Serge-Clotaire; Fokam, Joseph; Billong, Edson-Joan; Nguefack-Tsague, Georges; Essi, Marie-Josée; Fodjo, Raoul; Sosso, Samuel-Martin; Gomba, Armelle; Mosoko-Jembia, Joseph; Loni-Ekali, Gabriel; Colizzi, Vittorio; Bissek, Anne-Cécile Zoung-Kani; Monebenimp, Francisca; Nfetam, Jean-Bosco Elat


    Introduction Le Cameroun se situe dans un contexte d’épidémie généralisée du VIH. La sous-population des femmes enceintes, facilement accessible au sein de la population générale, représente une cible probante pour mener la surveillance du VIH et estimer l’évolution épidémiologique. L'objectif de notre étude était d’évaluer la distribution épidémiologique du VIH chez les femmes enceintes. Méthodes Étude transversale menée en 2012 chez 6521 femmes enceintes (49,3% âgées de 15-24 ans) en première consultation prénatale (CPN1) dans 60 sites des 10 régions Camerounaises. L'algorithme en série a été utilisé pour le sérodiagnostic du VIH. Résultats La prévalence du VIH était de 7,8% (508/6521), avec une différence non significative (p = 0,297) entre milieu rural (7,4%) et milieu urbain (8,1%). En zone rurale, cette prévalence variait de 0,7% à l'Extrême-Nord à 11,8% au Sud. Cependant, en zone urbaine elle variait de 4% à l'Ouest à 11,1% au Sud-Ouest. Suivant l’âge, la prévalence était plus élevée (11,3%) chez les femmes de 35-39 ans. Suivant le niveau de scolarisation, la prévalence du VIH était plus faible (4,4%) chez celles non-scolarisées, et plus élevée (9,3%) chez celles ayant un niveau primaire. Selon la profession, l'infection était plus élevée chez les coiffeuses (15,5%), secrétaires (14,8%), commerçantes (12,9%) et institutrices/enseignantes (10,8%). Conclusion La prévalence du VIH reste élevée chez les femmes enceintes au Cameroun, sans distinction entre milieux rural et urbain. Les stratégies de prévention devraient s'orienter préférentiellement chez les femmes enceintes âgées, celles du niveau d'instruction primaire, et celles du secteur des petites et moyennes entreprises. PMID:26090037

  10. Lignes directrices sur la prise en charge en soins primaires des céphalées chez l’adulte

    PubMed Central

    Becker, Werner J.; Findlay, Ted; Moga, Carmen; Scott, N. Ann; Harstall, Christa; Taenzer, Paul


    Résumé Objectif Accroître l’utilisation d’approches éclairées par des données probantes pour diagnostiquer, investiguer et traiter en soins primaires les céphalées des patients. Qualité des données Une recherche documentaire exhaustive a été effectuée pour trouver des lignes directrices et des révisions systématiques publiées entre janvier 2000 et mai 2011. La grille d’évaluation de la qualité des recommandations pour la pratique clinique AGREE a servi à l’analyse critique des lignes directrices. Les 6 guides de pratique clinique de la plus grande qualité ont servi de base dans le processus d’adaptation. Message principal Un groupe d’élaboration multidisciplinaire de professionnels des soins primaires ont formulé 91 recommandations précises à l’aide d’un processus consensuel. Les recommandations portent sur le diagnostic, l’investigation et la prise en charge de la migraine, de la céphalée de tension, de la céphalée due à une surmédication et de la céphalée vasculaire de Horton. Conclusion Un guide de pratique clinique adapté au contexte des soins de santé au Canada a été produit en suivant un processus d’adaptation de lignes directrices dans le but d’aider les professionnels de toutes les disciplines des soins primaires à dispenser des soins éclairés par des données probantes aux patients souffrant de céphalées.

  11. Les carcinomes epidermoïdes du scrotum: à propos de 7 cas avec revue de la litterature

    PubMed Central

    Halfya, Ayoub; Elmortaji, Khalid; Redouane, Rabii; fethi, Meziane; Rafik, Amine; Mohamed, Ezzoubi; Abdessamad, Chlihi


    Quoique rare le carcinome épidermoïde du scrotum a un mauvais pronostic. Les Carcinomes du scrotum induite et - liées au travail sont moins fréquentes en raison d'une meilleure hygiène, vêtements de protection, et la sensibilisation de la cancérogénicité des huiles industrielles. L’épidémie à l'HPV a induit une augmentation de l'incidence. Le traitement de dépend toujours exérèse locale de la lésion primaire. La radiothérapie a peu de bénéfice thérapeutique dans le traitement d'un carcinome épidermoïde du scrotum. La bléomycine peut être utile comme traitement adjuvant pour les maladies ilio-inguinal généralisée avant la tentative exérèse, même si cela n'a pas encore été prouvé. Entre janvier 2011 au 1er janvier 2013, 7 patients atteints de carcinome épidermoïde ont été pris en charge, Trois patients ont présenté une localisation ganglionnaire. Les sept patients ont eu un traitement chirurgical par exérèse large avec reconstruction, Deux patients ont été adressé pour chimiothérapie.2 patients ont présenté une récidive, dont un est décédé. PMID:26113906

  12. Consensus formalisé: recommandations de pratiques cliniques pour la prise en charge de la migraine du patient adulte africain

    PubMed Central

    Ahmed, Mahmoud Ait Kaci; Haddad, Monia; Kouassi, Beugré; Ouhabi, Hamid; Serrie, Alain


    La migraine est une céphalée primaire (selon les derniers critères de l'International Headache Society) qui affecte environ 8% de la population africaine. Les femmes sont plus fréquemment touchées que les hommes et les crises apparaissent le plus souvent avant l’âge de 40 ans. Bien qu'un certain nombre de traitements, de mesure hygiéno-diététiques, et d'autres méthodes non pharmacologiques permettent de limiter l'intensité et la fréquence des crises, la prise en charge médicamenteuse de la crise de migraine est très souvent nécessaire. La disponibilité des traitements et l'accès aux soins diffèrent sur le continent africain et ont conduit à la réalisation du 1er consensus d'experts pour la prise en charge du patient adulte africain. Destiné aux praticiens, ce travail collaboratif multinational a pour objectif de fournir 16 recommandations de pratiques cliniques simples, fondées sur les preuves, et adaptées aux conditions de l'exercice médical en Afrique. PMID:27642420

  13. CFD Simulations of a Ferry in Head Seas

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la durée de vie en fatigue globale du navire. Il est important, pour la conception, l’exploitation et la gestion du cycle de ...vibration de frottement qui exerce une contrainte sur la structure de coque primaire et qui a un effet défavorable sur la durée de vie en fatigue globale du ...laquelle ne peut simuler directement la physique du tossage. Le présent rapport contient les résultats d’une étude faisant

  14. Mesure et retroaction sur un qubit multi-niveaux en electrodynamique quantique en circuit non lineair

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boissonneault, Maxime

    L'electrodynamique quantique en circuit est une architecture prometteuse pour le calcul quantique ainsi que pour etudier l'optique quantique. Dans cette architecture, on couple un ou plusieurs qubits supraconducteurs jouant le role d'atomes a un ou plusieurs resonateurs jouant le role de cavites optiques. Dans cette these, j'etudie l'interaction entre un seul qubit supraconducteur et un seul resonateur, en permettant cependant au qubit d'avoir plus de deux niveaux et au resonateur d'avoir une non-linearite Kerr. Je m'interesse particulierement a la lecture de l'etat du qubit et a son amelioration, a la retroaction du processus de mesure sur le qubit de meme qu'a l'etude des proprietes quantiques du resonateur a l'aide du qubit. J'utilise pour ce faire un modele analytique reduit que je developpe a partir de la description complete du systeme en utilisant principalement des transfprmations unitaires et une elimination adiabatique. J'utilise aussi une librairie de calcul numerique maison permettant de simuler efficacement l'evolution du systeme complet. Je compare les predictions du modele analytique reduit et les resultats de simulations numeriques a des resultats experimentaux obtenus par l'equipe de quantronique du CEASaclay. Ces resultats sont ceux d'une spectroscopie d'un qubit supraconducteur couple a un resonateur non lineaire excite. Dans un regime de faible puissance de spectroscopie le modele reduit predit correctement la position et la largeur de la raie. La position de la raie subit les decalages de Lamb et de Stark, et sa largeur est dominee par un dephasage induit par le processus de mesure. Je montre que, pour les parametres typiques de l'electrodynamique quantique en circuit, un accord quantitatif requiert un modele en reponse non lineaire du champ intra-resonateur, tel que celui developpe. Dans un regime de forte puissance de spectroscopie, des bandes laterales apparaissent et sont causees par les fluctuations quantiques du champ electromagnetique

  15. Non-linearite et couplages lumiere-matiere en electrodynamique quantique en circuit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bourassa, Jerome

    L'électrodynamique quantique en circuit est un contexte unique pour l'optique quantique et le calcul quantique. Dans cette architecture où des qubits supraconducteurs, composés de jonctions Josephson, sont fortement couplés au champ électromagnétique de résonateurs coplanaires, la dynamique du système est semblable à celle des atomes dans des cavités optiques. La polyvalence de la conception des circuits supraconducteurs permet d'étudier l'interaction lumière-matière de différents régimes et manières. Ainsi, plusieurs qubits peuvent être couplés à un seul résonateur afin de les enchevêtrer. Une jonction Josephson peut également être intégrée directement au résonateur afin de produire une interaction non linéaire entre les photons. De la même manière, il a été suggéré que le couplage qubitrésonateur pourrait devenir l'échelle d'énergie dominante du système : le régime de couplage ultrafort. Malgré que la dynamique qubit-résonateur soit bien comprise, les modèles actuels ne permettent pas de prédire correctement les effets dispersifs du résonateur sur les qubits tels : le décalage de Lamb, l'interaction d'échange virtuelle et le temps de relaxation. Comme il n'y a pas non plus de modèle général permettant de déterminer les caractéristiques d'un résonateur non linéaire, on comprend mal comment rendre la non-linéarité plus forte, ni même si le régime de couplage ultrafort peut être physiquement réalisé dans ces circuits. Dans le cadre de ma thèse, je me suis intéressé à la modélisation de qubits et de résonateurs afin de mieux comprendre l'interaction lumière-matière en circuits, dans le but de développer des conceptions alternatives d'architectures plus performantes ou qui explorent des régimes d'interactions méconnus. Pour ce faire, j'ai développé une méthode analytique générale permettant de trouver l'hamiltonien exact de circuits distribués non linéaires, une méthode basée sur la m

  16. Lignes directrices simplifiées sur les lipides

    PubMed Central

    Allan, G. Michael; Lindblad, Adrienne J.; Comeau, Ann; Coppola, John; Hudson, Brianne; Mannarino, Marco; McMinis, Cindy; Padwal, Raj; Schelstraete, Christine; Zarnke, Kelly; Garrison, Scott; Cotton, Candra; Korownyk, Christina; McCormack, James; Nickel, Sharon; Kolber, Michael R.


    Résumé Objectif Produire un guide de pratique clinique comportant une approche simplifiée à la prévention primaire des maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV), en insistant sur l’estimation du risque de MCV et la prise en charge des profils lipidiques à l’intention des cliniciens de soins primaires et leurs équipes; nous avons recherché la contribution de professionnels des soins primaires qui n’avaient que peu ou pas de conflits d’intérêts et nous nous sommes concentrés sur les données probantes de la plus haute qualité accessibles. Méthodes Neuf professionnels de la santé (4 médecins de famille, 2 internistes, 1 infirmière praticienne, 1 infirmière autorisée et 1 pharmacienne) et 1 membre non votant (pharmacienne gestionnaire de projet) formaient le comité principal appelé le Lipid Pathway Committee (le comité). La sélection des membres s’est fondée sur la profession, le milieu de pratique et son emplacement. Les membres ont divulgué tous leurs conflits d’intérêts potentiels ou réels. Le processus d’élaboration des lignes directrices était itératif et s’appuyait sur des affichages en ligne, une révision détaillée des données probantes, des réunions par téléphone et en ligne. Le comité a cerné 12 questions prioritaires à répondre. Le groupe de révision des données probantes a répondu à ces questions. À la suite d’un examen des réponses, les principales recommandations ont été formulées par consensus du comité. Nous avons produit une ébauche des lignes directrices qui a ensuite été peaufinée, distribuée à un groupe de cliniciens (médecins de famille, autres spécialistes, pharmaciens, infirmières et infirmières praticiennes) et à des patients pour obtenir de la rétroaction, la réviser en conséquence et le comité l’a ensuite finalisée. Recommandations Des recommandations sont présentées concernant le dépistage et les analyses, les évaluations du risque, le suivi, de même que le r

  17. Approche de prise en charge du trouble du spectre de l’autisme

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Patrick F.; Thomas, Roger E.; Lee, Patricia A.


    Résumé Objectif Se pencher sur les critères diagnostiques du trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) comme les définit le Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux, cinquième édition (DSM-V), et concevoir une approche de prise en charge du TSA à l’aide du cadre CanMEDS–Médecine familiale (CanMEDS-MF). Sources d’information Le DSM-V, publié par l’American Psychiatric Association en mai 2013, énonce de nouveaux critères diagnostiques du TSA. Le cadre CanMEDS-MF du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada fournit un plan d’orientation pour la prise en charge complexe du TSA. Nous avons utilisé des données recueillies par le Centers for Disease Control and Prevention afin de déterminer la prévalence du TSA, ainsi que la revue systématique et méta-analyse détaillée effectuée par le National Institute for Health and Care Excellence du R.-U. pour ses lignes directrices sur le TSA dans le but d’évaluer les données probantes issues de plus de 100 interventions. Message principal Selon les données du Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, la prévalence du TSA se chiffrait à 1 sur 88 en 2008 aux États-Unis. La classification du TSA dans la quatrième édition du DSM incluait l’autisme, le syndrome d’Asperger, le trouble envahissant du développement et le trouble désintégratif de l’enfance. La dernière révision du DSM-V réunit tous ces troubles sous la mention TSA, avec différents niveaux de sévérité. La prise en charge du TSA est complexe; elle exige les efforts d’une équipe multidisciplinaire ainsi que des soins continus. Les rôles CanMEDS-MF fournissent un cadre de prise en charge. Conclusion Les médecins de famille sont au cœur de l’équipe de soins multidisciplinaire pour le TSA, et le cadre CanMEDS-MF tient lieu de plan détaillé pour guider la prise en charge d’un enfant atteint de TSA et aider la famille de cet enfant.

  18. Evaluation d'un ecosysteme pastoral sahelien: Apport de la geomatique (Oursi, Burkina Faso)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kabore, Seraphine Sawadogo

    L'objectif principal de cette recherche est la mise au point d'une architecture d'integration de donnees socio-bio-geographiques et de donnees satellitales dans un Systeme d'Information Geographique (SIG) en vue d'une aide a la prise de decisions dans un environnement semi-aride au nord du Burkina Faso. Elle repond a la question fondamentale de l'interpretation des effets des facteurs climatiques et socioeconomiques sur le milieu pastoral. La recherche s'est appuyee sur plusieurs hypotheses de travail: possibilite d'utilisation de modele de simulation, d'approche multicritere et de donnees de teledetection dans un cadre de systeme d'information geographique. L'evolution spatiotemporelle des parametres de productivite du milieu a ete evaluee par approche dynamique selon le modele de Wu et al. (1996) qui modelise les interactions entre le climat, le milieu physique, le vegetal et l'animal pour mieux quantifier la biomasse primaire. A ce modele, quatre parametres ont ete integres par approche floue et multicritere afin de prendre en compte la dimension socioeconomique de la productivite pastorale (apport majeur de la recherche): la sante, l'education, l'agriculture et l'eau. La teledetection (imagerie SPOT) a permis de definir la production primaire a partir de laquelle les simulations ont ete realisees sur 10 annees. Les resultats obtenus montrent une bonne correlation entre biomasse primaire in situ et celle calculee pour les deux modeles, avec toutefois une meilleure efficacite du modele modifie (4 fois plus) dans les zones de forte productivite ou l'on note un taux de surexploitation agricole eleve. A cause de la variabilite spatiale de la production primaire in situ, les erreurs des resultats de simulation (8 a 11%) sont acceptables et montrent la pertinence de l'approche grace a l'utilisation des SIG pour la spatialisation et l'integration des differents parametres des modeles. Les types de production secondaire preconises (production de lait pendant 7 mois ou

  19. Etude de l'affaiblissement du comportement mecanique du pergelisol du au rechauffement climatique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buteau, Sylvie

    Le rechauffement climatique predit pour les prochaines decennies, aura des impacts majeurs sur le pergelisol qui sont tres peu documentes pour l'instant. La presente etude a pour but d'evaluer ces impacts sur les proprietes mecaniques du pergelisol et sa stabilite a long terme. Une nouvelle technique d'essai de penetration au cone a taux de deformation controle, a ete developpee pour caracteriser en place le pergelisol. Ces essais geotechniques et la mesure de differentes proprietes physiques ont ete effectues sur une butte de pergelisol au cours du printemps 2000. Le developpement et l'utilisation d'un modele geothermique 1D tenant compte de la thermodependance du comportement mecanique ont permis d'evaluer que les etendues de pergelisol chaud deviendraient instables a la suite d'un rechauffement de l'ordre de 5°C sur cent ans. En effet, la resistance mecanique du pergelisol diminuera alors rapidement jusqu'a 11,6 MPa, ce qui correspond a une perte relative de 98% de la resistance par rapport a un scenario sans rechauffement.

  20. Electronic circuits and systems: A compilation. [including integrated circuits, logic circuits, varactor diode circuits, low pass filters, and optical equipment circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Technological information is presented electronic circuits and systems which have potential utility outside the aerospace community. Topics discussed include circuit components such as filters, converters, and integrators, circuits designed for use with specific equipment or systems, and circuits designed primarily for use with optical equipment or displays.

  1. Commutation circuit for an HVDC circuit breaker


    Premerlani, William J.


    A commutation circuit for a high voltage DC circuit breaker incorporates a resistor capacitor combination and a charging circuit connected to the main breaker, such that a commutating capacitor is discharged in opposition to the load current to force the current in an arc after breaker opening to zero to facilitate arc interruption. In a particular embodiment, a normally open commutating circuit is connected across the contacts of a main DC circuit breaker to absorb the inductive system energy trapped by breaker opening and to limit recovery voltages to a level tolerable by the commutating circuit components.

  2. Commutation circuit for an HVDC circuit breaker


    Premerlani, W.J.


    A commutation circuit for a high voltage DC circuit breaker incorporates a resistor capacitor combination and a charging circuit connected to the main breaker, such that a commutating capacitor is discharged in opposition to the load current to force the current in an arc after breaker opening to zero to facilitate arc interruption. In a particular embodiment, a normally open commutating circuit is connected across the contacts of a main DC circuit breaker to absorb the inductive system energy trapped by breaker opening and to limit recovery voltages to a level tolerable by the commutating circuit components. 13 figs.

  3. The du Bois sign.


    Voelpel, James H; Muehlberger, Thomas


    According to the current literature, the term "du Bois sign" characterizes the condition of a shortened fifth finger as a symptom of congenital syphilis, Down syndrome, dyscrania, and encephalic malformation. Modern medical dictionaries and text books attribute the eponym to the French gynecologist Paul Dubois (1795-1871). Yet, a literature analysis revealed incorrect references to the person and unclear definitions of the term. Our findings showed that the origin of the term is based on observations made by the Swiss dermatologist Charles du Bois (1874-1947) in connection with congenital syphilis. In addition, a further eponymical fifth finger sign is closely associated with the du Bois sign. In conclusion, the du Bois sign has only limited diagnostic value and is frequently occurring in the normal healthy population.

  4. 30 CFR 75.800 - High-voltage circuits; circuit breakers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... shall be equipped with devices to provide protection against under-voltage grounded phase, short circuit... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false High-voltage circuits; circuit breakers. 75.800... § 75.800 High-voltage circuits; circuit breakers. [Statutory Provisions] High-voltage circuits entering...

  5. "Cirque du Freak."

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rivett, Miriam


    Considers the marketing strategies that underpin the success of the "Cirque du Freak" series. Describes how "Cirque du Freak" is an account of events in the life of schoolboy Darren Shan. Notes that it is another reworking of the vampire narrative, a sub-genre of horror writing that has proved highly popular with both adult and…

  6. Suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein

    PubMed Central

    Sisler, Jeffrey; Chaput, Geneviève; Sussman, Jonathan; Ozokwelu, Emmanuel


    Résumé Objectif Offrir aux médecins de famille un résumé des recommandations fondées sur les données probantes pour guider les soins aux survivantes traitées pour le cancer du sein. Qualité des données Une recherche documentaire a été effectuée dans MEDLINE entre 2000 et 2016 à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : breast cancer, survivorship, follow-up care, aftercare, guidelines et survivorship care plans, en se concentrant sur la revue des lignes directrices publiées récemment par les organismes nationaux de cancérologie. Les données étaient de niveaux I à III. Message principal Les soins aux survivantes comportent 4 facettes : surveillance et dépistage, prise en charge des effets à long terme, promotion de la santé et coordination des soins. La surveillance des récidives ne se traduit que par une mammographie annuelle, et le dépistage d’autres cancers doit suivre les lignes directrices basées sur la population. La prise en charge des effets à long terme du cancer et de son traitement aborde des problèmes courants tels la douleur, la fatigue, le lymphœdème, la détresse et les effets indésirables des médicaments, de même que les préoccupations à long terme comme la santé du cœur et des os. La promotion de la santé met en relief les bienfaits de l’activité chez les survivantes du cancer, avec l’accent mis sur l’activité physique. Les soins aux survivantes sont de meilleure qualité lorsque divers services et professionnels de la santé participent aux soins, et le médecin de famille joue un rôle important dans la coordination des soins. Conclusion Les médecins de famille sont de plus en plus souvent les principaux fournisseurs de soins de suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein. Le cancer du sein doit être considéré comme une affection médicale chronique, même chez les femmes en rémission, et les patientes profitent de la même approche que celle utilisée pour les autres affections chroniques en

  7. Etude de l'amelioration de la qualite des anodes par la modification des proprietes du brai

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bureau, Julie

    La qualite des anodes produites se doit d'etre bonne afin d'obtenir de l'aluminium primaire tout en reduisant le cout de production du metal, la consommation d'energie et les emissions environnementales. Or, l'obtention des proprietes finales de l'anode necessite une liaison satisfaisante entre le coke et le brai. Toutefois, la matiere premiere actuelle n'assure pas forcement la compatibilite entre le coke et le brai. Une des solutions les plus prometteuses, pour ameliorer la cohesion entre ces deux materiaux, est la modification des proprietes du brai. L'objectif de ce travail consiste a modifier les proprietes du brai par l'ajout d'additifs chimiques afin d'ameliorer la mouillabilite du coke par le brai modifie pour produire des anodes de meilleure qualite. La composition chimique du brai est modifiee en utilisant des tensioactifs ou agents de modification de surface choisis dans le but d'enrichir les groupements fonctionnels susceptibles d'ameliorer la mouillabilite. L'aspect economique, l'empreinte environnementale et l'impact sur la production sont consideres dans la selection des additifs chimiques. Afin de realiser ce travail, la methodologie consiste a d'abord caracteriser les brais non modifies, les additifs chimiques et les cokes par la spectroscopie infrarouge a transformee de Fourier (FTIR) afin d'identifier les groupements chimiques presents. Puis, les brais sont modifies en ajoutant un additif chimique afin de possiblement modifier ses proprietes. Differentes quantites d'additif sont ajoutees afin d'examiner l'effet de la variation de la concentration sur les proprietes du brai modifie. La methode FTIR permet d'evaluer la composition chimique des brais modifies afin de constater si l'augmentation de la concentration d'additif enrichit les groupements fonctionnels favorisant l'adhesion coke/brai. Ensuite, la mouillabilite du coke par le brai est observee par la methode goutte- sessile. Une amelioration de la mouillabilite par la modification a l'aide d

  8. Measuring circuit


    Sun, Shan C.; Chaprnka, Anthony G.


    An automatic gain control circuit functions to adjust the magnitude of an input signal supplied to a measuring circuit to a level within the dynamic range of the measuring circuit while a log-ratio circuit adjusts the magnitude of the output signal from the measuring circuit to the level of the input signal and optimizes the signal-to-noise ratio performance of the measuring circuit.

  9. Prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang à Kisangani, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Bassandja, Jacques Ossinga; Agasa, Salomon Batina; Likwela, Joris Losimba


    Introduction Le paludisme transfusionnel est une réalité en Afrique Sub-saharienne, en raison des transfusions sanguines répétées, peu ou non contrôlées et où les donneurs sont en majorité potentiellement porteurs d'hématozoaires. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang à Kisangani. Méthodes Une étude transversale a été menée au Centre Provincial de Transfusion Sanguine à Kisangani du 1er Décembre 2012 au 31 Mars 2013 et a concerné 480 donneurs bénévoles de sang. Résultats La prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang était de 28,3%. Plasmodium falciparum était l'espèce la plus répandue (96,3%). Près de la moitié des donneurs avait une parasitémie supérieure à 2000 parasites/µl. Les facteurs qui étaient significativement associés à la parasitémie étaient le jeune âge, le 1er don, et la non utilisation de la moustiquaire imprégnée d'insecticide à longue durée (MILD). Conclusion Les résultats de cette étude montrent que la prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang était élevée, constituant ainsi un risque important de transmission du parasite aux receveurs souvent en mauvais état général. Cependant, l'utilisation de la MILD et la fidélisation des donneurs bénévoles semblent constituer des moyens utiles de réduction du risque de portage asymptomatique du Plasmodium. Une sensibilisation et éventuellement des distributions ciblées de MILD aux donneurs, en particuliers les plus jeunes, pourraient réduire considérablement le portage du Plasmodium parmi les donneurs de sang et ainsi réduire le risque de paludisme transfusionnel. PMID:25328616

  10. Approche aux soins en milieu communautaire à des adultes ayant une déficience développementale

    PubMed Central

    Osmun, W.E.; Chan, Nelson; Solomon, Robert


    Résumé Objectif Passer en revue les obligations d’ordre médical, éthique et juridique dans les soins aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale (DD) qui vivent dans la communauté. Sources des données Des recherches ont été faites dans Google et MEDLINE à l’aide des mots disabled, disability, vulnerable et community. Les lois pertinentes ont fait l’objet d’un examen. Message principal Le traitement d’un patient ayant une DD varie en fonction de facteurs comme la pathogenèse du problème actuel du patient, ses affections concomitantes, la gravité de ses déficiences et ses soutiens sociaux habituels. Bien que l’on s’entende sur les bienfaits du transfert des soins institutionnels vers des soins communautaires pour les patients ayant une DD, il s’est révélé difficile de leur dispenser des soins de grande qualité en milieu communautaire. Par ailleurs, il existe peu de travaux de recherche sur les façons d’offrir efficacement des soins aux adultes ayant une DD. En tant que professionnels des soins primaires, les médecins de famille sont souvent le premier point de contact pour les patients et sont à la fois responsables de la coordination et de la continuité des soins. Compte tenu de l’importance accrue accordée aux soins préventifs et à la détection précoce des maladies, la participation active du patient revêt aussi une grande importance. Les valeurs et les objectifs du patient sont des éléments essentiels à prendre en compte, même s’ils vont à l’encontre de la bonne santé du patient ou des propres valeurs du clinicien. Les lois s’appliquant aux personnes vulnérables varient d’une province à l’autre. Par conséquent, l’obligation de signaler des mauvais traitements suspectés pourrait différer selon que la personne vulnérable habite dans un centre de soins ou la communauté, que la personne qui soupçonne le comportement abusif est un fournisseur de services ou un professionnel de la santé ou

  11. Cooperation or Competition? The American and French Foreign Policies in Africa (Cooperation ou concurrence? La politique africaine de la France et des Etats-Unis en Afrique sub-saharienne)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Villepin, appelle « des conflits ancestraux >>, c’est-di-dire des conflits pour le contr6le de ressources primaires , ou de territoire, ou pour des diff~rends...traduira par une plus grande attention portde aux sujets africains et aussi d la part du budget pour l’Afrique. Le facteur religieux Les missionnaires en...grands avions de transport ou celles des soldats 6tablissant des centres de soins m6dicaux avec les ONG. Comme Jean-Paul Ngoupand6 l’a exprim6: << On

  12. 30 CFR 77.800 - High-voltage circuits; circuit breakers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... devices to provide protection against under voltage, grounded phase, short circuit and overcurrent. High... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false High-voltage circuits; circuit breakers. 77.800... COAL MINES Surface High-Voltage Distribution § 77.800 High-voltage circuits; circuit breakers. High...

  13. Traitement de surface par explosif du cuivre polycristallin : caractérisation microstructurale et comportement en fatigue plastique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gerland, M.; Dufour, J. P.; Presles, H. N.; Violan, P.; Mendez, J.


    A new surface treatment technique with a primary explosive deposited in thin layer was applied to a polycrystalline pure copper. After treatment, surface roughness remains of high quality especially when compared to shot peened surfaces. The treated zone extends over several hundreds microns in depth and the microhardness profile exhibits a significant increasing of hardness with a maximum reaching 100% at the surface. The transmission electron microscopy shows a microstructure which changes with depth : below the surface, there is a thin recrystallized layer with very small grains followed by a region with numerous mechanical twins the density of which decreases when depth increases. Tested in fatigue with a constant plastic strain amplitude, the treated copper specimens exhibit a strong hardening from the first cycles compared to the untreated specimen ; however this initial hardening erases after 2% of the fatigue life. The fatigue resistance is not modified by the treatment. Une nouvelle technique de traitement de surface à l'aide d'un explosif primaire déposé en couche mince a été utilisée sur du cuivre pur polycristallin. L'état de surface après traitement reste de très bonne qualité, surtout comparé aux surfaces grenaillées. La zone traitée s'étend sur une profondeur de quelques centaines de microns et le profil de microdureté montre une importante augmentation de dureté avec un maximum en surface pouvant atteindre 100%. La micrcrostructure, observée par microscopie électronique en transmission, est caractérisée par une fine recristallisation en surface, puis par un abondant maclage dont la densité décroît lorsque la profondeur augmente. Testé en fatigue à déformation plastique imposée, le cuivre traité présente un fort écrouissage initial dès les premiers cycles, mais qui s'efface progressivement au cours du cyclage après 2% de la durée de vie, cette dernière n'étant pas modifiée par le traitement.

  14. Project Circuits in a Basic Electric Circuits Course

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Becker, James P.; Plumb, Carolyn; Revia, Richard A.


    The use of project circuits (a photoplethysmograph circuit and a simple audio amplifier), introduced in a sophomore-level electric circuits course utilizing active learning and inquiry-based methods, is described. The development of the project circuits was initiated to promote enhanced engagement and deeper understanding of course content among…

  15. Electronic circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Twenty-nine circuits and circuit techniques developed for communications and instrumentation technology are described. Topics include pulse-code modulation, phase-locked loops, data coding, data recording, detection circuits, logic circuits, oscillators, and amplifiers.

  16. Command and Control (C2) Agility (Agilite du commandement et du controle (C2))

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de la rigueur et de l’emploi des méthodes de mesure et d’amélioration de l’agilité du C2. Le spectre des missions... Control and Intelligence (C2I) Section DRDC Valcartier 2459 de la Bravoure Road Québec (Québec) G3J 1X5 CANADA Email: Micheline.Belanger@drdc...Agilité du commandement et du contrôle (C2) (STO-TR-SAS-085) Synthèse L’agilité est la capacité à effectuer avec succès, s’occuper de

  17. Compensated gain control circuit for buck regulator command charge circuit


    Barrett, David M.


    A buck regulator command charge circuit includes a compensated-gain control signal for compensating for changes in the component values in order to achieve optimal voltage regulation. The compensated-gain control circuit includes an automatic-gain control circuit for generating a variable-gain control signal. The automatic-gain control circuit is formed of a precision rectifier circuit, a filter network, an error amplifier, and an integrator circuit.

  18. Compensated gain control circuit for buck regulator command charge circuit


    Barrett, D.M.


    A buck regulator command charge circuit includes a compensated-gain control signal for compensating for changes in the component values in order to achieve optimal voltage regulation. The compensated-gain control circuit includes an automatic-gain control circuit for generating a variable-gain control signal. The automatic-gain control circuit is formed of a precision rectifier circuit, a filter network, an error amplifier, and an integrator circuit. 5 figs.

  19. Élimination du bore du silicium par plasma inductif sous champ électrique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Combes, R.; Morvan, D.; Picard, G.; Amouroux, J.


    We analyzed purification mechanisms of silicon by inductive plasma with a fluoride slag. The aim is to study boron elimination from doped electronic grade silicon in function of the nature of the slag to obtain a photovoltaic grade silicon. The steady began with the calculation and the comparison of the stability diagram of boron compounds in presence of CaF2, BaF2 and MgF2. This study led us to conclude that BaF2 is the better slag for silicon purification. This has been confirmed by experience. In a second time, we made purifications under electric bias to enhance slag efficiency. We noticed that BaF2 is more sensitive to electric bias than other slags. Nous avons analysé le mécanisme de purification du silicium sous plasma inductif en présence d'un laitier fluoré. L'objectif principal est d'étudier l'élimination du bore du silicium électronique dopé en fonction de la nature du fluorure pour obtenir un silicium de qualité photovoltaïque. L'étude a commencé par l'établissement et la comparaison de diagrammes des composés du bore en présence de CaF2, de MgF2 et de BaF2. Nous avons déduit de cette première étude que BaF2 est le meilleur laitier pour la purification du silicium. Ceci a été corroboré par l'expérience. Nous avons ensuite opéré en présence d'un champ électrique dans le but d'améliorer encore l'efficacité des laitiers. Nous avons constaté que BaF2 est plus sensible au champ électrique que les deux autres laitiers utilisés.

  20. L’érysipèle sur cicatrice post opératoire en traumatologie: à propos d'un cas et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Abid, Hatim; El Idrissi, Mohamed; Shimi, Mohamed; El Ibrahimi, Abdelhalim; El Mrini, Abdelmajid; Amraoui, Nissrine; Mernissi, Fatima Zohra


    L’érysipèle sur cicatrice post opératoire est une entité rare, décrite principalement chez des patients présentant les facteurs de risque classiques de la maladie au niveau des sites de veinectomie pour pontage coronarien. En traumatologie orthopédie, nous n'avons que les 3 cas rapportés dans le travail de Dhrif survenus au décours d'une implantation prothétique chez des malades à risque. Nous présentons à travers cet article, le cas d'un érysipèle post opératoire sur une cicatrice d'ostéosynthèse d'une fracture fermée du pilon tibial, ayant la particularité du terrain et des circonstances de survenues, pour enfin conclure aux principes de la prévention primaire à adopter. PMID:26401204

  1. Consequences experimentales des effets des fluctuations du vide sur la fluorescence parametrique et la generation du second harmonique en milieu confine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Robichaud, Luc

    Les fluctuations du vide, qui consistent en l'apparition momentanee de particules, ce qui est permit par le principe d'incertitude de Heisenberg, joue un role primordial dans les processus photoniques, en particulier les processus non-lineaires. Par la manipulation de ces fluctuations du vide a l'aide de confinement optique, on retrouve deux phenomenes particuliers : l'intensification de la fluorescence parametrique (Walker, 2008) et l'inhibition de la generation du second harmonique (Collette, 2013). Dans ce travail, on presente les resultats dans le cas classique ; c'est-a-dire sans fluctuations du vide et confinement. Par la suite, on presente les effets des fluctuations du vide et du confinement, ce qui mene aux deux effets mentionnes. Dans le cas de la fluorescence parametrique, le bruit quantique sur le champ interne et externe est calcule, le role du desaccord de phase dans le modele est expose et une generalisation tridimensionnelle est etudiee afin de generaliser la conception du modele d'un cas unidimensionnel a un cas tridimensionnel planaire. Dans le cas de la generation du second harmonique, les difficultes d'un modele purement tridimensionnel sont exposees et ensuite le cas limite planaire est etudie.

  2. Military Application of Space-Time Adaptive Processing (Les applications militaires du traitement adaptatif espace-temps)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    La détection de cibles mobiles terrestres est l’un des objectifs primaires de la télédétection depuis la terre. Cependant, les retours de cible...Proc. EUSAR’96, 26-28 March 1996, Koenigswinter, Germany, pp. 49-52 ( VDE Publishers) [13] Ender, J., ”Detection and Estimation of Moving Target...Signals by Multi-Channel SAR”, Proc. EUSAR’96, 26-28 March 1996, Koenigswinter, Germany, pp. 411-417, ( VDE Publishers). Also: AEU, Vol. 50, March 1996, pp



    Jacobsohn, D.H.; Merrill, L.C.


    An improved parallel addition unit is described which is especially adapted for use in electronic digital computers and characterized by propagation of the carry signal through each of a plurality of denominationally ordered stages within a minimum time interval. In its broadest aspects, the invention incorporates a fast multistage parallel digital adder including a plurality of adder circuits, carry-propagation circuit means in all but the most significant digit stage, means for conditioning each carry-propagation circuit during the time period in which information is placed into the adder circuits, and means coupling carry-generation portions of thc adder circuit to the carry propagating means.

  4. Color Coding of Circuit Quantities in Introductory Circuit Analysis Instruction

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Reisslein, Jana; Johnson, Amy M.; Reisslein, Martin


    Learning the analysis of electrical circuits represented by circuit diagrams is often challenging for novice students. An open research question in electrical circuit analysis instruction is whether color coding of the mathematical symbols (variables) that denote electrical quantities can improve circuit analysis learning. The present study…

  5. Nouvelles approches en theorie du champ moyen dynamique: le cas du pouvoir thermoelectrique et celui de l'effet orbital d'un champ magnetique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arsenault, Louis-Francois

    Les applications reliees a la generation d'energie motivent la recherche de materiaux ayant un fort pouvoir thermoelectrique (S). De plus, S nous renseigne sur certaines proprietes fondamentales des materiaux, comme, par exemple, la transition entre l'etat coherent et incoherent des quasi-particules lorsque la temperature augmente. Empiriquement, la presence de fortes interactions electron-electron peut mener a un pouvoir thermoelectrique geant. Nous avons donc etudie le modele le plus simple qui tient compte de ces fortes interactions, le modele de Hubbard. La theorie du champ moyen dynamique (DMFT) est tout indiquee dans ce cas. Nous nous sommes concentres sur un systeme tridimensionnel (3d) cubique a face centree (fcc), et ce, pour plusieurs raisons. A) Ce type de cristal est tres commun dans la nature. B) La DMFT donne de tres bons resultats en 3d et donc ce choix sert aussi de preuve de principe de la methode. C) Finalement, a cause de la frustration electronique intrinseque au fcc, celui-ci ne presente pas de symetrie particule-trou, ce qui est tres favorable a l'apparition d'une grande valeur de S. Ce travail demontre que lorsque le materiau est un isolant a demi-remplissage a cause des fortes interactions (isolant de Mott), il est possible d'obtenir de grands pouvoirs thermoelectriques en le dopant legerement. C'est un resultat pratique important. Du point de vue methodologique, nous avons montre comment la limite de frequence infinie de S et l'approche dite de Kelvin, qui considere la limite de frequence nulle avant la limite thermodynamique pour S, donnent des estimations fiables de la vraie limite continue (DC) dans les domaines de temperature appropriee. Ces deux approches facilitent grandement les calculs en court-circuit ant la necessite de recourir a de problematiques prolongements analytiques. Nous avons trouve que la methode de calcul a frequence infinie fonctionne bien lorsque les echelles d'energie sont relativement faibles. En d'autres termes

  6. Design of an improved RCD buffer circuit for full bridge circuit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Wenyan; Wei, Xueye; Du, Yongbo; Hu, Liang; Zhang, Liwei; Zhang, Ou


    In the full bridge inverter circuit, when the switch tube suddenly opened or closed, the inductor current changes rapidly. Due to the existence of parasitic inductance of the main circuit. Therefore, the surge voltage between drain and source of the switch tube can be generated, which will have an impact on the switch and the output voltage. In order to ab sorb the surge voltage. An improve RCD buffer circuit is proposed in the paper. The peak energy will be absorbed through the buffer capacitor of the circuit. The part energy feedback to the power supply, another part release through the resistor in the form of heat, and the circuit can absorb the voltage spikes. This paper analyzes the process of the improved RCD snubber circuit, According to the specific parameters of the main circuit, a reasonable formula for calculating the resistance capacitance is given. A simulation model will be modulated in Multisim, which compared the waveform of tube voltage and the output waveform of the circuit without snubber circuit with the improved RCD snubber circuit. By comparing and analyzing, it is proved that the improved buffer circuit can absorb surge voltage. Finally, experiments are demonstrated to validate that the correctness of the RC formula and the improved RCD snubber circuit.

  7. Le role du phytoplancton de petite taille (<20 mum) dans les variations des proprietes optiques des eaux du Saint-Laurent

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mas, Sebastien

    Les mesures satellitaires de couleur des oceans sont largement determinees par les proprietes optiques inherentes (IOPs) des eaux de surface. D'autre part, le phytoplancton de petite taille (<20 mum) est le plus souvent dominant dans les oceans, et peut donc etre une source importante de variation des IOPs dans les oceans. Dans ce contexte, le but principal de ce doctorat etait de definir l'impact du phytoplancton (<20 mum) sur les variations des proprietes optiques de l'Estuaire et du Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Canada). Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, il etait necessaire de determiner en milieu controle les facteurs de variabilite des proprietes optiques cellulaires et des IOPs du phytoplancton (<20 mum) des eaux du Saint-Laurent, et d'evaluer la contribution du phytoplancton (<20 mum) aux proprietes optiques totales des eaux du Saint-Laurent. Des experiences en laboratoire ont montre que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques soumises a un cycle jour-nuit, ainsi qu'a des changements concomitants d'intensite lumineuse, peuvent contribuer significativement a la variabilite des proprietes optiques observee en milieu naturel. D'autres experiences ont, quant a elles, mis en evidence que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques dues aux phases de croissance peuvent alterer les IOPs des oceans, particulierement pendant les periodes de floraison. De plus, la presence de bacteries et de particules detritiques peut egalement affecter la variabilite des IOPs totales, notamment la diffusion. Au printemps, dans l'Estuaire et le Golfe du Saint-Laurent, la contribution du phytoplancton <20 mum aux IOPs presentait des differences regionales evidentes pour les proprietes d'absorption et de diffusion. En plus de la variabilite spatiale, les proprietes optiques cellulaires presentaient des variations journalieres, et ce particulierement pour le picophytoplancton. Enfin, la plupart des differences observees dans les

  8. Une modélisation de haut niveau des stratégies d'écriture motrice d'enfants en scolarité primaire : approche bayésienne

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zaarour, I.; El-Eter, B.; Leray, P.; Heutte, L.; Labiche, J.; Mellier, D.; Zoaeter, M.


    L'objectif de cette étude est de découvrir des stratégies d'écriture motrices des enfants en scolarité primaire en adoptant un modèle graphique probabiliste (réseaux bayésiens). Nous représentons une stratégie d'écriture par une variable cachée et nous construisons ainsi un modèle global hiérarchique pour pouvoir lier les stratégies locales aux stratégies globales et modéliser la dépendance probabiliste entre variables et stratégies. Ce modèle hiérarchique, appris à partir des données réelles, nous a permis de découvrir des stratégies consistantes et robustes. Ces résultats nous a permis de favoriser une modélisation temporelle et dynamique des stratégies d'écriture motrices indépendantes de l'âge scolaire.

  9. Rupture simultanée du ligament croisé antérieur et du ligament patellaire: à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Achkoun, Abdessalam; Houjairi, Khalid; Quahtan, Omar; Hassoun, Jalal; Arssi, Mohamed; Rahmi, Mohamed; Garch, Abdelhak


    La rupture simultanée du tendon rotulien et du ligament croisé antérieur est une lésion relativement rare. Son diagnostic peut facilement manquer lors de l'examen initial. Les options de traitement incluent la réparation immédiate du tendon rotulien avec soit la reconstruction simultanée ou différée de ligament croisé antérieur. Nous rapportons le cas d'une rupture combinée du tendon rotulien et du ligament croisé antérieur chez un jeune footballeur de 22 ans. Une approche de traitement en deux temps a été effectuée avec un excellent résultat fonctionnel. PMID:27366288

  10. La reconstruction du sourcil par greffon composite du cuir chevelu: une astuce pour faciliter la technique

    PubMed Central

    El Omari, Mounia; El Mazouz, Samir; Gharib, Noureddine; EL Abbassi, Abdallah


    Les sourcils jouent un rôle important dans l’équilibre esthétique du visage. Leur reconstruction ou ophriopoïése, après séquelle de brûlure fait partie intégrante du programme de réhabilitation de la face brûlée. Plusieurs techniques ont été décrites. Nous insistons ici sur l'intérêt d'une technique simple, à la portée de tous les chirurgiens, et dont la méthode et les résultats peuvent être améliorés par un dessin bien planifié des zones donneuse et receveuse: la greffe composite prélevée au niveau du cuir chevelu dessinée à l'aide d'un calque du sourcil controlatéral. PMID:26401195

  11. VLSI circuits implementing computational models of neocortical circuits.


    Wijekoon, Jayawan H B; Dudek, Piotr


    This paper overviews the design and implementation of three neuromorphic integrated circuits developed for the COLAMN ("Novel Computing Architecture for Cognitive Systems based on the Laminar Microcircuitry of the Neocortex") project. The circuits are implemented in a standard 0.35 μm CMOS technology and include spiking and bursting neuron models, and synapses with short-term (facilitating/depressing) and long-term (STDP and dopamine-modulated STDP) dynamics. They enable execution of complex nonlinear models in accelerated-time, as compared with biology, and with low power consumption. The neural dynamics are implemented using analogue circuit techniques, with digital asynchronous event-based input and output. The circuits provide configurable hardware blocks that can be used to simulate a variety of neural networks. The paper presents experimental results obtained from the fabricated devices, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the analogue circuit approach to computational neural modelling. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Mise à jour sur le nouveau vaccin 9-valent pour la prévention du virus du papillome humain

    PubMed Central

    Yang, David Yi; Bracken, Keyna


    Résumé Objectif Informer les médecins de famille quant à l’efficacité, à l’innocuité, aux effets sur la santé publique et à la rentabilité du vaccin 9-valent contre le virus du papillome humain (VPH). Qualité des données Des articles pertinents publiés dans PubMed jusqu’en mai 2015 ont été examinés et analysés. La plupart des données citées sont de niveau I (essais randomisés et contrôlés et méta-analyses) ou de niveau II (études transversales, cas-témoins et épidémiologiques). Des rapports et recommandations du gouvernement sont aussi cités en référence. Message principal Le vaccin 9-valent contre le VPH, qui offre une protection contre les types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 et 58 du VPH, est sûr et efficace et réduira encore plus l’incidence des infections à VPH, de même que les cas de cancer lié au VPH. Il peut également protéger indirectement les personnes non immunisées par l’entremise du phénomène d’immunité collective. Un programme d’immunisation efficace peut prévenir la plupart des cancers du col de l’utérus. Les analyses montrent que la rentabilité du vaccin 9-valent chez les femmes est comparable à celle du vaccin quadrivalent original contre le VPH (qui protège contre les types 6, 11, 16 et 18 du VPH) en usage à l’heure actuelle. Toutefois, il faut investiguer plus en profondeur l’utilité d’immuniser les garçons avec le vaccin 9-valent contre le VPH. Conclusion en plus d’être sûr, le vaccin 9-valent protège mieux contre le VPH que le vaccin quadrivalent. Une analyse coûtefficacité en favorise l’emploi, du moins chez les adolescentes. Ainsi, les médecins devraient recommander le vaccin 9-valent à leurs patients plutôt que le vaccin quadrivalent contre le VPH.

  13. Connaissances des médecins généralistes de Mohammedia (Maroc) concernant le dépistage du cancer du sein

    PubMed Central

    Zine, Karima; Nani, Samira; Lahmadi, Imad Ait; Maaroufi, Abderrahmane


    Introduction Le cancer du sein représente un problème de santé publique majeur au Maroc. C'est le premier cancer chez la femme. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer les connaissances des médecins généralistes (MG) en matière de dépistage du cancer du sein dans la préfecture de Mohammedia Maroc. Méthodes Nous avons mené une étude transversale, descriptive, exhaustive incluant les 97 MG exerçant dans les établissements de soins de santé de base du secteur public et privé de la province de Mohammedia. Résultats Le taux de participation était de 87%. L'âge moyen des MG était de 49,6 ± 8,1. Quatre-vingt pour cent (n=55) des MG ont donné une incidence incorrecte, 77,6% (n=85) ont reconnu l'existence d'un plan national de prévention et de contrôle du cancer (PNPCC) au Maroc, et 67,1 des MG ont rapporté l'existence d'un registre du cancer au Maroc. Le secteur d'activité était associé significativement avec les connaissances des MG sur le PNPCC et sur l'existence d'un guide de détection précoce du cancer du sein avec respectivement (p=0,003 et p=0,001). Une association significative entre l'ancienneté et l'existence d'un guide de détection précoce du cancer du sein et d'un registre du cancer du sein a été retrouvée avec (respectivement p=0,005 et p=0.002). Conclusion À la lumière de ces résultats il faudra renforcer les connaissances et les pratiques des MG par la promotion de la formation initiale et continue sur le dépistage. PMID:27800098

  14. Soins primaires aux adultes ayant des déficiences intellectuelles et développementales

    PubMed Central

    Sullivan, William F.; Diepstra, Heidi; Heng, John; Ally, Shara; Bradley, Elspeth; Casson, Ian; Hennen, Brian; Kelly, Maureen; Korossy, Marika; McNeil, Karen; Abells, Dara; Amaria, Khush; Boyd, Kerry; Gemmill, Meg; Grier, Elizabeth; Kennie-Kaulbach, Natalie; Ketchell, Mackenzie; Ladouceur, Jessica; Lepp, Amanda; Lunsky, Yona; McMillan, Shirley; Niel, Ullanda; Sacks, Samantha; Shea, Sarah; Stringer, Katherine; Sue, Kyle; Witherbee, Sandra


    Résumé Objectif Mettre à jour les Lignes directrices consensuelles canadiennes 2011 en matière de soins primaires aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale. Méthodes Des médecins de famille et d’autres professionnels de la santé expérimentés dans les soins aux personnes ayant des DID ont examiné et synthétisé les récentes connaissances empiriques, d’écosystèmes, expertes et expérientielles. Un système a été conçu pour catégoriser la qualité des recommandations. Recommandations Les adultes ayant des DID sont un groupe hétérogène de patients qui présentent des affections médicales et des facteurs qui influent sur leur santé, qui diffèrent de ceux qui touchent les autres membres de la communauté de par leur nature, leurs manifestations, leur gravité ou leur complexité. Ces personnes nécessitent une approche de soins et des interventions adaptées à leurs besoins. Les présentes lignes directrices offrent des conseils en matière de normes de soins. Nous avons incorporé des références à des outils cliniques et à d’autres ressources pratiques. Les approches de soins décrites ici s’appliquent aussi à d’autres groupes de patients ayant un déficit cognitif ou de la communication, ou d’autres déficits des fonctions adaptatives. Conclusion À titre de fournisseurs de soins de première ligne, les médecins de famille jouent un rôle vital de promotion de la santé et de bien-être auprès des adultes ayant des DID. Ces lignes directrices peuvent les aider à prendre des décisions avec les patients et les aidants naturels. PMID:29650617

  15. Cirque du Monde en tant qu’intervention en santé

    PubMed Central

    Fournier, Cynthia; Drouin, Mélodie-Anne; Marcoux, Jérémie; Garel, Patricia; Bochud, Emmanuel; Théberge, Julie; Aubertin, Patrice; Favreau, Gil; Fleet, Richard


    Résumé Objectif Présenter le programme Cirque du Monde du Cirque du Soleil et son potentiel en tant qu’intervention en soins de santé de première ligne pour les médecins de famille. Sources des données Une revue de la littérature menée dans les bases de données PubMed, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, La Presse, Eureka, Google Scholar et Érudit à l’aide des mots-clés circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde et Cirque du Soleil. Une initiative à Montréal nommée Espace Transition qui s’inspire directement de Cirque du Monde. Communication personnelle avec le conseiller principal en formation en cirque social du Cirque du Soleil. Sélection d’études Les 50 premiers articles ou sites Internet répertoriés pour chaque mot-clé dans chacune des bases de données ciblées ont été révisés sur la base des titres et des résumés, s’il s’agissait d’un article, ou sur la base du titre et du contenu de la page, s’il s’agissait d’une page Internet. Ensuite, les articles et les sites Internet qui étudiaient un aspect du cirque social ou qui présentaient une intervention impliquant le cirque étaient retenus pour une révision. Aucune contrainte d’année de publication n’a été appliquée étant donné qu’on cherchait une littérature générale sur le cirque social. Synthèse Aucun article n’a été trouvé sur le cirque social en tant qu’intervention en santé. Nous avons trouvé une étude sur l’utilisation du cirque en tant qu’intervention en milieu scolaire. Cette étude a démontré une augmentation de l’estime personnelle des enfants grâce à l’intervention. Nous avons trouvé une étude sur l’utilisation du cirque en tant qu’intervention sur une réserve amérindienne. Cette étude présente des résultats qualitatifs non spécifiques au programme du cirque social. Les autres articles répertoriés n’étaient que des descriptions du cirque social. Un site web concernant l’utilisation du cirque social pour

  16. Current limiter circuit system


    Witcher, Joseph Brandon; Bredemann, Michael V.


    An apparatus comprising a steady state sensing circuit, a switching circuit, and a detection circuit. The steady state sensing circuit is connected to a first, a second and a third node. The first node is connected to a first device, the second node is connected to a second device, and the steady state sensing circuit causes a scaled current to flow at the third node. The scaled current is proportional to a voltage difference between the first and second node. The switching circuit limits an amount of current that flows between the first and second device. The detection circuit is connected to the third node and the switching circuit. The detection circuit monitors the scaled current at the third node and controls the switching circuit to limit the amount of the current that flows between the first and second device when the scaled current is greater than a desired level.

  17. Circuit-based versus full-wave modelling of active microwave circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bukvić, Branko; Ilić, Andjelija Ž.; Ilić, Milan M.


    Modern full-wave computational tools enable rigorous simulations of linear parts of complex microwave circuits within minutes, taking into account all physical electromagnetic (EM) phenomena. Non-linear components and other discrete elements of the hybrid microwave circuit are then easily added within the circuit simulator. This combined full-wave and circuit-based analysis is a must in the final stages of the circuit design, although initial designs and optimisations are still faster and more comfortably done completely in the circuit-based environment, which offers real-time solutions at the expense of accuracy. However, due to insufficient information and general lack of specific case studies, practitioners still struggle when choosing an appropriate analysis method, or a component model, because different choices lead to different solutions, often with uncertain accuracy and unexplained discrepancies arising between the simulations and measurements. We here design a reconfigurable power amplifier, as a case study, using both circuit-based solver and a full-wave EM solver. We compare numerical simulations with measurements on the manufactured prototypes, discussing the obtained differences, pointing out the importance of measured parameters de-embedding, appropriate modelling of discrete components and giving specific recipes for good modelling practices.

  18. Gate drive latching circuit for an auxiliary resonant commutation circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Delgado, Eladio Clemente (Inventor); Kheraluwala, Mustansir Hussainy (Inventor)


    A gate drive latching circuit for an auxiliary resonant commutation circuit for a power switching inverter includes a current monitor circuit providing a current signal to a pair of analog comparators to implement latching of one of a pair of auxiliary switching devices which are used to provide commutation current for commutating switching inverters in the circuit. Each of the pair of comparators feeds a latching circuit which responds to an active one of the comparators for latching the associated gate drive circuit for one of the pair of auxiliary commutating switches. An initial firing signal is applied to each of the commutating switches to gate each into conduction and the resulting current is monitored to determine current direction and therefore the one of the switches which is carrying current. The comparator provides a latching signal to the one of the auxiliary power switches which is actually conducting current and latches that particular power switch into an on state for the duration of current through the device. The latching circuit is so designed that the only time one of the auxiliary switching devices can be latched on is during the duration of an initial firing command signal.

  19. 30 CFR 75.518 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... short circuit protection. 75.518 Section 75.518 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION... Equipment-General § 75.518 Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection... installed so as to protect all electric equipment and circuits against short circuit and overloads. Three...

  20. 30 CFR 77.506 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short-circuit protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... short-circuit protection. 77.506 Section 77.506 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION... circuits; overload and short-circuit protection. Automatic circuit-breaking devices or fuses of the correct type and capacity shall be installed so as to protect all electric equipment and circuits against short...

  1. Participation des médecins généralistes de la province de Benimellal (Maroc) dans le dépistage du cancer du col

    PubMed Central

    Nani, Samira; Benallal, Mohamed; Hassoune, Samira; Kissi, Dounia; Maaroufi, Abderrahmane


    Introduction Au Maroc, chaque année il y aurait environ 2000 nouveaux cas de cancer du col et les 2/3 des cas sont pris en charge à un stade très avancé. Nous avons mené une étude transversale, exhaustive incluant les 71 médecins généralistes exerçant dans les établissements de soins de santé de base du secteur public et privé de la province de Benimellal. Le but était d’évaluer leurs connaissances et leur participation au dépistage du cancer du col. Méthodes Nous avons mené une étude transversale, exhaustive incluant les 71 médecins généralistes exerçant dans les établissements de soins de santé de base du secteur public et privé de la province de Benimellal. Le but était d’évaluer leurs connaissances et leur participation au dépistage du cancer du col. Résultats Le niveau de connaissance était relativement modeste, 22 médecins généraliste avaient répondu à la question sur l'incidence du cancer du col au Maroc, Parmi eux (81,8%) avaient donné une réponse incorrecte. L'Herpes Papilloma virus comme facteur de risque du cancer du col a été identifié par seulement 21% des médecins généralistes. La participation au dépistage était également défaillante, 92,8% n'avaient jamais pratiqué le FCV chez leurs patientes à cause principalement du manque de formation (95,5%). Conclusion Les résultats montrent la nécessité d'améliorer les connaissances théoriques et pratique des médecins généralistes concernant le dépistage du cancer du col. PMID:23785557

  2. Séroprévalence et facteurs associés à l’acceptation du Conseil et Dépistage Volontaire du VIH chez l’enfant à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Ngwej, Dieudonné Tshikwej; Mukuku, Olivier; Malonga, Françoise Kaj; Luboya, Oscar Numbi; Kakoma, Jean-Baptiste Sakatolo; Wembonyama, Stanis Okitotsho


    Résumé Introduction Malgré le dépistage du VIH proposé lors de la naissance ou au cours des consultations préscolaires, la proportion des enfants qui croissent ou décèdent sous statut sérologique au VIH inconnu est importante en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la séroprévalence au cours d’un dépistage volontaire et d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’acceptation du conseil et dépistage du VIH (CDV) en dehors de la maladie ou de toute exposition au VIH dans une population pédiatrique à Lubumbashi, RDC. Méthodes Il s’agissait d’une étude prospective transversale à visée analytique menée du 1er août 2006 au 31 septembre 2007. Elle avait été réalisée dans 4 centres communautaires de CDV répartis dans 4 zones de santé de la ville de Lubumbashi en RDC (Lubumbashi, Ruashi, Kampemba et de Kenya). L’étude avait consisté à faire le dépistage volontaire du VIH chez les enfants de moins de 15 ans. Les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les paramètres relatifs au conseil et dépistage volontaire ont été étudiés. Les analyses statistiques descriptives usuelles et une régression logistique ont été réalisées. Résultats Sur 463 enfants dépistés du VIH, 41 (8,9%; IC 95%: 6,5%-11,9%) ont été testés positifs. L’acceptation du conseil et dépistage volontaire du VIH en dehors de la maladie ou de l’exposition au VIH était significativement plus élevée lorsque l’enfant était âgé de plus de 2 ans (Odds ratio ajusté (ORa) = 3,6 [IC 95%: 1,1-12,2]), lorsque le statut sérologique du VIH des parents était négatif ou inconnu (ORa = 27,4 [IC 95%: 9,4-80,0]), lorsque l’un ou l’autre ou les deux parents biologiques étaient en vie (ORa = 24,9 [IC 95%: 2,4-250,8]) et lorsque la connaissance du lieu de dépistage était fait par des moyens autres que le professionnel de santé (ORa = 2,9 [IC 95%: 1,0-7,9]). Conclusion Notre étude montre une forte

  3. L'Aventure du LHC

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Cette présentation s’adressera principalement aux personnes qui ont construit le LHC. La construction du LHC fut longue et difficile. De nombreux problèmes sont apparus en cours de route. Tous ont été résolus grâce au dévouement et à l’engagement du personnel et des collaborateurs. Je reviendrai sur les coups durs et les réussites qui ont marqués ces 15 dernières années et je vous montrerai combien cette machine, le fruit de vos efforts, est extraordinaire.

  4. Thermocouple-Signal-Conditioning Circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Simon, Richard A.


    Thermocouple-signal-conditioning circuit acting in conjunction with thermocouple, exhibits electrical behavior of voltage in series with resistance. Combination part of input bridge circuit of controller. Circuit configured for either of two specific applications by selection of alternative resistances and supply voltages. Includes alarm circuit detecting open circuit in thermocouple and provides off-scale output to signal malfunctions.

  5. Non-destructive analysis of DU content in the NIF hohlraums

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gharibyan, Narek; Moody, Ken J.; Shaughnessy, Dawn A.


    The advantage of using depleted uranium (DU) hohlraums in high-yield deuterium-tritium (DT) shots at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) is addressed by Döppner, et al., in great detail [1]. This DU based hohlraum incorporates a thin layer of DU, ~7 μm thick, on the inner surface along with a thin layer of a gold coating, ~0.7 μm thick, while the outer layer is ~22 μm thick gold. A thickness measurement of the DU layer can be performed using an optical microscope where the total DU weight can be computed provided a uniform DU layer. However, the uniformity of the thicknessmore » is not constant throughout the hohlraum since CAD drawing calculations of the DU weight do not agree with the computed values from optical measurements [2]. Therefore, a non-destructive method for quantifying the DU content in hohlraums has been established by utilizing gamma-ray spectroscopy. The details of this method, along with results from several hohlraums, are presented in this report.« less

  6. Engineering a robust DNA split proximity circuit with minimized circuit leakage

    PubMed Central

    Ang, Yan Shan; Tong, Rachel; Yung, Lin-Yue Lanry


    DNA circuit is a versatile and highly-programmable toolbox which can potentially be used for the autonomous sensing of dynamic events, such as biomolecular interactions. However, the experimental implementation of in silico circuit designs has been hindered by the problem of circuit leakage. Here, we systematically analyzed the sources and characteristics of various types of leakage in a split proximity circuit which was engineered to spatially probe for target sites held within close proximity. Direct evidence that 3′-truncated oligonucleotides were the major impurity contributing to circuit leakage was presented. More importantly, a unique strategy of translocating a single nucleotide between domains, termed ‘inter-domain bridging’, was introduced to eliminate toehold-independent leakages while enhancing the strand displacement kinetics across a three-way junction. We also analyzed the dynamics of intermediate complexes involved in the circuit computation in order to define the working range of domain lengths for the reporter toehold and association region respectively. The final circuit design was successfully implemented on a model streptavidin-biotin system and demonstrated to be robust against both circuit leakage and biological interferences. We anticipate that this simple signal transduction strategy can be used to probe for diverse biomolecular interactions when used in conjunction with specific target recognition moieties. PMID:27207880

  7. Portage vaginal du streptocoque du groupe B chez la femme enceinte au niveau de la région de Marrakech

    PubMed Central

    Bassir, Ahlam; Dhibou, Hanane; Farah, Majdi; Mohamed, Lharmis; Amal, Addebous; Nabila, Souraa; Abderahim, Aboulfalah; Asmouki, Hamid; Soummani, Abderraouf


    Introduction Le streptocoque du groupe B est le principal agent impliqué dans les infections materno-fœtales, les septicémies et les méningites du nouveau-né à terme. L'objectif est de déterminer le taux de portage maternel du streptocoque du groupe B (SGB) à terme. Méthodes Un prélèvement vaginal a été réalisé de manière prospective chez 275 parturientes lors de l'entrée en salle d'accouchement sur une période de 06 mois. Résultats Le taux de portage était de 20,2%. Le portage était variable en fonction de l’âge gestationnel, il constitue 57.5% entre 37 et 38 semaines d'aménorrhée. Aucun des facteurs de risque n'a était statistiquement prédictif du portage maternel du SGB. Conclusion Le dépistage doit être réalisé à partir de 37 semaines d'aménorrhée, et comme le portage est intermittent, un prélèvement négatif ne garantirait pas que le portage soit négatif à l'accouchement. PMID:27222693

  8. Development, Integration and Testing of Automated Triggering Circuit for Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kanabar, Deven; Roy, Swati; Dodiya, Chiragkumar; Pradhan, Subrata


    A novel concept of Hybrid DC circuit breaker having combination of mechanical switch and static switch provides arc-less current commutation into the dump resistor during quench in superconducting magnet operation. The triggering of mechanical and static switches in Hybrid DC breaker can be automatized which can effectively reduce the overall current commutation time of hybrid DC circuit breaker and make the operation independent of opening time of mechanical switch. With this view, a dedicated control circuit (auto-triggering circuit) has been developed which can decide the timing and pulse duration for mechanical switch as well as static switch from the operating parameters. This circuit has been tested with dummy parameters and thereafter integrated with the actual test set up of hybrid DC circuit breaker. This paper deals with the conceptual design of the auto-triggering circuit, its control logic and operation. The test results of Hybrid DC circuit breaker using this circuit have also been discussed.

  9. Approximate circuits for increased reliability

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hamlet, Jason R.; Mayo, Jackson R.


    Embodiments of the invention describe a Boolean circuit having a voter circuit and a plurality of approximate circuits each based, at least in part, on a reference circuit. The approximate circuits are each to generate one or more output signals based on values of received input signals. The voter circuit is to receive the one or more output signals generated by each of the approximate circuits, and is to output one or more signals corresponding to a majority value of the received signals. At least some of the approximate circuits are to generate an output value different than the referencemore » circuit for one or more input signal values; however, for each possible input signal value, the majority values of the one or more output signals generated by the approximate circuits and received by the voter circuit correspond to output signal result values of the reference circuit.« less

  10. Waveshaping electronic circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Harper, T. P.


    Circuit provides output signal with sinusoidal function in response to bipolar transition of input signal. Instantaneous transition shapes into linear rate of change and linear rate of change shapes into sinusoidal rate of change. Circuit contains only active components; therefore, compatibility with integrated circuit techniques is assured.

  11. Design of low loss helix circuits for interference fitted and brazed circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jacquez, A.


    The RF loss properties and thermal capability of brazed helix circuits and interference fitted circuits were evaluated. The objective was to produce design circuits with minimum RF loss and maximum heat transfer. These circuits were to be designed to operate at 10 kV and at 20 GHz using a gamma a approximately equal to 1.0. This represents a circuit diameter of only 0.75 millimeters. The fabrication of this size circuit and the 0.48 millimeter high support rods required considerable refinements in the assembly techniques and fixtures used on lower frequency circuits. The transition from the helices to the waveguide was designed and the circuits were matched from 20 to 40 GHz since the helix design is a broad band circuit and at a gamma a of 1.0 will operate over this band. The loss measurement was a transmission measurement and therefore had two such transitions. This resulting double-ended match required tuning elements to achieve the broad band match and external E-H tuners at each end to optimize the match for each frequency where the loss measurement was made. The test method used was a substitution method where the test fixture was replaced by a calibrated attenuator.

  12. Parallelizing quantum circuit synthesis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Di Matteo, Olivia; Mosca, Michele


    Quantum circuit synthesis is the process in which an arbitrary unitary operation is decomposed into a sequence of gates from a universal set, typically one which a quantum computer can implement both efficiently and fault-tolerantly. As physical implementations of quantum computers improve, the need is growing for tools that can effectively synthesize components of the circuits and algorithms they will run. Existing algorithms for exact, multi-qubit circuit synthesis scale exponentially in the number of qubits and circuit depth, leaving synthesis intractable for circuits on more than a handful of qubits. Even modest improvements in circuit synthesis procedures may lead to significant advances, pushing forward the boundaries of not only the size of solvable circuit synthesis problems, but also in what can be realized physically as a result of having more efficient circuits. We present a method for quantum circuit synthesis using deterministic walks. Also termed pseudorandom walks, these are walks in which once a starting point is chosen, its path is completely determined. We apply our method to construct a parallel framework for circuit synthesis, and implement one such version performing optimal T-count synthesis over the Clifford+T gate set. We use our software to present examples where parallelization offers a significant speedup on the runtime, as well as directly confirm that the 4-qubit 1-bit full adder has optimal T-count 7 and T-depth 3.

  13. Sequential circuit design for radiation hardened multiple voltage integrated circuits


    Clark, Lawrence T [Phoenix, AZ; McIver, III, John K.


    The present invention includes a radiation hardened sequential circuit, such as a bistable circuit, flip-flop or other suitable design that presents substantial immunity to ionizing radiation while simultaneously maintaining a low operating voltage. In one embodiment, the circuit includes a plurality of logic elements that operate on relatively low voltage, and a master and slave latches each having storage elements that operate on a relatively high voltage.

  14. Genetic circuit design automation.


    Nielsen, Alec A K; Der, Bryan S; Shin, Jonghyeon; Vaidyanathan, Prashant; Paralanov, Vanya; Strychalski, Elizabeth A; Ross, David; Densmore, Douglas; Voigt, Christopher A


    Computation can be performed in living cells by DNA-encoded circuits that process sensory information and control biological functions. Their construction is time-intensive, requiring manual part assembly and balancing of regulator expression. We describe a design environment, Cello, in which a user writes Verilog code that is automatically transformed into a DNA sequence. Algorithms build a circuit diagram, assign and connect gates, and simulate performance. Reliable circuit design requires the insulation of gates from genetic context, so that they function identically when used in different circuits. We used Cello to design 60 circuits forEscherichia coli(880,000 base pairs of DNA), for which each DNA sequence was built as predicted by the software with no additional tuning. Of these, 45 circuits performed correctly in every output state (up to 10 regulators and 55 parts), and across all circuits 92% of the output states functioned as predicted. Design automation simplifies the incorporation of genetic circuits into biotechnology projects that require decision-making, control, sensing, or spatial organization. Copyright © 2016, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  15. Piezoelectric drive circuit


    Treu, Jr., Charles A.


    A piezoelectric motor drive circuit is provided which utilizes the piezoelectric elements as oscillators and a Meacham half-bridge approach to develop feedback from the motor ground circuit to produce a signal to drive amplifiers to power the motor. The circuit automatically compensates for shifts in harmonic frequency of the piezoelectric elements due to pressure and temperature changes.

  16. 30 CFR 75.601-1 - Short circuit protection; ratings and settings of circuit breakers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Trailing Cables § 75.601-1 Short circuit protection; ratings and settings of circuit breakers. Circuit breakers providing short circuit protection for trailing cables shall be set so as not to exceed the...

  17. Cirque du Monde as a health intervention

    PubMed Central

    Fournier, Cynthia; Drouin, Mélodie-Anne; Marcoux, Jérémie; Garel, Patricia; Bochud, Emmanuel; Théberge, Julie; Aubertin, Patrice; Favreau, Gil; Fleet, Richard


    Abstract Objective To present Cirque du Soleil’s social circus program, Cirque du Monde, to explore its potential as a primary health care tool for family physicians. Data sources A review of the literature in PubMed, the Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, LaPresse, Eureka, Google Scholar, and Érudit using the key words circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde, and Cirque du Soleil; a Montreal-based initiative, Espace Transition, modeled on Cirque du Monde; and personal communication with Cirque du Soleil’s Social Circus Training Advisor. Study selection The first 50 articles or websites identified for each key word in each of the databases were examined on the basis of their titles and abstracts in the case of articles, and on the basis of their titles and page content in the case of websites. Articles and websites that explored an aspect of social circuses or that described an intervention that involved circuses were then retained for analysis. Because all literature on social circuses was searched, no criterion for year of publication was used. Synthesis No articles on the social circus as a health intervention were found. One study on the use of the circus as an intervention in schools was identified. It demonstrated an increase in self-esteem in the children who took part. One study on the use of the circus in a First Nations community was found; it contained nonspecific, qualitative findings. The other articles identified were merely descriptions of social circuses. One website was identified on the use of the social circus to help youth who had been treated in a hospital setting for major psychiatric disorders to re-enter the community. The team in the pediatric psychiatry department at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine, the children’s hospital in Montreal, Que, was contacted; they were leading this project, called Espace Transition. The unpublished preliminary findings of its pilot project demonstrate substantial improvements in overall patient

  18. Gestion des déchets ménagers dans l’aire de santé Bulaska à Mbuji-Mayi en République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Kangoy, Kasangye; Ngoyi, John; Mudimbiyi, Olive


    Introduction La présence des déchets ménagers dans les voies publiques a une influence sur l’hygiène de l’environnement, ils entrainent l’insalubrité et peuvent être facteurs des certaines maladies dont quelques-unes peuvent être épidémiques. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, la question de la gestion des déchets est devenue de plus en plus complexe autant pour les pays développés que ceux sous-développés. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les types de déchets et le mode de gestion des déchets génère par les ménages. Méthodes Cette étude est descriptive transversale, réalisée dans l’aire de sante Bulaska, Kasaï oriental, c’est une approche prospective appuyée par l’interview et l’observation active. Le questionnaire a été adressé au responsable du ménage ou au délègue, du 21 au 25 juin 2010, sur 170 ménages ce qui constituent un échantillon de convenance. Résultats Cette étude a révélé ce qui suit: 94,7% des enquêtes qui avaient répondu a notre questionnaire étaient de sexe féminin; 47% des enquêtes avaient un niveau d’étude primaire; 41,1% des enquêtes étaient des ménagères; la taille médiane de ménage était de 7 personnes par ménage; dans 83,5% des cas les déchets génères étaient solides; 50% des ménages de l’aire de sante utilisent la voie publique comme poubelle. Conclusion Eu égard au résultat de cette étude, développer plus les programmes de sensibilisation sur l’assainissement de l’environnement s’avère nécessaire. PMID:27800105



    Merrill, L.C.


    Control circuits for vacuum tubes are described, and a binary counter having an improved trigger circuit is reported. The salient feature of the binary counter is the application of the input signal to the cathode of each of two vacuum tubes through separate capacitors and the connection of each cathode to ground through separate diodes. The control of the binary counter is achieved in this manner without special pulse shaping of the input signal. A further advantage of the circuit is the simplicity and minimum nuruber of components required, making its use particularly desirable in computer machines.

  20. Flexible Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Adflex Solutions, Inc.'s flexible circuits may be molded to the shape of a chassis for bulk reduction. Particularly valuable when circuitry must be moved. They are produced by combining a plastic film, a metallic conductor and an adhesive. One adhesive, LARC-TPI, developed by the Langley Research Center, is a thermoplastic polyimide resin used to produce laminates by Rogers Corporation. It can be processed at a lower temperature, has good moisture resistance and excellent adherence. It is used to bond film to copper foil conductor materials in flexible circuits. The circuits have both aerospace and commercial applications.

  1. Piezoelectric drive circuit


    Treu, C.A. Jr.


    A piezoelectric motor drive circuit is provided which utilizes the piezoelectric elements as oscillators and a Meacham half-bridge approach to develop feedback from the motor ground circuit to produce a signal to drive amplifiers to power the motor. The circuit automatically compensates for shifts in harmonic frequency of the piezoelectric elements due to pressure and temperature changes. 7 figs.

  2. Targeting circuits

    PubMed Central

    Rajasethupathy, Priyamvada; Ferenczi, Emily; Deisseroth, Karl


    Current optogenetic methodology enables precise inhibition or excitation of neural circuits, spanning timescales as needed from the acute (milliseconds) to the chronic (many days or more), for experimental modulation of network activity and animal behavior. Such broad temporal versatility, unique to optogenetic control, is particularly powerful when combined with brain activity measurements that span both acute and chronic timescales as well. This enables, for instance, the study of adaptive circuit dynamics across the intact brain, and tuning interventions to match activity patterns naturally observed during behavior in the same individual. Although the impact of this approach has been greater on basic research than on clinical translation, it is natural to ask if specific neural circuit activity patterns discovered to be involved in controlling adaptive or maladaptive behaviors could become targets for treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases. Here we consider the landscape of such ideas related to therapeutic targeting of circuit dynamics, taking note of developments not only in optical but also in ultrasonic, magnetic, and thermal methods. We note the recent emergence of first-in-kind optogenetically-guided clinical outcomes, as well as opportunities related to the integration of interventions and readouts spanning diverse circuit-physiology, molecular, and behavioral modalities. PMID:27104976

  3. Spectral Short-circuiting and Wake Production within the Canopy Trunk Space of an Alpine Hardwood Forest

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cava, Daniela; Katul, Gabriel G.


    Using synchronous multi-level high frequency velocity measurements, the turbulence spectra within the trunk space of an alpine hardwood forest were analysed. The spectral short-circuiting of the energy cascade for each velocity component was well reproduced by a simplified spectral model that retained return-to-isotropy and component-wise work done by turbulence against the drag and wake production. However, the use of an anisotropic drag coefficient was necessary to reproduce these measured component-wise spectra. The degree of anisotropy in the vertical drag was shown to vary with the element Reynolds number. The wake production frequency in the measured spectra was shown to be consistent with the vortex shedding frequency at constant Strouhal number given by f vs = 0.21 ū/d, where d can be related to the stem diameter at breast height ( dbh) and ū is the local mean velocity. The energetic scales, determined from the inflection point instability at the canopy atmosphere interface, appear to persist into the trunk space when {C_{du} a_{cr} h_c /β ≫ 1}, where C du is the longitudinal drag coefficient, a cr is the crown-layer leaf area density, h c is the canopy height, and β is the dimensionless momentum absorption at the canopy top.

  4. [Shunt and short circuit].


    Rangel-Abundis, Alberto


    Shunt and short circuit are antonyms. In French, the term shunt has been adopted to denote the alternative pathway of blood flow. However, in French, as well as in Spanish, the word short circuit (court-circuit and cortocircuito) is synonymous with shunt, giving rise to a linguistic and scientific inconsistency. Scientific because shunt and short circuit made reference to a phenomenon that occurs in the field of the physics. Because shunt and short circuit are antonyms, it is necessary to clarify that shunt is an alternative pathway of flow from a net of high resistance to a net of low resistance, maintaining the stream. Short circuit is the interruption of the flow, because a high resistance impeaches the flood. This concept is applied to electrical and cardiovascular physiology, as well as to the metabolic pathways.

  5. Macromodels of digital integrated circuits for program packages of circuit engineering design

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Petrenko, A. I.; Sliusar, P. B.; Timchenko, A. P.


    Various aspects of the generation of macromodels of digital integrated circuits are examined, and their effective application in program packages of circuit engineering design is considered. Three levels of macromodels are identified, and the application of such models to the simulation of circuit outputs is discussed.

  6. 49 CFR 236.5 - Design of control circuits on closed circuit principle.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Design of control circuits on closed circuit... THE INSTALLATION, INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Rules and Instructions: All Systems General § 236.5 Design of control circuits on...

  7. 49 CFR 236.5 - Design of control circuits on closed circuit principle.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Design of control circuits on closed circuit... THE INSTALLATION, INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Rules and Instructions: All Systems General § 236.5 Design of control circuits on...

  8. 49 CFR 236.5 - Design of control circuits on closed circuit principle.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Design of control circuits on closed circuit... THE INSTALLATION, INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Rules and Instructions: All Systems General § 236.5 Design of control circuits on...

  9. 49 CFR 236.5 - Design of control circuits on closed circuit principle.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Design of control circuits on closed circuit... THE INSTALLATION, INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Rules and Instructions: All Systems General § 236.5 Design of control circuits on...

  10. 49 CFR 236.5 - Design of control circuits on closed circuit principle.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Design of control circuits on closed circuit... THE INSTALLATION, INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Rules and Instructions: All Systems General § 236.5 Design of control circuits on...



    Thomas, R.E.


    An electronic circuit is presented for automatically computing the product of two selected variables by multiplying the voltage pulses proportional to the variables. The multiplier circuit has a plurality of parallel resistors of predetermined values connected through separate gate circults between a first input and the output terminal. One voltage pulse is applied to thc flrst input while the second voltage pulse is applied to control circuitry for the respective gate circuits. Thc magnitude of the second voltage pulse selects the resistors upon which the first voltage pulse is imprcssed, whereby the resultant output voltage is proportional to the product of the input voltage pulses

  12. Digital circuits using universal logic gates

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Whitaker, Sterling R. (Inventor); Miles, Lowell H. (Inventor); Cameron, Eric G. (Inventor); Donohoe, Gregory W. (Inventor); Gambles, Jody W. (Inventor)


    According to the invention, a digital circuit design embodied in at least one of a structural netlist, a behavioral netlist, a hardware description language netlist, a full-custom ASIC, a semi-custom ASIC, an IP core, an integrated circuit, a hybrid of chips, one or more masks, a FPGA, and a circuit card assembly is disclosed. The digital circuit design includes first and second sub-circuits. The first sub-circuits comprise a first percentage of the digital circuit design and the second sub-circuits comprise a second percentage of the digital circuit design. Each of the second sub-circuits is substantially comprised of one or more kernel circuits. The kernel circuits are comprised of selection circuits. The second percentage is at least 5%. In various embodiments, the second percentage could be at least 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, or 95%.

  13. Remote reset circuit


    Gritzo, Russell E.


    A remote reset circuit acts as a stand-alone monitor and controller by clocking in each character sent by a terminal to a computer and comparing it to a given reference character. When a match occurs, the remote reset circuit activates the system's hardware reset line. The remote reset circuit is hardware based centered around monostable multivibrators and is unaffected by system crashes, partial serial transmissions, or power supply transients.

  14. L'Aventure du LHC




    Cette présentation s’adressera principalement aux personnes qui ont construit le LHC. La construction du LHC fut longue et difficile. De nombreux problèmes sont apparus en cours de route. Tous ont été résolus grâce au dévouement et à l’engagement du personnel et des collaborateurs. Je reviendrai sur les coups durs et les réussites qui ont marqués ces 15 dernières années et je vous montrerai combien cette machine, le fruit de vos efforts, est extraordinaire.

  15. Sensor readout detector circuit


    Chu, Dahlon D.; Thelen, Jr., Donald C.


    A sensor readout detector circuit is disclosed that is capable of detecting sensor signals down to a few nanoamperes or less in a high (microampere) background noise level. The circuit operates at a very low standby power level and is triggerable by a sensor event signal that is above a predetermined threshold level. A plurality of sensor readout detector circuits can be formed on a substrate as an integrated circuit (IC). These circuits can operate to process data from an array of sensors in parallel, with only data from active sensors being processed for digitization and analysis. This allows the IC to operate at a low power level with a high data throughput for the active sensors. The circuit may be used with many different types of sensors, including photodetectors, capacitance sensors, chemically-sensitive sensors or combinations thereof to provide a capability for recording transient events or for recording data for a predetermined period of time following an event trigger. The sensor readout detector circuit has applications for portable or satellite-based sensor systems.

  16. Sensor readout detector circuit


    Chu, D.D.; Thelen, D.C. Jr.


    A sensor readout detector circuit is disclosed that is capable of detecting sensor signals down to a few nanoamperes or less in a high (microampere) background noise level. The circuit operates at a very low standby power level and is triggerable by a sensor event signal that is above a predetermined threshold level. A plurality of sensor readout detector circuits can be formed on a substrate as an integrated circuit (IC). These circuits can operate to process data from an array of sensors in parallel, with only data from active sensors being processed for digitization and analysis. This allows the IC to operate at a low power level with a high data throughput for the active sensors. The circuit may be used with many different types of sensors, including photodetectors, capacitance sensors, chemically-sensitive sensors or combinations thereof to provide a capability for recording transient events or for recording data for a predetermined period of time following an event trigger. The sensor readout detector circuit has applications for portable or satellite-based sensor systems. 6 figs.

  17. Comparison of modified driver circuit and capacitor-transfer circuit in longitudinally excited N2 laser.


    Uno, Kazuyuki; Akitsu, Tetsuya; Nakamura, Kenshi; Jitsuno, Takahisa


    We developed a modified driver circuit composed of a capacitance and a spark gap, called a direct-drive circuit, for a longitudinally excited gas laser. The direct-drive circuit uses a large discharge impedance caused by a long discharge length of the longitudinal excitation scheme and eliminates the buffer capacitance used in the traditional capacitor-transfer circuit. We compared the direct-drive circuit and the capacitor-transfer circuit in a longitudinally excited N2 laser (wavelength: 337 nm). Producing high output energy with the capacitor-transfer circuit requires a large storage capacitance and a discharge tube with optimum dimensions (an inner diameter of 4 mm and a length of 10 cm in this work); in contrast, the direct-drive circuit requires a high breakdown voltage, achieved with a small storage capacitance and a large discharge tube. Additionally, for the same input energy of 792 mJ, the maximum output energy of the capacitor-transfer circuit was 174.2 μJ, and that of the direct-drive circuit was 344.7 μJ.

  18. Separating OR, SUM, and XOR Circuits.


    Find, Magnus; Göös, Mika; Järvisalo, Matti; Kaski, Petteri; Koivisto, Mikko; Korhonen, Janne H


    Given a boolean n × n matrix A we consider arithmetic circuits for computing the transformation x ↦ Ax over different semirings. Namely, we study three circuit models: monotone OR-circuits, monotone SUM-circuits (addition of non-negative integers), and non-monotone XOR-circuits (addition modulo 2). Our focus is on separating OR-circuits from the two other models in terms of circuit complexity: We show how to obtain matrices that admit OR-circuits of size O ( n ), but require SUM-circuits of size Ω( n 3/2 /log 2 n ).We consider the task of rewriting a given OR-circuit as a XOR-circuit and prove that any subquadratic-time algorithm for this task violates the strong exponential time hypothesis.



    Cox, R.J.


    Circuits are presented for measurement of a logarithmic scale of current flowing in a high impedance. In one form of the invention the disclosed circuit is in combination with an ionization chamber to measure lonization current. The particular circuit arrangement lncludes a vacuum tube having at least one grid, an ionization chamber connected in series with a high voltage source and the grid of the vacuum tube, and a d-c amplifier feedback circuit. As the ionization chamber current passes between the grid and cathode of the tube, the feedback circuit acts to stabilize the anode current, and the feedback voltage is a measure of the logaritbm of the ionization current.

  20. Method of determining the open circuit voltage of a battery in a closed circuit


    Brown, William E.


    The open circuit voltage of a battery which is connected in a closed circuit is determined without breaking the circuit or causing voltage upsets therein. The closed circuit voltage across the battery and the current flowing through it are determined under normal load and then a fractional change is made in the load and the new current and voltage values determined. The open circuit voltage is then calculated, according to known principles, from the two sets of values.

  1. Dedicated Caravan Sites for French Gens du Voyage

    PubMed Central


    Abstract In France, gens du voyage (“people who travel” or “travellers”) is a term used by the government to categorize various itinerant populations, the majority of which are diverse Romani groups. People categorized as gens du voyage are legally required to reside in particular locations called “dedicated caravan sites.” Parliamentary debates about these dedicated caravan sites have clarified that one of the objectives of such sites is to help fulfill the gens du voyage’s right to health. However, there is a significant gap between the officially stated goals of such sites and the reality of life within them. This paper draws on research finding that the conditions in most dedicated caravan sites do not conform with the rights of gens du voyage to acceptable sanitary conditions and other underlying determinants of health. PMID:29302165

  2. Selective Manipulation of Neural Circuits.


    Park, Hong Geun; Carmel, Jason B


    Unraveling the complex network of neural circuits that form the nervous system demands tools that can manipulate specific circuits. The recent evolution of genetic tools to target neural circuits allows an unprecedented precision in elucidating their function. Here we describe two general approaches for achieving circuit specificity. The first uses the genetic identity of a cell, such as a transcription factor unique to a circuit, to drive expression of a molecule that can manipulate cell function. The second uses the spatial connectivity of a circuit to achieve specificity: one genetic element is introduced at the origin of a circuit and the other at its termination. When the two genetic elements combine within a neuron, they can alter its function. These two general approaches can be combined to allow manipulation of neurons with a specific genetic identity by introducing a regulatory gene into the origin or termination of the circuit. We consider the advantages and disadvantages of both these general approaches with regard to specificity and efficacy of the manipulations. We also review the genetic techniques that allow gain- and loss-of-function within specific neural circuits. These approaches introduce light-sensitive channels (optogenetic) or drug sensitive channels (chemogenetic) into neurons that form specific circuits. We compare these tools with others developed for circuit-specific manipulation and describe the advantages of each. Finally, we discuss how these tools might be applied for identification of the neural circuits that mediate behavior and for repair of neural connections.

  3. Remote reset circuit


    Gritzo, R.E.


    A remote reset circuit acts as a stand-along monitor and controller by clocking in each character sent by a terminal to a computer and comparing it to a given reference character. When a match occurs, the remote reset circuit activates the system's hardware reset line. The remote reset circuit is hardware based centered around monostable multivibrators and is unaffected by system crashes, partial serial transmissions, or power supply transients. 4 figs.

  4. A Circuit to Demonstrate Phase Relationships in "RLC" Circuits

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sokol, P. E.; Warren, G.; Zheng, B.; Smith, P.


    We have developed a circuit to demonstrate the phase relationships between resistive and reactive elements in series "RLC" circuits. We utilize a differential amplifier to allow the phases of the three elements and the current to be simultaneously displayed on an inexpensive four channel oscilloscope. We have included a novel circuit…

  5. Polymorphic Electronic Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Stoica, Adrian


    Polymorphic electronics is a nascent technological discipline that involves, among other things, designing the same circuit to perform different analog and/or digital functions under different conditions. For example, a circuit can be designed to function as an OR gate or an AND gate, depending on the temperature (see figure). Polymorphic electronics can also be considered a subset of polytronics, which is a broader technological discipline in which optical and possibly other information- processing systems could also be designed to perform multiple functions. Polytronics is an outgrowth of evolvable hardware (EHW). The basic concepts and some specific implementations of EHW were described in a number of previous NASA Tech Briefs articles. To recapitulate: The essence of EHW is to design, construct, and test a sequence of populations of circuits that function as incrementally better solutions of a given design problem through the selective, repetitive connection and/or disconnection of capacitors, transistors, amplifiers, inverters, and/or other circuit building blocks. The evolution is guided by a search-and-optimization algorithm (in particular, a genetic algorithm) that operates in the space of possible circuits to find a circuit that exhibits an acceptably close approximation of the desired functionality. The evolved circuits can be tested by computational simulation (in which case the evolution is said to be extrinsic), tested in real hardware (in which case the evolution is said to be intrinsic), or tested in random sequences of computational simulation and real hardware (in which case the evolution is said to be mixtrinsic).

  6. Method and Circuit for Injecting a Precise Amount of Charge onto a Circuit Node

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hancock, Bruce R. (Inventor)


    A method and circuit for injecting charge into a circuit node, comprising (a) resetting a capacitor's voltage through a first transistor; (b) after the resetting, pre-charging the capacitor through the first transistor; and (c) after the pre-charging, further charging the capacitor through a second transistor, wherein the second transistor is connected between the capacitor and a circuit node, and the further charging draws charge through the second transistor from the circuit node, thereby injecting charge into the circuit node.

  7. Multi-Layer E-Textile Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dunne, Lucy E.; Bibeau, Kaila; Mulligan, Lucie; Frith, Ashton; Simon, Cory


    Stitched e-textile circuits facilitate wearable, flexible, comfortable wearable technology. However, while stitched methods of e-textile circuits are common, multi-layer circuit creation remains a challenge. Here, we present methods of stitched multi-layer circuit creation using accessible tools and techniques.

  8. Automatic circuit interrupter

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dwinell, W. S.


    In technique, voice circuits connecting crew's cabin to launch station through umbilical connector disconnect automatically unused, or deadened portion of circuits immediately after vehicle is launched, eliminating possibility that unused wiring interferes with voice communications inside vehicle or need for manual cutoff switch and its associated wiring. Technique is applied to other types of electrical actuation circuits, also launch of mapped vehicles, such as balloons, submarines, test sleds, and test chambers-all requiring assistance of ground crew.

  9. Polymorphisme de l'apolipoprotéine E dans la population du nord du Maroc: fréquence et influence sur les paramètres lipidiques

    PubMed Central

    Benyahya, Fatiha; Barakat, Amina; Ghailani, Naima; Bennani, Mohcine


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail est de déterminer les fréquences alléliques et génotypiques des sites polymorphes situés dans le gène de l'apolipoprotéine E (apo E) ainsi que leur impact sur les paramètres cliniques et lipidiques dans un échantillon de la population du nord du Maroc cliniquement diagnostiqué ADH. Méthodes Le génotype de l'apo E a été analysé par séquençage direct chez 46 patients cliniquement diagnostiqués ADH selon les critères standards. Résultats Les fréquences des allèles epsilon 3, epsilon 2 et epsilon 4 ont été respectivement 78.3%, 2.2% et 19.6%. La fréquence de l'allèle epsilon 4 est très élevée chez la population du nord du Maroc en comparaison avec les populations des autres régions marocaines. Elle est similaire à celle rapportée dans les pays de l'Europe du nord. Les taux du cholestérol total, du cholestérol LDL ainsi que la présence des xanthomes et les maladies cardiovasculaires ne différent pas entre les génotypes de l'apoE. En revanche, les résultats ont montré une influence de l'allèle epsilon4 sur le taux des triglycérides chez les sujets obèses. Conclusion Le génotype de l'apoE ne peut expliquer le phénotype clinique et biochimique présenté par des patients du Nord du Maroc cliniquement diagnostiqués ADH. PMID:24396563

  10. Exchange circuits for FASTBUS slaves

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bratskii, A.A.; Matseev, M.Y.; Rybakov, V.G.


    This paper describes general-purpose circuits for FASTBUS interfacing of the functional part of a slave device. The circuits contain buffered receivers and transmitters, addressrecognition and data-transfer logic, and the required control/status registers. The described circuits are implemented with series-K500 integrated circuits.

  11. Étude des déterminants individuels de l’adoption du dossier de santé électronique du Québec

    PubMed Central

    Mezni, H; M-P, Gagnon; Duplantie, J


    Résumé Objectif Selon des études précédentes, les dossiers de santé électroniques peuvent améliorer l’efficacité, la sécurité et la qualité de la prise en charge médicale. Cependant, les prestataires de soins restent réticents quant à son utilisation, ce qui limite son impact sur le système de santé. La présente étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer les perceptions des médecins face au dossier de santé du Québec. Méthodes À partir d’une revue de la littérature sur les facteurs influençant l’adoption des nouvelles technologies de l’information et des communications (NTIC) en général et de la cybersanté en particulier, nous avons élaboré un questionnaire semi-structuré. Au total, 12 médecins utilisateurs potentiels du dossier de santé du Québec (DSQ) ont complété et retourné le questionnaire. Par la suite, nous avons opéré une analyse thématique de contenu, suivie par une théorisation des concepts obtenus. Résultats L’intention d’adopter le DSQ est influencée positivement par l’utilité perçue, la facilité d’utilisation perçue, la démonstrabilité des résultats, la compatibilité du système avec la pratique et l’autoefficacité informatique perçue par les médecins. Inversement, la résistance au changement influence négativement l’adoption du DSQ par les médecins. Conclusion L’identification des déterminants de l’adoption du dossier de santé du Québec est cruciale pour les responsables du secteur de la santé au Québec. Il sera ainsi possible de saisir les attentes des utilisateurs potentiels et d’ajuster les stratégies d’implantation en vue de favoriser une meilleure intégration de cette technologie dans les pratiques médicales. PMID:27867453

  12. Superconducting flux flow digital circuits


    Hietala, Vincent M.; Martens, Jon S.; Zipperian, Thomas E.


    A NOR/inverter logic gate circuit and a flip flop circuit implemented with superconducting flux flow transistors (SFFTs). Both circuits comprise two SFFTs with feedback lines. They have extremely low power dissipation, very high switching speeds, and the ability to interface between Josephson junction superconductor circuits and conventional microelectronics.

  13. Digital MOS integrated circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elmasry, M. I.

    MOS in digital circuit design is considered along with aspects of digital VLSI, taking into account a comparison of MOSFET logic circuits, 1-micrometer MOSFET VLSI technology, a generalized guide for MOSFET miniaturization, processing technologies, novel circuit structures for VLSI, and questions of circuit and system design for VLSI. MOS memory cells and circuits are discussed, giving attention to a survey of high-density dynamic RAM cell concepts, one-device cells for dynamic random-access memories, variable resistance polysilicon for high density CMOS Ram, high performance MOS EPROMs using a stacked-gate cell, and the optimization of the latching pulse for dynamic flip-flop sensors. Programmable logic arrays are considered along with digital signal processors, microprocessors, static RAMs, and dynamic RAMs.

  14. The test of VLSI circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baviere, Ph.

    Tests which have proven effective for evaluating VLSI circuits for space applications are described. It is recommended that circuits be examined after each manfacturing step to gain fast feedback on inadequacies in the production system. Data from failure modes which occur during operational lifetimes of circuits also permit redefinition of the manufacturing and quality control process to eliminate the defects identified. Other tests include determination of the operational envelope of the circuits, examination of the circuit response to controlled inputs, and the performance and functional speeds of ROM and RAM memories. Finally, it is desirable that all new circuits be designed with testing in mind.

  15. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique: une localisation exceptionnelle

    PubMed Central

    Hamdane, Mohamed Moncef; Bougrine, Fethi; Msakni, Issam; Dhaoui-Ghozzi, Amen; Bouziani, Ammar


    L’ hydatidose est une anthropo-zoonose due au développement chez l'homme de la forme larvaire du taenia Echinococcus granulosis. La plupart des kystes hydatiques se localisent dans le foie et les poumons. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique est extrêmement rare avec seulement 4 cas rapportés dans la littérature. Les auteurs rapportent dans cet article un nouveau cas d'hydatidose du cordon spermatique. Il s'agissait d'un homme de 40 ans qui consultait pour des douleurs scrotales évoluant depuis huit mois. L'examen clinique a mis en évidence une tuméfaction mobile, inguino-scrotale, droite. L’échographie testiculaire a objectivé une hernie inguinale droite associée à deux kystes épididymaires bilatéraux. Le patient a été opéré pour cure de son hernie avec découverte en per-opératoire d'un kyste du cordon spermatique qui a été réséqué. L'examen anatomopathologique a conclu à une hydatidose du cordon spermatique. PMID:22384304



    Creveling, R.


    A tine-delay circuit which produces a delay time in d. The circuit a capacitor, an te back resistance, connected serially with the anode of the diode going to ground. At the start of the time delay a negative stepfunction is applied to the series circuit and initiates a half-cycle transient oscillatory voltage terminated by a transient oscillatory voltage of substantially higher frequency. The output of the delay circuit is taken at the junction of the inductor and diode where a sudden voltage rise appears after the initiation of the higher frequency transient oscillations.

  17. Superconducting flux flow digital circuits


    Hietala, V.M.; Martens, J.S.; Zipperian, T.E.


    A NOR/inverter logic gate circuit and a flip flop circuit implemented with superconducting flux flow transistors (SFFTs) are disclosed. Both circuits comprise two SFFTs with feedback lines. They have extremely low power dissipation, very high switching speeds, and the ability to interface between Josephson junction superconductor circuits and conventional microelectronics. 8 figs.

  18. Auto-programmable impulse neural circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Watula, D.; Meador, J.


    Impulse neural networks use pulse trains to communicate neuron activation levels. Impulse neural circuits emulate natural neurons at a more detailed level than that typically employed by contemporary neural network implementation methods. An impulse neural circuit which realizes short term memory dynamics is presented. The operation of that circuit is then characterized in terms of pulse frequency modulated signals. Both fixed and programmable synapse circuits for realizing long term memory are also described. The implementation of a simple and useful unsupervised learning law is then presented. The implementation of a differential Hebbian learning rule for a specific mean-frequency signal interpretation is shown to have a straightforward implementation using digital combinational logic with a variation of a previously developed programmable synapse circuit. This circuit is expected to be exploited for simple and straightforward implementation of future auto-adaptive neural circuits.

  19. Acceptabilité du test VIH proposé aux nourrissons dans les services pédiatriques, en Côte d'Ivoire, Significations pour la couverture du diagnostic pédiatrique

    PubMed Central

    Oga, Maxime; Brou, Hermann; Dago-Akribi, Hortense; Coffie, Patrick; Amani-Bossé, Clarisse; Ékouévi, Didier; Yapo, Vincent; Menan, Hervé; Ndondoki, Camille; Timité-Konan, M.; Leroy, Valériane


    Résumé Problème: Le dépistage VIH chez les enfants a rarement été au centre des préoccupations des chercheurs. Quand le dépistage pédiatrique a retenu l'attention, cela a été pour éclairer seulement sur les performances diagnostiques en ignorant même que le test pédiatrique comme bien d'autres peut s'accepter ou se refuser. Cet article met au cœur de son analyse les raisons qui peuvent expliquer qu'on accepte ou qu'on refuse de faire dépister son enfant. Objectif: Etudier chez les parents, les mères, les facteurs explicatifs de l'acceptabilité du test VIH des nourrissons de moins de six mois. Méthodes: Entretien semi-directif à passages répétés avec les parents de nourrissons de moins de six mois dans les formations sanitaires pour la pesée/vaccination et les consultations pédiatriques avec proposition systématique d'un test VIH pour leur nourrisson. Résultats: Nous retenons que la réalisation effective du test pédiatrique du VIH chez le nourrisson repose sur trois éléments. Primo, le personnel de santé par son discours (qui dénote de ses connaissances et perceptions même sur l'infection) orienté vers les mères influence leur acceptation ou non du test. Secundo, la mère qui par ses connaissances et perceptions même sur le VIH, dont le statut particulier, l'impression de bien-être chez elle et son enfant influence toute réalisation du test pédiatrique VIH. Tertio, l'environnement conjugal de la mère, particulièrement caractérisé par les rapports au sein du couple, sur la facilité de parler du test VIH et sa réalisation chez les deux parents ou chez la mère seulement sont autant de facteurs qui influencent la réalisation effective du dépistage du VIH chez l'enfant. Le principe préventif du VIH, et le désir de faire tester l'enfant ne suffisent pas à eux seuls pour aboutir à sa réalisation effective, selon certaines mères confrontées au refus du conjoint. A l'opposé, les autres mères refusant la r

  20. Electronic Circuit Analysis Language (ECAL)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chenghang, C.


    The computer aided design technique is an important development in computer applications and it is an important component of computer science. The special language for electronic circuit analysis is the foundation of computer aided design or computer aided circuit analysis (abbreviated as CACD and CACA) of simulated circuits. Electronic circuit analysis language (ECAL) is a comparatively simple and easy to use circuit analysis special language which uses the FORTRAN language to carry out the explanatory executions. It is capable of conducting dc analysis, ac analysis, and transient analysis of a circuit. Futhermore, the results of the dc analysis can be used directly as the initial conditions for the ac and transient analyses.

  1. Diode-quad bridge circuit means

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Harrison, D. R.; Dimeff, J. (Inventor)


    Diode-quad bridge circuit means is described for use as a transducer circuit or as a discriminator circuit. It includes: (1) a diode bridge having first, second, third, and fourth bridge terminals consecutively coupled together by four diodes polarized in circulating relationship; (2) a first impedance connected between the second bridge terminal and a circuit ground; (3) a second impedance connected between the fourth bridge terminal and the circuit ground; (4) a signal source having a first source terminal capacitively coupled to the first and third bridge terminals, and a second source terminal connected to the circuit ground; and (5) an output terminal coupled to the first bridge terminal and at which an output signal may be taken.

  2. Charge regulation circuit


    Ball, Don G.


    A charge regulation circuit provides regulation of an unregulated voltage supply in the range of 0.01%. The charge regulation circuit is utilized in a preferred embodiment in providing regulated voltage for controlling the operation of a laser.

  3. An Electronics Course Emphasizing Circuit Design

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bergeson, Haven E.


    Describes a one-quarter introductory electronics course in which the students use a variety of inexpensive integrated circuits to design and construct a large number of useful circuits. Presents the subject matter of the course in three parts: linear circuits, digital circuits, and more complex circuits. (GS)

  4. Electrical Circuits and Water Analogies

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smith, Frederick A.; Wilson, Jerry D.


    Briefly describes water analogies for electrical circuits and presents plans for the construction of apparatus to demonstrate these analogies. Demonstrations include series circuits, parallel circuits, and capacitors. (GS)

  5. Soldering Tool for Integrated Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Takahashi, Ted H.


    Many connections soldered simultaneously in confined spaces. Improved soldering tool bonds integrated circuits onto printed-circuit boards. Intended especially for use with so-called "leadless-carrier" integrated circuits.

  6. Ladder-Type Circuits Revisited

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yoon, Sung Hyun


    Ladder-type circuits where a given unit is repeated infinitely many times are dealt with in many textbooks on electromagnetism as examples of filter circuits. Determining the impedance of such circuits seems to be regarded as simple, which may be due to the fact that the invariance of the infinite system under the operation of adding one more unit…

  7. Maximum Acceleration Recording Circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bozeman, Richard J., Jr.


    Coarsely digitized maximum levels recorded in blown fuses. Circuit feeds power to accelerometer and makes nonvolatile record of maximum level to which output of accelerometer rises during measurement interval. In comparison with inertia-type single-preset-trip-point mechanical maximum-acceleration-recording devices, circuit weighs less, occupies less space, and records accelerations within narrower bands of uncertainty. In comparison with prior electronic data-acquisition systems designed for same purpose, circuit simpler, less bulky, consumes less power, costs and analysis of data recorded in magnetic or electronic memory devices. Circuit used, for example, to record accelerations to which commodities subjected during transportation on trucks.

  8. Four-junction superconducting circuit

    PubMed Central

    Qiu, Yueyin; Xiong, Wei; He, Xiao-Ling; Li, Tie-Fu; You, J. Q.


    We develop a theory for the quantum circuit consisting of a superconducting loop interrupted by four Josephson junctions and pierced by a magnetic flux (either static or time-dependent). In addition to the similarity with the typical three-junction flux qubit in the double-well regime, we demonstrate the difference of the four-junction circuit from its three-junction analogue, including its advantages over the latter. Moreover, the four-junction circuit in the single-well regime is also investigated. Our theory provides a tool to explore the physical properties of this four-junction superconducting circuit. PMID:27356619

  9. Brain stem hypoplasia associated with Cri-du-Chat syndrome.


    Hong, Jin Ho; Lee, Ha Young; Lim, Myung Kwan; Kim, Mi Young; Kang, Young Hye; Lee, Kyung Hee; Cho, Soon Gu


    Cri-du-Chat syndrome, also called the 5p-syndrome, is a rare genetic abnormality, and only few cases have been reported on its brain MRI findings. We describe the magnetic resonance imaging findings of a 1-year-old girl with Cri-du-Chat syndrome who showed brain stem hypoplasia, particularly in the pons, with normal cerebellum and diffuse hypoplasia of the cerebral hemispheres. We suggest that Cri-du-Chat syndrome chould be suspected in children with brain stem hypoplasia, particularly for those with high-pitched cries.

  10. Solid state remote circuit selector switch

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Peterson, V. S.


    Remote switching circuit utilizes voltage logic to switch on desired circuit. Circuit controls rotating multi-range pressure transducers in jet engine testing and can be used in coded remote circuit activator where sequence of switching has to occur in defined length of time to prevent false or undesired circuit activation.

  11. Vibration Damping Circuit Card Assembly

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hunt, Ronald Allen (Inventor)


    A vibration damping circuit card assembly includes a populated circuit card having a mass M. A closed metal container is coupled to a surface of the populated circuit card at approximately a geometric center of the populated circuit card. Tungsten balls fill approximately 90% of the metal container with a collective mass of the tungsten balls being approximately (0.07) M.

  12. 30 CFR 75.900 - Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving three-phase alternating current equipment; circuit...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ...-phase alternating current equipment; circuit breakers. 75.900 Section 75.900 Mineral Resources MINE... Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving three-phase alternating current equipment; circuit breakers. [Statutory Provisions] Low- and medium-voltage power circuits serving three-phase alternating current...



    Lees, G.W.; McCormick, E.D.


    A tripping circuit employing a magnetic amplifier for tripping a reactor in response to power level, period, or instrument failure is described. A reference winding and signal winding are wound in opposite directions on the core. Current from an ion chamber passes through both windings. If the current increases at too fast a rate, a shunt circuit bypasses one or the windings and the amplifier output reverses polarity. (AEC)

  14. Integrated coherent matter wave circuits


    Ryu, C.; Boshier, M. G.


    An integrated coherent matter wave circuit is a single device, analogous to an integrated optical circuit, in which coherent de Broglie waves are created and then launched into waveguides where they can be switched, divided, recombined, and detected as they propagate. Applications of such circuits include guided atom interferometers, atomtronic circuits, and precisely controlled delivery of atoms. We report experiments demonstrating integrated circuits for guided coherent matter waves. The circuit elements are created with the painted potential technique, a form of time-averaged optical dipole potential in which a rapidly moving, tightly focused laser beam exerts forces on atoms through theirmore » electric polarizability. Moreover, the source of coherent matter waves is a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC). Finally, we launch BECs into painted waveguides that guide them around bends and form switches, phase coherent beamsplitters, and closed circuits. These are the basic elements that are needed to engineer arbitrarily complex matter wave circuitry.« less

  15. Information non précise sur la taille du pénis en République Démocratique du Congo: à propos de 21 sources

    PubMed Central

    Mulenga, Philippe Cilundika; Kazadi, Alex Bukasa


    Introduction La taille du pénis constitue une préoccupation de beaucoup des gens actuellement et certains ne sont pas satisfaits de la dimension de leur pénis comme le montre l’étude de Tiggemann en 2008. Il existe relativement peu d'études sur le pénis en érection. Cela peut refléter les tabous culturels des chercheurs ou des médecins en interaction avec les hommes qui sont dans un état d’excitation sexuelle. Toutes fois, il est important pour les personnes qui annoncent des détails sur la taille du pénis d’annoncer d’abord les repères de la mesure du pénis puis ensuite donner les chiffres que proposent les chercheurs. Méthodes Notre enquête de type descriptif transversale s’est effectuée dans les deux grandes villes de la République Démocratique du Congo à savoir la ville de Kinshasa et la ville de Lubumbashi, pendant une période de deux ans soit de Mai 2014 à Mai 2016. Au total, 21 sources d’information ont constitué notre échantillon dont 8 à Kinshasa et 13 à Lubumbashi et nous avons trouvé cela suffisant car les sujets à caractère sexuel sont souvent rares chez nous. Les paramètres étudiés étaient: la nature de la source, la précision de la technique de la mesure, la présence de référence bibliographique, la longueur annoncée du pénis. Résultats La majorité des sources d’information sont faites des émissions de radio et de télévision (23,8%), ceci pourra s’expliquer par le fait que dans notre milieu il y a de plus en plus des chaines de radio et télévision et surtout dans les grandes villes. Concernant la précision de la technique de la mesure du pénis lors du partage du message sur la taille du pénis, l’étude nous montre que la majorité des sources d’information ne signale pas cela lorsqu’elles annoncent la taille du pénis au public soit 85,7%. Plusieurs sources ne déclarent pas les références bibliographiques (57,1%). Lorsqu’on regarde même les chiffres de la taille du p

  16. Liquid detection circuit


    Regan, Thomas O.


    Herein is a circuit which is capable of detecting the presence of liquids, especially cryogenic liquids, and whose sensor will not overheat in a vacuum. The circuit parameters, however, can be adjusted to work with any liquid over a wide range of temperatures.

  17. Amplifier improvement circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sturman, J.


    Stable input stage was designed for the use with a integrated circuit operational amplifier to provide improved performance as an instrumentation-type amplifier. The circuit provides high input impedance, stable gain, good common mode rejection, very low drift, and low output impedance.

  18. Cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe

    PubMed Central

    Azeddine, Lachkar; Aabach, Ahmed; Chouai, Mohamed; Elayoubi, Fahd; Ghailan, Mohamed Rachid


    Le cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe se définit comme une accumulation de kératine en regard d’une érosion osseuse de nature ostéitique. C’est une entité otologique rare ou peut diagnostiquée. Le but de notre travail est d’illustrer sur la base d’un cas un cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe. Il s’agit d’un patient âgé de 65 ans diabétique et hypertendu sous traitement, présentant depuis 3 mois une otalgie droite intense, insomniante, avec hypoacousie, otorrhée purulente minime et paralysie faciale droite grade V. Le diagnostic évoqué était dans un premier temps celui d’otite externe maligne. Il a été mis sous traitement antibiotique sans amélioration. L’examen otologique a trouvé une lésion ulcéro-bourgeonnante de la paroi postérieure du méat acoustique externe droit, une biopsie systématique de la lésion a été pratiquée et a conclu à un cholestéatome. Le patient a bénéficié d’une tympanoplastie en technique ouverte. Le cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe est rare, la symptomatologie clinique n’est pas spécifique, le scanner des rocher est d’un grand apport pour le diagnostic positif montrant un cratère osseux du méat acoustique externe. Le traitement dépend de l’extension des lésions allant des simples soins locaux à une tympanoplastie en technique ouverte. Le cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe peut revêtir plusieurs aspects, et prêter confusion avec d’autres pathologies du méat acoustique externe. PMID:28154624

  19. 30 CFR 77.506-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 77.506-1 Section 77.506-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY...-1 Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. Devices providing either short circuit protection or protection against overload shall conform to the...

  20. Cancer du sein au Maroc: profil phénotypique des tumeurs

    PubMed Central

    Khalil, Ahmadaye Ibrahim; Bendahhou, Karima; Mestaghanmi, Houriya; Saile, Rachid; Benider, Abdellatif


    Le cancer du sein est le plus fréquent chez la femme et figure parmi les principales causes de mortalité liées au cancer. La curabilité de ce type tumoral est en augmentation, grâce aux programmes de dépistage et aux progrès thérapeutiques, qui ont certes augmenté la survie des patients. Mais des défis restent à relever en rapport avec l’instabilité phénotypique des cellules cancéreuses. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier le profil phénotypique du cancer du sein chez les patients pris en charge au Centre Mohammed VI pour le traitement des Cancers, durant les années 2013-2014. Il s’agit d’une étude transversale sur deux années, incluant les cas du cancer du sein pris en charge au Centre. Le recueil des données était fait à partir des dossiers des patients et analysés par le logiciel Epi Info. 1277 patients ont été pris en charge au sein de notre centre. 99,5% des cas de sexe féminin, l’âge moyen était 50,20 ± 11,34 ans. Le type histologique le plus fréquent était le carcinome canalaire infiltrant (80,7% des cas). Le stade diagnostic était précoce (56,9%). Le phénotype moléculaire le plus fréquent était le luminal A (41,4% des cas). Le luminal B, le HER2 et les triples négatifs étaient dans respectivement 10,4%, 6,3%, 11,2% des cas. L’étude du phénotype tumoral des patients atteints du cancer du sein permet l’orientation du clinicien dans le choix du traitement, et des décideurs dans la planification de programmes de lutte contre cette pathologie. PMID:28292037

  1. Identification d'une loi thermo-élasto-viscoplastique en vue de la modélisation du laminage à chaud du cuivre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Moureaux, P.; Moto Mpong, S.; Remy, M.; Bouffioux, C.; Lecomte-Beckers, J.; Habraken, A. M.


    la mise au point d'un modèle de simulation de la dernière passe du laminage à chaud du cuivre ne présente à priori pas de problème du point de vue numérique pour un code d'éléments finis non linéaire. La collecte d'informations précises tant sur le procédé industriel que sur le comportement du matériau est par contre une opération non triviale. Cet article présente les diverses méthodes expérimentales mises en œuvre pour caractériser le matériau : essais de compression à chaud, mesures d'analyse thermique différentielle, essais de dilatométrie et de diffusivité. Les méthodes permettant d'identifier les paramètres de la loi élasto-visco-plastique de type Norton-Hoff à partir des essais sont présentées et une analyse bibliographique investigue le problème de la détermination du module de Young à haute température. Tant les hypothèses supplémentaires relatives au procédé et nécessaires au modèle que les résultats finaux sont résumés.

  2. 30 CFR 75.518-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 75.518-1 Section 75.518-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY... short circuit protection; minimum requirements. A device to provide either short circuit protection or...

  3. 30 CFR 75.900 - Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving three-phase alternating current equipment; circuit...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving three... STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Underground Low- and Medium-Voltage Alternating Current Circuits § 75.900 Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving three-phase alternating current equipment; circuit breakers...

  4. 30 CFR 75.900 - Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving three-phase alternating current equipment; circuit...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving three... STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Underground Low- and Medium-Voltage Alternating Current Circuits § 75.900 Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving three-phase alternating current equipment; circuit breakers...

  5. 30 CFR 75.900 - Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving three-phase alternating current equipment; circuit...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving three... STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Underground Low- and Medium-Voltage Alternating Current Circuits § 75.900 Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving three-phase alternating current equipment; circuit breakers...

  6. Reconfigurable Optical Directed-Logic Circuits

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AFRL-AFOSR-VA-TR-2016-0053 Reconfigurable Optical Directed-Logic Circuits Jacob Robinson WILLIAM MARSH RICE UNIV HOUSTON TX Final Report 11/20/2015...2015 Reconfigurable Optical Directed-Logic Circuits FA9550-12-1-0261 FA9550-12-1-0261 Robinson, Jacob Rice University 6100 Main Street Houston...Optical Directed-Logic Circuits Jacob T. Robinson and Qianfan Xu Rice University 1. Motivation for Directed-Logic Circuits Directed-logic is

  7. Power-Switching Circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Praver, Gerald A.; Theisinger, Peter C.; Genofsky, John


    Functions of circuit breakers, meters, and switches combined. Circuit that includes power field-effect transistors (PFET's) provides on/off switching, soft starting, current monitoring, current tripping, and protection against overcurrent for 30-Vdc power supply at normal load currents up to 2 A. Has no moving parts.

  8. Protective Socket For Integrated Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wilkinson, Chris; Henegar, Greg


    Socket for intergrated circuits (IC's) protects from excessive voltages and currents or from application of voltages and currents in wrong sequence during insertion or removal. Contains built-in switch that opens as IC removed, disconnecting leads from signals and power. Also protects other components on circuit board from transients produced by insertion and removal of IC. Makes unnecessary to turn off power to entire circuit board so other circuits on board continue to function.

  9. Properties, use and health effects of depleted uranium (DU): a general overview.


    Bleise, A; Danesi, P R; Burkart, W


    Depleted uranium (DU), a waste product of uranium enrichment, has several civilian and military applications. It was used as armor-piercing ammunition in international military conflicts and was claimed to contribute to health problems, known as the Gulf War Syndrome and recently as the Balkan Syndrome. This led to renewed efforts to assess the environmental consequences and the health impact of the use of DU. The radiological and chemical properties of DU can be compared to those of natural uranium, which is ubiquitously present in soil at a typical concentration of 3 mg/kg. Natural uranium has the same chemotoxicity, but its radiotoxicity is 60% higher. Due to the low specific radioactivity and the dominance of alpha-radiation no acute risk is attributed to external exposure to DU. The major risk is DU dust, generated when DU ammunition hits hard targets. Depending on aerosol speciation, inhalation may lead to a protracted exposure of the lung and other organs. After deposition on the ground, resuspension can take place if the DU containing particle size is sufficiently small. However, transfer to drinking water or locally produced food has little potential to lead to significant exposures to DU. Since poor solubility of uranium compounds and lack of information on speciation precludes the use of radioecological models for exposure assessment, biomonitoring has to be used for assessing exposed persons. Urine, feces, hair and nails record recent exposures to DU. With the exception of crews of military vehicles having been hit by DU penetrators, no body burdens above the range of values for natural uranium have been found. Therefore, observable health effects are not expected and residual cancer risk estimates have to be based on theoretical considerations. They appear to be very minor for all post-conflict situations, i.e. a fraction of those expected from natural radiation.

  10. Submicrosecond Power-Switching Test Circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Folk, Eric N.


    A circuit that changes an electrical load in a switching time shorter than 0.3 microsecond has been devised. This circuit can be used in testing the regulation characteristics of power-supply circuits . especially switching power-converter circuits that are supposed to be able to provide acceptably high degrees of regulation in response to rapid load transients. The combination of this power-switching circuit and a known passive constant load could be an attractive alternative to a typical commercially available load-bank circuit that can be made to operate in nominal constant-voltage, constant-current, and constant-resistance modes. The switching provided by a typical commercial load-bank circuit in the constant-resistance mode is not fast enough for testing of regulation in response to load transients. Moreover, some test engineers do not trust the test results obtained when using commercial load-bank circuits because the dynamic responses of those circuits are, variously, partly unknown and/or excessively complex. In contrast, the combination of this circuit and a passive constant load offers both rapid switching and known (or at least better known) load dynamics. The power-switching circuit (see figure) includes a signal-input section, a wide-hysteresis Schmitt trigger that prevents false triggering in the event of switch-contact bounce, a dual-bipolar-transistor power stage that drives the gate of a metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), and the MOSFET, which is the output device that performs the switching of the load. The MOSFET in the specific version of the circuit shown in the figure is rated to stand off a potential of 100 V in the "off" state and to pass a current of 20 A in the "on" state. The switching time of this circuit (the characteristic time of rise or fall of the potential at the drain of the MOSFET) is .300 ns. The circuit can accept any of three control inputs . which one depending on the test that one seeks to perform: a

  11. Electroshock protection circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Heskett, H.; Meincer, J.; Inglis, A. L.


    Circuit was developed to prevent accidental shock through electrodes used to test subjects as part of Skylab program. This circuit is placed between electrical apparatus and electrode that is attached to patient's body. Thus, patient is effectively protected from dangerous electrical shock that might be caused by failure in electrical apparatus.

  12. Methods of fabricating applique circuits


    Dimos, Duane B.; Garino, Terry J.


    Applique circuits suitable for advanced packaging applications are introduced. These structures are particularly suited for the simple integration of large amounts (many nanoFarads) of capacitance into conventional integrated circuit and multichip packaging technology. In operation, applique circuits are bonded to the integrated circuit or other appropriate structure at the point where the capacitance is required, thereby minimizing the effects of parasitic coupling. An immediate application is to problems of noise reduction and control in modern high-frequency circuitry.

  13. La prise en charge des troubles de santé mentale par les omnipraticiens du Québec

    PubMed Central

    Fleury, Marie-Josée; Farand, Lambert; Aubé, Denise; Imboua, Armelle


    Résumé Objectif Cette recherche vise à documenter la prise en charge des troubles mentaux (TM) par les omnipraticiens. Type d’étude Il s’agit d’une étude mixte intégrant un questionnaire auto-administré et des entrevues qualitatives. La banque de données administratives des actes médicaux de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec a aussi été analysée. Contexte La province de Québec. Participants Un total de 1415 omnipraticiens de différents lieux de pratiques ont été sollicités pour le questionnaire; 970 ont été rejoints. Un sous-groupe de 60 omnipraticiens a été rejoint pour les entrevues. Principaux paramètres à l'étude La prévalence annuelle des consultations reliées à des TM courants (TMC) ou graves (TMG), les pratiques cliniques, les pratiques de collaboration, les facteurs facilitant ou entravant la prise en charge des TM, ainsi que les recommandations pour l’amélioration du système de soins. Résultats Le taux de réponse a été de 41% (n = 398 omnipraticiens) pour le questionnaire et de 63% (n = 60) pour les entrevues. Environ 25 % des visites chez les omnipraticiens sont associées à des TM. Presque tous les omnipraticiens prennent en charge des TMC et se sentent compétents pour le faire, à l’inverse de la situation retrouvée pour les TMG. Près de 20 % des TMC sont référés (principalement à des intervenants psychosociaux), alors que près de 75 % des TMG sont référés (surtout en psychiatrie et à l’urgence). Plus de 50 % des omnipraticiens affirment n’entretenir aucun contact avec l’une ou l’autre des ressources de santé mentale. Plusieurs facteurs influencent la prise en charge des TM: les profils des patients (complexité des TM, troubles concomitants); les caractéristiques des omnipraticiens (réseau informel, formation); la culture professionnelle (travail en silo, mécanismes cliniques formalisés); le milieu institutionnel (multidisciplinarité, salariat); l’organisation des

  14. Integrated circuit cooled turbine blade

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lee, Ching-Pang; Jiang, Nan; Um, Jae Y.

    A turbine rotor blade includes at least two integrated cooling circuits that are formed within the blade that include a leading edge circuit having a first cavity and a second cavity and a trailing edge circuit that includes at least a third cavity located aft of the second cavity. The trailing edge circuit flows aft with at least two substantially 180-degree turns at the tip end and the root end of the blade providing at least a penultimate cavity and a last cavity. The last cavity is located along a trailing edge of the blade. A tip axial cooling channelmore » connects to the first cavity of the leading edge circuit and the penultimate cavity of the trailing edge circuit. At least one crossover hole connects the penultimate cavity to the last cavity substantially near the tip end of the blade.« less

  15. Automated Design of Quantum Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Williams, Colin P.; Gray, Alexander G.


    In order to design a quantum circuit that performs a desired quantum computation, it is necessary to find a decomposition of the unitary matrix that represents that computation in terms of a sequence of quantum gate operations. To date, such designs have either been found by hand or by exhaustive enumeration of all possible circuit topologies. In this paper we propose an automated approach to quantum circuit design using search heuristics based on principles abstracted from evolutionary genetics, i.e. using a genetic programming algorithm adapted specially for this problem. We demonstrate the method on the task of discovering quantum circuit designs for quantum teleportation. We show that to find a given known circuit design (one which was hand-crafted by a human), the method considers roughly an order of magnitude fewer designs than naive enumeration. In addition, the method finds novel circuit designs superior to those previously known.

  16. Discordance gradient-surface dans le rétrécissement mitral: le gradient moyen transmitral est-il un critère de sévérité ou un indice de tolérance du rétrécissement mitral serré?

    PubMed Central

    Najih, Hayat; Arous, Salim; Laarje, Aziza; Baghdadi, Dalila; Benouna, Mohamed Ghali; Azzouzi, Leila; Habbal, Rachida


    Le rétrécissement mitral (RM) rhumatismal demeure une valvulopathie fréquente dans les pays en voie de développement. Cependant, les pays industrialisés ont vu l'émergence ces dernières années de nouvelles étiologies de RM; notamment l'origine médicamenteuse et/ou toxique responsable de valvulopathies restrictives aussi bien sténosantes que régurgitantes. Pour cette raison, l'évaluation échocardiographique du RM et surtout, la définition de critères objectifs pour conclure au caractère serré du RM reste toujours d'actualité. Les objectifs du travail sont: évaluer l'existence ou non d'une corrélation directe entre le gradient moyen transmitral (GMT) et la sévérité du RM chez les patients porteurs d'un RM serré ou très serré (critère primaire) et analyser les différents paramètres qui conditionnent le gradient moyen transmitral (GMT) (Critère secondaire). Il s'agit d'une étude transversale monocentrique incluant tous les patients admis au service de Cardiologie du CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca pour un RM serré ou très serré, sur une période d'une année (Janvier 2014 à Décembre 2014). Nous avons analysés séparément deux groupes de patients : ceux avec un gradient moyen transmitral<10 mmHg (groupe 1) et ceux avec un gradient>10mmHg (groupe2). 50 patients porteurs d'un RM serré ou très serré ont été inclus. L'âge moyen de nos patients est de 41,7 ans avec prédominance féminine (sex ratio: 0,25). 64% de nos patients avaient un RM serré et 36% avaient un RM très serré. 52% (26 patients) avaient un GMT <10mmHg et 48% (24 patients) avaient un gradient moyen >10mmHg, ce qui suggère l'absence de corrélation directe entre la sévérité du RM et le GMT (coefficient de Pearson R: -0,137). Pour la dyspnée, 80% des patients du groupe 1 étaient dyspnéiques stade II de la NYHA et 70% des patients du groupe 2 étaient dyspnéiques stade III (41%) ou IV (29%) de la NYHA, ce qui signifie l'existence d'une corr

  17. Digital model of a vacuum circuit breaker for the analysis of switching waveforms in electrical circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Budzisz, Joanna; Wróblewski, Zbigniew


    The article presents a method of modelling a vaccum circuit breaker in the ATP/EMTP package, the results of the verification of the correctness of the developed digital circuit breaker model operation and its practical usefulness for analysis of overvoltages and overcurrents occurring in commutated capacitive electrical circuits and also examples of digital simulations of overvoltages and overcurrents in selected electrical circuits.

  18. 49 CFR 236.303 - Control circuits for signals, selection through circuit controller operated by switch points or...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... circuit controller operated by switch points or by switch locking mechanism. 236.303 Section 236.303... § 236.303 Control circuits for signals, selection through circuit controller operated by switch points or by switch locking mechanism. The control circuit for each aspect with indication more favorable...

  19. 49 CFR 236.303 - Control circuits for signals, selection through circuit controller operated by switch points or...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... circuit controller operated by switch points or by switch locking mechanism. 236.303 Section 236.303... § 236.303 Control circuits for signals, selection through circuit controller operated by switch points or by switch locking mechanism. The control circuit for each aspect with indication more favorable...

  20. 49 CFR 236.303 - Control circuits for signals, selection through circuit controller operated by switch points or...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... circuit controller operated by switch points or by switch locking mechanism. 236.303 Section 236.303... § 236.303 Control circuits for signals, selection through circuit controller operated by switch points or by switch locking mechanism. The control circuit for each aspect with indication more favorable...

  1. 49 CFR 236.303 - Control circuits for signals, selection through circuit controller operated by switch points or...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... circuit controller operated by switch points or by switch locking mechanism. 236.303 Section 236.303... § 236.303 Control circuits for signals, selection through circuit controller operated by switch points or by switch locking mechanism. The control circuit for each aspect with indication more favorable...

  2. 49 CFR 236.303 - Control circuits for signals, selection through circuit controller operated by switch points or...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... circuit controller operated by switch points or by switch locking mechanism. 236.303 Section 236.303... § 236.303 Control circuits for signals, selection through circuit controller operated by switch points or by switch locking mechanism. The control circuit for each aspect with indication more favorable...

  3. Microfluidic Serial Dilution Circuit

    PubMed Central

    Paegel, Brian M.; Grover, William H.; Skelley, Alison M.; Mathies, Richard A.; Joyce, Gerald F.


    In vitro evolution of RNA molecules requires a method for executing many consecutive serial dilutions. To solve this problem, a microfluidic circuit has been fabricated in a three-layer glass-PDMS-glass device. The 400-nL serial dilution circuit contains five integrated membrane valves: three two-way valves arranged in a loop to drive cyclic mixing of the diluent and carryover, and two bus valves to control fluidic access to the circuit through input and output channels. By varying the valve placement in the circuit, carryover fractions from 0.04 to 0.2 were obtained. Each dilution process, which is comprised of a diluent flush cycle followed by a mixing cycle, is carried out with no pipeting, and a sample volume of 400 nL is sufficient for conducting an arbitrary number of serial dilutions. Mixing is precisely controlled by changing the cyclic pumping rate, with a minimum mixing time of 22 s. This microfluidic circuit is generally applicable for integrating automated serial dilution and sample preparation in almost any microfluidic architecture. PMID:17073422

  4. Annealing of (DU-10Mo)-Zr Co-Rolled Foils

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pacheco, Robin Montoya; Alexander, David John; Mccabe, Rodney James


    Producing uranium-10wt% molybdenum (DU-10Mo) foils to clad with Al first requires initial bonding of the DU-10Mo foil to zirconium (Zr) by hot rolling, followed by cold rolling to final thickness. Rolling often produces wavy (DU-10Mo)-Zr foils that should be flattened before further processing, as any distortions could affect the final alignment and bonding of the Al cladding to the Zr co-rolled surface layer; this bonding is achieved by a hot isostatic pressing (HIP) process. Distortions in the (DU-10Mo)-Zr foil may cause the fuel foil to press against the Al cladding and thus create thinner or thicker areas in the Almore » cladding layer during the HIP cycle. Post machining is difficult and risky at this stage in the process since there is a chance of hitting the DU-10Mo. Therefore, it is very important to establish a process to flatten and remove any waviness. This study was conducted to determine if a simple annealing treatment could flatten wavy foils. Using the same starting material (i.e. DU-10Mo coupons of the same thickness), five different levels of hot rolling and cold rolling, combined with five different annealing treatments, were performed to determine the effect of these processing variables on flatness, bonding of layers, annealing response, microstructure, and hardness. The same final thickness was reached in all cases. Micrographs, textures, and hardness measurements were obtained for the various processing combinations. Based on these results, it was concluded that annealing at 650°C or higher is an effective treatment to appreciably reduce foil waviness.« less

  5. 46 CFR 169.670 - Circuit breakers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Gross Tons § 169.670 Circuit breakers. Each circuit breaker must be of the manually reset type designed for— (a) Inverse time delay; (b) Instantaneous short circuit protection; and (c) Repeated opening of... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Circuit breakers. 169.670 Section 169.670 Shipping COAST...

  6. Integrated circuits, and design and manufacture thereof


    Auracher, Stefan; Pribbernow, Claus; Hils, Andreas


    A representation of a macro for an integrated circuit layout. The representation may define sub-circuit cells of a module. The module may have a predefined functionality. The sub-circuit cells may include at least one reusable circuit cell. The reusable circuit cell may be configured such that when the predefined functionality of the module is not used, the reusable circuit cell is available for re-use.

  7. Magnetic compression laser driving circuit


    Ball, D.G.; Birx, D.; Cook, E.G.


    A magnetic compression laser driving circuit is disclosed. The magnetic compression laser driving circuit compresses voltage pulses in the range of 1.5 microseconds at 20 kilovolts of amplitude to pulses in the range of 40 nanoseconds and 60 kilovolts of amplitude. The magnetic compression laser driving circuit includes a multi-stage magnetic switch where the last stage includes a switch having at least two turns which has larger saturated inductance with less core material so that the efficiency of the circuit and hence the laser is increased.

  8. Magnetic compression laser driving circuit


    Ball, Don G.; Birx, Dan; Cook, Edward G.


    A magnetic compression laser driving circuit is disclosed. The magnetic compression laser driving circuit compresses voltage pulses in the range of 1.5 microseconds at 20 Kilovolts of amplitude to pulses in the range of 40 nanoseconds and 60 Kilovolts of amplitude. The magnetic compression laser driving circuit includes a multi-stage magnetic switch where the last stage includes a switch having at least two turns which has larger saturated inductance with less core material so that the efficiency of the circuit and hence the laser is increased.

  9. High voltage MOSFET switching circuit


    McEwan, Thomas E.


    The problem of source lead inductance in a MOSFET switching circuit is compensated for by adding an inductor to the gate circuit. The gate circuit inductor produces an inductive spike which counters the source lead inductive drop to produce a rectangular drive voltage waveform at the internal gate-source terminals of the MOSFET.

  10. An alternative for cost-effective remediation of depleted uranium (DU) at certain environmental restoration sites.


    Miller, M; Galloway, B; VanDerpoel, G; Johnson, E; Copland, J; Salazar, M


    Numerous sites in the United States and around the world are contaminated with depleted uranium (DU) in various forms. A prevalent form is fragmented DU originating from various scientific tests involving high explosives and DU during weapon development programs, at firing practice ranges, or war theaters where DU was used in armor-piercing projectiles. The contamination at these sites is typically very heterogeneous, with discreet, visually identifiable DU fragments mixed with native soil. That is, the bulk-averaged DU activity is quite low, while specific DU fragments, which are distinct from the soil matrix, have much higher specific activity. DU is best known as a dark, black metal that is nearly twice as dense as lead, but DU in the environment readily weathers (oxidizes) to a distinctive bright yellow color that is readily visible. While the specific activity (amount of radioactivity per mass of soil) of DU is relatively low and presents only a minor radiological hazard, the fact that it is radioactive and visually identifiable makes it desirable to remove the DU "contamination" from the environment. The typical approach to conducting this DU remediation is to use radiation detection instruments to identify the contaminant and separate it from the adjacent soil, packaging it for disposal as radioactive waste. This process can be performed manually or by specialized, automated equipment. Alternatively, in certain situations a more cost-effective approach might be simple mechanical or gravimetric separation of the DU fragments from the host soil matrix. At SNL/NM, both the automated and simple mechanical approaches have recently been employed. This paper discusses the pros/cons of the two approaches.

  11. Difference-Equation/Flow-Graph Circuit Analysis

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mcvey, I. M.


    Numerical technique enables rapid, approximate analyses of electronic circuits containing linear and nonlinear elements. Practiced in variety of computer languages on large and small computers; for circuits simple enough, programmable hand calculators used. Although some combinations of circuit elements make numerical solutions diverge, enables quick identification of divergence and correction of circuit models to make solutions converge.

  12. Bypassing An Open-Circuit Power Cell

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wannemacher, Harry E.


    Collection of bypass circuits enables battery consisting series string of cells to continue to function when one of its cells fails in open-circuit (high-resistance) condition. Basic idea simply to shunt current around defective cell to prevent open circuit from turning off battery altogether. Bypass circuits dissipate little power and are nearly immune to false activation.

  13. W.E.B. DuBois and the Concepts of Race and Class.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Green, Dan S.; Smith, Earl


    Summarizes and analyzes W.E.B. DuBois's publications on race and class, particularly as he observed the relationships between White and Black Americans from about 1890 to the 1960s. Contends that DuBois's work has been seriously underrated and cites William J. Wilson's work as corroborating and extending DuBois's theories. (CJM)

  14. Graphene radio frequency receiver integrated circuit.


    Han, Shu-Jen; Garcia, Alberto Valdes; Oida, Satoshi; Jenkins, Keith A; Haensch, Wilfried


    Graphene has attracted much interest as a future channel material in radio frequency electronics because of its superior electrical properties. Fabrication of a graphene integrated circuit without significantly degrading transistor performance has proven to be challenging, posing one of the major bottlenecks to compete with existing technologies. Here we present a fabrication method fully preserving graphene transistor quality, demonstrated with the implementation of a high-performance three-stage graphene integrated circuit. The circuit operates as a radio frequency receiver performing signal amplification, filtering and downconversion mixing. All circuit components are integrated into 0.6 mm(2) area and fabricated on 200 mm silicon wafers, showing the unprecedented graphene circuit complexity and silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor process compatibility. The demonstrated circuit performance allow us to use graphene integrated circuit to perform practical wireless communication functions, receiving and restoring digital text transmitted on a 4.3-GHz carrier signal.

  15. Graphene radio frequency receiver integrated circuit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Han, Shu-Jen; Garcia, Alberto Valdes; Oida, Satoshi; Jenkins, Keith A.; Haensch, Wilfried


    Graphene has attracted much interest as a future channel material in radio frequency electronics because of its superior electrical properties. Fabrication of a graphene integrated circuit without significantly degrading transistor performance has proven to be challenging, posing one of the major bottlenecks to compete with existing technologies. Here we present a fabrication method fully preserving graphene transistor quality, demonstrated with the implementation of a high-performance three-stage graphene integrated circuit. The circuit operates as a radio frequency receiver performing signal amplification, filtering and downconversion mixing. All circuit components are integrated into 0.6 mm2 area and fabricated on 200 mm silicon wafers, showing the unprecedented graphene circuit complexity and silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor process compatibility. The demonstrated circuit performance allow us to use graphene integrated circuit to perform practical wireless communication functions, receiving and restoring digital text transmitted on a 4.3-GHz carrier signal.

  16. Sustainable growth, the DuPont way.


    Holliday, C


    Like many manufacturers, DuPont traditionally has grown by making more and more "stuff." And its business growth has been proportional to the amount of raw materials and energy used--as well as the resulting waste and emissions from operations. Over the years, though, DuPont became aware that cheap supplies of nonrenewable resources wouldn't be endlessly available and that the earth's ecosystems couldn't indefinitely absorb the waste and emissions of production and consumption. Chad Holliday, chairman and CEO of DuPont, believes strongly in the challenge of sustainable growth and makes the business case for it: By using creativity and scientific knowledge effectively, he says, companies can provide strong returns for shareholders and grow their businesses--while also meeting the human needs of societies around the world and reducing the environmental footprint of their operations and products. In fact, a focus on sustainability can help identify new products, markets, partnerships, and intellectual property and lead to substantial business growth. Holliday describes how DuPont developed a three-pronged strategy to translate the concept of sustainability into nuts-and-bolts business practices. Focusing on integrated science, knowledge intensity, and productivity improvement, the strategy was accompanied by a new way to measure progress quantitatively. Sustainable growth should be viewed not as a program for stepped-up environmental performance but as a comprehensive way of doing business, one that delivers tremendous economic value and opens up new opportunities. Ultimately, companies will find that they can generate substantial business value through sustainability while both enhancing the quality of life around the world and protecting the environment.



    Chase, R.L.


    An electronic fast multiplier circuit utilizing a transistor controlled voltage divider network is presented. The multiplier includes a stepped potentiometer in which solid state or transistor switches are substituted for mechanical wipers in order to obtain electronic switching that is extremely fast as compared to the usual servo-driven mechanical wipers. While this multiplier circuit operates as an approximation and in steps to obtain a voltage that is the product of two input voltages, any desired degree of accuracy can be obtained with the proper number of increments and adjustment of parameters. (AEC)

  18. Trigger Circuit.

    DTIC Science & Technology

    A wire of Nitinol can be stretched up to a given amount and will remain in this stretched state until heated to a critical temperature. When heated...circuit of this invention provides a current pulse for the required time period to heat the Nitinol wire to its critical temperature to thereby restore the...wire to its original length. The circuit includes a high power transistor which is gated on for a controlled time to provide the required power to heat the Nitinol wire to its critical temperature. (Author)

  19. High voltage MOSFET switching circuit


    McEwan, T.E.


    The problem of source lead inductance in a MOSFET switching circuit is compensated for by adding an inductor to the gate circuit. The gate circuit inductor produces an inductive spike which counters the source lead inductive drop to produce a rectangular drive voltage waveform at the internal gate-source terminals of the MOSFET. 2 figs.

  20. 49 CFR 234.269 - Cut-out circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Cut-out circuits. 234.269 Section 234.269..., Inspection, and Testing Inspections and Tests § 234.269 Cut-out circuits. Each cut-out circuit shall be... of this section, a cut-out circuit is any circuit which overrides the operation of automatic warning...

  1. 49 CFR 234.269 - Cut-out circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cut-out circuits. 234.269 Section 234.269..., Inspection, and Testing Inspections and Tests § 234.269 Cut-out circuits. Each cut-out circuit shall be... of this section, a cut-out circuit is any circuit which overrides the operation of automatic warning...

  2. Tunable circuit for tunable capacitor devices


    Rivkina, Tatiana; Ginley, David S.


    A tunable circuit (10) for a capacitively tunable capacitor device (12) is provided. The tunable circuit (10) comprises a tunable circuit element (14) and a non-tunable dielectric element (16) coupled to the tunable circuit element (16). A tunable capacitor device (12) and a method for increasing the figure of merit in a tunable capacitor device (12) are also provided.

  3. Lambeaux autofermants pour le traitement des brulures electriques du scalp par haut voltage

    PubMed Central

    Hafidi, J.; El Mazouz, S.; El Mejatti, H.; Fejjal, N.; Gharib, N.E.; Abbassi, A.; Belmahi, A.M.


    Summary Les brûlures électriques par haut voltage sont responsables de gros dégâts tissulaires en immédiat et dans les jours suivant l’accident du fait de la chaleur importante dégagée par effet joule et de la thrombose microvasculaire évolutive. Les pertes de substances du scalp secondaires à ces brûlures nécessitent une couverture par lambeaux vu la destruction du périoste et du calvarium en regard. De juin 1997 à juin 2008, 15 patients ont été traités pour des pertes de substance du scalp secondaires à des brûlures électriques par haut voltage de diamètre allant de 8 à 11 cm et siégeant dans la région tonsurale. Ces patients ont été opérés dans la première semaine suivant l’accident. Les pertes de substance du scalp de taille moyenne secondaires à ces brûlures peuvent être couvertes per primam de façon fiable par des lambeaux locaux axialisés et multiples. Nous relatons l’expérience du Service de Chirurgie Plastique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn-Sina, Rabat, Maroc, dans la gestion et la prise en charge de ces brûlures. PMID:22262963



    Roberts, J.H.


    A differential fault sensing circuit is designed for detecting arcing in high-voltage vacuum tubes arranged in parallel. A circuit is provided which senses differences in voltages appearing between corresponding elements likely to fault. Sensitivity of the circuit is adjusted to some level above which arcing will cause detectable differences in voltage. For particular corresponding elements, a group of pulse transformers are connected in parallel with diodes connected across the secondaries thereof so that only voltage excursions are transmitted to a thyratron which is biased to the sensitivity level mentioned.

  5. Gallium Arsenide Domino Circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Yang, Long; Long, Stephen I.


    Advantages include reduced power and high speed. Experimental gallium arsenide field-effect-transistor (FET) domino circuit replicated in large numbers for use in dynamic-logic systems. Name of circuit denotes mode of operation, which logic signals propagate from each stage to next when successive stages operated at slightly staggered clock cycles, in manner reminiscent of dominoes falling in a row. Building block of domino circuit includes input, inverter, and level-shifting substages. Combinational logic executed in input substage. During low half of clock cycle, result of logic operation transmitted to following stage.

  6. Survie au cancer du sein à Rabat (Maroc) 2005-2008

    PubMed Central

    Mechita, Nada Bennani; Tazi, Mohammed Adnane; Er-Raki, Abdelouahed; Mrabet, Mustapha; Saadi, Asma; Benjaafar, Noureddine; Razine, Rachid


    Introduction Le cancer du sein représente un problème de santé publique au Maroc. L’objectif de ce travail était d’estimer le taux de survie au cancer du sein chez les patientes habitant la ville de Rabat. Méthodes Etude pronostique réalisée chez les patientes diagnostiquées pour cancer du sein de 2005 à 2008, habitant la ville de Rabat et enregistrées au registre des cancers de Rabat. La date d’inclusion dans l’étude correspondait à la date de confirmation histologique du cancer. L’estimation de la survie a été réalisée par la méthode de Kaplan Meier, et la comparaison entre les différentes classes d’une variable a été réalisée par le test de log rank. L’étude des facteurs associés à la survie a été effectuée par le modèle de Cox. Résultats Durant la période d’étude 628 cas de cancer du sein ont été collectés. Le pourcentage de décès était de 19,9%. La survie globale à un an était de 97,1%, elle était de 89,2% à 3 ans et de 80,6 % à 5 ans. En analyse multivariée la survie au cancer du sein était statistiquement moins bonne chez les patientes âgées de plus de 70 ans (p<0,001), ayantune grande taille de tumeur (p<0,001), un stade avancé d’adénopathies (p=0,007), présentant des métastases (p<0,001) et non traitées par hormonothérapie (p=0,002). Conclusion Une grande taille de la tumeur et la présence de métastases sont des facteurs de mauvais pronostic du cancer du sein d’où la nécessité de renforcer les programmes de dépistage. PMID:28292106

  7. Probabilistic switching circuits in DNA

    PubMed Central

    Wilhelm, Daniel; Bruck, Jehoshua


    A natural feature of molecular systems is their inherent stochastic behavior. A fundamental challenge related to the programming of molecular information processing systems is to develop a circuit architecture that controls the stochastic states of individual molecular events. Here we present a systematic implementation of probabilistic switching circuits, using DNA strand displacement reactions. Exploiting the intrinsic stochasticity of molecular interactions, we developed a simple, unbiased DNA switch: An input signal strand binds to the switch and releases an output signal strand with probability one-half. Using this unbiased switch as a molecular building block, we designed DNA circuits that convert an input signal to an output signal with any desired probability. Further, this probability can be switched between 2n different values by simply varying the presence or absence of n distinct DNA molecules. We demonstrated several DNA circuits that have multiple layers and feedback, including a circuit that converts an input strand to an output strand with eight different probabilities, controlled by the combination of three DNA molecules. These circuits combine the advantages of digital and analog computation: They allow a small number of distinct input molecules to control a diverse signal range of output molecules, while keeping the inputs robust to noise and the outputs at precise values. Moreover, arbitrarily complex circuit behaviors can be implemented with just a single type of molecular building block. PMID:29339484

  8. Driver circuit for solid state light sources


    Palmer, Fred; Denvir, Kerry; Allen, Steven


    A driver circuit for a light source including one or more solid state light sources, a luminaire including the same, and a method of so driving the solid state light sources are provided. The driver circuit includes a rectifier circuit that receives an alternating current (AC) input voltage and provides a rectified AC voltage. The driver circuit also includes a switching converter circuit coupled to the light source. The switching converter circuit provides a direct current (DC) output to the light source in response to the rectified AC voltage. The driver circuit also includes a mixing circuit, coupled to the light source, to switch current through at least one solid state light source of the light source in response to each of a plurality of consecutive half-waves of the rectified AC voltage.

  9. Quantum mechanical settings inspired by RLC circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alicata, G.; Bagarello, F.; Gargano, F.; Spagnolo, S.


    In some recent papers, several authors used electronic circuits to construct loss and gain systems. This is particularly interesting in the context of PT-quantum mechanics, where this kind of effects appears quite naturally. The electronic circuits used so far are simple, but not so much. Surprisingly enough, a rather trivial RLC circuit can be analyzed with the same perspective and it produces a variety of unexpected results, both from a mathematical and on a physical side. In this paper, we show that this circuit produces two biorthogonal bases associated with the Liouville matrix L used in the treatment of its dynamics, with a biorthogonality which is linked to the value of the parameters of the circuit. We also show that the related loss RLC circuit is naturally associated with a gain RLC circuit and that the relation between the two is rather naturally encoded in L . We propose a pseudo-fermionic analysis of the circuit, and we introduce the notion of m-equivalence between electronic circuits.

  10. Audio distribution and Monitoring Circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kirkland, J. M.


    Versatile circuit accepts and distributes TV audio signals. Three-meter audio distribution and monitoring circuit provides flexibility in monitoring, mixing, and distributing audio inputs and outputs at various signal and impedance levels. Program material is simultaneously monitored on three channels, or single-channel version built to monitor transmitted or received signal levels, drive speakers, interface to building communications, and drive long-line circuits.

  11. DU Processing Efficiency and Reclamation: Plasma Arc Melting

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Imhoff, Seth D.; Aikin, Jr., Robert M.; Swenson, Hunter

    The work described here corresponds to one piece of a larger effort to increase material usage efficiency during DU processing operations. In order to achieve this goal, multiple technologies and approaches are being tested. These technologies occupy a spectrum of technology readiness levels (TRLs). Plasma arc melting (PAM) is one of the technologies being investigated. PAM utilizes a high temperature plasma to melt materials. Depending on process conditions, there are potential opportunities for recycling and material reclamation. When last routinely operational, the LANL research PAM showed extremely promising results for recycling and reclamation of DU and DU alloys. The currentmore » TRL is lower due to machine idleness for nearly two decades, which has proved difficult to restart. This report describes the existing results, promising techniques, and the process of bringing this technology back to readiness at LANL.« less

  12. Power system with an integrated lubrication circuit


    Hoff, Brian D [East Peoria, IL; Akasam, Sivaprasad [Peoria, IL; Algrain, Marcelo C [Peoria, IL; Johnson, Kris W [Washington, IL; Lane, William H [Chillicothe, IL


    A power system includes an engine having a first lubrication circuit and at least one auxiliary power unit having a second lubrication circuit. The first lubrication circuit is in fluid communication with the second lubrication circuit.

  13. Circuit with a Switch for Charging a Battery in a Battery Capacitor Circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Stuart, Thomas A. (Inventor); Ashtiani, Cyrus N. (Inventor)


    A circuit for charging a battery combined with a capacitor includes a power supply adapted to be connected to the capacitor, and the battery. The circuit includes an electronic switch connected to the power supply. The electronic switch is responsive to switch between a conducting state to allow current and a non-conducting state to prevent current flow. The circuit includes a control device connected to the switch and is operable to generate a control signal to continuously switch the electronic switch between the conducting and non-conducting states to charge the battery.

  14. A Global Circuit Diagram to Contrast the Behavior of the DC and AC Global Circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Williams, E.; Boldi, R. A.; Markson, R. J.


    The Earth-ionosphere cavity is home to both the classical DC and the AC (Schumann resonances) global circuits. The predominant source for the AC global circuit is lightning, but the sources for the DC global circuit source remains controversial. Separate measurements over many years have shown that the amplitude variation of global lightning and the AC global circuit is about twice that of the DC global circuit on both the diurnal and annual time scales. A global diagram is used to shed further light on this result and to explore the co-variation of the two global circuits. Actual measurements of the ionospheric potential (Vi) are plotted against the simultaneous global lightning flash rate F. The latter estimates are drawn from a global climatology of LIS/OTD satellite observations (Cecil et al., 2014) giving flash rate as a function of both Day of Year and UT time, and are used as best guesses for F at the time of the Vi observations. A least-squares linear fit through the data points on this diagram show a zero-flash-rate intercept for Vi that is more than half of the mean Vi ( 250 kV). This result suggests that electrified shower clouds (without lightning), possibly supplemented by convective transport of positive space charge in the marine boundary layer, are playing a greater role in driving the DC global circuit than previously suspected.

  15. Demultiplexer circuit for neural stimulation


    Wessendorf, Kurt O; Okandan, Murat; Pearson, Sean


    A demultiplexer circuit is disclosed which can be used with a conventional neural stimulator to extend the number of electrodes which can be activated. The demultiplexer circuit, which is formed on a semiconductor substrate containing a power supply that provides all the dc electrical power for operation of the circuit, includes digital latches that receive and store addressing information from the neural stimulator one bit at a time. This addressing information is used to program one or more 1:2.sup.N demultiplexers in the demultiplexer circuit which then route neural stimulation signals from the neural stimulator to an electrode array which is connected to the outputs of the 1:2.sup.N demultiplexer. The demultiplexer circuit allows the number of individual electrodes in the electrode array to be increased by a factor of 2.sup.N with N generally being in a range of 2-4.

  16. 49 CFR 236.731 - Controller, circuit.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Controller, circuit. 236.731 Section 236.731 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Controller, circuit. A device for opening and closing electric circuits. ...

  17. Gas-Sensing Flip-Flop Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Buehler, Martin G.; Blaes, Brent R.; Williams, Roger; Ryan, Margaret A.


    Gas-sensing integrated circuits consisting largely of modified static random-access memories (SRAMs) undergoing development, building on experience gained in use of modified SRAMs as radiation sensors. Each SRAM memory cell includes flip-flop circuit; sensors exploit metastable state that lies between two stable states (corresponding to binary logic states) of flip-flop circuit. Voltages of metastable states vary with exposures of gas-sensitive resistors.

  18. Electronic control circuits: A compilation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    A compilation of technical R and D information on circuits and modular subassemblies is presented as a part of a technology utilization program. Fundamental design principles and applications are given. Electronic control circuits discussed include: anti-noise circuit; ground protection device for bioinstrumentation; temperature compensation for operational amplifiers; hybrid gatling capacitor; automatic signal range control; integrated clock-switching control; and precision voltage tolerance detector.

  19. Faster Evolution of More Multifunctional Logic Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Stoica, Adrian; Zebulum, Ricardo


    A modification in a method of automated evolutionary synthesis of voltage-controlled multifunctional logic circuits makes it possible to synthesize more circuits in less time. Prior to the modification, the computations for synthesizing a four-function logic circuit by this method took about 10 hours. Using the method as modified, it is possible to synthesize a six-function circuit in less than half an hour. The concepts of automated evolutionary synthesis and voltage-controlled multifunctional logic circuits were described in a number of prior NASA Tech Briefs articles. To recapitulate: A circuit is designed to perform one of several different logic functions, depending on the value of an applied control voltage. The circuit design is synthesized following an automated evolutionary approach that is so named because it is modeled partly after the repetitive trial-and-error process of biological evolution. In this process, random populations of integer strings that encode electronic circuits play a role analogous to that of chromosomes. An evolved circuit is tested by computational simulation (prior to testing in real hardware to verify a final design). Then, in a fitness-evaluation step, responses of the circuit are compared with specifications of target responses and circuits are ranked according to how close they come to satisfying specifications. The results of the evaluation provide guidance for refining designs through further iteration.

  20. Power dissipation in fractal AC circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Joe P.; Rogers, Luke G.; Anderson, Loren; Andrews, Ulysses; Brzoska, Antoni; Coffey, Aubrey; Davis, Hannah; Fisher, Lee; Hansalik, Madeline; Loew, Stephen; Teplyaev, Alexander


    We extend Feynman’s analysis of an infinite ladder circuit to fractal circuits, providing examples in which fractal circuits constructed with purely imaginary impedances can have characteristic impedances with positive real part. Using (weak) self-similarity of our fractal structures, we provide algorithms for studying the equilibrium distribution of energy on these circuits. This extends the analysis of self-similar resistance networks introduced by Fukushima, Kigami, Kusuoka, and more recently studied by Strichartz et al.

  1. 49 CFR 236.786 - Principle, closed circuit.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Principle, closed circuit. 236.786 Section 236.786 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Principle, closed circuit. The principle of circuit design where a normally energized electric circuit which...

  2. 49 CFR 236.725 - Circuit, switch shunting.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Circuit, switch shunting. 236.725 Section 236.725 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Circuit, switch shunting. A shunting circuit which is closed through contacts of a switch circuit...

  3. 49 CFR 236.725 - Circuit, switch shunting.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Circuit, switch shunting. 236.725 Section 236.725 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Circuit, switch shunting. A shunting circuit which is closed through contacts of a switch circuit...

  4. 49 CFR 236.725 - Circuit, switch shunting.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Circuit, switch shunting. 236.725 Section 236.725 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Circuit, switch shunting. A shunting circuit which is closed through contacts of a switch circuit...

  5. 49 CFR 236.725 - Circuit, switch shunting.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Circuit, switch shunting. 236.725 Section 236.725 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Circuit, switch shunting. A shunting circuit which is closed through contacts of a switch circuit...

  6. 49 CFR 236.725 - Circuit, switch shunting.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Circuit, switch shunting. 236.725 Section 236.725 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Circuit, switch shunting. A shunting circuit which is closed through contacts of a switch circuit...

  7. Protective circuit for thyristor controlled systems and thyristor converter embodying such protective circuit


    Downhower, Jr., Francis H.; Finlayson, Paul T.


    A snubber circuit coupled across each thyristor to be gated in a chain of thyristors determines the critical output of a NOR LATCH whenever one snubber circuit could not be charged and discharged under normal gating conditions because of a short failure.

  8. Four-terminal circuit element with photonic core

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sampayan, Stephen

    A four-terminal circuit element is described that includes a photonic core inside of the circuit element that uses a wide bandgap semiconductor material that exhibits photoconductivity and allows current flow through the material in response to the light that is incident on the wide bandgap material. The four-terminal circuit element can be configured based on various hardware structures using a single piece or multiple pieces or layers of a wide bandgap semiconductor material to achieve various designed electrical properties such as high switching voltages by using the photoconductive feature beyond the breakdown voltages of semiconductor devices or circuits operated basedmore » on electrical bias or control designs. The photonic core aspect of the four-terminal circuit element provides unique features that enable versatile circuit applications to either replace the semiconductor transistor-based circuit elements or semiconductor diode-based circuit elements.« less

  9. Noise isolation system for high-speed circuits


    McNeilly, D.R.


    A noise isolation circuit is provided that consists of a dual function bypass which confines high-speed switching noise to the component or circuit which generates it and isolates the component or circuit from high-frequency noise transients which may be present on the ground and power supply busses. A local circuit ground is provided which is coupled to the system ground by sufficient impedance to force the dissipation of the noise signal in the local circuit or component generating the noise. The dual function bypass network couples high-frequency noise signals generated in the local component or circuit through a capacitor to the local ground while isolating the component or circuit from noise signals which may be present on the power supply busses or system ground. The network is an effective noise isolating system and is applicable to both high-speed analog and digital circuits.

  10. Noise isolation system for high-speed circuits


    McNeilly, David R.


    A noise isolation circuit is provided that consists of a dual function bypass which confines high-speed switching noise to the component or circuit which generates it and isolates the component or circuit from high-frequency noise transients which may be present on the ground and power supply busses. A local circuit ground is provided which is coupled to the system ground by sufficient impedance to force the dissipation of the noise signal in the local circuit or component generating the noise. The dual function bypass network couples high-frequency noise signals generated in the local component or circuit through a capacitor to the local ground while isolating the component or circuit from noise signals which may be present on the power supply busses or system ground. The network is an effective noise isolating system and is applicable to both high-speed analog and digital circuits.

  11. Cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone au Maroc: caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques

    PubMed Central

    Boufettal, Houssine; Samouh, Naïma


    Préciser la fréquence, les facteurs de risque et le pronostic du cancer du sein bilatéral, à partir d'une étude rétrospective de 22 cas de cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone dans un pays du Maghreb. De 2002 à 2010, 625 patientes étaient prises en charge pour cancer du sein au service de Gynécologie-Obstétrique «C» du centre hospitalier universitaire de Casablanca. 22 cas de cancer bilatéral synchrone étaient diagnostiqués. Nos résultats sont comparés avec ceux de la littérature. La fréquence de la bilatéralité du cancer du sein synchrone était de 3,52% (22/625). L'intervalle de temps moyen entre les deux cancers est de 4 mois (0 à 6 mois). Les patientes âgées de moins de 40 ans lors du premier cancer avaient six fois plus de risque de développer un cancer au niveau du sein controlatéral que les femmes âgées de plus de 40 ans. Les patientes atteintes d'une tumeur T3 ou T4 avaient un risque neuf fois plus élevé que les autres. 90,9% (2/22) des cas des premiers cancers sont des adénocarcinomes infiltrants. Les types histologiques du premier et du douzième cancer étaient identiques dans 86,4% (19/22) des cas. Quant au pronostic, il dépend à la fois du stade du premier et du deuxième cancer et le traitement de ce dernier doit obéir aux mêmes règles du traitement du premier cancer. L'incidence du cancer bilatéral synchrone du sein est de 3,52% dans notre série. Le cancer du sein unilatéral constitue un facteur de risque de développement d'un cancer du sein controlatéral. Une surveillance à vie est nécessaire au cours d'un cancer du sein pour détecter un cancer controlatéral. PMID:26090066

  12. Les inconvénients de perdre du poids

    PubMed Central

    Bosomworth, N. John


    Résumé Objectif Explorer les raisons pour lesquelles la perte de poids à long terme échoue la plupart du temps et évaluer les conséquences de diverses trajectoires pondérales, y compris la stabilité, la perte et le gain. Source des données Les études qui évaluent les paramètres pondéraux dans la population sont en majorité observationnelles. Des données probantes de niveau I ont été publiées pour évaluer l’influence des interventions relatives au poids sur la mortalité et la qualité de vie. Message principal Seulement un petit pourcentage des personnes qui désirent perdre du poids réussissent à le faire de manière durable. La mortalité est la plus faible chez les personnes se situant dans la catégorie de poids élevé-normal et surpoids. La trajectoire pondérale la plus sécuritaire est la stabilité du poids avec une optimisation de la condition physique et métabolique. Il est démontré que la mortalité est plus faible chez les personnes ayant des comorbidités reliées à l’obésité si elles perdent du poids. Il est aussi établi que la qualité de vie sur le plan de la santé est meilleure chez les personnes obèses qui perdent du poids. Par contre, la perte de poids chez une personne obèse autrement en santé est associée à une mortalité accrue. Conclusion La perte de poids est recommandable seulement chez les personnes qui ont des comorbidités reliées à l’obésité. Les personnes obèses en santé qui veulent perdre du poids devraient être informées qu’il peut y avoir des risques à le faire. Une stratégie qui se traduit par un indice de masse corporelle stable avec une condition physique et métabolique optimisée, peu importe le poids, est l’option d’intervention la plus sécuritaire en ce qui concerne le poids.

  13. Supplémentation préconceptionnelle en acide folique / multivitamines pour la prévention primaire et secondaire des anomalies du tube neural et d'autres anomalies congénitales sensibles à l'acide folique.


    Wilson, R Douglas


    Offrir des renseignements à jour sur l'utilisation pré et postconceptionnelle d'acide folique par voie orale, avec ou sans supplément de multivitamines / micronutriments, aux fins de la prévention des anomalies du tube neural et d'autres anomalies congénitales. Ces renseignements aideront les médecins, les sages-femmes, les infirmières et les autres professionnels de la santé à contribuer aux efforts de sensibilisation des femmes quant à l'utilisation et aux posologies adéquates de la supplémentation en acide folique / multivitamines, avant et pendant la grossesse. RéSULTATS: La littérature publiée a été récupérée par l'intermédiaire de recherches menées dans PubMed, Medline, CINAHL et la Cochrane Library en janvier 2011 au moyen d'un vocabulaire contrôlé et de mots clés appropriés (p. ex. « folic acid », « prenatal multivitamins », « folate sensitive birth defects », « congenital anomaly risk reduction », « pre-conception counselling »). Les résultats ont été restreints aux analyses systématiques, aux études observationnelles et aux essais comparatifs randomisés / essais cliniques comparatifs publiés en anglais entre 1985 et juin 2014. Les recherches ont été mises à jour de façon régulière et intégrées à la directive clinique jusqu'en juin 2014. La littérature grise (non publiée) a été identifiée par l'intermédiaire de recherches menées dans les sites Web d'organismes s'intéressant à l'évaluation des technologies dans le domaine de la santé et d'organismes connexes, dans des collections de directives cliniques, dans des registres d'essais cliniques, et auprès de sociétés de spécialité médicale nationales et internationales. COûTS, RISQUES ET AVANTAGES: Les coûts financiers sont ceux de la supplémentation quotidienne en vitamines et de la consommation d'un régime alimentaire santé enrichi en folate. Les risques sont ceux qui sont liés à une association signalée entre la suppl

  14. Sequential Polarity-Reversing Circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Labaw, Clayton C.


    Proposed circuit reverses polarity of electric power supplied to bidirectional dc motor, reversible electro-mechanical actuator, or other device operating in direction depending on polarity. Circuit reverses polarity each time power turned on, without need for additional polarity-reversing or direction signals and circuitry to process them.

  15. Pharmacokinetics and RC Circuit Concepts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cock, Mieke De; Janssen, Paul


    Most introductory physics courses include a chapter on RC circuits in which the differential equations for the charging and discharging of a capacitor are derived. A number of papers in this journal describe lab experiments dealing with the measurement of different parameters in such RC circuits. In this contribution, we report on a lab experiment we developed for students majoring in pharmacy, using RC circuits to simulate a pharmacokinetic process.

  16. Computer-aided linear-circuit design.

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Penfield, P.


    Usually computer-aided design (CAD) refers to programs that analyze circuits conceived by the circuit designer. Among the services such programs should perform are direct network synthesis, analysis, optimization of network parameters, formatting, storage of miscellaneous data, and related calculations. The program should be embedded in a general-purpose conversational language such as BASIC, JOSS, or APL. Such a program is MARTHA, a general-purpose linear-circuit analyzer embedded in APL.



    Russell, J.A.G.


    An electronic trigger circuit is described of the type where an output pulse is obtained only after an input voltage has cqualed or exceeded a selected reference voltage. In general, the invention comprises a source of direct current reference voltage in series with an impedance and a diode rectifying element. An input pulse of preselected amplitude causes the diode to conduct and develop a signal across the impedance. The signal is delivered to an amplifier where an output pulse is produced and part of the output is fed back in a positive manner to the diode so that the amplifier produces a steep wave front trigger pulsc at the output. The trigger point of the described circuit is not subject to variation due to the aging, etc., of multi-electrode tabes, since the diode circuit essentially determines the trigger point.

  18. 49 CFR 236.726 - Circuit, track.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Circuit, track. 236.726 Section 236.726 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Circuit, track. An electrical circuit of which the rails of the track form a part. ...

  19. 49 CFR 234.203 - Control circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Control circuits. 234.203 Section 234.203 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION..., Inspection, and Testing Maintenance Standards § 234.203 Control circuits. All control circuits that affect...

  20. 49 CFR 234.203 - Control circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Control circuits. 234.203 Section 234.203 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION..., Inspection, and Testing Maintenance Standards § 234.203 Control circuits. All control circuits that affect...

  1. Short circuit in deep brain stimulation.


    Samura, Kazuhiro; Miyagi, Yasushi; Okamoto, Tsuyoshi; Hayami, Takehito; Kishimoto, Junji; Katano, Mitsuo; Kamikaseda, Kazufumi


    The authors undertook this study to investigate the incidence, cause, and clinical influence of short circuits in patients treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS). After the incidental identification of a short circuit during routine follow-up, the authors initiated a policy at their institution of routinely evaluating both therapeutic impedance and system impendence at every outpatient DBS follow-up visit, irrespective of the presence of symptoms suggesting possible system malfunction. This study represents a report of their findings after 1 year of this policy. Implanted DBS leads exhibiting short circuits were identified in 7 patients (8.9% of the patients seen for outpatient follow-up examinations during the 12-month study period). The mean duration from DBS lead implantation to the discovery of the short circuit was 64.7 months. The symptoms revealing short circuits included the wearing off of therapeutic effect, apraxia of eyelid opening, or dysarthria in 6 patients with Parkinson disease (PD), and dystonia deterioration in 1 patient with generalized dystonia. All DBS leads with short circuits had been anchored to the cranium using titanium miniplates. Altering electrode settings resulted in clinical improvement in the 2 PD cases in which patients had specific symptoms of short circuits (2.5%) but not in the other 4 cases. The patient with dystonia underwent repositioning and replacement of a lead because the previous lead was located too anteriorly, but did not experience symptom improvement. In contrast to the sudden loss of clinical efficacy of DBS caused by an open circuit, short circuits may arise due to a gradual decrease in impedance, causing the insidious development of neurological symptoms via limited or extended potential fields as well as shortened battery longevity. The incidence of short circuits in DBS may be higher than previously thought, especially in cases in which DBS leads are anchored with miniplates. The circuit impedance of DBS



    Gundlach, J.C.; Reeves, J.B.


    Control circuits are described for pulse memory devices for scalers and the like, and more particularly to a driving or energizing circuit for a polycathode gaseous discharge tube having an elongated anode and a successive series of cathodes spaced opposite the anode along its length. The circuit is so arranged as to utilize an arc discharge between the anode and a cathode to count a series of pulses. Upon application of an input pulse the discharge is made to occur between the anode and the next successive cathode, and an output pulse is produced when a particular subsequent cathode is reached. The circuit means for transfering the discharge by altering the anode potential and potential of the cathodes and interconnecting the cathodes constitutes the novel aspects of the invention. A low response time and reduced number of circuit components are the practical advantages of the described circuit.

  3. Another Nulling Hall-Effect Current-Measuring Circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Thibodeau, Phillip E.; Sullender, Craig C.


    Lightweight, low-power circuit provides noncontact measurement of alternating or direct current of many ampheres in main conductor. Advantages of circuit over other nulling Hall-effect current-measuring circuits is stability and accuracy increased by putting both analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters in nulling feedback loop. Converters and rest of circuit designed for operation at sampling rate of 100 kHz, but rate changed to alter time or frequency response of circuit.

  4. Dépistage précoce des retards du développement moteur

    PubMed Central

    Harris, Susan R.


    Résumé Objectif Décrire le test HINT (Harris Infant Neuromotor Test), un test d’évaluation du développement neuromoteur chez les nourrissons publié en 2010, qui s’appuie sur les normes canadiennes et peut être utilisé pour dépister les retards du développement moteur durant la première année de la vie. Qualité des données D’abondantes recherches ont été publiées sur la fiabilité intra-évaluateur, inter-évaluateur et test-retest ainsi que sur la validité convergente, prédictive, du contenu et des groupes connus du test HINT, de même que sur la sensibilité, la spécificité et les valeurs prédictives négatives et positives des inquiétudes des parents, telles qu’évaluées par le test HINT. La plupart des données probantes sont de niveau II. Message principal Il est important de diagnostiquer les retards du développement moteur durant la première année de vie, car ils sont souvent le signe de retards du développement généralisés ou de déficiences précises, telles que la paralysie cérébrale. Les inquiétudes des parents quant au développement moteur de leur enfant sont une valeur prédictive robuste de diagnostics subséquents de retard du développement moteur. Conclusion Seul le dépistage précoce des retards du développement moteur, initialement par l’entremise d’outils de dépistage comme le test HINT, permet de recommander le patient à une intervention précoce qui profiterait tant à l’enfant qu’à sa famille. PMID:27521405

  5. A Virtual Circuits Lab

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vick, Matthew E.


    The University of Colorado's Physics Education Technology (PhET) website offers free, high-quality simulations of many physics experiments that can be used in the classroom. The Circuit Construction Kit, for example, allows students to safely and constructively play with circuit components while learning the mathematics behind many circuit…

  6. Hazardous Waste Cleanup: DuPont Imaging Department in Parlin, New Jersey

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    DuPont has owned and operated a chemical manufacturing plant on Cheesequake Road in Parlin, New Jersey, since 1904. DuPont manufactured a variety of products at the plant including, photographic films, automotive paints, pigments, adhesives, thinners,

  7. 47 CFR 32.2232 - Circuit equipment.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... subaccount 2232.1 Electronic shall include the original cost of electronic circuit equipment. (c) This... 47 Telecommunication 2 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Circuit equipment. 32.2232 Section 32.2232... FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Instructions for Balance Sheet Accounts § 32.2232 Circuit equipment...

  8. 47 CFR 32.2232 - Circuit equipment.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... subaccount 2232.1 Electronic shall include the original cost of electronic circuit equipment. (c) This... 47 Telecommunication 2 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Circuit equipment. 32.2232 Section 32.2232... FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Instructions for Balance Sheet Accounts § 32.2232 Circuit equipment...

  9. 47 CFR 32.2232 - Circuit equipment.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... subaccount 2232.1 Electronic shall include the original cost of electronic circuit equipment. (c) This... 47 Telecommunication 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Circuit equipment. 32.2232 Section 32.2232... FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Instructions for Balance Sheet Accounts § 32.2232 Circuit equipment...

  10. 47 CFR 32.2232 - Circuit equipment.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... subaccount 2232.1 Electronic shall include the original cost of electronic circuit equipment. (c) This... 47 Telecommunication 2 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Circuit equipment. 32.2232 Section 32.2232... FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Instructions for Balance Sheet Accounts § 32.2232 Circuit equipment...

  11. 47 CFR 32.2232 - Circuit equipment.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... subaccount 2232.1 Electronic shall include the original cost of electronic circuit equipment. (c) This... 47 Telecommunication 2 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Circuit equipment. 32.2232 Section 32.2232... FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Instructions for Balance Sheet Accounts § 32.2232 Circuit equipment...

  12. Automated Sneak Circuit Analysis Technique

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the OrCAD/SDT module Port facility. 2. The terminals of all in- circuit voltage sources (e , batteries) must be labeled using the OrCAD/SDT module port...ELECTE 1 MAY 2 01994 _- AUTOMATED SNEAK CIRCUIT ANALYSIS TECHNIQUEIt~ w I wtA who RADC 94-14062 Systems Reliability & Engineering Division Rome...Air Develpment Center Best Avai~lable copy AUTOMATED SNEAK CIRCUIT ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE RADC June 1990 Systems Reliability & Engineering Division Rome Air

  13. Illuminating Neural Circuits: From Molecules to MRI.


    Lee, Jin Hyung; Kreitzer, Anatol C; Singer, Annabelle C; Schiff, Nicholas D


    Neurological disease drives symptoms through pathological changes to circuit functions. Therefore, understanding circuit mechanisms that drive behavioral dysfunction is of critical importance for quantitative diagnosis and systematic treatment of neurological disease. Here, we describe key technologies that enable measurement and manipulation of neural activity and neural circuits. Applying these approaches led to the discovery of circuit mechanisms underlying pathological motor behavior, arousal regulation, and protein accumulation. Finally, we discuss how optogenetic functional magnetic resonance imaging reveals global scale circuit mechanisms, and how circuit manipulations could lead to new treatments of neurological diseases. Copyright © 2017 the authors 0270-6474/17/3710817-09$15.00/0.

  14. 30 CFR 75.1323 - Blasting circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...) Blasting circuits shall be protected from sources of stray electric current. (b) Detonators made by...) Each wire connection in a blasting circuit shall be— (1) Properly spliced; and (2) Separated from other connections in the circuit to prevent accidental contact and arcing. (h) Uninsulated connections in each...

  15. 30 CFR 75.1323 - Blasting circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ...) Blasting circuits shall be protected from sources of stray electric current. (b) Detonators made by...) Each wire connection in a blasting circuit shall be— (1) Properly spliced; and (2) Separated from other connections in the circuit to prevent accidental contact and arcing. (h) Uninsulated connections in each...

  16. 49 CFR 234.203 - Control circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Control circuits. 234.203 Section 234.203... EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEMS Maintenance, Inspection, and Testing Maintenance Standards § 234.203 Control circuits. All control circuits that affect the safe operation of a highway-rail grade crossing warning...

  17. 49 CFR 234.203 - Control circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Control circuits. 234.203 Section 234.203... EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEMS Maintenance, Inspection, and Testing Maintenance Standards § 234.203 Control circuits. All control circuits that affect the safe operation of a highway-rail grade crossing warning...

  18. Computer circuit card puller

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sawyer, R. V.; Szuwalski, B. (Inventor)


    The invention generally relates to hand tools, and more particularly to an improved device for facilitating removal of printed circuit cards from a card rack characterized by longitudinal side rails arranged in a mutually spaced parallelism and a plurality of printed circuit cards extended between the rails of the rack.

  19. One-shot pulse shaper circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Radys, R. G.


    Pulse shaper circuit exhibits low power dissipation, self setting, and easy triggering. It is basically a magnetic one-shot multivibrator consisting of two blocking oscillators and an inhibit circuit.

  20. Open circuit versus closed circuit enrichment of anodic biofilms in MFC: effect on performance and anodic communities.


    Larrosa-Guerrero, Amor; Scott, Keith; Katuri, Krishna P; Godinez, Carlos; Head, Ian M; Curtis, Thomas


    The influence of various carbon anodes; graphite, sponge, paper, cloth, felt, fiber, foam and reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC); on microbial fuel cell (MFC) performance is reported. The feed was brewery wastewater diluted in domestic wastewater. Biofilms were grown at open circuit or under an external load. Microbial diversity was analysed as a function of current and anode material. The bacterial community formed at open circuit was influenced by the anode material. However at closed circuit its role in determining the bacterial consortia formed was less important than the passage of current. The rate and extent of organic matter removal were similar for all materials: over 95% under closed circuit. The biofilm in MFCs working at open circuit and in the control reactors, increased COD removal by up to a factor of nine compared with that for baseline reactors. The average voltage output was 0.6 V at closed circuit, with an external resistor of 300 kOmega and 0.75 V at open circuit for all materials except RVC. The poor performance of this material might be related to the surface area available and concentration polarizations caused by the morphology of the material and the structure of the biofilm. Peak power varied from 1.3 mW m(-2) for RVC to 568 mW m(-2) for graphite with biofilm grown at closed circuit.

  1. 30 CFR 56.6403 - Branch circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Explosives Electric Blasting § 56.6403 Branch circuits. (a) If electric blasting includes the use of branch circuits, each... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Branch circuits. 56.6403 Section 56.6403...

  2. Focal plane infrared readout circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Pain, Bedabrata (Inventor)


    An infrared imager, such as a spectrometer, includes multiple infrared photodetectors and readout circuits for reading out signals from the photodetectors. Each readout circuit includes a buffered direct injection input circuit including a differential amplifier with active feedback provided through an injection transistor. The differential amplifier includes a pair of input transistors, a pair of cascode transistors and a current mirror load. Photocurrent from a photodetector can be injected onto an integration capacitor in the readout circuit with high injection efficiency at high speed. A high speed, low noise, wide dynamic range linear infrared multiplexer array for reading out infrared detectors with large capacitances can be achieved even when short exposure times are used. The effect of image lag can be reduced.

  3. Integrated-Circuit Pseudorandom-Number Generator

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Steelman, James E.; Beasley, Jeff; Aragon, Michael; Ramirez, Francisco; Summers, Kenneth L.; Knoebel, Arthur


    Integrated circuit produces 8-bit pseudorandom numbers from specified probability distribution, at rate of 10 MHz. Use of Boolean logic, circuit implements pseudorandom-number-generating algorithm. Circuit includes eight 12-bit pseudorandom-number generators, outputs are uniformly distributed. 8-bit pseudorandom numbers satisfying specified nonuniform probability distribution are generated by processing uniformly distributed outputs of eight 12-bit pseudorandom-number generators through "pipeline" of D flip-flops, comparators, and memories implementing conditional probabilities on zeros and ones.

  4. Automatic Design of Digital Synthetic Gene Circuits

    PubMed Central

    Marchisio, Mario A.; Stelling, Jörg


    De novo computational design of synthetic gene circuits that achieve well-defined target functions is a hard task. Existing, brute-force approaches run optimization algorithms on the structure and on the kinetic parameter values of the network. However, more direct rational methods for automatic circuit design are lacking. Focusing on digital synthetic gene circuits, we developed a methodology and a corresponding tool for in silico automatic design. For a given truth table that specifies a circuit's input–output relations, our algorithm generates and ranks several possible circuit schemes without the need for any optimization. Logic behavior is reproduced by the action of regulatory factors and chemicals on the promoters and on the ribosome binding sites of biological Boolean gates. Simulations of circuits with up to four inputs show a faithful and unequivocal truth table representation, even under parametric perturbations and stochastic noise. A comparison with already implemented circuits, in addition, reveals the potential for simpler designs with the same function. Therefore, we expect the method to help both in devising new circuits and in simplifying existing solutions. PMID:21399700

  5. Constraint and Contingency in Multifunctional Gene Regulatory Circuits

    PubMed Central

    Payne, Joshua L.; Wagner, Andreas


    Gene regulatory circuits drive the development, physiology, and behavior of organisms from bacteria to humans. The phenotypes or functions of such circuits are embodied in the gene expression patterns they form. Regulatory circuits are typically multifunctional, forming distinct gene expression patterns in different embryonic stages, tissues, or physiological states. Any one circuit with a single function can be realized by many different regulatory genotypes. Multifunctionality presumably constrains this number, but we do not know to what extent. We here exhaustively characterize a genotype space harboring millions of model regulatory circuits and all their possible functions. As a circuit's number of functions increases, the number of genotypes with a given number of functions decreases exponentially but can remain very large for a modest number of functions. However, the sets of circuits that can form any one set of functions becomes increasingly fragmented. As a result, historical contingency becomes widespread in circuits with many functions. Whether a circuit can acquire an additional function in the course of its evolution becomes increasingly dependent on the function it already has. Circuits with many functions also become increasingly brittle and sensitive to mutation. These observations are generic properties of a broad class of circuits and independent of any one circuit genotype or phenotype. PMID:23762020

  6. 49 CFR 236.721 - Circuit, control.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Circuit, control. 236.721 Section 236.721..., MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Definitions § 236.721 Circuit, control. An electrical circuit between a source of electric energy and a device which it operates. ...

  7. 49 CFR 236.721 - Circuit, control.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Circuit, control. 236.721 Section 236.721..., MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Definitions § 236.721 Circuit, control. An electrical circuit between a source of electric energy and a device which it operates. ...

  8. 49 CFR 236.721 - Circuit, control.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Circuit, control. 236.721 Section 236.721..., MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Definitions § 236.721 Circuit, control. An electrical circuit between a source of electric energy and a device which it operates. ...

  9. 49 CFR 236.721 - Circuit, control.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Circuit, control. 236.721 Section 236.721..., MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Definitions § 236.721 Circuit, control. An electrical circuit between a source of electric energy and a device which it operates. ...

  10. Plasticity in single neuron and circuit computations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Destexhe, Alain; Marder, Eve


    Plasticity in neural circuits can result from alterations in synaptic strength or connectivity, as well as from changes in the excitability of the neurons themselves. To better understand the role of plasticity in the brain, we need to establish how brain circuits work and the kinds of computations that different circuit structures achieve. By linking theoretical and experimental studies, we are beginning to reveal the consequences of plasticity mechanisms for network dynamics, in both simple invertebrate circuits and the complex circuits of mammalian cerebral cortex.

  11. Tester Detects Steady-Short Or Intermittent-Open Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Anderson, Bobby L.


    Momentary open circuits or steady short circuits trigger buzzer. Simple, portable, lightweight testing circuit sounds long-duration alarm when it detects steady short circuit or momentary open circuit in coaxial cable or other two-conductor transmission line. Tester sensitive to discontinuities lasting 10 microseconds or longer. Used extensively for detecting intermittent open shorts in accelerometer and extensometer cables. Also used as ordinary buzzer-type continuity checker to detect steady short or open circuits.

  12. Packaging Of Control Circuits In A Robot Arm

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kast, William


    Packaging system houses and connects control circuitry mounted on circuit boards within shoulder, upper section, and lower section of seven-degree-of-freedom robot arm. Has modular design that incorporates surface-mount technology, multilayer circuit boards, large-scale integrated circuits, and multi-layer flat cables between sections for compactness. Three sections of robot arm contain circuit modules in form of stardardized circuit boards. Each module contains two printed-circuit cards, one of each face.

  13. Finding False Paths in Sequential Circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Matrosova, A. Yu.; Andreeva, V. V.; Chernyshov, S. V.; Rozhkova, S. V.; Kudin, D. V.


    Method of finding false paths in sequential circuits is developed. In contrast with heuristic approaches currently used abroad, the precise method based on applying operations on Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDDs) extracted from the combinational part of a sequential controlling logic circuit is suggested. The method allows finding false paths when transfer sequence length is not more than the given value and obviates the necessity of investigation of combinational circuit equivalents of the given lengths. The possibilities of using of the developed method for more complicated circuits are discussed.

  14. Detecting short circuits during assembly

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Deboo, G. J.


    Detector circuit identifies shorts between bus bars of electronic equipment being wired. Detector sounds alarm and indicates which planes are shorted. Power and ground bus bars are scanned continuously until short circuit occurs.

  15. Mapping from multiple-control Toffoli circuits to linear nearest neighbor quantum circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cheng, Xueyun; Guan, Zhijin; Ding, Weiping


    In recent years, quantum computing research has been attracting more and more attention, but few studies on the limited interaction distance between quantum bits (qubit) are deeply carried out. This paper presents a mapping method for transforming multiple-control Toffoli (MCT) circuits into linear nearest neighbor (LNN) quantum circuits instead of traditional decomposition-based methods. In order to reduce the number of inserted SWAP gates, a novel type of gate with the optimal LNN quantum realization was constructed, namely NNTS gate. The MCT gate with multiple control bits could be better cascaded by the NNTS gates, in which the arrangement of the input lines was LNN arrangement of the MCT gate. Then, the communication overhead measurement model on inserted SWAP gate count from the original arrangement to the new arrangement was put forward, and we selected one of the LNN arrangements with the minimum SWAP gate count. Moreover, the LNN arrangement-based mapping algorithm was given, and it dealt with the MCT gates in turn and mapped each MCT gate into its LNN form by inserting the minimum number of SWAP gates. Finally, some simplification rules were used, which can further reduce the final quantum cost of the LNN quantum circuit. Experiments on some benchmark MCT circuits indicate that the direct mapping algorithm results in fewer additional SWAP gates in about 50%, while the average improvement rate in quantum cost is 16.95% compared to the decomposition-based method. In addition, it has been verified that the proposed method has greater superiority for reversible circuits cascaded by MCT gates with more control bits.

  16. Investigation of noise insensitive electronic circuits for automotive applications with particular regard to MOS circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gorille, I.


    The application of MOS switching circuits of high complexity in essential automobile systems, such as ignition and injection, was investigated. A bipolar circuit technology, current hogging logic (CHL), was compared to MOS technologies for its competitiveness. The functional requirements of digital automotive systems can only be met by technologies allowing large packing densities and medium speeds. The properties of n-MOS and CMOS are promising whereas the electrical power needed by p-MOS circuits is in general prohibitively large.

  17. 30 CFR 75.518 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection. 75.518 Section 75.518 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Electrical Equipment-General § 75.518 Electric...

  18. 30 CFR 75.518 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection. 75.518 Section 75.518 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Electrical Equipment-General § 75.518 Electric...

  19. 30 CFR 75.518 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection. 75.518 Section 75.518 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Electrical Equipment-General § 75.518 Electric...

  20. 30 CFR 75.518 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection. 75.518 Section 75.518 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Electrical Equipment-General § 75.518 Electric...

  1. Millimeter And Submillimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits On Quartz

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mehdi, Imran; Mazed, Mohammad; Siegel, Peter; Smith, R. Peter


    Proposed Quartz substrate Upside-down Integrated Device (QUID) relies on UV-curable adhesive to bond semiconductor with quartz. Integrated circuits including planar GaAs Schottky diodes and passive circuit elements (such as bandpass filters) fabricated on quartz substrates. Circuits designed to operate as mixers in waveguide circuit at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. Integrated circuits mechanically more robust, larger, and easier to handle than planar Schottky diode chips. Quartz substrate more suitable for waveguide circuits than GaAs substrate.

  2. Approche en soins primaires pour les problèmes de consommation de cannabis

    PubMed Central

    Turner, Suzanne D.; Spithoff, Sheryl; Kahan, Meldon


    Résumé Objectif Étudier les caractéristiques et complications cliniques de la consommation à risque de cannabis et du trouble de consommation de cannabis, et présenter un protocole en cabinet pour le dépistage, l’identification et la prise en charge de ces problèmes. Sources des données Une recherche des essais contrôlés, des études d’observation et des révisions sur l’usage de cannabis par les adolescents et les jeunes adultes; les méfaits psychiatriques et médicaux liés au cannabis; le trouble de consommation de cannabis et son traitement; et les lignes directrices sur la consommation à faible risque de cannabis a été effectuée dans PubMed. Message principal Les médecins doivent questionner tous leurs patients quant à leur usage de cannabis. Ils doivent questionner plus souvent les adolescents et jeunes adultes de même que les personnes qui présentent un risque élevé de problèmes liés au cannabis (qui ont un trouble psychiatrique ou de consommation de drogue concomitant). Les problèmes pouvant être causés par le cannabis, comme les troubles de l’humeur, la psychose et les symptômes respiratoires, devraient susciter des questions sur la consommation de cannabis. Aux patients qui rapportent un usage de cannabis, les médecins devraient poser des questions sur la fréquence et la quantité consommée, la présence de symptômes de tolérance ou de sevrage, les tentatives de réduire leur consommation et la présence de problèmes liés au cannabis. Les usagers à faible risque fument, inhalent ou ingèrent le cannabis occasionnellement sans aucun signe de dysfonctionnement scolaire, professionnel ou social; les personnes dont l’usage est problématique consomment tous les jours ou presque tous les jours, ont de la difficulté à réduire leur consommation et leur fonctionnement scolaire, professionnel et social est perturbé. Les médecins devraient offrir à tous les patients dont l’usage est problématique des conseils

  3. Hazardous Waste Cleanup: E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Company is located at 2000 Cannonball Road, Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. The DuPont Pompton Lakes Works site (DuPont) occupies approximately 570 acres of land in Pompton Lakes and Wanaque.



    Thomas, R.E.


    An electronic multiplier circuit is described in which an output voltage having an amplitude proportional to the product or quotient of the input signals is accomplished in a novel manner which facilitates simplicity of circuit construction and a high degree of accuracy in accomplishing the multiplying and dividing function. The circuit broadly comprises a multiplier tube in which the plate current is proportional to the voltage applied to a first control grid multiplied by the difference between voltage applied to a second control grid and the voltage applied to the first control grid. Means are provided to apply a first signal to be multiplied to the first control grid together with means for applying the sum of the first signal to be multiplied and a second signal to be multiplied to the second control grid whereby the plate current of the multiplier tube is proportional to the product of the first and second signals to be multiplied.

  5. 30 CFR 77.506 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short-circuit protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short-circuit protection. 77.506 Section 77.506 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS, SURFACE COAL MINES AND SURFACE WORK AREAS OF UNDERGROUND COAL MINES...

  6. 30 CFR 77.506 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short-circuit protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short-circuit protection. 77.506 Section 77.506 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS, SURFACE COAL MINES AND SURFACE WORK AREAS OF UNDERGROUND COAL MINES...

  7. 30 CFR 77.506 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short-circuit protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short-circuit protection. 77.506 Section 77.506 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS, SURFACE COAL MINES AND SURFACE WORK AREAS OF UNDERGROUND COAL MINES...

  8. 30 CFR 77.506 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short-circuit protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short-circuit protection. 77.506 Section 77.506 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS, SURFACE COAL MINES AND SURFACE WORK AREAS OF UNDERGROUND COAL MINES...

  9. Localisation inhabituelle de la tuberculose: ostéoarthrite tuberculose du pouce

    PubMed Central

    Mortaji, Aziz; Koulali, Khalid; Galuia, Farid


    L'ostéoarthrite tuberculose est rare au niveau des doigts. Nous rapportons une observation d'atteinte du pouce chez un patient de 55 ans. Il avait présenté une tuméfaction douloureuse du pouce droit suite à un traumatisme du pouce. L’étude bactériologique et une biopsie avaient permis de confirmer le diagnostic. Un traitement antibacillaire de 12 mois avait donné des résultats satisfaisants. Les particularités de la prise en charge sont discutées par rapport aux données de la littérature. PMID:25932075

  10. SEMICONDUCTOR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS: A reconfigurable analog baseband circuit for WLAN, WCDMA, and Bluetooth

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tao, Tong; Baoyong, Chi; Ziqiang, Wang; Ying, Zhang; Hanjun, Jiang; Zhihua, Wang


    A reconfigurable analog baseband circuit for WLAN, WCDMA, and Bluetooth in 0.35 μm CMOS is presented. The circuit consists of two variable gain amplifiers (VGA) in cascade and a Gm-C elliptic low-pass filter (LPF). The filter-order and the cut-off frequency of the LPF can be reconfigured to satisfy the requirements of various applications. In order to achieve the optimum power consumption, the bandwidth of the VGAs can also be dynamically reconfigured and some Gm cells can be cut off in the given application. Simulation results show that the analog baseband circuit consumes 16.8 mW for WLAN, 8.9 mW for WCDMA and only 6.5 mW for Bluetooth, all with a 3 V power supply. The analog baseband circuit could provide -10 to +40 dB variable gain, third-order low pass filtering with 1 MHz cut-off frequency for Bluetooth, fourth-order low pass filtering with 2.2 MHz cut-off frequency for WCDMA, and fifth-order low pass filtering with 11 MHz cut-off frequency for WLAN, respectively.

  11. Faster Hall-Effect Current-Measuring Circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sullender, Craig C.; Johnson, Daniel D.; Walker, Daniel D.


    Current-measuring circuit operates on Hall-effect-sensing and magnetic-field-nulling principles similar to those described in article, "Nulling Hall-Effect Current-Measuring Circuit" (LEW-15023), but simpler and responds faster. Designed without feedback loop, and analog pulse-width-modulated output indicates measured current. Circuit measures current at frequency higher than bandwidth of its Hall-effect sensor.

  12. The dc power circuits: A compilation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    A compilation of reports concerning power circuits is presented for the dissemination of aerospace information to the general public as part of the NASA Technology Utilization Program. The descriptions for the electronic circuits are grouped as follows: dc power supplies, power converters, current-voltage power supply regulators, overload protection circuits, and dc constant current power supplies.

  13. Electrical Circuit Tester


    Love, Frank


    An electrical circuit testing device is provided, comprising a case, a digital voltage level testing circuit with a display means, a switch to initiate measurement using the device, a non-shorting switching means for selecting pre-determined electrical wiring configurations to be tested in an outlet, a terminal block, a five-pole electrical plug mounted on the case surface and a set of adapters that can be used for various multiple-pronged electrical outlet configurations for voltages from 100 600 VAC from 50 100 Hz.

  14. Etude thermo-hydraulique de l'ecoulement du moderateur dans le reacteur CANDU-6

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mehdi Zadeh, Foad

    Etant donne la taille (6,0 m x 7,6 m) ainsi que le domaine multiplement connexe qui caracterisent la cuve des reacteurs CANDU-6 (380 canaux dans la cuve), la physique qui gouverne le comportement du fluide moderateur est encore mal connue de nos jours. L'echantillonnage de donnees dans un reacteur en fonction necessite d'apporter des changements a la configuration de la cuve du reacteur afin d'y inserer des sondes. De plus, la presence d'une zone intense de radiations empeche l'utilisation des capteurs courants d'echantillonnage. En consequence, l'ecoulement du moderateur doit necessairement etre etudie a l'aide d'un modele experimental ou d'un modele numerique. Pour ce qui est du modele experimental, la fabrication et la mise en fonction de telles installations coutent tres cher. De plus, les parametres de la mise a l'echelle du systeme pour fabriquer un modele experimental a l'echelle reduite sont en contradiction. En consequence, la modelisation numerique reste une alternative importante. Actuellement, l'industrie nucleaire utilise une approche numerique, dite de milieu poreux, qui approxime le domaine par un milieu continu ou le reseau des tubes est remplace par des resistances hydrauliques distribuees. Ce modele est capable de decrire les phenomenes macroscopiques de l'ecoulement, mais ne tient pas compte des effets locaux ayant un impact sur l'ecoulement global, tel que les distributions de temperatures et de vitesses a proximite des tubes ainsi que des instabilites hydrodynamiques. Dans le contexte de la surete nucleaire, on s'interesse aux effets locaux autour des tubes de calandre. En effet, des simulations faites par cette approche predisent que l'ecoulement peut prendre plusieurs configurations hydrodynamiques dont, pour certaines, l'ecoulement montre un comportement asymetrique au sein de la cuve. Ceci peut provoquer une ebullition du moderateur sur la paroi des canaux. Dans de telles conditions, le coefficient de reactivite peut varier de maniere

  15. Switching-type regulator circuit has increased efficiency

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Clapp, W. M.


    Switching series regulator circuit uses an inductive network to feed most of the current applied to the control circuit to the load. This circuit eliminates resistive losses and the need for heat sinks.

  16. Hybrid stretchable circuits on silicone substrate

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Robinson, A., E-mail:; Aziz, A., E-mail:; Liu, Q.

    When rigid and stretchable components are integrated onto a single elastic carrier substrate, large strain heterogeneities appear in the vicinity of the deformable-non-deformable interfaces. In this paper, we report on a generic approach to manufacture hybrid stretchable circuits where commercial electronic components can be mounted on a stretchable circuit board. Similar to printed circuit board development, the components are electrically bonded on the elastic substrate and interconnected with stretchable electrical traces. The substrate—a silicone matrix carrying concentric rigid disks—ensures both the circuit elasticity and the mechanical integrity of the most fragile materials.

  17. 46 CFR 28.365 - Overcurrent protection and switched circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... a steering circuit, each circuit must be protected against both overload and short circuit. Each overcurrent device in a steering system power and control circuit must provide short circuit protection only... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Overcurrent protection and switched circuits. 28.365...

  18. On equivalent resistance of electrical circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kagan, Mikhail


    While the standard (introductory physics) way of computing the equivalent resistance of nontrivial electrical circuits is based on Kirchhoff's rules, there is a mathematically and conceptually simpler approach, called the method of nodal potentials, whose basic variables are the values of the electric potential at the circuit's nodes. In this paper, we review the method of nodal potentials and illustrate it using the Wheatstone bridge as an example. We then derive a closed-form expression for the equivalent resistance of a generic circuit, which we apply to a few sample circuits. The result unveils a curious interplay between electrical circuits, matrix algebra, and graph theory and its applications to computer science. The paper is written at a level accessible by undergraduate students who are familiar with matrix arithmetic. Additional proofs and technical details are provided in appendices.

  19. Logic circuits from zero forcing.


    Burgarth, Daniel; Giovannetti, Vittorio; Hogben, Leslie; Severini, Simone; Young, Michael

    We design logic circuits based on the notion of zero forcing on graphs; each gate of the circuits is a gadget in which zero forcing is performed. We show that such circuits can evaluate every monotone Boolean function. By using two vertices to encode each logical bit, we obtain universal computation. We also highlight a phenomenon of "back forcing" as a property of each function. Such a phenomenon occurs in a circuit when the input of gates which have been already used at a given time step is further modified by a computation actually performed at a later stage. Finally, we show that zero forcing can be also used to implement reversible computation. The model introduced here provides a potentially new tool in the analysis of Boolean functions, with particular attention to monotonicity. Moreover, in the light of applications of zero forcing in quantum mechanics, the link with Boolean functions may suggest a new directions in quantum control theory and in the study of engineered quantum spin systems. It is an open technical problem to verify whether there is a link between zero forcing and computation with contact circuits.

  20. Practical applications of digital integrated circuits. Part 2: Minimization techniques, code conversion, flip-flops, and asynchronous circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Here, the 7400 line of transistor to transistor logic (TTL) devices is emphasized almost exclusively where hardware is concerned. However, it should be pointed out that the logic theory contained herein applies to all hardware. Binary numbers, simplification of logic circuits, code conversion circuits, basic flip-flop theory, details about series 54/7400, and asynchronous circuits are discussed.

  1. Counterpulse railgun energy recovery circuit


    Honig, E.M.


    The invention presented relates to a high-power pulsing circuit and more particularly to a repetitive pulse inductive energy storage and transfer circuit for an electromagnetic launcher. In an electromagnetic launcher such as a railgun for propelling a projectile at high velocity, a counterpulse energy recovery circuit is employed to transfer stored inductive energy from a source inductor to the railgun inductance to propel the projectile down the railgun. Switching circuitry and an energy transfer capacitor are used to switch the energy back to the source inductor in readiness for a repetitive projectile propelling cycle.

  2. Overpulse railgun energy recovery circuit


    Honig, E.M.


    The invention presented relates to a high-power pulsing circuit and more particularly to a repetitive pulse inductive energy storage and transfer circuit for an electromagnetic launcher. In an electromagnetic launcher such as a railgun for propelling a projectile at high velocity, an overpulse energy recovery circuit is employed to transfer stored inductive energy from a source inductor to the railgun inductance to propel the projectile down the railgun. Switching circuitry and an energy transfer capacitor are used to switch the energy back to the source inductor in readiness for a repetitive projectile propelling cycle.

  3. 49 CFR 236.723 - Circuit, double wire; line.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Circuit, double wire; line. 236.723 Section 236... § 236.723 Circuit, double wire; line. An electric circuit not employing a common return wire; a circuit formed by individual wires throughout. ...

  4. 49 CFR 236.723 - Circuit, double wire; line.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Circuit, double wire; line. 236.723 Section 236... § 236.723 Circuit, double wire; line. An electric circuit not employing a common return wire; a circuit formed by individual wires throughout. ...

  5. Le schwannome malin du nerf grand sciatique chez l'enfant

    PubMed Central

    Lechqar, Maryem; Elbiache, Imad; Atarraf, Karima; Bouabdellah, Youssef; Afifi, My Abderahman


    Le schwannome malin est une tumeur très rare chez l'enfant (1 à 2% des tumeurs des tissus mous), elle se développe au dépend des cellules de schwanne. Dans ce travail, les auteurs rapportent un cas de schwannome malin développé au dépend du nerf grand sciatique. La radiographie de la cuisse de face et de profil était normale. L'imagerie par résonance magnétique a identifié une lésion le long du trajet du nerf grand sciatique. La tumeur a été réséquée en totalité emportant le nerf grand sciatique. L'examen anatomo-pathologique a confirmé le diagnostic. PMID:23133710

  6. Circuit Training: Exercise That Counts.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mosher, Patricia E.; Underwood, Steven A.


    Describes how to assess and implement aerobic circuit training, which involves multistation weight training apparatus, handweights, and aerobic activity equipment to increase cardiovascular fitness and strength. Designed for high school and college students, the circuit requires 25 minutes to complete. (SM)

  7. Overload-protector/fault-indicator circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Paluka, J. R.; Moore, S. F.


    Circuit incorporates three-terminal current limiter (78M24) to increase overall reliability and to eliminate transistor burnouts resulting from shorted interconnection lines and other overloads. Fact-acting light emitting diodes across the limiters show status of transistor output circuits.

  8. Les accidents du travail dans le transport urbain en commun de la ville province de Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo: une étude transversale descriptive

    PubMed Central

    Wangata, Jemima; Elenge, Myriam; De Brouwer, Christophe


    Introduction Le transport en commun urbain constitue un secteur où les travailleurs sont très exposés aux accidents du travail. Cette étude visait une description épidémiologique des accidents du travail dans le secteur informel du transport en commun à Kinshasa en vue d'apporter les pistes d'amélioration de la sécurité des travailleurs dans cette activité. Méthodes Un questionnaire sur les accidents du travail, administré en Décembre 2012 a permis d'explorer les tendances significatives entre les accidents et leurs circonstances, leurs facteurs associés, leurs conséquences au sein d'une population des travailleurs (n = 472) du transport en commun à Kinshasa. Résultats Durant les 12 derniers précédant l’étude 76.5% des travailleurs ont connu au moins un accident du travail, 54,8% ont connu un arrêt d'au moins 1jour. Les accidents liés à la circulation routière étaient plus important suivis des chutes. Les facteurs ayant montré des différences significatives étaient le travail sous l'influence de l'alcool et le port des équipements de protection individuelle. Les plaies (46,3%) et les contusions (39,4%) étaient les lésions les plus courantes. Les membres supérieurs (51,3%) et inférieurs (30,7%) étaient les plus atteints. 76,6% des travailleurs ont assumé seuls leur prise en charge médicale. Conclusion L'incidence des accidents du travail dans ce secteur est très élevée. La mise en place d'une politique de prévention et gestion de différents facteurs associés ainsi qu'un système de déclaration d'accidents est nécessaire dans ce secteur. Les patrons ainsi que les politiques devraient veiller à une prise en charge médicale correcte pour des travailleurs accidentés. PMID:25667703

  9. Active shunt capacitance cancelling oscillator circuit


    Wessendorf, Kurt O.


    An oscillator circuit is disclosed which can be used to produce oscillation using a piezoelectric crystal, with a frequency of oscillation being largely independent of any shunt capacitance associated with the crystal (i.e. due to electrodes on the surfaces of the crystal and due to packaging and wiring for the crystal). The oscillator circuit is based on a tuned gain stage which operates the crystal at a frequency, f, near a series resonance frequency, f.sub.S. The oscillator circuit further includes a compensation circuit that supplies all the ac current flow through the shunt resistance associated with the crystal so that this ac current need not be supplied by the tuned gain stage. The compensation circuit uses a current mirror to provide the ac current flow based on the current flow through a reference capacitor that is equivalent to the shunt capacitance associated with the crystal. The oscillator circuit has applications for driving piezoelectric crystals for sensing of viscous, fluid or solid media by detecting a change in the frequency of oscillation of the crystal and a resonator loss which occur from contact of an exposed surface of the crystal by the viscous, fluid or solid media.

  10. Nonlinear relaxation algorithms for circuit simulation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Saleh, R.A.

    Circuit simulation is an important Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tool in the design of Integrated Circuits (IC). However, the standard techniques used in programs such as SPICE result in very long computer-run times when applied to large problems. In order to reduce the overall run time, a number of new approaches to circuit simulation were developed and are described. These methods are based on nonlinear relaxation techniques and exploit the relative inactivity of large circuits. Simple waveform-processing techniques are described to determine the maximum possible speed improvement that can be obtained by exploiting this property of large circuits. Three simulation algorithmsmore » are described, two of which are based on the Iterated Timing Analysis (ITA) method and a third based on the Waveform-Relaxation Newton (WRN) method. New programs that incorporate these techniques were developed and used to simulate a variety of industrial circuits. The results from these simulations are provided. The techniques are shown to be much faster than the standard approach. In addition, a number of parallel aspects of these algorithms are described, and a general space-time model of parallel-task scheduling is developed.« less

  11. Fractal Electronic Circuits Assembled From Nanoclusters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fairbanks, M. S.; McCarthy, D.; Taylor, R. P.; Brown, S. A.


    Many patterns in nature can be described using fractal geometry. The effect of this fractal character is an array of properties that can include high internal connectivity, high dispersivity, and enhanced surface area to volume ratios. These properties are often desirable in applications and, consequently, fractal geometry is increasingly employed in technologies ranging from antenna to storm barriers. In this paper, we explore the application of fractal geometry to electrical circuits, inspired by the pervasive fractal structure of neurons in the brain. We show that, under appropriate growth conditions, nanoclusters of Sb form into islands on atomically flat substrates via a process close to diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA), establishing fractal islands that will form the basis of our fractal circuits. We perform fractal analysis of the islands to determine the spatial scaling properties (characterized by the fractal dimension, D) of the proposed circuits and demonstrate how varying growth conditions can affect D. We discuss fabrication approaches for establishing electrical contact to the fractal islands. Finally, we present fractal circuit simulations, which show that the fractal character of the circuit translates into novel, non-linear conduction properties determined by the circuit's D value.

  12. A programming language for composable DNA circuits.


    Phillips, Andrew; Cardelli, Luca


    Recently, a range of information-processing circuits have been implemented in DNA by using strand displacement as their main computational mechanism. Examples include digital logic circuits and catalytic signal amplification circuits that function as efficient molecular detectors. As new paradigms for DNA computation emerge, the development of corresponding languages and tools for these paradigms will help to facilitate the design of DNA circuits and their automatic compilation to nucleotide sequences. We present a programming language for designing and simulating DNA circuits in which strand displacement is the main computational mechanism. The language includes basic elements of sequence domains, toeholds and branch migration, and assumes that strands do not possess any secondary structure. The language is used to model and simulate a variety of circuits, including an entropy-driven catalytic gate, a simple gate motif for synthesizing large-scale circuits and a scheme for implementing an arbitrary system of chemical reactions. The language is a first step towards the design of modelling and simulation tools for DNA strand displacement, which complements the emergence of novel implementation strategies for DNA computing.

  13. A programming language for composable DNA circuits

    PubMed Central

    Phillips, Andrew; Cardelli, Luca


    Recently, a range of information-processing circuits have been implemented in DNA by using strand displacement as their main computational mechanism. Examples include digital logic circuits and catalytic signal amplification circuits that function as efficient molecular detectors. As new paradigms for DNA computation emerge, the development of corresponding languages and tools for these paradigms will help to facilitate the design of DNA circuits and their automatic compilation to nucleotide sequences. We present a programming language for designing and simulating DNA circuits in which strand displacement is the main computational mechanism. The language includes basic elements of sequence domains, toeholds and branch migration, and assumes that strands do not possess any secondary structure. The language is used to model and simulate a variety of circuits, including an entropy-driven catalytic gate, a simple gate motif for synthesizing large-scale circuits and a scheme for implementing an arbitrary system of chemical reactions. The language is a first step towards the design of modelling and simulation tools for DNA strand displacement, which complements the emergence of novel implementation strategies for DNA computing. PMID:19535415

  14. High Speed Solid State Circuit Breaker

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Podlesak, Thomas F.


    The U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Fort Monmouth, NJ, has developed and is installing two 3.3 MW high speed solid state circuit breakers at the Army's Pulse Power Center. These circuit breakers will interrupt 4160V three phase power mains in no more than 300 microseconds, two orders of magnitude faster than conventional mechanical contact type circuit breakers. These circuit breakers utilize Gate Turnoff Thyristors (GTO's) and are currently utility type devices using air cooling in an air conditioned enclosure. Future refinements include liquid cooling, either water or two phase organic coolant, and more advanced semiconductors. Each of these refinements promises a more compact, more reliable unit.

  15. Une forme exceptionnelle de la luxation perilunaire du carpe

    PubMed Central

    Elouakili, Issam; Ouchrif, Younes; Najib, Abdeljaouad; Ouakrim, Redouane; Lamrani, Omar; Kharmaz, Mohammed; Ismael, Farid; Lahlou, Abdo; Elouadghiri, Mohammed; El Bardouni, Ahmed; Mahfoud, Mustapha; Berrada, Mohammed Saleh; El Yaccoubi, Mouradh


    Les luxations périlunaires (LPL) du carpe sont des lésions extrêmement rares, qui peuvent passer inaperçue en raison d'un tableau clinique souvent trompeur, des radiographies en profil non strict ou d'interprétation difficile. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une luxation périlunaire stade III selon la classification de Witvoët et Allieu chez un patient de 32 ans, il s'agit d'une forme encore plus rare voire exceptionnelle et qui peut induire de sérieux problèmes en raison de la sévérité des dommages ligamentaires et du risque de nécrose du semilunaire plus important dans ce type de lésions. Le traitement est toujours chirurgical et doit être réalisé dans les plus brefs délais afin d’éviter les complications. PMID:25404968

  16. Marihuana: A Conversation with NIDA's Robert L. DuPont.


    Maugh, T H


    Robert L. DuPont, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), made headlines recently when he became one of the first Administration officials publicly to recommend a liberalization of marihuana laws. The occasion was a press conference accompanying the release of Marihuana and Health, NIDA's fifth annual report to the Congress on marihuana research. Recently, Science talked with DuPont and asked him to elaborate on those views. DuPont, a 40-year-old Harvard M.D., served as Director of the District of Columbia's Narcotics Treatment Administration from 1970 to 1973, where he conducted a comprehensive program for treatment of heroin addiction. In June 1973, Richard Nixon appointed him director of the White House Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention. He held that position until the office was terminated on 30 June 1975. He has been director of NIDA since September 1973.

  17. Niveaux d'étude du cerveau, et sagesse physique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Toulouse, Gérard


    The brain is a complex spatio-temporal affair. Several brain theories propose the definition of three superposed levels of study. But physics, though the experience of condensed matter physics, suggests that it is unwise to enforce onto brain theories a unified hierarchical scheme, the inspiration for which seems to come from the realm of sub-molecular physics. Le cerveau est une affaire spatio-temporelle complexe. Plusieurs théories du cerveau proposent de définir trois niveaux d'études superposés. Mais la physique, à travers l'expérience de la physique de la matière condensée, suggère qu'il n'est pas sage d'imposer sur les théories du cerveau un schéma hiérarchique unifié, dont l'inspiration semble provenir du domaine de la physique sub-moléculaire.

  18. Fabric circuits and method of manufacturing fabric circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chu, Andrew W. (Inventor); Dobbins, Justin A. (Inventor); Scully, Robert C. (Inventor); Trevino, Robert C. (Inventor); Lin, Greg Y. (Inventor); Fink, Patrick W. (Inventor)


    A flexible, fabric-based circuit comprises a non-conductive flexible layer of fabric and a conductive flexible layer of fabric adjacent thereto. A non-conductive thread, an adhesive, and/or other means may be used for attaching the conductive layer to the non-conductive layer. In some embodiments, the layers are attached by a computer-driven embroidery machine at pre-determined portions or locations in accordance with a pre-determined attachment layout before automated cutting. In some other embodiments, an automated milling machine or a computer-driven laser using a pre-designed circuit trace as a template cuts the conductive layer so as to separate an undesired portion of the conductive layer from a desired portion of the conductive layer. Additional layers of conductive fabric may be attached in some embodiments to form a multi-layer construct.

  19. Principles of Genetic Circuit Design

    PubMed Central

    Brophy, Jennifer A.N.; Voigt, Christopher A.


    Cells are able to navigate environments, communicate, and build complex patterns by initiating gene expression in response to specific signals. Engineers need to harness this capability to program cells to perform tasks or build chemicals and materials that match the complexity seen in nature. This review describes new tools that aid the construction of genetic circuits. We show how circuit dynamics can be influenced by the choice of regulators and changed with expression “tuning knobs.” We collate the failure modes encountered when assembling circuits, quantify their impact on performance, and review mitigation efforts. Finally, we discuss the constraints that arise from operating within a living cell. Collectively, better tools, well-characterized parts, and a comprehensive understanding of how to compose circuits are leading to a breakthrough in the ability to program living cells for advanced applications, from living therapeutics to the atomic manufacturing of functional materials. PMID:24781324

  20. 30 CFR 56.6402 - Deenergized circuits near detonators.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Electric Blasting § 56.6402 Deenergized circuits near detonators. Electrical distribution circuits within 50 feet of electric detonators at the blast site shall be deenergized. Such circuits need not be... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Deenergized circuits near detonators. 56.6402...

  1. Fast-responding short circuit protection system with self-reset for use in circuit supplied by DC power

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Burns, Bradley M. (Inventor); Blalock, Norman N. (Inventor)


    A short circuit protection system includes an inductor, a switch, a voltage sensing circuit, and a controller. The switch and inductor are electrically coupled to be in series with one another. A voltage sensing circuit is coupled across the switch and the inductor. A controller, coupled to the voltage sensing circuit and the switch, opens the switch when a voltage at the output terminal of the inductor transitions from above a threshold voltage to below the threshold voltage. The controller closes the switch when the voltage at the output terminal of the inductor transitions from below the threshold voltage to above the threshold voltage.

  2. Dual-circuit segmented rail phased induction motor


    Marder, Barry M.; Cowan, Jr., Maynard


    An improved linear motor utilizes two circuits, rather that one circuit and an opposed plate, to gain efficiency. The powered circuit is a flat conductive coil. The opposed segmented rail circuit is either a plurality of similar conductive coils that are shorted, or a plurality of ladders formed of opposed conductive bars connected by a plurality of spaced conductors. In each embodiment, the conductors are preferably cables formed from a plurality of intertwined insulated wires to carry current evenly.

  3. Dive In to Aquatic Circuits.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Goldfarb, Joseph M.


    The article presents a method for swimming teachers and coaches to stave off workout boredom in their students by using a circuit in the pool. After explaining how to set up a training circuit, the article describes sample stations and notes important safety precautions. (SM)

  4. 30 CFR 75.800-1 - Circuit breakers; location.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Circuit breakers; location. 75.800-1 Section 75.800-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY... § 75.800-1 Circuit breakers; location. Circuit breakers protecting high-voltage circuits entering an...


    DTIC Science & Technology

    A subsatellite circle circuit is included in the NRL experimental satellite position prediction and display equipment ( SPAD ). The circuit paints, is defined by the subsatellite position, and the SPAD prediction computer uses the satellite look-cone angle (say, that of a cloud-cover camera) and...modification the circle circuit used for SPAD is applicable to any cathode-ray tube display having either electrostatic or magnetic deflection

  6. Nulling Hall-Effect Current-Measuring Circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sullender, Craig C.; Vazquez, Juan M.; Berru, Robert I.


    Circuit measures electrical current via combination of Hall-effect-sensing and magnetic-field-nulling techniques. Known current generated by feedback circuit adjusted until it causes cancellation or near cancellation of magnetic field produced in toroidal ferrite core by current measured. Remaining magnetic field measured by Hall-effect sensor. Circuit puts out analog signal and digital signal proportional to current measured. Accuracy of measurement does not depend on linearity of sensing components.

  7. Reusable vibration resistant integrated circuit mounting socket


    Evans, Craig N.


    This invention discloses a novel form of socket for integrated circuits to be mounted on printed circuit boards. The socket uses a novel contact which is fabricated out of a bimetallic strip with a shape which makes the end of the strip move laterally as temperature changes. The end of the strip forms a barb which digs into an integrated circuit lead at normal temperatures and holds it firmly in the contact, preventing loosening and open circuits from vibration. By cooling the contact containing the bimetallic strip the barb end can be made to release so that the integrated circuit lead can be removed from the socket without damage either to the lead or to the socket components.

  8. Arithmetic Circuit Verification Based on Symbolic Computer Algebra

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Watanabe, Yuki; Homma, Naofumi; Aoki, Takafumi; Higuchi, Tatsuo

    This paper presents a formal approach to verify arithmetic circuits using symbolic computer algebra. Our method describes arithmetic circuits directly with high-level mathematical objects based on weighted number systems and arithmetic formulae. Such circuit description can be effectively verified by polynomial reduction techniques using Gröbner Bases. In this paper, we describe how the symbolic computer algebra can be used to describe and verify arithmetic circuits. The advantageous effects of the proposed approach are demonstrated through experimental verification of some arithmetic circuits such as multiply-accumulator and FIR filter. The result shows that the proposed approach has a definite possibility of verifying practical arithmetic circuits.

  9. Interface Circuit Board For Space-Shuttle Communications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Parrish, Brett T.


    Report describes interface electronic circuit developed to enable ground controllers to send commands and data via Ku-band radio uplink to multiple circuits connected to standard IEEE-488 general-purpose interface bus in space shuttle. Design of circuit extends data-throughput capability of communication system.

  10. 49 CFR 236.732 - Controller, circuit; switch.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Controller, circuit; switch. 236.732 Section 236... § 236.732 Controller, circuit; switch. A device for opening and closing electric circuits, operated by a rod connected to a switch, derail or movable-point frog. ...

  11. 49 CFR 236.732 - Controller, circuit; switch.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Controller, circuit; switch. 236.732 Section 236... § 236.732 Controller, circuit; switch. A device for opening and closing electric circuits, operated by a rod connected to a switch, derail or movable-point frog. ...

  12. 49 CFR 236.732 - Controller, circuit; switch.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Controller, circuit; switch. 236.732 Section 236... § 236.732 Controller, circuit; switch. A device for opening and closing electric circuits, operated by a rod connected to a switch, derail or movable-point frog. ...

  13. 49 CFR 236.732 - Controller, circuit; switch.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Controller, circuit; switch. 236.732 Section 236... § 236.732 Controller, circuit; switch. A device for opening and closing electric circuits, operated by a rod connected to a switch, derail or movable-point frog. ...

  14. 49 CFR 236.732 - Controller, circuit; switch.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Controller, circuit; switch. 236.732 Section 236.732 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD... § 236.732 Controller, circuit; switch. A device for opening and closing electric circuits, operated by a...

  15. New Logic Circuit with DC Parametric Excitation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sugahara, Masanori; Kaneda, Hisayoshi


    It is shown that dc parametric excitation is possible in a circuit named JUDO, which is composed of two resistively-connected Josephson junctions. Simulation study proves that the circuit has large gain and properties suitable for the construction of small, high-speed logic circuits.

  16. Electronic test and calibration circuits, a compilation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    A wide variety of simple test calibration circuits are compiled for the engineer and laboratory technician. The majority of circuits were found inexpensive to assemble. Testing electronic devices and components, instrument and system test, calibration and reference circuits, and simple test procedures are presented.

  17. 47 CFR 32.6232 - Circuit equipment expense.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ...) This subaccount 6232.1 Electronic shall include expenses associated with electronic circuit equipment... 47 Telecommunication 2 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Circuit equipment expense. 32.6232 Section 32... SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Instructions for Expense Accounts § 32.6232 Circuit...

  18. 47 CFR 32.6232 - Circuit equipment expense.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ...) This subaccount 6232.1 Electronic shall include expenses associated with electronic circuit equipment... 47 Telecommunication 2 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Circuit equipment expense. 32.6232 Section 32... SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Instructions for Expense Accounts § 32.6232 Circuit...

  19. 47 CFR 32.6232 - Circuit equipment expense.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ...) This subaccount 6232.1 Electronic shall include expenses associated with electronic circuit equipment... 47 Telecommunication 2 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Circuit equipment expense. 32.6232 Section 32... SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Instructions for Expense Accounts § 32.6232 Circuit...

  20. 47 CFR 32.6232 - Circuit equipment expense.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...) This subaccount 6232.1 Electronic shall include expenses associated with electronic circuit equipment... 47 Telecommunication 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Circuit equipment expense. 32.6232 Section 32... SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Instructions for Expense Accounts § 32.6232 Circuit...

  1. 47 CFR 32.6232 - Circuit equipment expense.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...) This subaccount 6232.1 Electronic shall include expenses associated with electronic circuit equipment... 47 Telecommunication 2 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Circuit equipment expense. 32.6232 Section 32... SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Instructions for Expense Accounts § 32.6232 Circuit...

  2. 30 CFR 57.12017 - Work on power circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... shall prevent the power circuits from being energized without the knowledge of the individuals working... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Work on power circuits. 57.12017 Section 57... Surface and Underground § 57.12017 Work on power circuits. Power circuits shall be deenergized before work...

  3. 30 CFR 75.900-1 - Circuit breakers; location.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Circuit breakers; location. 75.900-1 Section 75.900-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY... Alternating Current Circuits § 75.900-1 Circuit breakers; location. Circuit breakers used to protect low-and...

  4. Chaos in a neural network circuit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kepler, Thomas B.; Datt, Sumeet; Meyer, Robert B.; Abott, L. F.


    We have constructed a neural network circuit of four clipped, high-grain, integrating operational amplifiers coupled to each other through an array of digitally programmable resistor ladders (MDACs). In addition to fixed-point and cyclic behavior, the circuit exhibits chaotic behavior with complex strange attractors which are approached through period doubling, intermittent attractor expansion and/or quasiperiodic pathways. Couplings between the nonlinear circuit elements are controlled by a computer which can automatically search through the space of couplings for interesting phenomena. We report some initial statistical results relating the behavior of the network to properties of its coupling matrix. Through these results and further research the circuit should help resolve fundamental issues concerning chaos in neural networks.

  5. Circuit for monitoring temperature of high-voltage equipment


    Jacobs, Martin E.


    This invention relates to an improved circuit for measuring temperature in a region at high electric potential and generating a read-out of the same in a region at lower potential. The circuit is specially designed to combine high sensitivity, stability, and accuracy. A major portion of the circuit situated in the high-potential region can take the form of an integrated circuit. The preferred form of the circuit includes an input section which is situated in the high-potential region and comprises a temperature-compensated thermocouple circuit for sensing temperature, an oscillator circuit for generating a train of ramp voltages whose rise time varies inversely with the thermocouple output, a comparator and switching circuit for converting the oscillator output to pulses whose frequency is proportional to the thermocouple output, and a light-emitting diode which is energized by these pulses. An optical coupling transmits the light pulses generated by the diode to an output section of the circuit, situated in a region at ground. The output section comprises means for converting the transmitted pulses to electrical pulses of corresponding frequency, means for amplifying the electrical pulses, and means for displaying the frequency of the same. The preferred embodiment of the overall circuit is designed so that the frequency of the output signal in hertz and tenths of hertz is equal to the sensed temperature in degrees and tenths of degrees.

  6. Compact Circuit Preprocesses Accelerometer Output

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bozeman, Richard J., Jr.


    Compact electronic circuit transfers dc power to, and preprocesses ac output of, accelerometer and associated preamplifier. Incorporated into accelerometer case during initial fabrication or retrofit onto commercial accelerometer. Made of commercial integrated circuits and other conventional components; made smaller by use of micrologic and surface-mount technology.

  7. Demonstrations with an "LCR" Circuit

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kraftmakher, Yaakov


    The "LCR" circuit is an important topic in the course of electricity and magnetism. Papers in this field consider mainly the forced oscillations and resonance. Our aim is to show how to demonstrate the free and self-excited oscillations in an "LCR" circuit. (Contains 4 figures.)

  8. A programmable heater control circuit for spacecraft

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nguyen, D. D.; Owen, J. W.; Smith, D. A.; Lewter, W. J.


    Spacecraft thermal control is accomplished for many components through use of multilayer insulation systems, electrical heaters, and radiator systems. The heaters are commanded to maintain component temperatures within design specifications. The programmable heater control circuit (PHCC) was designed to obtain an effective and efficient means of spacecraft thermal control. The hybrid circuit provides use of control instrumentation as temperature data, available to the spacecraft central data system, reprogramming capability of the local microprocessor during the spacecraft's mission, and the elimination of significant spacecraft wiring. The hybrid integrated circuit has a temperature sensing and conditioning circuit, a microprocessor, and a heater power and control circuit. The device is miniature and housed in a volume which allows physical integration with the component to be controlled. Applications might include alternate battery-powered logic-circuit configurations. A prototype unit with appropriate physical and functional interfaces was procured for testing. The physical functionality and the feasibility of fabrication of the hybrid integrated circuit were successfully verified. The remaining work to develop a flight-qualified device includes fabrication and testing of a Mil-certified part. An option for completing the PHCC flight qualification testing is to enter into a joint venture with industry.

  9. Circuit engineering principles for construction of bipolar large-scale integrated circuit storage devices and very large-scale main memory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Neklyudov, A. A.; Savenkov, V. N.; Sergeyez, A. G.


    Memories are improved by increasing speed or the memory volume on a single chip. The most effective means for increasing speeds in bipolar memories are current control circuits with the lowest extraction times for a specific power consumption (1/4 pJ/bit). The control current circuitry involves multistage current switches and circuits accelerating transient processes in storage elements and links. Circuit principles for the design of bipolar memories with maximum speeds for an assigned minimum of circuit topology are analyzed. Two main classes of storage with current control are considered: the ECL type and super-integrated injection type storage with data capacities of N = 1/4 and N 4/16, respectively. The circuits reduce logic voltage differentials and the volumes of lexical and discharge buses and control circuit buses. The limiting speed is determined by the antiinterference requirements of the memory in storage and extraction modes.

  10. Creating single-copy genetic circuits

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Jeong Wook; Gyorgy, Andras; Cameron, D. Ewen; Pyenson, Nora; Choi, Kyeong Rok; Way, Jeffrey C.; Silver, Pamela A.; Del Vecchio, Domitilla; Collins, James J.


    SUMMARY Synthetic biology is increasingly used to develop sophisticated living devices for basic and applied research. Many of these genetic devices are engineered using multi-copy plasmids, but as the field progresses from proof-of-principle demonstrations to practical applications, it is important to develop single-copy synthetic modules that minimize consumption of cellular resources and can be stably maintained as genomic integrants. Here we use empirical design, mathematical modeling and iterative construction and testing to build single-copy, bistable toggle switches with improved performance and reduced metabolic load that can be stably integrated into the host genome. Deterministic and stochastic models led us to focus on basal transcription to optimize circuit performance and helped to explain the resulting circuit robustness across a large range of component expression levels. The design parameters developed here provide important guidance for future efforts to convert functional multi-copy gene circuits into optimized single-copy circuits for practical, real-world use. PMID:27425413

  11. 49 CFR 236.722 - Circuit, cut-in.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Circuit, cut-in. 236.722 Section 236.722 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Circuit, cut-in. A roadway circuit at the entrance to automatic train stop, train control or cab signal...

  12. 30 CFR 57.12025 - Grounding circuit enclosures.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Electricity Surface and Underground § 57.12025 Grounding circuit enclosures. All metal enclosing or encasing electrical circuits shall be grounded or provided with equivalent protection. This requirement does not apply... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Grounding circuit enclosures. 57.12025 Section...

  13. 30 CFR 57.4011 - Abandoned electric circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Abandoned electric circuits. 57.4011 Section 57.4011 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL... and Control § 57.4011 Abandoned electric circuits. Abandoned electric circuits shall be deenergized...

  14. 30 CFR 56.4011 - Abandoned electric circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Abandoned electric circuits. 56.4011 Section 56.4011 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL... Control § 56.4011 Abandoned electric circuits. Abandoned electric circuits shall be deenergized and...

  15. 30 CFR 57.4011 - Abandoned electric circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Abandoned electric circuits. 57.4011 Section 57.4011 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL... and Control § 57.4011 Abandoned electric circuits. Abandoned electric circuits shall be deenergized...

  16. 30 CFR 56.4011 - Abandoned electric circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Abandoned electric circuits. 56.4011 Section 56.4011 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL... Control § 56.4011 Abandoned electric circuits. Abandoned electric circuits shall be deenergized and...

  17. 30 CFR 57.4011 - Abandoned electric circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Abandoned electric circuits. 57.4011 Section 57.4011 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL... and Control § 57.4011 Abandoned electric circuits. Abandoned electric circuits shall be deenergized...

  18. 30 CFR 56.4011 - Abandoned electric circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Abandoned electric circuits. 56.4011 Section 56.4011 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL... Control § 56.4011 Abandoned electric circuits. Abandoned electric circuits shall be deenergized and...

  19. 30 CFR 56.4011 - Abandoned electric circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Abandoned electric circuits. 56.4011 Section 56.4011 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL... Control § 56.4011 Abandoned electric circuits. Abandoned electric circuits shall be deenergized and...

  20. 30 CFR 57.4011 - Abandoned electric circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Abandoned electric circuits. 57.4011 Section 57.4011 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL... and Control § 57.4011 Abandoned electric circuits. Abandoned electric circuits shall be deenergized...

  1. 49 CFR 236.722 - Circuit, cut-in.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Circuit, cut-in. 236.722 Section 236.722 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Circuit, cut-in. A roadway circuit at the entrance to automatic train stop, train control or cab signal...

  2. A Simple Memristor Model for Circuit Simulations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fullerton, Farrah-Amoy; Joe, Aaleyah; Gergel-Hackett, Nadine; Department of Chemistry; Physics Team

    This work describes the development of a model for the memristor, a novel nanoelectronic technology. The model was designed to replicate the real-world electrical characteristics of previously fabricated memristor devices, but was constructed with basic circuit elements using a free widely available circuit simulator, LT Spice. The modeled memrsistors were then used to construct a circuit that performs material implication. Material implication is a digital logic that can be used to perform all of the same basic functions as traditional CMOS gates, but with fewer nanoelectronic devices. This memristor-based digital logic could enable memristors' use in new paradigms of computer architecture with advantages in size, speed, and power over traditional computing circuits. Additionally, the ability to model the real-world electrical characteristics of memristors in a free circuit simulator using its standard library of elements could enable not only the development of memristor material implication, but also the development of a virtually unlimited array of other memristor-based circuits.

  3. Deconstruction of a neural circuit for hunger.


    Atasoy, Deniz; Betley, J Nicholas; Su, Helen H; Sternson, Scott M


    Hunger is a complex behavioural state that elicits intense food seeking and consumption. These behaviours are rapidly recapitulated by activation of starvation-sensitive AGRP neurons, which present an entry point for reverse-engineering neural circuits for hunger. Here we mapped synaptic interactions of AGRP neurons with multiple cell populations in mice and probed the contribution of these distinct circuits to feeding behaviour using optogenetic and pharmacogenetic techniques. An inhibitory circuit with paraventricular hypothalamus (PVH) neurons substantially accounted for acute AGRP neuron-evoked eating, whereas two other prominent circuits were insufficient. Within the PVH, we found that AGRP neurons target and inhibit oxytocin neurons, a small population that is selectively lost in Prader-Willi syndrome, a condition involving insatiable hunger. By developing strategies for evaluating molecularly defined circuits, we show that AGRP neuron suppression of oxytocin neurons is critical for evoked feeding. These experiments reveal a new neural circuit that regulates hunger state and pathways associated with overeating disorders.

  4. Deconstruction of a neural circuit for hunger

    PubMed Central

    Atasoy, Deniz; Betley, J. Nicholas; Su, Helen H.; Sternson, Scott M.


    Hunger is a complex behavioural state that elicits intense food seeking and consumption. These behaviours are rapidly recapitulated by activation of starvation-sensitive AGRP neurons, which present an entry point for reverse-engineering neural circuits for hunger. We mapped synaptic interactions of AGRP neurons with multiple cell populations and probed the contribution of these distinct circuits to feeding behaviour using optogenetic and pharmacogenetic techniques. An inhibitory circuit with paraventricular hypothalamus (PVH) neurons substantially accounted for acute AGRP neuron-evoked eating, whereas two other prominent circuits were insufficient. Within the PVH, we found that AGRP neurons target and inhibit oxytocin neurons, a small population that is selectively lost in Prader-Willi syndrome, a condition involving insatiable hunger. By developing strategies for evaluating molecularly-defined circuits, we show that AGRP neuron suppression of oxytocin neurons is critical for evoked feeding. These experiments reveal a new neural circuit that regulates hunger state and pathways associated with overeating disorders. PMID:22801496

  5. Kyste épidermoïde du testicule : Étude de cas

    PubMed Central

    Diarra, Alkadri; Elammari, Jalal Eddine; Kassogue, Amadou; El Fassi, Mohammed Jamal; Farih, My Hassan


    Résumé Le kyste épidermoïde (KE) du testicule est une tumeur bénigne rare. Le diagnostic peut être évoqué par l’échographie et l’IRM. En cas de lésion unique de petite taille, il est possible d’effectuer une chirurgie conservatrice. Ce traitement nécessite une confirmation anatomopathologique. Le présent article fait état de l’observation d’un patient de 34 ans ayant été admis en consultation d’urologie pour désir d’enfant. Le diagnostic de KE associé à une varicocèle gauche a été retenu. L’énucléation du kyste avec cure de varicocèle a été réalisée sans complications postopératoires. Une revue de la littérature nous a permis de mettre en évidence les différents aspects du KE du testicule et les méthodes thérapeutiques envisageables. PMID:24282476

  6. Des proprietes de l'etat normal du modele de Hubbard bidimensionnel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lemay, Francois

    Depuis leur decouverte, les etudes experimentales ont demontre que les supra-conducteurs a haute temperature ont une phase normale tres etrange. Les proprietes de ces materiaux ne sont pas bien decrites par la theorie du liquide de Fermi. Le modele de Hubbard bidimensionnel, bien qu'il ne soit pas encore resolu, est toujours considere comme un candidat pour expliquer la physique de ces composes. Dans cet ouvrage, nous mettons en evidence plusieurs proprietes electroniques du modele qui sont incompatibles avec l'existence de quasi-particules. Nous montrons notamment que la susceptibilite des electrons libres sur reseau contient des singularites logarithmiques qui influencent de facon determinante les proprietes de la self-energie a basse frequence. Ces singularites sont responsables de la destruction des quasi-particules. En l'absence de fluctuations antiferromagnetiques, elles sont aussi responsables de l'existence d'un petit pseudogap dans le poids spectral au niveau de Fermi. Les proprietes du modele sont egalement etudiees pour une surface de Fermi similaire a celle des supraconducteurs a haute temperature. Un parallele est etabli entre certaines caracteristiques du modele et celles de ces materiaux.

  7. Investigation experimentale de l'ecoulement et des performances thermiques du nanofluide eau-oxyde de cuivre dans un Micro-Canal Chauffe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rimbault, Benjamin

    Cette these de maitrise presentee par articles visait a etudier le comportement hydraulique et thermique d'un ecoulement de nanofluides en micro-canal chauffe. Nous avons etudie premierement de l'eau distillee, ensuite des melanges de particules d'oxyde de cuivre (taille 29nm) avec de l'eau distillee en concentrations particulaires volumiques 4.5%, 1.03%, et 0.24% (CuO-H2O). L'ecoulement force des differents fluides a ete realise au moyen de pompes a engrenages au sein d'un circuit ferme, comprenant un micro-canal a section rectangulaire (e=1.116mm,1=25.229mm) chauffe sur deux faces paralleles via des cartouches electriques, deux echangeurs de chaleurs en serie, ainsi qu'un debitmetre magnetique. A notre connaissance peu d'etudes sur l'ecoulement de nanofluides d'oxyde de cuivre-eau en micro-canal rectangulaire chauffe sont disponibles dans la litterature, cette recherche sert de contribution. Premierement, une validation avec la litterature a ete effectuee pour le cas d'un ecoulement d'eau entre plaques planes paralleles chauffees. Des essais hydrauliques ont ete realises pour une gamme du nombre de Reynolds allant jusqu'a Re=5000 a temperature constante. Par la suite des essais thermiques jusqu'a Re=2500 ont consiste en une elevation de temperature fixe (20.5°C a 30.5°C) a travers la longueur du micro-canal sous un regime stationnaire. Les resultats ont demontre une augmentation de la perte de pression et du coefficient de frottement des nanofluides sur l'eau pour un meme debit. Une telle augmentation de perte de pression etait de +70%, +25%, et +0 a 30% respectivement pour les concentrations 4.50%, 1.03%, et 0.24%. Concernant la transition laminaire a turbulent les comportements semblaient indiquer une valeur critique semblable entre l'eau et les differentes concentrations avec et sans chauffage a un nombre de Reynolds critique Rem 1000. Nous avons observe une legere augmentation du coefficient de convection thermique avec le debit massique pour les faibles

  8. GaAs Optoelectronic Integrated-Circuit Neurons

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lin, Steven H.; Kim, Jae H.; Psaltis, Demetri


    Monolithic GaAs optoelectronic integrated circuits developed for use as artificial neurons. Neural-network computer contains planar arrays of optoelectronic neurons, and variable synaptic connections between neurons effected by diffraction of light from volume hologram in photorefractive material. Basic principles of neural-network computers explained more fully in "Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits For Neural Networks" (NPO-17652). In present circuits, devices replaced by metal/semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFET's), which consume less power.

  9. Monitoring transients in low inductance circuits


    Guilford, R.P.; Rosborough, J.R.


    The instant invention relates to methods of and apparatus for monitoring transients in low inductance circuits and to a probe utilized to practice said method and apparatus. More particularly, the instant invention relates to methods of and apparatus for monitoring low inductance circuits, wherein the low inductance circuits include a pair of flat cable transmission lines. The instant invention is further directed to a probe for use in monitoring pairs of flat cable transmission lines.

  10. Function does not follow form in gene regulatory circuits.


    Payne, Joshua L; Wagner, Andreas


    Gene regulatory circuits are to the cell what arithmetic logic units are to the chip: fundamental components of information processing that map an input onto an output. Gene regulatory circuits come in many different forms, distinct structural configurations that determine who regulates whom. Studies that have focused on the gene expression patterns (functions) of circuits with a given structure (form) have examined just a few structures or gene expression patterns. Here, we use a computational model to exhaustively characterize the gene expression patterns of nearly 17 million three-gene circuits in order to systematically explore the relationship between circuit form and function. Three main conclusions emerge. First, function does not follow form. A circuit of any one structure can have between twelve and nearly thirty thousand distinct gene expression patterns. Second, and conversely, form does not follow function. Most gene expression patterns can be realized by more than one circuit structure. And third, multifunctionality severely constrains circuit form. The number of circuit structures able to drive multiple gene expression patterns decreases rapidly with the number of these patterns. These results indicate that it is generally not possible to infer circuit function from circuit form, or vice versa.

  11. 21 CFR 868.5240 - Anesthesia breathing circuit.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Anesthesia breathing circuit. 868.5240 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Therapeutic Devices § 868.5240 Anesthesia breathing circuit. (a) Identification. An anesthesia breathing circuit is a device that is intended to administer medical gases to a...

  12. 21 CFR 868.5240 - Anesthesia breathing circuit.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Anesthesia breathing circuit. 868.5240 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Therapeutic Devices § 868.5240 Anesthesia breathing circuit. (a) Identification. An anesthesia breathing circuit is a device that is intended to administer medical gases to a...

  13. 21 CFR 868.5240 - Anesthesia breathing circuit.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Anesthesia breathing circuit. 868.5240 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Therapeutic Devices § 868.5240 Anesthesia breathing circuit. (a) Identification. An anesthesia breathing circuit is a device that is intended to administer medical gases to a...

  14. Two-generation reproductive toxicity study of implanted depleted uranium (DU) in CD rats.


    Arfsten, D P; Still, K R; Wilfong, E R; Johnson, E W; McInturf, S M; Eggers, J S; Schaeffer, D J; Bekkedal, M Y-V


    Depleted uranium (DU) munitions and armor plating have been used in several conflicts over the last 17 yr, including the Persian Gulf War and the Iraq War. Because of its effectiveness and availability, DU will continue to be used in military applications into the foreseeable future. There is much controversy over the use of DU in weapons and equipment because of its potential radiological and toxic hazards, and there is concern over the chronic adverse health effects of embedded DU shrapnel in war veterans and bystanders. This study evaluated the effects of long-term implantation of DU on the reproductive success of F0 generation adults and development and survival of subsequent F1 and F2 generations in a two-generation reproductive toxicity study. F0 generation Sprague-Dawley rats, 8 wk of age, were surgically implanted with 0, 4, 8, 12, or 20 DU pellets (1 x 2 mm). Inert implant control animals were implanted with 12 or 20 tantallum (Ta) pellets. The F0 generation was then mated at 120 d post DU implantation. In the F0 generation, when measured on postimplantation d 27 and 117, uranium was present in the urine of DU-implanted animals in a dose-dependent manner. F0 reproductive success was similar across treatment groups and the maternal retrieval test revealed no changes in maternal behavior. DU implantation exerted no effect on the survival, health, or well-being of the F0 generation. Necropsy results of F0 animals were negative with the exception of a marked inflammatory response surrounding the implanted DU pellets. For the F1 generation, measures of F1 development through postnatal day (PND) 20 were unremarkable and no gross abnormalities were observed in F1 offspring. No uranium was detected in whole-body homogenates of PND 4 or PND 20 pups. Necropsy findings of F1 PND 20 pups were negative and no instances of ribcage malformation were observed in F1 PND 20 pups. Body weight and body weight gain of F1 rats through PND 120 were similar across treatment

  15. Triple effect absorption chiller utilizing two refrigeration circuits


    DeVault, Robert C.


    A triple effect absorption method and apparatus having a high coefficient of performance. Two single effect absorption circuits are combined with heat exchange occurring between a condenser and absorber of a high temperature circuit, and a generator of a low temperature circuit. The evaporators of both the high and low temperature circuits provide cooling to an external heat load.

  16. Differential transimpedance amplifier circuit for correlated differential amplification


    Gresham, Christopher A [Albuquerque, NM; Denton, M Bonner [Tucson, AZ; Sperline, Roger P [Tucson, AZ


    A differential transimpedance amplifier circuit for correlated differential amplification. The amplifier circuit increase electronic signal-to-noise ratios in charge detection circuits designed for the detection of very small quantities of electrical charge and/or very weak electromagnetic waves. A differential, integrating capacitive transimpedance amplifier integrated circuit comprising capacitor feedback loops performs time-correlated subtraction of noise.

  17. Speaking Truth to Power: Du Bois as Educator and Community Activist

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Grant, Carl A.; Grant, Paul D.


    This article uses W. E. B. Du Bois's work as an education and community activist to discuss race, oppression, and speaking-back to power in this time of racialized policies enacted by the Trump administration. This article centers a comparative discussion of the racialization of democracy by presidents Wilson and Trump to show the ways Du Bois was…

  18. 46 CFR 111.55-3 - Circuit connections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Circuit connections. 111.55-3 Section 111.55-3 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ELECTRIC SYSTEMS-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Switches § 111.55-3 Circuit connections. The load side of each circuit must be connected to the...

  19. 46 CFR 111.55-3 - Circuit connections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Circuit connections. 111.55-3 Section 111.55-3 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ELECTRIC SYSTEMS-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Switches § 111.55-3 Circuit connections. The load side of each circuit must be connected to the...

  20. 46 CFR 111.55-3 - Circuit connections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Circuit connections. 111.55-3 Section 111.55-3 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ELECTRIC SYSTEMS-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Switches § 111.55-3 Circuit connections. The load side of each circuit must be connected to the...

  1. 46 CFR 111.55-3 - Circuit connections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Circuit connections. 111.55-3 Section 111.55-3 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ELECTRIC SYSTEMS-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Switches § 111.55-3 Circuit connections. The load side of each circuit must be connected to the...

  2. 46 CFR 111.55-3 - Circuit connections.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Circuit connections. 111.55-3 Section 111.55-3 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ELECTRIC SYSTEMS-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Switches § 111.55-3 Circuit connections. The load side of each circuit must be connected to the...

  3. Binary-selectable detector holdoff circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kadrmas, K. A.


    High-speed switching circuit protects detectors from sudden, extremely-intense backscattered radiation that results from short-range atmospheric dust layers, or low-level clouds, entering laser/radar field of view. Function of circuit is to provide computer-controlled switching of photodiode detector, preamplifier power-supply voltages, in approximately 10 nanoseconds.

  4. Pharmacokinetics and "RC" Circuit Concepts

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    De Cock, Mieke; Janssen, Paul


    Most introductory physics courses include a chapter on "RC" circuits in which the differential equations for the charging and discharging of a capacitor are derived. A number of papers in this journal describe lab experiments dealing with the measurement of different parameters in such "RC" circuits. In this contribution, we…

  5. Evaluation du niveau de connaissance des patients sur la gestion du traitement par les antis vitamines K dans le service de cardiologie de Ouagadougou

    PubMed Central

    Samadoulougou, André; Temoua Naibe, Dangwé; Mandi, Germain; Yameogo, Relwendé Aristide; Kabore, Elisé; Millogo, Georges; Yameogo, Nobila Valentin; Kologo, Jonas Koudougou; Thiam/Tall, Anna; Toguyeni, Boubacar Jean Yves; Zabsonre, Patrice


    Introduction Les antivitamines K (AVK), traitement anticoagulant oral le plus largement prescrit, posent un réel problème de santé publique du fait de leur risque iatrogène. L'objectif de cette étude était de préciser le niveau de connaissance des patients sur la gestion de leur traitement par les AVK. Méthodes Il s'est agi d'une enquête transversale descriptive réalisée au CHU-Yalgado Ouédraogo, sur une période de 03 mois : du 1er mars au 31 mai 2012. Un questionnaire a été administré aux patients bénéficiant d'un traitement AVK depuis au moins un mois. Résultats Soixante-dix patients ont été inclus dans l'étude dont 30 hommes. L'âge moyen était de 49 ans ± 16 ans. Les cardiopathies et la maladie thromboembolique veineuse justifiant l'institution du traitement AVK étaient retrouvées respectivement dans 58,6% et 41,4% des cas. Le nom de l'AVK et la raison exacte du traitement étaient connus respectivement dans 91,4% et 67,1% des cas. Plus de la moitié des patients (68,6%) savaient que les AVK rendaient le sang plus fluide. Quarante-six patients (65,7%) citaient l'INR comme examen biologique de surveillance du traitement et seulement 28 patients (40%) connaissaient les valeurs cibles. La majorité des patients ne connaissait pas les risques encourus en cas de surdosage (72,8%) et de sous-dosage (71,4%). Une automédication par anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien était signalée par 18 patients (25,7%). Les choux (74,3%) et la laitue (62,9%), aliments à consommer avec modération, étaient les plus cités. Conclusion Les connaissances des patients sur la gestion des AVK étaient fragmentaires et insuffisantes pour assurer la sécurité et l'efficacité du traitement. La création d'un programme d'éducation thérapeutique sur les AVK s'avère alors nécessaire. PMID:25870741

  6. Multiplexer and time duration measuring circuit


    Gray, Jr., James


    A multiplexer device is provided for multiplexing data in the form of randomly developed, variable width pulses from a plurality of pulse sources to a master storage. The device includes a first multiplexer unit which includes a plurality of input circuits each coupled to one of the pulse sources, with all input circuits being disabled when one input circuit receives an input pulse so that only one input pulse is multiplexed by the multiplexer unit at any one time.

  7. Effects of Smoke on Functional Circuits

    DTIC Science & Technology


    functional boards consisted of four layers ; that is, there were two pieces of FR-4* insulated circuit board material that were laminated together, each with...traces on both sides (three layers of dielectric in all). The layers were electrically connected by drilling holes into the circuit board and...allowing solder to flow through the holes and form "vias." For many of the circuits, one of the middle layers served as a ground plane, while the other

  8. Intrinsic neuromodulation: altering neuronal circuits from within.


    Katz, P S; Frost, W N


    There are two sources of neuromodulation for neuronal circuits: extrinsic inputs and intrinsic components of the circuits themselves. Extrinsic neuromodulation is known to be pervasive in nervous systems, but intrinsic neuromodulation is less recognized, despite the fact that it has now been demonstrated in sensory and neuromuscular circuits and in central pattern generators. By its nature, intrinsic neuromodulation produces local changes in neuronal computation, whereas extrinsic neuromodulation can cause global changes, often affecting many circuits simultaneously. Studies in a number of systems are defining the different properties of these two forms of neuromodulation.

  9. Universal programmable quantum circuit schemes to emulate an operator

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Daskin, Anmer; Grama, Ananth; Kollias, Giorgos

    Unlike fixed designs, programmable circuit designs support an infinite number of operators. The functionality of a programmable circuit can be altered by simply changing the angle values of the rotation gates in the circuit. Here, we present a new quantum circuit design technique resulting in two general programmable circuit schemes. The circuit schemes can be used to simulate any given operator by setting the angle values in the circuit. This provides a fixed circuit design whose angles are determined from the elements of the given matrix-which can be non-unitary-in an efficient way. We also give both the classical and quantummore » complexity analysis for these circuits and show that the circuits require a few classical computations. For the electronic structure simulation on a quantum computer, one has to perform the following steps: prepare the initial wave function of the system; present the evolution operator U=e{sup -iHt} for a given atomic and molecular Hamiltonian H in terms of quantum gates array and apply the phase estimation algorithm to find the energy eigenvalues. Thus, in the circuit model of quantum computing for quantum chemistry, a crucial step is presenting the evolution operator for the atomic and molecular Hamiltonians in terms of quantum gate arrays. Since the presented circuit designs are independent from the matrix decomposition techniques and the global optimization processes used to find quantum circuits for a given operator, high accuracy simulations can be done for the unitary propagators of molecular Hamiltonians on quantum computers. As an example, we show how to build the circuit design for the hydrogen molecule.« less

  10. Modeling neural circuits in Parkinson's disease.


    Psiha, Maria; Vlamos, Panayiotis


    Parkinson's disease (PD) is caused by abnormal neural activity of the basal ganglia which are connected to the cerebral cortex in the brain surface through complex neural circuits. For a better understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of PD, it is important to identify the underlying PD neural circuits, and to pinpoint the precise nature of the crucial aberrations in these circuits. In this paper, the general architecture of a hybrid Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) network for modeling the neural circuits in PD is presented. The main idea of the proposed approach is to divide the parkinsonian neural circuitry system into three discrete subsystems: the external stimuli subsystem, the life-threatening events subsystem, and the basal ganglia subsystem. The proposed model, which includes the key roles of brain neural circuit in PD, is based on both feed-back and feed-forward neural networks. Specifically, a three-layer MLP neural network with feedback in the second layer was designed. The feedback in the second layer of this model simulates the dopamine modulatory effect of compacta on striatum.

  11. A nickel-cadmium battery reconditioning circuit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lanier, R.


    The circuit presented is simple and small enough to be included in a typical battery charge/power control assembly, yet provides the advantage of a complete ground-type battery reconditioning discharge. Test results on the circuit when used to recondition two 24 cell, 20 A-h nickel-cadmium batteries are given. These results show that a battery reconditioned with this circuit returns to greater than 90 percent of its original capacity (greater than nameplate capacity) and follows a typical new battery degradation curve even after over 20,000 simulated orbital cycles for a 4 year period. Applications of the circuit are considered along with recommendations relative to its use. Its application in low voltage (22 to 36 Vdc) power systems and in high voltage (100 to 150 Vdc) power systems is discussed. The implications are that the high voltage systems have a greater need for battery reconditioning than their low voltage counterparts, and that using these circuit techniques, the expected life of a battery in low Earth orbit can be up to 5 years.

  12. Negative inductance circuits for metamaterial bandwidth enhancement

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Avignon-Meseldzija, Emilie; Lepetit, Thomas; Ferreira, Pietro Maris; Boust, Fabrice


    Passive metamaterials have yet to be translated into applications on a large scale due in large part to their limited bandwidth. To overcome this limitation many authors have suggested coupling metamaterials to non-Foster circuits. However, up to now, the number of convincing demonstrations based on non-Foster metamaterials has been very limited. This paper intends to clarify why progress has been so slow, i.e., the fundamental difficulty in making a truly broadband and efficient non-Foster metamaterial. To this end, we consider two families of metamaterials, namely Artificial Magnetic Media and Artificial Magnetic Conductors. In both cases, it turns out that bandwidth enhancement requires negative inductance with almost zero resistance. To estimate bandwidth enhancement with actual non-Foster circuits, we consider two classes of such circuits, namely Linvill and gyrator. The issue of stability being critical, both metamaterial families are studied with equivalent circuits that include advanced models of these non-Foster circuits. Conclusions are different for Artificial Magnetic Media coupled to Linvill circuits and Artificial Magnetic Conductors coupled to gyrator circuits. In the first case, requirements for bandwidth enhancement and stability are very hard to meet simultaneously whereas, in the second case, an adjustment of the transistor gain does significantly increase bandwidth.

  13. 46 CFR 169.690 - Lighting branch circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Lighting branch circuits. 169.690 Section 169.690... Machinery and Electrical Electrical Installations on Vessels of 100 Gross Tons and Over § 169.690 Lighting branch circuits. Each lighting branch circuit must meet the requirements of § 111.75-5 of this chapter...

  14. 49 CFR 236.342 - Switch circuit controller.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Switch circuit controller. 236.342 Section 236.342... Instructions § 236.342 Switch circuit controller. Switch circuit controller connected at the point to switch... corresponding to switch point closure when switch point is open one-fourth inch or more. Inspection and Tests ...

  15. 49 CFR 236.342 - Switch circuit controller.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Switch circuit controller. 236.342 Section 236.342... Instructions § 236.342 Switch circuit controller. Switch circuit controller connected at the point to switch... corresponding to switch point closure when switch point is open one-fourth inch or more. Inspection and Tests ...

  16. 49 CFR 236.342 - Switch circuit controller.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Switch circuit controller. 236.342 Section 236.342... Instructions § 236.342 Switch circuit controller. Switch circuit controller connected at the point to switch... corresponding to switch point closure when switch point is open one-fourth inch or more. Inspection and Tests ...

  17. 49 CFR 236.342 - Switch circuit controller.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Switch circuit controller. 236.342 Section 236.342... Instructions § 236.342 Switch circuit controller. Switch circuit controller connected at the point to switch... corresponding to switch point closure when switch point is open one-fourth inch or more. Inspection and Tests ...

  18. 49 CFR 236.342 - Switch circuit controller.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Switch circuit controller. 236.342 Section 236.342... Instructions § 236.342 Switch circuit controller. Switch circuit controller connected at the point to switch... corresponding to switch point closure when switch point is open one-fourth inch or more. Inspection and Tests ...

  19. Watershed Data Management (WDM) database for West Branch DuPage River streamflow simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 2007, through September 30, 2013

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bera, Maitreyee


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the DuPage County Stormwater Management Department, maintains a database of hourly meteorological and hydrologic data for use in a near real-time streamflow simulation system. This system is used in the management and operation of reservoirs and other flood-control structures in the West Branch DuPage River watershed in DuPage County, Illinois. The majority of the precipitation data are collected from a tipping-bucket rain-gage network located in and near DuPage County. The other meteorological data (air temperature, dewpoint temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation) are collected at Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Ill. Potential evapotranspiration is computed from the meteorological data using the computer program LXPET (Lamoreux Potential Evapotranspiration). The hydrologic data (water-surface elevation [stage] and discharge) are collected at U.S.Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations in and around DuPage County. These data are stored in a Watershed Data Management (WDM) database.This report describes a version of the WDM database that is quality-assured and quality-controlled annually to ensure datasets are complete and accurate. This database is named WBDR13.WDM. It contains data from January 1, 2007, through September 30, 2013. Each precipitation dataset may have time periods of inaccurate data. This report describes the methods used to estimate the data for the periods of missing, erroneous, or snowfall-affected data and thereby improve the accuracy of these data. The other meteorological datasets are described in detail in Over and others (2010), and the hydrologic datasets in the database are fully described in the online USGS annual water data reports for Illinois (U.S. Geological Survey, 2016) and, therefore, are described in less detail than the precipitation datasets in this report.

  20. The Influence of Vacuum Circuit Breakers and Different Motor Models on Switching Overvoltages in Motor Circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wong, Cat S. M.; Snider, L. A.; Lo, Edward W. C.; Chung, T. S.

    Switching of induction motors with vacuum circuit breakers continues to be a concern. In this paper the influence on statistical overvoltages of the stochastic characteristics of vacuum circuit breakers, high frequency models of motors and transformers, and network characteristics, including cable lengths and network topology are evaluated and a general view of the overvoltages phenomena is presented. Finally, a real case study on the statistical voltage levels and risk-of-failure resulting from switching of a vacuum circuit breaker in an industrial installation in Hong Kong is presented.

  1. Characteristics of Radio-Frequency Circuits Utilizing Ferroelectric Capacitors

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Eskridge, Michael; Gui, Xiao; MacLeod, Todd; Ho, Fat D.


    Ferroelectric capacitors, most commonly used in memory circuits and variable components, were studied in simple analog radio-frequency circuits such as the RLC resonator and Colpitts oscillator. The goal was to characterize the RF circuits in terms of frequency of oscillation, gain, etc, using ferroelectric capacitors. Frequencies of oscillation of both circuits were measured and studied a more accurate resonant frequency can be obtained using the ferroelectric capacitors. Many experiments were conducted and data collected. A model to simulate the experimental results will be developed. Discrepancies in gain and frequency in these RF circuits when conventional capacitors are replaced with ferroelectric ones were studied. These results will enable circuit designers to anticipate the effects of using ferroelectric components in their radio- frequency applications.

  2. Rapport sur l'état du patrimoine astronomique dans les observatoires français de la fin du XIXè siècle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Damm, E.; Pécontal, E.


    Suite au colloque sur la sauvegarde du patrimoine astronomique organisé par le MAEE et la SAF, sous l'égide de l'UNESCO, qui a conduit à l'adoption de la Déclaration de Paris, les directeurs d'observatoires institutionnels qui étaient absents du colloque ont ressenti le besoin de discuter de ces conclusions prises en leur nom. L'initiative d'organiser une réunion des directeurs des Observatoires des Sciences de l'Univers (OSU) à ce sujet le 30 janvier 2012 a été prise par François Vernotte, directeur de l'Observatoire de Besançon. Le présent compte-rendu de visite résulte d'une initiative spontanée d'Emmanuel Pécontal, astronome responsable du Patrimoine à l'observatoire de Lyon, et d'Evelyne Damm, membre de la Commission Nationale de classement des Monuments Historiques (CNMH) et élue à la communauté d'agglomération des Portes de l'Essonne oû est sis l'observatoire de Camille Flammarion.

  3. Postirradiation Effects In Integrated Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Shaw, David C.; Barnes, Charles E.


    Two reports discuss postirradiation effects in integrated circuits. Presents examples of postirradiation measurements of performances of integrated circuits of five different types: dual complementary metal oxide/semiconductor (CMOS) flip-flop; CMOS analog multiplier; two CMOS multiplying digital-to-analog converters; electrically erasable programmable read-only memory; and semiconductor/oxide/semiconductor octal buffer driver.

  4. Fingerprinted circuits and methods of making and identifying the same

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ferguson, Michael Ian (Inventor)


    A circuit having a fingerprint for identification of a particular instantiation of the circuit is disclosed. The circuit may include a plurality of digital circuits or gates. Each of the digital circuits or gates is responsive to a configuration voltage applied to its analog input for controlling whether or not the digital circuit or gate performs its intended digital function and each of the digital circuits or gates transitioning between its functional state and its at least one other state when the configuration voltage equals a boundary voltage. The boundary voltage varies between different instantiations of the circuit for a majority of the digital circuits or gates and these differing boundary voltages serving to identify (or fingerprint) different instantiations of the same circuit.

  5. Fingerprinted circuits and methods of making and identifying the same

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ferguson, Michael Ian (Inventor)


    A circuit having a fingerprint for identification of a particular instantiation of the circuit is disclosed. The circuit may include a plurality of digital circuits or gates. Each of the digital circuits or gates is responsive to a configuration voltage applied to its analog input for controlling whether or not the digital circuit or gate performs its intended digital function and each of the digital circuits or gates transitioning between its functional state and its at least one other state when the configuration voltage equals a boundary voltage. The boundary voltage varies between different instantiations of the circuit for a majority of the digital circuits or gates and these differing boundary voltages serving to identify (or fingerprint) different instantiations of the same circuit.

  6. Synthetic Biology: A Unifying View and Review Using Analog Circuits.


    Teo, Jonathan J Y; Woo, Sung Sik; Sarpeshkar, Rahul


    We review the field of synthetic biology from an analog circuits and analog computation perspective, focusing on circuits that have been built in living cells. This perspective is well suited to pictorially, symbolically, and quantitatively representing the nonlinear, dynamic, and stochastic (noisy) ordinary and partial differential equations that rigorously describe the molecular circuits of synthetic biology. This perspective enables us to construct a canonical analog circuit schematic that helps unify and review the operation of many fundamental circuits that have been built in synthetic biology at the DNA, RNA, protein, and small-molecule levels over nearly two decades. We review 17 circuits in the literature as particular examples of feedforward and feedback analog circuits that arise from special topological cases of the canonical analog circuit schematic. Digital circuit operation of these circuits represents a special case of saturated analog circuit behavior and is automatically incorporated as well. Many issues that have prevented synthetic biology from scaling are naturally represented in analog circuit schematics. Furthermore, the deep similarity between the Boltzmann thermodynamic equations that describe noisy electronic current flow in subthreshold transistors and noisy molecular flux in biochemical reactions has helped map analog circuit motifs in electronics to analog circuit motifs in cells and vice versa via a `cytomorphic' approach. Thus, a body of knowledge in analog electronic circuit design, analysis, simulation, and implementation may also be useful in the robust and efficient design of molecular circuits in synthetic biology, helping it to scale to more complex circuits in the future.

  7. A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Automated Electronic Circuit Design

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lohn, Jason D.; Colombano, Silvano P.; Haith, Gary L.; Stassinopoulos, Dimitris; Norvig, Peter (Technical Monitor)


    We describe a parallel genetic algorithm (GA) that automatically generates circuit designs using evolutionary search. A circuit-construction programming language is introduced and we show how evolution can generate practical analog circuit designs. Our system allows circuit size (number of devices), circuit topology, and device values to be evolved. We present experimental results as applied to analog filter and amplifier design tasks.

  8. Present Status of Power Circuit Breaker and its Future

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yoshioka, Yoshio

    Gas circuit breaker and vacuum circuit breaker are the 2 main types of circuit breaker used in extra high voltage and medium voltage networks. After reviewing the history of these circuit breakers, their present status and technologies are described. As for future technology, computation of interrupting phenomena, SF6 gas less apparatus and expectation of the high voltage vacuum circuit breaker are discussed.

  9. Electronic circuit for measuring series connected electrochemical cell voltages


    Ashtiani, Cyrus N.; Stuart, Thomas A.


    An electronic circuit for measuring voltage signals in an energy storage device is disclosed. The electronic circuit includes a plurality of energy storage cells forming the energy storage device. A voltage divider circuit is connected to at least one of the energy storage cells. A current regulating circuit is provided for regulating the current through the voltage divider circuit. A voltage measurement node is associated with the voltage divider circuit for producing a voltage signal which is proportional to the voltage across the energy storage cell.

  10. 30 CFR 75.900-2 - Approved circuit schemes.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... device installed in the main secondary circuit at the source transformer may be used to provide undervoltage protection for each circuit that receives power from that transformer. (c) One circuit breaker may...

  11. 30 CFR 75.900-2 - Approved circuit schemes.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... device installed in the main secondary circuit at the source transformer may be used to provide undervoltage protection for each circuit that receives power from that transformer. (c) One circuit breaker may...

  12. 30 CFR 75.900-2 - Approved circuit schemes.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... device installed in the main secondary circuit at the source transformer may be used to provide undervoltage protection for each circuit that receives power from that transformer. (c) One circuit breaker may...

  13. 30 CFR 75.900-2 - Approved circuit schemes.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... device installed in the main secondary circuit at the source transformer may be used to provide undervoltage protection for each circuit that receives power from that transformer. (c) One circuit breaker may...

  14. 30 CFR 75.900-2 - Approved circuit schemes.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... device installed in the main secondary circuit at the source transformer may be used to provide undervoltage protection for each circuit that receives power from that transformer. (c) One circuit breaker may...



    Salisbury, J.D.; Klein, W.W.; Hansen, C.F.


    An electronic circuit is described for controlling the phase of radio frequency energy applied to a multicavity linear accelerator. In one application of the circuit two cavities are excited from a single radio frequency source, with one cavity directly coupled to the source and the other cavity coupled through a delay line of special construction. A phase detector provides a bipolar d-c output signal proportional to the difference in phase between the voltage in the two cavities. This d-c signal controls a bias supply which provides a d-c output for varying the capacitnce of voltage sensitive capacitors in the delay line. The over-all operation of the circuit is completely electronic, overcoming the time response limitations of the electromechanical control systems, and the relative phase relationship of the radio frequency voltages in the two caviiies is continuously controlled to effect particle acceleration.

  16. Protection circuits for very high frequency ultrasound systems.


    Choi, Hojong; Shung, K Kirk


    The purpose of protection circuits in ultrasound applications is to block noise signals from the transmitter from reaching the transducer and also to prevent unwanted high voltage signals from reaching the receiver. The protection circuit using a resistor and diode pair is widely used due to its simple architecture, however, it may not be suitable for very high frequency (VHF) ultrasound transducer applications (>100 MHz) because of its limited bandwidth. Therefore, a protection circuit using MOSFET devices with unique structure is proposed in this paper. The performance of the designed protection circuit was compared with that of other traditional protection schemes. The performance characteristics measured were the insertion loss (IL), total harmonic distortion (THD) and transient response time (TRT). The new protection scheme offers the lowest IL (-1.0 dB), THD (-69.8 dB) and TRT (78 ns) at 120 MHz. The pulse-echo response using a 120 MHz LiNbO3 transducer with each protection circuit was measured to validate the feasibility of the protection circuits in VHF ultrasound applications. The sensitivity and bandwidth of the transducer using the new protection circuit improved by 252.1 and 50.9 %, respectively with respect to the protection circuit using a resistor and diode pair. These results demonstrated that the new protection circuit design minimizes the IL, THD and TRT for VHF ultrasound transducer applications.

  17. Protection Circuits for Very High Frequency Ultrasound Systems

    PubMed Central

    Shung, K. Kirk


    The purpose of protection circuits in ultrasound applications is to block noise signals from the transmitter from reaching the transducer and also to prevent unwanted high voltage signals from reaching the receiver. The protection circuit using a resistor and diode pair is widely used due to its simple architecture, however, it may not be suitable for very high frequency (VHF) ultrasound transducer applications (>100 MHz) because of its limited bandwidth. Therefore, a protection circuit using MOSFET devices with unique structure is proposed in this paper. The performance of the designed protection circuit was compared with that of other traditional protection schemes. The performance characteristics measured were the insertion loss (IL), total harmonic distortion (THD) and transient response time (TRT). The new protection scheme offers the lowest IL (−1.0 dB), THD (−69.8 dB) and TRT (78 ns) at 120 MHz. The pulse-echo response using a 120 MHz LiNbO3 transducer with each protection circuit was measured to validate the feasibility of the protection circuits in VHF ultrasound applications. The sensitivity and bandwidth of the transducer using the new protection circuit improved by 252.1 and 50.9 %, respectively with respect to the protection circuit using a resistor and diode pair. These results demonstrated that the new protection circuit design minimizes the IL, THD and TRT for VHF ultrasound transducer applications. PMID:24682684

  18. Locke and Du Bois: Two Major Black Voices Muzzled by Philanthropic Organizations.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fitchue, M. Anthony


    In 1935, the Howard University philosopher Alain Locke asked W. E. B. Du Bois to contribute to an adult education project for African Americans. Censorship by white-controlled foundations forced Locke to reject the Du Bois essay to protect contributions for causes of great importance to blacks. (Author/SLD)

  19. Cell short circuit, preshort signature

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lurie, C.


    Short-circuit events observed in ground test simulations of DSCS-3 battery in-orbit operations are analyzed. Voltage signatures appearing in the data preceding the short-circuit event are evaluated. The ground test simulation is briefly described along with performance during reconditioning discharges. Results suggest that a characteristic signature develops prior to a shorting event.

  20. Energy-efficient neuron, synapse and STDP integrated circuits.


    Cruz-Albrecht, Jose M; Yung, Michael W; Srinivasa, Narayan


    Ultra-low energy biologically-inspired neuron and synapse integrated circuits are presented. The synapse includes a spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) learning rule circuit. These circuits have been designed, fabricated and tested using a 90 nm CMOS process. Experimental measurements demonstrate proper operation. The neuron and the synapse with STDP circuits have an energy consumption of around 0.4 pJ per spike and synaptic operation respectively.

  1. Capacitive charge generation apparatus and method for testing circuits


    Cole, Jr., Edward I.; Peterson, Kenneth A.; Barton, Daniel L.


    An electron beam apparatus and method for testing a circuit. The electron beam apparatus comprises an electron beam incident on an outer surface of an insulating layer overlying one or more electrical conductors of the circuit for generating a time varying or alternating current electrical potential on the surface; and a measurement unit connected to the circuit for measuring an electrical signal capacitively coupled to the electrical conductors to identify and map a conduction state of each of the electrical conductors, with or without an electrical bias signal being applied to the circuit. The electron beam apparatus can further include a secondary electron detector for forming a secondary electron image for registration with a map of the conduction state of the electrical conductors. The apparatus and method are useful for failure analysis or qualification testing to determine the presence of any open-circuits or short-circuits, and to verify the continuity or integrity of electrical conductors buried below an insulating layer thickness of 1-100 .mu.m or more without damaging or breaking down the insulating layer. The types of electrical circuits that can be tested include integrated circuits, multi-chip modules, printed circuit boards and flexible printed circuits.

  2. Circuit Training.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nelson, Jane B.


    Describes a research-based activity for high school physics students in which they build an LC circuit and find its resonant frequency of oscillation using an oscilloscope. Includes a diagram of the apparatus and an explanation of the procedures. (DDR)

  3. Electro-optical Probing Of Terahertz Integrated Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bhasin, K. B.; Romanofsky, R.; Whitaker, J. F.; Valdmanis, J. A.; Mourou, G.; Jackson, T. A.


    Electro-optical probe developed to perform noncontact, nondestructive, and relatively noninvasive measurements of electric fields over broad spectrum at millimeter and shorter wavelengths in integrated circuits. Manipulated with conventional intregrated-circuit-wafer-probing equipment and operated without any special preparation of integrated circuits. Tip of probe small electro-optical crystal serving as proximity electric-field sensor.

  4. Hybrid Direct-Current Circuit Breaker

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wang, Ruxi (Inventor); Premerlani, William James (Inventor); Caiafa, Antonio (Inventor); Pan, Yan (Inventor)


    A circuit breaking system includes a first branch including at least one solid-state snubber; a second branch coupled in parallel to the first branch and including a superconductor and a cryogenic contactor coupled in series; and a controller operatively coupled to the at least one solid-state snubber and the cryogenic contactor and programmed to, when a fault occurs in the load circuit, activate the at least one solid-state snubber for migrating flow of the electrical current from the second branch to the first branch, and, when the fault is cleared in the load circuit, activate the cryogenic contactor for migrating the flow of the electrical current from the first branch to the second branch.

  5. Circuit breaker lockout device


    Kozlowski, Lawrence J.; Shirey, Lawrence A.


    An improved lockout assembly for locking a circuit breaker in a selected off or on position is provided. The lockout assembly includes a lock block and a lock pin. The lock block has a hollow interior which fits over the free end of a switch handle of the circuit breaker. The lock block includes at least one hole that is placed in registration with a hole in the free end of the switch handle. A lock tab on the lock block serves to align and register the respective holes on the lock block and switch handle. A lock pin is inserted through the registered holes and serves to connect the lock block to the switch handle. Once the lock block and the switch handle are connected, the position of the switch handle is prevented from being changed by the lock tab bumping up against a stationary housing portion of the circuit breaker. When the lock pin installed, an apertured-end portion of the lock pin is in registration with another hole on the lock block. Then a special scissors conforming to O.S.H.A. regulations can be installed, with one or more padlocks, on the lockout assembly to prevent removal of the lock pin from the lockout assembly, thereby preventing removal of the lockout assembly from the circuit breaker.

  6. Circuit breaker lockout device


    Kozlowski, L.J.; Shirey, L.A.


    An improved lockout assembly for locking a circuit breaker in a selected off or on position is provided. The lockout assembly includes a lock block and a lock pin. The lock block has a hollow interior which fits over the free end of a switch handle of the circuit breaker. The lock block includes at least one hole that is placed in registration with a hole in the free end of the switch handle. A lock tab on the lock block serves to align and register the respective holes on the lock block and switch handle. A lock pin is inserted through the registered holes and serves to connect the lock block to the switch handle. Once the lock block and the switch handle are connected, the position of the switch handle is prevented from being changed by the lock tab bumping up against a stationary housing portion of the circuit breaker. When the lock pin installed, an apertured-end portion of the lock pin is in registration with another hole on the lock block. Then a special scissors conforming to O.S.H.A. regulations can be installed, with one or more padlocks, on the lockout assembly to prevent removal of the lock pin from the lockout assembly, thereby preventing removal of the lockout assembly from the circuit breaker. 2 figs.

  7. Design and analysis of APD photoelectric detecting circuit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fang, R.; Wang, C.


    In LADAR system, photoelectric detecting circuit is the key part in photoelectric conversion, which determines speed of respond, sensitivity and fidelity of the system. This paper presents the design of a matched APD Photoelectric detecting circuit. The circuit accomplishes low-noise readout and high-gain amplification of the weak photoelectric signal. The main performances, especially noise and transient response of the circuit are analyzed. In order to obtain large bandwidth, decompensated operational amplifiers are applied. Circuit simulations allow the architecture validation and the global performances to be predicted. The simulation results show that the gain of the detecting circuit is 630kΩ while the bandwidth is 100MHz, and 28dB dynamic range is achieved. Furthermore, the variation of the output pulse width is less than 0.9ns.

  8. Removal of Gross Air Embolization from Cardiopulmonary Bypass Circuits with Integrated Arterial Line Filters: A Comparison of Circuit Designs.


    Reagor, James A; Holt, David W


    Advances in technology, the desire to minimize blood product transfusions, and concerns relating to inflammatory mediators have lead many practitioners and manufacturers to minimize cardiopulmonary bypass (CBP) circuit designs. The oxygenator and arterial line filter (ALF) have been integrated into one device as a method of attaining a reduction in prime volume and surface area. The instructions for use of a currently available oxygenator with integrated ALF recommends incorporating a recirculation line distal to the oxygenator. However, according to an unscientific survey, 70% of respondents utilize CPB circuits incorporating integrated ALFs without a path of recirculation distal to the oxygenator outlet. Considering this circuit design, the ability to quickly remove a gross air bolus in the blood path distal to the oxygenator may be compromised. This in vitro study was designed to determine if the time required to remove a gross air bolus from a CPB circuit without a path of recirculation distal to the oxygenator will be significantly longer than that of a circuit with a path of recirculation distal to the oxygenator. A significant difference was found in the mean time required to remove a gross air bolus between the circuit designs (p = .0003). Additionally, There was found to be a statistically significant difference in the mean time required to remove a gross air bolus between Trial 1 and Trials 4 (p = .015) and 5 (p =.014) irrespective of the circuit design. Under the parameters of this study, a recirculation line distal to an oxygenator with an integrated ALF significantly decreases the time it takes to remove an air bolus from the CPB circuit and may be safer for clinical use than the same circuit without a recirculation line.

  9. Coalition Battle Management Language (C-BML) (Language de gestion du champ de bataille (C-BML)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de gestion du champ de bataille (C-BML)) NMSG-048 Final Report. This document...BML) (Langage de gestion du champ de bataille (C-BML)) NMSG-048 Final Report. This document contains information authorized by NATO RTA for...Technical Readiness Level (TRL) that is consistent with an operational deployment. ES - 2 RTO-TR-MSG-048 Langage de gestion du champ de

  10. 30 CFR 56.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 56... Electricity § 56.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  11. 30 CFR 56.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 56... Electricity § 56.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  12. 30 CFR 56.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 56... Electricity § 56.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  13. 30 CFR 56.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 56... Electricity § 56.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  14. 30 CFR 56.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 56... Electricity § 56.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  15. Computer-aided engineering of semiconductor integrated circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meindl, J. D.; Dutton, R. W.; Gibbons, J. F.; Helms, C. R.; Plummer, J. D.; Tiller, W. A.; Ho, C. P.; Saraswat, K. C.; Deal, B. E.; Kamins, T. I.


    Economical procurement of small quantities of high performance custom integrated circuits for military systems is impeded by inadequate process, device and circuit models that handicap low cost computer aided design. The principal objective of this program is to formulate physical models of fabrication processes, devices and circuits to allow total computer-aided design of custom large-scale integrated circuits. The basic areas under investigation are (1) thermal oxidation, (2) ion implantation and diffusion, (3) chemical vapor deposition of silicon and refractory metal silicides, (4) device simulation and analytic measurements. This report discusses the fourth year of the program.

  16. Digital circuits for computer applications: A compilation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The innovations in this updated series of compilations dealing with electronic technology represent a carefully selected collection of digital circuits which have direct application in computer oriented systems. In general, the circuits have been selected as representative items of each section and have been included on their merits of having universal applications in digital computers and digital data processing systems. As such, they should have wide appeal to the professional engineer and scientist who encounter the fundamentals of digital techniques in their daily activities. The circuits are grouped as digital logic circuits, analog to digital converters, and counters and shift registers.



    Goulding, F.S.


    An electrical circuit which may be utilized as a pulse generator or voltage stabilizer is presented. The circuit employs a cold-cathode triode valve arranged to oscillate between its on and off stages by the use of selected resistance-capacitance time constant components in the plate and trigger grid circuits. The magnitude of the d-c voltage applied to the trigger grid circuit effectively controls the repetition rate of the output pulses. In the voltage stabilizer arrangement the d-c control voltage is a portion of the supply voltage and the rectified output voltage is substantially constant.

  18. Hématome spontané du méso de l'angle colique droit et du colon transverse compliquant un traitement par anti vitamine K: à propos d'un cas et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Traoré, Ibrahim Alain; Zaré, Cyprien; Barro, Sié Drissa; Guibla, Ismaël


    L'hématome spontané du méso de l'angle colique droit et du transverse est une complication rare du traitement anticoagulant par antivitamine K. Nous rapportons un cas d'hématome spontané du méso de l'angle colique droit et du transverse associé à un hémopéritoine de grande abondance chez un patient traité par antivitamine K pour embolie pulmonaire consécutive à une fracture des plateaux tibiaux droits. Le diagnostic doit être fait en urgence. L’échographie abdominale et la tomodensitométrie confirment le diagnostic. Le traitement non opératoire est la règle. Le traitement chirurgical est indiqué en cas de complications telles que la rupture de l'hématome. PMID:27217878

  19. Silicon Carbide Integrated Circuit Chip

    NASA Image and Video Library


    A multilevel interconnect silicon carbide integrated circuit chip with co-fired ceramic package and circuit board recently developed at the NASA GRC Smart Sensors and Electronics Systems Branch for high temperature applications. High temperature silicon carbide electronics and compatible packaging technologies are elements of instrumentation for aerospace engine control and long term inner-solar planet explorations.

  20. Characterization of FaDu-R, a radioresistant head and neck cancer cell line, and cancer stem cells.


    Cho, Kwang-Jae; Park, Eun-Ji; Kim, Min-Sik; Joo, Young-Hoon


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of CSC on insensitivity to radiotherapy in HNSCC. A radioresistant cell line, FaDu-R, was established using fractionated ionizing radiation. Cells with high and low CD44/ALDH activity were isolated. FaDu-R cells demonstrated significantly increased cell viability after radiation exposure compared with parental cells. CD44 high /ALDH high FaDu-R cells demonstrated significantly faster wound closure (p<0.05) and more efficient invasion (p<0.05) compared to the CD44 high /ALDH high FaDu cells or the CD44 low /ALDH low FaDu-R cells. There was a significant difference in tumor volume between the CD44 high /ALDH high FaDu-R cells and the CD44 high /ALDH high FaDu cells (p<0.05) as well as the CD44 low /ALDH low FaDu-R cells (p<0.05). Cancer stem cells (CSC) were associated with invasion and tumorigenesis in a radioresistant head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cell line. This concept might help to improve the understanding of these mechanisms and to develop drugs that can overcome radioresistance during radiotherapy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Hermetic Packages For Millimeter-Wave Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Herman, Martin I.; Lee, Karen A.; Lowry, Lynn E.; Carpenter, Alain; Wamhof, Paul


    Advanced hermetic packages developed to house electronic circuits operating at frequencies from 1 to 100 gigahertz and beyond. Signals coupled into and out of packages electromagnetically. Provides circuit packages small, lightweight, rugged, and inexpensive in mass production. Packages embedded in planar microstrip and coplanar waveguide circuits, in waveguide-to-planar and planar-to-waveguide circuitry, in waveguide-to-waveguide circuitry, between radiating (antenna) elements, and between planar transmission lines and radiating elements. Other applications in automotive, communication, radar, remote sensing, and biomedical electronic systems foreseen.

  2. Evolvable circuit with transistor-level reconfigurability

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Stoica, Adrian (Inventor); Salazar-Lazaro, Carlos Harold (Inventor)


    An evolvable circuit includes a plurality of reconfigurable switches, a plurality of transistors within a region of the circuit, the plurality of transistors having terminals, the plurality of transistors being coupled between a power source terminal and a power sink terminal so as to be capable of admitting power between the power source terminal and the power sink terminal, the plurality of transistors being coupled so that every transistor terminal to transistor terminal coupling within the region of the circuit comprises a reconfigurable switch.

  3. Genetics Home Reference: cri-du-chat syndrome


    ... Pinkel D. High-resolution mapping of genotype-phenotype relationships in cri du chat syndrome using array comparative ... for Links Data Files & API Site Map Subscribe Customer Support Copyright Privacy Accessibility FOIA Viewers & ...

  4. Simple circuit for pacing hearts of experimental animals.


    Freeman, G L; Colston, J T


    In this paper we describe a simple pacing circuit which can be used to drive the heart over a wide range of rates. The circuit is an astable multivibrator, based on an LM555 integrated circuit. It is powered by a 9-V battery and is small enough for use in rabbits. The circuit is easily constructed and inexpensive, making it attractive for numerous applications in cardiovascular research.

  5. Interactive Electronic Circuit Simulation on Small Computer Systems

    DTIC Science & Technology


    longer needed. Do not return it to the originator. UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Dots Entered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE... CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(H7i»n Data Entend) Interactive-mode circuit simulation and batch-mode circuit simulation on minicomputers are compared...on the circuit Q. For circuits with Q less than 1, this ratio is typically 10:1. UNCLASSIFIED 2 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEflWiim Data

  6. A novel interface circuit for triboelectric nanogenerator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yu, Wuqi; Ma, Jiahao; Zhang, Zhaohua; Ren, Tianling


    For most triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs), the electric output should be a short AC pulse, which has the common characteristic of high voltage but low current. Thus it is necessary to convert the AC to DC and store the electric energy before driving conventional electronics. The traditional AC voltage regulator circuit which commonly consists of transformer, rectifier bridge, filter capacitor, and voltage regulator diode is not suitable for the TENG because the transformer’s consumption of power is appreciable if the TENG output is small. This article describes an innovative design of an interface circuit for a triboelectric nanogenerator that is transformerless and easily integrated. The circuit consists of large-capacity electrolytic capacitors that can realize to intermittently charge lithium-ion batteries and the control section contains the charging chip, the rectifying circuit, a comparator chip and switch chip. More important, the whole interface circuit is completely self-powered and self-controlled. Meanwhile, the chip is widely used in the circuit, so it is convenient to integrate into PCB. In short, this work presents a novel interface circuit for TENGs and makes progress to the practical application and industrialization of nanogenerators. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61434001) and the ‘Thousands Talents’ Program for Pioneer Researchers and Its Innovation Team, China.

  7. Modelisation frequentielle de la permittivite du beton pour le controle non destructif par georadar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bourdi, Taoufik

    Le georadar (Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)) constitue une technique de controle non destructif (CND) interessante pour la mesure des epaisseurs des dalles de beton et la caracterisation des fractures, en raison de ses caracteristiques de resolution et de profondeur de penetration. Les equipements georadar sont de plus en plus faciles a utiliser et les logiciels d'interpretation sont en train de devenir plus aisement accessibles. Cependant, il est ressorti dans plusieurs conferences et ateliers sur l'application du georadar en genie civil qu'il fallait poursuivre les recherches, en particulier sur la modelisation et les techniques de mesure des proprietes electriques du beton. En obtenant de meilleures informations sur les proprietes electriques du beton aux frequences du georadar, l'instrumentation et les techniques d'interpretation pourraient etre perfectionnees plus efficacement. Le modele de Jonscher est un modele qui a montre son efficacite dans le domaine geophysique. Pour la premiere fois, son utilisation dans le domaine genie civil est presentee. Dans un premier temps, nous avons valide l'application du modele de Jonscher pour la caracterisation de la permittivite dielectrique du beton. Les resultats ont montre clairement que ce modele est capable de reproduire fidelement la variation de la permittivite de differents types de beton sur la bande de frequence georadar (100 MHz-2 GHz). Dans un deuxieme temps, nous avons montre l'interet du modele de Jonscher en le comparant a d'autres modeles (Debye et Debye-etendu) deja utilises dans le domaine genie civil. Nous avons montre aussi comment le modele de Jonscher peut presenter une aide a la prediction de l'efficacite de blindage et a l'interpretation des ondes de la technique GPR. Il a ete determine que le modele de Jonscher permet de donner une bonne presentation de la variation de la permittivite du beton dans la gamme de frequence georadar consideree. De plus, cette modelisation est valable pour differents

  8. Prediction du profil de durete de l'acier AISI 4340 traite thermiquement au laser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maamri, Ilyes

    Les traitements thermiques de surfaces sont des procedes qui visent a conferer au coeur et a la surface des pieces mecaniques des proprietes differentes. Ils permettent d'ameliorer la resistance a l'usure et a la fatigue en durcissant les zones critiques superficielles par des apports thermiques courts et localises. Parmi les procedes qui se distinguent par leur capacite en terme de puissance surfacique, le traitement thermique de surface au laser offre des cycles thermiques rapides, localises et precis tout en limitant les risques de deformations indesirables. Les proprietes mecaniques de la zone durcie obtenue par ce procede dependent des proprietes physicochimiques du materiau a traiter et de plusieurs parametres du procede. Pour etre en mesure d'exploiter adequatement les ressources qu'offre ce procede, il est necessaire de developper des strategies permettant de controler et regler les parametres de maniere a produire avec precision les caracteristiques desirees pour la surface durcie sans recourir au classique long et couteux processus essai-erreur. L'objectif du projet consiste donc a developper des modeles pour predire le profil de durete dans le cas de traitement thermique de pieces en acier AISI 4340. Pour comprendre le comportement du procede et evaluer les effets des differents parametres sur la qualite du traitement, une etude de sensibilite a ete menee en se basant sur une planification experimentale structuree combinee a des techniques d'analyse statistiques eprouvees. Les resultats de cette etude ont permis l'identification des variables les plus pertinentes a exploiter pour la modelisation. Suite a cette analyse et dans le but d'elaborer un premier modele, deux techniques de modelisation ont ete considerees, soient la regression multiple et les reseaux de neurones. Les deux techniques ont conduit a des modeles de qualite acceptable avec une precision d'environ 90%. Pour ameliorer les performances des modeles a base de reseaux de neurones, deux

  9. Ultralow-power organic complementary circuits.


    Klauk, Hagen; Zschieschang, Ute; Pflaum, Jens; Halik, Marcus


    The prospect of using low-temperature processable organic semiconductors to implement transistors, circuits, displays and sensors on arbitrary substrates, such as glass or plastics, offers enormous potential for a wide range of electronic products. Of particular interest are portable devices that can be powered by small batteries or by near-field radio-frequency coupling. The main problem with existing approaches is the large power consumption of conventional organic circuits, which makes battery-powered applications problematic, if not impossible. Here we demonstrate an organic circuit with very low power consumption that uses a self-assembled monolayer gate dielectric and two different air-stable molecular semiconductors (pentacene and hexadecafluorocopperphthalocyanine, F16CuPc). The monolayer dielectric is grown on patterned metal gates at room temperature and is optimized to provide a large gate capacitance and low gate leakage currents. By combining low-voltage p-channel and n-channel organic thin-film transistors in a complementary circuit design, the static currents are reduced to below 100 pA per logic gate. We have fabricated complementary inverters, NAND gates, and ring oscillators that operate with supply voltages between 1.5 and 3 V and have a static power consumption of less than 1 nW per logic gate. These organic circuits are thus well suited for battery-powered systems such as portable display devices and large-surface sensor networks as well as for radio-frequency identification tags with extended operating range.

  10. Simple photometer circuits using modular electronic components

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wampler, J. E.


    Operational and peak holding amplifiers are discussed as useful circuits for bioluminescence assays. Circuit diagrams are provided. While analog methods can give a good integration on short time scales, digital methods were found best for long term integration in bioluminescence assays. Power supplies, a general photometer circuit with ratio capability, and variations in the basic photometer design are also considered.

  11. 30 CFR 57.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 57... MINES Electricity Surface Only § 57.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  12. 30 CFR 57.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 57... MINES Electricity Surface Only § 57.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  13. 30 CFR 57.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 57... MINES Electricity Surface Only § 57.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  14. 30 CFR 57.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 57... MINES Electricity Surface Only § 57.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  15. 30 CFR 57.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 57... MINES Electricity Surface Only § 57.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  16. Zipper Connectors for Flexible Electronic Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Barnes, Kevin N.


    Devices that look and function much like conventional zippers on clothing have been proposed as connectors for flexible electronic circuits. Heretofore, flexible electronic circuits have commonly included rigid connectors like those of conventional rigid electronic circuits. The proposed zipper connectors would make it possible to connect and disconnect flexible circuits quickly and easily. Moreover, the flexibility of zipper connectors would make them more (relative to rigid connectors) compatible with flexible circuits, so that the advantages of flexible circuitry could be realized more fully. Like a conventional zipper, a zipper according to the proposal would include teeth anchored on flexible tapes, a slider with a loosely attached clasp, a box at one end of the rows of mating teeth, and stops at the opposite ends. The tapes would be made of a plastic or other dielectric material. On each of the two mating sides of the zipper, metal teeth would alternate with dielectric (plastic) teeth, there being two metal teeth for each plastic one. When the zipper was closed, each metal tooth from one side would be in mechanical and electrical contact with a designated metal tooth from the other side, and these mating metal teeth would be electrically insulated from the next pair of mating metal teeth by an intervening plastic tooth. The metal teeth would be soldered or crimped to copper tabs. Wires or other conductors connected to electronic circuits would be soldered or crimped to the ends of the tabs opposite the teeth.

  17. Design of An Energy Efficient Hydraulic Regenerative circuit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ramesh, S.; Ashok, S. Denis; Nagaraj, Shanmukha; Adithyakumar, C. R.; Reddy, M. Lohith Kumar; Naulakha, Niranjan Kumar


    Increasing cost and power demand, leads to evaluation of new method to increase through productivity and help to solve the power demands. Many researchers have break through to increase the efficiency of a hydraulic power pack, one of the promising methods is the concept of regenerative. The objective of this research work is to increase the efficiency of a hydraulic circuit by introducing a concept of regenerative circuit. A Regenerative circuit is a system that is used to speed up the extension stroke of the double acting single rod hydraulic cylinder. The output is connected to the input in the directional control value. By this concept, increase in velocity of the piston and decrease the cycle time. For the research, a basic hydraulic circuit and a regenerative circuit are designated and compared both with their results. The analysis was based on their time taken for extension and retraction of the piston. From the detailed analysis of both the hydraulic circuits, it is found that the efficiency by introducing hydraulic regenerative circuit increased by is 5.3%. The obtained results conclude that, implementing hydraulic regenerative circuit in a hydraulic power pack decreases power consumption, reduces cycle time and increases productivity in a longer run.

  18. Double layers and circuits in astrophysics

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Alfven, Hannes


    As the rate of energy release in a double layer with voltage delta V is P approx I delta V, a double layer must be treated as a part of a circuit which delivers the current I. As neither double layer nor circuit can be derived from magnetofluid models of a plasma, such models are useless for treating energy transfer by means of double layers. They must be replaced by particle models and circuit theory. A simple circuit is suggested which is applied to the energizing of auroral particles, to solar flares, and to intergalactic double radio sources. Application to the heliospheric current systems leads to the prediction of two double layers on the Sun's axis which may give radiations detectable from Earth. Double layers in space should be classified as a new type of celestial object (one example is the double radio sources). It is tentatively suggested in X-ray and Gamma-ray bursts may be due to exploding double layers (although annihilation is an alternative energy source). A study of how a number of the most used textbooks in astrophysics treat important concepts like double layers, critical velocity, pinch effects and circuits is made.

  19. Capacitive charge generation apparatus and method for testing circuits


    Cole, E.I. Jr.; Peterson, K.A.; Barton, D.L.


    An electron beam apparatus and method for testing a circuit are disclosed. The electron beam apparatus comprises an electron beam incident on an outer surface of an insulating layer overlying one or more electrical conductors of the circuit for generating a time varying or alternating current electrical potential on the surface; and a measurement unit connected to the circuit for measuring an electrical signal capacitively coupled to the electrical conductors to identify and map a conduction state of each of the electrical conductors, with or without an electrical bias signal being applied to the circuit. The electron beam apparatus can further include a secondary electron detector for forming a secondary electron image for registration with a map of the conduction state of the electrical conductors. The apparatus and method are useful for failure analysis or qualification testing to determine the presence of any open-circuits or short-circuits, and to verify the continuity or integrity of electrical conductors buried below an insulating layer thickness of 1-100 {micro}m or more without damaging or breaking down the insulating layer. The types of electrical circuits that can be tested include integrated circuits, multi-chip modules, printed circuit boards and flexible printed circuits. 7 figs.

  20. Josephson Circuits as Vector Quantum Spins

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Samach, Gabriel; Kerman, Andrew J.

    While superconducting circuits based on Josephson junction technology can be engineered to represent spins in the quantum transverse-field Ising model, no circuit architecture to date has succeeded in emulating the vector quantum spin models of interest for next-generation quantum annealers and quantum simulators. Here, we present novel Josephson circuits which may provide these capabilities. We discuss our rigorous quantum-mechanical simulations of these circuits, as well as the larger architectures they may enable. This research was funded by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) under Air Force Contract No. FA8721-05-C-0002. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of ODNI, IARPA, or the US Government.

  1. Microwave integrated circuits for space applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Leonard, Regis F.; Romanofsky, Robert R.


    Monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC), which incorporate all the elements of a microwave circuit on a single semiconductor substrate, offer the potential for drastic reductions in circuit weight and volume and increased reliability, all of which make many new concepts in electronic circuitry for space applications feasible, including phased array antennas. NASA has undertaken an extensive program aimed at development of MMICs for space applications. The first such circuits targeted for development were an extension of work in hybrid (discrete component) technology in support of the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS). It focused on power amplifiers, receivers, and switches at ACTS frequencies. More recent work, however, focused on frequencies appropriate for other NASA programs and emphasizes advanced materials in an effort to enhance efficiency, power handling capability, and frequency of operation or noise figure to meet the requirements of space systems.

  2. New equivalent lumped electrical circuit for piezoelectric transformers.


    Gonnard, Paul; Schmitt, P M; Brissaud, Michel


    A new equivalent circuit is proposed for a contour-vibration-mode piezoelectric transformer (PT). It is shown that the usual lumped equivalent circuit derived from the conventional Mason approach is not accurate. The proposed circuit, built on experimental measurements, makes an explicit difference between the elastic energies stored respectively on the primary and secondary parts. The experimental and theoretical resonance frequencies with the secondary in open or short circuit are in good agreement as well as the output "voltage-current" characteristic and the optimum efficiency working point. This circuit can be extended to various PT configurations and appears to be a useful tool for modeling electronic devices that integrate piezoelectric transformers.

  3. Analyse de l'effet des courants induits sur l'impédance d'un système électromagnétique alimenté en tension BF ou HF. Utilisation de la méthode des circuits couplés

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maouche, B.; Feliachi, M.


    In this paper, a study of the interaction between the inductor and the load of an axisymmetrical induction device is proposed. This interaction concerns the effect of the eddy current on both the excitation current and on the system impedance. A half analytical model, based on a numerical discretization of the electromagnetic solution domain, is used. In each cell of the numerical discretization, an analytical calculation using the Moment Method (MM) is considered. In the case of strong skin effect (High Frequency: HF), the formulation makes use of the Impedance Boundary Condition (IBC); in the contrary case (Low Frequency: LF), the interior domain is discretized. Dans cet article nous proposons l'étude de l'influence d'une charge (induit) conductrice sur la répartition du courant inducteur ainsi que sur l'impédance du système. L'inducteur est à géométrie axisymétrique de forme solénoïdale ou pancake destiné au chauffage par induction. Une méthode semi-analytique, basée sur une discrétisation du domaine en mailles élémentaires auxquelles s'applique une formulation intégrale (Méthode des Circuits Couplés : MCC) des grandeurs électromagnétiques, est utilisée. Dans le cas où l'effet de peau est important (Haute Fréquence:HF), la formulation associe la Condition d'Impédance de Surface; dans le cas contraire (Basse Fréquence : BF), un maillage du domaine interne est pratiqué.

  4. Overload protection circuit for output driver


    Stewart, Roger G.


    A protection circuit for preventing excessive power dissipation in an output transistor whose conduction path is connected between a power terminal and an output terminal. The protection circuit includes means for sensing the application of a turn on signal to the output transistor and the voltage at the output terminal. When the turn on signal is maintained for a period of time greater than a given period without the voltage at the output terminal reaching a predetermined value, the protection circuit decreases the turn on signal to, and the current conduction through, the output transistor.

  5. Tool for Crimping Flexible Circuit Leads

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hulse, Aaron; Diftler, Myron A.


    A hand tool has been developed for crimping leads in flexible tails that are parts of some electronic circuits -- especially some sensor circuits. The tool is used to cut the tails to desired lengths and attach solder tabs to the leads. For tailoring small numbers of circuits for special applications, this hand tool is a less expensive alternative to a commercially available automated crimping tool. The crimping tool consists of an off-the-shelf hand crimping tool plus a specialized crimping insert designed specifically for the intended application.

  6. Focal plane infrared readout circuit with automatic background suppression

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Pain, Bedabrata (Inventor); Yang, Guang (Inventor); Sun, Chao (Inventor); Shaw, Timothy J. (Inventor); Wrigley, Chris J. (Inventor)


    A circuit for reading out a signal from an infrared detector includes a current-mode background-signal subtracting circuit having a current memory which can be enabled to sample and store a dark level signal from the infrared detector during a calibration phase. The signal stored by the current memory is subtracted from a signal received from the infrared detector during an imaging phase. The circuit also includes a buffered direct injection input circuit and a differential voltage readout section. By performing most of the background signal estimation and subtraction in a current mode, a low gain can be provided by the buffered direct injection input circuit to keep the gain of the background signal relatively small, while a higher gain is provided by the differential voltage readout circuit. An array of such readout circuits can be used in an imager having an array of infrared detectors. The readout circuits can provide a high effective handling capacity.

  7. Short circuit protection for a power distribution system

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Owen, J. R., III


    Sensing circuit detects when the output from a matrix is present and when it should be present. The circuit provides short circuit protection for a power distribution system where the selection of the driven load is accomplished by digital logic.

  8. Circuit compliance compensation in lung protective ventilation.


    Masselli, Grazia Maria Pia; Silvestri, Sergio; Sciuto, Salvatore Andrea; Cappa, Paolo


    Lung protective ventilation utilizes low tidal volumes to ventilate patients with severe lung pathologies. The compensation of breathing circuit effects, i.e. those induced by compressible volume of the circuit, results particularly critical in the calculation of the actual tidal volume delivered to patient's respiratory system which in turns is responsible of the level of permissive hypercapnia. The present work analyzes the applicability of the equation for circuit compressible volume compensation in the case of pressure and volume controlled lung protective ventilation. Experimental tests conducted in-vitro show that the actual tidal volume can be reliably estimated if the compliance of the breathing circuit is measured with the same parameters and ventilation technique that will be utilized in lung protective ventilation. Differences between volume and pressure controlled ventilation are also quantitatively assessed showing that pressure controlled ventilation allows a more reliable compensation of breathing circuit compressible volume.

  9. Circuit design tool. User's manual, revision 2

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Miyake, Keith M.; Smith, Donald E.


    The CAM chip design was produced in a UNIX software environment using a design tool that supports definition of digital electronic modules, composition of these modules into higher level circuits, and event-driven simulation of these circuits. Our design tool provides an interface whose goals include straightforward but flexible primitive module definition and circuit composition, efficient simulation, and a debugging environment that facilitates design verification and alteration. The tool provides a set of primitive modules which can be composed into higher level circuits. Each module is a C-language subroutine that uses a set of interface protocols understood by the design tool. Primitives can be altered simply by recoding their C-code image; in addition new primitives can be added allowing higher level circuits to be described in C-code rather than as a composition of primitive modules--this feature can greatly enhance the speed of simulation.

  10. Designing Novel Quaternary Quantum Reversible Subtractor Circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haghparast, Majid; Monfared, Asma Taheri


    Reversible logic synthesis is an important area of current research because of its ability to reduce energy dissipation. In recent years, multiple valued logic has received great attention due to its ability to reduce the width of the reversible circuit which is a main requirement in quantum technology. Subtractor circuits are between major components used in quantum computers. In this paper, we will discuss the design of a quaternary quantum reversible half subtractor circuit using quaternary 1-qudit, 2-qudit Muthukrishnan-Stroud and 3-qudit controlled gates and a 2-qudit Generalized quaternary gate. Then a design of a quaternary quantum reversible full subtractor circuit based on the quaternary half subtractor will be presenting. The designs shall then be evaluated in terms of quantum cost, constant input, garbage output, and hardware complexity. The proposed quaternary quantum reversible circuits are the first attempt in the designing of the aforementioned subtractor.

  11. L'Abondance du Deutérium, de l'Ultraviolet au Visible

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hébrard, Guillaume


    Dans le cadre du modèle standard du Big Bang, le deutérium est l'élément dont l'abondance primordiale est la plus sensible à la densité baryonique de l'Univers. Cet élément est uniquement créé lors de la nucléosynthèse primordiale, quelques minutes après le Big Bang ; aucune théorie standard n'en prédit actuellement d'autres sources significatives. Au contraire, étant brûlé dans les étoiles, son abondance D/H décroît au cours de l'évolution cosmique. Les mesures de D/H apportent ainsi des contraintes sur les modèles de Big Bang et d'évolution chimique des galaxies. On peut distinguer trois types de mesures de D/H: les abondances primordiale, proto-solaire et interstellaire, respectivement représentatives de l'Univers il y a environ 15 milliards d'années, 4.5 milliards d'années et à l'époque actuelle. Si l'évolution du deutérium semble qualitativement claire, les résultats concernant ces trois types d'abondance ne convergent pas pour l'instant vers trois valeurs bien définies. Les travaux entrepris durant cette thèse sont reliés à la mesure de l'abondance interstellaire du deutérium. Celle-ci s'obtient habituellement par l'observation spectroscopique en absorption des séries de Lyman de l'hydrogène et du deutérium. Ces observations se font dans le domaine ultraviolet, au moyen d'observatoires spatiaux. Les résultats présentés ici ont été obtenus avec le Télescope spatial Hubble puis le satellite FUSE, récemment mis en orbite. D'autre part, une nouvelle méthode d'observation du deutérium a été proposée, dans le domaine visible à partir de télescopes au sol. Ce travail a mené aux premières détections et à l'identification de la série de Balmer du deutérium, observée en émission dans des régions HII avec le Télescope Canada-France-Hawaii et le Very Large Telescope. On-line Thesis, Guillaume Hébrard

  12. Circuit For Control Of Electromechanical Prosthetic Hand

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bozeman, Richard J., Jr.


    Proposed circuit for control of electromechanical prosthetic hand derives electrical control signals from shoulder movements. Updated, electronic version of prosthesis, that includes two hooklike fingers actuated via cables from shoulder harness. Circuit built around favored shoulder harness, provides more dexterous movement, without incurring complexity of computer-controlled "bionic" or hydraulically actuated devices. Additional harness and potentiometer connected to similar control circuit mounted on other shoulder. Used to control stepping motor rotating hand about prosthetic wrist to one of number of angles consistent with number of digital outputs. Finger-control signals developed by circuit connected to first shoulder harness transmitted to prosthetic hand via sliprings at prosthetic wrist joint.

  13. Post regulation circuit with energy storage


    Ball, Don G.; Birx, Daniel L.; Cook, Edward G.


    A charge regulation circuit provides regulation of an unregulated voltage supply and provides energy storage. The charge regulation circuit according to the present invention provides energy storage without unnecessary dissipation of energy through a resistor as in prior art approaches.

  14. 29 CFR 1915.181 - Electrical circuits and distribution boards.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 7 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Electrical circuits and distribution boards. 1915.181... Electrical Machinery § 1915.181 Electrical circuits and distribution boards. (a) The provisions of this... employee is permitted to work on an electrical circuit, except when the circuit must remain energized for...

  15. Electronic circuits for communications systems: A compilation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The compilation of electronic circuits for communications systems is divided into thirteen basic categories, each representing an area of circuit design and application. The compilation items are moderately complex and, as such, would appeal to the applications engineer. However, the rationale for the selection criteria was tailored so that the circuits would reflect fundamental design principles and applications, with an additional requirement for simplicity whenever possible.

  16. Adjustable direct current and pulsed circuit fault current limiter


    Boenig, Heinrich J.; Schillig, Josef B.


    A fault current limiting system for direct current circuits and for pulsed power circuit. In the circuits, a current source biases a diode that is in series with the circuits' transmission line. If fault current in a circuit exceeds current from the current source biasing the diode open, the diode will cease conducting and route the fault current through the current source and an inductor. This limits the rate of rise and the peak value of the fault current.

  17. Mobile Learning Based Worked Example in Electric Circuit (WEIEC) Application to Improve the High School Students' Electric Circuits Interpretation Ability

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yadiannur, Mitra; Supahar


    This research aims to determine the feasibility and effectivity of mobile learning based Worked Example in Electric Circuits (WEIEC) application in improving the high school students' electric circuits interpretation ability on Direct Current Circuits materials. The research method used was a combination of Four-D Models and ADDIE model. The…

  18. 30 CFR 57.12053 - Circuits powered from trolley wires.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Circuits powered from trolley wires. 57.12053... Electricity Surface and Underground § 57.12053 Circuits powered from trolley wires. Ground wires for lighting circuits powered from trolley wires shall be connected securely to the ground return circuit. Surface Only ...

  19. 30 CFR 57.12053 - Circuits powered from trolley wires.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Circuits powered from trolley wires. 57.12053... Electricity Surface and Underground § 57.12053 Circuits powered from trolley wires. Ground wires for lighting circuits powered from trolley wires shall be connected securely to the ground return circuit. Surface Only ...

  20. Displacement Damage in Bipolar Linear Integrated Circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Rax, B. G.; Johnston, A. H.; Miyahira, T.


    Although many different processes can be used to manufacture linear integrated circuits, the process that is used for most circuits is optimized for high voltage -- a total power supply voltage of about 40 V -- and low cost. This process, which has changed little during the last twenty years, uses lateral and substrate p-n-p transistors. These p-n-p transistors have very wide base regions, increasing their sensitivity to displacement damage from electrons and protons. Although displacement damage effects can be easily treated for individual transistors, the net effect on linear circuits can be far more complex because circuit operation often depends on the interaction of several internal transistors. Note also that some circuits are made with more advanced processes with much narrower base widths. Devices fabricated with these newer processes are not expected to be significantly affected by displacement damage for proton fluences below 1 x 10(exp 12) p/sq cm. This paper discusses displacement damage in linear integrated circuits with more complex failure modes than those exhibited by simpler devices, such as the LM111 comparator, where the dominant response mode is gain degradation of the input transistor. Some circuits fail catastrophically at much lower equivalent total dose levels compared to tests with gamma rays. The device works satisfactorily up to nearly 1 Mrad(Si) when it is irradiated with gamma rays, but fails catastrophically between 50 and 70 krad(Si) when it is irradiated with protons.

  1. Cooling/grounding mount for hybrid circuits

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bagstad, B.; Estrada, R.; Mandel, H.


    Extremely short input and output connections, adequate grounding, and efficient heat removal for hybrid integrated circuits are possible with mounting. Rectangular clamp holds hybrid on printed-circuit board, in contact with heat-conductive ground plate. Clamp is attached to ground plane by bolts.

  2. Multi-channel detector readout method and integrated circuit


    Moses, William W.; Beuville, Eric; Pedrali-Noy, Marzio


    An integrated circuit which provides multi-channel detector readout from a detector array. The circuit receives multiple signals from the elements of a detector array and compares the sampled amplitudes of these signals against a noise-floor threshold and against one another. A digital signal is generated which corresponds to the location of the highest of these signal amplitudes which exceeds the noise floor threshold. The digital signal is received by a multiplexing circuit which outputs an analog signal corresponding the highest of the input signal amplitudes. In addition a digital control section provides for programmatic control of the multiplexer circuit, amplifier gain, amplifier reset, masking selection, and test circuit functionality on each input thereof.

  3. Multi-channel detector readout method and integrated circuit


    Moses, William W.; Beuville, Eric; Pedrali-Noy, Marzio


    An integrated circuit which provides multi-channel detector readout from a detector array. The circuit receives multiple signals from the elements of a detector array and compares the sampled amplitudes of these signals against a noise-floor threshold and against one another. A digital signal is generated which corresponds to the location of the highest of these signal amplitudes which exceeds the noise floor threshold. The digital signal is received by a multiplexing circuit which outputs an analog signal corresponding the highest of the input signal amplitudes. In addition a digital control section provides for programmatic control of the multiplexer circuit, amplifier gain, amplifier reset, masking selection, and test circuit functionality on each input thereof.

  4. What is this chocolate milk in my circuit? A cause of acute clotting of a continuous renal replacement circuit: Questions.


    Kakajiwala, Aadil; Chiotos, Kathleen; Brothers, Julie; Lederman, April; Amaral, Sandra


    One of the greatest problems associated with continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is the early clotting of filters. A literature search revealed three case reports of lipemic blood causing recurrent clotting and reduced CRRT circuit survival time in adult patients, but no reports of cases in children. A 23-month-old male infant with Martinez-Frias syndrome and multivisceral transplant was admitted to the hospital with severe sepsis and hemolytic anemia. He developed acute kidney injury, fluid overload and electrolyte imbalances requiring CRRT and was also administered total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and fat emulsion. The first circuit lasted 60 h before routine change was required. The second circuit showed acute clotting after only 18 h, and brownish-milky fluid was found in the circuit tubing layered between the clotted blood. The patient's serum triglyceride levels were elevated at 988 mg/dL. The lipid infusion was stopped and CRRT restarted. Serum triglyceride levels improved to 363 mg/dL. The new circuit lasted 63 h before routine change was required. Clotting of CRRT circuits due to elevated triglyceride levels is rare and has not been reported in the pediatric population. Physicians should be mindful of this risk in patients receiving TPN who have unexpected clotting of CRRT circuits.

  5. College of DuPage Planning Process: College of DuPage Planning, the Foundation for Decision Making.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL. Office of Research and Planning.

    At College of DuPage (CD), in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, institutional planning is a multi-level, on-going process involving continuous college-wide input. The nine schematic levels in the CD planning process are interconnected and progress from global and broad-based issues, answering such questions as why the college exists, to concrete levels…

  6. 30 CFR 75.518-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 75.518-1 Section 75.518-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Electrical...

  7. 30 CFR 75.518-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 75.518-1 Section 75.518-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Electrical...

  8. 30 CFR 75.518-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 75.518-1 Section 75.518-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Electrical...

  9. 30 CFR 75.518-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 75.518-1 Section 75.518-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Electrical...

  10. Dual circuit embossed sheet heat transfer panel


    Morgan, G.D.


    A heat transfer panel provides redundant cooling for fusion reactors or the like environment requiring low-mass construction. Redundant cooling is provided by two independent cooling circuits, each circuit consisting of a series of channels joined to inlet and outlet headers. The panel comprises a welded joinder of two full-size and two much smaller partial-size sheets. The first full-size sheet is embossed to form first portions of channels for the first and second circuits, as well as a header for the first circuit. The second full-sized sheet is then laid over and welded to the first full-size sheet. The first and second partial-size sheets are then overlaid on separate portions of the second full-sized sheet, and are welded thereto. The first and second partial-sized sheets are embossed to form inlet and outlet headers, which communicate with channels of the second circuit through apertures formed in the second full-sized sheet. 6 figs.

  11. Dual-circuit embossed-sheet heat-transfer panel


    Morgan, G.D.


    A heat transfer panel provides redundant cooling for fusion reactors or the like environment requiring low-mass construction. Redundant cooling is provided by two independent cooling circuits, each circuit consisting of a series of channels joined to inlet and outlet headers. The panel comprises a welded joinder of two full-size and two much smaller partial-size sheets. The first full-size sheet is embossed for form first portions of channels for the first and second circuits, as well as a header for the first circuit. The second full-sized sheet is then laid over and welded to the first full-size sheet. The first and second partial-size sheets are then overlaid on separate portions of the second full-sized sheet, and are welded thereto. The first and second partial-sized sheets are embossed to form inlet and outlet headers, which communicate with channels of the second circuit through apertures formed in the second full-sized sheet.

  12. Dual circuit embossed sheet heat transfer panel


    Morgan, Grover D.


    A heat transfer panel provides redundant cooling for fusion reactors or the like environment requiring low-mass construction. Redundant cooling is provided by two independent cooling circuits, each circuit consisting of a series of channels joined to inlet and outlet headers. The panel comprises a welded joinder of two full-size and two much smaller partial-size sheets. The first full-size sheet is embossed to form first portions of channels for the first and second circuits, as well as a header for the first circuit. The second full-sized sheet is then laid over and welded to the first full-size sheet. The first and second partial-size sheets are then overlaid on separate portions of the second full-sized sheet, and are welded thereto. The first and second partial-sized sheets are embossed to form inlet and outlet headers, which communicate with channels of the second circuit through apertures formed in the second full-sized sheet.

  13. Spike timing precision of neuronal circuits.


    Kilinc, Deniz; Demir, Alper


    Spike timing is believed to be a key factor in sensory information encoding and computations performed by the neurons and neuronal circuits. However, the considerable noise and variability, arising from the inherently stochastic mechanisms that exist in the neurons and the synapses, degrade spike timing precision. Computational modeling can help decipher the mechanisms utilized by the neuronal circuits in order to regulate timing precision. In this paper, we utilize semi-analytical techniques, which were adapted from previously developed methods for electronic circuits, for the stochastic characterization of neuronal circuits. These techniques, which are orders of magnitude faster than traditional Monte Carlo type simulations, can be used to directly compute the spike timing jitter variance, power spectral densities, correlation functions, and other stochastic characterizations of neuronal circuit operation. We consider three distinct neuronal circuit motifs: Feedback inhibition, synaptic integration, and synaptic coupling. First, we show that both the spike timing precision and the energy efficiency of a spiking neuron are improved with feedback inhibition. We unveil the underlying mechanism through which this is achieved. Then, we demonstrate that a neuron can improve on the timing precision of its synaptic inputs, coming from multiple sources, via synaptic integration: The phase of the output spikes of the integrator neuron has the same variance as that of the sample average of the phases of its inputs. Finally, we reveal that weak synaptic coupling among neurons, in a fully connected network, enables them to behave like a single neuron with a larger membrane area, resulting in an improvement in the timing precision through cooperation.

  14. Large Scale Integrated Circuits for Military Applications.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    economic incentive for riarrowing this gap is examined, y (U)^wo"categories of cost are analyzed: the direct life cycle cost of the integrated circuit...dependence of these costs on the physical charac- teristics of the integrated circuits is discussed. (U) The economic and physical characteristics of... economic incentive for narrowing this gap is examined. Two categories of cost are analyzed: the direct life cycle cost of the integrated circuit

  15. Analog Binaural Circuits for Detecting and Locating Leaks

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hartley, Frank T.


    Very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) analog binaural signal-processing circuits have been proposed for use in detecting and locating leaks that emit noise in the ultrasonic frequency range. These circuits would be designed to function even in the presence of intense lower-frequency background noise that could include sounds associated with flow and pumping. Each of the proposed circuits would include the approximate electronic equivalent of a right and a left cochlea plus correlator circuits. A pair of transducers (microphones or accelerometers), corresponding to right and left ears, would provide the inputs to their respective cochleas from different locations (e.g., from different positions along a pipe). The correlation circuits plus some additional external circuits would determine the difference between the times of arrival of a common leak sound at the two transducers. Then the distance along the pipe from either transducer to the leak could be estimated from the time difference and the speed of sound along the pipe. If three or more pairs of transducers and cochlear/correlator circuits were available and could suitably be positioned, it should be possible to locate a leak in three dimensions by use of sound propagating through air.

  16. Thermally-induced voltage alteration for integrated circuit analysis


    Cole, Jr., Edward I.


    A thermally-induced voltage alteration (TIVA) apparatus and method are disclosed for analyzing an integrated circuit (IC) either from a device side of the IC or through the IC substrate to locate any open-circuit or short-circuit defects therein. The TIVA apparatus uses constant-current biasing of the IC while scanning a focused laser beam over electrical conductors (i.e. a patterned metallization) in the IC to produce localized heating of the conductors. This localized heating produces a thermoelectric potential due to the Seebeck effect in any conductors with open-circuit defects and a resistance change in any conductors with short-circuit defects, both of which alter the power demand by the IC and thereby change the voltage of a source or power supply providing the constant-current biasing. By measuring the change in the supply voltage and the position of the focused and scanned laser beam over time, any open-circuit or short-circuit defects in the IC can be located and imaged. The TIVA apparatus can be formed in part from a scanning optical microscope, and has applications for qualification testing or failure analysis of ICs.

  17. Towards Evolving Electronic Circuits for Autonomous Space Applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lohn, Jason D.; Haith, Gary L.; Colombano, Silvano P.; Stassinopoulos, Dimitris


    The relatively new field of Evolvable Hardware studies how simulated evolution can reconfigure, adapt, and design hardware structures in an automated manner. Space applications, especially those requiring autonomy, are potential beneficiaries of evolvable hardware. For example, robotic drilling from a mobile platform requires high-bandwidth controller circuits that are difficult to design. In this paper, we present automated design techniques based on evolutionary search that could potentially be used in such applications. First, we present a method of automatically generating analog circuit designs using evolutionary search and a circuit construction language. Our system allows circuit size (number of devices), circuit topology, and device values to be evolved. Using a parallel genetic algorithm, we present experimental results for five design tasks. Second, we investigate the use of coevolution in automated circuit design. We examine fitness evaluation by comparing the effectiveness of four fitness schedules. The results indicate that solution quality is highest with static and co-evolving fitness schedules as compared to the other two dynamic schedules. We discuss these results and offer two possible explanations for the observed behavior: retention of useful information, and alignment of problem difficulty with circuit proficiency.

  18. 30 CFR 57.6402 - Deenergized circuits near detonators.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Electric Blasting-Surface and Underground § 57.6402 Deenergized circuits near detonators. Electrical distribution circuits within 50 feet of electric detonators at the blast site shall be deenergized. Such circuits need not be deenergized between 25 to 50 feet of the electric detonators if stray current tests...

  19. 49 CFR 236.205 - Signal control circuits; requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Signal control circuits; requirements. 236.205..., INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Automatic Block Signal Systems Standards § 236.205 Signal control circuits; requirements. The circuits shall be so...

  20. 49 CFR 236.205 - Signal control circuits; requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Signal control circuits; requirements. 236.205..., INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Automatic Block Signal Systems Standards § 236.205 Signal control circuits; requirements. The circuits shall be so...

  1. 49 CFR 236.205 - Signal control circuits; requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Signal control circuits; requirements. 236.205..., INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Automatic Block Signal Systems Standards § 236.205 Signal control circuits; requirements. The circuits shall be so...

  2. 49 CFR 236.205 - Signal control circuits; requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Signal control circuits; requirements. 236.205..., INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Automatic Block Signal Systems Standards § 236.205 Signal control circuits; requirements. The circuits shall be so...

  3. 49 CFR 236.205 - Signal control circuits; requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Signal control circuits; requirements. 236.205..., INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Automatic Block Signal Systems Standards § 236.205 Signal control circuits; requirements. The circuits shall be so...

  4. Scaling up digital circuit computation with DNA strand displacement cascades.


    Qian, Lulu; Winfree, Erik


    To construct sophisticated biochemical circuits from scratch, one needs to understand how simple the building blocks can be and how robustly such circuits can scale up. Using a simple DNA reaction mechanism based on a reversible strand displacement process, we experimentally demonstrated several digital logic circuits, culminating in a four-bit square-root circuit that comprises 130 DNA strands. These multilayer circuits include thresholding and catalysis within every logical operation to perform digital signal restoration, which enables fast and reliable function in large circuits with roughly constant switching time and linear signal propagation delays. The design naturally incorporates other crucial elements for large-scale circuitry, such as general debugging tools, parallel circuit preparation, and an abstraction hierarchy supported by an automated circuit compiler.

  5. RADC SCAT automated sneak circuit analysis tool

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Depalma, Edward L.

    The sneak circuit analysis tool (SCAT) provides a PC-based system for real-time identification (during the design phase) of sneak paths and design concerns. The tool utilizes an expert system shell to assist the analyst so that prior experience with sneak analysis is not necessary for performance. Both sneak circuits and design concerns are targeted by this tool, with both digital and analog circuits being examined. SCAT focuses the analysis at the assembly level, rather than the entire system, so that most sneak problems can be identified and corrected by the responsible design engineer in a timely manner. The SCAT program identifies the sneak circuits to the designer, who then decides what course of action is necessary.

  6. Nanophotonic integrated circuits from nanoresonators grown on silicon.


    Chen, Roger; Ng, Kar Wei; Ko, Wai Son; Parekh, Devang; Lu, Fanglu; Tran, Thai-Truong D; Li, Kun; Chang-Hasnain, Connie


    Harnessing light with photonic circuits promises to catalyse powerful new technologies much like electronic circuits have in the past. Analogous to Moore's law, complexity and functionality of photonic integrated circuits depend on device size and performance scale. Semiconductor nanostructures offer an attractive approach to miniaturize photonics. However, shrinking photonics has come at great cost to performance, and assembling such devices into functional photonic circuits has remained an unfulfilled feat. Here we demonstrate an on-chip optical link constructed from InGaAs nanoresonators grown directly on a silicon substrate. Using nanoresonators, we show a complete toolkit of circuit elements including light emitters, photodetectors and a photovoltaic power supply. Devices operate with gigahertz bandwidths while consuming subpicojoule energy per bit, vastly eclipsing performance of prior nanostructure-based optoelectronics. Additionally, electrically driven stimulated emission from an as-grown nanostructure is presented for the first time. These results reveal a roadmap towards future ultradense nanophotonic integrated circuits.

  7. Spinal sensory circuits in motion.


    Böhm, Urs Lucas; Wyart, Claire


    The role of sensory feedback in shaping locomotion has been long debated. Recent advances in genetics and behavior analysis revealed the importance of proprioceptive pathways in spinal circuits. The mechanisms underlying peripheral mechanosensation enabled to unravel the networks that feedback to spinal circuits in order to modulate locomotion. Sensory inputs to the vertebrate spinal cord were long thought to originate from the periphery. Recent studies challenge this view: GABAergic sensory neurons located within the spinal cord have been shown to relay mechanical and chemical information from the cerebrospinal fluid to motor circuits. Innovative approaches combining genetics, quantitative analysis of behavior and optogenetics now allow probing the contribution of these sensory feedback pathways to locomotion and recovery following spinal cord injury. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Delay test generation for synchronous sequential circuits

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Devadas, Srinivas


    We address the problem of generating tests for delay faults in non-scan synchronous sequential circuits. Delay test generation for sequential circuits is a considerably more difficult problem than delay testing of combinational circuits and has received much less attention. In this paper, we present a method for generating test sequences to detect delay faults in sequential circuits using the stuck-at fault sequential test generator STALLION. The method is complete in that it will generate a delay test sequence for a targeted fault given sufficient CPU time, if such a sequence exists. We term faults for which no delay test sequence exists, under out test methodology, sequentially delay redundant. We describe means of eliminating sequential delay redundancies in logic circuits. We present a partial-scan methodology for enhancing the testability of difficult-to-test of untestable sequential circuits, wherein a small number of flip-flops are selected and made controllable/observable. The selection process guarantees the elimination of all sequential delay redundancies. We show that an intimate relationship exists between state assignment and delay testability of a sequential machine. We describe a state assignment algorithm for the synthesis of sequential machines with maximal delay fault testability. Preliminary experimental results using the test generation, partial-scan and synthesis algorithm are presented.

  9. Electronic circuits: A compilation. [for electronic equipment in telecommunication

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    A compilation containing articles on newly developed electronic circuits and systems is presented. It is divided into two sections: (1) section 1 on circuits and techniques of particular interest in communications technology, and (2) section 2 on circuits designed for a variety of specific applications. The latest patent information available is also given. Circuit diagrams are shown.

  10. 46 CFR 111.75-5 - Lighting branch circuits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Lighting branch circuits. 111.75-5 Section 111.75-5 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ELECTRIC SYSTEMS-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Lighting Circuits and Protection § 111.75-5 Lighting branch circuits. (a) Loads. A...

  11. Improving Heat Transfer Performance of Printed Circuit Boards

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Schatzel, Donald V.


    This paper will explore the ability of printed circuit boards laminated with a Carbon Core Laminate to transfer heat vs. standard printed circuit boards that use only thick layers of copper. The paper will compare the differences in heat transfer performance of printed circuit boards with and without CCL.

  12. 47 CFR 43.82 - International circuit status reports.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ....S. points and any country or point outside that area shall file a circuit status report with the... 47 Telecommunication 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false International circuit status reports. 43.82... (CONTINUED) REPORTS OF COMMUNICATION COMMON CARRIERS AND CERTAIN AFFILIATES § 43.82 International circuit...

  13. Circuit Design Features of a Stable Two-Cell System.


    Zhou, Xu; Franklin, Ruth A; Adler, Miri; Jacox, Jeremy B; Bailis, Will; Shyer, Justin A; Flavell, Richard A; Mayo, Avi; Alon, Uri; Medzhitov, Ruslan


    Cell communication within tissues is mediated by multiple paracrine signals including growth factors, which control cell survival and proliferation. Cells and the growth factors they produce and receive constitute a circuit with specific properties that ensure homeostasis. Here, we used computational and experimental approaches to characterize the features of cell circuits based on growth factor exchange between macrophages and fibroblasts, two cell types found in most mammalian tissues. We found that the macrophage-fibroblast cell circuit is stable and robust to perturbations. Analytical screening of all possible two-cell circuit topologies revealed the circuit features sufficient for stability, including environmental constraint and negative-feedback regulation. Moreover, we found that cell-cell contact is essential for the stability of the macrophage-fibroblast circuit. These findings illustrate principles of cell circuit design and provide a quantitative perspective on cell interactions. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. W.E.B. Du Bois and Caste Education: Racial Capitalist Schooling from Reconstruction to Jim Crow

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pierce, Clayton


    This essay provides the first account and examination of caste education in the work of W.E.B. Du Bois. In so doing, I argue that caste education plays a central role in realizing the political and social goals of racial capitalist society for Du Bois. Using Du Bois's caste analytic, I take up and articulate three biopolitical governing strategies…

  15. Electric Circuit Theory--Computer Illustrated Text.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Riches, Brian


    Discusses the use of a computer-illustrated text (CIT) with integrated software to teach electric circuit theory to college students. Examples of software use are given, including simple animation, graphical displays, and problem-solving programs. Issues affecting electric circuit theory instruction are also addressed, including mathematical…

  16. Asymmetric Memory Circuit Would Resist Soft Errors

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Buehler, Martin G.; Perlman, Marvin


    Some nonlinear error-correcting codes more efficient in presence of asymmetry. Combination of circuit-design and coding concepts expected to make integrated-circuit random-access memories more resistant to "soft" errors (temporary bit errors, also called "single-event upsets" due to ionizing radiation). Integrated circuit of new type made deliberately more susceptible to one kind of bit error than to other, and associated error-correcting code adapted to exploit this asymmetry in error probabilities.

  17. 30 CFR 77.506-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 77.506-1 Section 77.506-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS, SURFACE COAL MINES AND SURFACE WORK AREAS O...

  18. 30 CFR 77.506-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 77.506-1 Section 77.506-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS, SURFACE COAL MINES AND SURFACE WORK AREAS O...

  19. 30 CFR 77.506-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 77.506-1 Section 77.506-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS, SURFACE COAL MINES AND SURFACE WORK AREAS O...

  20. 30 CFR 77.506-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 77.506-1 Section 77.506-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS, SURFACE COAL MINES AND SURFACE WORK AREAS O...