Sample records for factores sobre los

  1. Desarrollo de fotonovelas para concienciar sobre trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en latinos en los Estados Unidos

    PubMed Central

    Reyes-Rodríguez, Mae Lynn; García, Marissa; Silva, Yormeri; Sala, Margarita; Quaranta, Michela; Bulik, Cynthia M.


    Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar fotonovelas, un tipo de novela gráfica popular en la población latina, para crear conciencia y educar sobre los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA). Cuatro caricaturas ilustradas y guiones adaptados para adultos y adolescentes de ambos sexos fueron presentados en discusiones focales y en una entrevista de profundidad. Diecisiete latinos adultos (14 mujeres; 3 hombres) y 10 adolescentes (9 féminas; 1 varón) participaron en el estudio. Los participantes encontraron las fotonovelas interesantes y que captaban más la atención que los folletos tradicionales. El uso del espanglish y la clarificación de las diferencias entre los TCA fueron sugeridos por las adolescentes femeninas. Los adultos varones sugirieron cambiar el título, que se enfocara en las consecuencias en la salud de los TCA para que llame la atención en los hombres a leer la historia. Basado en la aceptación encontrada en este estudio, la fotonovela pudiera ser una avenida prometedora para crear conciencia y educar a la comunidad latina sobre los TCA en los Estados Unidos. PMID:27313838

  2. Los Protectores del Planeta: actividades para niños y recursos educativos sobre reciclaje

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Información sobre el Club Protectores del Planeta que enseña cómo reducir la basura desde el punto de origen, cómo reciclar y conservar los recursos naturales. La información incluye recursos educativos para el salón de clases.

  3. Preparación de los adultos mayores en los Estados Unidos para hacer frente a los desastres naturales: encuesta a escala nacional*

    PubMed Central

    Al-rousan, Tala M.; Rubenstein, Linda M.; Wallace, Robert B.


    Objetivos. Nos propusimos determinar el grado de preparación frente a los desastres naturales de los adultos mayores en los Estados Unidos y evaluar los factores que pueden afectar negativamente la salud y la seguridad durante este tipo de incidentes. Métodos. Obtuvimos una muestra de adultos de 50 años en adelante (n = 1 304) de la encuesta del 2010 del Estudio de la Salud y la Jubilación (HRS por su sigla en inglés). La encuesta recogió datos sobre las características demográficas generales, el estado de discapacidad o las limitaciones funcionales, y también sobre factores y comportamientos relacionados con la preparación frente a los desastres. Calculamos una puntuación global de preparación mediante indicadores individuales a fin de evaluar el grado de preparación general. Resultados. La media de la edad de los participantes (n = 1 304) fue de 70 años (desviación estándar [DE] = 9,3). Solo 34,3% informaron que habían participado en un programa formativo o que habían leído materiales sobre la preparación para los desastres. Casi 15% indicaron que usaban dispositivos médicos eléctricos que podían correr riesgo de no funcionar si se interrumpiera el suministro eléctrico. La puntuación de preparación indicó que la edad más avanzada, la discapacidad física y el menor nivel de escolaridad y de ingresos se asociaban independiente y significativamente a un grado de preparación general inferior. Conclusiones. A pesar de la mayor vulnerabilidad ante los desastres y del número cada vez mayor de adultos mayores en los Estados Unidos, muchos de los problemas sustanciales que encontramos son remediables y requieren atención en los sectores de la sociedad dedicados a la atención clínica, a la salud pública y al manejo de situaciones de emergencia.

  4. Estudio de la estructura logica utilizada en la ensenanza y el aprendizaje de los conceptos sobre el comportamiento de gases en el curso introductorio de quimica a nivel universitario

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Costa Diaz, Agnes

    basicos sobre el comportamiento de los gases. El estudio senala que la ejecutoria del profesor en todos los aspectos de la ensenanza y el aprendizaje es un factor clave que debe darsele prioridad. Se recomienda que el profesor, en general, tenga un conocimiento basico de las teorias de aprendizaje, de los factores que afectan el aprendizaje y las tecnicas y estrategias mas efectivas en el desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento entre sus estudiantes. La estructura de la disciplina debe incluir tanto lo experimental como lo teorico.

  5. La utilizacion de los mapas conceptuales en la ensenanza de biologia y su efecto sobre el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis en los estudiantes universitarios

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gonzalez Rivera, Maria M.

    Se investigo el efecto de los mapas conceptuales sobre el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis en estudiantes universitarios. La investigacion utilizo dos estrategias: mapas conceptuales individuales y mapas conceptuales colaborativos, con el fin de investigar si existen diferencias significativas en el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis. El analisis de los datos incluyo aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos. Se desprende del estudio que el 80% de los estudiantes describen la utilizacion de los mapas conceptuales como una experiencia beneficiosa. El 70% de los estudiantes expreso que los mapas conceptuales son utiles en el aprendizaje del proceso de fotosintesis y el 61% indico que facilitan la comprension de los conceptos. Los hallazgos mas importantes del analisis cuantitativo indican que los estudiantes que utilizaron los mapas conceptuales mejoraron significativamente su desempeno en la posprueba global. Se utilizo la prueba Mann-Whitney para investigar si existian diferencias significativas en la posprueba y preprueba global, el valor de W = 1945.0, para un valor p de 0.00, lo cual establece diferencias significativas. Para determinar si existian diferencias significativas entre la posprueba y preprueba del grupo individual, se realizo la prueba nuevamente. El valor de W correspondio a 490.5, que es significativo, con un valor p de 0.00. Se concluye que existen diferencias significativas entre la ejecucion de la posprueba y preprueba del grupo individual. Los datos proveen suficiente evidencia para sostener que los estudiantes que utilizaron la estrategia de mapas conceptuales individuales mejoraron el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis significativamente. Se realizo nuevamente la prueba para los resultados de posprueba y preprueba del grupo colaborativo. El valor de W correspondio a 446 con un valor p de 0.00. Se concluyo que existen diferencias significativas entre la ejecucion de la posprueba y preprueba del grupo colaborativo. Finalmente, se efectuo una

  6. Avisos de salud sobre el PFOA y PFOS en el agua potable

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La EPA estableció avisos de salud sobre el ácido perfluorooctanoico (PFOA) y el sulfonato de perfluorooctano (PFOS) para proporcionar información a los operadores de sistemas de agua potable y funcionarios estatales, tribales y locales sobre los riesgos de

  7. Información básica sobre los arrecifes de coral

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Los corales están en todos los océanos del mundo, tanto en las aguas superficiales como en las profundas. Tienen una relación simbiótica con las algas, necesitan aguas transparentes, superficiales, que

  8. El problema de estabilidad de los sistemas Hamiltonianos multidimensionales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cincotta, P. M.

    Se revisarán los aspectos básicos del problema de estabilidad de sistemans Hamiltonianos N-dimensionales, haciendo especial énfasis en los posibles mecanismos que dan lugar a la aparición de ``caos": overlap de resonancias, difusión de Arnol'd y otros procesos difusivos alternativos. Se mencionarán los aspectos aún no resueltos sobre la estabilidad de los sistemas con N > 2. Finalmente, se discutirá cuáles de estos mecanismos podrían tener alguna relevancia en la dinámica de sistemas estelares y planetarios.

  9. Concepciones y concepciones alternativas de estudiantes universitarios/as de biologia y futuros maestros/as de Ciencia de escuela secundaria sobre la teoria de evolucion biologica por seleccion natural

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morales Ramos, Egda M.

    La teoria de evolucion biologica (TEB) por seleccion natural es uno de los conceptos unificadores mas importantes del curriculo de Biologia. En Puerto Rico se han hecho pocas investigaciones que abunden sobre las concepciones y concepciones alternativas (CA) que tienen los estudiantes universitarios/as de Biologia y los maestros/as de Ciencia del nivel secundario sobre esta teoria. La politica publica educativa actual establece mediante documentos normativos como los Estandares de contenido y Expectativas de grado del Programa de Ciencias [Puerto Rico Core Standards] la ensenanza de esta teoria. Sin embargo, no se encontraron preguntas sobre la seleccion natural en los ejercicios de practica provistos por el Departamento de Educacion para las pruebas estandarizadas lo cual puede influir para que no se ensene adecuadamente. Las preguntas de investigacion fueron 1. ¿Cuales son las concepciones y concepciones alternativas de estudiantes universitarios/as y de los futuros maestros y maestras de Ciencia sobre la TEB? 2. ¿Cuales conceptos que seleccionan los estudiantes universitarios/as y los futuros maestros y maestras de Ciencia sobre la TEB coinciden con lo aceptado como valido por la comunidad cientifica? y 3. ¿Como comparan las respuestas de la prueba original. v. Entendiendo el cambio biologico que mide concepciones y CA sobre la TEB por seleccion natural, con las de la traducida al idioma espanol? Se utilizo el metodo cuantitativo con un diseno de investigacion transversal por encuesta. La tecnica principal para recopilar los datos fue una prueba con doce items, que formo parte de un instrumento para el cual se recopilaron diversas fuentes de evidencia acerca de su validez. Las muestras estuvieron formadas por 69 estudiantes de Ciencias Naturales y por 16 estudiantes futuros maestros y maestras del nivel secundario de la UPR-RP. Se utilizaron estadisticas descriptivas, analisis de Ji cuadrado y se calcularon los coeficientes alfa de Cronbach y de Spearman

  10. Educación sobre sexualidad y prevención del VIH: un diagnóstico para América Latina y el Caribe

    PubMed Central

    DeMaria, Lisa M.; Galárraga, Omar; Campero, Lourdes; Walker, Dilys M.


    RESUMEN Objetivo Mostrar, a través de un diagnóstico en América Latina y el Caribe, el panorama legislativo y curricular sobre sexualidad y prevención contra el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) en el ámbito escolar, contrastándolo con los comportamientos sexuales reportados en encuestas demográficas y de salud. Métodos En mayo de 2008 se realizó, con el apoyo del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA), una encuesta a informantes clave en 34 países de la Región. El cuestionario autoaplicado solicitó información sustantiva de agentes de las diferentes partes interesadas, como ministerios de educación y de salud, sobre los programas de prevención contra el VIH/Sida que se están aplicando en las escuelas. Resultados Respondieron a la encuesta 27 países que representan 95,5% de la población objetivo (6 a 18 años de edad). La mayoría de los países informó tener al menos un libro de texto o un capítulo específico para enseñar los temas de educación sobre sexualidad y prevención del VIH. En la escuela secundaria se cubren la mayor parte de los temas pertinentes relevantes para la educación sobre sexualidad, pero no todos. Por ejemplo, el problema de la discriminación por orientación o preferencia sexual no se incluye en los programas escolares. Conclusiones El material educativo sobre sexualidad debe ser revisado y actualizado periódicamente de modo que refleje los avances en los temas y en la forma de tratar los contenidos. En cada país el currículo debe abordar el tema del respeto a la diversidad sobre orientación, preferencia e identidad sexuales, y en particular el manejo apropiado de la educación para prevenir infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres. Los esfuerzos de evaluación de la efectividad de los programas deben contemplar desenlaces tales como marcadores biológicos (incidencia y prevalencia de ITS y embarazo) y no únicamente indicadores de conocimiento y

  11. Human factors in command and control for the Los Angeles Fire Department.


    Harper, W R


    Ergonomics owes much of its operations and systems heritage to military research. Since public safety systems such as police, fire departments and civil defence organisations are quasi-military in nature, one may reasonably use the findings from military ergonomics research to extrapolate design data for use in a decision-making system. This article discusses a case study concerning Human Factors in command and control for the Los Angeles Fire Department. The case involved transfer from a manual dispatch system involving three geographic areas of metropolitan Los Angeles to one central computer-aided command and control system. Comments are made on console mock-ups, environmental factors in the Control Centre placement of the consoles. Because of extreme delays in procurement of the recommended hardware it is doubtful that empirical testing of the ergonomics aspect of the system will take place.

  12. Neurobiología de la impulsividad y los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria*

    PubMed Central

    Orozco-Cabal, Luis Felipe; Herin, David


    Resumen Introducción La impulsividad es un rasgo de personalidad multidimensional relacionado con el control del comportamiento y las emociones. Está presente de manera diversa en los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, particularmente, en la bulimia nerviosa (BN). Aunque la relación entre la impulsividad y BN ha sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones, en la actualidad se desconocen los sustratos neurobiológicos de esta relación. Objetivos Discutir críticamente la evidencia que sugiere que las alteraciones en los sistemas neuronales relacio-nados con las funciones ejecutivas, con la formación de preferencias y con la regulación de los estados emocionales sirven como base para el rasgo de personalidad impulsiva, así como su estado en subgrupos de pacientes con BN. Métodos Búsqueda selectiva de la literatura relevante. Resultados y conclusiones Esta discusión ilustra la complejidad de la relación entre la impulsividad y BN, donde la impulsividad actúa como un factor de vulnerabilidad que puede sensibilizar al sujeto con BN a estados emocionales negativos, durante los cuales modifica el impacto de estímulos internos y externos sobre el comportamiento y su regulación, favoreciendo así patrones de comportamiento maladaptativos e inflexibles. PMID:19838321

  13. Risk Factors for Dog Relinquishment to a Los Angeles Municipal Animal Shelter

    PubMed Central

    Dolan, Emily D.; Scotto, Jamie; Slater, Margaret; Weiss, Emily


    Simple Summary Low income has been reported to be a risk factor for dog relinquishment to shelters in the U.S. The majority of people with lower incomes, however, do not relinquish. Risk factors for relinquishment in a low socioeconomic region of Los Angeles were examined. Cost was associated with relinquishment, and most people were not aware of available assistance. Those who relinquished reported emotional attachment to the dog and higher perceived stress than a comparison group. The majority of reasons for relinquishment were likely solvable with assistance, highlighting an opportunity to provide community-specific alternatives to relinquishment. Abstract Dog relinquishment is a large component of shelter intake in the United States. Research has shown traits of the dog are associated with relinquishment as well as general characteristics of those relinquishing. Low income is often cited as a risk factor for relinquishment. The majority of people with lower incomes, however, do not relinquish. A group of people accessing a shelter in a low socioeconomic region of Los Angeles to relinquish their dogs was surveyed. This study examined risk factors for relinquishment, controlling for household income, compared to a group utilizing low cost spay/neuter services. A total of 76.9% of those relinquishing noted cost as a reason for relinquishment. Of participants in the relinquishment group, 80.7% reported not being aware of any services available to them. Most notable in the findings was that the odds of relinquishment were generally higher as the amount of perceived stress in the home in the past three months increased. The majority of people in both groups reported being emotionally attached to the dog. In this sample from a South Los Angeles community, the majority of reasons for relinquishment were likely solvable with assistance. These findings highlight an opportunity to assess community needs and provide community specific alternatives to relinquishment. PMID

  14. University Students' Conceptions about the Moon Phases. (Spanish Title: Concepciones de Estudiantes Universitários sobre Las Fases de la Luna.) Concepções de Estudantes Universitários sobre as Fases da Lua

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Fátima Oliveira Saraiva, Maria; da Silveira, Fernando Lang; Steffani, Maria Helena


    In this article we describe the development of a multiple choice test about lunar phases and analyze the results of its application to ten groups of Physics students at the UFRGS. During the improvement of the test, we noticed that the percentage of right answers about some concepts increased significantly when associated with the reformulation of the question, emphasizing the importance of being careful to avoid incorrect answers generated by unclear questions, and not by ignorance on the matter. We confirm the results of other studies that show that students have great difficulty to relate the Moon's phase with its position in the sky at given time. On the other hand, our results suggest that, in general, students of Physics understand the phenomenon of lunar phases better than the average of university students. En estese artículo se describe la elaboración de una prueba de opción múltiple sobre las fases de la Luna y se analizan los resultados de su aplicación en diez grupos de estudiantes de Física de UFRGS. Durante el mejoramiento de la prueba observamos que el porcentaje de aciertos creció considerablemente cuando considerada una nueva redacción de la pregunta, destacando el cuidado que se debe tomar a fin de evitar respuestas incorrectas generadas por preguntas poco claras y no a causa de la ignorancia de los estudiantes sobre el tema. Confirmamos los resultados de otros estudios que las mayores dificultades de los alumnos sobre el tema fases de la Luna están en relacionar la fase de la Luna con su posición en el cielo en determinado momento. Por otra parte, nuestros resultados sugieren que, en general, los estudiantes de la Física comprenden mejor el fenómeno de las fases lunares que el promedio de los estudiantes universitarios. Neste artigo descrevemos a elaboração de um teste de múltipla escolha sobre as fases da Lua e analisamos os resultados de sua aplicação em dez grupos de estudantes de Física da UFRGS. Durante o aprimoramento do

  15. Hoja informativa sobre la Agenda de Acción EJ 2020

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Página principal de la hoja informativa sobre la Agenda de Acción EJ 2020 de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE.UU. que delinea el plan estratégico de justicia ambiental de la agencia para los próximos cuatro años.

  16. Discussions about the Nature of Science in a Course on the History of Astronomy. (Spanish Title: Discusiones sobre la Naturaleza de la Ciencia en un Curso sobre Historia de la Astronomía.) Discussões sobre a Natureza da Ciência em um Curso sobre a História da Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pires de Andrade, Victória Flório; L'Astorina, Bruno


    There are an increasing number of researches in science education that affirm the importance of discussions on the "nature of science" in basic education level as well as in teacher training. The history of science applied to education is a way to contextualize epistemological discussions, allowing both the understanding of scientific content and learning about science concepts. We present some reasonably consensual definitions on the nature of science that have been widely discussed by the academic community. We show also some episodes in the history of astronomy which can lead to discussions involving some aspects of the nature of science, and how they can do it. Hay un número creciente de investigaciones en la enseñanza de las ciencias que afirman la importancia de debates sobre la "naturaleza de la ciencia" en la educación básica y formación del profesorado. La historia de la ciencia aplicada a la educación es una manera de contextualizar los debates de la epistemología, lo que permite tanto la comprensión de los contenidos científicos como el aprendizaje de conceptos científicos. En esto trabajo, presentamos algunas definiciones bastante consensuales sobre la naturaleza de la ciencia que han sido ampliamente discutidas por la comunidad académica y mostramos cómo algunos episodios en la historia de la astronomía pueden llevar a discusiones sobre algunos aspectos de la naturaleza de la ciencia. Há um número crescente de pesquisas na área de ensino de ciências que afirmam a importância de discussões sobre a "natureza da ciência" na educação básica e na formação de professores. A história da ciência aplicada ao ensino é uma maneira de contextualizar discussões epistemológicas, permitindo tanto a compreensão de conteúdos científicos quanto o aprendizado de noções sobre as ciências. Neste trabalho apresentamos algumas definições razoavelmente consensuais sobre a natureza da ciência que foram amplamente discutidas pela

  17. Sobre la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina.


    Fischer, M Dominik


    Las mutaciones en un gran número de genes provocan degeneración de la retina y ceguera sin que exista actualmente cura alguna. En las últimas décadas, la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina ha evolucionado y se ha convertido en un nuevo y prometedor paradigma terapéutico para estas enfermedades poco comunes. Este artículo refleja las ideas y los conceptos que parten de la ciencia básica hacia la aplicabilidad de la terapia génica en el ámbito clínico. Se describen los avances y las reflexiones actuales sobre la eficacia de los ensayos clínicos en la actualidad y se discuten los posibles obstáculos y soluciones de cara al futuro de la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  18. Yeast Los1p Has Properties of an Exportin-Like Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Factor for tRNA

    PubMed Central

    Hellmuth, Klaus; Lau, Denise M.; Bischoff, F. Ralf; Künzler, Markus; Hurt, Ed; Simos, George


    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Los1p, which is genetically linked to the nuclear pore protein Nsp1p and several tRNA biogenesis factors, was recently grouped into the family of importin/karyopherin-β-like proteins on the basis of its sequence similarity. In a two-hybrid screen, we identified Nup2p as a nucleoporin interacting with Los1p. Subsequent purification of Los1p from yeast demonstrates its physical association not only with Nup2p but also with Nsp1p. By the use of the Gsp1p-G21V mutant, Los1p was shown to preferentially bind to the GTP-bound form of yeast Ran. Furthermore, overexpression of full-length or N-terminally truncated Los1p was shown to have dominant-negative effects on cell growth and different nuclear export pathways. Finally, Los1p could interact with Gsp1p-GTP, but only in the presence of tRNA, as revealed in an indirect in vitro binding assay. These data confirm the homology between Los1p and the recently identified human exportin for tRNA and reinforce the possibility of a role for Los1p in nuclear export of tRNA in yeast. PMID:9774653

  19. Desgarros del epitelio pigmentario de la retina: factores de riesgo, mecanismo y control terapéutico.


    Clemens, Christoph R; Eter, Nicole


    Los desgarros del epitelio pigmentario de la retina (EPR) se asocian en la mayoría de los casos con los desprendimientos vascularizados del EPR debido a una degeneración macular asociada a la edad (DMAE), y normalmente implican una pérdida adversa de la agudeza visual. Estudios recientes indican que ha habido un aumento en la incidencia de desgarros del EPR desde la introducción de fármacos anti-factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular (anti-VEGF) así como una asociación temporal entre el desgarro y la inyección intravítrea. Dado que el número de pacientes con DMAE y el número de inyecciones anti-VEGF va en aumento, tanto la dificultad de prevenir desgarros del EPR como el tratamiento tras la formación de los desgarros han adquirido una mayor relevancia. De forma paralela, la evolución de la imagenología de la retina ha contribuido de manera significativa a comprender mejor el desarrollo de los desgarros del EPR en los últimos años. Esta revisión resume los conocimientos que se poseen actualmente sobre el desarrollo, los factores pronósticos y las estrategias terapéuticas de los desgarros del EPR antes y después de que estos se formen. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  20. Factors associated with young adults' knowledge regarding family history of Stroke.


    Lima, Maria Jose Melo Ramos; Moreira, Thereza Maria Magalhães; Florêncio, Raquel Sampaio; Braga, Predro


    risco para AVC com o conhecimento do histórico familiar de AVC, sugerindo a necessidade de educação em saúde ou mesmo de programas educacionais sobre o tema junto à clientela em estudo. analizar los factores asociados al conocimiento de los adultos jóvenes sobre el histórico familiar de Accidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC). estudio transversal analítico en 579 adultos jóvenes de escuelas públicas, con recolección de variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y de factores de riesgo en formulario, los datos fueron analizados utilizando la regresión logística (backward elimination). se detectó asociación estadística de edad, situación conyugal, clasificación de la presión arterial y circunferencia abdominal con el conocimiento del histórico familiar de AVC. En el modelo final de regresión logística, se observó una asociación estadística del conocimiento sobre el histórico familiar de AVC con: situación conyugal con compañero (ORa=1,61[1,07-2,42] p=0,023); circunferencia abdominal (ORa=0,98[0,96-0,99] p=0,012); y presión arterial normal (ORa=2,56[1,19-5,52] p=0,016). fue constatada asociación de factores socioeconómicos y de riesgo para AVC con el conocimiento del histórico familiar de AVC; se sugiere la necesidad de realizar acciones de educación en salud o inclusive de preparar programas educacionales sobre el tema para la población estudiada.

  1. Reflexión bioética sobre el uso de organismos genéticamente modificados

    PubMed Central

    Yunta, Eduardo Rodríguez


    El presente artículo reflexiona desde los 4 principios de la bioética el uso comercial de organismos genéticamente modificados. Se cuestiona fundamentalmente la falta de transferencia de tecnología entre el mundo desarrollado y en desarrollo y el que el presente sistema de patentamiento de organismos vivos modificados fomenta intereses comerciales y no da debida importancia al desarrollo sostenible de la agricultura y ganadería en los países en desarrollo, donde más se necesita. Se reflexiona sobre la importancia que tiene evaluar los riesgos antes de introducirse en el mercado organismos genéticamente modificados y la necesidad de regulación en los países. PMID:21927675

  2. Comprension de los conceptos de los enlaces ionico y covalente en estudiantes universitarios del primer curso de quimica general

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ballesteros Benavides, Maria Elvira

    participantes no lograron diferenciar los dos enlaces quimicos. Esto implica que reflexionemos sobre la necesidad de revisar tanto las competencias cognoscitivas como la forma de ensenar quimica en el salon de clase. Recomendamos indagar y dar importancia al conocimiento previo de los estudiantes, enfatizar la ensenanza de los conceptos y propiciar el aprendizaje con significado.

  3. Dinámica y crecimiento de los granos de polvo en la nebulosa protoplanetaria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de La Fuente Marcos, Carlos


    En el escenario estándar de la formación planetaria, los planetesimales (cuerpos de tamaño kilométrico) crecen a partir de granos de polvo, similares a los interestelares, embebidos en un disco gaseoso denominado nebulosa protoplanetaria. Durante esta etapa, los movimientos del gas pueden tener gran influencia en la dinámica y el crecimiento de los granos de polvo, dado que el flujo kepleriano del gas frena el movimiento de los mismos haciendo que caigan hacia el Sol, y la turbulencia inhibe la inestabilidad gravitacional de la capa de polvo. Aunque se acepta que los planetesimales fueron los elementos constituyentes de los planetas, todavía se desconoce cómo se produjo la formación de los mismos. Por esta razón, en los estudios más recientes, existe un renovado interés por comprender mejor la evolución de la capa de polvo inmersa en el disco gaseoso de la Nebulosa. El gas que fluye en el disco puede engendrar estructuras carentes de simetría axial, como por ejemplo ondas espirales y vórtices, a partir de gran variedad de mecanismos de excitación e inestabilidad. En 1995, Barge y Sommeria pusieron de manifiesto que la existencia de vórtices gaseosos persistentes en la nebulosa solar tendría importantes consecuencias sobre la formación de los planetesimales y el posterior crecimiento de los planetas gigantes. La investigación desarrollada en esta Tesis analiza la relación entre el polvo y el gas debida al acoplamiento por fricción dinámica entre ambos; en concreto, se estudia el efecto del flujo medio del gas sobre la dinámica de las partículas de polvo. El primer objetivo es investigar en profundidad los procesos de captura y crecimiento de los granos de polvo dentro de un vórtice y su posible relevancia en cuanto a la formación de los planetesimales. El segundo objetivo es la exploración de los efectos de ondas espirales propagándose en el disco gaseoso sobre la dinámica y el crecimiento de las partículas. La presencia de líneas de


    PubMed Central

    Fernández, Ana Michelle; McFarlane, Melvin Negrón; González, Ricardo; Díaz, Leslie; Betancourt-Díaz, Elba; Cintrón-Bou, Francheska; Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Villarruel, Antonia


    RESUMEN La comunicación sobre sexualidad entre padres/madres y adolescentes enfrenta dificultades particulares producto de factores socioculturales. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo documentar las actitudes de padres/madres y adolescentes hacia la comunicación sobre temas de sexualidad. Los resultados emanan de la medición inicial del Proyecto Cuídalos. Los datos de este estudio forman parte de un estudio amplio que evaluó un módulo interactivo basado en la web para mejorar comunicación sobre temas de salud entre padres/madres y adolescentes entre 13–17 años. En este artículo, reportamos datos basales que contestaron los/as participantes sobre comodidad al hablar sobre temas de salud sexual. La muestra, de los datos aquí expuestos, estuvo compuesta por 458 diadas de madres/padres y sus hijos/as adolescentes (n=916). Se realizó análisis de frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central con los datos obtenidos inicialmente. La edad promedio de los adolescentes fue de 15 años, de los que un 15% se encontraban activos sexualmente. Los/as adolescentes tienen mejor disposición que los/as padres/madres para hablar sobre sexualidad. Sin embargo, los/as padres/madres entienden que comparten suficiente información sobre temas relacionados a la sexualidad. Los/as padres/madres y adolescentes reportaron algún grado de dificultad e incomodidad al hablar sobre métodos específicos de prevención. Los resultados destacan la necesidad de incorporar a los/as padres/madres en intervenciones con adolescentes sobre temas de salud sexual. En Puerto Rico es necesario desarrollar programas dirigidos a minimizar las conductas sexuales de alto riesgo en jóvenes. PMID:28736599

  5. Sobre el estado evolutivo de β Pictoris

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunini, A.; Benvenuto, O. G.

    Desde el descubrimiento de fuertes excesos infrarrojos en β Pictoris, esta estrella ha sido muy estudiada y es considerada candidata a poseer un sistema planetario propio. β Pic está rodeada de un disco asimétrico de polvo que se observa de canto y que esta vacío a distancias <= 40 AU. Esto se considera una fuerte evidencia en favor de la presencia de (al menos) un planeta gigante. Recientemente se han observado líneas de material circunestelar que se han interpretado como consecuencia de la caída de objetos cometarios sobre esta estrella. Recientemente se ha utilizado la existencia del disco de polvo para atribuir una edad corta (pre - secuencia principal) a βPic. Sin embargo, la evaporación de estos cometas provee suficiente polvo como para explicar la presencia del disco observado sin necesidad de edades cortas. En este trabajo mostramos que la comparación entre la tasa de impactos cometarios estimada en el Sistema Solar para diferentes etapas de su evolución y los datos observados en β Pic indica edades avanzadas para β Pic. Esta estimación debe tomarse con cautela ya que depende de la estructura de los sistemas planetarios. Además mostramos que, desde el punto de vista de la evolución estelar y con las incertezas presentes en la luminosidad y la temperatura efectiva, existe un continuo de edades posible para β Pic. Sin embargo, empleando los datos provenientes de los flujos cometarios encontramos que una edad prolongada es consistente con ambos tratamientos.

  6. Integrative review of factors related to the nursing diagnosis nausea during antineoplastic chemotherapy.


    Moysés, Aline Maria Bonini; Durant, Lais Corsino; Almeida, Ana Maria de; Gozzo, Thais de Oliveira


    , objetivos e desfechos encontrados sobre esta temática. identificar los factores relacionados al diagnóstico de enfermería náusea entre pacientes oncológicos durante el tratamiento de quimioterapia. revisión integradora de cuatro bases electrónicas de datos (PUBMED, EMBASE, CINAHL y LILACS) con las palabras clave: neoplasia, agentes antineoplásicos y náusea. de los 1.258 artículos identificados, solamente 30 atendieron los criterios de inclusión. Los factores relacionados más frecuentes fueron: edad abajo de 50 años, enfermedad del movimiento, sexo femenino, potencial emético de la quimioterapia, ansiedad, estímulo condicionado y expectativa de náuseas después del tratamiento. delante de los resultados encontrados y de la incidencia de náusea entre los pacientes oncológicos en tratamiento de quimioterapia, se observó diferencia importante entre las evidencias encontradas y las utilizadas por la NANDA International, Inc. A pesar de que la definición está adecuada entre los factores relacionados, no se menciona a la quimioterapia, inclusive encontrándose datos sobre esta temática en numerosos estudios con diferentes delineamientos, objetivos y resultados.

  7. Investigaccion-accion en la sala de clases sobre las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios y su relacion reciproca con el aprendizaje de las ciencias biologicas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cordova-Santiago, Lizzette Astrid

    La investigacion---accion que se llevo a cabo en la sala de clases tenia como punto de partida las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios para luego examinar sus implicaciones en el proceso de aprendizaje de las Ciencias Biologicas. ¿Que se supone que hagan las creencias en relacion con el aprendizaje? ¿En que consiste incorporar este aspecto a la practica educativa universitaria? Utilizando el modelo de Kemmis y McTaggart (1987) la investigacion-accion se planteo como un proceso dinamico en cuatro momentos en espiral constituidos por la planificacion, la accion, la observacion y la reflexion. Cada una de las fases tuvo una intencion retrospectiva y prospectiva formando una espiral de autorreflexion del conocimiento y la accion. Se llevaron a cabo audio grabaciones en clases y analisis de documentos. Ademas, la profesora-investigadora hizo un portafolio para reflexionar sobre las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia que tienen los estudiantes y las creencias del aprendizaje que tiene la profesora y sobre como la comprension de estos elementos ayudo a mejorar su practica educativa a traves del tiempo. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a que las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia que tiene el grupo de estudiantes son diversas. Ellos si creen que la ciencia tiene una cultura la cual describieron como: complicada y desconocida que evoluciona constantemente, que es un conjunto de metodos, que es altamente tecnologica, que resuelve problemas de salud, ayuda a interpretar la realidad del mundo que los rodea y su origen y que existen unas intersecciones entre la ciencia y el poder. Sobre las creencias del proceso de aprendizaje de la profesora-investigadora, estas senalan que el modelaje de actores, la vision de la academia que tiene ella asi como la participacion y negociacion entre todos los involucrados en el proceso educativo, son factores que inciden en el proceso de aprendizaje.

  8. The Meanings of Astronomical Observation: An Analysis on the Basis of Relationship with Knowledge. (Spanish Title: Los Sentidos de la Observación Astronómica: un Análisis sobre la Base de la Relación con el Saber.) Os Sentidos da Observação Astronômica: Uma Análise com Base na Relação com o Saber

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Klein, Alberto Eduardo; de Mello Arruda, Sergio; Meneghello Passos, Marinez; Vinicius Domenes Zapparoli, Ferdinando


    This article presents results of a research which aimed to understand the meanings that people construct for astronomical observation. The subjects, students and school teachers, initially received some instruction on how to view astronomical objects through the telescope. After the observation was realized, they were interviewed. The data analysis allowed the creation of 12 categories, later interpreted on the basis of relationship with knowledge (relation to the world, with himself and with others), as presented by Bernard Charlot. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo comprender los sentidos que las personas construyen para la observación astronómica. Los sujetos, los estudiantes y maestros de escuela, recibieron inicialmente algunas instrucciones sobre cómo ver los objetos astronómicos a través del telescopio. Al término de la observación, fueron entrevistados. El análisis de datos permitió la creación de 12 categorías que más tarde fueron interpretadas sobre la base de la relación con el conocimiento (relación con el mundo, consigo mismo y con los demás), tal como presentado por Bernard Charlot. Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa que objetivou entender quais os sentidos que as pessoas constroem para a observação astronômica. Os sujeitos da pesquisa, estudantes e professores do ensino médio, receberam inicialmente alguma instrução sobre como visualizar os objetos astronômicos através do telescópio. Após a realização da observação, eles foram entrevistados. A análise dos dados permitiu a elaboração de 12 categorias que foram posteriormente interpretadas com base nas relações com o saber (relação com o mundo, consigo mesmo e com o outro), conforme apresentadas por Bernard Charlot.

  9. Arrecifes de coral en los Estados Unidos

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Los factores de estrés locales y mundiales han afectado considerablemente a los arrecifes de coral del Caribe. Se ha informado una disminución masiva de los corales en toda la región de la cuenca del Caribe,

  10. Bioética y justicia ambiental en la salud de los pobladores andinos de Perú

    PubMed Central

    Alcantara Zapata, Diana E.; Mazzei Pimental, Marinella


    Este artículo intenta plasmar el panorama bioético-ambiental de la salud del poblador que habita en la sierra peruana, remarcando la inequidad en el acceso a los servicios de salud que existe en esta región y reflexionando sobre las posibles causas contextuales, históricas y actuales que han originado diferencias entre el poblador andino del incanato y el poblador andino actual, el cambio de cosmovisón sobre el ambiente y los recursos, el deterioro del enfoque de justicia, solidaridad, bienestar y respeto hacia el ser humano y la naturaleza. Además, se describe la salud desde el escenario histórico de esta región, donde la salud pública tiene y tendrá como desafío la aplicación de programas que respondan a las necesidades específicas de esta población, con un enfoque dirigido hacia lo ambiental. PMID:29708219

  11. Source apportionment of VOCs in the Los Angeles area using positive matrix factorization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brown, Steven G.; Frankel, Anna; Hafner, Hilary R.

    Eight 3-h speciated hydrocarbon measurements were collected daily by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) as part of the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) program during the summers of 2001-03 at two sites in the Los Angeles air basin, Azusa and Hawthorne. Over 30 hydrocarbons from over 500 samples at Azusa and 600 samples at Hawthorne were subsequently analyzed using the multivariate receptor model positive matrix factorization (PMF). At Azusa and Hawthorne, five and six factors were identified, respectively, with a good comparison between predicted and measured mass. At Azusa, evaporative emissions (a median of 31% of the total mass), motor vehicle exhaust (22%), liquid/unburned gasoline (27%), coatings (17%), and biogenic emissions (3%) factors were identified. Factors identified at Hawthorne were evaporative emissions (a median of 34% of the total mass), motor vehicle exhaust (24%), industrial process losses (15%), natural gas (13%), liquid/unburned gasoline (13%), and biogenic emissions (1%). Together, the median contribution from mobile source-related factors (exhaust, evaporative emissions, and liquid/unburned gasoline) was 80% and 71% at Azusa and Hawthorne, respectively, similar to previous source apportionment results using the chemical mass balance (CMB) model. There is a difference in the distribution among mobile source factors compared to the CMB work, with an increase in the contribution from evaporative emissions, though the cause (changes in emissions or differences between models) is unknown.

  12. Near-maximal ECG stress testing and coronary artery disease risk factor analysis in Los Angeles City fire fighters.


    Barnard, R J; Gardner, G W; Diaco, N V; Kattus, A A


    Near-maximal ECG stress testing and coronary artery disease risk factor analysis including blood pressure, serum cholesterol and smoking habits were conducted on a randomly selected group (N=90) of Los Angeles City Fire Fighters ranging in age from 40 to 59 yrs. The data obtained from the fire fighters were compared to data previously reported for a group of Los Angeles insurance underwriters of the same age range. Only 12% of the fire fighters had cholesterol values greater than 260 mg% while 18% of the insurance executives fell into this category. Only 2% of the fire fighters had blood pressure values greater than 160/90 mm Hg while 25% of the insurance executives were hypertensive. Thirty-two percent of the fire fighters were smokers at the time of testing as compared to 26% for the insurance executives. Only one fire fighter had all three risk factors elevated and only five had two risk factors elevated. Forty-seven of the fire fighters had no risk factors elevated. Ten percent of the fire fighters had ischemic stress tests as compared to 8% for the insurance executives. Of the nine fire fighters with ischemic stress tests one was hypertensive, one had elevated serum triglycerides, and three were smokers at the time of testing. Since the fire fighters are a medically-selected population with low risk factors for CHD, the observed incidence of ischemic stress tests is surprising and suggests that ischemic heart disease may be job associated.

  13. Factors That Contribute to Academic Success in Higher Education of Latino Males in the Los Angeles Community College District

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Morales, Marcellino J.


    Purpose: This dissertation sought to find the most significant personal strategies and institutional support used by Latino males who successfully complete transfer requirements in the Los Angeles Community College District and determined what factors most contribute to Latino academic success. The study begins with a review of literature and…

  14. Actitudes Éticas de los estudiantes y egresados en carrera de medicina con metodologías activas

    PubMed Central

    Novaes, Maria Rita Carvalho Garbi; Novaes, Luiz Carlos Garcez; Guilhem, Dirce; Stepke, Fernando Lolas; Silveira, Carla Cristina Costa; Komatsu, Ricardo Shoiti; Trindade, Eliane Mendonça Vilar; Guiotti, Murilo Galvão


    El presente estudio tiene por objeto desarrollar un diagnostico de la inserción integrada de la ética en la carrera de medicina brasileña con una metodología de aprendizaje basada en problemas y describir las percepciones de actitudes éticas de los estudiantes y egresados. El diseño metodológico es un estudio de caso, descriptivo y documental, con abordaje cualitativo y cuantitativo. La muestra de esta investigación ha sido constituida por 120 estudiantes y 40 egresados de dos promociones del Curso de Medicina de la ESCS. Este proyecto fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación - SES/DF. Los estudiantes y egresados de la ESCS demostraron un buen manejo en el abordaje de los conflictos éticos y respeto a los pacientes. Sin embargo, el análisis de sensibilidad ética mostró una fragilidad en las percepciones y aptitudes inapropiadas de los estudiantes de la carrera de medicina, identificada básicamente en los años iniciales, que necesitan más discusiones sistematizadas sobre los aspectos éticos y bioéticos integrados a las actividades prácticas para estimular y fortalecer la reflexión ética de los estudiantes. PMID:20981242


    PubMed Central

    Yonekawa, Yoshihiro; Varma, Rohit; Choudhury, Farzana; Torres, Mina; Azen, Stanley P.


    Purpose To identify independent risk factors for incident visual impairment (VI) and monocular blindness. Design Population-based prospective cohort study. Participants 4,658 Latinos aged 40 years in the Los Angeles Latino Eye Study (LALES) Methods A detailed history and comprehensive ophthalmological examination was performed at baseline and at the 4-year follow-up on 4,658 Latinos aged 40 years and older from Los Angeles, California. Incident VI was defined as best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of <20/40 and >20/200 in the better-seeing eye at the 4 year follow-up examination in persons who had a BCVA of ≥20/40 in the better seeing eye at baseline. Incident monocular blindness was defined as BCVA of ≤20/200 in one eye at follow-up in persons who had a BCVA >20/200 in both eyes at baseline. Socio-demographic and clinical risk factors identified at the baseline interview and examination and associated with incident VI and loss of vision were determined using multivariable regression. Odds ratios (OR) were calculated for those variables that were independently associated with visual impairment and monocular blindness. Main Outcome Measures ORs for various risk factors for incident VI and monocular blindness Results Independent risk factors for incident VI were older age (70–79 years OR=4.8, ≥80 years OR=17.9), being unemployment (OR=3.5), and having diabetes mellitus (OR=2.2). Independent risk factors for monocular blindness were being retired (OR=3.4) or widowed (OR=3.7), having diabetes mellitus (OR=2.1) or any ocular disease (OR=5.6) at baseline. Persons with self-reported excellent/good vision were less likely to develop VI or monocular blindness (OR=0.4–0.5). Conclusion Our data highlight that older Latinos and Latinos with diabetes mellitus or self-reported eye diseases are at high risk of developing vision loss. Furthermore, being unemployed, widowed or retired confers an independent risk of monocular blindness. Interventions that prevent, treat

  16. Risk factors for four-year incident visual impairment and blindness: the Los Angeles Latino Eye Study.


    Yonekawa, Yoshihiro; Varma, Rohit; Choudhury, Farzana; Torres, Mina; Azen, Stanley P


    To identify independent risk factors for incident visual impairment (VI) and monocular blindness. Population-based prospective cohort study. A total of 4658 Latinos aged 40 years in the Los Angeles Latino Eye Study (LALES). A detailed history and comprehensive ophthalmologic examination was performed at baseline and at the 4-year follow-up on 4658 Latinos aged ≥40 years from Los Angeles, California. Incident VI was defined as best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of <20/40 and >20/200 in the better-seeing eye at the 4-year follow-up examination in persons who had a BCVA of ≥20/40 in the better-seeing eye at baseline. Incident monocular blindness was defined as BCVA of ≤20/200 in 1 eye at follow-up in persons who had a BCVA >20/200 in both eyes at baseline. Sociodemographic and clinical risk factors identified at the baseline interview and examination and associated with incident VI and loss of vision were determined using multivariable regression. Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated for those variables that were independently associated with VI and monocular blindness. Odds ratios for various risk factors for incident VI and monocular blindness. Independent risk factors for incident VI were older age (70-79 years, OR 4.8; ≥80 years OR 17.9), unemployment (OR 3.5), and diabetes mellitus (OR 2.2). Independent risk factors for monocular blindness were being retired (OR 3.4) or widowed (OR 3.7) and having diabetes mellitus (OR 2.1) or any ocular disease (OR 5.6) at baseline. Persons with self-reported excellent/good vision were less likely to develop VI or monocular blindness (OR 0.4-0.5). Our data highlight that older Latinos and Latinos with diabetes mellitus or self-reported eye diseases are at high risk of developing vision loss. Furthermore, being unemployed, widowed, or retired confers an independent risk of monocular blindness. Interventions that prevent, treat, and focus on the modifiable factors may reduce the burden of vision loss in this fastest growing


    PubMed Central

    Silvia, Mejía-Arango; Clemente, y Zúñiga-Gil


    Introduccion La diabetes mellitus y las demencias constituyen dos problemas crecientes de salud entre la población adulta mayor del mundo y en particular de los paises en desarrollo. Hacen falta estudios longitudinales sobre el papel de la diabetes como factor de riesgo para demencia. Objetivo Determinar el riesgo de demencia en sujetos Mexicanos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Materiales y Metodos Los sujetos diabéticos libres de demencia pertenecientes al Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México fueron evaluados a los dos años de la línea de base. Se estudió el papel de los factores sociodemográficos, de otras comorbilidades y del tipo de tratamiento en la conversión a demencia. Resultados Durante la línea de base 749 sujetos (13.8%) tuvieron diabetes. El riesgo de desarrollar demencia en estos individuos fue el doble (RR, 2.08 IC 95%, 1.59–2.73). Se encontró un riesgo mayor en individuos de 80 años y más (RR 2.44 IC 95%, 1.46–4.08), en los hombres (RR, 2.25 IC 95%, 1.46–3.49) y en sujetos con nivel educativo menor de 7 años. El estar bajo tratamiento con insulina incrementó el riesgo de demencia (RR, 2.83, IC 95%, 1.58–5.06). Las otras comorbilidades que aumentaron el riesgo de demencia en los pacientes diabéticos fueron la hipertensión (RR, 2.75, IC 95%, 1.86–4.06) y la depresión (RR, 3.78, 95% IC 2.37–6.04). Conclusión Los sujetos con diabetes mellitus tienen un riesgo mayor de desarrollar demencia, La baja escolaridad y otras comorbilidades altamente prevalentes en la población Mexicana contribuyen a la asociación diabetes-demencia. PMID:21948010

  18. Cambios históricos en el aporte terrígeno de la cuenca del Río de la Plata sobre la plataforma interna Uruguaya

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marrero, Analía; Tudurí, Adriana; Pérez, Laura; Cuña, Caroline; Muniz, Pablo; Lopes Figueira, Rubens; Michaelovitch de Mahiques, Michel; Alves de Lima Ferreira, Paulo; Pittauerová, Daniela; Hanebuth, Till; García Rodríguez, Felipe


    El Río de la Plata (RdlP) presenta significativas variaciones naturales (hidrodinámicas y oceanográficas) asociadas a diferentes condiciones climáticas. El propósito de este trabajo es inferir los cambios de aportes continentales de sedimentos y su relación con las variaciones hidrológicas del Río de la Plata, a través del análisis de proxies sedimentológicos y geoquímicos en testigos de sedimentos de la plataforma interna uruguaya que registran los últimos 100 años, aproximadamente. A partir de la datación por 210Pb de dos testigos de sedimentos (GeoB 13813-4 y BAR1) se reconstruyó la geocronología del ambiente, y se relacionó con datos de las forzantes climáticas Pacific Decadal Oscillation, El Niño/La Niña Southern Oscillation, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, y las anomalías hidrológicas de los ríos Paraná y Uruguay. Los valores más positivos y estables del Southern Oscillation Index, los cuales corresponden a fases La Niña, se observan en el periodo correspondiente entre 1910-1970, respecto al resto de la serie, donde se aprecia una mayor variabilidad y una tendencia hacia valores más negativos (eventos El Niño). Se hicieron dendrogramas (clustering) jerárquicos para ambos testigos. Para el testigo GeoB 13813-4, se utilizó la relación Ca/Ti y la granulometría, mientras que para BAR1 se recurrió a variables granulométricas y la tasa de sedimentación. El mayor aporte continental hacia la región de la plataforma adyacente al Río de la Plata registrado a partir del año 1970, podría ser el factor principal de los agrupamientos observados en los clusters para ambos testigos. Las agrupaciones mostraron una diferenciación en la década de 1970, lo que estaría asociado al aumento de los caudales de los ríos Paraná y Uruguay, durante las últimas tres décadas del siglo XX. Por otra parte se observa que la granulometría del testigo BAR1 presentó un mayor tamaño de grano y más variabilidad que en el caso del testigo Geo

  19. Cobertura de los sistemas de pensiones y factores asociados al acceso a una pensión de jubilación en México

    PubMed Central

    Murillo-López, Sandra; Venegas-Martínez, Francisco


    Resumen Objetivos: obtener estimaciones de indicadores de cobertura de las pensiones por jubilación o retiro para la población mexicana de 65 y más años, y evaluar el impacto que tienen los sistemas de pensiones en las transiciones al retiro de los adultos en edades medias y avanzadas en México. Para ello se utilizan datos microeconómicos provenientes de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento. Mediante análisis econométrico se identifican los factores sociodemográficos, económicos, laborales e institucionales que están asociados al acceso a una pensión de jubilación, o bien, a la dependencia de otras fuentes de ingresos. Se encontró que, en México, las transiciones al retiro del mercado de trabajo en las etapas avanzadas del ciclo de vida son limitadas debido a las características eminentemente contributivas de los esquemas de pensiones, los cuales favorecen a la población con trayectorias laborales formales y más estables asociadas a: características de género, oportunidades educativas y posibilidades de inserción en el mercado laboral. PMID:27524936

  20. Workload and associated factors: a study in maritime port in Brazil.


    Cezar-Vaz, Marta Regina; Bonow, Clarice Alves; Almeida, Marlise Capa Verde de; Sant'Anna, Cynthia Fontella; Cardoso, Leticia Silveira


    ísica e esforço total apresentaram maior efeito sobre a carga global de trabalho, indicando elevada carga global no trabalho portuário (134 trabalhadores - 58,8%). Permaneceram associados, estatisticamente, com níveis elevados da carga de trabalho: idade (p = 0,044), ser trabalhador da capatazia (p = 0,006), trabalhar somente no período noturno (p = 0,025), tabagismo (p = 0,037) e uso de drogas ilícitas (p = 0,029). a carga de trabalho, nesse tipo de atividade, foi alta, sendo a categoria profissional e o turno de trabalho os fatores que contribuíram para o aumento, enquanto a idade mostrou-se fator associado à sua diminuição. identificar el efecto de las demandas mentales, físicas de tiempo y de desempeño, el esfuerzo total y la frustración en la carga de trabajo global, al mismo tiempo que se analizan la carga global de trabajo portuario y los factores asociados que contribuyen principalmente a su disminución o aumento. estudio transversal cuantitativo desarrollado con 232 trabajadores portuarios. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó un cuestionario estructurado con variables de caracterización, ocupacionales, tabaquismo y uso de drogas ilícitas así como también variables sobre la carga en las tareas desarrolladas en el trabajo, en base en el cuestionario NASA Task Load Index. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó análisis de regresión de Poisson. las demandas exigencia física y esfuerzo total presentaron mayor efecto sobre la carga global de trabajo, indicando una elevada carga global en el trabajo portuario (134 trabajadores 58,8%). Estaban asociados estadísticamente con niveles elevados de la carga de trabajo: la edad (p = 0,044); ser trabajador de la capatacía (p = 0,006); trabajar solamente en el periodo nocturno (p = 0,025); tabaquismo (p = 0,037); y uso de drogas ilícitas (p = 0,029). la carga de trabajo en este tipo de actividad fue alta, siendo la categoría profesional y el turno de trabajo los factores que contribuyeron para

  1. Los manuales de quimica en Espana (1788--1845): Protagonistas, terminologia, clasificaciones y orden pedagogico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Munoz Bello, Maria Rosa

    La presente tesis doctoral es una investigacion sobre los manuales de quimica utilizados en Espana de 1788 a 1845. Este trabajo proporciona una perspectiva general de un tema relevante en las ultimas decadas en Historia de la Ciencia, el estudio de los libros de texto. De acuerdo con las ultimas investigaciones realizadas en este terreno, el acto pedagogico es considerado como un proceso creativo, como espacio de encuentro de actores e intereses muy diversos, matizando las ideas defendidas por Thomas S. Kuhn. Recordemos que segun Kuhn, los libros de texto ofrecen una vision consensuada y normalizada del estado de la ciencia de su epoca, por lo que sus autores eliminan deliberadamente toda controversia y presentan asi una imagen distorsionada de la actividad cientifica. En cambio, se ha mostrado, por ejemplo, que en la ensenanza participan no solamente profesores y alumnos sino tambien otros muchos actores y todos ellos no unicamente con intereses puramente pedagogicos sino tambien con diversos intereses politicos y economicos que pueden conocerse a traves del estudio de los manuales. En esta tesis se pretende analizar los manuales de quimica en Espana desde 1788 hasta 1845. Para poder llevar a cabo la investigacion ha sido necesario precisar el objeto de estudio (libro de texto de quimica) durante el periodo estudiado (1788-1845) ya que no es adecuado adoptar la imagen actual de una disciplina que sufrio sustanciales cambios durante la epoca estudiada. Esta investigacion se centra en un momento especialmente importante para la quimica y que algunos historiadores han llegado a considerar "revolucionario". Durante estos anos se produjo un cambio importante en las teorias quimicas sobre la combustion y el concepto de elemento, asi como una reforma terminologica que originaron la aparicion de importantes controversias. Ademas, debido a la relacion de la quimica con otras disciplinas como la historia natural o la fisica ha sido necesario restringir el objeto de estudio

  2. Attributing Success Factors of Senior-Level Nonacademic Deans or Title Equivalent at Selected Colleges and Universities in the Greater Los Angeles Area

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gravagne, Michael D.


    Purpose: To determine attributing success factors in the professional development of senior-level nonacademic deans or title equivalent at selected colleges and universities in the greater Los Angeles area. Methodology. An open-ended questionnaire was sent out to 17 senior-level student affairs officers (SSAOs) or title equivalent at selected…


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    3. LOS ANGELES RIVER AND FIGUEROA STREET VIADUCTS ACROSS LOS ANGELES RIVER. LOOKING 18° N. - Arroyo Seco Parkway, Figueroa Street Viaduct, Spanning Los Angeles River, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  4. Memorias del tercer simposio internacional sobre economía, planificación, y políticas de los incendios forestales: problemas y enfoques comunes


    Armando González-Cabán


    Estas memorias resumen el resultado de un simposio diseñado para discutir los problemas actuales que confrontan las agencias con responsabilidad para la proteccion contra incendios forestales a nivel federal y estadual en los EE.UU., al igual que agencias en la comunidad internacional. Los temas discutidos en el simposio incluyen economía del fuego, teoría y modelos...

  5. Declaración SPIRIT 2013: definición de los elementos estándares del protocolo de un ensayo clínico*

    PubMed Central

    Chan, An-Wen; Tetzlaff, Jennifer M.; Altman, Douglas G.; Laupacis, Andreas; Gøtzsche, Peter C.; Krleža-Jerić, Karmela; Hrobjartsson, Asbjørn; Mann, Howard; Dickersin, Kay; Berlin, Jesse A.; Dore, Caroline J.; Parulekar, Wendy R.; Summerskill, William S.M.; Groves, Trish; Schulz, Kenneth F.; Sox, Harold C.; Rockhold, Frank W.; Rennie, Drummond; Moher, David


    Resumen El protocolo de un ensayo clínico es la base para planificar, ejecutar, publicar y evaluar el ensayo. Sin embargo, los protocolos y las guías que existen para su elaboración varían enormemente en cuanto a su calidad y contenido. En este artículo se describe la elaboración sistemática y el alcance de la Declaración SPIRIT 2013 (denominada así por la sigla en inglés de Standard Protocol items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials o Elementos estándares de un protocolo: recomendaciones para los ensayos de intervención), una guía en la que se establecen los contenidos mínimos que debe tener el protocolo de un ensayo clínico. La lista de comprobación de la declaración SPIRIT, que consta de 33 elementos, se aplica a los protocolos de todos los ensayos clínicos y se centra más en el contenido que en el formato. En esta lista se recomienda hacer una descripción completa de lo que se ha planificado, aunque no se establece cómo diseñar o ejecutar un ensayo. Al brindar orientación sobre los contenidos fundamentales, las recomendaciones SPIRIT procuran facilitar la redacción de protocolos de alta calidad. El cumplimiento de las recomendaciones SPIRIT debería mejorar la transparencia y la exhaustividad de los protocolos de los ensayos en beneficio de los investigadores, los participantes, los pacientes, los patrocinadores, los financiadores, los comités de ética de la investigación o las juntas de revisión institucionales, los revisores, las revistas biomédicas, los registros de ensayos, los formuladores de políticas, los organismos reguladores y otras partes interesadas clave. PMID:27440100

  6. Obstáculos a la adherencia y retención en los sistemas de salud público y privado según pacientes y personal de salud

    PubMed Central

    Arístegui, Inés; Dorigo, Analía; Bofill, Lina; Bordatto, Alejandra; Lucas, Mar; Cabanillas, Graciela Fernández; Sued, Omar; Cahn, Pedro; Cassetti, Isabel; Weiss, Stephen; Jones., Deborah


    Resumen Introducción el Programa Nacional de Sida garantiza el acceso universal a los antirretrovirales, aun así las personas que reciben medicamentos a través del sistema público no logran obtener una carga viral indetectable en la misma proporción que los pacientes del sistema privado. Este estudio cualitativo tiene como objeto identificar los factores asociados a la adherencia y retención en la cascada de atención de VIH de los sistemas de salud público y privado de Buenos Aires, según las percepciones de pacientes y del personal de salud. Métodos se registraron datos cualitativos de 12 entrevistas semi-estructuradas a informantes clave y 4 grupos focales de pacientes y personal de salud tanto del sistema público como privado. Se codificaron y analizaron temas predeterminados sobre adherencia, utilizando el software QRS Nvivo9® de análisis de datos cualitativos. Resultados pacientes y personal de salud de ambos sistemas coinciden en la importancia del estigma asociado al VIH, la relación médicopaciente, la comunicación entre ambos y la división de responsabilidades en relación al tratamiento como aspectos fundamentales para la adherencia y retención en la cascada de atención. Se observan diferencias entre los sistemas en la forma en que algunos de estos aspectos actúan. Las barreras estructurales se presentan como principales obstáculos del sistema público. Discusión se resalta la necesidad de intervenciones focalizadas en la díada médico-paciente que considere las particularidades de cada sistema de atención para facilitar el compromiso del paciente en la adherencia. PMID:26878024

  7. Conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de las facultades de educacion y ciencias naturales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, recinto de Rio Piedras, acerca de la ciencia y la pseudociencia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reyes Medina, Hector A.

    Esta investigacion describe las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de tercer ano o mas a nivel de bachillerato de los programas de Educacion en Ciencia y Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras, acerca de lo establecido en la literatura para distinguir el conocimiento cientifico de las creencias pseudocientificas. Este estudio se guio por un diseno tipo encuesta transversal que permitio conocer de manera consistente las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes encuestados acerca de la Ciencia y la Pseudociencia. Ademas, permitio desarrollar inferencias estadisticas relacionadas a la poblacion de estudio, sus conceptuaciones y su inclinacion teorica en torno al Realismo y al Racionalismo cientifico moderados. El instrumento utilizado fue el Cuestionario acerca de las concepciones de la ciencia y la pseudocienca en estudiantes universitarios, Reyes (2015). Este cuestionario fue validado mediante la recopilacion de diversas fuentes de evidencias, entre estas se encuentran las evidencias basadas en el contenido, el proceso de respuesta, la estructura interna y de constructo. Tambien, se calculo el Alfa de Crombach para la escala total y para cada componente y se realizo un analisis de factores que demostro la presencia de seis componentes claramente definidos de acuerdo a lo esperado sobre las caracteristicas originales del instrumento. Las estadisticas utilizadas fueron descriptivas. Participaron 302 alumnos, de las facultades de educacion y ciencias naturales. Se encontro que las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de ambas facultades se inclinan en un 66.2% a favor con lo establecido en el modelo teorico en torno al Realismo y al Racionalismo cientifico moderados. Sin embargo, aun hay un 33.8% de los estudiantes de ambas facultades que poseen conceptuaciones distintas al modelo teorico propuesto.

  8. Baseline Risk Factors that Predict the Development of Open-angle Glaucoma in a Population: The Los Angeles Latino Eye Study

    PubMed Central

    Jiang, Xuejuan; Varma, Rohit; Wu, Shuang; Torres, Mina; Azen, Stanley P; Francis, Brian A.; Chopra, Vikas; Nguyen, Betsy Bao-Thu


    Objective To determine which baseline socio-demographic, lifestyle, anthropometric, clinical, and ocular risk factors predict the development of open-angle glaucoma (OAG) in an adult population. Design A population-based, prospective cohort study. Participants A total of 3,772 self-identified Latinos aged 40 years and older from Los Angeles, California who were free of OAG at baseline. Methods Participants from the Los Angeles Latino Eye Study had standardized study visits at baseline and 4-year follow-up with structured interviews and a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination. OAG was defined as the presence of an open angle and a glaucomatous visual field abnormality and/or evidence of glaucomatous optic nerve damage in at least one eye. Multivariate logistic regression with stepwise selection was performed to determine which potential baseline risk factors independently predict the development of OAG. Main Outcome Measure Odds ratios for various risk factors. Results Over the 4-year follow-up, 87 participants developed OAG. The baseline risk factors that predict the development of OAG include: older age (odds ratio [OR] per decade, 2.19; 95% confidence intervals [CI], 1.74-2.75; P<0.001), higher intraocular pressure (OR per mmHg, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.10-1.26; P<0.001), longer axial length (OR per mm, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.22-1.80; P<0.001), thinner central cornea (OR per 40 μm thinner, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.00-1.70; P=0.050) higher waist to hip ratio (OR per 0.05 higher, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.05-1.39; P=0.007) and lack of vision insurance (OR, 2.08; 95% CI, 1.26-3.41; P=0.004). Conclusions Despite a mean baseline IOP of 14 mmHg in Latinos, higher intraocular pressure is an important risk factor for developing OAG. Biometric measures suggestive of less structural support such as longer axial length and thin CCT were identified as important risk factors. Lack of health insurance reduces access to eye care and increases the burden of OAG by reducing the likelihood of early detection

  9. Hacia el consumo informado de tabaco en México: efecto de las advertencias con pictogramas en población fumadora

    PubMed Central

    Thrasher, James F; Pérez-Hernández, Rosaura; Arillo-Santillán, Edna; Barrientos-Gutiérrez, Inti


    Resumen Objetivo Evaluar el efecto de las advertencias sanitarias (AS) con pictogramas en las cajetillas de tabaco en adultos fumadores. Material y métodos Cohorte de fumadores con representatividad poblacional de siete ciudades mexi canas, antes (2010) y después (2011) de la implementación de AS con pictogramas (ASP). Para determinar el cambio en las variables sobre el impacto cognitivo y conductual de las advertencias, se estimaron modelos bivariados y ajustados de ecuaciones de estimación generalizada. En el Segundo levantamiento (2011), se estimaron modelos para determiner los factores que se asocian con el reporte de recordar cada advertencia que había entrado al mercado, además de los factores asociados con el autorreporte del impacto de cada advertencia vigente. Resultados Se observaron incrementos importantes de 2010 a 2011 en los conocimientos sobre los riesgos de fumar, los componentes tóxicos del tabaco y el número telefónico para recibir consejos sobre dejar de fumar. La recordación e impacto de las primeras advertencias con pictogramas parecen ser amplios y equitativos a través de la población fumadora. En comparación con 2010, un mayor nivel de ex fumadores entrevistados en 2011 reportaron que las advertencias habían influido mucho en dejar de fumar (RM=2.44, 95% IC 1.27–4.72). Conclusiones Las AS con pictogramas han logrado un impacto importante en el conocimiento y conducta, información relevante para la población y en tomadores de decisiones. PMID:22689162

  10. Implementación de un modelo de capacitación multimedial para brindar orientación alimentaria a los beneficiarios de un programa de ayuda social en México.


    Amaya-Castellanos, Maritza Alejandra; Morales-Ruan, María Del Carmen; Uribe-Carvajal, Rebeca; Jiménez-Aguilar, Alejandra; Salazar-Coronel, Araceli Apolonia; Martínez-Tapia, Brenda; Shamah-Levy, Teresa


    Introducción: Se implementó un modelo de capacitación en orientación alimentaria para la población beneficiaria y el personal operativo del Programa de Abasto Rural (PAR) de Diconsa, el cual es una iniciativa social de ayuda alimentaria que abastece productos básicos y complementarios, además de brindar capacitación en localidades de alta marginación en México. Objetivo: Documentar la utilización de la Metodología de Capacitación Multimedial (MCM) en el desarrollo de un esquema de capacitación sobre orientación alimentaria y su implementación en la población beneficiaria del PAR, a través de la propia estructura operativa del PAR. Metodología: El modelo se fundamenta en la MCM, integrada por cuatro elementos didácticos e indivisibles que conforman el paquete pedagógico multimedial (PPM), compuesto a su vez por tres videos y rotafolios, material impreso, prácticas y las relaciones interpersonales. Los ejes temáticos fueron: alimentación correcta para una vida saludable, alimentación materno-infantil, elecciones saludables y gasto familiar. El modelo fue replicado en cascada en los tres niveles operativos del PAR (responsables de capacitación, supervisores operativos y beneficiarios del PAR), con un componente de multiplicación horizontal, e implementado como piloto en cuatro estados de México. Resultados: Se observó un cambio positivo sobre los conocimientos en alimentación correcta en todos los niveles de capacitación, principalmente en los beneficiarios del PAR. La evaluación del proceso mostró conocimientos previos de los responsables de capacitación en los temas, buen desempeño como facilitadores, y habilidades de presentación y manejo del grupo de los supervisores operativos. A partir de las evaluaciones y del acompañamiento en la prueba piloto, fueron modificados las actividades, las estrategias y los materiales educativos del PPM. Conclusiones: La capacitación multimedial y la educación nutricional promueven procesos de

  11. Risk Factors for Cortical, Nuclear, Posterior Subcapsular, and Mixed Lens Opacities: The Los Angeles Latino Eye Study

    PubMed Central

    Richter, Grace M.; Torres, Mina; Choudhury, Farzana; Azen, Stanley P.; Varma, Rohit


    Purpose To identify socio-demographic and biological risk factors associated with having cortical, nuclear, posterior sub-capsular (PSC), and mixed lens opacities. Design Population-based, cross-sectional study Participants Five thousand nine hundred forty-five Latinos 40 years and older from 6 census tracts in Los Angeles, California. Methods Participants underwent an interview and detailed eye examination, including best-corrected visual acuity and slit-lamp assessment of lens opacities using the Lens Opacities Classification System II. Univariate and stepwise logistic regression analyses were used to identify independent risk factors associated with each type of lens opacity. Main Outcome Measures Odds ratios for socio-demographic and biological risk factors associated with cortical only, nuclear only, PSC only, and mixed lens opacities. Results Of the 5945 participants with gradable lenses, 468 had cortical only lens opacities, 217 had nuclear only lens opacities, 27 had PSC only opacities, and 364 had mixed lens opacities. Older age, higher hemoglobin A1c, and history of diabetes mellitus were independent risk factors for cortical only lens opacities. Older age, smoking, and myopic refractive error were independent risk factors for nuclear only lens opacities. Higher systolic blood pressure and history of diabetes were independent risk factors for posterior sub-capsular lens opacities. Older age, myopic refractive error, history of diabetes, higher systolic blood pressure, female gender, and presence of large drusen were independent risk factors for mixed lens opacities. Conclusions The modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors identified in this study provide insight into the mechanisms related to the development of lens opacification. Improved glycemic control, smoking cessation and prevention, and blood pressure control may help to reduce the risk of having lens opacities and their associated vision loss. PMID:22197433

  12. Representaciones sociales sobre la problemática de Chagas en un servicio de salud comunitaria del Gran La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


    Sanmartino, Mariana; Amieva, Carolina; Medone, Y Paula


    Hablar de Chagas es hablar de una problemática compleja, definida por elementos de carácter biomédico, epidemiológico, sociocultural y político, que se conjugan dinámicamente. En este trabajo buscamos identificar y analizar las representaciones sobre Chagas de los integrantes del equipo de salud de un centro de atención periurbano de la ciudad de La Plata, Argentina. Mediante un abordaje cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y se analizaron las respuestas con la técnica del análisis de contenido. Los resultados mostraron que la mayor parte de las personas entrevistadas no contempla al Chagas como una problemática en su contexto laboral cotidiano y manifiestan un fuerte sesgo biologicista en su formación profesional. Con este trabajo señalamos la urgente necesidad de reflexionar críticamente en torno a la formación de los profesionales de la salud en relación a problemáticas socioambientales complejas de importancia regional, como lo es el Chagas.

  13. Factors associated with HPV awareness among mothers of low-income ethnic minority adolescent girls in Los Angeles.


    Glenn, Beth A; Tsui, Jennifer; Singhal, Rita; Sanchez, Leah; Nonzee, Narissa J; Chang, L Cindy; Taylor, Victoria M; Bastani, Roshan


    Among caregivers of adolescent girls, awareness of human papillomavirus (HPV) is strongly associated with vaccine uptake. Little is known, however, about the predictors of HPV awareness among low-income ethnic minority groups in the U.S. The purpose of this study is to understand demographic factors associated with HPV awareness among low-income, ethnic minority mothers in Los Angeles County. We conducted a cross-sectional study of caregivers of adolescent girls through the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Office of Women's Health's hotline. The majority of the participants were foreign-born (88%), one quarter lacked a usual source of care, and one quarter lacked public or private health insurance for their daughter. We found that one in three participants had never heard of HPV or the vaccine. Mothers that were unaware of HPV were significantly more likely to conduct the interview in a language other than English and to lack health insurance for their daughters. HPV vaccine awareness was much lower in our caregiver sample (61%) than in a simultaneous national survey of caregivers (85%). The associations between lack of awareness and use of a language other than English, as well as lack of health insurance for their daughter indicate the need for HPV vaccine outreach efforts tailored to ethnic minority communities in the U.S. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. La inserción en el mercado laboral de los inmigrantes latinos en España y en los Estados Unidos: Diferencias por país de origen y estatus legal

    PubMed Central

    Connor, Phillip; Massey, Douglas


    Resumen Este artículo compara los resultados económicos entre los inmigrantes latinoamericanos en España y Estados Unidos. Detectamos un efecto de selección por el que la mayoría de los inmigrantes latinoamericanos en España proceden de Sudamérica de un entorno de clases medias, mientras la mayoría de los inmigrantes que van a los Estados Unidos son centroamericanos de clase baja. Este efecto de selección explica las diferencias transnacionales en la probabilidad de empleo, logro ocupacional y salarios obtenidos. A pesar de las diferencias en los orígenes y las características de los latinoamericanos en ambos países, los factores demográficos, humanos y de capital social parecen operar de forma similar en ambos países; y cuando los modelos se estiman separadamente por estatus legal, descubrimos que los efectos se acentúan más entre los inmigrantes irregulares cuando se los compara con los regulares, especialmente en Estados Unidos. PMID:24532857

  15. Vigilando la Calidad del Agua de los Grandes Rios de la Nacion: El Programa NASQAN del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte)

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Lurry, Dee L.; Reutter, David C.; Wells, Frank C.; Rivera, M.C.; Munoz, A.


    La Oficina del Estudio Geologico de los Estados Unidos (U.S. Geological Survey, 0 USGS) ha monitoreado la calidad del agua de la cuenca del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte) desde 1995 como parte de la rediseiiada Red Nacional para Contabilizar la Calidad del Agua de los Rios (National Stream Quality Accounting Network, o NASOAN) (Hooper and others, 1997). EI programa NASOAN fue diseiiado para caracterizar las concentraciones y el transporte de sedimento y constituyentes quimicos seleccionados, encontrados en los grandes rios de los Estados Unidos - incluyendo el Misisipi, el Colorado y el Columbia, ademas del Rio Grande. En estas cuatro cuencas, el USGS opera actualmente (1998) una red de 40 puntos de muestreo pertenecientes a NASOAN, con un enfasis en cuantificar el flujo en masa (la cantidad de material que pasa por la estacion, expresado en toneladas por dial para cada constituyente. Aplicacando un enfoque consistente, basado en la cuantificacion de flujos en la cuenca del Rio Grande, el programa NASOAN esta generando la informacion necesaria para identificar fuentes regionales de diversos contaminantes, incluyendo sustancias qui micas agricolas y trazas elementos en la cuenca. EI efecto de las grandes reservas en el Rio Grande se puede observar segun los flujos de constituyentes discurren a 10 largo del rio. EI analisis de los flujos de constituyentes a escala de la cuenca proveera los medios para evaluar la influencia de la actividad humana sobre las condiciones de calidad del agua del Rio Grande.

  16. Los Alamos high-power proton linac designs

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lawrence, G.P.


    Medium-energy high-power proton linear accelerators have been studied at Los Alamos as drivers for spallation neutron applications requiring large amounts of beam power. Reference designs for such accelerators are discussed, important design factors are reviewed, and issues and concern specific to this unprecedented power regime are discussed.

  17. Factors in hospice patients' length of stay.


    Frantz, T T; Lawrence, J C; Somov, P G; Somova, M J


    Many hospice patients are referred comparatively late in the course of their disease progression, therefore minimizing the time of services to the patient, caregivers, and families. Untimely referrals can create organizational, clinical, and emotional problems for all involved; a better understanding of the factors related to length of stay (LOS) in hospice is necessary. This study investigated the relationship between LOS and selected variables. There were significant differences in LOS by diagnosis, physician type, and referral source. No significant differences were found in LOS by gender or insurance type. Factors related to LOS can assist hospices in identifying those particular patients more likely to have longer stays. Additionally, administrators may tailor their programs to meet the needs of the individual hospice.

  18. Prevalence and factors associated with preoperative anxiety in children aged 5-12 years.


    Moura, Louise Amália de; Dias, Iohanna Maria Guimarães; Pereira, Lilian Varanda


    é-operatória. quarenta e dois por cento (42,0%) das crianças apresentaram ansiedade pré-operatória (IC95%:35,7%-48,6%), com média dos escores igual a 30,1 (dp=8,4). Os fatores associados à ansiedade pré-operatória foram faixa etária de 5 a 6 anos (OR=2,28; p=0,007) e classe socioeconômica C (OR=2,39; p=0,016). a avaliação de crianças que aguardam cirurgias ambulatoriais deve ser multidimensional e conter informações sobre a idade e o nível socioeconômico, com vistas a auxiliar a identificação e o tratamento precoce da ansiedade pré-operatória. estimar la prevalencia y los factores asociados con la ansiedad preoperatoria en niños que aguardan cirugía ambulatoria. análisis transversal de los datos de referencia de un estudio de cohorte prospectivo que investiga los predictores de dolor postoperatorio en niños de 5-12 años, sometidos a reparación de hernia inguinal y umbilical. Se seleccionaron 210 niños, entrevistados en la sala de espera de un hospital general. La ansiedad se evaluó por medio de la Escala de Ansiedad Preoperatoria de Yale Modificada (EAPY-m). Se analizaron variables sociodemográficas y clínicas, como exposición y ansiedad (suma de las puntuaciones de la EAPY-m>30) como resultado. Se utilizó regresión logística para identificar factores asociados con la ansiedad preoperatoria. cuarenta y dos por ciento (42.0%) de los niños presentaron ansiedad preoperatoria (IC95%: 35,7%-48,6%), con una puntuación media igual a 30,1 (DE=8,4). Los factores asociados con la ansiedad preoperatoria fueron grupo de edad de 5-6 años (OR=2,28; p=0,007) y clase socioeconómica C (OR=2,39; p=0,016). la evaluación de los niños que aguardan cirugía ambulatoria debe ser multidimensional y contener información sobre la edad y el nivel socioeconómico, con el fin de ayudar a la identificación y el tratamiento precoz de la ansiedad preoperatoria.

  19. Memories of Astronomy Education in Brazil: Clippings from the Discourses of Interviewed Researchers on the Subject. (Spanish Title: Memorias de la Educación en Astronomía en Brasil: Recortes de los Discursos de Investigadores Entrevistados Acerca del Tema ) Memórias da Educação em Astronomia no Brasil: Recortes a Partir das Falas de Pesquisadores Entrevistados sobre o Tema

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iachel, Gustavo; Nardi, Roberto


    This paper presents a historical retrospective concerning data from a research in Astronomy Education in Brazil, after 1973. It was organized on the basis of the speech analysis of national researchers considered references in this field by their peers. Furthermore, it was elaborated on the basis of other studies from the areas of Science Education, Physics and Astronomy. This historical overview was developed in order to facilitate understanding of the contexts in which the interviewed researchers have developed professionally. Moreover, we attempted to recover the memory of the growing field of research in Astronomy Education in the country. We believe that the history presented can help those trying to understand the past in an attempt to resolve current and future demands. Se presenta en este artículo una retrospectiva histórica referente a datos provenientes de la investigación en enseñanza de la astronomía en el Brasil, después de 1973, organizada sobre la base del análisis de los discursos de los investigadores nacionales considerados referencias en este campo, y también en la lectura de las publicaciones en las áreas de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, Física y Astronomía. Este repaso histórico se desarrolló con el fin de facilitar la comprensión de los contextos en los que los investigadores entrevistados se han desarrollado profesionalmente. Por otra parte, se intentó recuperar la memoria del creciente campo de la investigación en Educación en Astronomía en el país. Creemos que el relato presentado puede contribuir a quien trata de comprender el pasado, en un intento de resolver las demandas actuales y futuras. Relata-se neste artigo uma retrospectiva histórica referente a dados provenientes de pesquisa em Educação em Astronomia no país, pós 1973, organizada com base na análise das falas de pesquisadores considerados referências nacionais nesse campo, como também na leitura de publicações das áreas de ensino de Ciências, F

  20. Organizational factors affecting length of stay in the emergency department: initial observational study.


    Bashkin, Osnat; Caspi, Sigalit; Haligoa, Rachel; Mizrahi, Sari; Stalnikowicz, Ruth


    Length of stay (LOS) is considered a key measure of emergency department throughput, and from the perspective of the patient, it is perceived as a measure of healthcare service quality. Prolonged LOS can be caused by various internal and external factors. This study examined LOS in the emergency department and explored the main factors that influence LOS and cause delay in patient care. Observations of 105 patients were performed over a 3-month period at the emergency room of a community urban hospital. Observers monitored patients from the moment of entrance to the department until discharge or admission to another hospital ward. Analysis revealed a general average total emergency department LOS of 438 min. Significant differences in average LOS were found between admitted patients (Mean = 544 min, SD = 323 min) and discharged patients (Mean = 291 min, SD = 286 min). In addition, nurse and physician change of shifts and admissions to hospital wards were found to be significant factors associated with LOS. Using an Ishikawa causal diagram, we explored various latent organizational factors that may prolong this time. The study identified several factors that are associated with high average emergency department LOS. High LOS may lead to increases in expenditures and may have implications for patient safety, whereas certain organizational changes, communication improvement, and time management may have a positive effect on it. Interdisciplinary methods can be used to explore factors causing prolonged emergency department LOS and contribute to a better understanding of them.

  1. Professional Identity at Los Angeles College of Chiropractic.


    Kimura, Melissa Nagare; Russell, Robb; Scaringe, John


    The objective of this article is to describe chiropractic professional identity as espoused by the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. Professional identity is a construct that begins formation prior to career selection, can be considered the backbone of health care education, and has been linked to career success. Los Angeles College of Chiropractic's professional identity is shaped by a philosophy of health care that is focused on vitalism, holism, naturalism, therapeutic conservatism, critical rationalism, phenomenology, humanism, and interprofessionalism. Other distinguishing aspects include portal-of-entry professionals with broad diagnostic skills; a focus on spine care; promotion of public-health; and delivery of manual treatments. The chiropractic professional identity at the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic focuses on serving the needs of the people who entrust their health to its graduates and will continue to evolve on the basis of many factors, such as politics, social perceptions, and economic conditions.

  2. Los Angeles Settles ACLU Suit on Layoffs

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sawchuk, Stephen


    A settlement crafted last week seeking to curb the use of seniority as a factor in teacher layoffs in the Los Angeles school system could become one of the nation's most far-reaching overhauls of the "last hired, first fired" policies common in school districts. If approved by a judge, the settlement would shield up to 45 low-performing…

  3. Los Alamos Science Facilities Websites

    Los Alamos National Laboratory Search Site submit About Mission Business Newsroom Publications Los Innovation in New Mexico Los Alamos Collaboration for Explosives Detection (LACED) SensorNexus Exascale Computing Project (ECP) User Facilities Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) Los Alamos Neutron

  4. Living in Los Alamos Websites

    Los Alamos National Laboratory Search Site submit About Mission Business Newsroom Publications Los Innovation in New Mexico Los Alamos Collaboration for Explosives Detection (LACED) SensorNexus Exascale Computing Project (ECP) User Facilities Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) Los Alamos Neutron

  5. The Practice of Research of a Basic Education Teacher Involving Mental Models of the Phases of the Moon and Eclipses. (Spanish Title: La Práctica de Investigación de un Maestro de Educación BÁsica con El Uso de los Modelos Mentales de Las Fases de la Luna Y Eclipses.) A Prática de Pesquisa de um Professor do Ensino Fundamental Envolvendo Modelos Mentais de Fases da Lua e Eclipses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pessôa Queiroz, Glória; Jubitipan Borges de Sousa, Carlos; Auxiliadora Delgado Machado, Maria


    The inclusion of basic education teachers in the survey domain is a controversial issue and fully debated in the academy. The opportunity for a collective work that incorporated school teachers from a public school to a university's group of physics teaching at university allowed us to glimpse the redefinition of the function of a science teacher (a coauthor of this paper) by himself, such that now he includes research on the knowledge construction by students in his teacher practice. The formation of inter-institutional groups for action planning and research in these areas has proved productive for the task of knowledge construction to support educational processes in school, while the university enriches its collection of experiences critically validated, and can consider the results in teachers initial and continued education. The active participation of the teacher in a research group at the university led him to reflect on the possible didactical ways to be described, analyzed and communicated to other teachers. The construction of a pedagogy that took into account the mental models of students on the basic topics of astronomy, and the changes developed resulting from the lessons taught, led to far-reaching consequences on the pedagogy adopted by the teacher, who incorporates now a new vision of science and alternative forms to dialogue with students, essential components for a researcher in Science Education. La inclusión de los maestros de la escuela básica en el universo de la investigación es polémica y está en amplio debate en el mundo académico. La oportunidad de trabajo colectivo de los maestros de una escuela pública en Río de Janeiro con un grupo universitario de enseñanza de la física nos ha permitido vislumbrar la redefinición de la función de un maestro de ciencias (uno de los coautores de este documento) por él mismo, ahora para incluir la investigación sobre la construcción del conocimiento por los alumnos en su práctica como

  6. ENVEJECIMIENTO, SALUD Y ECONOMÍA: La Encuesta Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en México*

    PubMed Central


    RESUMEN México vive una transición demográfica en la cual el porcentaje de la población mayor de 50 años de edad crece aceleradamente como resultado de un aumento considerable en la esperanza de vida. Dicha población tiene necesidades particulares que deben ser tomadas en cuenta en la formulación de políticas, sobre todo en materia de acceso a servicios de salud y seguridad social. En este artículo presentamos una descripción general de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento (Enasem), un estudio de panel que comenzó en 2001 y que ofrece una oportunidad única para abordar temas demográficos y económicos complejos por medio de la exploración de las características personales, transferencias socioeconómicas e indicadores de salud para una muestra de 15 186 adultos de edad media y avanzada. También presentamos los resultados más relevantes de diferentes estudios que han utilizado la Enasem hasta la fecha. Nuestra revisión indica que México enfrenta desafíos considerables para satisfacer la demanda de servicios médicos para una población que es amenazada por una creciente presencia de enfermedades crónicas, sobre todo para la población de edad avanzada que no cuenta con cobertura de seguro médico. PMID:29375164

  7. Difficulties of First Years Elementary School Teachers with the Teaching of Astronomy. (Breton Title: Dificuldades de Professores dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental em Relação ao Ensino da Astronomia. ) Dificultades de LOS Profesores de los Primeros Años de la Escuela Primaria en Relación a la Enseñanza de la Astronomía

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Langhi, Rodolfo; Nardi, Roberto


    This paper reports Primary School teachers' discourses analysis about their difficulties related to the teaching of Astronomy. It reports partial data of a master's level research carried out in the last two years, named "An exploratory study for inserting Astronomy in primary school teachers' education" (LANGHI, 2004). The study took into consideration students' and teachers' common sense conceptions about astronomical phenomena, conceptual mistakes in textbooks, and Astronomy's suggestions given by the PCN (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais - The Brazilian National Curriculum Standards). The paper aims to characterize teachers' difficulties, in order to provide subsides to the implementation of an initial or continuing education program. This study is justified by the fact that courses plans like these only will be adapted to the teacher's (and students') reality, if there is a primary investigation about what the teachers really need to know about Astronomy. This fact was possible here by the enunciations interpretation of a teachers' sample using semi-structured interviews, according to discourse analysis procedures. The research outcomes show difficulties related to factors like: those of personal order, methodological, on teacher's formation, educational infrastructure and other related to information sources for educators. Este artigo, que relata as dificuldades de professores em relação ao ensino da Astronomia, faz parte de um estudo exploratório para a inserção da Astronomia na formação de professores dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Esse estudo leva em consideração as concepções alternativas de alunos e professores sobre fenômenos astronômicos, os erros conceituais em livros didáticos e as sugestões de conteúdos de Astronomia constantes nos PCN (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais). Caracterizar as dificuldades dos professores é a questão central deste texto, apontando para o objetivo de contribuir com subsídios para um futuro

  8. Demographic, health services and socio-economic factors associated with pulmonary tuberculosis mortality in Los Altos Region of Chiapas, Mexico.


    Nájera-Ortiz, J C; Sánchez-Pérez, H J; Ochoa-Díaz, H; Arana-Cedeño, M; Lezama, Ma Salazar; Mateo, M Martín


    Chiapas is one of the Mexican states having the highest rates of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB), due to the numerous factors impeding its management and control (poverty, poor housing and nutrition, shortage of health resources, among others). To analyse the PTB mortality of a cohort of patients in Los Altos Region of Chiapas, who had been diagnosed with PTB from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2002; and, to identify demographic, socioeconomic and health services utilization factors, associated with death from PTB. Analysis of a cohort of patients aged over 14 years diagnosed with PTB in the above mentioned period (n = 431) in Los Altos region of Chiapas. The records of the Tuberculosis Programme were reviewed, and patients were located through a search attempting to locate them in their homes. Those found alive were interviewed and asked to provide sputum samples. In the case of deceased patients, a verbal autopsy was obtained from a member of their family. The records of the PTB Programme in the area were incomplete and erroneous in many cases. The results of the home follow-up visits were: 208 (48%) patients located alive, five of whom were still PTB positive (three with multi-drug resistance); 145 (34%) could not be located and 78 (18%) had already died. Apparently, in at least 40 cases, the deaths were associated with PTB. Of these forty, 33 (83%) died without having received any medical care. The factors associated with dying from PTB were: 45 and over years of age (OR = 1.3; 95% CI = 0.98-1.3), 0-3 schooling years (OR = 3.3; 95% CI = 1.1-9.6), engaged in agriculture (OR = 2.2; 95% CI = 1.1-4.4), not living in main villages of their municipality (OR = 1.2; 95% CI = 1.0-1.3), living in a rural community (OR = 2.7; 95% CI = 1.1-6.8), not having been treated in DOTS (OR = 1.2; 95% CI = 1.0-1.3) and having defaulted from treatment (OR = 11.5; 95% CI = 5.3-24.8). The high rate of mortality due to PTB observed constitutes a serious public health problem deserving

  9. Número de ganglios linfáticos metastásicos como determinante de los resultados después de prostatectomía radical de rescate para el cáncer de próstata de radiación recurrente

    PubMed Central

    Gugliemetti, G; Sukhu, R; Conca Baenas, M A.; Meeks, J; Sjoberg, D D.; Eastham, J A.; Scardino, P T.; Touijer, K


    Resumen Antecedentes La presencia de metástasis en los ganglios linfáticos (MGL) en la prostatectomía radical de rescate (PRs) se asocia con un mal pronóstico. Los factores predictivos de resultados en este contexto siguen siendo indeterminados. El objetivo fue evaluar el papel de número de ganglios linfáticos positivos sobre el resultado de los pacientes con MGL después de PRs y para el cáncer de próstata de radio-recurrente. Material y métodos Se analizaron los datos de una cohorte consecutiva de 215 hombres tratados con PRr en una sola institución. Se utilizaron los modelos de regresión de riesgos proporcionales de Cox univariante para la recurrencia bioquímica (RBQ) y los resultados metastásicos, con el antígeno prostático específico, la puntuación de Gleason, la extensión extraprostática, la invasión de vesículas seminales, el tiempo entre la terapia de radiación y PRr y el número de ganglios positivos como factores predictivos. Resultados De los 47 pacientes con MGL, 37 desarrollaron RBQ, 11 desarrollaron metástasis a distancia y 4 fallecieron con una mediana de seguimiento de 2,3 años para los supervivientes. El riesgo de metástasis aumentó con mayores niveles preoperatorios de PSA (HR 1,19 por 1 ng/ml; IC del 95%: 1,06, 1,34; p = 0,003). Los factores predictivos restantes no alcanzaron niveles convencionales de significación. Sin embargo, la eliminación de 3 o más ganglios linfáticos positivos demostró una asociación positiva, como se esperaba, con enfermedad metastásica (HR 3,44, IC: 0,91, 13,05; p = 0,069) en comparación con uno o dos ganglios positivos. Del mismo modo, la presencia de extensión extraprostática, invasión de vesículas seminales y grado de Gleason superior a 7 también demostraron una asociación positiva con un mayor riesgo de metástasis, con índices de riesgo de 3,97 (IC del 95% 0,50; 31,4; p = 0,2), 3,72 (IC 95% 0,80, 17,26; p = 0,1) y 1,45 (IC del 95% 0,44, 4,76; p = 0,5), respectivamente

  10. Space based optical staring sensor LOS determination and calibration using GCPs observation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Jun; An, Wei; Deng, Xinpu; Yang, Jungang; Sha, Zhichao


    Line of sight (LOS) attitude determination and calibration is the key prerequisite of tracking and location of targets in space based infrared (IR) surveillance systems (SBIRS) and the LOS determination and calibration of staring sensor is one of the difficulties. This paper provides a novel methodology for removing staring sensor bias through the use of Ground Control Points (GCPs) detected in the background field of the sensor. Based on researching the imaging model and characteristics of the staring sensor of SBIRS geostationary earth orbit part (GEO), the real time LOS attitude determination and calibration algorithm using landmark control point is proposed. The influential factors (including the thermal distortions error, assemble error, and so on) of staring sensor LOS attitude error are equivalent to bias angle of LOS attitude. By establishing the observation equation of GCPs and the state transition equation of bias angle, and using an extend Kalman filter (EKF), the real time estimation of bias angle and the high precision sensor LOS attitude determination and calibration are achieved. The simulation results show that the precision and timeliness of the proposed algorithm meet the request of target tracking and location process in space based infrared surveillance system.

  11. Los Angeles Beach Harbors, Los Angeles County, California.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    predicted at this time. The presently proposed project is not dependent upon nor contributory to further navigation development in the V" Los Long Beach and Compton. The Los Angeles Harbor probably exhibited similar intensities ranging from VII to IX depending on the soil conditions...the harbor. The water quality in these aquifers is dependent upon the rates of recharge and extraction (natural and otherwise). The Dominguez Gap

  12. [Parenting Information: Teenagers. Informacion Para los Padres: Sobre los Jovenes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moreno, Steve

    These four booklets are devoted specifically to the concerns of parents and their teenage children and are part of a series of 22 booklets designed specifically to help parents understand their children and help them to learn. "Parents--Learn about Your Teenager" (booklet #6) explains the changes which occur during the teen years and the…

  13. Celulas solares e sensores de filme fino de silicio depositados sobre substratos flexiveis =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pinto, Emilio Sergio Marins Vieira

    Celulas solares flexiveis de filmes finos de silicio sao geralmente fabricadas a baixa temperatura sobre substratos de plastico ou a mais elevadas temperaturas sobre folhas de aco. Esta tese reporta o estudo da deposicao de filmes finos sobre diferentes substratos de plastico, transparentes e coloridos, para celulas solares do tipo sobrestrato e substrato, respectivamente. Como objetivo co-lateral, os filmes dopados depositados sobre plastico foram usados como sensores de deformacao, utilizando as suas propriedades piezo-resistivas. Elevadas taxas de deposicao dos filmes de silicio depositados sobre plastico foram obtidas a baixa temperatura do substrato (150ºC) por rf-PECVD. A influencia de diferentes parametros de deposicao sobre as propriedades e taxa de deposicao dos filmes resultantes foram estudados e correlacionados. Celulas solares de filmes finos de silicio amorfo e microcristalino foram desenvolvidas a baixas temperaturas sobre plasticos. Eficiencias de 5 - 6.5% foram alcancadas para as celulas amorfas e 7.5% para as celulas microcristalinas. Efeitos de aprisionamento da luz foram estudados atraves da texturizacao por ablacao laser de substratos de plastico e corrosao umida de TCO sobre plastico. Filmes finos de silicio microcristalino, depositados por HW-CVD, com fator piezoresistivo de -32.2, foram usados para fabricar sensores de deformacao em uma membrana plastica muito fina (15 μm). Estruturas de teste em textil e a miniaturizacao dos sensores piezoresistivos depositados sobre substratos flexiveis de poliimida foram abordados.

  14. Observaciones del CH interestelar y el continuo en 3,3 GHz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Olano, C. A.; Combi, J. A.; Pöppel, W.; Benaglia, P.; Sanz, A. J.; Bava, J. A.

    Se informa sobre el proyecto que se lleva a cabo en el IAR con el propósito de observar las líneas hiperfinas del estado fundamental del CH y el continuo en la banda de 3,3 GHz. El nuevo receptor construído en nuestro laboratorio para tal fin se instaló sobre uno de los radiotelescopios, funcionando conjuntamente con los sistemas de procesamiento actuales del IAR. Los resultados de las primeras observaciones, realizadas tanto en las líneas espectrales como en el continuo sobre fuentes conocidas, fueron satisfactorios.

  15. Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor Areas Regional Cultural History, Los Angeles County, California,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    which they named islands, such as Mormon Island. The Los ’ Bahia de los Fumos’ on Angeles River, when discovered by the account of the many smokes...value because of its Fermin Francisco de Lasuen, "padre historically valuable fittings of museum quality. presidente" of the Franciscan missions. This...BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-k -4 L L LOS ANOELES BEC ABOR AREAS REIONAL GULTAL ISonY 2 Los Angels County, California AD-A144 450 "I~~~ -1lroe its ’ c*1 rpi

  16. PubMed

    Espuig Sebastián, Rosana; Noreña Peña, Ana Lucía; Cortés Castel, Ernesto; González-San, Juan de Diego


    Introducción: el estado nutricional previo de la embarazada, la adecuada ganancia de peso y la ingesta de ciertos nutrientes pueden tener una influencia importante tanto para la madre como para el recién nacido, a corto y largo plazo. Las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud son transmitidas durante el control del embarazo por la matrona.Objetivos: analizar los principales estudios sobre la percepción de las embarazadas acerca de los consejos nutricionales recibidos e identificar las estrategias utilizadas por las matronas para su implementación.Metodología: búsqueda bibliográfica sobre embarazadas de bajo riesgo controladas por matronas y que reciben consejos nutricionales realizada en WOS, CINHAL y PubMed. Se utilizaron los descriptores: pregnancy, pregnant, midwife, counselling, nutritiony sus diferentes combinaciones. Los criterios de inclusión fueron artículos originales y revisiones en inglés, español o portugués de los últimos diez años y disponibles en texto completo.Resultados: se encontraron 184 referencias. Solo 11 tratan el tema abordado. Existen múltiples artículos con consejos nutricionales en el embarazo, pero muy pocos que incluyan estrategias educativas implementadas por las matronas que aborden recomendaciones dietético-nutricionales y su utilidad.Conclusión: existen escasos estudios que investiguen los conocimientos que las matronas tienen sobre nutrición en el embarazo y los consejos que aportan sobre el tema. Igualmente sucede con los trabajos que estudian la percepción que tienen las gestantes sobre los consejos nutricionales recibidos.

  17. Factors affecting length of stay in teaching hospitals of a middle-income country

    PubMed Central

    Khosravizadeh, Omid; Vatankhah, Soudabeh; Bastani, Peivand; Kalhor, Rohollah; Alirezaei, Samira; Doosty, Farzane


    Introduction The length of stay (LOS) in hospitals is a widely used and important criteria for evaluating hospital performance. The aim of this study was to determine factors affecting LOS in teaching hospitals of Qazvin Providence. Methods In this cross-sectional study, patients’ health records were randomly selected from archives in teaching hospitals of Qazvin in 2013. Data were collected through a data entry form and were analyzed using Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Kruskal–Wallis, and Mann–Whitney U tests at the significant level of 0.05. Results The mean of hospital LOS was 5.45 ± 6.14 days. Age, employment, marital status, history of previous admission, patient condition at discharge, method of payment, and type of treatment had an impact on LOS (p<0.05). Other factors, including gender, place of residence, and type of admission, did not affect LOS. Conclusion Because hospitals consume a perceptible part of resources in a health system, controlled and optimized use of its resources help to save a lot. Therefore, this study showed many clinical and nonclinical factors affect LOS in evaluating these factors, which may reduce inappropriate hospital stays and decrease costs. PMID:27957301

  18. Desarrollo de la Escala sobre el Estigma Relacionado con el VIH/SIDA para Profesionales de la Salud mediante el uso de métodos mixtos123

    PubMed Central

    Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Neilands, Torsten B.; Guilamo-Ramos, Vincent; Cintrón Bou, Francheska N.


    El estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA continúa siendo un obstáculo para la prevención primaria y secundaria del VIH. Las consecuencias para las personas que viven con la enfermedad han sido muy documentadas y continúan siendo una gran preocupación para las personas que proveen servicios de salud y para aquellas que investigan el tema. Estas consecuencias son preocupantes cuando el estigma emana de profesionales de la salud porque se puede limitar el acceso a los servicios. Uno de los principales obstáculos para la investigación del estigma relacionado con el VIH en Puerto Rico es la falta de instrumentos cuantitativos para evaluar las manifestaciones del estigma entre profesionales de la salud. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue desarrollar y probar las propiedades psicométricas de una escala sobre el estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA culturalmente apropiada para personas que proveen servicios de salud puertorriqueñas y desarrollar una versión corta de la escala que pudiera usarse en escenarios clínicos con tiempo limitado. El instrumento desarrollado estuvo basado en evidencia cualitativa recopilada entre profesionales y estudiantes de profesiones de la salud puertorriqueños/as (n=80) y administrado a una muestra de 421 profesionales de la salud en adiestramiento. La escala contenía 12 dimensiones del estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA. El análisis cuantitativo corroboró 11 de ellas, teniendo como resultado un instrumento con validez y confiabilidad satisfactoria. Estas dimensiones, a su vez, fueron subcomponentes de un factor de estigma general superior. PMID:20333258

  19. Validating the 11-Item Revised University of California Los Angeles Scale to Assess Loneliness Among Older Adults: An Evaluation of Factor Structure and Other Measurement Properties.


    Lee, Joonyup; Cagle, John G


    To examine the measurement properties and factor structure of the short version of the Revised University of California Los Angeles (R-UCLA) loneliness scale from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Based on data from 3,706 HRS participants aged 65 + who completed the 2012 wave of the HRS and its Psychosocial Supplement, the measurement properties and factorability of the R-UCLA were examined by conducting an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on randomly split halves. The average score for the 11-item loneliness scale was 16.4 (standard deviation: 4.5). An evaluation of the internal consistency produced a Cronbach's α of 0.87. Results from the EFA showed that two- and three-factor models were appropriate. However, based on the results of the CFA, only a two-factor model was determined to be suitable because there was a very high correlation between two factors identified in the three-factor model, available social connections and sense of belonging. This study provides important data on the properties of the 11-item R-UCLA scale by identifying a two-factor model of loneliness: feeling isolated and available social connections. Our findings suggest the 11-item R-UCLA has good factorability and internal reliability. Copyright © 2017 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Factors associated with problematic drug use among psychiatric outpatients.


    Corradi-Webster, Clarissa Mendonça; Gherardi-Donato, Edilaine Cristina da Silva


    ística foi realizada utilizando-se estatísticas paramétricas considerando um nível de significância de p ≤ 0,05. Participaram do estudo 243 pacientes, com 53,9% destes apresentando consumo problemático de drogas. os preditores independentes mais importantes do consumo problemático de drogas foram o estado civil (OR = 0,491), a prática religiosa (OR = 0,449), a satisfação com a situação financeira (OR = 0,469), ter sofrido discriminação (OR = 3,821) e a prática de atividades esportivas nos últimos 12 meses (OR = 2,25). as variáveis consideradas preditoras foram aquelas relacionadas ao contexto social do paciente, e por isso, recomenda-se que os serviços de saúde mental valorize ações psicossociais, buscando conhecer a rede de suporte social dos pacientes, seus modos de socialização, suas necessidades financeiras e suas experiências de vida e sofrimento. analizar los factores asociados al consumo problemático de droga entre pacientes siquiátricos en ambulatorios. estudio transversal en dos servicios de salud mental. Fueron considerados individuos elegibles los usuarios de esos servicios de salud mental, que utilizaron drogas dentro del período de recolección de datos. Instrumentos: cuestionario estandarizado sobre datos sociodemográficos, redes sociales, perjuicios sociales e informaciones clínicas; Test de Detección del Involucramiento con Alcohol, Cigarro y otras Sustancias (ASSIST); Escala de Impulsividad de Barratt; y Escala de Evaluación de Readecuación Social de Holmes y Rahe. El análisis estadístico fue realizada utilizando estadísticas paramétricas considerando un nivel de significación de p ≤ 0,05. Participaron del estudio 243 pacientes, con 53,9% de estos presentando consumo problemático de drogas. los predictores independientes más importantes del consumo problemático de drogas fueron: el estado civil (OR = 0,491), la práctica religiosa (OR = 0,449), la satisfacción con la situación financiera (OR = 0,469), el haber

  1. Science and Innovation at Los Alamos Websites

    Los Alamos National Laboratory Search Site submit About Mission Business Newsroom Publications Los Innovation in New Mexico Los Alamos Collaboration for Explosives Detection (LACED) SensorNexus Exascale Computing Project (ECP) User Facilities Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) Los Alamos Neutron

  2. Los cambios en la velocidad de rotación terrestre y los fenómenos geomagnéticos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gianibelli, J. C.

    Uno de los aspectos importantes relativos a la geodinámica del interior terrestre es la correlación entre los eventos de cambio en la velocidad de rotación terrestre y los determinados en los elementos del campo geomagnético por ejemplo, la Declinación Magnética, o los coeficientes de los modelos matemáticos de representación global de dicho campo. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de las características espectrales de los cambios observados en la longitud del día (ldd), y su relación con la estructura espectral de las coeficientes de los modelos matemáticos de campo denominados Campo Internacional Geomagnético de Referencia (CIGR). El intervalo estudiado comprende los últimos 100 años. Los resultados muestran una correlación en las bandas de 60 y 30 años, con posibles períodos mucho mayores que no son posibles determinar a partir de los modelos de CIRG. Se efectúa una simulación a partir de los resultados obtenidos por la aplicación del método de máxima entropía con longitudes del filtro predictor de error comprendida entre el 10% y el 95% de la longitud de la serie analizada. Se observan procesos sicrónicos y asincrónicos que, en muy largos intervalos de tiempos, podrían suponerse como caóticos.

  3. Stockpile Stewardship: Los Alamos


    McMillan, Charlie; Morgan, Nathanial; Goorley, Tom; Merrill, Frank; Funk, Dave; Korzekwa, Deniece; Laintz, Ken


    "Heritage of Science" is a short video that highlights the Stockpile Stewardship program at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Stockpile Stewardship was conceived in the early 1990s as a national science-based program that could assure the safety, security, and effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear deterrent without the need for full-scale underground nuclear testing. This video was produced by Los Alamos National Laboratory for screening at the Lab's Bradbury Science Museum in Los Alamos, NM and is narrated by science correspondent Miles O'Brien.

  4. Risk Factors for Four-Year Incidence and Progression of Age-Related Macular Degeneration: The Los Angeles Latino Eye Study

    PubMed Central



    PURPOSE To identify risk factors for 4-year incidence and progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in adult Latinos. DESIGN Population-based prospective cohort study. METHODS Participants, aged 40 or older, from The Los Angeles Latino Eye Study (LALES) underwent standardized comprehensive ophthalmologic examinations at baseline and at 4 years of follow-up. Age-related macular degeneration was detected by grading 30-degree stereoscopic fundus photographs using the modified Wisconsin Age-Related Maculopathy Grading System. Multivariate stepwise logistic regression was used to examine the independent association of incidence and progression of AMD and baseline sociodemographic, behavioral, clinical, and ocular characteristics. RESULTS Multivariate analyses revealed that older age (OR per decade of age: 1.52; 95% CI: 1.29, 1.85) and higher pulse pressure (OR per 10 mm Hg: 2.54; 95% CI: 1.36, 4.76) were independently associated with the incidence of any AMD. The same factors were associated with early AMD, soft indistinct drusen, and retinal pigmentary abnormalities. Additionally, presence of clinically diagnosed diabetes mellitus was independently associated with increased retinal pigment (OR: 1.66; 95% CI: 1.01, 2.85), and male gender was associated with retinal pigment epithelial depigmentation (OR 2.50; 95% CI: 1.48, 4.23). Older age (OR per decade of age: 2.20; 95% CI: 1.82, 2.67) and current smoking (OR: 2.85; 95% CI: 1.66, 4.90) were independently associated with progression of AMD. CONCLUSIONS Several modifiable risk factors were associated with 4-year incidence and progression of AMD in Latinos. The results suggest that interventions aimed at reducing pulse pressure and promoting smoking cessation may reduce incidence and progression of AMD, respectively. PMID:21679916

  5. New Mexico: Los Alamos

    Atmospheric Science Data Center


    article title:  Los Alamos, New Mexico     View Larger JPEG image ... kb) Multi-angle views of the Fire in Los Alamos, New Mexico, May 9, 2000. These true-color images covering north-central New Mexico ...

  6. Diurnal and seasonal trends and source apportionment of redox-active metals in Los Angeles using a novel online metal monitor and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mousavi, Amirhosein; Sowlat, Mohammad H.; Sioutas, Constantinos


    In the present study, we identified the sources of four redox-active metals, including Iron (Fe), Chromium (Cr), Cupper (Cu), and Manganese (Mn) and quantified the contribution of these sources to PM2.5 concentrations in central Los Angeles, California, by employing time-resolved measurements (i.e., a time resolution of 2 h) with a recently developed online metal monitor and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF). Size distribution of ambient PM (14 nm-10 μm) was measured using the Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) and Optical Particle Sizer (OPS). Auxiliary variables were also collected, including elemental (EC) and organic carbon (OC), gaseous pollutants (NO2 and O3), meteorological parameters (including relative humidity (RH) and temperature), and traffic data (for heavy- (HDVs) and light-duty vehicles (LDVs)). A 4-factor solution was found to be optimum for the chemically-speciated dataset, whereas a 5-factor solution appeared to be most plausible for the size distribution data. The factors included fresh traffic, soil/road dust, urban background aerosol, secondary aerosol, and nucleation (only resolved for the size distribution data). Fresh traffic was the major contributor to Fe and Cu concentrations, whereas Cr was mostly found in the urban background aerosol (reflecting a mixture of small local sources as well as aged traffic emissions), and Mn mostly came from both soil/road dust and was to a lesser degree found in urban background aerosol. Secondary aerosol did not contribute to the concentrations of any of these metals, but was associated with very high loading of OC, as expected. Even though the urban background aerosol and secondary aerosol appeared to be characterized by "aged" particles and have a rather homogeneous spatial distribution, the reactions and processes involved in their formation are entirely different. Our results provide insights into the sources of redox-active metals in central Los Angeles. They also underscore the benefits of

  7. Data Sharing Statements for Clinical Trials: A Requirement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.


    Taichman, Darren B; Sahni, Peush; Pinborg, Anja; Peiperl, Larry; Laine, Christine; James, Astrid; Hong, Sung-Tae; Haileamlak, Abraham; Gollogly, Laragh; Godlee, Fiona; Frizelle, Franka; Florenzano, Fernando; Drazen, Jeffrey M; Bauchner, Howard; Baethge, Christopher; Backus, Joyce


    El Comité Internacional de Editores de Revista Médicas (ICMJE) ha tomado la posición que el compartir los datos generados por los ensayos clínicos es una obligación ética, por cuanto los participantes en esos estudios se colocaron en riesgo al aceptar su inclusión. En esta editorial el ICMJE expresa que requerirá desde Julio 2018 que los manuscritos enviados a sus revistas deben incluir una declaración sobre compartir datos. A su vez, los ensayos clínicos que comiencen a enrolar pacientes a partir de Enero 2019, deben incluir un plan sobre compartir datos en el registro de tales ensayos. Se dan en esta declaración cuatro ejemplos de declaraciones sobre compartir datos, referidos a qué datos se compartirán, cuándo estarán disponibles y qué criterios de acceso se establecerán. El ICMJE visualiza un futuro cercano en el cual el compartir los datos será la norma, con el fin de maximizar el conocimiento ganado por los esfuerzos y sacrificios de los participantes.

  8. Esquizofrenia y trastorno en el consumo de sustancias: prevalencia y characterísticas sociodemográficas en la población Latina

    PubMed Central

    Jiménez-Castro, Lorena; Raventós-Vorst, Henriette; Escamilla, Michael


    El interés por comprender la co-morbilidad de la esquizofrenia y el trastorno en el uso de sustancias, ha aumentado debido al incremento de este diagnóstico, a los efectos negativos observados en el sujeto y a los costos en los servicios de salud. Este trastorno dual puede tener efectos dramáticos en el curso clínico del trastorno psicótico tales como: mayores recaídas, re-hospitalizaciones, síntomas más severos, no adherencia al tratamiento antipsicótico, cambios marcados del humor, aumento en el grado de hostilidad e ideación suicida, así como alteraciones en otras áreas del funcionamiento incluyendo violencia, victimización, indigencia y problemas legales. La literatura proveniente en particular de Estados Unidos y Europa sugiere que el rango de prevalencia para este diagnóstico puede oscilar entre el 10% hasta el 70%. En este estudio, revisamos la prevalencia del diagnóstico dual de esquizofrenia y trastorno en el uso sustancias, así como sus características sociodemográficas, con base en la literatura disponible alrededor del mundo dando énfasis en la poblacion latina. A pesar de que este diagnóstico es ampliamente aceptado, se conoce poco sobre su prevalencia en la población latina, sobre los factores ambientales, demográficos, clínicos y otras características de estos individuos. Un mejor conocimiento sobre este diagnóstico permitiría mejorar los métodos para la detección y adecuada valoración del trastorno en el uso de sustancias en personas con trastornos metales severos como la esquizofrenia. PMID:21404151

  9. Determinacion de periodos fundamentales del suelo mediante vibraciones ambientales en el municipio de Humacao, Puerto Rico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cintron Aponte, Rommel

    La tecnica de Nakamura ha sido utilizada a nivel mundial para determinar periodos fundamentales del suelo. La tecnica consiste en calcular y graficar cocientes espectrales H/V de vibraciones ambientales registradas sobre el suelo. Mediciones de vibraciones ambientales fueron tomadas en 151 lugares dentro del municipio de Humacao, localizado al este de Puerto Rico. Los datos se procesaron utilizando espectros de Fourier y espectros de potencia. La tecnica fue validada al compararla con los resultados de cocientes espectrales H/V de registros de sismos debiles y tambien con una modelacion numerica realizada con datos de un ensayo "downhole". Las graficas de los cocientes espectrales H/V fueron divididas en casos y grupos, los cuales dependen de la facilidad para identificar el periodo fundamental pico y amplitudes en frecuencias menores de 1 Hz, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos con ambos espectros fueron comparados y se concluye que los mismos se complementan para proveer resultados mas confiables. Se crearon mapas de periodos fundamentales, factores de amplitud, isoperiodos y clasificacion sismica de sitio. Los mapas de isoperiodos fueron realizados en las zonas mas pobladas sobre depositos de suelo. El mapa de periodos fundamentales del suelo mostro buena correlacion con la geologia local. El mapa de clasificacion sismica derivado de periodos de sitio fue comparado con el mapa de clasificacion sismica derivado de barrenos geotecnicos. El mapa de clasificacion obtenido de periodos puede sobreestimar un poco algunas clasificaciones del suelo. Sin embargo, este mapa puede proveer un estimado aproximado de la velocidad de onda de corte promedio del suelo hasta una profundidad de 100 pies (30 metros).

  10. Risk factors for complications in peripheral intravenous catheters in adults: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial.


    Johann, Derdried Athanasio; Danski, Mitzy Tannia Reichembach; Vayego, Stela Adami; Barbosa, Dulce Aparecida; Lind, Jolline


    ção de corticosteróides (p = 0,0214). os fatores de risco relacionados à ocorrência de complicações no cateterismo venoso periférico foram tempo de internação entre 10 e 29 dias, infusão de antimicrobianos, soluções e planos de soro e corticosteróides. Ressalta-se o calibre 20 como fator protetor ao desenvolvimento de complicações, quando comparado ao 22. Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos: RBR-46ZQR8. analizar los factores de riesgo relacionados a la ocurrencia de complicaciones en el cateterismo venoso periférico. análisis secundario de datos de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, en el cual 169 pacientes clínicos y quirúrgicos fueron asignados al grupo que usaba catéter de seguridad completo (n = 90) y al grupo que utilizó catéter plástico sobre aguja (tipo Abbocath) (n = 79); tiempo de seguimiento de tres meses. los factores de riesgo que aumentaron las probabilidades de desarrollar complicaciones fueron: períodos de internación comprendidos entre 10 y 19 días (p = 0,0483) y entre 20 y 29 días (p = 0,0098); uso de antimicrobianos (p = 0,0288); y uso soluciones y administración de suero (p = 0,0362). El calibre 20G de la aguja disminuyó los riesgos de ocurrencia de complicaciones (p = 0,0153). El análisis múltiple apuntó: reducción del riesgo para el calibre 20G (p = 0,0350); aumento del riesgo para la infusión de soluciones, administración de suero (p = 0,0351) y administración de corticosteroides (p = 0,0214). los factores de riesgo relacionados a la ocurrencia de complicaciones en el cateterismo venoso periférico fueron el tiempo de internación entre 10 y 29 días, la infusión de antimicrobianos, soluciones, administración de suero y corticosteroides. Se destaca el calibre 20G como factor protector para el desarrollo de complicaciones, cuando comparado al calibre 22G. Registro Brasileño de Ensayos Clínicos: RBR-46ZQR8.

  11. [Not Available].


    Grao-Cruces, Alberto; Loureiro, Nuno; Fernández-Martínez, Antonio; Mota, Jorge


    Introducción y objetivos: examinar la asociación del apoyo de los padres y de los amigos con diferentes intensidades de actividad física durante el tiempo libre de adolescentes españoles de ambos sexos.Métodos: un total 352 adolescentes españoles (51.70% chicos; 12-16 años) cumplimentaron el International Physical Activity Questionnarie for Adolescents y un cuestionario validado sobre apoyo social. Se realizaron análisis de regresión linear ajustados por edad.Resultados: el apoyo social de padres y amigos influyó positivamente sobre los niveles de actividad física vigorosa que los adolescentes españoles realizan durante su tiempo libre (β=.226 y β=.285 en chicos y β=.167 y β=.181 en chicas, para el apoyo de padres y amigos respectivamente) y sobre los de intensidad moderada en el caso de las chicas (β=.195 y β=.200, respectivamente).Conclusiones: el apoyo de padres y amigos contribuye a los niveles de actividad física moderada o vigorosa en adolescentes españoles.

  12. Información general sobre los mosquitos

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Una consecuencia más importante de algunas picaduras de mosquitos es la trasmisión de ciertas enfermedades graves como el paludismo, la fiebre del dengue y varias formas de encefalitis, que incluyen el virus del Nilo occidental.

  13. Traumatic child death and documented maltreatment history, Los Angeles.

    PubMed Central

    Sorenson, S B; Peterson, J G


    OBJECTIVES. Child abuse is a presumed but largely untested risk factor for child homicide. This research investigated the social and child protective service history of child homicide victims. METHODS. A pairwise matched case-control design was used to assess documented child maltreatment as a risk factor for homicide vs unintentional injury death. Homicide victims aged 0 to 14 years were identified through Los Angeles Police Department case summaries. Control subjects (children who died of an unintentional injury) were matched to case subjects (children who died from homicide) by age, sex, race/ethnicity, and date of death. Case and control subjects were linked with county service records to determine any known history of maltreatment. RESULTS. A total of 220 children were homicide victims during 1978 through 1987 in the city of Los Angeles. Only one in six children who died (of homicide or unintentional injury) or his/her family was known to county social or child protective services prior to the death. Recorded history of child protective services was associated with homicide victimization (adjusted odds ratio = 3.40, 95% confidence interval = 1.25, 9.27). CONCLUSIONS. Current service systems need assistance in identifying and protecting children at high risk of homicide. PMID:8154567

  14. Factors Associated With Length of Stay and 30-Day Revisits in Pediatric Acute Pancreatitis.


    Gay, Anna C; Barreto, Nicolas; Schrager, Sheree M; Russell, Christopher J


    Identify factors associated with length of stay (LOS) and 30-day hospital revisit for patients hospitalized with acute pancreatitis (AP). Multicenter, retrospective cohort study using the Pediatric Health Information System database. Multilevel linear and logistic regression was used to identify factors independently associated with the primary outcome variables of LOS and 30-day hospital revisit in children aged 1-18 years discharged with a primary discharge diagnosis of AP from participating hospitals between 2008 and 2013. For the 7693 discharges, median LOS was 4 days (interquartile range 3-7 days) and 30-day revisit rate 17.6% (n = 1356). Discharges were primarily female (55%), Caucasian (46%), and six years old or older (85%). On multilevel regression, factors independently associated with both longer LOS and higher revisit odds included malignant and gastrointestinal complex chronic conditions and total parenteral nutrition (TPN) use while hospitalized. Male gender was associated with both lower LOS (aLOS = -0.6 days, 95% CI = -0.8, -0.4) and decreased revisit odds (aOR 0.85; 95% CI = 0.74, 0.97). Hispanic ethnicity was associated with increased LOS (aLOS = +0.8 days, 95% CI = +0.5, +1.1) but no change in revisit odds. Certain demographic and clinical factors, including gender, ethnicity, and type of complex chronic condition, were independently associated with LOS and risk of 30-day hospital revisit for pediatric AP. Children with malignant and gastrointestinal complex chronic conditions who require TPN are at highest risk for both longer LOS and hospital revisit when admitted with AP. These patient populations may benefit from intensive care coordination when hospitalized for AP.

  15. Sistema Solar: de la observación de La Tierra a los planetas gigantes y sus lunas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodrigo, R.

    La fotoquímica tiene un papel principal en la composición de las atmósferas planetarias. Se examinan diferentes procesos fotoquímicos tanto para atmósferas oxidadas como reductoras, poniendo un especial énfasis en los ciclos químicos más importantes. En este sentido, se presentan diferentes ciclos químicos capaces de producir hidrocarbonos y nitrilos en atmósferas reductoras, así como aquellos capaces de mantener las proporciones de mezcla de las moléculas que contienen oxígeno, tales como CO2, O2 y H2O. También se analizan otros procesos importantes tales como la condensación y procesos de sputtering y de sublimación que han de tenerse en cuenta cuando se realizan modelos sobre la composición atmosférica.

  16. La importancia de los arrecifes de coral

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Los arrecifes de coral son uno de los ecosistemas más diversos y biológicamente complejos del mundo. Un cuarto de toda la vida marina depende de los arrecifes de coral para obtener alimentos y refugio. Los arrecifes sanos benefician a las comunidades.

  17. Experiencias sobre el impacto del Programa de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial en el ámbito de la salud mental y la investigación conductual.


    Barrios, Liliana Mondragón


    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el impacto y la integración que los conocimientos adquiridos en el Programa Internacional de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial de la Universidad de Chile han tenido en mi experiencia profesional, en el ámbito de la investigación psicosocial en un Instituto de Salud de México. Para este objetivo, expondré tres áreas en las cuales se ha podido evidenciar tal impacto: trabajo en los comités de ética, desarrollo de programas de académicos en bioética e investigación y publicación sobre ética y bioética. El motivo que me llevó a incursionar en el Programa fue que su enseñanza vincula la investigación psicosocial con la ética y la bioética, lo cual me permitió dirigir este tipo de reflexión hacia problemas como violencia, suicidio, adicciones, depresión y salud mental, y a nuevos campos como los estudios comunitarios, con poblaciones en riesgo o vulnerables, en los cuales las diversas implicaciones son difíciles de indagar.

  18. Experiencias sobre el impacto del Programa de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial en el ámbito de la salud mental y la investigación conductual

    PubMed Central

    Barrios, Liliana Mondragón


    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el impacto y la integración que los conocimientos adquiridos en el Programa Internacional de Formación en Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial de la Universidad de Chile han tenido en mi experiencia profesional, en el ámbito de la investigación psicosocial en un Instituto de Salud de México. Para este objetivo, expondré tres áreas en las cuales se ha podido evidenciar tal impacto: trabajo en los comités de ética, desarrollo de programas de académicos en bioética e investigación y publicación sobre ética y bioética. El motivo que me llevó a incursionar en el Programa fue que su enseñanza vincula la investigación psicosocial con la ética y la bioética, lo cual me permitió dirigir este tipo de reflexión hacia problemas como violencia, suicidio, adicciones, depresión y salud mental, y a nuevos campos como los estudios comunitarios, con poblaciones en riesgo o vulnerables, en los cuales las diversas implicaciones son difíciles de indagar. PMID:22754085

  19. Percepcion de los profesores universitarios acerca del concepto cultura cientifica y de sus implicaciones en el nuevo bachillerato del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ramos Pastrana, Nilsa

    El Senado Academico del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico aprobo en el ano academico 2005-2006 la Certificacion 46, que contiene los lineamientos de un nuevo bachillerato. Este nuevo bachillerato introdujo cambios significativos en el curriculo tradicional. Entre ellos se encuentra la reduccion del componente de educacion general y el de Ciencias Biologicas en particular. La reduccion de creditos en el componente de Ciencias Biologicas ha obligado a reevaluar el concepto de cultura cientifica que desarrollan esos cursos. El proposito del estudio consistio en auscultar las percepciones de los profesores de las Facultades de Administracion de Empresas, Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias Naturales, Educacion y Estudios Generales del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en torno al concepto de cultura cientifica, los contenidos disciplinares del curso de Ciencias Biologicas y la reduccion de creditos en el nuevo bachillerato. Las preguntas que guiaron la investigacion fueron: ¿cuales son las percepciones que tienen los profesores de las Facultades de Administracion de Empresas, Ciencias Sociales, Estudios Generales, Ciencias Naturales, Humanidades y Educacion, en torno al concepto de cultura cientifica y los contenidos disciplinares del curso de Ciencias Biologicas? ¿cuales son las percepciones que tienen los profesores de Ciencias Biologicas en torno al concepto cultura cientifica y los contenidos disciplinares del curso de Ciencias Biologicas? ¿existen diferencias significativas por facultad, genero, experiencia, rango y nombramiento en las percepciones que tienen los profesores del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico sobre los elementos que caracterizan la cultura cientifica y los contenidos biologicos que deben tener los egresados del Recinto? ¿que implicaciones curriculares tienen estos testimonios en el desarrollo del concepto de cultura cientifica en el nuevo bachillerato? Para realizar la

  20. Risk factors for unstable blood glucose level: integrative review of the risk factors related to the nursing diagnosis.


    Teixeira, Andressa Magalhães; Tsukamoto, Rosangela; Lopes, Camila Takáo; Silva, Rita de Cassia Gengo E


    to identify evidence in the literature on the possible risk factors for the risk of unstable blood glucose diagnosis in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and to compare them with the risk factors described by NANDA International. an integrative literature review guided by the question: what are the risk factors for unstable blood glucose level in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus? Primary studies were included whose outcomes were variations in glycemic levels, published in English, Portuguese or Spanish, in PubMed or CINAHL between 2010 and 2015. altered levels of glycated hemoglobin, body mass index>31 kg/m2, previous history of hypoglycemia, cognitive deficit/dementia, autonomic cardiovascular neuropathy, comorbidities and weight loss corresponded to risk factors described in NANDA International. Other risk factors identified were: advanced age, black skin color, longer length of diabetes diagnosis, daytime sleepiness, macroalbuminuria, genetic polymorphisms, insulin therapy, use of oral antidiabetics, and use of metoclopramide, inadequate physical activity and low fasting glycemia. risk factors for the diagnosis, risk for unstable blood glucose level, for persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus were identified, and 42% of them corresponded to those of NANDA International. These findings may contribute to the practice of clinical nurses in preventing the deleterious effects of glycemic variation. identificar evidências na literatura acerca de possíveis fatores de risco do diagnóstico risco de glicemia instável para pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e compará-los com os fatores de risco descritos pela NANDA International . revisão integrativa norteada pela pergunta: quais são os fatores de risco de glicemia instável em pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2? Incluíram-se estudos primários cujos desfechos eram variações nos níveis glicêmicos, publicados em inglês, português ou espanhol no PubMed ou CINAHL entre 2010 e 2015. observou

  1. Pasado, presente y futuro de la epidemiología. Una perspective latinoamericana

    PubMed Central

    Morabia, Alfredo


    Este artículo intenta contestar tres preguntas. Sobre el pasado: ¿Por qué no existió una epidemiología precolombina? Sobre el presente: ¿Cuáles son los orígenes de la epidemiología moderna, incluyendo sus raíces sudamericanas? Y sobre el futuro, escogí un título surrealista para enfatizar el hecho que estoy consciente de que es siempre delicado hacer predicciones: ¿Por qué fenómenos complejos son los “objetos oscuros del deseo” epidemiológico? PMID:25124247

  2. Conceptos Basicos Sobre el Gas Natural (in Spanish)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    El gas natural abastece cerca de 150.000 vehiculos en los Estados Unidos y aproximadamente 22 millones de vehiculos en todo el mundo. Los vehiculos de gas natural (NGV, por sus siglas en ingles) son una buena opcion para las flotas de vehiculos de alto kilometraje, tales como autobuses, taxis, vehiculos de recoleccion de basura, los cuales son alimentados centralmente u operan dentro de un area limitada o a lo largo de una ruta con estaciones de servicio de gas natural. Las ventajas del gas natural como combustible alternativo incluyen su disponibilidad interna, la red de distribucion establecida, un costo relativamentemore » bajo, y los beneficios de las emisiones.« less

  3. Distinción Empírica Entre Engagement y Trabajolismo en Enfermeras Hospitalarias de Japón: Efecto Sobre la Calidad del Sueño y el Desempeño Laboral

    PubMed Central

    Kubota, Kazumi; Shimazu, Akihito; Kawakami, Norito; Takahashi, Masaya; Nakata, Akinori; Schaufeli, Wilmar B.


    Objetivo El objetivo de este estudio es demostrar la distinción entre engagement y trabajolismo, estudiando su relación con la calidad del sueño y el desempeño laboral. Método Un total de 447 enfermeras de 3 hospitales de Japón fueron entrevistadas mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado que incluía la escala Utrecht (UWES, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale), la Escala de Adicción al Trabajo Holandesa (DUWAS, Dutch Workaholism Scale), preguntas sobre la calidad del sueño (7 ítems) con respecto a (1) dificultad para conciliar el sueño, (2) dificultad para mantener el sueño, (3) despertar temprano por la mañana, (4) dormirse o tomar siestas durante el día, (5) somnolencia diurna excesiva en el trabajo, (6) dificultad para despertarse por la mañana, y (7) despertar cansado en la mañana, y el Cuestionario sobre Salud y Desempeño (CSD) de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados Los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales demostraron que el engagement se relaciona positivamente con la calidad del sueño y el rendimiento laboral, mientras que el trabajolismo tiene una relación negativa con la calidad del sueño y el desempeño laboral. Conclusión Los resultados indican que el engagement y el trabajolismo son conceptualmente diferentes. El primero tiene una connotación positiva, mientras que el segundo se asocia de manera negativa al bienestar (buena calidad del sueño y buen rendimiento en el trabajo). PMID:26752805

  4. Los Alamos offers Fellowships

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico is calling for applications for postdoctoral appointments and research fellowships. The positions are available in geoscience as well as other scientific disciplines.The laboratory, which is operated by the University of California for the Department of Energy, awards J. Robert Oppenheimer Research Fellowships to scientists that either have or will soon complete doctoral degrees. The appointments are for two years, are renewable for a third year, and carry a stipend of $51,865 per year. Potential applicants should send a resume or employment application and a statement of research goals to Carol M. Rich, Div. 89, Human Resources Development Division, MS P290, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 by mid-November.

  5. Observing Sites in NW Argentina

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Muriel, H.

    En esta comunicacion se propone revisar la importancia que los grandes relevamientos de galaxias y los diferentes catalogos que de ellos se derivan, tienen en los estudios sobre estructura y evolucion del Universo.

  6. Los Alamos Climatology 2016 Update

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bruggeman, David Alan

    The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL or the Laboratory) operates a meteorology monitoring network to support LANL emergency response, engineering designs, environmental compliance, environmental assessments, safety evaluations, weather forecasting, environmental monitoring, research programs, and environmental restoration. Weather data has been collected in Los Alamos since 1910. Bowen (1990) provided climate statistics (temperature and precipitation) for the 1961– 1990 averaging period, and included other analyses (e.g., wind and relative humidity) based on the available station locations and time periods. This report provides an update to the 1990 publication Los Alamos Climatology (Bowen 1990).

  7. La masa de los grandes impactores

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Parisi, M. G.; Brunini, A.

    Los planetas han sido formados fundamentalmente acretando masa a través de colisiones con planetesimales sólidos. La masa más grande de la distribución de planetesimales y las masas máxima y mínima de los impactores, han sido calculadas usando los valores actuales del período y de la inclinación de los planetas (Lissauer & Safronov 1991; Parisi & Brunini 1996). Recientes investigaciones han mostrado, que las órbitas de los planetas gigantes no han sufrido variaciones con el tiempo, siendo su movimiento regular durante su evolución a partir de la finalización de la etapa de acreción (Laskar 1990, 1994). Por lo tanto, la eccentricidad actual de los planetas gigantes se puede utilizar para imponer una cota máxima a las masas y velocidades orbitales de los grandes impactores. Mediante un simple modelo dinámico, y considerando lo arriba mencionado, obtenemos la cota superior para la masa del planetesimal más grande que impactó a cada planeta gigante al final de su etapa de acreción. El resultado más importante de este trabajo es la estimación de la masa máxima permitida para impactar a Júpiter, la cúal es ~ 1.136 × 10 -1, siendo en el caso de Neptuno ~ 3.99 × 10 -2 (expresada en unidades de la masa final de cada planeta). Además, fue posible obtener la velocidad orbital máxima permitida para los impactores como una función de su masa, para cada planeta. Las cotas obtenidas para la masa y velocidad de los impactores de Saturno y Urano (en unidades de la masa y velocidad final de cada planeta respectivamente) son casi las mismas que las obtenidas para Júpiter debido a que estos tres planetas poseen similar eccentricidad actual. Nuestros resultados están en buen acuerdo con los obtenidos por Lissauer & Safronov (1991). Estas cotas podrían ser utilizadas para obtener la distribución de planetesimales en el Sistema Solar primitivo.

  8. Asthma length of stay in hospitals in London 2001-2006: demographic, diagnostic and temporal factors.


    Soyiri, Ireneous N; Reidpath, Daniel D; Sarran, Christophe


    Asthma is a condition of significant public health concern associated with morbidity, mortality and healthcare utilisation. This study identifies key determinants of length of stay (LOS) associated with asthma-related hospital admissions in London, and further explores their effects on individuals. Subjects were primarily diagnosed and admitted for asthma in London between 1(st) January 2001 and 31(st) December 2006. All repeated admissions were treated uniquely as independent cases. Negative binomial regression was used to model the effect(s) of demographic, temporal and diagnostic factors on the LOS, taking into account the cluster effect of each patient's hospital attendance in London. The median and mean asthma LOS over the period of study were 2 and 3 days respectively. Admissions increased over the years from 8,308 (2001) to 10,554 (2006), but LOS consistently declined within the same period. Younger individuals were more likely to be admitted than the elderly, but the latter significantly had higher LOS (p<0.001). Respiratory related secondary diagnoses, age, and gender of the patient as well as day of the week and year of admission were important predictors of LOS. Asthma LOS can be predicted by socio-demographic factors, temporal and clinical factors using count models on hospital admission data. The procedure can be a useful tool for planning and resource allocation in health service provision.

  9. High School Student's Alternative Conceptions About the Phenomenon of the Formation of the Moon Phases. (Spanish Title: Concepciones Alternativas de Alumnos de Educación Media Sobre el Fenómeno de Formación de las Fases de La Luna.) Concepções Alternativas de Alunos do Ensino Médio Sobre o Fenômeno de Formação das Fases da Lua

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iachel, Gustavo; Langhi, Rodolfo; Fernandes Scalvi, Rosa Maria


    Forty students, at ages between 14 and 18 years old, from three schools in Bauru city, were questioned about their alternative conceptions concerning the phenomenon of formation of the Moon Phases. It was observed that some of the pupils confound the phenomenon of the formation of the Moon Phases with the phenomenon of the formation of the lunar eclipses, others are unaware of the reason of the phenomenon, they present incoherent alternative conceptions of the reality or incomplete conceptions. The results found here are aimed at the teachers of Elementary Education and can be used as a subsidy for future development of new pedagogical methods. Cuarenta estudiantes, con edad entre 14 y 18 años, pertenecientes a tres escuelas de la ciudad de Bauru, fueron cuestionados sobre sus concepciones alternativas acerca del fenómeno de la formación de las fases de la Luna. Fue observado que algunos alumnos confunden el fenómeno de formación de las fases de la Luna con el fenómeno de formación de los eclipses lunares, otros desconocen el motivo delfenómeno, presentan concepciones alternativas incoherentes con la realidad o bien presentan concepciones incompletas. Los resultados aquí encontrados son destinados a los profesores de la Enseñanza Básica y podrán ser usados como ayuda para el futuro desarrollo de nuevos métodos pedagógicos. Quarenta estudantes, com idades entre 14 e 18 anos, pertencentes a três escolas da cidade de Bauru, foram questionados sobre suas concepções alternativas acerca do fenômeno de formação das fases da Lua. Foi observado que alguns dos alunos confundem o fenômeno da formação das fases da Lua com o fenômeno da formação dos eclipses lunares, outros desconhecem o motivo do fenômeno, apresentam concepções alternativas incoerentes com a realidade ou então concepções incompletas. Os resultados aqui encontrados são destinados aos professores do Ensino Básico e poderão ser usados como subsídio parafuturo desenvolvimento de


    Atmospheric Science Data Center


    NARSTO EPA SS LOS ANGELES PM25 NITRATE Project Title:  NARSTO Discipline:  ... Order:   E arthdata Search Parameters:  Nitrate Particles Order Data:  Earthdata Search:   Order ... Guide Documents:  Los Angeles PM25 Nitrate Guide Los Angeles Project Plan  (PDF) Los ...

  11. Estudio teórico de moléculas de interés en Astrofísica: compuestos binarios policarbonados

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Largo-Cabrerizo, A.

    Se han detectado en el espacio distintos compuestos binarios policarbonados (que se pueden formular como CnX), algunos de ellos con elementos de la primera fila del sistema periódico, pero también existen otros que contienen elementos de la segunda fila, como azufre o silicio. La información experimental sobre estos últimos compuestos es escasa, por lo que los estudios teóricos son especialmente valiosos en este campo. En esta comunicación presentaremos los avances mas recientes que sobre el tema ha realizado nuestro grupo. Incidiremos particularmente en dos aspectos. En primer lugar resumiremos los estudios en los que hemos intentado proporcionar información estructural sobre carburos metálicos formados por sodio, magnesio, aluminio o calcio, que pueda ser de ayuda a la hora de caracterizar estas moléculas en laboratorio como paso previo a su eventual detección en el espacio. Un aspecto importante dentro de este primer apartado es el análisis de las propiedades moleculares en función del tamaño del sistema (cuantificado en el numero de átomos de carbono) con el objeto de intentar sistematizar su estudio. En segundo lugar comentaremos brevemente algunos de los estudios realizados sobre posibles reacciones que pueden ser vías de síntesis de este tipo de compuestos en el medio interestelar.

  12. La problematica de la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia y sus implicaciones en la educacion cientifica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jimenez Tolentino, Dinorah


    En la sociedad prevalece una tendencia generalizada hacia la inclusion de creencias y practicas pseudocientificas. Esta investigacion responde a la necesidad de analizar como la proliferacion de las pseudociencias afecta la vision que tienen los estudiantes universitarios sobre las ciencias naturales. A tales efectos, la investigadora describe las concepciones epistemologicas que tienen los estudiantes sobre las ciencias y las pseudociencias e identifica los criterios de demarcacion, entre un area y otra, que se derivan de estas concepciones. De igual modo, esta identifica las creencias y practicas pseudocientificas de mayor arraigo entre los estudiantes, destacando, a su vez, la razon de ser de las mismas. Por ultimo, la investigadora analiza las implicaciones educativas de la problematica de la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia. La investigacion es de naturaleza mixta, enmarcada en los paradigmas empirico- analitico y cualitativo. El proceso investigativo se llevo a cabo mediante la administracion del cuestionario Criterios para la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia. La parte cualitativa estuvo enmarcada en el diseno de estudio de caso, recopilando informacion mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas en dos grupos focales. La poblacion de estudio estuvo constituida por estudiantes universitarios del nivel subgraduado de la Universidad Central de Bayamon. Los resultados del estudio reflejaron las concepciones erroneas de los estudiantes sobre la naturaleza de las ciencias y las pseudociencias. Con respecto a la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia, el criterio imperante entre los universitarios es el de la verificabilidad, considerando la aplicacion del metodo cientifico como el metodo para demostrar la veracidad de las teorias cientificas. Las creencias y practicas pseudocientificas no son muy frecuentes entre los universitarios. Estos atribuyen las mismas a la prevalencia de elementos supersticiosos y al engano a que es sometida la poblacion

  13. Medicina integrativa en América: De qué forma se está practicando la medicina integrativa en los centros clínicos en los Estados Unidos

    PubMed Central

    Horrigan, Bonnie; Lewis, Sheldon; Abrams, Donald I.; Pechura, Constance


    ácticas y modelos fundamentales de atención; (3) determinando cómo se reembolsaban los servicios; (4) identificando los valores y los principios subyacentes a la atención; y (5) determinando los factores principales que impulsan una implementación satisfactoria.

  14. Los asuntos de la EPA

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La labor de la agencia con la comunidad internacional se beneficiará de un enfoque en el cual las prácticas sostenibles sean de aquí en adelante parte de nuestro diálogo sobre asuntos de mutua preocupación.

  15. Learning about the Sky from the Environment: An Experience Working Along One Year with Students of Elementary Education. (Spanish Title: Aprendiendo sobre EL Cielo Desde el Entorno: Una Experiencia Trabajando Durante un Año Junto a Estudiantes del Primario.) Aprendendo sobre o Céu a Partir do Entorno: Uma Experiência de Trabalho ao Longo de um Ano com Alunos de Ensino Fundamental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Longhini, Marcos Daniel; Gomide, Hanny Angeles


    Research developed with 95 students of the 6th year of elementary education in a public school of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. It was a continuous work from February to December 2013, which led the students to participate in activities of observation of the environment, specifically the sky, analyzing the changes occurred. We focused on the study of variations in temperature, rainfall, day length, variations in the size of the shadows and changes in the aspect of the Moon. Our focus of analysis targeted the discussion of the knowledge that these students had about the topics indicated and as they entered the stage during the implementation of the proposal. The results showed a limited perception that students have of their environment, however, lately expanded due to the undertaken activities, especially in relation to the Moon. Working with systematic measure procedures reveals the careful handling of data so that they become understandable to students, and working with the shadows points towards the students first understand how shadows are formed, and then apply this knowledge to Astronomy. Finally, we conclude that the lived process consisted of an initial step of a work that should be encouraged for the subsequent years of training of these students. Proyecto de investigación desarrollado con 95 alumnos del sexto año de primaria en una escuela pública de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Fue un trabajo continuo, de febrero a diciembre de 2013, que llevó a los estudiantes a participar en actividades de observación de su entorno, entre ellas, el cielo, analizando los cambios ocurridos. Nos centramos en el estudio de las variaciones en la temperatura, las precipitaciones, la duración del día, las variaciones en el tamaño de las sombras y los cambios en los aspectos de la Luna. Nuestro foco de análisis se centró en discutir el conocimiento que estos estudiantes tenían sobre los temas indicados al inicio y término de la propuesta. Los resultados mostraron una

  16. Los Alamos National Lab: National Security Science Websites

    SKIP TO PAGE CONTENT Los Alamos National Laboratory Delivering science and technology to protect Permit for Storm Water Public Reading Room Environment Home News Los Alamos National Lab: National deposition operations for the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies at Los Alamos. Innovation drives his

  17. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory energy-related history, research, managerial reorganization proposals, actions taken, and results. History report, 1945--1979

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hammel, E.F.


    This report documents the development of major energy-related programs at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory between 1945 and 1979. Although the Laboratory`s primary mission during that era was the design and development of nuclear weapons and most of the Laboratory`s funding came from a single source, a number of factors were at work that led to the development of these other programs. Some of those factors were affected by the Laboratory`s internal management structure and organization; others were the result of increasing environmental awareness within the general population and the political consequences of that awareness; still others were related tomore » the increasing demand for energy and the increasing turmoil in the energy-rich Middle East. This report also describes the various activities in Los Alamos, in Washington, and in other areas of the world that contributed to the development of major energy-related programs at Los Alamos. The author has a unique historical perspective because of his involvement as a scientist and manager at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory during the time period described within the report. In addition, in numerous footnotes and references, he cites a large body of documents that include the opinions and perspectives of many others who were involved at one time or another in these programs. Finally the report includes a detailed chronology of geopolitical events that led to the development of energy-related programs at Los Alamos.« less

  18. Estudio de la fotoabsorción y fotoionización de la molécula de alta relevancia atmosférica no a través de los estados Rydberg con la metodología MQDO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bustos, E.; Velasco, A. M.; Martín, I.; Lavín, C.

    Los procesos de fotoionización son de una importancia fundamental [1] y encuentran aplicación en un gran número de contextos científicos: Astrofísica [2], química de las radiaciones, biología. Los investigadores de dichos campos, necesitan de valores de fiables de secciones eficaces para la fotoionización parcial, la Fotoabsorción, así como para los procesos de fotofragmentación en amplios intervalos espectrales, particularmente en estudios de modelización [3-5]. En este trabajo se ha centrado la atención sobre el oxido nítrico, que se ha considerado apropiado y relevante por varios motivos: por el trascendental papel que representa en la física y química de la alta atmosfera [6], aparte de por estar íntimamente relacionado con los problemas de contaminación. Los procesos de recombinación disociativa [7] del NO, donde los estados Rydberg se encuentran directamente implicados, son relevantes, por ejemplo, en las regiones E y F de la ionosfera [7]. En este trabajo se estudia la fotoionización del NO desde el estado fundamental con la versión molecular del método del orbital de defecto cuántico (MQDO). Para ello se calcula el diferencial de las fuerzas de oscilador parciales que constituyen los canales de fotoionización del NO desde el estado fundamental. La continuidad del diferencial de fuerza de oscilador calculada a través del umbral de fotoionización, esto es, en las regiones del espectro discreta y del continua, se adopta como criterio de calidad la escasez de datos comparativos [8].

  19. The Many Facets of Lipooligosaccharide as a Virulence Factor for Histophilus somni.


    Inzana, Thomas J


    The lipooligosaccharide (LOS) of Histophilus somni is a multifaceted molecule that provides critical protection to the bacterium against host defenses, may act as an adhesin, and like similar molecules of gram-negative bacteria, is an endotoxin that signals through toll-like receptor 4 and NF-κB to cause inflammation. The lipid A component is responsible for the endotoxic and apoptotic activity of the LOS. The H. somni LOS lacks O-side chains typically characteristic of gram-negative bacteria that have lipopolysaccharide, but has a complex, microheterogeneous outer core. The LOS of disease isolates is capable of undergoing structural and antigenic phase variation of its outer core due to slip-strand mispairing of glycosyltransferase genes that contain repetitive sequences of DNA base pairs. Such variation enables the bacteria to evade bactericidal antibodies made to oligosaccharide antigens. In addition, the LOS can be decorated with phase-variable phosphorylcholine (ChoP), which binds to platelet-activating factor receptor on host cells, thereby aiding in colonization of the upper respiratory tract. However, ChoP is likely not expressed when the bacteria are in systemic sites because ChoP also binds to C-reactive protein, resulting in activation of host complement and promoting bactericidal activity. The structure of some LOS outer core chains is identical to oligosaccharides on host glycosphingolipids of red blood cells, other cells, and merconium (lacto-N-neotetraose, lacto-N-biose, N-acetyllactosamine, etc.). Furthermore, terminal galactose residues on LOS and elsewhere are decorated with sialic acid, which blocks antibody binding, activation of complement, phagocytosis, and intracellular killing. Therefore, antigenic mimicry of host antigens is an important defense mechanism provided by the oligosaccharide component of the LOS to avoid innate and adaptive host defense mechanisms. However, some strains of H. somni isolated from the bovine genital tract

  20. The Science Teachers and Their way of Thinking about Astronomy. (Spanish Title: Los Profesores de Ciencias y Sus Formas de Pensar la Astronomía.) Os Professores de Ciências e Suas Formas de Pensar a Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Leite, Cristina; Hosoume, Yassuko


    The research presented in this article is about the way science teachers from Elementary School think about astronomical elements. Its methodology is based on semi-structured interviews, which were video recorded. The research is centered in a three-dimensional perspective of astronomical Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the planets and the stars, and also the conceptions about sky and Universe. The esults indicate a Universe that contains: Sun, stars, planets and Moon; where the Solar System is a little part of the whole. Sometimes they think that the Solar System is the Universe. The objects are in the sky or in the Universe, which, for many of them, is only the space above the Earth. The flat shape of astronomical objects and the spatial structure of the Universe are striking features. Many of them think that Sun and stars are different: the Sun is a hot object and the stars are cold ones. These results worry us and they certainly indicate how urgent it is to plan Professional Development in Astronomy for teachers, after all the PCN's emphasize that this subject is important to be taught. El objeto de investigación de este artículo es la manera de pensar sobre los elementos de la Astronomía de los profesores de Ciencias en la enseñanza fundamental. La metodología consiste en entrevistas semi-estructuradas, filmadas en video y centradas en la tridimensionalidad de los elementos astronómicos, para posibilitar un mapeamiento de las concepciones sobre las formas y dimensiones de la Tierra, del Sol, de la Luna, de los planetas y de las estrellas, como también de la concepción de cielo y de Universo en su totalidad. Los resultados indican un Universo conteniendo: Sol, estrellas, planetas y Luna, donde el Sistema Solar se ubica como parte. Algunas veces, el Universo es concebido como el propio Sistema Solar. Los objetos están en el cielo o en el Universo, que, para muchos, se restringe al espacio que está arriba de la Tierra. La forma plana de los objetos astron

  1. Cal MediConnect Enrollment: Why Are Dual-Eligible Consumers in Los Angeles County Opting Out?


    McBride, Kate; Reynoso, Ana; Alunan, Tiffany; Gutierrez, Brenda; Bacong, Adrien; Moon, Marge; Bacigalupo, Anastasia; Benjamin, A E; Wallace, Steven P.; Kietzman, Kathryn G


    Los Angeles County has the state’s lowest rate of consumer enrollment in Cal MediConnect, a program that is responsible for the delivery and coordination of medical, behavioral health, and long-term services and support benefits for individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medi-Cal. This policy brief examines the factors that influence consumer decisions and may contribute to low enrollment rates. Influential factors include consumer knowledge of health care options, perception of choice, and disruption of existing care. Differences in decision making by age, complexity of health care needs, race/ethnicity, immigration status, and primary language are also noted. Policy recommendations include engaging consumers in the planning and dissemination of information about their health care options, optimizing consumer choice and implementing the least disruptive pathway to enrollment, and recognizing and responding to the great diversity of dual-eligible consumers in Los Angeles County.

  2. Impact of population density on collision rates in a rapidly developing rural, exurban area of Los Angeles County.


    Fischer, Kelly; Sternfeld, Isabelle; Melnick, Douglas Sloan


    To determine if the commonly acknowledged relationships between population density and traffic collisions are found at the subcounty level and to describe how collision characteristics may vary substantially at a local level, with a particular emphasis on exurban areas. Los Angeles County collision data were obtained from the California Highway Patrol and the census tract and service planning area (SPA) for each collision were determined. The correlation between population density and collision rates by census tract was calculated within each SPA and for the entire county. Primary collision factors were compared for geographic areas of different population densities within one exurban SPA in Los Angeles County. An inverse relationship was found between collision rates and population density within Los Angeles County. Primary collisions factors were different in areas of the county with different population densities, with driving or biking under the influence particularly common in the most rural area. Subcounty analyses are very important to the study of traffic collisions. Traffic problems in rapidly developing exurban areas may be quite different from those in older, more established areas.

  3. PubMed

    López Gómez, Juan José; Pérez Castrillón, José Luis; Romero Bobillo, Enrique; De Luis Román, Daniel A


    La obesidad interfiere con el metabolismo óseo a través de factores mecánicos, hormonales e inflamatorios. El principal tratamiento de dicha enfermedad es la dieta, modificación de la cantidad y tipo de alimento. Este tratamiento nutricional tiene una influencia sobre el metabolismo óseo en dos sentidos: modifica el efecto del sobrepeso y la obesidad sobre el hueso e interviene directamente en el turnoveróseo a través de las características de los nutrientes utilizados. Esta revisión analiza la evidencia del efecto sobre el hueso del descenso de peso y del patrón dietético utilizado. Por otra parte, se valorarán las modificaciones que se pueden realizar en la dieta indicada en un paciente obeso para prevenir la pérdida ósea, a corto y largo plazo, y disminuir el riesgo de fractura.

  4. The spatial distribution of underage tobacco sales in Los Angeles.


    Lipton, Robert; Banerjee, Aniruddha; Levy, David; Manzanilla, Nora; Cochrane, Michelle


    Underage tobacco sales is considered a serious public health problem in Los Angeles. Anecdotally, rates have been thought to be quite high. In this paper, using spatial statistical techniques, we describe underage tobacco sales, identifying areas with high levels of sales and hot spots controlling for sociodemographic measures. Six hundred eighty-nine tobacco outlets were investigated throughout the city of Los Angeles in 2001. We consider the factors that explain vendor location of illegal sales of tobacco to underage youth and focus on those areas with especially high rates of illegal sales when controlling for other independent measures. Using data from the census, the LA City Attorney's Office, and public records on school locations in Los Angeles, we employ general least-squares (GLS) estimators in order to avoid biased estimates. vendor location of underage tobacco compliance checks, violators, and nonviolators. Underage tobacco sales in Los Angeles were very high (33.5%) for the entire city in 2001. In many zip codes this rate is considerably higher (60%-100%). When conducting spatial modeling, lower income and ethnicity were strongly associated with increases in underage tobacco sales. Hotspot areas of underage tobacco sales also had much lower mean family income and a much higher percentage of foreign born and greater population density. Spatial techniques were used to better identify areas where vendors sell tobacco to underage youth. Lower income areas were much more likely to both have higher rates of underage tobacco sales and to be a hot spot for such sales. Population density is also significantly associated with underage tobacco sales. The study's limitations are noted.

  5. The seismic response of the Los Angeles basin, California

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Wald, D.J.; Graves, R.W.


    Using strong-motion data recorded in the Los Angeles region from the 1992 (Mw 7.3) Landers earthquake, we have tested the accuracy of existing three-dimensional (3D) velocity models on the simulation of long-period (???2 sec) ground motions in the Los Angeles basin and surrounding San Fernando and San Gabriel Valleys. First, the overall pattern and degree of long-period excitation of the basins were identified in the observations. Within the Los Angeles basin, the recorded amplitudes are about three to four times larger than at sites outside the basins; amplitudes within the San Fernando and San Gabriel Valleys are nearly a factor of 3 greater than surrounding bedrock sites. Then, using a 3D finite-difference numerical modeling approach, we analyzed how variations in 3D earth structure affect simulated waveforms, amplitudes, and the fit to the observed patterns of amplification. Significant differences exist in the 3D velocity models of southern California that we tested (Magistrale et al., 1996; Graves, 1996a; Hauksson and Haase, 1997). Major differences in the models include the velocity of the assumed background models; the depth of the Los Angeles basin; and the depth, location, and geometry of smaller basins. The largest disparities in the response of the models are seen for the San Fernando Valley and the deepest portion of the Los Angeles basin. These arise in large part from variations in the structure of the basins, particularly the effective depth extent, which is mainly due to alternative assumptions about the nature of the basin sediment fill. The general ground-motion characteristics are matched by the 3D model simulations, validating the use of 3D modeling with geologically based velocity-structure models. However, significant shortcomings exist in the overall patterns of amplification and the duration of the long-period response. The successes and limitations of the models for reproducing the recorded ground motions as discussed provide the basis and

  6. Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council Websites

    Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council Home News Archives Members Mailing Address LATBSDC c/o John A. Martin & Associates 950 South Grand Ave 4th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA Phone (213) 483-6490 Fax (213) 483-3084 Welcome Welcome to the Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design

  7. Efficient determination of vehicle emission factors by fuel use category using on-road measurements: downward trends on Los Angeles freight corridor I-710

    PubMed Central

    Hudda, N.; Fruin, S.; Delfino, R. J.; Sioutas, C.


    To evaluate the success of vehicle emissions regulations, trends in both fleet-wide average emissions as well as high-emitter emissions are needed, but it is challenging to capture the full spread of vehicle emission factors (EFs) with chassis dynamometer or tunnel studies, and remote sensing studies cannot evaluate particulate compounds. We developed an alternative method that links real-time on-road pollutant measurements from a mobile platform with real-time traffic data, and allows efficient calculation of both the average and the spread of EFs for light-duty gasoline-powered vehicles (LDG) and heavy-duty diesel-powered vehicles (HDD). This is the first study in California to report EFs under a full range of real-world driving conditions on multiple freeways. Fleet average LDG EFs were in agreement with most recent studies and an order of magnitude lower than observed HDD EFs. HDD EFs reflected the relatively rapid decreases in diesel emissions that have recently occurred in Los Angeles/California, and on I-710, a primary route used for goods movement and a focus of additional truck fleet turnover incentives, HDD EFs were often lower than on other freeways. When freeway emission rates (ER) were quantified as the product of EF and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per time per mile of freeway, despite a twoto three-fold difference in HDD fractions between freeways, ERs were found to be generally similar in magnitude. Higher LDG VMT on low HDD fraction freeways largely offset the difference. Therefore, the conventional assumption that free ways with the highest HDD fractions are significantly worse sources of total emissions in Los Angeles may no longer be true. PMID:24244208

  8. Efficient determination of vehicle emission factors by fuel use category using on-road measurements: downward trends on Los Angeles freight corridor I-710.


    Hudda, N; Fruin, S; Delfino, R J; Sioutas, C


    To evaluate the success of vehicle emissions regulations, trends in both fleet-wide average emissions as well as high-emitter emissions are needed, but it is challenging to capture the full spread of vehicle emission factors (EFs) with chassis dynamometer or tunnel studies, and remote sensing studies cannot evaluate particulate compounds. We developed an alternative method that links real-time on-road pollutant measurements from a mobile platform with real-time traffic data, and allows efficient calculation of both the average and the spread of EFs for light-duty gasoline-powered vehicles (LDG) and heavy-duty diesel-powered vehicles (HDD). This is the first study in California to report EFs under a full range of real-world driving conditions on multiple freeways. Fleet average LDG EFs were in agreement with most recent studies and an order of magnitude lower than observed HDD EFs. HDD EFs reflected the relatively rapid decreases in diesel emissions that have recently occurred in Los Angeles/California, and on I-710, a primary route used for goods movement and a focus of additional truck fleet turnover incentives, HDD EFs were often lower than on other freeways. When freeway emission rates (ER) were quantified as the product of EF and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per time per mile of freeway, despite a twoto three-fold difference in HDD fractions between freeways, ERs were found to be generally similar in magnitude. Higher LDG VMT on low HDD fraction freeways largely offset the difference. Therefore, the conventional assumption that free ways with the highest HDD fractions are significantly worse sources of total emissions in Los Angeles may no longer be true.

  9. The Understanding of Astronomy Concepts by Students from Basic Education of a Public School. (Spanish Title: El Entendimiento de Conceptos de Aastronmía Por Los Alumnos de Educación Básica en Una Escuela Pública.) O Entendimento de Conceitos de Astronomia Por Alunos da Educação Básica: O Caso de Uma Escola Pública Brasileira

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iria Machado, Daniel; dos Santos, Carlos


    We present the results obtained in a research on the comprehension of basic astronomical concepts, in which 561 students from fifth grade middle school to third grade high school of a public school of the city of Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil) took part. A test with 20 multiple-choice questions was applied to indentify the most common conceptions expressed by the students. This test was elaborated based on the literature about misconceptions and covered the following topics: the day-night cycle; the time zones; the seasons of the year; the phases of the Moon; the movement of the Moon; the apparent movement of the Sun in the celestial sphere; the eclipses; the dimensions and distances in the Universe; the brightness of the stars and its observation from Earth. Though a small progress was verified in the proportion of scientifically acceptable answers when comparing the eighth grade of middle school to the fifth, and the third grade of high school to the first, there was an overall predominance of alternative conceptions regarding most of the explored subjects, which persisted up to the last year of secondary school. The comparison to data found in this research made in other socio-cultural contexts revealed, in many aspects, similar notions and difficulties revealed by the students. Se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre la comprensión de conceptos astronómicos básicos, en la cual participaron 561 estudiantes que cursaban entre el quinto grado de la enseñanza primaria y el tercer año de la enseñanza secundaria de una escuela pública de la ciudad de Foz do Iguaçu (Brasil). Se utilizó un test de 20 preguntas de opción múltiple para identificar las concepciones más comunes expresadas por los estudiantes. Este instrumento de recolección de datos se desarrolló en base a la literatura sobre las concepciones alternativas y trató los siguientes temas: el ciclo día-noche, los husos horarios, las estaciones del año, las fases de la Luna, el

  10. An Arabidopsis mutation in translation elongation factor 2 causes superinduction of CBF/DREB1 transcription factor genes but blocks the induction of their downstream targets under low temperatures.


    Guo, Yan; Xiong, Liming; Ishitani, Manabu; Zhu, Jian-Kang


    Low temperature regulates gene expression in bacteria, yeast, and animals as well as in plants. However, the signal transduction cascades mediating the low temperature responses are not well understood in any organism. To identify components in low temperature signaling genetically, we isolated Arabidopsis thaliana mutants in which cold-responsive genes are no longer induced by low temperatures. One of these mutations, los1-1, specifically blocks low temperature-induced transcription of cold-responsive genes. Surprisingly, cold-induced expression of the early response transcriptional activators, C-repeat/dehydration responsive element binding factors (CBF/DREB1s), is enhanced by the los1-1 mutation. The los1-1 mutation also reduces the capacity of plants to develop freezing tolerance but does not impair the vernalization response. Genetic analysis indicated that los1-1 is a recessive mutation in a single nuclear gene. The LOS1 gene encodes a translation elongation factor 2-like protein. Protein labeling studies show that new protein synthesis is blocked in los1-1 mutant plants specifically in the cold. These results reveal a critical role of new protein synthesis in the proper transduction of low temperature signals. Our results also suggest that cold-induced transcription of CBF/DREB1s is feedback inhibited by their gene products or by products of their downstream target genes.

  11. An Arabidopsis mutation in translation elongation factor 2 causes superinduction of CBF/DREB1 transcription factor genes but blocks the induction of their downstream targets under low temperatures

    PubMed Central

    Guo, Yan; Xiong, Liming; Ishitani, Manabu; Zhu, Jian-Kang


    Low temperature regulates gene expression in bacteria, yeast, and animals as well as in plants. However, the signal transduction cascades mediating the low temperature responses are not well understood in any organism. To identify components in low temperature signaling genetically, we isolated Arabidopsis thaliana mutants in which cold-responsive genes are no longer induced by low temperatures. One of these mutations, los1–1, specifically blocks low temperature-induced transcription of cold-responsive genes. Surprisingly, cold-induced expression of the early response transcriptional activators, C-repeat/dehydration responsive element binding factors (CBF/DREB1s), is enhanced by the los1–1 mutation. The los1–1 mutation also reduces the capacity of plants to develop freezing tolerance but does not impair the vernalization response. Genetic analysis indicated that los1–1 is a recessive mutation in a single nuclear gene. The LOS1 gene encodes a translation elongation factor 2-like protein. Protein labeling studies show that new protein synthesis is blocked in los1–1 mutant plants specifically in the cold. These results reveal a critical role of new protein synthesis in the proper transduction of low temperature signals. Our results also suggest that cold-induced transcription of CBF/DREB1s is feedback inhibited by their gene products or by products of their downstream target genes. PMID:12032361

  12. Los plaguicidas y la contaminacion del medio ambiente Venezolano

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Stickel, L.F.; Stickel, W.H.


    RESUMEN DE RECOMENDACIONES Recomendaciones para el Programa de Investigacion: 1. Establecer un sistema de muestreo biologico para detectar los niveles tendencias de los productos quimicos toxicos en un peque?o numero de si tios representativos. 2. Mantener continua vigilancia de la contaminacion ambiental, mediante la seleccion acertadamente dirigida de las zonas afectadas y de las fuentes de contaminacion. 3. Realizar estudios acerca de las poblaciones de animales silvestres, y del exito de los procesos reproductivos de las especies o grupos clayes de animales que se consideran mas gravemente afectados. 4. Preparar recomendaciones para una accion gubernamental de proteccion al hombre, a la fauna silvestre y al medio ambiente. Recomendaciones para la Accion Administrativa: 1. Establecer limites a la tolerancia de los residuos de plaguicidas en los alimentos. Constituye una medida clave para disminuir la contaminacion ambiental. 2. Establecer normas de calidad del agua para las corrientes, represas, la gos y otros cuerpos. Es la segunda medida clave para reducir la contaminacion del ambiente 3. Exigir un tratamiento adecuado de los efluentes industriales, especialmente antes de que se construyan las nuevas plantas. 4. Exigir a los agricultores que en el uso de plaguicidas sigan los consejos tecnicos autorizados y negar a los vendedores el derecho a recomendar productos por su cuenta. 5. Tomar medidas para recoger y eliminar los recipientes y sobrantes de los plaguicidas.

  13. El nuevo panorama de la Dinámica Galáctica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pivovaroff, Michael James

    En general, la tendencia imperante en Dinámica Galáctica ha sido considerar que los movimientos estelares son básicamente regulares y que el caos no tiene mayor relevancia en los sistemas estelares. Sin embargo, en el último lustro se vienen acumulando pruebas de la importancia del movimiento caótico en ciertos sistemas estelares que existen en la naturaleza. Por una parte, sobre todo el grupo de David Merritt, lo ha mostrado en los casos de galaxias elípticas con concentraciones centrales de materia; por otra parte, en nuestro propio grupo, lo hemos mostrado para el caso de los satélites galácticos. Las consecuencias de estos hallazgos son tanto de tipo técnico, por la necesidad de construir modelos que contengan órbitas caóticas, como astrofísico, por los efectos del caos sobre la estacionariedad y evolución de los sistemas estelares en los que se presenta.

  14. Los Angeles and Its Mistress Machine

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Marx, Wesley


    Los Angeles city has acute air pollution problems because of lack of an adequate mass transit system and the type of local industries. Air pollution in Los Angeles has affected agricultural production, vegetation, and public health in nearby areas. (PS)

  15. Factors affecting length of stay after isolated femoral shaft fractures.


    Pendleton, Albert M; Cannada, Lisa K; Guerrero-Bejarano, Maria


    Controlling escalating health care costs is important for hospitals and has far reaching implications for society. Hospital length of stay (LOS) is one of the most reliable predictors of cost after trauma. Our purpose was to establish LOS after isolated femur fractures treated by intramedullary (IM) nail. The trauma registry was queried to identify patients. Patients were excluded if they required assistive ambulatory devices before injury, had chronic/terminal illness or compromised brain function. There were 102 patients with an average age of 27 years. Statistical analysis was completed. The average LOS was 3.9 days. In all, 27 patients stayed longer than 4 days. Reasons included social (7), medical (10), and hospital delays (10). The average time from arrival to surgery was 17 hours. The average time from surgery to physical therapy was 1.3 days. Patients who had surgery more than 24 hours after arrival stayed longer. Patients requiring placement stayed 2.4 days longer until placement was found. Factors the hospital can control to reduce LOS include time to surgery, time for physical therapy evaluation, and radiology delays (for spine clearance radiographs). Physical therapy availability within 24 hours of surgery is important and should include weekends and holidays. Early evaluation of social factors including homelessness or obstacles to independent living may reduce time to find placement. LOS reduction after femur fractures will decrease the cost of trauma to the hospital. In addition, LOS reduction will possibly increase bed availability and minimize the time spent on diversion yielding greater revenues and increasing patient satisfaction.

  16. Impact of payments for environmental services and protected areas on local livelihoods and forest conservation in northern Cambodia

    PubMed Central

    Clements, Tom; Milner-Gulland, E J


    The potential impacts of payments for environmental services (PES) and protected areas (PAs) on environmental outcomes and local livelihoods in developing countries are contentious and have been widely debated. The available evidence is sparse, with few rigorous evaluations of the environmental and social impacts of PAs and particularly of PES. We measured the impacts on forests and human well-being of three different PES programs instituted within two PAs in northern Cambodia, using a panel of intervention villages and matched controls. Both PES and PAs delivered additional environmental outcomes relative to the counterfactual: reducing deforestation rates significantly relative to controls. PAs increased security of access to land and forest resources for local households, benefiting forest resource users but restricting households’ ability to expand and diversify their agriculture. The impacts of PES on household well-being were related to the magnitude of the payments provided. The two higher paying market-linked PES programs had significant positive impacts, whereas a lower paying program that targeted biodiversity protection had no detectable effect on livelihoods, despite its positive environmental outcomes. Households that signed up for the higher paying PES programs, however, typically needed more capital assets; hence, they were less poor and more food secure than other villagers. Therefore, whereas the impacts of PAs on household well-being were limited overall and varied between livelihood strategies, the PES programs had significant positive impacts on livelihoods for those that could afford to participate. Our results are consistent with theories that PES, when designed appropriately, can be a powerful new tool for delivering conservation goals whilst benefiting local people. El Impacto de los Pagos por Servicios Ambientales y Áreas Protegidas sobre la Subsistencia Local y la Conservación del Bosque en el Norte de Camboya Resumen Los impactos

  17. Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor Areas Prehistory and Early History, Los Angeles County, California,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    H - R136 656 LOS ANGELES-LONG BEACH HARBOR ARE AS PREHISTORY AND I/i EARLY HISTORY LO S ANGELES COUNTY CALIFORNIA(U) ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT The The Early Systems Period (50,000? to 7,000 creation of this megalopolis, unfortunately, years ago) had severe impacts on the natural...called amino acid dating. Using this of early occupation. There is data which system , archeologists determined that human suggests that some of the

  18. "Stay cool, sell stuff cheap, and smile": Examining how reputational management of dental tourism reinforces structural oppression in Los Algodones, Mexico.


    Adams, Krystyna; Snyder, Jeremy; Crooks, Valorie A; Berry, Nicole S


    Los Algodones, Mexico is characteristic of other medical border towns whose proximity to the Mexico-United States border enables American and Canadian patients to take advantage of economic asymmetries on either side of the border to access desired health care. Los Algodones is unique, however, in its focus on the provision of dental care and claims by local residents that it has the highest concentration of dentists per capita in the world. In this paper, we present an analysis of interviews with employees working in Los Algodones' dental tourism industry to examine interviewees' participation in practices related to reputational management of the industry site. Drawing on our interview discussions, we argue that many of these reputational management practices reinforce structural injustices and raise concerns for structural exploitation in the industry. This analysis nuances ethical considerations for medical tourism by highlighting structural factors informing unjust practices within the industry, factors which might be relevant to other medical tourism contexts. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Atmospheric Science Data Center


    ... Ground Station Instrument:  SMPS - Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Location:  Los Angeles, ... Get Google Earth Related Data:  Environmental Protection Agency Supersites Los Angeles, California ...

  20. Inventario mundial de la calidad del carbon mineral (WoCQI) [The world coal quality inventory (WoCQI)

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Finkelman, R.B.; Lovern, V.S.


    Los oficiales encargados de la politica comercial de cada pais requieren informacion clara y precisa sobre el recurso del carbon mineral, particularmente sobre sus propiedades y caracteristicas, para tomar decisiones bien fundamentadas con respecto al mejor uso de los recursos naturales, necesidades de importacion y oportunidades de exportacion, objetivos de politica interna y externa, oportunidades de transferencia tecnologica, posibilidades de inversion externa, estudios ambientales y de salud, y asuntos relacionados con el uso de productos secundarios y su disposicion.

  1. Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL FIFTH FLOOR NORTH OFFICE AREA, FACING NORTH - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  2. Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL NINETEENTH FLOOR MAIN OFFICE AREA, FACING NORTHEAST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  3. Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL NINETEENTH FLOOR MAIN OFFICE AREA, FACING NORTHWEST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    1. FIGUEROA STREET AND LOS ANGELES RIVER VIADUCTS AND INTERSTATE 1-5 INTERCHANGE. LOOKING 356°N. - Arroyo Seco Parkway, Figueroa Street Viaduct, Spanning Los Angeles River, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  5. John Ash, AIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    John Ash, AIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL FIFTH FLOOR NORTH OFFICE AREA, FACING NORTHEAST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  6. Conózcanos

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Principal de la EPA: información sobre el Administrador o la Administradora, los altos directivos; ubicaciones y direcciones de las oficinas; presupuesto, la planificación y los resultados de rendimiento

  7. Bruce D. Judd, FAIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Bruce D. Judd, FAIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL SIXTH FLOOR NORTH OFFICE AREA, FACING NORTH - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  8. Factors influencing the missed nursing care in patients from a private hospital.


    Hernández-Cruz, Raúl; Moreno-Monsiváis, María Guadalupe; Cheverría-Rivera, Sofía; Díaz-Oviedo, Aracely


    cuidado básico (M=13,02, DE=17,60). O principal fator que contribuiu ao cuidado omitido foi o de recursos humanos (M=56,13, DE=21,38). Os fatores relacionados ao cuidado omitido foram os recursos humanos (rs=0,408, p<0,001) e comunicação (rs=0,418, p<0,001). o cuidado omitido de enfermagem atribui-se principalmente ao fator de recursos humanos; com base nos resultados deste estudo pode-se fortalecer a continuidade do cuidado de enfermagem. determinar los factores que influyen en el cuidado de enfermería perdido en pacientes hospitalizados. estudio descriptivo correlacional, se realizó en un hospital privado de México. Para identificar el cuidado perdido y factores relacionados se utilizó el instrumento MISSCARE que mide el cuidado perdido y los factores asociados. El cuidado perdido y los factores se agruparon en índices globales y por dimensiones. Para el análisis se utilizó estadística descriptiva, correlación de Spearman y regresión lineal simple. El estudio fue aprobado por el comité de ética. participaron 71 enfermeras de los servicios de urgencias, terapia intensiva y hospitalización. El índice global de cuidado perdido mostró una M=7,45 (DE=10,74); el índice con mayor cuidado perdido correspondió a la dimensión de intervenciones de cuidado básico (M=13,02, DE=17,60). El principal factor que contribuyó en el cuidado perdido, fue el de recursos humanos (M=56,13, DE=21,38). Los factores relacionados con el cuidado perdido fueron los de recursos humanos (rs=0,408, p<0,001) y comunicación (rs=0,418, p<0,001). el cuidado perdido de enfermería se atribuye principalmente al factor de recurso humano; los hallazgos de este estudio permitirán fortalecer la continuidad en el cuidado de enfermería.

  9. John Ash, AIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    John Ash, AIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL TENTH FLOOR SOUTH WING CAFETERIA FOOD LINE, FACING NORTH - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  10. Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL FOURTEENTH FLOOR, SERVICE AREA DOOR NEAR ELEVATOR LOBBY, FACING SOUTH - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  11. Bruce D. Judd, FAIA, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Bruce D. Judd, FAIA, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL SIXTH FLOOR NORTH OFFICE AREA WINDOW, FACING NORTHWEST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  12. Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SHOWING ROTUNDA COLUMN CAPITALS AND LIGHT FIXTURES, FACING SOUTHEAST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  13. Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL NINETEENTH FLOOR MAIN OFFICE AREA SHOWING DEMOLITION OF WEST WALL, FACING WEST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  14. Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL NINETEENTH FLOOR MAIN OFFICE AREA SHOWING DEMOLITION OF SOUTH WALL, FACING SOUTH - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  15. John Ash, AIA, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    John Ash, AIA, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SOUTH OFFICE AREA SHOWING RADIATOR AND WINDOWS, FACING EAST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  16. Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL FIFTH FLOOR WEST OFFICE AREA THAT WAS ORIGINAL ART COMMISSION ROOMS, FACING NORTHEAST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  17. Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL FIFTH FLOOR WEST OFFICE AREA THAT WAS ORIGINAL ART COMMISSION ROOMS, FACING NORTHWEST. - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  18. John Ash, AIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    John Ash, AIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SOUTH OFFICE AREA SHOWING WOOD AND GLASS PARTITIONS, FACING SOUTHEAST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  19. Bruce D. Judd, FAIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Bruce D. Judd, FAIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL ELEVENTH FLOOR KITCHEN OF EXECUTIVE DINING AREA SHOWING ARCHED STRUCTURE, FACING NORTHWEST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  20. John Ash, AIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    John Ash, AIA, Photographer August 1997. VIEW OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SOUTH OFFICE AREA SHOWING STRUCTURAL PIERS AND FLORESCENT LIGHTS, FACING NORTHWEST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  1. Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL NINETEENTH FLOOR MAIN OFFICE AREA SHOWING BEAM AND COLUMN CONNECTION NEAR NORTHWEST CORNER, FACING NORTHWEST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  2. Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Monica Griesbach, Photographer August 1997. DETAIL OF LOS ANGELES CITY HALL NINETEENTH FLOOR MAIN OFFICE AREA SHOWING BEAM AND COLUMN CONNECTION NEAR SOUTHEAST CORNER, FACING SOUTHEAST - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  3. Desarrollo y validación de una nueva tecnología, basada en arginina al 1.5%, un compuesto de calcio insoluble y fluoruro, para el uso diario en la prevención y tratamiento de la caries dental.


    Cummins, D


    este artículo discute brevemente la prevalencia de caries, la naturaleza multifactorial de su etiología, el riesgo de caries y el papel y eficacia del fluoruro. Resalta también la investigación sobre el metabolismo bacteriano, que ha aportado conocimientos sobre la defensa natural oral contra la caries y la base para el desarrollo de una nueva tecnología para la prevención diaria y el tratamiento de la caries. Por último, se resume la evidencia que respalda que la tecnología complementa y mejora la eficacia anti-caries de la crema dental con fluoruro. los datos globales muestran que a pesar de la exitosa introducción del fluoruro, la caries dental es una enfermedad prevalente. La experiencia de caries depende del balance entre el consumo de azúcares, la higiene oral y el uso del fluoruro. Hay tres conceptos científicos que son fundamentales en las nuevas mediciones para detectar, tratar y monitorear la caries: (1) la caries dental es un proceso dinámico, (2) la caries dental es un proceso continuo de etapas que van desde reversible (pre-clínica) hasta irreversible (lesiones clínicamente detectables), y (3) el proceso de la caries es un balance de factores patológicos y protectores que pueden modularse para el manejo de la caries. El fluoruro funciona como factor protector al detener y revertir el proceso de la caries, pero el fluoruro no previene los factores patológicos que inician el proceso. Se ha identificado una tecnología novedosa, basada en arginina y un compuesto insoluble de calcio, que está dirigida a la placa dental para prevenir la iniciación del proceso de caries al reducir los factores patológicos. Como los mecanismos de acción de la arginina y el fluoruro son altamente complementarios, se ha desarrollado un nuevo dentífrico que combina la arginina y el fluoruro, y se ha probado clínicamente que brinda una prevención superior contra la caries. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Mapa Geologico de Venezuela a Escala 1:750,000

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Hackley, Paul C.; Urbani, Franco; Karlsen, Alex W.; Garrity, Christopher P.


    Se presenta un mapa geologico digital de Venezuela sobre un fondo de relieve sombreado. Los datos geologicos e hidrologicos del norte del rio Orinoco proceden de la digitalizacion de mapas geologicos en papel a escala 1:500.000. Estos datos fueron integrados con el mapa geologico digital del Escudo de Guayana Venezolano, a su vez derivado de hojas en papel a escala 1:500.000. La informacion sobre los tipos de fallas mostrados en el mapa es igual que en las fuentes originales. Los poligonos geologicos fueron atribuidos por edad, litologia y nombre de la unidad siguiendo el Codigo geologico de Venezuela. Se incorporaron revisiones significativas de la geologia de la Cordillera de la Costa a partir de las nuevas hojas integradas a escala 1:25.000. Toda esta informacion geologico-estructural se sobrepuso a una imagen de relieve sombreado, producida por el procesamiento de los datos de radar interferometrico con 90 m (3 arcosegundos) de resolucion espacial obtenidos por la mision topografica de radar del transbordador espacial (SRTM). Las areas de la base de datos del SRTM carentes de informacion fueron llenadas por medio de la interpolacion de los datos de las celdas adyacentes. Para producir la imagen de relieve sombreado se uso una direccion de iluminacion de 315 deg con un angulo de 65 deg sobre el horizonte. La proyeccion usada en el mapa es conica equidistante, con latitudes de 4 y 9 deg norte como paralelos estandar y una longitud de 66 deg al oeste como meridiano central. Los datos en el mapa proceden primordialment de hojas a escala 1:500.000 y el producto esta preparado para una impresion optima en escala 1:750.000. Los usuarios pueden obtener ampliaciones mayores, sin embargo no se garantiza la precision del mapa a escalas mas detalladas. Especialmente en la region de Guayana, al sobreponer los mapas geologicos sobre la reciente imagen SRTM, se notan grandes discrepancias no sistematicas tanto en contactos como en fallas. Esto es debido a que los mapas

  5. Los Angeles Basin

    NASA Image and Video Library


    The Los Angeles Basin is bordered on the north by the San Gabriel Mountains. Other smaller basins are separated by smaller mountain ranges, like the Verdugo Hills, and the Santa Monica Mountains in this image from NASA Terra spacecraft.

  6. 27 CFR 9.32 - Los Carneros.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Los Carneros. 9.32 Section 9.32 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY ALCOHOL AMERICAN VITICULTURAL AREAS Approved American Viticultural Areas § 9.32 Los Carneros. (a) Name. The name of the viticultural...

  7. 27 CFR 9.32 - Los Carneros.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Los Carneros. 9.32 Section 9.32 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS AMERICAN VITICULTURAL AREAS Approved American Viticultural Areas § 9.32 Los Carneros. (a) Name. The name of the viticultural...

  8. 27 CFR 9.32 - Los Carneros.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Los Carneros. 9.32 Section 9.32 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY ALCOHOL AMERICAN VITICULTURAL AREAS Approved American Viticultural Areas § 9.32 Los Carneros. (a) Name. The name of the viticultural...

  9. 27 CFR 9.32 - Los Carneros.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Los Carneros. 9.32 Section 9.32 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS AMERICAN VITICULTURAL AREAS Approved American Viticultural Areas § 9.32 Los Carneros. (a) Name. The name of the viticultural...

  10. 27 CFR 9.32 - Los Carneros.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Los Carneros. 9.32 Section 9.32 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS AMERICAN VITICULTURAL AREAS Approved American Viticultural Areas § 9.32 Los Carneros. (a) Name. The name of the viticultural...

  11. Significado de psicólogas/os de atención primaria de salud sobre la intervención psicosocial de grupo en el tratamiento de la depresión en Chile.


    Andrade, Gonzalo; Espinoza, Adriana


    En Chile, el tratamiento de la depresión en salud pública promueve la realización de Intervenciones Psicosociales en Grupo (IPG) para todos los casos diagnosticados, no obstante, se observa una baja implementación de estas prestaciones. El presente artículo describe y caracteriza, desde el punto de vista de la disciplina psicológica, el significado de psicólogas/os que trabajan en consultorios de atención primaria de salud (APS) sobre las IPG en el tratamiento de la depresión. Se entrevistaron a ocho psicólogas/os de los distintos Servicios de Salud de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. Este estudio se basó en las premisas de la Teoría Fundamentada, utilizando sus estrategias de análisis. La categoría "los grupos no nos resultan" expone las principales barreras que impiden la realización de estas intervenciones. La carga laboral centrada en atenciones individuales, el escaso presupuesto destinado a su implementación, y la falta de instalaciones adecuadas para realizar las IPG emergen como barreras institucionales. Asi mismo, la "poca fe" en la efectividad del trabajo en grupo, la figura de las/os psicólogas/os como únicas/os profesionales capacitadas/os para trabajar con las emociones, la idea de que la baja adherencia al tratamiento no depende de su ejercicio laboral, y el hecho de que la implementación de las IPG dependa del interés individual de algunas/os profesionales, emergen como las principales resistencias profesionales a su realización. Se discuten los alcances de estas barreras, y se proponen soluciones que favorezcan el cambio cultural necesario para que las/los profesionales e instituciones de salud puedan alinearse en plenitud con el modelo comunitario de salud propuesto por el Plan Nacional de Salud Mental y Psiquiatría (PNSMP).

  12. Common mental disorders and associated factors: a study of women from a rural area.


    Parreira, Bibiane Dias Miranda; Goulart, Bethania Ferreira; Haas, Vanderlei José; Silva, Sueli Riul da; Monteiro, Juliana Cristina Dos Santos; Gomes-Sponholz, Flávia Azevedo; Parreira, Bibiane Dias Miranda; Goulart, Bethania Ferreira; Haas, Vanderlei José; Silva, Sueli Riul da; Monteiro, Juliana Cristina Dos Santos; Gomes-Sponholz, Flávia Azevedo


    Identifying the prevalence of Common Mental Disorders and analyzing the influence of sociodemographic, economic, behavioral and reproductive health variables on Common Mental Disorders in women of childbearing age living in the rural area of Uberaba-MG, Brazil. An observational and cross-sectional study. Socio-demographic, economic, behavioral and reproductive health instruments were used, along with the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) to identify common mental disorders. Multiple logistic regression was used for multivariate data analysis. 280 women participated in the study. The prevalence of Common Mental Disorders was 35.7%. In the logistic regression analysis, the variables of living with a partner and education level were associated with Common Mental Disorders, even after adjusting for the other variables. Our findings evidenced an association of social and behavioral factors with Common Mental Disorders among rural women. Identification and individualized care in primary health care are essential for the quality of life of these women. Identificar a prevalência do transtorno mental comum e analisar a influência de variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, comportamentais e de saúde reprodutiva sobre o transtorno mental comum em mulheres em idade fértil, residentes na zona rural do município de Uberaba-MG, Brasil. Estudo observacional e transversal. Foram utilizados instrumentos de caracterização sociodemográfica, econômica, comportamental e de saúde reprodutiva, e o Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) para identificar os transtornos mentais comuns. Na análise multivariada dos dados, foi utilizada a regressão logística múltipla. Participaram do estudo 280 mulheres. A prevalência do transtorno mental comum foi de 35,7%. Na análise de regressão logística, as variáveis convivência com o companheiro e escolaridade, associaram-se ao transtorno mental comum, mesmo após o ajuste para as demais variáveis. Os achados evidenciaram a

  13. Water Supply at Los Alamos 1998-2001

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Richard J. Koch; David B. Rogers


    For the period 1998 through 2001, the total water used at Los Alamos from all sources ranged from 1325 million gallons (Mg) in 1999 to 1515 Mg in 2000. Groundwater production ranged from 1323 Mg in 1999 to 1506 Mg in 2000 from the Guaje, Pajarito, and Otowi fields. Nonpotable surface water used from Los Alamos reservoir ranged from zero gallons in 2001 to 9.3 Mg in 2000. For years 1998 through 2001, over 99% of all water used at Los Alamos was groundwater. Water use by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) between 1998 and 2001 ranged from 379 Mgmore » in 2000 to 461 Mg in 1998. The LANL water use in 2001 was 393 Mg or 27% of the total water use at Los Alamos. Water use by Los Alamos County ranged from 872 Mg in 1999 to 1137 Mg in 2000, and averaged 1006 Mg/yr. Four new replacement wells in the Guaje field (G-2A, G-3A, G-4A, and G-5A) were drilled in 1998 and began production in 1999; with existing well G-1A, the Guaje field currently has five producing wells. Five of the old Guaje wells (G-1, G-2, G-4, G-5, and G-6) were plugged and abandoned in 1999, and one well (G-3) was abandoned but remains as an observation well for the Guaje field. The long-term water level observations in production and observation (test) wells at Los Alamos are consistent with the formation of a cone of depression in response to water production. The water level decline is gradual and at most has been about 0.7 to 2 ft per year for production wells and from 0.4 to 0.9 ft/yr for observation (test) wells. The largest water level declines have been in the Guaje field where nonpumping water levels were about 91 ft lower in 2001 than in 1951. The initial water levels of the Guaje replacement wells were 32 to 57 ft lower than the initial water levels of adjacent original Guaje wells. When production wells are taken off-line for pump replacement or repair, water levels have returned to within about 25 ft of initial static levels within 6 to 12 months. Thus, the water-level trends suggest no

  14. Factors associated with prolonged length of stay following cardiac surgery in a major referral hospital in Oman: a retrospective observational study.


    Almashrafi, Ahmed; Alsabti, Hilal; Mukaddirov, Mirdavron; Balan, Baskaran; Aylin, Paul


    Two objectives were set for this study. The first was to identify factors influencing prolonged postoperative length of stay (LOS) following cardiac surgery. The second was to devise a predictive model for prolonged LOS in the cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) based on preoperative factors available at admission and to compare it against two existing cardiac stratification systems. Observational retrospective study. A tertiary hospital in Oman. All adult patients who underwent cardiac surgery at a major referral hospital in Oman between 2009 and 2013. 30.5% of the patients had prolonged LOS (≥11 days) after surgery, while 17% experienced prolonged ICU LOS (≥5 days). Factors that were identified to prolong CICU LOS were non-elective surgery, current congestive heart failure (CHF), renal failure, combined coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) and valve surgery, and other non-isolated valve or CABG surgery. Patients were divided into three groups based on their scores. The probabilities of prolonged CICU LOS were 11%, 26% and 28% for group 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The predictive model had an area under the curve of 0.75. Factors associated with prolonged overall postoperative LOS included the body mass index, the type of surgery, cardiopulmonary bypass machine use, packed red blood cells use, non-elective surgery and number of complications. The latter was the most important determinant of postoperative LOS. Patient management can be tailored for individual patient based on their treatments and personal attributes to optimise resource allocation. Moreover, a simple predictive score system to enable identification of patients at risk of prolonged CICU stay can be developed using data that are routinely collected by most hospitals. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  15. Accounting for the relationship between per diem cost and LOS when estimating hospitalization costs.


    Ishak, K Jack; Stolar, Marilyn; Hu, Ming-yi; Alvarez, Piedad; Wang, Yamei; Getsios, Denis; Williams, Gregory C


    Hospitalization costs in clinical trials are typically derived by multiplying the length of stay (LOS) by an average per-diem (PD) cost from external sources. This assumes that PD costs are independent of LOS. Resource utilization in early days of the stay is usually more intense, however, and thus, the PD cost for a short hospitalization may be higher than for longer stays. The shape of this relationship is unlikely to be linear, as PD costs would be expected to gradually plateau. This paper describes how to model the relationship between PD cost and LOS using flexible statistical modelling techniques. An example based on a clinical study of clevidipine for the treatment of peri-operative hypertension during hospitalizations for cardiac surgery is used to illustrate how inferences about cost-savings associated with good blood pressure (BP) control during the stay can be affected by the approach used to derive hospitalization costs.Data on the cost and LOS of hospitalizations for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) from the Massachusetts Acute Hospital Case Mix Database (the MA Case Mix Database) were analyzed to link LOS to PD cost, factoring in complications that may have occurred during the hospitalization or post-discharge. The shape of the relationship between LOS and PD costs in the MA Case Mix was explored graphically in a regression framework. A series of statistical models including those based on simple logarithmic transformation of LOS to more flexible models using LOcally wEighted Scatterplot Smoothing (LOESS) techniques were considered. A final model was selected, using simplicity and parsimony as guiding principles in addition traditional fit statistics (like Akaike's Information Criterion, or AIC). This mapping was applied in ECLIPSE to predict an LOS-specific PD cost, and then a total cost of hospitalization. These were then compared for patients who had good vs. poor peri-operative blood-pressure control. The MA Case Mix dataset included data

  16. Accounting for the relationship between per diem cost and LOS when estimating hospitalization costs

    PubMed Central


    Background Hospitalization costs in clinical trials are typically derived by multiplying the length of stay (LOS) by an average per-diem (PD) cost from external sources. This assumes that PD costs are independent of LOS. Resource utilization in early days of the stay is usually more intense, however, and thus, the PD cost for a short hospitalization may be higher than for longer stays. The shape of this relationship is unlikely to be linear, as PD costs would be expected to gradually plateau. This paper describes how to model the relationship between PD cost and LOS using flexible statistical modelling techniques. Methods An example based on a clinical study of clevidipine for the treatment of peri-operative hypertension during hospitalizations for cardiac surgery is used to illustrate how inferences about cost-savings associated with good blood pressure (BP) control during the stay can be affected by the approach used to derive hospitalization costs. Data on the cost and LOS of hospitalizations for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) from the Massachusetts Acute Hospital Case Mix Database (the MA Case Mix Database) were analyzed to link LOS to PD cost, factoring in complications that may have occurred during the hospitalization or post-discharge. The shape of the relationship between LOS and PD costs in the MA Case Mix was explored graphically in a regression framework. A series of statistical models including those based on simple logarithmic transformation of LOS to more flexible models using LOcally wEighted Scatterplot Smoothing (LOESS) techniques were considered. A final model was selected, using simplicity and parsimony as guiding principles in addition traditional fit statistics (like Akaike’s Information Criterion, or AIC). This mapping was applied in ECLIPSE to predict an LOS-specific PD cost, and then a total cost of hospitalization. These were then compared for patients who had good vs. poor peri-operative blood-pressure control. Results The MA

  17. La Enseñanza/Aprendizaje del Modelo Sol-Tierra Análisis de la Situación Actual y Propuesta de Mejora Para la Formación de los Futuros Profesores de Primaria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martínez Sebastià, Bernat


    This work is an extened summary of the autor's PhD thesis. It deals with the teaching of astronomy (day/night, seasons) in primary school. At first, students teachers' undestanding of astronomical concepts related to Sun-Earth system have been analysed. Taking into account the results of the previous analysis and using a socio-constructivist approach a teaching sequence has been designed. This sequence has been tested with different groups of students teachers showing an improvement in their undestanding of elementary astronomical concepts. El trabajo que presentamos es un resumen extenso de la tesis doctoral del autor. El enfoque utilizado ha sido tratar de ligar la investigación sobre las ideas, razonamientos y obstáculos de los profesores de primaria con la planificación de la enseñanza del modelo Sol-Tierra que permite explicar el ciclo día/noche y las estaciones. En primer lugar, se ha procedido a realizar un análisis crítico de los resultados que se obtienen en el aprendizaje de los contenidos astronómicos en la enseñanza habitual. En segundo lugar se ha diseñado un curriculum potencialmente superador de esta situación desde una orientación que concibe la enseñanza y el aprendizaje como un proceso de construcción de conocimientos en una estructura problematizada. Finalmente, esta secuencia didáctica ha sido experimentada con diferentes grupos de estudiantes de magisterio, mostrando una mejora relevante en la comprensión de los conceptos astronómicos fundamentales.

  18. Estudio epidemiológico de sucesos traumáticos, trastorno de estrés post-traumático y otros trastornos psiquiátricos en una muestra representativa de Chile

    PubMed Central

    Pérez Benítez, Carlos I.; Vicente, Benjamin; Zlotnick, Caron; Kohn, Robert; Johnson, Jennifer; Valdivia, Sandra; Rioseco, Pedro


    RESUMEN Durante la década de 1990 en los Estados Unidos (EU), el conocimiento sobre el trastorno de estrés post-traumático (TEPT) evolucionó de estudios específicos en un principio, sobre veteranos de guerra y sobre víctimas de desastres, a estudios epidemiológicos más tarde, sin embargo, la epidemiología del TEPT en países en desarrollo ha sido un área poco estudiada hasta ahora. Los expertos en el área de trauma han propuesto que los sucesos traumáticos que ocurren en la niñez son más perjudiciales para la salud mental que aquellos que ocurren más tarde en la vida. Este trabajo revisa los resultados de un estudio epidemiológico llevado a cabo en Chile. Específicamente, se revisan los resultados sobre las tasas de prevalencia del TEPT, traumas asociados más frecuentemente con él, así como la comorbilidad de este trastorno con otros trastornos psiquiátricos a lo largo de la vida. Igualmente se analizaron las diferencias del TEPT en cada sexo, así como la exposición a traumas en una muestra representativa de chilenos. Además se comparó la prevalencia de trastornos psiquiátricos en personas que sufrieron su primer trauma durante la niñez, durante la edad adulta, o que no reportaron traumas durante su vida. En estos estudios epidemiológicos se usaron módulos del TEPT y trastorno de personalidad antisocial (TPA) de la entrevista diagnóstica siguiendo los criterios del DSM-III-R (DIS–III-R). Para evaluar el resto de los trastornos psiquiátricos se usó la Entrevista Diagnóstica Internacional Compuesta (CIDI). Estos instrumentos fueron administrados en tres ciudades chilenas a 2390 personas mayores de 15 años. Para estimar los errores estándares (EE) debido al diseño de la muestra y a la necesidad de ajuste se usó el método Taylor de linearización seriada. También se usó un análisis de regresión logística para examinar la relación entre el TEPT, los factores demográficos de riesgo y el tipo de trauma. Además se utilizó la

  19. Preoperative factors affecting cost and length of stay for isolated off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: hierarchical linear model analysis.


    Shinjo, Daisuke; Fushimi, Kiyohide


    To determine the effect of preoperative patient and hospital factors on resource use, cost and length of stay (LOS) among patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB). Observational retrospective study. Data from the Japanese Administrative Database. Patients who underwent isolated, elective OPCAB between April 2011 and March 2012. The primary outcomes of this study were inpatient cost and LOS associated with OPCAB. A two-level hierarchical linear model was used to examine the effects of patient and hospital characteristics on inpatient costs and LOS. The independent variables were patient and hospital factors. We identified 2491 patients who underwent OPCAB at 268 hospitals. The mean cost of OPCAB was $40 665 ±7774, and the mean LOS was 23.4±8.2 days. The study found that select patient factors and certain comorbidities were associated with a high cost and long LOS. A high hospital OPCAB volume was associated with a low cost (-6.6%; p=0.024) as well as a short LOS (-17.6%, p<0.001). The hospital OPCAB volume is associated with efficient resource use. The findings of the present study indicate the need to focus on hospital elective OPCAB volume in Japan in order to improve cost and LOS. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  20. PubMed

    Ávila García, Manuel; Huertas Delgado, Francisco Javier Huertas Delgado; Tercedor Sánchez, Pablo


    Introducción: España es el tercer país europeo con mayor prevalencia de obesidad infantil, dando lugar a la aparición de programas de intervención destinados a fomentar hábitos alimentarios saludables y/o de actividad física (AF).Objetivo: el propósito de esta revisión sistemática fue conocer aquellos programas de intervención para la promoción de hábitos alimentarios y de AF desarrollados en escolares españoles de Educación Primaria (EP) y analizar la influencia que han tenido las intervenciones sobre la composición corporal, los hábitos alimentarios y la AF.Método: se revisaron los artículos publicados entre los años 2000 y 2015 en las siguientes bases de datos: Web of Science, Scopus, Dialnet, PubMed, Eric, Sportdiscus y Psycinfo por dos revisores independientes.Resultados: se contabilizaron un total de 813 artículos, de los cuales tras la eliminación de duplicados (192), lectura de títulos y resumen (587) y lectura del texto completo (17), tan solo 7 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión.Conclusiones: los programas de intervención analizados mostraron cambios positivos en la mejora de la composición corporal en algo menos de la mitad de los estudios analizados; por otro lado, casi todos los programas de intervención analizados tuvieron un efecto positivo sobre conductas respecto a ciertos hábitos alimentarios, como la ingesta de frutas, y sobre el incremento del nivel de AF.


    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Preguntas y respuestas sobre la decisión de la EPA de publicar avisos de salud sobre el ácido perfluorooctanoico (PFOA) y el sulfonato de perfluorooctano (PFOS) para proporcionar información a los operadores de sistemas de agua potable y funcionarios estat

  2. La estructura dinámica del cinturón de Kuiper interior y la formación de Urano y Neptuno

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Melita, M. D.; Brunini, A.

    De acuerdo a los más recientes estudios sobre la formación de Urano y Neptuno, éstos podrían haber sufrido una importante migración radial hacia el exterior, debido al intercambio de momento angular con los planetesimales presentes en esa región durante las últimas etapas de la formación del Sistema Solar. Esta migración radial habría tenido importantes consecuencias sobre la presente estructura dinámica del cinturón cometario de Kuiper. Tal como lo reflejan las observaciones, la mayoría de los cuerpos observados en el cinturón de Kuiper se encuentran en resonancia de movimientos medios exteriores con Neptuno, hecho que también se refleja en la presente órbita de Plutón. En el presente trabajo se estudia tanto numérica como analíticamente la influencia de la variación de las masas de Urano y Neptuno durante el proceso de migración sobre las probabilidades de captura en algunas de las resonancias exteriores de Neptuno. Se estudia también la influencia de encuentros gravitacionales mutuos sobre la estabilidad de las órbitas resonantes. Este estudio ofrece argumentos de plausibilidad para explicar por qué ninguno de los objetos descubiertos en el cinturón de Kuiper se encontraría en la resonancia 2:1.

  3. If you provide the test, they will take it: factors associated with HIV/STI Testing in a representative sample of homeless youth in Los Angeles.


    Ober, Allison J; Martino, Steven C; Ewing, Brett; Tucker, Joan S


    Homeless youth are at high risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STI), yet those at greatest risk may never have been tested for HIV or STI. In a probability sample of sexually active homeless youth in Los Angeles (n = 305), this study identifies factors associated with HIV/STI testing status. Most youth (85%) had ever been tested and 47% had been tested in the past 3 months. Recent testing was significantly more likely among youth who self-identified as gay, were Hispanic, injected drugs, and used drop-in centers, and marginally more likely among youth with more depressive symptoms. Drop-in center use mediated the association of injection drug use with HIV/STI testing. HIV/STI testing was unrelated to sexual risk behavior. Drop-in centers can play an important role in facilitating testing, including among injection drug users, but more outreach is needed to encourage testing in other at-risk subgroups.

  4. If You Provide the Test, They will Take It: Factors Associated with HIV/STI Testing in a Representative Sample of Homeless Youth in Los Angeles*

    PubMed Central

    Ober, Allison J.; Martino, Steven C.; Ewing, Brett; Tucker, Joan S.


    Homeless youth are at high risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STI), yet those at greatest risk may never have been tested for HIV or STI. In a probability sample of sexually active homeless youth in Los Angeles (n =305), this study identifies factors associated with HIV/STI testing status. Most youth (85%) had ever been tested and 47% had tested in the past 3 months. Recent testing was significantly more likely among youth who self-identified as gay, were Hispanic, injected drugs, and used drop-in centers, and marginally more likely among youth with more depressive symptoms. Drop-in center use mediated the association of injection drug use with HIV/STI testing. HIV/STI testing was unrelated to sexual risk behavior. Drop-in centers can play an important role in facilitating testing, including among injection drug users, but more outreach is needed to encourage testing in other at-risk subgroups. PMID:22827904

  5. View of Los Angeles, California area

    NASA Image and Video Library


    AST-14-881 (16 July 1975) --- An excellent view of Los Angeles, California, as photographed from the Apollo spacecraft in Earth orbit during the joint U.S.-USSR Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) mission. Downtown Los Angeles is near the center of the picture. The photograph was taken at an altitude of 193 kilometers (120 statute miles), with a 70mm Hasselblad camera using SO-242 high-definition Ektachrome film.

  6. Tools for evaluating Lipolexis oregmae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) in the field: Effects of host aphid and host plant on mummy location and color plus improved methods for obtaining adults

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Singh, R.; Hoy, M.A.

    Lipolexis oregmae Gahan was introduced into Florida in a classical biological control program directed against the brown citrus aphid, Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy), on citrus. Prior to evaluating distribution, host range, and potential nontarget effects of L. oregmae in Florida, we evaluated the role of other potential host aphids and host plants on mummy production and location. Under laboratory conditions, this parasitoid produced the most progeny on the target pest, the brown citrus aphid on citrus. This parasitoid, unlike the majority of aphidiids, did not produce mummies on any of the host plants tested when reared in black citrus aphid T.more » aurantii (Boyer de Fonscolombe) on grapefruit, spirea aphid Aphis spiraecola Patch on grapefruit and pittosporum, cowpea aphid A. craccivora Koch on grapefruit and cowpeas, or melon aphid A. gossypii Glover on grapefruit and cucumber. Thus, sampling for L. oregmae mummies of these host aphids and host plants must involve holding foliage in the laboratory until mummies are produced. This parasitoid requires high relative humidity to produce adults because no adults emerged when mummies were held in gelatin capsules, but high rates of emergence were observed when mummies were held on 1.5% agar plates. In addition, we compared the color of 6 aphid hosts and the color of mummies produced by L. oregmae when reared in them to determine if color of mummies could be used to identify L. oregmae . Mummy color varied between aphid hosts and tested host plants, and is not a useful tool for identifying L. oregmae for nontarget effects. (author) [Spanish] Lipolexis oregmae Gahan fue introducida en Florida por medio de un programa de control biologico clasico dirigido contra el afido pardo de los citricos, Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy), sobre Citrus. Prioritario a la evaluacion de la distribucion, el rango de los hospederos y los efectos potenciales de L. oregmae sobre los organismos que no son el enfoque de control en la

  7. Memorias del segundo simposio internacional sobre políticas, planificación y economía de los programas de protección contra incendios forestales: una visión global; 2004 Abril 19–22; Córdoba, España


    Armando González-Cabán


    Estas memorias resumen el resultado de un simposio diseñado para discutir los problemas actuales que confrontan las agencias con responsabilidad para la protección contra incendios forestales a nivel federal y estadual en los EE.UU., al igual que agencias en la comunidad internacional. Los temas discutidos en el simposio incluyen economía del fuego, teoría y modelos...

  8. Estudio fenomenologico del conocimiento curricular y conocimiento de contenido en maestros de matematica a nivel secundario

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cardona Tomassini, Ivan Javier

    En esta investigacion se estudio el fenomeno del conocimiento de contenido y el conocimiento curricular de maestros de matermaticas y como estos dos componentes se reflejan en su conocimiento pedagogico del contenido. El conocimiento de contenido es el conocimiento que tienen los maestros de los contenidos de una disciplina y sobre la estructura de su organizacion (Shulman, 1986). El conocimiento curricular es el conocimiento que los maestros poseen sobre los componentes de un curriculo disenado para ensenar un topico de una materia especifica a un nivel particular, la variedad de instrumentos instruccionales disponibles para implementar el mismo y como utilizar los instrumentos curriculares disponibles (Ball & Bass, 2003; Choppin, 2009; Hill, Rowan, & Ball, 2005). Este estudio se enmarca en el paradigma cualitativo, teniendo como diseno el estudio fenomenologico (Lucca y Berrios, 2009; McMillan, 2004). Los participantes fueron seis maestros de matermaticas del nivel superior (10mo a 12mo grado). Al momento de la investigacion los participantes ensenaban en escuelas publicas o privadas de Puerto Rico. Para recolectar la informacion se utilizo un grupo focal en donde los maestros resolvieron seis ejercicios matematicos y posteriormente reflexionaron en forma grupal sobre las soluciones. Tambien se realizo un analisis de documentos de planificacion y se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se exploraron los contenidos relacionados a la ecuacion de una recta, rectas verticales y horizontales, suma y multiplicacion de polinomios, resolucion de ecuaciones cuadraticas y distancia entre dos puntos del plano cartesiano. Los resultados muestran que los participantes tienen dominio procesal de los contenidos correspondientes a las rectas verticales y horizontales, la suma y multiplicacion de polinomios, el calculo distancia entre dos puntos del plano cartesiano. Sin embargo, se noto cierta dificultad en la explicacion conceptual de los contenidos relacionados a la

  9. Los Alamos nEDM Experiment and Demonstration of Ramsey's Method on Stored UCNs at the LANL UCN Source

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Clayton, Steven; Chupp, Tim; Cude-Woods, Christopher; Currie, Scott; Ito, Takeyasu; Liu, Chen-Yu; Long, Joshua; MacDonald, Stephen; Makela, Mark; O'Shaughnessy, Christopher; Plaster, Brad; Ramsey, John; Saunders, Andy; LANL nEDM Collaboration


    The Los Alamos National Laboratory ultracold neutron (UCN) source was recently upgraded for a factor of 5 improvement in stored density, providing the statistical precision needed for a room temperature neutron electric dipole moment measurement with sensitivity 3 ×10-27 e . cm, a factor 10 better than the limit set by the Sussex-RAL-ILL experiment. Here, we show results of a demonstration of Ramsey's separated oscillatory fields method on stored UCNs at the LANL UCN source and in a geometry relevant for a nEDM measurement. We argue a world-leading nEDM experiment could be performed at LANL with existing technology and a short lead time, providing a physics result with sensitivity intermediate between the current limit set by Sussex-RAL-ILL, and the anticipated limit from the complex, cryogenic nEDM experiment planned for the next decade at the ORNL Spallation Neutron Source (SNS-nEDM). This work was supported by the Los Alamos LDRD Program, Project 20140015DR.

  10. Factors Affecting Student Choices of Instructional Methodologies.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gold, Ben K.

    To identify factors that caused the majority of students at Los Angeles City College to prefer the traditional lecture-discussion approach to the media approach, questionnaires were administered to students in three courses--three media and two traditional. Over 200 usable questionnaires were returned. Because of scheduling variations and other…

  11. Memorias del cuarto simposio internacional sobre políticas, planificación y economía de los incendios forestales: cambio climático e incendios forestales; 2012 noviembre 5–11; Ciudad de México, México


    Armando González-Cabán


    Trabajos IndividualesEstas memorias resumen el resultado de un simposio diseñado para discutir los problemas actuales que confrontan las agencias con responsabilidad para la protección contra incendios forestales a nivel federal y estadual en los EE.UU., al igual...

  12. Los Alamos Fires From Landsat 7

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    On May 9, 2000, the Landsat 7 satellite acquired an image of the area around Los Alamos, New Mexico. The Landsat 7 satellite acquired this image from 427 miles in space through its sensor called the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+). Evident within the imagery is a view of the ongoing Cerro Grande fire near the town of Los Alamos and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Combining the high-resolution (30 meters per pixel in this scene) imaging capacity of ETM+ with its multi-spectral capabilities allows scientists to penetrate the smoke plume and see the structure of the fire on the surface. Notice the high-level of detail in the infrared image (bottom), in which burn scars are clearly distinguished from the hotter smoldering and flaming parts of the fire. Within this image pair several features are clearly visible, including the Cerro Grande fire and smoke plume, the town of Los Alamos, the Los Alamos National Laboratory and associated property, and Cerro Grande peak. Combining ETM+ channels 7, 4, and 2 (one visible and two infrared channels) results in a false color image where vegetation appears as bright to dark green (bottom image). Forested areas are generally dark green while herbaceous vegetation is light green. Rangeland or more open areas appear pink to light purple. Areas with extensive pavement or urban development appear light blue or white to purple. Less densely-developed residential areas appear light green and golf courses are very bright green. The areas recently burned appear black. Dark red to bright red patches, or linear features within the burned area, are the hottest and possibly actively burning areas of the fire. The fire is spreading downslope and the front of the fire is readily detectable about 2 kilometers to the west and south of Los Alamos. Combining ETM+ channels 3, 2, and 1 provides a true-color image of the greater Los Alamos region (top image). Vegetation is generally dark to medium green. Forested areas are very dark green

  13. Near-Term Options for Improving Security at Los Angeles International Airport

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the Los Angeles Police Department ( LAPD ), and LAX to make sure the list was reasonable...World Airports; the Transportation Security Agency; the Los Angeles International Airport Police Department ; the Los Angeles Police Department ; the Los ...Airports. iii PREFACE This document assesses near-term security

  14. Factors Associated with Fever in Intracerebral Hemorrhage.


    Gillow, Sabreena J; Ouyang, Bichun; Lee, Vivien H; John, Sayona


    Fever is common in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). We sought to identify predictors of fever in patients hospitalized with ICH, and compare infectious fever with noninfectious fever. A retrospective review on consecutive spontaneous ICH patients from April 2009 to March 2010 was performed. Fever was defined as temperature 100.9°F or higher and attributed to infectious versus noninfectious etiology, based upon the National Healthcare Safety Network criteria. Univariate analysis and multivariable logistic regression model were used to determine factors associated with fever and with infection. Among the 351 ICH patients, 136 (39%) developed fever. Factors associated with fever included mean ICH volume, intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), external ventricular drain (EVD) placement or surgical evacuation, positive microbial cultures, longer length of stay (LOS), and higher in-hospital mortality. Among patients with fever, 96 (71%) were noninfectious and 40 (29%) were infectious. Infectious fever was associated with higher LOS. Noninfectious fever was associated with higher in-hospital mortality. In multivariable analysis, ICH volume (OR = 1.01, P = .04), IVH (OR = 2.0, P = .03), EVD (OR = 3.7, P < .0001), and surgical evacuation (OR = 6.78, P < .0001) were significant predictors of fever. Infectious fever (OR = 5.26, P = .004), EVD (OR = 4.86, P = .01), and surgical evacuation (OR = 4.77, P = .04) correlated with prolonged LOS when dichotomized using a median of 15 days. Fever is common in ICH patients and is not associated with a clear infectious etiology in the majority of patients. Patients with noninfectious fever have higher in-hospital mortality, but survivors have shorter LOS. Further studies are warranted to better understand fevers in ICH. Copyright © 2017 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Trouble Brewing in Los Angeles. Policy Brief

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Buck, Stuart


    The city of Los Angeles will face enormous budgetary pressures from the growing deficits in public pensions, both at a state and local level. In this policy brief, the author estimates that Los Angeles faces a total $152.6 billion liability for pensions that are underfunded--including $49.1 billion for the city pension systems, $2.4 billion for…

  16. Los Alamos Explosives Performance Key to Stockpile Stewardship


    Dattelbaum, Dana


    As the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent ages, one essential factor in making sure that the weapons will continue to perform as designed is understanding the fundamental properties of the high explosives that are part of a nuclear weapons system. As nuclear weapons go through life extension programs, some changes may be advantageous, particularly through the addition of what are known as "insensitive" high explosives that are much less likely to accidentally detonate than the already very safe "conventional" high explosives that are used in most weapons. At Los Alamos National Laboratory explosives research includes a wide variety of both large- and small-scale experiments that include small contained detonations, gas and powder gun firings, larger outdoor detonations, large-scale hydrodynamic tests, and at the Nevada Nuclear Security Site, underground sub-critical experiments.

  17. Internship at Los Alamos National Laboratory

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dunham, Ryan Q.


    Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is located in Los Alamos, New Mexico. It provides support for our country's nuclear weapon stockpile as well as many other scientific research projects. I am an Undergraduate Student Intern in the Systems Design and Analysis group within the Nuclear Nonproliferation division of the Global Security directorate at LANL. I have been tasked with data analysis and modeling of particles in a fluidized bed system for the capture of carbon dioxide from power plant flue gas.

  18. Astronomy in Science Textbooks: An Analysis of Pnld 2008. (Spanish Title: Astronomía en los Libros de Ciencia: un Análisis del Pnld 2008.) Astronomia Nos Livros Didáticos de Ciências: Uma Análise do Pnld 2008

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amaral, Patrícia; Quintanilha Vaz de Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo


    The importance of the textbooks in classrooms is revealed when studies are pointing that these pedagogical sources are, most of the times, the only source used by the elementary school teachers when preparing their Science lessons. When we analyzed the Astronomy contents in the textbooks approved by the Brazilian Textbook Program 2008 and which, in theory, are the best available in the Brazilian editorial market, we examined some categories in the 2008 Textbook Guide. This research characterizes the frequency of Astronomical contents appearing in the texts, in the pictures, and in the hands-on activities. Additionally, it describes some misconceptions and presents additional information on the collections. La importancia de los libros de texto en las aulas se pone de manifiesto cuando los estudios indican que este recurso educativo es a menudo la única fuente de consulta utilizada por el profesor de ciencias de la escuela primaria para preparar sus lecciones. Cuando analizamos el contenido presente en los libros de texto de astronomía aprobados por el Programa Nacional de Libros de Texto de 2008 y que, en teoría, son los mejores libros disponibles en el mercado editorial brasileño, buscamos examinar algunas categorías que figuran en los libros de texto de la Guía de Libros Didácticos de 2008. El estudio caracteriza la frecuencia del contenido de Astronomía en el texto, en las figuras, y en las actividades de experimentación. También describe algunos errores conceptuales y presenta un conjunto de información adicional sobre las colecciones. A importância dos livros didáticos nas salas de aula revela-se quando estudos apontam que este recurso pedagógico é, muitas vezes, a única fonte de consulta utilizada pelo professor de Ciências do ensino fundamental para a preparação de suas aulas. Quando analisamos os conteúdos de Astronomia presentes nos livros didáticos aprovados no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático de 2008 e que, teoricamente, são os

  19. View of substructure of Sixth Street Bridge overcrossing of Los ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    View of substructure of Sixth Street Bridge overcrossing of Los Angeles River. Looking west. Note dark hole at lower with is access ramp to river channel seen in HAER CA-176-56 - Sixth Street Bridge, Spanning 101 Freeway at Sixth Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

  20. Estudio de mutaciones en los genes IDH1 e IDH2 en una muestra de gliomas de población colombiana.


    Ricaurte, Orlando; Neita, Karina; Valero, Danyela; Ortega-Rojas, Jenny; Arboleda-Bustos, Carlos E; Zubieta, Camilo; Penagos, José; Arboleda, Gonzalo


    Introducción. Los gliomas son los tumores primarios más comunes del sistema nervioso central y se clasifican de I a IV según su grado de malignidad. En recientes investigaciones se ha encontrado que su aparición está relacionada con mutaciones en el exón 4 de los genes que codifican las deshidrogenasas de isocitrato 1 y 2 (IDH1: codón 132; IDH2: codón 172).Objetivo. Determinar la frecuencia de mutaciones en los genes IDH1 e IDH2 en una muestra de gliomas de pacientes colombianos.Materiales y métodos. La extracción de ADN se hizo a partir de tejido tumoral. El exón 4 de los genes IDH1 e IDH2 se amplificó mediante PCR utilizando iniciadores específicos y, posteriormente, se secuenciaron. Para la determinación de las mutaciones, se emplearon los programas 4Peaks y MAFFT.Resultados. Se determinó la presencia de mutaciones en el gen IDH1 en el 34 % de las muestras, con predominio de la mutación no sinónima R132H. En el 7,5 % de los casos se detectaron mutaciones en el gen IDH2, principalmente las mutaciones no sinónimas R172K y R172W.Conclusiones. La frecuencia de mutaciones en los genes IDH1 e IDH2 en la muestra fue similar a la reportada en otros estudios. El análisis de estas mutaciones puede ser importante como factor pronóstico y para su uso como potenciales blancos terapéuticos en gliomas.

  1. Publications of Los Alamos Research, 1983

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sheridan, C.J.; McClary, W.J.; Rich, J.A.


    This bibliography is a compilation of unclassified publications of work done at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for 1983. Papers published in 1982 are included regardless of when they were actually written. Publications received too late for inclusion in earlier compilations have also been listed. Declassification of previously classified reports is considered to constitute publication. All classified issuances are omitted - even those papers, themselves unclassified, which were published only as part of a classified document. If a paper was published more than once, all places of publication are included. The bibliography includes Los Alamos National Laboratory reports, papers releasedmore » as non-Laboratory reports, journal articles, books, chapters of books, conference papers either published separately or as part of conference proceedings issued as books or reports, papers publishd in congressional hearings, theses, and US patents. Publications by Los Alamos authors that are not records of Laboratory-sponsored work are included when the Library becomes aware of them.« less

  2. Trastornos mentales y consumo de drogas en la población víctima del conflicto armado en tres ciudades de Colombia.


    Castaño, Guillermo; Sierra, Gloria; Sánchez, Daniela; Torres, Yolanda; Salas, Carolina; Buitrago, Carolina


    Introducción. La violencia en sus diferentes modalidades incrementa el riesgo de trastornos mentales y de consumo de drogas.Objetivos. Estimar la prevalencia de los trastornos mentales, del uso y abuso de drogas, así como los factores asociados en víctimas de desplazamiento forzado en tres ciudades colombianas.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de prevalencia en una muestra de 1.026 personas entre los 13 y los 65 años de edad, a quienes se entrevistó utilizando el instrumento Composite International Diagnostic Interview y el Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, así como un cuestionario sobre el consumo de drogas modificado a partir de la encuesta del Sistema Interamericano de Datos Uniformes sobre Drogas de la Comisión Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas de la Organización de Estados Americanos, y otro sobre aspectos relacionados con el desplazamiento forzado. El análisis se hizo mediante el programa estadístico SPSS™, versión 21.Resultados. La prevalencia de vida de los trastornos mentales fue la siguiente: fobia específica, 17,7 %; depresión mayor, 16,4 %; estrés postraumático, 9,9 %; trastorno oposicionista desafiante, 8,9 %; ansiedad por separación, 7,2 %; trastornos de conducta, 5,8 %, y déficit de atención, 5,6 %. La prevalencia de vida del consumo de alcohol fue de 68,7 %; de tabaco, 31,3 %, de marihuana, 11,2 %, de cocaína, 3,5 %, de basuco, 2,0 %, de inhalables, 2,3 %, y de medicamentos ansiolíticos sin receta, 2,5 %, en tanto que 0,7 % de los entrevistados se había inyectado drogas. El presentar cualquiera de los trastornos mentales se asoció con el sexo femenino (odds ratio, OR=1,61; IC95% 1,21-2,14), así como el haber sido sometido a más de un desplazamiento forzado (OR=1,47; IC95 1,05-2,05). El consumo de cualquiera de las drogas se asoció con ser hombre (OR=5,38; IC95% 2,35-12,34).Conclusiones. La alta prevalencia de trastornos mentales y de consumo de

  3. Sobre os sistemas de referência celeste

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Poppe, P. C. R.; Martin, V. A. F.


    Apresentamos neste trabalho, algumas discussões sobre os sistemas de referência utilizados em Astronomia. Claramente, não é possível esgotar todo este assunto num único texto, mas esperamos, contudo, que o presente material possa ser apreciado nos cursos de Introdução à Astronomia, que estão cada vez mais presentes nas atuais propostas curriculares das graduações de Física. As discussões pertinentes às "Bases de Referência Celeste", serão apresentadas em um outro trabalho.

  4. Environmental analysis of Lower Pueblo/Lower Los Alamos Canyon, Los Alamos, New Mexico

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ferenbaugh, R.W.; Buhl, T.E.; Stoker, A.K.


    The radiological survey of the former radioactive waste treatment plant site (TA-45), Acid Canyon, Pueblo Canyon, and Los Alamos Canyon found residual contamination at the site itself and in the channel and banks of Acid, Pueblo, and lower Los Alamos Canyons all the way to the Rio Grande. The largest reservoir of residual radioactivity is in lower Pueblo Canyon, which is on DOE property. However, residual radioactivity does not exceed proposed cleanup criteria in either lower Pueblo or lower Los Alamos Canyons. The three alternatives proposed are (1) to take no action, (2) to construct a sediment trap in lowermore » Pueblo Canyon to prevent further transport of residual radioactivity onto San Ildefonso Indian Pueblo land, and (3) to clean the residual radioactivity from the canyon system. Alternative 2, to cleanup the canyon system, is rejected as a viable alternative. Thousands of truckloads of sediment would have to be removed and disposed of, and this effort is unwarranted by the low levels of contamination present. Residual radioactivity levels, under either present conditions or projected future conditions, will not result in significant radiation doses to persons exposed. Modeling efforts show that future transport activity will not result in any residual radioactivity concentrations higher than those already existing. Thus, although construction of a sediment trap in lower Pueblo Canyon is a viable alternative, this effort also is unwarranted, and the no-action alternative is the preferred alternative.« less

  5. Diabetic ketoacidosis in adult patients: an audit of factors influencing time to normalisation of metabolic parameters.


    Lee, Melissa H; Calder, Genevieve L; Santamaria, John D; MacIsaac, Richard J


    Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is an acute life-threatening metabolic complication of diabetes that imposes substantial burden on our healthcare system. There is a paucity of published data in Australia assessing factors influencing time to resolution of DKA and length of stay (LOS). To identify factors that predict a slower time to resolution of DKA in adults with diabetes. Retrospective audit of patients admitted to St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne between 2010 to 2014 coded with a diagnosis of 'Diabetic Ketoacidosis'. The primary outcome was time to resolution of DKA based on normalisation of biochemical markers. Episodes of DKA within the wider Victorian hospital network were also explored. Seventy-one patients met biochemical criteria for DKA; median age 31 years (26-45 years), 59% were male and 23% had newly diagnosed diabetes. Insulin omission was the most common precipitant (42%). Median time to resolution of DKA was 11 h (6.5-16.5 h). Individual factors associated with slower resolution of DKA were lower admission pH (P < 0.001) and higher admission serum potassium level (P = 0.03). Median LOS was 3 days (2-5 days), compared to a Victorian state-wide LOS of 2 days. Higher comorbidity scores were associated with longer LOS (P < 0.001). Lower admission pH levels and higher admission serum potassium levels are independent predictors of slower time to resolution of DKA. This may assist to stratify patients with DKA using markers of severity to determine who may benefit from closer monitoring and to predict LOS. © 2018 Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

  6. Factores socio-económicos asociados a la percepción de situación socioeconómica entre adultos mayores de dos países latinoamericanos

    PubMed Central

    Brenes-Camacho, Gilbert


    El objetivo principal del artículo es estudiar la asociación entre la percepción subjetiva sobre la situación económica propia y una serie de medidas objetivas de bienestar socioeconómico –fuentes de ingresos, tenencia de vivienda, nivel educativo y transferencias familiares informales de dinero- entre adultos mayores de dos países Latinoamericanos: México y Costa Rica. Los datos se obtienen de las primeras rondas de dos encuestas sobre envejecimiento: CRELES para Costa Rica y ENASEM para México. La variable dependiente más importante se obtiene de las respuestas a las pregunta “¿Cómo califica su situación económica actual?” en Costa Rica y “¿Diría usted que su situación económica es…?” en México. Para ambas encuestas, las respuestas se codificaron en forma binaria; el código 0 representa las categorías Excelente, Muy buena y Buena, y el código 1 representa a las categorías Regular y Mala. Se encontró que el ingreso por jubilación es un importante determinante de la percepción de bienestar en ambos países. En Costa Rica, el ingreso del cónyuge y la tenencia de vivienda son importantes predictores de la percepción de bienestar, mientras que en México, los ingresos por transferencias están fuertemente asociados con dicha percepción. PMID:25360057

  7. Los Angeles, California as seen from STS-59

    NASA Image and Video Library


    STS059-227-050 (9-20 April 1994) --- A low altitude, and unusually clear air, provided perhaps the most detailed view of Los Angeles, California ever obtained during a shuttle flight. Orient with the bulk of the ocean to the lower left. Then Long Beach is in the lower right, just east of the Palos Verdes Hills that extend into the Pacific Ocean. Marina del Rey is cut into the straight segment of beach, with Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) clearly visible to the southeast. Downtown Los Angeles is the light-toned sprawl in the upper right, with the rectangular grid pattern of Pasadena extending out of the picture. The Santa Monica Mountains to the upper left extend east-west, separating the San Fernando Valley (epicenter of the 1993 earthquake) from the Los Angeles Basin proper. It is impossible to determine by photo interpretation whether or not the de-vegetated scars along the southern edge of the mountains represent man-made features (real-estate development) or wildfires.

  8. Factors and trade-offs with rehabilitation effectiveness and efficiency in newly disabled older persons.


    Chow, Patsy; Chen, Cynthia; Cheong, Angela; Fong, Ngan Phoon; Chan, Kin Ming; Tan, Boon Yeow; Menon, Edward; Ee, Chye Hua; Lee, Kok Keng; Koh, David; Koh, Gerald C


    To determine the factors for rehabilitation effectiveness (REs) and rehabilitation efficiency (REy) among newly disabled older persons and if there is any trade-off between REs and REy. Retrospective cohort study. Rehabilitation hospitals. Patients (N=8828) aged ≥65 years admitted for inpatient rehabilitation from 1996 to 2005. Not applicable. Independent factors affecting REs and REy were determined. The median rank ratios of REs to REy for each admission Barthel Index (BI) unit and number of days of stay were generated. The ideal ranges of admission BI score and length of stay (LOS) that corresponded to the REs to REy median rank ratio of 1 (both REs and REy optimized) were identified. Factors associated with poorer REs and REy were older age, Malay ethnicity, delayed admission, admission diagnosis of amputation, and comorbidities of dementia and stroke. An increase of 10 in admission BI score was associated with an increase of 3.47% in REs but a decrease of 1.1 per 30 days in REy; and an increase in LOS of 2.7 days was associated with an increase of 28% in REs but a decrease of 5.2 per 30 days in REy. A trade-off relation between REs and REy with respect to admission functional status and LOS was observed. The range, which optimized both REs and REy, was 50 to 59 units for admission BI score and 37 to 46 days for LOS. There are trade-offs between REs and REy with respect to admission functional status and LOS. Clinicians, policymakers, patients, and other stakeholders should be aware of such trade-offs when they make joint policy decisions about rehabilitation services. Copyright © 2014 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Los Angeles County Poor Farm, Patient Ward Nos. 210 & ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Los Angeles County Poor Farm, Patient Ward Nos. 210 & 211 - Type B Plan, 7601 Imperial Highway; bounded by Esperanza Street, Laurel Street, Flores Street, and Descanso Street, Downey, Los Angeles County, CA

  10. Overview and Status of the Los Alamos PSR Injection Upgrade Project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fitzgerald, D. H.; Ahn, H.; Blind, B.; Borden, M. J.; Macek, R. J.; Neri, F.; Rose, C. R.; Thiessen, H. A.; Wilkinson, C. A.; Zumbro, M. V.


    An upgrade is in progress to the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (PSR) to allow direct injection of the H^- beam into the ring and provide a beam bump system to move the circulating beam off the stripper foil. The primary benefits of this upgrade are matching the transverse phase space of the injected beam to the PSR acceptance and reduction of foil hits by the circulating beam by a factor of ten. Foil thickness is optimized to minimize the combination of circulating-beam losses plus losses due to excited H^0 states produced at injection. An overall factor of four reduction in losses is expected. The project comprises extensive modifications of the injection line, the injection section of the ring, and the waste-beam transport line. We will discuss the goals of the project, present an overview of the technical design, and describe the status of the implementation plan.

  11. Los Angeles Community Colleges Information Digest [1998-99].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kelly, Dexter; Prather, George

    This digest presents information about the Los Angeles Community Colleges and their students using tables, charts, and narrative text that emphasize trends and changes during the past twenty years. Statistical highlights include: (1) in 1998, Los Angeles Community College enrollment declined by 45 students overall (East and Valley had the highest…

  12. Conceptos Basicos Sobre el Propano (in Spanish)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    El propano provee energia a mas de 143.000 vehiculos en los Estados Unidos y 23 millones en todo el mundo. Flotas de todos los Estados Unidos han implementado con exito el uso de vehiculos que funcionan con gas propano, y en la actualidad varios funcionan gracias a este gas, incluyendo autobuses escolares, lanzaderas y autobuses publicos, asi como tambien furgonetas, taxis, vehiculos utilizados por las fuerzas del orden, barredoras de calles y camiones para uso profesional. El propano tambien se utiliza con frecuencia en aplicaciones fuera de la carretera, tales como montacargas, podadoras y equipos de uso profesional y otrosmore » equipos agricolas. Las ventajas del propano incluyen la disponibilidad interna, su rendimiento y el hecho de que genera menos emisiones de gases contaminantes que otras alternativas energeticas.« less

  13. Los Alamos Explosives Performance Key to Stockpile Stewardship

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dattelbaum, Dana


    As the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent ages, one essential factor in making sure that the weapons will continue to perform as designed is understanding the fundamental properties of the high explosives that are part of a nuclear weapons system. As nuclear weapons go through life extension programs, some changes may be advantageous, particularly through the addition of what are known as "insensitive" high explosives that are much less likely to accidentally detonate than the already very safe "conventional" high explosives that are used in most weapons. At Los Alamos National Laboratory explosives research includes a wide variety of both large- andmore » small-scale experiments that include small contained detonations, gas and powder gun firings, larger outdoor detonations, large-scale hydrodynamic tests, and at the Nevada Nuclear Security Site, underground sub-critical experiments.« less

  14. El Proyecto Gémini: informe actualizado y técnica de observación

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sahade, J.; Lapasset, E.; Levato, H.

    Se describirá la situación actual en lo que se refiere al desarrollo del Proyecto Gémini en cuanto a su estructura, faz constructiva y programación general. Se informará sobre los planes a desarrollar en el tiempo de verificación científica y puesta a punto del instrumental, a partir de la primera imagen que se obtenga con el telescopio Gemini Norte. Se presentará, además, el plan operativo para observar con los telescopios Gemini tal cual está concebido hasta la fecha, describiéndose el proceso desde el mismo momento en que un investigador decide presentar una propuesta para observar con uno de los telescopios, hasta el archivo y derechos de propiedad sobre los datos. Se decribe también el ``soft" denominado Observing Tool (OT) que es clave en la planificación científica de Gemini y que puede ser utilizado ``off-line" en cualquier PC con un entorno windows.

  15. A Sailor in the Los Alamos Navy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Judd, D. L.; Meade, Roger Allen

    As part of the War Department’s Manhattan Engineer District (MED), Los Alamos was an Army installation during World War II, complete with a base commander and a brace of MPs. But it was a unique Army installation, having more civilian then military personnel. Even more unique was the work performed by the civilian population, work that required highly educated scientists and engineers. As the breadth, scope, and complexity of the Laboratory’s work increased, more and more technically educated and trained personnel were needed. But, the manpower needs of the nation’s war economy had created a shortage of such people. Tomore » meet its manpower needs, the MED scoured the ranks of the Army for anyone who had technical training and reassigned these men to its laboratories, including Los Alamos, as part of its Special Engineer Detachment (SED). Among the SEDs assigned to Los Alamos was Val Fitch, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1980. Another was Al Van Vessem, who helped stack the TNT for the 100 ton test, bolted together the Trinity device, and rode shotgun with the bomb has it was driven from Los Alamos to ground zero.« less

  16. New Generation of Los Alamos Opacity Tables

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Colgan, James; Kilcrease, D. P.; Magee, N. H.; Sherrill, M. E.; Abdallah, J.; Hakel, P.; Fontes, C. J.; Guzik, J. A.; Mussack, K. A.


    We present a new generation of Los Alamos OPLIB opacity tables that have been computed using the ATOMIC code. Our tables have been calculated for all 30 elements from hydrogen through zinc and are publicly available through our website. In this poster we discuss the details of the calculations that underpin the new opacity tables. We also show several recent applications of the use of our opacity tables to solar modeling and other astrophysical applications. In particular, we demonstrate that use of the new opacities improves the agreement between solar models and helioseismology, but does not fully resolve the long-standing `solar abundance' problem. The Los Alamos National Laboratory is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC5206NA25396.

  17. Glitches in Los Angeles Payroll System Spark Furor

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Trotter, Andrew


    Thousands of Los Angeles teachers have not been paid properly for months because of errors in a corporate-style payroll system that was introduced in January as part of a sweeping, $95 million computer modernization. The Los Angeles Unified School District acknowledges that the payroll system's rollout was rushed and tainted by numerous…

  18. Genetics and molecular specificity of sialylation of Histophilus somni lipooligosaccharide (LOS) and the effect of LOS sialylation on Toll-like receptor-4 signaling.


    Howard, Michael D; Willis, Lisa; Wakarchuk, Warren; St Michael, Frank; Cox, Andrew; Horne, William T; Hontecillas, Raquel; Bassaganya-Riera, Josep; Lorenz, Eva; Inzana, Thomas J


    Histophilus somni is an etiologic agent of bovine respiratory and systemic diseases. Most pathogenic strains of H. somni that have been tested (36 of 42) are able to utilize N-acetyl-5-neuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) to sialylate their lipooligosaccharide (LOS). Homologs of all the genes required for transport, metabolism, and regulation of Neu5Ac in Haemophilus influenzae were identified in the sequenced genomes of H. somni. Three open reading frames (ORFs) in H. somni strain 2336 were identified that contained homology to genes required for LOS sialylation in related bacteria. ORF-1 (hssT-I), ORF-2 (hssT-II), and ORF-3 (neuA(Hs)) were predicted to encode for putative proteins with 37% amino acid homology to an α-(2-3)-sialyltransferase in H. influenzae, 43% amino acid homology to an Haemophilus ducreyi sialyltransferase, and 72% amino acid homology to an H. influenzae CMP-Neu5Ac synthetase, respectively. The specific enzyme activity of each ORF was determined using synthetic acceptor substrates. The HssT-I sialyltransferase primarily sialylated N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc, Gal-β-[1-4]-GlcNAc-R), which is expressed on strain 2336, whereas HssT-II preferentially sialylated lacto-N-biose (LNB, Gal-β-[1-3]-GlcNAc-R), which is expressed on a phase variant of strain 2336: strain 738. Phase variation of the terminal galactose linkage in strain 738 from β-(1-3)-(LNB) to β-(1-4)-(LacNAc) was confirmed using monoclonal antibody reactivity and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Sialylated LOS induced significantly less chemokine response from macrophages derived from Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 knockout mice than from de-sialylated LOS. Furthermore, sialylated LOS induced significantly less NF-κB activity from mouse-derived bone marrow macrophages than de-sialylated LOS. Therefore, sialylation inhibited LOS signaling through TLR-4. In conclusion, H. somni utilizes linkage-specific sialyltransferases to sialylate its LOS to avoid innate host defense mechanisms despite

  19. Cloning and characterization of LOS1, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene that affects tRNA splicing.


    Hurt, D J; Wang, S S; Lin, Y H; Hopper, A K


    Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains carrying los1-1 mutations are defective in tRNA processing; at 37 degrees C, such strains accumulate tRNA precursors which have mature 5' and 3' ends but contain intervening sequences. Strains bearing los1-1 and an intron-containing ochre-suppressing tRNA gene, SUP4(0), also fail to suppress the ochre mutations ade2-1(0) and can1-100(0) at 34 degrees C. To understand the role of the LOS1 product in tRNA splicing, we initiated a molecular study of the LOS1 gene. Two plasmids, YEpLOS1 and YCpLOS1, that complement the los1-1 phenotype were isolated from the YEp24 and YCp50 libraries, respectively. YEpLOS1 and YCpLOS1 had overlapping restriction maps, indicating that the DNA in the overlapping segment could complement los1-1 when present in multiple or single copy. Integration of plasmid DNA at the LOS1 locus confirmed that these clones contained authentic LOS1 sequences. Southern analyses showed that LOS1 is a single copy gene. The locations of the LOS1 gene within YEpLOS1 and YCpLOS1 were determined by deletion and gamma-delta mapping. Two genomic disruptions of the LOS1 gene were constructed, i.e., an insertion of a 1.2-kilobase fragment carrying the yeast URA3 gene, los1::URA3, and a 2.4-kilobase deletion from the LOS1 gene, los1-delta V. Disruption or deletion of most of the LOS1 gene was not lethal; cells carrying the disrupted los1 alleles were viable and had phenotypes similar to those of cells carrying the los1-1 allele. Thus, it appears that the los1 gene product expedites tRNA splicing at elevated temperatures but is not essential for this process.

  20. The food environment and student weight status, Los Angeles County, 2008-2009.


    Langellier, Brent A


    One factor believed to affect overweight status is the food environment, or the distribution of outlets that serve healthful or unhealthful foods in residential areas, workplaces, and schools. Few studies have investigated the association between the food environment and the prevalence of overweight among children and adolescents. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between the distribution of corner stores and fast food restaurants around Los Angeles County public schools and the prevalence of overweight among students. Hierarchical linear models were used to assess the association between the presence of corner stores or fast food restaurants within a half-mile of Los Angeles County schools (N = 1,694) and overweight prevalence among students in grades 5, 7, and 9. The presence of corner stores and fast food restaurants varied significantly by schools' racial/ethnic composition, Title 1 eligibility, and rural/suburban vs urban location. After adjustment for other factors, overweight prevalence was 1.6 percentage points higher at majority-Latino schools that had at least 1 corner store within a half-mile than at majority-Latino schools that did not have a corner store within a half-mile. The association between corner stores and overweight prevalence varied significantly between majority-Latino schools and schools that were majority-white or that had no racial/ethnic majority. The presence of fast food restaurants within a half-mile of schools was not associated with overweight prevalence among students. This study underscores the importance of interventions that seek to improve the healthfulness of corner store inventories and of student purchases.

  1. Risk Factors for Prolonged Length of Stay or Complications During Pediatric Respiratory Hospitalizations.


    Kaiser, Sunitha V; Bakel, Leigh-Anne; Okumura, Megumi J; Auerbach, Andrew D; Rosenthal, Jennifer; Cabana, Michael D


    Respiratory illnesses are the leading cause of pediatric hospitalizations in the United States, and a major focus of efforts to improve quality of care. Understanding factors associated with poor outcomes will allow better targeting of interventions for improving care. The objective of this study was to identify patient and hospital factors associated with prolonged length of stay (LOS) or complications during pediatric hospitalizations for asthma or lower respiratory infection (LRI). Cross-sectional study of hospitalizations of patients <18 years with asthma or LRI (bronchiolitis, influenza, or pneumonia) by using the nationally representative 2012 Kids Inpatient Database. We used multivariable logistic regression models to identify factors associated with prolonged LOS (>90th percentile) or complications (noninvasive ventilation, mechanical ventilation, or death). For asthma hospitalizations(n = 85 320), risks for both prolonged LOS and complications were increased with each year of age (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 1.06, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.05-1.07; AOR 1.05, 95% CI 1.03-1.07, respectively for each outcome) and in children with chronic conditions (AOR 4.87, 95% CI 4.15-5.70; AOR 21.20, 95% CI 15.20-29.57, respectively). For LRI hospitalizations (n = 204 950), risks for prolonged LOS and complications were decreased with each year of age (AOR 0.98, 95% CI 0.97-0.98; AOR 0.95, 95% CI 0.94-0.96, respectively) and increased in children with chronic conditions (AOR 9.86, 95% CI 9.03-10.76; AOR 56.22, 95% CI 46.60-67.82, respectively). Risks for prolonged LOS for asthma were increased in large hospitals (AOR 1.67, 95% CI 1.32-2.11) and urban-teaching hospitals (AOR 1.62, 95% CI 1.33-1.97). Older children with asthma, younger children with LRI, children with chronic conditions, and those hospitalized in large urban-teaching hospitals are more vulnerable to prolonged LOS and complications. Future research and policy efforts should evaluate and support

  2. Let Book Joy Begin @ Your Library[R]!: Ten Years of El Dia de los Ninos/El Dia de los Libros

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Roy, Loriene


    Ten years ago, in 1996, poet and children's book author, Pat Mora began celebrating "book joy" by founding a children's book and reading day, El Dia de los Ninos/El Dia de los Libros or Children's Day/Book Day. Dia is modeled on National Children's Day Celebrations in Mexico held since 1925 when it was launched in conjunction with a…

  3. Los Alamos National Laboratory Overview

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Neu, Mary

    Mary Neu, Associate Director for Chemistry, Life and Earth Sciences at Los Alamos National Laboratory, delivers opening remarks at the "Sequencing, Finishing, Analysis in the Future" meeting in Santa Fe, NM.

  4. Effective birth control use among women at risk for unintended pregnancy in Los Angeles, California.


    Phares, Tanya M; Cui, Yan; Baldwin, Susie


    Identifying sociodemographic and health-related risk factors associated with more effective versus less effective birth control use can help to identify barriers to effective birth control use and decrease risk for unintended pregnancy. Data used were from the 2007 Los Angeles County Health Survey. More effective birth control use was assessed among women ages 18 to 49, who were at risk for unintended pregnancy, residing in Los Angeles County. The study population consisted of 849 women. Multivariate associations of more effective birth control use with sociodemographic and health factors were assessed in logistic regression models. All analyses used weighted data. Women who used a more effective birth control method at last act of coitus were less likely to be Black (odds ratio [OR], 0.33) or Asian/Pacific Islander (OR, 0.49), have less than a high school education (OR, 0.33), be a smoker (OR, 0.52), and have public insurance (OR, 0.47) than women using a less effective birth control method. They were more likely to have received a pap test (OR, 2.66), describe their health as fair or poor (OR, 2.39), and have a household income of 200% to 299% of the federal poverty level (OR, 2.25) than women using a less effective birth control method. Sociodemographic factors, some of which underlie cultural diversity, predict the use of more effective birth control methods and should be considered when providing family planning services and preconception health counseling to unique populations. Copyright © 2012 Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. 40 CFR 81.17 - Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality Control Region.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 17 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality...) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) DESIGNATION OF AREAS FOR AIR QUALITY PLANNING PURPOSES Designation of Air Quality Control Regions § 81.17 Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality Control Region. The Metropolitan Los...

  6. 40 CFR 81.17 - Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality Control Region.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 17 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality...) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) DESIGNATION OF AREAS FOR AIR QUALITY PLANNING PURPOSES Designation of Air Quality Control Regions § 81.17 Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality Control Region. The Metropolitan Los...

  7. 40 CFR 81.17 - Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality Control Region.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality...) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) DESIGNATION OF AREAS FOR AIR QUALITY PLANNING PURPOSES Designation of Air Quality Control Regions § 81.17 Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality Control Region. The Metropolitan Los...

  8. 40 CFR 81.17 - Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality Control Region.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality...) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) DESIGNATION OF AREAS FOR AIR QUALITY PLANNING PURPOSES Designation of Air Quality Control Regions § 81.17 Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality Control Region. The Metropolitan Los...

  9. 40 CFR 81.17 - Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality Control Region.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality...) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) DESIGNATION OF AREAS FOR AIR QUALITY PLANNING PURPOSES Designation of Air Quality Control Regions § 81.17 Metropolitan Los Angeles Air Quality Control Region. The Metropolitan Los...

  10. Grupos españoles de cálculos ab initio de moléculas de interés astrofísico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yáñez, M.

    Pocos campos de la química están tan bien adaptados a la modelización por medio de los métodos teóricos de la Química Cuántica como la Astroquímica y la Química de la Atmósfera, donde las interacciones moleculares son, generalmente, lo suficientemente pequeñas para que el modelo de molécula aislada funcione muy bien. En España son varios los grupos teóricos que dedican su esfuerzo de investigación, o parte de él, al estudio de moléculas o procesos de interés en Astrofísica o en atmósferas planetarias. Presentaremos diferentes ejemplos paradigmáticos de esta actividad en la que se exploran desde aspectos estructurales, hasta aspectos espectroscópicos y dinámicos. Entre los últimos, cabe destacar estudios en los que se demuestra la importancia de procesos a dos estados, prohibidos por espín, en la formación astrofísica de diversos derivados de interés. En el tratamiento espectroscópico se han hecho esfuerzos interesantes, que han aunado teoría y experimento, en el estudio de sistemas relevantes desde el punto de vista atmosférico, como los hidratos de ácido nítrico, o el tratamiento espectroscópico de moléculas no rígidas. No menos interesantes son los estudios de fotoabsorción de radicales o de procesos multifotónicos. Son particularmente abundantes los estudios dedicados a la reactividad específica de sistemas de interés astrofísico o atmosférico, con el objetivo de esclarecer vías de formación de determinados compuestos o de proporcionar mecanismos que permitan identificar las etapas reactivas limitantes de reacciones de interés en esos medios y sobre los que no existía información previa. Así, por ejemplo, se han publicado interesantes estudios sobre la formación o propiedades de compuestos de fósforo, de silico o de azufre o sobre mecanismos de reacción en los que intervienen el ozono, el radical nitrato, el radical OH u otras especies. Finalmente, son también particularmente relevantes los estudios que varios

  11. Cloning and characterization of LOS1, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene that affects tRNA splicing.

    PubMed Central

    Hurt, D J; Wang, S S; Lin, Y H; Hopper, A K


    Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains carrying los1-1 mutations are defective in tRNA processing; at 37 degrees C, such strains accumulate tRNA precursors which have mature 5' and 3' ends but contain intervening sequences. Strains bearing los1-1 and an intron-containing ochre-suppressing tRNA gene, SUP4(0), also fail to suppress the ochre mutations ade2-1(0) and can1-100(0) at 34 degrees C. To understand the role of the LOS1 product in tRNA splicing, we initiated a molecular study of the LOS1 gene. Two plasmids, YEpLOS1 and YCpLOS1, that complement the los1-1 phenotype were isolated from the YEp24 and YCp50 libraries, respectively. YEpLOS1 and YCpLOS1 had overlapping restriction maps, indicating that the DNA in the overlapping segment could complement los1-1 when present in multiple or single copy. Integration of plasmid DNA at the LOS1 locus confirmed that these clones contained authentic LOS1 sequences. Southern analyses showed that LOS1 is a single copy gene. The locations of the LOS1 gene within YEpLOS1 and YCpLOS1 were determined by deletion and gamma-delta mapping. Two genomic disruptions of the LOS1 gene were constructed, i.e., an insertion of a 1.2-kilobase fragment carrying the yeast URA3 gene, los1::URA3, and a 2.4-kilobase deletion from the LOS1 gene, los1-delta V. Disruption or deletion of most of the LOS1 gene was not lethal; cells carrying the disrupted los1 alleles were viable and had phenotypes similar to those of cells carrying the los1-1 allele. Thus, it appears that the los1 gene product expedites tRNA splicing at elevated temperatures but is not essential for this process. Images PMID:3031485

  12. Estereotipos Sexuales y su Relación con Conductas Sexuales Riesgosas1,2,3

    PubMed Central

    Pérez-Jiménez, David; Orengo-Aguayo, Rosaura E.


    Resumen Los estereotipos sexuales son creencias generalmente aceptadas y poco cuestionadas que podrían contribuir a cómo los hombres y las mujeres debemos expresar nuestra sexualidad. Los objetivos de este estudio eran identificar cuántos hombres y mujeres heterosexuales en Puerto Rico endosaban ciertos estereotipos acerca de la sexualidad masculina y femenina y explorar la relación entre el endoso de estos estereotipos sexuales y las actitudes hacia el condón masculino y su uso en relaciones sexuales vaginales Llevamos a cabo un estudio descriptivo-correlacional mediante el cual le administramos dos escalas, una sobre sexualidad masculina y otra sobre sexualidad femenina a un grupo de 429 personas heterosexuales. Encontramos que los hombres endosaron estereotipos sexuales masculinos y femeninos más que las mujeres y que estos tienden a tener una visión más conservadora respecto a la sexualidad femenina que la que tienen sobre su propia sexualidad. Las mujeres, por otra parte, tienden a ver su propia sexualidad y la sexualidad masculina en términos menos estereotipados y más equitativos. También encontramos que a mayor endoso de creencias tradicionales sobre la sexualidad masculina y femenina, peor la actitud hacia el uso del condón masculino. Sin embargo, el endosar estereotipos sexuales masculinos y/o femeninos no se relacionó con el uso del condón. Estos hallazgos contradicen la literatura que sugiere que estos estereotipos sexuales y de género resultan en conductas sexuales de alto riesgo, lo cual tiene implicaciones importantes para el desarrollo e implementación de programas de prevención. PMID:24575164

  13. Risk factors for medication errors in the electronic and manual prescription.


    Volpe, Cris Renata Grou; Melo, Eveline Maria Magalhães de; Aguiar, Lucas Barbosa de; Pinho, Diana Lúcia Moura; Stival, Marina Morato


    ,5%/31,5%), respectivamente. Por outro lado, os fatores de risco "não checar" e "falta de CRM do prescritor" aumentaram. A ausência de registro de alergia e as ocorrências em relação aos medicamentos são equivalentes para os dois grupos. de maneira geral, a utilização do sistema de prescrição eletrônica foi associada à redução significativa dos fatores de risco para erros de medicação nos seguintes aspectos: ilegibilidade, prescrição com nome comercial e presença de itens essenciais que proporcionam prescrição eficaz e segura. comparar las prescripciones electrónicas y manuales de un hospital público del Distrito Federal, identificando los factores de riesgo para la ocurrencia de errores de medicación. estudio descriptivo exploratorio, comparativo y retrospectivo. La recolección de datos ocurrió en el período de julio de 2012 a enero de 2013, a través de instrumento para revisión de las informaciones referentes al proceso de medicación contenidas en fichas médicas. Integraron la muestra 190 fichas médicas manuales y 199 electrónicas, con 2.027 prescripciones cada una. en la comparación con la prescripción manual, se observó reducción significativa de los factores de riesgo después de la implantación de la electrónica, en ítems como "falta de la forma de dilución" (71,1% y 22,3%) y "prescripción con nombre comercial" (99,5%/31,5%), respectivamente. Por otro lado, los factores de riesgo "no verificar" y "falta de CRM del prescriptor" aumentaron. La ausencia de registro de alergia y las ocurrencias en relación a los medicamentos son equivalentes para los dos grupos. de manera general, la utilización del sistema de prescripción electrónica fue asociada a reducción significativa de los factores de riesgo para errores de medicación en los siguientes aspectos: ilegibilidad, prescripción con nombre comercial y presencia de ítems esenciales que proporcionan prescripción eficaz y segura.

  14. Late-onset neonatal sepsis, risk factors and interventions: an analysis of recurrent outbreaks of Serratia marcescens, 2006-2011.


    Samuelsson, A; Isaksson, B; Hanberger, H; Olhager, E


    Between 2006 and 2011, 11 patients with Serratia marcescens sepsis and 47 patients colonized due to the spread of various clones were observed. These recurrent clusters brought about interventions to reduce spread between patients. To evaluate the effect of stepwise interventions to prevent S. marcescens colonization/sepsis and to analyse risk factors for late-onset sepsis (LOS). An open retrospective observational study was performed to evaluate the interventions. A retrospective case-control study was performed to analyse the risk factors for LOS. S. marcescens sepsis and colonization decreased after the stepwise adoption of hygiene interventions. Low gestational age, low birth weight, indwelling central venous or umbilical catheter, and ventilator treatment were identified as risk factors for LOS. Compliance with basic hygiene guidelines was the only intervention monitored continuously from late 2007. Compliance increased gradually to a steady high level in early 2009. There was a decrease in S. marcescens LOS, clustering after the second quarter of 2008. After the first quarter of 2009, S. marcescens colonization decreased. It was not possible to identify the specific effects of each intervention, but it is likely that an update of the hospital's antibiotic policy affected the occurrence of S. marcescens LOS. The delayed effect of interventions on S. marcescens colonization was probably due to the time it takes for new routines to have an effect, illustrated by the gradual increase in compliance with basic hygiene guidelines. Copyright © 2013 The Healthcare Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Socio-demographic characteristics and factors associated with hospitalization in psychiatry of old age patients: an international comparison between Ireland and Turkey.


    Carpar, Elif; McCarthy, Geraldine; Adamis, Dimitrios; Donmezler, Gizem; Cesur, Ender; Fistikci, Nurhan


    Taking predictors of hospitalization characteristics into consideration internationally would broaden our understanding of this population on a local basis. We aimed to examine and compare socio-demographic profiles along with hospitalization characteristics including length of hospital stay (LOS), reasons for admission and diagnoses among older adult inpatients hospitalized in Ireland and Turkey, and to assess factors predicting these features. The admission charts of 356 psychiatric inpatients over 65 years of age who were admitted to two different acute psychiatric hospitals (Sligo/Ireland and Istanbul/Turkey) were analysed by means of descriptive modalities and logistic regression. There were significant differences in several domains of socio-demographics, reasons of admission and diagnoses. LOS was significantly longer in Ireland. Living alone was the only significant predictor for longer LOS in both countries, whereas in addition to living alone, younger age was also a contributor for longer LOS in Turkey. Given that the only factor predicting LOS both in Turkey and Ireland was living alone, helping to identify more acceptable ways of providing social support for living arrangements constitutes an important service to shorten LOS in old age psychiatric population. It is possible to infer that independent from the cultural diversities, living arrangement is a consistent entity to influence length of hospital stay in older adult population.

  16. Guía para la evaluación del riesgo de los polinizadores

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La Guía para la evaluación del riesgo de los polinizadores de la EPA es parte de una estrategia de la evaluación de los riesgos que presentan los pesticidas para las abejas a fin de mejorar la protección de los polinizadores.

  17. Modelo analítico del efecto de PRS sobre satélites GPS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meza, A.; Brunini, C.; Usandivaras, J. C.

    El sistema GPS (Global Position System) es, hoy en día, la herramienta de navegación y posicionamiento más potente y lo será sin duda en la próxima década. Gran parte de su valiosa utilidad se debe a la alta precisión que permite lograr y ésta, a su vez, depende, entre otras causas, de la precisión con que se conocen las órbitas de los satélites. La presión de radiación solar (PRS) fija el límite de la precisión con que pueden calcularse en la actualidad las efemérides satelitarias. El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer una mejor resolución de este fenómeno. El modelo analítico aquí presentado, se basa en el análisis del comportamiento de los residuos de un ajuste por mínimos cuadrados en el que se utiliza el modelo de PRS propuesto por Beutler. El mismo consiste en un modelo determinista del fenómeno con dos parámetros libres. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que, aún después de aplicar dichos parámetros, prevalecen en los residuos efectos semidiurnos en las componentes radial,tangencial y normal. Estos resultados obtenidos se comparan con los de un trabajo desarrollado por el Instituto de Berne (Beutler et al., 1994), en el que se utilizaron como pseudo-observaciones las órbitas precisas del IGS (CODE). El intervalo de integración escogido por este centro fueron las semanas 680 y 681. En resumen se tienen arcos de 14 días para todos los satélites, donde las efemérides precisas de los mismos para los 14 días fueron utilizados como pseudo-observaciones. El modelo de fuerza que empleó dicho centro fue básicamente el tradicional en lo que respecta al modelo de las fuerzas gravitacionales, y para la PRS utilizo el modelo standard de Beutler. Los parámetros de este modelo junto con las 6 condiciones iniciales (posición y velocidad) fueron ajustados por el método general de mínimos cuadrados. Los residuos en la componente radial, tangencial y normal, para los satélites con un buen comportamiento, presentan una

  18. El Proyecto Sismico "LARSE" - Trabajando Hacia un Futuro con Mas Seguridad para Los Angeles

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Henyey, Thomas L.; Fuis, Gary S.; Benthien, Mark L.; Burdette, Thomas R.; Christofferson, Shari A.; Clayton, Robert W.; Criley, Edward E.; Davis, Paul M.; Hendley, James W.; Kohler, Monica D.; Lutter, William J.; McRaney, John K.; Murphy, Janice M.; Okaya, David A.; Ryberg, Trond; Simila, Gerald W.; Stauffer, Peter H.


    La region de Los Angeles contiene una red de fallas activas, incluyendo muchas fallas por empuje que son profundas y no rompen la superficie de la tierra. Estas fallas ocultas incluyen la falla anteriormente desconocida que fue responsable por la devastacion que ocurrio durante el terremoto de Northridge en enero de 1994, el terremoto mas costoso en la historia de los Estados Unidos. El Experimento Sismico en la Region de Los Angeles (Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment, LARSE), esta localizando los peligros ocultos de los terremotos debajo de la region de Los Angeles para mejorar la construccion de las estructuras que pueden apoyar terremotos que son inevitables en el futuro, y que ayudaran a los cientificos determinar donde occurira el sacudimento mas fuerte y poderoso.

  19. Labor Force Participation of Mexican Elderly: the Importance of Health*

    PubMed Central

    van Gameren, Edwin


    Se analizan los factores determinantes de la participación en la fuerza de trabajo de la póblacion mexicana de 50 años o más, con datos de la Encuesta nacional sobre salud y envejecimiento en México, ENASEM. Se estudió en particular la importancia de la salud en la decisión sobre la participación, tomando en cuenta la endogeneidad potencial de la salud. Los resultados indican que una mejor salud causa un mayor apego al mercado laboral. No se encontró evidencia clara de que el empleo afecte la salud, pero no puede descartarse que los efectos de las malas condiciones laborales y la justificación se eliminen mutuamente. Existen indicadores de que la autoevaluación de la salud no captura todos los aspectos relevantes de la salud. En la toma de decisiones para establecer políticas, la importancia directa de las circunstancias financieras podría ser más relevante que el papel de la salud. The determinants of the labor force participation of people in Mexico aged 50 and over are analyzed using data of the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS). In particular we study the importance of health in the participation decision, taking into account the potential endogeneity of health. The results indicate that a better health causes a stronger attachment to the labor market. We find no clear evidence that employment affects health, but it cannot be ruled out that the effects of bad labor circumstances and justification eliminate each other. There are indications that self-assessed health does not capture all relevant aspects of health. For policy decisions the direct importance of financial circumstances could be more relevant than the role of health. PMID:29375171

  20. Labor Force Participation of Mexican Elderly: the Importance of Health.


    van Gameren, Edwin


    Se analizan los factores determinantes de la participación en la fuerza de trabajo de la póblacion mexicana de 50 años o más, con datos de la Encuesta nacional sobre salud y envejecimiento en México, ENASEM. Se estudió en particular la importancia de la salud en la decisión sobre la participación, tomando en cuenta la endogeneidad potencial de la salud. Los resultados indican que una mejor salud causa un mayor apego al mercado laboral. No se encontró evidencia clara de que el empleo afecte la salud, pero no puede descartarse que los efectos de las malas condiciones laborales y la justificación se eliminen mutuamente. Existen indicadores de que la autoevaluación de la salud no captura todos los aspectos relevantes de la salud. En la toma de decisiones para establecer políticas, la importancia directa de las circunstancias financieras podría ser más relevante que el papel de la salud. The determinants of the labor force participation of people in Mexico aged 50 and over are analyzed using data of the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS). In particular we study the importance of health in the participation decision, taking into account the potential endogeneity of health. The results indicate that a better health causes a stronger attachment to the labor market. We find no clear evidence that employment affects health, but it cannot be ruled out that the effects of bad labor circumstances and justification eliminate each other. There are indications that self-assessed health does not capture all relevant aspects of health. For policy decisions the direct importance of financial circumstances could be more relevant than the role of health.

  1. Starting school healthy and ready to learn: using social indicators to improve school readiness in Los Angeles County.


    Wold, Cheryl; Nicholas, Will


    School readiness is an important public health outcome, determined by a set of interdependent health and developmental trajectories and influenced by a child's family, school, and community environments. The same factors that influence school readiness also influence educational success and health throughout life. A California cigarette tax ballot initiative (Proposition 10) created new resources for children aged 0 to 5 years and their families statewide through county-level First 5 commissions, including First 5 LA in Los Angeles County. An opportunity to define and promote school readiness indicators was facilitated by collaborative relationships with a strong emphasis on data among First 5 LA, the Children's Planning Council, and the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, and other child-serving organizations. A workgroup developed school readiness goals and indicators based on recommendations of the National Education Goals Panel and five key domains of child well-being: 1) good health, 2) safety and survival, 3) economic well-being, 4) social and emotional well-being, and 5) education/workforce readiness. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and First 5 LA Commission adopted the school readiness indicators. First 5 LA incorporated the indicators into the results-based accountability framework for its strategic plan and developed a community-oriented report designed to educate and spur school readiness-oriented action. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a countywide consensus-building plan designed to engage key stakeholders in the use of the indicators for planning, evaluation, and community-building activities. School readiness indicators in Los Angeles County represent an important step forward for public health practice, namely, the successful blending of an expanded role for assessment with the ecological model.

  2. Risks for abuse against pregnant Hispanic women: Morelos, Mexico and Los Angeles County, California.


    Castro, Roberto; Peek-Asa, Corinne; García, Lorena; Ruiz, Agustín; Kraus, Jess F


    Although violence against women is gaining international attention as a prevention priority, little is known about how risks differ across countries. A comparative study of violence against pregnant Mexican women in Morelos, Mexico, and Latina women in Los Angeles County, California, United States. In 1998 and 1999, women in prenatal clinics were interviewed about psychological abuse and sexual and physical violence by their partner, during and the 1 year prior to the index pregnancy. The overall response rate for Morelos was 99%, with a sample size of 914; Los Angeles County had a response rate of 96.9%, with a sample size of 219. Women in Morelos reported a higher prevalence of violence compared to women in the California (14.8% v 11.9%, respectively). A partner aged <20 years was associated with increased violence in both countries, but the association of violence with other socioeconomic factors differed by country. For example, employed women had higher odds of violence in California but lower odds in Morelos. Women who experienced violence during both the year prior to pregnancy and as a child were more than 25 times more likely to be abused during pregnancy than women not reporting this type of abuse. The identification of factors associated with violence against women, especially as they differ by culture and ethnicity, will help clinicians to better identify victims and to design and implement culturally appropriate prevention programs.

  3. Using Research to Improve College Readiness: A Research Partnership between the Los Angeles Unified School District and the Los Angeles Education Research Institute

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Phillips, Meredith; Yamashiro, Kyo; Farrukh, Adina; Lim, Cynthia; Hayes, Katherine; Wagner, Nicole; White, Jeffrey; Chen, Hansheng


    The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) serves a large majority of socioeconomically disadvantaged students who are struggling academically and are underprepared for high school graduation and college. This article describes the partnership between LAUSD and the Los Angeles Education Research Institute, and how this collaboration endeavors…

  4. Los incendios y su salud

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    El humo de los incendios puede tener un efecto adverso en la salud de las personas, especialmente en aquellas que padecen de enfermedades cardíacas y pulmonares. Vea cómo minimizar su exposición al humo.

  5. Obtenga más información sobre la etiqueta Safer Choice

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Entérese más acerca del programa EPA Diseño para el medio ambiente, incluyendo información sobre su historia, proyectos anteriores y otros programas de la EPA que están relacionados con este programa.

  6. "Los Ninos y los Libros": Noteworthy Books in Spanish for the Very Young.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schon, Isabel


    Reviews 15 children's books in Spanish. Titles reviewed include: "Perro y gato [Dog and Cat]" (Ricardo Alcantara); "Baldomero va a la escuela [Baldomero goes to School]" (Alain Broutin); "Duerme bien, pequeno oso [Sleep well, Little Bear]" (Quint Buchholz); "El mas bonito de todos los regales del mundo [The Most Beautiful Gift in the World]…

  7. SEDs at Los Alamos: A Personal Memoir

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bederson, Benjamin


    I have written this personal memoir approximately 55 years after the events I describe. It is based almost exclusively on memory, since apart from the diary I kept while on Tinian, I have few documents concerning it. It covers my service in the U.S. Army's Special Engineering Detachment (SED) in Oak Ridge and Los Alamos in 1944-45, on Tinian island, the launching pad for the bombing raids on Japan, in the summer and fall of 1945, and my return to Los Alamos until my discharge in January 1946.

  8. Regulación del flujo sanguíneo uterino. II. Funciones de estrógeno y receptores estrogénicos α/β en acciones genómicas y no-genómicas del endotelio uterino *

    PubMed Central

    Mayra, Pastore R.; Rosalina, Villalón L.; López, Gladys; Iruretagoyena, Jesús; Magness, Ronald


    Resumen El embarazo está marcado por cambios y adaptaciones cardiovasculares que son importantes para el crecimiento y mantenimiento de la placenta y el feto. Durante este periodo, las adaptaciones vasculares uterinas manifiestan cambios clasificados como de corto o largo plazo los cuales están relacionados con adaptaciones vasodilatadoras, angiogénicas o de remodelación. El estrógeno y los receptores estrogénicos clásicos (REs), RE-α y RE-β, han demostrado ser parcialmente responsables por facilitar el incremento dramático en el fluido sanguíneo uterino necesario durante el embarazo. En ésta revisión bibliográfica se discuten la base estructural para la diversidad y selectividad funcional de los REs por el estrógeno, el papel de los REs sobre los efectos genómicos y no-genómicos en células endoteliales de arterias uterinas (CEAU). Estos temas integran el conocimiento científico sobre la regulación molecular de CEAU para mantener el incremento fisiológico en la perfusión útero-placentaria observada durante un embarazo normal. PMID:26113751


    PubMed Central

    Zwareva Mashiri, Elizabeth C.


    Este artículo reporta un estudio realizado en las ciudades de La Paz, Cochabamba, y Santa Cruz en Bolivia. Interesaba saber cuál era la situación de la bioética en Bolivia y cómo se estaba protegiendo a los sujetos de investigación. Luego de revisar algunos conceptos bioéticos, la legislación boliviana y los métodos del estudio, se dan a conocer los resultados del mismo, los cuales revelan gran desconocimiento respecto de cómo proteger los derechos de los sujetos, por la casi ausencia o el inadecuado funcionamiento de los comités de ética de la investigación. PMID:20802822

  10. Dialect Contact among Spanish-Speaking Children in Los Angeles

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Villarreal, Belen MacGregor


    As an immigration hub for a diverse group of Spanish speakers, Los Angeles lends itself to research on dialect contact and leveling. Studies regarding the Spanish spoken by natives of Los Angeles reveal considerable homogeneity with respect to pronunciation, vocabulary and terms of address. This uniformity is notable because two different dialect…

  11. Epidemiology of pancreas cancer in Los Angeles

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mack, T.M.; Paganini-Hill, A.

    The characteristics of the 3614 Los Angeles County residents in whom cancer of the exocrine pancreas was diagnosed during the period 1972-1977 were compared with those of all county residents and patients in whom any cancer was diagnosed during the same period. Seventy-nine percent of the diagnoses had been pathologically verified. This disease still preferentially afflicts the old, the black, and men, although the differences in risk with factors other than age are modest. The disease is not evenly distributed by social class, or over time, although it is not clear that the observed differences reflect etiology. The distributions withmore » respect to important categories of occupation and industry, religion, marital status, geography of residence, and birthplace were rather uniform. Although there is no obvious explanation for any of several unexpected minor inequities in the pattern of incidence, there is no compelling evidence to support any specific environmental cause. There is substantial evidence which is inconsistent with those environmental hypotheses that have been proposed previously.« less

  12. Los Angeles County Poor Farm, Patient Wards 201, 202, 203, ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Los Angeles County Poor Farm, Patient Wards 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208 & 209 - Type A Plan, 7601 Imperial Highway; bounded by Esperanza Street, Hawthorn Avenue, Laurel Street, and Descanso Street, Downey, Los Angeles County, CA

  13. Effects of Sterilizing Agents on Microorganisms

    DTIC Science & Technology


    light increases with the incubation of Escherichia coli at 15, but the rate of in- 85. ESTUDIO DE LOS EFECTOS QUE PRODUCE duction of mutations...between the deoxyribonucleic acid content of a cell and its response to irradiation: 5-fluor- 86. ESTUDIO DE LOS EFECTOS QUE PRODUCE ouracil treated...EFFECTS OF ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT ON 84. ESTUDIO DE LOS EFECTOS QUE PRODUCE BACTERIA. III. ALTERATIONS IN THE LA LUZ ULTRAVIOLETA SOBRE LAS PHYSIOLOGICAL

  14. Notes on Los Alamos

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Meade, Roger Allen

    In 1954 an unknown author drafted a report, reprinted below, describing the Laboratory and the community as they existed in late 1953. This report, perhaps intended to be crafted into a public relations document, is valuable because it gives us an autobiographical look at Los Alamos during the first half of the 1950s. It has been edited to enhance readability.

  15. Coca-Cola Hispanic Education Fund: Los Angeles Program Description.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Los Angeles, CA.

    The Coca-Cola Hispanic Education Fund was created in response to the high school dropout problem in Los Angeles. The Fund enables the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Los Angeles to build upon the successful relationship it has developed in the Hispanic community and maximizes the effectiveness of existing student support programs by directing needy…

  16. Impact of socioeconomic factors on in-patient length of stay and their consequences in per case hospital payment systems.


    Perelman, Julian; Closon, Marie-Christine


    The number of countries adopting per case hospital payment systems has been continuously increasing in recent years. Nonetheless, debates persist regarding their consequences for equity of access to services. This concern relates to the failure of diagnostic classifications properly to take into account patients' care requirements, raising the threat of case selection ('cream skimming'). We examine the heterogeneity of costs within diagnostic categories related to socioeconomic (SE) factors using length of stay (LOS) as a proxy measure of care needs and costs. We evaluate its consequences in terms of fairness in resource allocation between hospitals. We employ data on all discharges in 2002-03 from a sample of 60 Belgian hospitals (617,275 observations), measuring the association between LOS and SE factors using generalized linear models. We design a resource allocation formula based on the Belgian financing scheme, where non-medical activity is paid based on a normative number of in-patient days, and measure financial penalties and rewards according to whether payment is adjusted for the SE characteristics of patients or not. Both patients' SE status and hospitals' area SE profile have a significant impact on LOS, which persists after controlling for detailed diagnostic and hospital characteristics. Hospitals treating low income patients are financially penalized as a result. SE factors are a predictor of in-patient LOS and should be taken into account in per case resource allocation among hospitals.

  17. Las Islas de los Changos (the Monkey Islands): the economic impact of ecotourism in the region of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico.


    Serio-Silva, Juan Carlos


    This study evaluates the popularity and economic impact of Las Islas de los Changos (the Monkey Islands) as an ecotourism site on Lake Catemaco in the Los Tuxtlas region of Veracruz, Mexico. Two small island colonies of exotic primates, stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides), have proved to be highly beneficial for the local economy as the main attraction for tourists in this region. From July 1991 to June 1992, data were collected on the number of tourists who took boat trips to visit the primates, and the amount of money spent on tours to the islands. The data suggest that at least 28,470 passengers visit these primate troops annually and spend approximately 88,970 U.S. dollars (USD). Follow-up questionnaires during July 1997 to June 2000 to hotelkeepers and tourist boat operators identified the Monkey Islands as the primary destination for tourists to this region. A comparison of the net income obtained by local ecotourism operators with wages earned through other types of employment in the Los Tuxtlas region, such as working in natural reserves, agriculture, or renting grazing land for cattle, show the relative importance of Las Islas de Los Changos in sustaining the local economy. 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  18. Factors Associated with HIV Viral Load in a Respondent Driven Sample in Los Angeles

    PubMed Central

    King, WD; Larkins, S; Hucks-Ortiz, C; Wang, J; Gorbach, P; Veniegas, R; Shoptaw, S


    This study used a modified version of the Behavioral Model for Vulnerable Populations to examine the predisposing, enabling, and need factors associated with detectable viral load (VL). HIV status was measured using saliva and confirmed by blood. Of 835 persons enrolled, 193 were HIV positive and provided VL counts. A multistage logistic regression demonstrated that the predisposing factors of homelessness and recent substance abuse, particularly methamphetamine abuse, had a negative association with VL. The negative association of homelessness was lessened with the introduction of enabling and need utilization factors in the model. In contrast, the negative association with recent substance abuse on VL was sustained in the final model. Provision of HIV care and medications attenuated the negative association of homelessness within this sample. Guided policy to address substance abuse among those who are HIV positive is needed to improve biological outcomes. PMID:18064555

  19. [Parenting Information: Drugs. Informacion Para los Padres: Sobre las Drojas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moreno, Steve

    These two booklets provide basic information about drugs and drug abuse and are part of a series of 22 booklets, designed specifically to help parents understand their children and help them to learn. "Let's Talk about Drug Abuse," (booklet #18), reviews foreign substances or drugs young people are often exposed to (i.e., tobacco,…

  20. Los Angeles Tries Luring Back Dropouts via Social Networks

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maxwell, Lesli A.


    This article reports that education leaders in Los Angeles, faced with unrelenting pressure to raise anemic high school graduation rates, are turning to YouTube, MySpace, text messaging, and the radio waves to reach students at risk of dropping out of school and lure back thousands who have already left. The Los Angeles Unified School…

  1. Beam Loss Measurements at the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Spickermann, Thomas


    During normal operation the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (PSR) accumulates up to 4ṡ1013 protons over 625μs with a repetition rate of 20 Hz, corresponding to a current of 125μA to the Lujan Neutron Science Center. Beam losses in the ring as well as in the extraction beam line and the subsequent activation of material are a limiting factor at these currents. Careful tuning of injection, ring and extraction line is paramount to limiting losses to acceptable levels. Losses are typically not uniform around the ring, but occur in significantly higher levels in certain "hot spots". Here I will report on losses related to the stripper foil which are the dominant source of losses in the ring. First results of a comparison with simulations will also be presented.

  2. Efectos combinados de la ampliación de la atención primaria de salud y de las transferencias condicionadas de dinero en efectivo sobre la mortalidad infantil en Brasil, 1998–2010*

    PubMed Central

    Guanais, Frederico C.


    Objetivos. Examiné los efectos combinados del acceso a la atención primaria mediante el Programa de Salud Familiar (PSF) y las transferencias condicionadas de dinero en efectivo del Programa Bolsa Familia (PBF) sobre la mortalidad infantil posneonatal (MIPN) en Brasil. Métodos. Empleé un análisis ecológico longitudinal usando datos en panel de 4 583 municipios brasileños de 1998 al 2010, con 54 253 observaciones en total. Estimé modelos de regresión de efectos fijos por mínimos cuadrados ordinarios, con la tasa de MIPN como la variable dependiente y el PSF, el PBF y sus interacciones como las principales variables independientes de interés. Resultados. La asociación de una mayor cobertura del PSF con una menor tasa de MIPN se volvió más fuerte conforme aumentaba la cobertura del PBF. En los promedios de todas las demás variables, cuando la cobertura de PBF era 25%, la MIPN predicha fue 5,24 (intervalo de confianza [IC] de 95% = 4,95, 5,53) para una cobertura del PSF de 0%, y de 3,54 (IC de 95% = 2,77, 4,31) para una cobertura del PSF de 100%. Cuando la cobertura del PBF era de 60%, la MIPN predicha fue 4,65 (IC de 95% = 4,36, 4,94) para una cobertura del PSF de 0%, y de 1,38 (IC de 95% = 0,88, 1,89) para una cobertura del PSF de 100%. Conclusiones. El efecto del PSF depende de la ampliación del PBF. Para las poblaciones empobrecidas y subatendidas, la combinación de intervenciones tanto del lado de la oferta como del lado de la demanda podría ser necesaria para mejorar los resultados en salud.

  3. Fifty-one years of Los Alamos Spacecraft

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fenimore, Edward E.


    From 1963 to 2014, the Los Alamos National Laboratory was involved in at least 233 spacecraft. There are probably only one or two institutions in the world that have been involved in so many spacecraft. Los Alamos space exploration started with the Vela satellites for nuclear test detection, but soon expanded to ionospheric research (mostly barium releases), radioisotope thermoelectric generators, solar physics, solar wind, magnetospheres, astrophysics, national security, planetary physics, earth resources, radio propagation in the ionosphere, and cubesats. Here, we present a list of the spacecraft, their purpose, and their launch dates for use during RocketFest

  4. La dinámica demográfica y la desigualdad educativa en Méxicoa

    PubMed Central

    Giorguli Saucedo, Silvia E.; Vargas Valle, Eunice D.; Ulloa, Viviana Salinas; Hubert, Celia; Potter, Joseph E.


    En este trabajo se presenta una investigación sobre el vínculo entre los procesos educativos y la dinámica demográfica en México. La tradición del pensamiento sobre población y desarrollo ha partido de la hipótesis de que el ritmo de crecimiento poblacional, el tamaño de las familias y la migración influyen sobre la acumulación de capital humano entre la población en edades escolares. Se explora aquí la relación del desempeño educativo de los jóvenes entre 14 y 23 años y la razón de dependencia juvenil, la fecundidad adolescente y la migración interna e internacional; para ello se utilizan datos agregados a escala municipal del año 2000. El análisis incluye indicadores de la oferta educativa municipal basados en estadísticas administrativas de la SEP. PMID:26146427

  5. Los Angeles, CA.

    NASA Image and Video Library


    STS003-010-593 (30 March 1982) --- A general view of the greater Los Angeles region of California (34,0N, 118.5W) showing the coastline, Vandenberg AFB, the south end of the Central Valley and the dry lake beds at Edwards AFB. A close look can pinpoint water on the lake beds at Edwards Air Force Base used previously for two shuttle landings. Among other features that can be seen are Oxnard, Santa Barbara, Bakersfield, Vandenberg Air Force Base, and The Ranch. Photo credit: NASA

  6. Multibeam mapping of the Los Angeles, California Margin

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Gardner, James V.; Dartnell, Peter


    The Los Angeles, California Margin was mapped using multibeam echosounders during three separate surveys (Figure 1). In 1996, the USGS surveyed the shelf and slope in Santa Monica Bay from Pt. Dume to south of the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The mapping was accomplished using a Kongsberg Simrad EM1000 multibeam sonar system that provided high-quality bathymetry and quantitative backscatter. In 1998, the USGS continued the mapping to the south and surveyed the outer shelf, slope, and proximal basin off Long Beach and Newport using a Kongsberg Simrad EM300 multibeam sonar system. In 1999, the Los Angeles Margin mapping was completed with the surveying of the inner Long Beach shelf from the Palos Verdes Peninsula, south to Newport. This survey used a dual Kongsberg Simrad EM3000D multibeam sonar system. These three surveys were conducted to support USGS projects studying marine pollution and geohazards along the Los Angeles Margin.

  7. Elderly homeless veterans in Los Angeles: chronicity and precipitants of homelessness.


    van den Berk-Clark, Carissa; McGuire, James


    We compared the characteristics of chronically homeless and acutely homeless elderly veterans to better understand precipitants of homelessness. We conducted interviews with 33 chronically and 26 acutely homeless veterans aged 65 years and older receiving transitional housing services in Los Angeles, California, between 2003 and 2005. We asked questions regarding their sociodemographic characteristics and other social status measures. Other precipitants of homelessness were acquired via observation and open-ended and structured questions. Both veterans groups were more similar than different, with substantial levels of physical, psychiatric, and social impairment. They differed significantly in homelessness history, with chronically homeless veterans having more homelessness episodes and more total time homeless. They were also less educated and had smaller social networks. In response to open-ended questioning, elderly homeless veterans revealed how health and substance use issues interacted with loss of social support and eviction to exacerbate homelessness. Assessment of a range of factors is needed to address risk factors and events leading to homelessness. Further research with larger samples is needed to confirm the characteristics and needs of the elderly homeless veteran population.

  8. Los Alamos Programming Models

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bergen, Benjamin Karl

    This is the PDF of a powerpoint presentation from a teleconference on Los Alamos programming models. It starts by listing their assumptions for the programming models and then details a hierarchical programming model at the System Level and Node Level. Then it details how to map this to their internal nomenclature. Finally, a list is given of what they are currently doing in this regard.

  9. Worldwide Emerging Environmental Issues Affecting the U.S. Military. July 2010 Report

    DTIC Science & Technology


    su país a la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos del Mar (Convemar). El mandatario hizo el anuncio en el marco de una ceremonia...castrense por el aniversario de la batalla naval de Jambelí, en la ciudad portuaria de Guayaquil. ―Muy pronto esperamos la vigencia de los derechos

  10. A 30-Year Retrospective: Degrees of Difficulty in Decreasing LOS.


    Zander, Karen


    In an attempt to avoid future revisionist history, the author offers a 30-year retrospective (1986-2016) on the evolution of strategies to reduce length of stay (LOS). She and her colleagues have been involved from the onset by developing tools such as critical paths, roles such as clinical case management, and operational systems for managing measureable outcome-driven care from the bedside to the boardroom. Acute care hospitals. The LOS for all inpatients has changed dramatically from 1970 (average LOS = 7.8 days) through solidly between 2005 and 2012 (average LOS = 4.5 days in 2012) despite a significant increase in the average age of hospital inpatients (; ). For patients 65 years and older, who comprised 38% of all inpatients, the decrease has been more drastic: from 12.6 days in 1970 to 5.5 days in 2005-2010 ().With the exception of hospitalists and case management staff, acute care hospitals have essentially doubled productivity without adding additional direct care full-time equivalents! Described in terms of "low-hanging" to "high-hanging" fruit, this article outlines the classic methods used to reduce LOS and concludes with some implications of LOS for health care reform. The U.S. health system could not have accomplished this feat without case managers and social workers. Acute care services should be very proud of their achievements and use their reputation to empower their work for the next frontier, which will be reducing cost per case, especially in risk contracts. Everything old seems new again.

  11. New Rad Lab for Los Alamos




    The topping out ceremony for a key construction stage in the Los Alamos National Laboratory's newest facility, the Radiological Laboratory Utility & Office Building. This is part of the National Nu...  

  12. Inversor Resonante de Tres Elementos L-LC con Caracteristica Cortocircuitable para Aplicaciones de Calentamiento por Induccion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Espi Huerta, Jose Miguel

    Los generadores de calentamiento por induccion son puentes inversores con carga resonante, cuya mision es basicamente crear una corriente sinusoidal de gran amplitud sobre la "bobina de caldeo", que forma parte del tanque resonante. En el interior de esta bobina se introduce la pieza que se desea calentar. EI campo magnetico creado induce corrientes superficiales (corrientes de Foucault) sobre la pieza, que producen su calentamiento. Los tanques resonantes (tambien llamados osciladores) utilizados en la actualidad son el resonante serie y el resonante paralelo. Aunque ya desde hace algun tiempo se vienen construyendo generadores de alta potencia basados en estos dos osciladores, el exito nunca ha. sido completo en ninguno de los dos casos. Tal y como se explica en la introduccion de esta memoria, los puentes inversores utilizados deben operar sobre una carga inductiva (corriente retrasada) para evitar el fenomeno de la recuperacion inversa de sus diodos y la consiguiente ruptura de los transistores. De la restriccion topologica anterior se deduce que el generador paralelo debe conmutar a frecuencias inferiores a la resonancia, y el serie a frecuencias superiores. A esta restriccion topologica hay que unir otra que es exclusiva del calentamiento por induccion: La corriente por la bobina de caldeo debe ser sinusoidal. De no ser asi, resultaria imposible disponer toda la potencia de calentamiento sobre la pieza en el espesor requerido por la aplicacion. Como consecuencia, los inversores no pueden operar por debajo de la frecuencia de resonancia del oscilador, pues en ese caso se amplifican los armonicos de orden superior de la tension/corriente de entrada situados sobre la resonancia, con la consiguiente distorsion de la corriente de salida. La conjuncion de las dos restricciones anteriores obligan al inversor paralelo a funcionar a la frecuencia de resonancia del oscilador. Esto imposibilita un control por variacion de frecuencia, regulandose la potencia desde la

  13. Los Alamos Laser Eye Investigation.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Odom, C. R.


    A student working in a laser laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory sustained a serious retinal injury to her left eye when she attempted to view suspended particles in a partially evacuated target chamber. The principle investigator was using the white light from the flash lamp of a Class 4 Nd:YAG laser to illuminate the particles. Since the Q-switch was thought to be disabled at the time of the accident, the principal investigator assumed it would be safe to view the particles without wearing laser eye protection. The Laboratory Director appointed a team to investigate the accident and to reportmore » back to him the events and conditions leading up to the accident, equipment malfunctions, safety management causal factors, supervisory and management action/inaction, adequacy of institutional processes and procedures, emergency and notification response, effectiveness of corrective actions and lessons learned from previous similar events, and recommendations for human and institutional safety improvements. The team interviewed personnel, reviewed documents, and characterized systems and conditions in the laser laboratory during an intense six week investigation. The team determined that the direct and primary failures leading to this accident were, respectively, the principle investigator's unsafe work practices and the institution's inadequate monitoring of worker performance. This paper describes the details of the investigation, the human and institutional failures, and the recommendations for improving the laser safety program.« less

  14. Alternative Fuels Data Center: Los Angeles Sets the Stage for Plug-In Websites

    Electric Vehicles Los Angeles Sets the Stage for Plug-In Electric Vehicles to someone by E-mail Share Alternative Fuels Data Center: Los Angeles Sets the Stage for Plug-In Electric Vehicles on Facebook Tweet about Alternative Fuels Data Center: Los Angeles Sets the Stage for Plug-In Electric

  15. Los Medanos College Fact Book.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    MacDonald, Ross; And Others

    Prepared to support the self-study and strategic planning processes at Los Medanos College (LMC), in Pittsburgh, California, this fact book offers information about LMC's students, staff, programs, services, facilities, and expenditures. The first section focuses on the student population, including a trend analysis and longitudinal data on…

  16. Circulating ghrelin, leptin, and soluble leptin receptor concentrations and cardiometabolic risk factors in a community-based sample.


    Ingelsson, Erik; Larson, Martin G; Yin, Xiaoyan; Wang, Thomas J; Meigs, James B; Lipinska, Izabella; Benjamin, Emelia J; Keaney, John F; Vasan, Ramachandran S


    The conjoint effects and relative importance of ghrelin, leptin, and soluble leptin receptor (sOB-R), adipokines involved in appetite control and energy expenditure in mediating cardiometabolic risk, is unknown. The objective of the study was to study the cross-sectional relations of these adipokines to cardiometabolic risk factors in a community-based sample. We measured circulating ghrelin, leptin, and sOB-R in 362 participants (mean age 45 yr; 54% women) of the Framingham Third Generation Cohort. Body mass index, waist circumference (WC), blood pressure, lipid measures, fasting glucose, smoking, and metabolic syndrome (MetS) were measured. Ghrelin and leptin concentrations were significantly higher in women (P < 0.0001). In multivariable models, ghrelin was inversely associated with age and systolic blood pressure, and leptin was positively related to body mass index and WC. sOB-R was positively associated with age, total cholesterol, and fasting glucose and inversely with WC and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Ghrelin and sOB-R concentrations were significantly lower with number of MetS components (P for trend = 0.022 and < 0.0001, respectively), whereas leptin concentrations were higher (P for trend = 0.0001). Relating all adipokines to MetS conjointly, higher ghrelin and leptin concentrations were associated with decreased and increased odds of MetS (odds ratio 0.55, P < 0.0001; odds ratio 4.44, P = 0.0002, per 1 sd increase of respective log adipokine). In our community-based sample, we observed a sexual dimorphism in circulating ghrelin and leptin concentrations. Ghrelin, leptin, and sOB-R were associated with number of MetS components cross-sectionally, consistent with the hypothesis that these adipokines may have a central role in cardiometabolic risk.

  17. Población de galaxias de baja luminosidad en cúmulos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Valotto, C. A.; Muriel, H.; Moore, B.; García Lambas, D.

    En este trabajo se discute sobre la presencia de un exceso de galaxias de baja luminosidad en medios de alta densidad de galaxias y la posibilidad de que los halos de galaxias cD puedan ser formados a partir de galaxias en cúmulos ricos, los cuales muestran una función de luminosidad (FL) con el extremo débil plano. Se analizaron muestras de cúmulos cercanos obtenidas a partir de los catálogos de Abell y X-ray Sample of Bright Clusters. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los cúmulos de galaxias que tienen emisión en rayos X detectada poseen una FL plana (α ≈ -1.2), consistente con los valores encontrados para las galaxias de campo. En cambio, los cúmulos de galaxias identificados a partir de distribuciones bidimensionales de galaxias que no tienen su contraparte en rayos X, muestran una FL con una pendiente pronunciada en el extremo débil (α ≈ -1.6). Se examinaron además, los posibles efectos debido a la presencia de una galaxia central dominante sobre el extremo débil de la FL. Se analizaron muestras de acuerdo a la clasificación Bautz-Morgan dividiendo en las submuestras I,I-II y II, II- III, III. Las FL resultantes para ambas muestras son indistinguibles. Nuestros resultados son consistentes con la hipótesis de que los efectos de proyección en cúmulos identificados en dos dimensiones pueden producir un exceso artificial de galaxias de baja luminosidad.

  18. Relevancia de los grados de Simpson en la resección de meningiomas grado I

    PubMed Central

    Ajler, Pablo; Beltrame, Sofía; Massa, Daniela; Tramontano, Julian; Baccanelli, Matteo; Yampolsky, Claudio


    Resumen Objetivo: Comparar el porcentaje de recurrencias en pacientes con meningiomas grado I de la OMS sometidos a exéresis microquirúrgica. Introducción: En 1957 Simpson estandarizó 5 grados de resección quirúrgica para los meningiomas intracraneanos y el porcentaje de recurrencia relacionado con cada uno, estableciendo el paradigma de que la remoción agresiva de estos tumores junto con fragmentos durales y óseos era necesario para alcanzar la curación. Los avances principalmente en Resonancia Magnética, anatomía patológica y técnica microqurúrgica nos llevan a plantear la relevancia actual de dicha clasificación. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión retrospectiva de los pacientes operados de meningiomas grado I entre Febrero de 2006 y Diciembre de 2015. Se analizaron las imágenes pre y postoperatorias y la anatomía patológica. Las variables se relacionaron mediante un análisis estadístico multivariado estableciendo como estadísticamente significativo una P < 0.05. Resultados: No se objetivó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el número de recidivas y el grado de resección tumoral según Simpson I, II, III o IV (P = 0,3117). Esto puede afirmarse para los grados Simpson I y II en donde el número de pacientes incluidos en la muestra (n) fue alto. Al analizar como factor de recurrencia la localización tumoral tampoco se encontró una diferencia significativa en cuanto al porcentaje de recidivas entre aquellos tumores localizados en la convexidad, base de cráneo y parasagitales (P = 0,2203). Conclusión: Para los meningiomas grado I la exéresis Simpson I no presenta diferencias significativas con la Simpson II en cuanto a la recurrencia tumoral, por lo que aumentar la morbilidad del procedimiento no tendría justificación. Un replanteo de la escala de resección debería idearse teniendo en cuenta la clasificación de la OMS. PMID:29142775

  19. A survey of macromycete diversity at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Bandelier National Monument, and Los Alamos County; A preliminary report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jarmie, N.; Rogers, F.J.

    The authors have completed a 5-year survey (1991--1995) of macromycetes found in Los Alamos County, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Bandelier National Monument. The authors have compiled a database of 1,048 collections, their characteristics, and identifications. The database represents 123 (98%) genera and 175 (73%) species reliably identified. Issues of habitat loss, species extinction, and ecological relationships are addressed, and comparisons with other surveys are made. With this baseline information and modeling of this baseline data, one can begin to understand more about the fungal flora of the area.

  20. Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). The site.


    Arsuaga, J L; Martínez, I; Gracia, A; Carretero, J M; Lorenzo, C; García, N


    In this article a topographical description of the Cueva Mayor Cueva de Silo cave system is provided, including a more detailed topography of the Sala de los Ciclopes Sala de las Oseras-Sima de los Huesos sector. The history of the excavations and discoveries of human and carnivore fossils in Sima de los Huesos and adjacent passages is briefly reported, as well as the increase, throughout the succeeding field seasons, of the human collection and changes in the relative representation of the different skeletal elements and major biases. The carnivore assemblage structure is also considered. Examining the characteristics of the bone breccia, and the current and ancient karst topography, different alternative accesses are discussed for the accumulation of carnivores and humans in the Sima de los Huesos. Taking into account all the available information, an anthropic origin for the accumulation of human fossils seems to us to be the most likely explanation.

  1. Los Alamos, Toshiba probing Fukushima with cosmic rays


    Morris, Christopher


    Los Alamos National Laboratory has announced an impending partnership with Toshiba Corporation to use a Los Alamos technique called muon tomography to safely peer inside the cores of the Fukushima Daiichi reactors and create high-resolution images of the damaged nuclear material inside without ever breaching the cores themselves. The initiative could reduce the time required to clean up the disabled complex by at least a decade and greatly reduce radiation exposure to personnel working at the plant. Muon radiography (also called cosmic-ray radiography) uses secondary particles generated when cosmic rays collide with upper regions of Earth's atmosphere to create images of the objects that the particles, called muons, penetrate. The process is analogous to an X-ray image, except muons are produced naturally and do not damage the materials they contact. Muon radiography has been used before in imaginative applications such as mapping the interior of the Great Pyramid at Giza, but Los Alamos's muon tomography technique represents a vast improvement over earlier technology.

  2. Million trees Los Angeles canopy cover and benefit assessment


    E.G. McPherson; J.R. Simpson; Q. Xiao; C. Wu


    The Million Trees LA initiative intends to improve Los Angeles’s environment through planting and stewardship of 1 million trees. The purpose of this study was to measure Los Angeles’s existing tree canopy cover (TCC), determine if space exists for 1 million additional trees, and estimate future benefits from the planting. High-resolution QuickBird remote sensing data...

  3. La contribución de los Centros Colaboradores de la OMS/OPS en los avances de la promoción de la salud en América Latina.


    Arroyo, Hiram V; Mantilla Uribe, Blanca P; Contreras Rengifo, Adolfo; Westphal, Marcia F; Mendes, Rosilda


    Los "Centros Colaboradores" de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) son instituciones designadas para prestar apoyo estratégico en el desarrollo de los objetivos y la ejecución de las actividades de la OMS, y para generar capacidad institucional en países y regiones. En las Américas existen ocho Centros Colaboradores directamente relacionados a la promoción de la salud. Cuatro centros se ubican en Norteamérica y los otros cuatro en América Latina. El propósito de este artículo es describir los Centros Colaboradores de la Región de América Latina. Los centros han sido importantes en el desarrollo de la agenda de promoción de la salud de la región, la consolidación de la estrategia de entornos saludables y el fortalecimiento de las redes académicas y profesionales de promoción de la salud. © The Author(s) 2015.

  4. Cancer risk among Los Angeles women with cosmetic breast implants.


    Deapen, Dennis M; Hirsch, Elliot M; Brody, Garry S


    As the first generation of women who received cosmetic breast implants ages, questions remain about cancer risk. This study is an update of the Los Angeles Augmentation Mammaplasty Study and examines cancer risk among women with long-term exposure to breast implants. The authors conducted a record linkage cohort study of patients with cosmetic breast implants by abstracting from records of the private practices of 35 board-certified plastic surgeons in Los Angeles County, California. They included 3139 Caucasian women who received cosmetic breast implants between 1953 and 1980. Spanish-surnamed women, nonresidents of Los Angeles County, and patients with prior subcutaneous mastectomy or breast cancer were excluded. Cancer outcomes through 1994 were ascertained through record linkage with the Los Angeles County Cancer Surveillance Program. With a mean follow-up period of 15.5 years, 43 cases of breast cancer were observed, compared with 62.6 expected, based on Los Angeles County population-based incidence rates (standardized incidence ratio, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.50 to 0.93). Significant increases were observed for cancer of the lung and bronchus (standardized incidence ratio, 2.14; 95% CI, 1.42 to 3.09) and vulvar cancer (standardized incidence ratio, 3.47; 95% CI, 1.39 to 7.16). The breast cancer results of this study are consistent with the previous reports of the Los Angeles study as well as with several other long-term cohort studies. Lung cancer has previously been found to be increased in this cohort and also in some, but not most, other studies. The increased risk of vulva cancer has previously been observed in this cohort and just one other.

  5. Using the Internet in Middle Schools: A Model for Success. A Collaborative Effort between Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Los Alamos Middle School (LAMS).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Addessio, Barbara K.; And Others

    Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) developed a model for school networking using Los Alamos Middle School as a testbed. The project was a collaborative effort between the school and the laboratory. The school secured administrative funding for hardware and software; and LANL provided the network architecture, installation, consulting, and…

  6. Battle in Los Angeles: Conflict Escalates as Charter Schools Thrive

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Whitmire, Richard


    Throughout the 1990s and well into the new millennium, the massive Los Angeles Unified School District barely noticed the many charter schools that were springing up around the metropolis. But Los Angeles parents certainly took notice, and started enrolling their children. In 2008, five charter-management organizations announced plans to…

  7. Biological assessment for the effluent reduction program, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cross, S.P.


    This report describes the biological assessment for the effluent recution program proposed to occur within the boundaries of Los Alamos National Laboratory. Potential effects on wetland plants and on threatened and endangered species are discussed, along with a detailed description of the individual outfalls resulting from the effluent reduction program.

  8. Efectos de la irradiación iónica en hielos de moléculas carbonadas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Satorre, M. A.

    En Astrofísica podemos encontrar numerosos contextos en los cuales se observan moléculas en estado sólido que, en condiciones estándar de presión y temperatura, se encontrarían como gases o líquidos. Dichas moléculas se denominan hielos y han sido observadas en nubes densas del medio interestelar, en envolturas circumestelares, en satélites del Sistema Solar, en cometas, etc. Los hielos pueden ser alterados en su composición química debido a diversos factores como por ejemplo variaciones de temperatura o aportes energéticos por parte de la irradiación, ya sea tanto de fotones ultravioleta como de iones. Dependiendo del escenario astrofísico que analicemos, unos factores cobran más importancia que otros. Los experimentos de laboratorio muestran el efecto que produce sobre la composición de los hielos la irradiación iónica, en particular sobre los que contenían alguna molécula con átomos de carbono. Dicha composición se analiza con espectroscopía IR en el rango de 2 a ˜ 25μ m. La aplicabilidad de los resultados de los experimentos es distinta dependiendo de la composición química inicial de los hielos, del tipo de ion utilizado y de la dosis total de irradiación. Existen efectos generales de la irradiación sobre la materia en los experimentos de relevancia astrofísica como son: - la formación de nuevas moléculas, que pueden incluir o no el ion incidente; - la progresiva pérdida de hidrógeno (carbonización) cuando irradiamos muestras que originalmente contienen una determinada relación carbono/hidrógeno; - la variación de la temperatura de sublimación que presentan algunos hielos. Esto puede suceder tanto en hielos que estaban presentes antes de la irradiación como en hielos formados por ésta. Se presentará el papel del ion en la formación de nuevas moléculas a partir de las que originalmente se encontraban en el hielo. Al penetrar en él, el ion provoca distintos procesos como rotura de enlaces y excitaciones electr

  9. Pre Incident Planning For The Los Alamos National Laboratory

    DTIC Science & Technology


    laboratory was asked to design and build the world’s first atomic bomb . The Los Alamos Fire Department (LAFD) provides emergency response services to...Project: the newly established laboratory was asked to design and build the world’s first atomic bomb . The Los Alamos Fire Department (LAFD) provides...lower priority despite its importance to the responders’ scene safety.20 In a Carolina Fire Rescue EMS Journal article, retired New York City

  10. Estudio multifrecuencia del medio interestelar cercano a HD 192281

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnal, E. M.; Cappa, C.; Cichowolski, S.; Pineault, S.; St-Louis, N.

    Una de las causas que modifica la estructura y dinámica del medio interestelar es la acción que los vientos de las estrellas de gran masa ejercen sobre el mismo. En este trabajo, mediante el uso de datos interferométricos obtenidos en la banda de radio en la transición de 21-cm del Hidrógeno neutro y de imágenes de la emisión de continuo en las bandas de 408 y 1420 MHz, de imágenes HIRES del satélite IRAS en 60 y 100 micrones, y de observaciones de continuo obtenidas con radiotelescopios de disco simple en 2695, 4850 y 8350 MHz se ha realizado un estudio multifrecuencia de los efectos que los vientos estelares de HD 192281, una estrella de tipo espectral O5 Vn((f))p, han tenido sobre el medio interestelar que rodea a la misma.

  11. Estudio multifrecuencia del medio interestelar cercano a HD 192281

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnal, E. M.; Cappa, C. E.; Cichowolski, S.; Pineault, S.; St-Louis, N.

    Una de las causas que modifica la estructura y dinámica del medio interestelar es la acción que los vientos de las estrellas de gran masa ejercen sobre el mismo. En este trabajo, mediante el uso de datos interferométricos obtenidos en la banda de radio en la transición de λ˜21-cm del hidrógeno neutro y de imágenes de la emisión de continuo en las bandas de 408 y 1420 MHz, de imágenes HIRES del satélite IRAS en 60 y 100μm, y de observaciones de continuo obtenidas con radiotelescopios de disco simple en 2695, 4850 y 8350 MHz se ha realizado un estudio multifrecuencia de los efectos que los vientos estelares de HD 192281, una estrella de tipo espectral O5,Vn((f))p, han tenido sobre el medio interestelar que rodea a la misma.

  12. Facilitating LOS Debriefings: A Training Manual

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This manual is a practical guide to help airline instructors effectively : facilitate debriefings of Line Oriented Simulations (LOS). It is based on a : recently completed study of Line Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) debriefings at : several U.S. ai...

  13. [Ethics and transparency committee of physicians in their relationship with the pharmaceutics: Industry recommendations for physician support].


    Campillo, Carlos; Domínguez, Judith; Halabe, José; Plancarte, Ricardo; Soda, Antonio; Verástegui, Emma; Arrieta, Óscar; Burgos, Rubén; Celis, Miguel Ángel; de la Llata, Manuel; Islas, Sergio; Jasso, Luis; Lifshitz, Alberto; Moreno, Mucio; Reyes, Alejandro; Sotelo, Julio

    Las siguientes recomendaciones a la industria farmacéutica se fundamentan en los principios éticos del CETREMI: - El paciente es lo primero: • Que la atención sea óptima para todos los pacientes. Que las compañías farmacéuticas apoyen las decisiones del médico que garanticen el tratamiento más eficaz, seguro, accesible y adecuado. • Que las compañías farmacéuticas colaboren para que los pacientes tengan acceso fácil y oportuno a los medicamentos. • Que las compañías farmacéuticas colaboren para que la información sobre los tratamientos beneficie a los pacientes en todos los rubros, incluyendo el económico.

  14. Factors affecting hospital length of stay and hospital charges associated with road traffic-related injuries in Iran

    PubMed Central


    Background Road traffic injuries (RTIs) are a substantial cause of mortality and disability globally. There is little published information regarding healthcare resource utilization following RTIs, especially in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). The aim of this study was to assess total hospital charges and length of stay (LOS) associated with RTIs in Iran and to explore the association with patients’ socio-demographic characteristics, insurance status and injury-related factors (e.g. type of road users and safety equipment). Method The study was based on the Iranian National Trauma Registry Database (INTRD), which includes data from 14 general hospitals in eight major cities in Iran, for the years 2000 to 2004. 8,356 patients with RTI admitted to the hospitals were included in the current study. The variables extracted for the analysis included total hospital charges and length of stay, age, gender, socio-economic and insurance status, injury characteristics, medical outcome and use of safety equipment among the patients. Univariable analysis using non-parametric methods and multivariable regression analysis were performed to identify the factors associated with total hospital charges and LOS. Results The mean hospital charges for the patients were 1,115,819 IRR (SD=1,831,647 IRR, US$128 ± US$210). The mean LOS for the patients was 6.8 (SD =8 days). Older age, being a bicycle rider, higher injury severity and longer LOS were associated with higher hospital charges. Longer LOS was associated with being male, having lower education level, having a medical insurance, being pedestrian or motorcyclist, being a blue-collar worker and having more severe injuries. The reported use of safety equipment was very low and did not have significant effect on the hospital charges and LOS. Conclusion The study demonstrated that the hospital charges and LOS associated with RTI varied by age, gender, socio-economic status, insurance status, injury characteristics and

  15. Space-based infrared scanning sensor LOS determination and calibration using star observation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Jun; Xu, Zhan; An, Wei; Deng, Xin-Pu; Yang, Jun-Gang


    This paper provides a novel methodology for removing sensor bias from a space based infrared (IR) system (SBIRS) through the use of stars detected in the background field of the sensor. Space based IR system uses the LOS (line of sight) of target for target location. LOS determination and calibration is the key precondition of accurate location and tracking of targets in Space based IR system and the LOS calibration of scanning sensor is one of the difficulties. The subsequent changes of sensor bias are not been taking into account in the conventional LOS determination and calibration process. Based on the analysis of the imaging process of scanning sensor, a theoretical model based on the estimation of bias angles using star observation is proposed. By establishing the process model of the bias angles and the observation model of stars, using an extended Kalman filter (EKF) to estimate the bias angles, and then calibrating the sensor LOS. Time domain simulations results indicate that the proposed method has a high precision and smooth performance for sensor LOS determination and calibration. The timeliness and precision of target tracking process in the space based infrared (IR) tracking system could be met with the proposed algorithm.

  16. World's Largest Gold Crystal Studied at Los Alamos

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Vogel, Sven; Nakotte, Heinz


    When geologist John Rakovan needed better tools to investigate whether a dazzling 217.78-gram piece of gold was in fact the world's largest single-crystal specimen - a distinguishing factor that would not only drastically increase its market value but also provide a unique research opportunity - he traveled to Los Alamos National Laboratory's Lujan Neutron Scattering Center to peer deep inside the mineral using neutron diffractometry. Neutrons, different from other probes such as X-rays and electrons, are able to penetrate many centimeters deep into most materials. Revealing the inner structure of a crystal without destroying the sample - imperative, as thismore » one is worth an estimated $1.5 million - would allow Rakovan and Lujan Center collaborators Sven Vogel and Heinz Nakotte to prove that this exquisite nugget, which seemed almost too perfect and too big to be real, was a single crystal and hence a creation of nature. Its owner, who lives in the United States, provided the samples to Rakovan to assess the crystallinity of four specimens, all of which had been found decades ago in Venezuela.« less

  17. World's Largest Gold Crystal Studied at Los Alamos


    Vogel, Sven; Nakotte, Heinz


    When geologist John Rakovan needed better tools to investigate whether a dazzling 217.78-gram piece of gold was in fact the world's largest single-crystal specimen - a distinguishing factor that would not only drastically increase its market value but also provide a unique research opportunity - he traveled to Los Alamos National Laboratory's Lujan Neutron Scattering Center to peer deep inside the mineral using neutron diffractometry. Neutrons, different from other probes such as X-rays and electrons, are able to penetrate many centimeters deep into most materials. Revealing the inner structure of a crystal without destroying the sample - imperative, as this one is worth an estimated $1.5 million - would allow Rakovan and Lujan Center collaborators Sven Vogel and Heinz Nakotte to prove that this exquisite nugget, which seemed almost too perfect and too big to be real, was a single crystal and hence a creation of nature. Its owner, who lives in the United States, provided the samples to Rakovan to assess the crystallinity of four specimens, all of which had been found decades ago in Venezuela.

  18. Late-onset schizophrenia: do recent studies support categorizing LOS as a subtype of schizophrenia?


    Maglione, Jeanne E; Thomas, Scot E; Jeste, Dilip V


    To review recent literature about late-onset schizophrenia (LOS): schizophrenia with onset between ages 40 and 60 years. New findings are presented in the context of the previous literature. Newer studies continue to suggest that early-onset schizophrenia (EOS) and LOS share fundamental clinical features (i.e., positive symptoms, negative symptoms, functional deficits). One larger recent study confirmed earlier findings that LOS differs from EOS in several important ways, including predominance of women, lower severity of positive symptoms, and lower average antipsychotic dose requirement. However, this study did not find LOS patients were more likely to have the paranoid subtype or to have less severe negative symptoms compared with EOS patients. New neuroimaging and molecular studies are identifying possible differences in the underlying pathophysiology of EOS and schizophrenia developing in mid-life to late-life; however, more research is needed to confirm these findings and determine their significance. No studies evaluated treatment strategies specifically in LOS. LOS continues to be an understudied area. Recent studies add support to the idea that LOS may be a distinct subtype of schizophrenia. Studies designed to elucidate the pathophysiology of LOS in comparison with EOS and to assess treatment strategies in this population are needed.

  19. High School Students' Previous Knowledge about the Stars. (Spanish Title: Conocimientos Previos de Estudiantes de Secundaria Acerca de Las Estrellas.) O Conhecimento Prévio de Alunos do Ensino Médio sobre as Estrelas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iachel, Gustavo


    Based on the readings of articles related to Astronomy Education published in Brazil, it was noticed a lack of research on previous knowledge of students about the physical characteristics of stars, a fact that motivated us to develop this study. Previous knowledge of 125 students (approximated 15 years old) constituted the study sample; data was collected through written questionnaires (Appendix A) for analysis. From the content analysis of these responses it was possible to achieve some inferences as, for example, many students have some difficult to develop an explanatory model on the functioning of a star; there are few who say that the stars have a certain length of existence; some students have said that stars have tips; few recognize that a star is formed by a mass of gas; some previous knowledge come from purely visual aspects; furthermore, some students do not have the habit of observing nature in detail. We see this research as a reference in which science teachers can recognize the importance of previous knowledge for practice teaching and acquire resources for planning their lessons. De la lectura de artículos relacionados con la Educación en Astronomía publicados en el Brasil, se encuentra una falta de investigaciones acerca del conocimiento previo de los estudiantes sobre las características físicas de las estrellas, hecho que nos motivó a desarrollar este estudio. Los datos analizados se obtuvieron al aplicar un cuestionario a 125 estudiantes de secundaria, para posteriormente realizar un análisis de contenido, tal cuestionario se presenta en el Anexo A. Al realizar el análisis de contenido de las respuestas obtenidas, fue posible hacer algunas inferencias, como por ejemplo; muchos estudiantes tienen dificultades para desarrollar un modelo explicativo acerca del funcionamiento de una estrella; pocos estudiantes dicen que las estrellas tienen un cierto tiempo de vida; algunos estudiantes imaginan que las estrellas tienen puntas; pocos

  20. Los Alamos, Toshiba probing Fukushima with cosmic rays

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Morris, Christopher


    Los Alamos National Laboratory has announced an impending partnership with Toshiba Corporation to use a Los Alamos technique called muon tomography to safely peer inside the cores of the Fukushima Daiichi reactors and create high-resolution images of the damaged nuclear material inside without ever breaching the cores themselves. The initiative could reduce the time required to clean up the disabled complex by at least a decade and greatly reduce radiation exposure to personnel working at the plant. Muon radiography (also called cosmic-ray radiography) uses secondary particles generated when cosmic rays collide with upper regions of Earth's atmosphere to create imagesmore » of the objects that the particles, called muons, penetrate. The process is analogous to an X-ray image, except muons are produced naturally and do not damage the materials they contact. Muon radiography has been used before in imaginative applications such as mapping the interior of the Great Pyramid at Giza, but Los Alamos's muon tomography technique represents a vast improvement over earlier technology.« less

  1. La guerra de los Estados Unidos contra la inmigración. Efectos paradójicos1

    PubMed Central

    Massey, Douglas S.; Pren, Karen A.


    Resumen A finales de la década de los cincuenta, Estados Unidos permitía la entrada de aproximadamente medio millón de inmigrantes mexicanos al año, de los cuales 450.000 entraban con visados de trabajo temporal y 50.000 llegaban con visados de residentes permanentes. A mediados de los años sesenta, los cambios en la política migratoria de Estados Unidos realizados en nombre de los derechos civiles redujeron drásticamente las oportunidades de entrada legal a Estados Unidos. Se eliminaron los visados de trabajo temporal y se limitaron los visados de residentes a 20.000 por año. Con las oportunidades de entrada legal restringidas, los flujos migratorios ya establecidos simplemente continuaron, fuera de los límites legales, dando comienzo a una inesperada reacción en cadena de eventos que culminaron en una guerra total contra los inmigrantes y el rápido crecimiento -sin precedentes- de población residente no autorizada en Estados Unidos. El presente artículo demuestra que el aumento de inmigración indocumentada en los Estados Unidos y el crecimiento de la población sin papeles son un producto de políticas migratorias y fronterizas mal concebidas. PMID:27076695

  2. Injury and violence in Los Angeles. Impact on access to health care and surgical education.


    Fleming, A W; Sterling-Scott, R P; Carabello, G; Imari-Williams, I; Allmond, B; Foster, R S; Kennedy, F; Shoemaker, W C


    The Los Angeles County (California) Trauma Hospital System was designed to ensure that all patients requiring specialized trauma care would be transported directly to a trauma center using established trauma triage criteria. The designation and implementation of all level 1, 2, and 3 (rural) trauma centers were completed between October 1983 and July 1985. However, by February 1, 1985, one level 2 trauma center withdrew, and nine other level 2 and 3 trauma centers followed suit over the next few months and years. The reasons for closure of these 10 trauma centers were almost exclusively related to economic factors. The major impact of trauma center closure on surgical educational programs at the Drew University of Medicine and Science and the Martin Luther King, Jr/Charles R. Drew Medical Center have been additive and cumulative. The high volume of patients with trauma has been cited, sometimes correctly and sometimes incorrectly, as the primary reason for a lack of access to health care for patients without trauma. We have developed a blueprint for survival that, when fully implemented, will improve access to health care for all residents in our catchment area and optimize surgical education. While the Los Angeles County Trauma Hospital System has had many difficulties during the last 9 years, the population it serves is greater than that in 42 states in the United States. The experiences gained in Los Angeles County may be beneficial to statewide systems in the United States and in countries of comparable size.

  3. Use of black vulture (Coragyps atratus) in complementary and alternative therapies for cancer in Colombia: A qualitative study

    PubMed Central


    Background Although Coragyps atratus has been used as a traditional therapy for patients with cancer, the scientific literature does not contain enough information on how this therapy is used or the mechanisms that explain this therapeutic practice. Objectives To understand the methods of use and the reasons given by patients and caregivers for the use of Coragyps atratus in cancer treatment. Methods This study used a qualitative design based on twenty in-depth interviews of patients with cancer or caregivers of patients with the disease. The analysis of the text was based on an inductive thematic approach. Results Resistance to disease and immune enhancement are properties attributed to Coragyps atratus when used for cancer treatment. The most recommended method of use is fresh blood ingestion, and the associated mechanism of action is transfer of immune factors to the individual who consumes it. Conclusions Use of Coragyps atratus as a treatment for cancer is a popular alternative therapy in Colombia. More studies are needed to understand the clinical effects of this intervention in cancer patients. Spanish abstract Introducción Aunque Coragyps atratus se usa tradicionalmente como terapia para pacientes con cáncer, no existe suficiente información en la literatura científica sobre su forma de utilización ni sobre los mecanismos explicativos que subyacen a esta práctica terapéutica. Objetivos Conocer métodos de utilización y mecanismos explicativos dados por los pacientes y cuidadores de pacientes sobre el uso de Coragyps atratus en el tratamiento del cáncer. Materiales y métodos Diseño cualitativo basado en veinte entrevistas en profundidad de pacientes con cáncer o cuidadores de pacientes con esta enfermedad. Análisis de texto basado en enfoque temático inductivo. Resultados Al Coragyps atratus se le atribuyen propiedades de resistencia y fortalecimiento del sistema inmune de personas enfermas de cáncer. La forma de utilización mas común es la

  4. [Not Available].


    Vales Montero, Marta; Chavarría Cano, Beatriz; Martínez Ginés, María Luisa; Díaz Otero, Fernando; Velázquez Pérez, José Miguel; Cuerda Compes, María Cristina; Bretón Lesmes, Irene


    La deficiencia de vitamina A es infrecuente en los países desarrollados. La cirugía bariátrica constituye un factor de riesgo de deficiencia de esta vitamina. Se han descrito varios casos en pacientes sometidos a técnicas con un importante componente malabsortivo, como la derivación biliopancreática. En este artículo se describe un caso de deficiencia clínica de vitamina A con manifestaciones oculares y cutáneas tras bypass gástrico y se revisan las publicaciones sobre este tema y las recomendaciones para la prevención de esta importante complicación.

  5. Understanding Transitions Toward Sustainable Urban Water Management: Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia, M. E.; Manago, K. F.; Treuer, G.; Deslatte, A.; Koebele, E.; Ernst, K.


    Cities in the United States face numerous threats to their long-term water supplies including preserving ecosystems, competing uses, and climate change. Yet, it is unclear why only some cities have transitioned toward more sustainable water management. These transitions include strategies such as water conservation, water supply portfolio diversification, long-term planning, and integrated resource management. While the circumstances that motivate or moderate transition may vary greatly across cities' physical and institutional contexts, identifying common factors associated with transition can help resource managers capitalize on windows of opportunity for change. To begin the process of identifying such factors, we ask two questions: 1) what combinations of conditions are associated with water management transitions?, and 2) what are the outcomes of these transitions? We examine three cases of utility-level water management in Miami, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles to create data-driven narratives detailing each city's transition. These narratives systematically synthesize multiple data sources to enable cross-case comparison and provide insights into how and why cities transition. Using the foundational concepts from the exposure-based theory of urban change, we focus our analysis on three broad categories of variables that influence urban water management transition: biophysical, political, and regulatory exposures. First, we compare these factors across time and across cities using metrics that standardize diverse data sources. Next, we incorporate qualitative factors that capture a city's unique conditions by integrating these metrics with salient contextual information. Then, through cross-city comparison, we identify factors associated with transition.

  6. Poblaciones de los niveles atómicos en condiciones de no equilibrio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cruzado, A.

    El objetivo de este trabajo es encontrar la distribución de los átomos en los diferentes niveles de energía. Con el propósito de encontrar resultados generales y de amplia aplicación, hemos planteado las ecuaciones de equilibrio estadístico como función del número atómico del elemento a considerar y de las condiciones físicas del medio (temperatura y densidad). Así también se ha intentado tener en cuenta todos los niveles atómicos considerando explícitamente aquellos con un número cuántico principal menor que un cierto valor n y calculando una expresión aproximada para estimar la influencia de los demás.

  7. Factors Influencing the General Well-Being of Low-Income Korean Immigrant Elders

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lee, Kyoung Hag; Yoon, Dong Pil


    This study explores factors that influence the general well-being (anxiety, depression, positive well-being, self-control, vitality, and general health) of low-income Korean immigrant elders by interviewing 206 older adults living in Los Angeles County and Orange County, California. Ordinary least squares regression results reveal that lack of…

  8. Variability of site response in the Los Angeles urban area

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Hartzell, S.; Cranswick, E.; Frankel, A.; Carver, D.; Meremonte, M.


    This article addresses the variability of site response in the Los Angeles area and possible structural causes for the observations. Aftershock records from 231 sites in the San Fernando and Los Angeles basins and the surrounding mountains are used in this study. Spectral ratios, taken with respect to a low-amplitude reference site, are used to document the variation in site amplification in the frequency range 2 to 6 Hz, both spatially and with backazimuth to the source. At higher frequencies (6 to 10 Hz), spectral ratios are shown to have greater spatial variability. Interstation spectral ratios are used to measure the standard deviation among sources as a function of station separation. An increase in the variation in ground motion is shown to take place at a station separation of 1 km. Relative site-response estimates between nearby stations are used to demonstrate that preferred directions of motion can exist even in areas with no surface topographic effects. Significant variations in site response exist over short baselines (up to a factor of 2 over 200 m) that are not explained by differences in surficial geology or shallow shear-wave velocity. A variety of investigative approaches is used, including spectral ratios, arrival-time variations, 1D and 2D waveform modeling, and comparison with seismic reflection lines, to determine the most likely causes of these observations. A correlation is demonstrated between late arrival times of P and S waves and larger site amplification in Sherman Oaks and Northridge. This observation, in conjunction with waveform modeling and seismic reflection profiles, is used to infer that sedimentary structures in the upper 1 to 2 km and topography on the sediment-basement interface play an important role in determining site amplification. These structures, in the form of folds and buried basins, focus energy in spatially restricted areas at the surface. Comparison of displacement waveforms at nearby stations having disparate site

  9. Estudio ab initio del mecanismo de la reacción HSO + O3

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nebot Gil, I.

    La reacción entre el radical HSO y el ozono ha sido ampliamente estudiada desde el punto de vista experimental debido a la importancia que tiene el radical HSO en la oxidación de los compuestos de azufre reductores y a que puede contribuir a la producción de H2SO4 [1-4]. Se realizaron diversos estudios teóricos sobre la cinética de la reacción entre el radical HSO y el ozono. La reacción del HSO con el ozono presenta tres canales diferentes : HSO + O3 &rightarrow &HSO2 + O2 &rightarrow &HS + 2 O2 &rightarrow &SO + OH + O2 La controversia existente entre los grupos experimentales sobre cuál de las tres vías es la predominante, se ha resuelto mediante un estudio teórico de todas ellas utilizando métodos ab initio. La estructura de todos los reactivos, productos, intermedios y estados de transición ha sido optimizada a nivel ab initio utilizando los métodos UMP2 /6-31G** y QCISD/6-31G**.

  10. Elderly Homeless Veterans in Los Angeles: Chronicity and Precipitants of Homelessness

    PubMed Central

    van den Berk-Clark, Carissa; McGuire, James


    Objectives. We compared the characteristics of chronically homeless and acutely homeless elderly veterans to better understand precipitants of homelessness. Methods. We conducted interviews with 33 chronically and 26 acutely homeless veterans aged 65 years and older receiving transitional housing services in Los Angeles, California, between 2003 and 2005. We asked questions regarding their sociodemographic characteristics and other social status measures. Other precipitants of homelessness were acquired via observation and open-ended and structured questions. Results. Both veterans groups were more similar than different, with substantial levels of physical, psychiatric, and social impairment. They differed significantly in homelessness history, with chronically homeless veterans having more homelessness episodes and more total time homeless. They were also less educated and had smaller social networks. In response to open-ended questioning, elderly homeless veterans revealed how health and substance use issues interacted with loss of social support and eviction to exacerbate homelessness. Conclusions. Assessment of a range of factors is needed to address risk factors and events leading to homelessness. Further research with larger samples is needed to confirm the characteristics and needs of the elderly homeless veteran population. PMID:24148059

  11. Los Alamos Using Neutrons to Stop Nuclear Smugglers

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Favalli, Andrea; Swinhoe, Martyn; Roark, Kevin

    Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers have successfully demonstrated for the first time that laser-generated neutrons can be enlisted as a useful tool in the War on Terror. The international research team used the short-pulse laser at Los Alamos's TRIDENT facility to generate a neutron beam with novel characteristics that interrogated a closed container to confirm the presence and quantity of nuclear material inside. The successful experiment paves the way for creation of a table-top-sized or truck-mounted neutron generator that could be installed at strategic locations worldwide to thwart smugglers trafficking in nuclear materials.

  12. Los Alamos Using Neutrons to Stop Nuclear Smugglers


    Favalli, Andrea; Swinhoe, Martyn; Roark, Kevin


    Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers have successfully demonstrated for the first time that laser-generated neutrons can be enlisted as a useful tool in the War on Terror. The international research team used the short-pulse laser at Los Alamos's TRIDENT facility to generate a neutron beam with novel characteristics that interrogated a closed container to confirm the presence and quantity of nuclear material inside. The successful experiment paves the way for creation of a table-top-sized or truck-mounted neutron generator that could be installed at strategic locations worldwide to thwart smugglers trafficking in nuclear materials.

  13. Identificación de los miembros del cúmulo NGC 2516

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Elía, G. C.; Orellana, R. B.

    El cúmulo abierto NGC 2516 (α = 7h 58m y δ = -60o 45') tiene una edad de, aproximadamente, 150 Myr. El análisis de este sistema es particularmente importante en el Hemisferio Sur debido a su abundancia de estrellas peculiares y muy estudiado aplicando técnicas fotométricas, pero muy poco analizado desde el punto de vista astrométrico. A partir de una placa obtenida en el Observatorio Astronómico de La Plata y observaciones más actuales, nos hemos abocado al estudio de los movimientos propios de este cúmulo con el fin de determinar la pertenencia al mismo de las estrellas del campo de dicho cúmulo. Luego de llevar a cabo la determinación de los movimientos propios de todas las estrellas a partir de las posiciones obtenidas de la placa existente en el Observatorio de La Plata de 1914 y leídas con la MAMA en París, las observaciones realizadas con el círculo meridiano de San Fernando que se encuentra en el Observatorio Félix Aguilar de San Juan y las posiciones existentes en los catálogos AC 2000, Tycho, USNO y UCAC, programamos el método de Vasilevsky y Sanders para determinar la pertenencia de las estrellas de la región al cúmulo en cuestión. En un paso posterior, se realizó una modificación al método anterior para la determinación de los miembros. En esta modificación se consideró la densidad de las estrellas del cúmulo y la densidad de estrellas de campo. Esto permitió evaluar la pertenencia, no sólo a partir del movimiento propio de las estrellas, sino también a partir de la posición de las mismas con respecto al centro del cúmulo. También se consideró la dependencia de los parámetros con la magnitud. Los resultados así obtenidos fueron comparados con otras investigaciones de movimientos propios de la región del cúmulo. El movimiento propio absoluto del cúmulo fue comparado con el obtenido a partir de los catálogos estelares. Se encontró que los resultados coincidían para estrellas brillantes (magnitud más brillante que

  14. A progress report on UNICOS misuse detection at Los Alamos

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Thompson, J.L.; Jackson, K.A.; Stallings, C.A.

    An effective method for detecting computer misuse is the automatic monitoring and analysis of on-line user activity. During the past year, Los Alamos enhanced its Network Anomaly Detection and Intrusion Reporter (NADIR) to include analysis of user activity on Los Alamos` UNICOS Crays. In near real-time, NADIR compares user activity to historical profiles and tests activity against expert rules. The expert rules express Los Alamos` security policy and define improper or suspicious behavior. NADIR reports suspicious behavior to security auditors and provides tools to aid in follow-up investigations. This paper describes the implementation to date of the UNICOS component ofmore » NADIR, along with the operational experiences and future plans for the system.« less

  15. Associations Between Ethnic Labels and Substance Use Among Hispanic/Latino Adolescents in Los Angeles

    PubMed Central

    Unger, Jennifer B; Thing, James; Soto, Daniel Wood; Baezconde-Garbanati, Lourdes


    Self-identification with ethnic-specific labels may indicate successful ethnic identity formation, which could protect against substance use. Alternatively, it might indicate affiliation with oppositional subcultures, a potential risk factor. This study examined longitudinal associations between ethnic labels and substance use among 1,575 Hispanic adolescents in Los Angeles. Adolescents who identified as Cholo or La Raza in 9th grade were at increased risk of past-month substance use in 11th grade. Associations were similar across gender and were not confounded by socioeconomic status, ethnic identity development, acculturation, or language use. Targeted prevention interventions for adolescents who identify with these subcultures may be warranted. PMID:24779500

  16. Investigación del USGS sobre el ecosistema de arrecifes de coral en el Atlántico

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Kuffner, Ilsa B.; Yates, Kimberly K.; Zawada, David G.; Richey, Julie N.; Kellogg, Christina A.; Toth, Lauren T.; Torres-Garcia, Legna M.


    Los arrecifes de coral son estructuras sólidas, biomineralizadas que protegen comunidades costeras actuando como barreras protectoras de peligros tales como los huracanes y los tsunamis. Estos proveen arena a las playas a través de procesos naturales de erosión, fomentan la industria del turismo, las actividades recreacionales y proveen hábitats pesqueros esenciales. La conti-nua degradación mundial de ecosistemas de arrecifes de coral está bien documentada. Existe la necesidad de enfoque y organización de la ciencia para entender los procesos complejos físicos y biológicos e interacciones que están afectando el estado de los arrecifes coralinos y su capacidad para responder a un entorno cambiante.

  17. Identifying epibenthic habitats on the Seco de los Olivos Seamount: Species assemblages and environmental characteristics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De la Torriente, A.; Serrano, A.; Fernández-Salas, L. M.; García, M.; Aguilar, R.


    High habitat diversity was observed on the Seco de los Olivos Seamount (SW Mediterranean Sea), a Site of Community Importance belonging to the Spanish marine Natura 2000 Network. Thirteen epibenthic habitats were identified by analysing 55 Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) transects from 76 m to 700 m depth and derived data from multibeam bathymetry and high resolution seismic profiles. Habitat identification was based on a combination of assemblages of habitat-forming species and the environmental characteristics supporting their distribution. Depth and slope were identified as the main significant factors structuring epibenthic assemblages. The high diversity and patchiness of habitats found on the Seco de los Olivos Seamount can be explained by the high environmental variability resulting from its wide geomorphologic diversity, where flat summits, steep flanks, rocky outcrops and sedimentary moats are combined. The distribution of benthic habitats at this seamount is likely a combination of suitable ecological conditions, local recruitment, feeding strategies and attachment mechanisms. Knowledge on the occurrence of habitats in areas of natural importance is crucial to species and habitats conservation and to develop proper monitoring and management programs aimed at fulfilling European regulation requirements.

  18. O que bilíngues bimodais têm a nos dizer sobre desenvolvimento bilíngue?

    PubMed Central

    de Quadros, Ronice Müller; Lillo-Martin, Diane; Pichler, Deborah Chen


    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o que as pesquisas que estamos desenvolvendo com crianças ouvintes, filhas de pais surdos, adquirindo Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) e Português e Língua de Sinais Americana (ASL) e Inglês (Lillo-Martin et al. 2010) têm a nos dizer sobre desenvolvimento bilíngue. Os dados deste estudo fazem parte de um banco de dados de interações espontâneas coletadas longitudinalmente, alternando contextos de aquisição da Libras e do português como língua alvo, no Brasil e dados coletados longitudinalmente. nos mesmos contextos, de crianças adquirindo ASL e inglês1. Além disso, há também dados do estudo experimental com testes aplicados nos dois pares de línguas que se agregam ao presente estudo. Uma visão geral dos estudos desenvolvidos sobre a aquisição bilíngue bimodal por crianças ouvintes, filhas de pais surdos, será apresentada e, então, serão expostos alguns aspectos linguísticos deste tipo de aquisição, considerando as discussões sobre aquisição bilíngue a partir da pesquisa realizada. PMID:24431480

  19. En cumplimiento con la orden ejecutiva del presidente Trump sobre la Independencia Energética

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Acciones reglamentarias tomadas por la EPA, incluyendo audiencias públicas, para implementar la Orden Ejecutiva sobre la Independencia Energética y la propuesta derogación del Plan de Energía Limpia.


    PubMed Central

    Pérez, Grace Rosado; Reyes, Glendalys Rivera; Villanueva, Victoria Larrieux; Torres, Gilliam J. Torres; Díaz, Elba Betancourt; Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Villaruel, Antonia


    La comunicación entre padres/madres y adolescentes sobre el tema de la sexualidad es importante para el desarrollo de la salud de personas jóvenes. Dicha comunicación puede verse negativamente impactada por actitudes estigmatizantes hacia el tema del VIH/SIDA. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar actitudes estigmatizantes hacia el VIH/SIDA entre padres/madres y adolescentes puertorriqueños/as. Este esfuerzo es parte del Proyecto Cuídalos, dirigido a probar una intervención en formato electrónico que busca aumentar la comunicación sobre sexualidad y salud entre padres/madres y adolescentes mediante un diseño experimental con 458 diadas de padres/madres y adolescentes de 13 a 17 años. Para propósitos de este artículo reportamos estadísticas descriptivas sobre estigma hacia el VIH/SIDA con la información recopilada en la medición basal. Tanto adultos/as como adolescentes mostraron actitudes estigmatizantes hacia el VIH/SIDA. A la luz de los resultados es necesario continuar desarrollando intervenciones para la reducción de estigma en esta población. Los/as padres/madres pueden ser un recurso invaluable para reducir el estigma en los/as jóvenes, y prevenir conductas sexuales de riesgo e infecciones. PMID:27099649

  1. Flaws found in Los Alamos safety procedures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gwynne, Peter


    A US government panel on nuclear safety has discovered a series of safety issues at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, concluding that government oversight of the lab's emergency preparation has been ineffective.

  2. Assessing urban forest effects and values, Los Angeles' urban forest


    David J. Nowak; Robert E. III Hoehn; Daniel E. Crane; Lorraine Weller; Antonio Davila


    An analysis of trees in Los Angeles, CA, reveals that this area has about 6 million trees with tree and shrub canopies that cover 24.9 percent of the city. The most common tree species are Italian cypress, scrub oak, laurel sumac, Mexican fan palm, and Indian laurel, Trees in Los Angeles currently store about 1.3 million tons of carbon (4.7 million tons CO2...

  3. [Not Available].


    Visiedo, Andrea; Sainz de Baranda, Pilar; Crone, Diane; Aznar, Susana; Pérez-Llamas, Francisca; Sánchez-Jiménez, Regina; Velázquez, Francisca; Berná-Serna, Juan de Dios; Zamora, Salvador


    Introducción y objetivos: en el presente trabajo se ha realizado una revisión sistemática durante los últimos 15 años de los estudios científicos que se han desarrollado con el objetivo de aumentar los niveles de actividad física, mejorar la salud y disminuir la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en escolares de entre 5 y 10 años.Material y métodos: se han encontrado un total de 28 estudios: 2 revisiones sistemáticas, 2 artículos descriptivos del proceso metodológico y 24 de intervención. Se pueden diferenciar dos tipos de intervenciones, por un lado aquellas intervenciones centradas en aumentar los niveles de actividad física, y por otro, aquellas que introducen además una parte de educación y valoración nutricional.Resultados: el análisis de los resultados muestra mejoras estadísticamente significativas en el 47,3% de las intervenciones que evaluaron el IMC, en el 44,4% de las que evaluaron la composición corporal, en el 40% de las que evaluaron el índice cintura-cadera, en el 50% de las que evaluaron el sumatorio de pliegues cutáneos. En relación con los efectos sobre la condición física, destacar que en el 45,4% de las intervenciones que avaluaron la resistencia cardiovascular se observaron mejoras significativas, al igual que en el 66,6% de las que analizaron los efectos sobre la fuerza. Finalmente, se observaron cambios en los hábitos alimentarios o en el conocimiento de los escolares en alimentación y nutrición en el 66,6% de los estudios que evaluaron dichos parámetros.

  4. Facilitating LOS Debriefings: A Training Manual

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    McDonnell, Lori K.; Jobe, Kimberly K.; Dismukes, R. Key


    This manual is a practical guide to help airline instructors effectively facilitate debriefings of Line Oriented Simulations (LOS). It is based on a recently completed study of Line Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) debriefings at several U.S. airlines. This manual presents specific facilitation tools instructors can use to achieve debriefing objectives. The approach of the manual is to be flexible so it can be tailored to the individual needs of each airline. Part One clarifies the purpose and objectives of facilitation in the LOS setting. Part Two provides recommendations for clarifying roles and expectations and presents a model for organizing discussion. Part Tree suggests techniques for eliciting active crew participation and in-depth analysis and evaluation. Finally, in Part Four, these techniques are organized according to the facilitation model. Examples of how to effectively use the techniques are provided throughout, including strategies to try when the debriefing objectives are not being fully achieved.


    PubMed Central

    Litewka, Sergio G.


    Argentina ha sido un campo fértil para los intentos de reforma del sector salud, en la búsqueda por mejorar la calidad de sus servicios y, consecuentemente, la accesibilidad y la equidad del mismo. Los resultados obtenidos no han sido proporcionales a los esfuerzos desarrollados. Aunque la bioética debería, como forma de reflexión interdisciplinaria, participar en la fundamentación de nuevas políticas sanitarias y sus efectos sobre los usuarios, parece haber permanecido ajena, en general, a los graves problemas derivados de la corrupción, prefiriendo enfocarse en cuestiones vinculadas a planteos abstractos de justicia y solidaridad, atribuyendo los fracasos a la imposición de modelos económicos foráneos. PMID:21660255

  6. PubMed

    Litewka, Sergio G


    Argentina ha sido un campo fértil para los intentos de reforma del sector salud, en la búsqueda por mejorar la calidad de sus servicios y, consecuentemente, la accesibilidad y la equidad del mismo. Los resultados obtenidos no han sido proporcionales a los esfuerzos desarrollados. Aunque la bioética debería, como forma de reflexión interdisciplinaria, participar en la fundamentación de nuevas políticas sanitarias y sus efectos sobre los usuarios, parece haber permanecido ajena, en general, a los graves problemas derivados de la corrupción, prefiriendo enfocarse en cuestiones vinculadas a planteos abstractos de justicia y solidaridad, atribuyendo los fracasos a la imposición de modelos económicos foráneos.

  7. Cadalso de los Vidrios leucogranite: a worldwide building stone from Spain

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Freire Lista, David Martin; Fort, Rafael


    Cadalso de los Vidrios leucogranite is extracted from the Sierra de Guadarrama (Spanish Central System), about 75 kilometers southwest of Madrid. "Cadalso" means "high place", the topography of Cadalso de los Vidrios village is dominated by the Peña Muñana, where there is an eighth century Arab watchtower built with leucogranite. "Vidrios" refers to glass factories that existed in Cadaso de los Vidrios from the late twelfth century. Today there are no glass factories and quarrying is an important industry, Cadalso de los Vidrios has three quarry zones, and many processing and carving workshops. Cadalso de los Vidrios leucogranite is a fine-medium-grained, hypidiomorphic, equigranular leucogranite. There are many historical buildings built with thisstone, including the archeological site of "La Mezquita" whose original mosque was built between the years 950 and 1012 and the Villena Palace which dates from the fifteenth century. In 1534, this was rebuilt into a Renaissance-style castle In addition the "Arco de la Ermita de Santa Ana" was built between 1463 and 1492 and the Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Church was built in 1498 with its façade being completed in Plateresque-style in the "Casa de los Salvajes". The Cadalso de los Vidrios City Hall was built in 1992 also with leucogranite. The current annual production of the Cadalso de los Vidrios leucogranite is 8000 m3, of which 40% is exported primarily to France and Italy. Currently, under the trade name Blanco Cristal, it has been used in places such as Vieux-Port in Marseille, in France; Plaza Romagné Conflans in Ste Honorine (France); Cork International Airport, in Ireland; Terminal 4 of Adolfo Suarez Airport, in Madrid; shopping malls in Dortmund, Germany as well as in Guangzhou, China and the Puri EXIM Bank, in Jakarta. Thermal shock cycles were performed during 24 hours according to the European standard UNE-EN, 14066, 2003 in 7 cubes of Blanco Cristal. First, the samples were put in an oven at


    PubMed Central

    Villaverde, Jorge Alarcón; Romaní, Franco Romaní; Torres, Silvia Montano; Zunt, Joseph R.


    La infección por el virus linfotrópico humano de células T tipo 1 (HTLV-1) ha sido descrita en muchas áreas del mundo, como en los países del Caribe, Japón, África, Oceanía y en Sudamérica. En la presente revisión definimos la endemicidad del HTLV-1 en el país, planteando cuatro criterios epidemiológicos. Luego discutimos el tema central de la revisión: la transmisión vertical del HTLV-1, que en nuestro país sería uno de los principales mecanismos de transmisión. Dentro del desarrollo de este aspecto en particular, presentamos una estimación de la tasa de transmisión vertical y los factores de riesgo asociados con la transmisión vertical sobre la base de una revisión exhaustiva de estudios nacionales y extranjeros. Con esta revisión pretendemos dar una primera aproximación al estudio de la trasmisión vertical de HTLV-1, un aspecto poco estudiado en nuestro medio. PMID:21537777

  9. East Los Angeles College Community Demographics: A Look in 1980. Research Report 80-5.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hepburn, Kenneth; Sachs, Steven Mark

    A study was conducted by East Los Angeles College (ELAC) to determine the economic, demographic, and ethnic composition of ELAC's service district. The study involved the examination of community data collected from a variety of sources, including the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Department, the Los Angeles Times Marketing Research…

  10. A physicists guide to The Los Alamos Primer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reed, B. Cameron


    In April 1943, a group of scientists at the newly established Los Alamos Laboratory were given a series of lectures by Robert Serber on what was then known of the physics and engineering issues involved in developing fission bombs. Serber’s lectures were recorded in a 24 page report titled The Los Alamos Primer, which was subsequently declassified and published in book form. This paper describes the background to the Primer and analyzes the physics contained in its 22 sections. The motivation for this paper is to provide a firm foundation of the background and contents of the Primer for physicists interested in the Manhattan Project and nuclear weapons.

  11. Enhanced care for primary hip arthroplasty: factors affecting length of hospital stay.


    Panteli, Michalis; Habeeb, Shayma'u; McRoberts, John; Porteous, Matthew J


    Enhanced care in joint replacement requires identification and correction of the causes of delay in discharge while ensuring practice remains safe. We conducted prospective studies of factors delaying discharge following hip replacement in 2006 and 2010. Daily data were twice collected prospectively in 100 consecutive unselected primary cemented THR, by an independent observer. Reasons for delays in discharge and variation from the patient pathway were identified and addressed. The mean length of stay (LOS) in 2006 was 4.3 days and in 2010, 3.56 days (target for discharge 4 days). In 2006, 31 patients had a stay of more than 4 days, 17 due to inadequate physiotherapy provision, 10 for medical and 4 for other reasons. In 2010, 15 patients had a stay of more than 4 days, 1 patient had inadequate physiotherapy provision, in 7 cases discharge was delayed because of need for blood transfusion and 7 because of need for catheterisation. Women aged more than 70 with preoperative haemoglobin of <12 g/dL were at particularly high risk of requiring transfusion. Catheterisation was also identified as a factor causing significant increase in LOS. Patients going home in less than 4 days were more likely to have had their operation in the morning. Patient LOS is multifactorial and can be reduced by regular review of the care pathway to effect incremental changes that have a significant impact on reducing stay.

  12. Factors that influence length of stay for in-patient gynaecology surgery: is the Case Mix Group (CMG) or type of procedure more important?


    Carey, Mark S; Victory, Rahi; Stitt, Larry; Tsang, Nicole


    To compare the association between the Case Mix Group (CMG) code and length of stay (LOS) with the association between the type of procedure and LOS in patients admitted for gynaecology surgery. We examined the records of women admitted for surgery in CMG 579 (major uterine/adnexal procedure, no malignancy) or 577 (major surgery ovary/adnexa with malignancy) between April 1997 and March 1999. Factors thought to influence LOS included age, weight, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score, physician, day of the week on which surgery was performed, and procedure type. Procedures were divided into six categories, four for CMG 579 and two for CMG 577. Data were abstracted from the hospital information costing system (T2 system) and by retrospective chart review. Multivariable analysis was performed using linear regression with backwards elimination. There were 606 patients in CMG 579 and 101 patients in CMG 577, and the corresponding median LOS was four days (range 1-19) for CMG 579 and nine days (range 3-30) for CMG 577. Combined analysis of both CMGs 577 and 579 revealed the following factors as highly significant determinants of LOS: procedure, age, physician, and ASA score. Although confounded by procedure type, the CMG did not significantly account for differences in LOS in the model if procedure was considered. Pairwise comparisons of procedure categories were all found to be statistically significant, even when controlled for other important variables. The type of procedure better accounts for differences in LOS by describing six statistically distinct procedure groups rather than the traditional two CMGs. It is reasonable therefore to consider changing the current CMG codes for gynaecology to a classification based on the type of procedure.

  13. Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1994

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    This report describes environmental monitoring activities at Los Alamos National Laboratory for 1994. Data were collected to assess external penetrating radiation, airborne emissions, liquid effluents, radioactivity of environmental materials and food stuffs, and environmental compliance.

  14. PubMed

    Rodríguez, Yarimar Rosa; Díaz, Nelson Varas


    El proceso de estigmatización asume una devaluación de la persona debido a una característica o marca que haya sido identificada socialmente y que permita que se le describa como diferente. Desde que se desató la epidemia del VIH/SIDA, vivir con la enfermedad ha sido señalado de manera social como una marca estigmatizante. Las manifestaciones de dicha estigmatización se han documentado entre profesionales de la salud. Este estigma puede afectar los servicios de salud que las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA reciben de estos profesionales. Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron explorar: 1) la percepción que tienen estudiantes y profesionales de la salud sobre su nivel de competencia para ofrecer servicios a personas que viven con VIH/SIDA, 2) las opiniones de éstos sobre el tipo de adiestramiento profesional recibido y la necesidad del mismo, y 3) la manifestación de actitudes estigmatizantes como indicadores de necesidad de adiestramiento profesional. La muestra total del estudio estuvo compuesta por 80 de diversas profesiones de la salud. Los resultados reflejan que algunos/as de los/as participantes han recibido formación en VIH pero ésta no ha sido suficiente para contrarrestar las nociones estigmatizantes. Discutimos las implicaciones de los resultados para investigaciones futuras y el desarrollo de intervenciones con vías de minimizar las nociones estigmatizantes en los escenarios de salud.

  15. Percepción de competencia y adiestramiento profesional especializado relativos al VIH/SIDA en estudiantes y profesionales de la salud: el estigma como un indicador de necesidad

    PubMed Central



    El proceso de estigmatización asume una devaluación de la persona debido a una característica o marca que haya sido identificada socialmente y que permita que se le describa como diferente. Desde que se desató la epidemia del VIH/SIDA, vivir con la enfermedad ha sido señalado de manera social como una marca estigmatizante. Las manifestaciones de dicha estigmatización se han documentado entre profesionales de la salud. Este estigma puede afectar los servicios de salud que las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA reciben de estos profesionales. Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron explorar: 1) la percepción que tienen estudiantes y profesionales de la salud sobre su nivel de competencia para ofrecer servicios a personas que viven con VIH/SIDA, 2) las opiniones de éstos sobre el tipo de adiestramiento profesional recibido y la necesidad del mismo, y 3) la manifestación de actitudes estigmatizantes como indicadores de necesidad de adiestramiento profesional. La muestra total del estudio estuvo compuesta por 80 de diversas profesiones de la salud. Los resultados reflejan que algunos/as de los/as participantes han recibido formación en VIH pero ésta no ha sido suficiente para contrarrestar las nociones estigmatizantes. Discutimos las implicaciones de los resultados para investigaciones futuras y el desarrollo de intervenciones con vías de minimizar las nociones estigmatizantes en los escenarios de salud. PMID:20011236

  16. Expedition54_Education_In-flight_Para_Los_Ninos_053_1755_621343_hires

    NASA Image and Video Library


    SPACE STATION CREW MEMBER DISCUSSES LIFE IN SPACE WITH HISPANIC STUDENTS IN LOS ANGELES:::::::: Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 54 Flight Engineer Joe Acaba of NASA discussed his mission on the complex and life and research in space with students at the Para Los Ninos School in Los Angeles during an in-flight educational event Feb. 22. Acaba, who has been in orbit since last September, is returning to Earth on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft on Feb. 27 (U.S. time) for a landing in south central Kazakhstan.

  17. Risk factors for length of stay and charge per day differ between older and younger hospitalized patients with AML.


    Kumar, Anita J; Henzer, Tobi; Rodday, Angie Mae; Parsons, Susan K


    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is associated with frequent hospitalizations. We evaluated factors associated with length of stay (LOS) and charge per day (CPD) for admissions in older (≥60 years) and younger patients (<60 years). We identified patients with ICD-9-CM codes for AML or myeloid sarcoma in the 2012 HCUP-NIS. In separate models based on age, we examined patient (sex, race, income, insurance payer, chronic conditions, chemotherapy administration, death) and hospital (type, geography) characteristics. Multivariable negative binomial regression estimated factor effects on LOS and CPD using rate ratios, with HCUP-NIS weights. In 43,820 discharges, LOS was longer in patients <60 than ≥60 (6.8 vs. 5.4 days). For patients <60, longer LOS was seen with more chronic conditions (RR = 1.10), Black race (RR = 1.16), chemotherapy (RR = 2.27), and geography; shorter LOS was associated with older age (RR = 0.93), Medicare (RR = 0.83), and hospital type. For patients ≥60, longer LOS associated with chronic conditions (RR = 1.07) and Asian race (RR = 1.33). Shorter LOS associated with older age (RR = 0.86), higher income (RR = 0.93), and hospital type. For patients <60, higher CPD associated with chronic conditions (RR = 1.05), death (RR = 1.93), and geography; lower CPD associated with increasing age (RR = 0.96), Medicaid (RR = 0.93), and rural hospitals (RR = 0.65). For patients ≥60, higher CPD associated with Medicare (RR = 1.05), more chronic conditions (RR = 1.02), younger age (RR = 1.1), west geography (RR = 1.37), death (RR = 1.45), and Hispanic race (RR = 1.15). We identify predictors for increased healthcare utilization in hospitalized patients with AML, which differ within age groups. Future efforts are needed to link utilization outcomes with clinical treatments and response. © 2018 The Authors. Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Assessing the Effects of Irrigation on Land Surface Processes Utilizing CLM.PF in Los Angeles, California

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reyes, B.; Vahmani, P.; Hogue, T. S.; Maxwell, R. M.


    Irrigation can significantly alter land surface properties including increases in evapotranspiration (ET) and latent heat flux and a decrease in land surface temperatures that have a wide range of effects on the hydrologic cycle. However, most irrigation in land surface modeling studies has generally been limited to large-scale cropland applications while ignoring the, relatively, much smaller use of irrigation in urban areas. Although this assumption may be valid in global studies, as we seek to apply models at higher resolutions and at more local scales, irrigation in urban areas can become a key factor in land-atmosphere interactions. Landscape irrigation can account for large portions of residential urban water use, especially in semi-arid environments (e.g. ~50% in Los Angeles, CA). Previous modeling efforts in urbanized semi-arid regions have shown that disregarding irrigation leads to inaccurate representation of the energy budget. The current research models a 49.5-km2 (19.11-mi2) domain near downtown Los Angeles in the Ballona Creek watershed at a high spatial and temporal resolution using a coupled hydrologic (ParFlow) and land surface model (CLM). Our goals are to (1) provide a sensitivity analysis for urban irrigation parameters including sensitivity to total volume and timing of irrigation, (2) assess the effects of irrigation on varying land cover types on the energy budget, and (3) evaluate if residential water use data is useful in providing estimates for irrigation in land surface modeling. Observed values of land surface parameters from remote sensing products (Land Surface Temperature and ET), water use data from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), and modeling results from an irrigated version of the NOAH-Urban Canopy Model are being used for comparison and evaluation. Our analysis provides critical information on the degree to which urban irrigation should be represented in high-resolution, semi-arid urban land surface

  19. Capital social de los padres de escolares de una zona vulnerable.


    Cornejo, Susana; Herrera, Ariel; Hilas, Elena; Gigena, Y Pablo


    El capital social supone importantes inversiones materiales, simbólicas y de esfuerzos. Conocer el capital social de una comunidad puede facilitar la comprensión del beneficio de las relaciones comunitarias para la promoción de salud. Con el objetivo de reconocer los componentes del capital social de padres de escolares atendiendo una escuela en una zona vulnerable de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina, indagamos a través de grupos focales acerca de elementos esenciales del capital social. La asintonía socio-cultural entre los pobladores originarios y los reubicados, la estigmatización policial y el clientelismo político han generado desconfianza del uno hacia el otro en diferentes aspectos convivenciales, siendo la familia la única red de apoyo. La escuela se reconoce como espacio adonde la gente espontáneamente se organiza para invertir en redes sociales, presentándose así con potencialidad para la promoción de conductas saludables, por el lugar simbólico que ocupa para los padres.

  20. Use of Historical Radar Rainfall Estimates to Develop Design Storms in Los Angeles.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Curtis, D. C.; Humphrey, J.; Moffitt, J.


    A database of 15-minute historical gage adjusted radar-rainfall estimates was used to evaluate the geometric properties of storms in the City of Los Angeles, CA. The database includes selected months containing significant rainfall during the period 1996-2007. For each time step, areas of contiguous rainfall were identified as individual storm cells. An idealized ellipse was fit to each storm cell and the properties of the ellipse (e.g., size, shape, orientation, velocity and other parameters) were recorded. To accurately account for the range of storm cell sizes, capture a large number of storm cells in a climatologically similar area, assess the variability of storm movement, and minimize the impact of edge effects (i.e., incomplete coverage of cells entering and leaving), a study area substantially larger than the City of Los Angeles was used. The study area extends from city center to 30 miles north to the crest of San Gabriel Mountains, 45 miles east to Ontario, 60 miles south to Santa Catalina Island, and 70 miles west to Oxnard, an area of about10,000 square miles. Radar data for this area over 30 months in the study yields many thousands of storm cells for analysis. Storms were separated into classes by origin, direction and speed of movement. Preliminary investigations considers three types: Arctic origin (west-northwest), Pacific origin (southwest) and Tropical origin (south or stationary). Radar data (for 1996-2007) and upper air maps (1948-2006) are used to identify the direction and speed of significant precipitation events. Typical duration and temporal patterns of Los Angeles historical storms were described by season and storm type. Time of maximum intensity loading variation were determined for a selection of historic storms Depth-Areal Reduction Factors (DARF) for cloudbursts were developedfrom the radar data. These data curves are fit to equations showing the relationships between DARF, area and central intensity. Separate DARF curves are

  1. Agreement between Los Rios Community College District and Los Rios College Federation of Teachers (Local 2279, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO), July 1, 1987-June 30, 1990.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Los Rios Community Coll. District, Sacramento, CA.

    The collective bargaining agreement between the Los Rios Community College District Board of Trustees and the Los Rios College Federation of Teachers/California Teachers Association/National Education Association is presented. This contract, covering faculty at American River College, Cosumnes River College, and Sacramento City College, applies to…

  2. Materiales educativos sobre el módulo EnviroAtlas

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La EPA ha diseñado un conjunto de planes de estudios y recursos educativos EnviroAtlas para estudiantes de K-16, que potencia la herramienta EnviroAtlas, y permite a los estudiantes participar en una enseñanza práctica altamente interactiva.

  3. Estudio de los Efectos Gravitomagnéticos en Cuerpos Masivos Rotantes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Velandia Heredia, N.; Tejeiro, J. M.


    A partir del estudio de los Efectos Gravitomagnéticos en cuerpos masivos rotantes, planteamos la expresión para medir el desfase en el tiempo, para diferentes observadores, que se dan cuando viajan dos rayos de luz por una guía de onda o de manera libre (geodésicas), en el plano azimutal y en el plano polar. Con lo anterior queremos abordar el experimento tipo Michelson y Morley, de forma que podamos involucrar el valor de la densidad del momento angular (a) en el retraso temporal para los dos haces de luz que viajan por los brazos del interferómetro, cuando este último es ubicado en el plano ecuatorial.

  4. Factors associated with the healing of complex surgical wounds in the breast and abdomen: retrospective cohort study.


    Borges, Eline Lima; Pires, José Ferreira; Abreu, Mery Natali Silva; Lima, Vera Lúcia de Araújo; Silva, Patrícia Aparecida Barbosa; Soares, Sônia Maria


    a 15 dias, enquanto uso de cobertura hidrocoloide e tela de Marlex estiveram associados a um menor risco de cicatrização. a taxa de cura da ferida foi considerada elevada, e esteve associada ao tipo de intervenção cirúrgica, consumo de etanol, tipo de cobertura, extensão e tempo de existência da ferida. Condutas preventivas podem ser implementadas durante o acompanhamento da evolução do fechamento da ferida cirúrgica complexa, com possibilidades de intervenção nos fatores de risco modificáveis. estimar la tasa de cicatrización de herida quirúrgica compleja y sus factores asociados. cohorte retrospectivo de 2003 a 2014 con 160 pacientes de ambulatorio de un hospital universitario brasileño. Los datos fueron obtenidos por medio de consulta a las fichas médicas. La función de supervivencia fue estimada por el método de Kaplan-Meier y el modelo de regresión de Cox para estimar el riesgo de ocurrencia de cicatrización. la tasa de cicatrización de la herida quirúrgica compleja fue 67,8% (IC 95%: 60,8-74,9). Los factores asociados a un mayor riesgo de cicatrización de la herida fueron cirugía de sectorectomía / cuadrantectomía, consumo de más de 20 gramos/día de etanol, extensión de la herida menor que 17,3 cm2 y tiempo de existencia de la herida antes del tratamiento en ambulatorio inferior a 15 días; en lo que se refiere al uso de cubrimiento hidrocoloide y tela de Marlex estuvieron asociados a un menor riesgo de cicatrización. la tasa de cura de la herida fue considerada elevada, y estuvo asociada al tipo de intervención quirúrgica, consumo de etanol, tipo de cubrimiento, extensión y tiempo de existencia de la herida. Conductas preventivas pueden ser implementadas durante el acompañamiento de la evolución del cierre de la herida quirúrgica compleja, con posibilidades de intervenir sobre los factores de riesgo modificables.

  5. Alternative Fuels Data Center: Los Angeles Public Works Fleet Converts to Websites

    electric car. College Students Engineer Efficient Vehicles in EcoCAR 2 Competition Aug. 2, 2014 Photo of a Natural GasA> Los Angeles Public Works Fleet Converts to Natural Gas to someone by E-mail Share . For information about this project, contact Los Angeles Clean Cities Coalition. Download QuickTime

  6. Fatigue in children and adolescents with cancer from the perspective of health professionals.


    Silva, Michele Cristina Miyauti da; Lopes, Luís Carlos; Nascimento, Lucila Castanheira; Lima, Regina Aparecida Garcia de


    âncer. investigar cuales conocimientos los profesionales de salud poseen acerca del conocimiento, la evaluación e intervención sobre la fatiga en niños y adolescentes con cáncer. estudio exploratorio con aproximación cualitativa, desarrollado con 53 profesionales de salud (10 enfermeros, 33 auxiliares de enfermería, 3 médicos, 3 nutricionistas, 2 psicólogos y 2 fisioterapeutas). Fueron conducidas entrevistas semi-estructuradas, que fueron grabadas y analizadas mediante el modelo de análisis de contenido del tipo temático inductivo. los datos fueron organizados alrededor de tres temas: conocimiento de los profesionales de la salud acerca de la fatiga; identificación de la fatiga e intervenciones para el alivio de la fatiga. los hallazgos indican el conocimiento limitado de los profesionales de salud sobre fatiga, además de la poca inversión en educación continuada y permanente. Sobretodo, la escasez de estudios sobre el tema en el escenario brasileño sigue siendo una barrera para ofrecer apoyo para mejorar este síntoma en niños y adolescentes con cáncer.

  7. Space Radar Image of Los Angeles, California

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    This radar image shows the massive urbanization of Los Angeles, California. The image extends from the Santa Monica Bay at the left to the San Gabriel Mountains at the right. Downtown Los Angeles is in the center of the image. The runways of the Los Angeles International Airport appear as black strips at the left center of the image. The waterways of Marina del Rey are seen just above the airport. The San Gabriel Mountains and the city of Pasadena are at the right center of the image. Black areas on the mountains on the right are fire scars from the 1993 Altadena fire. The Rose Bowl is shown as a small circle near the right center. The complex freeway system is visible as dark lines throughout the image. Some city areas, such as Santa Monica in the upper left, appear red due to the alignment of streets and buildings to the incoming radar beam. The image was acquired by the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) onboard the space shuttle Endeavour on October 3, 1994. SIR-C/X-SAR, a joint mission of the German, Italian and the United States space agencies, is part of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth. This image is centered at 34.04 degrees North latitude and 118.2 degrees West longitude with North pointing toward the upper right. The area shown measures 40 kilometers by 50 kilometers (25 miles by 31 miles).

  8. Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Iowa Univ., Iowa City. Recreation Education Program.

    Presented are duplications of the responses given by the Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation Rehabilitation Unit (California) as part of a project to collect, share, and compile information about, and techniques in the operation of 18 community action models for recreation services to the disabled. Model programs are categorized as consumer,…

  9. 40 CFR 52.227 - Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... IMPLEMENTATION PLANS California § 52.227 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los... Los Angeles Intrastate Region. (1) Los Angeles County Air Pollution Control District: (i) Regulation IV, Rule 68.1. (2) Riverside County Air Pollution Control District: (i) Regulation IV, Rule 54 for...

  10. 40 CFR 52.227 - Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... IMPLEMENTATION PLANS California § 52.227 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los... Los Angeles Intrastate Region. (1) Los Angeles County Air Pollution Control District: (i) Regulation IV, Rule 68.1. (2) Riverside County Air Pollution Control District: (i) Regulation IV, Rule 54 for...

  11. 40 CFR 52.227 - Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... IMPLEMENTATION PLANS California § 52.227 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los... Los Angeles Intrastate Region. (1) Los Angeles County Air Pollution Control District: (i) Regulation IV, Rule 68.1. (2) Riverside County Air Pollution Control District: (i) Regulation IV, Rule 54 for...

  12. Long-term effect of mass chemotherapy, transmission and risk factors for Schistosoma mansoni infection in very low endemic communities of Venezuela.


    Hofstede, Stefanie N; Tami, Adriana; van Liere, Genevieve A F S; Ballén, Diana; Incani, Renzo N


    The prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni infection in Venezuela has changed from high to low due mostly to successful control activities, including mass chemotherapy and molluscicide applications. This study examined the impact of mass chemotherapy on S. mansoni transmission and risk factors for infection 12 years after administration of praziquantel in Venezuela. Two relatively isolated rural communities were studied, one with snail control (Manuare) and the second without (Los Naranjos). A cross-sectional survey of randomly selected households included 226 (Manuare) and 192 (Los Naranjos) consenting participants. S. mansoni prevalence was determined using a combination of coprological (Kato-Katz) and serological (circumoval precipitin test, alkaline phosphatase immunoassay and Western blot) tests. Data on epidemiological and socioeconomic risk factors were obtained through individual structured interviews. Univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression models identified independent risk factors for infection. Water sites were examined for the presence of Biomphalaria glabrata snails. Only one participant was positive by coprology. The overall prevalences according to the combined tests were 32.7% in Manuare and 26.6% in Los Naranjos. Lower prevalences (12.7% in Manuare and 13.2% in Los Naranjos) were found in children <12 years of age representing those born after mass chemotherapy. Social demographic variables associated with infection in both communities were older age (>25 years), contact with specific water sites, and being a farmer/non-specialised worker. Mass treatment with praziquantel applied once to endemic communities led to an important and long-lasting sustained reduction of S. mansoni infections independent of the application of snail control. A degree of low active transmission of S. mansoni persisted in the treated areas which was associated with similar factors in both communities. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Recent Infrasound Calibration Activity at Los Alamos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Whitaker, R. W.; Marcillo, O. E.


    Absolute infrasound sensor calibration is necessary for estimating source sizes from measured waveforms. This can be an important function in treaty monitoring. The Los Alamos infrasound calibration chamber is capable of absolute calibration. Early in 2014 the Los Alamos infrasound calibration chamber resumed operations in its new location after an unplanned move two years earlier. The chamber has two sources of calibration signals. The first is the original mechanical piston, and the second is a CLD Dynamics Model 316 electro-mechanical unit that can be digitally controlled and provide a richer set of calibration options. During 2008-2010 a number of upgrades were incorporated for improved operation and recording. In this poster we give an overview of recent chamber work on sensor calibrations, calibration with the CLD unit, some measurements with different porous hoses and work with impulse sources.

  14. 75 FR 72829 - Los Alamos Historical Document Retrieval and Assessment (LAHDRA) Project

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Historical Document Retrieval and Assessment (LAHDRA) Project The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention... release of the Final Report of the Los Alamos Historical Document Retrieval and Assessment (LAHDRA)Project... information about historical chemical or radionuclide releases from facilities at the Los Alamos National...

  15. Bedsharing at home, breastfeeding and sudden infant death. Recommendations for health professionals



    El Grupo de Trabajo en Muerte Súbita e Inesperada del Lactante, junto con la Subcomisión de Lactancia Materna de la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría, elaboraron nuevas recomendaciones sobre la práctica del colecho, en la cual el niño duerme en la misma superficie junto a su madre, situación que es motivo de controversia. El colecho favorece la lactancia materna, que, a su vez, es protectora de la muerte súbita del lactante. Un pequeño grupo de niños presenta mayor riesgo de muerte súbita del lactante y accidentes fatales durante el colecho en ciertas circunstancias, que incluyen dormir en un sillón o sofá, padres fumadores, ingesta de sedantes, drogas y/o consumo de alcohol, niños prematuros y/o de bajo peso. El colecho en niños alimentados con leche humana, sin los factores de riesgo mencionados y con padres responsables de implementar un ambiente de sueño seguro, no aumenta el riesgo de muerte súbita del lactante. Esta guía no recomienda taxativamente la prohibición del colecho. Instruye a los profesionales de la salud a propalar a las familias un mensaje balanceado que incluya tanto los riesgos como los beneficios del colecho, lo que les permite a los padres una decisión informada al respecto. El documento señala que la cohabitación sin colecho es el lugar más seguro para los bebés al momento de dormir.

  16. Hate Crime in Los Angeles County 1990. A Report to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hatcher, Bunny Nightwalker

    A report on 1990 hate crimes in Los Angeles County (California) found 275 racially motivated hate crimes, 150 religiously motivated hate crimes, and 125 sexual orientation hate crimes. The data were collected primarily from law enforcement and community agencies. Of the racially motivated crimes, most were aimed at Blacks, followed by Asians. Jews…

  17. Analisis de mecanismos alternos de coordinacion de la operacion en los puertos fronterizos entre Mexico y Estados Unidos.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Identificar los problemas de coordinacin Intersectoriales entre dependencias pblicas de Mxico, los problemas originados por la falta de Coordinacin Binacional en los Puertos Fronterizos y los costos que se derivan de estos problemas. Desarrol...

  18. Los Angeles Area Permit Holder Estimated Trash Load Reduction

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    The Los Angeles River has been designated as an impaired waterbody due to the large volume of trash it receives from the watershed. To address this problem a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), which establishes baseline trash loads to the river from the watershed, has been incorporated into the area stormwater permit. The permit requires each permittee to implement trash reduction measures for discharges through the storm drain system with an emphasis on the installation of full capture devices. The stormwater permit incorporates progressive reductions in trash discharges to the Los Angeles River, reaching a zero level in 2016.

  19. Prenatal health behaviors and psychosocial risk factors in pregnant women of Mexican origin: the role of acculturation.

    PubMed Central

    Zambrana, R E; Scrimshaw, S C; Collins, N; Dunkel-Schetter, C


    OBJECTIVES: This study examined the association between acculturation of Mexican-origin women and factors in low birthweight and preterm delivery. METHODS: Interviews were conducted with 911 Mexican-origin respondents in Los Angeles prenatal care clinics. Infant outcome data were retrieved from delivery records. RESULTS: Mexican-American women had generally more undesirable prenatal behaviors and risk factors than Mexican-immigrant women. Although higher acculturation was significantly associated with behavioral risk factors, there were no direct effects of acculturation on infant gestational age or birthweight. CONCLUSIONS: Future research needs to measure multiple factors to assess their effects on culture-specific protective factors. PMID:9224189

  20. Los Alamos National Laboratory Facility Review

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nelson, Ronald Owen


    This series of slides depicts the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE). The Center's 800-MeV linac produces H + and H - beams as well as beams of moderated (cold to 1 MeV) and unmoderated (0.1 to 600 MeV) neutrons. Experimental facilities and their capabilities and characteristics are outlined. Among these are LENZ, SPIDER, and DANCE.

  1. Four Quarters of Football Helmet Safety


    ... Association). 082012 Pub. 348 AJUSTE CORRECTO UN JUEGO MÁS SEGURO 4 CUARTOS SOBRE LA SEGURIDAD DE LOS ... La salud a largo plazo del atleta es más importante que el resultado de un juego. Recuerde ...

  2. Penetrating radiation: applications at Los Alamos National Laboratory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Watson, Scott; Hunter, James; Morris, Christopher


    Los Alamos has used penetrating radiography extensively throughout its history dating back to the Manhattan Project where imaging dense, imploding objects was the subject of intense interest. This interest continues today as major facilities like DARHT1 have become the mainstay of the US Stockpile Stewardship Program2 and the cornerstone of nuclear weapons certification. Meanwhile, emerging threats to national security from cargo containers and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have invigorated inspection efforts using muon tomography, and compact x-ray radiography. Additionally, unusual environmental threats, like those from underwater oil spills and nuclear power plant accidents, have caused renewed interest in fielding radiography in severe operating conditions. We review the history of penetrating radiography at Los Alamos and survey technologies as presently applied to these important problems.

  3. Ride-along data LOS 130, 170 & LO330 shots z3139, 3140 and 3141

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Loisel, Guillaume Pascal

    Each instrument records the x-ray emission from the Z-pinch dynamic hohlraum (ZPDH); LOS 130 TIXTLs instruments record the absorption of the pinch backlighter through an expanding NaF/Mg foil; LOS 170 MLM instruments record monochromatic images at 276 and 528 eV energies near and before ZPDH stagnation time; LOS 330 TREX 6A & B: recoded time resolved absorption spectra from a radiatively heated Ne gas.

  4. Collaborating for Equity: A Scan of the Los Angeles Educational Ecosystem. Summary

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Potochnik, Tracie; Romans, Angela N.


    Los Angeles has an educational ecosystem that is rich with partners committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for students. Throughout the 2014-2015 school year, the "Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University" (AISR) spent time meeting with a range of partners, including the Los Angeles Unified…

  5. Los Alamos Before and After the Fire

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    On May 4, 2000, a prescribed fire was set at Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, to clear brush and dead and dying undergrowth to prevent a larger, subsequent wildfire. Unfortunately, due to high winds and extremely dry conditions in the surrounding area, the prescribed fire quickly raged out of control and, by May 10, the blaze had spread into the nearby town of Los Alamos. In all, more than 20,000 people were evacuated from their homes and more than 200 houses were destroyed as the flames consumed about 48,000 acres in and around the Los Alamos area. The pair of images above were acquired by the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor, flying aboard NASA's Landsat 7 satellite, shortly before the Los Alamos fire (top image, acquired April 14) and shortly after the fire was extinguished (lower image, June 17). The images reveal the extent of the damage caused by the fire. Combining ETM+ channels 7, 4, and 2 (one visible and two infrared channels) results in a false-color image where vegetation appears as bright to dark green. Forested areas are generally dark green while herbaceous vegetation is light green. Rangeland or more open areas appear pink to light purple. Areas with extensive pavement or urban development appear light blue or white to purple. Less densely-developed residential areas appear light green and golf courses are very bright green. In the lower image, the areas recently burned appear bright red. Landsat 7 data courtesy United States Geological Survey EROS DataCenter. Images by Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC.

  6. Space Radar Image of Los Angeles, California

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This radar image shows the massive urbanization of Los Angeles, California. The image extends from the Santa Monica Bay at the left to the San Gabriel Mountains at the right. Downtown Los Angeles is in the center of the image. The runways of the Los Angeles International Airport appear as black strips at the left center of the image. The waterways of Marina del Rey are seen just above the airport. The San Gabriel Mountains and the city of Pasadena are at the right center of the image. Black areas on the mountains on the right are fire scars from the 1993 Altadena fire. The Rose Bowl is shown as a small circle near the right center. The complex freeway system is visible as dark lines throughout the image. Some city areas, such as Santa Monica in the upper left, appear red due to the alignment of streets and buildings to the incoming radar beam. The image was acquired by the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) onboard the space shuttle Endeavour on October 3, 1994. SIR-C/X-SAR, a joint mission of the German, Italian and the United States space agencies, is part of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth. This image is centered at 34.04 degrees North latitude and 118.2 degrees West longitude with North pointing toward the upper right. The area shown measures 40 kilometers by 50 kilometers (25 miles by 31 miles).

  7. Critical partnerships: Los Alamos, universities, and industry

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Berger, C.L.


    Los Alamos National Laboratory, situated 35 miles northwest of Santa Fe, NM, is one of the Department of Energy`s three Defense Programs laboratories. It encompasses 43 square miles, employees approximately 10,000 people, and has a budget of approximately $1.1B in FY97. Los Alamos has a strong post-cold war mission, that of reducing the nuclear danger. But even with that key role in maintaining the nation`s security, Los Alamos views partnerships with universities and industry as critical to its future well being. Why is that? As the federal budget for R&D comes under continued scrutiny and certain reduction, we believe thatmore » the triad of science and technology contributors to the national system of R&D must rely on and leverage each others capabilities. For us this means that we will rely on these partners to help us in 5 key ways: We expect that partnerships will help us maintain and enhance our core competencies. In doing so, we will be able to attract the best scientists and engineers. To keep on the cutting edge of research and development, we have found that partnerships maintain the excellence of staff through new and exciting challenges. Additionally, we find that from our university and corporate partners we often learn and incorporate {open_quotes}best practices{close_quotes} in organizational management and operations. Finally, we believe that a strong national system of R&D will ensure and enhance our ability to generate revenues.« less

  8. Measurements and predictors of on-road ultrafine particle concentrations and associated pollutants in Los Angeles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fruin, S.; Westerdahl, D.; Sax, T.; Sioutas, C.; Fine, P. M.

    Motor vehicles are the dominant source of oxides of nitrogen (NO x), particulate matter (PM), and certain air toxics (e.g., benzene, 1,3-butadiene) in urban areas. On roadways, motor vehicle-related pollutant concentrations are typically many times higher than ambient concentrations. Due to high air exchange rates typical of moving vehicles, this makes time spent in vehicles on roadways a major source of exposure. This paper presents on-road measurements for Los Angeles freeways and arterial roads taken from a zero-emission electric vehicle outfitted with real-time instruments. The objective was to characterize air pollutant concentrations on roadways and identify the factors associated with the highest concentrations. Our analysis demonstrated that on freeways, concentrations of ultrafine particles (UFPs), black carbon, nitric oxide, and PM-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PM-PAH) are generated primarily by diesel-powered vehicles, despite the relatively low fraction (˜6%) of diesel-powered vehicles on Los Angeles freeways. However, UFP concentrations on arterial roads appeared to be driven primarily by proximity to gasoline-powered vehicles undergoing hard accelerations. Concentrations were roughly one-third of those on freeways. By using a multiple regression model for the freeway measurements, we were able to explain 60-70% of the variability in concentrations of UFP, black carbon, nitric oxide, and PM-PAH using measures of diesel truck density and hour of day (as an indicator of wind speed). Freeway concentrations of these pollutants were also well correlated with readily available annual average daily truck counts, potentially allowing improved population exposure estimates for epidemiology studies. Based on these roadway measurements and average driving time, it appears that 33-45% of total UFP exposure for Los Angeles residents occurs due to time spent traveling in vehicles.

  9. Anxiety disorders among Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites in Los Angeles.


    Karno, M; Golding, J M; Burnam, M A; Hough, R L; Escobar, J I; Wells, K M; Boyer, R


    This report from the Los Angeles site of the NIMH Epidemiologic Catchment Area study reveals significant ethnic and national origin differences in lifetime prevalence rates for three out of six specific, DSM-III-defined anxiety disorders. In the case of simple phobia, United States-born Mexican Americans report higher rates than native non-Hispanic whites or immigrant Mexican Americans, the latter two groups having similar rates. Mexican Americans born in the United States had higher rates of agoraphobia than immigrant Mexican Americans, and non-Hispanic whites reported higher lifetime rates of generalized anxiety disorder compared with both immigrant and native Mexican Americans. Neither ethnic nor national origin differences in lifetime prevalence rates were found for panic disorder, social phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Selective migration is postulated as a potential factor influencing prevalence differences between native and immigrant Mexican Americans.

  10. Nuclear DNA sequences from the Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos hominins.


    Meyer, Matthias; Arsuaga, Juan-Luis; de Filippo, Cesare; Nagel, Sarah; Aximu-Petri, Ayinuer; Nickel, Birgit; Martínez, Ignacio; Gracia, Ana; Bermúdez de Castro, José María; Carbonell, Eudald; Viola, Bence; Kelso, Janet; Prüfer, Kay; Pääbo, Svante


    A unique assemblage of 28 hominin individuals, found in Sima de los Huesos in the Sierra de Atapuerca in Spain, has recently been dated to approximately 430,000 years ago. An interesting question is how these Middle Pleistocene hominins were related to those who lived in the Late Pleistocene epoch, in particular to Neanderthals in western Eurasia and to Denisovans, a sister group of Neanderthals so far known only from southern Siberia. While the Sima de los Huesos hominins share some derived morphological features with Neanderthals, the mitochondrial genome retrieved from one individual from Sima de los Huesos is more closely related to the mitochondrial DNA of Denisovans than to that of Neanderthals. However, since the mitochondrial DNA does not reveal the full picture of relationships among populations, we have investigated DNA preservation in several individuals found at Sima de los Huesos. Here we recover nuclear DNA sequences from two specimens, which show that the Sima de los Huesos hominins were related to Neanderthals rather than to Denisovans, indicating that the population divergence between Neanderthals and Denisovans predates 430,000 years ago. A mitochondrial DNA recovered from one of the specimens shares the previously described relationship to Denisovan mitochondrial DNAs, suggesting, among other possibilities, that the mitochondrial DNA gene pool of Neanderthals turned over later in their history.

  11. Estudio del comportamiento tribologico y de las interacciones de superficie de nuevos nanofluidos ionicos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Espinosa Rodriguez, Tulia

    tribocorrosion processes. The formation of a coating layer on magnesium alloys from phosphonate imidazolium ionic liquids by immersion and by chronoamperometry has been described. The new coatings reduce the abrasive wear in the magnesium-aluminium alloy but they are not effective in the magnesium-zinc alloy, which prevent the formation of continuous coatings. Los liquidos ionicos son sales liquidas a temperatura ambiente o bajas temperaturas que presentan excelentes propiedades fisico-quimicas. En el presente trabajo se estudian como lubricantes en problemas tribologicos complejos como la lubricacion de metales contra si mismos, el desarrollo de lubricantes base agua y de nuevas superficies autolubricadas. Cuando no es posible reducir la friccion y desgaste mediante lubricacion, como en las aleaciones de magnesio, los liquidos ionicos se han estudiado como precursores de recubrimientos protectores. Se han determinado las interacciones superficiales y los procesos de corrosion sobre cobre y sobre acero con diferentes liquidos ionicos proticos y aproticos para desarrollar nuevos lubricantes y aditivos. En el contacto cobre/cobre, excepto el liquido ionico protico derivado del oleato, todos los liquidos ionicos estudiados presentan mejor comportamiento tribologico que el lubricante comercial Polialfaolefina 6. En el contacto acero/zafiro, los nuevos liquidos ionicos proticos son buenos lubricantes cuando se utilizan en estado puro, y, como aditivos en agua, generan peliculas adsorbidas sobre la superficie del metal reduciendo la friccion y el desgaste tras la evaporacion del agua. Para evitar el periodo de alta friccion inicial en presencia de agua, se han generado peliculas superficiales de liquido ionico sobre el acero en condiciones estaticas. El mejor comportamiento lubricante tanto en el contacto cobre/cobre como en el contacto acero/zafiro se obtiene para el liquido ionico protico derivado del anion adipato, con dos grupos carboxilicos. Las interacciones de los grupos

  12. Alternative Fuels Data Center: Los Angeles Saves With Hybrid and Plug-In Websites

    Electric VehiclesA> Los Angeles Saves With Hybrid and Plug-In Electric Vehicles to someone by E million gallons last year. For information about this project, contact Los Angeles Clean Cities Coalition - Television's Original Automotive Magazine Provided by Maryland Public Television Related Videos Photo of a car

  13. Información general sobre la preparación y la respuesta frente a desastres naturales

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Esta página brinda información general sobre la manera en que se puede preparar para enfrentar desastres naturales potenciales y las acciones a tomar después de dichos desastres naturales y otras emergencias ambientales.

  14. Mixed-Methods Study that Examines Nine Science Teachers' Perceptions of Slooh Robotic Telescope for Teaching Astronomy. (Breton Title: Métodos Mistos de Estudo que Examinam a Percepção de Nove Professores de Ciências sobre o Telescópio Robótico Slooh Para Ensino de Astronomia.) Métodos Mixtos de Estudio que Examinan la Percepcion de Nueve Profesores de Ciencias sobre EL Telescopio Robótico Slooh Para la Enseñanza de la Astronomía

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gershun, Daniel C.; Slater, Timothy F.; Berryhill, Katie J.


    ção em sala de aula", "Impacto no Instrutor" e "Questões logísticas". A análise desses temas sugere que Slooh pode proporcionar um ambiente de aprendizagem interativo e social com capacidade de incorporar temas interdisciplinares. Aunque estudios previos muostraron que los telescopios robóticos tienen el potencial de mejorar el aprendizaje del estudiante, hay relativamente poca investigación centrada en las percepciones de lós profesores respecto de esta tecnología. Este estudio investiga: "¿cuál es el mérito académico de la utilización de telescopios robóticos SLOOH para enseñar astronomía según la percepción de los profesores de ciências?" Nuestra muestra está formada por nueve profesores de ciencias de estudiantes entre 13 a 18 años pre-y post-tests, entrevistas, y. encuestas se recogieron durante dos semanas de un curso on-line de verano sobre los telescopios robóticos. Si bien lós tests antes y después de las pruebas no revelaron un aumento estadísticamente significativo en el conocimiento de contenido astronómico, el análisis de lós datos cualitativos reveló cinco temas que describen los aspectos más importantes de la utilización de SLOOH de acuerdo con los participantes:. "Imágenes", "Interface", "aplicación en el aula", "Impacto en el Instructor" y "problemas logísticos" . El análisis de estos temas sugiere que SLOOH puede proporcionar un ambiente de aprendizaje interactivo y social, con capacidad para incorporar temas transversales.

  15. AmeriFlux US-Los Lost Creek

    DOE Data Explorer

    Desai, Ankur [University of Wisconsin


    This is the AmeriFlux version of the carbon flux data for the site US-Los Lost Creek. Site Description - Shrub wetland site, chosen to be representative of the wetlands within the WLEF tall tower flux footprint. This is a deciduous shrub wetland. Coniferous and grassy stands also exist within the WLEF flux footprint. Solar power. The site has excellent micrometeorological characteristics.

  16. Los Alamos National Laboratory Prepares for Fire Season


    L’Esperance, Manny


    Through the establishment of a Wildland Fire Program Office, and the Interagency Fire Base located on Laboratory property, Los Alamos National Laboratory is continuing and improving a program to prepare for wildland fire.

  17. Los Angeles Library Fire--Learning the Hard Way.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Morris, John


    Describes the damage and salvage efforts resulting from the burning of the Los Angeles Central Library in 1986, and makes several recommendations for fire and arson prevention measures and contingency salvage plans. (CLB)

  18. Los Alamos National Laboratory Prepares for Fire Season

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    L’Esperance, Manny

    Through the establishment of a Wildland Fire Program Office, and the Interagency Fire Base located on Laboratory property, Los Alamos National Laboratory is continuing and improving a program to prepare for wildland fire.

  19. Reappraisal of Los Humeros Volcanic Complex by New U/Th Zircon and 40Ar/39Ar Dating: Implications for Greater Geothermal Potential

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carrasco-Núñez, G.; Bernal, J. P.; Dávila, P.; Jicha, B.; Giordano, G.; Hernández, J.


    Longevity and size of magmatic systems are fundamental factors for assessing the potential of a geothermal field. At Los Humeros volcanic complex (LHVC), the first caldera-forming event was reported at 460 ± 40 ka. New zircon U/Th and plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar dates of pre-, syn- and postcaldera volcanics allow a reappraisal of the evolution of the geothermally active LHVC. The age of the voluminous Xaltipan ignimbrite (115 km3 dense rock equivalent [DRE]) associated with the formation of the Los Humeros caldera is now constrained by two geochronometers (zircon U/Th and plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar dating) to 164 ± 4.2 ka, which postdates a long episode of precaldera volcanism (rhyolitic domes), the oldest age of which is 693.0 ± 1.9 ka (40Ar/39Ar). The inferred short residence time (around 5 ka) for the paroxysmal Xaltipan ignimbrite is indicative of rapid assembly of a large magma body and rejuvenation of the system due to recurrent recharge magmas, as it has been occurred in some other large magmatic systems. Younger ages than previously believed have been obtained also for the other voluminous explosive phases of the Faby fall tuff at ˜70 ka and the second caldera-forming Zaragoza ignimbrite with 15 km3 DRE, which erupted immediately after. Thus, the time interval that separates the two caldera-forming episodes at Los Humeros is only 94 kyr, which is a much shorter interval than suggested by previous K-Ar dates (410 kyr). This temporal proximity allows us to propose a caldera stage encompassing the Xaltipan and the Zaragoza ignimbrites, followed by emplacement at 44.8 ± 1.7 ka of rhyolitic magmas interpreted to represent a postcaldera, resurgent stage. Rhyolitic eruptions have also occurred during the Holocene (<7.3 ± 0.1 ka) along with olivine-rich basalts that suggest recharge of the system. The estimated large volume magmatic reservoir for Los Humeros (>˜1,200 km3) and these new ages indicating much younger caldera-forming volcanism than previously believed are

  20. Water Supply at Los Alamos during 1997

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    M. N. Maes; S. G. McLin; W. D. Purtymun


    Production of potable municipal water supplies during 1997 totaled about 1,285.9 million gallons from wells in the Guaje, Pajarito, and Otowi well fields. There was no water used from the spring gallery in Water Canyon or from Guaje Reservoir during 1997. About 2.4 million gallons of water from Los Alamos Reservoir was used to irrigate public parks and recreational lands. The total water usage in 1997 was about 1,288.3 million gallons, or about 135 gallons per day per person living in Los Alamos County. Groundwater pumpage was down about 82.2 million gallons in 1997 compared with the pumpage in 1996.more » Four new replacement wells were drilled and cased in Guaje Canyon between October 1997 and March 1998. These wells are currently being developed and aquifer tests are being performed. A special report summarizing the geological, geophysical, and well construction logs will be issued in the near future for these new wells.« less

  1. Remodelar Correctamente: Guía de Prácticas Acreditadas Seguras Para Trabajar Con Plomo

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Información general sobre los requisitos legales de las prácticas relacionadas al manejo seguro del plomo para dueños de hogares, inquilinos, proveedores de cuido infantil, y padres durante las actividades de remodelación

  2. Through our eyes: exploring African-American men's perspective on factors affecting transition to manhood.


    Bharmal, Nazleen; Kennedy, David; Jones, Loretta; Lee-Johnson, Charles; Morris, D'Ann; Caldwell, Ben; Brown, Anthony; Houston, Tina; Meeks, Charlene; Vargas, Roberto; Franco, Idalid; Razzak, A Rab; Brown, Arleen F


    Premature mortality and disparities in morbidity observed in African-American men may be associated with factors in their social, economic, and built environments that may be especially influential during the transition to adulthood. To have young, African-American men from Los Angeles County identify and prioritize factors associated with their transition to manhood using photovoice methodology and pile-sorting exercises. Qualitative study using community-based participatory research (CBPR) and photovoice Twelve African-American men, ages 16-26 years, from Los Angeles County, California. We used CBPR principles to form a community advisory board (CAB) whose members defined goals for the partnered project, developed the protocols, and participated in data collection and analysis. Participants were given digital cameras to take 50-300 photographs over three months. Pile-sorting techniques were used to facilitate participants' identification and discussion of the themes in their photos and selected photos of the group. Pile-sorts of group photographs were analyzed using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis to systematically compare participants' themes and identify patterns of associations between sorted photographs. Sub-themes and related quotes were also elicited from the pile-sorting transcripts. The CAB and several study participants met periodically to develop dissemination strategies and design interventions informed by study findings. Four dominant themes emerged during analysis: 1) Struggles face during the transition to manhood, 2) Sources of social support, 3) Role of sports, and 4) Views on Los Angeles lifestyle. The project led to the formation of a young men's group and community events featuring participants. CBPR and photovoice are effective methods to engage young, African-American men to identify and discuss factors affecting their transition to manhood, contextualize research findings, and participate in intervention

  3. Tesoro Los Angeles Refinery Integration and Compliance Project

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    EPA Region 9 has two announcements pertaining to the Los Angeles Refinery Integration and Compliance project (LARIC project): permit revisions meet all CAA requirements and federal PSD permitting provisions do not apply to this project.

  4. PubMed

    Yunta, Eduardo Rodríguez


    El presente artículo reflexiona desde los 4 principios de la bioética el uso comercial de organismos genéticamente modificados. Se cuestiona fundamentalmente la falta de transferencia de tecnología entre el mundo desarrollado y en desarrollo y el que el presente sistema de patentamiento de organismos vivos modificados fomenta intereses comerciales y no da debida importancia al desarrollo sostenible de la agricultura y ganadería en los países en desarrollo, donde más se necesita. Se reflexiona sobre la importancia que tiene evaluar los riesgos antes de introducirse en el mercado organismos genéticamente modificados y la necesidad de regulación en los países.

  5. Risk Factors for Urinary Tract Infections in Cardiac Surgical Patients

    PubMed Central

    Gillen, Jacob R.; Isbell, James M.; Michaels, Alex D.; Lau, Christine L.


    Abstract Background: Risk factors for catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgical procedures have been well documented. However, the variables associated with CAUTIs in the cardiac surgical population have not been clearly defined. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate risk factors associated with CAUTIs in patients undergoing cardiac procedures. Methods: All patients undergoing cardiac surgery at a single institution from 2006 through 2012 (4,883 patients) were reviewed. Patients with U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) criteria for CAUTI were identified from the hospital's Quality Assessment database. Pre-operative, operative, and post-operative patient factors were evaluated. Univariate and multivariable analyses were used to identify significant correlations between perioperative characteristics and CAUTIs. Results: There were 55 (1.1%) documented CAUTIs in the study population. On univariate analysis, older age, female gender, diabetes mellitus, cardiogenic shock, urgent or emergent operation, packed red blood cell (PRBC) units transfused, and intensive care unit length of stay (ICU LOS) were all significantly associated with CAUTI [p<0.05]. On multivariable logistic regression, older age, female gender, diabetes mellitus, and ICU LOS remained significantly associated with CAUTI. Additionally, there was a significant association between CAUTI and 30-d mortality on univariate analysis. However, when controlling for common predictors of operative mortality on multivariable analysis, CAUTI was no longer associated with mortality. Conclusions: There are several identifiable risk factors for CAUTI in patients undergoing cardiac procedures. CAUTI is not independently associated with increased mortality, but it does serve as a marker of sicker patients more likely to die from other comorbidities or complications. Therefore, awareness of the high-risk nature of these patients should lead to

  6. Risk Factors for Urinary Tract Infections in Cardiac Surgical Patients.


    Gillen, Jacob R; Isbell, James M; Michaels, Alex D; Lau, Christine L; Sawyer, Robert G


    Risk factors for catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgical procedures have been well documented. However, the variables associated with CAUTIs in the cardiac surgical population have not been clearly defined. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate risk factors associated with CAUTIs in patients undergoing cardiac procedures. All patients undergoing cardiac surgery at a single institution from 2006 through 2012 (4,883 patients) were reviewed. Patients with U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) criteria for CAUTI were identified from the hospital's Quality Assessment database. Pre-operative, operative, and post-operative patient factors were evaluated. Univariate and multivariable analyses were used to identify significant correlations between perioperative characteristics and CAUTIs. There were 55 (1.1%) documented CAUTIs in the study population. On univariate analysis, older age, female gender, diabetes mellitus, cardiogenic shock, urgent or emergent operation, packed red blood cell (PRBC) units transfused, and intensive care unit length of stay (ICU LOS) were all significantly associated with CAUTI [p<0.05]. On multivariable logistic regression, older age, female gender, diabetes mellitus, and ICU LOS remained significantly associated with CAUTI. Additionally, there was a significant association between CAUTI and 30-d mortality on univariate analysis. However, when controlling for common predictors of operative mortality on multivariable analysis, CAUTI was no longer associated with mortality. There are several identifiable risk factors for CAUTI in patients undergoing cardiac procedures. CAUTI is not independently associated with increased mortality, but it does serve as a marker of sicker patients more likely to die from other comorbidities or complications. Therefore, awareness of the high-risk nature of these patients should lead to increased diligence and may help to improve peri

  7. Sintacs Aquifer Vulnerability in the Definition of the Natural Protected Area Los Chorros Del Varal, Los Reyes, Michoacan, Mexico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silva, J.; Ramiro, R.; Estrada, F.; Ochoa, S.


    In Michoacan State, Mexico, the use of aquifer vulnerability assessment is been incorporated in the regional policies of aquifer protection. A hydrogeological evaluation and aquifer vulnerability assessment using the SINTACS method was done in the natural protected area, NPA, Los Chorros del Varal in Michoacan State, Central Mexico. This place is a discharge area. An spectacular spring is feeding a stream. The predominant rocks are volcanic. By means of the SINTACS method a contamination risk zoning was obtained. The research permitted the expansion of the protection area of Los Chorros del Varal: a surrounding area to avoid anthropogenic impacts. This NPA is the preferential recharge area of the regional aquifer. This aquifer is the main water supply source for more than 200,000 inhabitants. A high to medium vulnerability was calculated. These vulnerable parts must be protected impeding risky projects such as dumps or industries producing wastewaters. Low values were obtained in clayey environments and also in volcanic rocks with scarce fracturing.

  8. Realization of LOS (Line of Sight) stabilization based on reflector using carrier attitude compensation method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mao, Yao; Tian, Jing; Ma, Jia-guang


    The techonology of LOS stabilization is widely applicated in moving carrier photoelectric systems such as shipborne, airborne and so on. In application situations with compact structure, such as LOS stabilization system of unmanned aerial vehicle, LOS stabilization based on reflector is adopted, and the detector is installed on the carrier to reduce the volume of stabilized platform and loading weight. However, the LOS deflection angle through reflector and the rotation angle of the reflector has a ratio relation of 2:1, simple reflector of stable inertial space can not make the optical axis stable. To eliminate the limitation of mirror stabilizing method, this article puts forward the carrier attitude compensation method, which uses the inertial sensor installed on the carrier to measure the attitude change of the carrier, and the stabilized platform rotating half of the carrier turbulence angle to realize the LOS stabilization.

  9. Some Research-Based Issues and Recommendations Expressed at the Seminario Internacional Sobre la Educacion Bilingue.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bernal, Ernesto M.

    The first Seminario Internacional Sobre la Educacion Bilingue (International Seminar on Bilingual Education), under the aegis of the National Association for Bilingual Education and the Mexican secretary for public education, brought together professionals from Canada, the United States, and Mexico in Oaxtepec, Mexico in November 1986 to share…

  10. Manténgase saludable al elegir pescado y mariscos de manera inteligente

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Los pescados y mariscos son una parte importante de una dieta saludable. Algunos pescados y mariscos pueden contener sustancias químicas que presenten un riesgo para la salud. Información sobre el consumo seguro de pescado y mariscos.

  11. Public Hearing on Cruise Ship Discharges: Los Angeles

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Transcripts of the presentation and comments provided at a hearing hosted by the EPA in Los Angeles, CA on discharges from cruise ships. Stakeholder representatives were in attendance to provide information and recommendations on this issue.


    PubMed Central



    RESUMEN El estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA continúa afectando la prestación de servicios de salud y el bienestar físico y mental de las personas con VIH/SIDA (PVS). Recientemente la literatura científica ha señalado la importancia de comprender las manifestaciones de estigma más allá de las interacciones individuales. Por tal razón, investigaciones recientes en y fuera de Puerto Rico enfatizan la importancia de entender cómo factores socio-estructurales (FSE) influyen en los procesos de estigmatización social. Con el propósito de examinar los FSE que influyen en las manifestaciones de estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA, realizamos y analizamos nueve grupos focales compuestos por hombres y mujeres en tratamiento para el VIH/SIDA que habían tenido experiencias estigmatizantes. Los participantes identificaron FSE relacionados a las manifestaciones de estigma, tales como el uso de viviendas especializadas, descentralización de los servicios de salud y el desarrollo de protocolos administrativos excluyentes en los servicios de salud. Los resultados demuestran la importancia de considerar los FSE en el desarrollo e implementación de intervenciones dirigidas a la población. PMID:24639599

  13. Geothermal investigation of spring and well waters of the Los Alamos Region, New Mexico

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Goff, F.E.; Sayer, S.


    The chemical and isotopic characters of 20 springs and wells in the Los Alamos area were investigated for indications of geothermal potential. These waters were compared with known hot and mineral springs from adjacent Valles Caldera and San Ysidro. All waters in the Los Alamos area are composed of meteoric water. Isotopic data show that the two primary aquifers beneath the Los Alamos region have different recharge areas. Relatively high concentrations of lithium, arsenic, chlorine, boron, and fluorine in some of the Los Alamos wells suggest these waters may contain a small fraction of thermal/mineral water of deep origin. Thermalmore » water probably rises up high-angle faults associated with a graben of the Rio Grande rift now buried by the Pajarito Plateau.« less

  14. Los Angeles Downtown People Mover (DPM) Operational Analysis

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Two different studies were performed by the Research and Special Programs Administration of the Transportation Systems Center in response to the concerns of the Urban Mass Transportation Administration about the ability of the planned Los Angeles Dow...

  15. Initial management of pneumonia and sepsis: factors associated with improved outcome.


    Menéndez, R; Torres, A; Reyes, S; Zalacain, R; Capelastegui, A; Aspa, J; Borderías, L; Martín-Villasclaras, J J; Bello, S; Alfageme, I; de Castro, F R; Rello, J; Molinos, L; Ruiz-Manzano, J


    Processes of care and adherence to guidelines have been associated with improved survival in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). In sepsis, bundles of processes of care have also increased survival. We aimed to audit compliance with guideline-recommended processes of care and its impact on outcome in hospitalised CAP patients with sepsis. We prospectively studied 4,137 patients hospitalised with CAP in 13 hospitals. The processes of care evaluated were adherence to antibiotic prescription guidelines, first dose within 6 h and oxygen assessment. Outcome measures were mortality and length of stay (LOS). Oxygen assessment was measured in 3,745 (90.5%) patients; 3,024 (73.1%) patients received antibiotics according to guidelines and 3,053 (73.8%) received antibiotics within 6 h. In CAP patients with sepsis, the strongest independent factor for survival was antibiotic adherence (OR 0.4). In severe sepsis, only compliance to antibiotic adherence plus first dose within 6 h was associated with lower mortality (OR 0.60), adjusted for fine prognostic scale and hospital. Antibiotic adherence was related to shorter hospital stay. In sepsis, antibiotic adherence is the strongest protective factor of care associated with survival and LOS. In severe sepsis, combined antibiotic adherence and first dose within 6 h may reduce mortality.

  16. Distribution and Neighborhood Correlates of Sober Living House Locations in Los Angeles.


    Mericle, Amy A; Karriker-Jaffe, Katherine J; Gupta, Shalika; Sheridan, David M; Polcin, Doug L


    Sober living houses (SLHs) are alcohol and drug-free living environments for individuals in recovery. The goal of this study was to map the distribution of SLHs in Los Angeles (LA) County, California (N = 260) and examine neighborhood correlates of SLH density. Locations of SLHs were geocoded and linked to tract-level Census data as well as to publicly available information on alcohol outlets and recovery resources. Neighborhoods with SLHs differed from neighborhoods without them on measures of socioeconomic disadvantage and accessibility of recovery resources. In multivariate, spatially lagged hurdle models stratified by monthly fees charged (less than $1400/month vs. $1400/month or greater), minority composition, and accessibility of treatment were associated with the presence of affordable SLHs. Accessibility of treatment was also associated with the number of affordable SLHs in those neighborhoods. Higher median housing value and accessibility of treatment were associated with whether a neighborhood had high-cost SLHs, and lower population density was associated with the number of high-cost SLHs in those neighborhoods. Neighborhood factors are associated with the availability of SLHs, and research is needed to better understand how these factors affect resident outcomes, as well as how SLHs may affect neighborhoods over time. © Society for Community Research and Action 2016.

  17. Shortening and Thickening of Metropolitan Los Angeles Measured and Inferred Using Geodesy

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Argus, D.; Heflin, M.; Donnellan, A.; Webb, F.; Dong, D.; Hurst, K.; Jefferson, D.; Lyzenga, G.; Watkins, M.; Zumberge, J.


    Geodetic measurements using the Global Positioning System and other techniques show north-south shortening near Los Angeles to be fastest across the northern part of the metropolitan area, where an ESE-striking, 5- to 40-km-wide belt lying to the south of San Gabriel Mountains and to the north of downtown and West Los Angeles is shortening at 5 mm/yr.

  18. Los Alamos National Laboratory Human and Intellectual Capital for Sustaining Nuclear Deterrence

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    McAlpine, Bradley


    This paper provides an overview of the current human and intellectual capital at Los Alamos National Laboratory, through specific research into the statistics and demographics as well as numerous personal interviews at all levels of personnel. Based on this information, a series of recommendations are provided to assist Los Alamos National Laboratory in ensuring the future of the human and intellectual capital for the nuclear deterrence mission. While the current human and intellectual capital is strong it stands on the precipice and action must be taken to ensure Los Alamos National Laboratory maintains leadership in developing and sustaining national nuclearmore » capabilities. These recommendations may be applicable to other areas of the nuclear enterprise, including the Air Force, after further research and study.« less

  19. Crisis & Commitment: 150 Years of Service by Los Angeles County Public Hospitals

    PubMed Central

    Cousineau, Michael R.; Tranquada, Robert E.


    The Los Angeles County University of Southern California Medical Center will open soon, replacing the county’s current 74-year-old facility with a modern, although smaller, facility. Los Angeles County has provided hospital care to the indigent since 1858, during which time, the operation of public hospitals has shifted from a state-mandated welfare responsibility to a preeminent part of the county’s public health mission. As this shift occurred, the financing of Los Angeles County hospitals changed from primarily county support to state and federal government sources, particularly Medicaid. The success of the new hospital will depend on whether government leaders at all levels provide the reforms needed to help the county and its partners stabilize its funding base. PMID:17329642

  20. History of Los Alamos Participation in Active Experiments in Space

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pongratz, Morris B.

    Beginning with the Teak nuclear test in 1958, Los Alamos has a long history of participation in active experiments in space. The last pertinent nuclear tests were the five explosions as part of the Dominic series in 1962. The Partial Test Ban Treaty signed in August 1963 prohibited all test detonations of nuclear weapons except for those conducted underground. Beginning with the “Apple” thermite barium release in June 1968 Los Alamos has participated in nearly 100 non-nuclear experiments in space, the last being the NASA-sponsored “AA-2” strontium and europium doped barium thermite releases in the Arecibo beam in July ofmore » 1992. The rationale for these experiments ranged from studying basic plasma processes such as gradientdriven structuring and velocity-space instabilities to illuminating the convection of plasmas in the ionosphere and polar cap to ionospheric depletion experiments to the B.E.A.R. 1-MeV neutral particle beam test in 1989. This report reviews the objectives, techniques and diagnostics of Los Alamos participation in active experiments in space.« less

  1. The applicability of the concept of treatment adherence in the context of the Brazilian mental health system.


    Alvarez, Patricia Elizabeth Sanz de; Rosendo, Ernestina; Alchieri, João Carlos


    To present reflections on the type of research conducted on a treatment adherence among users of Public Mental Health System in Brazil and discuss the applicability of the concept of adherence to treatment in this context. Literature review in SciELO, LILACS, Cochrane Library and PubMed / MEDLINE using the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) treatment, adhesion and "mental health" and the specific vocabulary of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) "patient compliance/psychologist" y "mental health". They were included for review the complete texts and theses published between 2007-2012 in Portuguese, English and Spanish. 127 articles were recovered, 32 specifically related to mental health. Eight were excluded for duplicates and after reading the remaining 24 articles were selected for this study 10 conducted in the field of Mental Health in Brazil. No investigations have been identified with focus on adherence to psychosocial treatment offered in public mental health. disregard of the mental health legislation and reinforce the asylum model of assistance. Presentar reflexiones sobre el tipo de investigaciones realizadas en Brasil sobre la adhesión al tratamiento de los usuarios del Sistema Público de Salud Mental y discutir la aplicabilidad del concepto de adhesión al tratamiento en dicho contexto. Revisión bibliográfica en las bases SciELO, LILACS, Biblioteca Cochrane y PubMed/MEDLINE utilizando los descriptores de Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS) adhesión, tratamiento y "salud mental" y el vocabulario específico de Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) "patient compliance/psychologist" y "mental health". Se incluyeron los textos completos y las tesis publicadas entre 2007-2012, en portugués, inglés y español. F1eron recuperados 127 artículos, 32 específicamente de la salud mental. Se excluyeron los 8 duplicados y de los 24 restantes fueron seleccionados para el presente trabajo los 10 realizados en Brasil. No se identificaron enfoques sobre la adhesión al



    Mondragón, Liliana; Monroy, Zuraya; Ito, Ma Emily; Medina-Mora, Dra Ma Elena


    El objetivo del trabajo es conocer las disyuntivas entre los principios de beneficencia y autonomía, que se presentan en la relación médico-paciente, durante la terapéutica del intento de suicidio.La investigación se realizó en dos hospitales psiquiátricos de la Ciudad de México. La muestra incluyó a tres sujetos con intento de suicidio, mayores de 18 años, que eran atendidos en consulta externa a causa de una lesión autoinfligida en el último año, y a tres psiquiatras que trataban a estos pacientes. La información se obtuvo previo consentimiento informado en entrevistas individuales. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de discurso argumentado para encontrar los significados que los participantes otorgaron a los principios bioéticos y las posibles disyuntivas entre éstos.Las discordancias entre la beneficencia y la autonomía estuvieron relacionadas con el beneficio del tratamiento, el respeto por los valores y las creencias de los pacientes, entre otros. Este trabajo presenta consideraciones éticas relevantes en el escenario clínico, al ofrecer al psiquiatra un análisis bioético que le permita actuar de acuerdo con la beneficencia y respetando la autonomía del paciente frente a casos de intento de suicidio y, de esta forma procurar una mejor atención para ellos.

  3. Measurement and evaluation of national family planning programs.


    Mauldin, W P


    presentadas en formularios estandarizados, en las siguienies formas: 1. Informes nensuales por áreas administrativas, sobre los actuales servicios de planeamiento familiar proporcionados en la actualidad, de carácter permanente o de larga duración (al presente, esterilización y IUD de acuerdo a las siguientes características del receptor: residencia, edad, paridad (número de hijos vivos por sexo), y donde se enteró del programa, si es posible "clase";(probablemente educación de la madre, pero posiblemente ocupación del esposo, ingreso, o equivalente); prácticas anticonceptivas anteriores; intervalo; y deseo de tener más hijos. En un programa grande estos datos pueden obtenerse en base a una muestra. 2. Informes mensuales sobre la distribución de suministros anticonceptivos (condones, píldoras, sustancias efervescentes, etc.), los primeros suministros deben ir acompañados de un registro de las características del recipiente, como anteriormente; los suministros subsecuentes se regietrarán sólo en volumen bruto. Esto también se aplicará al ritmo, donde éste método se enseñe a un número considerable de mujeres. 3. Informes regulares sobre las actividades de planeamiento familiar de médicos privados, como una estimación del efecto catalítico del programa del gobierno sobre ci sector privado. 4. Datos generates mensuales, ppr áreas admirtistrativas importantes, sabre: visitas domiciliarias, reuniones, cuñas radiates y televisadas, avisos en los periódicos y personal que trabaja. 5. Para propósitos de seguimiento una entrevi eta de campo cada 6 a 12 meses a cada N mujer de las listas para (1) y (2) arriba, en un total de 300 o 400, para conocer las tasas de continuación y las razones de abandono (ej: desea otro hijo, insatisfecha can ci método, otras). Las mue.stras podrían ser de 300 cada una, con una supuesta experiencia de 6, 12, 18 y 24 meses. B. Un buen conjunto de datos sobre costa (datos sobre cotos actulaes atribuíbles directamente al

  4. Schools and neighborhoods: organizational and environmental factors associated with crime in secondary schools.


    Limbos, Mary Ann P; Casteel, Carri


    While crime and violence in schools are derived primarily from factors external to schools, violent behavior may also be aggravated by factors in the school environment, including the physical environment, its educational and social climate, and its organizational capacity and composition. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of the school's organizational and educational environment on crime rates in secondary schools and to examine how neighborhood factors influence these relationships. School and neighborhood crime rates for 95 middle (MS) and high (HS) schools were calculated using data from the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Police Department and Los Angeles Police Department, respectively. School-level organizational and educational variables, including the academic performance index (API), were obtained from the California Department of Education. A measure of neighborhood dilapidation was created using variables collected on a neighborhood environmental survey. Linear regression was used to examine the relationship between organizational and educational school variables and school crime rates. Community crime and dilapidation were added to the model to examine the influence of the school-community context relationships. HS had higher crime rates than MS. As the percentage of certified teachers and student to staff ratios increased, school crime decreased (p < .01). An API of below basic performance was significantly associated with increasing school crime rates (p < .05). Neighborhood crime was not significantly associated with school crime, although dilapidation was positively and significantly associated with school crime even after controlling for community crime (p < .05). Both school- and neighborhood-level factors were associated with increasing crime rates in secondary schools. School violence prevention efforts should include school and community partnerships to address these potentially modifiable factors.

  5. Seguridad del paciente en Radioterapia Intraoperatoria: Impacto de los elementos controlados por el Radiofisico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tarjuelo, Juan Lopez

    Introduccion: En la administracion de la radioterapia intervienen profesionales y equipos de tratamiento, por lo que existe el riesgo de error y se precisa que dicho equipamiento funcione conforme a lo esperado. A los radiofisicos les corresponde participar en las actividades de garantia o aseguramiento de la calidad, incluyendo el control de calidad de los equipos, y en la evaluacion de los riesgos asociados. La radioterapia intraoperatoria (RIO) es una tecnica radioterapica de intensificacion de dosis, altamente selectiva, dirigida a volumenes anatomicos restringidos durante el tratamiento quirurgico oncologico, basada en la administracion de una dosis absorbida alta por medio de un haz de electrones tras el examen visual directo del lecho tumoral. Como incorporar los ultimos avances en el refuerzo de la seguridad en radioterapia es una tarea ambiciosa y compleja, resulta mas concreta y de inmediata aplicacion su introduccion en la RIO. El objetivo es analizar los elementos que reducen los riesgos y aumentan la seguridad en la RIO y su dosimetria, y valorar la funcion del radiofisico en esta labor. Material y metodos: Se emplearon el planificador Radiance de GMV y el acelerador lineal de los tratamientos de RIO Elekta Precise, controlado con el verificador diario de haces Daily QA Check 1090 y medido con las camaras de ionizacion PPC 40, FC65-G y FC65-P de PTW-Freiburg, a su vez verificadas con fuentes radiactivas adecuadas de estroncio-90 modelos CDP y CDC de IBA Dosimetry. Se realizo un analisis de modos de fallo y efectos (failure mode and effect analysis, FMEA) con el fin de identificar los elementos que forman la RIO y aplicar las herramientas necesarias para la minimizacion de los riesgos y la mejora de la seguridad en la tecnica. Se estudiaron las verificaciones diarias de dicho acelerador Precise con el control estadistico de procesos (statistical process control, SPC) y se simularon intervenciones para devolverlo al estado llamado en control. El SPC

  6. Acceptability of an Embodied Conversational Agent-based Computer Application for Hispanic Women

    PubMed Central

    Wells, Kristen J.; Vázquez-Otero, Coralia; Bredice, Marissa; Meade, Cathy D.; Chaet, Alexis; Rivera, Maria I.; Arroyo, Gloria; Proctor, Sara K.; Barnes, Laura E.


    There are few Spanish language interactive, technology-driven health education programs. Objectives of this feasibility study were to: 1) learn more about computer and technology usage among Hispanic women living in a rural community; and 2) evaluate acceptability of the concept of using an embodied conversational agent (ECA) computer application among this population. A survey about computer usage history and interest in computers was administered to a convenience sample of 26 women. A sample video prototype of a hospital discharge ECA was administered followed by questions to gauge opinion about the ECA. Data indicate women exhibited both a high level of computer experience and enthusiasm for the ECA. Feedback from community is essential to ensure equity in state of the art dissemination of health information. Hay algunos programas interactivos en español que usan la tecnología para educar sobre la salud. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: 1) aprender más sobre el uso de computadoras y tecnología entre mujeres Hispanas que viven en comunidades rurales y 2) evaluar la aceptabilidad del concepto de usar un programa de computadora utilizando un agente de conversación encarnado (ECA) en esta población. Se administro una encuesta sobre el historial de uso y del interés de aprender sobre computadoras fue a 26 mujeres por muestreo de conveniencia. Un ejemplo del prototipo ECA en forma de video de un alta hospitalaria fue administrado y fue seguido por preguntas sobre la opinión que tenían del ECA. Los datos indican que las mujeres mostraron un alto nivel de experiencia con las computadoras y un alto nivel de entusiasmo sobre el ECA. La retroalimentación de la comunidad es esencial para asegurar equidad en la diseminación de información sobre la salud con tecnología de punta. PMID:26671558

  7. RadNet Air Data From Los Angeles, CA

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    This page presents radiation air monitoring and air filter analysis data for Los Angeles, CA from EPA's RadNet system. RadNet is a nationwide network of monitoring stations that measure radiation in air, drinking water and precipitation.

  8. 75 FR 13301 - Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion, Contra Costa and Alameda Counties, CA

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Reclamation Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion, Contra Costa... Reservoir Expansion Final EIS/EIR. Los Vaqueros Expansion is a proposed action in the August 2000 CALFED Bay... Vaqueros Reservoir from its existing capacity of 100 thousand acre-feet (TAF). A 175 TAF expansion option...

  9. Alfabetización en Astronomía de docentes de Educación Primaria y de Educación Secundaria en La Plata

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Biasi, M. S.; Orellana, R. B.


    La educación de este siglo tiene como uno de sus retos alcanzar la alfabetización cientfica de todos los ciudadanos para que comprendan y tomen decisiones sobre el mundo natural y sus cambios originados por la actividad humana utilizando el conocimiento científico. En esta misión los docentes de los niveles obligatorios de enseñanza juegan un papel clave por su rol de agentes multiplicadores del conocimiento. Se requiere, entonces de una adecuada alfabetización en ciencias de los docentes o, como mínimo, que dominen los temas científicos a enseñar. En el campo de la Astronomía, numerosas investigaciones han señalado que maestros de primaria y estudiantes de profesorados poseen una escasa formación en estos temas (Camino 1995 y 1999, Gangui 2010), que frecuentemente presentan a los alumnos concepciones alternativas o no científicas de los fenómenos astronómicos cotidianos (Kriner 2004, Vega Navarro 2007, Gangui et al 2010); a lo que se suma la presentación confusa o errónea de algunos temas astronómicos en los textos escolares (Kriner 2004). Desde 2011, la Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, UNLP, ofrece un curso de capacitación destinado a fortalecer y actualizar los contenidos académicos y didácticos de los docentes del distrito La Plata utilizando diversas estrategias didácticas. Los contenidos comprenden los temas astronómicos de los diseños curriculares vigentes. La evaluación diagnóstica de los conocimientos previos de los docentes cursantes sobre los contenidos de mayor presencia en los diseños curriculares mostró resultados similares a las investigaciones arriba mencionadas. Referente a los movimientos de la Tierra, en promedio, el 54% poseía conceptos erróneos y el 16% no los sabía; con referencia a la Luna el 56% poseía conceptos erróneos y un 4% no los sabía. Los resultados del curso mostraron que el 95% de los docentes revirtió sus conceptos previos erróneos, que adquirió criterios para la búsqueda de

  10. Stratigraphy and Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic history of northern Sierra Los Ajos and adjacent areas, Sonora, Mexico

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Page, William R.; Gray, Floyd; Iriondo, Alexander; Miggins, Daniel P.; Blodgett, Robert B.; Maldonado, Florian; Miller, Robert J.


    Geologic mapping in the northern Sierra Los Ajos reveals new stratigraphic and structural data relevant to deciphering the Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the range. The northern Sierra Los Ajos is cored by Proterozoic, Cambrian, Devonian, Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian strata, equivalent respectively to the Pinal Schist, Bolsa Quartzite and Abrigo Limestone, Martin Formation, Escabrosa Limestone, and Horquilla Limestone. The Proterozoic–Paleozoic sequence is mantled by Upper Cretaceous rocks partly equivalent to the Fort Crittenden and Salero Formations in Arizona, and the Cabullona Group in Sonora, Mexico.Absence of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Bisbee Group below the Upper Cretaceous rocks and above the Proterozoic–Paleozoic rocks indicates that the Sierra Los Ajos was part of the Cananea high, a topographic highland during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Deposition of Upper Cretaceous rocks directly on Paleozoic and Proterozoic rocks indicates that the Sierra Los Ajos area had subsided as part of the Laramide Cabullona basin during Late Cretaceous time. Basal beds of the Upper Cretaceous sequence are clast-supported conglomerate composed locally of basement (Paleozoic) clasts. The conglomerate represents erosion of Paleozoic basement in the Sierra Los Ajos area coincident with development of the Cabullona basin.The present-day Sierra Los Ajos reaches elevations of greater than 2600 m, and was uplifted during Tertiary basin-and-range extension. Upper Cretaceous rocks are exposed at higher elevations in the northern Sierra Los Ajos and represent an uplifted part of the inverted Cabullona basin. Tertiary uplift of the Sierra Los Ajos was largely accommodated by vertical movement along the north-to-northwest-striking Sierra Los Ajos fault zone flanking the west side of the range. This fault zone structurally controls the configuration of the headwaters of the San Pedro River basin, an important bi-national water resource in the US

  11. Quantifying Loss of Acoustic Communication Space for Right Whales in and around a U.S. National Marine Sanctuary

    DTIC Science & Technology


    buscan mejorar el manejo de los efectos acumulativos del ruido sobre especies marinas y sus hábitats. Palabras Clave: área marina protegida, especies...dependientes del sonido para comunicarse están poco entendidos. Buscamos desarrollar métodos para cuantificar los efectos del enmascaramiento de la comu... tiempo ( tiempo pico de alimentación). Utilizamos un conjunto de grabadoras acústicas autónomas, temporales, montadas en el fondo en el Santuario

  12. Incarcerated Youths' Perspectives on Protective Factors and Risk Factors for Juvenile Offending: A Qualitative Analysis.


    Barnert, Elizabeth S; Perry, Raymond; Azzi, Veronica F; Shetgiri, Rashmi; Ryan, Gery; Dudovitz, Rebecca; Zima, Bonnie; Chung, Paul J


    We sought to understand incarcerated youths' perspectives on the role of protective factors and risk factors for juvenile offending. We performed an in-depth qualitative analysis of interviews (conducted October-December 2013) with 20 incarcerated youths detained in the largest juvenile hall in Los Angeles. The adolescent participants described their homes, schools, and neighborhoods as chaotic and unsafe. They expressed a need for love and attention, discipline and control, and role models and perspective. Youths perceived that when home or school failed to meet these needs, they spent more time on the streets, leading to incarceration. They contrasted the path through school with the path to jail, reporting that the path to jail felt easier. All of them expressed the insight that they had made bad decisions and that the more difficult path was not only better but also still potentially achievable. Breaking cycles of juvenile incarceration will require that the public health community partner with legislators, educators, community leaders, and youths to determine how to make success, rather than incarceration, the easier path for disadvantaged adolescents.

  13. Incarcerated Youths’ Perspectives on Protective Factors and Risk Factors for Juvenile Offending: A Qualitative Analysis

    PubMed Central

    Perry, Raymond; Azzi, Veronica F.; Shetgiri, Rashmi; Ryan, Gery; Dudovitz, Rebecca; Zima, Bonnie; Chung, Paul J.


    Objectives. We sought to understand incarcerated youths’ perspectives on the role of protective factors and risk factors for juvenile offending. Methods. We performed an in-depth qualitative analysis of interviews (conducted October–December 2013) with 20 incarcerated youths detained in the largest juvenile hall in Los Angeles. Results. The adolescent participants described their homes, schools, and neighborhoods as chaotic and unsafe. They expressed a need for love and attention, discipline and control, and role models and perspective. Youths perceived that when home or school failed to meet these needs, they spent more time on the streets, leading to incarceration. They contrasted the path through school with the path to jail, reporting that the path to jail felt easier. All of them expressed the insight that they had made bad decisions and that the more difficult path was not only better but also still potentially achievable. Conclusions. Breaking cycles of juvenile incarceration will require that the public health community partner with legislators, educators, community leaders, and youths to determine how to make success, rather than incarceration, the easier path for disadvantaged adolescents. PMID:25521878

  14. Availability of environmental radioactivity to honey bee colonies at Los Alamos

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hakonson, T.E.; Bostick, K.V.

    Data are presented on the availability of tritium, cesium 137, and plutonium to honey bee colonies foraging in the environment surrounding the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Sources of these radionuclides in the laboratory environs include liquid and atmospheric effluents and buried solid waste. Honey bee colonies were placed in three canyon liquid waste disposal areas and were sampled frequently, along with honey, surface water, and surrounding vegetation, to qualitatively determine the availability of these radionuclides to bees (Apis mellifera) and to identify potential food chain sources of the elements. Tritium concentrations in bee and honey samples from the canyons increasedmore » rapidly from initial values of <1 pCi/ml moisture to as much as 9.2 nCi/ml in 75 days after placement of the hives in the canyons. Seasonal patterns in foraging activities as influenced by weather and food availability were apparent in the data. It appears that several sources of tritium were utilized by the colonies, including surface water in the canyons and vegetation receiving tritium from atmospheric effluents and buried solid waste. Concentrations of cesium 137 and plutonium were generally low or undetectable in bees throughout the study. However, levels of both nuclides increased by factors of 10 to 20 in bees from two of the canyon study areas during a 3-month period in 1973. It was speculated that the liquid effluents in the two canyons were the source of the increased concentrations in bee samples, since this water was the only significant source of /sup 137/Cs in the environs. The existence of at least three radionuclide sources in the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) environs complicates the interpretation of the data. However, it is apparent that honey bees can acquire /sup 3/H, /sup 137/Cs, and Pu from multiple sources in the environs.« less

  15. Due Diligence and the Evaluation of Teachers: A Review of the Value-Added Analysis Underlying the Effectiveness Rankings of Los Angeles Unified School District Teachers by the "Los Angeles Times"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Briggs, Derek; Domingue, Ben


    On August 14, 2010, the "Los Angeles Times" published the results of a statistical analysis of student test data to provide information about elementary schools and teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). The analysis, covering the period from 2003 to 2009, was put forward as an evaluation of the effects of schools…

  16. Latina Adolescent Childbearing in East Los Angeles.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Erickson, Pamela I.

    This book is about teenage pregnancy among Latina teenagers in East Los Angeles (California). It focuses on teenage pregnancy and motherhood among economically disadvantaged Latinas aged 17 and under. The young mothers in this study were participants in a series of intervention efforts to prevent repeat pregnancy at a family planning clinic. This…

  17. Significant Silence in Elena Garro's "Los Perros"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Burke, Jessica


    Elena Garro's one-act play "Los perros" (1958) confronts the difficult issue of sexual violence in rural Mexico, a problem that persists today. The characters struggle with the social reality of rape, alluding to the threat of sexual violence while avoiding addressing it directly. While words are granted an almost magical power in…

  18. Los bosques de Puerto Rico, 2009


    Humfredo Marcano Vega; Thomas J. Brandeis; Jeffery A. Turner; No Other


    Este informe presenta los resultados del cuarto inventario forestal de las islas del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. El área de bosque en la isla grande de Puerto Rico se mantuvo constante o aumentó ligeramente del año 2004 al 2009. Este cambio parece indicar que la tasa de incremento de cubierta forestal en la isla grande de Puerto Rico ha disminuido desde que...

  19. 75 FR 47536 - Foreign-Trade Zone 202-Los Angeles, CA; Application for Expansion

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Angeles: Proposed Site 25 (665.5 acres)--to include the jet fuel storage and distribution system located... would be as follows: the Los Angeles International Airport jet-fuel storage tanks and delivery system... LAXFUEL Corporation and will be used to provide jet fuel to airlines serving the Los Angeles International...

  20. Collaborating for Equity: A Scan of the Los Angeles Educational Ecosystem. Full Report

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Potochnik, Tracie; Romans, Angela N.


    Los Angeles has an educational ecosystem that is rich with partners committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for students. Throughout the 2014-2015 school year, the "Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University" (AISR) spent time meeting with a range of partners, including the Los Angeles Unified…

  1. Síntesis del estado del conocimiento del ciclo de carbono en ecosistemas boscosos de los Estados Unidos


    Michael G. Ryan; Mark E. Harmon; Richard A. Birdsey; Christian P. Giardina; Linda S. Heath; Richard A. Houghton; Robert B. Jackson; Duncan C. McKinley; James F. Morrison; Brian C. Murray; Diane E. Pataki; Kenneth E. Skog


    Los bosques juegan un papel central en el ciclo de carbono de los Estados Unidos y global. El secuestro de carbono de los bosques de los Estados Unidos, a través de su crecimiento y la cosecha de productos madereros, compensa en la actualidad entre un 12 y un 19% de las emisiones de carbono asociadas al uso de combustible fósil de dicho país. El ciclo natural de un...

  2. Loran-C RFI Measured in Los Angeles, California

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Radio noise and RFI at and near frequencies employed by Loran-C radio navigation systems were investigated in portions of Los Angeles, California. Emphasis was placed on the definition of the detailed time and frequency domain structure of noise and ...

  3. Los Alamos on Radio Café: Nina Lanza

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lanza, Nina; Domandi, Mary-Charlotte


    First up in the new series is Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Nina Lanza from the Space and Remote Sensing group. Lanza is a planetary geologist who has been part of the Mars Curiosity Rover “ChemCam” team since 2012.

  4. The Sima de los Huesos crania (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). A comparative study.


    Arsuaga, J L; Martínez, I; Gracia, A; Lorenzo, C


    The Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca) cranial remains found up to and including the 1995 field season are described and compared with other fossils in order to assess their evolutionary relationships. The phenetic affinities of the Sima de los Huesos crania and a large sample of Homo fossils are investigated through principal component analyses. Metrical comparisons of the Sima de los Huesos and other European and African Middle Pleistocene fossils with Neandertals are performed using Z-scores relative to the Neandertal sample statistics. The most relevant cranial traits are metrically and morphologically analyzed and cladistically evaluated. The Sima de los Huesos crania exhibit a number of primitive traits lost in Upper Pleistocene Neandertals (especially in the braincase, but also in the facial skeleton), as well as other traits that are transitional to the Neandertal morphology (particularly in the occipital bone), and features close to what is found in Neandertals (as the supraorbital morphology and midfacial prognathism). Different combinations of primitive and derived traits (shared with Neandertals) are also displayed by the other European Middle Pleistocene fossils. In conclusion, the Sima de los Huesos sample is evolutionarily related to Neandertals as well as to the other European Middle Pleistocene fossils. In our opinion, all the European Middle Pleistocene fossils belong to the Neandertal lineage, and none can be included in an Afroeuropean common ancestor of Neandertals and modern humans.

  5. Cirugía de los trastornos del comportamiento: el estado del arte

    PubMed Central

    Yampolsky, Claudio; Bendersky, Damián


    Introducción: La cirugía de los trastornos del comportamiento (CTC) se está convirtiendo en un tratamiento más común desde el desarrollo de la neuromodulación. Métodos: Este artículo es una revisión no sistemática de la historia, indicaciones actuales, técnicas y blancos quirúrgicos de la CTC. Dividimos su historia en 3 eras: la primera comienza en los inicios de la psicocirugía y termina con el desarrollo de las tícnicas estereotácticas, cuando comienza la segunda era. Ésta se caracteriza por la realización de lesiones estereotácticas. Nos encontramos transitando la tercera era, que comienza cuando la estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP) comienza a ser usada en CTC. Resultados: A pesar de los errores graves cometidos en el pasado, hoy en día, la CTC está renaciendo. Los trastornos psiquiátricos que se más frecuentemente se tratan con cirugía son: depresión refractaria, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y síndrome de Tourette. Además, algunos pacientes con agresividad fueron tratados quirúrgicamente. Hay varios blancos estereotácticos descriptos para estos trastornos. La estimulación vagal puede ser usada también para depresión. Conclusión: Los resultados de la ECP en estos trastornos parecen alentadores. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios randomizados para establecer la efectividad de la CTC. Debe tenerse en cuenta que una apropiada selección de pacientes nos ayudará a realizar un procedimiento más seguro así como también a lograr mejores resultados quirúrgicos, conduciendo a la CTC a ser más aceptada por psiquiatras, pacientes y sus familias. Se necesita mayor investigación en varios temas como: fisiopatología de los trastornos del comportamiento, indicaciones de CTC y nuevos blancos quirúrgicos. PMID:25165612

  6. HOJA INFORMATIVA Presencia de PFOA y PFOS en el agua potable Avisos de salud

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La EPA estableció avisos de salud sobre el ácido perfluorooctanoico (PFOA) y el sulfonato de perfluorooctano (PFOS) para proporcionar información a los operadores de sistemas de agua potable y funcionarios estatales y locales para que puedan adoptar las me

  7. Proceedings of the fourth international symposium on fire economics, planning, and policy: climate change and wildfires


    Armando González-Cabán


    [Spanish version: Memorias del Cuarto Simposio Internacional Sobre Políticas, Planificación, y Economía de los Incendios Forestales: Cambio Climático e Incendios Forestales.]These proceedings summarize the results of a symposium designed...

  8. Evapotranspiration of urban landscapes in Los Angeles, California at the municipal scale

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Litvak, E.; Manago, K. F.; Hogue, T. S.; Pataki, D. E.


    Evapotranspiration (ET), an essential process in biosphere-atmosphere interactions, is highly uncertain in cities that maintain cultivated and irrigated landscapes. We estimated ET of irrigated landscapes in Los Angeles by combining empirical models of turfgrass ET and tree transpiration derived from in situ measurements with previously developed remotely sensed estimates of vegetation cover and ground-based vegetation surveys. We modeled irrigated landscapes as a two-component system comprised of trees and turfgrass to assess annual and spatial patterns of ET. Annual ET from vegetated landscapes (ETveg) was 1110 ± 53 mm/yr and ET from the whole city (vegetated and nonvegetated areas, ETland) was three times smaller, reflecting the fractional vegetation cover. With the exception of May and June, monthly ETland was significantly higher than predicted by the North American Land Data Assimilation System. ETveg was close to potential ET, indicating abundant irrigation inputs. Monthly averaged ETveg varied from 1.5 ± 0.1 mm/d (December) to 4.3 ± 0.2 mm/d (June). Turfgrass was responsible for ˜70% of ETveg. For trees, angiosperm species (71% of all trees) contributed over 90% to total tree transpiration, while coniferous and palm species made very small contributions. ETland was linearly correlated with median household income across the city, confirming the importance of social factors in determining spatial distribution of urban vegetation. These estimates have important implications for constraining the municipal water budget of Los Angeles and improving regional-scale hydrologic models, as well as for developing water-saving practices. The methodology used in this study is also transferable to other semiarid regions for quantification of urban landscape ET.

  9. Social and institutional factors that affect breastfeeding duration among WIC participants in Los Angeles County, California.


    Langellier, Brent A; Pia Chaparro, M; Whaley, Shannon E


    Hospital practices and early maternal return to work are associated with breastfeeding duration; however, research has not documented the long-term effects of many hospital policies or the effect of early return to work on breastfeeding outcomes of WIC participants. This study investigated the impact of in-hospital breastfeeding, receipt of a formula discharge pack, and maternal return to work on the long-term breastfeeding outcomes of 4,725 WIC participants in Los Angeles County, California. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to assess determinants of exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months and breastfeeding at 6, 12, and 24 months. In-hospital initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding in the hospital, receipt of a formula discharge pack, and maternal return to work before 3 months were all significantly associated with breastfeeding outcomes after controlling for known confounders. Mothers who exclusively breastfed in the hospital were eight times as likely as mothers who did not breastfeed in the hospital to reach the AAP recommendation of breastfeeding for 12 months or longer (P < .01). Only 6.9% of the sample reported exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months or more, and just one-third reported any breastfeeding at 12 months. Nine in ten respondents received a formula discharge pack in the hospital. Mothers who received a discharge pack were half as likely to exclusively breastfeed at 6 months as those who did not receive one (P < .01). Medical providers should educate, encourage, and support WIC mothers to breastfeed in the hospital and refrain from giving formula discharge packs.

  10. Small mammals from Sima de los Huesos.


    Cuenca-Bescós, G; Laplana Conesa, C; Canudo, J I; Arsuaga, J L


    A small collection of rodents from Sima de los Huesos helps to clarify the stratigraphic position of this famous human locality. The presence of Allocricetus bursae and Pliomys lenki relictus and the size of A. bursae, Apodemus sylvaticus and Eliomys quercinus suggest a Middle Pleistocene age (Saalian) to the Clays where humans have been found.

  11. Sound Change and Mobility in Los Angeles

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Johnson, Lawrence


    Deals with the shift of the low-back vowel as in 'caught' to a low-central vowel as in 'cot' thereby merging such pairs as caught/cot, dawn/Don, and stalk/stock. The causes and the sociolinguistic implications of this shift are discussed. The majority of the informants were from West Los Angeles. (TL)

  12. Integrated approaches to improve birth outcomes: perinatal periods of risk, infant mortality review, and the Los Angeles Mommy and Baby Project.


    Chao, Shin Margaret; Donatoni, Giannina; Bemis, Cathleen; Donovan, Kevin; Harding, Cynthia; Davenport, Deborah; Gilbert, Carol; Kasehagen, Laurin; Peck, Magda G


    This article provides an example of how Perinatal Periods of Risk (PPOR) can provide a framework and offer analytic methods that move communities to productive action to address infant mortality. Between 1999 and 2002, the infant mortality rate in the Antelope Valley region of Los Angeles County increased from 5.0 to 10.6 per 1,000 live births. Of particular concern, infant mortality among African Americans in the Antelope Valley rose from 11.0 per 1,000 live births (7 cases) in 1999 to 32.7 per 1,000 live births (27 cases) in 2002. In response, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Programs partnered with a community task force to develop an action plan to address the issue. Three stages of the PPOR approach were used: (1) Assuring Readiness; (2) Data and Assessment, which included: (a) Using 2002 vital records to identify areas with the highest excess rates of feto-infant mortality (Phase 1 PPOR), and (b) Implementing Infant Mortality Review (IMR) and the Los Angeles Mommy and Baby (LAMB) Project, a population-based study to identify potential factors associated with adverse birth outcomes. (Phase 2 PPOR); and (3) Strategy and Planning, to develop strategic actions for targeted prevention. A description of stakeholders' commitments to improve birth outcomes and monitor infant mortality is also given. The Antelope Valley community was engaged and ready to investigate the local rise in infant mortality. Phase 1 PPOR analysis identified Maternal Health/Prematurity and Infant Health as the most important periods of risk for further investigation and potential intervention. During the Phase 2 PPOR analyses, IMR found a significant proportion of mothers with previous fetal loss (45%) or low birth weight/preterm (LBW/PT) birth, late prenatal care (39%), maternal infections (47%), and infant safety issues (21%). After adjusting for potential confounders (maternal age, race, education level, and marital status), the

  13. Audit Report, "Fire Protection Deficiencies at Los Alamos National Laboratory"

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    The Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory (Los Alamos) maintains some of the Nation's most important national security assets, including nuclear materials. Many of Los Alamos' facilities are located in close proximity to one another, are occupied by large numbers of contract and Federal employees, and support activities ranging from nuclear weapons design to science-related activities. Safeguarding against fires, regardless of origin, is essential to protecting employees, surrounding communities, and national security assets. On June 1, 2006, Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS), became the managing and operating contractor for Los Alamos, under contract with the Department's National Nuclearmore » Security Administration (NNSA). In preparation for assuming its management responsibilities at Los Alamos, LANS conducted walk-downs of the Laboratory's facilities to identify pre-existing deficiencies that could give rise to liability, obligation, loss or damage. The walk-downs, which identified 812 pre-existing fire protection deficiencies, were conducted by subject matter professionals, including fire protection experts. While the Los Alamos Site Office has overall responsibility for the effectiveness of the fire protection program, LANS, as the Laboratory's operating contractor, has a major, day-to-day role in minimizing fire-related risks. The issue of fire protection at Los Alamos is more than theoretical. In May 2000, the 'Cerro Grande' fire burned about 43,000 acres, including 7,700 acres of Laboratory property. Due to the risk posed by fire to the Laboratory's facilities, workforce, and surrounding communities, we initiated this audit to determine whether pre-existing fire protection deficiencies had been addressed. Our review disclosed that LANS had not resolved many of the fire protection deficiencies that had been identified in early 2006: (1) Of the 296 pre-existing deficiencies we selected for audit, 174 (59 percent) had not been

  14. Breakfast of champions or kiss of death? Survival and sexual performance of protein-fed, sterile Mediterranean fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yuval, B.; Maor, M.; Levy, K.

    la dieta sobre los obstaculos sucesivos que los machos tienen que superar para inseminar las hembras, i.e., unir con otros machos en areas para el apareamiento, copula de las hembras, almacenar esperma e inhibir el re-apareamiento de hembras. Ademas discutimos los efectos de la dieta sobre el exito de su actividad forrajera despues de ser liberados, la longevidad y la habilidad para aguantar la inanicion. Mientras que la alimentacion con proteina universalmente aumentan el exito sexual de los machos naturales, su efecto sobre los machos esteriles varia segun la raza, el lugar de los experimentos y las condiciones ambientales. En algunos casos, los tratamientos que resultaron con mejor desempeno sexual fueron asociados significativamente con el aumento de la vulnerabilidad a la inanicion. Sin embargo, ninguna dieta en particular afecto la habilidad de los machos esteriles para encontrar nutrientes en el campo cuando fueron disponibles. Nosotros sugerimos que puede ser mejor el liberar moscas que tienen una vida relativamente corta y que son mas competidoras, en vez de moscas que tienen una vida larga y sexualmente inefectiva. (author)« less

  15. Modelizacion, control e implementacion de un procesador energetico paralelo para aplicacion en sistemas multisalida

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ferreres Sabater, Agustin

    Cualquier sistema electronico que incluya un procesado o tratamiento de la senal, y ademas, algun tipo de actuador mecanico generalmente necesita, como minimo, dos tensiones diferentes de alimentacion. Excluyendo los sistemas de alimentacion distribuida, la solucion tecnica mas utilizada para proporcionar dos o mas tensiones consiste en las fuentes de alimentacion multisalida. En una fuente de alimentacion multisalida los diferentes circuitos que conforman cada salida comparten un mismo transformador de potencia optimizando coste, masa, y volumen. Las ventajas obtenidas con este procedimiento tienen en su contra el efecto que sobre cada salida individual provocan las demas en su conjunto debido, principalmente, a los efectos de los elementos parasitos de los componentes. Un cambio de carga en una de las salidas produce un transitorio que es visto por todas las demas como un efecto de impedancia cruzada, y al final del transitorio, la tension de cada salida es diferente respecto a la que tenian antes del transitorio. Este ultimo resultado se conoce como regulacion cruzada. La disminucion de los efectos de la regulacion cruzada ha sido objeto de estudio durante los ultimos anos. El objetivo ha sido el desarrollo de distintas estrategias que permiten, desde disminuir los efectos de la regulacion cruzada hasta los niveles deseables, a eliminarla completamente. El resultado final suele suponer una penalizacion sobre el diseno del sistema directamente proporcional al grado de regulacion a conseguir en las distintas salidas. Entre las soluciones propuestas para eliminar la regulacion cruzada las tecnicas de post-regulacion se han consolidado como la opcion mas aceptada ya que, pueden aplicarse a cualquier convertidor y no suponen ninguna complejidad adicional a la hora de plantear el diseno. En esta Tesis Doctoral se abordara el estudio de la tecnica conocida como postregulacion mediante transformador controlado, que si bien se ha empleado en convertidores resonantes, su


    EPA Science Inventory

    This report describes five fine pore diffuser evaluations conducted at three different wastewater treatment plants located in the greater Los Angeles area. The overall goal of the study was to evaluate the performance of fine pore diffusers using selected cleaning methods for ex...

  17. Integration of transit and land use : a study of Los Angeles rail transit stations

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This study focuses on transit-oriented development at rail transit stations in Los Angeles. It reviews the development of rail transit and land use in Los Angeles and looks at four specific station sites to see what is contributing to or hindering tr...

  18. A New Generation of Los Alamos Opacity Tables


    Colgan, James Patrick; Kilcrease, David Parker; Magee, Jr., Norman H.; ...


    We present a new, publicly available, set of Los Alamos OPLIB opacity tables for the elements hydrogen through zinc. Our tables are computed using the Los Alamos ATOMIC opacity and plasma modeling code, and make use of atomic structure calculations that use fine-structure detail for all the elements considered. Our equation-of-state (EOS) model, known as ChemEOS, is based on the minimization of free energy in a chemical picture and appears to be a reasonable and robust approach to determining atomic state populations over a wide range of temperatures and densities. In this paper we discuss in detail the calculations thatmore » we have performed for the 30 elements considered, and present some comparisons of our monochromatic opacities with measurements and other opacity codes. We also use our new opacity tables in solar modeling calculations and compare and contrast such modeling with previous work.« less

  19. Reinforcing E.S.L. with Los Cumbancheros Choral Performance Group (Los Cumbancheros). Final Evaluation Report, 1992-93. OREA Report.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baez, Raquel

    Reinforcing E.S.L. with Los Cumbancheros Choral Performance Group was a state-funded program functioning at seven elementary and junior high schools in the Bronx (New York) in 1992-93, its fifth year. the program served 244 Latino students primarily of limited English proficiency (LEP); a few English-proficient and special education students were…

  20. Wolf Fire West of Los Angeles

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    This photograph taken from the International Space Station on June 7, 2002, shows the Copper Fire burning in the hills outside Los Angeles. Astronauts use a variety of lenses and look angles as their orbits pass over wildfires to document the long-distance movements of smoke from the fires as well as details of the burning areas. This image clearly illustrates the difficult, rugged terrain that firefighters must face when fighting these wildland fires.

  1. Predicting completion of treatment among foreign-born adolescents treated for latent tuberculosis infection in Los Angeles.


    Coly, A; Morisky, D


    Two health clinics in Los Angeles County, California. To identify factors associated with completion of care among foreign-born adolescents treated for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). A total of 766 low-income adolescents (79% participation rate), including 610 foreign-born, were recruited. In prospective face-to-face interviews, data were obtained on socio-demographic and lifestyle characteristics, psychosocial factors and clinic-related variables. Medical chart data were abstracted regarding clinic appointment keeping and completion of treatment. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify factors associated with completion of care. Foreign-born adolescents were more likely to complete care than US-born adolescents, with 82% completion of care rate. In logistic regression analyses after controlling for age, medication taking behavior (OR 1.26, 95%CI 1.15-1.39), living with both parents (OR 1.74, 95%CI 1.02-2.97), sexual intercourse (OR 0.66, 95%CI 0.36-1.19) and speaking mostly or only English with parents (OR 0.39, 95%CI 0.15-1.03) were independently associated with completion of care. These findings contribute to our understanding of the factors that may explain why some adolescents complete care whereas others do not. They provide supportive evidence that tailored intervention programs should be developed to support the screening and completion of treatment of foreign-born adolescents.

  2. James L. Tuck Los Alamos ball lightning pioneer

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Baker, D.A.


    James Tuck was well known for starting the Project Sherwood group at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in 1952. This group was formed to study and develop concepts for controlled fusion energy. In his later years after retiring from Controlled Fusion Division, he continued research at Los Alamos on the topic of ball lightning. He traveled widely giving lectures on both observations of others and his own experimental efforts. He collected anecdotal observations obtained from those in his lecture audiences during his travels and from responses from newspaper articles where he asked for specific information from ball lightning observers. He finallymore » cut off this collection of data when the number of responses became overwhelming. The author's primary publication on ball lightning was a short laboratory report. He planned on publishing a book on the subject but this was never completed before his death. Tuck focused his experimental effort on attempting to duplicate the production of plasma balls claimed to be observed in US Navy submarines when a switch was opened under overload conditions with battery power. During lunch breaks he made use of a Los Alamos N-division battery bank facility to mock up a submarine power pack and switch gear. This non-funded effort was abruptly terminated when an explosion occurred in the facility. An overview of Tuck's research and views will be given. The flavor Jim's personality as well as a ball produced with his experimental apparatus will be shown using video chips.« less

  3. Los Angeles-Long Beach area of Southern California as seen from Apollo 9

    NASA Image and Video Library


    AS09-22-3436 (March 1969) --- Los Angeles-Long Beach area of southern California, as photographed from the Apollo 9 spacecraft during its 92nd revolution of Earth. Santa Catalina Island is located off the coast. The California coastline is visible from San Clemente northward to Point Dume. Clouds cover most of the San Gabriel Mountains around Los Angeles.

  4. A Los1p-independent pathway for nuclear export of intronless tRNAs in Saccharomycescerevisiae.


    Feng, Wenqin; Hopper, Anita K


    Los1p, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae exportin-t homologue, binds tRNA and functions in pre-tRNA splicing and export of mature tRNA from the nucleus to the cytosol. Because LOS1 is unessential in yeast, other pathways for tRNA nuclear export must exist. We report that Cca1p, which adds nucleotides C, C, and A to the 3' end of tRNAs, is a multicopy suppressor of the defect in tRNA nuclear export caused by los1 null mutations. Mes1p, methionyl-tRNA synthetase, also suppresses the defect in nuclear export of tRNA(Met) in los1 cells. Thus, Cca1p and Mes1p seem to function in a Los1p-independent tRNA nuclear export pathway. Heterokaryon analysis indicates that Cca1p is a nucleus/cytosol-shuttling protein, providing the potential for Cca1p to function as an exporter or an adapter in this tRNA nuclear export pathway. In yeast, most mutations that affect tRNA nuclear export also cause defects in pre-tRNA splicing leading to tight coupling of the splicing and export processes. In contrast, we show that overexpressed Cca1p corrects the nuclear export, but not the pre-tRNA-splicing defects of los1Kan(r) cells, thereby uncoupling pre-tRNA splicing and tRNA nuclear export.

  5. 40 CFR 52.229 - Control strategy and regulations: Photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons), Metropolitan Los Angeles...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ...: Photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons), Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region. 52.229 Section 52.229... oxidants (hydrocarbons), Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region. (a) [Reserved] (b) The following rules... (hydrocarbons) as required by section 110 of the Clean Air Act. (1) Southern California APCD. (i) Regulation IV...

  6. Origin of rainwater acidity near the Los Azufres geothermal field, Mexico

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Verma, M.P.; Quijano, J.L.; Johnson, Chad; Gerardo, J.Y.; Arellano, V.


    The chemical and isotopic compositions of rainwater were monitored at Los Azufres geothermal field (88 MWe) and its surroundings during May - September 1995, which is the rainy season. Samples were collected from eight sites: three within the field, three in its surroundings and two sufficiently far from the field such that they have no geothermal input. The concentrations of Cl-, SO42- and NO3- were measured in about 350 samples and found to be generally <5 ppm. Chloride concentrations remained constant with time, but sulfate and nitrate concentrations decreased, which suggests a nearby industrial source for the sulfate and nitrate. A mixing model for Cl-, SO42- and ??34S also suggests an industrial source for the rainwater sulfur. The determination of pH was found to be necessary, but is not sufficient to characterize rainwater acidity. The Gran titration method was used to determine alkalinity with respect to equivalence point of H2CO3(*). Values of alkalinity were found to range from 10-4 to 10-6 eq/L, and were negative only for some samples from Vivero and Guadalajara. Thus, SO42- and NO3- are in general not in acidic form (i.e. balanced by Na+, Ca2+, etc. rather than H+). Sulfate ??34S values were about -1.5??? in Los Azufres and its surroundings, and in Morelia, but differed from the value of -0.2??? for Guadalajara. The ??34S values for H2S from the Los Azufres geothermal wells are in the range -3.4 to 0.0???. The ??34S ranges for the natural and anthropogenic sources for environmental sulfur overlap, making it difficult to differentiate between the contribution of different sources. However, a similarity of values of ??34S at Los Azufres and Morelia (85 km distant) suggest a regional source of sulfate that is not associated with geothermal emissions from Los Azufres. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of CNR.The chemical compositions of rainwater were analyzed at Los Azufres geothermal field in Spain from May-September 1995. The

  7. Gun carrying among freshmen and sophomores in Chicago, New York City and Los Angeles public schools: the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2007-2013.


    Kemal, Samaa; Sheehan, Karen; Feinglass, Joe


    This study evaluated trends and risk factors over time for self-reported gun carrying among freshman and sophomore public school students in Chicago, New York City and Los Angeles, chosen as high profile cities with different levels of firearm violence. The study used four biennial waves (2007-2013) of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), an anonymous, voluntary survey of public high school students. Analyses were restricted to freshman and sophomores given significant high school dropout rates among older students. School population weighted results are presented based on the YRBS complex survey design, including comparisons of reported gun carrying across survey waves and cities. A violence index was created from eight survey items that capture students' perceived threat level. Chi square tests and multivariable Poisson regression analyses were used to test the significance of differences across cities and over time in the likelihood of gun carrying controlling for sociodemographic characteristics, mental health risk factors and behavioral risk factors. The study included a total weighted population estimate of 1,137,449 students across the three cities and four survey waves. Mean self-reported gun carrying across all survey waves was 8.89% in Chicago, 4.09% in New York City, and 6.03% in Los Angeles (p < 0.001). There were no significant changes in gun carrying prevalence within each individual city over the survey waves. Multivariable Poisson regression estimates showed increased likelihood for gun carrying among males (IRR 1.41, CI 1.27-1.58), among non-Hispanic Blacks (IRR 1.26, CI 1.07-1.48), and among those who reported a higher violence index. Each additional violence index count increase was associated with a 1.74 times (CI 1.70-1.78) increased likelihood for gun carrying. There was a much higher self-reported rate of gun carrying and a higher burden of violence exposure in Chicago as compared to New York City and Los Angeles. Students' exposure to

  8. Disciplines and Professors of Astronomy in Undergraduate Physics Teachers Formation Courses in Brazilian Universities. (Spanish Title: Disciplinas y Profesores de Astronomia en los Cursos de Licenciatura en Física en Las Universidades Brasileñas.) Disciplinas e Professores de Astronomia Nos Cursos de Licenciatura em Física das Universidades Brasileiras

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roberto, Artur Justiniano, Jr.; Reis, Thiago Henrique; dos Reis Germinaro, Daniel


    This article is the result of a research on basic training in Astronomy in physics degrees that performed the ENADE 2011 national examination. The objective was to identify whether there are disciplines of Astronomy in these courses, whether are mandatory or optional, its workload and when it is offered. The relationship between astronomers, physics degrees and disciplines of Astronomy was investigated. To perform this research we examined the results of ENADE 2011 and also the census of Brazilian Astronomical Society. As a result it is observed that in only 15% of the courses there is a mandatory subject of Astronomy, and therefore there is a high probability that 85% of physics teachers trained in 2011 have not had any discipline of Astronomy during their graduation. In addition, the data collected in this study shows a low number of members of SAB (Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira) among the surveyed courses. We have verified that the presence of astronomers in a given university does not imply to have a mandatory discipline of Astronomy in physics degrees at the same university. Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación sobre la formación básica en Astronomía en los cursos de Profesorado en Física que hicieron el examen nacional ENADE 2011. El objetivo del trabajo fue identificar se existen disciplinas de Astronomía en estos cursos, si son obligatorias u optativas, cuál es su carga horaria y el semestre en que son ofrecidas. Se investigó también la correlación entre astrónomos, los cursos de licenciatura en Física y las disciplinas de Astronomía. Para realizar esta investigación se utilizaron los datos del ENADE 2011 y también del censo de la Astronomía brasileña. Como resultado, se observó que en solo 15% de los cursos existe una disciplina obligatoria de Astronomía y que existe una grande probabilidad de que 85% de los profesores de Física formados en el año de 2011 no hayan cursado ninguna disciplina de Astronomía durante su

  9. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Appraisal of Self-Care Agency Scale - Revised.


    Stacciarini, Thaís Santos Guerra; Pace, Ana Emilia


    valores de alfa total de 0,74 e dos três fatores de 0,69, 0,38 e 0,69, respectivamente. estrutura fatorial da escala com resultados satisfatórios de validade e de confiabilidade, exceto um de seus fatores. É desejável que essa Escala seja aplicada em amostras da população geral, para fortalecer as análises de consistência interna e de dimensionalidade da estrutura fatorial, e espera-se que este estudo possa contribuir no avanço de outras pesquisas que trabalham com o construto de capacidade de autocuidado e no desenvolvimento da Escala ASAS-R. analizar la estructura factorial de la escala de evaluación de la capacidad de autocuidado, Appraisal of Self Care Agency Scale-Revised (ASAS-R), adaptada en Brasil. estudio metodológico conducido en 150 usuarios con diabetes mellitus, mayoría de ancianos y con baja escolaridad, acompañados por la Estrategia Salud de la Familia. El test de hipótesis de la composición factorial confirmatoria de la escala ASAS-R fue realizado por medio del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para variables latentes. los valores de los índices de ajuste del modelo fueron satisfactorios (χ2 de 259,19; χ2/g.l de 2,97, p < 0,001; GFI = 0,85; RMR = 0,07; RMSEA = 0,09), las cargas factoriales fueron superiores a 0,40, la mayoría de las correlaciones ítem y factor varió de moderada a fuerte magnitud (0,34 la 0,58); valores de alfa total de 0,74 y de los tres factores de 0,69, 0,38 y 0,69, respectivamente. la estructura factorial de la escala obtuvo resultados satisfactorios de validez y de confiabilidad, excepto uno de sus factores. Es deseable que esa escala sea aplicada en muestras de la población general, para fortalecer los análisis de consistencia interna y de dimensionalidad de la estructura factorial; y se espera que este estudio pueda contribuir para avanzar en nuevas investigaciones que vengan a trabajar con el constructo de capacidad de autocuidado y con el desarrollo de la escala ASAS-R.

  10. Estrategia de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) para explorar las concepciones alternativas relacionadas al tema estados de agregacion de la materia en estudiantes de nivel elemental =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rosado Olivieri, Wilda Y.

    Gran parte de la investigacion acerca de la ensenanza de las ciencias se dedica a estudiar la forma o manera en que los estudiantes visualizan los conceptos cientificos. Para Driver (1983) esas ideas o concepciones se conocen como concepciones alternativas; las cuales pueden ocasionar dificultad para comprender los conceptos de las diferentes areas del conocimiento. El proposito de este estudio fue: (a) indagar como las distintas etapas del ABP permiten explorar las concepciones alternativas que poseen los estudiantes de nivel elemental acerca de los estados de agregacion de la materia y, (b) explorar en que medida el ABP permite identificar e incorporar las concepciones alternativas que poseen los estudiantes de nivel elemental con relacion al concepto de estados de agregacion de la materia para facilitar su aprendizaje. Con el fin de explorar las concepciones alternativas en el tema de los estados agregados de la materia se implanto la estrategia de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) con estudiantes de quinto grado de nivel elemental. Se utilizo la metodologia mixta con varias estrategias de recopilacion de datos, como una pre y pos prueba para elucidar el conocimiento previo y al mismo tiempo las concepciones alternativas sobre el tema bajo estudio y luego verificar el aprendizaje en los estudiantes. Asimismo, el uso de mapas conceptuales para determinar la profundidad del tema estudiado y el entrelazamiento de los conceptos Una tercera estrategia fue el grupo focal para tomar en cuenta la impresion de los estudiantes acerca del proyecto ABP. El aspecto colaborativo y cooperativo fue un factor fundamental, ya que el aprendizaje ocurrio en ese contexto educativo. Para los hallazgos de esta investigacion fue tan importante el conocimiento previo como los procesos que se generaban para que la adquisicion del mismo fuera de forma significativa y funcional (Escribano & Del Valle, 2010). La estrategia de ABP constituyo en este estudio una forma para indagar las

  11. Factors predicting haematopoietic recovery in patients undergoing autologous transplantation: 11-year experience from a single centre.


    Bai, Lijun; Xia, Wei; Wong, Kelly; Reid, Cassandra; Ward, Christopher; Greenwood, Matthew


    Engraftment outcomes following autologous transplantation correlate poorly to infused stem cell number. We evaluated 446 consecutive patients who underwent autologous transplantation at our centre between 2001 and 2012. The impact of pre-transplant and collection factors together with CD34(+) dosing ranges on engraftment, hospital length of stay (LOS) and survival endpoints were assessed in order to identify factors which might be optimized to improve outcomes for patients undergoing autologous transplantation using haemopoietic progenitor cells-apheresis (HPC-A). Infused CD34(+) cell dose correlated to platelet but not neutrophil recovery. Time to platelet engraftment was significantly delayed in those receiving low versus medium or high CD34(+) doses. Non-remission status was associated with slower neutrophil and platelet recovery. Increasing neutrophil contamination of HPC-A was strongly associated with slower neutrophil recovery with infused neutrophil dose/kg recipient body weight ≥3 × 10(8)/kg having a significant impact on time to neutrophil engraftment (p = 0.001). Higher neutrophil doses/kg in HPC-A were associated with days of granulocyte colony stimulation factor (G-CSF) use, HPC-A volumes >500 ml and higher NCC in HPC-A. High infused neutrophil dose/kg and age >65 years were associated with longer hospital LOS (p = 0.002 and 0.011 respectively). Only age, disease and disease status predicted disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) in our cohort (p < 0.005). Non-relapse mortality was not affected by low dose of CD34(+) (<2 × 10(6)/kg). In conclusion, our study shows that CD34(+) remains a useful and convenient marker for assessing haemotopoietic stem cell content and overall engraftment capacity post-transplant. Neutrophil contamination of HPC-A appears to be a key factor delaying neutrophil recovery. Steps to minimize the degree of neutrophil contamination in HPC-A product may be associated with more rapid neutrophil engraftment and

  12. El Programa Nacional de Estuarios (NEP)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Información general sobre el Programa Nacional de Estuarios (PNE, por sus siglas en inglés) establecido en el 1987 para restaurar y proteger los estuarios significativos para Estados Unidos, y sus territorios. La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE.UU.

  13. Glaucoma


    ... ojo ¡Ojo con su Visión! Glosario Recursos adicionales de información El glaucoma El glaucoma ¿Cuánto sabe sobre ... un ser querido Ojos sanos Ojos sanos Problemas de visión comunes Enfermedades y condiciones de los ojos ...

  14. Construyendo modelos confiables de estrellas rías

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mauas, P. J.; Falchi, A.

    Se estudian las aproximaciones que se realizan usualmente al calcular modelos de estrellas frías (redistribución completa para la lí nea Lyman-α, despreciar el ``line-blanketing", suponer los metales en LTE), y cómo influyen en los distintos observables. Asimismo, se evalúa cuál es la información que cada observable nos da sobre la atmósfera de la estrella, y cuáles son las incertidumbres de cada modelo.


    PubMed Central

    Mondragón, Liliana; Monroy, Zuraya; Ito, Ma. Emily; Medina-Mora, Dra. Ma. Elena


    El objetivo del trabajo es conocer las disyuntivas entre los principios de beneficencia y autonomía, que se presentan en la relación médico-paciente, durante la terapéutica del intento de suicidio. La investigación se realizó en dos hospitales psiquiátricos de la Ciudad de México. La muestra incluyó a tres sujetos con intento de suicidio, mayores de 18 años, que eran atendidos en consulta externa a causa de una lesión autoinfligida en el último año, y a tres psiquiatras que trataban a estos pacientes. La información se obtuvo previo consentimiento informado en entrevistas individuales. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de discurso argumentado para encontrar los significados que los participantes otorgaron a los principios bioéticos y las posibles disyuntivas entre éstos. Las discordancias entre la beneficencia y la autonomía estuvieron relacionadas con el beneficio del tratamiento, el respeto por los valores y las creencias de los pacientes, entre otros. Este trabajo presenta consideraciones éticas relevantes en el escenario clínico, al ofrecer al psiquiatra un análisis bioético que le permita actuar de acuerdo con la beneficencia y respetando la autonomía del paciente frente a casos de intento de suicidio y, de esta forma procurar una mejor atención para ellos. PMID:20830214

  16. Homework Tips for Parents = Consejos para los padres sobre la tarea escola.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Department of Education, Washington, DC. Office of Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs.

    Homework has been a part of students' lives since the beginning of formal school in the United States; the push for increased homework has increased, fueled by rising academic standards. Noting that parents involved can have either a positive or a negative influence on the value of homework, this booklet, in both English and Spanish, offers…

  17. The "LARSE" Project - Working Toward a Safer Future for Los Angeles

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Henyey, Thomas L.; Fuis, Gary S.; Benthien, Mark L.; Burdette, Thomas R.; Christofferson, Shari A.; Clayton, Robert W.; Davis, Paul M.; Hendley, James W.; Kohler, Monica D.; Lutter, William J.; McRaney, John K.; Murphy, Janice M.; Okaya, David A.; Ryberg, Trond; Similia, Gerald W.; Stauffer, Peter H.


    The Los Angeles region is underlain by a network of active faults, including many that are deep and do not break the Earth's surface. These hidden faults include the previously unknown one responsible for the devastating January 1994 Northridge earthquake, the costliest quake in U.S. history. So that structures can be built or strengthened to withstand the quakes that are certain in the future, the Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (LARSE) is locating hidden earthquake hazards beneath the region to help scientists determine where the strongest shaking will occur.

  18. Photo Gallery from the Los Angeles River Watershed (California)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Photo gallery of the Los Angeles River Watershed area of the Urban Waters Federal Partnership (UWFP) reconnects urban communities with their waterways by improving coordination among federal agencies and collaborating with community-led efforts.

  19. Los Angeles, California, Radar Image, Wrapped Color as Height

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This topographic radar image acquired by NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission SRTM in Feb. 2000 shows the relationships of the dense urban development of Los Angeles, Calif. and the natural contours of the land.

  20. Conversation with Lara about the Earth and Land. (Spanish Title: Conversando con Lara sobre la Tierra y la Teirra.) Conversando com Lara sobre a Terra e a Terra

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Conceição Barbosa-Lima, Maria


    en que vive es el planeta Tierra y que, probablemente por ese motivo, distingue con precisión, dentro de los limites de comprensión de la edad y madurez asociada, la tierra y la Tierra. O presente artigo analisa uma entrevista livre enquanto uma menina de quatro anos e quatro meses, matriculada na educação infantil, desenhava a Terra. A entrevista se realizou fora do ambiente escolar e sem qualquer outra pessoa por perto que pudesse interferir. De acordo com Ferreira & Silva (2004), para que o pesquisador conheça realmente o que uma criança põe no papel através de grafismos e/ou desenhos, é necessário ouvi-la durante o processo de criação do desenho. A menina apresenta, em relação à Terra, o tradicional desenho plano com o 'céu' paralelo ao solo, conforme já apresentaram Nardi & Carvalho (1996). Mas quando solicitada a desenhar o Mundo - palavra empregada em um trabalho por Butterworth et al. (2002), com intenção de não provocar 'confusões' desnecessárias para seus pesquisados - o representa de forma circular, colocando-se sobre sua superfície. Seus desenhos levaram à conclusão que esta criança ainda não tem conhecimento de que o Mundo em que vive é o Planeta Terra e que, provavelmente por este motivo, diferencia com precisão, dentro dos limites impostos por sua idade e consequente maturidade, a terra e a Terra.

  1. Los Alamos on Radio Café: Ludmil Alexandrov

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Domandi, Mary-Charlotte; Alexandrov, Ludmil

    In a creative breakthrough in cancer research, Ludmil Alexandrov, the J. Robert Oppenheimer Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, combines Big Data, supercomputing and machine-learning to identify the telltale mutations of cancer. Knowing these mutational signatures can help researchers develop new methods of prevention.

  2. Control de los escombros tras un desastre natural

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    PONER EN LA ACERA LOS ESCOMBROS QUE DEJA UN HURACÁN EN LAS ÁREAS PARTICIPANTES. Si sigue estas pautas específicas (PDF) se acelerará el proceso de recolección. Confirme con las autoridades del gobierno local lo que le corresponda a usted.

  3. Interseismic Strain Accumulation Across Metropolitan Los Angeles: Puente Hills Thrust

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Argus, D.; Liu, Z.; Heflin, M. B.; Moore, A. W.; Owen, S. E.; Lundgren, P.; Drake, V. G.; Rodriguez, I. I.


    Twelve years of observation of the Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) are tightly constraining the distribution of shortening across metropolitan Los Angeles, providing information on strain accumulation across blind thrust faults. Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) and water well records are allowing the effects of water and oil management to be distinguished. The Mojave segment of the San Andreas fault is at a 25° angle to Pacific-North America plate motion. GPS shows that NNE-SSW shortening due to this big restraining bend is fastest not immediately south of the San Andreas fault across the San Gabriel mountains, but rather 50 km south of the fault in northern metropolitan Los Angeles. The GPS results we quote next are for a NNE profile through downtown Los Angeles. Just 2 mm/yr of shortening is being taken up across the San Gabriel mountains, 40 km wide (0.05 micro strain/yr); 4 mm/yr of shortening is being taken up between the Sierra Madre fault, at the southern front of the San Gabriel mountains, and South Central Los Angeles, also 40 km wide (0.10 micro strain/yr). We find shortening to be more evenly distributed across metropolitan Los Angeles than we found before [Argus et al. 2005], though within the 95% confidence limits. An elastic models of interseismic strain accumulation is fit to the GPS observations using the Back Slip model of Savage [1983]. Rheology differences between crystalline basement and sedimentary basin rocks are incorporated using the EDGRN/EDCMP algorithm of Wang et al. [2003]. We attempt to place the Back Slip model into the context of the Elastic Subducting Plate Model of Kanda and Simons [2010]. We find, along the NNE profile through downtown, that: (1) The deep Sierra Madre Thrust cannot be slipping faster than 2 mm/yr, and (2) The Puente Hills Thrust and nearby thrust faults (such as the upper Elysian Park Thrust) are slipping at 9 ±2 mm/yr beneath a locking depth of 12 ±5 km (95% confidence limits

  4. Teorí­as de primer y segundo orden sobre el potencial de ciertas figuras de equilibrio de cuerpos celestes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gumbau, Manuel Forner


    Uno de los problemas que aborda la Mecánica Celeste es la determinación de las figuras de equilibrio de los cuerpos celestes. Para investigar su solución mediante métodos directos, se precisa evaluar el potencial generado por su autogravitación, el generado por su fuerza centrí­fuga y el generado por la fuerza de atracción entre los cuerpos. Los métodos clásicos de Finlay y Kopal que afrontan estos problemas, para determinar el potencial autogravitatorio en las configuraciones de equilibrio, emplean desarrollos en serie de los potenciales interior y exterior del potencial autogravitatorio. Estos métodos incurren en el error de suponer la convergencia en capas donde resulta cuestionable dicha convergencia para estos desarrollos en serie. En este trabajo se han elaborado unos algoritmos que contemplan toda la casuí&stica y que permiten una manipulación efic iente del producto de polinomios de Legendre, del producto de funciones asociada s de Legendre y del producto de armónicos esféricos como combinacióon lineal de ellos mismos, respectivamente. Se han obtenido, para primer y segundo orden en las amplitudes, los desarrollos correctos para los potencial es interior y exterior del potencial autogravitatorio para configuraciones de equilibrio aisladas, y , en primer orden de amplitudes, los mismos potenciales para los sistemas binarios próximos. Se ha elaborado un método analítico, en primer orden respecto de las amplitudes, para la determinación del potencial de marea en sistemas binarios próximos en el cual se manifiesta la forma de la componente secundaria del sistema

  5. Factors that predict acute hospitalization discharge disposition for adults with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury.


    Cuthbert, Jeffrey P; Corrigan, John D; Harrison-Felix, Cynthia; Coronado, Victor; Dijkers, Marcel P; Heinemann, Allen W; Whiteneck, Gale G


    To identify factors predicting acute hospital discharge disposition after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Secondary analysis of existing datasets. Acute care hospitals. Adults hospitalized with moderate to severe TBI included in 3 large sets of archival data: (1) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Central Nervous System Injury Surveillance database (n=15,646); (2) the National Trauma Data Bank (n=52,012); and (3) the National Study on the Costs and Outcomes of Trauma (n=1286). None. Discharge disposition from acute hospitalization to 1 of 3 postacute settings: (1) home, (2) inpatient rehabilitation, or (3) subacute settings, including nursing homes and similar facilities. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score and length of acute hospital length of stay (LOS) accounted for 35% to 44% of the variance in discharges to home versus not home, while age and sex added from 5% to 8%, and race/ethnicity and hospitalization payment source added another 2% to 5%. When predicting discharge to rehabilitation versus subacute care for those not going home, GCS and LOS accounted for 2% to 4% of the variance, while age and sex added 7% to 31%, and race/ethnicity and payment source added 4% to 5%. Across the datasets, longer LOS, older age, and white race increased the likelihood of not being discharged home; the most consistent predictor of discharge to rehabilitation was younger age. The decision to discharge to home a person with moderate to severe TBI appears to be based primarily on severity-related factors. In contrast, the decision to discharge to rehabilitation rather than to subacute care appears to reflect sociobiologic and socioeconomic factors; however, generalizability of these results is limited by the restricted range of potentially important variables available for analysis. Copyright © 2011 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Induction Inserts at the Los Alamos PSR

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ng, K. Y.


    Ferrite-loaded induction tuners installed in the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring have been successful in compensating space-charge effects. However, the resistive part of the ferrite introduces unacceptable microwave instability and severe bunch lengthening. An effective cure was found by heating the ferrite cores up to ˜ 130°C. An understanding of the instability and cure is presented.

  7. Los Alamos Team Demonstrates Bottle Scanner Technology

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Espy, Michelle; Schultz, Larry


    Los Alamos scientists are demonstrating a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (NMR) technology that may provide a breakthrough for screening liquids at airport security. By adding low-power X-ray data to the NMR mix, scientists believe they have unlocked a new detection technology. Funded in part by the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate, the new technology is called MagRay.

  8. Los Alamos Team Demonstrates Bottle Scanner Technology


    Espy, Michelle; Schultz, Larry


    Los Alamos scientists are demonstrating a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (NMR) technology that may provide a breakthrough for screening liquids at airport security. By adding low-power X-ray data to the NMR mix, scientists believe they have unlocked a new detection technology. Funded in part by the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate, the new technology is called MagRay.

  9. Neck hematoma after major head and neck surgery: Risk factors, costs, and resource utilization.


    Shah-Becker, Shivani; Greenleaf, Erin K; Boltz, Melissa M; Hollenbeak, Christopher S; Goyal, Neerav


    Postoperative cervical hematoma after major head and neck surgery is a feared complication. However, risk factors for developing this complication and attributable costs are not well-established. The Nationwide Inpatient Sample database was utilized compare patients with and without postoperative cervical hematoma. Logistic regression was used to analyze risk factors for hematoma formation and 30-day mortality. Total inpatient length of stay (LOS) and costs were fit to generalized linear models. Of 32 071 patients, 1098 (3.4%) experienced a postoperative cervical hematoma. Male sex (odds ratio [OR] 1.38; P < .0001), black race (OR 1.35; P = .010), 4 or more comorbidities (OR 1.66; P < .0001), or presence of a preoperative coagulopathy (OR 6.76; P < .0001) were associated. Postoperative cervical hematoma was associated with 540% increased odds of death (P < .0001). The LOS and total excess costs were 5.14 days (P < .0001) and $17 887.40 (P < .0001), respectively. Although uncommon, postoperative cervical hematoma is a life-threatening complication of head and neck surgery with significant implications for outcomes and resource utilization. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Perceived discrimination as a risk factor for depressive symptoms and substance use among Hispanic adolescents in Los Angeles

    PubMed Central

    Basáñez, Tatiana; Unger, Jennifer B; Soto, Daniel; Crano, William; Baezconde-Garbanati, Lourdes


    Objectives Discrimination has been associated with adverse psychological and physical health outcomes, but few studies have examined the effects of discrimination on Hispanic adolescents. This study assessed the relation of perceived discrimination with depressive symptoms and drug use. Covariates included immigrant generation status (GS). A second objective was to examine the potentially moderating effect of neighborhoods’ ethnic composition as suggested by Mair et al. Design Secondary data analyses of a longitudinal survey examined self-reports of Hispanic adolescents in 9th grade (the first year of high school) and 11th grade at seven high schools in Los Angeles. Results (1) Perceiving discrimination in 9th grade significantly predicted depressive symptoms (β = 0.23, p<0.01) and drug use (β = 0.12, p<0.01) in 11th grade, even after controlling for socioeconomic status, gender, acculturation, and GS in the USA. The third GS group reported significantly higher perceptions of discrimination compared to newer immigrants. (2) Neighborhoods’ ethnic composition was included as a moderator of the association between perceived discrimination and the outcomes, but did not moderate the relation. Conclusion Teaching Hispanic adolescents effective strategies for coping with discrimination, such as increasing their sense of belongingness in the American mainstream, may prove useful in preventing drug use and depressive symptoms. PMID:22897755

  11. Factors affecting fuel break effectiveness in the control of large fires on the Los Padres National Forest, California

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Syphard, Alexandra D.; Keeley, Jon E.; Brennan, Teresa J.


    As wildfires have increased in frequency and extent, so have the number of homes developed in the wildland-urban interface. In California, the predominant approach to mitigating fire risk is construction of fuel breaks, but there has been little empirical study of their role in controlling large fires.We constructed a spatial database of fuel breaks on the Los Padres National Forest in southern California to better understand characteristics of fuel breaks that affect the behaviour of large fires and to map where fires and fuel breaks most commonly intersect. We evaluated whether fires stopped or crossed over fuel breaks over a 28-year period and compared the outcomes with physical characteristics of the sites, weather and firefighting activities during the fire event. Many fuel breaks never intersected fires, but others intersected several, primarily in historically fire-prone areas. Fires stopped at fuel breaks 46% of the time, almost invariably owing to fire suppression activities. Firefighter access to treatments, smaller fires and longer fuel breaks were significant direct influences, and younger vegetation and fuel break maintenance indirectly improved the outcome by facilitating firefighter access. This study illustrates the importance of strategic location of fuel breaks because they have been most effective where they provided access for firefighting activities.

  12. Perceived discrimination as a risk factor for depressive symptoms and substance use among Hispanic adolescents in Los Angeles.


    Basáñez, Tatiana; Unger, Jennifer B; Soto, Daniel; Crano, William; Baezconde-Garbanati, Lourdes


    Discrimination has been associated with adverse psychological and physical health outcomes, but few studies have examined the effects of discrimination on Hispanic adolescents. This study assessed the relation of perceived discrimination with depressive symptoms and drug use. Covariates included immigrant generation status (GS). A second objective was to examine the potentially moderating effect of neighborhoods' ethnic composition as suggested by Mair et al. Secondary data analyses of a longitudinal survey examined self-reports of Hispanic adolescents in 9th grade (the first year of high school) and 11th grade at seven high schools in Los Angeles. (1) Perceiving discrimination in 9th grade significantly predicted depressive symptoms (β=0.23, p<0.01) and drug use (β=0.12, p<0.01) in 11th grade, even after controlling for socioeconomic status, gender, acculturation, and GS in the USA. The third GS group reported significantly higher perceptions of discrimination compared to newer immigrants. (2) Neighborhoods' ethnic composition was included as a moderator of the association between perceived discrimination and the outcomes, but did not moderate the relation. Teaching Hispanic adolescents effective strategies for coping with discrimination, such as increasing their sense of belongingness in the American mainstream, may prove useful in preventing drug use and depressive symptoms.

  13. Pre- and post-discharge factors influencing early readmission to acute psychiatric wards: implications for quality-of-care indicators in psychiatry.


    Donisi, Valeria; Tedeschi, Federico; Salazzari, Damiano; Amaddeo, Francesco


    This study aims to describe the association between pre- and post-discharge factors and early readmission to acute psychiatric wards in a well-integrated community-based psychiatric service. The analysis consisted of all the hospital discharge records containing a psychiatric diagnosis in 2011 from four Italian acute inpatient wards. Socio-demographic, clinical, admission and aftercare variables were investigated as possible predictors of readmission at 7, 30 and 90 days after discharge and were analyzed, controlling for dependency among same-patient observations. Previous psychiatric history was the most important predictor of readmissions. The socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients did not clearly influence readmission. Length of stay (LoS) was significant for readmission at 7 days even after controlling for other predictors and for same-patient dependence, in particular, for patients with previous admissions. Results suggest a protective role of a LoS higher than 28 days. In general, having a contact in community services did not turn out as protective from early readmission. This paper contributes to increase the knowledge about factors that may predict the risk of early readmission. Implications for quality assessment in psychiatry emerged: readmission seems actionable by LoS and not by community follow-up. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cuda, J.P.; Dunford, J.C.; Leavengood, J.M. Jr.

    , fue realizado como parte de un estudio de factibilidad para determinar si conota es una candidata apropiada para un programa de control biologico clasico. En general, especimenes de aproximadamente unos 4,000 artropodos y unos 400 nematodos fueron recolectados. Muestras recolectadas pasando una red sobre vegetacion mezclada, cortando la vegetacion y tomando centros del suelo fueron dominados por representantes de artropodos de los ordenes de Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, y Acari. Nematodos en el genero Pratylenchus, que causan lesiones sobre tejido, fueron asociados regularmente con las raices de conota. Ninguno de los organismos recolectados eran especialistas sobre conota. Aunque el control biologico clasico de la conota es factible basado sobre la magnitud de la infestacion, las perdidas economicas, la resistencia hacia los metodos de control convencionales y el informe en la India de un posible enemigo natural especifico a esta planta, la posicion botanica de este pasto maleza requiere una evaluacion de riesgo economico formal antes de continuar con un programa de control biologico clasico. (author)« less

  15. Los1p, involved in yeast pre-tRNA splicing, positively regulates members of the SOL gene family

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Shen, W.C.; Stanford, D.R.; Hopper, A.K.


    To understand the role of Los1p in pre-tRNA splicing, we sought los1 multicopy suppressors. We found SOL1 that suppresses both point and null LOS1 mutations. Since, when fused to the Gal4p DNA-binding domain, Los1p activates transcription, we tested whether Los1p regulates SOL1. We found that los1 mutants have depleted levels of SOL1 mRNA and Sol1p. Thus, LOS1 appears to positively regulate SOL1. SOL1 belongs to a multigene family with at least two additional members, SOL2 and SOL3. Sol proteins have extensive similarity to an unusual group of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases (G6PDs). As the similarities are restricted to areas separate from themore » catalytic domain, these G6PDs may have more than one function. The SOL gene disruptions negatively affect tRNA-mediated nonsense suppression and the severity increases with the number of mutant SOL genes. However, tRNA levels do not vary with either multicopy SOL genes or with SOL disruptions. Therefore, the Sol proteins affect tRNA expression/function at steps other than transcription or splicing. We propose that LOS1 regulates gene products involved in tRNA expression/function as well as pre-tRNA splicing. 64 refs., 6 figs., 6 tabs.« less

  16. UCLA's outreach program of science education in the Los Angeles schools.


    Palacio-Cayetano, J; Kanowith-Klein, S; Stevens, R


    The UCLA School of Medicine's Interactive Multi-media Exercises (IMMEX) Project began its outreach into pre-college education in the Los Angeles area in 1993. The project provides a model in which software and technology are effectively intertwined with teaching, learning, and assessment (of both students' and teachers' performances) in the classroom. The project has evolved into a special collaboration between the medical school and Los Angeles teachers. UCLA faculty and staff work with science teachers and administrators from elementary, middle, and high schools. The program benefits ethnically and racially diverse groups of students in schools ranging from the inner city to the suburbs. The project's primary goal is to use technology to increase students' achievement and interest in science, including medicine, and thus move more students into the medical school pipeline. Evaluations from outside project evaluators (West Ed) as well as from teachers and IMMEX staff show that the project has already had a significant effect on teachers' professional development, classroom practice, and students' achievement in the Los Angeles area.

  17. Los “puntos débiles o sensibles” de los Ensayos Clínicos en niñas/os y adolescentes

    PubMed Central

    Melamed, Irene N.


    Resumen La revisión ética de un Ensayo Clínico1 que incluye a niñas/os y adolescentes en calidad de participantes, debe centrar su mirada en aspectos relacionados con la vulnerabilidad inherente a esa etapa de la vida, condición que se nutre de elementos biológicos, emocionales, de justicia y de equidad, entre otros. Sin embargo, la visión sugerida en este caso y sin desoír las características mencionadas, es la que busca profundizar en uno de los actores del proceso de investigación: el Ensayo Clínico. El objetivo es poder determinar la presencia o no de “zonas frágiles o de puntos débiles” en su interior, los que al ser individualizados y especialmente considerados, contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de la revisión ética de las investigaciones que son llevadas a cabo en niñas/os y adolescentes. PMID:28757905

  18. Glyoxal contribution to aerosols over Los Angeles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Balcerak, Ernie


    Laboratory and field studies have indicated that glyoxal (chemical formula OCHCHO), an atmospheric oxidation product of isoprene and aromatic compounds, may contribute to secondary organic aerosols in the atmosphere, which can block sunlight and affect atmospheric chemistry. Some aerosols are primary aerosols, emitted directly into the atmosphere, while others are secondary, formed through chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Washenfelder et al. describe in situ glyoxal measurements from Pasadena, Calif., near Los Angeles, made during summer 2010. They used three different methods to calculate the contribution of glyoxal to secondary atmospheric aerosol and found that it is responsible for 0-0.2 microgram per cubic meter, or 0-4%, of the secondary organic aerosol mass. The researchers also compared their results to those of a previous study that calculated the glyoxal contribution to aerosol for Mexico City. Mexico City had higher levels of organic aerosol mass from glyoxal. They suggest that the lower contribution of glyoxal to aerosol concentrations for Los Angeles may be due to differences in the composition or water content of the aerosols above the two cities. (Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2011JD016314, 2011)

  19. Business interruption impacts of a terrorist attack on the electric power system of Los Angeles: customer resilience to a total blackout.


    Rose, Adam; Oladosu, Gbadebo; Liao, Shu-Yi


    Regional economies are highly dependent on electricity, thus making their power supply systems attractive terrorist targets. We estimate the largest category of economic losses from electricity outages-business interruption-in the context of a total blackout of electricity in Los Angeles. We advance the state of the art in the estimation of the two factors that strongly influence the losses: indirect effects and resilience. The results indicate that indirect effects in the context of general equilibrium analysis are moderate in size. The stronger factor, and one that pushes in the opposite direction, is resilience. Our analysis indicates that electricity customers have the ability to mute the potential shock to their business operations by as much as 86%. Moreover, market resilience lowers the losses, in part through the dampening of general equilibrium effects.

  20. Anaglyph, Metro Los Angeles, Calif.: Malibu to Mount Baldy

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Mount San Antonio more commonly known as Mount Baldy crowns the San Gabriel Mountains northeast of Los Angeles, Calif., in this anaglyph from NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.

  1. Factors associated to clinical learning in nursing students in primary health care: an analytical cross-sectional study.


    Serrano-Gallardo, Pilar; Martínez-Marcos, Mercedes; Espejo-Matorrales, Flora; Arakawa, Tiemi; Magnabosco, Gabriela Tavares; Pinto, Ione Carvalho


    aprendizagem clínica. Foram realizadas análises univariadas, bivariadas e multivariadas (regressão linear múltipla). a taxa de resposta foi de 91,8%. O processo de tutoria mais indicado foi o de "preceptor-professor" (45,2%). As Práticas Clínicas foram avaliadas como "ótimas" por 55,1%, o relacionamento com a equipe-preceptor foi considerado bom por 80,4% dos casos e a classificação média para a aprendizagem clínica foi de 7,89. O modelo de regressão linear múltipla, com mais capacidade explicativa incluiu as variáveis "ano acadêmico" (coeficiente de beta = 1.042 para alunos do terceiro ano), "área de cuidados de saúde primários" (coeficiente de beta = 0,308 para a Área B) e "percepção de práticas clínicas" (beta coeficiente = - 0,204 para uma percepção menos que ótima). O momento dentro do programa acadêmico, a localização e percepção das Práticas Clínicas foram associados com a aprendizagem clínica dos alunos. A percepção dos alunos sobre a qualidade do lugar das Práticas Clínicas foi positiva e um bom relacionamento da equipe-preceptor é uma questão de relevância. identificar la percepción del alumnado de enfermería sobre la calidad de las Prácticas Clínicas y evaluar la influencia de los diferentes procesos de tutoría en el aprendizaje clínico. estudio analítico transversal realizado con estudiantes de segundo y tercer año de enfermería (n = 122) en el aprendizaje clínico en los servicios de atención primaria de salud. La Herramienta de Evaluación de Prácticas Clínicas (Clinical Placement Evaluation Tool) y un índice sintético de las actitudes y habilidades (escala de 0 a 10) se calcularon para puntuar el aprendizaje clínico. Se realizaron análisis univariados, bivariados, multivariados (regresión lineal múltiple). la tasa de respuesta fue del 91,8%. El proceso de tutoría más comúnmente identificado fue "preceptor-profesor" (45,2%). Las Prácticas Clínicas se evaluaron como "óptimas" en un 55,1%, la relaci

  2. A Proposed Activity for a Meaningful Learning about the Moon Phases. (Breton Title: Uma Proposta de Atividade Para a Aprendizagem Significativa sobre as Fases da Lua.) Una Actividad Propuesta Para EL Aprendizaje Significativo Acerca de Las Fases de la Luna

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martins, Bruno Andrade; Langhi, Rodolfo


    This paper presents one of the concepts of Astronomy and its consequent failure in teaching this topic in high school, even when the official documents point out the necessity of Astronomy teaching at this school level. Among the spontaneous conceptions in Astronomy that high school students carry with them, even after the end of the school, we emphasized in this research the Moon phases. The development of different strategies in relation to traditional methods, aimed to teaching-learning process on this topic was considered in this study. These strategies were devised based on the reference frame of the Meaningful Learning, as elaborated by Ausubel. The proposals presented here include the active participation of students in experimental activities and other didactic activities, for their continuous evaluation during the process. These activities finished with a Comics elaboration about the Moon phases. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to present a proposal for differentiated teaching activity about Moon phases supported by the theoretical principles of Meaningful Learning at Physics classes. Este texto foca um dos conteúdos de Astronomia e a consequente falha no ensino deste tema no ensino médio, apesar de os documentos oficiais apresentarem a necessidade de se trabalhar a Astronomia neste nível de ensino. Dentre as concepções alternativas em Astronomia que os alunos do ensino médio carregam consigo, mesmo após o término dos estudos, destacamos, nesta pesquisa, o fenômeno das fases da Lua. O desenvolvimento de estratégias diferenciadas em relação ao ensino tradicional, visando o processo de ensino-aprendizagem sobre este tema, foi contemplado neste trabalho como um dos resultados obtidos sob a luz dos referenciais da aprendizagem significativa, fundamentados em Ausubel. Segundo a proposta aqui apresentada, a participação ativa dos alunos na execução de uma atividade experimental e outras atividades didáticas, que visam sua cont

  3. Efectos del material particulado (PM) sobre la salud y el medioambiente

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    El tamaño de las partículas se encuentra directamente vinculado con el potencial para provocar problemas de salud. La exposición a estas partículas puede afectar tanto a los pulmones como al corazón. También afectan el medioambiente.

  4. Los Alamos Novel Rocket Design Flight Tested


    Tappan, Bryce


    Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists recently flight tested a new rocket design that includes a high-energy fuel and a motor design that also delivers a high degree of safety. Researchers will now work to scale-up the design, as well as explore miniaturization of the system, in order to exploit all potential applications that would require high-energy, high-velocity, and correspondingly high safety margins.

  5. Los Alamos Novel Rocket Design Flight Tested

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Tappan, Bryce

    Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists recently flight tested a new rocket design that includes a high-energy fuel and a motor design that also delivers a high degree of safety. Researchers will now work to scale-up the design, as well as explore miniaturization of the system, in order to exploit all potential applications that would require high-energy, high-velocity, and correspondingly high safety margins.

  6. Reconnaissance assessment of erosion and sedimentation in the Canada de los Alamos basin, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Knott, J.M.


    An assessment of present erosion and sedimentation conditions in the Ca?ada de los Alamos basin was made to aid in estimating the impact of off-road-vehicle use on the sediment yield of the basin. Impacts of off-road vehicles were evaluated by reconnaissance techniques and by comparing the study area with other offroad-vehicle sites in California. Major-storm sediment yields for the basin were estimated using empirical equations developed for the Transverse Ranges and measurements of gully erosion in a representative off-road-vehicle basin. Normal major-storm yields of 73,200 cubic yards would have to be increased to about 98,000 cubic yards to account for the existing level of accelerated erosion caused by off-road vehicles. Long-term sediment yield of the Ca?ada de los Alamos basin upstream from its confluence with Gorman Creek, under present conditions of off-road-vehicle use, is approximately 420 cubic yards per square mile per year--a rate that is considerably lower than a previous estimate of 1,270 cubic yards per square mile per year for the total catchment area above Pyramid Lake.

  7. Trend, Risk Factors, and Costs of Clostridium difficile Infections in Vascular Surgery.


    Egorova, Natalia N; Siracuse, Jeffrey J; McKinsey, James F; Nowygrod, Roman


    Starting in December 2013, the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program included Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) rates as a new publically reported quality measure. Our goal was to review the trend, hospital variability in CDI rates, and associated risk factors and costs in vascular surgery. The rates of CDI after major vascular procedures including aortic abdominal aneurysm (AAA) repair, carotid endarterectomy or stenting, lower extremity revascularization (LER), and LE amputation were identified using Nationwide Inpatient Sample database for 2000-2011. Risk factors associated with CDI were analyzed with hierarchical multivariate logistic regression. Extra costs, length of stay (LOS), and mortality were assessed for propensity-matched hospitalizations with and without CDI. During the study period, the rates of CDI after vascular procedures had increased by 74% from 0.6 in 2000 to 1.05% in 2011, whereas the case fatality rate was stable at 9-11%. In 2011, the highest rates were after ruptured aortic abdominal aneurysm (rAAA) repair (3.3%), followed by lower extremity amputations (2.3%) and elective open AAA (1.3%). The rates of CDI increased after all vascular procedures during the 12 years. The highest increase was after endovascular LER (151.8%) and open rAAA repair (135.7%). In 2011, patients who had experienced CDI had median LOS of 15 days (interquartile range, 9-25 days) compared with 8.3 days for matched patients without CDI, in-hospital mortality 9.1% (compared with 5.0%), and $13,471 extra cost per hospitalization. The estimated cost associated with CDI in vascular surgery in the United States was ∼$98 million in 2011. Hospital rates of CDI varied from 0 to 50% with 3.5% of hospitals having infection rates ≥5%. Factors associated with CDI included multiple chronic conditions, female gender, surgery type, emergent and weekend hospitalizations, hospital transfers, and urban locations. Despite potential reduction of infection rates as evidenced

  8. 40 CFR 52.227 - Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region. 52.227 Section 52.227 Protection of... IMPLEMENTATION PLANS California § 52.227 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los... does not provide for attainment and maintenance of the secondary standards for particulate matter in...

  9. 40 CFR 52.227 - Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ...: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region. 52.227 Section 52.227 Protection of... IMPLEMENTATION PLANS California § 52.227 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los... does not provide for attainment and maintenance of the secondary standards for particulate matter in...

  10. "USA Today": Comparative Analysis with Two National and Two Los Angeles Daily Newspapers. Research Bulletin.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ames, Steve; And Others

    Sections of the newspaper "USA Today" were compared with corresponding sections of four major newspapers--the "New York Times," the "Wall Street Journal," the "Los Angeles Herald Examiner," and the "Los Angeles Times"--to determine what editorial components made "USA Today" different and…

  11. Early Readers = Lo Que los padres necesitan saber sobre los...Lectores Precoces. What Parents Need To Know about...Series.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Siegle, Del, Ed.

    This pamphlet (Practitioner's Guide), in both an English version and Spanish version, is intended for parents of precocious readers. Research facts on early reading are briefly summarized. Implications for the classroom and home are offered and include a discussion of early school entrance, principles of reading instruction, and ways the parent…

  12. 77 FR 40354 - Mesa de Los Carros Hydro, LLC; Notice of Preliminary Permit Application Accepted for Filing and...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 13316-001] Mesa de Los..., Motions To Intervene, and Competing Applications On April 3, 2012, Mesa De Los Carros Hydro, LLC filed an... the Mesa De Los Carros Pumped Storage Project to be located in San Miguel County, New Mexico. The...

  13. Platelet Activating Factor Receptor Activation Improves siRNA Uptake and RNAi Responses in Well-differentiated Airway Epithelia.


    Krishnamurthy, Sateesh; Behlke, Mark A; Apicella, Michael A; McCray, Paul B; Davidson, Beverly L


    Well-differentiated human airway epithelia present formidable barriers to efficient siRNA delivery. We previously reported that treatment of airway epithelia with specific small molecules improves oligonucleotide uptake and facilitates RNAi responses. Here, we exploited the platelet activating factor receptor (PAFR) pathway, utilized by specific bacteria to transcytose into epithelia, as a trigger for internalization of Dicer-substrate siRNAs (DsiRNA). PAFR is a G-protein coupled receptor which can be engaged and activated by phosphorylcholine residues on the lipooligosaccharide (LOS) of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae and the teichoic acid of Streptococcus pneumoniae as well as by its natural ligand, platelet activating factor (PAF). When well-differentiated airway epithelia were simultaneously treated with either nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae LOS or PAF and transduced with DsiRNA formulated with the peptide transductin, we observed silencing of both endogenous and exogenous targets. PAF receptor antagonists prevented LOS or PAF-assisted DsiRNA silencing, demonstrating that ligand engagement of PAFR is essential for this process. Additionally, PAF-assisted DsiRNA transfection decreased CFTR protein expression and function and reduced exogenous viral protein levels and titer in human airway epithelia. Treatment with spiperone, a small molecule identified using the Connectivity map database to correlate gene expression changes in response to drug treatment with those associated with PAFR stimulation, also induced silencing. These results suggest that the signaling pathway activated by PAFR binding can be manipulated to facilitate siRNA entry and function in difficult to transfect well-differentiated airway epithelial cells.

  14. The Effects of Positively and Negatively Worded Items on the Factor Structure of the UCLA Loneliness Scale

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dodeen, Hamzeh


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factor structure of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Loneliness Scale and examine possible wording effects on a sample of 1,429 students from the United Arab Emirates University. Correlated traits-correlated uniqueness as well as correlated traits-correlated methods were used to examine…

  15. Risk factors associated with moderate and serious injuries attributable to the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, Los Angeles, California.


    Mahue-Giangreco, M; Mack, W; Seligson, H; Bourque, L B


    The purpose of this study was to use emergency department data to estimate levels of morbidity and risk factors due to earthquake-related mechanisms of injury subsequent to an urban night-time earthquake. Data were abstracted from 4190 medical records for the month of January, 1994. Injuries attributable to the earthquake were identified through emergency department and medical records. These injuries were: (a) categorized by mechanism of injury; (b) assigned an injury severity score; and (c) linked to structural and geologic data. Proportional polytomous and dichotomous logistic regression were used to estimate risk of more severe injury associated with demographic characteristics, injury characteristics, structural characteristics, and geologic factors. More severe earthquake-related injuries (serious versus moderate and moderate versus minor) were statistically significantly associated with patient age (> or = 60 years old), upper extremities, falling, multi-family structures, pre-1960 housing, and the 50th percentile of Peak Ground Acceleration, after adjusting for all other available demographic, injury, structural, and geologic characteristics. The current recommendation of 'duck, cover, and hold' might not be optimal during a nighttime earthquake, particularly if individuals are in the padded environment of the bed. Actions such as reaching for or catching objects, bracing, or holding onto perceived stable objects may increase risk for more serious injury. Alternate responses include assuming a tucked position (as in airline crashes) or staying in bed for non-ambulating people. Structural damage and structure size were not associated with more serious injuries, but structure use and age were, leading the authors to suspect that unmeasured socioeconomic factors might impact risk factors. The importance of including population demographic characteristics in hazard modeling is emphasized.

  16. I Can Carry On from Here: The Relocation of American Indians to Los Angeles.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Blackhawk, Ned


    Draws on experiences of American Indian women relocated to Los Angeles during the 1950s-60s to take part in Bureau of Indian Affairs job training and placement programs. These women faced the double burden of racial discrimination and white sex-role expectations, but adjusted to life in Los Angeles with the support of Indian community…

  17. Review of the Organizational Structure and Operations of the Los Angeles Unified School District

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Council of the Great City Schools, 2006


    The Los Angeles Unified School District is the second largest public school system in the United States, and one of the largest organizations of any kind in the country. As with urban school systems across the country, the Los Angeles school district is under enormous pressure to improve. The district is under public scrutiny and is the subject of…


    PubMed Central

    Gonzales, Gustavo F.; Zevallos, Alisson; Gonzales-Castañeda, Cynthia; Nuñez, Denisse; Gastañaga, Carmen; Cabezas, César; Naeher, Luke; Levy, Karen; Steenland, Kyle


    RESUMEN El presente artículo es una revisión sobre la contaminación del agua, el aire y el efecto del cambio climático en la salud de la población peruana. Uno de los principales contaminantes del aire es el material particulado menor de 2,5 μ (PM 2,5), en la ciudad de Lima, anualmente 2300 muertes prematuras son atribuibles a este contaminante. Otro problema es la contaminación del aire domiciliario por el uso de cocinas con combustible de biomasa, donde la exposición excesiva a PM 2,5 dentro de las casas es responsable de aproximadamente 3000 muertes prematuras anuales entre adultos, con otro número desconocido de muertes entre niños debido a infecciones respiratorias. La contaminación del agua tiene como principales causas los desagües vertidos directamente a los ríos, minerales (arsénico) de varias fuentes, y fallas de las plantas de tratamiento. En el Perú, el cambio climático puede impactar en la frecuencia y severidad del fenómeno de El Niño oscilación del sur (ENSO) que se ha asociado con un incremento en los casos de enfermedades como cólera, malaria y dengue. El cambio climático incrementa la temperatura y puede extender las áreas afectadas por enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, además de tener efecto en la disponibilidad del agua y en la contaminación del aire. En conclusión, el Perú, pasa por una transición de factores de riesgo ambientales, donde coexisten riesgos tradicionales y modernos, y persisten los problemas infecciosos y crónicos, algunos de los cuales se asocian con problemas de contaminación de agua y de aire. PMID:25418656

  19. Prevalencia y factores de riesgo para infecciones del tracto urinario de inicio en la comunidad causadas por Escherichia coli productor de betalactamasas de espectro extendido en Colombia

    PubMed Central

    Blanco, Victor M.; Maya, Juan J.; Correa, Adriana; Perenguez, Marcela; Muñoz, Juan S.; Motoa, Gabriel; Pallares, Christian J.; Rosso, Fernando; Matta, Lorena; Celis, Yamile; Garzon, Martha; Villegas, y María V.


    RESUMEN Introducción Las infecciones del tracto urinario (ITU) son frecuentes en la comunidad. Sin embargo, la información de aislamientos resistentes en este contexto es limitada en Latinoamérica. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo asociados con ITU de inicio en la comunidad (ITU-IC) causadas por Escherichia coli productor de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) en Colombia. Materiales y métodos Entre agosto y diciembre de 2011 se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en 3 instituciones de salud de tercer nivel en Colombia. Se invitó a participar a todos los pacientes admitidos a urgencias con diagnóstico probable de ITU-IC, y se les pidió una muestra de orina. En los aislamien-tos de E. coli se realizaron pruebas confirmatorias para BLEE, susceptibilidad antibiótica, caracterización molecular (PCR en tiempo real para genes bla, repetitive element palindromic PCR [rep-PCR], multilocus sequence typing [MLST] y factores de virulencia por PCR). Se obtuvo información clínica y epidemiológica, y posteriormente se realizó el análisis estadístico. Resultados De los 2.124 pacientes seleccionados, 629 tuvieron un urocultivo positivo, en 431 de estos se aisló E. coli, 54 fueron positivos para BLEE y 29 correspondieron a CTX-M-15. La mayoría de los aislamientos de E. coli productor de BLEE fueron sensibles a ertapenem, fosfomicina y amikacina. La ITU complicada se asoció fuertemente con infecciones por E. coli productor de BLEE (OR = 3,89; IC 95%: 1,10–13,89; p = 0,03). E. coli productor de CTX-M-15 mostró 10 electroferotipos diferentes; de estos, el 65% correspondieron al ST131. La mayoría de estos aislamientos tuvieron 8 de los 9 factores de virulencia analizados. Discusión E. coli portador del gen blaCTX-M-15 asociado al ST131 sigue siendo frecuente en Colombia. La presencia de ITU-IC complicada aumenta el riesgo de tener E. coli productor de BLEE, lo cual debe tenerse en cuenta para ofrecer

  20. NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunini, A.

    Se presenta una revisión de los conocimientos actuales sobre el proceso de acreción del sistema solar exterior. En base a nuevas y más realistas simulaciones numéricas, se analiza el impacto que tuvo dicho proceso en otras regiones del sistema solar tales como la nube de Oort, el cinturón de Kuiper y el sistema solar interior. Se presentan entonces, las principales limitaciones de los modelos numéricos actuales, los principales puntos aún oscuros en el problema, y algunos de los posibles caminos a seguir para mejorar nuestro conocimiento en el tema. Se discute a continuación la posible utilidad de este tipo de estudios para el diseño de estrategias de búsqueda de otros sistemas planetarios.