Sample records for factores 0de riesgo


    PubMed Central

    Silvia, Mejía-Arango; Clemente, y Zúñiga-Gil


    Introduccion La diabetes mellitus y las demencias constituyen dos problemas crecientes de salud entre la población adulta mayor del mundo y en particular de los paises en desarrollo. Hacen falta estudios longitudinales sobre el papel de la diabetes como factor de riesgo para demencia. Objetivo Determinar el riesgo de demencia en sujetos Mexicanos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Materiales y Metodos Los sujetos diabéticos libres de demencia pertenecientes al Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México fueron evaluados a los dos años de la línea de base. Se estudió el papel de los factores sociodemográficos, de otras comorbilidades y del tipo de tratamiento en la conversión a demencia. Resultados Durante la línea de base 749 sujetos (13.8%) tuvieron diabetes. El riesgo de desarrollar demencia en estos individuos fue el doble (RR, 2.08 IC 95%, 1.59–2.73). Se encontró un riesgo mayor en individuos de 80 años y más (RR 2.44 IC 95%, 1.46–4.08), en los hombres (RR, 2.25 IC 95%, 1.46–3.49) y en sujetos con nivel educativo menor de 7 años. El estar bajo tratamiento con insulina incrementó el riesgo de demencia (RR, 2.83, IC 95%, 1.58–5.06). Las otras comorbilidades que aumentaron el riesgo de demencia en los pacientes diabéticos fueron la hipertensión (RR, 2.75, IC 95%, 1.86–4.06) y la depresión (RR, 3.78, 95% IC 2.37–6.04). Conclusión Los sujetos con diabetes mellitus tienen un riesgo mayor de desarrollar demencia, La baja escolaridad y otras comorbilidades altamente prevalentes en la población Mexicana contribuyen a la asociación diabetes-demencia. PMID:21948010


    PubMed Central

    Chávez, Natividad; Molina, Helfer; Sánchez, Jorge; Gelaye, Bizu; Sánchez, Sixto E.


    Vaginosis bacteriana (VB) es una infección caracterizada por el cambio en la microflora de la vagina, asociándose a resultados adversos del embarazo y a la adquisición de infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS), incluyendo el VIH. En este estudio se buscó la asociación entre el uso de duchas vaginales y otros factores de riesgos con VB. Se usó un diseño observacional descriptivo transversal prospectivo, en 1,252 mujeres que asistieron al servicio de planificación familiar de tres hospitales nacionales (Dos de Mayo, Arzobispo Loayza, San Bartolomé) y el Instituto Materno Perinatal, durante el año 1997. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado donde se registraron variables socio demográficas y características del estilo de vida de las participantes. VB fue diagnosticada mediante el puntaje de Nugent. Se empleó análisis de regresión logística para calcular odds ratio (OR) e intervalos de confianza al 95%. La edad promedio de las participantes fue 25.1 ± 4,7 años, el 23.4% tenían más de 11 años de educación. La prevalencía de VB fue 20,1%. Las mujeres que practicaban duchas vaginales tuvieron 2.28 veces (OR = 2.28, IC 95% [1.0–5.0]) mayor probabilidad de tener VB comparado con aquellas que no lo practicaban. Tener dos o más parejas sexuales estuvo asociado con 2.0 veces (OR =2.0, IC 95% [1.2–3.5]) mayor probabilidad de adquirir VB comparado con aquellas que habían tenido solo una pareja sexual. Las participantes que iniciaron una relación sexual a una edad temprana tuvieron 1.4 veces (OR=1.4, IC 95% [1.0 –1.9]) mayor probabilidad de adquirir VB. El uso de duchas vaginales es un factor de riesgo de VB. Los programas destinados a la salud de la mujer deben abordar las repercusiones perjudiciales para la salud asociados con las duchas vaginales. PMID:21132048

  3. Asociación de la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea al inicio del embarazo y riesgo de gastrosquisis en la descendencia: un estudio de casos-controles

    PubMed Central

    Cánovas-Conesa, A.; Gomariz-Peñalver, V.; Sánchez-Sauco, M.F.; Vega, D.C. Jaimes; Ortega-García, J.A.; García, M.J. Aranda; Marín, J.L. Delgado; Ascanio, A. Trujillo; Hernández, F. López; Jimenez, J.I. Ruiz; de Paco Matallana, C.; Soldin, O.P.; Solís, M. Sánchez


    Resumen Objetivos El objetivo de este estudio fue estudiar la asociación de la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea materna al inicio del embarazo y el riesgo de gastrosquisis en la descendencia. Métodos Estudio de casos-control. 11 casos incidentes de gastrosquisis en la Región de Murcia de 2007 a 2012 y 34 controles concurrentes. Cuestionario validado de Frecuencia Alimentaria (CFA) sobre la dieta periconcepcional de 98 ítems realizado ‘cara a cara’ en el momento del diagnóstico. Factores confundidores: tabaquismo, expositión a cannabis/marihuana, edad materna y paterna, índice de masa corporal, ingresos económicos y nivel de estudios. Estudio descriptivo y regresión logística multivariable. Resultados Las madres de niños con gastrosquisis son más jóvenes (20,8 años; IC 95% 17,3–24,2) y su dieta tiene un menor aporte calórico, de grasas saturadas y monoinsaturadas y de proteínas que los controles. Odds Ratio (OR) en el modelo multivariable controlado por los factores confundidores: edad materna (años) 0,70 (IC95% 0,51–0,96); ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (oleico, g) 0,79 (IC95% 0,65–0,97) y consumo de vegetales (raciones/semana) 0,70 (IC95% 0,48–1,00). Conclusiones Una dieta materna rica en ácido oleico y productos vegetales podría contribuir a prevenir el riesgo de oclusión vascular de las arterias onfalomesentéricas, disminuyendo el riesgo de gastrosquisis. PMID:23833926

  4. Uso de Sustancias en Mujeres con Desventaja Social: Riesgo para el Contagio de VIH/SIDA

    PubMed Central

    Cianelli, R.; Ferrer, L; Bernales, M.; Miner, S.; Irarrázabal, L.; Molina, Y.


    Antecedentes La caracterización epidemiológica en Chile apunta a feminización, pauperización y heterosexualización de la epidemia del VIH, lo que implica un mayor riesgo para las mujeres en desventaja social. Si a esto se suma la utilización de sustancias, la vulnerabilidad de este grupo frente al VIH/SIDA aumenta. Objetivo Describir el uso de sustancias en mujeres con desventaja social e identificar factores de riesgo de contagio de VIH, asociados a este consumo. Material y Método 52 mujeres fueron entrevistadas como parte del proyecto “Testeando una intervención en prevención de VIH/SIDA en mujeres chilenas” GRANT # RO1 TW 006977. Se describen variables sociodemográficas y de consumo de sustancias a través de estadísticas descriptivas y se analiza la relación entre variables a través de pruebas de correlación. Resultados Los resultados indican un perfil sociodemográfico que sitúa a las mujeres en situación de vulnerabilidad frente al contagio de VIH/SIDA, con alto índice de uso de sustancias que acentúa el riesgo. Conclusiones Los hallazgos apuntan a la necesidad de considerar intervenciones que se enfoquen en la prevención de VIH en mujeres, abordando los riesgos asociados al consumo de sustancias. PMID:21197380

  5. Prevalencia y factores de riesgo para infecciones del tracto urinario de inicio en la comunidad causadas por Escherichia coli productor de betalactamasas de espectro extendido en Colombia

    PubMed Central

    Blanco, Victor M.; Maya, Juan J.; Correa, Adriana; Perenguez, Marcela; Muñoz, Juan S.; Motoa, Gabriel; Pallares, Christian J.; Rosso, Fernando; Matta, Lorena; Celis, Yamile; Garzon, Martha; Villegas, y María V.


    RESUMEN Introducción Las infecciones del tracto urinario (ITU) son frecuentes en la comunidad. Sin embargo, la información de aislamientos resistentes en este contexto es limitada en Latinoamérica. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo asociados con ITU de inicio en la comunidad (ITU-IC) causadas por Escherichia coli productor de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) en Colombia. Materiales y métodos Entre agosto y diciembre de 2011 se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en 3 instituciones de salud de tercer nivel en Colombia. Se invitó a participar a todos los pacientes admitidos a urgencias con diagnóstico probable de ITU-IC, y se les pidió una muestra de orina. En los aislamien-tos de E. coli se realizaron pruebas confirmatorias para BLEE, susceptibilidad antibiótica, caracterización molecular (PCR en tiempo real para genes bla, repetitive element palindromic PCR [rep-PCR], multilocus sequence typing [MLST] y factores de virulencia por PCR). Se obtuvo información clínica y epidemiológica, y posteriormente se realizó el análisis estadístico. Resultados De los 2.124 pacientes seleccionados, 629 tuvieron un urocultivo positivo, en 431 de estos se aisló E. coli, 54 fueron positivos para BLEE y 29 correspondieron a CTX-M-15. La mayoría de los aislamientos de E. coli productor de BLEE fueron sensibles a ertapenem, fosfomicina y amikacina. La ITU complicada se asoció fuertemente con infecciones por E. coli productor de BLEE (OR = 3,89; IC 95%: 1,10–13,89; p = 0,03). E. coli productor de CTX-M-15 mostró 10 electroferotipos diferentes; de estos, el 65% correspondieron al ST131. La mayoría de estos aislamientos tuvieron 8 de los 9 factores de virulencia analizados. Discusión E. coli portador del gen blaCTX-M-15 asociado al ST131 sigue siendo frecuente en Colombia. La presencia de ITU-IC complicada aumenta el riesgo de tener E. coli productor de BLEE, lo cual debe tenerse en cuenta para ofrecer

  6. Guía para la evaluación del riesgo de los polinizadores

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La Guía para la evaluación del riesgo de los polinizadores de la EPA es parte de una estrategia de la evaluación de los riesgos que presentan los pesticidas para las abejas a fin de mejorar la protección de los polinizadores.

  7. Estimaciones de Prevalencia del VIH por Género y Grupo de Riesgo en Tijuana, México: 2006

    PubMed Central

    Iñiguez-Stevens, Esmeralda; Brouwer, Kimberly C.; Hogg, Robert S.; Patterson, Thomas L.; Lozada, Remedios; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Elder, John P.; Viani, Rolando M.; Strathdee, Steffanie A.


    OBJETIVO Estimar la prevalencia del VIH en adultos de 15-49 años de edad en Tijuana, México - en la población general y en subgrupos de riesgo en el 2006. METODOS Se obtuvieron datos demográficos del censo Mexicano del 2005, y la prevalencia del VIH se obtuvo de la literatura. Se construyó un modelo de prevalencia del VIH para la población general y de acuerdo al género. El análisis de sensibilidad consistió en estimar errores estándar del promedio-ponderado de la prevalencia del VIH y tomar derivados parciales con respecto a cada parámetro. RESULTADOS La prevalencia del VIH es 0.54%(N = 4,347) (Rango: 0.22%–0.86%, (N = 1,750–6,944)). Esto sugiere que 0.85%(Rango: 0.39%–1.31%) de los hombres y 0.22%(Rango: 0.04%–0.40%) de las mujeres podrían ser VIH-positivos. Los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH), las trabajadoras sexuales usuarias de drogas inyectables (MTS-UDI), MTS-noUDI, mujeres UDI, y los hombres UDI contribuyeron las proporciones más elevadas de personas infectadas por el VIH. CONCLUSIONES El número de adultos VIH-positivos entre subgrupos de riesgo en la población de Tijuana es considerable, marcando la necesidad de enforcar las intervenciones de prevención en sus necesidades específicas. El presente modelo estima que hasta 1 en cada 116 adultos podrían ser VIH-positivos. PMID:19685824

  8. Informe: Están en riesgo más de $774 millones en Fondos rotativos estatales de Puerto Rico

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Informe #17-P-0186, 26 de abril de 2017 (puesto a disposición en español: 3 de augosto de 2017). Están en riesgo más de $774 millones en Fondos rotativos estatales debido a la continua crisis financiera que azota a Puerto Rico.

  9. Número de ganglios linfáticos metastásicos como determinante de los resultados después de prostatectomía radical de rescate para el cáncer de próstata de radiación recurrente

    PubMed Central

    Gugliemetti, G; Sukhu, R; Conca Baenas, M A.; Meeks, J; Sjoberg, D D.; Eastham, J A.; Scardino, P T.; Touijer, K


    Resumen Antecedentes La presencia de metástasis en los ganglios linfáticos (MGL) en la prostatectomía radical de rescate (PRs) se asocia con un mal pronóstico. Los factores predictivos de resultados en este contexto siguen siendo indeterminados. El objetivo fue evaluar el papel de número de ganglios linfáticos positivos sobre el resultado de los pacientes con MGL después de PRs y para el cáncer de próstata de radio-recurrente. Material y métodos Se analizaron los datos de una cohorte consecutiva de 215 hombres tratados con PRr en una sola institución. Se utilizaron los modelos de regresión de riesgos proporcionales de Cox univariante para la recurrencia bioquímica (RBQ) y los resultados metastásicos, con el antígeno prostático específico, la puntuación de Gleason, la extensión extraprostática, la invasión de vesículas seminales, el tiempo entre la terapia de radiación y PRr y el número de ganglios positivos como factores predictivos. Resultados De los 47 pacientes con MGL, 37 desarrollaron RBQ, 11 desarrollaron metástasis a distancia y 4 fallecieron con una mediana de seguimiento de 2,3 años para los supervivientes. El riesgo de metástasis aumentó con mayores niveles preoperatorios de PSA (HR 1,19 por 1 ng/ml; IC del 95%: 1,06, 1,34; p = 0,003). Los factores predictivos restantes no alcanzaron niveles convencionales de significación. Sin embargo, la eliminación de 3 o más ganglios linfáticos positivos demostró una asociación positiva, como se esperaba, con enfermedad metastásica (HR 3,44, IC: 0,91, 13,05; p = 0,069) en comparación con uno o dos ganglios positivos. Del mismo modo, la presencia de extensión extraprostática, invasión de vesículas seminales y grado de Gleason superior a 7 también demostraron una asociación positiva con un mayor riesgo de metástasis, con índices de riesgo de 3,97 (IC del 95% 0,50; 31,4; p = 0,2), 3,72 (IC 95% 0,80, 17,26; p = 0,1) y 1,45 (IC del 95% 0,44, 4,76; p = 0,5), respectivamente

  10. Perspectivas para mejorar la salud sexual de las minorías sexuales y de identidad de género en Guatemala

    PubMed Central

    Alonzo, Jorge; Mann, Lilli; Simán, Florence; Sun, Christina J.; Andrade, Mario; Villatoro, Guillermo; Rhodes, Scott D.


    Resumen Las minorías sexuales y de identidad de género en Guatemala son afectadas de manera desproporcionada por el VIH y otras infecciones transmitidas sexualmente (ITS). Sin embargo, poco se sabe de los factores que contribuyen al riesgo de infección en estas minorías. Investigadores de Estados Unidos y Guatemala quisimos informarnos sobre las necesidades de salud sexual e identificar características de programas de prevención de VIH/ITS para estas minorías. Llevamos a cabo 8 grupos focales con hombres gay, bisexuales y personas transgénero y entrevistas en profundidad con líderes comunitarios. Utilizamos el Método Comparativo Constante para analizar las transcripciones. Identificamos 24 factores que influyen en la salud sexual y 16 características de programas para reducir el riesgo de VIH/ITS en estas poblaciones. La identificación de factores de conductas sexuales de riesgo y de características de programas potencialmente efectivos ofrece gran potencial para desarrollar intervenciones que contribuyan a reducir el riesgo de infección por VIH/ITS en estas minorías en Guatemala. PMID:27494000

  11. Factors associated with the risk of fall in adults in the postoperative period: a cross-sectional study.


    Mata, Luciana Regina Ferreira da; Azevedo, Cissa; Policarpo, Aryanne Gabrielle; Moraes, Juliano Teixeira


    to assess the factors associated with the risk of fall in patients undergoing surgical procedures. quantitative and cross-sectional study carried out with 257 adult patients in a hospital in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data were collected using the sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, the Morse Fall Scale, and the Quality of Recovery Score. Data were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis and multinomial logistic regression. The level of significance was set at 0.05. 35.4% of patients had high risk of falls, 38.9% had moderate risk and 25.7% had low risk. The mean value in the surgical recovery scale was 175.37 points and no patient presented poor surgical recovery. Regarding the results of the bivariate analysis, it was found that age (p<0.001), SAH (p<0.001) and diabetes (p=0.017) were positively associated with high risk of fall, whereas cancer (p=0.004) was positively associated with moderate risk of fall. Surgical recovery (p=0,008) was inversely associated with high risk of fall. the results of this study allowed the identification of five factors associated with the risk of fall in adults in the postoperative hospital stay. These findings may support the planning of nursing actions aimed at preventing the risk of fall in the postoperative period. evaluar los factores asociados al riesgo de caída en pacientes sometidos a procedimientos quirúrgicos. estudio cuantitativo, transversal, realizado en 257 pacientes adultos en un hospital de Minas Gerais, Brasil. La recolección de datos se realizó por medio de un cuestionario sociodemográfico y clínico, Morse Fall Scale Quality of Recovery Score. Los datos fueron sometidos al análisis estadístico descriptivo y regresión logística multinomial. El nivel de significación adoptado fue de 0,05. 35,4% de los pacientes presentaron elevado riesgo de caídas, 38,9% moderado riesgo y 25,7% bajo riesgo. La escala de recuperación quirúrgica indicó valor promedio de 175,37 puntos y ning

  12. Risk factors for complications in peripheral intravenous catheters in adults: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial.


    Johann, Derdried Athanasio; Danski, Mitzy Tannia Reichembach; Vayego, Stela Adami; Barbosa, Dulce Aparecida; Lind, Jolline


    ção de corticosteróides (p = 0,0214). os fatores de risco relacionados à ocorrência de complicações no cateterismo venoso periférico foram tempo de internação entre 10 e 29 dias, infusão de antimicrobianos, soluções e planos de soro e corticosteróides. Ressalta-se o calibre 20 como fator protetor ao desenvolvimento de complicações, quando comparado ao 22. Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos: RBR-46ZQR8. analizar los factores de riesgo relacionados a la ocurrencia de complicaciones en el cateterismo venoso periférico. análisis secundario de datos de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, en el cual 169 pacientes clínicos y quirúrgicos fueron asignados al grupo que usaba catéter de seguridad completo (n = 90) y al grupo que utilizó catéter plástico sobre aguja (tipo Abbocath) (n = 79); tiempo de seguimiento de tres meses. los factores de riesgo que aumentaron las probabilidades de desarrollar complicaciones fueron: períodos de internación comprendidos entre 10 y 19 días (p = 0,0483) y entre 20 y 29 días (p = 0,0098); uso de antimicrobianos (p = 0,0288); y uso soluciones y administración de suero (p = 0,0362). El calibre 20G de la aguja disminuyó los riesgos de ocurrencia de complicaciones (p = 0,0153). El análisis múltiple apuntó: reducción del riesgo para el calibre 20G (p = 0,0350); aumento del riesgo para la infusión de soluciones, administración de suero (p = 0,0351) y administración de corticosteroides (p = 0,0214). los factores de riesgo relacionados a la ocurrencia de complicaciones en el cateterismo venoso periférico fueron el tiempo de internación entre 10 y 29 días, la infusión de antimicrobianos, soluciones, administración de suero y corticosteroides. Se destaca el calibre 20G como factor protector para el desarrollo de complicaciones, cuando comparado al calibre 22G. Registro Brasileño de Ensayos Clínicos: RBR-46ZQR8.

  13. Desgarros del epitelio pigmentario de la retina: factores de riesgo, mecanismo y control terapéutico.


    Clemens, Christoph R; Eter, Nicole


    Los desgarros del epitelio pigmentario de la retina (EPR) se asocian en la mayoría de los casos con los desprendimientos vascularizados del EPR debido a una degeneración macular asociada a la edad (DMAE), y normalmente implican una pérdida adversa de la agudeza visual. Estudios recientes indican que ha habido un aumento en la incidencia de desgarros del EPR desde la introducción de fármacos anti-factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular (anti-VEGF) así como una asociación temporal entre el desgarro y la inyección intravítrea. Dado que el número de pacientes con DMAE y el número de inyecciones anti-VEGF va en aumento, tanto la dificultad de prevenir desgarros del EPR como el tratamiento tras la formación de los desgarros han adquirido una mayor relevancia. De forma paralela, la evolución de la imagenología de la retina ha contribuido de manera significativa a comprender mejor el desarrollo de los desgarros del EPR en los últimos años. Esta revisión resume los conocimientos que se poseen actualmente sobre el desarrollo, los factores pronósticos y las estrategias terapéuticas de los desgarros del EPR antes y después de que estos se formen. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  14. Neuroimagen en la enfermedad de Alzheimer: nuevas perspectivas

    PubMed Central

    Becker, James T.


    Introducción y desarrollo En los próximos 50 años vamos a presenciar un incremento significativo de la población mayor de 65 años y por lo tanto va a aumentar, considerablemente, el número de individuos con riesgo de desarrollar demencias neurodegenerativas, especialmente la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). Las estrategias actuales de tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico se han centrado en las fases sintomáticas de esta enfermedad y, gradualmente, vamos teniendo una mayor comprensión de los posibles factores de riesgo del síndrome clínico. Conclusiones Los estudios de neuroimagen han sido muy útiles para mostrar los cambios estructurales del envejecimiento normal y patológico, así como también los factores de riesgo para la EA. Los tratamientos apropiados de los factores de riesgo y su posible combinación con tratamientos específicos para la EA podrían prolongar el período presintomático de la EA y, por tanto, mejorar la calidad de vida y disminuir la carga para el paciente, la familia y la sociedad. PMID:20517866

  15. Risk factors for unstable blood glucose level: integrative review of the risk factors related to the nursing diagnosis.


    Teixeira, Andressa Magalhães; Tsukamoto, Rosangela; Lopes, Camila Takáo; Silva, Rita de Cassia Gengo E


    -se que alteração nos níveis de hemoglobina glicada, índice de massa corpórea>31 Kg/m2, história prévia de hipoglicemia, déficit cognitivo/demência, neuropatia autonômica cardiovascular, comorbidades e perda de peso correspondiam a fatores de risco descritos pela NANDA International . Outros fatores de risco identificados foram: idade avançada, raça negra, maior tempo de diagnóstico de diabetes, sonolência diurna, macroalbuminúria, polimorfismos genéticos, insulinoterapia, uso de antidiabéticos orais, uso de metoclopramida, atividade física inadequada e glicemia de jejum baixa. identificaram-se fatores de risco do diagnóstico risco de glicemia instável para pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2, dos quais 42% correspondiam àqueles da NANDA International . Esses achados podem contribuir para a prática de enfermeiros clínicos na prevenção dos efeitos deletérios da variação glicêmica. identificar evidencias en la literatura acerca de posibles factores de riesgo del diagnóstico "riesgo de nivel de glucemia inestable" para personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y compararlos con los factores de riesgo descritos por la NANDA International . revisión integradora orientada por la pregunta: ¿Cuáles son los factores de riesgo de nivel de glucemia inestable en personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2? Se incluyeron estudios primarios cuyos resultados eran variaciones en los niveles glucémicos, publicados en inglés, portugués o español en el PubMed o CINAHL entre 2010 y 2015. se observó que una alteración en los niveles de: hemoglobina glucosilada, índice de masa corporal >31 Kg/m2, historia previa de hipoglucemia, déficit cognitivo/demencia, neuropatía autonómica cardiovascular, comorbilidades y pérdida de peso, correspondían a factores de riesgo descritos por la NANDA International . Otros factores de riesgo identificados fueron: edad avanzada, raza negra, mayor tiempo de diagnóstico de diabetes, somnolencia diurna, macroalbuminuria

  16. La EPA propone normas más rigurosas para las personas que aplican los plaguicidas de más alto riesgo

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La EPA emitió una propuesta para la revisión de la norma para la Certificación de Aplicadores de Plaguicidas. La norma ayudará a mantener nuestras comunidades seguras, salvaguardar el medio ambiente y reducir el riesgo a los que aplican los plaguicidas.

  17. Factores que Influencian la Adquisición de Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y VIH en Mujeres Jóvenes Chilenas que Participaron en la Intervención Online I-STIPI

    PubMed Central

    Villegas, Natalia; Cianelli, Rosina; Santisteban, Daniel; Lara, Loreto; Vargas, Jessica


    Resumen El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo de corte transversal fue investigar los siguientes factores asociados a la prevención de las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) y el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH): (a) conocimientos, (b) actitudes, (c) autoeficacia, (d) vulnerabilidad, (e) conductas de riesgo, (f) conductas de prevención, y (g) uso de internet en mujeres chilenas entre 18 y 24 años. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado disponible en un sitio web seguro para la recolección de datos que incluyó preguntas relacionadas con la prevención de ITS/VIH. Los resultados del estudio indicaron que las mujeres jóvenes están en riesgo de adquirir ITS/VIH y tienen necesidades especiales para la prevención. La familiaridad y frecuencia del uso de internet en esta población puede ser utilizado para la prevención de ITS/VIH. PMID:27257190


    PubMed Central

    Villegas, N.; Cianelli, R.; Ferrer, L.; Kaelber, L.; Peragallo, N.; Yaya, Alexandra O.


    Introducción Las mujeres Hispanas de 50 años y más (MHC) son una minoría en Estados Unidos que está a elevado riesgo de adquirir VIH y son el grupo menos estudiado en lo que respecta a salud, características sociales y de comportamiento sexual. Objetivo Investigar los factores que incrementan el riesgo de VIH en las MHC con el propósito de desarrollar o adaptar una intervención apropiada para la “edad y la cultura "de este grupo de mujeres. Metodología Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con una muestra de 50 MHC, sexualmente activas y que residían en Miami, Florida, Estados Unidos. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado administrado por entrevistadores entrenados y bilingües (inglés/español). Las participantes fueron reclutadas en diferentes lugares en el Sur de Florida. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó estadística descriptiva, tanto medidas de tendencia central como medidas de dispersión. Resultados La edad promedio de las MHC fue de 55,7 ± 6 años (rango 50–76 años). Todas las MHC estaban en la menopausia. Prevención del VIH Las MHC reportaron niveles medios de conocimientos sobre VIH y comunicación con la pareja. En la muestra se reportó la presencia de síntomas depresivos, violencia en la pareja, actitudes negativas hacia las personas viviendo con VIH y baja percepción de riesgo de adquirir VIH. Las MHC mencionaron necesidades de aprendizaje en tópicos relacionados con prevención de VIH y cambios de la edad. Conclusión Las MHC están a riesgo de adquirir VIH y tienen necesidades especiales en términos de educación sobre prevención de VIH. PMID:25242862

  19. Factors associated with young adults' knowledge regarding family history of Stroke.


    Lima, Maria Jose Melo Ramos; Moreira, Thereza Maria Magalhães; Florêncio, Raquel Sampaio; Braga, Predro


    risco para AVC com o conhecimento do histórico familiar de AVC, sugerindo a necessidade de educação em saúde ou mesmo de programas educacionais sobre o tema junto à clientela em estudo. analizar los factores asociados al conocimiento de los adultos jóvenes sobre el histórico familiar de Accidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC). estudio transversal analítico en 579 adultos jóvenes de escuelas públicas, con recolección de variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y de factores de riesgo en formulario, los datos fueron analizados utilizando la regresión logística (backward elimination). se detectó asociación estadística de edad, situación conyugal, clasificación de la presión arterial y circunferencia abdominal con el conocimiento del histórico familiar de AVC. En el modelo final de regresión logística, se observó una asociación estadística del conocimiento sobre el histórico familiar de AVC con: situación conyugal con compañero (ORa=1,61[1,07-2,42] p=0,023); circunferencia abdominal (ORa=0,98[0,96-0,99] p=0,012); y presión arterial normal (ORa=2,56[1,19-5,52] p=0,016). fue constatada asociación de factores socioeconómicos y de riesgo para AVC con el conocimiento del histórico familiar de AVC; se sugiere la necesidad de realizar acciones de educación en salud o inclusive de preparar programas educacionales sobre el tema para la población estudiada.

  20. Risk factors for medication errors in the electronic and manual prescription.


    Volpe, Cris Renata Grou; Melo, Eveline Maria Magalhães de; Aguiar, Lucas Barbosa de; Pinho, Diana Lúcia Moura; Stival, Marina Morato


    ,5%/31,5%), respectivamente. Por outro lado, os fatores de risco "não checar" e "falta de CRM do prescritor" aumentaram. A ausência de registro de alergia e as ocorrências em relação aos medicamentos são equivalentes para os dois grupos. de maneira geral, a utilização do sistema de prescrição eletrônica foi associada à redução significativa dos fatores de risco para erros de medicação nos seguintes aspectos: ilegibilidade, prescrição com nome comercial e presença de itens essenciais que proporcionam prescrição eficaz e segura. comparar las prescripciones electrónicas y manuales de un hospital público del Distrito Federal, identificando los factores de riesgo para la ocurrencia de errores de medicación. estudio descriptivo exploratorio, comparativo y retrospectivo. La recolección de datos ocurrió en el período de julio de 2012 a enero de 2013, a través de instrumento para revisión de las informaciones referentes al proceso de medicación contenidas en fichas médicas. Integraron la muestra 190 fichas médicas manuales y 199 electrónicas, con 2.027 prescripciones cada una. en la comparación con la prescripción manual, se observó reducción significativa de los factores de riesgo después de la implantación de la electrónica, en ítems como "falta de la forma de dilución" (71,1% y 22,3%) y "prescripción con nombre comercial" (99,5%/31,5%), respectivamente. Por otro lado, los factores de riesgo "no verificar" y "falta de CRM del prescriptor" aumentaron. La ausencia de registro de alergia y las ocurrencias en relación a los medicamentos son equivalentes para los dos grupos. de manera general, la utilización del sistema de prescripción electrónica fue asociada a reducción significativa de los factores de riesgo para errores de medicación en los siguientes aspectos: ilegibilidad, prescripción con nombre comercial y presencia de ítems esenciales que proporcionan prescripción eficaz y segura.

  1. [Not Available].


    Corella Aznar, Elena Guadalupe; Ayerza Casas, Ariadna; Samper Villagrasa, Pilar; Rodríguez Vigil, Carmen; Jiménez Montañés, Lorenzo; Calvo Escribano, Carlota; Labarta Aizpun, José Ignacio


    Introducción: los supervivientes de leucemia aguda (LA) infantil presentan un riesgo incrementado de alteraciones metabólicas y cardiovasculares que aumentan su morbimortalidad a largo plazo.Objetivo: estimar la prevalencia de obesidad, resistencia a la insulina, dislipemia e hipertensión arterial como factores de riesgo cardiometabólico (FRCM) en un grupo de supervivientes de LA infantil, y analizar las posibles causas asociadas a su desarrollo.Material y métodos: estudio observacional retrospectivo en 47 supervivientes de LA tratados en un periodo de 4 años, que recibieron seguimiento durante 10 años.Resultados: el 40% de los participantes presentaron al menos un FRCM durante el seguimiento, siendo la dislipemia (aumento LDL) el más frecuente (38,3%), seguido de obesidad/sobrepeso (31,9%) y HTA sistólica (23,4%). El sexo femenino se estableció como factor de riesgo parael desarrollo de todos ellos (RR 1,6; RR 3,16; RR 1,69; p < 0,05). Ningún superviviente desarrolló diabetes mellitus, pero sí resistencia a la insulina el 19,4%. Los pacientes con leucemias de peor pronóstico presentaron mayor riesgo de desarrollar obesidad, resistencia a la insulina y aumento de LDL (RR 3,56; RR 4,08; RR 2,53; p < 0,05). Los pacientes tratados con trasplante de progenitores hematopoyéticos presentaron mayor riesgo de obesidad, aumento de LDL e HTA sistólica (RR 2,86; RR 2,39; RR 3,12; p<0,05). La radioterapia se asoció de igual modo con un incremento de resistencia a la insulina e hipertensión arterial sistólica (RR 2,47; RR 2,53; p < 0,05).Conclusiones: existe un aumento en la prevalencia de obesidad/sobrepeso, dislipemia, resistencia a la insulina y alteración de la tensión arterial sistólica en supervivientes de leucemia aguda infantil a lo largo del tiempo, especialmente en aquellos con enfermedades y tratamientos más agresivos.

  2. Violencia de Pareja en Mujeres Hispanas: Implicaciones para la Investigación y la Práctica

    PubMed Central

    Gonzalez-Guarda, Rosa Maria; Becerra, Maria Mercedes


    Las investigaciones sobre la violencia entre parejas sugieren que las mujeres hispanas están siendo afectadas desproporcionadamente por la ocurrencia y consecuencias de este problema de salud pública. El objetivo del presente artículo es dar a conocer el estado del arte en relación a la epidemiologia, consecuencias y factores de riesgo para VP entre mujeres Hispanas, discutiendo las implicaciones para la investigación y la práctica. Investigaciones han demostrado una fuerte asociación del status socioeconómico, abuso de droga y el alcohol, la salud mental, aculturación, inmigración, comportamientos sexuales riesgosos e historia de abuso con la violencia entre parejas. Sin embargo, más estudios se deben llevar a cabo para identificar otros factores de riesgos y de protección a poblaciones hispanas no clínicas. Mientras que el conocimiento sobre la etiología de la VP entre mujeres Hispanas se expanda, enfermeras y otros profesionales de la salud deben desarrollar, implementar y evaluar estrategias culturalmente adecuadas para la prevención primaria y secundaria de la violencia entre pareja. PMID:26166938

  3. [In Process Citation].


    Álvarez, Cristian; Ramírez-Campillo, Rodrigo; Vallejos-Rojas, Andrea; Jaramillo-Gallardo, Javiera; Salas Bravo, Carlos; Cano-Montoya, Johnattan; Celis-Morales, Carlos


     Introducción: obesidad e inactividad física son importantes factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de hipertensión en adultos. No obstante, hay poca evidencia sobre el efecto de estos factores de riesgo en el desarrollo de hipertensión en población infantil. Objetivo: investigar la asociación del estado nutricional, niveles de actividad física y etnicidad con niveles de hipertensión en escolares entre 6 y 13 años de edad. Métodos: un total de 418 escolares de ascendencia étnica europea (n = 311) y mapuche (n = 107) fueron participantes de este estudio transversal. Se midió el peso, talla, índice de masa corporal (IMC) y presión arterial, utilizando protocolos estandarizados. Resultados: no se encontraron diferencias significativas en IMC, estado nutricional y presión arterial entre niños con ascendencia europea y mapuche. No obstante, la prevalencia de prehipertensión (21,3% vs. 11,1%) e hipertensión (28,9% vs. 18,6%) fue significativamente mayor en escolares mapuches en comparación con europeos, respectivamente. Escolares con ascendencia mapuche tienen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar prehipertensión o hipertensión que escolares con ascendencia europea (OR: 1,92 [1,19 a 3,06], p < 0,01). La prevalencia de hipertensión aumenta significativamente en ambos grupos étnicos con el incremento de IMC y bajos niveles de actividad física. Conclusiones: el riesgo de desarrollar prehipertensión o hipertensión es mayor en población infantil ascendiente de mapuches que ascendiente de europeos y este riesgo se ve acentuado con el incremento de obesidad y bajos niveles de actividad física.

  4. Factors associated with the healing of complex surgical wounds in the breast and abdomen: retrospective cohort study.


    Borges, Eline Lima; Pires, José Ferreira; Abreu, Mery Natali Silva; Lima, Vera Lúcia de Araújo; Silva, Patrícia Aparecida Barbosa; Soares, Sônia Maria


    a 15 dias, enquanto uso de cobertura hidrocoloide e tela de Marlex estiveram associados a um menor risco de cicatrização. a taxa de cura da ferida foi considerada elevada, e esteve associada ao tipo de intervenção cirúrgica, consumo de etanol, tipo de cobertura, extensão e tempo de existência da ferida. Condutas preventivas podem ser implementadas durante o acompanhamento da evolução do fechamento da ferida cirúrgica complexa, com possibilidades de intervenção nos fatores de risco modificáveis. estimar la tasa de cicatrización de herida quirúrgica compleja y sus factores asociados. cohorte retrospectivo de 2003 a 2014 con 160 pacientes de ambulatorio de un hospital universitario brasileño. Los datos fueron obtenidos por medio de consulta a las fichas médicas. La función de supervivencia fue estimada por el método de Kaplan-Meier y el modelo de regresión de Cox para estimar el riesgo de ocurrencia de cicatrización. la tasa de cicatrización de la herida quirúrgica compleja fue 67,8% (IC 95%: 60,8-74,9). Los factores asociados a un mayor riesgo de cicatrización de la herida fueron cirugía de sectorectomía / cuadrantectomía, consumo de más de 20 gramos/día de etanol, extensión de la herida menor que 17,3 cm2 y tiempo de existencia de la herida antes del tratamiento en ambulatorio inferior a 15 días; en lo que se refiere al uso de cubrimiento hidrocoloide y tela de Marlex estuvieron asociados a un menor riesgo de cicatrización. la tasa de cura de la herida fue considerada elevada, y estuvo asociada al tipo de intervención quirúrgica, consumo de etanol, tipo de cubrimiento, extensión y tiempo de existencia de la herida. Conductas preventivas pueden ser implementadas durante el acompañamiento de la evolución del cierre de la herida quirúrgica compleja, con posibilidades de intervenir sobre los factores de riesgo modificables.

  5. [Not Available].


    Zubiaga, Lorea; Ruiz-Tovar, Jaime; Giner, Lorena; González, Juan; Aguilar, María Del Mar; García, Alejandro; Calpena, Rafael; Durán, Manuel


    Introducción y objetivo: el IMC puede resultar engañoso para ciertas complexiones corporales, por lo que se han propuesto otros parámetros como la adiposidad (calculada a través de fórmula CUN-BAE,) el índice de Framingham de riesgo cardiovascular (IF) y el índice aterogénico (IA) (rCT/HDL-c) como predictores de riesgo cardiovascular. Se propone comparar estos factores como marcadores de éxito terapéutico tras cirugía en pacientes obesos sometidos a gastrectomía vertical laparoscópica (GVL) como procedimiento de cirugía bariátrica.Material y métodos: realizamos un estudio observacional prospectivo de pacientes sometidos a GVL y con un periodo de seguimiento mínimo de 1 año. Analizamos la evolución de IMC, adiposidad, IF e IA.Resultados: analizamos 140 pacientes. El IMC preoperatorio fue de 49,1 kg/m2, con una adiposidad del 54,8%, un IF 7,54% y un IA de 4,2. A los 12 meses el IMC era de 28,4 kg/m2, con una adiposidad del 39,4%, un IF del 3,7% y un IA de 1,64. En función de estos resultados, a los 12 meses el IMC medio está en rango de sobrepeso, la adiposidad en niveles de obesidad (obesidad: > 25% en hombres y > 35% en mujeres), el IF en rango de riesgo cardiovascular bajo (< 5%) y el IA dentro del rango de normalidad (< 3). Correlacionando estos parámetros observamos que el IMC se correlaciona con la adiposidad tanto en valores preoperatorios (Pearson 0,486; p = 0,004), posoperatorios (Pearson 0,957; p < 0,001), como en la diferencia entre ambos (Pearson 0,606; p = 0,017), lo cual es lógico, porque el IMC se incluye en la fórmula CUN-BAE para el cálculo de la adiposidad. En los valores posoperatorios se objetiva una correlación de la adiposidad con el IF (Pearson 0,814, p = 0,036) y con el IA (Pearson 0,517; p = 0,049). En los valores preoperatorios no se objetivan dichas correlaciones. El IMC no se correlacionó con la adiposidad.Conclusión: la adiposidad se correlaciona con índices de riesgo cardiovascular, como el índice de

  6. Norma para la Certificación de Aplicadores de Plaguicidas Revisada

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La EPA emitió una propuesta para la revisión de la norma para la Certificación de Aplicadores de Plaguicidas. La norma ayudará a mantener nuestras comunidades seguras, salvaguardar el medio ambiente y reducir el riesgo a los que aplican los plaguicidas.

  7. Effectiveness of personalized face-to-face and telephone nursing counseling interventions for cardiovascular risk factors: a controlled clinical trial.


    Vílchez Barboza, Vivian; Klijn, Tatiana Paravic; Salazar Molina, Alide; Sáez Carrillo, Katia Lorena


    to evaluate the effect and gender differences of an innovative intervention involving in-person and telephone nursing counseling to control cardiovascular risk factors (arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, and overweight), improve health-related quality of life and strengthen self-efficacy and social support in persons using the municipal health centers' cardiovascular health program. a randomized controlled clinical trial involving participants randomized into the intervention group who received traditional consultation plus personalized and telephone nursing counseling for 7 months (n = 53) and the control group (n = 56). The study followed the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials Statement. women in the intervention group presented a significant increase in the physical and mental health components compared to the control group, with decreases in weight, abdominal circumference, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and the atherogenic index. The effects attributable to the intervention in the men in the intervention group were increased physical and emotional roles and decreased systolic and diastolic pressure, waist circumference, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, atherogenic index, cardiovascular risk factor, and 10-year coronary risk. this intervention is an effective strategy for the control of three cardiovascular risk factors and the improvement of health-related quality of life. evaluar efecto y diferencias por sexo de una intervención innovadora "Consejería de Enfermería Personalizada y Telefónica", dirigida al control de factores de riesgo cardiovascular (hipertensión arterial, dislipidemia y sobrepeso) y al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, fortaleciendo la autoeficacia y el apoyo social en personas usuarias del programa de salud cardiovascular de los Centros de Salud Municipales de Concepción. ensayo clínico controlado aleatoriamente y selección aleatoria de

  8. Análisis comparativo de meningiomas cerebrales Grado I vs Grado II en una serie retrospectiva de 63 pacientes operados

    PubMed Central

    Coppola, Federico; Campbell, Juan Iaconis; Herrero, Juan Manuel; Volpe, Emilio; Cersosimo, Tito


    Resumen Introducción: Los meningiomas Grado II tienen un comportamiento biológico más agresivo que los Grado I. A partir del año 2007, con los nuevos criterios de clasificación, la incidencia de meningiomas atípicos reportada aumentó hasta un 35%. Objetivo: Establecer diferencias entre los Meningiomas Grado I y II de la clasificación de la OMS, en lo que respecta a: grados de resección de Simpson, localización tumoral, necesidad de reintervención, tratamiento adyuvante, evolución y mortalidad. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de 63 pacientes operados entre el periodo 2009-2015. Variables analizadas: sexo, edad, grado histológico, localización, grado de resección quirúrgica, radioterapia adyuvante, mortalidad y evolución. Resultados: Se analizaron 63 pacientes: 51 Grado I y 12 Grado II de la clasificación de la OMS. La distribución por sexo no mostró diferencias entre meningiomas benignos y atípicos. Tampoco el grupo etario de presentación; mediana de 57 años. Un 55% de los meningiomas benignos se localizaron fuera de la base del cráneo versus el 91,6% de los meningiomas atípicos (P = 0.02). En el 74,5% de los meningiomas benignos se logró una resección total (Simpson I-II-III) versus el 58.3% para los atípicos (P = 0.3). Se reintervinieron el 33,3% de meningiomas atípicos en comparación con el 9.8% de los benignos (P = 0.03). Tuvieron una buena evolución el 86,2% de los benignos vs el 53,8% de los GII (P = 0.01). Realizaron radioterapia adyuvante el 33,3% de los meningiomas Grado II vs el 1,9% de los Grado I. Conclusiones: Los meningiomas atípicos cerebrales tienen peor pronóstico evolutivo que los Grado I de la OMS. Presentan una mayor tasa de reintervención y se localizan más frecuentemente fuera de la base del cráneo. La localización pareciera ser un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de meningiomas atípicos. PMID:29142779

  9. [Not Available].


    Vizuet Vega, Norma Isela; Shamah Levy, Teresa; Gaona Pineda, Elsa Berenice; Cuevas Nasu, Lucía; Méndez Gómez-Humarán, Ignacio


    Introducción: la anemia es un factor de riesgo en la población infantil con consecuencias graves para su crecimiento y desarrollo. Los programas de ayuda alimentaria pueden contribuir a su prevención y control. Objetivo: estudiar la adherencia al consumo de suplementos y su relación con la prevalencia de anemia en niños menores de tres años de edad en San Luis Potosí, México beneficiarios del programa PROSPERA.Métodos: se realizó un análisis comparativo en niños de 12 a 36 meses que consumen diferentes suplementos alimenticios: 414 pertenecientes al grupo de intervención y 334 al de comparación. Se midió la hemoglobina (Hb) por Hemocue clasificando como anémicos a quienes tuvieron valores <110 g/l. Se aplicaron pruebas de t de Student y X2. Se estimaron efectos de intervención mediante el método de diferencias en diferencias y un puntaje de adherencia al consumo de suplementos.Resultados: al final del estudio la prevalencia de anemia disminuyó 11.2 pp en el grupo de intervención y 8.7 pp en el de comparación; la interacción del puntaje de adherencia por suplemento y etapa de observación mostró que la adherencia al consumo de Bebida láctea + Vitaniño reduce el riesgo de presentar anemia (p = 0,14). El consumo de Nutrisano + Vitaniño se asoció con menor riesgo (0,2), ambos con respecto al consumo de Nutrisano.Conclusiones: el programa PROSPERA tuvo efectos importantes en la disminución de las prevalencias de anemia. Se recomienda llevar a cabo acciones para mejorar la adherencia al consumo de suplementos alimenticios, a fIn de mejorar la efectividad de los programas.

  10. Avisos de salud sobre el PFOA y PFOS en el agua potable

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La EPA estableció avisos de salud sobre el ácido perfluorooctanoico (PFOA) y el sulfonato de perfluorooctano (PFOS) para proporcionar información a los operadores de sistemas de agua potable y funcionarios estatales, tribales y locales sobre los riesgos de

  11. PubMed

    Zaragoza-Martí, Ana; Sánchez-SanSegundo, Miriam; Ferrer-Cascales, Rosario


    Introducción: el trastorno por atracón o "Binge Eating Disorders" (BED) se caracteriza por el consumo de grandes cantidades de comida en un breve periodo de tiempo acompañado de una sensación de falta de control sobre la ingesta. El BED se relaciona con una alimentación poco equilibrada, contribuyendo a la aparición de diversas patologías. La alimentación y los estilos de vida desempeñan un factor clave en la prevención de estas patologías, siendo la dieta mediterránea (DM) uno de los estándares de la alimentación saludable.Objetivo: analizar la relación entre la DM y el BED en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios.Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en una muestra de 120 estudiantes de la Universidad de Alicante. Para establecer la relación entre el patrón de atracón y el grado de adherencia a la DM se determinó el coefi ciente de correlación r de Pearson. Los resultados se expresaron en odds ratios (OR) e intervalo de confi anza (IC) al 95%.Resultados: los sujetos con un patrón de BED presentaron menor adherencia a la DM (OR = 4,03; IC 95%, 1,80-18,69), mayores índices de exceso de peso (OR = 5,31; IC 95%, 1,81-15,64), y vidas más sedentarias (OR = 1,4; IC 95%, 0,52-4,12). El BED correlacionó negativamente con el grado de adherencia DM (r = -0,3, p < 0,01).Conclusión: el patrón de DM se asocia de manera inversa con el riesgo de sufrir trastorno por atracón y además dicho patrón de atracón se asocia significativamente con el riesgo de sufrir exceso de peso en estudiantes universitarios. Son necesarios estudios que confi rmen que la DM reduce el riesgo de sufrir trastorno por atracón.

  12. [National and international impact factor of Revista Española de Cardiología].


    Aleixandre Benavent, Rafael; Valderrama Zurián, Juan C; Castellano Gómez, Miguel; Miguel-Dasit, Alberto; Simó Meléndez, Raquel; Navarro Molina, Carolina


    The aim of this paper is to present the bibliometric indicators for Revista Española de Cardiologíathat were obtained from the "Potential impact factor of Spanish medical journals in 2001" study financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte. Citations to Revista Española de Cardiología, its national and international impact factor, and its immediacy index were calculated with methods similar to those used by the Institute for Scientific Information. National indicators were based only on citations from 87 Spanish journals considered source journals, whereas international indicators were calculated on the basis of citations from both national journals and foreign source journals in the Science Citation Index. Revista Española de Cardiologíaobtained a national impact factor of 0.719 and an international impact factor of 0.837, placing it at the head of the ranking of Spanish medical journals.

  13. Assessment of risk of falls in elderly living at home.


    Smith, Adriana de Azevedo; Silva, Antonia Oliveira; Rodrigues, Rosalina Aparecida Partezani; Moreira, Maria Adelaide Silva Paredes; Nogueira, Jordana de Almeida; Tura, Luiz Fernando Rangel


    íram para a ocorrência das quedas. Na regressão logística, as variáveis que apresentaram associação com o risco de quedas foram: queda, com quem mora, hipertensão arterial e déficit visual. sexo feminino, idoso mais velho (acima de 80 anos), com baixo desempenho cognitivo e apresentar quedas anteriores nos últimos seis meses, aumentam a prevalência de quedas. Na regressão logística, as variáveis que apresentaram associação com o risco de quedas foram: queda, com quem mora, visão prejudicada e doenças reumatológicas. evaluar el riesgo de caídas del adulto mayor, mediante la comparación de los factores cognitivos y sociodemográficos, antecedentes de caídas y comorbilidades auto-reportadas. estudio transversal y cuantitativo con 240 adultos mayores. Los datos fueron recolectados utilizando instrumento del riesgo de caídas y evaluación de caídas, mediante el análisis univariado, bivariado y regresión logística múltiple. Para el anpalisis estadístico, fue utilizado software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versión 19, se utilizó en el análisis estadístico. hay una asociación significativa del riesgo de caídas, medido por el Fall Risk Score, con el sexo (<0.001), la edad (0.054), el desempeño cognitivo (<0.001) y los antecedentes de caídas (<0.001). Todas las variables fueron estadísticamente significativas y contribuyeron a la ocurrencia de caídas. En la regresión logística, las variables que mostraron asociación con el riesgo de caídas fueron: caída, con quien viven, hipertensión y discapacidad visual. sexo femenino, adulto mayor de edad más avanzada (más de 80 años de edad), bajo desempeño cognitivo, y antecedentes de caídas en los últimos seis meses son factores que aumentan la prevalencia de caídas. En la regresión logística, las variables que mostraron asociación con el riesgo de caídas fueron: caída, con quien vive, discapacidad visual y enfermedades reumáticas.

  14. Integrando la historia clínica ambiental en el consejo prenatal y cuidado de 2 casos de gastrosquisis

    PubMed Central

    García, J.A. Ortega; Martín, M.; Lamas, A. Brea; De Paco-Matallana, C.; Jiménez, J.I. Ruiz; Soldin, O.P.


    Introducción La gastroquisis es una malformación de etiología desconocida en la que se han implicado factores de riesgo (FR) genéticos y medioambientales. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar la historia clínica medioambiental pediátrica (HCMAP) de la gastroquisis en 2 pacientes. Pacientes y métodos Revisión bibliográfica en Pubmed y en el Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Database. Búsqueda selectiva de sustancias con capacidad teratogénica en el Hazardous Substances Data Bank. Palabras clave utilizadas fueron: «gastroschisis» y «gastroschisis and risk factor». Resultados En ambos casos están presentes los siguientes FR descritos en la literatura: corta cohabitación, embarazos no planificados de madres relativamente jóvenes, cambio de pareja reciente, ingesta de alcohol, déficits nutricionales importantes, tabaquismo activo/pasivo. Un caso estuvo expuesto a cocaína, humo de cannabis y se realizó una ortopantografía durante el embarazo. Conclusiones 1) Es necesario obtener la HCMAP en todo paciente con gastroquisis; 2) una cuidadosa HCMAP requiere una adecuada revisión de los FR relacionados e instrucción básica para caracterizar y cuantificar las exposiciones medioambientales, y 3) siguiendo estos pasos, complementaremos nuestras labores asistenciales y preventivas. PMID:20122885

  15. [National and international impact factor of Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría].


    Aleixandre Benavent, R; Valderrama Zurián, J C; Castellano Gómez, M; Simó Meléndez, R; Navarro Molina, C


    The aim of this paper is to present the bibliometric indicators of Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría that were obtained from the study "Potential impact factor of the Spanish medical journals in 2001", financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. The citations made in Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría and its national and international impact factor and immediacy index have been obtained by the use of a methodology similar to the one used by the Institute for Scientific Information. The national indicators only take into account the citations made in 87 Spanish journals considered as sources, while those from the foreign source journals of Science Citation Index have been added to the previously cited ones. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría has obtained a national impact factor of 0.315 and an international impact factor of 0.395, which places it as a leader in the Spanish psychiatric journals.

  16. Identificación de Intervenciones para el Desarrollo Positivo de la Juventud

    PubMed Central

    Sardiñas, Lili M.; Padilla, Viviana; Aponte, Mari; Boscio, Ana Morales; Pedrogo, Coralee Pérez; Santiago, Betzaida; Morales, Ángela Pérez; Dávila, Paloma Torres; Cesáreo, Marizaida Sánchez


    Resumen En el mundo hay más personas en la etapa de la juventud que en cualquier otra etapa del desarrollo. La juventud en Puerto Rico enfrenta muchas situaciones que inciden en su desarrollo y preparación para la adultez. Por lo tanto, es imperante identificar intervenciones para el desarrollo positivo de la juventud que han demostrado ser basadas en la evidencia. Además, a partir de dicha identificación, desarrollar prácticas que ayuden a los jóvenes a desarrollarse para prevenir situaciones adversas, promover experiencias positivas y propiciar que los niños y jóvenes estén involucrados y comprometidos. Se identificaron 147 intervenciones a través de una revisión tradicional de la literatura científica estadounidense. Los resultados reflejan que las intervenciones atienden la reducción de factores de riesgo y el incremento de factores de protección. Sin embargo, ninguna intervención propicia que los niños y jóvenes estén involucrados y comprometidos con su desarrollo óptimo y con sus comunidades. No obstante, todas brindan herramientas que podrían ser de utilidad para fomentar dichas prácticas en el contexto de Puerto Rico. De las 147 intervenciones identificadas seis están diseñadas para la población puertorriqueña residente en la Isla. Con el propósito de hacer la información accesible a los profesionales y la comunidad se expandió la colección del Archivo de Programas y Prácticas Basadas en Evidencia para la Prevención. PMID:28919943

  17. Hacia el consumo informado de tabaco en México: efecto de las advertencias con pictogramas en población fumadora

    PubMed Central

    Thrasher, James F; Pérez-Hernández, Rosaura; Arillo-Santillán, Edna; Barrientos-Gutiérrez, Inti


    Resumen Objetivo Evaluar el efecto de las advertencias sanitarias (AS) con pictogramas en las cajetillas de tabaco en adultos fumadores. Material y métodos Cohorte de fumadores con representatividad poblacional de siete ciudades mexi canas, antes (2010) y después (2011) de la implementación de AS con pictogramas (ASP). Para determinar el cambio en las variables sobre el impacto cognitivo y conductual de las advertencias, se estimaron modelos bivariados y ajustados de ecuaciones de estimación generalizada. En el Segundo levantamiento (2011), se estimaron modelos para determiner los factores que se asocian con el reporte de recordar cada advertencia que había entrado al mercado, además de los factores asociados con el autorreporte del impacto de cada advertencia vigente. Resultados Se observaron incrementos importantes de 2010 a 2011 en los conocimientos sobre los riesgos de fumar, los componentes tóxicos del tabaco y el número telefónico para recibir consejos sobre dejar de fumar. La recordación e impacto de las primeras advertencias con pictogramas parecen ser amplios y equitativos a través de la población fumadora. En comparación con 2010, un mayor nivel de ex fumadores entrevistados en 2011 reportaron que las advertencias habían influido mucho en dejar de fumar (RM=2.44, 95% IC 1.27–4.72). Conclusiones Las AS con pictogramas han logrado un impacto importante en el conocimiento y conducta, información relevante para la población y en tomadores de decisiones. PMID:22689162

  18. [Archivos de Bronconeumología: among the 3 Spanish medical journals with the highest national impact factors].


    Aleixandre Benavent, R; Valderrama Zurián, J C; Castellano Gómez, M; Simó Meléndez, R; Navarro Molina, C


    Citation analysis elucidates patterns of information consumption within professional communities. The aim of this study was to analyze the citations of 87 Spanish medical journals by calculating their impact factors and immediacy indices for 2001, and to estimate the importance of Archivos de Bronconeumología within the framework of Spanish medicine. Eighty-seven Spanish medical journals were included. All were listed in the Spanish Medical Index (Indice Medico Español) and in at least one of the following databases: MEDLINE, BIOSIS, EMBASE, or Science Citation Index. References to articles from 1999 through 2001 in citable articles from 2001 were analyzed. Using the method of the Institute for Scientific Information, we calculated the national impact factor and immediacy index for each journal. The journals with the highest national impact factors were Revista Española de Quimioterapia (0.894), Medicina Clínica (0.89), and Archivos de Bronconeumología (0.732). The self-citation percentage of Archivos de Bronconeumología was 18.3% and the immediacy index was 0.033. The impact factor obtained by Archivos de Bronconeumología confirms its importance in Spanish medicine and validates its inclusion as a source journal in Science Citation Index and Journal Citation Report.


    PubMed Central

    Villaverde, Jorge Alarcón; Romaní, Franco Romaní; Torres, Silvia Montano; Zunt, Joseph R.


    La infección por el virus linfotrópico humano de células T tipo 1 (HTLV-1) ha sido descrita en muchas áreas del mundo, como en los países del Caribe, Japón, África, Oceanía y en Sudamérica. En la presente revisión definimos la endemicidad del HTLV-1 en el país, planteando cuatro criterios epidemiológicos. Luego discutimos el tema central de la revisión: la transmisión vertical del HTLV-1, que en nuestro país sería uno de los principales mecanismos de transmisión. Dentro del desarrollo de este aspecto en particular, presentamos una estimación de la tasa de transmisión vertical y los factores de riesgo asociados con la transmisión vertical sobre la base de una revisión exhaustiva de estudios nacionales y extranjeros. Con esta revisión pretendemos dar una primera aproximación al estudio de la trasmisión vertical de HTLV-1, un aspecto poco estudiado en nuestro medio. PMID:21537777

  20. Manténgase saludable al elegir pescado y mariscos de manera inteligente

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Los pescados y mariscos son una parte importante de una dieta saludable. Algunos pescados y mariscos pueden contener sustancias químicas que presenten un riesgo para la salud. Información sobre el consumo seguro de pescado y mariscos.

  1. PubMed

    Caamaño Navarrete, Felipe; Delgado Floody, Pedro; Jerez Mayorga, Daniel; Osorio Poblete, Aldo


    Introducción: bajos niveles de actividad física, moderada y vigorosa, son un factor de riesgo conductual importante en la obesidad en niños.Objetivo: el objetivo del estudio fue determinar el estado nutricional y la condición física de escolares, comparando los resultados obtenidos por género, obesidad y rendimiento físico.Material y métodos:578 escolares: 308 hombres de 11,22 ± 1,93 años y 270 mujeres de 10,93 ± 1,92 años participaron en la investigación. Fueron evaluados: índice de masa corporal (IMC), porcentaje de masa grasa (%MG), contorno de cintura (CC), razón cintura-estatura (RCE) y rendimiento físico según los test del Estudio Nacional de Educación Física de la Agencia de Calidad de la Educación de Chile.Resultados: el %MG fue mayor en la mujeres (p < 0,001). En el test de abdominales y en el de Navette el rendimiento fue mayor en los hombres, y en el test de flexo-extensiones de brazo el rendimiento fue mayor en las mujeres (p < 0,05). Los escolares en categoría de obeso presentaron inferiores resultados en los test de: abdominales, salto largo, flexo-extensiones de brazo y Navette (p < 0,001). El VO2MAX fue menor en los sujetos con obesidad (p < 0,001). Los estudiantes que necesitan mejorar 3 o 4 test presentan mayor RCE (p < 0,001) y %MG (p < 0,001). Existe una asociación negativa entre la RCE y el VO2MAX (-0,543, p < 0,001).Conclusiones: existe una elevada prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad. Además, se aprecia un bajo rendimiento físico asociado a esta condición. Los escolares que necesitan mejorar 3 o 4 test de la condición física presentan mayores promedios de %MG y RCE; esta última variable es un potente indicador de riesgo cardiovascular.


    PubMed Central

    Gonzales, Gustavo F.; Zevallos, Alisson; Gonzales-Castañeda, Cynthia; Nuñez, Denisse; Gastañaga, Carmen; Cabezas, César; Naeher, Luke; Levy, Karen; Steenland, Kyle


    RESUMEN El presente artículo es una revisión sobre la contaminación del agua, el aire y el efecto del cambio climático en la salud de la población peruana. Uno de los principales contaminantes del aire es el material particulado menor de 2,5 μ (PM 2,5), en la ciudad de Lima, anualmente 2300 muertes prematuras son atribuibles a este contaminante. Otro problema es la contaminación del aire domiciliario por el uso de cocinas con combustible de biomasa, donde la exposición excesiva a PM 2,5 dentro de las casas es responsable de aproximadamente 3000 muertes prematuras anuales entre adultos, con otro número desconocido de muertes entre niños debido a infecciones respiratorias. La contaminación del agua tiene como principales causas los desagües vertidos directamente a los ríos, minerales (arsénico) de varias fuentes, y fallas de las plantas de tratamiento. En el Perú, el cambio climático puede impactar en la frecuencia y severidad del fenómeno de El Niño oscilación del sur (ENSO) que se ha asociado con un incremento en los casos de enfermedades como cólera, malaria y dengue. El cambio climático incrementa la temperatura y puede extender las áreas afectadas por enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, además de tener efecto en la disponibilidad del agua y en la contaminación del aire. En conclusión, el Perú, pasa por una transición de factores de riesgo ambientales, donde coexisten riesgos tradicionales y modernos, y persisten los problemas infecciosos y crónicos, algunos de los cuales se asocian con problemas de contaminación de agua y de aire. PMID:25418656

  3. Bedsharing at home, breastfeeding and sudden infant death. Recommendations for health professionals



    El Grupo de Trabajo en Muerte Súbita e Inesperada del Lactante, junto con la Subcomisión de Lactancia Materna de la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría, elaboraron nuevas recomendaciones sobre la práctica del colecho, en la cual el niño duerme en la misma superficie junto a su madre, situación que es motivo de controversia. El colecho favorece la lactancia materna, que, a su vez, es protectora de la muerte súbita del lactante. Un pequeño grupo de niños presenta mayor riesgo de muerte súbita del lactante y accidentes fatales durante el colecho en ciertas circunstancias, que incluyen dormir en un sillón o sofá, padres fumadores, ingesta de sedantes, drogas y/o consumo de alcohol, niños prematuros y/o de bajo peso. El colecho en niños alimentados con leche humana, sin los factores de riesgo mencionados y con padres responsables de implementar un ambiente de sueño seguro, no aumenta el riesgo de muerte súbita del lactante. Esta guía no recomienda taxativamente la prohibición del colecho. Instruye a los profesionales de la salud a propalar a las familias un mensaje balanceado que incluya tanto los riesgos como los beneficios del colecho, lo que les permite a los padres una decisión informada al respecto. El documento señala que la cohabitación sin colecho es el lugar más seguro para los bebés al momento de dormir.

  4. Women Connected to at Risk Indian Men Who Have Sex with Men: An Unexplored Network.


    Satyanarayan, Sammita; Kapur, Abhinav; Azhar, Sameena; Yeldandi, Vijay; Schneider, John A


    Little is known about the women connected to Indian MSM and their impact on HIV risk. We surveyed 240 Indian MSM, who identified their social networks (n = 7,092). Women (n = 1,321) comprised 16.7 % of the network, with 94.7 % representing non-sexual connections. MSM were classified as having low, moderate, or high female network proportion. MSM with moderate female network proportion (8-24 % total network) had significantly lowered odds of HIV seropositivity (AOR = 0.24, 95 % CI = 0.1-0.6). This suggests moderate proportions of female connections could mediate HIV risk. HIV prevention interventions in India could consider the greater involvement of women among their target audiences. Se sabe poco sobre las mujeres conectadas a HSH en India y su impacto en el riesgo de VIH. Se encuestó a 240 HSH indios, quienes identificaron sus redes sociales (n = 7,092). Las mujeres (n = 1,321) formaron al 16.7 % de la red, del cual el 94.7 % representa conexiones no sexuales. Los HSH se clasificaron como baja, moderada o alta proporción de red femenina. HSH con proporción moderada de red femenina (8-24 % del red total) tuvieron un riesgo significativamente reducido de seropositividad de VIH (AOR = 0,24; IC 95 % = 0,1-0,6). Esto sugiere que tener una proporción moderada de contactos femeninos podría atenuar el riesgo de VIH. Las intervenciones de prevención del VIH en India podrían considerar una mayor participación de las mujeres en su público objetivo.

  5. [Not Available].


    Campos Jara, Christian; Delgado Floody, Pedro; Caamaño Navarrete, Felipe; Guzmán Guzmán, Iris; Cesp Barría, Mauricio; Jerez Mayorga, Daniel; Alarcón Hormazábal, Manuel; Osorio Poblete, Aldo


    Antecedentes: la prevalencia de obesidad infantil ha aumentado considerablemente en Chile y el mundo, presentando asociación negativa con el rendimiento físico. Objetivo: el propósito del estudio fue determinar el rendimiento físico en escolares y asociarlos a los niveles de sobrepeso, obesidad y riesgo cardiometabólico.Material y métodos: 342 escolares, entre 11 y 16 años de edad, participaron del estudio, un 44,2% correspondió a mujeres y un 55,8% a hombres. Se evaluaron las siguientes variables: peso, índice de masa corporal, porcentaje de masa grasa, contorno cintura, razón cintura estatura, Test de salto largo, Test de abdominales, Test de flexo-extensiones de brazo, Test de Cafra y Test de Navette.Resultados: s e observó que los escolares con sobrepeso y obesidad (48,3%) mostraron un incremento significativo en las medidas antropométricas, así como una disminución en todas las variables que determinan rendimiento físico. En el análisis de los Test de Cafra y Navette, se observó que la presencia de la alteración de al menos uno de ellos se asoció con riesgo cardiometabólico (OR= 9,29, p<0,001), mientras que la presencia de la alteración de los dos test se asocia fuertemente con la presencia de sobrepeso y obesidad (OR = 11,8, p = 0,003) y con riesgo cardiometabólico (OR = 30, 1, p<0,001).Conclusión: Los escolares con obesidad presentaron disminución en todas las variables que determinaron el rendimiento físico y fue la alteración capacidad cardiorrespiratoria medida a través de los Test de Cafra y Navette los que presentaron mayor asociación y significativa con el sobrepeso, obesidad y riesgo cardiometabólico.

  6. [In Process Citation].


    López Siguero, Juan Pedro


    La prevalencia de obesidad y de diabetes tipo 2 ha aumentado enormemente en las últimas décadas hasta convertirse en una epidemia amenazante. El listado de factores de riesgo es amplio, pero lo encabeza el cambio del estilo de vida (alimentación y actividad física) que constituye, además, la herramienta preventiva más importante. El trabajo de Caravalí-Meza y cols. en este número de la revista hace hincapié en el consumo de bebidas azucaradas y su relación con la obesidad. Sus autores concluyen que el consumo de azúcares refinados de las bebidas en adolescentes mexicanos, conlleva un riesgo de incremento del perímetro de la cintura y, en el caso de mantenerse, también del índice de masa corporal.

  7. [Not Available].


    López-Fuenzalida, Antonio; Valdés-Badilla, Pablo; Herrera-Valenzuela, Tomás; Rodríguez Canales, Carolina; Reyes Ponc, Álvaro; Arriaza Ardiles, Enrique; Durán Agüero, Samuel


    Introducción: la categorización del estado nutricional a través del índice de masa corporal (IMC) es uno de los recursos de valoración clínica más utilizados en el síndrome metabólico (SM). Sin embargo, es desconocida su capacidad para identificar las diferencias en la composición corporal.Objetivo: determinar si las variaciones en el estado nutricional se reflejan en la composición corporal en mujeres con SM e identificar la concordancia de clasificación del riesgo cardiometabólico entre el estado nutricional e índices antropométricos.Material y métodos: la muestra incluyó 136 mujeres (edad 42 ± 3,5 años) con SM. Se evaluó el estado nutricional, masa muscular, masa adiposa, perímetro de cintura (PC), índice cintura-cadera (ICC) e índice cintura-estatura (ICE). Se compararon los valores de composición corporale índices antropométricos; adicionalmente se determinó la concordancia clasificatoria del riesgo cardiometabólico entre los índices y el IMC.Resultados: solo la edad (p = 0,358), estatura (p = 0,209) y porcentaje de adiposidad (p = 0,234) no mostraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos. La mejor concordancia clasificatoria del riesgo cardiometabólico se observó en el PC > 88 cm (94,9%) e ICE ≥ 0,5 (94,1%) al categorizar el IMC en normopeso vs. exceso de peso; mientras que el PC > 88 cm obtuvo mejor concordancia separando al grupo en normopeso-sobrepesovs. obesidad (85,3%), aunque la sensibilidad y especificidad fueron más homogéneas con el ICC ≥ 0,85.Conclusión: el IMC no logra identificar las variaciones de la adiposidad corporal en mujeres con SM agrupadas según su estado nutricional. El IMC presenta mejor sensibilidad que especificidad respecto a los índices considerados para determinar riesgo cardiometabólico en mujeres con SM.

  8. Psychometric Testing of INTEGRARE, an Instrument for the Assesment of Pressure Ulcer Risk in Inpatients.


    Porcel-Gálvez, Ana María; Romero-Castillo, Rocío; Fernández-García, Elena; Barrientos-Trigo, Sergio


    The aim of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of INTEGRARE, an instrument based on Nursing Outcome Classification. A multicenter, cross-sectional, methodological design was used. The study included 3,835 patients. Internal consistency α = 0.86. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated the unidimensionality of the scale, indicating a good model fit (CMIN/DF = 4; GFI, CFI, NFI, IFI = 0.999; RMSEA = 0.028). INTEGRARE is a valid and reliable instrument with high sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy in measuring pressure ulcer (PU) risk in inpatients. This instrument allows us to know the effectiveness of nursing interventions, providing evidence for the validation of the diagnosis Risk for pressure ulcer (00249) as well as on health outcomes, due to the fact that PUs are nursing-sensitive outcomes. Evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de INTEGRARE, un instrumento basado en la Clasificación de Resultados de Enfermería. MÉTODO: Se optó por un diseño transversal multicéntrico. El estudio incluyó a 3,835 pacientes. Consistencia interna α = 0.86. El análisis factorial confirmatorio demostró la unidimensionalidad de la escala, indicando un buen ajuste del modelo (CMIN/DF = 4; GFI, CFI, NFI, IFI = 0.999; RMSEA = 0.028). INTEGRARE es un instrumento válido y fiable con alta sensibilidad, especificidad y precisión diagnóstica en la medición de riesgo de úlcera por presión (UPP) en pacientes hospitalizados. IMPLICACIONES PARA LA PRÁCTICA ENFERMERA: Este instrumento nos permite conocer la efectividad de las intervenciones enfermeras, aportando evidencia para la validación del diagnóstico Riesgo de úlcera por presión (00249), así como sobre los resultados de salud, debido a que las UPP son resultados sensibles a la práctica enfermera. © 2017 NANDA International, Inc.

  9. A systematic review and meta-analysis on the longitudinal relationship between eating pathology and depression.


    Puccio, Francis; Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Matthew; Ong, Deborah; Krug, Isabel


    estos 42 estudios, se realizaron meta-análisis de multinivel de efectos aleatorios en 30 estudios elegibles. Los resultados del meta-análisis mostraron que la alimentación patológica era un factor de riesgo para depresión (rm=0.13) y que la depresión era un factor de riesgo para la alimentación patológica (rm=0.16). Los análisis de meta-regresión mostraron que estos efectos eran significativamente más fuertes para estudios que operacionalizaban la alimentación patológica como un diagnóstico de trastorno de la conducta alimentaria versus síntomas de alimentación patológica, y para los estudios que operacionalizaban la medida respectiva de resultado como una variable categórica (e.g., un diagnóstico de trastorno o cuando los síntomas estaban "presentes"/"ausentes") versus una medida continua. Los resultados mostraron que en relación al tipo de alimentación patológica, el efecto de un diagnóstico de trastorno de la conducta alimentaria y síntomas bulímicos en la depresión era significativamente más fuerte para participantes más jóvenes. DISCUSIÓN: La alimentación patológica y la depresión son factores de riesgo concurrentes uno para el otro, lo que sugiere que la investigación futura se beneficiaría de identificar factores que son etiológicos al desarrollo de ambos constructos. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (Int J Eat Disord 2016;49:439-454). © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Seguridad del paciente en Radioterapia Intraoperatoria: Impacto de los elementos controlados por el Radiofisico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tarjuelo, Juan Lopez

    Introduccion: En la administracion de la radioterapia intervienen profesionales y equipos de tratamiento, por lo que existe el riesgo de error y se precisa que dicho equipamiento funcione conforme a lo esperado. A los radiofisicos les corresponde participar en las actividades de garantia o aseguramiento de la calidad, incluyendo el control de calidad de los equipos, y en la evaluacion de los riesgos asociados. La radioterapia intraoperatoria (RIO) es una tecnica radioterapica de intensificacion de dosis, altamente selectiva, dirigida a volumenes anatomicos restringidos durante el tratamiento quirurgico oncologico, basada en la administracion de una dosis absorbida alta por medio de un haz de electrones tras el examen visual directo del lecho tumoral. Como incorporar los ultimos avances en el refuerzo de la seguridad en radioterapia es una tarea ambiciosa y compleja, resulta mas concreta y de inmediata aplicacion su introduccion en la RIO. El objetivo es analizar los elementos que reducen los riesgos y aumentan la seguridad en la RIO y su dosimetria, y valorar la funcion del radiofisico en esta labor. Material y metodos: Se emplearon el planificador Radiance de GMV y el acelerador lineal de los tratamientos de RIO Elekta Precise, controlado con el verificador diario de haces Daily QA Check 1090 y medido con las camaras de ionizacion PPC 40, FC65-G y FC65-P de PTW-Freiburg, a su vez verificadas con fuentes radiactivas adecuadas de estroncio-90 modelos CDP y CDC de IBA Dosimetry. Se realizo un analisis de modos de fallo y efectos (failure mode and effect analysis, FMEA) con el fin de identificar los elementos que forman la RIO y aplicar las herramientas necesarias para la minimizacion de los riesgos y la mejora de la seguridad en la tecnica. Se estudiaron las verificaciones diarias de dicho acelerador Precise con el control estadistico de procesos (statistical process control, SPC) y se simularon intervenciones para devolverlo al estado llamado en control. El SPC

  11. Adaptación al español y validación de criterio de una escala para la tamización de problemas emocionales y del comportamiento en la primera infancia.


    Cano, Luz Helena; Acosta, María Natalia; Pulido, Adriana


    Introducción. La detección temprana del riesgo de problemas emocionales y del comportamiento en niños puede contribuir al desarrollo de estrategias que promuevan la salud mental desde la primera infancia. En Colombia no existe una herramienta validada para dicha detección.Objetivos. Seleccionar, adaptar y establecer la validez de criterio de una escala de tamización de problemas emocionales y del comportamiento en niños menores de seis años.Materiales y métodos. A partir de una revisión de la literatura y un consenso de expertos, se seleccionó la herramienta Early Childhood Screening Assessment (ECSA). Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo su adaptación lingüística y se determinó la validez de criterio mediante una curva de características de recibidor-operador (Receiver Operating Characteristic, ROC), y se la comparó con el cuestionario Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL 1,5-5). En el estudio participaron 206 cuidadores de niños entre el año y medio y los seis años de edad de la ciudad de Tunja y el municipio de Sopó.Resultados. La puntuación del ECSA presentó una buena correlación con la puntuación t total del CBCL 1,5-5 (ro de Spearman=0,75; p<0,01). La escala ECSA tuvo una sensibilidad de 86 % y una especificidad de 82 % al establecer un punto de corte de 24 para la población estudiada.Conclusión. En este primer estudio de adaptación y validación de la versión en español de la escala ECSA, se detectaron buenos valores de sensibilidad y especificidad para la tamización de problemas emocionales y del comportamiento en la primera infancia.

  12. PubMed

    Fernández Alba, Juan Jesús; Paublete Herrera, María Del Carmen; González Macías, María Del Carmen; Carral San Laureano, Florentino; Carnicer Fuentes, Concepción; Vilar Sánchez, Ángel; Torrejón Cardoso, Rafael; Moreno Corral, Luis Javier


    Introducción: el sobrepeso y la obesidad se asocian a una mayor probabilidad de que el parto finalice en cesárea. Dado que dicho incremento del riesgo podría estar sesgado por variables de confusión como la diabetes o la hipertensión, en el presente trabajo pretendemos determinar si este riesgo persiste tras ser ajustado por numerosas variables de control.Objetivo: determinar si el sobrepeso y/o la obesidad son factores de riesgo independientes para que el parto finalice en cesárea.Métodos: estudio de cohortes retrospectivo. Se han incluido gestantes adscritas al Hospital Universitario de Puerto Real. Periodo de estudio: 2002-2011. Se incluyeron dos grupos de estudio: sobrepeso al inicio de la gestación (IMC entre 25 y 29,9) y obesidad al inicio de la gestación (IMC ≥ 30). Grupo ontrol: IMC al inicio de la gestación normal (entre 18,5 y 24,9). El riesgo de cesárea fue analizado mediante un estudio de regresión logística múltiple incluyendo como covariables: edad materna, parto inducido, diabetes gestacional, diabetes pregestacional, macrosomía, hipertensión arterial, nuliparidad, cesárea anterior, parto pretérmino y parto postérmino.Resultados: de los 18.243 partos registrados, el IMC al inicio de la gestación constaba en 4.711 casos (25,8%). El 26,1% presentaban sobrepeso, el 12,4% obesidad y el 58,9% IMC normal. Sin ajustar por variables control, se asociaron a un incremento del riesgo de cesárea: sobrepeso (OR 1,48; IC95% 1,27-1,73); obesidad grado 1 (OR 2,09; IC95% 1,66-2,64); obesidad grado 2 (OR 3,23; IC95% 2,31-4,53); obesidad grado 3 (OR 2,57; IC95% 1,56-4,22). El riesgo aumentado se mantuvo significativo en el análisis multivariante: sobrepeso (OR 1,51; IC95% 1,24-1,84); obesidad (OR 2,15; IC95% 1,67-2,76).Conclusiones: encontramos una asociación significativa e independiente entre el sobrepeso/obesidad maternos y la finalización del parto mediante cesárea incluso ajustando por numerosas variables de control como: edad materna


    PubMed Central



    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar la situación epidemiológica de la tuberculosis (TB) en la Región Sanitaria V (RSV), provincia de Buenos Aires. El estudio de tendencia permitió conocer un valor promedio de las variaciones de la tasa de incidencia (TI), calculadas por regresión lineal simple y expresadas como variación anual promedio (VAP). Se analizaron el número de casos notificados y TI por 100 000 habitantes de todas las formas de TB, los casos de TB pulmonar (TBP) y TBP confirmados por bacteriología, total casos por grupos de edad: 0 – 14; 15 – 29 y mayores de 64 años, entre el 1° de enero de 2000 al 31 de diciembre de 2011. La declinación de la TI fue menor al 5% para todas las formas de TB e inferior en las TBP confirmadas bacteriológicamente. Los casos de TBP y TI más elevadas, se concentraron en el grupo de 15 a 29 años, con tendencia estable o ligeramente ascendente de la TI en la TBP bacilífera. El mismo comportamiento presentaron los casos de TBP infantil con confirmación bacteriológica. La mayor velocidad de descenso en la TI de la TBP se produjo en este grupo de edad, mientras que en mayores de 64 años, el descenso fue sostenido en el tiempo. La TB persiste como un riesgo de salud en la RSV, con casos en edades jóvenes, por lo que sigue siendo necesario fortalecer el control de la TB en esta región. PMID:26117604

  14. Trastornos mentales y consumo de drogas en la población víctima del conflicto armado en tres ciudades de Colombia.


    Castaño, Guillermo; Sierra, Gloria; Sánchez, Daniela; Torres, Yolanda; Salas, Carolina; Buitrago, Carolina


    Introducción. La violencia en sus diferentes modalidades incrementa el riesgo de trastornos mentales y de consumo de drogas.Objetivos. Estimar la prevalencia de los trastornos mentales, del uso y abuso de drogas, así como los factores asociados en víctimas de desplazamiento forzado en tres ciudades colombianas.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de prevalencia en una muestra de 1.026 personas entre los 13 y los 65 años de edad, a quienes se entrevistó utilizando el instrumento Composite International Diagnostic Interview y el Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, así como un cuestionario sobre el consumo de drogas modificado a partir de la encuesta del Sistema Interamericano de Datos Uniformes sobre Drogas de la Comisión Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas de la Organización de Estados Americanos, y otro sobre aspectos relacionados con el desplazamiento forzado. El análisis se hizo mediante el programa estadístico SPSS™, versión 21.Resultados. La prevalencia de vida de los trastornos mentales fue la siguiente: fobia específica, 17,7 %; depresión mayor, 16,4 %; estrés postraumático, 9,9 %; trastorno oposicionista desafiante, 8,9 %; ansiedad por separación, 7,2 %; trastornos de conducta, 5,8 %, y déficit de atención, 5,6 %. La prevalencia de vida del consumo de alcohol fue de 68,7 %; de tabaco, 31,3 %, de marihuana, 11,2 %, de cocaína, 3,5 %, de basuco, 2,0 %, de inhalables, 2,3 %, y de medicamentos ansiolíticos sin receta, 2,5 %, en tanto que 0,7 % de los entrevistados se había inyectado drogas. El presentar cualquiera de los trastornos mentales se asoció con el sexo femenino (odds ratio, OR=1,61; IC95% 1,21-2,14), así como el haber sido sometido a más de un desplazamiento forzado (OR=1,47; IC95 1,05-2,05). El consumo de cualquiera de las drogas se asoció con ser hombre (OR=5,38; IC95% 2,35-12,34).Conclusiones. La alta prevalencia de trastornos mentales y de consumo de

  15. ω→π0γ* and ϕ→π0γ* transition form factors in dispersion theory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schneider, Sebastian P.; Kubis, Bastian; Niecknig, Franz


    We calculate the ω→π0γ* and ϕ→π0γ* electromagnetic transition form factors based on dispersion theory, relying solely on a previous dispersive analysis of the corresponding three-pion decays and the pion vector form factor. We compare our findings to recent measurements of the ω→π0μ+μ- decay spectrum by the NA60 collaboration, and strongly encourage experimental investigation of the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka forbidden ϕ→π0ℓ+ℓ- decays in order to understand the strong deviations from vector-meson dominance found in these transition form factors.

  16. [In Process Citation].


    Cuerda, Cristina; Álvarez, Julia; Ramos, Primitivo; Abánades, Juan Carlos; García-de-Lorenzo, Abelardo; Gil, Pedro; De-la-Cruz, Juan José


    Introducción: la desnutrición relacionada con la enfermedad (DRE) es un problema sociosanitario frecuente que afecta preferentemente a los mayores de 65 años, que aumenta la morbimortalidad y disminuye la calidad de vida.  Objetivo: estudiar la prevalencia de DRE en mayores de 65 años en diferentes centros sociosanitarios del Servicio Regional de Bienestar Social de la Comunidad de Madrid. Métodos: estudio transversal en 33 centros sociosanitarios de Madrid (6 centros de atención primaria [AP], 9 centros de mayores [CM], 9 hospitales [H] y 9 residencias [R]) seleccionados mediante muestreo polietápico. Las variables estudiadas fueron edad, sexo, nivel de dependencia según la escala de incapacidad de la Cruz Roja, motivo de ingreso y enfermedad de base, hábitat (urbano-periurbano-rural) y distribución geográfica (norte centro-sur). Como herramienta de cribado nutricional se utilizó el Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA-cribaje) en todos los centros. En los pacientes con cribado positivo (en riesgo-desnutrición) se realizó el MNA-evaluación. El estudio estadístico se realizó con el paquete SSS 21.0 e incluyó estadística descriptiva, test de Chi-cuadrado y prueba exacta de Fisher, ANOVA de un factor, Kruskal-Wallis y análisis de regresión logística (RL) binaria univariante y multivariante. Se consideró significación estadística p < 0,05. Resultados: se reclutaron 1.103 sujetos (275 AP, 278 CM, 281 H, 269 R), edad media de 79,5 ± 8,4 años (41,2% varones, 58,8% mujeres). Los sujetos procedentes de H y R tuvieron un mayor grado de incapacidad (p < 0,001). La prevalencia global de DRE fue del 10%, encontrándose un 23,3% en riesgo de desnutrición, con diferencias entre los cuatro tipos de centros sociosanitarios (p < 0,001). El análisis univariante de RL mostró diferencia significativas en la prevalencia de desnutrición según la edad, sexo, grado de dependencia, tipo de centro sociosanitario, hábitat y zona geográfica. Sin embargo, en el

  17. Desarrollo y validación de una nueva tecnología, basada en arginina al 1.5%, un compuesto de calcio insoluble y fluoruro, para el uso diario en la prevención y tratamiento de la caries dental.


    Cummins, D


    este artículo discute brevemente la prevalencia de caries, la naturaleza multifactorial de su etiología, el riesgo de caries y el papel y eficacia del fluoruro. Resalta también la investigación sobre el metabolismo bacteriano, que ha aportado conocimientos sobre la defensa natural oral contra la caries y la base para el desarrollo de una nueva tecnología para la prevención diaria y el tratamiento de la caries. Por último, se resume la evidencia que respalda que la tecnología complementa y mejora la eficacia anti-caries de la crema dental con fluoruro. los datos globales muestran que a pesar de la exitosa introducción del fluoruro, la caries dental es una enfermedad prevalente. La experiencia de caries depende del balance entre el consumo de azúcares, la higiene oral y el uso del fluoruro. Hay tres conceptos científicos que son fundamentales en las nuevas mediciones para detectar, tratar y monitorear la caries: (1) la caries dental es un proceso dinámico, (2) la caries dental es un proceso continuo de etapas que van desde reversible (pre-clínica) hasta irreversible (lesiones clínicamente detectables), y (3) el proceso de la caries es un balance de factores patológicos y protectores que pueden modularse para el manejo de la caries. El fluoruro funciona como factor protector al detener y revertir el proceso de la caries, pero el fluoruro no previene los factores patológicos que inician el proceso. Se ha identificado una tecnología novedosa, basada en arginina y un compuesto insoluble de calcio, que está dirigida a la placa dental para prevenir la iniciación del proceso de caries al reducir los factores patológicos. Como los mecanismos de acción de la arginina y el fluoruro son altamente complementarios, se ha desarrollado un nuevo dentífrico que combina la arginina y el fluoruro, y se ha probado clínicamente que brinda una prevención superior contra la caries. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. The Nursing Diagnosis of risk for pressure ulcer: content validation.


    Santos, Cássia Teixeira Dos; Almeida, Miriam de Abreu; Lucena, Amália de Fátima


    ", sendo: imobilidade, pressão, fricção, cisalhamento, umidade, sensações prejudicadas e desnutrição. Dentre os demais fatores de risco, onze foram validados como "importante": desidratação, obesidade, anemia, baixo nível de albumina, prematuridade, envelhecimento, tabagismo, edema, circulação prejudicada, diminuição da oxigenação e da perfusão tissular. O fator de risco hipertermia foi descartado. a validação de conteúdo desses componentes do diagnóstico de enfermagem corroborou a importância dos mesmos, podendo facilitar o raciocínio clínico do enfermeiro, norteando a prática clínica no cuidado preventivo à úlcera por pressão. validar el contenido del nuevo diagnóstico de enfermería denominado riesgo de úlcera por presión. se trata de una validación de contenido, con muestra compuesta por 24 enfermeros especialistas en el cuidado de la piel, procedentes de seis diferentes hospitales del Sur y Sureste brasileño. La recolección de datos se realizó por medio electrónico, con un instrumento construido por el programa SurveyMonkey, que contenía: título, definición y 19 factores de riesgo para el diagnóstico de enfermería. Los datos fueron analizados por el método de Fehring y con la estadística descriptiva. El proyecto fue aprobado en el Comité de Ética en Investigación. título, definición y siete factores de riesgo fueron validados como "muy importante"; los factores fueron: inmovilidad, presión, fricción, cizallamiento, humedad, sensaciones perjudicadas y desnutrición. Entre los demás factores de riesgo, once fueron validados como "importante": deshidratación, obesidad, anemia, bajo nivel de albumina sérica, prematuridad, envejecimiento, tabaquismo, edema, circulación perjudicada, disminución de la oxigenación y perfusión tisular. El factor de riesgo hipertermia fue descartado. la validación de contenido, de esos componentes del diagnóstico de enfermería, confirmó la importancia de los mismos, lo que puede

  19. Medición de los parámetros cosmológicos q0, ΩM, y ΩΛ, usando supernovas de Tipo Ia distantes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Clocchiatti, A.; High-Z Sne Search Team

    Las supernovas de tipo Ia son una herramienta de gran precisión para la medición de distancias de interés cosmológico. Los métodos recientes de calibración de su luminosidad intrínseca, que hacen uso de la forma de las curvas de luz en varios colores y permiten diferenciar entre supernovas distantes, intrínsecamente débiles, u oscurecidas por extinción, reducen la dispersión del método que las asume de magnitud absoluta constante de 0.50 mag a 0.15 mag, e incrementa el valor de la constante de Hubble de ~55 km s-1 Mpc-1, a 65 km s-1 Mpc-1. A partir de la calibración de las supernovas cercanas, con redshifts menores que 0.1, se pueden obtener distancias precisas a supernovas que explotan a alto redshift. Hemos aplicado estos métodos a 16 supernovas con 0.16 < Z < 0.97, encontrando que sus distancias son, en promedio, entre 10% y 13% (dependiendo del método empleado) mayores que las que uno esperaría en un universo con poca masa (Ω = 0.2), sin una constante cosmológica. Todos los métodos de ajuste de curvas de luz, y selección de subgrupos de la muestra de supernovas observadas, favorecen consistentemente modelos del universo que se expanden eternamente y que tienen una constante cosmológica positiva (ΩΛ > 0), y una aceleración de la expansión al presente (q0 < 0). Hay distintas fuentes de posibles errores sistemáticos que merecen ser analizadas, entre ellas: evolución de la metalicidad y estrellas progenitoras, extinción, bias en la elección de la muestra, amplificación por gravitational lensing, y contaminación de la muestra. Ninguno de estos efectos alcanza para reconciliar los datos con ΩΛ = 0, o q0 > 0.

  20. Detección y expresión de superantígenos y de resistencia antimicrobiana en aislamientos obtenidos de mujeres portadoras de Staphylococcus aureus que cuidan y alimentan niños.


    Guaca-González, Yina Marcela; Flórez-Restrepo, Gladys Fernanda; Moncayo-Ortíz, José Ignacio; Santacruz-Ibarra, Jorge; Álvarez-Aldana, Adalucy


    Introducción. Staphylococcus aureus coloniza mucosas y piel, y causa graves infecciones en el hombre y los animales. Es importante establecer el estatus de portadoras de cepas enterotoxigénicas de este microorganismo en manipuladoras de alimentos, con el fin de prevenir intoxicaciones alimentarias.Objetivo. Establecer las correlaciones entre los genes de enterotoxinas clásicas, el gen tsst-1, la producción de toxinas en cultivo y la resistencia antimicrobiana en aislamientos de S. aureus provenientes de manipuladoras de alimentos que cuidan niños en sus comunidades.Materiales y métodos. Se cultivaron muestras de las fosas nasales y las yemas de los dedos de las manos, y se identificó S. aureus empleando las pruebas de rutina y métodos automatizados. La extracción de ADN se hizo mediante el método de bromuro de cetil-trimetil-amonio (Cetyl-Trimethyl-Ammonium Bromide, CTAB) modificado. Para la detección de superantígenos se emplearon pruebas de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) simple y múltiple, y para la de toxinas, estuches comerciales.Resultados. Se encontró que el 22,0 % de los aislamientos correspondía a portadoras de S. aureus: 17,0 % en los aislamientos de fosas nasales; 5,0 % en los de las manos y 6,7 % simultáneamente en los dos sitios. La prevalencia de superantígenos fue de 73,7 %. El genotipo más frecuente fue el seatsst-1, con 10,0 %. La resistencia a un solo antibiótico fue de 74,7 % y, a cuatro antibióticos, de 3,2 %; de los aislamientos, el 93,7 % correspondía a cepas productoras de betalactamasas. La detección de genes clásicos y de tsst-1 mediante PCR fue de 48,4 % y la de toxinas en el sobrenadante, de 42,1 %,con una correlación de 95,7 %. Las mayores correlaciones se establecieron entre las toxinas TSST-1 (22/22) y SEA (17/18). La correlación del gen tsst-1 con la proteína y la resistencia fue de 100 %. Todos los aislamientos con el genotipo sea-tsst-1 t fueron resistentes y productores de las toxinas

  1. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Appraisal of Self-Care Agency Scale - Revised.


    Stacciarini, Thaís Santos Guerra; Pace, Ana Emilia


    to analyze the factor structure of the Appraisal of Self-Care Agency Scale-Revised (ASAS-R), adapted for Brazil. methodological study conducted with 150 individuals with diabetes mellitus cared for by the Family Health Strategy, most of whom are elderly with low educational levels. The test of the hypothesis concerning the confirmatory factor composition of the ASAS-R was performed using latent variables structural equations. the model's goodness-of-fit indexes were satisfactory (χ2 = 259.19; χ2/g.l = 2.97, p < 0.001; GFI = 0.85; RMR = 0.07; RMSEA = 0.09); the factor loads were greater than 0.40; and most item-to-factor-correlations presented moderate to strong magnitude (0.34 to 0.58); total alpha value was 0.74, while the alpha of the three factors were 0.69, 0.38 and 0.69, respectively. the scale's factor structure presented satisfactory validity and reliability results, with the exception of one factor. Application of this scale to samples of the general population is desirable in order to strengthen analyses of internal consistency and the dimensionality of the factor structure. This study is expected to contribute to further studies addressing the self-care agency construct and the development of the ASAS-R. analisar a estrutura fatorial da escala de avaliação da capacidade de autocuidado, Appraisal of Self Care Agency Scale-Revised (ASAS-R), adaptada no Brasil. estudo metodológico conduzido em 150 usuários com diabetes mellitus, maioria idosos e com baixa escolaridade, em seguimento na Estratégia Saúde da Família. O teste de hipótese da composição fatorial confirmatória da escala ASAS-R foi realizado via modelo de equações estruturais para variáveis latentes. os valores dos índices de ajuste do modelo foram satisfatórios (χ2 de 259,19; χ2/g.l de 2,97, p < 0,001; GFI = 0,85; RMR = 0,07; RMSEA = 0,09), as cargas fatoriais foram superiores a 0,40, maioria das correlações item e fator foi de moderada a forte magnitude (0,34 a 0,58) e os

  2. Remisión de aneurisma luego de exéresis de MAV con aparición de síndrome del acento extranjero

    PubMed Central

    Sosa, Fidel; Bustamante, Jorge; Rodríguez, Facundo; Argañaraz, Romina; Rubino, Pablo; Lambre, Jorge


    Resumen Introducción: Los aneurismas asociados a malformaciones arteriovenosas (MAV) son lesiones vasculares que suelen encontrarse hasta en el 15% de los casos, incrementando el riesgo global de hemorragia. La conducta frente a los aneurismas asociados es dicotómica en la literatura, mientras existen reportes de la desaparición de los mismos luego de la exéresis de la MAV, otros artículos enfatizan su tratamiento precoz. El síndrome del acento extranjero es un raro trastorno neurológico en el que el paciente habla su lengua materna como lo haría una persona extranjera y suena con “acento” extranjero a oídos de los oyentes nativos. Objetivo: Presentar un paciente que desarrolla el síndrome del acento extranjero posterior a la exéresis de una MAV y la evolución de un aneurisma asociado. Presentación de caso: Paciente pediátrico que luego de la exéresis de una MAV fronto-opercular posterior izquierda remite por completo un aneurisma de hiperflujo asociado, presentando en el postquirúrgico el síndrome del acento extranjero. Conclusión: Queda reportado el caso de este raro síndrome y la resolución espontánea de un aneurisma proximal luego de la exéresis de una MAV. PMID:28480115

  3. Sparse nonnegative matrix factorization with ℓ0-constraints

    PubMed Central

    Peharz, Robert; Pernkopf, Franz


    Although nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) favors a sparse and part-based representation of nonnegative data, there is no guarantee for this behavior. Several authors proposed NMF methods which enforce sparseness by constraining or penalizing the ℓ1-norm of the factor matrices. On the other hand, little work has been done using a more natural sparseness measure, the ℓ0-pseudo-norm. In this paper, we propose a framework for approximate NMF which constrains the ℓ0-norm of the basis matrix, or the coefficient matrix, respectively. For this purpose, techniques for unconstrained NMF can be easily incorporated, such as multiplicative update rules, or the alternating nonnegative least-squares scheme. In experiments we demonstrate the benefits of our methods, which compare to, or outperform existing approaches. PMID:22505792

  4. Asociación de la hemorragia prerretiniana con la presencia y la gravedad de la retinopatía del prematuro en pacientes de alto riesgo.


    Garza-Cantú, Daniel; Sánchez-Álvarez, Saria; Palacios-Barragán, David Ramón; Palacios-Saucedo, Gerardo Del Carmen


    To assess whether preretinal hemorrhage (PRH) is associated with the presence and severity of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in high-risk patients. Prospective cohort study, patients referred to the Department of Ophthalmology for ROP screening during October-November 2016 were evaluated weekly on 4 occasions to assess the relationship with PRH and the development of ROP as well as degree of severity associated. We used absolute, median frequencies with minimum and maximum values, χ 2 test and Mann-Whitney U-test, as well as relative risk with 95% confidence interval. A total of 30 patients, in the first week 11 females (36%) and 4 males (13%) had PRH; in the 2 nd week 13 patients (43%) presented PRH and 14 (46%) developed ROP; on the 3 rd week there were no changes; in the last week 8 presented HPR (26%) and 11 patients (36%) with ROP. Stage I severity occurred more frequently. Statistical significance (p = 0.040) was found in the presence of PRH and the development of ROP in the first week with. HPR is a risk factor for the development of ROP during the first weeks of life and is associated with stages of mild severity. Copyright: © 2017 SecretarÍa de Salud

  5. El contexto de la familia y el vecindario en la salud de los ancianos del estudio EPESE hispano

    PubMed Central

    Reyes-Ortiz, Carlos A.; Camacho, María E.; Eschbach, Karl; Markides, Kyriakos S.


    RESUMEN En este artículo se discute el papel de la familia y el vecindario en la salud de los ancianos méjico-americanos del estudio EPESE (Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly) hispano. La paradoja epidemiológica consiste en que, a pesar de estar en desventaja socioeconómica, los ancianos hispanos tienen mortalidad relativamente menor que los ancianos de raza blanca. Esto es especialmente cierto cuando el anciano vive en los vecindarios donde hay un porcentaje alto de méjico-americanos. La familia también juega un papel importante en estos ancianos al disminuir el riesgo de institucionalización o de morbilidad. Asimismo, el estrés originado en problemas económicos o al depender económicamente de la familia, habiendo inmigrado en edades tardías, puede sobrepasar la capacidad de amortiguamiento del estrés y afectar la salud del anciano méjico-americano. PMID:25190897

  6. Factors influencing the missed nursing care in patients from a private hospital.


    Hernández-Cruz, Raúl; Moreno-Monsiváis, María Guadalupe; Cheverría-Rivera, Sofía; Díaz-Oviedo, Aracely


    to determine the factors that influence the missed nursing care in hospitalized patients. descriptive correlational study developed at a private hospital in Mexico. To identify the missed nursing care and related factors, the MISSCARE survey was used, which measures the care missed and associated factors. The care missed and the factors were grouped in global and dimension rates. For the analysis, descriptive statistics, Spearman's correlation and simple linear regression were used. Approval for the study was obtained from the ethics committee. the participants were 71 nurses from emergency, intensive care and inpatient services. The global missed care index corresponded to M=7.45 (SD=10.74); the highest missed care index was found in the dimension basic care interventions (M=13.02, SD=17.60). The main factor contributing to the care missed was human resources (M=56.13, SD=21.38). The factors related to the care missed were human resources (rs=0.408, p<0.001) and communication (rs=0.418, p<0.001). the nursing care missed is mainly due to the human resource factor; these study findings will permit the strengthening of nursing care continuity. determinar os fatores que influenciam o cuidado de enfermagem omitido em pacientes hospitalizados. estudo descritivo correlacional, desenvolvido em um hospital particular do México. Para identificar o cuidado omitido e fatores relacionados, utilizou-se o instrumento MISSCARE, que mede o cuidado omitido e os fatores associados. O cuidado omitido e os fatores foram agrupados em índices globais e por dimensões. Para fins de análise, foi utilizada estatística descritiva, correlação de Spearman e regressão linear simples. O estudo recebeu aprovação de comité de ética. participaram 71 enfermeiras dos serviços de urgências, terapia intensiva e hospitalização. O índice global de cuidado omitido mostrou um coeficiente M=7,45 (DE=10,74); o índice com maior cuidado omitido correspondeu à dimensão de intervenções de

  7. Presentación del estudio "Links" de hombres que tienes sexo con hombres en Buenos Aires, Argentina.


    Carballo-Diéguez, Alex; Avila, María M; Balán, Iván C; Marone, Rubén; Pando, María A; Barreda, Victoria


    Estudios previos en Buenos Aires reportaron altas prevalencias de HIV entre HSH, con valores que oscilan entre 9 y 14% durante casi 10 años de continuo testeo. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue la evaluación de factores relacionados al comportamiento de alto riesgo para transmisión del HIV entre HSH entre los que se incluyen el conocimiento y factores emocionales, socioculturales y ambientales. Por otro lado se realizó la estimación de prevalencia e incidencia de HIV utilizando RDS (Respondent Driven Sampling), así como la presencia de otras infecciones de transmisión sexual. Por último se evaluaron los hábitos de testeo para HIV indagando que factores facilitan o impiden su realización. El estudio constó de dos fases, en primer lugar una fase cualitativa y posteriormente una fase cuantitativa con una duración total de 4 años y medio. Durante la fase cualitativa se realizaron 44 entrevistas individuales en profundidad, 8 grupos focales y 10 observaciones etnográficas (hoteles, baños públicos ("teteras"), cines pornográficos, fiestas privadas, dark rooms y discotecas). Durante la fase cuantitativa del estudio se realizó el reclutamiento de 500 participantes que provinieron de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, así como del Gran Buenos Aires. El reclutamiento se comenzó con 16 participantes llamados semillas. Se realizó el diagnóstico de infección por HIV, hepatitis B y C (HBV y HCV), Treponema pallidum, Virus Papiloma Humano (HPV) y Chlamidias. La colaboración establecida entre los grupos de trabajo enfocados en áreas diversas posibilitó el abordaje conjunto de nuevas estrategias de investigación antes no exploradas en nuestro país. Los resultados más relevantes de esta investigación serán progresivamente publicados en sucesivos números de Actualizaciones en SIDA.

  8. Physical activity and overweight among adolescents on the Texas-Mexico border

    PubMed Central

    Pérez, Adriana; Reininger, Belinda M.; Flores, Maria Isabel Aguirre; Sanderson, Maureen; Roberts, Robert E.


    ] = 0,87; IC95% = 0,77 a 0,98) que participaron en deportes en equipo tuvieron una menor probabilidad de estar en riesgo de tener sobrepeso. No se encontraron asociaciones entre ningunas de las demás categorías de actividad física por un lado, y estar en riesgo de sufrir sobrepeso o tener sobrepeso por el otro, ni en estudiantes de Matamoros ni en los del VRB. Conclusiones: Casi una tercera parte de los estudiantes tanto en Matamoros como en el VRB está en riesgo de tener sobrepeso o tiene sobrepeso. La puesta en práctica de intervenciones para fomentar hábitos alimentarios sanos y la participación en clases de educación física y en deportes en equipo es una medida esencial para reducir la prevalencia extremadamente alta de sobrepeso observada en estudiantes a ambos lados de la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos. PMID:16723065

  9. Análisis de los determinantes socioeconómicos del gasto de bolsillo en medicamentos en seis zonas geográficas de Panamá.


    Herrera-Ballesteros, Victor H; Castro, Franz; Gómez, Beatriz


    Caracterizar el gasto de bolsillo privado en medicamentos en función de los determinantes sociodemográficos y socioeconómicos. MATERIALES Y MéTODOS: La fuente de datos es la Encuesta de Gasto de Bolsillo en Medicamentos de 2014. Se caracterizó el gasto de bolsillo privado mediante variables explicativas sociodemográficas (SOD) y socioeconómicas (SES). Se hizo análisis factorial por componentes principales, regresión logística y lineal simple. Los Odds Ratio demuestran que la educación y la zona geográfica son determinantes fundamentales que inciden en el gasto de bolsillo. Los medicamentos son productos necesarios, en adición a que el gasto de bolsillo aumenta a un promedio del 2% por cada año de vida cronológica adicional. Existe mayor vulnerabilidad en las zonas más pauperizadas respecto del acceso a medicamentos, en especial en las indígenas e implica un mayor riesgo de gasto catastrófico a menor ingreso ante la mayor prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  10. Second-Generation central venous catheter in the prevention of bloodstream infection: a systematic review.


    Stocco, Janislei Gislei Dorociaki; Hoers, Hellen; Pott, Franciele Soares; Crozeta, Karla; Barbosa, Dulce Aparecida; Meier, Marineli Joaquim


    corriente sanguínea, relacionada al catéter, no hubo significación estadística entre catéter de segunda generación impregnado en comparación a los no impregnados, riesgo relativo absoluto 1,5%, intervalo de confianza 95% (3%-1%), riesgo relativo 0,68 (intervalo de confianza 95%, 0,40-1,15) y número necesario para tratar 66. En el análisis de sensibilidad, hubo disminución de la infección de la corriente sanguínea en los catéteres impregnados (riesgo relativo 0,50, intervalo de confianza 95%, 0,26-0,96). Reducción de la colonización, riesgo relativo absoluto de 9,6% (intervalo de confianza 95%, 10% a 4%), riesgo relativo 0,51 (intervalo de confianza 95% de 0,38-0,85) y número necesario para tratar 5. el uso de los catéteres de segunda generación fue efectivo en la reducción de la colonización del catéter y de infección cuando realizado análisis de sensibilidad. Se sugirieron ensayos clínicos futuros que evalúen tasas de sepsis, mortalidad y efectos adversos. avaliar a efetividade e segurança do uso de cateteres venosos centrais de segunda geração, impregnados em clorexidina e sulfadiazina de prata, comparados com outros cateteres impregnados ou não, na prevenção de infecção de corrente sanguínea. revisão sistemática com metanálise. Busca realizada nas bases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, LILACS/SciELO, Cochrane CENTRAL; consulta em anais de congresso e registro de ensaios clínicos. foram identificados 1.235 estudos, 97 pré-selecionados e quatro incluídos. Na infecção de corrente sanguínea, relacionada ao cateter, não houve significância estatística entre cateter de segunda geração impregnado em comparação aos não impregnados risco relativo absoluto 1,5%, intervalo de confiança 95% (3%-1%), risco relativo 0,68 (intervalo de confiança 95%, 0,40-1,15) e número necessário para tratar 66. Na análise de sensibilidade, houve diminuição da infecção de corrente sanguínea nos cateteres impregnados (risco relativo 0,50, intervalo

  11. Presentación del estudio “Links” de hombres que tienes sexo con hombres en Buenos Aires, Argentina

    PubMed Central

    Carballo-Diéguez, Alex; Ávila, María M; Balán, Iván C.; Marone, Rubén; Pando, María A.; Barreda, Victoria


    Resumen Estudios previos en Buenos Aires reportaron altas prevalencias de HIV entre HSH, con valores que oscilan entre 9 y 14% durante casi 10 años de continuo testeo. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue la evaluación de factores relacionados al comportamiento de alto riesgo para transmisión del HIV entre HSH entre los que se incluyen el conocimiento y factores emocionales, socioculturales y ambientales. Por otro lado se realizó la estimación de prevalencia e incidencia de HIV utilizando RDS (Respondent Driven Sampling), así como la presencia de otras infecciones de transmisión sexual. Por último se evaluaron los hábitos de testeo para HIV indagando que factores facilitan o impiden su realización. El estudio constó de dos fases, en primer lugar una fase cualitativa y posteriormente una fase cuantitativa con una duración total de 4 años y medio. Durante la fase cualitativa se realizaron 44 entrevistas individuales en profundidad, 8 grupos focales y 10 observaciones etnográficas (hoteles, baños públicos (“teteras”), cines pornográficos, fiestas privadas, dark rooms y discotecas). Durante la fase cuantitativa del estudio se realizó el reclutamiento de 500 participantes que provinieron de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, así como del Gran Buenos Aires. El reclutamiento se comenzó con 16 participantes llamados semillas. Se realizó el diagnóstico de infección por HIV, hepatitis B y C (HBV y HCV), Treponema pallidum, Virus Papiloma Humano (HPV) y Chlamidias. La colaboración establecida entre los grupos de trabajo enfocados en áreas diversas posibilitó el abordaje conjunto de nuevas estrategias de investigación antes no exploradas en nuestro país. Los resultados más relevantes de esta investigación serán progresivamente publicados en sucesivos números de Actualizaciones en SIDA. PMID:25264397

  12. [Not Available].


    Pérez-Flores, Juan Emmanuel; Chávez-Tostado, Mariana; Larios-Del-Toro, Youné Elizabeth; García-Rentería, Jesús; Rendrón-Félix, Jorge; Salazar-Parra, Marcela; Irusteta-Jiménez, Leire; Michel-Espinoza, Luis Rodrigo; Márquez-Valdez, Aída Rebeca; Cuesta-Márquez, Lisbeth; Álvarez-Villaseñor, Andrea Socorro; Fuentes-Orozco, Clotilde; González Ojeda, Alejandro


    Introducción: la desnutrición intrahospitalaria se ha descrito hace más de 70 años como un problema frecuente. En México se reportan cifras de entre el 20% al 50%; sin embargo no se ha estudiado su prevalencia ni su asociación con la morbilidad y mortalidad hospitalaria.Objetivos: evaluar el estado nutricional y su relación con la morbimortalidad hospitalaria en pacientes mexicanos.Métodos: cohorte prospectiva de pacientes que ingresaron en un hospital de referencia para una estancia hospitalaria mayor de 5 días. Se capturó peso, talla, índice de masa corporal (IMC), estado nutricional de acuerdo con la valoración global subjetiva (VGS) a su ingreso y egreso hospitalario, así como diagnóstico médico, complicaciones y mortalidad. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la prueba T de Student, prueba Chi-cuadrado y prueba Exacta de Fisher.Resultados: se incluyeron 610 pacientes en total, con un promedio de edad de 50,8 ± 17,32 años, 267 mujeres (43,8%) y 343 hombres (56,2%). Del total, 154 fueron catalogados con sospecha de desnutrición o desnutrición (pacientes expuestos, 25,2%) y 456 bien nutridos (pacientes no expuestos, 74,8%), con una relación de 1 a 3. La morbilidad total de la cohorte tuvo un RR = 2,70, IC 95 % (2,06-3,55) y la mortalidad con un RR = 2,64, IC 95% (1,74-4,0), siendo ambas estadísticamente significativas (p = 0,001).Conclusiones: el diagnóstico de desnutrición al ingreso hospitalario constituye un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de complicaciones y mortalidad. Este padecimiento al ingreso en comparación con el paciente que no presenta desnutrición incrementó el riesgo de mortalidad hasta en 2.64 veces.

  13. Sexual violence as a limiting factor on the perception and management of the risk of HIV in women married to migrants.


    Flores, Yesica Yolanda Rangel


    não são decisivas na gestão da ameaça a qual estão expostas. Por isso, torna-se urgente que a enfermagem problematize a violência sexual nos "relacionamentos estáveis", como um desafio para a promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis. analizar la influencia que la violencia sexual tiene en la percepción y gestión del riesgo frente al VIH en mujeres parejas de migrantes. estudio con enfoque etnográfico, en comunidades urbanas y rurales. Los datos fueron obtenidos por triangulación de métodos, observación participante y no participante, así como entrevistas. Las informantes fueron 21 mujeres parejas de migrantes internacionales. Las entrevistas se transcribieron y se aplicó sobre ellas análisis de discurso. de los discursos emergieron tres categorías para problematizar la influencia de la violencia sexual en la percepción y la gestión del riesgo frente al VIH: "Caracterización de las prácticas sexuales en el marco de la migración", "Experiencias de violencia sexual" y "Construcción del riesgo de VIH-sida". las mujeres tienen dificultad para reconocer los actos de violencia sexual en sus cotidianeidades y sus percepciones respecto al riesgo no son determinantes en la gestión que respecto a la amenaza asumen. Resulta urgente que enfermería problematice la violencia sexual al interior de las "parejas estables", como desafío en la promoción de estilos de vida saludables.


    PubMed Central

    Yunta, Eduardo Rodríguez


    En la investigación con animales existen cuestionamientos éticos tanto en el uso como modelos de enfermedades humanas y requisito previo para ensayos en humanos como en la introducción de modificaciones genéticas. Algunos de estos cuestionamientos son: no representar exactamente la condición humana como modelos, realizar pruebas de toxicidad con grave daño para los animales, alterar su naturaleza mediante modificaciones genéticas, riesgos de la introducción de organismos genéticamente modificados. El uso de animales en investigación para beneficio humano, impone al ser humano la responsabilidad moral de respetarlo, no haciéndoles sufrir innecesariamente, al estar trabajando con seres vivientes y sentientes. PMID:23338641

  15. Calculated hydroxyl A2 sigma --> X2 pi (0, 0) band emission rate factors applicable to atmospheric spectroscopy

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Cageao, R. P.; Ha, Y. L.; Jiang, Y.; Morgan, M. F.; Yung, Y. L.; Sander, S. P.


    A calculation of the A2 sigma --> X2 pi (0, 0) band emission rate factors and line center absorption cross sections of OH applicable to its measurement using solar resonant fluorescence in the terrestrial atmosphere is presented in this paper. The most accurate available line parameters have been used. Special consideration has been given to the solar input flux because of its highly structured Fraunhofer spectrum. The calculation for the OH atmospheric emission rate factor in the solar resonant fluorescent case is described in detail with examples and intermediate results. Results of this calculation of OH emission rate factors for individual rotational lines are on average 30% lower than the values obtained in an earlier work.

  16. Resultados del relevamiento de HI en el Cielo Austral: 3. Relevamiento de Nubes de Alta Velocidad

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morras, R.; Bajaja, E.; Arnal, E. M.; Pöppel, W. G. L.

    Los resultados del relevamiento de HI del Hemisferio Austral fueron reprocesados con el fin de incrementar su sensibilidad. Así, se utilizó esta nueva base de datos con el fin de obtener un nuevo relevamiento de Nubes de Alta Velocidad en el cielo austral. El ruido r.m.s. alcanzado es de 0.015-0.020 K, con una resolución espectral de 8 km/seg. El cubrimiento espacial del relevamiento mejora en un factor 16 al realizado por Bajaja et al (1985).

  17. Interaction of SO2 with Cu/TiC(0 0 1) and Au/TiC(0 0 1): Toward a New Family of DeSOx Catalysts

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    L Feria; J Rodriguez; T Jirsak


    Experiments carried out under well-controlled conditions and density functional theory (DFT)-based calculations evidence that Cu and Au nanoparticles supported on a TiC(0 0 1) surface are quite active for the dissociation of the SO{sub 2} molecule. The Cu/TiC(0 0 1) and Au/TiC(0 0 1) systems cleave both S-O bonds of SO{sub 2} at a temperature of 150 K, displaying a reactivity much larger than that of TiC(0 0 1) or extended surfaces of bulk copper and gold. The origin of the high activity of the Cu/TiC(0 0 1) and Au/TiC(0 0 1) systems lies on the interaction between the Cmore » atoms of the substrate and the metal atoms of the supported particle, which results in a large polarization of its electron density. Experiments and theory consistently indicate that the Cu/TiC system is more active toward SO{sub 2} dissociation than the Au/TiC system. This type of systems may provide alternative and efficient DeSO{sub x} catalysts.« less

  18. D0-D¯0 mixing parameter y in the factorization-assisted topological-amplitude approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jiang, Hua-Yu; Yu, Fu-Sheng; Qin, Qin; Li, Hsiang-nan; Lü, Cai-Dian


    We calculate the {{{D}}}0{-}{\\overline{{{D}}}}0 mixing parameter y in the factorization-assisted topological-amplitude (FAT) approach, considering contributions from {{{D}}}0\\to {PP}, PV, and VV modes, where P (V) stands for a pseudoscalar (vector) meson. The {{{D}}}0\\to {PP} and PV decay amplitudes are extracted in the FAT approach, and the {{{D}}}0\\to {VV} decay amplitudes with final states in the longitudinal polarization are estimated via the parameter set for {{{D}}}0\\to {PV}. It is found that the VV contribution to y, being of order of 10‑4, is negligible, and that the PP and PV contributions amount only up to {y}{{PP+PV}}=(0.21+/- 0.07) % , a prediction more precise than those previously obtained in the literature, and much lower than the experimental data {y}{{\\exp }}=(0.61+/- 0.08) % . We conclude that D0 meson decays into other two-body and multi-particle final states are relevant to the evaluation of y, so it is difficult to understand it fully in an exclusive approach. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11347027, 11505083, 11375208, 11521505, 1162113100, 11235005, U1732101), Ministry of Science and Technology of R.O.C. (MOST-104-2112-M-001-037-MY3) and DFG Forschergruppe FOR 1873 “Quark Flavour Physics and Effective Field Theories”

  19. Reflexión bioética sobre el uso de organismos genéticamente modificados

    PubMed Central

    Yunta, Eduardo Rodríguez


    El presente artículo reflexiona desde los 4 principios de la bioética el uso comercial de organismos genéticamente modificados. Se cuestiona fundamentalmente la falta de transferencia de tecnología entre el mundo desarrollado y en desarrollo y el que el presente sistema de patentamiento de organismos vivos modificados fomenta intereses comerciales y no da debida importancia al desarrollo sostenible de la agricultura y ganadería en los países en desarrollo, donde más se necesita. Se reflexiona sobre la importancia que tiene evaluar los riesgos antes de introducirse en el mercado organismos genéticamente modificados y la necesidad de regulación en los países. PMID:21927675

  20. [Assessment of surveys of adolescents about smoking and the use of alcohol and cannabis in Spain].


    Villalbí, Joan R; Suelves, Josep M; Saltó, Esteve; Cabezas, Carmen


    Monitoring health-related behaviors in adolescence requires instruments capable of providing valid data The objective of this paper is to review and assess existing information sources on smoking and alcohol and cannabis use by age and sex among adolescents in Spain. A search was carried out for studies with repeated observations over time, and their methods and characteristics reviewed. For each study, the number of surveys, their frequency and their sample size are assessed, as well as the instrument used, the available indicators, and the availability, accessibility and comparability of the information. Five sources of information providing data over extended periods of time with accessible data are identified: the National survey on drug use in secondary-school children (Encuesta estatal sobre uso de drogas en estudiantes de secundaria; ESTUDES); the Health behavior in school-aged children study (ECERSHBSC); the Monitoring system for risk factors associated with non-transmissible diseases in young people (Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo Asociados a Enfermedades No Transmisibles dirigido a poblacion juvenil; SIVFRENT-J); the Study of risk factors in secondary school children (Estudio de factores de riesgo en estudiantes de secundaria; FRESC); and the Monitoring study of health behaviors in adolescents (Estudio de monitorizacion de las conductas de salud de los adolescents; EMCSAT). Two of the surveys cover the whole of Spain, one is regional, and two are city-specific. All use solid methods and representative sampling techniques. In some, changes have occurred that make comparison of the evolution of some indicators difficult. Report accessibility is variable; comparability is limited for some surveys. Some provide almost no stratified data. There are valuable sources of data, but all have shortcomings. Changing the measurement instrument in a survey for comparison with others raises dilemmas as to the internal comparability of series.

  1. [Changes in smoking prevalence among adolescents in Spain].


    Villalbí, Joan R; Suelves, Josep M; García-Continente, Xavier; Saltó, Esteve; Ariza, Carles; Cabezas, Carmen


    To analyse information on adolescent use of tobacco in Spain from different school surveys. Data on daily smoking prevalence by sex at the end of compulsory education is extracted and figures are compared, analysing trends. The five representative studies on adolescents in Spain are reviewed: The National Survey on Drug Use in Secondary School Children (Encuesta estatal sobre uso de drogas en estudiantes de secundaria (ESTUDES); Survey of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC-ECERS); Surveillance System of Risk Factors Associated With Non-Transmittable diseases in the Young Population (Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo Asociados a Enfermedades No Transmisibles dirigido a población Juvenil)(SIVFRENT-J); Study of Risk Factors in Secondary School Children (Estudio de factores de riesgo en estudiantes de secundaria) (FRESC); Surveillance Study of Health Behaviour in Adolescents (Estudio de Monitorización de las Conductas de Salud de los Adolescentes) (EMCSAT). The prevalence of daily smokers varies among studies, in boys from 8.5 to 13.3% and in girls from 12.7 to 16.4%. Although some series show variations, the trend from 1993 to 2008 is downwards. With data from recent years, weighted annual declines in smoking prevalence in adolescence can be estimated to be 6.47% for boys and 6.96% for girls. There is a decreasing pattern in adolescent daily smoking prevalence in Spain from the different existing studies, which provide consistent data, although surveillance must be kept due to fluctuations. This is in agreement with tobacco sales statistics and health surveys in the adult population. However, the pace of change should be more rapid and constant. © 2010 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  2. Factor information retrieval system version 2. 0 (fire) (for microcomputers). Software

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available

    FIRE Version 2.0 contains EPA's unique recommended criteria and toxic air emission estimation factors. FIRE consists of: (1) an EPA internal repository system that contains emission factor data identified and collected, and (2) an external distribution system that contains only EPA's recommended factors. The emission factors, compiled from a review of the literature, are identified by pollutant name, CAS number, process and emission source descriptions, SIC code, SCC, and control status. The factors are rated for quality using AP-42 rating criteria.

  3. Estudio epidemiológico de sucesos traumáticos, trastorno de estrés post-traumático y otros trastornos psiquiátricos en una muestra representativa de Chile

    PubMed Central

    Pérez Benítez, Carlos I.; Vicente, Benjamin; Zlotnick, Caron; Kohn, Robert; Johnson, Jennifer; Valdivia, Sandra; Rioseco, Pedro


    RESUMEN Durante la década de 1990 en los Estados Unidos (EU), el conocimiento sobre el trastorno de estrés post-traumático (TEPT) evolucionó de estudios específicos en un principio, sobre veteranos de guerra y sobre víctimas de desastres, a estudios epidemiológicos más tarde, sin embargo, la epidemiología del TEPT en países en desarrollo ha sido un área poco estudiada hasta ahora. Los expertos en el área de trauma han propuesto que los sucesos traumáticos que ocurren en la niñez son más perjudiciales para la salud mental que aquellos que ocurren más tarde en la vida. Este trabajo revisa los resultados de un estudio epidemiológico llevado a cabo en Chile. Específicamente, se revisan los resultados sobre las tasas de prevalencia del TEPT, traumas asociados más frecuentemente con él, así como la comorbilidad de este trastorno con otros trastornos psiquiátricos a lo largo de la vida. Igualmente se analizaron las diferencias del TEPT en cada sexo, así como la exposición a traumas en una muestra representativa de chilenos. Además se comparó la prevalencia de trastornos psiquiátricos en personas que sufrieron su primer trauma durante la niñez, durante la edad adulta, o que no reportaron traumas durante su vida. En estos estudios epidemiológicos se usaron módulos del TEPT y trastorno de personalidad antisocial (TPA) de la entrevista diagnóstica siguiendo los criterios del DSM-III-R (DIS–III-R). Para evaluar el resto de los trastornos psiquiátricos se usó la Entrevista Diagnóstica Internacional Compuesta (CIDI). Estos instrumentos fueron administrados en tres ciudades chilenas a 2390 personas mayores de 15 años. Para estimar los errores estándares (EE) debido al diseño de la muestra y a la necesidad de ajuste se usó el método Taylor de linearización seriada. También se usó un análisis de regresión logística para examinar la relación entre el TEPT, los factores demográficos de riesgo y el tipo de trauma. Además se utilizó la

  4. Vitamina D y riesgo de preeclampsia: revisión sistemática y metaanálisis.


    Serrano-Díaz, Norma Cecilia; Gamboa-Delgado, Edna Magaly; Domínguez-Urrego, Clara Lucía; Vesga-Varela, Andrea Liliana; Serrano-Gómez, Sergio Eduardo; Quintero-Lesmes, Doris Cristina


    Introducción. Cada vez son más los hallazgos sobre la relación entre las concentraciones de vitamina D en el ser humano y diversas condiciones clínicas. Hay una gran cantidad de estudios que informan sobre dicha asociación, especialmente con complicaciones obstétricas, incluidas la preeclampsia y la diabetes mellitus de la gestación, entre otras, pero sus resultados todavía no son definitivos, por lo que se requieren estudios de intervención de calidad que confirmen la relación de la vitamina D con dichos resultados.Objetivo. Revisar la información plasmada en estudios en torno al papel de la vitamina D materna y el desarrollo de la preeclampsia.Materiales y métodos. La metodología usada siguió las recomendaciones de la guía Cochrane para la elaboración de revisiones sistemáticas y de la guía del grupo Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) para los metaanálisis. La búsqueda incluyó estudios observacionales y ensayos clínicos controlados.Resultados. Los niveles bajos de vitamina D, medida con el examen de 25-hidroxivitamina D, son comunes en el embarazo. Los resultados de esta revisión sistemática y del metaanálisis sugieren una asociación inversa entre los niveles de vitamina D y el desarrollo de preeclampsia. Hubo heterogeneidad en los estudios en cuanto a su diseño, población y ubicación geográfica, así como a las definiciones de exposición y resultado. Los ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorizados se excluyeron del metaanálisis.Conclusión. Se encontró una asociación inversa que sugiere que, a mayores concentraciones de vitamina D, menor es la probabilidad de desarrollar preclampsia, a pesar de la heterogeneidad de la medida global en este tipo de análisis.

  5. Measurement of the B0 -> pilnu form-factor shape and branching fraction, and determination of |Vub| with a loose neutrino reconstruction technique; Mesure du rapport d'embranchement et du facteur deforme de la desintegration B0 to pilnu, et determination de |Vub| avec unetechnique de reconstruction relachee du neutrino (in French)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cote, David


    The authors report the results of a study of the exclusive charmless semileptonic decay, B 0 → π -ℓ +v, undertaken with approximately 227 million Bmore » $$\\bar{B}$$ pairs collected at the Y(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector. The analysis uses events in which the signal B decays are reconstructed with an innovative loose neutrino reconstruction technique. They obtain partial branching fractions in 12 bins of q 2, the momentum transfer squared, from which they extract the f +(q 2) form-factor shape and the total branching fraction β(B 0 → π -ℓ +v) = (1.46 ± 0.07 stat ± 0.08 syst) x 10 -4. Based on a recent unquenched lattice QCD calculation of the form factor in the range q 2 > 16 GeV 2/c 4, they find the magnitude of the CKM matrix element |V ub| to be (4.1 ± 0.2 stat ± 0.2 syst$$+0.6\\atop{-0.4}$$FF}) x 10 -3, where the last uncertainty is due to the normalization of the form factor.« less

  6. Uso Del Condón en Adolescentes Nahuas, un Modelo Explicativo.


    Tirado, María de Los Ángeles Meneses; Benavides-Torres, Raquel A; Navarro, Sergio Meneses; de la Colina, Juan Antonio Doncel; Rodríguez, Dora Julia Onofre; Hernández, Francisco Javier Baéz


    En México, la población indígena supera los siete millones de habitantes, en Puebla el grupo más representativo es el Náhuatl. Sin embargo, las condiciones de vida, salud, educación y transporte son precarias para esta población. En los adolescentes, las responsabilidades como el matrimonio, la familia y los compromisos ante la comunidad, favorecen conductas de riesgo sexual que dificultan su desarrollo económico, social y reproductivo. El objetivo fue proponer un modelo explicativo del uso del condón en adolescentes nahuas. Método. Bajo el marco de la teoría social cognitiva, el concepto de valores culturales de Leininger y el proceso de la sustracción teórica, se desarrolló este artículo. Se muestran las relaciones del modelo con las proposiciones y los factores que influyen en el uso del condón para este grupo específico. Finalmente, el modelo explica las variables de interés, los niveles de abstracción y las relaciones entre sí en el contexto náhuatl. El siguiente paso será implementar los indicadores empíricos para conocer el grado de influencia de los factores personales y ambientales hacia el uso del condón en adolescentes nahuas. Resultados que aportarán información para el desarrollo del conocimiento en enfermería y la reducción de riesgo sexual de esta población.

  7. Measurement of Form-Factor-Independent Observables in the Decay B0→K*0μ+μ-

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aaij, R.; Adeva, B.; Adinolfi, M.; Adrover, C.; Affolder, A.; Ajaltouni, Z.; Albrecht, J.; Alessio, F.; Alexander, M.; Ali, S.; Alkhazov, G.; Alvarez Cartelle, P.; Alves, A. A., Jr.; Amato, S.; Amerio, S.; Amhis, Y.; Anderlini, L.; Anderson, J.; Andreassen, R.; Andrews, J. E.; Appleby, R. B.; Aquines Gutierrez, O.; Archilli, F.; Artamonov, A.; Artuso, M.; Aslanides, E.; Auriemma, G.; Baalouch, M.; Bachmann, S.; Back, J. J.; Baesso, C.; Balagura, V.; Baldini, W.; Barlow, R. J.; Barschel, C.; Barsuk, S.; Barter, W.; Bauer, Th.; Bay, A.; Beddow, J.; Bedeschi, F.; Bediaga, I.; Belogurov, S.; Belous, K.; Belyaev, I.; Ben-Haim, E.; Bencivenni, G.; Benson, S.; Benton, J.; Berezhnoy, A.; Bernet, R.; Bettler, M.-O.; van Beuzekom, M.; Bien, A.; Bifani, S.; Bird, T.; Bizzeti, A.; Bjørnstad, P. M.; Blake, T.; Blanc, F.; Blouw, J.; Blusk, S.; Bocci, V.; Bondar, A.; Bondar, N.; Bonivento, W.; Borghi, S.; Borgia, A.; Bowcock, T. J. V.; Bowen, E.; Bozzi, C.; Brambach, T.; van den Brand, J.; Bressieux, J.; Brett, D.; Britsch, M.; Britton, T.; Brook, N. H.; Brown, H.; Burducea, I.; Bursche, A.; Busetto, G.; Buytaert, J.; Cadeddu, S.; Callot, O.; Calvi, M.; Calvo Gomez, M.; Camboni, A.; Campana, P.; Campora Perez, D.; Carbone, A.; Carboni, G.; Cardinale, R.; Cardini, A.; Carranza-Mejia, H.; Carson, L.; Carvalho Akiba, K.; Casse, G.; Castillo Garcia, L.; Cattaneo, M.; Cauet, Ch.; Cenci, R.; Charles, M.; Charpentier, Ph.; Chen, P.; Chiapolini, N.; Chrzaszcz, M.; Ciba, K.; Cid Vidal, X.; Ciezarek, G.; Clarke, P. E. L.; Clemencic, M.; Cliff, H. V.; Closier, J.; Coca, C.; Coco, V.; Cogan, J.; Cogneras, E.; Collins, P.; Comerma-Montells, A.; Contu, A.; Cook, A.; Coombes, M.; Coquereau, S.; Corti, G.; Couturier, B.; Cowan, G. A.; Craik, D. C.; Cunliffe, S.; Currie, R.; D'Ambrosio, C.; David, P.; David, P. N. Y.; Davis, A.; De Bonis, I.; De Bruyn, K.; De Capua, S.; De Cian, M.; De Miranda, J. M.; De Paula, L.; De Silva, W.; De Simone, P.; Decamp, D.; Deckenhoff, M.; Del Buono, L.; Déléage, N.; Derkach, D.; Deschamps, O.; Dettori, F.; Di Canto, A.; Dijkstra, H.; Dogaru, M.; Donleavy, S.; Dordei, F.; Dosil Suárez, A.; Dossett, D.; Dovbnya, A.; Dupertuis, F.; Durante, P.; Dzhelyadin, R.; Dziurda, A.; Dzyuba, A.; Easo, S.; Egede, U.; Egorychev, V.; Eidelman, S.; van Eijk, D.; Eisenhardt, S.; Eitschberger, U.; Ekelhof, R.; Eklund, L.; El Rifai, I.; Elsasser, Ch.; Falabella, A.; Färber, C.; Fardell, G.; Farinelli, C.; Farry, S.; Ferguson, D.; Fernandez Albor, V.; Ferreira Rodrigues, F.; Ferro-Luzzi, M.; Filippov, S.; Fiore, M.; Fitzpatrick, C.; Fontana, M.; Fontanelli, F.; Forty, R.; Francisco, O.; Frank, M.; Frei, C.; Frosini, M.; Furcas, S.; Furfaro, E.; Gallas Torreira, A.; Galli, D.; Gandelman, M.; Gandini, P.; Gao, Y.; Garofoli, J.; Garosi, P.; Garra Tico, J.; Garrido, L.; Gaspar, C.; Gauld, R.; Gersabeck, E.; Gersabeck, M.; Gershon, T.; Ghez, Ph.; Gibson, V.; Giubega, L.; Gligorov, V. V.; Göbel, C.; Golubkov, D.; Golutvin, A.; Gomes, A.; Gorbounov, P.; Gordon, H.; Gotti, C.; Grabalosa Gándara, M.; Graciani Diaz, R.; Granado Cardoso, L. A.; Graugés, E.; Graziani, G.; Grecu, A.; Greening, E.; Gregson, S.; Griffith, P.; Grünberg, O.; Gui, B.; Gushchin, E.; Guz, Yu.; Gys, T.; Hadjivasiliou, C.; Haefeli, G.; Haen, C.; Haines, S. C.; Hall, S.; Hamilton, B.; Hampson, T.; Hansmann-Menzemer, S.; Harnew, N.; Harnew, S. T.; Harrison, J.; Hartmann, T.; He, J.; Head, T.; Heijne, V.; Hennessy, K.; Henrard, P.; Hernando Morata, J. A.; van Herwijnen, E.; Hess, M.; Hicheur, A.; Hicks, E.; Hill, D.; Hoballah, M.; Hombach, C.; Hopchev, P.; Hulsbergen, W.; Hunt, P.; Huse, T.; Hussain, N.; Hutchcroft, D.; Hynds, D.; Iakovenko, V.; Idzik, M.; Ilten, P.; Jacobsson, R.; Jaeger, A.; Jans, E.; Jaton, P.; Jawahery, A.; Jing, F.; John, M.; Johnson, D.; Jones, C. R.; Joram, C.; Jost, B.; Kaballo, M.; Kandybei, S.; Kanso, W.; Karacson, M.; Karbach, T. M.; Kenyon, I. R.; Ketel, T.; Keune, A.; Khanji, B.; Kochebina, O.; Komarov, I.; Koopman, R. F.; Koppenburg, P.; Korolev, M.; Kozlinskiy, A.; Kravchuk, L.; Kreplin, K.; Kreps, M.; Krocker, G.; Krokovny, P.; Kruse, F.; Kucharczyk, M.; Kudryavtsev, V.; Kurek, K.; Kvaratskheliya, T.; La Thi, V. N.; Lacarrere, D.; Lafferty, G.; Lai, A.; Lambert, D.; Lambert, R. W.; Lanciotti, E.; Lanfranchi, G.; Langenbruch, C.; Latham, T.; Lazzeroni, C.; Le Gac, R.; van Leerdam, J.; Lees, J.-P.; Lefèvre, R.; Leflat, A.; Lefrançois, J.; Leo, S.; Leroy, O.; Lesiak, T.; Leverington, B.; Li, Y.; Li Gioi, L.; Liles, M.; Lindner, R.; Linn, C.; Liu, B.; Liu, G.; Lohn, S.; Longstaff, I.; Lopes, J. H.; Lopez-March, N.; Lu, H.; Lucchesi, D.; Luisier, J.; Luo, H.; Machefert, F.; Machikhiliyan, I. V.; Maciuc, F.; Maev, O.; Malde, S.; Manca, G.; Mancinelli, G.; Maratas, J.; Marconi, U.; Marino, P.; Märki, R.; Marks, J.; Martellotti, G.; Martens, A.; Martín Sánchez, A.; Martinelli, M.; Martinez Santos, D.; Martins Tostes, D.; Martynov, A.; Massafferri, A.; Matev, R.; Mathe, Z.; Matteuzzi, C.; Maurice, E.; Mazurov, A.; McCarthy, J.; McNab, A.; McNulty, R.; McSkelly, B.; Meadows, B.; Meier, F.; Meissner, M.; Merk, M.; Milanes, D. A.; Minard, M.-N.; Molina Rodriguez, J.; Monteil, S.; Moran, D.; Morawski, P.; Mordà, A.; Morello, M. J.; Mountain, R.; Mous, I.; Muheim, F.; Müller, K.; Muresan, R.; Muryn, B.; Muster, B.; Naik, P.; Nakada, T.; Nandakumar, R.; Nasteva, I.; Needham, M.; Neubert, S.; Neufeld, N.; Nguyen, A. D.; Nguyen, T. D.; Nguyen-Mau, C.; Nicol, M.; Niess, V.; Niet, R.; Nikitin, N.; Nikodem, T.; Nomerotski, A.; Novoselov, A.; Oblakowska-Mucha, A.; Obraztsov, V.; Oggero, S.; Ogilvy, S.; Okhrimenko, O.; Oldeman, R.; Orlandea, M.; Otalora Goicochea, J. M.; Owen, P.; Oyanguren, A.; Pal, B. K.; Palano, A.; Palczewski, T.; Palutan, M.; Panman, J.; Papanestis, A.; Pappagallo, M.; Parkes, C.; Parkinson, C. J.; Passaleva, G.; Patel, G. D.; Patel, M.; Patrick, G. N.; Patrignani, C.; Pavel-Nicorescu, C.; Pazos Alvarez, A.; Pellegrino, A.; Penso, G.; Pepe Altarelli, M.; Perazzini, S.; Perez Trigo, E.; Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A.; Perret, P.; Perrin-Terrin, M.; Pescatore, L.; Pesen, E.; Petridis, K.; Petrolini, A.; Phan, A.; Picatoste Olloqui, E.; Pietrzyk, B.; Pilař, T.; Pinci, D.; Playfer, S.; Plo Casasus, M.; Polci, F.; Polok, G.; Poluektov, A.; Polycarpo, E.; Popov, A.; Popov, D.; Popovici, B.; Potterat, C.; Powell, A.; Prisciandaro, J.; Pritchard, A.; Prouve, C.; Pugatch, V.; Puig Navarro, A.; Punzi, G.; Qian, W.; Rademacker, J. H.; Rakotomiaramanana, B.; Rangel, M. S.; Raniuk, I.; Rauschmayr, N.; Raven, G.; Redford, S.; Reid, M. M.; dos Reis, A. C.; Ricciardi, S.; Richards, A.; Rinnert, K.; Rives Molina, V.; Roa Romero, D. A.; Robbe, P.; Roberts, D. A.; Rodrigues, E.; Rodriguez Perez, P.; Roiser, S.; Romanovsky, V.; Romero Vidal, A.; Rouvinet, J.; Ruf, T.; Ruffini, F.; Ruiz, H.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Sabatino, G.; Saborido Silva, J. J.; Sagidova, N.; Sail, P.; Saitta, B.; Salustino Guimaraes, V.; Sanmartin Sedes, B.; Sannino, M.; Santacesaria, R.; Santamarina Rios, C.; Santovetti, E.; Sapunov, M.; Sarti, A.; Satriano, C.; Satta, A.; Savrie, M.; Savrina, D.; Schaack, P.; Schiller, M.; Schindler, H.; Schlupp, M.; Schmelling, M.; Schmidt, B.; Schneider, O.; Schopper, A.; Schune, M.-H.; Schwemmer, R.; Sciascia, B.; Sciubba, A.; Seco, M.; Semennikov, A.; Senderowska, K.; Sepp, I.; Serra, N.; Serrano, J.; Seyfert, P.; Shapkin, M.; Shapoval, I.; Shatalov, P.; Shcheglov, Y.; Shears, T.; Shekhtman, L.; Shevchenko, O.; Shevchenko, V.; Shires, A.; Silva Coutinho, R.; Sirendi, M.; Skwarnicki, T.; Smith, N. A.; Smith, E.; Smith, J.; Smith, M.; Sokoloff, M. D.; Soler, F. J. P.; Soomro, F.; Souza, D.; Souza De Paula, B.; Spaan, B.; Sparkes, A.; Spradlin, P.; Stagni, F.; Stahl, S.; Steinkamp, O.; Stevenson, S.; Stoica, S.; Stone, S.; Storaci, B.; Straticiuc, M.; Straumann, U.; Subbiah, V. K.; Sun, L.; Swientek, S.; Syropoulos, V.; Szczekowski, M.; Szczypka, P.; Szumlak, T.; T'Jampens, S.; Teklishyn, M.; Teodorescu, E.; Teubert, F.; Thomas, C.; Thomas, E.; van Tilburg, J.; Tisserand, V.; Tobin, M.; Tolk, S.; Tonelli, D.; Topp-Joergensen, S.; Torr, N.; Tournefier, E.; Tourneur, S.; Tran, M. T.; Tresch, M.; Tsaregorodtsev, A.; Tsopelas, P.; Tuning, N.; Ubeda Garcia, M.; Ukleja, A.; Urner, D.; Ustyuzhanin, A.; Uwer, U.; Vagnoni, V.; Valenti, G.; Vallier, A.; Van Dijk, M.; Vazquez Gomez, R.; Vazquez Regueiro, P.; Vázquez Sierra, C.; Vecchi, S.; Velthuis, J. J.; Veltri, M.; Veneziano, G.; Vesterinen, M.; Viaud, B.; Vieira, D.; Vilasis-Cardona, X.; Vollhardt, A.; Volyanskyy, D.; Voong, D.; Vorobyev, A.; Vorobyev, V.; Voß, C.; Voss, H.; Waldi, R.; Wallace, C.; Wallace, R.; Wandernoth, S.; Wang, J.; Ward, D. R.; Watson, N. K.; Webber, A. D.; Websdale, D.; Whitehead, M.; Wicht, J.; Wiechczynski, J.; Wiedner, D.; Wiggers, L.; Wilkinson, G.; Williams, M. P.; Williams, M.; Wilson, F. F.; Wimberley, J.; Wishahi, J.; Wislicki, W.; Witek, M.; Wotton, S. A.; Wright, S.; Wu, S.; Wyllie, K.; Xie, Y.; Xing, Z.; Yang, Z.; Young, R.; Yuan, X.; Yushchenko, O.; Zangoli, M.; Zavertyaev, M.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, W. C.; Zhang, Y.; Zhelezov, A.; Zhokhov, A.; Zhong, L.; Zvyagin, A.


    We present a measurement of form-factor-independent angular observables in the decay B0→K*(892)0μ+μ-. The analysis is based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0fb-1, collected by the LHCb experiment in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. Four observables are measured in six bins of the dimuon invariant mass squared q2 in the range 0.10GeV2/c4. Agreement with recent theoretical predictions of the standard model is found for 23 of the 24 measurements. A local discrepancy, corresponding to 3.7 Gaussian standard deviations is observed in one q2 bin for one of the observables. Considering the 24 measurements as independent, the probability to observe such a discrepancy, or larger, in one is 0.5%.

  8. Risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep and cattle from Fernando de Noronha Island, Brazil.


    Magalhães, Fernando Jorge Rodrigues; Ribeiro-Andrade, Müller; Alcântara, Adrianne Mota de; Pinheiro, José Wilton; Sena, Maria José de; Porto, Wagnner José Nascimento; Vieira, Rafael Felipe da Costa; Mota, Rinaldo Aparecido


    Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic disease of global distribution that affects all warm-blooded animals. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the prevalence of T. gondii infection and identify the risk factors associated with its occurrence in domestic ruminants raised on the island of Fernando de Noronha, Brazil, and to confirm that cattle and sheep raised in Fernando de Noronha Island present statistically different T. gondii prevalence rates. Serum samples were collected from sheep (n=240) and cattle (n=140) for the detection of antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence. Samples were collected from all the animals on all the farms. Risk factors were analyzed by univariate analysis and logistic regression. The prevalence rate of positive sheep was 85.0% while that of cattle was 10.7%. A multivariate analysis revealed that the site of contact of sheep with felines was a risk factor. For cattle, the risk factors identified in this study were: extensive farming system, water source, more than three cats per farm, and the presence of rats in feed storage locations. The findings revealed a significant difference in the prevalence rates in sheep and cattle raised in this insular environment.

  9. Ferroic phase transition of tetragonal Pb0.6-xCaxBi0.4(Ti0.75Zn0.15Fe0.1)O3 ceramics: Factors determining Curie temperature

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yu, Jian; An, Fei-fei; Cao, Fei


    In this paper, ferroelectric phase transitions of Pb0.6-xCaxBi0.4(Ti0.75Zn0.15Fe0.1)O3 with x ≤ 0.20 ceramics were experimentally measured and a change from first-order to relaxor was found at a critical composition x ˜ 0.19. With increasing Ca content of x ≤ 0.18, Curie temperature and tetragonality was found decrease but piezoelectric constant and dielectric constant increase in a quadratic polynomial relationship as a function of x, while the ferroic Curie temperature and ferroelastic ordering parameter of tetragonality are correlated in a quadratic polynomial relationship. Near the critical composition of ferroic phase transition from first-order to relaxor, the Pb0.42Ca0.18Bi0.4(Ti0.75Zn0.15Fe0.1)O3 and 1 mol % Nb + 0.5 mol % Mg co-doped Pb0.44Ca0.16Bi0.4(Ti0.75Zn0.15Fe0.1)O3 ceramics exhibit a better anisotropic piezoelectric properties than those commercial piezoceramics of modified-PbTiO3 and PbNb2O6. At last, those factors including reduced mass of unit cell, mismatch between cation size and anion cage size, which affect ferroic Curie temperature and ferroelastic ordering parameter (tetragonality) of tetragonal ABO3 perovskites, are analyzed on the basis of first principle effective Hamiltonian and the reduced mass of unit cell is argued a more universal variable than concentration to determine Curie temperature in a quadratic polynomial relationship over various perovskite-structured solid solutions.

  10. Quantum magnetotransport and de Haas–van Alphen measurements in the three-dimensional Dirac semimetal Pb0.83Sn0.17Se

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Orbanić, F.; Novak, M.; Pleslić, S.; Kokanović, I.


    Magnetoresistance (MR), Hall resistance and magnetization of the Pb0.83Sn0.17Se crystals have been measured in magnetic field up to 15 T and 5 T, respectively, and temperatures from 1.7 K up to 300 K. A large linear and temperature dependent MR is observed in magnetic field up to 15 T. The de Haas–van Alphen (dHvA) and Shubnikov de Haas effects (SdH) of Pb0.83Sn0.17Se crystals have been clearly seen in the temperature range from 30 K down to 1.7 K and magnetic field as low as 2 T. The dHvA and SdH oscillations reveal single frequency of around 8 T which confirms the existence of a single Fermi surface cross section. Influence of isothermal annealing of Pb0.83Sn0.17Se crystals in Se vapours has been investigated. By increasing the annealing temperature from 433 °C up to 440 °C, transition from n to p-type conductivity has been observed. The dHvA and SdH effects clearly reflect the existence of a nontrivial Berry’s phase owing to the linear band dispersion which is the signature of a three-dimensional Dirac fermion in the Pb0.83Sn0.17Se crystals [1].

  11. Workload and associated factors: a study in maritime port in Brazil.


    Cezar-Vaz, Marta Regina; Bonow, Clarice Alves; Almeida, Marlise Capa Verde de; Sant'Anna, Cynthia Fontella; Cardoso, Leticia Silveira


    to identify the effect of the mental, physical, temporal, performance, total effort and frustration demands in the overall workload, and in the same way analyze the global burden of port labor and associated factors that contribute most to their decrease or increase. a cross-sectional, quantitative study, developed with 232 dock workers. For data collection, a structured questionnaire with descriptive, occupational, smoking and illicit drug use variables was applied, as well as variables on the load on the tasks undertaken at work, based on the questionnaire NASA Task Load Index. For data analysis, we used the analysis of the Poisson regression model. the demands physical demand and total effort showed greater effect on the overall workload, indicating high overall load on port work (134 employees - 58.8%). The following remained associated statistically with high levels of workload: age (p = 0.044), to be employee of the wharfage (p = 0.006), work only at night (p = 0.025), smoking (p = 0.037) and use of illegal drugs (p = 0.029). the workload in this type of activity was high, and the professional category and work shift the factors that contributed to the increase, while the age proved to be a factor associated with a decrease. identificar o efeito das demandas mental, física, temporal, de desempenho, esforço total e frustração na carga global de trabalho, da mesma maneira que analisar a carga global de trabalho portuário e fatores associados que mais contribuem para sua diminuição ou aumento. estudo transversal, quantitativo, desenvolvido com 232 trabalhadores portuários. Para a coleta de dados, foi aplicado um questionário estruturado com variáveis de caracterização, ocupacional, tabagismo e uso de drogas ilícitas, além de variáveis sobre a carga nas tarefas desenvolvidas no trabalho, com base no questionário NASA Task Load Index. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se a análise do modelo de regressão de Poisson. as demandas exigência f

  12. [Not Available].


    Vales Montero, Marta; Chavarría Cano, Beatriz; Martínez Ginés, María Luisa; Díaz Otero, Fernando; Velázquez Pérez, José Miguel; Cuerda Compes, María Cristina; Bretón Lesmes, Irene


    La deficiencia de vitamina A es infrecuente en los países desarrollados. La cirugía bariátrica constituye un factor de riesgo de deficiencia de esta vitamina. Se han descrito varios casos en pacientes sometidos a técnicas con un importante componente malabsortivo, como la derivación biliopancreática. En este artículo se describe un caso de deficiencia clínica de vitamina A con manifestaciones oculares y cutáneas tras bypass gástrico y se revisan las publicaciones sobre este tema y las recomendaciones para la prevención de esta importante complicación.

  13. PubMed

    López, Ana Cristina; Cecchetto, Eugenio; Aguirre, Ana Noemí; Ontiveros, Marina Celeste; Roitter, Claudia Valentina; Garcia, Adelaida Judith; Bernet, Jorgelina; Aguirre, Jorge Alberto


    El objetivo del estudio fue describir características clínicas, sociodemográficas y hábitos en adultos con diabetes mellitus y estudiar su asociación con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Se seleccionó una muestra de 311 pacientes del Programa de Diabetes de una obra social universitaria, de la provincia de Córdoba. Se analizaron los datos a como proporciones y los componentes físico y mental del cuestionario SF-36® . El 57,4% alcanzó un nivel de instrucción terciario o universitario. La hipertensión arterial fue el factor de riesgo cardiovascular más prevalente (86,8%), seguida por dislipemia (50,6%) y obesidad (46,5%). El 24,8% tenía complicación macrovascular y el 29% microvascular. En el componente físico (CF) de calidad de vida las mujeres tuvieron una chance 4,2 veces mayor de reportar un valor inferior en relación a los varones. Entre los 50 y los 70 años se triplicó y los mayores de  70 años tuvieron 4 veces peor una puntuación en el CF respecto a los más jóvenes. Las complicaciones macro y microvasculares y los que reportaron menos de 2 hábitos de vida saludables tuvieron el doble de chances de puntuar por debajo del promedio general en el CF. La asociación entre complicaciones y peor calidad de vida es un motivo más para alcanzar un buen control metabólico, optimizar el manejo de factores de riesgo, evitando o retrasando la aparición de complicaciones.

  14. The Work Role Functioning Questionnaire v2.0 Showed Consistent Factor Structure Across Six Working Samples.


    Abma, Femke I; Bültmann, Ute; Amick Iii, Benjamin C; Arends, Iris; Dorland, Heleen F; Flach, Peter A; van der Klink, Jac J L; van de Ven, Hardy A; Bjørner, Jakob Bue


    Objective The Work Role Functioning Questionnaire v2.0 (WRFQ) is an outcome measure linking a persons' health to the ability to meet work demands in the twenty-first century. We aimed to examine the construct validity of the WRFQ in a heterogeneous set of working samples in the Netherlands with mixed clinical conditions and job types to evaluate the comparability of the scale structure. Methods Confirmatory factor and multi-group analyses were conducted in six cross-sectional working samples (total N = 2433) to evaluate and compare a five-factor model structure of the WRFQ (work scheduling demands, output demands, physical demands, mental and social demands, and flexibility demands). Model fit indices were calculated based on RMSEA ≤ 0.08 and CFI ≥ 0.95. After fitting the five-factor model, the multidimensional structure of the instrument was evaluated across samples using a second order factor model. Results The factor structure was robust across samples and a multi-group model had adequate fit (RMSEA = 0.63, CFI = 0.972). In sample specific analyses, minor modifications were necessary in three samples (final RMSEA 0.055-0.080, final CFI between 0.955 and 0.989). Applying the previous first order specifications, a second order factor model had adequate fit in all samples. Conclusion A five-factor model of the WRFQ showed consistent structural validity across samples. A second order factor model showed adequate fit, but the second order factor loadings varied across samples. Therefore subscale scores are recommended to compare across different clinical and working samples.

  15. Anxiety in pregnancy: prevalence and associated factors.


    Silva, Mônica Maria de Jesus; Nogueira, Denismar Alves; Clapis, Maria José; Leite, Eliana Peres Rocha Carvalho


    Evaluating the occurrence of anxiety in pregnant women and the factors associated with its occurrence; comparing the presence of anxiety in each gestational trimester. A descriptive, correlational cross-sectional study. Data were collected from January to May 2013 using the Hospital Anxiety Subscale and a form composed of socioeconomic characterization; gestational anamnesis; life-changing habits and events; preexisting conditions and interpersonal relationships. A total of 209 pregnant women from a municipality in the south of Minas Gerais, Brazil, participated in the study. Anxiety was present in 26.8% of the pregnant women, being more frequent in the third trimester (42.9%). Occupation (p=0.04), complications in previous pregnancies (p=0.00), history of miscarriage risk of preterm birth (p=0.05), maternal desire regarding the pregnancy (p=0.01), number of abortions (p=0.02), number of cigarettes smoked daily (p=0.00) and drug use (p=0.01) were statistically associated with the occurrence of anxiety during pregnancy. Anxiety occurred frequently during pregnancy. Understanding the factors associated with its occurrence allows for elaborating preventive measures in prenatal care. Avaliar a ocorrência da ansiedade em gestantes e os fatores associados à sua ocorrência; comparar a presença de ansiedade em cada trimestre gestacional. Estudo descritivo, correlacional, de corte transversal. A coleta de dados ocorreu de janeiro a maio de 2013, utilizou-se da Subescala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e de um formulário composto por caracterização socioeconômica; anamnese gestacional; hábitos e eventos marcantes de vida; patologias preexistentes e relacionamentos interpessoais. Participaram do estudo 209 gestantes de um município do sul de Minas Gerais. A ansiedade esteve presente em 26,8% das gestantes, sendo mais frequente no terceiro trimestre (42,9%). Ocupação (p=0,04), complicações em gestações anteriores (p=0,00), histórico de abortamento/ameaça de parto

  16. Assessment scale of risk for surgical positioning injuries.


    Lopes, Camila Mendonça de Moraes; Haas, Vanderlei José; Dantas, Rosana Aparecida Spadoti; Oliveira, Cheila Gonçalves de; Galvão, Cristina Maria


    ério concorrente entre os escores da escala de Braden e da escala construída. Para avaliar a validade de critério preditiva testou-se a associação da presença de dor decorrente do posicionamento cirúrgico e o desenvolvimento de úlcera por pressão com o escore da Escala de Avaliação de Risco para o Desenvolvimento de Lesões Decorrentes do Posicionamento Cirúrgico (p<0,001). A confiabilidade interobservadores foi verificada pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse, cujo valor obtido foi de 0,99 (p<0,001). a escala é um instrumento válido e confiável, entretanto, há necessidade de novos estudos para avaliar sua utilização na prática clínica. construir y validar escala de evaluación de riesgo para lesiones debidas al posicionamiento quirúrgico en pacientes adultos. investigación metodológica, conducida en dos etapas: construcción y validación de faz y de contenido de la escala e investigación de campo, con la participación de 115 pacientes. la Escala de Evaluación de Riesgo para el Desarrollo de Lesiones Debidas al Posicionamiento Quirúrgico contiene siete ítems, siendo que cada uno presenta cinco subítems. La puntuación de esa escala varia de siete a 35 puntos en que, cuanto mayor la puntuación, mayor el riesgo del paciente. El Índice de Validez de Contenido de la escala fue 0,88. Mediante la aplicación de la prueba t de Student, para igualdad de medias, fue constatada validez de criterio concurrente entre los scores de la escala de Braden y de la escala construida. Para evaluar la validez de criterio predictiva, fue testada la asociación de la presencia de dolor debido al posicionamiento quirúrgico y el desarrollo de úlcera por presión con el score de la Escala de Evaluación de Riesgo para el Desarrollo de Lesiones Debidas al Posicionamiento Quirúrgico (p<0,001). La confiabilidad interobservadores fue verificada mediante el coeficiente de correlación intraclase, cuyo valor alcanzado fue 0,99 (p<0,001). la escala es un instrumento v

  17. Revisión de tecnología y riesgos: refinerías de petróleo - Hoja informativa para las comunidades

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA, por sus siglas en inglés) emitió un reglamento final que mejorará significativamente la calidad del aire en los vecindarios cercanos a las refinerías de petróleo mediante un control más exhaustivo de las emisiones a

  18. Prognostic factors in clinical T1N0M0 thoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma invading the muscularis mucosa or submucosa.


    Uchinami, Yusuke; Myojin, Miyako; Takahashi, Hiroaki; Harada, Keiichi; Shimizu, Shinichi; Hosokawa, Masao


    Multimodality treatment is widely performed for clinical T1N0M0 (UICC-TNM classification, 7th edition) thoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), but available articles regarding treatment results are limited. This study assessed the outcomes of clinical T1N0M0 thoracic ESCC invading the muscularis mucosa (MM) or submucosa (SM) treated with radiotherapy (RT) or chemoradiotherapy (CRT). We retrospectively reviewed the medical charts of 90 patients with clinical T1N0M0 thoracic ESCC treated with RT or CRT in our hospital in 2004-2011. Of these 90 patients, we analyzed the cases of 71 patients who met our inclusion criteria. All 71 patients had MM or SM cancer. In the 47 patients treated with CRT, the chemotherapy regimen of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) plus cisplatin (CDDP) was used for 46 patients and 5-FU and nedaplatin was used for one patient. Forty-five patients underwent endoscopic resection (ER) followed by RT or CRT as an additional treatment. Elective nodal irradiation (ENI) was used in 39 patients. For all analyses, statistical significance was defined as 0.05, and the Bonferroni correction was used for the multivariate analysis. The median age was 70 years (range 47-84). With a median follow-up of 43.6 months (range 1.5-124.2), the 5-year overall survival (OS), disease-specific survival (DSS) and disease-free survival (DFS) rates were 64.0, 72.8 and 50.0 %, respectively. The multivariate analysis showed that performance status (PS) was an independent prognostic factors for DSS and DFS (DSS, p < 0.001; DFS, p < 0.001). Chemotherapy in addition to RT showed a trend for better DSS (p = 0.032) but was not significant following Bonferroni correction. ER and ENI were not significant predictive factors for DSS and DFS. PS was an independent prognostic factor for DSS and DFS. ER and ENI had no significant relationship with DSS or DFS. The present results may be helpful in treatment decisions for clinical T1N0M0 thoracic ESCC.

  19. Cobertura de los sistemas de pensiones y factores asociados al acceso a una pensión de jubilación en México

    PubMed Central

    Murillo-López, Sandra; Venegas-Martínez, Francisco


    Resumen Objetivos: obtener estimaciones de indicadores de cobertura de las pensiones por jubilación o retiro para la población mexicana de 65 y más años, y evaluar el impacto que tienen los sistemas de pensiones en las transiciones al retiro de los adultos en edades medias y avanzadas en México. Para ello se utilizan datos microeconómicos provenientes de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento. Mediante análisis econométrico se identifican los factores sociodemográficos, económicos, laborales e institucionales que están asociados al acceso a una pensión de jubilación, o bien, a la dependencia de otras fuentes de ingresos. Se encontró que, en México, las transiciones al retiro del mercado de trabajo en las etapas avanzadas del ciclo de vida son limitadas debido a las características eminentemente contributivas de los esquemas de pensiones, los cuales favorecen a la población con trayectorias laborales formales y más estables asociadas a: características de género, oportunidades educativas y posibilidades de inserción en el mercado laboral. PMID:27524936

  20. Impacto metabólico e inflamatorio de una comida rica en grasas saturadas y su relación con la obesidad abdominal.


    Alayón, Alicia Norma; Rivadeneira, Ana Patricia; Herrera, Carlos; Guzmán, Heidy; Arellano, Dioneris; Echeverri, Isabella


    Introducción. La etapa posprandial se asocia con el incremento de marcadores relacionados con el riesgo cardiovascular, cuya intensidad depende del estado metabólico.Objetivo. Determinar el impacto de la ingestión de una comida rica en grasas saturadas sobre el perfil metabólico e inflamatorio y su relación con la obesidad abdominal.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un ensayo clínico en 42 individuos (21 con obesidad abdominal). Se midieron, en sangre, la glucosa, la insulina, el perfil lipídico, la proteína C reactiva, los lipopolisacáridos y la interleucina 6, en ayunas y después de la ingestión.Resultados. Además de la obesidad, se registró la presencia de resistencia a la insulina y de niveles elevados de triacilglicéridos y proteína C reactiva en ayunas. Asimismo, se detectaron niveles posprandiales más elevados de glucosa, insulina y triacilglicéridos. La interleucina 6 disminuyó en el grupo de personas sin obesidad y los lipopolisacáridos aumentaron en ambos grupos.Conclusión. La ingestión de una comida rica en grasas saturadas produjo un mayor impacto en las variables glucémicas en el grupo con obesidad y, aunque afectó de forma similar los lípidos en ambos grupos, el incremento de triacilglicéridos fue mayor en presencia de una concentración basal elevada y promovió el aumento de lipopolisacáridos. El estado inflamatorio basal y posprandial afectó en mayor medida al grupo con obesidad. El momento posprandial reflejó el estado más frecuente de los individuos en un día normal y permitió evidenciar la capacidad de respuesta metabólica frente a la ingestión de alimentos, así como los estados tempranos de riesgo metabólico.

  1. Experiencias sobre el impacto del Programa de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial en el ámbito de la salud mental y la investigación conductual.


    Barrios, Liliana Mondragón


    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el impacto y la integración que los conocimientos adquiridos en el Programa Internacional de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial de la Universidad de Chile han tenido en mi experiencia profesional, en el ámbito de la investigación psicosocial en un Instituto de Salud de México. Para este objetivo, expondré tres áreas en las cuales se ha podido evidenciar tal impacto: trabajo en los comités de ética, desarrollo de programas de académicos en bioética e investigación y publicación sobre ética y bioética. El motivo que me llevó a incursionar en el Programa fue que su enseñanza vincula la investigación psicosocial con la ética y la bioética, lo cual me permitió dirigir este tipo de reflexión hacia problemas como violencia, suicidio, adicciones, depresión y salud mental, y a nuevos campos como los estudios comunitarios, con poblaciones en riesgo o vulnerables, en los cuales las diversas implicaciones son difíciles de indagar.

  2. Experiencias sobre el impacto del Programa de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial en el ámbito de la salud mental y la investigación conductual

    PubMed Central

    Barrios, Liliana Mondragón


    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el impacto y la integración que los conocimientos adquiridos en el Programa Internacional de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial de la Universidad de Chile han tenido en mi experiencia profesional, en el ámbito de la investigación psicosocial en un Instituto de Salud de México. Para este objetivo, expondré tres áreas en las cuales se ha podido evidenciar tal impacto: trabajo en los comités de ética, desarrollo de programas de académicos en bioética e investigación y publicación sobre ética y bioética. El motivo que me llevó a incursionar en el Programa fue que su enseñanza vincula la investigación psicosocial con la ética y la bioética, lo cual me permitió dirigir este tipo de reflexión hacia problemas como violencia, suicidio, adicciones, depresión y salud mental, y a nuevos campos como los estudios comunitarios, con poblaciones en riesgo o vulnerables, en los cuales las diversas implicaciones son difíciles de indagar. PMID:22754085


    PubMed Central

    Aguila, Emma; Mejía, Nelly; Pérez, Francisco; Rivera, Alfonso; Ramírez, Edgar


    La situación de los jóvenes que no estudian ni trabajan (ninis) se ha vuelto evidente en los últimos años debido a los riesgos que enfrenta dicha población. Este artículo contribuye a la literatura al analizar las características económicas y laborales de los ninis, explora la situación laboral de sus parejas y provee proyecciones al año 2030. Asimismo, propone una clasificación de ninis para focalizar el diseño de políticas públicas, que identifica una tendencia a la baja de éstos debido a las mujeres que acceden al sistema educativo y al mercado laboral y que una mayor proporción de esta población estará compuesta por desempleados. PMID:25918452

  4. Difference in causes and prognostic factors of early death between cohorts with de novo and relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia.


    Zhao, Hongli; Zhao, Yanqiu; Zhang, Yingmei; Hou, Jinxiao; Yang, Huiyuan; Cao, Fenglin; Yang, Yiju; Hou, Wenyi; Sun, Jiayue; Jin, Bo; Fu, Jinyue; Li, Haitao; Wang, Ping; Ge, Fei; Zhou, Jin


    Early death (ED) remains the most critical issue in the current care of patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Very limited data are available regarding ED in patients with relapsed APL. In this retrospective study, 285 de novo and 79 relapsed patients were included. All patients received single-agent arsenic trioxide as induction therapy. The differences in baseline clinical features, incidence, causes, and prognostic factors of ED were compared between the two patient cohorts. The relapse cohort exhibited a better overall condition than the de novo cohort upon hospital admission. The ED rate in the relapsed patients (24.1%) was somewhat higher than that in the de novo patients (17.9%), although the difference was not significant (P = 0.219). For both cohorts, hemorrhage was the main cause of ED, followed by differentiation syndrome, infection, and other causes. Increased serum creatinine level, older age, male sex, white blood cell (WBC) count > 10 × 10 9 /L, and fibrinogen < 1 g/L were independently risk factors for ED in the de novo patients, whereas WBC count > 10 × 10 9 /L, elevated serum uric acid level, and D-dimer > 4 mg/L were independent risk factors for ED in the relapsed patients. These data furnish clinically relevant information that might be useful for designing more appropriate risk-adapted treatment protocols aimed at reducing ED rate in patients with relapsed APL.

  5. Shubnikov-de Haas measurements of the 2-D electron gas in pseudomorphic In(0.1)Ga(0.9)As grown on GaAs

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Szydlic, P. P.; Alterovitz, S. A.; Haugland, E. J.; Segall, B.; Henderson, T. S.


    Shubnikov-de Hass (SdH) measurements performed on a 200 A layer of pseudomorphic In(0.10)Ga(0.90)As grown by MBE on undoped GaAs with an overlayer of Al(0.15)Ga(0.85)As are presented. These measurements were performed in magnetic fields up to 1.4 tesla at T in the range of 1.4-10 K. It was found that only one subband was populated with a density of 5.8 x 10 to the 11/cm-squared and an effective mass at the Fermi level m(asterisk) = (0.060 + or - 0.001)m(0).

  6. Medio ambiente y cáncer pediátrico en la Región de Murcia (España): integrando la historia clínica medioambiental en un sistema de información geográfica

    PubMed Central

    Ortega-García, J.A.; López-Hernández, F.A.; Sobrino-Najul, E.; Febo, I.; Fuster-Soler, J.L.


    Introducción Medio Ambiente y Cáncer Pediátrico (CP) en la Región de Murcia (RM) es un proyecto de investigación, cuya principal meta es el desarrollo de una cuidadosa historia ambiental pediátrica (HAP) y el uso de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) para crear mapas de incidencia y analizar la distribución geográfica del CP en la RM. El objetivo es presentar la metodología, el estudio descriptivo y los primeros resultados sobre la incidencia espacial y temporal del CP en la RM (España). Material y métodos Estudio descriptivo y de georreferenciación de todos los casos de CP menores de 15 años, diagnosticados entre el 1 de enero de 1998 y el 31 de diciembre de 2009. Se han asociado a cada caso tres direcciones postales, durante el embarazo, en el período posnatal y en el momento del diagnóstico. También se han utilizado las siguientes variables: sexo, fechas de nacimiento y diagnóstico y el diagnóstico patológico. Resultados No se observa un incremento en la tendencia de la incidencia del CP. La tasa cruda de incidencia fue de 14,3 casos por 100.000 niños menores de 15 años. La razón de incidencia estandarizada es más elevada en el noroeste de la RM. El 30% tienen un domicilio previo al diagnóstico distinto al del embarazo. Conclusiones La integración de la información temporal y espacial de la HAP en un SIG permitirá la identificación y el estudio de conglomerados espacio-temporales a través de un sistema de vigilancia medioambiental que ayude a ponderar la importancia de los factores de riesgo asociados. PMID:21315667

  7. Angiolymphatic invasion as a prognostic fator in resected N0 pancreatic adenocarcinoma.


    Almeida, Ricardo Vitor Silva de; Pacheco, Adhemar Monteiro; Silva, Rodrigo Altenfelder; Moricz, André de; Campos, Tércio de


    Pancreatic adenocarcinoma remains one of the worst digestive cancers. Surgical resection is the main target when treating a patient with curative intent. To assess angiolymphatic invasion as a prognostic factor in resected pN0 pancreatic cancer. Thirty-eight patients were submitted to pancreatoduodenectomy due to head pancreatic cancer. Tumor size, margins, lymph nodes, pTNM staging, angiolymphatic and perineural invasion were described in the pathologists' reports. Most patients were female. Overall median survival was 13 months. Gemcitabine was the regimen of choice for chemotherapy in selected patients; however, it did not improve overall survival. pR0 resection had better survival compared with pR1. Within the pN0 group, survival was significantly better in patients without angiolymphatic invasion. Angiolymphatic invasion in N0 pancreatoduodenectomy can be demonstrated by the Hematoxylin-Eosin stain and may predict a poor prognosis factor for those patients. Adenocarcinoma pancreático continua sendo um dos piores cânceres do aparelho digestivo. A ressecção cirúrgica é o principal objetivo quando se trata de intenção curativa. Avaliar a invasão angiolinfática como um fator prognóstico no câncer da cabeça do pâncreas ressecado pN0. Trinta e oito pacientes foram submetidos a duodenopancreatectomia por câncer da cabeça do pâncreas. Tamanho do tumor, margens, linfonodos, estadiamento pTNM, invasão angiolinfática e perineural foram descritos nos laudos anatomopatológicos. A maioria foi de mulheres. A sobrevida mediana global foi de 13 meses. Gencitabina foi a droga de escolha para quimioterapia nos pacientes selecionados, entretanto não aumentou a sobrevida global. Pacientes com ressecção pR0 tiveram sobrevida global superior quando comparados com ressecção pR1. Dentro do grupo de pacientes com pN0, a sobrevida foi significativamente melhor no grupo de pacientes que não apresentavam invasão angiolinfática. A invasão angiolinfática da

  8. Preparación de los adultos mayores en los Estados Unidos para hacer frente a los desastres naturales: encuesta a escala nacional*

    PubMed Central

    Al-rousan, Tala M.; Rubenstein, Linda M.; Wallace, Robert B.


    Objetivos. Nos propusimos determinar el grado de preparación frente a los desastres naturales de los adultos mayores en los Estados Unidos y evaluar los factores que pueden afectar negativamente la salud y la seguridad durante este tipo de incidentes. Métodos. Obtuvimos una muestra de adultos de 50 años en adelante (n = 1 304) de la encuesta del 2010 del Estudio de la Salud y la Jubilación (HRS por su sigla en inglés). La encuesta recogió datos sobre las características demográficas generales, el estado de discapacidad o las limitaciones funcionales, y también sobre factores y comportamientos relacionados con la preparación frente a los desastres. Calculamos una puntuación global de preparación mediante indicadores individuales a fin de evaluar el grado de preparación general. Resultados. La media de la edad de los participantes (n = 1 304) fue de 70 años (desviación estándar [DE] = 9,3). Solo 34,3% informaron que habían participado en un programa formativo o que habían leído materiales sobre la preparación para los desastres. Casi 15% indicaron que usaban dispositivos médicos eléctricos que podían correr riesgo de no funcionar si se interrumpiera el suministro eléctrico. La puntuación de preparación indicó que la edad más avanzada, la discapacidad física y el menor nivel de escolaridad y de ingresos se asociaban independiente y significativamente a un grado de preparación general inferior. Conclusiones. A pesar de la mayor vulnerabilidad ante los desastres y del número cada vez mayor de adultos mayores en los Estados Unidos, muchos de los problemas sustanciales que encontramos son remediables y requieren atención en los sectores de la sociedad dedicados a la atención clínica, a la salud pública y al manejo de situaciones de emergencia.

  9. Extraction of the neutron magnetic form factor from quasielastic 3He→(e→,e') at Q2=0.1-0.6(GeV/c)2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Anderson, B.; Auberbach, L.; Averett, T.; Bertozzi, W.; Black, T.; Calarco, J.; Cardman, L.; Cates, G. D.; Chai, Z. W.; Chen, J. P.; Choi, Seonho; Chudakov, E.; Churchwell, S.; Corrado, G. S.; Crawford, C.; Dale, D.; Deur, A.; Djawotho, P.; Dutta, D.; Finn, J. M.; Gao, H.; Gilman, R.; Glamazdin, A. V.; Glashausser, C.; Glöckle, W.; Golak, J.; Gomez, J.; Gorbenko, V. G.; Hansen, J.-O.; Hersman, F. W.; Higinbotham, D. W.; Holmes, R.; Howell, C. R.; Hughes, E.; Humensky, B.; Incerti, S.; Jager, C. W. De; Jensen, J. S.; Jiang, X.; Jones, C. E.; Jones, M.; Kahl, R.; Kamada, H.; Kievsky, A.; Kominis, I.; Korsch, W.; Kramer, K.; Kumbartzki, G.; Kuss, M.; Lakuriqi, E.; Liang, M.; Liyanage, N.; Lerose, J.; Malov, S.; Margaziotis, D. J.; Martin, J. W.; McCormick, K.; McKeown, R. D.; McIlhany, K.; Meziani, Z.-E.; Michaels, R.; Miller, G. W.; Mitchell, J.; Nanda, S.; Pace, E.; Pavlin, T.; Petratos, G. G.; Pomatsalyuk, R. I.; Pripstein, D.; Prout, D.; Ransome, R. D.; Roblin, Y.; Rvachev, M.; Saha, A.; Salmè, G.; Schnee, M.; Seely, J.; Shin, T.; Slifer, K.; Souder, P. A.; Strauch, S.; Suleiman, R.; Sutter, M.; Tipton, B.; Todor, L.; Viviani, M.; Vlahovic, B.; Watson, J.; Williamson, C. F.; Witała, H.; Wojtsekhowski, B.; Xiong, F.; Xu, W.; Yeh, J.; Żołnierczuk, P.


    We have measured the transverse asymmetry AT' in the quasielastic 3He→(e→,e') process with high precision at Q2 values from 0.1 to 0.6(GeV/c)2. The neutron magnetic form factor GMn was extracted at Q2 values of 0.1 and 0.2(GeV/c)2 using a nonrelativistic Faddeev calculation which includes both final-state interactions (FSI) and meson-exchange currents (MEC). Theoretical uncertainties due to the FSI and MEC effects were constrained with a precision measurement of the spin-dependent asymmetry in the threshold region of 3He→(e→,e'). We also extracted the neutron magnetic form factor GMn at Q2 values of 0.3 to 0.6(GeV/c)2 based on plane wave impulse approximation calculations.

  10. PubMed

    Contreras, Kateir; Vargas, María José; García, Paola; González, Camilo A; Rodríguez, Patricia; Castañeda-Cardona, Camilo; Otálora-Esteban, Margarita; Rosselli, Diego


    Introducción. El citomegalovirus es la causa más frecuente de infección en pacientes con trasplante renal. Existen dos estrategias de similar efectividad para prevenirlo: la profilaxis universal con valganciclovir durante 90 días o el tratamiento anticipado verificando la carga viral semanal y aplicándolo solo si esta es positiva.Objetivo. Determinar cuál de estas dos estrategias sería más costo-efectiva en pacientes de riesgo intermedio en Colombia.Materiales y métodos. Se diseñó un árbol de decisiones bajo la perspectiva del tercer pagador considerando únicamente los costos médicos directos en pesos colombianos (COP) del 2014 durante un periodo de un año en una población de pacientes con riesgo intermedio para citomegalovirus (donante positivo y receptor positivo, o donante negativo y receptor positivo). Las probabilidades de transición se extrajeron de los estudios clínicos y se validaron con expertos mediante el método Delphi.Los costos de los procedimientos se basaron en el manual tarifario ISS 2001, con un incremento del 33 % a partir del índice de precios al consumidor (IPC) en salud de 2014, en tanto que los de los medicamentos se extrajeron de las circulares del Ministerio de Salud y del Sistema de Información de Medicamentos (Sismed).Resultados. La profilaxis universal con valganciclovir resultó ser menos costosa y se asoció con una menor probabilidad de infección. El costo promedio del primer año de tratamiento anticipado sería de COP$ 30'961.290, mientras que el universal sería de COP$ 29'967.834, es decir, un costo 'incremental' de COP$ 993.456.Conclusiones. Para los pacientes de riesgo intermedio con trasplante renal en Colombia, la profilaxis universal es la mejor estrategia por ser menos costosa y reducir el riesgo de infección.

  11. Lactancia Materna y VIH/SIDA

    PubMed Central

    Valeria Cortés, F.; Jaime Pérez, A.; Lilian Ferrer, L.; Rosina Cianelli, A.; Báltica Cabieses, V.


    Resumen VIH/SIDA es una pandemia que afecta a hombres, mujeres y niños, pero que presenta una tendencia hacia la feminización, afectando especialmente a mujeres jóvenes. Su consecuencia es el aumento de la transmisión vertical, durante el embarazo, parto o lactancia materna. Este estudio bibliográfico describe la relación entre VIH/SIDA y lactancia materna, explicitando factores que influyen en la elección de la modalidad de alimentación de madres viviendo con VIH/SIDA. Se describen causas de morbimortalidad infantil asociada y recomendaciones internacionales de lactancia en mujeres con VIH/SIDA. En un mundo globalizado con constantes migraciones poblacionales, estos resultados representan un llamado de atención para profesionales de salud quienes deben considerar factores sociales que influenciarán la toma de decisión de madres viviendo con VIH/SIDA al escoger la modalidad de lactancia. No sólo basta conocer el riesgo de transmisión vertical, sino que se debe tomar conciencia de aquellos factores dinámicos y específicos de cada comunidad. PMID:20046815

  12. Fragilidad y su asociación con mortalidad, hospitalizaciones y dependencia funcional en mexicanos de 60 años o más

    PubMed Central

    de León González, Enrique Díaz; Pérez, Héctor Eloy Tamez; Hermosillo, Hugo Gutiérrez; Rodríguez, Javier Armando Cedillo; Torres, Gabriela


    Fundamento y objetivo Determinar la asociación entre fragilidad y mortalidad, dependencia funcional, caídas y hospitalizaciones en el Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México (ENASEM). Sujetos y métodos Estudio prospectivo poblacional en México en el que se seleccionaron sujetos de 60 años o más, que fueron evaluados en las variables de fragilidad durante la primera vuelta del estudio en el año 2001 y que incluyó: dificultad para levantarse de una silla después de haber estado sentado(a) durante largo tiempo, pérdida de peso de 5 kilogramos o más en los últimos dos años y falta de energía. Los sujetos fueron catalogados como robustos, prefrágiles y frágiles cuando tenían cero, una o dos de las características anteriores, respectivamente. La mortalidad, hospitalizaciones, caídas y dependencia funcional fueron evaluadas en la segunda vuelta del estudio en el año 2003. Se calculó el riesgo relativo para cada una de las complicaciones, así como análisis multivariado con regresión de Cox para el caso de mortalidad y regresión logística para el resto. Resultados Los estados de prefragilidad y fragilidad se asociaron independientemente con mortalidad, con índices de riesgo ajustados de 1,61 (intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC 95%] 1,01-2,55) y 1,94 (IC 95% 1,20-3,13), respectivamente. Sólo el estado de fragilidad se asoció independientemente con hospitalización y dependencia funcional, con una razón de momios ajustada de 1,53 (IC 95% 1,13-2,07) y 3,07 (IC 95% 1,76-5,34), respectivamente. No hubo asociación entre los estados de prefragilidad y fragilidad con caídas. Conclusión El estado de fragilidad se asocia independientemente con mortalidad, hospitalizaciones y disfuncionalidad en actividades básicas de la vida diaria en los siguientes dos años en población mexicana. PMID:21612803


    PubMed Central

    Martos-Moreno, G.A.; Kopchick, J.J.; Argente, y J.


    El incremento universal de la prevalencia de obesidad en niños y adolescentes durante las últimas décadas, junto con la evidencia creciente de que el establecimiento de obesidad en etapas precoces de la vida está asociado con un incremento de la prevalencia de comorbilidades y del riesgo de muerte prematura, con gran repercusión económica en los sistemas sanitarios de los países occidentales, ha impulsado la investigación en este área. Estos estudios han remarcado la importante actividad endocrina del tejido adiposo, ejercida por medio de la síntesis y secreción de un gran número de péptidos y citoquinas, denominados adipoquinas. En esta revisión se resume el estado actual de los conocimientos, así como los estudios más relevantes, en relación con la dinámica de secreción de las principales adipoquinas en niños, centrándose en el control de la homeostasis energética, regulación metabólica (fundamentalmente, metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono) e inflamación. Asímismo, se analizan las particularidades de la síntesis, secreción y acciones de las adipoquinas desde el nacimiento hasta la adolescencia, reseñando el efecto que, sobre ellas, ejerce la instauración de la obesidad. PMID:23228441

  14. Normas finales de desempeño para fuentes nuevas y revisión de tecnología y riesgos del sector de refinería de petróleo-resumen de cambios

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA, por sus siglas en inglés) emitió un reglamento final que mejorará significativamente la calidad del aire en los vecindarios cercanos a las refinerías de petróleo mediante un control más exhaustivo de las emisiones a

  15. Analysis of the J /ψ →π0γ* transition form factor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kubis, Bastian; Niecknig, Franz


    In view of the first measurement of the branching fraction for J /ψ →π0e+e- by the BESIII collaboration, we analyze what can be learned on the corresponding transition form factor using dispersion theory. We show that light-quark degrees of freedom dominate the spectral function, in particular two-pion intermediate states. Estimating the effects of multipion states as well as charmonium, we arrive at a prediction for the complete form factor that should be scrutinized experimentally in the future.

  16. Risk Factors for De Novo Malignancies in Women After Kidney Transplantation: A Multicenter Transversal Study.


    Helmy, Samir; Marschalek, Julian; Bader, Yvonne; Koch, Marianne; Schmidt, Alice; Kanzler, Marina; Gyoeri, Georg; Polterauer, Stephan; Reinthaller, Alexander; Grimm, Christoph


    Transplantation results in a 5-time elevated risk for a variety of malignancies (Kaposi sarcoma, skin, liver, lung, gastrointestinal cancer). A patient's risk for malignancies could be of particular interest for the follow-up programs of patients and risk adaption after kidney transplantation. The aim of this study was to identify independent risk factors for de novo malignancies in women after renal transplantation. This is a multicenter transversal study, conducted at the Medical University of Vienna and Hospital Rudolfstiftung, Vienna, Austria. We included female kidney graft recipients who were transplanted between 1980 and 2012 and followed-up at our institutions (N = 280). Clinical data of patients were extracted from hospital charts and electronic patient files. Patients were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire regarding their medical history, history of transplantation, and malignant diseases. Detailed information about present and past immunosuppressive regimens, rejection episodes and therapies, renal graft function, and information about primary disease was obtained. Diagnostic work-up and/or surgical exploration was performed if any presence of malignancy was suspected during routine follow-up. Histological specimens were obtained from all patients. the presence of de novo malignancy after kidney transplantation. Two hundred sixty-two women were included for statistical analysis. Median (interquartile range) follow-up period after transplantation was 101.1 (27.3-190.7) months. Thirty-two patients (12.2%) developed a malignancy: dermatologic malignancies (5.7%), breast cancer (3.4%), cervical cancer (0.8%), lung cancer (0.4%), gastrointestinal malignancies (1.5%), vulvar cancer (0.4%), and unclassified malignancies (1.9%). Median (interquartile range) time to malignancy after transplantation was 185.9 (92.0-257.6) months. Cumulative cancer rates were 4.9% (1 year), 14.4% (3 years), 16.4% (5 years), and 21.8% (10 years). Second transplantations

  17. [Usefulness of the ankle-arm index for detection of peripheral arterial disease in a working population of Junta de Andalucía at Málaga].


    Alonso, Inmaculada; Valdivielso, Pedro; Josefa Zamudio, María; Sánchez Chaparro, Miguel Angel; Pérez, Francisca; Ramos, Heliodoro; González Santos, Pedro


    Detection of asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease increases the risk of vascular morbibity and mortality. We aimed to estimate the prevalence of clinical and subclinical peripheral arterial disease using the ankle-arm index (AAI) as diagnostic tool in a working population. We included 450 workers, older than 50 years old, attending voluntary regular health check-up at Centro de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de la Junta de Andalucía in Málaga (Spain). We recorded clinical and anthopometrical data. Blood samples were taken after an overnight fast. Vascular risk was calculated using Framinghan and SCORE scales. Every participant was asked for symptoms of intermittent claudicatio and AAI was measured. AAI was considered normal within 0.9-1.3 values. Most of our workers were at low- or moderate vascular risk. Only 48 (10.6%) of individuals had an abnormal AAI: 9 (2%) showed an AAI<0.9 and 39 (8.6%) showed an AAI>1.3. An AAI<0.9 was found in 19% of those with a SCORE risk > or = 5%, and in 11% of those having a Framinghan risk > or = 20%. Intermittent claudication was present in 4 out of 9 (44%) of those having an AAI<0.9 and in 7 out of 402 (1.7%) with a normal AAI. Systematic screening of peripheral arterial disease using the AAI is not recommended in active working population over 50 years-old of age. Thus, AAI measurement is indicated only for those individuals suffering from intermitent claudicatio and those who are at moderate- or high vascular risk.

  18. Zn influence on the plasticity of Cdo{0.96}Zn{0.04}Te

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Imhoff, D.; Zozime, A.; Triboulet, R.


    Compression tests were performed on CdTe and Cd{0.96}Zn{0.04}Te to elucidate the mechanism through which Zn inhibits dislocation formation and motion during CdTe crystal growth, thus leading to a decreasing of the dislocation density. Uniaxial deformation experiments performed with CdTe and CdZnTe at constant strain rate within a wide temperature range (0. 14;T_m le T le 0.87;T_m,;T_m = 1 365; K), have revealed a strong hardening effect of Zn within the whole temperature range. They also showed in CdZnTe a Portevin Le Chatelier effect between 770 K and 920 K confirmed by static strain aging experiments. Critical resolved shear stress (C.R.S.S.) values at T = 195; K and static strain aging results with CdZnTe point to size effect as the dominant interaction between Zn and dislocations. Thermal activation parameters were estimated in both materials. La déformation plastique a été utilisée comme approche des mécanismes par lesquels le zinc entrave le mouvement des dislocations au cours du processus de croissance cristalline de CdTe massif, réduisant ainsi la densité de dislocations. Les expériences de compression uniaxiale à vitesse constante, réalisées dans CdTe et CdZnTe entre 0,14 T_f et 0,87 T_f ont montré que le zinc est responsable d'un fort durcissement sur tout le domaine de températures étudié. Les expériences de déformation dans CdZnTe ont mis en évidence un phénomène du type Portevin Le Chatelier entre 770 K et 920 K, confirmé par des expériences de vieillissement statique. Les valeurs de scission critique tau_c à 195 K et les résultats des expériences de vieillissement statique dans CdZnTe sont compatibles avec un effet de taille dominant pour les interactions Zndislocations. Les paramètres d'activation thermique ont été estimés dans les deux matériaux.

  19. Prevalence and factors associated with human brucellosis in livestock professionals.


    Mufinda, Franco Cazembe; Boinas, Fernando; Nunes, Carla


    áveis sociodemográficas, de conhecimento e práticas relativas às características das actividades desenvolvidas na pecuária. Estudo transversal seroepidemiológico em população de 131 trabalhadores de talhos, salas de abate e matadouro e 192 criadores amostrados aleatoriamente na província do Namibe, Angola. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de colheita de sangue e aplicação de questionário. Os testes laboratoriais utilizados foram o Rosa de Bengala e a aglutinação lenta em tubos. O questionário permitiu recolher informação sociodemográfica e, especificamente sobre a brucelose, incorporou questões sobre conhecimento, atitudes e comportamentos dos profissionais da pecuária. Além da abordagem estatística descritiva, foram utilizados os testes de Independência do Qui-quadrado, Fisher e modelos de regressão logística, utilizando um nível de significância de 10%. A prevalência geral ponderada da brucelose foi de 15.6% (IC95% 13.61-17.50), sendo 5.3% em trabalhadores e 16.7% (IC95% 11.39-21.93) em criadores. A significância estatística foi observada entre a seroprevalência humana e a categoria (trabalhador e criador) (p < 0.001) e o nível de instrução (p = 0.032), início de actividade (p = 0.079) e local de serviço (p = 0.055). Em um contexto multivariado, o factor positivamente associado à brucelose em profissionais foi a categoria profissional (OR = 3.54; IC95% 1.57-8.30, relativo aos criadores em relação a trabalhadores). A brucelose humana em profissionais da pecuária é prevalente na província do Namibe (15.6%), onde a categoria profissional foi o factor mais relevante. Os níveis de seroprevalência detectados são elevados se comparados com outros encontrados em estudos semelhantes.

  20. New determination of the D0→K-π+π0 and D0→K-π+π+π- coherence factors and average strong-phase differences

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Libby, J.; Malde, S.; Powell, A.; Wilkinson, G.; Asner, D. M.; Bonvicini, G.; Briere, R. A.; Gershon, T.; Naik, P.; Pedlar, T. K.; Rademacker, J.; Ricciardi, S.; Thomas, C.


    Measurements of the coherence factors (R and R) and the average strong-phase differences (δDKππ0 and δDK3π) for the decays D0→K-π+π0 and D0→K-π+π+π- are presented. These parameters are important inputs to the determination of the unitarity triangle angle γ in B∓→DK∓ decays, where D designates a D0 or D meson decaying to a common final state. The measurements are made using quantum correlated DDbar decays collected by the CLEO-c experiment at the ψ(3770) resonance, and augment a previously published analysis by the inclusion of new events in which the signal decay is tagged by the mode D→KS0π+π-. The measurements also benefit from improved knowledge of external inputs, namely the D0D mixing parameters, rDKπ and several D-meson branching fractions. The measured values are R=0.82±0.07, δDKππ0=(164-14+20)°, R=0.32-0.28+0.20 and δDK3π=(225-78+21)°. Consideration is given to how these measurements can be improved further by using the larger quantum-correlated data set collected by BESIII.

  1. PubMed

    Alvarez Padilla, Facundo Nicolás; Schiavoni, Emiliano Nestor; Bustos, Mario Eduardo Francisco


    INTRODUCCIONEl derrame pleural neoplásico (DPN) implica una enfermedad oncológica avanzada. La biopsia pleural por cirugía torácica endoscópica permite el diagnóstico en más del 90% de los casos y la instrumentación del espacio pleural complicado, mejorando los resultados de la técnica.MATERIAL Y METODOSe realizó un análisis retrospectivo de pacientes con DPN operados para la realización de una pleurodesis química con talco. Se formaron dos grupos, uno con derrame pleural neoplásico complicado (DPNC) y otro con derrame pleural neoplásico no complicado (DPNNC). En el grupo con DPNC se realizó "maniobras de liberación - expansión". Se compararon las variables entre ambos grupos para el análisis pertinente.RESULTADOSSe analizaron 28 pacientes con DPN tratados con pleurodesis química por cirugía torácica endoscópica. La edad promedio fue de 62,64 años. El compromiso pleural por patología mamaria fue la forma más frecuente (46,4%). No se hubo diferencia en cuanto a complicaciones (p= 0,31) y riesgo de defunción a los 30 días (p=1,09) con el manejo agresivo del espacio pleural. La demora en la indicación de pleurodesis se relacionó con un mayor índice de complicaciones (p=0,002) y mayor probabilidad de defunción dentro de los 30 días (p=0,008). La mayoría de pacientes se reinsertó a sus tareas diarias, con buena tolerancia a la disnea luego del procedimiento.  CONCLUSIONEn los pacientes con DPNC, las "maniobras de liberación - expansión pulmonar" descriptas, aumentarían las chances de mejorar los resultados con bajo riesgo. La pleurodesis química temprana mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes portadores de un DPN.

  2. Precision Measurement of the proton neutral weak form factors at Q 2 ~ 0.1 GeV 2

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kaufman, Lisa J.


    This thesis reports the HAPPEX measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry for longitudinally polarized electrons elastically scattered from protons in a liquid hydrogen target. The measurement was carried out in Hall A at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility using a beam energy E = 3 GeV and scattering angle = 6°. The asymmetry is sensitive to the weak neutral form factors from which we extract the strange quark electric and magnetic form factors (Gmore » $$s\\atop{E}$$ and G$$s\\atop{M}$$) of the proton. The measurement was conducted during two data-taking periods in 2004 and 2005. This thesis describes the methods for controlling the helicity-correlated beam asymmetries and the analysis of the raw asymmetry. The parity-violating asymmetry has been measured to be A PV = -1.14± 0.24 (stat)±0.06 (syst) ppm at 2> = 0.099 GeV 2 (2004), and A PV = -1.58±0.12 (stat)±0.04 (syst) ppm at 2> = 0.109 GeV 2 (2005). The strange quark form factors extracted from the asymmetry are G$$s\\atop{E}$$ + 0.080G$$s\\atop{M}$$ = 0.030 ± 0.025 (stat) ± 0.006 (syst) ± 0.012 (FF) (2004) and G$$s\\atop{E}$$ +0.088G$$s\\atop{M}$$ = 0.007±0.011 (stat)±0.004 (syst)±0.005 (FF) (2005). These results place the most precise constraints on the strange quark form factors and indicate little strange dynamics in the proton.« less

  3. Factors associated with mortality in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting.


    Koerich, Cintia; Lanzoni, Gabriela Marcellino de Melo; Erdmann, Alacoque Lorenzini


    idade de 65 anos. O infarto agudo do miocárdio foi o diagnóstico de internação que apresentou maior representatividade. A maioria das intercorrências registradas durante a internação caracterizou-se por alterações do sistema cardiovascular e o maior tempo de internação teve relação direta com óbito por choque séptico. os dados fornecem subsídios para a enfermagem atuar com medidas preventivas e identificação precoce de intercorrências associadas à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. Reforça-se a importância da utilização dos dados como indicadores de qualidade objetivando garantir um cuidado pautado em informações confiáveis que orientem gestores no planejamento da assistência ao paciente e dos serviços de saúde de alta complexidade. conocer los factores asociados a la mortalidad de pacientes sometidos a cirugía de revascularización del miocardio en un hospital de referencia cardiovascular en el estado de Santa Catarina. estudio cuantitativo, exploratorio, descriptivo y retrospectivo. Fueron analizados las fichas médicas de 1.447 pacientes, entre 2005 y 2013; las variables relacionadas estadísticamente fueron: perfil, diagnóstico de la internación, factores de riesgo para enfermedad arterial coronariana, complicaciones registradas en la internación, tiempo de internación y causa de la muerte. la tasa de mortalidad fue de 5,3%, en el período del estudio. Las muertes fueron más frecuentes en negros, sexo femenino y promedio de edad de 65 años. El infarto agudo del miocardio fue el diagnóstico de internación que presentó mayor representatividad. La mayoría de las complicaciones registradas durante la internación se caracterizó por alteraciones del sistema cardiovascular; el mayor tiempo de internación tuvo relación directa con muerte por choque séptico. los datos suministran informaciones para que la enfermería pueda actuar con medidas preventivas e identificar precozmente complicaciones asociadas a la cirug

  4. Cervical length screening for prevention of preterm birth in singleton pregnancy with threatened preterm labor: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials using individual patient-level data.


    Berghella, V; Palacio, M; Ness, A; Alfirevic, Z; Nicolaides, K H; Saccone, G


    LC (grupo de control). Las participantes fueron mujeres embarazadas con feto único desde las 23 + 0 hasta las 36 + 6 semanas y con riesgo de PPT. Se estableció contacto con los autores de los ensayos incluidos para solicitar el acceso a los datos y llevar a cabo un metaanálisis de los datos de las participantes individualmente. Los datos proporcionados por los investigadores se agregaron a una base de datos maestra creada específicamente para esta revisión. El resultado primario fue el PPTE < 37 semanas. Las medidas resumen se reportaron como riesgo relativo (RR) o como diferencia de medias (DM) con IC del 95%. En el metaanálisis se incluyeron tres ensayos con un total de 287 embarazos con feto único y riesgo de PPT entre 24 + 0 y 35 + 6 semanas, de los cuales 145 fueron asignados al azar a un cribado mediante la LC con conocimiento de los resultados y 142 a aquellos para los que se desconocía la LC. En comparación con el grupo control, las mujeres que fueron asignadas aleatoriamente al grupo en el que se conocía la LC tuvieron una tasa de parto prematuro a < 37 semanas significativamente menor (22,1% vs. 34,5%; RR 0,64 (IC 95%, 0,44-0,94); 3 ensayos; 287 participantes ) y una edad gestacional al momento del parto más tardía (DM 0,64 (IC 95%, 0.03-1.25) semanas; DM 4,48 (IC 95%, 1,18-8,98) días; 3 ensayos; 287 participantes). El resto de los resultados para los cuales había datos disponibles fueron similares en ambos grupos. Existe una asociación significativa entre el conocimiento de la LC obtenida mediante ETV y una menor incidencia de PPTE y edad gestacional más tardía en el momento del parto en embarazos con feto único sintomáticos debido al riesgo de parto pretérmino (PPT). Teniendo en cuenta que en el metaanálisis se encontró una reducción significativa del 36% en el resultado primario, pero que los otros resultados fueron estadísticamente similares en su mayoría, serán necesarios más estudios para entender mejor si las propiedades

  5. What are the main environmental exposures associated with elevated IgE in Cuban infants? A population-based study

    PubMed Central

    Fundora-Hernández, Hermes; Venero-Fernández, Silvia J; Suárez-Medina, Ramón; Mora-Faife, Esperanza de la C; García-García, Gladys; del Valle-Infante, Ileana; Gómez-Marrero, Liem; Venn, Andrea; Britton, John; Fogarty, Andrew W


    unos niveles altos de IgE en los niños. El objetivo de este estudio era determinar los factores de riesgo de unos niveles elevados de IgE en sueros de niños viviendo en La Habana. Métodos Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de 877 niños. Se recolectaron datos sobre los síntomas de la alergia y un amplio rango de exposiciones. Resultados La mediana de IgE era de 35 IU/ml (rango intercuartil 13–96). El riesgo de tener unos niveles altos de IgE, por encima de la mediana, era mayor en niños que habían sido amamantados durante cuatro meses o más (odds ratio (OR) ajustado 1.28; intervalo de confianza (IC) 95%: 1.02–1.61) y en niños para los que se había reportado presencia de cucarachas en sus hogares (OR 1.30; 95% CI: 1.03–1.63). El riesgo era menor para niños cuya madre tenía un empleo pagado (OR 0.73; IC 95%: 0.54–0.97 comparado con aquellos que no la tenían), para niños viviendo en hogares en los que se utilizaba gas y electricidad para cocinar (OR 0.45; IC 95%: 0.32–0.62 comparado con electricidad solamente) y para niños con mascotas domésticas en el momento de nacer (OR 0.83; IC 95%: 0.70–1.00). No existía una asociación entre el uso del paracetamol y los niveles de IgE en suero. Conclusiones Las asociaciones con el uso de gas como combustible y el empleo de la madre indican que los niveles de IgE en una etapa temprana de la vida son menores en niños viviendo con un cierto nivel de opulencia. Las discrepancias en el efecto de una exposición temprana a mascotas o cucarachas podría reflejar las diferencias en estos alergenos, aunque la relativa opulencia podría jugar como factor de confusión. Nuevos estudios con esta cohorte podrían determinar cómo estos efectos se traducen en la expresión de la enfermedad alérgica más adelante en la vida. PMID:24674274

  6. Design and performance of an 0.8 hub-tip ratio axial flow pump rotor with a blade tip diffusion factor of 0.55

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Urasek, D. C.


    A 22.9-centimeter diameter axial flow rotor with a 0.8 hub-tip radius ratio, a design flow coefficient of 0.466, and a blade tip design diffusion factor of 0.55 was tested in cold water under both cavitating and noncavitating conditions. Radial surveys of the flow conditions at the rotor inlet and outlet were made. At design flow, the rotor produced an overall headrise coefficient of 0.360 with an overall efficiency of 95.0 percent. The efficiency remained greater than 88 percent over the entire flow coefficient range which varied from 0.350 to 0.615.

  7. Estrategia innovadora enfocada en parejas del mismo sexo para disminuir la infección del VIH en hombres Latinos

    PubMed Central

    Martinez, Omar; Wu, Elwin; Sandfort, Theo; Shultz, Andrew Z.; Capote, Jonathan; Chávez, Silvia; Moya, Eva; Dodge, Brian; Morales, Gabriel; Porras, Antonio; Ovejero, Hugo


    Resumen El VIH es un problema de salud importante dentro de la comunidad latina de los Estados Unidos. Gracias a los esfuerzos de prevención, los niveles de contagio entre los latinos se han mantenido estables por más de una década. Sin embargo, esta población sigue siendo afectada a niveles muy altos, en particular entre hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH), de origen latino y que hablan principalmente el idioma español. Existen varios factores que contribuyen a la transmisión del VIH entre esta población, como son: el uso de drogas; la violencia dentro de la pareja; la presencia de infecciones de transmisión sexual; relaciones sexuales sin protección, dentro y fuera de la pareja; el evadir la búsqueda de recursos (prueba y tratamiento adecuado) por temor a ser discriminado o por su estatus migratorio; la escasez de recursos económicos o estado de pobreza y los patrones relacionados a la migración. En particular, Investigaciones Epidemiológicas de Comportamientos han determinado: cómo algunas dinámicas en parejas están directamente asociadas a los comportamientos sexuales de riesgos. En consecuencia, es necesaria mayor investigación para identificar esas dinámicas, y a su vez, realizar intervenciones dirigidas a la reducción de conductas de riesgo enfocadas en parejas de hombres del mismo sexo. En este escrito, se describe la importancia del uso de las relaciones de pareja como estrategia en la reducción de la trasmisión del VIH/SIDA en HSH de origen latino y que hablan principalmente el idioma español en los Estados Unidos. PMID:25580466

  8. Determination of a correction factor for the interaction potential of He + ions backscattered from a Cu(1 0 0) surface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Draxler, M.; Walker, M.; McConville, C. F.


    We have used coaxial impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy (CAICISS) data collected from 3 keV He+ ions backscattered from a Cu(1 0 0) surface in different azimuthal orientations to investigate the influence of the screening length on CAICISS polar angle scans. We have compared the experimental data to computer simulations generated with the FAN code and found that for our experimental conditions an exceptionally low value of 0.53 was required for the correction factor to the Firsov screening length used with the Thomas-Fermi-Moliere potential. In addition we found that the Ziegler-Biersack-Littmark potential is not applicable, resulting in incorrect peak positions in the CAICISS polar angle plots.

  9. Prevalence and Extrinsic Risk Factors for Dental Erosion in Adolescents.


    Mafla, Ana C; Cerón-Bastidas, Ximena A; Munoz-Ceballos, Maria E; Vallejo-Bravo, Diana C; Fajardo-Santacruz, Maria C

    This manuscript examined the prevalence and extrinsic risk factors for dental erosion (DE) in early and middle adolescents in Pasto, Colombia. Dental erosion was evaluated in a random sample of 384 individuals aged 10-15 years attending three primary and high schools in this cross-sectional study. Clinical dental assessment for DE was done using O'Sullivan index. Data on general sociodemographic variables and extrinsic risks factors were obtained. Descriptive and univariate binary logistic regression analyses were performed. Dental erosion was observed in 57.3% of individuals. The univariate binary logistic regression analysis showed that frequency of drinking natural fruit juices (OR 2.670, 95% CI 1.346 - 5.295, P=0.004) and their pH (OR 2.303, 95% CI 1.292 - 4.107, P=0.004) were more associated with the odd of DE in early adolescence. However, a high SES (OR 10.360, 95% CI 3.700 - 29.010, P<0.001) and frequency of snacks with artificial lemon taste (OR 3.659, 95% CI 1.506 - 8.891, P=0.003) were highly associated with the risk of DE in middle adolescence. The results suggest that DE is a prevalent condition in adolescents living in a city in southern Colombia. The transition from early to middle adolescence implies new bio-psychosocial changes, which increase the risk for DE.

  10. Prevalence and factors associated with preoperative anxiety in children aged 5-12 years.


    Moura, Louise Amália de; Dias, Iohanna Maria Guimarães; Pereira, Lilian Varanda


    to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with preoperative anxiety in children who wait for outpatient surgery. cross-sectional analysis of baseline data of a prospective cohort study that investigates the predictors of postoperative pain in children aged 5-12 years submitted to inguinal and umbilical hernia repair. It was selected 210 children, which were interviewed in the preoperative holding area of a general hospital. Anxiety was evaluated using the modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale (mYPAS). Sociodemographic and clinical variables were analyzed as exposure and anxiety (mYPAS final score>30) as outcome. Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with preoperative anxiety. forty-two percent (42.0%) of children presented preoperative anxiety (CI95%: 35.7%-48.6%), with mean scores equal to 30.1 (SD=8.4). Factors associated with preoperative anxiety were: age group of 5-6 years (OR=2.28; p=0.007) and socioeconomic status classified as class C (OR=2.39; p=0.016). the evaluation of children who wait for outpatient surgery should be multidimensional and comprise information on age and socioeconomic status, in order to help in the identification and early treatment of preoperative anxiety. estimar a prevalência e os fatores associados à ansiedade pré-operatória em crianças que aguardam cirurgia ambulatorial. análise transversal de dados da linha de base de um estudo de coorte prospectiva que investiga os preditores de dor pós-operatória em crianças de 5 a 12 anos, submetidas à herniorrafia inguinal e umbilical. Foram selecionadas 210 crianças, entrevistadas na sala de espera de um hospital geral. Avaliou-se a ansiedade por meio da Escala de Ansiedade Pré-operatória de Yale Modificada (EAPY-m). Variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas foram analisadas, como exposição e ansiedade (soma dos escores da EAPY-m>30) como desfecho. A regressão logística foi utilizada para identificar fatores associados à ansiedade pr

  11. Risk factors for postpartum urinary incontinence.


    Leroy, Lígia da Silva; Lúcio, Adélia; Lopes, Maria Helena Baena de Moraes


    To investigate the risk factors for postpartum urinary incontinence (UI) and its characteristics. This was a case-control study with 344 puerperal women (77 cases and 267 controls) with up to 90 days postpartum. In a single session, participants were given a questionnaire with sociodemographic and clinical data and two others that assessed urine leakage, leakage situations, and type of UI. Stress UI was present in 45.5% of the women, incidents of urine leakage several times a day in 44.2%, of which 71.4% were in small amounts and 57.1% when coughing or sneezing. In 70.1% of cases, UI began during pregnancy and remained through the postpartum period. After running a binary logistic regression model, the following factors remained in the final model: UI during pregnancy (OR 12.82, CI 95% 6.94 - 23.81, p<0.0001), multiparity (OR 2.26, CI 95% 1.22 - 4.19, p=0.009), gestational age at birth greater or equal to 37 weeks (OR 2.52, CI 95% 1.16 - 5.46, p=0.02) and constipation (OR 1.94, CI 95% 1.05 - 5.46, p=0.035). Most often, UI first appeared during pregnancy and remained through the postpartum period. Urinary incontinence during pregnancy, multiparity, gestational age at birth greater or equal to 37 weeks, and constipation were presented as risk factors. In the studied group, stress UI was more frequent. Investigar os fatores de risco para a incontinência urinária (IU) no puerpério e as suas características. Trata-se de estudo caso-controle com 344 puérperas (77 casos e 267 controles), com até 90 dias pós-parto. Foi aplicado, em um único momento, um questionário para os dados sociodemográficos e clínicos, e dois outros para avaliar a perda urinária, situações de perda e o tipo de IU. Apresentaram IU de esforço 45,5%, perda urinária diversas vezes ao dia 44,2%, sendo 71,4% em pequena quantidade e 57,1% ao tossir ou espirrar. Em 70,1% dos casos a IU iniciou-se na gestação e permaneceu no puerpério. Ao ajustar-se um modelo de regressão logística bin

  12. Factors associated with vaginal birth after cesarean in a maternity hospital of Rio de Janeiro.


    d'Orsi, E; Chor, D; Giffin, K; Barbosa, G P; Angulo-Tuesta, A J; Gama, A S; Pessoa, L G; Shiraiwa, T; Fonseca, M J


    Identifying characteristics associated with vaginal birth after cesarean. Case-control study based on medical records. women with previous cesarean, who had delivered in a public Rio de Janeiro maternity hospital between 1992 and 1996. 141 cases (vaginal births after cesarean) and 304 controls (a new cesarean after other(s)). Multivariate analysis with logistic regression was carried out. The following characteristics were associated with greater probability of vaginal birth (IC=95%): only one previous cesarean (OR=19.05; IC=6.88-52.76); cervical dilatation at admission above 3 cm (OR=8.86; IC=4.93-15.94); gestational age below 37 weeks (OR=3.01; IC=1.40-6.46); history of at least one previous vaginal birth (OR=2.12; IC=1.18-3.82); level of education below high school (OR=1.94; IC=1.02-3.69). Chronic hypertension reduced the chances of vaginal birth (OR=0.44; IC=0.22-0.88). Among the factors that can be modified to reduce the number of repeated cesareans are: trial of labor promotion, reducing admission of women at early stages of labor and adequate hypertension management during pregnancy. Among the factors that can be modified to reduce the number of repeated cesareans are: the trial of labor promotion for women who present previous cesarean, reducing admission of women at early stages of labor and adequate hypertension management during pregnancy.

  13. Microcrystalline diamond cylindrical resonators with quality-factor up to 0.5 million

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saito, Daisuke; Yang, Chen; Heidari, Amir; Najar, Hadi; Lin, Liwei; Horsley, David A.


    We demonstrate high quality-factor 1.5 mm diameter batch-fabricated microcrystalline diamond cylindrical resonators (CR) with quality-factors limited by thermoelastic damping (TED) and surface loss. Resonators were fabricated 2.6 and 5.3 μm thick in-situ boron-doped microcrystalline diamond films deposited using hot filament chemical vapor deposition. The quality-factor (Q) of as-fabricated CR's was found to increase with the resonator diameter and diamond thickness. Annealing the CRs at 700 °C in a nitrogen atmosphere led to a three-fold increase in Q, a result we attribute to thinning of the diamond layer via reaction with residual O2 in the annealing furnace. Post-anneal Q exceeding 0.5 million (528 000) was measured at the 19 kHz elliptical wineglass modes, producing a ring-down time of 8.9 s. A model for Q versus diamond thickness and resonance frequency is developed including the effects of TED and surface loss. Measured quality factors are shown to agree with the predictions of this model.

  14. Environmental risk factors for autism: do they help cause de novo genetic mutations that contribute to the disorder?


    Kinney, Dennis K; Barch, Daniel H; Chayka, Bogdan; Napoleon, Siena; Munir, Kerim M


    Recent research has discovered that a number of genetic risk factors for autism are de novo mutations. Advanced parental age at the time of conception is associated with increased risk for both autism and de novo mutations. We investigated the hypothesis that other environmental factors associated with increased risk for autism might also be mutagenic and contribute to autism by causing de novo mutations. A survey of the research literature identified 9 environmental factors for which increased pre-conceptual exposure appears to be associated with increased risk for autism. Five of these factors--mercury, cadmium, nickel, trichloroethylene, and vinyl chloride--are established mutagens. Another four--including residence in regions that are urbanized, located at higher latitudes, or experience high levels of precipitation--are associated with decreased sun exposure and increased risk for vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D plays important roles in repairing DNA damage and protecting against oxidative stress--a key cause of DNA damage. Factors associated with vitamin D deficiency will thus contribute to higher mutation rates and impaired repair of DNA. We note how de novo mutations may also help explain why the concordance rate for autism is so markedly higher in monozygotic than dizygotic twins. De novo mutations may also explain in part why the prevalence of autism is so remarkably high, given the evidence for a strong role of genetic factors and the low fertility of individuals with autism--and resultant selection pressure against autism susceptibility genes. These several lines of evidence provide support for the hypothesis, and warrant new research approaches--which we suggest--to address limitations in existing studies. The hypothesis has implications for understanding possible etiologic roles of de novo mutations in autism, and it suggests possible approaches to primary prevention of the disorder, such as addressing widespread vitamin D deficiency and exposure to

  15. Factor associated with self-reported work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Brazilian adults.


    Assunção, Ada Ávila; Abreu, Mery Natali Silva


    To describe the prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD) and analyze the factors associated with this outcome in the Brazilian population. In this cross-sectional, population-based study, we use data from the National Survey on Health (PNS) of 2013. The sample was composed of 60,202 Brazilians aged 18 years or older. The outcome variable was the occurrence of self-reported WMSD. Sociodemographic and occupational characteristics, personal resources, and health conditions were investigated as explanatory variables. Analyses were performed with the software Stata 12.0 and considered the weighting imposed by the sampling design of the study. Then, univariate and multivariate binary logistic models were carried out, considering a significance level of 5%. The results obtained indicated that the prevalence of WMSD in the Brazilian population was of 2.5%, ranging from 0.2% (Acre) to 4.2% (Santa Catarina). The factors associated with a greater chance of occurrence of WMSD were: female sex (OR = 2.33; 95%CI 1.72-3.15); be temporarily away from work (OR = 2.44; 95%CI 1.41-4.23); be exposed to noise at the workplace (OR = 2.16; 95%CI 1.68-2.77); seniority equal to or greater than 4.5 years at the current job (OR = 1.37; 95%CI 1.09-1.72); participate in volunteer work (OR = 1.65; 95%CI 1.25-2.17); report medical diagnosis of arthritis or rheumatism (OR = 2.40; 95%CI 1.68-3.44); and depression (OR = 2.48; 95%CI 1.86-3.31). On the other hand, factors associated with less chance of WMSD were: not having a partner (OR = 0.73; 95%CI 0.37-0.71) and working in an open environment (OR = 0.51; 95%CI 0.37-0.71). The associated factors and the prevalence found indicate regional and gender differences. Special attention to comorbidities and environmental noise monitoring would benefit the health of workers in the Country. Descrever a prevalência de distúrbio osteomuscular relacionado ao trabalho (Dort) e analisar os fatores associados com esse desfecho na popula

  16. An average/deprivation/inequality (ADI) analysis of chronic disease outcomes and risk factors in Argentina

    PubMed Central

    De Maio, Fernando G; Linetzky, Bruno; Virgolini, Mario


    Background Recognition of the global economic and epidemiological burden of chronic non-communicable diseases has increased in recent years. However, much of the research on this issue remains focused on individual-level risk factors and neglects the underlying social patterning of risk factors and disease outcomes. Methods Secondary analysis of Argentina's 2005 Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo (National Risk Factor Survey, N = 41,392) using a novel analytical strategy first proposed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which we here refer to as the Average/Deprivation/Inequality (ADI) framework. The analysis focuses on two risk factors (unhealthy diet and obesity) and one related disease outcome (diabetes), a notable health concern in Latin America. Logistic regression is used to examine the interplay between socioeconomic and demographic factors. The ADI analysis then uses the results from the logistic regression to identify the most deprived, the best-off, and the difference between the two ideal types. Results Overall, 19.9% of the sample reported being in poor/fair health, 35.3% reported not eating any fruits or vegetables in five days of the week preceding the interview, 14.7% had a BMI of 30 or greater, and 8.5% indicated that a health professional had told them that they have diabetes or high blood pressure. However, significant variation is hidden by these summary measures. Educational attainment displayed the strongest explanatory power throughout the models, followed by household income, with both factors highlighting the social patterning of risk factors and disease outcomes. As educational attainment and household income increase, the probability of poor health, unhealthy diet, obesity, and diabetes decrease. The analyses also point toward important provincial effects and reinforce the notion that both compositional factors (i.e., characteristics of individuals) and contextual factors (i.e., characteristics of places) are

  17. Validation of an e-Learning 3.0 Critical Success Factors Framework: A Qualitative Research

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Miranda, Paula; Isaias, Pedro; Costa, Carlos J.; Pifano, Sara


    Aim/Purpose: As e-Learning 3.0 evolves from a theoretical construct into an actual solution for online learning, it becomes crucial to accompany this progress by scrutinising the elements that are at the origin of its success. Background: This paper outlines a framework of e-Learning 3.0's critical success factors and its empirical validation.…

  18. CTEF 2.0 - Assessment and Improvement of Command Team Effectiveness: Verification of Model and Instrument (CTEF 2.0 - Diagnostic et Amelioration de l’Efficacite d’un Team de Commandement: Verification du Modele et de l’Instrument)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    what level of detail is needed to build their teams, and they can add more detailed items from the model in order to tap deeper in the performance of...of a project on ‘Command Team Effectiveness’ by Task Group 127 for the RTO Human Factors and Medicine Panel (RTG HFM-127). Published...vérification du modèle et de l’instrument) This Technical Report documents the findings of a project on ‘Command Team Effectiveness’ by Task Group

  19. National Survey of Sensory Features in Children with ASD: Factor Structure of the Sensory Experience Questionnaire (3.0)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ausderau, Karla; Sideris, John; Furlong, Melissa; Little, Lauren M.; Bulluck, John; Baranek, Grace T.


    This national online survey study characterized sensory features in 1,307 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) ages 2-12 years using the Sensory Experiences Questionnaire Version 3.0 (SEQ-3.0). Using the SEQ-3.0, a confirmatory factor analytic model with four substantive factors of hypothesized sensory response patterns (i.e.,…

  20. Greybody factors for a spherically symmetric Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-de Sitter black hole

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Cheng-Yong; Li, Peng-Cheng; Chen, Bin


    We study the greybody factors of the scalar fields in spherically symmetric Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-de Sitter black holes in higher dimensions. We derive the greybody factors analytically for both minimally and nonminimally coupled scalar fields. Moreover, we discuss the dependence of the greybody factor on various parameters including the angular momentum number, the nonminimally coupling constant, the spacetime dimension, the cosmological constant, and the Gauss-Bonnet coefficient in detail. We find that the nonminimal coupling may suppress the greybody factor and the Gauss-Bonnet coupling could enhance it, but they both suppress the energy emission rate of Hawking radiation.

  1. Microcrystalline diamond cylindrical resonators with quality-factor up to 0.5 million

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Saito, Daisuke; Yang, Chen; Lin, Liwei


    We demonstrate high quality-factor 1.5 mm diameter batch-fabricated microcrystalline diamond cylindrical resonators (CR) with quality-factors limited by thermoelastic damping (TED) and surface loss. Resonators were fabricated 2.6 and 5.3 μm thick in-situ boron-doped microcrystalline diamond films deposited using hot filament chemical vapor deposition. The quality-factor (Q) of as-fabricated CR's was found to increase with the resonator diameter and diamond thickness. Annealing the CRs at 700 °C in a nitrogen atmosphere led to a three-fold increase in Q, a result we attribute to thinning of the diamond layer via reaction with residual O{sub 2} in the annealing furnace. Post-anneal Q exceeding 0.5 million (528 000)more » was measured at the 19 kHz elliptical wineglass modes, producing a ring-down time of 8.9 s. A model for Q versus diamond thickness and resonance frequency is developed including the effects of TED and surface loss. Measured quality factors are shown to agree with the predictions of this model.« less


    PubMed Central



    RESUMEN El estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA continúa afectando la prestación de servicios de salud y el bienestar físico y mental de las personas con VIH/SIDA (PVS). Recientemente la literatura científica ha señalado la importancia de comprender las manifestaciones de estigma más allá de las interacciones individuales. Por tal razón, investigaciones recientes en y fuera de Puerto Rico enfatizan la importancia de entender cómo factores socio-estructurales (FSE) influyen en los procesos de estigmatización social. Con el propósito de examinar los FSE que influyen en las manifestaciones de estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA, realizamos y analizamos nueve grupos focales compuestos por hombres y mujeres en tratamiento para el VIH/SIDA que habían tenido experiencias estigmatizantes. Los participantes identificaron FSE relacionados a las manifestaciones de estigma, tales como el uso de viviendas especializadas, descentralización de los servicios de salud y el desarrollo de protocolos administrativos excluyentes en los servicios de salud. Los resultados demuestran la importancia de considerar los FSE en el desarrollo e implementación de intervenciones dirigidas a la población. PMID:24639599

  3. [Physical violence against women in Santa Fe de Bogotá: prevalence and associated factors].


    Klevens, J


    Estimate the magnitude of the problem of violence in intimate relationships affecting women in Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia, and identify the factors related to the risk of being battered. The data analyzed were collected between September 1998 and September 1999 from interviews with 3,971 women who had a child less than 6 months old. The women interviewed were ones using public health services in the Suba area of Bogotá, either for pediatric attention (well-baby services, vaccination, an ill child) or for childbirth. Out of the 3,971 women, 10 of them declined to participate, and 804 of them were not in an intimate relationship and were excluded from the analyses. Of the 3,157 participants, 26.5% of them reported that their current partner had slapped or pushed them, and 13.3% reported they had been hit with a fist, kicked, hit with some object, or beaten, or threatened with a knife or gun. In addition, 26.2% of the women said that their partner imposed some prohibition on them (on social activities, work, family planning, etc.). In the bivariate analyses, violence was significantly associated with: less schooling and lower income (P < 0.001), having more children (P < 0.001), a longer period of time living with the partner (P < 0.001), more frequent conflict with the partner (P < 0.001), not having other family members living in the home (P < 0.01), a history of abuse in the family of origin (P < 0.001), and prohibitions imposed by the partner (P < 0.001). According to multivariate analysis, the two factors most strongly related with violence were frequency of conflict with the partner and prohibitions imposed by the partner. Public health services are a good place to identify victims of domestic violence, and early detection and intervention programs should be established there. Services to support and protect victims should be expanded and strengthened in order to provide those persons with guidance, legal assistance, education, and job training. Appropriate

  4. Dental erosion, prevalence and risk factors among a group of adolescents in Stockholm County.


    Skalsky Jarkander, M; Grindefjord, M; Carlstedt, K


    To investigate the prevalence and risk factors of dental erosion (DE) among a group of adolescents in Stockholm County. This cross sectional cohort study was conducted at three clinics of the Public Dental Service in Stockholm County. Fifteen and 17 year old adolescents (1335) who scheduled their regular dental health examination were asked to participate. After drop-outs a sample of 1071 individuals, 547 males and 524 females were enrolled in the study. Presence of erosive wear was diagnosed (yes/no) on marker teeth by trained dentists/dental hygienists and photographs were taken. The adolescents answered a questionnaire regarding oral symptoms, dietary and behavioural factors. Two calibrated specialist dentists performed evaluation of the photographs for severity of DE using a modified version of the Simplified Erosion Partial Recording System (SEPRS). DE was clinically diagnosed in 28.3% of 15 years old and 34.3% of 17 years old. Severe erosive wear (grade 3 and 4 according to SEPRS) was found in 18.3% of the adolescents based upon the intra-oral photographs. DE was more prevalent and severe among males than females. Clinically diagnosed erosive lesions correlated significantly with soft drink consumption (p < 0.001), the use of juice or sport drinks as a thirst quencher after exercise (p = 0.006) and tooth hypersensitivity when eating and drinking (p = 0.012). Furthermore, self-assessed gastric reflux was a factor strongly associated with DE (p < 0.001). The study indicated that DE was common among adolescents in Stockholm County and associated with both internal and external risk factors.

  5. New determinations of Q quality factors and eigenfrequencies for the whole set of singlets of the Earth's normal modes 0S 0, 0S 2, 0S 3 and 2S 1 using superconducting gravimeter data from the GGP network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roult, Geneviève; Rosat, Séverine; Clévédé, Eric; Millot-Langet, Raphaële; Hinderer, Jacques


    We present new modal Q measurements of the 0S 0 and 0S 2 modes, and first modal frequencies and Q measurements of 2S 1 and 0S 3 modes. The high quality of the GGP (Global Geodynamics Project) superconducting gravimeters (SGs) contributes to the clear observation of seismic normal modes at frequencies lower than 1 mHz and offers a good opportunity for studying the behaviour of these modes. The interest of scientists in the gravest normal modes is due to the fact that they do contribute to a better knowledge of the density profile in the Earth, helping to constrain Earth's models. These modes have been clearly identified after some large recent events recorded with superconducting gravimeters, particularly well-suited for low-frequency investigations. The Ms = 8.1 (Mw = 8.4) Peruvian earthquake of June 2001 and the Ms = 9.0 (Mw = 9.3) Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of December 2004 provide us with individual spectra which exhibit a clear splitting of the spheroidal modes 0S 2, 0S 3 and 2S 1, and a clear identification of each of the individual singlets, with a resolution never obtained from broad-band seismometers records. The Q quality factors have been determined from the apparent decrease of the amplitude of each singlet with time, according to a well-suited technique [Roult, G., Clévédé, E., 2000. New refinements in attenuation measurements from free-oscillation and surface-wave observations. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 121, 1-37]. The results are compared to the theoretical frequencies and Q quality factors computed for the PREM and 1066A models, taking into account both rotation and ellipticity effects of the Earth. The two observed datasets (frequencies and Q quality factors) exhibit a splitting on the observed values different from the predicted one. That seems to point out that some parameters as density or attenuation values used in the theoretical models do not explain the observations. A new dataset of frequencies and Q quality factors of the whole set of

  6. The De-Escalating Aggressive Behaviour Scale: development and psychometric testing.


    Nau, Johannes; Halfens, Ruud; Needham, Ian; Dassen, Theo


    This paper is a report of a study to develop and test the psychometric properties of a scale measuring nursing students' performance in de-escalation of aggressive behaviour. Successful training should lead not merely to more knowledge and amended attitudes but also to improved performance. However, the quality of de-escalation performance is difficult to assess. Based on a qualitative investigation, seven topics pertaining to de-escalating behaviour were identified and the wording of items tested. The properties of the items and the scale were investigated quantitatively. A total of 1748 performance evaluations by students (rater group 1) from a skills laboratory were used to check distribution and conduct a factor analysis. Likewise, 456 completed evaluations by de-escalation experts (rater group 2) of videotaped performances at pre- and posttest were used to investigate internal consistency, interrater reliability, test-retest reliability, effect size and factor structure. Data were collected in 2007-2008 in German. Factor analysis showed a unidimensional 7-item scale with factor loadings ranging from 0.55 to 0.81 (rater group 1) and 0.48 to 0.88 (rater group 2). Cronbach's alphas of 0.87 and 0.88 indicated good internal consistency irrespective of rater group. A Pearson's r of 0.80 confirmed acceptable test-retest reliability, and interrater reliability Intraclass Correlation 3 ranging from 0.77 to 0.93 also showed acceptable results. The effect size r of 0.53 plus Cohen's d of 1.25 indicates the capacity of the scale to detect changes in performance. Further research is needed to test the English version of the scale and its validity.

  7. Enhanced temperature stability and quality factor with Hf substitution for Sn and MnO2 doping of (Ba0.97Ca0.03)(Ti0.96Sn0.04)O3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with high Curie temperature

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tsai, Cheng-Che; Chao, Wei-Hsiang; Chu, Sheng-Yuan; Hong, Cheng-Shong; Weng, Chung-Ming; Su, Hsiu-Hsien


    In this work, the process of two-stage modifications for (Ba0.97Ca0.03)(Ti0.96Sn0.04-xHfx)O3 (BCTS4-100xH100x) ceramics was studied. The trade-off composition was obtained by Hf substitution for Sn and MnO2 doping (two-stage modification) which improves the temperature stability and piezoelectric properties. The phase structure ratio, microstructure, and dielectric, piezoelectric, ferroelectric, and temperature stability properties were systematically investigated. Results showed that BCTS4-100xH100x piezoelectric ceramics with x=0.035 had a relatively high Curie temperature (TC) of about 112 °C, a piezoelectric charge constant (d33) of 313 pC/N, an electromechanical coupling factor (kp) of 0.49, a mechanical quality factor (Qm) of 122, and a remnant polarization (Pr) of 19 μ C /cm2 . In addition, the temperature stability of the resonant frequency (fr), kp, and aging d33 could be tuned via Hf content. Good piezoelectric temperature stability (up to 110 °C) was found with x =0.035. BCTS0.5H3.5 + a mol% Mn (BCTSH + a Mn) piezoelectric ceramics with a = 2 had a high TC of about 123 °C, kp ˜ 0.39, d33 ˜ 230 pC/N, Qm ˜ 341, and high temperature stability due to the produced oxygen vacancies. This mechanism can be depicted using the complex impedance analysis associated with a valence compensation model on electric properties. Two-stage modification for lead-free (Ba0.97Ca0.03)(Ti0.96Sn0.04)O3 ceramics suitably adjusts the compositions for applications in piezoelectric motors and actuators.

  8. Prediabetes


    ... riesgo más alto de tener diabetes tipo 2, enfermedades del corazón, accidentes cerebrovasculares y otros problemas de ... del Instituto Nacional de la Diabetes y las Enfermedades Digestivas y Renales (NIDDK, por sus siglas en ...

  9. PubMed

    López Gómez, Juan José; Pérez Castrillón, José Luis; Romero Bobillo, Enrique; De Luis Román, Daniel A


    La obesidad interfiere con el metabolismo óseo a través de factores mecánicos, hormonales e inflamatorios. El principal tratamiento de dicha enfermedad es la dieta, modificación de la cantidad y tipo de alimento. Este tratamiento nutricional tiene una influencia sobre el metabolismo óseo en dos sentidos: modifica el efecto del sobrepeso y la obesidad sobre el hueso e interviene directamente en el turnoveróseo a través de las características de los nutrientes utilizados. Esta revisión analiza la evidencia del efecto sobre el hueso del descenso de peso y del patrón dietético utilizado. Por otra parte, se valorarán las modificaciones que se pueden realizar en la dieta indicada en un paciente obeso para prevenir la pérdida ósea, a corto y largo plazo, y disminuir el riesgo de fractura.

  10. Effects of relaxation on depression levels in women with high-risk pregnancies: a randomised clinical trial.


    Araújo, Wanda Scherrer de; Romero, Walckiria Garcia; Zandonade, Eliana; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa


    com nível de significância de 5%. Os testes de Wilcoxon e t pareado foram utilizados para avaliar os níveis de depressão entre os dois momentos. Em relação aos dados categóricos, foi utilizado o teste de McNemar para analisar diferenças na gravidade da depressão antes e depois da intervenção. os níveis de depressão diminuíram no grupo intervenção cinco dias após a aplicação da técnica de relaxamento (4.5±3, p<0.05) em comparação sos níveis do primeiro momento (10.3±5.9). como uma intervenção de enfermagem, o relaxamento foi eficaz na diminuição dos sintomas de depressão em mulheres internadas com gravidez de alto risco. analizar los efectos de la relajación como una intervención de enfermería sobre los niveles de depresión de mujeres hospitalizadas con embarazos de alto riesgo. un ensayo clínico aleatorizado realizado en un centro de referencia para embarazos de alto riesgo. La muestra consistía en 50 mujeres con embarazos de alto riesgo (25 en el grupo control y 25 en el grupo de intervención). Se aplicó la técnica de relajación de Benson al grupo de intervención durante cinco días. Las variables control se recogieron usando un formulario prediseñado, y los signos y síntomas de depresión se evaluaron usando la Escala de Depresión Postparto de Edimburgo (EDPE, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale - EPDS). El Paquete Estadístico para Ciencias Sociales (SPSS, del inglés Statistical Package for Social Sciences), versión 20.0, se usó con un nivel de significación del 5%. La prueba de Wilcoxon y la prueba de t de Student pareada se usaron para evaluar los niveles de depresión entre dos puntos en el tiempo. Usando datos categóricos, la prueba de McNemar se usó para analizar diferencias en la severidad de la depresión antes y después de la intervención. los niveles de depresión disminuyeron en el grupo de intervención a los cinco días después de que la técnica de relajación fuera aplicada (4.5 ± 3, p<0.05) en

  11. [Surveillance of risk factors for non-communicable diseases among adolescents: the experience in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil].


    Castro, Inês Rugani Ribeiro de; Cardoso, Letícia Oliveira; Engstrom, Elyne Montenegro; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    This paper presents the methodology and results of the implementation of a Surveillance System for Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors in Adolescents. A random sample of 8th-grade students (n = 1,684) enrolled in municipal schools in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was studied. Students were asked to complete a confidential questionnaire on food consumption, physical activity, sedentary leisure-time activities, and tobacco consumption. Prevalence estimates of risk factors were calculated for the entire sample and by gender. Non-response rates ranged from 1.1 to 8.9%. The findings included low consumption of fruits (45.8%) and vegetables (20.0% and 16.5% for salads and cooked vegetables, respectively), regular consumption of soft drinks (36.7%) and candies (46.7%), extensive time on TV, computer, and videogames (71.7% spend at least 4h/day at these activities), low frequency of regular physical activity (40%), and 6.4% prevalence of smoking. Girls showed less physical activity and more smoking. The system appeared to be feasible and indicated high prevalence of risk factors for non-communicable diseases.

  12. Study of 0.9PMN 0.1PT Dielectric Behaviour in Relation to the Nanostructure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lattard, E.; Lejeune, M.; Imhoff, D.; Guinebretière, R.; Elissalde, C.; Abelard, P.


    which induces the growth of the polar clusters by displacement of their interface with the paraelectric matrix and orientation of their polarization in the direction of the electric field which can lead to a macroscopic ferroelectric transition in specific conditions of temperature and electric field intensity. These different mechanisms relax in a frequency range which depends on the temperature and on the amplitude of the electric field. Des céramiques polycristallines du type (1 - x)PbMg{1/3}Nb{2/3}O{3-x}PbTiO3 avec x = 0 et 10 % molaires ont été élaborées avec un excès de MgO (12 % molaires) permettant d'obtenir des matériaux denses de structure pérovskite. Des mesures de permittivité diélectrique ont montré qu'une polarisation locale apparaît dans ces matériaux à des températures (T_d) largement supérieures à celles correspondant au maximum de permittivité (T_m respectivement égale à -13 ^{circ}C et +36 ^{circ}C pour x = 0 et 0,10). Ceci est cohérent avec la formation de nanodomaines polaires au sein du matériau. Par ailleurs, une étude des caractéristiques diélectriques sur une large gamme de fréquence (100 Hz 10^9 Hz) fait apparaître une relaxation de type multi-Debye, la distribution des temps de relaxation correspondants s'élargissant vers les basses fréquences lorsque la température diminue. Ce phénomène peut être relié à un processus de nucléation-croissance des clusters polaires sur une large gamme de température, résultant des fluctuations de composition chimique au sein du matériau identifiées à l'échelle nanométrique par deux techniques de spectroscopie (EDX et EELS) en microscopie électronique en transmission. En effet, ces analyses ont mis en évidence de larges fluctuations de composition autour de la composition nominale du matériau : des zones appauvries en plomb et en magnésium et enrichies en niobium coexistent avec des nanodomaines fortement enrichis en plomb et légérement en magnésium dont la

  13. Factors associated with problematic drug use among psychiatric outpatients.


    Corradi-Webster, Clarissa Mendonça; Gherardi-Donato, Edilaine Cristina da Silva


    to examine the factors associated with problematic drug use among psychiatric outpatients. a cross-sectional study was carried out in two mental health services. Eligible individuals were patients of these mental health services, who used them within the data collection period. Instruments: standardized questionnaire with sociodemographic, social network, social harm, and clinical information; Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test; Barratt Impulsiveness Scale; Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale. Statistical analysis was performed using parametric statistics considering a significance level of p ≤ 0.05. Study participants were 243 patients, with 53.9% of these presenting problematic drug use. the most important independent predictors of problematic drug use were marital status (OR = 0.491), religious practice (OR = 0.449), satisfaction with financial situation (OR = 0.469), having suffered discrimination (OR = 3.821) and practicing sports activities in previous 12 months (OR = 2.25). the variables found to be predictors were those related to the social context of the patient, there, it is recommended that mental health services valorize psychosocial actions, seeking to know the social support network of patients, their modes of socialization, their financial needs, and their experiences of life and suffering. analisar os fatores associados ao consumo problemático de droga entre pacientes psiquiátricos ambulatoriais. estudo transversal em dois serviços de saúde mental. Foram considerados indivíduos elegíveis os usuários desses serviços de saúde mental, que os utilizaram dentro do período de coleta de dados. Instrumentos: Questionário padronizado sobre dados sociodemográficos, redes sociais, prejuízos sociais e informações clínicas; Teste de Triagem do Envolvimento com Álcool, Cigarro e outras Substâncias (ASSIST); Escala de Impulsividade de Barratt; e Escala de Avaliação de Reajustamento Social de Holmes e Rahe. A análise estat

  14. [Not Available].


    Rojo-Trejo, María Elena; Rangel Peniche, Diana Beatriz; Arellano Jiménez, María Del Rocío; Sabath Silva, Ernesto Francisco


    Introducción: el bajo peso al nacer (BPN) es un factor de riesgo para desarrollar obesidad en la vida adulta.Objetivo: evaluar diferencias en la composición corporal de niños de entre 8 y 10 años de edad con y sin antecedente de BPN.Métodos: fue un estudio observacional, transversal comparativo. Participaron 112 niños (95 con adecuado peso al nacer [APN] y 17 con BPN). Se realizó antropometría (peso, talla, circunferencias de cintura y cadera, pliegue cutáneo de tríceps [PCT] y subescapular [PCSE]).Resultados: se encontró una prevalencia combinada del 41% para sobrepeso y obesidad en ambos grupos de estudio. El porcentaje de grasa corporal total fue menor en las niñas con BPN (no significativo); sin embargo, el indicador PCT-PCSE fue significativamente más alto (p = 0,04) que el de las niñas con APN. En contra de lo esperado, al estratificar según porcentaje de grasa y peso al nacer, se encontró que el grupo con BPN presentó un porcentaje de grasa bajo (p < 0,05) en comparación con el grupo de APN, siendo 6 veces mayor la posibilidad de que un niño con BPN presente porcentaje de grasa total bajo a esta edad.Conclusiones: a estas edades no se encontró mayor porcentaje de grasa en el grupo con BPN en comparación con el de APN; sin embargo, las niñas con BPN presentaron mayor deposición de grasa troncal que las de APN. La deposición de grasa es un indicador que hay que considerar, y no únicamente el índice de masa corporal, en la evaluación nutricia infantil.

  15. Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of D+ → K̅0 e+νe via K̅0 → π 0 π 0

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ablikim, M.; Achasov, M. N.; Ai, X. C.; Albayrak, O.; Albrecht, M.; Ambrose, D. J.; Amoroso, A.; An, F. F.; An, Q.; Bai, J. Z.; Baldini Ferroli, R.; Ban, Y.; Bennett, D. W.; Bennett, J. V.; Bertani, M.; Bettoni, D.; Bian, J. M.; Bianchi, F.; Boger, E.; Boyko, I.; Briere, R. A.; Cai, H.; Cai, X.; Cakir, O.; Calcaterra, A.; Cao, G. F.; Cetin, S. A.; Chang, J. F.; Chelkov, G.; Chen, G.; Chen, H. S.; Chen, H. Y.; Chen, J. C.; Chen, M. L.; Chen, S.; Chen, S. J.; Chen, X.; Chen, X. R.; Chen, Y. B.; Cheng, H. P.; Chu, X. K.; Cibinetto, G.; Dai, H. L.; Dai, J. P.; Dbeyssi, A.; Dedovich, D.; Deng, Z. Y.; Denig, A.; Denysenko, I.; Destefanis, M.; De Mori, F.; Ding, Y.; Dong, C.; Dong, J.; Dong, L. Y.; Dong, M. Y.; Dou, Z. L.; Du, S. X.; Duan, P. F.; Fan, J. Z.; Fang, J.; Fang, S. S.; Fang, X.; Fang, Y.; Farinelli, R.; Fava, L.; Fedorov, O.; Feldbauer, F.; Felici, G.; Feng, C. Q.; Fioravanti, E.; Fritsch, M.; Fu, C. D.; Gao, Q.; Gao, X. L.; Gao, X. Y.; Gao, Y.; Gao, Z.; Garzia, I.; Goetzen, K.; Gong, L.; Gong, W. X.; Gradl, W.; Greco, M.; Gu, M. H.; Gu, Y. T.; Guan, Y. H.; Guo, A. Q.; Guo, L. B.; Guo, R. P.; Guo, Y.; Guo, Y. P.; Haddadi, Z.; Hafner, A.; Han, S.; Hao, X. Q.; Harris, F. A.; He, K. L.; Held, T.; Heng, Y. K.; Hou, Z. L.; Hu, C.; Hu, H. M.; Hu, J. F.; Hu, T.; Hu, Y.; Huang, G. S.; Huang, J. S.; Huang, X. T.; Huang, X. Z.; Huang, Y.; Huang, Z. L.; Hussain, T.; Ji, Q.; Ji, Q. P.; Ji, X. B.; Ji, X. L.; Jiang, L. W.; Jiang, X. S.; Jiang, X. Y.; Jiao, J. B.; Jiao, Z.; Jin, D. P.; Jin, S.; Johansson, T.; Julin, A.; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N.; Kang, X. L.; Kang, X. S.; Kavatsyuk, M.; Ke, B. C.; Kiese, P.; Kliemt, R.; Kloss, B.; Kolcu, O. B.; Kopf, B.; Kornicer, M.; Kupsc, A.; Kühn, W.; Lange, J. S.; Lara, M.; Larin, P.; Leng, C.; Li, C.; Li, Cheng; Li, D. M.; Li, F.; Li, F. Y.; Li, G.; Li, H. B.; Li, H. J.; Li, J. C.; Li, Jin; Li, K.; Li, K.; Li, Lei; Li, P. R.; Li, Q. Y.; Li, T.; Li, W. D.; Li, W. G.; Li, X. L.; Li, X. N.; Li, X. Q.; Li, Y. B.; Li, Z. B.; Liang, H.; Liang, Y. F.; Liang, Y. T.; Liao, G. R.; Lin, D. X.; Liu, B.; Liu, B. J.; Liu, C. X.; Liu, D.; Liu, F. H.; Liu, Fang; Liu, Feng; Liu, H. B.; Liu, H. H.; Liu, H. H.; Liu, H. M.; Liu, J.; Liu, J. B.; Liu, J. P.; Liu, J. Y.; Liu, K.; Liu, K. Y.; Liu, L. D.; Liu, P. L.; Liu, Q.; Liu, S. B.; Liu, X.; Liu, Y. B.; Liu, Z. A.; Liu, Zhiqing; Loehner, H.; Lou, X. C.; Lü, H. J.; Lü, J. G.; Lu, Y.; Lu, Y. P.; Luo, C. L.; Luo, M. X.; Luo, T.; Luo, X. L.; Lü, X. R.; Ma, F. C.; Ma, H. L.; Ma, L. L.; Ma, M. M.; Ma, Q. M.; Ma, T.; Ma, X. N.; Ma, X. Y.; Ma, Y. M.; Maas, F. E.; Maggiora, M.; Mao, Y. J.; Mao, Z. P.; Marcello, S.; Messchendorp, J. G.; Min, J.; Min, T. J.; Mitchell, R. E.; Mo, X. H.; Mo, Y. J.; Morales Morales, C.; Muchnoi, N. Yu.; Muramatsu, H.; Nefedov, Y.; Nerling, F.; Nikolaev, I. B.; Ning, Z.; Nisar, S.; Niu, S. L.; Niu, X. Y.; Olsen, S. L.; Ouyang, Q.; Pacetti, S.; Pan, Y.; Patteri, P.; Pelizaeus, M.; Peng, H. P.; Peters, K.; Pettersson, J.; Ping, J. L.; Ping, R. G.; Poling, R.; Prasad, V.; Qi, H. R.; Qi, M.; Qian, S.; Qiao, C. F.; Qin, L. Q.; Qin, N.; Qin, X. S.; Qin, Z. H.; Qiu, J. F.; Rashid, K. H.; Redmer, C. F.; Ripka, M.; Rong, G.; Rosner, Ch.; Ruan, X. D.; Sarantsev, A.; Savrié, M.; Schoenning, K.; Schumann, S.; Shan, W.; Shao, M.; Shen, C. P.; Shen, P. X.; Shen, X. Y.; Sheng, H. Y.; Shi, M.; Song, W. M.; Song, X. Y.; Sosio, S.; Spataro, S.; Sun, G. X.; Sun, J. F.; Sun, S. S.; Sun, X. H.; Sun, Y. J.; Sun, Y. Z.; Sun, Z. J.; Sun, Z. T.; Tang, C. J.; Tang, X.; Tapan, I.; Thorndike, E. H.; Tiemens, M.; Ullrich, M.; Uman, I.; Varner, G. S.; Wang, B.; Wang, B. L.; Wang, D.; Wang, D. Y.; Wang, K.; Wang, L. L.; Wang, L. S.; Wang, M.; Wang, P.; Wang, P. L.; Wang, W.; Wang, W. P.; Wang, X. F.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y. D.; Wang, Y. F.; Wang, Y. Q.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z. G.; Wang, Z. H.; Wang, Z. Y.; Wang, Z. Y.; Weber, T.; Wei, D. H.; Weidenkaff, P.; Wen, S. P.; Wiedner, U.; Wolke, M.; Wu, L. H.; Wu, L. J.; Wu, Z.; Xia, L.; Xia, L. G.; Xia, Y.; Xiao, D.; Xiao, H.; Xiao, Z. J.; Xie, Y. G.; Xiu, Q. L.; Xu, G. F.; Xu, J. J.; Xu, L.; Xu, Q. J.; Xu, Q. N.; Xu, X. P.; Yan, L.; Yan, W. B.; Yan, W. C.; Yan, Y. H.; Yang, H. J.; Yang, H. X.; Yang, L.; Yang, Y. X.; Ye, M.; Ye, M. H.; Yin, J. H.; Yu, B. X.; Yu, C. X.; Yu, J. S.; Yuan, C. Z.; Yuan, W. L.; Yuan, Y.; Yuncu, A.; Zafar, A. A.; Zallo, A.; Zeng, Y.; Zeng, Z.; Zhang, B. X.; Zhang, B. Y.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, C. C.; Zhang, D. H.; Zhang, H. H.; Zhang, H. Y.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J. J.; Zhang, J. L.; Zhang, J. Q.; Zhang, J. W.; Zhang, J. Y.; Zhang, J. Z.; Zhang, K.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, S. Q.; Zhang, X. Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y. H.; Zhang, Y. N.; Zhang, Y. T.; Zhang, Yu; Zhang, Z. H.; Zhang, Z. P.; Zhang, Z. Y.; Zhao, G.; Zhao, J. W.; Zhao, J. Y.; Zhao, J. Z.; Zhao, Lei; Zhao, Ling; Zhao, M. G.; Zhao, Q.; Zhao, Q. W.; Zhao, S. J.; Zhao, T. C.; Zhao, Y. B.; Zhao, Z. G.; Zhemchugov, A.; Zheng, B.; Zheng, J. P.; Zheng, W. J.; Zheng, Y. H.; Zhong, B.; Zhou, L.; Zhou, X.; Zhou, X. K.; Zhou, X. R.; Zhou, X. Y.; Zhu, K.; Zhu, K. J.; Zhu, S.; Zhu, S. H.; Zhu, X. L.; Zhu, Y. C.; Zhu, Y. S.; Zhu, Z. A.; Zhuang, J.; Zotti, L.; Zou, B. S.; Zou, J. H.; BESIII Collaboration


    By analyzing 2.93 fb-1 data collected at the center-of-mass energy with the BESIII detector, we measure the absolute branching fraction of the semileptonic decay D+ → K̅0 e+νe to be ℬ(D + → K̅0 e+νe) = (8.59 ± 0.14 ± 0.21)% using , where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. Our result is consistent with previous measurements within uncertainties.. Supported by National Key Basic Research Program of China (2009CB825204, 2015CB856700), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (10935007, 11125525, 11235011, 11305180, 11322544, 11335008, 11425524, 11475123), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Large-Scale Scientific Facility Program, CAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics (CCEPP), Collaborative Innovation Center for Particles and Interactions (CICPI), Joint Large-Scale Scientific Facility Funds of NSFC and CAS (11179007, U1232201, U1332201, U1532101), CAS (KJCX2-YW-N29, KJCX2-YW-N45), 100 Talents Program of CAS, National 1000 Talents Program of China, INPAC and Shanghai Key Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, German Research Foundation DFG (Collaborative Research Center CRC-1044), Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) (530-4CDP03), Ministry of Development of Turkey (DPT2006K-120470), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (11405046, U1332103), Russian Foundation for Basic Research (14-07-91152), Swedish Resarch Council, U. S. Department of Energy (DE-FG02-04ER41291, DE-FG02-05ER41374, DE-SC0012069, DESC0010118), U.S. National Science Foundation, University of Groningen (RuG) and Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH (GSI), Darmstadt, WCU Program of National Research Foundation of Korea (R32-2008-000-10155-0).

  16. [Not Available].


    Norte Navarro, Aurora Isabel; Sansano Perea, Miriam; Martínez Sanz, José Miguel; Sospedra López, Isabel; Hurtado Sánchez, José Antonio; Ortiz Moncada, Rocío


    Introducción y objetivos: las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) son la principal causa de muerte mundial, por ello el objetivo de este estudio es analizar los factores de riesgo de ECV en los trabajadores de la Universidad de Alicante.Material y métodos: estudio transversal descriptivo. Muestra aleatoria (n = 124), 46,6% mujeres y 53,4% hombres, de edades entre 25-68 años. Recogida de datos mediante cuestionario online autocumplimentado. sociodemográficas, peso y talla autorreferidos, consumo de tabaco, actividad física, consumo diario de aceite de oliva, hortalizas-verduras, mantequilla-margarina-nata y consumo semanal de repostería comercial y frutos secos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo con el paquete estadístico SPSS 19.0.Resultados: el 12% de mujeres y el 10,5% de los hombres mayores de 44 años presentan obesidad; además, el 32% de mujeres y el 23,7% de los hombres no realizan actividad física. Consume aceite de oliva a diario el total de la muestra a estudio.Conclusión: los hábitos alimentarios de los estudiados se asemejan a los patrones dietéticos mediterráneos considerados saludables. Destacar el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de consumo de aceite de oliva y la realización de actividad física habitual como protectores de las ECV. El entorno laboral de la población estudiada favorece unos hábitos saludables.

  17. De-novo discovery of differentially abundant transcription factor binding sites including their positional preference.


    Keilwagen, Jens; Grau, Jan; Paponov, Ivan A; Posch, Stefan; Strickert, Marc; Grosse, Ivo


    Transcription factors are a main component of gene regulation as they activate or repress gene expression by binding to specific binding sites in promoters. The de-novo discovery of transcription factor binding sites in target regions obtained by wet-lab experiments is a challenging problem in computational biology, which has not been fully solved yet. Here, we present a de-novo motif discovery tool called Dispom for finding differentially abundant transcription factor binding sites that models existing positional preferences of binding sites and adjusts the length of the motif in the learning process. Evaluating Dispom, we find that its prediction performance is superior to existing tools for de-novo motif discovery for 18 benchmark data sets with planted binding sites, and for a metazoan compendium based on experimental data from micro-array, ChIP-chip, ChIP-DSL, and DamID as well as Gene Ontology data. Finally, we apply Dispom to find binding sites differentially abundant in promoters of auxin-responsive genes extracted from Arabidopsis thaliana microarray data, and we find a motif that can be interpreted as a refined auxin responsive element predominately positioned in the 250-bp region upstream of the transcription start site. Using an independent data set of auxin-responsive genes, we find in genome-wide predictions that the refined motif is more specific for auxin-responsive genes than the canonical auxin-responsive element. In general, Dispom can be used to find differentially abundant motifs in sequences of any origin. However, the positional distribution learned by Dispom is especially beneficial if all sequences are aligned to some anchor point like the transcription start site in case of promoter sequences. We demonstrate that the combination of searching for differentially abundant motifs and inferring a position distribution from the data is beneficial for de-novo motif discovery. Hence, we make the tool freely available as a component of the open

  18. PubMed

    Duque, Andrés Eduardo


    El cáncer de páncreas es la cuarta causa de muerte por cáncer en los Estados Unidos; en el mundo se asocia con 227.000 muertes anuales, aproximadamente. Es producto de múltiples factores, siendo el tabaquismo el principal factor de riesgo.La punción-aspiración con aguja fina guiada por ultrasonido endoscópico es una técnica muy eficaz en el diagnóstico de lesiones neoplásicas del páncreas. El diagnóstico citológico mediante esta técnica debe hacerse según los lineamientos para el sistema pancreático-biliar de la Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology. Dichos lineamientos incluyen las indicaciones, las técnicas, la terminología y la nomenclatura, así como los estudios auxiliares, el manejo posterior al procedimiento y los criterios citológicos para el diagnóstico.La especificidad de una interpretación positiva o maligna para la punción-aspiración pancreática con aguja fina, es de 90 a 95 % en la mayoría de los estudios.

  19. Linking Indices for Biodiversity Monitoring to Extinction Risk Theory

    PubMed Central

    Mccarthy, Michael A; Moore, Alana L; Krauss, Jochen; Morgan, John W; Clements, Christopher F


    Biodiversity indices often combine data from different species when used in monitoring programs. Heuristic properties can suggest preferred indices, but we lack objective ways to discriminate between indices with similar heuristics. Biodiversity indices can be evaluated by determining how well they reflect management objectives that a monitoring program aims to support. For example, the Convention on Biological Diversity requires reporting about extinction rates, so simple indices that reflect extinction risk would be valuable. We developed 3 biodiversity indices that are based on simple models of population viability that relate extinction risk to abundance. We based the first index on the geometric mean abundance of species and the second on a more general power mean. In a third index, we integrated the geometric mean abundance and trend. These indices require the same data as previous indices, but they also relate directly to extinction risk. Field data for butterflies and woodland plants and experimental studies of protozoan communities show that the indices correlate with local extinction rates. Applying the index based on the geometric mean to global data on changes in avian abundance suggested that the average extinction probability of birds has increased approximately 1% from 1970 to 2009. Conectando Índices para el Monitoreo de la Biodiversidad con la Teoría de Riesgo de Extinción Resumen Los índices de biodiversidad combinan frecuentemente los datos de diferentes especies cuando se usan en los programas de monitoreo. Las propiedades heurísticas pueden sugerir índices preferidos, pero carecemos de medios objetivos para discriminar a los índices con propiedades heurísticas similares. Los índices de biodiversidad pueden evaluarse al determinar qué tan bien reflejan los objetivos de manejo que un programa de monitoreo busca apoyar. Por ejemplo, la Convención sobre la Diversidad Biológica requiere reportar las tasas de extinción, así que los

  20. Relevancia de los grados de Simpson en la resección de meningiomas grado I

    PubMed Central

    Ajler, Pablo; Beltrame, Sofía; Massa, Daniela; Tramontano, Julian; Baccanelli, Matteo; Yampolsky, Claudio


    Resumen Objetivo: Comparar el porcentaje de recurrencias en pacientes con meningiomas grado I de la OMS sometidos a exéresis microquirúrgica. Introducción: En 1957 Simpson estandarizó 5 grados de resección quirúrgica para los meningiomas intracraneanos y el porcentaje de recurrencia relacionado con cada uno, estableciendo el paradigma de que la remoción agresiva de estos tumores junto con fragmentos durales y óseos era necesario para alcanzar la curación. Los avances principalmente en Resonancia Magnética, anatomía patológica y técnica microqurúrgica nos llevan a plantear la relevancia actual de dicha clasificación. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión retrospectiva de los pacientes operados de meningiomas grado I entre Febrero de 2006 y Diciembre de 2015. Se analizaron las imágenes pre y postoperatorias y la anatomía patológica. Las variables se relacionaron mediante un análisis estadístico multivariado estableciendo como estadísticamente significativo una P < 0.05. Resultados: No se objetivó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el número de recidivas y el grado de resección tumoral según Simpson I, II, III o IV (P = 0,3117). Esto puede afirmarse para los grados Simpson I y II en donde el número de pacientes incluidos en la muestra (n) fue alto. Al analizar como factor de recurrencia la localización tumoral tampoco se encontró una diferencia significativa en cuanto al porcentaje de recidivas entre aquellos tumores localizados en la convexidad, base de cráneo y parasagitales (P = 0,2203). Conclusión: Para los meningiomas grado I la exéresis Simpson I no presenta diferencias significativas con la Simpson II en cuanto a la recurrencia tumoral, por lo que aumentar la morbilidad del procedimiento no tendría justificación. Un replanteo de la escala de resección debería idearse teniendo en cuenta la clasificación de la OMS. PMID:29142775

  1. Risk Factors and Outcomes of De Novo Cancers (Excluding Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer) After Liver Transplantation for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis.


    Mouchli, Mohamad A; Singh, Siddharth; Loftus, Edward V; Boardman, Lisa; Talwalkar, Jayant; Rosen, Charles B; Heimbach, Julie K; Wiesner, Russell H; Hasan, Bashar; Poterucha, John J; Kymberly, Watt D


    Patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) may be at higher risk of malignancy after liver transplantation (LT) compared to other LT recipients. We aimed to determine the cumulative incidence of/risk factors for long-term cancer-related mortality in patients with PSC after LT. All adult patients underwent LT for PSC without cholangiocarcinoma from 1984 to 2012, with follow-up through June 2015. We estimated cumulative incidence, risk factors, and mortality from de novo malignancies after LT. Two hundred ninety-three patients were identified (mean [SD] age, 47 [12] years; 63.3% males; 2.4% smoking at LT). Over a median of 11.5 years (range, 6.4-18.6 years), 64 patients (21.8%) developed 73 nonskin cancers, including 46 solid-organ cancers (renal, 11; colorectal, 11; prostate, 7; breast, 5; pancreas, 5; ovarian/endometrial/vulvar cancers, 3; and de novo cholangiocarcinoma, 4). Twenty-two patients developed hematologic malignancies (posttransplant lymphoproliferative diseases, 18; Hodgkin disease, 2; and myelodysplastic syndrome, 2). Five patients developed melanoma. The 1-, 5-, 10-, and 20-year cumulative incidences of cancer were 2.1%, 8.6%, 18.7%, and 27%, respectively. Mortality of patients with PSC who developed cancer was higher than that of patients with PSC without cancer (hazard ratio, 2.2; P < 0.01). On multivariate analysis, recipient's age and elevated pre-LT international normalized ratio were associated with increased risk of de novo (nonskin) malignancy. The 10-year cumulative risk of cancer after LT for advanced-stage PSC was 18.7%, with posttransplant lymphoproliferative diseases, colorectal cancer, and renal cell cancer being the most common. Post-LT de novo nonskin cancer decreased overall posttransplant survival. Only recipient's age and elevated international normalized ratio at LT were associated with increased nonskin cancer risk.

  2. Anatomic Sites and Associated Clinical Factors for Deep Dyspareunia.


    Yong, Paul J; Williams, Christina; Yosef, Ali; Wong, Fontayne; Bedaiwy, Mohamed A; Lisonkova, Sarka; Allaire, Catherine


    Deep dyspareunia negatively affects women's sexual function. There is a known association between deep dyspareunia and endometriosis of the cul-de-sac or uterosacral ligaments in reproductive-age women; however, other factors are less clear in this population. To identify anatomic sites and associated clinical factors for deep dyspareunia in reproductive-age women at a referral center. This study involved the analysis of cross-sectional baseline data from a prospective database of 548 women (87% consent rate) recruited from December 2013 through April 2015 at a tertiary referral center for endometriosis and/or pelvic pain. Exclusion criteria included menopausal status, age at least 50 years, previous hysterectomy or oophorectomy, and not sexually active. We performed a standardized endovaginal ultrasound-assisted pelvic examination to palpate anatomic structures for tenderness and reproduce deep dyspareunia. Multivariable regression was used to determine which tender anatomic structures were independently associated with deep dyspareunia severity and to identify clinical factors independently associated with each tender anatomic site. Severity of deep dyspareunia on a numeric pain rating scale of 0 to 10. Severity of deep dyspareunia (scale = 0-10) was independently associated with tenderness of the bladder (b = 0.88, P = .018), pelvic floor (levator ani) (b = 0.66, P = .038), cervix and uterus (b = 0.88, P = .008), and cul-de-sac or uterosacral ligaments (b = 1.39, P < .001), but not with the adnexa (b = -0.16, P = 0.87). The number of tender anatomic sites was significantly correlated with more severe deep dyspareunia (Spearman r = 0.34, P < .001). For associated clinical factors, greater depression symptom severity was specifically associated with tenderness of the bladder (b = 1.05, P = .008) and pelvic floor (b = 1.07, P < .001). A history of miscarriage was specifically associated with tenderness of the cervix and uterus (b = 2.24, P = .001

  3. The granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor promoter cis-acting element CLE0 mediates induction signals in T cells and is recognized by factors related to AP1 and NFAT.

    PubMed Central

    Masuda, E S; Tokumitsu, H; Tsuboi, A; Shlomai, J; Hung, P; Arai, K; Arai, N


    Expression of the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) gene in T cells is activated by the combination of phorbol ester (phorbol myristate acetate) and calcium ionophore (A23187), which mimic antigen stimulation through the T-cell receptor. We have previously shown that a fragment containing bp -95 to +27 of the mouse GM-CSF promoter can confer inducibility to reporter genes in the human Jurkat T-cell line. Here we use an in vitro transcription system to demonstrate that a cis-acting element (positions -54 to -40), referred to as CLE0, is a target for the induction signals. We observed induction with templates containing intact CLE0 but not with templates with deleted or mutated CLE0. We also observed that two distinct signals were required for the stimulation through CLE0, since only extracts from cells treated with both phorbol myristate acetate and A23187 supported optimal induction. Stimulation probably was mediated by CLE0-binding proteins because depletion of these proteins specifically reduced GM-CSF transcription. One of the binding factors possessed biochemical and immunological features identical to those of the transcription factor AP1. Another factor resembled the T-cell-specific factor NFAT. The characteristics of these two factors are consistent with their involvement in GM-CSF induction. The presence of CLE0-like elements in the promoters of interleukin-3 (IL-3), IL-4, IL-5, GM-CSF, and NFAT sites in the IL-2 promoter suggests that the factors we detected, or related factors that recognize these sites, may account for the coordinate induction of these genes during T-cell activation. Images PMID:8246960

  4. Infection respiratoire aigüe et statut nutritionnel chez les enfants de 0-5 ans: cas des cliniques universitaires de Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Ngombe, Léon Kabamba; Mbombo-Ditunga; Kameya, Nduwa; Malingo, Aimé Abasiko; Kayomb, Nathalie Kaj; ea Ngolomba, Jean Ngolomba; Nday, David Kakez; Numbi, Luboya


    Les auteurs rapportent les données d'une étude rétrospective de 153 dossiers d'enfants hospitalisés dans le service de pédiatrie des Cliniques Universitaires de Lubumbashi/RD Congo pour IRA. En ce qui nous concerne, les IRA chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans représentent 26,11% de l'effectif, dont 17,75% âgés de moins d'un an. Le sexe masculin est légèrement prédominant (85 contre 68) et près de 70% des enfants ont un statut nutritionnel précaire. La répartition mensuelle connaît des pics en mars et octobre. Les diagnostiques notifiés sont: rhinite(16,3%),Amygdalite(5,9%),Otite Moyenne Aigue(0,7%),Laryngite (3,3%), Rhinopharyngite (39,2%), Pharyngite (6,5%), Bronchite (7,2%), Bronchopneumonie (5,9%), Pneumonie(2,6%) et Bronchiolite (12,4%).Tous les cas ont bien évolués sous traitement. Le but de ce travail est de déterminer la fréquence des IRA et le statut nutritionnel des enfants ayant été admis dans le service des pédiatries aux C.U.L. PMID:25995789

  5. Methods for Factor Screening in Computer Simulation Experiments

    DTIC Science & Technology


    are generally of two types: 1. Factors that are centrollable or subject to de .-ign in the "real world" system being modeled, such as inventory...62! La 2j L -2 J The least squares estimates of the parameters become o0[30.50 4.50 K2 15.50 06121 -0.50 From examining the estimates of the effects...BDF ACDEF F ACD BDE ABCEF AB CE BCDF ADEF AC BE DF ABCDEF AD CF BCDE ABDF AE BC CDEF ABPE A? CD BCEF ABDE BD E.F ACDE ABCF BF DE ABCD ACEF ABF CEP BCD

  6. Factors Associated With Ambulatory Activity in De Novo Parkinson Disease.


    Christiansen, Cory; Moore, Charity; Schenkman, Margaret; Kluger, Benzi; Kohrt, Wendy; Delitto, Anthony; Berman, Brian; Hall, Deborah; Josbeno, Deborah; Poon, Cynthia; Robichaud, Julie; Wellington, Toby; Jain, Samay; Comella, Cynthia; Corcos, Daniel; Melanson, Ed


    Objective ambulatory activity during daily living has not been characterized for people with Parkinson disease prior to initiation of dopaminergic medication. Our goal was to characterize ambulatory activity based on average daily step count and examine determinants of step count in nonexercising people with de novo Parkinson disease. We analyzed baseline data from a randomized controlled trial, which excluded people performing regular endurance exercise. Of 128 eligible participants (mean ± SD = 64.3 ± 8.6 years), 113 had complete accelerometer data, which were used to determine daily step count. Multiple linear regression was used to identify factors associated with average daily step count over 10 days. Candidate explanatory variable categories were (1) demographics/anthropometrics, (2) Parkinson disease characteristics, (3) motor symptom severity, (4) nonmotor and behavioral characteristics, (5) comorbidities, and (6) cardiorespiratory fitness. Average daily step count was 5362 ± 2890 steps per day. Five factors explained 24% of daily step count variability, with higher step count associated with higher cardiorespiratory fitness (10%), no fear/worry of falling (5%), lower motor severity examination score (4%), more recent time since Parkinson disease diagnosis (3%), and the presence of a cardiovascular condition (2%). Daily step count in nonexercising people recruited for this intervention trial with de novo Parkinson disease approached sedentary lifestyle levels. Further study is warranted for elucidating factors explaining ambulatory activity, particularly cardiorespiratory fitness, and fear/worry of falling. Clinicians should consider the costs and benefits of exercise and activity behavior interventions immediately after diagnosis of Parkinson disease to attenuate the health consequences of low daily step count.Video Abstract available for more insights from the authors (see Video, Supplemental Digital Content 1,

  7. Dijets with 2, 1 or 0 rapidity gap: factorization breaking at the Tevatron

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bialas, A.; Peschanski, R.


    Central production cross-sections of hard dijets with 2, 1 or 0 rapidity gap at Tevatron are analyzed in terms of diffractive ("a la Good-Walker") and non-diffractive fluctuations of the incident particles. The observed large factorization breaking and the unexpected high value of the 2 to 1 gap cross-section ratio are explained in terms of scattering with and between the incident particles.

  8. Factor Structure of the "Escala de Autoeficacia para la Depresion en Adolescentes" (EADA)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Diaz-Santos, Mirella; Cumba-Aviles, Eduardo; Bernal, Guillermo; Rivera-Medina, Carmen


    The current concept and measures of self-efficacy for depression in adolescents do not consider developmental and cultural aspects essential to understand and assess this construct in Latino youth. We examined the factor structure of the "Escala de Autoeficacia para la Depresion en Adolescentes" (EADA), a Spanish instrument designed to…

  9. Factor Analysis and Item Reduction of the Banff Patella Instability Instrument (BPII): Introduction of BPII 2.0.


    Lafave, Mark R; Hiemstra, Laurie; Kerslake, Sarah


    Clinical management of patellofemoral (PF) instability is a challenge, particularly considering the number of variables that should be taken into consideration for treatment. Quality of life is an important measure to consider with this patient population. To factor analyze and reduce the total number of items in the Banff Patella Instability Instrument (BPII). Subsequent to the factor analysis, the new, item-reduced BPII 2.0 was tested for validity, reliability, and responsiveness. Cohort study (diagnosis); Level of evidence, 2. Quality of life was measured for PF instability patients (N = 223) through use of the original BPII at their initial consultation. Data from the BPII scores were used in a principal components analysis (PCA) to factor analyze and reduce the total number of items in the original BPII, to create a revised BPII 2.0. The BPII 2.0 underwent content validation (Cronbach alpha, patient interviews, and grade-level checking), construct validation (analysis of variance comparing the initial visit and the 6-, 12-, and 24-month postoperative visits, eta-square), convergent validation (Pearson r correlation to the original BPII), responsiveness testing (eta-square, anchor-based distribution testing), and reliability testing (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC]). The BPII was successfully reduced from 32 to 23 items with excellent Cronbach alpha values in the new BPII 2.0: initial visit = 0.91; 6-month postoperative visit = 0.96; 12-month postoperative visit = 0.97; and 24-month postoperative visit = 0.76. Grade-level reading for all items was assessed as below grade 12. The BPII 2.0 was able to discriminate between all time periods with significant differences between groups (P < .05). Eta-square was 0.40, demonstrating a medium to large effect size. The BPII significantly correlated with the BPII 2.0 (0.82, 0.90, 0.90, and 0.94 at the initial visit and 6-, 12-, and 24-month postoperative visits, respectively), providing evidence of convergent

  10. Influence of buffer-layer construction and substrate orientation on the electron mobilities in metamorphic In{sup 0.70}Al{sup 0.30}As/In{sup 0.76}Ga{sup 0.24}As/In{sup 0.70}Al{sup 0.30}As structures on GaAs substrates

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kulbachinskii, V. A., E-mail:; Oveshnikov, L. N.; Lunin, R. A.

    The influence of construction of the buffer layer and misorientation of the substrate on the electrical properties of In{sup 0.70}Al{sup 0.30}As/In{sup 0.76}Ga{sup 0.24}As/In{sup 0.70}Al{sup 0.30}As quantum wells on a GaAs substrate is studied. The temperature dependences (in the temperature range of 4.2 K < T < 300 K) and field dependences (in magnetic fields as high as 6 T) of the sample resistances are measured. Anisotropy of the resistances in different crystallographic directions is detected; this anisotropy depends on the substrate orientation and construction of the metamorphic buffer layer. In addition, the Hall effect and the Shubnikov–de Haas effect aremore » studied. The Shubnikov–de Haas effect is used to determine the mobilities of electrons separately in several occupied dimensionally quantized subbands in different crystallographic directions. The calculated anisotropy of mobilities is in agreement with experimental data on the anisotropy of the resistances.« less

  11. Recurrent tricuspid insufficiency: is the surgical repair technique a risk factor?


    Kara, Ibrahim; Koksal, Cengiz; Cakalagaoglu, Canturk; Sahin, Muslum; Yanartas, Mehmet; Ay, Yasin; Demir, Serdar


    This study compares the medium-term results of De Vega, modified De Vega, and ring annuloplasty techniques for the correction of tricuspid insufficiency and investigates the risk factors for recurrent grades 3 and 4 tricuspid insufficiency after repair. In our clinic, 93 patients with functional tricuspid insufficiency underwent surgical tricuspid repair from May 2007 through October 2010. The study was retrospective, and all the data pertaining to the patients were retrieved from hospital records. Functional capacity, recurrent tricuspid insufficiency, and risk factors aggravating the insufficiency were analyzed for each patient. In the medium term (25.4 ± 10.3 mo), the rates of grades 3 and 4 tricuspid insufficiency in the De Vega, modified De Vega, and ring annuloplasty groups were 31%, 23.1%, and 6.1%, respectively. Logistic regression analysis revealed that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, left ventricular dysfunction (ejection fraction, < 0.50), pulmonary artery pressure ≥60 mmHg, and the De Vega annuloplasty technique were risk factors for medium-term recurrent grades 3 and 4 tricuspid insufficiency. Medium-term survival was 90.6% for the De Vega group, 96.3% for the modified De Vega group, and 97.1% for the ring annuloplasty group. Ring annuloplasty provided the best relief from recurrent tricuspid insufficiency when compared with DeVega annuloplasty. Modified De Vega annuloplasty might be a suitable alternative to ring annuloplasty when rings are not available.

  12. Risk factors for mortality in ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis: a case-control study.


    Pontes, Leonilda Giani; Menezes, Fernando Gatti de; Gonçalves, Priscila; Toniolo, Alexandra do Rosário; Silva, Claudia Vallone; Kawagoe, Julia Yaeko; Santos, Camila Marques Dos; Castagna, Helena Maria Fernandes; Martino, Marinês Dalla Valle; Corrêa, Luci


    To describe the microbiological characteristics and to assess the risk factors for mortality of ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis in a case-control study of intensive care patients. This case-control study was conducted over a 6-year period in a 40-bed medical-surgical intensive care unit in a tertiary care, private hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Case patients were identified using the Nosocomial Infection Control Committee database. For the analysis of risk factors, matched control subjects were selected from the same institution at a 1:8.8 ratio, between January 2006 and December 2011. A total of 40 episodes of ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis were evaluated in 40 patients in the intensive care unit, and 354 intensive care patients who did not experience tracheobronchitis were included as the Control Group. During the 6-year study period, a total of 42 organisms were identified (polymicrobial infections were 5%) and 88.2% of all the microorganisms identified were Gram-negative. Using a logistic regression model, we found the following independent risk factors for mortality in ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis patients: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation I score (odds ratio 1.18 per unit of score; 95%CI: 1.05-1.38; p=0.01), and duration of mechanical ventilation (odds ratio 1.09 per day of mechanical ventilation; 95%CI: 1.03-1.17; p=0.004). Our study provided insight into the risk factors for mortality and microbiological characteristics of ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis. Descrever as características microbiológicas e avaliar os fatores de risco para mortalidade na traqueobronquite associada à ventilação mecânica em um estudo caso-controle de pacientes de terapia intensiva. Estudo realizado ao longo de 6 anos em uma unidade de terapia intensiva médico-cirúrgica de 40 leitos, em um hospital privado e de nível terciário em São Paulo, Brasil. O Grupo Caso foi identificado usando o banco de dados da Comissão de

  13. Universal behavior of the γ⁎γ→(π0,η,η′) transition form factors

    PubMed Central

    Melikhov, Dmitri; Stech, Berthold


    The photon transition form factors of π, η and η′ are discussed in view of recent measurements. It is shown that the exact axial anomaly sum rule allows a precise comparison of all three form factors at high-Q2 independent of the different structures and distribution amplitudes of the participating pseudoscalar mesons. We conclude: (i) The πγ form factor reported by Belle is in excellent agreement with the nonstrange I=0 component of the η and η′ form factors obtained from the BaBar measurements. (ii) Within errors, the πγ form factor from Belle is compatible with the asymptotic pQCD behavior, similar to the η and η′ form factors from BaBar. Still, the best fits to the data sets of πγ, ηγ, and η′γ form factors favor a universal small logarithmic rise Q2FPγ(Q2)∼log(Q2). PMID:23226917

  14. Factors associated to toxoplasmosis-related knowledge among pregnant women attending public health services in the municipality of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013-2015.


    Moura, Fernanda Loureiro de; Goulart, Patrícia Riddell Millar; Moura, Ana Paula Pereira de; Souza, Thais Silva de; Fonseca, Ana Beatriz Monteiro; Amendoeira, Maria Regina Reis


    to analyze the factors associated to toxoplasmosis-related knowledge among pregnant women attending public health services in the municipality of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. this is a cross-sectional study conducted with pregnant women assisted in eight health care units; data was collected using a standardized questionnaire, from April 2013 to February 2015. among the 405 pregnant women interviewed, 173 (42.7%) knew about toxoplasmosis and, of those, 24.3% knew about it through friends; the proportion of pregnant women with toxoplasmosis-related knowledge increased with age (p<0.001), education level (p<0.001) and the number of pregnancies (p=0.031); the history of abortion was also associated with toxoplasmosis-related knowledge (p=0.019). the variables 'age', 'education level', 'number of pregnancies' and 'abortion history' were important factors for toxoplasmosis-related knowledge among pregnant women assisted in the public health care sector of Niterói.

  15. Geographic range size and extinction risk assessment in nomadic species

    PubMed Central

    Runge, Claire A; Tulloch, Ayesha; Hammill, Edd; Possingham, Hugh P; Fuller, Richard A


    planning. Tamaño de Extensión Geográfica y Evaluación de Riesgo de Extinción en Especies Nómadas Resumen El tamaño de extensión geográfica se conceptualiza frecuentemente como un atributo fijo de las especies y se trata como tal para los propósitos de cuantificación de riesgo de extinción; se asume que las especies que ocupan extensiones geográficas más pequeñas tienen un riesgo de extinción más alto, cuando todo lo demás es igual. Sin embargo, muchas especies son móviles y sus movimientos varían desde migraciones de ida y vuelta relativamente predecibles hasta movimientos irregulares complejos, como los que muestran las especies nómadas. Estos movimientos pueden llevar a expansiones sustanciales temporales y a una reducción de las extensiones geográficas, todo esto con el potencial de llegar a niveles que pueden presentar un riesgo de extinción. Al enlazar los datos de presencia con las condiciones ambientales al momento de la observación de las especies nómadas pudimos modelar las distribuciones dinámicas de 43 especies de aves de zonas áridas a lo largo de la isla de Australia durante cada mes a lo largo de once años y calculamos el tamaño de extensión mínima y el alcance de las fluctuaciones en el tamaño de extensión geográfica a partir de estos modelos. Hubo una enorme variabilidad en la distribución espacial pronosticada a lo largo del tiempo: diez especies variaron en el tamaño de extensión geográfica por más de una orden de magnitud y dos especies variaron por más de dos órdenes de magnitud. Durante situaciones de condiciones ambientales pobres, varias especies que actualmente no se encuentran clasificadas como amenazadas a nivel global redujeron sus extensiones a áreas muy pequeñas, esto a pesar de su gran tamaño de extensión geográfica normal. Este hallazgo genera preguntas sobre lo idóneo de las evaluaciones convencionales del riesgo de extinción con base en el tamaño estático de extensión geográfica (p. ej

  16. An Investigation of the Factors That Influence Preservice Teachers' Intentions and Integration of Web 2.0 Tools

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sadaf, Ayesha; Newby, Timothy J.; Ertmer, Peggy A.


    The purpose of the study was to investigate factors that predict preservice teachers' intentions and actual uses of Web 2.0 tools in their classrooms. A two-phase, mixed method, sequential explanatory design was used. The first phase explored factors, based on the decomposed theory of planned behavior, that predict preservice teachers' intentions…

  17. Variabilidad de la Estación de Crecimiento en la Región Sur de Tamaulipas en condiciones climaticas actuales y futuras.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Medina-Barrios, M.; Conde-Alvarez, C.; Gay-Garcia, C.


    El impacto de la variabilidad y cambio climáticos, afectan el potencial agrícola de la Región Sur de Tamaulipas. Además de los cambios estacionales, bajos rendimientos agrícolas, el manejo de los cultivos y las políticas locales de producción, existe la incertidumbre del mercado regional para los pequeños y grandes productores. La diversificación agrícola ha sido una alternativa para enfrentar las condiciones imperantes en esta región. Pero ésta ha provocado la fragmentación territorial, por lo que sólo algunos productores logran competir en un mercado nacional. Existe una preocupación generalizada por buscar soluciones que permitan que la población que es afectada por la inseguridad de la producción agrícola y económica, pueda adaptarse a las variaciones climáticas que afectan el proceso productivo. La seguridad alimentaría queda sujeta a la fluctuación de las importaciones para los sectores básicos y a las estrategias mercantiles de empresas trasnacionales. La percepción local sugiere un número creciente de eventos climatológicos extremos, constantes y severos en los últimos 20 años, con el aumento creciente de pérdidas económicas. El análisis se centra en la disponibilidad de agua, agregándose un aspecto de capital importancia como es la variabilidad interanual de la lluvia, que condiciona muy fuertemente el riesgo agrícola en el trópico seco, siendo ésta la que determina el momento de inicio de la estación favorable para el crecimiento y su duración. En este trabajo se han obtenido modelos de la distribución espacial de la precipitación y temperaturas, para el escenario base 1961-1990, el escenario actual 1971-2000, para algunos años El Niño y La Niña, así como para los escenarios de Cambio Climático HADLEY, ECHAM y GFDL, con escenarios A2 y B2, para las décadas de los 20s y 50s, para establecer el inicio y duración de la Estación de Crecimiento, utilizando Sistemas de Información Geográfica (ArcView). Estos

  18. EPA Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) 3.0 Fundamentals & User Guide

    EPA Science Inventory

    Positive matrix factorization (PMF) is a multivariate factor analysis tool that decomposes a matrix of ambient data into two matrices - factor contributions and factor profiles - which then need to be interpreted by an analyst as to what source types are represented using measure...

  19. Prevalence and factors associated with stunting and excess weight in children aged 0-5 years from the Brazilian semi-arid region.


    Ramos, Clariana V; Dumith, Samuel C; César, Juraci A


    To analyze the prevalence of excess weight and low height, and identify associated factors among children younger than five years. Cross-census study. A total of 1,640 children from two municipalities in Piauí, Brazil were included. The prevalence of low height was 10.9% (95% CI: 9.3 to 12.4), inversely associated with mother's younger age and low level of education, lower socioeconomic status, mothers who had fewer than six prenatal consultations, and households that had more than one child younger than 5 years. Excess weight prevalence was 19.1% (95% CI: 17.2 to 21.0), and remained inversely associated with lower maternal age, low maternal education, and cesarean delivery. Stunting was greater in children aged between 12 and 23 months, while excess weight decreased with age. It is noteworthy that the stunting rate, although decreasing, is still high, while the prevalence of excess weight, even in this very poor area, already exceeds the expected percentage for a population with better socioeconomic level. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  20. Prevalence of and factors associated with self-reported high blood pressure in Brazilian adults.


    Malta, Deborah Carvalho; Bernal, Regina Tomie Ivata; Andrade, Silvânia Suely Caribé de Araújo; Silva, Marta Maria Alves da; Velasquez-Melendez, Gustavo


    To analyze factors associated with self-reported high blood pressure among adults in Brazilian state capitals. The study uses data from Sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (Vigitel - Surveillance System of Risk and Protection Factors of Noncommunicable Diseases by Telephone Survey) collected in 2013. Prevalence rates and their respective 95% confidence intervals by gender were estimated according to sociodemographic variables, lifestyle, reported noncommunicable diseases and self-rated health status. Multivariate logistic regression modeling was used to identify variables associated with self-reported high blood pressure with α < 0.05. Prevalence of self-reported high blood pressure among adults living in Brazilian state capitals and the Federal District was 24.1%. The following variables were associated with self-reported high blood pressure: age group, taking 18-24 as reference (all age groups presented increased risk - from 25-34 years [OR = 2.6; 95%CI 2.0-3.4] up to 65 years or more [OR = 28.1; 95%CI 21.7-36.4]); low education level (9 to 11 years of study [OR = 0.8; 95%CI 0.7-0.9] and 12 years or more [OR = 0.6; 95%CI 0.6-0.7]); Black race or skin color (OR = 1.3; 95%CI 1.1-1.5); being a former smoker (OR = 1.2; 95%CI 1.1-1.3); obesity (OR = 2.7; 95%CI 2.4-3.0); diabetes (OR = 2.9; 95%CI 2.5-3.5%), and high cholesterol (OR = 1.9; 95%CI 1.8-2.2). Approximately one quarter of the adult population living in Brazilian state capitals reported having high blood pressure. Information from Vigitel is useful to monitor high blood pressure and identity its associated factors, supporting public policies for health promotion, surveillance and care. Analisar os fatores associados à hipertensão arterial autorreferida entre adultos nas capitais brasileiras. Estudo com os dados do Sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (Vigitel

  1. Trabajo Social en la Micro y Macro Práctica en el Contexto de la Tuberculosis

    PubMed Central

    Moya, Eva M.; Chavez-Baray, Silvia M.; Martínez, Omar


    Resumen El estudio de la problemática relacionada con la infección de tuberculosis (TB) en la frontera México-Estadounidense implica la consideración de tres aspectos complejos y entrelazados: la TB, una entidad patológica que debido a sus características epidemiológicas y patogénicas, resulta difícil de seguir y atender de manera completa; la zona fronteriza, zona geográfica y epidemiológica que entrelaza dos naciones, dos culturas, dos sistemas de salud y leyes diferentes; además del estigma, que implica más que tratamientos clínicos y abordajes de categorías de riesgo debido a la condición social y bajo conocimiento. Este trabajo narra diez estrategias realizadas en México y la frontera México-Estadounidense del año 2006 al 2013 como un esfuerzo de ampliar la comprensión de este fenómeno social y de salud pública conformado por una infección, un entorno físico y personas, también de la identificación y aplicación de prácticas competentes de abogacía y movilización social. Los trabajos realizados y presentados dan a conocer diferentes intervenciones para generar adherencia al tratamiento, mitigar el estigma relacionado con la infección de TB, mejorar la atención centrada en la persona e informar la relevancia del abordaje micro y macro de la salud y el trabajador social. PMID:29503982

  2. Greybody factor of a scalar field from Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter black hole

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ahmed, Jamil; Saifullah, K.


    In this work we derive a general expression for the greybody factor of non-minimally coupled scalar fields in Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter spacetime in low frequency approximation. Greybody factor as a characteristic of effective potential barrier, will be presented. We discuss the role of cosmological constant both, in the absence as well as in the presence of non-minimal coupling. Considering non-minimal coupling as a mass term, its effect on the greybody factor will be discussed. We also elaborate the significance of the results by giving formulae of differential energy rate and general absorption cross section. The greybody factor gives insight into the spectrum of Hawking radiations.

  3. [Not Available].


    Chivu, Elena Cristina; Artero-Fullana, Ana; Alfonso García, Antonio; Sánchez Juan, Carlos


    Introducción: conociendo la elevada prevalencia de la desnutrición hospitalaria, se hace necesaria su detección precoz. Cuando, por diversos motivos, no es posible realizar una valoración completa del estado nutricional, se recomienda el empleo de herramientas validadas de cribado nutricional. Estas ayudarían a detectar de forma rápida a aquellos pacientes que necesiten de un tratamiento nutricional.Objetivos: determinar la prevalencia del riesgo de desnutrición, en el Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, empleando para ello la herramienta de cribado nutricional HEMAN y comprobar si la implementación de esta herramienta en la práctica clínica, sería lo más adecuado.Métodos: estudio transversal, realizado sobre una muestra de 1.099 pacientes ingresados en un hospital terciario. A todos ellos se les realizó el cribado nutricional HEMAN a las 24-48 horas del ingreso. Las variables cualitativas se compararon mediante Chi-cuadrado, y las cuantitativas mediante el test t de Student.Resultados: la prevalencia del riesgo de desnutrición fue del 33,5%. Los pacientes que resultaron positivos en el cribado (HEMAN ≥ 3), tenían mayor edad que los pacientes normonutridos, referían pérdidas de peso entre el 5-10%, el 55,2% disminuyó su ingesta a menos del 50% de la habitual. Además, ingresaron con patologías consideradas de leves a moderadas. La utilización del método HEMAN como herramienta de cribado, resultó ser práctica y efectiva, y ayudó a disminuir el tiempo empleado con cada paciente encuestado evaluado.Conclusiones: se detectó una elevada prevalencia de riesgo de desnutrición entre los pacientes evaluados, por lo tanto se hace imprescindible la utilización de métodos de cribado nutricional en la rutina diaria del hospital, para ello recomendamos especialmente la utilización del método HEMAN.

  4. Inversor Resonante de Tres Elementos L-LC con Caracteristica Cortocircuitable para Aplicaciones de Calentamiento por Induccion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Espi Huerta, Jose Miguel

    seccion de entrada mediante un mayor o menor aporte de corriente al puente. Como consecuencia, la seccion de entrada del paralelo, ya de por si mas voluminosa que lao del serie por el uso de grandes componentes magneticos (bobinas de filtro o de "alisamiento"), result a tambien mas complicada y costosa debido a la necesidad de ser implementada mediante rectificador controlado. Ademas, la regulacion que ofrece el rectificador es pobre, dada su baja frecuencia de conmutacion. En cambio, el circuito serie puede funcionar por encima de la resonancia manteniendo una secuencia de conmutacion sin riesgos de recuperacion inversa y con una corriente de salida practicamente sinusoidal, lo que permite un control de la potencia por variacion de frecuencia. Puesto que la tarea de regulacion se realiza desde el puente inversor, la regulacion resulta mucho mas eficaz y la seccion de entrada se puede implementar mediante un simple rectificador no controlado y un condensador de filtro. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).

  5. Measurement of the ϕ → π0e+e- transition form factor with the KLOE detector

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Anastasi, A.; Babusci, D.; Bencivenni, G.; Berlowski, M.; Bloise, C.; Bossi, F.; Branchini, P.; Budano, A.; Caldeira Balkeståhl, L.; Cao, B.; Ceradini, F.; Ciambrone, P.; Curciarello, F.; Czerwiński, E.; D'Agostini, G.; Danè, E.; De Leo, V.; De Lucia, E.; De Santis, A.; De Simone, P.; Di Cicco, A.; Di Domenico, A.; Di Salvo, R.; Domenici, D.; D'Uffizi, A.; Fantini, A.; Felici, G.; Fiore, S.; Gajos, A.; Gauzzi, P.; Giardina, G.; Giovannella, S.; Graziani, E.; Happacher, F.; Heijkenskjöld, L.; Ikegami Andersson, W.; Johansson, T.; Kamińska, D.; Krzemien, W.; Kupsc, A.; Loffredo, S.; Mandaglio, G.; Martini, M.; Mascolo, M.; Messi, R.; Miscetti, S.; Morello, G.; Moricciani, D.; Moskal, P.; Papenbrock, M.; Passeri, A.; Patera, V.; Perez del Rio, E.; Ranieri, A.; Salabura, P.; Santangelo, P.; Sarra, I.; Schioppa, M.; Silarski, M.; Sirghi, F.; Tortora, L.; Venanzoni, G.; Wiślicki, W.; Wolke, M.


    A measurement of the vector to pseudoscalar conversion decay ϕ →π0e+e- with the KLOE experiment is presented. A sample of ˜9500 signal events was selected from a data set of 1.7 fb-1 of e+e- collisions at √{ s} ˜mϕ collected at the DAΦNE e+e- collider. These events were used to perform the first measurement of the transition form factor |Fϕπ0 (q2) | and a new measurement of the branching ratio of the decay: BR (ϕ →π0e+e-) = (1.35 ±0.05-0.10+0.05) ×10-5. The result improves significantly on previous measurements and is in agreement with theoretical predictions.

  6. Factors associated with disease-specific survival of patients with non-small cell lung cancer.


    Souza, Mirian Carvalho de; Cruz, Oswaldo Gonçalves; Vasconcelos, Ana Glória Godoi


    Lung cancer is a global public health problem and is associated with high mortality. Lung cancer could be largely avoided by reducing the prevalence of smoking. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of social, behavioral, and clinical factors on the survival time of patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated at Cancer Hospital I of the José Alencar Gomes da Silva National Cancer Institute, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 2000 and 2003. This was a retrospective hospital cohort study involving 1,194 patients. The 60-month disease-specific survival probabilities were calculated with the Kaplan-Meier method for three stage groups. The importance of the studied factors was assessed with a hierarchical theoretical model after adjustment by Cox multiple regression. The estimated 60-month specific-disease lethality rate was 86.0%. The 60-month disease-specific survival probability ranged from 25.0% (stages I/II) to 2.5% (stage IV). The performance status, the intention to treat, and the initial treatment modality were the major prognostic factors identified in the study population. In this cohort of patients, the disease-specific survival probabilities were extremely low. We identified no factors that could be modified after the diagnosis in order to improve survival. Primary prevention, such as reducing the prevalence of smoking, is still the best method to reduce the number of people who will suffer the consequences of lung cancer. O câncer de pulmão é um problema de saúde pública global e é associado a elevada mortalidade. Ele poderia ser evitado em grande parte com a redução da prevalência do tabagismo. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos de fatores sociais, comportamentais e clínicos sobre o tempo de sobrevida de pacientes com câncer de pulmão de células não pequenas atendidos, entre 2000 e 2003, no Hospital do Câncer I do Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva, localizado na

  7. Frequency and risk factors for the birth of small-for-gestational-age newborns in a public maternity hospital.


    Teixeira, Marina Parca Cavelagna; Queiroga, Tatiana Peloso Reis; Mesquita, Maria Dos Anjos


    To determine the frequency and risk factors of small-for-gestational-age newborns in a high-risk maternity. This is an observational, cross-sectional, and case-control study, conducted in a public tertiary care maternity hospital. Data from 998 newborns and their mothers were collected through interviews and review of medical records and prenatal care cards. Some placentas underwent histopathological analysis. The variables of small-for-gestational-age and non-small-for-gestational-age newborns and of their mothers were statistically compared by means of Student's t test, Fisher's exact test, and odds ratio. The significance level used was 0.050. There was a 17.9% frequency of small-for-gestational-age newborns. The statistically significant factors associated with the birth of these babies were female sex (p=0.012); positive history of another small-for-gestational-age child (p=0.006); inadequate prenatal care (p=0.019); smoking (p=0.003); hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (p=0.007); placental bleeding (p=0.009) and infarction (p=0.001). In the population studied, the frequency of small-for-gestational-age newborns was high and associated with sex, inappropriate prenatal care, presence of maternal diseases and addictions, and placental abnormalities. Determinar a frequência e os fatores de risco de recém-nascidos pequenos para idade gestacional em uma maternidade de alto risco. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal e caso-controle, realizado em maternidade pública de nível terciário. Foram levantados dados de 998 recém-nascidos e de suas respectivas mães por meio de entrevista e análise de prontuários e de cartões do pré-natal. Algumas placentas foram submetidas à análise anatomopatológica. As variáveis dos recém-nascidos pequenos e não pequenos para idade gestacional e de suas respectivas mães foram comparadas estatisticamente pelo teste paramétrico t de Student, pelo teste exato de Fisher e por odds ratio. O nível de signific

  8. PubMed

    Valladares, Macarena; Campos, Brianda; Zapata, Camila; Durán Agüero, Samuel; Obregón, Ana María


    Introducción: existen características respecto a los ritmos circadianos (ciclo sueño-vigilia), lo que genera un rasgo denominado cronotipo (madrugador o trasnochador). Se ha asociado el cronotipo vespertino a menos horas de sueño y hábitos alimentarios poco saludables. El cronotipo vespertino se asocia con un mayor riesgo de desarrollar obesidad.Objetivo: determinar la asociación del cronotipo con variables antropométricas en jóvenes de 18 a 25 años.Métodos: jóvenes (n = 65) (18 a 25 años), se les determinó el cronotipo (cuestionario de Horne-Ostberg) y mediciones antropométricas (peso, talla, porcentaje de grasa y perímetro de cintura). Resultados: los hombres con cronotipo trasnochador presentaron significativamente mayor perímetro de cintura (p = 0,03). Las mujeres con un porcentaje de grasa < 25% se asoció con cronotipo trasnochador (p = 0,05). Conclusiones: el cronotipo trasnochador se asocia a mayor perímetro de cintura y mayor porcentaje de grasa. El cronotipo constituye un nuevo foco para la prevención y el tratamiento de la obesidad.

  9. Risk factors for unintentional injuries due to falls in children aged 0–6 years: a systematic review

    PubMed Central

    Khambalia, A; Joshi, P; Brussoni, M; Raina, P; Morrongiello, B; Macarthur, C


    Objective To identify risk factors for unintentional injuries due to falls in children aged 0–6 years. Design A systematic review of the literature. Methods Electronic databases from 1966 to March 2005 were comprehensively searched to identify empirical research that evaluated risk factors for unintentional injuries due to falls in children aged 0–6 years and included a comparison group. Results 14 studies met the inclusion criteria. Studies varied by the type of fall injury that was considered (ie, bunk bed, stairway, playground or infant walker) and with respect to the quality of evidence. In general, major risk factors for the incidence or severity of injuries due to falls in children included age of the child, sex, height of the fall, type of surface, mechanism (dropped, stairway or using a walker), setting (day care v home care) and socioeconomic status. Conclusion Despite a high burden, few controlled studies have examined the risk and protective factors for injuries due to falls in children aged 0–6 years. The only study to examine falls from a population health perspective suggests that age, sex and poverty are independent risk factors for injuries due to falls in children. PMID:17170185

  10. Etude du strabisme chez des enfants de 0 à 15 ans suivis a Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo: analyse des aspects épidémiologiques et cliniques

    PubMed Central

    Bienvenu, Yogolelo Asani; Angel, Musau Nkola; Sebastien, Mbuyi Musanzayi; Philippe, Cilundika Mulenga; Léon, Kabamba Ngombe; Eugene, Twite Kabange; Chami, Cham Lubamba; Prosper, Kalenga Muenze Kayamba; Claude, Speeg-Schatz; Gaby, Chenge Borasisi


    Introduction Le strabisme est défini comme un syndrome à double composante: motrice et sensorielle. Le but de ce travail est de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques et cliniques du strabisme chez l'enfant congolais de 0 à 15 ans dans la ville de Lubumbashi. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive longitudinale sur les aspects épidémiologiques et cliniques du strabisme chez l'enfant congolais de 0 à 15 ans dans la ville de Lubumbashi entre Décembre 2012 à Décembre 2013. Nous avons recueilli l’âge des patients, leur sexe, leur provenance, le type de strabisme, la réfraction, le fond d'oeil, les antécédents (hérédité) ainsi que le type de la déviation strabique observé sur 70 patients. Résultats Nous avons observé 70 cas de strabisme manifeste dont 31 cas (44,28%) étaient dans la tranche d’âge comprise entre 0 et 5 ans. L’âge moyen de nos patients était de 6,7 ans avec une prédominance du sexe féminin, soit 51,42%. Le strabisme était convergent dans 65,71%, divergent dans 30%, et vertical dans 4,28%. Les ésotropies représentaient 65 cas (92,85%), quatre cas (5,71%) avaient un antécédent familial de strabisme au premier degré de parenté, 21 cas (30%) au second degré de parenté, 45 cas (64,28%) n'avaient pas cet antécédent. L'oeil gauche était le plus dominé dans 30% des cas. Les facteurs favorisant le strabisme étaient inconnus dans 54 cas (77,14%). Le strabisme était secondaire à l'hypermétropie chez 32 patients (42,71%). Conclusion La fréquence du strabisme dans la ville de Lubumbashi chez les enfants âgés de 0 à 15 ans est de 0,50%. Comme dans la plupart des études sur le strabisme de l'enfant, c'est l’ésotropie qui est la déviation la plus commune. PMID:26834919

  11. Factors associated with access to physical rehabilitation for victims of traffic accidents.


    Sousa, Kelienny de Meneses; Oliveira, Wagner Ivan Fonsêca de; Alves, Emanuel Augusto; Gama, Zenewton André da Silva


    Evaluate the level of access to physical rehabilitation for survivors of traffic accidents and the associated factors. A cross-sectional study performed in Natal, Northeastern Brazil, through a telephone survey of 155 victims of traffic accidents admitted to an emergency hospital between January and August of 2013, with a diagnosis of fracture, traumatic brain injury or amputation. Participants were identified in the database of the reference hospital for care of traffic accident victims. We calculated point estimates and confidence interval (95%CI) for the frequency of subjects who had access, in addition to multivariate analysis (logistic regression) between access (dependent variable) and sociodemographic, clinical, and assistance variables. Among the 155 respondents, the majority were adolescents and adults between 15-29 years of age (47.7%), men (82.6%), education up to high school (92.3%), income of up to two minimum wages (78.0%) and bikers (75.5%). Although 85.8% of traffic accident survivors reported the need for physical rehabilitation, there was little access (51.6%; 95%CI 43.7-59.4) and a delay to start the physical rehabilitation (average = 67 days). We classified factors associated with access to physical rehabilitation as: (i) unmodifiable individuals in the short term - family income greater than two minimum wages (OR = 3.7), informal worker (OR = 0.11) or unemployed (OR = 0.15) and possession of a private health care plan (OR = 0.07); and (ii) assistance modifiable by service management - written referral for physical rehabilitation (OR = 27.5) and perceived need of physical rehabilitation (OR = 10). This study found a low and slow access to physical rehabilitation for individuals potentially in need. The associated factors were the organizational processes of health care (health information and referral) and social determinants (income, occupation and private health care plan). Avaliar o nível de acesso à reabilitação física para

  12. Examining the Theoretical Factors That Influence University Students to Adopt Web 2.0 Technologies: The Australian Perspective

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Al-Otaibi, Yasser D.; Houghton, Luke


    The purpose of this study is (1) to examine Australian university students' awareness of the benefits of Web 2.0 technologies and (2) to investigate the factors that influence students to adopt Web 2.0 technologies to supplement in-class learning, using the theoretical foundations of both Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and Decomposed Theory of…

  13. Traumatismo craneoencefálico leve

    PubMed Central

    Ortega Zufiría, José Manuel; Prieto, Noemí Lomillos; Cuba, Bernardino Choque; Degenhardt, Martin Tamarit; Núñez, Pedro Poveda; López Serrano, María Remedios; López Raigada, Azahara Belén


    Resumen Introducción y objetivo: El TCE leve representa un problema sanitario de enorme interés debido a que un número significativo de enfermos con trauma leve desarrollará complicaciones potencialmente mortales. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido describir una serie amplia de pacientes adultos, mayores de 14 años, que sufren TCE leve, atendidos en el Hospital Universitario de Getafe, entre los años 2010 y 2015 (n = 2480), estudiar el perfil epidemiológico y analizar el diagnóstico y el tratamiento efectuados, así como establecer los principales factores pronósticos que influyen en el resultado final. Método: Se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo, de revisión de historias clínicas, analizando los resultados con estudio estadístico bivariable y multivariable. Resultados: El TCE leve es más frecuente en varones, y el mecanismo causante más común en nuestro medio es el accidente de tráfico. Se propone un modelo de clasificación de pacientes según grupos de riesgo, que los subdivide en riesgo bajo, intermedio o alto, que se correlaciona bien con la probabilidad de desarrollar complicación intracraneal, y, consecuentemente, con el resultado final. Se discute la indicación de la radiografía simple de cráneo y de la Tomografía Computarizada (TC), así como del ingreso hospitalario para observación neurológica. Conclusiones: En este estudio, la presencia de focalidad neurológica en la exploración clínica, la edad, las alteraciones de la coagulación y la existencia de fractura en la radiografía simple se relacionan con mayor posibilidad de desarrollar lesiones traumáticas intracraneales y con peor pronóstico final. La escala de Glasgow para el Coma es deficitaria en la determinación del resultado final del paciente que sufre TCE, porque no considera variables tales como la amnesia o la pérdida de conocimiento, muy frecuentes en el traumatismo craneoencefálico leve. PMID:29430327

  14. Reacciones de intercambio de carga

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Errea, L. F.

    Se discute la validez de diversas metodologías y su aplicación al estudio de procesos de intercambio de carga electrónico entre iones y blancos atómicos y moleculares. Para energías de impacto entre 0.05 y 5 eV / amu se emplea el método cuántico de la Coordenada de Reacción Común (CRC). A mayores energías, se utiliza el método semiclásico iconal con un desarrollo de la función de onda dinámica en estados moleculares adiabáticos, modificados con un factor de traslación común (FTC). Estos estados pueden obtenerse con cálculos ab initio o empleando potenciales modelo. Cuando la ionización compite con la transferencia de carga, la inclusión de pseudoestados en estos desarrollos permite calcular simultáneamente las secciones eficaces de ambos procesos. Otra técnica utilizada es el método estadístico CTMC. En el tratamiento de colisiones ión-molécula (diatómica) contrastamos la aplicabilidad de distintos métodos, desde la llamada aproximación Franck-Condon hasta un desarrollo en estados vibrónicos, pasando por la aproximación súbita vibro-rotacional, obteniéndose secciones eficaces de captura electrónica total y a estados individuales, así como secciones de excitación vibracional a estados ligados y del continuo (disociación). En todos los casos es necesario calcular superficies de energía y los correspondientes acoplamientos dinámicos entre los estados. La aplicación de estos métodos permite determinar el grado de contaminación de los haces por estados metaestables en un experimento dado, el cambio en los resultados con diferentes isótopos, la importancia de procesos de doble captura, seguida de explosión culombiana, todo ello con precisión comparable a la de medidas experimentales, para sistemas de interés en distintos tipos de plasmas.

  15. An Investigation of the Factors That Influence Preservice Teachers' Intentions and Actual Integration of Web 2.0 Technologies

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sadaf, Ayesha


    The purpose of this two phase mixed methods sequential explanatory study was to investigate factors that predict preservice teachers' intentions to use Web 2.0 technologies in their future classrooms and their ability to carry out their intentions during student teaching. The first phase explored factors based on the Decomposed Theory of Planned…

  16. Índice UV

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Información general sobre el Índice UV que proporciona un pronóstico del riesgo esperado de sobreexposición a la radiación ultravioleta (UV) del sol. El índice UV va acompañado de recomendaciones para protegerse del sol.

  17. AB0 blood groups and rhesus factor expression as prognostic parameters in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer - a retrospective multi-centre study.


    Seebacher, Veronika; Polterauer, Stephan; Reinthaller, Alexander; Koelbl, Heinz; Achleitner, Regina; Berger, Astrid; Concin, Nicole


    AB0 blood groups and Rhesus factor expression have been associated with carcinogenesis, response to treatment and tumor progression in several malignancies. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that AB0 blood groups and Rhesus factor expression are associated with clinical outcome in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). AB0 blood groups and Rhesus factor expression were evaluated in a retrospective multicenter study including 518 patients with EOC. Their association with patients' survival was assessed using univariate and multivariable analyses. Neither AB0 blood groups nor Rhesus factor expression were associated with clinico-pathological parameters, recurrence-free, cancer-specific, or overall survival. In a subgroup of patients with high-grade serous adenocarcinoma, however, blood groups B and AB were associated with a better 5-year cancer-specific survival rate compared to blood groups A and 0 (60.3 ± 8.6% vs. 43.8 ± 3.6%, p = 0.04). Yet, this was not significant in multivariable analysis. AB0 blood groups and Rhesus factor expression are both neither associated with features of biologically aggressive disease nor clinical outcome in patients with EOC. Further investigation of the role of the blood group B antigen on cancer-specific survival in the subgroup of high-grade serous should be considered.

  18. Structural and dielectric properties of Al x Zn1- x O ( x = 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10) nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sharma, Neha; Kumar, Sanjay; Sharma, Varun


    The chemical precipitation method is followed for the synthesis of Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) with varying doping concentrations (0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, and 0.10 M). A single hexagonal crystalline phase of wurtzite structure has been confirmed for all the samples by X-ray diffraction. Crystalline size and microstrain of the un-doped and doped ZnO (NPs) is determined by the Williamson-Hall (W-H) analysis. The optical properties like band gap and Urbach energy are found out by the UV-visible spectroscopy. The functional bonds are detailed by Fourier transmission infrared spectroscopy. The dielectric properties have been shown by doped sample due to hopping mechanisms as compared to the undoped. The loss factor (tan δ) follows an inverse direction as correspond to frequency due to the presence of dielectric dispersion.

  19. [Not Available].


    Arellano Ortiz, Ana Lidia; Jiménez Vega, Florinda; Díaz Hernández, Cecilia; Salcedo Vargas, Muricio; De la Mora Covarrubias, Antonio; López Díaz, José Alberto; Vargas Requena, Claudia Lucía; Cassís Nosthas, María Lorena


    Introducción: las lesiones intraepiteliales escamosas (LIE) son un estado de transición hacia el cáncer cervicouterino (CaCu) y un déficit de micronutrientes puede acelerar este proceso. Por ello, determinar la existencia de este déficit y conocer qué factores se asocian permitiría una posible prevención en esta población de riesgo.Objetivo: determinar la presencia de alguna deficiencia de micronutrientes involucrados en el proceso anticancerígeno y asociar este déficit con hábitos y factores demográficos en pacientes con LIE de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México.Métodos:en un estudio transversal analítico fueron seleccionadas 102 pacientes con LIE. Se realizó una encuesta dietaría (recordatorio de 24 horas) para estimar la ingesta de micronutrientes. La deficiencia fue determinada con un consumo < 75% de la ingesta diaria recomendada o sugerida (IDR o IDS) en México. Algunos hábitos y factores demográficos fueron obtenidos mediante la entrevista con la paciente. Se realizó un modelo de regresión logística para asociar la presencia de deficiencia con factores que afectan a la ingesta o incrementan el requerimiento de micronutrientes.Resultados:el retinol, ácido fólico, zinc, vitaminas C y E, considerados como micronutrientes en el proceso anticancerígeno del CaCu, se encontraron por debajo del 75% de la IDR. Aquellas mujeres con sobrepeso, obesidad y amas de casa se asociaron significativamente con la deficiencia de micronutrientes.Conclusión: el sobrepeso, la obesidad y la ocupación han sido asociados para presentar deficiencias de micronutrientes en este estudio. Estas variables convergen en una posible inseguridad alimentaria, la cual podría asociarse al incremento de incidencia de CaCu en México.

  20. Charm radiative decays with neutral mesons D 0→ K¯0π 0γ , D 0→ K¯0η(η‧)γ

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fajfer, S.; Prapotnik, A.; Singer, P.


    The radiative decays D0→K¯0P0γ with nonresonant K¯0P0 (P00,η,η‧) are considered within the framework which combines heavy quark effective theory and the chiral Lagrangian. Due to neutral mesons the amplitudes do not have bremsstrahlung contributions. We assume factorization for the weak matrix elements. Light (virtual) vector mesons are found to give the main contribution to the decay amplitudes. The decay D0→K¯0π0γ is predicted to have a branching ratio of 3×10-4, with comparable contributions from parity-conserving and parity-violating parts of the amplitude. The decays with η(η‧) in the final state are expected with branching ratios of 1.1×10-5 and 0.4×10-7, respectively, and are mainly parity conserving.

  1. Pincharse sin infectarse: estrategias para prevenir la infección por el VIH y el VHC entre usuarios de drogas inyectables

    PubMed Central



    Resumen Objetivo Desde principios de los noventa, en la ciudad de Nueva York se han implementado con éxito programas para reducir la incidencia del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) y, en menor medida, del virus de la hepatitis C (VHC). A pesar de ello, aproximadamente el 70% de los usuario de drogas inyectables (UDI) están infectados por el VHC. Queremos investigar cómo el 30% restante se las ha arreglado para no infectarse. El Staying safe (nombre original del estudio) explora los comportamientos y mecanismos que ayudan a evitar la infección por el VHC y el VIH a largo plazo. Material y métodos Hemos utilizado el concepto de «desviación positiva» aplicado en otros campos de salud pública. Estudiamos las estrategias, prácticas y tácticas de prevención de aquellos UDI que, viviendo en contextos de alta prevalencia, se mantienen sin infectar por VIH y el VHC, a pesar de haberse inyectado heroína durante años. Los resultados preliminares presentados en este artículo incluyen el análisis de las entrevistas realizadas a 25 UDI (17 doble negativos, 3 doble positivos y 5 con infección por el VHC y sin infección por el VIH). Se usaron entrevistas semiestructuradas que exploraban con detalle la historia de vida de los sujetos, incluyendo su consumo de drogas, redes sociales, contacto con instituciones, relaciones sexuales y estrategias de protección y vigilancia. Resultados La intencionalidad es importante para no infectarse, especialmente durante períodos de involución (períodos donde hay un deterioro económico y/o social que llevan al que se inyecta a situaciones de mayor riesgo). Presentamos tres dimensiones independientes de intencionalidad que conllevan comportamientos que pueden ayudar a prevenir la infección: a) evitar «el mono» (síntomas de abstención) asegurando el acceso a la droga; b) «llevarlo bien» para no convertirse en un junkie y así evitar la «muerte social» y la falta de acceso a los recursos, y c) seguir sin

  2. Knowledge and Beliefs of Breast Cancer Among Elderly Puerto Rican Women.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    nuevos modelos * conceptuales e hip6tesis de investigaci6n que pueden ser cornprobadas posteriorrnente con un ni~mero mayor de sujetos (O’Brien mama. 1. Las mujeres que han tenido cdncer de mama tienen m6.s Riesgos posibilidad de desarrollarlo de nuevo . 2. Las mujeres que tuvieron su primer...4 A. Instrucciones Generales .......................... 4 B. Responsabilidades de la entrevistadora ........... 6 C. Materiales a ser llevados al

  3. Perda de massa em ventos empoeirados de estrelas supergigantes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vidotto, A. A.; Jatenco-Pereira, V.


    Em praticamente todas as regiões do diagrama HR, as estrelas apresentam evidências observacionais de perda de massa. Na literatura, pode-se encontrar trabalhos que tratam tanto do diagnóstico da perda de massa como da construção de modelos que visam explicá-la. O amortecimento de ondas Alfvén tem sido utilizado como mecanismo de aceleração de ventos homogêneos. Entretanto, sabe-se que os envelopes de estrelas frias contêm grãos sólidos e moléculas. Com o intuito de estudar a interação entre as ondas Alfvén e a poeira e a sua conseqüência na aceleração do vento estelar, Falceta-Gonçalves & Jatenco-Pereira (2002) desenvolveram um modelo de perda de massa para estrelas supergigantes. Neste trabalho, apresentamos um estudo do modelo acima proposto para avaliar a dependência da taxa de perda de massa com alguns parâmetros iniciais como, por exemplo, a densidade r0, o campo magnético B0, o comprimento de amortecimento da onda L0, seu fluxo f0, entre outros. Sendo assim, aumentando f0 de 10% a partir de valores de referência, vimos que aumenta consideravelmente, enquanto que um aumento de mesmo valor em r0, B0 e L0 acarreta uma diminuição em .

  4. Facteurs de risque de l'infection par le VIH dans le district de santé de Meyomessala au Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Nguefack-Tsague, Georges; Kalla, Ginette Claude Mireille; Abessolo, Stéphanie Abo'o; Angwafo, Fru; Muna, Walinjom


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer les facteurs de risque de l'infection par le VIH dans le district de santé de Meyomessala (Région du Sud) au Cameroun. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, descriptive et analytique qui s'est déroulée de Février à Mai 2011. Pour cette étude, nous avons obtenu une clairance éthique. Résultats L’échantillon était constitué de 315 participants dont 181 (57,46%) hommes et 134 (42,54%) femmes. L’âge moyen était de 24,5±8ans (extrême: 15-45ans). Quarante personnes (40) étaient séropositifs, soit une prévalence de l'infection par le VIH de 12,7%. Cette prévalence augmentait significativement (p = 0) avec le nombre de partenaires occasionnels au cours des douze derniers mois, allant de 2,7% chez ceux n'ayant eu aucun partenaire occasionnel à 21,25% chez ceux ayant plus de trois partenaires occasionnels (RC = 9,72; IC = 1,27-74,14; P = 0,03). le fait d’être âgé entre 20 et 24 ans (RC = 4,88; IC = 1,74-13,67; p = 0), avoir plus de trois partenaires sexuels au cours des douze derniers mois (RC = 9,72; IC = 1,27-74,14; p = 0,03), avoir les rapports sexuels avec les prostitués (RC = 2,86; IC = 1,42-5,76; p = 0), avoir eu le chlamydia (RC = 3,00; IC = 1,07-8,39; p = 0,04), avoir eu la syphilis (RC = 3,35; IC = 1,57-7,14; p = 0), avoir des avantages sociaux lors du premier rapport sexuel (RC = 2,57; IC = 1,03-6,43; p = 0,04) constituaient des potentiels facteurs de risque du VIH. Conclusion Il apparait urgent d'intensifier les campagnes de sensibilisation au risque d'infection par le VIH et les maladies sexuellement transmissibles dans le district de santé de Meyomessala PMID:25419299

  5. Proliferation of NS0 cells in protein-free medium: the role of cell-derived proteins, known growth factors and cellular receptors.


    Spens, Erika; Häggström, Lena


    NS0 cells proliferate without external supply of growth factors in protein-free media. We hypothesize that the cells produce their own factors to support proliferation. Understanding the mechanisms behind this autocrine regulation of proliferation may open for the novel approaches to improve animal cell processes. The following proteins were identified in NS0 conditioned medium (CM): cyclophilin A, cyclophilin B (CypB), cystatin C, D-dopachrome tautomerase, IL-25, isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase, macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), beta(2)-microglobulin, Niemann pick type C2, secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor, thioredoxin-1, TNF-alpha, tumour protein translationally controlled 1 and ubiquitin. Further, cDNA microarray analysis indicated that the genes for IL-11, TNF receptor 6, TGF-beta receptor 1 and the IFN-gamma receptor were transcribed. CypB, IFN-alpha/beta/gamma, IL-11, IL-25, MIF, TGF-beta and TNF-alpha as well as the known growth factors EGF, IGF-I/II, IL-6, leukaemia inhibitory factor and oncostatin M (OSM) were excluded as involved in autocrine regulation of NS0 cell proliferation. The receptors for TGF-beta, IGF and OSM are however present in NS0 cell membranes since TGF-beta(1) caused cell death, and IGF-I/II and OSM improved cell growth. Even though no ligand was found, the receptor subunit gp130, active in signal transduction of the IL-6 like proteins, was shown to be essential for NS0 cells as demonstrated by siRNA gene silencing.

  6. Establishing IUCN Red List Criteria for Threatened Ecosystems

    PubMed Central

    Rodríguez, Jon Paul; Rodríguez-Clark, Kathryn M; Baillie, Jonathan E M; Ash, Neville; Benson, John; Boucher, Timothy; Brown, Claire; Burgess, Neil D; Collen, Ben; Jennings, Michael; Keith, David A; Nicholson, Emily; Revenga, Carmen; Reyers, Belinda; Rouget, Mathieu; Smith, Tammy; Spalding, Mark; Taber, Andrew; Walpole, Matt; Zager, Irene; Zamin, Tara


    porque la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) ha desarrollado criterios objetivos, repetibles y transparentes para evaluar el riesgo de extinción que explícitamente separa la evaluación de riesgo de la definición de prioridades. En el IV Congreso Mundial de Conservación en 2008, el proceso comenzó a desarrollar e implementar estándares globales comparables para ecosistemas. Un grupo de trabajo establecido por la UICN ha formulado un sistema inicial de categorías y criterios cuantitativos, análogos a los utilizados para especies, para asignar niveles de amenaza a ecosistemas a niveles local, regional y global. Un sistema final requerirá de definiciones de ecosistemas; cuantificación del estatus de ecosistemas; identificación de las etapas de degradación y pérdida de los ecosistemas; medidas de riesgo (criterios) alternativas; umbrales de clasificación para esos criterios y métodos estandarizados para la realización de evaluaciones. El sistema deberá reflejar el nivel y tasa de cambio en la extensión, composición, estructura y funcionamiento de un ecosistema, y tener sus raíces conceptuales en la teoría ecológica y la investigación empírica. Sobre la base de esos requerimientos y la hipótesis de que el riesgo del ecosistema es una función del riesgo de las especies que lo componen, proponemos un conjunto de 4 criterios: declinaciones recientes en la distribución o funcionamiento ecológica, pérdida total histórica en la distribución o funcionamiento ecológico, distribución pequeña combinada con declinación, o distribución muy pequeña. La mayor parte del trabajo se ha concentrado en ecosistemas terrestres, pero también se requieren umbrales y criterios comparables para ecosistemas dulceacuícolas y marinos. Estos son los primeros pasos de un proceso de consulta internacional que llevará a una propuesta unificada que será presentada en el próximo Congreso Mundial de Conservación en 2012. PMID:21054525

  7. Re-construction layer effect of LiNi0.8Co0.15Mn0.05O2 with solvent evaporation process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Park, Kwangjin; Park, Jun-Ho; Hong, Suk-Gi; Choi, Byungjin; Heo, Sung; Seo, Seung-Woo; Min, Kyoungmin; Park, Jin-Hwan


    The solvent evaporation method on the structural changes and surface chemistry of the cathode and the effect of electrochemical performance of Li1.0Ni0.8Co0.15Mn0.05O2 (NCM) has been investigated. After dissolving of Li residuals using minimum content of solvent in order to minimize the damage of pristine material and the evaporation time, the solvent was evaporated without filtering and remaining powder was re-heated at 700 °C in oxygen environment. Two kinds of solvent, de-ionized water and diluted nitric acid, were used as a solvent. The almost 40% of Li residuals were removed using solvent evaporation method. The NCM sample after solvent evaporation process exhibited an increase in the initial capacity (214.3 mAh/g) compared to the pristine sample (207.4 mAh/g) at 0.1C because of enhancement of electric conductivity caused by decline of Li residuals. The capacity retention of NCM sample after solvent evaporation process (96.0% at the 50th cycle) was also improved compared to that of the pristine NCM sample (90.6% at the 50th cycle). The uniform Li residual layer after solvent treated and heat treatment acted like a coating layer, leading to enhance the cycle performance. The NCM sample using diluted nitric acid showed better performance than that using de-ionized water.

  8. EPA Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) 5.0 Fundamentals and User Guide

    EPA Science Inventory

    PMF is a multivariate factor analysis tool that decomposes a matrix of speciated sample data into two matrices: factor contributions (G) and factor profiles (F). These factor profiles need to be interpreted by the user to identify the source types that may be contributing to the ...

  9. Exploring factors that influence students' attitudes toward midwifery in Jordan: Measuring psychometric properties of a newly developed tool.


    Al Hadid, Lourance A; Al-Rajabi, Omaymah; AlBarmawi, Marwa; Yousef Sayyah, Najah Sayyah; Toqan, Lwiza Moh'd


    Students' professional choice to proceed in midwifery is influenced by many factors. This study validated an instrument developed to assess students' attitudes toward midwifery in Jordan. It also addressed the motivating and de-motivating factors influencing students' decision concerning joining and continuing in midwifery. A descriptive, cross-section study was conducted on a convenience sample of 374 midwifery students representing private, governmental, and military midwifery colleges. The researchers developed the study questionnaire through conducting a comprehensive literature review, organizing common themes and consulting experts. Exploratory factor analysis and tests of normality and reliability, including Cronbach's Alpha and Bartlett's test, were used in the analysis. The result was three factors were explained by 23 items. They were as follows: professional knowledge, professional motivation factors, and de-motivating professional factors. The first 8 items explained nearly 61% of the variance. Cronbach's Alpha was 0.834 with a range of 0.835-0.839. The Spearman-Brown coefficient was 0.81 and Guttman Split-Half coefficient was 0.83. Issues of reliability and validity require a repetitive process of testing under a range of circumstances to ensure both stability and representation of the construct. However, addressing factors found to have impact of students' decisions is crucial to improve retention of high quality students. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. SEIPS 2.0: a human factors framework for studying and improving the work of healthcare professionals and patients.


    Holden, Richard J; Carayon, Pascale; Gurses, Ayse P; Hoonakker, Peter; Hundt, Ann Schoofs; Ozok, A Ant; Rivera-Rodriguez, A Joy


    Healthcare practitioners, patient safety leaders, educators and researchers increasingly recognise the value of human factors/ergonomics and make use of the discipline's person-centred models of sociotechnical systems. This paper first reviews one of the most widely used healthcare human factors systems models, the Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model, and then introduces an extended model, 'SEIPS 2.0'. SEIPS 2.0 incorporates three novel concepts into the original model: configuration, engagement and adaptation. The concept of configuration highlights the dynamic, hierarchical and interactive properties of sociotechnical systems, making it possible to depict how health-related performance is shaped at 'a moment in time'. Engagement conveys that various individuals and teams can perform health-related activities separately and collaboratively. Engaged individuals often include patients, family caregivers and other non-professionals. Adaptation is introduced as a feedback mechanism that explains how dynamic systems evolve in planned and unplanned ways. Key implications and future directions for human factors research in healthcare are discussed.

  11. Life course, sociocultural factors and disordered eating in adult Mexican women.


    Bojorquez, Ietza; Bustos, Joyce; Valdez, Verónica; Unikel, Claudia


    Disordered eating (DE) can appear in women of all ages and in diverse sociocultural contexts, however most research focuses on younger women in higher income countries. The purpose of this article was to explore the association of life course markers with DE, considering the effects of sociocultural factors, in a sample of adult women in Tijuana, Mexico. We employed data from a household survey (n = 2322) conducted in 2014, to evaluate the associations of DE with age, occupation, marital status and having children (life course markers), and indicators of social position and exposure to modernization (sociocultural factors). The prevalence of weight preoccupation was 69.2% (CI95% 67.3,71.1), the prevalence of dieting 24.8% (CI95% 22.4,27.3), and 2.0% (CI95% 1.4,3.0) had a probable eating disorder according to the questionnaire cutoff score. In the adjusted model, younger age, being employed, higher social position and indicators of exposure to modernization had positive associations with DE. There were interactions between marital status and body mass index, and between age and region of birth. The interaction terms showed that overweight was positively associated with DE among single and cohabiting participants, but not among the married ones; and that the negative association between DE and age was apparent from younger age groups in women born in less developed regions of Mexico. Our results replicate others in showing DE to be present in women through the life course, and point to at-risk groups in the confluences of life course, social position and modernization. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Guidelines for Clinical Practice: Hymenoptera sting allergy in children: 2017 update



    Las picaduras por himenópteros son frecuentes en la infancia. La mayoría producen reacciones locales, consecuencia de un mecanismo inflamatorio, no alérgico, no tienen progresión y se resuelven con simples medidas terapéuticas. Las reacciones más extensas, generalmente, están asociadas a mecanismos alérgicos, mediados por inmunoglobulina E. Su máxima expresión, la anafilaxia, presenta síntomas cutáneos, respiratorios, cardiovasculares, digestivos y/o neurológicos, con riesgo de muerte. La prevalencia de anafilaxia en pacientes con mastocitosis sistémica es más alta. La familia Hymenoptera, que incluye hormigas coloradas, abejas y avispas, es la causante de las picaduras de mayor riesgo, potencialmente fatales. Los pilares del diagnóstico son la historia clínica, la identificación del insecto, y las pruebas diagnósticas cutáneas y/o in vitro interpretadas por el especialista en Alergia e Inmunología. La inmunoterapia con veneno es el tratamiento de elección para prevenir reacciones anafilácticas por picaduras de himenópteros.

  13. Risk factors for syphilis in women: case-control study.


    Macêdo, Vilma Costa de; Lira, Pedro Israel Cabral de; Frias, Paulo Germano de; Romaguera, Luciana Maria Delgado; Caires, Silvana de Fátima Ferreira; Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de Alencar


    To determine the sociodemographic, behavioral, and health care factors related to the occurrence of syphilis in women treated at public maternity hospitals. This is a case-control study (239 cases and 322 controls) with women admitted to seven maternity hospitals in the municipality of Recife, Brazil, from July 2013 to July 2014. Eligible women were recruited after the result of the VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) under any titration. The selection of cases and controls was based on the result of the serology for syphilis using ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). The independent variables were grouped into: sociodemographic, behavioral, clinical and obstetric history, and health care in prenatal care and maternity hospital. Information was obtained by interview, during hospitalization, with the application of a questionnaire. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were estimated using logistic regression to identify the predicting factors of the variable to be explained. The logistic regression analysis identified as determinant factors for gestational syphilis: education level of incomplete basic education or illiterate (OR = 2.02), lack of access to telephone (OR = 2.4), catholic religion (OR = 1.70 ), four or more pregnancies (OR = 2.2), three or more sexual partners in the last year (OR = 3.1), use of illicit drugs before the age of 18 (OR = 3.0), and use of illicit drugs by the current partner (OR = 1.7). Only one to three prenatal appointments (OR = 3.5) and a previous history of sexually transmitted infection (OR = 9.7) were also identified as determinant factors. Sociodemographic, behavioral, and health care factors are associated with the occurrence of syphilis in women and should be taken into account in the elaboration of universal strategies aimed at the prevention and control of syphilis, but with a focus on situations of greater vulnerability. Determinar os fatores sociodemográficos, comportamentais e de assistência à sa

  14. Electronic and Thermoelectric Properties of SnSe1-x S x (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1) Alloys: First-Principles Calculations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hamad, Bothina


    Ab initio investigations of the electronic and thermoelectric (TE) properties of SnSe1-x S x (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1) alloys are performed using density functional theory. The TE properties are calculated using the semi-classical Boltzmann transport theory within the constant relaxation time approximation. Band gap values are found to range between 0.94 eV and 1.02 eV in agreement with the experimental findings and previous calculations. All alloys tend to exhibit p-type TE properties, indicated by a sharp peak near the Fermi level that indicates a heavy carrier concentration. Electrical conductivity is found to decrease, whereas the Seebeck coefficient and the power factor increase for higher concentrations. The three alloys, SnS, SnSe and SnSe0.75S0.25 alloys exhibit the same power factor of 3.5 × 10-3 W/m K2, which is promising for thermoelectric applications.

  15. Occurrence and risk factors associated to Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Toxoplasmosis is an important cause of abortion in sheep and a zoonotic risk to humans, leading to significant hazards to health and to economic losses. This study examined the soroprevalence and associated risk factors for infection with Toxoplama gondii in 379 sheep from 12 flocks in Rio de Janeir...

  16. Investigation on high-efficiency Ga0.51In0.49P/In0.01Ga0.99As/Ge triple-junction solar cells for space applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Lei; Niu, Pingjuan; Li, Yuqiang; Song, Minghui; Zhang, Jianxin; Ning, Pingfan; Chen, Peizhuan


    Ga0.51In0.49P/In0.01Ga0.99As/Ge triple-junction solar cells for space applications were grown on 4 inch Ge substrates by metal organic chemical vapor deposition methods. The triple-junction solar cells were obtained by optimizing the subcell structure, showing a high open-circuit voltage of 2.77 V and a high conversion efficiency of 31% with 30.15 cm2 area under the AM0 spectrum at 25 °C. In addition, the In0.01Ga0.99As middle subcell structure was focused by optimizing in order to improve the anti radiation ability of triple-junction solar cells, and the remaining factor of conversion efficiency for middle subcell structure was enhanced from 84% to 92%. Finally, the remaining factor of external quantum efficiency for triple-junction solar cells was increased from 80% to 85.5%.

  17. Historical flood data series of Eastern Spanish Coast (14th-20th centuries). Improving identification of climatic patterns and human factors of flood events from primary documentary sources

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alberola, Armando; Barriendos, Mariano; Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Pérez-Morales, Alfredo; Balasch, Carles; Castelltort, Xavier; Mazón, Jordi; Pino, David; Lluís Ruiz-Bellet, Josep; Tuset, Jordi


    major flood events on Eastern coast of Iberian Peninsula, with identification and evaluation of natural and human factors involved on that. References: Alberola, A. 2006. "Entre la sequía y la inundación. Una aproximación a las avenidas históricas de los ríos valencianos durante el siglo XVIII", in Gérard Chastagnaret and Antonio Gil Olcina (eds.), Riesgo de inundaciones en el Mediterráneo occidental, Casa de Velázquez-Universidad de Alicante, p. 1-30. ISBN 84-95555-89-1. Barriendos, M., Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Tuset, J., Mazón, J., Balasch, C., Pino, D., Ayala, J.L.: 2014, "The 'Prediflood' database of historical floods in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula) AD 1035-2013, and its potential applications in flood analysis", Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18: 1-17. DOI: 10.5194/hess-18-1-2014. Gil-Guirado, S.: 2013. Reconstrucción climática histórica y análisis evolutivo de la vulnerabilidad y adaptación a las sequías e inundaciones en la Cuenca del Segura (España) y en la Cuenca del Río Mendoza (Argentina). Doctoral dissertation. Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, España.

  18. Exclusive radiotherapy for stage T1-T2N0M0 lanryngeal cancer: retrospective study of 59 patients at CFB and CHU de Caen.


    Cuny, F; Géry, B; Florescu, C; Clarisse, B; Blanchard, D; Rame, J-P; Babin, E; De Raucourt, D


    Study of patients with stage T1N0M0 or T2N0M0 glottic cancer treated by exclusive radiotherapy and comparison of the survival and functional results of this series with those of the literature. Retrospective study of stage T1N0M0 or T2N0M0 glottic cancers diagnosed between 1st January 2000 and 31st December 2010 and treated by exclusive radiotherapy. Evaluation of survival, recurrence and larynx preservation rates. CLCC François-Baclesse and CHU de Caen. Fifty-nine patients (53 men and sixwomen) treated for glottic cancer (57 squamous cell carcinomas, two verrucous carcinomas) comprising 51 T1N0M0 and eight T2N0M0 tumours. Treatment with exclusive radiotherapy (mean dose of 70 Grays limited to the thyroid cartilage for 57 patients, with lymph node irradiation for two patients). In this series, five (9.8%) patients with stage T1N0M0 glottic cancer and three patients (37.5%) with stage T2N0M0 glottic cancer relapsed, corresponding to a global recurrence rate of 13.6%. Three of the eight recurrences involved lymph nodes exclusively (N), two patients relapsed exclusively at the primary tumour site (T) and three patients presented local and lymph node recurrence (T and N). Treatment consisted of salvage total laryngectomy with bilateral cervical lymph node dissection in three cases, bilateral cervical lymph node dissection and sensitized radiotherapy in two cases, exclusive chemotherapy in one case, cervical lymph node dissection and cervical radiotherapy in one case. The last patient with recurrence died prior to salvage therapy. The larynx preservation rate was 94.9%. In comparison with the literature, treatment of stage T1-T2N0M0 glottic cancer by exclusive radiotherapy gives very good results, with a larynx preservation rate of 95%. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  19. A De Novo Deletion in the Regulators of Complement Activation Cluster Producing a Hybrid Complement Factor H/Complement Factor H-Related 3 Gene in Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome.


    Challis, Rachel C; Araujo, Geisilaine S R; Wong, Edwin K S; Anderson, Holly E; Awan, Atif; Dorman, Anthony M; Waldron, Mary; Wilson, Valerie; Brocklebank, Vicky; Strain, Lisa; Morgan, B Paul; Harris, Claire L; Marchbank, Kevin J; Goodship, Timothy H J; Kavanagh, David


    The regulators of complement activation cluster at chromosome 1q32 contains the complement factor H (CFH) and five complement factor H-related (CFHR) genes. This area of the genome arose from several large genomic duplications, and these low-copy repeats can cause genome instability in this region. Genomic disorders affecting these genes have been described in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, arising commonly through nonallelic homologous recombination. We describe a novel CFH/CFHR3 hybrid gene secondary to a de novo 6.3-kb deletion that arose through microhomology-mediated end joining rather than nonallelic homologous recombination. We confirmed a transcript from this hybrid gene and showed a secreted protein product that lacks the recognition domain of factor H and exhibits impaired cell surface complement regulation. The fact that the formation of this hybrid gene arose as a de novo event suggests that this cluster is a dynamic area of the genome in which additional genomic disorders may arise. Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Nephrology.

  20. Factor Structure of the Escala de Autoeficacia para la Depresión en Adolescentes (EADA)

    PubMed Central

    Díaz-Santos, Mirella; Cumba-Avilés, Eduardo; Bernal, Guillermo; Rivera-Medina, Carmen


    The current concept and measures of self-efficacy for depression in adolescents do not consider developmental and cultural aspects essential to understand and assess this construct in Latino youth. We examined the factor structure of the Escala de Autoeficacia para la Depresión en Adolescentes (EADA): a Spanish instrument designed to assess this construct as experienced by this population. Participants were 116 Puerto Rican adolescents aged 13 to 17 years who completed the EADA and two other self-report measures. An exploratory factor analysis yielded a two-factor solution (Personal Self-Efficacy for Depression and Interpersonal Self-Efficacy for Depression) accounting for 37.57% of the total variance. Results revealed that EADA factors have excellent internal consistency as well as concurrent and construct validity, supporting its adequacy to assess Latino adolescents’ self-efficacy for depression. The conceptual meaning of the factors was consistent with the distinction between aspects of this construct hypothesized to be important among Latino youth.

  1. Iniciativas escolares y deportivas lideradas desde la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA): revisión sistemática.


    Correa, Jorge E; Meneses-Echávez, José F; Barengo, Noël C; Tovar, Gustavo; Ruiz-Castellanos, Erika; Lobelo, Felipe; Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson


    Introducción: Los programas iniciados por la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) consisten en la difusión de mensajes relacionados con el cuidado de la salud y como estrategia de prevención de lesiones deportivas entre los niños y jóvenes. El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue resumir los resultados de la implementación de los programas "FIFA 11 para la salud" y "FIFA 11+". Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos electrónicos de MEDLINE, EMBASE y Scopus, identificando los estudios que evaluaran la implementación de los programas "FIFA 11 para la salud" y "FIFA 11+", durante los últimos 10 años (1 enero 2003 a 1 diciembre 2013). Resultados: Incluimos 17 estudios. Dos estudios evaluaron la implementación del programa "FIFA 11 para la salud" y encontraron un aumento significativo en el conocimiento de los mensajes de promoción de la salud; 15 estudios evaluaron los efectos del programa "FIFA 11+", reportando una reducción en el riesgo de lesiones deportivas y mejorías en el rendimiento deportivo. Discusión: Los programas "FIFA 11 para la salud" y "FIFA 11+" han demostrado resultados positivos para la salud, en el ámbito escolar y deportivo. Conclusiones: Dichos programas del FIFA representan una oportunidad para crear hábitos protectores y fomentar modos de vida saludables en niños y jóvenes.

  2. SEIPS 2.0: A human factors framework for studying and improving the work of healthcare professionals and patients

    PubMed Central

    Holden, Richard J.; Carayon, Pascale; Gurses, Ayse P.; Hoonakker, Peter; Hundt, Ann Schoofs; Ozok, A. Ant; Rivera-Rodriguez, A. Joy


    Healthcare practitioners, patient safety leaders, educators, and researchers increasingly recognize the value of human factors/ergonomics and make use of the discipline’s person-centered models of sociotechnical systems. This paper first reviews one of the most widely used healthcare human factors systems models, the Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model, and then introduces an extended model, “SEIPS 2.0.” SEIPS 2.0 incorporates three novel concepts into the original model: configuration, engagement, and adaptation. The concept of configuration highlights the dynamic, hierarchical, and interactive properties of sociotechnical systems, making it possible to depict how health-related performance is shaped at “a moment in time.” Engagement conveys that various individuals and teams can perform health-related activities separately and collaboratively. Engaged individuals often include patients, family caregivers, and other non-professionals. Adaptation is introduced as a feedback mechanism that explains how dynamic systems evolve in planned and unplanned ways. Key implications and future directions for human factors research in healthcare are discussed. PMID:24088063

  3. Nuclear modification factor of D0 mesons in PbPb collisions at sqrt(s[NN]) = 5.02 TeV

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sirunyan, Albert M; et al.


    The transverse momentum (pt) spectrum of prompt D0 mesons and their antiparticles has been measured via the hadronic decay channels D0 to K- pi+ and D0-bar to K+ pi- in pp and PbPb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair with the CMS detector at the LHC. The measurement is performed in the D0 meson pt range of 2-100 GeV and in the rapidity range of abs(y)<1. The pp (PbPb) dataset used for this analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 27.4 inverse picobarns (530 inverse microbarns). The measured D0 meson pt spectrum in pp collisionsmore » is well described by perturbative QCD calculations. The nuclear modification factor, comparing D0 meson yields in PbPb and pp collisions, was extracted for both minimum-bias and the 10% most central PbPb interactions. For central events, the D0 meson yield in the PbPb collisions is suppressed by a factor of 5-6 compared to the pp reference in the pt range of 6-10 GeV. For D0 mesons in the high-pt range of 60-100 GeV, a significantly smaller suppression is observed. The results are also compared to theoretical calculations.« less

  4. Precisión de las velocidades radiales obtenidas con el REOSC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    González, J. F.; Lapasset, E.

    Complementando una línea de trabajo iniciada con anterioridad discutimos la estabilidad del espectrógrafo REOSC de CASLEO en DC para la medición de velocidades radiales en base al análisis de observaciones realizadas en enero y abril de 1997. En esas oportunidades obtuvimos 26 espectros de estrellas patrones y 27 espectros de 3 estrellas usadas como estrellas de referencia en nuestro programa de cúmulos abiertos. Además tomamos 26 espectros de crepúsculo con el telescopio en posiciones cubriendo el rango H=-4,+4 y δ =-90,+30. Mediante correlaciones cruzadas derivamos la velocidad de 19 órdenes en cada uno de estos espectros. En base a un análisis estadístico de los datos obtenidos discutimos la contribución de los distintos factores que afectan a la dispersión de lectura observada. En particular, la flexión del instrumento no introduciría errores significativos cuando se observa con masas de aire menores que 2.0. La dispersión de los valores de velocidad medidos para espectros de alta relación S/N de una misma estrella resultó del orden de 0.5 km/s. La comparación con los valores de velocidad publicados por distintos autores para las estrellas patrones no permite distinguir ninguna diferencia sistemática apreciable de las velocidades de CASLEO, siendo la media cuadrática de los residuos del orden de 1.0 km/s.

  5. [In Process Citation].


    Wang, Bingsong; Li, Yijun; Wu, Xiaolu; Liu, Qingqing; Tang, Xue; Wang, Zuo


    Objetivos: oligoelementos como zinc (Zn), hierro (Fe) y cobre (Cu) tienen una influencia significativa en el mantenimiento de la función inmune y del metabolismo normales; modulan la función immune e influyen en la susceptibilidad del organismo ante infecciones. Pero la relación entre trazas de estos elementos y la bronconeumonía resultó incierta. Métodos: en este estudio fueron incluidos 28 niños con bronconeumonía y 46 niños sanos agrupados por edad. Se determinaron los niveles de Zn, Cu, Fe, calcio (Ca) y/o magnesio (Mg) en el suero de los niños con bronconeumonía y sin ella mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica. Resultados: los resultados muestran que varios niveles de microelementos como Zn, Ca, Mg y Fe en el grupo con bronconeumonía son menores que en el grupo control. En el grupo de niños con bronconeumonía el nivel de Ca en el suero está asociado positivamente con el zinc (Zn) (p < 0,05) y el hierro (Fe) (p < 0,05), mientras que hay una correlación positiva entre el cobre (Cu) y el calcio (Ca) (p < 0,05), magnesio (mg) (p < 0,05). Conclusión: el nivel de oligoelemento en el suero puede estar asociado con el riesgo de bronconeumonía entre los niños.

  6. CicerTransDB 1.0: a resource for expression and functional study of chickpea transcription factors.


    Gayali, Saurabh; Acharya, Shankar; Lande, Nilesh Vikram; Pandey, Aarti; Chakraborty, Subhra; Chakraborty, Niranjan


    Transcription factor (TF) databases are major resource for systematic studies of TFs in specific species as well as related family members. Even though there are several publicly available multi-species databases, the information on the amount and diversity of TFs within individual species is fragmented, especially for newly sequenced genomes of non-model species of agricultural significance. We constructed CicerTransDB (Cicer Transcription Factor Database), the first database of its kind, which would provide a centralized putatively complete list of TFs in a food legume, chickpea. CicerTransDB, available at , is based on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) annotation v 1.0. The database is an outcome of genome-wide domain study and manual classification of TF families. This database not only provides information of the gene, but also gene ontology, domain and motif architecture. CicerTransDB v 1.0 comprises information of 1124 genes of chickpea and enables the user to not only search, browse and download sequences but also retrieve sequence features. CicerTransDB also provides several single click interfaces, transconnecting to various other databases to ease further analysis. Several webAPI(s) integrated in the database allow end-users direct access of data. A critical comparison of CicerTransDB with PlantTFDB (Plant Transcription Factor Database) revealed 68 novel TFs in the chickpea genome, hitherto unexplored. Database URL:

  7. Thermoelectric power factor of La0.9M0.1FeO3 (M = Ca and Ba) system: Structural, band gap and electrical transport evaluations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Karthikeyan, N.; Kumar, R. Ramesh; Jaiganesh, G.; Sivakumar, K.


    The search for thermoelectric materials has been incredibly increased due to the increase in global energy demand. Hence the present work focus on preparation and characterization of thermal transport phenomena of pure and Ba/Ca substituted perovskite LaFeO3 orthoferrite system. The conventional solid state reaction technique is utilized for the preparation of LaFeO3 and La0.9M0.1FeO3 (M = Ca and Ba) compounds. Crystal structure analyses of the prepared samples are analyses using Rietveld refinement process which confirms the orthoferrite crystal structure of all the prepared compounds with induced distortion in position of atoms by the incorporation of substituent atoms. The electronic structure calculations are performed by VASP. As the LaFeO3 compound is a strongly energy correlated system, the Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations are performed by DFT + U (Hubbard function) method. The computed band gap values are compared with the energy gap values calculated from UV-Vis spectral analysis. Electrical conductivity measurement and Arrhenius behavior for the temperature range of room temperature to 650 K are analyzed and the drift increase in conductivity with respect to temperature is due to the thermally activated mobility of charge carriers. Temperature dependent thermopower analysis is also examined using homemade seebeck coefficient measurement system. The calculation of thermoelectric power factor reveals that the Ba substituted LaFeO3 compound show highest power factor value of 3.73 μW/K2 cm at higher temperature and the superior power factor values observed in the Ba substituted compound determine the material's capability in power generating devices based on thermoelectric effect.

  8. Individual and contextual factors of influence on adherence to antiretrovirals among people attending public clinics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    PubMed Central


    Background There are inconsistencies in the determinants of adherence to antiretrovirals (ARVs) across settings as well as a lack of studies that take into consideration factors beyond the individual level. This makes it necessary to examine factors holistically in multiple settings and populations while taking into consideration the particularities of each context, in order to understand the patterns of ARV adherence. This research explored ARV adherence and individual, relational and environmental-structural factors. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted from August 2008 through July 2009 among participants currently on ARVs recruited from 6 public health clinics, selected to maximize diversity in terms of caseload and location, representing the range of clinics within Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between our multilevel factors with ARV adherence among participants with complete cases (n = 632). Results Eighty-four percent of respondents reported adherence to all of their ARV doses in the last 4 days. Of the socio-demographic variables, those who had one child were positively associated with adherence (AOR 2.29 CI [1.33-3.94]). On the relational level, those with high social support (AOR 2.85 CI [1.50-5.41]) were positively associated with adherence to ARVs. On the environmental-structural level, we found gender was significant with women negatively associated with adherence to ARVs (AOR 0.58 CI [0.38-0.88]) while those with a high asset index (AOR 2.47 CI [1.79-3.40]) were positively associated with adherence to ARVs. Conclusions This research highlights the importance of examining the multiple levels of influence on ARV adherence. Intervention research in lower and middle-income settings should address and evaluate the impact of attending to both gender and economic inequalities to improve ARV adherence, as well as relational areas such as the provision of social support. PMID

  9. Factors Influencing Childcare Workers' Promotion of Physical Activity in Children Aged 0-4 Years: A Qualitative Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wilke, Sarah; Opdenakker, Claudia; Kremers, Stef P. J; Gubbels, Jessica S


    The present study examined the factors influencing childcare workers' promotion of physical activity (PA) among children aged 0-4?years, a particularly interesting context because of the increasing number of children attending childcare. Twenty Dutch childcare workers were interviewed. The interviews revealed some important barriers to the…

  10. [The factors associated with the occurrence of immature forms of Aedes aegypti in Ilha do Governador, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil].


    Souza-Santos, R


    Aedes aegypti is the vector of dengue, a disease that can result in epidemics. Ecological studies are important because different geographical populations of the vector may differ in their bioecological characteristics, which can be helpful in guiding control actions. The objective of this study was to identify and to analyze some factors associated with the occurrence of immature forms of A. aegypti on Ilha do Governador, Rio de Janeiro, using data from the National Health Foundation (FNS). The results showed that 58.04% of all the containers examined were supports for plant pots, and plastic or glass cans discarded in the yard. The highest percentages of positive breeding sites were observed in tires (1.41%), wells and cisterns (0.93%), and barrels and large metal cans (0.64%). In the summer, the proportion of positivity was higher for big containers used for water storage and for containers discarded in the yard. In the winter the proportion was higher for small containers used for water storage. The highest rates of positive containers were observed after three months without FNS activities. Our results show the necessity to continue the control, and suggest that less attention was paid to small containers during the winter by FNS. Factorial analysis showed that the determinant factor for the occurrence of immature forms of A. aegypti is represented by environmental factors, while elimination and treatment of breeding sites by FNS play a less important role, a fact possibly causing the maintenance of immature forms of A. aegypti.

  11. In-situ time-of-flight neutron diffraction study of the structure evolution of electrode materials in a commercial battery with LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 cathode

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bobrikov, I. A.; Samoylova, N. Yu.; Sumnikov, S. V.; Ivanshina, O. Yu.; Vasin, R. N.; Beskrovnyi, A. I.; Balagurov, A. M.


    A commercial lithium-ion battery with LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA) cathode has been studied in situ using high-intensity and high-resolution neutron diffraction. Structure and phase composition of the battery electrodes have been probed during charge-discharge in different cycling modes. The dependence of the anode composition on the charge rate has been determined quantitatively. Different kinetics of Li (de)intercalation in the graphite anode during charge/discharge process have been observed. Phase separation of the cathode material has not been detected in whole voltage range. Non-linear dependencies of the unit cell parameters, atomic and layer spacing on the lithium content in the cathode have been observed. Measured dependencies of interatomic spacing and interlayer spacing, and unit cell parameters of the cathode structure on the lithium content could be qualitatively explained by several factors, such as variations of oxidation state of cation in oxygen octahedra, Coulomb repulsion of oxygen layers, changes of average effective charge of oxygen layers and van der Waals interactions between MeO2-layers at high level of the NCA delithiation.

  12. Measurement of the Color-Suppressed B0->D(*)0 pi0 /omega/eta/eta Prime Branching Fractions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Prudent, X


    The authors report results on the branching fraction (BF) measurement of the color-suppressed decays {bar B}{sup 0} {yields} D{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0}, D*{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0}, D{sup 0}{eta}, D*{sup 0}{eta}, D{sup 0}{omega}, D*{sup 0}{omega}, D{sup 0}{eta}{prime}, and D*{sup 0}{eta}{prime}. They measure the branching fractions BF(D{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0}) = (2.78 {+-} 0.08 {+-} 0.20) x 10{sup -4}, BF(D*{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0}) = (1.78 {+-} 0.13 {+-} 0.23) x 10{sup -4}, BF(D{sup 0}{eta}) = (2.41 {+-} 0.09 {+-} 0.17) x 10{sup -4}, BF(D*{sup 0}{eta}) = (2.32 {+-} 0.13 {+-} 0.22) x 10{sup -4}, BF(D{sup 0}{omega}) = (2.77 {+-} 0.13 {+-} 0.22) x 10{sup -4}, BF(D*{supmore » 0}{omega}) = (4.44 {+-} 0.23 {+-} 0.61) x 10{sup -4}, BF(D{sup 0}{eta}{prime}) = (1.38 {+-} 0.12 {+-} 0.22) x 10{sup -4} and BF(D*{sup 0}{eta}{prime}) = (1.29 {+-} 0.23 {+-} 0.23) x 10{sup -4}, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The result is based on a sample of (454 {+-} 5) x 10{sup 6} B{bar B} pairs collected at the {Upsilon}(4S) resonance from 1999 to 2007, with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage rings at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The measurements are compared to theoretical predictions by factorization, SCET and pQCD. The presence of final state interactions predictions by factorization, SCET and pQCD. The presence of final state interactions is confirmed and the measurements seem to be more in favor of SCET compared to pQCD.« less

  13. Impacts of the MERCOSUR Agreement on the Uruguayan Economy

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Bhagwati, Jagdish, "Free Trade: Old and New Challenges," in The Economic Journal, Volume 104, No. 423, March 1994. Bizzozero, Lincoln, "El comportamiento de...socios pequefios en el inicio de un proceso de integraci6n," in Pequefios Paises en la Integraci6n. Oportunidades v Riesgos. CIESU/FESUR Ediciones...Negociadora de un Pequefio Pais en el Proceso de Integraci6n Europeo. El ejemplo de Luxemburgo." in Pequehos Paises en la Integraci6n: Oportunidades y

  14. Development of test specimens to obtain the transmission factors to attenuate photons of 0.511 MeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Costa, J. J. S.; Cardoso, D. D.; Gavazza, S.; Oliveira, C. L.; Morales, R. K.; Amorim, A. S.; Balthar, M. C. V.; Oliveira, L. S. R.


    For designing a shielding, it is necessary, mainly, to determine or have access to the following parameters: transmission factors of the material used and type of radiation to be shielded. Cylindrical test specimens with different thicknesses were developed for experimentally obtaining the material transmission factor for shielding calculation. The cylindrical test specimens were made considering the geometric characteristics of the detector, the ease of production and the energy of 0.511 MeV from the 18F-FDG decay. A type of concrete widely used in Brazil was used in the preparation of the cylindrical test specimens.

  15. Associated factors with mammographic changes in women undergoing breast cancer screening.


    Sant'Ana, Ricardo Soares de; Mattos, Jacó Saraiva de Castro; Silva, Anderson Soares da; Mello, Luanes Marques de; Nunes, Altacílio Aparecido


    To evaluate association of sociodemographic, anthropometric, and epidemiological factors with result of mammogram in women undergoing breast cancer screening. This is a cross-sectional study with data obtained through interviews, anthropometric measurements, and mammography of 600 women aged 40 to 69 years at the Preventive Medicine Department of Hospital de Câncer de Barretos, Brazil, in 2014. The results of these examinations in the BI-RADS categories 1 and 2 were grouped and classified in this study as normal mammogram outcome, and those of BI-RADS categories 3, 4A, 4B, 4C, and 5 were grouped and classified as altered mammogram outcome. The statistical analysis included the Student's t-test to compare means, as well as odds ratios (OR), with their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (95%CI), to verify an association by means of the multivariate analysis. Of 600 women evaluated, 45% belonged to the age group of 40-49 years-old and 60.2% were classified as BI-RADS category 2. The multivariate analysis showed that women with blood hypertension (OR: 2.64; 95%CI: 1.07-6.49; p<0.05) were more likely to present changes in the mammography, while physical activity was associated with lower chances (OR: 0.30; 95%CI: 0.11-0.81; p<0.05). Hypertensive women undergoing screening mammography are more likely to present mammographic changes, whereas women practicing physical activity have lower chances (70%) of presenting changes in the breast compared with sedentary individuals. Avaliar a associação de fatores sociodemográficos, antropométricos e epidemiológicos com o resultado das mamografias de mulheres submetidas ao rastreamento. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com dados obtidos por meio de entrevistas, avaliação antropométrica e mamografia de 600 mulheres entre 40 a 69 anos, atendidas no Departamento de Prevenção do Hospital de Câncer de Barretos, em 2014. Os resultados de tais exames nas categorias BI-RADS 1 e 2 foram agrupados e classificados neste estudo

  16. A review of eating disorders research in Mexico.


    Unikel, Claudia; Bojorquez, Ietza


    indizadas y tesis de grado, mediante los descriptores "trastorno alimentario," anorexia nervosa," bulimia nervosa," "imagen corporal," "atracones," "restricción alimentaria," "preocupación por el peso y la figura," y "conducta de dieta." Éstos se combinaron con el operador Booleano "AND" con "México" y "América Latina." Se presentan los hallazgos para la epidemiología, la validez de los instrumentos de medición, comorbilidad, y factores de riesgo. Una encuesta nacional representativa encontró una prevalencia de 1.8% para la bulimia nervosa, y ningún caso de anorexia nervosa. No obstante, la carencia de estudios con una entrevista clínica confirmatoria y de otras muestras nacionales o regionales dificulta el arribo a conclusiones acerca de la prevalencia real. Varios instrumentos para la detección de los trastornos alimentarios y de la alimentación desordenada se han validado en población mexicana. La comorbilidad de los trastornos alimentarios en México incluye el uso y abuso de alcohol, la obesidad y el trastorno de personalidad limítrofe. Los factores de riesgo referidos incluyen el peso corporal y la presión cultural para estar delgado. Las líneas de investigación futuras deberán incluir estudios epidemiológicos con muestras representativas y la confirmación del diagnóstico, estudios longitudinales, y la exploración de factores de riesgo y protectores específicos a esta población. L'objectif de cet article est de résumer les résultats de recherche et l'état actuel des connaissances sur les troubles alimentaires au Mexique. Les articles publiés dans des revues indexées et les thèses de doctorat ont été recensés en utilisant les mots-clés « eating disorders », « anorexia nervosa », « bulimia nervosa », « body image », « binge eating », « restrained eating », « weight and shape concern » et « dieting ». Ceux-ci furent combinés, en utilisant la conjonction « AND », avec les termes « Mexico » et « Latin America ». Les

  17. Morbidité et facteurs de risque de mortalité néonatale dans un hôpital de référence de Douala

    PubMed Central

    Koum, Danielle Christiane Kedy; Essomba, Noel Emmanuel; Ngaba, Guy Pascal; Sintat, Sintat; Ndombo, Paul Koki; Coppieters, Yves


    Introduction Cette étude avait pour but d’étudier la mortalité néonatale hospitalière et les facteurs associés, dans un hôpital de référence de la ville de Douala au Cameroun. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude de cohorte prospective qui s'est déroulée du 1er janvier au 31 avril 2014 dans l'unité de néonatologie de l'hôpital Laquintinie de Douala. Les nouveau-nés de 0 à 28 jours étaient concernés. Les données sociodémographiques, cliniques et l’évolution hospitalière ont été enregistrées. La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation était de 9,9± 6,9. Les tests du Chi2, de Student et une analyse bivariée ont permis de mesurer les associations entre variables. A l'aide de la régression multivariée les facteurs associés à la mortalité ont été déterminés. Le taux de significativité était de 0,05. Résultats Au total,350 nouveau-nés ont été inclus, avec un taux de mortalité de 20,3%. L'hyperthermie était le principal motif de consultation avec 102 (29%) patients. Les principales affections associées au décès étaient: les infections 39 (54,9%) (p = 0,0001), la prématurité 31 (43,6%) (p < 0,05), les troubles de l'adaptation 23 (32,4%) (p < 0,005), les encéphalopathies 5 (7%) (p < 0,005) et le paludisme 5 (7%) (p = 0,03). L'on notait comme facteurs associés à cette mortalité, la naissance hors de l'hôpital 51(71,8%) (p< 0,005), la présentation de siège (p = 0,02), l’âge gestationnel < 0,005), l’âge < 1500g (p < 0,005). Conclusion Le contrôle des facteurs associés à la mortalité peut conduire à une réduction de la mortalité néonatale. PMID:26161181

  18. Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors in a Young Military Population

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Junction Depression (>_ 1 mm) 1.9(4) 3.6(3) 2.4(7) nel. The most predominant factors found were obesity, Wolff - Parkinson White Syndrome 0.3(0) 0(0) the outstanding technical assistance provided by Robert Mello, pression seen herein would appear to be relatively low Dan White . and Alice...Cooper, K. H., M. L, Pollock, R. P. Martin. S. R. White , 27. Mitchell, J. H., B. I. Sproule, and C. B. Chapman. 1958. A. C. Linnerud, and A. Jackson

  19. Randomized Double-Blind Phase III Pivotal Field Trial of the Comparative Immunogenicity Safety and Tolerability of Two Yellow Fever 17D Vaccines (ARILVAX(Trademark) and YF-VAX(Trademark)) in Healthy Infants and Children in Peru

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Expertos: Estrategias de Prevencion y Control de la Fiebre Amarilla y Riesgo de Urbanizacion en las Americas. May 14–15, 1998. Lima, Peru: U.S. Agency...which vaccination is indicated in en - demic areas. The origin, derivation, production, and genomic sequences of these vaccines have been previously study site, mean age, sex, weight (in kg), height (in cm), body mass index (kg/m2), pulse (beats per minute), allergy history, anaphylac- tic

  20. Conocimientos y autoeficacia asociados a la prevención del VIH y SIDA en mujeres chilenas

    PubMed Central

    Villegas Rodríguez, Natalia; Ferrer Lagunas, Lilian Marcela; Cianelli Acosta, Rosina; Miner, Sarah; Lara Campos, Loreto; Peragallo, Nilda


    Resumen Objetivo Evaluar la relación existente entre conocimientos y autoeficacia asociados al VIH/SIDA en mujeres chilenas en desventaja social. Metodología Estudio correlacional, que utiliza la medición basal del estudio “Testeando una intervención en VIH y SIDA en mujeres chilenas”, realizada entre 2006 y 2008, que tiene una muestra de 496 mujeres entre 18 y 49 años residentes en dos comunas de Santiago de Chile. Las participantes respondieron un cuestionario estructurado aplicado por entrevistadoras entrenadas. Este cuestionario incluyó preguntas sobre datos sociodemográficos, escala de conocimientos de conductas de riesgo y autoeficacia, entre otros. Resultados Edad promedio de 32.3±9.1 años, 72.2% vive con su pareja y 42.7% poseen educación media completa. La puntuación media de los conocimientos de la infección por el VIH fue de 8.9±2.5, mientras que para las tres escalas empleadas para medir autoeficacia fueron: “Normas de los pares” =9.8±3.6, “Intención de reducir conductas de riesgo” =12.2±3.6 y “Self Efficacy Form”=20.2±4.7. Los conocimientos tuvieron una correlación positiva débil con la “intención de reducir conductas de riesgo” (r=0.19; p<0.0001) y con la escala “Self Efficacy Form” (r=0.34; p<0.0001), pero no se relacionaron con las “normas de los pares en cuanto a relaciones sexuales seguras” (r=0.13; p=0.78). Conclusión Existe una débil correlación positiva entre el nivel de conocimientos sobre el VIH/SIDA y la autoeficacia en mujeres chilenas en desventaja social. PMID:25284914

  1. [Risk factors for malnutrition in 0-59-month-old infants in 2 districts of Niger].


    Quelin, G; Pecoul, B; Amadou, B; Baker, S


    A nutritional survey by cluster sampling at 2 degrees, carried out in April 1987 within a range of action of 6 health structures in Niger, has permitted the calculation of the weight/height index among children aged from 0 to 59 months and the malnutrition rate, according to the socio-economic status, the demographic variables, the intercurrent diseases, the use of health departments, alimentary and weaning habits. The standardized rate of acute malnutrition for the age among of 0-59 months is 12.3%. The risk factors for acute malnutrition retained after logistical regression are the age groups of 6-17 months and 18-29 months, the areas of Guidan Roumdji, Tahoua, Tajae, Guidan Sori and the group of children that have contracted diarrhea during the 15 days preceding the survey.

  2. PubMed

    Ledesma Ríos, Natalia Inés; Sepúlveda Herrera, Diana María; Cárdenas Sánchez, Diana Liseth; Manjarrés Correa, Luz Mariela


    Introducción: a escala mundial y nacional se reporta una alta prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en menores de 5 años. La etiología es multifactorial, pero factores ambientales como sedentarismo y el progresivo deterioro de la alimentación promueven el exceso de peso y conllevan a mayor riesgo de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en temprana edad.Objetivo: describir la ingesta de alimentos, energía y nutrientes en los niños de 2-4 años con obesidad y eutróficos del programa "Buen Comienzo".Método: estudio de corte con 111 niños con obesidad clasificada según IMC >3 DE, que fueron pareados por sexo, edad y tipo de atención con un niño clasificado con estado nutricional normal. Personal entrenado realizó la valoración antropométrica con equipos y métodos estandarizados y se evaluó la ingesta dietética a través de recordatorio de 24 horas. Se aplicó la prueba t-student y U de Mann Whitney en el análisis bivariado y para determinar el patrón de consumo de alimentos y se efectuó un análisis de clases latentes (ACL).Resultados: los niños tienen un consumo de energía superior a su requerimiento, pero existe diferencia significativa según el estado nutricional; el consumo en los niños obesos es de 1.632 kcal (IQR: 1.475-1.801 kcal) y eutróficos de 1.798 kcal (IQR 1.702-1.632 kcal) (p = 0,00). Los niños con peso adecuado tienen mayor ingesta de macronutrientes y micronutrientes (p < 0,05); hay una mayor ingesta de proteínas y micronutrientes durante la semana (p < 0,05); el 30% de los niños no consumió ninguna verdura y el 60% ninguna fruta el día anterior a la encuesta y tuvieron, además, un alto consumo de azúcares y dulces.Conclusiones: los niños están sometidos a una dieta obesogénica caracterizada por un bajo consumo de frutas y verduras y una alta ingesta de energía, grasas saturadas y carbohidratos concentrados, lo que promueve una ganancia de peso no deseado.

  3. El uso de la neuromodulación para el tratamiento del temblor

    PubMed Central

    Bendersky, Damián; Ajler, Pablo; Yampolsky, Claudio


    Introducción: El temblor puede ser un desorden incapacitante y el tratamiento de primera línea para estos pacientes es farmacológico. Sin embargo, este tratamiento puede llevar a una reducción satisfactoria del temblor en sólo el 50% de los pacientes con temblor esencial. La talamotomía era el tratamiento de elección para el temblor refractario al tratamiento médico hasta que comenzó a utilizarse la estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP) del núcleo ventral intermedio (Vim) del tálamo. En la actualidad, raramente se realiza la talamotomía. Métodos: Este artículo es una revisión no sistemática de las indicaciones, resultados, parámetros de programación y técnica quirúrgica de la ECP del Vim para el tratamiento del temblor. Resultados: Aunque los resultados clínicos son similares usando la talamotomía o la ECP del Vim, la primera causa más efectos adversos que la última. Además, la ECP puede ser usada bilateralmente, mientras que la talamotomía tiene un alto riesgo de causar disartria cuando se realiza de ambos lados. La ECP del Vim logró una adecuada mejoría del temblor en varias series de pacientes con temblor causado por temblor esencial, enfermedad de Parkinson o esclerosis múltiple. Además del Vim, hay otros blancos que están siendo usados por varios autores, tales como la zona incerta y las radiaciones prelemniscales. Conclusión: La ECP del Vim es un tratamiento útil para el temblor incapacitante refractario al tratamiento médico. Es esencial realizar una precisa selección de pacientes, así como utilizar una técnica quirúrgica correcta. Aún se desconoce el mejor blanco estereotáctico para el temblor, aunque el Vim es el más usado. PMID:25165613

  4. Spatial and temporal changes in land cover and its relation to the wildfire risk in Montes de Zuera (NE-Spain)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iñiguez-Remón, E.; Badía-Villas, D.; Ibarra-Benlloch, P.


    the surface percentage (55 % in region 1; 58 % in region 2), have being stable for the past fifty years about 1/3 of these surfaces (38 % in region 1, and 32 % in region 2). Different wildfire preventive measures are proposed at spatial scale. Chuvieco, E., Salas J., de la Riva, J., Pérez, F. y Lana-Renault, N. (2004). Métodos para la integración de variables de riesgo: el papel de los sistemas de Información Geográfica, pp.144-158. In: Chuvieco, E., Martín, M.P. (Ed.): Nuevas tecnologías para la estimación del riesgo de incendios forestales. CSIC, Instituto de Economía y Geografía. Madrid. FAO (1986). Wildfire management terminology. Eds. FAO, Forest Resources Development Branch. Rome. OSE, Observatorio para la Sostenibilidad en España (2006). Cambios de ocupación del suelo en España. Implicaciones para la sostenibilidad. Madrid.

  5. Validation of the 36-item version of the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) for assessing women's disability and functioning associated with maternal morbidity.


    Silveira, Carla; Parpinelli, Mary Angela; Pacagnella, Rodolfo Carvalho; Andreucci, Carla Betina; Angelini, Carina Robles; Ferreira, Elton Carlos; Cecatti, José Guilherme


    Objective  To validate the translation and adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese of 36 items from the World Health Organizaton Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0), regarding their content and structure (construct), in a female population after pregnancy. Methods  This is a validation of an instrument for the evaluation of disability and functioning and an assessment of its psychometric properties, performed in a tertiary maternity and a referral center specialized in high-risk pregnancies in Brazil. A sample of 638 women in different postpartum periods who had either a normal or a complicated pregnancy was included. The structure was evaluated by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), while the content and relationships among the domains were assessed through Pearson's correlation coefficient. The sociodemographic characteristics were identified, and the mean scores with their standard deviations for the 36 questions of the WHODAS 2.0 were calculated. The internal consistency was evaluated byCronbach's α. Results  Cronbach's α was higher than 0.79 for both sets of questons of the questionnaire. The EFA and CFA for the main 32 questions exhibited a total variance of 54.7% (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin [KMO] measure of sampling adequacy =  0.934; p  < 0.001) and 53.47% (KMO = 0.934; p  < 0.001) respectively. There was a significant correlation among the 6 domains (r = 0.571-0.876), and a moderate correlation among all domains (r = 0.476-0.694). Conclusion  The version of the WHODAS 2.0 instrument adapted to Brazilian Portuguese showed good psychometric properties in this sample, and therefore could be applied to populations of women regarding their reproductive history. Thieme-Revinter Publicações Ltda Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  6. Antimicrobial peptide GH12 suppresses cariogenic virulence factors of Streptococcus mutans

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Yufei; Wang, Xiuqing; Jiang, Wentao; Wang, Kun; Luo, Junyuan; Li, Wei; Zhou, Xuedong; Zhang, Linglin


    ABSTRACT Cariogenic virulence factors of Streptococcus mutans include acidogenicity, aciduricity, and extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) synthesis. The de novo designed antimicrobial peptide GH12 has shown bactericidal effects on S. mutans, but its interaction with virulence and regulatory systems of S. mutans remains to be elucidated. The objectives were to investigate the effects of GH12 on virulence factors of S. mutans, and further explore the function mechanisms at enzymatic and transcriptional levels. To avoid decrease in bacterial viability, we limited GH12 to subinhibitory levels. We evaluated effects of GH12 on acidogenicity of S. mutans by pH drop, lactic acid measurement and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay, on aciduricity through survival rate at pH 5.0 and F1F0-ATPase assay, and on EPS synthesis using quantitative measurement, morphology observation, vertical distribution analyses and biomass calculation. Afterwards, we conducted quantitative real-time PCR to acquire the expression profile of related genes. GH12 at 1/2 MIC (4 mg/L) inhibited acid production, survival rate, EPS synthesis, and biofilm formation. The enzymatic activity of LDH and F1F0-ATPase was inhibited, and ldh, gtfBCD, vicR, liaR, and comDE genes were significantly downregulated. In conclusion, GH12 inhibited virulence factors of S. mutans, through reducing the activity of related enzymes, downregulating virulence genes, and inactivating specific regulatory systems. PMID:29503706

  7. Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of CeO2-added nonstoichiometric (Na0.5K0.5)0.97(Nb0.96Sb0.04)O3 ceramics for piezoelectric energy harvesting device applications.


    Oh, Youngkwang; Noh, Jungrae; Yoo, Juhyun; Kang, Jinhee; Hwang, Larkhoon; Hong, Jaeil


    In this study, nonstoichiometric (Na(0.5)K(0.5))(0.97)(Nb(0.96)Sb(0.04))O(3) ceramics were fabricated and their dielectric and piezoelectric properties were investigated according to the CeO(2) addition. In this ceramic composition, CeO(2) addition improved sinterability, electromechanical coupling factor k(p), mechanical quality factor Q(m), piezoelectric constant d(33), and g(33). At the sintering temperature of 1100°C, for the 0.2wt% CeO(2) added specimen, the optimum values of density = 4.359 g/cm(3), k(p) = 0.443, Q(m) = 588, ε(r) = 444, d(33) = 159 pC/N, and g(33) = 35 × 10(-3) V·m/N, were obtained. A piezoelectric energy harvesting device using 0.2 wt% CeO(2)- added lead-free (K(0.5)Na(0.5))(0.97)(Nb(0.96)Sb(0.04))O(3) ceramics and a rectifying circuit for energy harvesting were fabricated and their electrical characteristics were investigated. Under an external vibration acceleration of 0.7 g, when the mass, the frequency of vibration generator, and matching load resistance were 2.4 g, 70 Hz, and 721 Ω, respectively, output voltage and power of piezoelectric harvesting device indicated the optimum values of 24.6 mV(rms) and 0.839 μW, respectively-suitable for application as the electric power source of a ubiquitous sensor network (USN) sensor node.

  8. Effets Seebeck et Nernst dans les cuprates: Etude de la reconstruction de la surface de Fermi sous champ magnetique intense

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laliberte, Francis


    Ce memoire presente des mesures de transport thermoelectrique, les effets Seebeck et Nernst, dans une serie d'echantillons de supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique. Des resultats obtenus recemment au Laboratoire National des Champs Magnetiques Intenses a Grenoble sur La1.7Eu0.2Sr0.1 CuO4, La1.675Eu0.2Sr0.125CuO 4, La1.64Eu0.2Sr0.16CuO4, La1.74Eu0.1Sr0.16CuO4 et La 1.4Nd0.4Sr0.2CuO4 sont analyses. Une attention particuliere est accordee aux equations de la theorie semi-classique du transport et leur validite est verifiee. La procedure experimentale et les materiaux utilises pour concevoir les montages de mesures sont expliques en detail. Enfin, un chapitre est dedie a l'explication et l'interpretation des resultats de transport thermoelectrique sur YBa2Cu3O6+delta publies au cours de l'hiver 2010 dans les revues Nature et Physical Review Letters. Les donnees d'effet Seebeck dans les echantillons de La 1.8-x,Eu0.2SrxCuO 4, ou un changement de signe est observe, permettent de conclure a la presence d'une poche d'electrons dans la surface de Fermi qui domine le transport a basse temperature dans la region sous-dopee du diagramme de phase. Cette conclusion est similaire a celle obtenue par des mesures d'effet Hall dans YBa 2Cu3O6+delta et elle cadre bien dans un scenario de reconstruction de la surface de Fermi. Les donnees d'effet Nernst recueillies indiquent que la contribution des fluctuations supraconductrices est limitee a un modeste intervalle de temperature au-dessus de la temperature critique.

  9. Nursing care missed in patients at risk of or having pressure ulcers.


    Valles, Jonathan Hermayn Hernández; Monsiváis, María Guadalupe Moreno; Guzmán, Ma Guadalupe Interial; Arreola, Leticia Vázquez


    o uso de redutor de pressão em proeminências ósseas e tubos de drenagem que interferem nos movimentos do paciente (ambos com 58,6%) e uso de colchões pneumáticos (57,6%). foi encontrada alta porcentagem de cuidado de enfermagem omitido na percepção da equipe. Porém, a avaliação do cuidado omitido foi muito superior. Não foi encontrada associação significativa entre ambos, priorizando reflexões sobre a importância de avaliações objetivas dos pacientes. determinar el cuidado de enfermería perdido percibido por el personal de enfermería y su relación con el cuidado perdido identificado en la valoración de pacientes con riesgo o con presencia de úlceras por presión. estudio descriptivo correlacional. Participaron 161 enfermeras y 483 pacientes de un hospital público. Se utilizó la encuesta MISSCARE y una Cédula de Valoración de Cuidados de Enfermería en Pacientes con Riesgo o con úlceras por presión. Para el análisis se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. el personal de enfermería señaló que existe mayor omisión en el cuidado de la piel (38.5%), cambio de posición (31.1%) y en el registro de factores de riesgo para la aparición de úlceras por presión (33.5%). Los cuidados de enfermería perdidos identificados en la valoración fueron uso de liberador de presión en prominencias óseas y tubos de drenaje que interfieren en movimientos del paciente (ambos con 58.6%) y uso de colchones neumáticos (57.6%). se encontró un alto porcentaje de cuidado de enfermería perdido de acuerdo a la percepción del personal, sin embargo, el cuidado perdido valorado fue mucho mayor. No se encontró relación significativa entre ambos por lo que es prioritario reflexionar acerca de la importancia de realizar valoraciones objetivas en los pacientes.

  10. Foot length measurements of newborns of high and low risk pregnancies.


    Salge, Ana Karina Marques; Rocha, Érika Lopes; Gaíva, Maria Aparecida Munhoz; Castral, Thaíla Correa; Guimarães, Janaína Valadares; Xavier, Raphaela Maioni


    de la longitud hallux-calcáneo de los recién nacidos en embarazos de alto y bajo riesgo en un hospital público de Goiânia, GO.MÉTODOSEstudio transversal realizado de abril 2013 a mayo 2015, cuya muestra estuvo constituida por 180 recién nacidos, 106 de mujeres con embarazos de alto riesgo y 74 de mujeres con embarazos de bajo riesgo. Los datos se analizaron de manera descriptiva. La medida de la longitud hallux-calcáneo se realizó mediante regla de plástico rígido transparente, graduada en milímetros. Se midieron en ambos pies, las longitudes de la punta del hallux hasta el final del calcáneo. Se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la longitud hallux-calcáneo y el peso del recién nacido, entre las circunferencias cefálica y torácica en el grupo de alto riesgo y entre la circunferencia cefálica en el grupo control. Existe la necesidad de crear puntos de corte para identificar los recién nacidos con desviaciones de crecimiento intrauterino utilizando la longitud desde el hallux hasta el calcáneo.

  11. rVISTA 2.0: Evolutionary Analysis of Transcription Factor Binding Sites

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Loots, G G; Ovcharenko, I


    Identifying and characterizing the patterns of DNA cis-regulatory modules represents a challenge that has the potential to reveal the regulatory language the genome uses to dictate transcriptional dynamics. Several studies have demonstrated that regulatory modules are under positive selection and therefore are often conserved between related species. Using this evolutionary principle we have created a comparative tool, rVISTA, for analyzing the regulatory potential of noncoding sequences. The rVISTA tool combines transcription factor binding site (TFBS) predictions, sequence comparisons and cluster analysis to identify noncoding DNA regions that are highly conserved and present in a specific configuration within an alignment. Heremore » we present the newly developed version 2.0 of the rVISTA tool that can process alignments generated by both zPicture and PipMaker alignment programs or use pre-computed pairwise alignments of seven vertebrate genomes available from the ECR Browser. The rVISTA web server is closely interconnected with the TRANSFAC database, allowing users to either search for matrices present in the TRANSFAC library collection or search for user-defined consensus sequences. rVISTA tool is publicly available at« less

  12. Full-disc 13CO(1-0) mapping across nearby galaxies of the EMPIRE survey and the CO-to-H2 conversion factor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cormier, D.; Bigiel, F.; Jiménez-Donaire, M. J.; Leroy, A. K.; Gallagher, M.; Usero, A.; Sandstrom, K.; Bolatto, A.; Hughes, A.; Kramer, C.; Krumholz, M. R.; Meier, D. S.; Murphy, E. J.; Pety, J.; Rosolowsky, E.; Schinnerer, E.; Schruba, A.; Sliwa, K.; Walter, F.


    Carbon monoxide (CO) provides crucial information about the molecular gas properties of galaxies. While 12CO has been targeted extensively, isotopologues such as 13CO have the advantage of being less optically thick and observations have recently become accessible across full galaxy discs. We present a comprehensive new data set of 13CO(1-0) observations with the IRAM 30-m telescope of the full discs of nine nearby spiral galaxies from the EMPIRE survey at a spatial resolution of ˜1.5 kpc. 13CO(1-0) is mapped out to 0.7 - 1 r25 and detected at high signal-to-noise ratio throughout our maps. We analyse the 12CO(1-0)-to-13CO(1-0) ratio (ℜ) as a function of galactocentric radius and other parameters such as the 12CO(2-1)-to-12CO(1-0) intensity ratio, the 70-to-160 μm flux density ratio, the star formation rate surface density, the star formation efficiency, and the CO-to-H2 conversion factor. We find that ℜ varies by a factor of 2 at most within and amongst galaxies, with a median value of 11 and larger variations in the galaxy centres than in the discs. We argue that optical depth effects, most likely due to changes in the mixture of diffuse/dense gas, are favoured explanations for the observed ℜ variations, while abundance changes may also be at play. We calculate a spatially resolved 13CO(1-0)-to-H2 conversion factor and find an average value of 1.0 × 1021 cm-2 (K km s-1)-1 over our sample with a standard deviation of a factor of 2. We find that 13CO(1-0) does not appear to be a good predictor of the bulk molecular gas mass in normal galaxy discs due to the presence of a large diffuse phase, but it may be a better tracer of the mass than 12CO(1-0) in the galaxy centres where the fraction of dense gas is larger.

  13. A data-driven approach to {{\\rm{\\pi }}}^{0},{\\rm{\\eta }} and {{\\rm{\\eta }}}^{\\prime} single and double Dalitz decays

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Escribano, Rafel; Gonzàlez-Solís, Sergi


    The dilepton invariant mass spectra and integrated branching ratios of the single and double Dalitz decays {\\mathscr{P}}\\to {{{l}}}+{{{l}}}-{{γ }} and {\\mathscr{P}}\\to {{{l}}}+{{{l}}}-{{{l}}}+{{{l}}}- ({\\mathscr{P}}={{{π }}}0,{{η }},{{{η }}}\\prime; {{l}}={{e}} or {{μ }}) are predicted by means of a data-driven approach based on the use of rational approximants applied to {{{π }}}0,{{η }} and {{{η }}}\\prime transition form factor experimental data in the space-like region. Supported by the FPI scholarship BES-2012-055371 (S.G-S), the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya under grant 2014 SGR 1450, the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under grant FPA2011-25948, the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under grants CICYT-FEDER-FPA 2014-55613-P and SEV-2012-0234, the Spanish Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Program CPAN (CSD2007-00042), and the European Commission under program FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-1 (283286) S.G-S also Received Support from the CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative for Young International Scientist (2017PM0031)

  14. Facteurs de risques de mortalité néonatale dans l'hôpital de gynécologie-obstétrique de la wilaya de Sidi Bel Abbes, Algérie

    PubMed Central

    Noria, Harir; Sarah, Ourrad; Asmaa, Ourrad


    Introduction Il s'est agit ici de déterminer la fréquence et les facteurs de risques de mortalité néonatale au service néonatologie de l'Etablissement Hospitalier Spécialisé Gynécologie Obstétrique de la wilaya de Sidi Bel Abbés (Ouest Algérien). Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective a visée descriptive et analytique porté sur tous les décès de 2011-2012 survenus au service de néonatologie de Sidi Bel Abbes. Résultats Au total 1209 cas de mortalité néonatale ont été enregistré durant les deux années (2011-2012), soit une fréquence de 5.3%. Il s'agissait dans 96,85% des cas de mortalité précoce. La mortalité néonatale étant multifactorielle, l'analyse statistique a pu incriminer de façon majoritaire: l’âge maternel avancé (>35) (OR = 3.1; IC 95% (2.30 -4.40); p = 0.001); la multiparité (OR = 8.15; IC 95% (2.85-10.05); p = 0.001); l'infection génitale(OR = 5.3; IC 95% (2.5-6.7); p = 0.001); la prématurité (OR = 10.08; IC 95% (3.45-12.02); p = 0.001); le faible poids de naissance (OR = 4.5; IC 95% (1.6-10.5); p = 0.001); l'ictère (OR = 4.8; IC 95% (1.26-6.02; p = 0.001) et la souffrance fœtale aigue (OR = 3.4; IC 95% (0.89-5.14); p = 0.001). Conclusion Une prise en charge efficace de la grossesse et du nouveau-né dans sa première semaine de vie, devraient amélioraient le pronostic néonatal. PMID:26185577

  15. Correlation between microstructure and electrical transport properties of La0.7(Ba1-xCax)0.3MnO3 (x = 0 and 0.03) synthesized by sol-gel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kurniawan, Budhy; Winarsih, Suci; Imaduddin, Agung; Manaf, Azwar


    In this paper, we reported the correlation of structure, microstructure, and electrical transport properties of polycrystalline La0.7(Ba1-xCax)0.3MnO3 (x = 0 and 0.03). The materials were synthesized by sol-gel method. These materials have interesting electronic and magnetic properties which are heavily affected by the degree of crystallographic mismatch between the La and Mn sites. By tuning these sites, the double exchange (DE) and Coulomb interactions among Mn ions can be artificially controlled. La0.7Ba0.3MnO3 is one of the strong candidates for application because it has high magnetoresistance and magnetocaloric properties. Doped Ca to the La0.7Ba0.3MnO3 is aimed for reducing its transition temperature to near room temperature and increasing the magnetoresistance and magnetocaloric properties of this material. Jahn-Teller distortion can be linked to core-shell model with the result of percolation model.

  16. Nuclear modification factor of D$^0$ mesons in PbPb collisions at $$\\sqrt{s_\\mathrm{NN}} = 5.02$$ TeV


    Sirunyan, Albert M; et al.


    The transverse momentum (pt) spectrum of prompt D0 mesons and their antiparticles has been measured via the hadronic decay channels D0 to K- pi+ and D0-bar to K+ pi- in pp and PbPb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair with the CMS detector at the LHC. The measurement is performed in the D0 meson pt range of 2-100 GeV and in the rapidity range of abs(y)<1. The pp (PbPb) dataset used for this analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 27.4 inverse picobarns (530 inverse microbarns). The measured D0 meson pt spectrum in pp collisionsmore » is well described by perturbative QCD calculations. The nuclear modification factor, comparing D0 meson yields in PbPb and pp collisions, was extracted for both minimum-bias and the 10% most central PbPb interactions. For central events, the D0 meson yield in the PbPb collisions is suppressed by a factor of 5-6 compared to the pp reference in the pt range of 6-10 GeV. For D0 mesons in the high-pt range of 60-100 GeV, a significantly smaller suppression is observed. The results are also compared to theoretical calculations.« less

  17. Influence Factors Regarding the Effectiveness of Automated Ballistic Comparison on 0.38 Special Caliber Bullets and Cartridge Cases.


    Dos Santos, Lehi Sudy; Vieira Muterlle, Palloma


    Factors influencing effectiveness of automated comparisons, test-fired bullets, and cartridge cases from 0.38 Special revolvers were logged into the Evofinder ® Ballistic ID System. Tests were performed as follows: First test correlated test-fires of the same type, second test compared different types of ammunition components, third test replicated the second test in a larger database, and fourth test replicated the third test with students having no previous firearm identification experience. System effectiveness with projectiles in the first test was 0.89. With cartridge cases, effectiveness was 0.79 with combined results, but analysis of separate results by breech face and firing pin revealed low effectiveness by breech face (0.40). In the second, third, and fourth tests, effectiveness with projectiles were 0.61, 0.51, and 0.44. In addition, these tests had effectiveness with cartridge cases equivalent to 0.55, 0.43, and 0.44. Results are useful to establish routine protocols, system improvements, or comparative assessment of other electronic systems. © 2018 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  18. Development of a mobile application based on RUSLE model to predict erosion in olive groves

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marín Moreno, Víctor Javier; Redel, María Dolores; Taguas, Encarnación V.


    Apache Cordova, which are very efficient to facilitate its implementation in most of mobile platforms. The first evaluations from farmers and technicians are also presented in order to improve the first version. References: - Areal, F.J., Riesgo, L., 2014. Farmers' views on the future of olive farming in Andalusia, Spain. Land Use Policy 36 (2014) 543- 553. - CAPyDR, 2016. Aforo de producción de olivar en Andalucía, Campaña 2016-2017. Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Desarrollo Rural - Junta de Andalucía. Regional Government of Andalusia, Seville (2016) (Spain) - FAOSTAT -2016. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS STATISTICS. Accessed at: - Franco, J.A., 2011. Análisis de los factores de participación en programas agroambientales de lucha contra la erosión en el olivar. ITEA 107 (3), 169-183. - Renard, K. G., Foster, G. R., Wessies, G. A., Mccool, D. K., and Yoder, D. C., 1997. Predicting Soil Ero¬sion by Water: A Guide to Conservation Planning with the Revised Universal LossEquation (RUSLE). USDA Agriculture Handbook, No. 703. - Taguas, E.V., Gómez, J.A., 2015. Vulnerability of olive orchards under the current CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) regulations on soil erosion: a study case in Southern Spain. Land Use Policy, 42, 683-694

  19. Condition on Ramond-Ramond fluxes for factorization of worldsheet scattering in anti-de Sitter space

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wulff, Linus


    Factorization of scattering is the hallmark of integrable 1 +1 dimensional quantum field theories. For factorization of scattering to be possible the set of masses and momenta must be conserved in any two-to-two scattering process. We use this fact to constrain the form of the Ramond-Ramond fluxes for integrable supergravity anti-de Sitter (AdS) backgrounds by analyzing tree-level scattering of two AdS bosons into two fermions on the worldsheet of a Berenstein-Maldacena-Nastase string. We find a condition which can be efficiently used to rule out integrability of AdS strings and therefore of the corresponding AdS/conformal field theory dualities, as we demonstrate for some simple examples.

  20. Ungoverned Territories. Understanding and Reducing Terrorism Risks

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Paper 357, Oxford: OUP-IISS, 2003. “El mayor riesgo de ser victima de homicidio en Costa Rica, Guatemala y El Salvador,” Fundacion Genero y Sociedad...Afghan opiates. According to the Paris-based Observa- toire Geopolitique de Drouges, the movement netted at least $60 million from the heroin trade...Middle East was reorganized after the end of World War I.4 Prior to that period, the area was loosely ruled by the Ottoman Empire, with de facto

  1. Superconductivity in FeTe0.8S0.2 induced by battery-like reaction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yamashita, Aichi; Demura, Satoshi; Tanaka, Masashi; Deguchi, Keita; Yamaki, Takuma; Hara, Hiroshi; Suzuki, Kouji; Zhang, Yunchao; Denholme, Saleem James; Okazaki, Hiroyuki; Fujioka, Masaya; Yamaguchi, Takahide; Takeya, Hiroyuki; Takano, Yoshihiko


    Superconductivity is successfully induced by utilizing a battery-like reaction found in a typical Li-ion battery. Excess Fe in FeTe0.8S0.2 is electrochemically de-intercalated by applying a voltage in a citric acid solution. The superconducting properties improve with an increase in the applied voltage up to 1.5 V. This result suggests that an electrochemical reaction can be used as a novel method to develop new superconducting materials.

  2. [Prognostic factors related to mortality in newborns with necrotising enterocolitis].


    Bracho-Blanchet, Eduardo; Torrecilla-Navarrete, María Esther; Zalles-Vidal, Cristian; Ibarra-Ríos, Daniel; Fernández-Portilla, Emilio; Dávila-Pérez, Roberto


    Necrotizing enterocolitis is the most frequent and severe acquired gastrointestinal disease in newborns and still has high mortality. There are few published papers about prognostic factors of death in our country. To know the factors associated with death in patients with necrotizing enterocolitis. Retrospective, descriptive, comparative study with a case-control design was conducted on patients with necrotizing enterocolitis during a 5-year period. Deceased patients had significantly lower platelet counts compared to survivors (P=0.022) and the prognostic factors associated with mortality were anaemia (P=0.006, OR = 15.62), stage III of necrotizing enterocolitis (P<0.001, OR = 47.5), to require surgical treatment (P<0.001, OR = 47.5), to have intestinal necrosis (P=0.001, OR = 48.5) or perforation (P=0.016, OR =24.25), to have medical complications, specifically intravascular disseminated coagulation (P<.001, RR = 98), and multi-organ failure (P<0.001, RR = 2). It was also found that patients with gastrointestinal symptoms and diagnosis of necrotising enterocolitis when they were hospitalized were more likely to have surgical treatment. We must be aware of the factors associated with mortality, as well as those associated with surgical treatment to reduce overall mortality for this condition. Copyright © 2015 Academia Mexicana de Cirugía A.C. Published by Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  3. [Factors influencing the freshmen in their professional choice of the "Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo": a research work].


    Arcuri, Edna Apparecida Moura; Araújo, Thelma Leite de; Oliveira, Maria Amélia Campos


    The main objective of this study was to find out a some characteristics of the freshman of the Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, in 1981, and verify which were the reasons that influenced their choice of nursing as a profession. Out of the 80 entering students, 51 answered the questionnaire; 47.0% indicated nursing as their first options; 60.8% of them had, in previous years, tried other schools. The answers more often given by these students for their choice of nursing as profession were related ta: interest in biological science, willing to help people and worry with level of well-being of the population.

  4. Factors associated with the completion of falls prevention program.


    Batra, Anamica; Page, Timothy; Melchior, Michael; Seff, Laura; Vieira, Edgar Ramos; Palmer, Richard C


    Falls and fear of falling can affect independence and quality of life of older adults. Falls prevention programs may help avoiding these issues if completed. Understanding factors that are associated with completion of falls prevention programs is important. To reduce fear of falling and increase activity levels, a Matter of Balance (MOB) and un Asunto de Equilibrio (ADE) workshops were offered to 3420 older adults in South Florida between 1 October 2008 and 31 December 2011. Workshops were conducted in English or Spanish over eight, 2-hour sessions. Participants completed a demographic and a pre-post questionnaire. Factors associated with program completion were identified using logistic regression. For MOB, females were more likely to complete the program (OR = 2.076, P = 0.02). For ADE, females, moderate and extreme interference by falls in social activities were found to affect completion (OR = 2.116, P = 0.001; OR = 2.269, P = 0.003 and OR = 4.133, P = 0.008, respectively). Different factors predicted completion of both programs. Awareness of these factors can help lower the attrition rates, increase benefits and cost effectiveness of program. Future research needs to explore why certain groups had a higher likelihood of completing either program.

  5. Outcomes of kidney transplant tourism and risk factors for de novo urothelial carcinoma.


    Tsai, Hsin-Lin; Chang, Jei-Wen; Wu, Tsai-Hun; King, Kuang-Liang; Yang, Ling-Yu; Chan, Yu-Jiun; Yang, An-Hang; Chang, Fu-Pang; Pan, Chin-Chen; Yang, Wu-Chang; Loong, Che-Chuan


    To date, the outcomes of transplant tourism have not been reported extensively. In addition, data about the accuracy of urine cytology for the detection and the role of the BK virus (BKV) in the carcinogenesis of urothelial carcinoma (UC) after renal transplantation are lacking. Three hundred seven patients who received deceased donor kidney transplants between January 2003 and December 2009 were retrospectively studied. The clinical parameters and outcomes between the domestic and tourist groups were compared. We also investigated the risk factors and role of BKV in the carcinogenesis of de novo UC by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. The subjects in the tourist group were older at transplantation and had a shorter dialysis time before transplantation. There were significantly higher incidence rates of BKV viruria, Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, and malignancy in the tourist group. Graft and patient survival were superior in the domestic group. A total of 43 cancers were identified, and the most common type of malignancy was UC (23 patients, 53.5%). The tourist group had a significantly higher incidence of tumors. The sensitivity and specificity of urine cytology for detecting UC were 73.9% and 94.7%, respectively. Independent predictors of UC included female sex, use of Chinese herbal medicine, and transplant tourism. Only two patients (8.7%) with UC had detectable BKV. Transplant tourism was a risk factor for infection and de novo malignancy. Urothelial carcinoma was the most common malignancy after kidney transplantation. Regular screening for the early detection of UC by urine cytology or periodic sonographic surveys is mandatory, especially for those at high risk.

  6. [An analysis of Spanish biomedical journals by the impact factor].


    Baños, J E; Casanovas, L; Guardiola, E; Bosch, F


    One of the most frequently used parameters for evaluating scientific publications is that of impact factor (IF) published in the Science Citation Index-Journal Citation Reports (SCI-JCR) which evaluates the number of citations a journal receives on behalf of other journals. The present study analyzed the Spanish biomedical journals included in the SCI-JCR by the IF. The IF were obtained from the SCI-JCR (1980-89). The journals were evaluated by the IF and the weighted impact factor (WIF) calculated according to WIF = (IF/MIF) x 100 in which MIF = maximum IF of the considered area. Nine Spanish biomedical journals were included in the SCI-JCR, four being basic sciences (Histology and Histopathology, Inmunología, Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Revista Española de Fisiología) and five clinical journals (Allergologia et Immunopathologia, Medicina Clínica, Nefrología, Revista Española de las Enfermedades del Aparato Digestivo, Revista Clínica Española). Their IF were much lower than the most important journals in each area with the mean (+/- standard deviation) being 0.21 +/- 0.22 (range 0.016-0.627). The mean WIF was 2.88 +/- 4.07 (0.16-12.82). The journals of basic sciences had higher IF and WIF than the clinical journals (p less than 0.05). Only the four journals of basic sciences were included in the SCI. Four journals, those of basic sciences, are preferentially or exclusively published in English and other five are published in Spanish. The differences in IF among these groups were not significant (p = 0.06) while those of WIF were significant (p less than 0.05). The number of Spanish biomedical journals in the SCI-JCR has risen from 1 in 1980 to 9 in 1989 with IF which have evolved variably. In mind of impact factor, the contribution of Spanish journals is low, with that of biomedical sciences being higher than that of clinical journals. Language and inclusion in the Science Citation Index may explain, at least in part

  7. Factores socio-económicos asociados a la percepción de situación socioeconómica entre adultos mayores de dos países latinoamericanos

    PubMed Central

    Brenes-Camacho, Gilbert


    El objetivo principal del artículo es estudiar la asociación entre la percepción subjetiva sobre la situación económica propia y una serie de medidas objetivas de bienestar socioeconómico –fuentes de ingresos, tenencia de vivienda, nivel educativo y transferencias familiares informales de dinero- entre adultos mayores de dos países Latinoamericanos: México y Costa Rica. Los datos se obtienen de las primeras rondas de dos encuestas sobre envejecimiento: CRELES para Costa Rica y ENASEM para México. La variable dependiente más importante se obtiene de las respuestas a las pregunta “¿Cómo califica su situación económica actual?” en Costa Rica y “¿Diría usted que su situación económica es…?” en México. Para ambas encuestas, las respuestas se codificaron en forma binaria; el código 0 representa las categorías Excelente, Muy buena y Buena, y el código 1 representa a las categorías Regular y Mala. Se encontró que el ingreso por jubilación es un importante determinante de la percepción de bienestar en ambos países. En Costa Rica, el ingreso del cónyuge y la tenencia de vivienda son importantes predictores de la percepción de bienestar, mientras que en México, los ingresos por transferencias están fuertemente asociados con dicha percepción. PMID:25360057

  8. [Not Available].


    De Arriba Muñoz, Antonio; López Úbeda, Marta; Rueda Caballero, Carmen; Labarta Aizpún, José Ignacio; Ferrández Longás, Ángel


    Introducción: saber diagnosticar y tratar la obesidad se ha convertido en el mayor reto del siglo XXI, debido al aumento de su prevalencia.Objetivos: determinar los valores de normalidad de perímetro abdominal (PA) e índice de masa corporal (IMC) según edad y sexo en población española sana.Métodos: estudio longitudinal observacional realizado entre 1980 y 2014. Se incluyeron 165 niños y 169 niñas recién nacidas, recogiendo datos de forma anual hasta los 18 años (74 varones y 92 mujeres), y posteriormente a los 28 años (42 varones y 45 mujeres). Se realizó medición de peso, longitud/talla y perímetro abdominal. Se calcularon los percentiles (P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90, P97) de IMC y PA según edad y sexo.Resultados: se presentan datos evolutivos de IMC y PA durante la infancia, destacando cómo aumentan los valores entre los 18 y 28 años de los percentiles superiores al p50, sobre todo en mujeres. Existe una correlación positiva en relación al PA entre el valor obtenido a los 3 años con el valor de los 18 años y de los 28 años tanto en varones (r = 0,722 y r = 0,605, p = 0,000, respectivamente) como en mujeres(r = 0,922, r = 0,857, p = 0,000, respectivamente). Y entre los 18 y 28 años (r = 0,731, p = 0,000 para varones y r = 0,961, p = 0,000 para mujeres).Conclusión: se presentan valores de normalidad de PA e IMC según edad y sexo, que podrán utilizarse como herramienta de referencia para identificar a personas con riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades cardiovasculares o diabetes.

  9. [Factors associated with cross-nursing].


    von Seehausen, Mariana Pujól; Oliveira, Maria Inês Couto de; Boccolini, Cristiano Siqueira


    This article aims to estimate the prevalence and analyze the factors associated with cross-nursing. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2013 with interviews with a representative sample of mothers of infants less than one-year-old (n' = 695) attended in nine primary health units in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sociodemographic characteristics were studied; pregnancy, childbirth and primary care assistance; maternal habits and baby features. Adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) were obtained by Poisson Regression, retaining variables associated with the outcome in the final model (p ≤ 0.05). Cross-nursing was practiced by 29.4% of the mothers. Most practitioner mothers were relatives or friends. The following variables were directly associated with cross-nursing: being an adolescent mother (PR' = 1.595), smoking (PR' = 1.396), alcohol consumption (PR' = 1.613), inappropriate baby feeding habits (PR' = 1.371) and infant's age in months (PR' = 1.066). Maternal formal employment was inversely associated with the practice (PR' = 0.579). Cross-nursing has a relevant prevalence among mothers assisted by primary health care units in Rio de Janeiro City. This issue should be addressed, especially among the most vulnerable groups, due to the association with adolescence and with unhealthy habits.

  10. SU-E-T-408: Determination of KQ,Q0-Factors From Water and Graphite Calorimetry in a 60 MeV Proton Beam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rossomme, S; Renaud, J; Sarfehnia, A


    Purpose: To reduce the uncertainty of the beam quality correction factor k Q,Q0, for scattered proton beams (SPB). This factor is used in dosimetry protocols, to determine absorbed dose-to-water with ionization chambers. For the Roos plane parallel chambers (RPPICs), the IAEA TRS-398 protocol estimates k Q,Q0-factor to be 1.004(for a beam quality Rres=2{sup 2}), with an uncertainty of 2.1%. Methods: A graphite calorimeter (GCal), a water calorimeter (WCal) and RPPICs were exposed, in a single experiment, to a 60 MeV non-modulated SPB. RPPICs were calibrated in terms of absorbed dose-to-water in a 20 MeV electron beam. The calibration coefficientmore » is traceable to NPL's absorbed dose standards. Chamber measurements were corrected for environmental conditions, recombination and polarity. The WCal corrections include heat loss, heat defect and vessel perturbation. The GCal corrections include heat loss and absorbed dose conversion. Except for heat loss correction and its uncertainty in the WCal system, all major corrections were included in the analysis. Other minor corrections, such as beam profile non-uniformity, are still to be evaluated. Experimental k Q,Q0-factors were derived by comparing the results obtained with both calorimeters and ionometry. Results: The absorbed dose-to-water from both calorimeters was found to be within 1.3% with an uncertainty of 1.2%. k Q,Q0-factor for a RPPIC was found to be 0.998 and 1.011, with a standard uncertainty of 1.4% and 0.9% when the dose is based on the GCal and the WCal, respectively. Conclusion: Results suggest the possibility to determine k Q,Q0-values for PPICs in SPB with a lower uncertainty than specified in the TRS-398 thereby helping to reduce uncertainty on absorbed dose-to-water. The agreement between calorimeters confirms the possibility to use GCal or WCal as primary standard in SPB. Because of the dose conversion, the use of GCal may lead to slightly higher uncertainty, but is, at present

  11. Factors contributing to disability in rheumatoid arthritis patients: An Egyptian multicenter study.


    Hammad, Marwa; Eissa, Mervat; Dawa, Ghada A


    Minimizing disability and enhancing physical function to its optimal levels is still a challenge in management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim is to identify factors leading to disability in RA. This is a cross-sectional Egyptian multicenter study carried out on 215 RA patients attending to our inpatient and outpatient rheumatology clinics during 4 months starting from April to July 2017 who agreed to participate in the study; 170 patients were from Cairo University hospitals and 45 from Zagazig University hospitals. We recorded a number of possible risk factors including demographic, clinical, serological and therapeutic factors. The assessment of patients' disability was done using Modified HAQ (MHAQ). A significant positive correlation was found between MHAQ and different markers of activity in addition to age and depression score (P<0.001). Illiteracy accounted for higher MHAQ scores (P=0.001). A higher MHAQ was found in patients with ischemic heart disease (P<0.05). Patients with erosions on X-rays had significantly higher MHAQ scores. Subluxations also accounted for higher MHAQ scores (P=0.000). Aging, illiteracy, disease activity, erosions, subluxations, depression and ischemic heart disease were all related to higher disability. Good control of disease activity which in turn reduces erosions and subluxations is mandatory. Screening for depression and proper use of anti-depressants is of great value. Proper screening and prophylaxis is recommended against ischemic heart disease by controlling modifiable risk factors like obesity, dyslipidaemia, hypertension, smoking and sedentary lifestyle. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Reumatología y Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  12. Nuclear modification factor of D 0 mesons in PbPb collisions at s NN = 5.02 TeV

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.

    Here, the transverse momentum (p T) spectrum of prompt D 0 mesons and their antiparticles has been measured via the hadronic decay channels D 0 → K -π + and D¯ 0 → K +π - in and PbPb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair with the CMS detector at the LHC. The measurement is performed in the D 0 p T meson range of 2–100 and in the rapidity range of |y| < 1. The (PbPb) dataset used for this analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 27.4 pb –1 (530 μb –1). Themore » measured D 0 meson spectrum in pp collisions is well described by perturbative QCD calculations. The nuclear modification factor, comparing D 0 meson yields in PbPb and collisions, was extracted for both minimum-bias and the 10% most central PbPb interactions.« less

  13. Nuclear modification factor of D 0 mesons in PbPb collisions at s NN = 5.02 TeV


    Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; ...


    Here, the transverse momentum (p T) spectrum of prompt D 0 mesons and their antiparticles has been measured via the hadronic decay channels D 0 → K -π + and D¯ 0 → K +π - in and PbPb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair with the CMS detector at the LHC. The measurement is performed in the D 0 p T meson range of 2–100 and in the rapidity range of |y| < 1. The (PbPb) dataset used for this analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 27.4 pb –1 (530 μb –1). Themore » measured D 0 meson spectrum in pp collisions is well described by perturbative QCD calculations. The nuclear modification factor, comparing D 0 meson yields in PbPb and collisions, was extracted for both minimum-bias and the 10% most central PbPb interactions.« less

  14. Parametric decadal climate forecast recalibration (DeFoReSt 1.0)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pasternack, Alexander; Bhend, Jonas; Liniger, Mark A.; Rust, Henning W.; Müller, Wolfgang A.; Ulbrich, Uwe


    Near-term climate predictions such as decadal climate forecasts are increasingly being used to guide adaptation measures. For near-term probabilistic predictions to be useful, systematic errors of the forecasting systems have to be corrected. While methods for the calibration of probabilistic forecasts are readily available, these have to be adapted to the specifics of decadal climate forecasts including the long time horizon of decadal climate forecasts, lead-time-dependent systematic errors (drift) and the errors in the representation of long-term changes and variability. These features are compounded by small ensemble sizes to describe forecast uncertainty and a relatively short period for which typically pairs of reforecasts and observations are available to estimate calibration parameters. We introduce the Decadal Climate Forecast Recalibration Strategy (DeFoReSt), a parametric approach to recalibrate decadal ensemble forecasts that takes the above specifics into account. DeFoReSt optimizes forecast quality as measured by the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). Using a toy model to generate synthetic forecast observation pairs, we demonstrate the positive effect on forecast quality in situations with pronounced and limited predictability. Finally, we apply DeFoReSt to decadal surface temperature forecasts from the MiKlip prototype system and find consistent, and sometimes considerable, improvements in forecast quality compared with a simple calibration of the lead-time-dependent systematic errors.

  15. In-situ TEM on (de)hydrogenation of Pd at 0.5-4.5 bar hydrogen pressure and 20-400°C.


    Yokosawa, Tadahiro; Alan, Tuncay; Pandraud, Gregory; Dam, Bernard; Zandbergen, Henny


    We have developed a nanoreactor, sample holder and gas system for in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of hydrogen storage materials up to at least 4.5 bar. The MEMS-based nanoreactor has a microheater, two electron-transparent windows and a gas inlet and outlet. The holder contains various O-rings to have leak-tight connections with the nanoreactor. The system was tested with the (de)hydrogenation of Pd at pressures up to 4.5 bar. The Pd film consisted of islands being 15 nm thick and 50-500 nm wide. In electron diffraction mode we observed reproducibly a crystal lattice expansion and shrinkage owing to hydrogenation and dehydrogenation, respectively. In selected-area electron diffraction and bright/dark-field modes the (de)hydrogenation of individual Pd particles was followed. Some Pd islands are consistently hydrogenated faster than others. When thermally cycled, thermal hysteresis of about 10-16°C between hydrogen absorption and desorption was observed for hydrogen pressures of 0.5-4.5 bar. Experiments at 0.8 bar and 3.2 bar showed that the (de)hydrogenation temperature is not affected by the electron beam. This result shows that this is a fast method to investigate hydrogen storage materials with information at the nanometer scale. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Chemically stable perovskites as cathode materials for solid oxide fuel cells: La-doped Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O(3-δ).


    Kim, Junyoung; Choi, Sihyuk; Jun, Areum; Jeong, Hu Young; Shin, Jeeyoung; Kim, Guntae


    Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O(3-δ) (BSCF) has won tremendous attention as a cathode material for intermediate-temperature solid-oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFC) on the basis of its fast oxygen-ion transport properties. Nevertheless, wide application of BSCF is impeded by its phase instabilities at intermediate temperature. Here we report on a chemically stable SOFC cathode material, La0.5Ba0.25Sr0.25Co0.8Fe0.2O(3-δ) (LBSCF), prepared by strategic approaches using the Goldschmidt tolerance factor. The tolerance factors of LBSCF and BSCF indicate that the structure of the former has a smaller deformation of cubic symmetry than that of the latter. The electrical property and electrochemical performance of LBSCF are improved compared with those of BSCF. LBSCF also shows excellent chemical stability under air, a CO2-containg atmosphere, and low oxygen partial pressure while BSCF decomposed under the same conditions. Together with this excellent stability, LBSCF shows a power density of 0.81 W cm(-2) after 100 h, whereas 25 % degradation for BSCF is observed after 100 h. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Study of the semileptonic charm decays D(0)-->pi(-)l(+)nu and D(0)-->K(-)l(+)nu.


    Huang, G S; Miller, D H; Pavlunin, V; Sanghi, B; Shibata, E I; Shipsey, I P J; Adams, G S; Chasse, M; Cummings, J P; Danko, I; Napolitano, J; Cronin-Hennessy, D; Park, C S; Park, W; Thayer, J B; Thorndike, E H; Coan, T E; Gao, Y S; Liu, F; Stroynowski, R; Artuso, M; Boulahouache, C; Blusk, S; Butt, J; Dambasuren, E; Dorjkhaidav, O; Menaa, N; Mountain, R; Muramatsu, H; Nandakumar, R; Redjimi, R; Sia, R; Skwarnicki, T; Stone, S; Wang, J C; Zhang, K; Mahmood, A H; Csorna, S E; Bonvicini, G; Cinabro, D; Dubrovin, M; Bornheim, A; Lipeles, E; Pappas, S P; Weinstein, A J; Briere, R A; Chen, G P; Ferguson, T; Tatishvili, G; Vogel, H; Watkins, M E; Adam, N E; Alexander, J P; Berkelman, K; Cassel, D G; Duboscq, J E; Ecklund, K M; Ehrlich, R; Fields, L; Galik, R S; Gibbons, L; Gittelman, B; Gray, R; Gray, S W; Hartill, D L; Heltsley, B K; Hertz, D; Hsu, L; Jones, C D; Kandaswamy, J; Kreinick, D L; Kuznetsov, V E; Mahlke-Krüger, H; Meyer, T O; Onyisi, P U E; Patterson, J R; Pedlar, T K; Peterson, D; Pivarski, J; Riley, D; Rosner, J L; Ryd, A; Sadoff, A J; Schwarthoff, H; Shepherd, M R; Sun, W M; Thayer, J G; Urner, D; Wilksen, T; Weinberger, M; Athar, S B; Avery, P; Breva-Newell, L; Patel, R; Potlia, V; Stoeck, H; Yelton, J; Rubin, P; Cawlfield, C; Eisenstein, B I; Gollin, G D; Karliner, I; Kim, D; Lowrey, N; Naik, P; Sedlack, C; Selen, M; Thaler, J J; Williams, J; Wiss, J; Edwards, K W; Besson, D; Gao, K Y; Gong, D T; Kubota, Y; Li, S Z; Poling, R; Scott, A W; Smith, A; Stepaniak, C J; Urheim, J; Metreveli, Z; Seth, K K; Tomaradze, A; Zweber, P; Ernst, J; Arms, K; Gan, K K; Severini, H; Skubic, P; Asner, D M; Dytman, S A; Mehrabyan, S; Mueller, J A; Savinov, V; Li, Z; Lopez, A; Mendez, H; Ramirez, J


    We investigate the decays D(0)-->pi(-)l(+)nu and D(0)-->K(-)l(+)nu, where l is e or mu, using approximately 7 fb(-1) of data collected with the CLEO III detector. We find R(0) identical with B(D(0)-->pi(-)e(+)nu)/B(D(0)-->K(-)e(+)nu)=0.082+/-0.006+/-0.005. Fits to the kinematic distributions of the data provide parameters describing the form factor of each mode. Combining the form factor results and R(0) gives |f(pi)(+)(0)|(2)|V(cd)|(2)/|f(K)(+)(0)|(2)|V(cs)|(2)=0.038(+0.006+0.005)(-0.007-0.003).

  18. A distância e o conteúdo estelar da região HII gigante G333.1-0.4 - vínculos para a taxa de formação estelar da galáxia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Figuerêdo, E.; Damineli, A.; Blum, R.; Conti, P.


    Neste trabalho apresentamos imagens de alta resolução angular da região HII gigante G333.1-0.4 obtidas através dos filtros J, H e K no telescópio de 4-m do CTIO. Este trabalho faz parte de um estudo de regiões HII gigantes no infravermelho próximo que tem por objetivo estudar a natureza da formação de estrelas massivas e traçar a estrutura espiral de nossa galáxia. Nossa determinação da distância é baseada no método da paralaxe espectroscópica de estrelas OB localizadas na seqüência principal de idade zero (ZAMS) do Diagrama HR. No caso de G333.1-0.4, a magnitude aparente das estrelas localizadas na ZAMS indica que a distância não pode ser maior do que o limite inferior determinado por técnica rádio (2,8 kpc). Resultados semelhantes foram encontrados para regiões estudadas anteriormente, reforçando a idéia de que a taxa de formação estelar na Via Láctea é menor do que o determinado a partir de dados rádio. Nossos resultados mais recentes sobre o conteúdo estelar de G333.1-0.4 revelaram vários objetos que possuem cores bastante avermelhadas (H-K > 2,0). Nós identificamos estes objetos usando os diagramas cor-cor e cor-magnitude dos aglomerados. Estes objetos apresentam um forte excesso em emissão na banda K e possivelmente se tratam de estrelas do tipo OB envolvidas por um disco/envelope circumestelar espesso. O estudo da função de massa inical desta região, em conjunto com resultados de nossos trabalhos anteriores, aponta para uma IMF independente da posição galática. A contagem de estrelas nos fornece um valor para o número de fótons no contínuo de Lyman que corrobora com a afirmação de que G333.1-0.4 se encontra mais próxima da menor distância determinada por rádio.

  19. Crystal structure and optical property of complex perovskite oxynitrides ALi0.2Nb0.8O2.8N0.2, ANa0.2Nb0.8O2.8N0.2, and AMg0.2Nb0.8O2.6N0.4 (A = Sr, Ba)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Moon, Keon Ho; Avdeev, Maxim; Kim, Young-Il


    Oxynitride type complex perovskites AM0.2Nb0.8O3-xNx (A = Sr, Ba; M = Li, Na, Mg) were newly synthesized by the solid state diffusion of Li+, Na+, or Mg2+ into the layered oxide, A5Nb4O15, with concurrent O/N substitution. Neutron and synchrotron X-ray Rietveld refinement showed that SrLi0.2Nb0.8O2.8N0.2, SrNa0.2Nb0.8O2.8N0.2, and SrMg0.2Nb0.8O2.6N0.4 had body-centered tetragonal symmetry (I4/mcm), while those with A = Ba had simple cubic symmetry (Pm 3 ̅ m). In the tetragonal Sr-compounds, the nitrogen atoms were localized on the c-axial 4a site. However, the octahedral cations, M/Nb (M = Li, Na, Mg) were distributed randomly in all six compounds. The lattice volume of AM0.2Nb0.8O3-xNx was dependent on various factors including the type of A and the electronegativity of M. Compared to the simple perovskites, ANbO2N (A = Sr, Ba), AM0.2Nb0.8O3-xNx had wider band gaps (1.76-2.15 eV for A = Sr and 1.65-2.10 eV for A = Ba), but significantly lower sub-gap absorption.

  20. Maternal serum placental growth factor (PlGF) in small for gestational age pregnancy at 11(+0) to 13(+6) weeks of gestation.


    Poon, Leona C Y; Zaragoza, Edgar; Akolekar, Ranjit; Anagnostopoulos, Evangelos; Nicolaides, Kypros H


    To investigate the pathogenesis of pregnancies delivering small for gestational age (SGA) neonates by examining biochemical and Doppler indices of placental development during the first trimester of pregnancy. The concentration of placental growth factor (PlGF) at 11(+0)-13(+6) weeks was measured in 296 cases, which delivered SGA neonates, and 609 controls. The newborn was considered to be SGA if the birth weight was less than the fifth percentile after correction for gestation at delivery and sex, maternal racial origin, weight, height and parity. The distributions of uterine artery pulsatility index (PI), PlGF and PAPP-A, expressed in multiples of the median (MoM), in the control and SGA groups were compared. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine if significant contribution is provided by maternal factors, PlGF, PAPP-A and uterine artery PI in predicting SGA. The median PlGF (0.900 MoM) and PAPP-A (0.778 MoM) were lower and uterine artery PI was higher (1.087 MoM) in the SGA group than in the controls (PlGF: 0.991 MoM; PAPP-A: 1.070 MoM; uterine artery PI: 1.030 MoM). In the SGA group there was a significant association between PlGF and PAPP-A (r = 0.368, p < 0.0001) and uterine artery PI (r = 0.191, p = 0.001). Significant contributions for the prediction of SGA were provided by maternal factors, PlGF and PAPP-A and with combined screening the detection rate was 27% at a false-positive rate of 5%. Birth weight is predetermined by placental development during the first trimester of pregnancy. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Evolución de estrellas enanas blancas de Helio de masa baja e intermedia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Althaus, L. G.; Benvenuto, O. G.

    Numerosas observaciones realizadas particularmente en los últimos dos años parecen confirmar que las enanas blancas (EB) de helio de masa baja e intermedia son el resultado de la evolución de sistemas binarios cercanos. Con el objeto de realizar una adecuada interpretación de estos objetos son necesarios modelos de EBs de helio lo más detallado posibles. En este estudio presentamos cálculos detallados de la evolución de EBs de helio con masas entre M=0.1Msolar y M=0.5Msolar a intervalos de 0.05Msolar . Para ello, hemos tenido en cuenta los efectos de temperatura finita mediante un código de evolución estelar lo más actualizado posible. En particular, el transporte de energía es descripto en el marco del nuevo modelo para la convección turbulenta desarrollado por Canuto - Mazzitelli. Además hemos considerado la nueva ecuación de estado para plasmas de helio de Saumon et al. y nuevas opacidades radiativas OPAL. Las pérdidas por neutrinos fueron asimismo tenidas en cuenta. Excepto para las EBs más masivas, nuestros modelos iniciales están ubicados en las cercanías de la correspondiente línea de Hayashi para configuraciones de helio. Nuestros resultados muestran que existe una región prohibida en el diagrama observacional HR donde ninguna EB de helio puede encontrarse. Dicha región es para log{(L/Lsolar )}>= -0.25 and log{Teff} >= 4.45. Hemos encontrado también que los tracks evolutivos en el diagrama HR en el dominio de alta luminosidad (pre - EB) son fuertemente afectados por la eficiencia convectiva y que las pérdidas por neutrinos son importantes en los modelos más masivos. Finalmente hemos analizado la estructura de la zona convectiva externa encontrando que la teoría de Canuto - Mazzitelli conduce a un perfil convectivo muy diferente del dado por cualquier versión de la popular teoría de la mixing length. Si bién este comportamiento es decisivo en el contexto de las inestabilides pulsacionales, los radios y gravedades superficiales de

  2. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the gastroprotective and ulcer healing actions of colloidal bismuth subcitrate (De-Nol) in rats.

    PubMed Central

    Konturek, S J; Dembinski, A; Warzecha, Z; Bielanski, W; Brzozowski, T; Drozdowicz, D


    Colloidal bismuth subcitrate (CBS; De-Nol) exhibits gastroprotective properties in experimental animals and enhances the healing of chronic gastroduodenal ulcers, but the mechanisms of these actions have not been entirely elucidated. The present study was designed to determine whether epidermal growth factor (EGF), which also has gastroprotective and ulcer healing properties, contributes to the action of De-Nol on the stomach in rats. It was found that De-Nol protects the gastric mucosa against ethanol damage and that this is accompanied by increased mucosal generation of prostaglandins (PG). Removal of the endogenous source of EGF (sialoadenectomy) did not significantly decrease the protective and PG stimulating effects of De-Nol. Pretreatment with exogenous EGF partially protected the stomach against ethanol injury, but did not influence the protective action of De-Nol in sialoadenectomised animals. De-Nol, like EGF given orally, enhanced the healing of chronic gastric and duodenal ulcers induced by serosal acetic acid. De-Nol was found to bind EGF in a pH-dependent manner and to accumulate it in ulcer area. Thus the peptide is available locally in high concentrations to accelerate the re-epithelialisation and tissue repair of the ulcerated mucosa. These ulcer healing effects of De-Nol were reduced by sialoadenectomy and restored in part by oral administration of EGF. We conclude that salivary glands in rats are not essential for the gastroprotection induced by De-Nol, but seem to play an important role in the ulcer healing action of this drug possibly via an EGF mediated mechanism. PMID:3260885

  3. Individual and school environment factors associated with overweight in adolescents of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


    Cardoso, Letícia de Oliveira; de Castro, Inês Rugani Ribeiro; Gomes, Fabio da Silva; Leite, Iuri da Costa


    To identify the association of individual and school environment factors with overweight among adolescents. Cross-sectional study. Sociodemographic and behavioural information was collected using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire. Indicators on human and physical resources of the schools were based on information collected in interviews with school principals. Overweight was defined based on the BMI Z-score for age and sex recommended by WHO. Logistic regression models were used for statistical analysis. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. By means of a two-stage (classrooms and students) probabilistic sampling, subjects comprised 1632 students enrolled in the last year of primary education of the municipal public school network, stratified by city region. The mean prevalence of overweight at schools was 17·2%, ranging from 0% to 50%. Adolescents more likely to be overweight were those who attended schools without knives and forks or ceramic/glass plates for students in the school refectory (prevalence odds ratio (POR) = 1·40; P = 0·04), those whose head of household had completed between 8 and 10 years of schooling (POR = 1·46; P = 0·03), those who did not live with both parents (POR = 1·24; P = 0·06) and those who had not practised physical activity outside school on at least 1 d in the 7 d before the study (POR = 1·56; P = 0·04). Sociodemographic and behavioural variables of adolescents and school characteristics were associated with overweight, confirming individual and context effects on this health disorder. Studies such as the present one, identifying variables in context, may support actions to prevent overweight among adolescents.

  4. Tumores neonatales y malformaciones congénitas

    PubMed Central

    Tornero, O. Berbel; García, J.A. Ortega; Tortajada, J. Ferrís i; Castell, J. García; Colomer, J. Donat i; Soldin, O.P.; Soler, J.L. Fuster


    paciente con síndrome de Down y cardiopatía congénita; g) tumor renal en un caso con hidrocefalia triventricular, y h) tumor adrenal en un caso con hemihipertrofia. En la bibliografía específica, las publicaciones engloban tumores de diferentes épocas pediátricas y sin unanimidad de criterios para clasificar las malformaciones congénitas. Apenas existen datos en el período neonatal y la asociación entre ambas entidades se obtiene de registros de instituciones médicas. La prevalencia oscila entre el 15 y el 31,6 %. Las hipótesis etiopatogénicas que explican la asociación entre tumores neonatales y malformaciones congénitas están basadas en las exposiciones prenatales (preconcepcionales y transplacentarias) a factores de riesgo potencialmente mutagénicos y carcinogénicos. Conclusiones Probablemente, los tumores neonatales se asocian con mayor frecuencia a malformaciones congénitas que los tumores diagnosticados en épocas posteriores de la vida. Para conocer la prevalencia real de la asociación entre tumores neonatales y malformaciones congénitas, es necesario unificar los criterios de inclusión y definición de ambas entidades. La obtención de una minuciosa historia medioambiental en todos los tumores neonatales asociados a malformaciones congénitas, donde se detallen y registren todos los factores de riesgo constitucionales y ambientales, es fundamental para mejorar nuestros escasos conocimientos de los mecanismos prenatales subyacentes y avanzar en su prevención. PMID:18559198

  5. The risk of eating disorders comorbid with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis.


    Nazar, Bruno Palazzo; Bernardes, Camila; Peachey, Gemma; Sergeant, Joseph; Mattos, Paulo; Treasure, Janet


    There has been interest in whether people with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are at higher risk of developing an Eating Disorder (ED). The aim of this study was estimate the size of this association with a meta-analysis of studies. We retrieved studies following PRISMA guidelines from a broad range of databases. Twelve studies fitted our primary aim in investigating ED in ADHD populations (ADHD = 4,013/Controls = 29,404), and five exploring ADHD in ED populations (ED = 1,044/Controls = 11,292). The pooled odds ratio of diagnosing any ED in ADHD was increased significantly, 3.82 (95% CI:2.34-6.24). A similar level of risk was found across all ED syndromes [Anorexia Nervosa = 4.28 (95% CI:2.24-8.16); Bulimia Nervosa = 5.71 (95% CI: 3.56-9.16) and Binge Eating Disorder = 4.13 (95% CI:3-5.67)]. The risk was significantly higher if ADHD was diagnosed using a clinical interview [5.89 (95% CI:4.32-8.04)] rather than a self-report instrument [2.23 (95% CI:1.23-4.03)]. The pooled odds ratio of diagnosing ADHD in participants with ED was significantly increased, 2.57 (95% CI:1.30-5.11). Subgroup analysis of cohorts with binge eating only yielded a risk of 5.77 (95% CI:2.35-14.18). None of the variables examined in meta-regression procedures explained the variance in effect size between studies. People with ADHD have a higher risk of comorbidity with an ED and people with an ED also have higher levels of comorbidity with ADHD. Future studies should address if patients with this comorbidity have a different prognosis, course and treatment response when compared to patients with either disorder alone. Ha habido interés en saber si la gente con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) están en mayor riesgo de desarrollar un Trastorno de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA). El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar el tamaño de esta asociación con un meta-análisis de los estudios. Métodos: Recuperamos estudios de una amplia

  6. Ferroelectric, elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric properties of Ba(Ti0.7Zr0.3)O3-x(Ba0.82Ca0.18)TiO3 Pb-free ceramics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yuan, Ruihao; Xue, Deqing; Zhou, Yumei; Ding, Xiangdong; Sun, Jun; Xue, Dezhen


    We designed and synthesized a pseudo-binary Pb-free system, Ba(Ti0.7Zr0.3)O3-x(Ba0.82Ca0.18)TiO3, by combining a rhombohedral end (with only cubic to rhombohedral ferroelectric phase transition) and a tetragonal end (with only cubic to tetragonal ferroelectric phase transition). The established composition-temperature phase diagram is characterized by a tricritical point type morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), and the MPB composition has better ferroelectric, piezoelectric, and dielectric properties than the compositions deviating from MPB. Moreover, a full set of material constants (including elastic stiffness constants, elastic compliance constants, piezoelectric constants, dielectric constants, and electromechanical coupling factors) of the MPB composition are determined using a resonance method. The good piezoelectric performance of the MPB composition can be ascribed to the high dielectric constants, elastic softening, and large electromechanical coupling factor.

  7. Préoccupations de carrière chez les médecins de travail des groupements de Médecine de travail en Tunisie

    PubMed Central

    Merchaoui, Irtyah; Chouchène, Asma; Bouanène, Ines; Chaari, Néila; Zrafi, Wassim; Henchi, Adnène; Akrout, Mohamed; Amri, Charfeddine


    Introduction L'insatisfaction de carrière des médecins de travail (MT) peut influencer leur performance et la qualité des prestations fournies. L'objectif de notre étude est d'évaluer la satisfaction au travail des MT du terrain de l'ensemble des Groupements de médecine de travail (GMT) de la Tunisie et préciser les facteurs déterminants. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude nationale transversale portant sur les MT de 22 GMT, basée sur le questionnaire, validé SAPHORA JOB. Résultats 58% des MT des GMT étaient insatisfaits de leur carrière. La satisfaction de carrière était statistiquement influencée par le nombre d'entreprises en charge (p=0,016), l'organisation du travail (p=0,010),le ressenti du métier (p=0,011),le salaire (p‹10-3) et l'information sur la réglementation en vigueur (p=0,047). Conclusion L'homogénéisation des grilles salariales et des échelons de carrière des MT des GMT basée sur une révision des textes législatifs est indiquée. L'amélioration de l'organisation et des conditions de travail peut permettre un épanouissement au travail et une amélioration des prestations. PMID:28819472

  8. [A cross-sectional study on prevalance and risk factors of disabilities in aged 0-6 years children in Beijing, China].


    Wang, Xiao-hua; Qu, Cheng-yi; Shi, Ji-liang; Liu, Gang; Zhang, Zhi-xiang; Yang, Xiao-ling; Sun, Xi-bin; Sun, Lin; Zheng, Yuan-yuan; Liu, Xi-pu; Shao, Cui-xia; Teng, Hong-hong; Wang, Yan


    To explore the epidemiological status of disabilities on vision impairment (VI), hearing loss (HL), mental retardation (MR), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and motor disorder (MD) in aged 0-6 years old children in Beijing. A total of 28 738 children under 7 years old were recruited from permanent residents of Beijing City by 2-phase cluster sampling. The screening procedure was 2-phase, and the diagnosis criteria were developed by the experts group. The overall disability rate was 11.45 per thousand (95 % CI:10.22-12.68). The false negative rates in HL and ASD were 0.14 per thousand, 0.80 per thousand, respectively, with a adjusted overall rate of 12.19per thousand. The prevalence rates of different kind disabilities from high to low were MR 9.31per thousand, MD 2.12per thousand, ASD 1.53per thousand (0.73per thousand before adjusted), HL 1.04per thousand (0.91per thousand before adjusted) VI 0.73per thousand. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that the possible non-biological risk factors for those disabilities were being male, living in city area, advancing age, mother with low education, mother engaged in labor work, and family with low income. It was primarily (49.62%) those prenatal factors other them the known suspected factors that causing disabilities. Compared with data from a countrywide study in 1987, the overall disability rate had a mild decrease (16.36%) with the most (56.85%) appeared in HL. It is indispensable to establish a disabilities surveillance program for the early recognition and intervention of children with disabilities. It is also crucial to clarify a disability definition for children combined with their characteristics of growth and development. We strongly recommended in developing a new definition on children' disabilities and establishing new criteria according to the contents of developmental disabilities of Center for Disease Control, USA.

  9. Regulando la Enfermedad a través de la Definición y la Restricción: Profesionales de la Salud Hablan sobre el VIH/SIDA1

    PubMed Central

    Rivera, Souhail Malavé; Díaz, Nelson Varas


    Resumen Las profesiones de la salud tienen un papel social dual. Por un lado, velan por el mantenimiento de la salud de la población protegiendo el bien común. Por el otro, dictaminan las formas saludables, y por lo tanto socialmente apropiadas, de ser, actuar y pensar. Este último papel, está más ligado al control social de la población que a una preocupación altruista hacia la misma. A través de esta supervisión y control, se construyen los sujetos a los cuales todos/as debemos aspirar a ser para gozar de aceptación social. Los/as profesionales de la salud han jugado un rol protagónico en dicho proceso, siendo los agentes que delimitan y definen lo que es enfermo vs. saludable, útil vs. inútil, apropiado vs. inapropiado. En el caso de la epidemia del VIH, este esfuerzo se ha hecho cada vez más vigente ya que estos/as profesionales juegan un papel importante en el tratamiento de las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA (PVVS). Sin embargo, su función está plasmada de definiciones que sirven para criminalizar a las PVVS. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la manera en que una muestra de profesionales de la salud en Puerto Rico construyen a las PVVS. Con este propósito, entrevistamos 80 profesionales de la salud y estudiantes de estas profesiones. Estas entrevistas fueron grabadas, transcritas y sometidas a un análisis de discurso. Los resultados reflejaron que según las personas participantes: 1) la PVVS no es una persona “normal” o funcional bajo los estándares sociales debido a que su salud no se los permite, 2) representa una carga para la sociedad incluyendo familiares, amigos/as, el mundo del trabajo, e incluso para el gobierno, 3) debe ser vigilada porque representa un riesgo para la persona seronegativa que es descrita como saludable y productiva, y 4) necesita que su salud y conducta sexual sean controladas por vía legal y/o por las personas que representan las instituciones sociales, como lo son los/as profesionales de la salud

  10. De novo activating epidermal growth factor mutations (EGFR) in small-cell lung cancer.


    Thai, Alesha; Chia, Puey L; Russell, Prudence A; Do, Hongdo; Dobrovic, Alex; Mitchell, Paul; John, Thomas


    In Australia, mutations in epidermal growth factor mutations (EGFR) occur in 15% of patients diagnosed with non-small-cell lung cancer and are found with higher frequency in female, non-smokers of Asian ethnicity. Activating mutations in the EGFR gene are rarely described in SCLC. We present two cases of de novo EGFR mutations in patients with SCLC detected in tissue and in plasma cell free DNA, both of whom were of Asian ethnicity and never-smokers. These two cases add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that screening for EGFR mutations in SCLC should be considered in patients with specific clinical features. © 2017 Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

  11. A Dataset of Factors That Influence Preservice Teachers' Intentions to Use Web 2.0 Technologies in Future Teaching Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yusop, Farrah Dina


    In recent years, researchers have focused on investigating factors that influence preservice teachers' utilization of Web 2.0 technologies in their classrooms. Findings indicate that preservice teachers' intentions, beliefs and attitudes toward technology are important determinants of the success of future technology integration. However, studies…

  12. Branching Fraction Measurements of the Color-Suppressed Decays B0bar to D(*)0 pi0, D(*)0 eta, D(*)0 omega, and D(*)0 eta_prime and Measurement of the Polarization in the Decay B0bar to D*0 omega

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lees, J.P.; Poireau, V.; Tisserand, V.


    We report updated branching fraction measurements of the color-suppressed decays {bar B}{sup 0} {yields} D{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0}, D*{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0}, D{sup 0}{eta}, D*{sup 0}{eta}, D{sup 0}{omega}, D*{sup 0}{omega}, D{sup 0}{eta}', and D*{sup 0}{eta}'. We measure the branching fractions (x10{sup -4}): {Beta}({bar B}{sup 0} {yields} D{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0}) = 2.69 {+-} 0.09 {+-} 0.13, {Beta}({bar B}{sup 0} {yields} D*{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0}) = 3.05 {+-} 0.14 {+-} 0.28, {Beta}({bar B}{sup 0} {yields} D{sup 0}{eta}) = 2.53 {+-} 0.09 {+-} 0.11, {Beta}({bar B}{sup 0} {yields} D*{sup 0}{eta}) = 2.69 {+-} 0.14 {+-} 0.23, {Beta}({bar B}{sup 0} {yields} D{sup 0}{omega}) = 2.57 {+-} 0.11more » {+-} 0.14, {Beta}({bar B}{sup 0} {yields} D*{sup 0}{omega}) = 4.55 {+-} 0.24 {+-} 0.39, {Beta}({bar B}{sup 0} {yields} D{sup 0}{eta}') = 1.48 {+-} 0.13 {+-} 0.07, and {Beta}({bar B}{sup 0} {yields} D*{sup 0}{eta}') = 1.49 {+-} 0.22 {+-} 0.15. We also present the first measurement of the longitudinal polarization fraction of the decay channel D*{sup 0}{omega}, f{sub L} = (66.5 {+-} 4.7 {+-} 1.5)%. In the above, the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The results are based on a sample of (454 {+-} 5) x 10{sup 6} B{bar B} pairs collected at the {Upsilon}(4S) resonance, with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage rings at SLAC. The measurements are the most precise determinations of these quantities from a single experiment. They are compared to theoretical predictions obtained by factorization, Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) and perturbative QCD (pQCD). We find that the presence of final state interactions is favored and the measurements are in better agreement with SCET than with pQCD.« less

  13. Insufficient free-time physical activity and occupational factors in Brazilian public school teachers.


    Dias, Douglas Fernando; Loch, Mathias Roberto; González, Alberto Durán; Andrade, Selma Maffei de; Mesas, Arthur Eumann


    To evaluate if perceived occupational factors are associated with insufficient free-time physical activity in Brazilian public school teachers. The relationship between insufficient physical activity (< 150 minutes/week) and variables related to work was analyzed in 978 elementary and high school teachers calculating the prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence interval (95%CI) in Poisson regression models, adjusted for sociodemographic and health variables. The prevalence of insufficient physical activity was 71.9%, and this condition was associated independently with the perception of bad or regular balance between personal and professional life (PR = 1.09; 95%CI 1.01-1.18), perception that standing time affects the work (PR = 1.16; 95%CI 1.01-1.34), low or very low perception of current ability for the physical requirements of work (PR = 1.21; 95%CI 1.08-1.35), and temporary employment contract (PR = 1.13; 95%CI 1.03-1.25). The teaching of physical education was associated with lower prevalence of insufficient physical activity (PR = 0.78; 95%CI 0.64-0.95). The perception of adverse working conditions is associated with increased prevalence of insufficient physical activity in teachers and should be considered for the promotion of physical activity in this population. Analisar se fatores ocupacionais percebidos estão associados à atividade física insuficiente no tempo livre em professores de escolas públicas. A relação entre atividade física insuficiente (< 150 minutos/semana) e variáveis relacionadas ao trabalho foi analisada em 978 professores do ensino fundamental e médio mediante o cálculo da razão de prevalência (RP) e intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) em modelos de regressão de Poisson, ajustados por variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde. A prevalência de atividade física insuficiente foi de 71,9%, e essa condição associou-se de maneira independente com percepção de equilíbrio entre vida pessoal e profissional ruim ou regular

  14. Measurement of the time-integrated CP asymmetry in D 0 → K {S/0} K {S/0} decays

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aaij, R.; Adeva, B.; Adinolfi, M.; Affolder, A.; Ajaltouni, Z.; Akar, S.; Albrecht, J.; Alessio, F.; Alexander, M.; Ali, S.; Alkhazov, G.; Alvarez Cartelle, P.; Alves, A. A.; Amato, S.; Amerio, S.; Amhis, Y.; An, L.; Anderlini, L.; Anderson, J.; Andreassi, G.; Andreotti, M.; Andrews, J. E.; Appleby, R. B.; Aquines Gutierrez, O.; Archilli, F.; d'Argent, P.; Artamonov, A.; Artuso, M.; Aslanides, E.; Auriemma, G.; Baalouch, M.; Bachmann, S.; Back, J. J.; Badalov, A.; Baesso, C.; Baldini, W.; Barlow, R. J.; Barschel, C.; Barsuk, S.; Barter, W.; Batozskaya, V.; Battista, V.; Bay, A.; Beaucourt, L.; Beddow, J.; Bedeschi, F.; Bediaga, I.; Bel, L. J.; Bellee, V.; Belloli, N.; Belyaev, I.; Ben-Haim, E.; Bencivenni, G.; Benson, S.; Benton, J.; Berezhnoy, A.; Bernet, R.; Bertolin, A.; Bettler, M.-O.; van Beuzekom, M.; Bien, A.; Bifani, S.; Billoir, P.; Bird, T.; Birnkraut, A.; Bizzeti, A.; Blake, T.; Blanc, F.; Blouw, J.; Blusk, S.; Bocci, V.; Bondar, A.; Bondar, N.; Bonivento, W.; Borghi, S.; Borsato, M.; Bowcock, T. J. V.; Bowen, E.; Bozzi, C.; Braun, S.; Britsch, M.; Britton, T.; Brodzicka, J.; Brook, N. H.; Buchanan, E.; Bursche, A.; Buytaert, J.; Cadeddu, S.; Calabrese, R.; Calvi, M.; Calvo Gomez, M.; Campana, P.; Campora Perez, D.; Capriotti, L.; Carbone, A.; Carboni, G.; Cardinale, R.; Cardini, A.; Carniti, P.; Carson, L.; Carvalho Akiba, K.; Casse, G.; Cassina, L.; Castillo Garcia, L.; Cattaneo, M.; Cauet, Ch.; Cavallero, G.; Cenci, R.; Charles, M.; Charpentier, Ph.; Chefdeville, M.; Chen, S.; Cheung, S.-F.; Chiapolini, N.; Chrzaszcz, M.; Cid Vidal, X.; Ciezarek, G.; Clarke, P. E. L.; Clemencic, M.; Cliff, H. V.; Closier, J.; Coco, V.; Cogan, J.; Cogneras, E.; Cogoni, V.; Cojocariu, L.; Collazuol, G.; Collins, P.; Comerma-Montells, A.; Contu, A.; Cook, A.; Coombes, M.; Coquereau, S.; Corti, G.; Corvo, M.; Couturier, B.; Cowan, G. A.; Craik, D. C.; Crocombe, A.; Cruz Torres, M.; Cunliffe, S.; Currie, R.; D'Ambrosio, C.; Dall'Occo, E.; Dalseno, J.; David, P. N. Y.; Davis, A.; De Bruyn, K.; De Capua, S.; De Cian, M.; De Miranda, J. M.; De Paula, L.; De Simone, P.; Dean, C.-T.; Decamp, D.; Deckenhoff, M.; Del Buono, L.; Déléage, N.; Demmer, M.; Derkach, D.; Deschamps, O.; Dettori, F.; Dey, B.; Di Canto, A.; Di Ruscio, F.; Dijkstra, H.; Donleavy, S.; Dordei, F.; Dorigo, M.; Dosil Suárez, A.; Dossett, D.; Dovbnya, A.; Dreimanis, K.; Dufour, L.; Dujany, G.; Dupertuis, F.; Durante, P.; Dzhelyadin, R.; Dziurda, A.; Dzyuba, A.; Easo, S.; Egede, U.; Egorychev, V.; Eidelman, S.; Eisenhardt, S.; Eitschberger, U.; Ekelhof, R.; Eklund, L.; El Rifai, I.; Elsasser, Ch.; Ely, S.; Esen, S.; Evans, H. M.; Evans, T.; Falabella, A.; Färber, C.; Farley, N.; Farry, S.; Fay, R.; Ferguson, D.; Fernandez Albor, V.; Ferrari, F.; Ferreira Rodrigues, F.; Ferro-Luzzi, M.; Filippov, S.; Fiore, M.; Fiorini, M.; Firlej, M.; Fitzpatrick, C.; Fiutowski, T.; Fohl, K.; Fol, P.; Fontana, M.; Fontanelli, F.; Forty, R.; Francisco, O.; Frank, M.; Frei, C.; Frosini, M.; Fu, J.; Furfaro, E.; Gallas Torreira, A.; Galli, D.; Gallorini, S.; Gambetta, S.; Gandelman, M.; Gandini, P.; Gao, Y.; García Pardiñas, J.; Garra Tico, J.; Garrido, L.; Gascon, D.; Gaspar, C.; Gauld, R.; Gavardi, L.; Gazzoni, G.; Gerick, D.; Gersabeck, E.; Gersabeck, M.; Gershon, T.; Ghez, Ph.; Gianì, S.; Gibson, V.; Girard, O. G.; Giubega, L.; Gligorov, V. V.; Göbel, C.; Golubkov, D.; Golutvin, A.; Gomes, A.; Gotti, C.; Grabalosa Gándara, M.; Graciani Diaz, R.; Granado Cardoso, L. A.; Graugés, E.; Graverini, E.; Graziani, G.; Grecu, A.; Greening, E.; Gregson, S.; Griffith, P.; Grillo, L.; Grünberg, O.; Gui, B.; Gushchin, E.; Guz, Yu.; Gys, T.; Hadavizadeh, T.; Hadjivasiliou, C.; Haefeli, G.; Haen, C.; Haines, S. C.; Hall, S.; Hamilton, B.; Han, X.; Hansmann-Menzemer, S.; Harnew, N.; Harnew, S. T.; Harrison, J.; He, J.; Head, T.; Heijne, V.; Hennessy, K.; Henrard, P.; Henry, L.; van Herwijnen, E.; Heß, M.; Hicheur, A.; Hill, D.; Hoballah, M.; Hombach, C.; Hulsbergen, W.; Humair, T.; Hussain, N.; Hutchcroft, D.; Hynds, D.; Idzik, M.; Ilten, P.; Jacobsson, R.; Jaeger, A.; Jalocha, J.; Jans, E.; Jawahery, A.; Jing, F.; John, M.; Johnson, D.; Jones, C. R.; Joram, C.; Jost, B.; Jurik, N.; Kandybei, S.; Kanso, W.; Karacson, M.; Karbach, T. M.; Karodia, S.; Kecke, M.; Kelsey, M.; Kenyon, I. R.; Kenzie, M.; Ketel, T.; Khanji, B.; Khurewathanakul, C.; Klaver, S.; Klimaszewski, K.; Kochebina, O.; Kolpin, M.; Komarov, I.; Koopman, R. F.; Koppenburg, P.; Kozeiha, M.; Kravchuk, L.; Kreplin, K.; Kreps, M.; Krocker, G.; Krokovny, P.; Kruse, F.; Krzemien, W.; Kucewicz, W.; Kucharczyk, M.; Kudryavtsev, V.; Kuonen, A. K.; Kurek, K.; Kvaratskheliya, T.; Lacarrere, D.; Lafferty, G.; Lai, A.; Lambert, D.; Lanfranchi, G.; Langenbruch, C.; Langhans, B.; Latham, T.; Lazzeroni, C.; Le Gac, R.; van Leerdam, J.; Lees, J.-P.; Lefèvre, R.; Leflat, A.; Lefrançois, J.; Leroy, O.; Lesiak, T.; Leverington, B.; Li, Y.; Likhomanenko, T.; Liles, M.; Lindner, R.; Linn, C.; Lionetto, F.; Liu, B.; Liu, X.; Loh, D.; Longstaff, I.; Lopes, J. H.; Lucchesi, D.; Lucio Martinez, M.; Luo, H.; Lupato, A.; Luppi, E.; Lupton, O.; Lusiani, A.; Machefert, F.; Maciuc, F.; Maev, O.; Maguire, K.; Malde, S.; Malinin, A.; Manca, G.; Mancinelli, G.; Manning, P.; Mapelli, A.; Maratas, J.; Marchand, J. F.; Marconi, U.; Marin Benito, C.; Marino, P.; Marks, J.; Martellotti, G.; Martin, M.; Martinelli, M.; Martinez Santos, D.; Martinez Vidal, F.; Martins Tostes, D.; Massafferri, A.; Matev, R.; Mathad, A.; Mathe, Z.; Matteuzzi, C.; Mauri, A.; Maurin, B.; Mazurov, A.; McCann, M.; McCarthy, J.; McNab, A.; McNulty, R.; Meadows, B.; Meier, F.; Meissner, M.; Melnychuk, D.; Merk, M.; Michielin, E.; Milanes, D. A.; Minard, M.-N.; Mitzel, D. S.; Molina Rodriguez, J.; Monroy, I. A.; Monteil, S.; Morandin, M.; Morawski, P.; Mordà, A.; Morello, M. J.; Moron, J.; Morris, A. B.; Mountain, R.; Muheim, F.; Müller, D.; Müller, J.; Müller, K.; Müller, V.; Mussini, M.; Muster, B.; Naik, P.; Nakada, T.; Nandakumar, R.; Nandi, A.; Nasteva, I.; Needham, M.; Neri, N.; Neubert, S.; Neufeld, N.; Neuner, M.; Nguyen, A. D.; Nguyen, T. D.; Nguyen-Mau, C.; Niess, V.; Niet, R.; Nikitin, N.; Nikodem, T.; Ninci, D.; Novoselov, A.; O'Hanlon, D. P.; Oblakowska-Mucha, A.; Obraztsov, V.; Ogilvy, S.; Okhrimenko, O.; Oldeman, R.; Onderwater, C. J. G.; Osorio Rodrigues, B.; Otalora Goicochea, J. M.; Otto, A.; Owen, P.; Oyanguren, A.; Palano, A.; Palombo, F.; Palutan, M.; Panman, J.; Papanestis, A.; Pappagallo, M.; Pappalardo, L. L.; Pappenheimer, C.; Parkes, C.; Passaleva, G.; Patel, G. D.; Patel, M.; Patrignani, C.; Pearce, A.; Pellegrino, A.; Penso, G.; Pepe Altarelli, M.; Perazzini, S.; Perret, P.; Pescatore, L.; Petridis, K.; Petrolini, A.; Petruzzo, M.; Picatoste Olloqui, E.; Pietrzyk, B.; Pilař, T.; Pinci, D.; Pistone, A.; Piucci, A.; Playfer, S.; Plo Casasus, M.; Poikela, T.; Polci, F.; Poluektov, A.; Polyakov, I.; Polycarpo, E.; Popov, A.; Popov, D.; Popovici, B.; Potterat, C.; Price, E.; Price, J. D.; Prisciandaro, J.; Pritchard, A.; Prouve, C.; Pugatch, V.; Puig Navarro, A.; Punzi, G.; Qian, W.; Quagliani, R.; Rachwal, B.; Rademacker, J. H.; Rama, M.; Rangel, M. S.; Raniuk, I.; Rauschmayr, N.; Raven, G.; Redi, F.; Reichert, S.; Reid, M. M.; dos Reis, A. C.; Ricciardi, S.; Richards, S.; Rihl, M.; Rinnert, K.; Rives Molina, V.; Robbe, P.; Rodrigues, A. B.; Rodrigues, E.; Rodriguez Lopez, J. A.; Rodriguez Perez, P.; Roiser, S.; Romanovsky, V.; Romero Vidal, A.; Ronayne, J. W.; Rotondo, M.; Rouvinet, J.; Ruf, T.; Ruiz Valls, P.; Saborido Silva, J. J.; Sagidova, N.; Sail, P.; Saitta, B.; Salustino Guimaraes, V.; Sanchez Mayordomo, C.; Sanmartin Sedes, B.; Santacesaria, R.; Santamarina Rios, C.; Santimaria, M.; Santovetti, E.; Sarti, A.; Satriano, C.; Satta, A.; Saunders, D. M.; Savrina, D.; Schiller, M.; Schindler, H.; Schlupp, M.; Schmelling, M.; Schmelzer, T.; Schmidt, B.; Schneider, O.; Schopper, A.; Schubiger, M.; Schune, M.-H.; Schwemmer, R.; Sciascia, B.; Sciubba, A.; Semennikov, A.; Serra, N.; Serrano, J.; Sestini, L.; Seyfert, P.; Shapkin, M.; Shapoval, I.; Shcheglov, Y.; Shears, T.; Shekhtman, L.; Shevchenko, V.; Shires, A.; Siddi, B. G.; Silva Coutinho, R.; Silva de Oliveira, L.; Simi, G.; Sirendi, M.; Skidmore, N.; Skillicorn, I.; Skwarnicki, T.; Smith, E.; Smith, E.; Smith, I. T.; Smith, J.; Smith, M.; Snoek, H.; Sokoloff, M. D.; Soler, F. J. P.; Soomro, F.; Souza, D.; Souza De Paula, B.; Spaan, B.; Spradlin, P.; Sridharan, S.; Stagni, F.; Stahl, M.; Stahl, S.; Stefkova, S.; Steinkamp, O.; Stenyakin, O.; Stevenson, S.; Stoica, S.; Stone, S.; Storaci, B.; Stracka, S.; Straticiuc, M.; Straumann, U.; Sun, L.; Sutcliffe, W.; Swientek, K.; Swientek, S.; Syropoulos, V.; Szczekowski, M.; Szczypka, P.; Szumlak, T.; T'Jampens, S.; Tayduganov, A.; Tekampe, T.; Teklishyn, M.; Tellarini, G.; Teubert, F.; Thomas, C.; Thomas, E.; van Tilburg, J.; Tisserand, V.; Tobin, M.; Todd, J.; Tolk, S.; Tomassetti, L.; Tonelli, D.; Topp-Joergensen, S.; Torr, N.; Tournefier, E.; Tourneur, S.; Trabelsi, K.; Tran, M. T.; Tresch, M.; Trisovic, A.; Tsaregorodtsev, A.; Tsopelas, P.; Tuning, N.; Ukleja, A.; Ustyuzhanin, A.; Uwer, U.; Vacca, C.; Vagnoni, V.; Valenti, G.; Vallier, A.; Vazquez Gomez, R.; Vazquez Regueiro, P.; Vázquez Sierra, C.; Vecchi, S.; Velthuis, J. J.; Veltri, M.; Veneziano, G.; Vesterinen, M.; Viaud, B.; Vieira, D.; Vieites Diaz, M.; Vilasis-Cardona, X.; Volkov, V.; Vollhardt, A.; Volyanskyy, D.; Voong, D.; Vorobyev, A.; Vorobyev, V.; Voß, C.; de Vries, J. A.; Waldi, R.; Wallace, C.; Wallace, R.; Walsh, J.; Wandernoth, S.; Wang, J.; Ward, D. R.; Watson, N. K.; Websdale, D.; Weiden, A.; Whitehead, M.; Wilkinson, G.; Wilkinson, M.; Williams, M.; Williams, M. P.; Williams, M.; Williams, T.; Wilson, F. F.; Wimberley, J.; Wishahi, J.; Wislicki, W.; Witek, M.; Wormser, G.; Wotton, S. A.; Wright, S.; Wyllie, K.; Xie, Y.; Xu, Z.; Yang, Z.; Yu, J.; Yuan, X.; Yushchenko, O.; Zangoli, M.; Zavertyaev, M.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, Y.; Zhelezov, A.; Zhokhov, A.; Zhong, L.; Zucchelli, S.


    The time-integrated CP asymmetry in the decay D 0 → K S 0 K S 0 is measured using 3 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data collected by the LHCb experiment at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. The flavour of the D 0 meson is determined by use of the decay D *+ → D 0 π + and its charge conjugate mode. The result is {A}_{CP}=-0.029± 0.052± 0.022, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. The result is consistent with Standard Model expectations and improves the uncertainty with respect to the only previous measurement of this quantity by more than a factor of three. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

  15. Incidence and Factors Associated with De Novo DSA After BK Viremia in Renal Transplant Recipients.


    Patel, Samir J; Kuten, Samantha A; Knight, Richard J; Graviss, Edward A; Nguyen, Duc; Gaber, A Osama


    BK polyomavirus infection and de novo donor-human leukocyte antigen (HLA) specific antibodies (dnDSA) are two well-known and distinct complications occurring after kidney transplantation. Recent literature suggests an association between the two events. This study aims to examine the relationship between BK viremia (BKV) and dnDSA and to identify potential risk factors for dnDSA following BKV in kidney transplant recipients. A retrospective review of 1019 recipients from Houston Methodist Hospital was conducted. All patients underwent routine screening for BKV and dnDSA. Median follow-up was 44 months. BKV was detected in 186 (18%) patients at a median of 107 (82-205) days post-transplant. dnDSA occurred in 283 (28%) patients at a median of 272 (62-575) days post-transplant. Of the 69 dnDSA-positive/BKV-positive patients, dnDSA detection occurred after BKV onset in 46 patients. Thus, 46 (28%) previously DSA-negative patients later became dnDSA-positive following BKV, not significantly different from the rate seen in BKV-negative patients (26%; p=0.5). Median time to DSA detection following BKV onset was 232 days (interquartile range, 119-460) post-BKV detection. Multivariate analysis revealed a greater number of HLA mismatches and viral clearance as risk factors for development of dnDSA following BKV, whereas delayed graft function was associated with a lower risk of dnDSA. In conclusion, despite being considered a result of over-immunosuppression, BKV can still be followed by dnDSA in a substantial proportion of patients. Monitoring for dnDSA in patients being managed for BKV may be warranted. Copyright© 2017 by the Terasaki Research Institute.

  16. Determination of the D{sup 0}{yields}K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup 0} and D{sup 0}{yields}K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} coherence factors and average strong-phase differences using quantum-correlated measurements

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lowrey, N.; Mehrabyan, S.; Selen, M.

    The first measurements of the coherence factors (R{sub K{pi}}{sub {pi}{sup 0}} and R{sub K3{pi}}) and the average strong-phase differences ({delta}{sub D}{sup K{pi}}{sup {pi}{sup 0}} and {delta}{sub D}{sup K3{pi}}) for D{sup 0}{yields}K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup 0} and D{sup 0}{yields}K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} are presented. These parameters can be used to improve the determination of the unitarity triangle angle {gamma} in B{sup -}{yields}DK{sup -} decays, where D is a D{sup 0} or D{sup 0} meson decaying to the same final state. The measurements are made using quantum-correlated, fully reconstructed D{sup 0}D{sup 0} pairs produced in e{sup +}e{sup -} collisions at the {psi}(3770)more » resonance. The measured values are: R{sub K{pi}}{sub {pi}{sup 0}}=0.84{+-}0.07, {delta}{sub D}{sup K{pi}}{sup {pi}{sup 0}}=(227{sub -17}{sup +14}) deg., R{sub K3{pi}}=0.33{sub -0.23}{sup +0.20}, and {delta}{sub D}{sup K3{pi}}=(114{sub -23}{sup +26}) deg. These results indicate significant coherence in the decay D{sup 0}{yields}K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup 0}, whereas lower coherence is observed in the decay D{sup 0}{yields}K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -}. The analysis also results in a small improvement in the knowledge of other D-meson parameters, in particular, the strong-phase difference for D{sup 0}{yields}K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}, {delta}{sub D}{sup K{pi}}, and the mixing parameter y.« less

  17. PubMed

    Roldan, Mariela; Bella, Monica; Dionisio, Leandro


    Ciencias Médicas Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.ResumenLa violencia doméstica es actualmente un problema de salud pública debido a su magnitud y repercusiones sociosanitarias. Objetivo: explorar las características epidemiológicas sociodemográficas y psicopatológicas  de personas denunciadas como agresores en la ciudad de Córdoba. Material y Métodos: estudio exploratorio, retrospectivo y transversal de los registros de personas denunciadas como presuntos agresores de violencia intrafamiliar en la fiscalía de violencia familiar de los tribunales Judiciales Provinciales de Córdoba Capital en el período junio 2011 a mayo 2012. Resultados: el (86%) fueron varones y el (14%) mujeres con una  edad de ±35 años. La violencia de pareja fue la más prevalente en el (69%). El grupo etario más comprometido fue el de 20 a 39 años El tipo de lesión más frecuente fue la amenaza (45,6%), seguida de lesiones graves (35,3%). La mayor parte de  los casos no presentó diagnóstico de trastorno mental (64,3%). El trastorno mental más frecuente fue el consumo de sustancia (28,3%). Conclusión: el tipo de violencia denunciada con mayor frecuencia fue la violencia intrafamiliar de pareja y afectó a la gente de edad joven y productiva mostrando un comportamiento de género y factores de riesgo social.

  18. Study of the decays D0-->pi{-}e{+}nu{e}, D{0}-->K{-}e{+}nu{e}, D{+}-->pi{0}e{+}nu{e}, and D{+}-->K0e{+}nu{e}.


    Cronin-Hennessy, D; Gao, K Y; Gong, D T; Hietala, J; Kubota, Y; Klein, T; Lang, B W; Poling, R; Scott, A W; Smith, A; Zweber, P; Dobbs, S; Metreveli, Z; Seth, K K; Tomaradze, A; Ernst, J; Severini, H; Dytman, S A; Love, W; Savinov, V; Aquines, O; Li, Z; Lopez, A; Mehrabyan, S; Mendez, H; Ramirez, J; Huang, G S; Miller, D H; Pavlunin, V; Sanghi, B; Shipsey, I P J; Xin, B; Adams, G S; Anderson, M; Cummings, J P; Danko, I; Napolitano, J; He, Q; Insler, J; Muramatsu, H; Park, C S; Thorndike, E H; Yang, F; Coan, T E; Gao, Y S; Liu, F; Artuso, M; Blusk, S; Butt, J; Li, J; Menaa, N; Mountain, R; Nisar, S; Randrianarivony, K; Redjimi, R; Sia, R; Skwarnicki, T; Stone, S; Wang, J C; Zhang, K; Csorna, S E; Bonvicini, G; Cinabro, D; Dubrovin, M; Lincoln, A; Asner, D M; Edwards, K W; Briere, R A; Brock, I; Chen, J; Ferguson, T; Tatishvili, G; Vogel, H; Watkins, M E; Rosner, J L; Adam, N E; Alexander, J P; Berkelman, K; Cassel, D G; Duboscq, J E; Ecklund, K M; Ehrlich, R; Fields, L; Gibbons, L; Gray, R; Gray, S W; Hartill, D L; Heltsley, B K; Hertz, D; Jones, C D; Kandaswamy, J; Kreinick, D L; Kuznetsov, V E; Mahlke-Krüger, H; Onyisi, P U E; Patterson, J R; Peterson, D; Pivarski, J; Riley, D; Ryd, A; Sadoff, A J; Schwarthoff, H; Shi, X; Stroiney, S; Sun, W M; Wilksen, T; Weinberger, M; Athar, S B; Patel, R; Potlia, V; Yelton, J; Rubin, P; Cawlfield, C; Eisenstein, B I; Karliner, I; Kim, D; Lowrey, N; Naik, P; Sedlack, C; Selen, M; White, E J; Wiss, J; Shepherd, M R; Besson, D; Pedlar, T K


    By using 1.8x10{6} DDpairs, we have measured B(D{0}-->pi{-}e{+}nu{e})=0.299(11)(9)%, B(D{+}-->pi{0}e{+}nu{e})=0.373(22)(13)%, B(D{0}-->K{-}e{+}nu{e})=3.56(3)(9)%, and B(D{+}-->K{0}e{+}nu{e})=8.53(13)(23)% and have studied the q;{2} dependence of the form factors. By combining our results with recent lattice calculations, we obtain |V{cd}|=0.217(9)(4)(23) and |V{cs}|=1.015(10)(11)(106).

  19. Transcultural adaptation of the Johns Hopkins Fall Risk Assessment Tool.


    Martinez, Maria Carmen; Iwamoto, Viviane Ernesto; Latorre, Maria do Rosário Dias de Oliveira; Noronha, Adriana Moreira; Oliveira, Ana Paula de Sousa; Cardoso, Carlos Eduardo Alves; Marques, Ifigenia Augusta Braga; Vendramim, Patrícia; Lopes, Paula Cristina; Sant'Ana, Thais Helena Saes de


    . O índice de validade de conteúdo para itens foi ≥80,0% e o global foi 97,1%. A aplicação experimental mostrou que a escala é de fácil operacionalização. a escala demonstrou conteúdo válido para a avaliação de risco de quedas e de danos por quedas e ser de fácil operacionalização, podendo contribuir para a adequada identificação dos riscos e consequente direcionamento de ações assistenciais. realizar la adaptación transcultural para ser usada en Brasil y confirmar la validez de contenido de la Johns Hopkins Fall Risk Assessment Tool que evalúa riesgo de caídas y de daños por caídas en pacientes adultos mayores. adaptación transcultural que consistió en la traducción de la escala para el idioma portugués (Brasil); retrotraducción para el idioma de origen; y versión de consenso y análisis de la equivalencia transcultural por un comité de especialistas. La evaluación del contenido fue realizada por medio de un comité de jueces, siendo finalizado con el cálculo del índice de validez de contenido de los ítems y de la escala. Fue realizada la aplicación experimental del instrumento por enfermeros. la versión traducida de la escala pasó por dos vueltas de evaluación por los jueces, a partir de las cuales los ítems con desempeño insatisfactorio fueron modificados. El índice de validez de contenido para los ítems fue ≥80,0% y el global fue 97,1%. La aplicación experimental mostró que la escala es de fácil ejecución. la escala demostró tener un contenido válido para la evaluación de riesgo de caídas y de daños por caídas, y de ser de fácil ejecución; esta escala puede contribuir para la adecuada identificación de los riesgos y consecuentemente para la orientación de acciones asistenciales.

  20. Validation de la version française du Questionnaire de Bournemouth

    PubMed Central

    Martel, Johanne; Dugas, Claude; Lafond, D.; Descarreaux, M.


    Les auto questionnaires font partie intégrante de l’évaluation des patients ayant des douleurs cervicales. Le Questionnaire de Bournemouth intègre la réalité biopsychosociale dans l’évaluation des douleurs cervicales et sa version anglais (QBc-a) est validée et présente des propriétés psychométriques de modérées à excellentes. L’objectif de cette étude est de traduire et valider une version française de ce questionnaire. La traduction et l’adaptation a été complétée en utilisant la méthode de traduction contre-traduction qui a permis d’obtenir un consensus entre les deux versions. L’étude de validation impliquait 68 sujets (âge moyen 41 ans) qui participaient à un essai clinique randomisé concernant l’efficacité des thérapies manuelles pour les douleurs cervicales. Le protocole expérimental permettait d’obtenir des données pour évaluer la validité conceptuelle, la validité conceptuelle longitudinale, la fidélité test-retest et la sensibilité au changement. Les données de validité conceptuelle (r = 0,67 et 0,61 et 0,42 respectivement pour la validité conceptuelle pré, post traitement et longitudinale), de fidélité test-retest (r = 0,97) et de sensibilité au changement (taille de l’effet = 0,56 et réponse moyenne normalisée = 0,61) sont adéquates pour suggérer une utilisation de cet auto questionnaire pour la gestion des patients ayant des douleurs cervicales.

  1. Keeping Current and Increasing The Effectiveness of the Decision-Making Process and the Interoperability in the Digital Age: Geospatial Intelligence and Geospatial Information Systems’ Applications in the Military and Intelligence Fields for the Mexican Navy

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Guide, 3rd ed. (London; Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications, 1999), 228, toc /fy042/99214121.html; (accessed date 6/25...analysis in the GEOINT context is the Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública, SNSP (National System of Public Security) with the implementation of the...named Sistema de Información Geográfica del Atlas Nacional de Riesgos (GIS national risk atlas) that is under the “direction of research” of that

  2. Exploring Factors that Predict Preservice Teachers' Intentions to Use Web 2.0 Technologies Using Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sadaf, Ayesha; Newby, Timothy J.; Ertmer, Peggy A.


    This study investigated factors that predict preservice teachers' intentions to use Web 2.0 technologies in their future classrooms. The researchers used a mixed-methods research design and collected qualitative interview data (n = 7) to triangulate quantitative survey data (n = 286). Results indicate that positive attitudes and perceptions of…

  3. Comunicación de pareja y VIH en mujeres en desventaja social

    PubMed Central

    Rosina Cianelli, A.; Lilian Ferrer, L.; Margarita Bernales, S.; Natalia Villegas, R.


    Introducción La epidemia de VIH y SIDA se ha diseminado rápidamente a nivel mundial tendiendo a la feminización, pauperización y heterosexualización. La comunicación de pareja en torno el VIH es descrita como uno de los factores protectores en la adquisición de esta enfermedad, favoreciendo la adopción de conductas sexuales seguras tales como la negociación de pareja y la utilización de preservativo, consideróndose como un pilar fundamental en la incorporación de medidas de autocuidado en la sexualidad femenina. Objetivo Determinar el nivel de comunicación de pareja en torno al VIH en mujeres chilenas en desventaja social. Metodología Cuatrocientas noventa y seis mujeres contestaron la entrevista inicial de la investigación “Testing an HIV/AIDS Prevention Intervention for Chilean Women” (RO1 TW 006977 PI Cianelli). Se utilizó la escala “Health protective sexual communication scale (HPC)” (0–10 puntos). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo utilizando el programa SPSS 16.0. Resultados El promedio del nivel de comunicación de pareja fue de 3,26 ± 2,7 puntos con la pareja principal, de 2,52 ± 2,48 puntos con una segunda pareja y de 0 puntos con una tercera pareja. Los temas de menor comunicación entre las parejas fueron el uso de preservativo y la realización del test para VIH antes de tener relaciones sexuales. Conclusión Las mujeres de la muestra presentan bajos niveles de comunicación de pareja en relación a VIH con todas sus parejas sexuales. Son necesarias estrategias que potencien este tópico dentro de las intervenciones de prevención de VIH y SIDA de manera de fortalecer la adopción de conductas de autocuidado en torno al tema. PMID:19936328

  4. Prevalence and factors associated with smoking among adolescents.


    Urrutia-Pereira, Marilyn; Oliano, Vinicius J; Aranda, Carolina S; Mallol, Javier; Solé, Dirceu

    Despite anti-smoking prevention programs, many adolescents start smoking at school age. The main objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with smoking in adolescents living in Uruguaiana, RS, Brazil. A prospective study was conducted in adolescents (12-19 years), enrolled in municipal schools, who answered a self-administered questionnaire on smoking. 798 adolescents were enrolled in the study, with equal distribution between genders. The tobacco experimentation frequency (ever tried a cigarette, even one or two puffs) was 29.3%; 14.5% started smoking before 12 years of age and 13.0% reported smoking at least one cigarette/day last month. Having a smoking friend (OR: 5.67, 95% CI: 2.06-7.09), having cigarettes offered by friends (OR: 4.21, 95% CI: 2.46-5.76) and having easy access to cigarettes (OR: 3.82, 95% CI: 1.22-5.41) was identified as factors associated with smoking. Having parental guidance on smoking (OR: 0.67, 95% CI: 0.45-0.77), having no contact with cigarettes at home in the last week (OR: 0.51, 95% CI: 0.11-0.79) and knowing about the dangers of electronic cigarettes (OR: 0.88, 95% CI: 0.21-0.92) were identified as protection factors. The prevalence of smoking among adolescents in Uruguaiana is high. The implementation of measures to reduce/stop tobacco use and its new forms of consumption, such as electronic cigarettes and hookah, are urgent and imperative in schools. Copyright © 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  5. El Sistema de Referencia Celeste convencional de la IAU

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arias, E. F.

    La Unión Astronómica Internacional (IAU) recomendó la adopción de un nuevo sistema de referencia celeste baricéntrico cuyo plano fundamental y origen de ascensiones rectas estén próximos, respectivamente, al ecuador y equinoccio dinámicos J2000.0. El nuevo sistema de referencia estará materializado por las posiciones J2000.0 de radiofuentes extragalácticas determinadas con la técnica de interferometría de larga línea de base (VLBI). El Working Group on Reference Frames de la IAU (WGRF) decidió adoptar (Grasse, 1995) al sistema de referencia celeste extragaláctico del Servicio Internacional de la Rotación Terrestre (IERS) como futuro sistema de referencia celeste convencional bajo el nombre International Celestial Reference System (ICRS) y encomendó su mantenimiento futuro al IERS. El marco de referencia que materializará al ICRS contiene posiciones precisas J2000.0 de más de 600 radiofuentes extragalácticas. Las coordenadas fueron ajustadas en una única solución VLBI en la cual se incluyeron todas las observaciones realizadas hasta octubre de 1995 con la técnica de adquisición de datos VLBI Mark III. Para minimizar los errores sistemáticos que pueden afectar la calidad del marco de referencia se introdujeron mejoras sustanciales en la modelización y en la selección de datos. Un subconjunto de objetos del marco de referencia se utilizó para referir las posiciones estelares determinadas con el satélite astrométrico Hipparcos al ICRS.

  6. Factors associated with poor sleep quality in women with cancer.


    Mansano-Schlosser, Thalyta Cristina; Ceolim, Maria Filomena


    to analyze the factors associated with poor sleep quality, its characteristics and components in women with breast cancer prior to surgery for removing the tumor and throughout the follow-up. longitudinal study in a teaching hospital, with a sample of 102 women. The following were used: a questionnaire for sociodemographic and clinical characterization, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; the Beck Depression Inventory; and the Herth Hope Scale. Data collection covered from prior to the surgery for removal of the tumor (T0) to T1, on average 3.2 months; T2, on average 6.1 months; and T3, on average 12.4 months. Descriptive statistics and the Generalized Estimating Equations model were used. depression and pain contributed to the increase in the score of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and hope, to the reduction of the score - independently - throughout follow-up. Sleep disturbances were the component with the highest score throughout follow-up. the presence of depression and pain, prior to the surgery, contributed to the increase in the global score of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, which indicates worse quality of sleep throughout follow-up; greater hope, in its turn, influenced the reduction of the score of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. analizar los factores asociados a la mala calidad del sueño, sus características y componentes en mujeres con cáncer de mama, antes de la cirugía de retirada del tumor y a lo largo del seguimiento. estudio longitudinal, en hospital universitario con muestra de 102 mujeres. Fueron utilizados: un cuestionario de caracterización sociodemográfica y clínica; el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh; el Inventario de Depresión de Beck; y la Escala de Esperanza de Herth. La recolección comprendió los momentos: antes de la cirugía de retirada del tumor (T0), en (T1) en promedio 3,2 meses, en (T2) en promedio 6,1 meses y en (T3) en promedio 12,4 meses. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva y el modelo de

  7. Central Safety Factor and Normalized Beta Control Under Near-Zero Input Torque Constraints in DIII-D

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pajares, Andres; Wehner, William; Schuster, Eugenio; Burrell, Keith; Ferron, John; Walker, Michael; Humphreys, David; Lehigh University Team; Atomics Team, General


    DIII-D experiments have assessed the capability of combined central safety factor (q0) and normalized beta (βN) control under near-zero net torque to facilitate access to QH-mode with reverse Ip and normal Bt. Regulation of q0 and βN can prevent magneto-hydrodynamic instabilities that deteriorate plasma performance in discharges with a monotonically increasing safety-factor profile. Zero-input-torque scenarios are of special interest because future burning plasma tokamaks such as ITER will most likely operate with very low input torque, which makes these scenarios more susceptible to locked modes. To support studies of such scenarios, a controller for simultaneous regulation of q0 and βN has been developed using near-zero net input torque actuators including balanced neutral beam injection (NBI) and electron-cyclotron heating & current drive (ECH/ECCD). Experimental results show that in spite of the presence of locked modes the use of feedback control resulted in good tracking of the commanded q0 and βN when both ECCD/ECH and NBI were available. Supported by the US DOE under DE-SC0010661 and DE-FC02-04ER54698.

  8. Factors associated with failure of clinical screening among blood donors who have altered serological results in the Centro Regional de Hemoterapia de Ribeirão Preto

    PubMed Central

    Ferreira, Oranice; Passos, Afonso Dinis Costa


    Objective This study aimed to investigate the frequency of positive results for hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis in blood donations at the Centro Regional de Hemoterapia de Ribeirão Preto, to describe donors with positive results according to some demographic and socioeconomic variables, to identify risk factors associated to these donors and the reasons that they were not detected during clinical screening. Methods A descriptive study was performed between July 1st 2005 and July 31st 2006 by interviewing 106 donorsafter medical consultations where they were informed of positive results for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV or syphilis. Results There was a predominance of first-time donors, males, under 50-year olds, married individuals, from Ribeirão Preto, with elementary education, low economic status and of people who donated at the request of friends or relatives. Hepatitis C was the most frequently detected infection (56.6%), followed by hepatitis B (20.7%), HIV (12.3%) and syphilis(10.4%). About 40% of donors had omitted risk factors for different reasons: because they trusted the results of serological tests, did not feel comfortable about talking of risk factors or did not consider them relevant. Other justifications were the duration of the interview, the interviewer was unskilled, embarrassment and doubts about confidentiality. Conclusion The results indicate the need for changes in the approach to clinical screening and a review of methods to attract and guide potential donors. PMID:23323063

  9. Contaminación por mercurio de leche materna de madres lactantes de municipios de Antioquia con explotación minera de oro.


    Molina, Carlos Federico; Arango, Catalina María; Sepúlveda, Hernán


    Introducción. La leche materna es esencial para el desarrollo del ser humano, pero puede contener sustancias tóxicas provenientes de la contaminación ambiental, especialmente en las áreas mineras.Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de la contaminación con mercurio de la leche materna de mujeres lactantes residentes en los municipios con explotación minera de oro.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio transversal de 150 madres lactantes de cuatro municipios mineros de Antioquia (El Bagre, Segovia, Remedios y Zaragoza), a quienes se les hizo una encuesta sobre factores sociodemográficos, ocupacionales y ambientales relacionados con el mercurio, y se les tomaron muestras de leche materna, de orina y de cabello. Se calculó el promedio de la concentración de mercurio y las prevalencias municipales de contaminación.Resultados. El promedio de la concentración de mercurio en la leche materna fue de 2,5 (± desviación estándar 9,2) μg/L. La prevalencia de muestras de leche materna con niveles altos de mercurio fue de 11,7 %.Conclusión. En este estudio se evidencia un grave problema en las regiones mineras auríferas de Antioquia por el efecto de la contaminación con mercurio en sectores de la población más vulnerable.

  10. Variaciones seculares de período en las RR Lyrae de ω~Centauri

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marraco, H. G.; Milesi, G. E.

    Utilizando 689 observaciones de 35 estrellas RR Lyrae del cúmulo globular ω Centauri hemos obtenido nuevas determinaciones de sus períodos y sus correspondientes variaciones seculares. Las observaciones fueron obtenidas de la literatura con la excepción de un grupo 66 determinaciones que se presentan por vez primera aquí. Utilizando el parámetro testigo σ descripto en Marraco & Muzzio (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 92, 700, 1980), hemos realizado un ajuste bidimensional en P y β (donde β es la variación secular del período). Con este fin la totalidad de las 689 observaciones fueron llevadas a un sistema fotométrico común. Para esto se realizó un cuidadoso análisis de los numerosos errores en la identificación de las estrellas de las series de comparación. Los resultados de los ajustes bidimensionales fueron analizados utilizando técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes. Con este fin el parámetro de ajuste σ fue representado como función de P y β. En las imágenes resultantes se buscaron los mínimos y al menor de ellos se lo aceptó como período instantáneo verdadero y su variación secular β. La determinación precisa de cada parámetro se realizó mediante ajuste de gaussianas y se determinaron sus errores. A modo de ejemplo la variable #8 fue analizada en una matriz de 501 × 501 elementos representando el parámetro σ para valores comprendidos entre 0,521034 < P < 0,521534 dias y -150×10-10 < β < +150×10-10 dias/dia. El mejor período instantáneo (correspondiente a la época DJ=2.426.908) y su variación secular son P = 0,5212859±0,0000001 días y β 14,012±,010×10-10 días/día respectivamente. Con estos valores el parámetro testigo resulta σ= 0,127 . Si no se tiene en cuenta la variación secular del período y se busca aquél de mejor ajuste para β = 0, se obtiene P = 0,5212960 días, pero entonces el parámetro de ajuste resulta tan alto como σ = 0,23 .

  11. The impact of epidemic violence on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


    Ribeiro, Wagner Silva; Mari, Jair de Jesus; Quintana, Maria Inês; Dewey, Michael E; Evans-Lacko, Sara; Vilete, Liliane Maria Pereira; Figueira, Ivan; Bressan, Rodrigo Affonseca; de Mello, Marcelo Feijó; Prince, Martin; Ferri, Cleusa P; Coutinho, Evandro Silva Freire; Andreoli, Sérgio Baxter


    Violence and other traumatic events, as well as psychiatric disorders are frequent in developing countries, but there are few population studies to show the actual impact of traumatic events in the psychiatric morbidity in low and middle-income countries (LMIC). To study the relationship between traumatic events and prevalence of mental disorders in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cross-sectional survey carried out in 2007-2008 with a probabilistic representative sample of 15- to 75-year-old residents in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. The sample comprised 3744 interviews. Nearly 90% of participants faced lifetime traumatic events. Lifetime prevalence of any disorders was 44% in Sao Paulo and 42.1% in Rio de Janeiro. One-year estimates were 32.5% and 31.2%. One-year prevalence of traumatic events was higher in Rio de Janeiro than Sao Paulo (35.1 vs. 21.7; p<0.001). Participants from Rio de Janeiro were less likely to have alcohol dependence (OR = 0.55; p = 0.027), depression (OR = 0.6; p = 0.006) generalized anxiety (OR = 0.59; p = 0.021) and post-traumatic stress disorder (OR = 0.62; p = 0.027). Traumatic events correlated with all diagnoses--e.g. assaultive violence with alcohol dependence (OR = 5.7; p<0.001) and with depression (OR = 1.7; p = 0.001). Our findings show that psychiatric disorders and traumatic events, especially violence, are extremely common in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, supporting the idea that neuropsychiatric disorders and external causes have become a major public health priority, as they are amongst the leading causes of burden of disease in low and middle-income countries. The comparison between the two cities regarding patterns of violence and psychiatric morbidity suggests that environmental factors may buffer the negative impacts of traumatic events. Identifying such factors might guide the implementation of interventions

  12. Conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de las facultades de educacion y ciencias naturales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, recinto de Rio Piedras, acerca de la ciencia y la pseudociencia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reyes Medina, Hector A.

    Esta investigacion describe las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de tercer ano o mas a nivel de bachillerato de los programas de Educacion en Ciencia y Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras, acerca de lo establecido en la literatura para distinguir el conocimiento cientifico de las creencias pseudocientificas. Este estudio se guio por un diseno tipo encuesta transversal que permitio conocer de manera consistente las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes encuestados acerca de la Ciencia y la Pseudociencia. Ademas, permitio desarrollar inferencias estadisticas relacionadas a la poblacion de estudio, sus conceptuaciones y su inclinacion teorica en torno al Realismo y al Racionalismo cientifico moderados. El instrumento utilizado fue el Cuestionario acerca de las concepciones de la ciencia y la pseudocienca en estudiantes universitarios, Reyes (2015). Este cuestionario fue validado mediante la recopilacion de diversas fuentes de evidencias, entre estas se encuentran las evidencias basadas en el contenido, el proceso de respuesta, la estructura interna y de constructo. Tambien, se calculo el Alfa de Crombach para la escala total y para cada componente y se realizo un analisis de factores que demostro la presencia de seis componentes claramente definidos de acuerdo a lo esperado sobre las caracteristicas originales del instrumento. Las estadisticas utilizadas fueron descriptivas. Participaron 302 alumnos, de las facultades de educacion y ciencias naturales. Se encontro que las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de ambas facultades se inclinan en un 66.2% a favor con lo establecido en el modelo teorico en torno al Realismo y al Racionalismo cientifico moderados. Sin embargo, aun hay un 33.8% de los estudiantes de ambas facultades que poseen conceptuaciones distintas al modelo teorico propuesto.

  13. Sociodemographic and health factors associated with mortality in community-dwelling elderly.


    Borim, Flávia Silva Arbex; Francisco, Priscila Maria Stolses Bergamo; Neri, Anita Liberalesso


    The objective of this study is to identify factors associated with mortality, with emphasis on gender and age differences. This is a cross-sectional study, which uses data from the FIBRA-2008-2009 network in Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil, with information on non-institutionalized residents of the urban area and the Mortality Information System. The dependent variable has been death, in 2013. The associations have been tested by odds ratio (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals, and the analyses have been conducted using the program Stata 12.0. Average age has been 72.3 years, 69.3% have been women, and 8.9% have died. We have found greater OR for mortality in individuals aged ≥ 75 years, classified as pre-frail or frail, and in those who have reported heart disease. In this study, the analysis of specific subgroups has allowed us to better understand the relationship between the factors associated with death in the elderly. With the exception of age, strategies based on primary and secondary care, focused on priority groups, can have a positive impact on the reduction of mortality among the elderly. Identificar fatores associados à mortalidade, com ênfase nas diferenças de gênero e idade. Trata-se de estudo transversal, utilizando dados provenientes da rede FIBRA-2008-2009 em Campinas, SP, com informações de pessoas não institucionalizadas residentes na área urbana e pelo Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade. A variável dependente foi a ocorrência de óbito, verificada em 2013. As associações foram testadas pelas razões de chances (OR) e respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95%, e as análises conduzidas no programa Stata 12.0. A média de idade foi 72,3 anos, 69,3% eram mulheres e 8,9% foram a óbito. Encontrou-se maior OR para mortalidade nos indivíduos com idade ≥ 75 anos, nos classificados como pré-frágil ou frágil e naqueles que referiram doença do coração. Neste estudo, a análise para os subgrupos específicos permitiu

  14. Determination of Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Factors Causing Home Accidents and Prevention in Mothers with a Child Aged 0-5 Years

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Akturk, Ümmühan; Erci, Behice


    Objective: In this study, it was aimed to determine knowledge, "attitudes" and "behaviors" in mothers with a child aged 0-5 years regarding factors causing "home accidents" and prevention. Method: The target population of the study consisted of mothers with a child aged 0-5 years who were admitted to pediatrics ward…

  15. Structural, dielectric and impedance spectroscopy studies in Co doped La0.7Te0.3MnO3

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Uthaman, Bhagya; Revathy, R.; Job, Rojerce Brown; Varma, Manoj Raama


    The effect of cobalt doping on the structural and dielectric properties of the electron-doped manganite La0.7Te0.3Mn1-xCoxO3 (x=0, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5) has been investigated. Cobalt substitution induces a structural transition from rhombohedral structure (R-3 c space group) to orthorhombic structure (Pbnm space group). It is observed that, dielectric constant decreases with Co concentration which could be due to suppression of double exchange (DE) interaction between Mn2+ and Mn3+. Also, the effect of the grain and grain boundary density on the dielectric response is studied using Cole-Cole plots.

  16. Mortality in patients with HIV-1 and tuberculosis co-infection in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - associated factors and causes of death.


    da Silva Escada, Rodrigo Otavio; Velasque, Luciane; Ribeiro, Sayonara Rocha; Cardoso, Sandra Wagner; Marins, Luana Monteiro Spindola; Grinsztejn, Eduarda; da Silva Lourenço, Maria Cristina; Grinsztejn, Beatriz; Veloso, Valdiléa Gonçalves


    Tuberculosis is the most frequent opportunistic infection and the leading cause of death among persons living with HIV in several low and middle-income countries. Mortality rates during tuberculosis treatment and death causes among HIV-1/TB co-infected patients may differ based on the immunosuppression severity, timing of diagnosis and prompt initiation of tuberculosis and antiretroviral therapy. This was a retrospective observational study conducted in the clinical cohort of patients with HIV-1/Aids of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Evandro Chagas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. All HIV-1 infected patients who started combination antiretroviral therapy up to 30 days before or within 180 days after the start of tuberculosis treatment from 2000 to 2010 were eligible. Causes of death were categorized according to the "Coding Causes of Death in HIV" (CoDe) protocol. The Cox model was used to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) of selected mortality variables. A total of 310 patients were included. Sixty-four patients died during the study period. Mortality rate following tuberculosis treatment initiation was 44 per 100 person-years within the first 30 days, 28.1 per 100 person-years within 31 and 90 days, 6 per 100 person-years within 91 and 365 days and 1.6 per 100 person-years after 365 days. Death probability within one year from tuberculosis treatment initiation was approximately 13%. In the adjusted analysis the associated factors with mortality were: CD4 ≤ 50 cells/mm3 (HR: 3.10; 95% CI: 1.720 to 5.580; p = 0.00); mechanical ventilation (HR: 2.81; 95% CI: 1.170 to 6.760; p = 0.02); and disseminated tuberculosis (HR: 3.70; 95% CI: 1.290 to 10.590, p = 0.01). Invasive bacterial disease was the main immediate cause of death (46.9%). Our results evidence the high morbidity and mortality among patients co-infected with HIV-1 and tuberculosis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During the first year following tuberculosis diagnosis, mortality was the highest

  17. Low-temperature magnetic properties of Heusler compounds Ru2-xFexCrSi (x=0.1,0.3,and0.5)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ito, Masakazu; Hisamatsu, Toru; Rokkaku, Tsugumi; Shigeta, Iduru; Manaka, Hirotaka; Terada, Norio; Hiroi, Masahiko


    We carried out magnetization M(T) and specific-heat CP(T) measurements of the new Heusler compounds Ru2-xFexCrSi (x=0.1,0.3,and0.5) , which exhibit spin-glass freezing. M(T) has peak- and irreversibility-type anomalies. The temperatures at which these anomalies appear have magnetic field dependence described by the Gabay-Toulouse and de Almeida-Thouless lines in the low-field range. For the magnetic specific heat Cm(T) , we did not observe a discontinuity indicating long-range magnetic phase transition but a broad hump characteristic of spin-glass freezing. Cm(T) in the low-temperature range is described as a combination of linear- and quadratic- T terms. The quadratic- T dependence of Cm(T) is probably associated with excitation of the Ising component of the freezing spins.

  18. Recherche de charginos et neutralinos dans le canal dimuon de meme signe aupres de l'experience DØ - FNAL (in French)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lesne, Vincent

    Dans le cadre du modele mSUGRA qui decrit un mecanisme de brisure simple de la supersym etrie, des sparticules avec des masses au-del a des limites fixees par les experiences de LEP II peuvent etre produites au Tevatron, collisionneur pmore » $$\\bar{p}$$ delivrant une energie de 1.96 TeV dans le centre de masse. Un canal privilegie pour la d´ecouverte de la supersymetrie au Tevatron est la production associee du plus leger chargino, $$\\tilde{χ}$$$±\\atop{1}$$ , et du second plus leger neutralino, $$\\tilde{χ}$$$0\\atop{2}$$ . Les modes de desintegration leptoniques, $$\\tilde{χ}$$$0\\atop{2}$$ → $$\\tilde{χ}$$$0\\atop{1}$$ ℓ +ℓ - et $$\\tilde{χ}$$$±\\atop{1}$$ → $$\\tilde{χ}$$$0\\atop{1}$$ ℓ ±ν l, conduisent a une signature claire avec trois leptons et un quantite significative d’energie transverse manquante.« less

  19. A promotora de salud model for addressing cardiovascular disease risk factors in the US-Mexico border region.


    Balcázar, Héctor; Alvarado, Matilde; Cantu, Frank; Pedregon, Veronica; Fulwood, Robert


    In 2002, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute partnered with the Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA's) Bureau of Primary Health Care and Office of Rural Health Policy to address cardiovascular health in the US-Mexico border region. From 2003 through 2005, the 2 agencies agreed to conduct an intervention program using Salud para su Corazón with promotores de salud (community health workers) in high-risk Hispanic communities served by community health centers (CHCs) in the border region to reduce risk factors and improve health behaviors. Promotores de salud from each CHC delivered lessons from the curriculum Your Heart, Your Life. Four centers implemented a 1-group pretest-posttest study design. Educational sessions were delivered for 2 to 3 months. To test Salud para su Corazón-HRSA health objectives, the CHCs conducted the program and assessed behavioral and clinical outcomes at baseline, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after the intervention. A 2-sample paired t test and analyses of variance were used to evaluate differences from baseline to postintervention. Changes in heart-healthy behaviors were observed, as they have been in previous Salud para su Corazón studies, lending credibility to the effectiveness of a promotores de salud program in a clinical setting. Positive changes were also observed in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, triglyceride level, waist circumference, diastolic blood pressure, weight, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Results suggest that integrating promotores de salud into clinical practices is a promising strategy for culturally competent and effective service delivery. Promotores de salud build coalitions and partnerships in the community. The Salud para su Corazón-HRSA initiative was successful in helping to develop an infrastructure to support a promotores de salud workforce in the US-Mexico border region.

  20. Acute renal infarction: Clinical characteristics and prognostic factors.


    Caravaca-Fontán, Fernando; Pampa Saico, Saúl; Elías Triviño, Sandra; Galeano Álvarez, Cristina; Gomis Couto, Antonio; Pecharromán de las Heras, Inés; Liaño, Fernando


    Acute renal infarction (ARI) is an uncommon disease, whose real incidence is probably higher than expected. It is associated with poor prognosis in a high percentage of cases. To describe the main clinical, biochemical and radiologic features and to determine which factors are associated with poor prognosis (death or permanent renal injury). The following is a retrospective, observational, single-hospital-based study. All patients diagnosed with ARI by contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) over an 18-year period were included. Patients were classified according to the cardiac or non-cardiac origin of their disease. Clinical, biochemical and radiologic features were analysed, and multiple logistic regression model was used to determine factors associated with poor prognosis. A total of 62 patients were included, 30 of which had a cardiac origin. Other 32 patients with non-cardiac ARI were younger, had less comorbidity, and were less frequently treated with oral anticoagulants. CT scans estimated mean injury extension at 35%, with no differences observed between groups. A total of 38% of patients had an unfavourable outcome, and the main determinants were: Initial renal function (OR=0.949; IC 95% 0.918-0.980; p=0.002), and previous treatment with oral anticoagulants (OR=0.135; IC 95% 0.032-0.565; p=0.006). ARI is a rare pathology with non-specific symptoms, and it is not associated with cardiological disease or arrhythmias in more than half of cases. A substantial proportion of patients have unfavourable outcomes, and the initial renal function is one of the main prognostic factors. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Nefrología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. [Factors associated with early weaning in a Spanish region].


    Rius, J M; Ortuño, J; Rivas, C; Maravall, M; Calzado, M A; López, A; Aguar, M; Vento, M


    Breastfeeding has undoubtedly great benefits. Previous studies have foundan early dropout. Only a few studies have investigated related factors. Our aim was to find out on-going breastfeeding rates along the first 12 months after birth and analyse factors associated with early weaning. This is a prospective study including consecutive pairs (mother and newborn) till completion of the required sample. Variables were collected performing a structured program of surveys to the mothers. Bivariate and multivariate analysis of the data was performed. A total of 452 pairs were recruited. It was found that 81% of them started breastfeeding, with a prevalence of breastfeeding of 39% and 21% at 3 and 6 months after birth, respectively. Factors associated with early discontinuation of breastfeeding were: pregnancy induced by assisted reproduction methods (OR=5.58; 95% CI: 2.62-11.91), maternal smoking (OR=1.56; 95% CI: 1.10-2.22), poor maternal expectations about the duration of breastfeeding (OR=2.19; 95% CI: 1.49-3.23), use of nipple shields for breastfeeding (OR=2.57; 95% CI: 1.69-3.90), pacifier use on a regular basis during the first month after delivery (OR=1.39; 95% CI: 1.02-1.91), maternal university educational level (OR=0,59; 95% CI: 0,40-0,88), attending birth preparation programs during pregnancy (OR=0,68; 95% CI: 0,49-0,94), and believing having enough milk output at the time of discharge (OR=0,66; 95% CI: 0,47-0,92). International recommendations about duration of breastfeeding are not achieved in our country because of high rates of early weaning. We describe the known factors involved and other novel factors. The implementation of interventions to increase breastfeeding rates and to prevent early weaning are strongly recommended. Copyright © 2012 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  2. Computer-assisted uncertainty assessment of k0-NAA measurement results

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bučar, T.; Smodiš, B.


    In quantifying measurement uncertainty of measurement results obtained by the k0-based neutron activation analysis ( k0-NAA), a number of parameters should be considered and appropriately combined in deriving the final budget. To facilitate this process, a program ERON (ERror propagatiON) was developed, which computes uncertainty propagation factors from the relevant formulae and calculates the combined uncertainty. The program calculates uncertainty of the final result—mass fraction of an element in the measured sample—taking into account the relevant neutron flux parameters such as α and f, including their uncertainties. Nuclear parameters and their uncertainties are taken from the IUPAC database (V.P. Kolotov and F. De Corte, Compilation of k0 and related data for NAA). Furthermore, the program allows for uncertainty calculations of the measured parameters needed in k0-NAA: α (determined with either the Cd-ratio or the Cd-covered multi-monitor method), f (using the Cd-ratio or the bare method), Q0 (using the Cd-ratio or internal comparator method) and k0 (using the Cd-ratio, internal comparator or the Cd subtraction method). The results of calculations can be printed or exported to text or MS Excel format for further analysis. Special care was taken to make the calculation engine portable by having possibility of its incorporation into other applications (e.g., DLL and WWW server). Theoretical basis and the program are described in detail, and typical results obtained under real measurement conditions are presented.

  3. Factors associated with the motivation and de-motivation of health workforce in Nepal.


    Ghimire, J; Gupta, R P; Kumal, A B; Mahato, R K; Bhandari, R M; Thapa, N


    Health workforce plays an important role in improving the health of people but its shortage is a major problem facing Nepal. This is further compounded by prolonged absence, low motivation, and improper distribution. The objective of the study is to find out the factors determining motivation of health workforce in the public sector. A cross sectional study was conducted during September, 2012 to February, 2013. The health facilities were selected proportionately representing all the Illakas and then a simple random sampling was done to select individual facilities. Data was collected using questionnaire. The collected data was entered and analyzed in SPSS. Ethical approval was taken from the Nepal Health Research Council. More than a half (55%) of the health workers were satisfied with their current jobs and the financial benefits they acquired. The results revealed that higher age, higher education (OR:2.6; CI:1.414-4.660) and lower service duration (OR:2.567; CI:1.193-3.306) were significant factors for the motivation of health workers along with financial rewards (OR:4.706; CI:2.961-7.478), working environment (OR:2.344; CI:1.507-3.648) and opportunity for capacity development (OR:5.437; CI:3.344-8.840). The major de-motivational factors were: low remuneration (OR:3.215; CI:2.049-5.045), limited capacity development opportunity (OR:4.269; CI:2.672-6.821), poor working environment (OR:4.062; CI:2.528-6.526), non-recognition of performance (OR: 2.157; CI:1.389-3.350), and political interferences (OR:2.752; CI:1.754-4.320). Motivation of health workers is an important factor for smooth functioning of health intuitions and increased access to quality services. The good working environment, salary and other financial benefits matter greatly for enhanced performance of health workers along with additional factors.

  4. Evaluation of the Dacos 3.0 analyser.


    Pons, J F; Alumá, A; Antoja, F; Biosca, C; Alsina, M J; Galimany, R


    The selective multitest Coulter Dacos 3.0 analyser was evaluated according to the guidelines of the Comisión de Instrumentación de la Sociedad Española de Química Clínica and of the European Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.THE EVALUATION WAS PERFORMED IN FOUR STEPS: examination of the analytical units; evaluation of routine working; study of interferences; and assessment of practicability.The evaluation included a photometric study. The inaccuracy is acceptable for 340 nm and 420 nm, and the imprecision at absorbances from 0.05 to 2.00 ranged from 0.06 to 0.28% at 340 nm and from 0.06 to 0.08% at 420 nm. The linearity showed some dispersion at low absorbance for PNP at 420 nm and the drift was negligible.The imprecision of the pipette delivery system, the temperature control system and the washing system were satisfactory.IN ROUTINE WORK CONDITIONS, SEVEN ANALYTICAL METHODS WERE STUDIED: glucose, creatinine, iron, total protein, AST, ALP and calcium. Within-run imprecision ranged, at low concentrations, from 0.9% (CV) for glucose, to 7.6% (CV) for iron; at medium concentrations, from 0.7% (CV) for total protein to 5.2% (CV) to creatinine; and at high concentrations, it ranged from 0.6% (CV) for glucose to 3.9% (CV) for ALP.Between-run imprecision at low concentrations ranged from 1.4% (CV) for glucose to 15.1% (CV) for iron; at medium concentrations it ranged from 1.2% (CV) for protein to 6.7% (CV) for iron; and at high concentrations the range is from l.2for AST to 5.7% (CV) for iron.No contamination was found in the sample carry-over study. Some contamination was found in the reagent carry-over study (total protein due to iron and calcium reagents). Relative inaccuracy is good for all the constituents assayed. Only LDH (high and low levels) and urate (low level) showed weak and negative interference caused by turbidity, and gamma-GT (high level) and amylase, bilirubin and ALP (two levels) showed a negative interference caused by haemolysis.

  5. Effective ingredients of verbal de-escalation: validating an English modified version of the 'De-Escalating Aggressive Behaviour Scale'.


    Mavandadi, V; Bieling, P J; Madsen, V


    ). The DABS provides seven skills necessary for de-escalation, however it has not been validated in English and lacks the necessary anchor descriptions to make it useful. Aim To modify the DABS to include descriptions of best, acceptable and least desirable staff practice and to validate the English modified DABS (EMDABS). Method To develop item descriptions for the EMDABS, 50 conflictual staff-patient interactions were reviewed, summarized and cross-referenced with the literature (n = 19). Three raters then used the EMDABS to evaluate 272 simulations depicting these interactions. Results The EMDABS demonstrated very good inter-rater reliability [ICC (3, 1) = 0.752] and strong internal consistency (α = 0.901). A factor analysis revealed that the seven items were best represented by a single factor. Discussion The EMDABS was validated for future use in research and practice. Additional validation and future research directions are discussed. Implications for practice The EMDABS holds promise as a quantitative measure of de-escalation. Its seven items and best practice guidelines have clinical implications for improving practice and training. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Efectos combinados de la ampliación de la atención primaria de salud y de las transferencias condicionadas de dinero en efectivo sobre la mortalidad infantil en Brasil, 1998–2010*

    PubMed Central

    Guanais, Frederico C.


    Objetivos. Examiné los efectos combinados del acceso a la atención primaria mediante el Programa de Salud Familiar (PSF) y las transferencias condicionadas de dinero en efectivo del Programa Bolsa Familia (PBF) sobre la mortalidad infantil posneonatal (MIPN) en Brasil. Métodos. Empleé un análisis ecológico longitudinal usando datos en panel de 4 583 municipios brasileños de 1998 al 2010, con 54 253 observaciones en total. Estimé modelos de regresión de efectos fijos por mínimos cuadrados ordinarios, con la tasa de MIPN como la variable dependiente y el PSF, el PBF y sus interacciones como las principales variables independientes de interés. Resultados. La asociación de una mayor cobertura del PSF con una menor tasa de MIPN se volvió más fuerte conforme aumentaba la cobertura del PBF. En los promedios de todas las demás variables, cuando la cobertura de PBF era 25%, la MIPN predicha fue 5,24 (intervalo de confianza [IC] de 95% = 4,95, 5,53) para una cobertura del PSF de 0%, y de 3,54 (IC de 95% = 2,77, 4,31) para una cobertura del PSF de 100%. Cuando la cobertura del PBF era de 60%, la MIPN predicha fue 4,65 (IC de 95% = 4,36, 4,94) para una cobertura del PSF de 0%, y de 1,38 (IC de 95% = 0,88, 1,89) para una cobertura del PSF de 100%. Conclusiones. El efecto del PSF depende de la ampliación del PBF. Para las poblaciones empobrecidas y subatendidas, la combinación de intervenciones tanto del lado de la oferta como del lado de la demanda podría ser necesaria para mejorar los resultados en salud.

  7. Etude des mécanismes d'ionisation de H{2}O par interaction He^{*}(2 ^1S, 2 ^3S)/Ne^{*}(^3P{0}, ^3P{2})+H{2}O

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Le Nadan, André; Sinou, Guillaume; Tuffin, Firmin


    Experimental observations of Penning ionisation of H{2}O by the helium metastables 21S and 23S and by the neon metastables ^3P{0} and ^3P{2} are reported. The kinetic energies of the ions created during the collision process (both parent and fragment) are analysed. Certain particularities of the experimental results are explained by involving the hypothesis of transfers of vibrational energy to kinetic energy. Furthermore, the forms of the energy distributions of the fragment ions are explained by th predissociation of the ^2B{2} state of H{2}O+. Nous avons étudié l'ionisation Penning de H{2}O par des métastables 21S et 23S de l'hélium, ainsi que ^3P{0} et ^3P{2} du néon. Nous avons analysé l'énergie cinétique des ions créés au cours de la collision (parents et fragments). Afin d'interpréter certaines particularités expérimentales, l'hypothèse de transferts d'énergie de vibration en énergie cinétique est proposées. Par ailleurs, les caractéristiques des distributions en énergie des ions fragments sont expliquées par la prédissociation de l'état ^2B{2} de H{2}O+.

  8. Intervening factors for the initiation of treatment of patients with stomach and colorectal cancer.


    Valle, Thaína Dalla; Turrini, Ruth Natalia Teresa; Poveda, Vanessa de Brito


    to identify the time between symptoms, the request for care and the beginning of treatment in patients with stomach and colorectal cancer as well as the factors that interfere in these processes. correlational descriptive study, including 101 patients diagnosed with stomach or colorectal cancer, treated in a hospital specialized in oncology. the 101 patients investigated there was predominance of males, mean age of 61.7 years. The search for medical care occurred within 30 days after the onset of symptoms, in most cases. The mean total time between the onset of symptoms and the beginning of treatment ranged from 15 to 16 months, and the mean time between the search for medical care and the diagnosis was 4.78 months. The family history of cancer (p=0.008) and the implementation of preventive follow-up (p<0.001) were associated with shorter periods between the search for care and the beginning of treatment. Nausea, vomiting, hematochezia, weight loss and pain were associated with faster demand for care. the longer interval between the search for medical care and the diagnosis was possibly due to the non-association between the presented symptoms and the disease. identificar o tempo entre os sintomas, a busca por assistência e o início do tratamento em pacientes com câncer de estômago e colorretal e os fatores que interferem nesses processos. estudo descritivo correlacional, incluindo 101 pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer de estômago ou colorretal, atendidos por um hospital especializado em oncologia. dos 101 pacientes investigados, houve predomínio do sexo masculino, média de idade de 61,7 anos. A busca por assistência médica ocorreu em até 30 dias após o início dos sintomas, na maioria dos casos. O tempo médio total entre o aparecimento dos sintomas e o início do tratamento foi de 15,16 meses, sendo que, o tempo médio entre a busca por assistência médica e o diagnóstico foi de 4,78 meses. O histórico familiar de câncer (p=0,008) e a realiza

  9. [Not Available].


    Pacheco-Herrera, Javier Darío; Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson; Correa-Bautista, Jorge Enrique


    Objetivo: el presente estudio tuvo por objetivos: a) determinar los valores de referencia de la condición muscular mediante el índice general de fuerza (IGF); y b) estudiar si el IGF está asociado con indicadores de adiposidad en niños y adolescentes escolares de Bogotá, Colombia.Métodos: del total de 7.268 niños y adolescentes (9-17,9 años) evaluados en el estudio FUPRECOL, 4.139 (57%) fueron mujeres. Se evaluó el IGF como marcador del desempeño muscular a partir de la tipificación de las pruebas de fuerza prensil (FP) y salto de longitud (SL). El IGF se recodificó en cuartiles (Q), siendo el Q4 la posición con mejor valor del IGF. El índice de masa corporal (IMC), la circunferencia de cintura (CC), el índice cintura/talla (ICT) y el porcentaje de grasa corporal (% GC) por bioimpedancia eléctrica se midieron como marcadores de adiposidad.Resultados: la edad media de los evaluados fue 12,8 ± 2,3 años. Se aprecia una tendencia hacia un incremento del nivel de condición física muscular en los varones conforme aumenta la edad, y hacia la estabilidad o un ligero aumento en el caso de las mujeres. El IGF se relacionóinversamente con el ICT y % GC en los varones (r = -0,280, r = -0,327, p < 0,01), respectivamente. Los escolares ubicados en el Q4 del IGF presentaron menores valores en marcadores de adiposidad IMC, CC, ICT y % GC, p < 0,01, que su contraparte del Q1.Conclusión: se presentan valores de referencia del IGF a partir de la estandarización de los resultados obtenidos en la FP y SL. La evaluación de la fuerza muscular en edades tempranas permitirá implementar programas de prevención de riesgo cardiovascular y metabólico futuro.

  10. Correlação de longo alcance em sistemas binários de raios-x usando remoção de flutuações

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pereira, M. G.; Moret, M. A.; Zebende, G. F.; Nogueira, E., Jr.


    Neste trabalho é proposta uma metodologia de analise de series temporais de fontes astrofísicas, baseada no método proposto por Peng et al. (1994) e Liu et al. (1999), o qual consiste na idéia de que uma série temporal correlacionada pode ser mapeada por um processo de busca de auto-similaridades em diversas escalas de tempo n. Removendo as eventuais tendências e integrando o sinal observado, é obtida uma medida do desvio médio quadrático das flutuações do sinal integrado F(n)~na, onde a representa o fator de escala associado com a auto-similaridade da correlação de longo alcance do sinal. Baseado nos valores obtidos de a, é possível distinguir entre os casos de sinais não-correlacionados, tipo ruído branco (a = 0,5), sinal anti-persistentes (a < 0,5) e sinal persistente (a > 0,5). Usando esta metodologia, foram analisadas 129 curvas de luz de sistemas binários de raios-X, provenientes do banco de dados públicos de observações feitas pelo instrumento All Sky Monitor, a bordo do satélite Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (ASM-RXTE). Foram identificadas a presença de a'0,5 em mais de 90% dos sistemas estudados, implicando em dizer que as flutuações de intensidade observadas apresentam correlação de auto-similaridade, sem entretanto, indícios de apresentarem uma escala de tempo característica das flutuações de intensidade. Sistemas onde são observadas erupções (flares), apresentam sistematicamente a > 0,5, característica esta, possivelmente associada com persistência das flutuações de densidade de disco ou taxa de acréscimo de massa. Os sistemas com curvas de luz onde nao são observadas as erupções apresentam uma distribuição normal centrada em a~0,62+/-0,10. Referências ¾ Peng, C.-K., Buldyrev, S.V., Havlin, S., Simons, M., Stanley, H.E., e Goldberg, A.L., Phys. Rev. E, (49), 1685 (1994). ¾ Liu, Y., Gopikrishnan, P., Cizeau, P., Meyer, M., Peng,C.-K., e Stanley, H.E., Phys. Rev. E, (60), 1390 (1999).

  11. Síndrome metabólico y otros factores asociados a gonartrosis.


    Charles-Lozoya, Sergio; Treviño-Báez, Joaquín Darío; Ramos-Rivera, Jesús Alejandro; Rangel-Flores, Jesús María; Tamez-Montes, Juan Carlos; Brizuela-Ventura, Jesús Miguel


    To evaluate whether an association exists between gonarthrosis and metabolic syndrome X (MS) as well as other potential risk factors. Comparative cross-sectional study of 310 patients evaluated by pathology of knee grouped in patients with gonarthrosis and without it. Sociodemographic, anthropometric and laboratory data was obtained. Gonarthrosis was defined as a ≥ 2 score in Kellgren-Lawrence radiological scale, and MS was assessed using the International Diabetes Federation criteria. Odds ratio and logistic regression were used for bivariate and multivariate analysis respectively. The prevalence of MS in patients who had gonarthrosis was 79.9%, statistically higher than in patients without gonarthrosis (p = 0.001). Other factors that had a statistically higher frequency in this group included diabetes mellitus (p = 0.02) and hypertension (p = 0.02). Multivariate analysis revealed MS had an association with a higher prevalence of gonarthrosis (p = 0.003), while high density lipoproteins (p = 0.02) was associated with a lower prevalence. MS and its related alterations are associated to gonarthrosis; their adequate control could prevent patients from developing the disease. Copyright: © 2017 SecretarÍa de Salud

  12. Qualité des eaux de la station de traitement de la ville de Skikda, Algérie Essais d'optimisation de la clarification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meghzili, B.; Medjram, M. S.; Achour, S.


    A cause de la sécheresse qui a sévit durant une décennie, la station de traitement de l'eau potable de la ville de Skikda Algérie, en vue de combler le déficit en eau, utilise un mélange des eaux de surface (barrage) et des eaux souterraines (forage). Les résultats des analyses physico-chimiques de ces eaux montrent la présence de micropolluants, notamment le mercure, avec une concentration de 0.035 mg/l pour les eaux de surface et une concentration de 0.02 mg/l pour les eaux souterraines. Ces résultats obtenus, montrent également que la concentration en matières organiques dépasse, pour les deux sources, les normes OMS. Afin de réduire les effets de cette pollution, nous avons calculé les doses nécessaires des différents réactifs utilisés sur la base des essais d'optimisation réalisés en laboratoire. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de conclure que les doses de 30 à 60 mg/l de sulfate d'aluminium (S.A) sont nécessaires à une bonne élimination de la turbidité et des matières organiques (M.O) et que l'utilisation du charbon active en poudre (C.A.P) permet la réduction de la teneur en mercure au dessous du seuil admissible. L'utilisation d'un adjuvant (chaux vive) permet d'améliorer les résultats surtout pour la turbidité (4 mg/l). Une préchloration au break point semble intéressante pour améliorer la phase de floculation.

  13. PubMed

    Yunta, Eduardo Rodríguez


    El presente artículo reflexiona desde los 4 principios de la bioética el uso comercial de organismos genéticamente modificados. Se cuestiona fundamentalmente la falta de transferencia de tecnología entre el mundo desarrollado y en desarrollo y el que el presente sistema de patentamiento de organismos vivos modificados fomenta intereses comerciales y no da debida importancia al desarrollo sostenible de la agricultura y ganadería en los países en desarrollo, donde más se necesita. Se reflexiona sobre la importancia que tiene evaluar los riesgos antes de introducirse en el mercado organismos genéticamente modificados y la necesidad de regulación en los países.

  14. Oxygen permeation and stability of La 0.4Ca 0.6Fe 1-xCo xO 3-δ ( x = 0, 0.25, 0.5) membranes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Diethelm, S.; Van herle, J.; Middleton, P. H.; Favrat, D.

    Three perovskite-type compounds of composition La 0.4Ca 0.6Fe 1- xCo xO 3- δ ( x=0, 0.25 and 0.5) were investigated for use as oxygen separation membranes for the partial oxidation (POX) of methane to syngas. Special attention was given to the question of their stability in real operating conditions. A permeation set-up was specially designed to measure oxygen fluxes through these materials when placed in a strong pO 2 gradient. It also facilitated testing the long-term stability of the specimen. Permeation measurements performed in an air/argon gradient between 800 and 1000 °C showed that the highest fluxes were obtained with the highest content of cobalt (La 0.4Ca 0.6Fe 0.5Co 0.5O 3- δ ≅ La 0.4Ca 0.6Fe 0.75Co 0.25O 3- δ > La 0.4Ca 0.6FeO 3- δ). In addition, comparison between the fluxes of samples of different thickness gave clear evidence of surface limitations in the oxygen transport. The long-term stability test showed opposite trends: only the two lowest Co containing compounds ( x=0 and 0.25) sustained an air/(Ar+H 2) gradient over more than 600 h. The other ( x=0.5) broke shortly after the introduction of H 2. In the presence of H 2, the oxygen flux was increased by a factor 10 compared to Ar and reached 0.83 μmol/cm 2 s for La 0.4Ca 0.6Fe 0.75Co 0.25O 3- δ at 900 °C. Post-operation SEM examination of the cross-section and both surfaces revealed that the surface exposed to H 2 had started to decompose resulting in the formation of a thin porous layer but the bulk of the material remained unchanged.

  15. Prevalence of self-medication in Brazil and associated factors.


    Arrais, Paulo Sérgio Dourado; Fernandes, Maria Eneida Porto; Pizzol, Tatiane da Silva Dal; Ramos, Luiz Roberto; Mengue, Sotero Serrate; Luiza, Vera Lucia; Tavares, Noemia Urruth Leão; Farias, Mareni Rocha; Oliveira, Maria Auxiliadora; Bertoldi, Andréa Dâmaso


    To analyze the prevalence and associated factors regarding the use of medicines by self-medication in Brazil. This cross-sectional population-based study was conducted using data from the PNAUM (National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines), collected between September 2013 and February 2014 by interviews at the homes of the respondents. All people who reported using any medicines not prescribed by a doctor or dentist were classified as self-medication practitioners. Crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (Poisson regression) and their respective 95% confidence intervals were calculated in order to investigate the factors associated with the use of self-medication by medicines. The independent variables were: sociodemographic characteristics, health conditions and access to and use of health services. In addition, the most commonly consumed medicines by self-medication were individually identified. The self-medication prevalence in Brazil was 16.1% (95%CI 15.0-17.5), with it being highest in the Northeast region (23.8%; 95%CI 21.6-26.2). Following the adjusted analysis, self-medication was observed to be associated with females, inhabitants from the North, Northeast and Midwest regions and individuals that have had one, or two or more chronic diseases. Analgesics and muscle relaxants were the therapeutic groups most used for self-medication, with dipyrone being the most consumed medicines. In general, most of the medicines used for self-medication were classified as non-prescriptive (65.5%). Self-medication is common practice in Brazil and mainly involves the use of non-prescription medicines; therefore, the users of such should be made aware of the possible risks. Analisar a prevalência e os fatores associados à utilização de medicamentos por automedicação no Brasil. Este estudo transversal de base populacional foi realizado com dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de medicamentos (PNAUM

  16. Prognostic factors in multiple myeloma: definition of risk groups in 410 previously untreated patients: a Grupo Argentino de Tratamiento de la Leucemia Aguda study.


    Corrado, C; Santarelli, M T; Pavlovsky, S; Pizzolato, M


    Four hundred ten previously untreated multiple myeloma patients entered onto two consecutive Grupo Argentino de Tratamiento de la Leucemia Aguda (GATLA) protocols were analyzed to identify significant prognostic factors influencing survival. The univariate analysis selected the following variables: performance status, renal function, percentage of bone marrow plasma cells at diagnosis, hemoglobin, and age. A multivariate analysis showed that performance status, renal function, percentage of bone marrow plasma cells, hemoglobin, and age were the best predictive variables for survival. A score was assigned to each patient according to these variables, which led to their classification in three groups: good, intermediate, and poor risk, with a probability of survival of 26% and 10% at 96 months, and 5% at 56 months, and median survival of 60, 37, and 14 months, respectively (P = .0000). In our patient population, this model proved to be superior to the Durie-Salmon staging system in defining prognostic risk groups, and separating patients with significantly different risks within each Durie-Salmon stage.

  17. Magnetic fluctuations and quasi-static magnetism in optimally doped FeSe0.4Te0.6

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thampy, Vivek; Bao, Wei; Savici, A. T.; Qiu, Y.; Hu, Jin; Liu, Tijiang; Mao, Z. Q.; Broholm, Collin


    Magnetic Fluctuations in the optimally doped 11-type iron superconductor FeSe0.4Te0.6 were examined using inelastic neutron scattering on the MACS instrument at NIST. In the normal state at T=25K we find strong low energy fluctuations through an extended area of the (hk0) zone that includes and connects the high symmetry (1/2,0,0) and (1/2,1/2,0) points. In the superconducting state intensity at the (1/2,1/2,0) location is depleted for φ = 1.5 meV as spectral weight is transferred to the 6.5 meV resonance. Low energy and quasi-elastic scattering however remains at (1/2,0,0). In the (HHL) zone we observed striped features indicating shorter range correlations along c. While glassy magnetism and superconductivity coexist in our samples, they are associated with distinct parts of momentum space. Work at JHU was supported by DoE through DE-FG02-08ER46544.

  18. High prevalence of risk factors in elderly patients using drugs associated with acquired torsades de pointes chronically in Colombia.


    Moreno-Gutiérrez, Paula Andrea; Gaviria-Mendoza, Andrés; Cañón, Mauricio Montoya; Machado-Alba, Jorge Enrique


    Medication is one of the main causes of long QT syndrome (LQTS) and torsades de pointes (TdP), and the older adult population is at particularly high risk. The aim of the present study was to describe the prescription patterns of drugs with a risk of TdP in the Colombian older adult population. Patients older than 65 years who received medication with a risk of TdP during three consecutive months were selected. The medication was obtained and classified according to the QT Drug List from The data were analysed using SPSS-22. A total of 55 932 patients were chronically receiving QT-prolonging drugs; 61.9% (n = 34 ,632) were women and the mean age of the sample was 75.6 years. Drugs with a conditional risk were consumed by 95.2% of patients, 5.3% received drugs with a known risk and 2.9% received drugs with a possible risk. Two or more QT-prolonging drugs were consumed by 10.3% of the patients (n = 5786). Most of the sample (96.8%, n = 54 170) had at least one additional risk factor for LQTS, with a mean of 3.1 ± 0.9 risk factors. Patients receiving QT-prolonging drugs for psychiatric and neurological disease were at a higher risk of major polypharmacy [odds ratio (OR) 3.0; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.80, 3.22) and of receiving high doses of QT-prolonging drugs (OR 3.8; 95% CI 3.52, 4.05). The widespread use of medication that causes TdP and the high prevalence of additional risks in the older adult population raise the need for accurate prediction of risk and constant patient monitoring. Patients taking psychiatric drugs are at a higher risk of TdP. © 2016 The British Pharmacological Society.

  19. High prevalence of risk factors in elderly patients using drugs associated with acquired torsades de pointes chronically in Colombia

    PubMed Central

    Moreno‐Gutiérrez, Paula Andrea; Gaviria‐Mendoza, Andrés; Cañón, Mauricio Montoya


    Aims Medication is one of the main causes of long QT syndrome (LQTS) and torsades de pointes (TdP), and the older adult population is at particularly high risk. The aim of the present study was to describe the prescription patterns of drugs with a risk of TdP in the Colombian older adult population. Methods Patients older than 65 years who received medication with a risk of TdP during three consecutive months were selected. The medication was obtained and classified according to the QT Drug List from The data were analysed using SPSS‐22. Results A total of 55 932 patients were chronically receiving QT‐prolonging drugs; 61.9% (n = 34 ,632) were women and the mean age of the sample was 75.6 years. Drugs with a conditional risk were consumed by 95.2% of patients, 5.3% received drugs with a known risk and 2.9% received drugs with a possible risk. Two or more QT‐prolonging drugs were consumed by 10.3% of the patients (n = 5786). Most of the sample (96.8%, n = 54 170) had at least one additional risk factor for LQTS, with a mean of 3.1 ± 0.9 risk factors. Patients receiving QT‐prolonging drugs for psychiatric and neurological disease were at a higher risk of major polypharmacy [odds ratio (OR) 3.0; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.80, 3.22) and of receiving high doses of QT‐prolonging drugs (OR 3.8; 95% CI 3.52, 4.05). Conclusions The widespread use of medication that causes TdP and the high prevalence of additional risks in the older adult population raise the need for accurate prediction of risk and constant patient monitoring. Patients taking psychiatric drugs are at a higher risk of TdP. PMID:27060989

  20. Analysis of factors associated with excess weight in school children.


    Pinto, Renata Paulino; Nunes, Altacílio Aparecido; de Mello, Luane Marques


    To determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in schoolchildren aged 10 to 16 years and its association with dietary and behavioral factors. Cross-sectional study that evaluated 505 adolescents using a structured questionnaire and anthropometric data. The data was analyzed through the T Test for independent samples and Mann-Whitney Test to compare means and medians, respectively, and Chi 2 Test for proportions. Prevalence Ratio (RP) and the 95% confidence interval was used to estimate the degree of association between variables. The logistic regression was employed to adjust the estimates to confounding factors. The significance level of 5% was considered for all analysis. Excess weight was observed in 30.9% of the schoolchildren: 18.2% of overweight and 12.7% of obesity. There was no association between weight alterations and dietary/behavioral habits in the bivariate and multivariate analyses. However, associations were observed in relation to gender. Daily consumption of sweets [PR=0.75 (0.64-0.88)] and soft drinks [PR=0.82 (0.70-0.97)] was less frequent among boys; having lunch daily was slightly more often reported by boys [OR=1.11 (1.02-1.22)]. Physical activity practice of (≥3 times/week) was more often mentioned by boys and the association measures disclosed two-fold more physical activity in this group [PR=2.04 (1.56-2.67)] when compared to girls. Approximately 30% of boys and 40% of girls stated they did not perform activities requiring energy expenditure during free periods, with boys being 32% less idle than girls [PR=0.68 (0.60-0.76)]. A high prevalence of both overweight and obesity was observed, as well as unhealthy habits in the study population, regardless of the presence of weight alterations. Health promotion strategies in schools should be encouraged, in order to promote healthy habits and behaviors among all students. Copyright © 2016 Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  1. Césarienne à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo II: facteurs de risque de mortalité maternelle et périnatale

    PubMed Central

    Kinenkinda, Xavier; Mukuku, Olivier; Chenge, Faustin; Kakudji, Prosper; Banzulu, Peter; Kakoma, Jean-Baptiste; Kizonde, Justin


    est couplée à une forte mortalité maternelle et périnatale. Les facteurs de risque identifiés sont en grande partie évitables, surtout à tort ou à raison imputés à l’opération masquant ipso facto les circonstances souvent irrationnelles de sa pratique. Introduction The objective was to analyze risk factors for maternal and perinatal mortality among women undergoing cesarean section in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Methods We conducted a multicenter study of 3643 women undergoing cesarean sections between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2013 out of 34199 women delivering in five general referral hospitals in Lubumbashi (DRC). Sociodemographic data, indications, obstetrical environment as well as maternal and perinatal morbi-mortality were analyzed using Epi Info 2011 software. Computed frequencies were expressed in percentage and mean values were expressed in terms of standard deviations. Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test, when recommended, were used to compare frequencies. The odds ratio was calculated using Cornfield 95% confidence interval based on a logistic regression model in order to determine the strength of risk factors. Threshold significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results The frequency of cesarean sections was 10.65%. The average age of women undergoing cesarean section was 28.83 ± 6.8 years (with a range from 14 to 49 years). Parity ranged from 1 to 16 with an average of 2.6. 1 out of 9 (10.9%) women undergoing cesarean section were patients with previous caesarean section uterine scar on the anterior wall of the uterus and 22.3% of women were patients with previous obstetric evaquation. Maternal and perinatal mortality rate was 1.4% and 7.07% during cesarean section respectively. The analysis of risk factors shows that the great multiparity (≥5), the absence of monitoring during pregnancy, the urgent nature of emergency surgery significantly affect maternal mortality. Other factors for perinatal mortality

  2. Structure and electrical properties of <001> textured (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti0.9Zr0.1)O3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ye, S. K.; Fuh, J. Y. H.; Lu, L.


    <001> textured (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti0.9Zr0.1)O3 (BCTZ) lead-free piezoelectric ceramics were prepared by templated-grain growth method using BaTiO3 as template. The degree of orientation and the microstructure of the ceramics with different amount of template were investigated. The electrical properties of the textured-ceramics in the optimized condition were dramatically enhanced compared with randomly-oriented BCTZ ceramics. The textured BCTZ ceramics showed high piezoelectric constants d33 = 470 pC/N and d31 = -170 pC/N, and high electromechanical coupling factors kp = 44% and k31 = 22%. In addition, the Curie point of the textured ceramics revealed an increase with the template content.

  3. Funciones de partición atómicas: Fuentes confiables de datos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Merlo, D. C.; Milone, L. A.

    Se llevó a cabo una revisión minuciosa del cálculo de funciones de partición atómicas de átomos livianos, en estados neutro y una vez ionizados, partiendo del Hidrógeno y llegando al Sodio, incluyendo también al K I y el Ca II. Al respecto, se realizó una investigación exhaustiva de referencias bibliográficas existentes hasta el presente, las cuales fueron cotejadas con cálculos propios llevados a cabo mediante el procedimiento de depresión del contínuo (0.001 a 0.5 eV). Nuestros resultados muestran un muy buen acuerdo con las expresiones interpolatorias de Traving et al (1966), al presente, la referencia más completa en cuanto a especies atómicas consideradas. Puntualizamos, además, ciertas deficiencias de estas relaciones de ajuste para decrementos del potencial de ionización altos (Δ χ >= 0.5) eV).

  4. Multicenter retrospective analysis of cardiovascular risk factors affecting long-term outcome of de novo cardiac transplant recipients.


    Kobashigawa, Jon A; Starling, Randall C; Mehra, Mandeep R; Kormos, Robert L; Bhat, Geetha; Barr, Mark L; Sigouin, Chris S; Kolesar, June; Fitzsimmons, William


    Previous risk factor studies in cardiac transplant patients have analyzed pre-transplant risk factors as they relate to outcomes. This study is the first in-depth multicenter assessment of ongoing post-transplant risk factors in heart transplant patients and their impact on 5-year outcomes. We reviewed 280 heart transplant patients who survived > 1 year for the impact of post-transplant risk factors (hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, body mass index [BMI] and renal dysfunction: 8 to 18 possible measurements over 5 years) on outcomes, including death, cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) and non-fatal major adverse cardiac events (NF-MACE). Upon multivariate Cox regression analysis, significant findings were high total-cholesterol for NF-MACE (relative risk [RR] = 4.34, confidence interval [CI] 1.35 to 13.98, p = 0.01), presence of diabetes for NF-MACE (RR = 3.96, CI 1.24 to 12.65, p = 0.02) and high serum creatinine for graft death (RR = 1.59, CI 1.35 to 1.87, p < 0.001). No covariates were found to be significant for CAV. Other significant risk factors by univariate Cox regression models with time-dependent covariates included BMI > or = 33 for graft death. Post-transplant risk factors of hypercholesterolemia and diabetes are associated with NF-MACE, whereas high serum creatinine and BMI > or = 33 are associated with graft death. Risk factor modification, including direct therapy to minimize risk factors, should be considered.

  5. Prevalence and factors associated with body mass index in children aged 9-11 years.


    Ferrari, Gerson Luis de Moraes; Matsudo, Victor; Katzmarzyk, Peter T; Fisberg, Mauro

    This study aimed to identify the prevalence and factors associated with body mass index (BMI) in children aged 9-11 years. The study is part of the International Study of Childhood Obesity Lifestyle and the Environment (ISCOLE). Body composition was determined using the bipolar bioimpedance technique. The mean BMI value was categorized as recommended by the World Health Organization. For seven consecutive days, participants used an accelerometer to objectively monitor sedentary behavior (SB) and moderate to vigorous physical activity. Individual factors (anthropometric and behavioral), family aspects, and family and school environment were provided by participants and parents and were analyzed by multilevel linear regression adjusted for gender, ethnicity, school, number of siblings, and total annual family income. The mean BMI was 20.1kg/m 2 , and 51.8% of the children were overweight/obese (50.3% boys, 53.4% girls, p=0.014). Considering all participants, the associated factors of BMI were body fat percentage (BF%, β=0.0216, p<0.001) and screen time (ST, β=0.0050, p=0.006). In boys, the associated factors were BF% (β=0.0209, p<0.001), ST (β=0.006, p=0.036), and healthy eating policies or practices (β=0.0276, p=0.025). In girls, only BF% was associated (β=0.0221, p<0.001) with BMI. High prevalence of overweight/obesity was observed in children from São Caetano do Sul. Different associated factors were identified between the genders, with only BF% being common in both genders. Copyright © 2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  6. Prognostic Factors and Patterns of Relapse in Ewing Sarcoma Patients Treated With Chemotherapy and R0 Resection

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pan, Hubert Y.; Morani, Ajaykumar; Wang, Wei-Lien


    Purpose: To identify prognostic factors and patterns of relapse for patients with Ewing sarcoma who underwent chemotherapy and R0 resection without radiation therapy (RT). Methods and Materials: We reviewed the medical records of patients who underwent surgical resection at our institution between 2000 and 2013 for an initial diagnosis of Ewing sarcoma. The associations of demographic and clinical factors with local control (LC) and patient outcome were determined by Cox regression. Time to events was measured from the time of surgery. Survival curves were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method and compared by the log-rank test. Results: A total of 66more » patients (median age 19 years, range 4-55 years) met the study criteria. The median follow-up was 5.6 years for living patients. In 43 patients (65%) for whom imaging studies were available, the median tumor volume reduction was 73%, and at least partial response by Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors was achieved in 17 patients (40%). At 5 years, LC was 78%, progression-free survival (PFS) was 59%, and overall survival (OS) was 65%. Poor histologic response (necrosis ≤95%) was an independent predictor of LC (hazard ratio [HR] 6.8, P=.004), PFS (HR 5.2, P=.008), and OS (HR 5.0, P=.008). Metastasis on presentation was also an independent predictor of LC (HR 6.3, P=.011), PFS (HR 6.8, P=.002), and OS (HR 6.7, P=.002). Radiologic partial response was a predictor of PFS (HR 0.26, P=.012), and postchemotherapy tumor volume was associated with OS (HR 1.06, P=.015). All deaths were preceded by distant relapse. Of the 8 initial local-only relapses, 5 (63%) were soon followed by distant relapse. Predictors of poor postrecurrence survival were time to recurrence <1 year (HR 11.5, P=.002) and simultaneous local and distant relapse (HR 16.8, P=.001). Conclusions: Histologic and radiologic response to chemotherapy were independent predictors of outcome. Additional study is needed to determine the role of

  7. Assessment of the potential for groundwater contamination using the DRASTIC/EGIS technique, Cheongju area, South Korea

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Youn Jong; Hamm, Se-Yeong

    Groundwater contamination is becoming a major environmental problem in South Korea with the marked expansion of the industrial base and the explosive growth of the population. Even in rural areas, the increased use of fertilizers and pesticides, the presence of acid-mine drainage, and increase of volumes of domestic wastewaters are adding to groundwater pollution. The DRASTIC/EGIS model was used to evaluate the potential for groundwater contamination in the Cheongju city area, the first of several pilot studies. The model allows the designation of hydrogeologic settings within the study area, based on a composite description of all the major geologic and hydrogeologic factors for each setting. Then, a scheme for relative ranking of the hydrogeologic factors is applied to evaluate the relative vulnerability to groundwater contamination of each hydrogeologic setting. DRASTIC/EGIS can serve as a tool to evaluate pollution potential and so facilitate programs to protect groundwater resources. Résumé La contamination de l'eau souterraine devient un problème environnemental majeur en Corée du Sud, en relation avec le développement industriel bien marqué et l'explosion démographique. Meme dans les zones rurales, l'utilisation accrue d'engrais et de pesticides, le drainage acide de mines et les rejets croissants d'eaux usées contribuent à la pollution des nappes. Le modèle DRASTIC/EGIS a été utilisé pour évaluer le potentiel de contamination des eaux souterraines dans la région de la ville de Cheongju, la première de plusieurs régions pilotes. Le modèle permet de définir des ensembles hydrogéologiques dans la région étudiée, à partir de la description composite de tous les facteurs géologiques et hydrogéologiques essentiels pour chaque ensemble. Ensuite, un schéma pour le classement des facteurs hydrogéologiques est mis en oeuvre pour évaluer la vulnérabilité relative à la contamination des eaux souterraines pour chaque ensemble. DRASTIC

  8. Construction and validation of a questionnaire on the knowledge of healthy habits and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in schoolchildren.


    Cecchetto, Fátima H; Pellanda, Lucia C


    To develop and analyze the reliability and validity of a questionnaire on the knowledge of healthy habits and risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CARDIOKID) to be used in schoolchildren. The study included 145 children aged 7 to 11 years. The measured factors were the knowledge of healthy habits and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Cronbach's alpha and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) were used to verify reliability, and exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the validity of the questionnaire. The sample consisted of 60% females and 40% males. In factorial analysis, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test result was measures of sampling adequacy (MSA)=0.81 and Bartlett's test of sphericity was X(2)=(66)=458.64 (p<0.001). In the factorial analysis with varimax rotation, two dimensions were defined. The "healthy habits" dimension was composed of five factors (ICC=0.87 and α=0.93) and the "cardiovascular risk factors" dimension was composed of seven factors (ICC=0.83 and α=0.91). In the individual factor analysis, Cronbach's alphas were between 0.93 and 0.91. Total variance was 46.87%. There were no significant differences between test and retest applications. The questionnaire presented satisfactory validity and reliability (internal consistency and reproducibility), allowing for its use in children. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  9. Study of the Decays D0→π-e+νe, D0→K-e+νe, D+→π0e+νe, and D+→ Kmacr 0e+νe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cronin-Hennessy, D.; Gao, K. Y.; Gong, D. T.; Hietala, J.; Kubota, Y.; Klein, T.; Lang, B. W.; Poling, R.; Scott, A. W.; Smith, A.; Zweber, P.; Dobbs, S.; Metreveli, Z.; Seth, K. K.; Tomaradze, A.; Ernst, J.; Severini, H.; Dytman, S. A.; Love, W.; Savinov, V.; Aquines, O.; Li, Z.; Lopez, A.; Mehrabyan, S.; Mendez, H.; Ramirez, J.; Huang, G. S.; Miller, D. H.; Pavlunin, V.; Sanghi, B.; Shipsey, I. P. J.; Xin, B.; Adams, G. S.; Anderson, M.; Cummings, J. P.; Danko, I.; Napolitano, J.; He, Q.; Insler, J.; Muramatsu, H.; Park, C. S.; Thorndike, E. H.; Yang, F.; Coan, T. E.; Gao, Y. S.; Liu, F.; Artuso, M.; Blusk, S.; Butt, J.; Li, J.; Menaa, N.; Mountain, R.; Nisar, S.; Randrianarivony, K.; Redjimi, R.; Sia, R.; Skwarnicki, T.; Stone, S.; Wang, J. C.; Zhang, K.; Csorna, S. E.; Bonvicini, G.; Cinabro, D.; Dubrovin, M.; Lincoln, A.; Asner, D. M.; Edwards, K. W.; Briere, R. A.; Brock, I.; Chen, J.; Ferguson, T.; Tatishvili, G.; Vogel, H.; Watkins, M. E.; Rosner, J. L.; Adam, N. E.; Alexander, J. P.; Berkelman, K.; Cassel, D. G.; Duboscq, J. E.; Ecklund, K. M.; Ehrlich, R.; Fields, L.; Gibbons, L.; Gray, R.; Gray, S. W.; Hartill, D. L.; Heltsley, B. K.; Hertz, D.; Jones, C. D.; Kandaswamy, J.; Kreinick, D. L.; Kuznetsov, V. E.; Mahlke-Krüger, H.; Onyisi, P. U. E.; Patterson, J. R.; Peterson, D.; Pivarski, J.; Riley, D.; Ryd, A.; Sadoff, A. J.; Schwarthoff, H.; Shi, X.; Stroiney, S.; Sun, W. M.; Wilksen, T.; Weinberger, M.; Athar, S. B.; Patel, R.; Potlia, V.; Yelton, J.; Rubin, P.; Cawlfield, C.; Eisenstein, B. I.; Karliner, I.; Kim, D.; Lowrey, N.; Naik, P.; Sedlack, C.; Selen, M.; White, E. J.; Wiss, J.; Shepherd, M. R.; Besson, D.; Pedlar, T. K.


    By using 1.8×106 D Dmacr pairs, we have measured B(D0→π-e+νe)=0.299(11)(9)%, B(D+→π0e+νe)=0.373(22)(13)%, B(D0→K-e+νe)=3.56(3)(9)%, and B(D+→ Kmacr 0e+νe)=8.53(13)(23)% and have studied the q2 dependence of the form factors. By combining our results with recent lattice calculations, we obtain |Vcd|=0.217(9)(4)(23) and |Vcs|=1.015(10)(11)(106).

  10. Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor eIFiso4G Is Required to Regulate Violaxanthin De-epoxidase Expression in Arabidopsis*

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Zhong; Jolley, Blair; Caldwell, Christian; Gallie, Daniel R.


    The eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF) 4G is a scaffold protein that organizes the assembly of those initiation factors needed to recruit the 40 S ribosomal subunit to an mRNA. Plants, like many eukaryotes, express two eIF4G isoforms. eIFiso4G, one of the isoforms specific to plants, is unique among eukaryotic eIF4G proteins in that it is highly divergent and unusually small in size, raising the possibility of functional specialization. In this study, the role of eIFiso4G in plant growth was investigated using null mutants for the eIF4G isoforms in Arabidopsis. eIFiso4G loss of function mutants exhibited smaller cell, leaf, plant size, and biomass accumulation that correlated with its reduced photosynthetic activity, phenotypes not observed with the eIF4G loss of function mutant. Although no change in photorespiration or dark respiration was observed in the eIFiso4G loss of function mutant, a reduction in chlorophyll levels and an increase in the level of nonphotochemical quenching were observed. An increase in xanthophyll cycle activity and the generation of reactive oxygen species contributed to the qE and qI components of nonphotochemical quenching, respectively. An increase in the transcript and protein levels of violaxanthin de-epoxidase in the eIFiso4G loss of function mutant and an increase in its xanthophyll de-epoxidation state correlated with the higher qE associated with loss of eIFiso4G expression. These observations indicate that eIFiso4G expression is required to regulate violaxanthin de-epoxidase expression and to support photosynthetic activity. PMID:24706761

  11. Impacts of Climate Change on Colombia’s National and Regional Security

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Peru, and Chile have relatively diverse, industrialized economies and greater domestic resources and state capaci- ties for adaptation. Bolivia...Change on Colombia’s National and Regional Security References 1 Colombia, Sistema de Informacion sobre el Uso del Agua en la Agricultura y el Medio...Jul 2009. "El cambio climatico en Colombia." Unpublished report shared with authors. IDEAM. 26 "El agua para 40 millones de personas esta en riesgo

  12. Breakup of 8B on 58Ni at energies around the Coulomb barrier and the astrophysical S17(0) factor revisited

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morales-Rivera, J. C.; Belyaeva, T. L.; Amador-Valenzuela, P.; Aguilera, E. F.; Martinez-Quiroz, E.; Kolata, J. J.


    Calculations of breakup and direct proton transfer for the 8B+58Ni system at energies around the Coulomb barrier (EB,lab=22.95 MeV) were performed by the continuum-discretized coupled channels (CDCC) method and the coupled-reaction-channels (CRC) method, respectively. For the 7Be+58Ni interaction, we used a semimicroscopic optical model potential (OMP) that combines microscopic calculations of the mean-field double folding potential and a phenomenological construction of the dynamical polarization potential (DPP). The 7Be angular distribution at Elab=25.75 MeV from the 8B breakup on 58Ni was calculated and the spectroscopic factor for 8B → 7Be+p vertex, Sexpt = 1.10 ± 0.05, was deduced. The astrophysical S17(0) factor was calculated equal to 20.7 ±1.1 eV•b, being in good agreement with the previously reported values.

  13. First detection of the ground state JK = 1 sub 0 going to 0 sub 0 submillimeter transition of interstellar ammonia

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Keene, J.; Blake, G. A.; Phillips, T. G.


    The JK = 1 sub 0 approaching O sub 0 transition of ammonia at 572.5 GHz was detected in OMC-1 from NASA's Kuiper Airborne Observatory. The central velocity of the line (VLSR approximately = 9 km/s) indicates that it originates in the molecular cloud material, not the hot core. The derived filling factor of approximately 0.09 in a 2' beam implies a source diameter of approximately 35" if it is a single clump. This clump area is much larger than that derived from observations of the sub 1 inversion transition. The larger optical depth in the 1 sub 0 approaching 0 sub 0 transition (75-350) can account for the increased source area and linewidth as compared with those seen in the 1 sub 0 inversion transition.

  14. [In Process Citation].


    Caravalí-Meza, Nuris Yohana; Jiménez-Cruz, Arturo; Bacardí-Gascón, Montserrat


    Antecedentes: se ha reportado una asociación entre el aumento del consumo de bebidas azucaradas y varias enfermedades metabólicas. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto del consumo de bebidas azucaradas sobre la obesidad en un periodo de 12 meses en mexicanos de 15 a 19 años. Métodos: el diseño del estudio fue prospectivo, con 12 meses de seguimiento. Se midieron el peso, la talla y la circunferencia de cintura (CC), y se calculó el puntaje z de índice de masa corporal (IMC). Se aplicó un cuestionario sobre consumo de 19 bebidas. Para evaluar la predicción del aumento de IMC y de CC como resultado del consumo de bebidas, se utilizó análisis de regresión logística binomial. Resultados: al final del estudio se evaluó al 89% (1.344). El promedio de edad fue de 15 años, 55% fueron mujeres. La prevalencia de sobre- peso y obesidad al final del estudio fue del 33%. Al final del estudio, un 25% de los participantes consumían más de 50 g de azúcar proveniente de las bebidas. Quienes consumieron 50 g de azúcar o más al día presentaron mayor riesgo de aumentar la CC ≥ 2 cm (RR = 1,19, IC 95%, 1,03-1,39, p = 0,02). Quienes mantuvieron el consumo de bebidas azucaradas durante 12 meses, al compararlo con los que disminuyeron el consumo a 10 g/día, presentaron 71% más probabilidades de aumentar a un puntaje de IMC ≥ 2 (RR = 1,71, IC 95%, 1,03-2,86, p = 0,039). Conclusión: el alto consumo de bebidas azucaradas aumentó las probabilidades de aumentar de peso y de circunferencia de cintura.


    PubMed Central

    Vila-Badia, Regina; Butjosa, Anna; Del Cacho, Núria; de Aguileta, Itziar Riera-López; Alvárez, Mar; Pardo, Marta; Coromina, Marta; Grases, Núria; Ochoa, Susana; Usall, Judith


    Abstract Background Currently, there is a great interest in stress since many diseases can be affected by stress, including psychotic disorders. Interpretation and capacity of the person to tackle situations of psychosocial stress and their recovery capacities are relevant factors in the prevention of psychotic disorders (López-Soler, 2008; N Pereda, 2009, 2010; Noemí Pereda, Guilera, Forns, & Gómez-Benito, 2009). Some of protector factors that have been studied are the following: Resilience (R), Coping Strategies (CS) and Social Support (SS). Furthermore, few studies have been performed with FEP population. Methods This research was part of a longitudinal observational study called ‘PROFEP Group’ in Catalonia. The patients belong to Mental Health Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu (for adults) and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (for children and adolescents) health care sector. Participants were FEP patients (N=15); males= 9, females= 6) and HC (N=19; males=6, females=13) between 14 and 42 years. We used the PANSS scale (positive, negative and general) to evaluate psychotic symptoms and DUKE (social support), EMA (coping strategies) and CD-RISC-17 (resilience) scales to evaluate protective factors. Results FEP patients showed worse resilience (p<0.05), less social support (p<0.05) and more avoidance coping strategies (p<0.05) than HC. On the other hand, in FEP patients, some protective factors correlate with the symptomatology. The DUKE scale and the EMA cautious action subscale correlate with the total PANSS, while the EMA social joining subscale correlates with the positive symptoms (p<0.05). Discussion Resilience, Coping Strategies and Social Support seem to have an important role in the appearance and severity of an FEP. It is necessary to carry out more studies with more sample, even so, the results indicate that these factors may be important for the prevention of an FEP and could be worked on in future interventions in FEP patients as well as in HC.

  16. Fuentes de variabilidad en el diagnóstico de gastritis atrófica multifocal asociada con la infección por Helicobacter pylori1

    PubMed Central

    Bravo, Luis Eduardo; Bravo, Juan Carlos; Realpe, José Luis; Zarama, Guillermo; Piazuelo, MarÍa Blanca; Correa, Pelayo


    RESUMEN Introducción El mapeo de las diferentes regiones del estómago y el número de fragmentos de mucosa gástrica disponibles para evaluación histopatológica son fuentes importantes de variación en el momento de clasificar y hacer la gradación de la gastritis crónica. Objetivos Estimar la sensibilidad del número de fragmentos de mucosa gástrica necesarios para establecer los diagnósticos de gastritis atrófica con metaplasia intestinal (MI), displasia y estado de infección por Helicobacter pylori. Además evaluar la variabilidad intra-observador en la clasificación de estas lesiones precursoras del cáncer gástrico. Materiales y métodos En una cohorte de 6 años de seguimiento se evaluaron 1,958 procedimientos de endoscopia realizados por dos gastroenterólogos. En cada procedimiento y de cada participante se obtuvieron 5 biopsias de mucosa gástrica que representaban antro, incisura angularis y cuerpo. Un único patólogo hizo la interpretación histológica de las 5 biopsias y proporcionó un diagnóstico definitivo global que se utilizó como patrón de referencia. Cada fragmento de mucosa gástrica examinado condujo a un diagnóstico individual para cada biopsia que se comparó con el patrón de referencia. La variabilidad intra-observador se evaluó en 127 personas que corresponden a una muestra aleatoria de 20% del total de endoscopias hechas a los 72 meses de seguimiento. Resultados La sensibilidad del diagnóstico de MI y displasia gástrica aumentó de manera significativa con el número de fragmentos de mucosa gástrica evaluados El sitio anatómico de mayor sensibilidad para el diagnóstico de MI y displasia fue la incisura angularis. Para descubrir H. pylori se logró alta sensibilidad con el estudio de un solo fragmento de mucosa gástrica (95.9%) y fue independiente del sitio de obtención de la biopsia. El acuerdo intra-observador para el diagnóstico de gastritis crónica fue 86.1% con valor kappa de 0.79 IC 95% (0.76-0.85). Las

  17. Variação temporal do gradiente radial de o/h a partir de uma amostra de nebulosas planetárias

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maciel, W. J.; Costa, R. D. D.; Uchida, M. M. M.


    Gradientes radiais de abundância são observados no disco de nossa Galáxia e também em outras galáxias espirais. No caso da Galáxia, o principal problema relativo aos gradientes é sua variação temporal, que constitui um dos principais vínculos aos modelos de evolução química da Galáxia. As nebulosas planetárias são particularmente interessantes no estudo dos gradientes e suas variações, tanto espaciais como temporais. São objetos brilhantes, podendo ser observadas a grandes distâncias, e têm abundâncias relativamente precisas de diversos elementos químicos. Além disso, sendo originadas de estrelas com massas entre 0.8 e 8 massas solares na sequência principal, incluem objetos com idades e populações diferentes, o que as torna especialmente interessantes ao estudo da variação temporal dos gradientes. Neste trabalho, apresentamos resultados recentes sobre a variação temporal do gradiente de O/H a partir de uma amostra contendo cerca de 200 nebulosas, para as quais obtivemos distâncias por métodos estatísticos. As abundâncias foram parcialmente obtidas a partir de observações em Itajubá e La Silla, sendo as restantes obtidas da literatura. Os resultados mostram, pela primeira vez, evidências de um achatamento do gradiente de O/H, de -0.11 dex/kpc para -0.06 dex/kpc nos últimos 9 giga-anos ou de -0.08 dex/kpc para -0.06 dex/kpc nos últimos 5 giga-anos. Esses valores apresentam um bom acordo com alguns modelos recentes para a evolução química da Galáxia. (FAPESP/CNPq)

  18. Etude de l'influence de la temperature et de l'humidite sur les proprietes mecaniques en traction des fibres de chanvre et de coco

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ho Thi, Thu Nga

    L'objectif de cette etude fut d'etablir l'effet de l'humidite et de la temperature sur la resistance en traction et le module elastique des fibres de chanvre et de coco. Deux etudes ont ete realisees afin d'atteindre cet objectif. La premiere vise l'absorption de l'humidite dans ces fibres en exposition dans l'air (de 0%RH a 80%RH) ainsi que l'absorption de l'eau dans ces fibres immergees dans l'eau aux differentes temperatures. La deuxieme consiste a mesurer la resistance en traction et le module elastique de ces fibres sous differentes conditions d'humidite et de temperature. En basant sur les resultats experimentaux obtenus, les methodes semi empiriques et de reseaux de neurones ont ete utilisees pour but de predire les proprietes en traction (resistance et module d'elasticite) des fibres de chanvre et de coco sous l'influence de l'humidite et de la temperature.

  19. The Impact of Epidemic Violence on the Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    PubMed Central

    Ribeiro, Wagner Silva; Mari, Jair de Jesus; Quintana, Maria Inês; Dewey, Michael E.; Evans-Lacko, Sara; Vilete, Liliane Maria Pereira; Figueira, Ivan; Bressan, Rodrigo Affonseca; de Mello, Marcelo Feijó; Prince, Martin; Ferri, Cleusa P.; Coutinho, Evandro Silva Freire; Andreoli, Sérgio Baxter


    Background Violence and other traumatic events, as well as psychiatric disorders are frequent in developing countries, but there are few population studies to show the actual impact of traumatic events in the psychiatric morbidity in low and middle-income countries (LMIC). Aims To study the relationship between traumatic events and prevalence of mental disorders in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Methods Cross-sectional survey carried out in 2007–2008 with a probabilistic representative sample of 15- to 75-year-old residents in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Results The sample comprised 3744 interviews. Nearly 90% of participants faced lifetime traumatic events. Lifetime prevalence of any disorders was 44% in Sao Paulo and 42.1% in Rio de Janeiro. One-year estimates were 32.5% and 31.2%. One-year prevalence of traumatic events was higher in Rio de Janeiro than Sao Paulo (35.1 vs. 21.7; p<0.001). Participants from Rio de Janeiro were less likely to have alcohol dependence (OR = 0.55; p = 0.027), depression (OR = 0.6; p = 0.006) generalized anxiety (OR = 0.59; p = 0.021) and post-traumatic stress disorder (OR = 0.62; p = 0.027). Traumatic events correlated with all diagnoses – e.g. assaultive violence with alcohol dependence (OR = 5.7; p<0.001) and with depression (OR = 1.7; p = 0.001). Conclusion Our findings show that psychiatric disorders and traumatic events, especially violence, are extremely common in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, supporting the idea that neuropsychiatric disorders and external causes have become a major public health priority, as they are amongst the leading causes of burden of disease in low and middle-income countries. The comparison between the two cities regarding patterns of violence and psychiatric morbidity suggests that environmental factors may buffer the negative impacts of traumatic events. Identifying such factors

  20. A pictorial presentation of 3.0 Chicago Classification for esophageal motility disorders.


    Herbella, Fernando Augusto; Armijo, Priscila Rodrigues; Patti, Marco Giuseppe


    High resolution manometry changed several esophageal motility paradigms. The 3.0 Chicago Classification defined manometric criteria for named esophageal motility disorders. We present a pictorial atlas of motility disorders. Achalasia types, esophagogastric junction obstruction, absent contractility, distal esophageal spasm, hypercontractile esophagus (jackhammer), ineffective esophageal motility, and fragmented peristalsis are depicted with high-resolution manometry plots. RESUMO A manometria de alta resolução mudou vários paradigmas da motilidade digestiva. A Classificação de Chicago, na versão 3.0, definiu critérios manométricos para as doenças da motilidade esofagiana. O presente artigo é um atlas das dismotilidades descritas. Tipos de acalásia, obstrução ao nível da junção esofagogástrica, contrações ausentes, espasmo esofagiano distal, esôfago hipercontrátil, motilidade esofagiana ineficaz e peristalse fragmentada são mostradas em traçados de manometria de alta resolução.

  1. Total red meat intake of ≥0.5 servings/d does not negatively influence cardiovascular disease risk factors: a systemically searched meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials12

    PubMed Central

    O’Connor, Lauren E; Kim, Jung Eun; Campbell, Wayne W


    Background: Observational associations between red meat intake and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are inconsistent. There are limited comprehensive analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that investigate the effects of red meat consumption on CVD risk factors. Objective: The purpose of this systematically searched meta-analysis was to assess the effects of consuming ≥0.5 or <0.5 servings of total red meat/d on CVD risk factors [blood total cholesterol (TC), LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, ratio of TC to HDL cholesterol (TC:HDL), and systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SBP and DBP, respectively)]. We hypothesized that the consumption of ≥0.5 servings of total red meat/d would have a negative effect on these CVD risk factors. Design: Two researchers independently screened 945 studies from PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Scopus databases and extracted data from 24 qualified RCTs. Inclusion criteria were 1) RCT, 2) subjects aged ≥19 y, 3) consumption of ≥0.5 or <0.5 total red meat servings/d [35 g (1.25 ounces)], and 4) reporting ≥1 CVD risk factor. We performed an adjusted 2-factor nested ANOVA mixed-effects model procedure on the postintervention values of TC, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, TC:HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, SBP, and DBP; calculated overall effect sizes of change values; and used a repeated-measures ANOVA to assess pre- to postintervention changes. Results: Red meat intake did not affect lipid-lipoprotein profiles or blood pressure values postintervention (P > 0.05) or changes over time [weighted mean difference (95% CI): −0.01 mmol/L (−0.08, 0.06 mmol/L), 0.02 mmol/L (−0.05, 0.08 mmol/L), 0.03 mmol/L (−0.01, 0.07 mmol/L), and 0.04 mmol/L (−0.02, 0.10 mmol/L); −0.08 mm Hg (−0.26, 0.11 mm Hg); and −1.0 mm Hg (−2.4, 0.78 mm Hg) and 0.1 mm Hg (−1.2, 1.5 mm Hg) for TC, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, TC:HDL cholesterol, SBP, and DBP, respectively]. Among all subjects, TC, LDL

  2. SEEDi1.0-3.0 strategies for major noncommunicable diseases in China.


    Hu, Chun-Song; Tkebuchava, Tengiz


    The purpose of this article is to briefly introduce the status and challenges of major noncommunicable diseases (mNCDs), which include cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, as well as related risk factors, such as environmental pollution, smoking, obesity and sleep disorders. "S-E-E-D" rules or the strategies of "S-E-E-D" intervention (SEEDi) consist of four core healthy elements: sleep, emotion, exercise and diet. The history of SEEDi 1.0-3.0 is also introduced, which includes versions 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 of the program. These guidelines are suitable for prevention and control of mNCDs. Not only the "Healthy China" initiated in China's "13th Five-year Plan," but also the "Healthy World" philosophy needs SEEDi 1.0-3.0 strategies for control of mNCDs.

  3. Factors associated with subendocardial ischemia risk in patients on hemodialysis.


    Silva, Bruno Caldin da; Sanjuan, Adriano; Costa-Hong, Valéria; Reis, Luciene Dos; Graciolli, Fabiana; Consolim-Colombo, Fernanda; Bortolotto, Luiz Aparecido; Moyses, Rosa Maria Affonso; Elias, Rosilene Motta


    Bone metabolism disorder (BMD) and vascular dysfunction contribute to excess cardiovascular mortality observed in hemodialysis patients. Vascular dysfunction, a new marker of atherosclerosis, can play a role in this risk. Even though associated with higher mortality in the general population, such vascular evaluation in patients on hemodialysis has not been extensively studied. In this cross-sectional study, hemodialysis patients were submitted to flow-mediated dilation, subendocardial viability ratio (SEVR) and ejection duration index assessment, in order to estimate the impact of BMD markers on vascular dysfunction. A matched cohort of patients with (n = 16) and without (n = 11) severe secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) was studied. Additionally, time spent under severe SHPT was also evaluated. Patients with severe SHPT had lower SEVR and higher ejection duration index, indicating higher cardiovascular risk. Lower SEVR was also associated to diastolic blood pressure (r = 0.435, p = 0.049), serum 25-Vitamin-D levels (r = 0.479, p = 0.028) and to more time spent under severe secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT), defined as time from PTH > 500pg/ml until parathyroidectomy surgery or end of the study (r = -0.642, p = 0.027). In stepwise multiple regression analysis between SEVR and independent variables, lower SEVR was independently associated to lower serum 25-Vitamin-D levels (p = 0.005), female sex (p = 0.012) and more time spent under severe SHPT (p = 0.001) in a model adjusted for age, serum cholesterol, and blood pressure (adjusted r² = 0.545, p = 0.001). Subendocardial perfusion was lower in patients with BMD, reflecting higher cardiovascular risk in this population. Whether early parathyroidectomy in the course of kidney disease could modify such results still deserves further investigation. Distúrbios do metabolismo ósseo (DMO) e alterações da função vascular contribuem para a elevada mortalidade de pacientes em hemodiálise. A disfunção vascular

  4. Etude de la Production de Paires de Leptons dans les Interactions Proton-Beryllium a 450 GEV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aubry, Pierre Rene Roger

    L'experience HELIOS a fait une etude precise de la production des paires e^+e^-, mu^+mu^-, mu ^+mu^-+nu, et mu^+/- e^+/- dans les interactions p-Be a 450 GeV. Le detecteur comporte un spectrometre a electrons, un spectrometre a muons, et un ensemble de calorimetres qui peuvent mesurer les photons et l'energie manquante emportee par les neutrinos. Les paires de leptons sont observees dans la region cinematique ^1: eqalign {2/m_mu0 6 GeV cr E_{e}&>2.8 GeV cr.25&0de muons ont ete etudiees. Toutes ces paires ont une masse inferieure ou egale a celle de la resonance psi. L'experience est capable de detecter et de mesurer les desintegrations radiatives de mesons eta; etato l^+l^-gamma , cela permettant de faire une mesure directe d'une source encore mal connue de dileptons. La region de masse 0 < m_ll < m_phi est reproduite par la simulation Monte-Carlo des sources connues: desintegrations hadroniques de mesons, charme, bremsstrahlung. L'experience n'a pas observe de production anormale de dielectrons et de dimuons de basses masses dans la region de rapidite centrale. Le spectre en energie manquante permet d'identifier clairement les desintegrations semileptoniques de particules charmees. Une mesure de la section efficace de production de particules charmees dans les interactions p-Be a 450 GeV a ete faite:sigma_{c|c}= 24+/-8 (statistique) +/-16 (systématique) mu barn/nucléon. L'etude de la distribution en energie manquante des dimuons de masse intermediaire (1.2 GeV de mesurer le rapport entre la contribution du processus Drell-Yan et la contribution de particules charmees. Les desintegrations d'excitations radiales de mesons vecteurs n'ont pas ete considerees. Le rapport xi = Drell-Yan/Charme obtenu dans la region de masse intermediaire est:xi = .49 {-.40}{+.56}(statistique) {-.20}{+.30}(systématique). Cette

  5. Étude Préliminaire de Fiabilité de l’Échelle de Labilité Émotionnelle Adaptée pour Adolescents dans une Population Interne Francophone

    PubMed Central

    Guilé, Jean Marc; Chapdelaine, Cimon; Desrosiers, Lyne; Cornez, Christine; Bouvier, Hélène; Breton, Jean-Jacques


    Résumé Objectif: étudier la fiabilité en population clinique francophone d’un auto-questionnaire portant sur l’instabilité émotionnelle des adolescents. Méthode: Après recension des écrits et consultation d’experts, l’Échelle de Labilité Émotionnelle (Affective Lability Scale) développée par Harvey et collaborateurs (1989) a été choisie. Une version anglophone et francophone adaptée à la population adolescente a été élaborée. La version finale comprend 54 questions réparties en six sections examinant les variations émotionnelles entre euthymie d’une part, et dépression, élation, colère et anxiété d’autre part, ainsi qu’entre anxiété et dépression, et enfin entre dépression et élation. La version francophone a fait l’objet d’une étude de fiabilité. Au total 43 adolescents francophones (48,8% garçons, 51,2% filles d’âge moyen=14,86 ans) ont participé à l’étude de compréhension et de fiabilité. Résultats: Toutes les questions ont un taux de compréhension par item (TCI)>0,60 tel qu’évalué par accord interjuge (Kappa-moyen=0,85). Le TCI-moyen est très satisfaisant (0,88, SD=0,14). La consistance interne appréciée par les coefficients de Cronbach est élevée pour chaque section et pour l’ensemble de l’instrument (0,87 à 0,95). La stabilité temporelle à trois semaines est satisfaisante avec un coefficient de corrélation-intraclasse (CIC) pour l’ensemble de l’échelle de 0,89 (intervalle de confiance à 95%=0,75 et 0,95) et des CIC de section s’échelonnant entre 0,72 et 0,89. Conclusion: Ces premières données de fiabilité soutiennent l’intérêt de l’ALS pour évaluer, en période euthymique chez des adolescents francophones en unité interne psychiatrique, un niveau global de labilité émotionnelle. Une étude future sur un plus grand échantillon permettra de confirmer ces premiers résultats et d’étudier la structure factorielle de l’instrument. PMID:19881938

  6. Assessing ecological correlates of marine bird declines to inform marine conservation

    PubMed Central

    Vilchis, L Ignacio; Johnson, Christine K; Evenson, Joseph R; Pearson, Scott F; Barry, Karen L; Davidson, Peter; Raphael, Martin G; Gaydos, Joseph K


    identificación de los conductores del cambio ambiental en los grandes ecosistemas marinos es esencial para su conservación y manejo efectivo. Esto es un reto bastante grande, particularmente en los ecosistemas que trascienden fronteras internacionales, cuando el monitoreo y la conservación de especies migratorias de amplio rango y sus hábitats son logística y financieramente problemáticos. En este caso, usando herramientas tomadas de la epidemiología, elucidamos conductores comunes subyacentes en la declinación de especies dentro de un ecosistema marino, muy similar a cómo los análisis epidemiológicos evalúan los factores de riesgo para los resultados de salud negativos e informar mejor sus decisiones. Con esto, identificamos los rasgos ecológicos y las especializaciones de dieta asociados con la declinación de especies en una comunidad de depredadores marinos que podría ser un reflejo de cambios ambientales. Para lograr esto, integramos datos de conteo de programas de censos de invierno recolectados a lo largo de monitoreos a largo plazo de aves marinas llevados a cabo en el mar Salish – un gran ecosistema marino que trasciende fronteras en el noroeste del Océano Pacífico. Encontramos que las declinaciones por década en los conteos de invierno fueron más prevalentes entre los pescadores de persecución, como los álcidos (Alcidae) y los zambullidores (Podicipedidae), que tienen dietas especializadas basadas en peces forrajeros y que las especies con distribución amplia y sin colonias reproductivas locales estaban más predispuestas a estas declinaciones. Mientras que una combinación de factores posiblemente esté causando las declinaciones de especialistas de peces forrajeros, proponemos que los cambios en la disponibilidad de presas de niveles tróficos bajos pueden estar forzando cambios en la extensión invernal de aves pescadoras en el mar Salish. Dicha síntesis de tendencias a largo plazo en una comunidad de depredadores marinos no s

  7. The Au modified Ge(1 1 0) surface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, L.; Kabanov, N. S.; Bampoulis, P.; Saletsky, A. M.; Zandvliet, H. J. W.; Klavsyuk, A. L.


    The pristine Ge(1 1 0) surface is composed of Ge pentagons, which are arranged in relatively large (16 × 2) and c(8 × 10) unit cells. The deposition of sub-monolayer amounts of Au and mild annealing results into de-reconstructed Ge(1 1 0) regions completely free of Ge pentagons and regions composed of nanowires that are aligned along the high symmetry [ 1 1 bar 0 ] direction of the Ge(1 1 0) surface. The de-reconstructed Ge(1 1 0) regions consist of atomic rows that are aligned along the [ 1 1 bar 0 ] direction. A substantial fraction of these substrate rows are straight and resemble the atom rows of the unreconstructed, i.e. bulk terminated, Ge(1 1 0) surface, whereas the other substrate rows have a meandering appearance. These meandering atom rows are comprised of two types of atoms, one type that appears dim, whereas the other type appears bright in filled-state scanning tunneling microscopy images. Using density functional theory calculations, we have tested more than 20 different atomic models for the meandering atom rows. The density functional theory calculations reveal that it is energetically favorable for the deposited Au atoms to exchange position with Ge atoms in the first layer. Based on these findings we conclude that the bright atoms are Ge atoms, whereas the dim atoms are Au atoms.

  8. Prevalencia de alteraciones en la interfase vitreoretiniana detectadas mediante tomografía de coherencia óptica de dominio espectral.


    Jacob, Julie; Stalmans, Peter


    Objetivo: El objetivo principal del presente estudio consistió en determinar la prevalencia de los cambios en la interfase vitreomacular (IVM) mediante tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCT) en la población general. En segundo lugar, se describieron otros cambios de la OCT. Métodos: Las anomalías en la IVM se diagnosticaron mediante OCT y se distribuyeron de acuerdo con la clasificación del grupo International Vitreomacular Traction Study (estudio internacional de tracción vitreomacular, IVTS, por sus siglas en inglés) y se dividieron en 3 grados según John et al. [Retina 2014;34:442-446]. Resultados: La prevalencia calculada de anomalías vitreomaculares en la población belga de ≥50 años fue del 1,17% [intervalo de confianza (IC 0,38-3,62)] en el caso de tracción vitreomacular (TVM) focal de grado 1; del 0,39% (IC 0,05-2,76) en el caso de TVM focal de grado 2; del 8,17% (IC 5,33-12,53) en el caso de adhesión vitreomacular focal; y del 17,9% (IC 13,41-23,9) en el caso de adhesión vitreomacular difusa. Conclusiones: Se presentó la prevalencia de anomalías vitreomaculares en un estudio de cohortes belga. Estos resultados concuerdan en gran medida con los datos presentados previamente sobre la prevalencia de la TVM. Un conocimiento correcto sobre la epidemiología de las alteraciones en la IVM y un diagnóstico temprano permitirán una intervención satisfactoria. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  9. Neurotoxin synthesis is positively regulated by the sporulation transcription factor Spo0A in Clostridium botulinum type E.


    Mascher, Gerald; Mertaoja, Anna; Korkeala, Hannu; Lindström, Miia


    Clostridium botulinum produces the most potent natural toxin, the botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT), probably to create anaerobiosis and nutrients by killing the host, and forms endospores that facilitate survival in harsh conditions and transmission. Peak BoNT production coincides with initiation of sporulation in C. botulinum cultures, which suggests common regulation. Here, we show that Spo0A, the master regulator of sporulation, positively regulates BoNT production. Insertional inactivation of spo0A in C. botulinum type E strain Beluga resulted in significantly reduced BoNT production and in abolished or highly reduced sporulation in relation to wild-type controls. Complementation with spo0A restored BoNT production and sporulation. Recombinant DNA-binding domain of Spo0A directly bound to a putative Spo0A-binding box (CTTCGAA) within the BoNT/E operon promoter, demonstrating direct regulation. Spo0A is the first neurotoxin regulator reported in C. botulinum type E. Unlike other C. botulinum strains that are terrestrial and employ the alternative sigma factor BotR in directing BoNT expression, C. botulinum type E strains are adapted to aquatic ecosystems, possess distinct epidemiology and lack BotR. Our results provide fundamental new knowledge on the genetic control of BoNT production and demonstrate common regulation of BoNT production and sporulation, providing a key intervention point for control. © 2017 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Extending the Coyote emulator to dark energy models with standard w {sub 0}- w {sub a} parametrization of the equation of state

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Casarini, L.; Bonometto, S.A.; Tessarotto, E.


    We discuss an extension of the Coyote emulator to predict non-linear matter power spectra of dark energy (DE) models with a scale factor dependent equation of state of the form w = w {sub 0}+(1- a ) w {sub a} . The extension is based on the mapping rule between non-linear spectra of DE models with constant equation of state and those with time varying one originally introduced in ref. [40]. Using a series of N-body simulations we show that the spectral equivalence is accurate to sub-percent level across the same range of modes and redshift covered by the Coyotemore » suite. Thus, the extended emulator provides a very efficient and accurate tool to predict non-linear power spectra for DE models with w {sub 0}- w {sub a} parametrization. According to the same criteria we have developed a numerical code that we have implemented in a dedicated module for the CAMB code, that can be used in combination with the Coyote Emulator in likelihood analyses of non-linear matter power spectrum measurements. All codes can be found at« less

  11. Psychosocial factors and T lymphocyte counts in Brazilian peacekeepers.


    Silva, Angela M Monteiro da; Speranza, Francisco A B; Ishii, Solange Kiyoko; Hirata, Raphael; Mattos-Guaraldi, Ana Luíza; Milagres, Lucimar Gonçalves


    To investigate the associations between psychosocial factors and peripheral blood CD4 and CD8 T lymphocyte numbers in Brazilian peacekeepers. Venous blood was collected from 759 peacekeepers who had just returned from a peace mission in Haiti. Among the 759 soldiers, 642 individuals completed the psychosocial measures. CD4 and CD8 T lymphocyte counts were measured by flow cytometry using a commercially available kit. Psychosocial factors, including military peace force stressors, clinical stress, anxiety and depression, were recorded. As a reference for T lymphocyte numbers, we measured T lymphocyte counts in 75 blood donors from the Instituto de Biologia do Exército, Rio de Janeiro. The median numbers of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes in the blood donors were 819 cells/µl and 496 cells/µl, respectively, with a CD4:CD8 ratio of 1.6. Significantly (p<0.05) lower CD4 T cell counts (759 cells/µl) were recorded for peacekeepers, with similar CD8 levels (548 cells/µl) and smaller CD4:CD8 ratios (1.3, p<0.001) compared to blood donors. These differences were due to a group of 14 military personnel with CD4 and CD8 medians of 308 and 266 cells/µl, respectively. Only one (7.1%) of these 14 individuals was diagnosed with clinical stress compared with 13.5% of the individuals with normal levels of CD4 T lymphocytes. One individual out of 628 (0.16%) had a Lipp's Stress Symptom Inventory score of 3, indicating near exhaustion. The prevalence of psychological disorders was low and there were no associations with CD4 or CD8 T cell numbers.

  12. [Risk factors for bladder injuries during cesarean section].


    Alcocer Urueta, Jaime; Bonilla Mares, Marcela; Gorbea Chávez, Viridiana; Velázquez Valassi, Beatriz


    To identify risk factors for bladder injury during cesarean delivery, to let patients and doctors know them and their importance. We conducted a case-control study of women undergoing cesarean delivery at the Instituto Nacional de PerinatologíaIsidro Espinosa de los Reyes between January 2001 and December 2007. Cases were women with bladder injuries at the time of cesarean section. Two controls per case were selected randomly. Medical records were reviewed for clinical and demographic data to compare them. Twenty-one bladder injuries were identified among 24, 057 cesarean sections, (incidence 0.087%), only 19 were analized. Prior cesarean section was more prevalent among cases than controls (63% vs 42% p 0.134), with an OR of 2.35 (95% CI 0.759-7.319), when we take only patients with one cesarea in contrast with no cesarea the OR is 3.75 (95% CI 1.002- 14.07). Statistically significant differences (P values < .05) between cases and controls were found in gestacional age (38.16 vs 37.35 weeks), prior cesareans (42% vs 18%), adhesions (79% vs 5%), Odds ratio of 67.5 (95% CI 11.14- 408), VBAC (31.5 vs 3%), median skin incisión (16% vs 68%), Pfannenstiel (84% vs 32%), blood loss (744cc vs 509cc) and length of surgery 135 vs 58 minutes). No differences were found among age, BMI, prior surgery, labor, premature rupture of membranes, station, chorioamnioitis, induction, uterine incision, timing of delivery, uterine rupture. Prior cesarean section and adhesions are risk factors for bladder injury at the time of repeat cesarean delivery. Elective cesarean delivery is valid but it is duty of physicians to inform patients the risks of it.

  13. Facteurs de risque de la tuberculose multi-résistante dans la ville de Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Misombo-Kalabela, André; Nguefack-Tsague, Georges; Kalla, Ginette Claude Mireille; Ze, Emmanuel Afane; Diangs, Kimpanga; Panda, Tshapenda; Kebela, Ilunga; Fueza, Serge Bisuta; Magazani, Nzanzu; Mbopi-Kéou, François-Xavier


    Introduction L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les facteurs de risque associés à la tuberculose multi résistance à Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude cas témoins. Les cas comprenaient tous les patients tuberculeux résistants à la rifampicine et à l'isoniazide notifiés à Kinshasa de janvier 2012 à juin 2013. Les témoins étaient les patients tuberculeux traités durant la même période que les cas et qui à la fin du traitement étaient déclarés guéris. Pour cette étude, nous avons obtenu une clairance éthique. Résultats L’échantillon était constitué de 213 participants dont 132 hommes (62%) et 81 femmes (38%). L’âge médian était de 31ans (16-73 ans). Les facteurs associés significatifs (p< 0,05) à la tuberculose multi résistante étaient le non-respect des heures de prise de médicaments (0R = 111) (80% chez les cas et 4% chez les témoins), l’échec au traitement (0R = 20) (76% chez les cas et 13% chez les témoins); la notion de tuberculose multi résistante dans la famille (0R = 6.4) (28% chez les cas et 6% chez les témoins); la méconnaissance de la tuberculose multi résistante (0R = 3.2) (31% chez les cas et 59% chez les témoins); un séjour en prison (0R = 7.6) (10% chez les cas et 1% chez les témoins) et l'interruption du traitement (0R = 6.1) ( 59% chez les cas et 19% chez les témoins). Conclusion L’émergence de la tuberculose multi résistante peut être évitée par la mise en place des stratégies de diagnostic et de traitement appropriées. PMID:27516818

  14. Una Red de Expertos en Salud Ambiental de Niños (2015)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Unidades Pediátricas de Especialidad en Salud Ambiental (PEHSU) tiene expertos en pediatria, alergias e inmunologia, desarrollo neural, toxicologia, y otras, ya que existen varios factores que afectan la salud de los ninos.

  15. Manual del McVCO 1999

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    McChesney, P.J.


    El McVCO es un generador de frecuencias basado en un microcontrolador que reemplaza al oscilador controlado por voltaje (VCO) utilizado en telemetría analógica de datos sísmicas. Acepta señales de baja potencia desde un sismómetro y produce una señal subportadora modulada en frecuencia adecuada para enlaces telefónicos o vía radio a un lugar remoto de recolección de datos. La frecuencia de la subportadora y la ganancia pueden ser seleccionadas mediante un interruptor. Tiene la opción de poder operar con dos canales para la observación con ganancia alta y baja. El McVCO fue diseñado con el propósito de mejorar la telemetría analógica de las señales dentro de la Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network (PNSN) (Red Sismográfica del Noroeste del Pacífico). Su desarrollo recibió el respaldo del Programa de Geofísica de la Universidad de Washington y del "Volcano Hazards and Earthquake Hazards programs of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) (Programa de Investigaciones de Riesgos Volcánicos y Programa de Investigaciones de Riesgos Sísmicos de los EEUU). Cientos de instrumentos se han construido e instalado. Además de utilizarlo el PNSN, el McVCO es usado por el Observatorio Vulcanológico de Alaska para monitorear los volcanes aleutianos y por el USGS Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (Programa de Ayuda en las Catástrofes Volcánicas del USGS) para responder a crisis volcánicas en otros países. Este manual cubre el funcionamiento del McVCO, es una referencia técnica para aquellos que necesitan saber con más detalle cómo funciona el McVCO, y cubre una serie de temas que requieren un trato explícito o que derivan del despliegue del instrumento.

  16. Structure and substructure analysis of DAFT/FADA galaxy clusters in the [0.4–0.9] redshift range

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Guennou, L.; et al.


    Context. The DAFT/FADA survey is based on the study of ~90 rich(masses found in the literature >2 x 10^14 M_⊙)and moderately distant clusters (redshifts 0.4 < z < 0.9), all withHST imaging data available. This survey has two main objectives: to constrain dark energy(DE) using weak lensing tomography on galaxy clusters and to build a database (deepmulti-band imaging allowing photometric redshift estimates, spectroscopic data, X-raydata) of rich distant clusters to study their properties.

  17. Avaliação dos efeitos do subgalato de bismuto na proliferação de miofibroblastos

    PubMed Central

    de Lima, Rubianne Ligório; Sampaio, Cláudia Paraguaçu; Seidel, Karin Caroline; Branco, Melina; Sobreiro, Rafaela Mabile


    Resumo Contexto O subgalato de bismuto é um metal pesado e insolúvel, utilizado por suas propriedades adstringentes e hemostáticas. Objetivo Avaliar os efeitos do subgalato de bismuto na cicatrização mediante observação de miofibroblastos em pele de ratos. Métodos Foram utilizados 60 ratos da linhagem Wistar, que receberam uma ferida no dorso da pele. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos: controle (aplicação diária de cloreto de sódio a 0,9%) e experimental (aplicação diária de 0,5 mg de subgalato de bismuto). Cada grupo foi subdividido em três subgrupos, que foram reoperados para retirada da ferida em 3, 7 e 14 dias. Foi realizada coloração de hematoxilina eosina, picrosirius e imuno-histoquímica para avaliar contagem de miofibroblastos, resposta inflamatória e síntese de colágeno. Resultados Não foi encontrada diferença entre os grupos controle e experimento com relação ao processo inflamatório – subgrupos 3 dias (p = 1), 7 dias (p = 0,474) e 14 dias (p = 303). A avaliação dos colágenos tipo I e III no grupo-controle não demonstrou benefícios de cicatrização – 3 dias (p = 0,436), 7 dias (p = 0,853) e 14 dias (p = 0,436); já no grupo experimental, houve aumento dos colágenos tipos I e III nos subgrupos 3 e 14 dias (p = 0,005). A imuno-histoquímica confirmou os resultados encontrados na coloração hematoxilina eosina, na qual a área de miofibroblastos entre os subgrupos, nos grupos experimental (p = 0,4) e controle (p = 0,336), foi indiferente. Conclusão A utilização do subgalato de bismuto em ferida de pele de ratos não evidenciou benefícios na cicatrização, ou seja, não houve diferença na fibroplasia quando comparados os grupos experimental e controle. PMID:29930592

  18. La utilizacion de los mapas conceptuales en la ensenanza de biologia y su efecto sobre el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis en los estudiantes universitarios

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gonzalez Rivera, Maria M.

    Se investigo el efecto de los mapas conceptuales sobre el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis en estudiantes universitarios. La investigacion utilizo dos estrategias: mapas conceptuales individuales y mapas conceptuales colaborativos, con el fin de investigar si existen diferencias significativas en el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis. El analisis de los datos incluyo aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos. Se desprende del estudio que el 80% de los estudiantes describen la utilizacion de los mapas conceptuales como una experiencia beneficiosa. El 70% de los estudiantes expreso que los mapas conceptuales son utiles en el aprendizaje del proceso de fotosintesis y el 61% indico que facilitan la comprension de los conceptos. Los hallazgos mas importantes del analisis cuantitativo indican que los estudiantes que utilizaron los mapas conceptuales mejoraron significativamente su desempeno en la posprueba global. Se utilizo la prueba Mann-Whitney para investigar si existian diferencias significativas en la posprueba y preprueba global, el valor de W = 1945.0, para un valor p de 0.00, lo cual establece diferencias significativas. Para determinar si existian diferencias significativas entre la posprueba y preprueba del grupo individual, se realizo la prueba nuevamente. El valor de W correspondio a 490.5, que es significativo, con un valor p de 0.00. Se concluye que existen diferencias significativas entre la ejecucion de la posprueba y preprueba del grupo individual. Los datos proveen suficiente evidencia para sostener que los estudiantes que utilizaron la estrategia de mapas conceptuales individuales mejoraron el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis significativamente. Se realizo nuevamente la prueba para los resultados de posprueba y preprueba del grupo colaborativo. El valor de W correspondio a 446 con un valor p de 0.00. Se concluyo que existen diferencias significativas entre la ejecucion de la posprueba y preprueba del grupo colaborativo. Finalmente, se efectuo una

  19. Factors Affecting the Levels of Heavy Metals in Juices Processed with Filter Aids.


    Wang, Zhengfang; Jackson, Lauren S; Jablonski, Joseph E


    This study investigated factors that may contribute to the presence of arsenic and other heavy metals in apple and grape juices processed with filter aids. Different types and grades of filter aids were analyzed for arsenic, lead, and cadmium with inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometry. Potential factors affecting the transfer of heavy metals to juices during filtration treatments were evaluated. Effects of washing treatments on removal of heavy metals from filter aids were also determined. Results showed that diatomaceous earth (DE) generally contained a higher level of arsenic than perlite, whereas perlite had a higher lead content than DE. Cellulose contained the lowest level of arsenic among the surveyed filter aids. All samples of food-grade filter aids contained arsenic and lead levels that were below the U.S. Pharmacopeia and National Formulary limits of 10 ppm of total leachable arsenic and lead for food-grade DE filter aids. Two samples of arsenic-rich (>3 ppm) food-grade filter aids raised the level of arsenic in apple and grape juices during laboratory-scale filtration treatments, whereas three samples of low-arsenic (<1 ppm) food-grade filter aids did not affect arsenic levels in filtered juices. Filtration tests with simulated juices (pH 2.9 to 4.1, Brix [°Bx] 8.2 to 18.1, total suspended solids [TSS] 0.1 to 0.5%) showed that pH or sugar content had no effect on arsenic levels of filtered juices, whereas arsenic content of filtered juice was elevated when higher amounts of filter aid were used for filtration. Authentic unfiltered apple juice (pH 3.6, °Bx 12.9, TSS 0.4%) and grape juice (pH 3.3, °Bx 16.2, TSS 0.05%) were used to verify results obtained with simulated juices. However, body feed ratio did not affect the arsenic content of filtered authentic juices. Washing treatments were effective at reducing arsenic, but not cadmium or lead, concentrations in a DE filter aid. This study identified ways to reduce the amount of arsenic

  20. Synthèses et supraconductivité de monocristaux à base de mercure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pelloquin, D.; Villard, G.; Hardy, V.; Maignan, A.; Raveau, B.


    Single crystals (n = 1, 2 and 3) of the Hg_{l-x}M_xBa_2Ca_{n-1}Cu_n O_{2n+2+δ} mercury based cuprates have been grown by using a simple process. The M cations (M = Bi, Cu, Ti) act as stabilizers of the structure which permit to avoid the use of dry box or high gas pressure. The electron microscopy coupled with EDX analyses evidence the regularity of the stacking mode and confirm mixed mercury layers with compositions close to Hg_{0.8} M_{0.2}. Their structural studies based on X-ray diffraction data show a splitting of the oxygen site at the level of the mixed mercury layer. These as-grown superconducting single crystals exhibit T_c close to that of the corresponding pure mercury ceramics. The pinning properties study performed on (Hg_{0.8}Bi_{0.2}) crystals confirms that the n = 1 member is intermediate between the n = 2 and n = 3 members. Moreover, the weak properties of the Hg_{0.6}Ti_{0.4}{-}1223 crystals with regard to the Hg_{0.8}Bi_{0.2}{-}1223 crystals suggest that their different cationic radii Hg/M and their different c-axis values may play a role on these properties. Une méthode de synthèse simple, permettant de faire croître des monocristaux de composition Hg_{l-x}M_xBa_2Ca_{n-1}Cu_n O_{2n+2+δ} (n = 1, 2 et 3) sans utiliser de boîte à gants ou de techniques sous hautes pressions, a été developpée en substituant partiellement le mercure par un cation M (M = Bi, Cu, Ti). Des études par microscopie électronique couplées avec des analyses EDX ont confirmé les modes d'empilement et l'introduction de 1'é1ément M sous la forme de couches mixtes Hg_{0,8}M_{0,2}. Les études structurales réalisées par diffraction de rayons X sur monocristal ont mis en évidence un éclatement du site oxygène lié à la couche mercure. Ces monocristaux, bruts de synthèses, présentent des T_c comparables à celles observées dans les céramiques "tout mercure” correspondantes. L'étude des propriétés d'ancrage des vortex, menée sur les cristaux dopés au

  1. [Recurrent wheezing: prevalence and associated factors in infants from Buenos Aires City, Argentina].


    Szulman, Gabriela Aída; Freilij, Héctor; Behrends, Ilse; Gentile, Ángela; Mallol, Javier

    The episodes of bronchial obstruction at early age constitute a frequent problem in Pediatrics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of recurrent wheezing in infants in Buenos Aires City, as well as to identify any associated factors. Cross-sectional study performed from 2011 to 2012 in the Children Hospital Ricardo Gutiérrez, Buenos Aires City, as part of the International Study of Wheezing in Infants. A validated questionnaire was applied to parents of infants aged between 12 and 15 months. The prevalence of wheezing, mostly the recurrent episodes (three or more), and their probable associated factors were evaluated. Data were statistically analyzed with χ 2 , Fisher's test, binary and logistics multiple regression analysis. The significance level was 0.05. Over 1063 infants, 58.9% (confidence interval (CI) 95% 55.9-61.9) presented at least one episode of wheezing and 26.3% (CI95% 23.8-29.9) three or more episodes (recurrent wheezing). Risk factors associated to wheezing were male gender (p=0.001), six or more episodes of cold during the first year of life (p <0.0001), age at first cold <4 months (p <0.0001); pneumonia (p <0.0001) and smoking during pregnancy (tobacco) (p=0.01). For recurrent wheezing, risk factors we considered as six or more episodes of cold during the first year of life (p <0.0001), early (< 4 month of age) onset wheezing (p <0.0001) and nocturnal wheezing (p <0.0001). The prevalence of recurrent wheezing among infants in Buenos Aires Ciy was high (26.3%). Some identified associated factors can be preventable. Copyright © 2017 Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  2. Important comments on KERMA factors and DPA cross-section data in ACE files of JENDL-4.0, JEFF-3.2 and ENDF/B-VII.1

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Konno, Chikara; Tada, Kenichi; Kwon, Saerom; Ohta, Masayuki; Sato, Satoshi


    We have studied reasons of differences of KERMA factors and DPA cross-section data among nuclear data libraries. Here the KERMA factors and DPA cross-section data included in the official ACE files of JENDL-4.0, ENDF/B-VII.1 and JEFF-3.2 are examined in more detail. As a result, it is newly found out that the KERMA factors and DPA cross-section data of a lot of nuclei are different among JENDL-4.0, ENDF/B-VII.1 and JEFF-3.2 and reasons of the differences are the followings: 1) large secondary particle production yield, 2) no secondary gamma data, 3) secondary gamma data in files12-15 mt = 3, 4) mt = 103-107 data without mt = 600 s-800 s data in file6. The issue 1) is considered to be due to nuclear data, while the issues 2)-4) seem to be due to NJOY. The ACE files of JENDL-4.0, ENDF/B-VII.1 and JEFF-3.2 with these problems should be revised after correcting wrong nuclear data and NJOY problems.

  3. Pratique de l’analgésie péridurale auprès de 20 parturientes au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sylvanus Olympio de Lomé (Togo)

    PubMed Central

    Egbohou, Pilakimwé; Mouzou, Tabana; Sama, Hamza Doles; Tchétike, Pikabalo; Assénouwé, Sarakawabalo; Akala-Yoba, Gnimdou; Tomta, Kadjika


    Etude prospective et descriptive sur la pratique de l’analgésie péridurale (APD) obstétricale au CHU Sylvanus Olympio (CHU SO) de Lomé. Etude menée de février à juin 2014. Après accord des gestantes choisies au hasard et en l’absence de contre-indication à l’issue de la consultation d’anesthésie, faite au 8ème mois de la grossesse, des femmes ont été retenues pour l’étude. Sur 29 gestantes retenues, 20 (69%) ont bénéficiées de l’APD. Age moyen 30,6±6,6 ans, primigestes : 35%, multipares 50%, Obèses (BMI>30): 25%. Nombre moyen de ponctions: 1,2±0,5; reflux de sang dans le cathéter: 5%, brèche dure-mérienne : 0. Délai moyen d’installation: 8,5 ±2,2mn. Quantité moyenne de bupivacaine isobare à 0,125%: 28,8±8ml; Echelle Numérique à T10min < 3 pour toutes les parturientes. Bloc moteur: 0. Hypotension: 1cas (5%). Mode d’accouchement: voie basse: 19 (95%), césarienne: 1 (5%). Détresse respiratoire à la naissance du nouveau né: 0. Note de satisfaction: 9,8±0,5 /10. L’APD obstétricale est possible au CHU Sylvanus Olympio de Lomé. En attendant sa vulgarisation à toutes les parturientes par la disponibilité des moyens humains et matériels, la réaliser pour ses indications médicales serait un premier pas. PMID:28451033

  4. [The polymetabolic syndrome. The experiences of the DRECE study. Dieta y Riesgo de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares en España].


    Gutiérrez Fuentes, J A


    Different risk factors frequent in NIDDM predispose to suffer an early atherosclerosis. Among these and beside lipidic disorders (hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia and low HDL-cholesterol levels), hyperinsulinemia and/or insulin resistance, obesity and arterial hypertension are placed. In Spain, 135,000/year deaths from cardiovascular diseases (42% of total deaths) are produced. To plan a preventive strategy requires the knowledge and previous analysis among the population of the situation with regard to risk factors. In order to know in Spain the actual prevalence of cholesterol and other lipidic fractions and their relationship with different dietetic habits and other cardiovascular risk factors, a study on "Diet and Cardiovascular Risk Diseases in Spain": DRECE, was performed. Remains to be explained in the mediterranean countries the low incidence of coronary morbid/mortality, in spite of a high fat consume and cholesterol levels. In this direction, the role of a few micronutrients and other common elements in our diet, some of them with antioxidant properties, may have as protector agents in the atherosclerotic ischemic heart disease process, acquires interest.

  5. Analytic Couple Modeling Introducing Device Design Factor, Fin Factor, Thermal Diffusivity Factor, and Inductance Factor

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mackey, Jon; Sehirlioglu, Alp; Dynys, Fred


    A set of convenient thermoelectric device solutions have been derived in order to capture a number of factors which are previously only resolved with numerical techniques. The concise conversion efficiency equations derived from governing equations provide intuitive and straight-forward design guidelines. These guidelines allow for better device design without requiring detailed numerical modeling. The analytical modeling accounts for factors such as i) variable temperature boundary conditions, ii) lateral heat transfer, iii) temperature variable material properties, and iv) transient operation. New dimensionless parameters, similar to the figure of merit, are introduced including the device design factor, fin factor, thermal diffusivity factor, and inductance factor. These new device factors allow for the straight-forward description of phenomenon generally only captured with numerical work otherwise. As an example a device design factor of 0.38, which accounts for thermal resistance of the hot and cold shoes, can be used to calculate a conversion efficiency of 2.28 while the ideal conversion efficiency based on figure of merit alone would be 6.15. Likewise an ideal couple with efficiency of 6.15 will be reduced to 5.33 when lateral heat is accounted for with a fin factor of 1.0.

  6. [Sociodemographic factors associated with adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern in elderly people].


    Viñuales, Isabel; Viñuales, Manuel; Puzo, José; Sanclemente, Teresa

    To assess the level of adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern (DMedit) in people over 65 in rural and urban areas of the region of Hoya de Huesca (Spain) and investigate whether there are sociodemographic factors related to that adherence. Exploratory cross-sectional study. Two questionnaires were used: one self-made for sociodemographic factors, and the PREDIMED validated questionnaire to assess the level of adherence to the DMedit. After prior informed consent, a total of 240 questionnaires were collected over a period of 2 consecutive weeks in March 2014. The mean age was 74±6.8 years, with an equal proportion of rural and urban areas and both sexes. Both populations showed a similar adherence pattern to Dmedit, with an average overall score of 9 on a scale of 0 to 14. Furthermore, the influence of sociodemographic factors was observed on the level of adherence to the Dmedit, such as purchasing power or presence of chronic diet-related diseases. The urban and rural population of the Hoya de Huesca seems to have a good adherence to the Dmedit, although some economic and health factors could modify it. Copyright © 2015 SEGG. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. FR0CAT: a FIRST catalog of FR 0 radio galaxies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baldi, R. D.; Capetti, A.; Massaro, F.


    With the aim of exploring the properties of the class of FR 0 radio galaxies, we selected a sample of 108 compact radio sources, called FR0CAT, by combining observations from the NVSS, FIRST, and SDSS surveys. We included in the catalog sources with redshift ≤0.05, with a radio size ≲5 kpc, and with an optical spectrum characteristic of low-excitation galaxies. Their radio luminosities at 1.4 GHz are in the range 1038 ≲ νL1.4 ≲ 1040 erg s-1. The FR0CAT hosts are mostly (86%) luminous (-21 ≳ Mr ≳ -23) red early-type galaxies with black hole masses 108 ≲ MBH ≲ 109M⊙. These properties are similar to those seen for the hosts of FR I radio galaxies, but they are on average a factor 1.6 less massive. The number density of FR0CAT sources is 5 times higher than that of FR Is, and thus they represent the dominant population of radio sources in the local Universe. Different scenarios are considered to account for the smaller sizes and larger abundance of FR 0s with respect to FR Is. An age-size scenario that considers FR 0s as young radio galaxies that will all eventually evolve into extended radio sources cannot be reconciled with the large space density of FR 0s. However, the radio activity recurrence, with the duration of the active phase covering a wide range of values and with short active periods strongly favored with respect to longer ones, might account for their large density number. Alternatively, the jet properties of FR 0s might be intrinsically different from those of the FR Is, the former class having lower bulk Lorentz factors, possibly due to lower black hole spins. Our study indicates that FR 0s and FR I/IIs can be interpreted as two extremes of a continuous population of radio sources that is characterized by a broad distribution of sizes and luminosities of their extended radio emission, but shares a single class of host galaxies.

  8. New pediatric risk factors for amblyopia: strabismic versus refractive.


    Guimaraes, Sandra; Vieira, Maria; Queirós, Tatiana; Soares, Andreia; Costa, Patrício; Silva, Eduardo


    To assess the role of risk factors for amblyopia, such as family history and neonatal background, for the prediction of either strabismic amblyopia or refractive amblyopia. In this retrospective case-control model, the study population included all children born at the Hospital de Braga during 1997-2012 (3 to 18 years old) with ophthalmologic consultation in 2014. Data collection was performed from the clinical database and through telephone questionnaire surveys. A total of 298 (50%) controls and 298 (50%) cases (120 [40.3%] strabismic amblyopia and 178 [59.7%] refractive amblyopia) were analyzed. A significantly lower birthweight was detected in patients with strabismic amblyopia (mean 2,961 g [95% confidence interval (CI) 2,827-3,096]) compared to controls (mean 3,198 g [95% CI 3,125-3,271]) (p = 0.002). Five-minute Apgar was significantly lower in patients with strabismic amblyopia (mean 9.57 [95% CI 9.37-9.77]) than in controls (mean 9.83 [95% CI 9.77-9.90]) (p = 0.004) or patients with refractive amblyopia (mean 9.79 [95% CI 9.69-9.89]) (p = 0.031). Family history of either amblyopia or strabismus was associated with amblyopia (χ 2 [2, n = 562] = 12.66; p = 0.002; Cramer V = 0.150; χ 2 [2, n = 561] = 11.0; p = 0.004; Cramer V = 0.140), but was significantly more associated with strabismic amblyopia (p = 0.0023 and p = 0.0032) than with refractive amblyopia (p = 0.48 and p = 0.015, respectively). Multinomial logistic regression model explained 50.8% of the variance in amblyopia development. Low 5-minute Apgar had a relevant odds ratio (OR) for either strabismic amblyopia (OR 3.44; p = 0.066) or refractive amblyopia (OR 3.30; p = 0.077). This division in amblyopia subtypes gives a new perspective of the risk factors for amblyopia, with family history and some obstetrician/neonatal outcomes appearing to be more relevant in strabismic amblyopia. Educating health care providers to recognize these risk factors can result in an early ophthalmologic referral.

  9. Prenatal, perinatal and postnatal factors associated with autism spectrum disorder.


    Hadjkacem, Imen; Ayadi, Héla; Turki, Mariem; Yaich, Sourour; Khemekhem, Khaoula; Walha, Adel; Cherif, Leila; Moalla, Yousr; Ghribi, Farhat

    To identify prenatal, perinatal and postnatal risk factors in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by comparing them to their siblings without autistic disorders. The present study is cross sectional and comparative. It was conducted over a period of three months (July-September 2014). It included 101 children: 50 ASD's children diagnosed according to DSM-5 criteria and 51 unaffected siblings. The severity of ASD was assessed by the CARS. Our study revealed a higher prevalence of prenatal, perinatal and postnatal factors in children with ASD in comparison with unaffected siblings. It showed also a significant association between perinatal and postnatal factors and ASD (respectively p=0.03 and p=0.042). In this group, perinatal factors were mainly as type of suffering acute fetal (26% of cases), long duration of delivery and prematurity (18% of cases for each factor), while postnatal factors were represented principally by respiratory infections (24%). As for parental factors, no correlation was found between advanced age of parents at the moment of the conception and ASD. Likewise, no correlation was observed between the severity of ASD and different factors. After logistic regression, the risk factors retained for autism in the final model were: male gender, prenatal urinary tract infection, acute fetal distress, difficult labor and respiratory infection. The present survey confirms the high prevalence of prenatal, perinatal and postnatal factors in children with ASD and suggests the intervention of some of these factors (acute fetal distress and difficult labor, among others), as determinant variables for the genesis of ASD. Copyright © 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  10. Factors associated with suicidal ideation among university students.


    Santos, Hugo Gedeon Barros Dos; Marcon, Samira Reschetti; Espinosa, Mariano Martínez; Baptista, Makilin Nunes; Paulo, Paula Mirianh Cabral de


    to analyze the factors associated with suicidal ideation in a representative sample of university students. cross-sectional study, carried out with 637 students of the Federal University of Mato Grosso. The presence of suicidal ideation, demographic and socioeconomic variables, use of alcohol through the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test, and depressive symptoms (Major Depression Inventory) were investigated. Bivariate analysis was performed with the Chi-square test and multivariate analysis using the Poisson regression model. it was found that 9.9% of the students had suicidal thoughts in the previous 30 days and, in the bivariate analysis, the variables economic class, sexual orientation, religious practice, suicide attempts in the family and among friends, alcohol consumption and depressive symptoms were associated with suicidal ideation. In the multivariate analysis sexual orientation, suicide attempts in the family and the presence of depressive symptoms remained as associated factors. these findings constitute a situational diagnosis that enables the formulation of academic policies and preventive actions to confront this situation on the university campus. analisar os fatores associados à ideação suicida em uma amostra representativa de estudantes universitários. estudo transversal analítico, realizado com 637 estudantes de uma Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Investigadas variáveis de presença de ideação suicida, demográficas e socioeconômica, uso de álcool por meio do Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test, e sintomas depressivos (Inventário de Depressão Maior). A análise bivariada foi realizada com o teste do Qui-quadrado, e a análise múltipla pelo modelo de regressão Poisson. constatou-se que 9,9% dos estudantes tinham ideias suicidas nos últimos 30 dias, e na análise bivariada as variáveis classe econômica, orientação sexual, prática religiosa, tentativas de suicídio na família e

  11. Risk factors for burns in children: crowding, poverty, and poor maternal education

    PubMed Central

    Delgado, J; Ramirez-Cardich, M; Gilman, R; Lavarello, R; Dahodwala, N; Bazan, A; Rodriguez, V; Cama, R; Tovar, M; Lescano, A


    Objective: To characterize the presentation of burns in children and risk factors associated with their occurrence in a developing country as a basis for future prevention programs. Design: Case-control study. Setting: Burn unit of the National Institute of Child Health (Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño) in Lima, Peru. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to all consenting guardians of children admitted to the burns (cases) and general medicine (controls) units during a period of 14 months. Guardians of patients were questioned regarding etiology of the injury, demographic and socioeconomic data. Results: 740 cases and controls were enrolled. Altogether 77.5% of the cases burns occurred in the patient's home, with 67.8% in the kitchen; 74% were due to scalding. Most involved children younger than 5 years. Lack of water supply (odds ratio (OR) 5.2, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.1 to 12.3), low income (OR 2.8, 95% CI 2.0 to 3.9), and crowding (OR 2.5, 95%CI 1.7 to 3.6) were associated with an increased risk. The presence of a living room (OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.4 to 0.8) and better maternal education (OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.5 to 0.9) were protective factors. Conclusions: To prevent burns interventions should be directed to low socioeconomic status groups; these interventions should be designed accordingly to local risk factors. PMID:11928972

  12. Mapa de Vulnerabilidad en Honduras

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sánchez, A. A.


    Dado que Honduras geográficamente se encuentra en una zona que esta expuesta a diferentes fenómenos sísmicos y climatológicos. Investigamos cuales son las zonas mas propensas a desastres naturales, la vulnerabilidad y el factor de resiliencia de la población de acuerdo a diferentes parámetros de estudio.

  13. TAM 2.0: tool for MicroRNA set analysis.


    Li, Jianwei; Han, Xiaofen; Wan, Yanping; Zhang, Shan; Zhao, Yingshu; Fan, Rui; Cui, Qinghua; Zhou, Yuan


    With the rapid accumulation of high-throughput microRNA (miRNA) expression profile, the up-to-date resource for analyzing the functional and disease associations of miRNAs is increasingly demanded. We here describe the updated server TAM 2.0 for miRNA set enrichment analysis. Through manual curation of over 9000 papers, a more than two-fold growth of reference miRNA sets has been achieved in comparison with previous TAM, which covers 9945 and 1584 newly collected miRNA-disease and miRNA-function associations, respectively. Moreover, TAM 2.0 allows users not only to test the functional and disease annotations of miRNAs by overrepresentation analysis, but also to compare the input de-regulated miRNAs with those de-regulated in other disease conditions via correlation analysis. Finally, the functions for miRNA set query and result visualization are also enabled in the TAM 2.0 server to facilitate the community. The TAM 2.0 web server is freely accessible at or

  14. Resorption of maxillary incisors after orthodontic treatment--clinical study of risk factors.


    Elhaddaoui, Rajae; Benyahia, Hicham; Azeroual, Mohamed-Faouzi; Zaoui, Fatima; Razine, Rachid; Bahije, Loubna


    External apical root resorption (EARR) is one of the major problems associated with orthodontic treatment. Such lesions represent an iatrogenic risk that must be detected as early as possible, with regular radiological follow-up and appropriate therapeutic precautions. The causes and mechanisms leading to susceptibility to root resorption following the application of an orthodontic force are often not clear and are generally said to be of multifactorial origin. The aim of this clinical study was to analyze the factors linked to the occurrence of moderate to severe resorption (MSR) of upper incisors during orthodontic treatment in a group of Moroccan patients treated in the Dento-Facial Orthopedic Department of the Dental Consultation and Treatment Center (Centre de consultation et de traitements dentaires [CCTD]) in Rabat. A total of 82 patients (28% males, 72% females) aged between 12 and 27, with various malocclusions, who had been treated with fixed appliances for at least 1 year and for whom panoramic X-rays at the start, during and at the end of treatment were available, were selected randomly. The reduction in maxillary incisor root length was evaluated using resorption scores. The factors studied in relation to the risk of occurrence of MSR were: age, sex, treatment duration, extraction or non-extraction, type of malocclusion (Class I arch-length discrepancy, Class II, Class III), the vertical diagnosis (normal, supraocclusion, open bite), presence of dysfunction, impacted canines and root morphology. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software, version 18.0. Statistical tests used were: Kaplan-Meier analysis and the univariate and multivariate Cox models for the study of factors associated with MSR. The threshold of significance adopted was 0.05. The factors that were significantly associated with the occurrence of MSR at the level of the upper incisors were: tooth type, with a greater risk for the lateral incisor (HR=3.2 95% CI [2.3-4.5] P<0

  15. Fotometria WHBY |o lll|/HB de Regiones H 11 Y la HISTORIA de la Formacion ESTELAR Reciente EN la PEQUENA NUBE de Magallanes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Copetti, M. V. F.; Dottori, H. A.


    El ancho equivalente WHβ de la linea de Hβ en emisión y la razón [0 III]/Hβ del par λλ4959, 50 7 A del [0111], fueron medidos en 23 regiones HII de la Peque˜a Nube de Magallanes, por medio de la fotometría fotoeléctrica a través de un sistema de tres filtros interferenciales: dos Hβ , con bandas pasantes de 100 y 30 A, y un [0111] centrado en 5000 A y con banda pasante de 50 A. Las observaciones fueron realizadas con los telescopios de 1.60-m y 0.60-m del Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofísica, Brasópolis, Brasil. Fueron escogidos diafragmas suficientemente grandes para captar la radiación integrada de cada región HII. Las medidas fueron calibradas por comparación a un conjunto de nebulosas planetarias con flujos absolutos bien definidos. A través de la comparación entre los datos observacionales y modelos evolutivos de WHβ y [0 III] /Hβ (Copetti et al.1986', Astr. and Ap., 156, 111), las edades de las regiones HIl fueron estimadas. Basada en la distribución espacial de las edades de regiones HIl, la historia de la formación estelar reciente en la Pequeña Nube de Magallanes es analizada. La similitud de las medidas de WH&beta y [OIII]/WHβ entre las regiones H II observadas sugiere que hubo una explosión de formación estelar a 4±1 x106 años en la Pequeña Nube de Magallanes. (Parcialmente financiado por CNPq).

  16. Optical Positions of ICRF Sources from CTIO 1.0M Data

    DTIC Science & Technology


    proyecto del USNO para enlazar los sistemas de referencia en radio y óptico, se tomaron datos con el telescopio CTIO de 1.0 m in 2009. Los primeros...subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE...AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES RevMexAA (Serie de Conferencias), 46, 83â\\ග (2015) 14

  17. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with COPD: mild-to-moderate COPD versus severe-to-very severe COPD.


    Caram, Laura Miranda de Oliveira; Ferrari, Renata; Naves, Cristiane Roberta; Coelho, Liana Sousa; Vale, Simone Alves do; Tanni, Suzana Erico; Godoy, Irma


    To assess and compare the prevalence of comorbidities and risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in COPD patients according to disease severity. The study included 25 patients with mild-to-moderate COPD (68% male; mean age, 65 ± 8 years; mean FEV1, 73 ± 15% of predicted) and 25 with severe-to-very severe COPD (males, 56%; mean age, 69 ± 9 years; mean FEV1, 40 ± 18% of predicted). Comorbidities were recorded on the basis of data obtained from medical charts and clinical evaluations. Comorbidities were registered on the basis of data obtained from medical charts and clinical evaluations. The Charlson comorbidity index was calculated, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) score was determined. Of the 50 patients evaluated, 38 (76%) had been diagnosed with at least one comorbidity, 21 (42%) having been diagnosed with at least one CVD. Twenty-four patients (48%) had more than one CVD. Eighteen (36%) of the patients were current smokers, 10 (20%) had depression, 7 (14%) had dyslipidemia, and 7 (14%) had diabetes mellitus. Current smoking, depression, and dyslipidemia were more prevalent among the patients with mild-to-moderate COPD than among those with severe-to-very severe COPD (p < 0.001, p = 0.008, and p = 0.02, respectively). The prevalence of high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, ischemic heart disease, and chronic heart failure was comparable between the two groups. The Charlson comorbidity index and HADS scores did not differ between the groups. Comorbidities are highly prevalent in COPD, regardless of its severity. Certain risk factors for CVD, themselves classified as diseases (including smoking, dyslipidemia, and depression), appear to be more prevalent in patients with mild-to-moderate COPD. Avaliar e comparar a prevalência de comorbidades e de fatores de risco de doença cardiovascular (DCV) em pacientes com DPOC de acordo com a gravidade da doença. O estudo incluiu 25 pacientes com DPOC leve/moderada (homens: 68%; m

  18. Desarrollo de un instrumento para medir percepciones sobre el contexto de construccion del conocimiento cientifico de estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia-Ramirez, Jaime Antonio

    fueron transformados numericamente para poder obtener el coeficiente de correlacion de Spearman-Brown para el instrumento (0.661, p < 0.01). El analisis de las contestaciones de los estudiantes refleja percepciones diversas y, en algunos casos, contradictorias con respecto al contexto de construccion del conocimiento cientifico.

  19. Thyroiditis de Quervain. Are there predictive factors for long-term hormone-replacement?


    Schenke, S; Klett, R; Braun, S; Zimny, M


    Subacute thyroiditis is a usually self-limiting disease of the thyroid. However, approximately 0.5-15% of the patients require permanent thyroxine substitution. Aim was to determine predictive factors for the necessity of long-term hormone-replacement (LTH). We retrospectively reviewed the records of 72 patients with subacute thyroiditis. Morphological and serological parameters as well as type of therapy were tested as predictive factors of consecutive hypothyroidism. Mean age was 49 ± 11 years, f/m-ratio was 4.5 : 1. Thyroid pain and signs of hyperthyroidism were leading symptoms. Initial subclinical or overt hyperthyroidism was found in 20% and 37%, respectively. Within six months after onset 15% and 1.3% of the patients developed subclinical or overt hypothyroidism, respectively. At latest follow-up 26% were classified as liable to LTH. At onset the thyroid was enlarged in 64%, and at latest follow-up in 8.3%, with a significant reduction of the thyroid volume after three months. At the endpoint the thyroid volume was less in patients in the LTH group compared with the non-LTH group (41.7% vs. 57.2% of sex-adjusted upper norm, p = 0.041). Characteristic ultrasonographic features occurred in 74% of the patients in both lobes. Serological and morphological parameters as well as type of therapy were not related with the need of LTH. In this study the proportion of patients who received LTH was 26%. At the endpoint these patients had a lower thyroid volume compared with euthyroid patients. No predictive factors for LTH were found.

  20. Vaginal progesterone vs intramuscular 17α-hydroxyprogesterone caproate for prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm birth in singleton gestations: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.


    Saccone, G; Khalifeh, A; Elimian, A; Bahrami, E; Chaman-Ara, K; Bahrami, M A; Berghella, V


    .53 (95% CI, 0.31-0.91); very low quality of evidence). Regarding neonatal outcomes, vaginal progesterone was associated with a lower rate of neonatal intensive care unit admission compared with 17-OHPC (18.7% vs 23.5%; RR, 0.63 (95% CI, 0.47-0.83); low quality of evidence). For the comparison of 17-OHPC vs vaginal progesterone, the quality of evidence was downgraded for all outcomes by at least one degree due to imprecision (the optimal information size was not reached) and by at least one degree due to indirectness (different interventions). Daily vaginal progesterone (either suppository or gel) started at about 16 weeks' gestation is a reasonable, if not better, alternative to weekly 17-OHPC injection for prevention of SPTB in women with singleton gestations and prior SPTB. However, the quality level of the summary estimates was low or very low as assessed by GRADE, indicating that the true effect may be, or is likely to be, substantially different from the estimate of the effect. Copyright © 2016 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. COMPARACIÓN ENTRE LA PROGESTERONA VAGINAL Y EL 17Α-HIDROXIPROGESTERONA CAPROATO INTRAMUSCULAR PARA LA PREVENCIÓN DEL PARTO PRETÉRMINO ESPONTÁNEO RECURRENTE EN EMBARAZOS CON FETO ÚNICO: REVISIÓN SISTEMÁTICA Y METAANÁLISIS DE ENSAYOS CONTROLADOS ALEATORIOS: RESUMEN OBJETIVO: Recientemente se han realizado varios ensayos controlados aleatorios (ECA) que comparaban el caproato de 17α-hidroxiprogesterona (17-OHPC, por sus siglas en inglés) por vía intramuscular con la progesterona por vía vaginal para la reducción del riesgo de parto pretérmino espontáneo (PPTE) en embarazos con feto único de gestantes con historial de PPTE. El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática y metaanálisis fue evaluar la eficacia de la progesterona vaginal en comparación con la 17-OHPC en la prevención de embarazos con feto único de gestantes con historial de PPTE. MÉTODOS: Se realizaron búsquedas en bases de datos electrónicas para

  1. Triangle singularity enhancing isospin violation in {\\bar{{\\rm{B}}}}_{{\\rm{s}}}^{0}\\to {\\rm{J}}/{\\rm{\\psi }}{\\pi }^{0}{{\\rm{f}}}_{0}(980)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liang, Wei-Hong; Sakai, S.; Xie, Ju-Jun; Oset, E.


    We perform calculations for the {\\bar{{{B}}}}{{s}}0\\to {{J}}/{{\\psi }}{π }0{{{f}}}0(980) and {\\bar{{{B}}}}{{s}}0\\to {{J}}/{{\\psi }}{π }0{{{a}}}0(980) reactions, showing that the first is isospin-suppressed while the second is isospin-allowed. The reaction proceeds via a triangle mechanism, with {\\bar{{{B}}}}{{s}}0\\to {{J}}/{{\\psi }}{{{K}}}{{* }}\\bar{{{K}}}+{{c}}.{{c}}., followed by the decay K* → Kπ and a further fusion of {{K}}\\bar{{{K}}} into the {{{f}}}0(980) or a0(980). We show that the mechanism develops a singularity around the π0 f0(980) or π0 a0(980) invariant mass of 1420 MeV, where the π0 f0 and π0 a0 decay modes are magnified and also the ratio of π0 f0 to π0 a0 production. Using experimental information for the {\\bar{{{B}}}}{{s}}0\\to {{J}}/{{\\psi }}{{{K}}}{{* }}\\bar{{{K}}}+{{c}}.{{c}}. decay, we are able to obtain absolute values for the reactions studied which fall into the experimentally accessible range. The reactions proposed and the observables evaluated, when contrasted with actual experiments, should be very valuable to obtain information on the nature of the low lying scalar mesons. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11565007, 11747307, 11647309, 11735003, 11475227), the Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS (2016367). This work is also partly supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Com- petitividad and European FEDER funds (FIS2011-28853-C02-01, FIS2011-28853-C02-02, FIS2014-57026-REDT, FIS2014-51948-C2-1-P, FIS2014-51948-C2-2-P) and the Generalitat Valenciana in the program Prometeo (II-2014/068)

  2. Risk factors in facial hyperpigmentation in Maghrebian population - a case-control study.


    Benchikhi, H; Atide, N; Jroundi, I; Humbert, P; Lakhdar, H


    Triggering factors seem to be multiple in the pathogenesis of facial hyperpigmentation (FH), as dark skin types, pregnancy, sun exposure… The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors for FH in Maghrebian population. Patients with FH were included in a case-controlled study. Following data were recorded: age, sex, parity, phototype, FH and hormonal-related history, endocrinological features, sunlight exposure, specific cultural behaviours, use of topic corticosteroids and sunscreens. One hundred women (mean age 29.5 ± 13.7 years) were included with 200 age-matched controls. Duration of FH was 32.9 ± 42.2 months. There was a statistically significant relation between FH and hirsutism (P = 0.009), troubles of menstruations (P = 0.008), but not with acne (P = 0.23) and contraceptive oral (P = 0.06) drugs or with history of thyroid disorders (P = 0.13). For cultural factors, there were a statistical significant relation with rubbing by flannel glove (P < 0.05), use of dark soap (P = 0.009) and traditional masks (P < 0.05) but both groups were used to go to hammam. A strong relation was observed between FH and use of topical corticosteroids: 40% in the FH group vs. 5% in the control group (P < 0.05). Both groups used to apply sunscreens: 70% in the FH group and 67% in the control group where as there were no differences in the two groups for sun exposure. No statistical differences were observed regarding to age, phototypes and grade of parity. Our study demonstrated a relation between FH and hyperestrogenemia, rubbing with a friction glove, use of moroccan traditional masks and application of topical steroids. The eviction of all these triggering factors could be an adjuvant recommendation in the assessment of FH. © 2012 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Société Française de Cosmétologie.

  3. [Factors Related to the Disability Burden in People with Suicidal Attempts Attended in the Public Health Care Service Network of Santiago de Cali].


    Alzate, Elvis Siprián Castro; Martínez, Alejandro Castillo


    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the aftermaths of suicide attempts are the sixth leading cause of poor health and disability in the world. Establish the level of disability and related factors in terms of restrictions regarding participation and activity limitations in cases of suicidal attempts attended by the Public Service Network Health of Santiago de Cali, from September 2009 to June 2010. A cross-section, observational study was applied to 126 people between 15 and 65 who had attempted suicide and were treated at the Public Health Service in Santiago de Cali. A Spanish version of the Disability Assessment Scale of the World Health Organization 30 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) were calculated together with a disability prevalence of 95.3%. 4.6% of the sample did not show disability while 41.27% had mild disability, 38.1%, moderate disability, and 15.87%, severe disability. Factors related with disability were: Age, occupation, presence of mental illness, current depressive symptoms, lethal methods, use of psychiatric drugs, activity limitations, participation restrictions and lack of religious practice. The prevalence of disability in people who have committed suicidal attempts treated at the public health services in Santiago de Cali, was 95.3%. The results are consistent with the study of global burden of disease that establishes a high score for mental disorders in suicidal attempts. The presence of a deficiency after the suicide attempt increases the burden of disability. Copyright © 2013 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  4. In vitro effects of 0 to 120 Grays of irradiation on bone viability and release of growth factors.


    Sawada, Kosaku; Fujioka-Kobayashi, Masako; Kobayashi, Eizaburo; Brömme, Jens O; Schaller, Benoit; Miron, Richard J


    High dose radiation therapy is commonly used in maxillofacial surgeries to treat a number of head and neck tumors. Despite its widespread use, little information is available regarding the effects of irradiation on bone cell viability and release of growth factors following dose-dependent irradiation. Bone samples were collected from porcine mandibular cortical bone and irradiated at doses of 0, 7.5, 15, 30, 60 and 120 Grays. Thereafter, cell viability was quantified, and the release of growth factors including TGFβ1, BMP2, VEGF, IL1β and RANKL were investigated over time. It was observed that at only 7.5Gy of irradiation, over 85 % of cells were non-vital and by 60 Gy, all cells underwent apoptosis. Furthermore, over a 7-fold decrease in VEGF and a 2-fold decrease in TGFβ1 were observed following irradiation at all tested doses. Little change was observed for BMP2 and IL1β whereas RANKL was significantly increased for all irradiated samples. These results demonstrate the pronounced effects of irradiation on bone-cell vitality and subsequent release of growth factors. Interestingly, the largest observed change in gene expression was the 7-fold decrease in VEGF protein following irradiation. Future research aimed at improving our understanding of bone following irradiation is necessary to further improve future clinical treatments.

  5. Estudio de la estructura logica utilizada en la ensenanza y el aprendizaje de los conceptos sobre el comportamiento de gases en el curso introductorio de quimica a nivel universitario

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Costa Diaz, Agnes

    basicos sobre el comportamiento de los gases. El estudio senala que la ejecutoria del profesor en todos los aspectos de la ensenanza y el aprendizaje es un factor clave que debe darsele prioridad. Se recomienda que el profesor, en general, tenga un conocimiento basico de las teorias de aprendizaje, de los factores que afectan el aprendizaje y las tecnicas y estrategias mas efectivas en el desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento entre sus estudiantes. La estructura de la disciplina debe incluir tanto lo experimental como lo teorico.

  6. Índice de vulnerabilidad de adultos mayores en Medellín, Barranquilla y Pasto.


    Cardona, Doris; Segura, Ángela; Segura, Alejandra; Muñoz, Diana; Jaramillo, Daniel; Lizcano, Douglas; Agudelo, Maite Catalina; Arango, Catalina; Morales, Santiago


    Introducción. La vulnerabilidad puede entenderse como la carencia de recursos materiales e inmateriales que impide el aprovechamiento de oportunidades en distintos aspectos de la vida. Estos recursos de bienestar evitan el deterioro de la calidad de vida.Objetivo. Construir un índice de vulnerabilidad con las características de los capitales físico, humano, social y funcional de los adultos mayores de tres ciudades de Colombia en el 2016, y determinar los factores asociados con esta condición.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio transversal con información primaria mediante 1.514 encuestas a personas de 60 años o más de Medellín, Barranquilla y Pasto. En la construcción del índice se usó el análisis factorial con los métodos de componentes principales y de rotación ortogonal varimax.Resultados. Las condiciones que generaban vulnerabilidad se relacionaron principalmente con el capital humano (calidad de vida, salud mental y hábitos); los demás capitales aportaron un solo componente, así: capital físico (ocupación), capital social (acompañamiento) y capital funcional (independencia funcional). La vulnerabilidad fue mayor en los residentes de Pasto. Los factores asociados con la vulnerabilidad fueron la ciudad de residencia, el sexo, el nivel educativo y el rol en el hogar.Conclusión. En el 58,55 % de las personas mayores, la vulnerabilidad se explicó por el uso del tiempo, la independencia funcional y el bienestar subjetivo. Estos hallazgos aportan elementos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida, principalmente en cuanto a la capacidad funcional para mantener la independencia, estar ocupados y fortalecer la salud mental.

  7. Investigation of Material Gain of In0.90Ga0.10As0.59P0.41/InP Lasing Nano-Heregostructure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yadav, Rashmi; Lal, Pyare; Rahman, F.; Dalela, S.; Alvi, P. A.


    In this paper, we have proposed a step separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) based lasing nano-heterostructure In0.90Ga0.10As0.59P0.41/InP consisting of single quantum well (SQW) and investigated material gain theoretically within TE and TM polarization modes. In addition, the quasi Fermi levels in the conduction and valence bands along with other lasing characteristics like anti-guiding factor, refractive index change with carrier density and differential gain have also been investigated and reported. Moreover, the behavior of quasi Fermi levels in respective bands has also been correlated with the material gain. Strain dependent study on material gain and refractive index change has also been reported. Interestingly, strain has been reported to play a very important role in shifting the lasing wavelength of TE mode to TM mode. The results investigated in the work suggest that the proposed unstrained nano-heterostructure is very suitable as a source for optical fiber based communication systems due to its lasing wavelengths achieved at 1.35 μm within TM mode, while 1.40 μm within TE mode.

  8. On supersymmetric anti-de Sitter, de Sitter and Minkowski flux backgrounds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gran, U.; Gutowski, J. B.; Papadopoulos, G.


    We test the robustness of the conditions required for the existence of (supersymmetric) warped flux anti-de Sitter, de Sitter, and Minkowski backgrounds in supergravity theories using as examples suitable foliations of anti-de Sitter spaces. We find that there are supersymmetric de Sitter solutions in supergravity theories including maximally supersymmetric ones in 10- and 11-dimensional supergravities. Moreover, warped flux Minkowski backgrounds can admit Killing spinors which are not Killing on the Minkowski subspace and therefore cannot be put in a factorized form.

  9. Facteurs influençant l'initiation au traitement antirétroviral des personnes vivant avec le VIH dans les Centres de Traitement Agréés de Bamenda et de Bertoua au Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Voundi, Esther Voundi; Kalla, Ginette Claude Mireille; Emah, Irène; Angwafo, Fru; Muna, Walinjom


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer les facteurs influençant l'initiation au traitement antirétroviral des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) dans les centres de traitements agrées (CTA) de Bamenda et de Bertoua au Cameroun. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, analytique réalisée de Janvier à Avril 2011, dans les CTA de Bamenda et de Bertoua. Pour cette étude, nous avons obtenu une clairance éthique. Résultats Nous avons étudiés 460 dossiers de patients séropositifs en phase d'initiation au traitement antirétroviral dans les CTA de Bamenda et de Bertoua, 53,9% et 46,1% respectivement. L ‘âge médian était de 36 ans. La plupart des séropositifs à Bertoua (41) avaient fait un dépistage volontaire du VIH par rapport à ceux de Bamenda (22) (p= 0.008). Il y ‘avait plus de VIH de type 1 et 2 dans le CTA de Bamenda (15) par rapport à Bertoua (3) (p= 0.011). La majorité des patients était classé au stade clinique II à Bamenda (54,0%) tandis qu ‘à Bertoua le stade clinique III était prédominant (52,4%) (p = 0,000). Le taux médian de CD4 était de 133 cellules/mm3 dans le CTA de Bamenda et de 175 cellules/mm3 à Bertoua (p = 0,008). La Zidovudine était plus prescrit à Bamenda et le Ténofovir à Bertoua (p = 0,000). L ‘Efavirenz était plus prescrit à Bertoua tandis que la Névirapine l ‘était plus à Bamenda (p = 0,000). Le Lopinavir/r était plus prescrit à Bamenda qu ‘à Bertoua (p = 0,017). Conclusion Il apparait urgent de standardiser la prise en charge des PVVIH dans les CTA du Cameroun. PMID:25184023

  10. Significant increase of Curie temperature and large piezoelectric coefficient in Ba(Ti0.80Zr0.20)O3-0.5(Ba0.70Ca0.30)TiO3 nanofibers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fu, Bi; Yang, Yaodong; Gao, Kun; Wang, Yaping


    Ba(Ti0.80Zr0.20)O3-0.5(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 (abbreviated as BTZ-0.5BCT) is a piezoelectric ceramic with a high piezoelectric coefficient d33 (˜620 pC N-1) and has been regarded as one of the most promising candidates to replace PZT-based materials (200-710 pC N-1). However, its Curie temperature TC is relatively low (93 °C) limiting its application. In this letter, we found a temperature dependent Raman spectrum in BTZ-0.5BCT nanofibers (NFs), demonstrating a diffused tetragonal-to-cubic phase transition at 300 °C. This means that the TC of the NFs is nearly 207 °C higher than that of the normal bulk material. The increased TC is considered to be associated with the size effect of BTZ-0.5BCT nanoceramic subunits and the nanoporous nature of the fiber, resulting in discontinuous physical properties. The variation of the ferro/piezoelectricity over the fiber surface is attributed to the polycrystalline structure. The d33 (173.32 pm V-1) is improved in terms of the decreased Q factor result in an increase in d33 of 236.54 pm V-1 after polarization. With a high TC and a very large d33, BTZ-0.5BCT NFs are capable of providing electromechanical behavior used in moderate temperatures.

  11. Cardiac Regeneration using Growth Factors: Advances and Challenges.


    Rebouças, Juliana de Souza; Santos-Magalhães, Nereide Stela; Formiga, Fabio Rocha


    Myocardial infarction is the most significant manifestation of ischemic heart disease and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Novel strategies targeting at regenerating the injured myocardium have been investigated, including gene therapy, cell therapy, and the use of growth factors. Growth factor therapy has aroused interest in cardiovascular medicine because of the regeneration mechanisms induced by these biomolecules, including angiogenesis, extracellular matrix remodeling, cardiomyocyte proliferation, stem-cell recruitment, and others. Together, these mechanisms promote myocardial repair and improvement of the cardiac function. This review aims to address the strategic role of growth factor therapy in cardiac regeneration, considering its innovative and multifactorial character in myocardial repair after ischemic injury. Different issues will be discussed, with emphasis on the regeneration mechanisms as a potential therapeutic resource mediated by growth factors, and the challenges to make these proteins therapeutically viable in the field of cardiology and regenerative medicine. Resumo O infarto do miocárdio representa a manifestação mais significativa da cardiopatia isquêmica e está associado a elevada morbimortalidade. Novas estratégias vêm sendo investigadas com o intuito de regenerar o miocárdio lesionado, incluindo a terapia gênica, a terapia celular e a utilização de fatores de crescimento. A terapia com fatores de crescimento despertou interesse em medicina cardiovascular, devido aos mecanismos de regeneração induzidos por essas biomoléculas, incluindo angiogênese, remodelamento da matriz extracelular, proliferação de cardiomiócitos e recrutamento de células-tronco, dentre outros. Em conjunto, tais mecanismos promovem a reparação do miocárdio e a melhora da função cardíaca. Esta revisão pretende abordar o papel estratégico da terapia, com fatores de crescimento, para a regeneração cardíaca, considerando seu car

  12. Factors Influencing Manual Performance in Cold Water Diving

    DTIC Science & Technology


    montrent que « l’engourdissement » n’avait pas d’incidence sur la dextérité à une profondeur de 40 m (p > 0,05). Dans l’eau à 25 ºC, les gants en ...sensibilité tactile et la dextérité proprement dite. Le rendement ( en anglais performance ou p) a été évalué à des profondeurs de 0,4 m et de 40 m, avec...communication et d’affichage fait en sorte que l’aptitude des plongeurs à utiliser des systèmes de commande complexes constitue un facteur important de la

  13. Niveles de referencia de osteocalcina en población sana de México.


    Nieto-Flores, Jesús; Villafán-Bernal, José Rafael; Rivera-León, Edgar Alfonso; Llamas-Covarrubias, Iris Monserrat; González-Hita, Mercedes Elvira; Alcalá-Zermeno, Juan Luis; Sánchez-Enríquez, Sergio


    Se ha demostrado que la osteocalcina tiene una relación inversa con la glucemia, resistencia a la insulina y adiposidad. Determinar la concentración sérica normal de osteocalcina en adultos sanos mexicanos y compararlos con los reportados en otras poblaciones. Se determinó la concentración sérica de osteocalcina carboxilada y pobremente carboxilada en 100 adultos sanos mediante inmunoensayo enzimático; se calculó la concentración de osteocalcina total. Se hizo una comparación descriptiva con valores de otras poblaciones reportadas en la literatura. Las medianas de las concentraciones de osteocalcina carboxilada y pobremente carboxilada fueron 3.22 ng/mL y 1.61 ng/mL, respectivamente; la media de osteocalcina total fue 7.40 ± 5.11 ng/mL. No hubo diferencia significativa entre los valores de osteocalcina total en nuestra población y los de poblaciones en las que se utilizaron métodos de cuantificación similares al nuestro. La concentración sérica promedio de osteocalcina total en la población analizada fue de 7.40 ng/mL. Las variaciones sutiles entre poblaciones son atribuibles a factores genéticos y poblacionales, sin embargo, el método de cuantificación fue el único que se comprobó influye significativamente en los niveles de osteocalcina en poblaciones sanas. Osteocalcin has been shown to have an inverse relationship with blood glucose, insulin resistance and adiposity. To determine osteocalcin normal serum concentration in Mexican healthy adults and compare it with values reported in other populations. Carboxylated and undercarboxylated osteocalcin serum concentrations were determined in 100 healthy adults by means of enzyme immunoassay; osteocalcin total concentration was calculated. A descriptive comparison was made with other populations' values reported in the literature. Carboxylated and undercarboxylated osteocalcin median concentrations were 3.22 ng/mL and 1.61 ng/mL, respectively. Mean total osteocalcin was 7.40 ± 5.11 ng/mL. There

  14. Etude de facteurs de risque de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant dans la stratégie « option A » à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Ngwej, Dieudonné Tshikwej; Mukuku, Olivier; Mudekereza, Rachel; Karaj, Eugénie; Odimba, Etienne Bwana Fwamba; Luboya, Oscar Numbi; Kakoma, Jean-Baptiste Sakatolo; Wembonyama, Stanis Okitotshio


    Introduction L'infection à VIH chez la femme enceinte a pour principal risque la contamination du nouveau-né. L'objectif est de déterminer le taux de transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant (TME) dans la ville de Lubumbashi et en évaluer les facteurs de risque. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude prospective transversale à visée analytique de 157 accouchées séropositives au VIH et de leurs enfants dans 12 structures sanitaires de Lubumbashi (RDCongo) du 1er octobre 2012 au 31 décembre 2013. Les paramètres sociodémographiques, cliniques et les données relatives aux activités de PTME du VIH ont été étudiés. Les statistiques usuelles ont été utilisées pour analyser les résultats. Le seuil de significativité a été fixé à une valeur de p < 0,05. Résultats Le taux de transmission verticale du VIH était de 12,7% (20/157). Il n'y avait pas d'association significative entre les caractéristiques sociodémographiques maternelles telles que l’âge, la parité, le niveau d’étude, la profession et l’état-civil et la TME (p>0,05). La transmission verticale du VIH était significativement associée aux facteurs suivants: le stade clinique 3 de l'OMS (OR=5,18 (1,5-18,1)), la présence d'infection opportuniste (OR=8,7 (2,7-27,8)), le dépistage lors de l'accouchement (OR=6,3 (1,0-39,0)) ou au cours de l'allaitement (OR=7,1 (1,1-76,7)), au taux de CD4 maternel <350/mm3 (OR=2,9 (1,1-7,7)), l'absence de thérapie antirétrovirale chez la mère (OR=19,9 (4,8-81,9)), la naissance avant terme (OR=4,7 (1,4-16,0)), la rupture prématurée de membranes (OR=45,0 (7,4-454,6)), le faible poids de naissance (OR=5,6 (1,9-16,7)), la notion de réanimation néonatale (OR=12,4 (3,8-40,1)), la non administration de la névirapine à la naissance (OR=26,4 (7,6-92,3)) et l'alimentation mixte (OR=12,6 (1,3-115,9)). Le sexe du nourrisson et le mode d'accouchement n’étaient pas non plus associés à la transmission verticale du VIH (p>0,05). Conclusion Le taux


    PubMed Central

    Mendoza-Ticona, Alberto


    Existe evidencia suficiente para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en diversos profesionales especialmente entre los trabajadores de salud. En el Perú están normados y reglamentados los derechos laborales inherentes a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional, como la cobertura por discapacidad temporal o permanente. Sin embargo, estos derechos aún no han sido suficientemente socializados. En este trabajo se presenta información sobre el riesgo de adquirir tuberculosis en el lugar de trabajo, se revisan las evidencias para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en trabajadores de salud y se presenta la legislación peruana vigente al respecto. PMID:22858771

  16. Arrecifes de coral en los Estados Unidos

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Los factores de estrés locales y mundiales han afectado considerablemente a los arrecifes de coral del Caribe. Se ha informado una disminución masiva de los corales en toda la región de la cuenca del Caribe,

  17. Psychosocial factors and T lymphocyte counts in Brazilian peacekeepers

    PubMed Central

    Monteiro da Silva, Angela M; Speranza, Francisco A B; Ishii, Solange Kiyoko; Hirata, Raphael; Mattos-Guaraldi, Ana Luíza; Milagres, Lucimar Gonçalves


    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the associations between psychosocial factors and peripheral blood CD4 and CD8 T lymphocyte numbers in Brazilian peacekeepers. METHODS: Venous blood was collected from 759 peacekeepers who had just returned from a peace mission in Haiti. Among the 759 soldiers, 642 individuals completed the psychosocial measures. CD4 and CD8 T lymphocyte counts were measured by flow cytometry using a commercially available kit. Psychosocial factors, including military peace force stressors, clinical stress, anxiety and depression, were recorded. As a reference for T lymphocyte numbers, we measured T lymphocyte counts in 75 blood donors from the Instituto de Biologia do Exército, Rio de Janeiro. RESULTS: The median numbers of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes in the blood donors were 819 cells/µl and 496 cells/µl, respectively, with a CD4:CD8 ratio of 1.6. Significantly (p<0.05) lower CD4 T cell counts (759 cells/µl) were recorded for peacekeepers, with similar CD8 levels (548 cells/µl) and smaller CD4:CD8 ratios (1.3, p<0.001) compared to blood donors. These differences were due to a group of 14 military personnel with CD4 and CD8 medians of 308 and 266 cells/µl, respectively. Only one (7.1%) of these 14 individuals was diagnosed with clinical stress compared with 13.5% of the individuals with normal levels of CD4 T lymphocytes. One individual out of 628 (0.16%) had a Lipp's Stress Symptom Inventory score of 3, indicating near exhaustion. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of psychological disorders was low and there were no associations with CD4 or CD8 T cell numbers. PMID:25789525

  18. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A Is Associated with Chronic Mountain Sickness in the Andean Population

    PubMed Central

    Espinoza, Jose R.; Alvarez, Giancarlo; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Ju Preciado, Hugo F.; Macarlupu, Jose-Luis; Rivera-Ch, Maria; Rodriguez, Jorge; Favier, Judith; Gimenez-Roqueplo, Anne-Paule


    Abstract Espinoza, Jose R., Giancarlo Alvarez, Fabiola León-Velarde, Hugo F. Ju Preciado, Jose-Luis Macarlupu, Maria Rivera-Ch, Jorge Rodriguez, Judith Favier, Anne-Paule Gimenez-Roqueplo, and Jean-Paul Richalet. Vascular endothelial growth factor-A is associated with chronic mountain sickness in Andean population. High Alt Med Biol. 15:146–154, 2014.—A study of chronic mountain sickness (CMS) with a candidate gene—vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA)—was carried out in a Peruvian population living at high altitude in Cerro de Pasco (4380 m). The study was performed by genotyping of 11 tag SNPs encompassing 2.2 kb of region of VEGFA gene in patients with a diagnosis of CMS (n=131; 49.1±12.7 years old) and unrelated healthy controls (n=84; 47.2±13.4 years old). The VEGFA tag SNP rs3025033 was found associated with CMS (p<0.05), individuals with AG genotype have 2.5 more risk of CMS compared to those with GG genotype (p<0.02; OR, 2.54; 95% CI: 1.10–5.88). Pairwise Fst and Nei's distance indicate genetic differentiation between Cerro de Pasco population and HapMap3 population (Fst>0.36, p<0.01), suggesting selection is operating on the VEGF gene. Our results suggest that VEGFA is associated with CMS in long-term residents at high altitude in the Peruvian Andes. PMID:24971768

  19. Placental Induced Growth Factor (PIGf) in Coronary Artery Disease

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sundaresan, Alamelu; Carabello, Blaise; Mehta, Satish; Schlegel, Todd; Pellis, Neal; Ott, Mark; Pierson, Duane


    Our previous studies on normal human lymphocytes have shown a five-fold increase (p less than 0.001) in angiogenic inducers such as Placental Induced Growth Factor (PIGf) in physiologically stressful environments such as modeled microgravity, a space analog. This suggests de-regulation of cardiovascular signalling pathways indicated by upregulation of PIGf. In the current study, we measured PIGf in the plasma of 33 patients with and without coronary artery disease (CAD) to investigate whether such disease is associated with increased levels of PIGf. A control consisting of 31 sex matched apparently healthy subjects was also included in the study. We observed that the levels of PIGf in CAD patients were significantly increased compared to those in healthy control subjects (p less than 0.001) and usually increased beyond the clinical threshold level (greater than 27ng/L). The mechanisms leading to up-regulation of angiogenic factors and the adaptation of organisms to stressful environments such as isolation, high altitude, hypoxia, ischemia, microgravity, increased radiation, etc are presently unknown and require further investigation in spaceflight and these other physiologically stressed environments.

  20. High temperature (NaBi)0.48□0.04Bi2Nb2O9-based piezoelectric ceramics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gai, Zhi-Gang; Wang, Jin-Feng; Zhao, Ming-Lei; Wang, Chun-Ming; Zang, Guo-Zhong; Ming, Bao-Quan; Qi, Peng; Zhang, Shujun; Shrout, Thomas R.


    The effect of (LiCe) substitution for A site on the properties of (NaBi)0.48◻0.04Bi2Nb2O9 (NB◻N)-based ceramics was investigated. The coercive fields (EC) of NB◻N)-based ceramics were significantly decreased from 61.0to32.5kV/cm and the Curie temperature (TC) gradually decreases from 820to803°C with increasing the (LiCe) modification. The piezoelectric coefficient d33, planar coupling factor kp, and mechanical quality factor Q of (NaBi)0.38(LiCe)0.05◻0.14Bi2Nb2O9 ceramic were found to be 27pC/N, 11.2%, and 2600, respectively, together with the high TC (˜809°C) and stable piezoelectric properties, demonstrating that the (LiCe) modified NB◻N-based material a promising candidate for high temperature applications.

  1. Sortie précoce en post-partum: résultats et facteurs de risque de ré hospitalization

    PubMed Central

    Kehila, Mehdi; Magdoud, Khaoula; Touhami, Omar; Abouda, Hassine Saber; Jeridi, Sara; Marzouk, Sofiène Ben; Mahjoub, Sami; Hmid, Rim Ben; Chanoufi, Mohamed Badis


    Cette étude nous permettra d'évaluer la pratique d'une sortie précoce en post-partum en analysant le taux de réadmission maternelle et en essayant d'identifier les facteurs de risque de ré hospitalisation. Il s'agit d'une étude prospective et analytique à propos de 1206 patientes sorties de l'hôpital à J1 du post-partum. Pour chaque patiente, nous avons noté les données épidémiologiques, le déroulement de la grossesse et de l'accouchement. Nous avons identifié les causes des ré hospitalisations ainsi que leur évolution. Le taux de césariennes était de 42%. Le taux de réadmissions maternelles était de 0,99%. La durée moyenne du séjour lors de la ré hospitalisation était de 26 heures. Les troubles du transit ont été le motif de consultation le plus fréquent (50% des cas) suivis par la fièvre (25% des cas). Les facteurs de risque de ré hospitalisation, identifiés dans notre étude étaient: la césarienne (p=0,004), la césarienne en urgence (p=0,016), l'anémie (p<0,001) et la thrombopénie (p=0,003). La sortie précoce en post-partum semble une option sure pour la maman et le nouveau-né sous réserve d'une information claire de la patiente et du respect des critères de sélection. PMID:27795786

  2. Factors associated with low adherence to medicine treatment for chronic diseases in Brazil.


    Tavares, Noemia Urruth Leão; Bertoldi, Andréa Dâmaso; Mengue, Sotero Serrate; Arrais, Paulo Sergio Dourado; Luiza, Vera Lucia; Oliveira, Maria Auxiliadora; Ramos, Luiz Roberto; Farias, Mareni Rocha; Pizzol, Tatiane da Silva Dal


    To analyze factors associated with low adherence to drug treatment for chronic diseases in Brazil. Analysis of data from Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos (PNAUM - Brazilian Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines), a population-based cross-sectional household survey, based on a probabilistic sample of the Brazilian population. We analyzed the association between low adherence to drug treatment measured by the Brief Medication Questionnaire and demographic, socioeconomic, health, care and prescription factors. We used Poisson regression model to estimate crude and adjusted prevalence ratios, their respective 95% confidence interval (95%CI) and p-value (Wald test). The prevalence of low adherence to drug treatment for chronic diseases was 30.8% (95%CI 28.8-33.0). The highest prevalence of low adherence was associated with individuals: young adults; no education; resident in the Northeast and Midwest Regions of Brazil; paying part of the treatment; poor self-perceived health; three or more diseases; reported limitations caused by a chronic disease; using five drugs or more. Low adherence to drug treatment for chronic diseases in Brazil is relevant, and regional and demographic differences and those related to patients' health care and therapy regime require coordinated action between health professionals, researchers, managers and policy makers. Analisar fatores associados à baixa adesão ao tratamento farmacológico de doenças crônicas no Brasil. Análise de dados oriundos da Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos (PNAUM), inquérito domiciliar de base populacional, de delineamento transversal, baseado em amostra probabilística da população brasileira. Analisou-se a associação entre baixa adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso mensurado pelo Brief Medication Questionnaire e fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos, de saúde, assist

  3. Cross Section Measurement for the 95Mo(n, {alpha})92Zr Reaction at 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 MeV

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhang, Guohui; Wu, Hao; Zhang, Jiaguo


    For the {sup 95}Mo(n, {alpha}){sup 92}Zr reaction cross section, there is only one experimental datum in the MeV neutron energy region with large uncertainty. As a result, very large deviations exist in different evaluated nuclear data libraries. This paper report the measurement of cross sections of the {sup 95}Mo(n, {alpha}){sup 92}Zr reaction at En = 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 MeV. Experiments were performed at the 4.5 MV Van de Graaff of Peking University, China. A twin gridded ionization chamber was used as alpha particle detector and two large area {sup 95}Mo samples placed back to back were adopted. Fast neutronsmore » were produced through the D(d, n){sup 3}He reaction by using a deuterium gas target. A small {sup 238}U fission chamber was adopted for absolute neutron flux determination and a BF{sub 3} long counter was used for neutron flux monitor. Present experimental data are compared with existing evaluations and measurement.« less

  4. Informative priors based on transcription factor structural class improve de novo motif discovery.


    Narlikar, Leelavati; Gordân, Raluca; Ohler, Uwe; Hartemink, Alexander J


    An important problem in molecular biology is to identify the locations at which a transcription factor (TF) binds to DNA, given a set of DNA sequences believed to be bound by that TF. In previous work, we showed that information in the DNA sequence of a binding site is sufficient to predict the structural class of the TF that binds it. In particular, this suggests that we can predict which locations in any DNA sequence are more likely to be bound by certain classes of TFs than others. Here, we argue that traditional methods for de novo motif finding can be significantly improved by adopting an informative prior probability that a TF binding site occurs at each sequence location. To demonstrate the utility of such an approach, we present priority, a powerful new de novo motif finding algorithm. Using data from TRANSFAC, we train three classifiers to recognize binding sites of basic leucine zipper, forkhead, and basic helix loop helix TFs. These classifiers are used to equip priority with three class-specific priors, in addition to a default prior to handle TFs of other classes. We apply priority and a number of popular motif finding programs to sets of yeast intergenic regions that are reported by ChIP-chip to be bound by particular TFs. priority identifies motifs the other methods fail to identify, and correctly predicts the structural class of the TF recognizing the identified binding sites. Supplementary material and code can be found at

  5. Factors associated with HIV/AIDS treatment dropouts in a special care unit in the City of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.


    Schilkowsky, Louise Bastos; Portela, Margareth Crisóstomo; Sá, Marilene de Castilho


    This study aimed to identify factors associated with the health care of patients with HIV/AIDS who drop out. The study was developed in a specialized health care unit of a University hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, considering a stratified sample of adult patients including all dropout cases (155) and 44.0% of 790 cases under regular follow-up. Bivariate analyses were used to identify associations between health care dropout and demographic, socioeconomic and clinical variables. Logistic and Cox regression models were used to identify the independent effects of the explanatory variables on risk for dropout, in the latter by incorporating information on the outcome over time. Patients were, on average, 35 years old, predominantly males (66.4%) and of a low socioeconomic level (45.0%). In both models, health care dropout was consistently associated with being unemployed or having an unstable job, using illicit drugs and having psychiatric background--positive association; and with age, having AIDS, and having used multiple antiretroviral regimens--negative association. In the logistic regression, dropping out was also positively associated with time between diagnosis and the first outpatient visit, while in the Cox model, the hazard for dropping out was positively associated with being single, and negatively associated with a higher educational level. The results of this work allow for the identification of HIV/AIDS patients more likely to drop out from health care.

  6. Origins of enhanced thermoelectric power factor in topologically insulating Bi{sub 0.64}Sb{sub 1.36}Te{sub 3} thin films

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Liu, Wei; State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070; Chi, Hang


    In this research, we report the enhanced thermoelectric power factor in topologically insulating thin films of Bi{sub 0.64}Sb{sub 1.36}Te{sub 3} with a thickness of 6–200 nm. Measurements of scanning tunneling spectroscopy and electronic transport show that the Fermi level lies close to the valence band edge, and that the topological surface state (TSS) is electron dominated. We find that the Seebeck coefficient of the 6 nm and 15 nm thick films is dominated by the valence band, while the TSS chiefly contributes to the electrical conductivity. In contrast, the electronic transport of the reference 200 nm thick film behaves similar to bulk thermoelectric materialsmore » with low carrier concentration, implying the effect of the TSS on the electronic transport is merely prominent in the thin region. The conductivity of the 6 nm and 15 nm thick film is obviously higher than that in the 200 nm thick film owing to the highly mobile TSS conduction channel. As a consequence of the enhanced electrical conductivity and the suppressed bipolar effect in transport properties for the 6 nm thick film, an impressive power factor of about 2.0 mW m{sup −1} K{sup −2} is achieved at room temperature for this film. Further investigations of the electronic transport properties of TSS and interactions between TSS and the bulk band might result in a further improved thermoelectric power factor in topologically insulating Bi{sub 0.64}Sb{sub 1.36}Te{sub 3} thin films.« less

  7. Hydrostatic pressure effect on the spin reorientation transition of ferromagnetic Sm0.7-xLaxSr0.3MnO3 (x = 0, 0.1) polycrystals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thiyagarajan, R.; Arumugam, S.; Sivaprakash, P.; Kannan, M.; Saravanan, C.; Yang, Wenge


    The hydrostatic pressure effect on the resistivity and magnetization of the narrow band gap manganite Sm0.7-xLaxSr0.3MnO3 (x = 0, 0.1) systems has been investigated. At ambient pressure measurements, the parent compound Sm0.7Sr0.3MnO3 showed a ferromagnetic-insulating nature, whereas the 10% La-doped compound Sm0.6La0.1Sr0.3MnO3 showed a ferromagnetic-metallic nature. Furthermore, both samples showed a spin-reorientation transition (TSR) below Curie temperature, which originated from the Mn sublattice and was supported by an antiferromagnetic Sm(4f)-Mn(3d) interaction. Both samples exhibited a normal and inverse magnetocaloric effect as a result of these two different magnetic transitions. Magnetization measurements on Sm0.7Sr0.3MnO3 under pressure did not show an appreciable change in the Curie temperature, but enhanced TSR, whereas an insulator-metallic transition was observed during resistivity measurements under pressure. On the other hand, for Sm0.6La0.1Sr0.3MnO3, TC increased and TSR reduced upon the application of pressure. The metallic nature which is observed at ambient pressure resistivity measurement was further enhanced with 97% of piezoresistance. The pressure did not change the normal magnetocaloric effect of Sm0.7Sr0.3MnO3, but increased it in Sm0.6La0.1Sr0.3MnO3. However, there was not much change in the inverse magnetocaloric effect of both compounds. These studies were analyzed based on the pressure effect on the activation energy and scattering interaction factors.

  8. Retinal venous thrombosis in a young patient with coagulation factor XII deficiency.


    Borrego-Sanz, L; Santos-Bueso, E; Sáenz-Francés, F; Martínez-de-la-Casa, J M; García-Feijoo, J; Gegúndez-Fernández, J A; García-Sánchez, J


    A 35-year-old woman, with no relevant medical history, was referred for sudden vision loss in the left eye. Ophthalmological examination showed best corrected visual acuity of 1.0 in the right eye and 0.3 in left eye, with normal anterior pole and intraocular pressure. Fundus examination of the left eye revealed a venous thrombosis in the superior temporal branch, with dilated and tortuous retinal veins. The patient was referred to the hematology unit for thrombophilia study, and was diagnosed with a coagulation XII or Hageman factor deficiency. The development of retinal vessel occlusions, in patients under 50 years of age, is frequently associated with thrombophilia or hypercoagulability disorders. Factor XII deficiency is a rare condition, and its presence could contribute to a higher risk of thromboembolic events. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Oftalmología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  9. L’offre des services de vaccination en milieu urbain, au Cameroun: étude de cas du District de Santé de Djoungolo

    PubMed Central

    Ngomba, Armelle Viviane; Kollo, Basile; Bita, André Fouda; Djouma, Fabrice Nembot; Edengue, Jean Marie; Elongue, Marie Josée; Adiogo, Dieudonné


    Introduction Les métropoles camerounaises concentrent un nombre croissant d'enfants cibles, non atteints par les services de vaccination de routine. Méthodes Une étude transversale descriptive, basée sur échantillonnage exhaustif des formations sanitaires légales offrant en routine des services de vaccination a été réalisée dans le district de santé de Djoungolo, (ville de Yaoundé). L'évaluation de l'offre des services de vaccination a été calquée sur l'approche « Atteindre Chaque District ». Résultats Des 70 formations sanitaires ayant participé à l'étude, 3 (4,3%) disposaient d'un micro plan actualisé pour la vaccination de routine. Des 63 (89,4%) formations sanitaires possédant un réfrigérateur fonctionnel, 12 (19,0%) vaccinaient au quotidien en stratégie fixe. Cinquante-sept (81,0%) formations sanitaires ne conduisaient pas des sessions de vaccination en stratégies avancées. La participation des membres de la communauté aux activités de vaccination de routine étaient effective dans 1 aire de santé sur les 12 que compte le district. Une courbe de suivi des couvertures vaccinales correctement renseignée étaient disponible dans 6 (8,5%) formations sanitaires. Conclusion L'approche « Atteindre Chaque District » telle que mise en œuvre dans le district de santé de Djoungolo limite l'atteinte d'un maximum d'enfants cibles. L'effectivité d'une micro planification réaliste, la régularité des sessions de vaccination en stratégie fixes et avancées, le suivi des données orienté vers l'action, la redynamisation communautaire en faveur de la vaccination sont des voies d'amélioration des prestations des services de vaccination, dans ce district. PMID:28292168

  10. [Immigration and factors associated with breastfeeding. CALINA study].


    Oves Suárez, B; Escartín Madurga, L; Samper Villagrasa, M P; Cuadrón Andrés, L; Alvarez Sauras, M L; Lasarte Velillas, J J; Moreno Aznar, L A; Rodríguez Martínez, G


    To identify socio-cultural, obstetric and perinatal characteristics associated with complete breastfeeding (CBF) during the first 4 months of age, depending on maternal origin. Socio-cultural, obstetric and perinatal aspects associated with breastfeeding depending on maternal origin were evaluated in a longitudinal study in a representative infant population from Aragon (n = 1452). The prevalence of CBF was higher in immigrant mothers than in those from Spain. CBF was maintained in 37.2% of mothers from Spain at 4 months, compared with 43% of immigrants (P=.039) (RR Spanish/immigrants=0.76; 95% CI: 0.58-0.99); at 6 months this occurred in 13.9% vs. 23.8%, respectively (P<.001) (RR Spanish/immigrants=0.52; 95% CI: 0.37-0.72). The factors associated with CBF at 4 months are different between both groups. Mothers born in Spain are older (P=.002), have higher academic level (P=.001), greater parity (P=.003), and a higher probability of vaginal delivery (P=.005); and their children have the highest anthropometric values at birth. However, in immigrant mothers, the maintenance of CBF was associated with a higher maternal body mass index and with working at home. In both groups, CBF remains more frequently in those mothers who do not smoke (P=.001). The prevalence of CBF during the first months of life is higher in immigrant mothers than in those from Spain, and socio-cultural, obstetric and perinatal factors are different, depending on maternal origin. Copyright © 2013 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  11. Mammography Screening 2.0 - How Can Risk-Adapted Screening be Implemented in Clinical Practice?: Results of a Focus Group Discussion with Experts in the RISIKOLOTSE.DE Project.


    Fürst, Nicole; Kiechle, Marion; Strahwald, Brigitte; Quante, Anne S


    The mammography screening programme has been the subject of criticism for some time. Invitation to take part is currently based only on the risk factors of age and female sex, whereby women with an above-average risk are screened too seldom and women with a low risk are possibly screened too often. In future, an individualised risk assessment could make a risk-adapted procedure possible in breast cancer screening. In the RISIKOLOTSE.DE project, schemes are devised to calculate the individual breast cancer risk and evaluate the results. The aim is to assist doctors and screening participants in participatory decision-making. To gauge the baseline situation in the target groups, qualitative and quantitative surveys were conducted. At the start of the project, a guideline-based focus group discussion was held with 15 doctors and representatives of the public health service. The transcript of this discussion was evaluated by means of a qualitative content analysis. The participants assessed the concept of risk-adapted screening positively overall. At the same time, the majority of them were of the opinion that the results of individualised risk calculation can be understood and evaluated adequately only by doctors. The great communication requirement and lack of remuneration were given as practical obstacles to implementation. The suggestions and new ideas from the focus group ranged from administrative and regulatory changes to new forms of counselling and adaptable practice aids. An important indicator for the RISIKOLOTSE.DE conception and for planning future surveys was that risk calculation for mammography screening 2.0 was regarded as a purely medical function and that the concept of participatory decision-making played hardly any part in the discussion.

  12. SRIM User’s Manual Release 2.0

    DTIC Science & Technology


    scale factor :512 Complex image file : Complex image maximum magnitude : 0.142081E+01 User scified scaling factor 0.512000E+03 Comands : [F...larger (in space dimensions) blocks being used to represent the image. This is similar to grain size in photographic film . If a fine grain image is

  13. Using Bayes factors for multi-factor, biometric authentication

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Giffin, A.; Skufca, J. D.; Lao, P. A.


    Multi-factor/multi-modal authentication systems are becoming the de facto industry standard. Traditional methods typically use rates that are point estimates and lack a good measure of uncertainty. Additionally, multiple factors are typically fused together in an ad hoc manner. To be consistent, as well as to establish and make proper use of uncertainties, we use a Bayesian method that will update our estimates and uncertainties as new information presents itself. Our algorithm compares competing classes (such as genuine vs. imposter) using Bayes Factors (BF). The importance of this approach is that we not only accept or reject one model (class), but compare it to others to make a decision. We show using a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve that using BF for determining class will always perform at least as well as the traditional combining of factors, such as a voting algorithm. As the uncertainty decreases, the BF result continues to exceed the traditional methods result.

  14. Structural characterization of layered Na0.5Co0.5Mn0.5O2 material as a promising cathode for sodium-ion batteries

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Manikandan, Palanisamy; Heo, Seongwoo; Kim, Hyun Woo; Jeong, Hu Young; Lee, Eungje; Kim, Youngsik


    Layered Na0.5Co0.5Mn0.5O2 material is synthesized through a facile mixed hydroxy-carbonate route using (Co0.5Mn0.5)2(OH)2CO3 precursor and well characterized as a hexagonal layered structure under P63/mmc space group. The lattice parameters and unit cell volume (a = 2.8363 Å, c = 11.3152 Å and V = 78.83 Å3) are calculated by Rietveld refinement analysis. A flaky-bundle morphology is obtained to the layered Na0.5Co0.5Mn0.5O2 material with the hexagonal flake size ∼30 nm. Advanced transmission electron microscopic images are revealed the local structure of the layered Na0.5Co0.5Mn0.5O2 material with contrasting bright dots and faint dark dots corresponding to the Co/Mn and Na atoms. Two oxidation and reduction peaks are occurred in a cyclic voltammetric analysis corresponding to Co3+/Co4+ and Mn3+/Mn4+ redox processes. These reversible processes are attributed to the intercalation/de-intercalation of Na+ ions into the host structure of layered Na0.5Co0.5Mn0.5O2 material. Accordingly, the sodium cell is delivered the initial charge-discharge capacity 53/144 mAh g-1 at 0.5 C, which cycling studies are extended to rate capability test at 1 C, 3 C and 5C. Eventually, the Na-ion full-cell is yielded cathode charge-discharge capacity 55/52 mAh g-1 at 0.212 mA and exhibited as a high voltage cathode for Na-ion batteries.

  15. Bacteriology of peritonsillar abscess: the changing trend and predisposing factors.


    Tsai, Yi-Wen; Liu, Yu-Hsi; Su, Hsing-Hao


    Peritonsillar abscess is the most common deep neck infection. The infectious microorganism may be different according to clinical factors. To identify the major causative pathogen of peritonsillar abscess and investigate the relationship between the causative pathogen, host clinical factors, and hospitalization duration. This retrospective study included 415 hospitalized patients diagnosed with peritonsillar abscess who were admitted to a tertiary medical center from June 1990 to June 2013. We collected data by chart review and analyzed variables such as demographic characteristics, underlying systemic disease, smoking, alcoholism, betel nut chewing, bacteriology, and hospitalization duration. A total of 168 patients had positive results for pathogen isolation. Streptococcus viridans (28.57%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (23.21%) were the most common microorganisms identified through pus culturing. The isolation rate of anaerobes increased to 49.35% in the recent 6 years (p=0.048). Common anaerobes were Prevotella and Fusobacterium spp. The identification of K. pneumoniae increased among elderly patients (age>65 years) with an odds ratio (OR) of 2.76 (p=0.03), and decreased in the hot season (mean temperature>26°C) (OR=0.49, p=0.04). No specific microorganism was associated with prolonged hospital stay. The most common pathogen identified through pus culturing was S. viridans, followed by K. pneumoniae. The identification of anaerobes was shown to increase in recent years. The antibiotics initially selected should be effective against both aerobes and anaerobes. Bacterial identification may be associated with host clinical factors and environmental factors. Copyright © 2017 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  16. Evaluación de la utilidad diagnóstica de la versión española del cuestionario al informador «AD8»☆

    PubMed Central

    Pardo, C. Carnero; de la Vega Cotarelo, R.; Alcalde, S. López; Aparicio, C. Martos; Carrillo, R. Vílchez; Gavilán, E. Mora; Galvin, J.E.


    Introducción El AD8 es un cuestionario al informador breve que puede ser autoaplicado y facilita la identificación de deterioro cognitivo (DC); nuestro objetivo es evaluar la utilidad diagnóstica (UD) de una versión española. Material y métodos Estudio transversal en una muestra clínica de díadas paciente/ informador, 330 sujetos con sospecha de DC o demencia (DEM) y 71 controles. Se ha evaluado la consistencia interna (α de Cronbach) y la validez (correlaciones parciales con estadio GDS, Fototest e índice funcional [IF]). La UD se ha evaluado para no DC vs DC (GDS 3–4) por medio del área bajo la curva ROC (aROC) y se ha considerado mejor punto de corte aquel que hacía máximo el índice de Youden. Resultados En la muestra, 105 no tenían DC, 99 tenían DC sin DEM y 203 DEM. La consistencia interna es alta (α 0,90, IC del 95%, 0,89–0,92), al igual que las correlaciones con GDS (r = 0,72, p < 0,001), Fototest (r = −0,61, p < 0,001) e IF (r = 0,59, p < 0,001). El aROC del AD8 es 0,90 (IC del 95%, 0,86–0,93), sin diferencia significativa con la del Fototest (aROC 0,93, IC del 95%, 0,89–0,96); el mejor punto de corte es 3/4 con sensibilidad de 0,93 (IC del 95%, 0,88–0,96), especificidad de 0,81 (IC del 95%, 0,72–0,88) y el 88,8% de las clasificaciones correctas. El uso conjunto de AD8 y Fototest mejora de forma significativa la UD de ambos (aROC 0,96, IC del 95%, 0,93–0,98, p < 0,05). Conclusiones La versión española del AD8 conserva las cualidades psicométricas y la UD de la versión original; su uso combinado con el Fototest mejora de forma significativa la UD de ambos. PMID:22652137

  17. El fenotipo de las mucinas en el esófago de Barrett

    PubMed Central

    Torrado, Julio; Piazuelo, María Blanca; Ruiz, Irune; Izarzugaza, María Isabel; Camargo, María Constanza; Delgado, Alberto; Abdirad, Afshin; Correa, Pelayo


    Antecedentes El esófago de Barrett es una reconocida lesión precursora de adenocarcinoma esofágico. Aunque generalmente asociada al reflujo gastroesofágico, los mecanismos patogénicos de la enfermedad no son bien conocidos. El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar la historia natural e identificar marcadores de progreso del proceso precanceroso. Material y métodos Se utilizaron cortes histológicos de 67 especímenes de esófago correspondientes a 14 pacientes con esófago de Barrett, a los que se siguió entre 1 – 9 años. Se clasificaron las lesiones en: esófago de Barrett sin displasia, indefinido para displasia o con displasia. Se evaluó la expresión de diferentes mucinas en las células caliciformes y en las columnares usando técnicas de histoquímica e inmunohistoquímica. Resultados En todos los casos se comprobó la presencia de metaplasia intestinal incompleta. Las células columnares dentro del epitelio metaplásico contenían mucinas neutras. A mayor severidad de la lesión se encontró significativamente menor expresión de sialomucinas en las células columnares (p de tendencia igual a 0,03). En sujetos con lesiones indefinidas para displasia se observó un mayor contenido de sulfomucinas en las células caliciformes (p=0,034) y de MUC2 en las células columnares (p=0,029) que en sujetos con esófago de Barrett sin displasia. Se observó expresión de la mucina intestinal MUC2 y de la mucina gástrica MUC5AC en todas las muestras. MUC6, una mucina de las glándulas profundas gástricas, se presentó ocasionalmente. Conclusión La evaluación de los perfiles de mucinas en el esófago de Barrett sugiere una transición gradual del fenotipo del epitelio metaplásico a medida que la lesión avanza en el tiempo. PMID:21804831

  18. Risk factors for arbovirus infections in a low-income community of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2015-2016

    PubMed Central

    Daumas, Regina Paiva; de Almeida, Andrea Sobral; dos Santos, Reinaldo Souza; Koster, Isabella; Rodrigues, Pedro Pinheiro; Gomes, Marcelly de Freitas; Macedo, Auriane de Fátima; Gerardi, Alyssa; Leite, Iúri da Costa


    Background Dengue epidemics have occurred in the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) since 1986. In the year 2015, Zika and chikungunya viruses were introduced in the city, causing sequential and simultaneous epidemics. Poor socioeconomic conditions have been suggested as contributing factors of arboviral infection. Objective To describe the spatial distribution of human cases of symptomatic arboviral infections and to identify risk factors for infection in a poor community of Rio de Janeiro in the years 2015 and 2016. Methods We built thematic maps of incidence rates for 78 micro-areas in the Manguinhos neighborhood. The micro-areas congregate about 600 inhabitants. Simple and multiple multilevel logistic regression models were used to evaluate the association between the incidence of arboviral diseases and socio-demographic factors at both the individual and micro-area levels. Results From 2015 to 2016, 370 human cases of arbovirus infection were reported in the Manguinhos community: 123 in 2015 and 247 in 2016. There was a significant difference in the risk of arbovirus diseases among different micro-areas, but this was not explained by water and sanitation indicators. The cumulative incidence rate was 849/100,000 in two years. The incidence was greater in those individuals with familiar vulnerability (1,156/100,000 vs. 794/100,000). The multilevel adjusted model showed that the odds of acquiring an arbovirus infection was 55% greater in those with familiar vulnerability. Conclusion Arbovirus infections cause a high burden of disease in Brazilian urban centers. Our results suggest that even in poor neighborhoods, there is a high spatial variability in the risk of acquiring an arbovirus infection. The conditions that favor vector proliferation and infection by arboviruses are complex and involve both individual and environmental characteristics that vary from place to place. To reduce the burden of arboviral diseases, continued public health policies and basic

  19. Risk Factors for Pressure Ulcers Including Suspected Deep Tissue Injury in Nursing Home Facility Residents: Analysis of National Minimum Data Set 3.0.


    Ahn, Hyochol; Cowan, Linda; Garvan, Cynthia; Lyon, Debra; Stechmiller, Joyce


    To provide information on risk factors associated with pressure ulcers (PrUs), including suspected deep tissue injury (sDTI), in nursing home residents in the United States. This continuing education activity is intended for physicians and nurses with an interest in skin and wound care. After participating in this educational activity, the participant should be better able to:1. Examine the literature related to risk factors for the development of PrUs.2. Compare risk factors associated with the prevalence of PrUs and sDTI from the revised Minimum Data Set 3.0 2012 using a modified Defloor's conceptual model of PrUs as a theoretical framework. This study aims to characterize and compare risk factors associated with pressure ulcers (PrUs), including suspected deep tissue injury (sDTI), in nursing home (NH) residents in the United States. Secondary analysis of the 2012 Minimum Data Set (MDS 3.0). Medicare- or Medicaid-certified NHs in the United States. Nursing home residents (n = 2,936,146) 18 years or older with complete PrU data, who received comprehensive assessments from January to December 2012. Pressure ulcer by stage was the outcome variable. Explanatory variables (age, gender, race and ethnicity, body mass index, skin integrity, system failure, disease, infection, mobility, and cognition) from the MDS 3.0 were aligned with the 4 elements of Defloor's conceptual model: compressive forces, shearing forces, tissue tolerance for pressure, and tissue tolerance for oxygen. Of 2,936,146 NH residents who had complete data for PrU, 89.9% had no PrU; 8.4% had a Stage 2, 3, or 4 or unstagable PrU; and 1.7% had an sDTI. The MDS variables corresponding to the 4 elements of Defloor's model were significantly predictive of both PrU and sDTI. Black residents had the highest risk of any-stage PrU, and Hispanic residents had the highest risk of sDTI. Skin integrity, system failure, infection, and disease risk factors had larger effect sizes for sDTI than for other PrU stages

  20. Factors influencing obesogenic dietary intake in young children (0–6 years): systematic review of qualitative evidence

    PubMed Central

    Mazarello Paes, Veena; Ong, Ken K; Lakshman, Rajalakshmi


    Background Obesogenic dietary intake is prevalent in young children and is associated with obesity and other adverse health outcomes in childhood and later in life. Objective To describe the barriers to and facilitators of obesogenic dietary intake in early childhood, in order to inform interventions and public health policies to prevent obesity. Design Systematic review of qualitative literature on factors influencing obesogenic diets in children aged 0–6 years. Data sources MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Web of Knowledge, British Nursing Index, ASSIA and Sociological Abstracts. Review methods Qualitative studies meeting the inclusion criteria were synthesised. Data were analysed by creating a thematic framework, underpinned by the socioecological model, which included familiarisation of data across the studies, indexing, charting, mapping and interpretation. Results 20 studies from the USA (10), Europe (6) and Australia (4) included the views of 1067 participants (901 parents/caregivers, 37 children, 87 teachers, 15 dieticians and 27 nursery staff). Study designs included focus groups (n=16), individual interviews (n=6) and ethnography (n=1) with some studies using more than one design. Despite wide differences in the study context and focus, several consistent themes emerged. Parental factors increasing young children's obesogenic diets were: negative parent/family/peer modelling, lack of knowledge, time constraints, using food as reward, affordability and concerns about child's health. Child preferences also increased intake. Environmental factors increasing intake include: availability, advertising, societal, cultural and preschool/childcare influences. Conclusions Future intervention strategies should aim to promote modelling of positive behaviours, create home and preschool environments that promote healthy diets, and simultaneously target factors at the family and preschool/childcare levels. Trial registration number This review is one of a series

  1. Accidentes laborales asociados al desánimo de médicos SERUMS para laborar en el primer nivel de atención de Lima, Perú

    PubMed Central

    Mejia, Christian R.; Valladares-Garrido, Mario J.; Romero, Brian M.; Valladares-Garrido, Danai; Linares-Reyes, Edgardo


    Introducción la retención laboral es un tema de suma importancia, porque se requiere de profesionales en el primer nivel de atención (PNA). El objetivo fue determinar si los accidentes laborales se asociaron al desánimo de los médicos para trabajar en el PNA de Lima, Perú. Métodos estudio transversal analítico de datos secundarios de una base de datos generada de una encuesta a médicos que realizaron su Servicio Rural y Urbano-Marginal en Salud (SERUMS). Se incluyó solo a los médicos que manifestaron al inicio del SERUMS que podían trabajar en el PNA de Lima. Se definió como cambio de intención de trabajo en el PNA a los que finalizando el SERUMS refirieron que ya no deseaban laborar en Lima. Esto se asoció según si tuvieron un accidente laboral y se ajustó por otras variables. Resultados de los 124 médicos el 63% fueron hombres (78). La mediana de edad fue de 26 años (rango intercuartílico: 25-27 años). Después de su SERUMS, el 12% (15) manifestó que cambió su interés y que deseaba trabajar en la capital. En el análisis multivariado, haber tenido un accidente laboral disminuyó la frecuencia del cambio de intención de trabajo en el PNA (RPa: 0.28, IC 95%: 0.14-0.54, p < 0,001), ajustado por ocho variables. Conclusiones en un estudio previo los accidentes laborales disminuyeron la frecuencia de trabajar en provincias, pero nuestro estudio dice lo contrario, posiblemente por la percepción de que un trabajo en la capital del país permite estar más cerca de los servicios para ser atendido en caso de cualquier emergencia. PMID:29190859

  2. Factors Controlling Fluxes of Nitrous Oxide (N-N2O) in AN Upland Tropical Forest (atlantic Forest) - Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Perry, I.; de Mello, W. Z.; McDowell, W. H.


    Atlantic Forest is located along the Brazilian coast and inland to Paraguay and Argentina. It has been largely devastated years ago by anthropogenic activities, such as agriculture and urbanization. Only ten percent of its original area remains (100.000 km2), which is concentrated on high lands. Atlantic Forest is a biodiversity hotspot that receives high nitrogen (N) input through atmospheric deposition in forests of Rio de Janeiro; however, not much is known about the consequences of this N addition. This study has been conducted in the Serra dos Orgaos National Park (SONP - 22.782 km2) located a few kilometers Northeast of Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region, Sea Mountain. The forest, characterized as Tropical Moist Forest, is rigorously protected. Vegetation varies along the altitudinal gradient, where the highest peak is at 2,200m asl. Previous studies reported that N atmospheric deposition in SONP varies from 14 to 24 kg ha-1 year-1. The high N deposition on tropical forests increases emission to the atmosphere of N-N2O, a greenhouse gas. There is a lack of N-N2O measurements in tropical forests, mainly in upland tropical forests. We present fluxes of N-N2O from a Brazilian upland tropical forest, and assess the factors controlling N-N2O fluxes. Samples were collected from eight grids (48m2), between 330-451m asl (Subtropical vegetation) and eight grids between 1137-1251m (Montane vegetation), during the dry (July 2008) and wet (Jan-Feb 2009) seasons. Daily, N-N2O (N=372) and soil (N=185) were collected. Nitrous oxide emission was 0,7 (lower altitude) and 0,3 kgN ha-1 year-1 (higher altitude), which is lower than in other upland tropical forests, such as Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, where atmospheric N input (4 kg ha-1 year-1) is not as high as in SONP. Water filled pore space, soil temperature, phosphorus and C:N are the main factors controlling N-N2O fluxes. Manganese was not a good indicator for presence or absence of N-N2O. Higher N-N2O

  3. Le stress perçu: validation de la traduction d'une échelle de mesure de stress en dialecte marocain

    PubMed Central

    Loubir, Dalal Ben; Serhier, Zeineb; Otmani, Nada; Housbane, Samy; Mouddene, Naima Ait; Agoub, Mohamed; Othmani, Mohammed Bennani


    Introduction L'article a pour objectif de valider la traduction en dialecte arabe Marocain, de l’échelle du stress perçu « Perceived Stress Scale » chez un large échantillon de la population marocaine. Méthodes Une méthode de traduction et contre traduction en dialecte Marocain a été réalisée pour l’échelle « Perceived Stress Scale » à 10 items. Une étude de type transversale, a été menée par la suite en suivant un échantillonnage par quotas qui a ciblé les individus âgés de plus de 18 ans et appartenant à différentes catégories sociales. Les participants ont répondus aux versions marocaines de l’échelle « Perceived Stress Scale » et d'une version réduite de l’échelle « The Survey of Recent Life Experience ». La validation des qualités métrologiques a été établie en examinant: la fiabilité interne, la fiabilité test-retest, la validité convergente et la structure factorielle. Résultats Cinq cent trente-cinq participants ont répondu aux questionnaires. La version marocaine de l’échelle « Perceived Stress Scale » a présenté une bonne fiabilité interne (α = 0,80) et fiabilité test-retest (CCI= 0,87). D'autant plus, l'analyse en composante principale de l’échelle « Perceived Stress Scale » a permis d'extraire deux facteurs qui ont permis d'expliquer 53,4% de la variance totale. Les deux échelles utilisées étaient assez bien corrélées (r = 0,467, p < 0,01). Conclusion La présente étude a permis d'obtenir une version marocaine de l’échelle « Perceived Stress Scale » avec des propriétés psychométriques satisfaisantes, dont l'utilisation sera d'une grande aide dans la pratique médicale, aussi bien que dans la réalisation des études de recherche qui s'intéressent au stress psychologique. PMID:26587130

  4. Factors that Influence Weekday Sleep Duration in European Children

    PubMed Central

    Hense, Sabrina; Barba, Gianvincenzo; Pohlabeln, Hermann; De Henauw, Stefaan; Marild, Staffan; Molnar, Dénes; Moreno, Luis A.; Hadjigeorgiou, Charalampos; Veidebaum, Toomas; Ahrens, Wolfgang


    Study Objectives: To compare nocturnal sleep duration in children from 8 European countries and identify its determinants. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Primary schools and preschools participating in the IDEFICS study. Participants: 8,542 children aged 2 to 9 years from 8 European countries with complete information on nocturnal sleep duration. Interventions: Not applicable. Measurements: Nocturnal sleep duration was assessed by means of a computer based parental 24-h recall. Data on personal, social, environmental, and behavioral factors were collected by means of standardized parental questionnaire. Physical activity was surveyed with accelerometers. Results: Nocturnal sleep duration in the participating countries ranged from 9.5 h (SD 0.8) in Estonia to 11.2 h (SD 0.7) in Belgium and differed significantly between countries (P < 0.001) in univariate as well as in multivariate analyses, with children from northern countries sleeping the longest. Sleep duration decreased by about 6 min with each year of age over all countries. No effect of season, daylight duration, overweight, parental education level, or lifestyle factors could be seen. Conclusion: Sleep duration differs significantly between countries. Our findings allow for the conclusion that regional affiliation, including culture and environmental characteristics, seems to overlay individual determinants of sleep duration. Citation: Hense S; Barba G; Pohlabeln H; De Henauw S; Marild S; Molnar D; Moreno LA; Hadjigeorgiou C; Veidebaum T; Ahrens W. Factors that influence weekday sleep duration in European children. SLEEP 2011;34(5):633-639. PMID:21532957

  5. Size dependence of vortex-type spin torque oscillation in a Co2Fe0.4Mn0.6Si Heusler alloy disk

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Seki, T.; Kubota, T.; Yamamoto, T.; Takanashi, K.


    This paper reports the systematic investigation of vortex-type spin torque oscillation in circular disks of highly spin-polarized Co2Fe0.4Mn0.6Si (CFMS) Heusler alloys. We fabricated the current-perpendicular-to-plane giant magnetoresistance (CPP-GMR) devices with various disk diameters (D) using the layer stack of CFMS/Ag3Mg/CFMS. The gyrotropic motion of the vortex core was successfully excited for the CFMS circular disks with 0.2 µm  ⩽  D  ⩽  0.3 µm. The CPP-GMR device with D  =  0.2 µm exhibited the Q factor of more than 5000 and the large output power of 0.4 nW owing to the high coherency of vortex dynamics and the high spin-polarization of CFMS. However, the Q factor was remarkably decreased as D was reduced from 0.2 µm to 0.14 µm. The comparison with the calculated resonance frequencies suggested that this degradation of the Q factor was due to the transition of the oscillation mode from the vortex mode to other modes such as the low-coherent out-of-plane precession mode. The present experimental results also suggest that there exists an adequate disk size for the enhanced Q factor of the vortex-type spin torque oscillation.

  6. Measurement of the ratios of branching fractions B(B0s --> Ds- pi+ pi+ pi-)/B(B0-->D- pi+ pi+ pi-) and B(B0s --> Ds- pi+)/B(B0-->D- pi+).


    Abulencia, A; Adelman, J; Affolder, T; Akimoto, T; Albrow, M G; Ambrose, D; Amerio, S; Amidei, D; Anastassov, A; Anikeev, K; Annovi, A; Antos, J; Aoki, M; Apollinari, G; Arguin, J-F; Arisawa, T; Artikov, A; Ashmanskas, W; Attal, A; Azfar, F; Azzi-Bacchetta, P; Azzurri, P; Bacchetta, N; Badgett, W; Barbaro-Galtieri, A; Barnes, V E; Barnett, B A; Baroiant, S; Bartsch, V; Bauer, G; Bedeschi, F; Behari, S; Belforte, S; Bellettini, G; Bellinger, J; Belloni, A; Benjamin, D; Beretvas, A; Beringer, J; Berry, T; Bhatti, A; Binkley, M; Bisello, D; Blair, R E; Blocker, C; Blumenfeld, B; Bocci, A; Bodek, A; Boisvert, V; Bolla, G; Bolshov, A; Bortoletto, D; Boudreau, J; Boveia, A; Brau, B; Brigliadori, L; Bromberg, C; Brubaker, E; Budagov, J; Budd, H S; Budd, S; Budroni, S; Burkett, K; Busetto, G; Bussey, P; Byrum, K L; Cabrera, S; Campanelli, M; Campbell, M; Canelli, F; Canepa, A; Carillo, S; Carlsmith, D; Carosi, R; Casarsa, M; Castro, A; Catastini, P; Cauz, D; Cavalli-Sforza, M; Cerri, A; Cerrito, L; Chang, S H; Chen, Y C; Chertok, M; Chiarelli, G; Chlachidze, G; Chlebana, F; Cho, I; Cho, K; Chokheli, D; Chou, J P; Choudalakis, G; Chuang, S H; Chung, K; Chung, W H; Chung, Y S; Ciljak, M; Ciobanu, C I; Ciocci, M A; Clark, A; Clark, D; Coca, M; Compostella, G; Convery, M E; Conway, J; Cooper, B; Copic, K; Cordelli, M; Cortiana, G; Crescioli, F; Cuenca Almenar, C; Cuevas, J; Culbertson, R; Cully, J C; Cyr, D; DaRonco, S; D'Auria, S; Davies, T; D'Onofrio, M; Dagenhart, D; de Barbaro, P; De Cecco, S; Deisher, A; De Lentdecker, G; Dell'Orso, M; Delli Paoli, F; Demortier, L; Deng, J; Deninno, M; De Pedis, D; Derwent, P F; Di Giovanni, G P; Dionisi, C; Di Ruzza, B; Dittmann, J R; Dituro, P; Dörr, C; Donati, S; Donega, M; Dong, P; Donini, J; Dorigo, T; Dube, S; Efron, J; Erbacher, R; Errede, D; Errede, S; Eusebi, R; Fang, H C; Farrington, S; Fedorko, I; Fedorko, W T; Feild, R G; Feindt, M; Fernandez, J P; Field, R; Flanagan, G; Foland, A; Forrester, S; Foster, G W; Franklin, M; Freeman, J C; Furic, I; Gallinaro, M; Galyardt, J; Garcia, J E; Garberson, F; Garfinkel, A F; Gay, C; Gerberich, H; Gerdes, D; Giagu, S; Giannetti, P; Gibson, A; Gibson, K; Gimmell, J L; Ginsburg, C; Giokaris, N; Giordani, M; Giromini, P; Giunta, M; Giurgiu, G; Glagolev, V; Glenzinski, D; Gold, M; Goldschmidt, N; Goldstein, J; Gomez, G; Gomez-Ceballos, G; Goncharov, M; González, O; Gorelov, I; Goshaw, A T; Goulianos, K; Gresele, A; Griffiths, M; Grinstein, S; Grosso-Pilcher, C; Grundler, U; Guimaraes da Costa, J; Gunay-Unalan, Z; Haber, C; Hahn, K; Hahn, S R; Halkiadakis, E; Hamilton, A; Han, B-Y; Han, J Y; Handler, R; Happacher, F; Hara, K; Hare, M; Harper, S; Harr, R F; Harris, R M; Hartz, M; Hatakeyama, K; Hauser, J; Heijboer, A; Heinemann, B; Heinrich, J; Henderson, C; Herndon, M; Heuser, J; Hidas, D; Hill, C S; Hirschbuehl, D; Hocker, A; Holloway, A; Hou, S; Houlden, M; Hsu, S-C; Huffman, B T; Hughes, R E; Husemann, U; Huston, J; Incandela, J; Introzzi, G; Iori, M; Ishizawa, Y; Ivanov, A; Iyutin, B; James, E; Jang, D; Jayatilaka, B; Jeans, D; Jensen, H; Jeon, E J; Jindariani, S; Jones, M; Joo, K K; Jun, S Y; Jung, J E; Junk, T R; Kamon, T; Karchin, P E; Kato, Y; Kemp, Y; Kephart, R; Kerzel, U; Khotilovich, V; Kilminster, B; Kim, D H; Kim, H S; Kim, J E; Kim, M J; Kim, S B; Kim, S H; Kim, Y K; Kimura, N; Kirsch, L; Klimenko, S; Klute, M; Knuteson, B; Ko, B R; Kondo, K; Kong, D J; Konigsberg, J; Korytov, A; Kotwal, A V; Kovalev, A; Kraan, A C; Kraus, J; Kravchenko, I; Kreps, M; Kroll, J; Krumnack, N; Kruse, M; Krutelyov, V; Kubo, T; Kuhlmann, S E; Kuhr, T; Kusakabe, Y; Kwang, S; Laasanen, A T; Lai, S; Lami, S; Lammel, S; Lancaster, M; Lander, R L; Lannon, K; Lath, A; Latino, G; Lazzizzera, I; LeCompte, T; Lee, J; Lee, J; Lee, Y J; Lee, S W; Lefèvre, R; Leonardo, N; Leone, S; Levy, S; Lewis, J D; Lin, C; Lin, C S; Lindgren, M; Lipeles, E; Lister, A; Litvintsev, D O; Liu, T; Lockyer, N S; Loginov, A; Loreti, M; Loverre, P; Lu, R-S; Lucchesi, D; Lujan, P; Lukens, P; Lungu, G; Lyons, L; Lys, J; Lysak, R; Lytken, E; Mack, P; MacQueen, D; Madrak, R; Maeshima, K; Makhoul, K; Maki, T; Maksimovic, P; Malde, S; Manca, G; Margaroli, F; Marginean, R; Marino, C; Marino, C P; Martin, A; Martin, M; Martin, V; Martínez, M; Maruyama, T; Mastrandrea, P; Masubuchi, T; Matsunaga, H; Mattson, M E; Mazini, R; Mazzanti, P; McFarland, K S; McIntyre, P; McNulty, R; Mehta, A; Mehtala, P; Menzemer, S; Menzione, A; Merkel, P; Mesropian, C; Messina, A; Miao, T; Miladinovic, N; Miles, J; Miller, R; Mills, C; Milnik, M; Mitra, A; Mitselmakher, G; Miyamoto, A; Moed, S; Moggi, N; Mohr, B; Moore, R; Morello, M; Movilla Fernandez, P; Mülmenstädt, J; Mukherjee, A; Muller, Th; Mumford, R; Murat, P; Nachtman, J; Nagano, A; Naganoma, J; Nakano, I; Napier, A; Necula, V; Neu, C; Neubauer, M S; Nielsen, J; Nigmanov, T; Nodulman, L; Norniella, O; Nurse, E; Oh, S H; Oh, Y D; Oksuzian, I; Okusawa, T; Oldeman, R; Orava, R; Osterberg, K; Pagliarone, C; Palencia, E; Papadimitriou, V; Paramonov, A A; Parks, B; Pashapour, S; Patrick, J; Pauletta, G; Paulini, M; Paus, C; Pellett, D E; Penzo, A; Phillips, T J; Piacentino, G; Piedra, J; Pinera, L; Pitts, K; Plager, C; Pondrom, L; Portell, X; Poukhov, O; Pounder, N; Prakoshyn, F; Pronko, A; Proudfoot, J; Ptohos, F; Punzi, G; Pursley, J; Rademacker, J; Rahaman, A; Ranjan, N; Rappoccio, S; Reisert, B; Rekovic, V; Renton, P; Rescigno, M; Richter, S; Rimondi, F; Ristori, L; Robson, A; Rodrigo, T; Rogers, E; Rolli, S; Roser, R; Rossi, M; Rossin, R; Ruiz, A; Russ, J; Rusu, V; Saarikko, H; Sabik, S; Safonov, A; Sakumoto, W K; Salamanna, G; Saltó, O; Saltzberg, D; Sánchez, C; Santi, L; Sarkar, S; Sartori, L; Sato, K; Savard, P; Savoy-Navarro, A; Scheidle, T; Schlabach, P; Schmidt, E E; Schmidt, M P; Schmitt, M; Schwarz, T; Scodellaro, L; Scott, A L; Scribano, A; Scuri, F; Sedov, A; Seidel, S; Seiya, Y; Semenov, A; Sexton-Kennedy, L; Sfyrla, A; Shapiro, M D; Shears, T; Shepard, P F; Sherman, D; Shimojima, M; Shochet, M; Shon, Y; Shreyber, I; Sidoti, A; Sinervo, P; Sisakyan, A; Sjolin, J; Slaughter, A J; Slaunwhite, J; Sliwa, K; Smith, J R; Snider, F D; Snihur, R; Soderberg, M; Soha, A; Somalwar, S; Sorin, V; Spalding, J; Spinella, F; Spreitzer, T; Squillacioti, P; Stanitzki, M; Staveris-Polykalas, A; St Denis, R; Stelzer, B; Stelzer-Chilton, O; Stentz, D; Strologas, J; Stuart, D; Suh, J S; Sukhanov, A; Sun, H; Suzuki, T; Taffard, A; Takashima, R; Takeuchi, Y; Takikawa, K; Tanaka, M; Tanaka, R; Tecchio, M; Teng, P K; Terashi, K; Thom, J; Thompson, A S; Thomson, E; Tipton, P; Tiwari, V; Tkaczyk, S; Toback, D; Tokar, S; Tollefson, K; Tomura, T; Tonelli, D; Torre, S; Torretta, D; Tourneur, S; Trischuk, W; Tsuchiya, R; Tsuno, S; Turini, N; Ukegawa, F; Unverhau, T; Uozumi, S; Usynin, D; Vallecorsa, S; van Remortel, N; Varganov, A; Vataga, E; Vázquez, F; Velev, G; Veramendi, G; Veszpremi, V; Vidal, R; Vila, I; Vilar, R; Vine, T; Vollrath, I; Volobouev, I; Volpi, G; Würthwein, F; Wagner, P; Wagner, R G; Wagner, R L; Wagner, J; Wagner, W; Wallny, R; Wang, S M; Warburton, A; Waschke, S; Waters, D; Wester, W C; Whitehouse, B; Whiteson, D; Wicklund, A B; Wicklund, E; Williams, G; Williams, H H; Wilson, P; Winer, B L; Wittich, P; Wolbers, S; Wolfe, C; Wright, T; Wu, X; Wynne, S M; Yagil, A; Yamamoto, K; Yamaoka, J; Yamashita, T; Yang, C; Yang, U K; Yang, Y C; Yao, W M; Yeh, G P; Yoh, J; Yorita, K; Yoshida, T; Yu, G B; Yu, I; Yu, S S; Yun, J C; Zanello, L; Zanetti, A; Zaw, I; Zhang, X; Zhou, J; Zucchelli, S


    Using 355 pb;{-1} of data collected by the CDF II detector in pp[over ] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron, we study the fully reconstructed hadronic decays B_{(s)};{0}-->D_{(s)};{-}pi;{+} and B_{(s)};{0}-->D_{(s)};{-}pi;{+}pi;{+}pi;{-}. We present the first measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(B_{s};{0}-->D_{s};{-}pi;{+}pi;{+}pi;{-})/B(B;{0}-->D;{-}pi;{+}pi;{+}pi;{-})=1.05+/-0.10(stat)+/-0.22(syst). We also update our measurement of B(B_{s};{0}-->D_{s};{-}pi;{+})/B(B;{0}-->D;{-}pi;{+}) to 1.13+/-0.08(stat)+/-0.23(syst), improving the statistical uncertainty by more than a factor of 2. We find B(B_{s};{0}-->D_{s};{-}pi;{+})=[3.8+/-0.3(stat)+/-1.3(syst)]x10;{-3} and B(B_{s};{0}-->D_{s};{-}pi;{+}pi;{+}pi;{-})=[8.4+/-0.8(stat)+/-3.2(syst)]x10;{-3}.

  7. Structural, magnetic and high-temperature thermoelectric properties of La0.4Bi0.4Ca0.2Mn1-xCoxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) perovskites

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hira, Uzma; Sher, Falak


    In this study, we have investigated the structural, magnetic and thermoelectric properties of La0.4Bi0.4Ca0.2Mn1-xCoxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) manganites. The crystallographic parameters of samples were determined by the Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray diffraction data. It was observed that Co doping results in change of crystal structures from orthorhombic (space group: Pbnm) to rhombohedral (space group: R-3c) symmetry. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images show smooth, clean and densified structures, depicting good crystallinity of samples. The zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) magnetization data were collected in the temperature range 5 to 300 K under an applied magnetic field of 0.1 Tesla. The analysis of temperature dependent magnetization data reveals all samples to be ferromagnetic with Curie temperatures around ∼77 K. The magnetic hysteresis loops, collected at 5 K, show that the saturation magnetization (MS) values decrease from 43 emu/g to 14 emu/g with increase in Co doping. The high temperature thermoelectric properties of all samples are characteristic of a semiconducting behavior, the small polaron hopping model fitting well with the temperature dependent electrical resistivity (ρ) and thermopower (S) data. The thermopower values change sign from positive to negative as temperature is increased from 313 K to 680 K. The maximum thermoelectric power factor (PF = S2/ρ) obtained for x = 0.3 sample at 313 K is 4.60 μW/mK2, is much higher than for the undoped sample.

  8. Regulation of Innate Immune Responses by Bovine Herpesvirus 1 and Infected Cell Protein 0 (bICP0)

    PubMed Central

    Jones, Clinton


    Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) infected cell protein 0 (bICP0) is an important transcriptional regulatory protein that stimulates productive infection. In transient transfection assays, bICP0 also inhibits interferon dependent transcription. bICP0 can induce degradation of interferon stimulatory factor 3 (IRF3), a cellular transcription factor that is crucial for activating beta interferon (IFN-β) promoter activity. Recent studies also concluded that interactions between bICP0 and IRF7 inhibit trans-activation of IFN-β promoter activity. The C3HC4 zinc RING (really important new gene) finger located near the amino terminus of bICP0 is important for all known functions of bICP0. A recombinant virus that contains a single amino acid change in a well conserved cysteine residue of the C3HC4 zinc RING finger of bICP0 grows poorly in cultured cells, and does not reactivate from latency in cattle confirming that the C3HC4 zinc RING finger is crucial for viral growth and pathogenesis. A bICP0 deletion mutant does not induce plaques in permissive cells, but induces autophagy in a cell type dependent manner. In summary, the ability of bICP0 to stimulate productive infection, and repress IFN dependent transcription plays a crucial role in the BoHV-1 infection cycle. PMID:21994549

  9. Temperamental and socioeconomic factors associated with traumatic dental injuries among children aged 0-17 years in the Swedish BITA study.


    Oldin, Anna; Lundgren, Jesper; Norén, Jörgen G; Robertson, Agneta


    The aim of the study was to identify individual risk factors for traumatic dental injuries (TDI) among Swedish children aged 0-17 years. The studied risk factors were temperamental reactivity of the child, family structure, parent's country of birth, and the socioeconomic status of the family represented by parental education and occupation. The study included 2363 children in four different age cohorts at 12 public dental service clinics in Sweden, representing different types of demographic areas, both rural and urban. Data were collected from parents and children through an interview and questionnaires. The more social and active children in the two older age cohorts showed less occasions of TDI. Having one parent/guardian protected the child from dental injury just as well as two parents/guardians. Parents born outside of the Nordic countries showed children with less TDI. Low parental education was related to more occasions of TDI among the children. This study has increased the knowledge on certain individual risk factors for TDI. To prevent dental injuries, information could be given to families and children at risk. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Eclipse parcial de Luna - 23-24 de Marzo de 1997

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arquiola, A. P.; Arquiola, F. E.

    Luego de varios años en que las condiciones climáticas no nos permitían registrar el fenómeno, pudimos observar y realizar secuencias fotográficas del eclipse parcial Luna. Siendo de una magnitud de 0.92 (muy cercano a la totalidad) se obtuvo una serie de fotografías muy claras y preferentemente con gran contraste a fin de destacar las tonalidades de las sombras, en especial la penumbra, que desde ya el clima nos favoreció. Los métodos fotográficos fueron, en primer lugar, con telezoom de 210mm a f/4.5 con película color de 1600 ASA; y el ya clásico método a foco primario en el Telescopio Schmidt - Cassegrain de 200mm a f/10. Paralelamente a la observación del eclipse, estábamos al instante comunicados por correo electrónico con otros observadores desde diferentes lugares del mundo intercambiando reportes, y también usuarios en general de la red, de esta forma se hizo muy especial el fenómeno. Instrumentos utilizados : Telescopio Schmidt-Cassegrain 200mm f/10, Cámara fotográfica Minolta con Telezoom 210mm f/4.5, Película 1600 ASA color, Telescopio Refractor 80mm a f/15

  11. Fiabilité test retest et validité de construit de la version française de L'Échelle fonctionnelle des membres inférieurs (ÉFMI), partie II

    PubMed Central

    René, Frédéric; Casimiro, Lynn; Tremblay, Manon; Chea, Phanny; Létourneau, Liliane; Silva, Megan; Stockwell, Victoria; Bergeron, Louis-Philippe


    RÉSUMÉ Introduction : Le Lower Extremity Functional Scale a été traduit en français en 2006. La version canadienne-française se nomme l'Échelle fonctionnelle des membres inférieurs (ÉFMI). La validité de construit et la fiabilité test-retest de l'ÉFMI n'ont pas encore été examinées. But : Examiner la fiabilité test-retest, la consistance interne et la validité de construit de l'ÉFMI. Méthodologie : Trente-quatre participants ayant subi une chirurgie ou une blessure à un membre inférieur ont rempli un questionnaire démographique et complété l'ÉFMI lors d'une évaluation initiale alors qu'ils étaient hospitalisés. Ils ont à nouveau complété l'ÉFMI dans un intervalle de 72 heures après la première évaluation. Le coefficient de corrélation intra-classe (CCI) et le coefficient kappa ont été utilisés afin d'examiner la fiabilité de type test-retest de l'ÉFMI. Le coefficient alpha Cronbach a été calculé pour évaluer la consistance interne. L'analyse factorielle a été utilisée pour examiner la validité de construit afin de déterminer le nombre de dimensions et leur signification respective. Résultats : Le CCI s'élève à une valeur de 0,92 [0,88–0,96] (IC: 95%). Le résultat du test α-Cronbach est de 0,95 (0,91–0,99) IC à 95%. L'analyse factorielle révèle que tous les éléments de l'ÉFMI se logent sur une dimension principale. Conclusion : Les résultats montrent que la version canadienne-française de l'ÉFMI est un outil unidimensionnel qui offre une fiabilité test-retest et une consistance interne excellentes. PMID:22379266

  12. [Not Available].


    MIján de la Torre, Alberto


    El síndrome de caquexia cancerosa es responsable de la muerte de un número significativo de pacientes con cáncer. Se caracteriza por la presencia de una ingesta reducida, con inflamación sistémica y un metabolismo alterado. Los enfermos presentan característicamente una progresiva pérdida de peso y de masa muscular, junto a deterioro funcional. La pérdida muscular se debe a la combinación de reducción de la síntesis proteica con aumento de su degradación. Ello conduce tanto a un acortamiento como a una reducción en el área de la fibra muscular. Asimismo, existen datos que apoyan que selectivamente algunos de los tipos de fibra muscular se ven más afectados. Es necesario definir bien los valores de corte de sarcopenia para diagnosticar la pérdida muscular y existen diferentes métodos. El sistema de la ubiquitina-proteasoma parece desempeñar un papel predominante en la degradación de la proteína miofibrilar. La tendencia a perder masa muscular en los pacientes con caquexia cancerosa parece estar asociada a la activación de señales catabólicas por citoquinas proinflamatorias, así como por productos tumorales del tipo factor inductor de proteólisis. En referencia a los factores pronósticos, el riesgo de muerte está bien documentado en pacientes con sarcopenia y, especialmente, en aquellos con obesidad asociada a la sarcopenia. Asimismo, se ha establecido una relación directa entre la pérdida intensa de masa muscular y la supervivencia en pacientes con diferentes tipos de tumores del tipo de cáncer de páncreas, pulmón, tracto biliar o cáncer colorrectal. Respecto de la terapia en el síndrome de caquexia cancerosa, es factible que requiera tratamiento con varios grupos combinados que incluyan, junto al soporte nutricional, fármacos orexígenos, con efecto anabólico y antinflamatorio, asociados a intervenciones que estimulen el ejercicio físico.

  13. Integrative review of factors related to the nursing diagnosis nausea during antineoplastic chemotherapy.


    Moysés, Aline Maria Bonini; Durant, Lais Corsino; Almeida, Ana Maria de; Gozzo, Thais de Oliveira


    to identify factors related to the nursing diagnosis nausea among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. integrative review conducted in four electronic databases (PUBMED, EMBASE, CINAHL and LILACS) using the key words: neoplasia, antineoplastic agents and nausea. only 30 out of 1,258 papers identified met the inclusion criteria. The most frequent related factors were: being younger than 50 years old, motion sickness, being a woman, emetogenic potential of the chemotherapy, anxiety, conditioned stimulus, and expecting nausea after treatment. this review's findings, coupled with the incidence of nausea among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, reveal an important difference between evidence found and that used by NANDA International, Inc. Even though it provides an appropriate definition of related factors, it does not mention chemotherapy, despite the various studies addressing the topic using different designs and presenting various objectives and outcomes. identificar os fatores relacionados ao diagnóstico de enfermagem náusea entre pacientes oncológicos durante o tratamento quimioterápico. revisão integrativa de quatro bases eletrônicas de dados (PUBMED, EMBASE, CINAHL e LILACS) com as palavras-chaves neoplasia, agentes antineoplásicos e náusea. dos 1258 artigos identificados, somente 30 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Os fatores relacionados mais frequentes foram: idade abaixo de 50 anos, doença do movimento, sexo feminino, potencial emético do quimioterápico, ansiedade, estímulo condicionado e expectativa de náuseas depois do tratamento. diante dos resultados encontrados e da incidência de náusea entre os pacientes oncológicos em tratamento quimioterápico, observa-se diferença importante entre as evidências encontradas e as utilizadas pela NANDA International, Inc. Apesar da definição estar adequada entre os fatores relacionados, não há menção à quimioterapia mesmo com inúmeros estudos, com diferentes delineamentos

  14. Factorial invariance of child self-report across healthy and chronic health condition groups: a confirmatory factor analysis utilizing the PedsQLTM 4.0 Generic Core Scales.


    Limbers, Christine A; Newman, Daniel A; Varni, James W


    The objective of the present study was to examine the factorial invariance of the PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales for child self-report across 11,433 children ages 5-18 with chronic health conditions and healthy children. Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis was performed specifying a five-factor model. Two multigroup structural equation models, one with constrained parameters and the other with unconstrained parameters, were proposed in order to compare the factor loadings across children with chronic health conditions and healthy children. Metric invariance (i.e., equal factor loadings) was demonstrated based on stability of the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) between the two models, and several additional indices of practical fit including the root mean squared error of approximation, the Non-normed Fit Index, and the Parsimony Normed Fit Index. The findings support an equivalent five-factor structure on the PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales across healthy and chronic health condition groups. These findings suggest that when differences are found across chronic health condition and healthy groups when utilizing the PedsQL, these differences are more likely real differences in self-perceived health-related quality of life, rather than differences in interpretation of the PedsQL items as a function of health status.

  15. Un Détecteur de Neutrons pour la Spectrométrie de Masses Manquantes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bollini, D.; Buhler-Broglin, A.; Dalpiaz, P.; Massam, T.; Navach, F.; Navarria, F. L.; Schneegans, M. A.; Zichichi, A.

    A large (2 × 0.39 m3 plastic scintillator) neutron detector capable to measure with high accuracy the coordinates of the neutron interaction point as well as its time-of-flight is described. As a missing mass spectrometer, it allows to observe for example the η, meson with a mass resolution of ± 4.2 MeV. Nous décrivous un détectcur de neutrons de grand volume sensible (2 x 0,39 m3 de scintillatcur plastique) capable de mesurer avec précision les coordonnées du point d'interaction du neutron détecté ainsi que son temp-de-vol. Employé comme spectrométre de masses manquantes, it permet d'observer par exemple le méson η avec une resolution de ± 4,2 MeY.

  16. PLETHORA transcription factors orchestrate de novo organ patterning during Arabidopsis lateral root outgrowth

    PubMed Central

    Du, Yujuan


    Plant development is characterized by repeated initiation of meristems, regions of dividing cells that give rise to new organs. During lateral root (LR) formation, new LR meristems are specified to support the outgrowth of LRs along a new axis. The determination of the sequential events required to form this new growth axis has been hampered by redundant activities of key transcription factors. Here, we characterize the effects of three PLETHORA (PLT) transcription factors, PLT3, PLT5, and PLT7, during LR outgrowth. In plt3plt5plt7 triple mutants, the morphology of lateral root primordia (LRP), the auxin response gradient, and the expression of meristem/tissue identity markers are impaired from the “symmetry-breaking” periclinal cell divisions during the transition between stage I and stage II, wherein cells first acquire different identities in the proximodistal and radial axes. Particularly, PLT1, PLT2, and PLT4 genes that are typically expressed later than PLT3, PLT5, and PLT7 during LR outgrowth are not induced in the mutant primordia, rendering “PLT-null” LRP. Reintroduction of any PLT clade member in the mutant primordia completely restores layer identities at stage II and rescues mutant defects in meristem and tissue establishment. Therefore, all PLT genes can activate the formative cell divisions that lead to de novo meristem establishment and tissue patterning associated with a new growth axis. PMID:29078398

  17. Factors associated to Caesarean delivery in public and private health care systems.


    Oliveira, Rosana Rosseto de; Melo, Emiliana Cristina; Novaes, Elisiane Soares; Ferracioli, Patrícia Louise Rodrigues Varela; Mathias, Thais Aidar de Freitas


    Identifying factors associated to Caesarean sections among the residents of Maringá-PR, according to the financing source for delivery. A cross-sectional study with data from 920 postpartum women interviewed between October 2013 and February 2014. Association analysis was performed by logistic regression. Caesarean section rates were 55.5% in the Unified Healthcare System (SUS) and 93.8% in the private system. Factors associated with Caesarean section in the SUS were: previous Caesarean section (OR=8.9; CI=4.6-16.9), desire for Caesarean section early in pregnancy (OR=2.0; CI=1.1-3.6), pregestational overweight/obesity (OR=1.8; CI=1.1-2.8), and per capita family income higher than one minimum wage (OR=2.1; CI=1.3-3.4). In the private system, desire for Caesarean section early in pregnancy (OR=25.3) and a previous Caesarean section (OR=11.3) were strongly associated to its performance. It is necessary to properly orientate all pregnant women who desire a Caesarean delivery, from both the SUS and the private system, about the inherent risks of the surgical procedure without indication. In the public health sector, guidelines should be focused on pregnant women with previous Caesarean delivery, with a per capita income higher than one minimum wage and those who are overweight or obese, as these women are more likely to have a Caesarean section. Identificar fatores associados à cesárea entre residentes de Maringá-PR, segundo a fonte de financiamento do parto. Estudo transversal com dados de 920 puérperas entrevistadas entre outubro de 2013 e fevereiro de 2014. A análise de associação foi feita por regressão logística. A taxa de cesariana foi de 55,5% e 93,8% no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e no sistema privado, respectivamente. Associou-se à cesárea no SUS: realização de cesárea anterior (OR=8,9; IC=4,6-16,9), desejo pela cesárea no início da gestação (OR=2,0; IC=1,1-3,6), sobrepeso/obesidade pré-gestacional (OR=1,8; IC=1,1-2,8), e renda familiar

  18. Numerical analysis of similarity of barrier discharges in the 0.95 Ne/0.05 Xe mixture

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Avtaeva, S. V.; Kulumbaev, E. B.


    Established dynamic regimes of similar (with a scale factor of 10) barrier discharges in the 0.95 Ne/0.05 Xe mixture are simulated in a one-dimensional drift-diffusion model. The similarity is examined of barrier discharges excited in gaps of lengths 0.4 and 4 mm at gas pressures of 350 and 35 Torr and dielectric layer thicknesses of 0.2 and 2 mm, the frequencies of the 400-V ac voltage applied to the discharge electrodes being 100 and 10 kHz, respectively.

  19. Measurement of the B0→π-ℓ+ν and B+→η(')ℓ+ν branching fractions, the B0→π-ℓ+ν and B+→ηℓ+ν form-factor shapes, and determination of |Vub|

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Del Amo Sanchez, P.; Lees, J. P.; Poireau, V.; Prencipe, E.; Tisserand, V.; Garra Tico, J.; Grauges, E.; Martinelli, M.; Milanes, D. A.; Palano, A.; Pappagallo, M.; Eigen, G.; Stugu, B.; Sun, L.; Brown, D. N.; Kerth, L. T.; Kolomensky, Yu. G.; Lynch, G.; Osipenkov, I. L.; Koch, H.; Schroeder, T.; Asgeirsson, D. J.; Hearty, C.; Mattison, T. S.; McKenna, J. A.; Khan, A.; Randle-Conde, A.; Blinov, V. E.; Buzykaev, A. R.; Druzhinin, V. P.; Golubev, V. B.; Kravchenko, E. A.; Onuchin, A. P.; Serednyakov, S. I.; Skovpen, Yu. I.; Solodov, E. P.; Todyshev, K. Yu.; Yushkov, A. N.; Bondioli, M.; Curry, S.; Kirkby, D.; Lankford, A. J.; Mandelkern, M.; Martin, E. C.; Stoker, D. P.; Atmacan, H.; Gary, J. W.; Liu, F.; Long, O.; Vitug, G. M.; Campagnari, C.; Hong, T. M.; Kovalskyi, D.; Richman, J. D.; West, C.; Eisner, A. M.; Heusch, C. A.; Kroseberg, J.; Lockman, W. S.; Martinez, A. J.; Schalk, T.; Schumm, B. A.; Seiden, A.; Winstrom, L. O.; Cheng, C. H.; Doll, D. A.; Echenard, B.; Hitlin, D. G.; Ongmongkolkul, P.; Porter, F. C.; Rakitin, A. Y.; Andreassen, R.; Dubrovin, M. S.; Mancinelli, G.; Meadows, B. T.; Sokoloff, M. D.; Bloom, P. C.; Ford, W. T.; Gaz, A.; Nagel, M.; Nauenberg, U.; Smith, J. G.; Wagner, S. R.; Ayad, R.; Toki, W. H.; Jasper, H.; Karbach, T. M.; Petzold, A.; Spaan, B.; Kobel, M. J.; Schubert, K. R.; Schwierz, R.; Bernard, D.; Verderi, M.; Clark, P. J.; Playfer, S.; Watson, J. E.; Andreotti, M.; Bettoni, D.; Bozzi, C.; Calabrese, R.; Cecchi, A.; Cibinetto, G.; Fioravanti, E.; Franchini, P.; Luppi, E.; Munerato, M.; Negrini, M.; Petrella, A.; Piemontese, L.; Baldini-Ferroli, R.; Calcaterra, A.; de Sangro, R.; Finocchiaro, G.; Nicolaci, M.; Pacetti, S.; Patteri, P.; Peruzzi, I. M.; Piccolo, M.; Rama, M.; Zallo, A.; Contri, R.; Guido, E.; Lo Vetere, M.; Monge, M. R.; Passaggio, S.; Patrignani, C.; Robutti, E.; Tosi, S.; Bhuyan, B.; Prasad, V.; Lee, C. L.; Morii, M.; Adametz, A.; Marks, J.; Uwer, U.; Bernlochner, F. U.; Ebert, M.; Lacker, H. M.; Lueck, T.; Volk, A.; Dauncey, P. D.; Tibbetts, M.; Behera, P. K.; Mallik, U.; Chen, C.; Cochran, J.; Crawley, H. B.; Dong, L.; Meyer, W. T.; Prell, S.; Rosenberg, E. I.; Rubin, A. E.; Gritsan, A. V.; Guo, Z. J.; Arnaud, N.; Davier, M.; Derkach, D.; Firmino da Costa, J.; Grosdidier, G.; Le Diberder, F.; Lutz, A. M.; Malaescu, B.; Perez, A.; Roudeau, P.; Schune, M. H.; Serrano, J.; Sordini, V.; Stocchi, A.; Wang, L.; Wormser, G.; Lange, D. J.; Wright, D. M.; Bingham, I.; Chavez, C. A.; Coleman, J. P.; Fry, J. R.; Gabathuler, E.; Gamet, R.; Hutchcroft, D. E.; Payne, D. J.; Touramanis, C.; Bevan, A. J.; di Lodovico, F.; Sacco, R.; Sigamani, M.; Cowan, G.; Paramesvaran, S.; Wren, A. C.; Brown, D. N.; Davis, C. L.; Denig, A. G.; Fritsch, M.; Gradl, W.; Hafner, A.; Alwyn, K. E.; Bailey, D.; Barlow, R. J.; Jackson, G.; Lafferty, G. D.; Anderson, J.; Cenci, R.; Jawahery, A.; Roberts, D. A.; Simi, G.; Tuggle, J. M.; Dallapiccola, C.; Salvati, E.; Cowan, R.; Dujmic, D.; Sciolla, G.; Zhao, M.; Lindemann, D.; Patel, P. M.; Robertson, S. H.; Schram, M.; Biassoni, P.; Lazzaro, A.; Lombardo, V.; Palombo, F.; Stracka, S.; Cremaldi, L.; Godang, R.; Kroeger, R.; Sonnek, P.; Summers, D. J.; Nguyen, X.; Simard, M.; Taras, P.; de Nardo, G.; Monorchio, D.; Onorato, G.; Sciacca, C.; Raven, G.; Snoek, H. L.; Jessop, C. P.; Knoepfel, K. J.; Losecco, J. M.; Wang, W. F.; Corwin, L. A.; Honscheid, K.; Kass, R.; Morris, J. P.; Blount, N. L.; Brau, J.; Frey, R.; Igonkina, O.; Kolb, J. A.; Rahmat, R.; Sinev, N. B.; Strom, D.; Strube, J.; Torrence, E.; Castelli, G.; Feltresi, E.; Gagliardi, N.; Margoni, M.; Morandin, M.; Posocco, M.; Rotondo, M.; Simonetto, F.; Stroili, R.; Ben-Haim, E.; Bonneaud, G. R.; Briand, H.; Calderini, G.; Chauveau, J.; Hamon, O.; Leruste, Ph.; Marchiori, G.; Ocariz, J.; Prendki, J.; Sitt, S.; Biasini, M.; Manoni, E.; Rossi, A.; Angelini, C.; Batignani, G.; Bettarini, S.; Carpinelli, M.; Casarosa, G.; Cervelli, A.; Forti, F.; Giorgi, M. A.; Lusiani, A.; Neri, N.; Paoloni, E.; Rizzo, G.; Walsh, J. J.; Lopes Pegna, D.; Lu, C.; Olsen, J.; Smith, A. J. S.; Telnov, A. V.; Anulli, F.; Baracchini, E.; Cavoto, G.; Faccini, R.; Ferrarotto, F.; Ferroni, F.; Gaspero, M.; Li Gioi, L.; Mazzoni, M. A.; Piredda, G.; Renga, F.; Hartmann, T.; Leddig, T.; Schröder, H.; Waldi, R.; Adye, T.; Franek, B.; Olaiya, E. O.; Wilson, F. F.; Emery, S.; Hamel de Monchenault, G.; Vasseur, G.; Yèche, Ch.; Zito, M.; Allen, M. T.; Aston, D.; Bard, D. J.; Bartoldus, R.; Benitez, J. F.; Cartaro, C.; Convery, M. R.; Dorfan, J.; Dubois-Felsmann, G. P.; Dunwoodie, W.; Field, R. C.; Franco Sevilla, M.; Fulsom, B. G.; Gabareen, A. M.; Graham, M. T.; Grenier, P.; Hast, C.; Innes, W. R.; Kelsey, M. H.; Kim, H.; Kim, P.; Kocian, M. L.; Leith, D. W. G. S.; Li, S.; Lindquist, B.; Luitz, S.; Lynch, H. L.; Macfarlane, D. B.; Marsiske, H.; Muller, D. R.; Neal, H.; Nelson, S.; O'Grady, C. P.; Ofte, I.; Perl, M.; Pulliam, T.; Ratcliff, B. N.; Roodman, A.; Salnikov, A. A.; Santoro, V.; Schindler, R. H.; Schwiening, J.; Snyder, A.; Su, D.; Sullivan, M. K.; Sun, S.; Suzuki, K.; Thompson, J. M.; Va'Vra, J.; Wagner, A. P.; Weaver, M.; Wisniewski, W. J.; Wittgen, M.; Wright, D. H.; Wulsin, H. W.; Yarritu, A. K.; Young, C. C.; Ziegler, V.; Chen, X. R.; Park, W.; Purohit, M. V.; White, R. M.; Wilson, J. R.; Sekula, S. J.; Bellis, M.; Burchat, P. R.; Edwards, A. J.; Miyashita, T. S.; Ahmed, S.; Alam, M. S.; Ernst, J. A.; Pan, B.; Saeed, M. A.; Zain, S. B.; Guttman, N.; Soffer, A.; Lund, P.; Spanier, S. M.; Eckmann, R.; Ritchie, J. L.; Ruland, A. M.; Schilling, C. J.; Schwitters, R. F.; Wray, B. C.; Izen, J. M.; Lou, X. C.; Bianchi, F.; Gamba, D.; Pelliccioni, M.; Bomben, M.; Lanceri, L.; Vitale, L.; Lopez-March, N.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Albert, J.; Banerjee, Sw.; Choi, H. H. F.; Hamano, K.; King, G. J.; Kowalewski, R.; Lewczuk, M. J.; Lindsay, C.; Nugent, I. M.; Roney, J. M.; Sobie, R. J.; Gershon, T. J.; Harrison, P. F.; Latham, T. E.; Puccio, E. M. T.; Band, H. R.; Dasu, S.; Flood, K. T.; Pan, Y.; Prepost, R.; Vuosalo, C. O.; Wu, S. L.


    We report the results of a study of the exclusive charmless semileptonic decays, B+→η(')ℓ+ν and B0→π-ℓ+ν, undertaken with approximately 464×106 BB¯ pairs collected at the Υ(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector. The analysis uses events in which the signal B decays are reconstructed with a loose neutrino reconstruction technique. We obtain partial branching fractions for B+→ηℓ+ν and B0→π-ℓ+ν decays in three and 12 bins of q2, respectively, from which we extract the f+(q2) form-factor shapes and the total branching fractions B(B+→ηℓ+ν)=(0.36±0.05stat±0.04syst)×10-4 and B(B0→π-ℓ+ν)=(1.42±0.05stat±0.07syst)×10-4. We also measure B(B+→η'ℓ+ν)=(0.24±0.08stat±0.03syst)×10-4. We obtain values for the magnitude of the CKM matrix element |Vub| using three different QCD calculations.

  20. Relevamiento de HI en el Hemisferio Austral

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnal, E. M.; Bajaja, E.; Morras, R.; Pöppel, W. G. L.

    Un nuevo relevamiento de HI de todo el Hemisferio Austral, comprendido entre -90o <= δ <= -25o, está siendo observado con la antena I del IAR. El mismo es realizado con alta sensibilidad (r.m.s.<= 0.07 K) y alta resolución espectral (1 Km/s). Un total de ~50000 posiciones en el cielo serán observadas, espaciadas en una grilla (lxb) de (0.5o x 0.5o). El intervalo de velocidades cubierto en este relevamiento abarca el rango -450 km/s a +450 km/s en el sistema LSR. Esta base de datos será corregida por efectos de ``stray radiation''. Al presente se ha observado ~70% del total del relevamiento. El mismo es complementario de uno similar realizado en el Hemisferio Norte por Hartman y Burton (1996), con cubrimiento espacial, sensibilidad, resoluciones espaciales y en velocidad, similares a los del IAR. El objetivo final de ambos relevamientos es disponer de una base de datos uniforme en todo el cielo.

  1. [Psychiatric readmissions: individual and organizational factors].


    Plancke, Laurent; Amariei, Alina; Flament, Clara; Dumesnil, Chloé


    Psychiatric readmission often constitutes a criterion to assess the effects of various therapies, as well as the impact of organizational changes in the healthcare system. It is used to characterize relapse or decompensation. The purpose of this study was to determine readmission rates and identify individual and organizational factors associated with significant variations in these rates. Adult psychiatric readmissions were identified from the full-time hospital stays registered in psychiatric wards in 2011-2012 in the Nord and Pas-de-Calais departments of France, available in the medical the RimP psychiatric admission database. Readmission rates for various follow-up periods after discharge were measured by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and multivariate analysis was conducted using the Cox proportional hazards model. Approximately 30,000 adults were hospitalized full-time in psychiatric units of the region during the study period. The 24-month readmission rate was 51.6% (95%CI: 50.8-52.3%). The Cox model showed that a diagnosis of schizophrenia (F2 - HR = 1.72 - 95%CI: 1.61-1.84 - p < 0.001) and personality disorder (F6 - HR = 1.45 - 95%CI: 1.32-1.58 - p < 0.001) was associated with a higher readmission rate. Readmission rates were higher among dependent patients in non-profit private hospitals. Psychiatric readmission is a very frequent event and is linked to organizational as well as individual factors.

  2. [Prevalence of and risk factors for hepatitis C in blood donors].


    Ladrón-de Guevara, Laura; Gómez, Nicolás; Vázquez-Cantarell, Mariana; García-Méndez, Sergio; Di Silvio, Mauricio


    Determine hepatitis C prevalence and risk factors in blood donors from the Blood Bank at the Centro Médico Nacional 20 de Noviembre ISSSTE, in Mexico City. A total of 41,957 blood donors were included in the study was done from January 1996 to August 2000. To study risk factors, a case-control study cases were defined as blood donors with repeatedly positive anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) ELISA test. Controls were defined as blood donors with negative anti-HCV ELISA test. All cases were interviewed a second time on HCV infection-associated risk factors. Odd ratio (OR) and confidence interval 95% (CI 95%) were calculated for each risk factoring in a univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis was performed subsequents to determine the independent contribution or each risk factor. HCV crude total prevalence was 0.84%. Risk factors were found in 36.16% anti-HCV-positive blood donors. During the second interview, 30% of sero-positive blood donors recalled one or more risk factors they previously denied. The most important risk factors, found were as follows sexual relations with prostitutes (OR 7.48, CI 95% 1.43-38.92) transfusion (OR 6, CI 95% 2.62-13.72); nasal cocaine use (OR 8.89, CI 95%, 1.01-86.89); dental surgery (OR 8.89, CI 95% 1.01-86.89) and contact with hepatitis-infected subject (OR 3.01, CI 95% 1.17-7.70). Other risk factors did not show a significant association. In this study, we found a crude total prevalence of 0.84%, very close to the prevalence reported in Mexican population by the National Center for Blood Transfusion.

  3. Mejoras en la exactitud del reloj de ángulo horario del telescopio de 2,15 mts de CASLEO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aballay, J. L.; Pereyra, P. F.; Marún, A. H.

    Para aumentar la exactitud en el control del ángulo horario del telescopio, se está implementando el uso de un reloj con una precisión de 1/100 seg. En conjunto con el encoder que otorga la posición con un acierto de 0,012 seg. de arco, se podrá implementar otro dígito en el reloj de ángulo horario con la posibilidad de ver las décimas. Esto, sumado a la precisión ya lograda en declinación, permitirá realizar offsets con mayor exactitud.

  4. Investigaccion-accion en la sala de clases sobre las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios y su relacion reciproca con el aprendizaje de las ciencias biologicas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cordova-Santiago, Lizzette Astrid

    La investigacion---accion que se llevo a cabo en la sala de clases tenia como punto de partida las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios para luego examinar sus implicaciones en el proceso de aprendizaje de las Ciencias Biologicas. ¿Que se supone que hagan las creencias en relacion con el aprendizaje? ¿En que consiste incorporar este aspecto a la practica educativa universitaria? Utilizando el modelo de Kemmis y McTaggart (1987) la investigacion-accion se planteo como un proceso dinamico en cuatro momentos en espiral constituidos por la planificacion, la accion, la observacion y la reflexion. Cada una de las fases tuvo una intencion retrospectiva y prospectiva formando una espiral de autorreflexion del conocimiento y la accion. Se llevaron a cabo audio grabaciones en clases y analisis de documentos. Ademas, la profesora-investigadora hizo un portafolio para reflexionar sobre las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia que tienen los estudiantes y las creencias del aprendizaje que tiene la profesora y sobre como la comprension de estos elementos ayudo a mejorar su practica educativa a traves del tiempo. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a que las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia que tiene el grupo de estudiantes son diversas. Ellos si creen que la ciencia tiene una cultura la cual describieron como: complicada y desconocida que evoluciona constantemente, que es un conjunto de metodos, que es altamente tecnologica, que resuelve problemas de salud, ayuda a interpretar la realidad del mundo que los rodea y su origen y que existen unas intersecciones entre la ciencia y el poder. Sobre las creencias del proceso de aprendizaje de la profesora-investigadora, estas senalan que el modelaje de actores, la vision de la academia que tiene ella asi como la participacion y negociacion entre todos los involucrados en el proceso educativo, son factores que inciden en el proceso de aprendizaje.

  5. The first multi-color photometric study of the short-period contact Eclipsing Binary DE Lyn

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hashimoto, Amanda; Zhang, Liyun; Han, Xianming L.; Hongpeng, Lu; Wang, Daimei


    We observed the contact eclipsing binary of DE Lyn using SARA 0.9 meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory on February 9, 11, and 27, 2015. In this study, we obtained the first full phase coverage BVRI CCD light curves, analyzed the orbital period variation, and extracted the orbital parameters. We calculated the linear and quadratic ephemeris, and thereby found that DE Lyn has a decreasing orbital period rate of -5.1(±0.4)×10-7 days/year. We believe this decreasing trend is the result of the more massive component (secondary) transferring mass to the less massive component (primary), and we obtained a mass transfer rate of dm/dt = 7.06×10-7M⊙/year. By using the updated Wilson & Devinney program, we found the orbital parameters of DE Lyn, which, in turn, enabled us to calculate the low degree of contact factor as f = 9.02(± 0.01)%. Its degree of contact will continue to increase and will evolve into an over-contact system.

  6. The first multi-color photometric study of the short-period contact eclipsing binary DE Lyn

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hashimoto, Amanda; Zhang, Liyun; Han, Xianming L.; Lu, Hongpeng; Wang, Daimei


    We observed the contact eclipsing binary of DE Lyn using SARA 0.9 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory on February 9, 11, and 27, 2015. In this study, we obtained the first full phase coverage BVRI CCD light curves, analyzed the orbital period variation, and extracted the orbital parameters. We calculated the linear and quadratic ephemeris, and thereby found that DE Lyn has a decreasing orbital period rate of - 5.1(± 0.4) × 10-7 days/year. We assume this decreasing trend is the result of the more massive component (secondary) transferring mass to the less massive component (primary), and we obtained a mass transfer rate of dm / dt = 7.06 ×10-7M⊙ /year . By using the updated Wilson & Devinney program, we found the orbital parameters of DE Lyn, which, in turn, enabled us to calculate the low degree of contact factor as f = 9.02(± 0.01)%. In the future, its degree of contact will continue to increase and will evolve into an over-contact system.

  7. Factors that influence the timing of spontaneous labor at term.


    Fogleman, Kelly A; Herring, Amy H; Kaczor, Diane; Pusek, Susan N; Jo, Hyejin; Thorp, John M


    Whether pre-term birth culminates as a result of a de novo pathologic process or is more simply early activation of physiologic mechanisms is unknown. Exploration of the onset of labor in term women with classical risk factors for early delivery might provide insights into the mechanisms leading to pre-term birth. This study examines whether sociodemographic factors known to increase the risk of pre-term birth also affect the length of term gestations. From a large prospective cohort composed of women delivering from 1995-2000, a sample was selected of 441 women from Central North Carolina, US, who delivered singletons after 37 weeks gestation. An algorithm was designed to identify induced labors and gestational age was censored at the time of induction. Gestational age was assigned by sonography and menstrual dating. Data were analysed using the Cox proportional hazards model. The main outcome measure was time to spontaneous labor. Women with 12 years of education had longer periods of gestation than women with less than 12 years of education, HR = 0.57 [0.39, 0.84]. Shorter gestational periods were found for women with pre-term premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) in a previous pregnancy, HR = 3.70 [1.60, 8.52], even after adjusting for confounders. Smoking was not associated (p > 0.1) with the timing of labor at term. By studying the timing of spontaneous parturition at term we identified that there is little overlap in risk factors that affect timing of delivery between spontaneous term and pre-term births.

  8. Factors associated with self-reported diabetes according to the 2013 National Health Survey.


    Malta, Deborah Carvalho; Bernal, Regina Tomie Ivata; Iser, Betine Pinto Moehlecke; Szwarcwald, Célia Landmann; Duncan, Bruce Bartholow; Schmidt, Maria Inês


    To analyze the factors associated with self-reported diabetes among adult participants of the National Health Survey (PNS). Cross-sectional study using data of the PNS carried out in 2013, from interviews with adults (≥ 18 years) of 64,348 Brazilian households. The prevalence of self-reported diabetes, assessed by the question "Has a doctor ever told you that you have diabetes?," was related to sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle, self-reported chronic disease, and self-evaluation of the health condition. Prevalence ratios were adjusted according to age, sex, and schooling by Poisson regression with robust variance. The diagnosis of diabetes was reported by 6.2% of respondents. Its crude prevalence was higher in women (7.0% vs. 5.4%), and among older adults, reaching 19.8% in the elderly. Black adults who received less schooling showed higher prevalence. Among those classified as obese, 11.8% reported having diabetes. Ex-smokers, those insufficiently active and those who consume alcohol abusively reported diabetes more often. Differences were not verified in eating habits among adults who reported, or did not, diabetes. A relation between diabetes and hypertension was found. After adjustment according to age, schooling and sex, diabetes was shown to be associated with higher age, lower schooling, past smoking, overweight and obesity, and hypertension, as well as with a self-declared poor state of health, indicating a pattern of risk factors common to many chronic non-communicable diseases and the association of the disease with morbidity. Analisar os fatores associados ao diabetes autorreferido entre adultos entrevistados na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS). Estudo transversal utilizando dados da PNS realizada em 2013, a partir de entrevistas com adultos (≥ 18 anos) de 64.348 domicílios brasileiros. A prevalência de diabetes autorreferido, avaliada pela pergunta "Algum médico já lhe disse que o sr(a) tem diabetes?", foi relacionada a caracter

  9. X-ray absorption investigation of local structural disorder in Ni 1-xFe x (x=0.10, 0.20, 0.35, and 0.50) alloys


    Zhang, Fuxiang X.; Jin, Ke; Zhao, Shijun; ...


    Defect energetics in structural materials has long been recognized to be affected by specific alloy compositions. Significantly enhanced radiation resistance has recently been observed in concentrated solid-solution alloys. However, the link between local structural disorder and modified defect dynamics in solid solutions remains unclear. To reveal the atomic-level lattice distortion, the local structures of Ni and Fe in Ni 1-xFe x (x=0.1, 0.2, 0.35 and 0.5) solid solution alloys were measured with extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) technique. The lattice constant and the first-neighbor distances increase with the increase of Fe content in the solid solutions. EXAFS measurements havemore » revealed that the bond length of Fe with surrounding atoms is 0.01-0.03 larger than that of Ni in the alloy systems. Debye-Waller factor of the Fe-Fe bonds in all the systems is also slightly larger than that of the Ni-Ni bond. EXAFS fitting suggests that the local structural disorder is enhanced with the addition of Fe elements in the solid solution. The local bonding environments from ab initio calculation are in good agreement with the experimental results, which suggest that the Fe has a larger first-neighbor bonding distance than that of Ni, and thus Ni atom inside the Ni-Fe solid solution alloys undergoes compressive strain.« less

  10. X-ray absorption investigation of local structural disorder in Ni 1-xFe x (x=0.10, 0.20, 0.35, and 0.50) alloys

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhang, Fuxiang X.; Jin, Ke; Zhao, Shijun

    Defect energetics in structural materials has long been recognized to be affected by specific alloy compositions. Significantly enhanced radiation resistance has recently been observed in concentrated solid-solution alloys. However, the link between local structural disorder and modified defect dynamics in solid solutions remains unclear. To reveal the atomic-level lattice distortion, the local structures of Ni and Fe in Ni 1-xFe x (x=0.1, 0.2, 0.35 and 0.5) solid solution alloys were measured with extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) technique. The lattice constant and the first-neighbor distances increase with the increase of Fe content in the solid solutions. EXAFS measurements havemore » revealed that the bond length of Fe with surrounding atoms is 0.01-0.03 larger than that of Ni in the alloy systems. Debye-Waller factor of the Fe-Fe bonds in all the systems is also slightly larger than that of the Ni-Ni bond. EXAFS fitting suggests that the local structural disorder is enhanced with the addition of Fe elements in the solid solution. The local bonding environments from ab initio calculation are in good agreement with the experimental results, which suggest that the Fe has a larger first-neighbor bonding distance than that of Ni, and thus Ni atom inside the Ni-Fe solid solution alloys undergoes compressive strain.« less

  11. The ALHAMBRA survey: B-band luminosity function of quiescent and star-forming galaxies at 0.2 ≤ z < 1 by PDF analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    López-Sanjuan, C.; Tempel, E.; Benítez, N.; Molino, A.; Viironen, K.; Díaz-García, L. A.; Fernández-Soto, A.; Santos, W. A.; Varela, J.; Cenarro, A. J.; Moles, M.; Arnalte-Mur, P.; Ascaso, B.; Montero-Dorta, A. D.; Pović, M.; Martínez, V. J.; Nieves-Seoane, L.; Stefanon, M.; Hurtado-Gil, Ll.; Márquez, I.; Perea, J.; Aguerri, J. A. L.; Alfaro, E.; Aparicio-Villegas, T.; Broadhurst, T.; Cabrera-Caño, J.; Castander, F. J.; Cepa, J.; Cerviño, M.; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.; González Delgado, R. M.; Husillos, C.; Infante, L.; Masegosa, J.; del Olmo, A.; Prada, F.; Quintana, J. M.


    Aims: Our goal is to study the evolution of the B-band luminosity function (LF) since z 1 using ALHAMBRA data. Methods: We used the photometric redshift and the I-band selection magnitude probability distribution functions (PDFs) of those ALHAMBRA galaxies with I ≤ 24 mag to compute the posterior LF. We statistically studied quiescent and star-forming galaxies using the template information encoded in the PDFs. The LF covariance matrix in redshift - magnitude - galaxy type space was computed, including the cosmic variance. That was estimated from the intrinsic dispersion of the LF measurements in the 48 ALHAMBRA sub-fields. The uncertainty due to the photometric redshift prior is also included in our analysis. Results: We modelled the LF with a redshift-dependent Schechter function affected by the same selection effects than the data. The measured ALHAMBRA LF at 0.2 ≤ z< 1 and the evolving Schechter parameters both for quiescent and star-forming galaxies agree with previous results in the literature. The estimated redshift evolution of MB* ∝ Qz is QSF = -1.03 ± 0.08 and QQ = -0.80 ± 0.08, and of log 10φ∗ ∝ Pz is PSF = -0.01 ± 0.03 and PQ = -0.41 ± 0.05. The measured faint-end slopes are αSF = -1.29 ± 0.02 and αQ = -0.53 ± 0.04. We find a significant population of faint quiescent galaxies with MB ≳ -18, modelled by a second Schechter function with slope β = -1.31 ± 0.11. Conclusions: We present a robust methodology to compute LFs using multi-filter photometric data. The application to ALHAMBRA shows a factor 2.55 ± 0.14 decrease in the luminosity density jB of star-forming galaxies, and a factor 1.25 ± 0.16 increase in the jB of quiescent ones since z = 1, confirming the continuous build-up of the quiescent population with cosmic time. The contribution of the faint quiescent population to jB increases from 3% at z = 1 to 6% at z = 0. The developed methodology will be applied to future multi-filter surveys such as J-PAS. Based on observations

  12. Myocardial Injury after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for In-Stent Restenosis Versus de novo Stenosis.


    Shimonaga, Takashi; Kurisu, Satoshi; Watanabe, Noriaki; Ikenaga, Hiroki; Higaki, Tadanao; Iwasaki, Toshitaka; Ishibashi, Ken; Dohi, Yoshihiro; Fukuda, Yukihiro; Kihara, Yasuki


    Periprocedural myocardial injury (PMI) remains a relatively common complication even after successful procedures. In-stent restenosis (ISR) may be involved in lesion-related factors for PMI. We compared the incidence of PMI between patients with ISR and those with de novo stenosis. The study population consisted of 121 patients with coronary artery disease who had been treated with statins and subsequently underwent angiographically successful percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Blood samples for troponin I were collected 18 to 24 hours after PCI. PMI was defined as an increase in the troponin I levels greater than 0.15 ng/mL. Major PMI was defined as an increase in the troponin I levels greater than 0.75 ng/mL. There were 34 patients with ISR and 87 patients with de novo stenosis. The incidence of PMI was similar between the two groups (47.1 % vs. 55.2 %, p=0.42). Among the patients with ISR, the incidences of PMI were 33.3 %, 60.0 % and 66.7 % in patients with focal ISR, diffuse ISR and diffuse proliferative ISR, respectively, although these differences were not statistically significant. The incidence of major PMI was significantly less frequent in patients with ISR than those with de novo stenosis (5.9 % vs. 25.3 %, p=0.03). A multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that ISR [odds ratio (OR) 0.22, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.03-0.90; p=0.03] and the maximum inflation pressure (OR 1.15, 95% CI 1.04-1.30; p=0.009) were independent predictors of major PMI. Our results suggest that while PMI occurs in patients with ISR as commonly as those with de novo stenosis, major PMI occurs less frequently in patients with ISR.

  13. Detecção inesperada de efeitos de lentes fracas em grupos de galáxias pouco luminosos em raios-X

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carrasco, R.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Sodré, L., Jr.; Lima Neto, G. B.; Cypriano, E. S.; Lengruber, L. L.; Cuevas, H.; Ramirez, A.


    Obtivemos, como parte do programa de verificação científica do GMOS Sul, imagens profundas de três grupos de galáxias: G97 e G102 (z~0,4) e G124 (z = 0,17). Esses alvos foram selecionados a partir do catálogo de fontes extensas de Vikhlinin (1998), por terem luminosidades em raios X menores que 3´1043 ergs s-1, valor cerca de uma ou duas ordens de grandeza inferior ao de aglomerados de galáxias. O objetivo primário dessas observações é o estudo da evolução de galáxias em grupos. Grupos são ambientes menos densos que aglomerados, contêm a grande maioria das galáxias do Universo mas que, até o momento, foram estudados detalhadamente apenas no Universo local (z~0). Com esses dados efetuamos uma análise estatística da distorção na forma das galáxias de fundo (lentes gravitacionais fracas) como forma de inferir o conteúdo e a distribuição de massa nesses grupos apesar de que, em princípio, esse efeito não deveria ser detectado uma vez que os critérios de seleção adotados previlegiam sistemas de baixa massa. De fato, para G124 obtivemos apenas um limite superior para sua massa que é compatível com sua luminosidade em raios X. De modo contrário e surpreendente, os objetos G102 e G097, aparentam ter massas que resultariam em dispersões de velocidade maiores que 1000 km s-1, muito maiores do que se espera para grupos de galáxias. Com efeito, para G097 obtivemos, a partir de dados do satélite XMM, uma estimativa para a temperatura do gás intragrupo de kT = 2,6 keV, que é tipica de sistemas com dispersões de velocidade de ~ 600 km s-1, bem característica de grupos. Essas contradições aparentes entre lentes fracas e raios X podem ser explicadas de dois modos: i) a massa obtida por lentes estaria sobreestimada devido à superposição de estruturas massivas ao longo da linha de visada ou ii) a temperatura do gás do meio intra-grupo reflete o potencial gravitacional de estruturas menores que estariam se fundindo para formar uma

  14. Angio-OCT de la zona avascular foveal en ojos con oclusión venosa de la retina.


    Wons, Juliana; Pfau, Maximilian; Wirth, Magdalena A; Freiberg, Florentina J; Becker, Matthias D; Michels, Stephan


    Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio comprendía visualizar y cuantificar las alteraciones patológicas de la zona avascular foveal (ZAF) mediante angio-OCT en ojos con oclusión venosa de la retina (OVR) en comparación con el ojo contralateral sano. Procedimientos: La angio-OCT se llevó a cabo mediante el sistema Avanti® RTVue 100 XR (Optovue Inc., Fremont, Calif., EE. UU.). Los bordes de la capa vascular superficial (CVS) se definieron como 3 μm por debajo de la membrana limitante interna y 15 μm por debajo de la capa plexiforme interna y, para la capa vascular profunda (CVP), como 15 y 70 μm por debajo de la membrana limitante interna y de la capa plexiforme interna, respectivamente. La longitud de la ZAF horizontal, vertical y máxima de la CVS y la CVP en cada ojo se midió de forma manual. Además, se midió el ángulo entre el diámetro máximo de la ZAF y el plano papilomacular. Resultados: La angio-OCT representó los defectos dentro de la vasculatura en el área perifoveal en ojos con oclusión de rama venosa de la retina (ORVR; n = 11) y con oclusión de la vena central de la retina (OVCR; n = 8). Esto resultó en un crecimiento del diámetro máximo de la ZAF en ojos con OVR (n = 19) en comparación con el ojo contralateral (n = 19; 921 ± 213 frente a 724 ± 145 µm; p = 0,008). Además, se observó una correlación significativa entre la mejor agudeza visual corregida (MAVC) y el diámetro máximo de la ZAF en la CVP (ρ de Spearman = -0,423, p < 0,01). Por último, en los ojos con OVR, el ángulo entre el plano papilomacular y el diámetro máximo de la ZAF se dio tan solo en el 21,05% (CVS) y en el 15,79% (CVP) de los casos a 0 ± 15 ó 90 ± 15°, respectivamente. En ojos sanos, estos ángulos (que supuestamente representan una configuración de la ZAF regular) fueron más prevalentes (CVS 68,42 frente a 21,05%, p = 0,003; CVP 73,68 frente a 15,79%, p < 0,001). Conclusiones: La angio-OCT muestra alteraciones morfológicas de la ZAF en ojos con

  15. PlantTFDB 3.0: a portal for the functional and evolutionary study of plant transcription factors

    PubMed Central

    Jin, Jinpu; Zhang, He; Kong, Lei; Gao, Ge; Luo, Jingchu


    With the aim to provide a resource for functional and evolutionary study of plant transcription factors (TFs), we updated the plant TF database PlantTFDB to version 3.0 ( After refining the TF classification pipeline, we systematically identified 129 288 TFs from 83 species, of which 67 species have genome sequences, covering main lineages of green plants. Besides the abundant annotation provided in the previous version, we generated more annotations for identified TFs, including expression, regulation, interaction, conserved elements, phenotype information, expert-curated descriptions derived from UniProt, TAIR and NCBI GeneRIF, as well as references to provide clues for functional studies of TFs. To help identify evolutionary relationship among identified TFs, we assigned 69 450 TFs into 3924 orthologous groups, and constructed 9217 phylogenetic trees for TFs within the same families or same orthologous groups, respectively. In addition, we set up a TF prediction server in this version for users to identify TFs from their own sequences. PMID:24174544

  16. Effet de la substitution du cuivre par du lithium sur les proprietes de l'oxyde spinelle lithium(x)cuivre(y-x)cobalt(3-y)oxygen(4) etudie pour l'electrocatalyse de la reaction de degagement de l'oxygene en milieu alcalin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fatih, Khalid

    L'electrolyse de l'eau demeure la seule technologie industrielle de generation de l'hydrogene et de l'oxygene tres purs sans rejet de CO2 dans l'atmosphere, ce qui le rend tres attrayant par rapport a la combustion de carburants fossiles qui provoque presentement de serieux problemes environnementaux. Dans le but d'ameliorer le rendement de ce procede, nous avons developpe de nouveaux materiaux d'anode peu couteux, a base de l'oxyde mixte CuyCo3-yO 4, qui possedent une cinetique rapide pour la reaction de degagement de l'oxygene (RDO). Cette reaction suscite un interet particulier en raison de la surtension d'activation relativement elevee a l'anode qui cause la principale perte de rendement du procede. Une etude systematique a ete effectuee sur la substitution du Cu par du Li (0 a 40%), afin d'elucider les proprietes electrocatalytiques des oxydes LixCuy-xCo3-yO4. Ces oxydes, prepares sous forme de poudres par decomposition thermique des nitrates precurseurs entre 300 et 500°C, ont montre (DRX et FTIR) une structure spinelle inverse non-stcechiometrique avec une diminution du volume de la maille cristalline. La surface specifique par BET est d'environ 6 m2 g-1. Le pcn, obtenu par titrage acido-basique, a indique une diminution de la force du lien M-OH avec le taux du Li dans l'oxyde. Les analyses par XPS, realisees sur des films d'oxyde prepares par nebulisation reactive sur un substrat lisse de nickel, revelent un enrichissement de la surface en Cu a partir de 30% Li, et la presence des cations de surface Co2+, Co3+, Cu +, Cu2+ et Cu3+. La concentration de ce dernier montre un maximum a 10 et 20% Li. Suite a la substitution du Cu par du Li, la compensation de la charge serait assuree principalement par la formation d'especes Cu3+ pour les oxydes contenant jusqu'a 20% Li, et par la formation d'especes Co3+ aux taux de substitution superieurs. Les micrographies MEB montrent une morphologie hemispherique des particules d'oxyde reparties uniformement sur le substrat

  17. Combinación de Valores de Longitud del Día (LOD) según ventanas de frecuencia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fernández, L. I.; Arias, E. F.; Gambis, D.

    El concepto de solución combinada se sustenta en el hecho de que las diferentes series temporales de datos derivadas a partir de distintas técnicas de la Geodesia Espacial son muy disimiles entre si. Las principales diferencias, fácilmente detectables, entre las distintas series son: diferente intervalo de muestreo, extensión temporal y calidad. Los datos cubren un período reciente de 27 meses (julio 96-oct. 98). Se utilizaron estimaciones de la longitud del día (LOD) originadas en 10 centros operativos del IERS (International Earth Rotation Service) a partir de las técnicas GPS (Global Positioning System) y SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging). La serie temporal combinada así obtenida se comparó con la solución EOP (Parámetros de la Orientación Terrestre) combinada multi-técnica derivada por el IERS (C04). El comportamiento del ruido en LOD para todas las técnicas mostró ser dependiente de la frecuencia (Vondrak, 1998). Por esto, las series dato se dividieron en ventanas de frecuencia, luego de haberles removido bies y tendencias. Luego, se asignaron diferentes factores de peso a cada ventana discriminando por técnicas. Finalmente estas soluciones parcialmente combinadas se mezclaron para obtener la solución combinada final. Sabemos que la mejor solución combinada tendrá una precisión menor que la precisión de las series temporales de datos que la originaron. Aun así, la importancia de una serie combinada confiable de EOP, esto es, de una precisión aceptable y libre de sistematismos evidentes, radica en la necesidad de una base de datos EOP de referencia para el estudio de fenómenos geofísicos que motivan variaciones en la rotación terrestre.

  18. L’évaluation du syndrome du Burnout chez les médecins en formation au CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca

    PubMed Central

    El Kettani, Assiya; Serhier, Zineb; Othmani, Mohammed Bennani; Agoub, Mohamed; Battas, Omar


    Introduction Le Burnout est très répandu en milieu hospitalier et sa gravité est encore plus accrue chez les jeunes médecins. L'objectif est de déterminer la prévalence du burnout parmi les médecins en formation (internes et résidents) au CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca et chercher les facteurs associés. Méthodes Étude transversale descriptive menée en 2013- 2014 auprès d'un échantillon de 300 médecins à l'aide d'un questionnaire auto-administré; le burnout était évalué par la version française du Maslash Burnout Inventory (MBI). Résultats Un total de191 médecins a participé à l'étude (taux de réponse à 63,7%) avec une prédominance féminine à 79,1% et une moyenne d'âge de 26,7ans (ET = 3). Les scores moyens des sous-dimensions du MBI: l'épuisement émotionnel, la dépersonnalisation et l'accomplissement personnel étaient respectivement de (33,7 ± 10,7), (12,2 ± 6,5) et (30,6 ± 8,3). Le burnout sévère touchait 31,8% des participants. Il était associé aux problèmes de communication au sein de l'équipe soignante (p < 0,01), l'accompagnement insuffisant (p < 0,05), l'insatisfaction des séniors (p = 0,01), la crainte de faire des erreurs médicales (p < 0,05), le recours à un psychothérapeute (p < 0,001), la consommation de psychotropes (p = 0,001), les troubles anxieux (p < 0,01), la dépression (p < 0,01) et les idées suicidaires (p < 0,05). Les facteurs protecteurs étaient représentés par: le sentiment d'équité au sein de l'équipe soignante (p < 0,01) et la pratique de loisirs (p < 0,05). Le changement d'orientation de carrière était associé au burnout sévère (p < 0,05). Conclusion Ces résultats rejoignent ceux des études précédentes et justifient l'intérêt d'un programme de prévention à différents niveaux. Introduction Burnout is very widespread in the hospital setting and it becomes much more severe in young physicians. The objective of this study aims to evaluate the prevalence of burnout among doctors

  19. Incidence of phlebitis associated with the use of peripheral IV catheter and following catheter removal.


    Urbanetto, Janete de Souza; Peixoto, Cibelle Grassmann; May, Tássia Amanda


    cateter e, com a flebite pós-infusão, a punção em antebraço. Os medicamentos Ceftriaxona, Claritromicina e Oxacilina foram associados à flebite pós-infusão. este estudo possibilitou investigar a associação de fatores de risco e a ocorrência de flebites durante o uso e após a retirada do cateter. A frequência da flebite pós-infusão foi maior do que o número de flebites durante a permanência do cateter, sendo as de grau III e II, respectivamente, as mais frequentes. Podem ser elucidados aspectos relacionados à flebite pós-infusão, considerando-se poucos estudos abordam o tema sob esta perspectiva. investigar la incidencia de flebitis y la asociación de factores de riesgo con su ocurrencia durante el uso y después de la retirada del catéter intravenoso periférico (CIP) (flebitis post-infusión) en adultos hospitalizados. estudio de cohorte con 171 pacientes con CIP, totalizando 361 punciones. Fueron recolectadas variables sociodemográficas y relacionadas al catéter. Análisis estadístico descriptivo y analítico. de los pacientes, 51,5% eran hombres y el promedio de edad fue de 56,96 años. La incidencia de flebitis durante el uso del CIP fue de 1,25% y de post-infusión fue de 1,38%. Se asoció la flebitis durante el uso del CIP al tiempo de permanencia del catéter y con la post-infusión (punción en el antebrazo). Los medicamentos Ceftriaxona, Claritromicina y Oxacilina fueron asociados a la flebitis post-infusión. este estudio posibilitó investigar la asociación de factores de riesgo y la ocurrencia de flebitis durante el uso y después de la retirada del catéter. La frecuencia de la flebitis post-infusión fue mayor que el número de flebitis asociada a la permanencia del catéter, siendo las de grado III y II, respectivamente, las más frecuentes. Se trato de elucidar aspectos relacionados a la flebitis post-infusión, considerando que existen pocos estudios que abordan el tema bajo esta perspectiva.

  20. Durcissement superficiel de la fonte grise Ft25 induit par un traitement de surface dans le moule

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bouitna, Mohamed; Boutarek-Zaourar, Naïma; Mansour, Samir; Chentouf, Samir Mourad; Mossang, Eric


    L'objectif de cette étude est la consolidation en surface de la fonte grise lamellaire Ft25 par un dépôt riche en manganèse en développant une méthode combinant en une seule opération l'élaboration et le traitement de surface dans le moule. Les effets de la granulométrie du ferro-manganèse (80 % Mn + 20 % Fe), ainsi que l'épaisseur des pièces en fontes sur les couches formées ont été étudiés. On a retenu trois granulométries du ferro-manganèse de 0,18 mm, 0,25 mm et 0,5 mm pour le traitement des pièces en fontes présentant des épaisseurs de 25 mm, 100 mm et 200 mm. Parmi les résultats obtenus, on distingue une consolidation des propriétés en surface induite par la formation d'une couche riche en manganèse continue et homogène. L'effet de la granulométrie du ferro-manganèse sur l'épaisseur de la couche traitée a été mis en évidence. La variation de l'épaisseur des couches formées diminue avec l'augmentation de la granulométrie du ferro-manganèse. Pour une pièce de 100 mm d'épaisseur, la couche formée est estimée à 350 μm pour une granulométrie de 0,18 alors qu'elle n'est que de 180 μm pour une granulométrie de 0,5. L'effet de l'épaisseur de la pièce n'est en revanche pas assez prononcé sur la taille des couches formées. Une amélioration nette de la résistance, à l'usure de la fonte traitée en relation avec les transformations en surface, a été mise en évidence.

  1. Profil épidémiologique de l'infection à VIH au cours d'une campagne de sensibilisation à Yaoundé au Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Nguefack-Tsague, Georges; Kalla, Ginette Claude Mireille; Viche, Lade; Noubom, Michel


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer le profil épidémiologique de l'infection à VIH/SIDA au cours d'une campagne de sensibilisation à Yaoundé au Cameroun. Méthodes Après avoir obtenu le consentement éclairé des participants, le dépistage de l'infection par le VIH a été effectué selon l'algorithme de dépistage en série de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS). En outre, un questionnaire socio-comportemental a été proposé à chaque participant. Résultats Au total, 911 personnes ont été dépistées. La prévalence de l'infection par le VIH était de 2.6%. Elle était 3 fois plus élevée parmi les femmes (RC = 3.22, IC (1.26 - 8.18). Les prévalences les plus élevées ont été observées chez les personnes de plus de 45 ans (p = 0.01), les personnes sans emploi (p < 0.001) et les veufs/veuves (p = 0.02). Plus de 80% des participants trouvaient le test de dépistage nécessaire et 76,2% l'avaient déjà effectué au moins une fois auparavant. Il s'agissait principalement de femmes (p = 0.02), d'étudiants (p < 0.001) et des personnes âgées de 25 à 34 ans (p < 0.001). Les personnes séropositives avaient moins tendance à retirer leur résultat (p = 0.01). Conclusion Il apparait urgent d'intensifier les campagnes de dépistage de l'infection par le VIH en ciblant davantage des groupes particuliers tels que les élèves, les personnes âgées et les veufs/veuves, tout en recherchant les facteurs pouvant favoriser la propagation de l'infection dans ces groupes. PMID:24255725

  2. Search for the Higgs Boson and for Anomalous Quartic Gauge Boson Couplings in the WW Channel with Dielectron Events with the D0 Experiment at the Tevatron; Recherche du boson de Higgs et de couplages de jauge quartiques anormaux dans le canal WW en électrons dans l'expérience D0 au Tevatron (in French)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chapon, Emilien

    Le paysage de la physique des particules a subi des changements majeurs entre le début de cette thèse, en septembre 2010, et sa n en juin 2013. On peut notamment qualier l'année 2012 de date-clé dans l'histoire de la physique des particules. En 2012, une nouvelle particule a été découverte au LHC [1, 2], dont la majeure partie de la communauté s'accorde aujourd'hui à dire qu'il s'agit très probablement du boson de Higgs. Cet événement est intervenu peu après une sorte de passage de relais entre le Tevatron, arrêté le 30 septembre 2011, et le LHC, dont les toutes premièresmore » collisions sont intervenues le 23 novembre 2009.« less

  3. Predictive factors of flares in systemic lupus erythematosus patients: data from a multiethnic Latin American cohort.


    Ugarte-Gil, M F; Wojdyla, D; Pastor-Asurza, C A; Gamboa-Cárdenas, R V; Acevedo-Vásquez, E M; Catoggio, L J; García, M A; Bonfá, E; Sato, E I; Massardo, L; Pascual-Ramos, V; Barile, L A; Reyes-Llerena, G; Iglesias-Gamarra, A; Molina-Restrepo, J F; Chacón-Díaz, R; Alarcón, G S; Pons-Estel, B A


    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors predictive of flares in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. Methods A case-control study nested within the Grupo Latino Americano De Estudio de Lupus (GLADEL) cohort was conducted. Flare was defined as an increase ≥4 points in the SLEDAI. Cases were defined as patients with at least one flare. Controls were selected by matching cases by length of follow-up. Demographic and clinical manifestations were systematically recorded by a common protocol. Glucocorticoid use was recorded as average daily dose of prednisone and antimalarial use as percentage of time on antimalarial and categorized as never (0%), rarely (>0-25%), occasionally (>25%-50%), commonly (˃50%-75%) and frequently (˃75%). Immunosuppressive drugs were recorded as used or not used. The association between demographic, clinical manifestations, therapy and flares was examined using univariable and multivariable conditional logistic regression models. Results A total of 465 cases and controls were included. Mean age at diagnosis among cases and controls was 27.5 vs 29.9 years, p = 0.003; gender and ethnic distributions were comparable among both groups and so was the baseline SLEDAI. Independent factors protective of flares identified by multivariable analysis were older age at diagnosis (OR = 0.929 per every five years, 95% CI 0.869-0.975; p = 0.004) and antimalarial use (frequently vs never, OR = 0.722, 95% CI 0.522-0.998; p = 0.049) whereas azathioprine use (OR = 1.820, 95% CI 1.309-2.531; p < 0.001) and SLEDAI post-baseline were predictive of them (OR = 1.034, 95% CI 1.005-1.064; p = 0.022). Conclusions In this large, longitudinal Latin American cohort, older age at diagnosis and more frequent antimalarial use were protective whereas azathioprine use and higher disease activity were predictive of flares.

  4. Effects of a combined Diesel particle filter-DeNOx system (DPN) on reactive nitrogen compounds emissions: a parameter study.


    Heeb, Norbert V; Haag, Regula; Seiler, Cornelia; Schmid, Peter; Zennegg, Markus; Wichser, Adrian; Ulrich, Andrea; Honegger, Peter; Zeyer, Kerstin; Emmenegger, Lukas; Zimmerli, Yan; Czerwinski, Jan; Kasper, Markus; Mayer, Andreas


    The impact of a combined diesel particle filter-deNO(x) system (DPN) on emissions of reactive nitrogen compounds (RNCs) was studied varying the urea feed factor (α), temperature, and residence time, which are key parameters of the deNO(x) process. The DPN consisted of a platinum-coated cordierite filter and a vanadia-based deNO(x) catalyst supporting selective catalytic reduction (SCR) chemistry. Ammonia (NH₃) is produced in situ from thermolysis of urea and hydrolysis of isocyanic acid (HNCO). HNCO and NH₃ are both toxic and highly reactive intermediates. The deNO(x) system was only part-time active in the ISO8178/4 C1cycle. Urea injection was stopped and restarted twice. Mean NO and NO₂ conversion efficiencies were 80%, 95%, 97% and 43%, 87%, 99%, respectively, for α = 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2. HNCO emissions increased from 0.028 g/h engine-out to 0.18, 0.25, and 0.26 g/h at α = 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2, whereas NH₃ emissions increased from <0.045 to 0.12, 1.82, and 12.8 g/h with maxima at highest temperatures and shortest residence times. Most HNCO is released at intermediate residence times (0.2-0.3 s) and temperatures (300-400 °C). Total RNC efficiencies are highest at α = 1.0, when comparable amounts of reduced and oxidized compounds are released. The DPN represents the most advanced system studied so far under the VERT protocol achieving high conversion efficiencies for particles, NO, NO₂, CO, and hydrocarbons. However, we observed a trade-off between deNO(x) efficiency and secondary emissions. Therefore, it is important to adopt such DPN technology to specific application conditions to take advantage of reduced NO(x) and particle emissions while avoiding NH₃ and HNCO slip.

  5. Impact of antibiotic de-escalation on clinical outcomes in community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia.


    Viasus, Diego; Simonetti, Antonella F; Garcia-Vidal, Carolina; Niubó, Jordi; Dorca, Jordi; Carratalà, Jordi


    Although antibiotic de-escalation is regarded as a measure that reduces selection pressure, adverse drug effects and costs, evidence supporting this practice in community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia (CAPP) is lacking. We carried out a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data of a cohort of hospitalized adults with CAPP. Pneumococcal aetiology was established in patients with one or more positive cultures for Streptococcus pneumoniae obtained from blood, sterile fluids or sputum, and/or a positive urinary antigen test. De-escalation therapy was considered when the initial antibiotic therapy was narrowed to penicillin, amoxicillin or amoxicillin/clavulanate within the first 72 h after admission. The primary outcomes were 30 day mortality and length of hospital stay (LOS). Adjustment for confounders was performed with multivariate and propensity score analyses. Of 1410 episodes of CAPP, antibiotic de-escalation within the first 72 h after admission was performed in 166 cases. After adjustment, antibiotic de-escalation was not associated with a higher risk of mortality (OR = 0.83, 95% CI = 0.24-2.81), but it was found to be a protective factor for prolonged LOS (above the median) (OR = 0.46, 95% CI = 0.30-0.70). Similar results were found in patients classified into high-risk pneumonia severity index classes (IV-V), those with clinical instability and those with bacteraemia. No significant differences were documented in adverse drug reactions or readmission (<30 days). Antibiotic de-escalation seems to be safe and effective in reducing the duration of LOS, and did not adversely affect outcomes of patients with CAPP, even those with bacteraemia and severe disease, and those who were clinically unstable. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:


    PubMed Central

    Fernández, Ana Michelle; McFarlane, Melvin Negrón; González, Ricardo; Díaz, Leslie; Betancourt-Díaz, Elba; Cintrón-Bou, Francheska; Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Villarruel, Antonia


    RESUMEN La comunicación sobre sexualidad entre padres/madres y adolescentes enfrenta dificultades particulares producto de factores socioculturales. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo documentar las actitudes de padres/madres y adolescentes hacia la comunicación sobre temas de sexualidad. Los resultados emanan de la medición inicial del Proyecto Cuídalos. Los datos de este estudio forman parte de un estudio amplio que evaluó un módulo interactivo basado en la web para mejorar comunicación sobre temas de salud entre padres/madres y adolescentes entre 13–17 años. En este artículo, reportamos datos basales que contestaron los/as participantes sobre comodidad al hablar sobre temas de salud sexual. La muestra, de los datos aquí expuestos, estuvo compuesta por 458 diadas de madres/padres y sus hijos/as adolescentes (n=916). Se realizó análisis de frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central con los datos obtenidos inicialmente. La edad promedio de los adolescentes fue de 15 años, de los que un 15% se encontraban activos sexualmente. Los/as adolescentes tienen mejor disposición que los/as padres/madres para hablar sobre sexualidad. Sin embargo, los/as padres/madres entienden que comparten suficiente información sobre temas relacionados a la sexualidad. Los/as padres/madres y adolescentes reportaron algún grado de dificultad e incomodidad al hablar sobre métodos específicos de prevención. Los resultados destacan la necesidad de incorporar a los/as padres/madres en intervenciones con adolescentes sobre temas de salud sexual. En Puerto Rico es necesario desarrollar programas dirigidos a minimizar las conductas sexuales de alto riesgo en jóvenes. PMID:28736599

  7. A-site cationic disorder induced significantly large magnetoresistance in polycrystalline La0.2Gd0.5Ba0.3MnO3 compound

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saha, Suvayan; Das, Kalipada; Bandyopadhyay, Sudipta; Das, I.


    The observation of significantly large magnetoresistance at the liquid nitrogen temperature range in the polycrystalline La0.2Gd0.5Ba0.3MnO3 (LGBMO) compound has been addressed in the present manuscript. The motivation of considering LGBMO sample is the average 'A' site ionic radius 〈rA 〉 and tolerance factor (t), almost same as that of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO), which is a well studied colossal magnetoresistive material. Magnetoresistance of the LGBMO compound has been compared with the LSMO as well as parent compound La0.7Ba0.3MnO3(LBMO) to show the enhancement of magnetoresistance in LGBMO compound. This observed nature has been elucidated considering the disorder induced short range magnetic interaction due to the enhance size disorder parameter (σ2). Our study revels that, size disorder parameter plays the crucial role for enhancing the colossal magnetoresistance.

  8. Thermoelectric Properties of Mg2Si0.995Sb0.005 Prepared by the High-Pressure High-Temperature Method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Jialiang; Chen, Gang; Duan, Bo; Zhu, Yaju; Hu, Xiaojun; Zhai, Pengcheng; Li, Peng


    Mg2Si0.995Sb0.005 compound was prepared by the high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) method. The simultaneous synthesis and consolidation in one step could be completed in <15 min. The effects of pressure and temperature on the thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si0.995Sb0.005 were analyzed in this work. With the pressure and temperature increasing, the electrical conductivity rises markedly, while the Seebeck coefficient changes slightly, which results in significant enhancement of the power factor. The Mg2Si0.995Sb0.005 sample prepared under the condition of 1073 K and 2 GPa achieves the highest power factor of ˜2.12 × 10-3 W m-1 K-2 at 575 K. As the sample prepared at 973 K and 2 GPa retains a lower thermal conductivity, it obtains the highest thermoelectric figure-of-merit ZT ˜0.62 at 800 K. In conclusion, the HPHT method can serve as a route to prepare Sb-doped Mg2Si thermoelectric materials efficiently.

  9. Factors associated with mixed dementia vs Alzheimer disease in elderly Mexican adults.


    Moreno Cervantes, C; Mimenza Alvarado, A; Aguilar Navarro, S; Alvarado Ávila, P; Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L; Juárez Arellano, S; Ávila Funes, J A


    Mixed dementia (DMix) refers to dementia resulting from Alzheimer disease in addition to cerebrovascular disease. The study objectives were to determine the clinical and imaging factors associated with Dmix and compare them to those associated with Alzheimer disease. Cross-sectional study including 225 subjects aged 65 years and over from a memory clinic in a tertiary hospital in Mexico City. All patients underwent clinical, neuropsychological, and brain imaging studies. We included patients diagnosed with DMix or Alzheimer disease (AD). A multivariate analysis was used to determine factors associated with DMix. We studied 137 subjects diagnosed with Dmix. Compared to patients with AD, Dmix patients were older and more likely to present diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, and history of cerebrovascular disease (P<.05). The multivariate analysis showed that hypertension (OR 1.92, CI 1.62-28.82; P=.009), white matter disease (OR 3.61, CI 8.55-159.80; P<.001), and lacunar infarcts (OR 3.35, CI 1.97-412.34; P=.014) were associated with Dmix, whereas a history of successfully treated depression showed an inverse association (OR 0.11, CI 0.02-0-47; P=.004) CONCLUSIONS: DMix may be more frequent than AD. Risk factors such as advanced age and other potentially modifiable factors were associated with this type of dementia. Clinicians should understand and be able to define Dmix. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. White-emissive tandem-type hybrid organic/polymer diodes with (0.33, 0.33) chromaticity coordinates.


    Guo, Tzung-Fang; Wen, Ten-Chin; Huang, Yi-Shun; Lin, Ming-Wei; Tsou, Chuan-Cheng; Chung, Chia-Tin


    This study reports fabrication of white-emissive, tandem-type, hybrid organic/polymer light-emitting diodes (O/PLED). The tandem devices are made by stacking a blue-emissive OLED on a yellow-emissive phenyl-substituted poly(para-phenylene vinylene) copolymer-based PLED and applying an organic oxide/Al/molybdenum oxide (MoO(3)) complex structure as a connecting structure or charge-generation layer (CGL). The organic oxide/Al/MoO(3) CGL functions as an effective junction interface for the transport and injection of opposite charge carriers through the stacked configuration. The electroluminescence (EL) spectra of the tandem-type devices can be tuned by varying the intensity of the emission in each emissive component to yield the visible-range spectra from 400 to 750 nm, with Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage chromaticity coordinates of (0.33, 0.33) and a high color rendering capacity as used for illumination. The EL spectra also exhibit good color stability under various bias conditions. The tandem-type device of emission with chromaticity coordinates, (0.30, 0.31), has maximum brightness and luminous efficiency over 25,000 cd/m(2) and approximately 4.2 cd/A, respectively.

  11. KIT mutations correlate with adverse survival in children with core-binding factor acute myeloid leukemia.


    Chen, Xi; Dou, Hu; Wang, Xingjuan; Huang, Yi; Lu, Ling; Bin, Junqing; Su, Yongchun; Zou, Lin; Yu, Jie; Bao, Liming


    The prevalence and clinical relevance of KIT mutations in childhood core-binding factor (CBF) acute myeloid leukemia (AML) have not been well characterized. In this study, a total of 212 children with de novo AML were enrolled from a Chinese population and 50 (23.5%) of the patients were deemed CBF-AML. KIT mutations were identified in 30% of the CBF-AML cohort. The KIT mutations were clustered in exon 17 and exon 8, and KIT mutations in exons 8 and 17 were correlated with a shorter overall survival (OS) (5-year OS: 30.0 ± 14.5% vs. 73.0 ± 8.5%, p = .007) and event-free survival (EFS) (5-year EFS: 30.0 ± 14.5% vs. 73.0 ± 8.5%, p = .003). Multivariate analysis revealed KIT mutations as an independent risk factor in CBF-AML. Our results suggest that KIT mutations are a molecular marker for an inferior prognosis in pediatric CBF-AML.

  12. Psychosocial factors and prevalence of burnout syndrome among nursing workers in intensive care units.


    da Silva, Jorge Luiz Lima; Soares, Rafael da Silva; Costa, Felipe dos Santos; Ramos, Danusa de Souza; Lima, Fabiano Bittencourt; Teixeira, Liliane Reis


    To evaluate the prevalence of burnout syndrome among nursing workers in intensive care units and establish associations with psychosocial factors. This descriptive study evaluated 130 professionals, including nurses, nursing technicians, and nursing assistants, who performed their activities in intensive care and coronary care units in 2 large hospitals in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Data were collected in 2011 using a self-reported questionnaire. The Maslach Burnout Inventory was used to evaluate the burnout syndrome dimensions, and the Self Reporting Questionnaire was used to evaluate common mental disorders. The prevalence of burnout syndrome was 55.3% (n = 72). In the quadrants of the demand-control model, low-strain workers exhibited a prevalence of 64.5% of suspected cases of burnout, whereas high-strain workers exhibited a prevalence of 72.5% of suspected cases (p = 0.006). The prevalence of suspected cases of common mental disorders was 27.7%; of these, 80.6% were associated with burnout syndrome (< 0.0001). The multivariate analysis adjusted for gender, age, educational level, weekly work duration, income, and thoughts about work during free time indicated that the categories associated with intermediate stress levels - active work (OR = 0.26; 95%CI = 0.09 - 0.69) and passive work (OR = 0.22; 95%CI = 0.07 - 0.63) - were protective factors for burnout syndrome. Psychosocial factors were associated with the development of burnout syndrome in this group. These results underscore the need for the development of further studies aimed at intervention and the prevention of the syndrome.

  13. Psychosocial factors and prevalence of burnout syndrome among nursing workers in intensive care units

    PubMed Central

    da Silva, Jorge Luiz Lima; Soares, Rafael da Silva; Costa, Felipe dos Santos; Ramos, Danusa de Souza; Lima, Fabiano Bittencourt; Teixeira, Liliane Reis


    Objective To evaluate the prevalence of burnout syndrome among nursing workers in intensive care units and establish associations with psychosocial factors. Methods This descriptive study evaluated 130 professionals, including nurses, nursing technicians, and nursing assistants, who performed their activities in intensive care and coronary care units in 2 large hospitals in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Data were collected in 2011 using a self-reported questionnaire. The Maslach Burnout Inventory was used to evaluate the burnout syndrome dimensions, and the Self Reporting Questionnaire was used to evaluate common mental disorders. Results The prevalence of burnout syndrome was 55.3% (n = 72). In the quadrants of the demand-control model, low-strain workers exhibited a prevalence of 64.5% of suspected cases of burnout, whereas high-strain workers exhibited a prevalence of 72.5% of suspected cases (p = 0.006). The prevalence of suspected cases of common mental disorders was 27.7%; of these, 80.6% were associated with burnout syndrome (< 0.0001). The multivariate analysis adjusted for gender, age, educational level, weekly work duration, income, and thoughts about work during free time indicated that the categories associated with intermediate stress levels - active work (OR = 0.26; 95%CI = 0.09 - 0.69) and passive work (OR = 0.22; 95%CI = 0.07 - 0.63) - were protective factors for burnout syndrome. Conclusion Psychosocial factors were associated with the development of burnout syndrome in this group. These results underscore the need for the development of further studies aimed at intervention and the prevention of the syndrome. PMID:26340152

  14. Optimisation des proprietes fonctionnelles des alliages a memoire de forme suite a l'application de traitements thermomecaniques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Demers, Vincent

    L'objectif de ce projet est de determiner les conditions de laminage et la temperature de traitement thermique maximisant les proprietes fonctionnelles de l'alliage a memoire de forme Ti-Ni. Les specimens sont caracterises par des mesures de calorimetrie, de microscopie optique, de gene ration de contrainte, de deformation recuperable et des essais mecaniques. Pour un cycle unique, l'utilisation d'un taux d'ecrouissage e=1.5 obtenu avec l'application d'une force de tension FT = 0.1sigma y et d'une huile minerale resulte en un echantillon droit, sans microfissure et qui apres un recuit a 400°C, produit un materiau nanostructure manifestant des proprietes fonctionnelles deux fois plus grandes que le meme materiau ayant une structure polygonisee. Pour des cycles repetes, les memes conditions de laminage sont valables mais le niveau de deformation optimal est situe entre e=0.75-2, et depend particulierement du mode de sollicitation, du niveau de stabilisation et du nombre de cycles a la rupture requis par l'application.

  15. Motivational Factors in Telecollaborative Exchanges among Teenagers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jauregi, Kristi; Melchor-Couto, Sabela


    Motivational factors play an important role in (language) learning processes and research indicates that this is also true for telecollaboration exchanges (Jauregi, de Graaff, van den Bergh, & Kriz, 2012; Melchor-Couto, 2017; in press). This short paper will introduce a study into how motivational factors play a role in telecollaboration…

  16. The DeMarco factor: interview with a health policy advocate.


    Jernigan, David H


    An interview with Vincent DeMarco, President of the Maryland Citizen's Health Initiative, reviews the history and strategies used to win victories for public health on gun policy and tobacco taxes and to seek passage of higher alcohol taxes in the state of Maryland. DeMarco emphasizes the need to build broad coalitions, to engage policy makers at election time and not just or primarily during legislative sessions, and to take advantage of the power of the news media as a microphone for reaching millions of possible supporters. The interview concludes with recommendations for public health training and practitioners in order to become successful policy advocates in a rapidly changing media and political landscape.

  17. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children and adolescents: prognostic factors and analysis of survival

    PubMed Central

    Lustosa de Sousa, Daniel Willian; de Almeida Ferreira, Francisco Valdeci; Cavalcante Félix, Francisco Helder; de Oliveira Lopes, Marcos Vinicios


    Objective To describe the clinical and laboratory features of children and adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated at three referral centers in Ceará and evaluate prognostic factors for survival, including age, gender, presenting white blood cell count, immunophenotype, DNA index and early response to treatment. Methods Seventy-six under 19-year-old patients with newly diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated with the Grupo Brasileiro de Tratamento de Leucemia da Infância – acute lymphoblastic leukemia-93 and -99 protocols between September 2007 and December 2009 were analyzed. The diagnosis was based on cytological, immunophenotypic and cytogenetic criteria. Associations between variables, prognostic factors and response to treatment were analyzed using the chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. Overall and event-free survival were estimated by Kaplan–Meier analysis and compared using the log-rank test. A Cox proportional hazards model was used to identify independent prognostic factors. Results The average age at diagnosis was 6.3 ± 0.5 years and males were predominant (65%). The most frequently observed clinical features were hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy. Central nervous system involvement and mediastinal enlargement occurred in 6.6% and 11.8%, respectively. B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia was more common (89.5%) than T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A DNA index >1.16 was found in 19% of patients and was associated with favorable prognosis. On Day 8 of induction therapy, 95% of the patients had lymphoblast counts <1000/μL and white blood cell counts <5.0 × 109/L. The remission induction rate was 95%, the induction mortality rate was 2.6% and overall survival was 72%. Conclusion The prognostic factors identified are compatible with the literature. The 5-year overall and event-free survival rates were lower than those reported for developed countries. As shown by the multivariate analysis, age and baseline white

  18. Predictive factors for the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome in a large cohort of 440,822 young adults.


    Carter, Dan; Beer-Gabel, Marc; Tzur, Dorit; Levy, Gad; Derazne, Estela; Novis, Ben; Afek, Arnon


    The prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in the community has been reported in numerous cross-sectional surveys. However, little is known about the incidence and predictive factors for the clinical diagnosis of IBS. We examined the association of socioeconomic, anthropometric, and occupational factors with the incidence of IBS in a cohort of 440,822 young Israeli adults aged 18 to 39 who served in active military service during the years 2005 to 2011. During the follow-up of 1,925,003 person-years, IBS was diagnosed de novo in 976 patients, giving an incidence rate of 221:100,000 (0.2%) person-years for the diagnosis of IBS. On multivariable Cox analysis, higher socioeconomic status [hazard ratio (HR) 1.629; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.328-1.999; P<0.0001], Israeli birth (HR 1.362; 95% CI, 1.084-1.712; P=0.008), Jewish ethnicity (HR 2.089; 95% CI, 1.344-3.248; P=0.001), education ≥than 11 years (HR 1.674; 95% CI, 1.019-2.751; P=0.042), and a noncombat military position (HR 1.196; 95% CI, 1.024-1.397; P=0.024) were found to be risk factors for the diagnosis or for the worsening of IBS. Overweight (HR 0.744; 95% CI, 0.589-0.941; P=0.014), obesity (HR 0.698; 95% CI, 0.510-0.95; P=0.025), living in a rural settlement (HR 0.705; 95% CI, 0.561-0.886; P=0.003), and Middle Eastern (HR 0.739; 95% CI, 0.617-0.884; P=0.001,) or North African and Ethiopian origin (HR 0.702; 95% CI, 0.585-0.842; P<0.001) were found to be protective for the diagnosis or the worsening of IBS. This study provides novel data on the socioeconomic, anthropometric, and occupational factors predictive for IBS development. The predictive factors for IBS diagnosis may point to the fact that stress had a lower impact on IBS incidence in our study cohort.

  19. Dielectric Properties of Ca0.7Bi0.3Ti0.7Cr0.3O3 (CBTC)-CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) Composite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mallmann, E. J. J.; Silva, M. A. S.; Sombra, A. S. B.; Botelho, M. A.; Mazzetto, S. E.; de Menezes, A. S.; Almeida, A. F. L.; Fechine, P. B. A.


    The main object of this work is to study two materials with giant dielectric constants: CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) and Ca0.7Bi0.3Ti0.7Cr0.3O3 (CBTC). CBTC1- x -CCTO x composites were also obtained to create a new dielectric material with dielectric properties between these two phases. Structural properties were studied by x-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Raman spectroscopy and dielectric measurements. CCTO showed a cubic phase and CBTC an orthorhombic phase. An interesting result was that the dielectric constant ( K) did not follow the rule of the mixture of Lichtnecker, and this happened due to the presence of other phases of its crystalline structure, which decreases the value of K when compared to the predicted values of Lichtnecker. It was also found that the dielectric properties of the composite are very promising for use in microelectronics, according to the miniaturization factor, which is crucial for those applications.

  20. Ajuste de parámetros libres en teorías de campos camaleones a partir de espectros de nubes moleculares galácticas y experimentos terrestres

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Teppa Pannia, F. A.; Landau, S. J.

    Resultados recientes, basados en el análisis de espectros moleculares de nubes galácticas a través del método del amoníaco, han arrojado nuevos límites sobre la variación del parámetro adimensional μ=m_e /m_p. Los resultados indican Δ μ/μ = (μ_{obs}-μ_{lab})/μ_{lab}= (2.2± 0.4_{est} ±0.3_{sist}) times 10 ^{-8}, en acuerdo con una variación no nula de dicha cantidad (Levshakov et al. 2010). En este trabajo, motivado por los datos astronómicos, estudiamos la solución lineal del modelo teórico fenomenológico de campo escalar camaleón, presentado por Mota y Shaw (2007), que predice variaciones en μ. Con el fin de cotejar estas predicciones con los resultados observacionales, utilizamos datos de experimentos terrestres que testean violaciones al Principio de Equivalencia para analizar el valor de los parámetros libres presentes en el modelo. El trabajo realizado muestra que la solución estudiada no se puede ajustar a los datos experimentales, sugiriendo que el modelo lineal debe ser descartado para explicar las observaciones astronómicas. FULL TEXT IN SPANISH