Sample records for estructuras primarias secundarias

  1. Combined Spectroscopic and Interferometric (NPOI) Observations of the Be Star o Cassiopeiae

    DTIC Science & Technology


    velocidades radiales de la estrella o Cas de los espectros tomados entre 1992 y 2008 en Ondřejov y Dominion Astrophysical Observatory nos permitieron...orbitales de este sistema SB1 implican una función de masa muy alta de alrededor de una masa solar. Esto implica una masa muy alta de la estrella ...secundaria, posiblemente mayor que la de la estrella primaria. Para comprobar si hay la existencia de una secundaria tan masiva, o Cas fue observada con

  2. A Case Study of Schooling Practices at an "Escuela Secundaria" in Mexico

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de Souza, Marcela


    This article reports results of a qualitative study conducted at a public "escuela secundaria" (U.S. grades 7, 8, and 9) in Guadalajara, Mexico, during the spring of 2010. As the second phase of an ongoing project, the main goal was to learn from direct classroom observation about the most prevalent teaching and institutional practices…

  3. [Not Available].


    Díaz, Toni; Ficapal-Cusí, Pilar; Aguilar-Martínez, Alicia


    Introducción: a pesar de la relevancia nutricional del desayuno para el desarrollo y su asociación a un mejor aprendizaje y rendimiento escolar, numerosos estudios ponen en evidencia que en muchos casos se omite o se hace mal.Objetivo: determinar la calidad del desayuno de estudiantes de entre 10 y 16 años con intención de determinar en qué momento sería conveniente realizar programas educativos sobre la importancia de esta comida y cómo mejorar su calidad.Método: estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal a partir de un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas acerca de los hábitos de alimentación en el desayuno en estudiantes de educación primaria y secundaria.Resultados y conclusión: solo el 18,5% de los estudiantes realiza un desayuno de buena calidad y su mala calidad va aumentando progresivamente con los cursos y se asocia al hecho de desayunar solo. En ambos niveles educativos los alimentos más consumidos en casa pertenecen al grupo de los lácteos y los cereales, mientras que en el centro escolar, el bocadillo resulta el desayuno más habitual; no obstante se observan diferencias entre primaria y secundaria en cuanto al consumo de fruta y bebidas azucaradas, entre otros.Conclusión: sería interesante valorar la instauración de programas de desayuno escolar incluyendo en ellos no solo a estudiantes de primaria, sino también, y especialmente, a adolescentes pues son estos quienes omiten esta comida en mayor proporción. Las intervenciones deberían orientarse a corregir las desviaciones más habituales observadas en cada uno de los niveles educativos.

  4. Alfabetización en Astronomía de docentes de Educación Primaria y de Educación Secundaria en La Plata

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Biasi, M. S.; Orellana, R. B.


    La educación de este siglo tiene como uno de sus retos alcanzar la alfabetización cientfica de todos los ciudadanos para que comprendan y tomen decisiones sobre el mundo natural y sus cambios originados por la actividad humana utilizando el conocimiento científico. En esta misión los docentes de los niveles obligatorios de enseñanza juegan un papel clave por su rol de agentes multiplicadores del conocimiento. Se requiere, entonces de una adecuada alfabetización en ciencias de los docentes o, como mínimo, que dominen los temas científicos a enseñar. En el campo de la Astronomía, numerosas investigaciones han señalado que maestros de primaria y estudiantes de profesorados poseen una escasa formación en estos temas (Camino 1995 y 1999, Gangui 2010), que frecuentemente presentan a los alumnos concepciones alternativas o no científicas de los fenómenos astronómicos cotidianos (Kriner 2004, Vega Navarro 2007, Gangui et al 2010); a lo que se suma la presentación confusa o errónea de algunos temas astronómicos en los textos escolares (Kriner 2004). Desde 2011, la Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, UNLP, ofrece un curso de capacitación destinado a fortalecer y actualizar los contenidos académicos y didácticos de los docentes del distrito La Plata utilizando diversas estrategias didácticas. Los contenidos comprenden los temas astronómicos de los diseños curriculares vigentes. La evaluación diagnóstica de los conocimientos previos de los docentes cursantes sobre los contenidos de mayor presencia en los diseños curriculares mostró resultados similares a las investigaciones arriba mencionadas. Referente a los movimientos de la Tierra, en promedio, el 54% poseía conceptos erróneos y el 16% no los sabía; con referencia a la Luna el 56% poseía conceptos erróneos y un 4% no los sabía. Los resultados del curso mostraron que el 95% de los docentes revirtió sus conceptos previos erróneos, que adquirió criterios para la búsqueda de

  5. Criptococosis cutánea primaria en paciente inmunocompetente.


    Vázquez-Osorio, Igor; García-Rodiño, Sara; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Marta; Labandeira, Javier; Suárez-Peñaranda, José Manuel; Sánchez-Aguilar, MDolores; Vázquez-Veiga, Hugo


    La criptococosis cutánea es una micosis propia de pacientes inmunodeprimidos, sobre todo aquellos con infección por el virusde la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Sin embargo, existen casos infrecuentes de criptococosis cutánea en pacientes inmunocompetentes, que suelen simular otras dermatosis, lo que retrasa su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Presentamos el caso de un varón pluripatológico de 79 años, con úlceras dolorosas en dorso de mano derecha que no respondían a tratamientos tópicos. A través del estudio histopatológico y micológico se alcanzó el diagnóstico de criptococosis cutánea primaria, lográndose la remisión de las lesiones tras 6 meses de tratamiento con fluconazol.

  6. Strengths of primary healthcare regarding care provided for chronic kidney disease.


    Paula, Elaine Amaral de; Costa, Mônica Barros; Colugnati, Fernando Antonio Basile; Bastos, Rita Maria Rodrigues; Vanelli, Chislene Pereira; Leite, Christiane Chaves Augusto; Caminhas, Márcio Santos; Paula, Rogério Baumgratz de


    municipio brasileño. estudio epidemiológico, transversal, realizado en 14 unidades de atención primaria y en un centro de atención secundario, en el período de 2010 a 2013. Se utilizó el referencial metodológico de Donabedian. Para evaluación de estructura y proceso; fueron entrevistados 14 médicos, 13 supervisores y 11 agentes comunitarios de salud de la atención primaria. Para evaluación del resultado, fueron utilizadas 1.534 fichas médicas en la atención primaria y 282 en la atención secundaria. en la mayoría de las unidades faltaban consultorios para la atención médica y de enfermería, los equipos estaban incompletos y la mayoría de los profesionales no participó de capacitaciones sobre la atención a la enfermedad renal crónica. Los médicos de las unidades primarias, clasificados como capacitados, encaminaron usuarios para la atención secundaria en etapas más precoces de la enfermedad renal crónica (etapa 3B) cuando comparados a los médicos de las unidades no capacitadas (58% vs 36%) (p=0,049). Las unidades de atención primaria, clasificadas como capacitadas, presentaron mejores tasas de estabilización de la filtración glomerular (51%) cuando comparadas a las unidades parcialmente capacitadas (36%) y no capacitadas (44%) (p=0,046). los usuarios atendidos en las unidades de atención primaria, con puntuación más elevada en criterios de estructura y proceso, presentaron mejores resultados clínicos.

  7. Aspergilosis cervical con diseminación al sistema nervioso central. Presentación de un caso y revisión de bibliografía

    PubMed Central

    Vergara, Guillermo Enrique; Roura, Natalia; del Castillo, Marcelo; Mora, Andrea; Alcorta, Santiago Condomi; Mormandi, Rubén; Cervio, Andrés; Salvat, Jorge


    Introducción: la Aspergilosis Invasiva (AI) del Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC) es infrecuente y ocurre generalmente en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Puede presentarse con cuadros de meningitis, aneurismas micóticos, infartos o abscesos. Es una infección con pronóstico reservado y puede afectar el SNC de forma primaria o secundaria a partir de un foco que se disemina por vía hematógena. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con AI con invasión primaria a nivel óseo y diseminación posterior al cerebro. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 25 años con diagnóstico de leucemia linfática aguda en tratamiento quimioterápico que presentó neumonitis por metotrexate por lo que inicia tratamiento con corticoides. Posteriormente agregó cervicalgia y con el diagnóstico de osteomielitis cervical se realiza punción bajo tomografía computada (TC) sin aislarse gérmenes. Se colocó Halo Vest e inició tratamiento antibiótico empírico. Posteriormente presentó afasia de expresión secundaria a lesión frontal izquierda. Se realizó evacuación de absceso cerebral aislando A. fumigatus. El tratamiento antibiótico específico posterior permitió una buena respuesta clínica y radiológica. Conclusión: La presencia de lesiones en el SNC de pacientes inmunocomprometidos debe incluir a las micosis como diagnóstico diferencial. La evacuación quirúrgica permite llegar rápidamente al diagnóstico mejorando la respuesta posterior al tratamiento antibiótico. Para evaluar la respuesta terapéutica y posibles recaídas se debe realizar un seguimiento periódico clínico radiológico. Palabras clave: Aspergilosis cerebral; Aspergilosis cervical; Aspergilosis invasiva; Voriconazol. PMID:26600985

  8. Origen y evolución de la estructura del Universo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    García Lambas, D.

    Se presenta una revisión de diversos tópicos vinculados a la evolución de estructuras en el Universo y se discuten los escenarios más aceptados para la comprensión de las irregularidades primigenias y de su evolución temporal. Se analizan evidencias observacionales de la naturaleza jerárquica en los mecanismos de formación de sistemas, tales como las indicaciones provenientes de las correlaciones espaciales y de velocidades, la naturaleza del Universo a alto redshift, y la habilidad de los modelos jerárquicos en predecir diversas propiedades dinámicas, fotométricas y químicas de las galaxias.

  9. La Enseñanza/Aprendizaje del Modelo Sol-Tierra Análisis de la Situación Actual y Propuesta de Mejora Para la Formación de los Futuros Profesores de Primaria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martínez Sebastià, Bernat


    This work is an extened summary of the autor's PhD thesis. It deals with the teaching of astronomy (day/night, seasons) in primary school. At first, students teachers' undestanding of astronomical concepts related to Sun-Earth system have been analysed. Taking into account the results of the previous analysis and using a socio-constructivist approach a teaching sequence has been designed. This sequence has been tested with different groups of students teachers showing an improvement in their undestanding of elementary astronomical concepts. El trabajo que presentamos es un resumen extenso de la tesis doctoral del autor. El enfoque utilizado ha sido tratar de ligar la investigación sobre las ideas, razonamientos y obstáculos de los profesores de primaria con la planificación de la enseñanza del modelo Sol-Tierra que permite explicar el ciclo día/noche y las estaciones. En primer lugar, se ha procedido a realizar un análisis crítico de los resultados que se obtienen en el aprendizaje de los contenidos astronómicos en la enseñanza habitual. En segundo lugar se ha diseñado un curriculum potencialmente superador de esta situación desde una orientación que concibe la enseñanza y el aprendizaje como un proceso de construcción de conocimientos en una estructura problematizada. Finalmente, esta secuencia didáctica ha sido experimentada con diferentes grupos de estudiantes de magisterio, mostrando una mejora relevante en la comprensión de los conceptos astronómicos fundamentales.

  10. Estructura espacial de las órbitas caóticas en un modelo autoconsistente de galaxia elíptica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Muzzio, J. C.

    Hemos logrado construir modelos autoconsistentes de sistemas estelares utilizando una aproximación cuadrupolar para el potencial. Esto nos permite determinar órbitas y exponentes de Lyapunov de objetos que tienen posiciones y velocidades equivalentes a las que se obtienen de la funcón de distribución del sistema. La distribución espacial de las órbitas caóticas exhibe considerable estructura y, lo que es más importante aún, los valores de los exponentes de Lyapunov calculados sobre intervalos finitos de tiempo, muestran una fuerte correlación con el comportamiento de la órbita en esos mismos intervalos, por lo que permiten reconocer distintos subsistemas con diferentes distribuciones espaciales.

  11. Contribution to the scintillation detection optimization in double phase detectors for direct detection of dark matter

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Balan, Catalin

    Na ultima decada, foram feitos grandes progressos no desenvolvimento dos detetores de detecao direta das particulas que constituem a materia negra. Com estrategias do aumento gradual do volume do alvo e, simultaneamente, de reducao dos niveis de fundo, a experiencia XENON obteve resultados muito bons e perspetivas promissoras para a detecao de materia negra. Tarefas relativas a analise de dados experimentais adquiridos com o detetor de dupla fase em uso, assim como as simulacoes do campo eletrico, desenvolvimento, montagem e testes para o proximo detetor XENON1T, assim como a participacao regular na manutencao geral e monitorizacao do prototipo atual XENON100 no LNGS, constituiram o plano de trabalhos para as atividades de investigacao do presente doutoramento e a minha contribuicao para a otimizacao da detecao de cintilacao nos detetores da experiencia XENON. A necessidade de alcancar niveis elevados de sensibilidade, requer inovacao em todos os aspetos fisicos do detetor, assim como a reducao de todas as fontes de radioatividade que contribuem para o fundo. O modo mais indicado de operacao para os detetores com enchimento a Xe no estado liquido e gasoso envolve a medicao da cintilacao primaria e da secundaria provenientes da interacao das particulas no Xe liquido. A razao entre estes dois sinais permite diferenciar claramente a maior parte dos eventos correspondentes as fundo dos eventos correspondentes a WIMPs. Deste modo, a leitura dos sinais correspondentes a cintilacao e de extrema importancia. A amplitude do sinal de cintilacao antes dos fotossensores e maximizada atraves da otimizacao de varios parametros, tais como a geometria do alvo do detetor, a transparencia das grelhas dos eletrodos, a uniformidade do ganho em cintilacao secundaria e a utilizacao de material reflectivo para cobrir as superficies que nao sao fotossensiveis.

  12. Violencia de Pareja en Mujeres Hispanas: Implicaciones para la Investigación y la Práctica

    PubMed Central

    Gonzalez-Guarda, Rosa Maria; Becerra, Maria Mercedes


    Las investigaciones sobre la violencia entre parejas sugieren que las mujeres hispanas están siendo afectadas desproporcionadamente por la ocurrencia y consecuencias de este problema de salud pública. El objetivo del presente artículo es dar a conocer el estado del arte en relación a la epidemiologia, consecuencias y factores de riesgo para VP entre mujeres Hispanas, discutiendo las implicaciones para la investigación y la práctica. Investigaciones han demostrado una fuerte asociación del status socioeconómico, abuso de droga y el alcohol, la salud mental, aculturación, inmigración, comportamientos sexuales riesgosos e historia de abuso con la violencia entre parejas. Sin embargo, más estudios se deben llevar a cabo para identificar otros factores de riesgos y de protección a poblaciones hispanas no clínicas. Mientras que el conocimiento sobre la etiología de la VP entre mujeres Hispanas se expanda, enfermeras y otros profesionales de la salud deben desarrollar, implementar y evaluar estrategias culturalmente adecuadas para la prevención primaria y secundaria de la violencia entre pareja. PMID:26166938

  13. PubMed

    Gómez, Luis Alberto; Montoya, Gladis; Rivera, Hernán Mauricio; Hernández, Juan Carlos


    Introducción. El virus del Zika (ZIKV) es un flavivirus con envoltura, transmitido a los seres humanos principalmente por el vector Aedes aegypti. La infección por ZIKV se ha asociado con un gran neurotropismo y con efectos neuropáticos, como el síndrome de Guillain-Barré en el adulto y la microcefalia fetal y posnatal, así como con un síndrome de infección congénita similar al producido por el virus de la rubéola (RV).Objetivo. Comparar las estructuras moleculares de la proteína de envoltura E del virus del Zika (E-ZIKV) y de la E1 del virus de la rubéola (E1-RV), y plantear posibles implicaciones en el neurotropismo y en las alteraciones del sistema nervioso asociadas con el ZIKV.Materiales y métodos. La secuencia de aminoácidos de la proteína E-ZIKV (PDB: 5iZ7) se alineó con la de la glucopreteína E1 del virus de la rubéola (PDB: 4ADG). Los elementos de la estructura secundaria se determinaron usando los programas Vector NTI Advance®, DSSP y POSA, así como herramientas de gestión de datos (AlignX®). Uno de los criterios principales de comparación y alineación fue la asignación de residuos estructuralmente equivalentes, con más de 70 % de identidad.Resultados. La organización estructural de la proteína E-ZIKV (PDB: 5iZ7) fue similar a la de E1-RV (PDB: 4ADG) (70 a 80 % de identidad), y se observó una correspondencia con la estructura definida para las glucoproteínas de fusión de membrana de clase II de los virus con envoltura. E-ZIKV y E1-RV exhibieron elementos estructurales de fusión muy conservados en la región distal del dominio II, asociados con la unión a los receptores celulares de entrada del virus de la rubéola (glucoproteína de mielina del oligodendrocito, Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein, MOG), y con los receptores celulares Axl del ZIKV y de otros flavivirus.Conclusión. La comparación de las proteínas E-ZIKV y E1-RV es un paso necesario hacia la definición de otros factores moleculares determinantes del

  14. La estructura dinámica del cinturón de Kuiper interior y la formación de Urano y Neptuno

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Melita, M. D.; Brunini, A.

    De acuerdo a los más recientes estudios sobre la formación de Urano y Neptuno, éstos podrían haber sufrido una importante migración radial hacia el exterior, debido al intercambio de momento angular con los planetesimales presentes en esa región durante las últimas etapas de la formación del Sistema Solar. Esta migración radial habría tenido importantes consecuencias sobre la presente estructura dinámica del cinturón cometario de Kuiper. Tal como lo reflejan las observaciones, la mayoría de los cuerpos observados en el cinturón de Kuiper se encuentran en resonancia de movimientos medios exteriores con Neptuno, hecho que también se refleja en la presente órbita de Plutón. En el presente trabajo se estudia tanto numérica como analíticamente la influencia de la variación de las masas de Urano y Neptuno durante el proceso de migración sobre las probabilidades de captura en algunas de las resonancias exteriores de Neptuno. Se estudia también la influencia de encuentros gravitacionales mutuos sobre la estabilidad de las órbitas resonantes. Este estudio ofrece argumentos de plausibilidad para explicar por qué ninguno de los objetos descubiertos en el cinturón de Kuiper se encontraría en la resonancia 2:1.

  15. Estudio de la estructura logica utilizada en la ensenanza y el aprendizaje de los conceptos sobre el comportamiento de gases en el curso introductorio de quimica a nivel universitario

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Costa Diaz, Agnes

    El estudio que se presenta es de caracter cualitativo, un estudio multicasos donde se estudia la estructura logica utilizada por cuatro (4) profesores universitarios que ensenan el curso introductorio de quimica, en la planificacion, presentacion y evaluacion del tema sobre el comportamiento de los gases. Se utilizaron varias fuentes de informacion como: cuestionarios de profesores y estudiantes, entrevistas, grabaciones videomagnetofonicas, materiales didacticos y una prueba conceptual, entre otros. La informacion recopilada fue analizada de acuerdo al orden logico del contenido presentado, el estilo de ensenanza del profesor, las tecnicas y estrategias utilizadas para el desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento, el ambiente fisico en el salon de clase y los instrumentos de evaluacion y avaluo. El estudio demuestra que lo que los profesores piensan y planifican para hacer sus presentaciones no necesariamente es lo que ocurre en el salon de clases. El desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento, que constituye una prioridad de los profesores, no se elaboran efectivamente. El uso de las estrategias de resolucion de problemas numericos predomino. La participacion del estudiante en el salon de clases fue limitada y no se logro demostrar el desarrollo de las destrezas de pensamiento deseadas. Aunque los profesores tienen su propio estilo de ensenanza, el orden logico del contenido presentado en clase fue el mismo o siguio muy de cerca el orden establecido por el libro de texto. Los profesores utilizaron preferentemente la tiza y la pizarra para sus presentaciones y la dinamica en el salon de clases fue esencialmente tradicional. Los profesores hicieron su presentacion y los estudiantes copiaron pasivamente la informacion. Las evaluaciones de los estudiantes fueron esencialmente, pruebas escritas de seleccion multiple de acuerdo con el estilo en que se les enseno. El avaluo fue casi inexistente. La prueba conceptual administrada revela un aprendizaje pobre en los conceptos mas

  16. Determining the Shape of the Orbit of Mars in the High School. (Spanish Title: Determinación de la Forma de la Órbita de Marte en la Escuela Secundaria.) Determinando a Forma da Órbita de Marte no Ensino Médio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dutra, Carlos Maximiliano; Rossini Goulart, Andressa


    In the present work, in order to supply the lacks of practical activities related to the content of Kepler's Laws in high school physics textbooks, we present a practical activity to determine the shape of the orbit of Mars. In this activity the student can experience the discovery the shape of the orbit of Mars in a way similar to that realized by Johannes Kepler combining the physical concepts with geometry. We applied the activity to eighteen high school teachers participating in a Postgraduate Course in Science Education. After two hours of work the group obtained the shape of the orbit of Mars and estimated its orbital parameters with a relative error less than 14%. En el presente trabajo y con el objetivo de reducir la escasez de actividades prácticas relacionadas con el contenido de las leyes de Kepler en libros de texto de física de la escuela secundaria, se presenta una actividad práctica para determinar la forma de la órbita de Marte. En esta actividad el estudiante puede vivir la experiencia de descubrir la forma de la órbita de Marte de una manera similar a la realizada por Johannes Kepler combinando los conceptos físicos con la geometría. Aplicamos la actividad a dieciocho maestros de escuelas secundarias en un Curso de Especialización en Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Después de dos horas de trabajo el grupo obtuvo la forma de la órbita de Marte com error inferior al 14% en los parámetros orbitales. No presente trabalho, visando suprir a deficiência de atividades práticas relacionadas ao conteúdo de Leis de Kepler nos livros-textos de Física do 1º ano do Ensino Médio, apresentamos uma atividade prática de determinação da órbita de Marte. O aluno, combinando conceitos físicos com a geometria poderá vivenciar a experiência da descoberta da forma da órbita de Marte de modo similar ao realizado por Johannes Kepler. Aplicamos a metodologia proposta junto a dezoito professores do Curso de Especialização em Educação em Ciências e

  17. Desarrollo de la Escala sobre el Estigma Relacionado con el VIH/SIDA para Profesionales de la Salud mediante el uso de métodos mixtos123

    PubMed Central

    Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Neilands, Torsten B.; Guilamo-Ramos, Vincent; Cintrón Bou, Francheska N.


    El estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA continúa siendo un obstáculo para la prevención primaria y secundaria del VIH. Las consecuencias para las personas que viven con la enfermedad han sido muy documentadas y continúan siendo una gran preocupación para las personas que proveen servicios de salud y para aquellas que investigan el tema. Estas consecuencias son preocupantes cuando el estigma emana de profesionales de la salud porque se puede limitar el acceso a los servicios. Uno de los principales obstáculos para la investigación del estigma relacionado con el VIH en Puerto Rico es la falta de instrumentos cuantitativos para evaluar las manifestaciones del estigma entre profesionales de la salud. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue desarrollar y probar las propiedades psicométricas de una escala sobre el estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA culturalmente apropiada para personas que proveen servicios de salud puertorriqueñas y desarrollar una versión corta de la escala que pudiera usarse en escenarios clínicos con tiempo limitado. El instrumento desarrollado estuvo basado en evidencia cualitativa recopilada entre profesionales y estudiantes de profesiones de la salud puertorriqueños/as (n=80) y administrado a una muestra de 421 profesionales de la salud en adiestramiento. La escala contenía 12 dimensiones del estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA. El análisis cuantitativo corroboró 11 de ellas, teniendo como resultado un instrumento con validez y confiabilidad satisfactoria. Estas dimensiones, a su vez, fueron subcomponentes de un factor de estigma general superior. PMID:20333258

  18. Sexual health after breast cancer: Recommendations from the Spanish Menopause Society, Federación Española de Sociedades de Sexología, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria and Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica.


    Mendoza, Nicolás; Molero, Francisca; Criado, Fermín; Cornellana, Mª Jesús; González, Encarna


    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. As survival rates are increasing, the long-term health problems of survivors now need attention. Many survivors develop sexual disorders as a consequence of either the side-effects of treatment or induced menopause. A panel of experts from various Spanish scientific societies (Spanish Menopause Society, SMS; Federación Española de Sociedades de Sexología, FESS; Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria, SEMERGEN; and Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica) met to develop recommendations for the management of sexual health in breast cancer survivors based on the best evidence available. The main recommendation is that sexuality must be considered by a multidisciplinary team as an integral part of treatment, to improve the quality of life of breast cancer survivors. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Postinfectious bronchiolitis obliterans



    La bronquiolitis obliterante es una enfermedad pulmonar crónica infrecuente y grave producto de una lesión del tracto respiratorio inferior. En nuestro país, es más frecuente observarla secundaria a una lesión viral grave, en especial, por adenovirus. La bronquiolitis obliterante se caracteriza por la oclusión parcial o total del lumen de los bronquiolos respiratorios y terminales por tejido inflamatorio y fibrosis, que produce la obstrucción crónica de la vía aérea. Este consenso discute el estado actual del conocimiento en las diferentes áreas de la bronquiolitis obliterante secundaria a una lesión infecciosa.

  20. Efectos combinados de la ampliación de la atención primaria de salud y de las transferencias condicionadas de dinero en efectivo sobre la mortalidad infantil en Brasil, 1998–2010*

    PubMed Central

    Guanais, Frederico C.


    Objetivos. Examiné los efectos combinados del acceso a la atención primaria mediante el Programa de Salud Familiar (PSF) y las transferencias condicionadas de dinero en efectivo del Programa Bolsa Familia (PBF) sobre la mortalidad infantil posneonatal (MIPN) en Brasil. Métodos. Empleé un análisis ecológico longitudinal usando datos en panel de 4 583 municipios brasileños de 1998 al 2010, con 54 253 observaciones en total. Estimé modelos de regresión de efectos fijos por mínimos cuadrados ordinarios, con la tasa de MIPN como la variable dependiente y el PSF, el PBF y sus interacciones como las principales variables independientes de interés. Resultados. La asociación de una mayor cobertura del PSF con una menor tasa de MIPN se volvió más fuerte conforme aumentaba la cobertura del PBF. En los promedios de todas las demás variables, cuando la cobertura de PBF era 25%, la MIPN predicha fue 5,24 (intervalo de confianza [IC] de 95% = 4,95, 5,53) para una cobertura del PSF de 0%, y de 3,54 (IC de 95% = 2,77, 4,31) para una cobertura del PSF de 100%. Cuando la cobertura del PBF era de 60%, la MIPN predicha fue 4,65 (IC de 95% = 4,36, 4,94) para una cobertura del PSF de 0%, y de 1,38 (IC de 95% = 0,88, 1,89) para una cobertura del PSF de 100%. Conclusiones. El efecto del PSF depende de la ampliación del PBF. Para las poblaciones empobrecidas y subatendidas, la combinación de intervenciones tanto del lado de la oferta como del lado de la demanda podría ser necesaria para mejorar los resultados en salud.

  1. Significado de psicólogas/os de atención primaria de salud sobre la intervención psicosocial de grupo en el tratamiento de la depresión en Chile.


    Andrade, Gonzalo; Espinoza, Adriana


    En Chile, el tratamiento de la depresión en salud pública promueve la realización de Intervenciones Psicosociales en Grupo (IPG) para todos los casos diagnosticados, no obstante, se observa una baja implementación de estas prestaciones. El presente artículo describe y caracteriza, desde el punto de vista de la disciplina psicológica, el significado de psicólogas/os que trabajan en consultorios de atención primaria de salud (APS) sobre las IPG en el tratamiento de la depresión. Se entrevistaron a ocho psicólogas/os de los distintos Servicios de Salud de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. Este estudio se basó en las premisas de la Teoría Fundamentada, utilizando sus estrategias de análisis. La categoría "los grupos no nos resultan" expone las principales barreras que impiden la realización de estas intervenciones. La carga laboral centrada en atenciones individuales, el escaso presupuesto destinado a su implementación, y la falta de instalaciones adecuadas para realizar las IPG emergen como barreras institucionales. Asi mismo, la "poca fe" en la efectividad del trabajo en grupo, la figura de las/os psicólogas/os como únicas/os profesionales capacitadas/os para trabajar con las emociones, la idea de que la baja adherencia al tratamiento no depende de su ejercicio laboral, y el hecho de que la implementación de las IPG dependa del interés individual de algunas/os profesionales, emergen como las principales resistencias profesionales a su realización. Se discuten los alcances de estas barreras, y se proponen soluciones que favorezcan el cambio cultural necesario para que las/los profesionales e instituciones de salud puedan alinearse en plenitud con el modelo comunitario de salud propuesto por el Plan Nacional de Salud Mental y Psiquiatría (PNSMP).

  2. Three new species of Seira Lubbock (Collembola, Entomobryidae) from Caatinga Domain, northeastern Brazil.


    Godeiro, Nerivania N; Bellini, Bruno C


    Three new species of Seira Lubbock, Seira jiboiensis sp.nov., Seira primaria sp. nov. and Seira harena sp.nov. from Neotropical Region are described and illustrated. All species were collected from humid areas of Caatinga Biogeographic Domain, northeastern Brazil. Seira jiboiensis sp.nov. shows some similarities with S. mendoncea Bellini & Zeppelini and S. ritae Bellini & Zeppelini, while S. primaria sp.nov. resembles S. pseudoannulata Bellini & Zeppelini and S. paraibensis Bellini & Zeppelini in dorsal chaetotaxy in some aspects. Seira harena sp.nov. belongs to a subgroup of Seira originally described in the subgenus Lepidocyrtinus Börner, which has modified macrochaetae on distal manubrium and proximal dens, like S. prodiga (Arlé), S. xinguensis (Arlé) and S. nigrans (Arlé).

  3. The Understanding of Astronomy Concepts by Students from Basic Education of a Public School. (Spanish Title: El Entendimiento de Conceptos de Aastronmía Por Los Alumnos de Educación Básica en Una Escuela Pública.) O Entendimento de Conceitos de Astronomia Por Alunos da Educação Básica: O Caso de Uma Escola Pública Brasileira

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iria Machado, Daniel; dos Santos, Carlos


    We present the results obtained in a research on the comprehension of basic astronomical concepts, in which 561 students from fifth grade middle school to third grade high school of a public school of the city of Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil) took part. A test with 20 multiple-choice questions was applied to indentify the most common conceptions expressed by the students. This test was elaborated based on the literature about misconceptions and covered the following topics: the day-night cycle; the time zones; the seasons of the year; the phases of the Moon; the movement of the Moon; the apparent movement of the Sun in the celestial sphere; the eclipses; the dimensions and distances in the Universe; the brightness of the stars and its observation from Earth. Though a small progress was verified in the proportion of scientifically acceptable answers when comparing the eighth grade of middle school to the fifth, and the third grade of high school to the first, there was an overall predominance of alternative conceptions regarding most of the explored subjects, which persisted up to the last year of secondary school. The comparison to data found in this research made in other socio-cultural contexts revealed, in many aspects, similar notions and difficulties revealed by the students. Se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre la comprensión de conceptos astronómicos básicos, en la cual participaron 561 estudiantes que cursaban entre el quinto grado de la enseñanza primaria y el tercer año de la enseñanza secundaria de una escuela pública de la ciudad de Foz do Iguaçu (Brasil). Se utilizó un test de 20 preguntas de opción múltiple para identificar las concepciones más comunes expresadas por los estudiantes. Este instrumento de recolección de datos se desarrolló en base a la literatura sobre las concepciones alternativas y trató los siguientes temas: el ciclo día-noche, los husos horarios, las estaciones del año, las fases de la Luna, el

  4. Sociopersonal Values and Coexistence Problems in Secondary Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de la Fuente, Jesus; Peralta, Francisco Javier; Sanchez, Maria Dolores


    Introduction: The importance of values education in current society continues to be one of the greatest challenges to our Educational System. Its pertinence becomes no less than inexcusable when we speak of education in social values during adolescence, or, during "Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria" ["N.T." Mandatory Secondary…

  5. Como ayudar a su hijo con la tarea escolar: Para los padres con ninos en la primaria y la secundaria (Helping Your Child with Homework: For Parents of Children in Elementary through Middle School).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Department of Education, Washington, DC. Office of Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs.

    Homework is an opportunity for children to learn and for families to be involved with their children's education, but helping children with homework is not always easy. This Spanish-language booklet is designed to provide parents of elementary and middle grades students with an understanding of the purpose and nature of homework and offers…

  6. 75 FR 10557 - Additional Designations, Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... CS, Bogota, Colombia; c/o CARILLANCA S.A., San Jose, Costa Rica; c/o INVERSIONES ADAG LTDA., Bogota, Colombia; c/o INVERSIONES LOS TUNJOS LTDA., Bogota, Colombia; c/o RECIFIBRAS SECUNDARIAS LTDA., Bogota...; C.I.F. B84214477 (Spain) [SDNTK]. 16. BUSTOS SUAREZ, Danilo, c/o COMERCIALIZADORA E INVERSIONES...

  7. HI en la dirección de la denominada ``Ventana de Puppis"

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morras, R.; Pöppel, W. G. L.; Arnal, E. M.; Bajaja, E.

    Analizando los datos combinados de los relevamientos de HI de Hartmann & Burton (1997) y Arnal (2000), hemos detectado la presencia de una estructura en forma de ``shell" en la denominada ``ventana de Puppis". Esta estructura, cuyo centro se encuentra en la dirección (l = 245 deg, b = -5 deg) tiene un diámetro angular de ˜ 18 deg y es detectada en el rango de velocidades (LSR) entre -9 y +6 km/seg. El análisis de los datos sugiere que esta estructura puede haberse originado en una perturbación en el denominado ``Feature A" de Lindblad (1973), a una distancia de 150-200 pc del Sol. Se determinaron parámetros tales como Masa y Energía Cinética del Shell y se analiza un posible origen del mismo.

  8. Vouchers for Private Schooling in Colombia: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment. NBER Working Paper Series.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Angrist, Joshua D.; Bettinger, Eric; Bloom, Erik; King, Elizabeth; Kremer, Michael

    This paper examines the impact of Colombia's Programa de Ampliacion de Cobertura de la Educacion Secundaria (PACES), which provided over 125,000 poor students with private secondary school vouchers, many of which were awarded by lottery. Researchers surveyed lottery winners and losers to compare educational and other outcomes. Results showed no…

  9. Extra-Curricular Activities and Academic Performance in Secondary Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moriana, Juan Antonio; Alos, Francisco; Alcala, Rocio; Pino, Maria-Jose; Herruzo, Javier; Ruiz, Rosario


    Introduction: In this paper we study the possible influence of extra-curricular activities (study-related and/or sports) on academic performance of first- and second-year pupils in "Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO)" [N.T. seventh- and eighth-graders]. Method: We randomly selected 12 schools in the city (9 public and 3 private), and…

  10. Recipients, Agents, or Partners?: The Contradictions of Teacher Participation in Mexican Secondary Education Reform

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Levinson, Bradley A.; Blackwood, Janet; Cross, Valerie


    The countries of Latin America have been no exception to global calls for educational transformation and teacher professionalization at the secondary level. One of the newest of these reforms is Mexico's Reforma de la Educacion Secundaria (RS) (Reform of Secondary Education), launched in 2006. This article examines portrayals by various actors of…

  11. Como Ayudarle a su Hijo con la Tarea Escolar: Una guia para padres de alumnos de escuela primaria y secundaria (Helping Your Child with Homework: For Parents of Elementary and Junior High School-Aged Children).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Paulu, Nancy, Ed.; Perkinson, Kathryn, Ed.

    This Spanish-language booklet is designed to provide parents of elementary and junior high school students with an understanding of the purpose and nature of homework along with suggestions for helping their children complete homework assignments successfully. Following a discussion of why teachers assign homework, how homework can help children…

  12. El paradigma jerarquico de formacion de estructuras

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lambas, D. G.

    This contribution aims at showing our current understanding of the hierarchical clustering scenario for structure formation, its main success in terms of agreement of theoretical predictions and observations, and the most direct tests that provide confidence on the validity of the paradigm. FULL TEXT IN SPANISH


    PubMed Central

    Tremolada, Sara; Delbue, Serena; Ferrante, Pasquale


    Riassunto Alcuni virus possono essere trasmessi verticalmente da madre a figlio in seguito allo sviluppo, da parte della madre, di un’infezione primaria, ricorrente o cronica. La trasmissione materno-fetale dei virus, che può avvenire in utero (infezione congenita), durante il travaglio del parto (infezione perinatale), oppure attraverso l’allattamento (infezione postnatale), può causare aborto spontaneo, morte fetale, ritardo di crescita intrauterino, anomalie congenite e patologie neonatali o postnatali di diversa entità. Alcuni fattori di rischio sembrano influenzare l’incidenza di trasmissione materno-fetale dei virus, come ad esempio la presenza di altre infezioni virali, la carica virale materna, il tipo di infezione (primaria o ricorrente), la durata della rottura delle membrane, la modalità con cui avviene il parto, le condizioni socio-economiche e l’allattamento. Oggi è possibile prevenire la trasmissione materno-fetale di molti virus grazie all’utilizzo di vaccini, immunizzazione passiva e farmaci antivirali. Il rischio di trasmissione delle infezioni perinatali e postnatali, inoltre, può essere diminuito evitando l’allattamento o ricorrendo ad un parto cesareo. PMID:19216201

  14. Estructuras circumnucleares en la galaxia Seyfert interactuante NGC 1241

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Díaz, R. J.; Carranza, G.; Dottori, H.

    We have studied the rotation curve and morphology of the central 10 kiloparsecs (~40'') of NGC 1241 obtaining 50 radial velocity measurements in three different position angles. These observations indicate a large velocity gradient of 70 km/sec/('') in the central 5''. The fitting of different density distribution laws to the derived rotation curve indicates a mass of ~ 9 E9 Msolar in the inner kpc. HST-NICMOS images show the presence of a circumnuclear star formation ring at radius ~ 2.8'' (720 pc). This ring is more defined than most of the known cases and harbours a mini-bar and nuclear spiral arms with a sense of rotation opposite than the main spiral arms. This morphological evidence suggest the presence of a dynamically decoupled system inside the circumnuclear ring. As in other cases studied by us, the ring seems to be inside an Inner Lindblad Resonance and the Lindblad curve ω-κ/2 for this object begins to drop for Rmax = 400 pc (~1.5''), but the limited spatial resolution does not allow us to find out a definitive evidence for the existence of a second ILR inside at inner radii. Up to date there is no published morphological or kinematical evidence for the presence of a second ILR at such small radii, a necessary ingredient for the presence of circumnuclear ring of star formation, considering the results of recent hydrodynamic simulations. We have proposed the observation of NGC 1241 with better instruments in order to extend the rotation curve to the central 2'', unveil the presence of a second inner resonance, study in detail the structural properties of the nuclear counterrotating arms and establish accurate models of mass distribution in galaxies with circumnuclear rings. This program has been awarded with Band 1 observing time at the Gemini North Telescope Quick Start Stage (Brasil and Argentina).

  15. [Consensus on the detection and management of prediabetes. Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society].


    Mata-Cases, M; Artola, S; Escalada, J; Ezkurra-Loyola, P; Ferrer-García, J C; Fornos, J A; Girbés, J; Rica, I


    In Spain, according to the study, 13.8% of the adult population suffers from diabetes and 14.8% from some form of prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose or both). Since early detection of prediabetes can facilitate the implementation of therapeutic measures to prevent its progression to diabetes, we believe that preventive strategies in primary care and specialized clinical settings should be agreed. Screening for diabetes and prediabetes using a specific questionnaire (FINDRISC) and/or the measurement of fasting plasma glucose in high risk patients leads to detecting patients at risk of developing diabetes and it is necessary to consider how they should be managed. The intervention in lifestyle can reduce the progression to diabetes and reverse a prediabetic state to normal and is a cost-effective intervention. Some drugs, such as metformin, have also been shown effective in reducing the progression to diabetes but are not superior to non-pharmacological interventions. Finally, an improvement in some cardiovascular risk factors has been observed although there is no strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of screening in terms of morbility and mortality. The Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society has issued some recommendations that have been agreed by the Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Sociedad Española de Endocrinología Pediátrica, Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Médicos Generales, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna, Asociación de Enfermería Comunitaria and Red de Grupos de Estudio de la Diabetes en Atención Primaria. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  16. Observing Sites in NW Argentina

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Muriel, H.

    En esta comunicacion se propone revisar la importancia que los grandes relevamientos de galaxias y los diferentes catalogos que de ellos se derivan, tienen en los estudios sobre estructura y evolucion del Universo.

  17. [The risk and its communication to patients for decision-making in healthcare].


    Almendro-Padilla, C; García-Vicente, S; Vázquez-Costa, M; Blanes-Pérez, M C


    Informing the patients before starting diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is advisable in order to establish a trusting and caring relationship. In this article, we analyze factors that determine the risk perception by the patients, as well as elements which facilitate a good information process by health professionals. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  18. Nuclear Medicine Imaging


    ... rayos-X, revelan solamente la estructura anatómica. Existen más de 100 exámenes diferentes de medicina nuclear para ... se le permite abandonar el hospital y regresar más tarde para el procedimiento del estudio de imagen. ...

  19. [Osteoporosis fracture in a male patient secondary to hypogonadism due to androgen deprivation treatment for prostate cancer].


    Verdú Solans, J; Roig Grau, I; Almirall Banqué, C


    A 84 year-old patient, in therapy with androgen deprivation during the last 5 years due a prostate cancer, is presented with a osteoporotic fracture of the first lumbar vertebra. The pivotal role of the primary care physician, in the prevention of the osteoporosis secondary to the hypogonadism in these patients, is highlighted. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  20. Expert recommendation: contributions to clinical practice of the new prodrug lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (LDX) in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


    Alda, José A; Soutullo, César; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep A; Quintero, Javier; Hervás, Amaia; Hernández-Otero, Isabel; Sans-Fitó, Anna; Cardo-Jalón, Esther Cardo-Jalón; Fernández-Jaén, Alberto; Fernández-Pérez, Maximino; Hidalgo-Vicario, M Inés; Eddy-Ives, Lefa S; Sánchez, Javier


    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurobiological disorders in childhood, and is characterized by inappropriate levels of inattention, hyperactivity and/or impulsiveness, with an estimated prevalence of 5.29%. ADHD can have a negative impact upon all areas of the life of the patient. The main clinical guides accept multimodal treatment, involving both pharmacological and psychological measures, as the best management approach in ADHD (psychoeducational, behavioural and academic). Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (LDX) is a new drug for the treatment of ADHD. A multidiscipline expert document has been developed, compiling the scientific evidence referred to this new molecule. The study also addresses the existing shortcomings in current drug therapy for ADHD and the contributions of LDX to routine clinical practice, in an attempt to help and guide physicians in the use of this new treatment. This document is endorsed by the ADHD and Psychoeducational Development task Group of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Pediatrics (Grupo de TDAH y Desarrollo Psicoeducativo de la Asociación Española de Pediatría de Atención Primaria, AEPap), the Spanish Society of Pediatric Neurology (Sociedad Española de Neurología Pediátrica, SENEP) and the Spanish Society of Out-hospital Pediatrics and Primary Care (Sociedad Española de Pediatría Extrahospitalaria y Atención Primaria, SEPEAP).

  1. [What would you do when faced with a Muslim patient with a conversational disorder?


    Martínez Gandolfi, A; Rodríguez Mir, J

    The purpose of this work is to present the approach to mental disorders in Moroccan patients from a sociocultural perspective. The anthropology of health and ethno-psychiatry will allow us to analyze the concepts of health and disease. From the Moroccan cosmovision we will analyze the alternative treatments and their association with other therapeutic models. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. [The National Medical Arbitration Commission: 20 years].


    de la Fuente, Juan Ramón

    Cuando la Secretaría de Salud todavía tenía el logotipo azul que decía SSA, corrían tiempos difíciles porque no había dinero y la idea de crear nuevas instituciones era recibida con reservas, no sólo por el Presidente Zedillo, siempre generoso y atento a las necesidades de salud de la población, sino también, como ya es costumbre, por el secretario de Hacienda, responsable de cuidar el erario público. Y es que la idea de hacer crecer el gasto corriente del gobierno se percibía, no sin razón, como un acto que podía infligir el riesgo de fomentar estructuras administrativas ineficaces y obesas. No ha sido el caso de la Comisión Nacional de Arbitraje Médico (CONAMED), pues sus aproximadamente 200 trabajadores siguen realizando una labor inmensa con una estructura ligera.

  3. Características del viento en estrellas Be derivadas del perfil Hα

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rohrmann, R.; Cidale, L.

    El estudio teórico de perfiles Hα y su variabilidad en estrellas Be ha sido frecuentemente desarrollado en base a modelos de envolturas circunestelares inhomogéneas, donde la geometría del material es responsable de la forma del perfil dependiendo de la dirección de observación. Nosotros damos una interpretación alternativa y proponemos que la mayoría de las propiedades de esta línea tienen origen en la base de un viento estelar y de una estructura cromosférica anexa a la fotósfera. Encontramos que típicos perfiles Hα en Be, como son los llamados pole-on y winebottle, pueden ser reproducidos cualitativamente sin recurrir a la existencia de una envoltura asimétrica. Analizamos como la línea Hα permite identificar la posible estructura del viento en la región donde éste se inicia.

  4. Motivacion y estudiantes de secundaria (Motivation and Middle School Students). ERIC Digest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Anderman, Lynley Hicks; Midgley, Carol

    Research has shown a decline in motivation and performance for many children as they move from elementary school into middle school; however, research has also shown that the nature of motivational change on entry to middle school depends on characteristics of the learning environment in which students find themselves. This Digest outlines some…

  5. Cobertura desarrollada de Puerto Rico


    William A. Gould; Sebastian Martinuzzi; Olga M. Ramos Gonzalez


    Este mapa representa la cobertura desarrollada en Puerto Rico (Martinuzzi et al. 2007). Cobertura desarrollada se define aqui como areas urbanas, construidas y sin vegetacion, que resultan de actividad humana. Tipicamente, estas incluyen estructuras construidas, concreto, asfalto, u otra infraestructura. La cobertura desarrollada se creo mediante el analisis de...

  6. Quality of Primary Health Care for children and adolescents living with HIV.


    Nascimento, Leticia do; Paula, Cristiane Cardoso de; Magnago, Tania Solange Bosi de Souza; Padoin, Stela Maris de Mello; Harzheim, Erno; Silva, Clarissa Bohrer da


    derivado, assim como nos atributos integralidade e orientação comunitária. Especialização em Atenção Primária à Saúde, outro emprego, vínculo estatutário mostraram-se associados à qualidade da atenção. destaca-se a Estratégia Saúde da Família com maior qualidade de atenção à saúde da criança e adolescente vivendo com HIV, entretanto, a cobertura ainda é baixa. Evidencia-se a necessidade de ampliação dessa cobertura, bem como investimento na qualificação profissional direcionada para Atenção Primária e na efetivação dos profissionais, por meio de concurso público, além de programa de aperfeiçoamento que reconheça a demanda do cuidado, nesses cenários, às crianças e adolescentes infectadas pelo HIV. evaluar la calidad de la atención de la Salud del niño y adolescente que viven con el virus HIV entre los diferentes tipos de servicio de Atención Primaria de la Salud, de Santa María, Rio Grande do Sul. estudio transversal, desarrollado con 118 profesionales de la Atención Primaria de la Salud. Se utilizó el Instrumento de Evaluación de la Atención Primaria, versión Profesionales. Para verificar las variables asociadas a un alto puntaje, fue utilizada la Regresión de Poisson. los profesionales de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia cuando comparados a los de Unidades Básicas de Salud, obtuvieron mayor grado de orientación para la atención primaria, tanto por el puntaje general como por el derivado, así como en los atributos integralidad y orientación comunitaria. La especialización en Atención Primaria de la Salud, tener otro empleo y el vínculo institucional se mostraron asociados a la calidad de la atención. se destaca la Estrategia Salud de la Familia con mayor calidad de atención de la Salud del niño y adolescente que viven con el virus HIV, entre tanto, la cobertura todavía es baja. Fue puesta en evidencia la necesidad de ampliar dicha cobertura, así como hacer inversiones en la calificación profesional orientada

  7. [Constitutional syndrome as a presentation of a cerebellopontine meningioma].


    Ruiz-Serrato, A; Mata-Palma, A; Olmedo-Llanes, J; García-Ordóñez, M A


    Meningiomas are basically benign tumours arising in the meninges and account for 15-25% of intracranial tumours in adults. It is clinically signs are due to compression of the neighbouring structures, with the main symptoms being migraine, behavioural changes, and neurological deficits. We present a case where constitutional syndrome was the first and principal manifestation of an intracranial cerebellopontine meningioma. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  8. Solar Physics Topics in High School: Analysis of a Course with Practical Activities at Dietrich Schiel Observatory. (Spanish Title: Temas de Física Solar Para Estudiantes de Escuelas Secundarias: un Análisis de un Curso con Enfoque Práctico en el Observatorio Dietrich Schiel.) Tópicos de Física Solar no Ensino Médio: Análise de um Curso com Atividades Práticas no Observatório Dietrich Schiel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Calbo Aroca, Silvia; Donizete Colombo, Pedro, Jr.; Celestino Silva, Cibelle


    This work analyses results obtained in a solar physics course for high school students promoted at the Dietrich Schiel Observatory of the University of São Paulo (USP). The course was elaborated by the authors with the intention of investigating student's concepts about the Sun, teaching topics of modern physics related to the Sun and providing students with knowledge about our star as well. The methodology of data gathering consisted of audio and video records of classes and of semi-structured interviews, and analysis of answers to written questionnaires. The results showed that most high school students conceived the Sun as made of fire, while sunspots were thought to be holes in the Sun. Even though some students did know that a spectrum is formed using a prism or diffraction grating, most of them ignored the nature of the observed spectral lines. Through the course, this topic was developed by means of a practical approach with solar and lamp spectra observations. The results obtained in the course point to the importance of science centers as partners in formal education. In this specific case, the Solar Room at the Dietrich Schiel Observatory is as a favorable environment for teaching modern physics in high school. Este artículo analiza los resultados obtenidos en un curso sobre la física solar, auspiciado por el Observatorio Dietrich Schiel de la USP para estudiantes de las escuelas secundarias. El curso fue diseñado por los autores con la intención de investigar las concepciones sobre el sol, enseñar temas relacionados con la física moderna del Sol y conocimientos generales sobre el astro rey. La metodología utilizada para la recolección de datos consistió en grabar, en audio y video, las clases, las entrevistas semi-estructuradas y las respuestas a los cuestionarios escritos. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los participantes conciben el Sol como constituido por fuego y las manchas solares en la superficie solar como agujeros. Aunque

  9. High School Students' Previous Knowledge about the Stars. (Spanish Title: Conocimientos Previos de Estudiantes de Secundaria Acerca de Las Estrellas.) O Conhecimento Prévio de Alunos do Ensino Médio sobre as Estrelas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iachel, Gustavo


    Based on the readings of articles related to Astronomy Education published in Brazil, it was noticed a lack of research on previous knowledge of students about the physical characteristics of stars, a fact that motivated us to develop this study. Previous knowledge of 125 students (approximated 15 years old) constituted the study sample; data was collected through written questionnaires (Appendix A) for analysis. From the content analysis of these responses it was possible to achieve some inferences as, for example, many students have some difficult to develop an explanatory model on the functioning of a star; there are few who say that the stars have a certain length of existence; some students have said that stars have tips; few recognize that a star is formed by a mass of gas; some previous knowledge come from purely visual aspects; furthermore, some students do not have the habit of observing nature in detail. We see this research as a reference in which science teachers can recognize the importance of previous knowledge for practice teaching and acquire resources for planning their lessons. De la lectura de artículos relacionados con la Educación en Astronomía publicados en el Brasil, se encuentra una falta de investigaciones acerca del conocimiento previo de los estudiantes sobre las características físicas de las estrellas, hecho que nos motivó a desarrollar este estudio. Los datos analizados se obtuvieron al aplicar un cuestionario a 125 estudiantes de secundaria, para posteriormente realizar un análisis de contenido, tal cuestionario se presenta en el Anexo A. Al realizar el análisis de contenido de las respuestas obtenidas, fue posible hacer algunas inferencias, como por ejemplo; muchos estudiantes tienen dificultades para desarrollar un modelo explicativo acerca del funcionamiento de una estrella; pocos estudiantes dicen que las estrellas tienen un cierto tiempo de vida; algunos estudiantes imaginan que las estrellas tienen puntas; pocos

  10. [Ethical issues in health care of gender violence].


    Bugarín-González, R; Bugarín-Diz, C


    Gender violence is a health problem that occasionally gives rise to ethical dilemmas for the family doctor. One of the most important conflict is probably when a patient admits to being abused by her partner, but appeals to keep the information confidential, and refuses to present an injury report. There also other problematic situations. This essay attempts to reflect on these issues and help professionals in making decisions. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  11. Modelo Pedagogico de Educacion Primaria para Adultos: Guia General de Apoyo para el Estudiante de Primaria (Pedagogical Model for Adult Primary Education: General Guide for the Student).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instituto Nacional para la Educacion de los Adultos, Mexico City (Mexico).

    This book, part of a Mexican series of instructional materials, is directed toward people over the age of 15 who are interested in beginning, continuing or finishing their basic education. It explains the pedagogical model developed for adult education in Mexico based on the following features: (1) the content of the textbooks must be useful for…

  12. Ácaros del mango

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Los ácaros constituyen un grupo abundante y diverso que ocupa diferentes hábitats en árboles frutales y la estructura y disposición del follaje y ramas del mango, contribuyen significativamente a que se presente gran diversidad de ácaros benéficos y dañinos asociados a esta especie frutal. En Colomb...

  13. Ecologia de las lombrices de tierra


    Grizelle Gonzalez


    De los organismos de suelo, las lombrices de tierra son las mas conocidas y a menudo son consideradas las mas importantes por su influencia en el funcionamiento de ecosistemas de suelo (Hendriz y Bohlen, 2002). Tienen un efecto significativo en la estructura del suelo, el ciclo de nutrimentos y ls productividad de las cosechas. En terminos de biomasa, generalmente...

  14. [Assessment of surveys of adolescents about smoking and the use of alcohol and cannabis in Spain].


    Villalbí, Joan R; Suelves, Josep M; Saltó, Esteve; Cabezas, Carmen


    Monitoring health-related behaviors in adolescence requires instruments capable of providing valid data The objective of this paper is to review and assess existing information sources on smoking and alcohol and cannabis use by age and sex among adolescents in Spain. A search was carried out for studies with repeated observations over time, and their methods and characteristics reviewed. For each study, the number of surveys, their frequency and their sample size are assessed, as well as the instrument used, the available indicators, and the availability, accessibility and comparability of the information. Five sources of information providing data over extended periods of time with accessible data are identified: the National survey on drug use in secondary-school children (Encuesta estatal sobre uso de drogas en estudiantes de secundaria; ESTUDES); the Health behavior in school-aged children study (ECERSHBSC); the Monitoring system for risk factors associated with non-transmissible diseases in young people (Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo Asociados a Enfermedades No Transmisibles dirigido a poblacion juvenil; SIVFRENT-J); the Study of risk factors in secondary school children (Estudio de factores de riesgo en estudiantes de secundaria; FRESC); and the Monitoring study of health behaviors in adolescents (Estudio de monitorizacion de las conductas de salud de los adolescents; EMCSAT). Two of the surveys cover the whole of Spain, one is regional, and two are city-specific. All use solid methods and representative sampling techniques. In some, changes have occurred that make comparison of the evolution of some indicators difficult. Report accessibility is variable; comparability is limited for some surveys. Some provide almost no stratified data. There are valuable sources of data, but all have shortcomings. Changing the measurement instrument in a survey for comparison with others raises dilemmas as to the internal comparability of series.

  15. [Changes in smoking prevalence among adolescents in Spain].


    Villalbí, Joan R; Suelves, Josep M; García-Continente, Xavier; Saltó, Esteve; Ariza, Carles; Cabezas, Carmen


    To analyse information on adolescent use of tobacco in Spain from different school surveys. Data on daily smoking prevalence by sex at the end of compulsory education is extracted and figures are compared, analysing trends. The five representative studies on adolescents in Spain are reviewed: The National Survey on Drug Use in Secondary School Children (Encuesta estatal sobre uso de drogas en estudiantes de secundaria (ESTUDES); Survey of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC-ECERS); Surveillance System of Risk Factors Associated With Non-Transmittable diseases in the Young Population (Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo Asociados a Enfermedades No Transmisibles dirigido a población Juvenil)(SIVFRENT-J); Study of Risk Factors in Secondary School Children (Estudio de factores de riesgo en estudiantes de secundaria) (FRESC); Surveillance Study of Health Behaviour in Adolescents (Estudio de Monitorización de las Conductas de Salud de los Adolescentes) (EMCSAT). The prevalence of daily smokers varies among studies, in boys from 8.5 to 13.3% and in girls from 12.7 to 16.4%. Although some series show variations, the trend from 1993 to 2008 is downwards. With data from recent years, weighted annual declines in smoking prevalence in adolescence can be estimated to be 6.47% for boys and 6.96% for girls. There is a decreasing pattern in adolescent daily smoking prevalence in Spain from the different existing studies, which provide consistent data, although surveillance must be kept due to fluctuations. This is in agreement with tobacco sales statistics and health surveys in the adult population. However, the pace of change should be more rapid and constant. © 2010 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  16. [The advertising message of drugs advertisements in Spanish medical journals].


    Riera, Eusebi J Castaño; de la Fuente, David Oterino; Rodrígueza, Rosa M Rodríguez


    To describe the characteristics of advertising in Spanish medical journals and to analyze the advertising message in drug advertisements. Six issues of 4 Spanish medical journals published in 2001 were reviewed to identify the number of advertisements and their characteristics. The journals selected were Atención Primaria, Anales Españoles de Pediatría, Medicina Clínica and Gaceta Sanitaria. The advertising message was analyzed by evaluating 5 factors: communication aim, sales argument, communication treatment, and use of text and image. 609 advertisements were found. Drug advertisements were the most numerous (69.9%). Advertising pressure was highest in Atención Primaria (36%), followed by Anales Españoles de Pediatría (22%), Medicina Clínica (12%) and Gaceta Sanitaria (4%). Of the 195 drug advertisements analyzed, the aim of the advertising message was mostly to present or remind readers of an existing product (70.8%). The sales argument was rational in 86.5%. The communication treatment was advertising in 72.6%. The text of the advertisement contained a headline in 82.4% or a slogan in 50.8%. The advertisement image was a photograph in 74.7% and the aim of the image was to present the product (48.7%), to promise a benefit (45.1%), or to argue its qualities (31.1%). In the journals aimed at prescribing physicians advertising pressure was higher and advertisements were intercalated in article text. Advertising concerned already existing products, used rational arguments, and the communication treatment was advertising.

  17. [Disclosure of sources of funding in biomedical journals. Descriptive study of four Spanish publications].


    Roig, F; Borrego, A


    The source of research funding can result in bias, and its disclosure is essential in the publication of results. The aim of the study is to identify the frequency and type of sources of funding in the articles published by four Spanish biomedical journals published in Spanish. The frequency and type of financial disclosures in the articles published during 2012 in the ordinary numbers of Atención Primaria, Medicina Clínica, Revista Clínica Española and Revista Española de Cardiología were analyzed. Articles described as "Editorial", "Original article", "Consensus Document", "Review" and "Special Article" were considered. It was decided in each case whether or not the article included any funding disclosure and the type of the declared funding (public or private). Four hundred and twelve publications were analyzed. In 32.5% there was disclosure of funding: 38% in Atención Primaria, 27% in Medicina Clínica, 15% in Revista Clínica Española and 45% in Revista Española de Cardiología. By type of articles, 47% of original articles, 44% of consensus documents, 21% of reviews, 14% of special articles and 8% of editorials had a funding source. In 51.5% of the cases, funding was exclusively public, in 36.5% exclusively private and in 10% mixed. There is considerable variability in the disclosure of funding sources in articles appearing in these four Spanish biomedical journals. It would be necessary to improve the disclosure requirements of sources of funding, making them uniform, clear and transparent.

  18. Instabilities in a Relativistic Viscous Fluid

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Corona-Galindo, M. G.; Klapp, J.; Vazquez, A.


    RESUMEN. Las ecuaciones hidrodinamicas de un fluido imperfecto relativista son resueltas, y los modos hidrodinamicos son analizados con el prop6sito de estabiecer correlaciones con las estructuras cosmol6gicas. ABSTRACT The hydrodynamical equations of a relativistic imperfect fluid are solved, and the hydrodynamical modes are analysed with the aim to establish correlations with cosmological structures. Ke, words: COSMOLOGY - HYDRODYNAMICS - RELATIVITY

  19. Estructura orbital en el Problema Restringido Rectilíneo Isósceles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Orellana, R. B.

    Para definir problemas en Mecánica Celeste se utilizan diferentes parámetros. El conocimiento de la dinámica del problema para valores particulares de estos parámetros nos permite entender el comportamiento en casos más generales. El Problema Restringido Rectilíneo Isósceles puede ser considerado como el caso límite del Problema de Sitnikov cuando la excentricidad tiende a uno o como el Problema Isósceles cuando la masa central tiende a cero. Se ha compactificado el espacio de fases y analizado la dinámica en el límite. Esto ha permitido separar el espacio de fases en diferentes regiones dependiendo de las clases de órbitas.

  20. Estructura, Cinemática y Condiciones Físicas del Merger NGC3256

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lípari, S.; Díaz, R. J.; Carranza, G.

    We studied in detail the structure, the kinematics, and the physical conditions in the nuclear, central and external regions of the nearby merger and luminous IR source NGC 3256 (LIR = 3.3 × 1011Lsolar). Using broad-- (B, V, I) and narrow--band (Hα, [OIII]λ5007) images --obtained at ESO-NTT and CASLEO during march'89 to july'97-- we studied the properties of the main structures in this merger. In particular, we analyzed in detail the giant HII regions which are extended in the nuclear and central region of NGC 3256 and are probably associated to a massive starburst originated in the merger process of two gas rich spirals galaxies.

  1. Observaciones de la corona solar interior con un coronógrafo de espejo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stenborg, G.; Schwenn, R.; Francile, C.; Rovira, M.

    El plasma de la corona solar es un buen indicador de las líneas de fuerza del campo magnético. Por lo tanto, el análisis de estructuras coronales cuasiestacionarias en la corona da importante información sobre el campo magnético y la actividad asociada. Se trata de poner límites a los modelos teóricos existentes mediante el estudio de distintas estructuras en la corona interior. En agosto de 1997 comenzó a operar el coronógrafo solar (MICA) en El Leoncito como parte del Observatorio Solar Alemán-Argentino. Desde su instalación obtiene imágenes de la corona solar (1.05 a 2.0 radios solares) en 2 líneas espectrales correspondientes a la emisión de Fe XIV y Fe X. El instrumento puede obtener imágenes cada minuto por lo que es ideal para estudiar procesos rápidos. Presentamos observaciones recientes que muestran la capacidad del coronógrafo así como la evolución de algunos eventos dinámicos observados por MICA.

  2. Del sujeto que ha intentado suicidarse y el Otro: la Institución Psiquiátrica

    PubMed Central

    Liliana, Mondragón B.; Miguel Ángel, Caballero G.


    El hospital psiquiátrico se ha constituido como un lugar donde se posibilita legitimar la exclusión y la radicalidad de ese otro “que no es igual”, como es el caso del sujeto que atenta contra su propia vida. En consecuencia, el intento de suicidio desde el pensamiento foucaultiano, es una resistencia que desmantela la estructura de dominación a través de un acto de poder, el cual se ejerce sobre el propio cuerpo. Así, la intención de este texto es mostrar que la relación Otro-otro es un lugar en la estructura subjetiva, que se deposita en la institución psiquiátrica, la cual representa el poder, la ley, y es aquello a lo que se le quiere agredir, resistir, abatir con un intento de suicidio. Para demostrar como se materializan estos hechos, se exponen los testimonios de tres adolescentes atendidas en un hospital psiquiátrico por intentos suicidas, en los cuales se señalan los diferentes significados que le atribuyen a la institución psiquiátrica en tanto que representa un Otro en sus actos autoinfligidos. PMID:25400324

  3. Las ayudas educativas en la educacion primaria (Teaching Aids in Elementary Education).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ministerio de Educacion Nacional, Bogota (Colombia). Centro Nacional de Documentacion e Informacion Pedagogica.

    The Colombian Institute of Pedagogy (ICOLPE) has undertaken a study of the availability and use of teaching aids and instructional materials in that country on the primary level. This report contains the results of that study. The document provides a listing of companies producing teaching aids. Questionnaires (included) were sent to educational…

  4. Integrating Virtual Worlds with Tangible User Interfaces for Teaching Mathematics: A Pilot Study.


    Guerrero, Graciela; Ayala, Andrés; Mateu, Juan; Casades, Laura; Alamán, Xavier


    This article presents a pilot study of the use of two new tangible interfaces and virtual worlds for teaching geometry in a secondary school. The first tangible device allows the user to control a virtual object in six degrees of freedom. The second tangible device is used to modify virtual objects, changing attributes such as position, size, rotation and color. A pilot study on using these devices was carried out at the "Florida Secundaria" high school. A virtual world was built where students used the tangible interfaces to manipulate geometrical figures in order to learn different geometrical concepts. The pilot experiment results suggest that the use of tangible interfaces and virtual worlds allowed a more meaningful learning (concepts learnt were more durable).

  5. [Renal cell carcinoma producing erythrocytosis due to inappropriate production of erythropoietin].


    Villanueva-Gimeno, M M; Vicario-Bermúdez, J M; Fonseca-López, Ch; Caballero-Castro, J P; Zabala-López, S I; Sánchez-Elipe, M A; González-Gómez, N


    Erythrocytosis, or polycythaemia, is an increase, in absolute terms, of the erythrocyte mass. The most common solid tumour related to this phenomenon is renal cell carcinoma, which can produce erythrocytosis by increasing erythropoietin production. About 30% of symptomatic renal cell carcinomas are diagnosed due to the appearance of a paraneoplastic syndrome. Polycythaemia is one of these. Surgery, (radical or partial nephrectomy), is the treatment of choice in renal cell carcinoma and helps to keep the erythrocytosis situation under control. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  6. [Endocrinopathies during the postpartum period. Management].


    Gallo-Vallejo, J L; Gallo-Vallejo, F J


    The various endocrinopathies that may occur during the postpartum period are described. The most important and common is gestational and pre-gestational diabetes, but other less common, and also very important ones, are mentioned such as hypopituitarism (Sheehan's syndrome and lymphocytic hypophysitis) and thyroid disorders, pre-existing (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism), or postpartum onset (postpartum thyroiditis and Graves' disease). After describing their characteristics, the emphasis is placed on the proper management of these endocrine diseases, some of them which exclusively appear during the postpartum period. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  7. [Anaemia as a cause of haemodynamic angina in a patient with chronic ischaemic heart disease].


    Miguéns Blanco, I; Bravo Amaro, M


    Ischaemic heart disease is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity and one of the primary causes of morbidity in Spain. The variability in the clinical presentation of this condition at both primary care and emergency services level requires a careful history and a thorough physical examination. In the case presented, the main symptoms of angina and dyspnea reported in the anamnesis, and the obvious pallor in the physical examination, were the key data to identify anaemia as a cause of angina. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  8. [Orofacial closure defects: cleft lip and palate. A literature review].


    Díaz Casado, G H; Díaz Grávalos, G J


    Orofacial clefts are a common problem that can lead to significant healthcare use and costs, as well as suffering on the part of the affected individuals and families. There are several theories explaining their origin, but some of the findings are inconsistent. The most accepted theories involve a major genetic basis that could be modified by the presence of external agents. Understanding the underlying causes could help to prevent its occurrence, an area in which the family physician can play an important role. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  9. Advanced practice nursing in Latin America and the Caribbean: regulation, education and practice.


    Zug, Keri Elizabeth; Cassiani, Silvia Helena De Bortoli; Pulcini, Joyce; Garcia, Alessandra Bassalobre; Aguirre-Boza, Francisca; Park, Jeongyoung


    to identify the current state of advanced practice nursing regulation, education and practice in Latin America and the Caribbean and the perception of nursing leaders in the region toward an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives. a descriptive cross-sectional design utilizing a web-based survey of 173 nursing leaders about their perceptions of the state of nursing practice and potential development of advanced practice nursing in their countries, including definition, work environment, regulation, education, nursing practice, nursing culture, and perceived receptiveness to an expanded role in primary health care. the participants were largely familiar with the advanced practice nursing role, but most were unaware of or reported no current existing legislation for the advanced practice nursing role in their countries. Participants reported the need for increased faculty preparation and promotion of curricula reforms to emphasize primary health care programs to train advanced practice nurses. The vast majority of participants believed their countries' populations could benefit from an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care. strong legislative support and a solid educational framework are critical to the successful development of advanced practice nursing programs and practitioners to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives. identificar o estado atual da regulação, educação e prática do enfermeiro de prática avançada na América Latina e no Caribe e a percepção de líderes de enfermagem na região quanto ao papel da enfermagem de prática avançada na atenção primaria à saúde em apoio às iniciativas de Acesso Universal à Saúde e Cobertura Universal de Saúde. o estudo descritivo transversal utilizou um survey online com 173 líderes de enfermagem questionando suas percepções sobre o estado atual da pr

  10. Three Dimensional Modeling of Breaking

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Three Dimensional Modeling of Breaking Robert A. Dalrymple Dept of Civil Engineering The Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street...University,Dept of Civil Engineering,3400 North Charles Street,Baltimore,MD,21218 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING...R.A. Dalrymple, A.J.C. Crespo, and D. Cerquiero, "Uso de la Tecnica SPH para el Estudio de la Interaccion entre Olas y Estructuras," Ingenieria del

  11. Proceedings of the Annual Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (17th) Held in Scottsdale, Arizona on 12-15 September, 1995.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Observaciones de refracci6n sismica en el noroeste Colombiano en la latitud 5.5*N. In Investigaciones Geofisicas sobre las Estructuras Oc6ano...636 Levander, A.; S.P. Larkin; L.M. La Flame; S. Pullammanapaflil and J.A. Goff Crustal Heterogeneity in the Basin...with cabled connections to land The coverage of the six stations is strongly biased toward the Southern Hemisphere in part for the rea- son that

  12. Categorizing Sounds

    DTIC Science & Technology


    psychophysical study. These have been called Class A and Class B, or sensory and perceptual, or local and global, and probably 18 other terms. Among...Class A studies, detection, two-choice dis- criminability and other local measures reveal differential sensi- tivities of receptor or sensory systems...Eds.), Percepcion del Obieto: Estructura y Procesos, 553-596. Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia. Lisanby, S. H., & Lockhead, G. R. (accepted

  13. International Symposium (43rd) on Molecular Spectroscopy Held in Ohio State University on 13-17 June 1988.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, c/Serrano, 119, 28006 Madrid, Spain. TG7. ON THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE EXCITED SINGLET STATES IN THE CO. MOLECULE...Departmento de Quimica Fisica , Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain; and R. H. TIPPING, Department of Physics and Astronomy...Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, C/ Serrano, 119, 28006 Madrid, SPAIN. ’-. (2:𔃻) ON THE ASSIGNMENT

  14. Ohio State University Symposium (45th) on Molecular Spectroscopy Held in Columbus, Ohio on 11-15 Jun 1990

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, CO 80303. Address of Ortigoso and Escribano: Instituto de Estructura de al Materia, Consejo Superior de investigaciones ...10 min.(1:42) J. M. GUILMOT anO M. HERMAN, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique Moleculaire, tjniversit’c Libre de ...CANY-PEYRET, Laboratoire de Physique Mole’*u’ai:e et Atmospherique, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie et CNRS, 75252 Paris, France. MF4. FIR LASER STARK

  15. Estructura del diagrama HR para gigantes rojas de poblacion I de masas intermedias.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Clariá, J. J.; Lapasset, E.; Minniti, D.


    The structure of the HR diagram (clump and giant branch) for intermediate mass population I red giants is examined on the basis of multicolour photometry (UBV, DDO, and DT1T2) of open clusters belonging to the NGC 3532 and NGC 6475 groups.

  16. European Scientific Notes, Volume 36, Number 12,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    under the chairmanship more or less dangerous than launching a of Professor F.J. Balta Calleja, Instituto de chamber into the sea? Estructura de la...Langmuir- Blodgett (LB) films are de - scribed. Applications to many electronic devices are now feasible because of the stability, repro- ducibility, and...application are usually well Spartacus, the project was a joint one with the known. To drive a wheel chair, for example, Institut de Pupin in Belgrade

  17. El medio interestelar alrededor de estrellas Of: HD 108

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cappa, C.; Testori, J. C.

    Hemos analizado la distribución del hidrógeno neutro interestelar en la vecindad de la estrella Of HD 108 en base a perfiles de la línea de 21 cm. Estos datos nos han permitido encontrar una probable burbuja interestelar asociada a la estrella. Comparamos estos resultados con la emisión en otros rangos espectrales y estimamos los principales parámetros físicos de la estructura.

  18. Análisis de costo de la enfermedad, del tratamiento, las complicaciones e intervenciones de la hipercolesterolemia en México en 2016.


    Baeza-Cruz, German; Peniche-Otero, Gustavo; Alva-Esqueda, Mónica E; Naranjo-Muedano, Mariana; Soria-Suárez, Noé; Morales-Flores, Héctor J


    Describir los costos y el impacto económico de la atención de pacientes diagnosticados con hipercolesterolemia en México en el año 2016. METODOLOGíA: Se desarrolla una evaluación económica del tipo análisis de costo de la enfermedad donde se cuantifican los recursos médicos utilizados para el tratamiento de la hipercolesterolemia así como para sus complicaciones. Los costos de los recursos médicos utilizados son obtenidos de los costos unitarios por nivel de atención del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) así como de las licitaciones publicadas en el portal de compras del IMSS. El uso de recursos se obtiene mediante un panel de expertos y para el porcentaje de presencia de las complicaciones se efectúa una revisión de literatura. Los costos médicos directos son estimados multiplicando la frecuencia de uso por el costo unitario, agrupándolos y obteniendo así los costos individuales de cada recurso médico. Los casos de hipercolesterolemia en prevención secundaria con enfermedad coronaria y enfermedad cardiovascular representan un mayor costo promedio anual ($111,835.19, D.E. $84,276.37), seguido de la hipercolesterolemia en prevención secundaria con enfermedad coronaria sin enfermedad cardiovascular ($56,352.13, D.E. $29,004.04), los cuales no incluyen los costos generados por las complicaciones. El resto de los grupos de hipercolesterolemia representan una carga económica menor. La carga económica de la hipercolesterolemia representa en promedio por caso al año $258,761.37, esto traducido a los aproximadamente 445,075 de casos diagnosticados y tratados al año representaría un impacto económico en el sistema de salud de más de ciento quince mil millones ($115,168,331,355.11). Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  19. [Consensus on the detection and management of prediabetes. Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society].


    Mata-Cases, M; Artola, S; Escalada, J; Ezkurra-Loyola, P; Ferrer-García, J C; Fornos, J A; Girbés, J; Rica, I


    In Spain, according to the study, 13.8% of the adult population suffers from diabetes and 14.8% from some form of prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose or both). Since early detection of prediabetes can facilitate the implementation of therapeutic measures to prevent its progression to diabetes, we believe that preventive strategies in primary care and specialized clinical settings should be agreed. Screening for diabetes and prediabetes using a specific questionnaire (FINDRISC) and/or the measurement of fasting plasma glucose in high risk patients leads to detecting patients at risk of developing diabetes and it is necessary to consider how they should be managed. The intervention in lifestyle can reduce the progression to diabetes and reverse a prediabetic state to normal and is a cost-effective intervention. Some drugs, such as metformin, have also been shown effective in reducing the progression to diabetes but are not superior to non-pharmacological interventions. Finally, an improvement in some cardiovascular risk factors has been observed although there is no strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of screening in terms of morbility and mortality. The Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society has issued some recommendations that have been agreed by the Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Sociedad Española de Endocrinología Pediátrica, Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Médicos Generales, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna, Asociación de Enfermería Comunitaria and Red de Grupos de Estudio de la Diabetes en Atención Primaria. Copyright © 2014 SEEN. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. Consensus on the detection and management of prediabetes. Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society.


    Mata-Cases, M; Artola, S; Escalada, J; Ezkurra-Loyola, P; Ferrer-García, J C; Fornos, J A; Girbés, J; Rica, I


    In Spain, according to the study, 13.8% of the adult population suffers from diabetes and 14.8% from some form of prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose or both). Since early detection of prediabetes can facilitate the implementation of therapeutic measures to prevent its progression to diabetes, we believe that preventive strategies in primary care and specialized clinical settings should be agreed. Screening for diabetes and prediabetes using a specific questionnaire (FINDRISC) and/or the measurement of fasting plasma glucose in high risk patients leads to detecting patients at risk of developing diabetes and it is necessary to consider how they should be managed. The intervention in lifestyle can reduce the progression to diabetes and reverse a prediabetic state to normal and is a cost-effective intervention. Some drugs, such as metformin, have also been shown effective in reducing the progression to diabetes but are not superior to non-pharmacological interventions. Finally, an improvement in some cardiovascular risk factors has been observed although there is no strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of screening in terms of morbility and mortality. The Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society has issued some recommendations that have been agreed by the Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Sociedad Española de Endocrinología Pediátrica, Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Médicos Generales, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna, Asociación de Enfermería Comunitaria and Red de Grupos de Estudio de la Diabetes en Atención Primaria. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. [Consensus on the detection and management of prediabetes. Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society].


    Mata-Cases, M; Artola, S; Escalada, J; Ezkurra-Loyola, P; Ferrer-García, J C; Fornos, J A; Girbés, J; Rica, I


    In Spain, according to the study, 13.8% of the adult population suffers from diabetes and 14.8% from some form of prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose or both). Since early detection of prediabetes can facilitate the implementation of therapeutic measures to prevent its progression to diabetes, we believe that preventive strategies in primary care and specialized clinical settings should be agreed. Screening for diabetes and prediabetes using a specific questionnaire (FINDRISC) and/or the measurement of fasting plasma glucose in high risk patients leads to detecting patients at risk of developing diabetes and it is necessary to consider how they should be managed. The intervention in lifestyle can reduce the progression to diabetes and reverse a prediabetic state to normal and is a cost-effective intervention. Some drugs, such as metformin, have also been shown effective in reducing the progression to diabetes but are not superior to non-pharmacological interventions. Finally, an improvement in some cardiovascular risk factors has been observed although there is no strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of screening in terms of morbility and mortality. The Consensus and Clinical Guidelines Working Group of the Spanish Diabetes Society has issued some recommendations that have been agreed by the Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Sociedad Española de Endocrinología Pediátrica, Sociedad Española de Farmacia Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, Sociedad Española de Médicos Generales, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna, Asociación de Enfermería Comunitaria and Red de Grupos de Estudio de la Diabetes en Atención Primaria. Copyright © 2015. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U.

  2. [What the family doctor must know about lung transplant (Part 1)].


    Zurbano, L; Zurbano, F


    Lung transplant is a therapeutic, medical-surgical procedure indicated for pulmonary diseases (except lung cancer), that are terminal and irreversible with current medical treatment. More than 3,500 lung transplants have been performed in Spain, with a rate of over 6 per million and increasing. In this review, an analysis is made of the types of transplants, their indications and contraindications, the procedures, immunosuppressive treatments, their side effects and medical interactions, current prophylaxis. A list of easily accessible literature references is also include, the majority being by national authors. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  3. El medio interestelar alrededor de estrellas Of

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Caballero, N.; Cappa, C.

    Se analiza la distribución del hidrógeno neutro interestelar en la vecindad de algunas estrellas Of con el fin de investigar la presencia de burbujas de H I vinculadas a las estrellas. Se determinan los parámetros físicos de las burbujas de H I encontradas y se comparan con estructuras similares vinculadas a estrellas Wolf-Rayet. El estudio se lleva a cabo en base a datos pertenecientes al relevamiento de Weaver y Willians (1973).

  4. [Cyberbullying at school].


    González Arévalo, Blanca


    The aim of this study is to known the prevalence of cyberbullying, and how these students behave. We designed a transversal, descriptive and observational study in two educative centers of Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) in Toledo (Spain). The sample comprised 190 students of both genders and ages between 11 and 16 years. Results indicated that 46.8% of the adolescents had been bullied by Information and communication technology (ICT). The behaviors and communication channels that are most frequently used to harass, have been offensive messages through mobile and/or Internet and spreading rumors to harm the victim. It is worth noting that almost a third of students harassed not request any help to deal with it. The cyberbullying phenomenon is clearly established in our society and a small percentage of cases it becomes a serious problem.

  5. [Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy. Consensus document. Andalusian Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SAEN)].


    Santiago Fernández, P; González-Romero, S; Martín Hernández, T; Navarro González, E; Velasco López, I; Millón Ramírez, M C


    A position statement on the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy has been agreed on behalf of The Sociedad Andaluza de Endocrinología y Nutrición (SAEN), based on a review of the literature to date and all good clinical practice guidelines. The document is set out in different sections as regards the diagnosis and treatment of, overt and subclinical hypo- and hyperthyroidism, isolated hypothyroxinaemia and postpartum thyroiditis. It also justifies the implementation of universal screening for thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy, and provides practitioners who care for these patients with tool for rational decision making. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  6. [Update of hidradenitis suppurativa in Primary Care].


    García-Martínez, F J; Pascual, J C; López-Martín, I; Pereyra-Rodríguez, J J; Martorell Calatayud, A; Salgado-Boquete, L; Labandeira-García, J

    Hidradenitis suppurativa is a prevalent disease that is noted for its clinical variability and by its severe impact on quality of life. A meticulous scientific literature review is presented in this article in order to give an update on what is known on this condition. Primary Care physicians obviously play an important role in the early diagnosis and management of hidradenitis suppurativa. This review aims to provide a current and practical overview about this disease in order to optimise the healthcare for these patients by making the best use of available resources. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. [Clinical bioethics for primary health care].


    González-de Paz, L


    The clinical decision making process with ethical implications in the area of primary healthcare differs from other healthcare areas. From the ethical perspective it is important to include these issues in the decision making model. This dissertation explains the need for a process of bioethical deliberation for Primary Healthcare, as well as proposing a method for doing so. The decision process method, adapted to this healthcare area, is flexible and requires a more participative Healthcare System. This proposal involves professionals and the patient population equally, is intended to facilitate the acquisition of responsibility for personal and community health. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  8. [Female sexual dysfunction: Drug treatment options].


    Alcántara Montero, A; Sánchez Carnerero, C I


    Many women will likely experience a sexual problem in their lifetime. Female sexual dysfunction is a broad term used to describe 3 categories of disorders of a multifactorial nature. Effective, but limited pharmacotherapeutic options exist to address female sexual dysfunction. The FDA recently approved the first agent for treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in pre-menopausal women. Off-label use of hormonal therapies, particularly oestrogen and testosterone, are the most widely employed for female sexual dysfunction, particularly in post-menopausal women. Other drugs currently under investigation include phosphodiesterase inhibitors and agents that modulate dopamine or melanocortin receptors. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. [Liver ultrasound: focal lesions and diffuse diseases].


    Segura Grau, A; Valero López, I; Díaz Rodríguez, N; Segura Cabral, J M


    Liver ultrasound is frequently used as a first-line technique for the detection and characterization of the most common liver lesions, especially those incidentally found focal liver lesions, and for monitoring of chronic liver diseases. Ultrasound is not only used in the Bmode, but also with Doppler and, more recently, contrast-enhanced ultrasound. It is mainly used in the diagnosis of diffuse liver diseases, such as steatosis or cirrhosis. This article presents a practical approach for diagnosis workup, in which the different characteristics of the main focal liver lesions and diffuse liver diseases are reviewed. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. [Antidepressants in the elderly].


    Cortajarena García, M C; Ron Martin, S; Miranda Vicario, E; Ruiz de Vergara Eguino, A; Azpiazu Gomez, P J; Lopez Aldana, J


    Depression in the elderly is a changing, difficult and common disorder. At this age, there are more relapses and more long-life treatment is required. The pharmacology approach is a challenge because of concurrent factors that make their treatment more difficult. It is very important to have a basic antidepressant scheme, in order to help treat this disorder with efficiency and success from Primary Care. There are no drugs without side effects, and their characteristics have to be known in order to make the right selection depending on effectiveness, safety and tolerance. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  11. [Conflicts of interests in clinical research in primary health care].


    González-de Paz, L; Navarro-Rubio, M D; Sisó-Almirall, A


    Conflicts of interests between professionals and patients in biomedical research, is an ethical problem. None of the laws in Spain mention whether the clinical researcher has to clarify to participants the reasons why it proposes them to participate in a clinical trial. In this article, conflicts of interests in research are discussed in the context of primary healthcare. In this area conflicts of interests might alter the confidence between patients and healthcare professionals. Finally, we suggest some practical strategies that can help participants make the decision to participate in a clinical trial more willingly and freely. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  12. PARTNeR: A Tool for Outreach and Teaching Astronomy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gallego, Juan Ángel Vaquerizo; Fuertes, Carmen Blasco

    PARTNeR is an acronym for Proyecto Académico con el Radio Telescopio de NASA en Robledo (Academic Project with the NASA Radio Telescope at Robledo). It is intended for general Astronomy outreach and, in particular, radioastronomy, throughout Spanish educational centres. To satisfy this target, a new educational material has been developed in 2007 to help not only teachers but also students. This material supports cross curricular programs and provides with the possibility of including Astronomy in related subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Technology, Mathematics or even English language. In this paper, the material that has been developed will be shown in detail and how it can be adapted to the disciplines from 4th year ESO (Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria-Compulsory Secondary Education) to High School. The pedagogic results obtained for the first year it has been implemented with students in classrooms will also be presented.

  13. [Use of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in Primary Care: ACTUA study].


    Barrios, V; Escobar, C; Lobos, J M; Polo, J; Vargas, D


    Approximately 40% of patients with non-valvular auricular fibrillation (NVAF) who receive vitamin K antagonists (VKA) in Primary Care in Spain have poor anticoagulation control. The objective of the study Actuación en antiCoagulación, Tratamiento y Uso de anticoagulantes orales de acción directa (ACOD) en Atención primaria (ACTUA) (Action in Coagulation, Treatment and Use of direct oral anticoagulants [DOACs]) in Primary Care) was to analyse the current situation regarding the use of VKA and non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) in patients with NVAF in Primary Care in Spain and the possible issues arising from it. An online survey was created covering various aspects of the use of oral anticoagulants in NAFV. A two-round modified Delphi approach was used. Results were compiled as a set of practical guidelines. Forty-four experts responded to the survey. Consensus was reached in 62% (37/60) of the items. Experts concluded that a considerable number of patients with NVAF who receive VKA do not have a well-controlled INR and that a substantial group of patients who could benefit from being treated with NOACs do not receive them. The use of NOACs increases the probability of having good anticoagulation control and decreases the risk of severe and intracranial haemorrhage. Current limitations to the use of NOACs include administrative barriers, insufficient knowledge about the benefits and risks of NOACs, limited experience of doctors in using them, and their price. Renal insufficiency influences the choice of a particular anticoagulant. The ACTUA study highlights the existing controversies about the use of oral anticoagulants for the treatment of NVAF in Primary Care in Spain, and provides consensus recommendations that may help to improve the use of these medications. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. [Chronic tophaceous gout].


    González-Rozas, M; Prieto de Paula, J M; Franco Hidalgo, S; López Pedreira, M R


    Gout is a common illness, usually of unknown etiology, is more frequent in men, and with a prevalence that increases with age. It is characterized by recurrent episodes of acute arthritis due to the deposition of monosodium urate crystals in joints. The underlying disorder in most cases is hyperuricemia, usually as a consequence of impairment in its renal excretion. Although it is generally believed that both the diagnosis and treatment are simple, the truth is that the level of adherence of clinical decisions using the existing guidelines is poor. We describe a case of chronic tophaceous gout, and review the general characteristics of this condition. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  15. [Numb chin syndrome as a sign of tumour recurrence].


    García-Lamazares, M; Ferreiro-Uriz, O; Alfaya-García, L


    Numb chin syndrome is characterized by anaesthesia or paraesthesia in the areas supplied by the chin nerve. It is a rare symptom which tends to be underestimated. Far from being insignificant, it should be taken as an indication of hidden malignant disease. In patients previously diagnosed with neoplasia, it is frequently associated with ominous diagnosis indicating rapid progression of the disease. This paper reports the case of a patient diagnosed with breast cancer 20 years earlier who presents chin numbness. Further tests confirm the suspicion of metastatic disease (meningeal carcinomatosis and multiple bone and pulmonary metastases) leading to death two months after the initial consultation. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  16. [The electrocardiogram in the paediatric age group].


    Sanches, M; Coelho, A; Oliveira, E; Lopes, A


    A properly interpreted electrocardiogram (ECG) provides important information and is an inexpensive and easy test to perform. It continues to be the method of choice for the diagnosis of arrhythmias. Although the principles of cardiac electrophysiology are the same, there are anatomical and physiological age-dependent changes which produce specific alterations in the paediatric ECG, and which may be misinterpreted as pathological. The intention of this article is to address in a systematic way the most relevant aspects of the paediatric ECG, to propose a possible reading scheme of the ECG and to review the electrocardiograph tracings most frequently found in the paediatric age group. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  17. [Primary presentation of non-hodgkin lymphoma. Report of a case].


    Mirpuri-Mirpuri, P G; Alvarez-Cordovés, M M; Pérez-Monje, A


    Lymphomas are the most common non-epithelial tumors of the head and neck and its incidence has increased in recent decades. Around 10% are extranodal lymphomas, and in more than half of the cases are located in Waldeyer's lymphatic ring. The most common presenting symptoms are odynophagia and dysphagia (68%), and symptoms suggestive of oropharyngeal cancer such as cough, hoarseness, earache, feeling of occupation in the back of the mouth, throat or neck. In non-Hodgkin lymphomas in this location, B symptoms (weight loss, fever and sweating) are rare (5%). The histological subtype of each individual lymphoma affects the evaluation, therapy and prognosis. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  18. [An earlier diagnosis of depression].


    Campagne, D M

    Data of the last decade indicate that, in the Western world and also in Spain, an important part of general practicioners' consultations are related to mental health, but depression is consistently underdiagnosed. Causes are lack of time and back-up, as well as lack of specific training. In Spain, there is no national health service primary care database with actualized clinical information as to mental health. There is evident clinical interest in a more agile diagnostic, resulting from a recollection of data from voluntary selective screening and continuing evaluation of adult depression along the model used by other National Health Systems. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. [An update on myasthenia gravis].


    Martínez Torre, S; Gómez Molinero, I; Martínez Girón, R


    Myasthenia gravis is one of the most common disorders that affect neuromuscular transmission. It is currently one of the most understood and characterised autoimmune disorders Its typical symptoms are fluctuating weakness and fatigue that affects a combination of ocular muscles, bulbar functions, as well as limb and respiratory muscles, which are due to an immune attack against the postsynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction. The diagnosis of myasthenia gravis is based on clinical and serological test. It is a disease that can be effectively controlled with the current therapeutic lines, even achieving a complete remission. An update of this interesting disorder is now presented. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. [An update on the treatment of venous insufficiency in pregnancy].


    Rodríguez-Nora, B; Álvarez-Silvares, E

    Chronic venous insufficiency is a long-term pathological condition resulting from anatomical or functional alterations of the venous system. This leads to the appearance of symptoms and physical signs that affect a large part of the population and particularly pregnant women, due to the physiology of pregnancy. The few published studies on the use of pharmacological treatments of venous insufficiency in this group of the population, often makes the management of this condition difficult in routine clinical practice. A review is presented in this article, with all the latest updates in the treatment of this condition during pregnancy. There are numerous general, and some pharmacological, recommendations, that we can safely offer the pregnant patient. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. [Pancreatic ultrasonography].


    Fernández-Rodríguez, T; Segura-Grau, A; Rodríguez-Lorenzo, A; Segura-Cabral, J M


    Despite the recent technological advances in imaging, abdominal ultrasonography continues to be the first diagnostic test indicated in patients with a suspicion of pancreatic disease, due to its safety, accessibility and low cost. It is an essential technique in the study of inflammatory processes, since it not only assesses changes in pancreatic parenchyma, but also gives an indication of the origin (bile or alcoholic). It is also essential in the detection and tracing of possible complications as well as being used as a guide in diagnostic and therapeutic punctures. It is also the first technique used in the study of pancreatic tumors, detecting them with a sensitivity of around 70% and a specificity of 90%. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  2. [Wide QRS tachycardia preceded by pacemaker spikes].


    Romero, M; Aranda, A; Gómez, F J; Jurado, A


    The differential diagnosis and therapeutic management of wide QRS tachycardia preceded by pacemaker spike is presented. The pacemaker-mediated tachycardia, tachycardia fibrillo-flutter in patients with pacemakers, and runaway pacemakers, have a similar surface electrocardiogram, but respond to different therapeutic measures. The tachycardia response to the application of a magnet over the pacemaker could help in the differential diagnosis, and in some cases will be therapeutic, as in the case of a tachycardia-mediated pacemaker. Although these conditions are diagnosed and treated in hospitals with catheterization laboratories using the application programmer over the pacemaker, patients presenting in primary care clinic and emergency forced us to make a diagnosis and treat the haemodynamically unstable patient prior to referral. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  3. [Update of breast cancer in primary care (I/V)].


    Vich, P; Brusint, B; Alvarez-Hernández, C; Cuadrado-Rouco, C; Diaz-García, N; Redondo-Margüello, E


    Breast cancer is a prevalent disease affecting all areas of the patients' lives. Therefore, family physicians should have a thorough knowledge of this disease in order to optimize the health care services for these patients, and making the best use of available resources. A series of 5 articles on breast cancer is presented below. It is based on a review of the scientific literature over the last 10 years. The first article reviews the epidemiology, risk factors, and protective factors in this disease This summary report aims to provide a current and practical review on breast cancer, providing answers to family doctors and helping them to support the patients for their benefit throughout their illness. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  4. [Update of breast cancer in Primary Care (III/V)].


    Álvarez Hernández, C; Vich Pérez, P; Brusint, B; Cuadrado Rouco, C; Díaz García, N; Robles Díaz, L


    Breast cancer is a prevalent disease with implications in all aspects of patientś life, therefore, family doctors must know this pathology in depth, in order to optimize the health care provided to these patients with the best available resources. This series of five articles on breast cancer is based on a review of the scientific literature of the last ten years. This third article will review the clinical context and the staging and prognostic factors of the disease. This summary report aims to provide a global, current and practical review about this problem, providing answers to family doctors and helping them to be by the patients for their benefit throughout their illness. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  5. [Management of Rhinosinusitis in Primary Care].


    Gabaldón, N Gómez; Arnaiz, C Manzanares; Cánovas, L Noguero; Armas, J Juan


    Acute rhinosinusitis is an important health problem. Even though its frequency is not well documented in our country?, the economic burden it bears is not insignificant as it notably alters the quality of life of affected patients. Its diagnosis is generally clinical in nature, with further studies reserved only for the differential diagnoses of complications or tumour-like processes. The most frequent causes are viral infections, although Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae are the most commonly isolated bacterial agents. Although complications are uncommon nowadays, they can be serious when they occur, and commonly include orbital infections, closely followed in frequency by intracranial and bone infections. Treatment should consist of symptomatic measures, like saline rinses and antibiotics in cases of bacterial origin. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  6. [Genetics and family medicine].


    Bugarín-González, R; Carracedo, Á

    There have been spectacular advances in genetics in the last decades. Their implications in medicine have been so relevant that the family doctor cannot ignore them. However, interestingly, our specialty training program has hardly any contents related to this discipline. For this reason, several publications have warned of the need to correct this deficit and to determine the knowledge, skills and abilities in genetics that should be acquired by family physicians. It is considered that, in addition to some general concepts, we must have training related to genetic testing, genetic counselling, aspects related to hereditary cancers, and to be aware of the ethical and legal limits of genetic information. It is also necessary to establish guidelines for collaboration with the genetic services. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. [Sharing experiences: rotation in primary care in Posadas, Argentina].


    García-Garrido, A B; Caballero, L G; Basiuk, S


    Primary care should be the cornerstone of any health system. It is the first contact with the community health system of any country. The Declaration of Alma-Ata, 1978, seeks to provide the basis for the construction of a new health system that will allow the full exercise of the right to health. Carrying out an external rotation in Primary Care in Posadas, Misiones Province, Argentina, during medical training, in family medicine, offers an insight into how other health systems work, provide health care to the community in a Primary Care Center in a country with its similarities and differences like ours, follow the implementation of programs, working with family medicine residents in another country, and living a rewarding personal and professional experience. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  8. [Venous thromboembolism prevention in pregnancy and the postpartum period in Primary and Specialized Care].


    Gallo-Vallejo, J L; Naveiro-Fuentes, M; Puertas-Prieto, A; Gallo-Vallejo, F J


    After noting that there are a number of risk factors for venous thromboembolism disease during pregnancy, it emphasizes primary prevention and treatment of this serious condition during pregnancy and the postpartum period are essential to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. Low molecular-weight heparins are under the anticoagulant of choice in pregnancy. Your prescription may make both the primary care physician, as the hematologist and obstetrician. As for prescribing terms, an application protocol in both primary and specialized, multidisciplinary care, based on the existing literature on the subject is presented, which indicated that the hypercoagulable disorders associated with some of the risk factors, forced to do thromboprophylaxis with low molecular-weight heparins throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period presented. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. [Low back pain during pregnancy. Multidisciplinary approach].


    Gallo-Padilla, D; Gallo-Padilla, C; Gallo-Vallejo, F J; Gallo-Vallejo, J L


    After explaining that low back pain is considered the most common pregnancy complication, its pathogenesis, risk factors and the clinical characteristics of the very painful symptoms of this condition are described. As for its approach, it is stressed that it must be multidisciplinary, introducing very important preventive measures, including proper postural hygiene. For its treatment, the methods may be based on non-surgical or pharmacological interventions of a conservative non-invasive nature. Thus, physiotherapy, osteopathic manipulation, multimodal intervention (exercise and education), exercises performed in water environment, acupuncture, etc., have proven to be effective. Finally, it is emphasised that given the significant impact on their quality of life, different health professionals must be proactive and treat the lumbar disease in pregnant women. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. [Onset of myasthenia gravis in primary care. Presentation of a case].


    Álvarez-Cordovés, M M; Mirpuri-Mirpuri, P G; Pérez-Monje, A


    Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder of neuromuscular transmission involving the production of autoantibodies directed against skeletal muscle receptors, in most cases of acetylcholine. Clinically it is characterized by the appearance of muscle weakness after prolonged activity, which tends to recover after a period of rest, or administration of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. It is a relatively rare disease, although the prevalence has increased by improved diagnosis and increased longevity of the population. The diagnosis can be based on evidence after it is suspected using pharmacological, immunological or electrophysiology tests. Treatment can be divided into: symptomatic, short term and long term. We report the case of a patient who complained of diplopia, this muscle weakness being the most common initial symptom of the disease. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  11. [Update of breast cancer in Primary Care (II/V)].


    Brusint, B; Vich, P; Ávarez-Hernández, C; Cuadrado-Rouco, C; Díaz-García, N; Redondo-Margüello, E


    Breast cancer is a prevalent disease affecting all areas of patients' lives. Therefore, family doctors need to thoroughly understand this disease in order to optimize the health care services for these patients, making the best use of available resources. A series of 5 articles on breast cancer is presented below. It is based on a review of the scientific literature over the last 10 years. The second one deals with population screening and its controversies, screening in high-risk women, and the current recommendations. This summary report aims to provide a current and practical review about this problem, providing answers to family doctors, and helping them to be able to care for their patients for their benefit throughout their illness. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  12. [Update of breast cancer in primary care (IV/V)].


    Álvarez-Hernández, C; Brusint, B; Vich, P; Díaz-García, N; Cuadrado-Rouco, C; Hernández-García, M


    Breast cancer is a prevalent disease affecting all areas of patients' lives. Therefore, family physicians must thoroughly understand this pathology in order to optimize the health care services and make the best use of available resources, for these patients. A series of 5 articles on breast cancer is presented below. It is based on a review of the scientific literature over the last 10 years. This fourth article deals with the treatment of the disease, the role of the primary care physician, and management of major complications. This summary report aims to provide a current and practical review about this problem, providing answers to family doctors and helping them to support their patients and care for them throughout their illness. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  13. Composición y estructura de un bosque tropical urbano en el karso norteno de Puerto Rico


    E. López Machado; K. Soto Hidalgo; T. Heartsill-Scalley


    Tropical secondary forests provide many products, environmental services, and recreation. These forests have a set of biological features, such as their high productivity and a uniform composition of dominant tree species. To understand the composition and structure of a secondary forest in the northern karst zone, we selected the Santa Ana Environmental Center (CASA...

  14. [Dyslipidaemia and vascular risk. A new evidence based review].


    Pallarés-Carratalá, V; Pascual-Fuster, V; Godoy-Rocatí, D


    Dyslipidaemia is one of the major risk factors for ischaemic heart disease, the leading cause of death worldwide. Early detection and therapeutic intervention are key elements in the adequate prevention of cardiovascular disease. It is essential to have knowledge of the therapeutic arsenal available for their appropriate use in each of the clinical situations that might be presented in our patients. In the past 3 years, there has been a proliferation of multiple guidelines for the clinical management of patients with dyslipidaemia, with apparent contradictory messages regarding the achievement of the control objectives, which are confusing clinicians. This review aims to provide an updated overview of the situation as regards dyslipidaemia, based on the positioning of both European and American guidelines, through different risk situations and ending with the concept of atherogenic dyslipidaemia as a recognized cardiovascular risk factor. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  15. [Dry eye syndrome. Occupational risk factors, valuation and prevention].


    Vicente-Herrero, M T; Ramírez-Iñiguez de la Torre, M V; Terradillos-García, M J; López González, Á A


    Dry eye syndrome in the workplace is associated with new ways of working, with increasing use of screens and electronic devices and environmental conditions encountered in modern office designs and other environments. Also affect occupational exposure to ionizing radiation, chemicals or atmospheric dust with increased ocular dryness. The study of pathophysiological aspects and laboral causality of the dry eye, must be to develop joint task in Occupational Health, Public Health in coordination with and responsible for the national health system, which would involve primary and secondary preventive measures more effective and proper diagnosis, control and monitoring of the disease, A better knowledge of occupational hazards and actions agreed and coordinated between occupational physicians, preventers, primary care physicians and specialist physicians, such as ophthalmology, will get results much more effective when earlier and optimize available resources. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  16. [Breast cancer update in primary care: (V/V)].


    Díaz García, Noiva; Cuadrado Rouco, Carmen; Vich, Pilar; Alvarez-Hernandez, Cristina; Brusint, Begoña; Redondo Margüello, Esther


    Breast cancer is a prevalent disease affecting all areas of patients' lives. Therefore, family physicians ought to know thoroughly this pathology to optimize the health care services for these patients making the best use of available resources. A series of five articles on breast cancer is presented below. It is based on a review of the scientific literature over the last ten years. In this final section, the social, psychological, occupational and family issues related to the disease will be reviewed, as well as presenting some special situations of breast cancer, including breast cancer in men, during pregnancy and last stages of life. This summary report aims to provide a current and practical review about this disease, providing answers to family doctors and helping them to be by the patients for their benefit throughout their illness. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  17. [Takayasu arteritis and cerebral venous thrombosis: report of a case].


    Rodríguez de Mingo, E; Riofrío Cabeza, S; Villa Albuger, T; Velasco Blanco, M J


    Palpitations, paresthesias and anxiety are very common reasons of consultation in primary care. We report the case of a 40 year-old Caucasian woman who came to the clinic due to these symptoms, and was finally diagnosed with Takayasu arteritis. Later, she had an episode of headache, as the initial manifestation of cerebral venous thrombosis. Takayasu arteritis is a systemic vasculitis affecting medium and large arteries, mainly leacausing stenosis of the aorta and its branches. It most frequently affects Asian women, being much rarer in Europe. The primary care doctor plays a key role in the initial diagnosis and monitoring of patients with rare diseases, such as Takayasu arteritis, and must be a basic support for the patient and family, providing information and advice, and contributing with his work to reduce the vulnerability of this group. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  18. [Venous thromboembolic disease: presentation of a case].


    Mirpuri-Mirpuri, P G; Álvarez-Cordovés, M M; Pérez-Monje, A


    Venous thromboembolic disease in its clinical spectrum includes both deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism, which is usually a complication of deep vein thrombosis. It is a relatively common disease with significant morbidity and requires an accurate diagnosis. They are numerous risk factors for venous thromboembolism, and there is evidence that the risk of thromboembolic disease increases proportionally to the number of predisposing risk factors present. The primary care physician should know the risk factors and suspect the presence of venous thromboembolic disease when there is a compatible clnical picture. The treatment for this pathology is anticoagulation. We report a patient with cardiovascular risk factors who was seen with pain in the right leg and shortness of breath and referred to the hospital with suspected venous thromboembolism, atrial fibrillation and pleural effusion. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  19. [Eosinophilic esophagitis, a pathology on the rise].


    Miranda García, M; Gutiérrez Teira, B


    The eosinophilic esofagitis is a pathology that consists of an inflammatory condition of the esophagus, which is characterized for having a high percentage of eosinophils. It is a problem of allergic origin and his diagnosis is increasing in the population, especially in children and adult young persons, throughout last decade. The fisiopathology is not completely established nowadays. The diagnosis is confirmed with endoscopia and capture of biopsies. The differential diagnosis is necessary to be done with the disease for reflux gastroesofágico, gastroenteritis eosinofílica, by Crohn's disease, pathology of connective fabric, syndrome hipereosinofílico, infections and response of hypersensitivity to medicaments. Nowadays there is no a treatment that is definitive. We present a clinical case, which was valued initially for the consultation of Primary care. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  20. [The medical history taking in sexual health: skills and attitudes].


    Sánchez-Sánchez, F; González-Correales, R; Jurado-López, A R; San Martín-Blanco, C; Montaña-Hernández, R M; Tijeras-Úbeda, M J; Benitez-Moreno, J M; Brenes-Bermúdez, F; Mir Pizà, J; Villalba-Quintana, E


    A sexual satisfactory life favourably affects quality of life, there being evidence that shows there are multiple organic processes of which sexual dysfunction is often a precocious sign of underlying organic disease (cardiovascular, endocrinological or neurological). Difficulties exist in recording the sexual anamnesis on the part of the professional, the patient, or by the health system. Nevertheless, given its importance, it is necessary for the doctor to adopt an attitude of active search, especially among the population of risk. To do this, it is necessary that the situation is propitious (sense of the opportunity), preserving the confidentiality of the meeting, and it will be carried out naturally and with empathy, adopting a listening attitude, taking into account the non-verbal language, without issuing valued judgments, and resorting to assertivity to overcome the resistances. This article proposes guidelines to perform an anamnesis adequately. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  1. [Ophthalmic manifestations of toxoplasmosis in a human immunodeficiency virus-positive patient. Description of a case].


    Hermida Pérez, J A; Bermejo Hernandez, Á; Sobenes Gutierrez, R


    Toxoplasmosis is an infection of worldwide distribution caused by Toxoplasma gondii, and infects a large proportion of the world population. Only under certain circumstances of severe immunosuppression can the parasite reactivate and cause disease. The most common form of presentation of this pathology in patients with positive HIV is the brain abscess. One of the extra-cerebral forms is toxoplasmic chorioretinitis, which could lead to a chronic active form of a slowly progressive retinitis. Diagnosis is made by observing the eye fundus and confirmed by the scarring obtained after specific treatment. We report a case of a patient with diabetes and positive HIV, in whom a toxoplasmic scar injury was detected in the annual retinography follow-up. A conservative therapeutic approach was decided, with regular check-ups for possible detection of disease activation. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  2. [Epilepsy in the temporal lobe: déjà vu in Primary Care].


    Miguéns Blanco, I; Rodríguez Acevedo, B


    Epilepsy is a common disease in the general population. 10% of the population will present a seizure throughout his life, although only 1% will have an epileptic condition. We can divide the generalized epilepsy and focal. Es in the latter that more diagnostic and management difficulties may arise in clinical practice, for its wide variety of symptoms and their identification difficult. These symptoms may be referred to differently by each patient, often dismissively. In focal epilepsy, the most prevalent epilepsy that originates in the temporal lobe. The identification and study of this pathology is very important because the patient may have episodes of disconnecting means and in one third of cases secondarily generalized crises. Although most patients the culprit lesion is mesial temporal sclerosis, one must rule out other causes such as tumors or infections. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  3. [Pain in herpes zoster: Prevention and treatment].


    Calvo-Mosquera, G; González-Cal, A; Calvo-Rodríguez, D; Primucci, C Y; Plamenov-Dipchikov, P

    Shingles is a painful rash that results from reactivation of latent varicella-zoster virus in the dorsal root ganglia or cranial nerves. In this article an update is presented on the prevention and pharmacological treatment of the secondary pain from the virus infection. The most effective way to prevent post-herpetic neuralgia and its consequences is the prevention of herpes itself. A live attenuated vaccine (the Oka strain varicella zoster virus) has been available for several years, and is approved in adults aged 50 years old. Although this vaccine has shown to be effective against herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia, its effectiveness decreases with age and is contraindicated in patients with some form of immunosuppression. Today the recombinant vaccines provide an alternative, and may be administered to immunocompromised persons. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  4. [Management of sudden neurosensory hearing loss in a Primary Care Centre].


    Muñoz-Proto, F; Carnevale, C; Bejarano-Panadés, N; Ferrán-de la Cierva, L; Mas-Mercant, S; Sarría-Echegaray, P


    Sudden hearing loss is a rapid loss of neurosensory hearing that may occur within hours or days in an apparently healthy patient. Its origins are variable and multifactorial. Most patients do not recover hearing if not treated, and some even develop cophosis (deafness) in the affected ear. It is an otological emergency, as early therapeutic management offers a better hearing prognosis. As there is limited knowledge on this condition, it may be underdiagnosed in Primary Health Care Centers. It should be suspected in patients with abrupt hearing loss or tinnitus. Sophisticated instruments are not required for its diagnosis, just a detailed history, basic otoscopy, and proper interpretation of the hearing test. In this way, an accurate diagnosis is achieved in most cases, which is confirmed by audiometry. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  5. [Management of heart failure in cardiology and primary care (MICCAP) program: Improving the management of patients with heart failure].


    Barrios, V; Escobar, C; Pallares, V; Egocheaga, M I; Lobos, J M; Bover, R; Gómez Doblas, J J; Cosín, J


    Despite current treatments, morbidity and mortality of patients with heart failure remain high. The late diagnosis of heart failure, the insufficient heart failure treatment (i.e. not using the appropriate drugs, prescribing lower doses of drugs than recommended, etc.), and a poor coordination between different health care levels, may explain, at least in part, these figures. The Management of Heart Failure in Cardiology and Primary Care (MICCAP) program has been developed with the aim of optimising the integrated management of patients with heart failure between Primary Care and Cardiology, through the improvement of coordination between both health care levels. This includes continuous medical education to reinforce the diagnostic and therapeutic skills of general practitioners in the field of heart failure. The rationale and objectives of the MICCAP program are summarised in this article. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  6. [Assessment method for mobile health applications in Spanish: The iSYScore index].


    Grau, I; Kostov, B; Gallego, J A; Grajales Iii, F; Fernández-Luque, L; Sisó-Almirall, A

    The widespread of mobile smartphones among the population has resulted in a growing range of mobile applications in health using iOS and Android devices. The level of confidence that such applications deserve and the health information available online to the general population is a widely debated issue. The main objective of this work was to develop a tool -a scale-, for evaluating the reliability of health apps. The scale was developed using a systematic evidence-based approach, and with an expert consensus, built with a Delphi process. This was followed by a health app catalogue, which was used to test and validate our method that helps to recommend the best apps for non-medical experts across 3 different user interest axes: 1) popularity and interest; 2) trust and quality; and 3) usefulness. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. [Vaccines and preventive activities in patients with inflammatory arthritis].


    Casals-Sánchez, J L; Casals Vázquez, C; Vázquez Sánchez, M Á; Giménez Basallote, S


    Patients with inflammatory arthritis and eligible for immunosuppressive therapy account for more than 1% of general population, and represents a significant workload on family doctors. They are prone to other comorbidities, with an increased cardiovascular risk and a higher incidence of infections than the general population, especially skin infections and pneumonitis. This comorbidity can be considered vulnerable to a prevention program-prevention of cardiovascular risk, cancer screening, vaccination schedule for adults. As for prevention through vaccination, importance should be given to pneumococcal infection - significant in adults aged 50 or over, especially amongst immunosuppressed patients. The 13-valent conjugate vaccine, which has been recently approved for adults, must be considered. An attempt has been made to write a simple, applicable document on preventive measures that should be implemented both at primary and secondary care level for those adults. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  8. [Abdominal ultrasound course an introduction to the ultrasound technique. Physical basis. Ultrasound language].


    Segura-Grau, A; Sáez-Fernández, A; Rodríguez-Lorenzo, A; Díaz-Rodríguez, N


    Ultrasound is a non-invasive, accessible, and versatile diagnostic technique that uses high frequency ultrasound waves to define outline the organs of the human body, with no ionising radiation, in real time and with the capacity to visual several planes. The high diagnostic yield of the technique, together with its ease of uses plus the previously mentioned characteristics, has currently made it a routine method in daily medical practice. It is for this reason that the multidisciplinary character of this technique is being strengthened every day. To be able to perform the technique correctly requires knowledge of the physical basis of ultrasound, the method and the equipment, as well as of the human anatomy, in order to have the maximum information possible to avoid diagnostic errors due to poor interpretation or lack of information. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  9. [Involuntary commitment of the psychiatric patient: legal regulations and critical aspects].


    Ibáñez Bernáldez, M; Casado Blanco, M


    Traditionally, medical care received by psychiatric patients involved their separation from the society through their isolation in closed institutions, thereby setting a stigmatising trend on the sick, and by extension on mental illness, a practice that somehow has remained until now. The profound changes in the field of psychiatry have been important and are reflected in the therapeutic field, as well as in the legislative one, and have contributed to establish changes concerning the social opinion about psychiatric patients. The purpose of this article is to review, from the critical perspective, the current legislative framework concerning the situation of involuntary psychiatric commitment as a therapeutic measure in the psychiatric patient, as well as the legal medical practice which indicates the lack of legal skills and ethical and professional conduct arising in the field of primary care. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. [Palliative care in Primary Care: presentation of a case].


    Álvarez-Cordovés, M M; Mirpuri-Mirpuri, P G; Gonzalez-Losada, J; Chávez-Díaz, B


    We present a case of a patient diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme refractory to treatment. Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common primary brain tumour and unfortunately the most aggressive, with an estimated mortality of about 90% in the first year after diagnosis. In our case the patient had reached a stage of life where quality of life was importsnt, with palliative care being the only recourse. The family is the mainstay in the provision of care of terminally ill patients, and without their active participation it would be difficult to achieve the objectives in patient care. We must also consider the family of the terminally ill in our care aim, as its members will experience a series of changes that will affect multiple areas where we should take action. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  11. Estudio de la galaxia peculiar NGC 1487

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Agüero, E. L.; Paolantonio, S.; Gunthardt, G.

    La galaxia peculiar NGC 1487, cuya morfología sugiere un evento de ``merging" o interacción próxima, es estudiada en base a material observacional espectroscópico y fotométrico obtenido en el CASLEO. Mediante técnicas espectrofotométricas standards se determinan las principales características espectrales, los mecanismos de excitación actuantes, las condiciones físicas y las velocidades radiales de las estructuras conspicuas de la galaxia. Por otra parte, usando imágenes directas en las bandas B, V, R e I, se obtienen distribuciones detalladas de los colores B-V, V-R y R-I y detalles de su morfología.

  12. Regular Motions of Resonant Asteroids

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ferraz-Mello, S.


    RESUMEN. Se revisan resultados analiticos relativos a soluciones regulares del problema asteroidal eliptico promediados en la vecindad de una resonancia con jupiten Mencionamos Ia ley de estructura para libradores de alta excentricidad, la estabilidad de los centros de liberaci6n, las perturbaciones forzadas por la excentricidad de jupiter y las 6rbitas de corotaci6n. ABSTRAC This paper reviews analytical results concerning the regular solutions of the elliptic asteroidal problem averaged in the neighbourhood of a resonance with jupiter. We mention the law of structure for high-eccentricity librators, the stability of the libration centers, the perturbations forced by the eccentricity ofjupiter and the corotation orbits. Key words: ASThROIDS

  13. "Tras de un Amoroso Lance" como Estructura Expresiva (The Poem, "Behind the Amorous Cast" as an Expressive Structure).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bratosevich, Nicolas


    An analysis of a poem by San Juan de la Cruz (St. John of the Cross), the sixteenth century Spanish mystic, identifies symbols and images, explains themes, and offers a synthesis of his structural patterns. The poem, "Tras de amoroso lance", deals with the theme of the search of the beloved (i.e., the soul) for the lover, and…

  14. Composición de especies y estructura del bosque kárstico de San Patricio, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico


    A. Suárez; I. Vicéns; A.E. Lugo


    Five permanent plots were established along an elevational gradient in the San Patricio urban forest. At the time of the study (August, 2004) we found 29 forest species in a 0.19 ha area. Of these, seven were introduced and dominated the mogote valley where there had previously been a military base. The slopes and top of the mogote were dominated by native species,...

  15. Grupos de galaxias en el catálogo 2dF: La estructura en gran escala con grupos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zandivarez, A.; Merchán, M. E.; Padilla, N. D.

    We use the 2dF Galaxy Group Catalogue constructed by Merchán & Zandivarez to study the large scale structure of the Universe traced by galaxy groups. The resulting group power spectrum shows a similar shape to the galaxy power spectrum of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, but with a higher amplitude quantified by a relative bias in redshift space of bs(k) ˜ 1.5. The group two point correlation function ξ(s) for the total sample is well described by a power law with correlation length s0=8.9 ± 0.3 h-1 Mpc and slope γ=-1.6 ± 0.1. In order to study the dependence of the clustering properties on group mass we split the catalogue in four subsamples defined by different ranges of group virial masses finding that our results are consistent with a 40% increase of the correlation length s0. These computations allow a fair estimate of the relation described by s0 and the mean intergroup separation dc. An empirical scaling law s0=4.7 dc0.32 provides a very good fit to the results from this work, as well as to previous results obtained for groups and clusters of galaxies and for dark matter haloes in N-body simulations of ΛCDM models. We also study the redshift space distortions of galaxy groups, finding that the anisotropies in the clustering pattern of groups are consistent with gravitational instability, with a flattening of the ξ(s) contours in the direction of the line of sight and group pairwise velocities found for almost the whole sample of groups are consistent with < w2 >1/2 = (280+50-110)km/s, in agreement with ΛCDM cosmological simulations. The bias factor for the 2dF groups of moderate masses is consistent with the values predicted by the combination of a CDM model and the ellipsoidal collapse model for the formation of structures.

  16. El Proyecto Sismico "LARSE" - Trabajando Hacia un Futuro con Mas Seguridad para Los Angeles

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Henyey, Thomas L.; Fuis, Gary S.; Benthien, Mark L.; Burdette, Thomas R.; Christofferson, Shari A.; Clayton, Robert W.; Criley, Edward E.; Davis, Paul M.; Hendley, James W.; Kohler, Monica D.; Lutter, William J.; McRaney, John K.; Murphy, Janice M.; Okaya, David A.; Ryberg, Trond; Simila, Gerald W.; Stauffer, Peter H.


    La region de Los Angeles contiene una red de fallas activas, incluyendo muchas fallas por empuje que son profundas y no rompen la superficie de la tierra. Estas fallas ocultas incluyen la falla anteriormente desconocida que fue responsable por la devastacion que ocurrio durante el terremoto de Northridge en enero de 1994, el terremoto mas costoso en la historia de los Estados Unidos. El Experimento Sismico en la Region de Los Angeles (Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment, LARSE), esta localizando los peligros ocultos de los terremotos debajo de la region de Los Angeles para mejorar la construccion de las estructuras que pueden apoyar terremotos que son inevitables en el futuro, y que ayudaran a los cientificos determinar donde occurira el sacudimento mas fuerte y poderoso.

  17. Investigación del USGS sobre el ecosistema de arrecifes de coral en el Atlántico

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Kuffner, Ilsa B.; Yates, Kimberly K.; Zawada, David G.; Richey, Julie N.; Kellogg, Christina A.; Toth, Lauren T.; Torres-Garcia, Legna M.


    Los arrecifes de coral son estructuras sólidas, biomineralizadas que protegen comunidades costeras actuando como barreras protectoras de peligros tales como los huracanes y los tsunamis. Estos proveen arena a las playas a través de procesos naturales de erosión, fomentan la industria del turismo, las actividades recreacionales y proveen hábitats pesqueros esenciales. La conti-nua degradación mundial de ecosistemas de arrecifes de coral está bien documentada. Existe la necesidad de enfoque y organización de la ciencia para entender los procesos complejos físicos y biológicos e interacciones que están afectando el estado de los arrecifes coralinos y su capacidad para responder a un entorno cambiante.

  18. Nuestro Trabajo: Primaria para Adultos. Segunda Parte. Edicion Experimental (Our Work: Primer for Adults. Part Two. Experimental Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instituto Nacional para la Educacion de los Adultos, Mexico City (Mexico).

    This workbook is part of a Mexican series of instructional materials designed for Spanish speaking adults who are in the process of becoming literate or have recently become literate in their native language. This workbook is designed to orient people who are only recently literate to the world of work and business. Topics covered include worker…

  19. Nuestra Comunidad: Primaria para Adultos. Segunda Parte. Edicion Experimental (Our Community: Primer for Adults. Part Two. Experimental Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instituto Nacional para la Educacion de los Adultos, Mexico City (Mexico).

    This textbook is part of a Mexican series of instructional materials designed for Spanish speaking adults who are in the process of becoming literate or have recently become literate in their native language. It is designed to teach people with developing literacy skills to participate in a meaningful way in the life of their community. Topics…

  20. Caracterización espectroscópica de hielos de interés atmosférico y astrofísico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Escribano, R.

    En años recientes se ha incrementado el estudio de procesos físicos y químicos que tienen lugar en la superficie o el interior de hielos, tanto en medios astrofísicos como en la atmósfera terrestre y en otros cuerpos del sistema solar. Se ha comprobado que las partículas heladas actúan como catalizadores de reacciones químicas, que no ocurrirían en su ausencia. En la atmósfera terrestre, es bien conocida la importancia de partículas de hidratos de ácido nítrico, formando las llamadas nubes estratosféricas polares, en los procesos de destrucción de ozono estratosférico. En hielos astrofísicos, átomos como H, C, N y O pueden adherirse o introducirse en la estructura cristalina o amorfa del hielo, y dar lugar a reacciones de formación de moléculas evitando su barrera de activación. Existen partículas heladas en el medio interestelar formando parte de las llamadas nubes moleculares densas y frías, con valores del orden de 106 átomos de H por cm3 y temperaturas entre 3 y 90 K. Alrededor de protoestrellas, pueden formarse hielos de distinta composición, polares o apolares, en las zonas de alejamiento y temperatura decreciente a partir del núcleo caliente. Por su parte, los cometas están formados por un núcleo de hielo y rocas, sobre el que se encuentran adheridas moléculas gaseosas, y una cola, formada por los gases liberados por efecto del calentamiento debido a la radiación solar incidente. En nuestro sistema solar, los polos de La Tierra y de Marte están cubiertos de hielo, así como la mayoría de los cuerpos externos. Los satélites de Júpiter han sido estudiados detalladamente, y se han encontrado en ellos, y en Tritón (satélite de Neptuno), hielos de moléculas como SON2, CO2, N2, CH4 y otros. Para la caracterización espectroscópica de estos hielos se precisan medidas en el laboratorio, aún conociendo la imposibilidad intrínseca de reproducir exactamente las condiciones en que se formaron y se encuentran en los medios astrof

  1. Espanol para alumnos hispanohablantes: Niveles I y II de secundaria (Spanish for Spanish-Speaking Students: Secondary Levels I and II).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arce, Eugene; And Others

    A curriculum guide for secondary levels 1 and 2 offers a linguistic and cultural program for native speakers of Spanish. Designed especially for bilingual students in Texas, the guide recognizes the high level of linguistic achievement of the Spanish-speaking pupils, and stresses an appreciation of Hispanic culture. The bulletin provides…

  2. Presentaciones poco comunes y peligros de la sífilis secundaria: periosteitis, tenosinovitis y anomalías hepáticas.


    Rosa-Gonçalves, Diana; Bernardes, Miguel; Costa, Lúcia


    We herein describe two cases of secondary syphilis in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection with an unusual presentation, a diffuse polyostotic periosteitis. Patients referred mainly intense bone pain. Other relevant aspects of the clinical pictures were flexor tenosynovitis and hepatic abnormalities. Given the persistence of symptoms, the treatment duration performed was different from most described in literature. However, although more slowly than expected, both obtained a favorable clinical response after treatment with benzathine penicillin G. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Reumatología y Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología. All rights reserved.

  3. [Rhabdomyolysis secondary to simvastatin and phenofibrate].


    Forcadell-Peris, M J; de Diego-Cabanes, C


    Statins, which are used as first-line drugs in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, are usually safe, but in some cases there may be muscular toxicity. Statin-associated myopathy, can present as myalgia, myositis or rhabdomyolysis. Only 0.44 per 10,000 treated and per year, develop rhabdomyolysis. There are many risk factors associated with the patient and with the pharmacological treatment. A risk of muscle injury of 1-5% has been reported with some statins combined with fibrates. The fibrate with the highest risk of myopathy in combination with statins is gemfibrozil, while phenofibrate seems to be the safest. The case is presented of a 60 year-old woman with clinical symptoms and laboratory findings that suggested rhabdomyolysis secondary to a combination of simvastatin and phenofibrate. This case reminds physicians of the need to closely monitor these patients, in addition to alert them to the onset of muscle pain or weakness. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  4. [Postpartum thyroiditis. A review].


    Hurtado-Hernández, Z; Segura-Domínguez, A


    Postpartum thyroiditis (PPT) is a transient thyroid dysfunction of autoimmune origin that can occur in the first year postpartum in women who have not been previously diagnosed with thyroid disease. It may start with clinical thyrotoxicosis followed by hypothyroidism and the subsequent recovery of thyroid function, or may just appear as isolated thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism. PPT recurs in high percentage of patients after subsequent pregnancies. Many women develop permanent hypothyroidism sometime during the 3 to 10 year period after an episode of PPT. It is important for family physicians to be familiar with this disease, due to its high prevalence in order to make a correct diagnosis and therapeutic intervention. Family doctors also play a crucial role in the monitoring of these patients, given the negative implications of established hypothyroidism on reproduction in the female population during their reproductive years. This article reviews the principle characteristics of PPT along with its diagnosis and treatment. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  5. [Effects of physical exercise in a population with systemic lupus erythematosus: A systematic review].


    Ayán, C; de Pedro-Múñez, A; Martínez-Lemos, I


    This systematic review was aimed at analysing the existing scientific evidence regarding the effects of physical exercise on the symptomatology, disease activity, and fitness level in a population with systemic lupus erythematosus. Following the PRISMA checklist, a search was carried out on PubMed, PEDro, and Sportdiscus databases. The PEDro and MINORS checklists were used in order to identify the methodological quality of the studies selected. A total of 14 studies were found, of which 10 were randomised controlled trials, and 4 were comparative studies. The performance of physical exercise led to significant improvements in fitness and fatigue. No adverse effects were registered. None of the studies found reported positive effects on the disease activity. The obtained results imply that the performance of physical exercise is safe for people with systemic lupus erythematosus, although its benefits are reduced mainly to improvements in their fitness and perceived level of fatigue. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  6. Consensus on updating immunizations in patients with primary immunodeficiencies



    Las inmunodeficiencias primarias (IDP) constituyen un grupo de enfermedades hereditarias que afectan el número y/o la función de los distintos componentes del sistema inmune. Su prevalencia es de 1:1000-2000 nacimientos. Comprenden defectos de la inmunidad adaptativa, defectos de la inmunidad innata, inmunodeficiencias con fenotipos característicos, trastornos de la regulación inmune, síndromes autoinflamatorios, defectos de los fagocitos y del sistema del complemento y defectos considerados fenocopias de IDP. La vacunación con vacunas inactivadas es segura y puede ser efectiva en muchas inmunodeficiencias; las vacunas vivas atenuadas pueden no ser protectoras en ciertas IDP o presentarse como enfermedad vacunal asociada a la inmunización, lo que conlleva una alta morbimortalidad. Con el objetivo de actualizar las recomendaciones de vacunas en pacientes con IDP, el Comité Nacional de Infectología y el Grupo de Trabajo de Inmunología trabajaron sobre las vacunas que podían indicarse a estos pacientes, convivientes y el equipo de salud.

  7. [Chronic migraine and work: occupational risks and prevention].


    Vicente-Herrero, M T; Ramírez Iñiguez de la Torre, M V; Capdevila García, L M; López-González, Á A; Terradillos García, M J


    Chronic migraine is a clinically difficult to manage primary headache which affects the quality of life of the patients. This impact is important in the occupational world, where along with the clinical aspects of the disease, the therapies used for the control of the symptoms or preventive aspects, must be assessed. The side effects of the drugs and the limitations associated with their symptoms are aspects to highlight in occupational health, especially in individual workplaces, where there is a high risk of work-related injuries. The medical officer must assess the occupational risks of particular importance in the progression of this disease, as well as preventive actions, within the ambit of the current Spanish legislation, that may be favorable for both the company and the worker. The coordinated medical intervention and knowledge of these occupational aspects can provide clinically relevant tools, andoccupational and social optimization in the use of available resources. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  8. [A way of helping "Mr. Minotaur" and "Ms. Ariadne" to exit from the multiple morbidity labyrinth: the "master problems"].


    Turabián, J L; Pérez Franco, B


    Multiple morbidity seems to be "infinite" and so is not easy to make useful decisions. A new concept is introduced: the "master problems", as a qualitative method to facilitate the exit from this maze of multiple morbidity. Metaphors from the art world have been used to teach this concept. These "master problems" generally remain hidden and can only "unravel" between the interstices of multiple morbidity, when the details of the system that defines the problem are explained. A problem with "energy" or a "master problem" is complex, multiple and dramatic or theatrical--everything in the clinical history history make us look into that particular question. It is what gives us a blow to the stomach, which causes our hearts to beat faster, that moves us on many levels, which has a high "density of emotions", human elements, social symbols, and opens solutions in a patient. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. [Human papillomavirus nonavalent vaccine. Update 2017].


    Bosch, F X; Moreno, D; Redondo, E; Torné, A

    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the causative agent of 5% of human cancers. HPV infection is necessary for the development of cervical cancer and is responsible of a variable percentage of cancers of anus, vulva, vagina, penis, and oropharynx. Since 2007, 2 vaccines against HPV have been commercially available in Spain: bivalent (HPV types 16/18), and tetravalent (HPV types 6/11/16/18). In order to extend the protection afforded by HPV vaccines, a clinical program was launched in 2006 for the new nonavalent vaccine, including 9 HPV types (6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58). These types are responsible for 90% of cervical cancers, 82% of high-grade ano-genital pre-cancerous lesions, and 90% of genital warts. The purpose of this publication is to provide healthcare professionals with the scientific evidence that supports the new vaccine, as well as the clinical value that it offers in our environment. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. [Familial combined hyperlipidemia: consensus document].


    Mata, Pedro; Alonso, Rodrigo; Ruíz-Garcia, Antonio; Díaz-Díaz, Jose L; González, Noemí; Gijón-Conde, Teresa; Martínez-Faedo, Ceferino; Morón, Ignacio; Arranz, Ezequiel; Aguado, Rocío; Argueso, Rosa; Perez de Isla, Leopoldo


    Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCH) is a frequent disorder associated with premature coronary artery disease. It is transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner, although there is not a unique gene involved. The diagnosis is performed using clinical criteria, and variability in lipid phenotype and family history of hyperlipidemia are necessaries. Frequently, the disorder is associated with type2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and central obesity. Patients with FCH are considered as high cardiovascular risk and the lipid target is an LDL-cholesterol <100mg/dL, and <70mg/dL if cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes are present. Patients with FCH require lipid lowering treatment using potent statins and sometimes, combined lipid-lowering treatment. Identification and management of other cardiovascular risk factors as type 2 diabetes and hypertension are fundamental to reduce cardiovascular disease burden. This document gives recommendations for the diagnosis and global treatment of patients with FCH directed to specialists and general practitioners. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  11. [Occupational disability in epilepsy. The assessment criteria].


    Vicente-Herrero, M T; Terradillos García, M J; Capdevila García, L; Ramírez Iñiguez de la Torre, M V; López-González, Á A; Aguilar Jiménez, E


    Epilepsy is a chronic disease cursing with recurrent and paroxysmal crises due to anomalies in the electrical activity of brain, and is controllable in most of the patients by using antiepileptic drugs, in single or combination therapy. Probably one of the most complex aspects of epilepsy is the assessment of disability for work of the affected person. For this purpose, multiple factors need to be taken into account for homogeneous decision-making, and according to criteria of approval and within the principle of equity inherent in the granting of Social Security disability benefits. This requires the cooperation of all professionals involved in the different specialties, with reports using common criteria and taking into account the disease itself, as well as the effects of the prescribed treatments, the effects of which can contribute to the limitations in the performance of certain professions of risk. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  12. [A review of multiple sclerosis (2). Diagnosis and treatment].


    Martinez-Altarriba, M C; Ramos-Campoy, O; Luna-Calcaño, I M; Arrieta-Antón, E


    Multiple sclerosis is a major demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. It has a significant economic and social impact. Its etiology is unclear, although there are several hypotheses, such as infections or genetics. In its pathophysiology, it seems that immune activation attacks the myelin sheath, causing a progressive and irreversible axonal degeneration. The disease produces a variety of symptoms, and diagnosis requires fulfilling a number of criteria and the exclusion of other possible causes. The role of neuroimaging is very important, especially Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Despite the availability of disease-modifying drugs, none of them are able to halt its progress, and the most useful drugs are those designed to alleviate the symptoms of outbreaks. Overall, multiple sclerosis requires a significant effort in research to clarify not only why and how it occurs, as well as the development of new measures to improve quality of life of affected patients. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  13. [A review of multiple sclerosis (1). Presentation of a case].


    Martinez-Altarriba, M C; Ramos-Campoy, O; Luna-Calcaño, I M; Arrieta-Antón, E


    Multiple sclerosis is a major demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. It has a significant economic and social impact. Its etiology is unclear, although there are several hypotheses, such as infections or genetics. In its pathophysiology, it seems that immune activation attacks the myelin sheath, causing a progressive and irreversible axonal degeneration. The disease produces a variety of symptoms, and diagnosis requires fulfilling a number of criteria and the exclusion of other possible causes. The role of neuroimaging, especially MRI, is very important. Despite the availability of disease-modifying drugs, none of them are able to halt its progress, and the most useful drugs are those designed to alleviate the symptoms of outbreaks. Overall, multiple sclerosis requires a significant effort in research to clarify not only why and how it occurs, but also to develop of new measures to improve the life of affected patients. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. [Consensus document on the management and follow-up of the male with lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostate hyperplasia].


    Brenes Bermúdez, F J; Brotons Muntó, F; Castiñeiras Fernández, J; Cozar Olmo, J M; Fernández-Pro Ledesma, A; Martín Jiménez, J A; Martínez-Berganza Asensio, M L; Miñana López, B; Molero García, J M

    Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is a high-incidence condition. Its diagnosis and treatment is shared between urologists and Primary Care physicians. Its management uses up a significant amount of resources. The Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN), the Spanish Society of General Practitioners and Family Doctors (SEMG), the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC), and the Spanish Association of Urology (AEU) have prepared a document on the management and monitoring of BPH, in which the aim is to incorporate the latest evidence in order to update the previously published guidelines, and present them here in condensed form. The main objective of these new recommendations is to raise the awareness of Primary Care physicians and assist them in its diagnostic evaluation, treatment and monitoring, as well as providing unified consensus criteria for referral to the secondary care level. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  15. [Contraception in immigrant women: influence of sociocultural aspects on the choice of contraceptive method].


    Paraíso Torras, B; Maldonado Del Valle, M D; López Muñoz, A; Cañete Palomo, M L


    There are currently 6 million immigrants living in Spain. Half of them are women, the majority of whom are of childbearing age. These women, who suffer high rates of induced abortion, form a special group who require a special approach to their reproductive health. In order to study the use of contraceptive methods in this population, a review was made of 1100 clinical histories from our Sexual Health and Reproduction Clinic. Latin American women were the most prevalent group who came to seek information about contraception, followed by Eastern Europeans and Moroccans. Fewer Asian and Sub-Saharan women sought these services. The contraceptives most frequently used were the intrauterine device (used mostly by Latin American and Eastern European women), and combined oral contraception, most used by Moroccan women. It is important to advise the immigrant women about contraceptive methods, taking into account their preferences, in order to improve adherence to the method. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  16. [We are a band: An anthropological vision of the medical community].


    Serrano Morón, P; Delgado Galán, M


    In this paper we try to explain, using an anthropological point of view, how the medical community behaves like a tribe like those who inhabit the Amazon forests or the African Savanna. The Family as fundamental unit of a band of hunter-gatherers also defines the Primary Care Centre and the professionals who work there, as an egalitarian group in which every member works for the good of the tribe. The leaders of the tribe, also called "Health Centre Managers", are also comparable to the "big men" of Polynesia or the aborigines, who leads hunting parties. Even the clashes between physicians about the responsibilities as regards patients have been described throughout history in the anthropological literature, and they repeat the patterns of the segmental groups. We finish by concluding that this vision of warring tribes has to be overcome in order to advance towards the improvement of our community's health. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  17. [What the family doctor must know about lung transplantation. Complications, health promotion, and outcomes (Part 2)].


    Zurbano, L; Zurbano, F


    The lung transplantation is a therapeutic procedure indicated for lung diseases that are terminal and irreversible (except lung cancer) despite the best medical current treatment. It is an emergent procedure in medical care. In this review, an analyse is made of the most frequent complications of lung transplant related to the graft (rejection and chronic graft dysfunction), immunosuppression (infections, arterial hypertension, renal dysfunction, and diabetes), as well as others such as gastrointestinal complications, osteoporosis. The most advisable therapeutic options are also included. Specific mention is made of the reviews and follow-up for monitoring the graft and the patients, as well as the lifestyle recommended to improve the prognosis and quality of life. An analysis is also made on the outcomes in the Spanish and international registries, their historical evolution and the most frequent causes of death, in order to objectively analyse the usefulness of the transplant. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. [Use of probiotics in bacterial vaginosis].


    Mur Pérez, A M; Mateo Segura, Z; Ramírez Domínguez, N; Vela Condón, P

    Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a change in the vaginal microbiota due to bacterial overgrowth of normal microorganisms, which produces symptoms of vaginal discomfort, increased malodorous vaginal discharge, etc. Although they been seen to improve recurrence rates in clinical practice, the role of probiotics is questioned in these situations. A literature review on BV is presented in order to evaluate the effectiveness of using probiotics as adjuvant therapy in BV. PubMed, Cochrane and SCOPUS review of the last 5 years publications using probiotics to treat women diagnosed with BV. An analysis was performed on the 10 items that refer to the use of probiotics in addition to antibiotic treatments. All items conclude that the use of probiotics is beneficial in cases of BV in addition to conventional treatments. However, the conclusions are not categorical due to there being a wide variety of studies and probiotics used. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. [What medication should be prescribed to a patient with coeliac disease?


    Pérez-Diez, C; Guillén-Lorente, S; Palomo-Palomo, P


    Coeliac disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten proteins from wheat, rye, barley and triticale. Although strict adherence is complicated, the only effective treatment is a gluten-free diet throughout life. Some drugs contain starch as an excipient, and there is a risk related to the gluten content, which must be avoided in these patients. Current legislation requires the analysis of the protein content of wheat starch, or the absence of starches from another source where rice, maize, or potato starches are used as excipients. But, it does not specify that reference should be made to traces of gluten that are residues of the process of production of the active ingredient. As regards the case described, there needs to be awareness of the importance of adequately informing patients and reviewing/updating current legislation to ensure the safe use of drugs. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. [RS3PE syndrome: An update on its treatment using the presentation of a case].


    Amodeo, M C; Poyato, M; Rodríguez, M


    The present study was undertaken in order to try to clarify certain aspects of RS3PE syndrome, for which there is no unanimity of opinion in the current literature. An attempt will be made to clarify the best and most suitable drug for treatment, and the dosage duration. In order to do this, a literature search was performed, and a review is presented of the 108 cases collected. In 95% cases glucocorticoids were the most used, with prednisone in being used in 68.5% of cases. Although there is no unanimity criteria regarding the dosage and duration, 73.8% cases were treated with a prednisone dose from 15 to 20 mg/day (median 18.2 mg/day, SD 8.9). Two-thirds (66.1%) of cases were treated for 3 to 6 months (median 5.3 months, SD 3.8). A case is presented that serves as a common thread of these observations. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. Variación temporal de las constantes fundamentales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Landau, S. J.; Vucetich, H.

    La variación temporal de las constantes fundamentales es un problema que ha motivado numerosos trabajos teóricos y experimentales desde la hipótesis de los grandes números de Dirac en 1937. Entre los métodos experimentales y observacionales para establecer restricciones sobre la variación de las constantes fundamentes es importante mencionar: comparación entre relojes atómicos[1], métodos geofísicos[2][3], análisis de sistemas de absorción en quasares[4][5][6] y cotas provenientes de la nucleosíntesis primordial[7]. En un trabajo reciente[5], se reportó una significativa variación en la constante de estructura fina. Intentos de unificar las cuatro interacciones fundamentales dieron como resultado teorías con múltiples dimensiones como las teorías de Kaluza-Klein y teorías de supercuerdas. Estas teorías proporcionan un marco teórico natural para el estudio de la variación temporal de las constantes fundamentales. A su vez, un modelo sencillo para estudiar la variación de la constante de estructura fina, fue propuesto en [8], a partir de premisas muy generales como ser covarianza, invarianza de gauge, causalidad y invarianza ante reversiones temporales en el electromagnetismo. Diferentes versiones de las teorías antes mencionadas coinciden en predecir variaciones temporales de las constantes fundamentales pero difieren en la forma de esta variación[9][10]. De esta manera, las restricciones establecidas experimentalmente sobre la variación de las constantes fundamentales pueden ser una herramienta importante para testear estas diferentes teorías. En este trabajo, utilizamos las cotas provenientes de diversas técnicas experimentales, para testear si las mismas son consistentes con alguna de las teorías antes mencionadas. En particular, establecemos cotas sobre la variación de los parámentros libres de las diferentes teorías como por ejemplo el radio de las dimensiones extras en las teorías tipo Kaluza-Klein.

  2. Evaluation of the shrinkage and creep of medium strength self compacting concrete

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De La Cruz, C. J.; Ramos, G.; Hurtado, W. A.


    The difference between self compacting concrete (SCC) and conventional concrete (CC) is in fresh state, is the high fluidity at first and the need for vibration at second, but in hardened state, both concretes must comply with the resistance specified, in addition to securing the safety and functionality for which it was designed. This article describes the tests and results for shrinkage and creep at some medium strength Self Compacting Concrete with added sand (SCC-MSs) and two types of cement. The research was conducted at the Laboratorio de Tecnología de Estructuras (LTE) of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC), in dosages of 200 liters; with the idea of evaluating the effectiveness of implementation of these new concretes at elements designed with conventional concrete (CCs).

  3. El lenador, el nino, y el burro. Serie Primaria. (The Woodcutter, the Little Boy, and the Donkey. Primary Series.)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Marquez, Jerry

    The illustrated book tells the story of a woodcutter, his son, and their donkey. Written in Spanish, the story tells how one day after cutting and selling the wood, the woodcutter, who was very tired, decided to ride the donkey back home. On the way, they met some young girls who thought the woodcutter was very mean for making his son walk while…

  4. Parenting intervention effects on parental depressive symptoms: examining the role of parenting and child behavior.


    Wong, Jessie J; Gonzales, Nancy A; Montaño, Zorash; Dumka, Larry; Millsap, Roger E


    Parental depression is a major risk factor in child development. Growing research suggests parenting programs can positively impact parental depressive symptoms, although the specific mechanisms that explain these effects are unknown. The current study examined parenting mediated effects of a parenting program on mothers' and fathers' depressive symptoms, as well as the role of child behavior in linking parenting to reductions in depressive symptoms. The study samples included 494 mothers and 288 fathers of Mexican origin adolescents who participated in a randomized trial of the Bridges to High School Program/Proyecto Puentes a la Secundaria, a universal prevention and promotion intervention that included parent training but did not directly target parental depressive symptoms. Parenting mediator models tested program effects on parental depressive symptoms through changes in harsh and supportive parenting. Results showed a significant indirect intervention effect on maternal depressive symptoms through changes in mothers' harsh parenting. Next, child behavior models revealed a partial mediation effect of harsh parenting and a full mediation effect of supportive parenting on maternal depressive symptoms through mothers' reports of child externalizing symptoms. Indirect effects of fathers' harsh and supportive parenting on paternal depressive symptoms were also found through fathers' reports of child behavior. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.

  5. Gabapentina a dosis de 300 vs. 450 mg como premedicación anestésica para hipertensión reactiva, ansiedad y analgesia.


    Rascón-Martínez, Dulce María; Guzmán-Sánchez, Joaquín Antonio; Corral-Urdapilleta, Nora Paulina; Arguelles-Uribe, Gema Damaris; Velázquez-Loeza, Jazmín; Soto-Palma, Gustavo; Carrillo-Torres, Orlando

    Observar el comportamiento de la gabapentina para aminorar la hipertensión reactiva secundaria a ansiedad y dolor en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftálmica, así como el consumo de opiáceos entre los grupos. Ensayo clínico controlado aleatorizado y doble ciego que analizó a 125 pacientes divididos en tres grupos: grupo A, gabapentina 300 mg; grupo B, gabapentina 450 mg; grupo C, amaranto en grageas como control 2 horas antes del procedimiento quirúrgico. Se utilizó la prueba de ji al cuadrado para variables sociodemográficas y ANOVA de un factor para variables numéricas continuas. Se consideró como significativo un valor de p < 0.05 para un estudio de dos colas con un poder beta del 80%. La ansiedad y la analgesia transoperatoria y posoperatoria tuvieron diferencias significativas entre los grupos. Se encontró menor consumo de opiáceos en los grupos que usaron gabapentina. La gabapentina por vía oral, 300 o 450 mg, 2 horas antes de la cirugía, reduce el dolor, la ansiedad y el consumo de opiáceos durante el posoperatorio en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftalmológica. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  6. [Consensus document on the treatment of dyslipidemia in diabetes].


    Hormigo-Pozo, A; Mancera-Romero, J; Perez-Unanua, M P; Alonso-Fernandez, M; Lopez-Simarro, F; Mediavilla-Bravo, J J


    People with type 2 diabetes mellitus have a 2 to 4 times higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases when compared to general population of similar age and sex. This risk remains after adjustment of other traditional cardiovascular risk factors. The dyslipidemia associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus is present in up to 60% of people with diabetes and contributes greatly to increased cardiovascular, morbidity and mortality risk in these patients. Diabetic dyslipidemia is a disorder of lipid metabolism characterized by an excess of triglycerides, a decrease in HDL-cholesterol and altered lipoprotein composition, consisting mainly in an excess of small, dense LDL particles. Multiple clinical trials have demonstrated the benefits of drug treatment of dyslipidemia (mainly statins) to prevent cardiovascular events and mortality in people with diabetes, both in primary and secondary prevention. This consensus document, developed by general practitioners, members of the Diabetes Group of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN), aims to assist in the management of patients with diabetes and dyslipidemia in accordance with the most recent recommendations. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  7. [Intimate partner violence and family dysfunction among Mexican women seen a Primary Care Unit].


    Ambriz-Mora, M I; Zonana-Nacach, A; Anzaldo-Campos, M C


    To assess the prevalence and risk factors for intimate-partner violence (IPV) in women who attended a Family Medicine Unit in Tijuana, Mexico. A total of 297 women were interviewed and evaluated using two validated scales: violence and severity index and family APGAR to assess family functioning and IPV respectively. The mean age (± SD) was 40.6±13.8 years, and 120 (40.4%) women had suffered IPV: 47 (15.8%) psychological violence; 31 (10.4%) sexual violence; 77 (25.9%) physical violence, and in 19 (6.4%) there were actions that threatened the lives of women. The most common causes of domestic violence were women who reported that their partner had been jealous, or suspicion from friends (37.4%). Twenty two (7.4%) of the women with domestic violence reported that they had sought help. The prevalence of IPV was high and associated with the education level of the couple and family functioning. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. [Differential perception of gender violence by Romanian immigrants resident in the metropolitan area of Madrid].


    Rabito-Alcón, M F; Puente-García, R; Cámara-Blanco, L; De Frutos-Moneo, E; García-Jorge, S; Correas-Lauffer, J


    Battered women have poorer health. Immigrant women have a higher risk of suffering abuse by their partner, with the most frequent type being psychological abuse. A large percentage of the population living in the health district of Coslada are of Romanian origin, therefore we designed a study aimed at determining whether there are differences between Spanish and Romanian women regarding the perception of different types of violence, expecting to find significant differences. A total of 93 people (61.26% Romanian) were included in the study, and who were given a questionnaire with sociodemographic variables, family APGAR, and a questionnaire on perceptions of behaviors related to gender violence. Descriptive statistics and a hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed on the results. Nearly 30% of women from Romania and 10% of Spanish respondents were considering or had considered being victims of abuse. According to the data, the Romanian-born women in the sample identified easier those behaviours involving physical or sexual violence easier; while, like Spanish women had more difficulty recognizing psychological violence. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  9. [Self-assessment of opinions, habits and oral health status by pregnant women in the south of Galicia, Spain].


    Lorenzo-Pouso, A I; Pérez-Sayáns, M; Suárez-Quintanilla, J A; González-Palanca, S


    An association has been found between oral health problems and obstetric complications during pregnancy. The main aim of this study was to assess the perception by pregnant women on their oral health and related habits and beliefs. A questionnaire was designed in order to obtain information from 96 pregnant women attending the Valdeorras Local Hospital and the primary health dental practice in the Valle Inclan Health Center. It was found that many pregnant women perceived they were suffering from some kind of problem affecting their mouth. It was shown that pregnant women had adequate habits regarding oral health, but they believed that their pregnancy would implicitly cause them to have mouth problems. Pregnant women are able to understand the impact of their oral health on their general well-being and the health of their unborn child. It has been detected that a series of habits and beliefs would ideally need to be acted upon in order to reduce health problems. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. All Seem to Need Immediate Attention--What Should I Do First? A Successful Principal in a New School Assignment at Secundaria Revolucion

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Torres-Arcadia, Celina; Flores-Kastanis, Eduardo


    This case provides emerging school administrators the opportunity to learn about the school system in Mexico. The case relates to a successful principal in her new school assignment. Martha Miramontes is an experienced and successful principal who quickly identified a number of challenges in her new campus. Even though each problem can be solved…

  11. La Formacion Docente y la Educacion Primaria en Una Propuesta de Cambio (Teacher Training on Education: A Proposal for Change).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fernandez, Enrique Alonso, Ed.

    In order to raise the quality of teaching and teacher education in Uruguay, a program of innovation and change was considered at a 1986 educational conference. Conference goals included identifying ways to: (1) increase opportunities to promote innovation and change; (2) search for strategies to encourage creative problem solving; (3) increase…

  12. Distribución espacial de órbitas con diferentes grados de caoticidad en modelos autoconsistentes de satélites galácticos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Muzzio, J. C.; Mosquera, M.

    En trabajos anteriores (Carpintero et al., Cel. Mech. Dynam. Astron. 85, 247, 2003), mostramos que las órbitas caóticas son muy importantes en los satélites galácticos. Sin embargo, los únicos modelos autoconsistentes de los que se disponía para ellos eran los de Heggie-Ramamani, cuya función de distribución depende sólo de la energía por lo que no mostraban diferencias entre las distribuciones de sus órbitas regulares y caóticas. Ahora, mediante una aproximación cuadrupolar, hemos logrado construir modelos autoconsistentes de satélites galácticos con distribuciones de velocidades anisotrópicas (lo que indica que sus funciones de distribución no dependen sólo de la energía) y hemos logrado revelar las diferencias entre las estructuras espaciales de las órbitas de distinta caoticidad.

  13. Estudio polarimétrico de NGC 104 (47 Tucanae)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Forte, J. C.; Bassino, L. P.; Vega, E. I.; Cellone, S.; Pellizza, L.; Méndez, M.

    Se presentan observaciones polarimétricas en el Visual y sin filtro para 72 estrellas, 14 zonas de referencia y el núcleo del cúmulo globular NGC 104. Las medidas, hechas en el CASLEO con el nuevo polarimétro CASPROF, muestran un comportamiento complejo que incluye: a) dos componentes de polarización a lo largo de la visual; b) signos de envolturas polvorientas en 8 de 10 estrellas variables de largo período pertenecientes al cúmulo c) media docena de estrellas con alta polarización residual (P> 0.20 %) originada probablemente en scattering. Estas estrellas se encuentran próximas a una estructura extendida, coincidente con la región central del cúmulo, detectada en observaciones IRAS. Las observaciones son consistentes con la presencia de pequeñas cantidades de polvo originada en procesos de pérdida de masa.

  14. Relación masa-radio para estrellas enanas blancas y la interpretación de recientes mediciones hechas por Hipparcos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Panei, J. A.; Althaus, L. G.; Benvenuto, O. G.

    Recientes mediciones de la masa y el radio hechas por Hipparcos de las estrellas enanas blancas 40 Eri B y Procyon B (Shipman, H. & Provencal, J. - ApJ. 1998, 494, 759), sugieren un núcleo compuesto de hierro para dichas estrellas, en lugar de carbono y oxígeno como predice la teoría standard de evolución estelar. Para interpretar estas observaciones, presentamos aquí, relaciones masa-radio para configuraciones degeneradas a temperatura finita para distintas composiciones químicas centrales. Para tal fin hemos calculado secuencias evolutivas de enanas blancas utilizando el código de evolución estelar, desarrollado en el Observatorio de La Plata. Dicho código resuelve las ecuaciones de estructura y evolución estelar mediante la técnica de relajación de Henyey, y esta basado en una descripción física muy detallada y actualizada.

  15. Diagnosis of compliance of health care product processing in Primary Health Care.


    Roseira, Camila Eugenia; Silva, Darlyani Mariano da; Passos, Isis Pienta Batista Dias; Orlandi, Fabiana Souza; Padoveze, Maria Clara; Figueiredo, Rosely Moralez de


    úde o de menor índice de conformidade, enquanto indicador de recursos técnico-operacionais para preparo, acondicionamento, desinfecção/esterilização, guarda e distribuição de produtos para saúde, o de melhor índice. o diagnóstico de conformidade do processamento de produtos para saúde nas unidades avaliadas indica comprometimento da qualidade do processo, uma vez que não foram obtidos resultados próximos ao valor ideal em nenhuma unidade. Além disso, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante desses indicadores entre os dois tipos de unidades estudadas. identificar la conformidad del procesamiento de productos para la salud en la Atención Primaria a la Salud y evaluar una posible diferencia en la conformidad entre las unidades caracterizadas: Unidad Básica de Salud y Unidad Salud de la Familia. estudio cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo e inferencial; se aplicaron indicadores de estructura, proceso y resultado, referentes al procesamiento de productos para la salud en diez unidades de un municipio del interior de Sao Paulo, Brasil. todos los indicadores obtuvieron índice de conformidad inferior a lo ideal. No hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa de los indicadores entre los dos tipos de unidades investigadas, siendo el indicador de limpieza de productos para la salud el de menor índice de conformidad; por otro lado, como indicador de recursos técnico-operacionales para preparación, acondicionamiento, desinfección/esterilización, almacenamiento y distribución de productos para la salud, fue el de mejor índice. el diagnóstico de conformidad del procesamiento de productos para la salud en las unidades evaluadas indica que está comprometida la calidad del proceso, ya que no fueron obtenidos resultados próximos al valor ideal en ninguna unidad. Además de eso, no hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa de esos indicadores entre los dos tipos de unidades estudiadas.

  16. Modos de produccion cientifica: Culturas y metodologias de investigacion en la Universidad de Cadiz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gonzalez Ramos, Ana M.


    Este trabajo de investigacion supone un modelo teorico de caracter aplicado, que proporciona la oportunidad de evaluar la produccion cientifica de los investigadores. Se encuadra dentro de la tradiccion de la estadistica aplicada y la sociologia del conocimiento. Atiende especialmente a dos conjuntos de temas de interes, por una parte, las caracteristicas principales que determinan el nivel y tipo de produccion academica producida por las unidades de investigacion y por los propios investigadores; por otra, la utilizacion que se hace de los metodos y tecnicas de investigacion puesto que de ello tambien depende el modo de produccion cientifica. Los puntos novedosos de esta tesis son: la medicion cuantitativa del objeto de estudio, la suma de los productos y las condiciones externas a la produccion del conocimiento mas otros elementos internos como las caracteristicas de los investigadores y la metodologia utilizada para desarrollar sus trabajos; y, finalmente, el uso de las nuevas tecnologias. El aprovechamiento de los recursos estadisticos y las fuentes de informacion secundarias se complementan con el diseno propio de una encuesta donde se implementa las caracteristicas descritas en un capitulo anterior sobre los metodos cientificos mas idoneos descritos en los principales manuales y articulos cientificos desde distintas disciplinas de conocimiento. Dicha encuesta ha sido desarrollada como un programa propio y en base a los mas innovadores usos de la tecnologia en la metodologia de encuestas.

  17. El recreo en la escuela primaria: Que indica la investigacion? (Recess in Elementary School: What Does the Research Say?) ERIC Digest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jarrett, Olga S.

    Compared to the rest of the school day, recess is a time when children have more freedom to choose what they want to do and with whom. In light of the current climate of school accountability, this Spanish-language Digest discusses research on recess and its relationship to learning, social development, and child health, as well as research on…

  18. Estudio multifrecuencia del medio interestelar cercano a HD 192281

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnal, E. M.; Cappa, C.; Cichowolski, S.; Pineault, S.; St-Louis, N.

    Una de las causas que modifica la estructura y dinámica del medio interestelar es la acción que los vientos de las estrellas de gran masa ejercen sobre el mismo. En este trabajo, mediante el uso de datos interferométricos obtenidos en la banda de radio en la transición de 21-cm del Hidrógeno neutro y de imágenes de la emisión de continuo en las bandas de 408 y 1420 MHz, de imágenes HIRES del satélite IRAS en 60 y 100 micrones, y de observaciones de continuo obtenidas con radiotelescopios de disco simple en 2695, 4850 y 8350 MHz se ha realizado un estudio multifrecuencia de los efectos que los vientos estelares de HD 192281, una estrella de tipo espectral O5 Vn((f))p, han tenido sobre el medio interestelar que rodea a la misma.

  19. Estudio multifrecuencia del medio interestelar cercano a HD 192281

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnal, E. M.; Cappa, C. E.; Cichowolski, S.; Pineault, S.; St-Louis, N.

    Una de las causas que modifica la estructura y dinámica del medio interestelar es la acción que los vientos de las estrellas de gran masa ejercen sobre el mismo. En este trabajo, mediante el uso de datos interferométricos obtenidos en la banda de radio en la transición de λ˜21-cm del hidrógeno neutro y de imágenes de la emisión de continuo en las bandas de 408 y 1420 MHz, de imágenes HIRES del satélite IRAS en 60 y 100μm, y de observaciones de continuo obtenidas con radiotelescopios de disco simple en 2695, 4850 y 8350 MHz se ha realizado un estudio multifrecuencia de los efectos que los vientos estelares de HD 192281, una estrella de tipo espectral O5,Vn((f))p, han tenido sobre el medio interestelar que rodea a la misma.

  20. El Proyecto Gémini: informe actualizado y técnica de observación

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sahade, J.; Lapasset, E.; Levato, H.

    Se describirá la situación actual en lo que se refiere al desarrollo del Proyecto Gémini en cuanto a su estructura, faz constructiva y programación general. Se informará sobre los planes a desarrollar en el tiempo de verificación científica y puesta a punto del instrumental, a partir de la primera imagen que se obtenga con el telescopio Gemini Norte. Se presentará, además, el plan operativo para observar con los telescopios Gemini tal cual está concebido hasta la fecha, describiéndose el proceso desde el mismo momento en que un investigador decide presentar una propuesta para observar con uno de los telescopios, hasta el archivo y derechos de propiedad sobre los datos. Se decribe también el ``soft" denominado Observing Tool (OT) que es clave en la planificación científica de Gemini y que puede ser utilizado ``off-line" en cualquier PC con un entorno windows.

  1. [Update in family medicine: Periodontal disease].


    López Silva, M C; Diz-Iglesias, P; Seoane-Romero, J M; Quintas, V; Méndez-Brea, F; Varela-Centelles, P


    About 85-94% of the Spanish adults older than 35 experience gum problems, and about 15-30% suffer from periodontitis, being severe in up to 5-11% of them. Unlike other inflammatory conditions, periodontal disease rarely causes discomfort, or limits life or causes functional limitations until its advanced stages, when clinical signs and symptoms arise (gingival recession, pathological teeth migration, or mobility). Lack of knowledge about the disease, together with the idea that tooth loss is linked to ageing, frequently results in a late diagnosis, requiring extensive treatments with a worse prognosis. At Primary Care level, there is series of drugs have been related to periodontal disease (anticonvulsants, immunosuppressive drugs, and calcium channel blockers) as secondary effects, which vary as regards their frequency and severity depending of the amount of accumulated plaque. Stress and depression have also been reported to alter the immune response and to increase the inflammatory response as well as periodontal susceptibility. Certain systemic conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disorders, respiratory diseases, as well as low-weight pre-term birth, have also been linked to periodontitis. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. Spanish consensus on the physical health of patients with depressive disorders.


    Giner, José; Saiz Ruiz, Jerónimo; Bobes, Julio; Zamorano, Enric; López, Francisco; Hernando, Teresa; Rico-Villademoros, Fernando; Álamo, Cecilio; Cervilla, Jorge A; Ibáñez Cuadrado, Ángela; Ibáñez Guerra, Elena; López, Silvia; Morán, Pedro; Palao, Diego J; Romacho, Montserrat


    Comorbidity between depression and physical illnesses is very common and has a significant impact on the health and management of the patient. With the support of the Sociedades Españolas de Psiquiatría y Psiquiatría Biológica, and Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN) a consensus was prepared on physical health in patients with depression and is summarized in the present work. The literature review highlighted the high frequency of cardiovascular and endocrine-metabolic disorders in patients with depression such as diabetes and obesity, thus making the primary and secondary prevention recommendations for patients with cardiovascular or metabolic risk applicable to patients with depression. Comorbidity between depression and chronic pain is also frequent, and requires an integrated therapeutic approach. The presence of physical illness in patients with depression may condition, but not preclude, the pharmacological treatment; drug selection should take into account potential side-effect and drug-drug interactions. On the other hand, psychotherapy may contribute to the patient's recovery. Overall, coordination between the primary care physician, the psychiatrist and other health professionals involved is essential for the management of patients with depression and concomitant physical illness. Copyright © 2014 SEP y SEPB. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  3. Estudio teórico de la distribución catiónica en la capa octaédrica de silicatos laminares

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hernández-Laguna, A.

    Los silicatos laminares son unos minerales de gran extensión en la corteza de nuestro y otros planetas, y se ha detectado su presencia en masas de partículas de polvo interplanatario. Están formados por láminas estructuradas en una capa tetraedros de sílice y una de octaédros de oxihidroxido de aluminio. Según el número de capas y la disposición aparecen distintos minerales. Además, también pueden aparecer distintos minerales como consecuencia de la substitución isomórfica de cationes en la capas, en particular, Al(III) por Si en la capa tetraédrica y Fe(III) y/o Mg(II) por Al(III) en la octaédrica. Cuando el catión substituyente presenta un estado de oxidación más bajo que al que substituye genera carga negativa que tiene que neutralizarse con cationes que se disponen en el espacio interlaminar. En este trabajo vamos a estudiar, mediante distintos métodos computacionales, las distribuciones de dichos cationes de substitución en la capa octaédrica de silicatos laminares 2:1 (dos capas tetraédricas y en medio una octaédrica), en particular, en los minerales esmectitas e ilitas. En primer lugar, estudiaremos la distribución de dichos cationes en la capa octaédrica en un modelo de gas reticular por el método de Monte Carlo, minimizando el número de pares de cationes Al, Fe y Mg de nuestro modelo con respecto a los procedentes de resultados espectroscópicos de muestras de minerales. Posteriormente, y mediante un modelo de potenciales empíricos, estudiamos la energética de las distribuciones binarias en dichos minerales, generando unos potenciales de interacción intercambio a dos y tres cationes (extrapolables a cualquier filosilicato) que son la base para una investigación Monte Carlo-"simulated-annealing" en la que se encuentran las transiciones de fase y las estructuras ordenadas, dependiendo dichas estructuras y la temperatura de cambio de fase de la de la naturaleza y concentración de los cationes de substitución. También se han

  4. Curriculum Guide for Spanish Language Arts, Primary Level A = Guia para la ensenanza de las artes del lenguaje espanol, primaria, nivel A.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chicago Board of Education, IL. Dept. of Curriculum.

    The curriculum guide for teachers of Spanish language arts for native Spanish-speaking primary students in the Chicago public schools' bilingual education program is introduced by a section on preparing instructional material for this group and a section defining the areas to be emphasized in the program: word attack, comprehension skills, study…

  5. Curriculum Guide for Spanish Language Arts, Primary Level B = Guia para la ensenanza de las artes del lenguaje espanol, primaria, nivel B.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chicago Board of Education, IL. Dept. of Curriculum.

    The curriculum guide for teachers of Spanish language arts for native Spanish-speaking primary students in the Chicago public schools' bilingual education program is introduced by a section on preparing instructional material for this group and a section defining the areas to be emphasized in the program: word attack, comprehension skills, study…

  6. Análisis fotométrico-espectroscópico de un par de binarias en NGC 3532

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gramajo, L.; González, J. F.

    Presentamos el informe de avance de un proyecto que apunta a la determinación de masas y radios de precisión en estrellas tempranas de cúmulos abiertos mediante el análisis fotométrico-espectroscópico de sistemas binarios detached con baja rotación. Con ello se pretende determinar el estado evolutivo de estas estrellas y confrontar su estructura con modelos estelares teóricos con distinto grado de ``overshooting". Los primeros objetos seleccionados son dos sistemas binarios de espectros dobles (BDA27 y BDA363) detectados en el cúmulo NGC 3532. Presentamos la órbita espectroscópica obtenida para la binaria eclipsante BDA27, para la cual obtuvimos un período de 4.29 días y una razón de masas q=0.62. Derivamos sus parámetros absolutos preliminares usando nuestra curva de velocidad y datos fotométricos existentes en la literatura, y presentamos estimas del alcance de nuestros resultados una vez que hayamos completado nuestras observaciones con nuevas curvas de luz.

  7. Múltiples estados de desorden en el etanol sólido

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fernández-Perea, R.

    El diagrama de fases del etanol por debajo de los 169 K será presentado. Se mostrará que el etanol puede solidificarse en tres fases con diversos niveles de desorden,(como un vidrio(G), como un vidrio orientacional (OG) y como un cristal de fase rotora (RP)) además de en una fase totalmente cristalina. Las estructuras de estas tres fases serán presentadas tal y como se deducen a partir de diversas medidas de difracción de neutrones al igual que las proporciones de los isómeros de dicho material en las fases desordenadas y se compararán con los resultados de la fase cristalina y del líquido superenfriado. Igualmente diversas medidas sobre su dinámica serán presentadas, tanto de dispersión de neutrones, como de capacidad calorífica y de medidas dieléctricas y comparadas con modelos teóricos y simulaciones para tratar de explicar los procesos de relajación observados y las transiciones entre las diversas fases.

  8. Estudio de la envoltura fría en presencia de un campo magnético en estrellas tempranas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Montero, M. F.; Platzeck, A. M.

    En el estudio de la distribución espacial de la densidad en torno a estrellas tempranas, al menos en dos coordenadas, se consideran en general ``escenarios" cualitativos. Existen sólo dos modelos calculados a partir de la ecuación de conservación de momento: el de Poeckert y Marlborough (Astroph. Journal 220, 940, 1978) y el de Ringuelet e Iglesias (Astroph. Journal 369, 463, 1991). El primero es isotermo considerando campo gravitatorio y fuerza centrífuga. El segundo, resuelve un caso no isotermo en equilibrio hidrostático teniendo en cuenta los campos gravitatorios, de radiación y magnético. En esta comunicación presentamos el análisis, que se deriva de los resultados de Ringuelet e Iglesias para el caso hidrostático, de la estructura de líneas de campo magnético. A continuación estudiamos la forma en que se modifica la distribución espacial de la densidad en la envoltura fría, cuando se tiene en cuenta el movimiento del plasma.

  9. Alejarse como proceso social: niños y ancianos «abandonados» en Ayacucho1

    PubMed Central

    Leinaweaver, Jessaca


    En investigaciones previas sobre el acogimiento familiar y la adopción en Ayacucho, se ha podido descubrir cómo los ayacuchanos adquieren y producen relaciones sociales. Mientras negocian creativamente los discursos y espacios construidos simultáneamente por instituciones, comunidades, y estructuras sociales, van adquiriendo nuevas formas de relacionarse. Este artículo discute el proceso opuesto: el deshacerse de relaciones de parentesco, y el proceso social del abandono o alejamiento. Cuando se aleja a una persona de su familia o su comunidad, los que se quedan en ella llegan a entenderse como ciertos tipos de personas. En los estudios de caso discutidos aquí, recopilados a través de una detallada y cuidadosa observación participante y de entrevistas etnográficas grabadas entre 2001 y 2007, se puede ver cómo, después de un alejamiento social, los individuos que alejan se reinterpretan como sujetos que se encuentran superándose o volviéndose modernos, o bien sacrificándose. PMID:25177044

  10. órbitas: caos en familia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carpintero, D. D.

    Durante los últimos años, ha ido adquiriendo importancia la descripción dinámica de un sistema estelar a través de su estructura orbital, complementando el tradicional uso de la función de distribución en el espacio fase. El desarrollo de esta nueva concepción condujo, con el tiempo, a la conclusión de que las órbitas caóticas juegan un importante papel dinámico en modelos realistas de galaxias. Sin embargo, la determinación de la caoticidad de una órbita, o de la familia regular a la cual pertenece, siguió siendo una tarea artesanal. Nuevos métodos de clasificación fueron surgiendo con el tiempo; hoy en día, se cuenta con métodos que permiten determinar automáticamente el contenido orbital de cualquier potencial arbitrario que se desee para modelar una galaxia, o incluso determinar la familia de una órbita sin siquiera conocer el potencial en el que está sumergida.

  11. Obtención de perfiles teóricos de elementos metálicos con velocidades macroscópicas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cirigliano, D.; Costa, A.; Rovira, M.

    El propósito de este trabajo es poder establecer -a partir de la modelización de perfiles de distintas especies- patrones de comparación observacional que permitan caracterizar los fenómenos físicos que están presentes en las estructuras que se observan. Para ello se resuelven las ecuaciones de equilibrio de ionización para un determinado átomo y una atmósfera de parámetros determinados. A partir de ello se definen las poblaciones para los distintos grados de ionización. Considerando distintas configuraciones e intensidades de flujos de masa se deducen la función fuente, el espesor óptico y se calculan los perfiles de las distintas líneas. Se obtuvieron perfiles teóricos de líneas del CII, CIV y del OIV para flujos entrante, saliente y pasante. La forma del perfil, las intensidades relativas entre los distintos flujos y el corrimiento Doppler da cuenta de una caracterización teórica a partir de la cual se comparará con observaciones.

  12. Fotometría superficial de la galaxia irregular NGC 1427A

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cellone, S. A.; Forte, J. C.

    Se presenta fotometría superficial multicolor de la galaxia irregular NGC 1427A. Esta galaxia, un miembro del Cúmulo de Fornax que no ha sido estudiado previamente, muestra una morfología muy particular: una distribución estelar subyacente de bajo brillo superficial (LSB) con varias manchas brillantes dispuestas en una estructura anular deformada. Por sus colores muy azules se infiere que estas son zonas de formación estelar reciente. Al norte del cuerpo principal de la galaxia, y conectado con éste mediante filamentos LSB, hay un objeto de isofotas aproximadamente circulares. Este objeto tiene en sí mismo algunas zonas brillantes, pero su población estelar subyacente es significativamente más azul que la del cuerpo principal de la galaxia. Esto indica que ambos objetos han tenido distintas historias evolutivas. Estructuralmente, el objeto del norte es muy similar a algunas de las galaxias elípticas enanas más débiles que pueblan el Cúmulo de Fornax. Se discute la posible relación entre este objeto y la galaxia en si.

  13. Description of the final instar of Trichomalopsis peregrina (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae), with data and comments on the preimaginal stages

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Tormos, J.; Asis, J.D.; Frago, E.

    The preimaginal stages of T. peregrina are described. The egg displays a sculptured chorion, which is found only on those deposited externally. The immature larvae are characterized by their peculiarities in (a) a setose ring on the thoracic and abdominal segments, (b) an anal notch and (c) size and the sensory structures of the head capsule. The final instar is described and illustrated. Morphological structures of diagnostic value are discussed. The most salient character shown by the mature larva of this species lies in the epistoma, which is complete. (author) [Spanish] Se describen las fases de huevo y larva demore » T. peregrina. El huevo, como es caracteristico en los que se depositan externamente, presenta un corion ornamentado. Las larvas inmaduras exhiben peculiaridades en (a) el anillo setoso de los segmentos toracicos y abdominales, (b) la escotadura anal y (c) el tamano, y estructuras sensoriales, de la capsula cefalica. El estado de caracter mas sobresaliente presentado por la larva madura de esta especie radica en la presencia de un epistoma totalmente diferenciado. (author)« less

  14. Preparing the High School Classroom for Migrant English Language Learners (Preparación del aula de secundaria para estudiantes migrantes que aprenden inglés)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rouse, Megan Elizabeth


    In United States schools, the rate of immigrant English language learners is rapidly rising, affecting the lives of both students and teachers. This article will discuss the best ways to facilitate the students' language learning in a school setting; the type of structure, goals, and standards that can be expected; as well as ways to change the…

  15. Objeto Mental Fracción de Alumnos de Secundaria con Problemas de Absentismo Escolar = Mental Object for Fractions of Middle School Students with Absenteeism Problems

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Valenzuela García, Carlos; Figueras, Olimpia; Arnau Vera, David; Gutiérrez-Soto, Juan


    In this paper characterizations of mental objects for fractions of middle school students (from 12 to 14 years old) with absenteeism problems and low academic performance, are described. A test was designed as part of a research whose general purpose is to contribute in the building up of better mental objects for fractions through a teaching…

  16. [Use of topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in an urban health center. Comparison with the current evidence].


    Yagüe-Sebastián, M M; Coscollar-Escartín, I; Muñoz-Albadalejo, P; López-Canales, M C; Villaverde-Royo, M V; Gutiérrez-Moreno, F


    To describe the prescribing of topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in an urban health center (Zaragoza, Spain). A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on subjects who belonged to an urban center and were studied during the year 2010. The sample size with a confidence level of 95%, was calculated, a total of 843 prescriptions were analyzed. The sample was single random, and 150 cases were selected. The prevalence and confidence intervals were calculated. The statistical package STATA 9.1 was used for the calculations. The most used drug was diclofenac, in 27.33% (95% CI: 20.65-34.88). NSAIDs were most used in females. In 18% of the cases the area of application was the knee, followed by the 15% in the lower back area (95% CI: 10,22-21,78). There were no adverse reactions. Frequent use is made of topical NSAIDs in a basic health area. Current recommendations support the use in the knee and in the hand, but not in the back, where its use is common. The use of topical NSAIDs decreases side effects and drug interactions, therefore their use is recommended in patients on multiple drug therapy and in the elderly. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  17. Epidemiological multicentre study on the education provided to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Spanish Health Care System. The Forma2 study.


    García-Donaire, J A; Franch-Nadal, J; Rodríguez-Fortúnez, P; Labrador-Barba, E; Orera-Peña, M L; Rodríguez de Miguel, M

    The purpose of the present study was to characterize the education that patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus receive, and to identify differences as regards the presence of insulin therapy or not. This crossover, multicentre and descriptive study involved 1066 Spanish physicians who completed a questionnaire on Internet. The physicians that responded had a mean of 26.0 years of experience in healthcare, and mainly worked in a walk-in clinic in an urban area. Physicians rated the level of patient knowledge about their disease on a 5.0 point-scale. Fifty percent of them indicated that they spent between 15 and 30min in educating patients at the time of diagnosis. Previous control with HbA1c>9%, presence of microvascular complications, and a low socio-cultural level, were factors associated with spending more time in education. This is the first study designed to evaluate the education provided to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus from Spain. The time spent and the individualization of the education are important factors associated with better long-term control of the disease, and thus with the effectiveness of the clinical management. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. [Mental disorders and their underdiagnosis in primary care].


    Cabrera Mateos, J L; Touriño González, R; Núñez González, E


    Despite its high prevalence, mental disorders are often underdiagnosed. To determine the magnitude of the underdiagnosis mental disorders and its associated characteristics. A descriptive cross-sectional study performed in Lanzarote (2011) on 310 patients selected by cluster random sampling. A self-completed questionnaire was used that contained the General Health Questionnaire-28, as well as structured interview using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview to confirm the diagnosis of mental disorder. The current diagnosis registered in the DRAGO-AP electronic medical record was also recorded. Of the 75 patients detected with the interview, 14 (18.67%) had a diagnosis recorded in the medical record (sensitivity=0.19; IC 95% CI; 0.09-28). The positive predictive value of being in the medical record was 0.56. With respect to sensitivity, only the "number of visits made to the health centre in the last 3 months" was significantly higher in the group of patients also with a diagnosis of any mental disorder in the medical record (5 vs. 2.77; p=.002). There is an important underdiagnosis of the mental disorders in our environment. More visits to the health centre are associated with this diagnosis. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. [Use of emergency departments in rural and urban areas in Spain].


    Sarría-Santamera, A; Prado-Galbarro, J; Ramallo-Farina, Y; Quintana-Díaz, M; Martínez-Virto, A; Serrano-Aguilar, P


    Describe the use of emergency departments (ED), and analyse the differences in use between residents in rural and urban areas. Using data from the National Health Survey of 2006 and 2011, the profiles of patients with ED visits by population size of place of residence were obtained. The variables associated with making one visit to the ED were also evaluated, in order to determine the effect of the population size of place of residence. A higher use of ED is observed in persons with a higher frequency of use of Primary Care and hospital admissions, and increases with worse self-perceived health and functional status, with more chronic diseases, in people from lower social classes, and younger ages. Adjusting for the other variables, residents in larger cities have a higher use of ED than residents in rural areas, who show a higher use of public and non-hospital based ED, than residents in urban areas. There is a higher use of ED by inhabitants of urban areas that cannot be justified by a worst health status of that population. This tends to indicate that the use of ED is not under-used in rural areas, but overused in urban areas. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  20. [Takotsubo syndrome. Transient left ventricular dyskinesia].


    Pérez Pérez, F M; Sánchez Salado, J


    The Takotsubo syndrome, also called transient apical dyskinesia syndrome, was first described in Japan in the 1990s. It is a rare entity found in almost 1% of all patients with suspicion of acute coronary syndrome. It usually affects postmenopausal women with a few cardiovascular risk factors. It is characterized by angina-type chest pain, electrocardiographic changes, elevation of the enzymes of myocardial injury, absence of coronary obstruction on angiography, and a characteristic left ventricular anteroapical dyskinesia, which returns to normal within a few days. Severe emotional stress is the most common trigger for this syndrome. The aetiopathogenesis of this syndrome remains to be defined. This syndrome has been considered a clinical condition since 2001, when a series of 88 cases was published. It is a disease with a partially known mechanism, characterised by the morphology adopted by the left ventricle secondary to hypokinesis or dyskinesia of the apical segments, and hypercontractility of basal segments. Unlike acute coronary syndrome, patients with left ventricle dysfunction do not have atherothrombotic disease in the coronary arteries. In addition, the alterations described are reversible. Some clinical diagnostic criteria have been proposed, although they are still controversial, as well as in the complementary examinations required for diagnosis. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  1. [Consensus document for the detection and management of chronic kidney disease].


    Martínez-Castelao, Alberto; Górriz, José L; Bover, Jordi; Segura-de la Morena, Julián; Cebollada, Jesús; Escalada, Javier; Esmatjes, Enric; Fácila, Lorenzo; Gamarra, Javier; Gràcia, Silvia; Hernández-Moreno, Julio; Llisterri-Caro, José L; Mazón, Pilar; Montañés, Rosario; Morales-Olivas, Francisco; Muñoz-Torres, Manuel; de Pablos-Velasco, Pedro; de Santiago, Ana; Sánchez-Celaya, Marta; Suárez, Carmen; Tranche, Salvador


    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an important global health problem, involving to 10% of the Spanish population, promoting high morbidity and mortality for the patient and an elevate consumption of the total health resources for the National Health System. This is a summary of an executive consensus document of ten scientific societies involved in the care of the renal patient, that actualizes the consensus document published in 2007. The central extended document can be consulted in the web page of each society. The aspects included in the document are: Concept, epidemiology and risk factors for CKD. Diagnostic criteria, evaluation and stages of CKD, albuminuria and glomerular filtration rate estimation. Progression factors for renal damage. Patient remission criteria. Follow-up and objectives of each speciality control. Nephrotoxicity prevention. Cardio-vascular damage detection. Diet, life-style and treatment attitudes: hypertension, dyslipidaemia, hyperglycemia, smoking, obesity, hyperuricemia, anemia, mineral and bone disorders. Multidisciplinary management for Primary Care, other specialities and Nephrology. Integrated management of CKD patient in haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and renal transplant patients. Management of the uremic patient in palliative care. We hope that this document may be of help for the multidisciplinary management of CKD patients by summarizing the most updated recommendations. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  2. [Analysis of the refusal of the flu vaccination (REGRIVI study)].


    Méijome-Blanco, S; González-Cristobo, G; Regueiro-Martínez, A Á


    The objective of this study is to determine the reasons for refusing the flu vaccination in the Primary Care Health Centre of Vilanova de Arousa, Spain, as well as to evaluate the flu vaccination coverage after an educational intervention. A quasi-experimental before and after study was conducted after an educational intervention on a total of 73 people that included those Primary Care Health Centre patients from Vilanova de Arousa who had refused the flu vaccination in 2014, and who did not meet the exclusion criteria (death during 2014 and 2015 campaigns, non-acceptance of participation, vaccine registration mistakes, contraindication or no indication for the vaccine, inability to contact). After a brief educational intervention, vaccination data from those patients in the 2015 and 2016 campaigns were checked. A descriptive analysis of the variables under study was then carried out. Of the 73 patients initially included, 72 completed the study. The main reasons for refusing a vaccination were the concerns about the adverse effects and patient perception of good health. Vaccination coverage was 50.7% in 2015, and 48.6% in 2016. The reasons for refusing vaccination are approachable with a brief intervention since the refusal decreases by half in the long-term. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  3. The significance of microbial processes in hydrogeology and geochemistry

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chapelle, Francis H.

    dar lugar a una mayor solubilidad del mineral, lo que supone un aumento en porosidad secundaria y permeabilidad. Por el contrario, los procesos microbianos pueden dar lugar a la producción de carbonato, ión ferroso y sulfuro, precipitando calcita o pirita y reduciendo la porosidad primaria y la permeabilidad.

  4. Validation Evidence of the Motivation for Teaching Scale in Secondary Education.


    Abós, Ángel; Sevil, Javier; Martín-Albo, José; Aibar, Alberto; García-González, Luis


    Grounded in self-determination theory, the aim of this study was to develop a scale with adequate psychometric properties to assess motivation for teaching and to explain some outcomes of secondary education teachers at work. The sample comprised 584 secondary education teachers. Analyses supported the five-factor model (intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation and amotivation) and indicated the presence of a continuum of self-determination. Evidence of reliability was provided by Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability and average variance extracted. Multigroup confirmatory factor analyses supported the partial invariance (configural and metric) of the scale in different sub-samples, in terms of gender and type of school. Concurrent validity was analyzed by a structural equation modeling that explained 71% of the work dedication variance and 69% of the boredom at work variance. Work dedication was positively predicted by intrinsic motivation (ß = .56, p < .001) and external regulation (ß = .29, p < .001) and negatively predicted by introjected regulation (ß = -.22, p < .001) and amotivation (ß = -.49, p < .001). Boredom at work was negatively predicted by intrinsic motivation (ß = -.28, p < .005) and positively predicted by amotivation (ß = .68, p < .001). The Motivation for Teaching Scale in Secondary Education (Spanish acronym EME-ES, Escala de Motivación por la Enseñanza en Educación Secundaria) is discussed as a valid and reliable instrument. This is the first specific scale in the work context of secondary teachers that has integrated the five-factor structure together with their dedication and boredom at work.

  5. The Intergenerational Transmission of Smoking Across Three Cohabitant Generations: A Count Data Approach.


    Escario, José-Julián; Wilkinson, Anna V


    This paper examines the extent to which parent and grandparent smoking influences adolescent smoking and its quantitative implications for tobacco control. It extends similar prior studies by investigating the effects on the probability of becoming a smoker and on the number of cigarettes smoked. Count regressions were used to assess the intergenerational transmission of smoking across three cohabitant generations, simultaneously, using data from the 2010 survey "Encuesta Estatal Sobre Uso De Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanzas Secundarias". This survey, of 32,234 students, constitutes a representative sample of Spanish students between 14 and 18 years of age. Living with a mother who smokes, a father who smokes, or a grandparent who smokes reduces the odds of being a non-smoker by 36.1% (OR 0.639), 26.1% (OR 0.739) and 20.3% (OR 0.797), respectively. Parental smoking increases cigarette consumption levels among adolescents. Having a cohabitant mother who smokes increases the number of cigarettes smoked by children by around 18.7% (IRR 1.187), while having a cohabitant father who smokes increases the number by around 12.1% (IRR 1.121). Estimates support the hypothesis that visibility of smoking among parents and grandparents is a strong predictor of smoking among adolescents. Accordingly, quitting smoking by parents and grandparents before children become adolescents appears to be a powerful means to both reduce smoking rates among adolescents and the number of cigarettes smoked by smokers; such decisions appear to exert a stronger influence on the prevalence of smoking and consumption levels than exposure to smoking prevention campaigns at school.

  6. Long-Term Effects of the keepin’ it REAL Model Program in Mexico: Substance Use Trajectories of Guadalajara Middle School Students

    PubMed Central

    Marsiglia, Flavio F.; Booth, Jaime M.; Nuño-Gutierrez, Bertha L.; Robbins, Danielle E.


    In the face of rising rates of substance use among Mexican youth and rapidly narrowing gender differences in use, substance use prevention is an increasingly urgent priority for Mexico. Prevention interventions have been implemented in Mexico but few have been rigorously evaluated for effectiveness. This article presents the long term effects of a Mexico-based pilot study to test the feasibility of a linguistically specific (Mexican Spanish) adapted version of keepin’ it REAL, a school-based substance abuse prevention model program. University affiliated researchers from Mexico and the US collaborated on the study design, program implementation, data collection, and analysis. Students and their teachers from two middle schools (secundarias) in Guadalajara participated in this field trial of Mantente REAL (translated to Spanish). The schools were randomly assigned to treatment and control conditions. The sample of 431 students reported last 30 day substance use at three times (one pretest and two posttests). Changes in substance use behaviors over time were examined using growth curve models. Long term desired intervention effects were found for alcohol and marijuana use but not for cigarettes. The intervention effects were greater for girls than for boys in slowing the typical developmental increase over time in alcohol use. Marijuana effects were based on small numbers of users and indicate a need for larger scale studies. These findings suggest that keepin’ it REAL is a promising foundation for cultural program adaptation efforts to create efficacious school-based universal prevention interventions for middle school students in Mexico. PMID:25416154

  7. The Índice Flesch-Szigriszt and Spanish Lexile Analyzer to evaluate Spanish patient education materials in otolaryngology.


    Nassif, Samih J; Wong, Kevin; Levi, Jessica R


    Evaluate the reading difficulty of Spanish patient education materials using the validated Índice Flesch-Szigriszt (INFLESZ) and Spanish Lexile Analyzer, and to identify relationships between English and Spanish readability formulas. Cross-sectional analysis. All otolaryngology-related patient education articles written in Spanish from the health libraries of the top 10 US News & World Report-ranked hospitals, top 10 Doximity-ranked otolaryngology residencies, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery website, and the US National Library of Medicine online section on ears, nose and throat were collected. Reading difficulty was assessed using the INFLESZ and Spanish Lexile Analyzer. Additional readability assessments included the traditional English tools: Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, Flesch Reading Ease Score, and the Simple Measure of Gobbledygook score. A total of 497 articles were reviewed. The average INFLESZ score for all articles was 57.75, which is considered normal and requires the reading ability of a student who finished Escuela Secundaria Obligatoria or 10th grade equivalent in the United States. The average Spanish Lexile measure for all articles was 1062L, equivalent to a reading level between the 6th and 12th grade. English readability tools calculated a more difficult reading level compared to Spanish tools when performed on the same text. Current Spanish patient education materials in otolaryngology may be too difficult for the average Spanish-speaking reader to understand. Future improvements may be warranted to improve the readability of educational materials and increase health literacy. NA. Laryngoscope, 128:E21-E26, 2018. © 2017 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

  8. Steppin' On Up: A Post-Secondary Guide for Migrant Students = Tomando Accion: Una Guia para los Estudiantes Migrantes Sobre Que Hacer Despues de la Escuela Secundaria.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Western Stream Migrant Education Program Coordination Center, Portland, OR.

    This bilingual guide (English and Spanish) provides information for migrant students on postsecondary education. The guide includes information on: (1) career planning, involving self-exploration, occupational exploration, and strategies for reaching career objectives; (2) planning for postsecondary education during high school, including a…

  9. A Grounded theory study of the intention of nurses to leave the profession.


    Alilu, Leyla; Zamanzadeh, Vahid; Valizadeh, Leila; Habibzadeh, Hosein; Gillespie, Mark


    de progresso ou melhora na experiência clínica cria preocupações psicossociais primárias para as participantes. A competência e o processo de autocontrole são passos dados pelas participantes. Isso associado a condições de intervenção foram os resultados da perda do compromisso profissional que as leva a deixar o cuidado de cabeceira. "O fracasso em integrar expectativas pessoais e expectativas da organização: em busca de uma saída" foi a categoria central do estudo que uniu as categorias. os achados deste estudo proporcionam informação útil sobre as necessidades das enfermeiras para superar as intenções de deixar o cuidado de cabeceira. A identificação deste processo pode ajudar a reconhecer os problemas emergentes e oferecer soluções para resolvê-los. este estudio explora el proceso de desarrollo de la intención de dejar la enfermería de cuidado de cabecera. el proceso fue estudiado desde la perspectiva de 21 enfermeras utilizando el método de la Grounded Theory (Teoría Fundamentada). Los datos se recogieron utilizando entrevistas semiestructuradas; para analizar los datos se utilizó el método comparativo constante de Corbin y Strauss. según los participantes dos categorías principales ("imagen social de la enfermería" y "cultura y estructura del cuidado de cabecera ") fueron los factores contextuales que influenciaron las razones para que las enfermeras deseasen dejar el cuidado de cabecera. La decepción con una percepción de falta de progreso o mejora en la experiencia clínica causó preocupaciones psicosociales primarias en las participantes. La competencia y el proceso de autocontrol fueron considerados por las participantes, y esto asociado a las condiciones de intervención resultaron en la pérdida del compromiso profesional que las lleva a dejar el cuidado de cabecera. La categoría central del estudio que unió las categorías encontradas fue: "Fracaso para integrar las expectativas personales con expectativas de la

  10. Curriculum Guide for Spanish Language Arts, Primary Level C = Guia para la ensenanza de las artes del lenguaje espanol, primaria, nivel C. (Grade 1).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chicago Board of Education, IL. Dept. of Curriculum.

    The curriculum guide for teachers of Spanish language arts for native Spanish-speaking primary students in the Chicago public schools' bilingual education program is introduced by a section defining the areas to be emphasized in the program: word attack, comprehension skills, study skills, literature appreciation, and writing skills. Sections…

  11. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Appraisal of Self-Care Agency Scale - Revised.


    Stacciarini, Thaís Santos Guerra; Pace, Ana Emilia


    valores de alfa total de 0,74 e dos três fatores de 0,69, 0,38 e 0,69, respectivamente. estrutura fatorial da escala com resultados satisfatórios de validade e de confiabilidade, exceto um de seus fatores. É desejável que essa Escala seja aplicada em amostras da população geral, para fortalecer as análises de consistência interna e de dimensionalidade da estrutura fatorial, e espera-se que este estudo possa contribuir no avanço de outras pesquisas que trabalham com o construto de capacidade de autocuidado e no desenvolvimento da Escala ASAS-R. analizar la estructura factorial de la escala de evaluación de la capacidad de autocuidado, Appraisal of Self Care Agency Scale-Revised (ASAS-R), adaptada en Brasil. estudio metodológico conducido en 150 usuarios con diabetes mellitus, mayoría de ancianos y con baja escolaridad, acompañados por la Estrategia Salud de la Familia. El test de hipótesis de la composición factorial confirmatoria de la escala ASAS-R fue realizado por medio del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para variables latentes. los valores de los índices de ajuste del modelo fueron satisfactorios (χ2 de 259,19; χ2/g.l de 2,97, p < 0,001; GFI = 0,85; RMR = 0,07; RMSEA = 0,09), las cargas factoriales fueron superiores a 0,40, la mayoría de las correlaciones ítem y factor varió de moderada a fuerte magnitud (0,34 la 0,58); valores de alfa total de 0,74 y de los tres factores de 0,69, 0,38 y 0,69, respectivamente. la estructura factorial de la escala obtuvo resultados satisfactorios de validez y de confiabilidad, excepto uno de sus factores. Es deseable que esa escala sea aplicada en muestras de la población general, para fortalecer los análisis de consistencia interna y de dimensionalidad de la estructura factorial; y se espera que este estudio pueda contribuir para avanzar en nuevas investigaciones que vengan a trabajar con el constructo de capacidad de autocuidado y con el desarrollo de la escala ASAS-R.

  12. Indicators to assess the quality of programs to prevent occupational risk for tuberculosis: are they feasible?


    Santos, Talita Raquel Dos; Padoveze, Maria Clara; Nichiata, Lúcia Yasuko Izumi; Takahashi, Renata Ferreira; Ciosak, Suely Itsuko; Gryschek, Anna Luiza de Fátima Pinho Lins


    testado em cinco situações devido à falta de uso do teste tuberculínico nessas instituições. O tempo necessário para aplicar indicadores em relação aos resultados de tuberculose ocupacional depende em grande parte do nível da organização da estrutura administrativa para a coleta de dados. os indicadores de avaliação da estrutura de prevenção de tuberculose ocupacional são altamente viáveis. No entanto, a viabilidade de aplicação dos indicadores de processo e de resultado é limitada devido a variações relevantes em questões administrativas nas instituições de saúde. analizar la viabilidad de los indicadores de calidad de la evaluación de los programas hospitalarios para la prevención de la tuberculosis en el trabajo. estudio descriptivo transversal. Se probaron los indicadores dirigidos a evaluar los programas para la prevención de la tuberculosis laboral en seis hospitales. El criterio para definir la viabilidad fue el tiempo para aplicar los indicadores. el tiempo empleado para la evaluación de los los indicadores varió desde 02'52 '' hasta 15h11'24 ''. El indicador para la evaluación de la estructura requiere menos tiempo; se invirtió más tiempo en los indicadores de proceso, lo que incluye la observación de las prácticas de los empleados del cuidado de salud en relación con el uso de máscaras N95. No se pudo probar uno de los indicadores de resultados de tuberculosis en cinco situaciones debido a la falta de uso de la prueba de la tuberculina en estas centros. El tiempo necesario para aplicar los indicadores en relación con los resultados por tuberculosis laboral depende en gran medida del nivel de organización de la estructura administrativa para la recopilación de datos. los indicadores para evaluar la estructura para la prevención de la tuberculosis laboral son altamente factibles. Sin embargo, la viabilidad de aplicación de los indicadores de proceso y el resultado es limitada debido a las variaciones relevantes en

  13. Validation of an instrument for evaluating health care services to ostomized people.


    Moraes, Juliano Teixeira; Amaral, Carlos Faria Santos; Borges, Eline Lima; Ribeiro, Mauro Souza; Guimarães, Eliete Albano Azevedo


    a confiabilidade para estrutura e processo, por meio do Coeficiente alfa de Cronbach (α = 0,771 e α = 0,809 respectivamente), e validades de conteúdo e de construto, demonstraram boa consistência interna e satisfatória validade. A análise fatorial exploratória apontou o item "principal atividade realizada na unidade" como limitação da escala. o estudo disponibiliza nova ferramenta para a avaliação de estrutura e processo do Serviço de Atenção à Saúde da Pessoa Ostomizada. desarrollar y validar una matriz de análisis y juzgamiento para la evaluación de Servicios de Atención a la Salud de la Persona Ostomizada. estudio seccional en 28 unidades de salud del estado de Minas Gerais. Fue realizado un análisis descriptivo del instrumento y un estudio de sus propiedades psicométricas. Para la validación de contenido y de apariencia fue utilizada la técnica Delphi. El análisis psicométrico fue realizada por medio del estudio de la confiabilidad y validez de las medidas obtenidas con el instrumento. fue posible construir una matriz de análisis y juzgamiento con 16 componentes (evaluados con puntajes de cero a cinco) agrupados de acuerdo con las dimensiones estructura y proceso considerados fundamentales para la evaluación del servicio. Los resultados alcanzados para la confiabilidad para estructura y proceso, por medio del Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach (α = 0,771 y α = 0,809 respectivamente), y validez de contenido y de constructo, demostraron buena consistencia interna y satisfactoria validez. El análisis factorial exploratória apuntó el ítem "principal actividad realizada en la unidad" como limitación de la escala. el estudio suministra una nueva herramienta para la evaluación de estructura y proceso del Servicio de Atención a la Salud de la Persona Ostomizada.

  14. [Evaluation of the capacity of elderly patients to make decisions about their health].


    Atienza-Martín, F J; Garrido-Lozano, M; Losada-Ruiz, C; Rodríguez-Fernández, L M; Revuelta-Pérez, F; Marín-Andrés, G


    To assess the decision-making capacity and variables related to this, in elderly patients in a home care program. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 130 patients assigned to home care program or in social welfare residences of an urban health centre. Demographic variables, as well as comorbidities, social support, institutionalisation, number of drugs used, degree of dependence (Barthel Index), cognitive function (Pfeiffer) were collected. The primary endpoint was the capacity for decision-making about their health assessed using the Aid to Capacity Evaluation (ACE) tool. There was a prevalence of 58.5% capacity. There was an association between ability and independence for activities of daily living (odds ratio (OR): 12.214; Confidence interval 95% (95% CI): 3.90 to 32.29, P <.0001) and function intellectual intact (OR: 282.750, 95% CI 34.0 to 2351.2, P <.0001). Numeric variables associated with the capacity for decision-making that had a more important effect size were the Barthel index (d: -1.398) and Pfeiffer index (d: 3.084). The prevalence of incapacity to make decisions about their health in elderly patients who are cared for in their homes is high. The level of dependence in activities of daily living and the deterioration of intellectual function are factors associated with the presence of this capacity. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  15. [Previous abstinence time as a predictive factor at 12 months follow-up in a multi-component smoking cessation program].


    Moreno-Arnedillo, J J; Morante-Benadero, M E; Sánchez-Vegazo-Sánchez, E


    The objective of this study is to analyze the length of the longest period of previous abstinence time as a predictor of the results of a smoking cessation program at 12 months follow-up. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 475 smokers who had participated in a multi-component smoking cessation group therapy program. The independent variable is the longest abstinence time passed, measured in weeks, before the current treatment. Success was defined as self-reported abstinence. Bivariate analyses were applied to the independent variable and to other variables in order to determine the factors that would be part of a logistic regression model using contrasts Student t or χ(2) comparisons, as appropriate. Those that showed statistical significance were entered into a multivariate logistic regression model. Within the studied variables, previous abstinence time and sex were the only predictive variables of success at 12 month follow-up. The probability of being abstinent at 12 months follow-up was significantly associated with the length of the previous longest period of abstinence, and this is the best of the predictors considered. Successful cessation programs depend more on the relationship with the consumer biographical aspects than with biological factors. The history of previous attempts is a more valuable source of information for designing treatments than others traditionally considered. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  16. [Use of resources and associated costs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations: A population based retrospective study].


    Sicras, A; Huerta, A; Navarro, R; Ibañez, J


    Exacerbations are a clinical characteristic of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The objective of the study was to estimate the resource use and costs associated with COPD exacerbations Observational study performed by retrospective review of patient clinical charts of a Hospital and 6 associated Primary Care Centers. COPD patients >40years old who were followed-up during 2010-2011, and who fulfilled inclusion/exclusion criteria were included in the study. Healthcare resource use and costs associated to COPD exacerbations (moderate/severe) were estimated. Healthcare resource use, loss of productivity and costs associated to the follow-up of COPD patients (with/without exacerbations) were also estimated. regression model and ANCOVA, P<.05. A total of 1,210patients were included in the study, of whom 51.2% experienced an exacerbation, and with an average of 4exacerbations/patient. Presence of exacerbations was associated with age, COPD severity, presence of comorbidities, and time from diagnosis. The average healthcare cost of an exacerbation was €481 (moderate: €375; severe: €863). Patients who experienced an exacerbation had a higher resource use and costs (P<.001). Thus, the follow-up cost of patients without exacerbations was €1,392 versus €3,175 for patients with exacerbations. The presence of exacerbations in COPD patients was associated with an increase in resource use and associated costs. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  17. [Prevalence and factors associated with peripheral artery disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Primary Care].


    Montero-Monterroso, J L; Gascón-Jiménez, J A; Vargas-Rubio, M D; Quero-Salado, C; Villalba-Marín, P; Pérula-de Torres, L A


    Peripheral artery disease in the lower limbs (PAD) is a prevalent condition that entails high morbidity in diabetic patients; this study assesses PAD in these patients and its socio-demographic and clinic associated variables. Descriptive study in a systematic sample of diabetic patients (DM2) aged 50-80 years, in Primary Care settings. The dependent variable was the presence of PAD diagnosed by ankle-brachial index (ABI) ≤ 0.9; independent variables: socio-demographic, clinical and laboratory. bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed to determine the variables associated with low ABI. A sample of 251 patients, 52.6% women; mean age: 68.5 ±8.5. A low ABI was detected in 18.3% (95% Confidence Interval (95% CI):13.3-23.3%), with 6 subjets (2.4%) previously diagnosed as suffering PAD. Age (OR=1.07; 95% CI: 1.02-1.12) and retinopathy (OR=2.69; 95% CI: 1.06-6.81) were associated (multiple logistic regression analysis) with ABI. The percentage of patients diagnosed with PAD is very low, although PAD prevalence is high among DM2 patients attending Primary Care clinics, especially in older patients and those with retinopathy. We emphasize the recommendation of performing the ABI test in this population at risk. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. Divergent mechanisms of insulin-like growth factor I and II on rat hepatocyte proliferation.


    Raper, S; Kothary, P; Ishoo, E; Dikin, M; Kokudo, N; Hashimoto, M; DeMatteo, R P


    Insulin-like growth factors I and II are peptides with a structural homology for proinsulin, and are involved in hepatocyte proliferation. IGF-I and IGF-II, however, have different metabolic roles, and their mechanisms of action are incompletely known. We hypothesized that IGF-I and IGF-II act by different signal transduction pathways. To test this hypothesis, hepatocytes from 200 g male Sprague-Dawley rats were isolated by a two-step collagenase perfusion technique and plated at a density of 10(5) cells/16 mm Primaria plate. Proliferation was measured by [3H]thymidine ([3H]thy) incorporation into DNA, and an autoradiographic nuclear labeling index (LI). To analyze signal transduction, cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels were measured 5 min after addition of reagents by a radioimmunoassay. Reagents (doses) used were: IGF-I (2 nM), IGF-II (2 nM), the inhibitory peptide somatostatin-14 (SS14) (10 nM), and the adenylyl cyclase antagonist dideoxyadenosine (DDA) (10 microM). A summary of the findings is as follows: (1) IGF-I stimulates [3H]thy, LI and cAMP accumulation. (2) IGF-II stimulates [3H]thy and LI but not cAMP; (3) IGF-I but not IGF-II effects are inhibited by SS14 and DDA. We conclude that the hepatotrophic effects of IGF-I and IGF-II occur by different mechanisms: IGF-I is cAMP-dependent, IGF-II is cAMP-independent.

  19. [Vaccination against community acquired pneumonia in adult patients. A position paper by Neumoexpertos en Prevención].


    Redondo, E; Rivero, I; Vargas, D A; Mascarós, E; Díaz-Maroto, J L; Linares, M; Valdepérez, J; Gil, A; Molina, J; Jimeno, I; Ocaña, D; Martinón-Torres, F


    Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in adults. The annual incidence of CAP in adults in Spain ranges from 3 to 14 cases per 1,000 inhabitants. Current clinical guidelines primarily focus on the therapeutic approach to CAP rather than its prevention. The aim of this study is to develop and propose a practical guide for CAP prevention through vaccination in Spain according to available vaccines and evidence. A literature review and expert opinion. Pneumococcal and influenza vaccines are the main preventive tools available against CAP. Age, chronic diseases, and immunosuppression are risk factors for pneumonia, so these populations should be a priority for vaccination. In addition, influenza and pneumococcal vaccination is considered advisable in healthy adults under 60 years of age, and anyone with risk condition for CAP, irrespective of age. The influenza vaccine will be administered seasonally, while pneumococcal vaccination can be administered at any time of the year. Vaccination against pneumococcus and influenza in adults can help to reduce the burden of CAP and its associated complications. The available evidence supports the priority indications set out in this guide, and it would be advisable to try to achieve a wide circulation and practical implementation of these recommendations. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. [Hypothyroidism in adults in a basic health area].


    López-Macías, I; Hidalgo-Requena, A; Pérez-Membrive, E; González-Rodríguez, M E; Bellido-Moyano, C; Pérula-de Torres, L A


    The objective of the present study is to study the prevalence, as well as the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of hypothyroid disease in adults using the computerised clinical records. Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The target population was the patients of the health centres of Lucena I and II (Córdoba). Patients 14 years or older, diagnosed with hypothyroidism, born and resident in Lucena. Two hundred and fourteen patients were recruited by random sampling, who then underwent a clinical interview using a questionnaire. The mean age of the patients was 49.71 years (SD 17.03; 95% CI 47.34-51.98), with 85.5% women. A diagnosis of sub-clinical hypothyroidism was found in 74.8%, compared to 18.7% of primary hypothyroidism, and 6.5% of secondary hypothyroidism. The 53.7% (95% CI 46.81-60.59) of patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism did not have thyroid antibodies results. However, 75.2% (95% CI 68.89-80.86) were being treated with levothyroxine. The prevalence of hypothyroidism was 5.7% (95% CI 5.46-5.96). Sub-clinical hypothyroidism is very common in Primary Care clinics. Many patients are not correctly diagnosed and many are over-medicated, suggesting a need to review the diagnosis. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. [Vitamin B12 levels in the patient population attending an urban health centre in Madrid].


    Camarero-Shelly, M


    Vitamin B 12 levels are usually measured in Primary Care when the patients have symptoms or risk factors associated with its deficiency, mostly in the elderly. However, no evidence has been found to support the recommendation of screening in the general population. The aim of this study is to assess the relevance of having extended the screening of vitamin B 12 deficiency to a younger population, after observing an increase in the prescription of this injected vitamin in a population under 65 years, by analysing the vitamin B 12 values obtained. A descriptive, retrospective, observational study was conducted on a sample consisting of 5,531 patients from Barajas Health Primary Centre, Madrid, between 2008 and 2012, and on whom a blood test was performed for any reason, with values of vitamin B 12 . A deficiency was found in 9.1% (SD 2.3) of the patients, of whom 49.4% were less than 65 years. The deficiencies were associated (P<.001, 95% CI) with age, dementia, changes in blood red cell counts, memory, and with the taking of metformin and proton pump inhibitors (P=.007). The prevalence of vitamin B 12 deficiency in our served population is similar in patients older and younger than 65 years. The extended screening was relevant. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. [Electronic medical records: Evolution of physician-patient relationship in the Primary Care clinic].


    Pérez-Santonja, T; Gómez-Paredes, L; Álvarez-Montero, S; Cabello-Ballesteros, L; Mombiela-Muruzabal, M T


    The introduction of electronic medical records and computer media in clinics, has influenced the physician-patient relationship. These modifications have many advantages, but there is concern that the computer has become too important, going from a working tool to the centre of our attention during the clinical interview, decreasing doctor interaction with the patient. The objective of the study was to estimate the percentage of time that family physicians spend on computer media compared to interpersonal communication with the patient, and whether this time is modified depending on different variables such as, doctor's age or reason for the consultation. An observational and descriptive study was conducted for 10 weeks, with 2 healthcare centres involved. The researchers attended all doctor- patient interviews, recording the patient time in and out of the consultation. Each time the doctor fixed his gaze on computer media the time was clocked. A total of 436 consultations were collected. The doctors looked at the computer support a median 38.33% of the total duration of an interview. Doctors of 45 years and older spent more time fixing their eyes on computer media (P<.05). Family physicians used almost 40% of the consultation time looking at computer media, and depends on age of physician, number of queries, and number of medical appointments. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  3. [Analysis of the quality of life in patients affected by scoliosis].


    Leal-Hernández, M; Martínez-Monje, F; Pérez-Valencia, M; García-Romero, R; Mena-Poveda, R; Caballero-Cánovas, J


    To assess the quality of life using the SRS 22 test in patients with scoliosis of 20 or more degrees Cobb. A prospective descriptive study was conducted between April and May 2016 on patients with scoliosis of at least 20 degrees Cobb and aged between 10 and 20 years. A record was made of weight, height, body mass index, and the SR 22 specific quality of life questionnaire for patients with scoliosis was completed. Patients were divided into two groups for analysis: a) scoliosis between 20 and 29 degrees Cobb (n=44); and b) scoliosis with a Cobb of 30 degrees or greater (n=32). There were significant differences in the dimensions that assess pain, image self-perception, and satisfaction with treatment, being valued worse when the degree of scoliosis Cobb is 30 degrees or higher. There were no significant differences in function/activity or mental health. The overall score of the questionnaire was also worse in the group with the highest degree of scoliosis. The weight, height, and BMI showed no significant differences due to the varying degrees of scoliosis. Scoliosis significantly affects the quality of life of people who suffer it, and there is a negative correlation between the severity of scoliosis measured by degrees Cobb and quality of life. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  4. Estudio ab initio del mecanismo de la reacción HSO + O3

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nebot Gil, I.

    La reacción entre el radical HSO y el ozono ha sido ampliamente estudiada desde el punto de vista experimental debido a la importancia que tiene el radical HSO en la oxidación de los compuestos de azufre reductores y a que puede contribuir a la producción de H2SO4 [1-4]. Se realizaron diversos estudios teóricos sobre la cinética de la reacción entre el radical HSO y el ozono. La reacción del HSO con el ozono presenta tres canales diferentes : HSO + O3 &rightarrow &HSO2 + O2 &rightarrow &HS + 2 O2 &rightarrow &SO + OH + O2 La controversia existente entre los grupos experimentales sobre cuál de las tres vías es la predominante, se ha resuelto mediante un estudio teórico de todas ellas utilizando métodos ab initio. La estructura de todos los reactivos, productos, intermedios y estados de transición ha sido optimizada a nivel ab initio utilizando los métodos UMP2 /6-31G** y QCISD/6-31G**.

  5. Polarización lineal en estrellas simbióticas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brandi, E.; García, L. G.; Ferrer, O. E.

    Se presenta un estudio de polarización lineal en las bandas UBVRI de un grupo de estrellas simbióticas, a fin de analizar el comportamiento del grado de polarización y del ángulo de posición en función de la longitud de onda. En aquellos sistemas observados repetidas veces, se analizan además variaciones temporales en los parámetros de polarización. En base a este comportamiento se determina si la polarización observada es puramente interestelar o si existe una contribución de polarización, intrínseca al objeto. La muestra de objetos estudiados presenta ciertas características comunes, es decir, son sistemas simbióticos tipo D, cuyas respectivas componentes gigantes son variables tipo Mira y además presentan nebulosas ionizadas extendidas con morfología y dimensiones conocidas. Esto es de importancia ya que el conocimiento de la estructura del gas extendido permite interpretar la geometría de scattering que produce la polarización observada. Las observaciones fueron realizadas con el Fotopolarímetro de Torino adosado al telescopio de 2.15 m del CASLEO.

  6. El bosque del parque central de la urbanización El Paraíso: estructura, composición de especies y crecimiento de árboles


    E. Román Nunci; H. Marcano Vega; I. Vicéns; G. Bortolamedi; A.E. Lugo


    We studied an urban forest established in 1988 by residents of the El Paraíso urbanization. In 2007 the forest had 37 forest species (9 native and 28 introduced) with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥ 4 cm in a 1.0785 ha area. The most common species was the hybrid mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla x mahagony) with an Importance Value of 24.3 percent. The forest had two...

  7. Efectos del huracán Georges en la composición de especies y estructura de un bosque secundario en el interior de Puerto Rico


    A.E. Lugo; C.M. Domínguez Cristóbal; N. Méndez Irizarry


    From 1995 to 2003 we studied species composition and structure in a secondary subtropical wet forest in Utuado Puerto Rico. During September 21-22, 1998, hurricane Georges passed through the stand with maximum sustained winds of 184 km/h and gusts of 240 km/h. Species richness increased after the hurricane. While native species Miconia prasina reduced its Importance...

  8. Estructura y química del suelo en un bosque de Castilla elastica en el carso del norte de Puerto Rico: resultados de una calicata


    Christian A. Viera Martinez; Oscar Abelleira; Ariel E. Lugo


    We dug a soil pit of 1m x 1m x 1m in a forest dominated by Castilla elastica, a tree for shade coffee introduced in the karst of northern Puerto Rico. We found four soil horizons (designation notes in parenthesis) (A) organic soil matter (E) mineral soil leachate (B) aerobic mineral soil, and (C) saturated soil. The total storage of soil organic matter was 143 Mg/ha....

  9. El Impacto de Textos en Contextos Familiares en Comunidades de Practica para la Adquisicion de Vocabulario y Estructuras Gramaticales de Español Inicial Acelerado

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Burgos, Francisco


    This study, which involved classroom-based experimental research conducted during the Fall semester of 2013 in a Spanish class at Oakwood University, aimed at extending the findings of previous studies on the use of familiar texts in reading and writing (Brown 2007, Vygotsky 1978, Kern 2000, Rollins & Villamil 2001, McCourt 2006, Morris, Beck…

  10. Teorí­as de primer y segundo orden sobre el potencial de ciertas figuras de equilibrio de cuerpos celestes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gumbau, Manuel Forner


    Uno de los problemas que aborda la Mecánica Celeste es la determinación de las figuras de equilibrio de los cuerpos celestes. Para investigar su solución mediante métodos directos, se precisa evaluar el potencial generado por su autogravitación, el generado por su fuerza centrí­fuga y el generado por la fuerza de atracción entre los cuerpos. Los métodos clásicos de Finlay y Kopal que afrontan estos problemas, para determinar el potencial autogravitatorio en las configuraciones de equilibrio, emplean desarrollos en serie de los potenciales interior y exterior del potencial autogravitatorio. Estos métodos incurren en el error de suponer la convergencia en capas donde resulta cuestionable dicha convergencia para estos desarrollos en serie. En este trabajo se han elaborado unos algoritmos que contemplan toda la casuí&stica y que permiten una manipulación efic iente del producto de polinomios de Legendre, del producto de funciones asociada s de Legendre y del producto de armónicos esféricos como combinacióon lineal de ellos mismos, respectivamente. Se han obtenido, para primer y segundo orden en las amplitudes, los desarrollos correctos para los potencial es interior y exterior del potencial autogravitatorio para configuraciones de equilibrio aisladas, y , en primer orden de amplitudes, los mismos potenciales para los sistemas binarios próximos. Se ha elaborado un método analítico, en primer orden respecto de las amplitudes, para la determinación del potencial de marea en sistemas binarios próximos en el cual se manifiesta la forma de la componente secundaria del sistema

  11. The situation of nursing education in Latin America and the Caribbean towards universal health.


    Cassiani, Silvia Helena De Bortoli; Wilson, Lynda Law; Mikael, Sabrina de Souza Elias; Peña, Laura Morán; Grajales, Rosa Amarilis Zarate; McCreary, Linda L; Theus, Lisa; Agudelo, Maria Del Carmen Gutierrez; Felix, Adriana da Silva; Uriza, Jacqueline Molina de; Gutierrez, Nathaly Rozo


    ,63, indicando que os estudantes têm mais experiências clínicas nos cenários hospitalares. Os resultados sugeriram necessidade de aprimoramento relacionada ao acesso à Internet; tecnologia da informação; acesso para portadores de deficiências; avaliação do programa, do corpo docente e dos estudantes; e aos métodos de ensino/aprendizagem. há heterogeneidade na educação em enfermagem na América Latina e no Caribe. Os currículos de enfermagem incluem, geralmente, os princípios e valores da Saúde Universal e da atenção primária à saúde, bem como aqueles princípios subjacentes às modalidades de educação transformativa, como o desenvolvimento de pensamento crítico e complexo, a solução de problemas, a tomada de decisão clínica baseada em evidências, e aprendizagem contínua. No entanto, é preciso promover uma mudança de paradigma na educação em enfermagem que inclua mais treinamento na atenção primária à saúde. evaluar la situación de la educación en enfermería y analizar en qué grado los programas de educación de enfermería a nivel de grado en América Latina y el Caribe están preparando a los graduados para contribuir al logro de la Salud Universal. se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal, cuantitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio en 25 países. participaron en el estudio 246 escuelas de enfermería. El porcentaje de profesores con títulos de doctorado fue de 31,3%; pero, si se excluye a Brasil esta cifra se reduce a 8,3%. La proporción de la experiencia clínica adquirida en los servicios de atención primaria de salud en relación con la adquirida en servicios hospitalarios fue de 0,63, lo que indica que los estudiantes adquieren la mayor parte de su experiencia clínica en entornos hospitalarios. Los resultados mostraron una necesidad de mejorar el acceso a internet; la tecnología de la información; la accesibilidad para las personas discapacitadas; la evaluación de los programas, de los profesores y de los estudiantes; y los m

  12. Concepciones y concepciones alternativas de estudiantes universitarios/as de biologia y futuros maestros/as de Ciencia de escuela secundaria sobre la teoria de evolucion biologica por seleccion natural

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morales Ramos, Egda M.

    La teoria de evolucion biologica (TEB) por seleccion natural es uno de los conceptos unificadores mas importantes del curriculo de Biologia. En Puerto Rico se han hecho pocas investigaciones que abunden sobre las concepciones y concepciones alternativas (CA) que tienen los estudiantes universitarios/as de Biologia y los maestros/as de Ciencia del nivel secundario sobre esta teoria. La politica publica educativa actual establece mediante documentos normativos como los Estandares de contenido y Expectativas de grado del Programa de Ciencias [Puerto Rico Core Standards] la ensenanza de esta teoria. Sin embargo, no se encontraron preguntas sobre la seleccion natural en los ejercicios de practica provistos por el Departamento de Educacion para las pruebas estandarizadas lo cual puede influir para que no se ensene adecuadamente. Las preguntas de investigacion fueron 1. ¿Cuales son las concepciones y concepciones alternativas de estudiantes universitarios/as y de los futuros maestros y maestras de Ciencia sobre la TEB? 2. ¿Cuales conceptos que seleccionan los estudiantes universitarios/as y los futuros maestros y maestras de Ciencia sobre la TEB coinciden con lo aceptado como valido por la comunidad cientifica? y 3. ¿Como comparan las respuestas de la prueba original. v. Entendiendo el cambio biologico que mide concepciones y CA sobre la TEB por seleccion natural, con las de la traducida al idioma espanol? Se utilizo el metodo cuantitativo con un diseno de investigacion transversal por encuesta. La tecnica principal para recopilar los datos fue una prueba con doce items, que formo parte de un instrumento para el cual se recopilaron diversas fuentes de evidencia acerca de su validez. Las muestras estuvieron formadas por 69 estudiantes de Ciencias Naturales y por 16 estudiantes futuros maestros y maestras del nivel secundario de la UPR-RP. Se utilizaron estadisticas descriptivas, analisis de Ji cuadrado y se calcularon los coeficientes alfa de Cronbach y de Spearman. Estos demostraron que la prueba es confiable para medir las concepciones y CA de la TEB por seleccion natural. Aunque los estudiantes escogieron conceptos relacionados con esta teoria, mantienen en sus procesos de razonamiento CA sobre la seleccion natural que no se limitan a la lamarckiana y a la teleologica.

  13. [Importance of the detection of dysphagia in geriatric patients].


    Zamora Mur, A; Palacín Ariño, C; Guardia Contreras, A I; Zamora Catevilla, A; Clemente Roldán, E; Santaliestra Grau, J


    Oropharyngeal dysphagia is one of the lesser known geriatric syndromes, despite its enormous impact on functional capacity, quality of life, and health of those affected. A descriptive and prospective study was conducted by the Geriatric Department of Barbastro Hospital (Huesca), from March 2012 to October 2014, as biannual and annual reviews in October 2015. This study included all patients on whom a volume-viscosity clinical examination (MECV-V test) was performed to suspecting dysphagia. The study included 266 patients with a mean age of 82.35±12.3 years, and with a mean Barthel index score of 20.5±25.4, and mean Charlson index of 1.77±1.6. The test was performed in 105 cases after stroke (40%), 53 in dementia (20%), 24 in Parkinsonism (9%), and for other different reasons in 80 (31%). Dysphagia was diagnosed in 228 (86%) cases. Enteral nutrition was given in 25 (10.9%) cases. The test results were shown in the discharge report in 45% of the tests with positive result. The mean survival obtained after test in the patients who died was 230.8±256.5 days. Differences in survival at 12 months were found in patients with positive test, without finding a clear relationship with functional status and comorbidity. Dysphagia has a significant mortality, and the use of thickeners after its detection should be properly reported. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. [Analysis of quality of life in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) who give up smoking].


    Jimenez-Ruiz, C A; Pascual Lledó, J F; Cícero Guerrero, A; Cristóbal Fernández, M; Mayayo Ulibarri, M; Villar Laguna, C


    To analyse the impact in COPD patients' quality of life who stop smoking. We studied a group of COPD patients who received smoking cessation treatment. All patients were treated with bronchodilators according to the severity of their disorder. This treatment was not changed during the process of smoking cessation. Patients received a smoking cessation programme that consisted of a combination of pharmacological treatment plus cognitive-behavioural treatment. All subjects fill in CAT questionnaire before starting smoking cessation programme and after 6 months of abstinence. All subjects included had stop smoking. The study included 59 patients, with 27 (45.8%) males, and a mean age of 61.8 (7.5) years. Mean CAT score before quitting was 18.9 (7.3) points, and after 6 months of abstinence was 8.1 (6.1) points, P=.038. Multiple regression analysis showed: a) the higher the baseline CAT score the greater is the difference after quitting, at 6 months, at same age, gender, and grade of severity of COPD, and b) the older the age, the lower is the difference between baseline CAT score and the 6 months CAT score. Smoking cessation is associated with improvement in the quality of life in COPD patients. Those with worse quality of life get the biggest benefit from quitting, although this difference can be diminished in ageing patients. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  15. [Evaluation of formal elements of Spanish pediatrics journals].


    Aleixandre-Benavent, R; González de Dios, J; Valderrama-Zurián, F J; Bolaños Pizarro, M; Valderrama-Zurián, J C


    Standardization of scientific journals is indispensable for accurate transmission of knowledge, since it guarantees the universality and reproducibility of research. The objective of this study was to evaluate the formal elements of Spanish pediatrics journals. In 2005, we studied the characteristics of Spanish biomedical journals with special emphasis on Spanish pediatrics journals. The form used for the selection of journals for inclusion in the database Indice Médico Español (IME) was employed to evaluate 65 distinct characteristics in each journal. The parameters were grouped in the following five categores: journal presentation, presentation of the articles, scientific and editorial committees, content characteristics, and dissemination parameters. The journals with the highest overall scores were Anales de Pediatría (63 points out of a maximum of 82), followed by Pediatría de Atención Primaria (53 points), Acta Pediátrica Española and Cirugía Pediátrica (55 points each), Pediatrika (53 points), and Revista Española de Pediatría (48 points). The score obtained by Anales de Pediatría places this journal in the top 10 Spanish journals included in IME. Spanish pediatrics journals meet most of the formal elements required of biomedical journals, although some aspects could be improved, such as deficiencies in the frequency and regularity of publication, mention of the dates of manuscript receipt and acceptance, the lack of a clear description of the editorial process of manuscript selection and peer review, the absence of committee members' institutional affiliations, and the absence of articles by non-Spanish authors.

  16. [Use of multiple regression models in observational studies (1970-2013) and requirements of the STROBE guidelines in Spanish scientific journals].


    Real, J; Cleries, R; Forné, C; Roso-Llorach, A; Martínez-Sánchez, J M

    In medicine and biomedical research, statistical techniques like logistic, linear, Cox and Poisson regression are widely known. The main objective is to describe the evolution of multivariate techniques used in observational studies indexed in PubMed (1970-2013), and to check the requirements of the STROBE guidelines in the author guidelines in Spanish journals indexed in PubMed. A targeted PubMed search was performed to identify papers that used logistic linear Cox and Poisson models. Furthermore, a review was also made of the author guidelines of journals published in Spain and indexed in PubMed and Web of Science. Only 6.1% of the indexed manuscripts included a term related to multivariate analysis, increasing from 0.14% in 1980 to 12.3% in 2013. In 2013, 6.7, 2.5, 3.5, and 0.31% of the manuscripts contained terms related to logistic, linear, Cox and Poisson regression, respectively. On the other hand, 12.8% of journals author guidelines explicitly recommend to follow the STROBE guidelines, and 35.9% recommend the CONSORT guideline. A low percentage of Spanish scientific journals indexed in PubMed include the STROBE statement requirement in the author guidelines. Multivariate regression models in published observational studies such as logistic regression, linear, Cox and Poisson are increasingly used both at international level, as well as in journals published in Spanish. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  17. [Differences in health-related quality of Life between men and women with sleep-disordered breathing].


    Abad Massanet, F; Rivero Pérez, J; Vera Osorio, J A


    Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS) increases cardiovascular risk and has a negative impact on neurocognitive functioning. Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) is impaired in OSAHS patients, differently in men and women, but its evaluation is difficult by primary care providers. To screen for OSAHS in patients with cardiovascular disease or cardiovascular risk factors, under the hypothesis of gender differences in HRQL. Cross-sectional study including 75 consecutive patients (39 male, 36 female) with cardiovascular disease or cardiovascular risk factors, without acute disease. Anthropometric, demographic, and laboratory data were collected. The STOP-BANG questionnaire, for the screening of OSASH, and the COOP/WONCA charts for HRQL evaluation, were administered at the primary care setting. Women with clinical finding evocative of OSAHS had lower HRQL than men with the same condition, as indicated by higher summation scores for COOP/WONCA charts (P=.002) and for dimensions of Physical Fitness (P<.001), Daily Activities (P=.040) and Change in health (P=.004), with a trend to a be into a lower social class. Summation scores for COOP/WONCA correlates with social class (P=.008) pointing out to a parallel improvement of HRQL with social status. OSAHS screening along with HRQL measurement is feasible at the primary care level, revealing a distinctive feature in women with sleep-disordered breathing, a lower HRQL, undetectable by the instrumental sleep study. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. [Pain and workplace. Sociodemographic variables influence in therapeutic response and labor productivity].


    Vicente-Herrero, M T; López-González, Á A; Ramírez Iñiguez de la Torre, M V; Capdevila García, L M; Terradillos García, M J; Aguilar Jiménez, E


    Pain is a major cause of medical consultation. The complexity of managing it is due to its long duration and intensity, and it sometimes requires a combination of multiple drugs. The objective of this study is to assess the use of drugs for pain in workers, the clinical response obtained, its influence on estimating work productivity, its relationship to sociodemographic variables, and the type of drug used. A cross-sectional study on 1,080 workers, aged 18-65 years, during periodic surveys to monitor their health in companies in the service sector in Spain. Treatments used, clinical efficacy, influence on work productivity and sociodemographic variables (age, gender) are evaluated. The Brief Pain Inventory questionnaire, validated for Spain, was used to assess pain, and the SPSS(®) 20.0 package for the statistical analysis. NSAIDs and simple analgesics have higher percentages of improvement in pain (P=.032 and P<.0001, respectively). Men respond better to NSAIDs, and women to simple analgesics. Improved productivity is higher in men than in women (P=.042). No significant differences were observed for age, pain improvement or productivity, except in those over 55 years. The analgesic prescription pain conditions must consider the age and gender of the patient, as well as the type of drug. The choice of drug should be based on the aetiology and aspects unrelated to the clinical variables, such as sociodemographic, work or psychosocial. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. [Bibliometric analysis of IBERPOC and EPI-SCAN studies. Contribution of the smoking variable on the iberpoc study].


    de Granda-Orive, J I; Alonso-Arroyo, A; López-Padilla, D; Segrelles-Calvo, G; Jiménez-Ruiz, C A; Solano-Reina, S


    The aim of this study was to perform a bibliometric analysis of EPI-SCAN and IBERPOC studies using the Science Citation Index and Scopus databases, and to determine the overall impact with the impact of smoking on IBERPOC as a secondary objective. A general searching was conducted in Science Citation Index-Expanded through the Web of Science (WoS) (Thomson Reuters) platform and Scopus on 23 March 2015. The search strategy included the terms "iberpoc" OR "episcan" was performed on 15 October 2015. A total of 24 publications were obtained; 13 from IBERPOC study (9 on "COPD" and 4 for "tobacco"), with 11 from the EPI-SCAN (All COPD) study. A total of 841 WoS citations were obtained (445 IBERPOC [99 of tobacco]), and 1,442 from Scopus (963 IBERPOC [144 tobacco]). The theme "tobacco" contributed with 22.24% and 14.95% of total citations in WoS and Scopus, respectively to the IBERPOC study. It was found that Scopus citations were newer, and a similar impact from both WoS studies was detected, although the IBERPOC impact was greater in Scopus. Collaborative networks of institutions and authors of both studies were identified. There is an important productivity and impact of both studies. Scopus citations are newer than those in WoS. The "tobacco" variable added IBERPOC impact and visibility. There was high density, accessibility, and cohesion in collaborative networks of both studies. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. [Opinion from physicians on the need for dyslipidemia screening in cardiovascular risk. Similarities and differences between primary care and other specialties. The DIANA study].


    Serrano, Adalberto; Pascual, Vicente


    The clinical inertia in the screening and treatment of patients at high or very high cardiovascular risk leads to the failure to achieve LDLc targets in this population. The aim of the DIANA study was to determine the opinion of doctors about the screening for dyslipidaemia, the usual practice, and the differences between Primary Care physicians and other specialties. A questionnaire, using the modified Delphi method, included four blocks on dyslipidemic patients with impaired glucose metabolism. Of the 497 participating experts, 58% were Primary Care physicians. There was agreement on the need for dyslipidemia screening in patients with diabetes, ischaemic heart disease or hypertension, although to a lesser extent among Primary Care physicians. Greater significant differences were found in situations such as pre-diabetes or family history of premature cardiovascular disease (86.2% and 88.6% in Primary Care physicians versus 96.1% and 97.6% in other specialties, respectively). There was no agreement on the need for screening in the presence of xanthomas, xanthelasmas or corneal arcus in people under the age of 45 years, with statistically significant differences in the latter. Dyslipidaemia screening is mainly performed on patients with cardiovascular disease or any major cardiovascular risk factor, and cutaneous lesions of familial hypercholesterolaemia are underestimated. The need for accurate screening and treatment of dyslipidemia in subjects at high cardiovascular risk must be stressed. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. [Epidemiological characteristics of patients evaluated with fibromyalgia in the Assessment of Disability Unit of Madrid].


    Regal Ramos, R J

    To determine the epidemiological characteristics of patients with fibromyalgia requiring assessment of incapacity for work. A descriptive study was conducted on the patients evaluated in the Medical Unit of the National Institute of Social Security in Madrid in the period from 2005 to 2014 with the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. A study was made on the variables: age, sex, marital status, comorbidity (hypothyroidism, neck pain, psychiatric disorders, and carpal tunnel syndrome), professional occupation, level of education, and type of affiliation to the National Institute of Social Security. The total number of patients studied was 5,501. The median age was 53 years. Compared to the general working population in our area there were 47% more women, 12% less married people, 25% less workers with higher education, and 23% more unskilled occupations. As regards the working population in our area, there is a markedly increased prevalence of neck pain (prevalence ratio: 2.0), hypothyroidism (prevalence ratio 2.4), and carpal tunnel syndrome (prevalence ratio: 3.0). More than half (58%) of the sample presented with psychiatric disorders. It can be concluded that the profile of the patient with fibromyalgia assessed in the UMEVI is a woman, aged 46-60 years, mostly with a relatively unskilled job, and with primary level education. More than half of the cases had associated psychiatric disorders, and often associated with neck pain diagnoses, carpal tunnel syndrome, and hypothyroidism. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. [Satisfaction of principal caregivers of patients followed-up by palliative care teams].


    Fernández-Isla, L E; Conde-Valvis-Fraga, S; Fernández-Ruíz, J S


    To determine the satisfaction of main caregivers of deceased patients followed-up by palliative care teams. Web research on electronic data bases: PubMed and MEDES, using "Palliative Care" and "Patient Satisfaction" as main descriptors, and "Family", "Professional-Family Relations", "Quality of Health Care" and "Quality Assurance, Health Care" as secondary descriptors. Studies written in Spanish and English were included. Profile of principal caregiver: a woman between her mid-forties and her mid-fifties, usually related with the patient as a daughter, and of primary educational level. The items that the main caregivers valued the most were: a kind manner, feeling free to ask questions about problems during the process, tactful explanations, receiving information, pain management, time for answering questions, interest for emotional problems, and information about treatment. The worse valued items were: symptoms control, lack of psychological support after death, preparation for a death of a relative, keeping in touch after death, help to resolve outstanding issues, and help during grief. In general, a great majority of palliative care teams achieved excellent results. In spite of the good results obtained in satisfaction surveys from caregivers with regard to palliative care teams, it is essential to improve the quality of scientific-technical training (both from the medical and the psychological point of view), as well as to improve communicational skills among palliative care staff. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  3. [Spanish interdisciplinary committee for cardiovascular disease prevention and the spanish society of cardiology position statement on dyslipidemia management. Differences between the European and american guidelines].


    Lobos Bejarano, José María; Galve, Enrique; Royo-Bordonada, Miguel Ángel; Alegría Ezquerra, Eduardo; Armario, Pedro; Brotons Cuixart, Carlos; Camafort Babkowski, Miguel; Cordero Fort, Alberto; Maiques Galán, Antonio; Mantilla Morató, Teresa; Pérez Pérez, Antonio; Pedro-Botet, Juan; Villar Álvarez, Fernando; González-Juanatey, José Ramón


    The publication of the 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines on the treatment of high blood cholesterol has had a strong impact due to the paradigm shift in its recommendations. The Spanish Interdisciplinary Committee for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and the Spanish Society of Cardiology reviewed this guideline and compared it with current European guidelines on cardiovascular prevention and dyslipidemia management. The most striking aspect of the American guideline is the elimination of the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol treat-to-target strategy and the adoption of a risk reduction strategy in 4 major statin benefit groups. In patients with established cardiovascular disease, both guidelines recommend a similar therapeutic strategy (high-dose potent statins). However, in primary prevention, the application of the American guidelines would substantially increase the number of persons, particularly older people, receiving statin therapy. The elimination of the cholesterol treat-to-target strategy, so strongly rooted in the scientific community, could have a negative impact on clinical practice, create a certain amount of confusion and uncertainty among professionals, and decrease follow-up and patient adherence. Thus, this article reaffirms the recommendations of the European guidelines. Although both guidelines have positive aspects, doubt remains regarding the concerns outlined above. In addition to using risk charts based on the native population, the messages of the European guideline are more appropriate to the Spanish setting and avoid the possible risk of overtreatment with statins in primary prevention. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  4. [Blood pressure control in a population of hypertensive diabetic patients treated in primary care: PRESCAP-Diabetes Study 2010].


    Barquilla García, A; Llisterri Caro, J L; Prieto Díaz, M A; Alonso Moreno, F J; García Matarín, L; Galgo Nafría, A; Mediavilla Bravo, J J


    To determine the level of blood pressure (BP) control in hypertensive diabetic patients treated in primary care and to determine the factors associated with poor control. A cross-sectional, multicentre study that enrolled hypertensive diabetics recruited by consecutive sampling by family doctors in Spain in June 2010. A mean BP of less than 140/90mmHg was considered as good control of arterial hypertension. The percentages of patients with<130/80mmHg PA, 140/80mmHg, and 140/85mmHg, respectively, were also determined. Sociodemographic, clinical, cardiovascular risk factors, and pharmacological treatments were recorded. A total of 3,993 patients were enrolled (50.1% female) with a mean age (standard deviation) of 68.2 (10.2) years, of whom 73.9% received combination therapy. The figures showed good control of both blood pressure values (<140/90mmHg) in 56.4% (95% CI: 54.3 to 58.4) of the cases, with 58.5% (95% CI: 57.0-60.0) only in systolic BP, and 84.6% (95% CI, 83.2 to 85.8) only in diastolic BP. The variables with strongest association with poor control were the presence of albuminuria, elevated total cholesterol, physical inactivity, and not taking the medication on the day of the interview. The PRESCAP-Diabetes 2010 study results indicate that 43.6% of diabetics with hypertension seen in primary care have a poorly controlled BP, in particular, systolic BP. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  5. [Control of blood pressure by using an intelligent telephone application with feedback and competitiveness strategy. HTApp Control project].


    Sánchez-Prieto, J; Sabatel, F; Villarrubia Mendez, G; Divisón, J A; Garcia-Donaire, J A; Rodríguez-Padial, L

    Arterial hypertension is a highly important cardiovascular risk factor, with low control percentages. New technologies can help to obtain a better control of this disease. The intention is to know if a mobile application can help achieve this goal. A mobile phone application is used to give feedback to physicians with the aim of generate competitiveness in achieving objectives. The application could, at any time, determine the rate of controlled patients (<140/90mmHg) by each physician, and compare them with the mean number of the patients controlled by the group. The possible changes in the therapeutic attitude of physicians are also analysed and the differences in achieving objectives are compared based on specific characteristics of patients. The study included 220 patients aged 18-80 years, with mean blood pressure>140/90mmHg, despite medical treatment, tracked for 4 visits. At the end of the follow-up, 69.03% achieved good control, compared to 12.8% in the baseline study (P<.001), with no differences between gender (control of 68.6 and 69.29% of women and men, respectively), nor among the different levels of cardiovascular risk. The use of interactive tools that allow the dynamic process of feedback on the results fosters the motivation and improves the therapeutic inertia in the control of blood pressure. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  6. [Diabetic foot risk in patients with type II diabetes mellitus in a family medicine unit].


    Márquez-Godínez, S A; Zonana-Nacach, A; Anzaldo-Campos, M C; Muñoz-Martínez, J A


    To determine the risk of diabetic foot in patients with type II diabetes mellitus (DM) seen in a Family Medicine Unit. The study included type II DM patients with a disease duration ≥ 5 years seen in a Family Medicine Unit, Tijuana, Mexico, during September-December 2011. Neuropathy was assessed with the Diabetic Neuropathy Symptom questionnaire, and pressure sensation using a 10-g Semmes-Weinstein monofilament. A patient had a high risk of diabetic foot if there was sensitivity loss, foot deformities, and non-palpable pedal pulses. We studied 205 patients with an average (± SD) age and DM duration of 59 ± 10 years and 10.7 ± 6.7 years, respectively. Ninety one patients (44%) had a high risk of developing diabetic foot, and it was associated with; an education of less than 6 years (OR 2.3; 95%CI: 1-1-4.1), DM disease duration ≥ 10 years (OR 5.1; 95%CI: 2.8-9.4), female gender (OR 2.0; 95%CI: 1.1-3.6), monthly familiar income <236 euros (OR 2.0; 95%CI: 1.1-3.8), and a glycosylated hemoglobin ≥ 7.0% (OR 2.8; 95%CI: 1.5-5.0). It is necessary that all DM patients seen in a family medicine clinic have a yearly screening for the early detection of diabetic neuropathy, since they have a high risk of diabetic foot. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  7. [Perception of knowledge in palliative care housing for the elderly workers in a basic health zone].


    Sánchez-Holgado, J; Gonzalez-Gonzalez, J; Torijano-Casalengua, M L


    To analyze the level of knowledge in palliative care that health and non health housing for the elderly workers refer, to study the differences between professional categories and to detect their interest in receiving palliative care training. Cross-sectional study conducted among physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, nursing assistant and occupational therapists applying a questionnaire assisting terminal patients with 22 items grouped into four sections: generalities palliative care, physical care, psycho-emotional and spiritual. Each question is answered using a four point scale in much-regulate-little-nothing. 86.8% of respondents know quite what they mean or regular palliative care. 3.8% consider themselves sufficiently trained in palliative care. We found significant differences in non-pharmacological management of dyspnea and insomnia where concerns have less knowledge worker. Medicine and nursing reported having more knowledge in the recognition of a tumor ulcer. There is a very high interest in receiving palliative care training and these are considered very useful. Required impact on the acquisition of knowledge in the medical staff not optional as to non-pharmacological management of major symptoms It also emphasizes the need to approach not to question the patient's pain by physicians. The test to detect cognitive impairment are not well known for nursing assistants. The spiritual realm is the acceptable level of knowledge on the part of all professional categories surveyed. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. [Prevalence of physical activity in primary health care workers of Catalonia].


    Molina Aragonés, J M; Sánchez San Cirilo, S; Herreros López, M; Vizcarro Sanagustín, D; López Pérez, C

    Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality, and a significant percentage of the world population does not perform the necessary physical activity for health benefits. Certain professional groups are seen as an example for the general population with whom they interact. Prevalence of physical activity in health workers, one of these reference groups, is mainly unknown. The aim of this study has been to assess the prevalence of physical activity levels in Primary Health Care professionals. A study was conducted on the physical activity levels in Primary Health Care workers who came voluntarily for a medical examination in 2014, and completed the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire activity. A low level of physical activity was reported by 26.5% of those taking part, with 31.5% of the medical group indicating a low level of activity, followed by support staff (28.1%), nurses (24.7%), and finally the administrative staff (19.0%). The physical activity levels of Primary Health Care staff are significantly different from those of the general reference population. The latter has a higher percentage of physical activity of mild to moderate intensity, and below the level of physical activity of high intensity. Although there seems to be a tendency to significantly lower physical activity in other health groups, we do not have sufficiently reliable data to compare them. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. Estructura y Funcionamiento del Cuerpo Humano. Prontuario. Guia del Maestro. Documento de Trabajo (Structure and Function of the Human Body. Handbook and Teacher's Guide. Working Document).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Puerto Rico State Dept. of Education, Hato Rey. Area for Vocational and Technical Education.

    This handbook and teacher's guide are for a 37-week course on the human body, intended for secondary or postsecondary students in allied health occupations. The syllabus lists general objectives and the number of hours and weeks devoted to each unit. A course outline is provided for five units: anatomy and physiology terminology; general…

  10. Nuevo enfoque de la ensenanza de las matematicas en el nivel de primaria (A New Approach to the Teaching of Mathematics at the Primary School Level).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jimenez Lozano, Blanca; And Others

    This document is an English-language abstract (approximately 1500 words) of a new approach to the teaching of mathematics in Mexican elementary schools. Three aspects of mathematical reform are discussed: (1) syllabus content; (2) teaching methods; and (3) the question of introducing the pupil to modern mathematics at the earliest possible stage…

  11. What's in a Word? Elementary Students Learn a Lesson in the Language of Respect. Los Estudiantes de Primaria Aprenden una Leccion en el Lenguaje del Respeto.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maddalozzo, Rebecca


    Describes how one elementary teacher helped students in her class and in the entire school see through ethnic biases and feel proud of being bilingual or having bilingual friends. Her efforts taught the children that bilingual students are very much like their non-bilingual classmates in being unique people with talents that should be respected.…

  12. Environmental restoration and waste management: An introduction. Student edition; Restauracion ambiental y administracion de residuos nucleares: Introduccion; Edicion estudiantil (in Spanish)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available

    For more than 40 years, the United States has produced nuclear weapons. These production activities generated both radioactive and hazardous waste and often contaminated the environment. For many years, the public was unaware of the problem and unable to do anything about it. All of this has changed. In response to recent public outcry, the former Secretary of Energy, Retired Admiral James D. Watkins, established the Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) in November 1989. The creation of EM was the first step toward correcting contamination problems from the past 40 years In this booklet, we at DOE,more » through the efforts of the students at Oak Hills High School of Cincinnati, Ohio, will introduce you to EM and encourage your involvement in this major program within the Department of Energy. [Espanol] Durante mas de 40 anos, los Estados Unidos fabricaron armamentos nucleares. Esta produccion genero residuos radiactivos y peligrosos y, en muchos casos, contaminaron el medio ambiente. Durante mucho tiempo, el publico norteamericano no tenia conocimiento de este problema y no pudo hacer nada para solucionarlo. Todo esto ha cambiado. Respondiendo a crecientes protestas publicas, el ex Secretario de Energia Almirante James D. Watkins, establecio en noviembre de 1989 la Subsecretaria de Administracion Ambiental. La creacion de esta Subsecretaria fue el primer paso que dio el Departamento de Energia para corregir los problemas de contaminacion ambiental de los ultimos 40 anos. En esta publicacion, los que trabajamos en el Departamento de Energia con la ayuda de los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria de Oak Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio, te introduciermos a la administracion ambiental y alentamos tu participacion en este programa de fundamental importancia en el Departamento de Energia.« less

  13. [Not Available].


    Martínez-Baena, Alejandro; Mayorga-Vega, Daniel; Viciana, Jesús


    Introducción: el aumento de la motivación hacia la Educación Física podría resultar un elemento esencial para propiciar un incremento en la condición física saludable de los escolares. La ausencia de estudios en población española hace necesario el desarrollo de esta línea de investigación.Objetivos: el objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar la asociación entre la motivación hacia la Educación Física y los niveles de condición física saludable en adolescentes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.Métodos: un total de 294 escolares (167 varones y 127 mujeres), de 13 a 16 años de edad cumplimentaron la versión española de la Escala de Locus Percibido de Causalidad en Educación Física y realizaron las pruebas de condición física saludable de la Batería ALPHA-Fitness de Alta Prioridad.Resultados: los resultados del estudio mostraron una asociación positiva entre tener una alta motivación hacia la Educación Física y presentar una mayor capacidad cardiorrespiratoria, tanto en niños como en niñas (p < 0,05). En cambio, no se encontró una asociación entre la motivación hacia la Educación Física y el sobrepeso o fuerza muscular.Conclusiones: existe una asociación positiva entre la motivación hacia la Educación Física y la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria. Por tanto, con el objetivo de que los alumnos presenten una capacidad cardiorespiratoria saludable, los profesores de Educación Física deberían promover la motivación hacia la Educación Física.

  14. Matematica Para La Escuela Secundaria: Geometria (Parte 2). Traduccion Preliminar de la Edicion Inglesa Revisada. (Mathematics for High School: Geometry, Part 2. Preliminary Translation of the Revised English Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Allen, Frank B.; And Others

    This is part two of a two-part SMSG mathematics text for high school students. Chapter topics include: (1) perpendicular lines and planes in space; (2) parallel lines in a plane; (3) parallel lines in space; (4) areas of polygonal regions: (5) similarity; (6) circles and spheres; (7) constructions; (8) the area of a circle and related topics; and…

  15. Matematica Para La Escuela Secundaria: Geometria (Parte 1). Traduccion Preliminar de la Edicion Inglesa Revisada. (Mathematics for High School: Geometry, Part 1. Preliminary Translation of the Revised English Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Allen, Frank B.; And Others

    This is part one of a two-part SMSG mathematics text for high school students. Topics include plane geometry, real numbers, triangles and angles, congruence, construction, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and parallelograms. The text is written in Spanish. (RH)

  16. Caída de tefra y su influencia sobre la estructura y dinámica de los bosques andinos de Nothofagus en el Parque Nacional Puyehue, Chile


    Mauricio Montiel; Mauro E González; Charles M Crisafulli


    Tephra fall influences the structure and dynamics of Andean Nothofagus (beech) forests in Puyehue National Park, Chile. Forest mortality and subsequent establishment, structure and composition have been affected by the eruption of the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano complex.

  17. Installation of devices in water tanks to prevent drowning of wild animals (Instalacion de Estructuras Dentro de Tanques de Agua Para Evitar El Ahogamiento de Animales Silvestres)


    Alberto Lafon


    Domestic farm and ranch properties use a variety of water retention structures and water supply infrastructures that benefit wildlife. Some water supply systems, however, are harmful to wild birds, small mammals, and reptiles. Water supply systems include metal water tanks, cemented reservoirs, or excavated earthen retention ponds (or tanques as they are known in...

  18. [A 6-year evaluation of dyslipidemia in a health center: Importance of improvement actions].


    Antón-García, F; Correcher-Salvador, E; Rodríguez-Lagos, F A; González-Caminero, S


    Dyslipidemia, especially an increased LDL-cholesterol, has been shown to be one of the most important risk factors in the genesis of coronary involvement. The prevalence of dyslipidemias in Spain is high. The objective of this study is to assess the progress of dyslipidemic patients in our health center over a 6-year period, and see if there has been any improvement in its control after the presentation of the evaluation of the first 3 years, as well as an updated dyslipidemia protocol. Assessment Period 1 (2006-2008): 267 patients with dyslipidemia. Assessment Period 2 (2009-2011): 222 patients, excluding exitus and address changes. age, sex, personal history of CVD, vascular risk factors, lipids, drug treatment, risk levels, and percentages of CV control objectives. Mean age was 66.2 years (SD 13.4), 66.3% women. Period 1-Period 2: Total cholesterol: 221.9-196.6 mg/dl (P=.000); LDL-cholesterol: 147.9-115.8 mg/dl (P=.000). In high risk patients, therapeutic targets: 14-50.5% (P=.024); medium risk: 35-68.1% (P=.038); low risk: 44-68.2% (P=NS). Pharmacotherapy 68-77% (P=.000). Changing treatment: 30-43% (P=.001). Adherence: 75-86% (P=.003). Untreated high risk: 15.4-16.3% (P=NS). There was a significant improvement in Period 2, especially in high-risk patients, after presenting the results of the evaluation for Period 1 and with the updated dyslipidemia protocol. There are high risk patients without lipid-lowering treatment to be detected and reviewed. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  19. [Cost-effectiveness analysis of celecoxib versus non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis in Spain: A current perspective].


    De Lossada, A; Oteo-Álvaro, Á; Giménez, S; Oyagüez, I; Rejas, J


    To assess the cost-effectiveness of celecoxib and non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of osteoarthritis in clinical practice in Spain. A decision-tree model using distribution, doses, treatment duration and incidence of GI and CV events observed in the pragmatic PROBE-designed «GI-Reasons» trial was used for cost-effectiveness. Effectiveness was expressed in terms of event averted and quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) gained. QALY were calculated based on utility decrement in case of any adverse events reported in GI-Reasons trial. The National Health System perspective in Spain was applied; cost calculations included current prices of drugs plus cost of adverse events occurred. The analysis was expressed as an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio per QALY gained and per event averted. One-way and probabilistic analyses were performed. Compared with non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, at current prices, celecoxib treatment had higher overall treatment costs €201 and €157, respectively. However, celecoxib was associated with a slight increase in QALY gain and significantly lower incidence of gastrointestinal events (p<.001), with mean incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of €13,286 per QALY gained and €4,471 per event averted. Sensitivity analyses were robust, and confirmed the results of the base case. Celecoxib at current price may be considered as a cost-effective alternative vs. non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of osteoarthritis in daily practice in the Spanish NHS. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. [Association between limited joint mobility syndrome and risk of accidental falls in diabetic patients].


    López-Martín, I; Benito Ortiz, L; Rodríguez-Borlado, B; Cano Langreo, M; García-Martínez, F J; Martín Rodríguez, M F


    Limited joint mobility syndrome (LJMS) appears exclusively in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients. It is characterized by a limited range of digital motion, with involvement of small joints of the hands. It initially affects the proximal interphalangeal joints, followed by wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, and axial skeleton. The diagnosis can be made by the simple "prayer sign" test. The objective was to study the prevalence of diabetic patients with LJMS, and to evaluate the association between LJMS and metabolic control, and the risk of accidental falls. A cross-sectional study was conducted in the San Fernando II Health Centre, Madrid (suburbs). The sample consisted of 184 patients with a diagnosis of diabetes of over 5 years from November to March, 2013. The prayer sign was used to define which patients had LJMS. Fall risk was determined using the Timed Up & Go test. A total of 99 patients (53.8%) (95% CI 46.6 to 61) had a positive prayer sign. No statistically significant relationship was found with HbA1c, but there was an association with the Timed Up & Go test (P<.001) (95% CI 1.173 to 1.611). The patients with LJMS had a moderate risk of falls compared with those without LJMS, which was of low risk. The prevalence of LJMS is high. This is the first study that shows a relationship between LJMS and the risk of falls in diabetic patients. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  1. [Validation of the UCLA loneliness scale in an elderly population that live alone].


    Velarde-Mayol, C; Fragua-Gil, S; García-de-Cecilia, J M


    This article examines the growing social phenomenon of elderly people living alone from 2 points of view: the objective loneliness of living alone and the subjective loneliness of feeling lonely. To validate the UCLA loneliness scale as a tool for the overall measurement of loneliness and to determine the social profile in elderly people living alone. Observational study carried out over 2 years (2012-2013) to identify elderly people living alone; case-control study to validate the UCLA loneliness scale. The sample was taken from 3 surgeries belonging to 2 Primary Care health centres from urban and rural areas. We studied construct validity, discriminant validity and sensitivity analysis were analysed. Of the elderly population studied 22.3% live alone, 61.7% due to loss of spouse, with a mean age of 70.7 years, and 82.7% women; 17.3% have no family ties and 63.2% feel lonely. UCLA loneliness scale has a construct validity with a high correlation between items. The discriminant validity was confirmed in relation to the elderly who do not live alone, with Cronbach alpha of 0.95, and it is sensitive to change. One in 4-5 elderly live alone, mainly due to the loss of spouse. There are 3 times as many women as men who live alone. Two out of 3 experience the feeling of loneliness. The UCLA loneliness scale has proved to be a useful and sensitive tool to measure loneliness in the elderly population. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. PubMed

    Ávila García, Manuel; Huertas Delgado, Francisco Javier Huertas Delgado; Tercedor Sánchez, Pablo


    Introducción: España es el tercer país europeo con mayor prevalencia de obesidad infantil, dando lugar a la aparición de programas de intervención destinados a fomentar hábitos alimentarios saludables y/o de actividad física (AF).Objetivo: el propósito de esta revisión sistemática fue conocer aquellos programas de intervención para la promoción de hábitos alimentarios y de AF desarrollados en escolares españoles de Educación Primaria (EP) y analizar la influencia que han tenido las intervenciones sobre la composición corporal, los hábitos alimentarios y la AF.Método: se revisaron los artículos publicados entre los años 2000 y 2015 en las siguientes bases de datos: Web of Science, Scopus, Dialnet, PubMed, Eric, Sportdiscus y Psycinfo por dos revisores independientes.Resultados: se contabilizaron un total de 813 artículos, de los cuales tras la eliminación de duplicados (192), lectura de títulos y resumen (587) y lectura del texto completo (17), tan solo 7 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión.Conclusiones: los programas de intervención analizados mostraron cambios positivos en la mejora de la composición corporal en algo menos de la mitad de los estudios analizados; por otro lado, casi todos los programas de intervención analizados tuvieron un efecto positivo sobre conductas respecto a ciertos hábitos alimentarios, como la ingesta de frutas, y sobre el incremento del nivel de AF.

  3. [Knowledge and prevention management of vitamin D deficiency in primary care].


    Senan Sanz, M R; Gilaberte Calzada, Y; Olona Tabueña, N; Magallón Botaya, R


    To determine the knowledge and management of vitamin D (Vit D) in primary care (PC). Observational study. A total of 69 primary care centres, with 57 in Barcelona and 12 in Huesca. All medical and nursing graduates of these centres. A specifically designed questionnaire was used to collect knowledge on the actions of Vit D (on bone metabolism, cardiovascular and immune systems), its deficiency and prevention measures. Of the total of 2100 professionals, 785 completed the survey (37.78%), of whom 79.9% were women. Their mean age was 47 years (SD: 9.7). Only 4.8% knew the overall actions of Vitamin D, although the majority (66%) knew only its effects on bone metabolism. Almost two-thirds (62.4%) were unaware that its deficiency was a common problem, and 54.9% believed that photoprotection was contraindicated. Almost three-quarters of those surveyed (73.6%) never or almost never determined Vit D levels in their patients. A minority (23%) offered advice to maintain an adequate level of Vit D, with the most frequent being sun exposure (16.8%). Pediatricians were more knowledgeable (p<.001) and offered more advice for maintaining adequate levels of Vit D in blood (p<.001). Most of the professionals were unaware of the overall actions of Vit D, or that its deficiency was common, or the factors contributing to this. The advice that was more often offered to avoid its deficiency was not the safest. Paediatricians are more aware of how to prevent Vit D deficiency. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  4. [Prostate cancer screening using prostate-specific antigen: The views of general and laboratory physicians].


    Giménez, N; Filella, X; Gavagnach, M; Allué, J A; Pedrazas, D; Ferrer, F


    It is currently recommended to provide individualised information on benefit-risk balance and shared decision-making in prostate cancer screening using prostate-specific antigen (PSA). To determine the usual practice and the views of general and laboratory practitioners in the screening of prostate cancer using PSA. A cross-sectional study based on a questionnaire and on PSA screening requests from Primary Health Care (PHC) in men older than 49 years with no prostatic symptoms. In 2015, PHC in Catalonia requested PSA on 15.2% of males. A total of 114 general practitioners and 227 laboratory practitioners participated in the questionnaire. The mean age of those who responded was 43 years with a mean of 17 years' experience, and included 64% women. According to general practitioners, 61% of PSA was performed at the patient's request. The uncertainty score when requesting PSA was 5 points for general practitioners and 5.7 for laboratory professionals. Interest in having clinical recommendations received 7.2 points in PHC, and 8.8 in the laboratory. Knowledge about the different clinical practice guidelines received was less than 5 points overall. General practitioners requested PSA screening in almost one-sixth of men over the age of 49 without prostate disease, often at the patient's request, and after informing them of the benefits and risks. PHC and laboratory physicians were interested in having recommendations and information, although they did not usually consult clinical practice guidelines immediately. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  5. [Pneumococcal vaccine recommendations in chronic respiratory diseases].


    Casas Maldonado, F; Alfageme Michavila, I; Barchilón Cohen, V S; Peis Redondo, J I; Vargas Ortega, D A


    Community-acquired pneumonia is an acute respiratory infectious disease which has an incidence of 3-8 cases/1,000 inhabitants, and increases with age and comorbidities. The pneumococcus is the organism most frequently involved in community-acquired pneumonia in the adult (30-35%). Around 40% of patients with community-acquired pneumonia require hospital admission, and around 10% need to be admitted to an intensive care unit. The most serious forms of pneumococcal infection include invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), which covers cases of bacteremia (associated or not to pneumonia), meningitis, pleuritis, arthritis, primary peritonitis and pericarditis. Currently, the biggest problem with the pneumococcus is the emergence of resistance to antimicrobial agents, and its high morbimortality, despite the use of appropriate antibiotics and proper medical treatment. Certain underlying medical conditions increase the risk of IPD and its complications, especially, from the respiratory diseases point of view, smoking and chronic respiratory diseases. Pneumococcal disease, according to the WHO, is the first preventable cause of death worldwide in children and adults. Among the strategies to prevent IPD is vaccination. WHO considers that its universal introduction and implementation against pneumococcus is essential and a priority in all countries. There are currently 2 pneumococcal vaccines for adults: the 23 serotypes polysaccharide and conjugate 13 serotypes. The scientific societies represented here have worked to develop some recommendations, based on the current scientific evidence, regarding the pneumococcal vaccination in the immunocompetent adult with chronic respiratory disease and smokers at risk of suffering from IPD. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  6. [Management of hypertension and diabetes in Primary Care clinical practice: ATENCION study].


    Millán Núñez-Cortés, J; de la Figuera von Wichmann, M; Rodríguez de Miguel, M; Orera Peña, M L; Labrador Barba, E; Lería Gelabert, M


    Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in the Spanish population. The detection and control of cardiovascular risk factors are fundamental in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. The main objectives of this study are to analyse the attitudes and therapeutic decisions of Primary Care (PC) physicians when treating hypertension (HT) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2), with the aim of establishing the situation and eventually proposing improvement strategies. A national ecological, multicentre, cross-sectional, and descriptive study was conducted in 2013. A questionnaire was used and 1,028 PC physicians took part in the study. A total of 92.9% of the investigators consulted have indicated that they follow the guidelines for evaluation, treatment, and diagnosis of HT, and 91.4% in the case of diabetes. The latter is diagnosed as a casual finding, while HT is diagnosed through active investigation in patients with other risk factors. Combined therapy takes more than 6 months to take effect in patients with HT, and between 8 and 9 months in diabetic patients. The percentage of non-compliance is similar (10-40%) in both pathologies. Around half the physicians questioned considered interaction with the specialist to be good or excellent (46% HT and 57.3% DM2). Clinical practices in PC for HT and DM2 have some basic criteria in common. The interaction with the specialist is good, but there is a considerable margin for improvement. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. [Increasing incidence of community-acquired pneumonia caused by atypical microorganisms].


    Tazón-Varela, M A; Alonso-Valle, H; Muñoz-Cacho, P; Gallo-Terán, J; Piris-García, X; Pérez-Mier, L A


    Knowing the most common microorganisms in our environment can help us to make proper empirical treatment decisions. The aim is to identify those microorganisms causing community-acquired pneumonia. An observational, descriptive and prospective study was conducted, including patients over 14 years with a clinical and radiographic diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia during a 383 consecutive day period. A record was made of sociodemographic variables, personal history, prognostic severity scales, progress, and pathogenic agents. The aetiological diagnosis was made using blood cultures, detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Legionella pneumophila urinary antigens, sputum culture, influenza virus and Streptococcus pyogenes detection. Categorical variables are presented as absolute values and percentages, and continuous variables as their means and standard deviations. Of the 287 patients included in the study (42% women, mean age 66±22 years), 10.45% died and 70% required hospital admission. An aetiological diagnosis was achieved in 43 patients (14.98%), with 16 microorganisms found in 59 positive samples. The most frequently isolated pathogen was Streptococcus pneumonia (24/59, 41%), followed by gram-negative enteric bacilli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens and Enterobacter cloacae isolated in 20% of the samples (12/59), influenza virus (5/59, 9%), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (3/59, 5%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2/59, 3%), Moraxella catarrhalis (2/59, 3%), Legionella pneumophila (2/59, 3%), and Haemophilus influenza (2/59, 3%). Polymicrobial infections accounted for 14% (8/59). A high percentage of atypical microorganisms causing community-acquired pneumonia were found. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. [Primary care in Sweden].


    Sánchez-Sagrado, T


    Sweden was one of the first European Union countries that saw the opportunity in the free movement of professionals. First offers for jobs were managed in 2000. Since then, a large number of professionals have taken the opportunity of a decent job and have moved from Spain to Sweden. The Swedish health care model belongs to the group of national health systems. The right to health care is linked to legal citizenship. Health is financed through regional taxes, but there is a compulsory co-payment regardless of the financial situation of the patient. The provision of health care is decentralised at a regional level, and there is a mixture of private and public medical centres. Primary care is similar to that in Spain. Health professionals work as a team with a division of tasks. Like in Spain, waiting lists and coordination between primary and specialised care are a great problem. Patients may register with any public or private primary care centre and hospital provider within their region. Access to diagnostic tests and specialists are restricted to those selected by specialists. Doctors are salaried and their job and salary depend on their experience, professional abilities and regional needs. Medicine is curative. General practitioners are the gateway to the system, but they do not act as gatekeeper. Hospitals offer a number of training post, and the access is through an interview. Continuing medical education is encouraged and financed by the health centre in order to increase its revenues. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. [Update on the control of patients on treatment with vitaminK antagonist oral anticoagulants in Primary Care].


    Fernández López, P; López Ramiro, M I; Merino de Haro, I; Cedeño Manzano, G; Díaz Siles, F J; Hermoso Sabio, A

    In Spain, more than 80% of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) receive oral anticoagulant therapy (OAT), and 72% of these patients are followed up in the Primary Care (PC) setting. Recent studies have shown that there is insufficient control of patients on OAT. The objective of the present study was to obtain more detailed information on the state of control of patients on treatment with vitaminK antagonist (VKA) oral anticoagulants (OAC), on the diseases for which the therapy was indicated and on concomitant diseases. This was a retrospective, cross-sectional, observational study with the participation of patients from a single health area included in an OAT programme throughout 2014. In patients on treatment with OAC, International Normalised Ratio (INR) control was considered insufficient when the percentage time in therapeutic range (TTR) was below 65% during an evaluation period of at least 6months. A total of 368 patients were included in the study, where the most frequent indication for oral anticoagulation was non-valvular AF. A total of 5,128 INR controls were performed, of which 2,359 (46%) were outside the therapeutic range, and 2,769 (54%) were within range. The risk of thromboembolism was very high in 91% of patients on treatment with VKA OAC. The indication for anticoagulation is correct in our population, assuming a low-intermediate risk of haemorrhage in the majority of patients. Measurement of the TTR using the Rosendaal method shows that the control of patients on treatment with VKA OAC is insufficient. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. [Evaluation of the quality control of anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation in a Primary Health Care Area of Madrid].


    Habashneh Sánchez, S; Abad Díaz, I; Tinajero Valle, C P; Cortés Palmero, A; Lobón Agúndez, M C; Muñoz Fernández, C


    To calculate the time in therapeutic range (TTR), as well as the scores on the CHADS2 scale in anticoagulated patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation, attending the Primary Care Health Centre of Aravaca. Basic health area of Aravaca (Madrid). Retrospective observational study. The Community of Madrid provides a list of patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and on anticoagulant therapy in the centre. Excluding those with less than 8 INRs, who began treatment after January 2011, interrupted by inter-current treatment or had cancer or coagulopathy. The study period is from 1 January 2012 to 1 January 2013. The TTR (fraction of INRs in range) was the primary endpoint. The score was also calculated on the CHADS2 scale. A value of 56.28% TTR (59.5-53.1) was obtained from a sample of 963 INRs. Just over half (52%) of patients had a TTR<60%. There were 65 patients with a mean age of 80±7.5 years. The distribution of risk factors for the CHADS2 scale was: Heart failure 18.5%; hypertension 80%; diabetes 29.2%, and embolic events 18.5%. The results of our sample TTR is suboptimal (<60%), which implies an increased risk for embolic episodes and increased likelihood of bleeding. We need to incorporate into our clinical practice an objective measure of the quality of anticoagulation in order to identify poorly controlled patients and introduce corrective measures. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  11. [A comparative study of aggression towards Primary Care and Hospital Health professionals in a Madrid health area (2009-2014)].


    de-San-Segundo, M; Granizo, J J; Camacho, I; Martínez-de-Aramayona, M J; Fernández, M; Sánchez-Úriz, M Á


    The aim of this paper is perform an analysis on the incidents and attacks against medical personnel that occurred in the area covered by the Prevention Service Group, comparing the results in Primary Care (PC) with Hospital Care (HC). The information available in the database of the regional Madrid Register of Aggressions Conflict Health Worker between 2009 and 2014 was analysed. This included a total of 8,056 workers, of whom 1,605 were from PC. A total of 1,262 incidents have been reported, of which 61.2% took place in HC and 38.8% in PC (32.2 notifications/100,000 inhabitants, or 12.88 incidents/100 hospital workers compared to 168.98 notifications/100,000 inhabitants, or 30.53 incidents/100 PC workers). Nurses in CP have a higher incidence of assaults (47.4%), while in HC it is the physicians (53.1%) (P<.001). In PC the aggressor is usually the patient (56.9%), while in HC it is the relative or companion (45.3%) (P<.001). HC aggressions occur more frequently in emergency departments (35.5%) compared with 63.9% in PC, where they occur in the consulting room (P<.001). Although it is difficult to make comparisons with previous studies due to methodological differences, a higher incidence of aggression in PC is observed compared with HC. It is necessary to establish improvements in Madrid Register of Aggressions and Conflicts, designed to optimise data quality and use them for preventive purposes. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  12. [Nutritional status of the population over 65 years of age in the city of Badajoz].


    Suárez-Gómez, A; Sánchez-Vega, J; Suárez-González, F; Peral-Pacheco, D; Dorado-Martin, J J; Suárez-Gómez, M


    Nutritional status is strongly associated with the level of health and quality of life of the population, and is especially relevant in the case of the elderly. The aim was to study the nutritional status in a population of non-institutionalised over 65 year-olds in the city of Badajoz, describing the sociodemographic variables, biochemical parameters, and functional assessment. A descriptive study was performed using a design population, which was randomised and stratified in health centres of the city, with a sample size of 298 patients being obtained. The sociodemographic variables included gender, age, educational level, anthropometric analysis with estimated body mass index, and percentage fat weight. Statistical tests were performed using SPSS v.15 statistical package. The prevalence of overweight and obesity as measured by fat weight was 61.9% (56.1-67.8), with a body mass index of 65.8% (60.2-71.4). It was higher in women, with a fat weight of 67.3% (2.56 to 2.73) and a body mass index of 71.8% (2.64 to 2.78). The nutritional status of the population according to the questionnaire "Know your nutritional health" was rated "good". The most common nutritional problem in the non-institutionalised population over 65 years in the city of Badajoz is obesity, especially in women, and in people with low educational level. This high prevalence suggests that health education on a better lifestyle in this population should be a priority. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  13. [Bibliometric map of research done in primary care in Spain during the period 2008-2012].


    López-Torres Hidalgo, Jesús; Basora Gallisà, Josep; Orozco Beltrán, Domingo; Bellón Saameño, Juan Ángel


    To describe the Spanish scientific production of primary care during 2008-2012. Observational study bibliometric. Spanish scientific production in primary care. The study focused on publications indexed in Medline. In each record was obtained journal, year of publication, first/last author, workplace and autonomous community. Later, articles were classified according to their content or areas of research. The impact factor was obtained from the basis of bibliometric analysis Journal Citation Reports. Using search criteria, were selected 1,048 documents. The transiency rate was 62.6%. Production increased from 170 papers in 2008 to 291 in 2012. Most (65.7%) came from health centers, but we observed a significant increase (P=.01) of the articles from units or research institutes (5.9% in 2008, 12.0% in 2012). Of the total, 61.6% were classified as «clinical aspects», 22.5% were published in the journal Atención Primaria, 80.5% in journals with impact factor and 33.49% in foreign journals, being higher this proportion (P<.001) in units or research institutes (70.5% vs. 29.8%). In relation to population (articles/100.000 inhab.), the most productive communities were Cataluña (4.1), Castilla-La Mancha (3.6), Aragón (3.4) and Navarra (3.4). In primary care publications there is great diversity in both research areas such as in journals where published. Most are from health centers, treat clinical aspects and published in Spanish journals. Differences in the volume of scientific production between regions are observed. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. [Centralization of health services in primary care in summer: Patients and professionals view during two consecutive years].


    Giménez, N; Martínez, J M; Clanchet, T


    The Spanish primary health care, gateway and pillar of the Health Care System has his resources increasingly constrained by current crisis. To know the opinion of users and professionals on two primary care centers which centralized in August 2011 and 2012 the attendance of seven primary care centers. Two questionnaires were designed: a telephone survey of a random sample of users and a self-completed questionnaire for health care professionals. The variables were scored on a scale of 1-10 (low to high). Cronbach's coefficient α>0,84. 1293 people responded (836 users and 357 professionals). Users rated, in 2011, the satisfaction with 6.7 points in August and 7.3 points the rest of the year (P<.001). And, in 2012, with 7.7 points in August and 8.1 points the rest of the year (P<.001). Health care professionals, rated their satisfaction with 6.8 points in 2011 and 7.3 points in 2012. The waiting time was the only variable best scores in August that the rest of the year. The perception of the solution given in consultation did not change. Satisfaction, marking, care and treatment were highest rated in the regular center than in the reference center (P<.001). The centralization of primary health care during periods of reduced demand could reduce costs while maintaining quality. The experience of centralizing primary care services during August was perceived as acceptable and improved over time. Users showed a slight, but significant, preference for their usual primary care center. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  15. [Resistant arterial hypertension in Primary Care patients in Spain. PRESCAP Study 2010].


    Cinza-Sanjurjo, S; Alonso-Moreno, F J; Prieto-Díaz, M Á; Divisón-Garrote, J A; Rodríguez-Roca, G C; Llisterri-Caro, J L


    To determine the prevalence and clinical and epidemiological characteristics of Primary Care patients with resistant hypertension (RHT) in Spain. A cross-sectional multicenter study was conducted on hypertensive patients aged 18 or over and seen in a Primary Care clinic. RHT was considered as the presence of uncontrolled blood pressure in patients treated with at least 3 drugs, one of which is a diuretic. Of the 12,961 hypertensive patients in the PRESCAP 2010 study, 962 (7.4%) fulfilled criteria for RHT, of whom 51% were women, and with a mean age (SD) 68.8 [11.4] years. Patients with RHT were older (68.80 [10.69] years vs. 66.06 [11.44] years, P<.001), had a higher prevalence of obesity (55.2 vs. 38.6%, P<.001), a higher waist circumference (103.90 [13.89] vs. 99.32 [13.69] cm, P<.001), and a higher prevalence of DM (48.3 vs. 29.5%, P<.001). The prevalence of target organ damage (73.0 vs. 61.4%, P<.001) and cardiovascular disease (46.7 vs. 26.8%, P<.001) were higher in patients with resistant hypertension. The multivariate analysis showed that the variables associated with resistant hypertension were the presence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, sedentary life style, microalbuminuria, body mass index, duration of AHT, and triglycerides. The prevalence of RHT in Primary Care patients is related to inappropriate lifestyles, the presence of target organ damage, and cardiovascular disease. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  16. [Prevalence and features of coeliac disease in the Mediterranean area of Spain].


    Navalón-Ramon, E; Juan-García, Y; Pinzón-Rivadeneira, A

    The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of coeliac disease in patients of a basic health area in Valencia, on the Mediterranean coast, and describe their sociodemographic and clinical features. A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study was conducted on a target population of the inhabitants of the Basic Health Area 14 th , Health Department Xàtiva-Ontinyent, in Valencia, comprising the municipalities of Ontinyent, Aielo de Malferit, and Fontanars dels Alforins. the patient belongs to a quota of Primary Care in the basic health area and the diagnosis of coeliac disease was active in the computerised medical records. the patient did not have any serology or intestinal biopsy compatible with coeliac disease. The study included 115 patients, selected to complete an interviewer-administered questionnaire. As 9 patients did not respond, the study was performed with 106 people. The prevalence of coeliac disease is 0.26%, and higher among women than among men (2.31: 1), with a statistically significant difference. The mean age of the patients was 29.71 years. The mean diagnostic delay was 5.15 years, and among the paediatric population it was 0.68 years. There were no statistically significant differences between patients (60) born in spring and summer, and the 46 born in autumn and winter. The prevalence of coeliac disease among first-degree relatives was 7.06%. Coeliac disease is an underdiagnosed condition in our environment, especially among adults, so knowledge and awareness about this disease by general practitioners is necessary. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  17. [Validation of the telephone call as a method for measuring compliance to arterial hypertension treatment in Extremadura].


    Espinosa-García, J; Cobaleda-Polo, J; González-Velasco, M; Fernández-Bergés, D


    Pharmacological non-compliance is a significant problem that can affect patient health. The main aim of this investigation is to validate the telephone call to the patient' home as a self-report method of counting the amount of tablets taken by the patient, as an alternative method to a simple tablet count in the clinic (gold standard). An observational, multicentre, prospective, and longitudinal study was conducted by 25 researchers in different health centres in Extremadura, and which included 125 consecutively enrolled patients with uncontrolled arterial hypertension, 121 ended the study. Three visits were made, including enrollment visit, follow-up visit at 4 weeks, and final visit at 8 weeks. A telephone call was made prior to the enrollment and final visit to remind the patients of the next visit, and to ask at the same time about the number of tablets remaining. A total of 121 patients completed the study. In the final visit, the phone-call method of compliance showed: 100% sensitivity, 86% specificity, 86.8% of overall accuracy, 30.4% PPV, 100% NPV, CP+ 7.13, CP- 0.0, and a kappa index of 0.415 (P<.0001). The area under the ROC curve was 0.995 (95% CI, 0.985-1). It was concluded that the telephone phone call, as a therapeutic compliance method, can be a good alternative due to being almost universal, easy to use, its reduced cost, and without the need of patients to go to the medical centres. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  18. [Cardiovascular risk and cardiovascular events in the general population of the sanitary area of Toledo. RICARTO Study].


    Rodríguez-Roca, G C; Rodríguez-Padial, L; Alonso-Moreno, F J; Segura-Fragoso, A; Villarín-Castro, A; Rodríguez-García, M L; Menchén-Herreros, A; Rojas-Martelo, G A; Fernández-Conde, J A; Artigao-Rodenas, L M; Carbayo-Herencia, J A; Escobar-Cervantes, C; Hernández-Moreno, J; Fernández-Martín, J


    The main aim of this study is to ascertain the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF), target organ damage (TOD), cardiovascular disease (CVD), as well as life habits (physical exercise, alcohol consumption, and Mediterranean diet) in the population of a Health Area in Toledo, Spain, to assess cardiovascular risk (CVR). Epidemiological and observational study that will analyse a sample from the general population aged 18 years or older, randomly selected from a database of health cards, and stratified by age and gender. Clinical history, physical examination, and complementary tests will be performed. Aliquots of whole blood and serum samples will be stored at a temperature of-85°C to evaluate future genetic studies. CVR will be estimated by using SCORE project scales calibrated for Spanish population and the Framingham Heart Study scale. When the estimated sample size has been achieved and after a minimum follow-up of 5 years, a final visit will performed in which CVRF, TOD, CVD, CVRF control, and fatal and non-fatal outcomes will be evaluated. The RICARTO study is aimed to assess the prevalence of the main CVRF, TOD and CVD in order to determine the CVR in the general population of a health area of Toledo. An analysis will be repeated on the final sample after at least 5 years of follow-up to ascertain the incidence of CV outcomes and the temporal trends of life style, as well as the prevalence of CVRF, TOD, and CVD. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. [Determining factors in the sedation of geriatric and oncology patients treated at home].


    Zamora-Mur, A; García-Foncillas, R; Zamora-Catevilla, A; Nabal-Vicuña, M; Calderero-Aragón, V; Lostalé-Latorre, F


    Sedation, used as a therapeutic measure in the field of Palliative Care, continues to present difficulties for many professionals in its management and indications. Is varied existing literature in this regard, often exclusive cancer patients. Our objective is to analyse the characteristics of patients attended by a Home Care Support Team who required sedation compared to non-sedated patients, for possible determining factors for its use that could help in decision-making. A prospective analytical study conducted in Barbastro (Huesca) from September 2007 to February 2011. The study population are patients referred to the Home Care Support Team of Barbastro. Age, sex, medical history, symptoms, previous and current Barthel, Karnofsky, primary caregiver, previous drugs, drugs after intervention, sedation yes/no. Required sedation 16.6% (n=106) of the cases (N=638). Sedated patients were younger, with no differences in sex, and the large majority (83%) were oncology patients. The presence of metastases showed no differences in need for sedation. Sedated patients have an increased functional impairment, determined by Barthel index decreased and a worse Karnofsky. Sedated patients showed increased frequency of uncontrolled symptoms, except psychomotor agitation, a fact determined by the medications used pre- and post-intervention. The presence of neoplastic disease, marked with existence of functional decline, and uncontrolled clinical need for certain medications to control symptoms may determine the need for sedation at the end of the process, above other factors such as patient comorbidity. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. [Palliative care needs in the inmobilized population of a Primary Care area in Vigo Spain].


    Ferraz-Falcao, J R; Cadaval-Rodríguez, T; Rodríguez-Iglesia, R M; del Campo-Pérez, V M


    To determine palliative care needs in a sample of people with mobility problems in the area of the C.S. Matama by using the NECPAL instrument (identification and integral-integrated care of people with advanced chronic diseases in social and healthcare provision services). Descriptive and cross-sectional study of patients immobilized in a health centre in Vigo (87 subjects overall). The average age of our patients is 84.34 years and 82% are women. The most frequent immobilization type was the patient's inability to leave their home (64%). The result of this test was positive in 38% of cases (33 patients), most of whom have chronic diseases and only 1 patient has been diagnosed with cancer. There is a significant negative association between the score obtained on the Barthel scale and the ratio of positives to the test. Concerning the use of resources there are important differences regarding hospital admissions and PHC depending on the outcome of the test. These differences were statistically significant with regard to PHC and emergency consultations. An immobilized patient is not synonymous with a patient in need of palliative care; the tool used has been proved to be useful to detect this need, which concerns a third of our patients. The results of the questionnaire of need for care palliative (NECPAL) relate well to the basic activities of daily living (Barthel scale score) and to indicators of use of health services. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. La region en los procesos de planificacion Latinos Americanos. Estructura institucional y bases juridicas. (The Region in the Planning Processes in Latin America: Institutional Structures and Juridical Basis)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Basaldua, Raul Oscar; Moreno, Oscar Alberto


    This paper is part of a larger research project on the decisional structure of regionalized countries, which the authors are conducting at the Instituto Torcuato Di Tella with the Arq. Jorge Hardoy. (Editor)

  2. They teach it more successfully

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reyes Ruiz-Gallardo, Jose; Valdés, Arturo; Castaño, Santiago


    peers (Johnson et al, 1981, Cuseo, 1996, Shachar and Fischer, 2004). It is also related with the increasing of self-esteem (Lawrence, 1996), achieved in environments rich in challenges and low in threat (Abbot and Moylett, 1999). References: Abbot, L. and Moylet, H, 1999. Early education transformed. London: Falmer press. Pp: 214. Bernal, J. M., García-Estañ, R. y Guzman, D. (2005). Las actividades de enseñanza en la Educación Primaria. En: Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales I. Sánchez, G. (Coord.). Pp.: 211-322. CUSE (Committee on Undergraduate Science Education), (1997). Science Teaching Reconsidered. A handbook. Washington D. C.: National Academy Press. Cuseo, JB, 1996. Cooperative Learning: A Pedagogy for Addressing Contemporary Challanges & Critical Issues in Higher Education. Marymount college, New Forums Press. Johnson, D., Maruyama, G., Johnson, R., Nelson, C., & Skon, L. (1981) The effects of cooperative, competitive and individualistic goal structures on achievement. A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 89(1), 47-62. Lawrence, D, 1996. Enhacing Self Esteem in classroom. Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd, London. Pp 224. Lederman, N and Abd-El-Khalick, F (1998): Avoiding De-Natured Science: Activities that Promote Understandings of the Nature of Science In: W. F. McComas (Ed.). The Nature of Science in Science Education. Rationales and Strategies. (83-126). The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic. Pp. 388. McDermott, L. C. (1990). A perspective on teacher preparation in physics and other sciences: the need for special science courses for teachers. American Journal of Physics, 58(8):734-742. Pujol, R.M. (2003). Didáctica de las ciencias en la educación primaria. Madrid: Síntesis. Shachar, H and Fischer, S., 2004. Cooperative learning and the achievement of motivatioin and perceptions of students in 11th grade chemistry classes. Learning and Instruction, 14: 69-87.

  3. La Palabra es Nuestra: Primaria para Adultos. Primera Parte, Volumen 1-2. Edicion Experimental. (The Language Is Ours: Primer for Adults. Part One, Volumes 1-2. Experimental Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instituto Nacional para la Educacion de los Adultos, Mexico City (Mexico).

    These workbooks are part of a Mexican series of instructional materials designed for Spanish speaking adults who are in the process of becoming literate or have recently become literate in their native language. These workbooks, designed to continue developing literacy skills, include pictures, dialogues, crossword puzzles, and fill-in-the blank…

  4. La Palabra es Nuestra: Primaria para Adultos. Segunda Parte, Volumen 1-2. Edicion Experimental (The Language Is Ours: Primer for Adults. Part Two, Volumes 1-2. Experimental Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instituto Nacional para la Educacion de los Adultos, Mexico City (Mexico).

    These workbooks are part of a Mexican series of instructional materials designed for Spanish speaking adults who are in the process becoming literate or have recently become literate in their native language. They provide readings and exercises for developing literacy skills. Pictures and fill-in-the blank exercises appear frequently. Volume 1…

  5. Condiciones Físicas en Nebulosas Gaseosas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luridiana, V.


    El presente trabajo se ha enfocado a determinar y entender las condiciones físicas en una variedad de objetos nebulares, prestando particular atención al problema de la determinación de las abundancias químicas. Para este fin, hemos utilizado métodos analíticos en algunos casos, y modelos numéricos de fotoionización en otros. El objetivo general del trabajo es proveer de una visión amplia de las herramientas teórico-observacionales que se utilizan para la determinación de la estructura de temperatura y densidad de las regiones fotoionizadas, poniendo en evidencia posibles fuentes de errores sistemáticos y sus consecuencias para la determinación de las abundancias químicas, y proponiendo métodos para corregirlos. Los resultados principales de este trabajo est´n listados a continuación: a) Se discute el problema de la discrepancia entre T(C III) y T(O III) en las nebulosas planetarias, y se muestra como tal discrepancia implica probablemente la presencia de fluctuaciones de temperatura. Debido a que la temperatura de O++ es muy afectada por fluctuaciones de temperatura, se recomienda usar la temperatura de C++ para determinar la abundancia de carbono. b) Presentamos dos nuevos métodos para determinar la temperatura electrónica en nebulosas planetarias, basados en la medición de las intensidades de las líneas de He I. Las temperaturas que se obtienen a partir de estos métodos son menores que aquellas que se obtienen a partir de las líneas de [O III], implicando la presencia de fluctuaciones espaciales de temperatura. Despreciando las fluctuaciones de temperatura, se obtienen valores sesgados de las abundancias químicas. Determinamos las abundancias en las nebulosas planetarias de tipo I de algunos de los elementos más importantes, tomando en cuenta las fluctuaciones de temperatura. c) Presentamos modelos numéricos de las dos regiones H II extragalácticas gigantes NGC 2363 y NGC 5461. Con el modelaje numérico, pretendemos acotar las car

  6. [Prevalence of burnout syndrome and its associated factors in Primary Care staff].


    Navarro-González, D; Ayechu-Díaz, A; Huarte-Labiano, I


    Burnout syndrome is an emerging disease among health professionals. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of occupational burnout among Primary Care staff, as well as to determine the differences in prevalence between family doctors, paediatricians, nurses, administrative-officers, and social-workers, and to evaluate the different related factors. A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted on 178 professionals from 5 different occupational groups in 54 Primary Care centres in Navarre from September to December 2010. An anonymous, self-administered questionnaire that included: the Maslach Burnout Inventory and a questionnaire on socio-demographic and work-related factors. Burnout was detected in 39.3% of staff. Those with higher levels are administrative-officers and family doctors, with an OR compared to nurses of 4.58 and 5.37, respectively in the dimension of emotional exhaustion, 4.98 and 2.87 in depersonalization, and 8.37 for administrative-officers in personal accomplishment. An association was found between burnout and the following factors: to be a male (for the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, 25.5 and 31.9%, respectively), to be employed in an urban area (for emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, 20 and 27.8%, respectively), use of psychiatric medication (for emotional exhaustion, 30%), size of patient-quota (for depersonalization, with an average of 1,565 patients), and welfare pressure (for emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, averages of 170.35 and 153.54 patients/week, respectively). About one-third of Primary Care professionals have a high level of burnout, which is mainly associated with the working area, the size of the quota, and professional group, with higher prevalence in administrative-officers and family doctors. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. [Knowledge about Biosimilars in Primary Care: a study by the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN)].


    Micó-Pérez, R M; Payares-Herrera, C; Palomo-Jiménez, P I; Sánchez-Fierro, J; Avendaño-Solá, C; Llisterri-Caro, J L


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the awareness and training needs on biosimilar drugs in Primary Care (PC) physicians. Descriptive cross-sectional study based on an on-line questionnaire with a total of 34 multiple choice questions, published on the SEMERGEN website. The main Knowledge areas were: biosimilar definition; regulatory and legal framework; prescription, traceability, interchangeability and pharmacovigilance; availability of biosimilars in the PC setting, and the biosimilars contribution to sustainability. The software used for the analysis and data processing was the Barbwin 7.5. An analysis was performed on the responses from 701 questionnaires completed. There was a slight majority (57%) of women participants. The majority of participant worked in urban centres (60.91%). The definition of biosimilar was not known by 58% of those that responded, and 73% were unaware that the management of biosimilars and generics was not comparable. Most (84%) of those that responded were not aware that the studies required for the approval of biosimilars is different from reference biological medicines. Around two-thirds (66%) those that responded did not know of any biosimilars available in PC setting, and the 94% were also unaware of the Spanish legal framework for the management of biosimilar medicines. The current knowledge about biosimilars among PC physicians is low. The critical areas in need of further training include specific information on biosimilars currently available in PC setting, as well as key aspects regarding prescription, interchangeability and pharmacovigilance requirements. Six out of ten doctors do not know of any biosimilar used in PC in Spain. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. Teamwork: relevance and interdependence of interprofessional education.


    Tamayo, M; Besoaín-Saldaña, A; Aguirre, M; Leiva, J


    Determine the perception of university students regarding interprofessional and interdependent work between team members in their inclusion in primary care. Analytical cross-sectional study. The sampling had a probabilistic, stratified random type with 95% confidence and 5% margin of error. Seven-hundred and four students of Public Universities in Santiago (Chile) answered self-administered questionnaire. Ninety-seven point eight of students say that interprofessional work is important; 27.1% of them declare that their university did not seem to show that their study plans were important. The professionals listed as most important in teams are physicians and nurses. Spaces for development and institutional support are key elements to promote interprofessional work. If this competence can involve each academic unit in their different formative spaces there will be a significant contribution to said promotion. Teamwork is a pending task. Determinar la percepción de estudiantes universitarios respecto al trabajo interprofesional e interdependencia entre los miembros del equipo en su inserción en la atención primaria. Estudio de tipo analítico y transversal. El muestreo fue de tipo aleatorio, probabilístico estratificado con un 95% de confianza y un 5% de margen de error. Se utilizó un cuestionario auto-administrado en 704 estudiantes de Universidades del Estado en Santiago de Chile. Un 97,8% de los estudiantes opinan que el trabajo interprofesional es importante; un 27,1% de ellos declara que su universidad no le ha entregado importancia en sus planes de estudios. Los profesionales mencionados como más importantes en el equipo son los médicos y enfermeras. Espacios de desarrollo y respaldo institucional son elementos claves para promover el trabajo interprofesional. Que esta competencia logre involucrar a cada unidad académica en sus diferentes espacios formativos será un aporte significativo en aquello. Trabajo en equipo es una tarea pendiente.

  9. [Estimation of the population attributable fraction due to obesity in hospital admissions for flu valued according to Body Mass Index (BMI) and CUN-BAE].


    Dávila-Batista, V; Carriedo, D; Díez, F; Pueyo Bastida, A; Martínez Durán, B; Martin, V


    The obesity pandemic together with the influenza pandemic could lead to a significant burden of disease. The body mass index (BMI) does not discriminate obesity appropriately. The CUN-BAE has recently been used as an estimate of body fatness for Caucasians, including BMI, gender, and age. The aim of this study is to assess the population attributable fraction of hospital admissions due to influenza, due to the body fatness measured with the BMI, and the CUN-BAE. A multicentre study was conducted using matched case-controls. Cases were hospital admissions with the influenza confirmed by the RT-PCR method between 2009 and 2011. The risk of hospital admission and the population attribuible fraction were calculated using the BMI or the CUN-BAE for each adiposity category in a conditional logical regression analysis adjusted for confounding variables. The analyzes were estimated in the total sample, in unvaccinated people, and those less than 65 years-old. A total of 472 hospitalised cases and 493 controls were included in the study. Compared to normal weight, the aOR of influenza hospital admissions increases with each level of BMI (aOR=1.26; 2.06 and 11.64) and CUN-BAE (aOR=2.78; 4.29; 5.43 and 15.18). The population attributable fraction of influenza admissions using CUN-BAE is 3 times higher than that estimated with BMI (0,72 vs. 0,27), with the differences found being similar the non-vaccinated and under 65 year-olds. The BMI could be underestimating the burden of disease attributable to obesity in individuals hospitalised with influenza. There needs to be an appropriate assessment of the impact of obesity and vaccine recommendation criteria. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. PubMed

    Martínez Alfonso, Julia; Pozuelo-Carrascosa, Diana P; Solera-Martínez, Montserrat; González-García, Alberto; Martínez-Vizcaíno, Vicente; Sánchez-López, Mairena; Martínez-Hernández, David


    Introducción y objetivos: los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: a) estimar la prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad y delgadez en escolares nacidos en 2007 y 2008 de Castilla-La Mancha, España, en los años 2013 y 2015; y b) analizar la persistencia en las mismas categorías de estatus ponderal entre 2013 y 2015 en esta cohorte de escolares.Material y métodos: estudio de seguimiento en el que se analizaron los datos antropométricos de los escolares nacidos en 2007 y 2008 en los años 2013 (4-6 años) y 2015 (6-8 años). Se invitó a participar a todos los escolares de 21 colegios de las provincias de Cuenca y Ciudad Real que cursaban tercero de Educación Infantil o primero de Educación Primaria en 2013. En todos ellos se determinaron, además de variables sociodemográficas, peso, talla y porcentaje de grasa corporal por bioimpedancia eléctrica.Resultados: la prevalencia de delgadez, sobrepeso y obesidad en la medición basal fue de 20,7%, 12% y 8,2% respectivamente. Dos años después, la prevalencia de delgadez disminuyó hasta 14,7% y la de sobrepeso y obesidad aumentó hasta 15,4% y 8,4% respectivamente. Por otro lado, el 78,8% de los escolares permanecía en 2015 en la misma categoría ponderal que en 2013.Conclusiones: el aumento en la prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad de los escolares parece estar remitiendo, al mismo tiempo que el incremento en la prevalencia de bajo peso ha aumentado sustancialmente. Por último, los escolares tienden a mantener el estatus ponderal previo al rebote adiposo durante la edad escolar.

  11. [Primary care in Ireland].


    Sánchez-Sagrado, T

    Spanish doctors are still leaving the country to look for quality work. Ireland is not a country with many Spanish professionals but it is interesting to know its particular Health care system. Ireland is one of the countries with a national health care system, although it has a mixture of private health care insurance schemes. People have a right to health care if they have been living in Ireland at least for a year. Access to the primary care health system depends on age and income: free of charge for Category 1 and co-payments for the rest. This division generates great inequalities among the population. Primary Care doctors are self-employed, and they work independently. However, since 2001 they have tended to work in multidisciplinary teams in order to strengthen the Primary Care practice. Salary is gained from a combination of public and private incomes which are not differentiated. The role of the General Practitioner consists in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases, minor surgery, child care, etc. There is no coordination between Primary and Secondary care. Access to specialised medicine is regulated by the price of consultation. Primary Care doctors are not gatekeepers. To be able to work here, doctors must have three years of training after medical school. After that, Continuing Medical Education is compulsory, and the college of general practitioners monitors it annually. The Irish health care system does not fit into the European model. Lack of a clear separation between public and private health care generates great inequalities. The non-existence of coordination between primary and specialised care leads to inefficiencies, which Ireland cannot allow itself after a decade of economic crisis. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  12. Hip/femur fractures associated with the use of benzodiazepines (anxiolytics, hypnotics and related drugs): a methodological approach to assess consistencies across databases from the PROTECT-EU project.


    Requena, Gema; Huerta, Consuelo; Gardarsdottir, Helga; Logie, John; González-González, Rocío; Abbing-Karahagopian, Victoria; Miret, Montserrat; Schneider, Cornelia; Souverein, Patrick C; Webb, Dave; Afonso, Ana; Boudiaf, Nada; Martin, Elisa; Oliva, Belén; Alvarez, Arturo; De Groot, Mark C H; Bate, Andrew; Johansson, Saga; Schlienger, Raymond; Reynolds, Robert; Klungel, Olaf H; de Abajo, Francisco J


    Results from observational studies may be inconsistent because of variations in methodological and clinical factors that may be intrinsically related to the database (DB) where the study is performed. The objectives of this paper were to evaluate the impact of applying a common study protocol to study benzodiazepines (BZDs) (anxiolytics, hypnotics, and related drugs) and the risk of hip/femur fracture (HFF) across three European primary care DBs and to investigate any resulting discrepancies. To measure the risk of HFF among adult users of BZDs during 2001-2009, three cohort and nested case control (NCC) studies were performed in Base de datos para la Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica en Atención Primaria (BIFAP) (Spain), Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) (UK), and Mondriaan (The Netherlands). Four different models (A-D) with increasing levels of adjustment were analyzed. The risk according to duration and type of BZD was also explored. Adjusted hazard ratios (cohort), odds ratios (NCC), and their 95% confidence intervals were estimated. Adjusted hazard ratios (Model C) were 1.34 (1.23-1.47) in BIFAP, 1.66 (1.54-1.78) in CPRD, and 2.22 (1.55-3.29) in Mondriaan in cohort studies. Adjusted odds ratios (Model C) were 1.28 (1.16-1.42) in BIFAP, 1.60 (1.49-1.72) in CPRD, and 1.48 (0.89-2.48) in Mondriaan in NCC studies. A short-term effect was suggested in Mondriaan, but not in CPRD or BIFAP. All DBs showed an increased risk with the concomitant use of anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs. Applying similar study methods to different populations and DBs showed an increased risk of HFF in BZDs users but differed in the magnitude of the risk, which may be because of inherent differences between DBs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  13. Cardioprotective aspirin users and their excess risk of upper gastrointestinal complications.


    Hernández-Díaz, Sonia; García Rodríguez, Luis A


    To balance the cardiovascular benefits from low-dose aspirin against the gastrointestinal harm caused, studies have considered the coronary heart disease risk for each individual but not their gastrointestinal risk profile. We characterized the gastrointestinal risk profile of low-dose aspirin users in real clinical practice, and estimated the excess risk of upper gastrointestinal complications attributable to aspirin among patients with different gastrointestinal risk profiles. To characterize aspirin users in terms of major gastrointestinal risk factors (i.e., advanced age, male sex, prior ulcer history and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), we used The General Practice Research Database in the United Kingdom and the Base de Datos para la Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica en Atención Primaria in Spain. To estimate the baseline risk of upper gastrointestinal complications according to major gastrointestinal risk factors and the excess risk attributable to aspirin within levels of these factors, we used previously published meta-analyses on both absolute and relative risks of upper gastrointestinal complications. Over 60% of aspirin users are above 60 years of age, 4 to 6% have a recent history of peptic ulcers and over 13% use other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The estimated average excess risk of upper gastrointestinal complications attributable to aspirin is around 5 extra cases per 1,000 aspirin users per year. However, the excess risk varies in parallel to the underlying gastrointestinal risk and might be above 10 extra cases per 1,000 person-years in over 10% of aspirin users. In addition to the cardiovascular risk, the underlying gastrointestinal risk factors have to be considered when balancing harms and benefits of aspirin use for an individual patient. The gastrointestinal harms may offset the cardiovascular benefits in certain groups of patients where the gastrointestinal risk is high and the cardiovascular risk is low.

  14. Cardioprotective aspirin users and their excess risk of upper gastrointestinal complications

    PubMed Central

    Hernández-Díaz, Sonia; García Rodríguez, Luis A


    Background To balance the cardiovascular benefits from low-dose aspirin against the gastrointestinal harm caused, studies have considered the coronary heart disease risk for each individual but not their gastrointestinal risk profile. We characterized the gastrointestinal risk profile of low-dose aspirin users in real clinical practice, and estimated the excess risk of upper gastrointestinal complications attributable to aspirin among patients with different gastrointestinal risk profiles. Methods To characterize aspirin users in terms of major gastrointestinal risk factors (i.e., advanced age, male sex, prior ulcer history and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), we used The General Practice Research Database in the United Kingdom and the Base de Datos para la Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica en Atención Primaria in Spain. To estimate the baseline risk of upper gastrointestinal complications according to major gastrointestinal risk factors and the excess risk attributable to aspirin within levels of these factors, we used previously published meta-analyses on both absolute and relative risks of upper gastrointestinal complications. Results Over 60% of aspirin users are above 60 years of age, 4 to 6% have a recent history of peptic ulcers and over 13% use other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The estimated average excess risk of upper gastrointestinal complications attributable to aspirin is around 5 extra cases per 1,000 aspirin users per year. However, the excess risk varies in parallel to the underlying gastrointestinal risk and might be above 10 extra cases per 1,000 person-years in over 10% of aspirin users. Conclusion In addition to the cardiovascular risk, the underlying gastrointestinal risk factors have to be considered when balancing harms and benefits of aspirin use for an individual patient. The gastrointestinal harms may offset the cardiovascular benefits in certain groups of patients where the gastrointestinal risk is high and

  15. [Prevalence and factors associated with frequent attendence in family medicine clinic].


    Parejo Maestre, N; Lendínez-de la Cruz, J M; Bermúdez-Torres, F M; Gónzalez-Contero, L; Gutierrez-Espinosa de Los Monteros, M P; Espejo-Almazán María, T


    The use of health services has seen a steep rise. The frequent users are responsible for significant economic, human and social impact. The objective is to analyze the characteristics of frequent attenders in our Health Center, in order to evaluate the possibility of taking corrective measures to improve the quality of care and efficiency in the use of resources. Descriptive observational study of a sample of 379 patients over 18 years old. The dependent variables were attendance (number of visits to their family doctor during the previous year), frequent attendance (10 or more visits to the family doctor in the last year), and persistent frequent attenders (10 or more visits to the family doctor in each of the last two years). Data were collected from medical records and by telephone interview. The mean attendance was 6.83 (95%CI: 6.13-7.53), frequent attendance reached 25.4% (95%CI: 21.4-29.6), and persistent frequent attenders, 1.6% (95%CI: 0.5-2.9). Frequent attendance was associated with sex, age, marital status, educational level, family structure, existence of chronic disease, use of anxiolytic and antidepressants, request for additional tests, and referrals to other specialists, proximity to the health center, and level of satisfaction with their family doctor. The low persistent frequent attenders found suggests that frequent attendance could be largely due to factors related to professional and organization. Studies are required to address the high level of consumption of psychotropic drugs, and improving professional skills in dealing with mental problems. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  16. [Epidemiology and management of community acquired pneumonia: more than 10 years experience].


    Pérez-Deago, B; Alonso-Porcel, C; Elvira-Menendez, C; Murcia-Olagüenaga, A; Martínez-Ibán, M


    To describe the characteristics of patients diagnosed with Community Acquired Pneumonia in this basic health area, their management, outcomes, and use of prognostic scales driven by the few studies carried out from Primary Care on these aspects. Descriptive cross-sectional study on a population diagnosed with Community Acquired Pneumonia if three urban health centres, during the period January 2000 to 31 July 2103. Out of a sample of 1,290 patients obtained, 56.1% were men, and the mean age of the population was 61.9 years. There were 22.7% smokers. More than half (59.9%) had a disease in the prognostic scales, with Diabetes Mellitus present in 20%, and 36.1% with pulmonary disease (17.6% COPD, 11.8% asthma). Just under half (43.2%) of the total patients were diagnosed in Primary Care. There was a diagnostic X-ray in 92.7% of the cases, and a follow-up X-ray in 59.4%. Prognostic scales were recorded in 2% of the cases. The most commonly used antibiotics were amoxicillin-clavulanic (30.7%) and levofloxacin (30.4%). Having prior disease increases the risk of re-treatment by 1.6 (95% CI; 1.1-2.2)]. The mortality risk is multiplied by 5.3 on having a previous disease (95% CI; 1.3-19.2). In the Primary Care setting, Community Acquired Pneumonia is a common and potentially serious disease which, in half the cases, occurs in patients with associated comorbidity. As regards treatment and management, is highlighted the wide use made of amoxicillin-clavulanic, compared to the low use of amoxicillin, combined therapy, and prognostic scales. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  17. [Control of anticoagulation in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation in a primary care clinical practice setting in the different autonomous communities. PAULA study].


    Polo García, J; Barrios Alonso, V; Escobar Cervantes, C; Prieto Valiente, L; Lobos Bejarano, J M; Vargas Ortega, D; Prieto Díaz, M Á; Alonso Moreno, F J; Barquilla García, A


    To determine the differences between regions in the level of control of patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation treated with vitamin K antagonists, included in the PAULA study. Observational, and coss-sectional/retrospective study, including 139 Primary Care physicians from 99 Health Care centres in all autonomous communities (except La Rioja). Anticoagulation control was defined as the time in therapeutic range assessed by either the direct method (poor control <60%), or the Rosendaal method (poor control <65%). A total of 1,524 patients were included. Small differences in baseline characteristics of the patients were observed. Differences in the percentage of time in therapeutic range were observed, according to the Rosendaal method (mean 69.0±17.7%), from 78.1%±16.6 (Basque Country) to 61.5±14% (Balearic Islands), by the direct method (mean 63.2±17.9%) from 73.6%±16.6 (Basque Country) to 57.5±15.7% (Extremadura). When comparing regions, in those where the Primary Care physicians assumed full control without restrictions on prescription, the percentage of time in therapeutic range by the direct method was 63.89 vs. 60.95% in those with restrictions (p=.006), by Rosendaal method, 69.39% compared with 67.68% (p=.1036). There are significant differences in the level of control between some regions are still inadequate. Regions in which the Primary Care physicians assumed the management of anticoagulation and without restrictions, time in therapeutic range was somewhat higher, and showed a favourable trend for better control. These findings may have clinical implications, and deserve consideration and specific analysis. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. [Lung cancer in Avila province, Spain. Incidence rates, epidemiolgy of the year 2012 and trends in the last 20 years].


    Hernández-Hernández, J R; Moreno de Vega-Herrero, M B; Iglesias-Heras, M; García-García, R; Hernández-Terciado, F; Celdrán-Gil, J


    To determine the extent of lung cancer in Alvila. Its incidence rates and significant epidemiological aspects of the year 2012 were recorded, and the results of each 5-year period (up to 20 years) were compared with those of known studies conducted using the same methodology. A prospective study was conducted on all patients diagnosed with lung cancer in the Province of Avila throughout the year 2012. A total of 81 patients were diagnosed, of whom 70 were males and 11 females, with a mean age of 72.1 years (range: 44-91), and was higher than that found in previous studies. This gave gross, and adjusted to the standard world population, incidence rates in 2012 of 80.99 and 31.23 per 100,000, respectively, in males, and 12.97 and 5.68 per 100,000, respectively in females. These rates are lower in both sexes than those found in Alvila in 2002. In 2012, 80.25% had been smokers (90% of males and 18.18% of the women), although, on diagnosis, 68.75% had quit smoking. A clinical-radiological diagnosis was made in 9 (11.1%), with a histocytological diagnosis in 72 (88.9%). The histological types were: adenocarcinomas in 37.5%; squamous in 33.3%; microcytic in 13.8%; undifferentiated non-small cell in 11.1%; large cell in 2.77%, and carcinoid in 1.38%. The most frequent treatments were chemotherapy (50.6%), symptomatic (23.4%), and surgery (12.3%). The incidence of lung cancer in Avila has decreased in both sexes in the last 10 years. In 2012, the patients have been older, the majority with adenocarcinoma histology, and receiving chemotherapy. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. [Perceived quality of life in the "healthy people" municipal community health promotion program in Ciudad Lineal-Madrid].


    Esteban-Peña, M; Gerechter-Fernández, S; Martínez-Simancas, A M; Zancada-González, J; Hernandez-Barrera, V; Jiménez-García, R

    The measurement of the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is a comprehensive way to estimate the health of both the individual and the community. The aim of this study was to assess changes in health and HRQoL using the intervention strategies «healthy people» and «health promotion programs» of the City Council of Madrid-Madrid Health. The study was conducted in the Municipal Health Centre of Ciudad Lineal, in 2014, and included promotion of exercise, healthy eating, smoking cessation, psycho-hygiene, memory training, and health education for the elderly, with group interventions. A before and after community trial, with the administration of questionnaire with COOP/WONCA HRQoL charts to 200 participants. The study population (n=87), included those who completed the first and second questionnaire. Positive changes were seen in the overall before and after COOP/WONCA scores, with a mean change from 23.16 to 21.94, with statistical significance, p≤0.002. In the psychology groups, it changed from 28.14 to 23.57 with a p≤0.05, and healthy eating from 22.81 to 20.85, with p≤0.03. In the health education groups it changed from 21 to 20.81 points, and in memory training from 23.31 to 22.45 points (both without significance). The significant improvement in scores reflects a positive change in self-perceived health of this community after the intervention and proper operation of programs. The areas directly related to health and interventions in psychology and nutrition-exercise, are those with the most significant changes. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. [Primary care in Belgium].


    Sánchez-Sagrado, T


    Belgium is an attractive country to work in, not just for doctors but for all Spanish workers, due to it having the headquarters of European Union. The health job allure is double; on the one hand, the opportunity to find a decent job, and on the other, because it is possible to develop their professional abilities with patients of the same nationality in a health system with a different way of working. The Belgium health care system is based on security social models. Health care is financed by the government, social security contributions, and voluntary private health insurance. Primary care in Belgium is very different to that in Spain. Citizens may freely choose their doctor (general practitioner or specialist) increasing the lack of coordination between primary and specialized care. This leads to serious patient safety problems and loss of efficiency within the system. Belgium is a European country with room to improve preventive coverage. General practitioners are self-employed professionals with free choice of setting, and their salary is linked to their professional activity. Ambulatory care is subjected to co-payment, and this fact leads to great inequities on access to care. The statistics say that there is universal coverage but, in 2010, 14% of the population did not seek medical contact due to economic problems. It takes 3 years to become a General Practitioner and continuing medical education is compulsory to be revalidated. In general, Belgian and Spaniards living and working in Belgium are happy with the functioning of the health care system. However, as doctors, we should be aware that it is a health care system in which access is constrained for some people, and preventive coverage could be improved. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. [Clinical practice guidelines: Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation and functional constipation in adults: Concept, diagnosis, and healthcare continuity. (Part 1 of 2)].


    Mearin, F; Ciriza, C; Mínguez, M; Rey, E; Mascort, J J; Peña, E; Cañones, P; Júdez, J

    In this Clinical practice guide, an analysis is made of the diagnosis and treatment of adult patients with constipation and abdominal discomfort, under the spectrum of irritable bowel syndrome and functional constipation. These have an important personal, health and social impact, affecting the quality of life of these patients. In irritable bowel syndrome with a predominance of constipation, this is the predominant change in bowel movements, with recurrent abdominal pain, bloating and frequent abdominal distension. Constipation is characterised by infrequent or difficulty in bowel movements, associated with excessive straining during bowel movement or sensation of incomplete evacuation. There is often no underling cause, with an intestinal functional disorder being considered. They have many clinical and pathophysiological similarities, with a similar response of the constipation to common drugs. The fundamental difference is the presence or absence of pain, but not in a way evaluable way; "all or nothing". The severity depends on the intensity of bowel symptoms and other factors, a combination of gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms, level of involvement, forms of perception, and behaviour. The Rome criteria diagnose functional bowel disorders. This guide is adapted to the Rome criteria IV (May 2016) and in this first part an analysis is made of the alarm criteria, diagnostic tests, and the criteria for referral between Primary Care and Digestive Disease specialists. In the second part, a review will be made of the therapeutic alternatives available (exercise, diet, drug therapies, neurostimulation of sacral roots, or surgery), making practical recommendations for each one of them. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. [Onychomycosis by yeast not common in diabetics of a health center].


    Imbert, J L; G Gomez, J V; Escudero, R B; Blasco, J L


    Mexican diabetic population frequently presents mycosis under foot hyperkeratosis; however, in another type of onychomycosis as the ones that is assumed Candida albicans is the causal agent, it is unknown the frequency, the prevalence and if another Candida species or other yeasts are found. Evaluate the frequency of yeasts causing onychomycosis in diabetic patients looked after in public institutions of health of the State of Hidalgo, Mexico, and its association with clinical epidemiological variables. An observational, descriptive and transversal study was made on 261 patients, from which one nail sample of each one was obtained, used to isolate and identify dermatophytes and yeasts; the results were statistically correlated with 24 epidemiological parameters. The clinical study was done through interrogation and by medical exploration in order to evaluate Tinea pedis and onychomycosis. Onychomycosis were caused by Candida guilliermondii, Candida parapsilosis, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida spp., Kodamaea ohmeri, Prototheca wickerhamii and unidentified yeasts. The prevalence for general onychomycosis, by dermatophytes, mixed onychomycosis and by yeasts were: 24.1, 19.5, 2.3 and 14.6%, respectively. Patients with significant probability to be diagnosed as having onychomycosis by yeasts are those wearing open shoes (2.59%); technicians and professionals (10.49%) and alcohol drinkers (3.72%). The fact that Candida albicans is not present in this study as causal agent of onychomycosis, and emerging and non-common yeasts were indeed isolated, creates new challenges. It is remarked the clinical criterion that when onychomycosis is suspected in diabetics, the diagnosis for culturing dermatophytes and yeasts should be included. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  3. [Family physician attitudes towards insulinization in type II diabetics].


    Díaz-Rodríguez, M I; Sánchez-Morales, M C; Aceña-Gutiérrez, M T; Carrasco-Flores, J; Villarín-Castro, A


    To determine the attitudes of Toledo Health Area family physicians about starting insulinization in type 2 diabetic patients. Descriptive, cross-sectional study. A self-completed questionnaire was given to 353 family physicians of the Toledo Health Area, asking about socio-demographic and occupational data, and including the Spanish version of the Diabetes Attitude Scale (DAS-3sp) questionnaire to evaluate attitudes and motivations related to diabetes. A total of 66 responses were received, of which 50.8% were from females. Mean age (±standard deviation) was 49.97±7.40. Results of the different DAS-3sp subscales (values from 1 to 5) were: S1 (need for special training): 4.52±0.38; S2 (seriousness of type2 diabetes): 4.18±0.42; S3 (value of tight control): 4.15±0.39; S4 (psychosocial impact of diabetes): 3.79±0.48; and S5 (need for patient autonomy): 3.72±0.55. No statistically significant differences were obtained with the four first subscales with sex, specialized training, being a resident tutor, type of contract or clinical setting. There were statistically significant differences in S5 compared with sex (3.90±0,60 in men vs 3.54±0.45 in women; t=2.701; P=.009) and with being a resident tutor (3.99±0.58 vs 3.64±0.52 in non-tutors; t=2.188; P=.033). The attitudes regarding starting insulin treatment in type2 diabetic patients are positives among Toledo Health Area family physicians, specially in the clinical aspects, but they are lower in the psychosocial impact and patient autonomy. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  4. [Knowledge level and professional attitudes to the Living Will: Differences between different professionals and provinces in the same autonomous community].


    Fajardo Contreras, M C; Valverde Bolívar, F J; Jiménez Rodríguez, J M; Gómez Calero, A; Huertas Hernández, F


    Primary: To determine the differences, by occupational category and province, in the knowledge and attitudes of health professionals on the Living Wills Document (LWD) in 4 Andalusian provinces: Cordoba, Jaen, Cadiz, and Granada. Secondary: To determine the number of documents prepared in these areas and the number consulted in terminal situations. Descriptive observational multicenter study, with 17 health areas in 4 Andalusian provinces. Family doctors, nurses and social workers of the areas studied (n=340). Interventions Validated self-administered questionnaire about advance directives. Descriptive and bivariate (×2) analysis of data was performed. Mean age 46±8.8 years, 53.2% women. Physicians 56.1%, nurses 41.1%, social workers 2.6%. The mean score (0-10) of their knowledge was 5.42±2.41, with 78.4% believing that LWD are regulated in Andalusia (provinces differences, P=.001). More than one-third (36.7%) had read the document (differences by occupation, P=.001). The mean score on the advantage of preparing a LWD for the patient was 8.27±2.16 (significant differences between provinces P=.02). Mean score about the practitioner would respect the wishes of a patient in a LWD was 9.14±1.64 (significant difference between provinces P=.03). The mean score of the question about expressing the desires of the professional on preparing their LWD in the following year was 4.85±3.74 (P=.02). There are different behaviors between professions on reading the LWD. There are differences between provinces in the following aspects: whether the documents are regulated, whether the professionals prepare the LWD, and whether the professionals respects the provisions of the LWD. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  5. [Incidence of childhood type I diabetes in Extremadura, Spain, 2003-2007].


    Gimeno Benítez, A; Luengo Pérez, L M; Suero Villa, P; Suero Villa, S; Sánchez Vega, J


    Studies have shown an increasing incidence of type I diabetes in children in Europe over the last 20 years. The present study was conducted to evaluate the incidence and development of type I diabetes in children under 15 years of age in Extremadura in the period 2003-2007. The study applied the capture-recapture method using the national hospital discharge database as primary source. Data were collected from children under 15 years of age diagnosed with diabetes type I during the study period. Secondary data source were insulin prescriptions from the public health system. Rates were standardised and a Poisson regression was used to assess the development of the disease during the study period. The overall adjusted incidence rate was 25.2/100.000 (95%CI: 21.8-28.6) with 100% completeness; no significant differences were observed by sex or provinces. Age group rates were 20.2/100.000 (95%CI: 10.1-30.3) for aged 0-4 years, 24.8/100.000 (95%CI: 20.1-29.4) for aged 5-9 years, and 30.0/100.000 (95%CI: 25.8-34.1) for aged 10-14 years, with a RR of 1.67 (95%CI: 1.18-2.36; P=.004) for 10-14 year olds relative to 0-4 year olds. The number of cases among children aged 0-4 years increased from 5 cases in 2003 to 15 cases in 2006, although this increase was not significantly different. The overall rates of incidence of type I diabetes were higher than the expected incidence values in Extremadura. Careful surveillance is required to confirm the increased trend in the incidence of type I diabetes observed among children aged 0-4 years. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  6. [Use of ineffective practices in Primary Health Care: professional opinions].


    Domínguez Bustillo, L; Barrasa Villar, J I; Castán Ruíz, S; Moliner Lahoz, F J; Aibar Remón, C


    To estimate the frequency of ineffective practices in Primary Health Care (PHC) based on the opinions of clinical professionals from the sector, and to assess the significance, implications and factors that may be contributing to their continuance. An on line survey of opinion from a convenience sample of 575 professionals who had published articles over the last years in Atención Primaria and Semergen medical journals. A total of 212 professionals replied (37%). For 70.6% (95% confidence interval [CI] 64.5 to 73.3) the problem of ineffective practices is frequent or very frequent in PHC, and rate their importance with an average score of 7.3 (standard deviation [SD]=1.8) out of 10. The main consequences would be endangering the sustainability of the system (48.1%; 95% CI, 41.2 to 54.9) and harming patients (32.1%; 95% CI, 25.7 to 38.5). These ineffective practices are the result of the behaviour of the patients themselves (28%; 95% CI, 22.6 to 35.0) workload (26.4%; 95% CI, 20.3 to 32.5), and the lack of the continuous education (19.3%; 95% CI, 13.9 to 24.7). Clinical procedures of greatest misuse are the prescribing of antibiotics for certain infections, the frequency of cervical cancer screening, rigorous pharmacological monitoring of type 2 diabetes in patients over 65 years, the use of psychotropic drugs in the elderly, or the use of analgesics in patients with hypertension or renal failure. The use of ineffective procedures in PHC is considered a very important issue that negatively affects many patients and their treatment, and possibly endangering the sustainability of the system and causing harm to patients. Copyright © 2014 SECA. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  7. [Validation of taking arterial pulse in Primary Care for the detection of atrial fibrillation and other cardiac rhythm disorders in patients over 65 years old].


    Pérula-de Torres, L A; González-Blanco V, V; Luque-Montilla, R; Martín-Rioboó, E; Martínez-Adell, M A; Ruiz-de Castroviejo, J


    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most frequent arrhythmia in clinical practice and has important prognostic implications. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the validity and the reliability of taking the arterial pulse (TAP) in patients over 65 years for detecting in AF and other rhythm disorders. A descriptive, observational, multicentre study to validate a diagnostic test within in a controlled clinical trial. 39 Primary Care Centres in the Spanish National Health Service. A total of 318 physicians and nurses took part in the analysis of validity, and 166 of them took part in the analysis of reliability. The professionals were previously called to a meeting in which they took the arterial pulses, and were given 4 ECGs to interpret. The participants TAP of 864 patients followed by an ECG to confirm the cardiac rhythm. Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values were estimated to assess the criterial validity and the simple concordance index to check reproducibility. The sensitivity of pulse measurement for detecting AF detection was 99.4% (95% CI: 97.9-100.0), with a specificity of 30.7% (95% CI: 26.1-35.3), a positive predictive value of 36.6% (95% CI 32.0-41.2), and negative predictive value of 99.2% (97.3-100.0). The simple concordance between the researchers and the cardiologist for the ECG diagnosis of AF ranged between 84.9% and 91.6%. The TAP has a high sensitivity but a low specificity to detect AF. It is a reliable test for the opportunistic screening of arrhythmias in patients aged over 65 years. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. [The impact of therapeutic inertia and the degree of the medication adherence on the control goals for patients with diabetes].


    López-Simarro, F; Moral, I; Aguado-Jodar, A; Cols-Sagarra, C; Mancera-Romero, J; Alonso-Fernández, M; Miravet-Jiménez, S; Brotons, C


    The purpose of this study was to analyse both the impact of low therapeutic adherence (TA) and therapeutic inertia (TI) on poor blood glucose control and on risk factors for heart disease in patients with DM2. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a Primary Halth Care centre. A total of 320 patients with DM2 were included and an assessment was made of control goals (HbA1c≤7%, blood pressure ≤130/80mmHg, and LDL-cholesterol≤100mg/dl). A pharmacy retrieval <80% was considered as a lack of TA and the non-modification of treatment in badly controlled patient as TI. The percentage of patients with good control of HbA1c, blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol was 62.5%, 40.9%, and 35.9%, respectively. Lower figures of TA were present in poorly controlled patients, and TI was not found to be related to TA. In the patients with poor HbA1c control, 25.8% had TI, 24.8% poor TA, and 11.9% had both of them. As regards LDL-cholesterol, 3.6% presented poor TA, 70.4% showed TI, and 16% with poor TA and TI (P<.001). As for blood pressure, 3.5% of patients had poor TA, 54.6% had TI, and 21.5% of them had poor TA as well as TI (P<.01). Lack of therapeutic adherence and therapeutic inertia were found in a high percentage of poorly-controlled DM2 patients with bad control. Therapeutic inertia was found to be of great relevance in this study. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. [Management of a first depressive episode in the primary care setting. Use of antidepressants and referrals].


    López-Lanza, J R; Villa Puente, M; Lopez Videras, R; Arribas, I; Pandiella, M J; Sineiro, E


    The majority of patients who have a first depressive episode are treated by Primary Care physicians. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of antidepressants and referrals to mental health and the treatment modifications made by psychiatrists. A descriptive, retrospective study was conducted on patients from 64 Primary Care clinics, distributed in five Spanish provinces. The clinical history data, regarding use of antidepressants, criteria for referral, and response of psychiatric services were evaluated from June 2008 to June 2011. The study included 324 patients. The most commonly prescribed medication was escitalopram, with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) making up 73.5% of the total. More than two-thirds (69.7%) of the patients were on treatment for at least 6 months, with no reason recorded for the 40.4% drop-outs. A large majority of professionals (76.9%) wait at least 3 weeks before modifying the medication, especially changing antidepressant. The Primary Care physicians referred 39.2% of patients to psychiatry, although much of these referrals (43.9%) had no justification. There was a lower referral rate to psychology (23.1%). An antidepressant was given to a large number of patients on multiple medications, without taking into account the risk of interactions in a high percentage. The Primary Care physician appropriately uses the antidepressants of the first choice, but does not pay attention to the risks in complex patients. There must be an appropriate duration of treatment and an improvement of the criteria for referral to mental health services. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. [Characteristics of smoking, nicotine dependence and motivation for change in specialists training in health sciences (residents) in Andalusia (Spain)].


    Juárez-Jiménez, M V; Valverde-Bolívar, F J; Pérez-Milena, A; Moreno-Corredor, A


    As there are few studies on the smoking habits of specialists training in health sciences (residents), it is of interest to determine the prevalence of smoking, nicotine dependence and motivation for change, and their relationship with other variables (personal, work and consumption of other drugs). A multicentre, cross-sectional study using a questionnaire was conducted in 2012. All the residents who were studying in Teaching Health Centres in Andalusia (Spain) completed a questionnaire, which was sent by e-mail, collecting: age, sex, specialty, country of origin, qualitative-quantitative consumption of tobacco, age of onset/cessation, Fagerström test and stage of change (Proschaka). A total of 2667 residents (63% of total) completed the questionnaire. The mean age was 29.1 years (± 5.2), 69% female, 89% Spanish, and 86% physicians. Of the 17% who smoked (daily pattern-47%, intermittently-41%, related to leisure-3%), starting at 17.4 years (±3.5) and mean of 7.5 cigarettes per day (±7.1), higher medical specialties (P=.067 ANOVA), and in men (P=.074, Student-t). More than three-quarters (82%) had a low nicotine dependence, being higher in hospital medical specialties (P=.078 χ(2)). Of the total, 7% were former smokers, and 48% wanted to quit smoking (contemplation 38%, preparation 10%). In the multivariate analysis there was a link between smoking and alcohol consumption (OR 2.84) and illegal drugs (OR 3.57). There were no differences by age or country. The consumption of tobacco in residents is less than the general population, with a low dependence and better willingness to change. The period of specialised training is a good time to offer tobacco interventions. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  11. Índice de vulnerabilidad de adultos mayores en Medellín, Barranquilla y Pasto.


    Cardona, Doris; Segura, Ángela; Segura, Alejandra; Muñoz, Diana; Jaramillo, Daniel; Lizcano, Douglas; Agudelo, Maite Catalina; Arango, Catalina; Morales, Santiago


    Introducción. La vulnerabilidad puede entenderse como la carencia de recursos materiales e inmateriales que impide el aprovechamiento de oportunidades en distintos aspectos de la vida. Estos recursos de bienestar evitan el deterioro de la calidad de vida.Objetivo. Construir un índice de vulnerabilidad con las características de los capitales físico, humano, social y funcional de los adultos mayores de tres ciudades de Colombia en el 2016, y determinar los factores asociados con esta condición.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio transversal con información primaria mediante 1.514 encuestas a personas de 60 años o más de Medellín, Barranquilla y Pasto. En la construcción del índice se usó el análisis factorial con los métodos de componentes principales y de rotación ortogonal varimax.Resultados. Las condiciones que generaban vulnerabilidad se relacionaron principalmente con el capital humano (calidad de vida, salud mental y hábitos); los demás capitales aportaron un solo componente, así: capital físico (ocupación), capital social (acompañamiento) y capital funcional (independencia funcional). La vulnerabilidad fue mayor en los residentes de Pasto. Los factores asociados con la vulnerabilidad fueron la ciudad de residencia, el sexo, el nivel educativo y el rol en el hogar.Conclusión. En el 58,55 % de las personas mayores, la vulnerabilidad se explicó por el uso del tiempo, la independencia funcional y el bienestar subjetivo. Estos hallazgos aportan elementos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida, principalmente en cuanto a la capacidad funcional para mantener la independencia, estar ocupados y fortalecer la salud mental.

  12. [Health status, quality of life, and use of healthcare resources by patients with diabetes mellitus in Spain].


    García-Soidán, F J; Villoro, R; Merino, M; Hidalgo-Vega, Á; Hernando-Martín, T; González-Martín-Moro, B


    This study analyses the health status of patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (DM), their health related quality of life (HRQoL) and their use of healthcare resources in Spain. A descriptive analysis was conducted using the Spanish Health National Survey (ENSE, 2012), gathering data on those patients aged 15 and over diagnosed with DM. Their health status, their HRQoL, and their use of healthcare resources were systematically compared with those of patients diagnosed with other chronic conditions (OCC), as well as a population without DM (non-DM). Out of 21,007 subjects that took part, 7.4% were diagnosed with DM and 59% with OCC conditions (mean age 65.6±14.2 years with DM, 51.3±18.1 years with OCC, and 45.7±18.2 years with non-DM). When compared to non-DM and OCC, DM was statistically significantly associated with higher frequencies of hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, obesity, myocardial infraction, hospital admissions in the last year, and drug consumption, but with a lower number of visits to secondary healthcare. The mean quality adjusted life years (QALY) of patients with DM was 0.75 per year, significantly lower (P<.05) to that of individuals with OCC (0.89), and those without DM (0.92). The difference vs. non-DM remained statistically significant after adjusting for age, gender, and number of comorbidities (P<.001). In Spain, DM is associated with a high comorbidity, involves a greater loss in HRQoL than those diagnosed with other chronic conditions as a whole, and generates a significant burden on the healthcare system. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  13. [Level at which control objectives are reached in patients in different population groups with type 2 diabetes].


    Herrero, A; Pinillos, J; Sabio, P; Martín, J L; Garzón, G; Gil, Á

    There is evidence of increased macro- and micro-vascular risk in diabetic patients. The objective of this study was to determine the level of control in patients in different population groups with type 2 diabetes. Descriptive cross-sectional study. Primary care. Madrid Health Service. Year: 2014. Patients over 14 years with type 2 diabetes. Number of patientes: n=6674. Variables on the degree of control (HbA1c, systolic blood pressure [SBP], diastolic blood pressure [DBP], LDL-c) and variables on patient characteristics (demographic, other cardiovascular risk factors, complications). The mean age of patients with controlled HbA1c was 67.8 years vs. 62.9 years in the uncontrolled (P<.001). Patients diagnosed with hypertension have a higher percentage of control with respect to the undiagnosed in HbA1c, SBP, DBP and LDL-c: 51 vs. 37%, 62 vs. 43%, 75 vs. 47% and 57 vs. 44% respectively; diagnosed with dyslipidaemia: 51 vs. 39%, 60 vs. 49%, 70 vs. 56% and 56 vs. 46%. With a diagnosis of macroangiopathy: 46 vs. 45%, 58 vs. 54%, 71 vs. 62% and 15 vs. 60%. All differences were statistically significant (P<.001). Over 50% of patients without a diagnosis of hypertension had an SBP> 140mmHg or DBP> 90mmHg. Over 25% of patients with hypertension or DL and uncontrolled levels were not receiving drug treatment. Control was improved in all groups, especially in younger patients, with particularly high cardiovascular risk by the presence of other cardiovascular risk factors or macroangiopathy. A significant percentage of patients with uncontrolled BP and cLDL were not diagnosed or receiving drug treatment. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. [Perception of Primary Care physicians on the integration with cardiology through continuity of healthcare programs in secondary prevention].


    Cosin-Sales, J; Orozco Beltrán, D; Ledesma Rodríguez, R; Barbon Ortiz Casado, A; Fernández, G


    To determine the perception of Primary Care (PC) physicians on the integration with cardiology (CA) through continuity of healthcare programs. A cross-sectional and multicentre study was conducted, in which a total of 200 PC physicians from all over Spain completed a qualitative survey that evaluated the level of integration with CA in secondary prevention. Physicians were grouped according to the level of PC-CA integration. The integration between CA and PC was good, but it was better in those centres with a higher integration (74.0% vs. 60.0%; p=.02) and in general, physicians considered that integration had improved (92.0% vs. 73.0%; p<.001). Almost all PC physicians received the hospital discharge report. The majority of the hospital discharge reports included recommendations about the CA and PC follow-up, control of risk factors, as well as the duration of secondary prevention treatment, with not significant differences according to the level of integration. In 55.8%, 63.6%, and 51.3% of hospital discharge reports, indications were given on when to perform the follow-up blood analysis, as well as information about returning to working life and sexual activity, respectively. The most common communication method was the paper-based report (75 vs. 84%; p=NS). The communication between healthcare levels was greater in those Primary Care centres with a higher level of integration, as well as periodicity of the communication and the satisfaction of physicians (80.0% vs. 63.0%; p=.005). The level of integration between PC and CA is, in general, satisfactory, but those centres with a higher level of integration benefit more from a greater communication and satisfaction. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  15. [Self-perception of disease in patients with chronic diseases].


    Adrián-Arrieta, L; Casas-Fernández de Tejerina, J M


    The aim of this study is to assess the self-perception of disease by patients with chronic diseases and determine factors related to their perception of disease. Cross-sectional descriptive study performed between September 2014 and April 2015 in nine (6 urban and 3 rural) Health Centres of Navarra, Spain. The participants were recruited by convenience sampling of 196 patients aged over 65 years with at least one chronic disease. The outcome variable was: Perception of disease evaluated through The Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (9 items. Assessment of the cognitive and emotional representation of the disease. A higher total score indicates a greater threat of disease to the patient). Explanatory variables: Evaluation of the care received through the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care, Katz index, Gijon's socio-family evaluation scale and quality of life using the EQ5D questionnaire. Other variables studied were: gender, age, education, Charlson index, and number of chronic diseases. The association between the total The Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire value and the rest of the variables was calculated. The self-perception of disease is more negative for a larger number of diseases (rho: 0.242; p=.001), greater patient dependence (rho: -0.193; P=.007), and a poorer self-perceived quality of life (EQ VAS rho: -0.484; P<.001. EQ5D5L Index value rho: -0.507; P<.001). The perception that chronic patients have about their disease worsens as their diseases and their dependence increase, and also worsens their quality of life. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  16. [Criterios utilizados por médicos de atención primaria para el diagnóstico y derivación al reumatólogo del paciente con artritis reumatoide].


    Xibillé-Friedmann, Daniel; Mondragón-Flores, Victor; de la Rosa, César Horcasitas


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an important cause of disability, affects 1% of the population. Early diagnosis and referral to a rheumatologist are positive prognostic factor but diagnosis in many cases is in the hands of primary care physicians (PCP). To determine the criteria used by PCP for diagnosis of RA and referral of these patients to a rheumatologist; to evaluate how many cases can be classified as RA according to the ACR. Retrospective study of 530 patients referred by PCP and seen as outpatients at a rheumatology clinic in 2002. Patients with referral diagnosis of RA were identified and symptoms, signs, functional capacity and ACR criteria for RA were evaluated by 2 rheumatologists. 302 patients had a referral diagnosis of RA, 33 male (10.9%) and 269 female (89.1%), median age 50.5 years, with a median time since diagnosis of 45.2 months. 57.9% had FC stage II. 100% of cases had "generalized" joint pain, 67.5% arthritis of 3 or more joints and 51.7% arthritis of hand joints. Arthritis was symmetrical in 58.9% and 77.2% of the patients had morning stiffness (> 30 min). 49.7% of the cases had positive rheumatoid factor, 19.2% had a negative RF and 31.1% had none reported. In 2% ESR was measured. X-ray erosions were reported in 6.6% of cases. When using the ACR criteria, 17.8% of patients had 1, 28.7% had 2 and 53.5% had 3 or more criteria. In only 59 cases (20%) did the rheumatologist agree with the referral diagnosis of RA. 80% of PCP referrals of RA to the rheumatologist were another disease. A poor clinical evaluation and little support from laboratory and x-rays was noticed. The delay in diagnosis and referral was 3 years, worsening prognosis. A vigorous effort in educating PCP is needed to achieve early diagnosis and referral of RA cases. Copyright © 2006 Elsevier España S.L. Barcelona. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  17. Un Programa Personalizado De Lectura En Un Aula Primaria: Reporte De Un Modelo Comprobado (A Personalized Program of Reading in a First Grade Classroom: Report From a Proven Model.)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mendenhall, Susie B.; And Others

    This document written in Spanish describes a personalized reading program and discusses the results of its implementation. The focus of this approach to reading is based on the individual child and his feelings. This model personalizes the child's reading material in the classroom. In personalizing the reading material, the child's attitudes…

  18. Síndrome de Grisel en el adulto e inestabilidad cráneo cervical. Odontoidectomía endoscópica transnasal y fijación occípito-cervical. Reporte de caso y revisión de literatura

    PubMed Central

    Herrera, Roberto; Rojas, Héctor; Estramian, Ariel; Gómez, Julieta; Ledesma, José Luis; Pablo, José; Pastore, Julián


    Resumen Introducción: La patología de la unión cráneo-cervical es poco frecuente en la práctica neuroquirúrgica diaria. En general la mayor parte de estas lesiones son de origen traumático o reumatológico. La inestabilidad atlanto-axial de origen inflamatorio (Síndrome de Grisel) es una rara entidad de la que solo se han reportado 16 casos adultos en la literatura. Esta patología se caracteriza por el desarrollo de una lesión osteolítica a nivel de la articulación atlanto-axoidea posterior a un evento infeccioso, generalmente de las vías aéreas superiores. Descripción del caso: Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 76 años quien concurre en consulta por un cuadro clínico de inestabilidad cráneo espinal secundaria a una lesión osteolítica, con compromiso de C1 y C2. La sintomatología comenzó posteriormente a un proceso infeccioso respiratorio. Se realizó una fijación occípito-cervical posterior y una Odontoidectomía con descompresión anterior por vía endoscópica transnasal. La paciente evolucionó con resolución completa de los síntomas. Los cultivos fueron negativos y el estudio de anatomía patológica concluyó cambios inflamatorios inespecíficos. Conclusión: Hasta hace algunos pocos años la única opción para abordar esta patología era la vía transoral con técnica microquirúrgica. Hoy en día la endoscopía nos brinda muchas ventajas técnicas por lo que constituye una opción a tener en cuenta en la planificación de los abordajes a la unión cráneo-cervical. PMID:29430326

  19. Transmission scenarios of major vector-borne diseases in Colombia, 1990-2016.


    Padilla, Julio César; Lizarazo, Fredy Eberto; Murillo, Olga Lucía; Mendigaña, Fernando Antonio; Pachón, Edwin; Vera, Mauricio Javier


    Introducción. Las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores representan más de 17 % de todas las enfermedades infecciosas y causan anualmente un millón de defunciones a nivel mundial. En Colombia, la malaria, el dengue, la enfermedad de Chagas y las leishmaniasis son condiciones endemoepidémicas persistentes.Objetivo. Determinar el comportamiento epidemiológico de las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores en zonas urbanas y rurales de Colombia entre 1990 y 2016.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio descriptivo del comportamiento epidemiológico de las principales enfermedades transmitidas por vectores en zonas urbanas y rurales de Colombia entre 1990 y 2016, con la información proveniente de fuentes oficiales secundarias.Resultados. En el periodo estudiado se registraron 5'360.134 casos de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, de los cuales 54,7 % fueron de malaria y 24,9 % de dengue. Estos casos concentraron el 80 % de la carga acumulada de casos de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores. Las medianas de las tasas de incidencia fueron 1.371 y 188 por 100.00 habitantes para malaria y dengue, respectivamente. Además, los casos de chikungunya fueron 774.831 desde su introducción en el 2014 y, los de Zika, 117.674 desde su aparición en 2015. En las zonas rurales predominaron las enfermedades parasitarias transmitidas por vectores como la malaria, las leishmaniasis y la enfermedad de Chagas. A nivel urbano, predominaron el dengue, el chikungunya y el Zika.Conclusiones. La transmisión en Colombia de estas enfermedades es persistente en las zonas urbanas y en las rurales, y de tipo endemoepidémico en los casos de malaria, dengue, leishmaniasis y enfermedad de Chagas. Dicha transmisión se ha dado de manera focalizada y con patrones variables de intensidad. Asimismo, se mantienen las condiciones que han favorecido la transmisión emergente de nuevas arbovirosis.

  20. Analysis of the Presence of Content about Astronomy in a Decade of the National High School Examination (1998-2008). (Spanish Title: Análisis de la Presencia de Contenidos de Astronomía em Uma Década del Examen Nacional de Enseñaza Secundária (1998-2008).) Análise da Presença de Conteúdos de Astronomia em Uma DÉcada do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (1998-2008)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gomide, Hanny Angeles; Longhini, Marcos Daniel


    In this paper we analyzed the presence of contents of Astronomy in the National High School Examination (ENEM) in its first decade (1998-2008). We verified the number of questions addressing this topic that were present over the years, as well as the most recurrent subjects. We discussed the results from what is proposed by the official documents regarding the teaching of Astronomy in the Elementary and Secondary Education and we entertain future expectations about the presence of contents of this science in future official examinations. En este trabajo realizamos un análisis de la presencia de contenidos de Astronomía em las pruebas del Examen Nacional de Enseñanza Secundaria (ENEM) em su primera década de existência (1998-2008). Contabilizamos la cantidad de preguntas incluyendo este tema que estuvieron presentes en el transcurso de los años, así como los temas más recurrentes. Discutimos los resultados a partir de lo propuesto por los documentos oficiales en relación a la enseñanza de Astronomía en la Educación Básica y elaboramos algunos apuntes sobre futuras expectativas em relación a la presencia de contenidos de esta ciencia en examenes oficiales. No presente trabalho fizemos uma análise da presença de conteúdos de Astronomia nas provas do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM), em sua primeira década de existência (1998-2008). Verificamos a quantidade de questões envolvendo essa temática que estiveram presentes no decorrer dos anos, assim como os temas mais recorrentes. Discutimos os resultados a partir do que é proposto pelos documentos oficiais em relação ao ensino de Astronomia na Educação Básica e tecemos alguns apontamentos sobre a expectativa futura quanto à presença de conteúdos dessa ciência nesse exame oficial.

  1. Los cambios en la velocidad de rotación terrestre y los fenómenos geomagnéticos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gianibelli, J. C.

    Uno de los aspectos importantes relativos a la geodinámica del interior terrestre es la correlación entre los eventos de cambio en la velocidad de rotación terrestre y los determinados en los elementos del campo geomagnético por ejemplo, la Declinación Magnética, o los coeficientes de los modelos matemáticos de representación global de dicho campo. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de las características espectrales de los cambios observados en la longitud del día (ldd), y su relación con la estructura espectral de las coeficientes de los modelos matemáticos de campo denominados Campo Internacional Geomagnético de Referencia (CIGR). El intervalo estudiado comprende los últimos 100 años. Los resultados muestran una correlación en las bandas de 60 y 30 años, con posibles períodos mucho mayores que no son posibles determinar a partir de los modelos de CIRG. Se efectúa una simulación a partir de los resultados obtenidos por la aplicación del método de máxima entropía con longitudes del filtro predictor de error comprendida entre el 10% y el 95% de la longitud de la serie analizada. Se observan procesos sicrónicos y asincrónicos que, en muy largos intervalos de tiempos, podrían suponerse como caóticos.

  2. Calidad de Imagen del Telescopio UNAM212

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cobos, F. J.; Teiada de Vargas, C.


    El telescopio UNAM2l2, del Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, situado en la Sierra de San Pedro Mártir (Baja California, México), cumplira en un futuro muy cercano siete años de uso para fines de investigación astronómica. Aunque en este tiempo no se ha efectuado un estudio sistemático acerca de su comportamiento óptico y de los factores que influyen en la calidad de las imágenes, se han realizado pruebas diversas, estudios parciales y reuniones especificas, cuyos resultados no siempre se han difundido ampliamente y generalmente no se han presentado por escrito. Es por ello que hemos creido necesario intentar una recopilación de la información existente para poder con ella establecer un diagnóstjco que, aunque no sea definitivo, sirva de base para futuros trabajos tendientes a optimizar el comportamiento óptico del telescopio. Es evidente que un buen número de las conclusiones que se presentan son resultado del trabajo de muchas personas ó de esfuerzos colectivos. Asimismo, hemos tratado de localizar información bibliográfica que pueda ser de utilidad. Nuestro objetivo primordial ha consistido en centrarnos en la óptica del telescopio y su calidad, pero también se han considerado otros aspectos que puedan afectar las imágenes obtenidas tales como: celda del primario, `seeing' local y externo, flexiones posibles en la estructura mecánica del telescopio, etc.

  3. Diet of a sigmodontine rodent assemblage in a Peruvian montane forest.


    Sahley, Catherine Teresa; Cervantes, Klauss; Pacheco, Victor; Salas, Edith; Paredes, Diego; Alonso, Alfonso


    Knowledge of feeding habits of small rodents is necessary for understanding food webs, trophic structure, and plant-animal interactions in Neotropical forests. Despite several studies that have investigated community structure and feeding behavior of rodents, large gaps remain in our understanding of their guild occupancy. Our objective was to investigate the diets of 7 species of small (< 100g) sympatric sigmodontine rodents in a high (3,500 m) Andean montane rainforest in Peru. We qualitatively and quantitatively assessed diet items in fecal samples from livetrapped rodents from 2009 to 2012. Frequency data for 4 diet categories indicated that all 7 species of rodents contained 4 diet categories in fecal samples: arthropods (88%), remains of leaves and fibers from plants (61%), intact seeds (with or without fruit pulp; 50%), and mycorrhizal spores (45%). Omnivory was found to be a strategy used by all species, although contingency table analysis revealed significant differences among and within species in diet categories. Cluster analysis showed 2 main groupings: that of the Thomasomys spp. plus Calomys sorellus group which included high amounts of intact seeds and plant parts in their fecal samples, and those of the genera Akodon , Microryzomys , Oligoryzomys , which included a greater proportion of arthropods in their fecal samples, but still consumed substantial amounts of fruit and plant parts. Intact seed remains from at least 17 plant species (9 families) were found in fecal samples. We concluded that this assemblage of sigmodontine rodents is omnivorous but that they likely play an important role as frugivores and in seed dispersal in tropical montane forests in Peru. El conocimiento de los hábitos alimenticios de roedores pequeños es necesario para comprender cadenas alimenticias, estructura trófica, e interacciones planta-animal en los bosques neotropicales. A pesar de que numerosos estudios han investigado la estructura de comunidades y el

  4. Diet of a sigmodontine rodent assemblage in a Peruvian montane forest

    PubMed Central

    Sahley, Catherine Teresa; Cervantes, Klauss; Pacheco, Victor; Salas, Edith; Paredes, Diego; Alonso, Alfonso


    Knowledge of feeding habits of small rodents is necessary for understanding food webs, trophic structure, and plant–animal interactions in Neotropical forests. Despite several studies that have investigated community structure and feeding behavior of rodents, large gaps remain in our understanding of their guild occupancy. Our objective was to investigate the diets of 7 species of small (< 100g) sympatric sigmodontine rodents in a high (3,500 m) Andean montane rainforest in Peru. We qualitatively and quantitatively assessed diet items in fecal samples from livetrapped rodents from 2009 to 2012. Frequency data for 4 diet categories indicated that all 7 species of rodents contained 4 diet categories in fecal samples: arthropods (88%), remains of leaves and fibers from plants (61%), intact seeds (with or without fruit pulp; 50%), and mycorrhizal spores (45%). Omnivory was found to be a strategy used by all species, although contingency table analysis revealed significant differences among and within species in diet categories. Cluster analysis showed 2 main groupings: that of the Thomasomys spp. plus Calomys sorellus group which included high amounts of intact seeds and plant parts in their fecal samples, and those of the genera Akodon, Microryzomys, Oligoryzomys, which included a greater proportion of arthropods in their fecal samples, but still consumed substantial amounts of fruit and plant parts. Intact seed remains from at least 17 plant species (9 families) were found in fecal samples. We concluded that this assemblage of sigmodontine rodents is omnivorous but that they likely play an important role as frugivores and in seed dispersal in tropical montane forests in Peru. El conocimiento de los hábitos alimenticios de roedores pequeños es necesario para comprender cadenas alimenticias, estructura trófica, e interacciones planta-animal en los bosques neotropicales. A pesar de que numerosos estudios han investigado la estructura de comunidades y el

  5. Lean thinking in health and nursing: an integrative literature review.


    Magalhães, Aline Lima Pestana; Erdmann, Alacoque Lorenzini; Silva, Elza Lima da; Santos, José Luís Guedes Dos


    organizacionais, promovendo vantagens em termos de qualidade, segurança e eficiência dos cuidados de saúde e enfermagem com foco no paciente. evidenciar el conocimiento científico desarrollado sobre el pensamiento Lean en el área de la salud (destacando el impacto y las contribuciones en el cuidado de la salud) y en la enfermería. revisión integradora de la literatura a partir de las bases de datos PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, Emerald, LILACS y en la biblioteca electrónica SciELO, de 2006 a 2014, con sintaxis de palabras clave para cada base; fueron seleccionados 47 artículos para análisis. las categorías fueron elaboradas a partir de la tríade de calidad propuesta por Donabedian: estructura, proceso y resultado. El pensamiento Lean está en ascensión en las investigaciones sobre salud, principalmente en el ámbito internacional, con destaque para los Estados Unidos y Reino Unido, mejorando la estructura, el proceso y el resultado a partir de acciones asistenciales y administrativas. Sin embargo, es una temática incipiente en la enfermería. por medio de ese estudio se observó que la utilización del pensamiento Lean, en el contexto de la salud, tiene un efecto transformador en los aspectos asistenciales y organizacionales, promoviendo ventajas en términos de calidad, seguridad y eficiencia de los cuidados de salud y enfermería con enfoque en el paciente.

  6. Analysis and Synthesis of Leaky-Wave Devices in Planar Technology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martinez Ros, Alejandro Javier

    estan determinadas por la constante de fase del modo "leaky" que es el que determina el angulo de apuntamiento y por la tasa de radiacion que es la que determina la intensidad de los campos radiados. De esta manera, controlando en amplitud y fase el modo "leaky" se puede obtener un control efectivo sobre el diagrama de radiacion del dispositivo. Ademas, con el objetivo de poder obtener de una manera mas eficiente las caracteristicas de propagacion de los modos de fuga "leaky" en funcion de los principales parametros geometricos de la estructura, se han desarrollado diversas herramientas de analisis modal basadas en la tecnica de resonancia transversa de la estructura. La capacidad para obtener un control simultaneo de la constante de propagacion compleja del modo "leaky", ha sido demostrada mediante el diseno y fabricacion de varios tipos de antena "leaky wave" (LWA) y de otros dispositivos como multiplexores y sistemas de enfoque en campo cercano. Para ello, se ha utilizado la tecnologia planar de guia de onda integrada en sustrato (susbstrate integrated waveguide, SIW). Esta recientemente desarrollada tecnologia, permite disenar dispositivos de microondas basados en tecnologia clasica de guia de ondas con sistemas de fabricacion estandar usados en tecnologia de circuitos impresos (printed circuit board, PCB). De esta forma, se pueden integrar en un mismo sustrato muchas de las diferentes partes que forman un sistema de comunicaciones, mejorando asi su robustez y compactibilidad, ademas de reducir el coste y de contar con menores perdidas que otras tecnologias planares como la microstrip.

  7. Espectroscopía de Microondas en Jets Supersónicos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alonso, J. L.; López, J. C.; Lesarri, A.; Blanco, S.; Sanz, M. E.; Mata, S.; Cocinero, J. E.; Sánchez, R.

    Complejos con Enlace de Hidrógeno. El entorno de bajas temperaturas de una expansión supersónica es un excelente laboratorio para estudiar el comportamiento conformacional de los complejos con enlace de hidrógeno. Nuestro grupo ha observado por vez primera enlaces de hidrógeno axial y ecuatorial en los complejos de tetrahidropirano, sulfuro de pentametileno y sulfuro de trimetileno con HCl y HF [1-6] generados en las expansiones adiabáticas en He, Ne o Ar y caracterizados por espectroscopía de microondas con transformadas de Fouier. Existe controversia a la hora de considerar a las interacciones C-H\\cdotsO como enlaces de hidrógeno o como simples interacciones de van der Waals. Las interacciones C-H\\cdotsO han sido estudiadas en el dímero del dimetil eter generado en la expansión supersónica y caracterizado por espectroscopía de microondas [7]. Estas interacciones se han analizado en los complejos formados entre los alcanos sustituidos del trifluorometano y difluorometano con oxirano [8] caracterizándose la existencia de interacciones C-F\\cdotsH-C que contribuyen a la estabilización de estos complejos. Ablación Láser: Estructura de Aminoácidos. Los aminoácidos poseen puntos de fusión elevados (>200oC) y se presentan en fases condensadas como formas dipolares (+H3N-CH(R)-COO-) distintas de las neutras de las cadenas polipéptidas. Con el fin de obtener la estructura de estas formas neutras es necesario experimentar en fase gas, en un entorno libre de interacciones como el de una expansión supersónica. Para solventar el problema de su baja presión de vapor, se ha diseñado un nuevo instrumento que combina la espectroscopía de microondas en jet supersónicos con técnicas de ablación láser [9] que evita los métodos de vaporización por calentamiento que conducen a la descomposición de los aminoácidos. Diversos confórmeros de los aminoácidos naturales de la prolina [10], valina [11], cis- y trans- hidroxiprolina, serina, cisteina, ldots

  8. Elaboration and Validation of the Medication Prescription Safety Checklist.


    Pires, Aline de Oliveira Meireles; Ferreira, Maria Beatriz Guimarães; Nascimento, Kleiton Gonçalves do; Felix, Márcia Marques Dos Santos; Pires, Patrícia da Silva; Barbosa, Maria Helena


    -se que este estudo possa contribuir para a prevenção de eventos adversos, bem como para a melhoria da qualidade da assistência e segurança no uso de medicamentos. elaborar y validar un instrumento tipo checklist para identificar la adhesión a las recomendaciones en la estructura de las prescripciones de medicamentos, a partir del Protocolo del Ministerio de la Salud y Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria. investigación metodológica, conducida mediante el proceso de validez y análisis de confiabilidad, con muestra de 27 prescripciones electrónicas. los análisis llevados a cabo confirmaron la validez de contenido y la confiabilidad de la versión del instrumento. La validez de contenido, alcanzada mediante la evaluación de jueces, fue considerada satisfactoria por contemplar ítems que representan la adhesión a las recomendaciones en la estructura de las prescripciones de medicamentos. La confiabilidad, evaluada por interobservadores, se reveló excelente (ICC=1,00) y de concordancia perfecta (K=1,00). el instrumento Lista de Verificación de Seguridad en la Prescripción de Medicamentos se mostró válido y confiable para el grupo estudiado. Se espera que este estudio pueda contribuir hacia la prevención de eventos adversos, y también hacia la mejora de la calidad de la atención y seguridad en el uso de medicamentos.

  9. Nuestras cuentas diarias: Matematicas. Primaria para adultos, Segunda parte, Volumens 1 y 2. Edicion Experimental (Our Daily Accounting: Mathematics. Primer for Adults, Part Two, Volumes 1 and 2. Experimental Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instituto Nacional para la Educacion de los Adultos, Mexico City (Mexico).

    These workbooks are part of a Mexican series of instructional materials designed for Spanish speaking adults who are in the process of becoming literate or have recently become literate in their native language. The workbooks are designed to teach skills needed to manage ordinary financial transactions and daily tasks requiring a knowledge of…

  10. Nuestras cuentas diarias: Matematicas. Primaria para adultos, Primera parte, Volumens 1 y 2. Edicion Experimental (Our Daily Accounting: Mathematics. Primer for Adults, Part One, Volumes 1 and 2. Experimental Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instituto Nacional para la Educacion de los Adultos, Mexico City (Mexico).

    These workbooks are part of a Mexican series of instructional materials designed for Spanish speaking adults who are in the process of becoming literate or have recently become literate in their native language. The workbooks, divided in two volumes, are designed to teach skills required in managing ordinary financial transactions and daily tasks…

  11. Modelo Pedagogico de Educacion Primaria para Adultos: Manual para el Asesor de Estudiantes Libres. Primera Parte (A Pedagogical Model for Adult Primary Education: Manual for the Student Advisor. Part One).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instituto Nacional para la Educacion de los Adultos, Mexico City (Mexico).

    This guide, part of a Mexican series of instructional materials, is intended for advisors of students participating in an adult education program offered through public and private organizations in communities in Mexico. The first part of the program comprises Spanish and math; the second, education for family life, education for community life,…

  12. The Role of Collaborative Work in the Development of Elementary Students' Writing Skills (El papel del trabajo colaborativo en el desarrollo de las habilidades de escritura de estudiantes de primaria)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yate González,Yuly Yinneth; Saenz, Luis Fernando; Bermeo, Johanna Alejandra; Castañeda Chaves, Andrés Fernando


    In this article we report the findings of a two-phase action research study focused on the role of collaborative work in the development of elementary students' writing skills at a Colombian school. This was decided after having identified the students' difficulties in the English classes related to word transfer, literal translation, weak…

  13. Mexican Secondary School Students' Perception of Learning the History of Mexico in English (La percepción de alumnos mexicanos de secundaria cuando aprenden la historia de México en inglés)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lara Herrera, Romero


    This article focuses on Mexican students' perceptions of learning the history of Mexico in English through content-based instruction, which is one of many types of bilingual pedagogical approaches that are now considered established approaches in Mexico and around the globe. A phenomenological approach was chosen in order to understand and examine…

  14. Interface between social support, quality of life and depression in users eligible for palliative care.


    Azevedo, Cissa; Pessalacia, Juliana Dias Reis; Mata, Luciana Regina Ferreira da; Zoboli, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone; Pereira, Maria da Graça


    ível de depressão (p<0,001); quanto maiores os sintomas de depressão, pior é a qualidade de vida global (p<0,001), funcional (p<0,001) e menores os níveis de apoio social (p<0,001). Os níveis de qualidade de vida, apoio social e depressão de pacientes elegíveis para cuidados paliativos são influenciados por fatores socioeconômicos, tais como estado conjugal, sexo, idade, renda, escolaridade e presença de cuidador. Analizar la relación entre apoyo social, calidad de vida y depresión en pacientes elegibles para cuidados paliativos atendidos en la Atención Primaria a la Salud de un municipio en el interior de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Estudio transversal correlacional, realizado con pacientes atendidos en seis unidades de atención primaria a la salud. Los datos fueron sometidos al análisis estadístico descriptivo, pruebas de diferencias entre medias y medianas y pruebas de correlación. El nivel de significancia adoptado fue 0,05. La muestra fue compuesta por 115 participantes, y se identificó que cuanto mayor el apoyo social, mejor es la calidad de vida global (p <0,001) y funcional (p = 0,035); cuanto mayor sea la presencia de síntomas físicos, menor el nivel de apoyo social (p = 0,012) y mayor el nivel de depresión (p <0,001); cuanto mayores los síntomas de depresión, peor es la calidad de vida global (p <0,001), funcional (p <0,001) y menores los niveles de apoyo social (p <0,001). Los niveles de calidad de vida, apoyo social y depresión de pacientes elegibles para cuidados paliativos son influenciados por factores socioeconómicos, tales como estado conyugal, sexo, edad, renta, escolaridad y presencia de cuidador.

  15. Sobre el estado evolutivo de β Pictoris

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunini, A.; Benvenuto, O. G.

    Desde el descubrimiento de fuertes excesos infrarrojos en β Pictoris, esta estrella ha sido muy estudiada y es considerada candidata a poseer un sistema planetario propio. β Pic está rodeada de un disco asimétrico de polvo que se observa de canto y que esta vacío a distancias <= 40 AU. Esto se considera una fuerte evidencia en favor de la presencia de (al menos) un planeta gigante. Recientemente se han observado líneas de material circunestelar que se han interpretado como consecuencia de la caída de objetos cometarios sobre esta estrella. Recientemente se ha utilizado la existencia del disco de polvo para atribuir una edad corta (pre - secuencia principal) a βPic. Sin embargo, la evaporación de estos cometas provee suficiente polvo como para explicar la presencia del disco observado sin necesidad de edades cortas. En este trabajo mostramos que la comparación entre la tasa de impactos cometarios estimada en el Sistema Solar para diferentes etapas de su evolución y los datos observados en β Pic indica edades avanzadas para β Pic. Esta estimación debe tomarse con cautela ya que depende de la estructura de los sistemas planetarios. Además mostramos que, desde el punto de vista de la evolución estelar y con las incertezas presentes en la luminosidad y la temperatura efectiva, existe un continuo de edades posible para β Pic. Sin embargo, empleando los datos provenientes de los flujos cometarios encontramos que una edad prolongada es consistente con ambos tratamientos.

  16. Alfabetización astronómica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tignanelli, H.

    A fines de 1991, en una revista de educación en ciencias, José L. Sérsic reflexionaba acerca de los problemas que enfrentaría la enseñanza de los conocimientos astronómicos en nuestro país, en los umbrales del Siglo XXI. Entonces postulaba como un objetivo mínimo, que los jóvenes deberían mostrar signos claros de que se hallan astronómicamente alfabetizados. Era el año en que se realizaba por primera vez una Asamblea General de I.A.U. en Buenos Aires, una oportunidad de singulares características para la comunidad astronómica local y, simultáneamente el comienzo de un cambio radical en la estructura del sistema educativo argentino. ?`Contempla ese cambio el objetivo que postulara Sérsic? ?`Estamos en condiciones de afirmar que estamos en camino de lograrlo? ?`Con qué parámetros?. Presentamos aquí un panorama general sobre algunas de las acciones realizadas en función de alcanzar esa alfabetización científica, analizando exclusivamente la actividad de enseñanza hasta el nivel universitario, sin detenernos en el mismo, ya que lo consideramos una instancia superior e independiente de aquella alfabetización. Tampoco nos referiremos a la tarea de difusión, divulgación o popularización de la Astronomía, ya que su condición de asistemática y subjetiva no es evaluable en términos de la formación integral de un individuo.

  17. Temporal analysis of genetic structure to assess population dynamics of reintroduced swift foxes.


    Cullingham, Catherine I; Moehrenschlager, Axel


    Reintroductions are increasingly used to reestablish species, but a paucity of long-term postrelease monitoring has limited understanding of whether and when viable populations subsequently persist. We conducted temporal genetic analyses of reintroduced populations of swift foxes (Vulpes velox) in Canada (Alberta and Saskatchewan) and the United States (Montana). We used samples collected 4 years apart, 17 years from the initiation of the reintroduction, and 3 years after the conclusion of releases. To assess program success, we genotyped 304 hair samples, subsampled from the known range in 2000 and 2001, and 2005 and 2006, at 7 microsatellite loci. We compared diversity, effective population size, and genetic connectivity over time in each population. Diversity remained stable over time and there was evidence of increasing effective population size. We determined population structure in both periods after correcting for differences in sample sizes. The geographic distribution of these populations roughly corresponded with the original release locations, which suggests the release sites had residual effects on the population structure. However, given that both reintroduction sites had similar source populations, habitat fragmentation, due to cropland, may be associated with the population structure we found. Although our results indicate growing, stable populations, future connectivity analyses are warranted to ensure both populations are not subject to negative small-population effects. Our results demonstrate the importance of multiple sampling years to fully capture population dynamics of reintroduced populations. Análisis Temporal de la Estructura Genética para Evaluar la Dinámica Poblacional de Zorros (Vulpes velox) Reintroducidos. © 2013 Society for Conservation Biology.

  18. Speaking, writing, and memory span in children: output modality affects cognitive performance.


    Grabowski, Joachim


    franceses quiénes compararon la ejecución en la capacidad de retención en la memoria oral y escrita. Las dificultades observadas en niños, pero no en adultos, en procesos de bajo nivel en la escritura pueden derivarse de la inadecuación grafomotriz u ortográfica. Informamos sobre cinco experimentos diseñados para replicar y ampliar los resultados originales. Primero, los resultados franceses fueron replicados con éxito para alemanes en tercer curso y para estudiantes universitarios. Después, los cambios evolutivos en costes cognitivos en la escritura fueron estudiados durante la educación primaria, comparando la ejecución de los alumnos del segundo y cuarto curso. Posteriormente, demostramos que las formas de escribir no practicadas, que se han inducido experimentalmente, conducen a la disminución de la ejecución en la memoria también en adultos, lo cual apoya la hipótesis de que la falta de la automatización grafomotriz es la responsable de los efectos encontrados en niños. Sin embargo, la escritura a mano muestra resultados más claros que la escritura a máquina. Por último, hemos intentado separar la influencia de la grafomotricidad frente a las dificultades ortográficas componiendo las palabras señalando en una "pizarra de ortografía". Este intento, sin embargo, no ha tenido éxito, probablemente porque señalar letras ha introducido otros costes de bajo nivel. Resumiendo, a lo largo de los cuatro años de la educación primaria, los niños alemanes muestran peor ejecución en retención en memoria en la escritura, en comparación con el recuerdo oral, con un incremento general en ambas modalidades. Por tanto, al final de la educación primaria, la escritura no ha igualado todavía el habla en cuanto a los costes cognitivos. Por consiguiente, las conclusiones están relacionadas con la cuestión de cómo evaluar cualquier tipo de conocimiento o habilidades mediante la producción de lenguaje. Les processus de bas niveau de la production du langage

  19. [Use of COPD-6 Vitalograph in Primary Care as tool for smoking cessation].


    Antón-García, F; Pruteanu, D F; Correcher-Salvador, E


    To assess the evolution of smoking cessation process after using a COPD-6 Vitalograph in smokers that came to a primary care practice (PCP) during a three year period (March 2011- February 2013). To assess if there are any new COPD diagnoses and to compare the smoking cessation outcomes to those of a specific smoking cessation practice (SSCP) from another healthcare centre. Two devices were used: Vitalograph (electronic device measuring the lung function) and the CO-oximeter, in 176 patients (active search of smokers). tobacco pack-years, tobacco dependence (shortened Fagerström test), CO in exhaled breath (in parts per million-ppm), personal history of COPD or cardiovascular disease (CVD). The patients performed three forced exhalations and the Vitalograph registered the lung function (FEV1, FEV6, FEV1/FEV6) and the estimated lung age (ELA). Patient attitude was assessed (phases: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation) before and after the test, informing them of the outcomes. Patient progress in the smoking cessation process was also recorded. A total of 176 smokers were studied in PCP and 33 in SSCP. PCP/SSCP: age: 45.9/51.6 years old (p=042); pack-years 25.5/39.3 (p=0001); patients who quit smoking and used medicines for it 2/9. In PCP: age-ELA 45.9/57.4 (p=0.000). In SSCP: age-ELA 51.6/74.3 (p=000). Smoking habit evolution PCP/SSCP: cessation 24.5%/48.5% (p=004). Difference 24%. CI difference (6.4-42.8%). In PCP new COPD diagnosis in 6 smokers. COPD-6 Vitalograph is a fast and easy to use tool in day-to-day practice. The percentage of smoking cessation is better in SSCP, although a high smoking cessation rate was obtained in PCP (active search). Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. [Health-related quality-of-life in the smoking general population of Spain: An approach from the National Health Survey].


    de Lossada, A; Rejas, J


    Smoking has been associated with an important health risk. The aim was to analyze the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) status of the adult Spanish general population included in the National Health Survey according to its smoking status. Data were included from National Health Survey for the year 2011-2012 with information of HRQoL status in general population over 15 years of age. Adult male and female, 18 years of age or above, were categorized into 3 exclusive groups according to their current smoking status: smokers (daily smokers of any form of tobacco, at least the previous 12 months), ex-smokers of one or more years since quitting smoking and people who have never smoked (non smokers). HRQoL was assessed with the Spanish version of the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire included into the National Health Survey. A total of 19,604 records were analyzed: 4,723 (24.09%) smokers, 3,797 (19.37%) ex-smokers, and 11,084 (56.54%) non smokers, male and female with 18 years of age or above. Smokers showed significantly adjusted mean scores (95% CI) in utility of 0.903 (0.899-0.908) and 75.36 (74.06-76.69) in the visual analogue scale of current state of health, ex-smokers 0.924 (0.919-0.929) and 76.85 (76.67-78.07), and non smokers 0.902 (0.899-0.905) and 76.25 (75.02-77.51), P<.01 between groups in both variables. In the Spanish general population, subjects who are ex-smokers showed better utility values and state health scores, supporting the hypothesis that quitting smoking could be associated with a discreet improvement of HRQoL. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. [Persistence to treatment by type of inhaler device in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease].


    Sicras, A; Ferrer, V; Collar, J M; Navarro, R; Sáez, M

    To assess the initial treatment persistence with inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta-2 adrenergic bronchodilators (ICS/LABA) depending on the inhaler device used (pMDI or DPI), for the treatment of asthma and COPD. An multicenter observational study. Subjects in initial treatment with ICS/LABA during 2007-2011 were included, and a follow-up period of 3 years. 2 groups of study (asthma, COPD) and 2 subgroups were prepared according to the device type inhaler (pMDI or DPI). The main measurements were: sociodemographic, comorbidity, adherence (rate possession medication -RPM-), persistence, drugs, exacerbation rates, resources use, and their costs (direct and indirect costs). Multivariate methods were used for the variables correction, with significance level of P<.05. The study included 2,082 asthma patients (pMDI: N = 566, 27.2%; DPI = 1,516, 72.8%). Patients with MDI devices showed a higher degree of persistence (32.5 vs. 27.8%; P=.037), treatment adherence (RPM: 83.1 vs. 80.5%; P<.001), fewer exacerbations (17.7 vs. 24.9%; P=.001) and lower health care costs (2,583 vs. 2,938 EUR; P = 0.042). 1,418 patients with COPD also were analyzed (pMDI: N = 524, 41.9%; DPI: N = 824, 58.1%) were analyzed. Patients with MDI devices also showed a higher degree of persistence (31.5 vs. 24.8%; P=.005), treatment adherence (RPM: 83.3 vs. 80.1%; P= .001), less exacerbations (40.1 vs. 48.2%; P=.002) and lower health care costs (3,922 vs. 4,588 EUR; P=.021). pMDI devices (as ICS/LABA initial treatment) are associated with higher treatment persistence either in asthma or COPD, with lower exacerbation rates, and use of health resources and cost. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. Cómo aumentar la actividad física de los niños durante el período del recreo en las escuelas

    PubMed Central

    Ludwig, David


    Objetivos. Analizamos si la participación de las escuelas en el Programa de Mejoramiento del Recreo (PMR) en la primavera del año 2011 estuvo asociada a tasas más altas de actividad física intensa en los niños. Métodos. En el PMR, un coordinador dirige a los niños para que practiquen juegos adecuados para la edad a fin de aumentar su nivel de actividad física. Durante el recreo en 25 escuelas primarias públicas de la ciudad de Nueva York (15 participantes en el PMR, 10 no participantes en el PMR) los investigadores observaron algunas áreas predeterminadas (n = 1 339 observaciones) y registraron el número de niños que estaban sedentarios, caminando o muy activos. Resultados. Tras el análisis estadístico con múltiples variables se encontró que la participación en el PMR era una variable predictiva significativa (P = 0,027) de la tasa de actividad física intensa (porcentaje de niños muy activos en las áreas de observación) cuyas medias de los mínimos cuadrados fueron de 41% en las escuelas participantes en el PMR y de 27% en escuelas no participantes en el PMR. En las escuelas participantes en el PMR se siguió registrando una tasa significativamente superior incluso cuando el coordinador de juegos no estaba en el área de observación, lo que sugiere un cambio en la cultura del recreo en las escuelas que participan en este programa. Conclusiones. La tasa de actividad física intensa en las escuelas participantes en el PMR fue 14 puntos porcentuales (o 52%) superior a la tasa registrada en las escuelas no participantes en el PMR. Esta intervención de bajo costo podría ser un agregado valioso a las herramientas para combatir la obesidad infantil y podría valer la pena reproducirla en otros sitios. PMID:24899455

  3. Risk of nonfatal acute myocardial infarction associated with non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, non-narcotic analgesics and other drugs used in osteoarthritis: a nested case-control study.


    de Abajo, Francisco J; Gil, Miguel J; García Poza, Patricia; Bryant, Verónica; Oliva, Belén; Timoner, Julia; García-Rodríguez, Luis A


    The purpose of this study is to estimate the risk of nonfatal acute myocardial infarction (AMI) associated with traditional NSAIDs (tNSAIDs), non-narcotic analgesics (paracetamol and metamizole), and symptomatic slow-acting drugs in osteoarthritis (SYSADOAs) overall and in different subgroups of patients. We performed a nested case-control study using a Primary Care Database (Base de datos para la Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica en Atención Primaria), over the study period, 2001-2007. We included patients aged 40-90 years, with nonfatal AMI and randomly selected controls matched for age, sex and calendar year. Exposure to drugs was assessed within a 30-day window before the index date. We did not find an association with nonfatal AMI in patients at low-intermediate background cardiovascular risk (odds ratio = 0.92; 95% confidence interval: 0.76-1.12), whereas there was a moderate significant association among those at high risk (1.28; 1.06-1.54) or when tNSAIDs were used for longer than 365 days (1.43; 1.12-1.82). The greatest risk occurred when these two conditions were combined (1.80; 1.26-2.58). The risk varied across individual tNSAIDs, with ibuprofen (0.95; 0.78-1.16) in the lower and aceclofenac (1.59; 1.15-2.19) in the upper part of the range. Low-dose aspirin did not modify the risk profile showed by any of the individual tNSAIDs examined. Paracetamol (0.84; 0.74-0.95), metamizole (1.06; 0.87-1.29) and SYSADOAs (0.68; 0.47-0.99) were not associated with an increased risk overall or in any subgroup of patients. The risk of nonfatal AMI varied with individual tNSAIDs, duration of treatment and background cardiovascular risk. Paracetamol, metamizole and SYSADOAs did not increase the risk in any of the conditions examined. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  4. Ascertainment of acute liver injury in two European primary care databases.


    Ruigómez, A; Brauer, R; Rodríguez, L A García; Huerta, C; Requena, G; Gil, M; de Abajo, Francisco; Downey, G; Bate, A; Tepie, M Feudjo; de Groot, M; Schlienger, R; Reynolds, R; Klungel, O


    The purpose of this study was to ascertain acute liver injury (ALI) in primary care databases using different computer algorithms. The aim of this investigation was to study and compare the incidence of ALI in different primary care databases and using different definitions of ALI. The Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) in UK and the Spanish "Base de datos para la Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica en Atención Primaria" (BIFAP) were used. Both are primary care databases from which we selected individuals of all ages registered between January 2004 and December 2009. We developed two case definitions of idiopathic ALI using computer algorithms: (i) restrictive definition (definite cases) and (ii) broad definition (definite and probable cases). Patients presenting prior liver conditions were excluded. Manual review of potential cases was performed to confirm diagnosis, in a sample in CPRD (21%) and all potential cases in BIFAP. Incidence rates of ALI by age, sex and calendar year were calculated. In BIFAP, all cases considered definite after manual review had been detected with the computer algorithm as potential cases, and none came from the non-cases group. The restrictive definition of ALI had a low sensitivity but a very high specificity (95% in BIFAP) and showed higher rates of agreement between computer search and manual review compared to the broad definition. Higher incidence rates of definite ALI in 2008 were observed in BIFAP (3.01 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.13-4.25) per 100,000 person-years than CPRD (1.35 (95% CI 1.03-1.78)). This study shows that it is feasible to identify ALI cases if restrictive selection criteria are used and the possibility to review additional information to rule out differential diagnoses. Our results confirm that idiopathic ALI is a very rare disease in the general population. Finally, the construction of a standard definition with predefined criteria facilitates the timely comparison across databases.

  5. Methodological comparison of marginal structural model, time-varying Cox regression, and propensity score methods: the example of antidepressant use and the risk of hip fracture.


    Ali, M Sanni; Groenwold, Rolf H H; Belitser, Svetlana V; Souverein, Patrick C; Martín, Elisa; Gatto, Nicolle M; Huerta, Consuelo; Gardarsdottir, Helga; Roes, Kit C B; Hoes, Arno W; de Boer, Antonius; Klungel, Olaf H


    Observational studies including time-varying treatments are prone to confounding. We compared time-varying Cox regression analysis, propensity score (PS) methods, and marginal structural models (MSMs) in a study of antidepressant [selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)] use and the risk of hip fracture. A cohort of patients with a first prescription for antidepressants (SSRI or tricyclic antidepressants) was extracted from the Dutch Mondriaan and Spanish Base de datos para la Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica en Atención Primaria (BIFAP) general practice databases for the period 2001-2009. The net (total) effect of SSRI versus no SSRI on the risk of hip fracture was estimated using time-varying Cox regression, stratification and covariate adjustment using the PS, and MSM. In MSM, censoring was accounted for by inverse probability of censoring weights. The crude hazard ratio (HR) of SSRI use versus no SSRI use on hip fracture was 1.75 (95%CI: 1.12, 2.72) in Mondriaan and 2.09 (1.89, 2.32) in BIFAP. After confounding adjustment using time-varying Cox regression, stratification, and covariate adjustment using the PS, HRs increased in Mondriaan [2.59 (1.63, 4.12), 2.64 (1.63, 4.25), and 2.82 (1.63, 4.25), respectively] and decreased in BIFAP [1.56 (1.40, 1.73), 1.54 (1.39, 1.71), and 1.61 (1.45, 1.78), respectively]. MSMs with stabilized weights yielded HR 2.15 (1.30, 3.55) in Mondriaan and 1.63 (1.28, 2.07) in BIFAP when accounting for censoring and 2.13 (1.32, 3.45) in Mondriaan and 1.66 (1.30, 2.12) in BIFAP without accounting for censoring. In this empirical study, differences between the different methods to control for time-dependent confounding were small. The observed differences in treatment effect estimates between the databases are likely attributable to different confounding information in the datasets, illustrating that adequate information on (time-varying) confounding is crucial to prevent bias. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  6. [Primary care in France].


    Sánchez-Sagrado, T


    The poor planning of health care professionals in Spain has led to an exodus of doctors leaving the country. France is one of the chosen countries for Spanish doctors to develop their professional career. The French health care system belongs to the Bismarck model. In this model, health care system is financed jointly by workers and employers through payroll deduction. The right to health care is linked to the job, and provision of services is done by sickness-funds controlled by the Government. Primary care in France is quite different from Spanish primary care. General practitioners are independent workers who have the right to set up a practice anywhere in France. This lack of regulation has generated a great problem of "medical desertification" with problems of health care access and inequalities in health. French doctors do not want to work in rural areas or outside cities because "they are not value for money". Medical salary is linked to professional activity. The role of doctors is to give punctual care. Team work team does not exist, and coordination between primary and secondary care is lacking. Access to diagnostic tests, hospitals and specialists is unlimited. Duplicity of services, adverse events and inefficiencies are the norm. Patients can freely choose their doctor, and they have a co-payment for visits and hospital care settings. Two years training is required to become a general practitioner. After that, continuing medical education is compulsory, but it is not regulated. Although the French medical Health System was named by the WHO in 2000 as the best health care system in the world, is it not that good. While primary care in Spain has room for improvement, there is a long way for France to be like Spain. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. [Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation and functional constipation in adults: Treatment (Part 2 of 2)].


    Mearin, F; Ciriza, C; Mínguez, M; Rey, E; Mascort, J J; Peña, E; Cañones, P; Júdez, J


    essence, prucalopride, linaclotide, lubiprostone, biofeedback, antdepressants, psychological treatment, acupuncture, enemas, sacral root neurostimulation and surgery), and practical recommendations are made for each. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. [Safety of SGLT2 inhibitors. A review of the adverse drug reactions registered in a national database].


    Esteban-Jiménez, O; Navarro-Pemán, C; Urieta-González, L

    To analyse the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) caused by Sodium-glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors (SGLT2i) notified in Spain since they have been on the market. An analysis was made of all the notifications registered in the Spanish Pharmacovigilance System of drugs for human use, arising from the use of SGLT2i. A total of 311 notifications were recorded, of which 169 (54.34%) were related to dapagliflozin, 81 (26.05%) to empagliflozin, and 61 (19.61%) to canagliflozin. There was a ratio of 52.1% women to 47.9% men. The mean age was 62.07±12.17years. There were 167 (53.7%) notifications were classified as non-serious and 144 (46.3%) as serious. A total of 534 ADRs were notified, with the most common being urinary tract infections in 37 (6.9%) cases, diabetic ketoacidosis in 30 (5.6%), balanoposthitis in 24 (4.5%), ketoacidosis in 16 (3%), vulvovaginal candidiasis in 16 (3%), dizzy spells in 11 (2.1%), and 10 (1.9%) with dysuria, Candida balanitis, and vulvovaginal pruritus. As regards the outcomes of the 534 ADRs, 55.6% recovered with no sequelae, with 14% still recovering, 4.9% not recovered, fatal in 1.1%, and unknown in 24.3%. The majority of the ADRs notified are infections of the urogenital tract, ketoacidosis, and kidney damage. Although the majority of the former were not serious, the ketoacidosis and kidney damage were, leading to hospital admission and being life threatening in some patients. For these reasons, it is recommended that they are, prescribed with caution, the warnings published by the health authorities consulted, as well as notify any ADR that is suspected in this therapeutic group, in order to improve and provide us with further knowledge. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. [Satisfaction of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus after starting treatment with insulin].


    Mancera-Romero, J; Carramiñana-Barrera, F; Muñoz-González, L; Guillén-Álvarez, P; Murillo-García, D; Sánchez-Pérez, M R


    The objective of this study is to evaluate if overcoming the barrier of starting treatment with insulin can lead to better clinical control and a higher level of patient satisfaction with their treatment. This is an observational, multicentre study of patients diagnosed with DM2 who attended primary care centres with poor glycaemic control (A1c≥8%) under treatment with oral antidiabetic drugs (OADs), and who were given motivational treatment to overcome their fear of injections, and started treatment with insulin. The level of satisfaction with the treatment was evaluated using the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (DTSQ). The questionnaire was used before initiating the treatment with insulin and in the follow-up visit (3-4 months from the beginning of treatment with basal insulin). A total of 573 patients with a mean age of 64±10 years were recruited. The overall mean score from the DTSQs satisfaction questionnaire was 18.3±6.3, and the change of treatment led to an improvement in patient satisfaction compared to the previous treatment (DTSQc mean score 8.8±5.9). A1c dropped from an initial value of 8.7% (SD 0.8) to 7.5% (SD 0.7) (P<.001). The frequency of hyperglycaemic episodes perceived by the patients was significantly lower after they overcame their fear of injections (35.6% compared to 11.5%; P<.001), but no statistically significant differences were found in the frequency of hypoglycaemic episodes (32% compared to 35%; P=.059). In patients with DM2 poorly controlled with OADs, overcoming a fear of injections and starting treatment with insulin was associated with an overall improvement in satisfaction with the new treatment, and decreased the perception of hyperglycaemic episodes. Glycaemic control and the metabolic profile of the patients also improved to a statistically significant degree with the change of treatment. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S

  10. [Chronobiology of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Galicia with semi-automatic external defibrillators].


    Soto-Araujo, L; Costa-Parcero, M; López-Campos, M; Sánchez-Santos, L; Iglesias-Vázquez, J A; Rodríguez-Núñez, A


    To analyze the chronobiological variations of out-hospital cardiac arrest in which an automated external defibrillator was used in Galicia. Descriptive retrospective study of the cardiac arrest attended by the Emergency Medical Service in which an automated external defibrillator was in use during a period of 5 years (2007-2011). An Utstein style database was used. The sex, age, date and hour of the event, location, cardiac arrest attended, beginning of resuscitation by the professional, first monitored rhythm, emergency team activation time and care, endotracheal intubation, and recovery of spontaneous circulation were studied as independent variables. A total of 2,005 cases (0.14/1,000 population-year) was recorded. Time slot with more frequency of cardiac arrest: between 09-11 hrs (18.4%). Months with more cases: January (10.4%) and December (9.8%). It was significantly more probable that the cardiac arrest occurred in the home between 00-08 hrs, and in the street between 08-16 hrs. Asystole was more frequent in the night period (00-08 hrs), whereas the shockable rhythm was in the evening (16-00 hrs). There is more probability of death after cardiac arrest between 00-08 hrs, with recovery of spontaneous circulation being more probable between 16-00 hrs. The time between the emergency team activation and time care was longer in night schedule. In Galicia, cardiac arrest is more frequent in the winter months and in morning schedule. There is a circadian distribution of the cardiac arrest and the rhythm detected at the time of the first assistance, with asystole being more common in night schedule and the shockable rhythm in the evening. The chronobiology of the cardiac arrest should be taken into account in order to organize the distribution and the schedule of the healthcare resources. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  11. El aprendizaje significativo en las ciencias al participar en proyectos de investigacion cientifica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mora Polanco, Miguelena

    La ciencia es el eje fundamental a traves del cual se desarrollan las habilidades necesarias para el pensar cientifico que va a la busqueda del conocimiento cientifico. La intencion de este estudio fue indagar en el tema de investigacion cientifica desde el punto de vista de los participantes en los siguientes aspectos relacionados con la experiencia de investigacion cientifica: a) conceptos, b) proceso, c) destrezas y d) disposicion. Tambien se analizaron: a) las perspectivas del metodo cientifico, b) la estrategia de ensenanza, c) la cultura cientifica y d) la exposicion del proyecto investigativo en la Feria Cientifica; como parte del aprendizaje significativo de la ciencias de los participantes. Esta investigacion cualitativa propuso como diseno el estudio de caso. Los aspectos relacionados a la experiencia de participar en proyecto de investigacion cientifica son el fenomeno o caso bajo estudio. En el estudio participaron cinco (5) estudiantes egresados de escuela publica o privada que cursaban hasta el tercer ano de estudios universitarios, conducentes a un bachillerato en educacion secundaria en ciencias o en ciencias naturales. Las tecnicas utilizadas para recopilar los datos fueron: analisis de documentos del DEPR, revision de artefactos y entrevistas profundas. Para el analisis de los datos de las entrevistas se utilizo el modelo de Wolcott (1994). Del analisis de documentos del DEPR se identificaron areas a mejorar en las guias de las cartas circulares con relacion a la investigacion escolar y la feria cientifica. El analisis de los artefactos proveyo evidencia de como los internados, simposios e investigaciones fomentan el que los estudiantes se superen en el aspecto cognitivo, se conviertan en creadores del conocimiento, al hacer suyo los conceptos para poder explicarlos al publico. De las entrevistas los participantes manifestaron que la experiencia de investigacion fue una de aprendizaje significativo que los marco para toda la vida y les expandio su

  12. Matematica Para La Escuela Secundaria, Primer Curso de Algebra (Parte 1). Traduccion Preliminar de la Edicion Inglesa Revisada. (Mathematics for High School, First Course in Algebra, Part 1. Preliminary Translation of the Revised English Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Allen, Frank B.; And Others

    This is the student text for part one of a three-part SMSG algebra course for high school students. The principal objective of the text is to help the student develop an understanding and appreciation of some of the algebraic structure as a basis for the techniques of algebra. Chapter topics include congruence; numbers and variables; operations;…

  13. Matematica Para La Escuela Secundaria, Primer Curso de Algebra (Parte 2). Traduccion Preliminar de la Edicion Inglesa Revisada. (Mathematics for High School, First Course in Algebra, Part 2. Preliminary Translation of the Revised English Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Allen, Frank B.; And Others

    This is part two of a three-part SMSG algebra text for high school students. The principal objective of the text is to help the student develop an understanding and appreciation of some of the algebraic structure as a basis for the techniques of algebra. Chapter topics include addition and multiplication of real numbers, subtraction and division…

  14. The Impact of Explicit Feedback on EFL High School Students Engaged in Writing Tasks (El Impacto De La Retroalimentación Explícita en Tareas De Escritura en Lengua Inglesa De Estudiantes De Secundaria)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Correa Pérez, Roxanna; Martínez Fuentealba, Mariela; Molina De La Barra, María; Silva Rojas, Jessica; Torres Cisternas, Mirta


    The aim of this article is to examine the impact of feedback on content and organization in writing tasks developed by learners of English as a foreign language. The type of study is qualitative and the research design is a case study. One study involved three students and a female teacher, and the second consisted of three students and a male…

  15. [Not Available].


    Latorre-Román, Pedro Ángel; Martínez-López, Emilio José; Ruiz-Ariza, Alberto; Izquierdo-Rus, Tomás; Salas-Sánchez, Jesús; García-Pinillos, Felipe


    Objetivo: el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de disfrute por el ejercicio físico (PACES) en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad.Métodos: participaron 139 adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad: 91 niñas (edad = 13,85 ± 1,92 años; índice de masa corporal [IMC] = 26,83 ± 3,16 kg/m2) y 48 niños (edad = 14,29 ± 1,62 años; IMC = 28,31 ± 3,74 kg/m2). Para analizar el disfrute por la actividad física se empleó el cuestionario Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES).Resultados: los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio han mostrado una estructura de dos factores; a su vez el PACES presenta una consistencia interna muy alta (alfa de Cronbach = 0,908). La fiabilidad test-retest indica una buena concordancia temporal (Spearman rho = 0,815, p < 0,001). Por último, el PACES en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad manifiesta una validez convergente adecuada con la intencionalidad de ser activo (MIFA), la atracción por la actividad física (CAPA), la resistencia cardiorrespiratoria y los pliegues suprailiacoy subescapular.Conclusión: los resultados confirman que el PACES es una medida válida y fiable del disfrute por la actividad física en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad. El disfrute por la actividad física puede ser relevante en la participación de los adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad en estas actividades.

  16. Conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de las facultades de educacion y ciencias naturales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, recinto de Rio Piedras, acerca de la ciencia y la pseudociencia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reyes Medina, Hector A.

    Esta investigacion describe las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de tercer ano o mas a nivel de bachillerato de los programas de Educacion en Ciencia y Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras, acerca de lo establecido en la literatura para distinguir el conocimiento cientifico de las creencias pseudocientificas. Este estudio se guio por un diseno tipo encuesta transversal que permitio conocer de manera consistente las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes encuestados acerca de la Ciencia y la Pseudociencia. Ademas, permitio desarrollar inferencias estadisticas relacionadas a la poblacion de estudio, sus conceptuaciones y su inclinacion teorica en torno al Realismo y al Racionalismo cientifico moderados. El instrumento utilizado fue el Cuestionario acerca de las concepciones de la ciencia y la pseudocienca en estudiantes universitarios, Reyes (2015). Este cuestionario fue validado mediante la recopilacion de diversas fuentes de evidencias, entre estas se encuentran las evidencias basadas en el contenido, el proceso de respuesta, la estructura interna y de constructo. Tambien, se calculo el Alfa de Crombach para la escala total y para cada componente y se realizo un analisis de factores que demostro la presencia de seis componentes claramente definidos de acuerdo a lo esperado sobre las caracteristicas originales del instrumento. Las estadisticas utilizadas fueron descriptivas. Participaron 302 alumnos, de las facultades de educacion y ciencias naturales. Se encontro que las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de ambas facultades se inclinan en un 66.2% a favor con lo establecido en el modelo teorico en torno al Realismo y al Racionalismo cientifico moderados. Sin embargo, aun hay un 33.8% de los estudiantes de ambas facultades que poseen conceptuaciones distintas al modelo teorico propuesto.

  17. Mini-mastoidectomía para anastomosis hipogloso-facial con sección parcial del nervio hipogloso

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Álvaro; Ajler, Pablo; Socolovsky, Mariano; Martins, Carolina; Rhoton, Albert


    Introducción: La anastomosis hipogloso-facial es la técnica de elección para la reparación de la parálisis facial cuando no se dispone de un cabo proximal sano del nervio facial. La técnica de anastomosis mediante fresado mastoideo y sección parcial del hipogloso minimiza la atrofia lingual sin sacrificar resultados a nivel facial. Método: La porción mastoidea del nervio facial transcurre por la pared anterior de la AM, a un promedio de 18+/-3 mm de profundidad respecto de la pared lateral. Se debe reconocer la cresta supramastoidea, desde la cual se marca una línea vertical paralela al eje mayor de la AM, 1 cm por detrás de la pared posterior del CAE El fresado se comienza desde la línea medio mastoidea hasta la pared posterior del CAE. Una vez encontrado el nervio facial en el tercio medio del canal mastoideo, el mismo es seguido hacia proximal y distal. Resultados: El abordaje descripto permite acceder al nervio facial intratemporal en su porción mastoidea, y efectuar un fresado óseo sin poner en riesgo al nervio o a estructuras vasculares cercanas. Se trata de un procedimiento técnicamente más sencillo que los abordajes amplios habitualmente utilizados al hueso temporal; no obstante su uso debe ser restringido mayormente a la anastomosis hipogloso-facial. Conclusión: Esta es una técnica relativamente sencilla, que puede ser reproducida por cirujanos sin mayor experiencia en el tema, luego de su paso por el laboratorio de anatomía. PMID:23596555

  18. Guia de Educacion Ambiental para Maestros del Nivel Primario. Los Recursos Naturales en la Ensenanza Primaria. Segunda Edicion. (Environmental Education Guide for Teachers of Primary Level. Natural Resources in Primary Instruction. Second Edition.)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Morillo, Alfredo; Del Valle, Ramona

    This guide contains six elementary grade units which focus on environmental concepts considered of major importance by the agricultural personnel of the Dominican Republic. Each of the units shows a cumulative and sequential building of these concepts. Unit 1 (grade 1) focuses on the basics of plant and animal differentiation and on the properties…

  19. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases among visually impaired people: educational text validation.


    Oliveira, Giselly Oseni Barbosa; Cavalcante, Luana Duarte Wanderley; Pagliuca, Lorita Marlena Freitag; Almeida, Paulo César de; Rebouças, Cristiana Brasil de Almeida


    reformulado de acordo com as sugestões relevantes. o texto foi validado com relação ao conteúdo das Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis. Ao total, 35 estrofes foram removidos e outros nove incluídos, seguindo as recomendações dos especialistas. educativo en el contexto de las enfermedades de trasmisión sexual para personas con deficiencia visual para hacerlo accesible a esa población. un estudio de validación en ambiente virtual. Recolecta de datos de mayo a septiembre de 2012 mediante la utilización de los correos electrónicos de los sujetos, compuestos por siete especialistas en contenido en el tema, a través de instrumento propio. El análisis fue basado en las consideraciones de los especialistas sobre los Objetivos, Estructura y Presentación y Relevancia. en los bloques de Objetivos y Estructura y Presentación, 77 (84,6%) y 48 (85,7%) eran totalmente adecuados o adecuados, respectivamente. En el bloque de Relevancia, los ítems 3.2 - Permite transferencia y generalización del aprendizaje, y 3.5 - Muestra aspectos necesarios para informar la familia, revelaron índices de concordancia malos de 0,42 y 0,57, respectivamente. Después del análisis, el texto fue reformulado de acuerdo con las sugestiones relevantes. el texto fue validado respecto al contenido de las enfermedades de trasmisión sexual. Al total, 35 estrofas fueron removidas y otros nueve incluidas, siguiendo las recomendaciones de los especialistas.

  20. Scale of attitudes toward alcohol - Spanish version: evidences of validity and reliability.


    Ramírez, Erika Gisseth León; Vargas, Divane de


    espanhol, apresentou qualidades psicométricas robustas, afirmando que se trata de um instrumento com estrutura fatorial e confiabilidade sólidas, capaz de medir com precisão as atitudes dos enfermeiros frente ao fenômeno proposto. validar la Escala de actitudes frente al alcohol, al alcoholismo y a la persona con trastornos relacionados al uso de alcohol en su versión española. estudio de tipo metodológico, realizado con 303 enfermeros colombianos. Siguiendo la teoría clásica, se utilizó análisis factorial confirmatoria sin exploración previa, con base en la fuerte evidencia histórica de la estructura factorial del instrumento original para determinar la validez de constructo de esta versión en español. La confiabilidad se evaluó por los coeficientes de Alfa de Cronbach y Omega de Mc Donald. el análisis factorial confirmatorio indicó buen ajuste del modelo de la escala en la distribución de cuatro factores, comportando 48 ítems en su versión en español. Los índices de confiabilidad fueron satisfactorios, con un punto de corte observado en 3,2, mostrando sensibilidad del 66,7%. la Escala de actitudes frente al alcohol, al alcoholismo y a la persona con trastornos relacionados al uso de alcohol en idioma español presentó cualidades psicométricas robustas, afirmando que se trata de un instrumento con estructura factorial y confiabilidad sólidas, capaz de medir con precisión las actitudes de los enfermeros frente al fenómeno propuesto.

  1. Support for learning in the perspective of patient safety in primary health care.


    Paranaguá, Thatianny Tanferri de Brito; Bezerra, Ana Lúcia Queiroz; Tobias, Gabriela Camargo; Ciosak, Suely Itsuko


    variáveis que dificultam o processo de aprendizagem no ambiente de trabalho, percebidas pelos profissionais, foram a resistência às mudanças e o excesso de serviço que impede a reflexão sobre como melhorar o trabalho, com média acima de 6,0. o estudo evidencia indicadores relacionados ao processo de desenvolvimento de pessoal na área da saúde e aponta a influência do suporte à aprendizagem para a melhoria dos processos de trabalho e da segurança do paciente. É necessário que seja estabelecida uma cultura de avaliação sistemática das intervenções educativas em saúde, objetivando diagnosticar ações mais incisivas para a mudança de atitude dos profissionais de saúde e, portanto, da prática clínica. analizar el soporte para el aprendizaje, en la perspectiva de la seguridad del paciente, ofrecido en el ambiente de trabajo, según los profesionales de la salud actuantes en la atención primaria. estudio transversal, realizado con 86 profesionales de la salud actuantes en la atención primaria. Se utilizó un instrumento validado, aplicado vía web. Fue realizado un análisis estadístico descriptivo con presentación de mediana, promedio, desviación estándar y coeficiente de variación. fueron evidenciados puntajes favorables de soporte al aprendizaje, como: respeto mutuo, autonomía para organizar el trabajo y la valorización de nuevas ideas, los que obtuvieron promedios arriba de 7,0. Las variables que dificultan el proceso de aprendizaje en el ambiente de trabajo, percibidas por los profesionales, fueron la resistencia a los cambios y el exceso de servicio que impide la reflexión sobre cómo mejorar el trabajo, con promedio arriba de 6,0. el estudio evidencia indicadores relacionados al proceso de desarrollo de personal en el área de la salud y apunta la influencia del soporte al aprendizaje para la mejoría de los procesos de trabajo y de la seguridad del paciente. Es necesario que sea establecida una cultura de evaluación sistemática de

  2. Re-Creating Missing Population Baselines for Pacific Reef Sharks

    PubMed Central

    Nadon, Marc O; Baum, Julia K; Williams, Ivor D; Mcpherson, Jana M; Zgliczynski, Brian J; Richards, Benjamin L; Schroeder, Robert E; Brainard, Russell E


    that density of reef sharks has declined to 3–10% of baseline levels in these areas. Resumen Los tiburones y otros depredadores mayores son escasos en la mayoría de los arrecifes de coral, pero estudios de su ecología histórica proporcionan evidencia cualitativa de que los depredadores una vez fueron numerosos en estos ecosistemas. Sin embargo, la cuantificación de la densidad de tiburones en ausencia de humanos (línea de base) es obstaculizada por la falta de datos de series de tiempo pertinentes. Recientemente, los investigadores han utilizado muestreos visuales submarinos, de extensión espacial limitada o de diseño no estándar, para inferir asociaciones negativas entre la abundancia de tiburones de arrecife y las poblaciones humanas. Analizamos datos de 1607 muestreos por remolque de buzos (transectos >1ha muestreados por observadores remolcados por una lancha) realizados en 46 arrecifes en el Océano Pacífico centro-occidental, arrecifes que incluyeron algunos de los más prístinos del mundo. Las estimaciones de densidad de tiburones fue sustancialmente menor (<10%) que estimaciones publicadas a partir de muestreos a lo largo de transectos pequeños (<0.02 ha), lo cual no es consistente con las pirámides de biomasa invertidas (la biomasa de depredadores es mayor que la biomasa de presas) reportadas para arrecifes prístinos por otros autores. Examinamos la relación entre la densidad de tiburones de arrecife observados en los muestreos por remolque de buzos y la población humana en modelos y consideramos la influencia de la productividad oceánica primaria, la temperatura de la superficie del mar, la superficie del arrecife y su complejidad física. Utilizamos estos modelos para estimar la densidad de tiburones en ausencia de humanos. Las densidades de Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, Triaenodon obesus y el grupo de “tiburones estrictamente arrecifales” incrementó sustancialmente a medida que disminuyó la población humana y que incrementó la

  3. Programa Estrategico do desenvolvimento 1968-70: Area Estrategica IX. Infra-estructura Social. Educacao e Recursos Humanos, 1 e 2 (Strategic Development Program 1968-1970: Strategic Area IX. Education and Human Resources, Volumes 1 & 2).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center


    This document is an English-language abstract (approximately 1,500 words) of a two volume work dealing with education and human resources as part of the Brazilian Government's Strategic Development Program 1968-70. It offers an integral view of education as an instrument of social transformation and an exposition of the quantitative and…

  4. Validation Evidence for the Elementary School Version of the MUSIC® Model of Academic Motivation Inventory (Pruebas de validación para el Modelo MUSIC® de Inventario de Motivación Educativa para Escuela Primaria)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jones, Brett D.; Sigmon, Miranda L.


    Introduction: The purpose of our study was to assess whether the Elementary School version of the MUSIC® Model of Academic Motivation Inventory was valid for use with elementary students in classrooms with regular classroom teachers and student teachers enrolled in a university teacher preparation program. Method: The participants included 535…

  5. Yo Puedo Leer: Un Programa Personalizado de Lectura en un Aula Primaria: Reporte de un Modelo Comprobado (I Can Read: A Personalized Reading Program in a Primary Classroom: A Report on a Verified Model).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mendenhall, Susie B.; Sledjeski, Stephen

    This monograph discusses an investigation carried out in a school which has implemented an experimental reading program. Achievement, self-esteem, and social acceptance gains and their interrelations were investigated. Treatment groups (experimental and control) were the three independent variables providing a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design. Data were…

  6. Accuracy in the estimation of quantitative minimal area from the diversity/area curve.


    Vives, Sergi; Salicrú, Miquel


    The problem of representativity is fundamental in ecological studies. A qualitative minimal area that gives a good representation of species pool [C.M. Bouderesque, Methodes d'etude qualitative et quantitative du benthos (en particulier du phytobenthos), Tethys 3(1) (1971) 79] can be discerned from a quantitative minimal area which reflects the structural complexity of community [F.X. Niell, Sobre la biologia de Ascophyllum nosodum (L.) Le Jolis en Galicia, Invest. Pesq. 43 (1979) 501]. This suggests that the populational diversity can be considered as the value of the horizontal asymptote corresponding to the curve sample diversity/biomass [F.X. Niell, Les applications de l'index de Shannon a l'etude de la vegetation interdidale, Soc. Phycol. Fr. Bull. 19 (1974) 238]. In this study we develop a expression to determine minimal areas and use it to obtain certain information about the community structure based on diversity/area curve graphs. This expression is based on the functional relationship between the expected value of the diversity and the sample size used to estimate it. In order to establish the quality of the estimation process, we obtained the confidence intervals as a particularization of the functional (h-phi)-entropies proposed in [M. Salicru, M.L. Menendez, D. Morales, L. Pardo, Asymptotic distribution of (h,phi)-entropies, Commun. Stat. (Theory Methods) 22 (7) (1993) 2015]. As an example used to demonstrate the possibilities of this method, and only for illustrative purposes, data about a study on the rocky intertidal seawed populations in the Ria of Vigo (N.W. Spain) are analyzed [F.X. Niell, Estudios sobre la estructura, dinamica y produccion del Fitobentos intermareal (Facies rocosa) de la Ria de Vigo. Ph.D. Mem. University of Barcelona, Barcelona, 1979].

  7. [Comparative analysis: Effectiveness of nicotine addiction treatment in people with psychiatric comorbidity].


    Godoy, R; Callejas, F J; Cruz, J; Tornero, A I; Tárraga, P J; Rodríguez-Montes, J A


    To determine whether or not nicotine addiction treatment was less effective in psychiatric than in the healthy population. A retrospective, descriptive and comparative cohort study was conducted in Albacete University Hospital during years 2008-2012 on all patients that attended the Tobacco Cessation Unit. The statistical tests used were Chi-squared, likelihood ratio, and the Student t test. Statistical significance P≤.05. The study included a total of 1,484 patients, of which 48.6% were female. The mean age was 46.8 years, and the mean age of starting smoking was 17.6 years. The mean number of previous attempts to quit was 1.48, and mean number of cigarettes smoked was 25.39. They had a mean Fagerström score of 6.04, a Richmond score of 8.13, and a mean carbon monoxide level of 16.65ppm. Most patients were referred from Primary Care (38.7%) and Chest Diseases department (33%), and the type of tobacco smoked was "light" in 75.8%. There was 15% with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 8% with asthma, and 9.4% with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Furthermore, there was respiratory disease in 28.7%, cardiovascular disease in 4.6%, and both in 3.5%. Hiatus hernia was present in 7.2%, thyroid disease in 3.8%, hypertension in 19%, diabetes in 10.7%, and dyslipidaemia in 29.4%, Drugs were used by 7.1%, and 12.6% consumed alcohol. There was 39.3% psychiatric comorbidity (PC), and were comparable except in gender, age of onset, Fagerström, Richmond, source of referral, asthma, hiatus hernia, thyroid disease, hypertension, as well as drugs and treatment. Drug treatment was completed by 22.3% in the PC group, with no significant difference. There were differences in success (P=.008), but not in failure and relapse rates. Anti-smoking treatment in psychiatric patients is effective. An increase in the probability of treatment success is observed in patients without psychiatric comorbidity. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria

  8. Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunction in a Large Southern European Population Analysis of modulatory factors The APNA Study.


    Santos Palacios, Silvia; Llavero Valero, María; Brugos-Larumbe, Antonio; Díez, Juan José; Guillén-Grima, Francisco; Galofré, Juan C


    To study the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in a very large unselected population. To determine the prevalence of abnormal thyroid function and evaluate potential modulatory factors. The Estudio de Atención Primaria de Navarra, The APNA Study, is a cross-sectional study conducted in northern Spain. It involved 303,883 people, of 20 years of age and older, who live in the Navarra region. Participants are covered by the public healthcare system and medical records are digitalized. The information was gathered from e-registered data regarding serum thyrotropin (TSH), thyroid hormones, thyroid antibody concentration, and clinical context. Measurements were logged (demographic information and potential thyroid function modulatory factors). Serum TSH (mU/L) normal range was established at 0.7-4.28. At the time of the study 87% of the Navarra population had a TSH level within the normal range. Mean serum TSH in euthyroid individuals was higher in women (2.15) than in men (1.96); (P<0.001); and higher in the obese with body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m 2 (2.12) as compared to the non-obese, BMI <30 kg/m 2 , (2.06); (P <0.001). Mean TSH for the entire population was 1.9. The native Spanish population had statistically significantly lower TSH (1.87) than non-native Spanish (2.15); (P <0.001). Additionally, we observed that serum TSH levels decreased with age and an increase in the prevalence of hypothyroidism in the elderly and among people with low income levels. The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in Navarra was 12.3%. The prevalence of hypothyroidism (or high TSH) in the population was 8.8% (13.3% in women, 4.2% in men) and the prevalence of hyperthyroidism (or low TSH) was 4.3% (5.6% in women, 3.0% in men). Nearly 15% of the general population suffers from biochemical thyroid dysfunction. The serum TSH level appears to be influenced by sex, BMI, age, ethnic origin and socio-economic status. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is

  9. Social Representations of Gynecologic Cancer Screening Assessment a Qualitative research on Ecuadorian women.


    Godoy, Yolanda; Godoy, Clara; Reyes, Juan


    The purpose of this work was to explore: knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding gynecologic cancer screening on Ecuadorian women users of primary care facilities, to identify the social representations that users of health services make about these programs and their influence on the decision to undergo a screening. An exploratory and qualitative research design was held using focus groups and in-depth interviews for data collection. A narrative content analysis of the results was conducted. Women's knowledge on gynecological cancer screening was confusing. Most frequent misconceptions related to the pap smear were: the belief that it could be useful for detecting pregnancy, ovarian cysts or infections. Most of the participants stated that the pap smear procedure is a traumatic and painful experience. Regarding to mammography women said it was used for sick woman and this procedure by itself may cause cancer. El propósito de esta investigación fue explorar los conocimientos, actitudes y creencias respecto a los programas de detección del cáncer ginecológico entre usuarias de centros de atención primaria de salud para identificar las representaciones sociales que las usuarias de los servicios de salud elaboran acerca de estos programas y de los diferentes procedimientos que comprenden. El diseño de la investigación fue exploratorio y cualitativo, mediante grupos focales y entrevistas a profundidad, con el respectivo análisis narrativo e interpretativo del contenido. Se encontró conocimiento confuso acerca de los programas de tamizaje de cáncer ginecológico y dificultades asociadas a la realización de los procedimientos. Los significados más frecuentes acerca de los programas fueron: el uso de la citología cérvico-vaginal para detectar embarazo, quistes ováricos o infecciones. La mayoría de los participantes asociaba este procedimiento con una experiencia dolorosa y traumática. Respecto al autoexamen de mamas, lo calificaron como un masaje

  10. The impact of different strategies to handle missing data on both precision and bias in a drug safety study: a multidatabase multinational population-based cohort study.


    Martín-Merino, Elisa; Calderón-Larrañaga, Amaia; Hawley, Samuel; Poblador-Plou, Beatriz; Llorente-García, Ana; Petersen, Irene; Prieto-Alhambra, Daniel


    Missing data are often an issue in electronic medical records (EMRs) research. However, there are many ways that people deal with missing data in drug safety studies. To compare the risk estimates resulting from different strategies for the handling of missing data in the study of venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk associated with antiosteoporotic medications (AOM). New users of AOM (alendronic acid, other bisphosphonates, strontium ranelate, selective estrogen receptor modulators, teriparatide, or denosumab) aged ≥50 years during 1998-2014 were identified in two Spanish (the Base de datos para la Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica en Atención Primaria [BIFAP] and EpiChron cohort) and one UK (Clinical Practice Research Datalink [CPRD]) EMR. Hazard ratios (HRs) according to AOM (with alendronic acid as reference) were calculated adjusting for VTE risk factors, body mass index (that was missing in 61% of patients included in the three databases), and smoking (that was missing in 23% of patients) in the year of AOM therapy initiation. HRs and standard errors obtained using cross-sectional multiple imputation (MI) (reference method) were compared to complete case (CC) analysis - using only patients with complete data - and longitudinal MI - adding to the cross-sectional MI model the body mass index/smoking values as recorded in the year before and after therapy initiation. Overall, 422/95,057 (0.4%), 19/12,688 (0.1%), and 2,051/161,202 (1.3%) VTE cases/participants were seen in BIFAP, EpiChron, and CPRD, respectively. HRs moved from 100.00% underestimation to 40.31% overestimation in CC compared with cross-sectional MI, while longitudinal MI methods provided similar risk estimates compared with cross-sectional MI. Precision for HR improved in cross-sectional MI versus CC by up to 160.28%, while longitudinal MI improved precision (compared with cross-sectional) only minimally (up to 0.80%). CC may substantially affect relative risk estimation in EMR-based drug

  11. [Thyrotropin reference ranges during pregnancy in the province of Huelva, Spain].


    Ortega Carpio, A; Vázquez Rico, I; Castaño López, M A; Duarte González, L; Montilla Álvaro, M; Ruiz Reina, A


    The correct diagnosis of hypothyroidism during pregnancy requires knowledge of the local trimester-specific thyrotropin (TSH) reference ranges. When these are not available, the guidelines recommend upper limits of 2.5, 3.0, and 3.0μU/ml for the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd trimesters, respectively. The aim is to establish the reference range for our local population. A population-based observational study was performed on healthy pregnant women from 11 healthcare centres in the province of Huelva. Women were recruited consecutively during 2016 through the pregnancy process. Women were excluded who had a history of thyroid or medical disease, a poor obstetric history, multiple pregnancy, thyroid autoimmunity, and extreme TSH values (<0.4μU/ml or>10μU/ml), as well as women treated with levothyroxine for thyroid dysfunction. The study included a total of 186 pregnant women, with a mean age of 30.7 years (95% CI: 29.8-31.6) and a body mass index (BMI) of 23.6 (95% CI: 23.2-24.0). Most of them had the first laboratory tests performed before week 11 of pregnancy. Valid subjects for analysis were 145, 105, and 67 pregnant women in the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd trimesters, respectively, after excluding those due to abortion (18.9%), autoimmunity (6.5%), hypo/hyperthyroidism (2.2%), and levothyroxine treatment during the 2 nd /3 rd trimester (18.6%). The 97.5% TSH percentile for the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd trimester was 4.68, 4.83, and 4.57μU/ml, respectively. Thyroid dysfunction was identified in 80 women (55.2%), 33 of whom received treatment with Levothyroxine (22.7%). With the new criteria, thyroid dysfunction prevalence would be reduced to 6.2%, and the need for treatment to 4.1%. The reference range for TSH in our population differs from that proposed by the guidelines. Unnecessary treatment was being given to 18.6% of pregnant women. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights

  12. [Characteristics and cardiovascular events in a general population included in the RICARTO (RIesgo CARdiovascular TOledo) study: Data from the first 1,500 individuals included in the study].


    Rodríguez-Roca, G C; Segura-Fragoso, A; Villarín-Castro, A; Alonso-Moreno, F J; Rodríguez-Padial, L; Rodríguez-García, M L; Fernández-Conde, J A; Rojas-Martelo, G A; Menchén-Herreros, A; Escobar-Cervantes, C; Fernández-Martín, J; Artigao-Rodenas, L M; Carbayo-Herencia, J A; Hernández-Moreno, J


    The aim of this study was to assess cardiovascular risk (CVR) by investigating the prevalence of CVR factors (CVRF), target organ damage (TOD), and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in general population of the health area of Toledo, Spain. Epidemiological and observational study that analysed a sample from the general population aged 18years or older, randomly selected from a database of health cards stratified by age and gender. Clinical history, physical examination, and complementary tests were performed. Total blood and serum samples were frozen at -85°C to evaluate genetic studies in the future. Standard statistical analysis was performed. CVR was assessed by the SCORE scale calibrated for the Spanish population, and the Framingham Heart Study scale. A total of 1,500 individuals (mean age 49.1±15.8years, 55.6% women) were included. Prevalences: dyslipidaemia 56.9% (95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 54.3-59.4), hypertension 33.0% (95%CI: 30.6-35.4), diabetes mellitus 8.6% (95%CI: 7.17-10.1), smoking 24.2% (95%CI; 122.0-26.4), obesity 25.3% (95%CI; 23.1-27.5), and sedentary life-style 39.4% (95%CI; 36.9-41.8). No CVRF was reported in 21.1% of cases, and 18.6% had 3-5 CVRF. TOD: electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy, 4.3%, peripheral artery disease, 10.1% (Doppler ultrasound), and 15.3% (oscillometric device), microalbuminuria, 4.3%, sub-clinical renal disease, 3.2%, and nephropathy in 3.8% (CKD-EPI). At least one CVD was reported in 9.2% of cases. A low CVR (SCORE) was present in 44.6% of individuals. Dyslipidaemia was found in 60% of individuals, 40% had a sedentary life-style, 30% with hypertension, 20% smoked, 20% obesity, and almost 10% with diabetes. More than a half of individuals have a moderate-high-very high risk. The prevalence of TOD and CVD are significant. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  13. [Strategies to improve influenza vaccination coverage in Primary Health Care].


    Antón, F; Richart, M J; Serrano, S; Martínez, A M; Pruteanu, D F


    Vaccination coverage reached in adults is insufficient, and there is a real need for new strategies. To compare strategies for improving influenza vaccination coverage in persons older than 64 years. New strategies were introduced in our health care centre during 2013-2014 influenza vaccination campaign, which included vaccinating patients in homes for the aged as well as in the health care centre. A comparison was made on vaccination coverage over the last 4 years in 3 practices of our health care centre: P1, the general physician vaccinated patients older than 64 that came to the practice; P2, the general physician systematically insisted in vaccination in elderly patients, strongly advising to book appointments, and P3, the general physician did not insist. These practices looked after P1: 278; P2: 320; P3: 294 patients older than 64 years. Overall/P1/P2/P3 coverages in 2010: 51.2/51.4/55/46.9% (P=NS), in 2011: 52.4/52.9/53.8/50.3% (P=NS), in 2012: 51.9/52.5/55.3/47.6% (P=NS), and in 2013: 63.5/79.1/59.7/52.7 (P=.000, P1 versus P2 and P3; P=NS between P2 and P3). Comparing the coverages in 2012-2013 within each practice P1 (P=.000); P2 (P=.045); P3 (P=.018). In P2 and P3 all vaccinations were given by the nurses as previously scheduled. In P3, 55% of the vaccinations were given by the nurses, 24.1% by the GP, 9.7% rejected vaccination, and the remainder did not come to the practice during the vaccination period (October 2013-February 2014). The strategy of vaccinating in the homes for the aged improved the vaccination coverage by 5% in each practice. The strategy of "I've got you here, I jab you here" in P1 improved the vaccination coverage by 22%. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. Educación sobre sexualidad y prevención del VIH: un diagnóstico para América Latina y el Caribe

    PubMed Central

    DeMaria, Lisa M.; Galárraga, Omar; Campero, Lourdes; Walker, Dilys M.


    RESUMEN Objetivo Mostrar, a través de un diagnóstico en América Latina y el Caribe, el panorama legislativo y curricular sobre sexualidad y prevención contra el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) en el ámbito escolar, contrastándolo con los comportamientos sexuales reportados en encuestas demográficas y de salud. Métodos En mayo de 2008 se realizó, con el apoyo del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA), una encuesta a informantes clave en 34 países de la Región. El cuestionario autoaplicado solicitó información sustantiva de agentes de las diferentes partes interesadas, como ministerios de educación y de salud, sobre los programas de prevención contra el VIH/Sida que se están aplicando en las escuelas. Resultados Respondieron a la encuesta 27 países que representan 95,5% de la población objetivo (6 a 18 años de edad). La mayoría de los países informó tener al menos un libro de texto o un capítulo específico para enseñar los temas de educación sobre sexualidad y prevención del VIH. En la escuela secundaria se cubren la mayor parte de los temas pertinentes relevantes para la educación sobre sexualidad, pero no todos. Por ejemplo, el problema de la discriminación por orientación o preferencia sexual no se incluye en los programas escolares. Conclusiones El material educativo sobre sexualidad debe ser revisado y actualizado periódicamente de modo que refleje los avances en los temas y en la forma de tratar los contenidos. En cada país el currículo debe abordar el tema del respeto a la diversidad sobre orientación, preferencia e identidad sexuales, y en particular el manejo apropiado de la educación para prevenir infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres. Los esfuerzos de evaluación de la efectividad de los programas deben contemplar desenlaces tales como marcadores biológicos (incidencia y prevalencia de ITS y embarazo) y no únicamente indicadores de conocimiento y

  15. Exploring Elementary Students' Power and Solidarity Relations in an EFL Classroom (Exploración de las relaciones de poder y solidaridad entre estudiantes de primaria en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Méndez, Tatiana; García, Andrea


    This article derives from a critical discourse analysis study that reports the characteristics of elementary school students' power and solidarity relations in English as a foreign language classroom in Bogotá, Colombia, while we were doing our teaching English as a foreign language practicum. The study was based on theories of power and…

  16. Strategies for improving outcome of assisted reproduction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: systematic review and meta-analysis.


    Kollmann, M; Martins, W P; Lima, M L S; Craciunas, L; Nastri, C O; Richardson, A; Raine-Fenning, N


    they reduce the incidence of OHSS without interfering with clinical pregnancy and live birth for women with PCOS. Additionally there is low-quality evidence pointing to a benefit of metformin supplementation on clinical pregnancy and live birth; and that ovulation induction and administration of estradiol seem to be equally effective for endometrial preparation before FET for women with PCOS. For all other interventions, the evidence is of very low quality, not allowing any meaningful conclusions to be drawn. Estrategias para mejorar el resultado de la reproducción asistida en mujeres con síndrome de ovario poliquístico: revisión sistemática y metaanálisis RESUMEN OBJETIVOS: Identificar, evaluar y resumir la evidencia actual sobre la eficacia de las estrategias para mejorar las técnicas de reproducción asistida en mujeres con síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP). MÉTODOS: Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva de literatura en las bases de datos médicas estándar. La última búsqueda electrónica se realizó en julio de 2015. Las medidas de resultado primarias fueron los nacimientos vivos/embarazos en curso y el síndrome de hiperestimulación ovárica (SHO). Las medidas de resultado secundarias fueron el embarazo confirmado ecográficamente y el aborto. Se cribaron 1021 registros, de los que se evaluaron por completo 173, para finalmente incluir 66 estudios en el análisis cuantitativo. Aunque se evaluaron muchas intervenciones diferentes, en general la calidad de los estudios fue baja. Se observó evidencia de calidad moderada de que no hay diferencias relevantes clínicamente en las tasas de nacimientos vivos/embarazos en curso (riesgo relativo (RR): 0,95 (IC 95%, 0,84-1,08)), o de embarazos confirmados ecográficamente (RR: 1,02 (IC 95%, 0,91-1,15)), cuando se comparan los protocolos de antagonistas y agonistas para la estimulación ovárica. Además, se encontró evidencia de baja calidad en que la metformina mejora las tasas de nacimientos vivos

  17. Matematica Para La Escuela Secundaria, Primer Curso de Algebra (Parte 1), Comentario. Traduccion Preliminar de la Edicion en Ingles Revisada. (Mathematics for High School, First Course in Algebra, Part 1, Teacher's Commentary. Translation of the Revised English Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Allen, Frank B.; And Others

    This is the teacher's commentary for part one of a three-part SMSG algebra text for high school students. The principal objective of the text is to help the student develop an understanding and appreciation of some of the algebraic structure as a basis for the techniques of algebra. Chapter topics include congruence; numbers and variables;…

  18. Matematicas Para La Escuela Primaria, Grado 4 (Parte 1), Comentario. Traduccion Preliminar de la Edicion en Ingles Revisada. (Mathematics for the Elementary School, Grade 4, Part 1, Teacher's Commentary. Preliminary Translation of the Revised English Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Beatty, Leslie; And Others

    This is Part 1 of the teacher's commentary for the grade 4 mathematics program. Part 1 includes the commentary for chapters 1 through 5. Topics covered include congruence, numbers and number bases, subtraction of numbers, division of numbers, and elementary geometry. References to the student text are cited. (RH)

  19. Matematicas Para La Escuela Primaria, Grado 4 (Parte 2), Comentario. Traduccion Preliminar de la Edicion en Ingles Revisada. (Mathematics for the Elementary School, Grade 4, Part 2, Teacher's Commentary. Preliminary Translation of the Revised English Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Beatty, Leslie; And Others

    This is Part 2 of the teacher's commentary for the grade 4 mathematics program. Part 2 includes the commentary for chapters 6 through 10. Topics covered include addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, geometrical figures, lines and lineal measurement, and fractions. (RH)

  20. Successful Approaches to Helping Students--Including English Learners--Succeed in Elementary School. Parent Guide = Enfoques exitosos para ayudar a los estudiantes--incluyendo a los que aprenden ingles--a triunfar en la escuela primaria. Guia de padres

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    EdSource, 2007


    This guide informs parents about some instructional practices that work well for all elementary school students, in particular English learners. It includes questions parents can ask teachers and principals to help them understand how their children's school approaches teaching and learning. Both English and Spanish versions of the document are…

  1. Matematica Para La Escuela Secundaria, Primer Curso de Algebra (Parte 2), Comentario. Traduccion Preliminar de la Edicion en Ingles Revisada. (Mathematics for High School, First Course in Algebra, Part 2, Teacher's Commentary. Preliminary Translation of the Revised English Edition).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Allen, Frank B.; And Others

    This is the teacher's commentary for part two of a three-part SMSG algebra text for high school students. The principal objective of the text is to help the student develop an understanding and appreciation of some of the algebraic structure as a basis for the techniques of algebra. Chapter topics include addition and multiplication of real…

  2. Validation of an educative manual for patients with head and neck cancer submitted to radiation therapy.


    Cruz, Flávia Oliveira de Almeida Marques da; Ferreira, Elaine Barros; Vasques, Christiane Inocêncio; Mata, Luciana Regina Ferreira da; Reis, Paula Elaine Diniz Dos


    reformulado com base nas sugestões dos participantes. Todos os outros itens foram considerados adequados e/ou totalmente adequados nos três blocos propostos: objetivos - 92,38%, estrutura e apresentação - 89,74%, e relevância - 94,44%. o manual educativo proposto foi considerado válido quanto ao conteúdo e à aparência. Sugere-se que possa contribuir para a compreensão do processo terapêutico ao qual o paciente com câncer de cabeça e pescoço é submetido ao realizar a radioterapia, além de subsidiar a prática clínica por meio da consulta de enfermagem. validar el contenido y la apariencia de manual educativo dirigido a los pacientes con cáncer de cabeza y cuello, sometidos a radioterapia. investigación metodológica de carácter descriptivo. Se utilizó la Teoría de la Psicometría para el proceso de validación, el cual fue realizado por 15 peritos en el área temática del manual educativo y por dos profesionales de letras y publicidad. Fue considerado un índice de concordancia que fuese, por lo menos, de 80%, para garantizar la validación del material. los ítems abordados en el instrumento de evaluación del manual educativo fueron divididos en tres bloques: objetivos, estructura y presentación, y relevancia. Apenas un ítem, relacionado al nivel sociocultural del público-objetivo, obtuvo un índice de concordancia <80%, habiendo sido reformulado con base en las sugestiones de los participantes. Todos los otros ítems fueron considerados adecuados y/o totalmente adecuados en los tres bloques propuestos: objetivos (92,38%), estructura y presentación (89,74%), y relevancia (94,44%). el manual educativo propuesto fue considerado válido en lo que se refiere al contenido y a la apariencia. Se sugiere que puede contribuir para la comprensión del proceso terapéutico, al cual el paciente con cáncer de cabeza y cuello es sometido al realizar la radioterapia, además de auxiliar la práctica clínica por medio de la consulta de enfermería.

  3. Development of Educational Resources to Include the Teaching of Astronomy in the First Years of the Basic Education. (Spanish Title: Desarrollo de Recursos Pedagógicos Para Incluir la Enseñanza de la Astronomía en los Primeros Años de la Educación Básica.) Desenvolvimento de Recursos Pedagógicos Para Inserir o Ensino de Astronomia nas Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Silva Morett, Samara; de Oliveira Souza, Marcelo


    In this report will be presented the development of educational resources for the presentation of concepts of astronomy in the early grades of elementary school. This material is composed by presentations developed with the use of new technological resources, by the development of experiments and by the presentation of curiosities related to this field. The experiments were constructed with low cost material in order to allow the students involved to rework them in other occasions. The material presented aims to emphasize the relationship between Astronomy and the daily life of students. The inclusion of Astronomy in elementary school is a way to demonstrate to students how this area is present in an active way in their daily lives. The classes involved in the project participated in a survey with the aim of providing information about the prior knowledge they had about topics in astronomy that were considered during the project. With the experiments conducted, and the aid of new technologies, the astronomical concepts were presented to students of 4th and 5th years of basic education of a municipal school of Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ). After the presentations new data collections were carried out with the aim of verifying the level of learning obtained and it was observed that the method used was an important tool to aid the process of teaching and learning. The project obtained good results. En este informe se presenta el desarrollo de recursos pedagógicos para la presentación de los conceptos de la astronomía en los primeros grados de la escuela primaria. Este material consiste en las presentaciones hechas con el uso de nuevos recursos tecnológicos, haciendo experimentos y análisis de objetos de interés relacionados con este ámbito. Los experimentos fueron construidos con material de bajo costo a fin de que los estudiantes involucrados podrían rehacer en otras ocasiones. El material presentado tiene como objetivo destacar la relación entre la astronom

  4. Exploration of priority actions for strengthening the role of nurses in achieving universal health coverage.


    Maaitah, Rowaida Al; AbuAlRub, Raeda Fawzi


    Cobertura Universal de Saúde. As ações prioritárias foram identificadas pelos participantes para os quatro principais elementos. os resultados do estudo confirmam a necessidade de reforçar o papel da enfermeira em prática avançada para alcançar Cobertura Universal de Saúde através de uma grande transformação no ensino de enfermagem, prática, pesquisa, liderança e sistema regulatório. A Enfermagem deve unir-se para obter competências consistentes relacionadas com a enfermeira em prática avançada, atenção primaria de saúde, Cobertura Universal em Saúde, liderança e elaboração de políticas para reforçar sua posição como atores principais que influenciam o sistema de saúde e a geração de evidências. explorar las acciones prioritarias para el fortalecimiento del papel de las enfermeras con práctica avanzada para el logro de la Cobertura Universal de Salud según la percepción de informantes clave de la salud en Jordania. se utilizó diseño cualitativo exploratorio, utilizando una encuesta semi-estructurada. Una muestra intencional de diecisiete informantes clave de diversos sectores de enfermería y cuidados de la salud fue reclutada para el propósito de este estudio. Se utilizó análisis de contenido usando el método del marco de cinco etapas para el análisis de datos. los resultados revelaron que la política y la regulación, la formación de enfermería, la investigación y la fuerza laboral fueron identificados como los principales elementos que influyen en el papel de la enfermeras con práctica avanzada para contribuir a la consecución de la Cobertura Universal de Salud. Las acciones prioritarias fueron identificadas por los participantes para los cuatro elementos principales. los hallazgos del estudio confirman la necesidad de fortalecer el papel de la enfermeras con práctica avanzada para lograr la Cobertura Universal de Salud a través de una transformación importante en la formación, la práctica, la investigación, el

  5. Modelo Pedagogico de Educacion Primaria para Adultos: Manual para la Vinculacion y Funcionamiento de los Comites de Educacion para Adultos (A Teaching Model for Adult Primary Education: Manual for the Continuation and Operation of Adult Education Committees).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instituto Nacional para la Educacion de los Adultos, Mexico City (Mexico).

    This manual is part of a Mexican series of instructional materials designed for Spanish speaking adults who are in the process of becoming literate or have recently become literate in their native language. This document describes the concept of a model for community adult education for the purpose of supporting local educational committees…

  6. Estudio comparativo de las moléculas isovalentes de interés atmosférico CF3Cl y CF3Br y sus correspondientes halógenos aislados Cl y Br.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mayor, E.; Velasco, A. M.; Martín, I.; Lavín, C.

    Los estados Rydberg moleculares han suscitado en los últimos años un creciente interés entre los espectroscopistas experimentales, motivado en parte por el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas espectroscópicas capaces de investigar estos estados altamente excitados electrónicamente. Los procesos de fotoabsorción que implican estados Rydberg en los derivados halogenados del metano son de gran importancia, debido a su abundancia en la atmósfera y a sus implicaciones medioambientales. Por ello, la obtención de datos relativos a sus fuerzas de oscilador es de gran interés. En este trabajo se aborda el estudio de dichas propiedades para las moléculas isovalentes CF3Cl y CF3Br. Ambas moléculas presentan idéntica estructura electrónica para el estado fundamental por lo que se espera que sus espectros Rydberg presenten grandes similitudes, en ausencia de perturbaciones. Por ello y dada la escasez de datos relativos a fuerzas de oscilador, hemos establecido la corrección de nuestros resultados en base a las analogías esperadas en las intensidades espectrales correspondientes a transiciones análogas. Por otro lado, Novak y col. [1] han encontrado experimentalmente un marcado carácter atómico en el espectro correspondiente a estas moléculas, siendo muy similar a los de los átomos de Cl y Br. Por ello en el presente trabajo, además de establecer la comparación entre ambas moléculas hemos buscado las similitudes con sus respectivos halógenos. Los cálculos relativos a las especies moleculares se han realizado utilizando la Metodología Molécular de Orbítales de Defecto Cuántico (MQDO) [2], mientras que para el estudio de los átomos de Cl y Br se empleó la versión relativista del método (RQDO) [3].

  7. Spatial variability of NDVI at different seasons in the Community of Madrid (Spain)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sotoca, Juan J. Martin; Saa-Requejo, Antonio; Borondo, Javier; Tarquis, Ana M.


    Agricultural drought quantification is one of the most important tasks in the characterization process of this natural hazard and its implications in crop insurance. Recently, several vegetation indexes based on remote-sensing data (VI) has been applied to quantify it (Dalezios et al, 2012). VIs are obtained combining several frequency bands that represent the relationship between photosynthesis and absorbed/reflected radiation. The most widely used VI is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). It is based on the principle that healthy vegetation mainly absorbs visible light and reflects the near-infrared frequency band. Drought can be highly localized, and several authors have recognized the critical role of soil moisture and its spatial variability in agricultural losses (Anderson et al., 2011). Therefore, it is important to delimit locations within a homogeneous area that will share main NDVI statistics and in which the same threshold value can be applied to define drought event. In order to do so, we have applied for the first time in this context the method of singularity maps (Cheng and Agterberg, 1996) commonly used in localization of mineral deposits. The NDVI singularity maps calculated in each season through 2011/2012 are showed and discussed (Martín-Sotoca, 2014). References Anderson, M:C:, C. R. Hain, B. Wardlow, J. R. Mecikalski and W. P. Kustas (2011) Evaluation of drought indices based on thermal remote sensing of evapotranspiration over the continental United States. J. Climate, 24, 2025-2044. Dalezios, N.R., A. Blanta, N.V. Spyropoulos and A.M. Tarquis (2012) Risk identification of agricultural drought for sustainable Agroecosystems. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 2435-2448. Cheng, Q. and F.P. Agterberg (1996) Multifractal modeling and spatial statistics. Math. Geol., 28, 1-16. Martín-Sotoca, J.J. (2014) Estructura Espacial de la Sequía en Pastos y sus Aplicaciones en el Seguro Agrario. Master Thesis, UPM (In Spanish

  8. Implementacion de modulos constructivistas que atiendan "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales en temas de la fisica en estudiantes universitarios

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Santacruz Sarmiento, Neida M.

    Este estudio se enfoco en los "misconception" y lagunas conceptuales en temas fundamentales de Fisica como son Equilibrio Termodinamico y Estatica de fluidos. En primer lugar se trabajo con la identificacion de "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales y se analizo en detalle la forma en que los estudiantes construyen sus propias teorias de fenomenos relacionados con los temas. Debido a la complejidad en la que los estudiantes asimilan los conceptos fisicos, se utilizo el metodo de investigacion mixto de tipo secuencial explicativo en dos etapas, una cuantitativa y otra cualitativa. La primera etapa comprendio cuatro fases: (1) Aplicacion de una prueba diagnostica para identificar el conocimiento previo y lagunas conceptuales. (2) Identificacion de "misconceptions" y lagunas del concepto a partir del conocimiento previo. (3) Implementacion de la intervencion por medio de modulos en el topico de Equilibrio Termodinamico y Estatica de Fluidos. (4) Y la realizacion de la pos prueba para analizar el impacto y la efectividad de la intervencion constructivista. En la segunda etapa se utilizo el metodo de investigacion cualitativo, por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada que partio de la elaboracion de un mapa conceptual y se finalizo con un analisis de datos conjuntamente. El desarrollo de este estudio permitio encontrar "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales a partir del conocimiento previo de los estudiantes participantes en los temas trabajados, que fueron atendidos en el desarrollo de las distintas actividades inquisitivas que se presentaron en el modulo constructivista. Se encontro marcadas diferencias entre la pre y pos prueba en los temas, esto se debio al requerimiento de habilidades abstractas para el tema de Estatica de Fluidos y al desarrollo intuitivo para el tema de Equilibrio Termodinamico, teniendo mejores respuestas en el segundo. Los participantes demostraron una marcada evolucion y/o cambio en sus estructuras de pensamiento, las pruebas estadisticas

  9. Reconexión magnética en una región activa en decaimiento

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mandrini, C. H.; Démoulin, P.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Schmieder, B.; Bagalá, L. G.; Rovira, M. G.

    Se han obtenido observaciones desde Tierra (Hα y magnetogramas) coordinadas con el Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT), a bordo del satélite japonés Yohkoh, de una región activa bipolar en decaimiento. Estos datos constituyen la base para el estudio de un punto brillante en rayos X (PBX) y de la actividad relacionada con el mismo en distintas capas de la atmósfera solar. Las observaciones muestran que el PBX está relacionado con la aparición de un bipolo menor (~ 1020 Mx) y que su abrillantamiento continuo, así como sus aumentos de brillo esporádicos (``fulguraciones"), son el resultado de la reconexión entre el pequeño arco emergente (visto en Hα como un sistema de filamentos arqueados, SFA) y arcos mayores asociados al campo facular preexistente. Se ha extrapolado el campo magnético observado en la aproximación libre de fuerzas lineal y se ha seguido su evolución a lo largo de la vida del PBX. Se ha calculado la posición de las cuasiseparatrices (CSs) a partir del campo modelado. Las líneas de campo extrapoladas, cuyas bases fotosféricas se encuentran a ambos lados de las CSs, están de acuerdo con las estructuras cromosféricas y coronales observadas. Se ha calculado el espesor de la CD ubicada a lo largo de la polaridad negativa emergente, encontrándose que su variación está de acuerdo con la evolución de la intensidad del PBX; la CS es muy delgada durante la vida del PBX (~ 100 m), mientras que su espesor aumenta considerablemente (>= 10^4 m) cuando el PBX desaparece de las imágenes del SXT. Estos resultados señalan que el abrillantamiento y las ``fulguraciones" de este PBX se deben al proceso de reconexión en 3D que tiene lugar en las CSs.

  10. Nonspherical Radiation Driven Wind Models Applied to Be Stars

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arauxo, F. X.


    ABSTRACT. In this work we present a model for the structure of a radiatively driven wind in the meridional plane of a hot star. Rotation effects and simulation of viscous forces were included in the motion equations. The line radiation force is considered with the inclusion of the finite disk correction in self-consistent computations which also contain gravity darkening as well as distortion of the star by rotation. An application to a typical BlV star leads to mass-flux ratios between equator and pole of the order of 10 and mass loss rates in the range 5.l0 to Mo/yr. Our envelope models are flattened towards the equator and the wind terminal velocities in that region are rather high (1000 Km/s). However, in the region near the star the equatorial velocity field is dominated by rotation. RESUMEN. Se presenta un modelo de la estructura de un viento empujado radiativamente en el plano meridional de una estrella caliente. Se incluyeron en las ecuaciones de movimiento los efectos de rotaci6n y la simulaci6n de fuerzas viscosas. Se consider6 la fuerza de las lineas de radiaci6n incluyendo la correcci6n de disco finito en calculos autoconsistentes los cuales incluyen oscurecimiento gravitacional asi como distorsi6n de la estrella por rotaci6n. La aplicaci6n a una estrella tipica BlV lleva a cocientes de flujo de masa entre el ecuador y el polo del orden de 10 de perdida de masa en el intervalo 5.l0 a 10 Mo/ano. Nuestros modelos de envolvente estan achatados hacia el ecuador y las velocidads terminales del viento en esa regi6n son bastante altas (1000 Km/s). Sin embargo, en la regi6n cercana a la estrella el campo de velocidad ecuatorial esta dominado por la rotaci6n. Key words: STARS-BE -- STARS-WINDS

  11. Descripción del coronógrafo a ser instalado en Argentina (MICA)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stenborg, G.; Francile, C.; Schwenn, R.; Epple, A.; Rovira, M.

    El ``Coronógrafo de espejo para Argentina'' es un telescopio solar terrestre a ser colocado en el Observatorio Astronómico Félix Aguilar (El Leoncito), antes de finalizar 1996, como parte de un programa de ciencia bilateral entre Alemania y Argentina. Eclipses fotográficos de alta resolución han revelado que la corona solar es altamente estructurada y variable. De hecho, está contínuamente deformada y moldeada por los movimientos convectivos de los extremos de los arcos magnéticos en la fotosfera, estando, en muchas oportunidades, afectada por explosivas liberaciones de energía. MICA, en conjunción con otros telescopios solares espaciales y terrestres, tratará de contribuir al entendimiento de cuestiones fundamentales de la física solar. Entre ellas: cómo la corona está siendo calentada, dónde y cómo el viento solar es acelerado, qué causa los transitorios coronales, etc. Para ello investigará la distribución de los parámetros del plasma y su evolución con el tiempo, la estructura espacial de la corona en fina y gran escala, procesos que ocurren en los transitorios coronales y factores que los disparan, etc. Para responder a estas cuestiones MICA observará la atmósfera solar por sobre el limbo entre 1.1 y 2 radios solares aproximadamente, usando un nuevo tipo de sistema coronográfico que permite suprimir el brillo del disco solar suficientemente bien, tomando las imágenes con una cámara CCD de 1024x1024 pixels, codificada en 12 bits, pudiendo el mismo ser operado en forma remota. En la presente exposición describiremos las características del instrumento, cómo será controlado y qué esperamos observar basados en las imágenes obtenidas por los telescopios de similares características LASCO C1 a bordo del SOHO y PICO (ubicado en el Observatorio de Pic du Midi, Francia).

  12. Morphology and function of lacrimal gland acinar cells in primary culture.


    Hann, L E; Tatro, J B; Sullivan, D A


    The objectives of the current investigation were fourfold: (1) to establish an effective procedure for the isolation of acinar cells from the rat lacrimal gland; (2) to evaluate the functional capacity of freshly isolated cells; (3) to determine defined culture conditions which permit maintenance of viable, differentiated cells, as well as secretory component (SC) production, during long-term culture; and (4) to characterize the morphological features of cultured cells. Acinar cells were isolated by serial incubation of gland fragments in chelating and enzymatic solutions, followed by centrifugation through a Ficoll gradient. The yield of viable cells/gland appeared to be age-dependent: cell recovery was inversely proportional to the age of the animals. Immunofluorescence analysis of freshly isolated cells showed the presence of SC, the IgA antibody receptor, within isolated cells. In addition, experiments with a labeled analog (Nle4-D-Phe7-alpha MSH) of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) demonstrated specific binding sites on freshly isolated cells; alpha-MSH is a known modulator of acinar protein secretion. Maximum binding of the alpha-MSH analog occurred within 30 min, was dependent upon cell density and was reduced by coincubation with unlabeled alpha-MSH. To determine the culture requirements of acinar cells, cells were cultured on a variety of substrates (plastic or modified plastic [Primaria], coated with or without extracellular matrix [Matrigel]) in the presence or absence of various supplements and/or fetal calf serum (FCS) for 0.7 to 3.5 weeks. Cell attachment, function and long-term viability required an extracellular matrix. Moreover, in long term cultures (25 days), acinar cell attachment was enhanced by the inclusion of supplements to media containing 10% FCS. Replacement of serum with fibroblast growth factor, high-density lipoprotein and an increased concentration of epidermal growth factor resulted in a distinct "cobblestone

  13. The impact of different strategies to handle missing data on both precision and bias in a drug safety study: a multidatabase multinational population-based cohort study

    PubMed Central

    Martín-Merino, Elisa; Calderón-Larrañaga, Amaia; Hawley, Samuel; Poblador-Plou, Beatriz; Llorente-García, Ana; Petersen, Irene; Prieto-Alhambra, Daniel


    Background Missing data are often an issue in electronic medical records (EMRs) research. However, there are many ways that people deal with missing data in drug safety studies. Aim To compare the risk estimates resulting from different strategies for the handling of missing data in the study of venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk associated with antiosteoporotic medications (AOM). Methods New users of AOM (alendronic acid, other bisphosphonates, strontium ranelate, selective estrogen receptor modulators, teriparatide, or denosumab) aged ≥50 years during 1998–2014 were identified in two Spanish (the Base de datos para la Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica en Atención Primaria [BIFAP] and EpiChron cohort) and one UK (Clinical Practice Research Datalink [CPRD]) EMR. Hazard ratios (HRs) according to AOM (with alendronic acid as reference) were calculated adjusting for VTE risk factors, body mass index (that was missing in 61% of patients included in the three databases), and smoking (that was missing in 23% of patients) in the year of AOM therapy initiation. HRs and standard errors obtained using cross-sectional multiple imputation (MI) (reference method) were compared to complete case (CC) analysis – using only patients with complete data – and longitudinal MI – adding to the cross-sectional MI model the body mass index/smoking values as recorded in the year before and after therapy initiation. Results Overall, 422/95,057 (0.4%), 19/12,688 (0.1%), and 2,051/161,202 (1.3%) VTE cases/participants were seen in BIFAP, EpiChron, and CPRD, respectively. HRs moved from 100.00% underestimation to 40.31% overestimation in CC compared with cross-sectional MI, while longitudinal MI methods provided similar risk estimates compared with cross-sectional MI. Precision for HR improved in cross-sectional MI versus CC by up to 160.28%, while longitudinal MI improved precision (compared with cross-sectional) only minimally (up to 0.80%). Conclusion CC may substantially

  14. The Role of Songs in First-Graders' Oral Communication Development in English (El papel de las canciones en el desarrollo de la comunicación oral en inglés de niños de primero de primaria)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Castro Huertas, Ivon Aleida; Navarro Parra, Lina Jazmín


    We report on an action research project aimed at developing oral communication in first-graders, using songs as a strategy for young learners to use and enjoy English. It was developed at a Colombian public school over three months. The teacher-researchers attempted to encourage students using simple and amusing songs to help them learn new…

  15. Advanced Practice Nursing: A Strategy for Achieving Universal Health Coverage and Universal Access to Health.


    Bryant-Lukosius, Denise; Valaitis, Ruta; Martin-Misener, Ruth; Donald, Faith; Peña, Laura Morán; Brousseau, Linda


    , Chile, Colômbia e México estão bem posicionados para construir esta força de trabalho. Barreiras à implementação destas funções incluem: a falta de clareza do seu papel, a legislação/regulamentação, educação, financiamento, e a resistência médica. Uma liderança forte de enfermagem é necessária para alinhar o papel da EPA com as prioridades políticas e trabalhar em colaboração com os profissionais de atenção primária e os decisores políticos para a implementação bem sucedida das suas funções. dada a diversidade de contextos dos diferentes países, é importante avaliar sistematicamente as necessidades de saúde do país e da população para introduzir a combinação mais adequada e complementar dos papéis da EPA e formatar sua aplicação. A introdução bem sucedida do papel da EPA na América Latina e no Caribe poderia fornecer um roteiro para funções semelhantes noutros países de baixa/média renda. examinar el rol de la enfermería con práctica avanzada (EPA) a nivel internacional para informar de su desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe, en apoyo a la cobertura de salud universal y el acceso universal a la salud. se analizó la literatura relacionada con los roles de la EPA, su despliegue en el mundo y la eficacia de EPA en relación con la cobertura de salud universal y el acceso a la salud. dada la evidencia de su eficacia en muchos países, las funciones de la EPA son ideales como parte de una estrategia de recursos humanos de atención primaria de salud en América Latina para mejorar la cobertura de salud universal y el acceso a la salud. Brasil, Chile, Colombia y México están bien posicionados para construir esta fuerza de trabajo. Las barreras a la implementación de estas funciones incluyen: la falta de claridad de su rol, la legislación/regulación, educación, financiamiento, y la resistencia de los médicos. Se necesita un liderazgo fuerte de enfermería para alinear los roles de la EPA con las pol

  16. The role of agri-environment schemes in conservation and environmental management

    PubMed Central

    Batáry, Péter; Dicks, Lynn V; Kleijn, David; Sutherland, William J


    la Conservación y el Manejo Ambiental Batáry et al. Resumen Más de la mitad de las tierras europeas está bajo manejo agrícola y así ha sido durante milenios. Muchas especies y ecosistemas de interés de conservación en Europa dependen del manejo agrícola y están mostrando una declinación continua. Los esquemas agro-ambientales (EAA) están diseñados en parte para encarar esto. Los esquemas son una gran fuente de financiamiento para la conservación dentro de la Unión Europea (UE) y el mayor gasto de conservación en Europa. Revisamos la estructura de los EAA actuales a lo largo del continente. Desde que en 2003 una revisión cuestionó la efectividad general de los EAA para la biodiversidad, ha habido una plétora de estudios de caso y meta-análisis que examinan su efectividad. La mayoría de las síntesis demuestran un incremento general en la biodiversidad de las tierras de cultivo en respuesta a los EAA, con la magnitud del efecto dependiente de la estructura y el manejo del terreno circundante. Esto es importante a la luz del crecimiento sucesivo de la UE y las continuas reformas a los EAA. Examinamos el cambio en la magnitud del efecto a través del tiempo al fusionar los conjuntos de datos de tres meta-análisis recientes y encontramos que los esquemas implementados después de la revisión de los programas agro-ambientales de la UE en 2007 no fueron más efectivos que los esquemas implementados antes de la revisión. Además, los esquemas enfocados en las áreas fuera de producción (como los márgenes de campo y los setos vivos) son más efectivos en el mejoramiento de la riqueza de especies que aquellos enfocados en las áreas productivas (como los cultivos arables y los pastizales). Las preguntas sobresalientes de la investigación incluyen si los EAA mejoran los servicios ambientales, si son más efectivos en las áreas agrícolas marginales que en las áreas de cultivo intensivo, si son más o menos rentables para la biodiversidad de las

  17. Microbial populations in contaminant plumes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haack, Sheridan K.; Bekins, Barbara A.

    ) limitaciones prácticas para definir poblaciones microbianas en las muestras. Sin embargo, los avances en la aplicación de métodos de muestreo a pequeña escala y las investigaciones de campo con equipos interdisciplinares están mejorando significativamente el conocimiento de las interacciones entre hidrogeología y microbiología. Del mismo modo, los análisis moleculares y de cultivos sobre poblaciones microbianas en penachos contaminados han mostrado la adaptación de los microbios a las condiciones naturales. Estudios recientes sugieren que la variabilidad en las condiciones geoquímicas e hidrogeológicas del subsuelo afecta enormemente la estructura de la comunidad microbiana. Las investigaciones que combinan las condiciones del medio con la estructura de la comunidad microbiana proporcionarán el conocimiento necesario para entender las complejas relaciones entre las poblaciones microbianas subsuperficiales, la geoquímica de los penachos de contaminación y la biodegradación de los contaminantes.

  18. Astronomy in Science Textbooks: An Analysis of Pnld 2008. (Spanish Title: Astronomía en los Libros de Ciencia: un Análisis del Pnld 2008.) Astronomia Nos Livros Didáticos de Ciências: Uma Análise do Pnld 2008

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amaral, Patrícia; Quintanilha Vaz de Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo


    The importance of the textbooks in classrooms is revealed when studies are pointing that these pedagogical sources are, most of the times, the only source used by the elementary school teachers when preparing their Science lessons. When we analyzed the Astronomy contents in the textbooks approved by the Brazilian Textbook Program 2008 and which, in theory, are the best available in the Brazilian editorial market, we examined some categories in the 2008 Textbook Guide. This research characterizes the frequency of Astronomical contents appearing in the texts, in the pictures, and in the hands-on activities. Additionally, it describes some misconceptions and presents additional information on the collections. La importancia de los libros de texto en las aulas se pone de manifiesto cuando los estudios indican que este recurso educativo es a menudo la única fuente de consulta utilizada por el profesor de ciencias de la escuela primaria para preparar sus lecciones. Cuando analizamos el contenido presente en los libros de texto de astronomía aprobados por el Programa Nacional de Libros de Texto de 2008 y que, en teoría, son los mejores libros disponibles en el mercado editorial brasileño, buscamos examinar algunas categorías que figuran en los libros de texto de la Guía de Libros Didácticos de 2008. El estudio caracteriza la frecuencia del contenido de Astronomía en el texto, en las figuras, y en las actividades de experimentación. También describe algunos errores conceptuales y presenta un conjunto de información adicional sobre las colecciones. A importância dos livros didáticos nas salas de aula revela-se quando estudos apontam que este recurso pedagógico é, muitas vezes, a única fonte de consulta utilizada pelo professor de Ciências do ensino fundamental para a preparação de suas aulas. Quando analisamos os conteúdos de Astronomia presentes nos livros didáticos aprovados no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático de 2008 e que, teoricamente, são os

  19. [Use of prostatic specific antigen in primary care (PSA)].


    Panach-Navarrete, J; Gironés-Montagud, A; Sánchez-Cano, E; Doménech-Pérez, C; Martínez-Jabaloyas, J M


    symptoms. In this study, it has been observed that those professionals who claim not to have enough information about the PSA make more requests in patients of an older age, and consider that it is of limited use as a marker. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. Model determination in a case of heterogeneity of variance using sampling techniques.


    Varona, L; Moreno, C; Garcia-Cortes, L A; Altarriba, J


    A sampling determination procedure has been described in a case of heterogeneity of variance. The procedure makes use of the predictive distributions of each data given the rest of the data and the structure of the assumed model. The computation of these predictive distributions is carried out using a Gibbs Sampling procedure. The final criterion to compare between models is the Mean Square Error between the expectation of predictive distributions and real data. The procedure has been applied to a data set of weight at 210 days in the Spanish Pirenaica beef cattle breed. Three proposed models have been compared: (a) Single Trait Animal Model; (b) Heterogeneous Variance Animal Model; and (c) Multiple Trait Animal Model. After applying the procedure, the most adjusted model was the Heterogeneous Variance Animal Model. This result is probably due to a compromise between the complexity of the model and the amount of available information. The estimated heritabilities under the preferred model have been 0.489 ± 0.076 for males and 0.331 ± 0.082 for females. RESUMEN: Contraste de modelos en un caso de heterogeneidad de varianzas usando métodos de muestreo Se ha descrito un método de contraste de modelos mediante técnicas de muestreo en un caso de heterogeneidad de varianza entre sexos. El procedimiento utiliza las distribucviones predictivas de cada dato, dado el resto de datos y la estructura del modelo. El criterio para coparar modelos es el error cuadrático medio entre la esperanza de las distribuciones predictivas y los datos reales. El procedimiento se ha aplicado en datos de peso a los 210 días en la raza bovina Pirenaica. Se han propuesto tres posibles modelos: (a) Modelo Animal Unicaracter; (b) Modelo Animal con Varianzas Heterogéneas; (c) Modelo Animal Multicaracter. El modelo mejor ajustado fue el Modelo Animal con Varianzas Heterogéneas. Este resultado es probablemente debido a un compromiso entre la complejidad del modelo y la cantidad de datos

  1. Subterranean Ants: The Case of Aphaenogaster cardenai (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

    PubMed Central

    Ortuño, Vicente M.; Gilgado, José D.; Tinaut, Alberto


    la modificación de su estructura social, pero sin dichos cambios, el MSS sería su última frontera en su proceso de colonización de los ambientes hipogeos. PMID:25502024

  2. Estrategia de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) para explorar las concepciones alternativas relacionadas al tema estados de agregacion de la materia en estudiantes de nivel elemental =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rosado Olivieri, Wilda Y.

    concepciones alternativas que poseian los estudiantes y a su vez, determinar como el estudiante manejaba dichas concepciones a situaciones que requeririan aplicar su conocimiento para luego modificar las estructuras conceptuales hacia el conocimiento cientifico.

  3. Estudio fenomenologico del conocimiento curricular y conocimiento de contenido en maestros de matematica a nivel secundario

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cardona Tomassini, Ivan Javier

    En esta investigacion se estudio el fenomeno del conocimiento de contenido y el conocimiento curricular de maestros de matermaticas y como estos dos componentes se reflejan en su conocimiento pedagogico del contenido. El conocimiento de contenido es el conocimiento que tienen los maestros de los contenidos de una disciplina y sobre la estructura de su organizacion (Shulman, 1986). El conocimiento curricular es el conocimiento que los maestros poseen sobre los componentes de un curriculo disenado para ensenar un topico de una materia especifica a un nivel particular, la variedad de instrumentos instruccionales disponibles para implementar el mismo y como utilizar los instrumentos curriculares disponibles (Ball & Bass, 2003; Choppin, 2009; Hill, Rowan, & Ball, 2005). Este estudio se enmarca en el paradigma cualitativo, teniendo como diseno el estudio fenomenologico (Lucca y Berrios, 2009; McMillan, 2004). Los participantes fueron seis maestros de matermaticas del nivel superior (10mo a 12mo grado). Al momento de la investigacion los participantes ensenaban en escuelas publicas o privadas de Puerto Rico. Para recolectar la informacion se utilizo un grupo focal en donde los maestros resolvieron seis ejercicios matematicos y posteriormente reflexionaron en forma grupal sobre las soluciones. Tambien se realizo un analisis de documentos de planificacion y se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se exploraron los contenidos relacionados a la ecuacion de una recta, rectas verticales y horizontales, suma y multiplicacion de polinomios, resolucion de ecuaciones cuadraticas y distancia entre dos puntos del plano cartesiano. Los resultados muestran que los participantes tienen dominio procesal de los contenidos correspondientes a las rectas verticales y horizontales, la suma y multiplicacion de polinomios, el calculo distancia entre dos puntos del plano cartesiano. Sin embargo, se noto cierta dificultad en la explicacion conceptual de los contenidos relacionados a la

  4. Multifractal characteristics of NDVI maps in space and time in the Community of Madrid (Spain)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sotoca, Juan J. Martin; Saa-Requejo, Antonio; Grau, Juan B.; Tarquis, Ana M.


    Satellite information has contributed to improve our understanding of the spatial variability of hydro-climatic and ecological processes. Vegetation activity is tightly coupled with climate, hydro-ecological fluxes, and terrain dynamics in river basins at a wide range of space-time scales (Scheuring and Riedi, 1994). Indices of vegetation activity are constructed using satellite information of reflectance of the relevant spectral bands which enhance the contribution of vegetation being Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) widely used. How can we study such a complex system? Multifractals and fractals are related techniques mainly used in physics to characterize the scaling behaviour of a system; they differ in that fractals look at the geometry of presence/absence patterns, while multifractals look at the arrangement of quantities such as population or biomass densities (Saravia et al., 2012). Scaling laws are an emergent general feature of ecological systems; they reflect constraints in their organization that can provide tracks about the underlying mechanisms (Solé and Bascompte, 2006). In this work, we have applied these techniques to study the spatial pattern through one year of NDVI maps. A rectangular area that includes the Community of Madrid and part of the surroundings, consisting of 300 x 280 pixels with a resolution of 500 x 500 m2 has been selected and monthly NDVI maps analyzed using the multifractal spectrum and the map of singularities (Cheng and Agterberg, 1996). The results show a cyclical pattern in the multifractal behaviour and singularity points related to river basin networks (Martín-Sotoca, 2014). References Cheng, Q. and Agterberg, F.P. (1996). Multifractal modeling and spatial statistics. Math. Geol. Vol 28, 1-16. Martín-Sotoca, J.J. (2014) Estructura Espacial de la Sequía en Pastos y sus Aplicaciones en el Seguro Agrario. Master Thesis, UPM (In Spanish). Saravia LA, Giorgi A, Momo F.: Multifractal growth in periphyton

  5. Implementación de un modelo de capacitación multimedial para brindar orientación alimentaria a los beneficiarios de un programa de ayuda social en México.


    Amaya-Castellanos, Maritza Alejandra; Morales-Ruan, María Del Carmen; Uribe-Carvajal, Rebeca; Jiménez-Aguilar, Alejandra; Salazar-Coronel, Araceli Apolonia; Martínez-Tapia, Brenda; Shamah-Levy, Teresa


    Introducción: Se implementó un modelo de capacitación en orientación alimentaria para la población beneficiaria y el personal operativo del Programa de Abasto Rural (PAR) de Diconsa, el cual es una iniciativa social de ayuda alimentaria que abastece productos básicos y complementarios, además de brindar capacitación en localidades de alta marginación en México. Objetivo: Documentar la utilización de la Metodología de Capacitación Multimedial (MCM) en el desarrollo de un esquema de capacitación sobre orientación alimentaria y su implementación en la población beneficiaria del PAR, a través de la propia estructura operativa del PAR. Metodología: El modelo se fundamenta en la MCM, integrada por cuatro elementos didácticos e indivisibles que conforman el paquete pedagógico multimedial (PPM), compuesto a su vez por tres videos y rotafolios, material impreso, prácticas y las relaciones interpersonales. Los ejes temáticos fueron: alimentación correcta para una vida saludable, alimentación materno-infantil, elecciones saludables y gasto familiar. El modelo fue replicado en cascada en los tres niveles operativos del PAR (responsables de capacitación, supervisores operativos y beneficiarios del PAR), con un componente de multiplicación horizontal, e implementado como piloto en cuatro estados de México. Resultados: Se observó un cambio positivo sobre los conocimientos en alimentación correcta en todos los niveles de capacitación, principalmente en los beneficiarios del PAR. La evaluación del proceso mostró conocimientos previos de los responsables de capacitación en los temas, buen desempeño como facilitadores, y habilidades de presentación y manejo del grupo de los supervisores operativos. A partir de las evaluaciones y del acompañamiento en la prueba piloto, fueron modificados las actividades, las estrategias y los materiales educativos del PPM. Conclusiones: La capacitación multimedial y la educación nutricional promueven procesos de

  6. Detección y estudio mediante Fluorescencia Inducida por Láser de radicales libres formados por Disociación Multifotónica Infrarroja

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Santos, M.; Díaz, L.; Torresano, J. A.; Rubio, L.; Samoudi, B.

    Una de las principales aplicaciones actuales de los procesos de disociación multifotónica inducidos por radiación láser infrarroja (DMI) es la producción de radiales libres, con el fin de estudiar sus propiedades cinéticas y espectroscópicas. La disociación de moléculas poliatómicas en el IR con láseres de CO2 tiene lugar desde la superficie de energía molecular mas baja y conduce generalmente a la formación de fragmentos en el estado electrónico fundamental, con diversos grados de excitación vibracional. En el Grupo de Procesos Multifotónicos del Instituto de Estructura de la Materia del C.S.I.C. hemos puesto a punto la técnica de Fluorescencia Inducida por Láser (LIF) para la detección y análisis en tiempo real de los fragmentos producidos en la DMI inducida mediante uno o dos campos láseres de diferentes longitudes de onda. Objetivos de nuestro trabajo han sido el estudio de los canales de disociación mayoritarios y de las especies transitoria producidas, así como de la distribución de energía interna con que éstas son generadas. En particular hemos detectado mediante LIF las especies: C2, CF, CH, SiH2, CF2, CH2, SiHCl, y CF3 a partir de la disociación de, entre otras, las siguientes moléculas: C2H3Br, C3F6, C4H8Si, C2H5ClSi y CH5ClSi. En este trabajo presentamos algunos de los resultados obtenidos mediante el estudio por LIF de estos radicales: estudio temporal de la señal LIF obtenida con determinación de tiempos de vida, espectros de excitación y fluorescencia, temperaturas vibracionales de formación, variación de la intensidad LIF con el tiempo de retraso entre los láseres de disociación y prueba, etc.

  7. Planificación Neuroquirúrgica con Software Osirix

    PubMed Central

    Jaimovich, Sebastián Gastón; Guevara, Martin; Pampin, Sergio; Jaimovich, Roberto; Gardella, Javier Luis


    Introducción: La individualidad anatómica es clave para reducir el trauma quirúrgico y obtener un mejor resultado. Actualmente, el avance en las neuroimágenes ha permitido objetivar esa individualidad anatómica, permitiendo planificar la intervención quirúrgica. Con este objetivo, presentamos nuestra experiencia con el software Osirix. Descripción de la técnica: Se presentan 3 casos ejemplificadores de 40 realizados. Caso 1: Paciente con meningioma de la convexidad parasagital izquierda en área premotora; Caso 2: Paciente con macroadenoma hipofisario, operada previamente por vía transeptoesfenoidal en otra institución con una resección parcial; Caso 3: Paciente con lesiones en pedúnculo cerebeloso medio bilateral. Se realizó la planificación prequirúrgica con el software OsiriX, fusionando y reconstruyendo en 3D las imágenes de TC e IRM, para analizar relaciones anatómicas, medir distancias, coordenadas y trayectorias, entre otras funciones. Discusión: El software OsiriX de acceso libre y gratuito permite al cirujano, mediante la fusión y reconstrucción en 3D de imágenes, analizar la anatomía individual del paciente y planificar de forma rápida, simple, segura y económica cirugías de alta complejidad. En el Caso 1 se pudo analizar las relaciones del tumor con las estructuras adyacentes para minimizar el abordaje. En el Caso 2 permitió comprender la anatomía post-operatoria previa del paciente, para determinar la trayectoria del abordaje transnasal endoscópico y la necesidad de ampliar su exposición, logrando la resección tumoral completa. En el Caso 3 permitió obtener las coordenadas estereotáxicas y trayectoria de una lesión sin representación tomográfica. Conclusión: En casos de no contar con costosos sistemas de neuronavegación o estereotáxia el software OsiriX es una alternativa a la hora de planificar la cirugía, con el objetivo de disminuir el trauma y la morbilidad operatoria. PMID:25165617

  8. PubMed

    De Battista, Juan Carlos; Buonanotte, Carlos Federico; Foa Torres, Gustavo A; Keller, Jeffrey Thomas; Aranega, Cesar I


    Antecedentes: Las enfermedades que afectan la órbita representan un desafío quirúrgico, en particular las que comprometen el ápex orbitario. Una vía óptima de acceso quirúrgico proporciona la mejor exposición permitiendo identificar ciertas estructuras anatómicas claves llamadas reparos anatómicos. Objetivo: Describir la anatomía endoscópica de la unidad estructural Fisura Orbitaria Inferior / Músculo de Müller a nivel del ápex orbitario generando así un nuevo reparo anatómico endoscópico. Material y método: Análisis descriptivo óseo de la fisura orbitaria inferior (FOI) en cráneos secos, disección y estudio bajo técnica endoscópica de 6 cabezas fijadas en formol y coloreadas; finalmente se tomaron distancias y ángulos a forámenes relacionados con el ápex orbitario a 10 cráneos secos. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el programa estadístico SPSS 17,0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). Resultado: En todas las disecciones endoscópicas se pudo identificar la unidad fisura orbitaria inferior-músculo de Müller y también verificar su íntima relación con el ápex orbitario. Morfométricamente el foramen óptico y el foramen redondo mayor están a una distancia promedio de 65.19mm y 60.16mm respectivamente. Los ángulos promedio del FO fue de 13.32 grados y del FRM de19.31 grados. Hallamos correlación significativa entre CO. y el FRM sólo en el hemicráneo izquierdo, (Tau b de Kendall 0.69, P=0.006). No se encontraron diferencias anatómicas (o morfológicas) significativas entre lados. Conclusión: bajo técnica endoscópica la unidad Fisura Orbitaria Inferior-Músculo de Müller (FOI-MM) es un reparo anatómico constante, útil y seguro que permite el reconocimiento del ápex orbitario y sus áreas contiguas.

  9. Comprension de los conceptos de los enlaces ionico y covalente en estudiantes universitarios del primer curso de quimica general

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ballesteros Benavides, Maria Elvira

    Para este trabajo utilizamos el estudio de casos cualitativo que se llevo a cabo en una universidad privada de Puerto Rico. Empleamos como unidad de analisis el concepto de enlace quimico, ionico y covalente. Los participantes fueron los estudiantes de la seccion nocturna del curso de Quimica General I. La investigacion se desarrollo por medio de dos entrevistas de persona a persona, observaciones de las expresiones no verbales y la hoja de identificacion de conceptos. Para la triangulacion tomamos en consideracion las preconcepciones erroneas, las concepciones alternativas y el mapa de conceptos de cada participante. Preparamos un mapa de conceptos para el enlace quimico validado por un comite de expertos. Tambien, elaboramos los mapas de conceptos de los participantes que sirvieron para varios propositos: conocer la estructura conceptual, expresar los logros, hacer comparaciones e identificar la presencia de concepciones alternativas. Entre los hallazgos encontramos que todos los participantes poseen conocimiento previo de los enlaces quimicos ionico y covalente y dentro de ese conocimiento existen preconcepciones erroneas mas numerosas para el enlace ionico. Al principio del semestre el 50% de los participantes demostraron tener "carencia fuerte de conceptos" tanto para el enlace ionico como para el covalente. Al finalizar el semestre encontramos en el 40% de los participantes concepciones alternativas tanto para el enlace ionico como para el covalente y el 90% no lograron distinguir un enlace del otro. Nuestras conclusiones fueron que los participantes sin distincion del aprovechamiento academico demostraron tener la tendencia de "carencia fuerte de conceptos" tanto para el enlace ionico como para el covalente, presentaron dificultad al integrar los conceptos de los enlaces quimicos ionico y covalente que se pusieron de manifiesto al dar los ejemplos. Las preconcepciones erroneas contribuyen en el desarrollo de las concepciones alternativas. Ademas, los

  10. Factors associated to clinical learning in nursing students in primary health care: an analytical cross-sectional study.


    Serrano-Gallardo, Pilar; Martínez-Marcos, Mercedes; Espejo-Matorrales, Flora; Arakawa, Tiemi; Magnabosco, Gabriela Tavares; Pinto, Ione Carvalho


    aprendizagem clínica. Foram realizadas análises univariadas, bivariadas e multivariadas (regressão linear múltipla). a taxa de resposta foi de 91,8%. O processo de tutoria mais indicado foi o de "preceptor-professor" (45,2%). As Práticas Clínicas foram avaliadas como "ótimas" por 55,1%, o relacionamento com a equipe-preceptor foi considerado bom por 80,4% dos casos e a classificação média para a aprendizagem clínica foi de 7,89. O modelo de regressão linear múltipla, com mais capacidade explicativa incluiu as variáveis "ano acadêmico" (coeficiente de beta = 1.042 para alunos do terceiro ano), "área de cuidados de saúde primários" (coeficiente de beta = 0,308 para a Área B) e "percepção de práticas clínicas" (beta coeficiente = - 0,204 para uma percepção menos que ótima). O momento dentro do programa acadêmico, a localização e percepção das Práticas Clínicas foram associados com a aprendizagem clínica dos alunos. A percepção dos alunos sobre a qualidade do lugar das Práticas Clínicas foi positiva e um bom relacionamento da equipe-preceptor é uma questão de relevância. identificar la percepción del alumnado de enfermería sobre la calidad de las Prácticas Clínicas y evaluar la influencia de los diferentes procesos de tutoría en el aprendizaje clínico. estudio analítico transversal realizado con estudiantes de segundo y tercer año de enfermería (n = 122) en el aprendizaje clínico en los servicios de atención primaria de salud. La Herramienta de Evaluación de Prácticas Clínicas (Clinical Placement Evaluation Tool) y un índice sintético de las actitudes y habilidades (escala de 0 a 10) se calcularon para puntuar el aprendizaje clínico. Se realizaron análisis univariados, bivariados, multivariados (regresión lineal múltiple). la tasa de respuesta fue del 91,8%. El proceso de tutoría más comúnmente identificado fue "preceptor-profesor" (45,2%). Las Prácticas Clínicas se evaluaron como "óptimas" en un 55,1%, la relaci

  11. Earth and Heavens: Two Separate Universes? (Spanish Title: Tierra y Cielos: ¿Dos Universos Separados?) Terra e Céus: Dois Universos Separados?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carrascosa, Jaime; Gil-Pérez, Daniel; Solbes, Jordi; Vilches, Amparo


    The study of gravitation constitutes an exceptional occasion to show the richness and complexity of science and technology, contemplating, among other things: the problematic situations which are at the heart of the scientific knowledge, the difficulties encountered in the construction of knowledge and, especially, the necessity of overcoming "common-sense evidence" that proclaimed the existence of an insurmountable barrier between Earth and Heavens, hindering scientific development during many centuries. In this paper we present a program of activities to orient the study of Gravitation atUpperHigh School, favoring students' participation in the reconstruction of this first scientific revolution and giving them the opportunity to see the importance of Astronomy both in the history of science and today. El estudio de la gravitación constituye una ocasión excepcional para mostrar la ciencia y la tecnología en toda su riqueza y complejidad, considerando, entre otros aspectos:

  12. Las situaciones problemáticas relevantes que llevaron a la construcción de los conocimientos,
  13. las dificultades de todo tipo con las que hubo que enfrentarse y, muy en particular,
  14. la necesidad de superar las "evidencias de sentido común" que establecían una supuesta barrera infranqueable entre la Tierray los Cielos y que obstaculizaron durante siglos el desarrollo científico.
  15. En este trabajo presentamos un programa de actividades para el estudio de la gravitación en la secundaria superior, orientado a favorecer la participación de los estudiantes, en alguna medida, en la reconstrucción de este proceso que constituyó la denominada primera gran revolución científica y asomándonos al estudio de una de las ciencias más antiguas, la Astronomía, que hoy sigue despertando gran interés. O estudo da gravitação constitui uma ocasião excepcional para mostrar a ciência e a tecnologia em toda sua riqueza e

  16. [In Process Citation].


    Cuerda, Cristina; Álvarez, Julia; Ramos, Primitivo; Abánades, Juan Carlos; García-de-Lorenzo, Abelardo; Gil, Pedro; De-la-Cruz, Juan José


    Introducción: la desnutrición relacionada con la enfermedad (DRE) es un problema sociosanitario frecuente que afecta preferentemente a los mayores de 65 años, que aumenta la morbimortalidad y disminuye la calidad de vida.  Objetivo: estudiar la prevalencia de DRE en mayores de 65 años en diferentes centros sociosanitarios del Servicio Regional de Bienestar Social de la Comunidad de Madrid. Métodos: estudio transversal en 33 centros sociosanitarios de Madrid (6 centros de atención primaria [AP], 9 centros de mayores [CM], 9 hospitales [H] y 9 residencias [R]) seleccionados mediante muestreo polietápico. Las variables estudiadas fueron edad, sexo, nivel de dependencia según la escala de incapacidad de la Cruz Roja, motivo de ingreso y enfermedad de base, hábitat (urbano-periurbano-rural) y distribución geográfica (norte centro-sur). Como herramienta de cribado nutricional se utilizó el Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA-cribaje) en todos los centros. En los pacientes con cribado positivo (en riesgo-desnutrición) se realizó el MNA-evaluación. El estudio estadístico se realizó con el paquete SSS 21.0 e incluyó estadística descriptiva, test de Chi-cuadrado y prueba exacta de Fisher, ANOVA de un factor, Kruskal-Wallis y análisis de regresión logística (RL) binaria univariante y multivariante. Se consideró significación estadística p < 0,05. Resultados: se reclutaron 1.103 sujetos (275 AP, 278 CM, 281 H, 269 R), edad media de 79,5 ± 8,4 años (41,2% varones, 58,8% mujeres). Los sujetos procedentes de H y R tuvieron un mayor grado de incapacidad (p < 0,001). La prevalencia global de DRE fue del 10%, encontrándose un 23,3% en riesgo de desnutrición, con diferencias entre los cuatro tipos de centros sociosanitarios (p < 0,001). El análisis univariante de RL mostró diferencia significativas en la prevalencia de desnutrición según la edad, sexo, grado de dependencia, tipo de centro sociosanitario, hábitat y zona geográfica. Sin embargo, en el

  17. Psychometric properties of the Attitudes Scale facing Alcohol and Alcoholism in nursing students.


    Vargas, Divane de; Rocha, Fernanda Mota


    48 ítems divididos en cuatro factores y estableció la validez de la estructura factorial. La coherencia interna de la escala se consideró adecuada (α=0,85) y presentó una sensibilidad y especificidad de 70% y 75%, respectivamente. la EAFAA representa un instrumento confiable para identificar las actitudes de estudiantes de enfermería frente al alcohol, al alcoholismo y a las personas con trastornos por consumo de alcohol.

  18. Evolución de estrellas enanas blancas de Helio de masa baja e intermedia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Althaus, L. G.; Benvenuto, O. G.

    Numerosas observaciones realizadas particularmente en los últimos dos años parecen confirmar que las enanas blancas (EB) de helio de masa baja e intermedia son el resultado de la evolución de sistemas binarios cercanos. Con el objeto de realizar una adecuada interpretación de estos objetos son necesarios modelos de EBs de helio lo más detallado posibles. En este estudio presentamos cálculos detallados de la evolución de EBs de helio con masas entre M=0.1Msolar y M=0.5Msolar a intervalos de 0.05Msolar . Para ello, hemos tenido en cuenta los efectos de temperatura finita mediante un código de evolución estelar lo más actualizado posible. En particular, el transporte de energía es descripto en el marco del nuevo modelo para la convección turbulenta desarrollado por Canuto - Mazzitelli. Además hemos considerado la nueva ecuación de estado para plasmas de helio de Saumon et al. y nuevas opacidades radiativas OPAL. Las pérdidas por neutrinos fueron asimismo tenidas en cuenta. Excepto para las EBs más masivas, nuestros modelos iniciales están ubicados en las cercanías de la correspondiente línea de Hayashi para configuraciones de helio. Nuestros resultados muestran que existe una región prohibida en el diagrama observacional HR donde ninguna EB de helio puede encontrarse. Dicha región es para log{(L/Lsolar )}>= -0.25 and log{Teff} >= 4.45. Hemos encontrado también que los tracks evolutivos en el diagrama HR en el dominio de alta luminosidad (pre - EB) son fuertemente afectados por la eficiencia convectiva y que las pérdidas por neutrinos son importantes en los modelos más masivos. Finalmente hemos analizado la estructura de la zona convectiva externa encontrando que la teoría de Canuto - Mazzitelli conduce a un perfil convectivo muy diferente del dado por cualquier versión de la popular teoría de la mixing length. Si bién este comportamiento es decisivo en el contexto de las inestabilides pulsacionales, los radios y gravedades superficiales de

  19. Estudio de la formación de galaxias espirales en un modelo de agregación jerárquica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tissera, P.; Saiz, A.; Dominguez-Tenreiro, R.

    El estudio de formación de galaxias espirales ha llevado al desarrollo de numerosos modelos teóricos (e.g. White & Rees 1978). En la actualidad, el modelo más aceptado predice la formación de una galaxia espiral a partir del colapso disipativo del gas en el pozo de potencial de un halo oscuro, conservando su momento angular específco (Fall & Efstathiou 1980). En los últimos años, ha sido posible realizar simulaciones numéricas hidrodinámicas, las cuales describen la evolución conjunta de la materia oscura y los bariones. Estos experimentos han señalado la dificultad de formar estructuras discoidales con propiedades consistentes con las observaciones, en modelos de agregación jerárquica. El problema principal se origina en la pérdida catastrófica de momento angular de la componente disipativa, durante el proceso de ensamblaje de los objetos, a través de la fusión de subestructura (Navarro & Steinmetz 1997). Estos experimentos no incluían procesos de formación estelar. En este trabajo, se expondrán resultados de simulaciones hidrodinámicas cosmológicas, incluyendo formación estelar (Tissera et al 1997), donde ha sido posible reproducir objetos discoidales con contrapartida observacional. El elemento fundamental ha sido la formación de bulbos estelares, los cuales han evitado la pérdida catastrófica de momento angular de los bariones. Se encontró que los discos exponenciales puramente gaseosos son altamente inestables y suceptibles de generar barras, responsables de la pérdida de momento angular y la caída violenta del gas hacia la región central. Estas inestabilidades son fácilmente inducidas durante interacciones y fusiones con objetos vecinos (Barnes & Hernquist 1996). Un bulbo estelar (o un objeto masivo y compacto) estabiliza el disco ante perturbaciones externas, asegurándole un potencial simétrico (Sellwood & Moore 1998, Van der Bosch 1998). En este caso, el gas en el disco no pierde completamente su momento angular intr

  20. Teaching of Astronomy: Scenarios of Teaching Practice in Elementary Schools. (Spanish Title: Enseñanza de la Astronomía: Semblanzas de la Práctica Docente en Educación Primaria.) Ensino de Astronomia: Cenários da Prática Docente no Ensino Fundamental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marchi Gonzatti, Sônia Elisa; Spessatto De Maman, Andréia; Fernandes Borragini, Eliana; Kerber, Júlia Cristina; Haetinger, Werner


    The present work presents the main results of a research carried out within the Astronomy Education field with Elementary School teachers from two regions of Rio Grande do Sul. The study aimed to show the regional panorama of teaching Astronomy compared to the national panorama already discussed in several studies in the area. It was divided into three main issues: identifying the main topics of Astronomy developed in class, verifying which were the methodological strategies used, and which were the difficulties teachers faced when developing their practice. Regarding the contents, it was found a wide range of covered topics although Earth motion and astronomical phenomena were cited by most participants. Concerning the strategies used in class, two-dimensional resources such as movies, texts, maps and web searching were mainly used. The most relevant difficulties were the lack of specific education related to Astronomy contents and abstraction level, which complicated the understanding for both students and teachers. In general, the indicators met the results already found in other studies that investigated Astronomy teaching practice, in which the teacher's original education deficiency - or even the lack of it - hampers the proper development of Astronomy contents in class. En este trabajo se presentan los principales resultados de una investigación hecha en el campo de la Educación en Astronomía, con profesores de la Enseñanza Fundamental de dos regiones de Rio Grande do Sul. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el panorama regional de la enseñanza de Astronomía, estableciendo una comparación con el panorama nacional ya presentado en trabajos de referencia en el área. Ese estudio abordó tres cuestiones: identificar los principales temas de astronomía trabajados, las estrategias metodológicas y cuáles fueron las dificultades sufridas por los profesores al presentar su práctica. Con relación a los contenidos, se encontró una atomización de los asuntos, aunque temas como movimientos de la Tierra y fenómenos astronómicos hayan sido citados por la mayoría de los participantes. En cuanto a las estrategias, se verifico que se emplean principalmente clases con el apoyo de recursos bidimensionales, como películas, textos, mapas y búsqueda en internet. Las principales dificultades fueron la falta de formación específica con respecto a los contenidos de Astronomía, y el nivel de abstracción exigido por los contenidos. De modo general, esos indicadores convergen para los resultados ya encontrados en otros estudios, en el que las deficiencias de la formación inicial de los profesores, o incluso su ausencia, dificulta el adecuado abordaje de la Astronomía en las clases. Neste trabalho são apresentados os principais resultados de uma investigação realizada no campo da Educação em Astronomia, com professores do ensino fundamental de duas regiões do Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar o cenário regional do ensino de Astronomia, estabelecendo um comparativo com o cenário nacional. Esse estudo abordou três questões: identificar os principais temas de astronomia trabalhados em sala de aula, as estratégias metodológicas e quais as dificuldades apresentadas pelos professores ao desenvolver sua prática. Quanto aos conteúdos, encontrouse uma pulverização dos assuntos abordados, embora temas como movimentos da Terra e fenômenos astronômicos tenham sido citados pela maioria dos participantes. Sobre estratégias, são utilizadas principalmente aulas com apoio de recursos bidimensionais, como filmes, textos, mapas e pesquisa na internet. As principais dificuldades foram: falta de formação específica em relação a conteúdos de Astronomia; nível de abstração dos conteúdos, que dificultam sua compreensão, tanto pelos alunos quanto pelos próprios professores. De maneira geral, esses indicadores convergem para resultados já encontrados em outros estudos que investigam a prática docente em Astronomia, em que as deficiências da formação inicial dos professores, ou mesmo a falta dela, dificulta a adequada abordagem da Astronomia em sala de aula.

  21. [Reconstrucción ósea de defectos craneales secundarios a traumatismo con implantes personalizados].


    Cienfuegos, Ricardo; Fernández, Gerardo; Cruz, Aída; Sierra, Eduardo


    Los defectos craneales secundarios a traumatismos son frecuentes. Por lo común se reparan de forma secundaria por sintomatología como el síndrome del paciente trepanado, por protección cerebral y por el aspecto cosmético. Históricamente se han utilizado diversos materiales para la reconstrucción. Se presentan cinco casos de pacientes reconstruidos con implantes personalizados de polieteretercetona (PEEK) o polimetilmetacrilato poroso (PMMA). Las localizaciones afectaron el frontal, el borde orbitario superior y el techo orbitario en cuatro casos, y la porción lateral del frontal, la zona temporoparietal y el borde del occipital en un caso. La reconstrucción en cuatro pacientes fue entre 6 y 12 meses después de la lesión, y en un caso después de 25 años. En dos casos se requirió expansión tisular antes de colocar el implante. Cuatro pacientes evolucionaron favorablemente, con mejoría de los síntomas neurológicos, forma y contorno adecuados, así como un proceso de cicatrización adecuada de los colgajos de piel cabelluda. Un paciente presentó infección por Staphylococcus aureus, atribuida a la presencia de un mucocele y una fístula de la vía aérea a la cavidad craneal, lo que hizo necesario retirar el implante. Los implantes personalizados son un recurso útil para defectos óseos craneales. Brindan resultados satisfactorios desde el punto de vista funcional y cosmético. Deben tomarse precauciones respecto al tratamiento de las lesiones que afecten el seno frontal, para evitar la comunicación entre la vía aérea y la cavidad craneal. Cranial defects due to trauma are frequent. They are usually repaired in a secondary fashion due to features such as syndrome of the trephined, for brain protection and for cosmetic purposes. Historically, various materials have been used for reconstruction. Five cases of patients reconstructed with customized polyetheretherketone (PEEK) o polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) implants are presented. Defects involved

  22. Downstream of downtown: urban wastewater as groundwater recharge

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Foster, S. S. D.; Chilton, P. J.

    , especialmente en los climas más áridos. A pesar de ello, dicho componente todavía es una consecuencia secundaria (o incluso accidental) de diversas prácticas asociadas con la manipulación de las aguas residuales y con la reutilitzación de aguas depuradas. Este tema se revisa mediante referencias a ciertas áreas en las que existen investigación detallada de campo, identificando enfoques pragmáticos con el fin de reducir el riesgo de contaminación de las aguas subterráneas por tales prácticas, a la vez tratando de conservar los beneficios para los recursos del acuífero. Dado que los efluentes de aguas residuales urbanas son probablemente la única `fuente natural' cuya disponibilidad global se halla en del aumento, la importancia socioeconómica de este tema será evidente para los centros urbanos de rápido desarrollo en Asia, Latinoamérica y Oriente Medio.

  23. Knowledge, attitude and practice of the smear test and its relation with female age.


    Silveira, Nara Sibério Pinho; Vasconcelos, Camila Teixeira Moreira; Nicolau, Ana Izabel Oliveira; Oriá, Mônica Oliveira Batista; Pinheiro, Patricia Neyva da Costa; Pinheiro, Ana Karina Bezerra


    áctica, en una Unidad de Atención Primaria de Salud. La muestra abarcó a 775 mujeres, distribuidas en tres rangos de edad: adolescentes, jóvenes y ancianas. aunque el conocimiento inadecuado tenga mostrada altas tasas en todos los rangos de edad, fue significativamente superior entre las adolescentes (p=0,000). Tendencia semejante en el componente actitud, debido a porcentajes de inadecuación en la adolescencia, disminuyendo con el avance de la edad (p=0,000). Sin embargo, no fue encontrada diferencia estadística entre los grupos respecto a la práctica (p=0,852). el estudio demostró relación entre el rango de edad y el conocimiento, la actitud y la práctica de la prueba colpocitológica.

  24. [Not Available].


    Navarro-González, Inmaculada; Ros, Gaspar; Martínez-García, Brígida; Rodríguez-Tadeo, Alejandra; Periago, M Jesús


    Introducción y objetivos: la evolución que ha experimentado en los últimos años la sociedad española ha originado una serie de cambios sociológicos y/o culturales que afectan claramente a los hábitos y preferencias alimentarias. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido evaluar la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea (DM) de la población universitaria en la ciudad de Murcia y la calidad de su desayuno, estableciendo la relación existente entre estas dos variables entre sí, y otras variables sociológicas analizadas.Métodos: se evaluó la adherencia a la DM en una muestra de 312 estudiantes mediante el test KIDMED, cuestionario de 16 preguntas. La calidad del desayuno fue determinada en función de la ingesta de los distintos grupos de alimentos (lácteos, cereales y frutas), de forma que se establecieron las siguientes categorías de calidad: pésima, mala, regular y buena. De cada encuestado se registraron los datos personales, lugar de origen, zona geográfica y tipo de residencia, sexo, edad, titulación universitaria, curso y las variables antropométricas (peso, altura, perímetro de cintura y cadera).Resultados: la muestra estuvo formada por 238 mujeres y 74 hombres todos ellos estudiantes universitarios de distintos títulos de grado. El 7,85% de los universitarios mostró una baja adherencia a la DM, el 48,4% media y el 43,8% alta. Los estudiantes de grado en Educación Primaria mostraron una mayor adherencia media a la DM; los estudiantes de grado en Enfermería tomaron más de una ración de verdura al día; y los de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos consumían una pieza de fruta al día. Teniendo en cuenta el sexo de los participantes, el 37,8% de las mujeres tomaban más de una verdura diaria y el 91,5% desayunaba bollería industrial; mientras que el 54,1% de los hombres tomaban frutos secos (al menos 2 o 3 veces por semana) y el 74,5% desayunaba todos los días. El 1,15% de los estudiantes mostró una calidad del desayuno pésima, el 17

  1. El Cambiante panorama demografico de la poblacion estudiantil en los departamentos de lenguas: soluciones efectivas a nivel universitario y recomendaciones para su implementacion en la escuela secundaria (The Changing Demographics of the Student Population in Foreign Language Departments: Effective University-Level Solutions and Recommendations for Their Implementation in Secondary Schools).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Castro, Obdulia


    Describes an interdisciplinary program offering modified Spanish classes to students with special needs. Through preliminary identification, eligible students are signed up for classes. Exemplifies an effective way to confront problems related to a more diverse student population; to comply with regulations imposed by the Americans with…

  2. Promoting Learner Autonomy through Teacher-Student Partnership Assessment in an American High School: A Cycle of Action Research (El papel de la evaluación negociada en el desarrollo de la autonomía del estudiante en la escuela secundaria norteamericana: un ciclo de investigación-acción)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Picón Jácome, Édgar


    In this article I present some findings of an action research study intended to find out to what extent a teacher-student partnership in writing assessment could promote high school students' autonomy. The study was conducted in a U.S. school. Two main action strategies in the assessment process were the use of symbols as the form of feedback…

  3. PubMed

    Defagó, Victor


    Introducción: La incorporación de la Clínica y la Imagenología permiten una mejor comprensión de la Anatomía. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar un prototipo rápido en material sintético que replique detalles anatómicos para ser utilizado en la docencia y el entrenamiento quirúrgico en Pediatría.Material y Método: Presentación de caso: Paciente de un año de edad con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria. En el examen endoscópico se halló una compresión traqueal distal. La angiotomografía confirmó la presencia de una malformación vascular. Con la finalidad de analizar una conducta adecuada, se solicitó la confección de un prototipo rápido a escala 1:1 que simulara una condición idéntica a la topografía torácica del paciente, utilizando imágenes virtuales 3D almacenadas en formato DICOM.Técnica de generación de prototipo rápido: Se obtuvo una malla digital tridimensional y se generó el código "g" que se utilizó para controlar el hardware de producción. Se efectuó simulación digital y producción en material plástico (ABS) con técnica de deposición y fusión (MDF). Se validó el prototipo comparándolo con las mediciones testigos del modelo virtual en 3 D.Resultados y Discusión: El modelo replicó exactamente los defectos hallados en la tomografía y endoscopía, confirmando la presencia de la malformación vascular y su repercusión sobre el aparato respiratorio. El prototipo rápido muestra las estructuras internas y externas del cuerpo humano con máxima precisión permitiendo una visión topográfica de situaciones "normales o patológicas" que facilitaría la docencia y el entrenamiento del equipo quirúrgico para proponer un plan de tratamiento adecuado. Hay numerosas áreas de la medicina que se beneficiarían con este modelo que podría ser construído con diversos tipos de materiales de diferente flexibilidad y consistencia. Conclusiones: El prototipo rápido le da estado físico a las imágenes virtuales 3D

  4. Genome Sequence Analysis of Vibrio cholerae clinical isolates from 2013 in Mexico reveals the presence of the strain responsible for the 2010 Haiti outbreak.


    Díaz-Quiñonez, José Alberto


    La primera semana de septiembre de 2013, el Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica identificó dos casos de cólera en Ciudad de México. Los cultivos de ambas muestras se confirmaron como Vibrio cholerae serogrupo O1, serotipo Ogawa, biotipo El Tor. Los análisis iniciales por electroforesis por campos pulsados y por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa indicaron que ambas cepas eran similares, pero diferentes de las previamente reportadas en México. La semana siguiente se identificaron cuatro casos más en una comunidad del Estado de Hidalgo, ubicada a 121 kilómetros al noreste de Ciudad de México. Posteriormente se inició un brote de cólera en la región de La Huasteca. Los análisis genómicos de cuatro cepas obtenidas en este estudio confirmaron la presencia de las islas de patogenicidad VPI -1 y VPI-2, VSP-1 y VSP-2, y del elemento integrador SXT. La estructura genómica de los cuatro aislamientos fue similar a la de V. cholerae cepa 2010 EL-1786, identificada durante la epidemia en Haití en 2010. Este estudio pone de manifiesto que la epidemiología molecular es una herramienta muy poderosa para vigilar, prevenir y controlar enfermedades de importancia en salud pública en México. The first week of September 2013, the National Epidemiological Surveillance System identified two cases of cholera in Mexico City. The cultures of both samples were confirmed as Vibrio cholerae serogroup O1, serotype Ogawa, biotype El Tor. Initial analyses by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and by polymerase chain reaction-amplification of the virulence genes, suggested that both strains were similar, but different from those previously reported in Mexico. The following week, four more cases were identified in a community in the state of Hidalgo, located 121 km northeast of Mexico City. Thereafter a cholera outbreak started in the region of La Huasteca. Genomic analyses of the strains obtained in this study confirmed the presence of pathogenicity islands VPI-1 and

  5. NDVI statistical distribution of pasture areas at different times in the Community of Madrid (Spain)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martín-Sotoca, Juan J.; Saa-Requejo, Antonio; Díaz-Ambrona, Carlos G. H.; Tarquis, Ana M.


    The severity of drought has many implications for society, including its impacts on the water supply, water pollution, reservoir management and ecosystem. However, its impacts on rain-fed agriculture are especially direct. Because of the importance of drought, there have been many attempts to characterize its severity, resulting in the numerous drought indices that have been developed (Niemeyer 2008). 'Biomass index' based on satellite image derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been used in countries like United States of America, Canada and Spain for pasture and forage crops for some years (Rao, 2010). This type of agricultural insurance is named as 'index-based insurance' (IBI). IBI is perceived to be substantially less costly to operate and manage than multiple peril insurance. IBI contracts pay indemnities based not on the actual yield (or revenue) losses experienced by the insurance purchaser but rather based on realized NDVI values (historical data) that is correlated with farm-level losses (Xiaohui Deng et al., 2008). Definition of when drought event occurs is defined on NDVI threshold values mainly based in statistical parameters, average and standard deviation that characterize a normal distribution. In this work a pasture area at the north of Community of Madrid (Spain) has been delimited. Then, NDVI historical data was reconstructed based on remote sensing imaging MODIS, with 500x500m2 resolution. A statistical analysis of the NDVI histograms at consecutives 46 intervals of that area was applied to search for the best statistical distribution based on the maximum likelihood criteria. The results show that the normal distribution is not the optimal representation when IBI is available; the implications in the context of crop insurance are discussed (Martín-Sotoca, 2014). References Kolli N Rao. 2010. Index based Crop Insurance. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 1, 193-203. Martín-Sotoca, J.J. (2014) Estructura Espacial

  6. Tabla de Especificaciones e Instructivo sobre Elaboracion de Pruebas Objetivas en la Ensenanza Primaria, para las asignaturas de Estudios Sociales, Idioma Espanol, Matematicas y Ciencias Naturales (Specification Tables and Instructions for the Construction of Objective Tests in the Primary Grades in Social Studies, Spanish, Mathematics, and Natural Sciences).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ministerio de Educacion, Guatemala City (Guatemala). Direccion de Bienestar Estudiantil y Educacion Especial.

    This booklet presents specification tables illustrating the relative importance given to topics on tests within a particular subject area. The general subject areas are social studies, Spanish, mathematics, and natural sciences. Tables are provided for final exams in each of these areas for several primary grades, illustrating the importance of…

  7. [Referral criteria for benign prostatic hyperplasia in primary care.Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria, Sociedad Española de Medicina General, Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria, Asociación Española de Urología].


    Castiñeiras Fernández, J; Cozar Olmo, J M; Fernández-Pro, A; Martín, J A; Brenes Bermúdez, F J; Naval Pulido, E; Molero, J M; Pérez Morales, D


    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a high prevalence condition in men over 50 years that requires continued assistance between primary care and urology. Therefore, consensus around common referral criteria was needed to guide and support both levels. Medical history, symptom assessment with International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) questionnaire, digital rectal examination and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measurement are diagnostic tests available for general practitioners that allow setting a correct BPH diagnose. Patients with an IPSS<8 should be monitored by evaluating them annually. Treatment with alpha-blockers and an evaluation at the first and third month is recommended in patients with an IPSS 8-20 and if the prostate is small, if the prostate size is large treatment with alpha-blockers or 5alpha-reductase inhibitors and evaluation at the third and six month is recommended, and in patients with a large prostate and a PSA >1.5 ng/ ml combined treatment and evaluation at the first and sixth month is recommended. Some clear criteria for referral to urology are established in this document, which help in the management of these patients. Those patients with BPH who do not show any improvement at the third month of treatment with alpha-blockers, or the sixth month with 5alpha-reductase inhibitors, will be referred to urology. Patients will also be referred to urology if they have lower urinary tract symptoms, a pathological finding during rectal examination, IPSS>20, PSA>10 ng/ml or PSA>4 ng/ml and free PSA<20% or if they are <50 years with suspected BHP, or if they have any urological complication.

  8. Número de ganglios linfáticos metastásicos como determinante de los resultados después de prostatectomía radical de rescate para el cáncer de próstata de radiación recurrente

    PubMed Central

    Gugliemetti, G; Sukhu, R; Conca Baenas, M A.; Meeks, J; Sjoberg, D D.; Eastham, J A.; Scardino, P T.; Touijer, K


    . Conclusiones En los pacientes con MGL después de PRr para el cáncer de próstata radiorecurrente, es probable que el riesgo de metástasis a distancia esté influenciado por el número de ganglios positivos (3 o más), alto PSA preoperatorio, grado de Gleason y estadio patológico avanzado. Estos resultados son consistentes con los hallazgos del número de ganglios (de 1 a 2 frente a 3 o más ganglios positivos) como un indicador pronóstico después de la prostatectomía radical primaria y fortalecen la petición de una revisión de la estadificación ganglionar del cáncer de próstata. PMID:27184342

  9. Lo que los Padres Necesitan Saber sobre...Reconocer y Animar los Intereses, las Capacidades, y los Talentos de los Ninos Dotados de la Escuela Primaria. Guia Practica B0213 (What Parents Need To Know about...Recognizing and Encouraging Interests, Strengths, and Talents of Gifted Elementary School Children. Practitioners' Guide B0213).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Delcourt, Marcia A. B.

    This brochure, written in Spanish, discusses strategies that Spanish-speaking parents can use to support the interests of their children and how to recognize and extend their children's talents. Parents are urged to: (1) be aware of what their child likes to do and be patient with the changing patterns as the child explores areas of interests and…

  10. Astronomy in High School: Using a Mini-Planetarium to Understand Details of the Apparent Movement of Stars. (Spanish Title: Astronomía en la Escuela Secundaria: Comprendiendo los Detalles del Movimiento Aparente de Las Estrellas con un Miniplanetario.) Astronomia no Ensino Médio: Compreendendo Detalhes do Movimento Aparente das Estrelas com um Miniplanetário

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    dos Santos Leão, Demetrius


    The aim of this article is to present part of the results obtained by the intervention made from the author's Master degree project, which consisted in the development of a set of Astronomy classes for first year of High School students from a private school in the "Distrito Federal", Brasilia, Brazil, making use of a didactical material called mini-planetarium (MP) as the main resource. Using Paulo Freire's contextualization and dialogicity ideas as a theoretical framework guided by these lessons, it was proposed to the students the assembly and application of that resource in a planetarium session. During the project, some subjects such as the apparent trajectory of stars through Brasilia's sky, the location of the cardinal points beginning from the Southern Cross constellation, the color of stars and the stars being seen from a particular place were emphasized. It was found that the students showed an improvement of their understanding about these subjects, as well as a significant excitement with the developed methodology. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar algunos de los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto de la tesis de maestría del autor, que incluyó el desarrollo de algunas clases de Astronomía, con estudiantes del primer año del bachillerato de una escuela privada del Distrito Federal (Brasilia, Brasil), utilizando como materia prima didáctica el recurso llamado miniplanetario (MP). Utilizando como base teórica orientadora de esas clases las ideas de contextualización y dialógica de Paulo Freire, fue propuesto a los estudiantes el montaje y la utilización de este recurso en una función de planetario. Durante el proyecto, se enfatizaron asuntos tales como la trayectoria aparente de las estrellas del cielo de Brasilia, la ubicación de los puntos cardinales a partir de la constelación de la Cruz del Sur, los colores de las estrellas y las estrellas vistas desde una localidad determinada. Se constató que los estudiantes mostraron una mejora en la comprensión de estas cuestiones y demostraron un gran interés por esta metodología. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar parte dos resultados obtidos com a intervenção feita como projeto da dissertação de mestrado do autor, que consistiu no desenvolvimento de um conjunto de aulas de Astronomia, com alunos do 1º Ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola da rede privada do Distrito Federal (Brasília, Brasil), empregando como recurso principal um material didático chamado miniplanetário (MP). Utilizando como pressuposto teórico norteador dessas aulas as ideias de contextualização e dialogicidade de Paulo Freire, foi proposta aos estudantes a montagem e utilização desse recurso em uma sessão de planetário. Durante o projeto, enfatizaram-se assuntos como a trajetória aparente das estrelas para o céu de Brasília, a localização dos pontos cardeais a partir da constelação do Cruzeiro do Sul, as cores das estrelas e as estrelas vistas de uma determinada localidade. Apurou-se que os alunos apresentaram melhoria na compreensão desses assuntos, bem como demonstraram expressiva empolgação com essa metodologia desenvolvida.

  11. Report of the procedure of voluntary interruption of pregnancy at a university hospital in Uruguay.


    Bentancor, Ana; Hernández, Ana Laura; Godoy, Yamile; Dapueto, Juan J


    To describe the constitution and operation of a voluntary interruption of pregnancy team of a university hospital, from the outlook of the mental health team. In this case study, the following aspects were analyzed: 1) historical background; 2) implementation of Law 18,897 of October 22, 2012; and 3) functioning of the program at the Hospital de Clínicas of the Facultad de Medicina (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), taking into account three dimensions: structure, process, and results. Between December 2012 and November 2013, a total of 6,676 voluntary interruptions of pregnancy were reported in Uruguay; out of these, 80 were conducted at the Hospital de Clínicas. The patients' demographic data agreed with those reported at the national level: Of the total patients, 81.0% were aged over 19 years; 6.2% decided to continue with the pregnancy; and only 70.0% attended the subsequent control and received advice on contraception. In its implementation year in Uruguay, we can assess the experience as positive from the point of view of women's health. Our experience as a mental health team at the Hospital de Clínicas, inserted into the multidisciplinary voluntary interruption of pregnancy team, is in the process of assessment and reformulation of practices. Describir la conformación y funcionamiento de un equipo de interrupción voluntaria del embarazo de un hospital universitario, desde la mirada del equipo de salud mental. En este estudio de caso, se analizan los siguientes aspectos: 1) antecedentes históricos; 2) implementación de la Ley 18.897 de 22 de octubre de 2012; y 3) funcionamiento del programa en el Hospital de Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), teniendo en cuenta tres dimensiones (estructura, proceso y resultados). Entre diciembre de 2012 y noviembre de 2013, se reportaron en Uruguay un total de 6.676 interrupciones voluntarias del embarazo; de ellas, 80 se llevaron a cabo en el Hospital de Clínicas. Los

  12. Maize x Teosinte Hybrid Cobs Do Not Prevent Crop Gene Introgression.


    Chavez, Nancy B; Flores, Jose J; Martin, Joseph; Ellstrand, Norman C; Guadagnuolo, Roberto; Heredia, Sylvia; Welles, Shana R


    Maize x Teosinte Hybrid Cobs Do Not Prevent Crop Gene Introgression. Whether introgression from crops to wild relatives can occur is an important component of transgene risk assessment. In the case of maize, which co-occurs with its wild relative teosinte in Mexico, the possibility of introgression has been controversial. Maize is cross-compatible with teosinte, and spontaneous hybridization is known to occur. Some scientists have hypothesized that the maize x teosinte cob infructescence will prevent progeny dispersal, thus preventing introgression. Motivated by a prior study where we found maize x teosinte hybrid fruits naturally dispersed under field conditions, we tested whether hybrid cobs hold their fruits as tightly as maize cobs. We found the force required to detach hybrid fruits was substantially and significantly less than that for maize. Consequently, we expect that introgression of transgenes from maize into teosinte in Mexico should occur largely unimpeded by the hybrid cob.La mazorca o elote híbrido de maíz x teocintle no impide la introgresión de genes transgénicos provenientes del cultivo. La introgresión entre el maíz cultivado y el maíz silvestre, o teocintle, es un componente importante en la evaluación ambiental relacionada con los riesgos de la introducción de genes transgénicos. La posibilidad de introgresión entre el maíz domesticado y el teocintle ha sido un tema controversial, en particular en México, donde maíz y teocintle coexisten. El maíz es compatible con el teocintle y la hibridización espontánea ocurre entre ellos. Algunos científicos han planteado como hipótesis que al cruzar el maíz con teocintle, la estructura interna de la infrutescencia que sujeta los frutos conocida como la mazorca de maíz o el elote, impide la dispersión de la progenie evitando que la introgresión ocurra. Los resultados de un estudio previo evidencian la dispersión de los frutos híbridos del maíz x teocintle en condiciones naturales

  13. Mejoramiento de la Produccion de Materiales de Educacion en Poblacion para la Ensenanza Primaria y la Post-Alfabetizacion. Taller Regional (Santiago, Chile, 27 mayo-5 junio, 1987). Informe Final (Upgrading the Production of Population Education Materials for Primary Education and Post-Literacy. Regional Workshop (Santiago, Chile, May 27-June 5, 1987). Final Report.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Santiago (Chile). Regional Office for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean.

    This report contains the results of an operational training workshop covering 11 case studies on the production of teaching materials for population education and used for elementary education, literacy, and post-literacy programs. The workshop covered the planning and design for the production of teaching materials including an eight step…

  14. The effect of a self-constructed material on children's physical activity during recess.


    Méndez-Giménez, Antonio; Cecchini, José-Antonio; Fernández-Río, Javier


    To analyze whether an intervention supported by free play with a self-constructed material increases the level of physical activity of students during recess. The participants were 166 children of third to sixth grade, between nine and 12 years old (average = 10.64; SS = 1.13). An experimental project was conducted with pre-test and post-test measurement, and a control group. Experimental group participants built cardboard paddles (third and fourth) and flying rings (fifth and sixth), a material they used freely for one week during recess. ActiGraph-GT3X accelerometers were used to measure physical activity. An ANOVA of repeated measures was used to find differences between groups and genders. Significant intervention effects were found in the analyzed variables: sedentary activity (F = 38.19; p < 0.01), light (F = 76.56; p < 0.01), moderate (F = 27.44; p < 0.01), vigorous (F = 61.55; p < 0.01), and moderate and vigorous (F = 68.76; p < 0.01). Significant gender differences were shown (time × group × gender) for moderate (F = 6.58; p < 0.05) and vigorous (F = 5.51; p < 0.05) activity. The self-constructed material is effective to increase the physical activity levels of children during recess; it decreases sedentary activity and light physical activity and increases the time devoted to moderate physical activity and vigorous physical activity, both in boys and in girls. The boys had an increase in vigorous physical activity and the girls in moderate physical activity. Due to its low cost, this strategy is recommended for administrators and teachers to increase the physical activity of children during recess. Analizar si una intervención basada en el juego libre con material autoconstruido aumenta el nivel de actividad física de los escolares durante el recreo. Participaron 166 niños de tercero a sexto de educación primaria, de entre nueve y 12 años de edad (media = 10,64; DE = 1,13). Se realizó un diseño experimental con medidas pretest y postest, y un

  15. Common mental disorders and associated factors: a study of women from a rural area.


    Parreira, Bibiane Dias Miranda; Goulart, Bethania Ferreira; Haas, Vanderlei José; Silva, Sueli Riul da; Monteiro, Juliana Cristina Dos Santos; Gomes-Sponholz, Flávia Azevedo; Parreira, Bibiane Dias Miranda; Goulart, Bethania Ferreira; Haas, Vanderlei José; Silva, Sueli Riul da; Monteiro, Juliana Cristina Dos Santos; Gomes-Sponholz, Flávia Azevedo


    associação de fatores sociais e comportamentais com o transtorno mental comum, entre mulheres rurais. A identificação e a assistência individualizada na atenção primária de saúde são essenciais para a qualidade de vida destas mulheres. Identificar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales comunes y analizar la influencia de las variables socio-demográficas, económicas, de comportamiento y de salud reproductiva en el trastorno mental común en las mujeres en edad fértil, que viven en el municipio rural de Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Estudio observacional y transversal. Se usaron instrumentos sociodemográficos, económicos, de comportamiento y salud reproductiva, y el Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) para identificar los trastornos mentales comunes. En el análisis multifactorial de los datos, se utilizó la regresión logística múltiple. El estudio incluyó a 280 mujeres. La prevalencia de los trastornos mentales comunes fue de 35,7%. En el análisis de regresión logística, las variables convivencia con su pareja y la escolarización se asociaron con trastorno mental común, incluso después de ajustar por otras variables. Los resultados muestran la relación entre los factores sociales y de comportamiento con el trastorno mental común entre las mujeres rurales. La identificación y la atención individual en la atención primaria de salud son esenciales para la calidad de vida de las mujeres.

  16. Occurrence of springs in massifs of crystalline rocks, northern Portugal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pacheco, Fernando António Leal; Alencoão, Ana Maria Pires


    ógicos, así como las desviaciones relacionadas con diferencias en la estructura de la roca y, presumiblemente, en las historias de deformación. Se profundizó en la relación entre la frecuencia de los manantiales y las estructuras de la roca por medio de la Determinación Espectral, que es un modelo introducido en el presente estudio. Los datos de entrada son las frecuencias de los manantiales y la longitud de las fracturas en cada dominio geológico, además de los ángulos entre las direcciones de las fracturas y la orientación actual del campo de tensiones. Los resultados del modelo incluyen las denominadas densidades intrínsecas, parámetro que cuantifica la existencia de manantiales en función de factores como el tipo de fractura y el régimen y edad de deformación asociados. Las densidades mayores (12,2 manantiales por kilómetro de lineamiento) fueron atribuidas a fracturas jóvenes de cizalla causadas por deformación frágil, y las menores (valor 0,1) con fracturas antiguas y dúctiles. La Determinación Espectral también relaciona cada clase de orientación con un parámetro estructural dominante: donde la existencia de fracturas está dominada por el campo actual de tensiones, la clase es paralela a la orientación presente de dicho campo; donde domina la longitud de las fracturas, sigue la dirección de las fallas normales de gran escala que atraviesan la región.

  17. Soil Erosion Risk Map based on irregularity of the vegetative activity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saa-Requejo, Antonio; Tarquis, Ana Maria; Martín-Sotoca, Juan J.; Valencia, Jose L.; Gobin, Anne; Rodriguez-Sinobas, Leonor


    Fournier Index on NDVI values seems to synthesize the different parameters of the USLE, referring to rainfall, soil, geomorphology and vegetation cover. Acknowledgements Authors are grateful to TALE project (CICYT PCIN-2014-080) and DURERO project (Env.C1.3913442) for their financial support. References Fournier, F. (1960), Climat et erosion. P.U.F. Paris. Jensen, J.R. (2000). Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perpective, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Martínez Sotoca, J. J. (2014) estructura espacial de la sequía en pastos y sus aplicaciones en el seguro agrario indexado. (In Spanish) Master Thesis, UPM. Shamshad, A., Azhari M.N., Isaac, M.H., wan Hussin, W.M.A., Parida, B.P.. (2008). Development of an appropriate procedure for estimation of RUSLE EI30 index and preparation of erosivity maps for Pulau Penang in Peninsular Malaysia. Catena, 72, 423-432. van der Knijff, J.M., Jones, R.J.A., Montanarella, L. (1999). Soil Erosion Risk Assessment Italy Soil Erosion Risk Assessment in Italy. European Commission Soil Bureau Joint Research Centre European Commission. EUR 19022EN.

  18. Recommendations for the establishment of the seismic code of Haiti

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pierristal, G.; Benito, B.; Cervera, J.; Belizaire, D.


    propose the more suitable classification for Haiti. Finally, we have proposed a methodology for the forces estimation providing the values of the relevant coefficients. References: EN 1998-1:2004 (E): Eurocode 8, Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Part 1(General Rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings), 2004. -MTPTC, (2011). Règles de calcul intérimaires pour les bâtiments en Haïti, Ministère des Travaux Publics, Transports et Communications, Février 2011, Haïti. -NBCC 2005: National Building Code of Canada, vol1, National Research Council of Canada 2005. -NCSE-02: Norma de construcción sismorresistente de España. BOE num.244, Viernes 11 Octubre 2002. -NEHRP, 2009. Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for new Buildings and Other Structures, FEMA P-750, February, Part 1 (Provisions) and Part 2 (Commentary). -R-001 (2011): Reglamento para el análisis y diseño sísmico de estructuras de República Dominicana. Decreto No. 201-11. Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones.

  19. When Theory Meets Practice: Applying Cambourne's Conditions for Learning to Professional Development for Elementary School EFL Teachers (Cuando la teoría y la práctica se encuentran: implementación de las condiciones de aprendizaje de Cambourne en el desarrollo profesional de docentes de inglés de la básica primaria)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cadavid Múnera, Isabel Cristina; Díaz Mosquera, Claudia Patricia; Quinchía Ortiz, Diana Isabel


    This article presents a reflection on an action research project carried out by a group of teachers and students at Universidad de Antioquia. The action research project aimed at determining the impact of a professional development proposal for elementary school English teachers in Medellin, Colombia. In the first section, the article describes…

  20. A Proposed Activity for a Meaningful Learning about the Moon Phases. (Breton Title: Uma Proposta de Atividade Para a Aprendizagem Significativa sobre as Fases da Lua.) Una Actividad Propuesta Para EL Aprendizaje Significativo Acerca de Las Fases de la Luna

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martins, Bruno Andrade; Langhi, Rodolfo


    ínua avaliação durante o processo, culmina com a elaboração de uma história em quadrinhos envolvendo as fases da Lua. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma proposta de atividade didática diferenciada sustentada pelos princípios teóricos da aprendizagem significativa aplicada ao ensino das fases da Lua durante as aulas de Física no ensino médio. En este trabajo se presenta uno de los contenidos de la Astronomía y el evidente fracaso en la enseñanza del tema en la escuela secundaria, a pesar del hecho que los documentos oficiales apuntan para la necesidad de trabajar contenidos de Astronomía en este nivel. Entre los conceptos alternativos en Astronomía que los alumnos secundarios llevan consigo, aún después de terminados los estudios, destacamos aquí el fenómeno de las fases de la Luna. El desarrollo de diferentes estrategias en relación con los métodos tradicionales, dirigidas al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en este tema fue considerado en este trabajo como uno de los resultados obtenidos a la luz de los referenciales del aprendizaje significativo, tal como fueron fundamentados por Ausubel. Según la propuesta que aquí se presenta, la participación activa de los estudiantes en la ejecución de una actividad experimental y otras actividades educativas destinadas a la evaluación continua durante el proceso culminó en la elaboración de una historieta respecto de las fases de la Luna. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una propuesta de actividad de enseñanza diferenciada con el apoyo de los principios teóricos del aprendizaje significativo aplicado a la enseñanza de las fases de la luna durante las clases de física del ciclo secundario.

  1. The Impact of Regional Differences on Elementary School Teachers' Attitudes towards Their Students' Use of Code Switching in a South Texas School District (El impacto de las diferencias regionales en las actitudes de docentes de primaria respecto a la alternancia de códigos por parte de los estudiantes en un distrito escolar del sur de Texas)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nava Gómez, Guadalupe Nancy; García, Hilda


    This study focused on investigating whether the teachers' geographical distribution influences their attitudes towards their students' use of code switching. The study was guided by the following research question: Are there differences between teachers' opinions of the north elementary schools and teachers' opinions of the south elementary…

  2. Difficulties of First Years Elementary School Teachers with the Teaching of Astronomy. (Breton Title: Dificuldades de Professores dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental em Relação ao Ensino da Astronomia. ) Dificultades de LOS Profesores de los Primeros Años de la Escuela Primaria en Relación a la Enseñanza de la Astronomía

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Langhi, Rodolfo; Nardi, Roberto


    This paper reports Primary School teachers' discourses analysis about their difficulties related to the teaching of Astronomy. It reports partial data of a master's level research carried out in the last two years, named "An exploratory study for inserting Astronomy in primary school teachers' education" (LANGHI, 2004). The study took into consideration students' and teachers' common sense conceptions about astronomical phenomena, conceptual mistakes in textbooks, and Astronomy's suggestions given by the PCN (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais - The Brazilian National Curriculum Standards). The paper aims to characterize teachers' difficulties, in order to provide subsides to the implementation of an initial or continuing education program. This study is justified by the fact that courses plans like these only will be adapted to the teacher's (and students') reality, if there is a primary investigation about what the teachers really need to know about Astronomy. This fact was possible here by the enunciations interpretation of a teachers' sample using semi-structured interviews, according to discourse analysis procedures. The research outcomes show difficulties related to factors like: those of personal order, methodological, on teacher's formation, educational infrastructure and other related to information sources for educators. Este artigo, que relata as dificuldades de professores em relação ao ensino da Astronomia, faz parte de um estudo exploratório para a inserção da Astronomia na formação de professores dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Esse estudo leva em consideração as concepções alternativas de alunos e professores sobre fenômenos astronômicos, os erros conceituais em livros didáticos e as sugestões de conteúdos de Astronomia constantes nos PCN (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais). Caracterizar as dificuldades dos professores é a questão central deste texto, apontando para o objetivo de contribuir com subsídios para um futuro programa de formação continuada neste tema. O estudo se justifica mediante o fato de que planejamentos de cursos como estes só se adequarão à realidade do professor (e do aluno) se houver uma investigação antecipada sobre o que os docentes precisam saber e saber fazer a respeito da Astronomia, o que se concretizou em nosso caso pela interpretação dos discursos de uma amostra de professores coletados através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, utilizando para interpretação os princípios e métodos da análise do discurso em sua linha francesa. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram dificuldades de ordem pessoal, metodológica, de formação, de infra-estrutura e outras relacionadas às fontes de informações para docentes. Este artículo que relata las dificultades de los profesores en relación a la enseñanza da laAstronomía es parte de un estudio preliminar para la implantación dela Astrnomía enla formación de profesores de ls primeros años del ciclo primario.El estudio considera las concepciones alternativas de alumnos y profesores respecto a los fenómenos astronómicos, los errores conceptuales en los libros didácticos y las sugerencias de contenidos de Astronomía que constan en los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales del Brasil. Caracterizar las dificultades de los profesores constituye la cuestión central de este texto, apuntando para el objetivo de contribuir para un futuro programa de educación contínua en este tema. El estudio se justifica mediante el hecho que la planificación de cursos de este tipo solo se adecuarán a la realidade del profesor (y del alumno) si existe una investigación anterior a respecto de lo que los docentes precisan saber y saber realizar en Astronomía, lo cual se concretó en nuestro caso por medio de la interpretación de los discursos de una muestra de profesores obtenidos através de entrevistas semiestructuradas, utilizand para esta interpretación los principios y métodos de análisis del discurso en su línea francesa. Los resultados mostraron dificultades de orden personal, metodológica, formativa, de infraestructura y otras relacionadas a las fuentes de información para los docentes.

  3. Nesting biology, morphological remarks, and description of the mature larva of Mellinus arvensis obscurus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) in Nepal

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Boesi, R.; Polidori, C.; Andrietti, F.

    subespecie de la bien estudiada subespecie nominal. Mellinus arvensis obscurus nidifica a gran altitud, en terreno inclinado, con y sin vegetacion, expuesto en mayor o menor medida al sol y en agregaciones muy compactas. Durante la estacion lluviosa la hembras llevan a cabo pocos vuelos de aprovisonamiento. Las presas pertenecen al orden de los dipteros, aunque, en una ocasion se observo el aporte de una arana. Gran numero de las interacciones intraespecificas observadas sugieren un alto grado de intentos de usurpacion de nidos. Los enemigos naturales mas sobresalientes pertenecen al orden de los dipteros y a la familia de los formicidos. Del estudio morfologico del adulto, mencionaremos que la foma del terguito 1 y la escultura del cuerpo, en las hembras de las poblaciones del Nepal, son mas semejantes a los de las hembras de las poblaciones europeas que no a los de las japonesas. De la fase larvaria se describe el ultimo estado larvario, a la vez que se compara con la otra larva madura ya descrita del genero. Las diferencias entre ambas larvas maduras radican en la presencia/ausencia, numero o diferenciacion de las estructuras tegumentarias. El estudio finaliza concluyendo que los rasgos morfologicos son mas importantes, que los aspectos ecologicos y comportamentales, a la hora de establecer una separacion entre las dos subespecies (author)« less

  4. Field technique of permeability tests in highly fissured limestone strata

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Al-Salihi, Adnan; Asaad, Abdulah


    Résumé.L'étude de dispositifs de dénoyage est nécessaire pour l'amélioration de sites avant la construction de certaines structures. L'étude de dispositifs de dénoyage efficaces exige d'estimer la valeur du coefficient de perméabilité in situ. Les relations disponibles pour estimer le coefficient de perméabilité ont été développées sur la base de mesures et de conditions de terrain limitées, et les prédictions varient de plusieurs ordres de grandeur. C'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de réaliser des mesures de perméabilité sur le terrain et de déterminer la relation qui permet le meilleur ajustement de ces mesures avant l'étude du dispositif de dénoyage pour des conditions locales et géologiques spécifiques. Ce papier présente des mesures de perméabilité sur le terrain dans des niveaux calcaires complexes chaotiques et diagénétisés. Il propose également une analyse comparative de plusieurs relations disponibles dans la littérature destinées à prédire le coefficient de perméabilité in situ. L'analyse est faite en conditions permanentes et non permanentes. Les résultats montrent que la valeur du coefficient de perméabilité dépend du niveau de la nappe, qui est affecté par le régime de marées. On montre que l'équation de l'US Navy donne la meilleure corrélation avec les mesures de terrain. Resumen.El diseño de sistemas de desecado es necesario para mejorar las condiciones de un emplazamiento antes de la construcción de determinadas estructuras. El diseño de un sistema eficiente de desecado requiere de la estimación del valor de la permeabilidad in-situ. Las relaciones disponibles para tal fin han sido desarrolladas bajo condiciones y medidas de campo limitadas; sus predicciones varían en algunos órdenes de magnitud. Por tanto, es necesario tomar medidas de permeabilidad en campo y determinar la relación que reproduce mejor dichas medidas como paso previo al diseño de un sistema de desecado en condiciones geol

  5. Life-cycle optimization model for distributed generation in buildings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Safaei, Amir

    principal objetivo desta tese de doutoramento foi desenvolver um modelo para otimizar o desenho e operacao de sistemas de GD para o setor da construcao de edificios comerciais em Portugal, considerando os respetivos Impactes de Ciclo de Vida (IAVC) e Custos de Ciclo de Vida (CCV), de modo a satisfazer as necessidades energeticas do edificio. Tres tipos de tecnologias de cogeracao (Micro-Turbinas, Motores de combustao interna, e Celulas combustiveis de Oxido solido), e dois tipos de tecnologias de energia solar, solar termica e fotovoltaica, constituem os sistemas de GD que sao acoplados aos sistemas convencionais. Foi desenvolvido um modelo de CV, tendo em conta todos os impactes relacionados com a construcao e operacao dos sistemas de energia, bem como os processos a montante relacionados com a producao do GN. Em particular, o mix de GN consumido em Portugal em 2011 foi identificado (60% da Nigeria, 40% da Argelia) e os impactes relativos a cada uma das vias de abastecimento foram avaliados separadamente para quatro categorias de impacte ambiental: Consumo de Energia Primaria (CEP), Gases com Efeito de Estufa (GEE), acidificacao, e eutrofizacao. Devido a importancia das emissoes de GEE na formulacao de politicas, foi tambem realizada uma analise de incerteza as emissoes de GEE do GN fornecido a Portugal. Foi desenvolvido um modelo matematico, em linguagem de Programacao General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS), que utiliza os resultados da ACV dos sistemas de energia e as suas implicacoes economicas para minimizar o CCV e IACV ao longo de um horizonte de planeamento definido pelo decisor. Foram derivadas fronteiras otimas de Pareto, representando as relacoes entre o tipo de IACV (CEP, GEE, acidificacao, eutrofizacao) e CCV decorrentes da satisfacao das necessidades energeticas do edificio. Para aumentar a robustez do modelo, dada a incerteza dos precos dos combustiveis (GN e eletricidade), foi desenvolvido um modelo de custos robusto para os sistemas de GD, que e menos

  6. Mapping opportunities and challenges for rewilding in Europe

    PubMed Central

    Ceaușu, Silvia; Hofmann, Max; Navarro, Laetitia M; Carver, Steve; Verburg, Peter H; Pereira, Henrique M


    de la vida silvestre (“rewilding”) representa una estrategia alternativa a esto. Desarrollamos un marco de trabajo para evaluar las oportunidades de reintroducción en diferentes dimensiones de naturaleza a lo largo de Europa. Mapeamos la luz artificial, la accesibilidad para humanos con base en la infraestructura de transporte, la proporción de productividad primaria (es decir, la productividad del ecosistema incautado por los humanos por medio de la agricultura o la silvicultura) y la divergencia de vegetación natural potencial en áreas que se proyecta estarán abandonadas para el 2040. A nivel continental, los niveles de luz artificial fueron bajos y la divergencia de vegetación natural potencial fue alta en las áreas de abandono. La importancia relativa de las medidas de naturaleza difirió regionalmente y estuvieron conectadas fuertemente a los contextos ambientales y socio-económicos locales. Las grandes áreas de abandono proyectado estuvieron localizadas frecuentemente en o alrededor de sitios Natura 2000. Con base en estos resultados, argumentamos que el manejo debería ser fabricado para restaurar los aspectos de la naturaleza que son carentes en cada región. Todavía quedan muchos obstáculos con respecto a la biodiversidad en Europa, pero las especies de megafauna ya se están recuperando. Para potenciar aún más la reintroducción a gran escala, el manejo de Natura 2000 necesitaría incorporar estrategias de reintroducción. Nuestro marco de trabajo puede aplicarse a la evaluación de las oportunidades de reintroducción y a los obstáculos en otras regiones del mundo, y nuestros resultados pueden guiar la redirección de los subsidios para manejar los sistemas socio-ecológicos. PMID:25997361

  7. [Risk of fatal/non-fatal events in patients with previous coronary heart disease/acute myocardial infarction and treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs].


    Muñoz Olmo, L; Juan Armas, J; Gomariz García, J J


    of 1.47 (95% CI 1.05-2.07) for new AMI. Rofecoxib shows a risk of fatal cardiovascular events, even at low doses, and after 7 days of treatment (HR 2.5; 95% CI 1.91-3.46), with an OR of 2.30 (95% CI 1.76-2.99) for new AMI. Naproxen had a lower risk of cardiovascular death and new cardiovascular events, but no significant results except for treatment longer than 90 days (HR 1.55; 95% CI 1.10-2.17), with increased gastrointestinal bleeding and associated comorbidity during the first year of treatment (HR 1.44; 95% CI 1.07-1.94). Ketorolac is seen as the drug of greatest risk for new AMI: Oral treatment (OR 3.91; 95% CI 2.02-7.58). The review highlights the cardio-protective factor of certain drugs, such as antiplatelet agents and statins in patients, with NSAIDs use. For example, in patients with greater comorbidity, differences were observed in the OR, with antiplatelet agents consumption giving an OR of 1.37 (95% CI 0.68-2.74), compared to the non-consumption, OR 1.79 (95% CI 1.16-2.78). The consumption of various NSAIDs and their relationship to increased risk of fatal and non-fatal acute coronary syndrome is classified by years. Consumption increases the risk regardless of the time elapsed in relation to those that did not take them, with the figures remaining virtually stable for five years. Diclofenac and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors (especially Rofecoxib) showed an increased risk, unlike naproxen, which had a lower risk. However, naproxen, and because of its greater capacity to generate gastrointestinal bleeding, increased for this reason, fatal events and comorbidity in these patients. Despite this, it still has the best cardiovascular safety profile. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. Attitude and knowledge about foot health: a spanish view.


    López-López, Daniel; García-Mira, Ricardo; Palomo-López, Patricia; Sánchez-Gómez, Rubén; Ramos-Galván, José; Tovaruela-Carrión, Natalia; García-Sánchez, Matilde


    saúde do pé. os participantes do estudo revelaram uma atitude positiva em relação à saúde do pé e comportamento responsável. explorar las actitudes relacionadas con datos autoinformados sobre las creencias de la salud del pie desde una perspectiva actitudinal. una muestra de 282 participantes edad media 39.46 ± 16.026 acudieron a un centro de salud donde se registraron datos autoinformados de las características demográficas, características clínicas y creencias relacionadas con la salud del pie, completándose todas las etapas del proceso de investigación. los resultados del análisis revelaron una estructura factorial de 8 factores basado en (1) conductas podológicas, (2) la intención de llevar a cabo una conducta de protección, (3) las creencias actitudinales, (4) las creencias normativas, (5) las necesidades, (6) la apatía, (7) el autocuidado, y (8) la percepción general de salud podal. Todos ellos explicaron un 62,78% de la varianza, y fueron considerados como variables independientes en una ecuación de regresión para determinar cuáles de ellos explicaban mejor la importancia atribuida a la salud del pie. los participantes en el estudio revelaron una actitud positiva en relación al cuidado de la salud del pie y al comportamiento responsable.

  9. Seismic hazard assessment in the Catania and Siracusa urban areas (Italy) through different approaches

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Panzera, Francesco; Lombardo, Giuseppe; Rigano, Rosaria


    , through the site approach, for Catania area can be interpreted in terms of greater damage historically observed at this town and its smaller distance from the seismogenic structures. On the other hand, the higher level of hazard found for Siracusa, throughout the Esteva-Cornell approach, could be a consequence of the features of such method which spreads out the intensities over a wide area. However, in SHA the use of a combined approach is recommended for a mutual validation of obtained results and any choice between the two approaches is strictly linked to the knowledge of the local seismotectonic features. References Albarello D. and Mucciarelli M.; 2002: Seismic hazard estimates using ill?defined macroseismic data at site. Pure Appl. Geophys., 159, 1289?1304. Cornell C.A.; 1968: Engineering seismic risk analysis. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 58(5), 1583-1606. D'Amico V. and Albarello D.; 2007: Codice per il calcolo della pericolosità sismica da dati di sito (freeware). Progetto DPC-INGV S1, Esteva L.; 1967: Criterios para la construcción de espectros para diseño sísmico. Proceedings of XII Jornadas Sudamericanas de Ingeniería Estructural y III Simposio Panamericano de Estructuras, Caracas, 1967. Published later in Boletín del Instituto de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales, Universidad Central de Venezuela, No. 19. Ordaz M., Aguilar A. and Arboleda J.; 2007: CRISIS2007, Program for computing seismic hazard. Version 5.4, Mexico City: UNAM. SSHAC (Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee); 1997: Recommendations for probabilistic seismic hazard analysis: guidance on uncertainty and use of experts. NUREG/CR-6372.

  10. Contribution of Systematic Reviews to Management Decisions

    PubMed Central



    Decisiones de Manejo Resumen Las revisiones sistemáticas resumen integralmente la evidencia sobre la efectividad de las intervenciones de conservación. Investigamos la contribución de las decisiones de manejo hechas por este creciente cuerpo de literatura. Identificamos 43 revisiones sistemáticas de evidencia de conservación, 23 de las cuales hicieron algunas conclusiones concretas relevantes al manejo. La mayoría de las revisiones se dirigían a intervenciones de conservación relevantes a las decisiones políticas; sólo el 35% consideraba intervenciones de manejo sobre-la-causa prácticas. La mayoría de las revisiones cubrieron solo una pequeña fracción de la amplitud geográfica y taxonómica a la que buscaban dirigirse (mediana = 13% de los países relevantes y 16% de los taxones relevantes). La probabilidad de que las revisiones tuvieran por lo menos algunas implicaciones para el manejo tendió a incrementar conforme la cobertura geográfica incrementaba y a declinar conforme aumentaba la amplitud taxonómica. Estos resultados sugieren que la amplitud de una revisión taxonómica requiere de una consideración cuidadosa. Las revisiones identificaron una media de 312 estudios primarios relevantes pero excluyeron 88% de estos por deficiencias en el diseño o fallas para coincidir con otros criterios de inclusión. Las revisiones resumieron en promedio 248 juegos de datos y 112 años de actividad de investigación, pero la probabilidad de que sus resultados tuvieran por lo menos algunas implicaciones para el manejo no incrementaron mientras la cantidad de investigación primaria resumida aumentaba. En algunos casos, las conclusiones fueron elusivas a pesar de la inclusión de cientos de conjuntos de datos y años de actividad de investigación acumulada. Las revisiones sistemáticas son una parte importante del juego de herramientas en la toma de decisiones de conservación, aunque consideramos que los beneficios de las revisiones sistemáticas podrían ser

  11. Learning about the Sky from the Environment: An Experience Working Along One Year with Students of Elementary Education. (Spanish Title: Aprendiendo sobre EL Cielo Desde el Entorno: Una Experiencia Trabajando Durante un Año Junto a Estudiantes del Primario.) Aprendendo sobre o Céu a Partir do Entorno: Uma Experiência de Trabalho ao Longo de um Ano com Alunos de Ensino Fundamental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Longhini, Marcos Daniel; Gomide, Hanny Angeles


    Research developed with 95 students of the 6th year of elementary education in a public school of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. It was a continuous work from February to December 2013, which led the students to participate in activities of observation of the environment, specifically the sky, analyzing the changes occurred. We focused on the study of variations in temperature, rainfall, day length, variations in the size of the shadows and changes in the aspect of the Moon. Our focus of analysis targeted the discussion of the knowledge that these students had about the topics indicated and as they entered the stage during the implementation of the proposal. The results showed a limited perception that students have of their environment, however, lately expanded due to the undertaken activities, especially in relation to the Moon. Working with systematic measure procedures reveals the careful handling of data so that they become understandable to students, and working with the shadows points towards the students first understand how shadows are formed, and then apply this knowledge to Astronomy. Finally, we conclude that the lived process consisted of an initial step of a work that should be encouraged for the subsequent years of training of these students. Proyecto de investigación desarrollado con 95 alumnos del sexto año de primaria en una escuela pública de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Fue un trabajo continuo, de febrero a diciembre de 2013, que llevó a los estudiantes a participar en actividades de observación de su entorno, entre ellas, el cielo, analizando los cambios ocurridos. Nos centramos en el estudio de las variaciones en la temperatura, las precipitaciones, la duración del día, las variaciones en el tamaño de las sombras y los cambios en los aspectos de la Luna. Nuestro foco de análisis se centró en discutir el conocimiento que estos estudiantes tenían sobre los temas indicados al inicio y término de la propuesta. Los resultados mostraron una

  12. Taking a look to promoting health and complications' prevention: differences by context.


    Freire, Rosa Maria de Albuquerque; Landeiro, Maria José Lumini; Martins, Maria Manuela Ferreira Pereira da Silva; Martins, Teresa; Peres, Heloísa Helena Ciqueto


    potenciais do paciente (p=0.001) e supervisão das atividades que concretizam as intervenções de enfermagem e as atividades que delegam (p=0.003). os enfermeiros realizam atividades de promoção da saúde e prevenção de complicações, porém, não de forma sistemática e as práticas profissionais diferem com relação ao contexto. Este estudo é relevante na medida em que pode promover a conscientização dos enfermeiros para a necessidade de reforçar práticas de qualidade. conocer y comparar las practicas de promoción de la salud y prevención de complicaciones, de los enfermeros que ejercen en el contexto de hospitales y en cuidados de atención primaria de salud. estudio descriptivo, exploratorio y transversal, desarrollado con 474 enfermeros, seleccionados por muestreo de conveniencia. Se utilizó un cuestionario que integra dos categorías de enunciados descriptivos de la calidad del ejercicio profesional de los enfermeros. El estudio fue aprobado en comité de ética. la mayoría de los enfermeros eran del sexo femenino (87,3%) con una edad promedio de 35,5 años. Se encontraron mayor cantidad de prácticas de estos enfermeros en cuidados primarios en relación a la promoción de estilos de vida saludable (<0.001) y referencia de situaciones problemáticas para otros profesionales (p=0.039). También se encontraron más prácticas de los enfermeros de hospital en relación a identificación de problemas potenciales del paciente (p=0.001) y supervisión de las actividades que concretan las intervenciones de enfermería y las actividades que delegan (p=0.003). los enfermeros realizan actividades de promoción de salud y prevención de complicaciones, sin embargo, no en forma sistemática, y las prácticas varían en relación al contexto. Este estudio es relevante en la medida que puede promover la concientización de los enfermeros para la necesidad de reforzar prácticas de calidad.

  13. Comparison among the efficacy of interventions for the return rate to receive the pap test report: randomized controlled clinical trial.


    Vasconcelos, Camila Teixeira Moreira; Pinheiro, Ana Karina Bezerra; Nicolau, Ana Izabel Oliveira; Lima, Thaís Marques; Barbosa, Denise de Fátima Fernandes


    to test the effects of a behavioral, an educative and a comparative intervention on women's adherence to the return appointment to receive the pap test report. randomized controlled clinical trial at a Primary Health Care Service, involving three groups: EG (educative session and test demonstration), BG (recall ribbon) and standard intervention (card containing the return appointment - graphical reminder), called comparative group here (CG). To select the sample, the following was established: having started sexual activity and undergoing the pap smear during the study, resulting in 775 women. among the 775 women, 585 (75.5%) returned to receive the test result within 65 days. The educative group presented the highest return rate (EG=82%/CG=77%/BG=66%), statistically significant only when compared to the behavioral group (p=0.000). The educative group obtained the smallest interval (p<0.05) concerning the mean number of days of return to receive the test result (EG:M=43days/BG:M=47.5days/CG:M=44.8 days). the educative group reached higher return rates and the women returned earlier, but the behavioral intervention showed to be the least effective. Brazilian Clinical Trial Register: RBR-93ykhs. testar los efectos de una intervención comportamental (GCP), educativa (GE) y otra comparativa (GCA) en la adhesión de las mujeres a la consulta de retorno para recibir el laudo de citología vaginal. estudio experimental aleatorizado controlado en una Unidad de Atención Primaria de Salud con tres grupos: GE (sesión educativa y demonstración del examen), GCP (cinta recuerdo) e intervención estándar (tarjeta con la fecha de la consulta de retorno - recuerdo gráfico), llamado de grupo comparativo (GCA). Para seleccionar la muestra, fue establecido: haber iniciado actividad sexual y hacer la citología vaginal durante el estudio, resultando en 775 mujeres. entre las 775 mujeres, 585 (75,5%) regresaron para recibir el resultado del examen con hasta 65 días. El grupo



    Rodrigues, Marcus Vinicius Rozo; Tercioti-Junior, Valdir; Lopes, Luiz Roberto; Coelho-Neto, João de Souza; Andreollo, Nelson Adami


    the absence of other secondary involvement and control of the primary lesion. A neoplasia de mama é o tumor maligno mais comum na população feminina tendo o trato gastrointestinal, e mais especificamente o estômago, como local incomum para metástases. Analisar uma série de casos com esse tumor e propor medidas que possam diagnosticá-lo com maior precocidade. Foram analisados retrospectivamente 12 pacientes com diagnóstico de neoplasia gástrica secundária a câncer de mama, confirmado por biópsia e imunoistoquímica. Foram analisados idade do diagnóstico, tipo histológico do tumor primário, intervalo de tempo entre o diagnóstico do tumor e a metástase, tratamento e sobrevida. A idade média foi de 71,3 anos (40-86 anos). Em média, o diagnóstico da metástase gástrica foi de sete anos após o diagnóstico da lesão primaria (0-13 anos). Nove casos tiveram metástases em outros órgãos, sendo os ossos os locais mais acometidos. Evidenciou-se positividade de anticorpo CK7 em 90,9% casos, receptor de estrógeno em 91,67%, receptor de progesterona em 66,67% e BRST2 em 41,67%. A ausência de CK20 foi de 88,89%. Oito casos foram tratados com quimioterapia associada ou não ao bloqueio hormonal e em quatro foi indicada ressecção cirúrgica sendo em três gastrectomia total e em um caso gastrectomia subtotal. A sobrevida média foi de 14,58 meses. Em doentes com história prévia de câncer de mama apresentando diagnóstico endoscópico de neoplasia gástrica, é necessário considerar a possibilidade de metástase. A confirmação é feita por estudo imunoistoquímico e a gastrectomia deve ser orientada diante da ausência de outros locais de acometimento secundário e controle da lesão primária.

  15. Tanque Loma, a new late-Pleistocene megafaunal tar seep locality from southwest Ecuador

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lindsey, Emily L.; Lopez R., Eric X.


    ón densa, con infiltraciones secundarias de asfalto lo que ayudó a preservar los huesos. El predominio de fósiles de Eremotherium indican que esta podría haber sido una área donde estos animales se congregaban, sugiriendo un posible comportamiento gregario de este taxón. Las fechas radiocarbónicas obtenidas hasta ahora en taxones extinguidos de Tanque Loma son consistente con el modelo postulado sobre la extinción de la megafauna, la cual habría sido más temprana en las regiones tropicales de Sudamérica que al sur del continente. Sin embargo, este patrón podría ser un artefacto del bajo muestreo en la región.

  16. [Tuberculin reactivity among ninth-grade schoolchildren in the city of Havana, Cuba].


    Borroto Gutiérrez, Susana M; González Ochoa, Edilberto; Armas Pérez, Luisa; Urbino López-Chávez, Amelia; Martínez, Ana Maribel; Llanes, María Josefa; Sevy Court, José; Carreras Corzo, Libertad


    infección tuberculosa en escolares de 14 años de Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Métodos. Mediante un muestreo monoetápico por conglomerados se aplicaron 1 936 pruebas de Mantoux (tuberculina) a estudiantes de noveno grado del curso escolar 1999-2000 (cohorte de los nacidos en 1985) de 20 escuelas secundarias básicas seleccionadas aleatoriamente en Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Las pruebas se realizaron según la técnica estándar recomendada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y se evaluaron a las 72 horas. Se calcularon los porcentajes de reactividad y el diámetro medio de las induraciones cutáneas en la cohorte y según el sexo. Las comparaciones de medias y porcentajes se realizaron mediante la prueba de ji al cuadrado con 95% de confiabilidad. Se usó el programa Epi Info v. 6.0. Resultados. Noventa y seis por ciento de las pruebas leídas fueron negativas (0-4 mm), 2,5% fueron dudosas (5-9 mm) y 1,5% resultaron positivas ( >/= 10 mm). El porcentaje de reactividad disminuyó a 0,1% cuando se utilizó un valor de corte de 15 mm. El diámetro medio de las induraciones fue de 0,41 mm y no se detectó ninguna diferencia estadísticamente significativa en función del sexo. Conclusiones. La proporción de personas que reaccionaron a la tuberculina, usando como punto de corte un diámetro de induración cutánea de 10 mm, fue muy baja (1,5%) en este estudio y mucho más baja (0,1%) cuando se utilizó 15 mm como punto de corte. Si se toma en cuenta la baja frecuencia de tuberculosis bacilífera en Cuba y que hay una relación inversa entre el tiempo transcurrido desde la aplicación de la vacuna a base del bacilo de Calmette-Guérin (BCG) y la intensidad de la respuesta a la tuberculina, las reacciones cutáneas con un diámetro de induración >/= 10 mm podrían ser la expresión de una infección natural, por lo que, en ese caso, la prevalencia puntual de infección tuberculosa en este grupo de escolares sería de 1,5%.

  17. Establishing IUCN Red List Criteria for Threatened Ecosystems

    PubMed Central

    Rodríguez, Jon Paul; Rodríguez-Clark, Kathryn M; Baillie, Jonathan E M; Ash, Neville; Benson, John; Boucher, Timothy; Brown, Claire; Burgess, Neil D; Collen, Ben; Jennings, Michael; Keith, David A; Nicholson, Emily; Revenga, Carmen; Reyers, Belinda; Rouget, Mathieu; Smith, Tammy; Spalding, Mark; Taber, Andrew; Walpole, Matt; Zager, Irene; Zamin, Tara


    porque la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) ha desarrollado criterios objetivos, repetibles y transparentes para evaluar el riesgo de extinción que explícitamente separa la evaluación de riesgo de la definición de prioridades. En el IV Congreso Mundial de Conservación en 2008, el proceso comenzó a desarrollar e implementar estándares globales comparables para ecosistemas. Un grupo de trabajo establecido por la UICN ha formulado un sistema inicial de categorías y criterios cuantitativos, análogos a los utilizados para especies, para asignar niveles de amenaza a ecosistemas a niveles local, regional y global. Un sistema final requerirá de definiciones de ecosistemas; cuantificación del estatus de ecosistemas; identificación de las etapas de degradación y pérdida de los ecosistemas; medidas de riesgo (criterios) alternativas; umbrales de clasificación para esos criterios y métodos estandarizados para la realización de evaluaciones. El sistema deberá reflejar el nivel y tasa de cambio en la extensión, composición, estructura y funcionamiento de un ecosistema, y tener sus raíces conceptuales en la teoría ecológica y la investigación empírica. Sobre la base de esos requerimientos y la hipótesis de que el riesgo del ecosistema es una función del riesgo de las especies que lo componen, proponemos un conjunto de 4 criterios: declinaciones recientes en la distribución o funcionamiento ecológica, pérdida total histórica en la distribución o funcionamiento ecológico, distribución pequeña combinada con declinación, o distribución muy pequeña. La mayor parte del trabajo se ha concentrado en ecosistemas terrestres, pero también se requieren umbrales y criterios comparables para ecosistemas dulceacuícolas y marinos. Estos son los primeros pasos de un proceso de consulta internacional que llevará a una propuesta unificada que será presentada en el próximo Congreso Mundial de Conservación en 2012. PMID:21054525

  18. The Science Teachers and Their way of Thinking about Astronomy. (Spanish Title: Los Profesores de Ciencias y Sus Formas de Pensar la Astronomía.) Os Professores de Ciências e Suas Formas de Pensar a Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Leite, Cristina; Hosoume, Yassuko


    ómicos y la estructura espacial del montaje del Universo son características fundamentales. Muchos indican Sol y estrellas como cosas distintas: el Sol es un objeto caliente y las estrellas son frías. Esos resultados nos preocupan y ciertamente señalan una urgencia de programas de formación continuada para profesores en el contenido de astronomía, pues los PCN's (Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales) recomiendan con énfasis la enseñanza de este contenido. O modo de pensar dos professores de Ciências do ensino fundamental sobre os elementos da Astronomia é o objeto de pesquisa presente neste artigo, cuja metodologia consiste em entrevistas semiestruturadas, filmadas em vídeo e centradas numa perspectiva tridimensional dos elementos astronômicos, possibilitando um mapeamento das concepções das formas e das dimensões da Terra, do Sol, da Lua, dos planetas e das estrelas, bem como da concepção de céu e de Universo como um todo. Os resultados indicam um Universo contendo: Sol, estrelas, planetas e Lua, onde o Sistema Solar é parte do todo. Algumas vezes o Universo é concebido como o próprio Sistema Solar. Os objetos estão no céu ou no Universo o qual, para muitos, se restringe ao espaço que está acima da Terra. A forma plana dos objetos astronômicos e a estrutura espacial da montagem do Universo são características marcantes. Muitos indicam Sol e estrelas como coisas diferentes: Sol é um objeto quente e as estrelas são frias. Esses resultados nos preocupam e certamente sinalizam uma urgência de programas de formação continuada para professores no conteúdo de astronomia, uma vez que os PCN's indicam fortemente o ensino desse conteúdo.

  19. Evaluation of clinical information modeling tools.


    Moreno-Conde, Alberto; Austin, Tony; Moreno-Conde, Jesús; Parra-Calderón, Carlos L; Kalra, Dipak


    Clinical information models are formal specifications for representing the structure and semantics of the clinical content within electronic health record systems. This research aims to define, test, and validate evaluation metrics for software tools designed to support the processes associated with the definition, management, and implementation of these models. The proposed framework builds on previous research that focused on obtaining agreement on the essential requirements in this area. A set of 50 conformance criteria were defined based on the 20 functional requirements agreed by that consensus and applied to evaluate the currently available tools. Of the 11 initiative developing tools for clinical information modeling identified, 9 were evaluated according to their performance on the evaluation metrics. Results show that functionalities related to management of data types, specifications, metadata, and terminology or ontology bindings have a good level of adoption. Improvements can be made in other areas focused on information modeling and associated processes. Other criteria related to displaying semantic relationships between concepts and communication with terminology servers had low levels of adoption. The proposed evaluation metrics were successfully tested and validated against a representative sample of existing tools. The results identify the need to improve tool support for information modeling and software development processes, especially in those areas related to governance, clinician involvement, and optimizing the technical validation of testing processes. This research confirmed the potential of these evaluation metrics to support decision makers in identifying the most appropriate tool for their organization. Los Modelos de Información Clínica son especificaciones para representar la estructura y características semánticas del contenido clínico en los sistemas de Historia Clínica Electrónica. Esta investigación define, prueba y valida

  20. Educational intervention in Primary Care for the prevention of congenital syphilis.


    Lazarini, Flaviane Mello; Barbosa, Dulce Aparecida


    ção em Excel e a análise estatística no Statistical Package for Social Sciences, versão 2.1. Realizou-se análise descritiva e inferencial. a média de respostas corretas passou de 53% para 74,3% após a intervenção (p < 0,01). A adesão ao treinamento dos profissionais foi de 92,6%. Existiu redução importante na taxa de transmissão vertical da sífilis de 75% em 2013 para 40,2% em 2015. Em 2014 e 2015 não ocorreram registros de mortalidade infantil por esse agravo. a intervenção educacional aumentou significativamente o conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde sobre a sífilis e colaborou para a redução da taxa de transmissão vertical do agravo. evaluar la eficiencia de la intervención educacional en el conocimiento de los profesionales de la salud de la Atención Primaria y verificar el impacto en las tasas de transmisión vertical de la sífilis congénita. estudio casi experimental, realizado en la ciudad de Londrina, Paraná, en el período entre 2013 y 2015. Fue realizada una intervención educacional sobre diagnóstico, tratamiento y notificación, con 102 profesionales, midiendo el conocimiento antes y después de la intervención. Los datos de incidencia y mortalidad por la sífilis congénita fueron obtenidos del Sistema de Información de Enfermedades de Notificación (SINAN) y del Sistema de Información sobre Mortalidad (SIM). La tabulación fue realizada en el Excel y el análisis estadístico en el Statistical Package for Social Sciences, versión 2.1. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo e inferencial. la media de respuestas correctas pasó de 53% para 74,3%, después de la intervención (p < 0,01). La adhesión al entrenamiento de los profesionales fue de 92,6%. Existió reducción importante en la tasa de transmisión vertical de la sífilis de 75% en 2013 para 40,2% en 2015. En 2014 y 2015 no ocurrieron registros de mortalidad infantil por esa enfermedad. la intervención educacional aumentó significativamente el conocimiento de los

  1. The Shadow of a Gnomon Along a Year: Routine Observations and Teaching of Apparent Motion of the Sun and the Four Seasons. (Spanish Title: La Sombra de un Gnomon lo Largo de un Año: Observaciones de Rutina y la Enseñanza del Movimiento Aparente del Sol y Las Cuatro Estaciones.) A Sombra de um Gnômon ao Longo de um Ano: Observações Rotineiras e o Ensino do Movimento Aparente do Sol E das Quatro Estações

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Trogello, Anderson Giovani; Danhoni Neves, Marcos Cesar; de Carvalho Rutz da Silva, Sani


    Many misconceptions are recognized among the various groups of students, especially in the elementary school. Among them, the apparent motion of the Sun, in spite of its daily occurrence, is subject to varied interpretations. Thus, the observation and recording of the motion of the stars in the celestial vault is a necessary task for astronomy education. The work presented here proposes the presentation of the results of observations of the apparent movement of the sun by marking the shadow of a vertical gnomon by the students in a class of sixth graders of elementary rural school of Paraná. The project itself was conducted in four stages, on dates near the March equinox, the June solstice, the September equinox and the December solstice. In addition, lectures were developed in the classroom. Such methods sought to build concepts around the apparent movement of the Sun and the alternation of the seasons. Given the results of the activities, an evaluation was applied and the data demonstrated a desired student learning such as: the recognition of the cardinal points, the description of the apparent solar motion and the occurrence of the seasons and their alternation from astronomical observations at naked eye. Muchos conceptos aternativos son conocidos entre los distintos grupos de alumnos, sobre todo en la educación básica. Entre ellos, el movimiento aparente del Sol, por más cotidiano que sea, se presta a interpretaciones variadas. Por lo tanto, observar y registrar el movimiento de las estrellas en la bóveda celeste se torna una tarea necesaria para la educación en astronomía. El trabajo que aquí se presenta propone la presentación de los resultados de la observación del movimiento aparente del sol a través de la marcación de la sombra del gnomon vertical a cargo de los estudiantes en una división de sexto grado de de la escuela primaria rural de Paraná. El proyecto en sí se llevó a cabo en cuatro etapas, en fechas cercanas al equinoccio de marzo

  2. A Diagnostic Assessment for the Teaching of Astronomy. (Spanish Title: Una Evaluación Diagnóstica Para la Enseñanza de la Astronomia.) Uma Avaliação Diagnóstica Para o Ensino da Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pacifico Ribeiro de Assis Silveira, Felipa; Soares Gomes de Sousa, Célia Maria; Moreira, Antonio


    This article aims to present the results of a diagnostic evaluation, used as a tool for collecting data on prior knowledge of scientific concepts needed to understand the topic "Earth and Universe", from a group comprised of 47 students of 6th grade. The educational method of diagnosing the student's prior knowledge before teaching them is founded on the Meaningful Learning theory, proposed by David Ausubel. The diagnostic evaluation consisted of 25 questions; the answers were analyzed and categorized, making possible their interpretation, which allows us to understand the meanings assigned by the student to these concepts. It follows from the diagnostic evaluation, that the majority of students surveyed had difficulties in exposing scientific concepts on the topic "Earth and Universe" when starting the 6th grade. However, we identified relevant ideas and representations that contributed to the re-signification of scientific concepts proposed for the teaching of the subject in this grade. The results of diagnostic evaluation served as reference to the organization of the syllabus, making possible the learning process by matching the sequence of teaching to the students" characteristics and context of the classroom. It is expected that other researchers in this topic can also use the instrument presented in this paper. Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de una evaluación diagnóstica, utilizada como una herramienta para recoger datos sobre el conocimiento previo de los conceptos científicos necesarios para comprender el tema "Tierra y Universo", de un grupo compuesto por 47 alumnos de 6º grado de la escuela primaria. La acción pedagógica del diagnóstico de los conocimientos previos del estudiante antes de enseñarles está justificada por la teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo, propuesta por David Ausubel. La evaluación de diagnóstico consistió en 25 preguntas, las respuestas fueron analizadas y clasificadas objetivando-se su

  3. Astronomy, Art and Mythology in a Public Elementary School in Itaocara/rj. (Spanish Title: Astronomía, Arte y Mitologia en el Ensino Fundamental en Una Escuela de la Red Estatal en ITAOCARA/RJ.) Astronomia, Arte e Mitologia no Ensino Fundamental em Escola da Rede Estadual em ITAOCARA/RJ

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Oliveira Bernardes, Adriana; Ramos dos Santos, Arleidimar


    conocimientos recibidos. El trabajo en sí ha mostrado además de la posibilidad de la inclusión de la Astronomía en la Educación Primaria, la posibilidad de un trabajo interdisciplinario en los niveles iniciales incluyendo Astronomía, Arte y Mitología. Los resultados presentados por los estudiantes en las Olimpiadas promovidas en la escuela y por la OBA (Olimpiada Brasilera de Astronomía) permitieron verificar un creciente aprendizaje y estimulo hacia las materias científicas, comprobados por la apropiada expresión de los conceptos adquiridos de astronomía y presentados en evaluaciones o en informes obtenidos de ellos mismos, sus familias y profesores. Desenvolvendo um trabalho voluntário junto aos alunos do ensino fundamental no 1º ciclo (1ª a 4ª série), os monitores de Astronomia membros do CAIMP (Clube de Astronomia de Itaocara Marcos Pontes), que eram em sua maioria alunos do ensino médio, desenvolveram um trabalho de aproximação entre os alunos do Colégio Estadual Teotônio Brandão Vilela e os temas envolvendo Ciências e Astronomia. Através de oficinas de informática, artes, vídeos educativos e teatros de fantoches, os alunos puderam expressar seus conhecimentos e emoções diante das lendas mitológicas com as quais começaram a ter contato. O trabalho desenvolvido pelos monitores junto aos alunos proporcionou a integração entre as turmas do colégio e os levou a participação em atividades de maneira a estimular sua oralidade e aumentar sua auto-estima. Trabalhando várias formas de expressões, os alunos puderam realizar seus experimentos e conhecer alguns conceitos de Física e Astronomia, enquanto adquiriam autonomia para se expressarem de acordo com seus sentimentos e conhecimentos adquiridos. O trabalho em si mostrou além da possibilidade de inserção de Astronomia no Ensino Fundamental, a possibilidade de realização de um trabalho interdisciplinar nas séries iniciais envolvendo Astronomia, Arte e Mitologia. Os resultados apresentados

  4. Family violence against children and adolescents in context: How the territories of care are imbricated in the picture.


    Carlos, Diene Monique; Ferriani, Maria das Graças Carvalho


    /12/13. As noções de compreensão e contextualização, e os princípios dialógicos, recursivo e hologramático direcionaram a análise dos dados. identificou-se duas questões cruciais para o cuidado desenvolvido pela equipe de saúde às famílias: o contexto onde essa violência ocorre (O espaço doméstico), e as relações de poder existentes na emergência desse cuidado no território. Os agentes comunitários merecem especial atenção por viverem a dialógica do morar-trabalhar em uma mesma área. o olhar para o território, considerando a complexidade de contextos e dimensões, se apresenta como inerente para o delineamento do cuidado às famílias envolvidas na VICCA no âmbito da APS. comprender el contexto de cuidado dirigido hacia las familias involucradas en violencia familiar contra niños y adolescentes (VICNA) que resulta de la Atención Primaria de la Salud (PHC) desde la óptica de los profesionales de un municipio del interior de Sao Paulo. investigación cualitativa del tipo social-estratégica, fundamentada en el Paradigma de la Complejidad. Participaron en el estudio 41 profesionales de salud de cinco unidades del municipio en estudio, cada una perteneciente a uno de los cinco Distritos Sanitarios. La recolección de datos se realizó por medio de cinco grupos focales y 10 entrevistas semi-estructuradas en el período entre 24/04/2013 y 17/12/2013. Las nociones de comprensión y contextualización y los principios dialógicos, recursivo y hologramático guiaron el análisis de los datos. se identificaron dos cuestiones cruciales para el cuidado desarrollado por el equipo de salud de las familias: el contexto en ocurre esta violencia (El espacio doméstico) y las relaciones de poder que existen en la emergencia de ese cuidado en el territorio. Los trabajadores comunitarios merecen una atención especial ya que viven la dialógica de trabajar/habitar en la misma área. la mirada sobre el territorio, considerando la complejidad de contextos y

  5. Estudio de la influencia de la refrigeracion con aire de forma natural e inducida en el comportamiento de instalaciones fotovoltaicas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mazon Hernandez, Rocio

    panels are analysed to compare and select the best configuration. The presented research provides a deep knowledge of how they work as well as information and results for an improvement in future designs of building integrated photovoltaic systems. Este estudio se centra en analizar la influencia negativa de la temperatura en la produccion electrica de paneles fotovoltaicos al estar emplazados sobre cubierta de acero, como sucede en naves industriales y sobre un invernadero. Se estudian diferentes configuraciones que permitan refrigerar los paneles, reduciendo su temperatura y mejorar su rendimiento. Para abordar este problema, se han construido dos instalaciones experimentales, fieles a plantas solares en funcionamiento. Una instalacion engloba dos paneles fotovoltaicos sobre estructura fija al suelo. Uno de los paneles esta integrado sobre una superficie paralela y metalica. Entre ambas superficies existe un espacio que posibilita circular aire, permitiendo refrigerar el panel por conveccion natural, o conveccion forzada impulsando el aire con un ventilador. El otro panel, libre por su cara posterior y se ha considerado de referencia. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento del panel integrado sobre cubierta para diferentes secciones de aire y velocidades inducidas, comparandolo con el panel de referencia. Se ha desarrollado un modelo experimental que nos permite determinar la temperatura del panel en funcion de las variables que influyen en su refrigeracion. Adicionalmente, se han analizado los datos de una planta solar en funcionamiento, con paneles de igual caracteristicas, obteniendo correlaciones entre la temperatura del panel y las variables electricas y comparandolos con las obtenidas en la instalacion experimental. La segunda instalacion experimental reproduce parte de una instalacion solar sobre un invernadero, formada por cuatro paneles fotovoltaicos colocados sobre el plastico del invernadero, existiendo un canal divergente entre ambas superficies. Se estudia la

  6. Elastoplasticidad anisotropa de metales en grandes deformaciones

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Caminero Torija, Miguel Angel

    Eterovic y Bathe para incluir la posibilidad de plasticidad anisotropa con endurecimiento mixto. Este primer algoritmo esta restringido a casos de isotropia elastica. La isotropia elastica es una hipotesis bastante habitual en plasticidad anisotropa y tiene la ventaja de que permite el uso de formulaciones mixtas u/p. El segundo algoritmo, mas complejo y general, incluye la posibilidad de elasticidad anisotropa, plasticidad anisotropa y endurecimiento mixto. Este algoritmo supone una contribucion importante ya que esta basado en hipotesis comunmente aceptadas y utilizadas en elastoplasticidad isotropa: descomposicion multiplicativa del gradiente de deformaciones en parte elastica y parte plastica, descripcion hiperelastica sencilla en funcion de deformaciones logaritmicas e integracion exponencial que conserva el volumen. Ademas, la estructura final del algoritmo es modular y relativamente sencilla, consistiendo en un pre- y un postprocesador geometrico y una correccion plastica realizada en pequenas deformaciones. El algoritmo esta consistentemente linealizado para conservar la convergencia cuadratica asintotica de los metodos de Newton y la forma final que toma dicha linealizacion es similar al caso de isotropia elastoplastica implementado; consiste en el modulo tangente algoritmico de pequenas deformaciones sobre el que se aplica una transformacion para convertirlo en el de grandes deformaciones. Todos estos modelos han sido implementados en un codigo propio de elementos finitos denominado DULCINEA, el cual tiene formulaciones lagrangianas totales y actualizadas para grandes deformaciones. Una de las tareas necesarias para poder realizar las simulaciones, ha sido el estudio e implementacion de diferentes elementos que no sufran el bloqueo volumetrico severo que se observa en formulaciones estandar basadas en desplazamientos. Este bloqueo se debe a la condicion de quasi-incompresibilidad que imponen los modelos de plasticidad desviadores y consiste en una respuesta

  7. Dinámica y crecimiento de los granos de polvo en la nebulosa protoplanetaria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de La Fuente Marcos, Carlos


    En el escenario estándar de la formación planetaria, los planetesimales (cuerpos de tamaño kilométrico) crecen a partir de granos de polvo, similares a los interestelares, embebidos en un disco gaseoso denominado nebulosa protoplanetaria. Durante esta etapa, los movimientos del gas pueden tener gran influencia en la dinámica y el crecimiento de los granos de polvo, dado que el flujo kepleriano del gas frena el movimiento de los mismos haciendo que caigan hacia el Sol, y la turbulencia inhibe la inestabilidad gravitacional de la capa de polvo. Aunque se acepta que los planetesimales fueron los elementos constituyentes de los planetas, todavía se desconoce cómo se produjo la formación de los mismos. Por esta razón, en los estudios más recientes, existe un renovado interés por comprender mejor la evolución de la capa de polvo inmersa en el disco gaseoso de la Nebulosa. El gas que fluye en el disco puede engendrar estructuras carentes de simetría axial, como por ejemplo ondas espirales y vórtices, a partir de gran variedad de mecanismos de excitación e inestabilidad. En 1995, Barge y Sommeria pusieron de manifiesto que la existencia de vórtices gaseosos persistentes en la nebulosa solar tendría importantes consecuencias sobre la formación de los planetesimales y el posterior crecimiento de los planetas gigantes. La investigación desarrollada en esta Tesis analiza la relación entre el polvo y el gas debida al acoplamiento por fricción dinámica entre ambos; en concreto, se estudia el efecto del flujo medio del gas sobre la dinámica de las partículas de polvo. El primer objetivo es investigar en profundidad los procesos de captura y crecimiento de los granos de polvo dentro de un vórtice y su posible relevancia en cuanto a la formación de los planetesimales. El segundo objetivo es la exploración de los efectos de ondas espirales propagándose en el disco gaseoso sobre la dinámica y el crecimiento de las partículas. La presencia de líneas de

  8. Psychometric properties of the Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale in Mexican elderly women.


    Enríquez-Reyna, María Cristina; Cruz-Castruita, Rosa María; Ceballos-Gurrola, Oswaldo; García-Cadena, Cirilo Humberto; Hernández-Cortés, Perla Lizeth; Guevara-Valtier, Milton Carlos


    benefícios do exercício foi adequado. Porém, o coeficiente da subescala barreiras para o exercício mostrou inconsistências. A confiabilidade e validade foram aceitáveis. A análise fatorial confirmatória revelou que a eliminação de itens melhorava a qualidade de ajuste do modelo basal da escala sem afetar sua validade ou confiabilidade. a Escala de Benefícios/Barreiras para o Exercício apresenta parâmetros psicométricos satisfatórios para o contexto mexicano. Apresenta-se uma versão reduzida de 15 itens com estrutura fatorial, validade e confiabilidade similares aos da escala completa. analizar y evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de las subescalas que componen la versión en español de la Escala Beneficios/Barreras para el Ejercicio en población anciana del noreste de México. estudio metodológico. La muestra estuvo constituida por 329 ancianas adscritas a alguna de cinco casas-club públicas del área metropolitana del noreste de México. Las propiedades psicométricas incluyeron la evaluación del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, el coeficiente Kaiser Meyer Olkin, la correlación inter-ítem, análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. en el análisis de componentes principales se identificaron dos componentes a partir de los 43 ítems de la escala. El coeficiente de correlación ítem-total de la subescala beneficios del ejercicio fue bueno. Sin embargo, el de barreras para el ejercicio mostró inconsistencias. La confiabilidad y validez fueron aceptables. Con el análisis factorial confirmatorio se identificó que la eliminación de ítems mejoraba la calidad de ajuste del modelo basal de la escala sin afectar su validez ni confiabilidad. la Escala Beneficios/Barreras para el Ejercicio presenta parámetros psicométricos satisfactorios para el contexto mexicano. Se presenta una versión corta de 15 ítems con estructura factorial, validez y confiabilidad similares a los de la escala completa.

  9. Primary care for diabetes mellitus patients from the perspective of the care model for chronic conditions.


    Salci, Maria Aparecida; Meirelles, Betina Hörner Schlindwein; Silva, Denise Maria Guerreiro Vieira da


    to assess the health care Primary Health Care professionals provide to diabetes mellitus patients from the perspective of the Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas. qualitative study, using the theoretical framework of Complex Thinking and the Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas and the methodological framework of assessment research. To collect the data, 38 interviews were held with health professionals and managers; observation of the activities by the health teams; and analysis of 25 files of people who received this care. The data analysis was supported by the software ATLAS.ti, using the directed content analysis technique. at the micro level, care was distant from the integrality of the actions needed to assist people with chronic conditions and was centered on the biomedical model. At the meso level, there was disarticulation among the professionals of the Family Health Strategy, between them and the users, family and community. At the macro level, there was a lack of guiding strategies to implement public policies for diabetes in care practice. the implementation of the Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas represents a great challenge, mainly needing professionals and managers who are prepared to work with chronic conditions are who are open to break with the traditional model. evaluar la atención de salud desarrollada por los integrantes de la Atención Primaria de Salud a las personas con diabetes mellitus en la perspectiva del Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas. estudio cualitativo, con referencial teórico del Pensamiento Complejo y del Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas y metodológico de la investigación evaluativa. Para recolectar los datos fueron efectuadas 38 entrevistas con profesionales de salud y gestores; observación de las actividades practicadas por los equipos de salud: y análisis de 25 archivos de personas que recibían esa atención. Los datos fueron analizados con auxilio del software

  10. Groundwater targeting in a hard-rock terrain using fracture-pattern modeling, Niva River basin, Andhra Pradesh, India

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Srinivasa Rao, Y.; Reddy, T. V. K.; Nayudu, P. T.


    'eau souterraine. Dans la région étudiée, les fractures N35°-55°E ont été identifiées comme étant en extension, et les fractures N35°-55°W comme étant à la fois en extension et en cisaillement. Ces fractures sont apparemment les fractures ouvertes les plus jeunes. Partout où la densité des fractures N35°-55°E et N35°-55°W est élevée, la zone altérée est plus épaisse, les fluctuations de la nappe sont faibles et les rendements des puits sont forts. Des zones à potentiel en eau souterraine ont ainsi été délimitées et classées en excellent, bon à très bon, assez bon et médiocre. Resumen. Las zonas de fracturación y de meteorización son las que condicionan el flujo de agua subterránea en rocas duras, debido a la falta de porosidad primaria en la matriz rocosa. Se utilizaron cinco conjuntos de datos fotográficos del satélite Landsat con el fin de preparar un mapa integrado hidrogeomorfológico de la cuenca del río Niva, al sur del estado Andhra Pradesh (India). El objetivo era estudiar el potencial de aguas subterráneas en esta región, que es propensa a períodos de sequía, en la que predominan las rocas duras. Se aplicó el modelo de deformación integrado de Larsson a la identificación de los sistemas de fracturación. El propósito era, por un lado, identificar los conjuntos de fracturas de tracción más jóvenes, que desempeñan un papel principal como reservorios de aguas subterráneas. Por otro lado, se quería comprender la importancia de la densidad de fracturación en el desarrollo de las aguas subterráneas. Se identificó una familia de fracturas de tracción con orientación N35°-55°E y otra familia N35°-55°W que contenía tanto bandas de cizalla como fracturas de tracción. Aparentemente, se trataba de las fracturas abiertas más recientes. El espesor de la zona de meteorización es grande cuando la densidad de fracturas de estas dos familias es elevada, hecho que está asociado a fluctuaciones pequeñas del nivel freático y

  11. Understanding differences in access and use of healthcare between international immigrants to Chile and the Chilean-born: a repeated cross-sectional population-based study in Chile

    PubMed Central


    -born (with similar health needs, i.e. horizontal inequity). Factors associated with immigrants’ access to, and use of, healthcare were sex, urban/rural status, education and country of origin. Conclusion There were significant associations between SES, and access to and use of healthcare among immigrants in Chile and a higher prevalence of no health care provision entitlement among poor and disabled immigrants compared to the Chilean-born. Changing associations between access and use of healthcare and SES among immigrants in Chile over time may reflect changes in their socio-demographic composition or in the survey methodology between 2006 and 2009. Resumen Introducción La evidencia internacional indica menor acceso y uso de servicios de salud por parte de inmigrantes, pero sus factores desencadenantes varían significativamente dependiendo del contexto. Algunas investigaciones se han desarrollado en este tema en América Latina, desde una perspectiva cualitativa. Este estudio cuantitativo exploró el auto-reporte de acceso y uso de servicios de salud de inmigrantes en Chile y los comparó con la población chilena. Métodos Análisis secundario de datos de encuesta nacional CASEN 2006 y 2009. Inmigrantes fueron comparados con chilenos en características demográficas (edad, sexo, urbano/rural, composición del hogar, etnia), estatus socioeconómico (educación, ingreso, situación contractual), tipo de previsión (pública, privada, otra, ninguna), y uso de varios servicios de atención primaria. Análisis descriptivo, estratificado, y modelos de regresión ponderados para entender factores asociados al acceso y uso de servicios de salud en STATA 11.0. Resultados Se observó un aumento de reporte de inmigrantes y de la desigualdad en el ingreso de inmigrantes entre 2006 y 2009. Hubo una disminución en la tasa de inmigrantes sin previsión y un aumento en el acceso al sistema privado. Los inmigrantes usaron más frecuentemente la atención prenatal y ginecológica, y

  12. Effects of country size and language similarity on international attitudes: a six-nation study.


    van Oudenhoven, Jan Pieter; Selenko, Eva; Otten, Sabine


    tester cette hypothèse, 832 étudiants collégiaux issus de six ethnies/nationalités différentes (la France, l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, la Suisse romande et allemande, la Belgique française et néerlandaise, les Pays-Bas) ont complété un questionnaire sur les taux de sympathie et de similitude. Les résultats ont indiqué que les différences en taille en combinaison avec la similitude linguistique avec une autre nation représentent une menace pour l'identité de la nation ou du groupe ethnique plus petit. Les différences en taille en combinaison avec la similitude linguistique étaient associées, d'une part, avec des asymétries dans la sympathie mutuelle et, d'autre part, avec des perceptions asymétriques de similitude avec l'autre nation. Les conclusions de cette étude sont en accord avec les résultats des études antérieures et soutiennent l'importance du langage pour l'identité d'une nation. De plus, les résultats appuient l'utilité de la théorie de l'identité sociale pour comprendre les relations intergroupes et internationales. Naciones vecinas con similitudes lingüísticas pero que difieren en tamaño son frecuentemente asimétricas respecto de sus relaciones actitudinales una respecto de la otra. Los cuidadanos de naciones pequeñas tienden a ver a naciones más grandes como menos simpáticas y parecidas que viceversa. Nosotros hipotetizamos que la reacción de las naciones más pequeñas es la consequencia de una identidad amenazada debido a su menor tamaño combinada con una similitud muy grande relacionada con una parte vital de su identidad: es decir el lenguaje. Para probar esta hipótesis 832 alumnos de la escuela secundaria de seis diferentes grupos étnicos/nacionales (Francia, Alemania, Austria, regiones en Suiza en las que se habla francés y alemán, regiones en Bélgica en las que se habla francés y holandés así como los Países Bajos) completaron un cuestionario sobre gustos y similitudes. Los resultados mostraron - en alto grado

  13. Stratigraphic and geochemical controls on naturally occurring arsenic in groundwater, eastern Wisconsin, USA

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schreiber, M. E.; Simo, J. A.; Freiberg, P. G.

    pyrite et dans les sulfates dissous et la corrélation entre les concentrations en sulfates, en fer et en arsenic dissous laissent penser que l'oxydation des sulfures est le processus dominant contrôlant la libération de l'arsenic dans les eaux souterraines. Cependant, les oxy-hydroxydes contenant de l'arsenic sont susceptibles d'être une autre source d'arsenic si des conditions réductrices apparaissent ou s'ils sont transportés dans l'aquifère sous forme de colloïdes. L'analyse des données provenant de puits montre que l'intersection entre le SCH et les niveaux statiques des puits domestiques est fortement corrélée à de fortes concentrations en arsenic dans les eaux souterraines. Des données de terrain et de laboratoire conduisent à penser que la contamination en arsenic la plus forte est causée par l'interaction localisée aux forages entre l'air, l'eau et les sulfures. Bien que la contamination en arsenic soit causée par l'oxydation de sulfures présents naturellement, elle est influencée par les fluctuations du niveau piézométrique causées par les pompages du captage municipal ou par les variations climatiques, ce qui peut conduire au déplacement des zones géographiques où se produisent les contaminations. Resumen Se han medido concentraciones de arsénico muy altas (de hasta 12000μg/L) en las aguas subterráneas de un acuífero confinado, en areniscas, localizado en la parte oriental de Wisconsin (EEUU). La fuente principal de arsénico es un horizonte de cementación secundaria (SCH) con un alto contenido en sulfuros, y con una gran variabilidad en espesor, morfología y concentraciones de As. El arsénico aparece en piritas y marcasitas, además de en oxihidróxidos de hierro, pero no como una fase independiente de arsenopiritas. El hecho que la marca isotópica de piritas y sulfatos disueltos sea muy similar, y que exista una gran correlación entre las concentraciones de sulfato disuelto, hierro y arsénico sugiere que la oxidación de

  14. Cultural adaptation and validation of an instrument on barriers for the use of research results.


    Ferreira, Maria Beatriz Guimarães; Haas, Vanderlei José; Dantas, Rosana Aparecida Spadoti; Felix, Márcia Marques Dos Santos; Galvão, Cristina Maria


    confirmada, la escala investiga las barreras para la utilización de resultados de investigación en la práctica clínica. El análisis factorial confirmatorio demostró que la versión del instrumento para el portugués brasileño está adecuadamente ajustado a la estructura dimensional originalmente propuesta por los autores de la escala. Fueron observadas diferencias estadísticamente significantes entre los enfermeros con título de maestría o doctorado, con características favorables a la Práctica Basada en Evidencias, y actuantes en institución con cultura organizacional dirigida hacia tal aproximación. La fiabilidad presentó correlación fuerte (r variando entre 0,77 y 0,84, p<0,001) y la consistencia interna fue adecuada (alfa de Cronbach variando entre 0,77 y 0,82). la versión para el portugués brasileño del instrumento The Barriers Scale se mostró válida y confiable en el grupo estudiado. realizar adaptação cultural do instrumento The Barriers to Research Utilization Scale, e analisar propriedades métricas de validade e confiabilidade da sua versão para o português brasileiro. pesquisa metodológica conduzida por meio do processo de adaptação cultural (tradução e retrotradução), validade de face e conteúdo, validade de construto (dimensionalidade e grupos conhecidos) e análise da confiabilidade (consistência interna e teste-reteste). A amostra foi composta de 335 enfermeiros, desses, 43 participaram da etapa reteste. a validade da versão adaptada do instrumento foi confirmada, a escala investiga as barreiras para a utilização de resultados de pesquisa na prática clínica. A análise fatorial confirmatória demonstrou que a versão do instrumento para o português brasileiro está adequadamente ajustada à estrutura dimensional originalmente proposta pelos autores da escala. Observou-se diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os enfermeiros mestres ou doutores, com características favoráveis a Prática Baseada em Evid

  15. PREFACE: Loops 11: Non-Perturbative / Background Independent Quantum Gravity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mena Marugán, Guillermo A.; Barbero G, J. Fernando; Garay, Luis J.; Villaseñor, Eduardo J. S.; Olmedo, Javier


    Loops 11 The international conference LOOPS'11 took place in Madrid from the 23-28 May 2011. It was hosted by the Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (IEM), which belongs to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientĺficas (CSIC). Like previous editions of the LOOPS meetings, it dealt with a wealth of state-of-the-art topics on Quantum Gravity, with special emphasis on non-perturbative background-independent approaches to spacetime quantization. The main topics addressed at the conference ranged from the foundations of Quantum Gravity to its phenomenological aspects. They encompassed different approaches to Loop Quantum Gravity and Cosmology, Polymer Quantization, Quantum Field Theory, Black Holes, and discrete approaches such as Dynamical Triangulations, amongst others. In addition, this edition celebrated the 25th anniversary of the introduction of the now well-known Ashtekar variables and the Wednesday morning session was devoted to this silver jubilee. The structure of the conference was designed to reflect the current state and future prospects of research on the different topics mentioned above. Plenary lectures that provided general background and the 'big picture' took place during the mornings, and the more specialised talks were distributed in parallel sessions during the evenings. To be more specific, Monday evening was devoted to Shape Dynamics and Phenomenology Derived from Quantum Gravity in Parallel Session A, and to Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity and Spin foams in Parallel Session B. Tuesday's three Parallel Sessions dealt with Black Hole Physics and Dynamical Triangulations (Session A), the continuation of Monday's session on Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity and Spin foams (Session B) and Foundations of Quantum Gravity (Session C). Finally, Thursday and Friday evenings were devoted to Loop Quantum Cosmology (Session A) and to Hamiltonian Loop Quantum Gravity (Session B). The result of the conference was very satisfactory and enlightening. Not

  16. GIS-based hydrogeological databases and groundwater modelling

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gogu, Radu Constantin; Carabin, Guy; Hallet, Vincent; Peters, Valerie; Dassargues, Alain


    'applications qui ont été développées permet dès maintenant de prochaines avancées. L'intérêt grandit pour le potentiel d'intégration de la technologie des SIG et les modèles de simulation des nappes. Un outil de couplage a été créé entre le schéma de base de données spatiales et l'interface GMS (GroundWater Modelling System, système de modélisation de nappe) du modèle numérique de nappe. Suivant les requêtes en fonction du temps et de l'espace, les données hydrogéologiques stockées dans la base de données peuvent être aisément utilisées dans différents modèles numériques de nappes. Resumen. La fiabilidad y validez de los análisis de aguas subterráneas dependen enormemente de la disponibilidad de muchos datos de alta calidad. Integrarlos en una estructura consistente y lógica mediante un entorno informático sirve para asegurar su validez y disponibilidad, y rrepresenta una herramienta muy potente para ulteriores estudios hidrogeológicos. Se ha diseñado en la región de Valonia (Bélgica) una base de datos hidrogeológica basada en un sistema de información geográfica (GIS), con el que se dispone de útiles para elaborar análisis de vulnerabilidad y modelos hidregeológicos. Se ha utilizado datos de cinco cuencas fluviales, elegidas por sus características hidrogeológicas contrastadas, así como un conjunto de aplicaciones desarrolladas con vistas al futuro. El interés por el potencial que ofrece la integración de la tecnología GIS y los modelos de simulación de aguas subterráneas está en auge. Se ha desarrollado un "emulador" que integra el esquema espacial de la base de datos y la interfaz GMS (GroundWater Modelling System) de modelación numérica de aguas subterráneas. A partir de búsquedas temporales y espaciales, los datos hidrogeológicos almacenados en la base de datos pueden ser utilizados fácilmente en modelos numéricos diferentes de aguas subterráneas.

  17. The use of laboratory experiments for the study of conservative solute transport in heterogeneous porous media

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silliman, S. E.; Zheng, L.; Conwell, P.

    éories stochastiques récentes. En outre, la technologie des capteurs de pression et les méthodes de visualisation donnent la possibilité d'utiliser les ISE pour caractériser les distributions spatiales à la fois de la piézométrie et de la vitesse locale de l'eau dans un champs de perméabilités corrélées. Finalement, des méthodes variées peuvent être utilisées pour caractériser les variations temporelles de la distribution spatiale (et, par conséquent, les moments spatiaux) des concentrations de soluté dans les ISE. En conclusion, donc, des développements récents des techniques expérimentales ont fourni l'occasion d'utiliser les ISE comme d'importants outils d'étude en continu des écoulement de fluides et de transport de solutés conservatifs dans des milieux poreux saturés hétérogènes. Resumen Los experimentos de laboratorio en medio poroso heterogéneo (conocidos como Experimentos a Escala Intermedia o ISE) están cada vez mejor considerados para el estudio de los sistemas saturados y no saturados. Entre las muchas aplicaciones de los ISE se encuentra el estudio del flujo y el transporte de solutos conservativos en medios con permeabilidad que presentan una cierta estructura de correlación. Avances recientes en el diseño de los ISE han proporcionado la capacidad de crear medios de este tipo en el laboratorio. Esta capacidad es importante para la aplicación de los ISE a la evaluación de las teorías estocásticas recientes. Además, la tecnología de los transductores de presión y los métodos de visualización han permitido que los ISE se usen para caracterizar la distribución espacial de niveles hidráulicos y de las velocidades locales del agua en campos de permeabilidad con determinada correlación espacial. Finalmente, existen varios métodos para caracterizar las variaciones temporales en la distribución espacial (y por tanto los momentos estadísticos espaciales) de la concentración de solutos en los ISE. Se concluye que los desarrollos

  18. Hydrodynamic model of cells for designing systems of urban groundwater drainage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zimmermann, Eric; Riccardi, Gerardo


    érée comme satisfaisante dans tous les cas. Afin de simuler des situations plus complexes, la nouvelle version proposée, CELSUB3, a été mise en œuvre dans un projet destiné à contrôler le niveau de la nappe à l'intérieur d'un système d'égouts, dans la ville de Chaar Ladeado (province de Santa Fe, Argentine). Différentes organisations du projet de drainage, qui ont été testées pour des conditions de recharge dynamique causées par la pluie au cours d'une année critique (la plus humide de la chronique disponible) et une année typique, sont brièvement décrites. Après analyse de dix organisations différentes, la meilleure solution technico-économique retenue est un système de drainage souterrain de conduites avec des stations de pompage et des canaux d'évacuation. Resumen. Se presenta un modelo matemático hidrodinámico cuasi-bidimensional de celdas, CELSUB3, apto para la simulación integral de sistemas de drenaje subterráneo basados en campos de bombeo o drenes subsuperficiales. El modelo de simulación presenta un ensamble de algoritmos, previamente desarrollados y testeados, que representan al escurrimiento a través del medio poroso saturado, escurrimiento en conducciones cerradas, estaciones de bombeo, etc. En la estructura del modelo se propone un nuevo tipo de vinculación entre celdas acuíferas y conductos de drenaje, la cual es verificada en problemas simples con solución analítica conocida arrojando, en todos los casos, resultados satisfactorios. Abordando situaciones más complejas, la nueva versión propuesta fue aplicada en un proyecto de control de niveles freáticos que acompaña un sistema de conductos cloacales, en la localidad de Chañar Ladeado, Santa Fe, Argentina. Se describen las alternativas de drenaje consideradas las cuales fueron evaluadas bajo recargas dinámicas provocadas por años críticamente lluviosos y en situaciones típicas. Los resultados derivados permitieron definir, tras analizar una decena de proyectos

  19. A participatory approach to integrated aquifer management: The case of Guanajuato State, Mexico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sandoval, Ricardo

    de l'État s'est appliqué à développer une stratégie sur deux plans. Tout d'abord, des études hydrogéologiques de base et des modèles mathématiques d'écoulement et de transport de nappe ont été réalisés à partir d'un suivi d'ensemble des puits existants et d'une révision générale du contexte géologique de l'État. Ensuite, on a soutenu une structure de participation des usagers de l'eau aux actions de gestion de l'eau, à partir de la dissémination de l'information pour la mise en place de projets pilotes efficaces d'utilisation de l'eau, avec des aides financières, techniques et politiques de l'État. Simultanément, un effort coordonné en vue de l'achèvement de l'enregistrement des usagers de l'eau a été fait avec l'autorité fédérale, en même temps que d'autres mesures de soutien, telles que des programmes de formation et des campagnes de surveillance. Cet article présente une vue d'ensemble des réalisations de projets et des défis. Resumen El Estado de Guanajuato, situado en el centro de México, ocupa menos del 2% de la superficie del país. Tiene casi 17.000 pozos profundos, de los cuales se extrae cerca de 4.000 hm3/a, lo que supone un exceso de 1.000 hm3/a respecto a la recarga anual. Puesto que el agua es administrada a nivel federal en México, el gobierno del Estado afronta el reto de asegurar el desarrollo de la población sin disponer de medios formales de intervención. Dadas las limitaciones para aplicar políticas y medidas reguladoras, el programa del agua en el Estado tiene como objetivo principal la implantación de una doble estrategia. Por un lado, desarrollar estudios hidrogeológicos básicos y modelos matemáticos de flujo y transporte de los acuíferos, basándose en una campaña exhaustiva de pozos existentes y en una revisión del marco geológico del Estado. Por otro lado, promover-con soporte financiero, técnico y político-una estructura de participación de los usuarios en las acciones de gesti

  20. Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bakalowicz, Michel


    íferos kársticos, debido a que los resultados no pueden extenderse a todo el acuífero ni a alguna de sus partes, como se hace en acuíferos no kársticos. Actualmente los hidrogeólogos kársticos usan una metodología de investigación específica, que se des cribe aquí, la cual es comparable con la que se utiliza en hidrología superficial. Puntos importantes permanecen sin resolverse. Algunos de ellos se relacionan con aspectos fundamentales tal como la estructura de espacios- solo una red de conductos, ouna red de conductos más una matriz porosa-, el funcionamiento-efectos threshold y no-linealidades-, el modelizado del funcionamiento-porosidad dobleo triple, o flujo viscoso en conductos- y génesis del karst. Algunos otros puntos se relacionan con aspectos prácticos, tal como la evaluación de la capacidad de almacenamiento del acuífero o la vulnerabilidad, o la predicción de la localización de zonas altamente productivas. Les aquifères karstiques présentent des caractères originaux complexes qui les distinguent profondément de tous les autres milieux aquifères: forte hétérogénéité créée et organisée par les écoulements souterrains eux-mêmes, vides de très grandes dimensions, vitesses d'écoulement pouvant atteindre quelques centaines de mètres par heure, sources à débit pouvant atteindre quelques dizaines de m3/s. Différents modèles conceptuels tentent de prendre en compte ces particularités. Les méthodes d'étude de l'hydrogéologie classique—forage, essai de pompage et modèles maillés - ne sont en général pas adaptés aux aquifères karstiques, parce que les résultats obtenus ne peuvent pas être étendus à l'aquifère tout entier, ou à certaines de ses parties, comme cela est fait pour les aquifères non karstiques. Actuellement les hydrogéologues du karst ont recours à une méthodologie d'étude spécifique décrite ici, comparable à celle utilisée en hydrologie de surface. Des points

  1. The Pliocene Yafo Formation in Israel: Hydrogeologically inert or active?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Avisar, D.; Rosenthal, E.; Shulman, H.; Zilberbrand, M.; Flexer, A.; Kronfeld, J.; Ben Avraham, Z.; Fleischer, L.

    'importance secondaire pour la salinisation de l'eau souterraine cet apport est comparable à celui de sels par les pluies. Durante décadas, las ``Saqiyebeds'' (rebautizadas como Formación Yafo) que se sitúan bajo el acuífero Costero (Grupo Kurkar) de Israel fueron consideradas como un acuicludo extremadamente potente, tectónicamente inalterado y totalmente impermeable. Como resultado de la explotación intensiva del Grupo Kurkar, se produjo la mezcla de aguas salobres y salinas en la zona inferior de dicho acuífero y siempre en el contacto con el acuicludo subyaciente de la Formación Yafo. Este estudio reveló que el acuicludo no es una unidad rocosa uniforme e impermeable, sino que consiste en una alternancia de estratos permeables e impermeables dentro de la Formación Yafo, que contiene fluidos a alta presión de salinidades diferentes pero generalmente elevadas. Las capas permeables se hallan en inconformidad angular y en contacto directo con el acuífero superior del Grupo Kurkar. La Formación Yafo y las unidades rocosas infra- y suprayacentes están dislocadas por numerosos sistemas de fallas, lo que facilita el acceso de las salmueras al acuífero del Grupo Kurkar. Los fluidos de los horizontes permeables del Miembro Petah Tiqva a través de las arcillas de la Formación Yafo o hacia el ascenso de los domos salinos en respuesta a la extracción intensiva en el acuífero del Llano Costero. Podría también haber sido causado por el movimiento a favor del buzamiento de las aguas salinas como resultado de la sobrepresión generada por una acumulación mayor de gas en los horizontes permeables. Otro posible mecanismo podría basarse en el contacto hidráulico con salmueras presurizadas, que fluyen hacia arriba a favor de zonas de falla desde los reservorios profundos del Jurásico o del Cretácico. La extracción de agua salina intersticial desde las arcillas de la Formación Yafo hacia el acuífero superior del Grupo Kurkar es de importancia secundaria para la salinizaci

  2. Social orientations and adolescent health behaviours in Hungary.


    Piko, Bettina F; Skultéti, Dóra; Luszczynska, Aleksandra; Gibbons, Frederick X


    influenciadas por una variedad de factores sociales, incluyendo las orientaciones sociales, la comparación social, así como la capacidad de competencia. La meta principal de este estudio fue el investigar el rol que pueden jugar estas orientaciones sociales sobre las conductas de salud (tanto perjudiciales como promotoras de salud). Los datos fueron obtenidos en escolares de la escuela secundaria (N = 548; edad 14-20 años; 39.9 por ciento hombres) en dos provincias de la zona sur de Hungría. Los cuestionarios autoadministrados incluyen preguntas sobre datos socio-demográficos como edad, sexo, nivel educativo de los padres y autoevaluación del estatus socio-económico; logros académicos, conductas de salud, competitividad y comparación social. Los análisis de regresión múltiple sugieren que aquellos participantes con altos puntajes en la capacidad de competencia estaban más comprometidos con el uso de substancias, un patrón que no está considerado dentro de las conductas de promoción de la salud. Por otro lado la comparación social estuvo asociada con bajos niveles de uso de substancias. Adicionalmente en relación a las conductas perjudiciales para la salud, tanto la competitividad como la comparación social interactuaban con el sexo. Se pudo observar que ambas variables de la orientación social eran más importantes para los muchachos. La comparación social también contribuye con las conductas promotoras de salud entre los muchachos. Estos descubrimientos apoyan la idea de que el rol de las orientaciones sociales, como la competitividad y la comparación social, pueden actuar de manera diferente, dependiendo del sexo y de la naturaleza de la conducta de salud. Mientras que competitividad puede actuar como un factor de riesgo respecto del uso de substancias entre muchachos, la comparación social puede actuar como una factor protectivo. Aparentemente las orientaciones sociales juegan un rol menos importante en las conductas de salud de las muchachas. Por

  3. Reframing HIV care: putting people at the centre of antiretroviral delivery

    PubMed Central

    Duncombe, Chris; Rosenblum, Scott; Hellmann, Nicholas; Holmes, Charles; Wilkinson, Lynne; Biot, Marc; Bygrave, Helen; Hoos, David; Garnett, Geoff


    ) frecuencia de los servicios sanitarios. El cómo estos componentes conforman un marco de entrega de servicios variará según el país y la población, con la intención de mejorar la aceptabilidad y los resultados de los cuidados. El objetivo de conseguir que más personas reciban tratamiento antes de que enfermen requerirá de modelos innovadores en la oferta tanto de pruebas para detección como de los cuidados. A medida que los programas para el VIH expandan los criterios de elegibilidad para el tratamiento, muchas de las personas que comiencen a recibir cuidados no serán “pacientes- sino miembros sanos, activos y productivos de la sociedad. Con el fin de expandir la escala de esta estructura, sería importante: (1) definir cuales individuos pueden ser atendidos dentro de un marco de entrega de servicios alternativo; (2) fortalecer los sistemas sanitarios que apoyan la descentralización, integración y delegación de funciones; (3) robustecer la cadena de proveedores; e (4) invertir en sistemas de datos para el seguimiento de pacientes y para la monitorización y evaluación de programas. PMID:25583302

  4. Parent-adolescent communication in foster, inter-country adoptive, and biological Italian families: Gender and generational differences.


    Rosnati, Rosa; Iafrate, Raffaella; Scabini, Eugenia


    ère et l'adolescent partageaient des perceptions similaires, tandis qu'une différence significative a émergé entre la mère et l'enfant. Un plus grand niveau de congruence perceptuelle entre les adolescents et les parents a été trouvé dans les familles d'accueil. Des différences entre les sexes ont aussi apparu: en comparaison aux pères, les mères ont expérimenté une communication plus ouverte avec leurs enfants et les adolescents, surtout les filles, communiquaient mieux avec leurs mères qu'avec leurs pères dans les trois groupes familiaux. Son escasos los estudios que se han propuesto comparar cómo los padres e hijos pertenecientes a diferentes estructuras familiares afrontan los retos que impone la transición a la adolescencia; en particular, pocos estudios comparan las familias adoptivas y las que ejercen el cuidado temporal. Para subsanar parcialmente esta deficiencia, los propósitos principales de el presente estudio fueron verificar si difiere la comunicación padres-hijos entre familias que ejercen cuidado temporal, aquéllas adoptivas entre países, y biológicas de acuerdo con el sexo del adolescente, y comparar las percepciones de los padres y de los adolescentes en cuanto a la comunicación padres-hijo. Los datos se analizaron en dos niveles: un nivel de generaciones (las percepciones del adolescente y de sus padres entre los tres grupos de familias) y un nivel de díadas (las percepciones madre-hijo y padre-hijo). Doscientas setenta y seis familias italianas con adolescentes entre 11 y 17 años de edad (81 familias de cuidado temporal, 98 adoptivas internacionalmente y 97 biológicas) constituyeron la muestra. Los participantes (madres, padres e hijos) respondieron a un cuestionario que incluía la Escala de Comunicación Padre-Adolescente (Barnes & Olson, 1985 ). Los resultados resaltan más dificultades en la comunicación padres-hijo en las familias que ejercen cuidado temporal, tanto desde la perspectiva del adolescente como de los padres

  5. Motivational beliefs, cognitive engagement, and achievement in language and mathematics in elementary school children.


    Metallidou, Panagiota; Vlachou, Anastasia


    'auto-efficacité. En effet, l'auto-efficacité s'est avérée être le prédicteur le plus significatif non seulement de la performance mais aussi de l'utilisation d'une stratégie cognitive et régulatoire. Des différences sexuelles dans la motivation et dans l'utilisation d'une stratégie n'ont pas été rapportées alors qu'il s'est avéré que la motivation variait principalement en fonction de l'âge. L'utilité de ces résultats pour la promotion d'une grande clarté entre les cadres motivationnel et métacognitif et les idées pour les études futures sont discutées. Se examinó, en una muestra de 263 niños griegos de quinto y sexto años de la escuela primaria, las diferencias contextuales en las pautas con las que se dan las relaciones entre varios componentes motivacionales, cognitivos y meta cognitivos del aprendizaje autorregulado y el desempeño en dos áreas clave del currículo, lenguaje y matemáticas. También se investigó las diferencias de edad y género. Se pidió a los alumnos que respondieran el Cuestionario de Estrategias Motivadas para el Aprendizaje (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990 ), compuesto por cinco factores: (a) Auto eficacia, (b) Valor Intrínseco, (c) Ansiedad ante los Exámenes, (d) Empleo de Estrategias Cognitivas, y (e) Estrategias Autorreguladas. Respondieron a los enunciados del cuestionario sobre una escala Likert de 7 puntos en términos de su conducta en las clases de matemáticas y lenguaje por separado. Es más, se pidió a sus profesores que evaluaran el desempeño de cada uno de sus estudiantes en Lenguaje Griego y Matemáticas de acuerdo con una escala comparativa de 1 a 20 puntos, en relación con el resto del grupo escolar. Los resultados del estudio indicaron pocas diferencias en la pauta que describen las relaciones entre los componentes de autorregulación al interior de y entre ambas áreas de estudio y, al mismo tiempo, revelaron un carácter específico del contexto de los componentes de la autorregulación con diferencias en el

  6. Evolution of the Astronomy Concepts Along Basic Education Cycle. (Breton Title: Evolução dos Conceitos de Astronomia no Decorrer da Educação Básica.) La Evolución de los Conceptos de Astronomía Durante la Educación Básica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Darroz, Luiz Marcelo; da Rosa, Cleci Werner; Becker da Rosa, Álvaro; Samudio Pèrez, Carlos Ariel


    contenidos, siendo necesaria una acción nacional en pro de su enseñanza. Es necesario destacar que esa acción nacional debe estar apoyada en un pilar triple de actores colectivos: comunidad científica, comunidad de astronomía semi profesional y la comunidad escolar. En fin, ese pilar sería la base para futuras discusiones relacionadas a la actuación de esas instancias como vía para promover cambios en la estructura curricular, proporcionando más efectivamente, la educación en astronomía en la enseñanza de nivel básico.

  7. A quantitative synthesis of the medicinal ethnobotany of the Malinké of Mali and the Asháninka of Peru, with a new theoretical framework

    PubMed Central

    Bletter, Nathaniel


    from around the world to pinpoint the species with the highest potential efficacy to take into the laboratory and analyze further, ultimately saving much field and laboratory time and resources. Spanish abstract Las búsquedas que utilizan la etnomedicina y la taxonomía para descubrir nuevas plantas medicinales, pueden aumentar la probabilidad de éxito de encontrar compuestos químicos activos en plantas, en comparación con las búsquedas aleatorias. A pesar de lo anterior, en las últimas décadas, la etnobotánica no ha cumplido con las expectativas de proveer numerosas plantas medicinales y químicos nuevos una vez examinados en el laboratorio. Cada año se describen una plétora de plantas medicinales y sus usos, sin embargo las limitaciones de tiempo y recursos en los laboratorios, unidos al alto coste de los ensayos clínicos de las drogas potenciales, hacen muy difícil probar, aislar, y elucidar la estructura y el mecanismo de los compuestos de estas plantas. Se propone un nuevo marco teórico cuantitativo cuyo fin es focalizar la búsqueda de nueva plantas medicinales. Este marco teórico está basado en la hipótesis que las plantas cercanamente relacionadas, usadas para tratar enfermedades cercanamente relacionadas en culturas distantemente relacionadas, tienen una eficacia potencial más alta, debido a que es más probable que estos hallazgos sean descubrimientos independientes de compuestos químicos similares. Parte de esta hipótesis, que las escogencias racionales se hacen para elegir plantas medicinales similares y que la flora medicinal de dos culturas distantes es más similar que su flora general, se probó usando métodos estadísticos de remuestreo con datos de campo de la comunidad Malinké de Malí y de la Asháninka de Perú, y las enfermedades de paludismo, enfermedad africana del sueño, enfermedad de Chagas, leishmania, diabetes, eczema, asma, y fibromas uterinos. Se encontró, en este caso, que la similitud de las floras medicinales es

  8. Europe's space telescope ISO finds water in distant places

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


    really is, in the words of an English poet, "Water, water everywhere". A Spanish astronomer, Jose Cernicharo of the Instituto de Estructura de la Materia in Madrid, has played a prominent part in this work. He is delighted by the results. "For the first time, we have a clear impression of the abundance of water in the Galaxy," Cernicharo says. "In relatively dense clouds as many as ten per cent of all oxygen atoms are incorporated into molecules of water vapour. Even more may be in the form of water ice. Water vapour is, after molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide, one of the most important molecules in space. It plays an important role in the dynamical evolution of the gas inside the molecular clouds of our Galaxy, and hence in the formation of new stars." The water supply of the outer planets The water vapour in Saturn, Uranus and Neptune showed up in analyses of very accurate observations made with ISO's Short Wavelength Spectrometer during October and November 1996. A report to the world's astronomical community tells of a particularly clear water signature from Uranus, in distinctive infrared emissions at eight wavelengths between 28.43 and 44.19 microns. A preliminary analysis indicated that the water vapour exists in the giant planet's outer atmosphere, at a temperature around 0 degrees C. ISO detected six of the same water "lines" in the infrared spectrum of distant Neptune, and three in Saturn, which is closer than Uranus. The puzzle for planetary astronomers is now to figure out where the water comes from. These giant planets are a long way from the Sun. Uranus, for example, is twenty times farther out than the Earth is, and sunlight is feebler by a factor of 400. The planets have their own internal sources of heat, and they are thought to contain plenty of water incorporated when the planets formed. But it would be difficult for water vapour to escape into the outer atmosphere. On the other hand, water in the form of ice is a major constituent of comets

  9. Preface: Irgac 2006

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Solà Joan


    obliged to Ilya Shapiro for his encouragement to organize the conference in Barcelona and for his continuous support. To organize an event like this is not a completely trivial task. I counted on the collaboration of the other members of the Local Organizing Committee, to whom I am also very grateful: J Garriga, E Gaztañaga, J Gomis, J A Grifols, J I Latorre and E Verdaguer. The efficient performance of the huge secretariat work would not have been possible without the superb collaboration of our secretary, Ariadna Frutos, to whom I am indebted for her intense and competent dedication. Many thanks also go to the Cosmocaixa staff, and especially to Paquita Ciller for her unfailing positive attitude and for her taking care of so many things. It is fair to say that the Cosmocaixa support to the IRGAC 2006 event was magnificent. I also wish to thank Rolf Tarrach for his crucial advice at the initial stages of the organization of the conference, in particular for introducing me to the Cosmocaixa staff. The funding for IRGAC 2006 came from different sources: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Generalitat de Catalunya, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Institut de Física d'Altes Energies, Obra Social Fundació `La Caixa', and last but not least IOP Publishing, as publishers of these proceedings as a special issue of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, where all the contributions have been rigorously refereed according to the high standards of the journal. My hearty thanks are also addressed to some of our PhD students and postdocs of the Department d'Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria, and of the Departament de Fisica Fonamental, of the Universitat de Barcelona, for their invaluable help and collaboration in solving innumerable niceties and logistical problems that appeared during the frantic days of the conference. Thank you very much to all of them: Daniel Arteaga, Diego Blas

  10. Farmyard Manure and Fertilizer Effects on Seed Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Yield in Green House Production

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    László, M.


    cultura da batata podem ser de ordem agronómica, economica e comercial. Como exemplos destes podem ser citados: o uso racional de matérias orgânicos, esterco de curral e inorgânico fertilizantes. Efeito de materias orgnicânicos e N, P, K elementos minerais para produção da batata As necessidades em N, P, e K elementos minerais da batata são superidas pela aplicação apropriada de matérias orgânicos, esterco de currals, fertilizantes ao solo, combinada com a ambiente (Márton 2001a., 2001b.), época adequada e posição ideal de aplicá- lo. Efeito da materias orgânicos O suprimento de N á batateira provém principalmente da matéria orgânica do solo e do fertilizante aplicado (László 2000a., Márton et all. 2000.). Embora não seja muito praticado no Brasíl, a incorporação de esterco ao solo é fator de aumento da produção de tuberculos. Este resultado favorável poderia ser atribuído ao melhoramento da estrutura do solo, á maior retenção de água pelo e mesmo favorecendo o melhor desenvolvimento do sistema radicular da planta. A batata pode ser cultivada em todo tipo de solo desde que tenha boa drenagem e seja bem estruturado. Isto é tem que ser bem aerado e permitir o bom desenvolvimento dos órgãos subterráneos da batateira. Sem de matéria orgânicos e esterco de curral a tendencia de determinados solos formar crosta, oferecendo uma alta resisténcia mecánica á emergéncia das plantas, pode ser um determinante de stands desuniformes. A cause primaria da formação de crostas é a destruição dos agregados do solo pela excessiva manipulação mecánica resultando em aeração reduzida e aumento da densidade e coesão das particulas do solo. O encrostamento do solo pode ser reduzido através com matérias orgânicos. De maneira geral, a produção de tuberculos em solo de baixa potencialidade (aqueles em que a penetração das raizes é dificultada pela compactação, textura argilosa ou com camadas no solo) será menor do que nagueles com