Sample records for electron beam machining

  1. Electron beam machining using rotating and shaped beam power distribution


    Elmer, John W.; O'Brien, Dennis W.


    An apparatus and method for electron beam (EB) machining (drilling, cutting and welding) that uses conventional EB guns, power supplies, and welding machine technology without the need for fast bias pulsing technology. The invention involves a magnetic lensing (EB optics) system and electronic controls to: 1) concurrently bend, focus, shape, scan, and rotate the beam to protect the EB gun and to create a desired effective power-density distribution, and 2) rotate or scan this shaped beam in a controlled way. The shaped beam power-density distribution can be measured using a tomographic imaging system. For example, the EB apparatus of this invention has the ability to drill holes in metal having a diameter up to 1000 .mu.m (1 mm or larger), compared to the 250 .mu.m diameter of laser drilling.

  2. Electron beam machining using rotating and shaped beam power distribution


    Elmer, J.W.; O`Brien, D.W.


    An apparatus and method are disclosed for electron beam (EB) machining (drilling, cutting and welding) that uses conventional EB guns, power supplies, and welding machine technology without the need for fast bias pulsing technology. The invention involves a magnetic lensing (EB optics) system and electronic controls to: (1) concurrently bend, focus, shape, scan, and rotate the beam to protect the EB gun and to create a desired effective power-density distribution, and (2) rotate or scan this shaped beam in a controlled way. The shaped beam power-density distribution can be measured using a tomographic imaging system. For example, the EB apparatus of this invention has the ability to drill holes in metal having a diameter up to 1,000 {micro}m (1 mm or larger), compared to the 250 {micro}m diameter of laser drilling. 5 figs.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Burgardt, Paul; Pierce, Stanley W.

    The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss data related to the performance of a newly acquired low voltage electron beam welding machine. The machine was made by Pro-Beam AG &Co. KGaA of Germany. This machine was recently installed at LANL in building SM -39; a companion machine was installed in the production facility. The PB machine is substantially different than the EBW machines typically used at LANL and therefore, it is important to understand its characteristics as well as possible. Our basic purpose in this paper is to present basic machine performance data and to compare thosemore » with similar results from the existing EBW machines. It is hoped that this data will provide a historical record of this machine’s characteristics as well as possibly being helpful for transferring welding processes from the old EBW machines to the PB machine or comparable machines that may be purchased in the future.« less

  4. Definition of Beam Diameter for Electron Beam Welding

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Burgardt, Paul; Pierce, Stanley W.; Dvornak, Matthew John

    It is useful to characterize the dimensions of the electron beam during process development for electron beam welding applications. Analysis of the behavior of electron beam welds is simplest when a single number can be assigned to the beam properties that describes the size of the beam spot; this value we generically call the “beam diameter”. This approach has worked well for most applications and electron beam welding machines with the weld dimensions (width and depth) correlating well with the beam diameter. However, in recent weld development for a refractory alloy, Ta-10W, welded with a low voltage electron beam machinemore » (LVEB), it was found that the weld dimensions (weld penetration and weld width) did not correlate well with the beam diameter and especially with the experimentally determined sharp focus point. These data suggest that the presently used definition of beam diameter may not be optimal for all applications. The possible reasons for this discrepancy and a suggested possible alternative diameter definition is the subject of this paper.« less

  5. Electron-cloud build-up in hadron machines

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Furman, M.A.


    The first observations of electron-proton coupling effect for coasting beams and for long-bunch beams were made at the earliest proton storage rings at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP) in the mid-60's [1]. The effect was mainly a form of the two-stream instability. This phenomenon reappeared at the CERN ISR in the early 70's, where it was accompanied by an intense vacuum pressure rise. When the ISR was operated in bunched-beam mode while testing aluminum vacuum chambers, a resonant effect was observed in which the electron traversal time across the chamber was comparable to the bunch spacing [2]. Thismore » effect (''beam-induced multipacting''), being resonant in nature, is a dramatic manifestation of an electron cloud sharing the vacuum chamber with a positively-charged beam. An electron-cloud-induced instability has been observed since the mid-80's at the PSR (LANL) [3]; in this case, there is a strong transverse instability accompanied by fast beam losses when the beam current exceeds a certain threshold. The effect was observed for the first time for a positron beam in the early 90's at the Photon Factory (PF) at KEK, where the most prominent manifestation was a coupled-bunch instability that was absent when the machine was operated with an electron beam under otherwise identical conditions [4]. Since then, with the advent of ever more intense positron and hadron beams, and the development and deployment of specialized electron detectors [5-9], the effect has been observed directly or indirectly, and sometimes studied systematically, at most lepton and hadron machines when operated with sufficiently intense beams. The effect is expected in various forms and to various degrees in accelerators under design or construction. The electron-cloud effect (ECE) has been the subject of various meetings [10-15]. Two excellent reviews, covering the phenomenology, measurements, simulations and historical development, have been recently given by Frank

  6. Beam distribution reconstruction simulation for electron beam probe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feng, Yong-Chun; Mao, Rui-Shi; Li, Peng; Kang, Xin-Cai; Yin, Yan; Liu, Tong; You, Yao-Yao; Chen, Yu-Cong; Zhao, Tie-Cheng; Xu, Zhi-Guo; Wang, Yan-Yu; Yuan, You-Jin


    An electron beam probe (EBP) is a detector which makes use of a low-intensity and low-energy electron beam to measure the transverse profile, bunch shape, beam neutralization and beam wake field of an intense beam with small dimensions. While it can be applied to many aspects, we limit our analysis to beam distribution reconstruction. This kind of detector is almost non-interceptive for all of the beam and does not disturb the machine environment. In this paper, we present the theoretical aspects behind this technique for beam distribution measurement and some simulation results of the detector involved. First, a method to obtain a parallel electron beam is introduced and a simulation code is developed. An EBP as a profile monitor for dense beams is then simulated using the fast scan method for various target beam profiles, including KV distribution, waterbag distribution, parabolic distribution, Gaussian distribution and halo distribution. Profile reconstruction from the deflected electron beam trajectory is implemented and compared with the actual profile, and the expected agreement is achieved. Furthermore, as well as fast scan, a slow scan, i.e. step-by-step scan, is considered, which lowers the requirement for hardware, i.e. Radio Frequency deflector. We calculate the three-dimensional electric field of a Gaussian distribution and simulate the electron motion in this field. In addition, a fast scan along the target beam direction and slow scan across the beam are also presented, and can provide a measurement of longitudinal distribution as well as transverse profile simultaneously. As an example, simulation results for the China Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System (CADS) and High Intensity Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) are given. Finally, a potential system design for an EBP is described.

  7. Compression of pulsed electron beams for material tests

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Metel, Alexander S.


    In order to strengthen the surface of machine parts and investigate behavior of their materials exposed to highly dense energy fluxes an electron gun has been developed, which produces the pulsed beams of electrons with the energy up to 300 keV and the current up to 250 A at the pulse width of 100-200 µs. Electrons are extracted into the accelerating gap from the hollow cathode glow discharge plasma through a flat or a spherical grid. The flat grid produces 16-cm-diameter beams with the density of transported per one pulse energy not exceeding 15 J·cm-2, which is not enough even for the surface hardening. The spherical grid enables compression of the beams and regulation of the energy density from 15 J·cm-2 up to 15 kJ·cm-2, thus allowing hardening, pulsed melting of the machine part surface with the further high-speed recrystallization as well as an explosive ablation of the surface layer.

  8. Cyclotron autoresonant accelerator for electron beam dry scrubbing of flue gases

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    LaPointe, M. A.; Hirshfield, J. L.; Department of Physics, Yale University, P.O. Box 208124, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8124


    Design and construction is underway for a novel rf electron accelerator for electron beam dry scrubbing (EBDS) of flue gases emanating from fossil-fuel burners. This machine, a cyclotron autoresonance accelerator (CARA), has already shown itself capable of converting rf power to electron beam power with efficiency values as high as 96%. This proof-of-principle experiment will utilize a 300 kV, 33 A Pierce type electron gun and up to 24 MW of available rf power at 2.856 GHz to produce 1.0 MeV, 33 MW electron beam pulses. The self-scanning conical beam from the high power CARA will be evaluated for EBDSmore » and other possible environmental applications.« less

  9. High fidelity 3-dimensional models of beam-electron cloud interactions in circular accelerators

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feiz Zarrin Ghalam, Ali

    Electron cloud is a low-density electron profile created inside the vacuum chamber of circular machines with positively charged beams. Electron cloud limits the peak current of the beam and degrades the beams' quality through luminosity degradation, emittance growth and head to tail or bunch to bunch instability. The adverse effects of electron cloud on long-term beam dynamics becomes more and more important as the beams go to higher and higher energies. This problem has become a major concern in many future circular machines design like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) under construction at European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). Due to the importance of the problem several simulation models have been developed to model long-term beam-electron cloud interaction. These models are based on "single kick approximation" where the electron cloud is assumed to be concentrated at one thin slab around the ring. While this model is efficient in terms of computational costs, it does not reflect the real physical situation as the forces from electron cloud to the beam are non-linear contrary to this model's assumption. To address the existing codes limitation, in this thesis a new model is developed to continuously model the beam-electron cloud interaction. The code is derived from a 3-D parallel Particle-In-Cell (PIC) model (QuickPIC) originally used for plasma wakefield acceleration research. To make the original model fit into circular machines environment, betatron and synchrotron equations of motions have been added to the code, also the effect of chromaticity, lattice structure have been included. QuickPIC is then benchmarked against one of the codes developed based on single kick approximation (HEAD-TAIL) for the transverse spot size of the beam in CERN-LHC. The growth predicted by QuickPIC is less than the one predicted by HEAD-TAIL. The code is then used to investigate the effect of electron cloud image charges on the long-term beam dynamics, particularly on the

  10. Brightness analysis of an electron beam with a complex profile

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maesaka, Hirokazu; Hara, Toru; Togawa, Kazuaki; Inagaki, Takahiro; Tanaka, Hitoshi


    We propose a novel analysis method to obtain the core bright part of an electron beam with a complex phase-space profile. This method is beneficial to evaluate the performance of simulation data of a linear accelerator (linac), such as an x-ray free electron laser (XFEL) machine, since the phase-space distribution of a linac electron beam is not simple, compared to a Gaussian beam in a synchrotron. In this analysis, the brightness of undulator radiation is calculated and the core of an electron beam is determined by maximizing the brightness. We successfully extracted core electrons from a complex beam profile of XFEL simulation data, which was not expressed by a set of slice parameters. FEL simulations showed that the FEL intensity was well remained even after extracting the core part. Consequently, the FEL performance can be estimated by this analysis without time-consuming FEL simulations.

  11. Cyclotron autoresonant accelerator for electron beam dry scrubbing of flue gases

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    LaPointe, M.A.; Hirshfield, J.L.; Hirshfield, J.L.


    Design and construction is underway for a novel rf electron accelerator for electron beam dry scrubbing (EBDS) of flue gases emanating from fossil-fuel burners. This machine, a cyclotron autoresonance accelerator (CARA), has already shown itself capable of converting rf power to electron beam power with efficiency values as high as 96{percent}. This proof-of-principle experiment will utilize a 300 kV, 33 A Pierce type electron gun and up to 24 MW of available rf power at 2.856 GHz to produce 1.0 MeV, 33 MW electron beam pulses. The self-scanning conical beam from the high power CARA will be evaluated for EBDSmore » and other possible environmental applications. {copyright} {ital 1999 American Institute of Physics.}« less

  12. Beam induced electron cloud resonances in dipole magnetic fields


    Calvey, J. R.; Hartung, W.; Makita, J.; ...


    The buildup of low energy electrons in an accelerator, known as electron cloud, can be severely detrimental to machine performance. Under certain beam conditions, the beam can become resonant with the cloud dynamics, accelerating the buildup of electrons. This paper will examine two such effects: multipacting resonances, in which the cloud development time is resonant with the bunch spacing, and cyclotron resonances, in which the cyclotron period of electrons in a magnetic field is a multiple of bunch spacing. Both resonances have been studied directly in dipole fields using retarding field analyzers installed in the Cornell Electron Storage Ring. Thesemore » measurements are supported by both analytical models and computer simulations.« less

  13. Beam Loss Monitoring for LHC Machine Protection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Holzer, Eva Barbara; Dehning, Bernd; Effnger, Ewald; Emery, Jonathan; Grishin, Viatcheslav; Hajdu, Csaba; Jackson, Stephen; Kurfuerst, Christoph; Marsili, Aurelien; Misiowiec, Marek; Nagel, Markus; Busto, Eduardo Nebot Del; Nordt, Annika; Roderick, Chris; Sapinski, Mariusz; Zamantzas, Christos

    The energy stored in the nominal LHC beams is two times 362 MJ, 100 times the energy of the Tevatron. As little as 1 mJ/cm3 deposited energy quenches a magnet at 7 TeV and 1 J/cm3 causes magnet damage. The beam dumps are the only places to safely dispose of this beam. One of the key systems for machine protection is the beam loss monitoring (BLM) system. About 3600 ionization chambers are installed at likely or critical loss locations around the LHC ring. The losses are integrated in 12 time intervals ranging from 40 μs to 84 s and compared to threshold values defined in 32 energy ranges. A beam abort is requested when potentially dangerous losses are detected or when any of the numerous internal system validation tests fails. In addition, loss data are used for machine set-up and operational verifications. The collimation system for example uses the loss data for set-up and regular performance verification. Commissioning and operational experience of the BLM are presented: The machine protection functionality of the BLM system has been fully reliable; the LHC availability has not been compromised by false beam aborts.

  14. Closed-Loop Process Control for Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication and Deposition Processes

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Taminger, Karen M. (Inventor); Hofmeister, William H. (Inventor); Martin, Richard E. (Inventor); Hafley, Robert A. (Inventor)


    A closed-loop control method for an electron beam freeform fabrication (EBF(sup 3)) process includes detecting a feature of interest during the process using a sensor(s), continuously evaluating the feature of interest to determine, in real time, a change occurring therein, and automatically modifying control parameters to control the EBF(sup 3) process. An apparatus provides closed-loop control method of the process, and includes an electron gun for generating an electron beam, a wire feeder for feeding a wire toward a substrate, wherein the wire is melted and progressively deposited in layers onto the substrate, a sensor(s), and a host machine. The sensor(s) measure the feature of interest during the process, and the host machine continuously evaluates the feature of interest to determine, in real time, a change occurring therein. The host machine automatically modifies control parameters to the EBF(sup 3) apparatus to control the EBF(sup 3) process in a closed-loop manner.

  15. Three-dimensional machining of carbon nanotube forests using water-assisted scanning electron microscope processing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rajabifar, Bahram; Kim, Sanha; Slinker, Keith; Ehlert, Gregory J.; Hart, A. John; Maschmann, Matthew R.


    We demonstrate that vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be precisely machined in a low pressure water vapor ambient using the electron beam of an environmental scanning electron microscope. The electron beam locally damages the irradiated regions of the CNT forest and also dissociates the water vapor molecules into reactive species including hydroxyl radicals. These species then locally oxidize the damaged region of the CNTs. The technique offers material removal capabilities ranging from selected CNTs to hundreds of cubic microns. We study how the material removal rate is influenced by the acceleration voltage, beam current, dwell time, operating pressure, and CNT orientation. Milled cuts with depths between 0-100 microns are generated, corresponding to a material removal rate of up to 20.1 μm3/min. The technique produces little carbon residue and does not disturb the native morphology of the CNT network. Finally, we demonstrate direct machining of pyramidal surfaces and re-entrant cuts to create freestanding geometries.

  16. Machine Protection with a 700 MJ Beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baer, T.; Schmidt, R.; Wenninger, J.; Wollmann, D.; Zerlauth, M.

    After the high luminosity upgrade of the LHC, the stored energy per proton beam will increase by a factor of two as compared to the nominal LHC. Therefore, many damage studies need to be revisited to ensure a safe machine operation with the new beam parameters. Furthermore, new accelerator equipment like crab cavities might cause new failure modes, which are not sufficiently covered by the current machine protection system of the LHC. These failure modes have to be carefully studied and mitigated by new protection systems. Finally the ambitious goals for integrated luminosity delivered to the experiments during the era of HL-LHC require an increase of the machine availability without jeopardizing equipment protection.

  17. Compact compressive arc and beam switchyard for energy recovery linac-driven ultraviolet free electron lasers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Akkermans, J. A. G.; Di Mitri, S.; Douglas, D.; Setija, I. D.


    High gain free electron lasers (FELs) driven by high repetition rate recirculating accelerators have received considerable attention in the scientific and industrial communities in recent years. Cost-performance optimization of such facilities encourages limiting machine size and complexity, and a compact machine can be realized by combining bending and bunch length compression during the last stage of recirculation, just before lasing. The impact of coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) on electron beam quality during compression can, however, limit FEL output power. When methods to counteract CSR are implemented, appropriate beam diagnostics become critical to ensure that the target beam parameters are met before lasing, as well as to guarantee reliable, predictable performance and rapid machine setup and recovery. This article describes a beam line for bunch compression and recirculation, and beam switchyard accessing a diagnostic line for EUV lasing at 1 GeV beam energy. The footprint is modest, with 12 m compressive arc diameter and ˜20 m diagnostic line length. The design limits beam quality degradation due to CSR both in the compressor and in the switchyard. Advantages and drawbacks of two switchyard lines providing, respectively, off-line and on-line measurements are discussed. The entire design is scalable to different beam energies and charges.

  18. Three-dimensional machining of carbon nanotube forests using water-assisted scanning electron microscope processing

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rajabifar, Bahram; Maschmann, Matthew R., E-mail:; Kim, Sanha


    We demonstrate that vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be precisely machined in a low pressure water vapor ambient using the electron beam of an environmental scanning electron microscope. The electron beam locally damages the irradiated regions of the CNT forest and also dissociates the water vapor molecules into reactive species including hydroxyl radicals. These species then locally oxidize the damaged region of the CNTs. The technique offers material removal capabilities ranging from selected CNTs to hundreds of cubic microns. We study how the material removal rate is influenced by the acceleration voltage, beam current, dwell time, operating pressure, andmore » CNT orientation. Milled cuts with depths between 0–100 microns are generated, corresponding to a material removal rate of up to 20.1 μm{sup 3}/min. The technique produces little carbon residue and does not disturb the native morphology of the CNT network. Finally, we demonstrate direct machining of pyramidal surfaces and re-entrant cuts to create freestanding geometries.« less

  19. Effect of Surface Treatments on Electron Beam Freeform Fabricated Aluminum Structures

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Taminger, Karen M. B.; Hafley, Robert A.; Fahringer, David T.; Martin, Richard E.


    Electron beam freeform fabrication (EBF3) parts exhibit a ridged surface finish typical of many layer-additive processes. This, post-processing is required to produce a net shape with a smooth surface finish. High speed milling wire electrical discharge machining (EDM), electron beam glazing, and glass bead blasting were performed on EBF3-build 2219 aluminum alloy parts to reduce or eliminate the ridged surface features. Surface roughness, surface residual stress state, and microstructural characteristics were examined for each of the different surface treatment to assess the quality and effect of the surface treatments on the underlying material. The analysis evaluated the effectivenes of the different surface finishing techniques for achieving a smooth surface finish on an electron beam freeform fabricated part.

  20. Evaluation of a method to shield a welding electron beam from magnetic interference

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wall, W. A.


    It is known that electron beams are easily deflected by magnetic and electrostatic fields. Therefore, to prevent weld defects, stray electromagnetic fields are avoided in electron beam welding chambers if at all possible. The successful results of tests conducted at MSFC to evaluate a simple magnetic shield made from steel tubing are reported. Tests indicate that this shield was up to 85 percent effective in reducing magnetic effects on the electron beam of a welding machine. In addition, residual magnetic fields within the shield were so nearly uniform that the net effect on the beam alignment was negligible. It is concluded that the shield, with the addition of a tungsten liner, could be used in production welding.

  1. Electron beam device


    Beckner, E.H.; Clauser, M.J.


    This patent pertains to an electron beam device in which a hollow target is symmetrically irradiated by a high energy, pulsed electron beam about its periphery and wherein the outer portion of the target has a thickness slightly greater than required to absorb the electron beam pulse energy. (auth)

  2. Accurate electron gun-positioning mechanism for electron beam-mapping of large cross-section magnetic surfaces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Anderson, F. S. B.; Middleton, F.; Colchin, R. J.; Million, D.


    A method of accurately supporting and positioning an electron source inside a large cross-sectional area magnetic field which provides very low electron beam occlusion is reported. The application of electrical discharge machining to the fabrication of a 1-m truss support structure has provided an extremely long, rigid and mechanically strong electron gun support. Reproducible electron gun positioning to within 1 mm has been achieved at any location within a 1×0.6-m2 area. The extremely thin sections of the support truss (≤1.5 mm) have kept the electron beam occlusion to less than 3 mm. The support and drive mechanism have been designed and fabricated at the University of Wisconsin for application to the mapping of the magnetic surface structure of the Advanced Toroidal Facility torsatron1 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

  3. Electron beam focusing system

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dikansky, N.; Nagaitsev, S.; Parkhomchuk, V.


    The high energy electron cooling requires a very cold electron beam. Thus, the electron beam focusing system is very important for the performance of electron cooling. A system with and without longitudinal magnetic field is presented for discussion. Interaction of electron beam with the vacuum chamber as well as with the background ions and stored antiprotons can cause the coherent electron beam instabilities. Focusing system requirements needed to suppress these instabilities are presented.

  4. Ion beam machining error control and correction for small scale optics.


    Xie, Xuhui; Zhou, Lin; Dai, Yifan; Li, Shengyi


    Ion beam figuring (IBF) technology for small scale optical components is discussed. Since the small removal function can be obtained in IBF, it makes computer-controlled optical surfacing technology possible to machine precision centimeter- or millimeter-scale optical components deterministically. Using a small ion beam to machine small optical components, there are some key problems, such as small ion beam positioning on the optical surface, material removal rate, ion beam scanning pitch control on the optical surface, and so on, that must be seriously considered. The main reasons for the problems are that it is more sensitive to the above problems than a big ion beam because of its small beam diameter and lower material ratio. In this paper, we discuss these problems and their influences in machining small optical components in detail. Based on the identification-compensation principle, an iterative machining compensation method is deduced for correcting the positioning error of an ion beam with the material removal rate estimated by a selected optimal scanning pitch. Experiments on ϕ10 mm Zerodur planar and spherical samples are made, and the final surface errors are both smaller than λ/100 measured by a Zygo GPI interferometer.

  5. Curing Composite Materials Using Lower-Energy Electron Beams

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Byrne, Catherine A.; Bykanov, Alexander


    In an improved method of fabricating composite-material structures by laying up prepreg tapes (tapes of fiber reinforcement impregnated by uncured matrix materials) and then curing them, one cures the layups by use of beams of electrons having kinetic energies in the range of 200 to 300 keV. In contrast, in a prior method, one used electron beams characterized by kinetic energies up to 20 MeV. The improved method was first suggested by an Italian group in 1993, but had not been demonstrated until recently. With respect to both the prior method and the present improved method, the impetus for the use of electron- beam curing is a desire to avoid the high costs of autoclaves large enough to effect thermal curing of large composite-material structures. Unfortunately, in the prior method, the advantages of electron-beam curing are offset by the need for special walls and ceilings on curing chambers to shield personnel from x rays generated by impacts of energetic electrons. These shields must be thick [typically 2 to 3 ft (about 0.6 to 0.9 m) if made of concrete] and are therefore expensive. They also make it difficult to bring large structures into and out of the curing chambers. Currently, all major companies that fabricate composite-material spacecraft and aircraft structures form their layups by use of automated tape placement (ATP) machines. In the present improved method, an electron-beam gun is attached to an ATP head and used to irradiate the tape as it is pressed onto the workpiece. The electron kinetic energy between 200 and 300 keV is sufficient for penetration of the ply being laid plus one or two of the plies underneath it. Provided that the electron-beam gun is properly positioned, it is possible to administer the required electron dose and, at the same time, to protect personnel with less shielding than is needed in the prior method. Adequate shielding can be provided by concrete walls 6 ft (approximately equal to 1.8 m) high and 16 in. (approximately

  6. Effect of pulsed hollow electron-lens operation on the proton beam core in LHC

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fitterer, Miriam; Stancari, Giulio; Valishev, Alexander

    Collimation with hollow electron beams is currently one of the most promising concepts for active halo control in the HL-LHC. In order to further increase the diffusion rates for a fast halo removal as e.g. desired before the squeeze, the electron lens (e-lens) can be operated in pulsed mode. In case of profile imperfections in the electron beam the pulsing of the e-lens induces noise on the proton beam which can, depending on the frequency content and strength, lead to emittance growth. In order to study the sensitivity to the pulsing pattern and the amplitude, a beam study (machine developmentmore » MD) at the LHC has been proposed for August 2016 and we present in this note the preparatory simulations and estimates.« less

  7. Advanced diagnosis of the temporal characteristics of ultra-short electron beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Otake, Yuji


    Monitoring the temporal structure of an ultra-short electron beam is an indispensable function in order to tune a machine to obtain a highly qualified beam for a recent sophisticated accelerator, such as an X-ray free electron laser (XFEL), and to maintain stable X-ray laser operation. For this purpose, various instruments, such as an HEM11-mode RF beam deflector (RFDEF), a screen monitor (SCM), an electro-optic (EO) sampling method that uses a ZnTe crystal, and a beam position monitor (BPM) have been developed. The SCM that is used to observe the deflected beam image has a position resolution of 2.5 μm, which corresponds to a temporal resolution of 0.5 fs and it is installed at a position 5 m downstream from the RFDEF. The EO sampling method showed the ability to observe an electron bunch length for up to 300 fs (FWHM) at the SCSS test accelerator. The phase reference cavity of the BPM has an additional function of providing beam arrival timing information. A test for the BPM showed temporal fluctuation of 46 fs on the beam arrival timing at the test accelerator. These monitors with high temporal resolutions allow us to achieve the fine beam tuning demanded for the XFEL. The above-mentioned activities are described in this paper as a review article.

  8. Current-limited electron beam injection

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Stenzel, R. L.


    The injection of an electron beam into a weakly collisional, magnetized background plasma was investigated experimentally. The injected beam was energetic and cold, the background plasma was initially isothermal. Beam and plasma dimensions were so large that the system was considered unbounded. The temporal and spatial evolution of the beam-plasma system was dominated by collective effects. High-frequency electrostatic instabilities rapidly thermalized the beam and heated the background electrons. The injected beam current was balanced by a return current consisting of background electrons drifting toward the beam source. The drift between electrons and ions gave rise to an ion acoustic instability which developed into strong three-dimensional turbulence. It was shown that the injected beam current was limited by the return current which is approximately given by the electron saturation current. Non-Maxwellian electron distribution functions were observed.

  9. Factors influencing equipment selection in electron beam processing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barnard, J. W.


    During the eighties and nineties accelerator manufacturers dramatically increased the beam power available for high-energy equipment. This effort was directed primarily at meeting the demands of the sterilization industry. During this era, the perception that bigger (higher power, higher energy) was always better prevailed since the operating and capital costs of accelerators did not increase with power and energy as fast as the throughput. High power was needed to maintain per unit costs low for treatment. This philosophy runs counter to certain present-day realities of the sterilization business as well as conditions influencing accelerator selection in other electron beam applications. Recent experience in machine selection is described and factors affecting choice are presented.

  10. Relativistic electron beam generator


    Mooney, L.J.; Hyatt, H.M.


    A relativistic electron beam generator for laser media excitation is described. The device employs a diode type relativistic electron beam source having a cathode shape which provides a rectangular output beam with uniform current density.

  11. An electron-beam dose deposition experiment: TIGER 1-D simulation code versus thermoluminescent dosimetry

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Murrill, Steven R.; Tipton, Charles W.; Self, Charles T.


    The dose absorbed in an integrated circuit (IC) die exposed to a pulse of low-energy electrons is a strong function of both electron energy and surrounding packaging materials. This report describes an experiment designed to measure how well the Integrated TIGER Series one-dimensional (1-D) electron transport simulation program predicts dose correction factors for a state-of-the-art IC package and package/printed circuit board (PCB) combination. These derived factors are compared with data obtained experimentally using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD's) and the FX-45 flash x-ray machine (operated in electron-beam (e-beam) mode). The results of this experiment show that the TIGER 1-D simulation code can be used to accurately predict FX-45 e-beam dose deposition correction factors for reasonably complex IC packaging configurations.

  12. Generation of magneto-immersed electron beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pikin, A.; Raparia, D.


    There are many applications of electron beams in accelerator facilities: for electron coolers, electron lenses, and electron beam ion sources (EBIS) to mention a few. Most of these applications require magnetic compression of the electron beam to reduce the beam radius with the goal of either matching the circulating ion beam (electron lenses and electron coolers) or increasing the ionization capability for the production of highly charged ions (EBIS). The magnetic compression of the electron beam comes at a cost of increasing share of the transverse component of energy and therefore increased angles of the electron trajectories to the longitudinal axis. Considering the effect of the magnetic mirror, it is highly desirable to produce a laminar electron beam in the electron gun. The analysis of electron guns with different configurations is given in this paper with emphasis on generating laminar electron beams.

  13. Electron lenses for head-on beam-beam compensation in RHIC


    Gu, X.; Fischer, W.; Altinbas, Z.; ...


    Two electron lenses (e-lenses) have been in operation during 2015 RHIC physics run as part of a head-on beam-beam compensation scheme. While the RHIC lattice was chosen to reduce the beam-beam induced resonance driving terms, the electron lenses reduced the beam-beam induced tune spread. This has been demonstrated for the first time. The beam-beam compensation scheme allows for higher beam-beam parameters and therefore higher intensities and luminosity. In this paper, we detailed the design considerations and verification of the electron beam parameters of the RHIC e-lenses. Lastly, longitudinal and transverse alignments with ion beams and the transverse beam transfer functionmore » (BTF) measurement with head-on electron-proton beam are presented.« less

  14. Electron lenses for head-on beam-beam compensation in RHIC

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gu, X.; Fischer, W.; Altinbas, Z.

    Two electron lenses (e-lenses) have been in operation during 2015 RHIC physics run as part of a head-on beam-beam compensation scheme. While the RHIC lattice was chosen to reduce the beam-beam induced resonance driving terms, the electron lenses reduced the beam-beam induced tune spread. This has been demonstrated for the first time. The beam-beam compensation scheme allows for higher beam-beam parameters and therefore higher intensities and luminosity. In this paper, we detailed the design considerations and verification of the electron beam parameters of the RHIC e-lenses. Lastly, longitudinal and transverse alignments with ion beams and the transverse beam transfer functionmore » (BTF) measurement with head-on electron-proton beam are presented.« less

  15. Conceptual design of hollow electron lenses for beam halo control in the Large Hadron Collider

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Stancari, Giulio; Previtali, Valentina; Valishev, Alexander

    Collimation with hollow electron beams is a technique for halo control in high-power hadron beams. It is based on an electron beam (possibly pulsed or modulated in intensity) guided by strong axial magnetic fields which overlaps with the circulating beam in a short section of the ring. The concept was tested experimentally at the Fermilab Tevatron collider using a hollow electron gun installed in one of the Tevatron electron lenses. We are proposing a conceptual design for applying this technique to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. A prototype hollow electron gun for the LHC was built and tested. Themore » expected performance of the hollow electron beam collimator was based on Tevatron experiments and on numerical tracking simulations. Halo removal rates and enhancements of halo diffusivity were estimated as a function of beam and lattice parameters. Proton beam core lifetimes and emittance growth rates were checked to ensure that undesired effects were suppressed. Hardware specifications were based on the Tevatron devices and on preliminary engineering integration studies in the LHC machine. Required resources and a possible timeline were also outlined, together with a brief discussion of alternative halo-removal schemes and of other possible uses of electron lenses to improve the performance of the LHC.« less

  16. SU-E-T-554: Comparison of Electron Disequilibrium Factor in External Photon Beams for Different Models of Linear Accelerators

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    LIU, B; Zhu, T

    Purpose: The dose in the buildup region of a photon beam is usually determined by the transport of the primary secondary electrons and the contaminating electrons from accelerator head. This can be quantified by the electron disequilibrium factor, E, defined as the ratio between total dose and equilibrium dose (proportional to total kerma), E = 1 in regions beyond buildup region. Ecan be different among accelerators of different models and/or manufactures of the same machine. This study compares E in photon beams from different machine models/ Methods: Photon beam data such as fractional depth dose curve (FDD) and phantom scattermore » factors as a function of field size and phantom depth were measured for different Linac machines. E was extrapolated from these fractional depth dose data while taking into account inverse-square law. The ranges of secondary electron were chosen as 3 and 6 cm for 6 and 15 MV photon beams, respectively. The field sizes range from 2x2 to 40x40 cm{sup 2}. Results: The comparison indicates the standard deviations of electron contamination among different machines are about 2.4 - 3.3% at 5 mm depth for 6 MV and 1.2 - 3.9% at 1 cm depth for 15 MV for the same field size. The corresponding maximum deviations are 3.0 - 4.6% and 2 - 4% for 6 and 15 MV, respectively. Both standard and maximum deviations are independent of field sizes in the buildup region for 6 MV photons, and slightly decreasing with increasing field size at depths up to 1 cm for 15 MV photons. Conclusion: The deviations of electron disequilibrium factor for all studied Linacs are less than 3% beyond the depth of 0.5 cm for the photon beams for the full range of field sizes (2-40 cm) so long as they are from the same manufacturer.« less

  17. Measured Radiation and Background Levels During Transmission of Megawatt Electron Beams Through Millimeter Apertures

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Alarcon, Ricardo; Balascuta, S.; Benson, Stephen V.


    We report measurements of photon and neutron radiation levels observed while transmitting a 0.43 MW electron beam through millimeter-sized apertures and during beam-off, but accelerating gradient RF-on, operation. These measurements were conducted at the Free-Electron Laser (FEL) facility of the Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory (JLab) using a 100 MeV electron beam from an energy-recovery linear accelerator. The beam was directed successively through 6 mm, 4 mm, and 2 mm diameter apertures of length 127 mm in aluminum at a maximum current of 4.3 mA (430 kW beam power). This study was conducted to characterize radiation levels for experiments that needmore » to operate in this environment, such as the proposed DarkLight Experiment. We find that sustained transmission of a 430 kW continuous-wave (CW) beam through a 2 mm aperture is feasible with manageable beam-related backgrounds. We also find that during beam-off, RF-on operation, multipactoring inside the niobium cavities of the accelerator cryomodules is the primary source of ambient radiation when the machine is tuned for 130 MeV operation.« less

  18. The Physics and Applications of High Brightness Electron Beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Palumbo, Luigi; Rosenzweig, J.; Serafini, Luca


    .]. -- Working Group 1. Summary of working group 1 on electron sources / M. Ferrario and G. Gatti. Design and RF measurements of an X-band accelerating structure for the SPARC project / D. Alesini ... [et al.]. Mitigation of RF gun breakdown by removal of tuning rods in high field regions / A.M. Cook... [et al.]. Measurements of quantum efficiency of Mg films produced by pulsed laser ablation deposition for application to bright electron sources / G. Gatti ... [et al.]. The S-band 1.6 cell RF gun correlated energy spread dependence on Pi and 0 mode relative amplitude / F. Schmerge ... [et al.]. RF gun photo-emission model for metal cathodes including time dependent emission / J.F. Schmerge ... [et al.]. Superconducting photocathodes / J. Smedley ... [et al.]. -- Working Group 2. Summary of Working Group 2: diagnostics and beam manipulation / G. Travish. Observation of coherent edge radiation emitted by a 100 Femtosecond compressed electron beam / G. Andonian, M, Dunning, E. Hemsing, J. B. Rosenzweig ... [et al.]. PARMELA simulations for PITZ: first machine studies and interpretation of measurements / M. Boscolo ... [et al.]. The LCLS single-shot relative bunch length monitor system / M.P. Dunning ... [et al.]. Beam shaping and permanent magnet quadrupole focusing with applications to the plasma wakefield accelerator / R.J. England ... [et al.]. Commissioning of the SPARC movable emittance meter and its first operation at PITZ / D. Filippetto... [et al.]. Experimental testing of dynamically optimized photoelectron beams / J.B. Rosenzweig ... [et al.]. Synchronization between the laser and electron beam in a photocathode RF gun / A. Sakumi ... [et al.]. Method of bunch radiation photochronography with 10 Femtosecond and less resolution / A. Tron and I. Merinov -- Working Group 3. New challenges in theory and modeling-summary for working group 3. L. Giannessi. Resonant modes in a 1.6 cells RF gun / M. Ferrario and C. Ronsivalle. Emittance degradation due to wake fields in a high

  19. Compact electron beam focusing column

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Persaud, Arun; Leung, Ka-Ngo; Reijonen, Jani


    A novel design for an electron beam focusing column has been developed at LBNL. The design is based on a low-energy spread multicusp plasma source which is used as a cathode for electron beam production. The focusing column is 10 mm in length. The electron beam is focused by means of electrostatic fields. The column is designed for a maximum voltage of 50 kV. Simulations of the electron trajectories have been performed by using the 2D simulation code IGUN and EGUN. The electron temperature has also been incorporated into the simulations. The electron beam simulations, column design and fabrication will be discussed in this presentation.

  20. Decomposition of PCBs in transformer oil using an electron beam accelerator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jung, In-Ha; Lee, Myun-Joo; Mah, Yoon-Jung


    Decomposition of PCBs in commercially used transformer oil used for more than 30 years has been carried out at normal temperature and pressure without any additives using an electron beam accelerator. The experiments were carried out in two ways: batch and continuous pilot plant with 1.5 MeV of energy, a 50 mA current, and 75 kW of power in a commercial scale accelerator. The electron beam irradiation seemed to transform large molecular weight compounds into lower ones, but the impact was considered too small on the physical properties of oil. Residual concentrations of PCBs after irradiation depend on the absorption dose of the electron beam energy, but aliphatic chloride compounds were produced at higher doses of irradiation. As the results from FT-NMR, chloride ions decomposed from the PCBs are likely to react with aliphatic hydro carbon compounds rather than existing as free radical ions in the transformer oil. Since this is a dry process, treated oil can be used as cutting oil or machine oil for heavy equipment without any additional treatments.

  1. Electron cooling of a bunched ion beam in a storage ring

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhao, He; Mao, Lijun; Yang, Jiancheng; Xia, Jiawen; Yang, Xiaodong; Li, Jie; Tang, Meitang; Shen, Guodong; Ma, Xiaoming; Wu, Bo; Wang, Geng; Ruan, Shuang; Wang, Kedong; Dong, Ziqiang


    A combination of electron cooling and rf system is an effective method to compress the beam bunch length in storage rings. A simulation code based on multiparticle tracking was developed to calculate the bunched ion beam cooling process, in which the electron cooling, intrabeam scattering (IBS), ion beam space-charge field, transverse and synchrotron motion are considered. Meanwhile, bunched ion beam cooling experiments have been carried out in the main cooling storage ring (CSRm) of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou, to investigate the minimum bunch length obtained by the cooling method, and study the dependence of the minimum bunch length on beam and machine parameters. The experiments show comparable results to those from simulation. Based on these simulations and experiments, we established an analytical model to describe the limitation of the bunch length of the cooled ion beam. It is observed that the IBS effect is dominant for low intensity beams, and the space-charge effect is much more important for high intensity beams. Moreover, the particles will not be bunched for much higher intensity beam. The experimental results in CSRm show a good agreement with the analytical model in the IBS dominated regime. The simulation work offers us comparable results to those from the analytical model both in IBS dominated and space-charge dominated regimes.

  2. Cobalt-60 Machines and Medical Linear Accelerators: Competing Technologies for External Beam Radiotherapy.


    Healy, B J; van der Merwe, D; Christaki, K E; Meghzifene, A


    Medical linear accelerators (linacs) and cobalt-60 machines are both mature technologies for external beam radiotherapy. A comparison is made between these two technologies in terms of infrastructure and maintenance, dosimetry, shielding requirements, staffing, costs, security, patient throughput and clinical use. Infrastructure and maintenance are more demanding for linacs due to the complex electric componentry. In dosimetry, a higher beam energy, modulated dose rate and smaller focal spot size mean that it is easier to create an optimised treatment with a linac for conformal dose coverage of the tumour while sparing healthy organs at risk. In shielding, the requirements for a concrete bunker are similar for cobalt-60 machines and linacs but extra shielding and protection from neutrons are required for linacs. Staffing levels can be higher for linacs and more staff training is required for linacs. Life cycle costs are higher for linacs, especially multi-energy linacs. Security is more complex for cobalt-60 machines because of the high activity radioactive source. Patient throughput can be affected by source decay for cobalt-60 machines but poor maintenance and breakdowns can severely affect patient throughput for linacs. In clinical use, more complex treatment techniques are easier to achieve with linacs, and the availability of electron beams on high-energy linacs can be useful for certain treatments. In summary, there is no simple answer to the question of the choice of either cobalt-60 machines or linacs for radiotherapy in low- and middle-income countries. In fact a radiotherapy department with a combination of technologies, including orthovoltage X-ray units, may be an option. Local needs, conditions and resources will have to be factored into any decision on technology taking into account the characteristics of both forms of teletherapy, with the primary goal being the sustainability of the radiotherapy service over the useful lifetime of the equipment

  3. Applications of electron lenses: scraping of high-power beams, beam-beam compensation, and nonlinear optics

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Stancari, Giulio

    Electron lenses are pulsed, magnetically confined electron beams whose current-density profile is shaped to obtain the desired effect on the circulating beam. Electron lenses were used in the Fermilab Tevatron collider for bunch-by-bunch compensation of long-range beam-beam tune shifts, for removal of uncaptured particles in the abort gap, for preliminary experiments on head-on beam-beam compensation, and for the demonstration of halo scraping with hollow electron beams. Electron lenses for beam-beam compensation are being commissioned in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). Hollow electron beam collimation and halo control were studied as an option to complementmore » the collimation system for the upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN; a conceptual design was recently completed. Because of their electric charge and the absence of materials close to the proton beam, electron lenses may also provide an alternative to wires for long-range beam-beam compensation in LHC luminosity upgrade scenarios with small crossing angles. At Fermilab, we are planning to install an electron lens in the Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA, a 40-m ring for 150-MeV electrons) as one of the proof-of-principle implementations of nonlinear integrable optics to achieve large tune spreads and more stable beams without loss of dynamic aperture.« less

  4. Rippled beam free electron laser amplifier


    Carlsten, Bruce E.


    A free electron laser amplifier provides a scalloping annular electron beam that interacts with the axial electric field of a TM.sub.0n mode. A waveguide defines an axial centerline and, a solenoid arranged about the waveguide produces an axial constant magnetic field within the waveguide. An electron beam source outputs a annular electron beam that interacts with the axial magnetic field to have an equilibrium radius and a ripple radius component having a variable radius with a ripple period along the axial centerline. An rf source outputs an axial electric field that propagates within the waveguide coaxial with the electron beam and has a radial mode that interacts at the electron beam at the equilibrium radius component of the electron beam.

  5. Electron beam technologies in Poland state of the art and possibilities of development

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wojcicki, S.


    The recent state of high energy electron beam /EB/ used for metals melting and welding in Poland has been presented. Some typical construction of EB furnaces and EB welding machines designed and constructed in Institute of Vacuum Technology in Warsaw are shown. The examples of their application has also been described.

  6. Surface hardening of 30CrMnSiA steel using continuous electron beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fu, Yulei; Hu, Jing; Shen, Xianfeng; Wang, Yingying; Zhao, Wansheng


    30CrMnSiA high strength low alloy (HSLA) carbon structural steel is typically applied in equipment manufacturing and aerospace industries. In this work, the effects of continuous electron beam treatment on the surface hardening and microstructure modifications of 30CrMnSiA are investigated experimentally via a multi-purpose electron beam machine Pro-beam system. Micro hardness value in the electron beam treated area shows a double to triple increase, from 208 HV0.2 on the base metal to 520 HV0.2 on the irradiated area, while the surface roughness is relatively unchanged. Surface hardening parameters and mechanisms are clarified by investigation of the microstructural modification and the phase transformation both pre and post irradiation. The base metal is composed of ferrite and troostite. After continuous electron beam irradiation, the micro structure of the electron beam hardened area is composed of acicular lower bainite, feathered upper bainite and part of lath martensite. The optimal input energy density for 30CrMnSiA steel in this study is of 2.5 kJ/cm2 to attain the proper hardened depth and peak hardness without the surface quality deterioration. When the input irradiation energy exceeds 2.5 kJ/cm2 the convective mixing of the melted zone will become dominant. In the area with convective mixing, the cooling rate is relatively lower, thus the micro hardness is lower. The surface quality will deteriorate. Chemical composition and surface roughness pre and post electron beam treatment are also compared. The technology discussed give a picture of the potential of electron beam surface treatment for improving service life and reliability of the 30CrMnSiA steel.

  7. Transverse profile of the electron beam for the RHIC electron lenses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gu, X.; Altinbas, Z.; Costanzo, M.; Fischer, W.; Gassner, D. M.; Hock, J.; Luo, Y.; Miller, T.; Tan, Y.; Thieberger, P.; Montag, C.; Pikin, A. I.


    The transverse profile of the electron beam plays a very important role in assuring the success of the electron lens beam-beam compensation, as well as its application in space charge compensation. To compensate for the beam-beam effect in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory, we recently installed and commissioned two electron lenses. In this paper, we describe, via theory and simulations using the code Parmela, the evolution of the density of the electron beam with space charge within an electron lens from the gun to the main solenoid. Our theoretical analysis shows that the change in the beam transverse density is dominated by the effects of the space charge induced longitudinal velocity reduction, not by those of transverse Coulomb collisions. We detail the transverse profile of RHIC electron-lens beam, measured via the YAG screen and pinhole detector, and also describe its profile that we assessed from the signal of the electron-backscatter detector (eBSD) via scanning the electron beam with respect to the RHIC beam. We verified, in simulations and experiments, that the distribution of the transverse electron beam is Gaussian throughout its propagation in the RHIC electron lens.

  8. Electron beam pumped semiconductor laser

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hug, William F. (Inventor); Reid, Ray D. (Inventor)


    Electron-beam-pumped semiconductor ultra-violet optical sources (ESUVOSs) are disclosed that use ballistic electron pumped wide bandgap semiconductor materials. The sources may produce incoherent radiation and take the form of electron-beam-pumped light emitting triodes (ELETs). The sources may produce coherent radiation and take the form of electron-beam-pumped laser triodes (ELTs). The ELTs may take the form of electron-beam-pumped vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (EVCSEL) or edge emitting electron-beam-pumped lasers (EEELs). The semiconductor medium may take the form of an aluminum gallium nitride alloy that has a mole fraction of aluminum selected to give a desired emission wavelength, diamond, or diamond-like carbon (DLC). The sources may be produced from discrete components that are assembled after their individual formation or they may be produced using batch MEMS-type or semiconductor-type processing techniques to build them up in a whole or partial monolithic manner, or combination thereof.

  9. Generation of electron Airy beams.


    Voloch-Bloch, Noa; Lereah, Yossi; Lilach, Yigal; Gover, Avraham; Arie, Ady


    Within the framework of quantum mechanics, a unique particle wave packet exists in the form of the Airy function. Its counterintuitive properties are revealed as it propagates in time or space: the quantum probability wave packet preserves its shape despite dispersion or diffraction and propagates along a parabolic caustic trajectory, even though no force is applied. This does not contradict Newton's laws of motion, because the wave packet centroid propagates along a straight line. Nearly 30 years later, this wave packet, known as an accelerating Airy beam, was realized in the optical domain; later it was generalized to an orthogonal and complete family of beams that propagate along parabolic trajectories, as well as to beams that propagate along arbitrary convex trajectories. Here we report the experimental generation and observation of the Airy beams of free electrons. These electron Airy beams were generated by diffraction of electrons through a nanoscale hologram, which imprinted on the electrons' wavefunction a cubic phase modulation in the transverse plane. The highest-intensity lobes of the generated beams indeed followed parabolic trajectories. We directly observed a non-spreading electron wavefunction that self-heals, restoring its original shape after passing an obstacle. This holographic generation of electron Airy beams opens up new avenues for steering electronic wave packets like their photonic counterparts, because the wave packets can be imprinted with arbitrary shapes or trajectories.

  10. First test of BNL electron beam ion source with high current density electron beam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pikin, Alexander, E-mail:; Alessi, James G., E-mail:; Beebe, Edward N., E-mail:

    A new electron gun with electrostatic compression has been installed at the Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) Test Stand at BNL. This is a collaborative effort by BNL and CERN teams with a common goal to study an EBIS with electron beam current up to 10 A, current density up to 10,000 A/cm{sup 2} and energy more than 50 keV. Intensive and pure beams of heavy highly charged ions with mass-to-charge ratio < 4.5 are requested by many heavy ion research facilities including NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) at BNL and HIE-ISOLDE at CERN. With a multiampere electron gun, themore » EBIS should be capable of delivering highly charged ions for both RHIC facility applications at BNL and for ISOLDE experiments at CERN. Details of the electron gun simulations and design, and the Test EBIS electrostatic and magnetostatic structures with the new electron gun are presented. The experimental results of the electron beam transmission are given.« less

  11. Efficient storage, computation, and exposure of computer-generated holograms by electron-beam lithography.


    Newman, D M; Hawley, R W; Goeckel, D L; Crawford, R D; Abraham, S; Gallagher, N C


    An efficient storage format was developed for computer-generated holograms for use in electron-beam lithography. This method employs run-length encoding and Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression and succeeds in exposing holograms that were previously infeasible owing to the hologram's tremendous pattern-data file size. These holograms also require significant computation; thus the algorithm was implemented on a parallel computer, which improved performance by 2 orders of magnitude. The decompression algorithm was integrated into the Cambridge electron-beam machine's front-end processor.Although this provides much-needed ability, some hardware enhancements will be required in the future to overcome inadequacies in the current front-end processor that result in a lengthy exposure time.

  12. Transverse profile of the electron beam for the RHIC electron lenses


    Gu, X.; Altinbas, Z.; Costanzo, M.; ...


    To compensate for the beam-beam effects from the proton-proton interactions at the two interaction points IP6 and IP8 in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), we are constructing two electron lenses (e-lenses) that we plan to install in the interaction region IR10. Before installing them, the electron gun, collector, instrumentation were tested and the electron beam properties were qualified on an electron lens test bench. We will present the test results and discuss our measurement of the electron beam current and of the electron gun perveance. We achieved a maximum current of 1 A with 5 kV energy for bothmore » the pulsed- and the DC-beam (which is a long turn-by-turn pulse beam). We measured beam transverse profiles with an Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG) screen and pinhole detector, and compared those to simulated beam profiles. Measurements of the pulsed electron beam stability were obtained by measuring the modulator voltage.« less

  13. Beam transport results on the multi-beam MABE accelerator

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Coleman, P.D.; Alexander, J.A.; Hasti, D.E.


    MABE is a multistage, electron beam linear accelerator. The accelerator has been operated in single beam (60 kA, 7 Mev) and multiple beam configurations. This paper deals with the multiple beam configuration in which typically nine approx. = 25 kA injected beams are transported through three accelerating gaps. Experimental results from the machine are discussed, including problems encountered and proposed solutions to those problems.

  14. Use of beam deflection to control an electron beam wire deposition process

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Taminger, Karen M. (Inventor); Hofmeister, William H. (Inventor); Hafley, Robert A. (Inventor)


    A method for controlling an electron beam process wherein a wire is melted and deposited on a substrate as a molten pool comprises generating the electron beam with a complex raster pattern, and directing the beam onto an outer surface of the wire to thereby control a location of the wire with respect to the molten pool. Directing the beam selectively heats the outer surface of the wire and maintains the position of the wire with respect to the molten pool. An apparatus for controlling an electron beam process includes a beam gun adapted for generating the electron beam, and a controller adapted for providing the electron beam with a complex raster pattern and for directing the electron beam onto an outer surface of the wire to control a location of the wire with respect to the molten pool.

  15. Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication: A Rapid Metal Deposition Process

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Taminger, Karen M. B.; Hafley, Robert A.


    Manufacturing of structural metal parts directly from computer aided design (CAD) data has been investigated by numerous researchers over the past decade. Researchers at NASA Langley REsearch Center are developing a new solid freeform fabrication process, electron beam freeform fabrication (EBF), as a rapid metal deposition process that works efficiently with a variety of weldable alloys. The EBF process introduces metal wire feedstock into a molten pool that is created and sustained using a focused electron beam in a vacuum environment. Thus far, this technique has been demonstrated on aluminum and titanium alloys of interest for aerospace structural applications nickel and ferrous based alloys are also planned. Deposits resulting from 2219 aluminum demonstrations have exhibited a range of grain morphologies depending upon the deposition parameters. These materials ave exhibited excellent tensile properties comparable to typical handbook data for wrought plate product after post-processing heat treatments. The EBF process is capable of bulk metal deposition at deposition rated in excess of 2500 cubic centimeters per hour (150 cubic inches per our) or finer detail at lower deposition rates, depending upon the desired application. This process offers the potential for rapidly adding structural details to simpler cast or forged structures rather than the conventional approach of machining large volumes of chips to produce a monolithic metallic structure. Selective addition of metal onto simpler blanks of material can have a significant effect on lead time reduction and lower material and machining costs.

  16. Electron Beam Welding of Gear Wheels by Splitted Beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dřímal, Daniel


    This contribution deals with the issue of electron beam welding of high-accurate gear wheels composed of a spur gearing and fluted shaft joined with a face weld for automotive industry. Both parts made of the high-strength low-alloy steel are welded in the condition after final machining and heat treatment, performed by case hardening, whereas it is required that the run-out in the critical point of weldment after welding, i. e. after the final operation, would be 0.04 mm max.. In case of common welding procedure, cracks were formed in the weld, initiated by spiking in the weld root. Crack formation was prevented by the use of an interlocking joint with a rounded recess and suitable welding parameters, eliminating crack initiation by spiking in the weld root. Minimisation of the welding distortions was achieved by the application of tack welding with simultaneous splitting of one beam into two parts in the opposite sections of circumferential face weld attained on the principle of a new system of controlled deflection with digital scanning of the beam. This welding procedure assured that the weldment temperature after welding would not be higher than 400 °C. Thus, this procedure allowed achieving the final run-outs in the critical point of gearwheels within the maximum range up to 0.04 mm, which is acceptable for the given application. Accurate optical measurements did not reveal any changes in the teeth dimensions.

  17. A numerical simulation of machining glass by dual CO 2-laser beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jiao, Junke; Wang, Xinbing


    In the flat panel display (FPD) industry, lasers may be used to cut glass plates. In order to reduce the possibility of fracture in the process of cutting glass by lasers, the thermal stress has to be less than the critical rupture strength. In this paper, a dual-laser-beam method is proposed, where an off-focus CO 2-laser beam was used to preheat the glass sample to reduce the thermal gradients and a focused CO 2-laser beam was used to machine the glass. The distribution of the thermal stress and the temperature was simulated by using finite element analysis software, Ansys. The thermal stress was studied both when the glass sample was machined by a single CO 2-laser beam and by dual CO 2-laser beams. It was concluded that the thermal stress can be reduced by means of the dual-laser-beam method.

  18. Electron beam-plasma interaction and electron-acoustic solitary waves in a plasma with suprathermal electrons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Danehkar, A.


    Suprathermal electrons and inertial drifting electrons, so called electron beam, are crucial to the nonlinear dynamics of electrostatic solitary waves observed in several astrophysical plasmas. In this paper, the propagation of electron-acoustic solitary waves (EAWs) is investigated in a collisionless, unmagnetized plasma consisting of cool inertial background electrons, hot suprathermal electrons (modeled by a κ-type distribution), and stationary ions. The plasma is penetrated by a cool electron beam component. A linear dispersion relation is derived to describe small-amplitude wave structures that shows a weak dependence of the phase speed on the electron beam velocity and density. A (Sagdeev-type) pseudopotential approach is employed to obtain the existence domain of large-amplitude solitary waves, and investigate how their nonlinear structures depend on the kinematic and physical properties of the electron beam and the suprathermality (described by κ) of the hot electrons. The results indicate that the electron beam can largely alter the EAWs, but can only produce negative polarity solitary waves in this model. While the electron beam co-propagates with the solitary waves, the soliton existence domain (Mach number range) becomes narrower (nearly down to nil) with increasing the beam speed and the beam-to-hot electron temperature ratio, and decreasing the beam-to-cool electron density ratio in high suprathermality (low κ). It is found that the electric potential amplitude largely declines with increasing the beam speed and the beam-to-cool electron density ratio for co-propagating solitary waves, but is slightly decreased by raising the beam-to-hot electron temperature ratio.

  19. Focused electron and ion beam systems


    Leung, Ka-Ngo; Reijonen, Jani; Persaud, Arun; Ji, Qing; Jiang, Ximan


    An electron beam system is based on a plasma generator in a plasma ion source with an accelerator column. The electrons are extracted from a plasma cathode in a plasma ion source, e.g. a multicusp plasma ion source. The beam can be scanned in both the x and y directions, and the system can be operated with multiple beamlets. A compact focused ion or electron beam system has a plasma ion source and an all-electrostatic beam acceleration and focusing column. The ion source is a small chamber with the plasma produced by radio-frequency (RF) induction discharge. The RF antenna is wound outside the chamber and connected to an RF supply. Ions or electrons can be extracted from the source. A multi-beam system has several sources of different species and an electron beam source.

  20. Electron beam therapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Price, N.M.

    An observed clinical side effect of total skin surface electron beam therapy is the patient's inability to perspire. An evaluation of eccrine sweat gland function was performed, utilizing acetylcholine chloride and a silicone impression material. The patient's inability to sweat after therapy, and recovery within a three- to six-month period after therapy was demonstrated. This phenomenon should be appreciated by both the physician and the patient prior to electron beam therapy in order to avoid the potential complications of this condition.

  1. Laser-driven electron beam acceleration and future application to compact light sources

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hafz, N.; Jeong, T. M.; Lee, S. K.; Pae, K. H.; Sung, J. H.; Choi, I. W.; Yu, T. J.; Jeong, Y. U.; Lee, J.


    Laser-driven plasma accelerators are gaining much attention by the advanced accelerator community due to the potential these accelerators hold in miniaturizing future high-energy and medium-energy machines. In the laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA), the ponderomotive force of an ultrashort high intensity laser pulse excites a longitudinal plasma wave or bubble. Due to huge charge separation, electric fields created in the plasma bubble can be several orders of magnitude higher than those available in conventional microwave and RF-based accelerator facilities which are limited (up to ˜100 MV/m) by material breakdown. Therefore, if an electron bunch is injected into the bubble in phase with its field, it will gain relativistic energies within an extremely short distance. Here, in the LWFA we show the generation of high-quality and high-energy electron beams up to the GeV-class within a few millimeters of gas-jet plasmas irradiated by tens of terawatt ultrashort laser pulses. Thus we realize approximately four orders of magnitude acceleration gradients higher than available by conventional technology. As a practical application of the stable high-energy electron beam generation, we are planning on injecting the electron beams into a few-meters long conventional undulator in order to realize compact X-ray synchrotron (immediate) and FEL (future) light sources. Stable laser-driven electron beam and radiation devices will surely open a new era in science, medicine and technology and will benefit a larger number of users in those fields.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Halavanau, Aliaksei

    Transverse and longitudinal electron beam shaping is a crucial part of high-brightness electron accelerator operations. In this dissertation, we report on the corresponding beam dynamics research conducted at Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology facility (FAST) and Argonne Wakeeld Accelerator (AWA). We demonstrate an experimental method for spatial laser and electron beam shaping using microlens arrays (MLAs) at a photoinjector facility. Such a setup was built at AWA and resulted in transverse emittance reduction by a factor of 2. We present transverse emittance partitioning methods that were recently employed at FAST facility. A strongly coupled electron beam was generated in anmore » axial magnetic eld and accelerated in 1.3 GHz SRF cavities to 34 MeV. It was then decoupled in Round-To-Flat beam transformer and beams with emittance asymmetry ratio of 100 were generated. We introduce the new methods of measuring electron beam canonical angular momentum, beam transformer optimization and beam image analysis. We also describe a potential longitudinal space-charge amplier setup for FAST high-energy beamline. As an outcome, a broadband partially coherent radiation in the UV range could be generated.« less

  3. Feasibility study for mega-electron-volt electron beam tomography.


    Hampel, U; Bärtling, Y; Hoppe, D; Kuksanov, N; Fadeev, S; Salimov, R


    Electron beam tomography is a promising imaging modality for the study of fast technical processes. But for many technical objects of interest x rays of several hundreds of keV energy are required to achieve sufficient material penetration. In this article we report on a feasibility study for fast electron beam computed tomography with a 1 MeV electron beam. The experimental setup comprises an electrostatic accelerator with beam optics, transmission target, and a single x-ray detector. We employed an inverse fan-beam tomography approach with radiographic projections being generated from the linearly moving x-ray source. Angular projections were obtained by rotating the object.

  4. Transverse Mode Electron Beam Microwave Generator

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wharton, Lawrence E.


    An electron beam microwave device having an evacuated interaction chamber to which are coupled a resonant cavity which has an opening between the resonant cavity and the evacuated interaction chamber and an electron gun which causes a narrow beam of electrons to traverse the evacuated interaction chamber. The device also contains a mechanism for feeding back a microwave electromagnetic field from the resonant cavity to the evacuated interaction chamber in such a way as to modulate the direction of propagation of the electron beam, thereby further amplifyjng the microwave electromagnetic field. Furthermore, provision is made for coupling the electromagnetic field out of the electron beam microwave device.

  5. Propagation of electron beams in space

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ashour-Abdalla, M.; Okuda, H.


    Particle simulations were performed in order to study the effects of beam plasma interaction and the propagation of an electron beam in a plasma with a magnetic field. It is found that the beam plasma instability results in the formation of a high energy tail in the electron velocity distribution which enhances the mean free path of the beam electrons. Moreover, the simulations show that when the beam density is much smaller than the ambient plasma density, currents much larger than the thermal return current can be injected into a plasma.

  6. Electron beam ion source and electron beam ion trap (invited).


    Becker, Reinard; Kester, Oliver


    The electron beam ion source (EBIS) and its trap variant [electron beam ion trap (EBIT)] celebrated their 40th and 20th anniversary, respectively, at the EBIS/T Symposium 2007 in Heidelberg. These technologically challenging sources of highly charged ions have seen a broad development in many countries over the last decades. In contrast to most other ion sources the recipe of improvement was not "sorcery" but a clear understanding of the physical laws and obeying the technological constraints. This review will report important achievements of the past as well as promising developments in the future.

  7. Beam conditioner for free electron lasers and synchrotrons


    Liu, H.; Neil, G.R.


    A focused optical has been used to introduce an optical pulse, or electromagnetic wave, collinear with the electron beam in a free electron laser or synchrotron thereby adding an axial field component that accelerates the electrons on the radial outside of the distribution of electrons in the electron beam. This invention consists of using the axial electrical component of a TEM{sub 10} mode Gaussian beam in vacuum to condition the electron beam and speed up the outer electrons in the beam. The conditioning beam should possess about the same diameter as the electron beam. The beam waist of the conditioning wave must be located around the entrance of the undulator longitudinally to have a net energy exchange between the electrons in the outer part of the distribution and the conditioning wave owing to the natural divergence of a Gaussian beam. By accelerating the outer electrons, the outer and core electrons are caused to stay in phase. This increases the fraction of the electron beam energy that is converted to light thereby improving the efficiency of conversion of energy to light and therefore boosting the power output of the free electron laser and synchrotron. 4 figs.

  8. Beam conditioner for free electron lasers and synchrotrons


    Liu, Hongxiu; Neil, George R.


    A focused optical is been used to introduce an optical pulse, or electromagnetic wave, colinearly with the electron beam in a free electron laser or synchrotron thereby adding an axial field component that accelerates the electrons on the radial outside of the distribution of electrons in the electron beam. This invention consists of using the axial electrical component of a TEM.sub.10 mode Gaussian beam in vacuum to condition the electron beam and speed up the outer electrons in the beam. The conditioning beam should possess about the same diameter as the electron beam. The beam waist of the conditioning wave must be located around the entrance of the undulator longitudinally to have a net energy exchange between the electrons in the outer part of the distribution and the conditioning wave owing to the natural divergence of a Gaussian beam. By accelerating the outer electrons, the outer and core electrons are caused to stay in phase. This increases the fraction of the electron beam energy that is converted to light thereby improving the efficiency of conversion of energy to light and therefore boosting the power output of the free electron laser and synchrotron.

  9. The University of Maryland Electron Ring: A Model Recirculator for Intense Beam Physics Research

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bernal, S.; Li, H.; Cui, Y.


    The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER), designed for transport studies of space-charge dominated beams in a strong focusing lattice, is nearing completion. Low energy, high intensity electron beams provide an excellent model system for experimental studies with relevance to all areas that require high quality, intense charged-particle beams. In addition, UMER constitutes an important tool for benchmarking of computer codes. When completed, the UMER lattice will consist of 36 alternating-focusing (FODO) periods over an 11.5-m circumference. Current studies in UMER over about 2/3 of the ring include beam-envelope matching, halo formation, asymmetrical focusing, and longitudinal dynamics (beam bunch erosionmore » and wave propagation.) Near future, multi-turn operation of the ring will allow us to address important additional issues such as resonance-traversal, energy spread and others. The main diagnostics are phosphor screens and capacitive beam position monitors placed at the center of each 200 bending section. In addition, pepper-pot and slit-wire emittance meters are in operation. The range of beam currents used corresponds to space charge tune depressions from 0.2 to 0.8, which is unprecedented for a circular machine.« less

  10. Attainment of Electron Beam Suitable for Medium Energy Electron Cooling

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Seletskiy, Sergei M.

    Electron cooling of charged particle beams is a well-established technique at electron energies of up to 300 keV. However, up to the present time the advance of electron cooling to the MeV-range energies has remained a purely theoretical possibility. The electron cooling project at Fermilab has recently demonstrated the ¯rst cooling of 8.9 GeV/c antiprotons in the Recycler ring, and therefore, has proved the validity of the idea of relativistic electron cool- ing. The Recycler Electron Cooler (REC) is the key component of the Teva- tron Run II luminosity upgrade project. Its performance depends critically on the quality of electronmore » beam. A stable electron beam of 4.3 MeV car- rying 0.5 A of DC current is required. The beam suitable for the Recycler Electron Cooler must have an angular spread not exceeding 200 ¹rad. The full-scale prototype of the REC was designed, built and tested at Fermilab in the Wideband laboratory to study the feasibility of attaining the high-quality electron beam. In this thesis I describe various aspects of development of the Fermilab electron cooling system, and the techniques used to obtain the electron beam suitable for the cooling process. In particular I emphasize those aspects of the work for which I was principally responsible.« less

  11. Modern developments in electron-beam fluorescence

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Cattolica, Robert J.


    Recent developments in the area of electron-beam fluorescence are discussed with special attention given to the experience in the use of the electron-beam fluorescence in flight research. A new measurement approach, called electron-photon fluorescence (EPF), is described, and it is shown that EPF offers the potential of overcoming some of the disadvantages of electron-beam fluorescence in high-density flows. Examples of using the EPF technique are presented.

  12. An experience of electron beam (EB) irradiated gemstones in Malaysian nuclear agency

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Idris, Sarada; Hairaldin, Siti Zulaiha; Tajau, Rida; Karim, Jamilah; Jusoh, Suhaimi; Ghazali, Zulkafli; Ahmad, Shamshad


    In Nuclear Malaysia, a study on gemstone irradiation using beta particle is conducted. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the gemstone colour enhancement by using different kind of precious and non-precious gemstones. By using irradiation technique, selected gemstones are exposed to highly ionizing radiation electron beam to knock off electrons to generate colour centres culminating in the introduction of deeper colours. The colour centres may be stable or unstable depending on the nature of colour centre produced. The colour change of irradiated stones were measured by HunterLab colour measurement. At 50 kGy, Topaz shows changes colour from colourless to golden. Meanwhile pearl shows changes from pale colour to grey. Kunzite and amethyst shows colour changes from colorless to green and pale colour to purple. Gamma survey meter measurement confirmed that irradiation treatment with 3 MeV electron beam machine does not render any activation that activate the gems to become radioactive.

  13. An experience of electron beam (EB) irradiated gemstones in Malaysian nuclear agency

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Idris, Sarada, E-mail:; Hairaldin, Siti Zulaiha, E-mail:; Tajau, Rida, E-mail:

    In Nuclear Malaysia, a study on gemstone irradiation using beta particle is conducted. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the gemstone colour enhancement by using different kind of precious and non-precious gemstones. By using irradiation technique, selected gemstones are exposed to highly ionizing radiation electron beam to knock off electrons to generate colour centres culminating in the introduction of deeper colours. The colour centres may be stable or unstable depending on the nature of colour centre produced. The colour change of irradiated stones were measured by HunterLab colour measurement. At 50 kGy, Topaz shows changes colour from colourlessmore » to golden. Meanwhile pearl shows changes from pale colour to grey. Kunzite and amethyst shows colour changes from colorless to green and pale colour to purple. Gamma survey meter measurement confirmed that irradiation treatment with 3 MeV electron beam machine does not render any activation that activate the gems to become radioactive.« less

  14. Single electron beam rf feedback free electron laser


    Brau, C.A.; Stein, W.E.; Rockwood, S.D.


    A free electron laser system and electron beam system for a free electron laser which uses rf feedback to enhance efficiency are described. Rf energy is extracted from a single electron beam by decelerating cavities and energy is returned to accelerating cavities using rf returns, such as rf waveguides, rf feedthroughs, resonant feedthroughs, etc. This rf energy is added to rf klystron energy to reduce the required input energy and thereby enhance energy efficiency of the system.

  15. Electron beams in solar flares

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Aschwanden, Markus J.; Dennis, Brian R.; Benz, Arnold O.


    A list of publications resulting from this program includes 'The Timing of Electron Beam Signatures in Hard X-Ray and Radio: Solar Flare Observations by BATSE/Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory and PHOENIX'; 'Coherent-Phase or Random-Phase Acceleration of Electron Beams in Solar Flares'; 'Particle Acceleration in Flares'; 'Chromospheric Evaporation and Decimetric Radio Emission in Solar Flares'; 'Sequences of Correlated Hard X-Ray and Type 3 Bursts During Solar Flares'; and 'Solar Electron Beams Detected in Hard X-Rays and Radiowaves.' Abstracts and reprints of each are attached to this report.

  16. Electron beam magnetic switch for a plurality of free electron lasers


    Schlitt, Leland G.


    Apparatus for forming and utilizing a sequence of electron beam segments, each of the same temporal length (substantially 15 nsec), with consecutive beams being separated by a constant time interval of the order of 3 nsec. The beam sequence is used for simultaneous inputs to a plurality of wiggler magnet systems that also accept the laser beams to be amplified by interaction with the co-propagating electron beams. The electron beams are arranged substantially in a circle to allow proper distribution of and simultaneous switching out of the beam segments to their respective wiggler magnets.

  17. Electron beam extraction on plasma cathode electron sources system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Purwadi, Agus; Taufik, M., Lely Susita R.; Suprapto, Saefurrochman, H., Anjar A.; Wibowo, Kurnia; Aziz, Ihwanul; Siswanto, Bambang


    ELECTRON BEAM EXTRACTION ON PLASMA CATHODE ELECTRON SOURCES SYSTEM. The electron beam extraction through window of Plasma Generator Chamber (PGC) for Pulsed Electron Irradiator (PEI) device and simulation of plasma potential has been studied. Plasma electron beam is extracted to acceleration region for enlarging their power by the external accelerating high voltage (Vext) and then it is passed foil window of the PEI for being irradiated to any target (atmospheric pressure). Electron beam extraction from plasma surface must be able to overcome potential barrier at the extraction window region which is shown by estimate simulation (Opera program) based on data of plasma surface potential of 150 V with Ueks values are varied by 150 kV, 175 kV and 200 kV respectively. PGC is made of 304 stainless steel with cylindrical shape in 30 cm of diameter, 90 cm length, electrons extraction window as many as 975 holes on the area of (15 × 65) cm2 with extraction hole cell in 0.3 mm of radius each other, an cylindrical shape IEP chamber is made of 304 stainless steel in 70 cm diameter and 30 cm length. The research result shown that the acquisition of electron beam extraction current depends on plasma parameters (electron density ne, temperature Te), accelerating high voltage Vext, the value of discharge parameter G, anode area Sa, electron extraction window area Se and extraction efficiency value α.

  18. Electron beam observation opportunity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Raitt, John; Banks, Peter

    Ionospheric researchers will have the opportunity to conduct coordinated radio, radar, and optical observations in conjunction with other space-based electron beam experiments as part of the upcoming Cooperative High-Altitude Rocket Gun Experiments (CHARGE) 3 rocket flight in November 1988 at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR, White Sands, N.Mex.). The flight will be particularly interesting because of the high power planned for the electron gun (3.5 kV at 5 A), which is based, in part, on technology developments planned for the successful Excede series of rockets.CHARGE 3 is the third in a series of U.S. flights made in collaboration with investigators from Utah State University (Logan), Stanford University (Stanford, Calif.), the Institute for Space and Astronautical Sciences (Sendai, Japan), and the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor). The general objectives for CHARGE 3 are fourfold: to study vehicle charging and diagnosecontributory effects at higher beam currents and energy,to study ELF/VLF wave generation and propagation from dc and modulated electron beams,to diagnose beam propagation remotely by studying E region ionization and optical excitation, andto investigate voltage and current distribution in an electrically tethered space vehicle system at higher beam currents.

  19. Beam/seam alignment control for electron beam welding


    Burkhardt, Jr., James H.; Henry, J. James; Davenport, Clyde M.


    This invention relates to a dynamic beam/seam alignment control system for electron beam welds utilizing video apparatus. The system includes automatic control of workpiece illumination, near infrared illumination of the workpiece to limit the range of illumination and camera sensitivity adjustment, curve fitting of seam position data to obtain an accurate measure of beam/seam alignment, and automatic beam detection and calculation of the threshold beam level from the peak beam level of the preceding video line to locate the beam or seam edges.

  20. Prototype electron lens set-up for the Tevatron beam-beam compensation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Crawford, C.; Saewert, G.; Santucci, J.


    A prototype "electron lens" for the Tevatron beam-beam compensation project is commissioned at Fermilab. We de-scribe the set-up, report results of the first tests of the elec-tron beam, and discuss future plans.

  1. Electronic gaming machines: are they the 'crack-cocaine' of gambling?


    Dowling, Nicki; Smith, David; Thomas, Trang


    There is a general view that electronic gaming is the most 'addictive' form of gambling, in that it contributes more to causing problem gambling than any other gambling activity. As such, electronic gaming machines have been referred to as the 'crack-cocaine' of gambling. While this analogy has popular appeal, it is only recently that the scientific community has begun to investigate its validity. In line with the belief that electronic gambling has a higher 'addictive' potential than other forms of gambling, research has also begun to focus on identifying the characteristics of gaming machines that may be associated with problem gambling behaviour. This paper will review the different types of modern electronic gaming machines, and will use the introduction of gaming machines to Australia to examine the association between electronic gaming and problem gambling, with particular reference to the characteristics of modern electronic gaming machines. Despite overwhelming acceptance that gaming machines are associated with the highest level of problem gambling, the empirical literature provides inconclusive evidence to support the analogy linking electronic gaming to 'crack-cocaine'. Rigorous and systematic evaluation is required to establish definitively the absolute 'addictive' potential of gaming machines and the degree to which machine characteristics influence the development and maintenance of problem gambling behaviour.

  2. Electron Beam "Writes" Silicon On Sapphire

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Heinemann, Klaus


    Method of growing silicon on sapphire substrate uses beam of electrons to aid growth of semiconductor material. Silicon forms as epitaxial film in precisely localized areas in micron-wide lines. Promising fabrication method for fast, densely-packed integrated circuits. Silicon deposited preferentially in contaminated substrate zones and in clean zone irradiated by electron beam. Electron beam, like surface contamination, appears to stimulate decomposition of silane atmosphere.

  3. Electron-Beam-Induced Current | Materials Science | NREL Websites

    Electron-Beam-Induced Current Electron-Beam-Induced Current Photo of a GaAsP-on-Si solar cell. EBIC measure electron-beam-induced current (EBIC). In presence of an electrostatic field (p-n junction


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    MACHINE SHOP, WEST BAY, DETAIL OF COLUMN, BEAM, CRANE RAIL, AND TRUSS CONNECTION TO ERECTING SHOP, LOOKING NORTHWEST. - Southern Pacific, Sacramento Shops, Erecting Shop, 111 I Street, Sacramento, Sacramento County, CA

  5. Light modulated electron beam driven radiofrequency emitter


    Wilson, M.T.; Tallerico, P.J.


    The disclosure relates to a light modulated electron beam-driven radiofrequency emitter. Pulses of light impinge on a photoemissive device which generates an electron beam having the pulse characteristics of the light. The electron beam is accelerated through a radiofrequency resonator which produces radiofrequency emission in accordance with the electron, hence, the light pulses.

  6. Compact two-beam push-pull free electron laser


    Hutton, Andrew [Yorktown, VA


    An ultra-compact free electron laser comprising a pair of opposed superconducting cavities that produce identical electron beams moving in opposite directions such that each set of superconducting cavities accelerates one electron beam and decelerates the other electron beam. Such an arrangement, allows the energy used to accelerate one beam to be recovered and used again to accelerate the second beam, thus, each electron beam is decelerated by a different structure than that which accelerated it so that energy exchange rather than recovery is achieved resulting in a more compact and highly efficient apparatus.

  7. Plasma Charge Current for Controlling and Monitoring Electron Beam Welding with Beam Oscillation

    PubMed Central

    Trushnikov, Dmitriy; Belenkiy, Vladimir; Shchavlev, Valeriy; Piskunov, Anatoliy; Abdullin, Aleksandr; Mladenov, Georgy


    Electron beam welding (EBW) shows certain problems with the control of focus regime. The electron beam focus can be controlled in electron-beam welding based on the parameters of a secondary signal. In this case, the parameters like secondary emissions and focus coil current have extreme relationships. There are two values of focus coil current which provide equal value signal parameters. Therefore, adaptive systems of electron beam focus control use low-frequency scanning of focus, which substantially limits the operation speed of these systems and has a negative effect on weld joint quality. The purpose of this study is to develop a method for operational control of the electron beam focus during welding in the deep penetration mode. The method uses the plasma charge current signal as an additional informational parameter. This parameter allows identification of the electron beam focus regime in electron-beam welding without application of additional low-frequency scanning of focus. It can be used for working out operational electron beam control methods focusing exactly on the welding. In addition, use of this parameter allows one to observe the shape of the keyhole during the welding process. PMID:23242276

  8. Plasma charge current for controlling and monitoring electron beam welding with beam oscillation.


    Trushnikov, Dmitriy; Belenkiy, Vladimir; Shchavlev, Valeriy; Piskunov, Anatoliy; Abdullin, Aleksandr; Mladenov, Georgy


    Electron beam welding (EBW) shows certain problems with the control of focus regime. The electron beam focus can be controlled in electron-beam welding based on the parameters of a secondary signal. In this case, the parameters like secondary emissions and focus coil current have extreme relationships. There are two values of focus coil current which provide equal value signal parameters. Therefore, adaptive systems of electron beam focus control use low-frequency scanning of focus, which substantially limits the operation speed of these systems and has a negative effect on weld joint quality. The purpose of this study is to develop a method for operational control of the electron beam focus during welding in the deep penetration mode. The method uses the plasma charge current signal as an additional informational parameter. This parameter allows identification of the electron beam focus regime in electron-beam welding without application of additional low-frequency scanning of focus. It can be used for working out operational electron beam control methods focusing exactly on the welding. In addition, use of this parameter allows one to observe the shape of the keyhole during the welding process.

  9. Experimental Analysis of Pseudospark Sourced Electron Beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kumar, Niraj; Pal, U. N.; Verma, D. K.; Prajapati, J.; Kumar, M.; Meena, B. L.; Tyagi, M. S.; Srivastava, V.


    The pseudospark (PS) discharge has been shown to be a promising source of high brightness, high intensity electron beam pulses. The PS discharge sourced electron beam has potential applications in plasma filled microwave sources where normal material cathode cannot be used. Analysis of the electron beam profile has been done experimentally for different applied voltages. The investigation has been carried out at different axial and radial location inside the drift space in argon atmosphere. This paper represents experimentally found axial and radial variation of the beam current inside the drift tube of PS discharge based plasma cathode electron (PCE) gun. With the help of current density estimation the focusing and defocusing point of electron beam in axial direction can be analyzed.

  10. Incident-beam effects in electron-stimulated Auger-electron diffraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gao, Y.; Cao, Jianming


    We have examined incident-beam effects in electron-stimulated Auger-electron diffraction (AED) on a cleaved GaAs(110) surface. The results indicate that incident-beam diffraction is significant in an AED experiment, and that the dissipative nature of the incident beam in contributing to the Auger process must be accounted for. We have developed a qualitative model that describes the trend of the polar-angle dependence of the Auger intensity for both the incident and exit beams. In calculating the diffraction features, we used a zeroth-order approximation to simulate the dissipation of the incident beam, which is found to adequately describe the experimental data.

  11. Hollow Electron Beam Collimation for HL-LHC - Effects on the Beam Core

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fitterer, M.; Stancari, G.; Valishev, A.


    Collimation with hollow electron beams is currently one of the most promising concepts for active halo control in the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). To ensure the successful operation of the hollow beam collimator the unwanted effects on the beam core, which might arise from the operation with a pulsed electron beam, must be minimized. This paper gives a summary of the effect of hollow electron lenses on the beam core in terms of sources, provides estimates for HL-LHC and discusses the possible mitigation methods.

  12. Intense steady state electron beam generator


    Hershcovitch, A.; Kovarik, V.J.; Prelec, K.


    An intense, steady state, low emittance electron beam generator is formed by operating a hollow cathode discharge plasma source at critical levels in combination with an extraction electrode and a target electrode that are operable to extract a beam of fast primary electrons from the plasma source through a negatively biased grid that is critically operated to repel bulk electrons toward the plasma source while allowing the fast primary electrons to move toward the target in the desired beam that can be successfully transported for relatively large distances, such as one or more meters away from the plasma source. 2 figs.

  13. Intense steady state electron beam generator


    Hershcovitch, Ady; Kovarik, Vincent J.; Prelec, Krsto


    An intense, steady state, low emittance electron beam generator is formed by operating a hollow cathode discharge plasma source at critical levels in combination with an extraction electrode and a target electrode that are operable to extract a beam of fast primary electrons from the plasma source through a negatively biased grid that is critically operated to repel bulk electrons toward the plasma source while allowing the fast primary electrons to move toward the target in the desired beam that can be successfully transported for relatively large distances, such as one or more meters away from the plasma source.

  14. Electron-Beam Vapor Deposition of Mold Inserts Final Report CRADA No. TSB-777-94

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Shepp, T.; Feeley, T.

    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and H.G.G. Laser Fare, Inc. studied the application of electron-beam vapor deposition technology to the production of mold inserts for use in an injection molding machine by Laser Fare. Laser Fare provided LLNL with the requirements of the mold inserts as well as sample inserts. LLNL replicated the mold insert(s) to Laser Fare for testing by Laser Fare.

  15. Generation of forerunner electron beam during interaction of ion beam pulse with plasma

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hara, Kentaro; Kaganovich, Igor D.; Startsev, Edward A.


    The long-time evolution of the two-stream instability of a cold tenuous ion beam pulse propagating through the background plasma with density much higher than the ion beam density is investigated using a large-scale one-dimensional electrostatic kinetic simulation. The three stages of the instability are investigated in detail. After the initial linear growth and saturation by the electron trapping, a portion of the initially trapped electrons becomes detrapped and moves ahead of the ion beam pulse forming a forerunner electron beam, which causes a secondary two-stream instability that preheats the upstream plasma electrons. Consequently, the self-consistent nonlinear-driven turbulent state is set up at the head of the ion beam pulse with the saturated plasma wave sustained by the influx of the cold electrons from upstream of the beam that lasts until the final stage when the beam ions become trapped by the plasma wave. The beam ion trapping leads to the nonlinear heating of the beam ions that eventually extinguishes the instability.

  16. Generation of forerunner electron beam during interaction of ion beam pulse with plasma


    Hara, Kentaro; Kaganovich, Igor D.; Startsev, Edward A.


    The long-time evolution of the two-stream instability of a cold tenuous ion beam pulse propagating through the background plasma with density much higher than the ion beam density is investigated using a large-scale one-dimensional electrostatic kinetic simulation. The three stages of the instability are investigated in detail. After the initial linear growth and saturation by the electron trapping, a portion of the initially trapped electrons becomes detrapped and moves ahead of the ion beam pulse forming a forerunner electron beam, which causes a secondary two-stream instability that preheats the upstream plasma electrons. Consequently, the self-consistent nonlinear-driven turbulent state is setmore » up at the head of the ion beam pulse with the saturated plasma wave sustained by the influx of the cold electrons from upstream of the beam that lasts until the final stage when the beam ions become trapped by the plasma wave. Finally, the beam ion trapping leads to the nonlinear heating of the beam ions that eventually extinguishes the instability.« less

  17. Generation of forerunner electron beam during interaction of ion beam pulse with plasma

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hara, Kentaro; Kaganovich, Igor D.; Startsev, Edward A.

    The long-time evolution of the two-stream instability of a cold tenuous ion beam pulse propagating through the background plasma with density much higher than the ion beam density is investigated using a large-scale one-dimensional electrostatic kinetic simulation. The three stages of the instability are investigated in detail. After the initial linear growth and saturation by the electron trapping, a portion of the initially trapped electrons becomes detrapped and moves ahead of the ion beam pulse forming a forerunner electron beam, which causes a secondary two-stream instability that preheats the upstream plasma electrons. Consequently, the self-consistent nonlinear-driven turbulent state is setmore » up at the head of the ion beam pulse with the saturated plasma wave sustained by the influx of the cold electrons from upstream of the beam that lasts until the final stage when the beam ions become trapped by the plasma wave. Finally, the beam ion trapping leads to the nonlinear heating of the beam ions that eventually extinguishes the instability.« less

  18. Food Irradiation Using Electron Beams and X-Rays

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Miller, Bruce


    mass throughput (dM/dt in kg/s) of an accelerator-based system is proportional to the average beam power (P in kW), and inversely proportional to the minimum required dose (Dm in kGy, with 1 kGy = 1 kJ/kg). The constant of proportionality is the mass throughput efficiency. Throughput efficiencies of 0.4 or better are typical of electron beam installations, but are only 0.025-0.035 for x-ray installations, primarily because of the inefficiency of bremsstrahlung generation at 5 MeV (about 8an axially-coupled, standing-wave, L-band linac with an average power in excess of 100 kW to achieve reasonable throughput rates with x-ray processing. Various design aspects of this new machine will be presented.

  19. Storage-ring Electron Cooler for Relativistic Ion Beams

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lin, Fanglei; Derbenev, Yaroslav; Douglas, David R.

    Application of electron cooling at ion energies above a few GeV has been limited due to reduction of electron cooling efficiency with energy and difficulty in producing and accelerating a high-current high-quality electron beam. A high-current storage-ring electron cooler offers a solution to both of these problems by maintaining high cooling beam quality through naturally-occurring synchrotron radiation damping of the electron beam. However, the range of ion energies where storage-ring electron cooling can be used has been limited by low electron beam damping rates at low ion energies and high equilibrium electron energy spread at high ion energies. This papermore » reports a development of a storage ring based cooler consisting of two sections with significantly different energies: the cooling and damping sections. The electron energy and other parameters in the cooling section are adjusted for optimum cooling of a stored ion beam. The beam parameters in the damping section are adjusted for optimum damping of the electron beam. The necessary energy difference is provided by an energy recovering SRF structure. A prototype linear optics of such storage-ring cooler is presented.« less

  20. Experimental Investigation of Pseudospark generated electron beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kumar, Niraj; Verma, D. K.; Prajapati, J.; Kumar, M.; Meena, B. L.; Tyagi, M. S.; Srivastava, V.; Pal, U. N.


    The pseudospark (PS) discharge is, however, more recently recognized as a different type of discharge which is capable of generating electron beams with the highest combined current density and brightness of any known type of electron source. PS discharge is a specific type of gas discharge, which operates on the left-hand side of the hollow cathode analogy to the Paschen curve with axially symmetric parallel electrodes and central holes on the electrodes. The PS discharge generated electron beam has tremendous applications in plasma filled microwave sources where normal material cathode cannot be used. Analysis of the electron beam profile has been carried out experimentally for different applied voltages. The investigation has been done at different axial and radial location inside the drift tube in argon atmosphere. This paper represents experimentally derived axial and radial variation of the beam current inside the plasma filled drift tube of PS discharge based plasma cathode electron (PCE) gun. With the help of current density estimation the focusing and defocusing point of electron beam in axial direction can be analyzed. It has been further confirmed the successful propagation of electron beam in confined manner without any assistance of external magnetic field.

  1. Beam characterisation of the KIRAMS electron microbeam system.


    Sun, G M; Kim, E H; Song, K B; Jang, M


    An electron microbeam system has been installed at the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) for use in radiation biology studies. The electron beam is produced from a commercial electron gun, and the beam size is defined by a 5 microm diameter pinhole. Beam energy can be varied in the range of 1-100 keV, covering a range of linear energy transfer from 0.4 to 12.1 keV microm-1. The micrometer-sized electron beam selectively irradiates cells cultured in a Mylar-bottomed dish. The positioning of target cells one by one onto the beam exit is automated, as is beam shooting. The electron beam entering the target cells has been calibrated using a Passivated Implanted Planar Silicon (PIPS) detector. This paper describes the KIRAMS microbeam cell irradiation system and its beam characteristics.

  2. Electron-beam irradiation-induced gate oxide degradation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cho, Byung Jin; Chong, Pei Fen; Chor, Eng Fong; Joo, Moon Sig; Yeo, In Seok


    Gate oxide degradation induced by electron-beam irradiation has been studied. A large increase in the low-field excess leakage current was observed on irradiated oxides and this was very similar to electrical stress-induced leakage currents. Unlike conventional electrical stress-induced leakage currents, however, electron-beam induced leakage currents exhibit a power law relationship with fluency without any signs of saturation. It has also been found that the electron-beam neither accelerates nor initiates quasibreakdown of the ultrathin gate oxide. Therefore, the traps generated by electron-beam irradiation do not contribute to quasibreakdown, only to the leakage current.

  3. Electron-Beam Produced Air Plasma: Optical Measurement of Beam Current

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vidmar, Robert; Stalder, Kenneth; Seeley, Megan


    Experiments to quantify the electron beam current and distribution of beam current in air plasma are discussed. The air plasma is produced by a 100-keV 10-mA electron beam source that traverses a transmission window into a chamber with air as a target gas. Air pressure is between 1 mTorr and 760 Torr. Strong optical emissions due to electron impact ionization are observed for the N2 2^nd positive line at 337.1 nm and the N2^+ 1^st negative line at 391.4 nm. Calibration of optical emissions using signals from the isolated transmission window and a Faraday plate are discussed. The calibrated optical system is then used to quantify the electron distribution in the air plasma.

  4. Electron beam induced light emission

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ulrich, A.; Heindl, T.; Krücken, R.; Morozov, A.; Skrobol, C.; Wieser, J.


    Electron beams with a particle energy of typically 12keV are used for collisional excitation of dense gases. The electrons are sent through ceramic membranes of only 300nm thickness into gas targets. Excimer light emission from the pure rare gases and from gas mixtures are studied for the development of brilliant VUV and UV light sources. The application of the technology for gas kinetic studies is described and its potential for building very small electron beam pumped lasers is discussed.



    Jones, W.H.; Reece, J.B.


    An improved electron beam welding or melting apparatus is designed which utilizes a high voltage rectifier operating below its temperature saturation region to decrease variations in electron beam current which normally result from the gas generated in such apparatus. (AEC)

  6. Integrated control system for electron beam processes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Koleva, L.; Koleva, E.; Batchkova, I.; Mladenov, G.


    The ISO/IEC 62264 standard is widely used for integration of the business systems of a manufacturer with the corresponding manufacturing control systems based on hierarchical equipment models, functional data and manufacturing operations activity models. In order to achieve the integration of control systems, formal object communication models must be developed, together with manufacturing operations activity models, which coordinate the integration between different levels of control. In this article, the development of integrated control system for electron beam welding process is presented as part of a fully integrated control system of an electron beam plant, including also other additional processes: surface modification, electron beam evaporation, selective melting and electron beam diagnostics.

  7. Simulation of electron transport during electron-beam-induced deposition of nanostructures

    PubMed Central

    Jeschke, Harald O; Valentí, Roser


    Summary We present a numerical investigation of energy and charge distributions during electron-beam-induced growth of tungsten nanostructures on SiO2 substrates by using a Monte Carlo simulation of the electron transport. This study gives a quantitative insight into the deposition of energy and charge in the substrate and in the already existing metallic nanostructures in the presence of the electron beam. We analyze electron trajectories, inelastic mean free paths, and the distribution of backscattered electrons in different compositions and at different depths of the deposit. We find that, while in the early stages of the nanostructure growth a significant fraction of electron trajectories still interacts with the substrate, when the nanostructure becomes thicker the transport takes place almost exclusively in the nanostructure. In particular, a larger deposit density leads to enhanced electron backscattering. This work shows how mesoscopic radiation-transport techniques can contribute to a model that addresses the multi-scale nature of the electron-beam-induced deposition (EBID) process. Furthermore, similar simulations can help to understand the role that is played by backscattered electrons and emitted secondary electrons in the change of structural properties of nanostructured materials during post-growth electron-beam treatments. PMID:24367747

  8. Electron beams scanning: A novel method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Askarbioki, M.; Zarandi, M. B.; Khakshournia, S.; Shirmardi, S. P.; Sharifian, M.


    In this research, a spatial electron beam scanning is reported. There are various methods for ion and electron beam scanning. The best known of these methods is the wire scanning wherein the parameters of beam are measured by one or more conductive wires. This article suggests a novel method for e-beam scanning without the previous errors of old wire scanning. In this method, the techniques of atomic physics are applied so that a knife edge has a scanner role and the wires have detector roles. It will determine the 2D e-beam profile readily when the positions of the scanner and detectors are specified.

  9. Laser wakefield accelerated electron beam monitoring and control

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Koga, J. K.; Mori, M.; Kotaki, H.


    We will discuss our participation in the ImPACT project, which has as one of its goals the development of an ultra-compact electron accelerator using lasers (< 1 GeV, < 10   m) and the generation of an x-ray beam from the accelerated electrons. Within this context we will discuss our investigation into electron beam monitoring and control. Since laser accelerated electrons will be used for x-ray beam generation combined with an undulator, we will present investigation into the possibilities of the improvement of electron beam emittance through cooling.

  10. Electron beam collimation with a photon MLC for standard electron treatments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mueller, S.; Fix, M. K.; Henzen, D.; Frei, D.; Frauchiger, D.; Loessl, K.; Stampanoni, M. F. M.; Manser, P.


    Standard electron treatments are currently still performed using standard or molded patient-specific cut-outs placed in the electron applicator. Replacing cut-outs and electron applicators with a photon multileaf collimator (pMLC) for electron beam collimation would make standard electron treatments more efficient and would facilitate advanced treatment techniques like modulated electron radiotherapy (MERT) and mixed beam radiotherapy (MBRT). In this work, a multiple source Monte Carlo beam model for pMLC shaped electron beams commissioned at a source-to-surface distance (SSD) of 70 cm is extended for SSDs of up to 100 cm and validated for several Varian treatment units with field sizes typically used for standard electron treatments. Measurements and dose calculations agree generally within 3% of the maximal dose or 2 mm distance to agreement. To evaluate the dosimetric consequences of using pMLC collimated electron beams for standard electron treatments, pMLC-based and cut-out-based treatment plans are created for a left and a right breast boost, a sternum, a testis and a parotid gland case. The treatment plans consist of a single electron field, either alone (1E) or in combination with two 3D conformal tangential photon fields (1E2X). For each case, a pMLC plan with similar treatment plan quality in terms of dose homogeneity to the target and absolute mean dose values to the organs at risk (OARs) compared to a cut-out plan is found. The absolute mean dose to an OAR is slightly increased for pMLC-based compared to cut-out-based 1E plans if the OAR is located laterally close to the target with respect to beam direction, or if a 6 MeV electron beam is used at an extended SSD. In conclusion, treatment plans using cut-out collimation can be replaced by plans of similar treatment plan quality using pMLC collimation with accurately calculated dose distributions.

  11. Focusing Electron Beams at SLAC.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Taylor, Richard L.


    Describes the development of a set of magnets that focus high-energy electron and positron beams causing them to collide, annihilate each other, and generate new particles. Explains how dipoles bend the beam, how quadrupoles focus the beam, how the focal length is calculated, and the superconducting final focus. (MDH)

  12. Electron beam diagnostic system using computed tomography and an annular sensor


    Elmer, John W.; Teruya, Alan T.


    A system for analyzing an electron beam including a circular electron beam diagnostic sensor adapted to receive the electron beam, the circular electron beam diagnostic sensor having a central axis; an annular sensor structure operatively connected to the circular electron beam diagnostic sensor, wherein the sensor structure receives the electron beam; a system for sweeping the electron beam radially outward from the central axis of the circular electron beam diagnostic sensor to the annular sensor structure wherein the electron beam is intercepted by the annular sensor structure; and a device for measuring the electron beam that is intercepted by the annular sensor structure.

  13. Study of Collective Beam Effects in Energy Recovery Linac Driven Free Electron Lasers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hall, Christpher C.

    Collective beam effects such as coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) and longitudinal space charge (LSC) can degrade the quality of high-energy electron beams used for applications such as free-electron lasers (FELs). The advent of energy recovery linac (ERL)-based FELs brings exciting possibilities for very high-average current FELs that can operate with greater efficiency. However, due to the structure of ERLs, they may be even more susceptible to CSR. It is therefore necessary that these collective beam effects be well understood if future ERL-based designs are to be successful. The Jefferson Laboratory ERL driven IR FEL provides an ideal test-bed for looking at how CSR impacts the electron beam. Due to its novel design we can easily test how CSR's impact on the beam varies as a function of compression within the machine. In this work we will look at measurements of both average energy loss and energy spectrum fragmentation as a function of bunch compression. These results are compared to particle tracking simulations including a 1D CSR model and, in general, good agreement is seen between simulation and measurement. Of particular interest is fragmentation of the energy spectrum that is observed due to CSR and LSC. We will also show how this fragmentation develops and how it can be mitigated through use of the sextupoles in the JLab FEL. Finally, a more complete 2D model is used to simulate CSR-beam interaction. Due to the parameters of the experiment it is expected that a 2D CSR model would yield different results than the 1D CSR model. However, excellent agreement is seen between the two CSR model results.

  14. Effect of electron beam on the properties of electron-acoustic rogue waves

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    El-Shewy, E. K.; Elwakil, S. A.; El-Hanbaly, A. M.; Kassem, A. I.


    The properties of nonlinear electron-acoustic rogue waves have been investigated in an unmagnetized collisionless four-component plasma system consisting of a cold electron fluid, Maxwellian hot electrons, an electron beam and stationary ions. It is found that the basic set of fluid equations is reduced to a nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The dependence of rogue wave profiles and the associated electric field on the carrier wave number, normalized density of hot electron and electron beam, relative cold electron temperature and relative beam temperature are discussed. The results of the present investigation may be applicable in auroral zone plasma.

  15. Electron beam diagnostic system using computed tomography and an annular sensor

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Elmer, John W.; Teruya, Alan T.


    A system for analyzing an electron beam including a circular electron beam diagnostic sensor adapted to receive the electron beam, the circular electron beam diagnostic sensor having a central axis; an annular sensor structure operatively connected to the circular electron beam diagnostic sensor, wherein the sensor structure receives the electron beam; a system for sweeping the electron beam radially outward from the central axis of the circular electron beam diagnostic sensor to the annular sensor structure wherein the electron beam is intercepted by the annular sensor structure; and a device for measuring the electron beam that is intercepted by themore » annular sensor structure.« less

  16. Ion beam figuring of highly steep mirrors with a 5-axis hybrid machine tool

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yin, Xiaolin; Tang, Wa; Hu, Haixiang; Zeng, Xuefeng; Wang, Dekang; Xue, Donglin; Zhang, Feng; Deng, Weijie; Zhang, Xuejun


    Ion beam figuring (IBF) is an advanced and deterministic method for optical mirror surface processing. The removal function of IBF varies with the different incident angles of ion beam. Therefore, for the curved surface especially the highly steep one, the Ion Beam Source (IBS) should be equipped with 5-axis machining capability to remove the material along the normal direction of the mirror surface, so as to ensure the stability of the removal function. Based on the 3-RPS parallel mechanism and two dimensional displacement platform, a new type of 5-axis hybrid machine tool for IBF is presented. With the hybrid machine tool, the figuring process of a highly steep fused silica spherical mirror is introduced. The R/# of the mirror is 0.96 and the aperture is 104mm. The figuring result shows that, PV value of the mirror surface error is converged from 121.1nm to32.3nm, and RMS value 23.6nm to 3.4nm.

  17. Coulomb-Driven Relativistic Electron Beam Compression

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lu, Chao; Jiang, Tao; Liu, Shengguang; Wang, Rui; Zhao, Lingrong; Zhu, Pengfei; Xiang, Dao; Zhang, Jie


    Coulomb interaction between charged particles is a well-known phenomenon in many areas of research. In general, the Coulomb repulsion force broadens the pulse width of an electron bunch and limits the temporal resolution of many scientific facilities such as ultrafast electron diffraction and x-ray free-electron lasers. Here we demonstrate a scheme that actually makes use of the Coulomb force to compress a relativistic electron beam. Furthermore, we show that the Coulomb-driven bunch compression process does not introduce additional timing jitter, which is in sharp contrast to the conventional radio-frequency buncher technique. Our work not only leads to enhanced temporal resolution in electron-beam-based ultrafast instruments that may provide new opportunities in probing material systems far from equilibrium, but also opens a promising direction for advanced beam manipulation through self-field interactions.

  18. Coulomb-Driven Relativistic Electron Beam Compression.


    Lu, Chao; Jiang, Tao; Liu, Shengguang; Wang, Rui; Zhao, Lingrong; Zhu, Pengfei; Xiang, Dao; Zhang, Jie


    Coulomb interaction between charged particles is a well-known phenomenon in many areas of research. In general, the Coulomb repulsion force broadens the pulse width of an electron bunch and limits the temporal resolution of many scientific facilities such as ultrafast electron diffraction and x-ray free-electron lasers. Here we demonstrate a scheme that actually makes use of the Coulomb force to compress a relativistic electron beam. Furthermore, we show that the Coulomb-driven bunch compression process does not introduce additional timing jitter, which is in sharp contrast to the conventional radio-frequency buncher technique. Our work not only leads to enhanced temporal resolution in electron-beam-based ultrafast instruments that may provide new opportunities in probing material systems far from equilibrium, but also opens a promising direction for advanced beam manipulation through self-field interactions.

  19. Optical transition radiation used in the diagnostic of low energy and low current electron beams in particle accelerators.


    Silva, T F; Bonini, A L; Lima, R R; Maidana, N L; Malafronte, A A; Pascholati, P R; Vanin, V R; Martins, M N


    Optical transition radiation (OTR) plays an important role in beam diagnostics for high energy particle accelerators. Its linear intensity with beam current is a great advantage as compared to fluorescent screens, which are subject to saturation. Moreover, the measurement of the angular distribution of the emitted radiation enables the determination of many beam parameters in a single observation point. However, few works deals with the application of OTR to monitor low energy beams. In this work we describe the design of an OTR based beam monitor used to measure the transverse beam charge distribution of the 1.9-MeV electron beam of the linac injector of the IFUSP microtron using a standard vision machine camera. The average beam current in pulsed operation mode is of the order of tens of nano-Amps. Low energy and low beam current make OTR observation difficult. To improve sensitivity, the beam incidence angle on the target was chosen to maximize the photon flux in the camera field-of-view. Measurements that assess OTR observation (linearity with beam current, polarization, and spectrum shape) are presented, as well as a typical 1.9-MeV electron beam charge distribution obtained from OTR. Some aspects of emittance measurement using this device are also discussed.

  20. Disabling CNT Electronic Devices by Use of Electron Beams

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Petkov, Mihail


    Bombardment with tightly focused electron beams has been suggested as a means of electrically disabling selected individual carbon-nanotubes (CNTs) in electronic devices. Evidence in support of the suggestion was obtained in an experiment in which a CNT field-effect transistor was disabled (see figure) by focusing a 1-keV electron beam on a CNT that served as the active channel of a field-effect transistor (FET). Such bombardment could be useful in the manufacture of nonvolatile-memory circuits containing CNT FETs. Ultimately, in order to obtain the best electronic performances in CNT FETs and other electronic devices, it will be necessary to fabricate the devices such that each one contains only a single CNT as an active element. At present, this is difficult because there is no way to grow a single CNT at a specific location and with a specific orientation. Instead, the common practice is to build CNTs into electronic devices by relying on spatial distribution to bridge contacts. This practice results in some devices containing no CNTs and some devices containing more than one CNT. Thus, CNT FETs have statistically distributed electronic characteristics (including switching voltages, gains, and mixtures of metallic and semiconducting CNTs). According to the suggestion, by using a 1-keV electron beam (e.g., a beam from a scanning electron microscope), a particular nanotube could be rendered electrically dysfunctional. This procedure could be repeated as many times as necessary on different CNTs in a device until all of the excess CNTs in the device had been disabled, leaving only one CNT as an active element (e.g., as FET channel). The physical mechanism through which a CNT becomes electrically disabled is not yet understood. On one hand, data in the literature show that electron kinetic energy >86 keV is needed to cause displacement damage in a CNT. On the other hand, inasmuch as a 1-keV beam focused on a small spot (typically a few tens of nanometers wide

  1. Generation of Low-Energy High-Current Electron Beams in Plasma-Anode Electron Guns

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ozur, G. E.; Proskurovsky, D. I.


    This paper is a review of studies on the generation of low-energy high-current electron beams in electron guns with a plasma anode and an explosive-emission cathode. The problems related to the initiation of explosive electron emission under plasma and the formation and transport of high-current electron beams in plasma-filled systems are discussed consecutively. Considerable attention is given to the nonstationary effects that occur in the space charge layers of plasma. Emphasis is also placed on the problem of providing a uniform energy density distribution over the beam cross section, which is of critical importance in using electron beams of this type for surface treatment of materials. Examples of facilities based on low-energy high-current electron beam sources are presented and their applications in materials science and practice are discussed.

  2. Swept Line Electron Beam Annealing of Ion Implanted Semiconductors.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of my research to the mainstream of technology. The techniques used for beam processing are distinguished by their * ~.* beam source and method by...raster scanned CW lasers (CWL), pulsed ion beams (PI), area pulsed electron beams (PEE), raster scanned (RSEB) or multi - scanned electron beams (MSEB...where high quality or tailored profiles are required. Continuous wave lasers and multi -scanned or swept-line electron beams are the most likely candidates

  3. Conceptual Design of Electron-Beam Generated Plasma Tools

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Agarwal, Ankur; Rauf, Shahid; Dorf, Leonid; Collins, Ken; Boris, David; Walton, Scott


    Realization of the next generation of high-density nanostructured devices is predicated on etching features with atomic layer resolution, no damage and high selectivity. High energy electron beams generate plasmas with unique features that make them attractive for applications requiring monolayer precision. In these plasmas, high energy beam electrons ionize the background gas and the resultant daughter electrons cool to low temperatures via collisions with gas molecules and lack of any accelerating fields. For example, an electron temperature of <0.6 eV with densities comparable to conventional plasma sources can be obtained in molecular gases. The chemistry in such plasmas can significantly differ from RF plasmas as the ions/radicals are produced primarily by beam electrons rather than those in the tail of a low energy distribution. In this work, we will discuss the conceptual design of an electron beam based plasma processing system. Plasma properties will be discussed for Ar, Ar/N2, and O2 plasmas using a computational plasma model, and comparisons made to experiments. The fluid plasma model is coupled to a Monte Carlo kinetic model for beam electrons which considers gas phase collisions and the effect of electric and magnetic fields on electron motion. The impact of critical operating parameters such as magnetic field, beam energy, and gas pressure on plasma characteristics in electron-beam plasma processing systems will be discussed. Partially supported by the NRL base program.

  4. Beam-induced electron modulations observed during TSS 1R

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rubin, A. G.; Burke, W. J.; Gough, M. P.; Machuzak, J. S.; Gentile, L. C.; Huang, C. Y.; Hardy, D. A.; Thompson, D. C.; Raitt, W. J.


    We report on modulations of electron fluxes at megahertz frequencies measured by the Shuttle Potential and Return Electron Experiment (SPREE) during fast pulsed electron gun (FPEG) beam experiments conducted after the tether break event of the Tethered Satellite System Reflight. Six intervals of sustained modulations were identified while FPEG emitted a 100 mA beam of 1 kev electrons. During five events the beam pitch angle αB was near 90° and the modulations were near even or odd half harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency fce. In the sixth event with 60°>=αB>=45°, electron modulations were near estimated values of the electron plasma frequency fpe and 2fpe. Whenever SPREE detected beam electrons modulated at a given frequency, secondary electrons were also modulated at the same frequency over a broad range of energies. Occasionally, some secondary electrons were modulated simultaneously at a second frequency. Multiple frequencies were related as ratios of low integers. In one case the beam electrons were simultaneously modulated at 0.8 MHz and 1.25 kHz. SPREE measurements suggest that the beam electrons propagate in cylindrical shells whose inner edge is marked by steep spatial gradients in fluxes at 1 keV [Hardy et al., 1995]. Inside the shell, electron distribution functions have positive slopes ∂f/∂v⊥>0 at velocities near that of the beam. Velocity space gradients act as free-energy sources to drive cavity modes that alter the instantaneous guiding centers of electrons causing SPREE to sample alternating parts of the beam cylinder's inner edge. Associated time-varying electric fields also modulated the fluxes of secondary electrons reaching SPREE. Other cavity modes may be excited through nonlinear processes [Calvert, 1982]. With αB far from 90°, electrons in the beam cylinder evolved toward bump-on-tail distributions to excite large-amplitude Langmuir modulations at fpe and its harmonics [Klimas, 1983]. Low-frequency modulations are attributed

  5. Numerical simulations of a proposed hollow electron beam collimator for the LHC upgrade at CERN.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Previtali, V.; Stancari, G.; Valishev, A.


    In the last years the LHC collimation system has been performing over the expectations, providing the machine with a nearly perfect e cient cleaning system[1]. Nonetheless, when trying to push the existing accelerators to - and over - their design limits, all the accelerator components are required to boost their performances. In particular, in view of the high luminosity frontier for the LHC, the increased intensity would ask for a more e cient cleaning system. In this framework innovative collimation solutions are under evaluation[2]: one option is the usage of an hollow electron lens for beam halo cleaning. This workmore » intends to study the applicability of an the hollow electron lens for the LHC collimation, by evaluating the case of the existing Tevatron e-lens applied to the nominal LHC 7 TeV beam. New e-lens operation modes are here proposed to standard enhance the electron lens halo removal e ect.« less

  6. Programmable graphene doping via electron beam irradiation.


    Zhou, Yangbo; Jadwiszczak, Jakub; Keane, Darragh; Chen, Ying; Yu, Dapeng; Zhang, Hongzhou


    Graphene is a promising candidate to succeed silicon based devices, and the conventional strategies for fabrication and testing of graphene-based electronics often utilise an electron beam. Here, we report on a systematic study of the effect of electron beam exposure on graphene devices. We realise reversible doping of on-chip graphene using a focused electron beam. Our results demonstrate site-specific control of carrier type and concentration achievable by modulating the charge distribution in the substrate. The effect of substrate-embedded charges on carrier mobility and conductivity of graphene is studied, with a dielectric screening model proposed to explain the effective n-type and p-type doping produced at different beam energies. Multiple logic operations are thus implemented in a single graphene sheet by using site-specific e-beam irradiation. We extend the phenomenon to MoS 2 , generalising it to conductive two-dimensional materials. Our results are of importance to imaging, in situ characterisation and lithographic techniques employed to investigate 2D materials.

  7. SU-F-P-49: Comparison of Mapcheck 2 Commission for Photon and Electron Beams

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lu, J; Yang, C; Morris, B


    Purpose: We will investigate the performance variation of the MapCheck2 detector array with different array calibration and dose calibration pairs from different radiation therapy machine. Methods: A MapCheck2 detector array was calibrated on 3 Elekta accelerators with different energy of photon (6 MV, 10 MV, 15 MV and 18 MV) and electron (6 MeV, 9 MeV, 12 MeV, 15 MeV, 18 MeV and 20 MeV) beams. Dose calibration was conducted by referring a water phantom measurement following TG-51 protocol and commission data for each accelerator. A 10 cm × 10 cm beam was measured. This measured map was morphed bymore » applying different calibration pairs. Then the difference was quantified by comparing the doses and similarity using gamma analysis of criteria (0.5 %, 0 mm). Profile variation was evaluated on a same dataset with different calibration pairs. The passing rate of an IMRT QA planar dose was calculated by using 3 mm and 3% criteria and compared with respect to each calibration pairs. Results: In this study, a dose variation up to 0.67% for matched photons and 1.0% for electron beams is observed. Differences of flatness and symmetry can be as high as 1% and 0.7% respectively. Gamma analysis shows a passing rate ranging from 34% to 85% for the standard 10 × 10 cm field. Conclusion: Our work demonstrated that a customized array calibration and dose calibration for each machine is preferred to fulfill a high standard patient QA task.« less

  8. Numerical simulation of electron beam welding with beam oscillations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Trushnikov, D. N.; Permyakov, G. L.


    This research examines the process of electron-beam welding in a keyhole mode with the use of beam oscillations. We study the impact of various beam oscillations and their parameters on the shape of the keyhole, the flow of heat and mass transfer processes and weld parameters to develop methodological recommendations. A numerical three-dimensional mathematical model of electron beam welding is presented. The model was developed on the basis of a heat conduction equation and a Navier-Stokes equation taking into account phase transitions at the interface of a solid and liquid phase and thermocapillary convection (Marangoni effect). The shape of the keyhole is determined based on experimental data on the parameters of the secondary signal by using the method of a synchronous accumulation. Calculations of thermal and hydrodynamic processes were carried out based on a computer cluster, using a simulation package COMSOL Multiphysics.

  9. Adjusting an electron beam for drilling

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Childress, C. L.


    Reticle contains two concentric circles: inner circle insures beam circularity and outer circle is guide to prevent beam from cutting workpiece clamp. Precise measurement of beam and clamp are required with old reticle. New reticle speeds up electron-beam drilling process by eliminating need to rotate eyepiece to make measurements against reticle scale.

  10. Parametric study of transport beam lines for electron beams accelerated by laser-plasma interaction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Scisciò, M.; Lancia, L.; Migliorati, M.; Mostacci, A.; Palumbo, L.; Papaphilippou, Y.; Antici, P.


    In the last decade, laser-plasma acceleration of high-energy electrons has attracted strong attention in different fields. Electrons with maximum energies in the GeV range can be laser-accelerated within a few cm using multi-hundreds terawatt (TW) lasers, yielding to very high beam currents at the source (electron bunches with up to tens-hundreds of pC in a few fs). While initially the challenge was to increase the maximum achievable electron energy, today strong effort is put in the control and usability of these laser-generated beams that still lack of some features in order to be used for applications where currently conventional, radio-frequency (RF) based, electron beam lines represent the most common and efficient solution. Several improvements have been suggested for this purpose, some of them acting directly on the plasma source, some using beam shaping tools located downstream. Concerning the latter, several studies have suggested the use of conventional accelerator magnetic devices (such as quadrupoles and solenoids) as an easy implementable solution when the laser-plasma accelerated beam requires optimization. In this paper, we report on a parametric study related to the transport of electron beams accelerated by laser-plasma interaction, using conventional accelerator elements and tools. We focus on both, high energy electron beams in the GeV range, as produced on petawatt (PW) class laser systems, and on lower energy electron beams in the hundreds of MeV range, as nowadays routinely obtained on commercially available multi-hundred TW laser systems. For both scenarios, our study allows understanding what are the crucial parameters that enable laser-plasma accelerators to compete with conventional ones and allow for a beam transport. We show that suitable working points require a tradeoff-combination between low beam divergence and narrow energy spread.

  11. Parametric study of transport beam lines for electron beams accelerated by laser-plasma interaction

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Scisciò, M.; Antici, P., E-mail:; INRS-EMT, Université du Québec, 1650 Lionel Boulet, Varennes, Québec J3X 1S2


    In the last decade, laser-plasma acceleration of high-energy electrons has attracted strong attention in different fields. Electrons with maximum energies in the GeV range can be laser-accelerated within a few cm using multi-hundreds terawatt (TW) lasers, yielding to very high beam currents at the source (electron bunches with up to tens-hundreds of pC in a few fs). While initially the challenge was to increase the maximum achievable electron energy, today strong effort is put in the control and usability of these laser-generated beams that still lack of some features in order to be used for applications where currently conventional, radio-frequencymore » (RF) based, electron beam lines represent the most common and efficient solution. Several improvements have been suggested for this purpose, some of them acting directly on the plasma source, some using beam shaping tools located downstream. Concerning the latter, several studies have suggested the use of conventional accelerator magnetic devices (such as quadrupoles and solenoids) as an easy implementable solution when the laser-plasma accelerated beam requires optimization. In this paper, we report on a parametric study related to the transport of electron beams accelerated by laser-plasma interaction, using conventional accelerator elements and tools. We focus on both, high energy electron beams in the GeV range, as produced on petawatt (PW) class laser systems, and on lower energy electron beams in the hundreds of MeV range, as nowadays routinely obtained on commercially available multi-hundred TW laser systems. For both scenarios, our study allows understanding what are the crucial parameters that enable laser-plasma accelerators to compete with conventional ones and allow for a beam transport. We show that suitable working points require a tradeoff-combination between low beam divergence and narrow energy spread.« less

  12. Phase space manipulation in high-brightness electron beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rihaoui, Marwan M.

    Electron beams have a wide range of applications, including discovery science, medicine, and industry. Electron beams can also be used to power next-generation, high-gradient electron accelerators. The performances of some of these applications could be greatly enhanced by precisely tailoring the phase space distribution of the electron beam. The goal of this dissertation is to explore some of these phase space manipulations. We especially focus on transformations capable of tailoring the beam current distribution. Specifically, we investigate a beamline exchanging phase space coordinates between the horizontal and longitudinal degrees of freedom. The key components necessary for this beamline were constructed and tested. The preliminary beamline was used as a singleshot phase space diagnostics and to produce a train of picoseconds electron bunches. We also investigate the use of multiple electron beams to control the transverse focusing. Our numerical and analytical studies are supplemented with experiments performed at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator.

  13. Edge roughness evaluation method for quantifying at-size beam blur in electron-beam lithography

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yoshizawa, Masaki; Moriya, Shigeru


    At-size beam blur at any given pattern size of an electron beam (EB) direct writer, HL800D, was quantified using the new edge roughness evaluation (ERE) method to optimize the electron-optical system. We characterized the two-dimensional beam-blur dependence on the electron deflection length of the EB direct writer. The results indicate that the beam blur ranged from 45 nm to 56 nm in a deflection field 2520 micrometer square. The new ERE method is based on the experimental finding that line edge roughness of a resist pattern is inversely proportional to the slope of the Gaussian-distributed quasi-beam-profile (QBP) proposed in this paper. The QBP includes effects of the beam blur, electron forward scattering, acid diffusion in chemically amplified resist (CAR), the development process, and aperture mask quality. The application the ERE method to investigating the beam-blur fluctuation demonstrates the validity of the ERE method in characterizing the electron-optical column conditions of EB projections such as SCALPEL and PREVAIL.

  14. Electron Beam-Cure Polymer Matrix Composites: Processing and Properties

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wrenn, G.; Frame, B.; Jensen, B.; Nettles, A.


    Researchers from NASA and Oak Ridge National Laboratory are evaluating a series of electron beam curable composites for application in reusable launch vehicle airframe and propulsion systems. Objectives are to develop electron beam curable composites that are useful at cryogenic to elevated temperatures (-217 C to 200 C), validate key mechanical properties of these composites, and demonstrate cost-saving fabrication methods at the subcomponent level. Electron beam curing of polymer matrix composites is an enabling capability for production of aerospace structures in a non-autoclave process. Payoffs of this technology will be fabrication of composite structures at room temperature, reduced tooling cost and cure time, and improvements in component durability. This presentation covers the results of material property evaluations for electron beam-cured composites made with either unidirectional tape or woven fabric architectures. Resin systems have been evaluated for performance in ambient, cryogenic, and elevated temperature conditions. Results for electron beam composites and similar composites cured in conventional processes are reviewed for comparison. Fabrication demonstrations were also performed for electron beam-cured composite airframe and propulsion piping subcomponents. These parts have been built to validate manufacturing methods with electron beam composite materials, to evaluate electron beam curing processing parameters, and to demonstrate lightweight, low-cost tooling options.

  15. Microsecond Electron Beam Source with Electron Energy Up to 400 Kev and Plasma Anode

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abdullin, É. N.; Basov, G. F.; Shershnev, S.


    A new high-power source of electrons with plasma anode for producing high-current microsecond electron beams with electron energy up to 400 keV has been developed, manufactured, and put in operation. To increase the cross section and pulse current duration of the beam, a multipoint explosive emission cathode is used in the electron beam source, and the beam is formed in an applied external guiding magnetic field. The Marx generator with vacuum insulation is used as a high-voltage source. Electron beams with electron energy up to 300-400 keV, current of 5-15 kA, duration of 1.5-3 μs, energy up to 4 kJ, and cross section up to 150 cm2 have been produced. The operating modes of the electron beam source are realized in which the applied voltage is influenced weakly on the current. The possibility of source application for melting of metal surfaces is demonstrated.

  16. Do warning signs on electronic gaming machines influence irrational cognitions?


    Monaghan, Sally; Blaszczynski, Alex; Nower, Lia


    Electronic gaming machines are popular among problem gamblers; in response, governments have introduced "responsible gaming" legislation incorporating the mandatory display of warning signs on or near electronic gaming machines. These signs are designed to correct irrational and erroneous beliefs through the provision of accurate information on probabilities of winning and the concept of randomness. There is minimal empirical data evaluating the effectiveness of such signs. In this study, 93 undergraduate students were randomly allocated to standard and informative messages displayed on an electronic gaming machine during play in a laboratory setting. Results revealed that a majority of participants incorrectly estimated gambling odds and reported irrational gambling-related cognitions prior to play. In addition, there were no significant between-group differences, and few participants recalled the content of messages or modified their gambling-related cognitions. Signs placed on electronic gaming machines may not modify irrational beliefs or alter gambling behaviour.

  17. Determination of the ReA Electron Beam Ion Trap electron beam radius and current density with an X-ray pinhole camera

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baumann, Thomas M.; Lapierre, Alain; Kittimanapun, Kritsada; Schwarz, Stefan; Leitner, Daniela; Bollen, Georg


    The Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) of the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University is used as a charge booster and injector for the currently commissioned rare isotope re-accelerator facility ReA. This EBIT charge breeder is equipped with a unique superconducting magnet configuration, a combination of a solenoid and a pair of Helmholtz coils, allowing for a direct observation of the ion cloud while maintaining the advantages of a long ion trapping region. The current density of its electron beam is a key factor for efficient capture and fast charge breeding of continuously injected, short-lived isotope beams. It depends on the radius of the magnetically compressed electron beam. This radius is measured by imaging the highly charged ion cloud trapped within the electron beam with a pinhole camera, which is sensitive to X-rays emitted by the ions with photon energies between 2 keV and 10 keV. The 80%-radius of a cylindrical 800 mA electron beam with an energy of 15 keV is determined to be r_{80%}=(212± 19)μm in a 4 T magnetic field. From this, a current density of j = (454 ± 83)A/cm2 is derived. These results are in good agreement with electron beam trajectory simulations performed with TriComp and serve as a test for future electron gun design developments.

  18. Theory of electronically phased coherent beam combination without a reference beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shay, Thomas M.


    The first theory for two novel coherent beam combination architectures that are the first electronic beam combination architectures that completely eliminate the need for a separate reference beam are presented. Detailed theoretical models are developed and presented for the first time.

  19. Landau Damping of Beam Instabilities by Electron Lenses

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Shiltsev, V.; Alexahin, Yuri; Burov, A.


    Modern and future particle accelerators employ increasingly higher intensity and brighter beams of charged particles and become operationally limited by coherent beam instabilities. Usual methods to control the instabilities, such as octupole magnets, beam feedback dampers and use of chromatic effects, become less effective and insufficient. We show that, in contrast, Lorentz forces of a low-energy, a magnetically stabilized electron beam, or "electron lens", easily introduces transverse nonlinear focusing sufficient for Landau damping of transverse beam instabilities in accelerators. It is also important that, unlike other nonlinear elements, the electron lens provides the frequency spread mainly at the beam core,more » thus allowing much higher frequency spread without lifetime degradation. For the parameters of the Future Circular Collider, a single conventional electron lens a few meters long would provide stabilization superior to tens of thousands of superconducting octupole magnets.« less

  20. Landau Damping of Beam Instabilities by Electron Lenses


    Shiltsev, V.; Alexahin, Yuri; Burov, A.; ...


    Modern and future particle accelerators employ increasingly higher intensity and brighter beams of charged particles and become operationally limited by coherent beam instabilities. Usual methods to control the instabilities, such as octupole magnets, beam feedback dampers, and use of chromatic effects, become less effective and insufficient. Here, we show that, in contrast, Lorentz forces of a low-energy, magnetically stabilized electron beam, or “electron lens,” easily introduce transverse nonlinear focusing sufficient for Landau damping of transverse beam instabilities in accelerators. It is also important to note that, unlike other nonlinear elements, the electron lens provides the frequency spread mainly at themore » beam core, thus allowing much higher frequency spread without lifetime degradation. For the parameters of the Future Circular Collider, a single conventional electron lens a few meters long would provide stabilization superior to tens of thousands of superconducting octupole magnets.« less

  1. Simplifying Electron Beam Channeling in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM).


    Wu, Ryan J; Mittal, Anudha; Odlyzko, Michael L; Mkhoyan, K Andre


    Sub-angstrom scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) allows quantitative column-by-column analysis of crystalline specimens via annular dark-field images. The intensity of electrons scattered from a particular location in an atomic column depends on the intensity of the electron probe at that location. Electron beam channeling causes oscillations in the STEM probe intensity during specimen propagation, which leads to differences in the beam intensity incident at different depths. Understanding the parameters that control this complex behavior is critical for interpreting experimental STEM results. In this work, theoretical analysis of the STEM probe intensity reveals that intensity oscillations during specimen propagation are regulated by changes in the beam's angular distribution. Three distinct regimes of channeling behavior are observed: the high-atomic-number (Z) regime, in which atomic scattering leads to significant angular redistribution of the beam; the low-Z regime, in which the probe's initial angular distribution controls intensity oscillations; and the intermediate-Z regime, in which the behavior is mixed. These contrasting regimes are shown to exist for a wide range of probe parameters. These results provide a new understanding of the occurrence and consequences of channeling phenomena and conditions under which their influence is strengthened or weakened by characteristics of the electron probe and sample.

  2. Vibrational Analysis of a Shipboard Free Electron Laser Beam Path

    DTIC Science & Technology


    2 Figure 2. Optical Extraction (η) vs. Separation and Electron Beam Tilt for a Notional FEL Oscillator . (From [ Figure 2. Figure 2. Optical Extraction (η) vs. Separation and Electron Beam Tilt for a Notional FEL Oscillator . (From [1]) The narrow beam...3 is a top down view of the entire electron beam path. Figure 3. Electron Beam Line of a Notional FEL Oscillator . 2. Optical Path The optical

  3. Two-screen single-shot electron spectrometer for laser wakefield accelerated electron beams.


    Soloviev, A A; Starodubtsev, M V; Burdonov, K F; Kostyukov, I Yu; Nerush, E N; Shaykin, A A; Khazanov, E A


    The laser wakefield acceleration electron beams can essentially deviate from the axis of the system, which distinguishes them greatly from beams of conventional accelerators. In case of energy measurements by means of a permanent-magnet electron spectrometer, the deviation angle can affect accuracy, especially for high energies. A two-screen single-shot electron spectrometer that correctly allows for variations of the angle of entry is considered. The spectrometer design enables enhancing accuracy of measuring narrow electron beams significantly as compared to a one-screen spectrometer with analogous magnetic field, size, and angular acceptance. © 2011 American Institute of Physics

  4. Laser beam machining of polycrystalline diamond for cutting tool manufacturing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wyszyński, Dominik; Ostrowski, Robert; Zwolak, Marek; Bryk, Witold


    The paper concerns application of DPSS Nd: YAG 532nm pulse laser source for machining of polycrystalline WC based diamond inserts (PCD). The goal of the research was to determine optimal laser cutting parameters for cutting tool shaping. Basic criteria to reach the goal was cutting edge quality (minimalization of finishing operations), material removal rate (time and cost efficiency), choice of laser beam characteristics (polarization, power, focused beam diameter). The research was planned and realised and analysed according to design of experiment rules (DOE). The analysis of the cutting edge was prepared with use of Alicona Infinite Focus measurement system.

  5. Shimmed electron beam welding process


    Feng, Ganjiang; Nowak, Daniel Anthony; Murphy, John Thomas


    A modified electron beam welding process effects welding of joints between superalloy materials by inserting a weldable shim in the joint and heating the superalloy materials with an electron beam. The process insures a full penetration of joints with a consistent percentage of filler material and thereby improves fatigue life of the joint by three to four times as compared with the prior art. The process also allows variable shim thickness and joint fit-up gaps to provide increased flexibility for manufacturing when joining complex airfoil structures and the like.

  6. Longitudinal dynamics of an intense electron beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Harris, John Richardson


    The dynamics of charged particle beams are governed by the particles' thermal velocities, external focusing forces, and Coulomb forces. Beams in which Coulomb forces play the dominant role are known as space charge dominated, or intense. Intense beams are of great interest for heavy ion fusion, spallation neutron sources, free-electron lasers, and other applications. In addition, all beams of interest are dominated by space charge forces when they are first created, so an understanding of space charge effects is critical to explain the later evolution of any beam. Historically, more attention has been paid to the transverse dynamics of beams. However, many interesting and important effects in beams occur along their length. These longitudinal effects can be limiting factors in many systems. For example, modulation or structure applied to the beam at low energy will evolve under space charge forces. Depending on the intended use of the beam and the nature of the modulation, this may result in improved or degraded performance. To study longitudinal dynamics in intense beams, experiments were conducted using the University of Maryland Electron Ring, a 10 keV, 100 mA electron transport system. These experiments concentrated on space charge driven changes in beam length in parabolic and rectangular beams, beam density and velocity modulation, and space charge wave propagation. Coupling between the transverse and longitudinal dynamics was also investigated. These experiments involved operating the UMER gun in space charge limited, temperature limited, triode amplification, photon limited, and hybrid modes. Results of these experiments are presented here, along with a theoretical framework for understanding the longitudinal dynamics of intense beams.

  7. Wave excitation by inhomogeneous suprathermal electron beams

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Freund, H. P.; Dillenburg, D.; Wu, C. S.


    Wave excitation by an inhomogeneous suprathermal electron beam in a homogeneous magnetized plasma is studied. Not only is the beam density nonuniform, but the beam electrons possess a sheared bulk velocity. The general dispersion equation encompassing both electrostatic and electromagnetic effects is derived. Particular attention is given to the whistler mode. It is established that the density-gradient and velocity-shear effects are important for waves with frequencies close to the lower-hybrid resonance frequency.

  8. Thermal imaging diagnostics of high-current electron beams.


    Pushkarev, A; Kholodnaya, G; Sazonov, R; Ponomarev, D


    The thermal imaging diagnostics of measuring pulsed electron beam energy density is presented. It provides control of the electron energy spectrum and a measure of the density distribution of the electron beam cross section, the spatial distribution of electrons with energies in the selected range, and the total energy of the electron beam. The diagnostics is based on the thermal imager registration of the imaging electron beam thermal print in a material with low bulk density and low thermal conductivity. Testing of the thermal imaging diagnostics has been conducted on a pulsed electron accelerator TEU-500. The energy of the electrons was 300-500 keV, the density of the electron current was 0.1-0.4 kA/cm(2), the duration of the pulse (at half-height) was 60 ns, and the energy in the pulse was up to 100 J. To register the thermal print, a thermal imager Fluke-Ti10 was used. Testing showed that the sensitivity of a typical thermal imager provides the registration of a pulsed electron beam heat pattern within one pulse with energy density over 0.1 J/cm(2) (or with current density over 10 A/cm(2), pulse duration of 60 ns and electron energy of 400 keV) with the spatial resolution of 0.9-1 mm. In contrast to the method of using radiosensitive (dosimetric) materials, thermal imaging diagnostics does not require either expensive consumables, or plenty of processing time.

  9. Measurement of the electron beam mode in earth's foreshock

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Onsager, T. G.; Holzworth, R. H.


    High frequency electric field measurements from the AMPTE IRM plasma wave receiver are used to identify three simultaneously excited electrostatic wave modes in the earth's foreshock region: the electron beam mode, the Langmuir mode, and the ion acoustic mode. A technique is developed which allows the rest frame frequecy and wave number of the electron beam waves to be determined. It is shown that the experimentally determined rest frame frequency and wave number agree well with the most unstable frequency and wave number predicted by linear homogeneous Vlasov theory for a plasma with Maxwellian background electrons and a Lorentzian electron beam. From a comparison of the experimentally determined and theoretical values, approximate limits are put on the electron foreshock beam temperatures. A possible generation mechanism for ion acoustic waves involving mode coupling between the electron beam and Langmuir modes is also discussed.

  10. Thermoluminescent dosimetry in electron beams: energy dependence.


    Robar, V; Zankowski, C; Olivares Pla, M; Podgorsak, E B


    The response of thermoluminescent dosimeters to electron irradiations depends on the radiation dose, mean electron energy at the position of the dosimeter in phantom, and the size of the dosimeter. In this paper the semi-empirical expression proposed by Holt et al. [Phys. Med. Biol. 20, 559-570 (1975)] is combined with the calculated electron dose fraction to determine the thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) response as a function of the mean electron energy and the dosimeter size. The electron and photon dose fractions, defined as the relative contributions of electrons and bremsstrahlung photons to the total dose for a clinical electron beam, are calculated with Monte Carlo techniques using EGS4. Agreement between the calculated and measured TLD response is very good. We show that the considerable reduction in TLD response per unit dose at low electron energies, i.e., at large depths in phantom, is offset by an ever-increasing relative contribution of bremsstrahlung photons to the total dose of clinical electron beams. This renders the TLD sufficiently reliable for dose measurements over the entire electron depth dose distribution despite the dependence of the TLD response on electron beam energy.

  11. Electron beam interaction with space plasmas.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krafft, C.; Bolokitin, A. S.


    Active space experiments involving the controlled injection of electron beams and the formation of artificially generated currents can provide in many cases a calibration of natural phenomena connected with the dynamic interaction of charged particles with fields. They have a long history beginning from the launches of small rockets with electron guns in order to map magnetic fields lines in the Earth's magnetosphere or to excite artificial auroras. Moreover, natural beams of charged particles exist in many space and astrophysical plasmas and were identified in situ by several satellites; a few examples are beams connected with solar bursts, planetary foreshocks or suprathermal fluxes traveling in planetary magnetospheres. Many experimental and theoretical works have been performed in order to interpret or plan space experiments involving beam injection as well as to understand the physics of wave-particle interaction, as wave radiation, beam dynamics and background plasma modification.

  12. KrF laser pumping by electron beam discharge

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonnet, J.; Fournier, G.; Pigache, D.


    The pumping of excimer lasers used in nuclear fusion and isotope separation is considered. Homogeneous ionization with an electron beam permitted discharge pumping of a KrF laser with a discharge-energy/beam-energy ratio 5. This high value is obtained to the detriment of an energy density and an efficiency which are about half the best values obtained under other conditions. This result does not modify a recent conclusion indicating that an electron beam controlled discharge has no significant advantage over a pure electron beam as regards pumping high energy KrF lasers at high repetition rate.

  13. Electron beam transport analysis of W-band sheet beam klystron

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Jian-Xun; Barnett, Larry R.; Luhmann, Neville C.; Shin, Young-Min; Humphries, Stanley


    The formation and transport of high-current density electron beams are of critical importance for the success of a number of millimeter wave and terahertz vacuum devices. To elucidate design issues and constraints, the electron gun and periodically cusped magnet stack of the original Stanford Linear Accelerator Center designed W-band sheet beam klystron circuit, which exhibited poor beam transmission (≤55%), have been carefully investigated through theoretical and numerical analyses taking advantage of three-dimensional particle tracking solvers. The re-designed transport system is predicted to exhibit 99.76% (cold) and 97.38% (thermal) beam transmission, respectively, under space-charge-limited emission simulations. The optimized design produces the required high aspect ratio (10:1) sheet beam with 3.2 A emission current with highly stable propagation. In the completely redesigned model containing all the circuit elements, more than 99% beam transmission is experimentally observed at the collector located about 160 mm distant from the cathode surface. Results are in agreement of the predictions of two ray-tracing simulators, CST PARTICLE STUDIO and OMNITRAK which also predict the observed poor transmission in the original design. The quantitative analysis presents practical factors in the modeling process to design a magnetic lens structure to stably transport the elliptical beam along the long drift tube.

  14. Electron beam directed energy device and methods of using same


    Retsky, Michael W.


    A method and apparatus is disclosed for an electron beam directed energy device. The device consists of an electron gun with one or more electron beams. The device includes one or more accelerating plates with holes aligned for beam passage. The plates may be flat or preferably shaped to direct each electron beam to exit the electron gun at a predetermined orientation. In one preferred application, the device is located in outer space with individual beams that are directed to focus at a distant target to be used to impact and destroy missiles. The aimings of the separate beams are designed to overcome Coulomb repulsion. A method is also presented for directing the beams to a target considering the variable terrestrial magnetic field. In another preferred application, the electron beam is directed into the ground to produce a subsurface x-ray source to locate and/or destroy buried or otherwise hidden objects including explosive devices.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bakeman, M.S.; Fawley, W.M.; Leemans, W. P.

    to couple the THUNDER undulator to the LOASIS Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA). Currently the LWFA has achieved quasi-monoenergetic electron beams with energies up to 1 GeV. These ultra-short, high-peak-current, electron beams are ideal for driving a compact XUV free electron laser (FEL). Understanding the electron beam properties such as the energy spread and emittance is critical for achieving high quality light sources with high brightness. By using an insertion device such as an undulator and observing changes in the spontaneous emission spectrum, the electron beam energy spread and emittance can be measured with high precision.more » The initial experiments will use spontaneous emission from 1.5 m of undulator. Later experiments will use up to 5 m of undulator with a goal of a high gain, XUV FEL.« less

  16. Electron beam selectively seals porous metal filters

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Snyder, J. A.; Tulisiak, G.


    Electron beam welding selectively seals the outer surfaces of porous metal filters and impedances used in fluid flow systems. The outer surface can be sealed by melting a thin outer layer of the porous material with an electron beam so that the melted material fills all surface pores.

  17. Three-axis electron-beam test facility

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dayton, J. A., Jr.; Ebihara, B. T.


    An electron beam test facility, which consists of a precision multidimensional manipulator built into an ultra-high-vacuum bell jar, was designed, fabricated, and operated at Lewis Research Center. The position within the bell jar of a Faraday cup which samples current in the electron beam under test, is controlled by the manipulator. Three orthogonal axes of motion are controlled by stepping motors driven by digital indexers, and the positions are displayed on electronic totalizers. In the transverse directions, the limits of travel are approximately + or - 2.5 cm from the center with a precision of 2.54 micron (0.0001 in.); in the axial direction, approximately 15.0 cm of travel are permitted with an accuracy of 12.7 micron (0.0005 in.). In addition, two manually operated motions are provided, the pitch and yaw of the Faraday cup with respect to the electron beam can be adjusted to within a few degrees. The current is sensed by pulse transformers and the data are processed by a dual channel box car averager with a digital output. The beam tester can be operated manually or it can be programmed for automated operation. In the automated mode, the beam tester is controlled by a microcomputer (installed at the test site) which communicates with a minicomputer at the central computing facility. The data are recorded and later processed by computer to obtain the desired graphical presentations.

  18. Measurements on wave propagation characteristics of spiraling electron beams

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Singh, A.; Getty, W. D.


    Dispersion characteristics of cyclotron-harmonic waves propagating on a neutralized spiraling electron beam immersed in a uniform axial magnetic field are studied experimentally. The experimental setup consisted of a vacuum system, an electron-gun corkscrew assembly which produces a 110-eV beam with the desired delta-function velocity distribution, a measurement region where a microwave signal is injected onto the beam to measure wavelengths, and a velocity analyzer for measuring the axial electron velocity. Results of wavelength measurements made at beam currents of 0.15, 1.0, and 2.0 mA are compared with calculated values, and undesirable effects produced by increasing the beam current are discussed. It is concluded that a suitable electron beam for studies of cyclotron-harmonic waves can be generated by the corkscrew device.

  19. Dependence of electron beam instability growth rates on the beam-plasma system parameters

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Strangeway, R.J.


    Electron beam instabilites are studied by using a simple model for an electron beam streaming through a cold plasma, the beam being of finite width perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field. Through considerations of finite geometry and the coldness of the beam and background plasma, an instability similar to the two stream instability is assumed to be the means for wave growth in the system. Having found the maximum growth rate for one set of beam-plasma system parameters, this maximum growth rate is traced as these parameters are varied. The parameters that describe the system are the beam velocity (v/submore » b/), electron gyrofrequency to ambient electron plasma frequency ratio (..cap omega../sub e// p/e), the beam to background number density ratio (n/sub b//n/sub a/), and the beam width (a). When ..cap omega../sub e// p/e>1, a mode with ..cap omega../sub e/<< u/hr is found to be unstable, where ..cap omega.. is the wave frequency and u/hr is the upper hybrid resonance frequency. For low values of n/sub b//n/sub a/ and ..cap omega../sub e/< p/e, this mode is still present with p/e<< u/hr. If the beam density is large, n/sub b//n/sub a/approx. =1, the instability occures for frequencies just above the electron gyrofrequency. This mode may well be that observed in laboratory plasma before the system undergoes the beam-plasma discharge. There is another instability present, which occurs for p/e. The growth rates for this mode, which are generally larger than those found for the mode, are only weakly dependent on ..cap omega../sub d// p/e. That this mode is not always observed in the laboratory implies that some factors not considered in the present theory suppress this mode, specifically, finite beam length.« less

  20. Ribbon electron beam formation by a forevacuum plasma electron source

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Klimov, A. S., E-mail:; Burdovitsin, V. A.; Grishkov, A. A.


    Results of the numerical analysis and experimental research on ribbon electron beam generation based on hollow cathode discharge at forevacuum gas pressure are presented. Geometry of the accelerating gap has modified. It lets us focus the ribbon electron beam and to transport it on a distance of several tens of centimeters in the absence of an axial magnetic field. The results of numerical simulations are confirmed by the experiment.

  1. Current-Voltage Characteristic of Nanosecond - Duration Relativistic Electron Beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Andreev, Andrey


    The pulsed electron-beam accelerator SINUS-6 was used to measure current-voltage characteristic of nanosecond-duration thin annular relativistic electron beam accelerated in vacuum along axis of a smooth uniform metal tube immersed into strong axial magnetic field. Results of these measurements as well as results of computer simulations performed using 3D MAGIC code show that the electron-beam current dependence on the accelerating voltage at the front of the nanosecond-duration pulse is different from the analogical dependence at the flat part of the pulse. In the steady-state (flat) part of the pulse), the measured electron-beam current is close to Fedosov current [1], which is governed by the conservation law of an electron moment flow for any constant voltage. In the non steady-state part (front) of the pulse, the electron-beam current is higher that the appropriate, for a giving voltage, steady-state (Fedosov) current. [1] A. I. Fedosov, E. A. Litvinov, S. Ya. Belomytsev, and S. P. Bugaev, ``Characteristics of electron beam formed in diodes with magnetic insulation,'' Soviet Physics Journal (A translation of Izvestiya VUZ. Fizika), vol. 20, no. 10, October 1977 (April 20, 1978), pp.1367-1368.

  2. Observations of ionospheric electron beams in the plasma sheet.


    Zheng, H; Fu, S Y; Zong, Q G; Pu, Z Y; Wang, Y F; Parks, G K


    Electrons streaming along the magnetic field direction are frequently observed in the plasma sheet of Earth's geomagnetic tail. The impact of these field-aligned electrons on the dynamics of the geomagnetic tail is however not well understood. Here we report the first detection of field-aligned electrons with fluxes increasing at ~1 keV forming a "cool" beam just prior to the dissipation of energy in the current sheet. These field-aligned beams at ~15 R(E) in the plasma sheet are nearly identical to those commonly observed at auroral altitudes, suggesting the beams are auroral electrons accelerated upward by electric fields parallel (E([parallel])) to the geomagnetic field. The density of the beams relative to the ambient electron density is δn(b)/n(e)~5-13% and the current carried by the beams is ~10(-8)-10(-7) A m(-2). These beams in high β plasmas with large density and temperature gradients appear to satisfy the Bohm criteria to initiate current driven instabilities.

  3. Flat-Lens Focusing of Electron Beams in Graphene

    PubMed Central

    Tang, Yang; Cao, Xiyuan; Guo, Ran; Zhang, Yanyan; Che, Zhiyuan; Yannick, Fouodji T.; Zhang, Weiping; Du, Junjie


    Coupling electron beams carrying information into electronic units is fundamental in microelectronics. This requires precision manipulation of electron beams through a coupler with a good focusing ability. In graphene, the focusing of wide electron beams has been successfully demonstrated by a circular p-n junction. However, it is not favorable for information coupling since the focal length is so small that the focal spot locates inside the circular gated region, rather than in the background region. Here, we demonstrate that an array of gate-defined quantum dots, which has gradually changing lattice spacing in the direction transverse to propagation, can focus electrons outside itself, providing a possibility to make a coupler in graphene. The focusing effect can be understood as due to the gradient change of effective refractive indices, which are defined by the local energy band in a periodic potential. The strong focusing can be achieved by suitably choosing the lattice gradient and the layer number in the incident direction, offering an effective solution to precision manipulation of electron beams with wide electron energy range and high angular tolerance. PMID:27628099

  4. Dose computation for therapeutic electron beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Glegg, Martin Mackenzie

    The accuracy of electron dose calculations performed by two commercially available treatment planning computers, Varian Cadplan and Helax TMS, has been assessed. Measured values of absorbed dose delivered by a Varian 2100C linear accelerator, under a wide variety of irradiation conditions, were compared with doses calculated by the treatment planning computers. Much of the motivation for this work was provided by a requirement to verify the accuracy of calculated electron dose distributions in situations encountered clinically at Glasgow's Beatson Oncology Centre. Calculated dose distributions are required in a significant minority of electron treatments, usually in cases involving treatment to the head and neck. Here, therapeutic electron beams are subject to factors which may cause non-uniformity in the distribution of dose, and which may complicate the calculation of dose. The beam shape is often irregular, the beam may enter the patient at an oblique angle or at an extended source to skin distance (SSD), tissue inhomogeneities can alter the dose distribution, and tissue equivalent material (such as wax) may be added to reduce dose to critical organs. Technological advances have allowed the current generation of treatment planning computers to implement dose calculation algorithms with the ability to model electron beams in these complex situations. These calculations have, however, yet to be verified by measurement. This work has assessed the accuracy of calculations in a number of specific instances. Chapter two contains a comparison of measured and calculated planar electron isodose distributions. Three situations were considered: oblique incidence, incidence on an irregular surface (such as that which would be arise from the use of wax to reduce dose to spinal cord), and incidence on a phantom containing a small air cavity. Calculations were compared with measurements made by thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) in a WTe electron solid water phantom. Chapter

  5. The Heidelberg compact electron beam ion traps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Micke, P.; Kühn, S.; Buchauer, L.; Harries, J. R.; Bücking, T. M.; Blaum, K.; Cieluch, A.; Egl, A.; Hollain, D.; Kraemer, S.; Pfeifer, T.; Schmidt, P. O.; Schüssler, R. X.; Schweiger, Ch.; Stöhlker, T.; Sturm, S.; Wolf, R. N.; Bernitt, S.; Crespo López-Urrutia, J. R.


    Electron beam ion traps (EBITs) are ideal tools for both production and study of highly charged ions (HCIs). In order to reduce their construction, maintenance, and operation costs, we have developed a novel, compact, room-temperature design, the Heidelberg Compact EBIT (HC-EBIT). Four already commissioned devices operate at the strongest fields (up to 0.86 T) reported for such EBITs using permanent magnets, run electron beam currents up to 80 mA, and energies up to 10 keV. They demonstrate HCI production, trapping, and extraction of pulsed Ar16+ bunches and continuous 100 pA ion beams of highly charged Xe up to charge state 29+, already with a 4 mA, 2 keV electron beam. Moreover, HC-EBITs offer large solid-angle ports and thus high photon count rates, e.g., in x-ray spectroscopy of dielectronic recombination in HCIs up to Fe24+, achieving an electron-energy resolving power of E/ΔE > 1500 at 5 keV. Besides traditional on-axis electron guns, we have also implemented a novel off-axis gun for laser, synchrotron, and free-electron laser applications, offering clear optical access along the trap axis. We report on its first operation at a synchrotron radiation facility demonstrating the resonant photoexcitation of highly charged oxygen.

  6. Terahertz electron cyclotron maser interactions with an axis-encircling electron beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, G. D.; Kao, S. H.; Chang, P. C.; Chu, K. R.


    To generate terahertz radiation via the electron cyclotron maser instability, harmonic interactions are essential in order to reduce the required magnetic field to a practical value. Also, high-order mode operation is required to avoid excessive Ohmic losses. The weaker harmonic interaction and mode competition associated with an over-moded structure present challenging problems to overcome. The axis-encircling electron beam is a well-known recipe for both problems. It strengthens the harmonic interaction, as well as minimizing the competing modes. Here, we examine these advantages through a broad data base obtained for a low-power, step-tunable, gyrotron oscillator. Linear results indicate far more higher-harmonic modes can be excited with an axis-encircling electron beam than with an off-axis electron beam. However, multi-mode, time-dependent simulations reveal an intrinsic tendency for a higher-harmonic mode to switch over to a lower-harmonic mode at a high beam current or upon a rapid current rise. Methods are presented to identify the narrow windows in the parameter space for stable harmonic interactions.

  7. An electron beam ion trap and source for re-acceleration of rare-isotope ion beams at TRIUMF

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blessenohl, M. A.; Dobrodey, S.; Warnecke, C.; Rosner, M. K.; Graham, L.; Paul, S.; Baumann, T. M.; Hockenbery, Z.; Hubele, R.; Pfeifer, T.; Ames, F.; Dilling, J.; Crespo López-Urrutia, J. R.


    Electron beam driven ionization can produce highly charged ions (HCIs) in a few well-defined charge states. Ideal conditions for this are maximally focused electron beams and an extremely clean vacuum environment. A cryogenic electron beam ion trap fulfills these prerequisites and delivers very pure HCI beams. The Canadian rare isotope facility with electron beam ion source-electron beam ion sources developed at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) reaches already for a 5 keV electron beam and a current of 1 A with a density in excess of 5000 A/cm2 by means of a 6 T axial magnetic field. Within the trap, the beam quickly generates a dense HCI population, tightly confined by a space-charge potential of the order of 1 keV times the ionic charge state. Emitting HCI bunches of ≈107 ions at up to 100 Hz repetition rate, the device will charge-breed rare-isotope beams with the mass-over-charge ratio required for re-acceleration at the Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory (ARIEL) facility at TRIUMF. We present here its design and results from commissioning runs at MPIK, including X-ray diagnostics of the electron beam and charge-breeding process, as well as ion injection and HCI-extraction measurements.

  8. Profiling of back-scattered electrons in opposed magnetic field of a Twin Electron Beam Gun

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sethi, S.; Gupta, Anchal; Dileep Kumar, V.; Mukherjee, Jaya; Gantayet, L. M.


    Electron gun is extensively used in material processing, physical vapour deposition and atomic vapour based laser processes. In these processes where the electron beam is incident on the substrate, a significant fraction of electron beam gets back-scattered from the target surface. The trajectory of this back scattered electron beam depends on the magnetic field in the vicinity. The fraction of back-scattered depends on the atomic number of the target metal and can be as high as ~40% of the incident beam current. These back-scattered electrons can cause undesired hot spots and also affect the overall process. Hence, the study of the trajectory of these back-scattered electrons is important. This paper provides the details of experimentally mapped back-scattered electrons of a 2×20kW Twin Electron Beam Gun (TEBG) in opposed magnetic field i.e. with these guns placed at 180° to each other.

  9. Multiple scattering theory for total skin electron beam design.


    Antolak, J A; Hogstrom, K R


    The purpose of this manuscript is to describe a method for designing a broad beam of electrons suitable for total skin electron irradiation (TSEI). A theoretical model of a TSEI beam from a linear accelerator with a dual scattering system has been developed. The model uses Fermi-Eyges theory to predict the planar fluence of the electron beam after it has passed through various materials between the source and the treatment plane, which includes scattering foils, monitor chamber, air, and a plastic diffusing plate. Unique to this model is its accounting for removal of the tails of the electron beam profile as it passes through the primary x-ray jaws. A method for calculating the planar fluence profile for an obliquely incident beam is also described. Off-axis beam profiles and percentage depth doses are measured with ion chambers, film, and thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). The measured data show that the theoretical model can accurately predict beam energy and planar fluence of the electron beam at normal and oblique incidence. The agreement at oblique angles is not quite as good but is sufficiently accurate to be of predictive value when deciding on the optimal angles for the clinical TSEI beams. The advantage of our calculational approach for designing a TSEI beam is that many different beam configurations can be tested without having to perform time-consuming measurements. Suboptimal configurations can be quickly dismissed, and the predicted optimal solution should be very close to satisfying the clinical specifications.

  10. Electron-beam-driven RI separator for SCRIT (ERIS) at RIKEN RI beam factory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ohnishi, T.; Ichikawa, S.; Koizumi, K.; Kurita, K.; Miyashita, Y.; Ogawara, R.; Tamaki, S.; Togasaki, M.; Wakasugi, M.


    We constructed a radioactive isotope (RI) separator named ERIS (electron-beam-driven RI separator for SCRIT) for the SCRIT (Self-Confinement RI Target) electron scattering facility at RIKEN RI Beam Factory (RIBF). In ERIS, production rate of fission products in the photofission of uranium is estimated to be 2.2 ×1011 fissions/s with 30 g of uranium and a 1-kW electron beam. During the commissioning of ERIS, the mass resolution and overall efficiency, including ionization, extraction, and transmission, were found to be 1660 and 21%, respectively, using natural xenon gas. The preparation of uranium carbide (UC2) RI production targets is described from which a 132Sn beam was successfully separated in our first attempt at RI production.

  11. Nonlinear electron-acoustic rogue waves in electron-beam plasma system with non-thermal hot electrons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elwakil, S. A.; El-hanbaly, A. M.; Elgarayh, A.; El-Shewy, E. K.; Kassem, A. I.


    The properties of nonlinear electron-acoustic rogue waves have been investigated in an unmagnetized collisionless four-component plasma system consisting of a cold electron fluid, non-thermal hot electrons obeying a non-thermal distribution, an electron beam and stationary ions. It is found that the basic set of fluid equations is reduced to a nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The dependence of rogue wave profiles on the electron beam and energetic population parameter are discussed. The results of the present investigation may be applicable in auroral zone plasma.

  12. The Electrical Structure of Discharges Modified by Electron Beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haas, F. A.; Braithwaite, N. St. J.


    Injection of an electron beam into a low pressure plasma modifies both the electrical structure and the distributions of charged particle energies. The electrical structure is investigated here in a one-dimensional model by representing the discharge as two collisionless sheaths with a monenergetic electron beam, linked by a quasi-neutral collisional region. The latter is modelled by fluid equations in which the beam current decreases with position. Since the electrodes are connected by an external conductor this implies through Kirchoff's laws that the thermal electron current must correspondingly increase with position. Given the boundary conditions and beam input at the first electrode then the rest of the system is uniquely described. The model reveals the dependence of the sheath potentials at the emitting and absorbing surfaces on the beam current. The model is relevant to externally injected beams and to electron beams originating from secondary processes on surfaces exposed to the plasma.

  13. Low-energy plasma focus device as an electron beam source.


    Khan, Muhammad Zubair; Ling, Yap Seong; Yaqoob, Ibrar; Kumar, Nitturi Naresh; Kuang, Lim Lian; San, Wong Chiow


    A low-energy plasma focus device was used as an electron beam source. A technique was developed to simultaneously measure the electron beam intensity and energy. The system was operated in Argon filling at an optimum pressure of 1.7 mbar. A Faraday cup was used together with an array of filtered PIN diodes. The beam-target X-rays were registered through X-ray spectrometry. Copper and lead line radiations were registered upon usage as targets. The maximum electron beam charge and density were estimated to be 0.31 μC and 13.5 × 10(16)/m(3), respectively. The average energy of the electron beam was 500 keV. The high flux of the electron beam can be potentially applicable in material sciences.

  14. 500 MHz narrowband beam position monitor electronics for electron synchrotrons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mohos, I.; Dietrich, J.


    Narrowband beam position monitor electronics were developed in the Forschungszentrum Jülich-IKP for the orbit measurement equipment used at ELSA Bonn. The equipment uses 32 monitor chambers, each with four capacitive button electrodes. The monitor electronics, consisting of an rf signal processing module (BPM-RF) and a data acquisition and control module (BPM-DAQ), sequentially process and measure the monitor signals and deliver calculated horizontal and vertical beam position data via a serial network.

  15. Electron-beam broadening in amorphous carbon films in low-energy scanning transmission electron microscopy.


    Drees, H; Müller, E; Dries, M; Gerthsen, D


    Resolution in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is ultimately limited by the diameter of the electron beam. The electron beam diameter is not only determined by the properties of the condenser lens system but also by electron scattering in the specimen which leads to electron-beam broadening and degradation of the resolution with increasing specimen thickness. In this work we introduce a new method to measure electron-beam broadening which is based on STEM imaging with a multi-segmented STEM detector. We focus on STEM at low electron energies between 10 and 30 keV and use an amorphous carbon film with known thickness as test object. The experimental results are compared with calculated beam diameters using different analytical models and Monte-Carlo simulations. We find excellent agreement of the experimental data with the recently published model by Gauvin and Rudinsky [1] for small t/λ el (thickness to elastic mean free path) values which are considered in our study. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Comparison of the secondary electrons produced by proton and electron beams in water

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kia, Mohammad Reza; Noshad, Houshyar


    The secondary electrons produced in water by electron and proton beams are compared with each other. The total ionization cross section (TICS) for an electron impact in water is obtained by using the binary-encounter-Bethe model. Hence, an empirical equation based on two adjustable fitting parameters is presented to determine the TICS for proton impact in media. In order to calculate the projectile trajectory, a set of stochastic differential equations based on the inelastic collision, elastic scattering, and bremsstrahlung emission are used. In accordance with the projectile trajectory, the depth dose deposition, electron energy loss distribution in a certain depth, and secondary electrons produced in water are calculated. The obtained results for the depth dose deposition and energy loss distribution in certain depth for electron and proton beams with various incident energies in media are in excellent agreement with the reported experimental data. The difference between the profiles for the depth dose deposition and production of secondary electrons for a proton beam can be ignored approximately. But, these profiles for an electron beam are completely different due to the effect of elastic scattering on electron trajectory.

  17. Comparison of the secondary electrons produced by proton and electron beams in water

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kia, Mohammad Reza, E-mail:; Noshad, Houshyar

    The secondary electrons produced in water by electron and proton beams are compared with each other. The total ionization cross section (TICS) for an electron impact in water is obtained by using the binary-encounter-Bethe model. Hence, an empirical equation based on two adjustable fitting parameters is presented to determine the TICS for proton impact in media. In order to calculate the projectile trajectory, a set of stochastic differential equations based on the inelastic collision, elastic scattering, and bremsstrahlung emission are used. In accordance with the projectile trajectory, the depth dose deposition, electron energy loss distribution in a certain depth, andmore » secondary electrons produced in water are calculated. The obtained results for the depth dose deposition and energy loss distribution in certain depth for electron and proton beams with various incident energies in media are in excellent agreement with the reported experimental data. The difference between the profiles for the depth dose deposition and production of secondary electrons for a proton beam can be ignored approximately. But, these profiles for an electron beam are completely different due to the effect of elastic scattering on electron trajectory.« less

  18. Three-Dimensional Electron Beam Dose Calculations.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shiu, Almon Sowchee

    The MDAH pencil-beam algorithm developed by Hogstrom et al (1981) has been widely used in clinics for electron beam dose calculations for radiotherapy treatment planning. The primary objective of this research was to address several deficiencies of that algorithm and to develop an enhanced version. Two enhancements have been incorporated into the pencil-beam algorithm; one models fluence rather than planar fluence, and the other models the bremsstrahlung dose using measured beam data. Comparisons of the resulting calculated dose distributions with measured dose distributions for several test phantoms have been made. From these results it is concluded (1) that the fluence-based algorithm is more accurate to use for the dose calculation in an inhomogeneous slab phantom, and (2) the fluence-based calculation provides only a limited improvement to the accuracy the calculated dose in the region just downstream of the lateral edge of an inhomogeneity. The source of the latter inaccuracy is believed primarily due to assumptions made in the pencil beam's modeling of the complex phantom or patient geometry. A pencil-beam redefinition model was developed for the calculation of electron beam dose distributions in three dimensions. The primary aim of this redefinition model was to solve the dosimetry problem presented by deep inhomogeneities, which was the major deficiency of the enhanced version of the MDAH pencil-beam algorithm. The pencil-beam redefinition model is based on the theory of electron transport by redefining the pencil beams at each layer of the medium. The unique approach of this model is that all the physical parameters of a given pencil beam are characterized for multiple energy bins. Comparisons of the calculated dose distributions with measured dose distributions for a homogeneous water phantom and for phantoms with deep inhomogeneities have been made. From these results it is concluded that the redefinition algorithm is superior to the conventional

  19. Simulation of 10 A electron-beam formation and collection for a high current electron-beam ion source

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kponou, A.; Beebe, E.; Pikin, A.; Kuznetsov, G.; Batazova, M.; Tiunov, M.


    Presented is a report on the development of an electron-beam ion source (EBIS) for the relativistic heavy ion collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) which requires operating with a 10 A electron beam. This is approximately an order of magnitude higher current than in any existing EBIS device. A test stand is presently being designed and constructed where EBIS components will be tested. It will be reported in a separate paper at this conference. The design of the 10 A electron gun, drift tubes, and electron collector requires extensive computer simulations. Calculations have been performed at Novosibirsk and BNL using two different programs, SAM and EGUN. Results of these simulations will be presented.

  20. Short rise time intense electron beam generator


    Olson, Craig L.


    A generator for producing an intense relativistic electron beam having a subnanosecond current rise time includes a conventional generator of intense relativistic electrons feeding into a short electrically conductive drift tube including a cavity containing a working gas at a low enough pressure to prevent the input beam from significantly ionizing the working gas. Ionizing means such as a laser simultaneously ionize the entire volume of working gas in the cavity to generate an output beam having a rise time less than one nanosecond.

  1. Short rise time intense electron beam generator


    Olson, C.L.


    A generator for producing an intense relativisitc electron beam having a subnanosecond current rise time includes a conventional generator of intense relativistic electrons feeding into a short electrically conductive drift tube including a cavity containing a working gas at a low enough pressure to prevent the input beam from significantly ionizing the working gas. Ionizing means such as a laser simultaneously ionize the entire volume of working gas in the cavity to generate an output beam having a rise time less than one nanosecond.

  2. High-energy electron beams for ceramic joining

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Turman, Bob N.; Glass, S. J.; Halbleib, J. A.; Helmich, D. R.; Loehman, Ron E.; Clifford, Jerome R.


    Joining of structural ceramics is possible using high melting point metals such as Mo and Pt that are heated with a high energy electron beam, with the potential for high temperature joining. A 10 MeV electron beam can penetrate through 1 cm of ceramic, offering the possibility of buried interface joining. Because of transient heating and the lower heat capacity of the metal relative to the ceramic, a pulsed high power beam has the potential for melting the metal without decomposing or melting the ceramic. We have demonstrated the feasibility of the process with a series of 10 MeV, 1 kW electron beam experiments. Shear strengths up to 28 MPa have been measured. This strength is comparable to that reported in the literature for bonding silicon nitride (Si3N4) to molybdenum with copper-silver-titanium braze, but weaker than that reported for Si3N4 - Si3N4 with gold-nickel braze. The bonding mechanism appears to be formation of a thin silicide layer. Beam damage to the Si3N4 was also assessed.

  3. Flexible foils formed by a prolonged electron beam irradiation in scanning electron microscope

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Čechal, Jan; Šikola, Tomáš


    The ubiquitous presence of hydrocarbon contamination on solid surfaces alters their inherent physical properties and complicates the surface analyses. An irradiation of sample surface with electron beam can lead to the chemical transformation of the hydrocarbon layer to carbon films, which are flexible and capable of acting as a barrier for chemical etching of an underlying material. The growth of these foils is limited by supply of hydrocarbons to the writing beam position rather than the electron dose or electron beam current. The prepared films can find their applications in fabrication of surface nanostructures without a need of an electron sensitive resist material.

  4. Multi-GeV electron-positron beam generation from laser-electron scattering.


    Vranic, Marija; Klimo, Ondrej; Korn, Georg; Weber, Stefan


    The new generation of laser facilities is expected to deliver short (10 fs-100 fs) laser pulses with 10-100 PW of peak power. This opens an opportunity to study matter at extreme intensities in the laboratory and provides access to new physics. Here we propose to scatter GeV-class electron beams from laser-plasma accelerators with a multi-PW laser at normal incidence. In this configuration, one can both create and accelerate electron-positron pairs. The new particles are generated in the laser focus and gain relativistic momentum in the direction of laser propagation. Short focal length is an advantage, as it allows the particles to be ejected from the focal region with a net energy gain in vacuum. Electron-positron beams obtained in this setup have a low divergence, are quasi-neutral and spatially separated from the initial electron beam. The pairs attain multi-GeV energies which are not limited by the maximum energy of the initial electron beam. We present an analytical model for the expected energy cutoff, supported by 2D and 3D particle-in-cell simulations. The experimental implications, such as the sensitivity to temporal synchronisation and laser duration is assessed to provide guidance for the future experiments.

  5. Undulator radiation from laser-plasma-accelerated electron beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shaw, B.; van Tilborg, J.; Gonsalves, A.; Nakamura, K.; Sokollik, T.; Shiraishi, S.; Mittal, R.; Esarey, E.; Schroeder, C.; Toth, C.; Leemans, W. P.


    Recent experiments coupled electron beams from the LOASIS TREX laser plasma accelerator (LPA) [1, 2, 3] to the Tapered Hybrid Undulator (THUNDER). Using the 1.5m, 66 period undulator, followed by an XUV spectrometer, spontaneous radiation was observed at photon energies extending to 100 eV. Previous experiments have reported visible [4] and soft-x-ray [5] radiation. The purpose of our experiments is to do highly precise, single shot diagnostics of the energy spread and emittance for each electron beam. We present recent results including measurements of electron beam transport through the undulator with and without the use of permanent magnetic quadrapoles, and measurements of XUV spectra up to 100 eV from LPA produced e-beams.

  6. Low-Energy Plasma Focus Device as an Electron Beam Source

    PubMed Central

    Seong Ling, Yap; Naresh Kumar, Nitturi; Lian Kuang, Lim; Chiow San, Wong


    A low-energy plasma focus device was used as an electron beam source. A technique was developed to simultaneously measure the electron beam intensity and energy. The system was operated in Argon filling at an optimum pressure of 1.7 mbar. A Faraday cup was used together with an array of filtered PIN diodes. The beam-target X-rays were registered through X-ray spectrometry. Copper and lead line radiations were registered upon usage as targets. The maximum electron beam charge and density were estimated to be 0.31 μC and 13.5 × 1016/m3, respectively. The average energy of the electron beam was 500 keV. The high flux of the electron beam can be potentially applicable in material sciences. PMID:25544952

  7. An Investigation of Nonuniform Dose Deposition From an Electron Beam

    DTIC Science & Technology


    to electron - beam pulse. Ceramic package HIPEC Lid Electron beam Die Bond wires TLD TLD Silver epoxy 6 package cavity die TLD’s 21 3 4 5 Figure 2...these apertures was documented in a previous experiment relating to HIFX electron -beam dosimetry .2 The hardware required for this setup was a 60-cm...impurity serves 2Gregory K. Ovrebo, Steven M. Blomquist, and Steven R. Murrill, A HIFX Electron -Beam Dosimetry System, Army Research Laboratory, ARL-TR

  8. Modelling of electron beam induced nanowire attraction

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bitzer, Lucas A.; Benson, Niels, E-mail:; Schmechel, Roland


    Scanning electron microscope (SEM) induced nanowire (NW) attraction or bundling is a well known effect, which is mainly ascribed to structural or material dependent properties. However, there have also been recent reports of electron beam induced nanowire bending by SEM imaging, which is not fully explained by the current models, especially when considering the electro-dynamic interaction between NWs. In this article, we contribute to the understanding of this phenomenon, by introducing an electro-dynamic model based on capacitor and Lorentz force interaction, where the active NW bending is stimulated by an electromagnetic force between individual wires. The model includes geometrical, electrical,more » and mechanical NW parameters, as well as the influence of the electron beam source parameters and is validated using in-situ observations of electron beam induced GaAs nanowire (NW) bending by SEM imaging.« less

  9. Toward single mode, atomic size electron vortex beams.


    Krivanek, Ondrej L; Rusz, Jan; Idrobo, Juan-Carlos; Lovejoy, Tracy J; Dellby, Niklas


    We propose a practical method of producing a single mode electron vortex beam suitable for use in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). The method involves using a holographic "fork" aperture to produce a row of beams of different orbital angular momenta, as is now well established, magnifying the row so that neighboring beams are separated by about 1 µm, selecting the desired beam with a narrow slit, and demagnifying the selected beam down to 1-2 Å in size. We show that the method can be implemented by adding two condenser lenses plus a selection slit to a straight-column cold-field emission STEM. It can also be carried out in an existing instrument, the monochromated Nion high-energy-resolution monochromated electron energy-loss spectroscopy-STEM, by using its monochromator in a novel way. We estimate that atom-sized vortex beams with ≥ 20 pA of current should be attainable at 100-200 keV in either instrument.

  10. Optimization of combined electron and photon beams for breast cancer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xiong, W.; Li, J.; Chen, L.; Price, R. A.; Freedman, G.; Ding, M.; Qin, L.; Yang, J.; Ma, C.-M.


    Recently, intensity-modulated radiation therapy and modulated electron radiotherapy have gathered a growing interest for the treatment of breast and head and neck tumours. In this work, we carried out a study to combine electron and photon beams to achieve differential dose distributions for multiple target volumes simultaneously. A Monte Carlo based treatment planning system was investigated, which consists of a set of software tools to perform accurate dose calculation, treatment optimization, leaf sequencing and plan analysis. We compared breast treatment plans generated using this home-grown optimization and dose calculation software for different treatment techniques. Five different planning techniques have been developed for this study based on a standard photon beam whole breast treatment and an electron beam tumour bed cone down. Technique 1 includes two 6 MV tangential wedged photon beams followed by an anterior boost electron field. Technique 2 includes two 6 MV tangential intensity-modulated photon beams and the same boost electron field. Technique 3 optimizes two intensity-modulated photon beams based on a boost electron field. Technique 4 optimizes two intensity-modulated photon beams and the weight of the boost electron field. Technique 5 combines two intensity-modulated photon beams with an intensity-modulated electron field. Our results show that technique 2 can reduce hot spots both in the breast and the tumour bed compared to technique 1 (dose inhomogeneity is reduced from 34% to 28% for the target). Techniques 3, 4 and 5 can deliver a more homogeneous dose distribution to the target (with dose inhomogeneities for the target of 22%, 20% and 9%, respectively). In many cases techniques 3, 4 and 5 can reduce the dose to the lung and heart. It is concluded that combined photon and electron beam therapy may be advantageous for treating breast cancer compared to conventional treatment techniques using tangential wedged photon beams followed by a boost

  11. Dynamics of a high-current relativistic electron beam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Strelkov, P. S., E-mail:; Tarakanov, V. P., E-mail:; Ivanov, I. E., E-mail:


    The dynamics of a high-current relativistic electron beam is studied experimentally and by numerical simulation. The beam is formed in a magnetically insulated diode with a transverse-blade explosive-emission cathode. It is found experimentally that the radius of a 500-keV beam with a current of 2 kA and duration of 500 ns decreases with time during the beam current pulse. The same effect was observed in numerical simulations. This effect is explained by a change in the shape of the cathode plasma during the current pulse, which, according to calculations, leads to a change in the beam parameters, such as themore » electron pitch angle and the spread over the longitudinal electron momentum. These parameters are hard to measure experimentally; however, the time evolution of the radial profile of the beam current density, which can be measured reliably, coincides with the simulation results. This allows one to expect that the behavior of the other beam parameters also agrees with numerical simulations.« less

  12. Requirements for CEC POP Machine Protection System

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pinayev, I.


    The requirements of CEC POP machine protection system are meant to prevent damage to a vacuum chamber by a missteered electron beam. In this example, beam energy = 22 MeV, Maximal bunch charge = 5 nC, Maximal repetition rate = 78 kHz, Normalized emittance = 5 mm mrad, Minimal β-function = 1 m. From this information the requirements of the protection system can be calculated by factoring the information into equations to find beam densities and temperature excursions.

  13. Magnetically confined electron beam system for high resolution electron transmission-beam experiments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lozano, A. I.; Oller, J. C.; Krupa, K.; Ferreira da Silva, F.; Limão-Vieira, P.; Blanco, F.; Muñoz, A.; Colmenares, R.; García, G.


    A novel experimental setup has been implemented to provide accurate electron scattering cross sections from molecules at low and intermediate impact energies (1-300 eV) by measuring the attenuation of a magnetically confined linear electron beam from a molecular target. High-resolution electron energy is achieved through confinement in a magnetic gas trap where electrons are cooled by successive collisions with N2. Additionally, we developed and present a method to correct systematic errors arising from energy and angular resolution limitations. The accuracy of the entire measurement procedure is validated by comparing the N2 total scattering cross section in the considered energy range with benchmark values available in the literature.

  14. Beam-Beam Study on the Upgrade of Beijing Electron Positron Collider

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wang, S.; /Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.; Cai, Y.


    It is an important issue to study the beam-beam interaction in the design and performance of such a high luminosity collider as BEPCII, the upgrade of Beijing Electron Positron Collider. The weak-strong simulation is generally used during the design of a collider. For performance a large scale tune scan, the weak-strong simulation studies on beam-beam interaction were done, and the geometry effects were taken into account. The strong-strong simulation studies were done for investigating the luminosity goal and the dependence of the luminosity on the beam parameters.

  15. Drag of ballistic electrons by an ion beam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gurevich, V. L.; Muradov, M. I., E-mail:


    Drag of electrons of a one-dimensional ballistic nanowire by a nearby one-dimensional beam of ions is considered. We assume that the ion beam is represented by an ensemble of heavy ions of the same velocity V. The ratio of the drag current to the primary current carried by the ion beam is calculated. The drag current turns out to be a nonmonotonic function of velocity V. It has a sharp maximum for V near v{sub nF}/2, where n is the number of the uppermost electron miniband (channel) taking part in conduction and v{sub nF} is the corresponding Fermi velocity. Thismore » means that the phenomenon of ion beam drag can be used for investigation of the electron spectra of ballistic nanostructures. We note that whereas observation of the Coulomb drag between two parallel quantum wires may in general be complicated by phenomena such as tunneling and phonon drag, the Coulomb drag of electrons of a one-dimensional ballistic nanowire by an ion beam is free of such spurious effects.« less

  16. High current density sheet-like electron beam generator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chow-Miller, Cora; Korevaar, Eric; Schuster, John

    Sheet electron beams are very desirable for coupling to the evanescent waves in small millimeter wave slow-wave circuits to achieve higher powers. In particular, they are critical for operation of the free-electron-laser-like Orotron. The program was a systematic effort to establish a solid technology base for such a sheet-like electron emitter system that will facilitate the detailed studies of beam propagation stability. Specifically, the effort involved the design and test of a novel electron gun using Lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) as the thermionic cathode material. Three sets of experiments were performed to measure beam propagation as a function of collector current, beam voltage, and heating power. The design demonstrated its reliability by delivering 386.5 hours of operation throughout the weeks of experimentation. In addition, the cathode survived two venting and pump down cycles without being poisoned or losing its emission characteristics. A current density of 10.7 A/sq cm. was measured while operating at 50 W of ohmic heating power. Preliminary results indicate that the nearby presence of a metal plate can stabilize the beam.

  17. Collective acceleration of ions in picosecond pinched electron beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baryshnikov, V. I.; Paperny, V. L.; Shipayev, I. V.


    Сharacteristics of intense electron-ion beams emitted by a high-voltage (280 kV) electron accelerator with a pulse duration of 200 ps and current 5 kA are studied. The capture phenomena and the subsequent collective acceleration of multi charged ions of the cathode material by the electric field of the electron beam are observed. It is shown that the electron-ion beam diameter does not exceed 30 µm therein in the case of lighter ions, and the decay of the pinched beam occurs at a shorter distance from the cathode. It is established that the ions of the cathode material Tin+ captured by the electron beam are accelerated up to an energy of  ⩽10 MeV, and the ion fluence reaches 1017 ion cm-2 in the pulse. These ions are effectively embedded into the lattice sites of the irradiated substrate (sapphire crystal), forming the luminescent areas of the micron scale.

  18. High dose-per-pulse electron beam dosimetry: Usability and dose-rate independence of EBT3 Gafchromic films.


    Jaccard, Maud; Petersson, Kristoffer; Buchillier, Thierry; Germond, Jean-François; Durán, Maria Teresa; Vozenin, Marie-Catherine; Bourhis, Jean; Bochud, François O; Bailat, Claude


    The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of Gafchromic EBT3 films for reference dose measurements in the beam of a prototype high dose-per-pulse linear accelerator (linac), capable of delivering electron beams with a mean dose-rate (Ḋ m ) ranging from 0.07 to 3000 Gy/s and a dose-rate in pulse (Ḋ p ) of up to 8 × 10 6 Gy/s. To do this, we evaluated the overall uncertainties in EBT3 film dosimetry as well as the energy and dose-rate dependence of their response. Our dosimetric system was composed of EBT3 Gafchromic films in combination with a flatbed scanner and was calibrated against an ionization chamber traceable to primary standard. All sources of uncertainties in EBT3 dosimetry were carefully analyzed using irradiations at a clinical radiotherapy linac. Energy dependence was investigated with the same machine by acquiring and comparing calibration curves for three different beam energies (4, 8 and 12 MeV), for doses between 0.25 and 30 Gy. Ḋ m dependence was studied at the clinical linac by changing the pulse repetition frequency (f) of the beam in order to vary Ḋ m between 0.55 and 4.40 Gy/min, while Ḋ p dependence was probed at the prototype machine for Ḋ p ranging from 7 × 10 3 to 8 × 10 6 Gy/s. Ḋ p dependence was first determined by studying the correlation between the dose measured by films and the charge of electrons measured at the exit of the machine by an induction torus. Furthermore, we compared doses from the films to independently calibrated thermo-luminescent dosimeters (TLD) that have been reported as being dose-rate independent up to such high dose-rates. We report that uncertainty below 4% (k = 2) can be achieved in the dose range between 3 and 17 Gy. Results also demonstrated that EBT3 films did not display any detectable energy dependence for electron beam energies between 4 and 12 MeV. No Ḋ m dependence was found either. In addition, we obtained excellent consistency between films and TLDs over the entire Ḋ p

  19. Evaluation of backscatter dose from internal lead shielding in clinical electron beams using EGSnrc Monte Carlo simulations.


    De Vries, Rowen J; Marsh, Steven


    Internal lead shielding is utilized during superficial electron beam treatments of the head and neck, such as lip carcinoma. Methods for predicting backscattered dose include the use of empirical equations or performing physical measurements. The accuracy of these empirical equations required verification for the local electron beams. In this study, a Monte Carlo model of a Siemens Artiste linac was developed for 6, 9, 12, and 15 MeV electron beams using the EGSnrc MC package. The model was verified against physical measurements to an accuracy of better than 2% and 2mm. Multiple MC simulations of lead interfaces at different depths, corresponding to mean electron energies in the range of 0.2-14 MeV at the interfaces, were performed to calculate electron backscatter values. The simulated electron backscatter was compared with current empirical equations to ascertain their accuracy. The major finding was that the current set of backscatter equations does not accurately predict electron backscatter, particularly in the lower energies region. A new equation was derived which enables estimation of electron backscatter factor at any depth upstream from the interface for the local treatment machines. The derived equation agreed to within 1.5% of the MC simulated electron backscatter at the lead interface and upstream positions. Verification of the equation was performed by comparing to measurements of the electron backscatter factor using Gafchromic EBT2 film. These results show a mean value of 0.997 ± 0.022 to 1σ of the predicted values of electron backscatter. The new empirical equation presented can accurately estimate electron backscatter factor from lead shielding in the range of 0.2 to 14 MeV for the local linacs.

  20. Single-shot coherent diffraction imaging of microbunched relativistic electron beams for free-electron laser applications.


    Marinelli, A; Dunning, M; Weathersby, S; Hemsing, E; Xiang, D; Andonian, G; O'Shea, F; Miao, Jianwei; Hast, C; Rosenzweig, J B


    With the advent of coherent x rays provided by the x-ray free-electron laser (FEL), strong interest has been kindled in sophisticated diffraction imaging techniques. In this Letter, we exploit such techniques for the diagnosis of the density distribution of the intense electron beams typically utilized in an x-ray FEL itself. We have implemented this method by analyzing the far-field coherent transition radiation emitted by an inverse-FEL microbunched electron beam. This analysis utilizes an oversampling phase retrieval method on the transition radiation angular spectrum to reconstruct the transverse spatial distribution of the electron beam. This application of diffraction imaging represents a significant advance in electron beam physics, having critical applications to the diagnosis of high-brightness beams, as well as the collective microbunching instabilities afflicting these systems.

  1. Small field electron beam dosimetry using MOSFET detector

    PubMed Central

    Heaton, Robert; Norrlinger, Bern; Islam, Mohammad K.


    The dosimetry of very small electron fields can be challenging due to relative shifts in percent depth‐dose curves, including the location of dmax, and lack of lateral electronic equilibrium in an ion chamber when placed in the beam. Conventionally a small parallel plate chamber or film is utilized to perform small field electron beam dosimetry. Since modern radiotherapy departments are becoming filmless in favor of electronic imaging, an alternate and readily available clinical dosimeter needs to be explored. We have studied the performance of MOSFET as a relative dosimeter in small field electron beams. The reproducibility, linearity and sensitivity of a high‐sensitivity microMOSFET were investigated for clinical electron beams. In addition, the percent depth doses, output factors and profiles have been measured in a water tank with MOSFET and compared with those measured by an ion chamber for a range of field sizes from 1 cm diameter to 10 cm× 10 cm for 6, 12, 16 and 20 MeV beams. Similar comparative measurements were also performed with MOSFET and films in solid water phantom. The MOSFET sensitivity was found to be practically constant over the range of field sizes investigated. The dose response was found to be linear and reproducible (within ±1% for 100 cGy). An excellent agreement was observed among the central axis depth dose curves measured using MOSFET, film and ion chamber. The output factors measured with MOSFET for small fields agreed to within 3% with those measured by film dosimetry. Overall results indicate that MOSFET can be utilized to perform dosimetry for small field electron beam. PACS number: 87.55.Qr

  2. Small field electron beam dosimetry using MOSFET detector.


    Amin, Md Nurul; Heaton, Robert; Norrlinger, Bern; Islam, Mohammad K


    The dosimetry of very small electron fields can be challenging due to relative shifts in percent depth-dose curves, including the location of dmax, and lack of lateral electronic equilibrium in an ion chamber when placed in the beam. Conventionally a small parallel plate chamber or film is utilized to perform small field electron beam dosimetry. Since modern radiotherapy departments are becoming filmless in favor of electronic imaging, an alternate and readily available clinical dosimeter needs to be explored. We have studied the performance of MOSFET as a relative dosimeter in small field electron beams. The reproducibility, linearity and sensitivity of a high-sensitivity microMOSFET were investigated for clinical electron beams. In addition, the percent depth doses, output factors and profiles have been measured in a water tank with MOSFET and compared with those measured by an ion chamber for a range of field sizes from 1 cm diameter to 10 cm × 10 cm for 6, 12, 16 and 20 MeV beams. Similar comparative measurements were also per-formed with MOSFET and films in solid water phantom. The MOSFET sensitivity was found to be practically constant over the range of field sizes investigated. The dose response was found to be linear and reproducible (within ± 1% for 100 cGy). An excellent agreement was observed among the central axis depth dose curves measured using MOSFET, film and ion chamber. The output factors measured with MOSFET for small fields agreed to within 3% with those measured by film dosimetry. Overall results indicate that MOSFET can be utilized to perform dosimetry for small field electron beam.

  3. A simple model of electron beam initiated dielectric breakdown

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Beers, B. L.; Daniell, R. E.; Delmer, T. N.


    A steady state model that describes the internal charge distribution of a planar dielectric sample exposed to a uniform electron beam was developed. The model includes the effects of charge deposition and ionization of the beam, separate trap-modulated mobilities for electrons and holes, electron-hole recombination, and pair production by drifting thermal electrons. If the incident beam current is greater than a certain critical value (which depends on sample thickness as well as other sample properties), the steady state solution is non-physical.

  4. Optimization of Compton Source Performance through Electron Beam Shaping

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Malyzhenkov, Alexander; Yampolsky, Nikolai


    We investigate a novel scheme for significantly increasing the brightness of x-ray light sources based on inverse Compton scattering (ICS) - scattering laser pulses off relativistic electron beams. The brightness of ICS sources is limited by the electron beam quality since electrons traveling at different angles, and/or having different energies, produce photons with different energies. Therefore, the spectral brightness of the source is defined by the 6d electron phase space shape and size, as well as laser beam parameters. The peak brightness of the ICS source can be maximized then if the electron phase space is transformed in a waymore » so that all electrons scatter off the x-ray photons of same frequency in the same direction, arriving to the observer at the same time. We describe the x-ray photon beam quality through the Wigner function (6d photon phase space distribution) and derive it for the ICS source when the electron and laser rms matrices are arbitrary.« less

  5. Kinetic energy offsets for multicharged ions from an electron beam ion source.


    Kulkarni, D D; Ahl, C D; Shore, A M; Miller, A J; Harriss, J E; Sosolik, C E; Marler, J P


    Using a retarding field analyzer, we have measured offsets between the nominal and measured kinetic energy of multicharged ions extracted from an electron beam ion source (EBIS). By varying source parameters, a shift in ion kinetic energy was attributed to the trapping potential produced by the space charge of the electron beam within the EBIS. The space charge of the electron beam depends on its charge density, which in turn depends on the amount of negative charge (electron beam current) and its velocity (electron beam energy). The electron beam current and electron beam energy were both varied to obtain electron beams of varying space charge and these were related to the observed kinetic energy offsets for Ar 4+ and Ar 8+ ion beams. Knowledge of these offsets is important for studies that seek to utilize slow, i.e., low kinetic energy, multicharged ions to exploit their high potential energies for processes such as surface modification. In addition, we show that these offsets can be utilized to estimate the effective radius of the electron beam inside the trap.

  6. Electron beam simulation from gun to collector: Towards a complete solution

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mertzig, R., E-mail:; Shornikov, A., E-mail:; Wenander, F.

    An electron-beam simulation technique for high-resolution complete EBIS/T modelling is presented. The technique was benchmarked on the high compression HEC{sup 2} test-stand with an electron beam current, current density and energy of 10 A, 10 kA/cm{sup 2} and 49.2 keV, and on the immersed electron beam at REXEBIS for electron beam characteristics of 0.4 A, 200 A/cm{sup 2} and 4.5 keV. In both Brillouin-like and immersed beams the electron-beam radius varies from several millimeters at the gun, through some hundreds of micrometers in the ionization region to a few centimeters at the collector over a total length of several meters.more » We report on our approach for finding optimal meshing parameters, based on the local beam properties such as magnetic field-strength, electron energy and beam radius. This approach combined with dividing the problem domain into sub-domains, and subsequent splicing of the local solutions allowed us to simulate the beam propagation in EBISes from the gun to the collector using a conventional PC in about 24–36 h. Brillouin-like electron beams propagated through the complete EBIS were used to analyze the beam behavior within the collector region. We checked whether elastically reflected paraxial electrons from a Brillouin-like beam will escape from the collector region and add to the loss current. We have also studied the power deposition profiles as function of applied potentials using two electrode geometries for a Brillouin-like beam including the effects of backscattered electrons.« less

  7. Electron beam accelerator with magnetic pulse compression and accelerator switching


    Birx, Daniel L.; Reginato, Louis L.


    An electron beam accelerator comprising an electron beam generator-injector to produce a focused beam of .gtoreq.0.1 MeV energy electrons; a plurality of substantially identical, aligned accelerator modules to sequentially receive and increase the kinetic energies of the beam electrons by about 0.1-1 MeV per module. Each accelerator module includes a pulse-forming network that delivers a voltage pulse to the module of substantially .gtoreq.0.1-1 MeV maximum energy over a time duration of .ltoreq.1 .mu.sec.

  8. Electron beam accelerator with magnetic pulse compression and accelerator switching


    Birx, Daniel L.; Reginato, Louis L.


    An electron beam accelerator comprising an electron beam generator-injector to produce a focused beam of .gtoreq.0.1 MeV energy electrons; a plurality of substantially identical, aligned accelerator modules to sequentially receive and increase the kinetic energies of the beam electrons by about 0.1-1 MeV per module. Each accelerator module includes a pulse-forming network that delivers a voltage pulse to the module of substantially 0.1-1 MeV maximum energy over a time duration of .ltoreq.1 .mu.sec.

  9. Monte Carlo study of si diode response in electron beams.


    Wang, Lilie L W; Rogers, David W O


    Silicon semiconductor diodes measure almost the same depth-dose distributions in both photon and electron beams as those measured by ion chambers. A recent study in ion chamber dosimetry has suggested that the wall correction factor for a parallel-plate ion chamber in electron beams changes with depth by as much as 6%. To investigate diode detector response with respect to depth, a silicon diode model is constructed and the water/silicon dose ratio at various depths in electron beams is calculated using EGSnrc. The results indicate that, for this particular diode model, the diode response per unit water dose (or water/diode dose ratio) in both 6 and 18 MeV electron beams is flat within 2% versus depth, from near the phantom surface to the depth of R50 (with calculation uncertainty <0.3%). This suggests that there must be some other correction factors for ion chambers that counter-balance the large wall correction factor at depth in electron beams. In addition, the beam quality and field-size dependence of the diode model are also calculated. The results show that the water/diode dose ratio remains constant within 2% over the electron energy range from 6 to 18 MeV. The water/diode dose ratio does not depend on field size as long as the incident electron beam is broad and the electron energy is high. However, for a very small beam size (1 X 1 cm(2)) and low electron energy (6 MeV), the water/diode dose ratio may decrease by more than 2% compared to that of a broad beam.

  10. Device and method for electron beam heating of a high density plasma


    Thode, Lester E.


    A device and method for relativistic electron beam heating of a high density plasma in a small localized region. A relativistic electron beam generator produces a high voltage electron beam which propagates along a vacuum drift tube and is modulated to initiate electron bunching within the beam. The beam is then directed through a low density gas chamber which provides isolation between the vacuum modulator and the relativistic electron beam target. The relativistic beam is then applied to a high density target plasma which typically comprises DT, DD, hydrogen boron or similar thermonuclear gas at a density of 10.sup.17 to 10.sup.20 electrons per cubic centimeter. The target plasma is ionized prior to application of the electron beam by means of a laser or other preionization source. Utilizing a relativistic electron beam with an individual particle energy exceeding 3 MeV, classical scattering by relativistic electrons passing through isolation foils is negligible. As a result, relativistic streaming instabilities are initiated within the high density target plasma causing the relativistic electron beam to efficiently deposit its energy into a small localized region within the high density plasma target.

  11. Electron beams in research and technology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mehnert, R.


    Fast electrons lose their energy by inelastic collisions with electrons of target molecules forming secondary electrons and excited molecules. Coulomb interaction of secondary electrons with valence electrons of neighboring molecules leads to the formation of radical cations, thermalized electrons, excited molecular states and radicals. The primary reactive species initiate chemical reactions in the materials irradiated. Polymer modifications using accelerated electrons such as cross-linking of cable insulation, tubes, pipes and moldings, vulcanization of elastomers, grafting of polymer surfaces, processing of foamed plastics and heat shrinkable materials have gained wide industrial acceptance. A steadily growing electron beam technology is curing of paints, lacquers, printing inks and functional coatings. Electron beam processing offers high productivity, the possibility to treat the materials at normal temperature and pressure, excellent process control and clean production conditions. On an industrial scale the most important application of fast electrons is curing of 100% reactive monomer/prepolymer systems. Mainly acrylates and epoxides are used to formulate functional coatings on substrates such as paper, foil, wood, fibre board and high pressure laminates. A survey is given about the reaction mechanism of curing, the characterization of cured coatings, and of some industrial application.

  12. Electron beam, laser beam and plasma arc welding studies

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Banas, C. M.


    This program was undertaken as an initial step in establishing an evaluation framework which would permit a priori selection of advanced welding processes for specific applications. To this end, a direct comparison of laser beam, electron beam and arc welding of Ti-6Al-4V alloy was undertaken. Ti-6Al-4V was selected for use in view of its established welding characteristics and its importance in aerospace applications.

  13. Electron beam accelerator with magnetic pulse compression and accelerator switching


    Birx, D.L.; Reginato, L.L.


    An electron beam accelerator is described comprising an electron beam generator-injector to produce a focused beam of greater than or equal to .1 MeV energy electrons; a plurality of substantially identical, aligned accelerator modules to sequentially receive and increase the kinetic energies of the beam electron by about .1-1 MeV per module. Each accelerator module includes a pulse-forming network that delivers a voltage pulse to the module of substantially .1-1 MeV maximum energy over a time duration of less than or equal to 1

  14. Electron Beam Diagnostics Of The JLAB UV FEL

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Evtushenko, Pavel; Benson, Stephen; Biallas, George


    In this contribution we describe various systems and aspects of the electron beam diagnostics of the JLab UV FEL. The FEL is installed on a new bypass beam line at the existing 10 kW IR Upgrade FEL. Here, we describe a set of the following systems. A combination of OTR and phosphor viewers is used for measurements of the transverse beam profile, transverse emittance, and Twiss parameters. This system is also used for alignment of the optical cavity of the UV oscillator and to ensure the overlap between the electron beam and optical mode in the FEL wiggler. A systemmore » of beam position monitors equipped with log-amp based BPM electronics. Bunch length on the order of 120 fs RMS is measured with the help of a modified Martin-Puplett interferometer. The longitudinal transfer function measurement system is used to set up bunch compression in an optimal way, such that the LINAC RF curvature is compensated using only higher order magnetic elements of the beam transport. This set of diagnostic systems made a significant contribution in achieving first lasing of the FEL after only about 60 hours of beam operation.« less

  15. High harmonic terahertz confocal gyrotron with nonuniform electron beam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fu, Wenjie; Guan, Xiaotong; Yan, Yang


    The harmonic confocal gyrotron with nonuniform electron beam is proposed in this paper in order to develop compact and high power terahertz radiation source. A 0.56 THz third harmonic confocal gyrotron with a dual arc section nonuniform electron beam has been designed and investigated. The studies show that confocal cavity has extremely low mode density, and has great advantage to operate at high harmonic. Nonuniform electron beam is an approach to improve output power and interaction efficiency of confocal gyrotron. A dual arc beam magnetron injection gun for designed confocal gyrotron has been developed and presented in this paper.

  16. Quantitative Analysis of Electron Beam Damage in Organic Thin Films

    PubMed Central


    In transmission electron microscopy (TEM) the interaction of an electron beam with polymers such as P3HT:PCBM photovoltaic nanocomposites results in electron beam damage, which is the most important factor limiting acquisition of structural or chemical data at high spatial resolution. Beam effects can vary depending on parameters such as electron dose rate, temperature during imaging, and the presence of water and oxygen in the sample. Furthermore, beam damage will occur at different length scales. To assess beam damage at the angstrom scale, we followed the intensity of P3HT and PCBM diffraction rings as a function of accumulated electron dose by acquiring dose series and varying the electron dose rate, sample preparation, and the temperature during acquisition. From this, we calculated a critical dose for diffraction experiments. In imaging mode, thin film deformation was assessed using the normalized cross-correlation coefficient, while mass loss was determined via changes in average intensity and standard deviation, also varying electron dose rate, sample preparation, and temperature during acquisition. The understanding of beam damage and the determination of critical electron doses provides a framework for future experiments to maximize the information content during the acquisition of images and diffraction patterns with (cryogenic) transmission electron microscopy. PMID:28553431

  17. The SPARC_LAB femtosecond synchronization for electron and photon pulsed beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bellaveglia, M.; Gallo, A.; Piersanti, L.; Pompili, R.; Gatti, G.; Anania, M. P.; Petrarca, M.; Villa, F.; Chiadroni, E.; Biagioni, A.; Mostacci, A.


    The SPARC LAB complex hosts a 150 MeV electron photo-injector equipped with an undulator for FEL production (SPARC) together with a high power TW laser (FLAME). Recently the synchronization system reached the performance of < 100 fsRMS relative jitter between lasers, electron beam and RF accelerating fields. This matches the requirements for next future experiments: (i) the production of X-rays by means of Thomson scattering (first collisions achieved in 2014) and (ii) the particle driven PWFA experiment by means of multiple electron bunches. We report about the measurements taken during the machine operation using BAMs (Bunch Arrival Monitors) and EOS (Electro-Optical Sampling) system. A new R and D activity concerning the LWFA using the external injection of electron bunches in a plasma generated by the FLAME laser pulse is under design. The upgrade of the synchronization system is under way to guarantee the < 30 fs RMS jitter required specification. It foresees the transition from electrical to optical architecture that mainly affects the reference signal distribution and the time of arrival detection performances. The new system architecture is presented together with the related experimental data.

  18. NOTE: Blood irradiation with accelerator produced electron beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Butson, M. J.; Cheung, T.; Yu, P. K. N.; Stokes, M. J.


    Blood and blood products are irradiated with gamma rays to reduce the risk of graft versus host disease (GVHD). A simple technique using electron beams produced by a medical linear accelerator has been studied to evaluate irradiation of blood and blood products. Variations in applied doses for a single field 20 MeV electron beam are measured in a phantom study. Doses have been verified with ionization chambers and commercial diode detectors. Results show that the blood product volume can be given a relatively homogeneous dose to within 6% using 20 MeV electrons without the need to rotate the blood bags or the beam entry point. The irradiation process takes approximately 6.5 minutes for 30 Gy applied dose to complete as opposed to 12 minutes for a dual field x-ray field irradiation at our centre. Electron beams can be used to satisfactorily irradiate blood and blood products in a minimal amount of time.

  19. Measurement of electron angle at MABE beam stop

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sanford, T.W.L.; Coleman, P.D.; Poukey, J.W.


    The mean angle of incidence at the beam stop of a 60 KA, 7 MV annular electron beam, in the 20 kg guide field of the MABE accelerator, is determined. Radiation measured in TLD arrays mounted downstream of the stop is compared with the radiation expected using a CYLTRAN Monte Carlo simulation of the electron/photon transport in the stop as a function of incident angles and energies. All radiation profiles measured are well fit, if the electrons are assumed to be incident with a polar angle theta of 15/sup 0/ +- 2/sup 0/. Comparing theta with that expected from themore » Adler-Miller model, and a MAGIC code simulation of beam behavior at the stop enables the mean transverse beam velocity to be estimated.« less

  20. Electron beam influence on the carbon contamination of electron irradiated hydroxyapatite thin films

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hristu, Radu; Stanciu, Stefan G.; Tranca, Denis E.; Stanciu, George A.


    Electron beam irradiation which is considered a reliable method for tailoring the surface charge of hydroxyapatite is hindered by carbon contamination. Separating the effects of the carbon contamination from those of irradiation-induced trapped charge is important for a wide range of biological applications. In this work we focus on the understanding of the electron-beam-induced carbon contamination with special emphasis on the influence of the electron irradiation parameters on this phenomenon. Phase imaging in atomic force microscopy is used to evaluate the influence of electron energy, beam current and irradiation time on the shape and size of the resulted contamination patterns. Different processes involved in the carbon contamination of hydroxyapatite are discussed.

  1. Empirical modeling of high-intensity electron beam interaction with materials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Koleva, E.; Tsonevska, Ts; Mladenov, G.


    The paper proposes an empirical modeling approach to the prediction followed by optimization of the exact shape of the cross-section of a welded seam, as obtained by electron beam welding. The approach takes into account the electron beam welding process parameters, namely, electron beam power, welding speed, and distances from the magnetic lens of the electron gun to the focus position of the beam and to the surface of the samples treated. The results are verified by comparison with experimental results for type 1H18NT stainless steel samples. The ranges considered of the beam power and the welding speed are 4.2 – 8.4 kW and 3.333 – 13.333 mm/s, respectively.

  2. Space Charge Effect in the Sheet and Solid Electron Beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Song, Ho Young; Kim, Hyoung Suk; Ahn, Saeyoung


    We analyze the space charge effect of two different types of electron beam ; sheet and solid electron beam. Electron gun simulations are carried out using shadow and control grids for high and low perveance. Rectangular and cylindrical geometries are used for sheet and solid electron beam in planar and disk type cathode. The E-gun code is used to study the limiting current and space charge loading in each geometries.

  3. Comparative adoption of cone beam computed tomography and panoramic radiography machines across Australia.


    Zhang, A; Critchley, S; Monsour, P A


    The aim of the present study was to assess the current adoption of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and panoramic radiography (PR) machines across Australia. Information regarding registered CBCT and PR machines was obtained from radiation regulators across Australia. The number of X-ray machines was correlated with the population size, the number of dentists, and the gross state product (GSP) per capita, to determine the best fitting regression model(s). In 2014, there were 232 CBCT and 1681 PR machines registered in Australia. Based on absolute counts, Queensland had the largest number of CBCT and PR machines whereas the Northern Territory had the smallest number. However, when based on accessibility in terms of the population size and the number of dentists, the Australian Capital Territory had the most CBCT machines and Western Australia had the most PR machines. The number of X-ray machines correlated strongly with both the population size and the number of dentists, but not with the GSP per capita. In 2014, the ratio of PR to CBCT machines was approximately 7:1. Projected increases in either the population size or the number of dentists could positively impact on the adoption of PR and CBCT machines in Australia. © 2016 Australian Dental Association.

  4. Probe measurements of the electron velocity distribution function in beams: Low-voltage beam discharge in helium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sukhomlinov, V.; Mustafaev, A.; Timofeev, N.


    Previously developed methods based on the single-sided probe technique are altered and applied to measure the anisotropic angular spread and narrow energy distribution functions of charged particle (electron and ion) beams. The conventional method is not suitable for some configurations, such as low-voltage beam discharges, electron beams accelerated in near-wall and near-electrode layers, and vacuum electron beam sources. To determine the range of applicability of the proposed method, simple algebraic relationships between the charged particle energies and their angular distribution are obtained. The method is verified for the case of the collisionless mode of a low-voltage He beam discharge, where the traditional method for finding the electron distribution function with the help of a Legendre polynomial expansion is not applicable. This leads to the development of a physical model of the formation of the electron distribution function in a collisionless low-voltage He beam discharge. The results of a numerical calculation based on Monte Carlo simulations are in good agreement with the experimental data obtained using the new method.

  5. Electron Beams Escaping the Sun: Hard X-ray Diagnostics of Jet-related Electron Acceleration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Glesener, L.; Musset, S.; Saint-Hilaire, P.; Fleishman, G. D.; Krucker, S.; Christe, S.; Shih, A. Y.


    Coronal jets, which arise via an interaction between closed and open magnetic field, offer a convenient configuration for accelerated electrons to escape the low corona. Jets occur in all regions of the Sun, but those flare-related jets that occur in active regions are associated with bremsstrahlung hard X-rays (HXRs) from accelerated electrons. However, HXR measurement of the escaping beams themselves is elusive as it requires extremely high sensitivity. Jets are strongly correlated with Type III radio bursts in the corona and in interplanetary space. In this poster we present RHESSI observations of HXRs from flare-related jets, including multiwavelength analysis (with extreme ultraviolet and radio emission) and modeling of the emitting electron populations. We also present predicted observations of Type III-emitting electron beams by the FOXSI Small Explorer, which is currently undergoing a NASA Phase A concept study. FOXSI will measure HXRs from jets and flares in the low corona, providing quantitative diagnostics of accelerated electron beams at their origin. These same electron beams will be measured at higher altitudes by instruments aboard NASA's Parker Solar Probe and ESA's Solar Orbiter. With a planned launch in the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25, FOXSI will be ideally timed and optimized for collaborative study of electron beams escaping the Sun.

  6. Portable electron beam weld chamber

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lewis, J. R.; Dimino, J. M.


    Development and characteristics of portable vacuum chamber for skate type electron beam welding are discussed. Construction and operational details of equipment are presented. Illustrations of equipment are provided.

  7. Evaluation of Titanium Alloys Fabricated Using Rapid Prototyping Technologies—Electron Beam Melting and Laser Beam Melting

    PubMed Central

    Koike, Mari; Greer, Preston; Owen, Kelly; Lilly, Guo; Murr, Lawrence E.; Gaytan, Sara M.; Martinez, Edwin; Okabe, Toru


    This study characterized properties of Ti-6Al-4V ELI (extra low interstitial, ASTM grade 23) specimens fabricated by a laser beam melting (LBM) and an electron beam melting (EBM) system for dental applications. Titanium alloy specimens were made into required size and shape for each standard test using fabrication methods. The LBM specimens were made by an LBM machine utilizing 20 µm of Ti-6Al-4V ELI powder. Ti-6Al-4V ELI specimens were also fabricated by an EBM using 40 µm of Ti-6Al-4V ELI powder (average diameter, 40 µm: Arcam AB®) in a vacuum. As a control, cast Ti-6Al-4V ELI specimens (Cast) were made using a centrifugal casting machine in an MgO-based mold. Also, a wrought form of Ti-6Al-4V ELI (Wrought) was used as a control. The mechanical properties, corrosion properties and grindability (wear properties) were evaluated and data was analyzed using ANOVA and a non-parametric method (α = 0.05). The strength of the LBM and wrought specimens were similar, whereas the EBM specimens were slightly lower than those two specimens. The hardness of both the LBM and EBM specimens was similar and slightly higher than that of the cast and wrought alloys. For the higher grindability speed at 1,250 m/min, the volume loss of Ti64 LBM and EBM showed no significant differences among all the fabrication methods. LBM and EBM exhibited favorable results in fabricating dental appliances with excellent properties as found for specimens made by other fabricating methods. PMID:28824107

  8. Evaluation of Titanium Alloys Fabricated Using Rapid Prototyping Technologies-Electron Beam Melting and Laser Beam Melting.


    Koike, Mari; Greer, Preston; Owen, Kelly; Lilly, Guo; Murr, Lawrence E; Gaytan, Sara M; Martinez, Edwin; Okabe, Toru


    This study characterized properties of Ti-6Al-4V ELI (extra low interstitial, ASTM grade 23) specimens fabricated by a laser beam melting (LBM) and an electron beam melting (EBM) system for dental applications. Titanium alloy specimens were made into required size and shape for each standard test using fabrication methods. The LBM specimens were made by an LBM machine utilizing 20 µm of Ti-6Al-4V ELI powder. Ti-6Al-4V ELI specimens were also fabricated by an EBM using 40 µm of Ti-6Al-4V ELI powder (average diameter, 40 µm: Arcam AB Ò ) in a vacuum. As a control, cast Ti-6Al-4V ELI specimens (Cast) were made using a centrifugal casting machine in an MgO-based mold. Also, a wrought form of Ti-6Al-4V ELI (Wrought) was used as a control. The mechanical properties, corrosion properties and grindability (wear properties) were evaluated and data was analyzed using ANOVA and a non-parametric method (α = 0.05). The strength of the LBM and wrought specimens were similar, whereas the EBM specimens were slightly lower than those two specimens. The hardness of both the LBM and EBM specimens was similar and slightly higher than that of the cast and wrought alloys. For the higher grindability speed at 1,250 m/min, the volume loss of Ti64 LBM and EBM showed no significant differences among all the fabrication methods. LBM and EBM exhibited favorable results in fabricating dental appliances with excellent properties as found for specimens made by other fabricating methods.

  9. MBE growth and processing of III/V-nitride semiconductor thin film structures: Growth of gallium indium arsenic nitride and nano-machining with focused ion beam and electron beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Park, Yeonjoon

    The advanced semiconductor material InGaAsN was grown with nitrogen plasma assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). The InGaAsN layers were characterized with High Resolution X-ray Diffraction (HRXDF), Atomic Fore Microscope (AFM), X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS) and Photo-Luminescence (PL). The reduction of the band gap energy was observed with the incorporation of nitrogen and the lattice matched condition to the GaAs substrate was achieved with the additional incorporation of indium. A detailed investigation was made for the growth mode changes from planar layer-by-layer growth to 3D faceted growth with a higher concentration of nitrogen. A new X-ray diffraction analysis was developed and applied to the MBE growth on GaAs(111)B, which is one of the facet planes of InGaAsN. As an effort to enhance the processing tools for advanced semiconductor materials, gas assisted Focused Ion Beam (FIB) vertical milling was performed on GaN. The FIB processed area shows an atomically flat surface, which is good enough for the fabrication of Double Bragg Reflector (DBR) mirrors for the Blue GaN Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) Diodes. An in-situ electron beam system was developed to combine the enhanced lithographic processing capability with the atomic layer growth capability by MBE. The electron beam system has a compensation capability against substrate vibration and thermal drift. In-situ electron beam lithography was performed with the low pressure assisting gas. The advanced processing and characterization methods developed in this thesis will assist the development of superior semiconductor materials for the future.

  10. Power Electronics and Electric Machines Facilities | Transportation Websites

    current processes. Photo by Dennis Schroeder, NREL A photo of a researcher in safety glasses using a large focus in NREL's power electronics and electric machines labs. Photo by Dennis Schroeder, NREL Heat

  11. Redesigned Electron-Beam Furnace Boosts Productivity

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Williams, Gary A.


    Redesigned electron-beam furnace features carousel of greater capacity so more experiments conducted per loading, and time spent on reloading and vacuum pump-down reduced. Common mounting plate for electron source and carousel simplifies installation and reduces vibration.

  12. Robust, easily shaped, and epoxy-free carbon-fiber-aluminum cathodes for generating high-current electron beams.


    Liu, Lie; Li, Limin; Wen, Jianchun; Wan, Hong


    This paper presents the construction of carbon-fiber-aluminum (CFA) cathode by squeezing casting and its applications for generating high-current electron beams to drive high-power microwave sources. The fabrication process avoided using epoxy, a volatile deteriorating the vacuum system. These cathodes had a higher hardness than conventional aluminum, facilitating machining. After surface treatment, carbon fibers became the dominator determining emission property. A multineedle CFA cathode was utilized in a triode virtual cathode oscillator (vircator), powered by a approximately 450 kV, approximately 400 ns pulse. It was found that 300-400 MW, approximately 250 ns microwave was radiated at a dominant frequency of 2.6 GHz. Further, this cathode can endure high-current-density emission without detectable degradation in performance as the pulse shot proceeded, showing the robust nature of carbon fibers as explosive emitters. Overall, this new class of cold cathodes offers a potential prospect of developing high-current electron beam sources.

  13. Utilization of thermoluminescent dosimetry in total skin electron beam radiotherapy of mycosis fungoides.


    Antolak, J A; Cundiff, J H; Ha, C S


    The purpose of this report is to discuss the utilization of thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) in total skin electron beam (TSEB) radiotherapy to: (a) compare patient dose distributions for similar techniques on different machines, (b) confirm beam calibration and monitor unit calculations, (c) provide data for making clinical decisions, and (d) study reasons for variations in individual dose readings. We report dosimetric results for 72 cases of mycosis fungoides, using similar irradiation techniques on two different linear accelerators. All patients were treated using a modified Stanford 6-field technique. In vivo TLD was done on all patients, and the data for all patients treated on both machines was collected into a database for analysis. Means and standard deviations (SDs) were computed for all locations. Scatter plots of doses vs. height, weight, and obesity index were generated, and correlation coefficients with these variables were computed. The TLD results show that our current TSEB implementation is dosimetrically equivalent to the previous implementation, and that our beam calibration technique and monitor unit calculation is accurate. Correlations with obesity index were significant at several sites. Individual TLD results allow us to customize the boost treatment for each patient, in addition to revealing patient positioning problems and/or systematic variations in dose caused by patient variability. The data agree well with previously published TLD results for similar TSEB techniques. TLD is an important part of the treatment planning and quality assurance programs for TSEB, and routine use of TLD measurements for TSEB is recommended.

  14. Development of an Annular Electron Beam HPM Amplifier

    DTIC Science & Technology


    34, Phys.Rev.Lett., 64(19), ppgs 2320-2323, 7 May 1990 9. Lau, Y.Y. and Chernin, D., "A review of the ac space - charge effect in electron-circuit interactions...the Child-Lanamuir, space - charge limiting current in the beam line. This removes the potential of torming a virtual cathode (Ref. 19). The...propagates the electron beam through a single modulating gap, with a specified voltage, frequency, and gap extent. The beam space charge is an input

  15. Acceleration of electrons in strong beam-plasma interactions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wilhelm, K.; Bernstein, W.; Kellogg, P. J.; Whalen, B. A.


    The effects of strong beam-plasma interactions on the electron population of the upper atmosphere have been investigated in an electron acceleration experiment performed with a sounding rocket. The rocket carried the Several Complex Experiments (SCEX) payload which included an electron accelerator, three disposable 'throwaway' detectors (TADs), and a stepped electron energy analyzer. The payload was launched in an auroral arc over the rocket at altitudes of 157 and 178 km, respectively. The performance characteristics of the instruments are discussed in detail. The data are combined with the results of laboratory measurements and show that electrons with energies of at least two and probably four times the injection energy of 2 keV were observed during strong beam-plasma interaction events. The interaction events occurred at pitch angles of 54 and 126 degrees. On the basis of the data it is proposed that the superenergization of the electrons is correlated with the length of the beam-plasma interaction region.

  16. Evaluation of the TrueBeam machine performance check (MPC) beam constancy checks for flattened and flattening filter-free (FFF) photon beams.


    Barnes, Michael P; Greer, Peter B


    Machine Performance Check (MPC) is an automated and integrated image-based tool for verification of beam and geometric performance of the TrueBeam linac. The aims of the study were to evaluate the MPC beam performance tests against current daily quality assurance (QA) methods, to compare MPC performance against more accurate monthly QA tests and to test the sensitivity of MPC to changes in beam performance. The MPC beam constancy checks test the beam output, uniformity, and beam center against the user defined baseline. MPC was run daily over a period of 5 months (n = 115) in parallel with the Daily QA3 device. Additionally, IC Profiler, in-house EPID tests, and ion chamber measurements were performed biweekly and results presented in a form directly comparable to MPC. The sensitivity of MPC was investigated using controlled adjustments of output, beam angle, and beam position steering. Over the period, MPC output agreed with ion chamber to within 0.6%. For an output adjustment of 1.2%, MPC was found to agree with ion chamber to within 0.17%. MPC beam center was found to agree with the in-house EPID method within 0.1 mm. A focal spot position adjustment of 0.4 mm (at isocenter) was measured with MPC beam center to within 0.01 mm. An average systematic offset of 0.5% was measured in the MPC uniformity and agreement of MPC uniformity with symmetry measurements was found to be within 0.9% for all beams. MPC uniformity detected a change in beam symmetry of 1.5% to within 0.3% and 0.9% of IC Profiler for flattened and FFF beams, respectively. © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

  17. Strain analysis from nano-beam electron diffraction: Influence of specimen tilt and beam convergence.


    Grieb, Tim; Krause, Florian F; Schowalter, Marco; Zillmann, Dennis; Sellin, Roman; Müller-Caspary, Knut; Mahr, Christoph; Mehrtens, Thorsten; Bimberg, Dieter; Rosenauer, Andreas


    Strain analyses from experimental series of nano-beam electron diffraction (NBED) patterns in scanning transmission electron microscopy are performed for different specimen tilts. Simulations of NBED series are presented for which strain analysis gives results that are in accordance with experiment. This consequently allows to study the relation between measured strain and actual underlying strain. A two-tilt method which can be seen as lowest-order electron beam precession is suggested and experimentally implemented. Strain determination from NBED series with increasing beam convergence is performed in combination with the experimental realization of a probe-forming aperture with a cross inside. It is shown that using standard evaluation techniques, the influence of beam convergence on spatial resolution is lower than the influence of sharp rings around the diffraction disc which occur at interfaces and which are caused by the tails of the intensity distribution of the electron probe. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. An Undulator-Based Laser Wakefield Accelerator Electron Beam Diagnostic

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bakeman, Michael S.

    Currently particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider use RF cavities with a maximum field gradient of 50-100 MV/m to accelerate particles over long distances. A new type of plasma based accelerator called a Laser Plasma Accelerator (LPA) is being investigated at the LOASIS group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory which can sustain field gradients of 10-100 GV/m. This new type of accelerator offers the potential to create compact high energy accelerators and light sources. In order to investigate the feasibility of producing a compact light source an undulator-based electron beam diagnostic for use on the LOASIS LPA has been built and calibrated. This diagnostic relies on the principal that the spectral analysis of synchrotron radiation from an undulator can reveal properties of the electron beam such as emittance, energy and energy spread. The effects of electron beam energy spread upon the harmonics of undulator produced synchrotron radiation were derived from the equations of motion of the beam and numerically simulated. The diagnostic consists of quadrupole focusing magnets to collimate the electron beam, a 1.5 m long undulator to produce the synchrotron radiation, and a high resolution high gain XUV spectrometer to analyze the radiation. The undulator was aligned and tuned in order to maximize the flux of synchrotron radiation produced. The spectrometer was calibrated at the Advanced Light Source, with the results showing the ability to measure electron beam energy spreads at resolutions as low as 0.1% rms, a major improvement over conventional magnetic spectrometers. Numerical simulations show the ability to measure energy spreads on realistic LPA produced electron beams as well as the improvements in measurements made with the quadrupole magnets. Experimentally the quadrupoles were shown to stabilize and focus the electron beams at specific energies for their insertion into the undulator, with the eventual hope of producing an all optical

  19. High-perveance W-band Sheet-beam Electron Gun Design

    DTIC Science & Technology


    APR 2008 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 00-00-2008 to 00-00-2008 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE High -perveance W- band Sheet-beam Electron Gun Design 5a...8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 10.1: High -perveance W- band Sheet-beam Electron Gun Design Khanh T. Nguyen1, John Pasour, Edward L. Wright1...effects due to cathode temperature are also included in the simulation. Keywords: Sheet beam; W- band ; electron gun; high perveance; amplifiers

  20. Optical circular deflector with attosecond resolution for ultrashort electron beam


    Zhang, Zhen; Du, Yingchao; Tang, Chuanxiang; ...


    A novel method using high-power laser as a circular deflector is proposed for the measurement of femtosecond (fs) and sub-fs electron beam. In the scheme, the electron beam interacts with a laser pulse operating in a radially polarized doughnut mode ( TEM 01 * ) in a helical undulator, generating angular kicks along the beam in two directions at the same time. The phase difference between the two angular kicks makes the beam form a ring after a propagation section with appropriate phase advance, which can reveal the current profile of the electron beam. Detailed theoretical analysis of the methodmore » and numerical results with reasonable parameters are both presented. Lastly, it is shown that the temporal resolution can reach up to ~ 100 attosecond, which is a significant improvement for the diagnostics of ultrashort electron beam.« less

  1. Optical circular deflector with attosecond resolution for ultrashort electron beam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhang, Zhen; Du, Yingchao; Tang, Chuanxiang

    A novel method using high-power laser as a circular deflector is proposed for the measurement of femtosecond (fs) and sub-fs electron beam. In the scheme, the electron beam interacts with a laser pulse operating in a radially polarized doughnut mode ( TEM 01 * ) in a helical undulator, generating angular kicks along the beam in two directions at the same time. The phase difference between the two angular kicks makes the beam form a ring after a propagation section with appropriate phase advance, which can reveal the current profile of the electron beam. Detailed theoretical analysis of the methodmore » and numerical results with reasonable parameters are both presented. Lastly, it is shown that the temporal resolution can reach up to ~ 100 attosecond, which is a significant improvement for the diagnostics of ultrashort electron beam.« less

  2. Device and method for electron beam heating of a high density plasma


    Thode, L.E.

    A device and method for relativistic electron beam heating of a high density plasma in a small localized region are described. A relativistic electron beam generator produces a high voltage electron beam which propagates along a vacuum drift tube and is modulated to initiate electron bunching within the beam. The beam is then directed through a low density gas chamber which provides isolation between the vacuum modulator and the relativistic electron beam target. The relativistic beam is then applied to a high density target plasma which typically comprises DT, DD, hydrogen boron or similar thermonuclear gas at a density of 10/sup 17/ to 10/sup 20/.

  3. Electron-beam conditioning by thomson scattering.


    Schroeder, C B; Esarey, E; Leemans, W P


    A method is proposed for conditioning electron beams via Thomson scattering. The conditioning provides a quadratic correlation between the electron energy deviation and the betatron amplitude of the electrons, which results in enhanced gain in free-electron lasers. Quantum effects imply conditioning must occur at high laser fluence and moderate electron energy. Conditioning of x-ray free-electron lasers should be achievable with present laser technology, leading to significant size and cost reductions of these large-scale facilities.

  4. Spatial Control of Laser Wakefield Accelerated Electron Beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maksimchuk, A.; Behm, K.; Zhao, T.; Joglekar, A. S.; Hussein, A.; Nees, J.; Thomas, A. G. R.; Krushelnick, K.; Elle, J.; Lucero, A.; Samarin, G. M.; Sarry, G.; Warwick, J.


    The laser wakefield experiments to study and control spatial properties of electron beams were performed using HERCULES laser at the University of Michigan at power of 100 TW. In the first experiment multi-electron beam generation was demonstrated using co-propagating, parallel laser beams with a π-phase shift mirror and showing that interaction between the wakefields can cause injection to occur for plasma and laser parameters in which a single wakefield displays no significant injection. In the second experiment a magnetic triplet quadrupole system was used to refocus and stabilize electron beams at the distance of 60 cm from the interaction region. This produced a 10-fold increase in remote gamma-ray activation of 63Cu using a lead converter. In the third experiment measurements of un-trapped electrons with high transverse momentum produce a 500 mrad (FWHM) ring. This ring is formed by electrons that receive a forward momentum boost by traversing behind the bubble and its size is inversely proportional to the plasma density. The characterization of divergence and charge of this electron ring may reveal information about the wakefield structure and trapping potential. Supported by U.S. Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration and Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

  5. Electron Beam Transport in Advanced Plasma Wave Accelerators

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Williams, Ronald L


    The primary goal of this grant was to develop a diagnostic for relativistic plasma wave accelerators based on injecting a low energy electron beam (5-50keV) perpendicular to the plasma wave and observing the distortion of the electron beam's cross section due to the plasma wave's electrostatic fields. The amount of distortion would be proportional to the plasma wave amplitude, and is the basis for the diagnostic. The beat-wave scheme for producing plasma waves, using two CO2 laser beam, was modeled using a leap-frog integration scheme to solve the equations of motion. Single electron trajectories and corresponding phase space diagrams weremore » generated in order to study and understand the details of the interaction dynamics. The electron beam was simulated by combining thousands of single electrons, whose initial positions and momenta were selected by random number generators. The model was extended by including the interactions of the electrons with the CO2 laser fields of the beat wave, superimposed with the plasma wave fields. The results of the model were used to guide the design and construction of a small laboratory experiment that may be used to test the diagnostic idea.« less

  6. Heavy ion beam-ionosphere interactions - Electron acceleration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kaufmann, R. L.; Arnoldy, R. L.; Moore, T. E.; Kintner, P. M.; Cahill, L. J., Jr.


    Moore et al. (1982) described a number of unexpected effects which were observed during the first Argon Release Controlled Study (ARCS 1, or rocket flight 29:014). The present paper provides a description of detailed analyses of the interaction of the argon beam with the ionosphere. An important feature of the considered test was that all detectors and the Ar(+) gun remained attached to the rocket throughout the flight. It is pointed out that the most dramatic effect of ion gun operation on ARCS 1 involved large changes in the fluxes of electrons with energies below about 600 eV. The observations are discussed, taking into account the distribution functions, azimuth dependence, and electron and ion trajectories. Attention is given to the perpendicular ion beam, the parallel ion beam, the acceleration of downgoing and upgoing electrons, and aspects of wave generation.

  7. Millimeter-wave generation with spiraling electron beams

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kulke, B.


    The feasibility of using the interaction between a thin, solid, spiraling electron beam of 10 to 20 kV energy and a microwave cavity to generate watts of CW millimeter-wave power was investigated. Experimental results are given for several prototype devices operating at 9.4 GHz and at 94 GHz. Power outputs of 5 W, and electronic efficiencies near 3%, were obtained at X band, and moderate gain was obtained at 94 GHz. The small-signal theory gives a good fit to the X-band data, and the device behavior at 94 GHz is as expected from the given beam characteristics. The performance is limited chiefly by the velocity spread in the spiraling electron beam, and once this can be brought under control, high-power generation of millimeter waves appears quite feasible with this type of device.

  8. Evaluation of backscatter dose from internal lead shielding in clinical electron beams using EGSnrc Monte Carlo simulations

    PubMed Central

    Marsh, Steven


    Internal lead shielding is utilized during superficial electron beam treatments of the head and neck, such as lip carcinoma. Methods for predicting backscattered dose include the use of empirical equations or performing physical measurements. The accuracy of these empirical equations required verification for the local electron beams. In this study, a Monte Carlo model of a Siemens Artiste linac was developed for 6, 9, 12, and 15 MeV electron beams using the EGSnrc MC package. The model was verified against physical measurements to an accuracy of better than 2% and 2 mm. Multiple MC simulations of lead interfaces at different depths, corresponding to mean electron energies in the range of 0.2–14 MeV at the interfaces, were performed to calculate electron backscatter values. The simulated electron backscatter was compared with current empirical equations to ascertain their accuracy. The major finding was that the current set of backscatter equations does not accurately predict electron backscatter, particularly in the lower energies region. A new equation was derived which enables estimation of electron backscatter factor at any depth upstream from the interface for the local treatment machines. The derived equation agreed to within 1.5% of the MC simulated electron backscatter at the lead interface and upstream positions. Verification of the equation was performed by comparing to measurements of the electron backscatter factor using Gafchromic EBT2 film. These results show a mean value of 0.997±0.022 to 1σ of the predicted values of electron backscatter. The new empirical equation presented can accurately estimate electron backscatter factor from lead shielding in the range of 0.2 to 14 MeV for the local linacs. PACS numbers: 87.53.Bn, 87.55.K‐, PMID:26699566

  9. Terahertz Streaking of Few-Femtosecond Relativistic Electron Beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhao, Lingrong; Wang, Zhe; Lu, Chao; Wang, Rui; Hu, Cheng; Wang, Peng; Qi, Jia; Jiang, Tao; Liu, Shengguang; Ma, Zhuoran; Qi, Fengfeng; Zhu, Pengfei; Cheng, Ya; Shi, Zhiwen; Shi, Yanchao; Song, Wei; Zhu, Xiaoxin; Shi, Jiaru; Wang, Yingxin; Yan, Lixin; Zhu, Liguo; Xiang, Dao; Zhang, Jie


    Streaking of photoelectrons with optical lasers has been widely used for temporal characterization of attosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses. Recently, this technique has been adapted to characterize femtosecond x-ray pulses in free-electron lasers with the streaking imprinted by far-infrared and terahertz (THz) pulses. Here, we report successful implementation of THz streaking for time stamping of an ultrashort relativistic electron beam, whose energy is several orders of magnitude higher than photoelectrons. Such an ability is especially important for MeV ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) applications, where electron beams with a few femtosecond pulse width may be obtained with longitudinal compression, while the arrival time may fluctuate at a much larger timescale. Using this laser-driven THz streaking technique, the arrival time of an ultrashort electron beam with a 6-fs (rms) pulse width has been determined with 1.5-fs (rms) accuracy. Furthermore, we have proposed and demonstrated a noninvasive method for correction of the timing jitter with femtosecond accuracy through measurement of the compressed beam energy, which may allow one to advance UED towards a sub-10-fs frontier, far beyond the approximate 100-fs (rms) jitter.

  10. Electron fluence correction factors for various materials in clinical electron beams.


    Olivares, M; DeBlois, F; Podgorsak, E B; Seuntjens, J P


    Relative to solid water, electron fluence correction factors at the depth of dose maximum in bone, lung, aluminum, and copper for nominal electron beam energies of 9 MeV and 15 MeV of the Clinac 18 accelerator have been determined experimentally and by Monte Carlo calculation. Thermoluminescent dosimeters were used to measure depth doses in these materials. The measured relative dose at dmax in the various materials versus that of solid water, when irradiated with the same number of monitor units, has been used to calculate the ratio of electron fluence for the various materials to that of solid water. The beams of the Clinac 18 were fully characterized using the EGS4/BEAM system. EGSnrc with the relativistic spin option turned on was used to optimize the primary electron energy at the exit window, and to calculate depth doses in the five phantom materials using the optimized phase-space data. Normalizing all depth doses to the dose maximum in solid water stopping power ratio corrected, measured depth doses and calculated depth doses differ by less than +/- 1% at the depth of dose maximum and by less than 4% elsewhere. Monte Carlo calculated ratios of doses in each material to dose in LiF were used to convert the TLD measurements at the dose maximum into dose at the center of the TLD in the phantom material. Fluence perturbation correction factors for a LiF TLD at the depth of dose maximum deduced from these calculations amount to less than 1% for 0.15 mm thick TLDs in low Z materials and are between 1% and 3% for TLDs in Al and Cu phantoms. Electron fluence ratios of the studied materials relative to solid water vary between 0.83+/-0.01 and 1.55+/-0.02 for materials varying in density from 0.27 g/cm3 (lung) to 8.96 g/cm3 (Cu). The difference in electron fluence ratios derived from measurements and calculations ranges from -1.6% to +0.2% at 9 MeV and from -1.9% to +0.2% at 15 MeV and is not significant at the 1sigma level. Excluding the data for Cu, electron

  11. Electron beam injection experiments - Replication of flight observations in a laboratory beam plasma discharge

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bernstein, W.; Mcgarity, J. O.; Konradi, A.


    Recent electron beam injection experiments in the lower ionosphere have produced two perplexing results: (1) At altitudes from 140 km to 220 km, the beam associated 391.4 nm intensity is relatively independent of altitude despite the decreasing N2 abundance. (2) The radial extent of the perturbed region populated by beam associated energetic electrons significantly exceeds the nominal gyrodiameter for 90 deg injection. A series of laboratory measurements is described in which both of these flight results appear to have been closely reproduced. The laboratory results are reasonably consistent with the transition from a collision dominated to collisionless beam-plasma discharge configuration.

  12. Measurement and interpretation of electron angle at MABE beam stop

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sanford, T.W.L.; Coleman, P.D.; Poukey, J.W.


    This analysis shows that radiation measurements combined with a sophisticated simulation provides a simple but powerful tool for estimating beam temperature in intense pulsed annular electron-beam accelerators. Specifically, the mean angle of incidence of a 60 kA, 7 MeV annular electron-beam at the beam stop of the MABE accelerator and the transverse beam temperature are determined. The angle is extracted by comparing dose profiles measured downstream of the stop with that expected from a simulation of the electron/photon transport in the stop. By calculating and removing the effect on the trajectories due to the change in electric field near themore » stop, the beam temperature is determined. Such measurements help give insight to beam generation and propagation within the accelerator. 9 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.« less

  13. Measurement and interpretation of electron angle at mabe beam stop

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sanford, T.W.L.; Coleman, P.D.; Poukey, J.W.


    This analysis shows that radiation measurements combined with a sophisticated simulation provides a simple but powerful tool for estimating beam temperature in intense pulsed annular electron-beam accelerators. Specifically, the mean angle of incidence of a 60 kA, 7 MeV annular electron-beam at the beam stop of the MABE accelerator and the transverse beam temperature are determined. The angle is extracted by comparing dose profiles measured downstream of the stop with that expected from a simulation of the electron/photon transport in the stop. By calculating and removing the effect on the trajectories due to the change in electric field near themore » stop, the beam temperature is determined. Such measurements help give insight to beam generation and propagation within the accelerator.« less

  14. Electrostatic waves driven by electron beam in lunar wake plasma

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sreeraj, T.; Singh, S. V.; Lakhina, G. S.


    A linear analysis of electrostatic waves propagating parallel to the ambient field in a four component homogeneous, collisionless, magnetised plasma comprising fluid protons, fluid He++, electron beam, and suprathermal electrons following kappa distribution is presented. In the absence of electron beam streaming, numerical analysis of the dispersion relation shows six modes: two electron acoustic modes (modes 1 and 6), two fast ion acoustic modes (modes 2 and 5), and two slow ion acoustic modes (modes 3 and 4). The modes 1, 2 and 3 and modes 4, 5, and 6 have positive and negative phase speeds, respectively. With an increase in electron beam speed, the mode 6 gets affected the most and the phase speed turns positive from negative. The mode 6 thus starts to merge with modes 2 and 3 and generates the electron beam driven fast and slow ion acoustic waves unstable with a finite growth. The electron beam driven slow ion-acoustic waves occur at lower wavenumbers, whereas fast ion-acoustic waves occur at a large value of wavenumbers. The effect of various other parameters has also been studied. We have applied this analysis to the electrostatic waves observed in lunar wake during the first flyby of the ARTEMIS mission. The analysis shows that the low (high) frequency waves observed in the lunar wake could be the electron beam driven slow (fast) ion-acoustic modes.

  15. A high-current electron gun for the electron beam ion trap at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory.


    Schwarz, S; Baumann, T M; Kittimanapun, K; Lapierre, A; Snyder, A


    The Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) in NSCL's reaccelerator ReA uses continuous ion injection and accumulation. In order to maximize capture efficiency and minimize breeding time into high charge states, the EBIT requires a high-current/high current-density electron beam. A new electron gun insert based on a concave Ba-dispenser cathode has been designed and built to increase the current transmitted through the EBIT's superconducting magnet. With the new insert, stable EBIT operating conditions with 0.8 A of electron beam have been established. The design of the electron gun is presented together with calculated and measured perveance data. In order to assess the experimental compression of the electron beam, a pinhole CCD camera has been set up to measure the electron beam radius. The camera observes X-rays emitted from highly charged ions, excited by the electron beam. Initial tests with this camera setup will be presented. They indicate that a current density of 640 A/cm(2) has been reached when the EBIT magnet was operated at 4 T.

  16. A high-current electron gun for the electron beam ion trap at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Schwarz, S., E-mail:; Baumann, T. M.; Kittimanapun, K.

    The Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) in NSCL’s reaccelerator ReA uses continuous ion injection and accumulation. In order to maximize capture efficiency and minimize breeding time into high charge states, the EBIT requires a high-current/high current-density electron beam. A new electron gun insert based on a concave Ba-dispenser cathode has been designed and built to increase the current transmitted through the EBIT’s superconducting magnet. With the new insert, stable EBIT operating conditions with 0.8 A of electron beam have been established. The design of the electron gun is presented together with calculated and measured perveance data. In order to assessmore » the experimental compression of the electron beam, a pinhole CCD camera has been set up to measure the electron beam radius. The camera observes X-rays emitted from highly charged ions, excited by the electron beam. Initial tests with this camera setup will be presented. They indicate that a current density of 640 A/cm{sup 2} has been reached when the EBIT magnet was operated at 4 T.« less

  17. Simulated electron beam trajectories toward a field ion microscopy specimen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Larson, D. J.; Camus, P. P.; Kelly, T. F.


    This article explores the conditions under which a directed electron beam originating nearly normal to the specimen axis can be made to impact the near-apex region of a field ion microscopy specimen in a high electric field. Electron trajectories were calculated using a modified Runge-Kutta numerical method. The results indicate that an electron beam can be directed to a specimen under typical field ion microscopy conditions using two methods: by varying initial beam tilt (less than 60 mrad) or by translating the initial beam position relative to the specimen apex (less than 5 mm). The net focusing effect of the high electric field on the electron beam can be treated, to first order, as an astigmatism and may be correctable by a post-lens deflection system.

  18. Inductive voltage adder (IVA) for submillimeter radius electron beam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mazarakis, M.G.; Poukey, J.W.; Maenchen, J.E.

    The authors have already demonstrated the utility of inductive voltage adder accelerators for production of small-size electron beams. In this approach, the inductive voltage adder drives a magnetically immersed foilless diode to produce high-energy (10--20 MeV), high-brightness pencil electron beams. This concept was first demonstrated with the successful experiments which converted the linear induction accelerator RADLAC II into an IVA fitted with a small 1-cm radius cathode magnetically immersed foilless diode (RADLAC II/SMILE). They present here first validations of extending this idea to mm-scale electron beams using the SABRE and HERMES-III inductive voltage adders as test beds. The SABRE experimentsmore » are already completed and have produced 30-kA, 9-MeV electron beams with envelope diameter of 1.5-mm FWHM. The HERMES-III experiments are currently underway.« less

  19. Portable Electron-Beam Free-Form Fabrication System

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Watson, J. Kevin; Petersen, Daniel D.; Taminger, Karen M.; Hafley, Robert A.


    A portable electron-beam free-form fabrication (EB F3) system, now undergoing development, is intended to afford a capability for manufacturing metal parts in nearly net sizes and shapes. Although the development effort is oriented toward the eventual use of systems like this one to supply spare metal parts aboard spacecraft in flight, the basic system design could also be adapted to terrestrial applications in which there are requirements to supply spare parts on demand at locations remote from warehouses and conventional manufacturing facilities. Prior systems that have been considered for satisfying the same requirements (including prior free-form fabrication systems) are not easily portable because of their bulk and massive size. The mechanical properties of the components that such systems produce are often inferior to the mechanical properties of the corresponding original, conventionally fabricated components. In addition, the prior systems are not efficient in the utilization of energy and of feedstock. In contrast, the present developmental system is designed to be sufficiently compact and lightweight to be easily portable, to utilize both energy and material more efficiently, and to produce components that have mechanical properties approximating those of the corresponding original components. The developmental EB F3 system will include a vacuum chamber and associated vacuum pumps, an electron-beam gun and an associated power supply, a multiaxis positioning subsystem, a precise wire feeder, and an instrumentation system for monitoring and control. The electron-beam gun, positioning subsystem, and wire feeder will be located inside the vacuum chamber (see figure). The electron beam gun and the wire feeder will be mounted in fixed positions inside the domed upper portion of the vacuum chamber. The positioning subsystem and ports for the vacuum pumps will be located on a base that could be dropped down to provide full access to the interior of the chamber

  20. Simulation of radial expansion of an electron beam injected into a background plasma

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Koga, J.; Lin, C. S.


    A 2-D electrostatic particle code was used to study the beam radial expansion of a nonrelativistic electron beam injected from an isolated equipotential conductor into a background plasma. The simulations indicate that the beam radius is generally proportional to the beam electron gyroradius when the conductor is charged to a large potential. The simulations also suggest that the charge buildup at the beam stagnation point causes the beam radial expansion. From a survey of the simulation results, it is found that the ratio of the beam radius to the beam electron gyroradius increases with the square root of beam density and decreases inversely with beam injection velocity. This dependence is explained in terms of the ratio of the beam electron Debye length to the ambient electron Debye length. These results are most applicable to the SEPAC electron beam injection experiments from Spacelab 1, where high charging potential was observed.

  1. Direct write electron beam lithography: a historical overview

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pfeiffer, Hans C.


    Maskless pattern generation capability in combination with practically limitless resolution made probe-forming electron beam systems attractive tools in the semiconductor fabrication process. However, serial exposure of pattern elements with a scanning beam is a slow process and throughput presented a key challenge in electron beam lithography from the beginning. To meet this challenge imaging concepts with increasing exposure efficiency have been developed projecting ever larger number of pixels in parallel. This evolution started in the 1960s with the SEM-type Gaussian beam systems writing one pixel at a time directly on wafers. During the 1970s IBM pioneered the concept of shaped beams containing multiple pixels which led to higher throughput and an early success of e-beam direct write (EBDW) in large scale manufacturing of semiconductor chips. EBDW in a mix-and match approach with optical lithography provided unique flexibility in part number management and cycle time reduction and proved extremely cost effective in IBM's Quick-Turn-Around-Time (QTAT) facilities. But shaped beams did not keep pace with Moore's law because of limitations imposed by the physics of charged particles: Coulomb interactions between beam electrons cause image blur and consequently limit beam current and throughput. A new technology approach was needed. Physically separating beam electrons into multiple beamlets to reduce Coulomb interaction led to the development of massively parallel projection of pixels. Electron projection lithography (EPL) - a mask based imaging technique emulating optical steppers - was pursued during the 1990s by Bell Labs with SCALPEL and by IBM with PREVAIL in partnership with Nikon. In 2003 Nikon shipped the first NCR-EB1A e-beam stepper based on the PREVAIL technology to Selete. It exposed pattern segments containing 10 million pixels in single shot and represented the first successful demonstration of massively parallel pixel projection. However the window

  2. Statistical process control for electron beam monitoring.


    López-Tarjuelo, Juan; Luquero-Llopis, Naika; García-Mollá, Rafael; Quirós-Higueras, Juan David; Bouché-Babiloni, Ana; Juan-Senabre, Xavier Jordi; de Marco-Blancas, Noelia; Ferrer-Albiach, Carlos; Santos-Serra, Agustín


    To assess the electron beam monitoring statistical process control (SPC) in linear accelerator (linac) daily quality control. We present a long-term record of our measurements and evaluate which SPC-led conditions are feasible for maintaining control. We retrieved our linac beam calibration, symmetry, and flatness daily records for all electron beam energies from January 2008 to December 2013, and retrospectively studied how SPC could have been applied and which of its features could be used in the future. A set of adjustment interventions designed to maintain these parameters under control was also simulated. All phase I data was under control. The dose plots were characterized by rising trends followed by steep drops caused by our attempts to re-center the linac beam calibration. Where flatness and symmetry trends were detected they were less-well defined. The process capability ratios ranged from 1.6 to 9.3 at a 2% specification level. Simulated interventions ranged from 2% to 34% of the total number of measurement sessions. We also noted that if prospective SPC had been applied it would have met quality control specifications. SPC can be used to assess the inherent variability of our electron beam monitoring system. It can also indicate whether a process is capable of maintaining electron parameters under control with respect to established specifications by using a daily checking device, but this is not practical unless a method to establish direct feedback from the device to the linac can be devised. Copyright © 2015 Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Repetitively pumped electron beam device


    Schlitt, Leland G [Livermore, CA


    Apparatus for producing fast, repetitive pulses of controllable length of an electron beam by phased energy storage in a transmission line of length matched to the number of pulses and specific pulse lengths desired.

  4. Radiation from long pulse train electron beams in space plasmas

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Harker, K. J.; Banks, P. M.


    A previous study of electromagnetic radiation from a finite train of electron pulses is extended to an infinite train of such pulses. The electrons are assumed to follow an idealized helical path through a space plasma in such a manner as to retain their respective position within the beam. This leads to radiation by coherent spontaneous emission. The waves of interest in this region are the whistler slow (compressional) and fast (torsional) Alfven waves. Although a general theory is developed, analysis is then restricted to two approximations, the short and long electron beam. Formulas for the radiation per unit solid angle from the short beam are presented as a function of both propagation and ray angles, electron beam pulse width and separation and beam current, voltage, and pitch angle. Similar formulas for the total power radiated from the long beam are derived as a function of frequency, propagation angle, and ray angle. Predictions of the power radiated are presented for representative examples as determined by the long beam theory.

  5. Location specific solidification microstructure control in electron beam melting of Ti-6Al-4V

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Narra, Sneha P.; Cunningham, Ross; Beuth, Jack

    Relationships between prior beta grain size in solidified Ti-6Al-4V and melting process parameters in the Electron Beam Melting (EBM) process are investigated. Samples are built by varying a machine-dependent proprietary speed function to cover the process space. Optical microscopy is used to measure prior beta grain widths and assess the number of prior beta grains present in a melt pool in the raster region of the build. Despite the complicated evolution of beta grain sizes, the beta grain width scales with melt pool width. The resulting understanding of the relationship between primary machine variables and prior beta grain widths ismore » a key step toward enabling the location specific control of as-built microstructure in the EBM process. Control of grain width in separate specimens and within a single specimen is demonstrated.« less

  6. Electron energy distributions measured during electron beam/plasma interactions. [in E region

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jost, R. J.; Anderson, H. R.; Mcgarity, J. O.


    In the large vacuum facility at the NASA-Johnson Space Center an electron beam was projected 20 m parallel to B from a gun with variable accelerating potential (1.0 to 2.5 kV) to an aluminum target. The ionospheric neutral pressure and field were approximated. Beam electron energy distributions were measured directly using an electrostatic deflection analyzer and indirectly with a detector that responded to the X-rays produced by electron impact on the target. At low currents the distribution is sharply peaked at the acceleration potential. At high currents a beam plasma discharge occurs and electrons are redistributed in energy so that the former energy peak broadens to 10-15 percent FWHM with a strongly enhanced low energy tail. At the 10% of maximum point the energy spectrum ranges from less than 1/2 to 1.2 times the gun energy. The effect is qualitatively the same at all pitch angles and locations sampled.

  7. Filamentation instability of a fast electron beam in a dielectric target.


    Debayle, A; Tikhonchuk, V T


    High-intensity laser-matter interaction is an efficient method for high-current relativistic electron beam production. At current densities exceeding a several kA microm{-2} , the beam propagation is maintained by an almost complete current neutralization by the target electrons. In such a geometry of two oppositely directed flows, beam instabilities can develop, depending on the target and the beam parameters. The present paper proposes an analytical description of the filamentation instability of an electron beam propagating through an insulator target. It is shown that the collisionless and resistive instabilities enter into competition with the ionization instability. This latter process is dominant in insulator targets where the field ionization by the fast beam provides free electrons for the neutralization current.

  8. Electron-beam-inactivated vaccine against Salmonella enteritidis colonization in molting hens

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Electron Beam (eBeam) ionization technology has a variety of applications in modern society. The underlying hypothesis was that electron beam (eBeam) inactivated Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE) cells can serve as a vaccine to control Salmonella colonization and Salmonella shedding in c...

  9. Electron beam irradiation processing for industrial and medical applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ozer, Zehra Nur


    In recent years, electron beam processing has been widely used for medical and industrial applications. Electron beam accelerators are reliable and durable equipments that can produce ionizing radiation when it is needed for a particular commercial use. On the industrial scale, accelerators are used to generate electrons in between 0.1-100 MeV energy range. These accelerators are used mainly in plastics, automotive, wire and electric cables, semiconductors, health care, aerospace and environmental industries, as well as numerous researches. This study presents the current applications of electron beam processing in medicine and industry. Also planned study of a design for such a system in the energy range of 200-300 keV is introduced.

  10. Electron beam welding passes initial test

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    de Sirvy, B.


    Once the new electron-beam welding process is coupled with vertical or J-curve pipelaying techniques, Total-Compagnie Francaise des Petroles (Gestion and Recherches) will be able to offer a system capable of laying up to 36-in. pipe in deep water (1000-9900 ft) at a pace competitive with the best performance of a shallow-water barge: 8200 ft in 24 hr. Electron-beam welding provides the fast, single-station joining needed to make J-curve laying economical. Tests recently demonstrated that this welding technique can join 1.25-in.-wall, 24-in. pipe in less than 3 min; conventional processes require 1-1 1/2 hr.

  11. Usability of a soft-electron (low-energy electron) machine for disinfestation of grains contaminated with insect pests

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Imamura, Taro; Miyanoshita, Akihiro; Todoriki, Setsuko; Hayashi, Toru


    Efficacy of soft-electron treatment for disinfestations of grains was investigated by treating pre-infested brown rice and adzuki bean with a commercial-scale soft-electron machine (soft-electron processor). Soft-electrons at 150 kV efficiently disinfested brown rice grains pre-infested with maize weevil ( Stiophilus zeamais Motchulsky) and Indian meal moth ( Plodia interpunctella (Hübner)) and adzuki beans with adzuki bean weevil ( Callosobruchus chinensis (Linne)), although small numbers of the internal feeders such as C. chinensis in adzuki bean and S. zeamais in brown rice survived. The results indicate that the commercial-scale soft-electron machine can disinfest grains and beans, especially those contaminated with external feeders.

  12. Application of Traditional and Nanostructure Materials for Medical Electron Beams Collimation: Numerical Simulation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Miloichikova, I. A.; Stuchebrov, S. G.; Zhaksybayeva, G. K.; Wagner, A. R.


    Nowadays, the commercial application of the electron accelerators grows in the industry, in the research investigations, in the medical diagnosis and treatment. In this regard, the electron beam profile modification in accordance with specific purposes is an actual task. In this paper the model of the TPU microtron extracted electron beam developed in the program “Computer Laboratory (PCLab)” is described. The internal beam divergence influence for the electron beam profile and depth dose distribution in the air is considered. The possibility of using the nanostructure materials for the electron beam formation was analyzed. The simulation data of the electron beam shape collimated by different materials (lead, corund- zirconia nanoceramic, gypsum) are shown. The collimator material influence for the electron beam profile and shape are analyzed.

  13. Beam Output Audit results within the EORTC Radiation Oncology Group network.


    Hurkmans, Coen W; Christiaens, Melissa; Collette, Sandra; Weber, Damien Charles


    Beam Output Auditing (BOA) is one key process of the EORTC radiation therapy quality assurance program. Here the results obtained between 2005 and 2014 are presented and compared to previous results.For all BOA reports the following parameters were scored: centre, country, date of audit, beam energies and treatment machines audited, auditing organisation, percentage of agreement between stated and measured dose.Four-hundred and sixty-one BOA reports were analyzed containing the results of 1790 photon and 1366 electron beams, delivered by 755 different treatment machines. The majority of beams (91.1%) were within the optimal limit of ≤ 3%. Only 13 beams (0.4%; n = 9 electrons; n = 4 photons), were out of the range of acceptance of ≤ 5%. Previous reviews reported a much higher percentage of 2.5% or more of the BOAs with >5% deviation.The majority of EORTC centres present beam output variations within the 3% tolerance cutoff value and only 0.4% of audited beams presented with variations of more than 5%. This is an important improvement compared to previous BOA results.

  14. Generation of low-emittance electron beams in electrostatic accelerators for FEL applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Teng; Elias, Luis R.


    This paper reports results of transverse emittance studies and beam propagation in electrostatic accelerators for free electron laser applications. In particular, we discuss emittance growth analysis of a low current electron beam system consisting of a miniature thermoionic electron gun and a National Electrostatics Accelerator (NEC) tube. The emittance growth phenomenon is discussed in terms of thermal effects in the electron gun cathode and aberrations produced by field gradient changes occurring inside the electron gun and throughout the accelerator tube. A method of reducing aberrations using a magnetic solenoidal field is described. Analysis of electron beam emittance was done with the EGUN code. Beam propagation along the accelerator tube was studied using a cylindrically symmetric beam envelope equation that included beam self-fields and the external accelerator fields which were derived from POISSON simulations.

  15. Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication for Cost Effective Near-Net Shape Manufacturing

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Taminger, Karen M.; Hafley, Robert A.


    Manufacturing of structural metal parts directly from computer aided design (CAD) data has been investigated by numerous researchers over the past decade. Researchers at NASA Langley Research Center are developing a new solid freeform fabrication process, electron beam freeform fabrication (EBF3), as a rapid metal deposition process that works efficiently with a variety of weldable alloys. EBF3 deposits of 2219 aluminium and Ti-6Al-4V have exhibited a range of grain morphologies depending upon the deposition parameters. These materials have exhibited excellent tensile properties comparable to typical handbook data for wrought plate product after post-processing heat treatments. The EBF3 process is capable of bulk metal deposition at deposition rates in excess of 2500 cm3/hr (150 in3/hr) or finer detail at lower deposition rates, depending upon the desired application. This process offers the potential for rapidly adding structural details to simpler cast or forged structures rather than the conventional approach of machining large volumes of chips to produce a monolithic metallic structure. Selective addition of metal onto simpler blanks of material can have a significant effect on lead time reduction and lower material and machining costs.

  16. Recent study of beam stability in the PSR

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, T. S. F.; Cooper, R.; Fitzgerald, D.; Frankle, S.; Hardek, T.; Hutson, R.; Macek, R.; Ohmori, C.; Plum, M.; Thiessen, H.


    A fast transverse instability with beam loss has been observed in the 800 MeV Los Alamos Pro Ring (PSR) when the injected beam intensity reaches 2 - 4(10)(exp 13) protons per pulse. Previous observations indicate that the instability is most likely driven by electrons trapped within the proton beam. Theoretical study shown that beam leakage into the inter-bunch gap leads to electron trapping. Recent experiments were carried out by using the newly implemented 'pinger' and by varying the machine transition gamma to explore further the 'e-p' instability and the nature of the instability. This paper summarizes some of these recent experimental results and theoretical studies.

  17. Comparison of measured electron energy spectra for six matched, radiotherapy accelerators.


    McLaughlin, David J; Hogstrom, Kenneth R; Neck, Daniel W; Gibbons, John P


    This study compares energy spectra of the multiple electron beams of individual radiotherapy machines, as well as the sets of spectra across multiple matched machines. Also, energy spectrum metrics are compared with central-axis percent depth-dose (PDD) metrics. A lightweight, permanent magnet spectrometer was used to measure energy spectra for seven electron beams (7-20 MeV) on six matched Elekta Infinity accelerators with the MLCi2 treatment head. PDD measurements in the distal falloff region provided R 50 and R 80-20 metrics in Plastic Water ® , which correlated with energy spectrum metrics, peak mean energy (PME) and full-width at half maximum (FWHM). Visual inspection of energy spectra and their metrics showed whether beams on single machines were properly tuned, i.e., FWHM is expected to increase and peak height decrease monotonically with increased PME. Also, PME spacings are expected to be approximately equal for 7-13 MeV beams (0.5-cm R 90 spacing) and for 13-16 MeV beams (1.0-cm R 90 spacing). Most machines failed these expectations, presumably due to tolerances for initial beam matching (0.05 cm in R 90 ; 0.10 cm in R 80-20 ) and ongoing quality assurance (0.2 cm in R 50 ). Also, comparison of energy spectra or metrics for a single beam energy (six machines) showed outlying spectra. These variations in energy spectra provided ample data spread for correlating PME and FWHM with PDD metrics. Least-squares fits showed that R 50 and R 80-20 varied linearly and supralinearly with PME, respectively; however, both suggested a secondary dependence on FWHM. Hence, PME and FWHM could serve as surrogates for R 50 and R 80-20 for beam tuning by the accelerator engineer, possibly being more sensitive (e.g., 0.1 cm in R 80-20 corresponded to 2.0 MeV in FWHM). Results of this study suggest a lightweight, permanent magnet spectrometer could be a useful beam-tuning instrument for the accelerator engineer to (a) match electron beams prior to beam commissioning

  18. Beam Dynamics in an Electron Lens with the Warp Particle-in-cell Code

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Stancari, Giulio; Moens, Vince; Redaelli, Stefano


    Electron lenses are a mature technique for beam manipulation in colliders and storage rings. In an electron lens, a pulsed, magnetically confined electron beam with a given current-density profile interacts with the circulating beam to obtain the desired effect. Electron lenses were used in the Fermilab Tevatron collider for beam-beam compensation, for abort-gap clearing, and for halo scraping. They will be used in RHIC at BNL for head-on beam-beam compensation, and their application to the Large Hadron Collider for halo control is under development. At Fermilab, electron lenses will be implemented as lattice elements for nonlinear integrable optics. The designmore » of electron lenses requires tools to calculate the kicks and wakefields experienced by the circulating beam. We use the Warp particle-in-cell code to study generation, transport, and evolution of the electron beam. For the first time, a fully 3-dimensional code is used for this purpose.« less

  19. Foil focusing of relativistic electron beams

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ekdahl, Jr., Carl August


    When an intense relativistic electron beams (IREB) passes through a grounded metal foil, the transverse electric field due to the beam space charge is locally shorted out, and the beam is focused by the magnetic field of its current. The effect can be treated as focusing by a thin lens with first order aberration. Expressions for the focal length and aberration coefficient of the equivalent thin lens are developed in this note. These are then applied to practical examples representative of IREB research at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

  20. A multiple gap plasma cathode electron gun and its electron beam analysis in self and trigger breakdown modes.


    Kumar, Niraj; Pal, Dharmendra Kumar; Jadon, Arvind Singh; Pal, Udit Narayan; Rahaman, Hasibur; Prakash, Ram


    In the present paper, a pseudospark discharge based multiple gap plasma cathode electron gun is reported which has been operated separately in self and trigger breakdown modes using two different gases, namely, argon and hydrogen. The beam current and beam energy have been analyzed using a concentric ring diagnostic arrangement. Two distinct electron beams are clearly seen with hollow cathode and conductive phases. The hollow cathode phase has been observed for ∼50 ns where the obtained electron beam is having low beam current density and high energy. While in conductive phase it is high current density and low energy electron beam. It is inferred that in the hollow cathode phase the beam energy is more for the self breakdown case whereas the current density is more for the trigger breakdown case. The tailor made operation of the hollow cathode phase electron beam can play an important role in microwave generation. Up to 30% variation in the electron beam energy has been achieved keeping the same gas and by varying the breakdown mode operations. Also, up to 32% variation in the beam current density has been achieved for the trigger breakdown mode at optimized trigger position by varying the gas type.

  1. Transient pulse analysis of ionized electronics exposed to γ-radiation generated from a relativistic electron beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Min, Sun-Hong; Kwon, Ohjoon; Sattorov, Matlabjon; Baek, In-Keun; Kim, Seontae; Hong, Dongpyo; Jeong, Jin-Young; Jang, Jungmin; Bera, Anirban; Barik, Ranjan Kumar; Bhattacharya, Ranajoy; Cho, Ilsung; Kim, Byungsu; Park, Chawon; Jung, Wongyun; Park, Seunghyuk; Park, Gun-Sik


    When a semiconductor element is irradiated with radiation in the form of a transient pulse emitted from a nuclear explosion, a large amount of charge is generated in a short time in the device. A photocurrent amplified in a certain direction by these types of charges cause the device to break down and malfunction or in extreme cases causes them to burn out. In this study, a pulse-type γ-ray generator based on a relativistic electron beam accelerator (γ=2.2, β=0.89) which functions by means of tungsten impingement was constructed and tested in an effort to investigate the process and effects of the photocurrent formed by electron hole pairs (EHP) generated in a pMOSFET device when a transient radiation pulse is incident in the device. The pulse-type γ-ray irradiating device used here to generate the electron beam current in a short time was devised to allow an increase in the irradiation dose. A precise signal processing circuit was constructed to measure the photocurrent of the small signal generated by the pMOSFET due to the electron beam accelerator pulse signal from the large noise stemming from the electromagnetic field around the relativistic electron beam accelerator. The pulse-type γ-ray generator was installed to meet the requirements of relativistic electron beam accelerators, and beam irradiation was conducted after a beam commissioning step.

  2. Limiting current of intense electron beams in a decelerating gap

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nusinovich, G. S.; Beaudoin, B. L.; Thompson, C.; Karakkad, J. A.; Antonsen, T. M.


    For numerous applications, it is desirable to develop electron beam driven efficient sources of electromagnetic radiation that are capable of producing the required power at beam voltages as low as possible. This trend is limited by space charge effects that cause the reduction of electron kinetic energy and can lead to electron reflection. So far, this effect was analyzed for intense beams propagating in uniform metallic pipes. In the present study, the limiting currents of intense electron beams are analyzed for the case of beam propagation in the tubes with gaps. A general treatment is illustrated by an example evaluating the limiting current in a high-power, tunable 1-10 MHz inductive output tube (IOT), which is currently under development for ionospheric modification. Results of the analytical theory are compared to results of numerical simulations. The results obtained allow one to estimate the interaction efficiency of IOTs.

  3. Radial electron-beam-breakup transit-time oscillator


    Kwan, Thomas J. T.; Mostrom, Michael A.


    A radial electron-beam-breakup transit-time oscillator (RBTO) provides a compact high power microwave generator. The RBTO includes a coaxial vacuum transmission line having an outer conductor and an inner conductor. The inner conductor defines an annular cavity with dimensions effective to support an electromagnetic field in a TEM.sub.00m mode. A radial field emission cathode is formed on the outer conductor for providing an electron beam directed toward the annular cavity electrode. Microwave energy is then extracted from the annular cavity electrode.

  4. New data on electron-beam purification of wastewater

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pikaev, A. K.


    Recent environmental applications of radiation technology, developed in the author's laboratory, are presented in this paper. They are electron-beam and coagulation purification of molasses distillery slops from distillery-produced ethyl alcohol by fermentation of plant materials, electron-beam purification of wastewater from carboxylic acids (for example, formic acid) and removal of petroleum products (diesel fuel, motor oil and residual fuel oil) from water by γ-irradiation.

  5. Electron Beam Pattern Rotation as a Method of Tunable Bunch Train Generation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Halavanau, A.; Piot, P.

    Transversely modulated electron beams can be formed in photo injectors via microlens array (MLA) UV laser shap- ing technique. Microlenses can be arranged in polygonal lattices, with resulting transverse electron beam modula- tion mimicking the lenses pattern. Conventionally, square MLAs are used for UV laser beam shaping, and generated electron beam patterns form square beamlet arrays. The MLA setup can be placed on a rotational mount, thereby rotating electron beam distribution. In combination with transverse-to-longitudinal emittance exchange (EEX) beam line, it allows to vary beamlets horizontal projection and tune electron bunch train. In this paper, we extend the technique tomore » the case of different MLA lattice arrangements and explore the benefits of its rotational symmetries.« less

  6. Electron beam diagnostic for profiling high power beams


    Elmer, John W [Danville, CA; Palmer, Todd A [Livermore, CA; Teruya, Alan T [Livermore, CA


    A system for characterizing high power electron beams at power levels of 10 kW and above is described. This system is comprised of a slit disk assembly having a multitude of radial slits, a conducting disk with the same number of radial slits located below the slit disk assembly, a Faraday cup assembly located below the conducting disk, and a start-stop target located proximate the slit disk assembly. In order to keep the system from over-heating during use, a heat sink is placed in close proximity to the components discussed above, and an active cooling system, using water, for example, can be integrated into the heat sink. During use, the high power beam is initially directed onto a start-stop target and after reaching its full power is translated around the slit disk assembly, wherein the beam enters the radial slits and the conducting disk radial slits and is detected at the Faraday cup assembly. A trigger probe assembly can also be integrated into the system in order to aid in the determination of the proper orientation of the beam during reconstruction. After passing over each of the slits, the beam is then rapidly translated back to the start-stop target to minimize the amount of time that the high power beam comes in contact with the slit disk assembly. The data obtained by the system is then transferred into a computer system, where a computer tomography algorithm is used to reconstruct the power density distribution of the beam.

  7. Repetitively pumped electron beam device


    Schlitt, L.G.


    Disclosed is an apparatus for producing fast, repetitive pulses of controllable length of an electron beam by phased energy storage in a transmission line of length matched to the number of pulses and specific pulse lengths desired. 12 figs.

  8. NOx reduction by electron beam-produced nitrogen atom injection


    Penetrante, Bernardino M.


    Deactivated atomic nitrogen generated by an electron beam from a gas stream containing more than 99% N.sub.2 is injected at low temperatures into an engine exhaust to reduce NOx emissions. High NOx reduction efficiency is achieved with compact electron beam devices without use of a catalyst.

  9. Electron Beam Charge Diagnostics for Laser Plasma Accelerators

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nakamura, Kei; Gonsalves, Anthony; Lin, Chen


    A comprehensive study of charge diagnostics is conducted to verify their validity for measuring electron beams produced by laser plasma accelerators (LPAs). First, a scintillating screen (Lanex) was extensively studied using subnanosecond electron beams from the Advanced Light Source booster synchrotron, at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The Lanex was cross calibrated with an integrating current transformer (ICT) for up to the electron energy of 1.5 GeV, and the linear response of the screen was confirmed for charge density and intensity up to 160 pC/mm{sup 2} and 0.4 pC/(ps mm{sup 2}), respectively. After the radio-frequency accelerator based cross calibration, amore » series of measurements was conducted using electron beams from an LPA. Cross calibrations were carried out using an activation-based measurement that is immune to electromagnetic pulse noise, ICT, and Lanex. The diagnostics agreed within {+-}8%, showing that they all can provide accurate charge measurements for LPAs.« less

  10. Generation of anomalously energetic suprathermal electrons by an electron beam interacting with a nonuniform plasma

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sydorenko, D.; Kaganovich, I. D.; Chen, L.

    Generation of anomalously energetic suprathermal electrons was observed in simulation of a high-voltage dc discharge with electron emission from the cathode. An electron beam produced by the emission interacts with the nonuniform plasma in the discharge via a two-stream instability. The energy transfer from the beam to the plasma electrons is ensured by the plasma nonuniformity. The electron beam excites plasma waves whose wavelength and phase speed gradually decrease towards anode. The waves with short wavelength near the anode accelerate plasma bulk electrons to suprathermal energies. The sheath near the anode reflects some of the accelerated electrons back into themore » plasma. These electrons travel through the plasma, reflect near the cathode, and enter the accelerating area again but with a higher energy than before. Such particles are accelerated to energies much higher than after the first acceleration. This mechanism plays a role in explaining earlier experimental observations of energetic suprathermal electrons in similar discharges.« less

  11. Electron beam enhanced surface modification for making highly resolved structures


    Pitts, John R.


    A method for forming high resolution submicron structures on a substrate is provided by direct writing with a submicron electron beam in a partial pressure of a selected gas phase characterized by the ability to dissociate under the beam into a stable gaseous leaving group and a reactant fragment that combines with the substrate material under beam energy to form at least a surface compound. Variations of the method provide semiconductor device regions on doped silicon substrates, interconnect lines between active sites, three dimensional electronic chip structures, electron beam and optical read mass storage devices that may include color differentiated data areas, and resist areas for use with selective etching techniques.

  12. Electron beam enhanced surface modification for making highly resolved structures


    Pitts, J.R.


    A method for forming high resolution submicron structures on a substrate is provided by direct writing with a submicron electron beam in a partial pressure of a selected gas phase characterized by the ability to dissociate under the beam into a stable gaseous leaving group and a reactant fragment that combines with the substrate material under beam energy to form at least a surface compound. Variations of the method provide semiconductor device regions on doped silicon substrates, interconnect lines between active sites, three dimensional electronic chip structures, electron beam and optical read mass storage devices that may include color differentiated data areas, and resist areas for use with selective etching techniques.

  13. Effects of electron beam radiation dose on the compatibilization behaviour in recycled polypropylene/microcrystalline cellulose composites

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Samat, N.; Motsidi, S. N. R.; Lazim, N. H. M.


    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the influence of dose level of electron beam on the compatibilization behavior of recycled polypropylene (rPP) in rPP/microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) composites. Initially, the rPP was irradiated with various dose of electron beam (5 kGy up to 250 kGy) which then mixed with unirradiated rPP (u-rPP) at a ratio of 30:70 respectively. The composites were prepared by incorporating a series wt% of MCC fibers into rPP (u-rPP : i-rPP) using extruder and finally moulded with an injection moulding machine. The compatibility behavior of irradiated rPP (i-rPP) were analysed with mechanical tensile and thermal methods. The results of mechanical analysis showed great improvement in tensile modulus but an increase in radiation dosage gradually decreased this property. Nevertheless, the tensile strength exhibited a minor effect. The thermal stability of composites is lowered with increase in the absorbed dose, more significantly at higher content of MCC. Fracture surface observations reveal adhesion between the cellulose and rPP matrix.

  14. Power Electronics and Electric Machines Publications | Transportation Websites

    electric machines. For more information about the following publications, contact Sreekant Narumanchi. A , NREL Software Spray System Evaluation (Software 1.1 MB) Papers 2017 Electric Motor Thermal Management Source: Douglas DeVoto. 2017. 14 pp. NREL/MP-5400-67117. Power Electronics Thermal Management Research

  15. High-quality electron beams from beam-driven plasma accelerators by wakefield-induced ionization injection.


    Martinez de la Ossa, A; Grebenyuk, J; Mehrling, T; Schaper, L; Osterhoff, J


    We propose a new and simple strategy for controlled ionization-induced trapping of electrons in a beam-driven plasma accelerator. The presented method directly exploits electric wakefields to ionize electrons from a dopant gas and capture them into a well-defined volume of the accelerating and focusing wake phase, leading to high-quality witness bunches. This injection principle is explained by example of three-dimensional particle-in-cell calculations using the code OSIRIS. In these simulations a high-current-density electron-beam driver excites plasma waves in the blowout regime inside a fully ionized hydrogen plasma of density 5×10(17)cm-3. Within an embedded 100  μm long plasma column contaminated with neutral helium gas, the wakefields trigger ionization, trapping of a defined fraction of the released electrons, and subsequent acceleration. The hereby generated electron beam features a 1.5 kA peak current, 1.5  μm transverse normalized emittance, an uncorrelated energy spread of 0.3% on a GeV-energy scale, and few femtosecond bunch length.

  16. Simulation of Non-Uniform Electron Beams in the Gyrotron Electron-Optical System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Louksha, O. I.; Trofimov, P. A.


    New calculated data on the effect of emission inhomogeneities on the quality of the electron beam, which is formed in an electron-optical system of a gyrotron, have been obtained. The calculations were based on emission current density distributions, which were measured for the different cathodes in the gyrotron of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. A satisfactory agreement between the experimental and calculated data on the influence of emission nonuniformities on the velocity spread of electrons has been shown. The necessity of considering the real distribution of the emission current density over the cathode surface to determine the main parameters of the electron beam—the velocity and energy spreads of the electrons, spatial structure of the beam, and coefficient of reflection of electrons from the magnetic mirror—has been demonstrated. The maximum level of emission inhomogeneities, which are permissible for effective work of gyrotrons, has been discussed.

  17. Nanomodulated electron beams via electron diffraction and emittance exchange for coherent x-ray generation


    Nanni, E. A.; Graves, W. S.; Moncton, D. E.


    We present a new method for generation of relativistic electron beams with current modulation on the nanometer scale and below. The current modulation is produced by diffracting relativistic electrons in single crystal Si, accelerating the diffracted beam and imaging the crystal structure, then transferring the image into the temporal dimension via emittance exchange. The modulation period can be tuned by adjusting electron optics after diffraction. This tunable longitudinal modulation can have a period as short as a few angstroms, enabling production of coherent hard x-rays from a source based on inverse Compton scattering with total accelerator length of approximately tenmore » meters. Electron beam simulations from cathode emission through diffraction, acceleration, and image formation with variable magnification are presented along with estimates of the coherent x-ray output properties.« less

  18. Nanomodulated electron beams via electron diffraction and emittance exchange for coherent x-ray generation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nanni, E. A.; Graves, W. S.; Moncton, D. E.

    We present a new method for generation of relativistic electron beams with current modulation on the nanometer scale and below. The current modulation is produced by diffracting relativistic electrons in single crystal Si, accelerating the diffracted beam and imaging the crystal structure, then transferring the image into the temporal dimension via emittance exchange. The modulation period can be tuned by adjusting electron optics after diffraction. This tunable longitudinal modulation can have a period as short as a few angstroms, enabling production of coherent hard x-rays from a source based on inverse Compton scattering with total accelerator length of approximately tenmore » meters. Electron beam simulations from cathode emission through diffraction, acceleration, and image formation with variable magnification are presented along with estimates of the coherent x-ray output properties.« less

  19. Nanomodulated electron beams via electron diffraction and emittance exchange for coherent x-ray generation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nanni, E. A.; Graves, W. S.; Moncton, D. E.


    We present a new method for generation of relativistic electron beams with current modulation on the nanometer scale and below. The current modulation is produced by diffracting relativistic electrons in single crystal Si, accelerating the diffracted beam and imaging the crystal structure, then transferring the image into the temporal dimension via emittance exchange. The modulation period can be tuned by adjusting electron optics after diffraction. This tunable longitudinal modulation can have a period as short as a few angstroms, enabling production of coherent hard x-rays from a source based on inverse Compton scattering with total accelerator length of approximately ten meters. Electron beam simulations from cathode emission through diffraction, acceleration, and image formation with variable magnification are presented along with estimates of the coherent x-ray output properties.

  20. The radiated electromagnetic field from collimated gamma rays and electron beams in air

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tumolillo, T. A.; Wondra, J. P.; Hobbs, W. E.; Smith, K.


    Nuclear weapons effects computer codes are used to study the electromagnetic field produced by gamma rays or by highly relativistic electron beams moving through the air. Consideration is given to large-area electron and gamma beams, small-area electron beams, variation of total beam current, variation of pressure in the beam channel, variation of the beam rise time, variation of beam radius, far-field radiated signals, and induced current on a system from a charged-particle beam. The work has application to system EMP coupling from nuclear weapons or charged-particle-beam weapons.

  1. Electron beam induced damage in ITO coated Kapton. [Indium Tin Oxide

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Krainsky, I.; Gordon, W. L.; Hoffman, R. W.


    Data for the stability of thin conductive indium tin oxide films on 0.003 inch thick Kapton substrates during exposure of the surface to electron beams are reported. The electron beam energy was 3 keV and the diameter was about 0.8 mm. Thermal effects and surface modifications are considered. For primary current greater than 0.6 microamperes, an obvious dark discoloration with diameter approximately that of the beam was produced. The structure of the discolored region was studied with the scanning electron microscope, and the findings are stated. Surface modifications were explored by AES, obtaining spectra and secondary emission coefficient as a function of time for different beam intensities. In all cases beam exposure results in a decrease of the secondary yield but because of thermal effects this change, as well as composition changes, cannot be directly interpreted in terms of electron beam dosage.

  2. Electron Gun For Multiple Beam Klystron Using Magnetic Focusing


    Ives, R. Lawrence; Miram, George; Krasnykh, Anatoly


    An RF device comprising a plurality of drift tubes, each drift tube having a plurality of gaps defining resonant cavities, is immersed in an axial magnetic field. RF energy is introduced at an input RF port at one of these resonant cavities and collected at an output RF port at a different RF cavity. A plurality of electron beams passes through these drift tubes, and each electron beam has an individual magnetic shaping applied which enables confined beam transport through the drift tubes.

  3. Novel Breast Imaging and Machine Learning: Predicting Breast Lesion Malignancy at Cone-Beam CT Using Machine Learning Techniques.


    Uhlig, Johannes; Uhlig, Annemarie; Kunze, Meike; Beissbarth, Tim; Fischer, Uwe; Lotz, Joachim; Wienbeck, Susanne


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic performance of machine learning techniques for malignancy prediction at breast cone-beam CT (CBCT) and to compare them to human readers. Five machine learning techniques, including random forests, back propagation neural networks (BPN), extreme learning machines, support vector machines, and K-nearest neighbors, were used to train diagnostic models on a clinical breast CBCT dataset with internal validation by repeated 10-fold cross-validation. Two independent blinded human readers with profound experience in breast imaging and breast CBCT analyzed the same CBCT dataset. Diagnostic performance was compared using AUC, sensitivity, and specificity. The clinical dataset comprised 35 patients (American College of Radiology density type C and D breasts) with 81 suspicious breast lesions examined with contrast-enhanced breast CBCT. Forty-five lesions were histopathologically proven to be malignant. Among the machine learning techniques, BPNs provided the best diagnostic performance, with AUC of 0.91, sensitivity of 0.85, and specificity of 0.82. The diagnostic performance of the human readers was AUC of 0.84, sensitivity of 0.89, and specificity of 0.72 for reader 1 and AUC of 0.72, sensitivity of 0.71, and specificity of 0.67 for reader 2. AUC was significantly higher for BPN when compared with both reader 1 (p = 0.01) and reader 2 (p < 0.001). Machine learning techniques provide a high and robust diagnostic performance in the prediction of malignancy in breast lesions identified at CBCT. BPNs showed the best diagnostic performance, surpassing human readers in terms of AUC and specificity.

  4. Robust and adjustable C-shaped electron vortex beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mousley, M.; Thirunavukkarasu, G.; Babiker, M.; Yuan, J.


    Wavefront engineering is an important quantum technology, often applied to the production of states carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM). Here, we demonstrate the design and production of robust C-shaped beam states carrying OAM, in which the usual doughnut-shaped transverse intensity structure of the vortex beam contains an adjustable gap. We find that the presence of the vortex lines in the core of the beam is crucial for maintaining the stability of the C-shape structure during beam propagation. The topological charge of the vortex core controls mainly the size of the C-shape, while its opening angle is related to the presence of vortex-anti-vortex loops. We demonstrate the generation and characterisation of C-shaped electron vortex beams, although the result is equally applicable to other quantum waves. C-shaped electron vortex beams have potential applications in nanoscale fabrication of planar split-ring structures and three-dimensional chiral structures as well as depth sensing and magnetic field determination through rotation of the gap in the C-shape.

  5. Portable radiography system using a relativistic electron beam


    Hoeberling, Robert F.


    A portable radiographic generator is provided with an explosive magnetic flux compression generator producing the high voltage necessary to generate a relativistic electron beam. The relativistic electron beam is provided with target materials which generates the desired radiographic pulse. The magnetic flux compression generator may require at least two conventional explosively driven generators in series to obtain a desired output voltage of at least 1 MV. The cathode and anode configuration of the diode are selected to provide a switching action wherein a high impedance load is presented to the magnetic flux compression generator when the high voltage is being generated, and thereafter switching to a low impedance load to generate the relativistic electron beam. Magnetic flux compression generators can be explosively driven and provided in a relatively compact, portable form for use with the relativistic x-ray equipment.

  6. Portable radiography system using a relativistic electron beam


    Hoeberling, R.F.


    A portable radiographic generator is provided with an explosive magnetic flux compression generator producing the high voltage necessary to generate a relativistic electron beam. The relativistic electron beam is provided with target materials which generates the desired radiographic pulse. The magnetic flux compression generator may require at least two conventional explosively driven generators in series to obtain a desired output voltage of at least 1 MV. The cathode and anode configuration of the diode are selected to provide a switching action wherein a high impedance load is presented to the magnetic flux compression generator when the high voltage is being generated, and thereafter switching to a low impedance load to generate the relativistic electron beam. Magnetic flux compression generators can be explosively driven and provided in a relatively compact, portable form for use with the relativistic x-ray equipment. 8 figs.

  7. Coherence of a spin-polarized electron beam emitted from a semiconductor photocathode in a transmission electron microscope

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kuwahara, Makoto, E-mail:; Saitoh, Koh; Tanaka, Nobuo


    The brightness and interference fringes of a spin-polarized electron beam extracted from a semiconductor photocathode excited by laser irradiation are directly measured via its use in a transmission electron microscope. The brightness was 3.8 × 10{sup 7 }A cm{sup −2 }sr{sup −1} for a 30-keV beam energy with the polarization of 82%, which corresponds to 3.1 × 10{sup 8 }A cm{sup −2 }sr{sup −1} for a 200-keV beam energy. The resulting electron beam exhibited a long coherence length at the specimen position due to the high parallelism of (1.7 ± 0.3) × 10{sup −5 }rad, which generated interference fringes representative of a first-order correlation using an electron biprism. The beam also had amore » high degeneracy of electron wavepacket of 4 × 10{sup −6}. Due to the high polarization, the high degeneracy and the long coherence length, the spin-polarized electron beam can enhance the antibunching effect.« less

  8. A multiple gap plasma cathode electron gun and its electron beam analysis in self and trigger breakdown modes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kumar, Niraj; Pal, Udit Narayan; Prakash, Ram

    In the present paper, a pseudospark discharge based multiple gap plasma cathode electron gun is reported which has been operated separately in self and trigger breakdown modes using two different gases, namely, argon and hydrogen. The beam current and beam energy have been analyzed using a concentric ring diagnostic arrangement. Two distinct electron beams are clearly seen with hollow cathode and conductive phases. The hollow cathode phase has been observed for ∼50 ns where the obtained electron beam is having low beam current density and high energy. While in conductive phase it is high current density and low energy electronmore » beam. It is inferred that in the hollow cathode phase the beam energy is more for the self breakdown case whereas the current density is more for the trigger breakdown case. The tailor made operation of the hollow cathode phase electron beam can play an important role in microwave generation. Up to 30% variation in the electron beam energy has been achieved keeping the same gas and by varying the breakdown mode operations. Also, up to 32% variation in the beam current density has been achieved for the trigger breakdown mode at optimized trigger position by varying the gas type.« less

  9. Precision Electron Beam Polarimetry in Hall C at Jefferson Lab

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gaskell, David


    The electron beam polarization in experimental Hall C at Jefferson Lab is measured using two devices. The Hall-C/Basel Møller polarimeter measures the beam polarization via electron-electron scattering and utilizes a novel target system in which a pure iron foil is driven to magnetic saturation (out of plane) using a superconducting solenoid. A Compton polarimeter measures the polarization via electron-photon scattering, where the photons are provided by a high-power, CW laser coupled to a low gain Fabry-Perot cavity. In this case, both the Compton-scattered electrons and backscattered photons provide measurements of the beam polarization. Results from both polarimeters, acquired during the Q-Weak experiment in Hall C, will be presented. In particular, the results of a test in which the Møller and Compton polarimeters made interleaving measurements at identical beam currents will be shown. In addition, plans for operation of both devices after completion of the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Upgrade will also be discussed.

  10. Theory, simulation and experiments for precise deflection control of radiotherapy electron beams.


    Figueroa, R; Leiva, J; Moncada, R; Rojas, L; Santibáñez, M; Valente, M; Velásquez, J; Young, H; Zelada, G; Yáñez, R; Guillen, Y


    Conventional radiotherapy is mainly applied by linear accelerators. Although linear accelerators provide dual (electron/photon) radiation beam modalities, both of them are intrinsically produced by a megavoltage electron current. Modern radiotherapy treatment techniques are based on suitable devices inserted or attached to conventional linear accelerators. Thus, precise control of delivered beam becomes a main key issue. This work presents an integral description of electron beam deflection control as required for novel radiotherapy technique based on convergent photon beam production. Theoretical and Monte Carlo approaches were initially used for designing and optimizing device´s components. Then, dedicated instrumentation was developed for experimental verification of electron beam deflection due to the designed magnets. Both Monte Carlo simulations and experimental results support the reliability of electrodynamics models used to predict megavoltage electron beam control. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. SU-F-T-68: Characterizes of Microdetectors in Electron Beam Dosimetry

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Das, I; Andersen, A; Akino, Y

    Purpose: Electron beam dosimetry requires high resolution data due to finite range that can be accomplished with small volume detectors. The small-field used in advance technologies in photon beam has created a market for microdetectors, however characteristics are significantly variable in photon beams and relatively unknown in electron beam that is investigated in this study. Methods: Among nearly 2 dozen microdetectors that have been investigated in small fields of photon beam, two popular detectors (microDiamond 60019 (PTW)) and W1 plastic scintillator detector (Standard Imaging)) that are tissue equivalent and have very small sensitive volume are selected. Electron beams from Varianmore » linear accelerators were used to investigate dose linearity dose rate dependence, energy dependence, depth dose and profiles in a reference condition in a water phantom. For W1 that has its own Supermax electrometer point by point measurements were performed. For microDiamond, a PTW-scanning tank was used for both scanning and point dose measurements. Results: W1 detector showed excellent dose linearity (r{sup 2} =1.0) from 5–500 MU either with variation of dose rate or beam energy. Similar findings were also observed for microdiamond with r{sup 2}=1.0. Percent variations in dose/MU for W1 and microDiamond were 0.2–1.1% and 0.4–1.2%, respectively among dose rate and beam energy. This variation was random for microDiamond, whereas it decreased with beam energy and dose rate for W1. The depth dose and profiles were within ±1 mm for both detectors. Both detectors did not show any energy dependence in electron beams. Conclusion: Both microDiamond and W1 detectors provided superior characteristics of beam parameters in electron beam including dose, dose rate linearity and energy independence. Both can be used in electron beam except W1 require point by point measurements and microdiamond requires 1500 MU for initial quenching.« less

  12. Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Investigations

    DTIC Science & Technology


    facility early it. the second year of the contract. An extensive X-ray radiation survey using TLD dosimeters indicated the need for some additional... Dosimeter for 105 to 107 Roentgen Range," Analytical Chemistry 28(10), 1580-2 (1956). 9. "Search and Discovery -- Update on free- electron lasers and...AFOSR-TR-7-3t f FINAL REPORT TO THE AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 00• on INTENSE RELATIVISTIC ELECTRON BEAM INVESTIGAZIONS AFOSR Contract

  13. Structured electron beams from nano-engineered cathodes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lueangaramwong, A.; Mihalcea, D.; Andonian, G.

    The ability to engineer cathodes at the nano-scale have open new possibilities such as enhancing quantum eciency via surface-plasmon excitation, forming ultra-low-emittance beams, or producing structured electron beams. In this paper we present numerical investigations of the beam dynamics associated to this class of cathode in the weak- and strong-field regimes.We finally discuss the possible applications of some of the achievable cathode patterns when coupled with other phase space manipulations.

  14. Electron-stimulated purification of platinum nanostructures grown via focused electron beam induced deposition.


    Lewis, Brett B; Stanford, Michael G; Fowlkes, Jason D; Lester, Kevin; Plank, Harald; Rack, Philip D


    Platinum-carbon nanostructures deposited via electron beam induced deposition from MeCpPt(IV)Me3 are purified during a post-deposition electron exposure treatment in a localized oxygen ambient at room temperature. Time-dependent studies demonstrate that the process occurs from the top-down. Electron beam energy and current studies demonstrate that the process is controlled by a confluence of the electron energy loss and oxygen concentration. Furthermore, the experimental results are modeled as a 2nd order reaction which is dependent on both the electron energy loss density and the oxygen concentration. In addition to purification, the post-deposition electron stimulated oxygen purification process enhances the resolution of the EBID process due to the isotropic carbon removal from the as-deposited materials which produces high-fidelity shape retention.

  15. Demonstration of self-truncated ionization injection for GeV electron beams

    PubMed Central

    Mirzaie, M.; Li, S.; Zeng, M.; Hafz, N. A. M.; Chen, M.; Li, G. Y.; Zhu, Q. J.; Liao, H.; Sokollik, T.; Liu, F.; Ma, Y. Y.; Chen, L.M.; Sheng, Z. M.; Zhang, J.


    Ionization-induced injection mechanism was introduced in 2010 to reduce the laser intensity threshold for controllable electron trapping in laser wakefield accelerators (LWFA). However, usually it generates electron beams with continuous energy spectra. Subsequently, a dual-stage target separating the injection and acceleration processes was regarded as essential to achieve narrow energy-spread electron beams by ionization injection. Recently, we numerically proposed a self-truncation scenario of the ionization injection process based upon overshooting of the laser-focusing in plasma which can reduce the electron injection length down to a few hundred micrometers, leading to accelerated beams with extremely low energy-spread in a single-stage. Here, using 100 TW-class laser pulses we report experimental observations of this injection scenario in centimeter-long plasma leading to the generation of narrow energy-spread GeV electron beams, demonstrating its robustness and scalability. Compared with the self-injection and dual-stage schemes, the self-truncated ionization injection generates higher-quality electron beams at lower intensities and densities, and is therefore promising for practical applications. PMID:26423136

  16. Combination photo and electron beam lithography with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) resist.


    Carbaugh, Daniel J; Pandya, Sneha G; Wright, Jason T; Kaya, Savas; Rahman, Faiz


    We describe techniques for performing photolithography and electron beam lithography in succession on the same resist-covered substrate. Larger openings are defined in the resist film through photolithography whereas smaller openings are defined through conventional electron beam lithography. The two processes are carried out one after the other and without an intermediate wet development step. At the conclusion of the two exposures, the resist film is developed once to reveal both large and small openings. Interestingly, these techniques are applicable to both positive and negative tone lithographies with both optical and electron beam exposure. Polymethyl methacrylate, by itself or mixed with a photocatalytic cross-linking agent, is used for this purpose. We demonstrate that such resists are sensitive to both ultraviolet and electron beam irradiation. All four possible combinations, consisting of optical and electron beam lithographies, carried out in positive and negative tone modes have been described. Demonstration grating structures have been shown and process conditions have been described for all four cases.

  17. High-current fast electron beam propagation in a dielectric target.


    Klimo, Ondrej; Tikhonchuk, V T; Debayle, A


    Recent experiments demonstrate an efficient transformation of high intensity laser pulse into a relativistic electron beam with a very high current density exceeding 10(12) A cm(-2). The propagation of such a beam inside the target is possible if its current is neutralized. This phenomenon is not well understood, especially in dielectric targets. In this paper, we study the propagation of high current density electron beam in a plastic target using a particle-in-cell simulation code. The code includes both ionization of the plastic and collisions of newborn electrons. The numerical results are compared with a relatively simple analytical model and a reasonable agreement is found. The temporal evolution of the beam velocity distribution, the spatial density profile, and the propagation velocity of the ionization front are analyzed and their dependencies on the beam density and energy are discussed. The beam energy losses are mainly due to the target ionization induced by the self-generated electric field and the return current. For the highest beam density, a two-stream instability is observed to develop in the plasma behind the ionization front and it contributes to the beam energy losses.

  18. Electron beam irradiation of gemstone for color enhancement

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Idris, Sarada; Ghazali, Zulkafli; Hashim, Siti A'iasah; Ahmad, Shamshad; Jusoh, Mohd Suhaimi


    Numerous treatment of gemstones has been going on for hundreds of years for enhancing color and clarity of gems devoid of these attributes. Whereas previous practices included fraudulent or otherwise processes to achieve the color enhancement, the ionizing radiation has proven to be a reliable and reproducible technique. Three types of irradiation processes include exposure to gamma radiation, electron beam irradiation and the nuclear power plants. Electron Beam Irradiation of Gemstone is a technique in which a gemstone is exposed to highly ionizing radiation electron beam to knock off electrons to generate color centers culminating in introduction of deeper colors. The color centers may be stable or unstable. Below 9MeV, normally no radioactivity is introduced in the exposed gems. A study was conducted at Electron Beam Irradiation Centre (Alurtron) for gemstone color enhancement by using different kind of precious gemstones obtained from Pakistan. The study shows that EB irradiation not only enhances the color but can also improves the clarity of some type of gemstones. The treated stones included kunzite, tourmaline, topaz, quartz, aquamarine and cultured pearls. Doses ranging from 25 kGy to 200 KGy were employed to assess the influence of doses on color and clarity and to select the optimum doses. The samples used included both the natural and the faceted gemstones. It is concluded that significant revenue generation is associated with the enhancement of the color in clarity of gemstones which are available at very cheap price in the world market.

  19. Electron beam generation in the turbulent plasma of Z-pinch discharges

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vikhrev, Victor V.; Baronova, Elena O.


    Numerical modeling of the process of electron beam generation in z-pinch discharges are presented. The proposed model represents the electron beam generation under turbulent plasma conditions. Strong current distribution inhomogeneity in the plasma column has been accounted for the adequate generation process investigation. Electron beam is generated near the maximum of compression due to run away mechanism and it is not related with the current break effect.

  20. Instantaneous electron beam emittance measurement system based on the optical transition radiation principle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jiang, Xiao-Guo; Wang, Yuan; Zhang, Kai-Zhi; Yang, Guo-Jun; Shi, Jin-Shui; Deng, Jian-Jun; Li, Jin


    One kind of instantaneous electron beam emittance measurement system based on the optical transition radiation principle and double imaging optical method has been set up. It is mainly adopted in the test for the intense electron-beam produced by a linear induction accelerator. The system features two characteristics. The first one concerns the system synchronization signal triggered by the following edge of the main output waveform from a Blumlein switch. The synchronous precision of about 1 ns between the electron beam and the image capture time can be reached in this way so that the electron beam emittance at the desired time point can be obtained. The other advantage of the system is the ability to obtain the beam spot and beam divergence in one measurement so that the calculated result is the true beam emittance at that time, which can explain the electron beam condition. It provides to be a powerful beam diagnostic method for a 2.5 kA, 18.5 MeV, 90 ns (FWHM) electron beam pulse produced by Dragon I. The ability of the instantaneous measurement is about 3 ns and it can measure the beam emittance at any time point during one beam pulse. A series of beam emittances have been obtained for Dragon I. The typical beam spot is 9.0 mm (FWHM) in diameter and the corresponding beam divergence is about 10.5 mrad.

  1. Electron beam induced current in the high injection regime.


    Haney, Paul M; Yoon, Heayoung P; Koirala, Prakash; Collins, Robert W; Zhitenev, Nikolai B


    Electron beam induced current (EBIC) is a powerful technique which measures the charge collection efficiency of photovoltaics with sub-micron spatial resolution. The exciting electron beam results in a high generation rate density of electron-hole pairs, which may drive the system into nonlinear regimes. An analytic model is presented which describes the EBIC response when the total electron-hole pair generation rate exceeds the rate at which carriers are extracted by the photovoltaic cell, and charge accumulation and screening occur. The model provides a simple estimate of the onset of the high injection regime in terms of the material resistivity and thickness, and provides a straightforward way to predict the EBIC lineshape in the high injection regime. The model is verified by comparing its predictions to numerical simulations in one- and two-dimensions. Features of the experimental data, such as the magnitude and position of maximum collection efficiency versus electron beam current, are consistent with the three-dimensional model.

  2. Generation of runaway electron beams in high-pressure nitrogen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tarasenko, V. F.; Burachenko, A. G.; Baksht, E. Kh


    In this paper the results of experimental studies of the amplitude-temporal characteristics of a runaway electron beam, as well as breakdown voltage in nitrogen are presented. The voltage pulses with the amplitude in incident wave ≈120 kV and the rise time of ≈0.3 ns was used. The supershort avalanche electron beam (SAEB) was detected by a collector behind the flat anode. The amplitude-time characteristics of the voltage and SAEB current were studied with subnanosecond time resolution. The maximum pressure at which a SAEB is detectable by collector was ∼1 MPa. This pressure increases with decreasing the voltage rise time. The waveforms of the discharge and runaway electron beam currents was synchronized with the voltage pulses. The mechanism of the runaway electron generation in atmospheric-pressure gases is analyzed on the basis of the obtained experimental data.

  3. Mixed feed and its ingredients electron beam decontamination

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bezuglov, V. V.; Bryazgin, A. A.; Vlasov, A. Yu; Voronin, L. A.; Ites, Yu V.; Korobeynikov, M. V.; Leonov, S. V.; Leonova, M. A.; Tkachenko, V. O.; Shtarklev, E. A.; Yuskov, Yu G.


    Electron beam treatment is used for food processing for decades to prevent or minimize food losses and prolong storage time. This process is also named cold pasteurization. Mixed feed ingredients supplied in Russia regularly occur to be contaminated. To reduce contamination level the contaminated mixed feed ingredients samples were treated by electron beam with doses from 2 to 12 kGy. The contamination levels were decreased to the level that ensuring storage time up to 1 year.

  4. Electron beam agrobionanotechnologies for agriculture and food industry enabled by electron accelerators

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pavlov, Y. S.; Revina, A. A.; Souvorova, O. V.; Voropaeva, N. L.; Chekmar, D. V.; Abkhalimov, E. V.; Zavyalov, M. A.; Filippovich, V. P.


    Electron beam (EB) radiation technologies have been employed to increase efficiency of biologically active nanochips developed for agricultural plants seed pre-treatment with purpose of enhancing crop yield and productivity. Iron-containing nanoparticles (NPs), synthesized in reverse micelles following known radiation-chemical technique, have served as a multifunctional biologically active and phytosanitary substance of the chips. Porous chip carriers activation has been performed by EB ionization (doze 20kGy) of the active carbons (AC) prepared from agricultural waste and by-products: Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) straw, rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera Metzg) straw, camelina (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz) straw, wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw. Three methods, UV-VIS spectrophotometry, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry (CV) have been used for process control and characterization of radiation-activated and NPs-modified ACs. The results show a notable effect of ACs activation by electron beam radiation, evidenced by FeNPs-adsorption capacity increase. Studies of the impact of Fe NPs-containing nanochip technology on enhancement of seeds germination rate and seedlings vigour suggest that reported electron beam radiation treatment techniques of the ACs from selected agricultural residues may be advantageous for industrial application.

  5. Note: Design of transverse electron gun for electron beam based reactive evaporation system.


    Maiti, Namita; Barve, U D; Bhatia, M S; Das, A K


    In this paper design of a 10 kV, 10 kW transverse electron gun, suitable for reactive evaporation, supported by simulation and modeling, is presented. Simulation of the electron beam trajectory helps in locating the emergence aperture after 90° bend and also in designing the crucible on which the beam is finally incident after 270° bend. The dimension of emergence aperture plays a vital role in designing the differential pumping system between the gun chamber and the substrate chamber. Experimental validation is done for beam trajectory by piercing a stainless steel plate at 90° position which is kept above the crucible.

  6. Scaling relations for a needle-like electron beam plasma from the self-similar behavior in beam propagation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bai, Xiaoyan; Chen, Chen; Li, Hong; Liu, Wandong; Chen, Wei


    Scaling relations of the main parameters of a needle-like electron beam plasma (EBP) to the initial beam energy, beam current, and discharge pressures are presented. The relations characterize the main features of the plasma in three parameter space and can provide great convenience in plasma design with electron beams. First, starting from the self-similar behavior of electron beam propagation, energy and charge depositions in beam propagation were expressed analytically as functions of the three parameters. Second, according to the complete coupled theoretical model of an EBP and appropriate assumptions, independent equations controlling the density and space charges were derived. Analytical expressions for the density and charges versus functions of energy and charge depositions were obtained. Finally, with the combination of the expressions derived in the above two steps, scaling relations of the density and potential to the three parameters were constructed. Meanwhile, numerical simulations were used to test part of the scaling relations.

  7. Surface dose measurements for highly oblique electron beams.


    Ostwald, P M; Kron, T


    Clinical applications of electrons may involve oblique incidence of beams, and although dose variations for angles up to 60 degrees from normal incidence are well documented, no results are available for highly oblique beams. Surface dose measurements in highly oblique beams were made using parallel-plate ion chambers and both standard LiF:Mg, Ti and carbon-loaded LiF Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLD). Obliquity factors (OBF) or surface dose at an oblique angle divided by the surface dose at perpendicular incidence, were obtained for electron energies between 4 and 20 MeV. Measurements were performed on a flat solid water phantom without a collimator at 100 cm SSD. Comparisons were also made to collimated beams. The OBFs of surface doses plotted against the angle of incidence increased to a maximum dose followed by a rapid dropoff in dose. The increase in OBF was more rapid for higher energies. The maximum OBF occurred at larger angles for higher-energy beams and ranged from 73 degrees for 4 MeV to 84 degrees for 20 MeV. At the dose maximum, OBFs were between 130% and 160% of direct beam doses, yielding surface doses of up to 150% of Dmax for the 20 MeV beam. At 2 mm depth the dose ratio was found to increase initially with angle and then decrease as Dmax moved closer to the surface. A higher maximum dose was measured at 2 mm depth than at the surface. A comparison of ion chamber types showed that a chamber with a small electrode spacing and large guard ring is required for oblique dose measurement. A semiempirical equation was used to model the dose increase at the surface with different energy electron beams.

  8. Effect of electron beam cooling on transversal and longitudinal emittance of an external proton beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kilian, K.; Machner, H.; Magiera, A.; Prasuhn, D.; von Rossen, P.; Siudak, R.; Stein, H. J.; Stockhorst, H.


    Benefits of electron cooling to the quality of extracted ion beams from storage rings are discussed. The transversal emittances of an external proton beam with and without electron cooling at injection energy are measured with the GEM detector assembly. While the horizontal emittance remains the vertical emittance shrinks by the cooling process. The longitudinal momentum variance is also reduced by cooling.

  9. Modeling Electronic Quantum Transport with Machine Learning


    Lopez Bezanilla, Alejandro; von Lilienfeld Toal, Otto A.


    We present a machine learning approach to solve electronic quantum transport equations of one-dimensional nanostructures. The transmission coefficients of disordered systems were computed to provide training and test data sets to the machine. The system’s representation encodes energetic as well as geometrical information to characterize similarities between disordered configurations, while the Euclidean norm is used as a measure of similarity. Errors for out-of-sample predictions systematically decrease with training set size, enabling the accurate and fast prediction of new transmission coefficients. The remarkable performance of our model to capture the complexity of interference phenomena lends further support to its viability inmore » dealing with transport problems of undulatory nature.« less

  10. Electron-Beam Diagnostic Methods for Hypersonic Flow Diagnostics

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The purpose of this work was the evaluation of the use of electron-bean fluorescence for flow measurements during hypersonic flight. Both analytical and numerical models were developed in this investigation to evaluate quantitatively flow field imaging concepts based upon the electron beam fluorescence technique for use in flight research and wind tunnel applications. Specific models were developed for: (1) fluorescence excitation/emission for nitrogen, (2) rotational fluorescence spectrum for nitrogen, (3) single and multiple scattering of electrons in a variable density medium, (4) spatial and spectral distribution of fluorescence, (5) measurement of rotational temperature and density, (6) optical filter design for fluorescence imaging, and (7) temperature accuracy and signal acquisition time requirements. Application of these models to a typical hypersonic wind tunnel flow is presented. In particular, the capability of simulating the fluorescence resulting from electron impact ionization in a variable density nitrogen or air flow provides the capability to evaluate the design of imaging instruments for flow field mapping. The result of this analysis is a recommendation that quantitative measurements of hypersonic flow fields using electron-bean fluorescence is a tractable method with electron beam energies of 100 keV. With lower electron energies, electron scattering increases with significant beam divergence which makes quantitative imaging difficult. The potential application of the analytical and numerical models developed in this work is in the design of a flow field imaging instrument for use in hypersonic wind tunnels or onboard a flight research vehicle.

  11. Coulomb repulsion and the electron beam directed energy weapon

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Retsky, Michael W.


    Mutual repulsion of discrete charged particles or Coulomb repulsion is widely considered to be an ultimate hard limit in charged particle optics. It prevents the ability to finely focus high current beams into small spots at large distances from defining apertures. A classic example is the 1970s era "Star Wars" study of an electron beam directed energy weapon as an orbiting antiballistic missile device. After much analysis, it was considered physically impossible to focus a 1000-amp 1-GeV beam into a 1-cm diameter spot 1000-km from the beam generator. The main reason was that a 1-cm diameter beam would spread to 5-m diameter at 1000-km due to Coulomb repulsion. Since this could not be overcome, the idea was abandoned. But is this true? What if the rays were reversed? That is, start with a 5-m beam converging slightly with the same nonuniform angular and energy distribution as the electrons from the original problem were spreading at 1000-km distance. Could Coulomb repulsion be overcome? Looking at the terms in computational studies, some are reversible while others are not. Based on estimates, the nonreversible terms should be small - of the order of 0.1 mm. If this is true, it is possible to design a practical electron beam directed weapon not limited by Coulomb repulsion.

  12. Retarding field energy analyzer for high energy pulsed electron beam measurements.


    Hu, Jing; Rovey, Joshua L; Zhao, Wansheng


    A retarding field energy analyzer (RFEA) designed specifically for high energy pulsed electron beam measurements is described in this work. By proper design of the entrance grid, attenuation grid, and beam collector, this RFEA is capable of determining the time-resolved energy distribution of high energy pulsed electron beams normally generated under "soft vacuum" environment. The performance of the RFEA is validated by multiple tests of the leakage current, attenuation coefficient, and response time. The test results show that the retarding potential in the RFEA can go up to the same voltage as the electron beam source, which is 20 kV for the maximum in this work. Additionally, an attenuation coefficient of 4.2 is obtained in the RFEA while the percent difference of the rise time of the electron beam pulse before and after attenuation is lower than 10%. When compared with a reference source, the percent difference of the RFEA response time is less than 10% for fall times greater than 35 ns. Finally, the test results of the 10 kV pseudospark-based pulsed electron beam currents collected under varying retarding potentials are presented in this paper.

  13. Tomographic determination of the power distribution in electron beams


    Teruya, Alan T.; Elmer, John W.


    A tomographic technique for determining the power distribution of an electron beam using electron beam profile data acquired from a modified Faraday cup to create an image of the current density in high and low power beams. A refractory metal disk with a number of radially extending slits is placed above a Faraday cup. The beam is swept in a circular pattern so that its path crosses each slit in a perpendicular manner, thus acquiring all the data needed for a reconstruction in one circular sweep. Also, a single computer is used to generate the signals actuating the sweep, to acquire that data, and to do the reconstruction, thus reducing the time and equipment necessary to complete the process.

  14. Longitudinal bunch shaping of picosecond high-charge MeV electron beams


    Beaudoin, B. L.; Thangaraj, J. C. T.; Edstrom, Jr., D.; ...


    With ever increasing demands for intensities in modern accelerators, the understanding of space-charge effects becomes crucial. Herein are presented measurements of optically shaped picosecond-long electron beams in a superconducting L-band linac over a wide range of charges, from 0.2 nC to 3.4 nC. At low charges, the shape of the electron beam is preserved, while at higher charge densities, modulations on the beam convert to energy modulations. Here, energy profile measurements using a spectrometer and time profile measurements using a streak camera reveal the dynamics of longitudinal space-charge on MeV-scale electron beams.

  15. Influence of the electrode gap separation on the pseudospark-sourced electron beam generation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhao, J., E-mail:; State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, West Xianning Road, Xi'an 710049; Department of Physics, SUPA, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G4 0NG Scotland

    Pseudospark-sourced electron beam is a self-focused intense electron beam which can propagate without any external focusing magnetic field. This electron beam can drive a beam-wave interaction directly or after being post-accelerated. It is especially suitable for terahertz radiation generation due to the ability of a pseudospark discharge to produce small size in the micron range and very high current density and bright electron beams. In this paper, a single-gap pseudospark discharge chamber has been built and tested with several electrode gap separations to explore the dependence of the pseudospark-sourced electron beam current on the discharge voltage and the electrode gapmore » separation. Experimental results show that the beam pulses have similar pulse width and delay time from the distinct drop of the applied voltage for smaller electrode gap separations but longer delay time for the largest gap separation used in the experiment. It has been found that the electron beam only starts to occur when the charging voltage is above a certain value, which is defined as the starting voltage of the electron beam. The starting voltage is different for different electrode gap separations and decreases with increasing electrode gap separation in our pseudospark discharge configuration. The electron beam current increases with the increasing discharge voltage following two tendencies. Under the same discharge voltage, the configuration with the larger electrode gap separation will generate higher electron beam current. When the discharge voltage is higher than 10 kV, the beam current generated at the electrode gap separation of 17.0 mm, is much higher than that generated at smaller gap separations. The ionization of the neutral gas in the main gap is inferred to contribute more to the current increase with increasing electrode gap separation.« less

  16. Comparative dosimetric characterization for different types of detectors in high-energy electron beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Chang Yeol; Kim, Woo Chul; Kim, Hun Jeong; Huh, Hyun Do; Park, Seungwoo; Choi, Sang Hyoun; Kim, Kum Bae; Min, Chul Kee; Kim, Seong Hoon; Shin, Dong Oh


    The purpose of this study is to perform a comparison and on analysis of measured dose factor values by using various commercially available high-energy electron beam detectors to measure dose profiles and energy property data. By analyzing the high-energy electron beam data from each detector, we determined the optimal detector for measuring electron beams in clinical applications. The dose linearity, dose-rate dependence, percentage depth dose, and dose profile of each detector were measured to evaluate the dosimetry characteristics of high-energy electron beams. The dose profile and the energy characteristics of high-energy electron beams were found to be different when measured by different detectors. Through comparison with other detectors based on the analyzed data, the microdiamond detector was found to have outstanding dose linearity, a low dose-rate dependency, and a small effective volume. Thus, this detector has outstanding spatial resolution and is the optimal detector for measuring electron beams. Radiation therapy results can be improved and related medical accidents can be prevented by using the procedure developed in this research in clinical practice for all beam detectors when measuring the electron beam dose.

  17. Electron beam deflection control system of a welding and surface modification installation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Koleva, E.; Dzharov, V.; Gerasimov, V.; Tsvetkov, K.; Mladenov, G.


    In the present work, we examined the patterns of the electron beam motion when controlling the transverse with respect to the axis of the beam homogeneous magnetic field created by the coils of the deflection system the electron gun. During electron beam processes, the beam motion is determined the process type (welding, surface modification, etc.), the technological mode, the design dimensions of the electron gun and the shape of the processed samples. The electron beam motion is defined by the cumulative action of two cosine-like control signals generated by a functional generator. The signal control is related to changing the amplitudes, frequencies and phases (phase differences) of the generated voltages. We realized the motion control by applying a graphical user interface developed by us and an Arduino Uno programmable microcontroller. The signals generated were calibrated using experimental data from the available functional generator. The free and precise motion on arbitrary trajectories determines the possible applications of an electron beam process to carrying out various scientific research tasks in material processing.

  18. Electron-stimulated purification of platinum nanostructures grown via focused electron beam induced deposition


    Lewis, Brett B.; Stanford, Michael G.; Fowlkes, Jason D.; ...


    In this paper, platinum–carbon nanostructures deposited via electron beam induced deposition from MeCpPt(IV)Me 3 are purified during a post-deposition electron exposure treatment in a localized oxygen ambient at room temperature. Time-dependent studies demonstrate that the process occurs from the top–down. Electron beam energy and current studies demonstrate that the process is controlled by a confluence of the electron energy loss and oxygen concentration. Furthermore, the experimental results are modeled as a 2nd order reaction which is dependent on both the electron energy loss density and the oxygen concentration. Finally, in addition to purification, the post-deposition electron stimulated oxygen purification processmore » enhances the resolution of the EBID process due to the isotropic carbon removal from the as-deposited materials which produces high-fidelity shape retention.« less

  19. Power distribution for electron beam welding

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Edwards, E.


    The power distribution of an electron seam is analyzed. Digital computer techniques are used to evaluate the radial distribution of power detected by a wire probe circulating through the beam. Results are reported.

  20. Simulation of electron beam formation and transport in a gas-filled electron-optical system with a plasma emitter

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Grishkov, A. A.; Kornilov, S. Yu., E-mail:; Rempe, N. G.


    The results of computer simulations of the electron-optical system of an electron gun with a plasma emitter are presented. The simulations are performed using the KOBRA3-INP, XOOPIC, and ANSYS codes. The results describe the electron beam formation and transport. The electron trajectories are analyzed. The mechanisms of gas influence on the energy inhomogeneity of the beam and its current in the regions of beam primary formation, acceleration, and transport are described. Recommendations for optimizing the electron-optical system with a plasma emitter are presented.

  1. Simulation and optimization of a 10 A electron gun with electrostatic compression for the electron beam ion source.


    Pikin, A; Beebe, E N; Raparia, D


    Increasing the current density of the electron beam in the ion trap of the Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) in BNL's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider facility would confer several essential benefits. They include increasing the ions' charge states, and therefore, the ions' energy out of the Booster for NASA applications, reducing the influx of residual ions in the ion trap, lowering the average power load on the electron collector, and possibly also reducing the emittance of the extracted ion beam. Here, we discuss our findings from a computer simulation of an electron gun with electrostatic compression for electron current up to 10 A that can deliver a high-current-density electron beam for EBIS. The magnetic field in the cathode-anode gap is formed with a magnetic shield surrounding the gun electrodes and the residual magnetic field on the cathode is (5 ÷ 6) Gs. It was demonstrated that for optimized gun geometry within the electron beam current range of (0.5 ÷ 10) A the amplitude of radial beam oscillations can be maintained close to 4% of the beam radius by adjusting the injection magnetic field generated by a separate magnetic coil. Simulating the performance of the gun by varying geometrical parameters indicated that the original gun model is close to optimum and the requirements to the precision of positioning the gun elements can be easily met with conventional technology.

  2. Electron beam irradiation effects on ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer films

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nasef, Mohamed Mahmoud; Saidi, Hamdani; Dahlan, Khairul Zaman M.


    The effects of electron beam irradiation on ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer (ETFE) films were studied. Samples were irradiated in air at room temperature by a universal electron beam accelerator for doses ranging from 100 to 1200 kGy. Irradiated samples were investigated with respect to their chemical structure, thermal characteristics, crystallinity and mechanical properties using FTIR, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and universal mechanical tester. The interaction of electron irradiation with ETFE films was found to induce dose-dependent changes in all the investigated properties. A mechanism for electron-induced reactions is proposed to explain the structure-property behaviour of irradiated ETFE films.

  3. Leakage conduction behavior in electron-beam-cured nanoporous silicate films

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Po-Tsun; Tsai, T. M.; Chang, T. C.


    This letter explores the application of electron-beam curing on nanoporous silicate films. The electrical conduction mechanism for the nanoporous silicate film cured by electron-beam radiation has been studied with metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitors. Electrical analyses over a varying temperature range from room temperature to 150°C provide evidence for space-charge-limited conduction in the electron-beam-cured thin film, while Schottky-emission-type leaky behavior is seen in the counterpart typically cured by a thermal furnace. A physical model consistent with electrical analyses is also proposed to deduce the origin of conduction behavior in the nanoporous silicate thin film.

  4. Suppression of shot noise and spontaneous radiation in electron beams

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Shot noise in the electron beam distribution is the main source of noise in high-gain FEL amplifiers, which may affect applications ranging from single- and multi-stage HGHG FELs to an FEL amplifier for coherent electron cooling. This noise also imposes a fundamental limit of about 10{sup 6} on FEL gain, after which SASE FELs saturate. There are several advantages in strongly suppressing this shot noise in the electron beam, and the corresponding spontaneous radiation. For more than a half-century, a traditional passive method has been used successfully in practical low-energy microwave electronic devices to suppress shot noise. Recently, it wasmore » proposed for this purpose in FELs. However, being passive, the method has some significant limitations and is hardly suitable for the highly inhomogeneous beams of modern high-gain FELs. I present a novel active method of suppressing, by many orders-of-magnitude, the shot noise in relativistic electron beams. I give a theoretical description of the process, and detail its fundamental limitation.« less

  5. Apparatus and method for compensating for electron beam emittance in synchronizing light sources


    Neil, George R.


    A focused optical beam is used to change the path length of the core electrons in electron light sources thereby boosting their efficiency of conversion of electron beam energy to light. Both coherent light in the free electron laser and incoherent light in the synchrotron is boosted by this technique. By changing the path length of the core electrons by the proper amount, the core electrons are caused to stay in phase with the electrons in the outer distribution of the electron beam. This increases the fraction of the electron beam energy that is converted to light thereby improving the efficiency of conversion of energy to light and therefore boosting the power output of the free electron laser and synchrotron.

  6. Apparatus and method for compensating for electron beam emittance in synchronizing light sources


    Neil, G.R.


    A focused optical beam is used to change the path length of the core electrons in electron light sources thereby boosting their efficiency of conversion of electron beam energy to light. Both coherent light in the free electron laser and incoherent light in the synchrotron is boosted by this technique. By changing the path length of the core electrons by the proper amount, the core electrons are caused to stay in phase with the electrons in the outer distribution of the electron beam. This increases the fraction of the electron beam energy that is converted to light thereby improving the efficiency of conversion of energy to light and therefore boosting the power output of the free electron laser and synchrotron. 4 figs.

  7. Simulation study of interactions of Space Shuttle-generated electron beams with ambient plasmas

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lin, Chin S.


    This report summarizes results obtained through the support of NASA Grant NAGW-1936. The objective of this report is to conduct large scale simulations of electron beams injected into space. The topics covered include the following: (1) simulation of radial expansion of an injected electron beam; (2) simulations of the active injections of electron beams; (3) parameter study of electron beam injection into an ionospheric plasma; and (4) magnetosheath-ionospheric plasma interactions in the cusp.

  8. The X-ray Detectability of Electron Beams Escaping from the Sun

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saint-Hilaire, Pascal; Krucker, Säm; Christe, Steven; Lin, Robert P.


    We study the detectability and characterization of electron beams as they leave their acceleration site in the low corona toward interplanetary space through their nonthermal X-ray bremsstrahlung emission. We demonstrate that the largest interplanetary electron beams (gsim1035 electrons above 10 keV) can be detected in X-rays with current and future instrumentation, such as RHESSI or the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) onboard Hinode. We make a list of optimal observing conditions and beam characteristics. Amongst others, good imaging (as opposed to mere localization or detection in spatially integrated data) is required for proper characterization, putting the requirement on the number of escaping electrons (above 10 keV) to gsim3 × 1036 for RHESSI, gsim3 × 1035 for Hinode/XRT, and gsim1033 electrons for the FOXSI sounding rocket scheduled to fly in 2011. Moreover, we have found that simple modeling hints at the possibility that coronal soft X-ray jets could be the result of local heating by propagating electron beams.

  9. Vlasov analysis of microbunching instability for magnetized beams


    Tsai, C. -Y.; Derbenev, Ya. S.; Douglas, D.; ...


    For a high-brightness electron beam with low energy and high bunch charge traversing a recirculation beamline, coherent synchrotron radiation and space charge effect may result in the microbunching instability (MBI). Both tracking simulation and Vlasov analysis for an early design of Circulator Cooler Ring for the Jefferson Lab Electron Ion Collider reveal significant MBI. It is envisioned these could be substantially suppressed by using a magnetized beam. In this work, we extend the existing Vlasov analysis, originally developed for a non-magnetized beam, to the description of transport of a magnetized beam including relevant collective effects. As a result, the newmore » formulation will be further employed to confirm prediction of microbunching suppression for a magnetized beam transport in a recirculating machine design.« less

  10. Double deflection system for an electron beam device


    Parker, Norman W.; Golladay, Steven D.; Crewe, Albert V.


    A double deflection scanning system for electron beam instruments is provided embodying a means of correcting isotropic coma, and anisotropic coma aberrations induced by the magnetic lens of such an instrument. The scanning system deflects the beam prior to entry into the magnetic lens from the normal on-axis intersection of the beam with the lens according to predetermined formulas and thereby reduces the aberrations.

  11. Fast and precise processing of material by means of an intensive electron beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beisswenger, S.


    For engraving a picture carrying screen of cells into the copper-surface of gravure cylinders, an electron beam system was developed. Numerical computations of the power density in the image planes of the electron beam determined the design of the electron optical assembly. A highly stable electron beam of high power density is generated by a ribbon-like cathode. A system of magnetic lenses is used for fast control of the engraving processes and for dynamic changing of the electron optical demagnification. The electron beam engraving system is capable of engraving up to 150,000 gravure cells per sec.

  12. Return Current Electron Beams and Their Generation of "Raman" Scattering

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Simon, A.


    For some years, we(A. Simon and R. W. Short, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53), 1912 (1984). have proposed that the only reasonable explanation for many of the observations of "Raman" scattering is the presence of an electron beam in the plasma. (The beam creates a bump-on-tail instability.) Two major objections to this picture have been observation of Raman when no n_c/4 surface was present, with no likely source for the electron beam, and the necessity for the initially outward directed beam to bounce once to create the proper waves. Now new observations on LLE's OMEGA(R. Petrasso et al), this conference. and at LULI(C. Labaune et al)., Phys. Plasma 5, 234 (1998). have suggested a new origin for the electron beam. This new scenario answers the previous objections, maintains electron beams as the explanation of the older experiments, and may clear up puzzling observations that have remained unexplained. The new scenario is based on two assumptions: (1) High positive potentials develop in target plasmas during their creation. (2) A high-intensity laser beam initiates spark discharges from nearby surfaces to the target plasma. The resulting return current of electrons should be much more delta-like, is initially inwardly directed, and no longer requires the continued presence of a n_c/4 surface. Scattering of the interaction beam from the BOT waves yields the observed Raman signal. Experimental observations that support this picture will be cited. ``Pulsation'' of the scattering and broadband ``flashes'' are a natural part of this scenario. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Inertial Confinement Fusion under Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC03-92SF19460.

  13. Electron beam irradiation of gemstone for color enhancement

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Idris, Sarada; Ghazali, Zulkafli; Hashim, Siti A'iasah


    Numerous treatment of gemstones has been going on for hundreds of years for enhancing color and clarity of gems devoid of these attributes. Whereas previous practices included fraudulent or otherwise processes to achieve the color enhancement, the ionizing radiation has proven to be a reliable and reproducible technique. Three types of irradiation processes include exposure to gamma radiation, electron beam irradiation and the nuclear power plants. Electron Beam Irradiation of Gemstone is a technique in which a gemstone is exposed to highly ionizing radiation electron beam to knock off electrons to generate color centers culminating in introduction of deeper colors.more » The color centers may be stable or unstable. Below 9MeV, normally no radioactivity is introduced in the exposed gems. A study was conducted at Electron Beam Irradiation Centre (Alurtron) for gemstone color enhancement by using different kind of precious gemstones obtained from Pakistan. The study shows that EB irradiation not only enhances the color but can also improves the clarity of some type of gemstones. The treated stones included kunzite, tourmaline, topaz, quartz, aquamarine and cultured pearls. Doses ranging from 25 kGy to 200 KGy were employed to assess the influence of doses on color and clarity and to select the optimum doses. The samples used included both the natural and the faceted gemstones. It is concluded that significant revenue generation is associated with the enhancement of the color in clarity of gemstones which are available at very cheap price in the world market.« less

  14. Simulations of Large-Area Electron Beam Diodes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Swanekamp, S. B.; Friedman, M.; Ludeking, L.; Smithe, D.; Obenschain, S. P.


    Large area electron beam diodes are typically used to pump the amplifiers of KrF lasers. Simulations of large-area electron beam diodes using the particle-in-cell code MAGIC3D have shown the electron flow in the diode to be unstable. Since this instability can potentially produce a non-uniform current and energy distribution in the hibachi structure and lasing medium it can be detrimental to laser efficiency. These results are similar to simulations performed using the ISIS code.(M.E. Jones and V.A. Thomas, Proceedings of the 8^th) International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams, 665 (1990). We have identified the instability as the so called ``transit-time" instability(C.K. Birdsall and W.B. Bridges, Electrodynamics of Diode Regions), (Academic Press, New York, 1966).^,(T.M. Antonsen, W.H. Miner, E. Ott, and A.T. Drobot, Phys. Fluids 27), 1257 (1984). and have investigated the role of the applied magnetic field and diode geometry. Experiments are underway to characterize the instability on the Nike KrF laser system and will be compared to simulation. Also some possible ways to mitigate the instability will be presented.

  15. High efficiency tapered free-electron lasers with a prebunched electron beam


    Emma, C.; Sudar, N.; Musumeci, P.; ...


    In this study we analyze the high gain, high efficiency tapered free-electron laser amplifier with a prebunched electron beam. Simple scaling laws are derived for the peak output power and extraction efficiency and verified using 1D simulations. These studies provide useful analytical expressions which highlight the benefits resulting from fine control of the initial conditions of the system, namely the initial electron beam bunching and input seed radiation. When time-dependent effects are included, the sideband instability is known to limit the radiation amplification due to particle detrapping. We discuss two different approaches to mitigate the sideband growth via 1-D timemore » dependent simulations. We find that a more aggressive taper enabled by strong prebunching and a modulation of the resonance condition are both effective methods for suppressing the sideband instability growth rate.« less

  16. The Equilibrium State of Colliding Electron Beams

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Warnock, R


    We study a nonlinear integral equation that is a necessary condition on the equilibrium phase space distribution function of stored, colliding electron beams. It is analogous to the Haissinski equation, being derived from Vlasov-Fokker-Planck theory, but is quite different in form. The equation is analyzed for the case of the Chao-Ruth model of the beam-beam interaction in one degree of freedom, a so-called strong-strong model with nonlinear beam-beam force. We prove existence of a unique solution, for sufficiently small beam current, by an application of the implicit function theorem. We have not yet proved that this solution is positive, asmore » would be required to establish existence of an equilibrium. There is, however, numerical evidence of a positive solution. We expect that our analysis can be extended to more realistic models.« less

  17. Modeling electron beam parameters and plasma interface position in an anode plasma electron gun with hydrogen atmosphere

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krauze, A.; Virbulis, J.; Kravtsov, A.


    A beam glow discharge based electron gun can be applied as heater for silicon crystal growth systems in which silicon rods are pulled from melt. Impacts of high-energy charged particles cause wear and tear of the gun and generate an additional source of silicon contamination. A steady-state model for electron beam formation has been developed to model the electron gun and optimize its design. Description of the model and first simulation results are presented. It has been shown that the model can simulate dimensions of particle impact areas on the cathode and anode, but further improvements of the model are needed to correctly simulate electron trajectory distribution in the beam and the beam current dependence on the applied gas pressure.

  18. Automated pinhole-aperture diagnostic for the current profiling of TWT electron beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wei, Yu-Xiang; Huang, Ming-Guang; Liu, Shu-Qing; Liu, Jin-Yue; Hao, Bao-Liang; Du, Chao-Hai; Liu, Pu-Kun


    The measurement system reported here is intended for use in determining the current density distribution of electron beams from Pierce guns for use in TWTs. The system was designed to automatically scan the cross section of the electron beam and collect the high-resolution data with a Faraday cup probe mounted on a multistage manipulator using the LabVIEW program. A 0.06 mm thick molybdenum plate with a pinhole and a Faraday cup mounted as a probe assembly was employed to sample the electron beam current with 0.5 µm space resolution. The thermal analysis of the probe with pulse beam heating was discussed. A 0.45 µP electron gun with the expected minimum beam radius 0.42 mm was measured and the three-dimensional current density distribution, beam envelope and phase space were presented.

  19. Scaling laws for positron production in laser-electron beam collisions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blackburn, Tom; Ilderton, Anton; Murphy, Christopher; Marklund, Mattias


    Showers of gamma rays and positrons are produced when a multi-GeV electron beam collides with a super-intense laser pulse. All-optical realisation of this geometry, where the electron beam is generated by laser-wakefield acceleration, is currently attracting much experimental interest as a probe of radiation reaction and QED effects. These interactions may be modelled theoretically in the framework of strong-field QED or numerically by large-scale PIC simulation. To complement these, we present analytical scaling laws for the electron beam energy loss, gamma ray spectrum, and the positron yield and energy that are valid in the radiation-reaction-dominated regime. These indicate that by employing the collision of a 2 GeV electron beam with a laser pulse of intensity 5 ×1021Wcm-2 , it is possible to produce 10,000 positrons in a single shot at currently available laser facilities. The authors acknowledge support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

  20. Adaptive electron beam shaping using a photoemission gun and spatial light modulator

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Maxson, Jared; Lee, Hyeri; Bartnik, Adam C.

    The need for precisely defined beam shapes in photoelectron sources has been well established. In this paper, we use a spatial light modulator and simple shaping algorithm to create arbitrary, detailed transverse laser shapes with high fidelity. We transmit this shaped laser to the photocathode of a high voltage dc gun. Using beam currents where space charge is negligible, and using an imaging solenoid and fluorescent viewscreen, we show that the resultant beam shape preserves these detailed features with similar fidelity. Next, instead of transmitting a shaped laser profile, we use an active feedback on the unshaped electron beam imagemore » to create equally accurate and detailed shapes. We demonstrate that this electron beam feedback has the added advantage of correcting for electron optical aberrations, yielding shapes without skew. The method may serve to provide precisely defined electron beams for low current target experiments, space-charge dominated beam commissioning, as well as for online adaptive correction of photocathode quantum efficiency degradation.« less

  1. Adaptive electron beam shaping using a photoemission gun and spatial light modulator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maxson, Jared; Lee, Hyeri; Bartnik, Adam C.; Kiefer, Jacob; Bazarov, Ivan


    The need for precisely defined beam shapes in photoelectron sources has been well established. In this paper, we use a spatial light modulator and simple shaping algorithm to create arbitrary, detailed transverse laser shapes with high fidelity. We transmit this shaped laser to the photocathode of a high voltage dc gun. Using beam currents where space charge is negligible, and using an imaging solenoid and fluorescent viewscreen, we show that the resultant beam shape preserves these detailed features with similar fidelity. Next, instead of transmitting a shaped laser profile, we use an active feedback on the unshaped electron beam image to create equally accurate and detailed shapes. We demonstrate that this electron beam feedback has the added advantage of correcting for electron optical aberrations, yielding shapes without skew. The method may serve to provide precisely defined electron beams for low current target experiments, space-charge dominated beam commissioning, as well as for online adaptive correction of photocathode quantum efficiency degradation.

  2. Adaptive electron beam shaping using a photoemission gun and spatial light modulator


    Maxson, Jared; Lee, Hyeri; Bartnik, Adam C.; ...


    The need for precisely defined beam shapes in photoelectron sources has been well established. In this paper, we use a spatial light modulator and simple shaping algorithm to create arbitrary, detailed transverse laser shapes with high fidelity. We transmit this shaped laser to the photocathode of a high voltage dc gun. Using beam currents where space charge is negligible, and using an imaging solenoid and fluorescent viewscreen, we show that the resultant beam shape preserves these detailed features with similar fidelity. Next, instead of transmitting a shaped laser profile, we use an active feedback on the unshaped electron beam imagemore » to create equally accurate and detailed shapes. We demonstrate that this electron beam feedback has the added advantage of correcting for electron optical aberrations, yielding shapes without skew. The method may serve to provide precisely defined electron beams for low current target experiments, space-charge dominated beam commissioning, as well as for online adaptive correction of photocathode quantum efficiency degradation.« less

  3. Normal modes and mode transformation of pure electron vortex beams

    PubMed Central

    Thirunavukkarasu, G.; Mousley, M.; Babiker, M.


    Electron vortex beams constitute the first class of matter vortex beams which are currently routinely produced in the laboratory. Here, we briefly review the progress of this nascent field and put forward a natural quantum basis set which we show is suitable for the description of electron vortex beams. The normal modes are truncated Bessel beams (TBBs) defined in the aperture plane or the Fourier transform of the transverse structure of the TBBs (FT-TBBs) in the focal plane of a lens with the said aperture. As these modes are eigenfunctions of the axial orbital angular momentum operator, they can provide a complete description of the two-dimensional transverse distribution of the wave function of any electron vortex beam in such a system, in analogy with the prominent role Laguerre–Gaussian (LG) beams played in the description of optical vortex beams. The characteristics of the normal modes of TBBs and FT-TBBs are described, including the quantized orbital angular momentum (in terms of the winding number l) and the radial index p>0. We present the experimental realization of such beams using computer-generated holograms. The mode analysis can be carried out using astigmatic transformation optics, demonstrating close analogy with the astigmatic mode transformation between LG and Hermite–Gaussian beams. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Optical orbital angular momentum’. PMID:28069769

  4. Normal modes and mode transformation of pure electron vortex beams.


    Thirunavukkarasu, G; Mousley, M; Babiker, M; Yuan, J


    Electron vortex beams constitute the first class of matter vortex beams which are currently routinely produced in the laboratory. Here, we briefly review the progress of this nascent field and put forward a natural quantum basis set which we show is suitable for the description of electron vortex beams. The normal modes are truncated Bessel beams (TBBs) defined in the aperture plane or the Fourier transform of the transverse structure of the TBBs (FT-TBBs) in the focal plane of a lens with the said aperture. As these modes are eigenfunctions of the axial orbital angular momentum operator, they can provide a complete description of the two-dimensional transverse distribution of the wave function of any electron vortex beam in such a system, in analogy with the prominent role Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beams played in the description of optical vortex beams. The characteristics of the normal modes of TBBs and FT-TBBs are described, including the quantized orbital angular momentum (in terms of the winding number l) and the radial index p>0. We present the experimental realization of such beams using computer-generated holograms. The mode analysis can be carried out using astigmatic transformation optics, demonstrating close analogy with the astigmatic mode transformation between LG and Hermite-Gaussian beams.This article is part of the themed issue 'Optical orbital angular momentum'. © 2017 The Author(s).

  5. Response of Nanodot Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeters to Therapeutic Electron Beams.


    Ponmalar, Y Retna; Manickam, Ravikumar; Sathiyan, S; Ganesh, K M; Arun, R; Godson, Henry Finlay


    Response of Al 2 O 3 :C-based nanoDot optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter was studied for the dosimetry of 6, 9, 12, 16, and 20 MeV therapeutic electron beams. With reference to ionization chamber, no change in the response was observed with the change in the energy of electron beams for the field size from 6 cm × 6 cm to 25 cm × 25 cm, dose rates from 100 MU/min to 600 MU/min, and the linearity in the response up to 300 cGy. The fading of the transient signal was higher for 20 MeV electron beam than that of 6 MeV electron beam by about 5% as compared to value at 20 min after irradiation. The depletion of OSL signal per readout in 200 successive readouts was also found to change with dose and energy of electron beam from 6 MeV (9% and 12% per readout at 2 and 10 Gy, respectively) to 20 MeV (9% and 16% at 2 and 10 Gy, respectively). The OSL sensitivity changed in the range from 2% to 6% with accumulated doses from 2 to 8 Gy and with electron energy from 6 to 20 MeV, but the sensitivity could be reset using an optical annealing treatment. Although negligible fading for postirradiation storage from 20 min to several months, acceptable precision and linearity in the desired range, and high reproducibility makes nanoDot dosimeters very attractive for the dosimetry of therapeutic electron beams, a note should be made for changes in sensitivity at doses beyond 2 Gy and electron beams energy dependence in reuse, short-term fading, and signal depletion on repeated readout.

  6. Response of Nanodot Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeters to Therapeutic Electron Beams

    PubMed Central

    Ponmalar, Y. Retna; Manickam, Ravikumar; Sathiyan, S.; Ganesh, K. M.; Arun, R.; Godson, Henry Finlay


    Response of Al2O3:C-based nanoDot optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter was studied for the dosimetry of 6, 9, 12, 16, and 20 MeV therapeutic electron beams. With reference to ionization chamber, no change in the response was observed with the change in the energy of electron beams for the field size from 6 cm × 6 cm to 25 cm × 25 cm, dose rates from 100 MU/min to 600 MU/min, and the linearity in the response up to 300 cGy. The fading of the transient signal was higher for 20 MeV electron beam than that of 6 MeV electron beam by about 5% as compared to value at 20 min after irradiation. The depletion of OSL signal per readout in 200 successive readouts was also found to change with dose and energy of electron beam from 6 MeV (9% and 12% per readout at 2 and 10 Gy, respectively) to 20 MeV (9% and 16% at 2 and 10 Gy, respectively). The OSL sensitivity changed in the range from 2% to 6% with accumulated doses from 2 to 8 Gy and with electron energy from 6 to 20 MeV, but the sensitivity could be reset using an optical annealing treatment. Although negligible fading for postirradiation storage from 20 min to several months, acceptable precision and linearity in the desired range, and high reproducibility makes nanoDot dosimeters very attractive for the dosimetry of therapeutic electron beams, a note should be made for changes in sensitivity at doses beyond 2 Gy and electron beams energy dependence in reuse, short-term fading, and signal depletion on repeated readout. PMID:28405107

  7. Measurement and interpretation of electron angle at MABE beam stop

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sanford, T. W. L.; Coleman, P. D.; Poukey, J. W.


    The mean angle of incidence at the beam stop of a 60 kA, 7 MV annular electron beam, in the 20 kG guide field of the MABE accelerator, was determined. Radiation dose measured in TLD arrays mounted downstream of the stop is compared with the radiation dose expected using a CYLTRAN Monte Carlo simulation of the electron/photon transport in the stop as a function of incident angles and energies. All radiation profiles measured are well fit, if the electrons are assumed to be incident with a polar angle theta of 15(0) + or - 2(0). A comparison of theta with that expected from the Adler-Miller model, and a MAGIC code simulation of beam behavior at the stop enables the mean transverse beam velocity to be estimated.

  8. Measurement and interpretation of electron angle at MABE beam stop

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sanford, T.W.L.; Coleman, P.D.; Poukey, J.W.


    The mean angle of incidence at the beam stop of a 60 kA, 7 MV annular electron beam, in the 20 kG guide field of the MABE accelerator, is determined. Radiation dose measured in TLD arrays mounted downstream of the stop is compared with the radiation dose expected using a CYLTRAN Monte Carlo simulation of the electron/photon transport in the stop as a function of incident angles and energies. All radiation profiles measured are well fit, if the electrons are assumed to be incident with a polar angle theta of 15/sup 0/ +- 2/sup 0/. Comparing this theta with thatmore » expected from the Adler-Miller model, and a MAGIC code simulation of beam behavior at the stop enables the mean transverse beam velocity to be estimated.« less

  9. High dose-per-pulse electron beam dosimetry: Commissioning of the Oriatron eRT6 prototype linear accelerator for preclinical use.


    Jaccard, Maud; Durán, Maria Teresa; Petersson, Kristoffer; Germond, Jean-François; Liger, Philippe; Vozenin, Marie-Catherine; Bourhis, Jean; Bochud, François; Bailat, Claude


    The Oriatron eRT6 is an experimental high dose-per-pulse linear accelerator (linac) which was designed to deliver an electron beam with variable dose-rates, ranging from a few Gy/min up to hundreds of Gy/s. It was built to study the radiobiological effects of high dose-per-pulse/dose-rate electron beam irradiation, in the context of preclinical and cognitive studies. In this work, we report on the commissioning and beam monitoring of the Oriatron eRT6 prototype linac. The beam was characterized in different steps. The output stability was studied by performing repeated measurements over a period of 20 months. The relative output variations caused by changing beam parameters, such as the temporal electron pulse width, the pulse repetition frequency and the pulse amplitude were also analyzed. Finally, depth dose curves and field sizes were measured for two different beam settings, resulting in one beam with a conventional radiotherapy dose-rate and one with a much higher dose-rate. Measurements were performed with Gafchromic EBT3 films and with a PTW Advanced Markus ionization chamber. In addition, we developed a beam current monitoring system based on the signals from an induction torus positioned at the beam exit of the waveguide and from a graphite beam collimator. The stability of the output over repeated measurements was found to be good, with a standard deviation smaller than 1%. However, non-negligible day-to-day variations of the beam output were observed. Those output variations showed different trends depending on the dose-rate. The analysis of the relative output variation as a function of various beam parameters showed that in a given configuration, the dose-rate could be reliably varied over three orders of magnitude. Interdependence effects on the output variation between the parameters were also observed. The beam energy and field size were found to be slightly dose-rate-dependent and suitable mainly for small animal irradiation. The beam monitoring

  10. Electron-beam generated porous dextran gels: experimental and quantum chemical studies.


    Naumov, Sergej; Knolle, Wolfgang; Becher, Jana; Schnabelrauch, Matthias; Reichelt, Senta


    The aim of this work was to investigate the reaction mechanism of electron-beam generated macroporous dextran cryogels by quantum chemical calculation and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements. Electron-beam radiation was used to initiate the cross-linking reaction of methacrylated dextran in semifrozen aqueous solutions. The pore morphology of the resulting cryogels was visualized by scanning electron microscopy. Quantum chemical calculations and electron paramagnetic resonance studies provided information on the most probable reaction pathway and the chain growth radicals. The most probable reaction pathway was a ring opening reaction and the addition of a C-atom to the double-bond of the methacrylated dextran molecule. First detailed quantum chemical calculation on the reaction mechanism of electron-beam initiated cross-linking reaction of methacrylated dextran are presented.

  11. Tomographic determination of the power distribution in electron beams


    Teruya, A.T.; Elmer, J.W.


    A tomographic technique for determining the power distribution of an electron beam using electron beam profile data acquired from a modified Faraday cup to create an image of the current density in high and low power beams is disclosed. A refractory metal disk with a number of radially extending slits is placed above a Faraday cup. The beam is swept in a circular pattern so that its path crosses each slit in a perpendicular manner, thus acquiring all the data needed for a reconstruction in one circular sweep. Also, a single computer is used to generate the signals actuating the sweep, to acquire that data, and to do the reconstruction, thus reducing the time and equipment necessary to complete the process. 4 figs.

  12. Device and method for creating Gaussian aberration-corrected electron beams


    McMorran, Benjamin; Linck, Martin


    Electron beam phase gratings have phase profiles that produce a diffracted beam having a Gaussian or other selected intensity profile. Phase profiles can also be selected to correct or compensate electron lens aberrations. Typically, a low diffraction order produces a suitable phase profile, and other orders are discarded.

  13. Beam-dynamics driven design of the LHeC energy-recovery linac

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pellegrini, Dario; Latina, Andrea; Schulte, Daniel; Bogacz, S. Alex


    The LHeC is envisioned as a natural upgrade of the LHC that aims at delivering an electron beam for collisions with the existing hadronic beams. The current baseline design for the electron facility consists of a multipass superconducting energy-recovery linac (ERL) operating in a continuous wave mode. The unprecedently high energy of the multipass ERL combined with a stringent emittance dilution budget poses new challenges for the beam optics. Here, we investigate the performances of a novel arc architecture based on a flexible momentum compaction lattice that mitigates the effects of synchrotron radiation while containing the bunch lengthening. Extensive beam-dynamics investigations have been performed with placet2, a recently developed tracking code for recirculating machines. They include the first end-to-end tracking and a simulation of the machine operation with a continuous beam. This paper briefly describes the Conceptual Design Report lattice, with an emphasis on possible and proposed improvements that emerged from the beam-dynamics studies. The detector bypass section has been integrated in the lattice, and its design choices are presented here. The stable operation of the ERL with a current up to ˜150 mA in the linacs has been validated in the presence of single- and multibunch wakefields, synchrotron radiation, and beam-beam effects.

  14. Note: Characteristic beam parameter for the line electron gun.


    Iqbal, M; Islam, G U; Zhou, Z; Chi, Y


    We have optimized the beam parameters of line source electron gun using Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre electron beam trajectory program (EGUN), utilizing electrostatic focusing only. We measured minimum beam diameter as 0.5 mm that corresponds to power density of 68.9 kW/cm(2) at 13.5 mm in the post-anode region which is more than two-fold (33 kW/cm(2)), of the previously reported results. The gun was operated for the validation of the theoretical results and found in good agreement. The gun is now without any magnetic and electrostatic focusing thus much simpler and more powerful.

  15. Note: Characteristic beam parameter for the line electron gun

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iqbal, M.; Islam, G. U.; Zhou, Z.; Chi, Y.


    We have optimized the beam parameters of line source electron gun using Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre electron beam trajectory program (EGUN), utilizing electrostatic focusing only. We measured minimum beam diameter as 0.5 mm that corresponds to power density of 68.9 kW/cm2 at 13.5 mm in the post-anode region which is more than two-fold (33 kW/cm2), of the previously reported results. The gun was operated for the validation of the theoretical results and found in good agreement. The gun is now without any magnetic and electrostatic focusing thus much simpler and more powerful.

  16. Simulations of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Effects in Electron Machines

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Migliorati, M.; Schiavi, A.; Dattoli, G.


    Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) generated by high intensity electron beams can be a source of undesirable effects limiting the performance of storage rings. The complexity of the physical mechanisms underlying the interplay between the electron beam and the CSR demands for reliable simulation codes. In the past, codes based on Lie algebraic techniques have been very efficient to treat transport problems in accelerators. The extension of these methods to the non linear case is ideally suited to treat wakefields - beam interaction. In this paper we report on the development of a numerical code, based on the solution of the Vlasov equation, which includes the non linear contribution due to wakefields. The proposed solution method exploits an algebraic technique that uses the exponential operators. We show that, in the case of CSR wakefields, the integration procedure is capable of reproducing the onset of an instability which leads to microbunching of the beam thus increasing the CSR at short wavelengths. In addition, considerations on the threshold of the instability for Gaussian bunches is also reported.

  17. Simulations of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Effects in Electron Machines

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Migliorati, M.; Schiavi, A.; Dattoli, G.

    Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) generated by high intensity electron beams can be a source of undesirable effects limiting the performance of storage rings. The complexity of the physical mechanisms underlying the interplay between the electron beam and the CSR demands for reliable simulation codes. In the past, codes based on Lie algebraic techniques have been very efficient to treat transport problems in accelerators. The extension of these methods to the non linear case is ideally suited to treat wakefields - beam interaction. In this paper we report on the development of a numerical code, based on the solution of the Vlasov equation, which includes the non linear contribution due to wakefields. The proposed solution method exploits an algebraic technique that uses the exponential operators. We show that, in the case of CSR wakefields, the integration procedure is capable of reproducing the onset of an instability which leads to microbunching of the beam thus increasing the CSR at short wavelengths. In addition, considerations on the threshold of the instability for Gaussian bunches is also reported.

  18. Electron beam lithographic modeling assisted by artificial intelligence technology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nakayamada, Noriaki; Nishimura, Rieko; Miura, Satoru; Nomura, Haruyuki; Kamikubo, Takashi


    We propose a new concept of tuning a point-spread function (a "kernel" function) in the modeling of electron beam lithography using the machine learning scheme. Normally in the work of artificial intelligence, the researchers focus on the output results from a neural network, such as success ratio in image recognition or improved production yield, etc. In this work, we put more focus on the weights connecting the nodes in a convolutional neural network, which are naturally the fractions of a point-spread function, and take out those weighted fractions after learning to be utilized as a tuned kernel. Proof-of-concept of the kernel tuning has been demonstrated using the examples of proximity effect correction with 2-layer network, and charging effect correction with 3-layer network. This type of new tuning method can be beneficial to give researchers more insights to come up with a better model, yet it might be too early to be deployed to production to give better critical dimension (CD) and positional accuracy almost instantly.

  19. Beam by design: Laser manipulation of electrons in modern accelerators

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hemsing, Erik; Stupakov, Gennady; Xiang, Dao; Zholents, Alexander


    Accelerator-based light sources such as storage rings and free-electron lasers use relativistic electron beams to produce intense radiation over a wide spectral range for fundamental research in physics, chemistry, materials science, biology, and medicine. More than a dozen such sources operate worldwide, and new sources are being built to deliver radiation that meets with the ever-increasing sophistication and depth of new research. Even so, conventional accelerator techniques often cannot keep pace with new demands and, thus, new approaches continue to emerge. In this article, a variety of recently developed and promising techniques that rely on lasers to manipulate and rearrange the electron distribution in order to tailor the properties of the radiation are reviewed. Basic theories of electron-laser interactions, techniques to create microstructures and nanostructures in electron beams, and techniques to produce radiation with customizable waveforms are reviewed. An overview of laser-based techniques for the generation of fully coherent x rays, mode-locked x-ray pulse trains, light with orbital angular momentum, and attosecond or even zeptosecond long coherent pulses in free-electron lasers is presented. Several methods to generate femtosecond pulses in storage rings are also discussed. Additionally, various schemes designed to enhance the performance of light sources through precision beam preparation including beam conditioning, laser heating, emittance exchange, and various laser-based diagnostics are described. Together these techniques represent a new emerging concept of "beam by design" in modern accelerators, which is the primary focus of this article.

  20. Ionospheric modification using relativistic electron beams

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Banks, Peter M.; Fraser-Smith, Anthony C.; Gilchrist, B. E.


    The recent development of comparatively small electron linear accelerators (linacs) now makes possible a new class of ionospheric modification experiments using beams of relativistic electrons. These experiments can potentially provide much new information about the interactions of natural relativistic electrons with other particles in the upper atmosphere, and it may also make possible new forms of ionization structures extending down from the lower ionosphere into the largely un-ionized upper atmosphere. The consequences of firing a pulsed 1 A, 5 Mev electron beam downwards into the upper atmosphere are investigated. If a small pitch angle with respect to the ambient geomagnetic field is selected, the beam produces a narrow column of substantial ionization extending down from the source altitude to altitudes of approximately 40 to 45 km. This column is immediately polarized by the natural middle atmosphere fair weather electric field and an increasingly large potential difference is established between the column and the surrounding atmosphere. In the regions between 40 to 60 km, this potential can amount to many tens of kilovolts and the associated electric field can be greater than the field required for breakdown and discharge. Under these conditions, it may be possible to initiate lightning discharges along the initial ionization channel. Filamentation may also occur at the lower end to drive further currents in the partially ionized gases of the stratosphere. Such discharges would derive their energy from the earth-ionosphere electrical system and would be sustained until plasma depletion and/or electric field reduction brought the discharge under control. It is likely that this artificially-triggered lightning would produce measurable low-frequency radiation.

  1. Probing the magnetsophere with artificial electron beams

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Winckler, J. R.


    An analysis is conducted of the University of Minnesota Electron Echo experiments, which so far have included five sounding rocket experiments. The concept of the Echo experiment is to inject electron beam pulses from a rocket into the ionosphere at altitudes in the range from 100 to 300 km. The electrons move to the conjugate hemisphere following magnetic field lines and return on neighboring field lines to the neighborhood of the rocket where the pulses may be detected and analyzed. Attention is given to the detection and analysis of echoes, the structure of echoes, and the Echo V experiment. The Echo V experiment showed clearly that detection of remote echo beams by atmospheric fluorescence using low light level TV system is not a viable technique. A future experiment is to use throw-away detectors for direct remote echo detection.

  2. Simulation and optimization of a 10 A electron gun with electrostatic compression for the electron beam ion source

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pikin, A.; Beebe, E. N.; Raparia, D.

    Increasing the current density of the electron beam in the ion trap of the Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) in BNL's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider facility would confer several essential benefits. They include increasing the ions' charge states, and therefore, the ions' energy out of the Booster for NASA applications, reducing the influx of residual ions in the ion trap, lowering the average power load on the electron collector, and possibly also reducing the emittance of the extracted ion beam. Here, we discuss our findings from a computer simulation of an electron gun with electrostatic compression for electron current upmore » to 10 A that can deliver a high-current-density electron beam for EBIS. The magnetic field in the cathode-anode gap is formed with a magnetic shield surrounding the gun electrodes and the residual magnetic field on the cathode is (5 Division-Sign 6) Gs. It was demonstrated that for optimized gun geometry within the electron beam current range of (0.5 Division-Sign 10) A the amplitude of radial beam oscillations can be maintained close to 4% of the beam radius by adjusting the injection magnetic field generated by a separate magnetic coil. Simulating the performance of the gun by varying geometrical parameters indicated that the original gun model is close to optimum and the requirements to the precision of positioning the gun elements can be easily met with conventional technology.« less

  3. High energy Coulomb-scattered electrons for relativistic particle beams and diagnostics


    Thieberger, P.; Altinbas, Z.; Carlson, C.; ...


    A new system used for monitoring energetic Coulomb-scattered electrons as the main diagnostic for accurately aligning the electron and ion beams in the new Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) electron lenses is described in detail. The theory of electron scattering from relativistic ions is developed and applied to the design and implementation of the system used to achieve and maintain the alignment. Commissioning with gold and 3He beams is then described as well as the successful utilization of the new system during the 2015 RHIC polarized proton run. Systematic errors of the new method are then estimated. Lastly, some possiblemore » future applications of Coulomb-scattered electrons for beam diagnostics are briefly discussed.« less

  4. New experimental measurements of electron clouds in ion beams with large tune depression

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Molvik, A W; Covo, M K; Cohen, R H

    We study electron clouds in high perveance beams (K = 8E-4) with a large tune depression of 0.2 (defined as the ratio of a single particle oscillation response to the applied focusing fields, with and without space charge). These 1 MeV, 180 mA, K+ beams have a beam potential of +2 kV when electron clouds are minimized. Simulation results are discussed in a companion paper [J-L. Vay, this Conference]. We have developed the first diagnostics that quantitatively measure the accumulation of electrons in a beam [1]. This, together with measurements of electron sources, will enable the electron particle balance tomore » be measured, and electron-trapping efficiencies determined. We, along with colleagues from GSI and CERN, have also measured the scaling of gas desorption with beam energy and dE/dx [2]. Experiments where the heavy-ion beam is transported with solenoid magnetic fields, rather than with quadrupole magnetic or electrostatic fields, are being initiated. We will discuss initial results from experiments using electrode sets (in the middle and at the ends of magnets) to either expel or to trap electrons within the magnets. We observe electron oscillations in the last quadrupole magnet when we flood the beam with electrons from an end wall. These oscillations, of order 10 MHz, are observed to grow from the center of the magnet while drifting upstream against the beam, in good agreement with simulations.« less

  5. Operational head-on beam-beam compensation with electron lenses in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider


    Fischer, W.; Gu, X.; Altinbas, Z.; ...


    Head-on beam-beam compensation has been implemented in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in order to increase the luminosity delivered to the experiments. We discuss the principle of combining a lattice for resonance driving term compensation and an electron lens for tune spread compensation. We describe the electron lens technology and its operational use. As of this date the implemented compensation scheme approximately doubled the peak and average luminosities.

  6. A novel comparison of Møller and Compton electron-beam polarimeters


    Magee, J. A.; Narayan, A.; Jones, D.; ...


    We have performed a novel comparison between electron-beam polarimeters based on Moller and Compton scattering. A sequence of electron-beam polarization measurements were performed at low beam currents (more » $<$ 5 $$\\mu$$A) during the $$Q_{\\rm weak}$$ experiment in Hall C at Jefferson Lab. These low current measurements were bracketed by the regular high current (180 $$\\mu$$A) operation of the Compton polarimeter. All measurements were found to be consistent within experimental uncertainties of 1% or less, demonstrating that electron polarization does not depend significantly on the beam current. This result lends confidence to the common practice of applying Moller measurements made at low beam currents to physics experiments performed at higher beam currents. Here, the agreement between two polarimetry techniques based on independent physical processes sets an important benchmark for future precision asymmetry measurements that require sub-1% precision in polarimetry.« less

  7. A novel comparison of Møller and Compton electron-beam polarimeters

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Magee, J. A.; Narayan, A.; Jones, D.

    We have performed a novel comparison between electron-beam polarimeters based on Moller and Compton scattering. A sequence of electron-beam polarization measurements were performed at low beam currents (more » $<$ 5 $$\\mu$$A) during the $$Q_{\\rm weak}$$ experiment in Hall C at Jefferson Lab. These low current measurements were bracketed by the regular high current (180 $$\\mu$$A) operation of the Compton polarimeter. All measurements were found to be consistent within experimental uncertainties of 1% or less, demonstrating that electron polarization does not depend significantly on the beam current. This result lends confidence to the common practice of applying Moller measurements made at low beam currents to physics experiments performed at higher beam currents. Here, the agreement between two polarimetry techniques based on independent physical processes sets an important benchmark for future precision asymmetry measurements that require sub-1% precision in polarimetry.« less

  8. Excitation of Plasma Waves in Aurora by Electron Beams

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    daSilva, C. E.; Vinas, A. F.; deAssis, A. S.; deAzevedo, C. A.


    In this paper, we study numerically the excitation of plasma waves by electron beams, in the auroral region above 2000 km of altitude. We have solved the fully kinetic dispersion relation, using numerical method and found the real frequency and the growth rate of the plasma wave modes. We have examined the instability properties of low-frequency waves such as the Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) wave as well as Lower-Hybrid (LH) wave in the range of high-frequency. In all cases, the source of free energy are electron beams propagating parallel to the geomagnetic field. We present some features of the growth rate modes, when the cold plasma parameters are changed, such as background electrons and ions species (H(+) and O(+)) temperature, density or the electron beam density and/or drift velocity. These results can be used in a test-particle simulation code, to investigate the ion acceleration and their implication in the auroral acceleration processes, by wave-particle interaction.

  9. Electron acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized plasma with nonthermal electrons and an electron beam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Singh, S. V., E-mail:; Lakhina, G. S., E-mail:; University of the Western Cape, Belville


    A theoretical investigation is carried out to study the obliquely propagating electron acoustic solitary waves having nonthermal hot electrons, cold and beam electrons, and ions in a magnetized plasma. We have employed reductive perturbation theory to derive the Korteweg-de-Vries-Zakharov-Kuznetsov (KdV-ZK) equation describing the nonlinear evolution of these waves. The two-dimensional plane wave solution of KdV-ZK equation is analyzed to study the effects of nonthermal and beam electrons on the characteristics of the solitons. Theoretical results predict negative potential solitary structures. We emphasize that the inclusion of finite temperature effects reduces the soliton amplitudes and the width of the solitons increasesmore » by an increase in the obliquity of the wave propagation. The numerical analysis is presented for the parameters corresponding to the observations of “burst a” event by Viking satellite on the auroral field lines.« less

  10. The Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS)


    Brookhaven Lab


    Brookhaven National Lab has successfully developed a new pre-injector system, called the Electron Beam Ion Source, for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and NASA Space Radiation Laboratory science programs. The first of several planned improvemen

  11. Development of inorganic resists for electron beam lithography: Novel materials and simulations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jeyakumar, Augustin

    Electron beam lithography is gaining widespread utilization as the semiconductor industry progresses towards both advanced optical and non-optical lithographic technologies for high resolution patterning. The current resist technologies are based on organic systems that are imaged most commonly through chain scission, networking, or a chemically amplified polarity change in the material. Alternative resists based on inorganic systems were developed and characterized in this research for high resolution electron beam lithography and their interactions with incident electrons were investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. A novel inorganic resist imaging scheme was developed using metal-organic precursors which decompose to form metal oxides upon electron beam irradiation that can serve as inorganic hard masks for hybrid bilayer inorganic-organic imaging systems and also as directly patternable high resolution metal oxide structures. The electron beam imaging properties of these metal-organic materials were correlated to the precursor structure by studying effects such as interactions between high atomic number species and the incident electrons. Optimal single and multicomponent precursors were designed for utilization as viable inorganic resist materials for sub-50nm patterning in electron beam lithography. The electron beam imaging characteristics of the most widely used inorganic resist material, hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ), was also enhanced using a dual processing imaging approach with thermal curing as well as a sensitizer catalyzed imaging approach. The interaction between incident electrons and the high atomic number species contained in these inorganic resists was also studied using Monte Carlo simulations. The resolution attainable using inorganic systems as compared to organic systems can be greater for accelerating voltages greater than 50 keV due to minimized lateral scattering in the high density inorganic systems. The effects of loading

  12. Generation of anomalously energetic suprathermal electrons by an electron beam interacting with a nonuniform plasma

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sydorenko, Dmytro


    Electrons emitted by electrodes surrounding or immersed in the plasma are accelerated by the sheath electric field and become electron beams penetrating the plasma. In plasma applications where controlling the electron velocity distribution function (EVDF) is crucial, these beams are an important factor capable of modifying the EVDF and affecting the discharge properties. Recently, it was reported that an EVDF measured in a dc-rf discharge with 800 V dc voltage has not only a peak of 800 eV electrons emitted from the dc-biased electrode, but also a peak of suprathermal electrons with energy up to several hundred eV. Initial explanation of the suprathermal peak suggested that the fast long plasma waves excited by the beam decay parametrically into ion acoustic waves and short plasma waves with much lower phase velocity which accelerate bulk electrons to suprathermal energies. Particle-in-cell simulation of a dc beam-plasma system, however, reveals that the short waves appear not due to the parametric instability, but due to the plasma nonuniformity. Moreover, the acceleration may occur in two stages. Plasma waves excited by the beam in the middle of the system propagate towards the anode and enter the density gradient area where their wavelength and phase speed rapidly decrease. Acceleration of thermal electrons by these waves is the first stage. Some of the accelerated electrons reflect from the anode sheath, travel through the plasma, reflect near the cathode, and enter the accelerating area again but with the energy higher than before. The acceleration that occurs now is the second stage. The energy of a particle after the second acceleration exceeds the initial thermal energy by an order of magnitude. This two-stage mechanism plays a role in explaining previous observations of energetic suprathermal electrons in similar discharges. The study is performed in collaboration with I. D. Kaganovich (PPPL), P. L. G. Ventzek and L. Chen (Tokyo Electron America).

  13. Matching extended-SSD electron beams to multileaf collimated photon beams in the treatment of head and neck cancer.


    Steel, Jared; Stewart, Allan; Satory, Philip


    Matching the penumbra of a 6 MeV electron beam to the penumbra of a 6 MV photon beam is a dose optimization challenge, especially when the electron beam is applied from an extended source-to-surface distance (SSD), as in the case of some head and neck treatments. Traditionally low melting point alloy blocks have been used to define the photon beam shielding over the spinal cord region. However, these are inherently time consuming to construct and employ in the clinical situation. Multileaf collimators (MLCs) provide a fast and reproducible shielding option but generate geometrically nonconformal approximations to the desired beam edge definition. The effects of substituting Cerrobend for the MLC shielding mode in the context of beam matching with extended-SSD electron beams are the subject of this investigation. Relative dose beam data from a Varian EX 2100 linear accelerator were acquired in a water tank under the 6 MeV electron beam at both standard and extended-SSD and under the 6 MV photon beam defined by Cerrobend and a number of MLC stepping regimes. The effect of increasing the electron beam SSD on the beam penumbra was assessed. MLC stepping was also assessed in terms of the effects on both the mean photon beam penumbra and the intraleaf dose-profile nonuniformity relative to the MLC midleaf. Computational techniques were used to combine the beam data so as to simulate composite relative dosimetry in the water tank, allowing fine control of beam abutment gap variation. Idealized volumetric dosimetry was generated based on the percentage depth-dose data for the beam modes and the abutment geometries involved. Comparison was made between each composite dosimetry dataset and the relevant ideal dosimetry dataset by way of subtraction. Weighted dose-difference volume histograms (DDVHs) were produced, and these, in turn, summed to provide an overall dosimetry score for each abutment and shielding type/angle combination. Increasing the electron beam SSD increased

  14. Electron beam welding of copper-Monel facilitated by circular magnetic shields

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lamb, J. N.


    High permeability, soft magnetic rings are placed on both sides of electron beam weld seams in copper-Monel circular joint. This eliminates deflection of the electron beam caused by magnetic fields present in the weld area.

  15. Adapting High Brightness Relativistic Electron Beams for Ultrafast Science

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Scoby, Cheyne Matthew

    This thesis explores the use of ultrashort bunches generated by a radiofrequency electron photoinjector driven by a femtosecond laser. Rf photoinjector technology has been developed to generate ultra high brightness beams for advanced accelerators and to drive advanced light source applications. The extremely good quality of the beams generated by this source has played a key role in the development of 4th generation light sources such as the Linac Coherent Light Source, thus opening the way to studies of materials science and biological systems with high temporal and spatial resolution. At the Pegasus Photoinjector Lab, we have developed the application of a BNL/SLAC/UCLA 1.6-cell rf photoinjector as a tool for ultrafast science in its own right. It is the aim of this work to explore the generation of ultrashort electron bunches, give descriptions of the novel ultrafast diagnostics developed to be able to characterize the electron bunch and synchronize it with a pump laser, and share some of the scientific results that were obtained with this technology at the UCLA Pegasus laboratory. This dissertation explains the requirements of the drive laser source and describes the principles of rf photoinjector design and operation necessary to produce electron bunches with an rms longitudinal length < 100 femtoseconds containing 107 - 108 electrons per bunch. In this condition, when the laser intensity is sufficiently high, multiphoton photoemission is demonstrated to be more efficient in terms of charge yield than single photon photoemission. When a short laser pulse hits the cathode the resulting beam dynamics are dominated by a strong space charge driven longitudinal expansion which leads to the creation of a nearly ideal uniformly filled ellipsoidal distribution. These beam distributions are characterized by linear space charge forces and hence by high peak brightness and small transverse emittances. This regime of operation of the RF photoinjector is also termed the

  16. Relativistic electron beam device


    Freeman, J.R.; Poukey, J.W.; Shope, S.L.; Yonas, G.


    A design is given for an electron beam device for irradiating spherical hydrogen isotope bearing targets. The accelerator, which includes hollow cathodes facing each other, injects an anode plasma between the cathodes and produces an approximately 10 nanosecond, megajoule pulse between the anode plasma and the cathodes. Targets may be repetitively positioned within the plasma between the cathodes, and accelerator diode arrangement permits materials to survive operation in a fusion power source. (auth)


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ziebell, L. F.; Petruzzellis, L. T.; Gaelzer, R.


    The radiation emission mechanism responsible for both type-II and type-III solar radio bursts is commonly accepted as plasma emission. Recently Ganse et al. suggested that type-II radio bursts may be enhanced when the electron foreshock geometry of a coronal mass ejection contains a double hump structure. They reasoned that the counter-streaming electron beams that exist between the double shocks may enhance the nonlinear coalescence interaction, thereby giving rise to more efficient generation of radiation. Ganse et al. employed a particle-in-cell simulation to study such a scenario. The present paper revisits the same problem with EM weak turbulence theory, and showmore » that the fundamental (F) emission is not greatly affected by the presence of counter-streaming beams, but the harmonic (H) emission becomes somewhat more effective when the two beams are present. The present finding is thus complementary to the work by Ganse et al.« less

  18. A simulation study of radial expansion of an electron beam injected into an ionospheric plasma

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Koga, J.; Lin, C. S.


    Injections of nonrelativistic electron beams from a finite equipotential conductor into an ionospheric plasma have been simulated using a two-dimensional electrostatic particle code. The purpose of the study is to survey the simulation parameters for understanding the dependence of beam radius on physical variables. The conductor is charged to a high potential when the background plasma density is less than the beam density. Beam electrons attracted by the charged conductor are decelerated to zero velocity near the stagnation point, which is at a few Debye lengths from the conductor. The simulations suggest that the beam electrons at the stagnation point receive a large transverse kick and the beam expands radially thereafter. The buildup of beam electrons at the stagnation point produces a large electrostatic force responsible for the transverse kick. However, for the weak charging cases where the background plasma density is larger than the beam density, the radial expansion mechanism is different; the beam plasma instability is found to be responsible for the radial expansion. The simulations show that the electron beam radius for high spacecraft charging cases is of the order of the beam gyroradius, defined as the beam velocity divided by the gyrofrequency. In the weak charging cases, the beam radius is only a fraction of the beam gyroradius. The parameter survey indicates that the beam radius increases with beam density and decreases with magnetic field and beam velocity. The beam radius normalized by the beam gyroradius is found to scale according to the ratio of the beam electron Debye length to the ambient electron Debye length. The parameter dependence deduced would be useful for interpreting the beam radius and beam density of electron beam injection experiments conducted from rockets and the space shuttle.

  19. Computationally efficient description of relativistic electron beam transport in dense plasma

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Polomarov, Oleg; Sefkov, Adam; Kaganovich, Igor; Shvets, Gennady


    A reduced model of the Weibel instability and electron beam transport in dense plasma is developed. Beam electrons are modeled by macro-particles and the background plasma is represented by electron fluid. Conservation of generalized vorticity and quasineutrality of the plasma-beam system are used to simplify the governing equations. Our approach is motivated by the conditions of the FI scenario, where the beam density is likely to be much smaller than the plasma density and the beam energy is likely to be very high. For this case the growth rate of the Weibel instability is small, making the modeling of it by conventional PICs exceedingly time consuming. The present approach does not require resolving the plasma period and only resolves a plasma collisionless skin depth and is suitable for modeling a long-time behavior of beam-plasma interaction. An efficient code based on this reduced description is developed and benchmarked against the LSP PIC code. The dynamics of low and high current electron beams in dense plasma is simulated. Special emphasis is on peculiarities of its non-linear stages, such as filament formation and merger, saturation and post-saturation field and energy oscillations. *Supported by DOE Fusion Science through grant DE-FG02-05ER54840.

  20. Industrial ion source technology. [for ion beam etching, surface texturing, and deposition

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kaufman, H. R.


    Plasma probe surveys were conducted in a 30-cm source to verify that the uniformity in the ion beam is the result of a corresponding uniformity in the discharge-chamber plasma. A 15 cm permanent magnet multipole ion source was designed, fabricated, and demonstrated. Procedures were investigated for texturing a variety of seed and surface materials for controlling secondary electron emission, increasing electron absorption of light, and improved attachment of biological tissue for medical implants using argon and tetrafluoromethane as the working gases. The cross section for argon-argon elastic collisions in the ion-beam energy range was calculated from interaction potentials and permits calculation of beam interaction effects that can determine system pumping requirements. The data also indicate that different optimizations of ion-beam machines will be advantageous for long and short runs, with 1 mA-hr/cm being the rough dividing line for run length. The capacity to simultaneously optimize components in an ion-beam machine for a single application, a capacity that is not evident in competitive approaches such as diode sputtering is emphasized.

  1. Electron beam collector for a microwave power tube


    Dandl, Raphael A.


    This invention relates to a cylindrical, electron beam collector that efficiently couples the microwave energy out of a high power microwave source while stopping the attendant electron beam. The interior end walls of the collector are a pair of facing parabolic mirrors and the microwave energy from an input horn is radiated between the two mirrors and reassembled at the entrance to the output waveguide where the transmitted mode is reconstructed. The mode transmission through the collector of the present invention has an efficiency of at least 94%.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Saint-Hilaire, Pascal; Krucker, Saem; Christe, Steven


    We study the detectability and characterization of electron beams as they leave their acceleration site in the low corona toward interplanetary space through their nonthermal X-ray bremsstrahlung emission. We demonstrate that the largest interplanetary electron beams ({approx}>10{sup 35} electrons above 10 keV) can be detected in X-rays with current and future instrumentation, such as RHESSI or the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) onboard Hinode. We make a list of optimal observing conditions and beam characteristics. Amongst others, good imaging (as opposed to mere localization or detection in spatially integrated data) is required for proper characterization, putting the requirement on the number ofmore » escaping electrons (above 10 keV) to {approx}>3 x 10{sup 36} for RHESSI, {approx}>3 x 10{sup 35} for Hinode/XRT, and {approx}>10{sup 33} electrons for the FOXSI sounding rocket scheduled to fly in 2011. Moreover, we have found that simple modeling hints at the possibility that coronal soft X-ray jets could be the result of local heating by propagating electron beams.« less

  3. Relativistic-electron-beam/target interaction in plasma channels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Halbleib, J. A., Sr.; Wright, T. P.


    A model describing the transport of relativistic electron beams in plasma channels and their subsequent interaction with solid targets is developed and applied to single-beam and multiple-beam configurations. For single beams the targets consist of planar tantalum foils and, in some cases, cusp fields on the transmission side of the foils are employed to improve beam/target coupling efficiency. In the multi-beam configurations, several beams are arranged in wagon-wheel fashion so as to converge upon cylindrical targets, consisting of either hollow tantalum or solid graphite cylinders, located at the hub. For 0.3-cm beam radii that are less than or equal to the channel radii, mean specific power depositions up to about 17 TW/g per MA of injected beam current are obtained for single beams; 12-beam results are typically an order-of-magnitude less. The corresponding enhancements are up to five times the collisional stopping power for either single or multiple beams. Substantial improvement is predicted for the multi-beam interaction should future channel technology permit transport at higher current densities in smaller channels.

  4. Two-dimensional electron beam charging model for polymer films

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Reeves, R. D.; Balmain, K. G.


    A two-dimensional model is developed to describe the charging of strips of thin polymer films above a grounded substrate exposed to a uniform mono-energetic electron beam. The study is motivated by the observed anomalous behavior of geosynchronous satellites, which has been attributed to differential charging of the satellite surfaces exposed to magnetospheric electrons. Surface and bulk electric fields are calcuated at steady state in order to identify regions of high electrical stress, with emphasis on behavior near the material's edge. The model is used to study the effects of some of the experimental parameters, notably beam energy, beam angle of incidence, beam current density, material thickness and material width. Also examined are the consequences of a central gap in the material and a discontinuity in the material thickness.

  5. Dose properties of a laser accelerated electron beam and prospects for clinical application.


    Kainz, K K; Hogstrom, K R; Antolak, J A; Almond, P R; Bloch, C D; Chiu, C; Fomytskyi, M; Raischel, F; Downer, M; Tajima, T


    Laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) technology has evolved to where it should be evaluated for its potential as a future competitor to existing technology that produces electron and x-ray beams. The purpose of the present work is to investigate the dosimetric properties of an electron beam that should be achievable using existing LWFA technology, and to document the necessary improvements to make radiotherapy application for LWFA viable. This paper first qualitatively reviews the fundamental principles of LWFA and describes a potential design for a 30 cm accelerator chamber containing a gas target. Electron beam energy spectra, upon which our dose calculations are based, were obtained from a uniform energy distribution and from two-dimensional particle-in-cell (2D PIC) simulations. The 2D PIC simulation parameters are consistent with those reported by a previous LWFA experiment. According to the 2D PIC simulations, only approximately 0.3% of the LWFA electrons are emitted with an energy greater than 1 MeV. We studied only the high-energy electrons to determine their potential for clinical electron beams of central energy from 9 to 21 MeV. Each electron beam was broadened and flattened by designing a dual scattering foil system to produce a uniform beam (103%>off-axis ratio>95%) over a 25 x 25 cm2 field. An energy window (deltaE) ranging from 0.5 to 6.5 MeV was selected to study central-axis depth dose, beam flatness, and dose rate. Dose was calculated in water at a 100 cm source-to-surface distance using the EGS/BEAM Monte Carlo algorithm. Calculations showed that the beam flatness was fairly insensitive to deltaE. However, since the falloff of the depth-dose curve (R10-R90) and the dose rate both increase with deltaE, a tradeoff between minimizing (R10-R90) and maximizing dose rate is implied. If deltaE is constrained so that R10-R90 is within 0.5 cm of its value for a monoenergetic beam, the maximum practical dose rate based on 2D PIC is approximately 0.1 Gy min

  6. Enhanced modified faraday cup for determination of power density distribution of electron beams


    Elmer, John W.; Teruya, Alan T.


    An improved tomographic technique for determining the power distribution of an electron or ion beam using electron beam profile data acquired by an enhanced modified Faraday cup to create an image of the current density in high and low power ion or electron beams. A refractory metal disk with a number of radially extending slits, one slit being about twice the width of the other slits, is placed above a Faraday cup. The electron or ion beam is swept in a circular pattern so that its path crosses each slit in a perpendicular manner, thus acquiring all the data needed for a reconstruction in one circular sweep. The enlarged slit enables orientation of the beam profile with respect to the coordinates of the welding chamber. A second disk having slits therein is positioned below the first slit disk and inside of the Faraday cup and provides a shield to eliminate the majority of secondary electrons and ions from leaving the Faraday cup. Also, a ring is located below the second slit disk to help minimize the amount of secondary electrons and ions from being produced. In addition, a beam trap is located in the Faraday cup to provide even more containment of the electron or ion beam when full beam current is being examined through the center hole of the modified Faraday cup.

  7. Development of splitting convergent beam electron diffraction (SCBED).


    Houdellier, Florent; Röder, Falk; Snoeck, Etienne


    Using a combination of condenser electrostatic biprism with dedicated electron optic conditions for sample illumination, we were able to split a convergent beam electron probe focused on the sample in two half focused probes without introducing any tilt between them. As a consequence, a combined convergent beam electron diffraction pattern is obtained in the back focal plane of the objective lens arising from two different sample areas, which could be analyzed in a single pattern. This splitting convergent beam electron diffraction (SCBED) pattern has been tested first on a well-characterized test sample of Si/SiGe multilayers epitaxially grown on a Si substrate. The SCBED pattern contains information from the strained area, which exhibits HOLZ lines broadening induced by surface relaxation, with fine HOLZ lines observed in the unstrained reference part of the sample. These patterns have been analyzed quantitatively using both parts of the SCBED transmitted disk. The fine HOLZ line positions are used to determine the precise acceleration voltage of the microscope while the perturbed HOLZ rocking curves in the stained area are compared to dynamical simulated ones. The combination of these two information leads to a precise evaluation of the sample strain state. Finally, several SCBED setups are proposed to tackle fundamental physics questions as well as applied materials science ones and demonstrate how SCBED has the potential to greatly expand the range of applications of electron diffraction and electron holography. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Note: Characteristic beam parameter for the line electron gun

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Iqbal, M.; Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049; Islam, G. U.

    We have optimized the beam parameters of line source electron gun using Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre electron beam trajectory program (EGUN), utilizing electrostatic focusing only. We measured minimum beam diameter as 0.5 mm that corresponds to power density of 68.9 kW/cm{sup 2} at 13.5 mm in the post-anode region which is more than two-fold (33 kW/cm{sup 2}), of the previously reported results. The gun was operated for the validation of the theoretical results and found in good agreement. The gun is now without any magnetic and electrostatic focusing thus much simpler and more powerful.

  9. Computer simulation of electron flow in linear-beam microwave tubes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kumar, Lalit


    The computer simulation of electron flow in linear-beam microwave tubes, such as a travelling-wave tube (TWT) and klystron, is used for designing and optimising the electron gun and collector and for analysing the large-signal beam-wave interaction phenomenon. Major aspects of simulation of electron flow in static and rf fields present in such tubes are discussed. Some advancements made in this respect and results obtained from computer programs developed by the research group at CEERI for a gridded electron gun, depressed collector, and large-signal analysis of TWT and klystron are presented.

  10. Electron beam crystallization of Te 1-xSe x films

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vermaak, J. S.; Raubenheimer, D.


    In situ transmission electron microscopy has been used to study the effect of high energy electrons on the amorphous-to-crystalline phase transformation, the isothermal growth rates, as well as the structure and orientation of the recrystallized Te 0.7Se 0.3 thin films. It is shown that the beam effect is not a pure thermal effect. It is proposed that the electron beam initiates nucleation and promotes growth by the interaction of the high energy electrons with the van der Waals type bonds between the short composite Te-Se chains.

  11. Experimental Characterization of Electron Beam Welded SAE 5137H Thick Steel Plate

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kattire, Prakash; Bhawar, Valmik; Thakare, Sandeep; Patil, Sachin; Mane, Santosh; Singh, Rajkumar, Dr.


    Electron beam welding is known for its narrow weld zone with high depth to width ratio, less heat affected zone, less distortion and contamination. Electron beam welding is fusion welding process, where high velocity electrons impinge on material joint to be welded and kinetic energy of this electron is transformed into heat upon impact to fuse the material. In the present work electron beam welding of 60 mm thick SAE 5137H steel is studied. Mechanical and metallurgical properties of electron beam welded joint of SAE 5137H were evaluated. Mechanical properties are analysed by tensile, impact and hardness test. Metallurgical properties are investigated through optical and scanning electron microscope. The hardness traverse across weld zone shows HV 370-380, about 18% increase in the tensile strength and very low toughness of weld joint compared to parent metal. Microstructural observation shows equiaxed dendrite in the fusion zone and partial grain refinement was found in the HAZ.

  12. Electron Beam Cured Epoxy Resin Composites for High Temperature Applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Janke, Christopher J.; Dorsey, George F.; Havens, Stephen J.; Lopata, Vincent J.; Meador, Michael A.


    Electron beam curing of Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC's) is a nonthermal, nonautoclave curing process that has been demonstrated to be a cost effective and advantageous alternative to conventional thermal curing. Advantages of electron beam curing include: reduced manufacturing costs; significantly reduced curing times; improvements in part quality and performance; reduced environmental and health concerns; and improvement in material handling. In 1994 a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA), sponsored by the Department of Energy Defense Programs and 10 industrial partners, was established to advance the electron beam curing of PMC technology. Over the last several years a significant amount of effort within the CRADA has been devoted to the development and optimization of resin systems and PMCs that match the performance of thermal cured composites. This highly successful materials development effort has resulted in a board family of high performance, electron beam curable cationic epoxy resin systems possessing a wide range of excellent processing and property profiles. Hundreds of resin systems, both toughened and untoughened, offering unlimited formulation and processing flexibility have been developed and evaluated in the CRADA program.



    Ellis, R.E.


    A vacuum pump is designed which operates by ionizing incoming air and by withdrawing the ions from the system by means of electrical fields. The apparatus comprises a cylindrical housing communicable with the vessel to be evacuated and having a thin wall section in one end. Suitable coils provide a longitudinal magnetic field within the cylinder. A broad cathode and an anode structure is provided to establish a plurality of adjacent electron beams which are parallel to the cylinder axis. Electron reflector means are provided so that each of the beams constitutes a PIG or reflex discharge. Such structure provides a large region in which incoming gas molecules may be ionized by electron bombardment. A charged electrode assembly accelerates the ions through the thin window, thereby removing the gas from the system. The invention may also be utilized as a highly efficient ion source. (AEC)

  14. Au particle formation on the electron beam induced membrane

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Choi, Seong Soo; Park, Myoung Jin; Han, Chul Hee; Oh, Sae-Joong; Kim, Sung-In; Park, Nam Kyou; Park, Doo-Jae; Choi, Soo Bong; Kim, Yong-Sang


    Recently the single molecules such as protein and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) have been successfully characterized by using a portable solidstate nanopore (MinION) with an electrical detection technique. However, there have been several reports about the high error rates of the fabricated nanopore device, possibly due to an electrical double layer formed inside the pore channel. The current DNA sequencing technology utilized is based on the optical detection method. In order to utilize the current optical detection technique, we will present the formation of the Au nano-pore with Au particle under the various electron beam irradiations. In order to provide the diffusion of Au atoms, a 2 keV electron beam irradiation has been performed During electron beam irradiations by using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), Au and C atoms would diffuse together and form the binary mixture membrane. Initially, the Au atoms diffused in the membrane are smaller than 1 nm, below the detection limit of the transmission electron microscopy (TEM), so that we are unable to observe the Au atoms in the formed membrane. However, after several months later, the Au atoms became larger and larger with expense of the smaller particles: Ostwald ripening. Furthermore, we also observe the Au crystalline lattice structure on the binary Au-C membrane. The formed Au crystalline lattice structures were constantly changing during electron beam imaging process due to Spinodal decomposition; the unstable thermodynamic system of Au-C binary membrane. The fabricated Au nanopore with an Au nanoparticle can be utilized as a single molecule nanobio sensor.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    We are proposing an Atto-second electron beam generation and diagnostics experiment at the Brookhaven Accelerator Test facility (ATF) using 1 {micro}m Inverse Free Electron Laser (IFEL). The proposed experiment will be carried out by an BNL/LBNL collaboration, and it will be installed at the ATF beam line II. The proposed experiment will employ a one-meter long undulator with 1.8 cm period (VISA undulator). The electron beam energy will be 63 MeV with emittance less than 2 mm-mrad and energy spread less than 0.05%. The ATF photocathode injector driving laser will be used for energy modulation by Inverse Free Electron Lasermore » (IFEL). With 10 MW laser peak power, about 2% total energy modulation is expected. The energy modulated electron beam will be further bunched through either a drift space or a three magnet chicane into atto-second electron bunches. The attosecond electron beam bunches will be analyzed using the coherent transition radiation (CTR).« less

  16. Electron gun for a multiple beam klystron with magnetic compression of the electron beams


    Ives, R. Lawrence; Tran, Hien T; Bui, Thuc; Attarian, Adam; Tallis, William; David, John; Forstall, Virginia; Andujar, Cynthia; Blach, Noah T; Brown, David B; Gadson, Sean E; Kiley, Erin M; Read, Michael


    A multi-beam electron gun provides a plurality N of cathode assemblies comprising a cathode, anode, and focus electrode, each cathode assembly having a local cathode axis and also a central cathode point defined by the intersection of the local cathode axis with the emitting surface of the cathode. Each cathode is arranged with its central point positioned in a plane orthogonal to a device central axis, with each cathode central point an equal distance from the device axis and with an included angle of 360/N between each cathode central point. The local axis of each cathode has a cathode divergence angle with respect to the central axis which is set such that the diverging magnetic field from a solenoidal coil is less than 5 degrees with respect to the projection of the local cathode axis onto a cathode reference plane formed by the device axis and the central cathode point, and the local axis of each cathode is also set such that the angle formed between the cathode reference plane and the local cathode axis results in minimum spiraling in the path of the electron beams in a homogenous magnetic field region of the solenoidal field generator.

  17. Silicon nitride films deposited with an electron beam created plasma

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bishop, D. C.; Emery, K. A.; Rocca, J. J.; Thompson, L. R.; Zamani, H.; Collins, G. J.


    The electron beam assisted chemical vapor deposition (EBCVD) of silicon nitride films using NH3, N2, and SiH4 as the reactant gases is reported. The films have been deposited on aluminum, SiO2, and polysilicon film substrates as well as on crystalline silicon substrates. The range of experimental conditions under which silicon nitrides have been deposited includes substrate temperatures from 50 to 400 C, electron beam currents of 2-40 mA, electron beam energies of 1-5 keV, total ambient pressures of 0.1-0.4 Torr, and NH3/SiH4 mass flow ratios of 1-80. The physical, electrical, and chemical properties of the EBCVD films are discussed.

  18. Ion Temperature Measurements in an electron beam ion trap (EBIT)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beiersdorfer, P.; Decaux, V.; Widmann, K.


    An electron beam ion trap consists of a Penning-type cylindrical trap traversed by a high-energy (<= 200 keV), high-density (Ne <= 10^13 cm-3) electron beam. Ions are trapped by the space charge potential of the electron beam, a static potential on the end electrodes, and a 3-T axial magnetic field [1]. The ions are heated by the electron beam and leave the trap once their kinetic energy suffices to overcome the potential barriers. Using high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy, we have made systematic measurements of the temperature of Ti^20+ and Cs^45+ ions in the trap [2]. The dependence of the ion temperature on operating parameters, such as trapping potential, beam current, and neutral gas pressure, will be presented. Temperatures as low as 15.4 ± 4.4 eV and as high as 2 keV were observed. *Work performed under the auspices of the U.S.D.o.E. by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-ENG-48. [1] M. Levine et al., Phys. Scripta T22, 157 (1989). [2]P. Beiersdorfer et al., PRL 77, 5356 (1996); P. Beiersdorfer, in AIP Conf. Proc. No. 389, p. 121 (1997).

  19. Electron-beam Induced Processes and their Applicability to Mask Repair

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boegli, Volker A.; Koops, Hans W. P.; Budach, Michael; Edinger, Klaus; Hoinkis, Ottmar; Weyrauch, Bernd; Becker, Rainer; Schmidt, Rudolf; Kaya, Alexander; Reinhardt, Andreas; Braeuer, Stephan; Honold, Heinz; Bihr, Johannes; Greiser, Jens; Eisenmann, Michael


    The applicability of electron-beam induced chemical reactions to mask repair is investigated. To achieve deposition and chemical etching with a focused electron-beam system, it is required to disperse chemicals in a molecular beam to the area of interest with a well-defined amount of molecules and monolayers per second. For repair of opaque defects the precursor gas reacts with the absorber material of the mask and forms a volatile reaction product, which leaves the surface. In this way the surface atoms are removed layer by layer. For clear defect repair, additional material, which is light absorbing in the UV, is deposited onto the defect area. This material is rendered as a nanocrystalline deposit from metal containing precursors. An experimental electron-beam mask repair system is developed and used to perform exploratory work applicable to photo mask, EUV mask, EPL and LEEPL stencil mask repair. The tool is described and specific repair actions are demonstrated. Platinum deposited features with lateral dimensions down to 20 nm demonstrate the high resolution obtainable with electron beam induced processes, while AFM and AIMS measurements indicate, that specifications for mask repair at the 70 nm device node can be met. In addition, examples of etching quartz and TaN are given.

  20. Method of automatic measurement and focus of an electron beam and apparatus therefor


    Giedt, Warren H.; Campiotti, Richard


    An electron beam focusing system, including a plural slit-type Faraday beam trap, for measuring the diameter of an electron beam and automatically focusing the beam for welding. Beam size is determined from profiles of the current measured as the beam is swept over at least two narrow slits of the beam trap. An automated procedure changes the focus coil current until the focal point location is just below a workpiece surface. A parabolic equation is fitted to the calculated beam sizes from which optimal focus coil current and optimal beam diameter are determined.

  1. Active Plasma Lensing for Relativistic Laser-Plasma-Accelerated Electron Beams


    van Tilborg, J.; Steinke, S.; Geddes, C. G. R.; ...


    The compact, tunable, radially symmetric focusing of electrons is critical to laser-plasma accelerator (LPA) applications. Experiments are presented demonstrating the use of a discharge-capillary active plasma lens to focus 100-MeV-level LPA beams. The lens can provide tunable field gradients in excess of 3000 T/m, enabling cm-scale focal lengths for GeV-level beam energies and allowing LPA-based electron beams and light sources to maintain their compact footprint. For a range of lens strengths, excellent agreement with simulation was obtained.

  2. Slit disk for modified faraday cup diagnostic for determining power density of electron and ion beams


    Teruya, Alan T [Livermore, CA; Elmer,; John, W [Danville, CA; Palmer, Todd A [State College, PA


    A diagnostic system for characterization of an electron beam or an ion beam includes an electrical conducting disk of refractory material having a circumference, a center, and a Faraday cup assembly positioned to receive the electron beam or ion beam. At least one slit in the disk provides diagnostic characterization of the electron beam or ion beam. The at least one slit is located between the circumference and the center of the disk and includes a radial portion that is in radial alignment with the center and a portion that deviates from radial alignment with the center. The electron beam or ion beam is directed onto the disk and translated to the at least one slit wherein the electron beam or ion beam enters the at least one slit for providing diagnostic characterization of the electron beam or ion beam.

  3. Electron beam irradiation of Matricaria chamomilla L. for microbial decontamination

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nemţanu, Monica R.; Kikuchi, Irene Satiko; de Jesus Andreoli Pinto, Terezinha; Mazilu, Elena; Setnic, Silvia; Bucur, Marcela; Duliu, Octavian G.; Meltzer, Viorica; Pincu, Elena


    Wild chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) is one of the most popular herbal materials with both internal and external use to cure different health disturbances. As a consequence of its origin, chamomile could carry various microbial contaminants which offer different hazards to the final consumer. Reduction of the microbial load to the in force regulation limits represents an important phase in the technological process of vegetal materials, and the electron beam treatment might be an efficient alternative to the classical methods of hygienic quality assurance. The purpose of the study was to analyze the potential application of the electron beam treatment in order to assure the microbial safety of the wild chamomile. Samples of chamomile dry inflorescences were treated in electron beam (e-beam) of 6 MeV mean energy, at room temperature and ambient pressure. Some loss of the chemical compounds with bioactive role could be noticed, but the number of microorganisms decreased as a function on the absorbed dose. Consequently, the microbial quality of studied vegetal material inflorescences was improved by e-beam irradiation.

  4. Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication (EBF3) for Cost Effective Near-Net Shape Manufacturing

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Taminger, Karen M.; Hafley, Robert A.


    Manufacturing of structural metal parts directly from computer aided design (CAD) data has been investigated by numerous researchers over the past decade. Researchers at NASA Langley Research Center are developing a new solid freeform fabrication process, electron beam freeform fabrication (EBF3), as a rapid metal deposition process that works efficiently with a variety of weldable alloys. EBF3 deposits of 2219 aluminium and Ti-6Al-4V have exhibited a range of grain morphologies depending upon the deposition parameters. These materials have exhibited excellent tensile properties comparable to typical handbook data for wrought plate product after post-processing heat treatments. The EBF3 process is capable of bulk metal deposition at deposition rates in excess of 2500 cubic centimeters per hour (150 in3/hr) or finer detail at lower deposition rates, depending upon the desired application. This process offers the potential for rapidly adding structural details to simpler cast or forged structures rather than the conventional approach of machining large volumes of chips to produce a monolithic metallic structure. Selective addition of metal onto simpler blanks of material can have a significant effect on lead time reduction and lower material and machining costs.

  5. Electron beam injection into space plasmas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Matsumoto, H.


    Eight papers presented at the URSI Open Symposium on Active Experiments in Space Plasma on August 30-31, 1984 are reviewed. Consideration is given to in-space electron beam experiments studying means of controlling the electrical potential of low earth orbit vehicles and nonlinear wave excitation in the magnetosphere. The results from the Space Experiments with Particle Accelerators (SEPAC) flown on Spacelab-1 are described; the use of a computer to interpret the SEPAC wave-particle interaction and charge potential data is discussed. Two laboratory simulation experiments analyzing the beam-plasma discharge phenomenon are examined.

  6. Dosimetric characteristics of electron beams produced by a mobile accelerator for IORT.


    Pimpinella, M; Mihailescu, D; Guerra, A S; Laitano, R F


    Energy and angular distributions of electron beams with different energies were simulated by Monte Carlo calculations. These beams were generated by the NOVAC7 system (Hitesys, Italy), a mobile electron accelerator specifically dedicated to intra-operative radiation therapy (IORT). The electron beam simulations were verified by comparing the measured dose distributions with the corresponding calculated distributions. As expected, a considerable difference was observed in the energy and angular distributions between the IORT beams studied in the present work and the electron beams produced by conventional accelerators for non-IORT applications. It was also found that significant differences exist between the IORT beams used in this work and other IORT beams with different collimation systems. For example, the contribution from the scattered electrons to the total dose was found to be up to 15% higher in the NOVAC7 beams. The water-to-air stopping power ratios of the IORT beams used in this work were calculated on the basis of the beam energy distributions obtained by the Monte Carlo simulations. These calculated stopping power ratios, s(w,air), were compared with the corresponding s(w,air) values recommended by the TRS-381 and TRS-398 IAEA dosimetry protocols in order to estimate the deviations between a dosimetry based on generic parameters and a dosimetry based on parameters specifically obtained for the actual IORT beams. The deviations in the s(w,air) values were found to be as large as up to about 1%. Therefore, we recommend that a preliminary analysis should always be made when dealing with IORT beams in order to assess to what extent the possible differences in the s(w,air) values have to be accounted for or may be neglected on the basis of the specific accuracy needed in clinical dosimetry.

  7. Electron-Beam Produced Air Plasma: Optical and Electrical Diagnostics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vidmar, Robert; Stalder, Kenneth; Seeley, Megan


    High energy electron impact excitation is used to stimulate optical emissions that quantify the measurement of electron beam current. A 100 keV 10-ma electron beam source is used to produce air plasma in a test cell at a pressure between 1 mTorr and 760 Torr. Optical emissions originating from the N2 2^nd positive line at 337.1 nm and the N2^+ 1^st negative line at 391.4 nm are observed. Details on calibration using signals from an isolated transmission window and a Faraday plate are discussed. Results using this technique and other electrical signal are presented.

  8. Electron beam injection during active experiments. I - Electromagnetic wave emissions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Winglee, R. M.; Kellogg, P. J.


    The wave emissions produced in Echo 7 experiment by active injections of electron beams were investigated to determine the properties of the electromagnetic and electrostatic fields for both the field-aligned and cross-field injection in such experiments and to evaluate the sources of free energy and relative efficiencies for the generation of the VLF and HF emissions. It is shown that, for typical beam energies in active experiments, electromagnetic effects do not substantially change the bulk properties of the beam, spacecraft charging, and plasma particle acceleration. Through simulations, beam-generated whistlers; fundamental z-mode and harmonic x-mode radiation; and electrostatic electron-cyclotron, upper-hybrid, Langmuir, and lower-hybrid waves were identified. The characteristics of the observed wave spectra were found to be sensitive to both the ratio of the electron plasma frequency to the cyclotron frequency and the angle of injection relative to the magnetic field.

  9. Stable generation of GeV-class electron beams from self-guided laser-plasma channels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hafz, Nasr A. M.; Jeong, Tae Moon; Choi, Il Woo; Lee, Seong Ku; Pae, Ki Hong; Kulagin, Victor V.; Sung, Jae Hee; Yu, Tae Jun; Hong, Kyung-Han; Hosokai, Tomonao; Cary, John R.; Ko, Do-Kyeong; Lee, Jongmin


    Table-top laser-driven plasma accelerators are gaining attention for their potential use in miniaturizing future high-energy accelerators. By irradiating gas jet targets with ultrashort intense laser pulses, the generation of quasimonoenergetic electron beams was recently observed. Currently, the stability of beam generation and the ability to scale to higher electron beam energies are critical issues for practical laser acceleration. Here, we demonstrate the first generation of stable GeV-class electron beams from stable few-millimetre-long plasma channels in a self-guided wakefield acceleration process. As primary evidence of the laser wakefield acceleration in a bubble regime, we observed a boost of both the electron beam energy and quality by reducing the plasma density and increasing the plasma length in a 1-cm-long gas jet. Subsequent three-dimensional simulations show the possibility of achieving even higher electron beam energies by minimizing plasma bubble elongation, and we anticipate dramatic increases in beam energy and quality in the near future. This will pave the way towards ultracompact, all-optical electron beam accelerators and their applications in science, technology and medicine.

  10. Electron gun jitter effects on beam bunching

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Liu, M. S.; Iqbal, M., E-mail:; Centre for High Energy Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore 45590

    For routine operation of Beijing Electron Positron Collider II (BEPCII) linac, many factors may affect the beam bunching process directly or indirectly. We present the measurements and analyses of the gun timing jitter, gun high voltage jitter, and beam energy at the exit of the standard acceleration section of the linac quantitatively. Almost 80 mV and more than 200 ps of gun high voltage and time jitters have ever been measured, respectively. It was analyzed that the gun timing jitter produced severe effects on beam energy than the gun high voltage jitter, if the timing jitter exceeded 100 ps whichmore » eventually deteriorates both the beam performance and the injection rate to the storage ring.« less

  11. Transverse Space-Charge Field-Induced Plasma Dynamics for Ultraintense Electron-Beam Characterization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tarkeshian, R.; Vay, J. L.; Lehe, R.; Schroeder, C. B.; Esarey, E. H.; Feurer, T.; Leemans, W. P.


    Similarly to laser or x-ray beams, the interaction of sufficiently intense particle beams with neutral gases will result in the creation of plasma. In contrast to photon-based ionization, the strong unipolar field of a particle beam can generate a plasma where the electron population receives a large initial momentum kick and escapes, leaving behind unshielded ions. Measuring the properties of the ensuing Coulomb exploding ions—such as their kinetic energy distribution, yield, and spatial distribution—can provide information about the peak electric fields that are achieved in the electron beams. Particle-in-cell simulations and analytical models are presented for high-brightness electron beams of a few femtoseconds or even hundreds of attoseconds, and transverse beam sizes on the micron scale, as generated by today's free electron lasers. Different density regimes for the utilization as a potential diagnostics are explored, and the fundamental differences in plasma dynamical behavior for e-beam or photon-based ionization are highlighted. By measuring the dynamics of field-induced ions for different gas and beam densities, a lower bound on the beam charge density can be obtained in a single shot and in a noninvasive way. The exponential dependency of the ionization yield on the beam properties can provide unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution, at the submicrometer and subfemtosecond scales, respectively, offering a practical and powerful approach to characterizing beams from accelerators at the frontiers of performance.

  12. Enhancing RHIC luminosity capabilities with in-situ beam piple coating

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Herschcovitch,A.; Blaskiewicz, M.; Fischer, W.

    Electron clouds have been observed in many accelerators, including the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). They can limit the machine performance through pressure degradation, beam instabilities or incoherent emittance growth. The formation of electron clouds can be suppressed with beam pipe surfaces that have low secondary electron yield. At the same time, high wall resistivity in accelerators can result in levels of ohmic heating unacceptably high for superconducting magnets. This is a concern for the RHIC machine, as its vacuum chamber in the superconducting dipoles is made from relatively high resistivity 316LN stainless steel.more » The high resistivity can be addressed with a copper (Cu) coating; a reduction in the secondary electron yield can be achieved with a titanium nitride (TiN) or amorphous carbon (a-C) coating. Applying such coatings in an already constructed machine is rather challenging. We started developing a robotic plasma deposition technique for in-situ coating of long, small diameter tubes. The technique entails fabricating a device comprised of staged magnetrons and/or cathodic arcs mounted on a mobile mole for deposition of about 5 {micro}m (a few skin depths) of Cu followed by about 0.1 {micro}m of TiN (or a-C).« less

  13. Fabrication of plasmonic nanopore by using electron beam irradiation for optical bio-sensor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Choi, Seong Soo; Park, Myoung Jin; Han, Chul Hee; Oh, Seh Joong; Park, Nam Kyou; Park, Doo Jae; Choi, Soo Bong; Kim, Yong-Sang


    The Au nano-hole surrounded by the periodic nano-patterns would provide the enhanced optical intensity. Hence, the nano-hole surrounded with periodic groove patterns can be utilized as single molecule nanobio optical sensor device. In this report, the nano-hole on the electron beam induced membrane surrounded by periodic groove patterns were fabricated by focused ion beam technique (FIB), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Initially, the Au films with three different thickness of 40 nm, 60 nm, and 200 nm were deposited on the SiN film by using an electron beam sputter-deposition technique, followed by removal of the supporting SiN film. The nanopore was formed on the electron beam induced membrane under the FESEM electron beam irradiation. Nanopore formation inside the Au aperture was controlled down to a few nanometer, by electron beam irradiations. The optical intensities from the biomolecules on the surfaces including Au coated pyramid with periodic groove patterns were investigated via surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). The fabricated nanopore surrounded by periodic patterns can be utilized as a next generation single molecule bio optical sensor.

  14. Detection of an electron beam in a high density plasma via an electrostatic probe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Majeski, Stephen; Yoo, Jongsoo; Zweben, Stewart; Yamada, Masaaki


    An electron beam is detected by a 1D floating potential probe array in a relatively high density (1012–1013 cm‑3) and low temperature (∼5 eV) plasma of the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment. Clear perturbations in the floating potential profile by the electron beam are observed. Based on the floating potential profile and a current balance equation to the probe array tips, the effective width of the electron beam is determined, from which we determine the radial and toroidal beam current density profiles. After the profile of the electron beam is specified from the measured beam current, we demonstrate the consistency of the current balance equation and the location of the perturbation is also in agreement with field line mapping. No significant broadening of the electron beam is observed after the beam propagates for tens of centimeters through the high density plasma. These results prove that the field line mapping is, in principle, possible in high density plasmas.

  15. Precision shape modification of nanodevices with a low-energy electron beam


    Zettl, Alex; Yuzvinsky, Thomas David; Fennimore, Adam


    Methods of shape modifying a nanodevice by contacting it with a low-energy focused electron beam are disclosed here. In one embodiment, a nanodevice may be permanently reformed to a different geometry through an application of a deforming force and a low-energy focused electron beam. With the addition of an assist gas, material may be removed from the nanodevice through application of the low-energy focused electron beam. The independent methods of shape modification and material removal may be used either individually or simultaneously. Precision cuts with accuracies as high as 10 nm may be achieved through the use of precision low-energy Scanning Electron Microscope scan beams. These methods may be used in an automated system to produce nanodevices of very precise dimensions. These methods may be used to produce nanodevices of carbon-based, silicon-based, or other compositions by varying the assist gas.

  16. Generation of valley-polarized electron beam in bilayer graphene

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Park, Changsoo


    We propose a method to produce valley-polarized electron beams using a bilayer graphene npn junction. By analyzing the transmission properties of electrons through the junction with zigzag interface in the presence of trigonal warping, we observe that there exist a range of incident energies and barrier heights in which transmitted electrons are well polarized and collimated. From this observation and by performing numerical simulations, it is demonstrated that valley-dependent electronic currents with nearly perfect polarization can be generated. We also show that the peak-to-peak separation angle between the polarized currents is tunable either by incident energy or by barrier height each of which is controlled by using top and back gate voltages. The results can be used for constructing an electron beam splitter to produce valley-polarized currents.

  17. Optical frequency shot-noise suppression in electron beams: Three-dimensional analysis

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nause, A.; Dyunin, E.; Gover, A.


    A predicted effect of current shot-noise suppression at optical-frequencies in a drifting charged-particle-beam and the corresponding process of particles self-ordering are analyzed in a one-dimensional (1D) model and verified by three-dimensional numerical simulations. The analysis confirms the prediction of a 1D single mode Langmuir plasma wave model of longitudinal plasma oscillation in the beam, and it defines the regime of beam parameters in which this effect takes place. The suppression of relativistic beam shot noise can be utilized to enhance the coherence of free electron lasers and of any coherent radiation device using an electron beam.

  18. Third harmonic generation of a short pulse laser in a plasma density ripple created by a machining beam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Liu, C. S.; Tripathi, V. K.

    An intense machining laser beam, impinged on a gas jet target, causes space periodic ionization of the gas and heats the electrons. The nonuniform plasma pressure leads to atomic density redistribution. When, after a suitable time delay, a second more intense laser pulse is launched along the periodicity wave vector q-vector, a plasma density ripple n{sub q} is instantly created, leading to resonant third harmonic generation when q=4{omega}{sub p}{sup 2}/(3{omega}c{gamma}{sub 0}), where {omega}{sub p} is the plasma frequency, {omega} is the laser frequency, and {gamma}{sub 0} is the electron Lorentz factor. The third harmonic is produced through the beating ofmore » ponderomotive force induced second harmonic density oscillations and the quiver velocity of electrons at the fundamental. The relativistic mass nonlinearity plays no role in resonant coupling. The energy conversion efficiency scales as the square of plasma density and square of depth of density ripple, and is {approx}0.2% for normalized laser amplitude a{sub o}{approx}1 in a plasma of 1% critical density with 20% density ripple. The theory explains several features of a recent experiment.« less


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Piot, P.; Andorf, M. B.; Fagerberg, G.

    Interaction of an electron beam with external field or its own radiation has widespread applications ranging from coherent-radiation generation, phase space cooling or formation of temporally-structured beams. An efficient coupling mechanism between an electron beam and radiation field relies on the use of a magnetic undulator. In this contribution we detail our plans to build short (11-period) undulators with 7-cm period refurbishing parts of the aladdin U3 undulator [1]. Possible use of these undulators at available test facilities to support experiments relevant to cooling techniques and radiation sources are outlined.

  20. Detection of atomic force microscopy cantilever displacement with a transmitted electron beam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wagner, R.; Woehl, T. J.; Keller, R. R.


    The response time of an atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilever can be decreased by reducing cantilever size; however, the fastest AFM cantilevers are currently nearing the smallest size that can be detected with the conventional optical lever approach. Here, we demonstrate an electron beam detection scheme for measuring AFM cantilever oscillations. The oscillating AFM tip is positioned perpendicular to and in the path of a stationary focused nanometer sized electron beam. As the tip oscillates, the thickness of the material under the electron beam changes, causing a fluctuation in the number of scattered transmitted electrons that are detected. We demonstratemore » detection of sub-nanometer vibration amplitudes with an electron beam, providing a pathway for dynamic AFM with cantilevers that are orders of magnitude smaller and faster than the current state of the art.« less

  1. Fracture Tests of Etched Components Using a Focused Ion Beam Machine

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kuhn, Jonathan, L.; Fettig, Rainer K.; Moseley, S. Harvey; Kutyrev, Alexander S.; Orloff, Jon; Powers, Edward I. (Technical Monitor)


    Many optical MEMS device designs involve large arrays of thin (0.5 to 1 micron components subjected to high stresses due to cyclic loading. These devices are fabricated from a variety of materials, and the properties strongly depend on size and processing. Our objective is to develop standard and convenient test methods that can be used to measure the properties of large numbers of witness samples, for every device we build. In this work we explore a variety of fracture test configurations for 0.5 micron thick silicon nitride membranes machined using the Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) process. Testing was completed using an FEI 620 dual focused ion beam milling machine. Static loads were applied using a probe. and dynamic loads were applied through a piezo-electric stack mounted at the base of the probe. Results from the tests are presented and compared, and application for predicting fracture probability of large arrays of devices are considered.

  2. Modeling of beam-target interaction during pulsed electron beam ablation of graphite: Case of melting

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ali, Muddassir; Henda, Redhouane


    A one-dimensional thermal model based on a two-stage heat conduction equation is employed to investigate the ablation of graphite target during nanosecond pulsed electron beam ablation. This comprehensive model accounts for the complex physical phenomena comprised of target heating, melting and vaporization upon irradiation with a polyenergetic electron beam. Melting and vaporization effects induced during ablation are taken into account by introducing moving phase boundaries. Phase transition induced during ablation is considered through the temperature dependent thermodynamic properties of graphite. The effect of electron beam efficiency, power density, and accelerating voltage on ablation is analyzed. For an electron beam operating at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV and efficiency of 0.6, the model findings show that the target surface temperature can reach up to 7500 K at the end of the pulse. The surface begins to melt within 25 ns from the pulse start. For the same process conditions, the estimated ablation depth and ablated mass per unit area are about 0.60 μm and 1.05 μg/mm2, respectively. Model results indicate that ablation takes place primarily in the regime of normal vaporization from the surface. The results obtained at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV and efficiency factor of 0.6 are satisfactorily in good accordance with available experimental data in the literature.

  3. Characterisation of mega-voltage electron pencil beam dose distributions: viability of a measurement-based approach.


    Barnes, M P; Ebert, M A


    The concept of electron pencil-beam dose distributions is central to pencil-beam algorithms used in electron beam radiotherapy treatment planning. The Hogstrom algorithm, which is a common algorithm for electron treatment planning, models large electron field dose distributions by the superposition of a series of pencil beam dose distributions. This means that the accurate characterisation of an electron pencil beam is essential for the accuracy of the dose algorithm. The aim of this study was to evaluate a measurement based approach for obtaining electron pencil-beam dose distributions. The primary incentive for the study was the accurate calculation of dose distributions for narrow fields as traditional electron algorithms are generally inaccurate for such geometries. Kodak X-Omat radiographic film was used in a solid water phantom to measure the dose distribution of circular 12 MeV beams from a Varian 21EX linear accelerator. Measurements were made for beams of diameter, 1.5, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 mm. A blocked-field technique was used to subtract photon contamination in the beam. The "error function" derived from Fermi-Eyges Multiple Coulomb Scattering (MCS) theory for corresponding square fields was used to fit resulting dose distributions so that extrapolation down to a pencil beam distribution could be made. The Monte Carlo codes, BEAM and EGSnrc were used to simulate the experimental arrangement. The 8 mm beam dose distribution was also measured with TLD-100 microcubes. Agreement between film, TLD and Monte Carlo simulation results were found to be consistent with the spatial resolution used. The study has shown that it is possible to extrapolate narrow electron beam dose distributions down to a pencil beam dose distribution using the error function. However, due to experimental uncertainties and measurement difficulties, Monte Carlo is recommended as the method of choice for characterising electron pencil-beam dose distributions.

  4. Measurement and simulation of the impact of coherent synchrotron radiation on the Jefferson Laboratory energy recovery linac electron beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hall, C. C.; Biedron, S. G.; Edelen, A. L.; Milton, S. V.; Benson, S.; Douglas, D.; Li, R.; Tennant, C. D.; Carlsten, B. E.


    In an experiment conducted on the Jefferson Laboratory IR free-electron laser driver, the effects of coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) on beam quality were studied. The primary goal of this work was to explore CSR output and effect on the beam with variation of the bunch compression in the IR recirculator. Here we examine the impact of CSR on the average energy loss as a function of bunch compression as well as the impact of CSR on the energy spectrum of the bunch. Simulation of beam dynamics in the machine, including the one-dimensional CSR model, shows very good agreement with the measured effect of CSR on the average energy loss as a function of compression. Finally, a well-defined structure is observed in the energy spectrum with a feature in the spectrum that varies as a function of the compression. This effect is examined in simulations, as well, and a simple explanation for the variation is proposed.

  5. Measurement and simulation of the impact of coherent synchrotron radiation on the Jefferson Laboratory energy recovery linac electron beam


    Hall, C C.; Biedron, S G.; Edelen, A L.; ...


    In an experiment conducted on the Jefferson Laboratory IR free-electron laser driver, the effects of coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) on beam quality were studied. The primary goal of this work was to explore CSR output and effect on the beam with variation of the bunch compression in the IR recirculator. Here we examine the impact of CSR on the average energy loss as a function of bunch compression as well as the impact of CSR on the energy spectrum of the bunch. Simulation of beam dynamics in the machine, including the one-dimensional CSR model, shows very good agreement with themore » measured effect of CSR on the average energy loss as a function of compression. Finally, a well-defined structure is observed in the energy spectrum with a feature in the spectrum that varies as a function of the compression. This effect is examined in simulations, as well, and a simple explanation for the variation is proposed.« less

  6. Modeling nitrogen plasmas produced by intense electron beams

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Angus, J. R.; Swanekamp, S. B.; Schumer, J. W.


    A new gas–chemistry model is presented to treat the breakdown of a nitrogen gas with pressures on the order of 1 Torr from intense electron beams with current densities on the order of 10 kA/cm{sup 2} and pulse durations on the order of 100 ns. For these parameter regimes, the gas transitions from a weakly ionized molecular state to a strongly ionized atomic state on the time scale of the beam pulse. The model is coupled to a 0D–circuit model using the rigid–beam approximation that can be driven by specifying the time and spatial profiles of the beam pulse. Simulation results are inmore » good agreement with experimental measurements of the line–integrated electron density from experiments done using the Gamble II generator at the Naval Research Laboratory. It is found that the species are mostly in the ground and metastable states during the atomic phase, but that ionization proceeds predominantly through thermal ionization of optically allowed states with excitation energies close to the ionization limit.« less

  7. Electron beam accelerator: A new tool for environmental preservation in Malaysia

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hashim, Siti Aiasah; Bakar, Khomsaton Abu; Othman, Mohd Nahar


    Electron beam accelerators are widely used for industrial applications such as surface curing, crosslinking of wires and cables and sterilization/ decontamination of pharmaceutical products. The energy of the electron beam determines the type of applications. This is due to the penetration power of the electron that is limited by the energy. In the last decade, more work has been carried out to utilize the energetic electron for remediation of environmental pollution. For this purposes, 1 MeV electron beam accelerator is sufficient to treat wastewater from textile industry and flue gases from fossil fuel combustions. In Nuclear Malaysia, a variable energymore » Cockroft Walton type accelerator has been utilized to initiate investigations in these two areas. An electron beam flue gas treatment test rig was built to treat emission from diesel combustion, where it was found that using EB parameters of 1MeV and 12mA can successfully remove at least 80% of nitric oxide in the emission. Wastewater from textile industries was treated using combination of biological treatment and EB. The initial findings indicated that the quality of water had improved based on the COD{sub Cr}, BOD{sub 5} indicators.« less

  8. Electron beam accelerator: A new tool for environmental preservation in Malaysia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hashim, Siti Aiasah; Bakar, Khomsaton Abu; Othman, Mohd Nahar


    Electron beam accelerators are widely used for industrial applications such as surface curing, crosslinking of wires and cables and sterilization/ decontamination of pharmaceutical products. The energy of the electron beam determines the type of applications. This is due to the penetration power of the electron that is limited by the energy. In the last decade, more work has been carried out to utilize the energetic electron for remediation of environmental pollution. For this purposes, 1 MeV electron beam accelerator is sufficient to treat wastewater from textile industry and flue gases from fossil fuel combustions. In Nuclear Malaysia, a variable energy Cockroft Walton type accelerator has been utilized to initiate investigations in these two areas. An electron beam flue gas treatment test rig was built to treat emission from diesel combustion, where it was found that using EB parameters of 1MeV and 12mA can successfully remove at least 80% of nitric oxide in the emission. Wastewater from textile industries was treated using combination of biological treatment and EB. The initial findings indicated that the quality of water had improved based on the CODCr, BOD5 indicators.

  9. Method of automatic measurement and focus of an electron beam and apparatus therefore


    Giedt, W.H.; Campiotti, R.


    An electron beam focusing system, including a plural slit-type Faraday beam trap, for measuring the diameter of an electron beam and automatically focusing the beam for welding is disclosed. Beam size is determined from profiles of the current measured as the beam is swept over at least two narrow slits of the beam trap. An automated procedure changes the focus coil current until the focal point location is just below a workpiece surface. A parabolic equation is fitted to the calculated beam sizes from which optimal focus coil current and optimal beam diameter are determined. 12 figs.

  10. Acceleration of plasma electrons by intense nonrelativistic ion and electron beams propagating in background plasma due to two-stream instability

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaganovich, Igor D.


    In this paper we study the effects of the two-stream instability on the propagation of intense nonrelativistic ion and electron beams in background plasma. Development of the two-stream instability between the beam ions and plasma electrons leads to beam breakup, a slowing down of the beam particles, acceleration of the plasma particles, and transfer of the beam energy to the plasma particles and wave excitations. Making use of the particle-in-cell codes EDIPIC and LSP, and analytic theory we have simulated the effects of the two-stream instability on beam propagation over a wide range of beam and plasma parameters. Because of the two-stream instability the plasma electrons can be accelerated to velocities as high as twice the beam velocity. The resulting return current of the accelerated electrons may completely change the structure of the beam self - magnetic field, thereby changing its effect on the beam from focusing to defocusing. Therefore, previous theories of beam self-electromagnetic fields that did not take into account the effects of the two-stream instability must be significantly modified. This effect can be observed on the National Drift Compression Experiment-II (NDCX-II) facility by measuring the spot size of the extracted beamlet propagating through several meters of plasma. Particle-in-cell, fluid simulations, and analytical theory also reveal the rich complexity of beam- plasma interaction phenomena: intermittency and multiple regimes of the two-stream instability in dc discharges; band structure of the growth rate of the two-stream instability of an electron beam propagating in a bounded plasma and repeated acceleration of electrons in a finite system. In collaboration with E. Tokluoglu, D. Sydorenko, E. A. Startsev, J. Carlsson, and R. C. Davidson. Research supported by the U.S. Department of Energy.

  11. Wave-Particle Interactions on Relativistic Electron Beams.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    8217 , , , . , • -- . . : - ’ - , % % , . , , : " ’ . I_ °- , ,, - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .- , ,. , - ,.. .. -l -. ’- - ’ @ -5- In summary, the body of published research which resulted from Office...current beams so that the influence of the self- U(5 )-Y space charge on the beam can be neglected. We thus require that the transverse electrostatic...the gain en - hancement is that the equilibrium electron orbits in the wiggler be nearly helical. Without the axial guide field a helical magnetic

  12. High-speed ultrafast laser machining with tertiary beam positioning (Conference Presentation)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Chuan; Zhang, Haibin


    For an industrial laser application, high process throughput and low average cost of ownership are critical to commercial success. Benefiting from high peak power, nonlinear absorption and small-achievable spot size, ultrafast lasers offer advantages of minimal heat affected zone, great taper and sidewall quality, and small via capability that exceeds the limits of their predecessors in via drilling for electronic packaging. In the past decade, ultrafast lasers have both grown in power and reduced in cost. For example, recently, disk and fiber technology have both shown stable operation in the 50W to 200W range, mostly at high repetition rate (beyond 500 kHz) that helps avoid detrimental nonlinear effects. However, to effectively and efficiently scale the throughput with the fast-growing power capability of the ultrafast lasers while keeping the beneficial laser-material interactions is very challenging, mainly because of the bottleneck imposed by the inertia-related acceleration limit and servo gain bandwidth when only stages and galvanometers are being used. On the other side, inertia-free scanning solutions like acoustic optics and electronic optical deflectors have small scan field, and therefore not suitable for large-panel processing. Our recent system developments combine stages, galvanometers, and AODs into a coordinated tertiary architecture for high bandwidth and meanwhile large field beam positioning. Synchronized three-level movements allow extremely fast local speed and continuous motion over the whole stage travel range. We present the via drilling results from such ultrafast system with up to 3MHz pulse to pulse random access, enabling high quality low cost ultrafast machining with emerging high average power laser sources.

  13. Ultrashort megaelectronvolt positron beam generation based on laser-accelerated electrons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xu, Tongjun; Shen, Baifei; Xu, Jiancai; Li, Shun; Yu, Yong; Li, Jinfeng; Lu, Xiaoming; Wang, Cheng; Wang, Xinliang; Liang, Xiaoyan; Leng, Yuxin; Li, Ruxin; Xu, Zhizhan


    Experimental generation of ultrashort MeV positron beams with high intensity and high density using a compact laser-driven setup is reported. A high-density gas jet is employed experimentally to generate MeV electrons with high charge; thus, a charge-neutralized MeV positron beam with high density is obtained during laser-accelerated electrons irradiating high-Z solid targets. It is a novel electron-positron source for the study of laboratory astrophysics. Meanwhile, the MeV positron beam is pulsed with an ultrashort duration of tens of femtoseconds and has a high peak intensity of 7.8 × 1021 s-1, thus allows specific studies of fast kinetics in millimeter-thick materials with a high time resolution and exhibits potential for applications in positron annihilation spectroscopy.

  14. Study of a high power hydrogen beam diagnostic based on secondary electron emission.


    Sartori, E; Panasenkov, A; Veltri, P; Serianni, G; Pasqualotto, R


    In high power neutral beams for fusion, beam uniformity is an important figure of merit. Knowing the transverse power profile is essential during the initial phases of beam source operation, such as those expected for the ITER heating neutral beam (HNB) test facility. To measure it a diagnostic technique is proposed, based on the collection of secondary electrons generated by beam-surface and beam-gas interactions, by an array of positively biased collectors placed behind the calorimeter tubes. This measurement showed in the IREK test stand good proportionality to the primary beam current. To investigate the diagnostic performances in different conditions, we developed a numerical model of secondary electron emission, induced by beam particle impact on the copper tubes, and reproducing the cascade of secondary emission caused by successive electron impacts. The model is first validated against IREK measurements. It is then applied to the HNB case, to assess the locality of the measurement, the proportionality to the beam current density, and the influence of beam plasma.

  15. Calorimetry of electron beams and the calibration of dosimeters at high doses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Humphreys, J. C.; McLaughlin, W. L.

    Graphite or metal calorimeters are used to make absolute dosimetric measurements of high-energy electron beams. These calibrated beams are then used to calibrate several types of dosimeters for high-dose applications such as medical-product sterilization, polymer modification, food processing, or electronic-device hardness testing. The electron beams are produced either as continuous high-power beams at approximately 4.5 MeV by d.c. type accelerators or in the energy range of approximately 8 to 50 MeV using pulsed microwave linear accelerators (linacs). The continuous beams are generally magnetically scanned to produce a broad, uniform radiation environment for the processing of materials of extended lateral dimensions. The higher-energy pulsed beams may also be scanned for processing applications or may be used in an unscanned, tightly-focused mode to produce maximum absorbed dose rates such as may be required for electronic-device radiation hardness testing. The calorimeters are used over an absorbed dose range of 10 2 to 10 4 Gy. Intercomparison studies are reported between National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and UK National Physical Laboratory (NPL) graphite disk calorimeters at high doses, using the NPL 10-MeV linac, and agreement was found within 1.5%. It was also shown that the electron-beam responses of radiochromic film dosimeters and alanine pellet dosimeters can be accurately calibrated by comparison with calorimeter readings.

  16. Determination of electron energy, spectral width, and beam divergence at the exit window for clinical megavoltage x-ray beams.


    Sawkey, D L; Faddegon, B A


    Monte Carlo simulations of x-ray beams typically take parameters of the electron beam in the accelerating waveguide to be free parameters. In this paper, a methodology is proposed and implemented to determine the energy, spectral width, and beam divergence of the electron source. All treatment head components were removed from the beam path, leaving only the exit window. With the x-ray target and flattener out of the beam, uncertainties in physical characteristics and relative position of the target and flattening filter, and in spot size, did not contribute to uncertainty in the energy. Beam current was lowered to reduce recombination effects. The measured dose distributions were compared with Monte Carlo simulation of the electron beam through the treatment head to extract the electron source characteristics. For the nominal 6 and 18 MV x-ray beams, the energies were 6.51 +/- 0.15 and 13.9 +/- 0.2 MeV, respectively, with the uncertainties resulting from uncertainties in the detector position in the measurement and in the stopping power in the simulations. Gaussian spectral distributions were used, with full widths at half maximum ranging from 20 +/- 4% at 6 MV to 13 +/- 4% at 18 MV required to match the fall-off portion of the percent-depth ionization curve. Profiles at the depth of maximum dose from simulations that used the manufacturer-specified exit window geometry and no beam divergence were 2-3 cm narrower than measured profiles. Two simulation configurations yielding the measured profile width were the manufacturer-specified exit window thickness with electron source divergences of 3.3 degrees at 6 MV and 1.8 degrees at 18 MV and an exit window 40% thicker than the manufacturer's specification with no beam divergence. With the x-ray target in place (and no flattener), comparison of measured to simulated profiles sets upper limits on the electron source divergences of 0.2 degrees at 6 MV and 0.1 degrees at 18 MV. A method of determining source

  17. Monte Carlo simulations of secondary electron emission due to ion beam milling

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mahady, Kyle; Tan, Shida; Greenzweig, Yuval

    We present a Monte Carlo simulation study of secondary electron emission resulting from focused ion beam milling of a copper target. The basis of this study is a simulation code which simulates ion induced excitation and emission of secondary electrons, in addition to simulating focused ion beam sputtering and milling. This combination of features permits the simulation of the interaction between secondary electron emission, and the evolving target geometry as the ion beam sputters material. Previous ion induced SE Monte Carlo simulation methods have been restricted to predefined target geometries, while the dynamic target in the presented simulations makes thismore » study relevant to image formation in ion microscopy, and chemically assisted ion beam etching, where the relationship between sputtering, and its effects on secondary electron emission, is important. We focus on a copper target, and validate our simulation against experimental data for a range of: noble gas ions, ion energies, ion/substrate angles and the energy distribution of the secondary electrons. We then provide a detailed account of the emission of secondary electrons resulting from ion beam milling; we quantify both the evolution of the yield as high aspect ratio valleys are milled, as well as the emission of electrons within these valleys that do not escape the target, but which are important to the secondary electron contribution to chemically assisted ion induced etching.« less

  18. Numerical Simulation and Mechanical Design for TPS Electron Beam Position Monitors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hsueh, H. P.; Kuan, C. K.; Ueng, T. S.; Hsiung, G. Y.; Chen, J. R.


    Comprehensive study on the mechanical design and numerical simulation for the high resolution electron beam position monitors are key steps to build the newly proposed 3rd generation synchrotron radiation research facility, Taiwan Photon Source (TPS). With more advanced electromagnetic simulation tool like MAFIA tailored specifically for particle accelerator, the design for the high resolution electron beam position monitors can be tested in such environment before they are experimentally tested. The design goal of our high resolution electron beam position monitors is to get the best resolution through sensitivity and signal optimization. The definitions and differences between resolution and sensitivity of electron beam position monitors will be explained. The design consideration is also explained. Prototype deign has been carried out and the related simulations were also carried out with MAFIA. The results are presented here. Sensitivity as high as 200 in x direction has been achieved in x direction at 500 MHz.

  19. Shielding small-field high-energy electron beams in cancer treatment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Farahani, M.; Eichmiller, F. C.; McLaughlin, W. L.


    The purpose of this study was to find an effective material that can be prepared quickly and easily prior to small-field electron-beam treatments so that lesions of the head and neck can be treated with minimal irradiation of the surrounding healthy tissue. Conventional preparation of custom anatomical prosthetic radiation shields, which are usually metal alloy masks, has been time-consuming and uncomfortable for the patients. New materials, made from light-body Reprosil TM (L. L. Caulk) filled with fine metal powder consisting of 70% Ag-30% Cu alloy, can be made by blending 90% (w/w) metal powder with 10% polysiloxane base and adding the polymerization catalyst separately. These combinations were mixed to form comfortably fitted shielding composites of different thicknesses. The electron-beam attenuation properties of slabs of this material were studied by irradiating calibrated radiochromic film (GafChromic TM) dosimeters behind different thicknesses of composite samples with small-field 13-, 15- and 18-MeV electron beams from a therapeutic linear accelerator. The results showed that this material can suitably attenuate high-energy electron beams when used in reasonable thicknesses.

  20. A tunable electronic beam splitter realized with crossed graphene nanoribbons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brandimarte, Pedro; Engelund, Mads; Papior, Nick; Garcia-Lekue, Aran; Frederiksen, Thomas; Sánchez-Portal, Daniel


    Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are promising components in future nanoelectronics due to the large mobility of graphene electrons and their tunable electronic band gap in combination with recent experimental developments of on-surface chemistry strategies for their growth. Here, we explore a prototype 4-terminal semiconducting device formed by two crossed armchair GNRs (AGNRs) using state-of-the-art first-principles transport methods. We analyze in detail the roles of intersection angle, stacking order, inter-GNR separation, GNR width, and finite voltages on the transport characteristics. Interestingly, when the AGNRs intersect at θ =60° , electrons injected from one terminal can be split into two outgoing waves with a tunable ratio around 50% and with almost negligible back-reflection. The split electron wave is found to propagate partly straight across the intersection region in one ribbon and partly in one direction of the other ribbon, i.e., in analogy with an optical beam splitter. Our simulations further identify realistic conditions for which this semiconducting device can act as a mechanically controllable electronic beam splitter with possible applications in carbon-based quantum electronic circuits and electron optics. We rationalize our findings with a simple model suggesting that electronic beam splitters can generally be realized with crossed GNRs.

  1. Rarefied flow diagnostics using pulsed high-current electron beams

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wojcik, Radoslaw M.; Schilling, John H.; Erwin, Daniel A.


    The use of high-current short-pulse electron beams in low-density gas flow diagnostics is introduced. Efficient beam propagation is demonstrated for pressure up to 300 microns. The beams, generated by low-pressure pseudospark discharges in helium, provide extremely high fluorescence levels, allowing time-resolved visualization in high-background environments. The fluorescence signal frequency is species-dependent, allowing instantaneous visualization of mixing flowfields.

  2. Passive and active plasma deceleration for the compact disposal of electron beams

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bonatto, A., E-mail:; CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil, Brasília, DF 700040-020; Schroeder, C. B.


    Plasma-based decelerating schemes are investigated as compact alternatives for the disposal of high-energy beams (beam dumps). Analytical solutions for the energy loss of electron beams propagating in passive and active (laser-driven) schemes are derived. These solutions, along with numerical modeling, are used to investigate the evolution of the electron distribution, including energy chirp and total beam energy. In the active beam dump scheme, a laser-driver allows a more homogeneous beam energy extraction and drastically reduces the energy chirp observed in the passive scheme. These concepts could benefit applications requiring overall compactness, such as transportable light sources, or facilities operating atmore » high beam power.« less

  3. Pencil-like mm-size electron beams produced with linear inductive voltage adders

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mazarakis, M. G.; Poukey, J. W.; Rovang, D. C.; Maenchen, J. E.; Cordova, S. R.; Menge, P. R.; Pepping, R.; Bennett, L.; Mikkelson, K.; Smith, D. L.; Halbleib, J.; Stygar, W. A.; Welch, D. R.


    We present the design, analysis, and results of the high brightness electron beam experiments currently under investigation at Sandia National Laboratories. The anticipated beam parameters are the following: energy 12 MeV, current 35-40 kA, rms radius 0.5 mm, and pulse duration 40 ns full width at half-maximum. The accelerator is SABRE, a pulsed linear inductive voltage adder modified to higher impedance, and the electron source is a magnetically immersed foilless electron diode. 20-30 T solenoidal magnets are required to insulate the diode and contain the beam to its extremely small-sized (1 mm) envelope. These experiments are designed to push the technology to produce the highest possible electron current in a submillimeter radius beam. Design, numerical simulations, and experimental results are presented.

  4. Detection of an electron beam in a high density plasma via an electrostatic probe

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Majeski, Stephen; Yoo, Jongsoo; Zweben, Stewart

    Here, an electron beam is detected by a 1D floating potential probe array in a relatively high density (10 12–10 13 cm -3) and low temperature (~5 eV) plasma of the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment. Clear perturbations in the floating potential profile by the electron beam are observed. Based on the floating potential profile and a current balance equation to the probe array tips, the effective width of the electron beam is determined, from which we determine the radial and toroidal beam current density profiles. After the profile of the electron beam is specified from the measured beam current, we demonstratemore » the consistency of the current balance equation and the location of the perturbation is also in agreement with field line mapping. No significant broadening of the electron beam is observed after the beam propagates for tens of centimeters through the high density plasma. These results prove that the field line mapping is, in principle, possible in high density plasmas.« less

  5. Detection of an electron beam in a high density plasma via an electrostatic probe


    Majeski, Stephen; Yoo, Jongsoo; Zweben, Stewart; ...


    Here, an electron beam is detected by a 1D floating potential probe array in a relatively high density (10 12–10 13 cm -3) and low temperature (~5 eV) plasma of the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment. Clear perturbations in the floating potential profile by the electron beam are observed. Based on the floating potential profile and a current balance equation to the probe array tips, the effective width of the electron beam is determined, from which we determine the radial and toroidal beam current density profiles. After the profile of the electron beam is specified from the measured beam current, we demonstratemore » the consistency of the current balance equation and the location of the perturbation is also in agreement with field line mapping. No significant broadening of the electron beam is observed after the beam propagates for tens of centimeters through the high density plasma. These results prove that the field line mapping is, in principle, possible in high density plasmas.« less

  6. Possibility for ultra-bright electron beam acceleration in dielectric wakefield accelerators

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Simakov, Evgenya I.; Carlsten, Bruce E.; Shchegolkov, Dmitry Yu.


    We describe a conceptual proposal to combine the Dielectric Wakefield Accelerator (DWA) with the Emittance Exchanger (EEX) to demonstrate a high-brightness DWA with a gradient of above 100 MV/m and less than 0.1% induced energy spread in the accelerated beam. We currently evaluate the DWA concept as a performance upgrade for the future LANL signature facility MaRIE with the goal of significantly reducing the electron beam energy spread. The preconceptual design for MaRIE is underway at LANL, with the design of the electron linear accelerator being one of the main research goals. Although generally the baseline design needs to bemore » conservative and rely on existing technology, any future upgrade would immediately call for looking into the advanced accelerator concepts capable of boosting the electron beam energy up by a few GeV in a very short distance without degrading the beam's quality. Scoping studies have identified large induced energy spreads as the major cause of beam quality degradation in high-gradient advanced accelerators for free-electron lasers. We describe simulations demonstrating that trapezoidal bunch shapes can be used in a DWA to greatly reduce the induced beam energy spread, and, in doing so, also preserve the beam brightness at levels never previously achieved. This concept has the potential to advance DWA technology to a level that would make it suitable for the upgrades of the proposed Los Alamos MaRIE signature facility.« less

  7. Correction to the Alfven-Lawson criterion for relativistic electron beams

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dodin, I. Y.; Fisch, N. J.


    The Alfven-Lawson criterion for relativistic electron beams is revised. The parameter range is found, in which a stationary beam can carry arbitrarily large current, regardless of its transverse structure.

  8. Conceptual design for an electron-beam heated hypersonic wind tunnel

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lipinski, R.J.; Kensek, R.P.


    There is a need for hypersonic wind-tunnel testing at about mach 10 and above using natural air and simulating temperatures and pressures which are prototypic of flight at 50 km altitude or below. With traditional wind-tunnel techniques, gas cooling during expansion results in exit temperatures which are too low. Miles, et al., have proposed overcoming this difficulty by heating the air with a laser beam as it expands in the wind-tunnel nozzle. This report discusses an alternative option of using a high-power electron beam to heat the air as it expands. In the e-beam heating concept, the electron beam ismore » injected into the wind-tunnel nozzle near the exit and then is guided upstream toward the nozzle throat by a strong axial magnetic field. The beam deposits most of its power in the dense air near the throat where the expansion rate is greatest. A conceptual design is presented for a large-scale system which achieves Mach 14 for 0.1 seconds with an exit diameter of 2.8 meters. It requires 450 MW of electron beam power (5 MeV at 90 A). The guiding field is 500 G for most of the transport length and increases to 100 kG near the throat to converge the beam to a 1.0-cm diameter. The beam generator is a DC accelerator using a Marx bank (of capacitors) and a diode stack with a hot cathode. 14 refs. 38 figs., 9 tabs.« less

  9. Electron-beam dynamics for an advanced flash-radiography accelerator

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ekdahl, Carl August Jr.


    Beam dynamics issues were assessed for a new linear induction electron accelerator. Special attention was paid to equilibrium beam transport, possible emittance growth, and beam stability. Especially problematic would be high-frequency beam instabilities that could blur individual radiographic source spots, low-frequency beam motion that could cause pulse-to-pulse spot displacement, and emittance growth that could enlarge the source spots. Beam physics issues were examined through theoretical analysis and computer simulations, including particle-in cell (PIC) codes. Beam instabilities investigated included beam breakup (BBU), image displacement, diocotron, parametric envelope, ion hose, and the resistive wall instability. Beam corkscrew motion and emittance growth frommore » beam mismatch were also studied. It was concluded that a beam with radiographic quality equivalent to the present accelerators at Los Alamos will result if the same engineering standards and construction details are upheld.« less

  10. TREE Preferred Procedures, Selected Electronic Parts.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    presented. Chapter 5 covers dosimetry and environmental correlation procedures. Neutron measurements, photon and electron measurements, and pulse...complications from nonuniformity of dose and to provide accurate dosimetry , exposures should be performed under conditions of electron equi- librium. Unless...nonconducting dosimetry materials or test articles are exposed to intense electron beams characteristic of flash X-ray machines, the effect of the potential

  11. Collective Acceleration with Rotating Relativistic Electron Beams.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    experiments[ where rela- tivistic electron beams were injected into neutral gas filled drift tubes . This paper presents results of recent experiments in...was applied in the drift tube . Rander7 has measured the beamfront velocity, ion yield and ion momentum distribution for non- rotating beams in hydrogen...fields (axial and azimuthal) and currents induced in the drift tube wall.8 Diode voltage and current are V - 900 kV, I - 80 kA for r" - 100 ns, with

  12. DAΦNE operation with electron-cloud-clearing electrodes.


    Alesini, D; Drago, A; Gallo, A; Guiducci, S; Milardi, C; Stella, A; Zobov, M; De Santis, S; Demma, T; Raimondi, P


    The effects of an electron cloud (e-cloud) on beam dynamics are one of the major factors limiting performances of high intensity positron, proton, and ion storage rings. In the electron-positron collider DAΦNE, namely, a horizontal beam instability due to the electron-cloud effect has been identified as one of the main limitations on the maximum stored positron beam current and as a source of beam quality deterioration. During the last machine shutdown in order to mitigate such instability, special electrodes have been inserted in all dipole and wiggler magnets of the positron ring. It has been the first installation all over the world of this type since long metallic electrodes have been installed in all arcs of the collider positron ring and are currently used during the machine operation in collision. This has allowed a number of unprecedented measurements (e-cloud instabilities growth rate, transverse beam size variation, tune shifts along the bunch train) where the e-cloud contribution is clearly evidenced by turning the electrodes on and off. In this Letter we briefly describe a novel design of the electrodes, while the main focus is on experimental measurements. Here we report all results that clearly indicate the effectiveness of the electrodes for e-cloud suppression.

  13. Observation of electron cloud instabilities and emittance dilution at the Cornell electron-positron Storage ring Test Accelerator


    Holtzapple, R. L.; Billing, M. G.; Campbell, R. C.; ...


    Electron cloud related emittance dilution and instabilities of bunch trains limit the performance of high intensity circular colliders. One of the key goals of the Cornell electron-positron storage ring Test Accelerator (CesrTA) research program is to improve our understanding of how the electron cloud alters the dynamics of bunches within the train. Single bunch beam diagnostics have been developed to measure the beam spectra, vertical beam size, two important dynamical effects of beams interacting with the electron cloud, for bunch trains on a turn-by-turn basis. Experiments have been performed at CesrTA to probe the interaction of the electron cloud withmore » stored positron bunch trains. The purpose of these experiments was to characterize the dependence of beam-electron cloud interactions on the machine parameters such as bunch spacing, vertical chromaticity, and bunch current. The beam dynamics of the stored beam, in the presence of the electron cloud, was quantified using: 1) a gated beam position monitor (BPM) and spectrum analyzer to measure the bunch-by-bunch frequency spectrum of the bunch trains, 2) an x-ray beam size monitor to record the bunch-by-bunch, turn-by-turn vertical size of each bunch within the trains. In this study we report on the observations from these experiments and analyze the effects of the electron cloud on the stability of bunches in a train under many different operational conditions.« less

  14. Observation of Electron Cloud Instabilities and Emittance Dilution at the Cornell Electron-Positron Storage Ring Test Accelerator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Holtzapple, R. L.; Billing, M. G.; Campbell, R. C.; Dugan, G. F.; Flanagan, J.; McArdle, K. E.; Miller, M. I.; Palmer, M. A.; Ramirez, G. A.; Sonnad, K. G.; Totten, M. M.; Tucker, S. L.; Williams, H. A.


    Electron cloud related emittance dilution and instabilities of bunch trains limit the performance of high intensity circular colliders. One of the key goals of the Cornell electron-positron storage ring Test Accelerator (CesrTA) research program is to improve our understanding of how the electron cloud alters the dynamics of bunches within the train. Single bunch beam diagnotics have been developed to measure the beam spectra, vertical beam size, two important dynamical effects of beams interacting with the electron cloud, for bunch trains on a turn-by-turn basis. Experiments have been performed at CesrTA to probe the interaction of the electron cloud with stored positron bunch trains. The purpose of these experiments was to characterize the dependence of beam-electron cloud interactions on the machine parameters such as bunch spacing, vertical chromaticity, and bunch current. The beam dynamics of the stored beam, in the presence of the electron cloud, was quantified using: 1) a gated beam position monitor (BPM) and spectrum analyzer to measure the bunch-by-bunch frequency spectrum of the bunch trains; 2) an x-ray beam size monitor to record the bunch-by-bunch, turn-by-turn vertical size of each bunch within the trains. In this paper we report on the observations from these experiments and analyze the effects of the electron cloud on the stability of bunches in a train under many different operational conditions.

  15. Effects of electron beam irradiation on polyamide 12 with fiberglass reinforcement

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jeun, Joon-Pyo; Shin, Bum-Sik; Kim, Hyun-Bin; Nho, Young-Chang; Kang, Phil-Hyun


    In the present study, the effects of electron beam irradiation of polyamide 12 (PA12) with fiberglass reinforcement on the thermal and wear properties were investigated. Electron beam irradiation of PA 12 was carried out over a range of irradiation doses (100-600 kGy) in air. The gel formation in the presence of a curing agent was dependent on the radiation doses. The thermal properties of irradiated PA 12 were studied in the temperature region 50-250° C to observe the changes in the melting point with radiation dose. The dimensional stability was significantly increased by electron beam irradiation and the related crosslinking of the PA 12.

  16. MO-H-19A-01: FEATURED PRESENTATION - Treatment Planning Tool for Radiotherapy with Very High-Energy Electron Beams

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bazalova, M; Qu, B; Palma, B


    Purpose: To develop a tool for treatment planning optimization for fast radiotherapy delivered with very high-energy electron beams (VHEE) and to compare VHEE plans to state-of-the-art plans for challenging pelvis and H'N cases. Methods: Treatment planning for radiotherapy delivered with VHEE scanning pencil beams was performed by integrating EGSnrc Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculations with spot scanning optimization run in a research version of RayStation. A Matlab GUI for MC beamlet generation was developed, in which treatment parameters such as the pencil beam size and spacing, energy and number of beams can be selected. Treatment planning study for H'N andmore » pelvis cases was performed and the effect of treatment parameters on the delivered dose distributions was evaluated and compared to the clinical treatment plans. The pelvis case with a 691cm3 PTV was treated with 2-arc 15MV VMAT and the H'N case with four PTVs with total volume of 531cm3 was treated with 4-arc 6MV VMAT. Results: Most studied VHEE plans outperformed VMAT plans. The best pelvis 80MeV VHEE plan with 25 beams resulted in 12% body dose sparing and 8% sparing to the bowel and right femur compared to the VMAT plan. The 100MeV plan was superior to the 150MeV plan. Mixing 100 and 150MeV improved dose sparing to the bladder by 7% compared to either plan. Plans with 16 and 36 beams did not significantly affect the dose distributions compared to 25 beam plans. The best H'N 100MeV VHEE plan decreased mean doses to the brainstem, chiasm, and both globes by 10-42% compared to the VMAT plan. Conclusion: The pelvis and H'N cases suggested that sixteen 100MeV beams might be sufficient specifications of a novel VHEE treatment machine. However, optimum machine parameters will be determined with the presented VHEE treatment-planning tool for a large number of clinical cases. BW Loo and P Maxim received research support from RaySearch Laboratories. E Hynning and B Hardemark are employees of Ray

  17. Permanent-magnet energy spectrometer for electron beams from radiotherapy accelerators

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    McLaughlin, David J.; Shikhaliev, Polad M.; Matthews, Kenneth L.


    Purpose: The purpose of this work was to adapt a lightweight, permanent magnet electron energy spectrometer for the measurement of energy spectra of therapeutic electron beams. Methods: An irradiation geometry and measurement technique were developed for an approximately 0.54-T, permanent dipole magnet spectrometer to produce suitable latent images on computed radiography (CR) phosphor strips. Dual-pinhole electron collimators created a 0.318-cm diameter, approximately parallel beam incident on the spectrometer and an appropriate dose rate at the image plane (CR strip location). X-ray background in the latent image, reduced by a 7.62-cm thick lead block between the pinhole collimators, was removed usingmore » a fitting technique. Theoretical energy-dependent detector response functions (DRFs) were used in an iterative technique to transform CR strip net mean dose profiles into energy spectra on central axis at the entrance to the spectrometer. These spectra were transformed to spectra at 95-cm source to collimator distance (SCD) by correcting for the energy dependence of electron scatter. The spectrometer was calibrated by comparing peak mean positions in the net mean dose profiles, initially to peak mean energies determined from the practical range of central-axis percent depth-dose (%DD) curves, and then to peak mean energies that accounted for how the collimation modified the energy spectra (recalibration). The utility of the spectrometer was demonstrated by measuring the energy spectra for the seven electron beams (7–20 MeV) of an Elekta Infinity radiotherapy accelerator. Results: Plots of DRF illustrated their dependence on energy and position in the imaging plane. Approximately 15 iterations solved for the energy spectra at the spectrometer entrance from the measured net mean dose profiles. Transforming those spectra into ones at 95-cm SCD increased the low energy tail of the spectra, while correspondingly decreasing the peaks and shifting them to

  18. Permanent-magnet energy spectrometer for electron beams from radiotherapy accelerators.


    McLaughlin, David J; Hogstrom, Kenneth R; Carver, Robert L; Gibbons, John P; Shikhaliev, Polad M; Matthews, Kenneth L; Clarke, Taylor; Henderson, Alexander; Liang, Edison P


    The purpose of this work was to adapt a lightweight, permanent magnet electron energy spectrometer for the measurement of energy spectra of therapeutic electron beams. An irradiation geometry and measurement technique were developed for an approximately 0.54-T, permanent dipole magnet spectrometer to produce suitable latent images on computed radiography (CR) phosphor strips. Dual-pinhole electron collimators created a 0.318-cm diameter, approximately parallel beam incident on the spectrometer and an appropriate dose rate at the image plane (CR strip location). X-ray background in the latent image, reduced by a 7.62-cm thick lead block between the pinhole collimators, was removed using a fitting technique. Theoretical energy-dependent detector response functions (DRFs) were used in an iterative technique to transform CR strip net mean dose profiles into energy spectra on central axis at the entrance to the spectrometer. These spectra were transformed to spectra at 95-cm source to collimator distance (SCD) by correcting for the energy dependence of electron scatter. The spectrometer was calibrated by comparing peak mean positions in the net mean dose profiles, initially to peak mean energies determined from the practical range of central-axis percent depth-dose (%DD) curves, and then to peak mean energies that accounted for how the collimation modified the energy spectra (recalibration). The utility of the spectrometer was demonstrated by measuring the energy spectra for the seven electron beams (7-20 MeV) of an Elekta Infinity radiotherapy accelerator. Plots of DRF illustrated their dependence on energy and position in the imaging plane. Approximately 15 iterations solved for the energy spectra at the spectrometer entrance from the measured net mean dose profiles. Transforming those spectra into ones at 95-cm SCD increased the low energy tail of the spectra, while correspondingly decreasing the peaks and shifting them to slightly lower energies. Energy calibration

  19. Review Of E-Beam Electrical Test Techniques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hohn, Fritz J.


    Electron beams as a viable technique for contactless testing of electrical functions and electrical integrity of different active devices in VLSI-chips has been demonstrated over the past years. This method of testing electronic networks, most widely used in the laboratory environment, is based on an electron probe which is deflected from point to point in the network. A current of secondary electrons emitted in response to the impingement of the electron probe is converted to a signal indicating the presence of a voltage or varying potential at the different points. Voltage contrast, electron beam induced current, dual potential approach, stroboscopic techniques and other methods have been developed and are used to detect different functional failures in devices. Besides the VLSI application, the contactless testing of three dimensional conductor networks of a 10cm x 10cm x .8cm multilayer ceramic module poses a different and new application for the electron beam test technique. A dual potential electron beam test system allows to generate electron beam induced voltage contrast. The same system at a different potential is used to detect this voltage contrast over the large area without moving the substrate and thus test for the electrical integrity of the networks. Less attention in most of the applications has been paid to the electron optical environment, mostly SEM's were upgraded or converted to do the job of a "voltage contrast" machine. This by no means will satisfy all requirements and more thoughts have to be given to aspects such as: low voltage electron guns: thermal emitter, Schottky emitter, field emitter, low voltage electron optics, two lens systems, different means of detection, signal processing - storage and others. This paper will review available E-beam test techniques, specific applications and some critical components.

  20. An EBIC equation for solar cells. [Electron Beam Induced Current

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Luke, K. L.; Von Roos, O.


    When an electron beam of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) impinges on an N-P junction, the generation of electron-hole pairs by impact ionization causes a characteristic short circuit current I(sc) to flow. The I(sc), i.e., EBIC (electron beam induced current) depends strongly on the configuration used to investigate the cell's response. In this paper the case where the plane of the junction is perpendicular to the surface is considered. An EBIC equation amenable to numerical computations is derived as a function of cell thickness, source depth, surface recombination velocity, diffusion length, and distance of the junction to the beam-cell interaction point for a cell with an ohmic contact at its back surface. It is shown that the EBIC equation presented here is more general and easier to use than those previously reported. The effects of source depth, ohmic contact, and diffusion length on the normalized EBIC characteristic are discussed.

  1. Electron-Beam Mapping of Vibrational Modes with Nanometer Spatial Resolution.


    Dwyer, C; Aoki, T; Rez, P; Chang, S L Y; Lovejoy, T C; Krivanek, O L


    We demonstrate that a focused beam of high-energy electrons can be used to map the vibrational modes of a material with a spatial resolution of the order of one nanometer. Our demonstration is performed on boron nitride, a polar dielectric which gives rise to both localized and delocalized electron-vibrational scattering, either of which can be selected in our off-axial experimental geometry. Our experimental results are well supported by our calculations, and should reconcile current controversy regarding the spatial resolution achievable in vibrational mapping with focused electron beams.

  2. Analytical model of secondary electron emission yield in electron beam irradiated insulators.


    Ghorbel, N; Kallel, A; Damamme, G


    The study of secondary electron emission (SEE) yield as a function of the kinetic energy of the incident primary electron beam and its evolution with charge accumulation inside insulators is a source of valuable information (even though an indirect one) on charge transport and trapping phenomena. We will show that this evolution is essentially due, in plane geometry conditions (achieved using a defocused electron beam), to the electric field effect (due to the accumulation of trapped charges in the bulk) in the escape zone of secondary electrons and not to modifications of trapping cross sections, which only have side effects. We propose an analytical model including the main basic phenomena underlying the space charge dynamics. It will be observed that such a model makes it possible to reproduce both qualitatively and quantitatively the measurement of SEE evolution as well as to provide helpful indications concerning charge transport (more precisely, the ratios between the mobility and diffusion coefficient with the thermal velocity of the charge carrier). Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Creating and Steering Highly Directional Electron Beams in Graphene.


    Liu, Ming-Hao; Gorini, Cosimo; Richter, Klaus


    We put forward a concept to create highly collimated, nondispersive electron beams in pseudorelativistic Dirac materials such as graphene or topological insulator surfaces. Combining negative refraction and Klein collimation at a parabolic pn junction, the proposed lens generates beams, as narrow as the focal length, that stay focused over scales of several microns and can be steered by a magnetic field without losing collimation. We demonstrate the lens capabilities by applying it to two paradigmatic settings of graphene electron optics: We propose a setup for observing high-resolution angle-dependent Klein tunneling, and, exploiting the intimate quantum-to-classical correspondence of these focused electron waves, we consider high-fidelity transverse magnetic focusing accompanied by simulations for current mapping through scanning gate microscopy. Our proposal opens up new perspectives for next-generation graphene electron optics experiments.

  4. Plasma chemical conversion of sulphur hexafluoride initiated by a pulsed electron beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kholodnaya, Galina; Sazonov, Roman; Ponomarev, Denis; Guzeeva, Tatiana


    This paper presents the results of the experimental investigation of plasma chemical conversion of sulphur hexafluoride initiated by a pulsed electron beam (TEA-500 pulsed electron accelerator) with the following characteristics: 400-450 keV electron energy, 60 ns pulse duration, up to 200 J pulse energy, and 5 cm beam diameter. Experiments were conducted on the effect of the pulsed electron beam on SF6 and on mixtures of SF6 with O2, Ar, or N2. For the mixture of SF6 and oxygen, the results indicated chemical reactions involving the formation of a number of products of which one is sulphur, confirming the Wray - Fluorescence Analysis. The plasma chemical conversion of SF6 initiated by the pulsed electron beam was not detected when SF6 was mixed with Ar or N2, suggesting a possible mechanism for the reaction of SF6 in the presence of O2.

  5. Suppression of the Transit -Time Instability in Large-Area Electron Beam Diodes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Myers, Matthew C.; Friedman, Moshe; Swanekamp, Stephen B.; Chan, Lop-Yung; Ludeking, Larry; Sethian, John D.


    Experiment, theory, and simulation have shown that large-area electron-beam diodes are susceptible to the transit-time instability. The instability modulates the electron beam spatially and temporally, producing a wide spread in electron energy and momentum distributions. The result is gross inefficiency in beam generation and propagation. Simulations indicate that a periodic, slotted cathode structure that is loaded with resistive elements may be used to eliminate the instability. Such a cathode has been fielded on one of the two opposing 60 cm × 200 cm diodes on the NIKE KrF laser at the Naval Research Laboratory. These diodes typically deliver 600 kV, 500 kA, 250 ns electron beams to the laser cell in an external magnetic field of 0.2 T. We conclude that the slotted cathode suppressed the transit-time instability such that the RF power was reduced by a factor of 9 and that electron transmission efficiency into the laser gas was improved by more than 50%.

  6. Study of a high power hydrogen beam diagnostic based on secondary electron emission

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sartori, E., E-mail:; Department of Management and Engineering, University di Padova strad. S. Nicola 3, 36100 Vicenza; Panasenkov, A.


    In high power neutral beams for fusion, beam uniformity is an important figure of merit. Knowing the transverse power profile is essential during the initial phases of beam source operation, such as those expected for the ITER heating neutral beam (HNB) test facility. To measure it a diagnostic technique is proposed, based on the collection of secondary electrons generated by beam-surface and beam-gas interactions, by an array of positively biased collectors placed behind the calorimeter tubes. This measurement showed in the IREK test stand good proportionality to the primary beam current. To investigate the diagnostic performances in different conditions, wemore » developed a numerical model of secondary electron emission, induced by beam particle impact on the copper tubes, and reproducing the cascade of secondary emission caused by successive electron impacts. The model is first validated against IREK measurements. It is then applied to the HNB case, to assess the locality of the measurement, the proportionality to the beam current density, and the influence of beam plasma.« less

  7. Simulations of Field-Emission Electron Beams from CNT Cathodes in RF Photoinjectors

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mihalcea, Daniel; Faillace, Luigi; Panuganti, Harsha


    Average field emission currents of up to 700 mA were produced by Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) cathodes in a 1.3 GHz RF gun at Fermilab High Brightness Electron Source Lab. (HBESL). The CNT cathodes were manufactured at Xintek and tested under DC conditions at RadiaBeam. The electron beam intensity as well as the other beam properties are directly related to the time-dependent electric field at the cathode and the geometry of the RF gun. This report focuses on simulations of the electron beam generated through field-emission and the results are compared with experimental measurements. These simulations were performed with themore » time-dependent Particle In Cell (PIC) code WARP.« less

  8. Electron Beam-Induced Writing of Nanoscale Iron Wires on a Functional Metal Oxide

    PubMed Central


    Electron beam-induced surface activation (EBISA) has been used to grow wires of iron on rutile TiO2(110)-(1 × 1) in ultrahigh vacuum. The wires have a width down to ∼20 nm and hence have potential utility as interconnects on this dielectric substrate. Wire formation was achieved using an electron beam from a scanning electron microscope to activate the surface, which was subsequently exposed to Fe(CO)5. On the basis of scanning tunneling microscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy measurements, the activation mechanism involves electron beam-induced surface reduction and restructuring. PMID:24159366

  9. An electromagnetic/electrostatic dual cathode system for electron beam instruments

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bradley, J. G.; Conley, J. M.; Wittry, D. B.; Albee, A. L.


    A method of providing cathode redundancy which consists of two fixed cathodes and uses electromagnetic and/or electrostatic fields to direct the electron beam to the electron optical axis is presented, with application to the cathode system of the Scanning Electron Microscope and Particle Analyzer proposed for NASA's Mariner Mark II Comet Rendezvous/Asteroid Flyby projected for the 1990s. The symmetric double deflection system chosen has the optical property that the image of the effective electron source is formed above the magnet assembly near the apparent position of the effective source, and it makes the transverse positions of the electron sources independent of the electron beam energy. Good performance of the system is found, with the sample imaging resolution being the same as for the single-axis cathode.

  10. Electron-Beam Dynamics for an Advanced Flash-Radiography Accelerator


    Ekdahl, Carl


    Beam dynamics issues were assessed for a new linear induction electron accelerator being designed for multipulse flash radiography of large explosively driven hydrodynamic experiments. Special attention was paid to equilibrium beam transport, possible emittance growth, and beam stability. Especially problematic would be high-frequency beam instabilities that could blur individual radiographic source spots, low-frequency beam motion that could cause pulse-to-pulse spot displacement, and emittance growth that could enlarge the source spots. Furthermore, beam physics issues were examined through theoretical analysis and computer simulations, including particle-in-cell codes. Beam instabilities investigated included beam breakup, image displacement, diocotron, parametric envelope, ion hose, and themore » resistive wall instability. The beam corkscrew motion and emittance growth from beam mismatch were also studied. It was concluded that a beam with radiographic quality equivalent to the present accelerators at Los Alamos National Laboratory will result if the same engineering standards and construction details are upheld.« less

  11. A novel electromagnetic design and a new manufacturing process for the cavity BPM (Beam Position Monitor)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dal Forno, Massimo; Craievich, Paolo; Baruzzo, Roberto; De Monte, Raffaele; Ferianis, Mario; Lamanna, Giuseppe; Vescovo, Roberto


    The Cavity Beam Position Monitor (BPM) is a beam diagnostic instrument which, in a seeded Free Electron Laser (FEL), allows the measurement of the electron beam position in a non-destructive way and with sub-micron resolution. It is composed by two resonant cavities called reference and position cavity, respectively. The measurement exploits the dipole mode that arises when the electron bunch passes off axis. In this paper we describe the Cavity BPM that has been designed and realized in the context of the FERMI@Elettra project [1]. New strategies have been adopted for the microwave design, for both the reference and the position cavities. Both cavities have been simulated by means of Ansoft HFSS [2] and CST Particle Studio [3], and have been realized using high precision lathe and wire-EDM (Electro-Discharge) machine, with a new technique that avoids the use of the sinker-EDM machine. Tuners have been used to accurately adjust the working frequencies for both cavities. The RF parameters have been estimated, and the modifications of the resonant frequencies produced by brazing and tuning have been evaluated. Finally, the Cavity BPM has been installed and tested in the presence of the electron beam.

  12. Development of an electron momentum spectrometer for time-resolved experiments employing nanosecond pulsed electron beam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tang, Yaguo; Shan, Xu; Liu, Zhaohui; Niu, Shanshan; Wang, Enliang; Chen, Xiangjun


    The low count rate of (e, 2e) electron momentum spectroscopy (EMS) has long been a major limitation of its application to the investigation of molecular dynamics. Here we report a new EMS apparatus developed for time-resolved experiments in the nanosecond time scale, in which a double toroidal energy analyzer is utilized to improve the sensitivity of the spectrometer and a nanosecond pulsed electron gun with a repetition rate of 10 kHz is used to obtain an average beam current up to nA. Meanwhile, a picosecond ultraviolet laser with a repetition rate of 5 kHz is introduced to pump the sample target. The time zero is determined by photoionizing the target using a pump laser and monitoring the change of the electron beam current with time delay between the laser pulse and electron pulse, which is influenced by the plasma induced by the photoionization. The performance of the spectrometer is demonstrated by the EMS measurement on argon using a pulsed electron beam, illustrating the potential abilities of the apparatus for investigating the molecular dynamics in excited states when employing the pump-probe scheme.

  13. Electronic speckle pattern interferometry using vortex beams.


    Restrepo, René; Uribe-Patarroyo, Néstor; Belenguer, Tomás


    We show that it is possible to perform electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) using, for the first time to our knowledge, vortex beams as the reference beam. The technique we propose is easy to implement, and the advantages obtained are, among others, environmental stability, lower processing time, and the possibility to switch between traditional ESPI and spiral ESPI. The experimental results clearly show the advantages of using the proposed technique for deformation studies of complex structures. © 2011 Optical Society of America

  14. Guided Radiation Beams in Free Electron Lasers.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the electron beam in an FEL that the radiation beam will remain guided. 0 20 II. Refractive Index Associated with FELs In our model, the vector ...eIAw/ymOc(exp(ikwz) + c.c.) ex/2 , is the wiggle velocity, y is the Lorentz factor, Aw is the vector potential amplitude of the planar wiggler...Balboa Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94303 San Diego, CA 92123 38 Dr. S. Krinsky Nat. Synchrotron Light Source Dr. Michael Lavan Brookhaven National Laboratory U.S

  15. Plasma response to the injection of an electron beam

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Singh, N.; Schunk, R. W.


    The results of Vlasov-Poisson-solver numerical simulations of the detailed temporal response of a Maxwellian plasma to the sudden injection of an electron beam are presented in graphs and maps and discussed. Phenomena characterized include ion bursts, electron shocks and holes, plasma heating and expulsion, density gradients; cavitons, deep-density-front and solitary-pulse propagation down the density gradient, and Bunemann-mode excitation leading to formation of a virtual cathode and double layers which are at first monotonic or have low-potential-side dips or high-potential-side bumps and become strong as the electron-current density decreases. The strength of the double layer is found to be roughly proportional to the beam energy.

  16. Evaluation of electron beam stabilization for ion implant processing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buffat, Stephen J.; Kickel, Bee; Philipps, B.; Adams, J.; Ross, Matthew F.; Minter, Jason P.; Marlowe, Trey; Wong, Selmer S.


    With the integration of high energy ion implant processes into volume CMOS manufacturing, the need for thick resist stabilization to achieve a stable ion implant process is critical. With new photoresist characteristics, new implant end station characteristics arise. The resist outgassing needs to be addressed as well as the implant profile to ensure that the dosage is correct and the implant angle does not interfere with other underlying features. This study compares conventional deep-UV/thermal with electron beam stabilization. The electron beam system used in this study utilizes a flood electron source and is a non-thermal process. These stabilization techniques are applied to a MeV ion implant process in a CMOS production process flow.

  17. System for tomographic determination of the power distribution in electron beams


    Elmer, J.W.; Teruya, A.T.; O'Brien, D.W.


    A tomographic technique is disclosed for measuring the current density distribution in electron beams using electron beam profile data acquired from a modified Faraday cup to create an image of the current density in high and low power beams. The modified Faraday cup includes a narrow slit and is rotated by a stepper motor and can be moved in the x, y and z directions. The beam is swept across the slit perpendicular thereto and controlled by deflection coils, and the slit rotated such that waveforms are taken every few degrees form 0[degree] to 360[degree] and the waveforms are recorded by a digitizing storage oscilloscope. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional images of the current density distribution in the beam can be reconstructed by computer tomography from this information, providing quantitative information about the beam focus and alignment. 12 figures.

  18. System for tomographic determination of the power distribution in electron beams


    Elmer, John W.; Teruya, Alan T.; O'Brien, Dennis W.


    A tomographic technique for measuring the current density distribution in electron beams using electron beam profile data acquired from a modified Faraday cup to create an image of the current density in high and low power beams. The modified Faraday cup includes a narrow slit and is rotated by a stepper motor and can be moved in the x, y and z directions. The beam is swept across the slit perpendicular thereto and controlled by deflection coils, and the slit rotated such that waveforms are taken every few degrees form to and the waveforms are recorded by a digitizing storage oscilloscope. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional images of the current density distribution in the beam can be reconstructed by computer tomography from this information, providing quantitative information about the beam focus and alignment.

  19. System for tomographic determination of the power distribution in electron beams


    Elmer, J.W.; Teruya, A.T.; O`Brien, D.W.


    A tomographic technique for measuring the current density distribution in electron beams using electron beam profile data acquired from a modified Faraday cup to create an image of the current density in high and low power beams. The modified Faraday cup includes a narrow slit and is rotated by a stepper motor and can be moved in the x, y and z directions. The beam is swept across the slit perpendicular thereto and controlled by deflection coils, and the slit rotated such that waveforms are taken every few degrees form 0{degree} to 360{degree} and the waveforms are recorded by a digitizing storage oscilloscope. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional images of the current density distribution in the beam can be reconstructed by computer tomography from this information, providing quantitative information about the beam focus and alignment. 12 figs.

  20. Active control of bright electron beams with RF optics for femtosecond microscopy


    Williams, J.; Zhou, F.; Sun, T.; ...


    A frontier challenge in implementing femtosecond electron microscopy is to gain precise optical control of intense beams to mitigate collective space charge effects for significantly improving the throughput. In this paper, we explore the flexible uses of an RF cavity as a longitudinal lens in a high-intensity beam column for condensing the electron beams both temporally and spectrally, relevant to the design of ultrafast electron microscopy. Through the introduction of a novel atomic grating approach for characterization of electron bunch phase space and control optics, we elucidate the principles for predicting and controlling the phase space dynamics to reach optimalmore » compressions at various electron densities and generating conditions. We provide strategies to identify high-brightness modes, achieving ~100 fs and ~1 eV resolutions with 10 6 electrons per bunch, and establish the scaling of performance for different bunch charges. These results benchmark the sensitivity and resolution from the fundamental beam brightness perspective and also validate the adaptive optics concept to enable delicate control of the density-dependent phase space structures to optimize the performance, including delivering ultrashort, monochromatic, high-dose, or coherent electron bunches.« less