Twelve tips for successful e-tutoring using electronic portfolios.
Deketelaere, Ann; Degryse, Jan; De Munter, Agnes; De Leyn, Paul
E-tutoring by means of a digital portfolio offers personal guidance in a context in which regular face-to-face contact between supervisor and student is difficult. However, implementing e-tutoring in practice is not always straightforward. This article investigates the conditions for successful e-tutoring of electronic portfolios. A combination of three methods is used: our own experience with e-tutoring, interviews with 14 tutors using an e-portfolio and the answers on questionnaires by 107 students. We present 12 tips to increase the chances of successful e-tutoring when using electronic portfolios. E-tutoring by means of electronic portfolios can be a feasible alternative in contexts in which face-to-face tutoring is difficult.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Waters, John K.
Industry analysts say the systems have reached a mature adolescence, having grown from mere electronic filing cabinets into multimedia platforms that can operate with a variety of e-learning tools. Their fullest potential still lies ahead. This article talks about electronic portfolios--better known as e-portfolios, and how e-portfolios are taking…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Page, Deb
The digitized collections of artifacts known as electronic portfolios are creating solutions to a variety of performance improvement needs in ways that are cost-effective and improve both individual and group learning and performance. When social media functionality is embedded in e-portfolios, the tools support collaboration, social learning,…
Creating a Living Portfolio: Documenting Student Growth with Electronic Portfolios.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Siegle, Del
This article explains how teachers can use electronic portfolios of students' work to document learner progress. It considers different file formats for storing student work, describes steps to creating an electronic portfolio, and discusses an art and literature electronic magazine created by one school featuring work from student portfolios. (CR)
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ritzhaupt, Albert Dieter; Singh, Oma; Seyferth, Thelma; Dedrick, Robert F.
With the proliferation of eportfolios and their organizational uses in higher education, it is important for educators and other relevant stakeholders to understand the student perspective. The way students view and use ePortfolios are revealing elements to aid educators in the successful integration of ePortfolio systems. This research describes…
Operationalizing the Student Electronic Portfolio for Doctoral Nursing Education.
Willmarth-Stec, Melissa; Beery, Teresa
There is an increasing trend toward use of the electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) in Doctor of Nursing Practice programs. E-portfolios can provide documentation of competencies and achievement of program outcomes while showcasing a holistic view of the student achievement. Implementation of the e-portfolio requires careful decision making concerning software selection, set-up, portfolio components, and evaluation. The purpose of this article is to describe the implementation of an e-portfolio in a Doctor of Nursing Practice program and provide lessons learned during the implementation stage.
Electronic Portfolios. [SITE 2001 Section].
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Willis, Dee Anna, Ed.
This document contains the following papers on electronic portfolios from the SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2001 conference: (1) "Portfolios: The Plan, the Purpose, a Preview" (Val Christensen and others); (2) "Electronic Portfolios (EP): A How To Guide" (Jerry P. Galloway); (3)…
ePortfolios Meet Social Software
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Waters, John K.
Although a seemingly good idea, electronic portfolios have to date failed to gain significant traction in higher education. Institutions with ePortfolio implementations routinely report high numbers of accounts on their campuses, but few believe that those numbers are a meaningful reflection of actual usage. Change is in the air for the…
Employers' Perceptions of the Benefits of Employment Electronic Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Leahy, Ronda L.; Filiatrault, Ariana
The purpose of this study was to examine employers' perceptions of the effectiveness of employment electronic portfolios (ePortfolios) when evaluating potential job candidates. For the purpose of this study, ePortfolios were defined as a collection of electronic files that demonstrates one's qualifications, abilities, and experiences that are…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Capraro, Mary Margaret
An electronic portfolio is a collection of work captured by electronic means that serves as an exhibit of individual efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas. Due to rapid growth and updates in technology, keeping electronic portfolios is becoming increasingly common in a variety of educational settings. In fall 2002 at one large…
ePortfolios and eGovernment: From Technology to the Entrepreneurial Self
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
O'Brien, Peter; Osbaldiston, Nick; Kendall, Gavin
We analyse the electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) in higher education policy and practice.While evangelical accounts of the ePortfolio celebrate its power as a new eLearning technology,we argue that it allows the mutually-reinforcing couple of neoliberalism and the enterprising self to function in ways in which individual difference can be…
Evaluating, Comparing, and Best Practice in Electronic Portfolio System Use
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
San Jose, David L.
Electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) are commonly positioned to show evidence of student learning with formative and summative assessment benefits. At the University of Auckland teacher education program, two e-portfolio systems were adopted to document preservice teacher's course work and to attest to the Graduating Teacher Standards. This…
Electronic Portfolios. [SITE 2002 Section].
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Barrett, Helen C., Ed.
This document contains the following papers on electronic portfolios from the SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2002 conference: (1) "What Is the Perceived Value of Creating Electronic Portfolios to Teacher Credential Candidates?" (Valerie Amber and Brenda Czech); (2) "Development and Use of…
The Development of E-Portfolio Evaluation Criteria and Application to the Blackboard LMS E-Portfolio
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
McKenna, Gary F.; Stansfield, Mark H.
The purpose of this paper is to develop e-portfolio evaluation criteria which will be used to review the Blackboard LMS e-portfolio being used at one Higher Education (HE) institution in the UK as evaluation criteria for reviewing e-portfolio provision does not exist in the literature. The approach taken was to initiate a wide literature search…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Capraro, Mary Margaret
Electronic portfolios are a "collection of work captured by electronic means, that serves as an exhibit of individual efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas" (Weidmer, 1998, p. 586). Because of the rapid growth and updates in technology, keeping electronic portfolios is becoming increasingly common in a variety of educational…
Development of an Electronic Portfolio System Success Model: An Information Systems Approach
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Balaban, Igor; Mu, Enrique; Divjak, Blazenka
This research has two main goals: to develop an instrument for assessing Electronic Portfolio (ePortfolio) success and to build a corresponding ePortfolio success model using DeLone and McLean's information systems success model as the theoretical framework. For this purpose, we developed an ePortfolio success measurement instrument and structural…
Preparedness Portfolios and Portfolio Studios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Turns, Jennifer; Sattler, Brook; Eliot, Matt; Kilgore, Deborah; Mobrand, Kathryn
We live in a time of great enthusiasm for the role that e-Portfolios can play in education and a time of exploration in which educators and researchers are investigating different approaches to using ePortfolios to differentially support educational goals. In this paper, we focus on preparedness portfolios and portfolio studios as two key…
Using Facebook-Based e-Portfolio in ESL Writing Classrooms: Impact and Challenges
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Barrot, Jessie S.
In English as a second language (ESL) writing pedagogy, much attention has been given to electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) assessment via social networking sites. However, little is known about how Facebook can be used as an e-portfolio platform. Hence, this paper describes the impact of Facebook-based e-portfolio on ESL students' writing…
E-Portfolio Web-based for Students’ Internship Program Activities
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Juhana, A.; Abdullah, A. G.; Somantri, M.; Aryadi, S.; Zakaria, D.; Amelia, N.; Arasid, W.
Internship program is an important part in vocational education process to improve the quality of competent graduates. The complete work documentation process in electronic portfolio (e-Portfolio) platform will facilitate students in reporting the results of their work to both university and industry supervisor. The purpose of this research is to create a more easily accessed e-Portfolio which is appropriate for students and supervisors’ need in documenting their work and monitoring process. The method used in this research is fundamental research. This research is focused on the implementation of internship e-Portfolio features by demonstrating them to students who have conducted internship program. The result of this research is to create a proper web-based e-Portfolio which can be used to facilitate students in documenting the results of their work and aid supervisors in monitoring process during internship.
The Bottomless File Box: Electronic Portfolios for Learning and Evaluation Purposes
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jarrott, Shannon; Gambrel, Laura Eubanks
Portfolios have been used for the past three decades in higher education for assessment of student competency and also as a reflection tool to assist student learning. Electronic portfolios, or ePortfolios, have additional benefits compared to paper portfolios in that they are easily accessible, portable, and sharable, and they are more…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zuger, Sascha
Tech-using educators know the many benefits of ePortfolios. They help get a handle on kids' interests, difficulties, and strengths. Techno-loving student thrive on the real-time interaction. Administrators like that ePortfolios record student progress digitally, making a convenient shared resource between students, parents, and other teachers.…
ePortfolios and Interdisciplinary Adult Degree Programs
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bryant, Layne Ray; Rust, Dianna Zeh; Fox-Horton, Julie; Johnson, Amy Denise
This article discusses the use of ePortfolios in interdisciplinary online adult degree programs at two universities. Whereas one university uses the ePortfolio only in a capstone course, the other institution introduces the ePortfolio in an introductory course that focuses on goal setting and then has students add content to the ePortfolio in the…
Complex Moving Parts: Assessment Systems and Electronic Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Larkin, Martha J.; Robertson, Royce L.
The largest college within an online university of over 50,000 students invested significant resources in translating a complex assessment system focused on continuous improvement and national accreditation into an effective and efficient electronic portfolio (ePortfolio). The team building the system needed a model to address problems met…
Handbook of Research on ePortfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jafari, Ali, Ed.; Kaufman, Catherine, Ed.
The "Handbook of Research on ePortfolios" is the single source for comprehensive coverage of the major themes of ePortfolios, addressing all of the major issues, from concept to technology to implementation. It is the first reference publication to provide a complete investigation on a variety of ePortfolio uses through case studies and…
The Electronic Portfolio Boom: What's It All About?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Batson, Trent
Discusses the use of electronic portfolios in higher education. Highlights include availability of the Web and databases; the growth of vendors in this area; benefits to students, faculty, and administrators, including statistics for accreditation; data storage; data security; certification issues; and a list of ePortfolio tools and resources.…
Developing a Template for Electronic Portfolios in Career and Technical Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fowler, Matthew
The purposes of this multiple case study were to determine if manufacturing and services sector employers found value in the use of an ePortfolio in the hiring process, and to develop a suggested template for an ePortfolio format to be used within career and technical education. Electronic portfolios "allow students to showcase their…
A ubiquitous reflective e-portfolio architecture.
Forte, Marcos; de Souza, Wanderley L; da Silva, Roseli F; do Prado, Antonio F; Rodrigues, Jose F
In nurse and in medicine courses, the use of reflective portfolios as a pedagogical tool is becoming a common practice; in the last years, this practice has gradually migrated from paper-based to electronic-based portfolios. Current approaches for reflective e-portfolios, however, do not widely operate at outdoor sites, where data networks are limited or nonexistent. Considering that many of the activities related to nurse and medicine courses relate to professional practices conducted in such conditions, these network shortcomings restrict the adoption of e-portfolios. The present study describes the requirements specification, design, implementation, and evaluation of the Ubiquitous Reflective E-Portfolio Architecture, a solution proposed to support the development of systems based on mobile and wired access for both online and offline operation. We have implemented a prototype named Professional Practice Module to evaluate the Ubiquitous Reflective E-Portfolio Architecture; the module was based on requirements observed during the professional practice, the paper-based portfolio in use, and related learning meetings in the Medicine Course of a Brazilian University. The evaluation of the system was carried out with a learning group of 2nd year students of the medicine course, who answered to extensive evaluation questionnaires. The prototype proved to be operational in the activities of the professional practice of the Medicine Course object of the study, including homework tasks, patient care, data sharing, and learning meetings. It also demonstrated to be versatile with respect to the availability of the computer network that, many times, was not accessible. Moreover, the students considered the module useful and easy to use, but pointed out difficulties about the keyboard and the display sizes of the netbook devices, and about their operational system. Lastly, most of the students declared preference for the electronic Professional Practice Module in internal
Lessons Learned from the Implementation of Electronic Portfolios at Three Universities
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wilhelm, Lance; Puckett, Kathleen; Beisser, Sally; Wishart, William; Merideth, Eunice; Sivakumaran, Thilla
Portfolios are used in teacher education programs to provide evidence of pre-service teachers' professional growth and development. As programs are better able to integrate technology into the teacher preparation curriculum, many educational institutions are implementing electronic versions of portfolios (e-portfolios) on a widespread basis. Uses…
The E-Portfolio: A Tool and a Process for Educational Leadership
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hyland, N.; Kranzow, J.
This mixed-method study focuses on the impact of using electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) in a graduate capstone course as a tool for increasing students' critical thinking and self-directed learning. The primary results indicate that the e-portfolio, as both a tool and a process, shows great potential. This study also reveals the capacity of…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ruiz, Jorge G.; Qadri, Syeda S.; Karides, Marina; Castillo, Carmen; Milanez, Marcos; Roos, Bernard A.
Electronic portfolios (ePortfolios) can be useful for evaluating and documenting mastery of competencies. We investigated geriatric medicine fellows' perceptions of an ePortfolio. We conducted surveys and focus groups followed by quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Our study revealed that fellows considered the ePortfolio acceptable and…
Effective Implementation of ePortfolios: The Development of ePortfolios to Support Online Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cote, Kyle; Emmett, Tara
This article discusses the ePortfolio system for grades 9-12 at the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School (VLACS). ePortfolio implementation at VLACS developed from an Advisory course curriculum that supports students' journey toward becoming college, career, and citizenship ready. We provide a unique perspective for implementation in that VLACS…
Why ePortfolios? Student Perceptions of ePortfolio Use in Continuing Education Learning Environments
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wuetherick, Brad; Dickinson, John
Over the past decade, there has been an increased exploration of ePortfolios in higher education across disciplines at both the undergraduate and graduate level. ePortfolios have been significantly under-explored, however, in the context of non-traditional continuing education environments within higher education. This paper explores students'…
Hall, Pippa; Byszewski, Anna; Sutherland, Stephanie; Stodel, Emma J
The University of Ottawa (uOttawa) Faculty of Medicine in 2008 launched a revised undergraduate medical education (UGME) curriculum that was based on the seven CanMEDS roles (medical expert, communicator, collaborator, health advocate, manager, scholar, and professional) and added an eighth role of person to incorporate the dimension of mindfulness and personal well-being. In this article, the authors describe the development of an electronic Portfolio (ePortfolio) program that enables uOttawa medical students to document their activities and to demonstrate their development of competence in each of the eight roles. The ePortfolio program supports reflective practice, an important component of professional competence, and provides a means for addressing the "hidden curriculum." It is bilingual, mandatory, and spans the four years of UGME. It includes both an online component for students to document their personal development and for student-coach dialogue, as well as twice-yearly, small-group meetings in which students engage in reflective discussions and learn to give and receive feedback.The authors reflect on the challenges they faced in the development and implementation of the ePortfolio program and share the lessons they have learned along the way to a successful and sustainable program. These lessons include switching from a complex information technology system to a user-friendly, Web-based blog platform; rethinking orientation sessions to ensure that faculty and students understand the value of the ePortfolio program; soliciting student input to improve the program and increase student buy-in; and providing faculty development opportunities and recognition.
Experimental Studies on Electronic Portfolios in Turkey: A Literature Review
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Alan, Selahattin; Sünbül, Ali Murat
In this study, a literature review was conducted about an individual's selected efforts, products stored in electronic format, and electronic portfolios that reflect the development and capacity of multimedia systems. In this context, relevant experimental studies performed in Turkey are collected to show e-portfolio application forms, their…
Assessment and Assurance of Learning Using E-Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Papp, Raymond
Traditional paper portfolios have been used to assess student work for performance and employment purposes for decades. The advent of electronic portfolios incorporating audio, video, hyperlinked documents and scanned images takes the use of portfolios to a new level. Evaluators can use these easily accessible portfolios to gauge student…
Development and Validation of E-Portfolios: The UAE Pre-Service Teachers' Experiences
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Forawi, Sufian A.; Almekhlafi, Abdurrahman G.; Al-Mekhlafy, Mohamed H.
Research has indicated the importance of evaluating the experiences related to developing e-portfolios (electronic portfolio) to contribute to the overall excellence in teaching and learning. Researchers (instructors) of the present study used an exit e-portfolios, a questionnaire and follow up interviews to describe development and evaluation of…
E-Portfolio for Enhancing Graduate Research Supervision
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Le, Quynh
Purpose: E-Portfolio is a powerful tool for demonstrating evidence of learning and achievements in graduate research. The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept, structure and functions of e-Portfolio in graduate research and discuss the significance of the role of e-Portfolio in enhancing the quality of graduate research students and…
e-Portfolios in Music Teacher Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lind, Vicki
In this article Vicki Lind reports the findings of a case study investigation of the use of electronic portfolios in a music education program. The project focused specifically on the use of electronic portfolios as a tool to document the work of preservice teachers as they prepared for the teaching profession. Two research questions framed this…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Purves, Alan C.
Outlines three forms of electronic portfolio based on a student's work, a class project about a specific topic, and a class seminar on a broad topic. Discusses logistical problems of management, access, and cross-referencing; technical problems of input, access, and copying; and theoretical issues of the lack of realia, of ownership and copyright,…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cherrstrom, Catherine A.; Raisor, Cindy; Fowler, Debra
Engineering educators and employers value and prioritize communication skills, but developing and assessing such skills in engineering programs is challenging. Reflective ePortfolios provide opportunities to enhance communication skills. The purpose of this three-year qualitative case study was to investigate the use of reflective ePortfolios in…
Introducing E-Portfolio Use to Primary School Pupils: Response, Benefits and Challenges
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Theodosiadou, Dimitra; Konstantinidis, Angelos
Electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) have a positive impact on the learning process in a broad range of educational sectors and on learners of all ages. Yet because most e-portfolio-related studies are about their implementation in higher education, this type of research is less usual in the early childhood context, and there is no available…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nguyen, Celeste Fowles
As universities increasingly utilize electronic portfolios, college students are asked more than ever to create ePortfolios for academics, assessment, or advising. This study shifts an analysis of ePortfolios from prior epistemological approaches, where ePortfolios have been explored as a tool to measure student progress, onto an ontological…
Making practice transparent through e-portfolio.
Stewart, Sarah M
Midwives are required to maintain a professional portfolio as part of their statutory requirements. Some midwives are using open social networking tools and processes to develop an e-portfolio. However, confidentiality of patient and client data and professional reputation have to be taken into consideration when using online public spaces for reflection. There is little evidence about how midwives use social networking tools for ongoing learning. It is uncertain how reflecting in an e-portfolio with an audience impacts on learning outcomes. This paper investigates ways in which reflective midwifery practice be carried out using e-portfolio in open, social networking platforms using collaborative processes. Using an auto-ethnographic approach I explored my e-portfolio and selected posts that had attracted six or more comments. I used thematic analysis to identify themes within the textual conversations in the posts and responses posted by readers. The analysis identified that my collaborative e-portfolio had four themes: to provide commentary and discuss issues; to reflect and process learning; to seek advice, brainstorm and process ideas for practice, projects and research, and provide evidence of professional development. E-portfolio using open social networking tools and processes is a viable option for midwives because it facilitates collaborative reflection and shared learning. However, my experience shows that concerns about what people think, and client confidentiality does impact on the nature of open reflection and learning outcomes. I conclude this paper with a framework for managing midwifery statutory obligations using online public spaces and social networking tools. Copyright © 2013 Australian College of Midwives. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An Electronic Portfolio to Support Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wade, Anne; Abrami, Philip C.; Sclater, Jennifer
In this paper, we provide a description of a CSLP research project that looked at portfolio use within a middle school, the web-based e-portfolio software we have developed within the context of the Quebec educational system, our plans for further development of the tool, and our research plans related to the use of portfolios to support learning.…
Assessing Pre-Service Candidates' Web-Based Electronic Portfolios.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lamson, Sharon; Thomas, Kelli R.; Aldrich, Jennifer; King, Andy
This paper describes processes undertaken by Central Missouri State University's Department of Curriculum and Instruction to prepare teacher candidates to create Web-based professional portfolios, Central's expectations for content coverage within the electronic portfolios, and evaluation procedures. It also presents data on portfolio construction…
Guidance for ePortfolio Researchers: A Case Study with Implications for the ePortfolio Domain
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kennelly, Emily; Osborn, Debra; Reardon, Robert; Shetty, Becka
This study examined whether or not students using a career ePortfolio, including a matrix for identifying and reflecting on transferrable skills, enabled them to rate their skills more confidently and positively after a simulated (mock) job interview. Three groups were studied: those completing the skills matrix in the ePortfolio; those using the…
Unlocking ePortfolio Practice: Teaching Beliefs
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Henscheid, Jean M.; Brown, Gary; Gordon, Aifang; Chen, Helen L.
The Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) annual ePortfolio survey focuses on understanding ePortfolio practitioners' teaching beliefs and practices. The action research reported here extends that survey research to a population of emerging educators (i.e., graduate students in education). In addition to…
An E-Portfolio for Leisure Sciences Students: A Case Study at Edith Cowan University
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Colyer, Sue; Howell, Julie
The benefits of an electronic portfolio as an educational tool, as well as a career tool, for leisure sciences students are discussed, and concerns with electronic portfolio implementation are raised. This paper also outlines briefly the prototype of the e-Portfolio developed for leisure sciences students. Responses from student evaluations…
The Development of an Electronic Portfolio for Postgraduate Surgical Training in Flanders.
Peeraer, G; Van Humbeeck, B; De Leyn, P; Delvaux, G; Hubens, G; Pattyn, P; De Win, G
Contemporary surgical postgraduate training is characterized by clear outcomes for the profession and an assessment program that shows that trainees master these outcomes. The tool used to collect assessment and feedback instruments is the portfolio, nowadays used in many countries worldwide. The four Flemish surgical coordinators, together with experts from different universities, devised an electronic portfolio. This portfolio holds both the logbook, as imposed by the evaluation committee and assessment instruments used for the Master in Specialized Medicine. The e-portfolio is now used by a number of surgical trainees and has been approved by the evaluation committee. In 1015, all Flemish surgical trainees will be using one and the same e-portfolio. Although the e-portfolio for surgical training has now been devised and accepted by all major parties involved, a lot of work has to be done to implement the instrument. As resident duty hours show no improvement on education in surgery (but rather a perception of worsened education) surgery training is fazing huge challenges.
ePortfolios in Australian Higher Education Arts: Differences and Differentiations
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rowley, Jennifer; Bennett, Dawn
This paper reports the findings of a project that investigated uses of electronic portfolios (ePortfolios) in the creative and performing arts at four Australian universities and raises four significant areas for discussion: engaging technologies as an ongoing requirement of planning, delivery and evaluation of teaching and learning in higher…
The Development of an ePortfolio as a Capstone in a Holistic Health Minor
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Perks, Joan M.; Galantino, Mary Lou
Use of electronic portfolios (ePortfolios) has been advocated to highlight student accomplishments as well as to document program and course outcomes. This use of ePortfolios incorporates information technology, thus aligning the educational process in degree programs to twenty-first-century teaching, learning, and information literacy. Here we…
Improving Workplace-Based Assessment and Feedback by an E-Portfolio Enhanced with Learning Analytics
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
van der Schaaf, Marieke; Donkers, Jeroen; Slof, Bert; Moonen-van Loon, Joyce; van Tartwijk, Jan; Driessen, Eric; Badii, Atta; Serban, Ovidiu; Ten Cate, Olle
Electronic portfolios (E-portfolios) are crucial means for workplace-based assessment and feedback. Although E-portfolios provide a useful approach to view each learner's progress, so far options for personalized feedback and potential data about a learner's performances at the workplace often remain unexploited. This paper advocates that…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hallman, Heidi L.
Electronic portfolio use within the context of a teacher education program is explored in this article. Although the use of e-portfolios has emerged as a topic that integrates new technologies and the education of preservice teachers, little work thus far has documented the complexities involved in the authoring process of e-portfolios. To address…
Encouraging Self-Regulated Learning through Electronic Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Abrami, Philip C.; Wade, C. Anne; Pillay, Vanitha; Aslan, Ofra; Bures, Eva M.; Bentley, Caitlin
At the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance (CSLP) at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, we have developed the Electronic Portfolio Encouraging Active Reflective Learning Software (ePEARL) to promote student self-regulation and enhance student core competencies. This paper summarizes the literature on electronic portfolios…
Feedback using an ePortfolio for medicine long cases: quality not quantity.
Bleasel, Jane; Burgess, Annette; Weeks, Ruth; Haq, Inam
The evidence for the positive impact of an electronic Portfolio (ePortfolio) on feedback in medicine is mixed. An ePortfolio for medical long cases in a Graduate Medical Program was developed. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of medical students and faculty of the impact of the ePortfolio on the feedback process. In total, 130 Year 3 medical students, and six faculty participated in the study. This is a mixed methods study, using a combination of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative methods were used to quantify the number of long cases performed. Qualitative methods were used to explore the relationship between quantity and quality of feedback, and provide a rich understanding of both students' and faculty's experience and perceptions of the ePortfolio. Students received a variable quantity of feedback at each of the three studied clinical schools, with an average of between 4 - 5.4 feedback episodes per student. Feedback that was constructive, specific and timely and delivered by a senior academic was important. Quantity was not an essential factor, with two episodes of detailed feedback reported to be adequate. The barriers to the use of the ePortfolio were technical aspects of the platform that interfered with student engagement. Feedback using the ePortfolio for medical long cases is a valuable tool providing a senior clinician delivers detailed, constructive and personalized feedback in a timely fashion. The ePortfolio system needs to be user-friendly to engage students.
Using E-Portfolios and ESL Learners
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Alawdat, Maha
This study examines the use of e-portfolios for ESL (English as a second language) learners. The data were collected by reviewing 11 empirical studies from 2010-2012 in order to synthesize meaningful information about e-portfolios for ESL/EFL (English as a foreign language) acquisition. The studies were coded into two main categories: learning…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ritzhaupt, Albert D.; Ndoye, Abdou; Parker, Michele A.
With the explosive growth of e-portfolios in teacher preparation programs, it is essential for administration and other relevant stakeholders to understand the student perspective of e-portfolios' organizational uses. This article describes the validation of the modified Electronic Portfolio Student Perspective Instrument (EPSPI). The analysis…
The Development of an Electronic Portfolio for Postgraduate Surgical Training in Flanders.
Peeraer, G; Van Humbeeck, B; De Leyn, P; Delvaux, G; Hubens, G; Pattyn, P; De Win, G
Contemporary surgical postgraduate training is characterized by clear outcomes for the profession and an assessment program that shows that trainees master these outcomes. The tool used to collect assessment and feedback instruments is the portfolio, nowadays used in many countries worldwide. The four Flemish surgical coordinators, together with experts from different universities, devised an electronic portfolio. This portfolio holds both the logbook, as imposed by the evaluation committee and assessment instruments used for the Master in Specialized Medicine. The e-portfolio is now used by a number of surgical trainees and has been approved by the evaluation committee. In 2015, all Flemish surgical trainees will be using one and the same e-portfolio. Although the e-portfolio for surgical training has now been devised and accepted by all major parties involved, a lot of work has to be done to implement the instrument. As resident duty hours show no improvement on education in surgery (but rather a perception of worsened education) surgery training is fazing huge challenges. Copyright© Acta Chirurgica Belgica.
Sánchez Gómez, Serafín; Ostos, Elisa María Cabot; Solano, Juan Manuel Maza; Salado, Tomás Francisco Herrero
We evaluated a newly designed electronic portfolio (e-Portfolio) that provided quantitative evaluation of surgical skills. Medical students at the University of Seville used the e-Portfolio on a voluntary basis for evaluation of their performance in undergraduate surgical subjects. Our new web-based e-Portfolio was designed to evaluate surgical practical knowledge and skills targets. Students recorded each activity on a form, attached evidence, and added their reflections. Students self-assessed their practical knowledge using qualitative criteria (yes/no), and graded their skills according to complexity (basic/advanced) and participation (observer/assistant/independent). A numerical value was assigned to each activity, and the values of all activities were summated to obtain the total score. The application automatically displayed quantitative feedback. We performed qualitative evaluation of the perceived usefulness of the e-Portfolio and quantitative evaluation of the targets achieved. Thirty-seven of 112 students (33%) used the e-Portfolio, of which 87% reported that they understood the methodology of the portfolio. All students reported an improved understanding of their learning objectives resulting from the numerical visualization of progress, all students reported that the quantitative feedback encouraged their learning, and 79% of students felt that their teachers were more available because they were using the e-Portfolio. Only 51.3% of students reported that the reflective aspects of learning were useful. Individual students achieved a maximum of 65% of the total targets and 87% of the skills targets. The mean total score was 345 ± 38 points. For basic skills, 92% of students achieved the maximum score for participation as an independent operator, and all achieved the maximum scores for participation as an observer and assistant. For complex skills, 62% of students achieved the maximum score for participation as an independent operator, and 98% achieved
E-Portfolio, a Valuable Job Search Tool for College Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Yu, Ti
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to find answers to the following questions: How do employers think about e-portfolios? Do employers really see e-portfolios as a suitable hiring tool? Which factors in students' e-portfolios attract potential employers? Can e-portfolios be successfully used by students in their search for a job?…
Enhancing Graduate Students' Reflection in E-Portfolios Using the TPACK Framework
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ching, Yu-Hui; Yang, Dazhi; Baek, YoungKyun; Baldwin, Sally
When electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) are employed as summative assessments for degree granting programs, it is imperative that students demonstrate their knowledge in the field to showcase learning growth and achievement of the program learning outcomes. This study examined the extent graduate students in the field of educational technology…
Evaluation of an established learning portfolio.
Vance, Gillian; Williamson, Alyson; Frearson, Richard; O'Connor, Nicole; Davison, John; Steele, Craig; Burford, Bryan
The trainee-held learning portfolio is integral to the foundation programme in the UK. In the Northern Deanery, portfolio assessment is standardised through the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) process. In this study we aimed to establish how current trainees evaluate portfolio-based learning and ARCP, and how these attitudes may have changed since the foundation programme was first introduced. Deanery-wide trainee attitudes were surveyed by an electronic questionnaire in 2009 and compared with perceptions recorded during the pilot phase (2004-2005). Many trainees continue to view the e-portfolio negatively. Indeed, significantly fewer trainees in 2009 thought that the e-portfolio was a 'good idea' or a 'worthwhile investment of time' than in 2005. Trainees remain unconvinced about the educational value of the e-portfolio: fewer trainees in 2009 regarded it as a tool that might help focus on training or recognise individual strengths and weaknesses. Issues around unnecessary bureaucracy persist. Current trainees tend to understand how to use the e-portfolio, but many did not know how much, or what evidence to collect. Few supervisors were reported to provide useful guidance on the portfolio. ARCP encouraged portfolio completion but did not give meaningful feedback to drive future learning. Continued support is needed for both trainees and supervisors in portfolio-building skills and in using the e-portfolio as an educational tool. Trainee-tailored feedback is needed to ensure that portfolio-based assessment promotes lifelong, self-directed and reflective learners. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2013.
A Cross-Case Analysis of the Use of Web-Based ePortfolios in Higher Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
McWhorter, Rochell R.; Delello, Julie A.; Roberts, Paul B.; Raisor, Cindy M.; Fowler, Debra A.
Higher education is mandated to document student learning outcomes and ePortfolios have been offered as a panacea for assessment, evaluation, and accreditation. However, the student voice regarding the value students construct from building and utilizing web-based electronic portfolios (ePortfolios) in higher education has been sparse or…
E-Portfolios: Concepts, Designs, and Integration within Student Affairs
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Garis, Jeff W.
This chapter provides an overview of e-portfolio concepts and designs. It describes a model that outlines an array of dimensions for the categorization of e-portfolio systems, reviews selected systems, and makes observations regarding the importance for student affairs units to understand, collaborate, and include e-portfolio systems within their…
Comparing Students' Perceptions of Paper-Based and Electronic Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
van Wesel, Maarten; Prop, Anouk
Electronic portfolios offer many advantages to their paper-based counterparts, including, but not limited to working on ICT skills, adding multimedia and easier sharing of the portfolio. Previous research showed that the quality of a portfolio does not depend on the medium used. In this article the perceived support for self-reflection of an…
An Empirical Framework for ePortfolio Assessment
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kelly-Riley, Diane; Elliot, Norbert; Rudniy, Alex
This research focuses on ePortfolio assessment strategies that yield important accountability and reporting information. Under foundational categories of reliability, validity, and fairness, we present methods of gathering evidence from ePortfolio scores and their relationship to demographic information (gender, race/ethnicity, and socio-economic…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Angel, Christine M.; Robinson, Gina
As a result of suggestions from the American Library Association (ALA) the Division of Library and Information Science (DLIS) program at St. John's University implemented an end-of-program electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) requirement. The purpose of this ePortfolio is to provide information on student proficiency in the eight ALA core…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Siu, Fiona K. P.
Electronic Portfolios (hereafter ePortfolios) were incorporated into courses run by the English Language Centre at the City University of Hong Kong from Jan 2009 to Aug 2010. Experience with this innovation constitutes the substance of this report. Major challenges included: 1) Making the ePortfolio platform user-friendly by providing technical…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Siu, Fiona Kwai Peng
Electronic Portfolios (hereafter ePortfolios) were incorporated into courses run by the English Language Centre (ELC) at the City University of Hong Kong from Jan 2009 to Aug 2010. Experience with this innovation constitutes the substance of this report. Major challenges included: 1) Making the ePortfolio platform user-friendly by providing…
Development and roll out of the JETS e-portfolio: a web based electronic portfolio for endoscopists
Mehta, T; Dowler, K; McKaig, B C; Valori, R M; Dunckley, P
The JAG Endoscopy Training System (JETS) e-portfolio was designed to provide an electronic log of endoscopic experience, improve the effectiveness of training, streamline the JAG certification process and support the quality assurance of trainers, units and regional training programmes. It was piloted in 2008 with an 82.6% uptake in trainees offered the system. The system was released in the UK in September 2009. Steady adoption across the UK demonstrates the service finds it a valuable tool. In time it will be the only vehicle through which a trainee can achieve certification through JAG to practise independently. PMID:28839580
E-Portfolios for Reflective Practice, Advocacy, and Professional Growth
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Keller, Cynthia
An e-portfolio is an organized collection of professional work (artifacts), selected and reflected upon by the author, that represents a person's best efforts. Over time, an e-portfolio will reflect professional changes and growth. This article discusses some of the reasons for a school librarian to create an e-portfolio. Before creating an…
A Study of the Effects of Goal Orientation on the Reflective Ability of Electronic Portfolio Users
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cheng, Gary; Chau, Juliana
This paper explores and discusses the effects of different goal orientations on students' reflective ability as demonstrated in their electronic portfolios (ePortfolios). Primary data was collected from 54 showcases (digital containers) generated by 26 undergraduate students on an ePortfolio platform over a period of 3 months. The participants had…
Positioning ePortfolios in an Integrated Curriculum
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Housego, Simon; Parker, Nicola
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the potential and the challenges of successful integration of ePortfolios and graduate attributes into the curriculum. Design/methodology/approach: An argument is presented about the positioning of ePortfolios, and their links to graduate attributes, that draws upon the experiences of working with…
ePerformance: Crafting, Rehearsing, and Presenting the ePortfolio Persona
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ramírez, Kimberly
"ePerformance: Crafting, Rehearsing, and Presenting the ePortfolio Persona" exposes vital intersections between pedagogy and performance to reveal how using ePortfolio encourages not only student-centered learning, but facilitates collaboration through cooperative exchanges. Productive interactivity with audiences who actively influence…
Transparency in the ePortfolio Creation Process
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jones, Stephanie A.; Downs, Elizabeth; Jenkins, Stephen J.
This paper presents the findings of a study examining the effect of transparency on the ePortfolio creation process. The purpose of the study was to examine whether increased awareness of other students' ePortfolios through the implementation of transparency and peer review would positively affect the quality of performance of school library media…
Using ePortfolios to Encourage Responsible Feedback
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Morales, Lucia; Soler-Dominguez, Amparo
This article aims to look at the value that ePortfolios can add to business studies, specifically in the financial field. In order to answer the question, "Do ePortfolios contribute to the development and enhancement of responsible feedback in the classroom?", the study analyzed the work done by postgraduate students pursuing a Master's…
The Electronic Student Portfolio.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fasick, Emily; McLaren, Clemence
Describes the use of electronic portfolios in one Hawaiian secondary literature class. Students went through their journals, picked two entries that best represented their growth in reading during the course, and explained why. Next they created a presentation about their growth and enjoyment of literature using multimedia technology. (SM)
ePortfolios Reveal an Emerging Community of Underrepresented Minority Scholars
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Singer-Freeman, Karen; Bastone, Linda; Skrivanek, Joseph
We used ePortfolios to promote and assess identity change in a summer research program for 81 underrepresented minority community college students. We hypothesized that ePortfolios would increase students' development of academic identity, future orientation, and scholarly community. Students completed weekly ePortfolio journal entries and…
Promoting Nursing Students' Clinical Learning Through a Mobile e-Portfolio.
Lai, Chin-Yuan; Wu, Cheng-Chih
Portfolios have been advocated in nursing education to help student link theory and practice. In this study, we document the development of a mobile e-portfolio-based system, which was used to improve nursing education. The e-portfolio-based system has the advantage of allowing students to record, assess, and reflect upon their learning whether at school, a clinical site, or at home. This e-portfolio system was field tested in a 3-week psychiatric nursing practicum session involving 10 female students who were enrolled in a junior nursing college. A mixed-methods study combining qualitative and quantitative data was conducted to investigate the effects of using the system. The results of the study demonstrated that students made professional progress in both theory and practice after using the e-portfolio system. The system could also promote self-regulated learning in clinical context. Students displayed very positive attitudes overall when using the system, although there were some occasional stresses and technical difficulties. Important factors when implementing such a system included the following: adopting the proper mobile device, providing students with clear guidance on constructing the e-portfolio, and how to use the e-portfolio in a clinical setting.
Transformative Learning through "Teaching with Technology" Electronic Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Stansberry, Susan L.; Kymes, Angel D.
Along with discussion of format and design of electronic portfolios, this article addresses the larger question of what happens to teachers when they invest in creating a professional portfolio. Are they able to transform this experience into more authentic assessment with their own students? Beside acquiring proficiency in using portfolio…
Preparedness Portfolios and Portfolio Studios: Supporting Self-Authoring Engineers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sattler, Brook; Turns, Jennifer
In this work, we engaged engineering undergraduate students in constructing an ePortfolio. The purpose of the research presented here was to explore the question, "If and in what ways do students report experiencing the construction of a preparedness portfolio in a portfolio studio as an opportunity to develop into self-authoring…
Electronic portfolios in nursing education: a review of the literature.
Green, Janet; Wyllie, Aileen; Jackson, Debra
As health professionals, nurses are responsible for staying abreast of current professional knowledge and managing their own career, professional growth and development, and ideally, practices to support these activities should start during their student years. Interest in electronic or eportfolios is gathering momentum as educationalists explore their potential as a strategy for fostering lifelong learning and enhancing on-going personal and professional development. In this paper, we present an overview of e-portfolios and their application to nurse education, highlighting potential benefits and considerations of useage. We argue that the e-portfolio can represent an authentic means of assessing cognitive, reflective and affective skills. Furthermore, the e-portfolio provides a means through which nurses can record and provide evidence of skills, achievements, experience, professional development and on-going learning, not only for themselves, but for the information and scrutiny of registration boards, employers, managers and peers. Crown Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A Holocaust Exhibit ePortfolio: Actively Engaging Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jordine, Melissa
California State University, Fresno is currently considering implementing an ePortfolio requirement for all undergraduate students. The ePortfolio requirement would be introduced primarily to engage students in a HIP (high impact practice) but would also be used for assessment purposes. As a faculty member and a member of the CSU Fresno ePortfolio…
The Pentagonal E-Portfolio Model for Selecting, Adopting, Building, and Implementing an E-Portfolio
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Buzzetto-More, Nicole; Alade, Ayodele
Electronic portfolios are a student-centered outcomes-based assessment regime involving learners in the gathering, selection, and organization of artifacts synthesized into a compilation purposed to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and/or achievements supported by reflections that articulate the relevance, credibility, and meaning of the artifacts…
Designing e-Portfolios to Support Professional Teacher Preparation
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tran, Tu; Baker, Robert; Pensavalle, Margo
Tu Tran, Robert Baker, and Margo Pensavalle present e-portfolio technology as an effective tool in teacher preparation. Because e-portfolios chronicle students' learning outcomes, they provide a picture of students' development that can be used in response to increased demands for assessment of student teachers and increasingly standards-based…
Creation of Electronic Portfolios in an Educational Leadership Cohort
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Boggan, Matthew K.; Harper, Sallie
According to a study conducted by the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (2002), approximately 90% of universities and colleges of education use portfolios regarding student assessment. Forty percent of universities use electronic portfolios in teacher certification programs for licensing. Because of the popular use of…
Tonni, I; Oliver, R G
The purpose of the study was to highlight students' and mentors' acceptability of a reflective e-portfolio instituted in a postgraduate orthodontic programme in the UK. A reflective e-portfolio was developed on the basis of principles provided by a literature search and was piloted for 2 months with six students and seven mentors. At the end of the experience, mentors' and students' acceptability of the e-portfolio with a reflective component was studied using questionnaires. The data were analysed using basic quantitative and qualitative methods. Students' response highlighted acceptability issues related to each aspect of the e-portfolio derived from the literature: relevance of the e-portfolio reflective part; time required for the process; support and mentoring; the implementation method; and the electronic medium. Mentors showed a more positive attitude towards the e-portfolio, expressing only some concerns about the time involved in using it. Furthermore, the analysis of the data highlighted some other acceptability matters: the specificity of the e-portfolio, the communication amongst students and the relationship between students and mentors. The future successful implementation of the reflective e-portfolio will depend on the productive management of the acceptability issues identified by students and mentors, in particular:(i)the specificity of the e-portfolio that would avoid its overlapping with other part of the programme;(ii)the increasing communication amongst students to improve their knowledge of the reflective writing process; and (iii)the development of a relationship between students and mentors helping to create the appropriate environment for reflection. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
ePortfolios in English Language Learning: Perceptions of Arabic-Speaking Higher Education Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dougherty, Ellen; Coelho, Daniela
Since the beginning of the century, research studies in the field have mainly focused either on how ePortfolios foster student self-efficacy or on instructor or student perceptions of the value of electronic portfolios (Wakimoto & Lewis, 2014); however, most of these studies have been carried out in North America and Australia. A few studies…
Growing a New Culture of Assessment: Planting ePortfolios in the Metro Academies Program
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shada, Alycia; Kelly, Kevin; Cox, Ruth; Malik, Savita
This paper provides a look at the development of a new culture of assessment in higher education with the use of electronic portfolios (ePortfolios). It uses the metaphor of horticulture to describe how an inter-institutional program, Metro Academies of Health, has gone through the first two parts of the ePorticulture cycle--preparing for the use…
ePortfolio Effectiveness: A(n Ill-Fated) Search for Empirical Support
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bryant, Lauren H.; Chittum, Jessica R.
ePortfolio has become ubiquitous in higher education over the course of the last decade, with faculty and institutions devoting both time and monetary resources to its use. Given this trend, the purpose of this study was to investigate the landscape of ePortfolio research to determine what evidence exists for ePortfolio's impact on student…
The Role of e-Portfolios in Supporting Productive Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Yang, Min; Tai, Mui; Lim, Cher Ping
e-Portfolios are a form of authentic assessment with formative functions that include showcasing and sharing learning artifacts, documenting reflective learning processes, connecting learning across various stages and enabling frequent feedback for improvements. This paper examines how e-portfolios take up these formative roles to support…
E-Portfolios as a Pedagogical Device in Primary Teacher Education: The AUT University Experience
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Maher, Marguerite; Gerbic, Philippa
Portfolios have a long tradition in teacher education and now these are available in electronic form. At the same time, there are increasing demands for primary teachers to be technologically capable and confident in classrooms. When teacher educators wish to respond through the introduction of new technologies such as e-portfolios, there are…
Enhancing Meta-Cognition Skills by Using Reflective E-Portfolio
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Turky, Mohamed Abdullah
This study aims to investigate the relationship between reflective E-portfolio and metacognition skills from where it is possible to contribute to the exercise levels of reflective thinking through the E-portfolio ultimately leads to the development of metacognition skills. The study was applied on 29 Instructional Technology students at Tanta…
Belcher, Rosie; Jones, Anna; Smith, Laura-Jane; Vincent, Tim; Naidu, Sindhu Bhaarrati; Montgomery, Julia; Haq, Inam; Gill, Deborah
Portfolios are increasingly used in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. Four medical schools have collaborated with an established NHS electronic portfolio provider to develop and implement an authentic professional electronic portfolio for undergraduate students. We hypothesized that using an authentic portfolio would have significant advantages for students, particularly in familiarizing them with the tool many will continue to use for years after graduation. This paper describes the early evaluation of this undergraduate portfolio at two participating medical schools. To gather data, a questionnaire survey with extensive free text comments was used at School 1, and three focus groups were held at School 2. This paper reports thematic analysis of students' opinions expressed in the free text comments and focus groups. Five main themes, common across both schools were identified. These concerned the purpose, use and acceptability of the portfolio, advantages of and barriers to the use of the portfolio, and the impacts on both learning and professional identity. An authentic portfolio mitigated some of the negative aspects of using a portfolio, and had a positive effect on students' perception of themselves as becoming past of the profession. However, significant barriers to portfolio use remained, including a lack of understanding of the purpose of a portfolio and a perceived damaging effect on feedback.
E-Portfolios in Teacher Development: The Better Option?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Xerri, Daniel; Campbell, Caroline
Following the introduction of print portfolios for teacher development in the ELT sector in Malta, this article discusses the findings of a small-scale study that highlighted teachers' views in relation to the possible future implementation of e-portfolios. It shows that while aware of the benefits of this tool, teachers have concerns about their…
Student Engagement with E-Portfolios: Purpose, Benefits and Problems
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Thanaraj, Ann
This paper reports on a phenomenographic study about the different ways that undergraduate law students understood and conceptualised the idea of e-portfolios as used on their programme. The aim of the study was to investigate variations in conceptions of e-portfolios, including their purpose, benefits and problems as experienced by students. The…
ePortfolio as Pedagogy: Threshold Concepts for Curriculum Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lewis, Lyn
The ePortfolio has been used in initial teacher education for its storage and presentation functions; however, its use as a pedagogic tool to enhance learning outcomes is less common. This study explored students' perceptions of ePortfolio and their learning in a Bachelor of Education (primary) programme at a New Zealand university. The research…
The E-Portfolio Continuum: Discovering Variables for E-Portfolio Adoption within Music Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Taylor, John; Dunbar-Hall, Peter; Rowley, Jennifer
This article presents the results of audit data compiled from a case study introducing e-portfolios into a Music Education degree program, and highlights the key challenges faced from the initial stages of student use to curricular embedding and student adoption. This article discusses the technological, social and educational impacts inherent in…
Using Electronic Portfolios for Second Language Assessment
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cummins, Patricia W.; Davesne, Celine
Portfolio assessment as developed in Europe presents a learner-empowering alternative to computer-based testing. The authors present the European Language Portfolio (ELP) and its American adaptations, LinguaFolio and the Global Language Portfolio, as tools to be used with the Common European Framework of Reference for languages and the American…
Changing Their Mindsets: ePortfolios Encourage Application of Concepts to the Self
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Singer-Freeman, Karen; Bastone, Linda
We describe the ePortfolio delivery of a mindset intervention to college students. In Study 1, 38 underrepresented ethnic minority (URM) students who were enrolled in a summer research program completed a mindset intervention as a worksheet (n = 17) or as an ePortfolio (n = 21). Students who completed ePortfolios were more likely than students who…
Avila, Javier; Sostmann, Kai; Breckwoldt, Jan; Peters, Harm
Electronic portfolios (ePortfolios) are used to document and support learning activities. E-portfolios with mobile capabilities allow even more flexibility. However, the development or acquisition of ePortfolio software is often costly, and at the same time, commercially available systems may not sufficiently fit the institution's needs. The aim of this study was to design and evaluate an ePortfolio system with mobile capabilities using a commercially free and open source software solution. We created an online ePortfolio environment using the blogging software WordPress based on reported capability features of such software by a qualitative weight and sum method. Technical implementation and usability were evaluated by 25 medical students during their clinical training by quantitative and qualitative means using online questionnaires and focus groups. The WordPress ePortfolio environment allowed students a broad spectrum of activities - often documented via mobile devices - like collection of multimedia evidences, posting reflections, messaging, web publishing, ePortfolio searches, collaborative learning, knowledge management in a content management system including a wiki and RSS feeds, and the use of aid tools for studying. The students' experience with WordPress revealed a few technical problems, and this report provides workarounds. The WordPress ePortfolio was rated positively by the students as a content management system (67 % of the students), for exchange with other students (74 %), as a note pad for reflections (53 %) and for its potential as an information source for assessment (48 %) and exchange with a mentor (68 %). On the negative side, 74 % of the students in this pilot study did not find it easy to get started with the system, and 63 % rated the ePortfolio as not being user-friendly. Qualitative analysis indicated a need for more introductory information and training. It is possible to build an advanced ePortfolio system with mobile
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kilroy, John
ePortfolios are emerging as an alternative to the paper based CV in the employment recruitment process. This paper reports on the findings of research project that was designed to explore the perceptions of adult jobseekers on the use of an ePortfolio as a jobseeking tool. The research project utilised a qualitative exploratory case study to…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pitts, Wesley; Ruggirello, Rachel
This case study focused on the electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) as a portrait of teacher growth in an in-service chemistry education graduate program. The e-portfolio provided a multimedia space for systematic documentation of teacher professional growth within the domain of reflective practice. In this study, the outcome and illustration of…
Purpose and Pedagogy: A Conceptual Model for an ePortfolio
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Buyarski, Catherine A.; Aaron, Robert W.; Hansen, Michele J.; Hollingsworth, Cynthia D.; Johnson, Charles A.; Kahn, Susan; Landis, Cynthia M.; Pedersen, Joan S.; Powell, Amy A.
This conceptual model emerged from the need to balance multiple purposes and perspectives associated with developing an ePortfolio designed to promote student development and success. A comprehensive review of literature from various disciplines, theoretical frameworks, and scholarship, including self-authorship, reflection, ePortfolio pedagogy,…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wozniak, Nancy McCoy
Reflection plays a critical role in moving learning to the next level of inquiry. Stony Brook University has adopted an approach to using ePortfolios within the curriculum that emphasizes reflection. Stony Brook University successfully piloted ePortfolios in the Fall 2010 Semester and discovered their use facilitated the inquiry process for the…
ePortfolios in the Workplace for Human Capital Management: A Multiple Case Study
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lievens, Ronald
This study researches whether the ePortfolio is a suitable instrument for human capital management in the business environment. The implementation of ePortfolio systems in five different organizations is analyzed. It considers whether ePortfolio implementations were successful, and relevant critical success factors were identified. For the latter…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Marshall, Margaret J.; Duffy, Ashlee Mills; Powell, Stephen; Bartlett, Lesley Erin
An ePortfolio Assessment Institute (AI) structured as a faculty development opportunity was undertaken to increase faculty confidence in teaching and assessing ePortfolios and to collect reliable data about student performance on four learning outcomes associated with an institutionwide ePortfolio initiative. Faculty raters participated in the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gámiz-Sánchez, Vanesa-María; Gallego-Arrufat, María-Jesús; Crisol-Moya, Emilio
This study explores the impact of electronic portfolios on undergraduate learning in higher education. Based on a descriptive study, it analyses the prospective teacher's perception of use of these tools (electronic portfolio in Moodle-Mahara, in the institutional environment of a university in southern Europe), examining the variables…
Integrating ePortfolios into Sustainability Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Habron, Geoffrey
Given the importance of applied learning and skills needed in sustainability education, this study sought to explore how electronic portfolios enable students to provide a range of evidence to demonstrate their sustainability learning. Michigan State University developed an undergraduate minor on sustainability that required students to provide…
The Functions and Benefits of the ePortfolio in Craft Education at the Primary Level
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Saarinen, Auli; Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Pirita; Hakkarainen, Kai
The authors investigated primary school pupils' experiences using an electronic portfolio in their craft education for a three year period, from the 3rd grade until the end of the 5th grade. This article emphasizes the functions and the benefits of the ePortfolio method and outlines general user experiences based on pupil interviews (N = 38),…
Nurses' perceptions of e-portfolio use for on-the-job training in Taiwan.
Tsai, Pei-Rong; Lee, Ting-Ting; Lin, Hung-Ru; Lee-Hsieh, Jane; Mills, Mary Etta
Electronic portfolios can be used to record user performance and achievements. Currently, clinical learning systems and in-service education systems lack integration of nurses' clinical performance records with their education or training outcomes. For nurses with less than 2 years' work experience (nursing postgraduate year), use of an electronic portfolio is essential. This study aimed to assess the requirements of using electronic portfolios in continuing nursing education for clinical practices. Fifteen nurses were recruited using a qualitative purposive sampling approach between April 2013 and May 2013. After obtaining participants' consent, data were collected in a conference room of the study hospital by one-on-one semistructured in-depth interviews. Through data analyses, the following five main themes related to electronic learning portfolios were identified: instant access to in-service education information, computerized nursing postgraduate year training manual, diversity of system functions and interface designs, need for sufficient computers, and protection of personal documents. Because electronic portfolios are beginning to be used in clinical settings, a well-designed education information system not only can meet the needs of nurses but also can facilitate their learning progress.
Navigating Multiple ePortfolios: Lessons Learned from a Capstone Seminar
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Richards-Schuster, Katie; Galura, Joseph
ePortfolios are a growing trend in higher education, implemented by an increasing number of curricular and co-curricular programs. Given the de-centralized nature of many colleges and universities, it is inevitable that faculty requiring ePortfolios, especially as capstone experiences, will engage with students who have completed one or more…
Pedagogy and ePortfolios: Purpose Aligned to Design (or the "Why" and "How")
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Watty, Kim; McKay, Jade
While research surrounding ePortfolios abounds, few studies make explicit the pedagogical underpinnings of their use. Some suggest that the decision to use new technologies, like ePortfolios, is often made in ignorance of pedagogic evidence. Developed over the course of a two-year national study on the implementation of ePortfolios, this paper…
The Changing Landscape of ePortfolios: A Case Study in One Australian University
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Coffey, Urszula; Ashford-Rowe, Kevin
The potential of ePortfolios for both students and staff has generated considerable interest and investment by universities over the past ten years or so within Australia. Despite funded projects, ePortfolio specific conferences and a range of commercial and open software, there is not wide spread uptake of ePortfolios, although many universities…
An Embedded ePortfolio in a Master's Degree: Is It Working?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Munday, Jennifer
ePortfolios are embedded into several degree programs at Charles Sturt University in Australia to maximize the value of ePortfolio purposes for students working in or towards a profession. ePortfolio design has been embedded into a Master of Education curriculum for five years. Graduates of this degree program are classroom teachers, and some have…
Improving the Quality of Evidence-Based Writing Entries in Electronic Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Denton, David W.
The problem investigated in this study was whether entries written to an electronic portfolio by preservice teachers improved in quality after an intervention was deployed. The study also compared portfolio metadata to writing quality scores to determine whether there was a relationship. Participants included a convenience sample of 11…
The Use of E-Portfolio in a Linear Algebra Course
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Torres, Judit Taberna; García-Planas, María Isabel; Domínguez-García, Santiago
The use of e-portfolio becomes a standard tool when it comes to learning and student's assessment. This is due to the teachers need for enhancing their students' autonomy. The use of e-portfolio helps students to focus on their own learning process. Lectures should not be limited only to classes, but must foster active learning, and in this…
ePortfolios beyond Pre-Service Teacher Education: A New Dawn?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Boulton, Helen
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the efficacy of using ePortfolios to enhance career skills for newly qualified teachers (NQTs). The context is the final phase of a longitudinal action research project investigating whether an ePortfolio, created as a pre-service teacher to evidence a digital story of developing professional identity, could…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lowenthal, Patrick; White, John W.; Cooley, Karen
Electronic portfolios have become increasingly popular. The value of a portfolio, though, depends on how, when, and why students create, submit, and have their portfolios evaluated. In the following paper, we describe how we redesigned a program's assessment and evaluation plan around the use of electronic portfolios and a system of gates focusing…
Sparse and stable Markowitz portfolios.
Brodie, Joshua; Daubechies, Ingrid; De Mol, Christine; Giannone, Domenico; Loris, Ignace
We consider the problem of portfolio selection within the classical Markowitz mean-variance framework, reformulated as a constrained least-squares regression problem. We propose to add to the objective function a penalty proportional to the sum of the absolute values of the portfolio weights. This penalty regularizes (stabilizes) the optimization problem, encourages sparse portfolios (i.e., portfolios with only few active positions), and allows accounting for transaction costs. Our approach recovers as special cases the no-short-positions portfolios, but does allow for short positions in limited number. We implement this methodology on two benchmark data sets constructed by Fama and French. Using only a modest amount of training data, we construct portfolios whose out-of-sample performance, as measured by Sharpe ratio, is consistently and significantly better than that of the naïve evenly weighted portfolio.
Sparse and stable Markowitz portfolios
Brodie, Joshua; Daubechies, Ingrid; De Mol, Christine; Giannone, Domenico; Loris, Ignace
We consider the problem of portfolio selection within the classical Markowitz mean-variance framework, reformulated as a constrained least-squares regression problem. We propose to add to the objective function a penalty proportional to the sum of the absolute values of the portfolio weights. This penalty regularizes (stabilizes) the optimization problem, encourages sparse portfolios (i.e., portfolios with only few active positions), and allows accounting for transaction costs. Our approach recovers as special cases the no-short-positions portfolios, but does allow for short positions in limited number. We implement this methodology on two benchmark data sets constructed by Fama and French. Using only a modest amount of training data, we construct portfolios whose out-of-sample performance, as measured by Sharpe ratio, is consistently and significantly better than that of the naïve evenly weighted portfolio. PMID:19617537
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wanchid, Raveewan; Charoensuk, Valaikorn
The purposes of this study were to investigate the effects of the use of paper-based and weblog-based electronic portfolios on the writing achievement of limited English proficiency students, to survey the students' attitudes towards the use of the portfolio assessment, and to compare the viewpoints of the students in the control and experimental…
Supporting Preservice Teacher Inquiry with Electronic Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shepherd, Craig; Hannafin, Michael
Six preservice social studies teachers created electronic portfolios to examine techniques believed to promote active student engagement during a 12-week field experience. Inquiry into these practices was facilitated through embedded tutorials, assignment suggestions, and question prompts based on principles of evidential reasoning. Although…
Examining the Role of Reflection in ePortfolios: A Case Study
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Landis, Cynthia M.; Scott, Susan B.; Kahn, Susan
Extended institutional experience with ePortfolios grounded and framed this qualitative case study guided by the research question: Why, how, and with what success is reflection, as a teaching/learning process, employed among ePortfolio projects at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)? Thirty-two representatives of 16 varied…
Application of E-Portfolio System to Enhance Teacher Professional Development
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Liao, Chin-Wen
This study focuses on the meaning, applications and future development of e-teaching portfolios as an attempt to highlight the important role it plays in the "post-modern teaching practice mode". For the purpose of enhancing teacher professional development, application of the teaching portfolio system in the post-modern teacher qualification…
Supporting Social Constructivist Learning through the KEEP SLS ePortfolio System
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zhang, Xuesong; Olfman, Lorne; Firpo, Daniel
Traditional ePortfolio systems are usually used as an individual learning unit, or an assessment tool in education. However, these systems often lack social constructivist learning features such as sharing, peer review, and group collaboration. This paper describes a new ePortfolio system that supports both personal and social constructivist…
Use of ePortfolio Presentations in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Feather, Rebecca; Ricci, Margaret
Portfolios are an essential tool for demonstrating professional accomplishments and documenting professional growth in a variety of professions. Because of the competitive job market for new graduate nurses in health care, the development and use of an ePortfolio can be an essential tool for the application and interview process. The purpose of…
ePortfolio Pedagogy, Technology, and Scholarship: Now and in the Future
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Watson, C. Edward; Doolittle, Peter E.
A number of indicators, including new professional organizations, the proliferation of software tools, and the launch of a new international journal, are signaling a critical mass of interest in ePortfolios in educational settings. This article describes the current ePortfolio landscape by examining the key promises offered by such tools in…
Class Syllabi, General Education, and ePortfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Appling, Jeffrey; Gancar, Jessica; Hughes, Shiree; Saad, Alex
A study of undergraduate student experience with class syllabi revealed several concerns for improvement in areas directly related to General Education and assessment strategies using electronic portfolios. We report several student interests and suggestions, including the need for consistent syllabi that contain information designed to promote…
The Role of Electronic Portfolios in the Hiring of K-12 Teachers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Strawhecker, Jane; Messersmith, Ken; Balcom, Amanda
This mixed-method study explored the perspectives of principals involved in the hiring process of K-12 teachers in one Midwestern state. Participants' survey data was used to examine the pros and cons of portfolios, to determine preferences in portfolio contents and electronic delivery method, and to investigate what predictors significantly…
ePortfolios and Audience: Teaching a Critical Twenty-First Century Skill
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gallagher, Chris W.; Poklop, Laurie L.
This article reports on a three-year investigation into how and to what extent ePortfolios sponsor teacher and student learning about audience in first-year writing classes at a mid-sized research university. Through interviews with students and instructors and detailed analysis of students' ePortfolios, we found that, more often than not, the…
On the Right Track: Using ePortfolios as Tenure Files
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Danowitz, Erica Swenson
ePortfolios have been used in many disciplines for different purposes. In the following paper, I describe how I created and used an eportfolio as my tenure file over a five-year period. As the first tenure-track faculty member at Delaware County Community College to attain tenure through the use of an online tenure portfolio, the tenure eportfolio…
Developing Codebooks as a New Tool to Analyze Students' ePortfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Impedovo, Maria Antonietta; Ritella, Giuseppe; Ligorio, Maria Beatrice
This paper describes a three-step method for the construction of codebooks meant for analyzing ePortfolio content. The first step produces a prototype based on qualitative analysis of very different ePortfolios from the same course. During the second step, the initial version of the codebook is tested on a larger sample and subsequently revised.…
The Use of ePortfolios to Support Metacognitive Practice in a First-Year Writing Program
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bowman, Jim; Lowe, Barbara J.; Sabourin, Katie; Sweet, Catherine Salomon
Recognizing the importance of meaningful reflective writing as an integral component to the portfolios used in the first-year program (FYP), faculty questioned whether a newly developed electronic portfolio offered any pedagogical benefits over the existing traditional paper portfolio. Of particular interest for this work was whether the use of…
Electronic Portfolios in Grades One, Two and Three: A Cautionary Tale
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kotsopoulos, Donna; Lee, Joanne; Cordy, Michelle; Bruyns, Susan
Some electronic portfolios (EPs) developers are proposing that EPs are suitable for implementation in primary education (i.e. kindergarten to grade three). Yet, empirical research evaluating the implementation and efficacy of EPs used in primary school settings at both the teacher and the student level is scarce. In this research, the authors…
Defining the E-Portfolio: What It Is and Why It Matters
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jenson, Jill D.; Treuer, Paul
Despite the ever-growing number of institutions using the e-portfolio, educators do not agree on a common definition of it. The authors of this article define the e-portfolio and explain the unique nature of its use as a tool for documenting and managing one's own learning over a lifetime in ways that foster deep and continuous learning. Jill…
The Use of E-Portfolios in Music Teacher Education Programs: 2003-2013
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rawlings, Jared
This systematic review of literature presents empirical research published between 2003-2013 examining the use of E-portfolios within music teacher education programs located in the United States. International E-portfolio research in music teacher education offers a backdrop and a thematic influence throughout this review. The central research…
Rethinking Electronic Portfolios to Promote Sustainability among Teachers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shepherd, Craig E.; Skrabut, Stan
Electronic portfolios (eportfolios) can increase reflection, develop content and pedagogy skills and facilitate communication between teachers and administrators. However, they have limitations. Despite resources that teacher institutions devote to eportfolios, research suggests that most implementations are of limited duration. In a climate where…
Improving Literacy and Metacognition with Electronic Portfolios: Teaching and Learning with ePEARL
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Meyer, Elizabeth; Abrami, Philip C.; Wade, C. Anne; Aslan, Ofra; Deault, Louise
Can an electronic portfolio that is both a multimedia container for student work and a tool to support key learning processes have a positive impact on the literacy practices and self-regulated learning skills of students? This article presents the findings of a yearlong study conducted in three Canadian provinces during the 2007-2008 school year…
Finding Common Ground: Identifying and Eliciting Metacognition in ePortfolios across Contexts
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bokser, Julie A.; Brown, Sarah; Chaden, Caryn; Moore, Michael; Cleary, Michelle Navarre; Reed, Susan; Seifert, Eileen; Zecker, Liliana Barro; Wozniak, Kathryn
Research has suggested ePortfolios reveal and support students' metacognition, that is, their awareness, tracking, and evaluation of their learning over time. However, due to the wide variety of purposes and audiences for ePortfolios, it has been unclear whether there might be common criteria for identifying and assessing metacognition in…
Risk modelling in portfolio optimization
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lam, W. H.; Jaaman, Saiful Hafizah Hj.; Isa, Zaidi
Risk management is very important in portfolio optimization. The mean-variance model has been used in portfolio optimization to minimize the investment risk. The objective of the mean-variance model is to minimize the portfolio risk and achieve the target rate of return. Variance is used as risk measure in the mean-variance model. The purpose of this study is to compare the portfolio composition as well as performance between the optimal portfolio of mean-variance model and equally weighted portfolio. Equally weighted portfolio means the proportions that are invested in each asset are equal. The results show that the portfolio composition of the mean-variance optimal portfolio and equally weighted portfolio are different. Besides that, the mean-variance optimal portfolio gives better performance because it gives higher performance ratio than the equally weighted portfolio.
Development and Sustainability of ePortfolios in Counselor Education: An Applied Retrospective
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Luther, Ann E.; Barnes, Paul
This article chronicles the evolution of an ePortfolio as a practicum/internship capstone project used to assess skill development in graduate level counselor education at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The authors describe the successes and challenges encountered from the implementation of an internally designed and maintained ePortfolio in…
Self-Regulated Learning and the Role of ePortfolios in Business Studies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Morales, Lucía; Soler-Domínguez, Amparo; Tarkovska, Valentina
Students' work in ePortfolios was assessed through a case study supported by observation techniques and eQuestionnaires to gather data from a sample of eighty students over a period of 4 years (20 students per academic year). The main purpose of the study was to explore whether ePortfolios can be used efficiently to support the learning process of…
Are You Ready to Go Digital?: The Pros and Cons of Electronic Portfolio Development
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Heath, Marilyn
There is an increasing need for educators to have professional portfolios, which are considered to be authentic tools for evaluating the knowledge, skill, beliefs and attitudes of prospective educators. Electronic portfolios are gaining in popularity and their relative pros and cons are examined.
Clinical nurse preceptors' perception of e-portfolio use for undergraduate students.
Chang, Chi-Ping; Lee, Ting-Ting; Mills, Mary Etta
Nursing schools and hospitals form partnerships to foster nursing education. Clinical nurse preceptors (CNPs) have a profound influence on nursing students' Last Mile practicum. Assisting preceptors to prepare students as future staff nurses has become a critical issue. E-portfolios utilize digital access and hyperlinks to integrate student knowledge, skills, and achievements with teaching assessment, process and evaluation. Based on the school-hospital partnership, preceptors require a teaching application to facilitate student learning. This descriptive qualitative study explored preceptors' perceptions regarding the use of e-portfolios. Data were collected from November 2012 to March 2013. One-on-one in-depth interviews with preceptors from different hospitals in Taiwan were examined using content analysis. Four key themes were revealed: utilizing students' learning experiences to design the CNP's teaching plan; a group-based discussion platform as a communication channel is needed; posting teaching content to facilitate student learning process; and, motivation usage factors in ease of use, sustaining use and win (student) - win (preceptor) outcomes. The use of e-portfolios allows preceptors to prepare for the learning needs of students. By considering preceptors' preferences, the design of e-portfolios may become more user friendly and useful for preceptors to expedite their teaching process and enhance student learning experiences. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Portfolios in Practice: What Is a Portfolio?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Arter, Judith A.
A consortium effort sponsored by the Northwest Regional Evaluation Association has arrived at a workable definition of a portfolio that takes into account the viewpoints of teachers and those interested in large-scale assessment. The modified definition states that: "A student portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that tells…
approach” that provides analysis for “program managers to attain the right knowledge [e.g., portfolio values] at critical junctures so they can make...portfolio, it is critical to create a credible beta (β) for the presumed “market volatility” of the IT asset class. The KVA methodology may be used...for this critical task. Establishing a beta (β) for DoD wide IT portfolio management uses the work conducted at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS
Duque, Gustavo; Finkelstein, Adam; Roberts, Ayanna; Tabatabai, Diana; Gold, Susan L; Winer, Laura R
Background Electronic evaluation portfolios may play a role in learning and evaluation in clinical settings and may complement other traditional evaluation methods (bedside evaluations, written exams and tutor-led evaluations). Methods 133 third-year medical students used the McGill Electronic Evaluation Portfolio (MEEP) during their one-month clerkship rotation in Geriatric Medicine between September 2002 and September 2003. Students were divided into two groups, one who received an introductory hands-on session about the electronic evaluation portfolio and one who did not. Students' marks in their portfolios were compared between both groups. Additionally, students self-evaluated their performance and received feedback using the electronic portfolio during their mandatory clerkship rotation. Students were surveyed immediately after the rotation and at the end of the clerkship year. Tutors' opinions about this method were surveyed once. Finally, the number of evaluations/month was quantified. In all surveys, Likert scales were used and were analyzed using Chi-square tests and t-tests to assess significant differences in the responses from surveyed subjects. Results The introductory session had a significant effect on students' portfolio marks as well as on their comfort using the system. Both tutors and students reported positive notions about the method. Remarkably, an average (± SD) of 520 (± 70) evaluations/month was recorded with 30 (± 5) evaluations per student/month. Conclusion The MEEP showed a significant and positive effect on both students' self-evaluations and tutors' evaluations involving an important amount of self-reflection and feedback which may complement the more traditional evaluation methods. PMID:16409640
Teacher Electronic Portfolio and Its Relation to EFL Student Teacher Performance and Attitude
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Alshawi, Areej T.; Alshumaimeri, Yousif A.
E-portfolio is a promising approach to develop teachers into reflective practitioners who show that they can adapt to new technologies, new criteria, and new environments. The current research explored the quality of EFL student teachers' e-portfolios and their attitudes towards using them. The research was conducted on 30 EFL female student…
Using ePortfolio's to Assess Undergraduate Paramedic Students: A Proof of Concept Evaluation
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mason, Rod; Williams, Brett
The ePortfolio presents itself as potentially a highly useful assessment tool for students, encouraging self-reflection and the development of both clinical skills and theoretical knowledge by students identifying strengths and gaps in knowledge. A survey of students after the completion the inaugural Emergency Health ePortfolio program revealed…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kitt, R.; Kalda, J.
The question of optimal portfolio is addressed. The conventional Markowitz portfolio optimisation is discussed and the shortcomings due to non-Gaussian security returns are outlined. A method is proposed to minimise the likelihood of extreme non-Gaussian drawdowns of the portfolio value. The theory is called Leptokurtic, because it minimises the effects from “fat tails” of returns. The leptokurtic portfolio theory provides an optimal portfolio for investors, who define their risk-aversion as unwillingness to experience sharp drawdowns in asset prices. Two types of risks in asset returns are defined: a fluctuation risk, that has Gaussian distribution, and a drawdown risk, that deals with distribution tails. These risks are quantitatively measured by defining the “noise kernel” — an ellipsoidal cloud of points in the space of asset returns. The size of the ellipse is controlled with the threshold parameter: the larger the threshold parameter, the larger return are accepted for investors as normal fluctuations. The return vectors falling into the kernel are used for calculation of fluctuation risk. Analogously, the data points falling outside the kernel are used for the calculation of drawdown risks. As a result the portfolio optimisation problem becomes three-dimensional: in addition to the return, there are two types of risks involved. Optimal portfolio for drawdown-averse investors is the portfolio minimising variance outside the noise kernel. The theory has been tested with MSCI North America, Europe and Pacific total return stock indices.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Winberg, Christine; Pallitt, Nicola
Teaching portfolios have become increasingly important to university teachers. Portfolio requirements for the appointment or promotion of academic staff recognize that the assessment of teaching practice requires more depth and detail than a candidate's academic CV generally affords. The focus of this study is the electronic teaching portfolios,…
Concurrent credit portfolio losses.
Sicking, Joachim; Guhr, Thomas; Schäfer, Rudi
We consider the problem of concurrent portfolio losses in two non-overlapping credit portfolios. In order to explore the full statistical dependence structure of such portfolio losses, we estimate their empirical pairwise copulas. Instead of a Gaussian dependence, we typically find a strong asymmetry in the copulas. Concurrent large portfolio losses are much more likely than small ones. Studying the dependences of these losses as a function of portfolio size, we moreover reveal that not only large portfolios of thousands of contracts, but also medium-sized and small ones with only a few dozens of contracts exhibit notable portfolio loss correlations. Anticipated idiosyncratic effects turn out to be negligible. These are troublesome insights not only for investors in structured fixed-income products, but particularly for the stability of the financial sector. JEL codes: C32, F34, G21, G32, H81.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Silva, Mary Lourdes; Adams Delaney, Susan; Cochran, Jolene; Jackson, Ruth; Olivares, Cory
The majority of research on the implementation of ePortfolios focuses on curriculum, faculty development, or student buy-in. When ePortfolio systems have been described in technical terms, the focus has been on the functionality, affordances, and limitations of ePortfolio systems (e.g., TaskStream, LiveText), free web tools (e.g., Google Docs),…
e-Portfolios Enhancing Students' Self-Directed Learning: A Systematic Review of Influencing Factors
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Beckers, Jorrick; Dolmans, Diana; Van Merriënboer, Jeroen
e-Portfolios have become increasingly popular among educators as learning tools. Some research even shows that e-portfolios can be utilised to facilitate the development of skills for self-directed learning. Such skills include self-assessment of performance, formulation of learning goals, and selection of future tasks. However, it is not yet…
Designing E-Portfolio with ARCS Motivational Design Strategies to Enhance Self-Directed Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mohamad, Syamsul Nor Azlan; Embi, Mohamed Amin; Nordin, Norazah Mohd
This paper presents the instructional design effect on motivation towards the implementation of e-Portfolio with ARCS Motivational design strategies to enhance self-directed learning. The purpose of the study was to examine the learners' motivation level after the implementation of e-Portfolio. Initially, this paper was conducted to study a total…
Concurrent credit portfolio losses
Sicking, Joachim; Schäfer, Rudi
We consider the problem of concurrent portfolio losses in two non-overlapping credit portfolios. In order to explore the full statistical dependence structure of such portfolio losses, we estimate their empirical pairwise copulas. Instead of a Gaussian dependence, we typically find a strong asymmetry in the copulas. Concurrent large portfolio losses are much more likely than small ones. Studying the dependences of these losses as a function of portfolio size, we moreover reveal that not only large portfolios of thousands of contracts, but also medium-sized and small ones with only a few dozens of contracts exhibit notable portfolio loss correlations. Anticipated idiosyncratic effects turn out to be negligible. These are troublesome insights not only for investors in structured fixed-income products, but particularly for the stability of the financial sector. JEL codes: C32, F34, G21, G32, H81. PMID:29425246
Electronic Portfolios May Answer Calls for More Accountability
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Basken, Paul
A decade ago, the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology had a few simple goals. It wanted to sharpen its educational mission, broaden students' skills, improve graduates' job-placement rates, and give the institution better ammunition for proving its worth to accreditors. It turned to the "electronic portfolio," becoming one of a small but growing…
Factors That Contribute to ePortfolio Persistence
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Thibodeaux, Tilisa; Cummings, Cynthia; Harapnuik, Dwayne
This study examined factors that contributed to persistent use, or discontinued use, of ePortfolios beyond the program of study, as perceived by former educational technology students in a graduate program. The related literature points to contemporary research that choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning are growing trends emerging as…
Reflection during Portfolio-Based Conversations
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Oosterbaan, Anne E.; van der Schaaf, Marieke F.; Baartman, Liesbeth K. J.; Stokking, Karel M.
This study aims to explore the relationship between the occurrence of reflection (and non-reflection) and thinking activities (e.g., orientating, selecting, analysing) during portfolio-based conversations. Analysis of 21 transcripts of portfolio-based conversations revealed that 20% of the segments were made up of reflection (content reflection…
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION 17 CFR Part 23 RIN 3038-AC96 Confirmation, Portfolio Reconciliation, Portfolio Compression, and Swap Trading Relationship Documentation Requirements for Swap Dealers..., portfolio compression, and swap trading relationship documentation for Swap Dealers and Major Swap...
First year specialist trainees' engagement with reflective practice in the e-portfolio.
McNeill, Helen; Brown, Jeremy M; Shaw, Nigel J
Doctors in specialist training posts in the Mersey Deanery are expected to reflect on their clinical practice and to document their learning experiences in an e-portfolio. This study aims specifically to explore how they have engaged in reflection on their practice and how they utilise their learning portfolio to document evidence of this. A modified Delphi technique was used to develop a grading system to identify the level of reflection recorded by participants in the e-portfolio. Transcripts of the reflective accounts were then analysed using a qualitative approach which involved coding and categorising the data. This study demonstrated a wide variation in both the quantity and quality of reflection. Of particular note in the qualitative data analysis were themes relating to clinical knowledge and skills, learning in practice, communication, feelings, types of learning experience reflected on and wider aspects of medical practice. Findings indicate there is variation is the extent to which doctors both engage in and document evidence of reflection. Further research is needed to explore factors that enable or inhibit the use of the e-portfolio for reflection and whether recorded reflection is a true picture of the cognitive process involved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dong, Yijun
The research about measuring the risk of a bond portfolio and the portfolio optimization was relatively rare previously, because the risk factors of bond portfolios are not very volatile. However, this condition has changed recently. The 2008 financial crisis brought high volatility to the risk factors and the related bond securities, even if the highly rated U.S. treasury bonds. Moreover, the risk factors of bond portfolios show properties of fat-tailness and asymmetry like risk factors of equity portfolios. Therefore, we need to use advanced techniques to measure and manage risk of bond portfolios. In our paper, we first apply autoregressive moving average generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARMA-GARCH) model with multivariate normal tempered stable (MNTS) distribution innovations to predict risk factors of U.S. treasury bonds and statistically demonstrate that MNTS distribution has the ability to capture the properties of risk factors based on the goodness-of-fit tests. Then based on empirical evidence, we find that the VaR and AVaR estimated by assuming normal tempered stable distribution are more realistic and reliable than those estimated by assuming normal distribution, especially for the financial crisis period. Finally, we use the mean-risk portfolio optimization to minimize portfolios' potential risks. The empirical study indicates that the optimized bond portfolios have better risk-adjusted performances than the benchmark portfolios for some periods. Moreover, the optimized bond portfolios obtained by assuming normal tempered stable distribution have improved performances in comparison to the optimized bond portfolios obtained by assuming normal distribution.
Comprehensive Education Portfolio with a Career Focus
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kruger, Evonne J.; Holtzman, Diane M.; Dagavarian, Debra A.
There are many types of student portfolios used within academia: the prior learning portfolio, credentialing portfolio, developmental portfolio, capstone portfolio, individual course portfolio, and the comprehensive education portfolio. The comprehensive education portfolio (CEP), as used by the authors, is a student portfolio, developed over…
Bhargava, Puneet; Patel, Vatsal B; Iyer, Ramesh S; Moshiri, Mariam; Robinson, Tracy J; Lall, Chandana; Heller, Matthew T
The academic portfolio has become an integral part of the promotions process. Creating and maintaining an academic portfolio in paper-based or web-based formats can be a cumbersome and time-consuming task. In this article, we describe an alternative way to efficiently organize an academic portfolio using a reference manager software, and discuss some of the afforded advantages. The reference manager software Papers (Mekentosj, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) was used to create an academic portfolio. The article outlines the key steps in creating and maintaining a digital academic portfolio. Using reference manager software (Papers), we created an academic portfolio that allows the user to digitally organize clinical, teaching, and research accomplishments in an indexed library enabling efficient updating, rapid retrieval, and easy sharing. To our knowledge, this is the first digital portfolio of its kind.
Collaborative e-Learning: e-Portfolios for Assessment, Teaching and Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Luchoomun, Dharmadeo; McLuckie, Joe; van Wesel, Maarten
This paper presents an innovative approach to e-learning by exploring a number of initiatives where there is a move towards collaborative use of Personal Development Plans (PDPs) integrated with e-portfolios as mechanisms for delivering such plans. It considers whether such a move towards more product orientated assessment might enhance student…
Singer, Y
A constant rebalanced portfolio is an asset allocation algorithm which keeps the same distribution of wealth among a set of assets along a period of time. Recently, there has been work on on-line portfolio selection algorithms which are competitive with the best constant rebalanced portfolio determined in hindsight (Cover, 1991; Helmbold et al., 1996; Cover and Ordentlich, 1996). By their nature, these algorithms employ the assumption that high returns can be achieved using a fixed asset allocation strategy. However, stock markets are far from being stationary and in many cases the wealth achieved by a constant rebalanced portfolio is much smaller than the wealth achieved by an ad hoc investment strategy that adapts to changes in the market. In this paper we present an efficient portfolio selection algorithm that is able to track a changing market. We also describe a simple extension of the algorithm for the case of a general transaction cost, including the transactions cost models recently investigated in (Blum and Kalai, 1997). We provide a simple analysis of the competitiveness of the algorithm and check its performance on real stock data from the New York Stock Exchange accumulated during a 22-year period. On this data, our algorithm outperforms all the algorithms referenced above, with and without transaction costs.
Portfolio langagier en francais (Language Portfolios in French).
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Laplante, Bernard; Christiansen, Helen
Suggests that first-year college students learning French should create a language portfolio that contains documents that illustrate what they have learned in French, along with a brief statement of what linguistic skill the document demonstrates. The goal of the portfolio is to make students more aware of their own learning, their strengths, and…
Performance of salmon fishery portfolios across western North America.
Griffiths, Jennifer R; Schindler, Daniel E; Armstrong, Jonathan B; Scheuerell, Mark D; Whited, Diane C; Clark, Robert A; Hilborn, Ray; Holt, Carrie A; Lindley, Steven T; Stanford, Jack A; Volk, Eric C
Quantifying the variability in the delivery of ecosystem services across the landscape can be used to set appropriate management targets, evaluate resilience and target conservation efforts. Ecosystem functions and services may exhibit portfolio-type dynamics, whereby diversity within lower levels promotes stability at more aggregated levels. Portfolio theory provides a framework to characterize the relative performance among ecosystems and the processes that drive differences in performance. We assessed Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. portfolio performance across their native latitudinal range focusing on the reliability of salmon returns as a metric with which to assess the function of salmon ecosystems and their services to humans. We used the Sharpe ratio (e.g. the size of the total salmon return to the portfolio relative to its variability (risk)) to evaluate the performance of Chinook and sockeye salmon portfolios across the west coast of North America. We evaluated the effects on portfolio performance from the variance of and covariance among salmon returns within each portfolio, and the association between portfolio performance and watershed attributes. We found a positive latitudinal trend in the risk-adjusted performance of Chinook and sockeye salmon portfolios that also correlated negatively with anthropogenic impact on watersheds (e.g. dams and land-use change). High-latitude Chinook salmon portfolios were on average 2·5 times more reliable, and their portfolio risk was mainly due to low variance in the individual assets. Sockeye salmon portfolios were also more reliable at higher latitudes, but sources of risk varied among the highest performing portfolios. Synthesis and applications . Portfolio theory provides a straightforward method for characterizing the resilience of salmon ecosystems and their services. Natural variability in portfolio performance among undeveloped watersheds provides a benchmark for restoration efforts. Locally and regionally
Performance of salmon fishery portfolios across western North America
Griffiths, Jennifer R; Schindler, Daniel E; Armstrong, Jonathan B; Scheuerell, Mark D; Whited, Diane C; Clark, Robert A; Hilborn, Ray; Holt, Carrie A; Lindley, Steven T; Stanford, Jack A; Volk, Eric C
Quantifying the variability in the delivery of ecosystem services across the landscape can be used to set appropriate management targets, evaluate resilience and target conservation efforts. Ecosystem functions and services may exhibit portfolio-type dynamics, whereby diversity within lower levels promotes stability at more aggregated levels. Portfolio theory provides a framework to characterize the relative performance among ecosystems and the processes that drive differences in performance. We assessed Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. portfolio performance across their native latitudinal range focusing on the reliability of salmon returns as a metric with which to assess the function of salmon ecosystems and their services to humans. We used the Sharpe ratio (e.g. the size of the total salmon return to the portfolio relative to its variability (risk)) to evaluate the performance of Chinook and sockeye salmon portfolios across the west coast of North America. We evaluated the effects on portfolio performance from the variance of and covariance among salmon returns within each portfolio, and the association between portfolio performance and watershed attributes. We found a positive latitudinal trend in the risk-adjusted performance of Chinook and sockeye salmon portfolios that also correlated negatively with anthropogenic impact on watersheds (e.g. dams and land-use change). High-latitude Chinook salmon portfolios were on average 2·5 times more reliable, and their portfolio risk was mainly due to low variance in the individual assets. Sockeye salmon portfolios were also more reliable at higher latitudes, but sources of risk varied among the highest performing portfolios. Synthesis and applications. Portfolio theory provides a straightforward method for characterizing the resilience of salmon ecosystems and their services. Natural variability in portfolio performance among undeveloped watersheds provides a benchmark for restoration efforts. Locally and regionally
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Haave, Neil
E-portfolios have the potential to transform students' learning experiences. They promote reflection on the significance of what and how students have learned. Such reflective practices enhance students' ability to articulate their knowledge and skills to their peers, teachers, and future employers. In addition, e-portfolios can help assess the…
Can the Integration of a PLE in an E-Portfolio Platform Improve Generic Competences?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Galván-Fernández, Cristina; Rubio-Hurtado, María José; Martínez-Olmo, Francesc; Rodríguez-Illera, José Luis
The study analyzes the improvement in generic competences through e-portfolio/PLE platform and didactic planning. The new version of the platform, Digital Folder, contains utilities for students and teachers and some PLE components that help the learning process through e-portfolios. Didactic planning is compared for students from the University…
Foucault, Marie-Lyse; Vachon, Brigitte; Thomas, Aliki; Rochette, Annie; Giguère, Charles-Édouard
ePortfolios are frequently used to support continuing professional development (CPD) of rehabilitation professionals. Though this tool is now widely implemented in many professions by regulatory organisations, very few studies have investigated the use and impact among rehabilitation professionals. Implementation of comprehensive ePortfolios that are centred on the needs of rehabilitation professionals requires documenting their level of use and perceived outcomes. The objectives were to describe how occupational therapists use a mandatory ePortfolio that has been recently implemented by a regulatory organisation in Quebec (Canada) and the perceived outcomes of this requirement on continuing professional development and practice change. An online survey was sent to all registered occupational therapists in Quebec using the ePortfolio. The survey content was developed based on a literature review and expert consultation. Results were analysed using descriptive statistics. A total of 546 respondents completed the survey. Results show relatively high levels of ease and satisfaction with the tool, but a limited perception of the tool's impacts on the improvement of professional competencies and change in practices. Occupational therapists reported that use of the ePortfolio supports their engagement in CPD but has limited impact on practice. Promotion of work-based learning, team use and mentor support could increase its meaningfulness for professionals. Implications for Rehabilitation To improve attitudes and beliefs about benefits related to portfolio use, rehabilitation practitioners need a very clear understanding of the purpose and usefulness of a portfolio in clinical practice. Most of the respondents saw the ePortfolio as helping them develop and implement a continuing professional development plan and reflect on the changes needed in their practice. Portfolio use in teams and productive reflection should be promoted in order to target shared objectives for
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dagavarian, Debra A.
The portfolio assessment process at Thomas A. Edison State College is described in this report. Through portfolio assessment, the school helps students identify and gain credit for college-level skills and knowledge acquired through work, volunteer activities, independent reading, military or corporate training, and life experiences that may be…
Developing Electronic Institutional Portfolios for Program and Institutional Assessment.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Borden, Victor M. H.
Summarizes the lessons learned by the institutions participating in the Urban Universities Portfolio Project regarding the functional and technological requirements for creating and sustaining Web-based institutional portfolios. The most pressing issues were those of aligning technology resources with analytical, evaluative, academic, and design…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tubaishat, Abdallah; Lansari, Azzedine
Several researchers define e-portfolios as a digital collection of students' work accomplished throughout their time of studies in an academic program (Buzzetto-More, 2006; Love, McKean and Gathercoal, 2004; Paulson, Paulson, & Meyer, 1991; Siemens, 2004). E-portfolios can be a rich resource for students and faculty. Students learn to identify…
Addressing Social Media Presence: Shifting from Place to Space in Career/Transfer ePortfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Apostel, Shawn
Institutions of higher education are increasingly utilizing ePortfolio projects to allow students a space to showcase their work to their instructors, peers, and potential employers, and with the primary audience focusing on instructor or peer, the ePortfolio has worked well over the years. However, as the audience shifted more to potential…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Roberts, Pauline; Maor, Dorit; Herrington, Jan
In addition to providing a useful repository for learning products, ePortfolios provide enhanced opportunities for the development of advanced learning skills. It can be argued, however, that ePortfolios are not being implemented effectively towards fulfilling this important function. This paper presents an investigation of an ePortfolio…
Implementing portfolio in postgraduate general practice training. Benefits and recommendations.
Alotaibi, Fawaz S
This paper presents a review to explore the literature focusing on portfolio in postgraduate general practice (GP) training, and to examine the impact of implementation of portfolio on learning process, as well as proposing recommendations for its implementation in postgraduate GP training. An electronic search was carried out on several databases for studies addressing portfolio in postgraduate GP training. Six articles were included to address specifically the effectiveness of portfolio in postgraduate GP training. Five of them described successful experiences of portfolio-based learning implementation. Only one article addressed portfolio-based assessment in postgraduate GP training. The existing evidence provides various benefits of professional portfolio-based learning. It does appear to have advantages of stimulating reflective learning, promoting proactive learning, and bridging the hospital experiences of the learners to GP. Moreover, the challenges to implementation of portfolio-based learning are often based on orientation and training of stakeholders.
ePortfolio as a Measure of Reflective Practice
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Parkes, Kelly A.; Dredger, Katie S.; Hicks, David
This instructional article outlines the qualities of effective ePortfolios and how reflection and student growth is measured. Student exemplars and assessment rubrics show how, despite changing tools and evolving standards, sustained collaboration and student coaching yields reflective practitioners in content areas and in technological knowledge.…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Khales, Buad
The present study aims to explore whether the electronic portfolio can influence pre-service teachers' education and to examine how professional learning communities develop through electronic portfolios. To achieve this, twenty-four student-teachers taking a course in early childhood education at Al-Quds University participated in a study to…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Thang, Siew Ming; Lee, Yit Sim; Zulkifli, Nurul Farhana
This study investigated the effects of the construction and development of electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) on a small user population at a public university in Malaysia. The study was based on a three-month Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and language learning course offered to the undergraduates of the university. One of the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Scholz, Kyle; Tse, Crystal; Lithgow, Katherine
This paper explores the alignment of student and instructor experiences when employing ePortfolio activities in a Canadian higher education context. Successful ePortfolio activities are operationalized as exhibiting alignment of expectations between students and instructors, whereas misalignment of expectations is characteristic of a poorer…
Electronic Portfolios in Teacher Education: Forging a Middle Ground
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Strudler, Neal; Wetzel, Keith
At a time when implementation of electronic portfolios (EPs) is expanding, the issues of clarifying their purposes continue to plague teacher education programs. Are student-centered uses of EPs compatible with program assessment and accreditation efforts? Is this an either/or situation, or can a productive middle ground be forged? This article…
Higher order thinking skills: using e-portfolio in project-based learning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lukitasari, M.; Handhika, J.; Murtafiah, W.
The purpose of this research is to describe students' higher-order thinking skills through project-based learning using e-portfolio. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The research instruments used were test, unstructured interview, and documentation. Research subjects were students of mathematics, physics and biology education department who take the Basics Physics course. The result shows that through project-based learning using e-portfolio the students’ ability to: analyze (medium category, N-Gain 0.67), evaluate (medium category, N-Gain 0.51), and create (medium Category, N-Gain 0.44) are improved.
Dynamic Portfolio Strategy Using Clustering Approach
Lu, Ya-Nan; Li, Sai-Ping; Jiang, Xiong-Fei; Zhong, Li-Xin; Qiu, Tian
The problem of portfolio optimization is one of the most important issues in asset management. We here propose a new dynamic portfolio strategy based on the time-varying structures of MST networks in Chinese stock markets, where the market condition is further considered when using the optimal portfolios for investment. A portfolio strategy comprises two stages: First, select the portfolios by choosing central and peripheral stocks in the selection horizon using five topological parameters, namely degree, betweenness centrality, distance on degree criterion, distance on correlation criterion and distance on distance criterion. Second, use the portfolios for investment in the investment horizon. The optimal portfolio is chosen by comparing central and peripheral portfolios under different combinations of market conditions in the selection and investment horizons. Market conditions in our paper are identified by the ratios of the number of trading days with rising index to the total number of trading days, or the sum of the amplitudes of the trading days with rising index to the sum of the amplitudes of the total trading days. We find that central portfolios outperform peripheral portfolios when the market is under a drawup condition, or when the market is stable or drawup in the selection horizon and is under a stable condition in the investment horizon. We also find that peripheral portfolios gain more than central portfolios when the market is stable in the selection horizon and is drawdown in the investment horizon. Empirical tests are carried out based on the optimal portfolio strategy. Among all possible optimal portfolio strategies based on different parameters to select portfolios and different criteria to identify market conditions, 65% of our optimal portfolio strategies outperform the random strategy for the Shanghai A-Share market while the proportion is 70% for the Shenzhen A-Share market. PMID:28129333
Dynamic Portfolio Strategy Using Clustering Approach.
Ren, Fei; Lu, Ya-Nan; Li, Sai-Ping; Jiang, Xiong-Fei; Zhong, Li-Xin; Qiu, Tian
The problem of portfolio optimization is one of the most important issues in asset management. We here propose a new dynamic portfolio strategy based on the time-varying structures of MST networks in Chinese stock markets, where the market condition is further considered when using the optimal portfolios for investment. A portfolio strategy comprises two stages: First, select the portfolios by choosing central and peripheral stocks in the selection horizon using five topological parameters, namely degree, betweenness centrality, distance on degree criterion, distance on correlation criterion and distance on distance criterion. Second, use the portfolios for investment in the investment horizon. The optimal portfolio is chosen by comparing central and peripheral portfolios under different combinations of market conditions in the selection and investment horizons. Market conditions in our paper are identified by the ratios of the number of trading days with rising index to the total number of trading days, or the sum of the amplitudes of the trading days with rising index to the sum of the amplitudes of the total trading days. We find that central portfolios outperform peripheral portfolios when the market is under a drawup condition, or when the market is stable or drawup in the selection horizon and is under a stable condition in the investment horizon. We also find that peripheral portfolios gain more than central portfolios when the market is stable in the selection horizon and is drawdown in the investment horizon. Empirical tests are carried out based on the optimal portfolio strategy. Among all possible optimal portfolio strategies based on different parameters to select portfolios and different criteria to identify market conditions, 65% of our optimal portfolio strategies outperform the random strategy for the Shanghai A-Share market while the proportion is 70% for the Shenzhen A-Share market.
E-Portfolios: A Collaboration between Student Affairs and Faculty
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Johnson, Glenn; Rayman, Jack R.
This chapter describes how a commitment to instructional design principles has prompted the evolution of collaborative interaction between student affairs professionals and academic faculty. Central to this collaboration are the opportunities that e-portfolios have made available.
The Value of Career ePortfolios on Job Applicant Performance: Using Data to Determine Effectiveness
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ring, Gail L.; Waugaman, Chelsea; Brackett, Bob
This research project investigated how the development of an ePortfolio, combined with ePortfolio pedagogies, impacted the interview performance of undergraduate students as they prepared to enter the job market. Participants were students in the Health Sciences and Biosystems Engineering programs at Clemson University, enrolled in…
Vachon, Brigitte; Foucault, Marie-Lyse; Giguère, Charles-Édouard; Rochette, Annie; Thomas, Aliki; Morel, Martine
The use of ePortfolios has been implemented in several regulatory organizations to encourage clinicians' engagement in continuing professional development (CPD). However, their use has achieved mixed success, and multiple personal and contextual factors can influence their impacts on practice change. The aim of this study was to identify which factors influence the acceptability and perceived impacts of an ePortfolio implemented by an occupational therapy regulatory organization in one Canadian province. A cross-sectional online survey design was used. The survey was sent to registered occupational therapists in Quebec. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to identify factors influencing acceptability and outcomes: ease of use, satisfaction, impact on implementation of the CPD plan, and competence improvement. The survey was fully completed by 546 participants. Factors significantly influencing the ePortfolio acceptability and perceived impacts were attitude toward and familiarity with the portfolio, confidence in reflective skills, engagement in the CPD plan, and desire for feedback. Time spent completing the ePortfolio and the fact of completing it in teams were negatively associated with the outcomes. Shaping more favorable user attitudes, helping users recognize and experience the tool's benefits for their practice, and fostering confidence in their reflective skills are important factors that can be addressed to improve ePortfolio acceptability and outcomes. Contextual factors, such as time spent completing the ePortfolio and completing it in teams, seem to reflect greater difficulty with using the tool. Study findings can contribute to improving ePortfolio implementation in the CPD context.
Identifying Evidence of Reflective Ability in Preservice Teacher Electronic Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sulzen, James
Results of this study identified "evidence markers" that characterize reflection in preservice teacher electronic portfolios. Examples of such markers include openness to self-learning, willingness to self-critique, analytical detail of reflections, and taking responsibility for pupil learning challenges. To identify the markers, school…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan; Lee, Chun-I; Chen, Wei-Fan
This study explores students' perceptions related to the implementation of e-portfolios in the context of Taiwanese higher education. Thirty Taiwanese university students were interviewed, and data analysis includes 14 interviewees' e-portfolios and responses to 281 valid surveys from non-interviewed students. The study presents students'…
Garrett, Bernard Mark; Jackson, Cathryn
This paper outlines the development and evaluation of a wireless personal digital assistant (PDA) based clinical learning tool designed to promote professional reflection for health professionals. The "Clinical e-portfolio" was developed at the University of British Columbia School of Nursing to enable students immediately to access clinical expertise and resources remotely, and record their clinical experiences in a variety of media (text, audio and images). The PDA e-portfolio tool was developed to demonstrate the potential use of mobile networked technologies to support and improve clinical learning; promote reflective learning in practice; engage students in the process of knowledge translation; help contextualize and embed clinical knowledge whilst in the workplace; and to help prevent the isolation of students whilst engaged in supervised clinical practice. The mobile e-portfolio was developed to synchronise wirelessly with a user's personal Web based portfolio from any remote location where a cellular telephone signal or wireless (Wi-Fi) connection could be obtained. An evaluation of the tool was undertaken with nurse practitioner and medical students, revealing positive attitudes to the use of PDA based tools and portfolios, but limits to the use of the PDA portfolio due to the inherent interface restrictions of the PDA.
Haverkamp, Jacqueline J; Vogt, Marjorie
Portfolios have been used in higher education for the past several years for assessment of student learning and growth and serve as the basis for summative and formative evaluations. While there is some information in the literature on how undergraduate and graduate medical, nursing, and allied health students might use portfolios to showcase acquired knowledge and skills, there is a dearth of information on the use of e-Portfolios with students in doctor of nursing practice programs. There are also limited findings regarding the creative use of technology (that includes infographics and other multimedia tools) to enhance learning outcomes (Stephens & Parr, 2013). This article presents engaging and meaningful ways technology can be used within e-Portfolios. Thus, e-Portfolios become more than a repository for academic evidence; they become unique stories that reflect the breadth and depth of students' learner-centered outcomes. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Bruni, Renato; Cesarone, Francesco; Scozzari, Andrea; Tardella, Fabio
A large number of portfolio selection models have appeared in the literature since the pioneering work of Markowitz. However, even when computational and empirical results are described, they are often hard to replicate and compare due to the unavailability of the datasets used in the experiments. We provide here several datasets for portfolio selection generated using real-world price values from several major stock markets. The datasets contain weekly return values, adjusted for dividends and for stock splits, which are cleaned from errors as much as possible. The datasets are available in different formats, and can be used as benchmarks for testing the performances of portfolio selection models and for comparing the efficiency of the algorithms used to solve them. We also provide, for these datasets, the portfolios obtained by several selection strategies based on Stochastic Dominance models (see "On Exact and Approximate Stochastic Dominance Strategies for Portfolio Selection" (Bruni et al. [2])). We believe that testing portfolio models on publicly available datasets greatly simplifies the comparison of the different portfolio selection strategies.
Portfolio Use and Practices in US Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy
Turner, Paul D.; Jones, Rhonda M.; Tilleman, Jennifer A.; Coover, Kelli L.
Objectives. To identify the prevalence of portfolio use in US pharmacy programs, common components of portfolios, and advantages of and limitations to using portfolios. Methods. A cross-sectional electronic survey instrument was sent to experiential coordinators at US colleges and schools of pharmacy to collect data on portfolio content, methods, training and resource requirements, and benefits and challenges of portfolio use. Results. Most colleges and schools of pharmacy (61.8%) use portfolios in experiential courses and the majority (67.1%) formally assess them, but there is wide variation regarding content and assessment. The majority of respondents used student portfolios as a formative evaluation primarily in the experiential curriculum. Conclusions. Although most colleges and schools of pharmacy have a portfolio system in place, few are using them to fulfill accreditation requirements. Colleges and schools need to carefully examine the intended purpose of their portfolio system and follow-through with implementation and maintenance of a system that meets their goals. PMID:22544963
Portfolio use and practices in US colleges and schools of pharmacy.
Skrabal, Maryann Z; Turner, Paul D; Jones, Rhonda M; Tilleman, Jennifer A; Coover, Kelli L
To identify the prevalence of portfolio use in US pharmacy programs, common components of portfolios, and advantages of and limitations to using portfolios. A cross-sectional electronic survey instrument was sent to experiential coordinators at US colleges and schools of pharmacy to collect data on portfolio content, methods, training and resource requirements, and benefits and challenges of portfolio use. Most colleges and schools of pharmacy (61.8%) use portfolios in experiential courses and the majority (67.1%) formally assess them, but there is wide variation regarding content and assessment. The majority of respondents used student portfolios as a formative evaluation primarily in the experiential curriculum. Although most colleges and schools of pharmacy have a portfolio system in place, few are using them to fulfill accreditation requirements. Colleges and schools need to carefully examine the intended purpose of their portfolio system and follow-through with implementation and maintenance of a system that meets their goals.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kim, Paul; Ng, Chen Kee; Lim, Gloria
The need, use, benefit and potential of e-portfolios have been analysed and discussed by a substantial body of researchers in the education community. However, the development and implementation approaches of e-portfolios to date have faced with various challenges and limitations. This paper presents a new approach of an e-portfolio system design…
Linking Assessment to Undergraduate Student Capabilities through Portfolio Examination
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
O'Sullivan, Anthony J.; Harris, Peter; Hughes, Chris S.; Toohey, Susan M.; Balasooriya, Chinthaka; Velan, Gary; Kumar, Rakesh K.; McNeil, H. Patrick
Portfolios are an established method of assessment, although concerns do exist around their validity for capabilities such as reflection and self-direction. This article describes an e-portfolio which closely aligns learning and reflection to graduate capabilities, incorporating features that address concerns about portfolios. Students are…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Abrami, Philip C.; Venkatesh, Vivek; Meyer, Elizabeth J.; Wade, C. Anne
The research presented here is a continuation of a line of inquiry that explores the impacts of an electronic portfolio software called ePEARL, which is a knowledge tool designed to support the key phases of self-regulated learning (SRL)--forethought, performance, and self-reflection--and promote student learning. Participants in this study were…
Portfolio optimization with mean-variance model
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hoe, Lam Weng; Siew, Lam Weng
Investors wish to achieve the target rate of return at the minimum level of risk in their investment. Portfolio optimization is an investment strategy that can be used to minimize the portfolio risk and can achieve the target rate of return. The mean-variance model has been proposed in portfolio optimization. The mean-variance model is an optimization model that aims to minimize the portfolio risk which is the portfolio variance. The objective of this study is to construct the optimal portfolio using the mean-variance model. The data of this study consists of weekly returns of 20 component stocks of FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBMKLCI). The results of this study show that the portfolio composition of the stocks is different. Moreover, investors can get the return at minimum level of risk with the constructed optimal mean-variance portfolio.
Validation of Competencies in E-Portfolios: A Qualitative Analysis
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zawacki-Richter, Olaf; Hanft, Anke; Baecker, Eva Maria
This paper uses the example of an Internet-based advanced studies course to show how the portfolio method, as a competence-based form of examination, can be integrated in a blended learning design. Within the framework of a qualitative analysis of project portfolios, we examined which competencies are documented and how students reflected on their…
Learning from Portfolios: Differential Use of Feedback in Portfolio Construction.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tillema, Harm H.; Smith, Kari
Studied how students used feedback information provided them in distinctly framed portfolios of dossier, reflective, and learning-oriented types. Results with 137 college students support a view of portfolio construction in which the individual benefits from feedback were closely linked to the intentions present during collection of the portfolio…
Using Electronic Student Portfolios in Management Education: A Stakeholder Perspective.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chappell, David S.; Schermerhorn, John R., Jr.
A business school is using electronic student portfolios as an academic assessment and career development tool. They are also used for internship and job placements. It is recommended that they be mandatory, even for students with weaker computer skills, and they should have defined deadlines and feedback mechanisms. (SK)
What Difference Can ePortfolio Make? A Field Report from the Connect to Learning Project
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Eynon, Bret; Gambino, Laura M.; Török, Judit
Connect to Learning (C2L) is a FIPSE-funded project coordinated by LaGuardia Community College (CUNY) that links ePortfolio teams from 24 campuses nationwide into a supportive community of practice. Launched in 2011, C2L focused on exploring and documenting ePortfolio strategies to advance student, faculty, and institutional learning. Working…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Carl, Arend; Strydom, Sonja
This paper focuses on an e-portfolio pilot initiative at the Faculty of Education at a South African university and aims to determine whether the theoretical underpinning and expectations of an e-portfolio aligns with the current practices and attributes of students' training during school practicum as teachers at a South African university. In…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Contreras-Higuera, Williams E.; Martínez-Olmo, Francesc; Rubio-Hurtado, M. José; Vilà-Baños, Ruth
This article presents a study with a twofold research aim: (a) to ascertain university students' perceptions on two combined assessment tools (e-portfolios and formative rubrics) and (b) to identify if among students there were differing perceptions on the use of e-portfolios, and what factors favored acceptance of these. The data gathering method…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Granberg, Carina
This paper reports on a study of the experiences of teacher educators in the introduction and development of e-portfolios over an eight-year period from 2002 to 2009 at a Swedish university. The study was conducted with 67 teacher educators in order to investigate how e-portfolios have been discussed, designed, used and disseminated during this…
A VaR Algorithm for Warrants Portfolio
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dai, Jun; Ni, Liyun; Wang, Xiangrong; Chen, Weizhong
Based on Gamma Vega-Cornish Fish methodology, this paper propose the algorithm for calculating VaR via adjusting the quantile under the given confidence level using the four moments (e.g. mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis) of the warrants portfolio return and estimating the variance of portfolio by EWMA methodology. Meanwhile, the proposed algorithm considers the attenuation of the effect of history return on portfolio return of future days. Empirical study shows that, comparing with Gamma-Cornish Fish method and standard normal method, the VaR calculated by Gamma Vega-Cornish Fish can improve the effectiveness of forecasting the portfolio risk by virture of considering the Gamma risk and the Vega risk of the warrants. The significance test is conducted on the calculation results by employing two-tailed test developed by Kupiec. Test results show that the calculated VaRs of the warrants portfolio all pass the significance test under the significance level of 5%.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hardin, James; Wright, Vivian H.
Institutions of higher education face demands to provide evidence of institutional and student achievement. Many institutions utilize standards-based e-portfolio assessment practices to meet these demands. The assessment data derived from the studied program's e-portfolio process were not originally intended to serve as a data source for…
12 CFR 347.108 - Portfolio investments.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 12 Banks and Banking 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Portfolio investments. 347.108 Section 347.108... INTERNATIONAL BANKING § 347.108 Portfolio investments. (a) Portfolio investments. If a bank, directly or indirectly, acquires or holds an equity interest in a foreign organization as a portfolio investment and the...
12 CFR 347.108 - Portfolio investments.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 12 Banks and Banking 4 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Portfolio investments. 347.108 Section 347.108... INTERNATIONAL BANKING § 347.108 Portfolio investments. (a) Portfolio investments. If a bank, directly or indirectly, acquires or holds an equity interest in a foreign organization as a portfolio investment and the...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Johnson-Leslie, Natalie A.
In teacher education, electronic portfolios provide an authentic form of assessment documenting students' personal and professional growth. Using the engineered-based system, College LiveText, and an off-the-shelf general tool, HyperStudio, pre-service teachers constructed e-portfolios as part of their teacher preparation requirements. This case…
Andrews, Tulsa; Cole, Clare
To share the experience of implementing and refining the use of e-portfolios into an undergraduate nursing degree. This is a reflective piece that explores the hurdles experienced in introducing and maintaining e-portfolio's into higher education, particularly in undergraduate nursing curricula. Nil Review of the literature, and comparing and contrasting this against the experience of the authors. Hurdles included access to computer and quality internet connections, along with the levels of IT literacy of staff, and the common misconception that all students are IT savvy. What was also evident was how the need for both pedagogical and technical support to both staff and students was paramount in achieving an understanding of the software, and the scope and perspective of e-portfolio pedagogy. With each of these hurdles, staff reluctance to engage in e-portfolio use in the tertiary sector was evident. On reflection of each of these challenges, the authors identified that their experience mirrored other tertiary institutions in that a single hurdle alone is not responsible for fragmented e-portfolio implementation, but a combination of factors. Through exploring recommendations from other tertiary institutions, the authors recognize the limitations within their own working environment that contributed to the pitfalls experienced. Despite e-portfolios being introduced into higher education for over a decade, its successful implementation into undergraduate nursing curricula continues to be fraught with pitfalls, creating the sense of moving backwards more so than forwards. As with any new learning tool, careful consideration needs to be given to comprehensive planning, implementation, review and evaluation to either prevent the hurdles identified, or limit their impact on the quality of the portfolio produced and the learning attained from the process. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Portfolios in Saudi medical colleges
Fida, Nadia M.; Shamim, Muhammad S.
Over recent decades, the use of portfolios in medical education has evolved, and is being applied in undergraduate and postgraduate programs worldwide. Portfolios, as a learning process and method of documenting and assessing learning, is supported as a valuable tool by adult learning theories that stress the need for learners to be self-directed and to engage in experiential learning. Thoughtfully implemented, a portfolio provides learning experiences unequaled by any single learning tool. The credibility (validity) and dependability (reliability) of assessment through portfolios have been questioned owing to its subjective nature; however, methods to safeguard these features have been described in the literature. This paper discusses some of this literature, with particular attention to the role of portfolios in relation to self-reflective learning, provides an overview of current use of portfolios in undergraduate medical education in Saudi Arabia, and proposes research-based guidelines for its implementation and other similar contexts. PMID:26905344
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hughes, Julie; Herrington, Margaret; McDonald, Tess; Rhodes, Amy
This paper analyses the use of an e-portfolio system in contributing to the personalized learning of two dyslexic learners at the University of Wolverhampton, UK. The rationale for this research rests at the intersection of generic findings from e-portfolio (and wider e-learning) research and the still challenging project in higher education (HE)…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mummalaneni, Venkatapparao
Schools of business are increasingly focused on efforts aimed at measuring, documenting, and improving student learning. E-portfolios have been introduced by a number of schools for purposes of assessment to meet the mandates of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business or similar accreditation agencies. E-portfolio, including a…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cambridge, Darren
Purpose: E-portfolios, which document and facilitate learning and performance, have recently attracted interest in the USA, UK, and Europe as means to increase employability and support lifelong learning. This article aims to critically examine these objectives in order to guide the future e-portfolio practice. Design/methodology/approach: Social…
Portfolio Assessment and Quality Teaching
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kim, Youb; Yazdian, Lisa Sensale
Our article focuses on using portfolio assessment to craft quality teaching. Extant research literature on portfolio assessment suggests that the primary purpose of assessment is to serve learning, and portfolio assessments facilitate the process of making linkages among assessment, curriculum, and student learning (Asp, 2000; Bergeron, Wermuth,…
Portfolio Analysis for Vector Calculus
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kaplan, Samuel R.
Classic stock portfolio analysis provides an applied context for Lagrange multipliers that undergraduate students appreciate. Although modern methods of portfolio analysis are beyond the scope of vector calculus, classic methods reinforce the utility of this material. This paper discusses how to introduce classic stock portfolio analysis in a…
Hughes, Julie; Herrington, Margaret; McDonald, Tess; Rhodes, Amy
This paper analyses the use of an e-portfolio system in contributing to the personalized learning of two dyslexic learners at the University of Wolverhampton, UK. The rationale for this research rests at the intersection of generic findings from e-portfolio (and wider e-learning) research and the still challenging project in higher education (HE) of creating inclusive curricula. A qualitative, ethnographic approach was employed in a piece of collaborative research between academic staff and dyslexic learners. Two retrospective learner narratives were constructed and then reviewed by all co-authors in terms of the 'personalized fit' which they allowed with dyslexic thinking, learning and writing experience. The findings suggest a potential refinement of the general pedagogical claims about e-portfolio-based learning when considering dyslexic learners and thence the value of an enhanced prioritization of e-portfolio learning practices within inclusive HE curricula. The review and analysis also allow a 'critical' discussion of the practical and theoretical issues arising within this work. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Building Personal Brands with Digital Storytelling ePortfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jones, Beata; Leverenz, Carrie
Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." This article presents a pedagogical approach for framing a digital-identity-enhancing ePortfolio that maximizes student engagement and…
Digital Portfolios: Fact or Fashion?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Woodward, Helen; Nanlohy, Phil
The value of portfolios as an assessment tool is thoroughly researched and their use in education is well documented ( Woodward, 2000). Research on the introduction of digital portfolios is substantially based on general portfolio research; however, additional specific factors and features need to be considered. One of the inherent dangers with…
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Duncan, Sharon L.
Enterprise Business Information Services Division (EBIS) supports the Laboratory and its functions through the implementation and support of business information systems on behalf of its business community. EBIS Five Strategic Focus Areas: (1) Improve project estimating, planning and delivery capability (2) Improve maintainability and sustainability of EBIS Application Portfolio (3) Leap forward in IT Leadership (4) Comprehensive Talent Management (5) Continuous IT Security Program. Portfolio Management is a strategy in which software applications are managed as assets
Portfolios in Context: A Comparative Study in Two Preservice Teacher Education Programs
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fiedler, Rebecca L.; Mullen, Laurie; Finnegan, Margaret
Portfolio authoring tools within teacher preparation institutions have changed dramatically as portfolios have moved from paper to electronic formats and now to the Web. This study used Engestrom's Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (1987) to examine how portfolio tools, along with external influences and institutional contexts, mediate the…
Costs and Benefits of Electronic Portfolios in Teacher Education: Student Voices
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wetzel, Keith; Strudler, Neal
This descriptive study investigated the benefits and costs of using electronic portfolios (EPs) in preservice teacher education by examining the voices of students in six programs thought to be mature in their implementation. Benefits included opportunities to reflect, better access to and organization of professional documents, increased…
Portfolio Preparation Tips for Teachers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hunter-Lombardi, Brooke
As college deadlines loom, teachers may wonder if there is a magic portfolio formula for their students to follow. After twenty years of thought on portfolio development and the opportunity to review over 10,000 individual portfolios, the author is convinced that there is no single formula for success. With hard work, careful planning, and…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Daigneau, William A.
In this article, the author talks about Portfolio Management, a concept used to make allocation decisions in the world of financial investments. While much has been written about Portfolio theory, and the term is widely used in the facilities management industry, little is really understood about the concept and its real-world application. The…
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... systemic risk, portfolio reconciliation should be a proactive process that delivers a consolidated view of... achieved by portfolio compression, in turn, may lessen systemic risk and enhance the overall stability of...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ferrer-Montes, Janette
This single case study examined how one inner city high school math teacher used e-portfolio assessment in an inclusive classroom setting. Specifically, it describes the teacher's perceptions and use of e-portfolio assessment, and its relationships to curricular content, as well as how the relationships among e-portfolio assessment,…
Down the Yellow Chip Road: Hypertext Portfolios in Oz.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fischer, Katherine M.
Describes a creative writing class in which students used hypertext to develop their writing portfolios. Suggests that, much like "Kansas Dorothy" who ventured into Oz, a "tornado" carried these students and their teacher from the safe Paperland to the yellow chip road of electronic portfolios. Notes that students' portfolios…
E-Portfolio Evaluation and Vocabulary Learning: Moving from Pedagogy to Andragogy
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sharifi, Maryam; Soleimani, Hassan; Jafarigohar, Manoochehr
Current trends in the field of educational technology indicate a shift in pedagogical assumptions and theoretical frameworks that favor active involvement of self-directed learners in a constructivist environment. This study probes the influence of electronic portfolio evaluation on vocabulary learning of Iranian university students and the…
From Metacognition to Practice Cognition: The DNP e-Portfolio to Promote Integrated Learning.
Anderson, Kelley M; DesLauriers, Patricia; Horvath, Catherine H; Slota, Margaret; Farley, Jean Nelson
Educating Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students for an increasingly complex health care environment requires novel applications of learning concepts and technology. A deliberate and thoughtful process is required to integrate concepts of the DNP program into practice paradigm changes to subsequently improve students' abilities to innovate solutions to complex practice problems. The authors constructed or participated in electronic portfolio development inspired by theories of metacognition and integrated learning. The objective was to develop DNP student's reflection, integration of concepts, and technological capabilities to foster the deliberative competencies related to the DNP Essentials and the foundations of the DNP program. The pedagogical process demonstrates how e-portfolios adapted into the doctoral-level curriculum for DNP students can address the Essentials and foster the development of metacognitive capabilities, which translates into practice changes. The authors suggest that this pedagogical approach has the potential to optimize reflective and deliberative competencies among DNP students. [J Nurs Educ. 2017;56(8):497-500.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.
Status of portfolios in undergraduate medical education in the LCME accredited US medical school.
Chertoff, Jason; Wright, Ashleigh; Novak, Maureen; Fantone, Joseph; Fleming, Amy; Ahmed, Toufeeq; Green, Marianne M; Kalet, Adina; Linsenmeyer, Machelle; Jacobs, Joshua; Dokter, Christina; Zaidi, Zareen
We sought to investigate the number of US medical schools utilizing portfolios, the format of portfolios, information technology (IT) innovations, purpose of portfolios and their ability to engage faculty and students. A 21-question survey regarding portfolios was sent to the 141 LCME-accredited, US medical schools. The response rate was 50% (71/141); 47% of respondents (33/71) reported that their medical school used portfolios in some form. Of those, 7% reported the use of paper-based portfolios and 76% use electronic portfolios. Forty-five percent reported portfolio use for formative evaluation only; 48% for both formative and summative evaluation, and 3% for summative evaluation alone. Seventy-two percent developed a longitudinal, competency-based portfolio. The most common feature of portfolios was reflective writing (79%). Seventy-three percent allow access to the portfolio off-campus, 58% allow usage of tablets and mobile devices, and 9% involve social media within the portfolio. Eighty percent and 69% agreed that the portfolio engaged students and faculty, respectively. Ninety-seven percent reported that the portfolios used at their institution have room for improvement. While there is significant variation in the purpose and structure of portfolios in the medical schools surveyed, most schools using portfolios reported a high level of engagement with students and faculty.
Examining Barriers in Faculty Adoption of an E-Portfolio System
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Swan, Gerry
This paper is a report on the findings of a study conducted on the implementation of a portfolio system at the University of Kentucky. Interviews were conducted with faculty members and university supervisors about the use of a portfolio management tool that had been implemented in the teacher education program. Factors such as small program size…
Portfolio Assessment of Multicultural Counseling Competency.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Coleman, Hardin L. K.
Presents portfolio assessment as an alternate approach to the measurement of multicultural counseling competency, and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of portfolio assessment. Identifies the effectiveness of portfolio assessment in stimulating the development of further counseling competence. (SNR)
Teacher Candidate Perceptions of Electronic Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Baronak, William M.
Today, many students in higher education are considered digital natives--savvier and more experienced with technology than students in the past. In teacher preparation programs, teacher education students are commonly expected to demonstrate achievement of program goals and objectives and national teaching standards in a "portfolio." Gaining in…
Universal portfolios generated by the Bregman divergence
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tan, Choon Peng; Kuang, Kee Seng
The Bregman divergence of two probability vectors is a stronger form of the f-divergence introduced by Csiszar. Two versions of the Bregman universal portfolio are presented by exploiting the mean-value theorem. The explicit form of the Bregman universal portfolio generated by a function of a convex polynomial is derived and studied empirically. This portfolio can be regarded as another generalized of the well-known Helmbold portfolio. By running the portfolios on selected stock-price data sets from the local stock exchange, it is shown that it is possible to increase the wealth of the investor by using the portfolios in investment.
Enhancing the Portability of Employability Skills Using E-Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Simatele, Munacinga
Transferable skills are essential in allowing graduates to make the transition between the world of learning and the world of work. Teaching these skills, however, is a challenge that institutions of higher learning are still grappling with. This article describes how the transferability of skills can be encouraged using e-portfolios. It is based…
Application of Project Portfolio Management
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pankowska, Malgorzata
The main goal of the chapter is the presentation of the application project portfolio management approach to support development of e-Municipality and public administration information systems. The models of how people publish and utilize information on the web have been transformed continually. Instead of simply viewing on static web pages, users publish their own content through blogs and photo- and video-sharing slides. Analysed in this chapter, ICT (Information Communication Technology) projects for municipalities cover the mixture of the static web pages, e-Government information systems, and Wikis. So, for the management of the ICT projects' mixtures the portfolio project management approach is proposed.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ozdemir, Oguzhan; Erdemci, Husamettin
The term mobile portfolio refers to creating, evaluating and sharing portfolios in mobile environments. Many of the states that pose an obstacle for portfolio usage are now extinguished through mobile portfolios. The aim in this research is to determine the effect of mobile portfolio supported mastery learning model on students' success and…
A Mean variance analysis of arbitrage portfolios
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fang, Shuhong
Based on the careful analysis of the definition of arbitrage portfolio and its return, the author presents a mean-variance analysis of the return of arbitrage portfolios, which implies that Korkie and Turtle's results ( B. Korkie, H.J. Turtle, A mean-variance analysis of self-financing portfolios, Manage. Sci. 48 (2002) 427-443) are misleading. A practical example is given to show the difference between the arbitrage portfolio frontier and the usual portfolio frontier.
Electronic Portfolios in Tenure and Promotion Decisions: Making a Virtual Case.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Blair, Kristine
A current problem at many American universities is that tenure and promotion procedures continue to privilege print-based evidence of teaching and research productivity, or do not acknowledge the impact of technology on teaching, scholarship, and service. Despite these problems, this paper makes the case for electronic teaching portfolios as…
Patent portfolio management: literature review and a proposed model.
Conegundes De Jesus, Camila Kiyomi; Salerno, Mario Sergio
Patents and patent portfolios are gaining attention in the last decades, from the called 'pro-patent era' to the recent billionaire transactions involving patent portfolios. The field is growing in importance, both theoretically and practically and despite having substantial literature on new product development portfolio management, we have not found an article relating this theory to patent portfolios. Areas covered: The paper develops a systematic literature review on patent portfolio management to organize the evolution and tendencies of patent portfolio management, highlighting distinctive features of patent portfolio management. Interview with IP manager of three life sciences companies, including a leading multinational group provided relevant information about patent portfolio management. Expert opinion: Based on the systematic literature review on portfolio management, more specifically, on new product development portfolio theory, and interview the paper proposes the paper proposes a reference model to manage patent portfolios. The model comprises four stages aligned with the three goals of the NPD portfolio management: 1 - Linking strategy of the Company's NPD Portfolio to Patent Portfolio; 2 - Balancing the portfolio in buckets; 3 - Patent Valuation (maximizing valuation); 4 - Regularly reviewing the patent portfolio.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tigelaar, Dineke E. H.; Dolmans, Diana H. J. M.; Wolfhagen, Ineke H. A. P.; van der Vleuten, Cees P. M.
This article addresses the choice of the most appropriate procedure for the assessment of portfolios used in teacher and lecturer assessment. A characteristic of modern assessment modes, including portfolios, is that the information they provide is often qualitative and derived from different contexts. Unambiguous, objective rating of portfolios…
Examiner perceptions of a portfolio assessment process.
Davis, Margery H; Ponnamperuma, Gominda G
The portfolio assessment process is important for assessing learner achievement. To study examiner perceptions of Dundee Medical School's portfolio assessment process, in years 4 and 5 of the 5-year curriculum, in relation to: outcomes as a framework for the portfolio assessment process; portfolio content; portfolio assessment process; end points of the portfolio assessment process; appropriateness of the two part final exam format and examiner training. A questionnaire containing statements and open questions was used to obtain examiner feedback. Responses to each statement were compared over 3 years: 1999, 2000 and 2003. Response rates were 100%, 88% and 61% in 1999, 2002 and 2003, respectively. Examiners were positive about the ability of institutionally set learning outcomes (Dundee 12 exit learning outcomes) to provide a framework for the portfolio assessment process. They found difficulties, however, with the volume of portfolio content and the time allocated to assess it. Agreeing a grade for each learning outcome for the candidate with their co-examiner did not present difficulties. The comprehensive, holistic picture of the candidate provided by the portfolio assessment process was perceived to be one of its strengths. Examiners were supportive of the final examination format, and were satisfied with their briefing about the process. The 12 exit learning outcomes of Dundee curriculum provide an appropriate framework for the portfolio assessment process, but the content of the portfolio requires fine-tuning particularly with regard to quantity. Time allocated to examiners for the portfolio assessment process needs to be balanced against practicability. The holistic picture of the candidate provided by the process was one of its strengths.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Morreale, Cathleen; Van Zile-Tamsen, Carol; Emerson, Cheryl A.; Herzog, Matthew
A capstone ePortfolio is a digital space where students can gather and integrate their learning experiences from their undergraduate careers into a meaningful whole, demonstrate their growth as learners, and connect their learning to the world. The process of creating a capstone ePortfolio equips students with the digital composition skills…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Payne, Phillip; Burrack, Frederick
This exploratory case study, focused on a music teacher preparation program, examined the coursework ePortfolios of pre-service music teachers to determine if any parts of the ePortfolio process predicted teaching effectiveness in the classroom during the student teaching semester. Sixty-five undergraduate pre-service music teachers made up the…
The Use of Portfolios for Teacher Evaluation.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lengeling, M. Martha
A discussion of the use of portfolios for teacher evaluation reviews common uses of portfolios in higher education and offers suggestions for portfolio construction. It is noted that portfolios are frequently used for evaluation of both learner and teacher performance, as a means of documenting an individual's capabilities and skills. Some…
Costs and Benefits of Electronic Portfolios in Teacher Education: Faculty Perspectives
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Strudler, Neal; Wetzel, Keith
This descriptive study investigated the benefits and costs of using electronic portfolios (EPs) in preservice teacher education. Grounded within change theory, the study examined the perspectives of faculty in six programs in which EPs have been used on a large scale for two or more years. Benefits identified include increased opportunities for…
Reimagining Boundaries: How ePortfolios Enhance Learning for Adult Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Madden, Therese M.
This article examines the importance of co-curricular activities for student success, reviews literature about narrative identity as it relates to adult students, and describes an ePortfolio project that captures contributions that nontraditional students bring to the classroom. The implications reinforce curriculum design practices and explore…
Assessing Graduate Engineering Programs with ePortfolios: A Comprehensive Design Process
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kajfez, Rachael L.; Mohammadi-Aragh, Mahnas J.; Brown, Philip R.; Mann, Katharine A.; Carrico, Cheryl A.; Cross, Kelly J.; Janeski, John A.; McNair, Lisa D.
ePortfolios (ePs) have been used in a variety of applications ranging from undergraduate assessment to graduate student work showcases. We hypothesize that the flexible, individualized nature of ePs makes them suitable assessment tools for graduate engineering programs, which are likewise flexible and individualized. Our investigation resulted in…
Learning to Select Supplier Portfolios for Service Supply Chain
Zhang, Rui; Li, Jingfei; Wu, Shaoyu; Meng, Dabin
The research on service supply chain has attracted more and more focus from both academia and industrial community. In a service supply chain, the selection of supplier portfolio is an important and difficult problem due to the fact that a supplier portfolio may include multiple suppliers from a variety of fields. To address this problem, we propose a novel supplier portfolio selection method based on a well known machine learning approach, i.e., Ranking Neural Network (RankNet). In the proposed method, we regard the problem of supplier portfolio selection as a ranking problem, which integrates a large scale of decision making features into a ranking neural network. Extensive simulation experiments are conducted, which demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed supplier portfolio selection model can be applied in a real corporation easily in the future. PMID:27195756
12 CFR 702.104 - Risk portfolios defined.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... CORRECTIVE ACTION Net Worth Classification § 702.104 Risk portfolios defined. A risk portfolio is a portfolio... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Risk portfolios defined. 702.104 Section 702... or mature within the next five (5) years, and exclusive of all member business loans (as defined in...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lynch, Brian; Shaw, Peter
Portfolios have been used in a variety of ways for assessing student work. In education, generally, and more specifically in second language education, portfolios have been associated with alternative assessment (Darling-Hammond, 1994; Hamayan, 1995; Shohamy, 1996; Wolf, Bixby, Glenn, & Gardener, 1991). This article defines "alternative…
Portfolio-based Teacher Assessment.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Curry, Stacie; Cruz, John
Educators in the Fowler (California) Unified School District have found that teacher evaluation portfolios help link improvement and accountability concerns in the peer review process. Portfolios that are structured around professional standards and the school's accountability goals are a good way to measure teacher effectiveness. Implementation…
Problems, Pitfalls, and Benefits of Portfolios.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Stone, Bernice A.
Two groups of student teachers, one school-based and one university-based, were introduced to portfolio construction. School-based students received more guidance in and time for portfolio construction. Surveys and interviews indicated that the extra time and guidance helped school-based students, who benefited more from portfolios than…
Developing a Model for ePortfolio Design: A Studio Approach
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Carpenter, Russell; Apostel, Shawn; Hyndman, June Overton
After developing and testing a model for integrative collaboration at Eastern Kentucky University's Noel Studio for Academic Creativity, we offer results that highlight the potential for peer review to significantly and positively impact the ePortfolio design process for students. The results of this classroom/studio collaboration suggest that…
How Authors and Readers of ePortfolios Make Collaborative Meaning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Benander, Ruth; Refaei, Brenda
This article reports on a case study, using a think-aloud approach (Boren & Ramey, 2000; Jaspers, Steen, van den Bos & Geenen, 2004; Kilsdonk et al., 2016), to investigate how different types of audiences interpret ePortfolios. During recorded viewing, students, instructors, and business professionals narrated their experience of reading…
Baltimore and the Portfolio School District Strategy. Portfolio School Districts Project
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Yatsko, Sarah
In November 2010, Baltimore's Fund for Education Excellence and the Annie E. Casey Foundation approached the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) and requested a case study of the implementation of Baltimore City Public Schools' (City Schools) portfolio strategy. These local foundations were interested in understanding how the district…
Teaching Portfolios and the Beginning Teacher.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zubizarreta, John
Teaching portfolios are becoming the most effective tool to improve new and seasoned teachers' instruction via a supportive, convincing evaluation method. In taking a concentrated three days to write a creditable portfolio, a new teacher feels more competent to think about teaching. The portfolio's process of written reflection invokes the power…
Classroom Practice: From Worn-Out to Web-Based--Better Student Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Diehm, Celleste
In this article, the author suggests solutions to unleash student creativity. The article focuses on the author's idea for electronic portfolios, Web-based collections of a student's work. To put her idea into practice, the author created an electronic portfolio project that spanned five 90-minute class sessions (about one session every week or…
The Challenges of Incorporating ePortfolio into an Undergraduate Nursing Programme
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Haggerty, Carmel; Thompson, Trish
Registered nurses today are required to maintain a portfolio of evidence of their competence to practice. This evidence collection commences at undergraduate level with nursing programmes requiring portfolio's as assessments, which are often submitted in hard copy. This paper describes the outcome when a small group of tutorial staff introduced…
Technology for Online Portfolio Assessment Programs
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ferrara, Victoria M.
Portfolio assessment is a valid and reliable method to assess experiential learning. Developing a fully online portfolio assessment program is neither easy nor inexpensive. The institution seeking to take its portfolio assessment program online must make a commitment to its students by offering the technologies most suited to meet students' needs.…
The Transformative Role of ePortfolios: Feedback in Healthcare Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Peacock, Susi; Murray, Sue; Scott, Alison; Kelly, Jacquie
This article reports findings of a study based in Scotland that explored healthcare learners' experiences of feedback and ePortfolios. Feedback is a highly complex, multi-dimensional phenomenon, and healthcare learners consider it essential for their learning, recognizing that without it patient safety may be compromised. This study sought to…
The returns and risks of investment portfolio in a financial market
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Jiang-Cheng; Mei, Dong-Cheng
The returns and risks of investment portfolio in a financial system was investigated by constructing a theoretical model based on the Heston model. After the theoretical model and analysis of portfolio were calculated and analyzed, we find the following: (i) The statistical properties (i.e., the probability distribution, the variance and loss rate of equity portfolio return) between simulation results of the theoretical model and the real financial data obtained from Dow Jones Industrial Average are in good agreement; (ii) The maximum dispersion of the investment portfolio is associated with the maximum stability of the equity portfolio return and minimal investment risks; (iii) An increase of the investment period and a worst investment period are associated with a decrease of stability of the equity portfolio return and a maximum investment risk, respectively.
Using Introductory Videos to Enhance ePortfolios and to Make Them Useful in the Hiring Process
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hartwick, James M. M.; Mason, Richard W.
This article explores whether or not there is a more effective way to develop and present portfolios to make them more meaningful and usable in the hiring process. An example of a pilot ePortfolio, with an accompanying three to four-minute introductory reflective video highlighting the pre-service teachers' beliefs about education, was shown to 15…
Validity of the Learning Portfolio: Analysis of a Portfolio Proposal for the University
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gregori-Giralt, Eva; Menéndez-Varela, José Luis
Validity is a central issue in portfolio-based assessment. This empirical study used a quantitative approach to analyse the validity of the inferences drawn from a disciplinary course work portfolio assessment comprising profession-specific and learning competencies. The study also examined the problems involved in the development of the…
Performance of the reverse Helmbold universal portfolio
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tan, Choon Peng; Kuang, Kee Seng; Lee, Yap Jia
The universal portfolio is an important investment strategy in a stock market where no stochastic model is assumed for the stock prices. The zero-gradient set of the objective function estimating the next-day portfolio which contains the reverse Kullback-Leibler order-alpha divergence is considered. From the zero-gradient set, the explicit, reverse Helmbold universal portfolio is obtained. The performance of the explicit, reverse Helmbold universal portfolio is studied by running them on some stock-price data sets from the local stock exchange. It is possible to increase the wealth of the investor by using these portfolios in investment.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Schrand, Tom; Jones, Katharine; Hanson, Valerie
By embedding an ePortfolio process in a general education core that culminates with a senior capstone course, Thomas Jefferson University has created an opportunity for students to use their completed ePortfolios as archives of primary sources that they can curate to produce narratives about their intellectual development. The result was a…
Maza Solano, Juan Manuel; Benavente Bermudo, Gustavo; Estrada Molina, Francisco José; Ambrosiani Fernández, Jesús; Sánchez Gómez, Serafín
and objectives We have evaluated the training capacity of the Spanish resident training book as an electronic portfolio to achieve the learning objectives of otorhinolaryngology (ENT) residents. A multi-method qualitative investigation with transversal characteristics, temporal and retrospective guidance was performed on Spanish ENT residents using a structured questionnaire, a semi-structured interview, and a computer application on the FORMIR website. A 56.5% of ENT-residents specialising in one of the 63 accredited Spanish hospitals between 2009-2012 participated in the study. The results obtained show that the ENT residents who used the e-portfolio were better able to implement self-guided study, were more aware of their learning objectives, fulfilled the training programme more efficiently, identified the causes of learning gaps more clearly, and considered FORMIR in e-portfolio format to be an ideal training tool to replace the resident training book in paper format. The ENT residents greatly appreciated the training benefits of FORMIR as an e-portfolio, especially its simple and intuitive interface, the ease and comfort with which they could record their activities, the automatic and numeric feedback on the acquisition of their competencies (which facilitates self-guided learning), its storage capacity for evidence, and its ability to be used as UEMS logbook as well as a standard curriculum vitae. All these features make FORMIR a training and evaluation tool that outperforms similar instruments available to ENT residents. They do not hesitate to identify it as the ideal resident training book for facilitating their specialised training. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello. All rights reserved.
ePortfolios and Faculty Engagement: Measuring Change through Structured Experiences
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ring, Gail; Ramirez, Barbara; Brackett, Bob
In this paper we examine a faculty development structure that supports general education, specifically ePortfolio, assessment focusing on identifying the characteristics of engaged faculty. It is through this inquiry that we have developed an action plan that includes a system of best practices that can lead to increased faculty engagement.…
Ant colony algorithm for clustering in portfolio optimization
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Subekti, R.; Sari, E. R.; Kusumawati, R.
This research aims to describe portfolio optimization using clustering methods with ant colony approach. Two stock portfolios of LQ45 Indonesia is proposed based on the cluster results obtained from ant colony optimization (ACO). The first portfolio consists of assets with ant colony displacement opportunities beyond the defined probability limits of the researcher, where the weight of each asset is determined by mean-variance method. The second portfolio consists of two assets with the assumption that each asset is a cluster formed from ACO. The first portfolio has a better performance compared to the second portfolio seen from the Sharpe index.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tzeng, Jeng-Yi; Chen, Ssu-Han
The growing popularity of a school-wide e-portfolio system in colleges and universities has raised concerns regarding whether students will use it or consider it important to have an e-portfolio system, especially when its use is not required by their curriculum. This study investigated college students' intentions to use and the students'…
Faculty Professional Development: Advancing Integrative Social Pedagogy Using ePortfolio
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bhika, Rajendra; Francis, Andrea; Miller, Dionne
This article highlights the work of three faculty members across two different professional development seminars at LaGuardia Community College. It illustrates how their work was guided and is linked together by a common thread--the use of ePortfolio to foster integrative social pedagogy--as a result of their participation in these seminars. This…
12 CFR 1252.1 - Enterprise portfolio holding criteria.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Enterprise portfolio holding criteria. 1252.1 Section 1252.1 Banks and Banking FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY ENTERPRISES PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS § 1252.1 Enterprise portfolio holding criteria. The Enterprises are required to comply with the portfolio holdings...
Vance, Gillian H S; Burford, Bryan; Shapiro, Ethan; Price, Richard
Little is known about how best to implement portfolio-based learning in medical school. We evaluated the introduction of a formative e-portfolio-based supervision pilot for final year medical students by seeking views of students, supervisors and graduates on use and educational effects. Students and supervisors were surveyed by questionnaire, with free text comments invited. Interviews were held with new graduates in their first Foundation Programme placement. Most students used the e-portfolio (54%) and met with their supervisor (62%) 'once or twice' only. Students had more negative views: 22% agreed that the pilot was beneficial, while most supervisors thought that e-portfolio (72%) and supervision (86%) were a 'good idea'. More students reported supervision meetings benefited learning (49%) and professional development (55%) than the e-portfolio did (16%; 28%). Only 47% of students felt 'prepared' for future educational processes, though graduates noted benefits for navigating and understanding e-portfolio building and supervision. Factors limiting engagement reflected 'burden', while supervision meetings and early experience of postgraduate processes offered educational value. Final year students have negative attitudes to a formative e-portfolio, though benefits for easing the educational transition are recognised by graduates. Measures to minimize time, repetition and redundancy of processes may encourage use. Engagement is influenced by the supervisor relationship and educational value may be best achieved by supporting supervisors to develop strategies to facilitate, and motivate self-directed learning processes in undergraduates.
Mean-Reverting Portfolio With Budget Constraint
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhao, Ziping; Palomar, Daniel P.
This paper considers the mean-reverting portfolio design problem arising from statistical arbitrage in the financial markets. We first propose a general problem formulation aimed at finding a portfolio of underlying component assets by optimizing a mean-reversion criterion characterizing the mean-reversion strength, taking into consideration the variance of the portfolio and an investment budget constraint. Then several specific problems are considered based on the general formulation, and efficient algorithms are proposed. Numerical results on both synthetic and market data show that our proposed mean-reverting portfolio design methods can generate consistent profits and outperform the traditional design methods and the benchmark methods in the literature.
Reliability of Portfolio: A Closer Look at Findings from Recent Publications
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Oskay, Ozge Ozyalcin; Schallies, Michael; Morgil, Inci
In this review article, conventional portfolio assessment and new developments in portfolio assessment are investigated. The concept of portfolio, portfolio building steps, contents of portfolio, evaluation of portfolio, advantages, disadvantages and concerns in using portfolio as well as validity and reliability of portfolio assessment are…
Validity of portfolio assessment: which qualities determine ratings?
Driessen, Erik W; Overeem, Karlijn; van Tartwijk, Jan; van der Vleuten, Cees P M; Muijtjens, Arno M M
The portfolio is becoming increasingly accepted as a valuable tool for learning and assessment. The validity of portfolio assessment, however, may suffer from bias due to irrelevant qualities, such as lay-out and writing style. We examined the possible effects of such qualities in a portfolio programme aimed at stimulating Year 1 medical students to reflect on their professional and personal development. In later curricular years, this portfolio is also used to judge clinical competence. We developed an instrument, the Portfolio Analysis Scoring Inventory, to examine the impact of form and content aspects on portfolio assessment. The Inventory consists of 15 items derived from interviews with experienced mentors, the literature, and the criteria for reflective competence used in the regular portfolio assessment procedure. Forty portfolios, selected from 231 portfolios for which ratings from the regular assessment procedure were available, were rated by 2 researchers, independently, using the Inventory. Regression analysis was used to estimate the correlation between the ratings from the regular assessment and those resulting from the Inventory items. Inter-rater agreement ranged from 0.46 to 0.87. The strongest predictor of the variance in the regular ratings was 'quality of reflection' (R 0.80; R2 66%). No further items accounted for a significant proportion of variance. Irrelevant items, such as writing style and lay-out, had negligible effects. The absence of an impact of irrelevant criteria appears to support the validity of the portfolio assessment procedure. Further studies should examine the portfolio's validity for the assessment of clinical competence.
Hospital innovation portfolios: key determinants of size and innovativeness.
Schultz, Carsten; Zippel-Schultz, Bettina; Salomo, Søren
Health care organizations face an increasing demand for strategic change and innovation; however, there are also several barriers to innovation that impede successful implementation. We aimed to shed light on key issues of innovation management in hospitals and provide empirical evidence for controlling the size and innovativeness of a hospital's new health service and process portfolio. We show how health care managers could align the need for exploration and exploitation by applying both informal (e.g., employee encouragement) and formal (e.g., analytical orientation and reward systems) organizational mechanisms. To develop hypotheses, we integrated the innovation management literature into the hospital context. Detailed information about the innovation portfolio of 87 German hospitals was generated and combined with multirespondent survey data using ratings from management, medical, and nursing directors. Multivariate regression analysis was applied. The empirical results showed that an analytical approach increased the size of innovation portfolios. Employee encouragement amplified the degree of innovativeness of activities in the portfolio. Reward systems did not have direct effects on the composition of innovation portfolios. However, they adjusted bottom-up employee and top-down strategic initiatives to match with the existing organization, thereby decreasing the degree of innovativeness and enforcing exploitation. Hospitals should intertwine employee encouragement, analytical approaches, and formal reward systems depending on organizational goals.
Empirical performance of the multivariate normal universal portfolio
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tan, Choon Peng; Pang, Sook Theng
Universal portfolios generated by the multivariate normal distribution are studied with emphasis on the case where variables are dependent, namely, the covariance matrix is not diagonal. The moving-order multivariate normal universal portfolio requires very long implementation time and large computer memory in its implementation. With the objective of reducing memory and implementation time, the finite-order universal portfolio is introduced. Some stock-price data sets are selected from the local stock exchange and the finite-order universal portfolio is run on the data sets, for small finite order. Empirically, it is shown that the portfolio can outperform the moving-order Dirichlet universal portfolio of Cover and Ordentlich[2] for certain parameters in the selected data sets.
Portfolio optimization with skewness and kurtosis
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lam, Weng Hoe; Jaaman, Saiful Hafizah Hj.; Isa, Zaidi
Mean and variance of return distributions are two important parameters of the mean-variance model in portfolio optimization. However, the mean-variance model will become inadequate if the returns of assets are not normally distributed. Therefore, higher moments such as skewness and kurtosis cannot be ignored. Risk averse investors prefer portfolios with high skewness and low kurtosis so that the probability of getting negative rates of return will be reduced. The objective of this study is to compare the portfolio compositions as well as performances between the mean-variance model and mean-variance-skewness-kurtosis model by using the polynomial goal programming approach. The results show that the incorporation of skewness and kurtosis will change the optimal portfolio compositions. The mean-variance-skewness-kurtosis model outperforms the mean-variance model because the mean-variance-skewness-kurtosis model takes skewness and kurtosis into consideration. Therefore, the mean-variance-skewness-kurtosis model is more appropriate for the investors of Malaysia in portfolio optimization.
Student Evaluations of the Portfolio Process
Airey, Tatum C.; Bisso, Andrea M.; Slack, Marion K.
Objective. To evaluate pharmacy students’ perceived benefits of the portfolio process and to gather suggestions for improving the process. Methods. A questionnaire was designed and administered to 250 first-, second-, and third-year pharmacy students at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy. Results. Although the objectives of the portfolio process were for students to understand the expected outcomes, understand the impact of extracurricular activities on attaining competencies, identify what should be learned, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and modify their approach to learning, overall students perceived the portfolio process as having less than moderate benefit. First-year students wanted more examples of portfolios while second- and third-year students suggested that more time with their advisor would be beneficial. Conclusions. The portfolio process will continue to be refined and efforts made to improve students’ perceptions of the process as it is intended to develop the self-assessments skills they will need to improve their knowledge and professional skills throughout their pharmacy careers. PMID:21969718
Student evaluations of the portfolio process.
Murphy, John E; Airey, Tatum C; Bisso, Andrea M; Slack, Marion K
To evaluate pharmacy students' perceived benefits of the portfolio process and to gather suggestions for improving the process. A questionnaire was designed and administered to 250 first-, second-, and third-year pharmacy students at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy. Although the objectives of the portfolio process were for students to understand the expected outcomes, understand the impact of extracurricular activities on attaining competencies, identify what should be learned, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and modify their approach to learning, overall students perceived the portfolio process as having less than moderate benefit. First-year students wanted more examples of portfolios while second- and third-year students suggested that more time with their advisor would be beneficial. The portfolio process will continue to be refined and efforts made to improve students' perceptions of the process as it is intended to develop the self-assessments skills they will need to improve their knowledge and professional skills throughout their pharmacy careers.
Portfolio selection and asset pricing under a benchmark approach
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Platen, Eckhard
The paper presents classical and new results on portfolio optimization, as well as the fair pricing concept for derivative pricing under the benchmark approach. The growth optimal portfolio is shown to be a central object in a market model. It links asset pricing and portfolio optimization. The paper argues that the market portfolio is a proxy of the growth optimal portfolio. By choosing the drift of the discounted growth optimal portfolio as parameter process, one obtains a realistic theoretical market dynamics.
Lopez, Tina C.; Trang, David D.; Farrell, Nicole C.; De Leon, Melissa A.; Villarreal, Cynthia C.; Maize, David F.
The Feik School of Pharmacy collaborated with a commercial software development company to create a Web-based e-portfolio system to document student achievement of curricular outcomes and performance in pharmacy practice experiences. The multi-functional system also could be used for experiential site selection and assignment and continuing pharmacy education. The pharmacy school trained students, faculty members, and pharmacist preceptors to use the e-portfolio system. All pharmacy students uploaded the required number of documents and assessments to the program as evidence of achievement of each of the school's curricular outcomes and completion of pharmacy practice experiences. PMID:21829263
Vast Portfolio Selection with Gross-exposure Constraints*
Fan, Jianqing; Zhang, Jingjin; Yu, Ke
We introduce the large portfolio selection using gross-exposure constraints. We show that with gross-exposure constraint the empirically selected optimal portfolios based on estimated covariance matrices have similar performance to the theoretical optimal ones and there is no error accumulation effect from estimation of vast covariance matrices. This gives theoretical justification to the empirical results in Jagannathan and Ma (2003). We also show that the no-short-sale portfolio can be improved by allowing some short positions. The applications to portfolio selection, tracking, and improvements are also addressed. The utility of our new approach is illustrated by simulation and empirical studies on the 100 Fama-French industrial portfolios and the 600 stocks randomly selected from Russell 3000. PMID:23293404
The Teaching Portfolio: Capturing the Scholarship in Teaching.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Edgerton, Russell; And Others
This report argues a case for the use of professional teaching portfolios by educators in higher education, advances a point of view about portfolio issues, and offers examples of portfolio entries. A work-sample-plus-reflection model is presented as a guide for what might be included in a portfolio and why it might be used at a particular campus.…
Assessment Portfolios as Opportunities for Teacher Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gearhart, Maryl; Osmundson, Ellen
This article is an analysis of the role of assessment portfolios in teacher learning. Over 18 months, 23 science teachers developed, implemented, and evaluated assessments to track student learning, supported by portfolio tasks and resources, grade-level colleagues, and team facilitators. Evidence of teacher learning included (a) portfolios of a…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Meeus, Wil; Questier, Frederik; Derks, Thea
This article provides a general overview of how portfolio is used in education and then goes on to discuss the development of a generic, institution-wide portfolio for students. We further provide a succinct summary and critical analysis of the educational principles underlying the use of portfolio in higher education. This is followed by an…
The Use of Portfolios in US Pharmacy Schools
Cumberland, Denise M.
Objective. To conduct a review of the pharmacy literature on the use of portfolios in US pharmacy schools. Findings. This study provides examples of how pharmacy schools are using portfolios in various parts and across their curricula, however, assessment/outcome data is lacking. These examples can be used as a starting point for schools as they begin to design their own use of portfolios. Overall, students indicated that the use of portfolios is important in their professional development, but significant time is needed to complete. Summary. Things to consider when implementing a portfolio system include how it will be used, who will review it, and what resources will be needed to sustain the project. It is important for schools to consider these items at the start of the process to ensure the portfolio process that is created is useful for assessing the overall programmatic or course outcomes being proposed by their use. More scholarly work needs to be published on the use of portfolios. PMID:29692438
Noisy covariance matrices and portfolio optimization
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pafka, S.; Kondor, I.
According to recent findings [#!bouchaud!#,#!stanley!#], empirical covariance matrices deduced from financial return series contain such a high amount of noise that, apart from a few large eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors, their structure can essentially be regarded as random. In [#!bouchaud!#], e.g., it is reported that about 94% of the spectrum of these matrices can be fitted by that of a random matrix drawn from an appropriately chosen ensemble. In view of the fundamental role of covariance matrices in the theory of portfolio optimization as well as in industry-wide risk management practices, we analyze the possible implications of this effect. Simulation experiments with matrices having a structure such as described in [#!bouchaud!#,#!stanley!#] lead us to the conclusion that in the context of the classical portfolio problem (minimizing the portfolio variance under linear constraints) noise has relatively little effect. To leading order the solutions are determined by the stable, large eigenvalues, and the displacement of the solution (measured in variance) due to noise is rather small: depending on the size of the portfolio and on the length of the time series, it is of the order of 5 to 15%. The picture is completely different, however, if we attempt to minimize the variance under non-linear constraints, like those that arise e.g. in the problem of margin accounts or in international capital adequacy regulation. In these problems the presence of noise leads to a serious instability and a high degree of degeneracy of the solutions.
Robust Portfolio Optimization Using Pseudodistances.
Toma, Aida; Leoni-Aubin, Samuela
The presence of outliers in financial asset returns is a frequently occurring phenomenon which may lead to unreliable mean-variance optimized portfolios. This fact is due to the unbounded influence that outliers can have on the mean returns and covariance estimators that are inputs in the optimization procedure. In this paper we present robust estimators of mean and covariance matrix obtained by minimizing an empirical version of a pseudodistance between the assumed model and the true model underlying the data. We prove and discuss theoretical properties of these estimators, such as affine equivariance, B-robustness, asymptotic normality and asymptotic relative efficiency. These estimators can be easily used in place of the classical estimators, thereby providing robust optimized portfolios. A Monte Carlo simulation study and applications to real data show the advantages of the proposed approach. We study both in-sample and out-of-sample performance of the proposed robust portfolios comparing them with some other portfolios known in literature.
Robust Portfolio Optimization Using Pseudodistances
The presence of outliers in financial asset returns is a frequently occurring phenomenon which may lead to unreliable mean-variance optimized portfolios. This fact is due to the unbounded influence that outliers can have on the mean returns and covariance estimators that are inputs in the optimization procedure. In this paper we present robust estimators of mean and covariance matrix obtained by minimizing an empirical version of a pseudodistance between the assumed model and the true model underlying the data. We prove and discuss theoretical properties of these estimators, such as affine equivariance, B-robustness, asymptotic normality and asymptotic relative efficiency. These estimators can be easily used in place of the classical estimators, thereby providing robust optimized portfolios. A Monte Carlo simulation study and applications to real data show the advantages of the proposed approach. We study both in-sample and out-of-sample performance of the proposed robust portfolios comparing them with some other portfolios known in literature. PMID:26468948
Does health affect portfolio choice?
Love, David A; Smith, Paul A
A number of recent studies find that poor health is empirically associated with a safer portfolio allocation. It is difficult to say, however, whether this relationship is truly causal. Both health status and portfolio choice are influenced by unobserved characteristics such as risk attitudes, impatience, information, and motivation, and these unobserved factors, if not adequately controlled for, can induce significant bias in the estimates of asset demand equations. Using the 1992-2006 waves of the Health and Retirement Study, we investigate how much of the connection between health and portfolio choice is causal and how much is due to the effects of unobserved heterogeneity. Accounting for unobserved heterogeneity with fixed effects and correlated random effects models, we find that health does not appear to significantly affect portfolio choice among single households. For married households, we find a small effect (about 2-3 percentage points) from being in the lowest of five self-reported health categories. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The type k universal portfolio generated by the f-divergence
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tan, Choon Peng; Seng, Kuang Kee
The logarithm of the estimated next-day wealth return is approximated by k terms of its Taylor series. The resulting Type k universal portfolio generated by the f -divergence is obtained. An implicit form of the portfolio is also obtained by exploiting the mean-value theorem. An empirical study of the performance of the portfolio is focused on the Type 2 Helmbold universal portfolio. A few generalizations of the Helmbold universal portfolio have recently been studied, namely the reverse Helmbold and the parametric Helmbold portfolios. This new type of portfolio can be regarded a contribution to the inventory of Helmbold related universal portfolios. It is verified experimentally that an investor's wealth can be significantly increased by using the Type 2 Helmbold portfolio in investment.
Universal portfolios generated by weakly stationary processes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tan, Choon Peng; Pang, Sook Theng
Recently, a universal portfolio generated by a set of independent Brownian motions where a finite number of past stock prices are weighted by the moments of the multivariate normal distribution is introduced and studied. The multivariate normal moments as polynomials in time consequently lead to a constant rebalanced portfolio depending on the drift coefficients of the Brownian motions. For a weakly stationary process, a different type of universal portfolio is proposed where the weights on the stock prices depend only on the time differences of the stock prices. An empirical study is conducted on the returns achieved by the universal portfolios generated by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process on selected stock-price data sets. Promising results are demonstrated for increasing the wealth of the investor by using the weakly-stationary-process-generated universal portfolios.
Performance of finite order distribution-generated universal portfolios
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pang, Sook Theng; Liew, How Hui; Chang, Yun Fah
A Constant Rebalanced Portfolio (CRP) is an investment strategy which reinvests by redistributing wealth equally among a set of stocks. The empirical performance of the distribution-generated universal portfolio strategies are analysed experimentally concerning 10 higher volume stocks from different categories in Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. The time interval of study is from January 2000 to December 2015, which includes the credit crisis from September 2008 to March 2009. The performance of the finite-order universal portfolio strategies has been shown to be better than Constant Rebalanced Portfolio with some selected parameters of proposed universal portfolios.
Academic Misconduct in Teaching Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Erikson, Martin G.; Erlandson, Peter; Erikson, Malgorzata
Within academia, clear and standardised communication is vital. From this point of departure, we discuss the trustworthiness of teaching portfolios when used in assessment. Here, misconduct and fraud are discussed in terms of fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism, following the literature on research fraud. We argue that the portfolio's…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Driessen, Erik
While portfolios have seen an unprecedented surge in popularity, they have also become the subject of controversy: learners often perceive little gain from writing reflections as part of their portfolios; scholars question the ethics of such obligatory reflection; and students, residents, teachers and scholars alike condemn the bureaucracy…
Robust Active Portfolio Management
the Markowitz mean-variance model led to development of the Capital Asset Pricing Model ( CAPM ) for asset pricing [35, 29, 23] which remains one of portfolio management. Our model uses historical returns and equilibrium expected returns predicted by the CAPM to identify assets that are...incorrectly priced in the market. There is a fundamental inconsistency between the CAPM and active portfolio management. The CAPM assumes that markets are
Formal Method of Description Supporting Portfolio Assessment
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Morimoto, Yasuhiko; Ueno, Maomi; Kikukawa, Isao; Yokoyama, Setsuo; Miyadera, Youzou
Teachers need to assess learner portfolios in the field of education. However, they need support in the process of designing and practicing what kind of portfolios are to be assessed. To solve the problem, a formal method of describing the relations between the lesson forms and portfolios that need to be collected and the relations between…
E-Portfolios@Teacher Training: An Evaluation of Technological and Motivational Factors
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Klampfer, Alfred; Köhler, Thomas
In recent years e-portfolios have received a great deal of attention in the educational discourse and it is associated with individualization of the learning process, competence-oriented assessment and institutional personnel development. Since the beginning of the academic year 2008/09 students of the Catholic College of Education Linz had the…
Determining e-Portfolio Elements in Learning Process Using Fuzzy Delphi Analysis
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mohamad, Syamsul Nor Azlan; Embi, Mohamad Amin; Nordin, Norazah
The present article introduces the Fuzzy Delphi method results obtained in the study on determining e-Portfolio elements in learning process for art and design context. This method bases on qualified experts that assure the validity of the collected information. In particular, the confirmation of elements is based on experts' opinion and…
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false How a change in size or activity of a Portfolio Concern affects the RBIC and the Portfolio Concern. 4290.760 Section 4290.760 Agriculture Regulations of... size or activity of a Portfolio Concern affects the RBIC and the Portfolio Concern. (a) Effect on RBIC...
Stitching Together a Teacher's Body of Knowledge: Frankie N. Stein's ePortfolio
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hopper, Timothy; Sanford, Kathy; Bonsor-Kurki, Sarah
In this article the authors report on research into how an ePortfolio (eP) process can address the critique that teacher education programs offer fragmented course experiences and too often focus on narrow instrumentalist approaches emphasising the "how to" and the "what works"--implying that learning how to teach is about stitching together…
To Efoliate or Not To Efoliate? The Rise of the Electronic Portfolio in Teacher Education.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Norton-Meier, Lori A.
Considers how the process of efoliation, the peeling back of layers of learning and presenting it in an organized electronic format, holds tremendous promise. Believes that developing an electronic teaching portfolio can be an experience that supports and encourages the developing preservice teacher--an experience that combines reflection and…
Conceptualizing the Functional Requirements for a Next-Generation E-Portfolio System
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mu, Enrique; Wormer, Sallie; Foizey, Roberta; Barkon, Beverly; Vehec, Mark
The use of e-portfolio systems in higher education has not grown as anticipated by early adopters when the potential benefits first became apparent, yet the promise remains. The vision of a flexible tool that meets multiple goals--serving as a showcase for student work, promoting self-reflection, supporting assessment and accreditation efforts,…
Evaluating Portfolio Use as a Learning Tool for Professionals.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Smith, Kari; Tillema, Harm
Studies of portfolio construction and compilation involving 35 Israeli principals and 14 Dutch managers show that high-quality portfolios can only be expected after sustained use, but that the use of portfolios has an immediate impact on views toward assessment. Portfolios are time-consuming, but can provide effective feedback to the learner. (SLD)
Portfolio Assessment: A Handbook for Educators. Assessment Bookshelf Series.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Barton, James, Ed.; Collins, Angelo, Ed.
This guide contains practical steps for integrating portfolios into any K-12 classroom and tips for effective classroom management of portfolios. It also contains actual examples of portfolios in action in a variety of subject areas. The chapters are: (1) "Starting Out: Designing Your Portfolio" (James Barton and Angelo Collins); (2) "Preparing…
Portfolio Assessment Handbook. 1990-91.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Thomas A. Edison State Coll., Trenton, NJ.
This handbook gives the adult student information to complete portfolios that are designed to help adult students earn college credits for outside experience. Portfolio assessment is a flexible and efficient way to earn college credit. Nearly any area of learning can be converted into credits as long as it is taught at a regionally accredited…
Professionalism, Portfolios and the Development of School Leaders.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wildy, Helen; Wallace, John
Describes how two reforms--portfolio culture and teacher professionalism--converge in a systemwide program for school leaders' professional development. Investigates use of portfolios to help (Australian) principals, deputy principals, and department heads improve their performance and accountability. Participants used portfolios as evidence of…
A Guide to Writing Academic Portfolios for Radiologists.
Thomas, John V; Sanyal, Rupan; O'Malley, Janis P; Singh, Satinder P; Morgan, Desiree E; Canon, Cheri L
The academic educator's portfolio is a collection of materials that document academic performance and achievements, supplementing the curriculum vitae, in order to showcase a faculty member's most significant accomplishments. A decade ago, a survey of medical schools revealed frustration in the nonuniform methods of measuring faculty's medical education productivity. A proposed solution was the use of an academic educator's portfolio. In the academic medical community, compiling an academic portfolio is always a challenge because teaching has never been confined to the traditional classroom setting and often involves active participation of the medical student, resident, or fellow in the ongoing care of the patient. Diagnostic radiology in addition requires a knowledge base that encompasses basic sciences, imaging physics, technology, and traditional and molecular medicine. Teaching and performing research that involves this complex mix, while providing patient care that is often behind the scenes, provides unique challenges in the documentation of teaching, research, and clinical service for diagnostic radiology faculty. An academic portfolio is seen as a way to explain why relevant academic activities are significant to promotions committee members who may have backgrounds in unrelated academic areas and may not be familiar with a faculty member's work. The academic portfolio consists of teaching, research, and service portfolios. The teaching portfolio is a collection of materials that document teaching performance and documents the educator's transition to a more effective educator. A research portfolio showcases the most significant research accomplishments. The service portfolio documents service responsibilities and highlight any service excellence. All portfolios should briefly discuss the educator's philosophy, activities, methods used to implement activities, leadership, mentoring, or committee roles in these respective areas. Recognizing that academic
Best evidence on the educational effects of undergraduate portfolios.
Buckley, Sharon; Coleman, Jamie; Khan, Khalid
The great variety of portfolio types and schemes used in the education of health professionals is reflected in the extensive and diverse educational literature relating to portfolio use. We have recently completed a Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) systematic review of the literature relating to the use of portfolios in the undergraduate setting that offers clinical teachers insights into both their effects on learning and issues to consider in portfolio implementation. Using a methodology based on BEME recommendations, we searched the literature relating to a range of health professions, identifying evidence for the effects of portfolios on undergraduate student learning, and assessing the methodological quality of each study. The higher quality studies in our review report that, when implemented appropriately, portfolios can improve students' ability to integrate theory with practice, can encourage their self-awareness and reflection, and can offer support for students facing difficult emotional situations. Portfolios can also enhance student-tutor relationships and prepare students for the rigours of postgraduate training. However, the time required to complete a portfolio may detract from students' clinical learning. An analysis of methodological quality against year of publication suggests that, across a range of health professions, the quality of the literature relating to the educational effects of portfolios is improving. However, further work is still required to build the evidence base for the educational effects of portfolios, particularly comparative studies that assess effects on learning directly. Our findings have implications for the design and implementation of portfolios in the undergraduate setting. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010.
The Feasibility and Acceptability of Using a Portfolio to Assess Professional Competence
Tuekam, Rosine
ABSTRACT Purpose: Little is known about physical therapists' views on the use of portfolios to evaluate professional competence. The purpose of this study was to gather the opinions of physical therapists on the feasibility and acceptability of a portfolio prepared to demonstrate evidence of clinical specialization through reported activities and accomplishments related to professional development, leadership, and research. Methods: Twenty-nine Canadian physical therapists practising in the neurosciences area were given 8 weeks to prepare a professional portfolio. Participants submitted the portfolio along with a survey addressing the preparation of the portfolio and its role as an assessment tool. Qualitative content analysis was used to interpret the participants' comments. Results: Participants reported that maintaining organized records facilitated the preparation of their portfolio. They experienced pride when reviewing their completed portfolios, which summarized their professional activities and highlighted their achievements. Concerns were noted about the veracity of self-reported records and the ability of the documentation to provide a comprehensive view of the full scope of the professional competencies required for clinical specialization (e.g., clinical skills). Conclusion: The study's findings support the feasibility and acceptability of a portfolio review to assess professional competence and clinical specialization in physical therapy and have implications for both physical therapists and professional agencies. PMID:22210983
The feasibility and acceptability of using a portfolio to assess professional competence.
Miller, Patricia A; Tuekam, Rosine
Little is known about physical therapists' views on the use of portfolios to evaluate professional competence. The purpose of this study was to gather the opinions of physical therapists on the feasibility and acceptability of a portfolio prepared to demonstrate evidence of clinical specialization through reported activities and accomplishments related to professional development, leadership, and research. Twenty-nine Canadian physical therapists practising in the neurosciences area were given 8 weeks to prepare a professional portfolio. Participants submitted the portfolio along with a survey addressing the preparation of the portfolio and its role as an assessment tool. Qualitative content analysis was used to interpret the participants' comments. Participants reported that maintaining organized records facilitated the preparation of their portfolio. They experienced pride when reviewing their completed portfolios, which summarized their professional activities and highlighted their achievements. Concerns were noted about the veracity of self-reported records and the ability of the documentation to provide a comprehensive view of the full scope of the professional competencies required for clinical specialization (e.g., clinical skills). The study's findings support the feasibility and acceptability of a portfolio review to assess professional competence and clinical specialization in physical therapy and have implications for both physical therapists and professional agencies.
Deformed exponentials and portfolio selection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rodrigues, Ana Flávia P.; Guerreiro, Igor M.; Cavalcante, Charles Casimiro
In this paper, we present a method for portfolio selection based on the consideration on deformed exponentials in order to generalize the methods based on the gaussianity of the returns in portfolio, such as the Markowitz model. The proposed method generalizes the idea of optimizing mean-variance and mean-divergence models and allows a more accurate behavior for situations where heavy-tails distributions are necessary to describe the returns in a given time instant, such as those observed in economic crises. Numerical results show the proposed method outperforms the Markowitz portfolio for the cumulated returns with a good convergence rate of the weights for the assets which are searched by means of a natural gradient algorithm.
Junior doctors' guide to portfolio learning and building.
Kitchen, Mark
A portfolio is a collection of evidence supporting an individual's achievement of competencies and learning outcomes. The material included in the portfolio must be reflected upon, as reflection provides the evidence that learning has taken place. Portfolio learning is important for two principal reasons: assessment of the trainee, and for lifelong learning and reflection. The ability of a portfolio to be used for both summative and formative assessment makes it a flexible and robust assessment method. A portfolio also demonstrates reflection and lifelong learning abilities. Reflective learning is key to postgraduate medical education: it is part of both the Foundation Programme curriculum and General Medical Council guidance on best practice. To ensure correct learning outcomes are identified and evidenced, the curriculum programme must be referred to and an educational supervisor should be consulted. Once identified, it is necessary to: identify how these outcomes can be met (learning needs); decide what needs to be done to meet these needs; reflect on what has been done; and evidence what has been done in the portfolio. Evidence could include written feedback, certificates of course completion, online learning modules, etc. A learning portfolio is a necessary tool for every postgraduate medical trainee. The portfolio serves to record and evidence all learning that has taken place, and thereon acts as a guide for future learning needs. The key process to portfolio building and learning is the provision of evidence by reflecting upon the learning that has taken place. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012.
Supporting Teachers' Reflection and Learning through Structured Digital Teaching Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sung, Y. -T.; Chang, K. -E.; Yu, W. -C.; Chang, T. -H.
Digital teaching portfolios have been proposed as an effective tool for teacher learning and professional development, but there is a lack of empirical evidence supporting their effectiveness. This study proposed the design of a structured digital portfolio equipped with multiple aids (e.g. self-assessment, peer assessment, discussion and journal…
Mentoring portfolio use in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education.
Dekker, Hanke; Driessen, Erik; Ter Braak, Edith; Scheele, Fedde; Slaets, Joris; Van Der Molen, Thys; Cohen-Schotanus, Janke
Mentoring is widely acknowledged as being crucial for portfolio learning. The aim of this study is to examine how mentoring portfolio use has been implemented in undergraduate and postgraduate settings. The results of interviews with six key persons involved in setting up portfolio use in medical education programmes were used to develop a questionnaire, which was administered to 30 coordinators of undergraduate and postgraduate portfolio programmes in the Netherlands and Flanders. The interviews yielded four main aspects of the portfolio mentoring process--educational aims, individual meetings, small group sessions and mentor characteristics. Based on the questionnaire data, 16 undergraduate and 14 postgraduate programmes were described. Providing feedback and stimulating reflection were the main objectives of the mentoring process. Individual meetings were the favourite method for mentoring (26 programmes). Small group sessions to support the use of portfolios were held in 16 programmes, mostly in the undergraduate setting. In general, portfolio mentors were clinically qualified academic staff trained for their mentoring tasks. This study provides a variety of practical insights into implementing mentoring processes in portfolio programmes.
Digital Portfolios: Documenting Student Growth
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cramer, Matthew
The digital portfolio process at Camino Nuevo High School (CNHS) offers an essential 21st century skill to students. All students are trained in basic web design to build and maintain their digital portfolios. These skills equip them with tools they will likely use in their future endeavors in college and the professional world. Teachers at CNHS…
E-Portfolio as a Corrective Platform towards EFL Students' Overall/Componential Writing Performance
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Saeedi, Zari; Meihami, Hussein
This paper aims at accentuating and exploring the effect of using electronic portfolio (EP) platform in providing corrective feedback (CF) on EFL students' overall and micro-componential writing performance. Moreover, by conducting a semi-structured interview, the study seeks to obtain students' attitudes towards the use of EP in three aspects,…
Portfolio as Practice: The Narratives of Emerging Teachers.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Darling, L. Farr
Portfolio construction is a complex social practice with intentions, rules, and standards. This definition is not typically found in teacher education literature and has implications for evaluating students' portfolios. The paper examines teacher education students' recollections of creating portfolios in one Canadian program and argues that…
Noisy covariance matrices and portfolio optimization II
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pafka, Szilárd; Kondor, Imre
Recent studies inspired by results from random matrix theory (Galluccio et al.: Physica A 259 (1998) 449; Laloux et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 1467; Risk 12 (3) (1999) 69; Plerou et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 1471) found that covariance matrices determined from empirical financial time series appear to contain such a high amount of noise that their structure can essentially be regarded as random. This seems, however, to be in contradiction with the fundamental role played by covariance matrices in finance, which constitute the pillars of modern investment theory and have also gained industry-wide applications in risk management. Our paper is an attempt to resolve this embarrassing paradox. The key observation is that the effect of noise strongly depends on the ratio r= n/ T, where n is the size of the portfolio and T the length of the available time series. On the basis of numerical experiments and analytic results for some toy portfolio models we show that for relatively large values of r (e.g. 0.6) noise does, indeed, have the pronounced effect suggested by Galluccio et al. (1998), Laloux et al. (1999) and Plerou et al. (1999) and illustrated later by Laloux et al. (Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance 3 (2000) 391), Plerou et al. (Phys. Rev. E, e-print cond-mat/0108023) and Rosenow et al. (Europhys. Lett., e-print cond-mat/0111537) in a portfolio optimization context, while for smaller r (around 0.2 or below), the error due to noise drops to acceptable levels. Since the length of available time series is for obvious reasons limited in any practical application, any bound imposed on the noise-induced error translates into a bound on the size of the portfolio. In a related set of experiments we find that the effect of noise depends also on whether the problem arises in asset allocation or in a risk measurement context: if covariance matrices are used simply for measuring the risk of portfolios with a fixed composition rather than as inputs to optimization, the
Portfolio Development in Teacher Education and Educational Leadership.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Biddle, James
The Ohio Consortium for Portfolio Development was established in 1988 as an interinstitutional research effort to integrate portfolio development into teacher education. A subphase focused on portfolio use by entry year teachers in a metropolitan school system. Personnel at Wright State University, Central State University, and the University of…
The true invariant of an arbitrage free portfolio
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Schmidt, Anatoly B.
It is shown that the arbitrage free portfolio paradigm being applied to a portfolio with an arbitrary number of shares N allows for the extended solution in which the option price F depends on N. However the resulting stock hedging expense Q= MF (where M is the number of options in the portfolio) does not depend on whether N is treated as an independent variable or as a parameter. Therefore the stock hedging expense is the true invariant of the arbitrage free portfolio paradigm.
Investment portfolio management from cybernetic point of view
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Marchev, Angel, Jr.; Marchev, Angel
The theory of investment portfolios is a well defined component of financial science. While sound in principle, it faces some setbacks in its real-world implementation. In this paper the authors propose a reformulation of the investment portfolio problem as a cybernetic system where the Investor is the controlling system and the portfolio is the controlled system. Also the portfolio controlling process should be dissected in several ordered phases, so that each phase is represented as a subsystem within the structure of the controlling system Investor.
Automatic Trading Agent. RMT Based Portfolio Theory and Portfolio Selection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Snarska, M.; Krzych, J.
Portfolio theory is a very powerful tool in the modern investment theory. It is helpful in estimating risk of an investor's portfolio, arosen from lack of information, uncertainty and incomplete knowledge of reality, which forbids a perfect prediction of future price changes. Despite of many advantages this tool is not known and not widely used among investors on Warsaw Stock Exchange. The main reason for abandoning this method is a high level of complexity and immense calculations. The aim of this paper is to introduce an automatic decision-making system, which allows a single investor to use complex methods of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). The key tool in MPT is an analysis of an empirical covariance matrix. This matrix, obtained from historical data, biased by such a high amount of statistical uncertainty, that it can be seen as random. By bringing into practice the ideas of Random Matrix Theory (RMT), the noise is removed or significantly reduced, so the future risk and return are better estimated and controlled. These concepts are applied to the Warsaw Stock Exchange Simulator {}. The result of the simulation is 18% level of gains in comparison with respective 10% loss of the Warsaw Stock Exchange main index WIG.
Understanding the multifractality in portfolio excess returns
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Cheng; Wang, Yudong
The multifractality in stock returns have been investigated extensively. However, whether the autocorrelations in portfolio returns are multifractal have not been considered in the literature. In this paper, we detect multifractal behavior of returns of portfolios constructed based on two popular trading rules, size and book-to-market (BM) ratio. Using the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, we find that the portfolio returns are significantly multifractal and the multifractality is mainly attributed to long-range dependence. We also investigate the multifractal cross-correlation between portfolio return and market average return using the detrended cross-correlation analysis. Our results show that the cross-correlations of small fluctuations are persistent, while those of large fluctuations are anti-persistent.
Portfolio theory and cost-effectiveness analysis: a further discussion.
Sendi, Pedram; Al, Maiwenn J; Rutten, Frans F H
Portfolio theory has been suggested as a means to improve the risk-return characteristics of investments in health-care programs through diversification when costs and effects are uncertain. This approach is based on the assumption that the investment proportions are not subject to uncertainty and that the budget can be invested in toto in health-care programs. In the present paper we develop an algorithm that accounts for the fact that investment proportions in health-care programs may be uncertain (due to the uncertainty associated with costs) and limited (due to the size of the programs). The initial budget allocation across programs may therefore be revised at the end of the investment period to cover the extra costs of some programs with the leftover budget of other programs in the portfolio. Once the total budget is equivalent to or exceeds the expected costs of the programs in the portfolio, the initial budget allocation policy does not impact the risk-return characteristics of the combined portfolio, i.e., there is no benefit from diversification anymore. The applicability of portfolio methods to improve the risk-return characteristics of investments in health care is limited to situations where the available budget is much smaller than the expected costs of the programs to be funded.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mitchell, S. E.; Barbier, S. B.; Krishnamurthi, A.; Lochner, J. C.
Many education and outreach programs face two daunting shortages: time and money. EPO professionals are frequently challenged to develop quality efforts for a variety of audiences and settings, all on a shoestring budget. How do you create a broad and cohesive education and outreach portfolio with limited resources? In this session, we discussed several effective strategies to make the most of your assets, such as adaptation of existing programs and materials, mutually beneficial partnerships, and innovative (and inexpensive) dissemination techniques. These approaches can fill in the gaps in your portfolio, increasing the scope and impact of your EPO efforts. There are a variety of cost-effective tools and techniques that can bring your EPO endeavors to a wide range of audiences and settings. Turn your program's EPO wish list into reality through savvy leveraging of existing personnel, funding, and materials... or find a partner that can help you fill any gaps in your portfolio.
More efficient optimization of long-term water supply portfolios
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kirsch, Brian R.; Characklis, Gregory W.; Dillard, Karen E. M.; Kelley, C. T.
The use of temporary transfers, such as options and leases, has grown as utilities attempt to meet increases in demand while reducing dependence on the expansion of costly infrastructure capacity (e.g., reservoirs). Earlier work has been done to construct optimal portfolios comprising firm capacity and transfers, using decision rules that determine the timing and volume of transfers. However, such work has only focused on the short-term (e.g., 1-year scenarios), which limits the utility of these planning efforts. Developing multiyear portfolios can lead to the exploration of a wider range of alternatives but also increases the computational burden. This work utilizes a coupled hydrologic-economic model to simulate the long-term performance of a city's water supply portfolio. This stochastic model is linked with an optimization search algorithm that is designed to handle the high-frequency, low-amplitude noise inherent in many simulations, particularly those involving expected values. This noise is detrimental to the accuracy and precision of the optimized solution and has traditionally been controlled by investing greater computational effort in the simulation. However, the increased computational effort can be substantial. This work describes the integration of a variance reduction technique (control variate method) within the simulation/optimization as a means of more efficiently identifying minimum cost portfolios. Random variation in model output (i.e., noise) is moderated using knowledge of random variations in stochastic input variables (e.g., reservoir inflows, demand), thereby reducing the computing time by 50% or more. Using these efficiency gains, water supply portfolios are evaluated over a 10-year period in order to assess their ability to reduce costs and adapt to demand growth, while still meeting reliability goals. As a part of the evaluation, several multiyear option contract structures are explored and compared.
AVC/H.264 patent portfolio license
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Horn, Lawrence A.
MPEG LA, LLC offers a joint patent license for the AVC (a/k/a H.264) Standard (ISO/IEC IS 14496-10:2004). Like MPEG LA's other licenses, the AVC Patent Portfolio License is offered for the convenience of the marketplace as an alternative enabling users to access essential intellectual property owned by many patent holders under a single license rather than negotiating licenses with each of them individually. The AVC Patent Portfolio License includes essential patents owned by Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI); France Telecom, societe anonyme; Fujitsu Limited; Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.; LG Electronics Inc.; Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.; Microsoft Corporation; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Robert Bosch GmbH; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Sedna Patent Services, LLC; Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha; Siemens AG; Sony Corporation; The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York; Toshiba Corporation; and Victor Company of Japan, Limited. MPEG LA's objective is to provide worldwide access to as much AVC essential intellectual property as possible for the benefit of AVC users. Therefore, any party that believes it has essential patents is welcome to submit them for evaluation of their essentiality and inclusion in the License if found essential.
Asset Allocation and Optimal Contract for Delegated Portfolio Management
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Jingjun; Liang, Jianfeng
This article studies the portfolio selection and the contracting problems between an individual investor and a professional portfolio manager in a discrete-time principal-agent framework. Portfolio selection and optimal contracts are obtained in closed form. The optimal contract was composed with the fixed fee, the cost, and the fraction of excess expected return. The optimal portfolio is similar to the classical two-fund separation theorem.
On the microeconomic problems studied by portfolio theory
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nikonov, Oleg; Medvedeva, Marina
In the paper we consider economically motivated problems, which are treated with the help of methods of portfolio theory that goes back to the papers by H. Markowitz [1] and J. Tobin [2]. We show that the portfolio theory initially developed for risky securities (stocks) could be applied to other objects. In the present paper we consider several situations where such an application is reasonable and seems to be fruitful. Namely, we consider the problems of constructing the efficient portfolio of banking services and the portfolio of counteragents of a firm.
Students' reflections in a portfolio pilot: highlighting professional issues.
Haffling, Ann-Christin; Beckman, Anders; Pahlmblad, Annika; Edgren, Gudrun
Portfolios are highlighted as potential assessment tools for professional competence. Although students' self-reflections are considered to be central in the portfolio, the content of reflections in practice-based portfolios is seldom analysed. To investigate whether students' reflections include sufficient dimensions of professional competence, notwithstanding a standardized portfolio format, and to evaluate students' satisfaction with the portfolio. Thirty-five voluntary final-year medical students piloted a standardized portfolio in a general practice (GP) attachment at Lund University, Sweden. Students' portfolio reflections were based upon documentary evidence from practice, and aimed to demonstrate students' learning. The reflections were qualitatively analysed, using a framework approach. Students' evaluations of the portfolio were subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis. Among professional issues, an integration of cognitive, affective and practical dimensions in clinical practice was provided by students' reflections. The findings suggested an emphasis on affective issues, particularly on self-awareness of feelings, attitudes and concerns. In addition, ethical problems, clinical reasoning strategies and future communication skills training were subjects of several reflective commentaries. Students' reflections on their consultation skills demonstrated their endeavour to achieve structure in the medical interview by negotiation of an agenda for the consultation, keeping the interview on track, and using internal summarizing. The importance of active listening and exploration of patient's perspective was also emphasized. In students' case summaries, illustrating characteristic attributes of GP, the dominating theme was 'patient-centred care', including the patient-doctor relationship, holistic modelling and longitudinal continuity. Students were satisfied with the portfolio, but improved instructions were needed. A standardized portfolio in a
Portfolios with nonlinear constraints and spin glasses
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gábor, Adrienn; Kondor, I.
In a recent paper Galluccio, Bouchaud and Potters demonstrated that a certain portfolio problem with a nonlinear constraint maps exactly onto finding the ground states of a long-range spin glass, with the concomitant nonuniqueness and instability of the optimal portfolios. Here we put forward geometric arguments that lead to qualitatively similar conclusions, without recourse to the methods of spin glass theory, and give two more examples of portfolio problems with convex nonlinear constraints.
A Proposal: Mitigating Effects of the Economic Crisis with Career ePortfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lievens, Ronald
Contemporary labor markets are suffering from the recession and structural shifts, which can cause various mismatches through processes of search friction. A lack of informational transparency among worker- and job characteristics is the common denominator of these search frictions. In this paper, the potential of the career ePortfolio, which…
Random matrix theory filters and currency portfolio optimisation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Daly, J.; Crane, M.; Ruskin, H. J.
Random matrix theory (RMT) filters have recently been shown to improve the optimisation of financial portfolios. This paper studies the effect of three RMT filters on realised portfolio risk, using bootstrap analysis and out-of-sample testing. We considered the case of a foreign exchange and commodity portfolio, weighted towards foreign exchange, and consisting of 39 assets. This was intended to test the limits of RMT filtering, which is more obviously applicable to portfolios with larger numbers of assets. We considered both equally and exponentially weighted covariance matrices, and observed that, despite the small number of assets involved, RMT filters reduced risk in a way that was consistent with a much larger S&P 500 portfolio. The exponential weightings indicated showed good consistency with the value suggested by Riskmetrics, in contrast to previous results involving stocks. This decay factor, along with the low number of past moves preferred in the filtered, equally weighted case, displayed a trend towards models which were reactive to recent market changes. On testing portfolios with fewer assets, RMT filtering provided less or no overall risk reduction. In particular, no long term out-of-sample risk reduction was observed for a portfolio consisting of 15 major currencies and commodities.
A Note on Using Portfolios To Assess Learning.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fenwick, Tara J.; Parsons, Jim
Explains that a portfolio is a collection of student work that reflects the course content and is assembled by the student in a folder or binder over a specified period of time. Discusses how to use portfolios, the benefits of using portfolios as assessment tools, and potential concerns teachers need to address. (CMK)
Portfolio analysis of layered security measures.
Chatterjee, Samrat; Hora, Stephen C; Rosoff, Heather
Layered defenses are necessary for protecting the public from terrorist attacks. Designing a system of such defensive measures requires consideration of the interaction of these countermeasures. In this article, we present an analysis of a layered security system within the lower Manhattan area. It shows how portfolios of security measures can be evaluated through portfolio decision analysis. Consideration is given to the total benefits and costs of the system. Portfolio diagrams are created that help communicate alternatives among stakeholders who have differing views on the tradeoffs between security and economic activity. © 2014 Society for Risk Analysis.
Does asymmetric correlation affect portfolio optimization?
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fryd, Lukas
The classical portfolio optimization problem does not assume asymmetric behavior of relationship among asset returns. The existence of asymmetric response in correlation on the bad news could be important information in portfolio optimization. The paper applies Dynamic conditional correlation model (DCC) and his asymmetric version (ADCC) to propose asymmetric behavior of conditional correlation. We analyse asymmetric correlation among S&P index, bonds index and spot gold price before mortgage crisis in 2008. We evaluate forecast ability of the models during and after mortgage crisis and demonstrate the impact of asymmetric correlation on the reduction of portfolio variance.
Identification of Key Issues in Adopting a Web 2.0 E-Portfolio Strategy
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
McKenna, Gary F.; Stansfield, Mark H.
The purpose of the paper is to identify key issues relating to best practice and sustainability in Web 2.0 as an e-Learning strategy for supporting e-portfolios in Higher Education. A practical guidelines framework was developed for best practices, which can be justified by the lack of available frameworks in the e-Learning literature. A…
The stability of portfolio investment in stock crashes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Yun-Xian; Qian, Zhen-Wei; Li, Jiang-Cheng; Tang, Nian-Sheng; Mei, Dong-Cheng
The stability of portfolio investment in stock market crashes with Markowitz portfolio is investigated by the method of theoretical and empirical simulation. From numerical simulation of the mean escape time (MET), we conclude that: (i) The increasing number (Np) of stocks in Markowitz portfolio induces a maximum in the curve of MET versus the initial position; (ii) A critical value of Np in the behavior of MET versus the long-run variance or amplitude of volatility fluctuations maximumlly enhances the stability of portfolio investment. When Np takes value below the critical value, the increasing Np enhances the stability of portfolio investment, but restrains it when Np takes value above the critical value. In addition, a good agreement of both the MET and probability density functions of returns is found between real data and theoretical results.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Trent, John; Shroff, Ronnie H.
This article reports on an exploratory qualitative investigation of an initiative to use an electronic teaching portfolio at a teacher education institution in Hong Kong. Using in-depth interviews, this initiative is examined from the perspective of preservice teachers themselves. Interviews sought to gain an understanding of how the construction…
Student Portfolios: A Collection of Articles.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fogarty, Robin, Ed.
More and more, schools are looking to student portfolios as a valid, reliable, and authentic form of assessment. This collection offers practical, well-researched answers to a variety of philosophical, organizational, and implementational questions surrounding portfolio assessment. Articles in the first section provide a rationale for student…
Portfolios for Majors in Professional Communication.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Killingsworth, M. Jimmie; Sanders, Scott P.
Suggests general principles for developing assignments where students prepare portfolios that reveal their overall communication skills in addition to the usual job search tools. Emphasizes that students should concentrate on including works in the portfolio with the criteria of quality, variety, professionalism, and maturity in mind. (SKC)
Portfolio Assessment: Increasing Reliability and Validity.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Griffee, Dale
Addresses the traditional understanding of reliability as it pertains to writing portfolio assessments. Offers a list of practical actions that can be taken to increase assessment reliability, including explicit definitions of what a portfolio holds, rater training, rater burnout, and consistent rating procedures. (Contains 26 references.) (NB)
Portfolios and ICT as Means of Professional Learning in Teacher Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hauge, Trond Eiliv
Teaching portfolios supported by new learning technologies have increased in importance in Norwegian schools and teacher education. However, the learning potentials of integrated e-portfolios have still to be researched and further developed. This article focuses on professional learning in a teacher education programme reorganised by use of…
On the Teaching of Portfolio Theory.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Biederman, Daniel K.
Demonstrates how a simple portfolio problem expressed explicitly as an expected utility maximization problem can be used to instruct students in portfolio theory. Discusses risk aversion, decision making under uncertainty, and the limitations of the traditional mean variance approach. Suggests students may develop a greater appreciation of general…
Splashy Portfolios Kids Can Make Themselves.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Booth, Virginia Humphreys
A children's art project lets students create artistic portfolios in a Jackson Pollock style. The activity takes 60 minutes and requires posterboard, adhesive tape, spray paint, tempera paints, eyedroppers, newspapers, colored markers, and stencil letters. By inviting students to make their own portfolios, teachers are cultivating students'…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kennedy, Fionnuala; Bruen, Jenny; Péchenart, Juliette
The focus of this paper is twofold: first, on the development of an electronic version of a European Language Portfolio (ELP), known as the LOLIPOP (Language On-line Portfolio Project) ELP, and second on its integration into an undergraduate module on Intercultural Communication in an institute of higher education in Ireland. The paper begins by…
Linearly Adjustable International Portfolios
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fonseca, R. J.; Kuhn, D.; Rustem, B.
We present an approach to multi-stage international portfolio optimization based on the imposition of a linear structure on the recourse decisions. Multiperiod decision problems are traditionally formulated as stochastic programs. Scenario tree based solutions however can become intractable as the number of stages increases. By restricting the space of decision policies to linear rules, we obtain a conservative tractable approximation to the original problem. Local asset prices and foreign exchange rates are modelled separately, which allows for a direct measure of their impact on the final portfolio value.
Learning portfolio models in health regulatory colleges of Ontario, Canada.
Tompkins, Marianne; Paquette-Frenette, Denise
Health regulatory colleges promote continued competence by requiring members to submit yearly portfolios that document learning. Previous studies conclude that portfolios can be valuable tools to promote continuous learning in health college members, but portfolios are time-consuming to complete and difficult to evaluate. This exploratory study compares the features of portfolio models in regulatory colleges, as a basis for future studies. Data were collected through a document review of the portfolio models described on the Web sites of 14 Canadian health regulatory colleges. All models contain 3 common components of self-directed learning: (1) self-diagnosis, (2) learning plan and activities, and (3) self-evaluation. Several include member profiles and peer feedback. A broad range of formal, nonformal, and informal activities are accepted as evidence of learning; a few colleges restrict learners' freedom in selecting these activities. There is a dual philosophy of learning in portfolio models that includes both humanist and technical paradigms. Low numbers of members are selected for audit of completed portfolios. The possibility of last-minute preparation and the lack of support to members who struggle with self-directed learning methods are issues to be resolved. Although portfolios are designed to enhance learning and reflection, quality cannot be ensured unless compliance is enforced, and learning outcomes are measured. Professionals should be guided regarding how to complete portfolios. More health regulatory colleges should announce the number of portfolios they audit. In general, the number of portfolios audited by each profession may need to be increased.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Williams, Eugene
Describes the development of an audiovisual portfolio, consisting of a student teaching notebook, slide narrative presentation, audiotapes, and a videotape-- valuable for prospective teachers in job interviews. (CMV)
IT Portfolio Selection and IT Synergy
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cho, Woo Je
This dissertation consists of three chapters. The primary objectives of this dissertation are: (1) to provide a methodological framework of IT (Information Technology) portfolio management, and (2) to identify the effect of IT synergy on IT portfolio selection of a firm. The first chapter presents a methodological framework for IT project…
Classroom-Based Measurement and Portfolio Assessment.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nolet, Victor
Portfolio assessment involves collecting multiple forms of data to support inferences about student performance in skill or content areas that cannot be sampled directly by a single measure. Portfolio assessment can help to clarify and individualize instructional goals for regular and special education students as well as suggest research and…
Incorporating a Soil Science Artifact into a University ePortfolio Assessment Tool
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mikhailova, Elena; Werts, Joshua; Post, Christopher; Ring, Gail
The ePortfolio is a useful educational tool that is utilized in many educational institutions to showcase student accomplishments and provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their educational progress. The objective of this study was to develop and test an artifact from an introductory soil science course to be included in the…
Student Teaching Portfolios: A Tool for Promoting Reflective Practice.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Borko, Hilda; Michalec, Paul; Timmons, Maria; Siddle, Jean
Examines student teaching portfolios in action within preservice teacher education, describing how the University of Colorado mandated student teaching portfolios for preservice educators. A study examined whether portfolio construction would enhance student teachers' reflection on practice. Data from interviews and students' written reflections…
SunShot Initiative Portfolio Book 2014
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Solar Energy Technologies Office
The 2014 SunShot Initiative Portfolio Book outlines the progress towards the goals outlined in the SunShot Vision Study. Contents include overviews of each of SunShot’s five subprogram areas, as well as a description of every active project in the SunShot’s project portfolio as of May 2014.
CoCoFolio: A Web-Based Electronic Portfolio for Enriching Students' Learning by Collaboration.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sugiyama, Takeshi; Kakehi, Naoyuki; Kura, Tsuneko; Takahashi Tokiichiro
A Web-based electronic portfolio, CoCoFolio, was developed for enriching students' learning by collaboration. CoCoFolio consists of two collaboration tools: a multi-layer drawing tool, CoCoBoard, and a small bulletin board, Discussion Board, for each student's submission. These tools support a series of expression activities: expression, sharing,…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Calfee, Robert C., Ed.; Perfumo, Pamela, Ed.
This book presents essays by researchers, practitioners, and policy makers who study the impact of classroom portfolios in the assessment of writing achievement by elementary and middle-grade students. Essays in the book report on a national survey of exemplary projects and presents contributions to a Portfolio Conference held at Stanford…
Portfolio optimization by using linear programing models based on genetic algorithm
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sukono; Hidayat, Y.; Lesmana, E.; Putra, A. S.; Napitupulu, H.; Supian, S.
In this paper, we discussed the investment portfolio optimization using linear programming model based on genetic algorithms. It is assumed that the portfolio risk is measured by absolute standard deviation, and each investor has a risk tolerance on the investment portfolio. To complete the investment portfolio optimization problem, the issue is arranged into a linear programming model. Furthermore, determination of the optimum solution for linear programming is done by using a genetic algorithm. As a numerical illustration, we analyze some of the stocks traded on the capital market in Indonesia. Based on the analysis, it is shown that the portfolio optimization performed by genetic algorithm approach produces more optimal efficient portfolio, compared to the portfolio optimization performed by a linear programming algorithm approach. Therefore, genetic algorithms can be considered as an alternative on determining the investment portfolio optimization, particularly using linear programming models.
Advising ePortfolios to Improve First-Generation Student Engagement in Higher Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ambrose, G. Alex
This study considers how advising ePortfolios are uniquely situated to address a current challenge in the application of educational technologies: using the right tool for the right job for the right reason at the right time. The particular problem identified for investigation lies at the intersection of two central issues: first, in the age of…
With Portfolio in Hand. Validating the New Teacher Professionalism.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lyons, Nona, Ed.
This book suggests that portfolios can become a new kind of credential of competent and effective teachers. The book includes 5 parts with 16 chapters. Part 1, "Prologue," offers: (1) "Portfolio Possibilities: Validating a New Teacher Professionalism" (Nona Lyons) and (2) "Teacher Portfolios: A Theoretical Activity"…
Land-Use Portfolio Modeler, Version 1.0
Taketa, Richard; Hong, Makiko
Natural hazards pose significant threats to the public safety and economic health of many communities throughout the world. Community leaders and decision-makers continually face the challenges of planning and allocating limited resources to invest in protecting their communities against catastrophic losses from natural-hazard events. Public efforts to assess community vulnerability and encourage loss-reduction measures through mitigation often focused on either aggregating site-specific estimates or adopting standards based upon broad assumptions about regional risks. The site-specific method usually provided the most accurate estimates, but was prohibitively expensive, whereas regional risk assessments were often too general to be of practical use. Policy makers lacked a systematic and quantitative method for conducting a regional-scale risk assessment of natural hazards. In response, Bernknopf and others developed the portfolio model, an intermediate-scale approach to assessing natural-hazard risks and mitigation policy alternatives. The basis for the portfolio-model approach was inspired by financial portfolio theory, which prescribes a method of optimizing return on investment while reducing risk by diversifying investments in different security types. In this context, a security type represents a unique combination of features and hazard-risk level, while financial return is defined as the reduction in losses resulting from an investment in mitigation of chosen securities. Features are selected for mitigation and are modeled like investment portfolios. Earth-science and economic data for the features are combined and processed in order to analyze each of the portfolios, which are then used to evaluate the benefits of mitigating the risk in selected locations. Ultimately, the decision maker seeks to choose a portfolio representing a mitigation policy that maximizes the expected return-on-investment, while minimizing the uncertainty associated with that return
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Crismond, David; Peterie, Matthew
The Troubleshooting Portfolios approach was developed at the Olathe Northwest High School in Olathe, Kansas. This approach supports integrated STEM and "informed design" thinking and learning, in which students: (1) use design strategies effectively; (2) work creatively and collaboratively in teams; (3) make knowledge-driven decisions;…
A Robust Statistics Approach to Minimum Variance Portfolio Optimization
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Liusha; Couillet, Romain; McKay, Matthew R.
We study the design of portfolios under a minimum risk criterion. The performance of the optimized portfolio relies on the accuracy of the estimated covariance matrix of the portfolio asset returns. For large portfolios, the number of available market returns is often of similar order to the number of assets, so that the sample covariance matrix performs poorly as a covariance estimator. Additionally, financial market data often contain outliers which, if not correctly handled, may further corrupt the covariance estimation. We address these shortcomings by studying the performance of a hybrid covariance matrix estimator based on Tyler's robust M-estimator and on Ledoit-Wolf's shrinkage estimator while assuming samples with heavy-tailed distribution. Employing recent results from random matrix theory, we develop a consistent estimator of (a scaled version of) the realized portfolio risk, which is minimized by optimizing online the shrinkage intensity. Our portfolio optimization method is shown via simulations to outperform existing methods both for synthetic and real market data.
Optimization of the bank's operating portfolio
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Borodachev, S. M.; Medvedev, M. A.
The theory of efficient portfolios developed by Markowitz is used to optimize the structure of the types of financial operations of a bank (bank portfolio) in order to increase the profit and reduce the risk. The focus of this paper is to check the stability of the model to errors in the original data.
A mentor-based portfolio program to evaluate pharmacy students' self-assessment skills.
Kalata, Lindsay R; Abate, Marie A
Objective. To evaluate pharmacy students' self-assessment skills with an electronic portfolio program using mentor evaluators. Design. First-year (P1) and second-year (P2) pharmacy students used online portfolios that required self-assessments of specific graded class assignments. Using a rubric, faculty and alumni mentors evaluated students' self-assessments and provided feedback. Assessment. Eighty-four P1 students, 74 P2 students, and 59 mentors participated in the portfolio program during 2010-2011. Both student groups performed well overall, with only a small number of resubmissions required. P1 students showed significant improvements across semesters for 2 of the self-assessment questions; P2 students' scores did not differ significantly. The P1 scores were significantly higher than P2 scores for 3 questions during spring 2011. Mentors and students had similar levels of agreement with the extent to which students put forth their best effort on the self-assessments. Conclusion. An electronic portfolio using mentors based inside and outside the school provided students with many opportunities to practice their self-assessment skills. This system represents a useful method of incorporating self-assessments into the curriculum that allows for feedback to be provided to the students.
Portfolio optimization using median-variance approach
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wan Mohd, Wan Rosanisah; Mohamad, Daud; Mohamed, Zulkifli
Optimization models have been applied in many decision-making problems particularly in portfolio selection. Since the introduction of Markowitz's theory of portfolio selection, various approaches based on mathematical programming have been introduced such as mean-variance, mean-absolute deviation, mean-variance-skewness and conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) mainly to maximize return and minimize risk. However most of the approaches assume that the distribution of data is normal and this is not generally true. As an alternative, in this paper, we employ the median-variance approach to improve the portfolio optimization. This approach has successfully catered both types of normal and non-normal distribution of data. With this actual representation, we analyze and compare the rate of return and risk between the mean-variance and the median-variance based portfolio which consist of 30 stocks from Bursa Malaysia. The results in this study show that the median-variance approach is capable to produce a lower risk for each return earning as compared to the mean-variance approach.
A diversified portfolio model of adaptability.
Chandra, Siddharth; Leong, Frederick T L
A new model of adaptability, the diversified portfolio model (DPM) of adaptability, is introduced. In the 1950s, Markowitz developed the financial portfolio model by demonstrating that investors could optimize the ratio of risk and return on their portfolios through risk diversification. The DPM integrates attractive features of a variety of models of adaptability, including Linville's self-complexity model, the risk and resilience model, and Bandura's social cognitive theory. The DPM draws on the concept of portfolio diversification, positing that diversified investment in multiple life experiences, life roles, and relationships promotes positive adaptation to life's challenges. The DPM provides a new integrative model of adaptability across the biopsychosocial levels of functioning. More importantly, the DPM addresses a gap in the literature by illuminating the antecedents of adaptive processes studied in a broad array of psychological models. The DPM is described in relation to the biopsychosocial model and propositions are offered regarding its utility in increasing adaptiveness. Recommendations for future research are also offered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).
Ross, Sarah; Maclachlan, Alison; Cleland, Jennifer
Portfolios, widely used in undergraduate and postgraduate medicine, have variable purposes, formats and success. A recent systematic review summarised factors necessary for successful portfolio introduction but there are no studies investigating the views of students inexperienced in portfolio use towards portfolio learning. This study's aim was to survey student views about a prospective Professional and Personal Development (PPD) portfolio. This was a qualitative, focus group study. All focus groups were taped and transcribed verbatim, and anonymised. The transcripts were analysed inductively, using framework analysis. Four focus groups were carried out with 32 undergraduate medical students naïve in portfolio use. Three themes relevant to portfolio introduction emerged. The first theme was the need for clear information and support for portfolio introduction, and anxieties about how this could be supported effectively. The second was that students had negative views about reflective learning and whether this could be taught and assessed, believing formal assessment could foster socially acceptable content. The third was that participants revealed little understanding of reflective learning and its potential benefits. Rather portfolios were seen as useful for concrete purposes (e.g., job applications) not intrinsic benefits. Undergraduate medical students without experience of portfolios are anxious about portfolio introduction. They require support in developing reflective learning skills. Care must be taken to ensure students do not see portfolios as merely yet another assessment hurdle.
Linking Portfolio Development to Clinical Supervision: A Case Study.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zepeda, Sally J.
Describes a model for portfolio supervision based on the results of a 2-year study of one elementary school's experience in implementing portfolio supervision. Includes four propositions that guided the development of the model. Describes the skills inherent in portfolio supervision. Provides general guidelines for implementation of the portfolio…
The effects of portfolio purchasing on a specialized subject collection.
Murphy, Sarah Anne
To examine the impact of portfolio purchasing on a small, highly specialized medical collection at The Ohio State University. In this citation analysis, cited references for articles published by faculty in the College of Veterinary Medicine between 2000 and 2004 were collected and analyzed to determine whether The Ohio State University Libraries provided print or electronic access to the publications cited or the publishers of the cited journals, and whether the university purchased a subscription to each journal or received the subscription through a consortium-sponsored portfolio purchasing agreement. Of the 419 journals veterinary faculty cited more than 10 times, only 13 (3.1%) were in Zone 1, and 63 (15.0%) were in Zone 2 of the Bradford distribution, a citation analysis model which demonstrates that a small number of journals account for the bulk of literature utilized in any established field. Of these, only 23 (5.5%) were procured through an OhioLINK or other consortium portfolio purchasing agreement. The costs of acquiring a publisher's portfolio, even through a consortium, should be balanced with the costs of purchasing content required to provide a balanced collection for all user populations.
The effects of portfolio purchasing on a specialized subject collection
Murphy, Sarah Anne
Objective: To examine the impact of portfolio purchasing on a small, highly specialized medical collection at The Ohio State University. Methodology: In this citation analysis, cited references for articles published by faculty in the College of Veterinary Medicine between 2000 and 2004 were collected and analyzed to determine whether The Ohio State University Libraries provided print or electronic access to the publications cited or the publishers of the cited journals, and whether the university purchased a subscription to each journal or received the subscription through a consortium-sponsored portfolio purchasing agreement. Results: Of the 419 journals veterinary faculty cited more than 10 times, only 13 (3.1%) were in Zone 1, and 63 (15.0%) were in Zone 2 of the Bradford distribution, a citation analysis model which demonstrates that a small number of journals account for the bulk of literature utilized in any established field. Of these, only 23 (5.5%) were procured through an OhioLINK or other consortium portfolio purchasing agreement. Discussion/Conclusion: The costs of acquiring a publisher's portfolio, even through a consortium, should be balanced with the costs of purchasing content required to provide a balanced collection for all user populations. PMID:17252061
The Value of eJournals to Support ePortfolio Development for Assessment in Teacher Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Crichton, Susan; Kopp, Gail
This paper presents findings from a two-year pilot project into the use of ePortfolios as a tool for assessment in a two year, field-oriented, inquiry-based teacher preparation program. Participants consisted of five cohorts of preservice student teachers and five instructors; interviews, focus groups, artifacts, and project meetings provided…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Alanson, Erik R.; Robles, Richard A.
The following study utilizes an ePortfolio platform to examine desirable employment competencies during an introductory level professional development course for cooperative education students at a large, research intensive institution. The researchers created course activities allowing students to demonstrate essential learning outcomes derived…
Helping Students to Prepare a Technical Communications Portfolio.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ware, Elaine
Stresses the importance of teaching prospective technical writers to develop, organize, and present a technical communications portfolio. Provides a checklist on portfolio construction for students. (ARH)
Portfolios as Evidence of Reflective Practice: What Remains "Untold"
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Orland-Barak, Lily
Addressing recent calls for investigating the specific quality of reflection associated with the uses of portfolios in teacher education, this paper describes and interprets the "practice of portfolio construction" as revealed in the construction and presentation of two kinds of portfolio in two in-service courses for mentors of teachers…
Applying the partitioned multiobjective risk method (PMRM) to portfolio selection.
Reyes Santos, Joost; Haimes, Yacov Y
The analysis of risk-return tradeoffs and their practical applications to portfolio analysis paved the way for Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), which won Harry Markowitz a 1992 Nobel Prize in Economics. A typical approach in measuring a portfolio's expected return is based on the historical returns of the assets included in a portfolio. On the other hand, portfolio risk is usually measured using volatility, which is derived from the historical variance-covariance relationships among the portfolio assets. This article focuses on assessing portfolio risk, with emphasis on extreme risks. To date, volatility is a major measure of risk owing to its simplicity and validity for relatively small asset price fluctuations. Volatility is a justified measure for stable market performance, but it is weak in addressing portfolio risk under aberrant market fluctuations. Extreme market crashes such as that on October 19, 1987 ("Black Monday") and catastrophic events such as the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 that led to a four-day suspension of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) are a few examples where measuring risk via volatility can lead to inaccurate predictions. Thus, there is a need for a more robust metric of risk. By invoking the principles of the extreme-risk-analysis method through the partitioned multiobjective risk method (PMRM), this article contributes to the modeling of extreme risks in portfolio performance. A measure of an extreme portfolio risk, denoted by f(4), is defined as the conditional expectation for a lower-tail region of the distribution of the possible portfolio returns. This article presents a multiobjective problem formulation consisting of optimizing expected return and f(4), whose solution is determined using Evolver-a software that implements a genetic algorithm. Under business-as-usual market scenarios, the results of the proposed PMRM portfolio selection model are found to be compatible with those of the volatility-based model
Wavelet evolutionary network for complex-constrained portfolio rebalancing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Suganya, N. C.; Vijayalakshmi Pai, G. A.
Portfolio rebalancing problem deals with resetting the proportion of different assets in a portfolio with respect to changing market conditions. The constraints included in the portfolio rebalancing problem are basic, cardinality, bounding, class and proportional transaction cost. In this study, a new heuristic algorithm named wavelet evolutionary network (WEN) is proposed for the solution of complex-constrained portfolio rebalancing problem. Initially, the empirical covariance matrix, one of the key inputs to the problem, is estimated using the wavelet shrinkage denoising technique to obtain better optimal portfolios. Secondly, the complex cardinality constraint is eliminated using k-means cluster analysis. Finally, WEN strategy with logical procedures is employed to find the initial proportion of investment in portfolio of assets and also rebalance them after certain period. Experimental studies of WEN are undertaken on Bombay Stock Exchange, India (BSE200 index, period: July 2001-July 2006) and Tokyo Stock Exchange, Japan (Nikkei225 index, period: March 2002-March 2007) data sets. The result obtained using WEN is compared with the only existing counterpart named Hopfield evolutionary network (HEN) strategy and also verifies that WEN performs better than HEN. In addition, different performance metrics and data envelopment analysis are carried out to prove the robustness and efficiency of WEN over HEN strategy.
Implementation of Portfolio Assessment in a Competency-based Dental Hygiene Program.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gadbury-Amyot, Cynthia C.; Holt, Lorie P.; Overman, Pamela R.; Schmidt, Colleen R.
Describes the implementation of a portfolio assessment program in the dental hygiene program at the University of Missouri School of Dentistry. Tables provide examples of program competencies and related portfolio entries, the complete scoring rubric for portfolios, and the student portfolio evaluation survey. Concludes that although portfolio…
I'm Ready for My Close-up Now: Electronic Portfolios and How We Read Identity
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Williams, Bronwyn T.
Electronic portfolios allow students to include video, images, hyperlinks, and audio, along with written texts, to create varied and comprehensive representations of what they have accomplished. Such collections of information also change the ways that teachers and students choose to present themselves and the ways that we read these presentations…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sandler, Martin E.
This study explores the deployment of electronic portfolios to a university-wide cohort of freshman undergraduates that included a subgroup of at-risk and lower academically prepared learners. Five evaluative dimensions based on persistence and engagement theory were included in the development of four assessment rubrics exploring goal clarity,…
Asset Attribution Stability and Portfolio Construction: An Educational Example
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chong, James T.; Jennings, William P.; Phillips, G. Michael
This paper illustrates how a third statistic from asset pricing models, the R-squared statistic, may have information that can help in portfolio construction. Using a traditional CAPM model in comparison to an 18-factor Arbitrage Pricing Style Model, a portfolio separation test is conducted. Portfolio returns and risk metrics are compared using…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Whitworth, Brooke A.; Bell, Randy L.
Traditionally, teachers assess students' physics understanding through lab activities, responses to open-ended word problems, and tests. But there is another way to measure student understanding, one in which students apply their learning to the world around them. This article shows how to implement student portfolios, which allow students to…
AVC/H.264 patent portfolio license
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Skandalis, Dean A.
MPEG LA, LLC offers a joint patent license for the AVC (a/k/a H.264) Standard (ISO/IEC IS 14496-10:2004). Like MPEG LA's other licenses, the AVC Patent Portfolio License is offered for the convenience of the marketplace as an alternative enabling users to access essential intellectual property owned by many patent holders under a single license rather than negotiating licenses with each of them individually. The AVC Patent Portfolio License includes essential patents owned by DAEWOO Electronics Corporation; Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI); France Telecom, societe anonyme; Fujitsu Limited; Hitachi, Ltd.; Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.; LG Electronics Inc.; Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.; Microsoft Corporation; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Robert Bosch GmbH; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Sedna Patent Services, LLC; Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha; Siemens AG; Sony Corporation; The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York; Toshiba Corporation; UB Video Inc.; and Victor Company of Japan, Limited. Another is expected also to join as of August 1, 2006. MPEG LA's objective is to provide worldwide access to as much AVC essential intellectual property as possible for the benefit of AVC users. Therefore, any party that believes it has essential patents is welcome to submit them for evaluation of their essentiality and inclusion in the License if found essential.
Contract portfolio optimization for a gasoline supply chain
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Shanshan
Major oil companies sell gasoline through three channels of trade: branded (associated with long-term contracts), unbranded (associated with short-term contracts), and spot market. The branded channel provides them with a long-term secured and sustainable demand source, but requires an inflexible long-term commitment with demand and price risks. The unbranded channel provides a medium level of allocation flexibility. The spot market provides them with the greatest allocation flexibility to the changing market conditions, but the spot market's illiquidity mitigates this benefit. In order to sell the product in a profitable and sustainable way, they need an optimal contract portfolio. This dissertation addresses the contract portfolio optimization problem from different perspectives (retrospective view and forward-looking view) at different levels (strategic level, tactical level and operational level). The objective of the retrospective operational model is to develop a financial case to estimate the business value of having a dynamic optimization model and quantify the opportunity values missed in the past. This model proves the financial significance of the problem and provides top management valuable insights into the business. BP has applied the insights and principles gained from this work and implemented the model to the entire Midwest gasoline supply chain to retrospectively review optimization opportunities. The strategic model is the most parsimonious model that captures the essential economic tradeoffs among different contract types, to demonstrate the need for a contract portfolio and what drives the portfolio. We examine the properties of the optimal contract portfolio and provide a comparative statics analysis by changing the model parameters. As the strategic model encapsulates the business problem at the macroscopic level, the tactical model resolves lower level issues. It considers the time dynamics, the information flow and contracting flow. Using
The Impact of E-Portfolio Development on the Employability of Adults Aged 45 and over
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Stevens, Hilary
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of an evaluative case study that used an electronic portfolio to enhance the employability of older adults. The evaluation sought to identify programme effects and highlight the factors that were instrumental in generating them. Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative inquiry methods…
Close Reading: Engaging and Empowering History Students through Document Analysis on ePortfolio
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Getman-Eraso, Jordi; Culkin, Kate
This article examines the intersection of the scholarship on ePortfolio and history pedagogy through an analysis of the success of the integration of Digication's Conversations feature into history courses at Bronx Community College (BCC). History professors at BCC have used the feature, which allows people to highlight and comment on text and…
Qualitative Analysis of Student Perceptions of E-Portfolios in a Teacher Education Program
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Parker, Michele; Ndoye, Abdou; Ritzhaupt, Albert D.
In the last decade, e-portfolios have moved to the forefront of teacher preparation programs across the United States. With its widespread use, faculty and administrators need to understand teacher candidates' perspectives to meet their needs. In the present study, the researchers gathered in-depth information from 244 students who were required…
Evaluating Practice-Based Learning and Improvement: Efforts to Improve Acceptance of Portfolios
Fragneto, Regina Y.; DiLorenzo, Amy Noel; Schell, Randall M.; Bowe, Edwin A.
Introduction The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) recommends resident portfolios as 1 method for assessing competence in practice-based learning and improvement. In July 2005, when anesthesiology residents in our department were required to start a portfolio, the residents and their faculty advisors did not readily accept this new requirement. Intensive education efforts addressing the goals and importance of portfolios were undertaken. We hypothesized that these educational efforts improved acceptance of the portfolio and retrospectively audited the portfolio evaluation forms completed by faculty advisors. Methods Intensive education about the goals and importance of portfolios began in January 2006, including presentations at departmental conferences and one-on-one education sessions. Faculty advisors were instructed to evaluate each resident's portfolio and complete a review form. We retrospectively collected data to determine the percentage of review forms completed by faculty. The portfolio reviews also assessed the percentage of 10 required portfolio components residents had completed. Results Portfolio review forms were completed by faculty advisors for 13% (5/38) of residents during the first advisor-advisee meeting in December 2005. Initiation of intensive education efforts significantly improved compliance, with review forms completed for 68% (26/38) of residents in May 2006 (P < .0001) and 95% (36/38) in December 2006 (P < .0001). Residents also significantly improved the completeness of portfolios between May and December of 2006. Discussion Portfolios are considered a best methods technique by the ACGME for evaluation of practice-based learning and improvment. We have found that intensive education about the goals and importance of portfolios can enhance acceptance of this evaluation tool, resulting in improved compliance in completion and evaluation of portfolios. PMID:22132291
Evaluating practice-based learning and improvement: efforts to improve acceptance of portfolios.
Fragneto, Regina Y; Dilorenzo, Amy Noel; Schell, Randall M; Bowe, Edwin A
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) recommends resident portfolios as 1 method for assessing competence in practice-based learning and improvement. In July 2005, when anesthesiology residents in our department were required to start a portfolio, the residents and their faculty advisors did not readily accept this new requirement. Intensive education efforts addressing the goals and importance of portfolios were undertaken. We hypothesized that these educational efforts improved acceptance of the portfolio and retrospectively audited the portfolio evaluation forms completed by faculty advisors. Intensive education about the goals and importance of portfolios began in January 2006, including presentations at departmental conferences and one-on-one education sessions. Faculty advisors were instructed to evaluate each resident's portfolio and complete a review form. We retrospectively collected data to determine the percentage of review forms completed by faculty. The portfolio reviews also assessed the percentage of 10 required portfolio components residents had completed. Portfolio review forms were completed by faculty advisors for 13% (5/38) of residents during the first advisor-advisee meeting in December 2005. Initiation of intensive education efforts significantly improved compliance, with review forms completed for 68% (26/38) of residents in May 2006 (P < .0001) and 95% (36/38) in December 2006 (P < .0001). Residents also significantly improved the completeness of portfolios between May and December of 2006. Portfolios are considered a best methods technique by the ACGME for evaluation of practice-based learning and improvment. We have found that intensive education about the goals and importance of portfolios can enhance acceptance of this evaluation tool, resulting in improved compliance in completion and evaluation of portfolios.
The teaching portfolio as a professional development tool for anaesthetists.
Sidhu, N S
A teaching portfolio (TP) is a document containing a factual description of a teacher's teaching strengths and accomplishments, allowing clinicians to display them for examination by others. The primary aim of a TP is to improve quality of teaching by providing a structure for self-reflection, which in turn aids professional development in medical education. Contents typically include a personal statement on teaching, an overview of teaching accomplishments and activities, feedback from colleagues and learners, a reflective component and some examples of teaching material. Electronic portfolios are more portable and flexible compared to paper portfolios. Clinicians gain the most benefit from a TP when it is used as a tool for self-reflection of their teaching practice and not merely as a list of activities and achievements. This article explains why and how anaesthetists might use a TP as a tool for professional development in medical education.
Development of a web-based, specialty specific portfolio.
Clay, A S; Petrusa, E; Harker, M; Andolsek, K
This article illustrates the creation of a specialty specific portfolio that can be used by several different residency programs to document resident competence during a given rotation. Three different disciplines (anesthesiology, surgery and medicine) worked together to create a critical care medicine portfolio. We began by reviewing the curriculum requirements for critical care medicine and organized these requirements into the six ACGME core competencies. We then developed learner led exercises in each core competency that were specific to critical care. Each exercise includes assessment of resident knowledge and application, an evaluation of the exercise, a learner self-assessment of skill, and a review of performance by a faculty member. Portfolio entries are highlighted in a multi-disciplinary weekly conference and posted on a critical care web site at our University. Creation of specialty specific portfolio reduces redundancy between disciplines, allows for increased time to be spent on the development of exercises specific to rotation objectives, and aids program directors in the collection of portfolio entries for each resident over the course of a residency.
A Mentor-Based Portfolio Program to Evaluate Pharmacy Students’ Self-Assessment Skills
Kalata, Lindsay R.
Objective. To evaluate pharmacy students' self-assessment skills with an electronic portfolio program using mentor evaluators. Design. First-year (P1) and second-year (P2) pharmacy students used online portfolios that required self-assessments of specific graded class assignments. Using a rubric, faculty and alumni mentors evaluated students' self-assessments and provided feedback. Assessment. Eighty-four P1 students, 74 P2 students, and 59 mentors participated in the portfolio program during 2010-2011. Both student groups performed well overall, with only a small number of resubmissions required. P1 students showed significant improvements across semesters for 2 of the self-assessment questions; P2 students' scores did not differ significantly. The P1 scores were significantly higher than P2 scores for 3 questions during spring 2011. Mentors and students had similar levels of agreement with the extent to which students put forth their best effort on the self-assessments. Conclusion. An electronic portfolio using mentors based inside and outside the school provided students with many opportunities to practice their self-assessment skills. This system represents a useful method of incorporating self-assessments into the curriculum that allows for feedback to be provided to the students. PMID:23716749
Multi-objective possibilistic model for portfolio selection with transaction cost
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jana, P.; Roy, T. K.; Mazumder, S. K.
In this paper, we introduce the possibilistic mean value and variance of continuous distribution, rather than probability distributions. We propose a multi-objective Portfolio based model and added another entropy objective function to generate a well diversified asset portfolio within optimal asset allocation. For quantifying any potential return and risk, portfolio liquidity is taken into account and a multi-objective non-linear programming model for portfolio rebalancing with transaction cost is proposed. The models are illustrated with numerical examples.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yanchun, Wan; Qiucen, Chen
Purchasing is an important part of export e-commerce of B2C, which plays an important role on risk and cost control in supply management. From the perspective of risk control, the paper construct a CVaR model for portfolio purchase. We select a heavy sales mobile power equipment from a typical B2C e-commerce export retailer as study sample. This study optimizes the purchasing strategy of this type of mobile power equipment. The research has some reference for similar enterprises in purchasing portfolio decision.
Using ePortfolios to Measure Student Learning in a Graduate Preparation Program in Higher Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Janosik, Steven M.; Frank, Tara E.
Ten second-year master's students in a higher education program participated in this study, which was designed to assess their experience with an electronic portfolio that had been introduced recently as a primary component of their comprehensive exam. This qualitative study used a focus group and long-interview methods for data collection.…
Portfolios as a Tool for Attitude Change.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Winzer, Margret; Altieri, Elizabeth; Larsson, Victoria
A course at the University of Lethbridge (Alberta) uses student portfolios of social and cultural perspectives on disabilities to challenge rural preservice teachers' attitudes toward disabilities and the philosophy of inclusion. Elements of the portfolio are described. The particular value of this method for rural preservice teachers and the…
A Professional Practice Portfolio for Quality Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jones, Elizabeth
This article focuses on the extent to which a portfolio may address the challenges of assessment for quality learning in professional education programmes. A four-year action research study investigated the development and implementation of a portfolio for the assessment of practice in a professional development programme preparing special…
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Thompson, Peter; Borgeson, Merrian; Kramer, Chris
Under the Clean Energy Works (CEW) program, Craft3 developed a loan product that widened access to financing for homeowners, offered long term funding, and collected repayments through the customer?s utility bill. The program?s success led Craft3 to pursue the sale of the loan portfolio to both mitigate its own risks and replenish funds for lending. This sale breaks new ground for energy efficiency finance and is notable as it was completed even with many novel program design elements. It replenished Craft3?s program capital and uncovered some valuable lessons that may facilitate future transactions. However, the lack of data history andmore » the unproven nature of the loan portfolio meant that Craft3 had to limit the risk of losses to Self-Help, the purchaser of the portfolio. It remains to be seen whether this experience will pave the way for more sales of on-bill energy efficiency loan portfolios. This case study illustrates how certain program design decisions can sometimes both facilitate programmatic objectives and possibly present challenges for the sale of a portfolio of energy efficiency loans.« less
Developing a framework for energy technology portfolio selection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Davoudpour, Hamid; Ashrafi, Maryam
Today, the increased consumption of energy in world, in addition to the risk of quick exhaustion of fossil resources, has forced industrial firms and organizations to utilize energy technology portfolio management tools viewed both as a process of diversification of energy sources and optimal use of available energy sources. Furthermore, the rapid development of technologies, their increasing complexity and variety, and market dynamics have made the task of technology portfolio selection difficult. Considering high level of competitiveness, organizations need to strategically allocate their limited resources to the best subset of possible candidates. This paper presents the results of developing a mathematical model for energy technology portfolio selection at a R&D center maximizing support of the organization's strategy and values. The model balances the cost and benefit of the entire portfolio.
On long-only information-based portfolio diversification framework
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Santos, Raphael A.; Takada, Hellinton H.
Using the concepts from information theory, it is possible to improve the traditional frameworks for long-only asset allocation. In modern portfolio theory, the investor has two basic procedures: the choice of a portfolio that maximizes its risk-adjusted excess return or the mixed allocation between the maximum Sharpe portfolio and the risk-free asset. In the literature, the first procedure was already addressed using information theory. One contribution of this paper is the consideration of the second procedure in the information theory context. The performance of these approaches was compared with three traditional asset allocation methodologies: the Markowitz's mean-variance, the resampled mean-variance and the equally weighted portfolio. Using simulated and real data, the information theory-based methodologies were verified to be more robust when dealing with the estimation errors.
Career Portfolios. Practice Application Brief No. 13.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wonacott, Michael E.
Career portfolios contain evidence of individuals' knowledge and skills and are useful tools in job search and career change, especially now that employers want generalizable workplace skills not well portrayed by traditional means and students are often inept at communicating their skills and knowledge to employers. Career portfolios contain and…
The Use of Portfolios in Leadership Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Olsen, Paul E.
This paper discusses the benefits of using student portfolios in undergraduate leadership education at Saint Michael's College. There appears to be a natural link between the use of portfolios as a tool to facilitate and document leadership growth and development. The Business Administration and Accounting Department at Saint Michael's College…
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... money market mutual fund whose portfolio consists wholly of United States Treasury and Federal agency... § 204.124 Repurchase agreement involving shares of a money market mutual fund whose portfolio consists... (i.e., money market mutual funds) provided the portfolios of such companies consist solely of...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... money market mutual fund whose portfolio consists wholly of United States Treasury and Federal agency... § 204.124 Repurchase agreement involving shares of a money market mutual fund whose portfolio consists... (i.e., money market mutual funds) provided the portfolios of such companies consist solely of...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Slamet, Isnandar; Mardiana Putri Carissa, Siska; Pratiwi, Hasih
Investors always seek an efficient portfolio which is a portfolio that has a maximum return on specific risk or minimal risk on specific return. Almost marginal conditional stochastic dominance (AMCSD) criteria can be used to form the efficient portfolio. The aim of this research is to apply the AMCSD criteria to form an efficient portfolio of bank shares listed in the LQ-45. This criteria is used when there are areas that do not meet the criteria of marginal conditional stochastic dominance (MCSD). On the other words, this criteria can be derived from quotient of areas that violate the MCSD criteria with the area that violate and not violate the MCSD criteria. Based on the data bank stocks listed on LQ-45, it can be stated that there are 38 efficient portfolios of 420 portfolios where each portfolio comprises of 4 stocks and 315 efficient portfolios of 1710 portfolios with each of portfolio has 3 stocks.
Myopia management: multihospital portfolio planning.
Irish, G G
The acquisition and divestiture of organizational business units demonstrate management's strategy in response to an evolving marketplace. From a strategic perspective, the most significant danger to a corporation is not having the "right" portfolio of businesses or products to respond to the marketplace. This article describes a conceptual model that a multihospital system executive might use to determine the growth and diversification of the organization's portfolio of businesses. The model involves the application of market, financial, and microeconomic theories in a logical sequence to assist management in making business acquisition and divestiture decisions.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Meyer, E. J.; Abrami, P. C.; Wade, A.; Scherzer, R.
This article presents the findings of a study on the use of an electronic portfolio (EP) in 16 elementary classrooms across Canada. Using a mixed-methods approach, data were collected to understand how teachers used EPs in their classrooms, to what extent they integrated the EP into their practice, and the factors influencing their use. Using…
Career Portfolios: Helping Beginning Teachers Help Themselves.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Follo, Eric
Career portfolios can help beginning teachers land their first job and facilitate a teacher's professional growth as they develop in their career. A portfolio in this context is a collection of print, pictorial, and audio and video data that documents the candidate's experiences and training. Early in training, prospective teachers should decide…
Capstone Portfolios and Geography Student Learning Outcomes
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mossa, Joann
Due to increasing demands regarding student learning outcomes and accreditation, a capstone portfolio was added to assess critical thinking and communication skills of geography majors at a large public university in the USA. The portfolio guidelines were designed to be adaptable to a flexible curriculum where about half of the requirements within…
2010-11 Research Portfolio: Research & Development Division
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Educational Testing Service, 2010
This document describes the breadth of the research that the ETS (Educational Testing Service) Research & Development division is conducting in 2010. This portfolio will be updated in early 2011 to reflect changes to existing projects and new projects that were added after this document was completed. The research described in this portfolio falls…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Karlin, Michael; Ozogul, Gamze; Miles, Stacy; Heide, Saul
Portfolios used in K-12 classrooms give students the opportunity to collect, showcase, and reflect upon the work they have completed throughout a class or program. With the advent of the digital age, e-portfolios have allowed for this process to be conducted online through the use of Web 2.0 tools, offering a number of advantages and features that…
2018 DOE Solid-State Lighting Project Portfolio
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
The 2018 Solid-State Lighting Project Portfolio provides an overview of all SSL projects that have been funded by DOE since 2000. Projects that were active during 2017 are found in the main body of this report, and all historic projects can be found in the appendix. Within these sections, project profiles are sorted by technology type (i.e., LED or OLED) and then by performer name. A profile is provided on each project. Each profile includes a brief technical description, as well as information about project partners, funding, and the research period. This report is updated annually, although the research describedmore » in the Portfolio changes periodically as new projects are initiated and existing ones are concluded.« less
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chang, Yu-Ju; Wu, Chun-Te; Ku, Heng-Yu
The authors examine the results of introducing electronic portfolios in teaching and assessing English as a Foreign Language in Taiwan. The research participants were 37 eighth-grade Taiwanese students from one class at a public junior high school in a middle-range socioeconomic community of Taichung, Taiwan. Results show an overwhelmingly…
[Portfolio in nursing school: myth or reality].
Garnier, Chantal; Marchand, Claire
The portfolio is a new tool that has been introduced for the setting up of a new program concerning the nurse training. It aims at the would-be nurse to improve their self-reliance and make them assess themselves through a critical and reflexive approach. Indeed, the portfolio is mostly made up of sheets that the student has to fill in when describing and analysing several professional conditions. This study is about the assessment of the relevance in the portfolio that each nurse student owns in order to make them improve their reflexive practical. The work will, thus, suggest different ways of thinking and improving the use of the tool. 30 portfolios were chosen randomly among the 2nd year students, because 180 analysis were assessed thanks to a grid. 10 viewpoints from volunteer students were gathered after several semi directive interviews. The qualitative and evaluative analysis shows that the students develop the reflexive practical throughout their trainings. It seems, indeed, relevant to choose the portfolio in order to help the students to develop this way of working. According to them, there are several positive points such as the distance towards an event, an awareness-raising of the acquisition, feedbacks about the quality of the text by the trainer and an ability to assess oneself. Yet, even though it was created 18 months ago, there are some limits such as the too short period of mentoring and feedback, the lack of time for the students to write their analysis, the fact that it is not a practical tool, and the unclear description of assessment criteria. In order to fulfil the needs, some solutions are to be found. The portfolio is clearly helpful for the students who wish to increase/improve gradually their reflexive practice. Thus, the trainer's role is crucial, when he is a supervisor.
A portfolio evaluation framework for air transportation improvement projects
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Baik, Hyeoncheol
This thesis explores the application of portfolio theory to the Air Transportation System (ATS) improvement. The ATS relies on complexly related resources and different stakeholder groups. Moreover, demand for air travel is significantly increasing relative to capacity of air transportation. In this environment, improving the ATS is challenging. Many projects, which are defined as technologies or initiatives, for improvement have been proposed and some have been demonstrated in practice. However, there is no clear understanding of how well these projects work in different conditions nor of how they interact with each other or with existing systems. These limitations make it difficult to develop good project combinations, or portfolios that maximize improvement. To help address this gap, a framework for identifying good portfolios is proposed. The framework can be applied to individual projects or portfolios of projects. Projects or portfolios are evaluated using four different groups of factors (effectiveness, time-to-implement, scope of applicability, and stakeholder impacts). Portfolios are also evaluated in terms of interaction-determining factors (prerequisites, co-requisites, limiting factors, and amplifying factors) because, while a given project might work well in isolation, interdependencies between projects or with existing systems could result in lower overall performance in combination. Ways to communicate a portfolio to decision makers are also introduced. The framework is unique because (1) it allows using a variety of available data, and (2) it covers diverse benefit metrics. For demonstrating the framework, an application to ground delay management projects serves as a case study. The portfolio evaluation approach introduced in this thesis can aid decision makers and researchers at universities and aviation agencies such as Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and Department of Defense (DoD), in
17 CFR 270.17a-6 - Exemption for transactions with portfolio affiliates.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... with portfolio affiliates. 270.17a-6 Section 270.17a-6 Commodity and Securities Exchanges SECURITIES... Exemption for transactions with portfolio affiliates. (a) Exemption for transactions with portfolio affiliates. A transaction to which a fund, or a company controlled by a fund, and a portfolio affiliate of...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chang, Chi-Cheng; Liang, Chaoyun; Shu, Kuen-Ming; Tseng, Kuo-Hung; Lin, Chun-Yu
The study aims to examine whether reflective writing using e-portfolios enhances high school students' self-regulated learning. Participants included two classes of eighth-graders majoring in Information Processing and taking a course called "Website Design" at a vocational high school in Taiwan. There were 41 students, with 18 males and…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Macias, J. A.
Project-based learning is one of the main successful student-centered pedagogies broadly used in computing science courses. However, this approach can be insufficient when dealing with practical subjects that implicitly require many deliverables and a great deal of feedback and organizational resources. In this paper, a worked e-portfolio is…
High School Teachers' Perceptions of ePortfolios and Classroom Practice: A Single-Case Study
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pimentel, Jerelyn M.
Rhode Island's proficiency-based high school diploma system requires high school graduates to demonstrate proficiency in standard-based content and applied learning skills through at least two performance assessment measures (RIDE, 2003). To meet these requirements, 12 of Rhode Island's 39 school districts are using ePortfolios as one of their…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chang, Chi-Cheng; Chou, Pao-Nan; Liang, Chaoyan
The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of the ePortfolio-based learning approach (ePBLA) on knowledge sharing and creation with 92 college students majoring in electrical engineering as the participants. Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) with a covariance of pretest on knowledge sharing and creation was conducted…
Cevik, Arif Alper; Shaban, Sami; El Zubeir, Margret; Abu-Zidan, Fikri M
Although emergency departments provide acute care learning opportunities for medical students, student exposure to recommended curriculum presentations and procedures are limited. In this perspective, clinical environments providing learning opportunities for students should be monitored as part of an ongoing quality improvement process. This study aims to analyze student exposures and their involvement levels in two different hospitals (Tawam and Al Ain) so as to improve the teaching and learning activities. This is a prospective study on all 76 final year medical students' electronic logbooks (e-Portfolio) of the academic year 2016/2017. Students recorded 5087 chief complaints and 3721 procedures. The average patient and procedure exposure in a shift per student in Al Ain Hospital compared with Tawam Hospital were 7.2 vs 6.4 and 5.8 vs 4.3, respectively. The highest full involvement with presentations was seen in the pediatric unit (67.1%, P < 0.0001). Urgent care shifts demonstrated the highest area of "full involvement" with procedures for our students (73.2%, P < 0.0001). Students' highest involvement with presentations and procedures were found during the night shifts (P < 0.0001, 66.5 and 75.1%, respectively). The electronic portfolio has proven to be a very useful tool in defining the learning activities of final year medical students during their emergency medicine clerkship and in comparing activities in two different clinical settings. Data collected and analyzed using this e-Portfolio has the potential to help medical educators and curriculum designers improve emergency medicine teaching and learning activities.
Will We All Be Portfolio Workers? Trends and Issues Alerts.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kerka, Sandra
The world of stable, long-term employment is coming to an end. Part-time, contingent, and contract workers now account for more than 35% of the U.S. work force. It has been suggested that individuals will become "portfolio workers" with "portfolio careers." Individuals will maintain portfolios of their skills, abilities, and achievements and will…
[Development of a portfolio for competency-based assessment in a clinical clerkship curriculum].
Roh, HyeRin; Lee, Jong-Tae; Yoon, Yoo Sang; Rhee, Byoung Doo
The purpose of this report was to describe our experience in planning and developing a portfolio for a clinical clerkship curriculum. We have developed a portfolio for assessing student competency since 2007. During an annual workshop on clinical clerkship curricula, clerkship directors from five Paik hospitals of Inje University met to improve the assessment of the portfolio. We generated templates for students to record their activities and reflection and receive feedback. We uploaded these templates to our school's website for students to download freely. Annually, we have held a faculty development seminar and a workshop for portfolio assessment and feedback. Also, we established an orientation program on how to construct a learning portfolio for students. Future actions include creating a ubiquitous portfolio system, extending the portfolio to the entire curriculum, setting up an advisor system, and managing the quality of the portfolio. This study could be helpful for medical schools that plan to improve their portfolio assessment with an outcome-based approach.
Use of the ePortfolio by Adults in the Tunisian Continuous Education Context
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mhiri Sellami, Hedia
This is a case study of using the ePortfolio in a module taught in a Master degree at the High Institute of Continuous Education of a Tunisian university. The first purpose of our initiative is to raise awareness of the concept among the Tunisian teachers because most of our students are teachers. Our second purpose is to support these students…
AVC/H.264 patent portfolio license
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Horn, Lawrence A.
MPEG LA, LLC recently announced terms of a joint patent license for the AVC (a/k/a H.264) Standard (ISO/IEC IS 14496-10: Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 10: Advanced Video Coding | ITU-T Rec. H.264: Series H: Audiovisual and Multimedia Systems: Infrastructure of audiovisual services -- Coding of moving video: Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services). Like MPEG LA"s other licenses, the AVC Patent Portfolio License is offered for the convenience of the marketplace as an alternative enabling users to access essential intellectual property owned by many patent holders under a single license rather than negotiating licenses with each of them individually. The AVC Patent Portfolio License includes essential patents owned by Columbia Innovation Enterprises; Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI); France Télécom, société anonyme; Fujitsu Limited; Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.; Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.; Microsoft Corporation; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Robert Bosch GmbH; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha; Sony Corporation; Toshiba Corporation; and Victor Company of Japan, Limited. MPEG LA"s objective is to provide worldwide access to as much AVC essential intellectual property as possible for the benefit of AVC users. Therefore, any party that believes it has essential patents is welcome to submit them for evaluation of their essentiality and inclusion in the License if found essential.
Portfolios and the market geometry
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Eleutério, Samuel; Araújo, Tanya; Vilela Mendes, R.
A geometric analysis of return time series, performed in the past, implied that most of the systematic information in the market is contained in a space of small dimension. Here we have explored subspaces of this space to find out the relative performance of portfolios formed from companies that have the largest projections in each one of the subspaces. As expected, it was found that the best performance portfolios are associated with some of the small eigenvalue subspaces and not to the dominant dimensions. This is found to occur in a systematic fashion over an extended period (1990-2008).
O'Brien, Celia Laird; Sanguino, Sandra M; Thomas, John X; Green, Marianne M
Portfolios are a powerful tool to collect and evaluate evidence of medical students' competence across time. However, comprehensive portfolio assessment systems that are implemented alongside traditional graded curricula at medical schools in the United States have not been described in the literature. This study describes the development and implementation of a longitudinal competency-based electronic portfolio system alongside a graded curriculum at a relatively large U.S. medical school. In 2009, the authors developed a portfolio system that served as a repository for all student assessments organized by competency domain. Five competencies were selected for a preclerkship summative portfolio review. Students submitted reflections on their performance. In 2014, four clinical faculty members participated in standard-setting activities and used expert judgment and holistic review to rate students' competency achievement as "progressing toward competence," "progressing toward competence with some concern," or "progressing toward competence pending remediation." Follow-up surveys measured students' and faculty members' perceptions of the process. Faculty evaluated 156 portfolios and showed high levels of agreement in their ratings. The majority of students achieved the "progressing toward competence" benchmark in all competency areas. However, 31 students received at least one concerning rating, which was not reflected in their course grades. Students' perceptions of the system's ability to foster self-assessment were mixed. The portfolio review process allowed faculty to identify students with a concerning rating in a behavioral competency who would not have been identified in a traditional grading system. Identification of these students allows for intervention and early remediation.
Optimizing Eco-Efficiency Across the Procurement Portfolio.
Pelton, Rylie E O; Li, Mo; Smith, Timothy M; Lyon, Thomas P
Manufacturing organizations' environmental impacts are often attributable to processes in the firm's upstream supply chain. Environmentally preferable procurement (EPP) and the establishment of environmental purchasing criteria can potentially reduce these indirect impacts. Life-cycle assessment (LCA) can help identify the purchasing criteria that are most effective in reducing environmental impacts. However, the high costs of LCA and the problems associated with the comparability of results have limited efforts to integrate procurement performance with quantitative organizational environmental performance targets. Moreover, environmental purchasing criteria, when implemented, are often established on a product-by-product basis without consideration of other products in the procurement portfolio. We develop an approach that utilizes streamlined LCA methods, together with linear programming, to determine optimal portfolios of product impact-reduction opportunities under budget constraints. The approach is illustrated through a simulated breakfast cereal manufacturing firm procuring grain, containerboard boxes, plastic packaging, electricity, and industrial cleaning solutions. Results suggest that extending EPP decisions and resources to the portfolio level, recently made feasible through the methods illustrated herein, can provide substantially greater CO2e and water-depletion reductions per dollar spend than a product-by-product approach, creating opportunities for procurement organizations to participate in firm-wide environmental impact reduction targets.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Collins, Emma; O'Brien, Ray
In 2015, the School of Nursing at Otago Polytechnic, a tertiary institution in Dunedin, New Zealand commenced using an ePortfolio platform with students in the Bachelor of Nursing program. A project was undertaken to evaluate the implementation of this technology and determine its ongoing use. This sequential, exploratory, mixed-methods research…
13 CFR 307.19 - RLF loan portfolio Sales and Securitizations.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false RLF loan portfolio Sales and... Funds and Use of Grant Funds § 307.19 RLF loan portfolio Sales and Securitizations. EDA may take such... may enter into a Sale or a Securitization of all or a portion of its RLF loan portfolio, provided: (a...
Fifteen years of portfolio assessment of dental hygiene student competency: lessons learned.
Gadbury-Amyot, Cynthia C; Bray, Kimberly Krust; Austin, Kylie J
Adoption of portfolio assessment in the educational environment is gaining attention as a means to incorporate self-assessment into the curriculum and to use evidence to support learning outcomes and to demonstrate competency. Portfolios provide a medium for students to demonstrate and document their personal and professional growth across the curriculum. The purpose of this literature review is to discuss the drivers for portfolio education, the benefits to both students and program faculty/administrators, the barriers associated with portfolio use, and suggested solutions that have been determined through several years of "lessons learned." The University of Missouri Kansas City School of Dentistry, Division of Dental Hygiene department has been utilizing portfolio assessment for over 15 years and has collected data related to portfolio performance since 2001. Results from correlational statistics calculated on the 312 dental hygiene students that graduated from 2001 to 2013 demonstrate a positive and significant relationship between portfolio performance and overall GPA as well as portfolio performance and NBDHE scores. Copyright © 2014 The American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
Portfolio Peer Review: A Tool for Program Change.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fleak, Sandra K.; Romine, Jeff; Gilchrist, Neil
To achieve cultural change in a business management/accounting department, annual peer review of faculty portfolios documenting teaching, advising, service, and scholarship was instituted. The process improved the department's alignment with the university's mission. Scholarly productivity quadrupled from 1998-2001. Portfolio assessment had little…
Twelve tips for creating an academic teaching portfolio.
Little-Wienert, Kim; Mazziotti, Mark
An academic teaching portfolio is not only a requirement at many academic teaching institutions, but it is also important in a medical educator's growth and development through documentation, reflection, evaluation, and change. Creating an academic portfolio may appear daunting at first but with careful advanced preparation, organized evidence collection of your educational work, proof of scholarship, and thorough documentation of self-reflection and change, you can produce a successful product that accurately represents your educational beliefs, accomplishments, and growth throughout your career. This article provides medical educators with twelve steps for creating a successful academic teaching portfolio.
Staccini, Pascal; Rouger, Philippe
In order to manage a nationwide assessment program leading to certification of professional competence in blood transfusion throughout France, the National Institute of Blood Transfusion (INTS) and the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis designed and developed a structured and tutored web-based portfolio. The entire process of certification has been approved by the national healthcare agency (HAS). Eleven assessment programs have been written. The structure of this e-portfolio is based on a matrix of actions defined according to standards of practice. For each action, elements of proof are uploaded by the physician and peer-reviewed by an expert (a tutor) before validation. The electronic portfolio stores all the history of the actions performed by users. This tracking feature generates alerts which are e-mailed to users (physicians and tutors) according to a list of monitored events. After one year of design and development, the application is now being used routinely. PMID:18999167
Impacts of a 10% Renewable Portfolio Standard
This service report addresses the renewable portfolio standard provision of S. 1766. At Senator Murkowski's request it also includes an analysis of the impacts of a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) patterned after the one called for in S. 1766, but where the required share is based on a 20% RPS by 2020 rather than the 10% RPS called for in S. 1766.
Eyre, Harris A; Mitchell, Rob D; Milford, Will; Vaswani, Nitin; Moylan, Steven
Portfolio careers in medicine can be defined as significant involvement in one or more portfolios of activity beyond a practitioner's primary clinical role, either concurrently or in sequence. Portfolio occupations may include medical education, research, administration, legal medicine, the arts, engineering, business and consulting, leadership, politics and entrepreneurship. Despite significant interest among junior doctors, portfolios are poorly integrated with prevocational and speciality training programs in Australia. The present paper seeks to explore this issue. More formal systems for portfolio careers in Australia have the potential to increase job satisfaction, flexibility and retention, as well as diversify trainee skill sets. Although there are numerous benefits from involvement in portfolio careers, there are also risks to the trainee, employing health service and workforce modelling. Formalising pathways to portfolio careers relies on assessing stakeholder interest, enhancing flexibility in training programs, developing support programs, mentorship and coaching schemes and improving support structures in health services.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Orito, Yukiko; Yamamoto, Hisashi; Tsujimura, Yasuhiro; Kambayashi, Yasushi
The portfolio optimizations are to determine the proportion-weighted combination in the portfolio in order to achieve investment targets. This optimization is one of the multi-dimensional combinatorial optimizations and it is difficult for the portfolio constructed in the past period to keep its performance in the future period. In order to keep the good performances of portfolios, we propose the extended information ratio as an objective function, using the information ratio, beta, prime beta, or correlation coefficient in this paper. We apply the simulated annealing (SA) to optimize the portfolio employing the proposed ratio. For the SA, we make the neighbor by the operation that changes the structure of the weights in the portfolio. In the numerical experiments, we show that our portfolios keep the good performances when the market trend of the future period becomes different from that of the past period.
Markowitz portfolio optimization model employing fuzzy measure
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ramli, Suhailywati; Jaaman, Saiful Hafizah
Markowitz in 1952 introduced the mean-variance methodology for the portfolio selection problems. His pioneering research has shaped the portfolio risk-return model and become one of the most important research fields in modern finance. This paper extends the classical Markowitz's mean-variance portfolio selection model applying the fuzzy measure to determine the risk and return. In this paper, we apply the original mean-variance model as a benchmark, fuzzy mean-variance model with fuzzy return and the model with return are modeled by specific types of fuzzy number for comparison. The model with fuzzy approach gives better performance as compared to the mean-variance approach. The numerical examples are included to illustrate these models by employing Malaysian share market data.
Linear versus quadratic portfolio optimization model with transaction cost
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Razak, Norhidayah Bt Ab; Kamil, Karmila Hanim; Elias, Siti Masitah
Optimization model is introduced to become one of the decision making tools in investment. Hence, it is always a big challenge for investors to select the best model that could fulfill their goal in investment with respect to risk and return. In this paper we aims to discuss and compare the portfolio allocation and performance generated by quadratic and linear portfolio optimization models namely of Markowitz and Maximin model respectively. The application of these models has been proven to be significant and popular among others. However transaction cost has been debated as one of the important aspects that should be considered for portfolio reallocation as portfolio return could be significantly reduced when transaction cost is taken into consideration. Therefore, recognizing the importance to consider transaction cost value when calculating portfolio' return, we formulate this paper by using data from Shariah compliant securities listed in Bursa Malaysia. It is expected that, results from this paper will effectively justify the advantage of one model to another and shed some lights in quest to find the best decision making tools in investment for individual investors.
Federsel, Hans-Jurgen
An excellent demonstration of how meaningful and valuable conferences devoted to the topic of project and portfolio management in the pharmaceutical industry can be, was given at an event organized in Barcelona, September 2008. Thus, over this 2-day meeting the delegates were updated on the state of the art in this wide-reaching area from speakers representing an array of companies; from small, relatively new players, via mid-sized, to established large and big pharmas. One common theme that emerged was the importance of assessing the value of drug projects as correctly as possible, especially under the current financial climate and the many challenges facing the industry. Furthermore, experiences from constructing portfolios with the aim to minimize risk and maximize return on investment were shared alongside mathematical approaches to obtain the data required for this purpose and accounts of the pleasures and hardships working in a global context and in partnership constellations. Copyright 2009 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lynch, Linda L.; Purnawarman, Pupung
In recent years portfolios have served increasingly as a vehicle for individual and program evaluation, as well as for career purposes in many fields including education (Galloway, 2001). Nationwide, teacher development programs are being asked to include their students' artifacts in some form of teaching portfolio that will ultimately be used as…
Prospective Teachers' Perceptions on Different Aspects of Portfolio
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ok, Ahmet; Erdogan, Mehmet
This qualitative-case study examined how portfolio and portfolio assessment were perceived by prospective teachers. The participants were 23 prospective teachers from seven different teaching areas from a Turkish university. A semi-structured individual interview was conducted. The interview schedule included 15 open-ended questions. The main…
Reshaping Catholic Secondary School Curriculum through Culminating Portfolios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ryan, Mark P.
This study analyzes qualitative data on student perceptions and curriculum transformation from a schoolwide culminating portfolio program of a small, urban, archdiocesan Catholic high school located on the West Coast. Over 4 years, all graduating students (n = 102) developed culminating portfolios, evidencing their accomplishment of specific…
Random Matrix Theory Approach to Indonesia Energy Portfolio Analysis
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mahardhika, Alifian; Purqon, Acep
In a few years, Indonesia experienced difficulties in maintaining energy security, the problem is the decline in oil production from 1.6 million barrels per day to 861 thousand barrels per day in 2012. However, there is a difference condition in 2015 until the third week in 2016, world oil prices actually fell at the lowest price level since last 12 years. The decline in oil prices due to oversupply of oil by oil-producing countries of the world due to the instability of the world economy. Wave of layoffs in Indonesia is a response to the decline in oil prices, this led to the energy and mines portfolios Indonesia feared would not be more advantageous than the portfolio in other countries. In this research, portfolio analysis will be done on energy and mining in Indonesia by using stock price data of energy and mines in the period 26 November 2010 until April 1, 2016. It was found that the results have a wide effect of the market potential is high in the determination of the return on the portfolio energy and mines. Later, it was found that there are eight of the thirty stocks in the energy and mining portfolio of Indonesia which have a high probability of return relative to the average return of stocks in a portfolio of energy and mines.
Application of Post Modern Portfolio Theory to Mitigate Risk in International Shipping
The concept of portfolio optimization pioneered by Dr. Harry Markowitz and still used today for investment diversification is applied to the currently referred to as “Post-Modern Portfolio Theory .” It begins with the foundations of portfolio optimization as created by Harry 14... Portfolio Theory ,” and is still considered to be one of the foundations of economic theory , garnering
Baird, Kathleen; Gamble, Jenny; Sidebotham, Mary
Education programs leading to professional licencing need to ensure assessments throughout the program are constructively aligned and mapped to the specific professional expectations. Within the final year of an undergraduate degree, a student is required to transform and prepare for professional practice. Establishing assessment items that are authentic and able to reflect this transformation is a challenge for universities. This paper both describes the considerations around the design of a capstone assessment and evaluates, from an academics perspective, the quality and applicability of an e-portfolio as a capstone assessment item for undergraduate courses leading to a professional qualification. The e-portfolio was seen to meet nine quality indicators for assessment. Academics evaluated the e-portfolio as an authentic assessment item that would engage the students and provide them with a platform for ongoing professional development and lifelong learning. The processes of reflection on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, comparison of clinical experiences with national statistics, preparation of professional philosophy and development of a curriculum vitae, whilst recognised as comprehensive and challenging were seen as highly valuable to the student transforming into the profession. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Challenges in Producing a Portfolio for Assessment: In Search of Underpinning Educational Theories
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tisani, Nomathamsanqa
The use of portfolios for assessment is gaining popularity in higher education. Despite acknowledged difficulties and flaws associated with this assessment method, portfolios have advantages over traditional methods. Handbooks on methods of constructing portfolios often emphasise the mechanics of the "process" of building portfolios.…
13 CFR 107.880 - Assets acquired in liquidation of Portfolio securities.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Portfolio securities. 107.880 Section 107.880 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION... liquidation of Portfolio securities. You may acquire assets in full or partial liquidation of a Small Business... assets. You must dispose of assets acquired in liquidation of a Portfolio security within a reasonable...
Student Portfolios: A Process/Product Learning and Assessment Strategy.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shackelford, Ray L.
Investigates how student portfolios can be used as an effective strategy for improving and communicating desired competencies and foundation skills. Describes various types of portfolios such as showcase, descriptive, evaluative, and composite. (Author/JOW)
Digital Portfolios: Powerful Marketing Tool for Communications Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nikirk, Martin
A digital portfolio is a powerful marketing tool for young people searching for employment in the communication or interactive media fields. With a digital portfolio, students can demonstrate their skills at working with software tools, demonstrate appropriate use of materials, explain technical procedures, show an understanding of processes and…
Idea Bank: Portfolios and Assessment in Music Classes
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Silveira, Jason M.
A portfolio can document student skills, abilities, growth, achievement, and attitudes. It can also reflect students' learning processes and subsequently guide new teaching strategies. Portfolio proponents have used these arguments to justify the time and organization needed to successfully implement them in their classrooms and in their school…
Online English Language Learners' Perceptions of Portfolio Assessment
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Baturay, Meltem Huri
Portfolio assessment has been implemented in many core disciplines for quality assurance and consistent assessment of learner outcomes. For English language learning, for which varying proficiency levels of learners exist, portfolios are suggested to assess individual learners' progress. The current study was carried out in an online English…
Using the Teaching Portfolio to Anticipate Programmatic Assessment
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Price, Kenneth R.
Portfolios have long been a staple in professional writing courses: both in employment materials assignments and in entire classes that ask students to reflect on their experiential learning. Portfolios may also be used effectively in business communication teaching methods courses. This article details the justification and methodology for having…
An Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Uncertain Portfolio Selection
Chen, Wei
Portfolio selection is an important issue for researchers and practitioners. In this paper, under the assumption that security returns are given by experts' evaluations rather than historical data, we discuss the portfolio adjusting problem which takes transaction costs and diversification degree of portfolio into consideration. Uncertain variables are employed to describe the security returns. In the proposed mean-variance-entropy model, the uncertain mean value of the return is used to measure investment return, the uncertain variance of the return is used to measure investment risk, and the entropy is used to measure diversification degree of portfolio. In order to solve the proposed model, a modified artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is designed. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the modelling idea and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. PMID:25089292
An artificial bee colony algorithm for uncertain portfolio selection.
Chen, Wei
Portfolio selection is an important issue for researchers and practitioners. In this paper, under the assumption that security returns are given by experts' evaluations rather than historical data, we discuss the portfolio adjusting problem which takes transaction costs and diversification degree of portfolio into consideration. Uncertain variables are employed to describe the security returns. In the proposed mean-variance-entropy model, the uncertain mean value of the return is used to measure investment return, the uncertain variance of the return is used to measure investment risk, and the entropy is used to measure diversification degree of portfolio. In order to solve the proposed model, a modified artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is designed. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the modelling idea and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gugino, Jessica
The use of teaching portfolios in teacher education programs is a widely accepted practice. This article describes how a traditional teacher work sample was transformed using the online platform, Google Docs. The use of online digital portfolios may help to satisfy both the need to evaluate teacher candidates' performance in special education…
Teaching Auditing Using Cases in an Online Learning Environment: The Role of ePortfolio Assessment
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mihret, Dessalegn Getie; Abayadeera, Nadana; Watty, Kim; McKay, Jade
While teaching auditing using cases is regarded as an effective approach, spatial separation of students and teachers in online contexts can restrict the application of case teaching. This study examines an undergraduate auditing course implemented to address this challenge by integrating case teaching with ePortfolio assessment. Students' written…
Introducing E-Portfolios to Pre-Service Teachers as Tools for Reflection and Growth: Lessons Learnt
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Oakley, Grace; Pegrum, Mark; Johnston, Shannon
E-portfolios are being introduced into initial teacher education programmes internationally to help pre-service teachers build records of their learning journeys and develop into reflective practitioners; to allow them to assemble collections of evidence of their achievements against graduate standards, which can function as digital CVs; and to…
Portfolio Use in Educational Leadership Preparation Programs: From Theory to Practice.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Barnett, Bruce G.
The use of portfolios as an authentic measure of competence is discussed, particularly in educational administrator education programs. Rationale, purposes, and appropriate content for portfolios are outlined, based on the intended use. It is noted that a period of adjustment to portfolio construction and incorporation should be anticipated. (MSE)
Portfolio optimization using fuzzy linear programming
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pandit, Purnima K.
Portfolio Optimization (PO) is a problem in Finance, in which investor tries to maximize return and minimize risk by carefully choosing different assets. Expected return and risk are the most important parameters with regard to optimal portfolios. In the simple form PO can be modeled as quadratic programming problem which can be put into equivalent linear form. PO problems with the fuzzy parameters can be solved as multi-objective fuzzy linear programming problem. In this paper we give the solution to such problems with an illustrative example.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lippert, Robert
Student portfolios can offer great benefits to both high school and postsecondary education programs. They assist instructors in determining the progress of a student's performance and provide students with a vital self-promotion tool for job searches or the higher education application process. This brief article describes a few considerations to…
Portfolio optimization for index tracking modelling in Malaysia stock market
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Siew, Lam Weng; Jaaman, Saiful Hafizah; Ismail, Hamizun
Index tracking is an investment strategy in portfolio management which aims to construct an optimal portfolio to generate similar mean return with the stock market index mean return without purchasing all of the stocks that make up the index. The objective of this paper is to construct an optimal portfolio using the optimization model which adopts regression approach in tracking the benchmark stock market index return. In this study, the data consists of weekly price of stocks in Malaysia market index which is FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index from January 2010 until December 2013. The results of this study show that the optimal portfolio is able to track FBMKLCI Index at minimum tracking error of 1.0027% with 0.0290% excess mean return over the mean return of FBMKLCI Index. The significance of this study is to construct the optimal portfolio using optimization model which adopts regression approach in tracking the stock market index without purchasing all index components.
Profiles and portfolios of adolescent school-based extracurricular activity participation.
Feldman, A F; Matjasko, J L
The current study presented a new description of adolescent school-based activity participation, in the form of mutually exclusive activity portfolios, and described the kinds of youth that participate in each portfolio. These portfolios included (1) Sports Only, (2) Academics Only, (3) School Only, (4) Performance Only, (5) Multiple Activities, and (6) Non-Participation. Findings indicated that youth demographic characteristics and school size differentiated between different kinds of activity participation as well as nonparticipation. More detailed activity portfolios were also identified that were complex and demonstrate the difficulty of examining participation beyond larger, more inclusive groupings. The Multiple Activity portfolio emerged as a unique group worthy of further examination. Characteristics of non-participators included: lower socioeconomic status, lower grades, and attended larger schools. Hispanic adolescents were also less likely to participate in school-based extracurricular activities. Findings from this study inform ecological models of adolescent development as well as school and social policy.
Successful healthcare programs and projects: organization portfolio management essentials.
Pickens, Scott; Solak, Jamie
Many healthcare organization projects take more time and resources than planned and fail to deliver desired business outcomes. Healthcare IT is a major component of many projects and often undeservedly receives the blame for failure. Poor results are often not a result of faulty healthcare IT or poor project management or poor project execution alone. Many projects fail because of poor portfolio management--poor planning and management of the portfolio of initiatives designed to meet an organization's strategic goals. Because resources are limited, portfolio management enables organizations to more strategically allocate and manage their resources so care delivery, service delivery, and initiatives that advance organizations toward their strategic goals, including healthcare IT initiatives, can be accomplished at the levels of quality and service desired by an organization. Proper portfolio management is the essential foundation for program and project success and supports overall organization success. Without portfolio management, even programs and projects that execute flawlessly may not meet desired objectives. This article discusses the essential requirements for porfolio management. These include opportunity identification, return on investment (ROI) forecast, project prioritization, capacity planning (inclusive of human, financial, capital, and facilities resources), work scheduling, program and project management and execution, and project performance and value assessment. Portfolio management is essential to successful healthcare project execution. Theories are drawn from the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3) work of the Project Management Institute and other leading strategy, planning, and organization change management research institutes.
Strategic biopharmaceutical portfolio development: an analysis of constraint-induced implications.
George, Edmund D; Farid, Suzanne S
Optimizing the structure and development pathway of biopharmaceutical drug portfolios are core concerns to the developer that come with several attached complexities. These include strategic decisions for the choice of drugs, the scheduling of critical activities, and the possible involvement of third parties for development and manufacturing at various stages for each drug. Additional complexities that must be considered include the impact of making such decisions in an uncertain environment. Presented here is the development of a stochastic multi-objective optimization framework designed to address these issues. The framework harnesses the ability of Bayesian networks to characterize the probabilistic structure of superior decisions via machine learning and evolve them to multi-objective optimality. Case studies that entailed three- and five-drug portfolios alongside a range of cash flow constraints were constructed to derive insight from the framework where results demonstrate that a variety of options exist for formulating nondominated strategies in the objective space considered, giving the manufacturer a range of pursuable options. In all cases limitations on cash flow reduce the potential for generating profits for a given probability of success. For the sizes of portfolio considered, results suggest that naïvely applying strategies optimal for a particular size of portfolio to a portfolio of another size is inappropriate. For the five-drug portfolio the most preferred means for development across the set of optimized strategies is to fully integrate development and commercial activities in-house. For the three-drug portfolio, the preferred means of development involves a mixture of in-house, outsourced, and partnered activities. Also, the size of the portfolio appears to have a larger impact on strategy and the quality of objectives than the magnitude of cash flow constraint.
A method for minimum risk portfolio optimization under hybrid uncertainty
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Egorova, Yu E.; Yazenin, A. V.
In this paper, we investigate a minimum risk portfolio model under hybrid uncertainty when the profitability of financial assets is described by fuzzy random variables. According to Feng, the variance of a portfolio is defined as a crisp value. To aggregate fuzzy information the weakest (drastic) t-norm is used. We construct an equivalent stochastic problem of the minimum risk portfolio model and specify the stochastic penalty method for solving it.
The Portfolio Process: Questions for Implementation and Practice
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bowers, Susan P.
The portfolio, a collection of a student's work over their course of study, has become a popular tool for college teaching. Portfolios have the distinct advantage of engaging the learner in reflection (Reis & Villaume, 2002; Willis & Davies, 2002) and self-assessment (Hill, 2002), while at the same time creating documentation useful for…
Can Process Portfolios Affect Students' Writing Self-Efficacy?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nicolaidou, Iolie
Can process portfolios that support students in goal setting, reflection, self-evaluation and feedback have a positive impact on students' writing self-efficacy? This article presents the findings of a yearlong study conducted in three 4th grade elementary classes in Cyprus where paper-based and web-based portfolios were implemented to help…
Student Attitudes towards Portfolios To Encourage Journal Reading.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ferris, Alan R.
Student attitudes towards the use of portfolios to encourage journal reading are investigated in lower division psychology classes. Portfolios can be designed in various ways to meet different educational goals. It is also useful for undergraduates to read original research articles, but difficult to motivate them to do so. The intention of this…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hubert, David A.; Lewis, Kati J.
This essay presents the findings of an authentic and holistic assessment, using a random sample of one hundred student General Education ePortfolios, of two of Salt Lake Community College's (SLCC) college-wide learning outcomes: quantitative literacy (QL) and information literacy (IL). Performed by four faculty from biology, humanities, and…
An e-Portfolio-Based Model for the Application and Sharing of College English ESP MOOCs
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chen, Jinshi
The informationalized knowledge sharing of MOOCs not only promotes the change of teaching concept and the reform of teaching methodology, but also provides a new opportunity for the teaching resource integration and sharing between different universities. The present study has constructed an e-Portfolio-based model for the application and sharing…
Using portfolios to introduce the clinical nurse leader to the job market.
Norris, Tommie L; Webb, Sherry S; McKeon, Leslie M; Jacob, Susan R; Herrin-Griffith, Donna
Development of a portfolio is an effective strategy used by clinical nurse leaders (CNLs) to inform prospective employers of their specialized skills in quality improvement, patient safety, error prevention, and teamwork. The portfolio provides evidence of competence relative to the role of clinician, outcomes manager, client advocate, educator, information manager, systems analyst/risk anticipator, team manager, healthcare professional, and lifelong learner. This article describes the CNL portfolio developed by experts from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare. Examples of portfolio documents generated throughout the master's entry CNL curriculum are provided, along with student experiences using the portfolio in the employment interview process.
Acquiring Enterprise Systems as a Portfolio of Real Options
expanded beyond valuing individual projects by the real options method to the valuation of a portfolio of options. Bardhan , Bagchi, and Soustad (2004... Bardhan , I., Bagchi, S., & Soustad, R. (2004). Prioritizing a portfolio of information technology investment projects. Journal of Management
System-of-Systems Technology-Portfolio-Analysis Tool
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
O'Neil, Daniel; Mankins, John; Feingold, Harvey; Johnson, Wayne
Advanced Technology Life-cycle Analysis System (ATLAS) is a system-of-systems technology-portfolio-analysis software tool. ATLAS affords capabilities to (1) compare estimates of the mass and cost of an engineering system based on competing technological concepts; (2) estimate life-cycle costs of an outer-space-exploration architecture for a specified technology portfolio; (3) collect data on state-of-the-art and forecasted technology performance, and on operations and programs; and (4) calculate an index of the relative programmatic value of a technology portfolio. ATLAS facilitates analysis by providing a library of analytical spreadsheet models for a variety of systems. A single analyst can assemble a representation of a system of systems from the models and build a technology portfolio. Each system model estimates mass, and life-cycle costs are estimated by a common set of cost models. Other components of ATLAS include graphical-user-interface (GUI) software, algorithms for calculating the aforementioned index, a technology database, a report generator, and a form generator for creating the GUI for the system models. At the time of this reporting, ATLAS is a prototype, embodied in Microsoft Excel and several thousand lines of Visual Basic for Applications that run on both Windows and Macintosh computers.
Belief Propagation Algorithm for Portfolio Optimization Problems
The typical behavior of optimal solutions to portfolio optimization problems with absolute deviation and expected shortfall models using replica analysis was pioneeringly estimated by S. Ciliberti et al. [Eur. Phys. B. 57, 175 (2007)]; however, they have not yet developed an approximate derivation method for finding the optimal portfolio with respect to a given return set. In this study, an approximation algorithm based on belief propagation for the portfolio optimization problem is presented using the Bethe free energy formalism, and the consistency of the numerical experimental results of the proposed algorithm with those of replica analysis is confirmed. Furthermore, the conjecture of H. Konno and H. Yamazaki, that the optimal solutions with the absolute deviation model and with the mean-variance model have the same typical behavior, is verified using replica analysis and the belief propagation algorithm. PMID:26305462
Belief Propagation Algorithm for Portfolio Optimization Problems.
Shinzato, Takashi; Yasuda, Muneki
The typical behavior of optimal solutions to portfolio optimization problems with absolute deviation and expected shortfall models using replica analysis was pioneeringly estimated by S. Ciliberti et al. [Eur. Phys. B. 57, 175 (2007)]; however, they have not yet developed an approximate derivation method for finding the optimal portfolio with respect to a given return set. In this study, an approximation algorithm based on belief propagation for the portfolio optimization problem is presented using the Bethe free energy formalism, and the consistency of the numerical experimental results of the proposed algorithm with those of replica analysis is confirmed. Furthermore, the conjecture of H. Konno and H. Yamazaki, that the optimal solutions with the absolute deviation model and with the mean-variance model have the same typical behavior, is verified using replica analysis and the belief propagation algorithm.
Developing Portfolios of Water Supply Transfers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Characklis, G. W.; Kirsch, B. R.; Ramsey, J.; Dillard, K. E.; Kelley, C. T.
Most cities rely on firm water supply capacity to meet demand, but increasing scarcity and supply costs are encouraging greater use of temporary transfers (e.g., spot leases, options). This raises questions regarding how best to coordinate the use of these transfers in meeting cost and reliability objectives. This work combines a hydrologic-water market simulation with an optimization approach to identify portfolios of permanent rights, options and leases that minimize expected costs of meeting a city's annual demand with a specified reliability. Spot market prices are linked to hydrologic conditions and described by monthly lease price distributions which are used to price options via a risk neutral approach. Monthly choices regarding when and how much water to acquire through temporary transfers are made on the basis of anticipatory decision rules related to the ratio of expected supply-to-expected demand. The simulation is linked with an algorithm that uses an implicit filtering search method designed for solution surfaces that exhibit high frequency, low amplitude noise. This simulation-optimization approach is applied to a region that currently supports an active water market, with results suggesting that the use of temporary transfers can reduce expected water supply costs substantially, while still maintaining high reliability levels. Also evaluated are tradeoffs between expected costs and cost variability that occur with variation in a portfolio's distribution of rights, options and leases. While this work represents firm supply capacity as permanent water rights, a similar approach could be used to develop portfolios integrating options and/or leases with hard supply infrastructure.
The Management Aspect of the e-Portfolio as an Assessment Tool: Sample of Anadolu University
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ozgur, Aydin Ziya; Kaya, Secil
This article intends to introduce an e-portfolio system to help mentors assess the teacher candidates' performances and products in a large scale open and distance learning teacher training program. The Pre-School Teacher Training Program (PSTTP) of Anadolu University is a completely distance program that helps around 12.000 students get the…
Evaluating Processes and Platforms for Potential ePortfolio Use: The Role of the Middle Agent
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Slade, Christine; Murfin, Keith; Readman, Kylie
With the changing face of higher education comes a demand to include new technological tools. Universities need to build their capacity to respond to new technology-related challenges. The introduction of ePortfolios is a significant strategy in this response. A number of organizational change management models are used to analyze the…
Can Social Networks and E-Portfolio be Used together for Enhancing Learning Effects and Attitudes?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Baris, M. Fatih; Tosun, Nilgun
As the choices that information technologies offer has increased, efficiency of these at education, the area and time it covers increases, as well. E-portfolio and social networks are the latest choices that informational technologies offer. In this study, both technologies have been used at education and results have been analyzed. For that…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kecik, Ilknur; Aydin, Belgin; Sakar, Nurhan; Dikdere, Mine; Aydin, Sinan; Yuksel, Ilknur; Caner, Mustafa
In this study we aim to conduct a complete evaluation of the e-portfolio application in the distance teaching practice course that is part of the Distance English Language Teacher (DELT) program at Anadolu University from the perspective of three groups: university supervisors, preservice teachers, and cooperating teachers. Using a survey on the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lackner, Christine; Martini, Tanya
In the context of a Transition to Work course for fourth-year psychology majors, we had students use an e-portfolio to self-reflect on the learning experiences they deemed most significant during their degree. Such significant learning experiences can be drawn upon when answering behavioral job interview questions. We examined whether students…
Using portfolios to assess learning in chemistry: One school's story of evolving assessment practice
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Weaver, Starlin Dawn
The purpose of this study was to investigate the process of implementing an alternative form of assessment in chemistry classrooms. The current reform of science education involves the implementation of varied forms of instruction; it stands to reason that assessment will evolve with the curriculum (Baxter, Shavelson, Goldman & Pine, 1992). In an era for which the exclusive use of multiple-choice and similar tests i.e., fill-in the-blank, matching, and true/false are inappropriate measures of student abilities (Hamm & Adams, 1991), portfolios can offer a suitable alternative assessment, as well as a means for evaluation (Paulson, Paulson & Meyer, 1991). This study was conducted in a small math, science and technology high school and focused on three individual teachers and twelve of their students. The research focused on how teachers defined portfolios and implemented this assessment tool in their classrooms and how students and teachers perceived the use and value of the process. This study employed qualitative methodology using individual interviews, document analyses, and classroom observations. Data sources included documents, transcripts of interviews and fieldnotes. The primary research questions were: How do the teachers define and implement portfolios? How do the teachers' definitions of portfolios change during implementation? What are the students' understandings of portfolios and how they are used and do the students' understandings change? What do teachers and students believe portfolios represent regarding the learning that occurs in the science classroom? and What do the data collected via this study demonstrate about portfolios as a valid means of assessing student progress? The teachers' and students' definitions addressed four of the six components of portfolios identified in the literature. Both groups recognized a defined use, evidence, student and teacher made decisions, and reflection as key portfolio elements. Each group failed to identify
Portfolios with fuzzy returns: Selection strategies based on semi-infinite programming
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vercher, Enriqueta
This paper provides new models for portfolio selection in which the returns on securities are considered fuzzy numbers rather than random variables. The investor's problem is to find the portfolio that minimizes the risk of achieving a return that is not less than the return of a riskless asset. The corresponding optimal portfolio is derived using semi-infinite programming in a soft framework. The return on each asset and their membership functions are described using historical data. The investment risk is approximated by mean intervals which evaluate the downside risk for a given fuzzy portfolio. This approach is illustrated with a numerical example.
Michels, Nele R M; Driessen, Erik W; Muijtjens, Arno M M; Van Gaal, Luc F; Bossaert, Leo L; De Winter, Benedicte Y
A portfolio is used to mentor and assess students' clinical performance at the workplace. However, students and raters often perceive the portfolio as a time-consuming instrument. In this study, we investigated whether assessment during medical internship by a portfolio can combine reliability and feasibility. The domain-oriented reliability of 61 double-rated portfolios was measured, using a generalisability analysis with portfolio tasks and raters as sources of variation in measuring the performance of a student. We obtained reliability (Phi coefficient) of 0.87 with this internship portfolio containing 15 double-rated tasks. The generalisability analysis showed that an acceptable level of reliability (Phi = 0.80) was maintained when the amount of portfolio tasks was decreased to 13 or 9 using one and two raters, respectively. Our study shows that a portfolio can be a reliable method for the assessment of workplace learning. The possibility of reducing the amount of tasks or raters while maintaining a sufficient level of reliability suggests an increase in feasibility of portfolio use for both students and raters.
An extended ASLD trading system to enhance portfolio management.
Hung, Kei-Keung; Cheung, Yiu-Ming; Xu, Lei
An adaptive supervised learning decision (ASLD) trading system has been presented by Xu and Cheung (1997) to optimize the expected returns of investment without considering risks. In this paper, we propose an extension of the ASLD system (EASLD), which combines the ASLD with a portfolio optimization scheme to take a balance between the expected returns and risks. This new system not only keeps the learning adaptability of the ASLD, but also dynamically controls the risk in pursuit of great profits by diversifying the capital to a time-varying portfolio of N assets. Consequently, it is shown that: 1) the EASLD system gives the investment risk much smaller than the ASLD one; and 2) more returns are gained through the EASLD system in comparison with the two individual portfolio optimization schemes that statically determine the portfolio weights without adaptive learning. We have justified these two issues by the experiments.
From Process to Outcome: The Effect of Portfolio Assessment on Student Learning.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tiwari, Agnes; Tang, Catherine
Three findings emerged from 12 Hong Kong student nurses' descriptions of their experiences of portfolio assessment: (1) despite initial anxiety, all favored portfolio use; (2) portfolios had positive academic and affective outcomes; and (3) unexpectedly, spontaneous collaborative learning and increased motivation resulted. (Contains 35…
Atta Mills, Ebenezer Fiifi Emire; Yan, Dawen; Yu, Bo; Wei, Xinyuan
We propose a consolidated risk measure based on variance and the safety-first principle in a mean-risk portfolio optimization framework. The safety-first principle to financial portfolio selection strategy is modified and improved. Our proposed models are subjected to norm regularization to seek near-optimal stable and sparse portfolios. We compare the cumulative wealth of our preferred proposed model to a benchmark, S&P 500 index for the same period. Our proposed portfolio strategies have better out-of-sample performance than the selected alternative portfolio rules in literature and control the downside risk of the portfolio returns.
Can One Portfolio Measure the Six ACGME General Competencies?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jarvis, Robert M.; O'Sullivan, Patricia S.; McClain, Tina; Clardy, James A.
Objective: To determine that portfolios, useable by any program, can provide needed evidence of resident performance within the ACGME general competencies. Methods: Eighteen residents constructed portfolios with selected entries from thirteen psychiatric skills. Two raters assessed whether entries reflected resident performance within the general…
7 CFR 4290.740 - Portfolio diversification (“overline” limitation).
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Portfolio diversification (âoverlineâ limitation). 4290.740 Section 4290.740 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) RURAL... Enterprise for Rbic Financing § 4290.740 Portfolio diversification (“overline” limitation). (a) Without the...
Acquisition Management for System of Systems: Affordability through Effective Portfolio Management
the management of strategic “ portfolios of systems” in military acquisitions; this includes application of Real Options (RO) theory and metrics such...Affordability Through Effective Portfolio Management Navindran Davendralingam and Daniel DeLaurentis Purdue University Published April 1, 2013...Systems: Affordability Through Effective Portfolio Management 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d
A new enhanced index tracking model in portfolio optimization with sum weighted approach
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Siew, Lam Weng; Jaaman, Saiful Hafizah; Hoe, Lam Weng
Index tracking is a portfolio management which aims to construct the optimal portfolio to achieve similar return with the benchmark index return at minimum tracking error without purchasing all the stocks that make up the index. Enhanced index tracking is an improved portfolio management which aims to generate higher portfolio return than the benchmark index return besides minimizing the tracking error. The objective of this paper is to propose a new enhanced index tracking model with sum weighted approach to improve the existing index tracking model for tracking the benchmark Technology Index in Malaysia. The optimal portfolio composition and performance of both models are determined and compared in terms of portfolio mean return, tracking error and information ratio. The results of this study show that the optimal portfolio of the proposed model is able to generate higher mean return than the benchmark index at minimum tracking error. Besides that, the proposed model is able to outperform the existing model in tracking the benchmark index. The significance of this study is to propose a new enhanced index tracking model with sum weighted apporach which contributes 67% improvement on the portfolio mean return as compared to the existing model.
Making more of it! Medical students' motives for voluntarily keeping an extended portfolio.
Deketelaere, Ann; Kelchtermans, Geert; Druine, Nathalie; Vandermeersch, Evelyn; Struyf, Elke; De Leyn, Paul
Although medical students' use of portfolios has been studied from many angles, little is known about their motivations. This article explores medical students' motives for voluntarily compiling a learning portfolio that widely exceeded the assignments. Content analysis was performed on 22 (8%; n = 22/269) extensive portfolios, followed by a semi-structured interview with 11 medical students. Building on the theoretical work of Simons et al. (2004), interpretative analysis was used to reconstruct and understand the medical students' motives for the effort they put into the portfolios. Compiling an elaborate portfolio is mainly instigated by a personal instrumentality (internally regulated instrumental motivation). These medical students reflected on what they considered important and useful. The portfolio was a tool to achieve self-set goals, yet the specific goals turned out to be very different among the students, reflecting their particular needs and experiences during clerkship. Motivation theory shows that students who are internally regulated use more deep-level learning strategies and perform better. Internally regulated motivation mainly occurs when students use the portfolio to achieve their self-set goals. The formal portfolio assignments, enforced by the medical school, were more related with externally regulated motivation.
How Course Portfolios Can Advance the Scholarship and Practice of Management Teaching
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
New, J. Randolph; Clawson, James G.; Coughlan, Richard S.; Hoyle, Joe Ben
The authors believe the development, peer review, and sharing of course portfolios can significantly improve the scholarship and teaching of management. To make this case, they provide background information about course portfolios, including origins, defining features, purposes, and potential benefits. They then identify actual portfolio projects…