Sample records for enabled virtual screening

  1. Approaches to virtual screening and screening library selection.


    Wildman, Scott A


    The ease of access to virtual screening (VS) software in recent years has resulted in a large increase in literature reports. Over 300 publications in the last year report the use of virtual screening techniques to identify new chemical matter or present the development of new virtual screening techniques. The increased use is accompanied by a corresponding increase in misuse and misinterpretation of virtual screening results. This review aims to identify many of the common difficulties associated with virtual screening and allow researchers to better assess the reliability of their virtual screening effort.

  2. Performance Studies on Distributed Virtual Screening

    PubMed Central

    Krüger, Jens; de la Garza, Luis; Kohlbacher, Oliver; Nagel, Wolfgang E.


    Virtual high-throughput screening (vHTS) is an invaluable method in modern drug discovery. It permits screening large datasets or databases of chemical structures for those structures binding possibly to a drug target. Virtual screening is typically performed by docking code, which often runs sequentially. Processing of huge vHTS datasets can be parallelized by chunking the data because individual docking runs are independent of each other. The goal of this work is to find an optimal splitting maximizing the speedup while considering overhead and available cores on Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCIs). We have conducted thorough performance studies accounting not only for the runtime of the docking itself, but also for structure preparation. Performance studies were conducted via the workflow-enabled science gateway MoSGrid (Molecular Simulation Grid). As input we used benchmark datasets for protein kinases. Our performance studies show that docking workflows can be made to scale almost linearly up to 500 concurrent processes distributed even over large DCIs, thus accelerating vHTS campaigns significantly. PMID:25032219

  3. Design and Development of ChemInfoCloud: An Integrated Cloud Enabled Platform for Virtual Screening.


    Karthikeyan, Muthukumarasamy; Pandit, Deepak; Bhavasar, Arvind; Vyas, Renu


    The power of cloud computing and distributed computing has been harnessed to handle vast and heterogeneous data required to be processed in any virtual screening protocol. A cloud computing platorm ChemInfoCloud was built and integrated with several chemoinformatics and bioinformatics tools. The robust engine performs the core chemoinformatics tasks of lead generation, lead optimisation and property prediction in a fast and efficient manner. It has also been provided with some of the bioinformatics functionalities including sequence alignment, active site pose prediction and protein ligand docking. Text mining, NMR chemical shift (1H, 13C) prediction and reaction fingerprint generation modules for efficient lead discovery are also implemented in this platform. We have developed an integrated problem solving cloud environment for virtual screening studies that also provides workflow management, better usability and interaction with end users using container based virtualization, OpenVz.

  4. 1001 Ways to run AutoDock Vina for virtual screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jaghoori, Mohammad Mahdi; Bleijlevens, Boris; Olabarriaga, Silvia D.


    Large-scale computing technologies have enabled high-throughput virtual screening involving thousands to millions of drug candidates. It is not trivial, however, for biochemical scientists to evaluate the technical alternatives and their implications for running such large experiments. Besides experience with the molecular docking tool itself, the scientist needs to learn how to run it on high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructures, and understand the impact of the choices made. Here, we review such considerations for a specific tool, AutoDock Vina, and use experimental data to illustrate the following points: (1) an additional level of parallelization increases virtual screening throughput on a multi-core machine; (2) capturing of the random seed is not enough (though necessary) for reproducibility on heterogeneous distributed computing systems; (3) the overall time spent on the screening of a ligand library can be improved by analysis of factors affecting execution time per ligand, including number of active torsions, heavy atoms and exhaustiveness. We also illustrate differences among four common HPC infrastructures: grid, Hadoop, small cluster and multi-core (virtual machine on the cloud). Our analysis shows that these platforms are suitable for screening experiments of different sizes. These considerations can guide scientists when choosing the best computing platform and set-up for their future large virtual screening experiments.

  5. 1001 Ways to run AutoDock Vina for virtual screening.


    Jaghoori, Mohammad Mahdi; Bleijlevens, Boris; Olabarriaga, Silvia D


    Large-scale computing technologies have enabled high-throughput virtual screening involving thousands to millions of drug candidates. It is not trivial, however, for biochemical scientists to evaluate the technical alternatives and their implications for running such large experiments. Besides experience with the molecular docking tool itself, the scientist needs to learn how to run it on high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructures, and understand the impact of the choices made. Here, we review such considerations for a specific tool, AutoDock Vina, and use experimental data to illustrate the following points: (1) an additional level of parallelization increases virtual screening throughput on a multi-core machine; (2) capturing of the random seed is not enough (though necessary) for reproducibility on heterogeneous distributed computing systems; (3) the overall time spent on the screening of a ligand library can be improved by analysis of factors affecting execution time per ligand, including number of active torsions, heavy atoms and exhaustiveness. We also illustrate differences among four common HPC infrastructures: grid, Hadoop, small cluster and multi-core (virtual machine on the cloud). Our analysis shows that these platforms are suitable for screening experiments of different sizes. These considerations can guide scientists when choosing the best computing platform and set-up for their future large virtual screening experiments.

  6. Large-scale virtual screening on public cloud resources with Apache Spark.


    Capuccini, Marco; Ahmed, Laeeq; Schaal, Wesley; Laure, Erwin; Spjuth, Ola


    Structure-based virtual screening is an in-silico method to screen a target receptor against a virtual molecular library. Applying docking-based screening to large molecular libraries can be computationally expensive, however it constitutes a trivially parallelizable task. Most of the available parallel implementations are based on message passing interface, relying on low failure rate hardware and fast network connection. Google's MapReduce revolutionized large-scale analysis, enabling the processing of massive datasets on commodity hardware and cloud resources, providing transparent scalability and fault tolerance at the software level. Open source implementations of MapReduce include Apache Hadoop and the more recent Apache Spark. We developed a method to run existing docking-based screening software on distributed cloud resources, utilizing the MapReduce approach. We benchmarked our method, which is implemented in Apache Spark, docking a publicly available target receptor against [Formula: see text]2.2 M compounds. The performance experiments show a good parallel efficiency (87%) when running in a public cloud environment. Our method enables parallel Structure-based virtual screening on public cloud resources or commodity computer clusters. The degree of scalability that we achieve allows for trying out our method on relatively small libraries first and then to scale to larger libraries. Our implementation is named Spark-VS and it is freely available as open source from GitHub ( abstract.

  7. A web-based platform for virtual screening.


    Watson, Paul; Verdonk, Marcel; Hartshorn, Michael J


    A fully integrated, web-based, virtual screening platform has been developed to allow rapid virtual screening of large numbers of compounds. ORACLE is used to store information at all stages of the process. The system includes a large database of historical compounds from high throughput screenings (HTS) chemical suppliers, ATLAS, containing over 3.1 million unique compounds with their associated physiochemical properties (ClogP, MW, etc.). The database can be screened using a web-based interface to produce compound subsets for virtual screening or virtual library (VL) enumeration. In order to carry out the latter task within ORACLE a reaction data cartridge has been developed. Virtual libraries can be enumerated rapidly using the web-based interface to the cartridge. The compound subsets can be seamlessly submitted for virtual screening experiments, and the results can be viewed via another web-based interface allowing ad hoc querying of the virtual screening data stored in ORACLE.

  8. [Chemical databases and virtual screening].


    Rognan, Didier; Bonnet, Pascal


    A prerequisite to any virtual screening is the definition of compound libraries to be screened. As we describe here, various sources are available. The selection of the proper library is usually project-dependent but at least as important as the screening method itself. This review details the main compound libraries that are available for virtual screening and guide the reader to the best possible selection according to its needs. © 2014 médecine/sciences – Inserm.

  9. Virtual screening of compound libraries.


    Cerqueira, Nuno M F S A; Sousa, Sérgio F; Fernandes, Pedro A; Ramos, Maria João


    During the last decade, Virtual Screening (VS) has definitively established itself as an important part of the drug discovery and development process. VS involves the selection of likely drug candidates from large libraries of chemical structures by using computational methodologies, but the generic definition of VS encompasses many different methodologies. This chapter provides an introduction to the field by reviewing a variety of important aspects, including the different types of virtual screening methods, and the several steps required for a successful virtual screening campaign within a state-of-the-art approach, from target selection to postfilter application. This analysis is further complemented with a small collection important VS success stories.

  10. Virtual Screening with AutoDock: Theory and Practice

    PubMed Central

    Cosconati, Sandro; Forli, Stefano; Perryman, Alex L.; Harris, Rodney; Goodsell, David S.; Olson, Arthur J.


    Importance to the field Virtual screening is a computer-based technique for identifying promising compounds to bind to a target molecule of known structure. Given the rapidly increasing number of protein and nucleic acid structures, virtual screening continues to grow as an effective method for the discovery of new inhibitors and drug molecules. Areas covered in this review We describe virtual screening methods that are available in the AutoDock suite of programs, and several of our successes in using AutoDock virtual screening in pharmaceutical lead discovery. What the reader will gain A general overview of the challenges of virtual screening is presented, along with the tools available in the AutoDock suite of programs for addressing these challenges. Take home message Virtual screening is an effective tool for the discovery of compounds for use as leads in drug discovery, and the free, open source program AutoDock is an effective tool for virtual screening. PMID:21532931

  11. Hierarchical virtual screening approaches in small molecule drug discovery.


    Kumar, Ashutosh; Zhang, Kam Y J


    Virtual screening has played a significant role in the discovery of small molecule inhibitors of therapeutic targets in last two decades. Various ligand and structure-based virtual screening approaches are employed to identify small molecule ligands for proteins of interest. These approaches are often combined in either hierarchical or parallel manner to take advantage of the strength and avoid the limitations associated with individual methods. Hierarchical combination of ligand and structure-based virtual screening approaches has received noteworthy success in numerous drug discovery campaigns. In hierarchical virtual screening, several filters using ligand and structure-based approaches are sequentially applied to reduce a large screening library to a number small enough for experimental testing. In this review, we focus on different hierarchical virtual screening strategies and their application in the discovery of small molecule modulators of important drug targets. Several virtual screening studies are discussed to demonstrate the successful application of hierarchical virtual screening in small molecule drug discovery. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. A Novel Approach for Efficient Pharmacophore-based Virtual Screening: Method and Applications

    PubMed Central

    Dror, Oranit; Schneidman-Duhovny, Dina; Inbar, Yuval; Nussinov, Ruth; Wolfson, Haim J.


    Virtual screening is emerging as a productive and cost-effective technology in rational drug design for the identification of novel lead compounds. An important model for virtual screening is the pharmacophore. Pharmacophore is the spatial configuration of essential features that enable a ligand molecule to interact with a specific target receptor. In the absence of a known receptor structure, a pharmacophore can be identified from a set of ligands that have been observed to interact with the target receptor. Here, we present a novel computational method for pharmacophore detection and virtual screening. The pharmacophore detection module is able to: (i) align multiple flexible ligands in a deterministic manner without exhaustive enumeration of the conformational space, (ii) detect subsets of input ligands that may bind to different binding sites or have different binding modes, (iii) address cases where the input ligands have different affinities by defining weighted pharmacophores based on the number of ligands that share them, and (iv) automatically select the most appropriate pharmacophore candidates for virtual screening. The algorithm is highly efficient, allowing a fast exploration of the chemical space by virtual screening of huge compound databases. The performance of PharmaGist was successfully evaluated on a commonly used dataset of G-Protein Coupled Receptor alpha1A. Additionally, a large-scale evaluation using the DUD (directory of useful decoys) dataset was performed. DUD contains 2950 active ligands for 40 different receptors, with 36 decoy compounds for each active ligand. PharmaGist enrichment rates are comparable with other state-of-the-art tools for virtual screening. Availability The software is available for download. A user-friendly web interface for pharmacophore detection is available at PMID:19803502

  13. Structure-Based Virtual Screening of Commercially Available Compound Libraries.


    Kireev, Dmitri


    Virtual screening (VS) is an efficient hit-finding tool. Its distinctive strength is that it allows one to screen compound libraries that are not available in the lab. Moreover, structure-based (SB) VS also enables an understanding of how the hit compounds bind the protein target, thus laying ground work for the rational hit-to-lead progression. SBVS requires a very limited experimental effort and is particularly well suited for academic labs and small biotech companies that, unlike pharmaceutical companies, do not have physical access to quality small-molecule libraries. Here, we describe SBVS of commercial compound libraries for Mer kinase inhibitors. The screening protocol relies on the docking algorithm Glide complemented by a post-docking filter based on structural protein-ligand interaction fingerprints (SPLIF).

  14. Exploiting PubChem for Virtual Screening

    PubMed Central

    Xie, Xiang-Qun


    Importance of the field PubChem is a public molecular information repository, a scientific showcase of the NIH Roadmap Initiative. The PubChem database holds over 27 million records of unique chemical structures of compounds (CID) derived from nearly 70 million substance depositions (SID), and contains more than 449,000 bioassay records with over thousands of in vitro biochemical and cell-based screening bioassays established, with targeting more than 7000 proteins and genes linking to over 1.8 million of substances. Areas covered in this review This review builds on recent PubChem-related computational chemistry research reported by other authors while providing readers with an overview of the PubChem database, focusing on its increasing role in cheminformatics, virtual screening and toxicity prediction modeling. What the reader will gain These publicly available datasets in PubChem provide great opportunities for scientists to perform cheminformatics and virtual screening research for computer-aided drug design. However, the high volume and complexity of the datasets, in particular the bioassay-associated false positives/negatives and highly imbalanced datasets in PubChem, also creates major challenges. Several approaches regarding the modeling of PubChem datasets and development of virtual screening models for bioactivity and toxicity predictions are also reviewed. Take home message Novel data-mining cheminformatics tools and virtual screening algorithms are being developed and used to retrieve, annotate and analyze the large-scale and highly complex PubChem biological screening data for drug design. PMID:21691435

  15. Shape-Based Virtual Screening with Volumetric Aligned Molecular Shapes

    PubMed Central

    Koes, David Ryan; Camacho, Carlos J.


    Shape-based virtual screening is an established and effective method for identifying small molecules that are similar in shape and function to a reference ligand. We describe a new method of shape-based virtual screening, volumetric aligned molecular shapes (VAMS). VAMS uses efficient data structures to encode and search molecular shapes. We demonstrate that VAMS is an effective method for shape-based virtual screening and that it can be successfully used as a pre-filter to accelerate more computationally demanding search algorithms. Unique to VAMS is a novel minimum/maximum shape constraint query for precisely specifying the desired molecular shape. Shape constraint searches in VAMS are particularly efficient and millions of shapes can be searched in a fraction of a second. We compare the performance of VAMS with two other shape-based virtual screening algorithms a benchmark of 102 protein targets consisting of more than 32 million molecular shapes and find that VAMS provides a competitive trade-off between run-time performance and virtual screening performance. PMID:25049193

  16. Automated recycling of chemistry for virtual screening and library design.


    Vainio, Mikko J; Kogej, Thierry; Raubacher, Florian


    An early stage drug discovery project needs to identify a number of chemically diverse and attractive compounds. These hit compounds are typically found through high-throughput screening campaigns. The diversity of the chemical libraries used in screening is therefore important. In this study, we describe a virtual high-throughput screening system called Virtual Library. The system automatically "recycles" validated synthetic protocols and available starting materials to generate a large number of virtual compound libraries, and allows for fast searches in the generated libraries using a 2D fingerprint based screening method. Virtual Library links the returned virtual hit compounds back to experimental protocols to quickly assess the synthetic accessibility of the hits. The system can be used as an idea generator for library design to enrich the screening collection and to explore the structure-activity landscape around a specific active compound.

  17. Adapting Document Similarity Measures for Ligand-Based Virtual Screening.


    Himmat, Mubarak; Salim, Naomie; Al-Dabbagh, Mohammed Mumtaz; Saeed, Faisal; Ahmed, Ali


    Quantifying the similarity of molecules is considered one of the major tasks in virtual screening. There are many similarity measures that have been proposed for this purpose, some of which have been derived from document and text retrieving areas as most often these similarity methods give good results in document retrieval and can achieve good results in virtual screening. In this work, we propose a similarity measure for ligand-based virtual screening, which has been derived from a text processing similarity measure. It has been adopted to be suitable for virtual screening; we called this proposed measure the Adapted Similarity Measure of Text Processing (ASMTP). For evaluating and testing the proposed ASMTP we conducted several experiments on two different benchmark datasets: the Maximum Unbiased Validation (MUV) and the MDL Drug Data Report (MDDR). The experiments have been conducted by choosing 10 reference structures from each class randomly as queries and evaluate them in the recall of cut-offs at 1% and 5%. The overall obtained results are compared with some similarity methods including the Tanimoto coefficient, which are considered to be the conventional and standard similarity coefficients for fingerprint-based similarity calculations. The achieved results show that the performance of ligand-based virtual screening is better and outperforms the Tanimoto coefficients and other methods.

  18. GPURFSCREEN: a GPU based virtual screening tool using random forest classifier.


    Jayaraj, P B; Ajay, Mathias K; Nufail, M; Gopakumar, G; Jaleel, U C A


    In-silico methods are an integral part of modern drug discovery paradigm. Virtual screening, an in-silico method, is used to refine data models and reduce the chemical space on which wet lab experiments need to be performed. Virtual screening of a ligand data model requires large scale computations, making it a highly time consuming task. This process can be speeded up by implementing parallelized algorithms on a Graphical Processing Unit (GPU). Random Forest is a robust classification algorithm that can be employed in the virtual screening. A ligand based virtual screening tool (GPURFSCREEN) that uses random forests on GPU systems has been proposed and evaluated in this paper. This tool produces optimized results at a lower execution time for large bioassay data sets. The quality of results produced by our tool on GPU is same as that on a regular serial environment. Considering the magnitude of data to be screened, the parallelized virtual screening has a significantly lower running time at high throughput. The proposed parallel tool outperforms its serial counterpart by successfully screening billions of molecules in training and prediction phases.

  19. Incorporating Virtual Reactions into a Logic-based Ligand-based Virtual Screening Method to Discover New Leads

    PubMed Central

    Reynolds, Christopher R; Muggleton, Stephen H; Sternberg, Michael J E


    The use of virtual screening has become increasingly central to the drug development pipeline, with ligand-based virtual screening used to screen databases of compounds to predict their bioactivity against a target. These databases can only represent a small fraction of chemical space, and this paper describes a method of exploring synthetic space by applying virtual reactions to promising compounds within a database, and generating focussed libraries of predicted derivatives. A ligand-based virtual screening tool Investigational Novel Drug Discovery by Example (INDDEx) is used as the basis for a system of virtual reactions. The use of virtual reactions is estimated to open up a potential space of 1.21×1012 potential molecules. A de novo design algorithm known as Partial Logical-Rule Reactant Selection (PLoRRS) is introduced and incorporated into the INDDEx methodology. PLoRRS uses logical rules from the INDDEx model to select reactants for the de novo generation of potentially active products. The PLoRRS method is found to increase significantly the likelihood of retrieving molecules similar to known actives with a p-value of 0.016. Case studies demonstrate that the virtual reactions produce molecules highly similar to known actives, including known blockbuster drugs. PMID:26583052

  20. Building a virtual ligand screening pipeline using free software: a survey.


    Glaab, Enrico


    Virtual screening, the search for bioactive compounds via computational methods, provides a wide range of opportunities to speed up drug development and reduce the associated risks and costs. While virtual screening is already a standard practice in pharmaceutical companies, its applications in preclinical academic research still remain under-exploited, in spite of an increasing availability of dedicated free databases and software tools. In this survey, an overview of recent developments in this field is presented, focusing on free software and data repositories for screening as alternatives to their commercial counterparts, and outlining how available resources can be interlinked into a comprehensive virtual screening pipeline using typical academic computing facilities. Finally, to facilitate the set-up of corresponding pipelines, a downloadable software system is provided, using platform virtualization to integrate pre-installed screening tools and scripts for reproducible application across different operating systems. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press.

  1. Building a virtual ligand screening pipeline using free software: a survey

    PubMed Central


    Virtual screening, the search for bioactive compounds via computational methods, provides a wide range of opportunities to speed up drug development and reduce the associated risks and costs. While virtual screening is already a standard practice in pharmaceutical companies, its applications in preclinical academic research still remain under-exploited, in spite of an increasing availability of dedicated free databases and software tools. In this survey, an overview of recent developments in this field is presented, focusing on free software and data repositories for screening as alternatives to their commercial counterparts, and outlining how available resources can be interlinked into a comprehensive virtual screening pipeline using typical academic computing facilities. Finally, to facilitate the set-up of corresponding pipelines, a downloadable software system is provided, using platform virtualization to integrate pre-installed screening tools and scripts for reproducible application across different operating systems. PMID:26094053

  2. Protein tyrosine phosphatases: Ligand interaction analysis and optimisation of virtual screening.


    Ghattas, Mohammad A; Atatreh, Noor; Bichenkova, Elena V; Bryce, Richard A


    Docking-based virtual screening is an established component of structure-based drug discovery. Nevertheless, scoring and ranking of computationally docked ligand libraries still suffer from many false positives. Identifying optimal docking parameters for a target protein prior to virtual screening can improve experimental hit rates. Here, we examine protocols for virtual screening against the important but challenging class of drug target, protein tyrosine phosphatases. In this study, common interaction features were identified from analysis of protein-ligand binding geometries of more than 50 complexed phosphatase crystal structures. It was found that two interactions were consistently formed across all phosphatase inhibitors: (1) a polar contact with the conserved arginine residue, and (2) at least one interaction with the P-loop backbone amide. In order to investigate the significance of these features on phosphatase-ligand binding, a series of seeded virtual screening experiments were conducted on three phosphatase enzymes, PTP1B, Cdc25b and IF2. It was observed that when the conserved arginine and P-loop amide interactions were used as pharmacophoric constraints during docking, enrichment of the virtual screen significantly increased in the three studied phosphatases, by up to a factor of two in some cases. Additionally, the use of such pharmacophoric constraints considerably improved the ability of docking to predict the inhibitor's bound pose, decreasing RMSD to the crystallographic geometry by 43% on average. Constrained docking improved enrichment of screens against both open and closed conformations of PTP1B. Incorporation of an ordered water molecule in PTP1B screening was also found to generally improve enrichment. The knowledge-based computational strategies explored here can potentially inform structure-based design of new phosphatase inhibitors using docking-based virtual screening. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Ligand-based virtual screening under partial shape constraints.


    von Behren, Mathias M; Rarey, Matthias


    Ligand-based virtual screening has proven to be a viable technology during the search for new lead structures in drug discovery. Despite the rapidly increasing number of published methods, meaningful shape matching as well as ligand and target flexibility still remain open challenges. In this work, we analyze the influence of knowledge-based sterical constraints on the performance of the recently published ligand-based virtual screening method mRAISE. We introduce the concept of partial shape matching enabling a more differentiated view on chemical structure. The new method is integrated into the LBVS tool mRAISE providing multiple options for such constraints. The applied constraints can either be derived automatically from a protein-ligand complex structure or by manual selection of ligand atoms. In this way, the descriptor directly encodes the fit of a ligand into the binding site. Furthermore, the conservation of close contacts between the binding site surface and the query ligand can be enforced. We validated our new method on the DUD and DUD-E datasets. Although the statistical performance remains on the same level, detailed analysis reveal that for certain and especially very flexible targets a significant improvement can be achieved. This is further highlighted looking at the quality of calculated molecular alignments using the recently introduced mRAISE dataset. The new partial shape constraints improved the overall quality of molecular alignments especially for difficult targets with highly flexible or different sized molecules. The software tool mRAISE is freely available on Linux operating systems for evaluation purposes and academic use (see ).

  4. Ligand-based virtual screening under partial shape constraints

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    von Behren, Mathias M.; Rarey, Matthias


    Ligand-based virtual screening has proven to be a viable technology during the search for new lead structures in drug discovery. Despite the rapidly increasing number of published methods, meaningful shape matching as well as ligand and target flexibility still remain open challenges. In this work, we analyze the influence of knowledge-based sterical constraints on the performance of the recently published ligand-based virtual screening method mRAISE. We introduce the concept of partial shape matching enabling a more differentiated view on chemical structure. The new method is integrated into the LBVS tool mRAISE providing multiple options for such constraints. The applied constraints can either be derived automatically from a protein-ligand complex structure or by manual selection of ligand atoms. In this way, the descriptor directly encodes the fit of a ligand into the binding site. Furthermore, the conservation of close contacts between the binding site surface and the query ligand can be enforced. We validated our new method on the DUD and DUD-E datasets. Although the statistical performance remains on the same level, detailed analysis reveal that for certain and especially very flexible targets a significant improvement can be achieved. This is further highlighted looking at the quality of calculated molecular alignments using the recently introduced mRAISE dataset. The new partial shape constraints improved the overall quality of molecular alignments especially for difficult targets with highly flexible or different sized molecules. The software tool mRAISE is freely available on Linux operating systems for evaluation purposes and academic use (see

  5. Dockres: a computer program that analyzes the output of virtual screening of small molecules

    PubMed Central


    Background This paper describes a computer program named Dockres that is designed to analyze and summarize results of virtual screening of small molecules. The program is supplemented with utilities that support the screening process. Foremost among these utilities are scripts that run the virtual screening of a chemical library on a large number of processors in parallel. Methods Dockres and some of its supporting utilities are written Fortran-77; other utilities are written as C-shell scripts. They support the parallel execution of the screening. The current implementation of the program handles virtual screening with Autodock-3 and Autodock-4, but can be extended to work with the output of other programs. Results Analysis of virtual screening by Dockres led to both active and selective lead compounds. Conclusions Analysis of virtual screening was facilitated and enhanced by Dockres in both the authors' laboratories as well as laboratories elsewhere. PMID:20205801

  6. Avalanche for shape and feature-based virtual screening with 3D alignment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Diller, David J.; Connell, Nancy D.; Welsh, William J.


    This report introduces a new ligand-based virtual screening tool called Avalanche that incorporates both shape- and feature-based comparison with three-dimensional (3D) alignment between the query molecule and test compounds residing in a chemical database. Avalanche proceeds in two steps. The first step is an extremely rapid shape/feature based comparison which is used to narrow the focus from potentially millions or billions of candidate molecules and conformations to a more manageable number that are then passed to the second step. The second step is a detailed yet still rapid 3D alignment of the remaining candidate conformations to the query conformation. Using the 3D alignment, these remaining candidate conformations are scored, re-ranked and presented to the user as the top hits for further visualization and evaluation. To provide further insight into the method, the results from two prospective virtual screens are presented which show the ability of Avalanche to identify hits from chemical databases that would likely be missed by common substructure-based or fingerprint-based search methods. The Avalanche method is extended to enable patent landscaping, i.e., structural refinements to improve the patentability of hits for deployment in drug discovery campaigns.

  7. Spherical harmonics coefficients for ligand-based virtual screening of cyclooxygenase inhibitors.


    Wang, Quan; Birod, Kerstin; Angioni, Carlo; Grösch, Sabine; Geppert, Tim; Schneider, Petra; Rupp, Matthias; Schneider, Gisbert


    Molecular descriptors are essential for many applications in computational chemistry, such as ligand-based similarity searching. Spherical harmonics have previously been suggested as comprehensive descriptors of molecular structure and properties. We investigate a spherical harmonics descriptor for shape-based virtual screening. We introduce and validate a partially rotation-invariant three-dimensional molecular shape descriptor based on the norm of spherical harmonics expansion coefficients. Using this molecular representation, we parameterize molecular surfaces, i.e., isosurfaces of spatial molecular property distributions. We validate the shape descriptor in a comprehensive retrospective virtual screening experiment. In a prospective study, we virtually screen a large compound library for cyclooxygenase inhibitors, using a self-organizing map as a pre-filter and the shape descriptor for candidate prioritization. 12 compounds were tested in vitro for direct enzyme inhibition and in a whole blood assay. Active compounds containing a triazole scaffold were identified as direct cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitors. This outcome corroborates the usefulness of spherical harmonics for representation of molecular shape in virtual screening of large compound collections. The combination of pharmacophore and shape-based filtering of screening candidates proved to be a straightforward approach to finding novel bioactive chemotypes with minimal experimental effort.

  8. Discovery of novel inhibitors for DHODH via virtual screening and X-ray crystallographic structures

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    McLean, Larry R.; Zhang, Ying; Degnen, William


    Amino-benzoic acid derivatives 1-4 were found to be inhibitors for DHODH by virtual screening, biochemical, and X-ray crystallographic studies. X-ray structures showed that 1 and 2 bind to DHODH as predicted by virtual screening, but 3 and 4 were found to be structurally different from the corresponding compounds initially identified by virtual screening.

  9. Discovery of novel human acrosin inhibitors by virtual screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Xuefei; Dong, Guoqiang; Zhang, Jue; Qi, Jingjing; Zheng, Canhui; Zhou, Youjun; Zhu, Ju; Sheng, Chunquan; Lü, Jiaguo


    Human acrosin is an attractive target for the discovery of male contraceptive drugs. For the first time, structure-based drug design was applied to discover structurally diverse human acrosin inhibitors. A parallel virtual screening strategy in combination with pharmacophore-based and docking-based techniques was used to screen the SPECS database. From 16 compounds selected by virtual screening, a total of 10 compounds were found to be human acrosin inhibitors. Compound 2 was found to be the most potent hit (IC50 = 14 μM) and its binding mode was investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. The hit interacted with human acrosin mainly through hydrophobic and hydrogen-bonding interactions, which provided a good starting structure for further optimization studies.

  10. Customizing G Protein-coupled receptor models for structure-based virtual screening.


    de Graaf, Chris; Rognan, Didier


    This review will focus on the construction, refinement, and validation of G Protein-coupled receptor models for the purpose of structure-based virtual screening. Practical tips and tricks derived from concrete modeling and virtual screening exercises to overcome the problems and pitfalls associated with the different steps of the receptor modeling workflow will be presented. These examples will not only include rhodopsin-like (class A), but also secretine-like (class B), and glutamate-like (class C) receptors. In addition, the review will present a careful comparative analysis of current crystal structures and their implication on homology modeling. The following themes will be discussed: i) the use of experimental anchors in guiding the modeling procedure; ii) amino acid sequence alignments; iii) ligand binding mode accommodation and binding cavity expansion; iv) proline-induced kinks in transmembrane helices; v) binding mode prediction and virtual screening by receptor-ligand interaction fingerprint scoring; vi) extracellular loop modeling; vii) virtual filtering schemes. Finally, an overview of several successful structure-based screening shows that receptor models, despite structural inaccuracies, can be efficiently used to find novel ligands.

  11. A virtual screening method for inhibitory peptides of Angiotensin I-converting enzyme.


    Wu, Hongxi; Liu, Yalan; Guo, Mingrong; Xie, Jingli; Jiang, XiaMin


    Natural small peptides from foods have been proven to be efficient inhibitors of Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) for the regulation of blood pressure. The traditional ACE inhibitory peptides screening method is both time consuming and money costing, to the contrary, virtual screening method by computation can break these limitations. We establish a virtual screening method to obtain ACE inhibitory peptides with the help of Libdock module of Discovery Studio 3.5 software. A significant relationship between Libdock score and experimental IC(50) was found, Libdock score = 10.063 log(1/IC(50)) + 68.08 (R(2) = 0.62). The credibility of the relationship was confirmed by testing the coincidence of the estimated log(1/IC(50)) and measured log(1/IC(50)) (IC(50) is 50% inhibitory concentration toward ACE, in μmol/L) of 5 synthetic ACE inhibitory peptides, which was virtual hydrolyzed and screened from a kind of seafood, Phascolosoma esculenta. Accordingly, Libdock method is a valid IC(50) estimation tool and virtual screening method for small ACE inhibitory peptides. © 2014 Institute of Food Technologists®

  12. Virtual screening of cocrystal formers for CL-20

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Jun-Hong; Chen, Min-Bo; Chen, Wei-Ming; Shi, Liang-Wei; Zhang, Chao-Yang; Li, Hong-Zhen


    According to the structure characteristics of 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20) and the kinetic mechanism of the cocrystal formation, the method of virtual screening CL-20 cocrystal formers by the criterion of the strongest intermolecular site pairing energy (ISPE) was proposed. In this method the strongest ISPE was thought to determine the first step of the cocrystal formation. The prediction results for four sets of common drug molecule cocrystals by this method were compared with those by the total ISPE method from the reference (Musumeci et al., 2011), and the experimental results. This method was then applied to virtually screen the CL-20 cocrystal formers, and the prediction results were compared with the experimental results.

  13. HPPD: ligand- and target-based virtual screening on a herbicide target.


    López-Ramos, Miriam; Perruccio, Francesca


    Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) has proven to be a very successful target for the development of herbicides with bleaching properties, and today HPPD inhibitors are well established in the agrochemical market. Syngenta has a long history of HPPD-inhibitor research, and HPPD was chosen as a case study for the validation of diverse ligand- and target-based virtual screening approaches to identify compounds with inhibitory properties. Two-dimensional extended connectivity fingerprints, three-dimensional shape-based tools (ROCS, EON, and Phase-shape) and a pharmacophore approach (Phase) were used as ligand-based methods; Glide and Gold were used as target-based. Both the virtual screening utility and the scaffold-hopping ability of the screening tools were assessed. Particular emphasis was put on the specific pitfalls to take into account for the design of a virtual screening campaign in an agrochemical context, as compared to a pharmaceutical environment.

  14. Quantum probability ranking principle for ligand-based virtual screening.


    Al-Dabbagh, Mohammed Mumtaz; Salim, Naomie; Himmat, Mubarak; Ahmed, Ali; Saeed, Faisal


    Chemical libraries contain thousands of compounds that need screening, which increases the need for computational methods that can rank or prioritize compounds. The tools of virtual screening are widely exploited to enhance the cost effectiveness of lead drug discovery programs by ranking chemical compounds databases in decreasing probability of biological activity based upon probability ranking principle (PRP). In this paper, we developed a novel ranking approach for molecular compounds inspired by quantum mechanics, called quantum probability ranking principle (QPRP). The QPRP ranking criteria would make an attempt to draw an analogy between the physical experiment and molecular structure ranking process for 2D fingerprints in ligand based virtual screening (LBVS). The development of QPRP criteria in LBVS has employed the concepts of quantum at three different levels, firstly at representation level, this model makes an effort to develop a new framework of molecular representation by connecting the molecular compounds with mathematical quantum space. Secondly, estimate the similarity between chemical libraries and references based on quantum-based similarity searching method. Finally, rank the molecules using QPRP approach. Simulated virtual screening experiments with MDL drug data report (MDDR) data sets showed that QPRP outperformed the classical ranking principle (PRP) for molecular chemical compounds.

  15. Quantum probability ranking principle for ligand-based virtual screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Al-Dabbagh, Mohammed Mumtaz; Salim, Naomie; Himmat, Mubarak; Ahmed, Ali; Saeed, Faisal


    Chemical libraries contain thousands of compounds that need screening, which increases the need for computational methods that can rank or prioritize compounds. The tools of virtual screening are widely exploited to enhance the cost effectiveness of lead drug discovery programs by ranking chemical compounds databases in decreasing probability of biological activity based upon probability ranking principle (PRP). In this paper, we developed a novel ranking approach for molecular compounds inspired by quantum mechanics, called quantum probability ranking principle (QPRP). The QPRP ranking criteria would make an attempt to draw an analogy between the physical experiment and molecular structure ranking process for 2D fingerprints in ligand based virtual screening (LBVS). The development of QPRP criteria in LBVS has employed the concepts of quantum at three different levels, firstly at representation level, this model makes an effort to develop a new framework of molecular representation by connecting the molecular compounds with mathematical quantum space. Secondly, estimate the similarity between chemical libraries and references based on quantum-based similarity searching method. Finally, rank the molecules using QPRP approach. Simulated virtual screening experiments with MDL drug data report (MDDR) data sets showed that QPRP outperformed the classical ranking principle (PRP) for molecular chemical compounds.

  16. Congestion game scheduling for virtual drug screening optimization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nikitina, Natalia; Ivashko, Evgeny; Tchernykh, Andrei


    In virtual drug screening, the chemical diversity of hits is an important factor, along with their predicted activity. Moreover, interim results are of interest for directing the further research, and their diversity is also desirable. In this paper, we consider a problem of obtaining a diverse set of virtual screening hits in a short time. To this end, we propose a mathematical model of task scheduling for virtual drug screening in high-performance computational systems as a congestion game between computational nodes to find the equilibrium solutions for best balancing the number of interim hits with their chemical diversity. The model considers the heterogeneous environment with workload uncertainty, processing time uncertainty, and limited knowledge about the input dataset structure. We perform computational experiments and evaluate the performance of the developed approach considering organic molecules database GDB-9. The used set of molecules is rich enough to demonstrate the feasibility and practicability of proposed solutions. We compare the algorithm with two known heuristics used in practice and observe that game-based scheduling outperforms them by the hit discovery rate and chemical diversity at earlier steps. Based on these results, we use a social utility metric for assessing the efficiency of our equilibrium solutions and show that they reach greatest values.

  17. Scaffold-Focused Virtual Screening: Prospective Application to the Discovery of TTK Inhibitors

    PubMed Central


    We describe and apply a scaffold-focused virtual screen based upon scaffold trees to the mitotic kinase TTK (MPS1). Using level 1 of the scaffold tree, we perform both 2D and 3D similarity searches between a query scaffold and a level 1 scaffold library derived from a 2 million compound library; 98 compounds from 27 unique top-ranked level 1 scaffolds are selected for biochemical screening. We show that this scaffold-focused virtual screen prospectively identifies eight confirmed active compounds that are structurally differentiated from the query compound. In comparison, 100 compounds were selected for biochemical screening using a virtual screen based upon whole molecule similarity resulting in 12 confirmed active compounds that are structurally similar to the query compound. We elucidated the binding mode for four of the eight confirmed scaffold hops to TTK by determining their protein–ligand crystal structures; each represents a ligand-efficient scaffold for inhibitor design. PMID:23672464

  18. A large scale virtual screen of DprE1.


    Wilsey, Claire; Gurka, Jessica; Toth, David; Franco, Jimmy


    Tuberculosis continues to plague the world with the World Health Organization estimating that about one third of the world's population is infected. Due to the emergence of MDR and XDR strains of TB, the need for novel therapeutics has become increasing urgent. Herein we report the results of a virtual screen of 4.1 million compounds against a promising drug target, DrpE1. The virtual compounds were obtained from the Zinc docking site and screened using the molecular docking program, AutoDock Vina. The computational hits have led to the identification of several promising lead compounds. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. ChemScreener: A Distributed Computing Tool for Scaffold based Virtual Screening.


    Karthikeyan, Muthukumarasamy; Pandit, Deepak; Vyas, Renu


    In this work we present ChemScreener, a Java-based application to perform virtual library generation combined with virtual screening in a platform-independent distributed computing environment. ChemScreener comprises a scaffold identifier, a distinct scaffold extractor, an interactive virtual library generator as well as a virtual screening module for subsequently selecting putative bioactive molecules. The virtual libraries are annotated with chemophore-, pharmacophore- and toxicophore-based information for compound prioritization. The hits selected can then be further processed using QSAR, docking and other in silico approaches which can all be interfaced within the ChemScreener framework. As a sample application, in this work scaffold selectivity, diversity, connectivity and promiscuity towards six important therapeutic classes have been studied. In order to illustrate the computational power of the application, 55 scaffolds extracted from 161 anti-psychotic compounds were enumerated to produce a virtual library comprising 118 million compounds (17 GB) and annotated with chemophore, pharmacophore and toxicophore based features in a single step which would be non-trivial to perform with many standard software tools today on libraries of this size.

  20. Ultra-High-Throughput Structure-Based Virtual Screening for Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Protein-Protein Interactions

    PubMed Central

    Johnson, David K.; Karanicolas, John


    Protein-protein interactions play important roles in virtually all cellular processes, making them enticing targets for modulation by small-molecule therapeutics: specific examples have been well validated in diseases ranging from cancer and autoimmune disorders, to bacterial and viral infections. Despite several notable successes, however, overall these remain a very challenging target class. Protein interaction sites are especially challenging for computational approaches, because the target protein surface often undergoes a conformational change to enable ligand binding: this confounds traditional approaches for virtual screening. Through previous studies, we demonstrated that biased “pocket optimization” simulations could be used to build collections of low-energy pocket-containing conformations, starting from an unbound protein structure. Here, we demonstrate that these pockets can further be used to identify ligands that complement the protein surface. To do so, we first build from a given pocket its “exemplar”: a perfect, but non-physical, pseudo-ligand that would optimally match the shape and chemical features of the pocket. In our previous studies, we used these exemplars to quantitatively compare protein surface pockets to one another. Here, we now introduce this exemplar as a template for pharmacophore-based screening of chemical libraries. Through a series of benchmark experiments, we demonstrate that this approach exhibits comparable performance as traditional docking methods for identifying known inhibitors acting at protein interaction sites. However, because this approach is predicated on ligand/exemplar overlays, and thus does not require explicit calculation of protein-ligand interactions, exemplar screening provides a tremendous speed advantage over docking: 6 million compounds can be screened in about 15 minutes on a single 16-core, dual-GPU computer. The extreme speed at which large compound libraries can be traversed easily enables

  1. Discovery of d-amino acid oxidase inhibitors based on virtual screening against the lid-open enzyme conformation.


    Szilágyi, Bence; Skok, Žiga; Rácz, Anita; Frlan, Rok; Ferenczy, György G; Ilaš, Janez; Keserű, György M


    d-Amino acid oxidase (DAAO) inhibitors are typically small polar compounds with often suboptimal pharmacokinetic properties. Features of the native binding site limit the operational freedom of further medicinal chemistry efforts. We therefore initiated a structure based virtual screening campaign based on the X-ray structures of DAAO complexes where larger ligands shifted the loop (lid opening) covering the native binding site. The virtual screening of our in-house collection followed by the in vitro test of the best ranked compounds led to the identification of a new scaffold with micromolar IC 50 . Subsequent SAR explorations enabled us to identify submicromolar inhibitors. Docking studies supported by in vitro activity measurements suggest that compounds bind to the active site with a salt-bridge characteristic to DAAO inhibitor binding. In addition, displacement of and interaction with the loop covering the active site contributes significantly to the activity of the most potent compounds. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Virtual Screening of Receptor Sites for Molecularly Imprinted Polymers.


    Bates, Ferdia; Cela-Pérez, María Concepción; Karim, Kal; Piletsky, Sergey; López-Vilariño, José Manuel


    Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) are highly advantageous in the field of analytical chemistry. However, interference from secondary molecules can also impede capture of a target by a MIP receptor. This greatly complicates the design process and often requires extensive laboratory screening which is time consuming, costly, and creates substantial waste products. Herein, is presented a new technique for screening of "virtually imprinted receptors" for rebinding of the molecular template as well as secondary structures, correlating the virtual predictions with experimentally acquired data in three case studies. This novel technique is particularly applicable to the evaluation and prediction of MIP receptor specificity and efficiency in complex aqueous systems. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Novel Mycosin Protease MycP1 Inhibitors Identified by Virtual Screening and 4D Fingerprints

    PubMed Central


    The rise of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis lends urgency to the need for new drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis (TB). The identification of a serine protease, mycosin protease-1 (MycP1), as the crucial agent in hydrolyzing the virulence factor, ESX-secretion-associated protein B (EspB), potentially opens the door to new tuberculosis treatment options. Using the crystal structure of mycobacterial MycP1 in the apo form, we performed an iterative ligand- and structure-based virtual screening (VS) strategy to identify novel, nonpeptide, small-molecule inhibitors against MycP1 protease. Screening of ∼485 000 ligands from databases at the Genomics Research Institute (GRI) at the University of Cincinnati and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) using our VS approach, which integrated a pharmacophore model and consensus molecular shape patterns of active ligands (4D fingerprints), identified 81 putative inhibitors, and in vitro testing subsequently confirmed two of them as active inhibitors. Thereafter, the lead structures of each VS round were used to generate a new 4D fingerprint that enabled virtual rescreening of the chemical libraries. Finally, the iterative process identified a number of diverse scaffolds as lead compounds that were tested and found to have micromolar IC50 values against the MycP1 target. This study validated the efficiency of the SABRE 4D fingerprints as a means of identifying novel lead compounds in each screening round of the databases. Together, these results underscored the value of using a combination of in silico iterative ligand- and structure-based virtual screening of chemical libraries with experimental validation for the identification of promising structural scaffolds, such as the MycP1 inhibitors. PMID:24628123

  4. Virtual High-Throughput Screening for Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors.


    Choi, Jun Yong; Fuerst, Rita


    Structure-based virtual screening (SBVS) is a common method for the fast identification of hit structures at the beginning of a medicinal chemistry program in drug discovery. The SBVS, described in this manuscript, is focused on finding small molecule hits that can be further utilized as a starting point for the development of inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP-13) via structure-based molecular design. We intended to identify a set of structurally diverse hits, which occupy all subsites (S1'-S3', S2, and S3) centering the zinc containing binding site of MMP-13, by the virtual screening of a chemical library comprising more than ten million commercially available compounds. In total, 23 compounds were found as potential MMP-13 inhibitors using Glide docking followed by the analysis of the structural interaction fingerprints (SIFt) of the docked structures.

  5. Virtual screening methods as tools for drug lead discovery from large chemical libraries.


    Ma, X H; Zhu, F; Liu, X; Shi, Z; Zhang, J X; Yang, S Y; Wei, Y Q; Chen, Y Z


    Virtual screening methods have been developed and explored as useful tools for searching drug lead compounds from chemical libraries, including large libraries that have become publically available. In this review, we discussed the new developments in exploring virtual screening methods for enhanced performance in searching large chemical libraries, their applications in screening libraries of ~ 1 million or more compounds in the last five years, the difficulties in their applications, and the strategies for further improving these methods.

  6. Evaluating the Predictivity of Virtual Screening for Abl Kinase Inhibitors to Hinder Drug Resistance

    PubMed Central

    Gani, Osman A B S M; Narayanan, Dilip; Engh, Richard A


    Virtual screening methods are now widely used in early stages of drug discovery, aiming to rank potential inhibitors. However, any practical ligand set (of active or inactive compounds) chosen for deriving new virtual screening approaches cannot fully represent all relevant chemical space for potential new compounds. In this study, we have taken a retrospective approach to evaluate virtual screening methods for the leukemia target kinase ABL1 and its drug-resistant mutant ABL1-T315I. ‘Dual active’ inhibitors against both targets were grouped together with inactive ligands chosen from different decoy sets and tested with virtual screening approaches with and without explicit use of target structures (docking). We show how various scoring functions and choice of inactive ligand sets influence overall and early enrichment of the libraries. Although ligand-based methods, for example principal component analyses of chemical properties, can distinguish some decoy sets from active compounds, the addition of target structural information via docking improves enrichment, and explicit consideration of multiple target conformations (i.e. types I and II) achieves best enrichment of active versus inactive ligands, even without assuming knowledge of the binding mode. We believe that this study can be extended to other therapeutically important kinases in prospective virtual screening studies. PMID:23746052

  7. Enabling Virtual Access to Latin-American Southern Observatories

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Filippi, G.


    EVALSO (Enabling Virtual Access to Latin-American Southern Observatories) is an international consortium of nine astronomical organisations and research network operators, part-funded under the European Commission FP7, to create and exploit high-speed bandwidth connections to South American observatories. A brief description of the project is presented. The EVALSO Consortium inaugurated a fibre link between the Paranal Observatory and international networks on 4 November 2010 capable of 10 Gigabit per second.

  8. When drug discovery meets web search: Learning to Rank for ligand-based virtual screening.


    Zhang, Wei; Ji, Lijuan; Chen, Yanan; Tang, Kailin; Wang, Haiping; Zhu, Ruixin; Jia, Wei; Cao, Zhiwei; Liu, Qi


    The rapid increase in the emergence of novel chemical substances presents a substantial demands for more sophisticated computational methodologies for drug discovery. In this study, the idea of Learning to Rank in web search was presented in drug virtual screening, which has the following unique capabilities of 1). Applicable of identifying compounds on novel targets when there is not enough training data available for these targets, and 2). Integration of heterogeneous data when compound affinities are measured in different platforms. A standard pipeline was designed to carry out Learning to Rank in virtual screening. Six Learning to Rank algorithms were investigated based on two public datasets collected from Binding Database and the newly-published Community Structure-Activity Resource benchmark dataset. The results have demonstrated that Learning to rank is an efficient computational strategy for drug virtual screening, particularly due to its novel use in cross-target virtual screening and heterogeneous data integration. To the best of our knowledge, we have introduced here the first application of Learning to Rank in virtual screening. The experiment workflow and algorithm assessment designed in this study will provide a standard protocol for other similar studies. All the datasets as well as the implementations of Learning to Rank algorithms are available at Graphical AbstractThe analogy between web search and ligand-based drug discovery.

  9. GeauxDock: Accelerating Structure-Based Virtual Screening with Heterogeneous Computing

    PubMed Central

    Fang, Ye; Ding, Yun; Feinstein, Wei P.; Koppelman, David M.; Moreno, Juana; Jarrell, Mark; Ramanujam, J.; Brylinski, Michal


    Computational modeling of drug binding to proteins is an integral component of direct drug design. Particularly, structure-based virtual screening is often used to perform large-scale modeling of putative associations between small organic molecules and their pharmacologically relevant protein targets. Because of a large number of drug candidates to be evaluated, an accurate and fast docking engine is a critical element of virtual screening. Consequently, highly optimized docking codes are of paramount importance for the effectiveness of virtual screening methods. In this communication, we describe the implementation, tuning and performance characteristics of GeauxDock, a recently developed molecular docking program. GeauxDock is built upon the Monte Carlo algorithm and features a novel scoring function combining physics-based energy terms with statistical and knowledge-based potentials. Developed specifically for heterogeneous computing platforms, the current version of GeauxDock can be deployed on modern, multi-core Central Processing Units (CPUs) as well as massively parallel accelerators, Intel Xeon Phi and NVIDIA Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). First, we carried out a thorough performance tuning of the high-level framework and the docking kernel to produce a fast serial code, which was then ported to shared-memory multi-core CPUs yielding a near-ideal scaling. Further, using Xeon Phi gives 1.9× performance improvement over a dual 10-core Xeon CPU, whereas the best GPU accelerator, GeForce GTX 980, achieves a speedup as high as 3.5×. On that account, GeauxDock can take advantage of modern heterogeneous architectures to considerably accelerate structure-based virtual screening applications. GeauxDock is open-sourced and publicly available at and PMID:27420300

  10. GeauxDock: Accelerating Structure-Based Virtual Screening with Heterogeneous Computing.


    Fang, Ye; Ding, Yun; Feinstein, Wei P; Koppelman, David M; Moreno, Juana; Jarrell, Mark; Ramanujam, J; Brylinski, Michal


    Computational modeling of drug binding to proteins is an integral component of direct drug design. Particularly, structure-based virtual screening is often used to perform large-scale modeling of putative associations between small organic molecules and their pharmacologically relevant protein targets. Because of a large number of drug candidates to be evaluated, an accurate and fast docking engine is a critical element of virtual screening. Consequently, highly optimized docking codes are of paramount importance for the effectiveness of virtual screening methods. In this communication, we describe the implementation, tuning and performance characteristics of GeauxDock, a recently developed molecular docking program. GeauxDock is built upon the Monte Carlo algorithm and features a novel scoring function combining physics-based energy terms with statistical and knowledge-based potentials. Developed specifically for heterogeneous computing platforms, the current version of GeauxDock can be deployed on modern, multi-core Central Processing Units (CPUs) as well as massively parallel accelerators, Intel Xeon Phi and NVIDIA Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). First, we carried out a thorough performance tuning of the high-level framework and the docking kernel to produce a fast serial code, which was then ported to shared-memory multi-core CPUs yielding a near-ideal scaling. Further, using Xeon Phi gives 1.9× performance improvement over a dual 10-core Xeon CPU, whereas the best GPU accelerator, GeForce GTX 980, achieves a speedup as high as 3.5×. On that account, GeauxDock can take advantage of modern heterogeneous architectures to considerably accelerate structure-based virtual screening applications. GeauxDock is open-sourced and publicly available at and

  11. Virtual Screening Approaches towards the Discovery of Toll-Like Receptor Modulators

    PubMed Central

    Pérez-Regidor, Lucía; Zarioh, Malik; Ortega, Laura; Martín-Santamaría, Sonsoles


    This review aims to summarize the latest efforts performed in the search for novel chemical entities such as Toll-like receptor (TLR) modulators by means of virtual screening techniques. This is an emergent research field with only very recent (and successful) contributions. Identification of drug-like molecules with potential therapeutic applications for the treatment of a variety of TLR-regulated diseases has attracted considerable interest due to the clinical potential. Additionally, the virtual screening databases and computational tools employed have been overviewed in a descriptive way, widening the scope for researchers interested in the field. PMID:27618029


    PubMed Central

    Casanova, Henri; Berman, Francine; Bartol, Thomas; Gokcay, Erhan; Sejnowski, Terry; Birnbaum, Adam; Dongarra, Jack; Miller, Michelle; Ellisman, Mark; Faerman, Marcio; Obertelli, Graziano; Wolski, Rich; Pomerantz, Stuart; Stiles, Joel


    Ensembles of widely distributed, heterogeneous resources, or Grids, have emerged as popular platforms for large-scale scientific applications. In this paper we present the Virtual Instrument project, which provides an integrated application execution environment that enables end-users to run and interact with running scientific simulations on Grids. This work is performed in the specific context of MCell, a computational biology application. While MCell provides the basis for running simulations, its capabilities are currently limited in terms of scale, ease-of-use, and interactivity. These limitations preclude usage scenarios that are critical for scientific advances. Our goal is to create a scientific “Virtual Instrument” from MCell by allowing its users to transparently access Grid resources while being able to steer running simulations. In this paper, we motivate the Virtual Instrument project and discuss a number of relevant issues and accomplishments in the area of Grid software development and application scheduling. We then describe our software design and report on the current implementation. We verify and evaluate our design via experiments with MCell on a real-world Grid testbed. PMID:20689618

  13. Identifying Novel Molecular Structures for Advanced Melanoma by Ligand-Based Virtual Screening

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Zhao; Lu, Yan; Seibel, William; Miller, Duane D.; Li, Wei


    We recently discovered a new class of thiazole analogs that are highly potent against melanoma cells. To expand the structure-activity relationship study and to explore potential new molecular scaffolds, we performed extensive ligand-based virtual screening against a compound library containing 342,910 small molecules. Two different approaches of virtual screening were carried out using the structure of our lead molecule: 1) connectivity-based search using Scitegic Pipeline Pilot from Accelerys and 2) molecular shape similarity search using Schrodinger software. Using a testing compound library, both approaches can rank similar compounds very high and rank dissimilar compounds very low, thus validating our screening methods. Structures identified from these searches were analyzed, and selected compounds were tested in vitro to assess their activity against melanoma cancer cell lines. Several molecules showed good anticancer activity. While none of the identified compounds showed better activity than our lead compound, they provided important insight into structural modifications for our lead compound and also provided novel platforms on which we can optimize new classes of anticancer compounds. One of the newly synthesized analogs based on this virtual screening has improved potency and selectivity against melanoma. PMID:19445498

  14. DOVIS 2.0: an efficient and easy to use parallel virtual screening tool based on AutoDock 4.0.


    Jiang, Xiaohui; Kumar, Kamal; Hu, Xin; Wallqvist, Anders; Reifman, Jaques


    Small-molecule docking is an important tool in studying receptor-ligand interactions and in identifying potential drug candidates. Previously, we developed a software tool (DOVIS) to perform large-scale virtual screening of small molecules in parallel on Linux clusters, using AutoDock 3.05 as the docking engine. DOVIS enables the seamless screening of millions of compounds on high-performance computing platforms. In this paper, we report significant advances in the software implementation of DOVIS 2.0, including enhanced screening capability, improved file system efficiency, and extended usability. To keep DOVIS up-to-date, we upgraded the software's docking engine to the more accurate AutoDock 4.0 code. We developed a new parallelization scheme to improve runtime efficiency and modified the AutoDock code to reduce excessive file operations during large-scale virtual screening jobs. We also implemented an algorithm to output docked ligands in an industry standard format, sd-file format, which can be easily interfaced with other modeling programs. Finally, we constructed a wrapper-script interface to enable automatic rescoring of docked ligands by arbitrarily selected third-party scoring programs. The significance of the new DOVIS 2.0 software compared with the previous version lies in its improved performance and usability. The new version makes the computation highly efficient by automating load balancing, significantly reducing excessive file operations by more than 95%, providing outputs that conform to industry standard sd-file format, and providing a general wrapper-script interface for rescoring of docked ligands. The new DOVIS 2.0 package is freely available to the public under the GNU General Public License.

  15. MOLA: a bootable, self-configuring system for virtual screening using AutoDock4/Vina on computer clusters.


    Abreu, Rui Mv; Froufe, Hugo Jc; Queiroz, Maria João Rp; Ferreira, Isabel Cfr


    Virtual screening of small molecules using molecular docking has become an important tool in drug discovery. However, large scale virtual screening is time demanding and usually requires dedicated computer clusters. There are a number of software tools that perform virtual screening using AutoDock4 but they require access to dedicated Linux computer clusters. Also no software is available for performing virtual screening with Vina using computer clusters. In this paper we present MOLA, an easy-to-use graphical user interface tool that automates parallel virtual screening using AutoDock4 and/or Vina in bootable non-dedicated computer clusters. MOLA automates several tasks including: ligand preparation, parallel AutoDock4/Vina jobs distribution and result analysis. When the virtual screening project finishes, an open-office spreadsheet file opens with the ligands ranked by binding energy and distance to the active site. All results files can automatically be recorded on an USB-flash drive or on the hard-disk drive using VirtualBox. MOLA works inside a customized Live CD GNU/Linux operating system, developed by us, that bypass the original operating system installed on the computers used in the cluster. This operating system boots from a CD on the master node and then clusters other computers as slave nodes via ethernet connections. MOLA is an ideal virtual screening tool for non-experienced users, with a limited number of multi-platform heterogeneous computers available and no access to dedicated Linux computer clusters. When a virtual screening project finishes, the computers can just be restarted to their original operating system. The originality of MOLA lies on the fact that, any platform-independent computer available can he added to the cluster, without ever using the computer hard-disk drive and without interfering with the installed operating system. With a cluster of 10 processors, and a potential maximum speed-up of 10x, the parallel algorithm of MOLA

  16. Comparative analysis of machine learning methods in ligand-based virtual screening of large compound libraries.


    Ma, Xiao H; Jia, Jia; Zhu, Feng; Xue, Ying; Li, Ze R; Chen, Yu Z


    Machine learning methods have been explored as ligand-based virtual screening tools for facilitating drug lead discovery. These methods predict compounds of specific pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic or toxicological properties based on their structure-derived structural and physicochemical properties. Increasing attention has been directed at these methods because of their capability in predicting compounds of diverse structures and complex structure-activity relationships without requiring the knowledge of target 3D structure. This article reviews current progresses in using machine learning methods for virtual screening of pharmacodynamically active compounds from large compound libraries, and analyzes and compares the reported performances of machine learning tools with those of structure-based and other ligand-based (such as pharmacophore and clustering) virtual screening methods. The feasibility to improve the performance of machine learning methods in screening large libraries is discussed.

  17. Effective virtual screening protocol for CYP2C9 ligands using a screening site constructed from flurbiprofen and S-warfarin pockets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Polgár, Tímea; Menyhárd, Dóra K.; Keserű, György M.


    An effective virtual screening protocol was developed against an extended active site of CYP2C9, which was derived from X-ray structures complexed with flubiprofen and S-warfarin. Virtual screening has been effectively supported by our structure-based pharmacophore model. Importance of hot residues identified by mutation data and structural analysis was first estimated in an enrichment study. Key role of Arg108 and Phe114 in ligand binding was also underlined. Our screening protocol successfully identified 76% of known CYP2C9 ligands in the top 1% of the ranked database resulting 76-fold enrichment relative to random situation. Relevance of the protocol was further confirmed in selectivity studies, when 89% of CYP2C9 ligands were retrieved from a mixture of CYP2C9 and CYP2C8 ligands, while only 22% of CYP2C8 ligands were found applying the structure-based pharmacophore constraints. Moderate discrimination of CYP2C9 ligands from CYP2C18 and CYP2C19 ligands could also be achieved extending the application domain of our virtual screening protocol for the entire CYP2C family. Our findings further demonstrate the existence of an active site comprising of at least two binding pockets and strengthens the need of involvement of protein flexibility in virtual screening.

  18. Performance evaluation of structure based and ligand based virtual screening methods on ten selected anti-cancer targets.


    Ramasamy, Thilagavathi; Selvam, Chelliah


    Virtual screening has become an important tool in drug discovery process. Structure based and ligand based approaches are generally used in virtual screening process. To date, several benchmark sets for evaluating the performance of the virtual screening tool are available. In this study, our aim is to compare the performance of both structure based and ligand based virtual screening methods. Ten anti-cancer targets and their corresponding benchmark sets from 'Demanding Evaluation Kits for Objective In silico Screening' (DEKOIS) library were selected. X-ray crystal structures of protein-ligand complexes were selected based on their resolution. Openeye tools such as FRED, vROCS were used and the results were carefully analyzed. At EF1%, vROCS produced better results but at EF5% and EF10%, both FRED and ROCS produced almost similar results. It was noticed that the enrichment factor values were decreased while going from EF1% to EF5% and EF10% in many cases. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  19. CSBB-ConeExclusion, adapting structure based solution virtual screening to libraries on solid support.


    Shave, Steven; Auer, Manfred


    Combinatorial chemical libraries produced on solid support offer fast and cost-effective access to a large number of unique compounds. If such libraries are screened directly on-bead, the speed at which chemical space can be explored by chemists is much greater than that addressable using solution based synthesis and screening methods. Solution based screening has a large supporting body of software such as structure-based virtual screening tools which enable the prediction of protein-ligand complexes. Use of these techniques to predict the protein bound complexes of compounds synthesized on solid support neglects to take into account the conjugation site on the small molecule ligand. This may invalidate predicted binding modes, the linker may be clashing with protein atoms. We present CSBB-ConeExclusion, a methodology and computer program which provides a measure of the applicability of solution dockings to solid support. Output is given in the form of statistics for each docking pose, a unique 2D visualization method which can be used to determine applicability at a glance, and automatically generated PyMol scripts allowing visualization of protein atom incursion into a defined exclusion volume. CSBB-ConeExclusion is then exemplarically used to determine the optimum attachment point for a purine library targeting cyclin-dependent kinase 2 CDK2.

  20. RADER: a RApid DEcoy Retriever to facilitate decoy based assessment of virtual screening.


    Wang, Ling; Pang, Xiaoqian; Li, Yecheng; Zhang, Ziying; Tan, Wen


    Evaluation of the capacity for separating actives from challenging decoys is a crucial metric of performance related to molecular docking or a virtual screening workflow. The Directory of Useful Decoys (DUD) and its enhanced version (DUD-E) provide a benchmark for molecular docking, although they only contain a limited set of decoys for limited targets. DecoyFinder was released to compensate the limitations of DUD or DUD-E for building target-specific decoy sets. However, desirable query template design, generation of multiple decoy sets of similar quality, and computational speed remain bottlenecks, particularly when the numbers of queried actives and retrieved decoys increases to hundreds or more. Here, we developed a program suite called RApid DEcoy Retriever (RADER) to facilitate the decoy-based assessment of virtual screening. This program adopts a novel database-management regime that supports rapid and large-scale retrieval of decoys, enables high portability of databases, and provides multifaceted options for designing initial query templates from a large number of active ligands and generating subtle decoy sets. RADER provides two operational modes: as a command-line tool and on a web server. Validation of the performance and efficiency of RADER was also conducted and is described. RADER web server and a local version are freely available at . or . Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  1. Role of Chemical Reactivity and Transition State Modeling for Virtual Screening.


    Karthikeyan, Muthukumarasamy; Vyas, Renu; Tambe, Sanjeev S; Radhamohan, Deepthi; Kulkarni, Bhaskar D


    Every drug discovery research program involves synthesis of a novel and potential drug molecule utilizing atom efficient, economical and environment friendly synthetic strategies. The current work focuses on the role of the reactivity based fingerprints of compounds as filters for virtual screening using a tool ChemScore. A reactant-like (RLS) and a product- like (PLS) score can be predicted for a given compound using the binary fingerprints derived from the numerous known organic reactions which capture the molecule-molecule interactions in the form of addition, substitution, rearrangement, elimination and isomerization reactions. The reaction fingerprints were applied to large databases in biology and chemistry, namely ChEMBL, KEGG, HMDB, DSSTox, and the Drug Bank database. A large network of 1113 synthetic reactions was constructed to visualize and ascertain the reactant product mappings in the chemical reaction space. The cumulative reaction fingerprints were computed for 4000 molecules belonging to 29 therapeutic classes of compounds, and these were found capable of discriminating between the cognition disorder related and anti-allergy compounds with reasonable accuracy of 75% and AUC 0.8. In this study, the transition state based fingerprints were also developed and used effectively for virtual screening in drug related databases. The methodology presented here provides an efficient handle for the rapid scoring of molecular libraries for virtual screening.

  2. PyGOLD: a python based API for docking based virtual screening workflow generation.


    Patel, Hitesh; Brinkjost, Tobias; Koch, Oliver


    Molecular docking is one of the successful approaches in structure based discovery and development of bioactive molecules in chemical biology and medicinal chemistry. Due to the huge amount of computational time that is still required, docking is often the last step in a virtual screening approach. Such screenings are set as workflows spanned over many steps, each aiming at different filtering task. These workflows can be automatized in large parts using python based toolkits except for docking using the docking software GOLD. However, within an automated virtual screening workflow it is not feasible to use the GUI in between every step to change the GOLD configuration file. Thus, a python module called PyGOLD was developed, to parse, edit and write the GOLD configuration file and to automate docking based virtual screening workflows. The latest version of PyGOLD, its documentation and example scripts are available at: or PyGOLD is implemented in Python and can be imported as a standard python module without any further dependencies., Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  3. Systematic Exploitation of Multiple Receptor Conformations for Virtual Ligand Screening

    PubMed Central

    Bottegoni, Giovanni; Rocchia, Walter; Rueda, Manuel; Abagyan, Ruben; Cavalli, Andrea


    The role of virtual ligand screening in modern drug discovery is to mine large chemical collections and to prioritize for experimental testing a comparatively small and diverse set of compounds with expected activity against a target. Several studies have pointed out that the performance of virtual ligand screening can be improved by taking into account receptor flexibility. Here, we systematically assess how multiple crystallographic receptor conformations, a powerful way of discretely representing protein plasticity, can be exploited in screening protocols to separate binders from non-binders. Our analyses encompass 36 targets of pharmaceutical relevance and are based on actual molecules with reported activity against those targets. The results suggest that an ensemble receptor-based protocol displays a stronger discriminating power between active and inactive molecules as compared to its standard single rigid receptor counterpart. Moreover, such a protocol can be engineered not only to enrich a higher number of active compounds, but also to enhance their chemical diversity. Finally, some clear indications can be gathered on how to select a subset of receptor conformations that is most likely to provide the best performance in a real life scenario. PMID:21625529

  4. Creating and virtually screening databases of fluorescently-labelled compounds for the discovery of target-specific molecular probes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kamstra, Rhiannon L.; Dadgar, Saedeh; Wigg, John; Chowdhury, Morshed A.; Phenix, Christopher P.; Floriano, Wely B.


    Our group has recently demonstrated that virtual screening is a useful technique for the identification of target-specific molecular probes. In this paper, we discuss some of our proof-of-concept results involving two biologically relevant target proteins, and report the development of a computational script to generate large databases of fluorescence-labelled compounds for computer-assisted molecular design. The virtual screening of a small library of 1,153 fluorescently-labelled compounds against two targets, and the experimental testing of selected hits reveal that this approach is efficient at identifying molecular probes, and that the screening of a labelled library is preferred over the screening of base compounds followed by conjugation of confirmed hits. The automated script for library generation explores the known reactivity of commercially available dyes, such as NHS-esters, to create large virtual databases of fluorescence-tagged small molecules that can be easily synthesized in a laboratory. A database of 14,862 compounds, each tagged with the ATTO680 fluorophore was generated with the automated script reported here. This library is available for downloading and it is suitable for virtual ligand screening aiming at the identification of target-specific fluorescent molecular probes.

  5. A Quantum-Based Similarity Method in Virtual Screening.


    Al-Dabbagh, Mohammed Mumtaz; Salim, Naomie; Himmat, Mubarak; Ahmed, Ali; Saeed, Faisal


    One of the most widely-used techniques for ligand-based virtual screening is similarity searching. This study adopted the concepts of quantum mechanics to present as state-of-the-art similarity method of molecules inspired from quantum theory. The representation of molecular compounds in mathematical quantum space plays a vital role in the development of quantum-based similarity approach. One of the key concepts of quantum theory is the use of complex numbers. Hence, this study proposed three various techniques to embed and to re-represent the molecular compounds to correspond with complex numbers format. The quantum-based similarity method that developed in this study depending on complex pure Hilbert space of molecules called Standard Quantum-Based (SQB). The recall of retrieved active molecules were at top 1% and top 5%, and significant test is used to evaluate our proposed methods. The MDL drug data report (MDDR), maximum unbiased validation (MUV) and Directory of Useful Decoys (DUD) data sets were used for experiments and were represented by 2D fingerprints. Simulated virtual screening experiment show that the effectiveness of SQB method was significantly increased due to the role of representational power of molecular compounds in complex numbers forms compared to Tanimoto benchmark similarity measure.

  6. [Virtual reality in neurosurgery].


    Tronnier, V M; Staubert, A; Bonsanto, M M; Wirtz, C R; Kunze, S


    Virtual reality enables users to immerse themselves in a virtual three-dimensional world and to interact in this world. The simulation is different from the kind in computer games, in which the viewer is active but acts in a nonrealistic world, or on the TV screen, where we are passively driven in an active world. In virtual reality elements look realistic, they change their characteristics and have almost real-world unpredictability. Virtual reality is not only implemented in gambling dens and the entertainment industry but also in manufacturing processes (cars, furniture etc.), military applications and medicine. Especially the last two areas are strongly correlated, because telemedicine or telesurgery was originated for military reasons to operate on war victims from a secure distance or to perform surgery on astronauts in an orbiting space station. In medicine and especially neurosurgery virtual-reality methods are used for education, surgical planning and simulation on a virtual patient.

  7. Condorcet and borda count fusion method for ligand-based virtual screening.


    Ahmed, Ali; Saeed, Faisal; Salim, Naomie; Abdo, Ammar


    It is known that any individual similarity measure will not always give the best recall of active molecule structure for all types of activity classes. Recently, the effectiveness of ligand-based virtual screening approaches can be enhanced by using data fusion. Data fusion can be implemented using two different approaches: group fusion and similarity fusion. Similarity fusion involves searching using multiple similarity measures. The similarity scores, or ranking, for each similarity measure are combined to obtain the final ranking of the compounds in the database. The Condorcet fusion method was examined. This approach combines the outputs of similarity searches from eleven association and distance similarity coefficients, and then the winner measure for each class of molecules, based on Condorcet fusion, was chosen to be the best method of searching. The recall of retrieved active molecules at top 5% and significant test are used to evaluate our proposed method. The MDL drug data report (MDDR), maximum unbiased validation (MUV) and Directory of Useful Decoys (DUD) data sets were used for experiments and were represented by 2D fingerprints. Simulated virtual screening experiments with the standard two data sets show that the use of Condorcet fusion provides a very simple way of improving the ligand-based virtual screening, especially when the active molecules being sought have a lowest degree of structural heterogeneity. However, the effectiveness of the Condorcet fusion was increased slightly when structural sets of high diversity activities were being sought.

  8. Condorcet and borda count fusion method for ligand-based virtual screening

    PubMed Central


    Background It is known that any individual similarity measure will not always give the best recall of active molecule structure for all types of activity classes. Recently, the effectiveness of ligand-based virtual screening approaches can be enhanced by using data fusion. Data fusion can be implemented using two different approaches: group fusion and similarity fusion. Similarity fusion involves searching using multiple similarity measures. The similarity scores, or ranking, for each similarity measure are combined to obtain the final ranking of the compounds in the database. Results The Condorcet fusion method was examined. This approach combines the outputs of similarity searches from eleven association and distance similarity coefficients, and then the winner measure for each class of molecules, based on Condorcet fusion, was chosen to be the best method of searching. The recall of retrieved active molecules at top 5% and significant test are used to evaluate our proposed method. The MDL drug data report (MDDR), maximum unbiased validation (MUV) and Directory of Useful Decoys (DUD) data sets were used for experiments and were represented by 2D fingerprints. Conclusions Simulated virtual screening experiments with the standard two data sets show that the use of Condorcet fusion provides a very simple way of improving the ligand-based virtual screening, especially when the active molecules being sought have a lowest degree of structural heterogeneity. However, the effectiveness of the Condorcet fusion was increased slightly when structural sets of high diversity activities were being sought. PMID:24883114

  9. Structure-Based Virtual Screening for Drug Discovery: Principles, Applications and Recent Advances

    PubMed Central

    Lionta, Evanthia; Spyrou, George; Vassilatis, Demetrios K.; Cournia, Zoe


    Structure-based drug discovery (SBDD) is becoming an essential tool in assisting fast and cost-efficient lead discovery and optimization. The application of rational, structure-based drug design is proven to be more efficient than the traditional way of drug discovery since it aims to understand the molecular basis of a disease and utilizes the knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of the biological target in the process. In this review, we focus on the principles and applications of Virtual Screening (VS) within the context of SBDD and examine different procedures ranging from the initial stages of the process that include receptor and library pre-processing, to docking, scoring and post-processing of topscoring hits. Recent improvements in structure-based virtual screening (SBVS) efficiency through ensemble docking, induced fit and consensus docking are also discussed. The review highlights advances in the field within the framework of several success studies that have led to nM inhibition directly from VS and provides recent trends in library design as well as discusses limitations of the method. Applications of SBVS in the design of substrates for engineered proteins that enable the discovery of new metabolic and signal transduction pathways and the design of inhibitors of multifunctional proteins are also reviewed. Finally, we contribute two promising VS protocols recently developed by us that aim to increase inhibitor selectivity. In the first protocol, we describe the discovery of micromolar inhibitors through SBVS designed to inhibit the mutant H1047R PI3Kα kinase. Second, we discuss a strategy for the identification of selective binders for the RXRα nuclear receptor. In this protocol, a set of target structures is constructed for ensemble docking based on binding site shape characterization and clustering, aiming to enhance the hit rate of selective inhibitors for the desired protein target through the SBVS process. PMID:25262799

  10. Evaluation of a novel virtual screening strategy using receptor decoy binding sites.


    Patel, Hershna; Kukol, Andreas


    Virtual screening is used in biomedical research to predict the binding affinity of a large set of small organic molecules to protein receptor targets. This report shows the development and evaluation of a novel yet straightforward attempt to improve this ranking in receptor-based molecular docking using a receptor-decoy strategy. This strategy includes defining a decoy binding site on the receptor and adjusting the ranking of the true binding-site virtual screen based on the decoy-site screen. The results show that by docking against a receptor-decoy site with Autodock Vina, improved Receiver Operator Characteristic Enrichment (ROCE) was achieved for 5 out of fifteen receptor targets investigated, when up to 15 % of a decoy site rank list was considered. No improved enrichment was seen for 7 targets, while for 3 targets the ROCE was reduced. The extent to which this strategy can effectively improve ligand prediction is dependent on the target receptor investigated.

  11. A cross docking pipeline for improving pose prediction and virtual screening performance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kumar, Ashutosh; Zhang, Kam Y. J.


    Pose prediction and virtual screening performance of a molecular docking method depend on the choice of protein structures used for docking. Multiple structures for a target protein are often used to take into account the receptor flexibility and problems associated with a single receptor structure. However, the use of multiple receptor structures is computationally expensive when docking a large library of small molecules. Here, we propose a new cross-docking pipeline suitable to dock a large library of molecules while taking advantage of multiple target protein structures. Our method involves the selection of a suitable receptor for each ligand in a screening library utilizing ligand 3D shape similarity with crystallographic ligands. We have prospectively evaluated our method in D3R Grand Challenge 2 and demonstrated that our cross-docking pipeline can achieve similar or better performance than using either single or multiple-receptor structures. Moreover, our method displayed not only decent pose prediction performance but also better virtual screening performance over several other methods.

  12. A Fully Automated High-Throughput Flow Cytometry Screening System Enabling Phenotypic Drug Discovery.


    Joslin, John; Gilligan, James; Anderson, Paul; Garcia, Catherine; Sharif, Orzala; Hampton, Janice; Cohen, Steven; King, Miranda; Zhou, Bin; Jiang, Shumei; Trussell, Christopher; Dunn, Robert; Fathman, John W; Snead, Jennifer L; Boitano, Anthony E; Nguyen, Tommy; Conner, Michael; Cooke, Mike; Harris, Jennifer; Ainscow, Ed; Zhou, Yingyao; Shaw, Chris; Sipes, Dan; Mainquist, James; Lesley, Scott


    The goal of high-throughput screening is to enable screening of compound libraries in an automated manner to identify quality starting points for optimization. This often involves screening a large diversity of compounds in an assay that preserves a connection to the disease pathology. Phenotypic screening is a powerful tool for drug identification, in that assays can be run without prior understanding of the target and with primary cells that closely mimic the therapeutic setting. Advanced automation and high-content imaging have enabled many complex assays, but these are still relatively slow and low throughput. To address this limitation, we have developed an automated workflow that is dedicated to processing complex phenotypic assays for flow cytometry. The system can achieve a throughput of 50,000 wells per day, resulting in a fully automated platform that enables robust phenotypic drug discovery. Over the past 5 years, this screening system has been used for a variety of drug discovery programs, across many disease areas, with many molecules advancing quickly into preclinical development and into the clinic. This report will highlight a diversity of approaches that automated flow cytometry has enabled for phenotypic drug discovery.

  13. Docking and Virtual Screening Strategies for GPCR Drug Discovery.


    Beuming, Thijs; Lenselink, Bart; Pala, Daniele; McRobb, Fiona; Repasky, Matt; Sherman, Woody


    Progress in structure determination of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) has made it possible to apply structure-based drug design (SBDD) methods to this pharmaceutically important target class. The quality of GPCR structures available for SBDD projects fall on a spectrum ranging from high resolution crystal structures (<2 Å), where all water molecules in the binding pocket are resolved, to lower resolution (>3 Å) where some protein residues are not resolved, and finally to homology models that are built using distantly related templates. Each GPCR project involves a distinct set of opportunities and challenges, and requires different approaches to model the interaction between the receptor and the ligands. In this review we will discuss docking and virtual screening to GPCRs, and highlight several refinement and post-processing steps that can be used to improve the accuracy of these calculations. Several examples are discussed that illustrate specific steps that can be taken to improve upon the docking and virtual screening accuracy. While GPCRs are a unique target class, many of the methods and strategies outlined in this review are general and therefore applicable to other protein families.

  14. How to benchmark methods for structure-based virtual screening of large compound libraries.


    Christofferson, Andrew J; Huang, Niu


    Structure-based virtual screening is a useful computational technique for ligand discovery. To systematically evaluate different docking approaches, it is important to have a consistent benchmarking protocol that is both relevant and unbiased. Here, we describe the designing of a benchmarking data set for docking screen assessment, a standard docking screening process, and the analysis and presentation of the enrichment of annotated ligands among a background decoy database.

  15. The Texas-Indiana Virtual STAR Center: Zebrafish Models for Developmental Toxicity Screening

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    The Texas-Indiana Virtual STAR Center: Zebrafish Models for Developmental Toxicity Screening (Presented by Maria Bondesson Bolin, Ph.D, University of Houston, Center for Nuclear Receptors and Cell Signaling) (3/22/2012)

  16. Maximum unbiased validation (MUV) data sets for virtual screening based on PubChem bioactivity data.


    Rohrer, Sebastian G; Baumann, Knut


    Refined nearest neighbor analysis was recently introduced for the analysis of virtual screening benchmark data sets. It constitutes a technique from the field of spatial statistics and provides a mathematical framework for the nonparametric analysis of mapped point patterns. Here, refined nearest neighbor analysis is used to design benchmark data sets for virtual screening based on PubChem bioactivity data. A workflow is devised that purges data sets of compounds active against pharmaceutically relevant targets from unselective hits. Topological optimization using experimental design strategies monitored by refined nearest neighbor analysis functions is applied to generate corresponding data sets of actives and decoys that are unbiased with regard to analogue bias and artificial enrichment. These data sets provide a tool for Maximum Unbiased Validation (MUV) of virtual screening methods. The data sets and a software package implementing the MUV design workflow are freely available at

  17. Application of Shape Similarity in Pose Selection and Virtual Screening in CSARdock2014 Exercise.


    Kumar, Ashutosh; Zhang, Kam Y J


    To evaluate the applicability of shape similarity in docking-based pose selection and virtual screening, we participated in the CSARdock2014 benchmark exercise for identifying the correct docking pose of inhibitors targeting factor XA, spleen tyrosine kinase, and tRNA methyltransferase. This exercise provides a valuable opportunity for researchers to test their docking programs, methods, and protocols in a blind testing environment. In the CSARdock2014 benchmark exercise, we have implemented an approach that uses ligand 3D shape similarity to facilitate docking-based pose selection and virtual screening. We showed here that ligand 3D shape similarity between bound poses could be used to identify the native-like pose from an ensemble of docking-generated poses. Our method correctly identified the native pose as the top-ranking pose for 73% of test cases in a blind testing environment. Moreover, the pose selection results also revealed an excellent correlation between ligand 3D shape similarity scores and RMSD to X-ray crystal structure ligand. In the virtual screening exercise, the average RMSD for our pose prediction was found to be 1.02 Å, and it was one of the top performances achieved in CSARdock2014 benchmark exercise. Furthermore, the inclusion of shape similarity improved virtual screening performance of docking-based scoring and ranking. The coefficient of determination (r(2)) between experimental activities and docking scores for 276 spleen tyrosine kinase inhibitors was found to be 0.365 but reached 0.614 when the ligand 3D shape similarity was included.

  18. Enabling scientific workflows in virtual reality

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Kreylos, O.; Bawden, G.; Bernardin, T.; Billen, M.I.; Cowgill, E.S.; Gold, R.D.; Hamann, B.; Jadamec, M.; Kellogg, L.H.; Staadt, O.G.; Sumner, D.Y.


    To advance research and improve the scientific return on data collection and interpretation efforts in the geosciences, we have developed methods of interactive visualization, with a special focus on immersive virtual reality (VR) environments. Earth sciences employ a strongly visual approach to the measurement and analysis of geologic data due to the spatial and temporal scales over which such data ranges, As observations and simulations increase in size and complexity, the Earth sciences are challenged to manage and interpret increasing amounts of data. Reaping the full intellectual benefits of immersive VR requires us to tailor exploratory approaches to scientific problems. These applications build on the visualization method's strengths, using both 3D perception and interaction with data and models, to take advantage of the skills and training of the geological scientists exploring their data in the VR environment. This interactive approach has enabled us to develop a suite of tools that are adaptable to a range of problems in the geosciences and beyond. Copyright ?? 2008 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.

  19. Inhibitors of Helicobacter pylori Protease HtrA Found by ‘Virtual Ligand’ Screening Combat Bacterial Invasion of Epithelia

    PubMed Central

    Schneider, Petra; Hoy, Benjamin; Wessler, Silja; Schneider, Gisbert


    Background The human pathogen Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a main cause for gastric inflammation and cancer. Increasing bacterial resistance against antibiotics demands for innovative strategies for therapeutic intervention. Methodology/Principal Findings We present a method for structure-based virtual screening that is based on the comprehensive prediction of ligand binding sites on a protein model and automated construction of a ligand-receptor interaction map. Pharmacophoric features of the map are clustered and transformed in a correlation vector (‘virtual ligand’) for rapid virtual screening of compound databases. This computer-based technique was validated for 18 different targets of pharmaceutical interest in a retrospective screening experiment. Prospective screening for inhibitory agents was performed for the protease HtrA from the human pathogen H. pylori using a homology model of the target protein. Among 22 tested compounds six block E-cadherin cleavage by HtrA in vitro and result in reduced scattering and wound healing of gastric epithelial cells, thereby preventing bacterial infiltration of the epithelium. Conclusions/Significance This study demonstrates that receptor-based virtual screening with a permissive (‘fuzzy’) pharmacophore model can help identify small bioactive agents for combating bacterial infection. PMID:21483848

  20. Discovery of new GSK-3β inhibitors through structure-based virtual screening.


    Dou, Xiaodong; Jiang, Lan; Wang, Yanxing; Jin, Hongwei; Liu, Zhenming; Zhang, Liangren


    Glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) is an attractive therapeutic target for human diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and inflammation. Thus, structure-based virtual screening was performed to identify novel scaffolds of GSK-3β inhibitors, and we observed that conserved water molecules of GSK-3β were suitable for virtual screening. We found 14 hits and D1 (IC 50 of 0.71 μM) were identified. Furthermore, the neuroprotection activity of D1-D3 was validated on a cellular level. 2D similarity searches were used to find derivatives of high inhibitory compounds and an enriched structure-activity relationship suggested that these skeletons were worthy of study as potent GSK-3β inhibitors. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  1. DOVIS: an implementation for high-throughput virtual screening using AutoDock.


    Zhang, Shuxing; Kumar, Kamal; Jiang, Xiaohui; Wallqvist, Anders; Reifman, Jaques


    Molecular-docking-based virtual screening is an important tool in drug discovery that is used to significantly reduce the number of possible chemical compounds to be investigated. In addition to the selection of a sound docking strategy with appropriate scoring functions, another technical challenge is to in silico screen millions of compounds in a reasonable time. To meet this challenge, it is necessary to use high performance computing (HPC) platforms and techniques. However, the development of an integrated HPC system that makes efficient use of its elements is not trivial. We have developed an application termed DOVIS that uses AutoDock (version 3) as the docking engine and runs in parallel on a Linux cluster. DOVIS can efficiently dock large numbers (millions) of small molecules (ligands) to a receptor, screening 500 to 1,000 compounds per processor per day. Furthermore, in DOVIS, the docking session is fully integrated and automated in that the inputs are specified via a graphical user interface, the calculations are fully integrated with a Linux cluster queuing system for parallel processing, and the results can be visualized and queried. DOVIS removes most of the complexities and organizational problems associated with large-scale high-throughput virtual screening, and provides a convenient and efficient solution for AutoDock users to use this software in a Linux cluster platform.

  2. Statistical analysis of EGFR structures' performance in virtual screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Yan; Li, Xiang; Dong, Zigang


    In this work the ability of EGFR structures to distinguish true inhibitors from decoys in docking and MM-PBSA is assessed by statistical procedures. The docking performance depends critically on the receptor conformation and bound state. The enrichment of known inhibitors is well correlated with the difference between EGFR structures rather than the bound-ligand property. The optimal structures for virtual screening can be selected based purely on the complex information. And the mixed combination of distinct EGFR conformations is recommended for ensemble docking. In MM-PBSA, a variety of EGFR structures have identically good performance in the scoring and ranking of known inhibitors, indicating that the choice of the receptor structure has little effect on the screening.

  3. Discovery of Novel Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2 Inhibitors by Structure-based Virtual Screening.


    Shi, Zheng; Yu, Tian; Sun, Rong; Wang, Shan; Chen, Xiao-Qian; Cheng, Li-Jia; Liu, Rong


    Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) is a trans-membrane receptor like protein, and aberrant signaling of HER2 is implicated in many human cancers, such as ovarian cancer, gastric cancer, and prostate cancer, most notably breast cancer. Moreover, it has been in the spotlight in the recent years as a promising new target for therapy of breast cancer. Since virtual screening has become an integral part of the drug discovery process, it is of great significant to identify novel HER2 inhibitors by structure-based virtual screening. In this study, we carried out a series of elegant bioinformatics approaches, such as virtual screening and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to identify HER2 inhibitors from Food and Drug Administration-approved small molecule drug as potential "new use" drugs. Molecular docking identified top 10 potential drugs which showed spectrum affinity to HER2. Moreover, MD simulations suggested that ZINC08214629 (Nonoxynol-9) and ZINC03830276 (Benzonatate) might exert potential inhibitory effects against HER2-targeted anti-breast cancer therapeutics. Together, our findings may provide successful application of virtual screening studies in the lead discovery process, and suggest that our discovered small molecules could be effective HER2 inhibitor candidates for further study. A series of elegant bioinformatics approaches, including virtual screening and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were took advantage to identify human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) inhibitors. Molecular docking recognized top 10 candidate compounds, which showed spectrum affinity to HER2. Further, MD simulations suggested that ZINC08214629 (Nonoxynol-9) and ZINC03830276 (Benzonatate) in candidate compounds were identified as potential "new use" drugs against HER2-targeted anti-breast cancer therapeutics. Abbreviations used: HER2: Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2, FDA: Food and Drug Administration, PDB: Protein Database Bank, RMSDs: Root mean

  4. Teaching Basic Field Skills Using Screen-Based Virtual Reality Landscapes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Houghton, J.; Robinson, A.; Gordon, C.; Lloyd, G. E. E.; Morgan, D. J.


    We are using screen-based virtual reality landscapes, created using the Unity 3D game engine, to augment the training geoscience students receive in preparing for fieldwork. Students explore these landscapes as they would real ones, interacting with virtual outcrops to collect data, determine location, and map the geology. Skills for conducting field geological surveys - collecting, plotting and interpreting data; time management and decision making - are introduced interactively and intuitively. As with real landscapes, the virtual landscapes are open-ended terrains with embedded data. This means the game does not structure student interaction with the information as it is through experience the student learns the best methods to work successfully and efficiently. These virtual landscapes are not replacements for geological fieldwork rather virtual spaces between classroom and field in which to train and reinforcement essential skills. Importantly, these virtual landscapes offer accessible parallel provision for students unable to visit, or fully partake in visiting, the field. The project has received positive feedback from both staff and students. Results show students find it easier to focus on learning these basic field skills in a classroom, rather than field setting, and make the same mistakes as when learning in the field, validating the realistic nature of the virtual experience and providing opportunity to learn from these mistakes. The approach also saves time, and therefore resources, in the field as basic skills are already embedded. 70% of students report increased confidence with how to map boundaries and 80% have found the virtual training a useful experience. We are also developing landscapes based on real places with 3D photogrammetric outcrops, and a virtual urban landscape in which Engineering Geology students can conduct a site investigation. This project is a collaboration between the University of Leeds and Leeds College of Art, UK, and all

  5. Enabling Research Network Connectivity to Clouds with Virtual Router Technology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Seuster, R.; Casteels, K.; Leavett-Brown, CR; Paterson, M.; Sobie, RJ


    The use of opportunistic cloud resources by HEP experiments has significantly increased over the past few years. Clouds that are owned or managed by the HEP community are connected to the LHCONE network or the research network with global access to HEP computing resources. Private clouds, such as those supported by non-HEP research funds are generally connected to the international research network; however, commercial clouds are either not connected to the research network or only connect to research sites within their national boundaries. Since research network connectivity is a requirement for HEP applications, we need to find a solution that provides a high-speed connection. We are studying a solution with a virtual router that will address the use case when a commercial cloud has research network connectivity in a limited region. In this situation, we host a virtual router in our HEP site and require that all traffic from the commercial site transit through the virtual router. Although this may increase the network path and also the load on the HEP site, it is a workable solution that would enable the use of the remote cloud for low I/O applications. We are exploring some simple open-source solutions. In this paper, we present the results of our studies and how it will benefit our use of private and public clouds for HEP computing.

  6. Requirements for plug and play information infrastructure frameworks and architectures to enable virtual enterprises

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bolton, Richard W.; Dewey, Allen; Horstmann, Paul W.; Laurentiev, John


    This paper examines the role virtual enterprises will have in supporting future business engagements and resulting technology requirements. Two representative end-user scenarios are proposed that define the requirements for 'plug-and-play' information infrastructure frameworks and architectures necessary to enable 'virtual enterprises' in US manufacturing industries. The scenarios provide a high- level 'needs analysis' for identifying key technologies, defining a reference architecture, and developing compliant reference implementations. Virtual enterprises are short- term consortia or alliances of companies formed to address fast-changing opportunities. Members of a virtual enterprise carry out their tasks as if they all worked for a single organization under 'one roof', using 'plug-and-play' information infrastructure frameworks and architectures to access and manage all information needed to support the product cycle. 'Plug-and-play' information infrastructure frameworks and architectures are required to enhance collaboration between companies corking together on different aspects of a manufacturing process. This new form of collaborative computing will decrease cycle-time and increase responsiveness to change.

  7. Library fingerprints: a novel approach to the screening of virtual libraries.


    Klon, Anthony E; Diller, David J


    We propose a novel method to prioritize libraries for combinatorial synthesis and high-throughput screening that assesses the viability of a particular library on the basis of the aggregate physical-chemical properties of the compounds using a naïve Bayesian classifier. This approach prioritizes collections of related compounds according to the aggregate values of their physical-chemical parameters in contrast to single-compound screening. The method is also shown to be useful in screening existing noncombinatorial libraries when the compounds in these libraries have been previously clustered according to their molecular graphs. We show that the method used here is comparable or superior to the single-compound virtual screening of combinatorial libraries and noncombinatorial libraries and is superior to the pairwise Tanimoto similarity searching of a collection of combinatorial libraries.

  8. Role of Open Source Tools and Resources in Virtual Screening for Drug Discovery.


    Karthikeyan, Muthukumarasamy; Vyas, Renu


    Advancement in chemoinformatics research in parallel with availability of high performance computing platform has made handling of large scale multi-dimensional scientific data for high throughput drug discovery easier. In this study we have explored publicly available molecular databases with the help of open-source based integrated in-house molecular informatics tools for virtual screening. The virtual screening literature for past decade has been extensively investigated and thoroughly analyzed to reveal interesting patterns with respect to the drug, target, scaffold and disease space. The review also focuses on the integrated chemoinformatics tools that are capable of harvesting chemical data from textual literature information and transform them into truly computable chemical structures, identification of unique fragments and scaffolds from a class of compounds, automatic generation of focused virtual libraries, computation of molecular descriptors for structure-activity relationship studies, application of conventional filters used in lead discovery along with in-house developed exhaustive PTC (Pharmacophore, Toxicophores and Chemophores) filters and machine learning tools for the design of potential disease specific inhibitors. A case study on kinase inhibitors is provided as an example.

  9. CycloPs: generating virtual libraries of cyclized and constrained peptides including nonnatural amino acids.


    Duffy, Fergal J; Verniere, Mélanie; Devocelle, Marc; Bernard, Elise; Shields, Denis C; Chubb, Anthony J


    We introduce CycloPs, software for the generation of virtual libraries of constrained peptides including natural and nonnatural commercially available amino acids. The software is written in the cross-platform Python programming language, and features include generating virtual libraries in one-dimensional SMILES and three-dimensional SDF formats, suitable for virtual screening. The stand-alone software is capable of filtering the virtual libraries using empirical measurements, including peptide synthesizability by standard peptide synthesis techniques, stability, and the druglike properties of the peptide. The software and accompanying Web interface is designed to enable the rapid generation of large, structurally diverse, synthesizable virtual libraries of constrained peptides quickly and conveniently, for use in virtual screening experiments. The stand-alone software, and the Web interface for evaluating these empirical properties of a single peptide, are available at .

  10. Enabling Diverse Software Stacks on Supercomputers using High Performance Virtual Clusters.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Younge, Andrew J.; Pedretti, Kevin; Grant, Ryan

    While large-scale simulations have been the hallmark of the High Performance Computing (HPC) community for decades, Large Scale Data Analytics (LSDA) workloads are gaining attention within the scientific community not only as a processing component to large HPC simulations, but also as standalone scientific tools for knowledge discovery. With the path towards Exascale, new HPC runtime systems are also emerging in a way that differs from classical distributed com- puting models. However, system software for such capabilities on the latest extreme-scale DOE supercomputing needs to be enhanced to more appropriately support these types of emerging soft- ware ecosystems. In thismore » paper, we propose the use of Virtual Clusters on advanced supercomputing resources to enable systems to support not only HPC workloads, but also emerging big data stacks. Specifi- cally, we have deployed the KVM hypervisor within Cray's Compute Node Linux on a XC-series supercomputer testbed. We also use libvirt and QEMU to manage and provision VMs directly on compute nodes, leveraging Ethernet-over-Aries network emulation. To our knowledge, this is the first known use of KVM on a true MPP supercomputer. We investigate the overhead our solution using HPC benchmarks, both evaluating single-node performance as well as weak scaling of a 32-node virtual cluster. Overall, we find single node performance of our solution using KVM on a Cray is very efficient with near-native performance. However overhead increases by up to 20% as virtual cluster size increases, due to limitations of the Ethernet-over-Aries bridged network. Furthermore, we deploy Apache Spark with large data analysis workloads in a Virtual Cluster, ef- fectively demonstrating how diverse software ecosystems can be supported by High Performance Virtual Clusters.« less

  11. Colorectal cancer screening with virtual colonoscopy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ge, Yaorong; Vining, David J.; Ahn, David K.; Stelts, David R.


    Early detection and removal of colorectal polyps have been proven to reduce mortality from colorectal carcinoma (CRC), the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Unfortunately, traditional techniques for CRC examination (i.e., barium enema, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy) are unsuitable for mass screening because of either low accuracy or poor public acceptance, costs, and risks. Virtual colonoscopy (VC) is a minimally invasive alternative that is based on tomographic scanning of the colon. After a patient's bowel is optimally cleansed and distended with gas, a fast tomographic scan, typically helical computed tomography (CT), of the abdomen is performed during a single breath-hold acquisition. Two-dimensional (2D) slices and three-dimensional (3D) rendered views of the colon lumen generated from the tomographic data are then examined for colorectal polyps. Recent clinical studies conducted at several institutions including ours have shown great potential for this technology to be an effective CRC screening tool. In this paper, we describe new methods to improve bowel preparation, colon lumen visualization, colon segmentation, and polyp detection. Our initial results show that VC with the new bowel preparation and imaging protocol is capable of achieving accuracy comparable to conventional colonoscopy and our new algorithms for image analysis contribute to increased accuracy and efficiency in VC examinations.

  12. Virtual daily living test to screen for mild cognitive impairment using kinematic movement analysis

    PubMed Central

    Seo, Kyoungwon; Kim, Jae-kwan; Oh, Dong Hoon


    Questionnaires or computer-based tests for assessing activities of daily living are well-known approaches to screen for mild cognitive impairment (MCI). However, questionnaires are subjective and computerized tests only collect simple performance data with conventional input devices such as a mouse and keyboard. This study explored the validity and discriminative power of a virtual daily living test as a new diagnostic approach to assess MCI. Twenty-two healthy controls and 20 patients with MCI were recruited. The virtual daily living test presents two complex daily living tasks in an immersive virtual reality environment. The tasks were conducted based on subject body movements and detailed behavioral data (i.e., kinematic measures) were collected. Performance in both the proposed virtual daily living test and conventional neuropsychological tests for patients with MCI was compared to healthy controls. Kinematic measures considered in this study, such as body movement trajectory, time to completion, and speed, classified patients with MCI from healthy controls, F(8, 33) = 5.648, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.578. When both hand and head speed were employed in conjunction with the immediate free-recall test, a conventional neuropsychological test, the discrimination power for screening MCI was significantly improved to 90% sensitivity and 95.5% specificity (cf. the immediate free-recall test alone has 80% sensitivity and 77.3% specificity). Inclusion of the kinematic measures in screening for MCI significantly improved the classification of patients with MCI compared to the healthy control group, Wilks’ Lambda = 0.451, p < 0.001. PMID:28738088

  13. Applying DEKOIS 2.0 in structure-based virtual screening to probe the impact of preparation procedures and score normalization.


    Ibrahim, Tamer M; Bauer, Matthias R; Boeckler, Frank M


    Structure-based virtual screening techniques can help to identify new lead structures and complement other screening approaches in drug discovery. Prior to docking, the data (protein crystal structures and ligands) should be prepared with great attention to molecular and chemical details. Using a subset of 18 diverse targets from the recently introduced DEKOIS 2.0 benchmark set library, we found differences in the virtual screening performance of two popular docking tools (GOLD and Glide) when employing two different commercial packages (e.g. MOE and Maestro) for preparing input data. We systematically investigated the possible factors that can be responsible for the found differences in selected sets. For the Angiotensin-I-converting enzyme dataset, preparation of the bioactive molecules clearly exerted the highest influence on VS performance compared to preparation of the decoys or the target structure. The major contributing factors were different protonation states, molecular flexibility, and differences in the input conformation (particularly for cyclic moieties) of bioactives. In addition, score normalization strategies eliminated the biased docking scores shown by GOLD (ChemPLP) for the larger bioactives and produced a better performance. Generalizing these normalization strategies on the 18 DEKOIS 2.0 sets, improved the performances for the majority of GOLD (ChemPLP) docking, while it showed detrimental performances for the majority of Glide (SP) docking. In conclusion, we exemplify herein possible issues particularly during the preparation stage of molecular data and demonstrate to which extent these issues can cause perturbations in the virtual screening performance. We provide insights into what problems can occur and should be avoided, when generating benchmarks to characterize the virtual screening performance. Particularly, careful selection of an appropriate molecular preparation setup for the bioactive set and the use of score normalization for

  14. Graph-based similarity concepts in virtual screening.


    Hutter, Michael C


    Applying similarity for finding new promising compounds is a key issue in drug design. Conversely, quantifying similarity between molecules has remained a difficult task despite the numerous approaches. Here, some general aspects along with recent developments regarding similarity criteria are collected. For the purpose of virtual screening, the compounds have to be encoded into a computer-readable format that permits a comparison, according to given similarity criteria, comprising the use of the 3D structure, fingerprints, graph-based and alignment-based approaches. Whereas finding the most common substructures is the most obvious method, more recent approaches take into account chemical modifications that appear throughout existing drugs, from various therapeutic categories and targets.

  15. Virtual Ligand Screening Using PL-PatchSurfer2, a Molecular Surface-Based Protein-Ligand Docking Method.


    Shin, Woong-Hee; Kihara, Daisuke


    Virtual screening is a computational technique for predicting a potent binding compound for a receptor protein from a ligand library. It has been a widely used in the drug discovery field to reduce the efforts of medicinal chemists to find hit compounds by experiments.Here, we introduce our novel structure-based virtual screening program, PL-PatchSurfer, which uses molecular surface representation with the three-dimensional Zernike descriptors, which is an effective mathematical representation for identifying physicochemical complementarities between local surfaces of a target protein and a ligand. The advantage of the surface-patch description is its tolerance on a receptor and compound structure variation. PL-PatchSurfer2 achieves higher accuracy on apo form and computationally modeled receptor structures than conventional structure-based virtual screening programs. Thus, PL-PatchSurfer2 opens up an opportunity for targets that do not have their crystal structures. The program is provided as a stand-alone program at . We also provide files for two ligand libraries, ChEMBL and ZINC Drug-like.

  16. Sensor Webs and Virtual Globes: Enabling Understanding of Changes in a partially Glaciated Watershed

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heavner, M.; Fatland, D. R.; Habermann, M.; Berner, L.; Hood, E.; Connor, C.; Galbraith, J.; Knuth, E.; O'Brien, W.


    The University of Alaska Southeast is currently implementing a sensor web identified as the SouthEast Alaska MOnitoring Network for Science, Telecommunications, Education, and Research (SEAMONSTER). SEAMONSTER is operating in the partially glaciated Mendenhall and Lemon Creek Watersheds, in the Juneau area, on the margins of the Juneau Icefield. These watersheds are studied for both 1. long term monitoring of changes, and 2. detection and analysis of transient events (such as glacier lake outburst floods). The heterogeneous sensors (meteorologic, dual frequency GPS, water quality, lake level, etc), power and bandwidth constraints, and competing time scales of interest require autonomous reactivity of the sensor web. They also present challenges for operational management of the sensor web. The harsh conditions on the glaciers provide additional operating constraints. The tight integration of the sensor web and virtual global enabling technology enhance the project in multiple ways. We are utilizing virtual globe infrastructures to enhance both sensor web management and data access. SEAMONSTER utilizes virtual globes for education and public outreach, sensor web management, data dissemination, and enabling collaboration. Using a PosgreSQL with GIS extensions database coupled to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Geoserver, we generate near-real-time auto-updating geobrowser files of the data in multiple OGC standard formats (e.g KML, WCS). Additionally, embedding wiki pages in this database allows the development of a geospatially aware wiki describing the projects for better public outreach and education. In this presentation we will describe how we have implemented these technologies to date, the lessons learned, and our efforts towards greater OGC standard implementation. A major focus will be on demonstrating how geobrowsers and virtual globes have made this project possible.

  17. Virtual reality skills training for health care professionals in alcohol screening and brief intervention.


    Fleming, Michael; Olsen, Dale; Stathes, Hilary; Boteler, Laura; Grossberg, Paul; Pfeifer, Judie; Schiro, Stephanie; Banning, Jane; Skochelak, Susan


    Educating physicians and other health care professionals about the identification and treatment of patients who drink more than recommended limits is an ongoing challenge. An educational randomized controlled trial was conducted to test the ability of a stand-alone training simulation to improve the clinical skills of health care professionals in alcohol screening and intervention. The "virtual reality simulation" combined video, voice recognition, and nonbranching logic to create an interactive environment that allowed trainees to encounter complex social cues and realistic interpersonal exchanges. The simulation included 707 questions and statements and 1207 simulated patient responses. A sample of 102 health care professionals (10 physicians; 30 physician assistants or nurse practitioners; 36 medical students; 26 pharmacy, physican assistant, or nurse practitioner students) were randomly assigned to a no training group (n = 51) or a computer-based virtual reality intervention (n = 51). Professionals in both groups had similar pretest standardized patient alcohol screening skill scores: 53.2 (experimental) vs 54.4 (controls), 52.2 vs 53.7 alcohol brief intervention skills, and 42.9 vs 43.5 alcohol referral skills. After repeated practice with the simulation there were significant increases in the scores of the experimental group at 6 months after randomization compared with the control group for the screening (67.7 vs 58.1; P < .001) and brief intervention (58.3 vs 51.6; P < .04) scenarios. The technology tested in this trial is the first virtual reality simulation to demonstrate an increase in the alcohol screening and brief intervention skills of health care professionals.

  18. Virtual Reality Skills Training for Health Care Professionals in Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention

    PubMed Central

    Fleming, Michael; Olsen, Dale; Stathes, Hilary; Boteler, Laura; Grossberg, Paul; Pfeifer, Judie; Schiro, Stephanie; Banning, Jane; Skochelak, Susan


    Background Educating physicians and other health care professionals to identify and treat patients who drink above recommended limits is an ongoing challenge. Methods An educational Randomized Control Trial (RCT) was conducted to test the ability of a stand alone training simulation to improve the clinical skills of health care professionals in alcohol screening and intervention. The “virtual reality simulation” combines video, voice recognition and non branching logic to create an interactive environment that allows trainees to encounter complex social cues and realistic interpersonal exchanges. The simulation includes 707 questions and statements and 1207 simulated patient responses. Results A sample of 102 health care professionals (10 physicians; 30 physician assistants [PAs] or nurse practitioners [NPs]; 36 medical students; 26 pharmacy, PA or NP students) were randomly assigned to no training (n=51) or a computer based virtual reality intervention (n=51). Subjects in both groups had similar pre-test standardized patient alcohol screening skill scores – 53.2 (experimental) vs. 54.4 (controls), 52.2 vs. 53.7 alcohol brief intervention skills, and 42.9 vs. 43.5 alcohol referral skills. Following repeated practice with the simulation there were significant increases in the scores of the experimental group at 6 months post-randomization compared to the control group for the screening (67.7 vs. 58.1, p<.001) and brief intervention (58.3 vs. 51.6, p<.04) scenarios. Conclusions The technology tested in this trial is the first virtual reality simulation to demonstrate an increase in the alcohol screening and brief intervention skills of health care professionals. PMID:19587253

  19. Classification and virtual screening of androgen receptor antagonists.


    Li, Jiazhong; Gramatica, Paola


    Computational tools, such as quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR), are highly useful as screening support for prioritization of substances of very high concern (SVHC). From the practical point of view, QSAR models should be effective to pick out more active rather than inactive compounds, expressed as sensitivity in classification works. This research investigates the classification of a big data set of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs)-androgen receptor (AR) antagonists, mainly aiming to improve the external sensitivity and to screen for potential AR binders. The kNN, lazy IB1, and ADTree methods and the consensus approach were used to build different models, which improve the sensitivity on external chemicals from 57.1% (literature) to 76.4%. Additionally, the models' predictive abilities were further validated on a blind collected data set (sensitivity: 85.7%). Then the proposed classifiers were used: (i) to distinguish a set of AR binders into antagonists and agonists; (ii) to screen a combined estrogen receptor binder database to find out possible chemicals that can bind to both AR and ER; and (iii) to virtually screen our in-house environmental chemical database. The in silico screening results suggest: (i) that some compounds can affect the normal endocrine system through a complex mechanism binding both to ER and AR; (ii) new EDCs, which are nonER binders, but can in silico bind to AR, are recognized; and (iii) about 20% of compounds in a big data set of environmental chemicals are predicted as new AR antagonists. The priority should be given to them to experimentally test the binding activities with AR.

  20. DPubChem: a web tool for QSAR modeling and high-throughput virtual screening.


    Soufan, Othman; Ba-Alawi, Wail; Magana-Mora, Arturo; Essack, Magbubah; Bajic, Vladimir B


    High-throughput screening (HTS) performs the experimental testing of a large number of chemical compounds aiming to identify those active in the considered assay. Alternatively, faster and cheaper methods of large-scale virtual screening are performed computationally through quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models. However, the vast amount of available HTS heterogeneous data and the imbalanced ratio of active to inactive compounds in an assay make this a challenging problem. Although different QSAR models have been proposed, they have certain limitations, e.g., high false positive rates, complicated user interface, and limited utilization options. Therefore, we developed DPubChem, a novel web tool for deriving QSAR models that implement the state-of-the-art machine-learning techniques to enhance the precision of the models and enable efficient analyses of experiments from PubChem BioAssay database. DPubChem also has a simple interface that provides various options to users. DPubChem predicted active compounds for 300 datasets with an average geometric mean and F 1 score of 76.68% and 76.53%, respectively. Furthermore, DPubChem builds interaction networks that highlight novel predicted links between chemical compounds and biological assays. Using such a network, DPubChem successfully suggested a novel drug for the Niemann-Pick type C disease. DPubChem is freely available at .

  1. Getting the Most out of PubChem for Virtual Screening

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Sunghwan


    Introduction With the emergence of the “big data” era, the biomedical research community has great interest in exploiting publicly available chemical information for drug discovery. PubChem is an example of public databases that provide a large amount of chemical information free of charge. Areas covered This article provides an overview of how PubChem’s data, tools, and services can be used for virtual screening and reviews recent publications that discuss important aspects of exploiting PubChem for drug discovery. Expert opinion PubChem offers comprehensive chemical information useful for drug discovery. It also provides multiple programmatic access routes, which are essential to build automated virtual screening pipelines that exploit PubChem data. In addition, PubChemRDF allows users to download PubChem data and load them into a local computing facility, facilitating data integration between PubChem and other resources. PubChem resources have been used in many studies for developing bioactivity and toxicity prediction models, discovering polypharmacologic (multi-target) ligands, and identifying new macromolecule targets of compounds (for drug-repurposing or off-target side effect prediction). These studies demonstrate the usefulness of PubChem as a key resource for computer-aided drug discovery and related area. PMID:27454129

  2. Exploration of multiple Sortase A protein conformations in virtual screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gao, Chunxia; Uzelac, Ivana; Gottfries, Johan; Eriksson, Leif A.


    Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become a major health concern which has brought about an urgent need for new therapeutic agents. As the S. aureus Sortase A (SrtA) enzyme contributes to the adherence of the bacteria to the host cells, inhibition thereof by small molecules could be employed as potential antivirulence agents, also towards resistant strains. Albeit several virtual docking SrtA campaigns have been reported, no strongly inhibitatory non-covalent binders have as yet emerged therefrom. In order to better understand the binding modes of small molecules, and the effect of different receptor structures employed in the screening, we herein report on an exploratory study employing 10 known binders and 500 decoys on 100 SrtA structures generated from regular or steered molecular dynamics simulations on four different SrtA crystal/NMR structures. The results suggest a correlation between the protein structural flexibility and the virtual screening performance, and confirm the noted immobilization of the β6/β7 loop upon substrate binding. The NMR structures reported appear to perform slightly better than the Xray-crystal structures, but the binding modes fluctuate tremendously, and it might be suspected that the catalytic site is not necessarily the preferred site of binding for some of the reported active compounds.

  3. Exploration of multiple Sortase A protein conformations in virtual screening

    PubMed Central

    Gao, Chunxia; Uzelac, Ivana; Gottfries, Johan; Eriksson, Leif A.


    Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become a major health concern which has brought about an urgent need for new therapeutic agents. As the S. aureus Sortase A (SrtA) enzyme contributes to the adherence of the bacteria to the host cells, inhibition thereof by small molecules could be employed as potential antivirulence agents, also towards resistant strains. Albeit several virtual docking SrtA campaigns have been reported, no strongly inhibitatory non-covalent binders have as yet emerged therefrom. In order to better understand the binding modes of small molecules, and the effect of different receptor structures employed in the screening, we herein report on an exploratory study employing 10 known binders and 500 decoys on 100 SrtA structures generated from regular or steered molecular dynamics simulations on four different SrtA crystal/NMR structures. The results suggest a correlation between the protein structural flexibility and the virtual screening performance, and confirm the noted immobilization of the β6/β7 loop upon substrate binding. The NMR structures reported appear to perform slightly better than the Xray-crystal structures, but the binding modes fluctuate tremendously, and it might be suspected that the catalytic site is not necessarily the preferred site of binding for some of the reported active compounds. PMID:26846342

  4. Hit identification and optimization in virtual screening: practical recommendations based on a critical literature analysis.


    Zhu, Tian; Cao, Shuyi; Su, Pin-Chih; Patel, Ram; Shah, Darshan; Chokshi, Heta B; Szukala, Richard; Johnson, Michael E; Hevener, Kirk E


    A critical analysis of virtual screening results published between 2007 and 2011 was performed. The activity of reported hit compounds from over 400 studies was compared to their hit identification criteria. Hit rates and ligand efficiencies were calculated to assist in these analyses, and the results were compared with factors such as the size of the virtual library and the number of compounds tested. A series of promiscuity, druglike, and ADMET filters were applied to the reported hits to assess the quality of compounds reported, and a careful analysis of a subset of the studies that presented hit optimization was performed. These data allowed us to make several practical recommendations with respect to selection of compounds for experimental testing, definition of hit identification criteria, and general virtual screening hit criteria to allow for realistic hit optimization. A key recommendation is the use of size-targeted ligand efficiency values as hit identification criteria.

  5. Hit Identification and Optimization in Virtual Screening: Practical Recommendations Based Upon a Critical Literature Analysis

    PubMed Central

    Zhu, Tian; Cao, Shuyi; Su, Pin-Chih; Patel, Ram; Shah, Darshan; Chokshi, Heta B.; Szukala, Richard; Johnson, Michael E.; Hevener, Kirk E.


    A critical analysis of virtual screening results published between 2007 and 2011 was performed. The activity of reported hit compounds from over 400 studies was compared to their hit identification criteria. Hit rates and ligand efficiencies were calculated to assist in these analyses and the results were compared with factors such as the size of the virtual library and the number of compounds tested. A series of promiscuity, drug-like, and ADMET filters were applied to the reported hits to assess the quality of compounds reported and a careful analysis of a subset of the studies which presented hit optimization was performed. This data allowed us to make several practical recommendations with respect to selection of compounds for experimental testing, defining hit identification criteria, and general virtual screening hit criteria to allow for realistic hit optimization. A key recommendation is the use of size-targeted ligand efficiency values as hit identification criteria. PMID:23688234

  6. Discovery of Novel ROCK1 Inhibitors via Integrated Virtual Screening Strategy and Bioassays

    PubMed Central

    Shen, Mingyun; Tian, Sheng; Pan, Peichen; Sun, Huiyong; Li, Dan; Li, Youyong; Zhou, Hefeng; Li, Chuwen; Lee, Simon Ming-Yuen; Hou, Tingjun


    Rho-associated kinases (ROCKs) have been regarded as promising drug targets for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, nervous system diseases and cancers. In this study, a novel integrated virtual screening protocol by combining molecular docking and pharmacophore mapping based on multiple ROCK1 crystal structures was utilized to screen the ChemBridge database for discovering potential inhibitors of ROCK1. Among the 38 tested compounds, seven of them exhibited significant inhibitory activities of ROCK1 (IC50 < 10 μM) and the most potent one (compound TS-f22) with the novel scaffold of 4-Phenyl-1H-pyrrolo [2,3-b] pyridine had an IC50 of 480 nM. Then, the structure-activity relationships of 41 analogues of TS-f22 were examined. Two potent inhibitors were proven effective in inhibiting the phosphorylation of the downstream target in the ROCK signaling pathway in vitro and protecting atorvastatin-induced cerebral hemorrhage in vivo. The high hit rate (28.95%) suggested that the integrated virtual screening strategy was quite reliable and could be used as a powerful tool for identifying promising active compounds for targets of interest. PMID:26568382

  7. Discovery of Novel ROCK1 Inhibitors via Integrated Virtual Screening Strategy and Bioassays.


    Shen, Mingyun; Tian, Sheng; Pan, Peichen; Sun, Huiyong; Li, Dan; Li, Youyong; Zhou, Hefeng; Li, Chuwen; Lee, Simon Ming-Yuen; Hou, Tingjun


    Rho-associated kinases (ROCKs) have been regarded as promising drug targets for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, nervous system diseases and cancers. In this study, a novel integrated virtual screening protocol by combining molecular docking and pharmacophore mapping based on multiple ROCK1 crystal structures was utilized to screen the ChemBridge database for discovering potential inhibitors of ROCK1. Among the 38 tested compounds, seven of them exhibited significant inhibitory activities of ROCK1 (IC50 < 10 μM) and the most potent one (compound TS-f22) with the novel scaffold of 4-Phenyl-1H-pyrrolo [2,3-b] pyridine had an IC50 of 480 nM. Then, the structure-activity relationships of 41 analogues of TS-f22 were examined. Two potent inhibitors were proven effective in inhibiting the phosphorylation of the downstream target in the ROCK signaling pathway in vitro and protecting atorvastatin-induced cerebral hemorrhage in vivo. The high hit rate (28.95%) suggested that the integrated virtual screening strategy was quite reliable and could be used as a powerful tool for identifying promising active compounds for targets of interest.

  8. Using Hierarchical Virtual Screening To Combat Drug Resistance of the HIV-1 Protease.


    Li, Nan; Ainsworth, Richard I; Ding, Bo; Hou, Tingjun; Wang, Wei


    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease inhibitors (PIs) are important components of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) that block the catalytic site of HIV protease, thus preventing maturation of the HIV virion. However, with two decades of PI prescriptions in clinical practice, drug-resistant HIV mutants have now been found for all of the PI drugs. Therefore, the continuous development of new PI drugs is crucial both to combat the existing drug-resistant HIV strains and to provide treatments for future patients. Here we purpose an HIV PI drug design strategy to select candidate PIs with binding energy distributions dominated by interactions with conserved protease residues in both wild-type and various drug-resistant mutants. On the basis of this strategy, we have constructed a virtual screening pipeline including combinatorial library construction, combinatorial docking, MM/GBSA-based rescoring, and reranking on the basis of the binding energy distribution. We have tested our strategy on lopinavir by modifying its two functional groups. From an initial 751 689 candidate molecules, 18 candidate inhibitors were selected using the pipeline for experimental validation. IC50 measurements and drug resistance predictions successfully identified two ligands with both HIV protease inhibitor activity and an improved drug resistance profile on 2382 HIV mutants. This study provides a proof of concept for the integration of MM/GBSA energy analysis and drug resistance information at the stage of virtual screening and sheds light on future HIV drug design and the use of virtual screening to combat drug resistance.

  9. SABRE: ligand/structure-based virtual screening approach using consensus molecular-shape pattern recognition.


    Wei, Ning-Ning; Hamza, Adel


    We present an efficient and rational ligand/structure shape-based virtual screening approach combining our previous ligand shape-based similarity SABRE (shape-approach-based routines enhanced) and the 3D shape of the receptor binding site. Our approach exploits the pharmacological preferences of a number of known active ligands to take advantage of the structural diversities and chemical similarities, using a linear combination of weighted molecular shape density. Furthermore, the algorithm generates a consensus molecular-shape pattern recognition that is used to filter and place the candidate structure into the binding pocket. The descriptor pool used to construct the consensus molecular-shape pattern consists of four dimensional (4D) fingerprints generated from the distribution of conformer states available to a molecule and the 3D shapes of a set of active ligands computed using SABRE software. The virtual screening efficiency of SABRE was validated using the Database of Useful Decoys (DUD) and the filtered version (WOMBAT) of 10 DUD targets. The ligand/structure shape-based similarity SABRE algorithm outperforms several other widely used virtual screening methods which uses the data fusion of multiscreening tools (2D and 3D fingerprints) and demonstrates a superior early retrieval rate of active compounds (EF(0.1%) = 69.0% and EF(1%) = 98.7%) from a large size of ligand database (∼95,000 structures). Therefore, our developed similarity approach can be of particular use for identifying active compounds that are similar to reference molecules and predicting activity against other targets (chemogenomics). An academic license of the SABRE program is available on request.

  10. Combining in silico and in cerebro approaches for virtual screening and pose prediction in SAMPL4.


    Voet, Arnout R D; Kumar, Ashutosh; Berenger, Francois; Zhang, Kam Y J


    The SAMPL challenges provide an ideal opportunity for unbiased evaluation and comparison of different approaches used in computational drug design. During the fourth round of this SAMPL challenge, we participated in the virtual screening and binding pose prediction on inhibitors targeting the HIV-1 integrase enzyme. For virtual screening, we used well known and widely used in silico methods combined with personal in cerebro insights and experience. Regular docking only performed slightly better than random selection, but the performance was significantly improved upon incorporation of additional filters based on pharmacophore queries and electrostatic similarities. The best performance was achieved when logical selection was added. For the pose prediction, we utilized a similar consensus approach that amalgamated the results of the Glide-XP docking with structural knowledge and rescoring. The pose prediction results revealed that docking displayed reasonable performance in predicting the binding poses. However, prediction performance can be improved utilizing scientific experience and rescoring approaches. In both the virtual screening and pose prediction challenges, the top performance was achieved by our approaches. Here we describe the methods and strategies used in our approaches and discuss the rationale of their performances.

  11. Combining in silico and in cerebro approaches for virtual screening and pose prediction in SAMPL4

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voet, Arnout R. D.; Kumar, Ashutosh; Berenger, Francois; Zhang, Kam Y. J.


    The SAMPL challenges provide an ideal opportunity for unbiased evaluation and comparison of different approaches used in computational drug design. During the fourth round of this SAMPL challenge, we participated in the virtual screening and binding pose prediction on inhibitors targeting the HIV-1 integrase enzyme. For virtual screening, we used well known and widely used in silico methods combined with personal in cerebro insights and experience. Regular docking only performed slightly better than random selection, but the performance was significantly improved upon incorporation of additional filters based on pharmacophore queries and electrostatic similarities. The best performance was achieved when logical selection was added. For the pose prediction, we utilized a similar consensus approach that amalgamated the results of the Glide-XP docking with structural knowledge and rescoring. The pose prediction results revealed that docking displayed reasonable performance in predicting the binding poses. However, prediction performance can be improved utilizing scientific experience and rescoring approaches. In both the virtual screening and pose prediction challenges, the top performance was achieved by our approaches. Here we describe the methods and strategies used in our approaches and discuss the rationale of their performances.

  12. Resilient Multi-Domain Command and Control: Enabling Solutions for 2025 with Virtual Reality

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AIR WAR COLLEGE AIR UNIVERSITY RESILIENT MULTI-DOMAIN COMMAND AND CONTROL : ENABLING SOLUTIONS FOR 2025 WITH VIRTUAL REALITY by...monolithic, command and control (C2) sites, such as the theater Air Operation Centers (AOC), at risk. The Multi-Domain Command and Control (MDC2...Air Force respond to the these threats, considering the use of new and existing weapons and concepts, to ensure our ability to command, control and

  13. Synergism of virtual screening and medicinal chemistry: identification and optimization of allosteric antagonists of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1.


    Noeske, Tobias; Trifanova, Dina; Kauss, Valerjans; Renner, Steffen; Parsons, Christopher G; Schneider, Gisbert; Weil, Tanja


    We report the identification of novel potent and selective metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (mGluR1) antagonists by virtual screening and subsequent hit optimization. For ligand-based virtual screening, molecules were represented by a topological pharmacophore descriptor (CATS-2D) and clustered by a self-organizing map (SOM). The most promising compounds were tested in mGluR1 functional and binding assays. We identified a potent chemotype exhibiting selective antagonistic activity at mGluR1 (functional IC(50)=0.74+/-0.29 microM). Hit optimization yielded lead structure 16 with an affinity of K(i)=0.024+/-0.001 microM and greater than 1000-fold selectivity for mGluR1 versus mGluR5. Homology-based receptor modelling suggests a binding site compatible with previously reported mutation studies. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of ligand-based virtual screening for scaffold-hopping and rapid lead structure identification in early drug discovery projects.

  14. Ligand and structure based virtual screening strategies for hit-finding and optimization of hepatitis C virus (HCV) inhibitors.


    Melagraki, G; Afantitis, A


    Virtual Screening (VS) has experienced increased attention into the recent years due to the large datasets made available, the development of advanced VS techniques and the encouraging fact that VS has contributed to the discovery of several compounds that have either reached the market or entered clinical trials. Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B) has become an attractive target for the development of antiviral drugs and many small molecules have been explored as possible HCV NS5B inhibitors. In parallel with experimental practices, VS can serve as a valuable tool in the identification of novel effective inhibitors. Different techniques and workflows have been reported in literature with the goal to prioritize possible potent hits. In this context, different virtual screening strategies have been deployed for the identification of novel Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) inhibitors. This work reviews recent applications of virtual screening in an effort to identify novel potent HCV inhibitors.

  15. Novel Hybrid Virtual Screening Protocol Based on Molecular Docking and Structure-Based Pharmacophore for Discovery of Methionyl-tRNA Synthetase Inhibitors as Antibacterial Agents

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Chi; He, Gu; Jiang, Qinglin; Han, Bo; Peng, Cheng


    Methione tRNA synthetase (MetRS) is an essential enzyme involved in protein biosynthesis in all living organisms and is a potential antibacterial target. In the current study, the structure-based pharmacophore (SBP)-guided method has been suggested to generate a comprehensive pharmacophore of MetRS based on fourteen crystal structures of MetRS-inhibitor complexes. In this investigation, a hybrid protocol of a virtual screening method, comprised of pharmacophore model-based virtual screening (PBVS), rigid and flexible docking-based virtual screenings (DBVS), is used for retrieving new MetRS inhibitors from commercially available chemical databases. This hybrid virtual screening approach was then applied to screen the Specs (202,408 compounds) database, a structurally diverse chemical database. Fifteen hit compounds were selected from the final hits and shifted to experimental studies. These results may provide important information for further research of novel MetRS inhibitors as antibacterial agents. PMID:23839093

  16. Virtual screening applications: a study of ligand-based methods and different structure representations in four different scenarios.


    Hristozov, Dimitar P; Oprea, Tudor I; Gasteiger, Johann


    Four different ligand-based virtual screening scenarios are studied: (1) prioritizing compounds for subsequent high-throughput screening (HTS); (2) selecting a predefined (small) number of potentially active compounds from a large chemical database; (3) assessing the probability that a given structure will exhibit a given activity; (4) selecting the most active structure(s) for a biological assay. Each of the four scenarios is exemplified by performing retrospective ligand-based virtual screening for eight different biological targets using two large databases--MDDR and WOMBAT. A comparison between the chemical spaces covered by these two databases is presented. The performance of two techniques for ligand--based virtual screening--similarity search with subsequent data fusion (SSDF) and novelty detection with Self-Organizing Maps (ndSOM) is investigated. Three different structure representations--2,048-dimensional Daylight fingerprints, topological autocorrelation weighted by atomic physicochemical properties (sigma electronegativity, polarizability, partial charge, and identity) and radial distribution functions weighted by the same atomic physicochemical properties--are compared. Both methods were found applicable in scenario one. The similarity search was found to perform slightly better in scenario two while the SOM novelty detection is preferred in scenario three. No method/descriptor combination achieved significant success in scenario four.

  17. Missing depth cues in virtual reality limit performance and quality of three dimensional reaching movements

    PubMed Central

    Mayo, Johnathan; Baur, Kilian; Wittmann, Frieder; Riener, Robert; Wolf, Peter


    Background Goal-directed reaching for real-world objects by humans is enabled through visual depth cues. In virtual environments, the number and quality of available visual depth cues is limited, which may affect reaching performance and quality of reaching movements. Methods We assessed three-dimensional reaching movements in five experimental groups each with ten healthy volunteers. Three groups used a two-dimensional computer screen and two groups used a head-mounted display. The first screen group received the typically recreated visual depth cues, such as aerial and linear perspective, occlusion, shadows, and texture gradients. The second screen group received an abstract minimal rendering lacking those. The third screen group received the cues of the first screen group and absolute depth cues enabled by retinal image size of a known object, which realized with visual renderings of the handheld device and a ghost handheld at the target location. The two head-mounted display groups received the same virtually recreated visual depth cues as the second or the third screen group respectively. Additionally, they could rely on stereopsis and motion parallax due to head-movements. Results and conclusion All groups using the screen performed significantly worse than both groups using the head-mounted display in terms of completion time normalized by the straight-line distance to the target. Both groups using the head-mounted display achieved the optimal minimum in number of speed peaks and in hand path ratio, indicating that our subjects performed natural movements when using a head-mounted display. Virtually recreated visual depth cues had a minor impact on reaching performance. Only the screen group with rendered handhelds could outperform the other screen groups. Thus, if reaching performance in virtual environments is in the main scope of a study, we suggest applying a head-mounted display. Otherwise, when two-dimensional screens are used, achievable performance

  18. Identification of DNA primase inhibitors via a combined fragment-based and virtual screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ilic, Stefan; Akabayov, Sabine R.; Arthanari, Haribabu; Wagner, Gerhard; Richardson, Charles C.; Akabayov, Barak


    The structural differences between bacterial and human primases render the former an excellent target for drug design. Here we describe a technique for selecting small molecule inhibitors of the activity of T7 DNA primase, an ideal model for bacterial primases due to their common structural and functional features. Using NMR screening, fragment molecules that bind T7 primase were identified and then exploited in virtual filtration to select larger molecules from the ZINC database. The molecules were docked to the primase active site using the available primase crystal structure and ranked based on their predicted binding energies to identify the best candidates for functional and structural investigations. Biochemical assays revealed that some of the molecules inhibit T7 primase-dependent DNA replication. The binding mechanism was delineated via NMR spectroscopy. Our approach, which combines fragment based and virtual screening, is rapid and cost effective and can be applied to other targets.

  19. Predictive QSAR modeling workflow, model applicability domains, and virtual screening.


    Tropsha, Alexander; Golbraikh, Alexander


    Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) modeling has been traditionally applied as an evaluative approach, i.e., with the focus on developing retrospective and explanatory models of existing data. Model extrapolation was considered if only in hypothetical sense in terms of potential modifications of known biologically active chemicals that could improve compounds' activity. This critical review re-examines the strategy and the output of the modern QSAR modeling approaches. We provide examples and arguments suggesting that current methodologies may afford robust and validated models capable of accurate prediction of compound properties for molecules not included in the training sets. We discuss a data-analytical modeling workflow developed in our laboratory that incorporates modules for combinatorial QSAR model development (i.e., using all possible binary combinations of available descriptor sets and statistical data modeling techniques), rigorous model validation, and virtual screening of available chemical databases to identify novel biologically active compounds. Our approach places particular emphasis on model validation as well as the need to define model applicability domains in the chemistry space. We present examples of studies where the application of rigorously validated QSAR models to virtual screening identified computational hits that were confirmed by subsequent experimental investigations. The emerging focus of QSAR modeling on target property forecasting brings it forward as predictive, as opposed to evaluative, modeling approach.

  20. Discovery of Novel New Delhi Metallo-β-Lactamases-1 Inhibitors by Multistep Virtual Screening

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Xuequan; Lu, Meiling; Shi, Yang; Ou, Yu; Cheng, Xiaodong


    The emergence of NDM-1 containing multi-antibiotic resistant "Superbugs" necessitates the needs of developing of novel NDM-1inhibitors. In this study, we report the discovery of novel NDM-1 inhibitors by multi-step virtual screening. From a 2,800,000 virtual drug-like compound library selected from the ZINC database, we generated a focused NDM-1 inhibitor library containing 298 compounds of which 44 chemical compounds were purchased and evaluated experimentally for their ability to inhibit NDM-1 in vitro. Three novel NDM-1 inhibitors with micromolar IC50 values were validated. The most potent inhibitor, VNI-41, inhibited NDM-1 with an IC50 of 29.6 ± 1.3 μM. Molecular dynamic simulation revealed that VNI-41 interacted extensively with the active site. In particular, the sulfonamide group of VNI-41 interacts directly with the metal ion Zn1 that is critical for the catalysis. These results demonstrate the feasibility of applying virtual screening methodologies in identifying novel inhibitors for NDM-1, a metallo-β-lactamase with a malleable active site and provide a mechanism base for rational design of NDM-1 inhibitors using sulfonamide as a functional scaffold. PMID:25734558

  1. mRAISE: an alternative algorithmic approach to ligand-based virtual screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    von Behren, Mathias M.; Bietz, Stefan; Nittinger, Eva; Rarey, Matthias


    Ligand-based virtual screening is a well established method to find new lead molecules in todays drug discovery process. In order to be applicable in day to day practice, such methods have to face multiple challenges. The most important part is the reliability of the results, which can be shown and compared in retrospective studies. Furthermore, in the case of 3D methods, they need to provide biologically relevant molecular alignments of the ligands, that can be further investigated by a medicinal chemist. Last but not least, they have to be able to screen large databases in reasonable time. Many algorithms for ligand-based virtual screening have been proposed in the past, most of them based on pairwise comparisons. Here, a new method is introduced called mRAISE. Based on structural alignments, it uses a descriptor-based bitmap search engine (RAISE) to achieve efficiency. Alignments created on the fly by the search engine get evaluated with an independent shape-based scoring function also used for ranking of compounds. The correct ranking as well as the alignment quality of the method are evaluated and compared to other state of the art methods. On the commonly used Directory of Useful Decoys dataset mRAISE achieves an average area under the ROC curve of 0.76, an average enrichment factor at 1 % of 20.2 and an average hit rate at 1 % of 55.5. With these results, mRAISE is always among the top performing methods with available data for comparison. To access the quality of the alignments calculated by ligand-based virtual screening methods, we introduce a new dataset containing 180 prealigned ligands for 11 diverse targets. Within the top ten ranked conformations, the alignment closest to X-ray structure calculated with mRAISE has a root-mean-square deviation of less than 2.0 Å for 80.8 % of alignment pairs and achieves a median of less than 2.0 Å for eight of the 11 cases. The dataset used to rate the quality of the calculated alignments is freely available at

  2. Space Weathering Investigations Enabled by NASA's Virtual Heliophysical Observatories

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Cooper, John F.; King, Joseph H.; Papitashvili, Natalia E.; Lal, Nand; Sittler, Edward C.; Sturner, Steven J.; Hills, Howard K.; Lipatov, Alexander S.; Kovalick, Tamara J.; Johnson, Rita C.; hide


    Structural and chemical impact of the heliospheric space environment on exposed planetary surfaces and interplanetary dust grains may be generally defined as space weathering . In the inner solar system, from the asteroid belt inwards towards the Sun, the surface regolith structures of airless bodies are primarily determined by cumulative meteoritic impacts over billions of years, but the molecular composition to meters in depth can be substantially modified by irradiation effects. Plasma ions at eV to keV energies may both erode uppermost surfaces by sputtering, and implant or locally produce exogenic material, e.g. He-3 and H2O, while more energetic ions drive molecular change through electronic ionization. Galactic cosmic ray ions and more energetic solar ions can impact chemistry to meters in depth. High energy cosmic ray interactions produce showers of secondary particles and energetic photons that present hazards for robotic and human exploration missions but also enable detection of potentially useable resources such as water ice, oxygen, and many other elements. Surface sputtering also makes ejected elemental and molecular species accessible for in-situ compositional analysis by spacecraft with ion and neutral mass spectrometers. Modeling of relative impacts for these various space weathering processes requires knowledge of the incident species-resolved ion flux spectra at plasma to cosmic ray energies and as integrated over varying time scales. Although the main drivers for investigations of these processes come from NASA's planetary science and human exploration programs, the NASA heliophysics program provides the requisite data measurement and modeling resources to enable specification of the field & plasma and energetic particle irradiation environments for application to space weather and surface weathering investigations. The Virtual Heliospheric Observatory (VHO), Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory (VEPO), Lunar Solar Origins Exploration (Luna

  3. Free Energy-Based Virtual Screening and Optimization of RNase H Inhibitors of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase.


    Zhang, Baofeng; D'Erasmo, Michael P; Murelli, Ryan P; Gallicchio, Emilio


    We report the results of a binding free energy-based virtual screening campaign of a library of 77 α-hydroxytropolone derivatives against the challenging RNase H active site of the reverse transcriptase (RT) enzyme of human immunodeficiency virus-1. Multiple protonation states, rotamer states, and binding modalities of each compound were individually evaluated. The work involved more than 300 individual absolute alchemical binding free energy parallel molecular dynamics calculations and over 1 million CPU hours on national computing clusters and a local campus computational grid. The thermodynamic and structural measures obtained in this work rationalize a series of characteristics of this system useful for guiding future synthetic and biochemical efforts. The free energy model identified key ligand-dependent entropic and conformational reorganization processes difficult to capture using standard docking and scoring approaches. Binding free energy-based optimization of the lead compounds emerging from the virtual screen has yielded four compounds with very favorable binding properties, which will be the subject of further experimental investigations. This work is one of the few reported applications of advanced-binding free energy models to large-scale virtual screening and optimization projects. It further demonstrates that, with suitable algorithms and automation, advanced-binding free energy models can have a useful role in early-stage drug-discovery programs.

  4. Virtual study groups and online Observed Structured Clinical Examinations practices - enabling trainees to enable themselves.


    Davidson, Dennisa; Evans, Lois


    To explore online study groups as augmentation tools in preparing for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Observed Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) for fellowship. An online survey of New Zealand trainees was carried out to assess exam preparedness and openness to virtual study groups and results analysed. Relevant material around virtual study groups for fellowship examinations was reviewed and used to inform a pilot virtual study group. Four New Zealand trainees took part in the pilot project, looking at using a virtual platform to augment OSCE preparation. Of the 50 respondents 36% felt adequately prepared for the OSCE. Sixty-four per cent were interested in using a virtual platform to augment their study. Virtual study groups were noted to be especially important for rural trainees, none of whom felt able to form study groups for themselves. The pilot virtual study group was trialled successfully. All four trainees reported the experience as subjectively beneficial to their examination preparation. Virtual platforms hold promise as an augmentation strategy for exam preparation, especially for rural trainees who are more geographically isolated and less likely to have peers preparing for the same examinations.

  5. Virtual screening and pharmacophore design for a novel theoretical inhibitor of macrophage stimulating factor as a metastatic agent.


    Torktaz, Ibrahim; Mohamadhashem, Faezeh; Esmaeili, Abolghasem; Behjati, Mohaddeseh; Sharifzadeh, Sara


    Metastasis is a crucial aspect of cancer. Macrophage stimulating protein (MSP) is a single chain protein and can be cleaved by serum proteases. MSP has several roles in metastasis. In this in silico study, MSP as a metastatic agent was considered as a drug target. Crystallographic structure of MSP was retrieved from protein data bank. To find a chemical inhibitor of MSP, a library of KEGG compounds was screened and 1000 shape complemented ligands were retrieved with FindSite algorithm. Molegro Virtual Docker (MVD) software was used for docking simulation of shape complemented ligands against MSP. Moldock score was used as scoring function for virtual screening and potential inhibitors with more negative binding energy were obtained. PLANS scoring function was used for revaluation of virtual screening data. The top found chemical had binding affinity of -183.55 based on MolDock score and equal to -66.733 PLANTs score to MSP structure. Based on pharmacophore model of potential inhibitor, this study suggests that the chemical which was found in this research and its derivate can be used for subsequent laboratory studies.

  6. An Integrated In Silico Method to Discover Novel Rock1 Inhibitors: Multi- Complex-Based Pharmacophore, Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Hybrid Protocol Virtual Screening.


    Chen, Haining; Li, Sijia; Hu, Yajiao; Chen, Guo; Jiang, Qinglin; Tong, Rongsheng; Zang, Zhihe; Cai, Lulu


    Rho-associated, coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1 (ROCK1) is an important regulator of focal adhesion, actomyosin contraction and cell motility. In this manuscript, a combination of the multi-complex-based pharmacophore (MCBP), molecular dynamics simulation and a hybrid protocol of a virtual screening method, comprised of multipharmacophore- based virtual screening (PBVS) and ensemble docking-based virtual screening (DBVS) methods were used for retrieving novel ROCK1 inhibitors from the natural products database embedded in the ZINC database. Ten hit compounds were selected from the hit compounds, and five compounds were tested experimentally. Thus, these results may provide valuable information for further discovery of more novel ROCK1 inhibitors.

  7. A desirability-based multi objective approach for the virtual screening discovery of broad-spectrum anti-gastric cancer agents

    PubMed Central

    Sánchez-Rodríguez, Aminael; Tejera, Eduardo; Cruz-Monteagudo, Maykel; Borges, Fernanda; Cordeiro, M. Natália D. S.; Le-Thi-Thu, Huong; Pham-The, Hai


    Gastric cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide and despite advances in prevention, diagnosis and therapy, it is still regarded as a global health concern. The efficacy of the therapies for gastric cancer is limited by a poor response to currently available therapeutic regimens. One of the reasons that may explain these poor clinical outcomes is the highly heterogeneous nature of this disease. In this sense, it is essential to discover new molecular agents capable of targeting various gastric cancer subtypes simultaneously. Here, we present a multi-objective approach for the ligand-based virtual screening discovery of chemical compounds simultaneously active against the gastric cancer cell lines AGS, NCI-N87 and SNU-1. The proposed approach relays in a novel methodology based on the development of ensemble models for the bioactivity prediction against each individual gastric cancer cell line. The methodology includes the aggregation of one ensemble per cell line using a desirability-based algorithm into virtual screening protocols. Our research leads to the proposal of a multi-targeted virtual screening protocol able to achieve high enrichment of known chemicals with anti-gastric cancer activity. Specifically, our results indicate that, using the proposed protocol, it is possible to retrieve almost 20 more times multi-targeted compounds in the first 1% of the ranked list than what is expected from a uniform distribution of the active ones in the virtual screening database. More importantly, the proposed protocol attains an outstanding initial enrichment of known multi-targeted anti-gastric cancer agents. PMID:29420638

  8. 4D Flexible Atom-Pairs: An efficient probabilistic conformational space comparison for ligand-based virtual screening

    PubMed Central


    Background The performance of 3D-based virtual screening similarity functions is affected by the applied conformations of compounds. Therefore, the results of 3D approaches are often less robust than 2D approaches. The application of 3D methods on multiple conformer data sets normally reduces this weakness, but entails a significant computational overhead. Therefore, we developed a special conformational space encoding by means of Gaussian mixture models and a similarity function that operates on these models. The application of a model-based encoding allows an efficient comparison of the conformational space of compounds. Results Comparisons of our 4D flexible atom-pair approach with over 15 state-of-the-art 2D- and 3D-based virtual screening similarity functions on the 40 data sets of the Directory of Useful Decoys show a robust performance of our approach. Even 3D-based approaches that operate on multiple conformers yield inferior results. The 4D flexible atom-pair method achieves an averaged AUC value of 0.78 on the filtered Directory of Useful Decoys data sets. The best 2D- and 3D-based approaches of this study yield an AUC value of 0.74 and 0.72, respectively. As a result, the 4D flexible atom-pair approach achieves an average rank of 1.25 with respect to 15 other state-of-the-art similarity functions and four different evaluation metrics. Conclusions Our 4D method yields a robust performance on 40 pharmaceutically relevant targets. The conformational space encoding enables an efficient comparison of the conformational space. Therefore, the weakness of the 3D-based approaches on single conformations is circumvented. With over 100,000 similarity calculations on a single desktop CPU, the utilization of the 4D flexible atom-pair in real-world applications is feasible. PMID:21733172

  9. Virtual Screening Approach of Bacterial Peptide Deformylase Inhibitors Results in New Antibiotics.


    Merzoug, Amina; Chikhi, Abdelouahab; Bensegueni, Abderrahmane; Boucherit, Hanane; Okay, Sezer


    The increasing resistance of bacteria to antibacterial therapy poses an enormous health problem, it renders the development of new antibacterial agents with novel mechanism of action an urgent need. Peptide deformylase, a metalloenzyme which catalytically removes N-formyl group from N-terminal methionine of newly synthesized polypeptides, is an important target in antibacterial drug discovery. In this study, we report the structure-based virtual screening of ZINC database in order to discover potential hits as bacterial peptide deformylase enzyme inhibitors with more affinity as compared to GSK1322322, previously known inhibitor. After virtual screening, fifteen compounds of the top hits predicted were purchased and evaluated in vitro for their antibacterial activities against one Gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and three Gram negative (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella. pneumoniae) bacteria in different concentrations by disc diffusion method. Out of these, three compounds, ZINC00039650, ZINC03872971 and ZINC00126407, exhibited significant zone of inhibition. The results obtained were confirmed using the dilution method. Thus, these proposed compounds may aid the development of more efficient antibacterial agents. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Novel Design Strategy for Checkpoint Kinase 2 Inhibitors Using Pharmacophore Modeling, Combinatorial Fusion, and Virtual Screening

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Yen-Ling


    Checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) has a great effect on DNA-damage and plays an important role in response to DNA double-strand breaks and related lesions. In this study, we will concentrate on Chk2 and the purpose is to find the potential inhibitors by the pharmacophore hypotheses (PhModels), combinatorial fusion, and virtual screening techniques. Applying combinatorial fusion into PhModels and virtual screening techniques is a novel design strategy for drug design. We used combinatorial fusion to analyze the prediction results and then obtained the best correlation coefficient of the testing set (r test) with the value 0.816 by combining the BesttrainBesttest and FasttrainFasttest prediction results. The potential inhibitors were selected from NCI database by screening according to BesttrainBesttest + FasttrainFasttest prediction results and molecular docking with CDOCKER docking program. Finally, the selected compounds have high interaction energy between a ligand and a receptor. Through these approaches, 23 potential inhibitors for Chk2 are retrieved for further study. PMID:24864236

  11. Identification of putative estrogen receptor-mediated endocrine disrupting chemicals using QSAR- and structure-based virtual screening approaches

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhang, Liying; Sedykh, Alexander; Tripathi, Ashutosh


    Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals is one of the important goals of environmental chemical hazard screening. We report on the development of validated in silico predictors of chemicals likely to cause estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated endocrine disruption to facilitate their prioritization for future screening. A database of relative binding affinity of a large number of ERα and/or ERβ ligands was assembled (546 for ERα and 137 for ERβ). Both single-task learning (STL) and multi-task learning (MTL) continuous quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) models were developed for predicting ligand binding affinity to ERα or ERβ. High predictive accuracy was achieved for ERα bindingmore » affinity (MTL R{sup 2} = 0.71, STL R{sup 2} = 0.73). For ERβ binding affinity, MTL models were significantly more predictive (R{sup 2} = 0.53, p < 0.05) than STL models. In addition, docking studies were performed on a set of ER agonists/antagonists (67 agonists and 39 antagonists for ERα, 48 agonists and 32 antagonists for ERβ, supplemented by putative decoys/non-binders) using the following ER structures (in complexes with respective ligands) retrieved from the Protein Data Bank: ERα agonist (PDB ID: 1L2I), ERα antagonist (PDB ID: 3DT3), ERβ agonist (PDB ID: 2NV7), and ERβ antagonist (PDB ID: 1L2J). We found that all four ER conformations discriminated their corresponding ligands from presumed non-binders. Finally, both QSAR models and ER structures were employed in parallel to virtually screen several large libraries of environmental chemicals to derive a ligand- and structure-based prioritized list of putative estrogenic compounds to be used for in vitro and in vivo experimental validation. - Highlights: • This is the largest curated dataset inclusive of ERα and β (the latter is unique). • New methodology that for the first time affords acceptable ERβ models. • A combination of QSAR and docking enables prediction of affinity and

  12. A Stochastic Spiking Neural Network for Virtual Screening.


    Morro, A; Canals, V; Oliver, A; Alomar, M L; Galan-Prado, F; Ballester, P J; Rossello, J L


    Virtual screening (VS) has become a key computational tool in early drug design and screening performance is of high relevance due to the large volume of data that must be processed to identify molecules with the sought activity-related pattern. At the same time, the hardware implementations of spiking neural networks (SNNs) arise as an emerging computing technique that can be applied to parallelize processes that normally present a high cost in terms of computing time and power. Consequently, SNN represents an attractive alternative to perform time-consuming processing tasks, such as VS. In this brief, we present a smart stochastic spiking neural architecture that implements the ultrafast shape recognition (USR) algorithm achieving two order of magnitude of speed improvement with respect to USR software implementations. The neural system is implemented in hardware using field-programmable gate arrays allowing a highly parallelized USR implementation. The results show that, due to the high parallelization of the system, millions of compounds can be checked in reasonable times. From these results, we can state that the proposed architecture arises as a feasible methodology to efficiently enhance time-consuming data-mining processes such as 3-D molecular similarity search.

  13. Optimal affinity ranking for automated virtual screening validated in prospective D3R grand challenges

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wingert, Bentley M.; Oerlemans, Rick; Camacho, Carlos J.


    The goal of virtual screening is to generate a substantially reduced and enriched subset of compounds from a large virtual chemistry space. Critical in these efforts are methods to properly rank the binding affinity of compounds. Prospective evaluations of ranking strategies in the D3R grand challenges show that for targets with deep pockets the best correlations (Spearman ρ 0.5) were obtained by our submissions that docked compounds to the holo-receptors with the most chemically similar ligand. On the other hand, for targets with open pockets using multiple receptor structures is not a good strategy. Instead, docking to a single optimal receptor led to the best correlations (Spearman ρ 0.5), and overall performs better than any other method. Yet, choosing a suboptimal receptor for crossdocking can significantly undermine the affinity rankings. Our submissions that evaluated the free energy of congeneric compounds were also among the best in the community experiment. Error bars of around 1 kcal/mol are still too large to significantly improve the overall rankings. Collectively, our top of the line predictions show that automated virtual screening with rigid receptors perform better than flexible docking and other more complex methods.

  14. Virtual screening and rational drug design method using structure generation system based on 3D-QSAR and docking.


    Chen, H F; Dong, X C; Zen, B S; Gao, K; Yuan, S G; Panaye, A; Doucet, J P; Fan, B T


    An efficient virtual and rational drug design method is presented. It combines virtual bioactive compound generation with 3D-QSAR model and docking. Using this method, it is possible to generate a lot of highly diverse molecules and find virtual active lead compounds. The method was validated by the study of a set of anti-tumor drugs. With the constraints of pharmacophore obtained by DISCO implemented in SYBYL 6.8, 97 virtual bioactive compounds were generated, and their anti-tumor activities were predicted by CoMFA. Eight structures with high activity were selected and screened by the 3D-QSAR model. The most active generated structure was further investigated by modifying its structure in order to increase the activity. A comparative docking study with telomeric receptor was carried out, and the results showed that the generated structures could form more stable complexes with receptor than the reference compound selected from experimental data. This investigation showed that the proposed method was a feasible way for rational drug design with high screening efficiency.

  15. Barriers to and enablers of diabetic retinopathy screening attendance: a systematic review of published and grey literature.


    Graham-Rowe, E; Lorencatto, F; Lawrenson, J G; Burr, J M; Grimshaw, J M; Ivers, N M; Presseau, J; Vale, L; Peto, T; Bunce, C; Francis, J J


    To identify and synthesize studies reporting modifiable barriers/enablers associated with retinopathy screening attendance in people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, and to identify those most likely to influence attendance. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library and the 'grey literature' for quantitative and qualitative studies to February 2017. Data (i.e. participant quotations, interpretive summaries, survey results) reporting barriers/enablers were extracted and deductively coded into domains from the Theoretical Domains Framework; with domains representing categories of theoretical barriers/enablers proposed to mediate behaviour change. Inductive thematic analysis was conducted within domains to describe the role each domain plays in facilitating or hindering screening attendance. Domains that were more frequently coded and for which more themes were generated were judged more likely to influence attendance. Sixty-nine primary studies were included. We identified six theoretical domains ['environmental context and resources' (75% of included studies), 'social influences' (51%), 'knowledge' (50%), 'memory, attention, decision processes' (50%), 'beliefs about consequences' (38%) and 'emotions' (33%)] as the key mediators of diabetic retinopathy screening attendance. Examples of barriers populating these domains included inaccurate diabetic registers and confusion between routine eye care and retinopathy screening. Recommendations by healthcare professionals and community-level media coverage acted as enablers. Across a variety of contexts, we found common barriers to and enablers of retinopathy screening that could be targeted in interventions aiming to increase screening attendance. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  16. Interactive terrain visualization enables virtual field work during rapid scientific response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Cowgill, Eric; Bernardin, Tony S.; Oskin, Michael E.; Bowles, Christopher; Yikilmaz, M. Burak; Kreylos, Oliver; Elliott, Austin J.; Bishop, Scott; Gold, Ryan D.; Morelan, Alexander; Bawden, Gerald W.; Hamann, Bernd; Kellogg, Louise


    The moment magnitude (Mw) 7.0 12 January 2010 Haiti earthquake is the first major earthquake for which a large-footprint LiDAR (light detection and ranging) survey was acquired within several weeks of the event. Here, we describe the use of virtual reality data visualization to analyze massive amounts (67 GB on disk) of multiresolution terrain data during the rapid scientific response to a major natural disaster. In particular, we describe a method for conducting virtual field work using both desktop computers and a 4-sided, 22 m3 CAVE immersive virtual reality environment, along with KeckCAVES (Keck Center for Active Visualization in the Earth Sciences) software tools LiDAR Viewer, to analyze LiDAR point-cloud data, and Crusta, for 2.5 dimensional surficial geologic mapping on a bare-earth digital elevation model. This system enabled virtual field work that yielded remote observations of the topographic expression of active faulting within an ∼75-km-long section of the eastern Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault spanning the 2010 epicenter. Virtual field observations indicated that the geomorphic evidence of active faulting and ancient surface rupture varies along strike. Landform offsets of 6–50 m along the Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault east of the 2010 epicenter and closest to Port-au-Prince attest to repeated recent surface-rupturing earthquakes there. In the west, the fault trace is well defined by displaced landforms, but it is not as clear as in the east. The 2010 epicenter is within a transition zone between these sections that extends from Grand Goâve in the west to Fayette in the east. Within this transition, between L'Acul (lat 72°40′W) and the Rouillone River (lat 72°35′W), the Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault is undefined along an embayed low-relief range front, with little evidence of recent surface rupture. Based on the geometry of the eastern and western faults that show evidence of recent surface rupture, we propose that the 2010

  17. Enrichment assessment of multiple virtual screening strategies for Toll-like receptor 8 agonists based on a maximal unbiased benchmarking data set.


    Pei, Fen; Jin, Hongwei; Zhou, Xin; Xia, Jie; Sun, Lidan; Liu, Zhenming; Zhang, Liangren


    Toll-like receptor 8 agonists, which activate adaptive immune responses by inducing robust production of T-helper 1-polarizing cytokines, are promising candidates for vaccine adjuvants. As the binding site of toll-like receptor 8 is large and highly flexible, virtual screening by individual method has inevitable limitations; thus, a comprehensive comparison of different methods may provide insights into seeking effective strategy for the discovery of novel toll-like receptor 8 agonists. In this study, the performance of knowledge-based pharmacophore, shape-based 3D screening, and combined strategies was assessed against a maximum unbiased benchmarking data set containing 13 actives and 1302 decoys specialized for toll-like receptor 8 agonists. Prior structure-activity relationship knowledge was involved in knowledge-based pharmacophore generation, and a set of antagonists was innovatively used to verify the selectivity of the selected knowledge-based pharmacophore. The benchmarking data set was generated from our recently developed 'mubd-decoymaker' protocol. The enrichment assessment demonstrated a considerable performance through our selected three-layer virtual screening strategy: knowledge-based pharmacophore (Phar1) screening, shape-based 3D similarity search (Q4_combo), and then a Gold docking screening. This virtual screening strategy could be further employed to perform large-scale database screening and to discover novel toll-like receptor 8 agonists. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  18. Design checkpoint kinase 2 inhibitors by pharmacophore modeling and virtual screening techniques.


    Wang, Yen-Ling; Lin, Chun-Yuan; Shih, Kuei-Chung; Huang, Jui-Wen; Tang, Chuan-Yi


    Damage to DNA is caused by ionizing radiation, genotoxic chemicals or collapsed replication forks. When DNA is damaged or cells fail to respond, a mutation that is associated with breast or ovarian cancer may occur. Mammalian cells control and stabilize the genome using a cell cycle checkpoint to prevent damage to DNA or to repair damaged DNA. Checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) is one of the important kinases, which strongly affects DNA-damage and plays an important role in the response to the breakage of DNA double-strands and related lesions. Therefore, this study concerns Chk2. Its purpose is to find potential inhibitors using the pharmacophore hypotheses (PhModels) and virtual screening techniques. PhModels can identify inhibitors with high biological activities and virtual screening techniques are used to screen the database of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to retrieve compounds that exhibit all of the pharmacophoric features of potential inhibitors with high interaction energy. Ten PhModels were generated using the HypoGen best algorithm. The established PhModel, Hypo01, was evaluated by performing a cost function analysis of its correlation coefficient (r), root mean square deviation (RMSD), cost difference, and configuration cost, with the values 0.955, 1.28, 192.51, and 16.07, respectively. The result of Fischer's cross-validation test for the Hypo01 model yielded a 95% confidence level, and the correlation coefficient of the testing set (rtest) had a best value of 0.81. The potential inhibitors were then chosen from the NCI database by Hypo01 model screening and molecular docking using the cdocker docking program. Finally, the selected compounds exhibited the identified pharmacophoric features and had a high interaction energy between the ligand and the receptor. Eighty-three potential inhibitors for Chk2 are retrieved for further study. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Calculating an optimal box size for ligand docking and virtual screening against experimental and predicted binding pockets.


    Feinstein, Wei P; Brylinski, Michal


    Computational approaches have emerged as an instrumental methodology in modern research. For example, virtual screening by molecular docking is routinely used in computer-aided drug discovery. One of the critical parameters for ligand docking is the size of a search space used to identify low-energy binding poses of drug candidates. Currently available docking packages often come with a default protocol for calculating the box size, however, many of these procedures have not been systematically evaluated. In this study, we investigate how the docking accuracy of AutoDock Vina is affected by the selection of a search space. We propose a new procedure for calculating the optimal docking box size that maximizes the accuracy of binding pose prediction against a non-redundant and representative dataset of 3,659 protein-ligand complexes selected from the Protein Data Bank. Subsequently, we use the Directory of Useful Decoys, Enhanced to demonstrate that the optimized docking box size also yields an improved ranking in virtual screening. Binding pockets in both datasets are derived from the experimental complex structures and, additionally, predicted by eFindSite. A systematic analysis of ligand binding poses generated by AutoDock Vina shows that the highest accuracy is achieved when the dimensions of the search space are 2.9 times larger than the radius of gyration of a docking compound. Subsequent virtual screening benchmarks demonstrate that this optimized docking box size also improves compound ranking. For instance, using predicted ligand binding sites, the average enrichment factor calculated for the top 1 % (10 %) of the screening library is 8.20 (3.28) for the optimized protocol, compared to 7.67 (3.19) for the default procedure. Depending on the evaluation metric, the optimal docking box size gives better ranking in virtual screening for about two-thirds of target proteins. This fully automated procedure can be used to optimize docking protocols in order to

  20. Virtual Screening and Pharmacophore Design for a Novel Theoretical Inhibitor of Macrophage Stimulating Factor as a Metastatic Agent

    PubMed Central

    Torktaz, Ibrahim; Mohamadhashem, Faezeh; Esmaeili, Abolghasem; Behjati, Mohaddeseh; Sharifzadeh, Sara


    Introduction: Metastasis is a crucial aspect of cancer. Macrophage stimulating protein (MSP) is a single chain protein and can be cleaved by serum proteases. MSP has several roles in metastasis. In this in silico study, MSP as a metastatic agent was considered as a drug target. Methods: Crystallographic structure of MSP was retrieved from protein data bank. To find a chemical inhibitor of MSP, a library of KEGG compounds was screened and 1000 shape complemented ligands were retrieved with FindSite algorithm. Molegro Virtual Docker (MVD) software was used for docking simulation of shape complemented ligands against MSP. Moldock score was used as scoring function for virtual screening and potential inhibitors with more negative binding energy were obtained. PLANS scoring function was used for revaluation of virtual screening data. Results: The top found chemical had binding affinity of -183.55 based on MolDock score and equal to -66.733 PLANTs score to MSP structure. Conclusion: Based on pharmacophore model of potential inhibitor, this study suggests that the chemical which was found in this research and its derivate can be used for subsequent laboratory studies. PMID:24163807

  1. Virtual screening of mandelate racemase mutants with enhanced activity based on binding energy in the transition state.


    Gu, Jiali; Liu, Min; Guo, Fei; Xie, Wenping; Lu, Wenqiang; Ye, Lidan; Chen, Zhirong; Yuan, Shenfeng; Yu, Hongwei


    Mandelate racemase (MR) is a promising candidate for the dynamic kinetic resolution of racemates. However, the poor activity of MR towards most of its non-natural substrates limits its widespread application. In this work, a virtual screening method based on the binding energy in the transition state was established to assist in the screening of MR mutants with enhanced catalytic efficiency. Using R-3-chloromandelic acid as a model substrate, a total of 53 mutants were constructed based on rational design in the two rounds of screening. The number of mutants for experimental validation was brought down to 17 by the virtual screening method, among which 14 variants turned out to possess improved catalytic efficiency. The variant V26I/Y54V showed 5.2-fold higher catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) towards R-3-chloromandelic acid than that observed for the wild-type enzyme. Using this strategy, mutants were successfully obtained for two other substrates, R-mandelamide and R-2-naphthylglycolate (V26I and V29L, respectively), both with a 2-fold improvement in catalytic efficiency. These results demonstrated that this method could effectively predict the trend of mutational effects on catalysis. Analysis from the energetic and structural assays indicated that the enhanced interactions between the active sites and the substrate in the transition state led to improved catalytic efficiency. It was concluded that this virtual screening method based on the binding energy in the transition state was beneficial in enzyme rational redesign and helped to better understand the catalytic properties of the enzyme. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Evaluation of the performance of 3D virtual screening protocols: RMSD comparisons, enrichment assessments, and decoy selection--what can we learn from earlier mistakes?


    Kirchmair, Johannes; Markt, Patrick; Distinto, Simona; Wolber, Gerhard; Langer, Thierry


    Within the last few years a considerable amount of evaluative studies has been published that investigate the performance of 3D virtual screening approaches. Thereby, in particular assessments of protein-ligand docking are facing remarkable interest in the scientific community. However, comparing virtual screening approaches is a non-trivial task. Several publications, especially in the field of molecular docking, suffer from shortcomings that are likely to affect the significance of the results considerably. These quality issues often arise from poor study design, biasing, by using improper or inexpressive enrichment descriptors, and from errors in interpretation of the data output. In this review we analyze recent literature evaluating 3D virtual screening methods, with focus on molecular docking. We highlight problematic issues and provide guidelines on how to improve the quality of computational studies. Since 3D virtual screening protocols are in general assessed by their ability to discriminate between active and inactive compounds, we summarize the impact of the composition and preparation of test sets on the outcome of evaluations. Moreover, we investigate the significance of both classic enrichment parameters and advanced descriptors for the performance of 3D virtual screening methods. Furthermore, we review the significance and suitability of RMSD as a measure for the accuracy of protein-ligand docking algorithms and of conformational space sub sampling algorithms.

  3. Scoring ligand similarity in structure-based virtual screening.


    Zavodszky, Maria I; Rohatgi, Anjali; Van Voorst, Jeffrey R; Yan, Honggao; Kuhn, Leslie A


    Scoring to identify high-affinity compounds remains a challenge in virtual screening. On one hand, protein-ligand scoring focuses on weighting favorable and unfavorable interactions between the two molecules. Ligand-based scoring, on the other hand, focuses on how well the shape and chemistry of each ligand candidate overlay on a three-dimensional reference ligand. Our hypothesis is that a hybrid approach, using ligand-based scoring to rank dockings selected by protein-ligand scoring, can ensure that high-ranking molecules mimic the shape and chemistry of a known ligand while also complementing the binding site. Results from applying this approach to screen nearly 70 000 National Cancer Institute (NCI) compounds for thrombin inhibitors tend to support the hypothesis. EON ligand-based ranking of docked molecules yielded the majority (4/5) of newly discovered, low to mid-micromolar inhibitors from a panel of 27 assayed compounds, whereas ranking docked compounds by protein-ligand scoring alone resulted in one new inhibitor. Since the results depend on the choice of scoring function, an analysis of properties was performed on the top-scoring docked compounds according to five different protein-ligand scoring functions, plus EON scoring using three different reference compounds. The results indicate that the choice of scoring function, even among scoring functions measuring the same types of interactions, can have an unexpectedly large effect on which compounds are chosen from screening. Furthermore, there was almost no overlap between the top-scoring compounds from protein-ligand versus ligand-based scoring, indicating the two approaches provide complementary information. Matchprint analysis, a new addition to the SLIDE (Screening Ligands by Induced-fit Docking, Efficiently) screening toolset, facilitated comparison of docked molecules' interactions with those of known inhibitors. The majority of interactions conserved among top-scoring compounds for a given scoring

  4. Virtual screening of inorganic materials synthesis parameters with deep learning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Edward; Huang, Kevin; Jegelka, Stefanie; Olivetti, Elsa


    Virtual materials screening approaches have proliferated in the past decade, driven by rapid advances in first-principles computational techniques, and machine-learning algorithms. By comparison, computationally driven materials synthesis screening is still in its infancy, and is mired by the challenges of data sparsity and data scarcity: Synthesis routes exist in a sparse, high-dimensional parameter space that is difficult to optimize over directly, and, for some materials of interest, only scarce volumes of literature-reported syntheses are available. In this article, we present a framework for suggesting quantitative synthesis parameters and potential driving factors for synthesis outcomes. We use a variational autoencoder to compress sparse synthesis representations into a lower dimensional space, which is found to improve the performance of machine-learning tasks. To realize this screening framework even in cases where there are few literature data, we devise a novel data augmentation methodology that incorporates literature synthesis data from related materials systems. We apply this variational autoencoder framework to generate potential SrTiO3 synthesis parameter sets, propose driving factors for brookite TiO2 formation, and identify correlations between alkali-ion intercalation and MnO2 polymorph selection.

  5. The Virtual Learning Commons (VLC): Enabling Co-Innovation Across Disciplines

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pennington, D. D.; Gandara, A.; Del Rio, N.


    A key challenge for scientists addressing grand-challenge problems is identifying, understanding, and integrating potentially relevant methods, models and tools that that are rapidly evolving in the informatics community. Such tools are essential for effectively integrating data and models in complex research projects, yet it is often difficult to know what tools are available and it is not easy to understand or evaluate how they might be used in a given research context. The goal of the National Science Foundation-funded Virtual Learning Commons (VLC) is to improve awareness and understanding of emerging methodologies and technologies, facilitate individual and group evaluation of these, and trace the impact of innovations within and across teams, disciplines, and communities. The VLC is a Web-based social bookmarking site designed specifically to support knowledge exchange in research communities. It is founded on well-developed models of technology adoption, diffusion of innovation, and experiential learning. The VLC makes use of Web 2.0 (Social Web) and Web 3.0 (Semantic Web) approaches. Semantic Web approaches enable discovery of potentially relevant methods, models, and tools, while Social Web approaches enable collaborative learning about their function. The VLC is under development and the first release is expected Fall 2014.

  6. The Stanford Automated Mounter: Enabling High-Throughput Protein Crystal Screening at SSRL

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Smith, C.A.; Cohen, A.E.


    The macromolecular crystallography experiment lends itself perfectly to high-throughput technologies. The initial steps including the expression, purification, and crystallization of protein crystals, along with some of the later steps involving data processing and structure determination have all been automated to the point where some of the last remaining bottlenecks in the process have been crystal mounting, crystal screening, and data collection. At the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, a National User Facility that provides extremely brilliant X-ray photon beams for use in materials science, environmental science, and structural biology research, the incorporation of advanced robotics has enabled crystals to be screenedmore » in a true high-throughput fashion, thus dramatically accelerating the final steps. Up to 288 frozen crystals can be mounted by the beamline robot (the Stanford Auto-Mounting System) and screened for diffraction quality in a matter of hours without intervention. The best quality crystals can then be remounted for the collection of complete X-ray diffraction data sets. Furthermore, the entire screening and data collection experiment can be controlled from the experimenter's home laboratory by means of advanced software tools that enable network-based control of the highly automated beamlines.« less

  7. vSDC: a method to improve early recognition in virtual screening when limited experimental resources are available.


    Chaput, Ludovic; Martinez-Sanz, Juan; Quiniou, Eric; Rigolet, Pascal; Saettel, Nicolas; Mouawad, Liliane


    In drug design, one may be confronted to the problem of finding hits for targets for which no small inhibiting molecules are known and only low-throughput experiments are available (like ITC or NMR studies), two common difficulties encountered in a typical academic setting. Using a virtual screening strategy like docking can alleviate some of the problems and save a considerable amount of time by selecting only top-ranking molecules, but only if the method is very efficient, i.e. when a good proportion of actives are found in the 1-10 % best ranked molecules. The use of several programs (in our study, Gold, Surflex, FlexX and Glide were considered) shows a divergence of the results, which presents a difficulty in guiding the experiments. To overcome this divergence and increase the yield of the virtual screening, we created the standard deviation consensus (SDC) and variable SDC (vSDC) methods, consisting of the intersection of molecule sets from several virtual screening programs, based on the standard deviations of their ranking distributions. SDC allowed us to find hits for two new protein targets by testing only 9 and 11 small molecules from a chemical library of circa 15,000 compounds. Furthermore, vSDC, when applied to the 102 proteins of the DUD-E benchmarking database, succeeded in finding more hits than any of the four isolated programs for 13-60 % of the targets. In addition, when only 10 molecules of each of the 102 chemical libraries were considered, vSDC performed better in the number of hits found, with an improvement of 6-24 % over the 10 best-ranked molecules given by the individual docking programs.Graphical abstractIn drug design, for a given target and a given chemical library, the results obtained with different virtual screening programs are divergent. So how to rationally guide the experimental tests, especially when only a few number of experiments can be made? The variable Standard Deviation Consensus (vSDC) method was developed to

  8. Novel design strategy for checkpoint kinase 2 inhibitors using pharmacophore modeling, combinatorial fusion, and virtual screening.


    Lin, Chun-Yuan; Wang, Yen-Ling


    Checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) has a great effect on DNA-damage and plays an important role in response to DNA double-strand breaks and related lesions. In this study, we will concentrate on Chk2 and the purpose is to find the potential inhibitors by the pharmacophore hypotheses (PhModels), combinatorial fusion, and virtual screening techniques. Applying combinatorial fusion into PhModels and virtual screening techniques is a novel design strategy for drug design. We used combinatorial fusion to analyze the prediction results and then obtained the best correlation coefficient of the testing set (r test) with the value 0.816 by combining the Best(train)Best(test) and Fast(train)Fast(test) prediction results. The potential inhibitors were selected from NCI database by screening according to Best(train)Best(test) + Fast(train)Fast(test) prediction results and molecular docking with CDOCKER docking program. Finally, the selected compounds have high interaction energy between a ligand and a receptor. Through these approaches, 23 potential inhibitors for Chk2 are retrieved for further study.

  9. NASA Team Collaboration Pilot: Enabling NASA's Virtual Teams

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Prahst, Steve


    Most NASA projects and work activities are accomplished by teams of people. These teams are often geographically distributed - across NASA centers and NASA external partners, both domestic and international. NASA "virtual" teams are stressed by the challenge of getting team work done - across geographic boundaries and time zones. To get distributed work done, teams rely on established methods - travel, telephones, Video Teleconferencing (NASA VITS), and email. Time is our most critical resource - and team members are hindered by the overhead of travel and the difficulties of coordinating work across their virtual teams. Modern, Internet based team collaboration tools offer the potential to dramatically improve the ability of virtual teams to get distributed work done.

  10. Virtual screening of integrase inhibitors by large scale binding free energy calculations: the SAMPL4 challenge

    PubMed Central

    Gallicchio, Emilio; Deng, Nanjie; He, Peng; Wickstrom, Lauren; Perryman, Alexander L.; Santiago, Daniel N.; Forli, Stefano; Olson, Arthur J.; Levy, Ronald M.


    As part of the SAMPL4 blind challenge, filtered AutoDock Vina ligand docking predictions and large scale binding energy distribution analysis method binding free energy calculations have been applied to the virtual screening of a focused library of candidate binders to the LEDGF site of the HIV integrase protein. The computational protocol leveraged docking and high level atomistic models to improve enrichment. The enrichment factor of our blind predictions ranked best among all of the computational submissions, and second best overall. This work represents to our knowledge the first example of the application of an all-atom physics-based binding free energy model to large scale virtual screening. A total of 285 parallel Hamiltonian replica exchange molecular dynamics absolute protein-ligand binding free energy simulations were conducted starting from docked poses. The setup of the simulations was fully automated, calculations were distributed on multiple computing resources and were completed in a 6-weeks period. The accuracy of the docked poses and the inclusion of intramolecular strain and entropic losses in the binding free energy estimates were the major factors behind the success of the method. Lack of sufficient time and computing resources to investigate additional protonation states of the ligands was a major cause of mispredictions. The experiment demonstrated the applicability of binding free energy modeling to improve hit rates in challenging virtual screening of focused ligand libraries during lead optimization. PMID:24504704

  11. A Pipeline To Enhance Ligand Virtual Screening: Integrating Molecular Dynamics and Fingerprints for Ligand and Proteins.


    Spyrakis, Francesca; Benedetti, Paolo; Decherchi, Sergio; Rocchia, Walter; Cavalli, Andrea; Alcaro, Stefano; Ortuso, Francesco; Baroni, Massimo; Cruciani, Gabriele


    The importance of taking into account protein flexibility in drug design and virtual ligand screening (VS) has been widely debated in the literature, and molecular dynamics (MD) has been recognized as one of the most powerful tools for investigating intrinsic protein dynamics. Nevertheless, deciphering the amount of information hidden in MD simulations and recognizing a significant minimal set of states to be used in virtual screening experiments can be quite complicated. Here we present an integrated MD-FLAP (molecular dynamics-fingerprints for ligand and proteins) approach, comprising a pipeline of molecular dynamics, clustering and linear discriminant analysis, for enhancing accuracy and efficacy in VS campaigns. We first extracted a limited number of representative structures from tens of nanoseconds of MD trajectories by means of the k-medoids clustering algorithm as implemented in the BiKi Life Science Suite ( [accessed July 21, 2015]). Then, instead of applying arbitrary selection criteria, that is, RMSD, pharmacophore properties, or enrichment performances, we allowed the linear discriminant analysis algorithm implemented in FLAP ( [accessed July 21, 2015]) to automatically choose the best performing conformational states among medoids and X-ray structures. Retrospective virtual screenings confirmed that ensemble receptor protocols outperform single rigid receptor approaches, proved that computationally generated conformations comprise the same quantity/quality of information included in X-ray structures, and pointed to the MD-FLAP approach as a valuable tool for improving VS performances.

  12. Prospective performance evaluation of selected common virtual screening tools. Case study: Cyclooxygenase (COX) 1 and 2.


    Kaserer, Teresa; Temml, Veronika; Kutil, Zsofia; Vanek, Tomas; Landa, Premysl; Schuster, Daniela


    Computational methods can be applied in drug development for the identification of novel lead candidates, but also for the prediction of pharmacokinetic properties and potential adverse effects, thereby aiding to prioritize and identify the most promising compounds. In principle, several techniques are available for this purpose, however, which one is the most suitable for a specific research objective still requires further investigation. Within this study, the performance of several programs, representing common virtual screening methods, was compared in a prospective manner. First, we selected top-ranked virtual screening hits from the three methods pharmacophore modeling, shape-based modeling, and docking. For comparison, these hits were then additionally predicted by external pharmacophore- and 2D similarity-based bioactivity profiling tools. Subsequently, the biological activities of the selected hits were assessed in vitro, which allowed for evaluating and comparing the prospective performance of the applied tools. Although all methods performed well, considerable differences were observed concerning hit rates, true positive and true negative hits, and hitlist composition. Our results suggest that a rational selection of the applied method represents a powerful strategy to maximize the success of a research project, tightly linked to its aims. We employed cyclooxygenase as application example, however, the focus of this study lied on highlighting the differences in the virtual screening tool performances and not in the identification of novel COX-inhibitors. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.. All rights reserved.

  13. New leads for selective GSK-3 inhibition: pharmacophore mapping and virtual screening studies.


    Patel, Dhilon S; Bharatam, Prasad V


    Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 is a regulatory serine/threonine kinase, which is being targeted for the treatment of a number of human diseases including type-2 diabetes mellitus, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and chronic inflammation. Selective GSK-3 inhibition is an important requirement owing to the possibility of side effects arising from other kinases. A pharmacophore mapping strategy is employed in this work to identify new leads for selective GSK-3 inhibition. Ligands known to show selective GSK-3 inhibition were employed in generating a pharmacophore map using distance comparison method (DISCO). The derived pharmacophore map was validated using (i) important interactions involved in selective GSK-3 inhibitions, and (ii) an in-house database containing different classes of GSK-3 selective, non-selective and inactive molecules. New Lead identification was carried out by performing virtual screening using validated pharmacophoric query and three chemical databases namely NCI, Maybridge and Leadquest. Further data reduction was carried out by employing virtual filters based on (i) Lipinski's rule of 5 (ii) van der Waals bumps and (iii) restricting the number of rotatable bonds to seven. Final screening was carried out using FlexX based molecular docking study.

  14. New leads for selective GSK-3 inhibition: pharmacophore mapping and virtual screening studies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Patel, Dhilon S.; Bharatam, Prasad V.


    Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 is a regulatory serine/threonine kinase, which is being targeted for the treatment of a number of human diseases including type-2 diabetes mellitus, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and chronic inflammation. Selective GSK-3 inhibition is an important requirement owing to the possibility of side effects arising from other kinases. A pharmacophore mapping strategy is employed in this work to identify new leads for selective GSK-3 inhibition. Ligands known to show selective GSK-3 inhibition were employed in generating a pharmacophore map using distance comparison method (DISCO). The derived pharmacophore map was validated using (i) important interactions involved in selective GSK-3 inhibitions, and (ii) an in-house database containing different classes of GSK-3 selective, non-selective and inactive molecules. New Lead identification was carried out by performing virtual screening using validated pharmacophoric query and three chemical databases namely NCI, Maybridge and Leadquest. Further data reduction was carried out by employing virtual filters based on (i) Lipinski's rule of 5 (ii) van der Waals bumps and (iii) restricting the number of rotatable bonds to seven. Final screening was carried out using FlexX based molecular docking study.

  15. Pharmacophore Models and Pharmacophore-Based Virtual Screening: Concepts and Applications Exemplified on Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases.


    Kaserer, Teresa; Beck, Katharina R; Akram, Muhammad; Odermatt, Alex; Schuster, Daniela


    Computational methods are well-established tools in the drug discovery process and can be employed for a variety of tasks. Common applications include lead identification and scaffold hopping, as well as lead optimization by structure-activity relationship analysis and selectivity profiling. In addition, compound-target interactions associated with potentially harmful effects can be identified and investigated. This review focuses on pharmacophore-based virtual screening campaigns specifically addressing the target class of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases. Many members of this enzyme family are associated with specific pathological conditions, and pharmacological modulation of their activity may represent promising therapeutic strategies. On the other hand, unintended interference with their biological functions, e.g., upon inhibition by xenobiotics, can disrupt steroid hormone-mediated effects, thereby contributing to the development and progression of major diseases. Besides a general introduction to pharmacophore modeling and pharmacophore-based virtual screening, exemplary case studies from the field of short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) research are presented. These success stories highlight the suitability of pharmacophore modeling for the various application fields and suggest its application also in futures studies.

  16. An enantiomer-based virtual screening approach: Discovery of chiral organophosphates as acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors.


    Zhang, Aiqian; Mu, Yunsong; Wu, Fengchang


    Chiral organophosphates (OPs) have been used widely around the world, very little is known about binding mechanisms with biological macromolecules. An in-depth understanding of the stereo selectivity of human AChE and discovering bioactive enantiomers of OPs can decrease health risks of these chiral chemicals. In the present study, a flexible molecular docking approach was conducted to investigate different binding modes of twelve phosphorus enantiomers. A pharmacophore model was then developed on basis of the bioactive conformations of these compounds. After virtual screening, twenty-four potential bioactive compounds were found, of which three compounds (Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonate (EPN), 1-naphthaleneacetic anhydride and N,4-dimethyl-N-phenyl-benzenesulfonamide) were tested by use of different in vitro assays. S-isomer of EPN was also found to exhibit greater inhibitory activity towards human AChE than the corresponding R-isomer. These findings affirm that stereochemistry plays a crucial role in virtual screening, and provide a new insight into designing safer organ phosphorus pesticides on human health. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Exhaustive search and solvated interaction energy (SIE) for virtual screening and affinity prediction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sulea, Traian; Hogues, Hervé; Purisima, Enrico O.


    We carried out a prospective evaluation of the utility of the SIE (solvation interaction energy) scoring function for virtual screening and binding affinity prediction. Since experimental structures of the complexes were not provided, this was an exercise in virtual docking as well. We used our exhaustive docking program, Wilma, to provide high-quality poses that were rescored using SIE to provide binding affinity predictions. We also tested the combination of SIE with our latest solvation model, first shell of hydration (FiSH), which captures some of the discrete properties of water within a continuum model. We achieved good enrichment in virtual screening of fragments against trypsin, with an area under the curve of about 0.7 for the receiver operating characteristic curve. Moreover, the early enrichment performance was quite good with 50% of true actives recovered with a 15% false positive rate in a prospective calculation and with a 3% false positive rate in a retrospective application of SIE with FiSH. Binding affinity predictions for both trypsin and host-guest complexes were generally within 2 kcal/mol of the experimental values. However, the rank ordering of affinities differing by 2 kcal/mol or less was not well predicted. On the other hand, it was encouraging that the incorporation of a more sophisticated solvation model into SIE resulted in better discrimination of true binders from binders. This suggests that the inclusion of proper Physics in our models is a fruitful strategy for improving the reliability of our binding affinity predictions.

  18. Performance of machine-learning scoring functions in structure-based virtual screening.


    Wójcikowski, Maciej; Ballester, Pedro J; Siedlecki, Pawel


    Classical scoring functions have reached a plateau in their performance in virtual screening and binding affinity prediction. Recently, machine-learning scoring functions trained on protein-ligand complexes have shown great promise in small tailored studies. They have also raised controversy, specifically concerning model overfitting and applicability to novel targets. Here we provide a new ready-to-use scoring function (RF-Score-VS) trained on 15 426 active and 893 897 inactive molecules docked to a set of 102 targets. We use the full DUD-E data sets along with three docking tools, five classical and three machine-learning scoring functions for model building and performance assessment. Our results show RF-Score-VS can substantially improve virtual screening performance: RF-Score-VS top 1% provides 55.6% hit rate, whereas that of Vina only 16.2% (for smaller percent the difference is even more encouraging: RF-Score-VS top 0.1% achieves 88.6% hit rate for 27.5% using Vina). In addition, RF-Score-VS provides much better prediction of measured binding affinity than Vina (Pearson correlation of 0.56 and -0.18, respectively). Lastly, we test RF-Score-VS on an independent test set from the DEKOIS benchmark and observed comparable results. We provide full data sets to facilitate further research in this area ( as well as ready-to-use RF-Score-VS (

  19. Performance of machine-learning scoring functions in structure-based virtual screening

    PubMed Central

    Wójcikowski, Maciej; Ballester, Pedro J.; Siedlecki, Pawel


    Classical scoring functions have reached a plateau in their performance in virtual screening and binding affinity prediction. Recently, machine-learning scoring functions trained on protein-ligand complexes have shown great promise in small tailored studies. They have also raised controversy, specifically concerning model overfitting and applicability to novel targets. Here we provide a new ready-to-use scoring function (RF-Score-VS) trained on 15 426 active and 893 897 inactive molecules docked to a set of 102 targets. We use the full DUD-E data sets along with three docking tools, five classical and three machine-learning scoring functions for model building and performance assessment. Our results show RF-Score-VS can substantially improve virtual screening performance: RF-Score-VS top 1% provides 55.6% hit rate, whereas that of Vina only 16.2% (for smaller percent the difference is even more encouraging: RF-Score-VS top 0.1% achieves 88.6% hit rate for 27.5% using Vina). In addition, RF-Score-VS provides much better prediction of measured binding affinity than Vina (Pearson correlation of 0.56 and −0.18, respectively). Lastly, we test RF-Score-VS on an independent test set from the DEKOIS benchmark and observed comparable results. We provide full data sets to facilitate further research in this area ( as well as ready-to-use RF-Score-VS ( PMID:28440302

  20. iScreen: world's first cloud-computing web server for virtual screening and de novo drug design based on TCM database@Taiwan

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tsai, Tsung-Ying; Chang, Kai-Wei; Chen, Calvin Yu-Chian


    The rapidly advancing researches on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) have greatly intrigued pharmaceutical industries worldwide. To take initiative in the next generation of drug development, we constructed a cloud-computing system for TCM intelligent screening system (iScreen) based on TCM Database@Taiwan. iScreen is compacted web server for TCM docking and followed by customized de novo drug design. We further implemented a protein preparation tool that both extract protein of interest from a raw input file and estimate the size of ligand bind site. In addition, iScreen is designed in user-friendly graphic interface for users who have less experience with the command line systems. For customized docking, multiple docking services, including standard, in-water, pH environment, and flexible docking modes are implemented. Users can download first 200 TCM compounds of best docking results. For TCM de novo drug design, iScreen provides multiple molecular descriptors for a user's interest. iScreen is the world's first web server that employs world's largest TCM database for virtual screening and de novo drug design. We believe our web server can lead TCM research to a new era of drug development. The TCM docking and screening server is available at

  1. iScreen: world's first cloud-computing web server for virtual screening and de novo drug design based on TCM database@Taiwan.


    Tsai, Tsung-Ying; Chang, Kai-Wei; Chen, Calvin Yu-Chian


    The rapidly advancing researches on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) have greatly intrigued pharmaceutical industries worldwide. To take initiative in the next generation of drug development, we constructed a cloud-computing system for TCM intelligent screening system (iScreen) based on TCM Database@Taiwan. iScreen is compacted web server for TCM docking and followed by customized de novo drug design. We further implemented a protein preparation tool that both extract protein of interest from a raw input file and estimate the size of ligand bind site. In addition, iScreen is designed in user-friendly graphic interface for users who have less experience with the command line systems. For customized docking, multiple docking services, including standard, in-water, pH environment, and flexible docking modes are implemented. Users can download first 200 TCM compounds of best docking results. For TCM de novo drug design, iScreen provides multiple molecular descriptors for a user's interest. iScreen is the world's first web server that employs world's largest TCM database for virtual screening and de novo drug design. We believe our web server can lead TCM research to a new era of drug development. The TCM docking and screening server is available at

  2. Serious games for screening pre-dementia conditions: from virtuality to reality? A pilot project.


    Zucchella, Chiara; Sinforiani, Elena; Tassorelli, Cristina; Cavallini, Elena; Tost-Pardell, Daniela; Grau, Sergi; Pazzi, Stefania; Puricelli, Stefano; Bernini, Sara; Bottiroli, Sara; Vecchi, Tomaso; Sandrini, Giorgio; Nappi, Giuseppe


    Conventional cognitive assessment is based on a pencil-and-paper neuropsychological evaluation, which is time consuming, expensive and requires the involvement of several professionals. Information and communication technology could be exploited to allow the development of tools that are easy to use, reduce the amount of data processing, and provide controllable test conditions. Serious games (SGs) have the potential to be new and effective tools in the management and treatment of cognitive impairments Serious games for screening pre-dementia conditions: from virtuality to reality? A pilot project in the elderly. Moreover, by adopting SGs in 3D virtual reality settings, cognitive functions might be evaluated using tasks that simulate daily activities, increasing the "ecological validity" of the assessment. In this commentary we report our experience in the creation of the Smart Aging platform, a 3D SGand virtual environment-based platform for the early identification and characterization of mild cognitive impairment.

  3. Knowledge-Based Methods To Train and Optimize Virtual Screening Ensembles

    PubMed Central


    Ensemble docking can be a successful virtual screening technique that addresses the innate conformational heterogeneity of macromolecular drug targets. Yet, lacking a method to identify a subset of conformational states that effectively segregates active and inactive small molecules, ensemble docking may result in the recommendation of a large number of false positives. Here, three knowledge-based methods that construct structural ensembles for virtual screening are presented. Each method selects ensembles by optimizing an objective function calculated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve: either the area under the ROC curve (AUC) or a ROC enrichment factor (EF). As the number of receptor conformations, N, becomes large, the methods differ in their asymptotic scaling. Given a set of small molecules with known activities and a collection of target conformations, the most resource intense method is guaranteed to find the optimal ensemble but scales as O(2N). A recursive approximation to the optimal solution scales as O(N2), and a more severe approximation leads to a faster method that scales linearly, O(N). The techniques are generally applicable to any system, and we demonstrate their effectiveness on the androgen nuclear hormone receptor (AR), cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), and the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ (PPAR-δ) drug targets. Conformations that consisted of a crystal structure and molecular dynamics simulation cluster centroids were used to form AR and CDK2 ensembles. Multiple available crystal structures were used to form PPAR-δ ensembles. For each target, we show that the three methods perform similarly to one another on both the training and test sets. PMID:27097522

  4. Optimizing Virtual Network Functions Placement in Virtual Data Center Infrastructure Using Machine Learning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bolodurina, I. P.; Parfenov, D. I.


    We have elaborated a neural network model of virtual network flow identification based on the statistical properties of flows circulating in the network of the data center and characteristics that describe the content of packets transmitted through network objects. This enabled us to establish the optimal set of attributes to identify virtual network functions. We have established an algorithm for optimizing the placement of virtual data functions using the data obtained in our research. Our approach uses a hybrid method of visualization using virtual machines and containers, which enables to reduce the infrastructure load and the response time in the network of the virtual data center. The algorithmic solution is based on neural networks, which enables to scale it at any number of the network function copies.

  5. Ranking targets in structure-based virtual screening of three-dimensional protein libraries: methods and problems.


    Kellenberger, Esther; Foata, Nicolas; Rognan, Didier


    Structure-based virtual screening is a promising tool to identify putative targets for a specific ligand. Instead of docking multiple ligands into a single protein cavity, a single ligand is docked in a collection of binding sites. In inverse screening, hits are in fact targets which have been prioritized within the pool of best ranked proteins. The target rate depends on specificity and promiscuity in protein-ligand interactions and, to a considerable extent, on the effectiveness of the scoring function, which still is the Achilles' heel of molecular docking. In the present retrospective study, virtual screening of the sc-PDB target library by GOLD docking was carried out for four compounds (biotin, 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen, 6-hydroxy-1,6-dihydropurine ribonucleoside, and methotrexate) of known sc-PDB targets and, several ranking protocols based on GOLD fitness score and topological molecular interaction fingerprint (IFP) comparison were evaluated. For the four investigated ligands, the fusion of GOLD fitness and two IFP scores allowed the recovery of most targets, including the rare proteins which are not readily suitable for statistical analysis, while significantly filtering out most false positive entries. The current survey suggests that selecting a small number of targets (<20) for experimental evaluation is achievable with a pure structure-based approach.

  6. Ligand-based virtual screening and inductive learning for identification of SIRT1 inhibitors in natural products.


    Sun, Yunan; Zhou, Hui; Zhu, Hongmei; Leung, Siu-wai


    Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) is a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent deacetylase, and its dysregulation can lead to ageing, diabetes, and cancer. From 346 experimentally confirmed SIRT1 inhibitors, an inhibitor structure pattern was generated by inductive logic programming (ILP) with DMax Chemistry Assistant software. The pattern contained amide, amine, and hetero-aromatic five-membered rings, each of which had a hetero-atom and an unsubstituted atom at a distance of 2. According to this pattern, a ligand-based virtual screening of 1 444 880 active compounds from Chinese herbs identified 12 compounds as inhibitors of SIRT1. Three compounds (ZINC08790006, ZINC08792229, and ZINC08792355) had high affinity (-7.3, -7.8, and -8.6 kcal/mol, respectively) for SIRT1 as estimated by molecular docking software AutoDock Vina. This study demonstrated a use of ILP and background knowledge in machine learning to facilitate virtual screening.

  7. Ligand-based virtual screening and inductive learning for identification of SIRT1 inhibitors in natural products

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sun, Yunan; Zhou, Hui; Zhu, Hongmei; Leung, Siu-Wai


    Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) is a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent deacetylase, and its dysregulation can lead to ageing, diabetes, and cancer. From 346 experimentally confirmed SIRT1 inhibitors, an inhibitor structure pattern was generated by inductive logic programming (ILP) with DMax Chemistry Assistant software. The pattern contained amide, amine, and hetero-aromatic five-membered rings, each of which had a hetero-atom and an unsubstituted atom at a distance of 2. According to this pattern, a ligand-based virtual screening of 1 444 880 active compounds from Chinese herbs identified 12 compounds as inhibitors of SIRT1. Three compounds (ZINC08790006, ZINC08792229, and ZINC08792355) had high affinity (-7.3, -7.8, and -8.6 kcal/mol, respectively) for SIRT1 as estimated by molecular docking software AutoDock Vina. This study demonstrated a use of ILP and background knowledge in machine learning to facilitate virtual screening.

  8. Final Scientific/Technical Report for "Enabling Exascale Hardware and Software Design through Scalable System Virtualization"

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dinda, Peter August


    This report describes the activities, findings, and products of the Northwestern University component of the "Enabling Exascale Hardware and Software Design through Scalable System Virtualization" project. The purpose of this project has been to extend the state of the art of systems software for high-end computing (HEC) platforms, and to use systems software to better enable the evaluation of potential future HEC platforms, for example exascale platforms. Such platforms, and their systems software, have the goal of providing scientific computation at new scales, thus enabling new research in the physical sciences and engineering. Over time, the innovations in systems softwaremore » for such platforms also become applicable to more widely used computing clusters, data centers, and clouds. This was a five-institution project, centered on the Palacios virtual machine monitor (VMM) systems software, a project begun at Northwestern, and originally developed in a previous collaboration between Northwestern University and the University of New Mexico. In this project, Northwestern (including via our subcontract to the University of Pittsburgh) contributed to the continued development of Palacios, along with other team members. We took the leadership role in (1) continued extension of support for emerging Intel and AMD hardware, (2) integration and performance enhancement of overlay networking, (3) connectivity with architectural simulation, (4) binary translation, and (5) support for modern Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) hosts and guests. We also took a supporting role in support for specialized hardware for I/O virtualization, profiling, configurability, and integration with configuration tools. The efforts we led (1-5) were largely successful and executed as expected, with code and papers resulting from them. The project demonstrated the feasibility of a virtualization layer for HEC computing, similar to such layers for cloud or datacenter computing. For effort (3

  9. Large-scale systematic analysis of 2D fingerprint methods and parameters to improve virtual screening enrichments.


    Sastry, Madhavi; Lowrie, Jeffrey F; Dixon, Steven L; Sherman, Woody


    A systematic virtual screening study on 11 pharmaceutically relevant targets has been conducted to investigate the interrelation between 8 two-dimensional (2D) fingerprinting methods, 13 atom-typing schemes, 13 bit scaling rules, and 12 similarity metrics using the new cheminformatics package Canvas. In total, 157 872 virtual screens were performed to assess the ability of each combination of parameters to identify actives in a database screen. In general, fingerprint methods, such as MOLPRINT2D, Radial, and Dendritic that encode information about local environment beyond simple linear paths outperformed other fingerprint methods. Atom-typing schemes with more specific information, such as Daylight, Mol2, and Carhart were generally superior to more generic atom-typing schemes. Enrichment factors across all targets were improved considerably with the best settings, although no single set of parameters performed optimally on all targets. The size of the addressable bit space for the fingerprints was also explored, and it was found to have a substantial impact on enrichments. Small bit spaces, such as 1024, resulted in many collisions and in a significant degradation in enrichments compared to larger bit spaces that avoid collisions.

  10. Discovery of new inhibitors of the bacterial peptidoglycan biosynthesis enzymes MurD and MurF by structure-based virtual screening.


    Turk, Samo; Kovac, Andreja; Boniface, Audrey; Bostock, Julieanne M; Chopra, Ian; Blanot, Didier; Gobec, Stanislav


    The ATP-dependent Mur ligases (MurC, MurD, MurE and MurF) successively add L-Ala, D-Glu, meso-A(2)pm or L-Lys, and D-Ala-D-Ala to the nucleotide precursor UDP-MurNAc, and they represent promising targets for antibacterial drug discovery. We have used the molecular docking programme eHiTS for the virtual screening of 1990 compounds from the National Cancer Institute 'Diversity Set' on MurD and MurF. The 50 top-scoring compounds from screening on each enzyme were selected for experimental biochemical evaluation. Our approach of virtual screening and subsequent in vitro biochemical evaluation of the best ranked compounds has provided four novel MurD inhibitors (best IC(50)=10 microM) and one novel MurF inhibitor (IC(50)=63 microM).

  11. Virtual Laboratories and Virtual Worlds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hut, Piet


    Since we cannot put stars in a laboratory, astrophysicists had to wait till the invention of computers before becoming laboratory scientists. For half a century now, we have been conducting experiments in our virtual laboratories. However, we ourselves have remained behind the keyboard, with the screen of the monitor separating us from the world we are simulating. Recently, 3D on-line technology, developed first for games but now deployed in virtual worlds like Second Life, is beginning to make it possible for astrophysicists to enter their virtual labs themselves, in virtual form as avatars. This has several advantages, from new possibilities to explore the results of the simulations to a shared presence in a virtual lab with remote collaborators on different continents. I will report my experiences with the use of Qwaq Forums, a virtual world developed by a new company (see

  12. Virtual screening of B-Raf kinase inhibitors: A combination of pharmacophore modelling, molecular docking, 3D-QSAR model and binding free energy calculation studies.


    Zhang, Wen; Qiu, Kai-Xiong; Yu, Fang; Xie, Xiao-Guang; Zhang, Shu-Qun; Chen, Ya-Juan; Xie, Hui-Ding


    B-Raf kinase has been identified as an important target in recent cancer treatment. In order to discover structurally diverse and novel B-Raf inhibitors (BRIs), a virtual screening of BRIs against ZINC database was performed by using a combination of pharmacophore modelling, molecular docking, 3D-QSAR model and binding free energy (ΔG bind ) calculation studies in this work. After the virtual screening, six promising hit compounds were obtained, which were then tested for inhibitory activities of A375 cell lines. In the result, five hit compounds show good biological activities (IC 50 <50μM). The present method of virtual screening can be applied to find structurally diverse inhibitors, and the obtained five structurally diverse compounds are expected to develop novel BRIs. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  13. Identification of promising DNA GyrB inhibitors for Tuberculosis using pharmacophore-based virtual screening, molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies.


    Islam, Md Ataul; Pillay, Tahir S


    In this study, we searched for potential DNA GyrB inhibitors using pharmacophore-based virtual screening followed by molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation approaches. For this purpose, a set of 248 DNA GyrB inhibitors was collected from the literature and a well-validated pharmacophore model was generated. The best pharmacophore model explained that two each of hydrogen bond acceptors and hydrophobicity regions were critical for inhibition of DNA GyrB. Good statistical results of the pharmacophore model indicated that the model was robust in nature. Virtual screening of molecular databases revealed three molecules as potential antimycobacterial agents. The final screened promising compounds were evaluated in molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation studies. In the molecular dynamics studies, RMSD and RMSF values undoubtedly explained that the screened compounds formed stable complexes with DNA GyrB. Therefore, it can be concluded that the compounds identified may have potential for the treatment of TB. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  14. Immersive Virtual Moon Scene System Based on Panoramic Camera Data of Chang'E-3

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gao, X.; Liu, J.; Mu, L.; Yan, W.; Zeng, X.; Zhang, X.; Li, C.


    The system "Immersive Virtual Moon Scene" is used to show the virtual environment of Moon surface in immersive environment. Utilizing stereo 360-degree imagery from panoramic camera of Yutu rover, the system enables the operator to visualize the terrain and the celestial background from the rover's point of view in 3D. To avoid image distortion, stereo 360-degree panorama stitched by 112 images is projected onto inside surface of sphere according to panorama orientation coordinates and camera parameters to build the virtual scene. Stars can be seen from the Moon at any time. So we render the sun, planets and stars according to time and rover's location based on Hipparcos catalogue as the background on the sphere. Immersing in the stereo virtual environment created by this imaged-based rendering technique, the operator can zoom, pan to interact with the virtual Moon scene and mark interesting objects. Hardware of the immersive virtual Moon system is made up of four high lumen projectors and a huge curve screen which is 31 meters long and 5.5 meters high. This system which take all panoramic camera data available and use it to create an immersive environment, enable operator to interact with the environment and mark interesting objects contributed heavily to establishment of science mission goals in Chang'E-3 mission. After Chang'E-3 mission, the lab with this system will be open to public. Besides this application, Moon terrain stereo animations based on Chang'E-1 and Chang'E-2 data will be showed to public on the huge screen in the lab. Based on the data of lunar exploration,we will made more immersive virtual moon scenes and animations to help the public understand more about the Moon in the future.

  15. Ultrafast protein structure-based virtual screening with Panther

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Niinivehmas, Sanna P.; Salokas, Kari; Lätti, Sakari; Raunio, Hannu; Pentikäinen, Olli T.


    Molecular docking is by far the most common method used in protein structure-based virtual screening. This paper presents Panther, a novel ultrafast multipurpose docking tool. In Panther, a simple shape-electrostatic model of the ligand-binding area of the protein is created by utilizing the protein crystal structure. The features of the possible ligands are then compared to the model by using a similarity search algorithm. On average, one ligand can be processed in a few minutes by using classical docking methods, whereas using Panther processing takes <1 s. The presented Panther protocol can be used in several applications, such as speeding up the early phases of drug discovery projects, reducing the number of failures in the clinical phase of the drug development process, and estimating the environmental toxicity of chemicals. Panther-code is available in our web pages ( free of charge after registration.

  16. Ultrafast protein structure-based virtual screening with Panther.


    Niinivehmas, Sanna P; Salokas, Kari; Lätti, Sakari; Raunio, Hannu; Pentikäinen, Olli T


    Molecular docking is by far the most common method used in protein structure-based virtual screening. This paper presents Panther, a novel ultrafast multipurpose docking tool. In Panther, a simple shape-electrostatic model of the ligand-binding area of the protein is created by utilizing the protein crystal structure. The features of the possible ligands are then compared to the model by using a similarity search algorithm. On average, one ligand can be processed in a few minutes by using classical docking methods, whereas using Panther processing takes <1 s. The presented Panther protocol can be used in several applications, such as speeding up the early phases of drug discovery projects, reducing the number of failures in the clinical phase of the drug development process, and estimating the environmental toxicity of chemicals. Panther-code is available in our web pages ( free of charge after registration.

  17. Object Creation and Human Factors Evaluation for Virtual Environments

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lindsey, Patricia F.


    The main objective of this project is to provide test objects for simulated environments utilized by the recently established Army/NASA Virtual Innovations Lab (ANVIL) at Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Al. The objective of the ANVIL lab is to provide virtual reality (VR) models and environments and to provide visualization and manipulation methods for the purpose of training and testing. Visualization equipment used in the ANVIL lab includes head-mounted and boom-mounted immersive virtual reality display devices. Objects in the environment are manipulated using data glove, hand controller, or mouse. These simulated objects are solid or surfaced three dimensional models. They may be viewed or manipulated from any location within the environment and may be viewed on-screen or via immersive VR. The objects are created using various CAD modeling packages and are converted into the virtual environment using dVise. This enables the object or environment to be viewed from any angle or distance for training or testing purposes.

  18. Virtual screening filters for the design of type II p38 MAP kinase inhibitors: a fragment based library generation approach.


    Badrinarayan, Preethi; Sastry, G Narahari


    In this work, we introduce the development and application of a three-step scoring and filtering procedure for the design of type II p38 MAP kinase leads using allosteric fragments extracted from virtual screening hits. The design of the virtual screening filters is based on a thorough evaluation of docking methods, DFG-loop conformation, binding interactions and chemotype specificity of the 138 p38 MAP kinase inhibitors from Protein Data Bank bound to DFG-in and DFG-out conformations using Glide, GOLD and CDOCKER. A 40 ns molecular dynamics simulation with the apo, type I with DFG-in and type II with DFG-out forms was carried out to delineate the effects of structural variations on inhibitor binding. The designed docking-score and sub-structure filters were first tested on a dataset of 249 potent p38 MAP kinase inhibitors from seven diverse series and 18,842 kinase inhibitors from PDB, to gauge their capacity to discriminate between kinase and non-kinase inhibitors and likewise to selectively filter-in target-specific inhibitors. The designed filters were then applied in the virtual screening of a database of ten million (10⁷) compounds resulting in the identification of 100 hits. Based on their binding modes, 98 allosteric fragments were extracted from the hits and a fragment library was generated. New type II p38 MAP kinase leads were designed by tailoring the existing type I ATP site binders with allosteric fragments using a common urea linker. Target specific virtual screening filters can thus be easily developed for other kinases based on this strategy to retrieve target selective compounds. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Discovery of covalent inhibitors for MIF tautomerase via cocrystal structures with phantom hits from virtual screening

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    McLean, Larry R.; Zhang, Ying; Li, Hua

    Biochemical and X-ray crystallographic studies confirmed that hydroxyquinoline derivatives identified by virtual screening were actually covalent inhibitors of the MIF tautomerase. Adducts were formed by N-alkylation of the Pro-1 at the catalytic site with a loss of an amino group of the inhibitor.

  20. Multiple search methods for similarity-based virtual screening: analysis of search overlap and precision

    PubMed Central


    Background Data fusion methods are widely used in virtual screening, and make the implicit assumption that the more often a molecule is retrieved in multiple similarity searches, the more likely it is to be active. This paper tests the correctness of this assumption. Results Sets of 25 searches using either the same reference structure and 25 different similarity measures (similarity fusion) or 25 different reference structures and the same similarity measure (group fusion) show that large numbers of unique molecules are retrieved by just a single search, but that the numbers of unique molecules decrease very rapidly as more searches are considered. This rapid decrease is accompanied by a rapid increase in the fraction of those retrieved molecules that are active. There is an approximately log-log relationship between the numbers of different molecules retrieved and the number of searches carried out, and a rationale for this power-law behaviour is provided. Conclusions Using multiple searches provides a simple way of increasing the precision of a similarity search, and thus provides a justification for the use of data fusion methods in virtual screening. PMID:21824430

  1. LS-align: an atom-level, flexible ligand structural alignment algorithm for high-throughput virtual screening.


    Hu, Jun; Liu, Zi; Yu, Dong-Jun; Zhang, Yang


    Sequence-order independent structural comparison, also called structural alignment, of small ligand molecules is often needed for computer-aided virtual drug screening. Although many ligand structure alignment programs are proposed, most of them build the alignments based on rigid-body shape comparison which cannot provide atom-specific alignment information nor allow structural variation; both abilities are critical to efficient high-throughput virtual screening. We propose a novel ligand comparison algorithm, LS-align, to generate fast and accurate atom-level structural alignments of ligand molecules, through an iterative heuristic search of the target function that combines inter-atom distance with mass and chemical bond comparisons. LS-align contains two modules of Rigid-LS-align and Flexi-LS-align, designed for rigid-body and flexible alignments, respectively, where a ligand-size independent, statistics-based scoring function is developed to evaluate the similarity of ligand molecules relative to random ligand pairs. Large-scale benchmark tests are performed on prioritizing chemical ligands of 102 protein targets involving 1,415,871 candidate compounds from the DUD-E (Database of Useful Decoys: Enhanced) database, where LS-align achieves an average enrichment factor (EF) of 22.0 at the 1% cutoff and the AUC score of 0.75, which are significantly higher than other state-of-the-art methods. Detailed data analyses show that the advanced performance is mainly attributed to the design of the target function that combines structural and chemical information to enhance the sensitivity of recognizing subtle difference of ligand molecules and the introduces of structural flexibility that help capture the conformational changes induced by the ligand-receptor binding interactions. These data demonstrate a new avenue to improve the virtual screening efficiency through the development of sensitive ligand structural alignments. http

  2. Colon cancer screening


    Screening for colon cancer; Colonoscopy - screening; Sigmoidoscopy - screening; Virtual colonoscopy - screening; Fecal immunochemical test; Stool DNA test; sDNA test; Colorectal cancer - screening; Rectal ...

  3. Virtual gastrointestinal colonoscopy in combination with large bowel endoscopy: Clinical application

    PubMed Central

    He, Qing; Rao, Ting; Guan, Yong-Song


    Although colorectal cancer (CRC) has no longer been the leading cancer killer worldwide for years with the exponential development in computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography/CT as well as virtual colonoscopy for early detection, the CRC related mortality is still high. The objective of CRC screening is to reduce the burden of CRC and thereby the morbidity and mortality rates of the disease. It is believed that this goal can be achieved by regularly screening the average-risk population, enabling the detection of cancer at early, curable stages, and polyps before they become cancerous. Large-scale screening with multimodality imaging approaches plays an important role in reaching that goal to detect polyps, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and CRC in early stage. This article reviews kinds of presentative imaging procedures for various screening options and updates detecting, staging and re-staging of CRC patients for determining the optimal therapeutic method and forecasting the risk of CRC recurrence and the overall prognosis. The combination use of virtual colonoscopy and conventional endoscopy, advantages and limitations of these modalities are also discussed. PMID:25320519

  4. Identification of sumoylation activating enzyme 1 inhibitors by structure-based virtual screening.


    Kumar, Ashutosh; Ito, Akihiro; Hirohama, Mikako; Yoshida, Minoru; Zhang, Kam Y J


    SUMO activating enzyme 1 (SUMO E1) is responsible for the activation of SUMO in the first step of the sumoylation cascade. SUMO E1 is linked to many human diseases including cancer, thus making it a potential therapeutic target. There are few reported SUMO E1 inhibitors including several natural products. To identify small molecule inhibitors of SUMO E1 with better drug-like properties for potential therapeutic studies, we have used structure-based virtual screening to identify hits from the Maybridge small molecule library for biological assay. Our virtual screening protocol involves fast docking of the entire small molecule library with rigid protein and ligands followed by redocking of top hits using a method that incorporates both ligand and protein flexibility. Subsequently, the top-ranking compounds were prioritized using the molecular dynamics simulation-based binding free energy calculation. Out of 24 compounds that were acquired and tested using in vitro sumoylation assay, four of them showed more than 85% inhibition of sumoylation with the most active compound showing an IC50 of 14.4 μM. A similarity search with the most active compound in the ZINC database has identified three more compounds with improved potency. These compounds share a common phenyl urea scaffold and have been confirmed to inhibit SUMO E1 by in vitro SUMO-1 thioester bond formation assay. Our study suggests that these phenyl urea compounds could be used as a starting point for the development of novel therapeutic agents.

  5. Sense of presence and anxiety during virtual social interactions between a human and virtual humans.


    Morina, Nexhmedin; Brinkman, Willem-Paul; Hartanto, Dwi; Emmelkamp, Paul M G


    Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) has been shown to be effective in treatment of anxiety disorders. Yet, there is lack of research on the extent to which interaction between the individual and virtual humans can be successfully implanted to increase levels of anxiety for therapeutic purposes. This proof-of-concept pilot study aimed at examining levels of the sense of presence and anxiety during exposure to virtual environments involving social interaction with virtual humans and using different virtual reality displays. A non-clinical sample of 38 participants was randomly assigned to either a head-mounted display (HMD) with motion tracker and sterescopic view condition or a one-screen projection-based virtual reality display condition. Participants in both conditions engaged in free speech dialogues with virtual humans controlled by research assistants. It was hypothesized that exposure to virtual social interactions will elicit moderate levels of sense of presence and anxiety in both groups. Further it was expected that participants in the HMD condition will report higher scores of sense of presence and anxiety than participants in the one-screen projection-based display condition. Results revealed that in both conditions virtual social interactions were associated with moderate levels of sense of presence and anxiety. Additionally, participants in the HMD condition reported significantly higher levels of presence than those in the one-screen projection-based display condition (p = .001). However, contrary to the expectations neither the average level of anxiety nor the highest level of anxiety during exposure to social virtual environments differed between the groups (p = .97 and p = .75, respectively). The findings suggest that virtual social interactions can be successfully applied in VRET to enhance sense of presence and anxiety. Furthermore, our results indicate that one-screen projection-based displays can successfully activate levels of anxiety in

  6. Graph wavelet alignment kernels for drug virtual screening.


    Smalter, Aaron; Huan, Jun; Lushington, Gerald


    In this paper, we introduce a novel statistical modeling technique for target property prediction, with applications to virtual screening and drug design. In our method, we use graphs to model chemical structures and apply a wavelet analysis of graphs to summarize features capturing graph local topology. We design a novel graph kernel function to utilize the topology features to build predictive models for chemicals via Support Vector Machine classifier. We call the new graph kernel a graph wavelet-alignment kernel. We have evaluated the efficacy of the wavelet-alignment kernel using a set of chemical structure-activity prediction benchmarks. Our results indicate that the use of the kernel function yields performance profiles comparable to, and sometimes exceeding that of the existing state-of-the-art chemical classification approaches. In addition, our results also show that the use of wavelet functions significantly decreases the computational costs for graph kernel computation with more than ten fold speedup.

  7. Discovery of potent inhibitors of soluble epoxide hydrolase by combinatorial library design and structure-based virtual screening.


    Xing, Li; McDonald, Joseph J; Kolodziej, Steve A; Kurumbail, Ravi G; Williams, Jennifer M; Warren, Chad J; O'Neal, Janet M; Skepner, Jill E; Roberds, Steven L


    Structure-based virtual screening was applied to design combinatorial libraries to discover novel and potent soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) inhibitors. X-ray crystal structures revealed unique interactions for a benzoxazole template in addition to the conserved hydrogen bonds with the catalytic machinery of sEH. By exploitation of the favorable binding elements, two iterations of library design based on amide coupling were employed, guided principally by the docking results of the enumerated virtual products. Biological screening of the libraries demonstrated as high as 90% hit rate, of which over two dozen compounds were single digit nanomolar sEH inhibitors by IC(50) determination. In total the library design and synthesis produced more than 300 submicromolar sEH inhibitors. In cellular systems consistent activities were demonstrated with biochemical measurements. The SAR understanding of the benzoxazole template provides valuable insights into discovery of novel sEH inhibitors as therapeutic agents.

  8. Virtual Screening as a Strategy for the Identification of Xenobiotics Disrupting Corticosteroid Action

    PubMed Central

    Praxmarer, Lukas; Chantong, Boonrat; Cereghetti, Diego; Winiger, Rahel; Schuster, Daniela; Odermatt, Alex


    Background Impaired corticosteroid action caused by genetic and environmental influence, including exposure to hazardous xenobiotics, contributes to the development and progression of metabolic diseases, cardiovascular complications and immune disorders. Novel strategies are thus needed for identifying xenobiotics that interfere with corticosteroid homeostasis. 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (11β-HSD2) and mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) are major regulators of corticosteroid action. 11β-HSD2 converts the active glucocorticoid cortisol to the inactive cortisone and protects MR from activation by glucocorticoids. 11β-HSD2 has also an essential role in the placenta to protect the fetus from high maternal cortisol concentrations. Methods and Principal Findings We employed a previously constructed 3D-structural library of chemicals with proven and suspected endocrine disrupting effects for virtual screening using a chemical feature-based 11β-HSD pharmacophore. We tested several in silico predicted chemicals in a 11β-HSD2 bioassay. The identified antibiotic lasalocid and the silane-coupling agent AB110873 were found to concentration-dependently inhibit 11β-HSD2. Moreover, the silane AB110873 was shown to activate MR and stimulate mitochondrial ROS generation and the production of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6). Finally, we constructed a MR pharmacophore, which successfully identified the silane AB110873. Conclusions Screening of virtual chemical structure libraries can facilitate the identification of xenobiotics inhibiting 11β-HSD2 and/or activating MR. Lasalocid and AB110873 belong to new classes of 11β-HSD2 inhibitors. The silane AB110873 represents to the best of our knowledge the first industrial chemical shown to activate MR. Furthermore, the MR pharmacophore can now be used for future screening purposes. PMID:23056542

  9. Representability of algebraic topology for biomolecules in machine learning based scoring and virtual screening

    PubMed Central

    Mu, Lin


    This work introduces a number of algebraic topology approaches, including multi-component persistent homology, multi-level persistent homology, and electrostatic persistence for the representation, characterization, and description of small molecules and biomolecular complexes. In contrast to the conventional persistent homology, multi-component persistent homology retains critical chemical and biological information during the topological simplification of biomolecular geometric complexity. Multi-level persistent homology enables a tailored topological description of inter- and/or intra-molecular interactions of interest. Electrostatic persistence incorporates partial charge information into topological invariants. These topological methods are paired with Wasserstein distance to characterize similarities between molecules and are further integrated with a variety of machine learning algorithms, including k-nearest neighbors, ensemble of trees, and deep convolutional neural networks, to manifest their descriptive and predictive powers for protein-ligand binding analysis and virtual screening of small molecules. Extensive numerical experiments involving 4,414 protein-ligand complexes from the PDBBind database and 128,374 ligand-target and decoy-target pairs in the DUD database are performed to test respectively the scoring power and the discriminatory power of the proposed topological learning strategies. It is demonstrated that the present topological learning outperforms other existing methods in protein-ligand binding affinity prediction and ligand-decoy discrimination. PMID:29309403

  10. Discovering new PI3Kα inhibitors with a strategy of combining ligand-based and structure-based virtual screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yu, Miao; Gu, Qiong; Xu, Jun


    PI3Kα is a promising drug target for cancer chemotherapy. In this paper, we report a strategy of combing ligand-based and structure-based virtual screening to identify new PI3Kα inhibitors. First, naïve Bayesian (NB) learning models and a 3D-QSAR pharmacophore model were built based upon known PI3Kα inhibitors. Then, the SPECS library was screened by the best NB model. This resulted in virtual hits, which were validated by matching the structures against the pharmacophore models. The pharmacophore matched hits were then docked into PI3Kα crystal structures to form ligand-receptor complexes, which are further validated by the Glide-XP program to result in structural validated hits. The structural validated hits were examined by PI3Kα inhibitory assay. With this screening protocol, ten PI3Kα inhibitors with new scaffolds were discovered with IC50 values ranging 0.44-31.25 μM. The binding affinities for the most active compounds 33 and 74 were estimated through molecular dynamics simulations and MM-PBSA analyses.

  11. Identification of novel drug scaffolds for inhibition of SARS-CoV 3-Chymotrypsin-like protease using virtual and high-throughput screenings.


    Lee, Hyun; Mittal, Anuradha; Patel, Kavankumar; Gatuz, Joseph L; Truong, Lena; Torres, Jaime; Mulhearn, Debbie C; Johnson, Michael E


    We have used a combination of virtual screening (VS) and high-throughput screening (HTS) techniques to identify novel, non-peptidic small molecule inhibitors against human SARS-CoV 3CLpro. A structure-based VS approach integrating docking and pharmacophore based methods was employed to computationally screen 621,000 compounds from the ZINC library. The screening protocol was validated using known 3CLpro inhibitors and was optimized for speed, improved selectivity, and for accommodating receptor flexibility. Subsequently, a fluorescence-based enzymatic HTS assay was developed and optimized to experimentally screen approximately 41,000 compounds from four structurally diverse libraries chosen mainly based on the VS results. False positives from initial HTS hits were eliminated by a secondary orthogonal binding analysis using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The campaign identified a reversible small molecule inhibitor exhibiting mixed-type inhibition with a K(i) value of 11.1 μM. Together, these results validate our protocols as suitable approaches to screen virtual and chemical libraries, and the newly identified compound reported in our study represents a promising structural scaffold to pursue for further SARS-CoV 3CLpro inhibitor development. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  12. Discovery of Novel HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitors Using QSAR-Based Virtual Screening of the NCI Open Database.


    Ko, Gene M; Garg, Rajni; Bailey, Barbara A; Kumar, Sunil


    Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models can be used as a predictive tool for virtual screening of chemical libraries to identify novel drug candidates. The aims of this paper were to report the results of a study performed for descriptor selection, QSAR model development, and virtual screening for identifying novel HIV-1 integrase inhibitor drug candidates. First, three evolutionary algorithms were compared for descriptor selection: differential evolution-binary particle swarm optimization (DE-BPSO), binary particle swarm optimization, and genetic algorithms. Next, three QSAR models were developed from an ensemble of multiple linear regression, partial least squares, and extremely randomized trees models. A comparison of the performances of three evolutionary algorithms showed that DE-BPSO has a significant improvement over the other two algorithms. QSAR models developed in this study were used in consensus as a predictive tool for virtual screening of the NCI Open Database containing 265,242 compounds to identify potential novel HIV-1 integrase inhibitors. Six compounds were predicted to be highly active (plC50 > 6) by each of the three models. The use of a hybrid evolutionary algorithm (DE-BPSO) for descriptor selection and QSAR model development in drug design is a novel approach. Consensus modeling may provide better predictivity by taking into account a broader range of chemical properties within the data set conducive for inhibition that may be missed by an individual model. The six compounds identified provide novel drug candidate leads in the design of next generation HIV- 1 integrase inhibitors targeting drug resistant mutant viruses.

  13. Quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis and virtual screening studies for identifying HDAC2 inhibitors from known HDAC bioactive chemical libraries.


    Pham-The, H; Casañola-Martin, G; Diéguez-Santana, K; Nguyen-Hai, N; Ngoc, N T; Vu-Duc, L; Le-Thi-Thu, H


    Histone deacetylases (HDAC) are emerging as promising targets in cancer, neuronal diseases and immune disorders. Computational modelling approaches have been widely applied for the virtual screening and rational design of novel HDAC inhibitors. In this study, different machine learning (ML) techniques were applied for the development of models that accurately discriminate HDAC2 inhibitors form non-inhibitors. The obtained models showed encouraging results, with the global accuracy in the external set ranging from 0.83 to 0.90. Various aspects related to the comparison of modelling techniques, applicability domain and descriptor interpretations were discussed. Finally, consensus predictions of these models were used for screening HDAC2 inhibitors from four chemical libraries whose bioactivities against HDAC1, HDAC3, HDAC6 and HDAC8 have been known. According to the results of virtual screening assays, structures of some hits with pair-isoform-selective activity (between HDAC2 and other HDACs) were revealed. This study illustrates the power of ML-based QSAR approaches for the screening and discovery of potent, isoform-selective HDACIs.

  14. Virtual screening by a new Clustering-based Weighted Similarity Extreme Learning Machine approach

    PubMed Central

    Kudisthalert, Wasu


    Machine learning techniques are becoming popular in virtual screening tasks. One of the powerful machine learning algorithms is Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) which has been applied to many applications and has recently been applied to virtual screening. We propose the Weighted Similarity ELM (WS-ELM) which is based on a single layer feed-forward neural network in a conjunction of 16 different similarity coefficients as activation function in the hidden layer. It is known that the performance of conventional ELM is not robust due to random weight selection in the hidden layer. Thus, we propose a Clustering-based WS-ELM (CWS-ELM) that deterministically assigns weights by utilising clustering algorithms i.e. k-means clustering and support vector clustering. The experiments were conducted on one of the most challenging datasets–Maximum Unbiased Validation Dataset–which contains 17 activity classes carefully selected from PubChem. The proposed algorithms were then compared with other machine learning techniques such as support vector machine, random forest, and similarity searching. The results show that CWS-ELM in conjunction with support vector clustering yields the best performance when utilised together with Sokal/Sneath(1) coefficient. Furthermore, ECFP_6 fingerprint presents the best results in our framework compared to the other types of fingerprints, namely ECFP_4, FCFP_4, and FCFP_6. PMID:29652912

  15. Electrophysiological characterization of 14-benzoyltalatisamine, a selective blocker of the delayed rectifier K+ channel found in virtual screening.


    Song, Ming-Ke; Liu, Hong; Jiang, Hua-Liang; Yue, Jian-Min; Hu, Guo-Yuan


    14-Benzoyltalatisamine is a potent and selective blocker of the delayed rectifier K+ channel found in a computational virtual screening study. The compound was found to block the K+ channel from the extracellular side. However, it is unclear whether 14-benzoyltalatisamine shares the same block mechanism with tetraethylammonium (TEA). In order to elucidate how the hit compound found by the virtual screening interacts with the outer vestibule of the K+ channel, the effects of 14-benzoyltalatisamine and TEA on the delayed rectifier K+ current of rat dissociated hippocampal neurons were compared using whole-cell voltage-clamp recording. External application of 14-benzoyltalatisamine and TEA reversibly inhibited the current with IC50 values of 10.1+/-2.2 microM and 1.05+/-0.21 mM, respectively. 14-Benzoyltalatisamine exerted voltage-dependent inhibition, markedly accelerated the decay of the current, and caused a significant hyperpolarizing shift of the steady-state activation curve, whereas TEA caused voltage-independent inhibition, without affecting the kinetic parameters of the current. The blockade by 14-benzoyltalatisamine, but not by TEA, was significantly diminished in a high K+ (60 mM) external solution. The potency of 14-benzoyltalatisamine was markedly reduced in the presence of 15 mM TEA. The results suggest that 14-benzoyltalatisamine bind to the external pore entry of the delayed rectifier K+ channel with partial insertion into the selectivity filter, which is in conformity with that predicted by the molecular docking model in the virtual screening.

  16. Virtual screening using molecular simulations.


    Yang, Tianyi; Wu, Johnny C; Yan, Chunli; Wang, Yuanfeng; Luo, Ray; Gonzales, Michael B; Dalby, Kevin N; Ren, Pengyu


    Effective virtual screening relies on our ability to make accurate prediction of protein-ligand binding, which remains a great challenge. In this work, utilizing the molecular-mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann (or Generalized Born) surface area approach, we have evaluated the binding affinity of a set of 156 ligands to seven families of proteins, trypsin β, thrombin α, cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK), cAMP-dependent kinase (PKA), urokinase-type plasminogen activator, β-glucosidase A, and coagulation factor Xa. The effect of protein dielectric constant in the implicit-solvent model on the binding free energy calculation is shown to be important. The statistical correlations between the binding energy calculated from the implicit-solvent approach and experimental free energy are in the range of 0.56-0.79 across all the families. This performance is better than that of typical docking programs especially given that the latter is directly trained using known binding data whereas the molecular mechanics is based on general physical parameters. Estimation of entropic contribution remains the barrier to accurate free energy calculation. We show that the traditional rigid rotor harmonic oscillator approximation is unable to improve the binding free energy prediction. Inclusion of conformational restriction seems to be promising but requires further investigation. On the other hand, our preliminary study suggests that implicit-solvent based alchemical perturbation, which offers explicit sampling of configuration entropy, can be a viable approach to significantly improve the prediction of binding free energy. Overall, the molecular mechanics approach has the potential for medium to high-throughput computational drug discovery. Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  17. Identification of PPARgamma Partial Agonists of Natural Origin (I): Development of a Virtual Screening Procedure and In Vitro Validation

    PubMed Central

    Guasch, Laura; Sala, Esther; Castell-Auví, Anna; Cedó, Lidia; Liedl, Klaus R.; Wolber, Gerhard; Muehlbacher, Markus; Mulero, Miquel; Pinent, Montserrat; Ardévol, Anna; Valls, Cristina; Pujadas, Gerard; Garcia-Vallvé, Santiago


    Background Although there are successful examples of the discovery of new PPARγ agonists, it has recently been of great interest to identify new PPARγ partial agonists that do not present the adverse side effects caused by PPARγ full agonists. Consequently, the goal of this work was to design, apply and validate a virtual screening workflow to identify novel PPARγ partial agonists among natural products. Methodology/Principal Findings We have developed a virtual screening procedure based on structure-based pharmacophore construction, protein-ligand docking and electrostatic/shape similarity to discover novel scaffolds of PPARγ partial agonists. From an initial set of 89,165 natural products and natural product derivatives, 135 compounds were identified as potential PPARγ partial agonists with good ADME properties. Ten compounds that represent ten new chemical scaffolds for PPARγ partial agonists were selected for in vitro biological testing, but two of them were not assayed due to solubility problems. Five out of the remaining eight compounds were confirmed as PPARγ partial agonists: they bind to PPARγ, do not or only moderately stimulate the transactivation activity of PPARγ, do not induce adipogenesis of preadipocyte cells and stimulate the insulin-induced glucose uptake of adipocytes. Conclusions/Significance We have demonstrated that our virtual screening protocol was successful in identifying novel scaffolds for PPARγ partial agonists. PMID:23226391

  18. New Solutions for Enabling Discovery of User-Centric Virtual Data Products in NASA's Common Metadata Repository

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pilone, D.; Gilman, J.; Baynes, K.; Shum, D.


    This talk introduces a new NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) capability to automatically generate and maintain derived, Virtual Product information allowing DAACs and Data Providers to create tailored and more discoverable variations of their products. After this talk the audience will be aware of the new EOSDIS Virtual Product capability, applications of it, and how to take advantage of it. Much of the data made available in the EOSDIS are organized for generation and archival rather than for discovery and use. The EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository (CMR) is launching a new capability providing automated generation and maintenance of user-oriented Virtual Product information. DAACs can easily surface variations on established data products tailored to specific uses cases and users, leveraging DAAC exposed services such as custom ordering or access services like OPeNDAP for on-demand product generation and distribution. Virtual Data Products enjoy support for spatial and temporal information, keyword discovery, association with imagery, and are fully discoverable by tools such as NASA Earthdata Search, Worldview, and Reverb. Virtual Product generation has applicability across many use cases: - Describing derived products such as Surface Kinetic Temperature information (AST_08) from source products (ASTER L1A) - Providing streamlined access to data products (e.g. AIRS) containing many (>800) data variables covering an enormous variety of physical measurements - Attaching additional EOSDIS offerings such as Visual Metadata, external services, and documentation metadata - Publishing alternate formats for a product (e.g. netCDF for HDF products) with the actual conversion happening on request - Publishing granules to be modified by on-the-fly services, like GES-DISC's Data Quality Screening Service - Publishing "bundled" products where granules from one product correspond to granules from one or more other related products

  19. Novel inhibitors to Taenia solium Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase identified by virtual screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    García-Gutiérrez, P.; Landa-Piedra, A.; Rodríguez-Romero, A.; Parra-Unda, R.; Rojo-Domínguez, A.


    We describe in this work a successful virtual screening and experimental testing aimed to the identification of novel inhibitors of superoxide dismutase of the worm Taenia solium ( TsCu/Zn-SOD), a human parasite. Conformers from LeadQuest® database of drug-like compounds were selected and then docked on the surface of TsCu/Zn-SOD. Results were screened looking for ligand contacts with receptor side-chains not conserved in the human homologue, with a subsequent development of a score optimization by a set of energy minimization steps, aimed to identify lead compounds for in vitro experiments. Six out of fifty experimentally tested compounds showed μM inhibitory activity toward TsCu/Zn-SOD. Two of them showed species selectivity since did not inhibit the homologous human enzyme when assayed in vitro.

  20. Combining structure-based pharmacophore modeling, virtual screening, and in silico ADMET analysis to discover novel tetrahydro-quinoline based pyruvate kinase isozyme M2 activators with antitumor activity

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Can; Wang, Ting; Wu, Fengbo; Huang, Wei; He, Gu; Ouyang, Liang; Xiang, Mingli; Peng, Cheng; Jiang, Qinglin


    Compared with normal differentiated cells, cancer cells upregulate the expression of pyruvate kinase isozyme M2 (PKM2) to support glycolytic intermediates for anabolic processes, including the synthesis of nucleic acids, amino acids, and lipids. In this study, a combination of the structure-based pharmacophore modeling and a hybrid protocol of virtual screening methods comprised of pharmacophore model-based virtual screening, docking-based virtual screening, and in silico ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity) analysis were used to retrieve novel PKM2 activators from commercially available chemical databases. Tetrahydroquinoline derivatives were identified as potential scaffolds of PKM2 activators. Thus, the hybrid virtual screening approach was applied to screen the focused tetrahydroquinoline derivatives embedded in the ZINC database. Six hit compounds were selected from the final hits and experimental studies were then performed. Compound 8 displayed a potent inhibitory effect on human lung cancer cells. Following treatment with Compound 8, cell viability, apoptosis, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production were examined in A549 cells. Finally, we evaluated the effects of Compound 8 on mice xenograft tumor models in vivo. These results may provide important information for further research on novel PKM2 activators as antitumor agents. PMID:25214764

  1. Combination of virtual screening protocol by in silico towards the discovery of novel 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase inhibitors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fu, Ying; Sun, Yi-Na; Yi, Ke-Han; Li, Ming-Qiang; Cao, Hai-Feng; Li, Jia-Zhong; Ye, Fei


    4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (EC, HPPD) is a potent new bleaching herbicide target. Therefore, in silico structure-based virtual screening was performed in order to speed up the identification of promising HPPD inhibitors. In this study, an integrated virtual screening protocol by combining 3D-pharmacophore model, molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was established to find novel HPPD inhibitors from four commercial databases. 3D-pharmacophore Hypo1 model was applied to efficiently narrow potential hits. The hit compounds were subsequently submitted to molecular docking studies, showing four compounds as potent inhibitor with the mechanism of the Fe(II) coordination and interaction with Phe360, Phe403 and Phe398. MD result demonstrated that nonpolar term of compound 3881 made great contributions to binding affinities. It showed an IC50 being 2.49 µM against AtHPPD in vitro. The results provided useful information for developing novel HPPD inhibitors, leading to further understanding of the interaction mechanism of HPPD inhibitors.

  2. PoLi: A Virtual Screening Pipeline Based On Template Pocket And Ligand Similarity

    PubMed Central

    Roy, Ambrish; Srinivasan, Bharath; Skolnick, Jeffrey


    Often in pharmaceutical research, the goal is to identify small molecules that can interact with and appropriately modify the biological behavior of a new protein target. Unfortunately, most proteins lack both known structures and small molecule binders, prerequisites of many virtual screening, VS, approaches. For such proteins, ligand homology modeling, LHM, that copies ligands from homologous and perhaps evolutionarily distant template proteins, has been shown to be a powerful VS approach to identify possible binding ligands. However, if we want to target a specific pocket for which there is no homologous holo template protein structure, then LHM will not work. To address this issue, in a new pocket based approach, PoLi, we generalize LHM by exploiting the fact that the number of distinct small molecule ligand binding pockets in proteins is small. PoLi identifies similar ligand binding pockets in a holo-template protein library, selectively copies relevant parts of template ligands and uses them for VS. In practice, PoLi is a hybrid structure and ligand based VS algorithm that integrates 2D fingerprint-based and 3D shape-based similarity metrics for improved virtual screening performance. On standard DUD and DUD-E benchmark databases, using modeled receptor structures, PoLi achieves an average enrichment factor of 13.4 and 9.6 respectively, in the top 1% of the screened library. In contrast, traditional docking based VS using AutoDock Vina and homology-based VS using FINDSITEfilt have an average enrichment of 1.6 (3.0) and 9.0 (7.9) on the DUD (DUD-E) sets respectively. Experimental validation of PoLi predictions on dihydrofolate reductase, DHFR, using differential scanning fluorimetry, DSF, identifies multiple ligands with diverse molecular scaffolds, thus demonstrating the advantage of PoLi over current state-of-the-art VS methods. PMID:26225536

  3. Novel Inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis dTDP-6-deoxy-L-lyxo-4-hexulose Reductase (RmlD) Identified by Virtual Screening

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Yi; Hess, Tamara Noelle; Jones, Victoria; Zhou, Joe Zhongxiang; McNeil, Michael R.; McCammon, J. Andrew


    The complex and highly impermeable cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is largely responsible for the ability of the mycobacterium to resist the action of chemical therapeutics. An L-rhamnosyl residue, which occupies an important anchoring position in the Mtb cell wall, is an attractive target for novel anti-tuberculosis drugs. In this work, we report a virtual screening (VS) study targeting Mtb dTDP-deoxy-L-lyxo-4-hexulose reductase (RmlD), the last enzyme in the L-rhamnosyl synthesis pathway. Through two rounds of VS, we have identified four RmlD inhibitors with half inhibitory concentrations of 0.9-25 μM, and whole-cell minimum inhibitory concentrations of 20-200 μg/ml. Compared with our previous high throughput screening targeting another enzyme involved in L-rhamnosyl synthesis, virtual screening produced higher hit rates, supporting the use of computational methods in future anti-tuberculosis drug discovery efforts. PMID:22014548

  4. Virtual Worlds for Virtual Organizing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rhoten, Diana; Lutters, Wayne

    The members and resources of a virtual organization are dispersed across time and space, yet they function as a coherent entity through the use of technologies, networks, and alliances. As virtual organizations proliferate and become increasingly important in society, many may exploit the technical architecture s of virtual worlds, which are the confluence of computer-mediated communication, telepresence, and virtual reality originally created for gaming. A brief socio-technical history describes their early origins and the waves of progress followed by stasis that brought us to the current period of renewed enthusiasm. Examination of contemporary examples demonstrates how three genres of virtual worlds have enabled new arenas for virtual organizing: developer-defined closed worlds, user-modifiable quasi-open worlds, and user-generated open worlds. Among expected future trends are an increase in collaboration born virtually rather than imported from existing organizations, a tension between high-fidelity recreations of the physical world and hyper-stylized imaginations of fantasy worlds, and the growth of specialized worlds optimized for particular sectors, companies, or cultures.

  5. An unbiased method to build benchmarking sets for ligand-based virtual screening and its application to GPCRs.


    Xia, Jie; Jin, Hongwei; Liu, Zhenming; Zhang, Liangren; Wang, Xiang Simon


    Benchmarking data sets have become common in recent years for the purpose of virtual screening, though the main focus had been placed on the structure-based virtual screening (SBVS) approaches. Due to the lack of crystal structures, there is great need for unbiased benchmarking sets to evaluate various ligand-based virtual screening (LBVS) methods for important drug targets such as G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). To date these ready-to-apply data sets for LBVS are fairly limited, and the direct usage of benchmarking sets designed for SBVS could bring the biases to the evaluation of LBVS. Herein, we propose an unbiased method to build benchmarking sets for LBVS and validate it on a multitude of GPCRs targets. To be more specific, our methods can (1) ensure chemical diversity of ligands, (2) maintain the physicochemical similarity between ligands and decoys, (3) make the decoys dissimilar in chemical topology to all ligands to avoid false negatives, and (4) maximize spatial random distribution of ligands and decoys. We evaluated the quality of our Unbiased Ligand Set (ULS) and Unbiased Decoy Set (UDS) using three common LBVS approaches, with Leave-One-Out (LOO) Cross-Validation (CV) and a metric of average AUC of the ROC curves. Our method has greatly reduced the "artificial enrichment" and "analogue bias" of a published GPCRs benchmarking set, i.e., GPCR Ligand Library (GLL)/GPCR Decoy Database (GDD). In addition, we addressed an important issue about the ratio of decoys per ligand and found that for a range of 30 to 100 it does not affect the quality of the benchmarking set, so we kept the original ratio of 39 from the GLL/GDD.

  6. Virtual Liver: Estimating Proliferation and Apoptosis of Hepatocytes Exposed to Environmental Chemicals Using ToxCastTM Data

    EPA Science Inventory

    The U.S. EPA’s ToxCastTM program has screened over a thousand chemicals for potential toxicity using hundreds of high-throughput, in vitro assays. The U.S. EPA’s Virtual Liver (v-Liver™) is a cellular systems model of hepatic tissues that enables the estimation of in vivo effects...

  7. Virtual screening and optimization of Type II inhibitors of JAK2 from a natural product library.


    Ma, Dik-Lung; Chan, Daniel Shiu-Hin; Wei, Guo; Zhong, Hai-Jing; Yang, Hui; Leung, Lai To; Gullen, Elizabeth A; Chiu, Pauline; Cheng, Yung-Chi; Leung, Chung-Hang


    Amentoflavone has been identified as a JAK2 inhibitor by structure-based virtual screening of a natural product library. In silico optimization using the DOLPHIN model yielded analogues with enhanced potency against JAK2 activity and HCV activity in cellulo. Molecular modeling and kinetic experiments suggested that the analogues may function as Type II inhibitors of JAK2.

  8. Virtual screening for potential inhibitors of bacterial MurC and MurD ligases.


    Tomašić, Tihomir; Kovač, Andreja; Klebe, Gerhard; Blanot, Didier; Gobec, Stanislav; Kikelj, Danijel; Mašič, Lucija Peterlin


    Mur ligases are bacterial enzymes involved in the cytoplasmic steps of peptidoglycan biosynthesis and are viable targets for antibacterial drug discovery. We have performed virtual screening for potential ATP-competitive inhibitors targeting MurC and MurD ligases, using a protocol of consecutive hierarchical filters. Selected compounds were evaluated for inhibition of MurC and MurD ligases, and weak inhibitors possessing dual inhibitory activity have been identified. These compounds represent new scaffolds for further optimisation towards multiple Mur ligase inhibitors with improved inhibitory potency.

  9. Exploration of natural product ingredients as inhibitors of human HMG-CoA reductase through structure-based virtual screening.


    Lin, Shih-Hung; Huang, Kao-Jean; Weng, Ching-Feng; Shiuan, David


    Cholesterol plays an important role in living cells. However, a very high level of cholesterol may lead to atherosclerosis. HMG-CoA (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A) reductase is the key enzyme in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway, and the statin-like drugs are inhibitors of human HMG-CoA reductase (hHMGR). The present study aimed to virtually screen for potential hHMGR inhibitors from natural product to discover hypolipidemic drug candidates with fewer side effects and lesser toxicities. We used the 3D structure 1HWK from the PDB (Protein Data Bank) database of hHMGR as the target to screen for the strongly bound compounds from the traditional Chinese medicine database. Many interesting molecules including polyphenolic compounds, polisubstituted heterocyclics, and linear lipophilic alcohols were identified and their ADMET (absorption, disrtibution, metabolism, excretion, toxicity) properties were predicted. Finally, four compounds were obtained for the in vitro validation experiments. The results indicated that curcumin and salvianolic acid C can effectively inhibit hHMGR, with IC50 (half maximal inhibitory concentration) values of 4.3 µM and 8 µM, respectively. The present study also demonstrated the feasibility of discovering new drug candidates through structure-based virtual screening.

  10. Benchmarking methods and data sets for ligand enrichment assessment in virtual screening.


    Xia, Jie; Tilahun, Ermias Lemma; Reid, Terry-Elinor; Zhang, Liangren; Wang, Xiang Simon


    Retrospective small-scale virtual screening (VS) based on benchmarking data sets has been widely used to estimate ligand enrichments of VS approaches in the prospective (i.e. real-world) efforts. However, the intrinsic differences of benchmarking sets to the real screening chemical libraries can cause biased assessment. Herein, we summarize the history of benchmarking methods as well as data sets and highlight three main types of biases found in benchmarking sets, i.e. "analogue bias", "artificial enrichment" and "false negative". In addition, we introduce our recent algorithm to build maximum-unbiased benchmarking sets applicable to both ligand-based and structure-based VS approaches, and its implementations to three important human histone deacetylases (HDACs) isoforms, i.e. HDAC1, HDAC6 and HDAC8. The leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO CV) demonstrates that the benchmarking sets built by our algorithm are maximum-unbiased as measured by property matching, ROC curves and AUCs. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Benchmarking Methods and Data Sets for Ligand Enrichment Assessment in Virtual Screening

    PubMed Central

    Xia, Jie; Tilahun, Ermias Lemma; Reid, Terry-Elinor; Zhang, Liangren; Wang, Xiang Simon


    Retrospective small-scale virtual screening (VS) based on benchmarking data sets has been widely used to estimate ligand enrichments of VS approaches in the prospective (i.e. real-world) efforts. However, the intrinsic differences of benchmarking sets to the real screening chemical libraries can cause biased assessment. Herein, we summarize the history of benchmarking methods as well as data sets and highlight three main types of biases found in benchmarking sets, i.e. “analogue bias”, “artificial enrichment” and “false negative”. In addition, we introduced our recent algorithm to build maximum-unbiased benchmarking sets applicable to both ligand-based and structure-based VS approaches, and its implementations to three important human histone deacetylase (HDAC) isoforms, i.e. HDAC1, HDAC6 and HDAC8. The Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOO CV) demonstrates that the benchmarking sets built by our algorithm are maximum-unbiased in terms of property matching, ROC curves and AUCs. PMID:25481478

  12. Human recombinant beta-secretase immobilized enzyme reactor for fast hits' selection and characterization from a virtual screening library.


    De Simone, Angela; Mancini, Francesca; Cosconati, Sandro; Marinelli, Luciana; La Pietra, Valeria; Novellino, Ettore; Andrisano, Vincenza


    In the present work, a human recombinant BACE1 immobilized enzyme reactor (hrBACE1-IMER) has been applied for the sensitive fast screening of 38 compounds selected through a virtual screening approach. HrBACE1-IMER was inserted into a liquid chromatograph coupled with a fluorescent detector. A fluorogenic peptide substrate (M-2420), containing the β-secretase site of the Swedish mutation of APP, was injected and cleaved in the on-line HPLC-hrBACE1-IMER system, giving rise to the fluorescent product. The compounds of the library were tested for their ability to inhibit BACE1 in the immobilized format and to reduce the area related to the chromatographic peak of the fluorescent enzymatic product. The results were validated in solution by using two different FRET methods. Due to the efficient virtual screening methodology, more than fifty percent of the selected compounds showed a measurable inhibitory activity. One of the most active compound (a bis-indanone derivative) was characterized in terms of IC(50) and K(i) determination on the hrBACE1-IMER. Thus, the hrBACE1-IMER has been confirmed as a valid tool for the throughput screening of different chemical entities with potency lower than 30μM for the fast hits' selection and for mode of action determination. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. A graph-based approach to construct target-focused libraries for virtual screening.


    Naderi, Misagh; Alvin, Chris; Ding, Yun; Mukhopadhyay, Supratik; Brylinski, Michal


    Due to exorbitant costs of high-throughput screening, many drug discovery projects commonly employ inexpensive virtual screening to support experimental efforts. However, the vast majority of compounds in widely used screening libraries, such as the ZINC database, will have a very low probability to exhibit the desired bioactivity for a given protein. Although combinatorial chemistry methods can be used to augment existing compound libraries with novel drug-like compounds, the broad chemical space is often too large to be explored. Consequently, the trend in library design has shifted to produce screening collections specifically tailored to modulate the function of a particular target or a protein family. Assuming that organic compounds are composed of sets of rigid fragments connected by flexible linkers, a molecule can be decomposed into its building blocks tracking their atomic connectivity. On this account, we developed eSynth, an exhaustive graph-based search algorithm to computationally synthesize new compounds by reconnecting these building blocks following their connectivity patterns. We conducted a series of benchmarking calculations against the Directory of Useful Decoys, Enhanced database. First, in a self-benchmarking test, the correctness of the algorithm is validated with the objective to recover a molecule from its building blocks. Encouragingly, eSynth can efficiently rebuild more than 80 % of active molecules from their fragment components. Next, the capability to discover novel scaffolds is assessed in a cross-benchmarking test, where eSynth successfully reconstructed 40 % of the target molecules using fragments extracted from chemically distinct compounds. Despite an enormous chemical space to be explored, eSynth is computationally efficient; half of the molecules are rebuilt in less than a second, whereas 90 % take only about a minute to be generated. eSynth can successfully reconstruct chemically feasible molecules from molecular fragments

  14. Stepping into the virtual unknown: feasibility study of a virtual reality-based test of ocular misalignment.


    Nesaratnam, N; Thomas, P; Vivian, A


    IntroductionDissociated tests of strabismus provide valuable information for diagnosis and monitoring of ocular misalignment in patients with normal retinal correspondence. However, they are vulnerable to operator error and rely on a fixed head position. Virtual reality headsets obviate the need for head fixation, while providing other clear theoretical advantages, including complete control over the illumination and targets presented for the patient's interaction.PurposeWe compared the performance of a virtual reality-based test of ocular misalignment to that of the traditional Lees screen, to establish the feasibility of using virtual reality technology in ophthalmic settings in the future.MethodsThree patients underwent a traditional Lees screen test, and a virtual reality headset-based test of ocular motility. The virtual reality headset-based programme consisted of an initial test to measure horizontal and vertical deviation, followed by a test for torsion.ResultsThe pattern of deviation obtained using the virtual reality-based test showed agreement with that obtained from the Lees screen for patients with a fourth nerve palsy, comitant esotropia, and restrictive thyroid eye disease.ConclusionsThis study reports the first use of a virtual reality headset in assessing ocular misalignment, and demonstrates that it is a feasible dissociative test of strabismus.

  15. Ligand efficiency based approach for efficient virtual screening of compound libraries.


    Ke, Yi-Yu; Coumar, Mohane Selvaraj; Shiao, Hui-Yi; Wang, Wen-Chieh; Chen, Chieh-Wen; Song, Jen-Shin; Chen, Chun-Hwa; Lin, Wen-Hsing; Wu, Szu-Huei; Hsu, John T A; Chang, Chung-Ming; Hsieh, Hsing-Pang


    Here we report for the first time the use of fit quality (FQ), a ligand efficiency (LE) based measure for virtual screening (VS) of compound libraries. The LE based VS protocol was used to screen an in-house database of 125,000 compounds to identify aurora kinase A inhibitors. First, 20 known aurora kinase inhibitors were docked to aurora kinase A crystal structure (PDB ID: 2W1C); and the conformations of docked ligand were used to create a pharmacophore (PH) model. The PH model was used to screen the database compounds, and rank (PH rank) them based on the predicted IC50 values. Next, LE_Scale, a weight-dependant LE function, was derived from 294 known aurora kinase inhibitors. Using the fit quality (FQ = LE/LE_Scale) score derived from the LE_Scale function, the database compounds were reranked (PH_FQ rank) and the top 151 (0.12% of database) compounds were assessed for aurora kinase A inhibition biochemically. This VS protocol led to the identification of 7 novel hits, with compound 5 showing aurora kinase A IC50 = 1.29 μM. Furthermore, testing of 5 against a panel of 31 kinase reveals that it is selective toward aurora kinase A & B, with <50% inhibition for other kinases at 10 μM concentrations and is a suitable candidate for further development. Incorporation of FQ score in the VS protocol not only helped identify a novel aurora kinase inhibitor, 5, but also increased the hit rate of the VS protocol by improving the enrichment factor (EF) for FQ based screening (EF = 828), compared to PH based screening (EF = 237) alone. The LE based VS protocol disclosed here could be applied to other targets for hit identification in an efficient manner. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  16. Can a virtual reality cognitive training application fulfill a dual role? Using the virtual supermarket cognitive training application as a screening tool for mild cognitive impairment.


    Zygouris, Stelios; Giakoumis, Dimitrios; Votis, Konstantinos; Doumpoulakis, Stefanos; Ntovas, Konstantinos; Segkouli, Sofia; Karagiannidis, Charalampos; Tzovaras, Dimitrios; Tsolaki, Magda


    Recent research advocates the potential of virtual reality (VR) applications in assessing cognitive functions highlighting the possibility of using a VR application for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) screening. The aim of this study is to investigate whether a VR cognitive training application, the virtual supermarket (VSM), can be used as a screening tool for MCI. Two groups, one of healthy older adults (n = 21) and one of MCI patients (n = 34), were recruited from day centers for cognitive disorders and administered the VSM and a neuropsychological test battery. The performance of the two groups in the VSM was compared and correlated with performance in established neuropsychological tests. At the same time, the effectiveness of a combination of traditional neuropsychological tests and the VSM was examined. VSM displayed a correct classification rate (CCR) of 87.30% when differentiating between MCI patients and healthy older adults, while it was unable to differentiate between MCI subtypes. At the same time, the VSM correlates with various established neuropsychological tests. A limited number of tests were able to improve the CCR of the VSM when combined with the VSM for screening purposes. VSM appears to be a valid method of screening for MCI in an older adult population though it cannot be used for MCI subtype assessment. VSM's concurrent validity is supported by the large number of correlations between the VSM and established tests. It is considered a robust test on its own as the inclusion of other tests failed to improve its CCR significantly.

  17. Discovery of new erbB4 inhibitors: Repositioning an orphan chemical library by inverse virtual screening.


    Giordano, Assunta; Forte, Giovanni; Massimo, Luigia; Riccio, Raffaele; Bifulco, Giuseppe; Di Micco, Simone


    Inverse Virtual Screening (IVS) is a docking based approach aimed to the evaluation of the virtual ability of a single compound to interact with a library of proteins. For the first time, we applied this methodology to a library of synthetic compounds, which proved to be inactive towards the target they were initially designed for. Trifluoromethyl-benzenesulfonamides 3-21 were repositioned by means of IVS identifying new lead compounds (14-16, 19 and 20) for the inhibition of erbB4 in the low micromolar range. Among these, compound 20 exhibited an interesting value of IC 50 on MCF7 cell lines, thus validating IVS in lead repurposing. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  18. The high throughput virtual slit enables compact, inexpensive Raman spectral imagers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gooding, Edward; Deutsch, Erik R.; Huehnerhoff, Joseph; Hajian, Arsen R.


    Raman spectral imaging is increasingly becoming the tool of choice for field-based applications such as threat, narcotics and hazmat detection; air, soil and water quality monitoring; and material ID. Conventional fiber-coupled point source Raman spectrometers effectively interrogate a small sample area and identify bulk samples via spectral library matching. However, these devices are very slow at mapping over macroscopic areas. In addition, the spatial averaging performed by instruments that collect binned spectra, particularly when used in combination with orbital raster scanning, tends to dilute the spectra of trace particles in a mixture. Our design, employing free space line illumination combined with area imaging, reveals both the spectral and spatial content of heterogeneous mixtures. This approach is well suited to applications such as detecting explosives and narcotics trace particle detection in fingerprints. The patented High Throughput Virtual Slit1 is an innovative optical design that enables compact, inexpensive handheld Raman spectral imagers. HTVS-based instruments achieve significantly higher spectral resolution than can be obtained with conventional designs of the same size. Alternatively, they can be used to build instruments with comparable resolution to large spectrometers, but substantially smaller size, weight and unit cost, all while maintaining high sensitivity. When used in combination with laser line imaging, this design eliminates sample photobleaching and unwanted photochemistry while greatly enhancing mapping speed, all with high selectivity and sensitivity. We will present spectral image data and discuss applications that are made possible by low cost HTVS-enabled instruments.

  19. Benchmark of four popular virtual screening programs: construction of the active/decoy dataset remains a major determinant of measured performance.


    Chaput, Ludovic; Martinez-Sanz, Juan; Saettel, Nicolas; Mouawad, Liliane


    In a structure-based virtual screening, the choice of the docking program is essential for the success of a hit identification. Benchmarks are meant to help in guiding this choice, especially when undertaken on a large variety of protein targets. Here, the performance of four popular virtual screening programs, Gold, Glide, Surflex and FlexX, is compared using the Directory of Useful Decoys-Enhanced database (DUD-E), which includes 102 targets with an average of 224 ligands per target and 50 decoys per ligand, generated to avoid biases in the benchmarking. Then, a relationship between these program performances and the properties of the targets or the small molecules was investigated. The comparison was based on two metrics, with three different parameters each. The BEDROC scores with α = 80.5, indicated that, on the overall database, Glide succeeded (score > 0.5) for 30 targets, Gold for 27, FlexX for 14 and Surflex for 11. The performance did not depend on the hydrophobicity nor the openness of the protein cavities, neither on the families to which the proteins belong. However, despite the care in the construction of the DUD-E database, the small differences that remain between the actives and the decoys likely explain the successes of Gold, Surflex and FlexX. Moreover, the similarity between the actives of a target and its crystal structure ligand seems to be at the basis of the good performance of Glide. When all targets with significant biases are removed from the benchmarking, a subset of 47 targets remains, for which Glide succeeded for only 5 targets, Gold for 4 and FlexX and Surflex for 2. The performance dramatic drop of all four programs when the biases are removed shows that we should beware of virtual screening benchmarks, because good performances may be due to wrong reasons. Therefore, benchmarking would hardly provide guidelines for virtual screening experiments, despite the tendency that is maintained, i.e., Glide and Gold display better

  20. The power metric: a new statistically robust enrichment-type metric for virtual screening applications with early recovery capability.


    Lopes, Julio Cesar Dias; Dos Santos, Fábio Mendes; Martins-José, Andrelly; Augustyns, Koen; De Winter, Hans


    A new metric for the evaluation of model performance in the field of virtual screening and quantitative structure-activity relationship applications is described. This metric has been termed the power metric and is defined as the fraction of the true positive rate divided by the sum of the true positive and false positive rates, for a given cutoff threshold. The performance of this metric is compared with alternative metrics such as the enrichment factor, the relative enrichment factor, the receiver operating curve enrichment factor, the correct classification rate, Matthews correlation coefficient and Cohen's kappa coefficient. The performance of this new metric is found to be quite robust with respect to variations in the applied cutoff threshold and ratio of the number of active compounds to the total number of compounds, and at the same time being sensitive to variations in model quality. It possesses the correct characteristics for its application in early-recognition virtual screening problems.

  1. Innovation Education Enabled through a Collaborative Virtual Reality Learning Environment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Thorsteinsson, Gisli; Page, Tom; Lehtonen, Miika; Ha, Joong Gyu


    This article provides a descriptive account of the development of an approach to the support of design and technology education with 3D Virtual Reality (VR) technologies on an open and distance learning basis. This work promotes an understanding of the implications and possibilities of advanced virtual learning technologies in education for…

  2. An Unbiased Method To Build Benchmarking Sets for Ligand-Based Virtual Screening and its Application To GPCRs

    PubMed Central


    Benchmarking data sets have become common in recent years for the purpose of virtual screening, though the main focus had been placed on the structure-based virtual screening (SBVS) approaches. Due to the lack of crystal structures, there is great need for unbiased benchmarking sets to evaluate various ligand-based virtual screening (LBVS) methods for important drug targets such as G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). To date these ready-to-apply data sets for LBVS are fairly limited, and the direct usage of benchmarking sets designed for SBVS could bring the biases to the evaluation of LBVS. Herein, we propose an unbiased method to build benchmarking sets for LBVS and validate it on a multitude of GPCRs targets. To be more specific, our methods can (1) ensure chemical diversity of ligands, (2) maintain the physicochemical similarity between ligands and decoys, (3) make the decoys dissimilar in chemical topology to all ligands to avoid false negatives, and (4) maximize spatial random distribution of ligands and decoys. We evaluated the quality of our Unbiased Ligand Set (ULS) and Unbiased Decoy Set (UDS) using three common LBVS approaches, with Leave-One-Out (LOO) Cross-Validation (CV) and a metric of average AUC of the ROC curves. Our method has greatly reduced the “artificial enrichment” and “analogue bias” of a published GPCRs benchmarking set, i.e., GPCR Ligand Library (GLL)/GPCR Decoy Database (GDD). In addition, we addressed an important issue about the ratio of decoys per ligand and found that for a range of 30 to 100 it does not affect the quality of the benchmarking set, so we kept the original ratio of 39 from the GLL/GDD. PMID:24749745

  3. Evaluation and application of multiple scoring functions for a virtual screening experiment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xing, Li; Hodgkin, Edward; Liu, Qian; Sedlock, David


    In order to identify novel chemical classes of factor Xa inhibitors, five scoring functions (FlexX, DOCK, GOLD, ChemScore and PMF) were engaged to evaluate the multiple docking poses generated by FlexX. The compound collection was composed of confirmed potent factor Xa inhibitors and a subset of the LeadQuest® screening compound library. Except for PMF the other four scoring functions succeeded in reproducing the crystal complex (PDB code: 1FAX). During virtual screening the highest hit rate (80%) was demonstrated by FlexX at an energy cutoff of -40 kJ/mol, which is about 40-fold over random screening (2.06%). Limited results suggest that presenting more poses of a single molecule to the scoring functions could deteriorate their enrichment factors. A series of promising scaffolds with favorable binding scores was retrieved from LeadQuest. Consensus scoring by pair-wise intersection failed to enrich the hit rate yielded by single scorings (i.e. FlexX). We note that reported successes of consensus scoring in hit rate enrichment could be artificial because their comparisons were based on a selected subset of single scoring and a markedly reduced subset of double or triple scoring. The findings presented in this report are based upon a single biological system and support further studies.

  4. Fragment-based virtual screening approach and molecular dynamics simulation studies for identification of BACE1 inhibitor leads.


    Manoharan, Prabu; Ghoshal, Nanda


    Traditional structure-based virtual screening method to identify drug-like small molecules for BACE1 is so far unsuccessful. Location of BACE1, poor Blood Brain Barrier permeability and P-glycoprotein (Pgp) susceptibility of the inhibitors make it even more difficult. Fragment-based drug design method is suitable for efficient optimization of initial hit molecules for target like BACE1. We have developed a fragment-based virtual screening approach to identify/optimize the fragment molecules as a starting point. This method combines the shape, electrostatic, and pharmacophoric features of known fragment molecules, bound to protein conjugate crystal structure, and aims to identify both chemically and energetically feasible small fragment ligands that bind to BACE1 active site. The two top-ranked fragment hits were subjected for a 53 ns MD simulation. Principle component analysis and free energy landscape analysis reveal that the new ligands show the characteristic features of established BACE1 inhibitors. The potent method employed in this study may serve for the development of potential lead molecules for BACE1-directed Alzheimer's disease therapeutics.

  5. Discovery of nonsteroidal 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 inhibitors by pharmacophore-based screening of virtual compound libraries.


    Schuster, Daniela; Nashev, Lyubomir G; Kirchmair, Johannes; Laggner, Christian; Wolber, Gerhard; Langer, Thierry; Odermatt, Alex


    17Beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (17beta-HSD1) plays a pivotal role in the local synthesis of the most potent estrogen estradiol. Its expression is a prognostic marker for the outcome of patients with breast cancer and inhibition of 17beta-HSD1 is currently under consideration for breast cancer prevention and treatment. We aimed to identify nonsteroidal 17beta-HSD1 inhibitor scaffolds by virtual screening with pharmacophore models built from crystal structures containing steroidal compounds. The most promising model was validated by comparing predicted and experimentally determined inhibitory activities of several flavonoids. Subsequently, a virtual library of nonsteroidal compounds was screened against the 3D pharmacophore. Analysis of 14 selected compounds yielded four that inhibited the activity of human 17beta-HSD1 (IC 50 below 50 microM). Specificity assessment of identified 17beta-HSD1 inhibitors emphasized the importance of including related short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) members to analyze off-target effects. Compound 29 displayed at least 10-fold selectivity over the related SDR enzymes tested.

  6. TS-Chemscore, a Target-Specific Scoring Function, Significantly Improves the Performance of Scoring in Virtual Screening.


    Wang, Wen-Jing; Huang, Qi; Zou, Jun; Li, Lin-Li; Yang, Sheng-Yong


    Most of the scoring functions currently used in structure-based drug design belong to 'universal' scoring functions, which often give a poor correlation between the calculated scores and experimental binding affinities. In this investigation, we proposed a simple strategy to construct target-specific scoring functions based on known 'universal' scoring functions. This strategy was applied to Chemscore, a widely used empirical scoring function, which led to a new scoring function, termed TS-Chemscore. TS-Chemscore was validated on 14 protein targets, which cover a wide range of biological target categories. The results showed that TS-Chemscore significantly improved the correlation between the calculated scores and experimental binding affinities compared with the original Chemscore. TS-Chemscore was then applied in virtual screening to retrieve novel JAK3 and YopH inhibitors. Top 30 compounds for each target were selected for experimental validation. Six active compounds for JAK3 and four for YopH were obtained. These compounds were out of the lists of top 30 compounds sorted by Chemscore. Collectively, TS-Chemscore established in this study showed a better performance in virtual screening than its counterpart Chemscore. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  7. Discovery of novel SERCA inhibitors by virtual screening of a large compound library.


    Elam, Christopher; Lape, Michael; Deye, Joel; Zultowsky, Jodie; Stanton, David T; Paula, Stefan


    Two screening protocols based on recursive partitioning and computational ligand docking methodologies, respectively, were employed for virtual screens of a compound library with 345,000 entries for novel inhibitors of the enzyme sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA), a potential target for cancer chemotherapy. A total of 72 compounds that were predicted to be potential inhibitors of SERCA were tested in bioassays and 17 displayed inhibitory potencies at concentrations below 100 μM. The majority of these inhibitors were composed of two phenyl rings tethered to each other by a short link of one to three atoms. Putative interactions between SERCA and the inhibitors were identified by inspection of docking-predicted poses and some of the structural features required for effective SERCA inhibition were determined by analysis of the classification pattern employed by the recursive partitioning models. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  8. Discovering Novel Alternaria solani Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors by In Silico Modeling and Virtual Screening Strategies to Combat Early Blight

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iftikhar, Sehrish; Shahid, Ahmad A.; Halim, Sobia A.; Wolters, Pieter J.; Vleeshouwers, Vivianne G. A. A.; Khan, Ajmal; Al-Harrasi, Ahmed; Ahmad, Shahbaz


    Alternaria blight is an important foliage disease caused by Alternaria solani. The enzyme Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) is a potential drug target because of its role in tricarboxylic acid cycle. Hence targeting Alternaria solani SDH enzyme could be efficient tool to design novel fungicides against A. solani. We employed computational methodologies to design new SDH inhibitors using homology modeling; pharmacophore modeling and structure based virtual screening protocol. The three dimensional SDH model showed good stereo-chemical and structural properties. Based on virtual screening results twelve commercially available compounds were purchased and tested in vitro and in vivo. The compounds were found to inhibit mycelial growth of A. solani. Moreover in vitro trials showed that inhibitory effects were enhanced with increase in concentrations. Similarly increased disease control was observed in pre-treated potato tubers. Hence the applied in silico strategy led us to identify new and novel fungicides.

  9. Discovering Novel Alternaria solani Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors by in Silico Modeling and Virtual Screening Strategies to Combat Early Blight

    PubMed Central

    Iftikhar, Sehrish; Shahid, Ahmad A.; Halim, Sobia A.; Wolters, Pieter J.; Vleeshouwers, Vivianne G. A. A.; Khan, Ajmal; Al-Harrasi, Ahmed; Ahmad, Shahbaz


    Alternaria blight is an important foliage disease caused by Alternaria solani. The enzyme Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) is a potential drug target because of its role in tricarboxylic acid cycle. Hence targeting Alternaria solani SDH enzyme could be efficient tool to design novel fungicides against A. solani. We employed computational methodologies to design new SDH inhibitors using homology modeling; pharmacophore modeling and structure based virtual screening. The three dimensional SDH model showed good stereo-chemical and structural properties. Based on virtual screening results twelve commercially available compounds were purchased and tested in vitro and in vivo. The compounds were found to inhibit mycelial growth of A. solani. Moreover in vitro trials showed that inhibitory effects were enhanced with increase in concentrations. Similarly increased disease control was observed in pre-treated potato tubers. Hence the applied in silico strategy led us to identify novel fungicides. PMID:29204422

  10. Discovery of novel and cardioselective diltiazem-like calcium channel blockers via virtual screening.


    Carosati, Emanuele; Budriesi, Roberta; Ioan, Pierfranco; Ugenti, Maria P; Frosini, Maria; Fusi, Fabio; Corda, Gaetano; Cosimelli, Barbara; Spinelli, Domenico; Chiarini, Alberto; Cruciani, Gabriele


    With the effort to discover new chemotypes blocking L-type calcium channels (LTCCs), ligand-based virtual screening was applied with a specific interest toward the diltiazem binding site. Roughly 50000 commercially available compounds served as a database for screening. The filtering through predicted pharmacokinetic properties and structural requirements reduced the initial database to a few compounds for which the similarity was calculated toward two template molecules, diltiazem and 4-chloro-Ncyclopropyl- N-(4-piperidinyl)benzene-sulfonamide, the most interesting hit of a previous screening experiment. For 18 compounds, inotropic and chronotropic activity as well as the vasorelaxant effect on guinea pig were studied "in vitro", and for the most promising, binding studies to the diltiazem site were carried out. The procedure yielded several hits, confirming in silico techniques to be useful for finding new chemotypes. In particular, N-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-3-hydroxy-2-naphthamide, N,Ndimethyl- N'-(2-pyridin-3-ylquinolin-4-yl)ethane-1,2-diamine, 2-[(4-chlorophenyl)(pyridin-2-yl)methoxy]- N,N-dimethylethanamine (carbinoxamine), and 7-[2-(diethylamino)ethoxy]-2H-chromen-2-one revealed interesting activity and binding to the benzothiazepine site.

  11. On various metrics used for validation of predictive QSAR models with applications in virtual screening and focused library design.


    Roy, Kunal; Mitra, Indrani


    Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) have important applications in drug discovery research, environmental fate modeling, property prediction, etc. Validation has been recognized as a very important step for QSAR model development. As one of the important objectives of QSAR modeling is to predict activity/property/toxicity of new chemicals falling within the domain of applicability of the developed models and QSARs are being used for regulatory decisions, checking reliability of the models and confidence of their predictions is a very important aspect, which can be judged during the validation process. One prime application of a statistically significant QSAR model is virtual screening for molecules with improved potency based on the pharmacophoric features and the descriptors appearing in the QSAR model. Validated QSAR models may also be utilized for design of focused libraries which may be subsequently screened for the selection of hits. The present review focuses on various metrics used for validation of predictive QSAR models together with an overview of the application of QSAR models in the fields of virtual screening and focused library design for diverse series of compounds with citation of some recent examples.

  12. Prospective virtual screening for novel p53-MDM2 inhibitors using ultrafast shape recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Patil, Sachin P.; Ballester, Pedro J.; Kerezsi, Cassidy R.


    The p53 protein, known as the guardian of genome, is mutated or deleted in approximately 50 % of human tumors. In the rest of the cancers, p53 is expressed in its wild-type form, but its function is inhibited by direct binding with the murine double minute 2 (MDM2) protein. Therefore, inhibition of the p53-MDM2 interaction, leading to the activation of tumor suppressor p53 protein presents a fundamentally novel therapeutic strategy against several types of cancers. The present study utilized ultrafast shape recognition (USR), a virtual screening technique based on ligand-receptor 3D shape complementarity, to screen DrugBank database for novel p53-MDM2 inhibitors. Specifically, using 3D shape of one of the most potent crystal ligands of MDM2, MI-63, as the query molecule, six compounds were identified as potential p53-MDM2 inhibitors. These six USR hits were then subjected to molecular modeling investigations through flexible receptor docking followed by comparative binding energy analysis. These studies suggested a potential role of the USR-selected molecules as p53-MDM2 inhibitors. This was further supported by experimental tests showing that the treatment of human colon tumor cells with the top USR hit, telmisartan, led to a dose-dependent cell growth inhibition in a p53-dependent manner. It is noteworthy that telmisartan has a long history of safe human use as an approved anti-hypertension drug and thus may present an immediate clinical potential as a cancer therapeutic. Furthermore, it could also serve as a structurally-novel lead molecule for the development of more potent, small-molecule p53-MDM2 inhibitors against variety of cancers. Importantly, the present study demonstrates that the adopted USR-based virtual screening protocol is a useful tool for hit identification in the domain of small molecule p53-MDM2 inhibitors.

  13. Spectrophores as one-dimensional descriptors calculated from three-dimensional atomic properties: applications ranging from scaffold hopping to multi-target virtual screening.


    Gladysz, Rafaela; Dos Santos, Fabio Mendes; Langenaeker, Wilfried; Thijs, Gert; Augustyns, Koen; De Winter, Hans


    Spectrophores are novel descriptors that are calculated from the three-dimensional atomic properties of molecules. In our current implementation, the atomic properties that were used to calculate spectrophores include atomic partial charges, atomic lipophilicity indices, atomic shape deviations and atomic softness properties. This approach can easily be widened to also include additional atomic properties. Our novel methodology finds its roots in the experimental affinity fingerprinting technology developed in the 1990's by Terrapin Technologies. Here we have translated it into a purely virtual approach using artificial affinity cages and a simplified metric to calculate the interaction between these cages and the atomic properties. A typical spectrophore consists of a vector of 48 real numbers. This makes it highly suitable for the calculation of a wide range of similarity measures for use in virtual screening and for the investigation of quantitative structure-activity relationships in combination with advanced statistical approaches such as self-organizing maps, support vector machines and neural networks. In our present report we demonstrate the applicability of our novel methodology for scaffold hopping as well as virtual screening.

  14. The Role of Affordances in Children's Learning Performance and Efficiency When Using Virtual Manipulative Mathematics Touch-Screen Apps

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moyer-Packenham, Patricia S.; Bullock, Emma K.; Shumway, Jessica F.; Tucker, Stephen I.; Watts, Christina M.; Westenskow, Arla; Anderson-Pence, Katie L.; Maahs-Fladung, Cathy; Boyer-Thurgood, Jennifer; Gulkilik, Hilal; Jordan, Kerry


    This paper focuses on understanding the role that affordances played in children's learning performance and efficiency during clinical interviews of their interactions with mathematics apps on touch-screen devices. One hundred children, ages 3 to 8, each used six different virtual manipulative mathematics apps during 30-40-min interviews. The…

  15. The influence of negative training set size on machine learning-based virtual screening.


    Kurczab, Rafał; Smusz, Sabina; Bojarski, Andrzej J


    The paper presents a thorough analysis of the influence of the number of negative training examples on the performance of machine learning methods. The impact of this rather neglected aspect of machine learning methods application was examined for sets containing a fixed number of positive and a varying number of negative examples randomly selected from the ZINC database. An increase in the ratio of positive to negative training instances was found to greatly influence most of the investigated evaluating parameters of ML methods in simulated virtual screening experiments. In a majority of cases, substantial increases in precision and MCC were observed in conjunction with some decreases in hit recall. The analysis of dynamics of those variations let us recommend an optimal composition of training data. The study was performed on several protein targets, 5 machine learning algorithms (SMO, Naïve Bayes, Ibk, J48 and Random Forest) and 2 types of molecular fingerprints (MACCS and CDK FP). The most effective classification was provided by the combination of CDK FP with SMO or Random Forest algorithms. The Naïve Bayes models appeared to be hardly sensitive to changes in the number of negative instances in the training set. In conclusion, the ratio of positive to negative training instances should be taken into account during the preparation of machine learning experiments, as it might significantly influence the performance of particular classifier. What is more, the optimization of negative training set size can be applied as a boosting-like approach in machine learning-based virtual screening.

  16. The influence of negative training set size on machine learning-based virtual screening

    PubMed Central


    Background The paper presents a thorough analysis of the influence of the number of negative training examples on the performance of machine learning methods. Results The impact of this rather neglected aspect of machine learning methods application was examined for sets containing a fixed number of positive and a varying number of negative examples randomly selected from the ZINC database. An increase in the ratio of positive to negative training instances was found to greatly influence most of the investigated evaluating parameters of ML methods in simulated virtual screening experiments. In a majority of cases, substantial increases in precision and MCC were observed in conjunction with some decreases in hit recall. The analysis of dynamics of those variations let us recommend an optimal composition of training data. The study was performed on several protein targets, 5 machine learning algorithms (SMO, Naïve Bayes, Ibk, J48 and Random Forest) and 2 types of molecular fingerprints (MACCS and CDK FP). The most effective classification was provided by the combination of CDK FP with SMO or Random Forest algorithms. The Naïve Bayes models appeared to be hardly sensitive to changes in the number of negative instances in the training set. Conclusions In conclusion, the ratio of positive to negative training instances should be taken into account during the preparation of machine learning experiments, as it might significantly influence the performance of particular classifier. What is more, the optimization of negative training set size can be applied as a boosting-like approach in machine learning-based virtual screening. PMID:24976867

  17. Searching for new leads to treat epilepsy. Target-based virtual screening for the discovery of anticonvulsant agents.


    Palestro, Pablo; Enrique, Nicolas; Goicoechea, Sofia; Villalba, María Luisa; Sabatier, Laureano Leonel; Martin, Pedro; Milesi, Veronica; Bruno-Blanch, Luis E; Gavernet, Luciana


    The purpose of this investigation is to contribute to the development of new anticonvulsant drugs to treat patients with refractory epilepsy. We applied a virtual screening protocol that involved the search into molecular databases of new compounds and known drugs to find small molecules that interact with the open conformation of the Nav1.2 pore. As the 3D structure of human Nav1.2 is not available, we first assembled 3D models of the target, in closed and open conformations. After the virtual screening, the resulting candidates were submitted to a second virtual filter, to find compounds with better chances of being effective for the treatment of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) mediated resistant epilepsy. Again, we built a model of the 3D structure of human P-gp and we validated the docking methodology selected to propose the best candidates, which were experimentally tested on Nav1.2 channels by patch clamp techniques and in vivo by MES-test. Patch clamp studies allowed us to corroborate that our candidates, drugs used for the treatment of other pathologies like Ciprofloxacin, Losartan and Valsartan, exhibit inhibitory effects on Nav1.2 channel activity. Additionally, a compound synthesized in our lab, N,N´-diphenethylsulfamide, interacts with the target and also triggers significant Na1.2 channel inhibitory action. Finally, in-vivo studies confirmed the anticonvulsant action of Valsartan, Ciprofloxacin and N.N´-diphenethylsulfamide.

  18. Working Group Reports and Presentations: Virtual Worlds and Virtual Exploration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    LAmoreaux, Claudia


    Scientists and engineers are continually developing innovative methods to capitalize on recent developments in computational power. Virtual worlds and virtual exploration present a new toolset for project design, implementation, and resolution. Replication of the physical world in the virtual domain provides stimulating displays to augment current data analysis techniques and to encourage public participation. In addition, the virtual domain provides stakeholders with a low cost, low risk design and test environment. The following document defines a virtual world and virtual exploration, categorizes the chief motivations for virtual exploration, elaborates upon specific objectives, identifies roadblocks and enablers for realizing the benefits, and highlights the more immediate areas of implementation (i.e. the action items). While the document attempts a comprehensive evaluation of virtual worlds and virtual exploration, the innovative nature of the opportunities presented precludes completeness. The authors strongly encourage readers to derive additional means of utilizing the virtual exploration toolset.

  19. How to Achieve Better Results Using Pass-Based Virtual Screening: Case Study for Kinase Inhibitors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pogodin, Pavel V.; Lagunin, Alexey A.; Rudik, Anastasia V.; Filimonov, Dmitry A.; Druzhilovskiy, Dmitry S.; Nicklaus, Mark C.; Poroikov, Vladimir V.


    Discovery of new pharmaceutical substances is currently boosted by the possibility of utilization of the Synthetically Accessible Virtual Inventory (SAVI) library, which includes about 283 million molecules, each annotated with a proposed synthetic one-step route from commercially available starting materials. The SAVI database is well-suited for ligand-based methods of virtual screening to select molecules for experimental testing. In this study, we compare the performance of three approaches for the analysis of structure-activity relationships that differ in their criteria for selecting of “active” and “inactive” compounds included in the training sets. PASS (Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances), which is based on a modified Naïve Bayes algorithm, was applied since it had been shown to be robust and to provide good predictions of many biological activities based on just the structural formula of a compound even if the information in the training set is incomplete. We used different subsets of kinase inhibitors for this case study because many data are currently available on this important class of drug-like molecules. Based on the subsets of kinase inhibitors extracted from the ChEMBL 20 database we performed the PASS training, and then applied the model to ChEMBL 23 compounds not yet present in ChEMBL 20 to identify novel kinase inhibitors. As one may expect, the best prediction accuracy was obtained if only the experimentally confirmed active and inactive compounds for distinct kinases in the training procedure were used. However, for some kinases, reasonable results were obtained even if we used merged training sets, in which we designated as inactives the compounds not tested against the particular kinase. Thus, depending on the availability of data for a particular biological activity, one may choose the first or the second approach for creating ligand-based computational tools to achieve the best possible results in virtual screening.

  20. Evolution of catalytic centers of antibodies by virtual screening of broad repertoire of mutants using supercomputer.


    Golovin, A V; Smirnov, I V; Stepanova, A V; Zalevskiy, A O; Zlobin, A S; Ponomarenko, N A; Belogurov, A A; Knorre, V D; Hurs, E N; Chatziefthimiou, S D; Wilmanns, M; Blackburn, G M; Khomutov, R M; Gabibov, A G


    It is proposed to perform quantum mechanical/molecular dynamics calculations of chemical reactions that are planned to be catalyzed by antibodies and then conduct a virtual screening of the library of potential antibody mutants to select an optimal biocatalyst. We tested the effectiveness of this approach by the example of hydrolysis of organophosphorus toxicant paraoxon using kinetic approaches and X-ray analysis of the antibody biocatalyst designed de novo.

  1. Virtual screening of Indonesian flavonoid as neuraminidase inhibitor of influenza a subtype H5N1

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Parikesit, A. A.; Ardiansah, B.; Handayani, D. M.; Tambunan, U. S. F.; Kerami, D.


    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 poses a significant threat to animal and human health worldwide. The number of H5N1 infection in Indonesia is the highest during 2005-2013, with a mortality rate up to 83%. A mutation that occurred in H5N1 strain made it resistant to commercial antiviral agents such as oseltamivir and zanamivir, so the more potent antiviral agent is needed. In this study, virtual screening of Indonesian flavonoid as neuraminidase inhibitor of H5N1 was conducted. Total 491 flavonoid compound obtained from HerbalDB were screened. Molecular docking was performed using MOE 2008.10. This research resulted in Guajavin B as the best ligand.

  2. Intelligent Virtual Station (IVS)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The Intelligent Virtual Station (IVS) is enabling the integration of design, training, and operations capabilities into an intelligent virtual station for the International Space Station (ISS). A viewgraph of the IVS Remote Server is presented.

  3. Discovery of novel EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors by structure-based virtual screening.


    Li, Siyuan; Sun, Xianqiang; Zhao, Hongli; Tang, Yun; Lan, Minbo


    By using of structure-based virtual screening, 13 novel epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors were discovered from 197,116 compounds in the SPECS database here. Among them, 8 compounds significantly inhibited EGFR kinase activity with IC(50) values lower than 10 μM. 3-{[1-(3-Chloro-4-fluorophenyl)-3,5-dioxo-4-pyrazolidinylidene]methyl}phenyl 2-thiophenecarboxylate (13), particularly, was the most potent inhibitor possessing the IC(50) value of 3.5 μM. The docking studies also provide some useful information that the docking models of the 13 compounds are beneficial to find a new path for designing novel EGFR inhibitors. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Benchmarking Data Sets for the Evaluation of Virtual Ligand Screening Methods: Review and Perspectives.


    Lagarde, Nathalie; Zagury, Jean-François; Montes, Matthieu


    Virtual screening methods are commonly used nowadays in drug discovery processes. However, to ensure their reliability, they have to be carefully evaluated. The evaluation of these methods is often realized in a retrospective way, notably by studying the enrichment of benchmarking data sets. To this purpose, numerous benchmarking data sets were developed over the years, and the resulting improvements led to the availability of high quality benchmarking data sets. However, some points still have to be considered in the selection of the active compounds, decoys, and protein structures to obtain optimal benchmarking data sets.

  5. ILP-2 modeling and virtual screening of an FDA-approved library:a possible anticancer therapy.


    Khalili, Saeed; Mohammadpour, Hemn; Shokrollahi Barough, Mahideh; Kokhaei, Parviz


    The members of the inhibitors of apoptosis protein (IAP) family inhibit diverse components of the caspase signaling pathway, notably caspase 3, 7, and 9. ILP-2 (BIRC-8) is the most recently identified member of the IAPs, mainly interacting with caspase 9. This interaction would eventually lead to death resistance in the case of cancerous cells. Therefore, structural modeling of ILP-2 and finding applicable inhibitors of its interaction with caspase 9 are a compelling challenge. Three main protein modeling approaches along with various model refinement measures were harnessed to achieve a reliable 3D model, using state-of-the-art software. Thereafter, the selected model was employed to perform virtual screening of an FDA approved library. A model built by a combinatorial approach (homology and ab initio approaches) was chosen as the best model. Model refinement processes successfully bolstered the model quality. Virtual screening of the compound library introduced several high affinity inhibitor candidates that interact with functional residues of ILP2. Given the 3D structure of the ILP2 molecule, we found promising inhibitory molecules. In addition to high affinity towards the ILP2 molecule, these molecules interact with residues that play pivotal rules in ILP2-caspase interaction. These molecules would inhibit ILP2-caspase interaction and consequently would lead to reactivated cell apoptosis through the caspases pathway.

  6. Search for β2 Adrenergic Receptor Ligands by Virtual Screening via Grid Computing and Investigation of Binding Modes by Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulations

    PubMed Central

    Bai, Qifeng; Shao, Yonghua; Pan, Dabo; Zhang, Yang; Liu, Huanxiang; Yao, Xiaojun


    We designed a program called MolGridCal that can be used to screen small molecule database in grid computing on basis of JPPF grid environment. Based on MolGridCal program, we proposed an integrated strategy for virtual screening and binding mode investigation by combining molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and free energy calculations. To test the effectiveness of MolGridCal, we screened potential ligands for β2 adrenergic receptor (β2AR) from a database containing 50,000 small molecules. MolGridCal can not only send tasks to the grid server automatically, but also can distribute tasks using the screensaver function. As for the results of virtual screening, the known agonist BI-167107 of β2AR is ranked among the top 2% of the screened candidates, indicating MolGridCal program can give reasonable results. To further study the binding mode and refine the results of MolGridCal, more accurate docking and scoring methods are used to estimate the binding affinity for the top three molecules (agonist BI-167107, neutral antagonist alprenolol and inverse agonist ICI 118,551). The results indicate agonist BI-167107 has the best binding affinity. MD simulation and free energy calculation are employed to investigate the dynamic interaction mechanism between the ligands and β2AR. The results show that the agonist BI-167107 also has the lowest binding free energy. This study can provide a new way to perform virtual screening effectively through integrating molecular docking based on grid computing, MD simulations and free energy calculations. The source codes of MolGridCal are freely available at PMID:25229694

  7. Tools for building a comprehensive modeling system for virtual screening under real biological conditions: The Computational Titration algorithm.


    Kellogg, Glen E; Fornabaio, Micaela; Chen, Deliang L; Abraham, Donald J; Spyrakis, Francesca; Cozzini, Pietro; Mozzarelli, Andrea


    Computational tools utilizing a unique empirical modeling system based on the hydrophobic effect and the measurement of logP(o/w) (the partition coefficient for solvent transfer between 1-octanol and water) are described. The associated force field, Hydropathic INTeractions (HINT), contains much rich information about non-covalent interactions in the biological environment because of its basis in an experiment that measures interactions in solution. HINT is shown to be the core of an evolving virtual screening system that is capable of taking into account a number of factors often ignored such as entropy, effects of solvent molecules at the active site, and the ionization states of acidic and basic residues and ligand functional groups. The outline of a comprehensive modeling system for virtual screening that incorporates these features is described. In addition, a detailed description of the Computational Titration algorithm is provided. As an example, three complexes of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) are analyzed with our system and these results are compared with the experimental free energies of binding.

  8. Enabling Field Experiences in Introductory Geoscience Classes through the Use of Immersive Virtual Reality

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Moysey, S. M.; Smith, E.; Sellers, V.; Wyant, P.; Boyer, D. M.; Mobley, C.; Brame, S.


    Although field experiences are an important aspect of geoscience education, the opportunity to provide physical world experiences to large groups of introductory students is often limited by access, logistical, and financial constraints. Our project (NSF IUSE 1504619) is investigating the use of immersive virtual reality (VR) technologies as a surrogate for real field experiences in introductory geosciences classes. We are developing a toolbox that leverages innovations in the field of VR, including the Oculus Rift and Google Cardboard, to enable every student in an introductory geology classroom the opportunity to have a first-person virtual field experience in the Grand Canyon. We have opted to structure our VR experience as an interactive game where students must explore the Canyon to accomplish a series of tasks designed to emphasize key aspects of geoscience learning. So far we have produced two demo products for the virtual field trip. The first is a standalone "Rock Box" app developed for the iPhone, which allows students to select different rock samples, examine them in 3D, and obtain basic information about the properties of each sample. The app can act as a supplement to the traditional rock box used in physical geology labs. The second product is a fully functioning VR environment for the Grand Canyon developed using satellite-based topographic and imagery data to retain real geologic features within the experience. Players can freely navigate to explore anywhere they desire within the Canyon, but are guided to points of interest where they are able to complete exercises that will be aligned with specific learning goals. To this point we have integrated elements of the "Rock Box" app within the VR environment, allowing players to examine 3D details of rock samples they encounter within the Grand Canyon. We plan to provide demos of both products and obtain user feedback during our presentation.

  9. Structure-Guided Screening for Functionally Selective D2 Dopamine Receptor Ligands from a Virtual Chemical Library.


    Männel, Barbara; Jaiteh, Mariama; Zeifman, Alexey; Randakova, Alena; Möller, Dorothee; Hübner, Harald; Gmeiner, Peter; Carlsson, Jens


    Functionally selective ligands stabilize conformations of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that induce a preference for signaling via a subset of the intracellular pathways activated by the endogenous agonists. The possibility to fine-tune the functional activity of a receptor provides opportunities to develop drugs that selectively signal via pathways associated with a therapeutic effect and avoid those causing side effects. Animal studies have indicated that ligands displaying functional selectivity at the D 2 dopamine receptor (D 2 R) could be safer and more efficacious drugs against neuropsychiatric diseases. In this work, computational design of functionally selective D 2 R ligands was explored using structure-based virtual screening. Molecular docking of known functionally selective ligands to a D 2 R homology model indicated that such compounds were anchored by interactions with the orthosteric site and extended into a common secondary pocket. A tailored virtual library with close to 13 000 compounds bearing 2,3-dichlorophenylpiperazine, a privileged orthosteric scaffold, connected to diverse chemical moieties via a linker was docked to the D 2 R model. Eighteen top-ranked compounds that occupied both the orthosteric and allosteric site were synthesized, leading to the discovery of 16 partial agonists. A majority of the ligands had comparable maximum effects in the G protein and β-arrestin recruitment assays, but a subset displayed preference for a single pathway. In particular, compound 4 stimulated β-arrestin recruitment (EC 50 = 320 nM, E max = 16%) but had no detectable G protein signaling. The use of structure-based screening and virtual libraries to discover GPCR ligands with tailored functional properties will be discussed.

  10. Enabling Data Intensive Science through Service Oriented Science: Virtual Laboratories and Science Gateways

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lescinsky, D. T.; Wyborn, L. A.; Evans, B. J. K.; Allen, C.; Fraser, R.; Rankine, T.


    We present collaborative work on a generic, modular infrastructure for virtual laboratories (VLs, similar to science gateways) that combine online access to data, scientific code, and computing resources as services that support multiple data intensive scientific computing needs across a wide range of science disciplines. We are leveraging access to 10+ PB of earth science data on Lustre filesystems at Australia's National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) Research Data Storage Infrastructure (RDSI) node, co-located with NCI's 1.2 PFlop Raijin supercomputer and a 3000 CPU core research cloud. The development, maintenance and sustainability of VLs is best accomplished through modularisation and standardisation of interfaces between components. Our approach has been to break up tightly-coupled, specialised application packages into modules, with identified best techniques and algorithms repackaged either as data services or scientific tools that are accessible across domains. The data services can be used to manipulate, visualise and transform multiple data types whilst the scientific tools can be used in concert with multiple scientific codes. We are currently designing a scalable generic infrastructure that will handle scientific code as modularised services and thereby enable the rapid/easy deployment of new codes or versions of codes. The goal is to build open source libraries/collections of scientific tools, scripts and modelling codes that can be combined in specially designed deployments. Additional services in development include: provenance, publication of results, monitoring, workflow tools, etc. The generic VL infrastructure will be hosted at NCI, but can access alternative computing infrastructures (i.e., public/private cloud, HPC).The Virtual Geophysics Laboratory (VGL) was developed as a pilot project to demonstrate the underlying technology. This base is now being redesigned and generalised to develop a Virtual Hazards Impact and Risk Laboratory

  11. Enhancing the Sensitivity of Pharmacophore-Based Virtual Screening by Incorporating Customized ZBG Features: A Case Study Using Histone Deacetylase 8.


    Hou, Xuben; Du, Jintong; Liu, Renshuai; Zhou, Yi; Li, Minyong; Xu, Wenfang; Fang, Hao


    As key regulators of epigenetic regulation, human histone deacetylases (HDACs) have been identified as drug targets for the treatment of several cancers. The proper recognition of zinc-binding groups (ZBGs) will help improve the accuracy of virtual screening for novel HDAC inhibitors. Here, we developed a high-specificity ZBG-based pharmacophore model for HDAC8 inhibitors by incorporating customized ZBG features. Subsequently, pharmacophore-based virtual screening led to the discovery of three novel HDAC8 inhibitors with low micromole IC50 values (1.8-1.9 μM). Further studies demonstrated that compound H8-A5 was selective for HDAC8 over HDAC 1/4 and showed antiproliferation activity in MDA-MB-231 cancer cells. Molecular docking and molecular dynamic studies suggested a possible binding mode for H8-A5, which provides a good starting point for the development of HDAC8 inhibitors in cancer treatment.

  12. DEC Ada interface to Screen Management Guidelines (SMG)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Laomanachareon, Somsak; Lekkos, Anthony A.


    DEC's Screen Management Guidelines are the Run-Time Library procedures that perform terminal-independent screen management functions on a VT100-class terminal. These procedures assist users in designing, composing, and keeping track of complex images on a video screen. There are three fundamental elements in the screen management model: the pasteboard, the virtual display, and the virtual keyboard. The pasteboard is like a two-dimensional area on which a user places and manipulates screen displays. The virtual display is a rectangular part of the terminal screen to which a program writes data with procedure calls. The virtual keyboard is a logical structure for input operation associated with a physical keyboard. SMG can be called by all major VAX languages. Through Ada, predefined language Pragmas are used to interface with SMG. These features and elements of SMG are briefly discussed.

  13. Homology modeling and virtual screening of inhibitors against TEM- and SHV-type-resistant mutants: A multilayer filtering approach.


    Baig, Mohammad H; Balaramnavar, Vishal M; Wadhwa, Gulshan; Khan, Asad U


    TEM and SHV are class-A-type β-lactamases commonly found in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Previous studies reported S130G and K234R mutations in SHVs to be 41- and 10-fold more resistant toward clavulanic acid than SHV-1, respectively, whereas TEM S130G and R244S also showed the same level of resistance. These selected mutants confer higher level of resistance against clavulanic acid. They also show little susceptibility against other commercially available β-lactamase inhibitors. In this study, we have used docking-based virtual screening approach in order to screen potential inhibitors against some of the major resistant mutants of SHV and TEM types β-lactamase. Two different inhibitor-resistant mutants from SHV and TEM were selected. Moreover, we have retained the active site water molecules within each enzyme. Active site water molecules were placed within modeled structure of the mutant whose structure was unavailable with protein databank. The novelty of this work lies in the use of multilayer virtual screening approach for the prediction of best and accurate results. We are reporting five inhibitors on the basis of their efficacy against all the selected resistant mutants. These inhibitors were selected on the basis of their binding efficacies and pharmacophore features. © 2015 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  14. Discovery of a fluorene class of compounds as inhibitors of botulinum neurotoxin serotype E by virtual screening.


    Kumar, Gyanendra; Agarwal, Rakhi; Swaminathan, Subramanyam


    Botulinum neurotoxins are one of the most poisonous biological substances known to humans and present a potential bioterrorism threat. There are no therapeutic interventions developed so far. Here, we report the first small molecule non-peptide inhibitor for botulinum neurotoxin serotype E discovered by structure-based virtual screening and propose a mechanism for its inhibitory activity. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012

  15. Optical methods for enabling focus cues in head-mounted displays for virtual and augmented reality

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hua, Hong


    Developing head-mounted displays (HMD) that offer uncompromised optical pathways to both digital and physical worlds without encumbrance and discomfort confronts many grand challenges, both from technological perspectives and human factors. Among the many challenges, minimizing visual discomfort is one of the key obstacles. One of the key contributing factors to visual discomfort is the lack of the ability to render proper focus cues in HMDs to stimulate natural eye accommodation responses, which leads to the well-known accommodation-convergence cue discrepancy problem. In this paper, I will provide a summary on the various optical methods approaches toward enabling focus cues in HMDs for both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).

  16. Identification of New Human Malaria Parasite Plasmodium Falciparum Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors by Pharmacophore and Structure-Based Virtual Screening

    PubMed Central

    Pavadai, Elumalai; El Mazouni, Farah; Wittlin, Sergio; de Kock, Carmen; Phillips, Margaret A.; Chibale, Kelly


    Plasmodium falciparum dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (PfDHODH), a key enzyme in the de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway, which the Plasmodium falciparum relies on exclusively for survival, has emerged as a promising target for antimalarial drugs. In an effort to discover new and potent PfDHODH inhibitors, 3D-QSAR pharmacophore models were developed based on the structures of known PfDHODH inhibitors and the validated Hypo1 model was used as a 3D search query for virtual screening of the National Cancer Institute database. The virtual hit compounds were further filtered based on molecular docking and Molecular Mechanics/Generalized Born Surface Area binding energy calculations. The combination of the pharmacophore and structure-based virtual screening resulted in the identification of nine new compounds that showed >25% inhibition of PfDHODH at a concentration of 10 μM, three of which exhibited IC50 values in the range of 0.38–20 μM. The most active compound, NSC336047, displayed species-selectivity for PfDHODH over human DHODH and inhibited parasite growth with an IC50 of 26 μM. In addition to this, thirteen compounds inhibited parasite growth with IC50 values of ≤ 50 μM, four of which showed IC50 values in the range of 5–12 μM. These compounds could be further explored in the identification and development of more potent PfDHODH and parasite growth inhibitors. PMID:26915022

  17. Integrating virtual screening and biochemical experimental approach to identify potential anti-cancer agents from drug databank.


    Deka, Suman Jyoti; Roy, Ashalata; Manna, Debasis; Trivedi, Vishal


    Chemical libraries constitute a reservoir of pharmacophoric molecules to identify potent anti-cancer agents. Virtual screening of heterocyclic compound library in conjugation with the agonist-competition assay, toxicity-carcinogenicity analysis, and string-based structural searches enabled us to identify several drugs as potential anti-cancer agents targeting protein kinase C (PKC) as a target. Molecular modeling study indicates that Cinnarizine fits well within the PKC C2 domain and exhibits extensive interaction with the protein residues. Molecular dynamics simulation of PKC-Cinnarizine complex at different temperatures (300, 325, 350, 375, and 400[Formula: see text]K) confirms that Cinnarizine fits nicely into the C2 domain and forms a stable complex. The drug Cinnarizine was found to bind PKC with a dissociation constant Kd of [Formula: see text]M. The breast cancer cells stimulated with Cinnarizine causes translocation of PKC-[Formula: see text] to the plasma membrane as revealed by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence studies. Cinnarizine also dose dependently reduced the viability of MDAMB-231 and MCF-7 breast cancer cells with an IC[Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]g/mL, respectively. It is due to the disturbance of cell cycle of breast cancer cells with reduction of S-phase and accumulation of cells in G1-phase. It disturbs mitochondrial membrane potentials to release cytochrome C into the cytosol and activates caspase-3 to induce apoptosis in cancer cells. The cell death was due to induction of apoptosis involving mitochondrial pathway. Hence, the current study has assigned an additional role to Cinnarizine as an activator of PKC and potentials of the approach to identify new molecules for anti-cancer therapy. Thus, in silico screening along with biochemical experimentation is a robust approach to assign additional roles to the drugs present in the databank for anti-cancer therapy.

  18. Perception of Graphical Virtual Environments by Blind Users via Sensory Substitution

    PubMed Central

    Maidenbaum, Shachar; Buchs, Galit; Abboud, Sami; Lavi-Rotbain, Ori; Amedi, Amir


    Graphical virtual environments are currently far from accessible to blind users as their content is mostly visual. This is especially unfortunate as these environments hold great potential for this population for purposes such as safe orientation, education, and entertainment. Previous tools have increased accessibility but there is still a long way to go. Visual-to-audio Sensory-Substitution-Devices (SSDs) can increase accessibility generically by sonifying on-screen content regardless of the specific environment and offer increased accessibility without the use of expensive dedicated peripherals like electrode/vibrator arrays. Using SSDs virtually utilizes similar skills as when using them in the real world, enabling both training on the device and training on environments virtually before real-world visits. This could enable more complex, standardized and autonomous SSD training and new insights into multisensory interaction and the visually-deprived brain. However, whether congenitally blind users, who have never experienced virtual environments, will be able to use this information for successful perception and interaction within them is currently unclear.We tested this using the EyeMusic SSD, which conveys whole-scene visual information, to perform virtual tasks otherwise impossible without vision. Congenitally blind users had to navigate virtual environments and find doors, differentiate between them based on their features (Experiment1:task1) and surroundings (Experiment1:task2) and walk through them; these tasks were accomplished with a 95% and 97% success rate, respectively. We further explored the reactions of congenitally blind users during their first interaction with a more complex virtual environment than in the previous tasks–walking down a virtual street, recognizing different features of houses and trees, navigating to cross-walks, etc. Users reacted enthusiastically and reported feeling immersed within the environment. They highlighted the

  19. Perception of Graphical Virtual Environments by Blind Users via Sensory Substitution.


    Maidenbaum, Shachar; Buchs, Galit; Abboud, Sami; Lavi-Rotbain, Ori; Amedi, Amir


    Graphical virtual environments are currently far from accessible to blind users as their content is mostly visual. This is especially unfortunate as these environments hold great potential for this population for purposes such as safe orientation, education, and entertainment. Previous tools have increased accessibility but there is still a long way to go. Visual-to-audio Sensory-Substitution-Devices (SSDs) can increase accessibility generically by sonifying on-screen content regardless of the specific environment and offer increased accessibility without the use of expensive dedicated peripherals like electrode/vibrator arrays. Using SSDs virtually utilizes similar skills as when using them in the real world, enabling both training on the device and training on environments virtually before real-world visits. This could enable more complex, standardized and autonomous SSD training and new insights into multisensory interaction and the visually-deprived brain. However, whether congenitally blind users, who have never experienced virtual environments, will be able to use this information for successful perception and interaction within them is currently unclear.We tested this using the EyeMusic SSD, which conveys whole-scene visual information, to perform virtual tasks otherwise impossible without vision. Congenitally blind users had to navigate virtual environments and find doors, differentiate between them based on their features (Experiment1:task1) and surroundings (Experiment1:task2) and walk through them; these tasks were accomplished with a 95% and 97% success rate, respectively. We further explored the reactions of congenitally blind users during their first interaction with a more complex virtual environment than in the previous tasks-walking down a virtual street, recognizing different features of houses and trees, navigating to cross-walks, etc. Users reacted enthusiastically and reported feeling immersed within the environment. They highlighted the

  20. Hierarchical virtual screening for the discovery of new molecular scaffolds in antibacterial hit identification

    PubMed Central

    Ballester, Pedro J.; Mangold, Martina; Howard, Nigel I.; Robinson, Richard L. Marchese; Abell, Chris; Blumberger, Jochen; Mitchell, John B. O.


    One of the initial steps of modern drug discovery is the identification of small organic molecules able to inhibit a target macromolecule of therapeutic interest. A small proportion of these hits are further developed into lead compounds, which in turn may ultimately lead to a marketed drug. A commonly used screening protocol used for this task is high-throughput screening (HTS). However, the performance of HTS against antibacterial targets has generally been unsatisfactory, with high costs and low rates of hit identification. Here, we present a novel computational methodology that is able to identify a high proportion of structurally diverse inhibitors by searching unusually large molecular databases in a time-, cost- and resource-efficient manner. This virtual screening methodology was tested prospectively on two versions of an antibacterial target (type II dehydroquinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Streptomyces coelicolor), for which HTS has not provided satisfactory results and consequently practically all known inhibitors are derivatives of the same core scaffold. Overall, our protocols identified 100 new inhibitors, with calculated Ki ranging from 4 to 250 μM (confirmed hit rates are 60% and 62% against each version of the target). Most importantly, over 50 new active molecular scaffolds were discovered that underscore the benefits that a wide application of prospectively validated in silico screening tools is likely to bring to antibacterial hit identification. PMID:22933186

  1. Hierarchical virtual screening for the discovery of new molecular scaffolds in antibacterial hit identification.


    Ballester, Pedro J; Mangold, Martina; Howard, Nigel I; Robinson, Richard L Marchese; Abell, Chris; Blumberger, Jochen; Mitchell, John B O


    One of the initial steps of modern drug discovery is the identification of small organic molecules able to inhibit a target macromolecule of therapeutic interest. A small proportion of these hits are further developed into lead compounds, which in turn may ultimately lead to a marketed drug. A commonly used screening protocol used for this task is high-throughput screening (HTS). However, the performance of HTS against antibacterial targets has generally been unsatisfactory, with high costs and low rates of hit identification. Here, we present a novel computational methodology that is able to identify a high proportion of structurally diverse inhibitors by searching unusually large molecular databases in a time-, cost- and resource-efficient manner. This virtual screening methodology was tested prospectively on two versions of an antibacterial target (type II dehydroquinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Streptomyces coelicolor), for which HTS has not provided satisfactory results and consequently practically all known inhibitors are derivatives of the same core scaffold. Overall, our protocols identified 100 new inhibitors, with calculated K(i) ranging from 4 to 250 μM (confirmed hit rates are 60% and 62% against each version of the target). Most importantly, over 50 new active molecular scaffolds were discovered that underscore the benefits that a wide application of prospectively validated in silico screening tools is likely to bring to antibacterial hit identification.

  2. Structure Based Virtual Screening Studies to Identify Novel Potential Compounds for GPR142 and Their Relative Dynamic Analysis for Study of Type 2 Diabetes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaushik, Aman C.; Kumar, Sanjay; Wei, Dong Q.; Sahi, Shakti


    GPR142 (G protein receptor 142) is a novel orphan GPCR (G protein coupled receptor) belonging to ‘Class A’ of GPCR family and expressed in beta cells of pancreas. In this study, we reported the structure based virtual screening to identify the hit compounds which can be developed as leads for potential agonists. The results were validated through induced fit docking, pharmacophore modeling and system biology approaches. Since, there is no solved crystal structure of GPR142, we attempted to predict the 3D structure followed by validation and then identification of active site using threading and ab initio methods. Also, structure based virtual screening was performed against a total of 1171519 compounds from different libraries and only top 20 best hit compounds were screened and analyzed. Moreover, the biochemical pathway of GPR142 complex with screened compound2 was also designed and compared with experimental data. Interestingly, compound2 showed an increase in insulin production via Gq mediated signaling pathway suggesting the possible role of novel GPR142 agonists in therapy against type 2 diabetes.

  3. Virtual screening of selective inhibitors of phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Podshivalov, D. D.; Timofeev, V. I.; Sidorov-Biryukov, D. D.; Kuranova, I. P.


    Bacterial phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (PPAT Mt) is a convenient target protein for the directed search for selective inhibitors as potent antituberculosis drugs. Four compounds suitable for the detailed investigation of their interactions with PPAT Mt were found by virtual screening. The active-site region of the enzyme was chosen as the ligand-binding site. The positions of the ligands found by the docking were refined by molecular dynamics simulation. The nearest environment of the ligands, the positions of which in the active site of the enzyme were found in a computational experiment, was analyzed. The compounds under consideration were shown to directly interact with functionally important active-site amino-acid residues and block access of substrates to the active site. Therefore, these compounds can be used for the design of selective inhibitors of PPAT Mt as potent antituberculosis drugs.

  4. Pharmacophore modeling, virtual screening and molecular docking of ATPase inhibitors of HSP70.


    Sangeetha, K; Sasikala, R P; Meena, K S


    Heat shock protein 70 is an effective anticancer target as it influences many signaling pathways. Hence the study investigated the important pharmacophore feature required for ATPase inhibitors of HSP70 by generating a ligand based pharmacophore model followed by virtual based screening and subsequent validation by molecular docking in Discovery studio V4.0. The most extrapolative pharmacophore model (hypotheses 8) consisted of four hydrogen bond acceptors. Further validation by external test set prediction identified 200 hits from Mini Maybridge, Drug Diverse, SCPDB compounds and Phytochemicals. Consequently, the screened compounds were refined by rule of five, ADMET and molecular docking to retain the best competitive hits. Finally Phytochemical compounds Muricatetrocin B, Diacetylphiladelphicalactone C, Eleutheroside B and 5-(3-{[1-(benzylsulfonyl)piperidin-4-yl]amino}phenyl)- 4-bromo-3-(carboxymethoxy)thiophene-2-carboxylic acid were obtained as leads to inhibit the ATPase activity of HSP70 in our findings and thus can be proposed for further in vitro and in vivo evaluation. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. DARC: Mapping Surface Topography by Ray-Casting for Effective Virtual Screening at Protein Interaction Sites.


    Gowthaman, Ragul; Miller, Sven A; Rogers, Steven; Khowsathit, Jittasak; Lan, Lan; Bai, Nan; Johnson, David K; Liu, Chunjing; Xu, Liang; Anbanandam, Asokan; Aubé, Jeffrey; Roy, Anuradha; Karanicolas, John


    Protein-protein interactions represent an exciting and challenging target class for therapeutic intervention using small molecules. Protein interaction sites are often devoid of the deep surface pockets presented by "traditional" drug targets, and crystal structures reveal that inhibitors typically engage these sites using very shallow binding modes. As a consequence, modern virtual screening tools developed to identify inhibitors of traditional drug targets do not perform as well when they are instead deployed at protein interaction sites. To address the need for novel inhibitors of important protein interactions, here we introduce an alternate docking strategy specifically designed for this regime. Our method, termed DARC (Docking Approach using Ray-Casting), matches the topography of a surface pocket "observed" from within the protein to the topography "observed" when viewing a potential ligand from the same vantage point. We applied DARC to carry out a virtual screen against the protein interaction site of human antiapoptotic protein Mcl-1 and found that four of the top-scoring 21 compounds showed clear inhibition in a biochemical assay. The Ki values for these compounds ranged from 1.2 to 21 μM, and each had ligand efficiency comparable to promising small-molecule inhibitors of other protein-protein interactions. These hit compounds do not resemble the natural (protein) binding partner of Mcl-1, nor do they resemble any known inhibitors of Mcl-1. Our results thus demonstrate the utility of DARC for identifying novel inhibitors of protein-protein interactions.

  6. VEVI: A Virtual Reality Tool For Robotic Planetary Explorations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Piguet, Laurent; Fong, Terry; Hine, Butler; Hontalas, Phil; Nygren, Erik


    The Virtual Environment Vehicle Interface (VEVI), developed by the NASA Ames Research Center's Intelligent Mechanisms Group, is a modular operator interface for direct teleoperation and supervisory control of robotic vehicles. Virtual environments enable the efficient display and visualization of complex data. This characteristic allows operators to perceive and control complex systems in a natural fashion, utilizing the highly-evolved human sensory system. VEVI utilizes real-time, interactive, 3D graphics and position / orientation sensors to produce a range of interface modalities from the flat panel (windowed or stereoscopic) screen displays to head mounted/head-tracking stereo displays. The interface provides generic video control capability and has been used to control wheeled, legged, air bearing, and underwater vehicles in a variety of different environments. VEVI was designed and implemented to be modular, distributed and easily operated through long-distance communication links, using a communication paradigm called SYNERGY.

  7. Identification of a New Isoindole-2-yl Scaffold as a Qo and Qi Dual Inhibitor of Cytochrome bc 1 Complex: Virtual Screening, Synthesis, and Biochemical Assay.


    Azizian, Homa; Bagherzadeh, Kowsar; Shahbazi, Sophia; Sharifi, Niusha; Amanlou, Massoud


    Respiratory chain ubiquinol-cytochrome (cyt) c oxidoreductase (cyt bc 1 or complex III) has been demonstrated as a promising target for numerous antibiotics and fungicide applications. In this study, a virtual screening of NCI diversity database was carried out in order to find novel Qo/Qi cyt bc 1 complex inhibitors. Structure-based virtual screening and molecular docking methodology were employed to further screen compounds with inhibition activity against cyt bc 1 complex after extensive reliability validation protocol with cross-docking method and identification of the best score functions. Subsequently, the application of rational filtering procedure over the target database resulted in the elucidation of a novel class of cyt bc 1 complex potent inhibitors with comparable binding energies and biological activities to those of the standard inhibitor, antimycin.

  8. Enabling Histopathological Annotations on Immunofluorescent Images through Virtualization of Hematoxylin and Eosin

    PubMed Central

    Lahiani, Amal; Klaiman, Eldad; Grimm, Oliver


    Context: Medical diagnosis and clinical decisions rely heavily on the histopathological evaluation of tissue samples, especially in oncology. Historically, classical histopathology has been the gold standard for tissue evaluation and assessment by pathologists. The most widely and commonly used dyes in histopathology are hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) as most malignancies diagnosis is largely based on this protocol. H&E staining has been used for more than a century to identify tissue characteristics and structures morphologies that are needed for tumor diagnosis. In many cases, as tissue is scarce in clinical studies, fluorescence imaging is necessary to allow staining of the same specimen with multiple biomarkers simultaneously. Since fluorescence imaging is a relatively new technology in the pathology landscape, histopathologists are not used to or trained in annotating or interpreting these images. Aims, Settings and Design: To allow pathologists to annotate these images without the need for additional training, we designed an algorithm for the conversion of fluorescence images to brightfield H&E images. Subjects and Methods: In this algorithm, we use fluorescent nuclei staining to reproduce the hematoxylin information and natural tissue autofluorescence to reproduce the eosin information avoiding the necessity to specifically stain the proteins or intracellular structures with an additional fluorescence stain. Statistical Analysis Used: Our method is based on optimizing a transform function from fluorescence to H&E images using least mean square optimization. Results: It results in high quality virtual H&E digital images that can easily and efficiently be analyzed by pathologists. We validated our results with pathologists by making them annotate tumor in real and virtual H&E whole slide images and we obtained promising results. Conclusions: Hence, we provide a solution that enables pathologists to assess tissue and annotate specific structures based on

  9. Enabling Histopathological Annotations on Immunofluorescent Images through Virtualization of Hematoxylin and Eosin.


    Lahiani, Amal; Klaiman, Eldad; Grimm, Oliver


    Medical diagnosis and clinical decisions rely heavily on the histopathological evaluation of tissue samples, especially in oncology. Historically, classical histopathology has been the gold standard for tissue evaluation and assessment by pathologists. The most widely and commonly used dyes in histopathology are hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) as most malignancies diagnosis is largely based on this protocol. H&E staining has been used for more than a century to identify tissue characteristics and structures morphologies that are needed for tumor diagnosis. In many cases, as tissue is scarce in clinical studies, fluorescence imaging is necessary to allow staining of the same specimen with multiple biomarkers simultaneously. Since fluorescence imaging is a relatively new technology in the pathology landscape, histopathologists are not used to or trained in annotating or interpreting these images. To allow pathologists to annotate these images without the need for additional training, we designed an algorithm for the conversion of fluorescence images to brightfield H&E images. In this algorithm, we use fluorescent nuclei staining to reproduce the hematoxylin information and natural tissue autofluorescence to reproduce the eosin information avoiding the necessity to specifically stain the proteins or intracellular structures with an additional fluorescence stain. Our method is based on optimizing a transform function from fluorescence to H&E images using least mean square optimization. It results in high quality virtual H&E digital images that can easily and efficiently be analyzed by pathologists. We validated our results with pathologists by making them annotate tumor in real and virtual H&E whole slide images and we obtained promising results. Hence, we provide a solution that enables pathologists to assess tissue and annotate specific structures based on multiplexed fluorescence images.

  10. Identification by Virtual Screening and In Vitro Testing of Human DOPA Decarboxylase Inhibitors

    PubMed Central

    Cellini, Barbara; Macchiarulo, Antonio; Giardina, Giorgio; Bossa, Francesco; Borri Voltattorni, Carla


    Dopa decarboxylase (DDC), a pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of dopamine and serotonin, is involved in Parkinson's disease (PD). PD is a neurodegenerative disease mainly due to a progressive loss of dopamine-producing cells in the midbrain. Co-administration of L-Dopa with peripheral DDC inhibitors (carbidopa or benserazide) is the most effective symptomatic treatment for PD. Although carbidopa and trihydroxybenzylhydrazine (the in vivo hydrolysis product of benserazide) are both powerful irreversible DDC inhibitors, they are not selective because they irreversibly bind to free PLP and PLP-enzymes, thus inducing diverse side effects. Therefore, the main goals of this study were (a) to use virtual screening to identify potential human DDC inhibitors and (b) to evaluate the reliability of our virtual-screening (VS) protocol by experimentally testing the “in vitro” activity of selected molecules. Starting from the crystal structure of the DDC-carbidopa complex, a new VS protocol, integrating pharmacophore searches and molecular docking, was developed. Analysis of 15 selected compounds, obtained by filtering the public ZINC database, yielded two molecules that bind to the active site of human DDC and behave as competitive inhibitors with Ki values ≥10 µM. By performing in silico similarity search on the latter compounds followed by a substructure search using the core of the most active compound we identified several competitive inhibitors of human DDC with Ki values in the low micromolar range, unable to bind free PLP, and predicted to not cross the blood-brain barrier. The most potent inhibitor with a Ki value of 500 nM represents a new lead compound, targeting human DDC, that may be the basis for lead optimization in the development of new DDC inhibitors. To our knowledge, a similar approach has not been reported yet in the field of DDC inhibitors discovery. PMID:22384042

  11. Identification by virtual screening and in vitro testing of human DOPA decarboxylase inhibitors.


    Daidone, Frederick; Montioli, Riccardo; Paiardini, Alessandro; Cellini, Barbara; Macchiarulo, Antonio; Giardina, Giorgio; Bossa, Francesco; Borri Voltattorni, Carla


    Dopa decarboxylase (DDC), a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of dopamine and serotonin, is involved in Parkinson's disease (PD). PD is a neurodegenerative disease mainly due to a progressive loss of dopamine-producing cells in the midbrain. Co-administration of L-Dopa with peripheral DDC inhibitors (carbidopa or benserazide) is the most effective symptomatic treatment for PD. Although carbidopa and trihydroxybenzylhydrazine (the in vivo hydrolysis product of benserazide) are both powerful irreversible DDC inhibitors, they are not selective because they irreversibly bind to free PLP and PLP-enzymes, thus inducing diverse side effects. Therefore, the main goals of this study were (a) to use virtual screening to identify potential human DDC inhibitors and (b) to evaluate the reliability of our virtual-screening (VS) protocol by experimentally testing the "in vitro" activity of selected molecules. Starting from the crystal structure of the DDC-carbidopa complex, a new VS protocol, integrating pharmacophore searches and molecular docking, was developed. Analysis of 15 selected compounds, obtained by filtering the public ZINC database, yielded two molecules that bind to the active site of human DDC and behave as competitive inhibitors with K(i) values ≥10 µM. By performing in silico similarity search on the latter compounds followed by a substructure search using the core of the most active compound we identified several competitive inhibitors of human DDC with K(i) values in the low micromolar range, unable to bind free PLP, and predicted to not cross the blood-brain barrier. The most potent inhibitor with a K(i) value of 500 nM represents a new lead compound, targeting human DDC, that may be the basis for lead optimization in the development of new DDC inhibitors. To our knowledge, a similar approach has not been reported yet in the field of DDC inhibitors discovery.

  12. A new insight into mushroom tyrosinase inhibitors: docking, pharmacophore-based virtual screening, and molecular modeling studies.


    Bagherzadeh, Kowsar; Shirgahi Talari, Faezeh; Sharifi, Amirhossein; Ganjali, Mohammad Reza; Saboury, Ali Akbar; Amanlou, Massoud


    Tyrosinase, a widely spread enzyme in micro-organisms, animals, and plants, participates in two rate-limiting steps in melanin formation pathway which is responsible for skin protection against UV lights' harm whose functional deficiency result in serious dermatological diseases. This enzyme seems to be responsible for neuromelanin formation in human brain as well. In plants, the enzyme leads the browning pathway which is commonly observed in injured tissues that is economically very unfavorable. Among different types of tyrosinase, mushroom tyrosinase has the highest homology with the mammalian tyrosinase and the only commercial tyrosinase available. In this study, ligand-based pharmacophore drug discovery method was applied to rapidly identify mushroom tyrosinase enzyme inhibitors using virtual screening. The model pharmacophore of essential interactions was developed and refined studying already experimentally discovered potent inhibitors employing Docking analysis methodology. After pharmacophore virtual screening and binding modes prediction, 14 compounds from ZINC database were identified as potent inhibitors of mushroom tyrosinase which were classified into five groups according to their chemical structures. The inhibition behavior of the discovered compounds was further studied through Classical Molecular Dynamic Simulations and the conformational changes induced by the presence of the studied ligands were discussed and compared to those of the substrate, tyrosine. According to the obtained results, five novel leads are introduced to be further optimized or directly used as potent inhibitors of mushroom tyrosinase.

  13. A rational workflow for sequential virtual screening of chemical libraries on searching for new tyrosinase inhibitors.


    Le-Thi-Thu, Huong; Casanola-Martín, Gerardo M; Marrero-Ponce, Yovani; Rescigno, Antonio; Abad, Concepcion; Khan, Mahmud Tareq Hassan


    The tyrosinase is a bifunctional, copper-containing enzyme widely distributed in the phylogenetic tree. This enzyme is involved in the production of melanin and some other pigments in humans, animals and plants, including skin pigmentations in mammals, and browning process in plants and vegetables. Therefore, enzyme inhibitors has been under the attention of the scientist community, due to its broad applications in food, cosmetic, agricultural and medicinal fields, to avoid the undesirable effects of abnormal melanin overproduction. However, the research of novel chemical with antityrosinase activity demands the use of more efficient tools to speed up the tyrosinase inhibitors discovery process. This chapter is focused in the different components of a predictive modeling workflow for the identification and prioritization of potential new compounds with activity against the tyrosinase enzyme. In this case, two structure chemical libraries Spectrum Collection and Drugbank are used in this attempt to combine different virtual screening data mining techniques, in a sequential manner helping to avoid the usually expensive and time consuming traditional methods. Some of the sequential steps summarize here comprise the use of drug-likeness filters, similarity searching, classification and potency QSAR multiclassifier systems, modeling molecular interactions systems, and similarity/diversity analysis. Finally, the methodologies showed here provide a rational workflow for virtual screening hit analysis and selection as a promissory drug discovery strategy for use in target identification phase.

  14. Ligand-Based Pharmacophore Modeling and Virtual Screening for the Discovery of Novel 17β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 2 Inhibitors

    PubMed Central


    17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (17β-HSD2) catalyzes the inactivation of estradiol into estrone. This enzyme is expressed only in a few tissues, and therefore its inhibition is considered as a treatment option for osteoporosis to ameliorate estrogen deficiency. In this study, ligand-based pharmacophore models for 17β-HSD2 inhibitors were constructed and employed for virtual screening. From the virtual screening hits, 29 substances were evaluated in vitro for 17β-HSD2 inhibition. Seven compounds inhibited 17β-HSD2 with low micromolar IC50 values. To investigate structure–activity relationships (SAR), 30 more derivatives of the original hits were tested. The three most potent hits, 12, 22, and 15, had IC50 values of 240 nM, 1 μM, and 1.5 μM, respectively. All but 1 of the 13 identified inhibitors were selective over 17β-HSD1, the enzyme catalyzing conversion of estrone into estradiol. Three of the new, small, synthetic 17β-HSD2 inhibitors showed acceptable selectivity over other related HSDs, and six of them did not affect other HSDs. PMID:24960438

  15. Fragment virtual screening based on Bayesian categorization for discovering novel VEGFR-2 scaffolds.


    Zhang, Yanmin; Jiao, Yu; Xiong, Xiao; Liu, Haichun; Ran, Ting; Xu, Jinxing; Lu, Shuai; Xu, Anyang; Pan, Jing; Qiao, Xin; Shi, Zhihao; Lu, Tao; Chen, Yadong


    The discovery of novel scaffolds against a specific target has long been one of the most significant but challengeable goals in discovering lead compounds. A scaffold that binds in important regions of the active pocket is more favorable as a starting point because scaffolds generally possess greater optimization possibilities. However, due to the lack of sufficient chemical space diversity of the databases and the ineffectiveness of the screening methods, it still remains a great challenge to discover novel active scaffolds. Since the strengths and weaknesses of both fragment-based drug design and traditional virtual screening (VS), we proposed a fragment VS concept based on Bayesian categorization for the discovery of novel scaffolds. This work investigated the proposal through an application on VEGFR-2 target. Firstly, scaffold and structural diversity of chemical space for 10 compound databases were explicitly evaluated. Simultaneously, a robust Bayesian classification model was constructed for screening not only compound databases but also their corresponding fragment databases. Although analysis of the scaffold diversity demonstrated a very unevenly distribution of scaffolds over molecules, results showed that our Bayesian model behaved better in screening fragments than molecules. Through a literature retrospective research, several generated fragments with relatively high Bayesian scores indeed exhibit VEGFR-2 biological activity, which strongly proved the effectiveness of fragment VS based on Bayesian categorization models. This investigation of Bayesian-based fragment VS can further emphasize the necessity for enrichment of compound databases employed in lead discovery by amplifying the diversity of databases with novel structures.

  16. Virtual Environment TBI Screen (VETS)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    balance challenges performed on a modified Wii Balance Board . Implementation of this device will enhance current approaches in TBI and mild TBI (i.e...TBI) screen (VETS) device in measuring standing balance . This system consists of software, a Wii balance board , and a large screen television that...Validate Wii ™ Balance Board relative to NeuroCom forceplate ! Running Wii Balance Board validation protocol. ! Milestone Achieved:

  17. Identification of novel malarial cysteine protease inhibitors using structure-based virtual screening of a focused cysteine protease inhibitor library.


    Shah, Falgun; Mukherjee, Prasenjit; Gut, Jiri; Legac, Jennifer; Rosenthal, Philip J; Tekwani, Babu L; Avery, Mitchell A


    Malaria, in particular that caused by Plasmodium falciparum , is prevalent across the tropics, and its medicinal control is limited by widespread drug resistance. Cysteine proteases of P. falciparum , falcipain-2 (FP-2) and falcipain-3 (FP-3), are major hemoglobinases, validated as potential antimalarial drug targets. Structure-based virtual screening of a focused cysteine protease inhibitor library built with soft rather than hard electrophiles was performed against an X-ray crystal structure of FP-2 using the Glide docking program. An enrichment study was performed to select a suitable scoring function and to retrieve potential candidates against FP-2 from a large chemical database. Biological evaluation of 50 selected compounds identified 21 diverse nonpeptidic inhibitors of FP-2 with a hit rate of 42%. Atomic Fukui indices were used to predict the most electrophilic center and its electrophilicity in the identified hits. Comparison of predicted electrophilicity of electrophiles in identified hits with those in known irreversible inhibitors suggested the soft-nature of electrophiles in the selected target compounds. The present study highlights the importance of focused libraries and enrichment studies in structure-based virtual screening. In addition, few compounds were screened against homologous human cysteine proteases for selectivity analysis. Further evaluation of structure-activity relationships around these nonpeptidic scaffolds could help in the development of selective leads for antimalarial chemotherapy.

  18. Two-dimensional combinatorial screening enables the bottom-up design of a microRNA-10b inhibitor.


    Velagapudi, Sai Pradeep; Disney, Matthew D


    The RNA motifs that bind guanidinylated kanamycin A (G Kan A) and guanidinylated neomycin B (G Neo B) were identified via two-dimensional combinatorial screening (2DCS). The results of these studies enabled the "bottom-up" design of a small molecule inhibitor of oncogenic microRNA-10b.

  19. An investigation of the efficacy of collaborative virtual reality systems for moderated remote usability testing.


    Chalil Madathil, Kapil; Greenstein, Joel S


    Collaborative virtual reality-based systems have integrated high fidelity voice-based communication, immersive audio and screen-sharing tools into virtual environments. Such three-dimensional collaborative virtual environments can mirror the collaboration among usability test participants and facilitators when they are physically collocated, potentially enabling moderated usability tests to be conducted effectively when the facilitator and participant are located in different places. We developed a virtual collaborative three-dimensional remote moderated usability testing laboratory and employed it in a controlled study to evaluate the effectiveness of moderated usability testing in a collaborative virtual reality-based environment with two other moderated usability testing methods: the traditional lab approach and Cisco WebEx, a web-based conferencing and screen sharing approach. Using a mixed methods experimental design, 36 test participants and 12 test facilitators were asked to complete representative tasks on a simulated online shopping website. The dependent variables included the time taken to complete the tasks; the usability defects identified and their severity; and the subjective ratings on the workload index, presence and satisfaction questionnaires. Remote moderated usability testing methodology using a collaborative virtual reality system performed similarly in terms of the total number of defects identified, the number of high severity defects identified and the time taken to complete the tasks with the other two methodologies. The overall workload experienced by the test participants and facilitators was the least with the traditional lab condition. No significant differences were identified for the workload experienced with the virtual reality and the WebEx conditions. However, test participants experienced greater involvement and a more immersive experience in the virtual environment than in the WebEx condition. The ratings for the virtual

  20. Human stem cells and drug screening: opportunities and challenges.


    Ebert, Allison D; Svendsen, Clive N


    High-throughput screening technologies are widely used in the early stages of drug discovery to rapidly evaluate the properties of thousands of compounds. However, they generally rely on testing compound libraries on highly proliferative immortalized or cancerous cell lines, which do not necessarily provide an accurate indication of the effects of compounds in normal human cells or the specific cell type under study. Recent advances in stem cell technology have the potential to allow production of a virtually limitless supply of normal human cells that can be differentiated into any specific cell type. Moreover, using induced pluripotent stem cell technology, they can also be generated from patients with specific disease traits, enabling more relevant modelling and drug screens. This article discusses the opportunities and challenges for the use of stem cells in drug screening with a focus on induced pluripotent stem cells.

  1. Virtual Laboratory Enabling Collaborative Research in Applied Vehicle Technologies

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lamar, John E.; Cronin, Catherine K.; Scott, Laura E.


    The virtual laboratory is a new technology, based on the internet, that has had wide usage in a variety of technical fields because of its inherent ability to allow many users to participate simultaneously in instruction (education) or in the collaborative study of a common problem (real-world application). The leadership in the Applied Vehicle Technology panel has encouraged the utilization of this technology in its task groups for some time and its parent organization, the Research and Technology Agency, has done the same for its own administrative use. This paper outlines the application of the virtual laboratory to those fields important to applied vehicle technologies, gives the status of the effort, and identifies the benefit it can have on collaborative research. The latter is done, in part, through a specific example, i.e. the experience of one task group.

  2. VSDMIP: virtual screening data management on an integrated platform

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gil-Redondo, Rubén; Estrada, Jorge; Morreale, Antonio; Herranz, Fernando; Sancho, Javier; Ortiz, Ángel R.


    A novel software (VSDMIP) for the virtual screening (VS) of chemical libraries integrated within a MySQL relational database is presented. Two main features make VSDMIP clearly distinguishable from other existing computational tools: (i) its database, which stores not only ligand information but also the results from every step in the VS process, and (ii) its modular and pluggable architecture, which allows customization of the VS stages (such as the programs used for conformer generation or docking), through the definition of a detailed workflow employing user-configurable XML files. VSDMIP, therefore, facilitates the storage and retrieval of VS results, easily adapts to the specific requirements of each method and tool used in the experiments, and allows the comparison of different VS methodologies. To validate the usefulness of VSDMIP as an automated tool for carrying out VS several experiments were run on six protein targets (acetylcholinesterase, cyclin-dependent kinase 2, coagulation factor Xa, estrogen receptor alpha, p38 MAP kinase, and neuraminidase) using nine binary (actives/inactive) test sets. The performance of several VS configurations was evaluated by means of enrichment factors and receiver operating characteristic plots.

  3. Virtual screening for novel Staphylococcus Aureus NorA efflux pump inhibitors from natural products.


    Thai, Khac-Minh; Ngo, Trieu-Du; Phan, Thien-Vy; Tran, Thanh-Dao; Nguyen, Ngoc-Vinh; Nguyen, Thien-Hai; Le, Minh-Tri


    NorA is a member of the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS) drug efflux pumps that have been shown to mediate antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus (SA). In this study, QSAR analysis, virtual screening and molecular docking were implemented in an effort to discover novel SA NorA efflux pump inhibitors. Originally, a set of 47 structurally diverse compounds compiled from the literature was used to develop linear QSAR models and another set of 15 different compounds were chosen for extra validation. The final model which was estimated by statistical values for the full data set (n = 45, Q(2) = 0.80, RMSE = 0.20) and for the external test set (n = 15, R(2) = 0.60, |res|max = 0.75, |res|min = 0.02) was applied on the collection of 182 flavonoides and the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) database to screen for novel NorA inhibitors. Finally, 33 lead compounds that met the Lipinski's rules of five/three and had good predicted pIC50 values from in silico screening process were employed to analyze the binding ability by docking studies on NorA homology model in place of its unavailable crystal structures at two active sites, the central channel and the Walker B.

  4. Design of efficient molecular organic light-emitting diodes by a high-throughput virtual screening and experimental approach.


    Gómez-Bombarelli, Rafael; Aguilera-Iparraguirre, Jorge; Hirzel, Timothy D; Duvenaud, David; Maclaurin, Dougal; Blood-Forsythe, Martin A; Chae, Hyun Sik; Einzinger, Markus; Ha, Dong-Gwang; Wu, Tony; Markopoulos, Georgios; Jeon, Soonok; Kang, Hosuk; Miyazaki, Hiroshi; Numata, Masaki; Kim, Sunghan; Huang, Wenliang; Hong, Seong Ik; Baldo, Marc; Adams, Ryan P; Aspuru-Guzik, Alán


    Virtual screening is becoming a ground-breaking tool for molecular discovery due to the exponential growth of available computer time and constant improvement of simulation and machine learning techniques. We report an integrated organic functional material design process that incorporates theoretical insight, quantum chemistry, cheminformatics, machine learning, industrial expertise, organic synthesis, molecular characterization, device fabrication and optoelectronic testing. After exploring a search space of 1.6 million molecules and screening over 400,000 of them using time-dependent density functional theory, we identified thousands of promising novel organic light-emitting diode molecules across the visible spectrum. Our team collaboratively selected the best candidates from this set. The experimentally determined external quantum efficiencies for these synthesized candidates were as large as 22%.

  5. Design of efficient molecular organic light-emitting diodes by a high-throughput virtual screening and experimental approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gómez-Bombarelli, Rafael; Aguilera-Iparraguirre, Jorge; Hirzel, Timothy D.; Duvenaud, David; MacLaurin, Dougal; Blood-Forsythe, Martin A.; Chae, Hyun Sik; Einzinger, Markus; Ha, Dong-Gwang; Wu, Tony; Markopoulos, Georgios; Jeon, Soonok; Kang, Hosuk; Miyazaki, Hiroshi; Numata, Masaki; Kim, Sunghan; Huang, Wenliang; Hong, Seong Ik; Baldo, Marc; Adams, Ryan P.; Aspuru-Guzik, Alán


    Virtual screening is becoming a ground-breaking tool for molecular discovery due to the exponential growth of available computer time and constant improvement of simulation and machine learning techniques. We report an integrated organic functional material design process that incorporates theoretical insight, quantum chemistry, cheminformatics, machine learning, industrial expertise, organic synthesis, molecular characterization, device fabrication and optoelectronic testing. After exploring a search space of 1.6 million molecules and screening over 400,000 of them using time-dependent density functional theory, we identified thousands of promising novel organic light-emitting diode molecules across the visible spectrum. Our team collaboratively selected the best candidates from this set. The experimentally determined external quantum efficiencies for these synthesized candidates were as large as 22%.

  6. Colorectal Cancer Screening


    ... blood test Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy Virtual colonoscopy DNA stool test Studies have shown that screening for colorectal cancer using ... decrease the risk of dying from cancer. Scientists study screening tests to find those with the fewest risks and ...

  7. Virtual High-Throughput Screening To Identify Novel Activin Antagonists

    PubMed Central

    Zhu, Jie; Mishra, Rama K.; Schiltz, Gary E.; Makanji, Yogeshwar; Scheidt, Karl A.; Mazar, Andrew P.; Woodruff, Teresa K.


    Activin belongs to the TGFβ superfamily, which is associated with several disease conditions, including cancer-related cachexia, preterm labor with delivery, and osteoporosis. Targeting activin and its related signaling pathways holds promise as a therapeutic approach to these diseases. A small-molecule ligand-binding groove was identified in the interface between the two activin βA subunits and was used for a virtual high-throughput in silico screening of the ZINC database to identify hits. Thirty-nine compounds without significant toxicity were tested in two well-established activin assays: FSHβ transcription and HepG2 cell apoptosis. This screening workflow resulted in two lead compounds: NUCC-474 and NUCC-555. These potential activin antagonists were then shown to inhibit activin A-mediated cell proliferation in ex vivo ovary cultures. In vivo testing showed that our most potent compound (NUCC-555) caused a dose-dependent decrease in FSH levels in ovariectomized mice. The Blitz competition binding assay confirmed target binding of NUCC-555 to the activin A:ActRII that disrupts the activin A:ActRII complex’s binding with ALK4-ECD-Fc in a dose-dependent manner. The NUCC-555 also specifically binds to activin A compared with other TGFβ superfamily member myostatin (GDF8). These data demonstrate a new in silico-based strategy for identifying small-molecule activin antagonists. Our approach is the first to identify a first-in-class small-molecule antagonist of activin binding to ALK4, which opens a completely new approach to inhibiting the activity of TGFβ receptor superfamily members. in addition, the lead compound can serve as a starting point for lead optimization toward the goal of a compound that may be effective in activin-mediated diseases. PMID:26098096

  8. 3D Pharmacophore-Based Virtual Screening and Docking Approaches toward the Discovery of Novel HPPD Inhibitors.


    Fu, Ying; Sun, Yi-Na; Yi, Ke-Han; Li, Ming-Qiang; Cao, Hai-Feng; Li, Jia-Zhong; Ye, Fei


    p -Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) is not only the useful molecular target in treating life-threatening tyrosinemia type I, but also an important target for chemical herbicides. A combined in silico structure-based pharmacophore and molecular docking-based virtual screening were performed to identify novel potential HPPD inhibitors. The complex-based pharmacophore model (CBP) with 0.721 of ROC used for screening compounds showed remarkable ability to retrieve known active ligands from among decoy molecules. The ChemDiv database was screened using CBP-Hypo2 as a 3D query, and the best-fit hits subjected to molecular docking with two methods of LibDock and CDOCKER in Accelrys Discovery Studio 2.5 (DS 2.5) to discern interactions with key residues at the active site of HPPD. Four compounds with top rankings in the HipHop model and well-known binding model were finally chosen as lead compounds with potential inhibitory effects on the active site of target. The results provided powerful insight into the development of novel HPPD inhibitors herbicides using computational techniques.

  9. Discovery of thienoquinolone derivatives as selective and ATP non-competitive CDK5/p25 inhibitors by structure-based virtual screening

    PubMed Central

    Chatterjee, Arindam; Doerksen, Robert J.; Khan, Ikhlas A.


    Calpain mediated cleavage of CDK5 natural precursor p35 causes a stable complex formation of CDK5/p25, which leads to hyperphosphorylation of tau. Thus inhibition of this complex is a viable target for numerous acute and chronic neurodegenerative diseases involving tau protein, including Alzheimer’s disease. Since CDK5 has the highest sequence homology with its mitotic counterpart CDK2, our primary goal was to design selective CDK5/p25 inhibitors targeting neurodegeneration. A novel structure-based virtual screening protocol comprised of e-pharmacophore models and virtual screening work-flow was used to identify nine compounds from a commercial database containing 2.84 million compounds. An ATP non-competitive and selective thieno[3,2-c]quinolin-4(5H)-one inhibitor (10) with ligand efficiency (LE) of 0.3 was identified as the lead molecule. Further SAR optimization led to the discovery of several low micromolar inhibitors with good selectivity. The research represents a new class of potent ATP non-competitive CDK5/p25 inhibitors with good CDK2/E selectivity. PMID:25438765

  10. Development of a novel class of B-RafV600E-selective inhibitors through virtual screening and hierarchical hit optimization

    PubMed Central

    Kong, Xiangqian; Qin, Jie; Li, Zeng; Vultur, Adina; Tong, Linjiang; Feng, Enguang; Rajan, Geena; Liu, Shien; Lu, Junyan; Liang, Zhongjie; Zheng, Mingyue; Zhu, Weiliang; Jiang, Hualiang; Herlyn, Meenhard; Liu, Hong; Marmorstein, Ronen; Luo, Cheng


    Oncogenic mutations in critical nodes of cellular signaling pathways have been associated with tumorigenesis and progression. The B-Raf protein kinase, a key hub in the canonical MAPK signaling cascade, is mutated in a broad range of human cancers and especially in malignant melanoma. The most prevalent B-RafV600E mutant exhibits elevated kinase activity and results in constitutive activation of the MAPK pathway, thus making it a promising drug target for cancer therapy. Herein, we described the development of novel B-RafV600E selective inhibitors via multi-step virtual screening and hierarchical hit optimization. Nine hit compounds with low micromolar IC50 values were identified as B-RafV600E inhibitors through virtual screening. Subsequent scaffold-based analogue searching and medicinal chemistry efforts significantly improved both the inhibitor potency and oncogene selectivity. In particular, compounds 22f and 22q possess nanomolar IC50 values with selectivity for B-RafV600E in vitro and exclusive cytotoxicity against B-RafV600E harboring cancer cells. PMID:22875039

  11. Development of a novel class of B-Raf(V600E)-selective inhibitors through virtual screening and hierarchical hit optimization.


    Kong, Xiangqian; Qin, Jie; Li, Zeng; Vultur, Adina; Tong, Linjiang; Feng, Enguang; Rajan, Geena; Liu, Shien; Lu, Junyan; Liang, Zhongjie; Zheng, Mingyue; Zhu, Weiliang; Jiang, Hualiang; Herlyn, Meenhard; Liu, Hong; Marmorstein, Ronen; Luo, Cheng


    Oncogenic mutations in critical nodes of cellular signaling pathways have been associated with tumorigenesis and progression. The B-Raf protein kinase, a key hub in the canonical MAPK signaling cascade, is mutated in a broad range of human cancers and especially in malignant melanoma. The most prevalent B-Raf(V600E) mutant exhibits elevated kinase activity and results in constitutive activation of the MAPK pathway, thus making it a promising drug target for cancer therapy. Herein, we describe the development of novel B-Raf(V600E) selective inhibitors via multi-step virtual screening and hierarchical hit optimization. Nine hit compounds with low micromolar IC(50) values were identified as B-Raf(V600E) inhibitors through virtual screening. Subsequent scaffold-based analogue searching and medicinal chemistry efforts significantly improved both the inhibitor potency and oncogene selectivity. In particular, compounds 22f and 22q possess nanomolar IC(50) values with selectivity for B-Raf(V600E)in vitro and exclusive cytotoxicity against B-Raf(V600E) harboring cancer cells.

  12. Virtual Colonoscopy Screening With Ultra Low-Dose CT and Less-Stressful Bowel Preparation: A Computer Simulation Study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Jing; Wang, Su; Li, Lihong; Fan, Yi; Lu, Hongbing; Liang, Zhengrong


    Computed tomography colonography (CTC) or CT-based virtual colonoscopy (VC) is an emerging tool for detection of colonic polyps. Compared to the conventional fiber-optic colonoscopy, VC has demonstrated the potential to become a mass screening modality in terms of safety, cost, and patient compliance. However, current CTC delivers excessive X-ray radiation to the patient during data acquisition. The radiation is a major concern for screening application of CTC. In this work, we performed a simulation study to demonstrate a possible ultra low-dose CT technique for VC. The ultra low-dose abdominal CT images were simulated by adding noise to the sinograms of the patient CTC images acquired with normal dose scans at 100 mA s levels. The simulated noisy sinogram or projection data were first processed by a Karhunen-Loeve domain penalized weighted least-squares (KL-PWLS) restoration method and then reconstructed by a filtered backprojection algorithm for the ultra low-dose CT images. The patient-specific virtual colon lumen was constructed and navigated by a VC system after electronic colon cleansing of the orally-tagged residue stool and fluid. By the KL-PWLS noise reduction, the colon lumen can successfully be constructed and the colonic polyp can be detected in an ultra low-dose level below 50 mA s. Polyp detection can be found more easily by the KL-PWLS noise reduction compared to the results using the conventional noise filters, such as Hanning filter. These promising results indicate the feasibility of an ultra low-dose CTC pipeline for colon screening with less-stressful bowel preparation by fecal tagging with oral contrast.

  13. Effectiveness and feasibility of virtual reality and gaming system use at home by older adults for enabling physical activity to improve health-related domains: a systematic review.


    Miller, Kimberly J; Adair, Brooke S; Pearce, Alan J; Said, Catherine M; Ozanne, Elizabeth; Morris, Meg M


    use of virtual reality and commercial gaming systems (VR/gaming) at home by older adults is receiving attention as a means of enabling physical activity. to summarise evidence for the effectiveness and feasibility of VR/gaming system utilisation by older adults at home for enabling physical activity to improve impairments, activity limitations or participation. a systematic review searching 12 electronic databases from 1 January 2000-10 July 2012 using key search terms. Two independent reviewers screened yield articles using pre-determined selection criteria, extracted data using customised forms and applied the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool and the Downs and Black Checklist to rate study quality. fourteen studies investigating the effects of VR/gaming system use by healthy older adults and people with neurological conditions on activity limitations, body functions and physical impairments and cognitive and emotional well-being met the selection criteria. Study quality ratings were low and, therefore, evidence was not strong enough to conclude that interventions were effective. Feasibility was inconsistently reported in studies. Where feasibility was discussed, strong retention (≥70%) and adherence (≥64%) was reported. Initial assistance to use the technologies, and the need for monitoring exertion, aggravation of musculoskeletal symptoms and falls risk were reported. existing evidence to support the feasibility and effectiveness VR/gaming systems use by older adults at home to enable physical activity to address impairments, activity limitations and participation is weak with a high risk of bias. The findings of this review may inform future, more rigorous research.

  14. Pharmacophore Based 3D-QSAR, Virtual Screening and Docking Studies on Novel Series of HDAC Inhibitors with Thiophen Linker as Anticancer Agents.


    Patel, Preeti; Singh, Avineesh; Patel, Vijay K; Jain, Deepak K; Veerasamy, Ravichandran; Rajak, Harish


    Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors can reactivate gene expression and inhibit the growth and survival of cancer cells. To identify the important pharmacophoric features and correlate 3Dchemical structure with biological activity using 3D-QSAR and Pharmacophore modeling studies. The pharmacophore hypotheses were developed using e-pharmacophore script and phase module. Pharmacophore hypothesis represents the 3D arrangement of molecular features necessary for activity. A series of 55 compounds with wellassigned HDAC inhibitory activity were used for 3D-QSAR model development. Best 3D-QSAR model, which is a five partial least square (PLS) factor model with good statistics and predictive ability, acquired Q2 (0.7293), R2 (0.9811), cross-validated coefficient rcv 2=0.9807 and R2 pred=0.7147 with low standard deviation (0.0952). Additionally, the selected pharmacophore model DDRRR.419 was used as a 3D query for virtual screening against the ZINC database. In the virtual screening workflow, docking studies (HTVS, SP and XP) were carried out by selecting multiple receptors (PDB ID: 1T69, 1T64, 4LXZ, 4LY1, 3MAX, 2VQQ, 3C10, 1W22). Finally, six compounds were obtained based on high scoring function (dock score -11.2278-10.2222 kcal/mol) and diverse structures. The structure activity correlation was established using virtual screening, docking, energetic based pharmacophore modelling, pharmacophore, atom based 3D QSAR models and their validation. The outcomes of these studies could be further employed for the design of novel HDAC inhibitors for anticancer activity.

  15. Virtual Screening of Phytochemicals to Novel Target (HAT) Rtt109 in Pneumocystis Jirovecii using Bioinformatics Tools.


    Sugumar, Ramya; Adithavarman, Abhinand Ponneri; Dakshinamoorthi, Anusha; David, Darling Chellathai; Ragunath, Padmavathi Kannan


    Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus that causes Pneumocystis pneumonia in HIV and other immunosuppressed patients. Treatment of Pneumocystis pneumonia with the currently available antifungals is challenging and associated with considerable adverse effects. There is a need to develop drugs against novel targets with minimal human toxicities. Histone Acetyl Transferase (HAT) Rtt109 is a potential therapeutic target in Pneumocystis jirovecii species. HAT is linked to transcription and is required to acetylate conserved lysine residues on histone proteins by transferring an acetyl group from acetyl CoA to form e-N-acetyl lysine. Therefore, inhibitors of HAT can be useful therapeutic options in Pneumocystis pneumonia. To screen phytochemicals against (HAT) Rtt109 using bioinformatics tool. The tertiary structure of Pneumocystis jirovecii (HAT) Rtt109 was modeled by Homology Modeling. The ideal template for modeling was obtained by performing Psi BLAST of the protein sequence. Rtt109-AcCoA/Vps75 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (PDB structure 3Q35) was chosen as the template. The target protein was modeled using Swiss Modeler and validated using Ramachandran plot and Errat 2. Comprehensive text mining was performed to identify phytochemical compounds with antipneumonia and fungicidal properties and these compounds were filtered based on Lipinski's Rule of 5. The chosen compounds were subjected to virtual screening against the target protein (HAT) Rtt109 using Molegro Virtual Docker 4.5. Osiris Property Explorer and Open Tox Server were used to predict ADME-T properties of the chosen phytochemicals. Tertiary structure model of HAT Rtt 109 had a ProSA score of -6.57 and Errat 2 score of 87.34. Structure validation analysis by Ramachandran plot for the model revealed 97% of amino acids were in the favoured region. Of all the phytochemicals subjected to virtual screening against the target protein (HAT) Rtt109, baicalin exhibited highest binding affinity towards the

  16. Virtual Screening of Phytochemicals to Novel Target (HAT) Rtt109 in Pneumocystis Jirovecii using Bioinformatics Tools

    PubMed Central

    Adithavarman, Abhinand Ponneri; Dakshinamoorthi, Anusha; David, Darling Chellathai; Ragunath, Padmavathi Kannan


    Introduction Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus that causes Pneumocystis pneumonia in HIV and other immunosuppressed patients. Treatment of Pneumocystis pneumonia with the currently available antifungals is challenging and associated with considerable adverse effects. There is a need to develop drugs against novel targets with minimal human toxicities. Histone Acetyl Transferase (HAT) Rtt109 is a potential therapeutic target in Pneumocystis jirovecii species. HAT is linked to transcription and is required to acetylate conserved lysine residues on histone proteins by transferring an acetyl group from acetyl CoA to form e-N-acetyl lysine. Therefore, inhibitors of HAT can be useful therapeutic options in Pneumocystis pneumonia. Aim To screen phytochemicals against (HAT) Rtt109 using bioinformatics tool. Materials and Methods The tertiary structure of Pneumocystis jirovecii (HAT) Rtt109 was modeled by Homology Modeling. The ideal template for modeling was obtained by performing Psi BLAST of the protein sequence. Rtt109-AcCoA/Vps75 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (PDB structure 3Q35) was chosen as the template. The target protein was modeled using Swiss Modeler and validated using Ramachandran plot and Errat 2. Comprehensive text mining was performed to identify phytochemical compounds with antipneumonia and fungicidal properties and these compounds were filtered based on Lipinski’s Rule of 5. The chosen compounds were subjected to virtual screening against the target protein (HAT) Rtt109 using Molegro Virtual Docker 4.5. Osiris Property Explorer and Open Tox Server were used to predict ADME-T properties of the chosen phytochemicals. Results Tertiary structure model of HAT Rtt 109 had a ProSA score of -6.57 and Errat 2 score of 87.34. Structure validation analysis by Ramachandran plot for the model revealed 97% of amino acids were in the favoured region. Of all the phytochemicals subjected to virtual screening against the target protein (HAT) Rtt109, baicalin

  17. Discovery of Anti-Hypertensive Oligopeptides from Adlay Based on In Silico Proteolysis and Virtual Screening

    PubMed Central

    Qiao, Liansheng; Li, Bin; Chen, Yankun; Li, Lingling; Chen, Xi; Wang, Lingzhi; Lu, Fang; Luo, Ganggang; Li, Gongyu; Zhang, Yanling


    Adlay (Coix larchryma-jobi L.) was the commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with high content of seed storage protein. The hydrolyzed bioactive oligopeptides of adlay have been proven to be anti-hypertensive effective components. However, the structures and anti-hypertensive mechanism of bioactive oligopeptides from adlay were not clear. To discover the definite anti-hypertensive oligopeptides from adlay, in silico proteolysis and virtual screening were implemented to obtain potential oligopeptides, which were further identified by biochemistry assay and molecular dynamics simulation. In this paper, ten sequences of adlay prolamins were collected and in silico hydrolyzed to construct the oligopeptide library with 134 oligopeptides. This library was reverse screened by anti-hypertensive pharmacophore database, which was constructed by our research team and contained ten anti-hypertensive targets. Angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) was identified as the main potential target for the anti-hypertensive activity of adlay oligopeptides. Three crystal structures of ACE were utilized for docking studies and 19 oligopeptides were finally identified with potential ACE inhibitory activity. According to mapping features and evaluation indexes of pharmacophore and docking, three oligopeptides were selected for biochemistry assay. An oligopeptide sequence, NPATY (IC50 = 61.88 ± 2.77 µM), was identified as the ACE inhibitor by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) assay. Molecular dynamics simulation of NPATY was further utilized to analyze interactive bonds and key residues. ALA354 was identified as a key residue of ACE inhibitors. Hydrophobic effect of VAL518 and electrostatic effects of HIS383, HIS387, HIS513 and Zn2+ were also regarded as playing a key role in inhibiting ACE activities. This study provides a research strategy to explore the pharmacological mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) proteins based on in silico

  18. Virtual screening using MTiOpenScreen and PyRx 0,8 revealed ZINC95486216 as a human acetylcholinesterase inhibitor candidate

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sulistyo Dwi K., P.; Arindra Trisna, W.; Vindri Catur P., W.; Wijayanti, Erna; Ichsan, Mochammad


    One of the efforts to prevent Alzheimer's disease becomes more severe is by inhibiting the activity of Human acetylcholinesterase enzyme (PDB ID: 4BDT). In this study, virtual screening againts 885 natural compounds from AfroDB has been done using MTIOpenScreen and this step has been successful in identifying ZINC15121024 (-12,9) and ZINC95486216 (-12,7) as the top rank compounds. This data then strengthened by the results of second docking step using Autodock software that has been integrated in PyRx 0.8 software. From this stage, ZINC95486216 (-11,3 kcal/mol) is a compound with the most negative binding affinity compared with four Alzheimer's drugs that have been officially used to date including Rivastigmine (-6,3 Kcal/mol), Donepenzil (-7.9 kcal/mol), Galantamine (-8.4 kcal/mol), and Huprine W (-7.3 kcal/mol). In addition, based on the results of the 2D and 3D visualization using LigPlus and PyMol softwares, respectively, known that the five compounds above are equally capable of binding to several amino acids (Trp 286, Phe295, and Tyr341) located in the active site of Human Acetylcholinesterase enzyme.

  19. Definitive screening design enables optimization of LC-ESI-MS/MS parameters in proteomics.


    Aburaya, Shunsuke; Aoki, Wataru; Minakuchi, Hiroyoshi; Ueda, Mitsuyoshi


    In proteomics, more than 100,000 peptides are generated from the digestion of human cell lysates. Proteome samples have a broad dynamic range in protein abundance; therefore, it is critical to optimize various parameters of LC-ESI-MS/MS to comprehensively identify these peptides. However, there are many parameters for LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis. In this study, we applied definitive screening design to simultaneously optimize 14 parameters in the operation of monolithic capillary LC-ESI-MS/MS to increase the number of identified proteins and/or the average peak area of MS1. The simultaneous optimization enabled the determination of two-factor interactions between LC and MS. Finally, we found two parameter sets of monolithic capillary LC-ESI-MS/MS that increased the number of identified proteins by 8.1% or the average peak area of MS1 by 67%. The definitive screening design would be highly useful for high-throughput analysis of the best parameter set in LC-ESI-MS/MS systems.

  20. A rotation-translation invariant molecular descriptor of partial charges and its use in ligand-based virtual screening

    PubMed Central


    Background Measures of similarity for chemical molecules have been developed since the dawn of chemoinformatics. Molecular similarity has been measured by a variety of methods including molecular descriptor based similarity, common molecular fragments, graph matching and 3D methods such as shape matching. Similarity measures are widespread in practice and have proven to be useful in drug discovery. Because of our interest in electrostatics and high throughput ligand-based virtual screening, we sought to exploit the information contained in atomic coordinates and partial charges of a molecule. Results A new molecular descriptor based on partial charges is proposed. It uses the autocorrelation function and linear binning to encode all atoms of a molecule into two rotation-translation invariant vectors. Combined with a scoring function, the descriptor allows to rank-order a database of compounds versus a query molecule. The proposed implementation is called ACPC (AutoCorrelation of Partial Charges) and released in open source. Extensive retrospective ligand-based virtual screening experiments were performed and other methods were compared with in order to validate the method and associated protocol. Conclusions While it is a simple method, it performed remarkably well in experiments. At an average speed of 1649 molecules per second, it reached an average median area under the curve of 0.81 on 40 different targets; hence validating the proposed protocol and implementation. PMID:24887178

  1. An Efficient Implementation of the Nwat-MMGBSA Method to Rescore Docking Results in Medium-Throughput Virtual Screenings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maffucci, Irene; Hu, Xiao; Fumagalli, Valentina; Contini, Alessandro


    Nwat-MMGBSA is a variant of MM-PB/GBSA based on the inclusion of a number of explicit water molecules that are the closest to the ligand in each frame of a molecular dynamics trajectory. This method demonstrated improved correlations between calculated and experimental binding energies in both protein-protein interactions and ligand-receptor complexes, in comparison to the standard MM-GBSA. A protocol optimization, aimed to maximize efficacy and efficiency, is discussed here considering penicillopepsin, HIV1-protease, and BCL-XL as test cases. Calculations were performed in triplicates on both classic HPC environments and on standard workstations equipped by a GPU card, evidencing no statistical differences in the results. No relevant differences in correlation to experiments were also observed when performing Nwat-MMGBSA calculations on 4 ns or 1 ns long trajectories. A fully automatic workflow for structure-based virtual screening, performing from library set-up to docking and Nwat-MMGBSA rescoring, has then been developed. The protocol has been tested against no rescoring or standard MM-GBSA rescoring within a retrospective virtual screening of inhibitors of AmpC β-lactamase and of the Rac1-Tiam1 protein-protein interaction. In both cases, Nwat-MMGBSA rescoring provided a statistically significant increase in the ROC AUCs of between 20% and 30%, compared to docking scoring or to standard MM-GBSA rescoring.

  2. Improved genome-scale multi-target virtual screening via a novel collaborative filtering approach to cold-start problem

    PubMed Central

    Lim, Hansaim; Gray, Paul; Xie, Lei; Poleksic, Aleksandar


    Conventional one-drug-one-gene approach has been of limited success in modern drug discovery. Polypharmacology, which focuses on searching for multi-targeted drugs to perturb disease-causing networks instead of designing selective ligands to target individual proteins, has emerged as a new drug discovery paradigm. Although many methods for single-target virtual screening have been developed to improve the efficiency of drug discovery, few of these algorithms are designed for polypharmacology. Here, we present a novel theoretical framework and a corresponding algorithm for genome-scale multi-target virtual screening based on the one-class collaborative filtering technique. Our method overcomes the sparseness of the protein-chemical interaction data by means of interaction matrix weighting and dual regularization from both chemicals and proteins. While the statistical foundation behind our method is general enough to encompass genome-wide drug off-target prediction, the program is specifically tailored to find protein targets for new chemicals with little to no available interaction data. We extensively evaluate our method using a number of the most widely accepted gene-specific and cross-gene family benchmarks and demonstrate that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms for predicting the interaction of new chemicals with multiple proteins. Thus, the proposed algorithm may provide a powerful tool for multi-target drug design. PMID:27958331

  3. Improved genome-scale multi-target virtual screening via a novel collaborative filtering approach to cold-start problem.


    Lim, Hansaim; Gray, Paul; Xie, Lei; Poleksic, Aleksandar


    Conventional one-drug-one-gene approach has been of limited success in modern drug discovery. Polypharmacology, which focuses on searching for multi-targeted drugs to perturb disease-causing networks instead of designing selective ligands to target individual proteins, has emerged as a new drug discovery paradigm. Although many methods for single-target virtual screening have been developed to improve the efficiency of drug discovery, few of these algorithms are designed for polypharmacology. Here, we present a novel theoretical framework and a corresponding algorithm for genome-scale multi-target virtual screening based on the one-class collaborative filtering technique. Our method overcomes the sparseness of the protein-chemical interaction data by means of interaction matrix weighting and dual regularization from both chemicals and proteins. While the statistical foundation behind our method is general enough to encompass genome-wide drug off-target prediction, the program is specifically tailored to find protein targets for new chemicals with little to no available interaction data. We extensively evaluate our method using a number of the most widely accepted gene-specific and cross-gene family benchmarks and demonstrate that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms for predicting the interaction of new chemicals with multiple proteins. Thus, the proposed algorithm may provide a powerful tool for multi-target drug design.

  4. Accessible high-throughput virtual screening molecular docking software for students and educators.


    Jacob, Reed B; Andersen, Tim; McDougal, Owen M


    We survey low cost high-throughput virtual screening (HTVS) computer programs for instructors who wish to demonstrate molecular docking in their courses. Since HTVS programs are a useful adjunct to the time consuming and expensive wet bench experiments necessary to discover new drug therapies, the topic of molecular docking is core to the instruction of biochemistry and molecular biology. The availability of HTVS programs coupled with decreasing costs and advances in computer hardware have made computational approaches to drug discovery possible at institutional and non-profit budgets. This paper focuses on HTVS programs with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that use either DOCK or AutoDock for the prediction of DockoMatic, PyRx, DockingServer, and MOLA since their utility has been proven by the research community, they are free or affordable, and the programs operate on a range of computer platforms.

  5. Simultaneous virtual prediction of anti-Escherichia coli activities and ADMET profiles: A chemoinformatic complementary approach for high-throughput screening.


    Speck-Planche, Alejandro; Cordeiro, M N D S


    Escherichia coli remains one of the principal pathogens that cause nosocomial infections, medical conditions that are increasingly common in healthcare facilities. E. coli is intrinsically resistant to many antibiotics, and multidrug-resistant strains have emerged recently. Chemoinformatics has been a great ally of experimental methodologies such as high-throughput screening, playing an important role in the discovery of effective antibacterial agents. However, there is no approach that can design safer anti-E. coli agents, because of the multifactorial nature and complexity of bacterial diseases and the lack of desirable ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, and toxicity) profiles as a major cause of disapproval of drugs. In this work, we introduce the first multitasking model based on quantitative-structure biological effect relationships (mtk-QSBER) for simultaneous virtual prediction of anti-E. coli activities and ADMET properties of drugs and/or chemicals under many experimental conditions. The mtk-QSBER model was developed from a large and heterogeneous data set of more than 37800 cases, exhibiting overall accuracies of >95% in both training and prediction (validation) sets. The utility of our mtk-QSBER model was demonstrated by performing virtual prediction of properties for the investigational drug avarofloxacin (AVX) under 260 different experimental conditions. Results converged with the experimental evidence, confirming the remarkable anti-E. coli activities and safety of AVX. Predictions also showed that our mtk-QSBER model can be a promising computational tool for virtual screening of desirable anti-E. coli agents, and this chemoinformatic approach could be extended to the search for safer drugs with defined pharmacological activities.

  6. Virtual screening using the ligand ZINC database for novel lipoxygenase-3 inhibitors.


    Monika; Kour, Janmeet; Singh, Kulwinder


    The leukotrienes constitute a group of arachidonic acid-derived compounds with biologic activities suggesting important roles in inflammation and immediate hypersensitivity. Epidermis-type lipoxygenase-3 (ALOXE3), a distinct subclass within the multigene family of mammalian lipoxygenases, is a novel isoenzyme involved in the metabolism of leukotrienes and plays a very important role in skin barrier functions. Lipoxygenase selective inhibitors such as azelastine and zileuton are currently used to reduce inflammatory response. Nausea, pharyngolaryngeal pain, headache, nasal burning and somnolence are the most frequently reported adverse effects of these drugs. Therefore, there is still a need to develop more potent lipoxygenase inhibitors. In this paper, we report the screening of various compounds from the ZINC database (contains over 21 million compounds) using the Molegro Virtual Docker software against the ALOXE3 protein. Screening was performed using molecular constraints tool to filter compounds with physico-chemical properties similar to the 1N8Q bound ligand protocatechuic acid. The analysis resulted in 4319 Lipinski compliant hits which are docked and scored to identify structurally novel ligands that make similar interactions to those of known ligands or may have different interactions with other parts of the binding site. Our screening approach identified four molecules ZINC84299674; ZINC76643455; ZINC84299122 & ZINC75626957 with MolDock score of -128.901, -120.22, -116.873 & - 102.116 kcal/mol, respectively. Their energy scores were better than the 1N8Q bound co-crystallized ligand protocatechuic acid (with MolDock score of -77.225 kcal/mol). All the ligands were docked within the binding pocket forming interactions with amino acid residues.

  7. Discovery of Selective Inhibitors of Imidazoleglycerol-Phosphate Dehydratase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Virtual Screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Podshivalov, D.; Mandzhieva, Yu. B.; Sidorov-Biryukov, D. D.; Timofeev, V. I.; Kuranova, I. P.


    Bacterial imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (HisB- Mt) is a convenient target for the discovery of selective inhibitors as potential antituberculosis drugs. The virtual screening was performed to find compounds suitable for the design of selective inhibitors of HisB- Mt. The positions of four ligands, which were selected based on the docking scoring function and docked to the activesite region of the enzyme, were refined by molecular dynamics simulation. The nearest environment of the ligands was determined. These compounds selectively bind to functionally essential active-site residues, thus blocking access of substrates to the active site of the enzyme, and can be used as lead compounds for the design of selective inhibitors of HisB- M.

  8. Development and Application of a Virtual Screening Protocol for the Identification of Multitarget Fragments.


    Bottegoni, Giovanni; Veronesi, Marina; Bisignano, Paola; Kacker, Puneet; Favia, Angelo D; Cavalli, Andrea


    In this study, we report on a virtual ligand screening protocol optimized to identify fragments endowed with activity at multiple targets. Thanks to this protocol, we were able to identify a fragment that displays activity in the low-micromolar range at both β-secretase 1 (BACE-1) and glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β). These two structurally and physiologically unrelated enzymes likely contribute, through different pathways, to the onset of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Therefore, their simultaneous inhibition holds great potential in exerting a profound effect on AD. In perspective, the strategy outlined herein can be adapted to other target combinations. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Discovery of novel bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitors: pharmacophore-based virtual screening and hit optimization.


    Hinsberger, Stefan; Hüsecken, Kristina; Groh, Matthias; Negri, Matthias; Haupenthal, Jörg; Hartmann, Rolf W


    The bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is a validated target for broad spectrum antibiotics. However, the efficiency of drugs is reduced by resistance. To discover novel RNAP inhibitors, a pharmacophore based on the alignment of described inhibitors was used for virtual screening. In an optimization process of hit compounds, novel derivatives with improved in vitro potency were discovered. Investigations concerning the molecular mechanism of RNAP inhibition reveal that they prevent the protein-protein interaction (PPI) between σ(70) and the RNAP core enzyme. Besides of reducing RNA formation, the inhibitors were shown to interfere with bacterial lipid biosynthesis. The compounds were active against Gram-positive pathogens and revealed significantly lower resistance frequencies compared to clinically used rifampicin.

  10. [Selection of a melanine concentrating hormone receptor-1 (MCHR1) antagonists' focused library and its biological screening with AequoScreen].


    Flachner, Beáta; Hajdú, István; Dobi, Krisztina; Lorincz, Zsolt; Cseh, Sándor; Dormán, György


    Target focused libraries can be rapidly selected by 2D virtual screening methods from multimillion compounds' repositories if structures of active compounds are available. In the present study a multi-step virtual and in vitro screening cascade is reported to select Melanin Concentrating Hormone Receptor-1 (MCHR1) antagonists. The 2D similarity search combined with physicochemical parameter filtering is suitable for selecting candidates from multimillion compounds' repository. The seeds of the first round virtual screening were collected from the literature and commercial databases, while the seeds of the second round were the hits of the first round. In vitro screening underlined the efficiency of our approach, as in the second screening round the hit rate (8.6 %) significantly improved compared to the first round (1.9%), reaching the antagonist activity even below 10 nM.

  11. Low-cost, smartphone based frequency doubling technology visual field testing using virtual reality (Conference Presentation)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alawa, Karam A.; Sayed, Mohamed; Arboleda, Alejandro; Durkee, Heather A.; Aguilar, Mariela C.; Lee, Richard K.


    Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Due to its wide prevalence, effective screening tools are necessary. The purpose of this project is to design and evaluate a system that enables portable, cost effective, smartphone based visual field screening based on frequency doubling technology. The system is comprised of an Android smartphone to display frequency doubling stimuli and handle processing, a Bluetooth remote for user input, and a virtual reality headset to simulate the exam. The LG Nexus 5 smartphone and BoboVR Z3 virtual reality headset were used for their screen size and lens configuration, respectively. The system is capable of running the C-20, N-30, 24-2, and 30-2 testing patterns. Unlike the existing system, the smartphone FDT tests both eyes concurrently by showing the same background to both eyes but only displaying the stimulus to one eye at a time. Both the Humphrey Zeiss FDT and the smartphone FDT were tested on five subjects without a history of ocular disease with the C-20 testing pattern. The smartphone FDT successfully produced frequency doubling stimuli at the correct spatial and temporal frequency. Subjects could not tell which eye was being tested. All five subjects preferred the smartphone FDT to the Humphrey Zeiss FDT due to comfort and ease of use. The smartphone FDT is a low-cost, portable visual field screening device that can be used as a screening tool for glaucoma.

  12. Osteoblastic lesion screening with an advanced post-processing package enabling in-plane rib reading in CT-images.


    Seuss, Hannes; Dankerl, Peter; Cavallaro, Alexander; Uder, Michael; Hammon, Matthias


    To evaluate screening and diagnostic accuracy for the detection of osteoblastic rib lesions using an advanced post-processing package enabling in-plane rib reading in CT-images. We retrospectively assessed the CT-data of 60 consecutive prostate cancer patients by applying dedicated software enabling in-plane rib reading. Reading the conventional multiplanar reconstructions was considered to be the reference standard. To simulate clinical practice, the reader was given 10 s to screen for sclerotic rib lesions in each patient applying both approaches. Afterwards, every rib was evaluated individually with both approaches without a time limit. Sensitivities, specificities, positive/negative predictive values and the time needed for detection were calculated depending on the lesion's size (largest diameter < 5 mm, 5-10 mm, > 10 mm). In 53 of 60 patients, all ribs were properly displayed in plane, in five patients ribs were partially displayed correctly, and in two patients none of the ribs were displayed correctly. During the 10-s screening approach all patients with sclerotic rib lesions were correctly identified reading the in-plane images (including the patients without a correct rib segmentation), whereas 14 of 23 patients were correctly identified reading conventional multiplanar images. Overall screening sensitivity, specificity, and positive/negative predictive values were 100/27.0/46.0/100 %, respectively, for in-plane reading and 60.9/100/100/80.4 %, respectively, for multiplanar reading. Overall diagnostic (no time limit) sensitivity, specificity, and positive/negative predictive values of in-plane reading were 97.8/92.8/74.6/99.5 %, respectively. False positive results predominantly occurred for lesions <5 mm in size. In-plane reading of the ribs allows reliable detection of osteoblastic lesions for screening purposes. The limited specificity results from false positives predominantly occurring for small lesions.

  13. Identification of critical chemical features for Aurora kinase-B inhibitors using Hip-Hop, virtual screening and molecular docking

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sakkiah, Sugunadevi; Thangapandian, Sundarapandian; John, Shalini; Lee, Keun Woo


    This study was performed to find the selective chemical features for Aurora kinase-B inhibitors using the potent methods like Hip-Hop, virtual screening, homology modeling, molecular dynamics and docking. The best hypothesis, Hypo1 was validated toward a wide range of test set containing the selective inhibitors of Aurora kinase-B. Homology modeling and molecular dynamics studies were carried out to perform the molecular docking studies. The best hypothesis Hypo1 was used as a 3D query to screen the chemical databases. The screened molecules from the databases were sorted based on ADME and drug like properties. The selective hit compounds were docked and the hydrogen bond interactions with the critical amino acids present in Aurora kinase-B were compared with the chemical features present in the Hypo1. Finally, we suggest that the chemical features present in the Hypo1 are vital for a molecule to inhibit the Aurora kinase-B activity.

  14. Tangible display systems: bringing virtual surfaces into the real world

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ferwerda, James A.


    We are developing tangible display systems that enable natural interaction with virtual surfaces. Tangible display systems are based on modern mobile devices that incorporate electronic image displays, graphics hardware, tracking systems, and digital cameras. Custom software allows the orientation of a device and the position of the observer to be tracked in real-time. Using this information, realistic images of surfaces with complex textures and material properties illuminated by environment-mapped lighting, can be rendered to the screen at interactive rates. Tilting or moving in front of the device produces realistic changes in surface lighting and material appearance. In this way, tangible displays allow virtual surfaces to be observed and manipulated as naturally as real ones, with the added benefit that surface geometry and material properties can be modified in real-time. We demonstrate the utility of tangible display systems in four application areas: material appearance research; computer-aided appearance design; enhanced access to digital library and museum collections; and new tools for digital artists.

  15. Development of a virtual speaking simulator using Image Based Rendering.


    Lee, J M; Kim, H; Oh, M J; Ku, J H; Jang, D P; Kim, I Y; Kim, S I


    The fear of speaking is often cited as the world's most common social phobia. The rapid growth of computer technology has enabled the use of virtual reality (VR) for the treatment of the fear of public speaking. There are two techniques for building virtual environments for the treatment of this fear: a model-based and a movie-based method. Both methods have the weakness that they are unrealistic and not controllable individually. To understand these disadvantages, this paper presents a virtual environment produced with Image Based Rendering (IBR) and a chroma-key simultaneously. IBR enables the creation of realistic virtual environments where the images are stitched panoramically with the photos taken from a digital camera. And the use of chroma-keys puts virtual audience members under individual control in the environment. In addition, real time capture technique is used in constructing the virtual environments enabling spoken interaction between the subject and a therapist or another subject.

  16. LIGSIFT: an open-source tool for ligand structural alignment and virtual screening.


    Roy, Ambrish; Skolnick, Jeffrey


    Shape-based alignment of small molecules is a widely used approach in computer-aided drug discovery. Most shape-based ligand structure alignment applications, both commercial and freely available ones, use the Tanimoto coefficient or similar functions for evaluating molecular similarity. Major drawbacks of using such functions are the size dependence of the score and the fact that the statistical significance of the molecular match using such metrics is not reported. We describe a new open-source ligand structure alignment and virtual screening (VS) algorithm, LIGSIFT, that uses Gaussian molecular shape overlay for fast small molecule alignment and a size-independent scoring function for efficient VS based on the statistical significance of the score. LIGSIFT was tested against the compounds for 40 protein targets available in the Directory of Useful Decoys and the performance was evaluated using the area under the ROC curve (AUC), the Enrichment Factor (EF) and Hit Rate (HR). LIGSIFT-based VS shows an average AUC of 0.79, average EF values of 20.8 and a HR of 59% in the top 1% of the screened library. LIGSIFT software, including the source code, is freely available to academic users at Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  17. Shape based virtual screening and molecular docking towards designing novel pancreatic lipase inhibitors

    PubMed Central

    Veeramachaneni, Ganesh Kumar; Raj, K Kranthi; Chalasani, Leela Madhuri; Annamraju, Sai Krishna; JS, Bondili; Talluri, Venkateswara Rao


    Increase in obesity rates and obesity associated health issues became one of the greatest health concerns in the present world population. With alarming increase in obese percentage there is a need to design new drugs related to the obesity targets. Among the various targets linked to obesity, pancreatic lipase was one of the promising targets for obesity treatment. Using the in silico methods like structure based virtual screening, QikProp, docking studies and binding energy calculations three molecules namely zinc85531017, zinc95919096 and zinc33963788 from the natural database were reported as the potential inhibitors for the pancreatic lipase. Among them zinc95919096 presented all the interactions matching to both standard and crystal ligand and hence it can be further proceeded to drug discovery process. PMID:26770027

  18. Virtual Screening of compounds to 1-deoxy-Dxylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (DXR) from Plasmodium falciparum.


    Chaudhary, Kamal Kumar; Prasad, C V S Siva


    The 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (DXR) protein (Gen Bank ID AAN37254.1) from Plasmodium falciparum is a potential drug target. Therefore, it is of interest to screen DXR against a virtual library of compounds (at the ZINC database) for potential binders as possible inhibitors. This exercise helped to choose 10 top ranking molecules with ZINC00200163 [N-(2,2di methoxy ethyl)-6-methyl-2, 3, 4, 9-tetrahydro-1H-carbazol-1-amine] a having good fit (-6.43 KJ/mol binding energy) with the target protein. Thus, ZINC00200163 is identified as a potential molecule for further comprehensive characterization and in-depth analysis.

  19. Sulfonylureas and Glinides as New PPARγ Agonists:. Virtual Screening and Biological Assays

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Scarsi, Marco; Podvinec, Michael; Roth, Adrian; Hug, Hubert; Kersten, Sander; Albrecht, Hugo; Schwede, Torsten; Meyer, Urs A.; Rücker, Christoph


    This work combines the predictive power of computational drug discovery with experimental validation by means of biological assays. In this way, a new mode of action for type 2 diabetes drugs has been unvealed. Most drugs currently employed in the treatment of type 2 diabetes either target the sulfonylurea receptor stimulating insulin release (sulfonylureas, glinides), or target PPARγ improving insulin resistance (thiazolidinediones). Our work shows that sulfonylureas and glinides bind to PPARγ and exhibit PPARγ agonistic activity. This result was predicted in silico by virtual screening and confirmed in vitro by three biological assays. This dual mode of action of sulfonylureas and glinides may open new perspectives for the molecular pharmacology of antidiabetic drugs, since it provides evidence that drugs can be designed which target both the sulfonylurea receptor and PPARγ. Targeting both receptors could in principle allow to increase pancreatic insulin secretion, as well as to improve insulin resistance.

  20. Pharmacophore-based virtual screening, biological evaluation and binding mode analysis of a novel protease-activated receptor 2 antagonist

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cho, Nam-Chul; Seo, Seoung-Hwan; Kim, Dohee; Shin, Ji-Sun; Ju, Jeongmin; Seong, Jihye; Seo, Seon Hee; Lee, Iiyoun; Lee, Kyung-Tae; Kim, Yun Kyung; No, Kyoung Tai; Pae, Ae Nim


    Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) is a G protein-coupled receptor, mediating inflammation and pain signaling in neurons, thus it is considered to be a potential therapeutic target for inflammatory diseases. In this study, we performed a ligand-based virtual screening of 1.6 million compounds by employing a common-feature pharmacophore model and two-dimensional similarity search to identify a new PAR2 antagonist. The common-feature pharmacophore model was established based on the biological screening results of our in-house library. The initial virtual screening yielded a total number of 47 hits, and additional biological activity tests including PAR2 antagonism and anti-inflammatory effects resulted in a promising candidate, compound 43, which demonstrated an IC50 value of 8.22 µM against PAR2. In next step, a PAR2 homology model was constructed using the crystal structure of the PAR1 as a template to explore the binding mode of the identified ligands. A molecular docking method was optimized by comparing the binding modes of a known PAR2 agonist GB110 and antagonist GB83, and applied to predict the binding mode of our hit compound 43. In-depth docking analyses revealed that the hydrophobic interaction with Phe2435.39 is crucial for PAR2 ligands to exert antagonistic activity. MD simulation results supported the predicted docking poses that PAR2 antagonist blocked a conformational rearrangement of Na+ allosteric site in contrast to PAR2 agonist that showed Na+ relocation upon GPCR activation. In conclusion, we identified new a PAR2 antagonist together with its binding mode, which provides useful insights for the design and development of PAR2 ligands.

  1. Virtual Vision

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Terzopoulos, Demetri; Qureshi, Faisal Z.

    Computer vision and sensor networks researchers are increasingly motivated to investigate complex multi-camera sensing and control issues that arise in the automatic visual surveillance of extensive, highly populated public spaces such as airports and train stations. However, they often encounter serious impediments to deploying and experimenting with large-scale physical camera networks in such real-world environments. We propose an alternative approach called "Virtual Vision", which facilitates this type of research through the virtual reality simulation of populated urban spaces, camera sensor networks, and computer vision on commodity computers. We demonstrate the usefulness of our approach by developing two highly automated surveillance systems comprising passive and active pan/tilt/zoom cameras that are deployed in a virtual train station environment populated by autonomous, lifelike virtual pedestrians. The easily reconfigurable virtual cameras distributed in this environment generate synthetic video feeds that emulate those acquired by real surveillance cameras monitoring public spaces. The novel multi-camera control strategies that we describe enable the cameras to collaborate in persistently observing pedestrians of interest and in acquiring close-up videos of pedestrians in designated areas.

  2. An information model for a virtual private optical network (OVPN) using virtual routers (VRs)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vo, Viet Minh Nhat


    This paper describes a virtual private optical network architecture (Optical VPN - OVPN) based on virtual router (VR). It improves over architectures suggested for virtual private networks by using virtual routers with optical networks. The new things in this architecture are necessary changes to adapt to devices and protocols used in optical networks. This paper also presents information models for the OVPN: at the architecture level and at the service level. These are extensions to the DEN (directory enable network) and CIM (Common Information Model) for OVPNs using VRs. The goal is to propose a common management model using policies.

  3. WarpEngine, a Flexible Platform for Distributed Computing Implemented in the VEGA Program and Specially Targeted for Virtual Screening Studies.


    Pedretti, Alessandro; Mazzolari, Angelica; Vistoli, Giulio


    The manuscript describes WarpEngine, a novel platform implemented within the VEGA ZZ suite of software for performing distributed simulations both in local and wide area networks. Despite being tailored for structure-based virtual screening campaigns, WarpEngine possesses the required flexibility to carry out distributed calculations utilizing various pieces of software, which can be easily encapsulated within this platform without changing their source codes. WarpEngine takes advantages of all cheminformatics features implemented in the VEGA ZZ program as well as of its largely customizable scripting architecture thus allowing an efficient distribution of various time-demanding simulations. To offer an example of the WarpEngine potentials, the manuscript includes a set of virtual screening campaigns based on the ACE data set of the DUD-E collections using PLANTS as the docking application. Benchmarking analyses revealed a satisfactory linearity of the WarpEngine performances, the speed-up values being roughly equal to the number of utilized cores. Again, the computed scalability values emphasized that a vast majority (i.e., >90%) of the performed simulations benefit from the distributed platform presented here. WarpEngine can be freely downloaded along with the VEGA ZZ program at .

  4. On Being Bored and Lost (in Virtuality)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moore, Kristen; Pflugfelder, Ehren Helmut


    Education in virtual worlds has the potential, it seems, for engaging students in innovative ways and for enabling new discourses on a host of issues. Virtual locations like "Second Life," "Kaneva," or "World of Warcraft," among other multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs), also come with unique challenges for educators as they consider the…

  5. Increasing Accessibility to the Blind of Virtual Environments, Using a Virtual Mobility Aid Based On the "EyeCane": Feasibility Study

    PubMed Central

    Maidenbaum, Shachar; Levy-Tzedek, Shelly; Chebat, Daniel-Robert; Amedi, Amir


    Virtual worlds and environments are becoming an increasingly central part of our lives, yet they are still far from accessible to the blind. This is especially unfortunate as such environments hold great potential for them for uses such as social interaction, online education and especially for use with familiarizing the visually impaired user with a real environment virtually from the comfort and safety of his own home before visiting it in the real world. We have implemented a simple algorithm to improve this situation using single-point depth information, enabling the blind to use a virtual cane, modeled on the “EyeCane” electronic travel aid, within any virtual environment with minimal pre-processing. Use of the Virtual-EyeCane, enables this experience to potentially be later used in real world environments with identical stimuli to those from the virtual environment. We show the fast-learned practical use of this algorithm for navigation in simple environments. PMID:23977316

  6. Structure-Based Virtual Screening for Dopamine D2 Receptor Ligands as Potential Antipsychotics.


    Kaczor, Agnieszka A; Silva, Andrea G; Loza, María I; Kolb, Peter; Castro, Marián; Poso, Antti


    Structure-based virtual screening using a D2 receptor homology model was performed to identify dopamine D2 receptor ligands as potential antipsychotics. From screening a library of 6.5 million compounds, 21 were selected and were subjected to experimental validation. From these 21 compounds tested, ten D2 ligands were identified (47.6% success rate, among them D2 receptor antagonists, as expected) that have additional affinity for other receptors tested, in particular 5-HT2A receptors. The affinity (Ki values) of the compounds ranged from 58 nm to about 24 μM. Similarity and fragment analysis indicated a significant degree of structural novelty among the identified compounds. We found one D2 receptor antagonist that did not have a protonatable nitrogen atom, which is a key structural element of the classical D2 pharmacophore model necessary for interaction with the conserved Asp(3.32) residue. This compound exhibited greater than 20-fold binding selectivity for the D2 receptor over the D3 receptor. We provide additional evidence that the amide hydrogen atom of this compound forms a hydrogen bond with Asp(3.32), as determined by tests of its derivatives that cannot maintain this interaction. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Analysis of a Moon outpost for Mars enabling technologies through a Virtual Reality environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Casini, Andrea E. M.; Maggiore, Paolo; Viola, Nicole; Basso, Valter; Ferrino, Marinella; Hoffman, Jeffrey A.; Cowley, Aidan


    The Moon is now being considered as the starting point for human exploration of the Solar System beyond low-Earth orbit. Many national space agencies are actively advocating to build up a lunar surface habitat capability starting from 2030 or earlier: according to ESA Technology Roadmaps for Exploration this should be the result of a broad international cooperation. Taking into account an incremental approach to reduce risks and costs of space missions, a lunar outpost can be considered as a test bed towards Mars, allowing to validate enabling technologies, such as water processing, waste management, power generation and storage, automation, robotics and human factors. Our natural satellite is rich in resources that could be used to pursue such a goal through a necessary assessment of ISRU techniques. The aim of this research is the analysis of a Moon outpost dedicated to the validation of enabling technologies for human space exploration. The main building blocks of the outpost are identified and feasible evolutionary scenarios are depicted, to highlight the incremental steps to build up the outpost. Main aspects that are dealt with include outpost location and architecture, as well as ISRU facilities, which in a far term future can help reduce the mass at launch, by producing hydrogen and oxygen for consumables, ECLSS, and propellant for Earth-Moon sorties and Mars journeys. A test outpost is implemented in a Virtual Reality (VR) environment as a first proof-of-concepts, where the elements are computer-based mock-ups. The VR facility has a first-person interactive perspective, allowing for specific in-depth analyses of ergonomics and operations. The feedbacks of these analyses are crucial to highlight requirements that might otherwise be overlooked, while their general outputs are fundamental to write down procedures. Moreover, the mimic of astronauts' EVAs is useful for pre-flight training, but can also represent an additional tool for failures troubleshooting

  8. Target specific proteochemometric model development for BACE1 - protein flexibility and structural water are critical in virtual screening.


    Manoharan, Prabu; Chennoju, Kiranmai; Ghoshal, Nanda


    BACE1 is an attractive target in Alzheimer's disease (AD) treatment. A rational drug design effort for the inhibition of BACE1 is actively pursued by researchers in both academic and pharmaceutical industries. This continued effort led to the steady accumulation of BACE1 crystal structures, co-complexed with different classes of inhibitors. This wealth of information is used in this study to develop target specific proteochemometric models and these models are exploited for predicting the prospective BACE1 inhibitors. The models developed in this study have performed excellently in predicting the computationally generated poses, separately obtained from single and ensemble docking approaches. The simple protein-ligand contact (SPLC) model outperforms other sophisticated high end models, in virtual screening performance, developed during this study. In an attempt to account for BACE1 protein active site flexibility information in predictive models, we included the change in the area of solvent accessible surface and the change in the volume of solvent accessible surface in our models. The ensemble and single receptor docking results obtained from this study indicate that the structural water mediated interactions improve the virtual screening results. Also, these waters are essential for recapitulating bioactive conformation during docking study. The proteochemometric models developed in this study can be used for the prediction of BACE1 inhibitors, during the early stage of AD drug discovery.

  9. Computer-aided drug design of falcipain inhibitors: virtual screening, structure-activity relationships, hydration site thermodynamics, and reactivity analysis.


    Shah, Falgun; Gut, Jiri; Legac, Jennifer; Shivakumar, Devleena; Sherman, Woody; Rosenthal, Philip J; Avery, Mitchell A


    Falcipains (FPs) are hemoglobinases of Plasmodium falciparum that are validated targets for the development of antimalarial chemotherapy. A combined ligand- and structure-based virtual screening of commercial databases was performed to identify structural analogs of virtual screening hits previously discovered in our laboratory. A total of 28 low micromolar inhibitors of FP-2 and FP-3 were identified and the structure-activity relationship (SAR) in each series was elaborated. The SAR of the compounds was unusually steep in some cases and could not be explained by a traditional analysis of the ligand-protein interactions (van der Waals, electrostatics, and hydrogen bonds). To gain further insights, a statistical thermodynamic analysis of explicit solvent in the ligand binding domains of FP-2 and FP-3 was carried out to understand the roles played by water molecules in binding of these inhibitors. Indeed, the energetics associated with the displacement of water molecules upon ligand binding explained some of the complex trends in the SAR. Furthermore, low potency of a subset of FP-2 inhibitors that could not be understood by the water energetics was explained in the context of poor chemical reactivity of the reactive centers of these compounds. The present study highlights the importance of considering energetic contributors to binding beyond traditional ligand-protein interactions. © 2012 American Chemical Society

  10. Identifying Novel Type ZBGs and Nonhydroxamate HDAC Inhibitors Through a SVM Based Virtual Screening Approach.


    Liu, X H; Song, H Y; Zhang, J X; Han, B C; Wei, X N; Ma, X H; Cui, W K; Chen, Y Z


    Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) have been successfully used for the treatment of cancers and other diseases. Search for novel type ZBGs and development of non-hydroxamate HDACi has become a focus in current research. To complement this, it is desirable to explore a virtual screening (VS) tool capable of identifying different types of potential inhibitors from large compound libraries with high yields and low false-hit rates similar to HTS. This work explored the use of support vector machines (SVM) combined with our newly developed putative non-inhibitor generation method as such a tool. SVM trained by 702 pre-2008 hydroxamate HDACi and 64334 putative non-HDACi showed good yields and low false-hit rates in cross-validation test and independent test using 220 diverse types of HDACi reported since 2008. The SVM hit rates in scanning 13.56 M PubChem and 168K MDDR compounds are comparable to HTS rates. Further structural analysis of SVM virtual hits suggests its potential for identification of non-hydroxamate HDACi. From this analysis, a series of novel ZBG and cap groups were proposed for HDACi design. Copyright © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. When Rural Reality Goes Virtual.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Husain, Dilshad D.


    In rural towns where sparse population and few business are barriers, virtual reality may be the only way to bring work-based learning to students. A partnership between a small-town high school, the Ohio Supercomputer Center, and a high-tech business will enable students to explore the workplace using virtual reality. (JOW)

  12. Virtual Worlds, Virtual Literacy: An Educational Exploration

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stoerger, Sharon


    Virtual worlds enable students to learn through seeing, knowing, and doing within visually rich and mentally engaging spaces. Rather than reading about events, students become part of the events through the adoption of a pre-set persona. Along with visual feedback that guides the players' activities and the development of visual skills, visual…

  13. Displays enabling mobile multimedia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kimmel, Jyrki


    With the rapid advances in telecommunications networks, mobile multimedia delivery to handsets is now a reality. While a truly immersive multimedia experience is still far ahead in the mobile world, significant advances have been made in the constituent audio-visual technologies to make this become possible. One of the critical components in multimedia delivery is the mobile handset display. While such alternatives as headset-style near-to-eye displays, autostereoscopic displays, mini-projectors, and roll-out flexible displays can deliver either a larger virtual screen size than the pocketable dimensions of the mobile device can offer, or an added degree of immersion by adding the illusion of the third dimension in the viewing experience, there are still challenges in the full deployment of such displays in real-life mobile communication terminals. Meanwhile, direct-view display technologies have developed steadily, and can provide a development platform for an even better viewing experience for multimedia in the near future. The paper presents an overview of the mobile display technology space with an emphasis on the advances and potential in developing direct-view displays further to meet the goal of enabling multimedia in the mobile domain.

  14. Using Virtual Patient Simulations to Prepare Primary Health Care Professionals to Conduct Substance Use and Mental Health Screening and Brief Intervention.


    Albright, Glenn; Bryan, Craig; Adam, Cyrille; McMillan, Jeremiah; Shockley, Kristen

    Primary health care professionals are in an excellent position to identify, screen, and conduct brief interventions for patients with mental health and substance use disorders. However, discomfort in initiating conversations about behavioral health, time concerns, lack of knowledge about screening tools, and treatment resources are barriers. This study examines the impact of an online simulation where users practice role-playing with emotionally responsive virtual patients to learn motivational interviewing strategies to better manage screening, brief interventions, and referral conversations. Baseline data were collected from 227 participants who were then randomly assigned into the treatment or wait-list control groups. Treatment group participants then completed the simulation, postsimulation survey, and 3-month follow-up survey. Results showed significant increases in knowledge/skill to identify and engage in collaborative decision making with patients. Results strongly suggest that role-play simulation experiences can be an effective means of teaching screening and brief intervention.

  15. Closing the feedback loop: engaging students in large first-year mathematics test revision sessions using pen-enabled screens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Donovan, Diane; Loch, Birgit


    How can active learning, peer learning and prompt feedback be achieved in large first-year mathematics classes? Further, what technologies may support these aims? In this article, we assert that test revision sessions in first-year mathematics held in a technology-enhanced lecture theatre can be highly interactive with students solving problems, learning from each other and receiving immediate feedback. This is facilitated by pen-enabled screens and synchronization software. We argue that the educational benefits achievable through the technology do outweigh the technological distractions, and that these benefits can be achieved by focused, targeted one-off sessions and not only by a semester-long, regular approach. Repeat mid-semester test revision sessions were offered on a non-compulsory basis using pen-enabled screens for all students. Students worked practice test questions and marked solutions to mathematical problems on the screens. Students' work was then displayed anonymously for their peers to see. Answers were discussed with the whole class. We discuss outcomes from two offerings of these sessions using student feedback and lecturer reflections and show the impact of participation on self-reported student confidence. Pedagogical approaches that the technology allowed for the first time in a large class are highlighted. Students responded uniformly positively.

  16. Constructing Virtual Training Demonstrations

    DTIC Science & Technology


    virtual environments have been shown to be effective for training, and distributed game -based architectures contribute an added benefit of wide...investigation of how a demonstration authoring toolset can be constructed from existing virtual training environments using 3-D multiplayer gaming ...intelligent agents project to create AI middleware for simulations and videogames . The result was SimBionic®, which enables users to graphically author

  17. Trainable structure-activity relationship model for virtual screening of CYP3A4 inhibition.


    Didziapetris, Remigijus; Dapkunas, Justas; Sazonovas, Andrius; Japertas, Pranas


    A new structure-activity relationship model predicting the probability for a compound to inhibit human cytochrome P450 3A4 has been developed using data for >800 compounds from various literature sources and tested on PubChem screening data. Novel GALAS (Global, Adjusted Locally According to Similarity) modeling methodology has been used, which is a combination of baseline global QSAR model and local similarity based corrections. GALAS modeling method allows forecasting the reliability of prediction thus defining the model applicability domain. For compounds within this domain the statistical results of the final model approach the data consistency between experimental data from literature and PubChem datasets with the overall accuracy of 89%. However, the original model is applicable only for less than a half of PubChem database. Since the similarity correction procedure of GALAS modeling method allows straightforward model training, the possibility to expand the applicability domain has been investigated. Experimental data from PubChem dataset served as an example of in-house high-throughput screening data. The model successfully adapted itself to both data classified using the same and different IC₅₀ threshold compared with the training set. In addition, adjustment of the CYP3A4 inhibition model to compounds with a novel chemical scaffold has been demonstrated. The reported GALAS model is proposed as a useful tool for virtual screening of compounds for possible drug-drug interactions even prior to the actual synthesis.

  18. FTree query construction for virtual screening: a statistical analysis.


    Gerlach, Christof; Broughton, Howard; Zaliani, Andrea


    FTrees (FT) is a known chemoinformatic tool able to condense molecular descriptions into a graph object and to search for actives in large databases using graph similarity. The query graph is classically derived from a known active molecule, or a set of actives, for which a similar compound has to be found. Recently, FT similarity has been extended to fragment space, widening its capabilities. If a user were able to build a knowledge-based FT query from information other than a known active structure, the similarity search could be combined with other, normally separate, fields like de-novo design or pharmacophore searches. With this aim in mind, we performed a comprehensive analysis of several databases in terms of FT description and provide a basic statistical analysis of the FT spaces so far at hand. Vendors' catalogue collections and MDDR as a source of potential or known "actives", respectively, have been used. With the results reported herein, a set of ranges, mean values and standard deviations for several query parameters are presented in order to set a reference guide for the users. Applications on how to use this information in FT query building are also provided, using a newly built 3D-pharmacophore from 57 5HT-1F agonists and a published one which was used for virtual screening for tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (TGT) inhibitors.

  19. FTree query construction for virtual screening: a statistical analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gerlach, Christof; Broughton, Howard; Zaliani, Andrea


    FTrees (FT) is a known chemoinformatic tool able to condense molecular descriptions into a graph object and to search for actives in large databases using graph similarity. The query graph is classically derived from a known active molecule, or a set of actives, for which a similar compound has to be found. Recently, FT similarity has been extended to fragment space, widening its capabilities. If a user were able to build a knowledge-based FT query from information other than a known active structure, the similarity search could be combined with other, normally separate, fields like de-novo design or pharmacophore searches. With this aim in mind, we performed a comprehensive analysis of several databases in terms of FT description and provide a basic statistical analysis of the FT spaces so far at hand. Vendors' catalogue collections and MDDR as a source of potential or known "actives", respectively, have been used. With the results reported herein, a set of ranges, mean values and standard deviations for several query parameters are presented in order to set a reference guide for the users. Applications on how to use this information in FT query building are also provided, using a newly built 3D-pharmacophore from 57 5HT-1F agonists and a published one which was used for virtual screening for tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (TGT) inhibitors.

  20. Combined Virtual Screening and Substructure Search for Discovery of Novel FABP4 Inhibitors.


    Cai, Haiyan; Wang, Ting; Yang, Zhuo; Xu, Zhijian; Wang, Guimin; Wang, He-Yao; Zhu, Weiliang; Chen, Kaixian


    Fatty acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4, AFABP) is a potential drug target for diabetes and atherosclerosis. In this study, a series of novel FABP4 inhibitors were discovered through combining virtual screening and substructure search. Seventeen compounds exhibited FABP4 inhibitory activities with IC 50 < 10 μM, among which 11 compounds showed high selectivity against FABP3. The best compound 36b displayed an IC 50 value of 1.5 μM. Molecular docking and point mutation studies revealed that Gln95, Arg126, and Tyr128 play key roles for these compounds binding with FABP4. Interestingly, Gln95 seems to be essential for conformation stability of FABP4. The new scaffolds of these compounds and their interaction mechanisms binding with FABP4 should provide an important clue for the further development of novel FABP4 inhibitors.

  1. Virtual and biomolecular screening converge on a selective agonist for GPR30.


    Bologa, Cristian G; Revankar, Chetana M; Young, Susan M; Edwards, Bruce S; Arterburn, Jeffrey B; Kiselyov, Alexander S; Parker, Matthew A; Tkachenko, Sergey E; Savchuck, Nikolay P; Sklar, Larry A; Oprea, Tudor I; Prossnitz, Eric R


    Estrogen is a hormone critical in the development, normal physiology and pathophysiology of numerous human tissues. The effects of estrogen have traditionally been solely ascribed to estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) and more recently ERbeta, members of the soluble, nuclear ligand-activated family of transcription factors. We have recently shown that the seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor GPR30 binds estrogen with high affinity and resides in the endoplasmic reticulum, where it activates multiple intracellular signaling pathways. To differentiate between the functions of ERalpha or ERbeta and GPR30, we used a combination of virtual and biomolecular screening to isolate compounds that selectively bind to GPR30. Here we describe the identification of the first GPR30-specific agonist, G-1 (1), capable of activating GPR30 in a complex environment of classical and new estrogen receptors. The development of compounds specific to estrogen receptor family members provides the opportunity to increase our understanding of these receptors and their contribution to estrogen biology.

  2. Identification of novel monoamine oxidase B inhibitors by structure-based virtual screening.


    Geldenhuys, Werner J; Darvesh, Altaf S; Funk, Max O; Van der Schyf, Cornelis J; Carroll, Richard T


    Parkinson's disease is a severe debilitating neurodegenerative disorder. Recently, it was shown that the peroxisome proliferating-activator receptor-gamma agonist pioglitazone protected mice from 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine neurotoxicity due to its ability to inhibit monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B). Docking studies were initiated to investigate pioglitazone's interactions within the substrate cavity of MAO-B. Modeling studies indicated that the thiazolidinedione (TZD) moiety was a likely candidate for its specificity to MAO-B. To explore this potential novel MAO-B scaffold, we performed a structure-based virtual screen to identify additional MAO-B inhibitors. Our search identified eight novel compounds containing the TZD-moiety that allowed for a limited study to identify structural requirements for binding to MAO-B. Inhibition assays identified two TZDs (A6355 and L136662) which were found to inhibit recombinant human MAO-B with IC(50) values of 82 and 195 nM, respectively. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Virtual Reality Calibration for Telerobotic Servicing

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kim, W.


    A virtual reality calibration technique of matching a virtual environment of simulated graphics models in 3-D geometry and perspective with actual camera views of the remote site task environment has been developed to enable high-fidelity preview/predictive displays with calibrated graphics overlay on live video.

  4. Effects of virtualization on a scientific application - Running a hyperspectral radiative transfer code on virtual machines.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Tikotekar, Anand A; Vallee, Geoffroy R; Naughton III, Thomas J


    The topic of system-level virtualization has recently begun to receive interest for high performance computing (HPC). This is in part due to the isolation and encapsulation offered by the virtual machine. These traits enable applications to customize their environments and maintain consistent software configurations in their virtual domains. Additionally, there are mechanisms that can be used for fault tolerance like live virtual machine migration. Given these attractive benefits to virtualization, a fundamental question arises, how does this effect my scientific application? We use this as the premise for our paper and observe a real-world scientific code running on a Xenmore » virtual machine. We studied the effects of running a radiative transfer simulation, Hydrolight, on a virtual machine. We discuss our methodology and report observations regarding the usage of virtualization with this application.« less

  5. Virtual screening of a milk peptide database for the identification of food-derived antimicrobial peptides.


    Liu, Yufang; Eichler, Jutta; Pischetsrieder, Monika


    Milk provides a wide range of bioactive substances, such as antimicrobial peptides and proteins. Our study aimed to identify novel antimicrobial peptides naturally present in milk. The components of an endogenous bovine milk peptide database were virtually screened for charge, amphipathy, and predicted secondary structure. Thus, 23 of 248 screened peptides were identified as candidates for antimicrobial effects. After commercial synthesis, their antimicrobial activities were determined against Escherichia coli NEB5α, E. coli ATCC25922, and Bacillus subtilis ATCC6051. In the tested concentration range (<2 mM), bacteriostatic activity of 14 peptides was detected including nine peptides inhibiting both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The most effective fragment was TKLTEEEKNRLNFLKKISQRYQKFΑLPQYLK corresponding to αS2 -casein151-181 , with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 4.0 μM against B. subtilis ATCC6051, and minimum inhibitory concentrations of 16.2 μM against both E. coli strains. Circular dichroism spectroscopy revealed conformational changes of most active peptides in a membrane-mimic environment, transitioning from an unordered to α-helical structure. Screening of food peptide databases by prediction tools is an efficient method to identify novel antimicrobial food-derived peptides. Milk-derived antimicrobial peptides may have potential use as functional food ingredients and help to understand the molecular mechanisms of anti-infective milk effects. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Hierarchical virtual screening of the dual MMP-2/HDAC-6 inhibitors from natural products based on pharmacophore models and molecular docking.


    Wang, Yijun; Yang, Limei; Hou, Jiaying; Zou, Qing; Gao, Qi; Yao, Wenhui; Yao, Qizheng; Zhang, Ji


    The dual-target inhibitors tend to improve the response rate in treating tumors, comparing with the single-target inhibitors. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and histone deacetylase-6 (HDAC-6) are attractive targets for cancer therapy. In this study, the hierarchical virtual screening of dual MMP-2/HDAC-6 inhibitors from natural products is investigated. The pharmacophore model of MMP-2 inhibitors is built based on ligands, but the pharmacophore model of HDAC-6 inhibitors is built based on the experimental crystal structures of multiple receptor-ligand complexes. The reliability of these two pharmacophore models is validated subsequently. The hierarchical virtual screening, combining these two different pharmacophore models of MMP-2 and HDAC-6 inhibitors with molecular docking, is carried out to identify the dual MMP-2/HDAC-6 inhibitors from a database of natural products. The four potential dual MMP-2/HDAC-6 inhibitors of natural products, STOCK1 N-46177, STOCK1 N-52245, STOCK1 N-55477, and STOCK1 N-69706, are found. The studies of binding modes show that the screened four natural products can simultaneously well bind with the MMP-2 and HDAC-6 active sites by different kinds of interactions, to inhibit the MMP-2 and HDAC-6 activities. In addition, the ADMET properties of screened four natural products are assessed. These found dual MMP-2/HDAC-6 inhibitors of natural products could serve as the lead compounds for designing the new dual MMP-2/HDAC-6 inhibitors having higher biological activities by carrying out structural modifications and optimizations in the future studies.

  7. Pharmacophore Based Virtual Screening Approach to Identify Selective PDE4B Inhibitors

    PubMed Central

    Gaurav, Anand; Gautam, Vertika


    Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) has been established as a promising target in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. PDE4B subtype selective inhibitors are known to reduce the dose limiting adverse effect associated with non-selective PDE4B inhibitors. This makes the development of PDE4B subtype selective inhibitors a desirable research goal. To achieve this goal, ligand based pharmacophore modeling approach is employed. Separate pharmacophore hypotheses for PDE4B and PDE4D inhibitors were generated using HypoGen algorithm and 106 PDE4 inhibitors from literature having thiopyrano [3,2-d] Pyrimidines, 2-arylpyrimidines, and triazines skeleton. Suitable training and test sets were created using the molecules as per the guidelines available for HypoGen program. Training set was used for hypothesis development while test set was used for validation purpose. Fisher validation was also used to test the significance of the developed hypothesis. The validated pharmacophore hypotheses for PDE4B and PDE4D inhibitors were used in sequential virtual screening of zinc database of drug like molecules to identify selective PDE4B inhibitors. The hits were screened for their estimated activity and fit value. The top hit was subjected to docking into the active sites of PDE4B and PDE4D to confirm its selectivity for PDE4B. The hits are proposed to be evaluated further using in-vitro assays. PMID:29201082

  8. Shader Lamps Virtual Patients: the physical manifestation of virtual patients.


    Rivera-Gutierrez, Diego; Welch, Greg; Lincoln, Peter; Whitton, Mary; Cendan, Juan; Chesnutt, David A; Fuchs, Henry; Lok, Benjamin


    We introduce the notion of Shader Lamps Virtual Patients (SLVP) - the combination of projector-based Shader Lamps Avatars and interactive virtual humans. This paradigm uses Shader Lamps Avatars technology to give a 3D physical presence to conversational virtual humans, improving their social interactivity and enabling them to share the physical space with the user. The paradigm scales naturally to multiple viewers, allowing for scenarios where an instructor and multiple students are involved in the training. We have developed a physical-virtual patient for medical students to conduct ophthalmic exams, in an interactive training experience. In this experience, the trainee practices multiple skills simultaneously, including using a surrogate optical instrument in front of a physical head, conversing with the patient about his fears, observing realistic head motion, and practicing patient safety. Here we present a prototype system and results from a preliminary formative evaluation of the system.

  9. Virtual Proprioception for eccentric training.


    LeMoyne, Robert; Mastroianni, Timothy


    Wireless inertial sensors enable quantified feedback, which can be applied to evaluate the efficacy of therapy and rehabilitation. In particular eccentric training promotes a beneficial rehabilitation and strength training strategy. Virtual Proprioception for eccentric training applies real-time feedback from a wireless gyroscope platform enabled through a software application for a smartphone. Virtual Proprioception for eccentric training is applied to the eccentric phase of a biceps brachii strength training and contrasted to a biceps brachii strength training scenario without feedback. During the operation of Virtual Proprioception for eccentric training the intent is to not exceed a prescribed gyroscope signal threshold based on the real-time presentation of the gyroscope signal, in order to promote the eccentric aspect of the strength training endeavor. The experimental trial data is transmitted wireless through connectivity to the Internet as an email attachment for remote post-processing. A feature set is derived from the gyroscope signal for machine learning classification of the two scenarios of Virtual Proprioception real-time feedback for eccentric training and eccentric training without feedback. Considerable classification accuracy is achieved through the application of a multilayer perceptron neural network for distinguishing between the Virtual Proprioception real-time feedback for eccentric training and eccentric training without feedback.

  10. Virtual Screening Techniques to Probe the Antimalarial Activity of some Traditionally Used Phytochemicals.


    Shibi, Indira G; Aswathy, Lilly; Jisha, Radhakrishnan S; Masand, Vijay H; Gajbhiye, Jayant M


    Malaria parasites show resistance to most of the antimalarial drugs and hence developing antimalarials which can act on multitargets rather than a single target will be a promising strategy of drug design. Here we report a new approach by which virtual screening of 292 unique phytochemicals present in 72 traditionally important herbs is used for finding out inhibitors of plasmepsin-2 and falcipain-2 for antimalarial activity against P. falciparum. Initial screenings of the selected molecules by Random Forest algorithm model of Weka using the bioassay datasets AID 504850 and AID 2302 screened 120 out of the total 292 phytochemicals to be active against the targets. Toxtree scan cautioned 21 compounds to be either carcinogenic or mutagenic and were thus removed for further analysis. Out of the remaining 99 compounds, only 46 compounds offered drug-likeness as per the 'rule of five' criteria. Out of ten antimalarial drug targets, only two target proteins such as 3BPF and 3PNR of falcipain-2 and 1PFZ and 2BJU of plasmepsin-2 are selected as targets. The potential binding of the selected 46 compounds to the active sites of these four targets was analyzed using MOE software. The docked conformations and the interactions with the binding pocket residues of the target proteins were understood by 'Ligplot' analysis. It has been found that 8 compounds are dual inhibitors of falcipain-2 and plasmepsin-2, with the best binding energies. Compound 117 (6aR, 12aS)-12a-Hydroxy-9-methoxy-2,3-dimethylenedioxy-8-prenylrotenone (Usaratenoid C) present in the plant Millettia usaramensis showed maximum molecular docking score.

  11. Combinatorial support vector machines approach for virtual screening of selective multi-target serotonin reuptake inhibitors from large compound libraries.


    Shi, Z; Ma, X H; Qin, C; Jia, J; Jiang, Y Y; Tan, C Y; Chen, Y Z


    Selective multi-target serotonin reuptake inhibitors enhance antidepressant efficacy. Their discovery can be facilitated by multiple methods, including in silico ones. In this study, we developed and tested an in silico method, combinatorial support vector machines (COMBI-SVMs), for virtual screening (VS) multi-target serotonin reuptake inhibitors of seven target pairs (serotonin transporter paired with noradrenaline transporter, H(3) receptor, 5-HT(1A) receptor, 5-HT(1B) receptor, 5-HT(2C) receptor, melanocortin 4 receptor and neurokinin 1 receptor respectively) from large compound libraries. COMBI-SVMs trained with 917-1951 individual target inhibitors correctly identified 22-83.3% (majority >31.1%) of the 6-216 dual inhibitors collected from literature as independent testing sets. COMBI-SVMs showed moderate to good target selectivity in misclassifying as dual inhibitors 2.2-29.8% (majority <15.4%) of the individual target inhibitors of the same target pair and 0.58-7.1% of the other 6 targets outside the target pair. COMBI-SVMs showed low dual inhibitor false hit rates (0.006-0.056%, 0.042-0.21%, 0.2-4%) in screening 17 million PubChem compounds, 168,000 MDDR compounds, and 7-8181 MDDR compounds similar to the dual inhibitors. Compared with similarity searching, k-NN and PNN methods, COMBI-SVM produced comparable dual inhibitor yields, similar target selectivity, and lower false hit rate in screening 168,000 MDDR compounds. The annotated classes of many COMBI-SVMs identified MDDR virtual hits correlate with the reported effects of their predicted targets. COMBI-SVM is potentially useful for searching selective multi-target agents without explicit knowledge of these agents. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Tandem application of ligand-based virtual screening and G4-OAS assay to identify novel G-quadruplex-targeting chemotypes.


    Musumeci, Domenica; Amato, Jussara; Zizza, Pasquale; Platella, Chiara; Cosconati, Sandro; Cingolani, Chiara; Biroccio, Annamaria; Novellino, Ettore; Randazzo, Antonio; Giancola, Concetta; Pagano, Bruno; Montesarchio, Daniela


    G-quadruplex (G4) structures are key elements in the regulation of cancer cell proliferation and their targeting is deemed to be a promising strategy in anticancer therapy. A tandem application of ligand-based virtual screening (VS) calculations together with the experimental G-quadruplex on Oligo Affinity Support (G4-OAS) assay was employed to discover novel G4-targeting compounds. The interaction of the selected compounds with the investigated G4 in solution was analysed through a series of biophysical techniques and their biological activity investigated by immunofluorescence and MTT assays. A focused library of 60 small molecules, designed as putative G4 groove binders, was identified through the VS. The G4-OAS experimental screening led to the selection of 7 ligands effectively interacting with the G4-forming human telomeric DNA. Evaluation of the biological activity of the selected compounds showed that 3 ligands of this sub-library induced a marked telomere-localized DNA damage response in human tumour cells. The combined application of virtual and experimental screening tools proved to be a successful strategy to identify new bioactive chemotypes able to target the telomeric G4 DNA. These compounds may represent useful leads for the development of more potent and selective G4 ligands. Expanding the repertoire of the available G4-targeting chemotypes with improved physico-chemical features, in particular aiming at the discovery of novel, selective G4 telomeric ligands, can help in developing effective anti-cancer drugs with fewer side effects. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "G-quadruplex" Guest Editor: Dr. Concetta Giancola and Dr. Daniela Montesarchio. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Risks of Colorectal Cancer Screening


    ... blood test Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy Virtual colonoscopy DNA stool test Studies have shown that screening for colorectal cancer using ... decrease the risk of dying from cancer. Scientists study screening tests to find those with the fewest risks and ...

  14. Rational approach to identify newer caspase-1 inhibitors using pharmacophore based virtual screening, docking and molecular dynamic simulation studies.


    Patel, Shivani; Modi, Palmi; Chhabria, Mahesh


    Caspase-1 is a key endoprotease responsible for the post-translational processing of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, 18 & 33. Excessive secretion of IL-1β leads to numerous inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Thus caspase-1 inhibition would be considered as an important therapeutic strategy for development of newer anti-inflammatory agents. Here we have employed an integrated virtual screening by combining pharmacophore mapping and docking to identify small molecules as caspase-1 inhibitors. The ligand based 3D pharmacophore model was generated having the essential structural features of (HBA, HY & RA) using a data set of 27 compounds. A validated pharmacophore hypothesis (Hypo 1) was used to screen ZINC and Minimaybridge chemical databases. The retrieved virtual hits were filtered by ADMET properties and molecular docking analysis. Subsequently, the cross-docking study was also carried out using crystal structure of caspase-1, 3, 7 and 8 to identify the key residual interaction for specific caspase-1 inhibition. Finally, the best mapped and top scored (ZINC00885612, ZINC72003647, BTB04175 and BTB04410) molecules were subjected to molecular dynamics simulation for accessing the dynamic structure of protein after ligand binding. This study identifies the most promising hits, which can be leads for the development of novel caspase-1 inhibitors as anti-inflammatory agents. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Discovery of Natural Products as Novel and Potent FXR Antagonists by Virtual Screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Diao, Yanyan; Jiang, Jing; Zhang, Shoude; Li, Shiliang; Shan, Lei; Huang, Jin; Zhang, Weidong; Li, Honglin


    Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is a member of nuclear receptor family involved in multiple physiological processes through regulating specific target genes. The critical role of FXR as a transcriptional regulator makes it a promising target for diverse diseases, especially those related to metabolic disorders such as diabetes and cholestasis. However, the underlying activation mechanism of FXR is still a blur owing to the absence of proper FXR modulators. To identify potential FXR modulators, an in-house natural product database (NPD) containing over 4000 compounds was screened by structure-based virtual screening strategy and subsequent hit-based similarity searching method. After the yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) assay, six natural products were identified as FXR antagonists which blocked the CDCA-induced SRC-1 association. The IC50 values of compounds 2a, a diterpene bearing polycyclic skeleton, and 3a, named daphneone with chain scaffold, are as low as 1.29 μM and 1.79 μM, respectively. Compared to the control compound guggulsterone (IC50 = 6.47 μM), compounds 2a and 3a displayed 5-fold and 3-fold higher antagonistic activities against FXR, respectively. Remarkably, the two representative compounds shared low topological similarities with other reported FXR antagonists. According to the putative binding poses, the molecular basis of these antagonists against FXR was also elucidated in this report.

  16. Identification of novel Trypanosoma cruzi prolyl oligopeptidase inhibitors by structure-based virtual screening

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Almeida, Hugo; Leroux, Vincent; Motta, Flávia Nader; Grellier, Philippe; Maigret, Bernard; Santana, Jaime M.; Bastos, Izabela Marques Dourado


    We have previously demonstrated that the secreted prolyl oligopeptidase of Trypanosoma cruzi (POPTc80) is involved in the infection process by facilitating parasite migration through the extracellular matrix. We have built a 3D structural model where POPTc80 is formed by a catalytic α/β-hydrolase domain and a β-propeller domain, and in which the substrate docks at the inter-domain interface, suggesting a "jaw opening" gating access mechanism. This preliminary model was refined by molecular dynamics simulations and next used for a virtual screening campaign, whose predictions were tested by standard binding assays. This strategy was successful as all 13 tested molecules suggested from the in silico calculations were found out to be active POPTc80 inhibitors in the micromolar range (lowest K i at 667 nM). This work paves the way for future development of innovative drugs against Chagas disease.

  17. Creating Virtual-hand and Virtual-face Illusions to Investigate Self-representation

    PubMed Central

    Ma, Ke; Lippelt, Dominique P.; Hommel, Bernhard


    Studies investigating how people represent themselves and their own body often use variants of "ownership illusions", such as the traditional rubber-hand illusion or the more recently discovered enfacement illusion. However, these examples require rather artificial experimental setups, in which the artificial effector needs to be stroked in synchrony with the participants' real hand or face—a situation in which participants have no control over the stroking or the movements of their real or artificial effector. Here, we describe a technique to establish ownership illusions in a setup that is more realistic, more intuitive, and of presumably higher ecological validity. It allows creating the virtual-hand illusion by having participants control the movements of a virtual hand presented on a screen or in virtual space in front of them. If the virtual hand moves in synchrony with the participants' own real hand, they tend to perceive the virtual hand as part of their own body. The technique also creates the virtual-face illusion by having participants control the movements of a virtual face in front of them, again with the effect that they tend to perceive the face as their own if it moves in synchrony with their real face. Studying the circumstances that illusions of this sort can be created, increased, or reduced provides important information about how people create and maintain representations of themselves. PMID:28287602

  18. A review on PARP1 inhibitors: Pharmacophore modeling, virtual and biological screening studies to identify novel PARP1 inhibitors.


    Singh, Sardar Shamshair; Sarma, Jagarlapudi A R P; Narasu, Lakshmi; Dayam, Raveendra; Xu, Shili; Neamati, Nouri


    A tremendous research on Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) pertaining to cancer and ischemia is in very rapid progress. PARP's are a specific class of enzymes that repairs the damaged DNA. Recent findings suggest also that PARP-1 is the most abundantly expressed nuclear enzyme which involves in various therapeutic areas like inflammation, stroke, cardiac ischemia, cancer and diabetes. The current review describes the overview on clinical candidates of PARP1 and its current status in clinical trials. This paper also covers identification of potent PARP1 inhibitors using structure and ligand based pharmacophore models. Finally 36 potential hits were identified from the virtual screening of pharmacophore models and screened for PARP1 activity. 15 actives were identified as potent PARP1 inhibitors and further optimization of these analogues are in progress.

  19. Virtually There.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lanier, Jaron


    Describes tele-immersion, a new medium for human interaction enabled by digital technologies. It combines the display and interaction techniques of virtual reality with new vision technologies that transcend the traditional limitations of a camera. Tele-immersion stations observe people as moving sculptures without favoring a single point of view.…

  20. A Cross-Disciplinary Literature Review: Examining Trust on Virtual Teams

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Berry, Gregory R.


    Effective and efficient teams communicate, collaborate, and perform, even if these teams are not co-located. Although much is known about enabling effectiveness on face-to-face teams, considerably less is known about similarly enabling effectiveness on virtual teams. Yet the use of virtual teams is common and will likely become more commonplace as…

  1. Computational fragment-based screening using RosettaLigand: the SAMPL3 challenge

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kumar, Ashutosh; Zhang, Kam Y. J.


    SAMPL3 fragment based virtual screening challenge provides a valuable opportunity for researchers to test their programs, methods and screening protocols in a blind testing environment. We participated in SAMPL3 challenge and evaluated our virtual fragment screening protocol, which involves RosettaLigand as the core component by screening a 500 fragments Maybridge library against bovine pancreatic trypsin. Our study reaffirmed that the real test for any virtual screening approach would be in a blind testing environment. The analyses presented in this paper also showed that virtual screening performance can be improved, if a set of known active compounds is available and parameters and methods that yield better enrichment are selected. Our study also highlighted that to achieve accurate orientation and conformation of ligands within a binding site, selecting an appropriate method to calculate partial charges is important. Another finding is that using multiple receptor ensembles in docking does not always yield better enrichment than individual receptors. On the basis of our results and retrospective analyses from SAMPL3 fragment screening challenge we anticipate that chances of success in a fragment screening process could be increased significantly with careful selection of receptor structures, protein flexibility, sufficient conformational sampling within binding pocket and accurate assignment of ligand and protein partial charges.

  2. Structure-Based Virtual Screening and Biochemical Evaluation for the Identification of Novel Trypanosoma Brucei Aldolase Inhibitors.


    Ferreira, Leonardo L G; Ferreira, Rafaela S; Palomino, David L; Andricopulo, Adriano D


    The glycolytic enzyme fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase is a validated molecular target in human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) drug discovery, a neglected tropical disease (NTD) caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma brucei. Herein, a structure-based virtual screening (SBVS) approach to the identification of novel T. brucei aldolase inhibitors is described. Distinct molecular docking algorithms were used to screen more than 500,000 compounds against the X-ray structure of the enzyme. This SBVS strategy led to the selection of a series of molecules which were evaluated for their activity on recombinant T. brucei aldolase. The effort led to the discovery of structurally new ligands able to inhibit the catalytic activity the enzyme. The predicted binding conformations were additionally investigated in molecular dynamics simulations, which provided useful insights into the enzyme-inhibitor intermolecular interactions. The molecular modeling results along with the enzyme inhibition data generated practical knowledge to be explored in further structure-based drug design efforts in HAT drug discovery. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  3. Cooperation, Coordination, and Trust in Virtual Teams: Insights from Virtual Games

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Korsgaard, M. Audrey; Picot, Arnold; Wigand, Rolf T.; Welpe, Isabelle M.; Assmann, Jakob J.

    This chapter considers fundamental concepts of effective virtual teams, illustrated by research on Travian, a massively multiplayer online strategy game wherein players seek to build empires. Team inputs are the resources that enable individuals to work interdependently toward a common goal, including individual and collective capabilities, shared knowledge structures, and leadership style. Team processes, notably coordination and cooperation, transform team inputs to desired collective outcomes. Because the members of virtual teams are geographically dispersed, relying on information and communication technology, three theories are especially relevant for understanding how they can function effectively: social presence theory, media richness theory, and media synchronicity theory. Research in settings like Travian can inform our understanding of structures, processes, and performance of virtual teams. Such research could provide valuable insight into the emergence and persistence of trust and cooperation, as well as the impact of different communication media for coordination and information management in virtual organizations.

  4. CamMedNP: building the Cameroonian 3D structural natural products database for virtual screening.


    Ntie-Kang, Fidele; Mbah, James A; Mbaze, Luc Meva'a; Lifongo, Lydia L; Scharfe, Michael; Hanna, Joelle Ngo; Cho-Ngwa, Fidelis; Onguéné, Pascal Amoa; Owono Owono, Luc C; Megnassan, Eugene; Sippl, Wolfgang; Efange, Simon M N


    Computer-aided drug design (CADD) often involves virtual screening (VS) of large compound datasets and the availability of such is vital for drug discovery protocols. We present CamMedNP - a new database beginning with more than 2,500 compounds of natural origin, along with some of their derivatives which were obtained through hemisynthesis. These are pure compounds which have been previously isolated and characterized using modern spectroscopic methods and published by several research teams spread across Cameroon. In the present study, 224 distinct medicinal plant species belonging to 55 plant families from the Cameroonian flora have been considered. About 80 % of these have been previously published and/or referenced in internationally recognized journals. For each compound, the optimized 3D structure, drug-like properties, plant source, collection site and currently known biological activities are given, as well as literature references. We have evaluated the "drug-likeness" of this database using Lipinski's "Rule of Five". A diversity analysis has been carried out in comparison with the ChemBridge diverse database. CamMedNP could be highly useful for database screening and natural product lead generation programs.

  5. Best Matching Protein Conformations and Docking Programs for a Virtual Screening Campaign Against SMO Receptor.


    Amendola, Giorgio; Di Maio, Danilo; La Pietra, Valeria; Cosconati, Sandro


    SMO receptor is one of the main components of the Hedgehog biochemical pathway. In the last decades compelling body of evidence demonstrated that this receptor is a pertinent target for the treatment of various types of solid tumors. Recently, the X-ray determination of the three-dimensional structure of SMO in complex with different antagonists opened up the way for the structure-based design of new antagonists for this receptor that could possibly overcome the limitations connected with the induction of acquired tumor resistance. Herein, taking advantage of three different docking software (namely Glide, PLANTS, and Vina) and of the available SMO structures we set up a retrospective virtual screening (VS) protocol. A database, made up by known SMO antagonists and compounds with no alleged activity against the receptor was created and screened against the different SMO structures. To evaluate the performance of the ranking in VS calculations different statistical metrics (EF, AUAC and BEDROC) were employed allowing to identify the best performing VS docking protocol. Results of these studies will serve as a platform for the application of structure-based VS against the pharmaceutically relevant SMO receptor. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Virtual environment architecture for rapid application development

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Grinstein, Georges G.; Southard, David A.; Lee, J. P.


    We describe the MITRE Virtual Environment Architecture (VEA), a product of nearly two years of investigations and prototypes of virtual environment technology. This paper discusses the requirements for rapid prototyping, and an architecture we are developing to support virtual environment construction. VEA supports rapid application development by providing a variety of pre-built modules that can be reconfigured for each application session. The modules supply interfaces for several types of interactive I/O devices, in addition to large-screen or head-mounted displays.

  7. Game-Based Virtual Worlds as Decentralized Virtual Activity Systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Scacchi, Walt

    There is widespread interest in the development and use of decentralized systems and virtual world environments as possible new places for engaging in collaborative work activities. Similarly, there is widespread interest in stimulating new technological innovations that enable people to come together through social networking, file/media sharing, and networked multi-player computer game play. A decentralized virtual activity system (DVAS) is a networked computer supported work/play system whose elements and social activities can be both virtual and decentralized (Scacchi et al. 2008b). Massively multi-player online games (MMOGs) such as World of Warcraft and online virtual worlds such as Second Life are each popular examples of a DVAS. Furthermore, these systems are beginning to be used for research, deve-lopment, and education activities in different science, technology, and engineering domains (Bainbridge 2007, Bohannon et al. 2009; Rieber 2005; Scacchi and Adams 2007; Shaffer 2006), which are also of interest here. This chapter explores two case studies of DVASs developed at the University of California at Irvine that employ game-based virtual worlds to support collaborative work/play activities in different settings. The settings include those that model and simulate practical or imaginative physical worlds in different domains of science, technology, or engineering through alternative virtual worlds where players/workers engage in different kinds of quests or quest-like workflows (Jakobsson 2006).

  8. Influence relevance voting: an accurate and interpretable virtual high throughput screening method.


    Swamidass, S Joshua; Azencott, Chloé-Agathe; Lin, Ting-Wan; Gramajo, Hugo; Tsai, Shiou-Chuan; Baldi, Pierre


    Given activity training data from high-throughput screening (HTS) experiments, virtual high-throughput screening (vHTS) methods aim to predict in silico the activity of untested chemicals. We present a novel method, the Influence Relevance Voter (IRV), specifically tailored for the vHTS task. The IRV is a low-parameter neural network which refines a k-nearest neighbor classifier by nonlinearly combining the influences of a chemical's neighbors in the training set. Influences are decomposed, also nonlinearly, into a relevance component and a vote component. The IRV is benchmarked using the data and rules of two large, open, competitions, and its performance compared to the performance of other participating methods, as well as of an in-house support vector machine (SVM) method. On these benchmark data sets, IRV achieves state-of-the-art results, comparable to the SVM in one case, and significantly better than the SVM in the other, retrieving three times as many actives in the top 1% of its prediction-sorted list. The IRV presents several other important advantages over SVMs and other methods: (1) the output predictions have a probabilistic semantic; (2) the underlying inferences are interpretable; (3) the training time is very short, on the order of minutes even for very large data sets; (4) the risk of overfitting is minimal, due to the small number of free parameters; and (5) additional information can easily be incorporated into the IRV architecture. Combined with its performance, these qualities make the IRV particularly well suited for vHTS.

  9. Structure-based Virtual Screening and Identification of a Novel Androgen Receptor Antagonist*

    PubMed Central

    Song, Chin-Hee; Yang, Su Hui; Park, Eunsook; Cho, Suk Hee; Gong, Eun-Yeung; Khadka, Daulat Bikram; Cho, Won-Jea; Lee, Keesook


    Hormonal therapies, mainly combinations of anti-androgens and androgen deprivation, have been the mainstay treatment for advanced prostate cancer because the androgen-androgen receptor (AR) system plays a pivotal role in the development and progression of prostate cancers. However, the emergence of androgen resistance, largely due to inefficient anti-hormone action, limits the therapeutic usefulness of these therapies. Here, we report that 6-(3,4-dihydro-1H-isoquinolin-2-yl)-N-(6-methylpyridin-2-yl)nicotinamide (DIMN) acts as a novel anti-androgenic compound that may be effective in the treatment of both androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancers. Through AR structure-based virtual screening using the FlexX docking model, fifty-four compounds were selected and further screened for AR antagonism via cell-based tests. One compound, DIMN, showed an antagonistic effect specific to AR with comparable potency to that of the classical AR antagonists, hydroxyflutamide and bicalutamide. Consistent with their anti-androgenic activity, DIMN inhibited the growth of androgen-dependent LNCaP prostate cancer cells. Interestingly, the compound also suppressed the growth of androgen-independent C4–2 and CWR22rv prostate cancer cells, which express a functional AR, but did not suppress the growth of the AR-negative prostate cancer cells PPC-1, DU145, and R3327-AT3.1. Taken together, the results suggest that the synthetic compound DIMN is a novel anti-androgen and strong candidate for useful therapeutic agent against early stage to advanced prostate cancer. PMID:22798067

  10. SPOT-ligand 2: improving structure-based virtual screening by binding-homology search on an expanded structural template library.


    Litfin, Thomas; Zhou, Yaoqi; Yang, Yuedong


    The high cost of drug discovery motivates the development of accurate virtual screening tools. Binding-homology, which takes advantage of known protein-ligand binding pairs, has emerged as a powerful discrimination technique. In order to exploit all available binding data, modelled structures of ligand-binding sequences may be used to create an expanded structural binding template library. SPOT-Ligand 2 has demonstrated significantly improved screening performance over its previous version by expanding the template library 15 times over the previous one. It also performed better than or similar to other binding-homology approaches on the DUD and DUD-E benchmarks. The server is available online at . or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  11. Virtual screening and biological evaluation of piperazine derivatives as human acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.


    Varadaraju, Kavitha Raj; Kumar, Jajur Ramanna; Mallesha, Lingappa; Muruli, Archana; Mohana, Kikkeri Narasimha Shetty; Mukunda, Chethan Kumar; Sharanaiah, Umesha


    The piperazine derivatives have been shown to inhibit human acetylcholinesterase. Virtual screening by molecular docking of piperazine derivatives 1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (K), 4-(4-methyl)-benzenesulfonyl-1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (S1), and 4-(4-chloro)-benzenesulfonyl-1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (S3) has been shown to bind at peripheral anionic site and catalytic sites, whereas 4-benzenesulfonyl-1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (S4) and 4-(2,5-dichloro)-benzenesulfonyl-1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (S7) do not bind either to peripheral anionic site or catalytic site with hydrogen bond. All the derivatives have differed in number of H-bonds and hydrophobic interactions. The peripheral anionic site interacting molecules have proven to be potential therapeutics in inhibiting amyloid peptides aggregation in Alzheimer's disease. All the piperazine derivatives follow Lipinski's rule of five. Among all the derivatives 1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (K) was found to have the lowest TPSA value.

  12. Virtual Screening and Biological Evaluation of Piperazine Derivatives as Human Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

    PubMed Central

    Varadaraju, Kavitha Raj; Kumar, Jajur Ramanna; Mallesha, Lingappa; Muruli, Archana; Mohana, Kikkeri Narasimha Shetty; Mukunda, Chethan Kumar; Sharanaiah, Umesha


    The piperazine derivatives have been shown to inhibit human acetylcholinesterase. Virtual screening by molecular docking of piperazine derivatives 1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (K), 4-(4-methyl)-benzenesulfonyl-1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (S1), and 4-(4-chloro)-benzenesulfonyl-1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (S3) has been shown to bind at peripheral anionic site and catalytic sites, whereas 4-benzenesulfonyl-1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (S4) and 4-(2,5-dichloro)-benzenesulfonyl-1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (S7) do not bind either to peripheral anionic site or catalytic site with hydrogen bond. All the derivatives have differed in number of H-bonds and hydrophobic interactions. The peripheral anionic site interacting molecules have proven to be potential therapeutics in inhibiting amyloid peptides aggregation in Alzheimer's disease. All the piperazine derivatives follow Lipinski's rule of five. Among all the derivatives 1-(1,4-benzodioxane-2-carbonyl) piperazine (K) was found to have the lowest TPSA value. PMID:24288651

  13. Performance of a docking/molecular dynamics protocol for virtual screening of nutlin-class inhibitors of Mdmx.


    Bharatham, Nagakumar; Finch, Kristin E; Min, Jaeki; Mayasundari, Anand; Dyer, Michael A; Guy, R Kiplin; Bashford, Donald


    A virtual screening protocol involving docking and molecular dynamics has been tested against the results of fluorescence polarization assays testing the potency of a series of compounds of the nutlin class for inhibition of the interaction between p53 and Mdmx, an interaction identified as a driver of certain cancers. The protocol uses a standard docking method (AutoDock) with a cutoff based on the AutoDock score (ADscore), followed by molecular dynamics simulation with a cutoff based on root-mean-square-deviation (RMSD) from the docked pose. An analysis of the experimental and computational results shows modest performance of ADscore alone, but dramatically improved performance when RMSD is also used. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  14. The role of affordances in children's learning performance and efficiency when using virtual manipulative mathematics touch-screen apps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Moyer-Packenham, Patricia S.; Bullock, Emma K.; Shumway, Jessica F.; Tucker, Stephen I.; Watts, Christina M.; Westenskow, Arla; Anderson-Pence, Katie L.; Maahs-Fladung, Cathy; Boyer-Thurgood, Jennifer; Gulkilik, Hilal; Jordan, Kerry


    This paper focuses on understanding the role that affordances played in children's learning performance and efficiency during clinical interviews of their interactions with mathematics apps on touch-screen devices. One hundred children, ages 3 to 8, each used six different virtual manipulative mathematics apps during 30-40-min interviews. The study used a convergent mixed methods design, in which quantitative and qualitative data were collected concurrently to answer the research questions (Creswell and Plano Clark 2011). Videos were used to capture each child's interactions with the virtual manipulative mathematics apps, document learning performance and efficiency, and record children's interactions with the affordances within the apps. Quantitized video data answered the research question on differences in children's learning performance and efficiency between pre- and post-assessments. A Wilcoxon matched pairs signed-rank test was used to explore these data. Qualitative video data was used to identify affordance access by children when using each app, identifying 95 potential helping and hindering affordances among the 18 apps. The results showed that there were changes in children's learning performance and efficiency when children accessed a helping or a hindering affordance. Helping affordances were more likely to be accessed by children who progressed between the pre- and post-assessments, and the same affordances had helping and hindering effects for different children. These results have important implications for the design of virtual manipulative mathematics learning apps.

  15. Low cost heads-up virtual reality (HUVR) with optical tracking and haptic feedback

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Margolis, Todd; DeFanti, Thomas A.; Dawe, Greg; Prudhomme, Andrew; Schulze, Jurgen P.; Cutchin, Steve


    Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have created a new, relatively low-cost augmented reality system that enables users to touch the virtual environment they are immersed in. The Heads-Up Virtual Reality device (HUVR) couples a consumer 3D HD flat screen TV with a half-silvered mirror to project any graphic image onto the user's hands and into the space surrounding them. With his or her head position optically tracked to generate the correct perspective view, the user maneuvers a force-feedback (haptic) device to interact with the 3D image, literally 'touching' the object's angles and contours as if it was a tangible physical object. HUVR can be used for training and education in structural and mechanical engineering, archaeology and medicine as well as other tasks that require hand-eye coordination. One of the most unique characteristics of HUVR is that a user can place their hands inside of the virtual environment without occluding the 3D image. Built using open-source software and consumer level hardware, HUVR offers users a tactile experience in an immersive environment that is functional, affordable and scalable.

  16. Australian nurses in general practice, enabling the provision of cervical screening and well women’s health care services: a qualitative study

    PubMed Central


    Background The role of Australian general practice nurses (PNs) has developed exponentially since the introduction of service based funding in 2005. In particular, their role has expanded to include cervical screening and well women’s health care services provided under the supervision of a general practitioner (GP). While previous research identifies barriers to the provision of these services, this study sought to investigate enablers for nurse led care in this area. Methods A number of grounded theory methods including constantly comparing data, concurrent data collection and analysis and theoretical sampling are utilised in this qualitative, exploratory study. A purposive sample of PNs who completed the required program of education in order to provide cervical screening and well women’s health care services was recruited to the study. Data is presented in categories, however a limitation of the study is that a fully integrated grounded theory was unable to be produced due to sampling constraints. Results Four enablers for the implementation of a change in the PN role to include cervical screening and well women’s health checks are identified in this study. These enablers are: GPs being willing to relinquish the role of cervical screener and well women’s health service provider; PNs being willing to expand their role to include cervical screening and well women’s health services; clients preferring a female practice nurse to meet their cervical screening and well women’s health needs; and the presence of a culture that fosters interprofessional teamwork. Seven strategies for successfully implementing change from the perspective of PNs are also constructed from the data. This study additionally highlights the lack of feedback on smear quality provided to PNs cervical screeners and well women’s health service providers. Conclusions The influence of consumers on the landscape of primary care service delivery in Australia is of particular note in this

  17. Structure-Based Virtual Screening of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Inhibitors: Significance, Challenges, and Solutions.


    Reddy, Rallabandi Harikrishna; Kim, Hackyoung; Cha, Seungbin; Lee, Bongsoo; Kim, Young Jun


    Phosphorylation, a critical mechanism in biological systems, is estimated to be indispensable for about 30% of key biological activities, such as cell cycle progression, migration, and division. It is synergistically balanced by kinases and phosphatases, and any deviation from this balance leads to disease conditions. Pathway or biological activity-based abnormalities in phosphorylation and the type of involved phosphatase influence the outcome, and cause diverse diseases ranging from diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and numerous cancers. Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are of prime importance in the process of dephosphorylation and catalyze several biological functions. Abnormal PTP activities are reported to result in several human diseases. Consequently, there is an increased demand for potential PTP inhibitory small molecules. Several strategies in structure-based drug designing techniques for potential inhibitory small molecules of PTPs have been explored along with traditional drug designing methods in order to overcome the hurdles in PTP inhibitor discovery. In this review, we discuss druggable PTPs and structure-based virtual screening efforts for successful PTP inhibitor design.

  18. Docking based virtual screening and molecular dynamics study to identify potential monoacylglycerol lipase inhibitors.


    Afzal, Obaid; Kumar, Suresh; Kumar, Rajiv; Firoz, Ahmad; Jaggi, Manu; Bawa, Sandhya


    Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) is one of the key enzymes of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). It hydrolyzes one of the major endocannabinoid, 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), an endogenous full agonist at G protein coupled cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. Numerous studies showed that MGL inhibitors are potentially useful for the treatment of pain, inflammation, cancer and CNS disorders. These provocative findings suggested that pharmacological inhibition of MAGL function may confer significant therapeutic benefits. In this study, we presented hybrid ligand and structure-based approaches to obtain a novel set of virtual leads as MAGL inhibitors. The constraints used in this study, were Glide score, binding free energy estimates and ADME properties to screen the ZINC database, containing approximately 21 million compounds. A total of seven virtual hits were obtained, which showed significant binding affinity towards MAGL protein. Ligand, ZINC24092691 was employed in complex form with the protein MAGL, for molecular dynamics simulation study, because of its excellent glide score, binding free energy and ADME properties. The RMSD of ZINC24092691 was observed to stay at 0.1 nm (1 Å) in most of the trajectories, which further confirmed its ability to inhibit the protein MAGL. The hits were then evaluated for their ability to inhibit human MAGL. The compound ZINC24092691 displayed the noteworthy inhibitory activity reducing MAGL activity to 21.15% at 100 nM concentration, with an IC50 value of 10 nM. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. The rational search for PDE10A inhibitors from Sophora flavescens roots using pharmacophore‑ and docking‑based virtual screening.


    Fan, Han-Tian; Guo, Jun-Fang; Zhang, Yu-Xin; Gu, Yu-Xi; Ning, Zhong-Qi; Qiao, Yan-Jiang; Wang, Xing


    Phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) has been confirmed to be an important target for the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) disorders. The purpose of the present study was to identify PDE10A inhibitors from herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. Pharmacophore and molecular docking techniques were used to virtually screen the chemical molecule database of Sophora flavescens, a well‑known Chinese herb that has been used for improving mental health and regulating the CNS. The pharmacophore model generated recognized the common functional groups of known PDE10A inhibitors. In addition, molecular docking was used to calculate the binding affinity of ligand‑PDE10A interactions and to investigate the possible binding pattern. Virtual screening based on the pharmacophore model and molecular docking was performed to identify potential PDE10A inhibitors from S. flavescens. The results demonstrated that nine hits from S. flavescens were potential PDE10A inhibitors, and their biological activity was further validated using literature mining. A total of two compounds were reported to inhibit cyclic adenosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase, and one protected against glutamate‑induced oxidative stress in the CNS. The remaining six compounds require further bioactivity validation. The results of the present study demonstrated that this method was a time‑ and cost‑saving strategy for the identification of bioactive compounds from traditional Chinese medicine.

  20. Virtual Screening and X-ray Crystallography for Human Kallikrein 6 Inhibitors with an Amidinothiophene P1 Group.


    Liang, Guyan; Chen, Xin; Aldous, Suzanne; Pu, Su-Fen; Mehdi, Shujaath; Powers, Elaine; Giovanni, Andrew; Kongsamut, Sathapana; Xia, Tianhui; Zhang, Ying; Wang, Rachel; Gao, Zhongli; Merriman, Gregory; McLean, Larry R; Morize, Isabelle


    A series of compounds with an amidinothiophene P1 group and a pyrrolidinone-sulphonamide scaffold linker was identified as potent inhibitors of human kallikrein 6 by structure-based virtual screening based on the union accessible binding space of serine proteases. As the first series of potent nonmechanism-based hK6 inhibitors, they may be used as tool compounds for target validation. An X-ray structure of a representative compound complexed with hK6, resolved at a resolution of 1.88 Å, revealed that the amidinothiophene moiety bound in the S1 pocket and the pyrrolidinone-sulphonamide linker projected the aromatic tail into the S' pocket.

  1. Discovery of potent and novel smoothened antagonists via structure-based virtual screening and biological assays.


    Lu, Wenfeng; Zhang, Dihua; Ma, Haikuo; Tian, Sheng; Zheng, Jiyue; Wang, Qin; Luo, Lusong; Zhang, Xiaohu


    The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway plays a critical role in controlling patterning, growth and cell migration during embryonic development. Aberrant activation of Hh signaling has been linked to tumorigenesis in various cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and medulloblastoma. As a key member of the Hh pathway, the Smoothened (Smo) receptor, a member of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family, has emerged as an attractive therapeutic target for the treatment and prevention of human cancers. The recent determination of several crystal structures of Smo in complex with different antagonists offers the possibility to perform structure-based virtual screening for discovering potent Smo antagonists with distinct chemical scaffolds. In this study, based on the two Smo crystal complexes with the best capacity to distinguish the known Smo antagonists from decoys, the molecular docking-based virtual screening was conducted to identify promising Smo antagonists from ChemDiv library. A total of 21 structurally novel and diverse compounds were selected for experimental testing, and six of them exhibited significant inhibitory activity against the Hh pathway activation (IC 50  < 10 μM) in a GRE (Gli-responsive element) reporter gene assay. Specifically, the most potent compound (compound 20: 47 nM) showed comparable Hh signaling inhibition to vismodegib (46 nM). Compound 20 was further confirmed to be a potent Smo antagonist in a fluorescence based competitive binding assay. Optimization using substructure searching method led to the discovery of 12 analogues of compound 20 with decent Hh pathway inhibition activity, including four compounds with IC 50 lower than 1 μM. The important residues uncovered by binding free energy calculation (MM/GBSA) and binding free energy decomposition were highlighted and discussed. These findings suggest that the novel scaffold afforded by compound 20 can be used as a good starting point for further modification

  2. Developing Mixed Reality Educational Applications: The Virtual Touch Toolkit

    PubMed Central

    Mateu, Juan; Lasala, María José; Alamán, Xavier


    In this paper, we present Virtual Touch, a toolkit that allows the development of educational activities through a mixed reality environment such that, using various tangible elements, the interconnection of a virtual world with the real world is enabled. The main goal of Virtual Touch is to facilitate the installation, configuration and programming of different types of technologies, abstracting the creator of educational applications from the technical details involving the use of tangible interfaces and virtual worlds. Therefore, it is specially designed to enable teachers to themselves create educational activities for their students in a simple way, taking into account that teachers generally lack advanced knowledge in computer programming and electronics. The toolkit has been used to develop various educational applications that have been tested in two secondary education high schools in Spain. PMID:26334275

  3. Developing Mixed Reality Educational Applications: The Virtual Touch Toolkit.


    Mateu, Juan; Lasala, María José; Alamán, Xavier


    In this paper, we present Virtual Touch, a toolkit that allows the development of educational activities through a mixed reality environment such that, using various tangible elements, the interconnection of a virtual world with the real world is enabled. The main goal of Virtual Touch is to facilitate the installation, configuration and programming of different types of technologies, abstracting the creator of educational applications from the technical details involving the use of tangible interfaces and virtual worlds. Therefore, it is specially designed to enable teachers to themselves create educational activities for their students in a simple way, taking into account that teachers generally lack advanced knowledge in computer programming and electronics. The toolkit has been used to develop various educational applications that have been tested in two secondary education high schools in Spain.

  4. High efficiency virtual impactor


    Loo, B.W.


    Environmental monitoring of atmospheric air is facilitated by a single stage virtual impactor for separating an inlet flow (Q/sub 0/) having particulate contaminants into a coarse particle flow (Q/sub 1/) and a fine particle flow (Q/sub 2/) to enable collection of such particles on different filters for separate analysis. An inlet particle acceleration nozzle and coarse particle collection probe member having a virtual impaction opening are aligned along a single axis and spaced apart to define a flow separation region at which the fine particle flow (Q/sub 2/) is drawn radially outward into a chamber while the coarse particle flow (Q/sub 1/) enters the virtual impaction opening.

  5. Semi-Immersive Virtual Turbine Engine Simulation System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abidi, Mustufa H.; Al-Ahmari, Abdulrahman M.; Ahmad, Ali; Darmoul, Saber; Ameen, Wadea


    The design and verification of assembly operations is essential for planning product production operations. Recently, virtual prototyping has witnessed tremendous progress, and has reached a stage where current environments enable rich and multi-modal interaction between designers and models through stereoscopic visuals, surround sound, and haptic feedback. The benefits of building and using Virtual Reality (VR) models in assembly process verification are discussed in this paper. In this paper, we present the virtual assembly (VA) of an aircraft turbine engine. The assembly parts and sequences are explained using a virtual reality design system. The system enables stereoscopic visuals, surround sounds, and ample and intuitive interaction with developed models. A special software architecture is suggested to describe the assembly parts and assembly sequence in VR. A collision detection mechanism is employed that provides visual feedback to check the interference between components. The system is tested for virtual prototype and assembly sequencing of a turbine engine. We show that the developed system is comprehensive in terms of VR feedback mechanisms, which include visual, auditory, tactile, as well as force feedback. The system is shown to be effective and efficient for validating the design of assembly, part design, and operations planning.

  6. Health system barriers and enablers to early access to breast cancer screening, detection, and diagnosis: a global analysis applied to the MENA region.


    Bowser, D; Marqusee, H; El Koussa, M; Atun, R


    To identify barriers and enablers that impact access to early screening, detection, and diagnosis of breast cancer both globally and more specifically in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region (with a specific focus on Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates [UAE], and Kuwait) with a specific focus on the health system. A systematic review of literature. We conducted a systematic reviewing using the PRISMA methodology. We searched PubMed, Global Index Medicus, and EMBASE for studies on 'breast cancer', 'breast neoplasm,' or 'screening, early detection, and early diagnosis' as well as key words related to the following barriers: religion, culture, health literacy, lack of knowledge/awareness/understanding, attitudes, fatalism/fear, shame/embarrassment, and physician gender from January 1, 2000 until September 1, 2016. Two independent reviewers screened both titles and abstracts. The application of inclusion and exclusion criteria yielded a final list of articles. A conceptual framework was used to guide the thematic analysis and examine health system barriers and enablers to breast cancer screening at the broader macro health system level, at the health provider level, and the individual level. The analysis was conducted globally and in the MENA region. A total of 11,936 references were identified through the initial search strategy, of which 55 were included in the final thematic analysis. The results found the following barriers and enablers to access to breast cancer screening at the health system level, the health provider level, and the individual level: health system structures such as health insurance and care coordination systems, costs, time concerns, provider characteristics including gender of the provider, quality of care issues, medical concerns, and fear. In addition, the following seven barriers and enablers were identified at the health system or provider level as significantly impacting screening for breast cancer: (1) access

  7. Rapid identification of Keap1-Nrf2 small-molecule inhibitors through structure-based virtual screening and hit-based substructure search.


    Zhuang, Chunlin; Narayanapillai, Sreekanth; Zhang, Wannian; Sham, Yuk Yin; Xing, Chengguo


    In this study, rapid structure-based virtual screening and hit-based substructure search were utilized to identify small molecules that disrupt the interaction of Keap1-Nrf2. Special emphasis was placed toward maximizing the exploration of chemical diversity of the initial hits while economically establishing informative structure-activity relationship (SAR) of novel scaffolds. Our most potent noncovalent inhibitor exhibits three times improved cellular activation in Nrf2 activation than the most active noncovalent Keap1 inhibitor known to date.

  8. Semantically Enabling Knowledge Representation of Metamorphic Petrology Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    West, P.; Fox, P. A.; Spear, F. S.; Adali, S.; Nguyen, C.; Hallett, B. W.; Horkley, L. K.


    More and more metamorphic petrology data is being collected around the world, and is now being organized together into different virtual data portals by means of virtual organizations. For example, there is the virtual data portal Petrological Database (PetDB, of the Ocean Floor that is organizing scientific information about geochemical data of ocean floor igneous and metamorphic rocks; and also The Metamorphic Petrology Database (MetPetDB, that is being created by a global community of metamorphic petrologists in collaboration with software engineers and data managers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The current focus is to provide the ability for scientists and researchers to register their data and search the databases for information regarding sample collections. What we present here is the next step in evolution of the MetPetDB portal, utilizing semantically enabled features such as discovery, data casting, faceted search, knowledge representation, and linked data as well as organizing information about the community and collaboration within the virtual community itself. We take the information that is currently represented in a relational database and make it available through web services, SPARQL endpoints, semantic and triple-stores where inferencing is enabled. We will be leveraging research that has taken place in virtual observatories, such as the Virtual Solar Terrestrial Observatory (VSTO) and the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO); vocabulary work done in various communities such as Observations and Measurements (ISO 19156), FOAF (Friend of a Friend), Bibo (Bibliography Ontology), and domain specific ontologies; enabling provenance traces of samples and subsamples using the different provenance ontologies; and providing the much needed linking of data from the various research organizations into a common, collaborative virtual observatory. In addition to better

  9. ChemHTPS - A virtual high-throughput screening program suite for the chemical and materials sciences

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Afzal, Mohammad Atif Faiz; Evangelista, William; Hachmann, Johannes

    The discovery of new compounds, materials, and chemical reactions with exceptional properties is the key for the grand challenges in innovation, energy and sustainability. This process can be dramatically accelerated by means of the virtual high-throughput screening (HTPS) of large-scale candidate libraries. The resulting data can further be used to study the underlying structure-property relationships and thus facilitate rational design capability. This approach has been extensively used for many years in the drug discovery community. However, the lack of openly available virtual HTPS tools is limiting the use of these techniques in various other applications such as photovoltaics, optoelectronics, and catalysis. Thus, we developed ChemHTPS, a general-purpose, comprehensive and user-friendly suite, that will allow users to efficiently perform large in silico modeling studies and high-throughput analyses in these applications. ChemHTPS also includes a massively parallel molecular library generator which offers a multitude of options to customize and restrict the scope of the enumerated chemical space and thus tailor it for the demands of specific applications. To streamline the non-combinatorial exploration of chemical space, we incorporate genetic algorithms into the framework. In addition to implementing smarter algorithms, we also focus on the ease of use, workflow, and code integration to make this technology more accessible to the community.

  10. Final Report: Enabling Exascale Hardware and Software Design through Scalable System Virtualization

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bridges, Patrick G.


    In this grant, we enhanced the Palacios virtual machine monitor to increase its scalability and suitability for addressing exascale system software design issues. This included a wide range of research on core Palacios features, large-scale system emulation, fault injection, perfomrance monitoring, and VMM extensibility. This research resulted in large number of high-impact publications in well-known venues, the support of a number of students, and the graduation of two Ph.D. students and one M.S. student. In addition, our enhanced version of the Palacios virtual machine monitor has been adopted as a core element of the Hobbes operating system under active DOE-fundedmore » research and development.« less

  11. Assessment of wheelchair driving performance in a virtual reality-based simulator

    PubMed Central

    Mahajan, Harshal P.; Dicianno, Brad E.; Cooper, Rory A.; Ding, Dan


    Objective To develop a virtual reality (VR)-based simulator that can assist clinicians in performing standardized wheelchair driving assessments. Design A completely within-subjects repeated measures design. Methods Participants drove their wheelchairs along a virtual driving circuit modeled after the Power Mobility Road Test (PMRT) and in a hallway with decreasing width. The virtual simulator was displayed on computer screen and VR screens and participants interacted with it using a set of instrumented rollers and a wheelchair joystick. Driving performances of participants were estimated and compared using quantitative metrics from the simulator. Qualitative ratings from two experienced clinicians were used to estimate intra- and inter-rater reliability. Results Ten regular wheelchair users (seven men, three women; mean age ± SD, 39.5 ± 15.39 years) participated. The virtual PMRT scores from the two clinicians show high inter-rater reliability (78–90%) and high intra-rater reliability (71–90%) for all test conditions. More research is required to explore user preferences and effectiveness of the two control methods (rollers and mathematical model) and the display screens. Conclusions The virtual driving simulator seems to be a promising tool for wheelchair driving assessment that clinicians can use to supplement their real-world evaluations. PMID:23820148

  12. A collaborative virtual reality environment for neurosurgical planning and training.


    Kockro, Ralf A; Stadie, Axel; Schwandt, Eike; Reisch, Robert; Charalampaki, Cleopatra; Ng, Ivan; Yeo, Tseng Tsai; Hwang, Peter; Serra, Luis; Perneczky, Axel


    We have developed a highly interactive virtual environment that enables collaborative examination of stereoscopic three-dimensional (3-D) medical imaging data for planning, discussing, or teaching neurosurgical approaches and strategies. The system consists of an interactive console with which the user manipulates 3-D data using hand-held and tracked devices within a 3-D virtual workspace and a stereoscopic projection system. The projection system displays the 3-D data on a large screen while the user is working with it. This setup allows users to interact intuitively with complex 3-D data while sharing this information with a larger audience. We have been using this system on a routine clinical basis and during neurosurgical training courses to collaboratively plan and discuss neurosurgical procedures with 3-D reconstructions of patient-specific magnetic resonance and computed tomographic imaging data or with a virtual model of the temporal bone. Working collaboratively with the 3-D information of a large, interactive, stereoscopic projection provides an unambiguous way to analyze and understand the anatomic spatial relationships of different surgical corridors. In our experience, the system creates a unique forum for open and precise discussion of neurosurgical approaches. We believe the system provides a highly effective way to work with 3-D data in a group, and it significantly enhances teaching of neurosurgical anatomy and operative strategies.

  13. Structure-based virtual screening and characterization of a novel IL-6 antagonistic compound from synthetic compound database.


    Wang, Jing; Qiao, Chunxia; Xiao, He; Lin, Zhou; Li, Yan; Zhang, Jiyan; Shen, Beifen; Fu, Tinghuan; Feng, Jiannan


    According to the three-dimensional (3D) complex structure of (hIL-6⋅hIL-6R⋅gp 130) 2 and the binding orientation of hIL-6, three compounds with high affinity to hIL-6R and bioactivity to block hIL-6 in vitro were screened theoretically from the chemical databases, including 3D-Available Chemicals Directory (ACD) and MDL Drug Data Report (MDDR), by means of the computer-guided virtual screening method. Using distance geometry, molecular modeling and molecular dynamics trajectory analysis methods, the binding mode and binding energy of the three compounds were evaluated theoretically. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay analysis demonstrated that all the three compounds could block IL-6 binding to IL-6R specifically. However, only compound 1 could effectively antagonize the function of hIL-6 and inhibit the proliferation of XG-7 cells in a dose-dependent manner, whereas it showed no cytotoxicity to SP2/0 or L929 cells. These data demonstrated that the compound 1 could be a promising candidate of hIL-6 antagonist.

  14. Performance verification of network function virtualization in software defined optical transport networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhao, Yongli; Hu, Liyazhou; Wang, Wei; Li, Yajie; Zhang, Jie


    With the continuous opening of resource acquisition and application, there are a large variety of network hardware appliances deployed as the communication infrastructure. To lunch a new network application always implies to replace the obsolete devices and needs the related space and power to accommodate it, which will increase the energy and capital investment. Network function virtualization1 (NFV) aims to address these problems by consolidating many network equipment onto industry standard elements such as servers, switches and storage. Many types of IT resources have been deployed to run Virtual Network Functions (vNFs), such as virtual switches and routers. Then how to deploy NFV in optical transport networks is a of great importance problem. This paper focuses on this problem, and gives an implementation architecture of NFV-enabled optical transport networks based on Software Defined Optical Networking (SDON) with the procedure of vNFs call and return. Especially, an implementation solution of NFV-enabled optical transport node is designed, and a parallel processing method for NFV-enabled OTN nodes is proposed. To verify the performance of NFV-enabled SDON, the protocol interaction procedures of control function virtualization and node function virtualization are demonstrated on SDON testbed. Finally, the benefits and challenges of the parallel processing method for NFV-enabled OTN nodes are simulated and analyzed.

  15. DOCKTITE-a highly versatile step-by-step workflow for covalent docking and virtual screening in the molecular operating environment.


    Scholz, Christoph; Knorr, Sabine; Hamacher, Kay; Schmidt, Boris


    The formation of a covalent bond with the target is essential for a number of successful drugs, yet tools for covalent docking without significant restrictions regarding warhead or receptor classes are rare and limited in use. In this work we present DOCKTITE, a highly versatile workflow for covalent docking in the Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) combining automated warhead screening, nucleophilic side chain attachment, pharmacophore-based docking, and a novel consensus scoring approach. The comprehensive validation study includes pose predictions of 35 protein/ligand complexes which resulted in a mean RMSD of 1.74 Å and a prediction rate of 71.4% with an RMSD below 2 Å, a virtual screening with an area under the curve (AUC) for the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) of 0.81, and a significant correlation between predicted and experimental binding affinities (ρ = 0.806, R(2) = 0.649, p < 0.005).

  16. Binding-Site Assessment by Virtual Fragment Screening

    PubMed Central

    Huang, Niu; Jacobson, Matthew P.


    The accurate prediction of protein druggability (propensity to bind high-affinity drug-like small molecules) would greatly benefit the fields of chemical genomics and drug discovery. We have developed a novel approach to quantitatively assess protein druggability by computationally screening a fragment-like compound library. In analogy to NMR-based fragment screening, we dock ∼11000 fragments against a given binding site and compute a computational hit rate based on the fraction of molecules that exceed an empirically chosen score cutoff. We perform a large-scale evaluation of the approach on four datasets, totaling 152 binding sites. We demonstrate that computed hit rates correlate with hit rates measured experimentally in a previously published NMR-based screening method. Secondly, we show that the in silico fragment screening method can be used to distinguish known druggable and non-druggable targets, including both enzymes and protein-protein interaction sites. Finally, we explore the sensitivity of the results to different receptor conformations, including flexible protein-protein interaction sites. Besides its original aim to assess druggability of different protein targets, this method could be used to identifying druggable conformations of flexible binding site for lead discovery, and suggesting strategies for growing or joining initial fragment hits to obtain more potent inhibitors. PMID:20404926

  17. Identification of Potent Chloride Intracellular Channel Protein 1 Inhibitors from Traditional Chinese Medicine through Structure-Based Virtual Screening and Molecular Dynamics Analysis

    PubMed Central

    Wan, Minghui; Liao, Dongjiang; Peng, Guilin; Xu, Xin; Yin, Weiqiang; Guo, Guixin; Jiang, Funeng; Zhong, Weide


    Chloride intracellular channel 1 (CLIC1) is involved in the development of most aggressive human tumors, including gastric, colon, lung, liver, and glioblastoma cancers. It has become an attractive new therapeutic target for several types of cancer. In this work, we aim to identify natural products as potent CLIC1 inhibitors from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) database using structure-based virtual screening and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. First, structure-based docking was employed to screen the refined TCM database and the top 500 TCM compounds were obtained and reranked by X-Score. Then, 30 potent hits were achieved from the top 500 TCM compounds using cluster and ligand-protein interaction analysis. Finally, MD simulation was employed to validate the stability of interactions between each hit and CLIC1 protein from docking simulation, and Molecular Mechanics/Generalized Born Surface Area (MM-GBSA) analysis was used to refine the virtual hits. Six TCM compounds with top MM-GBSA scores and ideal-binding models were confirmed as the final hits. Our study provides information about the interaction between TCM compounds and CLIC1 protein, which may be helpful for further experimental investigations. In addition, the top 6 natural products structural scaffolds could serve as building blocks in designing drug-like molecules for CLIC1 inhibition. PMID:29147652

  18. Revisiting Parametric Types and Virtual Classes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Madsen, Anders Bach; Ernst, Erik

    This paper presents a conceptually oriented updated view on the relationship between parametric types and virtual classes. The traditional view is that parametric types excel at structurally oriented composition and decomposition, and virtual classes excel at specifying mutually recursive families of classes whose relationships are preserved in derived families. Conversely, while class families can be specified using a large number of F-bounded type parameters, this approach is complex and fragile; and it is difficult to use traditional virtual classes to specify object composition in a structural manner, because virtual classes are closely tied to nominal typing. This paper adds new insight about the dichotomy between these two approaches; it illustrates how virtual constraints and type refinements, as recently introduced in gbeta and Scala, enable structural treatment of virtual types; finally, it shows how a novel kind of dynamic type check can detect compatibility among entire families of classes.

  19. Identification of Human IKK-2 Inhibitors of Natural Origin (Part I): Modeling of the IKK-2 Kinase Domain, Virtual Screening and Activity Assays

    PubMed Central

    Sala, Esther; Guasch, Laura; Iwaszkiewicz, Justyna; Mulero, Miquel; Salvadó, Maria-Josepa; Pinent, Montserrat; Zoete, Vincent; Grosdidier, Aurélien; Garcia-Vallvé, Santiago; Michielin, Olivier; Pujadas, Gerard


    Background Their large scaffold diversity and properties, such as structural complexity and drug similarity, form the basis of claims that natural products are ideal starting points for drug design and development. Consequently, there has been great interest in determining whether such molecules show biological activity toward protein targets of pharmacological relevance. One target of particular interest is hIKK-2, a serine-threonine protein kinase belonging to the IKK complex that is the primary component responsible for activating NF-κB in response to various inflammatory stimuli. Indeed, this has led to the development of synthetic ATP-competitive inhibitors for hIKK-2. Therefore, the main goals of this study were (a) to use virtual screening to identify potential hIKK-2 inhibitors of natural origin that compete with ATP and (b) to evaluate the reliability of our virtual-screening protocol by experimentally testing the in vitro activity of selected natural-product hits. Methodology/Principal Findings We thus predicted that 1,061 out of the 89,425 natural products present in the studied database would inhibit hIKK-2 with good ADMET properties. Notably, when these 1,061 molecules were merged with the 98 synthetic hIKK-2 inhibitors used in this study and the resulting set was classified into ten clusters according to chemical similarity, there were three clusters that contained only natural products. Five molecules from these three clusters (for which no anti-inflammatory activity has been previously described) were then selected for in vitro activity testing, in which three out of the five molecules were shown to inhibit hIKK-2. Conclusions/Significance We demonstrated that our virtual-screening protocol was successful in identifying lead compounds for developing new inhibitors for hIKK-2, a target of great interest in medicinal chemistry. Additionally, all the tools developed during the current study (i.e., the homology model for the hIKK-2 kinase domain and

  20. ARQiv-HTS, a versatile whole-organism screening platform enabling in vivo drug discovery at high-throughput rates

    PubMed Central

    White, David T; Eroglu, Arife Unal; Wang, Guohua; Zhang, Liyun; Sengupta, Sumitra; Ding, Ding; Rajpurohit, Surendra K; Walker, Steven L; Ji, Hongkai; Qian, Jiang; Mumm, Jeff S


    The zebrafish has emerged as an important model for whole-organism small-molecule screening. However, most zebrafish-based chemical screens have achieved only mid-throughput rates. Here we describe a versatile whole-organism drug discovery platform that can achieve true high-throughput screening (HTS) capacities. This system combines our automated reporter quantification in vivo (ARQiv) system with customized robotics, and is termed ‘ARQiv-HTS’. We detail the process of establishing and implementing ARQiv-HTS: (i) assay design and optimization, (ii) calculation of sample size and hit criteria, (iii) large-scale egg production, (iv) automated compound titration, (v) dispensing of embryos into microtiter plates, and (vi) reporter quantification. We also outline what we see as best practice strategies for leveraging the power of ARQiv-HTS for zebrafish-based drug discovery, and address technical challenges of applying zebrafish to large-scale chemical screens. Finally, we provide a detailed protocol for a recently completed inaugural ARQiv-HTS effort, which involved the identification of compounds that elevate insulin reporter activity. Compounds that increased the number of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells represent potential new therapeutics for diabetic patients. For this effort, individual screening sessions took 1 week to conclude, and sessions were performed iteratively approximately every other day to increase throughput. At the conclusion of the screen, more than a half million drug-treated larvae had been evaluated. Beyond this initial example, however, the ARQiv-HTS platform is adaptable to almost any reporter-based assay designed to evaluate the effects of chemical compounds in living small-animal models. ARQiv-HTS thus enables large-scale whole-organism drug discovery for a variety of model species and from numerous disease-oriented perspectives. PMID:27831568

  1. Discovery of the glycogen phosphorylase-modulating activity of a resveratrol glucoside by using a virtual screening protocol optimized for solvation effects.


    Mavrokefalos, Nikolaos; Myrianthopoulos, Vassilios; Chajistamatiou, Aikaterini S; Chrysina, Evangelia D; Mikros, Emmanuel


    The identification of natural products that can modulate blood glucose levels is of great interest as it can possibly facilitate the utilization of mild interventions such as herbal medicine or functional foods in the treatment of chronic diseases like diabetes. One of the established drug targets for antihyperglycemic therapy is glycogen phosphorylase. To evaluate the glycogen phosphorylase inhibitory properties of an in-house compound collection consisting to a large extent of natural products, a stepwise virtual and experimental screening protocol was devised and implemented. The fact that the active site of glycogen phosphorylase is highly hydrated emphasized that a methodological aspect needed to be efficiently addressed prior to an in silico evaluation of the compound collection. The effect of water molecules on docking calculations was regarded as a key parameter in terms of virtual screening protocol optimization. Statistical analysis of 125 structures of glycogen phosphorylase and solvent mapping focusing on the active site hydration motif in combination with a retrospective screening revealed the importance of a set of 29 crystallographic water molecules for achieving high enrichment as to the discrimination between active compounds and inactive decoys. The scaling of Van der Waals radii of system atoms had an additional effect on screening performance. Having optimized the in silico protocol, a prospective evaluation of the in-house compound collection derived a set of 18 top-ranked natural products that were subsequently evaluated in vitro for their activity as glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors. Two phenolic glucosides with glycogen phosphorylase-modulating activity were identified, whereas the most potent compound affording mid-micromolar inhibition was a glucosidic derivative of resveratrol, a stilbene well-known for its wide range of biological activities. Results show the possible phytotherapeutic and nutraceutical potential of products common in

  2. Telehealth solutions to enable global collaboration in rheumatic heart disease screening.


    Lopes, Eduardo Lv; Beaton, Andrea Z; Nascimento, Bruno R; Tompsett, Alison; Dos Santos, Julia Pa; Perlman, Lindsay; Diamantino, Adriana C; Oliveira, Kaciane Kb; Oliveira, Cassio M; Nunes, Maria do Carmo P; Bonisson, Leonardo; Ribeiro, Antônio Lp; Sable, Craig


    Background The global burden of rheumatic heart disease is nearly 33 million people. Telemedicine, using cloud-server technology, provides an ideal solution for sharing images performed by non-physicians with cardiologists who are experts in rheumatic heart disease. Objective We describe our experience in using telemedicine to support a large rheumatic heart disease outreach screening programme in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Methods The Programa de Rastreamento da Valvopatia Reumática (PROVAR) is a prospective cross-sectional study aimed at gathering epidemiological data on the burden of rheumatic heart disease in Minas Gerais and testing of a non-expert, telemedicine-supported model of outreach rheumatic heart disease screening. The primary goal is to enable expert support of remote rheumatic heart disease outreach through cloud-based sharing of echocardiographic images between Minas Gerais and Washington. Secondary goals include (a) developing and sharing online training modules for non-physicians in echocardiography performance and interpretation and (b) utilising a secure web-based system to share clinical and research data. Results PROVAR included 4615 studies that were performed by non-experts at 21 schools and shared via cloud-telemedicine technology. Latent rheumatic heart disease was found in 251 subjects (4.2% of subjects: 3.7% borderline and 0.5% definite disease). Of the studies, 50% were preformed on full functional echocardiography machines and transmitted via Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) and 50% were performed on handheld echocardiography machines and transferred via a secure Dropbox connection. The average time between study performance date and interpretation was 10 days. There was 100% success in initial image transfer. Less than 1% of studies performed by non-experts could not be interpreted. Discussion A sustainable, low-cost telehealth model, using task-shifting with non-medical personal in low and middle

  3. Stereoselective virtual screening of the ZINC database using atom pair 3D-fingerprints.


    Awale, Mahendra; Jin, Xian; Reymond, Jean-Louis


    Tools to explore large compound databases in search for analogs of query molecules provide a strategically important support in drug discovery to help identify available analogs of any given reference or hit compound by ligand based virtual screening (LBVS). We recently showed that large databases can be formatted for very fast searching with various 2D-fingerprints using the city-block distance as similarity measure, in particular a 2D-atom pair fingerprint (APfp) and the related category extended atom pair fingerprint (Xfp) which efficiently encode molecular shape and pharmacophores, but do not perceive stereochemistry. Here we investigated related 3D-atom pair fingerprints to enable rapid stereoselective searches in the ZINC database (23.2 million 3D structures). Molecular fingerprints counting atom pairs at increasing through-space distance intervals were designed using either all atoms (16-bit 3DAPfp) or different atom categories (80-bit 3DXfp). These 3D-fingerprints retrieved molecular shape and pharmacophore analogs (defined by OpenEye ROCS scoring functions) of 110,000 compounds from the Cambridge Structural Database with equal or better accuracy than the 2D-fingerprints APfp and Xfp, and showed comparable performance in recovering actives from decoys in the DUD database. LBVS by 3DXfp or 3DAPfp similarity was stereoselective and gave very different analogs when starting from different diastereomers of the same chiral drug. Results were also different from LBVS with the parent 2D-fingerprints Xfp or APfp. 3D- and 2D-fingerprints also gave very different results in LBVS of folded molecules where through-space distances between atom pairs are much shorter than topological distances. 3DAPfp and 3DXfp are suitable for stereoselective searches for shape and pharmacophore analogs of query molecules in large databases. Web-browsers for searching ZINC by 3DAPfp and 3DXfp similarity are accessible at and should provide useful assistance to drug

  4. Network Virtualization - Opportunities and Challenges for Operators

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carapinha, Jorge; Feil, Peter; Weissmann, Paul; Thorsteinsson, Saemundur E.; Etemoğlu, Çağrı; Ingþórsson, Ólafur; Çiftçi, Selami; Melo, Márcio

    In the last few years, the concept of network virtualization has gained a lot of attention both from industry and research projects. This paper evaluates the potential of network virtualization from an operator's perspective, with the short-term goal of optimizing service delivery and rollout, and on a longer term as an enabler of technology integration and migration. Based on possible scenarios for implementing and using network virtualization, new business roles and models are examined. Open issues and topics for further evaluation are identified. In summary, the objective is to identify the challenges but also new opportunities for telecom operators raised by network virtualization.

  5. Efficient method for high-throughput virtual screening based on flexible docking: discovery of novel acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.


    Mizutani, Miho Yamada; Itai, Akiko


    A method of easily finding ligands, with a variety of core structures, for a given target macromolecule would greatly contribute to the rapid identification of novel lead compounds for drug development. We have developed an efficient method for discovering ligand candidates from a number of flexible compounds included in databases, when the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the drug target is available. The method, named ADAM&EVE, makes use of our automated docking method ADAM, which has already been reported. Like ADAM, ADAM&EVE takes account of the flexibility of each molecule in databases, by exploring the conformational space fully and continuously. Database screening has been made much faster than with ADAM through the tuning of parameters, so that computational screening of several hundred thousand compounds is possible in a practical time. Promising ligand candidates can be selected according to various criteria based on the docking results and characteristics of compounds. Furthermore, we have developed a new tool, EVE-MAKE, for automatically preparing the additional compound data necessary for flexible docking calculation, prior to 3D database screening. Among several successful cases of lead discovery by ADAM&EVE, the finding of novel acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors is presented here. We performed a virtual screening of about 160 000 commercially available compounds against the X-ray crystallographic structure of AChE. Among 114 compounds that could be purchased and assayed, 35 molecules with various core structures showed inhibitory activities with IC(50) values less than 100 microM. Thirteen compounds had IC(50) values between 0.5 and 10 microM, and almost all their core structures are very different from those of known inhibitors. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and validity of the ADAM&EVE approach and provide a starting point for development of novel drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease.

  6. Virtual Astronomy: The Legacy of the Virtual Astronomical Observatory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hanisch, Robert J.; Berriman, G. B.; Lazio, J.; Szalay, A. S.; Fabbiano, G.; Plante, R. L.; McGlynn, T. A.; Evans, J.; Emery Bunn, S.; Claro, M.; VAO Project Team


    Over the past ten years, the Virtual Astronomical Observatory (VAO, and its predecessor, the National Virtual Observatory (NVO), have developed and operated a software infrastructure consisting of standards and protocols for data and science software applications. The Virtual Observatory (VO) makes it possible to develop robust software for the discovery, access, and analysis of astronomical data. Every major publicly funded research organization in the US and worldwide has deployed at least some components of the VO infrastructure; tens of thousands of VO-enabled queries for data are invoked daily against catalog, image, and spectral data collections; and groups within the community have developed tools and applications building upon the VO infrastructure. Further, NVO and VAO have helped ensure access to data internationally by co-founding the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA, The products of the VAO are being archived in a publicly accessible repository. Several science tools developed by the VAO will continue to be supported by the organizations that developed them: the Iris spectral energy distribution package (SAO), the Data Discovery Tool (STScI/MAST, HEASARC), and the scalable cross-comparison service (IPAC). The final year of VAO is focused on development of the data access protocol for data cubes, creation of Python language bindings to VO services, and deployment of a cloud-like data storage service that links to VO data discovery tools (SciDrive). We encourage the community to make use of these tools and services, to extend and improve them, and to carry on with the vision for virtual astronomy: astronomical research enabled by easy access to distributed data and computational resources. Funding for VAO development and operations has been provided jointly by NSF and NASA since May 2010. NSF funding will end in September 2014, though with the possibility of competitive solicitations for VO-based tool

  7. Discovery of binding proteins for a protein target using protein-protein docking-based virtual screening.


    Zhang, Changsheng; Tang, Bo; Wang, Qian; Lai, Luhua


    Target structure-based virtual screening, which employs protein-small molecule docking to identify potential ligands, has been widely used in small-molecule drug discovery. In the present study, we used a protein-protein docking program to identify proteins that bind to a specific target protein. In the testing phase, an all-to-all protein-protein docking run on a large dataset was performed. The three-dimensional rigid docking program SDOCK was used to examine protein-protein docking on all protein pairs in the dataset. Both the binding affinity and features of the binding energy landscape were considered in the scoring function in order to distinguish positive binding pairs from negative binding pairs. Thus, the lowest docking score, the average Z-score, and convergency of the low-score solutions were incorporated in the analysis. The hybrid scoring function was optimized in the all-to-all docking test. The docking method and the hybrid scoring function were then used to screen for proteins that bind to tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), which is a well-known therapeutic target for rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. A protein library containing 677 proteins was used for the screen. Proteins with scores among the top 20% were further examined. Sixteen proteins from the top-ranking 67 proteins were selected for experimental study. Two of these proteins showed significant binding to TNFα in an in vitro binding study. The results of the present study demonstrate the power and potential application of protein-protein docking for the discovery of novel binding proteins for specific protein targets. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. A virtual reality test battery for assessment and screening of spatial neglect.


    Fordell, H; Bodin, K; Bucht, G; Malm, J


    There is a need for improved screening methods for spatial neglect. To construct a VR-test battery and evaluate its accuracy and usability in patients with acute stroke. VR-DiSTRO consists of a standard desktop computer, a CRT monitor and eye shutter stereoscopic glasses, a force feedback interface, and software, developed to create an interactive and immersive 3D experience. VR-tests were developed and validated to the conventional Star Cancellation test, Line bisection, Baking Tray Task (BTT), and Visual Extinction test. A construct validation to The Rivermead Behavioral Inattention Test, used as criterion of visuospatial neglect, was made. Usability was assessed according to ISO 9241-11. Thirty-one patients with stroke were included, 9/31 patients had neglect. The sensitivity was 100% and the specificity 82% for the VR-DiSTRO to correctly identify neglect. VR-BTT and VR-Extinction had the highest correlation (r² = 0.64 and 0.78), as well as high sensitivity and specificity. The kappa values describing the agreement between traditional neglect tests and the corresponding virtual reality test were between 0.47-0.85. Usability was assessed by a questionnaire; 77% reported that the VR-DiSTRO was 'easy' to use. Eighty-eight percent reported that they felt 'focused', 'pleased' or 'alert'. No patient had adverse symptoms. The test session took 15 min. The VR-DiSTRO quickly and with a high accuracy identified visuospatial neglect in patients with stroke in this construct validation. The usability among elderly patients with stroke was high. This VR-test battery has the potential to become an important screening instrument for neglect and a valuable adjunct to the neuropsychological assessment. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  9. Novel Virtual Screening Approach for the Discovery of Human Tyrosinase Inhibitors

    PubMed Central

    Ai, Ni; Welsh, William J.; Santhanam, Uma; Hu, Hong; Lyga, John


    Tyrosinase is the key enzyme involved in the human pigmentation process, as well as the undesired browning of fruits and vegetables. Compounds inhibiting tyrosinase catalytic activity are an important class of cosmetic and dermatological agents which show high potential as depigmentation agents used for skin lightening. The multi-step protocol employed for the identification of novel tyrosinase inhibitors incorporated the Shape Signatures computational algorithm for rapid screening of chemical libraries. This algorithm converts the size and shape of a molecule, as well its surface charge distribution and other bio-relevant properties, into compact histograms (signatures) that lend themselves to rapid comparison between molecules. Shape Signatures excels at scaffold hopping across different chemical families, which enables identification of new actives whose molecular structure is distinct from other known actives. Using this approach, we identified a novel class of depigmentation agents that demonstrated promise for skin lightening product development. PMID:25426625

  10. Novel virtual screening approach for the discovery of human tyrosinase inhibitors.


    Ai, Ni; Welsh, William J; Santhanam, Uma; Hu, Hong; Lyga, John


    Tyrosinase is the key enzyme involved in the human pigmentation process, as well as the undesired browning of fruits and vegetables. Compounds inhibiting tyrosinase catalytic activity are an important class of cosmetic and dermatological agents which show high potential as depigmentation agents used for skin lightening. The multi-step protocol employed for the identification of novel tyrosinase inhibitors incorporated the Shape Signatures computational algorithm for rapid screening of chemical libraries. This algorithm converts the size and shape of a molecule, as well its surface charge distribution and other bio-relevant properties, into compact histograms (signatures) that lend themselves to rapid comparison between molecules. Shape Signatures excels at scaffold hopping across different chemical families, which enables identification of new actives whose molecular structure is distinct from other known actives. Using this approach, we identified a novel class of depigmentation agents that demonstrated promise for skin lightening product development.

  11. Virtual reality training improves balance function.


    Mao, Yurong; Chen, Peiming; Li, Le; Huang, Dongfeng


    Virtual reality is a new technology that simulates a three-dimensional virtual world on a computer and enables the generation of visual, audio, and haptic feedback for the full immersion of users. Users can interact with and observe objects in three-dimensional visual space without limitation. At present, virtual reality training has been widely used in rehabilitation therapy for balance dysfunction. This paper summarizes related articles and other articles suggesting that virtual reality training can improve balance dysfunction in patients after neurological diseases. When patients perform virtual reality training, the prefrontal, parietal cortical areas and other motor cortical networks are activated. These activations may be involved in the reconstruction of neurons in the cerebral cortex. Growing evidence from clinical studies reveals that virtual reality training improves the neurological function of patients with spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy and other neurological impairments. These findings suggest that virtual reality training can activate the cerebral cortex and improve the spatial orientation capacity of patients, thus facilitating the cortex to control balance and increase motion function.

  12. Virtual reality training improves balance function

    PubMed Central

    Mao, Yurong; Chen, Peiming; Li, Le; Huang, Dongfeng


    Virtual reality is a new technology that simulates a three-dimensional virtual world on a computer and enables the generation of visual, audio, and haptic feedback for the full immersion of users. Users can interact with and observe objects in three-dimensional visual space without limitation. At present, virtual reality training has been widely used in rehabilitation therapy for balance dysfunction. This paper summarizes related articles and other articles suggesting that virtual reality training can improve balance dysfunction in patients after neurological diseases. When patients perform virtual reality training, the prefrontal, parietal cortical areas and other motor cortical networks are activated. These activations may be involved in the reconstruction of neurons in the cerebral cortex. Growing evidence from clinical studies reveals that virtual reality training improves the neurological function of patients with spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy and other neurological impairments. These findings suggest that virtual reality training can activate the cerebral cortex and improve the spatial orientation capacity of patients, thus facilitating the cortex to control balance and increase motion function. PMID:25368651

  13. The National Virtual Observatory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hanisch, Robert J.


    The National Virtual Observatory is a distributed computational facility that will provide access to the ``virtual sky''-the federation of astronomical data archives, object catalogs, and associated information services. The NVO's ``virtual telescope'' is a common framework for requesting, retrieving, and manipulating information from diverse, distributed resources. The NVO will make it possible to seamlessly integrate data from the new all-sky surveys, enabling cross-correlations between multi-Terabyte catalogs and providing transparent access to the underlying image or spectral data. Success requires high performance computational systems, high bandwidth network services, agreed upon standards for the exchange of metadata, and collaboration among astronomers, astronomical data and information service providers, information technology specialists, funding agencies, and industry. International cooperation at the onset will help to assure that the NVO simultaneously becomes a global facility. .

  14. Integrated Data Visualization and Virtual Reality Tool

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dryer, David A.


    The Integrated Data Visualization and Virtual Reality Tool (IDVVRT) Phase II effort was for the design and development of an innovative Data Visualization Environment Tool (DVET) for NASA engineers and scientists, enabling them to visualize complex multidimensional and multivariate data in a virtual environment. The objectives of the project were to: (1) demonstrate the transfer and manipulation of standard engineering data in a virtual world; (2) demonstrate the effects of design and changes using finite element analysis tools; and (3) determine the training and engineering design and analysis effectiveness of the visualization system.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  16. Impact of a Virtual Clinic in a Paediatric Cardiology Network on Northeast Brazil.


    de Araújo, Juliana Sousa Soares; Dias Filho, Adalberto Vieira; Silva Gomes, Renata Grigório; Regis, Cláudio Teixeira; Rodrigues, Klecida Nunes; Siqueira, Nicoly Negreiros; Albuquerque, Fernanda Cruz de Lira; Mourato, Felipe Alves; Mattos, Sandra da Silva


    Introduction. Congenital heart diseases (CHD) affect approximately 1% of live births and is an important cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Despite that, there is a shortage of paediatric cardiologists in Brazil, mainly in the northern and northeastern regions. In this context, the implementation of virtual outpatient clinics with the aid of different telemedicine resources may help in the care of children with heart defects. Methods. Patients under 18 years of age treated in virtual outpatient clinics between January 2013 and May 2014 were selected. They were divided into 2 groups: those who had and those who had not undergone a screening process for CHD in the neonatal period. Clinical and demographic characteristics were collected for further statistical analysis. Results. A total of 653 children and teenagers were treated in the virtual outpatient clinics. From these, 229 had undergone a neonatal screening process. Fewer abnormalities were observed on the physical examination of the screened patients. Conclusion. The implementation of pediatric cardiology virtual outpatient clinics can have a positive impact in the care provided to people in areas with lack of skilled professionals.

  17. Open-source platform to benchmark fingerprints for ligand-based virtual screening

    PubMed Central


    Similarity-search methods using molecular fingerprints are an important tool for ligand-based virtual screening. A huge variety of fingerprints exist and their performance, usually assessed in retrospective benchmarking studies using data sets with known actives and known or assumed inactives, depends largely on the validation data sets used and the similarity measure used. Comparing new methods to existing ones in any systematic way is rather difficult due to the lack of standard data sets and evaluation procedures. Here, we present a standard platform for the benchmarking of 2D fingerprints. The open-source platform contains all source code, structural data for the actives and inactives used (drawn from three publicly available collections of data sets), and lists of randomly selected query molecules to be used for statistically valid comparisons of methods. This allows the exact reproduction and comparison of results for future studies. The results for 12 standard fingerprints together with two simple baseline fingerprints assessed by seven evaluation methods are shown together with the correlations between methods. High correlations were found between the 12 fingerprints and a careful statistical analysis showed that only the two baseline fingerprints were different from the others in a statistically significant way. High correlations were also found between six of the seven evaluation methods, indicating that despite their seeming differences, many of these methods are similar to each other. PMID:23721588

  18. A Virtual Screening Approach For Identifying Plants with Anti H5N1 Neuraminidase Activity

    PubMed Central


    Recent outbreaks of highly pathogenic and occasional drug-resistant influenza strains have highlighted the need to develop novel anti-influenza therapeutics. Here, we report computational and experimental efforts to identify influenza neuraminidase inhibitors from among the 3000 natural compounds in the Malaysian-Plants Natural-Product (NADI) database. These 3000 compounds were first docked into the neuraminidase active site. The five plants with the largest number of top predicted ligands were selected for experimental evaluation. Twelve specific compounds isolated from these five plants were shown to inhibit neuraminidase, including two compounds with IC50 values less than 92 μM. Furthermore, four of the 12 isolated compounds had also been identified in the top 100 compounds from the virtual screen. Together, these results suggest an effective new approach for identifying bioactive plant species that will further the identification of new pharmacologically active compounds from diverse natural-product resources. PMID:25555059

  19. Virtual screening on an α-helix to β-strand switchable region of the FGFR2 extracellular domain revealed positive and negative modulators.


    Diaz, Constantino; Corentin, Herbert; Thierry, Vermat; Chantal, Alcouffe; Tanguy, Bozec; David, Sibrac; Jean-Marc, Herbert; Pascual, Ferrara; Françoise, Bono; Edgardo, Ferran


    The secondary structure of some protein segments may vary between α-helix and β-strand. To predict these switchable segments, we have developed an algorithm, Switch-P, based solely on the protein sequence. This algorithm was used on the extracellular parts of FGF receptors. For FGFR2, it predicted that β4 and β5 strands of the third Ig-like domain were highly switchable. These two strands possess a high number of somatic mutations associated with cancer. Analysis of PDB structures of FGF receptors confirmed the switchability prediction for β5. We thus evaluated if compound-driven α-helix/β-strand switching of β5 could modulate FGFR2 signaling. We performed the virtual screening of a library containing 1.4 million of chemical compounds with two models of the third Ig-like domain of FGFR2 showing different secondary structures for β5, and we selected 32 compounds. Experimental testing using proliferation assays with FGF7-stimulated SNU-16 cells and a FGFR2-dependent Erk1/2 phosphorylation assay with FGFR2-transfected L6 cells, revealed activators and inhibitors of FGFR2. Our method for the identification of switchable proteinic regions, associated with our virtual screening approach, provides an opportunity to discover new generation of drugs with under-explored mechanism of action. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. A kinase-focused compound collection: compilation and screening strategy.


    Sun, Dongyu; Chuaqui, Claudio; Deng, Zhan; Bowes, Scott; Chin, Donovan; Singh, Juswinder; Cullen, Patrick; Hankins, Gretchen; Lee, Wen-Cherng; Donnelly, Jason; Friedman, Jessica; Josiah, Serene


    Lead identification by high-throughput screening of large compound libraries has been supplemented with virtual screening and focused compound libraries. To complement existing approaches for lead identification at Biogen Idec, a kinase-focused compound collection was designed, developed and validated. Two strategies were adopted to populate the compound collection: a ligand shape-based virtual screening and a receptor-based approach (structural interaction fingerprint). Compounds selected with the two approaches were cherry-picked from an existing high-throughput screening compound library, ordered from suppliers and supplemented with specific medicinal compounds from internal programs. Promising hits and leads have been generated from the kinase-focused compound collection against multiple kinase targets. The principle of the collection design and screening strategy was validated and the use of the kinase-focused compound collection for lead identification has been added to existing strategies.

  1. Virtual Reality as a Tool in the Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Piovesan, Sandra Dutra; Passerino, Liliana Maria; Pereira, Adriana Soares


    The virtual reality is being more and more used in the education, enabling the student to find out, to explore and to build his own knowledge. This paper presents an Educational Software for presence or distance education, for subjects of Formal Language, where the student can manipulate virtually the target that must be explored, analyzed and…

  2. Running a distributed virtual observatory: U.S. Virtual Astronomical Observatory operations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McGlynn, Thomas A.; Hanisch, Robert J.; Berriman, G. Bruce; Thakar, Aniruddha R.


    Operation of the US Virtual Astronomical Observatory shares some issues with modern physical observatories, e.g., intimidating data volumes and rapid technological change, and must also address unique concerns like the lack of direct control of the underlying and scattered data resources, and the distributed nature of the observatory itself. In this paper we discuss how the VAO has addressed these challenges to provide the astronomical community with a coherent set of science-enabling tools and services. The distributed nature of our virtual observatory-with data and personnel spanning geographic, institutional and regime boundaries-is simultaneously a major operational headache and the primary science motivation for the VAO. Most astronomy today uses data from many resources. Facilitation of matching heterogeneous datasets is a fundamental reason for the virtual observatory. Key aspects of our approach include continuous monitoring and validation of VAO and VO services and the datasets provided by the community, monitoring of user requests to optimize access, caching for large datasets, and providing distributed storage services that allow user to collect results near large data repositories. Some elements are now fully implemented, while others are planned for subsequent years. The distributed nature of the VAO requires careful attention to what can be a straightforward operation at a conventional observatory, e.g., the organization of the web site or the collection and combined analysis of logs. Many of these strategies use and extend protocols developed by the international virtual observatory community. Our long-term challenge is working with the underlying data providers to ensure high quality implementation of VO data access protocols (new and better 'telescopes'), assisting astronomical developers to build robust integrating tools (new 'instruments'), and coordinating with the research community to maximize the science enabled.

  3. Stepwise high-throughput virtual screening of Rho kinase inhibitors from natural product library and potential therapeutics for pulmonary hypertension.


    Su, Hao; Yan, Ji; Xu, Jian; Fan, Xi-Zhen; Sun, Xian-Lin; Chen, Kang-Yu


    Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a devastating disease characterized by progressive elevation of pulmonary arterial pressure and vascular resistance due to pulmonary vasoconstriction and vessel remodeling. The activation of RhoA/Rho-kinase (ROCK) pathway plays a central role in the pathologic progression of PH and thus the Rho kinase, an essential effector of the ROCK pathway, is considered as a potential therapeutic target to attenuate PH. In the current study, a synthetic pipeline is used to discover new potent Rho inhibitors from various natural products. In the pipeline, the stepwise high-throughput virtual screening, quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR)-based rescoring, and kinase assay were integrated. The screening was performed against a structurally diverse, drug-like natural product library, from which six identified compounds were tested to determine their inhibitory potencies agonist Rho by using a standard kinase assay protocol. With this scheme, we successfully identified two potent Rho inhibitors, namely phloretin and baicalein, with activity values of IC50 = 0.22 and 0.95 μM, respectively. Structural examination suggested that complicated networks of non-bonded interactions such as hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic forces, and van der Waals contacts across the complex interfaces of Rho kinase are formed with the screened compounds.

  4. Global tree network for computing structures enabling global processing operations


    Blumrich; Matthias A.; Chen, Dong; Coteus, Paul W.; Gara, Alan G.; Giampapa, Mark E.; Heidelberger, Philip; Hoenicke, Dirk; Steinmacher-Burow, Burkhard D.; Takken, Todd E.; Vranas, Pavlos M.


    A system and method for enabling high-speed, low-latency global tree network communications among processing nodes interconnected according to a tree network structure. The global tree network enables collective reduction operations to be performed during parallel algorithm operations executing in a computer structure having a plurality of the interconnected processing nodes. Router devices are included that interconnect the nodes of the tree via links to facilitate performance of low-latency global processing operations at nodes of the virtual tree and sub-tree structures. The global operations performed include one or more of: broadcast operations downstream from a root node to leaf nodes of a virtual tree, reduction operations upstream from leaf nodes to the root node in the virtual tree, and point-to-point message passing from any node to the root node. The global tree network is configurable to provide global barrier and interrupt functionality in asynchronous or synchronized manner, and, is physically and logically partitionable.

  5. Virtual reality as a screening tool for sports concussion in adolescents.


    Nolin, Pierre; Stipanicic, Annie; Henry, Mylène; Joyal, Christian C; Allain, Philippe


    There is controversy surrounding the cognitive effects of sports concussion. This study aimed to verify whether the technique of virtual reality could aid in the identification of attention and inhibition deficits in adolescents. A prospective design was used to assess 25 sports-concussed and 25 non-sports-concussed adolescents enrolled in a sport and education programme. Participants were evaluated in immersive virtual reality via ClinicaVR: Classroom-CPT and in real life via the traditional VIGIL-CPT. The neuropsychological assessment using virtual reality showed greater sensitivity to the subtle effects of sports concussion compared to the traditional test, which showed no difference between groups. The results also demonstrated that the sports concussion group reported more symptoms of cybersickness and more intense cybersickness than the control group. Sports concussion was associated with subtle deficits in attention and inhibition. However, further studies are needed to support these results.

  6. Virtual Reality: A Strategy for Training in Cross-Cultural Communication.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Meyer, Catherine; Dunn-Roberts, Richard


    Defines virtual reality and explains terminology, theoretical concepts, and enabling technologies. Research and applications are described; limitations of current technology are considered; and future possibilities are discussed, including the use of virtual reality in training for cross-cultural communication. (22 references) (LRW)

  7. Hybrid rendering of the chest and virtual bronchoscopy [corrected].


    Seemann, M D; Seemann, O; Luboldt, W; Gebicke, K; Prime, G; Claussen, C D


    Thin-section spiral computed tomography was used to acquire the volume data sets of the thorax. The tracheobronchial system and pathological changes of the chest were visualized using a color-coded surface rendering method. The structures of interest were then superimposed on a volume rendering of the other thoracic structures, thus producing a hybrid rendering. The hybrid rendering technique exploit the advantages of both rendering methods and enable virtual bronchoscopic examinations using different representation models. Virtual bronchoscopic examinations with a transparent color-coded shaded-surface model enables the simultaneous visualization of both the airways and the adjacent structures behind of the tracheobronchial wall and therefore, offers a practical alternative to fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Hybrid rendering and virtual endoscopy obviate the need for time consuming detailed analysis and presentation of axial source images.

  8. The Role of Virtual Articulator in Prosthetic and Restorative Dentistry

    PubMed Central

    Aljanakh, Mohammad


    Virtual reality is a computer based technology linked with the future of dentistry and dental practice. The virtual articulator is one such application in prosthetic and restorative dentistry based on virtual reality that will significantly reduce the limitations of the mechanical articulator, and by simulation of real patient data, allow analyses with regard to static and dynamic occlusion as well as to jaw relation. It is the purpose of this article to present the concepts and strategies for a future replacement of the mechanical articulator by a virtual one. Also, a brief note on virtual reality haptic system has been highlighted along with newly developed touch enabled virtual articulator. PMID:25177664

  9. The role of virtual articulator in prosthetic and restorative dentistry.


    Koralakunte, Pavankumar Ravi; Aljanakh, Mohammad


    Virtual reality is a computer based technology linked with the future of dentistry and dental practice. The virtual articulator is one such application in prosthetic and restorative dentistry based on virtual reality that will significantly reduce the limitations of the mechanical articulator, and by simulation of real patient data, allow analyses with regard to static and dynamic occlusion as well as to jaw relation. It is the purpose of this article to present the concepts and strategies for a future replacement of the mechanical articulator by a virtual one. Also, a brief note on virtual reality haptic system has been highlighted along with newly developed touch enabled virtual articulator.

  10. Manually locating physical and virtual reality objects.


    Chen, Karen B; Kimmel, Ryan A; Bartholomew, Aaron; Ponto, Kevin; Gleicher, Michael L; Radwin, Robert G


    In this study, we compared how users locate physical and equivalent three-dimensional images of virtual objects in a cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE) using the hand to examine how human performance (accuracy, time, and approach) is affected by object size, location, and distance. Virtual reality (VR) offers the promise to flexibly simulate arbitrary environments for studying human performance. Previously, VR researchers primarily considered differences between virtual and physical distance estimation rather than reaching for close-up objects. Fourteen participants completed manual targeting tasks that involved reaching for corners on equivalent physical and virtual boxes of three different sizes. Predicted errors were calculated from a geometric model based on user interpupillary distance, eye location, distance from the eyes to the projector screen, and object. Users were 1.64 times less accurate (p < .001) and spent 1.49 times more time (p = .01) targeting virtual versus physical box corners using the hands. Predicted virtual targeting errors were on average 1.53 times (p < .05) greater than the observed errors for farther virtual targets but not significantly different for close-up virtual targets. Target size, location, and distance, in addition to binocular disparity, affected virtual object targeting inaccuracy. Observed virtual box inaccuracy was less than predicted for farther locations, suggesting possible influence of cues other than binocular vision. Human physical interaction with objects in VR for simulation, training, and prototyping involving reaching and manually handling virtual objects in a CAVE are more accurate than predicted when locating farther objects.

  11. An infrastructure to mine molecular descriptors for ligand selection on virtual screening.


    Seus, Vinicius Rosa; Perazzo, Giovanni Xavier; Winck, Ana T; Werhli, Adriano V; Machado, Karina S


    The receptor-ligand interaction evaluation is one important step in rational drug design. The databases that provide the structures of the ligands are growing on a daily basis. This makes it impossible to test all the ligands for a target receptor. Hence, a ligand selection before testing the ligands is needed. One possible approach is to evaluate a set of molecular descriptors. With the aim of describing the characteristics of promising compounds for a specific receptor we introduce a data warehouse-based infrastructure to mine molecular descriptors for virtual screening (VS). We performed experiments that consider as target the receptor HIV-1 protease and different compounds for this protein. A set of 9 molecular descriptors are taken as the predictive attributes and the free energy of binding is taken as a target attribute. By applying the J48 algorithm over the data we obtain decision tree models that achieved up to 84% of accuracy. The models indicate which molecular descriptors and their respective values are relevant to influence good FEB results. Using their rules we performed ligand selection on ZINC database. Our results show important reduction in ligands selection to be applied in VS experiments; for instance, the best selection model picked only 0.21% of the total amount of drug-like ligands.

  12. Molecular modeling and identification of novel glucokinase activators through stepwise virtual screening.


    Behera, Pabitra Mohan; Behera, Deepak Kumar; Satpati, Suresh; Agnihotri, Geetanjali; Nayak, Sanghamitra; Padhi, Payodhar; Dixit, Anshuman


    The glucose phosphorylating enzyme glucokinase (GK) is a 50kD monomeric protein having 465 amino acids. It maintains glucose homeostasis inside cells, acts as a glucose sensor in pancreatic β-cells and as a rate controlling enzyme for hepatic glucose clearance and glycogen synthesis. It has two binding sites, one for binding d-glucose and the other for a putative allosteric activator named glucokinase activator (GKA). The GKAs interact with the same region of the GK enzyme that is commonly affected by naturally occurring mutations in humans. However, many GKAs do not bind to GK in the absence of glucose. Recently, it has been reported that GKAs are highly effective in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this milieu a molecular modeling study has been carried out on three natural variants of GK that lie in the GKA binding site and are known to cause maturity onset diabetes of young (MODY). Additionally, a 10ns molecular dynamics simulation was done on each of the modeled variant in order to explore the flexibility of this site. Subsequently, a systematic virtual screening study was done to identify compounds which can bind with high affinity at GKA binding site of mutant GK. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Virtual commissioning of automated micro-optical assembly

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schlette, Christian; Losch, Daniel; Haag, Sebastian; Zontar, Daniel; Roßmann, Jürgen; Brecher, Christian


    In this contribution, we present a novel approach to enable virtual commissioning for process developers in micro-optical assembly. Our approach aims at supporting micro-optics experts to effectively develop assisted or fully automated assembly solutions without detailed prior experience in programming while at the same time enabling them to easily implement their own libraries of expert schemes and algorithms for handling optical components. Virtual commissioning is enabled by a 3D simulation and visualization system in which the functionalities and properties of automated systems are modeled, simulated and controlled based on multi-agent systems. For process development, our approach supports event-, state- and time-based visual programming techniques for the agents and allows for their kinematic motion simulation in combination with looped-in simulation results for the optical components. First results have been achieved for simply switching the agents to command the real hardware setup after successful process implementation and validation in the virtual environment. We evaluated and adapted our system to meet the requirements set by industrial partners-- laser manufacturers as well as hardware suppliers of assembly platforms. The concept is applied to the automated assembly of optical components for optically pumped semiconductor lasers and positioning of optical components for beam-shaping

  14. Molecular modeling, simulation and virtual screening of MurD ligase protein from Salmonella typhimurium LT2.


    Samal, Himanshu Bhusan; Das, Jugal Kishore; Mahapatra, Rajani Kanta; Suar, Mrutyunjay


    The Mur enzymes of the peptidoglycan biosynthesis pathway constitute ideal targets for the design of new classes of antimicrobial inhibitors in Gram-negative bacteria. We built a homology model of MurD of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 using MODELLER (9v12) software. 'The homology model was subjected to energy minimization by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation study with GROMACS software for a simulation time of 20 ns in water environment. The model was subjected for virtual screening study from the Zinc Database using Dockblaster software. Inhibition assay for the best inhibitor, 3-(amino methyl)-n-(4-methoxyphenyl) aniline, by flow cytometric analysis revealed the effective inhibition of peptidoglycan biosynthesis. Results from this study provide new insights for the molecular understanding and development of new antibacterial drugs against the pathogen. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Height effects in real and virtual environments.


    Simeonov, Peter I; Hsiao, Hongwei; Dotson, Brian W; Ammons, Douglas E


    The study compared human perceptions of height, danger, and anxiety, as well as skin conductance and heart rate responses and postural instability effects, in real and virtual height environments. The 24 participants (12 men, 12 women), whose average age was 23.6 years, performed "lean-over-the-railing" and standing tasks on real and comparable virtual balconies, using a surround-screen virtual reality (SSVR) system. The results indicate that the virtual display of elevation provided realistic perceptual experience and induced some physiological responses and postural instability effects comparable to those found in a real environment. It appears that a simulation of elevated work environment in a SSVR system, although with reduced visual fidelity, is a valid tool for safety research. Potential applications of this study include the design of virtual environments that will help in safe evaluation of human performance at elevation, identification of risk factors leading to fall incidents, and assessment of new fall prevention strategies.

  16. Pharmacophore-based virtual screening, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation, and biological evaluation for the discovery of novel BRD4 inhibitors.


    Yan, Guoyi; Hou, Manzhou; Luo, Jiang; Pu, Chunlan; Hou, Xueyan; Lan, Suke; Li, Rui


    Bromodomain is a recognition module in the signal transduction of acetylated histone. BRD4, one of the bromodomain members, is emerging as an attractive therapeutic target for several types of cancer. Therefore, in this study, an attempt has been made to screen compounds from an integrated database containing 5.5 million compounds for BRD4 inhibitors using pharmacophore-based virtual screening, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics simulations. As a result, two molecules of twelve hits were found to be active in bioactivity tests. Among the molecules, compound 5 exhibited potent anticancer activity, and the IC 50 values against human cancer cell lines MV4-11, A375, and HeLa were 4.2, 7.1, and 11.6 μm, respectively. After that, colony formation assay, cell cycle, apoptosis analysis, wound-healing migration assay, and Western blotting were carried out to learn the bioactivity of compound 5. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  17. Viscosity Measurement: A Virtual Experiment - Abstract of Issues 9907W

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Papadopoulos, N.; Pitta, A. T.; Markopoulos, N.; Limniou, M.; Lemos, M. A. N. D. A.; Lemos, F.; Freire, F. G.


    Viscosity Measurement: A Virtual Experiment simulates a series of viscosity experiments. Viscosity is an important subject in chemistry and chemical engineering. It is important when dealing with intermolecular forces in liquids and gases and it has enormous relevance in all technological aspects of equipment dealing with liquids or gases. Most university-level chemistry courses include viscosity to some extent. Viscosity Measurement includes three virtual experiments: an Ostwald viscometer simulator, a falling-ball viscometer simulator, and a balance simulator for a simple determination of the density of a liquid. The Ostwald viscometer simulator and the balance simulator allow the student to find out how composition and temperature influence the density and viscosity of an ethanol-water mixture. The falling-ball viscometer simulator allows the student to determine experimentally the size and density of the ball required to measure viscosity of various liquids. Each virtual experiment includes a corresponding theoretical section. Support from the program is sufficient to enable the students to carry out a virtual experiment sensibly and on their own. Preparation is not essential. Students can use the program unsupervised, thus saving staff time and allowing flexibility in students' time. The design of the program interface plays a key role in the success of a simulated experiment. Direct manipulation has greater intuitive appeal than alternative interface forms such as menus and has been observed to provide performance and learning advantages (1). We tried to design an interface that is visually attractive, is user friendly with simple and intuitive navigation, and provides appropriate schematic animations to clarify the principles of the laboratory procedures. The opening screen presents the virtual experiments that can be selected. Clicking an icon takes the student to the appropriate section. Viscosity Measurement allows the student to concentrate on the

  18. NASA Virtual Institutes: International Bridges for Space Exploration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Schmidt, Gregory K.


    NASA created the first virtual institute, the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI), in 2009 with an aim toward bringing together geographically disparate and multidisciplinary teams toward the goal of answering broad questions in the then-new discipline of astrobiology. With the success of the virtual institute model, NASA then created the NASA Lunar Science Institute (NLSI) in 2008 to address questions of science and human exploration of the Moon, and then the NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI) in 2012 which addresses key questions in the development of aeronautics technologies. With the broadening of NASA's human exploration targets to include Near Earth Asteroids and the moons of Mars as well as the Moon, the NLSI morphed into the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) in 2012. SSERVI funds domestic research teams to address broad questions at the intersection of science and human exploration, with the underlying principle that science enables human exploration, and human exploration enables science. Nine domestic teams were funded in 2014 for a five-year period to address a variety of different topics, and nine international partners (with more to come) also work with the U.S. teams on a variety of topics of mutual interest. The result is a robust and productive research infrastructure that is not only scientifically productive but can respond to strategic topics of domestic and international interest, and which develops a new generation of researchers. This is all accomplished with the aid of virtual collaboration technologies which enable scientific research at a distance. The virtual institute model is widely applicable to a range of space science and exploration problems.

  19. [Virtual microscopy in pathology teaching and postgraduate training (continuing education)].


    Sinn, H P; Andrulis, M; Mogler, C; Schirmacher, P


    As with conventional microscopy, virtual microscopy permits histological tissue sections to be viewed on a computer screen with a free choice of viewing areas and a wide range of magnifications. This, combined with the possibility of linking virtual microscopy to E-Learning courses, make virtual microscopy an ideal tool for teaching and postgraduate training in pathology. Uses of virtual microscopy in pathology teaching include blended learning with the presentation of digital teaching slides in the internet parallel to presentation in the histology lab, extending student access to histology slides beyond the lab. Other uses are student self-learning in the Internet, as well as the presentation of virtual slides in the classroom with or without replacing real microscopes. Successful integration of virtual microscopy depends on its embedding in the virtual classroom and the creation of interactive E-learning content. Applications derived from this include the use of virtual microscopy in video clips, podcasts, SCORM modules and the presentation of virtual microscopy using interactive whiteboards in the classroom.

  20. Ontological knowledge engine and health screening data enabled ubiquitous personalized physical fitness (UFIT).


    Su, Chuan-Jun; Chiang, Chang-Yu; Chih, Meng-Chun


    Good physical fitness generally makes the body less prone to common diseases. A personalized exercise plan that promotes a balanced approach to fitness helps promotes fitness, while inappropriate forms of exercise can have adverse consequences for health. This paper aims to develop an ontology-driven knowledge-based system for generating custom-designed exercise plans based on a user's profile and health status, incorporating international standard Health Level Seven International (HL7) data on physical fitness and health screening. The generated plan exposing Representational State Transfer (REST) style web services which can be accessed from any Internet-enabled device and deployed in cloud computing environments. To ensure the practicality of the generated exercise plans, encapsulated knowledge used as a basis for inference in the system is acquired from domain experts. The proposed Ubiquitous Exercise Plan Generation for Personalized Physical Fitness (UFIT) will not only improve health-related fitness through generating personalized exercise plans, but also aid users in avoiding inappropriate work outs.

  1. Ontological Knowledge Engine and Health Screening Data Enabled Ubiquitous Personalized Physical Fitness (UFIT)

    PubMed Central

    Su, Chuan-Jun; Chiang, Chang-Yu; Chih, Meng-Chun


    Good physical fitness generally makes the body less prone to common diseases. A personalized exercise plan that promotes a balanced approach to fitness helps promotes fitness, while inappropriate forms of exercise can have adverse consequences for health. This paper aims to develop an ontology-driven knowledge-based system for generating custom-designed exercise plans based on a user's profile and health status, incorporating international standard Health Level Seven International (HL7) data on physical fitness and health screening. The generated plan exposing Representational State Transfer (REST) style web services which can be accessed from any Internet-enabled device and deployed in cloud computing environments. To ensure the practicality of the generated exercise plans, encapsulated knowledge used as a basis for inference in the system is acquired from domain experts. The proposed Ubiquitous Exercise Plan Generation for Personalized Physical Fitness (UFIT) will not only improve health-related fitness through generating personalized exercise plans, but also aid users in avoiding inappropriate work outs. PMID:24608002

  2. Virtual reality and planetary exploration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mcgreevy, Michael W.


    Exploring planetary environments is central to NASA's missions and goals. A new computing technology called Virtual Reality has much to offer in support of planetary exploration. This technology augments and extends human presence within computer-generated and remote spatial environments. Historically, NASA has been a leader in many of the fundamental concepts and technologies that comprise Virtual Reality. Indeed, Ames Research Center has a central role in the development of this rapidly emerging approach to using computers. This ground breaking work has inspired researchers in academia, industry, and the military. Further, NASA's leadership in this technology has spun off new businesses, has caught the attention of the international business community, and has generated several years of positive international media coverage. In the future, Virtual Reality technology will enable greatly improved human-machine interactions for more productive planetary surface exploration. Perhaps more importantly, Virtual Reality technology will democratize the experience of planetary exploration and thereby broaden understanding of, and support for, this historic enterprise.

  3. Virtual reality and planetary exploration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McGreevy, Michael W.

    Exploring planetary environments is central to NASA's missions and goals. A new computing technology called Virtual Reality has much to offer in support of planetary exploration. This technology augments and extends human presence within computer-generated and remote spatial environments. Historically, NASA has been a leader in many of the fundamental concepts and technologies that comprise Virtual Reality. Indeed, Ames Research Center has a central role in the development of this rapidly emerging approach to using computers. This ground breaking work has inspired researchers in academia, industry, and the military. Further, NASA's leadership in this technology has spun off new businesses, has caught the attention of the international business community, and has generated several years of positive international media coverage. In the future, Virtual Reality technology will enable greatly improved human-machine interactions for more productive planetary surface exploration. Perhaps more importantly, Virtual Reality technology will democratize the experience of planetary exploration and thereby broaden understanding of, and support for, this historic enterprise.

  4. Virtually Out of This World!

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Ames Research Center granted Reality Capture Technologies (RCT), Inc., a license to further develop NASA's Mars Map software platform. The company incorporated NASA#s innovation into software that uses the Virtual Plant Model (VPM)(TM) to structure, modify, and implement the construction sites of industrial facilities, as well as develop, validate, and train operators on procedures. The VPM orchestrates the exchange of information between engineering, production, and business transaction systems. This enables users to simulate, control, and optimize work processes while increasing the reliability of critical business decisions. Engineers can complete the construction process and test various aspects of it in virtual reality before building the actual structure. With virtual access to and simulation of the construction site, project personnel can manage, access control, and respond to changes on complex constructions more effectively. Engineers can also create operating procedures, training, and documentation. Virtual Plant Model(TM) is a trademark of Reality Capture Technologies, Inc.

  5. Mobile viewer system for virtual 3D space using infrared LED point markers and camera

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sakamoto, Kunio; Taneji, Shoto


    The authors have developed a 3D workspace system using collaborative imaging devices. A stereoscopic display enables this system to project 3D information. In this paper, we describe the position detecting system for a see-through 3D viewer. A 3D display system is useful technology for virtual reality, mixed reality and augmented reality. We have researched spatial imaging and interaction system. We have ever proposed 3D displays using the slit as a parallax barrier, the lenticular screen and the holographic optical elements(HOEs) for displaying active image 1)2)3)4). The purpose of this paper is to propose the interactive system using these 3D imaging technologies. The observer can view virtual images in the real world when the user watches the screen of a see-through 3D viewer. The goal of our research is to build the display system as follows; when users see the real world through the mobile viewer, the display system gives users virtual 3D images, which is floating in the air, and the observers can touch these floating images and interact them such that kids can make play clay. The key technologies of this system are the position recognition system and the spatial imaging display. The 3D images are presented by the improved parallax barrier 3D display. Here the authors discuss the measuring method of the mobile viewer using infrared LED point markers and a camera in the 3D workspace (augmented reality world). The authors show the geometric analysis of the proposed measuring method, which is the simplest method using a single camera not the stereo camera, and the results of our viewer system.

  6. Inhibitors of SARS-3CLpro: Virtual Screening, Biological Evaluation and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies

    PubMed Central

    Mukherjee, Prasenjit; Shah, Falgun; Desai, Prashant; Avery, Mitchell


    SARS-CoV from the coronaviridae family has been identified as the etiological agent of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), a highly contagious upper respiratory disease that reached epidemic status in 2002. SARS-3CLpro, a cysteine protease indispensible to the viral life cycle, has been identified as one of the key therapeutic target against SARS. A combined ligand and structure based virtual screening was carried out against the Asinex Platinum collection. Multiple low micromolar inhibitors of the enzyme were identified through this search, one of which also showed activity against SARS-CoV in a whole cell CPE assay. Furthermore, multi nanosecond explicit solvent simulations were carried out using the docking poses of the identified hits to study the overall stability of the binding site interactions as well as identify important changes in the interaction profile that were not apparent from the docking study. Cumulative analysis of the evaluated compounds and the simulation studies led to the identification of certain protein-ligand interaction patterns which would be useful in further structure based design efforts. PMID:21604711

  7. Position specific interaction dependent scoring technique for virtual screening based on weighted protein--ligand interaction fingerprint profiles.


    Nandigam, Ravi K; Kim, Sangtae; Singh, Juswinder; Chuaqui, Claudio


    The desire to exploit structural information to aid structure based design and virtual screening led to the development of the interaction fingerprint for analyzing, mining, and filtering the binding patterns underlying the complex 3D data. In this paper we introduce a new approach, weighted SIFt (or w-SIFt), extending the concept of SIFt to capture the relative importance of different binding interactions. The methodology presented here for determining the weights in w-SIFt involves utilizing a dimensionality reduction technique for eliminating linear redundancies in the data followed by a stochastic optimization. We find that the relative weights of the fingerprint bits provide insight into what interactions are critical in determining inhibitor potency. Moreover, the weighted interaction fingerprint can serve as an interpretable position dependent scoring function for ligand protein interactions.

  8. Cognitive evaluation for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease based on Turing Test and Virtual Environments.


    Fernandez Montenegro, Juan Manuel; Argyriou, Vasileios


    Alzheimer's screening tests are commonly used by doctors to diagnose the patient's condition and stage as early as possible. Most of these tests are based on pen-paper interaction and do not embrace the advantages provided by new technologies. This paper proposes novel Alzheimer's screening tests based on virtual environments and game principles using new immersive technologies combined with advanced Human Computer Interaction (HCI) systems. These new tests are focused on the immersion of the patient in a virtual room, in order to mislead and deceive the patient's mind. In addition, we propose two novel variations of Turing Test proposed by Alan Turing as a method to detect dementia. As a result, four tests are introduced demonstrating the wide range of screening mechanisms that could be designed using virtual environments and game concepts. The proposed tests are focused on the evaluation of memory loss related to common objects, recent conversations and events; the diagnosis of problems in expressing and understanding language; the ability to recognize abnormalities; and to differentiate between virtual worlds and reality, or humans and machines. The proposed screening tests were evaluated and tested using both patients and healthy adults in a comparative study with state-of-the-art Alzheimer's screening tests. The results show the capacity of the new tests to distinguish healthy people from Alzheimer's patients. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  9. Opportunities for leveraging OS virtualization in high-end supercomputing.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bridges, Patrick G.; Pedretti, Kevin Thomas Tauke


    This paper examines potential motivations for incorporating virtualization support in the system software stacks of high-end capability supercomputers. We advocate that this will increase the flexibility of these platforms significantly and enable new capabilities that are not possible with current fixed software stacks. Our results indicate that compute, virtual memory, and I/O virtualization overheads are low and can be further mitigated by utilizing well-known techniques such as large paging and VMM bypass. Furthermore, since the addition of virtualization support does not affect the performance of applications using the traditional native environment, there is essentially no disadvantage to its addition.

  10. Sounds of silence: How to animate virtual worlds with sound

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Astheimer, Peter


    Sounds are an integral and sometimes annoying part of our daily life. Virtual worlds which imitate natural environments gain a lot of authenticity from fast, high quality visualization combined with sound effects. Sounds help to increase the degree of immersion for human dwellers in imaginary worlds significantly. The virtual reality toolkit of IGD (Institute for Computer Graphics) features a broad range of standard visual and advanced real-time audio components which interpret an object-oriented definition of the scene. The virtual reality system 'Virtual Design' realized with the toolkit enables the designer of virtual worlds to create a true audiovisual environment. Several examples on video demonstrate the usage of the audio features in Virtual Design.

  11. Distributed virtual environment for emergency medical training

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stytz, Martin R.; Banks, Sheila B.; Garcia, Brian W.; Godsell-Stytz, Gayl M.


    paper we report on our prototype VER system and its distributed system architecture for an emergency department distributed virtual environment for emergency medical staff training. The virtual environment enables emergency department physicians and staff to develop their diagnostic and treatment skills using the virtual tools they need to perform diagnostic and treatment tasks. Virtual human imagery, and real-time virtual human response are used to create the virtual patient and present a scenario. Patient vital signs are available to the emergency department team as they manage the virtual case. The work reported here consists of the system architectures we developed for the distributed components of the virtual emergency room. The architectures we describe consist of the network level architecture as well as the software architecture for each actor within the virtual emergency room. We describe the role of distributed interactive simulation and other enabling technologies within the virtual emergency room project.

  12. Identification of STAT1 and STAT3 Specific Inhibitors Using Comparative Virtual Screening and Docking Validation

    PubMed Central

    Szelag, Malgorzata; Czerwoniec, Anna; Wesoly, Joanna; Bluyssen, Hans A. R.


    Signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs) facilitate action of cytokines, growth factors and pathogens. STAT activation is mediated by a highly conserved SH2 domain, which interacts with phosphotyrosine motifs for specific STAT-receptor contacts and STAT dimerization. The active dimers induce gene transcription in the nucleus by binding to a specific DNA-response element in the promoter of target genes. Abnormal activation of STAT signaling pathways is implicated in many human diseases, like cancer, inflammation and auto-immunity. Searches for STAT-targeting compounds, exploring the phosphotyrosine (pTyr)-SH2 interaction site, yielded many small molecules for STAT3 but sparsely for other STATs. However, many of these inhibitors seem not STAT3-specific, thereby questioning the present modeling and selection strategies of SH2 domain-based STAT inhibitors. We generated new 3D structure models for all human (h)STATs and developed a comparative in silico docking strategy to obtain further insight into STAT-SH2 cross-binding specificity of a selection of previously identified STAT3 inhibitors. Indeed, by primarily targeting the highly conserved pTyr-SH2 binding pocket the majority of these compounds exhibited similar binding affinity and tendency scores for all STATs. By comparative screening of a natural product library we provided initial proof for the possibility to identify STAT1 as well as STAT3-specific inhibitors, introducing the ‘STAT-comparative binding affinity value’ and ‘ligand binding pose variation’ as selection criteria. In silico screening of a multi-million clean leads (CL) compound library for binding of all STATs, likewise identified potential specific inhibitors for STAT1 and STAT3 after docking validation. Based on comparative virtual screening and docking validation, we developed a novel STAT inhibitor screening tool that allows identification of specific STAT1 and STAT3 inhibitory compounds. This could increase our

  13. Visualizing vascular structures in virtual environments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wischgoll, Thomas


    In order to learn more about the cause of coronary heart diseases and develop diagnostic tools, the extraction and visualization of vascular structures from volumetric scans for further analysis is an important step. By determining a geometric representation of the vasculature, the geometry can be inspected and additional quantitative data calculated and incorporated into the visualization of the vasculature. To provide a more user-friendly visualization tool, virtual environment paradigms can be utilized. This paper describes techniques for interactive rendering of large-scale vascular structures within virtual environments. This can be applied to almost any virtual environment configuration, such as CAVE-type displays. Specifically, the tools presented in this paper were tested on a Barco I-Space and a large 62x108 inch passive projection screen with a Kinect sensor for user tracking.

  14. Discovery of a quorum-sensing inhibitor of drug-resistant staphylococcal infections by structure-based virtual screening.


    Kiran, Madanahally D; Adikesavan, Nallini Vijayarangan; Cirioni, Oscar; Giacometti, Andrea; Silvestri, Carmela; Scalise, Giorgio; Ghiselli, Roberto; Saba, Vittorio; Orlando, Fiorenza; Shoham, Menachem; Balaban, Naomi


    Staphylococci are a major health threat because of increasing resistance to antibiotics. An alternative to antibiotic treatment is preventing virulence by inhibition of bacterial cell-to-cell communication using the quorum-sensing inhibitor RNAIII-inhibiting peptide (RIP). In this work, we identified 2',5-di-O-galloyl-d-hamamelose (hamamelitannin) as a nonpeptide analog of RIP by virtual screening of a RIP-based pharmacophore against a database of commercially available small-molecule compounds. Hamamelitannin is a natural product found in the bark of Hamamelis virginiana (witch hazel), and it has no effect on staphylococcal growth in vitro; but like RIP, it does inhibit the quorum-sensing regulator RNAIII. In a rat graft model, hamamelitannin prevented device-associated infections in vivo, including infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis strains. These findings suggest that hamamelitannin may be used as a suppressor to staphylococcal infections.

  15. Virtual screening of phytochemicals to novel targets in Haemophilus ducreyi towards the treatment of Chancroid.


    Tripathi, Pranav; Chaudhary, Ritu; Singh, Ajeet


    Conventionally, drugs are discovered by testing chemically synthesized compounds against a battery of in vivo biological screens. Information technology and Omic science enabled us for high throughput screening of compound libraries against biological targets and hits are then tested for efficacy in cells or animals. Chancroid, caused by Haemophilus ducreyi is a public health problem and has been recognized as a cofactor for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) transmission. It facilitates HIV transmission by providing an accessible portal entry, promoting viral shedding, and recruiting macrophages as well as CD4 cells to the skin. So, there is a requirement to develop an efficient drug to combat Chancroid that can also diminish HIV infection. In-silico screening of potential inhibitors against the target may facilitate in detection of the novel lead compounds for developing an effective chemo preventive strategy against Haemophilus ducreyi. The present study has investigated the effects of approximately 1100 natural compounds that inhibit three vital enzymes viz. Phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase, Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase and Fructose 1, 6-bisphosphatase of Haemophilus ducreyi in reference to a commercial drug Rifabutin. Results reveal that the lead compound uses less energy to bind to target. The lead compound parillin has also been predicted as less immunogenic in comparison to Rifabutin. Further, better molecular dynamics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and ADME-T properties establish it as an efficient chancroid preventer.

  16. A Systematic, Inquiry-Based 7-Step Virtual Worlds Teacher Training

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nussli, Natalie Christina; Oh, Kevin


    Eighteen special education teachers explored one prominent example of three-dimensional virtual worlds, namely Second Life. This study aimed to (a) determine their perception of the effectiveness of a systematic 7-Step Virtual Worlds Teacher Training workshop in terms of enabling them to make informed decisions about the usability of virtual…

  17. Human responses to augmented virtual scaffolding models.


    Hsiao, Hongwei; Simeonov, Peter; Dotson, Brian; Ammons, Douglas; Kau, Tsui-Ying; Chiou, Sharon


    This study investigated the effect of adding real planks, in virtual scaffolding models of elevation, on human performance in a surround-screen virtual reality (SSVR) system. Twenty-four construction workers and 24 inexperienced controls performed walking tasks on real and virtual planks at three virtual heights (0, 6 m, 12 m) and two scaffolding-platform-width conditions (30, 60 cm). Gait patterns, walking instability measurements and cardiovascular reactivity were assessed. The results showed differences in human responses to real vs. virtual planks in walking patterns, instability score and heart-rate inter-beat intervals; it appeared that adding real planks in the SSVR virtual scaffolding model enhanced the quality of SSVR as a human - environment interface research tool. In addition, there were significant differences in performance between construction workers and the control group. The inexperienced participants were more unstable as compared to construction workers. Both groups increased their stride length with repetitions of the task, indicating a possibly confidence- or habit-related learning effect. The practical implications of this study are in the adoption of augmented virtual models of elevated construction environments for injury prevention research, and the development of programme for balance-control training to reduce the risk of falls at elevation before workers enter a construction job.

  18. Enabler for the agile virtual enterprise

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fuerst, Karl; Schmidt, Thomas; Wippel, Gerald


    In this presentation, a new approach for a flexible low-cost Internet extended enterprise (project FLoCI-EE) will be presented. FLoCI-EE is a project in the fifth framework program of the European commission with 8 partners from 4 countries, which started in January 2001 and will be finished in December 2003. The main objective of FLoCI-EE is the development of a software prototype, which enables flexible enterprise cooperation with the aim to design, manufacture and sell products commonly, independent of enterprise borderlines. The needed IT-support includes functions of product data management (PDM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM). Especially for small and medium sized enterprises, existing solutions are too expensive and inflexible to be of use under current turbulent market conditions. The second part of this paper covers the item Web Services, because in the role-specific support approach of FLoCI-EE, there are user- interface-components, which are tailored for specific roles in an enterprise. These components integrate automatically the services of the so-called basic-components, and the externally offered Web Services like UDDI.

  19. Identification of Novel Compounds against an R294K Substitution of Influenza A (H7N9) Virus Using Ensemble Based Drug Virtual Screening

    PubMed Central

    Tran, Nhut; Van, Thanh; Nguyen, Hieu; Le, Ly


    Influenza virus H7N9 foremost emerged in China in 2013 and killed hundreds of people in Asia since they possessed all mutations that enable them to resist to all existing influenza drugs, resulting in high mortality to human. In the effort to identify novel inhibitors combat resistant strains of influenza virus H7N9; we performed virtual screening targeting the Neuraminidase (NA) protein against natural compounds of traditional Chinese medicine database (TCM) and ZINC natural products. Compounds expressed high binding affinity to the target protein was then evaluated for molecular properties to determine drug-like molecules. 4 compounds showed their binding energy less than -11Kcal/mol were selected for molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to capture intermolecular interactions of ligand-protein complexes. The molecular mechanics/Poisson-Boltzmann surface area (MM/PBSA) method was utilized to estimate binding free energy of the complex. In term of stability, NA-7181 (IUPAC namely {9-Hydroxy-10-[3-(trifluoromrthyl) cyclohexyl]-4.8-diazatricyclo [,6]dodec-4-yl}(perhydro-1H-inden-5-yl)formaldehyde) achieved stable conformation after 20ns and 27ns for ligand and protein root mean square deviation, respectively. In term of binding free energy, 7181 gave the negative value of -30.031 (KJ/mol) indicating the compound obtained a favourable state in the active site of the protein. PMID:25589893

  20. [Clinical pathology on the verge of virtual microscopy].


    Tolonen, Teemu; Näpänkangas, Juha; Isola, Jorma


    For more than 100 years, examinations of pathology specimens have relied on the use of the light microscope. The technological progress of the last few years is enabling the digitizing of histologic specimen slides and application of the virtual microscope in diagnostics. Virtual microscopy will facilitate consultation possibilities, and digital image analysis serves to enhance the level of diagnostics. Organizing and monitoring clinicopathological meetings will become easier. Digital archive of histologic specimens and the virtual microscopy network are expected to benefit training and research as well, particularly what applies to the Finnish biobank network which is currently being established.

  1. Virtualization of System of Systems Test and Evaluation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    computers and is the primary enabler for virtualization. 2. Virtualization System Elements Parmalee, Peterson , Tillman, & Hatfield (1972) outlined the...The work of Abu-Taieh and El Sheikh, based on the work of Balci (1994, 1995), and Balci et al. ( 1996 ), seeks to organize types of tests and to...and testing. In A. Dasso & A. Funes (Eds.), Verification, validation, and testing in software engineering (pp. 155–184). Hershey , PA: Idea Group

  2. Exploring 4D Flow Data in an Immersive Virtual Environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stevens, A. H.; Butkiewicz, T.


    Ocean models help us to understand and predict a wide range of intricate physical processes which comprise the atmospheric and oceanic systems of the Earth. Because these models output an abundance of complex time-varying three-dimensional (i.e., 4D) data, effectively conveying the myriad information from a given model poses a significant visualization challenge. The majority of the research effort into this problem has concentrated around synthesizing and examining methods for representing the data itself; by comparison, relatively few studies have looked into the potential merits of various viewing conditions and virtual environments. We seek to improve our understanding of the benefits offered by current consumer-grade virtual reality (VR) systems through an immersive, interactive 4D flow visualization system. Our dataset is a Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) model representing a 12-hour tidal cycle of the currents within New Hampshire's Great Bay estuary. The model data was loaded into a custom VR particle system application using the OpenVR software library and the HTC Vive hardware, which tracks a headset and two six-degree-of-freedom (6DOF) controllers within a 5m-by-5m area. The resulting visualization system allows the user to coexist in the same virtual space as the data, enabling rapid and intuitive analysis of the flow model through natural interactions with the dataset and within the virtual environment. Whereas a traditional computer screen typically requires the user to reposition a virtual camera in the scene to obtain the desired view of the data, in virtual reality the user can simply move their head to the desired viewpoint, completely eliminating the mental context switches from data exploration/analysis to view adjustment and back. The tracked controllers become tools to quickly manipulate (reposition, reorient, and rescale) the dataset and to interrogate it by, e.g., releasing dye particles into the flow field, probing scalar velocities

  3. Outcomes of Screening Mammography in Elderly Women

    DTIC Science & Technology


    program run by the National Health Service (NHS) provides virtually all mammographic screening for women aged 50 or older . 2,3 There are differences also...government-funded National Health Service Breast Screening Program provides free breast cancer screening in the U.K. for women 50 or older . 3, 10 Women aged ...for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 Words) There is uncertainty about whether women older than age 65 should undergo

  4. The virtual mission approach: Empowering earth and space science missions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hansen, Elaine


    Future Earth and Space Science missions will address increasingly broad and complex scientific issues. To accomplish this task, we will need to acquire and coordinate data sets from a number of different instrumetns, to make coordinated observations of a given phenomenon, and to coordinate the operation of the many individual instruments making these observations. These instruments will need to be used together as a single ``Virtual Mission.'' This coordinated approach is complicated in that these scientific instruments will generally be on different platforms, in different orbits, from different control centers, at different institutions, and report to different user groups. Before this Virtual Mission approach can be implemented, techniques need to be developed to enable separate instruments to work together harmoniously, to execute observing sequences in a synchronized manner, and to be managed by the Virtual Mission authority during times of these coordinated activities. Enabling technologies include object-oriented designed approaches, extended operations management concepts and distributed computing techniques. Once these technologies are developed and the Virtual Mission concept is available, we believe the concept will provide NASA's Science Program with a new, ``go-as-you-pay,'' flexible, and resilient way of accomplishing its science observing program. The concept will foster the use of smaller and lower cost satellites. It will enable the fleet of scientific satellites to evolve in directions that best meet prevailing science needs. It will empower scientists by enabling them to mix and match various combinations of in-space, ground, and suborbital instruments - combinations which can be called up quickly in response to new events or discoveries. And, it will enable small groups such as universities, Space Grant colleges, and small businesses to participate significantly in the program by developing small components of this evolving scientific fleet.

  5. Discovery of novel mGluR1 antagonists: a multistep virtual screening approach based on an SVM model and a pharmacophore hypothesis significantly increases the hit rate and enrichment factor.


    Li, Guo-Bo; Yang, Ling-Ling; Feng, Shan; Zhou, Jian-Ping; Huang, Qi; Xie, Huan-Zhang; Li, Lin-Li; Yang, Sheng-Yong


    Development of glutamate non-competitive antagonists of mGluR1 (Metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 1) has increasingly attracted much attention in recent years due to their potential therapeutic application for various nervous disorders. Since there is no crystal structure reported for mGluR1, ligand-based virtual screening (VS) methods, typically pharmacophore-based VS (PB-VS), are often used for the discovery of mGluR1 antagonists. Nevertheless, PB-VS usually suffers a lower hit rate and enrichment factor. In this investigation, we established a multistep ligand-based VS approach that is based on a support vector machine (SVM) classification model and a pharmacophore model. Performance evaluation of these methods in virtual screening against a large independent test set, M-MDDR, show that the multistep VS approach significantly increases the hit rate and enrichment factor compared with the individual SB-VS and PB-VS methods. The multistep VS approach was then used to screen several large chemical libraries including PubChem, Specs, and Enamine. Finally a total of 20 compounds were selected from the top ranking compounds, and shifted to the subsequent in vitro and in vivo studies, which results will be reported in the near future. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Grid Enabled Geospatial Catalogue Web Service

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chen, Ai-Jun; Di, Li-Ping; Wei, Ya-Xing; Liu, Yang; Bui, Yu-Qi; Hu, Chau-Min; Mehrotra, Piyush


    Geospatial Catalogue Web Service is a vital service for sharing and interoperating volumes of distributed heterogeneous geospatial resources, such as data, services, applications, and their replicas over the web. Based on the Grid technology and the Open Geospatial Consortium (0GC) s Catalogue Service - Web Information Model, this paper proposes a new information model for Geospatial Catalogue Web Service, named as GCWS which can securely provides Grid-based publishing, managing and querying geospatial data and services, and the transparent access to the replica data and related services under the Grid environment. This information model integrates the information model of the Grid Replica Location Service (RLS)/Monitoring & Discovery Service (MDS) with the information model of OGC Catalogue Service (CSW), and refers to the geospatial data metadata standards from IS0 19115, FGDC and NASA EOS Core System and service metadata standards from IS0 191 19 to extend itself for expressing geospatial resources. Using GCWS, any valid geospatial user, who belongs to an authorized Virtual Organization (VO), can securely publish and manage geospatial resources, especially query on-demand data in the virtual community and get back it through the data-related services which provide functions such as subsetting, reformatting, reprojection etc. This work facilitates the geospatial resources sharing and interoperating under the Grid environment, and implements geospatial resources Grid enabled and Grid technologies geospatial enabled. It 2!so makes researcher to focus on science, 2nd not cn issues with computing ability, data locztic, processir,g and management. GCWS also is a key component for workflow-based virtual geospatial data producing.

  7. Modeling of luminance distribution in CAVE-type virtual reality systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meironke, Michał; Mazikowski, Adam


    At present, one of the most advanced virtual reality systems are CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) installations. Such systems are usually consisted of four, five or six projection screens and in case of six screens arranged in form of a cube. Providing the user with a high level of immersion feeling in such systems is largely dependent of optical properties of the system. The modeling of physical phenomena plays nowadays a huge role in the most fields of science and technology. It allows to simulate work of device without a need to make any changes in the physical constructions. In this paper distribution of luminance in CAVE-type virtual reality systems were modelled. Calculations were performed for the model of 6-walled CAVE-type installation, based on Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory, situated at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Tests have been carried out for two different scattering distribution of the screen material in order to check how these characteristicinfluence on the luminance distribution of the whole CAVE. The basis assumption and simplification of modeled CAVE-type installation and results were presented. The brief discussion about the results and usefulness of developed model were also carried out.

  8. Uniqueness of Experience and Virtual Playworlds: Playing Is Not Just for Fun

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Talamo, Alessandra; Pozzi, Simone; Mellini, Barbara


    Social interactions within virtual communities are often described solely as being online experiences. Such descriptions are limited, for they fail to reference life external to the screen. The terms "virtual" and "real" have a negative connotation for many people and can even be interpreted to mean that something is "false" or "inauthentic."…

  9. A Thoroughly Validated Virtual Screening Strategy for Discovery of Novel HDAC3 Inhibitors.


    Hu, Huabin; Xia, Jie; Wang, Dongmei; Wang, Xiang Simon; Wu, Song


    Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) has been recently identified as a potential target for the treatment of cancer and other diseases, such as chronic inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases, and diabetes. Virtual screening (VS) is currently a routine technique for hit identification, but its success depends on rational development of VS strategies. To facilitate this process, we applied our previously released benchmarking dataset, i.e., MUBD-HDAC3 to the evaluation of structure-based VS (SBVS) and ligand-based VS (LBVS) combinatorial approaches. We have identified FRED (Chemgauss4) docking against a structural model of HDAC3, i.e., SAHA-3 generated by a computationally inexpensive "flexible docking", as the best SBVS approach and a common feature pharmacophore model, i.e., Hypo1 generated by Catalyst/HipHop as the optimal model for LBVS. We then developed a pipeline that was composed of Hypo1, FRED (Chemgauss4), and SAHA-3 sequentially, and demonstrated that it was superior to other combinations in terms of ligand enrichment. In summary, we present the first highly-validated, rationally-designed VS strategy specific to HDAC3 inhibitor discovery. The constructed pipeline is publicly accessible for the scientific community to identify novel HDAC3 inhibitors in a time-efficient and cost-effective way.

  10. A Thoroughly Validated Virtual Screening Strategy for Discovery of Novel HDAC3 Inhibitors

    PubMed Central

    Hu, Huabin; Xia, Jie; Wang, Dongmei; Wang, Xiang Simon; Wu, Song


    Histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) has been recently identified as a potential target for the treatment of cancer and other diseases, such as chronic inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases, and diabetes. Virtual screening (VS) is currently a routine technique for hit identification, but its success depends on rational development of VS strategies. To facilitate this process, we applied our previously released benchmarking dataset, i.e., MUBD-HDAC3 to the evaluation of structure-based VS (SBVS) and l