Sample records for fakten ber die

  1. Einführung in die Technische Chemie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Behr, Arno; Agar, David W.; Jörissen, Jakob

    Die "Technische Chemie" ist ein Lehrfach an Universitäten und Hochschulen. Nach dem die Studierenden der Chemie in den ersten Semestern ihres Studiums ausrei chen de theoretische Kenntnisse in Allgemeiner, Anorganischer, Organischer und Physikalischer Chemie erlangt haben, soll die Technische Chemie einen Blick auf die praktische Anwendung dieser Naturwissenschaft in unserer Wirtschaft lenken. Es gibt keine "biologische Industrie", "physikalische Industrie" oder "mathematische Industrie", wohl aber seit über 150 Jahren eine "chemische Industrie", die in dieser lan gen Zeit zahlreiche chemische Prozesse entwickelt und dazu vielfältige Methoden erarbeitet hat. Das Lehrfach Technische Chemie gibt einen Überblick über diese Pro zesse und Methoden und erleichtert dadurch den Schritt von der Universität zur be ruflichen Praxis.

  2. Die Energiebranche am Beginn der digitalen Transformation: aus Versorgern werden Utilities 4.0

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Doleski, Oliver D.

    Die traditionelle Energieversorgung befindet sich in einer Zäsur. Das seit Jahrzehnten bewährte und stabile Geschäftsmodell einer zuverlässig planbaren, zentralen Energieerzeugung mit anschließender unidirektionaler Verteilung geriet spätestens seit der Energiewende des Jahres 2011 immer mehr unter Druck. Angesichts fortschreitender Digitalisierung und Dezentralisierung einerseits und gestiegener Erwartungshaltung der Kunden gegenüber "ihrem" Versorger andererseits sieht sich die Energiebranche heute einem epochalen Transformationsprozess gegenübergestellt. Bei diesem entwickeln sich aus den monopolistischen Versorgern des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts (Utility 1.0), über die liberalisierten Energieversorgungsunternehmen (Utility 2.0) und Energiedienstleistungsunternehmen (Utility 3.0) heutiger Prägung, die digitalen Energiedienstleistungsunternehmen (Utility 4.0) von morgen. Oliver D. Doleski beschränkt sich in seinem Beitrag nicht auf die reine Beschreibung dieses Veränderungsprozesses an sich. Vielmehr werden darüber hinaus sowohl die mit dieser Entwicklung verbundenen übergeordneten Ziele als auch die wesentlichen Anforderungen an erfolgreiche Utilities 4.0 skizziert. Das Kapitel endet mit einem prägnanten Überblick profitabler Betätigungsfelder, die zur Sicherung der ökonomischen Zukunft von Energiekonzernen, Regionalversorgern und Stadtwerken beitragen können.

  3. Digitalisierung als Inkubator für die Energieversorgung von morgen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnold, Christian; Postina, Matthias

    Neue Treiber der Digitalisierung bestimmen die Geschicke der etablierten Unternehmen im Energiebereich, dabei haben diese in vielen Fällen noch nicht einmal adäquat auf die altbekannten Treiber der Energiewende reagiert. Eine ganze Branche ist im Umbruch, alte Erlösmodelle brechen ein und Einigkeit scheint bei den Verantwortlichen nur in der Frage zu herrschen, wie in Zukunft noch Geld verdient werden kann. Dieser Beitrag erklärt die prägenden Treiber der Veränderung, analysiert die Ausgangslage und nennt Herausforderungen der Branche. Darüber hinaus legt er den Fokus auf die Betrachtung der neuen digitalen Wertschöpfung. Dazu wird ein Modell eingeführt, welches von der klassischen Wertschöpfungskette über datenbasierte Geschäftsmodelle im Energiesystem bis hin zum Internet of Smart Services reicht. Mit dem Modell geben die Autoren gleichsam Einblick in das geplante Energiewendeprojekt enera.

  4. Von Start-ups lernen - Methoden und Entwicklungsprozesse, die Jungunternehmen erfolgreich machen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Böhme, Eckhart

    Die Start-up-Bewegung bringt beständig sog. Disruptoren hervor, die jede Branche betreffen und so gut wie keinen Lebensbereich auslassen. Diese Jungunternehmen, insbesondere aus der Softwarebranche, verfügen zwar nicht über Ressourcen wie etablierte Unternehmen, sie sind jedoch agil, "hungrig", können frei von "Ballast" agieren und treiben die Digitalisierung aller Branchen voran. Aber auch Start-ups können nicht einfach ungetestete Ideen in erfolgreiche Produkte oder Dienstleistungen umwandeln und ihren Erfolg dem Zufall überlassen. Erfolgreiche Jungunternehmen folgen vielmehr einem strukturierten Prozess, um marktgetestete Nutzenversprechen und Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln. Zunehmend adaptieren etablierte Unternehmen innovative Entwicklungsprozesse und Methoden. Die Fragestellung für Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVUs) lautet, welche Methoden, Werkzeuge und Entwicklungsprozesse, die heute bei vielen Start-ups eingesetzt werden, sie aufgreifen können, um das Unternehmen gegenüber Disruptoren robust zu machen?

  5. Inzidenz von bullösen Autoimmunerkrankungen in Serbien: eine retrospektive Studie über 20 Jahre.


    Milinković, Mirjana; Janković, Slavenka; Medenica, Ljiljana; Nikolić, Miloš; Reljić, Vesna; Popadić, Svetlana; Janković, Janko


    Die meisten früheren Arbeiten zu den klinisch-epidemiologischen Merkmalen von bullösen Autoimmunerkrankungen (AIBD) konzentrierten sich vor allem auf eine einzige Krankheitsentität oder nur eine Krankheitsgruppe; nur in wenigen Studien wurde die Inzidenz verschiedener AIBD untersucht. Bei der vorliegenden Studie war es unser Ziel, das gesamte Spektrum der AIBD zu betrachten, die Inzidenz der häufigsten AIBD zu ermitteln und die zeitlichen Trends ihres Auftretens in Zentralserbien über einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren zu untersuchen. Wir rekrutierten retrospektiv 1161 AIBD-Fälle, die in Zentralserbien von Januar 1991 bis Dezember 2010 neu diagnostiziert wurden. Die Diagnose stützte sich auf eine strikte klinische, histologische und immunhistologische Beurteilung. Folgende Inzidenzraten wurden für die einzelnen Erkrankungen ermittelt: 4,35 pro eine Million Einwohner/Jahr (pME/Jahr) für Pemphigus, 4,47 pME/Jahr für Pemphigoid, 1,42 pME/Jahr für Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), 0,25 pME/Jahr IgA-Dermatose und 0,08 pME/Jahr für Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita. Im betrachteten Zeitraum stieg die altersbereinigte Inzidenzrate für Pemphigus und insbesondere für Pemphigoid signifikant an, während sie für DH, allerdings nicht signifikant, abnahm. Unsere Studie befasst sich zum ersten Mal mit den Inzidenzraten des gesamten Spektrums der AIBD in Serbien und untersucht die zeitlichen Trends ihres Auftretens über einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren. Nach unserem besten Wissen wurde ein ähnlicher Befund wie der unsere, dass nämlich die Inzidenzraten von Pemphigus und Pemphigoid vergleichbar sind, bisher noch nicht publiziert. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Rosazea-Management: Update über allgemeine Maßnahmen und topische Therapieoptionen.


    Schaller, M; Schöfer, H; Homey, B; Hofmann, M; Gieler, U; Lehmann, P; Luger, T A; Ruzicka, T; Steinhoff, M


    Obwohl bislang für die Rosazea keine kurative Therapie besteht, können verschiedene Optionen zur Behandlung der Symptome und zur Vorbeugung von Exazerbationen empfohlen werden. Neben Selbsthilfemaßnahme wie der Vermeidung von Triggerfaktoren und einer geeigneten Hautpflege sollte das Rosazea-Management bei Patienten mit erythematöser und leichter bis schwerer papulopustulöser Rosazea die Anwendung topischer Präparate als First-Line-Therapie umfassen. Da Überlappungen der charakteristischen Rosazea-Symptome im klinischen Alltag die Regel sind, sollte die medikamentöse Therapie auf die individuellen Symptome zugeschnitten werden; auch eine Kombinationstherapie kann erforderlich sein. Zu den für die Behandlung der Hauptsymptome der Rosazea zugelassenen Wirkstoffen gehören Brimonidin gegen das Erythem sowie Ivermectin, Metronidazol oder Azelainsäure gegen entzündliche Läsionen. Ihre Wirksamkeit wurde in zahlreichen validen, gut kontrollierten Studien belegt. Darüber hinaus existieren verschiedene nicht zugelassene topische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, deren Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit noch in größeren, kontrollierten Studien zu untersuchen ist. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Der Einfluss von Alitretinoin auf die Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit schwerem chronischen Handekzem: FUGETTA - Beobachtungsstudie unter Praxisbedingungen.


    Augustin, Matthias; Thaçi, Diamant; Kamps, Anja


    Alitretinoin ist die einzige zugelassene Behandlung für schweres chronisches Handekzem (CHE), das refraktär gegenüber potenten topischen Corticosteroiden ist. Bei dieser Studie (FUGETTA) wurde die Wirksamkeit von leitliniengerecht angewendetem oralem Alitretinoin sowie dessen Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität (LQ) bei Patienten mit schwerem refraktärem CHE beurteilt. Multizentrische, offene, nichtinterventionelle Beobachtungsstudie, durchgeführt in Deutschland. Die Patienten wurden nach Ermessen ihres behandelnden Arztes mit Alitretinoin 10 mg oder 30 mg einmal täglich über maximal 24 Wochen behandelt. Die Wirksamkeit wurde anhand des Physician Global Assessment (PGA) und des Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) bewertet. Zudem wurden unerwünschte Ereignisse (UE) erfasst. Die Studienpopulation bestand aus 658 Patienten (30 mg: n = 581; 10 mg: n = 77). Bei Beobachtungsbeginn litten die meisten Patienten (83 %) gemäß PGA an einem schweren CHE. Bei Beobachtungsende war das Handekzem bei 48 % der Patienten gemäß PGA vollständig oder fast vollständig abgeheilt (30 mg: 49 %; 10 mg: 43 %). Die mittlere Verbesserung des DLQI-Scores in Woche 24 betrug 58 % (30 mg: mittlere [SD] Veränderung gegenüber dem Ausgangswert -10,4 [8,04]) und 70 % (10 mg: mittlere [SD] Veränderung gegenüber dem Ausgangswert -10,8 [7,29]). Die Gesamtinzidenz von NW war niedrig und in den beiden Gruppen ähnlich. Alitretinoin führte zu einer schnellen, deutlichen Verbesserung der LQ bei Patienten mit schwerem CHE. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. [Feasibility of 3BER-S Process for the Deep Denitrification in Synch with the Removal of PAEs from Reclaimed Water].


    Xu, Peng-cheng; Hao, Rui-xia; Zhang, Ya; Wang, Dong-yue; Zhong, Li-yan; Xu, Hao-dan


    In order to investigate the feasibility of deep denitrification and simultaneous removing phthalate esters (PAEs) in the process of reclaimed water treatment uses three-dimensional biofilm-electrode reactor coupled with sulfur autotrophic deep denitrification technology (3BER-S), the technological characteristics and mechanisms were analyzed based on determining the static adsorption capacity of biofilm cultured active carbon fillers in 3BER-S reactor together with the operation results of dynamic denitrification and simultaneous PAEs removing. The results showed that the average adsorption rates of DBP, DEHP were 85.84% and 97.12% in the biofilm cultured active carbon fillers, the equilibrium adsorption capacities were 0.1426 mg x g(-1) and 0.162 mg(-1) and the time spans of reaching adsorption saturation were 120 min and 60 min, respectively; The existence of PAEs had no obvious effect on denitrification, the reactor effluent concentration of TN was in range of 1-2 mg x L(-1) before and after the addition of PAEs, and the average removal rate of TN reached above 94%; 3BER-S denitrification system showed significant ability in removing PAEs, leading to effluent concentrations of DBP and DEHP of no more than 6 microg x L(-1) with removal rates of above 96%; this was due to the synergistic effect of absorption, biodegradation and electrochemistry. After treatment with 3BER-S technology, DBP and DEHP in simulative municipal secondary effluent met the regulated limitation of The Reuse of Urban Recycling Water Quality Standard for Groundwater Recharge (GB/T 19772-2005).

  9. Multiscale Computation. Needs and Opportunities for BER Science

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Scheibe, Timothy D.; Smith, Jeremy C.


    The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL), a scientific user facility managed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER), conducted a one-day workshop on August 26, 2014 on the topic of “Multiscale Computation: Needs and Opportunities for BER Science.” Twenty invited participants, from various computational disciplines within the BER program research areas, were charged with the following objectives; Identify BER-relevant models and their potential cross-scale linkages that could be exploited to better connect molecular-scale research to BER research at larger scales and; Identify critical science directions that will motivate EMSLmore » decisions regarding future computational (hardware and software) architectures.« less

  10. Gesellschaft, Lebensgemeinschaft, Ökosystem - Über die Kongruenz von politischen und ökologischen Theorien der Entwicklung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voigt, Annette

    Im Jahr 1859 veröffentlichte Charles Darwin "On the Origin of Species“. Seine Evolutionstheorie ist das wohl spektakulärste Beispiel einer naturwissenschaftlichen Theorie großer gesellschaftlicher Relevanz. Ihre verschiedenen Facetten wurden in der Öffentlichkeit kontrovers diskutiert, unter anderem auch ihre Anwendung zur Erklärung von Zuständen und Prozessen menschlicher Gesellschaften. Zum Teil wurde die Seiensweise der Natur - scheinbar unabhängig von gesellschaftlichen Interessen - für die Erklärung und Legitimation gesellschaftlicher Zustände oder die Legitimation von politischen Ideologien herangezogen (Sozialdarwinismus). Denn Gesellschaft funktioniere ja so, wie Darwin die Natur erklärt habe: es herrsche z. B. Konkurrenzkampf, Auslese und Arbeitsteilung, Erfolg hätten diejenigen, die sich an die Bedingungen am Besten anpassten.

  11. Technische Systeme für den Herzersatz und die Herzunterstützung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schöb, Reto; Loree, Howard M.

    Herzkrankheiten verursachen allein in den Vereinigten Staaten jährlich mehr als 700’000 Todesfälle. Ungefähr 3 Millionen Patienten in den U.S.A. leiden gemäss der American Heart Association (AHA) und dem National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) an kongestivem Herzversagen (Congestive Heart Failure, CHF), welches eine chronische, sehr entkräftende und degenerative Krankheit ist: Das Herz ist dabei unfähig, hinreichend Blut zu den Organen des Körpers zu pumpen. Über 400’000 Fälle von CHF werden jedes Jahr diagnostiziert. Ähnliche Zahlen werden für Europa und Japan zusammen geschätzt. Basierend auf Daten vom AHA und NHLBI beträgt die fünfjährige Überlebensrate für CHF-Patienten lediglich etwa 50% [1]. 70’000-120’000 dieser Patienten könnten von einer Herzverpflanzung profitieren. 1999 wurden in den USA aber nur 2185 Herztransplantationen durchgeführt während die Warteliste über 4000 Patienten beträgt [2]. Ein akuter Mangel an Spenderherzen und die enormen Kosten (250’000-400’000 USD pro Patient) sind die begrenzenden Faktoren für Herztransplantationen [3]. Dies bedeutet, dass eine riesige Anzahl von Patienten durch ein zuverlässiges und verschleissfreies, nichtthrombotisches, total implantierbares, künstliches Herz gerettet werden könnten. Bis heute jedoch kein derartiges Implantat kommerziell verfügbar.

  12. Die Interhalogenkationen [Br2F5]+ und [Br3F8].


    Ivlev, Sergei; Karttunen, Antti; Buchner, Magnus; Conrad, Matthias; Kraus, Florian


    Wir berichten über die Synthese und Charakterisierung der bislang einzigen Polyhalogenkationen, in denen verbrückende Fluoratome vorliegen. Das [Br2F5]+-Kation enthält eine symmetrische [F2Br-µ-F-BrF2]-Brücke, das [Br3F8]+-Kation enthält unsymmetrische µ-F-Brücken. Die Fluoronium-Ionen wurden in Form ihrer [SbF6]--Salze erhalten und Raman-, und 19F-NMR-spektroskopisch, sowie durch Röntgenbeugung am Einkristall untersucht. Quantenchemische Rechnungen, sowohl für die isolierten Kationen in der Gasphase, als auch für die Festkörper selbst, wurden durchgeführt. Populationsanalysen zeigen, dass die µ-F-Atome die am stärksten negativ partialgeladenen Atome der Kationen sind. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Die nuklearen Anlagen von Hanford (1943-1987) Eine Fallstudie über die Schnittstellen von Physik, Biologie und die US-amerikanische Gesellschaft zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Macuglia, Daniele

    Die Geschichte des Kalten Krieges eröffnet viele Möglichkeiten, sich näher mit den Schnittstellen von Physik und Biologie während des 20. Jahrhunderts zu befassen. Nicht nur das Unglück in Tschernobyl aus dem Jahr 1986, auch das Beispiel der nuklearen Anlagen in Hanford in den Vereinigten Staaten zeigt die biologischen Folgen von nuklearer Physik.

  14. "Das Konkrete ist das Abstrakte, an das man sich schließlich gewöhnt hat." (Laurent Schwartz) Über den Ablauf des mathematischen Verstehens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lowsky, Martin

    Die im Titel genannte Aussage findet sich in den Lebenserinnerungen von Laurent Schwartz (1915-2002), einem der fruchtbarsten Mathematiker, Mitglied der Gruppe Bourbaki. Im Original lautet die Aussage: "un objet concret est un objet abstrait auquel on a fini par s'habituer." Schwartz erläutert sie am Beispiel des Integrals über {e^{-1/2{x^2}}} , das den Wert Wurzel aus 2π hat und in dem sich also die Zahlen e und π verknüpfen. Was Schwartz aber vor allem ausdrücken will, ist dies: Das mathematische Verständnisd geht langsam vor sich und es bedarf der Anstrengung. "Es ist eine Frage der Zeit und der Energie", sagt Schwartz, und gerade dies mache es so schwer, die höhere Mathematik unter das Volk zu bringen. Das Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik laufe eben mühevoll und langsam ab.

  15. Die Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft in der Weimarer Republik und während der Nazidiktatur

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wilke, Jürgen

    Nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten durch den 1. Weltkrieg erlangte die Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft (DStatG) unter dem renommierten Statistiker und Vorsitzenden der DStatG, Friedrich Zahn, durch eine Vielzahl von Aktivitäten hohes Ansehen. Es gab Bestrebungen, Statistiker aus allen Arbeitsfeldern der Statistik in die DStatG zu integrieren, wobei die "Mathematische Statistik" nur zögerlich akzeptiert wurde (Konjunkturforschung, Zeitreihenanalyse). Nach der Machtübernahme 1933 durch Adolf Hitler geriet die DStatG in das Fahrwasser nationalsozialistischer Ideologie und Politik (Führerprinzip, Gleichschaltung des Vereinswesens). Damit war eine personelle Umstrukturierung in der DStatG verbunden. Politisch Missliebige und rassisch Verfolgte mussten die DStatG verlassen (Bernstein, Freudenberg, Gumbel u.a.). Unter den Statistikern gab es alle Abstufungen im Verhalten zum Regime von Ablehnung und zwangsweiser Anpassung über bereitwilliges Mitläufertum bis zu bewusster Täterschaft. Besonders die Bevölkerungsstatistik wurde durch die NS- Rassenpolitik auf lange Sicht diskreditiert. Im Rahmen von Wirtschaftsplanung und Aufrüstung wurden neue zukunftsträchtige statistische Modelle (Grünig, Bramstedt, Leisse) entwickelt.

  16. Ber-H2 (CD30) immunohistochemical staining in malignant melanoma.


    Polski, J M; Janney, C G


    Malignant melanoma can be included in the differential diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease, anaplastic large cell lymphoma, or embryonal carcinoma These malignancies express CD30, a marker of diagnostic value. A retrospective immunohistochemical study was undertaken to determine the frequency of immunoreactivity of Ber-H2 (anti-CD30 monoclonal antibody) in malignant melanoma Archival paraffin-embedded tissue from 24 primary and metastatic lesions was used. No Ber-H2 labeling was observed in the majority of the studied cases. Variable weak cytoplasmic staining was present in only one case. The findings are compared with the previous reports claiming frequent CD30 expression in malignant melanoma. We discuss issues pertaining to the interpretation of the Ber-H2 IHC staining in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue.

  17. Effect of non-Kolmogorov turbulence on BER performance in uplink ground-to-satellite laser communication

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Yi; Zhang, Ao; Ma, Jing; Guo, Qiang


    Based on the non-Kolmogorov turbulence model of the stratosphere, a theoretical model for the influence of the angle of arrival (AOA) fluctuations on the performance of the bit error rate (BER) is established. A closed form expression of BER is then derived based on this model. Then, considering the combined effect of scintillation, beam wander and AOA fluctuations, the probability density function of the received intensity and the closed form expressions of BER for uplink are derived. Coherent detection of Circle Polarization Shift Keying modulation which is suitable for ground-to-satellite laser communication is employed. For an uplink, the BER performance is emulation analyzed and compared to the condition without taking AOA fluctuations into account. And the variation of BER as a function of AOA fluctuations has also been researched. The influence of intensity scintillation, beam wander and AOA fluctuations on BER has been analyzed based on laser transmit power restrictions.

  18. „3D-augmented-reality“-Visualisierung für die navigierte Osteosynthese von Beckenfrakturen

    PubMed Central

    Befrui, N.; Fischer, M.; Fuerst, B.; Lee, S.-C.; Fotouhi, J.; Weidert, S.; Johnson, A.; Euler, E.; Osgood, G.; Navab, N.; Böcker, W.


    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Trotz großer Fortschritte in der Entwicklung der Hard- und Software von Navigationssystemen finden diese aufgrund ihrer vermeintlichen Komplexität, umständlichen Integration in klinische Arbeitsabläufe und fraglichen Vorteilen gegenüber konventionellen bildgebenden Verfahren bisher wenig Einsatz in den heutigen Operationssälen. Ziel der Arbeit Entwicklung einer „Augmented-reality“(AR)-Darstellung zur chirurgischen Navigation ohne Infrarot(„IR“)-Tracking-Marker und Vergleich zum konventioneller Röntgen in einem simulierten Eingriff. Material und Methoden Navigationssystem bestehend aus „Cone-beam-CT“(CBCT)-fähigem C-Bogen und „Red-green-blue-depth“(RGBD)-Kamera. Testung durch Kirschner(K)-Draht-Platzierung in Modellen unter Berücksichtigung der benötigten Zeit, der Strahlendosis und der Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Systeme. Ergebnisse Eine signifikante Reduktion der benötigten Zeit, der Röntgenbilder und der gesamten Strahlendosis bei der AR-Navigation gegenüber dem konventionellen Röntgen bei gleichbleibender Präzision. Schlussfolgerung Die AR-Navigation mithilfe der RGBD-Kamera bietet flexible und intuitive Darstellungsmöglichkeiten des Operations-situs für navigierte Osteosynthesen ohne Tracking-Marker. Hiermit ist es möglich, Operationen schneller, einfacher und mit geringerer Strahlenbelastung für Patient und OP-Personal durchzuführen. PMID:29500506

  19. Draft Genome Sequence of Desulfovibrio BerOc1, a Mercury-Methylating Strain

    PubMed Central

    Gassie, Claire; Bouchez, Oliver; Klopp, Christophe; Guyoneaud, Rémy


    ABSTRACT Desulfovibrio BerOc1 is a sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from the Berre lagoon (French Mediterranean coast). BerOc1 is able to methylate and demethylate mercury. The genome size is 4,081,579 bp assembled into five contigs. We identified the hgcA and hgcB genes involved in mercury methylation, but not those responsible for mercury demethylation. PMID:28104657

  20. N-methylpurine DNA glycosylase and DNA polymerase β modulate BER inhibitor potentiation of glioma cells to temozolomide

    PubMed Central

    Tang, Jiang-bo; Svilar, David; Trivedi, Ram N.; Wang, Xiao-hong; Goellner, Eva M.; Moore, Briana; Hamilton, Ronald L.; Banze, Lauren A.; Brown, Ashley R.; Sobol, Robert W.


    Temozolomide (TMZ) is the preferred chemotherapeutic agent in the treatment of glioma following surgical resection and/or radiation. Resistance to TMZ is attributed to efficient repair and/or tolerance of TMZ-induced DNA lesions. The majority of the TMZ-induced DNA base adducts are repaired by the base excision repair (BER) pathway and therefore modulation of this pathway can enhance drug sensitivity. N-methylpurine DNA glycosylase (MPG) initiates BER by removing TMZ-induced N3-methyladenine and N7-methylguanine base lesions, leaving abasic sites (AP sites) in DNA for further processing by BER. Using the human glioma cell lines LN428 and T98G, we report here that potentiation of TMZ via BER inhibition [methoxyamine (MX), the PARP inhibitors PJ34 and ABT-888 or depletion (knockdown) of PARG] is greatly enhanced by over-expression of the BER initiating enzyme MPG. We also show that methoxyamine-induced potentiation of TMZ in MPG expressing glioma cells is abrogated by elevated-expression of the rate-limiting BER enzyme DNA polymerase β (Polβ), suggesting that cells proficient for BER readily repair AP sites in the presence of MX. Further, depletion of Polβ increases PARP inhibitor-induced potentiation in the MPG over-expressing glioma cells, suggesting that expression of Polβ modulates the cytotoxic effect of combining increased repair initiation and BER inhibition. This study demonstrates that MPG overexpression, together with inhibition of BER, sensitizes glioma cells to the alkylating agent TMZ in a Polβ-dependent manner, suggesting that the expression level of both MPG and Polβ might be used to predict the effectiveness of MX and PARP-mediated potentiation of TMZ in cancer treatment. PMID:21377995

  1. Draft Genome Sequence of Desulfovibrio BerOc1, a Mercury-Methylating Strain.


    Goñi Urriza, Marisol; Gassie, Claire; Bouchez, Oliver; Klopp, Christophe; Guyoneaud, Rémy


    Desulfovibrio BerOc1 is a sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from the Berre lagoon (French Mediterranean coast). BerOc1 is able to methylate and demethylate mercury. The genome size is 4,081,579 bp assembled into five contigs. We identified the hgcA and hgcB genes involved in mercury methylation, but not those responsible for mercury demethylation. Copyright © 2017 Goñi Urriza et al.

  2. Richtfunktechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Die Nachrichtenübertragung über Richtfunkstrecken wird neben der Übertragung über Kabel eingesetzt. Gegenüber der Rundfunk- und Fernsehübertragung weist sie den Unterschied auf, dass Sender und Empfänger ortsfest sind. Da es nur einen Empfänger gibt, kann die Übertragung mit einem gerichteten elektromagnetischen Feld erfolgen. Die Besonderheit dieser Technik wird hier dargestellt.

  3. The effect of pyramiding Phytophthora infestans resistance genes RPi-mcd1 and RPi-ber in potato

    PubMed Central

    Tan, M. Y. Adillah; Hutten, Ronald C. B.; Visser, Richard G. F.


    Despite efforts to control late blight in potatoes by introducing Rpi-genes from wild species into cultivated potato, there are still concerns regarding the durability and level of resistance. Pyramiding Rpi-genes can be a solution to increase both durability and level of resistance. In this study, two resistance genes, RPi-mcd1 and RPi-ber, introgressed from the wild tuber-bearing potato species Solanum microdontum and S. berthaultii were combined in a diploid S. tuberosum population. Individual genotypes from this population were classified after four groups, carrying no Rpi-gene, with only RPi-mcd1, with only RPi-ber, and a group with the pyramided RPi-mcd1 and RPi-ber by means of tightly linked molecular markers. The levels of resistance between the groups were compared in a field experiment in 2007. The group with RPi-mcd1 showed a significant delay to reach 50% infection of the leaf area of 3 days. The group with RPi-ber showed a delay of 3 weeks. The resistance level in the pyramid group suggested an additive effect of RPi-mcd1 with RPi-ber. This suggests that potato breeding can benefit from combining individual Rpi-genes, irrespective of the weak effect of RPi-mcd1 or the strong effect of RPi-ber. PMID:20204320

  4. Physikgeschichte Das Rätsel bleibt

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoffmann, Dieter


    Die jüngst erfolgte Veröffentlichung von Dokumenten aus dem Privatarchiv der Familie Bohr [1] über den geheimnisumwitterten Besuch von Werner Heisenberg in Kopenhagen im September 1941 hat in den deutschen Medien große Resonanz gefunden [2]. Tatsächlich verraten uns die jetzt veröffentlichten Dokumente sehr viel mehr über die Zeit ihres Entstehens als über den Besuch selbst.

  5. A New Closed Form Approximation for BER for Optical Wireless Systems in Weak Atmospheric Turbulence

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaushik, Rahul; Khandelwal, Vineet; Jain, R. C.


    Weak atmospheric turbulence condition in an optical wireless communication (OWC) is captured by log-normal distribution. The analytical evaluation of average bit error rate (BER) of an OWC system under weak turbulence is intractable as it involves the statistical averaging of Gaussian Q-function over log-normal distribution. In this paper, a simple closed form approximation for BER of OWC system under weak turbulence is given. Computation of BER for various modulation schemes is carried out using proposed expression. The results obtained using proposed expression compare favorably with those obtained using Gauss-Hermite quadrature approximation and Monte Carlo Simulations.

  6. BER Analysis of Coherent Free-Space Optical Communication Systems with a Focal-Plane-Based Wavefront Sensor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cao, Jingtai; Zhao, Xiaohui; Liu, Wei; Gu, Haijun


    A wavefront sensor is one of most important units for an adaptive optics system. Based on our previous works, in this paper, we discuss the bit-error-rate (BER) performance of coherent free space optical communication systems with a focal-plane-based wavefront sensor. Firstly, the theory of a focal-plane-based wavefront sensor is given. Then the relationship between the BER and the mixing efficiency with a homodyne receiver is discussed on the basis of binary-phase-shift-keying (BPSK) modulation. Finally, the numerical simulation results are shown that the BER will be decreased obviously after aberrations correction with the focal-plane-based wavefront sensor. In addition, the BER will decrease along with increasing number of photons received within a single bit. These analysis results will provide a reference for the design of the coherent Free space optical communication (FSOC) system.

  7. Decreased expression level of BER genes in Alzheimer's disease patients is not derivative of their DNA methylation status.


    Sliwinska, Agnieszka; Sitarek, Przemysław; Toma, Monika; Czarny, Piotr; Synowiec, Ewelina; Krupa, Renata; Wigner, Paulina; Bialek, Katarzyna; Kwiatkowski, Dominik; Korycinska, Anna; Majsterek, Ireneusz; Szemraj, Janusz; Galecki, Piotr; Sliwinski, Tomasz


    Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease can be caused by accumulation of oxidative DNA damage resulting from altered expression of genes involved in the base excision repair system (BER). Promoter methylation can affect the profile of BER genes expression. Decreased expression of BER genes was observed in the brains of AD patients. The aim of our study was to compare the expression and methylation profiles of six genes coding for proteins involved in BER, namely: hOGG1, APE1, MUTYH, NEIL1, PARP1 and XRCC1, in the peripheral blood cells of AD patients and healthy volunteers. The study consisted of 100 persons diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease according to DSM-IV criteria, and 110 healthy volunteers. DNA and total RNA were isolated from venous blood cells. Promoter methylation profiles were obtained by High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis of bisulfide converted DNA samples. Real-time PCR with TaqMan probes was employed for gene expression analysis. APE1, hOGG1, MUTYH, PARP1 and NEIL1 were significantly (p<0.001) down-regulated in the lymphocytes of AD patients, as compared to healthy volunteers. Expression of XRCC1 didn't differ significantly between both groups. We did not find any differences in the methylation pattern of any of the investigated BER genes. The methylation status of promoters is not associated with downregulation of BER genes. Our results show that downregulation of BER genes detected in peripheral blood samples could reflect the changes occurring in the brain of patients with AD, and may be a useful biomarker of this disease. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Low Temperature Plasma Kills SCaBER Cancer Cells

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barekzi, Nazir; van Way, Lucas; Laroussi, Mounir


    Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder is a rare type of bladder cancer that forms as a result of chronic irritation of the epithelial lining of the bladder. The cell line used in this study is SCaBER (ATCC® HTB-3™) derived from squamous cell carcinoma of the human urinary bladder. Current treatments of bladder cancer include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. However, the cost of these treatments, the potential toxicity of the chemotherapeutic agents and the systemic side-effects warrant an alternative to current cancer treatment. This paper represents preliminary studies to determine the effects of biologically tolerant plasma (BTP) on a cell line of human bladder cancer cells. Previous work by our group using the plasma pencil revealed the efficacy of BTP on leukemia cells suspended in solution. Based on these earlier findings we hypothesized that the plasma exposure would elicit a similar programmed cell death in the SCaBER cells. Trypan blue exclusion and MTT assays revealed the cell killing after exposure to BTP. Our study indicates that low temperature plasma generated by ionizing helium gas and the reactive species may be a suitable and safe alternative for cancer therapy.

  9. Effect of Pointing Error on the BER Performance of an Optical CDMA FSO Link with SIK Receiver

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nazrul Islam, A. K. M.; Majumder, S. P.


    An analytical approach is presented for an optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) system over free space optical (FSO) channel considering the effect of pointing error between the transmitter and the receiver. Analysis is carried out with an optical sequence inverse keying (SIK) correlator receiver with intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) to find the bit error rate (BER) with pointing error. The results are evaluated numerically in terms of signal-to-noise plus multi-access interference (MAI) ratio, BER and power penalty due to pointing error. It is noticed that the OCDMA FSO system is highly affected by pointing error with significant power penalty at a BER of 10-6 and 10-9. For example, penalty at BER 10-9 is found to be 9 dB corresponding to normalized pointing error of 1.4 for 16 users with processing gain of 256 and is reduced to 6.9 dB when the processing gain is increased to 1,024.

  10. Bildbasierte Navigation eines mobilen Roboters mittels omnidirektionaler und schwenkbarer Kamera

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nierobisch, Thomas; Hoffmann, Frank; Krettek, Johannes; Bertram, Torsten

    Dieser Beitrag präsentiert einen neuartigen Ansatz zur entkoppelten Regelung der Kamera-Blickrichtung und der Bewegung eines mobilen Roboters im Kontext der bildbasierten Navigation. Eine schwenkbare monokulare Kamera hält unabhängig von der Roboterbewegung die relevanten Merkmale für die Navigation im Sichtfeld. Die Entkopplung der Kamerablickrichtung von der eigentlichen Roboterbewegung wird durch die Projektion der Merkmale auf eine virtuelle Bildebene realisiert. In der virtuellen Bildebene hängt die Ausprägung der visuellen Merkmale für die bildbasierte Regelung nur von der Roboterposition ab und ist unabhängig gegenüber der tatsächlichen Blickrichtung der Kamera. Durch die Schwenkbarkeit der monokularen Kamera wird der Arbeitsbereich, über dem sich ein Referenzbild zur bildbasierten Regelung eignet, gegenüber einer statischen Kamera signifikant vergrößert. Dies ermöglicht die Navigation auch in texturarmen Umgebungen, die wenig verwertbare Textur- und Strukturmerkmale aufweisen.

  11. Average BER of subcarrier intensity modulated free space optical systems over the exponentiated Weibull fading channels.


    Wang, Ping; Zhang, Lu; Guo, Lixin; Huang, Feng; Shang, Tao; Wang, Ranran; Yang, Yintang


    The average bit error rate (BER) for binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) modulation in free-space optical (FSO) links over turbulence atmosphere modeled by the exponentiated Weibull (EW) distribution is investigated in detail. The effects of aperture averaging on the average BERs for BPSK modulation under weak-to-strong turbulence conditions are studied. The average BERs of EW distribution are compared with Lognormal (LN) and Gamma-Gamma (GG) distributions in weak and strong turbulence atmosphere, respectively. The outage probability is also obtained for different turbulence strengths and receiver aperture sizes. The analytical results deduced by the generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule are verified by the Monte Carlo simulation. This work is helpful for the design of receivers for FSO communication systems.

  12. Modellierung des Einflusses der Landnutzung auf die Hochwasserentstehung in der Mesoskala

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Niehoff, Daniel


    Seit 1990 waren mehrere der großen Flussgebiete Mitteleuropas wiederholt von extremen Hochwassern betroffen. Da sowohl die Landoberfläche als auch die Flusssysteme weiter Teile Mitteleuropas in der Vergangenheit weitreichenden Eingriffen ausgesetzt gewesen sind, wird bei der Suche nach den Ursachen für diese Häufung von Extremereignissen auch die Frage nach der Verantwortung des Menschen hierfür diskutiert. Gewässerausbau, Flächenversiegelung, intensive landwirtschaftliche Bodenbearbeitung, Flurbereinigung und Waldschäden sind nur einige Beispiele und Folgen der anthropogenen Eingriffe in die Landschaft. Aufgrund der Vielfalt der beteiligten Prozesse und deren Wechselwirkungen gibt es allerdings bislang nur Schätzungen darüber, wie sehr sich die Hochwassersituation hierdurch verändert hat. Vorrangiges Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, mit Hilfe eines hydrologischen Modells systematisch darzustellen, in welcher Weise, in welcher Größenordnung und unter welchen Umständen die Art der Landnutzung auf die Hochwasserentstehung Einfluss nimmt. Dies wird anhand exemplarischer Modellanwendungen in der hydrologischen Mesoskala untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck wurde das deterministische und flächendifferenzierte hydrologische Modell wasim-eth ausgewählt, das sich durch eine ausgewogene Mischung aus physikalisch begründeten und konzeptionellen Ansätzen auszeichnet. Das Modell wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit um verschiedene Aspekte erweitert, die für die Charakterisierung des Einflusses der Landnutzung auf die Hochwasserentstehung wichtig sind: (1) Bevorzugtes Fließen in Makroporen wird durch eine Zweiteilung des Bodens in Makroporen und Bodenmatrix dargestellt, die schnelle Infiltration und Perkolation jenseits der hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit der Bodenmatrix ermöglicht. (2) Verschlämmung äußert sich im Modell abhängig von Niederschlagsintensität und Vegetationsbedeckungsgrad als Verschlechterung der Infiltrationsbedingungen an der Bodenoberfläche. (3) Das

  13. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften¬Jahrgang 1987/88 Sitzungsber.Heidelberg 87/88¬Aktive Galaxien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elsässer, Hans

    Die Aktivität von Galaxien ist eine relativ seltene und offenbar kurzlebige Erscheinung, die sich vor allem durch eine verstärkte Abstrahlung, oft über das ganze Spektrum hinweg, vom Röntgen- bis zum Radiobereich, bemerkbar macht. Dabei wird auf neue Befunde an Infrarotgalaxien eingegangen, die dafür sprechen, daß die gravitative Wechselwirkung zwischen Galaxien eine wesentliche Rolle spielt. Das Buch ist eine zusammenfassende Darstellung des heutigen Kenntnisstandes über "Aktive Galaxien", ein Thema, das gegenwärtig im Zentrum des astronomischen Interesses und der aktuellen Forschung steht. Nach einem Überblick über die seit längerem bekannten Phänomene und die Probleme ihrer Deutung wird auf neue, am Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie mit den Teleskopen der Calar Alto Sternwarte (Südspanien) gewonnene, Ergebnisse eingegangen.

  14. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften> " Jahrgang 1987/88 Sitzungsber.Heidelberg 87/88 " Aktive Galaxien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elsässer, Hans

    Die Aktivität von Galaxien ist eine relativ seltene und offenbar kurzlebige Erscheinung, die sich vor allem durch eine verstärkte Abstrahlung, oft über das ganze Spektrum hinweg, vom Röntgen- bis zum Radiobereich, bemerkbar macht. Dabei wird auf neue Befunde an Infrarotgalaxien eingegangen, die dafür sprechen, daß die gravitative Wechselwirkung zwischen Galaxien eine wesentliche Rolle spielt. Das Buch ist eine zusammenfassende Darstellung des heutigen Kenntnisstandes über "Aktive Galaxien", ein Thema, das gegenwärtig im Zentrum des astronomischen Interesses und der aktuellen Forschung steht. Nach einem Überblick über die seit längerem bekannten Phänomene und die Probleme ihrer Deutung wird auf neue, am Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie mit den Teleskopen der Calar Alto Sternwarte (Südspanien) gewonnene, Ergebnisse eingegangen.

  15. Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the "Preschool Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale" (PreBERS) with Preschool Children with Disabilities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cress, Cynthia J.; Synhorst, Lori; Epstein, Michael H.; Allen, Elizabeth


    The "Preschool Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale" (PreBERS) is a standardized, norm-referenced instrument that assesses emotional and behavioral strengths of preschool children. This study investigated whether the PreBERS four-factor structure (i.e., emotional regulation, school readiness, social confidence, and family involvement)…

  16. Schönheit und andere Provokationen - Eine neue evolutionsbiologische Theorie der Kunst

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Junker, Thomas

    Die Evolution hat viele spektakuläre Phänomene hervorgebracht - von der Eleganz des Vogelflugs über die gigantischen Körper der Dinosaurier und die farbenprächtige Vielfalt der Korallenriffe bis hin zu ihrem jüngsten Geniestreich - der menschlichen Kunst. Die schönen Künste - Malerei, Bildhauerei und Architektur, Theater, Tanz, Oper und Filmkunst, Musik und Literatur - Produkte der Evolution? Diese Vorstellung mutet vielen Menschen fremd an, aber wie könnte es anders sein? Denn wenn Charles Darwin recht hat, dann sind nicht nur die körperlichen Merkmale der Menschen als Antworten auf die Erfordernisse des Lebens entstanden, sondern auch ihre geistigen Fähigkeiten und Verhaltensweisen. Im Jahr 1859 hatte er auf den letzten Seiten seines berühmten Buches über die Entstehung der Arten eine kühne Prophezeiung gemacht: Durch die Evolutionstheorie werde es "zu einer bemerkenswerten Revolution in der Naturwissenschaft kommen […]. Die Psychologie wird auf die neue Grundlage gestellt, dass jede geistige Kraft und Fähigkeit notwendigerweise durch graduelle Übergänge erworben wird“ (Darwin 1859, S. 484, 488; Junker 2008).

  17. Zeit im Wandel der Zeit.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aichelburg, P. C.

    Contents: Einleitung(P. C. Aichelburg). 1. Über Zeit, Bewegung und Veränderung (Aristoteles). 2. Ewigkeit und Zeit (Plotin). 3. Was ist die Zeit? (Augustinus). 4. Von der Zeit (Immanuel Kant). 5. Newtons Ansichten über Zeit, Raum und Bewegung (Ernst Mach). 6. Über die mechanische Erklärung irreversibler Vorgänge (Ludwig Boltzmann). 7. Das Maß der Zeit (Henri Poincaré). 8. Dauer und Intuition (Henri Bergson). 9. Die Geschichte des Unendlichkeitsproblems (Bertrand Russell). 10. Raum und Zeit (Hermann Minkowski). 11. Der Unterschied von Zeit und Raum (Hans Reichenbach). 12. Newtonscher und Bergsonscher Zeitbegriff (Norbert Wiener). 13. Die Bildung des Zeitbegriffs beim Kinde (JeanPiaget).14. Eine Bemerkung über die Beziehungen zwischen Relativitätstheorie und der idealistischen Philosophie (Kurt Gödel). 15. Der zweite Hauptsatz und der Unterschied von Vergangenheit und Zukunft (Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker). 16. Zeit als physikalischer Begriff (Friedrich Hund). 17. Zeitmessung und Zeitbegriff in der Astronomie (Otto Heckmann). 18. Kann die Zeit rückwärts gehen? (Martin Gardner). 19. Zeit und Zeiten (Ilya Prigogine, Isabelle Stengers). 20. Zeit als dynamische Größe in der Relativitätstheorie (P. C. Aichelburg).

  18. Erfassung tribologischer Zusammenhänge und Erkenntnisse in einer Datenbank

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gold, Peter Werner; Jacobs, Georg; Loos, J.; Rombach, Volker; Kurutas, Savas; Fröde, Astrid

    Die Datenbank enthält die tribologischen und stofflichen Daten, die innerhalb des Sonderforschungsbereichs 442 ermittelt wurden. Sie wird genutzt, um Informationen über die Eigenschaften von Schmierstoffen und Werkstoffverbunden, sowie über Prüfstände und Versuchsergebnisse zu erhalten. Diese Wissensbasis kann dazu beitragen, ökologisch verträgliche Tribosysteme mit Hilfe der Auswerte-Systeme (Module) auszulegen. Dabei handelt es sich um Berechnungswerkzeuge und Expertenwissen z. B. in Bezug auf die Auswahl von Schichtsystemen. Eine nähere Beschreibung der Auswerte-Systeme kann den folgenden Abschnitten entnommen werden.

  19. Alternative Antriebe für Automobile: Hybridsysteme, Brennstoffzellen, alternative Energieträger

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stan, Cornel

    Über die Realisierungsmöglichkeiten zukünftiger Antriebskonzepte - von Hybridsystemen Elektro-/Verbrennungsmotor über Brennstoffzellen bis zu alternativen Energieträgern wie Wasserstoff oder Alkohol - werden fundierte Kriterien der Qualität eines Antriebs entscheiden. Leistungsdichte, Drehmomentverlauf, Beschleunigungscharakteristik, spezifischer Energieverbrauch sowie Emission chemischer Stoffe und Geräusche sind dafür wichtige Merkmale zur Qualitätsbeurteilung. Die Verfügbarkeit und die Speicherfähigkeit vorgesehener Energieträger, die technische Komplexität, Kosten, Sicherheit, Infrastruktur und Service werden die Randbedingungen für die Einführung realisierbarer Konzepte alternativer Antriebe für Automobile stellen.

  20. Sternbilder und ihre Mythen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fasching, Gerhard

    Die Sternbilder und die damit verbundenen Mythen helfen, sich am Sternenhimmel zurechtzufinden und vermitteln die Vielfalt der Bilder der Mythologie und der Sternsagen. Sternkarten und alte Kupferstiche aus dem Bestand der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek zeigen, wie man sich in früheren Jahrhunderten den Sternenhimmel vorgestellt hat. Ausführliche Sachverzeichnisse mit über 3000 Suchbegriffen erleichtern den Zugang zu Stern- und Sternbildnamen und zur Mythologie. Die dritte, erweiterte Auflage gibt für die kommenden Jahrzehnte darüber Auskunft, wo und wann die Planeten aber auch Sternhaufen, Gasnebel und Galaxien am Himmel mühelos aufgefunden werden können.

  1. Revisiting regression in autism: Heller's dementia infantilis. Includes a translation of Über Dementia Infantilis.


    Westphal, Alexander; Schelinski, Stefanie; Volkmar, Fred; Pelphrey, Kevin


    Theodor Heller first described a severe regression of adaptive function in normally developing children, something he termed dementia infantilis, over one 100 years ago. Dementia infantilis is most closely related to the modern diagnosis, childhood disintegrative disorder. We translate Heller's paper, Über Dementia Infantilis, and discuss similarities in presentation between Heller's cases, and a group of children with childhood disintegrative disorder. In particular we discuss a prodromal period of affective dysregulation described by Heller, and also evident in our sample, but not previously described in any detail since the publication of Über Dementia Infantilis.

  2. Analytical estimation of laser phase noise induced BER floor in coherent receiver with digital signal processing.


    Vanin, Evgeny; Jacobsen, Gunnar


    The Bit-Error-Ratio (BER) floor caused by the laser phase noise in the optical fiber communication system with differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK) and coherent detection followed by digital signal processing (DSP) is analytically evaluated. An in-phase and quadrature (I&Q) receiver with a carrier phase recovery using DSP is considered. The carrier phase recovery is based on a phase estimation of a finite sum (block) of the signal samples raised to the power of four and the phase unwrapping at transitions between blocks. It is demonstrated that errors generated at block transitions cause the dominating contribution to the system BER floor when the impact of the additive noise is negligibly small in comparison with the effect of the laser phase noise. Even the BER floor in the case when the phase unwrapping is omitted is analytically derived and applied to emphasize the crucial importance of this signal processing operation. The analytical results are verified by full Monte Carlo simulations. The BER for another type of DQPSK receiver operation, which is based on differential phase detection, is also obtained in the analytical form using the principle of conditional probability. The principle of conditional probability is justified in the case of differential phase detection due to statistical independency of the laser phase noise induced signal phase error and the additive noise contributions. Based on the achieved analytical results the laser linewidth tolerance is calculated for different system cases.

  3. Bildanalyse in Medizin und Biologie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Athelogou, Maria; Schönmeyer, Ralf; Schmidt, Günther; Schäpe, Arno; Baatz, Martin; Binnig, Gerd

    Heutzutage sind bildgebende Verfahren aus medizinischen Untersuchungen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Diverse Methoden - basierend auf dem Einsatz von Ultraschallwellen, Röntgenstrahlung, Magnetfeldern oder Lichtstrahlen - werden dabei spezifisch eingesetzt und liefern umfangreiches Datenmaterial über den Körper und sein Inneres. Anhand von Mikroskopieaufnahmen aus Biopsien können darüber hinaus Daten über die morphologische Eigenschaften von Körpergeweben gewonnen werden. Aus der Analyse all dieser unterschiedlichen Arten von Informationen und unter Konsultation weiterer klinischer Untersuchungen aus diversen medizinischen Disziplinen kann unter Berücksichtigung von Anamnesedaten ein "Gesamtbild“ des Gesundheitszustands eines Patienten erstellt werden. Durch die Flut der erzeugten Bilddaten kommt der Bildverarbeitung im Allgemeinen und der Bildanalyse im Besonderen eine immer wichtigere Rolle zu. Gerade im Bereich der Diagnoseunterstützung, der Therapieplanung und der bildgeführten Chirurgie bilden sie Schlüsseltechnologien, die den Forschritt nicht nur auf diesen Gebieten maßgeblich vorantreiben.

  4. Maintaining Low Voiding Solder Die Attach for Power Die While Minimizing Die Tilt

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hamm, Randy; Peterson, Kenneth A.


    This paper addresses work to minimize voiding and die tilt in solder attachment of a large power die, measuring 9.0 mm X 6.5 mm X 0.1 mm (0.354” x 0.256” x 0.004”), to a heat spreader. As demands for larger high power die continue, minimizing voiding and die tilt is of interest for improved die functionality, yield, manufacturability, and reliability. High-power die generate considerable heat, which is important to dissipate effectively through control of voiding under high thermal load areas of the die while maintaining a consistent bondline (minimizing die tilt). Voiding was measured using acoustic imaging and die tiltmore » was measured using two different optical measurement systems. 80Au-20Sn solder reflow was achieved using a batch vacuum solder system with optimized fixturing. Minimizing die tilt proved to be the more difficult of the two product requirements to meet. Process development variables included tooling, weight and solder preform thickness.« less

  5. [Drug-Coated Balloons and Stents for the Treatment of Femoro-Popliteal Lesions].


    Ito, Wulf D


    Medikamenten-beschichtete Ballons bei femoro-poplitealen Läsionen  Medikamenten-beschichtete Ballons (DCB) führen in der Behandlung von femoro-poplitealen Läsionen zu besseren Offenheitsraten als die einfache Ballondilatation und zu ähnlichen bis besseren Offenheitsraten als die Stentimplantation. Vorteil ist die Vermeidung von permanentem Fremdmaterial in Regionen, die einer ständigen mechanischen Beanspruchung unterworfen sind und die Möglichkeit, die Prozedur an derselben Stelle wiederholen zu können bzw. chirurgische Zugangswege offenzuhalten. Bei Auftreten von Dissektionen oder einem Recoil bietet sich die fokale Implantation möglichst kurzer Stents in den betroffenen Segmenten an. Die primäre Implantation Medikamenten-beschichteter Stents zeigt darüber hinaus keinen weiteren Vorteil und ist auf längere Sicht mit den Nachteilen der Implantation von Fremdmaterial in Bewegungssegmenten behaftet. Nicht medikamentöse und medikamentöse Begleittherapie  Die Kombination aus interventioneller Behandlung und supervidiertem Gehtraining zeigt die besten Erfolgsaussichten einer dauerhaften Verbesserung der Gehstrecke bei Patienten mit femoro-poplitealen Läsionen und ist einer alleinigen interventionellen Behandlung oder einem alleinigen Gehtraining überlegen. Darüber hinaus werden aktuell große randomisierte, kontrollierte Studien durchgeführt, die den Einfluss niedrig dosierter direkter Antikoagulanzien auf die kardiovaskuläre Komplikationsrate nach Intervention untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studien werden Aufschluss geben über die optimale antithrombotische Therapie nach Intervention im femoro-poplitealen Stromgebiet.

  6. Monitoring of the spatial and temporal dynamics of BER/SSBR pathway proteins, including MYH, UNG2, MPG, NTH1 and NEIL1-3, during DNA replication.


    Bj Rås, Karine Ø; Sousa, Mirta M L; Sharma, Animesh; Fonseca, Davi M; S Gaard, Caroline K; Bj Rås, Magnar; Otterlei, Marit


    Base lesions in DNA can stall the replication machinery or induce mutations if bypassed. Consequently, lesions must be repaired before replication or in a post-replicative process to maintain genomic stability. Base excision repair (BER) is the main pathway for repair of base lesions and is known to be associated with DNA replication, but how BER is organized during replication is unclear. Here we coupled the iPOND (isolation of proteins on nascent DNA) technique with targeted mass-spectrometry analysis, which enabled us to detect all proteins required for BER on nascent DNA and to monitor their spatiotemporal orchestration at replication forks. We demonstrate that XRCC1 and other BER/single-strand break repair (SSBR) proteins are enriched in replisomes in unstressed cells, supporting a cellular capacity of post-replicative BER/SSBR. Importantly, we identify for the first time the DNA glycosylases MYH, UNG2, MPG, NTH1, NEIL1, 2 and 3 on nascent DNA. Our findings suggest that a broad spectrum of DNA base lesions are recognized and repaired by BER in a post-replicative process. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  7. Accurate defect die placement and nuisance defect reduction for reticle die-to-die inspections

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wen, Vincent; Huang, L. R.; Lin, C. J.; Tseng, Y. N.; Huang, W. H.; Tuo, Laurent C.; Wylie, Mark; Chen, Ellison; Wang, Elvik; Glasser, Joshua; Kelkar, Amrish; Wu, David


    Die-to-die reticle inspections are among the simplest and most sensitive reticle inspections because of the use of an identical-design neighboring-die for the reference image. However, this inspection mode can have two key disadvantages: (1) The location of the defect is indeterminate because it is unclear to the inspector whether the test or reference image is defective; and (2) nuisance and false defects from mask manufacturing noise and tool optical variation can limit the usable sensitivity. The use of a new sequencing approach for a die-to-die inspection can resolve these issues without any additional scan time, without sacrifice in sensitivity requirement, and with a manageable increase in computation load. In this paper we explore another approach for die-to-die inspections using a new method of defect processing and sequencing. Utilizing die-to-die double arbitration during defect detection has been proven through extensive testing to generate accurate placement of the defect in the correct die to ensure efficient defect disposition at the AIMS step. The use of this method maintained the required inspection sensitivity for mask quality as verified with programmed-defectmask qualification and then further validated with production masks comparing the current inspection approach to the new method. Furthermore, this approach can significantly reduce the total number of defects that need to be reviewed by essentially eliminating the nuisance and false defects that can result from a die-to-die inspection. This "double-win" will significantly reduce the effort in classifying a die-to-die inspection result and will lead to improved cycle times.

  8. Partial loss of the DNA repair scaffolding protein, Xrcc1, results in increased brain damage and reduced recovery from ischemic stroke in mice

    PubMed Central

    Ghosh, Somnath; Canugovi, Chandrika; Yoon, Jeong Seon; Wilson, David M.; Croteau, Deborah L.; Mattson, Mark P.; Bohr, Vilhelm A.


    Oxidative DNA damage is mainly repaired by base excision repair (BER). Previously, our lab showed that mice lacking the BER glycosylases Ogg1 or Neil1 recover more poorly from focal ischemic stroke than wild-type mice. Here, a mouse model was used to investigate whether loss of one of the two alleles of Xrcc1, which encodes a non-enzymatic scaffold protein required for BER, alters recovery from stroke. Ischemia and reperfusion caused higher brain damage and lower functional recovery in Xrcc1+/− mice than in wild-type mice. Additionally, a greater percentage of Xrcc1+/− mice died as a result of the stroke. Brain samples from human individuals who died of stroke and individuals who died of non-neurological causes were assayed for various steps of BER. Significant losses of thymine glycol incision, abasic endonuclease incision and single nucleotide incorporation activities were identified, as well as lower expression of XRCC1 and NEIL1 proteins in stroke brains compared to controls. Together, these results suggest that impaired BER is a risk factor in ischemic brain injury and contributes to its recovery. PMID:25971543

  9. Isotrope und homogene Materie - Kosmen; On Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Isotropic Matter-Universes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Treder, H.-J.

    Die Dynamik und Thermodynamik großer kosmischer Systeme ist fast unabhängig von den besonderen Theorien über die Gravitation. Nur die Feinstruktur der Kosmologie und Kosmonogie reflektiert die speziellen Hypothesen. Diese Neutralität gegenüber den konkreten Gravodynamiken ist die Konsequenz der fundamentalen Eigenschaften der Gravitation: Der Prinzipien der Äquivalenz von Trägheit und Schwere. The dynamics and thermodynamics of great cosmical systems are nearly independent of the theory of gravitation and only the fine-structure of cosmogony and cosmology reflects the special hypotheses.The neutrality against the concret gravodynamics is a consequence of the fundamental properties of gravitation: the principlies of equivalence of gravity and inertia.

  10. Average BER and outage probability of the ground-to-train OWC link in turbulence with rain

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Yixin; Yang, Yanqiu; Hu, Beibei; Yu, Lin; Hu, Zheng-Da


    The bit-error rate (BER) and outage probability of optical wireless communication (OWC) link for the ground-to-train of the curved track in turbulence with rain is evaluated. Considering the re-modulation effects of raining fluctuation on optical signal modulated by turbulence, we set up the models of average BER and outage probability in the present of pointing errors, based on the double inverse Gaussian (IG) statistical distribution model. The numerical results indicate that, for the same covered track length, the larger curvature radius increases the outage probability and average BER. The performance of the OWC link in turbulence with rain is limited mainly by the rain rate and pointing errors which are induced by the beam wander and train vibration. The effect of the rain rate on the performance of the link is more severe than the atmospheric turbulence, but the fluctuation owing to the atmospheric turbulence affects the laser beam propagation more greatly than the skewness of the rain distribution. Besides, the turbulence-induced beam wander has a more significant impact on the system in heavier rain. We can choose the size of transmitting and receiving apertures and improve the shockproof performance of the tracks to optimize the communication performance of the system.

  11. Symmetriebrechung und Emergenz in der Kosmologie.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mainzer, K.

    Seit der Antike wird der Aufbau des Universums mit einfachen und regulären (symmetrischen) Grundstrukturen verbunden. Diese Annahme liegt selbst noch den Standardmodellen der relativistischen Kosmologie zugrunde. Demgegenüber läßt sich die Emergenz neuer Strukturen von den Elementarteilchen über Moleküle bis zu den komplexen Systemen des Lebens als Symmetriebrechung verstehen. Symmetriebrechung und strukturelle Komplexität bestimmen die kosmische Evolution. Damit zeichnet sich ein fachübergreifendes Forschungsprogramm von Physik, Chemie und Biologie ab, in dem die Evolution des Universums untersucht werden kann.

  12. Neue biosensorische Prinzipien für die Hämoglobin-A1c Bestimmung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stöllner, Daniela


    Hämoglobin-A1c (HbA1c) ist ein Hämoglobin (Hb)-Subtypus, der durch nicht-enzymatische Glykierung des N-terminalen Valinrestes der Hämoglobin-beta-Kette entsteht. Das gemessene Verhältnis von HbA1c zum Gesamt-Hämoglobin (5-20 % bei Diabetikern) repräsentiert den Mittelwert der Blutglucosekonzentration über einen zweimonatigen Zeitraum und stellt zur Beurteilung der diabetischen Stoffwechsellage eine Ergänzung zur Akutkontrolle der Glukosekonzentration dar. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, einen amperometrischen Biosensor für die Bestimmung des medizinisch relevanten Parameters HbA1c zu entwickeln. Durch Selektion geeigneter Bioerkennungselemente und deren Immobilisierung unter Erhalt der Bindungsfunktion für die Zielmoleküle Hämoglobin bzw. HbA1c wurden spezifische, hochaffine und regenerationsstabile Sensoroberflächen geschaffen. Für die Entwicklung des HbA1c-Biosensors wurden zwei Konzepte - Enzymsensor und Immunosensor - miteinander verglichen. Die enzymatische Umsetzung von HbA1c erfolgte mit der Fructosylamin Oxidase (FAO) aus Pichia pastoris N 1-1 unter Freisetzung von H2O2, welches sowohl optisch über eine Indikatorreaktion als auch elektrochemisch nach Einschluss der FAO in PVA-SbQ und Fixierung des Immobilisats vor einer H2O2-Elektrode nachgewiesen wurde. Die Kalibration des Enzymsensors mit der HbA1c-Modellsubstanz Fructosyl-Valin ergab Nachweisgrenzen, die ausserhalb des physiologisch relevanten HbA1c-Konzentrationsbereich lagen. Aus der Umsetzung von glykierten Peptiden mit einer nicht HbA1c analogen Aminosäurensequenz, z.B. Fructosyl-Valin-Glycin wurde zudem eine geringe HbA1c-Spezifität abgeleitet. Für den Immunosensor wurden zwei heterogene Immunoassay-Formate unter Verwendung von hochaffinen und spezifischen Antikörpern in Kombination mit Glucose Oxidase (GOD) als Markerenzym zum Nachweis von HbA1c untersucht. Beim indirekt-kompetitiven Immunoassay wurde anstelle des kompletten HbA1c-Moleküls das glykierte Pentapeptid

  13. Amerikas Einschätzung der deutschen Atomforschung: Das deutsche Uranprojekt

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Walker, Mark


    Die amerikanischen Wissenschaftler und ihre emigrierten Kollegen, die am Bau der Atombombe beteiligt waren, verfügten über sehr widersprüchliche und großteils falsche Informationen über den Fortschritt des deutschen Uranprogramms. Noch nach Kriegsende lässt sich dies an Aussagen des Leiters der amerikanischen Alsos-Mission, Samuel Goudsmit, festmachen. Tatsächlich war das deutsche Programm hinsichtlich seiner wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen und des Managements nicht so unterlegen, wie vielfach behauptet wurde. Aber die deutschen Behörden waren nicht in der Lage, Geld und Ressourcen in gleichem Maße in das Uranprojekt zu investieren, wie etwa in das Peenemünder Raketenprojekt.

  14. Mechanism of formation and nanostructure of Stöber silica particles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Masalov, V. M.; Sukhinina, N. S.; Kudrenko, E. A.; Emelchenko, G. A.


    The formation of silica nano- and microparticles has been studied during growth by the modified Stöber-Fink-Bohn (SFB) method. It has been experimentally found that the density and fractal structure of particles vary with size as they grow from 70 to 2200 nm. We propose a model of particle structure which is a dense primary particle core and is composed of concentric secondary particle shells terminating in dense primary particle layers.

  15. Sonderverfahren des Spritzgießens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Michaeli, Walther; Lettowsky, Christoph

    Das Spritzgießen ist neben der Extrusion das wichtigste Verarbeitungsverfahren für Kunststoffe [1]. Das Verfahren hat sich seit seinen Ursprüngen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bis heute stetig weiterentwickelt [2]. In neuerer Zeit steigt die Anzahl komplexer Anwendungen, die die gezielte Kombination verschiedener Funktionalitäten in einem Formteil erfordern. Das Standard-Spritzgießen kann diese Anforderungen immer weniger befriedigen. Daher gewinnen die Sonderverfahren des Spritzgießens zunehmend an Bedeutung [3]. Ihre Anzahl beträgt inzwischen über 100. Die Aufgabe des Anwenders ist es, aus der Vielzahl der möglichen Verfahren, ein anforderungsgerechtes auszuwählen, das sowohl unter technischen wie wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten die optimale Lösung darstellt. Dies setzt die ständige Auseinandersetzung mit Entwicklungstendenzen im Bereich der Spritzgießtechnologie voraus. Daher soll im folgenden Abschnitt ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Spritzgieß-Sonderverfahren gegeben werden.

  16. Analytical Evaluation of the Effect of Cross-Polarization-induced Crosstalk on the BER Performance of a PDM-QPSK Coherent Homodyne Optical Transmission System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Taher, K. A.; Majumder, S. P.


    An analytical approach is developed to find the effect of cross-polarization (XPol)-induced crosstalk on the bit error rate (BER) performance of a polarization division multiplex (PDM) quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) optical transmission system with polarization diversity receiver. Analytical expression for the XPol-induced crosstalk and signal to crosstalk plus noise ratio (SCNR) are developed at the output of polarization diversity PDM-QPSK coherent optical homodyne receiver conditioned on a given value of mean misalignment angle. Considering Maxwellian distribution for the pdf of the misalignment angle, the average SCNR and average BER are derived. Results show that there is significant deterioration in the BER performance and power penalty due to XPol-induced crosstalk. Penalties in signal power are found to be 8.85 dB, 11.28 dB and 12.59 dB correspondingly for LO laser power of -10 dBm, -5 dBm and 0 dBm at a data rate of 100 Gbps, mean misalignment angle of 7.5 degree and BER of 10-9 compared to the signal power without crosstalk.

  17. Kommunale Energieversorger als wesentliche Akteure der Digitalisierung - Strategien und Handlungsoptionen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reiche, Katherina

    Die Digitalisierung erfasst sämtliche Bereiche des Lebens und Wirtschaftens. Auch die Kommunalwirtschaft - insbesondere die kommunale Energiewirtschaft - sieht sich perspektivisch disruptiven Entwicklungen gegenüber. Stadtwerke haben bereits viele Herausforderungen erfolgreich gemeistert und stehen auch der Digitalisierung positiv gegenüber. Vielerorts gestalten kommunale Unternehmen den digitalen Wandel bereits aktiv mit. Dieser Artikel arbeitet die Assets kommunaler Unternehmen heraus und zeigt Strategien und Handlungsoptionen zum Umgang mit der digitalen Transformation für kommunale Energieversorgungsunternehmen auf. Dabei zeigt sich, dass das politische und regulatorische Umfeld für das positive Gelingen der Digitalisierung entscheidend sind. Kommunale Unternehmen benötigen die gleichen Marktzugangsbedingungen wie andere Akteure. Ferner profitieren kommunale Unternehmen von einigen Wettbewerbsvorteilen, etwa hohen Vertrauenswerten ihrer Kunden und umfangreiches Know-how im Datenmanagement.

  18. Bioindikation im Grundwasser funktioniert - Erwiderung zum Kommentar von T. Scheytt zum Beitrag "Grundwasserfauna als Indikator für komplexe hydrogeologische Verhältnisse am westlichen Kaiserstuhl" von Gutjahr, S., Bork, J. & Hahn, H.J. in Grundwasser 18 (3), 173-184 (2013)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hahn, Hans Jürgen; Gutjahr, Simon


    In seinem Kommentar schließt Traugott Scheytt die faunistische Bioindikation über die Nutzung von Grundwassermessstellen aus methodischen Gründen aus. Er postuliert auch, dass die faunistische Indikation hydrogeologischer Zusammenhänge wegen der eingeschränkten Ausbreitungsfähigkeit der Tiere in Porengrundwasserleitern nicht möglich sei und stellt grundsätzlich die Befunde unserer Untersuchungen am Kaiserstuhl in Frage. Dabei überträgt Herr Scheytt seine Erfahrungen aus der unbelebten Hydrogeologie direkt auf den Lebensraum Grundwasser. Seine Argumentation berücksichtigt dabei weder die Prinzipien der Ökologie noch den aktuellen Stand der grundwasserökologischen Forschung. Wir gehen davon aus, dass für die Untersuchungen am Kaiserstuhl sowohl unsere Arbeitshypothese wie auch die angewandten Methoden und die Interpretation der Ergebnisse der Fragestellung angemessen sind und internationalem, wissenschaftlichem Standard entsprechen. Aus den oben benannten Gründen bleiben wir dabei: Biondikation im Grundwasser funktioniert und sie bietet hervorragende Möglichkeiten, gerade auch für die Hydrogeologie.

  19. Average BER analysis of SCM-based free-space optical systems by considering the effect of IM3 with OSSB signals under turbulence channels.


    Lim, Wansu; Cho, Tae-Sik; Yun, Changho; Kim, Kiseon


    In this paper, we derive the average bit error rate (BER) of subcarrier multiplexing (SCM)-based free space optics (FSO) systems using a dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator (DD-MZM) for optical single-sideband (OSSB) signals under atmospheric turbulence channels. In particular, we consider the third-order intermodulation (IM3), a significant performance degradation factor, in the case of high input signal power systems. The derived average BER, as a function of the input signal power and the scintillation index, is employed to determine the optimum number of SCM users upon the designing FSO systems. For instance, when the user number doubles, the input signal power decreases by almost 2 dBm under the log-normal and exponential turbulence channels at a given average BER.

  20. Mutual coupling, channel model, and BER for curvilinear antenna arrays

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huang, Zhiyong

    This dissertation introduces a wireless communications system with an adaptive beam-former and investigates its performance with different antenna arrays. Mutual coupling, real antenna elements and channel models are included to examine the system performance. In a beamforming system, mutual coupling (MC) among the elements can significantly degrade the system performance. However, MC effects can be compensated if an accurate model of mutual coupling is available. A mutual coupling matrix model is utilized to compensate mutual coupling in the beamforming of a uniform circular array (UCA). Its performance is compared with other models in uplink and downlink beamforming scenarios. In addition, the predictions are compared with measurements and verified with results from full-wave simulations. In order to accurately investigate the minimum mean-square-error (MSE) of an adaptive array in MC, two different noise models, the environmental and the receiver noise, are modeled. The minimum MSEs with and without data domain MC compensation are analytically compared. The influence of mutual coupling on the convergence is also examined. In addition, the weight compensation method is proposed to attain the desired array pattern. Adaptive arrays with different geometries are implemented with the minimum MSE algorithm in the wireless communications system to combat interference at the same frequency. The bit-error-rate (BER) of systems with UCA, uniform rectangular array (URA) and UCA with center element are investigated in additive white Gaussian noise plus well-separated signals or random direction signals scenarios. The output SINR of an adaptive array with multiple interferers is analytically examined. The influence of the adaptive algorithm convergence on the BER is investigated. The UCA is then investigated in a narrowband Rician fading channel. The channel model is built and the space correlations are examined. The influence of the number of signal paths, number of the

  1. Erhöhtes Lungenkrebs-Risiko bei Ekzempatienten: eine landesweite Kohortenstudie in Taiwan.


    Juan, Chao-Kuei; Shen, Jui-Lung; Lin, Cheng-Li; Kim, Karen Wang; Chen, Wen-Chi


    Der Zusammenhang zwischen Lungenkrebs und Ekzemen bleibt umstritten. Frühere Studien haben zu widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen geführt. Diese retrospektive populationsbasierte Kohortenstudie zielt darauf ab, das Risiko von Lungenkrebs im Zusammenhang mit Ekzemen abzuklären. In der Forschungsdatenbank der taiwanesischen nationalen Krankenversicherung identifizierten wir 43719 Patienten, bei denen in den Jahren 2000 bis 2010 ein Ekzem neu diagnostiziert wurde. Die Vergleichskohorte bildeten 87438 zufällig ausgewählte, altersangepasste Patienten ohne Ekzem. Die Fälle aus diesen beiden Kohorten wurden bis 2011 verfolgt. Zur Kalkulation des Lungenkrebsrisikos bei Ekzempatienten wurde die Cox-Regression verwendet. Die Datenbank enthielt keine Informationen über Raucherstatus, Alkoholkonsum, sozioökonomischen Status oder Familienanamnese. Nach der Bereinigung um Alter und Komorbidität hatte die Population mit Ekzemen ein um 2,80 erhöhtes Risiko für die Entwicklung von Lungenkrebs gegenüber der Vergleichskohorte (bereinigte Hazard-Ratio 2,80, 95 % Konfidenzinterval 2,59-3,03). Ekzempatienten mit Begleiterkrankungen, darunter Asthma, chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankungen, alkoholbedingten Leberschäden oder Diabetes, hatten ein höheres Lungenkrebsrisiko als Patienten ohne Ekzeme oder Komorbidität. Ekzeme gehen mit einem höheren Risiko für die Entwicklung von Lungenkrebs einher. Weitere Studien mit umfassenderen Informationen über weitere potentielle Einflussfaktoren sind sinnvoll. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. The Photoviscous Properties of Fluids

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and (h) the specific fringe value. The first of these values is de - fined as the velocity gradiont that will produce a rola- tivo retardation of...einer bewegten zähen Flüssigkeit. Ann.-der Phys. (II)t Bd. 151, 1874, p. 154. Kundt i A.: Über die Doppelbrechung des Lichtes in be- wegten...reibenden Flüssigkeiten. Ann. der Phys. (Ill), Bd. 13, 1881, pp. 110-133. deMetz, &.: Über die temporare Doppelbrechung des Lichtes in rotirenden

  3. Behavioral and Emotional Strength-Based Assessment of Finnish Elementary Students: Psychometrics of the BERS-2

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sointu, Erkko Tapio; Savolainen, Hannu; Lambert, Matthew C.; Lappalainen, Kristiina; Epstein, Michael H.


    When rating scales are used in different countries, thorough investigation of the psychometric properties is needed. We examined the internal structure of the Finnish translated Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale-2 (BERS-2) using Rasch and confirmatory factor analysis approaches with a sample of youth, parents, and teachers. The results…

  4. Packaged die heater


    Spielberger, Richard; Ohme, Bruce Walker; Jensen, Ronald J.


    A heater for heating packaged die for burn-in and heat testing is described. The heater may be a ceramic-type heater with a metal filament. The heater may be incorporated into the integrated circuit package as an additional ceramic layer of the package, or may be an external heater placed in contact with the package to heat the die. Many different types of integrated circuit packages may be accommodated. The method provides increased energy efficiency for heating the die while reducing temperature stresses on testing equipment. The method allows the use of multiple heaters to heat die to different temperatures. Faulty die may be heated to weaken die attach material to facilitate removal of the die. The heater filament or a separate temperature thermistor located in the package may be used to accurately measure die temperature.

  5. Werner Heisenberg zum 100. Geburtstag: Pionier der Quantenmechanik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jacobi, Manfred


    Werner Heisenberg war eine der prägendsten Gestalten der Physik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zu seinen wichtigsten Verdiensten gehören die Grundlegung der Quantenmechanik, die Formulierung der Unschärferelationen sowie die Beteiligung an der Ausarbeitung der Kopenhagener Deutung der Quantenmechanik. Darüber hinaus lieferte er Arbeiten von fundamentalem Charakter zur Theorie des Atomkerns, zur kosmischen Strahlung und zur Quantenfeldtheorie. Während des Krieges war er an den Arbeiten des Uranvereins beteiligt, der die Möglichkeit einer Entwicklung von Kernwaffen untersuchte, jedoch über Vorarbeiten zur Reaktorphysik nicht hinauskam. Wegen dieser Tätigkeit wurde er bei Kriegsende für einige Monate in England interniert. Nach seiner Rückkehr widmete er sich vor allem dem Aufbau der Physik in Deutschland, die während der NS-Zeit nahezu ihrer gesamten Substanz beraubt worden war.

  6. Einfluss des Internets auf das Informations-, Einkaufs- und Verkehrsverhalten

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nerlich, Mark R.; Schiffner, Felix; Vogt, Walter

    Mit Daten aus eigenen Erhebungen können das einkaufsbezogene Informations- und Einkaufsverhalten im Zusammenhang mit den verkehrlichen Aspekten (Distanzen, Verkehrsmittel, Wegekopplungen) dargestellt werden. Die Differenzierung in die drei Produktkategorien des täglichen, mittelfristigen und des langfristigen Bedarfs berücksichtigt in erster Linie die Wertigkeit eines Gutes, die seine Erwerbshäufigkeit unmittelbar bestimmt. Der Einsatz moderner IKT wie das Internet eröffnet dem Endverbraucher neue Möglichkeiten bei Information und Einkauf. Die verkehrliche Relevanz von Online-Shopping wird deutlich, wenn man berücksichtigt, dass im Mittel rund 17% aller Online-Einkäufe, die die Probanden durchgeführt haben, Einkäufe in Ladengeschäften ersetzen. Dies gilt in verstärktem Maße für Online-Informationen: etwa die Hälfte hätte alternativ im stationären Einzelhandel stattgefunden. Da der Erwerb von Gütern des täglichen Bedarfs häufig nahräumlich und in relevantem Anteil nicht-motorisiert erfolgen kann, sind in diesem Segment - im Gegensatz zum mittel- und langfristigen Bedarf - nur geringe Substitutionseffekte zu beobachten.



    Livingston, J.P.


    A die is presented for pressing powdered materials into a hemispherical shape of uniforin density and wall thickness comprising a fcmale and male die element held in a stationary spaced relation with the space being equivalent to the wall thickness and defining the hemispherical shape, a pressing ring linearly moveable along the male die element, an inlet to fill the space with powdered materials, a guiding system for moving the pressing ring along the male die element so as to press the powdered material and a heating system for heating the male element so that the powdered material is heated while being pressed.

  8. Verbindungsprogrammierte Steuerung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Linke, Petra

    Verbindungsprogrammierte Steuerungen werden eingesetzt, wenn die Anzahl der Verknüpfungsfunktionen gering ist oder spezifische Funktionen es erfordern. Nachteilig gegenüber Speicherprogrammierbaren Steuerungen sind die geringere Flexibilität, ein geringerer Funktionsumfang und die Tatsache, dass sich analoge oder digitale Daten praktisch nicht verarbeiten lassen.

  9. Composite coating of alginate-olive oil enriched with antioxidants enhances postharvest quality and shelf life of Ber fruit (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk. Var. Gola).


    Ramana Rao, T V; Baraiya, Nilanjana S; Vyas, Pinal B; Patel, Dhara M


    The present study has been carried out to evaluate the effect of a composite edible coating of 2 % Sodium alginate and 0.2 % Olive oil with combination of 1 % ascorbic acid and 1 % citric acid on the post harvest nutritional quality and shelf life of Ber fruit stored at 25 ± 2 °C and 65 % R.H. The coatings reduced the decay occurrence, weight loss, accumulation of total soluble solids (TSS) and total sugars in Ber fruit and enhanced the level of antioxidants. The delayed activity of polygalacturonase (PG), Pectate lyase (PL) and Pectin methyl esterase (PME) was noticed in coated fruits than that of the control fruit indicating the reduced softening and ripening process. These findings suggest that the composite edible coating tested under the current study has the potential to control decaying incidence of Ber fruit, extends its storage life and also improves its valuable nutritional characteristics.

  10. Die Soldering in Aluminium Die Casting

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Han, Q.; Kenik, E.A.; Viswanathan, S.


    Two types of tests, dipping tests and dip-coating tests were carried out on small steel cylinders using pure aluminum and 380 alloy to investigate the mechanism of die soldering during aluminum die casting. Optical and scanning electron microscopy were used to study the morphology and composition of the phases formed during soldering. A soldering mechanism is postulated based on experimental observations. A soldering critical temperature is postulated at which iron begins to react with aluminum to form an aluminum-rich liquid phase and solid intermetallic compounds. When the temperature at the die surface is higher than this critical temperature, the aluminum-richmore » phase is liquid and joins the die with the casting during the subsequent solidification. The paper discusses the mechanism of soldering for the case of pure aluminum and 380 alloy casting in a steel mold, the factors that promote soldering, and the strength of the bond formed when soldering occurs. conditions, an aluminum-rich soldering layer may also form over the intermetallic layer. Although a significant amount of research has been conducted on the nature of these intermetallics, little is known about the conditions under which soldering occurs.« less

  11. Evaluation of the RPi-ber late blight resistance gene for tuber resistance in the field and laboratory.

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the efficacy in tubers of a late blight resistance gene, RPi-ber, originating from Solanum berthaultii. Experiments were conducted in the field and laboratory. Inoculation of tubers in field trials occurred via sporangia produced on infections in the foli...



    Wilson, W.B.


    A press was invented for subjecting specimens of bismuth, urania, yttria, or thoria to high pressures and temperatures. The press comprises die parts enclosing a space in which is placed an electric heater thermally insulated from the die parts so as not to damage them by heat. The die parts comprise two opposed inner frustoconical parts and an outer part having a double frustoconical recess receiving the inner parts. The die space decreases in size as the inner die parts move toward one another against the outer part and the inner parts, though very hard, do not fracture because of the mode of support provided by the outer part.

  13. Influence of die geometry and material selection on the behavior of protective die covers in closed-die forging

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yu, Yingyan; Rosenstock, Dirk; Wolfgarten, Martin; Hirt, Gerhard


    Due to the fact that tooling costs make up to 30% of total costs of the final forged part, the tool life is always one main research topic in closed-die forging [1]. To improve the wear resistance of forging dies, many methods like nitriding and deposition of ceramic layers have been used. However, all these methods will lose its effect after a certain time, then tool repair or exchange is needed, which requires additional time and costs. A new method, which applies an inexpensive and changeable sheet metal on the forging die to protect it from abrasive wear, was firstly proposed in [2]. According to the first investigation, the die cover is effective for decreasing thermal and mechanical loads, but there are still several challenges to overcome in this concept, like wrinkling and thinning of the die cover. Therefore, an experimental study using different geometries and die cover materials is presented within this work. The results indicate the existence of feasible application cases of this concept, since conditions are found under which a die cover made of 22MnB5 still keeps its original shape even after 7 forging cycles.

  14. Energie aus der Tiefe: Geothermische Stromerzeugung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huenges, Ernst


    Die Erde birgt überall genug Wärme für die geothermische Erzeugung elektrischen Stroms, die allerdings Wassertemperaturen von über 150 °C braucht. So warme Gesteinsschichten liegen in Mitteleuropa in mindestens 4 km Tiefe. Ein Kraftwerk muss also beim Betrieb über tiefe Bohrungen Wasser durch das Tiefengestein zirkulieren und dort erhitzen. Von Natur aus ist das Gestein jedoch dafür meist zu wenig porös. Deshalb soll das Einpressen von Fluiden unter hohem Druck die natürlichen Risse im Reservoirgestein künstlich vergrößern. Diese Stimulationstechnik erprobte das GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam erfolgreich an einer 4309 m tiefen Bohrung im Geothermielabor Groß Schönebeck. Eine zweite Bohrung soll nun eine langfristige Wasserzirkulation im Untergrund erforschen. Funktioniert sie stabil, dann soll eine Demonstrationsanlage Strom erzeugen.

  15. Die Sonne.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    der Time-Life Bücher, Redaktion

    Contents: 1. Das Antlitz der Sonne. Ein kosmisches Kraftwerk. 2. Erforschung des Innern. Die Beobachtung des Zentralgestirns. 3. Der unstete Nachbar. Geschenke des Sonnenlichts. 4. Ein endloser Partikelstrom. Die Kraft eines solaren Sturms.

  16. Anbindung des SISIS-SunRise-Bibliothekssystems an das zentrale Identitätsmanagement

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ebner, Ralf; Pretz, Edwin

    Wir berichten über Konzepte und Implementierungen zur Datenprovisionierung aus den Personenverwaltungssystemen der Technischen Universität München (TUM) über das zentrale Metadirectory am Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ) in das SISIS-SunRise-Bibliothekssystem der Universitätsbibliothek der TUM (TUB). Es werden drei Implementierungsvarianten diskutiert, angefangen von der Generierung und Übertragung einfacher CSV-Dateien über ein OpenLDAP-basiertes Konzept als Backend für die SISIS-Datenbank bis zur endgültigen Implementierung mit dem OCLC IDM Connector.

  17. Die singulation method


    Swiler, Thomas P.; Garcia, Ernest J.; Francis, Kathryn M.


    A method is disclosed for singulating die from a semiconductor substrate (e.g. a semiconductor-on-insulator substrate or a bulk silicon substrate) containing an oxide layer (e.g. silicon dioxide or a silicate glass) and one or more semiconductor layers (e.g. monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon) located above the oxide layer. The method etches trenches through the substrate and through each semiconductor layer about the die being singulated, with the trenches being offset from each other around at least a part of the die so that the oxide layer between the trenches holds the substrate and die together. The trenches can be anisotropically etched using a Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) process. After the trenches are etched, the oxide layer between the trenches can be etched away with an HF etchant to singulate the die. A release fixture can be located near one side of the substrate to receive the singulated die.

  18. Die singulation method


    Swiler, Thomas P [Albuquerque, NM; Garcia, Ernest J [Albuquerque, NM; Francis, Kathryn M [Rio Rancho, NM


    A method is disclosed for singulating die from a semiconductor substrate (e.g. a semiconductor-on-insulator substrate or a bulk silicon substrate) containing an oxide layer (e.g. silicon dioxide or a silicate glass) and one or more semiconductor layers (e.g. monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon) located above the oxide layer. The method etches trenches through the substrate and through each semiconductor layer about the die being singulated, with the trenches being offset from each other around at least a part of the die so that the oxide layer between the trenches holds the substrate and die together. The trenches can be anisotropically etched using a Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) process. After the trenches are etched, the oxide layer between the trenches can be etched away with a HF etchant to singulate the die. A release fixture can be located near one side of the substrate to receive the singulated die.

  19. The thermal fatigue resistance of H-13 Die Steel for aluminum die casting dies

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The effects of welding, five selected surface coatings, and stress relieving on the thermal fatigue resistance of H-13 Die Steel for aluminum die casting dies were studied using eleven thermal fatigue specimens. Stress relieving was conducted after each 5,000 cycle interval at 1050 F for three hours. Four thermal fatigue specimens were welded with H-13 or maraging steel welding rods at ambient and elevated temperatures and subsequently, subjected to different post-weld heat treatments. Crack patterns were examined at 5,000, 10,000, and 15,000 cycles. The thermal fatigue resistance is expressed by two crack parameters which are the average maximum crack and the average cracked area. The results indicate that a significant improvement in thermal fatigue resistance over the control was obtained from the stress-relieving treatment. Small improvements were obtained from the H-13 welded specimens and from a salt bath nitrogen and carbon-surface treatment. The other surface treatments and welded specimens either did not affect or had a detrimental influence on the thermal fatigue properties of the H-13 die steel.

  20. Dimensional control of die castings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Karve, Aniruddha Ajit

    The demand for net shape die castings, which require little or no machining, is steadily increasing. Stringent customer requirements are forcing die casters to deliver high quality castings in increasingly short lead times. Dimensional conformance to customer specifications is an inherent part of die casting quality. The dimensional attributes of a die casting are essentially dependent upon many factors--the quality of the die and the degree of control over the process variables being the two major sources of dimensional error in die castings. This study focused on investigating the nature and the causes of dimensional error in die castings. The two major components of dimensional error i.e., dimensional variability and die allowance were studied. The major effort of this study was to qualitatively and quantitatively study the effects of casting geometry and process variables on die casting dimensional variability and die allowance. This was accomplished by detailed dimensional data collection at production die casting sites. Robust feature characterization schemes were developed to describe complex casting geometry in quantitative terms. Empirical modeling was utilized to quantify the effects of the casting variables on dimensional variability and die allowance for die casting features. A number of casting geometry and process variables were found to affect dimensional variability in die castings. The dimensional variability was evaluated by comparisons with current published dimensional tolerance standards. The casting geometry was found to play a significant role in influencing the die allowance of the features measured. The predictive models developed for dimensional variability and die allowance were evaluated to test their effectiveness. Finally, the relative impact of all the components of dimensional error in die castings was put into perspective, and general guidelines for effective dimensional control in the die casting plant were laid out. The results of

  1. Biologie statt Philosophie? Evolutionäre Kulturerklärungen und ihre Grenzen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Illies, Christian

    Vor über siebzig Jahren fand man in einer Höhle nahe Hohlenstein-Stadel, im heutigen Baden-Württemberg, eine Frau, die keiner bekannten Spezies und nicht einmal eindeutig den Hominiden zugeordnet werden konnte. Wegen ihres Aussehens wurde sie schon bald als "Löwenfrau“ bekannt (unterdessen wird sie als "Löwenmensch“ bezeichnet, da die in solchen Fragen Klarheit schaffenden Geschlechtsteile bei der Figur fehlen und in Zeiten von gender mainstreaming derartige Festlegungen gerne vermieden werden), denn sie hatte eine menschlich-aufrechte, unbehaarte Gestalt mit weiblichen Rundungen, aber zugleich eine Mähne, sowie Augen, Ohren und Schnauze eines Löwen. Eine sehr weitläufige Verwandte des Minotaurus, so schien es, und doch wesentlich älter als alle Bewohner des Olymps, denn vermutlich wurde die knapp 30 cm große Skulptur bereits in der Altsteinzeit vor etwa 32.000 Jahren aus Mammut-Elfenbein geschnitzt. Wir wissen nicht, ob sie kultischen Zwecken diente oder ein Kind mit ihr spielte, ob sie als Glücksbringer für die Jagd oder als Schamanin mit Löwenmaske verehrt und gefürchtet wurde. Aber die Löwenfrau legt nahe, dass der Mensch schon im Morgendämmern seiner Kultur über die eigene Nähe, aber auch Distanz zum Tier nachgedacht haben muss. Die Frage nach der menschlichen Selbstverortung begegnet uns in dieser Figur, und sie bestimmt viele Zeugnisse menschlichen Nachdenkens, welche uns die Altertumswissenschaften vorlegen. Mit dem Begriff "animal rationale“, wie er unter Bezug auf Aristoteles geprägt wurde, findet sie schließlich ihre klassische, für das Abendland lange Zeit maßgebliche Antwort: Der Mensch als Tier, dessen spezifisches Merkmal die Vernunftbegabtheit ist, die ihn zugleich von allen anderen Tieren abgrenzt und über sie stellt. Aber wo genau verläuft die Grenze? Und wie kann der Mensch beides zugleich sein? Die aristotelische Definition beantwortet diese Fragen nach der Doppelnatur nicht, sondern erhebt das offene R

  2. Reale Gase, tiefe Temperaturen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heintze, Joachim

    Wir werden uns in diesem Kapitel zunächst mit der van der Waals'schen Zustandsgleichung befassen. In dieser Gleichung wird versucht, die Abweichungen, die reale Gase vom Verhalten idealer Gase zeigen, durch physikalisch motivierte Korrekturterme zu berücksichtigen. Es zeigt sich, dass die van derWaals-Gleichung geeignet ist, nicht nur die Gasphase, sondern auch die Phänomene bei der Verflüssigung von Gasen und den kritischen Punkt zu beschreiben.

  3. BER performance of multimode fiber low-frequency passbands in subcarrier multiplexing transmission

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Patmanee, Jaruwat; Pinthong, Chairat; Kanprachar, Surachet


    Multimode fibers are normally known to have a channel for carrying a signal mainly by their 3-dB modal bandwidth ranging between 200 to 500 MHz-km, depending on the material and structure of the fiber. To use only this 3-dB modal bandwidth, a higher data rate signal cannot be successfully transmitted. Alternatively, it has been shown that the response of the multimode fibers at low-frequency region, defining as the frequency next to the 3-dB modal band, contains many passbands. Additionally, these low-frequency passbands have been shown to be predictable in terms of their peak frequencies; thus, suitable subcarrier frequencies can be obtained and used in SCM system. In this paper, the formula from the previous work for determining the peak frequency of all 6 low-frequency passbands is applied. These 6 passbands and the 3-dB modal band of the multimode fiber are used to convey a high data rate signal. The signal is separated into 7 subcarrier signals and transmitted over these 7 channels using SCM system. The performance of the received signal in terms of the bit-error-rate (BER) is determined and shown. Some modification and adjustment are done in order to improve the performance of the system. It is found that for a multimode fiber with a 200-MHz 3-dB modal bandwidth, a 500-Mbps data rate signal can be successfully transmitted with a BER of lower than 10-6 . The data rate transmitted over a multimode fiber can be increased 2.5 times comparing to the 3-dB modal bandwidth, without any coding technique applied.

  4. Assisted Dying & Disability.


    Riddle, Christopher A


    This article explores at least two dominant critiques of assisted dying from a disability rights perspective. In spite of these critiques, I conclude that assisted dying ought to be permissible. I arrive at the conclusion that if we respect and value people with disabilities, we ought to permit assisted dying. I do so in the following manner. First, I examine recent changes in legislation that have occurred since the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel on End-of-Life Decision-Making report, published in this journal. I suggest that these changes are likely to only strengthen opposition to assisted dying from disability rights activists and people with disabilities. Second, I focus on respect for people with disabilities and in particular, respect for their autonomy and decision-making abilities. Third, I explore the opposition to assisted dying that focuses on risk and the vulnerability of people with disabilities. Here I suggest that this risk ought not to be of special concern. Ultimately, I conclude that upholding respect for the disabled requires the legalization of assisted dying, rather than the denial of access in a misguided effort to protect people with disabilities. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Micromechanical die attachment surcharge


    Filter, William F.; Hohimer, John P.


    An attachment structure is disclosed for attaching a die to a supporting substrate without the use of adhesives or solder. The attachment structure, which can be formed by micromachining, functions purely mechanically in utilizing a plurality of shaped pillars (e.g. round, square or polygonal and solid, hollow or slotted) that are formed on one of the die or supporting substrate and which can be urged into contact with various types of mating structures including other pillars, a deformable layer or a plurality of receptacles that are formed on the other of the die or supporting substrate, thereby forming a friction bond that holds the die to the supporting substrate. The attachment structure can further include an alignment structure for precise positioning of the die and supporting substrate to facilitate mounting the die to the supporting substrate. The attachment structure has applications for mounting semiconductor die containing a microelectromechanical (MEM) device, a microsensor or an integrated circuit (IC), and can be used to form a multichip module. The attachment structure is particularly useful for mounting die containing released MEM devices since these devices are fragile and can otherwise be damaged or degraded by adhesive or solder mounting.

  6. Sputtered protective coatings for die casting dies

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mirtich, M. J.; Nieh, C.-Y.; Wallace, J. F.


    Three experimental research designs investigating candidate materials and processes involved in protective die surface coating procedures by sputter deposition, using ion beam technologies, are discussed. Various pre-test results show that none of the coatings remained completely intact for 15,000 test cycles. The longest lifetime was observed for coatings such as tungsten, platinum, and molybdenum which reduced thermal fatigue, but exhibited oxidation and suppressed crack initiation only as long as the coating did not fracture. Final test results confirmed earlier findings and coatings with Pt and W proved to be the candidate materials to be used on a die surface to increase die life. In the W-coated specimens, which remained intact on the surface after thermal fatigue testing, no oxidation was found under the coating, although a few cracks formed on the surface where the coating broke down. Further research is planned.

  7. Revision of the stiletto fly genera Acupalpa Kröber and Pipinnipons Winterton (Diptera, Therevidae, Agapophytinae) using cybertaxonomic methods, with a key to Australasian genera

    PubMed Central

    Winterton, Shaun L.


    Abstract Australian stiletto flies of the sister-genera Acupalpa Kröber, 1912 and Pipinnipons Winterton, 2001 (Diptera: Therevidae: Agapophytinae) are revised. Twelve new species of Acupalpa are described, while Acupalpa imitans (White, 1915), comb. n. is transferred from Pipinnipons and Acupalpa albimanis (Kröber, 1914), comb. n. is transferred from Ectinorhynchus Macquart as a senior synonym of Acupalpa pollinosa Mann. The total number of species of Acupalpa is therefore increased to 19: Acupalpa albimanis (Kröber), comb. n., Acupalpa albitarsa Mann, Acupalpa boharti sp. n., Acupalpa divisa (Walker), Acupalpa dolichorhyncha sp. n., Acupalpa glossa sp. n., Acupalpa imitans (White), comb. n., Acupalpa irwini Winterton, Acupalpa melanophaeos sp. n., Acupalpa miaboolya sp. n., Acupalpa minuta sp. n., Acupalpa minutoides sp. n., Acupalpa notomelas sp. n., Acupalpa novayamarna sp. n., Acupalpa rostrata Kröber, Acupalpa semirufa Mann, Acupalpa westralica sp. n., Acupalpa yalgoo sp. n. and Acupalpa yanchep sp. n. Three new species of Pipinnipons are described, increasing the total number of species to five: Pipinnipons chauncyvallis sp. n., Pipinnipons fascipennis (Kröber), Pipinnipons kampmeierae sp. n., Pipinnipons kroeberi Winterton, and P. sphecoda sp. n. Pipinnipons and Acupalpa are rediagnosed in light of the new species presented herein and revised keys to species are included. A dichotomous key to genera of Australasian Therevidae is included. As an empirical example of cybertaxonomy, taxonomic descriptions were composed using a character matrix developed in Lucid Builder (in Structured Descriptive Data (SDD) format) to generate natural language descriptions supplemented by online specimen and image databases. Web resources are provided throughout the document including: a) links to high resolution colour images of all species on Morphbank, b) registration of authors, publications, taxon names and other nomenclatural acts in Zoobank, with assignment of Life

  8. Frühe Stresserfahrungen und Krankheitsvulnerabilität

    PubMed Central

    Entringer, Sonja; Buss, Claudia; Heim, Christine


    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Das stetig wachsende Forschungsgebiet der “Frühe[n] Programmierung von Krankheit und Gesundheit” untersucht, inwieweit die individuelle Vulnerabilität für die Entstehung verschiedenster Erkrankungen über die Lebensspanne bereits während der frühen Entwicklung beeinflusst wird. Ziele der Arbeit In der vorliegenden Übersichtsarbeit werden das Konzept der frühen Programmierung von Krankheitsvulnerabilität erläutert sowie Befunde zu den Folgen frühkindlicher Traumatisierung und pränataler Stressexposition zusammenfassend dargestellt. Es werden außerdem biologische Mechanismen diskutiert, die das erhöhte Krankheitsrisiko nach lebensgeschichtlich früher Stresserfahrungen vermitteln. Die Möglichkeit der transgenerationalen Transmission frühkindlicher Erfahrungen an die nächste Generation und die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen dieser Übertragung werden ebenfalls vorgestellt. Fazit Die Befundlage zu Stresserfahrungen im frühen Leben und der Entstehung von psychischen und körperlichen Störungen über die Lebensspanne wächst stetig. Die Mechanismen werden derzeit weiter bis hin zur molekularbiologischen und epigenetischen Ebene erforscht. Hier ergeben sich ganz neue Perspektiven, welche die Präzision klinischer Diagnostik und den Erfolg von Interventionen erheblich verbessern könnten. Momentan existiert jedoch noch ein erheblicher Mangel an Translation zwischen diesen Forschungserkenntnissen und deren Anwendung in der klinischen Versorgung. PMID:27604117

  9. Grundlagen und Grundbegriffe der Messtechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Es ist eine wesentliche Aufgabe der Messtechnik, technische Vorgänge quantitativ zu erfassen und anhand der gemessenen Größen Funktionsabläufe zu steuern. Als Beispiel sei ein Kraftwerk zur Energieerzeugung genannt, bei dem nur über die Messung von Temperaturen, Leistungen, Drücken und anderen Größen Aussagen über den momentanen Zustand möglich sind und bei Abweichungen vom Sollwert geeignete Eingriffe in das System erfolgen können. Damit eine eindeutige Kommunikation möglich wird, sind die in der Messtechnik verwendeten Begriffe, Messverfahren und Maßeinheiten in entsprechenden Normen oder Vorschriften festgelegt.

  10. Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Caenopangonia Kröber, 1930 (Diptera: Tabanidae).


    Krolow, Tiago Kütter; Henriques, Augusto Loureiro; González, Christian R


    The Neotropical species of Caenopangonia Kröber are revised herein based on examination of external and internal morphology of type material and specimens from Argentina and Chile. Three currently valid species are recognized: Caenopangonia aspera (Philip, 1958), Caenopangonia brevirostris (Philippi, 1865), and Caenopangonia hirtipalpis (Bigot, 1892). Two new species are described, Caenopangonia cerdai n. sp. Krolow, Henriques & González (Chile, Chacabuco) and Caenopangonia coscaroni n. sp. Krolow, Henriques & González (Chile, Malleco). We provide diagnosis and/or descriptions, distribution records, illustrations and discussion for all species, as well a key for identification.

  11. Stenting und technische Stentumgebung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoffstetter, Marc; Pfeifer, Stefan; Schratzenstaller, Thomas; Wintermantel, Erich

    In hoch entwickelten Industrieländern stehen laut Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und speziell die Koronare Herzkrankheit (KHK) an erster Stelle der Todesursachen. In Deutschland betrug die Zahl der erfassten, an KHK erkrankten Personen ohne Berücksichtigung der Dunkelziffer allein im Jahre 2001 über 473.000. Die KHK war im Jahre 2003 mit 92.673 erfassten Todesfällen immer noch die häufigste Todesursache, obgleich in Deutschland die Häufigkeit der Koronarinterventionen zur Behandlung der KHK zwischen 1984 und 2003 um fast das 80fache von 2.809 auf 221.867 Eingriffe pro Jahr gestiegen ist [1]. Neben der hohen Zahl an Todesfällen haben die betroffenen Personen durch chronische Schmerzen und eingeschränkte körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit zusätzlich eine starke Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität [2].In Folge dessen wird die erkrankte Person häufig zum Pflegefall was neben den gesundheitlichen Aspekten auch eine sozioökonomische Komponente in Form der fehlenden Arbeitskraft und den auftretenden Pflegekosten nach sich zieht. Die Kosten für die Behandlung der KHK in Deutschland beliefen sich im Jahre 2002 laut Statistischem Bundesamt auf rund 6,9 Mrd. €. Verglichen mit ähnlichen Zahlen der USA dürfte sich der entstandene Schaden für die deutsche Volkswirtschaft im zwei- bis dreistelligen Milliardenbereich bewegen [3].

  12. Herausforderungen durch die deutsche Wiedervereinigung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stäglin, Reiner

    Die Wiedervereinigung stellte auch die Statistik vor große Aufgaben. Die als Organ der staatlichen Planung staatsnah orientierte Statistik der DDR musste auf das zur Neutralität und wissenschaftlichen Unabhängigkeit verpflichtete System der Bundesrepublik umgestellt werden. Ebenso verlangten die Universitäten eine Neuorientierung. Die Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft hat sich vor allem dreier Aufgaben mit großem Engagement, aber auch mit Bedachtsamkeit angenommen: Aufnahme und Integration der Statistiker aus den neuen Bundesländern in die Gesellschaft, Begleitung der Neuausrichtung des Faches Statistik an deren Hochschulen und Sicherung sowie Nutzung von Datenbeständen der ehemaligen DDR.

  13. Displaced capillary dies


    Kalejs, Juris P.; Chalmers, Bruce; Surek, Thomas


    An asymmetrical shaped capillary die made exclusively of graphite is used to grow silicon ribbon which is capable of being made into solar cells that are more efficient than cells produced from ribbon made using a symmetrically shaped die.

  14. Displaced capillary dies


    Kalejs, Juris P.; Chalmers, Bruce; Surek, Thomas


    An asymmetrical shaped capillary die made exclusively of graphite is used to grow silicon ribbon which is capable of being made into solar cells that are more efficient than cells produced from ribbon made using a symmetrically shaped die.

  15. Wissenschaft, die unsere Kultur verändert. Tiefenschichten des Streits um die Evolutionstheorie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Patzelt, Werner J.

    Die Evolutionstheorie ist eine der erfolgreichsten wissenschaftlichen Theorien. Sie erlaubt es, unsere Herkunft zu verstehen und riskante Merkmale gerade der menschlichen Spezies zu begreifen. Zugleich ist die Evolutionstheorie eine der umstrittensten Theorien. Das liegt nicht an ihrer empirischen Tragfähigkeit, sondern an ihrem Gegenstand. Sie handelt nämlich nicht nur - wie Hunderte andere wissenschaftliche Theorien - von der "Welt da draußen“, sondern vor allem auch von uns selbst und von unserem Platz in dieser Welt. Den einen gilt sie obendrein als Überwinderin religiösen Aberglaubens, den anderen als neuer Zugang zu Gott und seinem Wirken in der Welt. Ferner sehen die einen in der Evolution eine unbezweifelbare Tatsache gleich der Schwerkraft oder dem Holocaust, die anderen aber eine - noch oder dauerhaft - unbewiesene Hypothese oder gar eine falsche Schöpfungslehre. Und während die meisten Streitfragen solcher Art nach wechselseitig akzeptierten Regeln ‚normaler Wissenschaft‘ geklärt werden, wird bei der Frage nach dem Woher unserer Spezies und Kultur die intellektuelle Zuständigkeit von Wissenschaft mitunter überhaupt bezweifelt. Anscheinend geht es schon um recht tiefe Schichten unserer Kultur und nicht nur der wissenschaftlichen, wenn - wie seit 150 Jahren - um die Evolutionstheorie gestritten wird. Wie sehen diese Schichten aus?

  16. The Ambiguous Dying Syndrome

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bern-Klug, Mercedes


    More than one-half of the 2.4 million deaths that will occur in the United States in 2004 will be immediately preceded by a time in which the likelihood of dying can best be described as "ambiguous." Many people die without ever being considered "dying" or "at the end of life." These people may miss out on the…

  17. Convergent Validity with the BERS-2 Teacher Rating Scale and the Achenbach Teacher's Report Form: A Replication and Extension

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Benner, Gregory J.; Beaudoin, Kathleen; Mooney, Paul; Uhing, Brad M.; Pierce, Corey D.


    In the present study, we sought to extend instrument validation research for a strength-based emotional and behavior rating scale, the "Teacher Rating Scale of the Behavior and Emotional Rating Scale-Second Edition" (BERS-2; Epstein, M. H. (2004). "Behavioral and emotional rating scale" (2nd ed.). Austin, TX: PRO-ED) through…

  18. The Angry Dying Patient.


    Houston, Robert E.


    Over 25 years ago, Kubler-Ross identified anger as a predictable part of the dying process. When the dying patient becomes angry in the clinical setting, all types of communication become strained. Physicians can help the angry dying patient through this difficult time by using 10 rules of engagement. When physicians engage and empathize with these patients, they improve the patient's response to pain and they reduce patient suffering. When physicians educate patients on their normal responses to dying and enlist them in the process of family reconciliation, they can impact the end-of-life experience in a positive way.

  19. The Angry Dying Patient

    PubMed Central

    Houston, Robert E.


    Over 25 years ago, Kubler-Ross identified anger as a predictable part of the dying process. When the dying patient becomes angry in the clinical setting, all types of communication become strained. Physicians can help the angry dying patient through this difficult time by using 10 rules of engagement. When physicians engage and empathize with these patients, they improve the patient's response to pain and they reduce patient suffering. When physicians educate patients on their normal responses to dying and enlist them in the process of family reconciliation, they can impact the end-of-life experience in a positive way. PMID:15014699

  20. Energy Saving Melting and Revert Reduction Technology (E-SMARRT): Development of Surface Engineered Coating Systems for Aluminum Pressure Die Casting Dies: Towards a 'Smart' Die Coating

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dr. John J. Moore; Dr. Jianliang Lin,


    The main objective of this research program was to design and develop an optimal coating system that extends die life by minimizing premature die failure. In high-pressure aluminum die-casting, the die, core pins and inserts must withstand severe processing conditions. Many of the dies and tools in the industry are being coated to improve wear-resistance and decrease down-time for maintenance. However, thermal fatigue in metal itself can still be a major problem, especially since it often leads to catastrophic failure (i.e. die breakage) as opposed to a wear-based failure (parts begin to go out of tolerance). Tooling costs remain themore » largest portion of production costs for many of these parts, so the ability prevent catastrophic failures would be transformative for the manufacturing industry.The technology offers energy savings through reduced energy use in the die casting process from several factors, including increased life of the tools and dies, reuse of the dies and die components, reduction/elimination of lubricants, and reduced machine down time, and reduction of Al solder sticking on the die. The use of the optimized die coating system will also reduce environmental wastes and scrap parts. Current (2012) annual energy saving estimates, based on initial dissemination to the casting industry in 2010 and market penetration of 80% by 2020, is 3.1 trillion BTU's/year. The average annual estimate of CO2 reduction per year through 2020 is 0.63 Million Metric Tons of Carbon Equivalent (MM TCE).« less

  1. Aperture averaging and BER for Gaussian beam in underwater oceanic turbulence

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gökçe, Muhsin Caner; Baykal, Yahya


    In an underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) link, power fluctuations over finite-sized collecting lens are investigated for a horizontally propagating Gaussian beam wave. The power scintillation index, also known as the irradiance flux variance, for the received irradiance is evaluated in weak oceanic turbulence by using the Rytov method. This lets us further quantify the associated performance indicators, namely, the aperture averaging factor and the average bit-error rate (<BER>). The effects on the UWOC link performance of the oceanic turbulence parameters, i.e., the rate of dissipation of kinetic energy per unit mass of fluid, the rate of dissipation of mean-squared temperature, Kolmogorov microscale, the ratio of temperature to salinity contributions to the refractive index spectrum as well as system parameters, i.e., the receiver aperture diameter, Gaussian source size, laser wavelength and the link distance are investigated.

  2. Neighbour-die effect on the measurement of wafer-level flip-chip LED dies in production lines

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Tengfei; Wan, Zirui; Li, Bin


    The light from the side surfaces of the test flip-chip light-emitting diode (FCLED) dies is reflected, refracted or absorbed by neighbour dies during the measurement of wafer-level FCLED dies in production lines. A notable measurement deviation is caused by the neighbour-die effect, which is not considered in current industry practice. In this paper, Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations are used to study the measurement deviations caused by the neighbour-die effect and extension ratios of the film. The simulation results show that the maximal deviation of radiant flux impinging the photodiode can reach 5.5%, if the die is tested without any neighbour dies, or is surrounded by a set of neighbour dies at an extension ratio of 1.1. Moreover, the dependence between the measurement results and neighbour cases for different extension ratios is also investigated. Then, a modified calibration method is proposed and studied. The proposed technique can be used to improve the calibration and measurement accuracy of the test equipment used for measurement of wafer-level FCLED dies in production lines.

  3. Channel correlation and BER performance analysis of coherent optical communication systems with receive diversity over moderate-to-strong non-Kolmogorov turbulence.


    Fu, Yulong; Ma, Jing; Tan, Liying; Yu, Siyuan; Lu, Gaoyuan


    In this paper, new expressions of the channel-correlation coefficient and its components (the large- and small-scale channel-correlation coefficients) for a plane wave are derived for a horizontal link in moderate-to-strong non-Kolmogorov turbulence using a generalized effective atmospheric spectrum which includes finite-turbulence inner and outer scales and high-wave-number "bump". The closed-form expression of the average bit error rate (BER) of the coherent free-space optical communication system is derived using the derived channel-correlation coefficients and an α-μ distribution to approximate the sum of the square root of arbitrarily correlated Gamma-Gamma random variables. Analytical results are provided to investigate the channel correlation and evaluate the average BER performance. The validity of the proposed approximation is illustrated by Monte Carlo simulations. This work will help with further investigation of the fading correlation in spatial diversity systems.

  4. Extrusion die and method


    Lipp, G. Daniel


    A method and die apparatus for manufacturing a honeycomb body of rhombic cell cross-section by extrusion through an extrusion die of triangular cell discharge slot configuration, the die incorporating feedholes at selected slot intersections only, such that slot segments communicating directly with the feedholes discharge web material and slot segments not so connected do not discharge web material, whereby a rhombic cell cross-section in the extruded body is provided.

  5. Phänomenologische Grundlagen der Wärmelehre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heintze, Joachim

    Die Physik der Wärme lässt sich auf zweierlei Weise formulieren: Einmal als Mechanik eines Systems, das eine enorm große Zahl von Teilchen enthält (statistische Mechanik), und einmal mit Hilfe von ad hoc eingeführten Größen, den sogenannten Zustandsgrößen, die geeignet sind, das Verhalten eines solchen Systems zu beschreiben, ohne dass man die Teilchen selbst und ihre Bewegungen betrachten muss (Thermodynamik). Wir werden beide Ansätze in ihrer einfachsten und anschaulichsten Ausprägung in Kap. 5 (kinetische Gastheorie) bzw. in Kap. 8 (Grundbegriffe der Thermodynamik) behandeln. Obgleich sich die volle Durchführung des Programms als begrifflich und mathematisch recht schwierig erweist - die Vorlesung "Thermodynamik und Statistik" steht gewöhnlich am Ende der Kursvorlesungen über theoretische Physik - werden wir doch auf der Grundlage der Kap. 5 und 8 eine Menge über die Physik der Wärme lernen können. Den Ausgangspunkt der Wärmelehre bilden jedoch allemal die Naturerscheinungen, die wir hier in Kap. 4 behandeln wollen: Wärme, Kälte, Temperaturausgleich. Wir werden untersuchen, wie man diese Begriffe quantifizieren kann, und was bei der Erwärmung oder Abkühlung eines Körpers vor sich geht. Dabei werden wir auf den I. und II. Hauptsatz der Wärmelehre stoßen.

  6. Prä- und perioperative Aspekte der Versorgung dermatochirurgischer Patienten.


    Müller, Cornelia S L; Hubner, Wakiko; Thieme-Ruffing, Sigrid; Pföhler, Claudia; Vogt, Thomas; Volk, Thomas; Gärtner, Barbara C; Bialas, Patric


    Die Dermatochirurgie nimmt hinsichtlich vieler Punkte eine Sonderstellung unter den operativen Fächern ein. Hierzu gehört in erster Linie die Tatsache, dass bis auf wenige Ausnahmen fast alle Eingriffe traditionell in Lokal- bzw. Regionalanästhesie und oft auch in räumlich-infrastruktureller Trennung von den großen Zentral-Operationssälen stattfinden können. Die peri- und postoperative Überwachung obliegt dabei dem dermatochirurgischen Operationsteam. Das sui generis kleinere OP-Team hat somit eine ganze Reihe perioperativer Notwendigkeiten zu beachten, um die sich in den "großen" chirurgischen Fächern eine Vielzahl verschiedener beteiligter Fachgruppen gemeinsam kümmern. Hierzu gehören neben Hygieneaspekten, Kenntnissen in der Überwachung der Patienten sowie dem Aspekt der surgical site infections auch Fragen zur postoperativen Schmerztherapie sowie detailliertes pharmakologisches Wissen über die zur Anwendung kommenden Lokalanästhetika und das Handling der damit assoziierten toxischen und allergischen Reaktionen. Eine interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit und Verantwortung für den Patienten ist notwendig und erfordert die Erarbeitung und Umsetzung qualitätsorientierter und evidenzbasierter Handlungsanweisungen, die im dermatochirurgischen OP-Setting meist weit über das eigentliche Fach hinausgehen. Ziel dieses Weiterbildungsartikels soll die komprimierte Darstellung der genannten fachübergreifenden Standpunkte bezüglich der wichtigsten perioperativen Aspekte sein. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. The Density Matrix for Single-mode Light after k-Photon Absorption

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voigt, H.; Bandilla, A.

    In order to continue and generalize the studies of the density matrix of a light field undergoing k-photon absorption, in this paper we put the emphasis on the off-diagonal elements. The solution obtained earlier for the diagonal elements describing the photon statistics can be found as a special case but will not be discussed again. The general solution calculated by recursion shows an asymptotic behaviour if the initial photon number is sufficiently high. Only the initial phase information survives. Illustrating the solution we start with coherent light and a generalized coherent state.Translated AbstractDie Dichtematrix eines Lichtstrahls nach k-Photonen-Absorption aus einer ModeWir führen die Betrachtungen über das Verhalten der Dichtematrix eines Lichtfeldes nach k-Photonen-Absorption aus einer Mode verallgemeinernd weiter und konzentrieren uns auf die Nichtdiagonalelemente. Die im folgenden angegebene allgemeine Lösung, die durch Rekursion gefunden wurde, enthält die schon früher erhaltene, jedoch hier nicht weiter diskutierte Lösung für die Diagonalelemente als Spezialfall. Sie zeigt ferner, daß es einen asymptotischen Zustand gibt, der eine von der Ausgangsintensität unabhängige Information über die Ausgangsphase enthält. Zur Diskussion der Lösung werden verschiedene Anfangsbedingungen betrachtet, so z. B. kohärentes Licht und kohärentes Licht, das ein Medium mit nichtlinearem Brechungsindex durchlaufen hat (Kerr-Effekt).

  8. On the Correlations between the Particles in the EPR-Paradoxon

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Treder, H.-J.

    The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen gedanken-experiment does not imply non-local interactions or an action-at-a-distance.Contrary, the EPR proves the measurements at one particle does not have influences at canonical variables of the other particles if the quantum-mechanical commutation relations are true.But, the EPR implices correlations between the particles which come in by subjective knowledge. These correlations are a priori informations about the relative motion or, complementarily, about the motion of the center of mass. The impression of an action-at-a-distance is produced by the use of usual particle coordinates in the EPR-arrangements.The discussion of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen gedanken-experiment (EPR) has been going on over fifty years. EINSTEIN, PODOLSKY, and ROSEN formulated their famous paradox in 1935, and in the discussion between N. BOHR (1935, 1949) and A. EINSTEIN (1936, 1948); A. EINSTEIN (1948) made his point that the EPR implied an action-at-a-distance for quantum-mechanical particles (without obvious classical interactions). His argument is the starting point for the recent discussion about EPR and causality (see A. Aspect, 1981).Translated AbstractÜber die Korrelationen zwischen den Partikeln beim EPR-ParadoxonDas Gedankenexperiment von EINSTEIN, PODOLSKY und ROSEN über die anscheinend paradoxen Beziehungen zwischen beliebig weit entfernten Partikeln gemäß der quantenmechanischen Theorie der Messungen führt tatsächlich nicht auf nichtlokale Wechselwirkungen.Das Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Paradoxon zeigt vielmehr, daß die Messung an einem Teilchen keinerlei Einfluß auf die Meßwerte an anderen Partikeln hat, wenn die quantenmechanischen Vertauschungsregeln erfüllt sind.Dagegen weist das Einstein-Podolsky-Rosensche Gedankenexperiment Korrelationen zwischen den Teilchen auf, die die Folge einer a-priori-Kenntnis über die Werte von Hamilton-Jacobischen Zwei-Partikeln-Koordinaten von

  9. Psychotherapy with Older Dying Persons.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dye, Carol J.

    Psychotherapy with older dying patients can lead to problems of countertransference for the clinician. Working with dying patients requires flexibility to adapt basic therapeutics to the institutional setting. Goals of psychotherapy must be reconceptualized for dying clients. The problems of countertransference arise because clinicians themselves…

  10. Werner-Syndrom. Eine prototypische Form der segmentalen Progerie

    PubMed Central

    Lessel, D.; Oshima, J.; Kubisch, C.


    Das Werner-Syndrom ist eine segmental progeroide Erkrankung mit Beginn in der Adoleszenz oder im frühen Erwachsenenalter. Typische Symptome, die zum vorgealterten Phänotyp beitragen, sind ein post-pubertär auftretender Kleinwuchs, Katarakte, eine vorzeitige Ergrauung/Ausdünnung des Haupthaars, sklerodermieähnliche Hautveränderungen und eine regionale Atrophie des subkutanen Fettgewebes. Darüber hinaus kommt es früh und gehäuft zu „Alterserkrankungen“ wie z. B. einem Diabetes mellitus Typ 2, einer Osteoporose, einer Atherosklerose sowie verschiedenen malignen Tumoren. Das Werner-Syndrom wird autosomal- rezessiv vererbt und ist durch Mutationen im Werner-Gen (WRN) bedingt. Es wurden bis heute mehr als 70 über das gesamte Gen verteilte Mutationen identifiziert, die typischerweise zu einem Verlust der Genfunktion führen. WRN kodiert für eine RecQ-Typ- Helikase, die u. a. an der DNA-Reparatur und der Aufrechterhaltung der DNA-Integrität beteiligt ist, was sich in einer erhöhten genetischen Instabilität in Patientenzellen wider-spiegelt. Trotz der relativen Seltenheit ist die Analyse des Werner-Syndroms von allgemeiner Bedeutung, um die Rolle der DNA-Stabilität und Integrität für das Altern sowie die Entwicklung altersassoziierter Erkrankungen besser zu verstehen. PMID:25309043

  11. Pultrusion Die Assembly

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wilson, Maywood L. (Inventor); Johnson, Gary S. (Inventor); Frye, Mark W. (Inventor); Stanfield, Clarence E. (Inventor)


    This invention relates generally to pultrusion die assemblies, and more particularly, to a pultrusion die assembly which incorporates a plurality of functions in order to produce a continuous, thin composite fiber reinforced thermoplastic material. The invention is useful for making high performance thermoplastic composite materials in sheets which can be coiled on a spool and stored for further processing.

  12. Atmosphärisches Plasma in der Medizintechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beer, Thomas; Knospe, Alexander; Buske, Christian

    Bei der Fertigung komplexer Bauteile werden immer häufiger unterschiedlichste Materialien zur Erfüllung der Funktion kombiniert. Kunststoff, Metall, Glas oder Keramik müssen miteinander verbunden werden. Dies gilt für die unterschiedlichsten Industriebereiche; von der Halbleiter-/Elektronikindustrie [1, 2] über die Automobilindustrie [3, 4] bis hin zur Medizintechnik werden für Verklebungs- [5], Bedruckungs-, Lackier- [6] und Anspritzprozesse optimal vorbehandelte Oberflächen benötigt.

  13. Luftqualität

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schultz, Martin G.; Klemp, Dieter; Wahner, Andreas

    Die Qualität der Luft beeinflusst in besonderer Weise die menschliche Gesundheit und hat auch Auswirkungen auf die Landwirtschaft und Ökosysteme. Viele Luftschadstoffe absorbieren oder streuen zudem die Sonnen- oder Wärmestrahlung und sind daher klimawirksam. Luftchemische Prozesse hängen, ebenso wie die Emissionen, von klimatischen Faktoren wie Sonneneinstrahlung, Temperatur und Niederschlag ab. Deshalb ist zu erwarten, dass die projizierten Klimaänderungen für Deutschland auch die Luftschadstoffkonzentrationen beeinflussen werden, auch wenn dieser Zusammenhang noch nicht gut erforscht ist. Dieses Kapitel vermittelt einen Überblick über die Zusammenhänge und weist zumindest qualitativ auf mögliche künftige Entwicklungen hin. Im Vordergrund stehen die Entwicklungen bei Feinstaub und Ozon.

  14. Räumlich-statistische Charakterisierung der Hydrogeochemie einer BTEX-Grundwasserkontamination am Standort "RETZINA"/Zeitz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wachter, Thorsten; Dethlefsen, Frank; Gödeke, Stefan; Dahmke, Andreas

    Kurzfassung Bei der Erkundung von Grundwasserschadensfällen werden gewöhnlich punktuell erhobene Messdaten über den betrachteten Aquifer interpoliert. Die Reichweite der Autokorrelation der Daten entscheidet dabei über Zulässigkeit und Qualität der Interpolation. Während auf regionalem Maßstab Daten vorliegen, gibt es nur sehr wenig Arbeiten über Korrelationslängen auf lokalem Maßstab. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Interpolationssicherheit am Beispiel der BTEX-Kontamination am Testfeld RETZINA in Zeitz anhand von Variogrammen und Krigingstandardabweichung. Als Datengrundlage dienten Analysenergebnisse aus über 50 Grundwassermessstellen und 180 Sedimentproben. Für Benzol, Methan, Sulfat und Alkalität genügte der mittlere Abstand der Probennahmepunkte von etwa 50 m für hinreichende Interpolationssicherheit, im Falle von gelöstem Eisen, gelöstem Mangan und Redoxpotenzial war die vorhandene Datendichte zu gering, für die Hauptionen, pH-Wert und elektr. Leitfähigkeit hätten bereits größere Probenabstände ausgereicht. Die Reichweiten der Autokorrelation im Sediment sind geringer als die Probennahmeabstände, weshalb die Messwerte der Eisen- und Schwefelbindungsformen nicht regionalisiert werden konnten. Die Ergebnisse sind hinsichtlich der Entwicklung von Probennahmestrategien von Bedeutung. Zur Verbesserung der Übertragbarkeit bedarf es noch ähnlicher Untersuchungen an weiteren Standorten. Investigation of sites with groundwater contamination usually involves interpolation of point-based results across the aquifer under consideration. The range of autocorrelation thereby decides whether the quality of interpolation will be sufficient. While there are investigations on the regional (km) scale, only a few publications exist for correlation lengths at a local (10s to 100s of m) scale. This study investigates the accuracy of interpolation at the example of the BTEX-contaminated aquifer in Zeitz by means of variogram analysis and interpretation of

  15. Medizintechnik in der Tumororthopädie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Burgkart, Rainer; Gollwitzer, Hans; Holzapfel, Boris; Rudert, Maximilian; Rechl, Hans; Gradinger, Reiner

    Die Behandlung der Knochentumoren unterlag in den letzten 20 Jahren einem raschen und stetigen Wandel, was zum einen auf die verbesserten Therapieerfolge durch den Einsatz von neoadjuvanten Therapieformen zurückzuführen ist, und andererseits von medizintechnischen Entwicklungen bezüglich moderner Schnittbilddiagnostik, neuer 3D Operationsplanungsverfahren wie das Rapid Prototyping und adaptiv modularer Tumorendoprothesensystemen u. a. begleitet wurde. Gerade die technischen Entwicklungen haben dazu geführt, daß im Bereich der Extremitäten und der Wirbelsäule radikalere Eingriffe durchgeführt werden können, was die lokale Tumorkontrolle wesentlich verbessert hat. In zunehmenden Maße werden deshalb nicht nur Kurzzeiterfolge sondern auch mittel- und langfristige Fortschritte bei der Behandlung der malignen Knochentumoren einschließlich der Metastasenbehandlung erreicht. Grundlage der Therapie ist dabei immer primär die Sicherung der Diagnose mittels Biopsie und die bildgebende sowie histologische Stadieneinteilung des malignen Tumors. Nach der Tumorresektion kann die Rekonstruktion biologisch oder mit Endoprothesensystemen erfolgen. Gerade die weiterentwickelten modularen Systeme führen zu guten funktionellen Ergebnissen mit langen Standzeiten und einer reduzierten Komplikationsrate. Individuell angefertigte Implantate sind vor allem im Bereich der Rekonstruktion komplexer Beckentumoren von großer klinischer Bedeutung.

  16. EGFR-TKI-induced HSP70 degradation and BER suppression facilitate the occurrence of the EGFR T790 M resistant mutation in lung cancer cells.


    Cao, Xiang; Zhou, Yi; Sun, Hongfang; Xu, Miao; Bi, Xiaowen; Zhao, Zhihui; Shen, Binghui; Wan, Fengyi; Hong, Zhuan; Lan, Lei; Luo, Lan; Guo, Zhigang; Yin, Zhimin


    Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients harboring EGFR-activating mutations initially respond to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs) and have shown favorable outcomes. However, acquired drug resistance to EGFR-TKIs develops in almost all patients mainly due to the EGFR T790 M mutation. Here, we show that treatment with low-dose EGFR-TKI results in the emergence of the EGFR T790 M mutation and in the reduction of HSP70 protein levels in HCC827 cells. Erlotinib treatment inhibits HSP70 phosphorylation at tyrosine 41 and increases HSP70 ubiquitination, resulting in HSP70 degradation. We show that EGFR-TKI treatment causes increased DNA damage and enhanced gene mutation rates, which are secondary to the EGFR-TKI-induced reduction of HSP70 protein. Importantly, HSP70 overexpression delays the occurrence of Erlotinib-induced EGFR T790 M mutation. We further demonstrate that HSP70 interacts with multiple enzymes in the base excision repair (BER) pathway and promotes not only the efficiency but also the fidelity of BER. Collectively, our findings show that EGFR-TKI treatment facilitates gene mutation and the emergence of EGFR T790 M secondary mutation by the attenuation of BER via induction of HSP70 protein degradation. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  17. Vacuum die attach for integrated circuits


    Schmitt, Edward H.; Tuckerman, David B.


    A thin film eutectic bond for attaching an integrated circuit die to a circuit substrate is formed by coating at least one bonding surface on the die and substrate with an alloying metal, assembling the die and substrate under compression loading, and heating the assembly to an alloying temperature in a vacuum. A very thin bond, 10 microns or less, which is substantially void free, is produced. These bonds have high reliability, good heat and electrical conduction, and high temperature tolerance. The bonds are formed in a vacuum chamber, using a positioning and loading fixture to compression load the die, and an IR lamp or other heat source. For bonding a silicon die to a silicon substrate, a gold silicon alloy bond is used. Multiple dies can be bonded simultaneously. No scrubbing is required.

  18. Smart Home, Smart Grid, Smart Meter - digitale Konzepte und das Recht an Daten

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Spiecker genannt Döhmann, Indra

    Modernes Energiemanagement setzt auf ein intelligent gesteuertes Energieinformationsnetz, das Smart Grid. In diesem ist der Smart Meter, die intelligente Messstelle beim Nutzer, ein zentrales Instrument für den wechselseitigen Austausch von Informationen. Allerdings werfen die über diverse Gesetze forcierten Informationsströme erhebliche datenschutzrechtliche Fragen auf. Der Beitrag stellt zentrale datenschutzrechtliche Leitlinien und Probleme vor und behandelt auch offene Fragestellungen.

  19. [Dying and death in societal transformation].


    Heller, Andreas; Wegleitner, Klaus


    Dying and death in modern societies are subject to profound social, professional and cultural-religious changes. Secularization and a stronger differentiation of societies have led to a change in the way humans handle the dying process. Normatively ritualized collective behaviour has been replaced by an individual, subjectivized approach. In late modern societies there are many different views of what "successful" or "good" dying means.In the article this change is described by the following seven theses: 1. We live longer and we die longer. 2. We no longer die suddenly and unexpectedly but slowly and foreseeably. 3. Even though our biological life on earth has become longer, our life has been shortened by the loss of eternity. 4. We no longer die on the stage of ritualized relationships with our family and neighbours but behind the curtains of organizations. 5. We live and die in a society of organizations and have to get organized for the final phase of our life. 6. Living and dying are no large, state-owned enterprises but small, private enterprises. 7. The hospice movement as well as palliative medicine have created public awareness, made dying a matter of discussion and offered a new set of options.In late modernism end-of-life care requires new approaches based on individual and shared responsibility as well as cooperation between professional institutions and community-based voluntary care.A change towards community care is visible. Thus "dying" is a topic in the discussion about the future of public health and societal solidarity.

  20. Apparatus for restraining and transporting dies


    Allison, James W.; LaBarre, Timothy L.


    Apparatus for restraining and transporting dies in punch press operations is provided. A floatation platen for supporting a die on the platen's upper surface has a plurality of recessed gas exhaust ports on the platen's lower surface. A source of pressurized gas delivers gas to a platen manifold, for delivery to orifices located in the gas exhaust ports. The flow of gas is controlled by a first valve adjacent the gas source and a second valve adjacent the manifold, with the second valve being used to control the gas flow during movement of the die. In this fashion, a die may be moved on a cushion of air from one workstation to a selected second workstation. A moveable hydraulically operated restraining fixture is also provided, for clamping the die in position during the compacting phase, and for releasing the die after completion of the compacting phase by releasing the hydraulic pressure on the restraining fixture. When pressure in the hydraulic cylinders on the restraining fixture is reversed, the restraining fixture will retract so that there is no contact between the die and the restraining fixture, thereby allowing the die to be removed from a first workstation and moved to a second selected workstation.

  1. Vacuum die attach for integrated circuits


    Schmitt, E.H.; Tuckerman, D.B.


    A thin film eutectic bond for attaching an integrated circuit die to a circuit substrate is formed by coating at least one bonding surface on the die and substrate with an alloying metal, assembling the die and substrate under compression loading, and heating the assembly to an alloying temperature in a vacuum. A very thin bond, 10 microns or less, which is substantially void free, is produced. These bonds have high reliability, good heat and electrical conduction, and high temperature tolerance. The bonds are formed in a vacuum chamber, using a positioning and loading fixture to compression load the die, and an IR lamp or other heat source. For bonding a silicon die to a silicon substrate, a gold silicon alloy bond is used. Multiple dies can be bonded simultaneously. No scrubbing is required. 1 figure.

  2. Reinraumtechnik für die Medizintechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Petek, Max; Jungbluth, Martin; Krampe, Erhard

    Die Reinraumtechnik ist heute ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil bei der Fertigung von Produkten der Life Sciences, den Bereichen Pharma, Lebensmittel, Kosmetik und Medizintechnik. In Anbetracht der langen Historie der Medizintechnik ist sie jedoch eine sehr junge Disziplin. Die Bedeutung von Keimen und die richtige Einschätzung ihrer Größe wurden zwar sehr früh bereits durch Paracelsus erkannt, jedoch wurden daraus noch keine speziellen oder kontinuierlich umgesetzten Hygienevorschriften abgeleitet. Die erste bekannte technische Umsetzung von Hygieneempfehlungen geht auf den Franzosen François Nicolas Appert zurück, der eine aseptische Abfüllmethode für Lebensmittel entwickelte und diese 1810 veröffentlichte [1]. Die erste dokumentierte medizinische Umsetzung stellten Hygienevorschriften für Ärzte dar, die Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis nach 1847 in der Wiener Klinik für Geburtshilfe einführte [2].

  3. Einsteins Spuren in den Archiven der Wissenschaft: Physikgeschichte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marx, Werner


    Die Erwähnungen und Zitierungen von Einsteins Arbeiten dokumentieren lediglich den quantifizierbaren Anteil von Einsteins Beitrag zur Physik. Gleichwohl belegen sie die außergewöhnliche Resonanz und Langzeitwirkung seiner Arbeiten. Die Häufigkeit der Zitierungen entspricht nicht der allgemeinen Einschätzung ihrer Bedeutung. Insbesondere die Pionierarbeiten werden inzwischen als bekannt vorausgesetzt und nicht mehr explizit zitiert. Interessanterweise ist seine nach 1945 meist zitierte Arbeit nicht eine der Pionierarbeiten zur Quantenphysik oder Relativitätstheorie, sondern jene aus dem Jahr 1935 zum berühmten Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Paradoxon.

  4. Contoured Orifice for Silicon-Ribbon Die

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mackintosh, B. H.


    Die configuration encourages purity and stable growth. Contour of die orifice changes near ribbon edges. As result, silicon ribbon has nearly constant width and little carbon contamination. Die part of furnace being developed to produce high-quality, low-cost material for solar cells.

  5. CAE Based Die Face Engineering Development to Contribute to the Revitalization of the Tool & Die Industry

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tang, Arthur; Lee, Wing C.; St. Pierre, Shawn; He, Jeanne; Liu, Kesu; Chen, Chin C.


    Over the past two decades, the Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tools have emerged as one of the most important engineering tools in various industries, due to its flexibility and accuracy in prediction. Nowadays, CAE tools are widely used in the sheet metal forming industry to predict the forming feasibility of a wide variety of complex components, ranging from aerospace and automotive components to household products. As the demand of CAE based formability accelerates, the need for a robust and streamlined die face engineering tool becomes more crucial, especially in the early stage when the tooling layout is not available, but a product design decision must be made. Ability to generate blank, binder and addendum surfaces with an appropriate layout of Drawbead, Punch Opening Line, Trim Line are the primary features and functions of a CAE based die face engineering tool. Once the die face layout is ready, a formability study should be followed to verify the die face layout is adequate to produce a formable part. If successful, the established die face surface should be exported back to the CAD/CAM environment to speed up the tooling and manufacturing design process with confidence that this particular part is formable with this given die face. With a CAE tool as described above, the tool & die industry will be greatly impacted as the processes will enable the bypass of hardware try-out and shorten the overall vehicle production timing. The trend has shown that OEMs and first tiers will source to low cost producers in the world which will have a negative impact to the traditional tool & die makers in the developed countries. CAE based tool as described should be adopted, along with many other solutions, in order to maintain efficiency of producing high quality product and meeting time-to-market requirements. This paper will describe how a CAE based die face engineering (DFE) tool could be further developed to enable the traditional tool & die makers to meet the

  6. Navigating "Assisted Dying".


    Schipper, Harvey


    Carter is a bellwether decision, an adjudication on a narrow point of law whose implications are vast across society, and whose impact may not be realized for years. Coupled with Quebec's Act Respecting End-of-life Care it has sharply changed the legal landscape with respect to actively ending a person's life. "Medically assisted dying" will be permitted under circumstances, and through processes, which have yet to be operationally defined. This decision carries with it moral assumptions, which mean that it will be difficult to reach a unifying consensus. For some, the decision and Act reflect a modern acknowledgement of individual autonomy. For others, allowing such acts is morally unspeakable. Having opened the Pandora's Box, the question becomes one of navigating a tolerable societal path. I believe it is possible to achieve a workable solution based on the core principle that "medically assisted dying" should be a very rarely employed last option, subject to transparent ongoing review, specifically as to why it was deemed necessary. My analysis is based on 1. The societal conditions in which have fostered demand for "assisted dying", 2. Actions in other jurisdictions, 3. Carter and Quebec Bill 52, 4. Political considerations, 5. Current medical practice. Leading to a series of recommendations regarding. 1. Legislation and regulation, 2. The role of professional regulatory agencies, 3. Medical professions education and practice, 4. Public education, 5. Health care delivery and palliative care. Given the burden of public opinion, and the legal steps already taken, a process for assisted-dying is required. However, those legal and regulatory steps should only be considered a necessary and defensive first step in a two stage process. The larger goal, the second step, is to drive the improvement of care, and thus minimize assisted-dying.

  7. Strömende Flüssigkeiten und Gase

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heintze, Joachim

    Die Bemerkung über die Probleme eines allgemeingültigen Ansatzes, die wir zu Anfang von Kap. 1 machten, gilt in noch höherem Maße für die Mechanik von strömenden Flüssigkeiten; dort erreicht man sogar ziemlich rasch die Grenze der Leistungsfähigkeit der heutigen Mathematik, d. h. wir können zwar - ausgehend von den Newtonschen Gesetzen (Bd. I/3) - eine Differentialgleichung für die Strömung von Flüssigkeiten aufstellen, die sog. Navier-Stokes-Gleichung, es sind aber keine allgemein anwendbaren Lösungsverfahren für diese Gleichung bekannt. Ein Blick in die Natur und auf die vielfältigen Strömungsphänomene zeigt, dass diese Tatsache nicht verwunderlich ist.

  8. Elemente moderner, schlanker Produktionssysteme

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bartholomay, Christian; Boppert, Julia; Dickmann, Eva; Dickmann, Philipp; Gröbner, Michael; Harting, Lothar; Leikep, Sabine; Michels, Friedhelm; Pfister, Johannes; Reitz, Andreas; Schedlbauer, Michael; Takeda, Hitoshi; Thews, Michael; Wilbert, Fred

    Meilensteine der modernen Produktion mit Lean Production, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma, Supply Chain Management, Lean Management und Lean Enterprise können zu effizienteren Abläufen führen. In der betrieblichen Praxis existiert jedoch eine Vielzahl von Zielkonflikten basierend auf Richtlinien von Material Requirements Planning- (MRP), Controlling- und anderen Systemen. Nur wenige Spezialisten in größeren Unternehmen sind im Stande, die Komplexität über die Grenzen eines Fachgebiets hinaus im Detail zu verstehen. Fachübergreifendes Verständnis scheitert an der Komplexität der Gesamtproblematik. Entscheidungen verschiedenster Fachbereiche begrenzen die maximal erreichbare Effizienz des Materialflusses. Logistik und Materialfluss werden daher in vielen Unternehmen als unabdingbare Kernkompetenz verstanden. Um eine schlanke Produktion, einen optimalen Materialfluss und somit minimale Produktkosten zu erreichen, sind folglich vielfältige andere Fachthemen als Vorraussetzungen zu beherrschen. Erst dann ist es in der Produktionslogistik möglich, im Vergleich zu einem Top-Benchmark erfolgreich zu sein. Um im täglichen Konkurrenzkampf die Nase auch morgen noch vorne zu haben" ist es nötig, über den Preis hinaus auch noch völlig andere Problemstellungen zu beherrschen.

  9. L-connect routing of die surface pads to the die edge for stacking in a 3D array


    Petersen, Robert W.


    Integrated circuit chips and method of routing the interface pads from the face of the chip or die to one or more sidewall surfaces of the die. The interconnection is routed from the face of the die to one or more edges of the die, then routed over the edge of the die and onto the side surface. A new pad is then formed on the sidewall surface, which allows multiple die or chips to be stacked in a three-dimensional array, while enabling follow-on signal routing from the sidewall pads. The routing of the interconnects and formation of the sidewall pads can be carried out in an L-connect or L-shaped routing configuration, using a metalization process such as laser pantography.

  10. Neuausrichtung und Konsolidierung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grohmann, Heinz

    Mit der Wahl von Wolfgang Wetzel zum Vorsitzenden der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft im Jahre 1972 begann eine 32jährige Ära, in der die praktische und die theoretische Statistik in einem ausgewogenen Verhältnis gepflegt wurden. Ein regelmäßiger vierjähriger Wechsel im Vorsitz stärkte die Gemeinschaft und die praktische wie die wissenschaftliche Arbeit gleichermaßen. Die jährlichen Hauptversammlungen behandelten gesellschaftlich aktuelle wie zukunftsorientierte Themen, und die Ausschüsse sowie weitere Veranstaltungen gaben Gelegenheit zur Förderung und Pflege einer Vielzahl von Arbeitsgebieten der Statistik. Darüber wird nicht nur in diesem Kapitel, sondern auch in den Teilen II und III des Bandes berichtet.

  11. Statistische Physik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fließbach, Torsten

    In der Statistischen Physik befassen wir uns mit Systemen aus sehr vielen Teilchen. Beispiele hierfür sind die Atome eines Gases oder einer Flüssigkeit, die Phononen eines Festkörpers oder die Photonen in einem Plasma. Die Gesetze für die Bewegung einzelner Teilchen sind durch die Mechanik oder die Quantenmechanik gegeben. Aufgrund der großen Zahl der Teilchen (zum Beispiel N = 6 • 1023 für ein Mol eines Gases) sind die Bewegungsgleichungen jedoch nicht auswertbar. Das Ergebnis einer solchen Auswertung, also etwa die Bahnen von 6•1023 Teilchen, wäre auch uninteressant und irrelevant. Die Behandlung dieser Systeme erfolgt daher statistisch, das heißt auf der Grundlage von Annahmen über dieWahrscheinlichkeit verschiedener Bahnen oder Zustände.

  12. Was leistet ein Sportler? Kraft, Leistung und Energie im Muskel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thaller, Sigrid; Mathelitsch, Leopold


    Der Leistungsbegriff ist im Sport weiter gefasst als in der Physik. In beiden Fällen liegt der Fokus jedoch auf einer pro Zeiteinheit erfolgten Energieumsetzung. Allerdings gibt die rein physikalische Leistung nicht immer Auskunft über den Energieumsatz der Muskeln. Die Muskelkraft hängt von der Kontraktionsgeschwindigkeit des Muskels ab. Ein Muskel verhält sich also anders als eine Feder. Für den Hochleistungssport müssen die Energieumsätze der Muskeln durch spezielle Trainings- und Nahrungsprogramme optimiert werden.

  13. Virtuelle Kraftwerke für Smart Markets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dürr, Thomas; Heyne, Jean-Christoph

    In den zurückliegenden Jahren haben insbesondere zwei Trends die Stromversorgung bestimmt: der starke Anstieg der dezentralen und der Ausbau der regenerativen Stromerzeugung, die vor allem in den Verteilnetzen stattfinden. Angesichts dieser Entwicklung gewinnen virtuelle Kraftwerke (VK) immer mehr an Bedeutung. In der frühen Phase waren VK insbesondere eine Möglichkeit, kleine dezentrale Erzeuger zu einer größeren Einheit zu bündeln und sie so marktfähig zu machen. Heute werden sie - überwacht und gesteuert über ein Dezentrales Energie-Management-System (DEMS) - gemeinsam mit Demand Response betrieben, also dem Reagieren eines Energieabnehmers auf Marktpreise. Das Demand Side Management soll zur Flexibilisierung der Industrie beitragen. Da der Ausbau der Übertragungsnetze nur schleppend vorankommt, kann die Nutzung von lastseitiger Flexibilität einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Versorgungssicherheit leisten. Im zweiten Teil des Beitrags geht es um die Entwicklung der Märkte. Großes Interesse besteht immer noch an der Regelenergie, zumal der Bedarf bis 2050 deutlich steigen wird. Die Spotmärkte Intraday und Day-Ahead wachsen kontinuierlich, deshalb werden sie für VK immer wichtiger. Am Ende gibt der Beitrag einen Ausblick auf die künftige Entwicklung, in der Regelenergie- und Spotmärkte noch eine Rolle spielen, aber andere Geschäftsmodelle wichtiger werden. Darüber hinaus geht es um langfristige Entwicklungen, die z. B. zusätzliche Serviceleistungen durch VK betreffen.

  14. Plattenepithelkarzinom in Verbindung mit einer roten Tätowierung.


    Schmitz, Inge; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Ernert, Carsten; Tannapfel, Andrea


    Obwohl Tätowierungen in den letzten Jahren außerordentlich beliebt geworden sind, wurde in der Literatur bisher nur über wenige Fälle schwerer Reaktionen berichtet, die zu einer malignen Transformation führten. Dies steht im Kontrast zu der praktisch unüberschaubaren Zahl an Tätowierungen weltweit. Die Zusammensetzung der für Tätowierungen verwendeten Farbstoffe variiert stark, und selbst gleiche Farbtöne können unterschiedliche Komponenten enthalten. Das Ziel unserer Studie war es zu untersuchen, auf welche Weise Tätowierungen möglicherweise Hautkrebs auslösen können. Wir berichten über den seltenen Fall einer 24-jährigen Frau, bei der sich sieben Monate nachdem sie eine Tätowierung auf dem Fußrücken erhalten hatte in unmittelbarer Nähe des verwendeten roten Farbstoffs ein Plattenepithelkarzinom entwickelte. Die Komplikationen begannen mit einer unspezifischen Schwellung. Die Läsion wurde histologisch untersucht. Die Zusammensetzung des inkorporierten Farbstoffs wurde mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie in Kombination mit energiedispersiver Elementanalyse analysiert. Zur weiteren Charakterisierung wurden Thermogravimetrie und Pulverdiffraktometrie eingesetzt. Der Tätowierungsfarbstoff enthielt hauptsächlich Bariumsulfat; Spuren von Al, S, Ti, P, Mg und Cl ließen sich ebenfalls nachweisen. Bei der Analyse zeigten sich Pigmentgranula unterschiedlicher Größe. In seltenen Fällen kann Tätowierungstinte karzinogene Effekte haben, die multifaktoriell zu sein scheinen. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Extrusion die and method


    Lipp, G. Daniel


    A method and die apparatus for manufacturing a honeycomb body of triangular cell cross-section and high cell density, the die having a combination of (i) feedholes feeding slot intersections and (ii) feedholes feeding slot segments not supplied from slot intersections, whereby a reduction in feedhole count is achieved while still retaining good extrusion efficiency and extrudate uniformity.

  16. Retrospektive Analyse von Zufallsbefunden, die bei Patienten mit kutanem malignen Malignom durch (18) F-Fluordeoxyglucose-PET/CT erhoben wurden.


    Conrad, Franziska; Winkens, Thomas; Kaatz, Martin; Goetze, Steven; Freesmeyer, Martin


    Bei der (18) F-Fluordeoxyglucose-Positronenemissionstomographie/Computertomographie (FDG-PET/CT) ergeben sich häufig Zufallsbefunde. In der vorliegenden Studie konzentrierten wir uns auf mittels FDG-PET/CT erhaltene Zufallsbefunde bei Patienten mit kutanem Melanom und überprüften deren Relevanz hinsichtlich weiterer diagnostischer Maßnahmen und Interventionen. Die Krankenakten von 181 konsekutiven Melanom-Patienten wurden retrospektiv ausgewertet, um das Management von Zufallsbefunden zu dokumentieren. Der Schwerpunkt lag dabei auf den histologischen Befunden. Bei 33 von 181 (18 %) Patienten lagen 39 relevante Zufallsbefunde vor, und zwar im Kolorektalbereich (n = 15 Patienten), in der Schilddrüse (n = 8), der Prostata (n = 2), dem Bewegungsapparat (n = 2), in Lymphknoten (n = 2), der Parotis (n = 1), den Mandeln (n = 1), den Nieren (n = 1) und der Gallenblase (n = 1). Bei 25 Patienten schlossen sich weitere diagnostische Verfahren an, wobei in 21 Fällen ein klinisches Korrelat nachgewiesen wurde. Bei 16 von 21 Patienten ergab sich eine Neoplasie, darunter fünf maligne Läsionen (vier Kolonkarzinome und ein Prostatakarzinom). Die Malignome wurden frühzeitig diagnostiziert und in der Mehrzahl der Fälle erfolgreich entfernt. Der Einsatz der FDG-PET/CT als Routine-Diagnostik wird in den Leitlinien empfohlen und ist indiziert bei malignem Melanom ab Stadium IIC. In dieser Studie wurden auf effektive Weise ansonsten nicht erkannte Krebserkrankungen, insbesondere Kolonkarzinome, detektiert. In den meisten Fällen war eine frühe Intervention möglich. Zufallsbefunde durch FDG-PET/CT sollten, unter Berücksichtigung des Zustands und der Wünsche des Patienten, mit den geeigneten diagnostischen Maßnahmen abgeklärt werden. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. Verbesserung der Symmetrie von Hirnaufnahmen entlang der Sagittalebene

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ens, Konstantin; Wenzel, Fabian; Fischer, Bernd

    Die lokale Symmetrie von Hirnscans entlang der Sagittalebene zu ermitteln und zu modizifieren, ist für eine Reihe neurologischer Anwendungen interessant. Beispielsweise kann der voxelweise Vergleich von rechter und linker Hirnhälfte nur dann Aufschluss über die Lokalisierung von Läsionen geben, wenn durch Transformation ein Hirnscan eine möglichst hohe Symmetrie aufweist. Ein weiteres Anwendungsgebiet ist die Visualisierung von medialen Hirnschnitten, für die die Trennfläche beider Hirnhälfte möglichst eben sein sollte. Diese Arbeit stellt die Entwicklung eines Verfahrens vor, mit dessen Hilfe die Symmetrie von Hirnaufnahmen entlang der Sagittalebene verbessert werden kann. Dies geschieht unter Verwendung von aktiven Konturen, die mit Hilfe einer neuartigen Kostenfunktion gesteuert werden. Experimente am Ende der Arbeit mit strukturellen Kernspinaufnahmen demonstrieren die Leistungsfähigkeit des Verfahrens.

  18. Differentiating suicide decedents who died using firearms from those who died using other methods.


    Anestis, Michael D; Khazem, Lauren R; Anestis, Joye C


    Studies have documented a link between gun ownership and suicide, but little is known about characteristics of those most likely to use a gun in a suicide attempt rather than alternative methods. We examined which factors differentiate suicide decedents who died using a gun from those who died by other methods. We further examined whether such findings are consistent within the subcomponent of our larger sample comprised entirely of gun owning suicide decedents. Data reflect 267 suicide decedents, with data provided by individuals who identified as having lost someone to suicide (loss survivors). Within the full sample, a higher proportion of gun-owning and male suicide decedents died by firearm. Further, individuals who had previously discussed suicide or engaged in one or more non-lethal suicide attempts were less likely to die by suicide using a gun. Within the subsample of gun owning suicide decedents, a greater proportion of decedents who stored guns at home and in unsecure locations died from self-inflected gunshot wounds. These findings add clarity to the relationship between firearm ownership and death by suicide at the individual level. Furthermore, these findings are consistent with the notion that means safety implementation may represent a vital suicide prevention tool. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  19. Energy Consumption of Die Casting Operations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jerald Brevick; clark Mount-Campbell; Carroll Mobley


    Molten metal processing is inherently energy intensive and roughly 25% of the cost of die-cast products can be traced to some form of energy consumption [1]. The obvious major energy requirements are for melting and holding molten alloy in preparation for casting. The proper selection and maintenance of melting and holding equipment are clearly important factors in minimizing energy consumption in die-casting operations [2]. In addition to energy consumption, furnace selection also influences metal loss due to oxidation, metal quality, and maintenance requirements. Other important factors influencing energy consumption in a die-casting facility include geographic location, alloy(s) cast, starting formmore » of alloy (solid or liquid), overall process flow, casting yield, scrap rate, cycle times, number of shifts per day, days of operation per month, type and size of die-casting form of alloy (solid or liquid), overall process flow, casting yield, scrap rate, cycle times, number of shifts per day, days of operation per month, type and size of die-casting machine, related equipment (robots, trim presses), and downstream processing (machining, plating, assembly, etc.). Each of these factors also may influence the casting quality and productivity of a die-casting enterprise. In a die-casting enterprise, decisions regarding these issues are made frequently and are based on a large number of factors. Therefore, it is not surprising that energy consumption can vary significantly from one die-casting enterprise to the next, and within a single enterprise as function of time.« less

  20. Uptake of 2S albumin allergens, Ber e 1 and Ses i 1, across human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cell monolayers.


    Moreno, F Javier; Rubio, Luis A; Olano, Agustín; Clemente, Alfonso


    We have investigated the absorption rates of two purified major allergen 2S albumins, Ber e 1 from Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl.) and Ses i 1 from white sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum L.), across human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cell monolayers following gastrointestinal digestion in vitro. The transport from apical to basolateral side in cell monolayers was evaluated by RP-HPLC-UV and indirect competitive ELISA methods, being confirmed by western-blotting analysis. Significant amounts (approximately 15-25 nmol micromol(-1) initial amount/h) of intact Ber e 1 and Ses i 1 were found in the basolateral side. The absorption rates of both plant allergens through the cell monolayer were shown to be constant during the whole incubation period (4 h at 37 degrees C), verifying that the permeability of the membrane was not altered by the allergen digests. Our findings revealed that both purified 2S albumin allergens may be able to survive in immunologically reactive forms to the simulated harsh conditions of the gastrointestinal tract to be transported across the Caco-2 cell monolayers, so that they would be able to sensitize the mucosal immune system and/or elicit an allergic response.

  1. Declarations on euthanasia and assisted dying.


    Inbadas, Hamilton; Zaman, Shahaduz; Whitelaw, Sandy; Clark, David


    Declarations on end-of-life issues are advocacy interventions that seek to influence policy, raise awareness and call others to action. Despite increasing prominence, they have attracted little attention from researchers. This study tracks the emergence, content, and purpose of declarations concerned with assisted dying and euthanasia, in the global context. The authors identified 62 assisted dying/euthanasia declarations covering 1974-2016 and analyzed them for originating organization, geographic scope, format, and stated viewpoint on assisted dying/euthanasia. The declarations emerged from diverse organizational settings and became more frequent over time. Most opposed assisted dying/euthanasia.

  2. Declarations on euthanasia and assisted dying

    PubMed Central

    Inbadas, Hamilton; Zaman, Shahaduz; Whitelaw, Sandy; Clark, David


    ABSTRACT Declarations on end-of-life issues are advocacy interventions that seek to influence policy, raise awareness and call others to action. Despite increasing prominence, they have attracted little attention from researchers. This study tracks the emergence, content, and purpose of declarations concerned with assisted dying and euthanasia, in the global context. The authors identified 62 assisted dying/euthanasia declarations covering 1974–2016 and analyzed them for originating organization, geographic scope, format, and stated viewpoint on assisted dying/euthanasia. The declarations emerged from diverse organizational settings and became more frequent over time. Most opposed assisted dying/euthanasia. PMID:28398131

  3. Evaluation der zentralen TUM-Lernplattform

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schulze, Elvira; Baume, Matthias; Graf, Stephan; Gergintchev, Ivan

    Die Notwendigkeit der Qualitätssicherung und -kontrolle für innovative universitäre Lehr-/Lernszenarien ist in der Praxis unbestritten. Die Wirksamkeit der Einführung der zentralen Lernplattform CLIX Campus der imc AG an der TUM wurde mittels quantitativer und qualitativer Evaluation überprüft. Als statistische Bewertungsgrundlage wurde der Erreichungsgrad bestimmter Projektziele herangezogen. Aufbauend auf den theoretischen Grundlagen der Evaluation von Bildungsangeboten gibt diese Studie Aufschluss über die Ergebnisse der Datenerhebungen sowie die Einschätzung der Plattform aus Nutzersicht und belegt die wesentliche Bedeutung der durchgängigen IT-Infrastruktur und speziell der einheitlichen Verfügbarkeit der eLearning Angebote.

  4. Musik einpacken

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Loos, Andreas

    Wer schon einmal Nudeln selbst gemacht hat, der weiß: Frische Pasta kann ganz schön pappen. Das ist ein Problem für die Nudelindustrie, denn es ist nicht leicht, mit unregelmäßigen und klebrigen Nudel-Klumpen 500-Gramm-Beutel genau zu füllen. Einige Hersteller verwenden daher "Teilmengenwaagen". Die besitzen bis zu hundert kleineWaagschalen, die über ein Förderband mit jeweils ungefähr 50 Gramm Nudel-Klumpen befüllt werden. Dann kommt Mathematik ins Spiel: Ein Computer wählt die zehn Waagschalen aus, deren Inhalt zusammen die 500 Gramm genau erreicht, und leert sie in einen Beutel aus.

  5. Zum Wissenschaftsverständnis der modernen Evolutionsbiologie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sommer, Ralf J.

    Die moderne Evolutionsbiologie hat ihren Ursprung in den Arbeiten von Charles Darwin und Alfred Wallace (Darwin 1963). Der gemeinsame Ausgangspunkt des Evolutionsgedanken ist dabei die Beobachtung, dass die biologische Welt nicht konstant ist. Biologische Systeme und alle darin lebenden Organismen unterliegen über längere Zeiträume hinweg einer stetigen Veränderung. Diese grundlegende Eigenschaft biologischer Systeme macht die Biologie zu einer historischen Wissenschaft und stellt einen wichtigen Gegensatz zu großen Teilen der Physik dar. Obwohl die Aussage von der Veränderlichkeit der Arten heute trivial klingt, war sie im 19. Jahrhundert eine Revolution, da die Konstanz der Arten und der Welt eine vorherrschende Stellung im damaligen Weltbild hatte (Amundson 2005).

  6. Recognizing dying in terminal illness.


    Taylor, Paul M; Johnson, Miriam


    Recognizing dying in terminally ill patients is a complex clinical skill. This article outlines the approach to the decision, common difficulties encountered in patients with both malignant and non-malignant disease, and a simple approach to considering the question 'Is this patient dying?'

  7. Die singulation method and package formed thereby


    Anderson, Robert C [Tucson, AZ; Shul, Randy J [Albuquerque, NM; Clews, Peggy J [Tijeras, NM; Baker, Michael S [Albuquerque, NM; De Boer, Maarten P [Albuquerque, NM


    A method is disclosed for singulating die from a substrate having a sacrificial layer and one or more device layers, with a retainer being formed in the device layer(s) and anchored to the substrate. Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) etching of a trench through the substrate from the bottom side defines a shape for each die. A handle wafer is then attached to the bottom side of the substrate, and the sacrificial layer is etched to singulate the die and to form a frame from the retainer and the substrate. The frame and handle wafer, which retain the singulated die in place, can be attached together with a clamp or a clip and to form a package for the singulated die. One or more stops can be formed from the device layer(s) to limit a sliding motion of the singulated die.

  8. Assay of phenolic compounds from four species of Ber (Ziziphus mauritiana L.) Fruits: Comparision of three base hydrolysis procedure for quantification of total phenolic acids

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    The present study was undertaken to investigate the flavonoids profile in four species of ber (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk) fruit and to compare various techniques for the analysis of total phenolic acids. The 12 flavonoids identified were quercetin 3-O-robinobioside, quercetin 3-O-rutinoside, querceti...

  9. Mechanik deformierbarer fester Stoffe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heintze, Joachim

    In Bd. I/I haben wir die Mechanik des Massenpunkts und des starren Körpers behandelt; wir wollen nun berücksichtigen, dass sich alle Körper unter dem Einfluss der einwirkenden Kräfte deformieren können.

  10. Dying: A universal human experience?


    Bregman, L


    This paper explores the question, "Is there a universal psychological experience suffered by all dying persons?" a question to which the popular theory of Kübler-Ross presupposes an affirmative answer. Our answer takes three steps: first, a comparison between the Kübler-Ross model of dying and that of the late medievalBook of the Craft of Dying centered upon the five Kübler-Ross "stages"; second, a philosophical critique of the terms of this comparison; and third, a revised look at the alleged similarities between the two models, providing a deeper look at the moral and spiritual assumptions behind each.

  11. Nutraceutical composition of Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk (Indian ber): effect of enzyme-assisted processing.


    Koley, Tanmay Kumar; Walia, Shweta; Nath, Prerna; Awasthi, O P; Kaur, Charanjit


    Zizyphus (Indian ber) is an excellent source of several phenolic compounds. The effect of two cell wall degrading enzymes, namely pectinase and viscozyme, on the nutraceutical composition of Zizyphus juice was investigated in the present study. Enzyme assisted processing significantly (P < 0.05) improved the juice yield, total soluble solids, total phenolics and total antioxidant activity (AOX). There was significant increase in recovery of antioxidants, to the tune of 70.51%, 66%, and 45% respectively in ascorbic acid, total phenolics and total flavonoids through viscozyme. The in-vitro total AOX of juice extracted via enzyme-assisted processing was 20.9 and 15.59 μmol Trolox/ml in ferric-reducing antioxidant power and cupric-reducing antioxidant capacity assays, respectively. There was 41% increase in AOX of juice extracted with enzyme over straight pressed juice. Results indicate that enzyme-assisted processing can significantly improve the functional properties of the Zizyphus juice.

  12. ["Good dying"--definition and current state of research].


    Hutter, Nico; Stößel, Ulrich; Meffert, Cornelia; Körner, Mirjam; Bozzaro, Claudia; Becker, Gerhild; Baumeister, Harald


    The advances of modern medicine did not only result in prolongation of life expectancy, but also led to a shift from dying at home to dying in public institutions. In western countries most people die at advanced age in medical facilities. Hence, the question regarding the conditions, which should be provided by society and especially medicine, to allow terminally ill people to experience "good dying" is substantial. For this purpose, an examination of patients', family members' and health care providers' understanding of the term " good dying" is required. The present paper aims at shedding light on the term "good dying" and to summarize the current state of research. Therefore, the attributes of "good dying" will be described from the perspectives of patients, family members and health care providers, which are discussed and examined in current medical-sociological research. These attributes can be illustrated on three dimensions: Quality of life at the end of life (e. g. pain relief, mental well-being), quality of dying (e. g. avoiding prolonged dying, autonomy, presence of relatives) and quality of health care at the end of life (e. g. patient-oriented health care, positive communication between health care providers and patients, availability of guidelines). Although the attributes of "good dying" are described in detail in the existing literature, further studies have to clarify the relevance and impact of these attributes as predictors of "good dying". © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  13. Bereits nach Ablauf der Halbwertszeit droht der vollständige Zerfall Die britische Atomic Scientists’ Association, die Ideologie der „objektiven” Wissenschaft und die H-Bombe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laucht, Christoph

    Präsident Harry Trumans Verlautbarung vom 31.1.1950, seine Regierung wolle die Entwicklung der Wasserstoffbombe vorantreiben, fand große Beachtung in den britischen Medien. Die illustrierte Zeitschrift Picture Post widmete der HBombe einen Artikel, der unter anderem kurze Stellungnahmen der britischen Atomwissenschaftler Eric Burhop, Kathleen Lonsdale, Harrie Massey, Rudolf Peierls und Maurice Pryce enthielt, die alle Mitglieder der Atomic Scientists' Association (ASA) waren.

  14. Die Deformation Measurement System during Sheet Metal Forming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Funada, J.; Takahashi, S.; Fukiharu, H.


    In order to reduce affection to the earth environment, it is necessary to lighten the vehicles. For this purpose, high tensile steels are applied. Because of high strength, high forming force is required for producing automotive sheet metal parts. In this situation, since the dies are elastic, they are deformed during forming parts. For reducing die developing period, sheet metal forming simulation is widely applied. In the numerical simulation, rigid dies are usually used for shortening computing time. It means that the forming conditions in the actual forming and the simulation are different. It will make large errors in the results between actual forming and simulation. It can be said that if contact pressure between dies and a sheet metal in the simulation can be reproduced in the actual forming, the differences of forming results between them can also been reduced. The basic idea is to estimate die shape which can produce the same distribution as computed from simulation with rigid dies. In this study, die deformation analyses with Finite Element Method as basic technologies are evaluated. For example, simple shape and actual dies elastic contact problems were investigated. The contact width between simple shape dies was investigated. The computed solutions were in good agreement with experimental results. The one case of the actual dies in two cases was also investigated. Bending force was applied to the blank holder with a mechanical press machine. The methodology shown with applying inductive displacement sensor for measuring die deformation during applying force was also proposed.

  15. elecTUM: Umsetzung der eLearning-Strategie der Technischen Universität München

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rathmayer, Sabine; Gergintchev, Ivan

    An der TUM wurde ein umfassendes und integriertes eLearning-Konzept umgesetzt, welches Präsenzstudium und eLearning in allen Leistungsbereichen der Universität miteinander verzahnt. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt lag dabei in der Schaffung einer effizienten und wettbewerbsfähigen integrierten eLearning Infrastruktur in Hinblick auf die noch weiter steigenden Studienanfängerzahlen ab dem Jahr 2011 sowie die Umsetzung von eBologna. Die Etablierung einer hochschulweiten Lernplattform stellte eine wesentliche Basis für die Umsetzung der eLearning-Strategie dar. Die wissenschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Anschlussfähigkeit im Hinblick auf eine Verwertung der Projektergebnisse wurde durch die aktive Beteiligung an einer Vielzahl hochschulübergreifender Arbeitskreise, Fachtagungen und Kooperationen, vor allem über Organisations- und Dienstleistungsmodelle sowie innovative technische Entwicklungen, sichergestellt.

  16. S2k-Leitlinie zum Gebrauch von Präparationen zur lokalen Anwendung auf der Haut (Topika).


    Wohlrab, Johannes; Staubach, Petra; Augustin, Matthias; Eisert, Lisa; Hünerbein, Andreas; Nast, Alexander; Reimann, Holger; Strömer, Klaus; Mahler, Vera


    Diese Leitlinie richtet sich an Assistenz- und Fachärzte der Dermatologie sowie an Kostenträger und politische Entscheidungsgremien. Die Leitlinie wurde im formellen Konsensusverfahren (S2k) von Dermatologen unter Einbindung von Apothekern erstellt. Die Leitlinie stellt allgemeine Aspekte der Pharmakokinetik sowie der regulatorischen Begrifflichkeiten dar. Es werden Empfehlungen zur Indikation von Magistralrezepturen sowie deren Qualitätssicherung gegeben. Die Bedeutung der galenischen Grundlagen und die Problematik bei einer Substitution gegeneinander verschiedener Grundlagen werden dargestellt. Die Leitlinie umfasst Kriterien zur Auswahl einer adäquaten Grundlage sowie spezifische Aspekte zur Therapieplanung. Die Leitlinie gibt Empfehlungen zum Management bei Unverträglichkeiten gegenüber Bestandteilen der Grundlagen oder Hilfsstoffe. © 2018 The Authors | Journal compilation © Blackwell Verlag GmbH, Berlin.

  17. 25 CFR 301.4 - Application of dies.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Application of dies. 301.4 Section 301.4 Indians INDIAN ARTS AND CRAFTS BOARD, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NAVAJO, PUEBLO, AND HOPI SILVER AND TURQUOISE PRODUCTS; STANDARDS § 301.4 Application of dies. Dies are to be applied to the object with the aid of...

  18. Nursing students' experiences caring for dying patients.


    Beck, C T


    Since the 1960s nurse educators have been searching for the most effective approach to prepare nursing students for care of the dying. Studies investigating the effectiveness of death education programs for nursing students have reported inconsistent findings. A phenomenological study was conducted to explore the meaning of 26 undergraduate nursing students' experiences in caring for dying patients. The nursing students' written descriptions of their experiences were analyzed using Colaizzi's (1978) phenomenological method. Six themes emerged from this analysis. While caring for dying patients, nursing students experienced a gamut of emotions such as fear, sadness, frustration, and anxiety. Contemplation of the patient's life and death occurred as the students cared for their patients. In addition to providing physical, emotional, and spiritual support for dying patients, an integral part of nursing students' care involved supporting the patients' families. Helplessness was experienced by the students regarding their role as patient advocates. While caring for dying patients, nursing students' learning fluorished. Educational strategies for preparing nursing students to care for the dying are addressed based on the findings of this qualitative study.

  19. Der Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die Organisation eines Unternehmens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Walter, Wolfram M.

    Die Digitalisierung schreitet mit großen Schritten voran. Dies wirkt sich nicht nur auf die Gesellschaft im Grundsatz, sondern auch auf das Verhalten der Kunden aus. Neue Kommunikationswege beschleunigen die Interaktion zwischen Unternehmen und Verbraucher. Im Vergleich mit großen Internetfirmen werden etablierte Dienstleistungsunternehmen - vom Energieversorger bis zu Versicherungen - stark unter Druck gesetzt, sich noch intensiver mit dem Kundenservice auseinanderzusetzen. Dies wird nur möglich sein, wenn sich die Organisationen entsprechend positionieren und sich frühzeitig auf die Veränderungen einstellen. Hieraus ergeben sich mehr Chancen als Risiken, zumal es nicht nur neue Prozesse, sondern auch neue Berufsbilder geben wird.

  20. Numerical simulation and experiment on multilayer stagger-split die.


    Liu, Zhiwei; Li, Mingzhe; Han, Qigang; Yang, Yunfei; Wang, Bolong; Sui, Zhou


    A novel ultra-high pressure device, multilayer stagger-split die, has been constructed based on the principle of "dividing dies before cracking." Multilayer stagger-split die includes an encircling ring and multilayer assemblages, and the mating surfaces of the multilayer assemblages are mutually staggered between adjacent layers. In this paper, we investigated the stressing features of this structure through finite element techniques, and the results were compared with those of the belt type die and single split die. The contrast experiments were also carried out to test the bearing pressure performance of multilayer stagger-split die. It is concluded that the stress distributions are reasonable and the materials are utilized effectively for multilayer stagger-split die. And experiments indicate that the multilayer stagger-split die can bear the greatest pressure.

  1. Euthanasia, assisted dying and the right to die in Ghana: a socio-legal analysis.


    Owusu-Dapaa, Ernest


    There is unanimity among states to protect the continuation of life of the individual as a safeguard against their collective extinction. The right to life is accordingly guaranteed but its antithesis, the right to die is the subject of an unending debate. The controversy over the right to die is deepened by rapid advances in medicine, creating the capability for prolongation of life beyond the span which one's natural strength can endure. Ghana's supreme law explicitly guarantees the right to life but remains ambiguous on right to die, particularly euthanasia and assisted dying. Thus, some of the other rights, such as the right to dignity and not to be tortured, can creatively be exploited to justify some instances of euthanasia. Ghana's criminal code largely proscribes euthanasia. Notwithstanding, proscription of euthanasia and assisted dying by the law, in Ghana's empirical work undertaken in some of the communities in Ghana, suggests that euthanasia is quietly practisedin health facilities and private homes, especially in the rural areas. Contrary to the popular reasons assigned in the literature of the Western world, with respect to the practice or quest for legalization of euthanasia as being a necessity for providing relief from pain or hopeless quality of life, empirical data from social and anthropological studies conducted in Ghana reveal that poverty is the motivation for informal euthanasia practice in Ghana rather than genuine desire on part of patients to die or their relatives to see to their accelerated death. Apart from poverty, traditional cultural values of African societies consider non-natural death as a taboo and ignominy to the victim and his family. Thus, any move by the government to legalize euthanasia will need to be informed by widely held consultations and a possible referendum; otherwise the law may be just a mere transplant of Western models of legislation on euthanasia without reflecting the ethos of the African people.

  2. Werkstoffe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hornbogen, Erhard; Eggeler, Gunther; Werner, Ewald

    Lernziel: Dieses Kapitel vermittelt einen ersten Eindruck von Werkstoffen, die bestimmte technische Eigenschaften besitzen müssen, dabei einfach herstellbar sein sollen und die Forderung der Wirtschaftlichkeit erfüllen müssen. Wir diskutieren Werkstoffe in einfachen, allgemeinen und speziellen Zusammenhängen und lernen das Wissensgebiet Werkstoffkunde kennen, das die Werkstoffwissenschaft und die Werkstofftechnik umfasst. Wir verschaffen uns einen ersten Eindruck vom mikroskopischen Aufbau der vier Werkstoffgruppen Metalle, Gläser/Keramiken, Kunststoffe und Verbundwerkstoffe. Wir lernen einige wichtige Werkstoffeigenschaften kennen. Es geht dann um zuverl ässige Datenüber Eigenschaften von Werkstoffen und in diesem Zusammenhang wird die Prüfung, die Normung und die Bezeichnung von Werkstoffen betrachtet. Schließlich befassen wir uns kurz mit der zeitlichen Entwicklung von Werkstoffen und führen den Begriff der Nachhaltigkeit ein.

  3. Trends in der IT-Sicherheit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eckert, Claudia

    Ich möchte Ihnen einen Überblick geben über Trends, Challenges, offene Fragestellungen sowie Lösungsansätze aus dem Bereich der IT-Sicherheit. Meine Vorredner haben mir schon eine wunderbare Basis dafür geschaffen, indem sie wichtige Trends im Bereich IT bereits angesprochen haben. Deshalb werde ich auf diese Trends, nämlich das Internet of Things and Services nur noch einmal kurz eingehen, um daran dann die IT-Sicherheitsthemen, die sich aus diesen IT-Trends ergeben, zu skizzieren und anschließend Lösungen vorstellen, die insbesondere im Forschungsumfeld entwickelt werden, aber schon reif sind, auch in die unternehmerische Praxis übernommen zu werden.

  4. Strahlungsfeldbedingungen bei der Ionisationsdosimetrie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krieger, Hanno

    Bei der Dosimetrie von Photonenstrahlungen mit luftgefüllten Ionisationskammern werden in diesem Kapitel zwei Grenzfälle unterschieden. Der eine Fall ist die Bedingung des so genannten Sekundärelektronengleichwichts im Kammervolumen. In diesem Fall bestimmen ausschließlich die Photonen im Messvolumen die dosimetrische Anzeige. Der zweite Grenzfall ist gegeben, wenn das Luftvolumen und die Kammer das Strahlungsfeld im Phantom so wenig stören, dass der Sekundärelektronenfluss unverändert bleibt. Diese Bedingungen nennt man BRAGG-GRAY-Bedingungen. Beide Grenzfälle sind in der Praxis nur näherungsweise zu verwirklichen. Abweichungen müssen durch entsprechende Korrekturen oder Kalibrierungen berücksichtigt werden.

  5. Sheet metal stamping die design for warm forming


    Ghosh, Amit K.


    In metal stamping dies, by taking advantage of improved material flow by selectively warming the die, flat sections of the die can contribute to the flow of material throughout the workpiece. Local surface heating can be accomplished by placing a heating block in the die. Distribution of heating at the flat lower train central regions outside of the bend region allows a softer flow at a lower stress to enable material flow into the thinner, higher strain areas at the bend/s. The heating block is inserted into the die and is powered by a power supply.

  6. Fast lichtschnell durch die Stadt: Visualisierung relativistischer Effekte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kraus, Ute; Borchers, Marc P.


    Eine Computersimulation ermöglicht es uns, mit annähernd Lichtgeschwindigkeit durch die Tübinger Fußgängerzone zu fahren. Was wir dabei sehen, ist verblüffend: Die Häuser vor uns rücken umso weiter in die Ferne, je mehr wir beschleunigen; gleichzeitig erscheinen die Hauskanten in unserer Nähe immer stärker gekrümmt. Der Grund für diese merkwürdigen Bilder ist die so genannte Aberration: Ein und derselbe Lichtstrahl hat für den fahrenden Beobachter eine andere Richtung als für denjenigen, der am Straßenrand steht. Dieser Effekt ist im Alltag klein. Wenn wir aber in der Simulation fast lichtschnell durch die Tübinger Altstadt rasen, ist er dramatisch groß.

  7. Assisted Dying in Canada.


    Schuklenk, Udo

    This paper makes an affirmative ethical case in favour of the decriminalization of assisted dying in Canada. It then proceeds to defending the affirmative case against various slippery-slope arguments that are typically deployed by opponents of assisted dying. Finally, a recent case of questionable professional conduct by anti-euthanasia campaigners cum academics is flagged as a warning to all of us not to permit the quality of the professional debate to deteriorate unacceptably, despite the personal emotional investments involved on all sides of the debate.

  8. A clinical perspective on dying

    PubMed Central

    Janes, Robert G.


    There is continuing need for dissemination of already available, clinically useful knowledge concerning the psychological needs of the seriously ill and dying. Against the changing social context of dying, some of our erroneous assumptions about these patients are explored and the genuine fears and personal needs are discussed. The implications of this knowledge for medical education are recognized. PMID:5074753

  9. Implantate in der Augenheilkunde

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dresp, Joachim H.

    Im Bereich der Augenheilkunde findet sich die weltweit am häufigsten ausgeführte chirurgische Massnahme, die operative Behandlung des Grauen Stars: die Katarakt. Bei der Katarakt handelt es sich um eine Eintrübung der natürlichen Augenlinse, die sich je nach Stadium der Erkrankung leicht opak, über milchig bis zu bräunlich präsentiert. Mit dieser Zunahme der Undurchlässigkeit für das sichtbare Licht geht eine Abnahme des Sehvermögens einher, die bis zur totalen Erblindung führen kann. Bedingt durch die sehr eingeschränkten chirurgischen Möglichkeiten in den Ländern der Dritten Welt ist die Katarakt die Erblindungsursache Nummer 1 in der Welt. Ganz im Gegensatz hierzu ist in den industrialisierten Ländern Europas, Amerikas und Asiens die Katarakt-OP die sicherste chirurgische Intervention. In der Augenheilkunde werden Implantate aller drei Aggregatszustände verwendet.

  10. Historical review of die drool phenomenon during plastics extrusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Musil, Jan; Zatloukal, Martin


    Die drool phenomenon is defined as unwanted spontaneous accumulation of extruded polymer melt on open faces of extrusion die during extrusion process. Such accumulated material builds up on the die exit and frequently or continually sticks onto the extruded product and thus damages it. Since die drool appears, extrusion process must be shut down and die exit must be manually cleaned which is time and money consuming. Although die drool is complex phenomenon and its formation mechanism is not fully understood yet, variety of proposed explanations of its formation mechanism and also many ways to its elimination can be found in open literature. Our review presents in historical order breakthrough works in the field of die drool research, shows many ways to suppress it, introduces methods for its quantitative evaluation and composition analysis and summarizes theories of die drool formation mechanism which can be helpful for extrusion experts.

  11. The Dying Role: Its Relevance to Improved Patient Care.


    Noyes, Russell; Clancy, John


    SOCIETY is failing to meet the obligation it has to its dying members. Persons with terminal illnesses suffer isolation and neglect in hospitals, receive overzealous treatment by physicians, and are kept in ignorance of their situation by families and medical personnel. Evidence for these statements has come from observers of the medical care system and from dying patients themselves (Kübler-Ross, 1969; Reynolds and Kalish, 1974; Sudnow, 1967). In the nineteenth century it was common for persons to die in the familiar environs of their homes, surrounded by grieving families from whom they parted in a meaningful manner (Blauner, 1966). Dying persons of today no longer fill a well-defined social role. Instead, the distinction between the roles of sick and dying persons has been lost and, in the resulting confusion, the care of dying people has suffered. The purpose of this article is to clarify the distinction between the dying and sick roles, identify the signs of existing role confusion, suggest ways in which this confusion may be corrected, and show how reestablishment of the dying role can result in improved care of dying people. The important part physicians play in defining sick and dying roles will be emphasized.

  12. 'Bridging worlds': meeting the emotional needs of dying patients.


    Law, Rollanda


    This paper is a report of a study to develop a grounded theory to explain how district nurses meet the emotional needs of dying patients in the community. There has been a policy commitment internationally to improve community services and enable people with terminal illnesses to die in their own homes. This increasing trend towards home deaths in the United Kingdom (UK) makes more demand on district nurses to provide emotional support for dying patients. A 'classic' grounded theory study was conducted in the UK between 2002 and 2005. Unstructured observations and semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of nine district nurses, nine patients and four family carers. A further theoretical sample of five books of authors' accounts of their dying experiences and three district nurses who were advanced practitioners were selected. Five categories were identified in the data: 'outside world', 'dying world', 'entering dying world', 'maintaining connections' and the core category 'bridging worlds'. The theory of 'bridging worlds' indicated that dying patients experienced 'dying world' and 'outside world'. District nurses met dying patients' emotional needs by acting as a bridge between their two worlds, encouraging them to maintain connections with the outside world so that they did not become isolated in their dying world. District nurses should ensure that they meet both the physical and emotional needs of dying patients. Nursing education and literature need to concentrate on raising awareness of nurses' role in providing emotional support.

  13. De-tabooing dying control - a grounded theory study

    PubMed Central


    Background Dying is inescapable yet remains a neglected issue in modern health care. The research question in this study was “what is going on in the field of dying today?” What emerged was to eventually present a grounded theory of control of dying focusing specifically on how people react in relation to issues about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS). Methods Classic grounded theory was used to analyze interviews with 55 laypersons and health care professionals in North America and Europe, surveys on attitudes to PAS among physicians and the Swedish general public, and scientific literature, North American discussion forum websites, and news sites. Results Open awareness of the nature and timing of a patient’s death became common in health care during the 1960s in the Western world. Open dying awareness contexts can be seen as the start of a weakening of a taboo towards controlled dying called de-tabooing. The growth of the hospice movement and palliative care, but also the legalization of euthanasia and PAS in the Benelux countries, and PAS in Montana, Oregon and Washington further represents de-tabooing dying control. An attitude positioning between the taboo of dying control and a growing taboo against questioning patient autonomy and self-determination called de-paternalizing is another aspect of de-tabooing. When confronted with a taboo, people first react emotionally based on “gut feelings” - emotional positioning. This is followed by reasoning and label wrestling using euphemisms and dysphemisms - reflective positioning. Rarely is de-tabooing unconditional but enabled by stipulated positioning as in soft laws (palliative care guidelines) and hard laws (euthanasia/PAS legislation). From a global perspective three shapes of dying control emerge. First, suboptimal palliative care in closed awareness contexts seen in Asian, Islamic and Latin cultures, called closed dying. Second, palliative care and sedation therapy, but not euthanasia

  14. Doktor Johannes Häringshauser - Was seine Bücher über ihn erzählen.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feola, Vittoria


    Die Bibliothek des Dr. Johannes Häringshauser (1603-1642) weist ihren Besitzer als Arzt und Gelehrten mit großem geistigen Horizont aus. Hervorzuheben ist sein Interesse für Astronomie und Astrologie. Neben Werken, die unmittelbar mit seinen Studien in Wien und Padua und den Erfordernissen eines Arztes in Zusammenhang zu bringen sind (Klassiker der Heilkunde genauso wie aktuelle medizinische Publikationen), wird in seiner Büchersammlung eine reiche Palette an Themen abgedeckt: Theologie, Philosophie, Philologie, Politik, Geschichte und Länderkunde.

  15. Acting to let someone die.


    McGee, Andrew


    This paper examines the recent prominent view in medical ethics that withdrawing life-sustaining treatment (LST) is an act of killing. I trace this view to the rejection of the traditional claim that withdrawing LST is an omission rather than an act. Although that traditional claim is not as problematic as this recent prominent view suggests, my main claim is that even if we accepted that withdrawing LST should be classified as an act rather than as an omission, it could still be classified as letting die rather than killing. Even though omissions are contrasted with acts, letting die need not be, for one can let die by means of acts. The remainder of the paper is devoted to establishing this claim and addresses certain objections to it. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Computer aided system for parametric design of combination die

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Naranje, Vishal G.; Hussein, H. M. A.; Kumar, S.


    In this paper, a computer aided system for parametric design of combination dies is presented. The system is developed using knowledge based system technique of artificial intelligence. The system is capable to design combination dies for production of sheet metal parts having punching and cupping operations. The system is coded in Visual Basic and interfaced with AutoCAD software. The low cost of the proposed system will help die designers of small and medium scale sheet metal industries for design of combination dies for similar type of products. The proposed system is capable to reduce design time and efforts of die designers for design of combination dies.

  17. Big Biology: Supersizing Science During the Emergence of the 21st Century

    PubMed Central

    Vermeulen, Niki


    Ist Biologie das jüngste Mitglied in der Familie von Big Science? Die vermehrte Zusammenarbeit in der biologischen Forschung wurde in der Folge des Human Genome Project zwar zum Gegenstand hitziger Diskussionen, aber Debatten und Reflexionen blieben meist im Polemischen verhaftet und zeigten eine begrenzte Wertschätzung für die Vielfalt und Erklärungskraft des Konzepts von Big Science. Zur gleichen Zeit haben Wissenschafts- und Technikforscher/innen in ihren Beschreibungen des Wandels der Forschungslandschaft die Verwendung des Begriffs Big Science gemieden. Dieser interdisziplinäre Artikel kombiniert eine begriffliche Analyse des Konzepts von Big Science mit unterschiedlichen Daten und Ideen aus einer Multimethodenuntersuchung mehrerer großer Forschungsprojekte in der Biologie. Ziel ist es, ein empirisch fundiertes, nuanciertes und analytisch nützliches Verständnis von Big Biology zu entwickeln und die normativen Debatten mit ihren einfachen Dichotomien und rhetorischen Positionen hinter sich zu lassen. Zwar kann das Konzept von Big Science als eine Mode in der Wissenschaftspolitik gesehen werden – inzwischen vielleicht sogar als ein altmodisches Konzept –, doch lautet meine innovative Argumentation, dass dessen analytische Verwendung unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die Ausweitung der Zusammenarbeit in den Biowissenschaften lenkt. Die Analyse von Big Biology zeigt Unterschiede zu Big Physics und anderen Formen von Big Science, namentlich in den Mustern der Forschungsorganisation, der verwendeten Technologien und der gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhänge, in denen sie tätig ist. So können Reflexionen über Big Science, Big Biology und ihre Beziehungen zur Wissensproduktion die jüngsten Behauptungen über grundlegende Veränderungen in der Life Science-Forschung in einen historischen Kontext stellen. PMID:27215209



    Creutz, E.C.


    A die is presented for the extrusion of metals, said die being formed of a refractory complex oxide having the composition M/sub n/O/sub m/R/sub x/O/sub y/ where M is magnesium, zinc, manganese, or iron, R is aluminum, chromic chromium, ferric iron, or manganic manganese, and m, n, x, and y are whole numbers. Specific examples are spinel, magnesium aluminate, magnetite, magnesioferrite, chromite, and franklinite.

  19. Nichteisenmetalle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Weißbach, Wolfgang

    Geringere Vorkommen in z. T. armen Erzen und dadurch aufwändige Verhüttung führen gegenüber Stahl zu höheren Preisen für NE-Metalle. Ihr Einsatz ist notwendig, wenn besondere Eigenschaften gefordert werden, die Stähle nicht erbringen.

  20. A Contingency Framework for Listening to the Dying

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vora, Erika; Vora, Ariana


    Listening to the dying poses special challenges. This paper proposes a contingency framework for describing and assessing various circumstances when listening to the dying. It identifies current approaches to listening, applies the contingency framework toward effectively listening to the dying, and proposes a new type of listening called…

  1. Regional ontogeny of New England salt marsh die-off.


    Coverdale, Tyler C; Bertness, Mark D; Altieri, Andrew H


    Coastal areas are among the world's most productive and highly affected ecosystems. Centuries of human activity on coastlines have led to overexploitation of marine predators, which in turn has led to cascading ecosystem-level effects. Human effects and approaches to mediating them, however, differ regionally due to gradients in biotic and abiotic factors. Salt marsh die-off on Cape Cod, Massachusetts (U.S.A.), triggered by a recreational-fishing-induced trophic cascade that has released herbivorous crabs from predator control, has been ongoing since 1976. Similar salt marsh die-offs have been reported in Long Island Sound and Narragansett Bay (U.S.A.), but the driving mechanism of these die-offs has not been examined. We used field experiments to assess trophic interactions and historical reconstructions of 24 New England marshes to test the hypotheses that recreational fishing and predator depletion are a regional trigger of salt marsh die-off in New England and that die-offs in Long Island Sound and Narragansett Bay are more recent than those on Cape Cod. Predator depletion was the general trigger of marsh die-off and explained differences in herbivorous crab abundance and the severity of die-off across regions. Die-offs in Long Island Sound and Narragansett Bay are following a trajectory similar to die-off on Cape Cod, but are approximately 20 years behind those on Cape Cod. As a result, die-off currently affects 31.2% (SE 2.2) of low-marsh areas in Long Island Sound and Narragansett Bay, less than half the severity of die-off on Cape Cod. Our results contribute to the growing evidence that recreational fishing is an increasing threat to coastal ecosystems and that studying the effects of human activity at regional scales can provide insight into local effects and aid in early detection and potential remediation. © 2013 Society for Conservation Biology.

  2. A CBPR Partnership Increases HIV Testing among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM): Outcome Findings from a Pilot Test of the "CyBER/Testing" Internet Intervention

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rhodes, Scott D.; Vissman, Aaron T.; Stowers, Jason; Miller, Cindy; McCoy, Thomas P.; Hergenrather, Kenneth C.; Wilkin, Aimee M.; Reece, Michael; Bachmann, Laura H.; Ore, Addison; Ross, Michael W.; Hendrix, Ellen; Eng, Eugenia


    The Internet has emerged as an important tool for the delivery of health promotion and disease prevention interventions. Our community-based participatory research (CBPR) partnership developed and piloted "CyBER/testing", a culturally congruent intervention designed to promote HIV testing among men who have sex with men (MSM) within existing…

  3. 25 CFR 304.5 - Dies to identify tribe.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Dies to identify tribe. 304.5 Section 304.5 Indians INDIAN ARTS AND CRAFTS BOARD, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NAVAJO, PUEBLO, AND HOPI SILVER, USE OF GOVERNMENT MARK § 304.5 Dies to identify tribe. Dies are marked with name of tribe. A Navajo stamp will be...

  4. 25 CFR 304.5 - Dies to identify tribe.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Dies to identify tribe. 304.5 Section 304.5 Indians INDIAN ARTS AND CRAFTS BOARD, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NAVAJO, PUEBLO, AND HOPI SILVER, USE OF GOVERNMENT MARK § 304.5 Dies to identify tribe. Dies are marked with name of tribe. A Navajo stamp will be...

  5. 25 CFR 304.5 - Dies to identify tribe.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Dies to identify tribe. 304.5 Section 304.5 Indians INDIAN ARTS AND CRAFTS BOARD, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NAVAJO, PUEBLO, AND HOPI SILVER, USE OF GOVERNMENT MARK § 304.5 Dies to identify tribe. Dies are marked with name of tribe. A Navajo stamp will be...

  6. 25 CFR 304.5 - Dies to identify tribe.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Dies to identify tribe. 304.5 Section 304.5 Indians INDIAN ARTS AND CRAFTS BOARD, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NAVAJO, PUEBLO, AND HOPI SILVER, USE OF GOVERNMENT MARK § 304.5 Dies to identify tribe. Dies are marked with name of tribe. A Navajo stamp will be...

  7. Normung (Standardisierung)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kostmann, Dirk

    Normung ist aus dem täglichen Leben nicht wegzudenken. In allen Bereichen des Lebens begegnet man Normen, die Aktivitäten reichen von Festlegungen für Kindersitze im Auto über Implantate zum Gelenkersatz bis zu Schraubengrößen oder Verfahren zur Optimierung von Unternehmen.

  8. Assisted dying - should the UK change its stance?


    Gordon, Daniel; Raphael, Claire E; Vassiliou, Vassilios


    Along with an increasing interest in assisted dying by many European and North American countries, some of which have already modified their existing laws to accommodate this, the interest in assisted dying in the UK has increased once again following Lord Falconer's Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill. Drawing on examples from countries where similar assisted dying laws are already in place, this article analyses and contextualises the proposed bill and discusses its potential pitfalls and benefits for the UK. © The European Society of Cardiology 2015 Reprints and permissions:

  9. Meditations on the unitary rhythm of dying-grieving.


    Malinski, Violet M


    When someone faces loss of a loved one, that person simultaneously grieves and dies a little, just as the one dying also grieves. The author's personal conceptualization of dying and grieving as a unitary rhythm is explored based primarily on her interpretation of Rogers' science of unitary human beings, along with selected examples from related nursing literature and from the emerging focus on continuing bonds in other disciplines. Examples from contemporary songwriters that depict such a unitary conceptualization are given along with personal examples. The author concludes with her description of the unitary rhythm of dying-grieving.

  10. Will the UK Supreme Court allow assisted dying?


    Griffith, Richard

    MPs overwhelmingly voted against passing the Assisted Dying Bill into law in September 2015. The Bill was defeated by a majority of 212, despite the heartfelt pleas of many MPs to pass it into law. The size of the defeat means that it is unlikely that Parliament will consider a similar law for many years. Yet many considered the Bill their last opportunity to make assisted dying lawful. There is, however, one further possible way assisted dying could become lawful in the UK--and that would be where the Supreme Court allowed it. In this article, the author reviews the Supreme Court's decision in R (on the application of Nicklinson v Ministry of Justice [2014] and considers how likely it is that the Supreme Court will now sanction assisted dying following Parliament's refusal to enact an assisted dying law.

  11. Portable punch and die jig


    Lewandowski, Edward F.; Anderson, Petrus A.


    A portable punch and die jig includes a U-shaped jig of predetermined width having a slot of predetermined width in the base thereof extending completely across the width of the jig adapted to fit over the walls of rectangular tubes and a punch and die assembly disposed in a hole extending through the base of the jig communicating with the slot in the base of the jig for punching a hole in the walls of the rectangular tubes at precisely determined locations.

  12. Improvement of Die Corner Filling in Box-shape Stepped Tubes Hydroforming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hosseini-Farrash, S. H.; Elyasi, M.; Bakhshi-Jooybari, M.; Gorji, A.


    A new die design to improve the die corner filling in the hydroforming of square-sectional stepped tubes is presented. The proposed die-set contains two additional bushes, compared to the common tube hydroforming dies. First, the tube is placed into the die, filled with liquid, and sealed with the punches. Then, by increasing the internal pressure, the tube is bulged and contacts the die walls (bulging stage). By maintaining the internal pressure, the two upper and lower bushes move until the die cavity is filled completely (calibration stage). The proposed die was simulated and the results show that sharp corners of the part and relatively complete filling of the die cavity can be obtained by using this die set. In order to verify the results, some experiments have been carried out. The experimental results verified the results obtained from the simulations. The thickness distribution of the part is also investigated and it is shown that fairly uniform thickness distribution can be obtained by using the proposed die set.

  13. Optimization of Composition and Heat Treating of Die Steels for Extended Lifetime

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    David Schwam; John F. Wallace; Quanyou Zhou


    An ''average'' die casting die costs fifty thousand dollars. A die used in making die cast aluminum engine blocks can cost well over one million dollars. These costs provide a strong incentive for extension of die life. While vacuum quenched Premium Grade H13 dies have become the most widely used in the United States, tool makers and die casters are constantly searching for new steels and heat treating procedures to extend die life. This project was undertaken to investigate the effects of composition and heat treating on die life and optimize these parameters.

  14. Einsatz molekularer Methoden für Starterkulturen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ehrmann, Matthias A.; Pavlovic, Melanie

    Unter Starterkulturen versteht man Mikroorganismen (Bakterien, Hefen, Pilze), die pflanzlichen bzw. tierischen Rohstoffen zur gezielten Veränderung ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung zugesetzt werden. Sie dienen im Wesentlichen der Aromabildung, der Strukturveränderung und der Konservierung der Lebensmittel und werden aufgrund spezieller, funktioneller Eigenschaften selektiert. Die Zugabe von Starterkulturen erfolgt in der Regel in relativ hohen Keimzahlen in Form von Rein- oder Mischkulturen. Die zum Einsatz kommenden Mikroorganismen sind ebenso zahlreich wie die daraus resultierenden Produkte und reichen von der Fermentation von Milchprodukten, Fleisch und Gemüse durch Milchsäurebakterien über die Essigsäureherstellung bis hin zum Einsatz von Hefen in der Brau- und Weinindustrie. Hieraus ergibt sich auch eine zunehmende Bedeutung schneller und zuverlässiger Methoden zur taxonomischen Identifizierung, aber auch zur Charakterisierung des genetischen Potenzials der jeweiligen Starterkulturen.

  15. Intelligente Messsysteme - Mehrwert für unterschiedliche Stufen der Wertschöpfung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Deppe, Benjamin

    Die Veränderung der Energiewirtschaft schreitet kontinuierlich voran - und wird mit Gesetz zur Digitalisierung der Energiewende nicht abgeschlossen sein. Vielmehr steigen die Innovationsgeschwindigkeit und die Erwartungshaltung der Kunden. Dieses Kapitel beschreibt, wie intelligente Messsysteme die Basis für neue Möglichkeiten schaffen und wie sich diese Veränderungen auf die Wertschöpfung auswirken. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Wandel der einzelnen Wertschöpfungsstufen im Verlauf der Liberalisierung des Messwesens und dem seit dem 02.09.2016 verbindlichen Messstellenbetriebsgesetzes. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, wie sich bisher getrennte Wertschöpfungsstufen nunmehr direkt berühren und miteinander interagieren. Deutlich wird dadurch, wie Informationen zu Mehrwert führen können - aber auch, welche Fragen noch zu beantworten sind und welche Hürden es zu überwinden gilt.

  16. Zufällige Signale

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Die hier betrachteten Signale werden auch als stochastische Signale bezeichnet. Sie sind zufällig, d. h. ihr Augenblickswert ist nicht vorhersagbar. Abb. 118.1 zeigt eine Unterteilung nach den Signaleigenschaften. Über die nichtstationären Signale lässt sich keinerlei Aussage machen, und sie werden hier deshalb auch nicht weiter betrachtet. Für die stationären Signale gilt, dass ihr Momentanwert zwar auch nicht vorhergesagt werden kann, dass sie aber trotzdem gewisse auswertbare Eigenschaften besitzen, die allerdings statistischer Art sind und deshalb nur mit den Gesetzen der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie erfasst werden können. Zwar sind - theoretisch - für die Anwendung der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie unendlich viele Probenwerte zu nehmen, in der Praxis hat sich aber gezeigt, dass man auch mit einer endlichen Anzahl dem gesuchten Wert schon ausreichend nahe kommen kann.

  17. Schreibende Messgeräte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Die schreibenden Messgeräte werden hauptsächlich eingesetzt, um Vorgänge aufzuzeichnen und zu dokumentieren, die sich im Minuten- und Stunden-Bereich abspielen. Sie sind weitgehend durch Oszilloskope oder elektronische Geräte ähnlich einem Oszilloskop ersetzt worden, die entsprechend für Langzeitaufnahmen ausgelegt sind. Der Vorteil dieser Geräte gegenüber den schreibenden Messgeräten ist der, dass die Daten dauerhaft gespeichert sind, einschließlich der notwendigen Kenngrößen wie Zeitmaßstab, Amplitude, Datum, Aufzeichnungsgerät usw., und sich in dieser Form beliebig oft ausdrucken und vor allem direkt weiterverarbeiten lassen. Weiterhin entfallen die Probleme mit der Mechanik, dem Papier und den Schreibstiften. Deshalb folgt hier eine nur kurze Darstellung der Geräte.

  18. Dying in the age of choice.


    Black, Kathy; Csikai, Ellen L


    Due to the unprecedented increase in the United States aging demographics, many more people are living longer and reaching older ages than ever before. However, a longer life is not necessarily a better life, as the vast majority will face a period of prolonged deteriorating health prior to death. Although notable efforts have been underway that are designed to improve the end-of-life experience, increasing numbers of individuals express a desire and/or act upon an intent to end their lives precipitously. Though still limited, the options to actively participate in their own deaths are growing. Requests for a hastened death can occur among people of all ages and includes those with advanced illness as well as others wanting to die due to unbearable suffering. This article provides an overview of the ongoing discourse about the experience of dying faced by many older adults, including aspects frequently associated with "a good death." The limitations of established practices which seek to provide a "better" dying experience are identified followed by discussion of the growing availability of alternative options. Reflective considerations are presented to guide practice vis-à-vis the changing landscape surrounding options in dying.

  19. BER analysis of SS-WDM based FSO system for Vellore weather conditions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Prabu, K.; Charanya, S.; Jain, Mehul; Guha, Debapriya


    Spectrum Slicing Wavelength Division Multiplexing (SS-WDM) has been advanced to boost the long distance communication in FSO channel which assists immense bit rate due to its high capacity and efficiency. It is a substitute to WDM systems having multiple coherent lasers with different wavelengths which is expensive. This paper is subjected to investigate the characteristics and quality of communication links of data rate 1.56 GB/s and wavelength of 1550 nm. The SS-WDM technique has been inspected for 4, 8 and 16 channels to increase the performance of communication under various weather conditions. The proposed model is susceptible to system degradation due to turbulences where wind velocity, refractive index and height of buildings have been majorly focused. A case study has been experimented on how the height of buildings around VIT, Vellore campus interfere the transmission of light in free space. Based on the above study, the results shows that the benefits of spectrum slicing wavelength division multiplexing (SS-WDM) have been worked up on for the climatic conditions which enhance performance of system. Moreover, the graphs plotted against bit error rate (BER), attenuation and distance makes the analysis better which highlights the characteristic features of SS-WDM.

  20. Der neue Kosmos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Unsöld, Albrecht; Baschek, Bodo

    Astronomie, Astrophysik und Weltraumforschung haben innerhalb weniger Jahrzehnte eine geradezu explosive Entwicklung genommen. Die neuen Beobachtungsmöglichkeiten durch die Raumfahrt, die Entwicklung hochempfindlicher Lichtdetektoren und der Einsatz leistungsstarker Computer haben uns neuartige Aspekte in der faszinierenden Welt der Galaxien und Quasare, der Sterne und Planeten erschlossen. Nachdem die dritte Auflage vergriffen ist, trägt die vorliegende vierte, völlig neubearbeitete Auflage des NEUEN KOSMOS dieser stürmischen Entwicklung Rechnung. In überschaubarem Umfang wird - bei bescheidenen Ansprüchen an die mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Vorbildung des Lesers - eine zusammenhängende Einführung in das Gesamtgebiet der Astronomie und Astrophysik gegeben, welche die Beobachtungen und die Grundgedanken ihrer theoretischen Deutung in gleicher Weise berücksichtigt. Auch in seiner neuen Gestalt wird der NEUE KOSMOS den Studenten und Forschern in Bereichen der Astronomie, Physik und Geowissenschaften sowie einem weiten Kreis ernsthaft interessierter Amateure viel Neues und viel Freude bringen.

  1. Darwin als Sehhilfe für die Psychologie - Evolutionspsychologie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schwab, Frank

    Im Folgenden geht es um Einäugige, stereoskopisches Sehen, weite und enge Horizonte, Monokel und Sonnenbrillen. Der Beitrag versucht die Metapher des Sehens und der Sehhilfen anzuwenden, um so zu verdeutlichen, welchen Gewinn die herkömmliche Psychologie durch die Verwendung einer Darwin'schen Brille erlangen kann.

  2. Low Temperature Consolidation of Micro/Nanosilver Die-Attach Preforms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McCoppin, Jared; Reitz, Thomas L.; Miller, Ryan; Vijwani, Hema; Mukhopadhyay, Sharmila; Young, Daniel


    Organically passivated silver nanopowder paste-based sintering is considered a promising solution for die-attach in high temperature power and sensing electronic devices. However, oxygen requirements during burnout and inherently high shrinkage rates limit their use to small die sizes. This work reports an alternative fabrication method that resolves decomposition and shrinkage issues of the die-attach by utilizing a prestressed optimized tape cast mixture of micro- and nanosilver particles with a polypropylene carbonate binder. The effects of prestressing, micro/nanosilver bimodal distribution, and polymer content on resulting microstructure and shear strength were investigated. Prior to application as a die-attach, uniaxial compression of the tape was found to significantly decrease shrinkage and improve green strength. This pre-stressing strategy allows for a decoupling of the resulting die-attach materials properties from the pressure applied during assembly. Bimodal mixtures consisting of 1-3 μm spherical powders with nanosilver resulted in shear strengths comparable to those of pure nanosilver. Shear strength decreased as bimodal particle size increased above 5 μm. A polymer content of ˜10 wt.% polypropylene carbonate combined with prestressing was identified as optimal for maximizing die-attach shear strength while still maintaining pliability and formability. Tape casts that were prestressed to 212 MPa by uniaxially compression and formulated with 10 wt.% of polypropylene carbonate resulted in a die-attach material with a shear strength of 54 MPa when sintered. These materials were used to demonstrate void-free 25-mm2 die-attach assemblies, suggesting that tape cast micro/nanosilver materials may be a promising die-attach method for high temperature and large-area electronics devices.

  3. Digitalisierung und Energie 4.0 - Wie schaffen wir die digitale Energiewende?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Irlbeck, Maximilian

    Die digitale Energiewende verändert nachhaltig die Systeme der "alten" Energiewelt. Ein Zusammenwachsen verschiedener Domänen im Energiesystem, die durch digitale Technologie möglich wird, birgt enorme Herausforderungen, ist aber notwendig, um die Energiewende und ihre Ziele zu meistern. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Wirkung der Digitalisierung auf das Energiesystem, listet Charakteristika der digitalen Energiewende auf und schildert für verschiedene Domänen mögliche Zielvorstellungen, die durch digitale Technologie umsetzbar sind. Am Ende erläutert der Beitrag Handlungsschritte, die auf dem Weg zu einem erneuerbaren Energiesystem gegangen werden sollten und zeigt Probleme und Risiken einer Fehlentwicklung auf.

  4. Rückwärtsintegration - Zu den Verhältnissen Gymnasium, Hochschule und Arbeitswelt

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schmid, Gerhard; Heppner, Winfried; Focht, Eva

    In seiner 2007 erschienen Sammlung von Vorträgen und Essays beschäftigt sich Wolfgang Frühwald, mit der Frage "Wieviel Wissen brauchen wir?“ [1] Die Kernproblematik moderner Wissenschaft und Forschung sieht der Autor, emeritierter Ordinarius für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft und von 1992 bis 1997 Präsident der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, einerseits in der zunehmenden Spezialisierung der Wissenschaftsbereiche, andererseits in der Gefahr der Abkoppelung der Naturwissenschaften von den Geisteswissenschaften. Wiederholt plädiert er dafür, über der rasanten Entwicklung beispielsweise in der Biologie und Physik, die historische, gesellschaftliche und besonders die ethische Dimension der Forschung nicht zu übersehen und fordert eine übergeordnete Theorie der Wissenschaft, die nur im Dialog zwischen den einzelnen Fachgebieten zu entwickeln sei.

  5. Killing, letting die and euthanasia.

    PubMed Central

    Husak, D N


    Medical ethicists debate whether or not the moral assessment of cases of euthanasia should depend on whether the patient is 'killed' or 'allowed to die'. The usual presupposition is that a clear distinction between killing and letting die can be drawn so that this substantive question is not begged. I contend that the categorisation of cases of instances of killing rather than as instances of letting die depends in part on a prior moral assessment of the case. Hence is it trivially rather than substantively true that the distinction has moral significance. But even if a morally neutral (ie non-question begging) distinction could be drawn, its application to the euthanasia controversy is problematic. I illustrate the difficulties of employing this distinction to reach moral conclusions by critically discussing Philippa Foot's recent treatment of euthanasia. I conclude that even if an act of euthanasia is an instance of killing, and there exists a prima facie moral duty not to kill, and no more stringent duty overrides this duty, one still cannot determine such an act to be morally impermissible. PMID:541821

  6. Killing, letting die and euthanasia.


    Husak, D N


    Medical ethicists debate whether or not the moral assessment of cases of euthanasia should depend on whether the patient is 'killed' or 'allowed to die'. The usual presupposition is that a clear distinction between killing and letting die can be drawn so that this substantive question is not begged. I contend that the categorisation of cases of instances of killing rather than as instances of letting die depends in part on a prior moral assessment of the case. Hence is it trivially rather than substantively true that the distinction has moral significance. But even if a morally neutral (ie non-question begging) distinction could be drawn, its application to the euthanasia controversy is problematic. I illustrate the difficulties of employing this distinction to reach moral conclusions by critically discussing Philippa Foot's recent treatment of euthanasia. I conclude that even if an act of euthanasia is an instance of killing, and there exists a prima facie moral duty not to kill, and no more stringent duty overrides this duty, one still cannot determine such an act to be morally impermissible.

  7. Investigation of Structure of Gd and Tb Nuclei using STARS and LiBerACE

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonniwell, Cain; Pauerstein, Ben; Allmond, J. M.; Beausang, C. W.


    This experiment, performed at Livermore Berkeley National Lab as a collaboration of Livermore, Berkeley, and the University of Richmond, was designed to investigate the structure of gadolinium and terbium nuclei using the P + 156Gd reaction at E beam = 27 MeV. The experimental design included use of the STARS system for detecting charged particles as well as the LiBerACE clover array for detecting gamma rays. The master gate was set to record particle-gamma as well as gamma-gamma coincidences. The data is currently being analyzed using the RADWARE escl8r software package which has allowed the creation of extensive level schemes for several Gd and Tb nuclei. So far the data suggests new gamma ray transitions as well as new energy states in 154Gd and 155Tb. The project is ongoing, and the results will be presented. This work was supported by the US Department of Energy under grant numbers DE-FG52NA26206 and DE-FG02-05ER41379.

  8. Death and Dying: Issues for Educational Gerontologists.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wass, Hannelore, Myers, Jane E.


    Reviews research on death orientations, the dying process, and bereavement, with a major focus on the elderly. Suggests that relevant knowledge about death and dying are important for gerontological practitioners and proposes that death-related content be systematically integrated into academic curricula at the preservice and inservice levels.…

  9. Kundenfokus: Startpunkt für die digitale Transformation bei Stadtwerken

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fett, Perry; Küller, Philipp

    Big Data, Internet der Dinge, Mobile Computing und soziale Medien - die modernen Informationstechnologien durchdringen den Alltag der meisten Menschen und lösen hierdurch eine digitale Transformation aus. Im Unternehmenskontext manifestiert sich die Digitalisierung durch eine neue Qualität der wissensbasierten Entscheidungsunterstützung und der Automatisierung bzw. Autonomisierung der Geschäftsprozesse. Für Stadtwerke gilt es nun, die Chancen der Digitalisierung zu ihren Gunsten zu nutzen. Ein Startpunkt könnte hierbei sein, wie Stadtwerke zukünftig mit ihren Kunden interagieren. Ausgelöst durch die Liberalisierung der Märkte rückt der Kunde heute stärker in den Mittelpunkt - die Energiewirtschaft steht nun vor der Herausforderung, dem Wettbewerb einen Schritt voraus zu sein und dem Kunden ein absolut positives Kundenerlebnis (Customer Experience) sowohl als Maßnahme zur Kundenbindung als auch zum Kundenaufbau zu bieten. Das vorliegende Kapitel zeigt hierfür die Erfolgskriterien für die gelungene Etablierung des Kundenfokus im eigenen Unternehmen auf. Mit dem Customer-Focus-Cycle-Modell von Fujitsu, angelehnt an den Deming-Kreislauf, wird ein allgemeingültiger Ansatz für ein mögliches Vorgehen beim Aufbau des Kundenfokus vorgestellt. Die sechs Phasen werden dabei anhand praktischer Beispiele erläutert und geben zudem Hinweise zu Methoden und Tools. Aus dem vorgestellten "Werkzeugkasten" wird ferner die Customer-Journey-Methode im Detail erläutert. Weiter soll das präsentierte Reifegradmodell Unternehmen dabei unterstützen, den eigenen Status quo festzustellen und die persönlichen Ziele auf dem Weg zur kundenzentrierten Organisation festzulegen.

  10. Why do older people oppose physician-assisted dying? A qualitative study.


    Malpas, Phillipa J; Wilson, Maria K R; Rae, Nicola; Johnson, Malcolm


    Physician-assisted dying at the end of life has become a significant issue of public discussion. While legally available in a number of countries and jurisdictions, it remains controversial and illegal in New Zealand. The study aimed to explore the reasons some healthy older New Zealanders oppose physician-assisted dying in order to inform current debate. Recorded interviews were transcribed and analysed by the authors after some edits had been made by respondents. In all, 11 older participants (over 65 years) who responded to advertisements placed in Grey Power magazines and a University of Auckland email list were interviewed for around 1 h and asked a number of open-ended questions. Four central themes opposing physician-assisted dying were identified from the interviews: one's personal experience with health care and dying and death, religious reasoning and beliefs, slippery slope worries and concern about potential abuses if physician-assisted dying were legalised. An important finding of the study suggests that how some older individuals think about physician-assisted dying is strongly influenced by their past experiences of dying and death. While some participants had witnessed good, well-managed dying and death experiences which confirmed for them the view that physician-assisted dying was unnecessary, those who had witnessed poor dying and death experiences opposed physician-assisted dying on the grounds that such practices could come to be abused by others.

  11. Death and help expected from nurses when dying.


    Shih, Fu-Jin; Gau, Meei-Ling; Lin, Yaw-Sheng; Pong, Suang-Jing; Lin, Hung-Ru


    This project was undertaken to ascertain the perceptions of a group of Taiwan's fourth-year bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) students regarding death and help expected from nurses during the dying process. Within the Chinese culture, death is one of the most important life issues. However, in many Chinese societies it is difficult for people to reveal their deepest feelings to their significant others or loved ones. It was in this context that this project was developed because little is known about how Taiwan's nursing students perceive death and the dying process. Using an open-ended, self-report questionnaire, 110 senior BSN students recorded their thoughts on: (1) their fears before physical death; (2) afterlife destinations; and (3) the help they would expect from nurses when dying. The data were analyzed using a three-layer qualitative thematic analysis. The students' reported needs during the dying process were directed towards three main goals: (1) help in reaching the 'triple targets of individual life'; (2) help in facilitating in-depth support so that both the dying person and significant others can experience a blessed farewell; and (3) help in reaching a destination in the afterlife. The results support the belief of dying as a transition occurring when life weans itself from the mortal world and prepares for an afterlife.

  12. Cascaded die mountings with spring-loaded contact-bond options


    Hsu, John S.; Adams, Donald J.; Su, Gui-Jia; Marlino, Laura D.; Ayers, Curtis W.; Coomer, Chester


    A cascaded die mounting device and method using spring contacts for die attachment, with or without metallic bonds between the contacts and the dies, is disclosed. One embodiment is for the direct refrigerant cooling of an inverter/converter carrying higher power levels than most of the low power circuits previously taught, and does not require using a heat sink.

  13. Machining of Silicon-Ribbon-Forming Dies

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Menna, A. A.


    Carbon extension for dies used in forming silicon ribbon crystals machined precisely with help of special tool. Die extension has edges beveled toward narrow flats at top, with slot precisely oriented and centered between flats and bevels. Cutting tool assembled from standard angle cutter and circular saw or saws. Angle cutters cuts bevels while slot saw cuts slot between them. In alternative version, custom-ground edges or additional circular saws also cut flats simultaneously.

  14. 25 CFR 301.3 - Specifications of dies.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Specifications of dies. 301.3 Section 301.3 Indians INDIAN ARTS AND CRAFTS BOARD, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NAVAJO, PUEBLO, AND HOPI SILVER AND TURQUOISE... more mechanical than hand tools and vise. Dies shall contain only a single element of the design. ...

  15. Sternbilder und ihre Mythen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fasching, Gerhard

    Die Sternbilder, die seit alters her die Menschen in ihren Bann gezogen haben, und die damit verbundenen Mythen werden in zweifacher Weise vorgestellt. Erstens ist es die Absicht, dem Leser zu helfen, sich am Sternenhimmel zurechtzufinden, und zweitens will es ihm die Vielfalt der Bilder vermitteln, die damit verbunden sind. Am Anfang des Buches stehen die prächtigen Erzählungen aus Ovids Metamorphosen. Dann ist vom Sternenhimmel im Jahreskreis die Rede, um den Leser anzuregen, diesen fast unendlichen Bilderreichtum sich selbst durch eigene Beobachtungen zu erschließen. Ein umfangreicher Abschnitt behandelt die einzelnen Sternbilder und das hierzu überlieferte Wissen. Sternkarten und alte Kupferstiche aus dem Bestand der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek zeigen, wie man sich in früheren Jahrhunderten den Sternenhimmel vorgestellt hat. Sternsagen und Mythen werden erzählt und auch das ptolemäische und das kopernikanische Weltsystem werden einander gegenübergestellt. Ausführliche Sachverzeichnisse mit über 3000 Suchbegriffen erleichtern den Zugang zu Stern- und Sternbildnamen und zur Mythologie.

  16. Vom Big Business zum Smart Business in der Energiewirtschaft

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Klaus, Jürgen; Anthonijsz, Jos

    Kaum eine Branche hat in den letzten zehn Jahren einen tiefgreifenderen Wandel erfahren als die Energiewirtschaft. Einstmals geprägt durch Großkonzerne, die flächendeckend alle Formen von Energiedienstleistungen erbracht haben, stellt sich heute eine gänzlich veränderte Landschaft dar. Nicht nur das es heute eine Vielzahl von Erzeugern gibt, die zunehmend dezentral aufgestellt sind, auch die klassischen Marktrollen wechseln: Erzeuger werden zu Händlern, Verbraucher werden zu Erzeugern. Darüber hinaus drängen heute neue, vormals branchenfremde, Marktteilnehmer in die Energiewirtschaft. Leicht nachzuvollziehen, dass es eine neue Art der Kommunikation braucht. Ziel ist alle Akteure zu vernetzen, um so neuartige Geschäftsmodelle zu ermöglichen. Das Internet of Things (IoT) und die Serviceplattformen bieten hierzu die geeignete Grundlage und Lösungen für neue und zukünftige Prozesse in der Energiebranche. Hierbei stehen auch Themen, wie Big Data, Datenformate, Datennutzung und -sicherheit im Fokus.

  17. Einstellung und Wissen von Lehramtsstudierenden zur Evolution - ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Graf, Dittmar; Soran, Haluk

    Es wird eine Untersuchung vorgestellt, in der Wissen und Überzeugungen von Lehramtsstudierenden aller Fächer zum Thema Evolution an zwei Universitäten in Deutschland und der Türkei erhoben worden sind. Die Befragung wurde in Dortmund und in Ankara durchgeführt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass ausgeprägte Defizite im Verständnis der Evolutionsmechanismen herrschen. Viele Studierende, insbesondere aus der Türkei, sind nicht von der Faktizität der Evolution überzeugt. Dies gilt sowohl für Studierende mit Fach Biologie als auch für Studierende mit anderen Fächern. Näher untersucht worden sind die Faktoren, die die Überzeugungen zur Evolution beeinflussen können, was ja in Anbetracht der hohen Ablehnungsrate der Evolution von besonderem Interesse ist. Das Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle: Wer der Wissenschaft vertraut, ist auch eher von der Evolution überzeugt, als diejenigen, die skeptisch gegenüber der Wissenschaft sind.

  18. A Hollow Extrusion Die for Big Square Tube Profiles of Al-alloy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huang, Xuemei; Deng, Rurong


    The factors on premature failure of the traditional extrusion die for the big square tube profiles were introduced. And the characteristics of the conventional structure were analyzed. A new type of hollow die structure for these profiles was presented. And the composition elements of the new die structure were described, including its advantages. According to the comparison conventional with new die structure in use, it was shown that the new die structure has obvious advantages, it could greatly improve the die life. This is a type of die structure which is worth promoting.

  19. Von eingebetteten Systemen zu Cyber-Physical Systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wedde, Rorst F.; Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Rehtanz, Christian; Krause, Olav

    Das Hauptanliegen des Papiers ist, ein Paradigma für Probleme mit neuartigen Integrationsanforderungen für Forschung und Entwicklung in verteilten eingebetteten Echtzeitsystemen zu motivieren und vorzustellen, nämlich den Begriff Cyber-Physical Systems. Bei einer in letzter Zeit stark zunehmenden Anzahl von Realzeitanwendungen können ohne die Berücksichtigung solcher Forderungen keine praktisch brauchbaren Lösungen erwartet werden. Einige Anwendungsfelder werden angesprochen. Im Einzelnen werden dann für Elektroautos, die mit erneuerbaren Energien betrieben werden sollen, einerseits die Management-, verteilte Verhandlungs- und Verteilungsprobleme der benötigten Energie in einem bottom-up Ansatz gelöst. Andererseits wird als Teil unserer Projektarbeit die Bereitstellung von Reserveenergie für den allgemeinen Bedarf durch Autobatterien vorgestellt. Es zeigt sich, dass dies effizienter und wesentlich kurzfristiger in unserem verteilten Vorgehen geschehen kann als in traditionellen Verfahren.

  20. Margin adaptation of indirect composite inlays fabricated on flexible dies.


    Price, R B; Gerrow, J D


    Indirect composite restorations can be made in 1 appointment using a flexible die. Interactions between different impression materials and flexible die materials may affect the accuracy of fit and margin adaptation of the restoration. This study compared the margin adaptation of composite inlays made using the following 5 impression/flexible die material combinations; condensation silicone/polyvinyl siloxane (CS/PVS), wash viscosity polyvinyl siloxane/medium or heavy viscosity polyvinyl siloxane (PVS/PVS), irreversible hydrocolloid impression/medium viscosity polyvinyl siloxane (IH/PVS), wash viscosity polyvinyl siloxane impression/polyether (PVS/PE), with composite inlays made using a control system of a wash viscosity polyvinyl siloxane impression and a type IV stone die. For each test and control system, 10 impressions were made of a class II composite inlay preparation in a metal master die. One die was made from each impression and one composite inlay was made and finished on each die (a total of 60 inlays). Inlays were placed on the master die and the margin opening at the buccal, distal, and gingival sites was recorded with a measuring microscope (x40 magnification). The overall mean +/- SD margin openings of inlays made from the systems were as follows: PVS wash/PVS heavy viscosity 149.5 +/- 107. 4 microm; PVS wash/PVS medium viscosity 87.4 +/- 63.0 microm; IH/PVS medium viscosity 76.7 +/- 48.9 microm; CS/PVS 73.3 +/- 48.7 microm, PVS wash viscosity/PE 64.0 +/- 44.3 microm, PVS wash viscosity/stone 53.9 +/- 48.3 microm. Composite inlays made using the PVS wash viscosity/PVS heavy viscosity system had significantly larger distal, gingival, and overall mean margin openings than all other inlays (ANOVA and Fisher PLSD test; P =.05). The separating medium required between some impression and die materials did not work consistently. Composite inlays fabricated on dies made of material different than the impression material had mean buccal, distal, gingival, and

  1. [End-of-life-care and euthanasia: medical assistance in dying or help to die].


    Müller-Busch, H Christof


    The debate on euthanasia that has been started all over Europe, but especially in Germany has been particularly complicated by unclear and inconsistent definitions. Medical decisions in end-of-life care gain increasing importance not only for the time of death but also for the kind and quality of the dying process. Though legal regulations can help to diminish doubts about the permissibility of various measures in end-of-life care, teaching and knowledge of ethical principles, communication skills, respect, transparency and knowledge of palliative care options seem to be the most important factors in accompanying the dying professionally and with dignity and even in achieving a consented compromise when aid in hastening death is asked for.

  2. Student Nurses' Perception of Death and Dying

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Niederriter, Joan E.


    Student nurses are involved in caring for patients who are actively dying or who have been told they have a terminal illness and are faced with the process of dying. Students encounter these patients in hospitals, nursing homes, at home or in hospice care settings. According to Robinson (2004), "nurses are the healthcare providers that are most…

  3. The Right To Die. Public Talk Series.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pasquerella, Lynn

    This program guide on the right to die provides policy issue information where ethical concerns have a prominent place. Three positions about the right to die are presented: (1) mercy killing and assisted suicide should be legally permitted in certain cases; (2) legal status should be given to living wills and other advance directives that would…

  4. Analysis and modeling of hot extrusion die for its service life enhancement

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Akhtar, Syed Sohail

    Aluminum extrusion finds extensive application in the construction, automobile and aerospace industries. High pressures, elevated temperatures, complex and intricate section geometries lead to repeated mechanical and thermal stresses in the die and affiliated tooling. Product rework and rejects can be traced back to various defects spread over the die life cycle: die design, die manufacture and heat treatment, process parameters, inprocess die maintenance/correction and, billet type and quality. Therefore, improved and efficient service life of die and related tooling used in the extrusion press is one the most important factors in maximizing productivity and minimizing cost for ensuring the economical efficiency of an aluminum extrusion plant. How often a die has to be scrapped and replaced with a new one directly contributes to the commercial viability of producing a certain profile. The focus of the current work is on three distinct yet inter-related studies pertaining to the improvement of aluminum extrusion die. Study-A (Die Failure Analysis) is an investigation of various modes and critical failure types based on industrial data (Chapter-2 ), examination of failed dies and finite element simulation for identification of critical process parameters and design features in die fatigue-life (Chapter-3). In Study-B (Die Surface Hardening Treatment), two-stage controlled gas nitriding process for H13 steel is evaluated, both experimentally and numerically, in terms of nitrided case morphology and properties (Chapter-4) followed by experimental and numerical investigation of the effects of repeated nitriding (Chapter-5), pre-nitriding surface preparation (Chapter-6) and die profile geometry (Chapter-7) on nitriding performance in regard to die service life. In Study-C (Effect of Billet Quality on Die Life), the effect of billet quality and related influencing extrusion parameters on the die service life is investigated based on industrial data and some regression

  5. [Dying with cancer: Hollywood lessons].


    Niemeyer, Fernanda; Kruse, Maria Henriqueta Luce


    The study attempts to understand how dying from cancer is portrayed by five movies produced in Hollywood between 1993 and 2006. Based on the cultural studies and their post-structuralism version and supported by the notions of discourse and subjectivity, as proposed by philosopher Michel Foucault, we suggest one of the possible readings of the movie picture corpus. We assess how the movie picture discourse acts as a cultural pedagogy that produces ways of seeing dying with cancer: immortalizing the healthy body image, silencing death, taking care of the dead body and, finally, accepting death. Our proposal is intended to stimulate reflections that may contribute to care and education in nursing.

  6. Tool & Die Technician.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Center on Education and Training for Employment.

    This document contains 23 units to consider for use in a tech prep competency profile for the occupation of tool and die technician. All the units listed will not necessarily apply to every situation or tech prep consortium, nor will all the competencies within each unit be appropriate. Several units appear within each specific occupation and…

  7. Dying to Play.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Miller, John K.


    In August 1995, a young football player died as a result of heat exhaustion suffered on the first day of football practice in Arkansas. Spurred by this tragedy, the district made some changes that every school district with an athletic program should consider. These include using a heat-stress monitor; abandoning the practice of group physical…

  8. Antibakterielle In-vitro-Wirksamkeit ätherischer Öle gegen veterinärmedizinisch relevante Keime klinischer Isolate von Hunden, Katzen und Pferden.


    Bismarck, Doris; Schneider, Marianne; Müller, Elisabeth

    Einleitung: Ätherische Öle sind die Grundlage der Aromatherapie. Unter anderem wird ihnen eine antibakterielle Wirkung zugeschrieben. In dieser Studie sollte die In-vitro-Wirksamkeit ätherischer Öle gegen ein breites Spektrum veterinärmedizinisch relevanter Erreger getestet werden. Methoden: Die antibakterielle Aktivität von 16 ätherischen Ölen wurde mittels Agardiffusionstest bestimmt. Getestet wurden grampositive und gramnegative Erreger, die aus klinischen Isolaten von Hunden, Katzen und Pferden aus der veterinärmedizinischen Routinediagnostik stammten. Die Einteilung der Wirksamkeit in nicht, gering-, mittel- und hochgradig wirksam erfolgte anhand der Größe der Hemmhofradien des Bakterienwachstums. Ergebnisse: Generell zeigten sich sowohl grampositive als auch gramnegative Erreger empfindlich gegen einige der getesteten ätherischen Öle. Nicht nur gegen Staphylokokken, sondern auch gegen Methicillin-resistente Stämme der Staphylokokken wiesen die ätherischen Öle in vitro eine nicht zu vernachlässigende Wirkung auf. Pasteurella multocida stellte sich als eher sensibler Keim heraus, während Pseudomonas aeruginosa als vollkommen resistenter Keim eine Ausnahme bildete. Teebaum-, Oregano-, und Bergbohnenkrautöl waren die potentesten Öle. Zusätzlich zeigten sich bei den grampositiven Erregern Lemongrasöl und bei den gramnegativen Erregern Thymianöl als gut wirksam. Schlussfolgerung: Ätherische Öle verfügen in vitro über eine antibakterielle Aktivität gegen klinische Isolate von Hunden, Katzen und Pferden. Diese Studie bietet eine Grundlage für die Anwendung ätherischer Öle in der Veterinärmedizin. Es zeichneten sich Tendenzen im Wirkspektrum einzelner ätherischer Öle bzw. im Grad der Wirksamkeit ätherischer Öle hinsichtlich einzelner Erregerspezies ab, allerdings lässt sich keine sichere Vorhersage über ihre Wirksamkeit gegen einen spezifischen Keim eines individuellen Patienten treffen. Deswegen sollte vor einer Therapie mit

  9. Dying Is Unexpectedly Positive.


    Goranson, Amelia; Ritter, Ryan S; Waytz, Adam; Norton, Michael I; Gray, Kurt


    In people's imagination, dying seems dreadful; however, these perceptions may not reflect reality. In two studies, we compared the affective experience of people facing imminent death with that of people imagining imminent death. Study 1 revealed that blog posts of near-death patients with cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis were more positive and less negative than the simulated blog posts of nonpatients-and also that the patients' blog posts became more positive as death neared. Study 2 revealed that the last words of death-row inmates were more positive and less negative than the simulated last words of noninmates-and also that these last words were less negative than poetry written by death-row inmates. Together, these results suggest that the experience of dying-even because of terminal illness or execution-may be more pleasant than one imagines.

  10. Cost analysis of medical assistance in dying in Canada.


    Trachtenberg, Aaron J; Manns, Braden


    The legalization of medical assistance in dying will affect health care spending in Canada. Our aim was to determine the potential costs and savings associated with the implementation of medical assistance in dying. Using published data from the Netherlands and Belgium, where medically assisted death is legal, we estimated that medical assistance in dying will account for 1%-4% of all deaths; 80% of patients will have cancer; 50% of patients will be aged 60-80 years; 55% will be men; 60% of patients will have their lives shortened by 1 month; and 40% of patients will have their lives shortened by 1 week. We combined current mortality data for the Canadian population with recent end-of-life cost data to calculate a predicted range of savings associated with the implementation of medical assistance in dying. We also estimated the direct costs associated with offering medically assisted death, including physician consultations and drug costs. Medical assistance in dying could reduce annual health care spending across Canada by between $34.7 million and $138.8 million, exceeding the $1.5-$14.8 million in direct costs associated with its implementation. In sensitivity analyses, we noted that even if the potential savings are overestimated and costs underestimated, the implementation of mdedical assistance in dying will likely remain at least cost neutral. Providing medical assistance in dying in Canada should not result in any excess financial burden to the health care system, and could result in substantial savings. Additional data on patients who choose medical assistance in dying in Canada should be collected to enable more precise estimates of the impact of medically assisted death on health care spending and to enable further economic evaluation. © 2017 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors.

  11. Nucleolar accumulation of APE1 depends on charged lysine residues that undergo acetylation upon genotoxic stress and modulate its BER activity in cells

    PubMed Central

    Lirussi, Lisa; Antoniali, Giulia; Vascotto, Carlo; D'Ambrosio, Chiara; Poletto, Mattia; Romanello, Milena; Marasco, Daniela; Leone, Marilisa; Quadrifoglio, Franco; Bhakat, Kishor K.; Scaloni, Andrea; Tell, Gianluca


    Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) is the main abasic endonuclease in the base excision repair (BER) pathway of DNA lesions caused by oxidation/alkylation in mammalian cells; within nucleoli it interacts with nucleophosmin and rRNA through N-terminal Lys residues, some of which (K27/K31/K32/K35) may undergo acetylation in vivo. Here we study the functional role of these modifications during genotoxic damage and their in vivo relevance. We demonstrate that cells expressing a specific K-to-A multiple mutant are APE1 nucleolar deficient and are more resistant to genotoxic treatment than those expressing the wild type, although they show impaired proliferation. Of interest, we find that genotoxic treatment induces acetylation at these K residues. We also find that the charged status of K27/K31/K32/K35 modulates acetylation at K6/K7 residues that are known to be involved in the coordination of BER activity through a mechanism regulated by the sirtuin 1 deacetylase. Of note, structural studies show that acetylation at K27/K31/K32/K35 may account for local conformational changes on APE1 protein structure. These results highlight the emerging role of acetylation of critical Lys residues in regulating APE1 functions. They also suggest the existence of cross-talk between different Lys residues of APE1 occurring upon genotoxic damage, which may modulate APE1 subnuclear distribution and enzymatic activity in vivo. PMID:22918947

  12. A Contextualist Thanatology: A Pragmatic Approach to Death and Dying

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Reck, Andrew J.


    Denying the value of death but accepting its reality, the author points to dying, not death, as the problematic phenomenon with which a pragmatist thanatology must deal. It is suggested that dying contains opportunities for growth--for the dying as well as for their surviving friends and relatives. (Author)

  13. Brennstoffzellentechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kurzweil, Peter

    Brennstoffzellen "verbrennen" einen Brennstoff nicht mit einer Feuererscheinung unter Freisetzung von Wärme. Anders als ihr Name vermuten lässt, wird üblicherweise Wasserstoff wie in einer Batterie durch elektrochemische Vorgänge verstromt statt verbrannt. Brennstoffzellen wandeln die im Brennstoff gespeicherte chemische Energie direkt in Elektrizität — ohne Umweg über Wärme!

  14. Herbivory Drives the Spread of Salt Marsh Die-Off

    PubMed Central

    Bertness, Mark D.; Brisson, Caitlin P.; Bevil, Matthew C.; Crotty, Sinead M.


    Salt marsh die-off is a Western Atlantic conservation problem that has recently spread into Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA. It has been hypothesized to be driven by: 1) eutrophication decreasing plant investment into belowground biomass causing plant collapse, 2) boat wakes eroding creek banks, 3) pollution or disease affecting plant health, 4) substrate hardness controlling herbivorous crab distributions and 5) trophic dysfunction releasing herbivorous crabs from predator control. To distinguish between these hypotheses we quantified these variables at 14 Narragansett Bay salt marshes where die-off intensity ranged from <5% to nearly 98%. Nitrogen availability, wave intensity and plant growth did not explain any variation in die-off. Herbivory explained 73% of inter-site variation in die-off and predator control of herbivores and substrate hardness also varied significantly with die-off. This suggests that salt marsh die-off is being largely driven by intense herbivory via the release of herbivorous crabs from predator control. Our results and those from other marsh systems suggest that consumer control may not simply be a factor to consider in marsh conservation, but with widespread predator depletion impacting near shore habitats globally, trophic dysfunction and runaway consumption may be the largest and most urgent management challenge for salt marsh conservation. PMID:24651837

  15. XML-basierte Produkt- und Prozessdaten für die Leittechnik-Projektierung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schleipen, Miriam

    Für die Überwachung und Steuerung hochkomplexer Produktionsprozesse werden Prozessleitsysteme eingesetzt. Ständige Veränderungen zwingen Produktionsbetriebe wandlungsfähig zu sein. Entsprechend muss auch die Technik diese Flexibilität unterstützen. Jede Veränderung des Produktionsprozesses muss eingeplant, die Anlagen neu konfiguriert und projektiert werden. Dabei müssen auch neue Prozessbilder für die Bedien- und Steuerungssysteme erstellt werden. Am Fraunhofer IITB wurde ein Engineering-Framework entwickelt, das das Leitsystem automatisch projektiert und die zugehörige Prozessvisualisierung generiert. In diesem Beitrag wird das Modul vorgestellt, dass die Prozessabbilder erstellt. Neben der Visualisierung von Anlagen werden auch laufende Prozesse und bearbeitete Produkte dargestellt. So können beispielsweise Identsysteme mit der Leittechnik gekoppelt werden.

  16. Architecture for on-die interconnect


    Khare, Surhud; More, Ankit; Somasekhar, Dinesh; Dunning, David S.


    In an embodiment, an apparatus includes: a plurality of islands configured on a semiconductor die, each of the plurality of islands having a plurality of cores; and a plurality of network switches configured on the semiconductor die and each associated with one of the plurality of islands, where each network switch includes a plurality of output ports, a first set of the output ports are each to couple to the associated network switch of an island via a point-to-point interconnect and a second set of the output ports are each to couple to the associated network switches of a plurality of islands via a point-to-multipoint interconnect. Other embodiments are described and claimed.

  17. Thermal Hotspots in CPU Die and It's Future Architecture

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Jian; Hu, Fu-Yuan

    Owing to the increasing core frequency and chip integration and the limited die dimension, the power densities in CPU chip have been increasing fastly. The high temperature on chip resulted by power densities threats the processor's performance and chip's reliability. This paper analyzed the thermal hotspots in die and their properties. A new architecture of function units in die - - hot units distributed architecture is suggested to cope with the problems of high power densities for future processor chip.

  18. Zuverlässigkeit digitaler Schaltungen unter Einfluss von intrinsischem Rauschen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kleeberger, V. B.; Schlichtmann, U.


    Die kontinuierlich fortschreitende Miniaturisierung in integrierten Schaltungen führt zu einem Anstieg des intrinsischen Rauschens. Um den Einfluss von intrinsischem Rauschen auf die Zuverlässigkeit zukünftiger digitaler Schaltungen analysieren zu können, werden Methoden benötigt, die auf CAD-Verfahren wie Analogsimulation statt auf abschätzenden Berechnungen beruhen. Dieser Beitrag stellt eine neue Methode vor, die den Einfluss von intrinsischem Rauschen in digitalen Schaltungen für eine gegebene Prozesstechnologie analysieren kann. Die Amplituden von thermischen, 1/f und Schrotrauschen werden mit Hilfe eines SPICE Simulators bestimmt. Anschließend wird der Einfluss des Rauschens auf die Schaltungszuverlässigkeit durch Simulation analysiert. Zusätzlich zur Analyse werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, wie die durch Rauschen hervorgerufenen Effekte im Schaltungsentwurf mit berücksichtigt werden können. Im Gegensatz zum Stand der Technik kann die vorgestellte Methode auf beliebige Logikimplementierungen und Prozesstechnologien angewendet werden. Zusätzlich wird gezeigt, dass bisherige Ansätze den Einfluss von Rauschen bis um das Vierfache überschätzen.

  19. Nano Precipitation and Hardening of Die-Quenched 6061 Aluminum Alloy.


    Utsunomiya, Hiroshi; Tada, Koki; Matsumoto, Ryo; Watanabe, Katsumi; Matsuda, Kenji


    Die quenching is applied to an age-hardenable aluminium alloys to obtain super-saturated solid solution. The application is advantageous because it can reduce number of manufacturing processes, and may increase strength by strain aging. If die quenching is realized in forging as well as sheet forming, it may widen industrial applicability further. In this study, Al-Mg-Si alloy AA6061 8 mm-thick billets were reduced 50% in height without cracks by die-quench forging. Supersaturated solid solution was successfully obtained. The die-quenched specimen shows higher hardness with nano precipitates at shorter aging time than the conventional water-quenched specimen.

  20. [Does the right to die with dignity exist?].


    Toro Flores, Rafael


    Death is one of the few certainties in human beings. This reality generates uneasiness regarding how death will occur especially in circumstances of loneliness or suffering which can become agony. In this report, the author first analyzes the existence of the right to die with dignity as a human right which takes on the nature of being a subjective right. In continuation, the author describes the existing problematic in the application of this right to die in relationship to the so-called double effect mechanism and euthanasia. The author concludes this article by proposing previous instructions or anticipated desires as ideal measures to make the right to die with dignity valid.

  1. Wie die Sonne ins Kraftwerk kommt: Solarthermische Kraftwerke

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pitz-Paal, Robert


    Solarthermische Kraftwerke sammeln wie riesige Brenngläser die Sonnenstrahlung und treiben damit eine Wärmekraftmaschine an. Drei Konstruktionsprinzipien haben sich heute durchgesetzt. Bereits im kommerziellen Einsatz sind Systeme mit schwenkbaren, verspiegelten Parabolrinnen, die das Sonnenlicht auf ein zentrales Absorberrohr konzentrieren. Durch dieses fließt ein Wärmetransportmedium. Beim Zentral-Receiver-System fokussiert ein Feld verstellbarer Spiegel das Sonnenlicht auf die Spitze eines Turms. Dort sitzt ein Receiver, den ein Wärmetransportmedium durchströmt. Für kleine, dezentrale Anlagen eignen sich Dish-Stirling-Systeme. Das sind schwenkbare, paraboloide Spiegelschüsseln mit einem Stirling-Motor im Brennpunkt. Zentral-Receiver- und Dish-Stirling-Systeme sind noch im Entwicklungsstadium.

  2. Erzwingt die Quantenmechanik eine drastische Änderung unseres Weltbilds? Gedanken und Experimente nach Einstein, Podolsky und Rosen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Frodl, Peter

    Von den Anfängen der Quantenmechanik bis heute gibt es Versuche, sie als statistische Theorie über Ensembles individueller klassischer Systeme zu interpretieren. Die Bedingungen, unter denen Theorien verborgener Parameter zu deterministischen Beschreibungen dieser individuellen Systeme als klassisch angesehen werden können, wurden von Einstein, Podolsky und Rosen 1935 formuliert: 1. Physikalische Systeme sind im Prinzip separierbar. 2. Zu jeder physikalischen Größe, deren Wert man ohne Störung des betrachteten Systems mit Sicherheit voraussagen kann, existiert ein ihr entsprechendes Element der physikalischen Realität.Zusammen sind sie, wie Bell 1964 gezeigt hat, prinzipiell unverträglich mit der Quantenmechanik und unhaltbar angesichts neuerer Experimente. Diese erweisen einmal mehr die Quantenmechanik als richtige Theorie. Um ihre Ergebnisse zu verstehen, müssen wir entweder die in der klassischen Physik als selbstverständlich angesehene Annahme der Separierbarkeit physikalischer Systeme aufgeben oder unseren Begriff der physikalischen Realität revidieren. Eine Untersuchung des Begriffs der Separabilität und einige Überlegungen zum Problem der Messung von Observablen zeigen, daß eine Änderung des Begriffs der physikalischen Realität unumgänglich ist. Der revidierte Realitätsbegriff sollte mit klassischer Physik und Quantenmechanik verträglich sein, um ein einheitliches Weltbild zu ermöglichen.Translated AbstractDo Quantum Mechanics Force us to Drastically Change our View of the World? Thoughts and Experiments after Einstein, Podolsky and RosenSince the advent of quantum mechanics there have been attempts of its interpretation in terms of statistical theory concerning individual classical systems. The very conditions necessary to consider hidden variable theories describing these individual systems as classical had been pointed out by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen in 1935: 1. Physical systems are in principle separable. 2. If it is possible to

  3. Dying with dignity: the good patient versus the good death.


    Proulx, Kathryn; Jacelon, Cynthia


    Death is a unique experience for each human being, yet there is tremendous societal pressure on a dying person to be a "goodpatient " while trying to experience the "good death. " These pressures shape patient, caregiver, and family choices in end-of-life situations. The purpose of this literature review was twofold: first, to develop an understanding of "dying with dignity" to enhance the end-of-life care received by dying patients, and second, to contribute to a concept analysis of dignity to improve the clarity and consistency of future research related to dignity in aging individuals. Articles pertaining to dying with dignity from the disciplines of nursing, medicine, ethics, psychology, and sociology were reviewed using a matrix method. A dichotomy surrounding dying with dignity emerged from this review. The definition of dignity in dying identifies not only an intrinsic, unconditional quality of human worth, but also the external qualities of physical comfort, autonomy, meaningfulness, usefulness, preparedness, and interpersonal connection. For many elderly individuals, death is a process, rather than a moment in time, resting on a need for balance between the technology of science and the transcendence of spirituality.

  4. Cause and place of death in patients dying with colorectal cancer.


    Jones, O M; John, S K P; Horseman, N; Lawrance, R J; Fozard, J B J


    Few studies on colorectal cancer look at the one-third of patients for whom treatment fails and who need a management strategy for death. This paper has examined the mode and place of death in patients with colorectal cancer. This study was a review of 209 deaths, analysed between January 2001 and September 2004 by retrospective review of a prospectively collected database. A total of 118 patients (group 1) had undergone resection of their primary colorectal cancer, 20 (group 2) had had a defunctioning stoma or bypass surgery and the remaining 71 patients (group 3) had either had no surgery, an open and close laparotomy or had a colonic stent. One hundred and fifty-six (75%) patients died of colorectal cancer with the remainder dying of other causes. The number of admissions to hospital and the number of days spent in hospital from diagnosis to death were greatest in group 1. Overall, only 34 patients (22%) dying from colorectal cancer died at home. Forty (26%) died in hospital and 70 (45%) died in a palliative care unit. Patients dying from colorectal cancer who undergo surgical resection of their primary tumour spend more time between diagnosis and death in hospital. They are also more likely to die in hospital than patients treated by surgical palliation or nonsurgically. Patients who are treated palliatively from the outset (group 3) are most likely to die at home. If hospital is accepted as an appropriate place for death from colorectal cancer, then greater provision for this should be made.

  5. The narrative labyrinth of violent dying.


    Rynearson, E K


    This essay outlines the dynamics of retelling the violent death of a loved one and the narrative "dilemma" of vulnerable family members fixated on retelling. To counter this fixation, the author presents a mythic retelling of violent death (the Myth of Theseus) as narrative basis for developing a restorative retelling. The essay begins by exploring the deformed and deforming structure of the violent dying story, then details the dynamics of its retelling and concludes by presenting a restorative retelling model for family members who cannot release themselves from the story for months or years after the violent dying.

  6. Polychlorinated biphenyl quinone induces oxidative DNA damage and repair responses: The activations of NHEJ, BER and NER via ATM-p53 signaling axis

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dong, Hui; Shi, Qiong; Song, Xiufang


    Our previous studies demonstrated that polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) quinone induced oxidative DNA damage in HepG2 cells. To promote genomic integrity, DNA damage response (DDR) coordinates cell-cycle transitions, DNA repair and apoptosis. PCB quinone-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis have been documented, however, whether PCB quinone insult induce DNA repair signaling is still unknown. In this study, we identified the activation of DDR and corresponding signaling events in HepG2 cells upon the exposure to a synthetic PCB quinone, PCB29-pQ. Our data illustrated that PCB29-pQ induces the phosphorylation of p53, which was mediated by ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein kinase. The observedmore » phosphorylated histone H2AX (γ-H2AX) foci and the elevation of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) indicated that DDR was stimulated by PCB29-pQ treatment. Additionally, we found PCB29-pQ activates non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), base excision repair (BER) and nucleotide excision repair (NER) signalings. However, these repair pathways are not error-free processes and aberrant repair of DNA damage may cause the potential risk of carcinogenesis and mutagenesis. - Highlights: • Polychlorinated biphenyl quinone induces oxidative DNA damage in HepG2 cells. • The elevation of γ-H2AX and 8-OHdG indicates the activation of DNA damage response. • ATM-p53 signaling acts as the DNA damage sensor and effector. • Polychlorinated biphenyl quinone activates NHEJ, BER and NER signalings.« less

  7. A study on die wear model of warm and hot forgings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kang, J. H.; Park, I. W.; Jae, J. S.; Kang, S. S.


    Factors influencing service lives of tools in warm and hot forging processes are wear, mechanical fatigue, plastic deformation and thermal fatigue, etc. Wear is the predominant factor for tool failure among these. To predict tool life by wear, Archard's model where hardness is considered as constant or function of temperature is generally applied. Usually hardness of die is a function of not only temperature but operating time of die. To consider softening of die by repeated operation it is necessary to express hardness of die by a function of temperature and time. In this study wear coefficients were measured for various temperatures and heat treatment for H13 tool steel. Also by experiment of reheating of die, die softening curves were obtained. From experimental results, relationships between tempering parameters and hardness were established to investigate effects of hardness decrease by the effect of temperatures and time. Finally modified Archard's wear model in which hardness is considered to be a function of main tempering curve was proposed. And finite element analyses were conducted by adopting suggested wear model. By comparisons of simulations and real profiles of worn die, proposed wear model was verified.

  8. Die Grundlagen der Fernsehtechnik: Systemtheorie und Technik der Bildübertragung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mahler, Gerhard

    Umfassende Einführung in die Grundlagen der Bewegtbild-Übertragung von den Anfängen bis zum heutigen Stand des digitalen Fernsehens mit einer aus der Praxis entstandenen systemtheoretischen Analyse. Die kompakte und anschaulich bebilderte Darstellung mit elementaren mathematischen Beschreibungen macht es dem Leser leicht, sich in die Bildübertragungstechnik einzuarbeiten. Thematische Einheiten erweitern den Wissensstoff - u.a. zu den Themen visuelle Wahrnehmung, mehrdimensionale Signaldarstellung, Farbmetrik, Digitalisierung, Elektronenoptik - und zeigen deren Anwendung auf die elektronische Bildübertragung.

  9. Milling strategies evaluation when simulating the forming dies' functional surfaces production

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ižol, Peter; Tomáš, Miroslav; Beňo, Jozef


    The paper deals with selection and evaluation of milling strategies, available in CAM systems and applicable when complicated shape parts are produced, such as forming dies. A method to obtain samples is proposed and this stems from real forming die surface machined by proper strategies. The strategy applicability for the whole part - forming die - is reviewed by the particular specimen evaluation. The presented methodology has been verified by machining model die and comparing it to the production procedure proposed in other CAM systems.

  10. Nursing the dying: implications of Kübler-Ross' staging theory.


    Germain, C P


    Society's failure to value the work of nurses, the professionals most frequently involved in the care of the dying, is attributed to a cultural definition of nursing as a second-class occupation and the public's need to deny the realities of the suffering and indignities often associated with the process of dying. Efforts within the field of nursing to improve the care of the dying, by shifting emphasis from a narrow physical focus to a more holistic patient and family focus, preceded the past decade's contributions of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Although her staging theory has been cited as having limitations in development and in interpretation, Kübler-Ross' influence towards increasing awareness of the needs of the dying and others experiencing major losses has been substantial as evidenced by many references to staging theory in nursing literature, by a marked increase in attention to holistic care of the dying in the basic and continuing education programs of nursing, and by specialty role development in nursing care of the dying. This decade has also witnessed the major growth of professionalism in nursing, including strides towards professional autonomy. Conflict with the traditional pattern of medical dominance and bureacratic constraints in institutions is inevitable, especially when the medical goal of cure is not attainable. Change to an interdisciplinary model of care is viewed as essential for optimal care of the dying and their families.

  11. The right to be allowed to die.

    PubMed Central

    Campbell, A G


    The unbridled use of modern medical skills and technology in preserving life at all costs has stimulated interest in expressing a 'right to die' by the legally competent patient who is anxious to protect his autonomy. Some recent decisions by American courts are seen to threaten this 'right to die' of competent patients and imply that legally incompetent patients including children should not have this right under any circumstances, even when expressed on their behalf by guardians, nearest relatives or parents. It is argued that this is contrary to 'natural justice' as viewed by most people. It should be possible to develop procedures which are protective of the basic 'right to life' of the incompetent yet will recognise circumstances where they could be allowed to die. This paper was presented at the 1983 annual conference of the London Medical Group, 'Human Rights in Medicine'. PMID:6620316

  12. When a Baby Dies.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Church, Martha Jo; And Others

    Written especially for grieving mothers whose babies have died, this booklet offers an overview of stages and experiences through which bereaved parents commonly pass. Specifically, the text is intended to give comfort to bereaved parents, offer insight into the grieving process, and provide thoughts on leave-taking ceremonies. The first section…

  13. Dying in hospital: socioeconomic inequality trends in England

    PubMed Central

    Asaria, Miqdad; Sheringham, Jessica; Stone, Patrick; Raine, Rosalind; Cookson, Richard


    Objective To describe trends in socioeconomic inequality in the proportion of deaths occurring in hospital, during a period of sustained effort by the NHS in England to improve end of life care. Methods Whole-population, small area longitudinal study involving 5,260,871 patients of all ages who died in England from 2001/2002 to 2011/2012. Our primary measure of inequality was the slope index of inequality. This represents the estimated gap between the most and least deprived neighbourhood in England, allowing for the gradient in between. Neighbourhoods were geographic Lower Layer Super Output Areas containing about 1500 people each. Results The overall proportion of patients dying in hospital decreased from 49.5% to 43.6% during the study period, after initially increasing to 52.0% in 2004/2005. There was substantial ‘pro-rich’ inequality, with an estimated difference of 5.95 percentage points in the proportion of people dying in hospital (confidence interval 5.26 to 6.63), comparing the most and least deprived neighbourhoods in 2011/2012. There was no significant reduction in this gap over time, either in absolute terms or relative to the mean, despite the overall reduction in the proportion of patients dying in hospital. Conclusions Efforts to reduce the proportion of patients dying in hospital in England have been successful overall but did not reduce inequality. Greater understanding of the reasons for such inequality is required before policy changes can be determined. PMID:28429981

  14. Christopher Hitchens' Public Dying: Toward a Secular-Humanist Ars Moriendi?


    Brennan, Michael


    This article explores the public dying of journalist, writer, provocateur, public intellectual, and renowned atheist, Christopher Hitchens. It does so primarily through an analysis of television interviews given by Hitchens following his diagnosis with esophageal cancer in June 2010. Four key themes are identified as emerging from analysis of the interviews: (a) Hitchens' explicit sense of mission in challenging myths and superstitions surrounding cancer, dying, and death; (b) the personal experience of terminal illness and dying and the particular way (or style of dying) by which it is approached; (c) issues of regret and a life well lived; and (d) questions surrounding religion, the afterlife, and possibility of deathbed conversion. In light of the claim that ours is a culture in search of an ars moriendi, the article examines what we can learn from Hitchens' auto/pathographic interviews (and writings) and the extent to which this rational-humanist, atheistic, and stoical style of dying provides a useable "template" for others nearing the end of life.

  15. Ber-H2 (CD30) Immunohistochemical Staining of Human Fetal Tissues

    PubMed Central


    OBJECTIVE: CD30 antigen has long been considered to be restricted to the tumour cells of Hodgkin's disease and of anaplastic large cell lymphoma as well as to T and B activated lymphocytes. It is now apparent that the range of normal and neoplastic cells, which may express CD30 antigen, is much wider than was at first thought. In order to gain insight into the physiological function of CD30 antigen, we studied the distribution of its expression in the tissues of fetuses from week 8th to week 16th. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated the immunohistochemical expression of CD30 antigen in paraffin-embedded tissue samples representing all systems from 30 fetuses after therapeutic abortion at 8th to 10th and 12th to 16th week of gestation, respectively, using the monoclonal antibody Ber-H2. RESULTS: Our results demonstrated that CD30 is expressed early in human fetal development (8th to 10th week of gestation) in several fetal tissues derived from all three germ layers (gastrointestinal tract, special glands of the postpharyngeal foregut, urinary, musculoskeletal, reproductive, nervous, endocrine systems), with the exception of the skin and hematolymphoid system (thymus), in which the antigen is expressed later on (10th week onwards). Expression of CD30 was restricted to the hematolymphoid system in the 12-16 weeks of gestation. No expression of the marker was observed in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems during the entire period examined. CONCLUSIONS: CD30 antigen is of importance in cell development, and proliferation. It is also pathway-related to terminal differentiation in many fetal tissues and organs. PMID:16244703

  16. Kontinuierliche Wanddickenbestimmung und Visualisierung des linken Herzventrikels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dornheim, Lars; Hahn, Peter; Oeltze, Steffen; Preim, Bernhard; Tönnies, Klaus D.

    Zur Bestimmung von Defekten in der Herztätigkeit kann die Veränderung der Wanddicke des linken Ventrikels in zeitlichen MRTAufnahmesequenzen gemessen werden. Derzeit werden für diese Bestimmung im allgemeinen nur die aufwändig manuell erstellte Segmentierungen der Endsystole und Enddiastole benutzt. Wir stellen ein bis auf die Startpunktinitialisierung automatisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Wanddicke des linken Ventrikels und ihrer Veränderung vor, das auf einer vollständigen Segmentierung der Herzwand in allen Zeitschritten durch ein dynamisches dreidimensionales Formmodell (Stabiles Feder-Masse-Modell) basiert. Dieses Modell nutzt bei der Segmentierung neben der Grauwertinformation eines Zeitschrittes auch die Segmentierungen der anderen Zeitschritte und ist so aufgebaut, dass die Wanddicken direkt gemessen und visualisiert werden können. Auf diese Weise werden die lokalen Wanddickenextrema über den gesamten Aufnahmezeitraum detektiert, auch wenn sie nicht in die Endsystole bzw. -diastole fallen. Das Verfahren wurde auf sechs 4D-Kardio-MRT-Datensätzen evaluiert und stellte sich als sehr robust bzgl. der einzig nötigen Interaktion heraus.

  17. Fundamental studies on a novel die concept for round-point shear-clinching

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hörhold, Réjane; Müller, Martin; Merklein, Marion; Meschut, Gerson


    A newly-developed round-point shear-clinching technology could increase the use of different materials like well formable aluminium and hardly formable ultra-high-strength steels (UHSS). This innovative technology joins in a single-stage process without any pilot-hole, surface pre-treatment or auxiliary joining part. The combination of an inner and outer punch realises an indirect cutting operation of the die-sided material, whereas the punch-sided material remains unharmed. The current die-sided tool set acts as a cutting die and enables a radial extrusion of the punch-sided material after being drawn though the created hole in the UHSS. The die has a fixed die depth. After ejecting the joined components, the slug has to be removed from the top of the spring-loaded anvil. The novel die concept investigated in this paper offers the possibility to push the slug continuously through the die in the joining direction. The removed slugs remain inside the die, so manual removal is unnecessary. The one-parted tool is supposed to be more robust than the multi-parted one that is currently used. This paper represents the task to evaluate the geometry of a useful shear-clinching die concept. To reduce the experimental effort, FEM should assist the development of the most promising approach. To quantify the success, conventional shear-clinching with opening die acts as a reference. The results show the high potential and the raison d'être of shear-clinching technologies as a mechanical joining technology for future multimaterial applications especially for UHSS.

  18. Spatio-temporal development of vegetation die-off in a submerging coastal marsh

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Schepers, Lennert; Kirwan, Matthew; Guntenspergen, Glenn R.; Temmerman, Stijn


    In several places around the world, coastal marsh vegetation is converting to open water through the formation of pools. This is concerning, as vegetation die-off is expected to reduce the marshes' capacity to adapt to sea level rise by vegetation-induced sediment accretion. Quantitative analyses of the spatial and temporal development of marsh vegetation die-off are scarce, although these are needed to understand the bio-geomorphic feedback effects of vegetation die-off on flow, erosion, and sedimentation. In this study, we quantified the spatial and temporal development of marsh vegetation die-off with aerial images from 1938 to 2010 in a submerging coastal marsh along the Blackwater River (Maryland, U.S.A). Our results indicate that die-off begins with conversion of marsh vegetation into bare open water pools that are relatively far (> 75 m) from tidal channels. As vegetation die-off continues, pools expand, and new pools emerge at shorter and shorter distances from channels. Consequently larger pools are found at larger distances from the channels. Our results suggest that the size of the pools and possibly the connection of pools with the tidal channel system have important bio-geomorphic implications and aggravate marsh deterioration. Moreover, we found that the temporal development of vegetation die-off in moderately degraded marshes is similar as the spatial die-off development along a present-day gradient, which indicates that the contemporary die-off gradient might be considered a chronosequence that offers a unique opportunity to study vegetation die-off processes.

  19. Killing and letting die: hidden value assumptions.


    Atkinson, G


    In this paper I argue for several related theses: first, that the distinction between killing and letting die, as it is drawn by ordinary persons in ordinary contexts, is more complex than is generally understood; second, that the key feature of this complexity lies in the presence of a hidden normative component in what appears to be a straightforwardly descriptive distinction; and, third, that this complexity renders the killing/letting die distinction an inadequate and hazardous guide for moral reasoning.

  20. Die Starter: A New System to Manage Early Feasibility in Sheet Metal Forming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Narainen, Rodrigue; Porzner, Harald


    Die Starter, a new system developed by ESI Group, allows the user to drastically reduce the number of iterations during the early tool process feasibility. This innovative system automatically designs the first quick die face, generating binder and addendum surfaces (NURBS surfaces) by taking account the full die process. Die Starter also improves the initial die face based on feasibility criteria (avoiding splits, wrinkles) by automatically generating the geometrical modifications of the binder and addendum and the bead restraining forces with minimal material usage. This paper presents a description of the new system and the methodology of Die Starter. Some industrial examples are presented from the part geometry to final die face including automatic developed flanges, part on binder and inner binder.

  1. The Dying Child: The Management of the Child or Adolescent Who is Dying.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Easson, William M.

    Primarily describing the child who must endure a lengthy terminal illness and prolonged period of dying, the text presents the developmental stages of the child's understanding of his own death. Characteristics of the child at various ages (preschool, elementary school, and adolescent) are examined in areas such as hospitalization effects,…

  2. Strippable grid facilitates removal of grid-surfaced conical workpiece from die

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ruppe, E. P.


    Female die facilitates the removal of a sheet metal structure from a die used for explosive forming of the metal. The female die consists of a smooth conical frustum made of fiber glass with a cured epoxy-resin surface on which a molded grid pattern made of a polyurethane resin is overlaid.

  3. A Covering Type Extrusion Die with Twin Cavities for Semi-Hollow Al-Profiles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Deng, Rurong; Huang, Xuemei


    A new structure named covering type with twin cavities in a die for the semi-hollow aluminum profiles was present. The determination of structure parameters was introduced in detail. Mainly including the selection of the machine, the arrangement of portholes, the structure design of chamber and the selection of bearing. The method of checking the die strength was introduced. According to the extrusion results, the structure of the traditional solid die, the porthole die with single cavity and the covering type structure with twin cavities were compared. The characteristics of the latter structure were simple and easy to process. The practical application shows that the new die structure can enhance the die life, improve the production efficiency and reduce the cost. The high precision and the surface brightness of the profiles were obtained. The structure is worth promoting. The aim is to provide reliable data and reference for the further research and development of this technology on the extrusion die with multi-cavities in a die.

  4. Microstructures and properties of aluminum die casting alloys

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    M. M. Makhlouf; D. Apelian; L. Wang


    This document provides descriptions of the microstructure of different aluminum die casting alloys and to relate the various microstructures to the alloy chemistry. It relates the microstructures of the alloys to their main engineering properties such as ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, fatigue life, impact resistance, wear resistance, hardness, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity. Finally, it serves as a reference source for aluminum die casting alloys.

  5. Courts to look again at assisted dying law.


    Griffith, Richard


    A man with motor neurone disease has been granted permission by the Court of Appeal to seek judicial review the criminalisation of assisted dying under the Suicide Act 1961, section 2(1). In this article, Richard Griffith reviews the Court of Appeal's decision in R (on the application of Conway) v Secretary of State for Justice [2017] and considers arguments for and against decriminalising assisted dying.

  6. Numerical investigation of the effect of friction conditions to increase die life

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mutlu, M. O.; Guleryuz, C. G.; Parlar, Z.


    The standard die materials in aluminium extrusion offer good mechanical properties like high tempering resistance, high strength and ductility. On the other hand, they struggle with the problem of sliding wear. As a result, there is a growing interest in using surface treatment techniques to increase the wear resistance of extrusion dies. In this study, it is aimed to observe the effects of the different friction conditions on material flow and contact pressure in extrusion process. These friction conditions can be obtained with the application of a variety of surface treatment. In this way, it is expected to decrease the friction force on the die bearing area and to increase the homogeneity of the material flow which will result in the increase of the quality of the extrudate as well as the improvement of the process economically by extending die life. For this purpose, an extrusion process is simulated with a finite element software. A die made of 1.2344 hot work tool steel-commonly used die material for aluminium extrusion process- has been modelled and Al 1100 alloy used as billet material. Various friction factor values defined on the die surface under the same process parameters and effects of changing frictional conditions on the die and the extrusion process have been discussed.

  7. Quality of dying and death with cancer in Israel.


    Braun, Michal; Hasson-Ohayon, Ilanit; Hales, Sarah; Zimmermann, Camilla; Rydall, Anne; Peretz, Tamar; Rodin, Gary


    The quality of dying and death refers to the evaluation of the final days of life and the moment of death with respect to how it is prepared for, faced and experienced by those with a terminal illness. It includes experience in multiple domains: physical, psychological, social, spiritual or existential, the nature of health care, life closure and death preparation, and the circumstances of death. To explore the quality of dying and death in cancer patients in Israel and its relationship to place of death and socio-demographic characteristics of the primary caregivers and the deceased. Retrospective assessment of the quality of dying and death, based on caregiver responses to the Quality of Dying and Death (QODD) questionnaire (overall score ranges from 0 to 100; higher scores reflect better dying and death experiences) 8 to 10 months after the death. Ninety-five caregivers of Jewish cancer patients, most of whom were female spouses or children of the deceased. Mean QODD score was 57.2 (standard deviation [SD]=15), which is in the low-moderate range. Place of death, gender and age of the caregiver, and age of the deceased, were associated with QODD score. This retrospective study in Israel demonstrated that the overall quality of dying and death was regarded as poor by almost half of the caregivers. These findings may reflect the relative lack of specialized palliative care and advance care planning in Israel at the time of this study, which took place between 2006 and 2009. Further research and enhancement of palliative care resources may be needed in Israel and several encouraging recent developments (e.g. staff training and legislation) suggest that such changes are now underway.

  8. Development and Demonstration of Adanced Tooling Alloys for Molds and Dies

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kevin M. McHugh; Enrique J. Lavernia


    This report summarizes research results in the project Development and Demonstration of Advanced Tooling Alloys for Molds and Dies. Molds, dies and related tooling are used to manufacture most of the plastic and metal products we use every day. Conventional fabrication of molds and dies involves a multiplicity of machining, benching and heat treatment unit operations. This approach is very expensive and time consuming. Rapid Solidifcation Process (RSP) Tooling is a spray-forming technology tailored for producing molds and dies. The appraoch combines rapid solidifcation processing and net-shape materials processing in a single step. An atomized spray of a tool-forming alloy,more » typically a tool steel, is deposited onto an easy-to-form tool pattern to replicate the pattern's shape and surface features. By so doing, the approach eliminates many machining operations in conventional mold making, significantly reducing cost, lead time and energy. Moreover, rapid solidification creates unique microstructural features by suppressing carbide precipitation and growth, and creating metastable phases. This can result in unique material properties following heat treatment. Spray-formed and aged tool steel dies have exhibited extended life compared to conventional dies in many forming operations such as forging, extrusion and die casting. RSP Tooling technolocy was commercialized with the formation of RSP Tooling, LLC in Solon, Oh.« less

  9. Compaction die for forming a solid annulus on a right circular cylinder. [Patent application


    Harlow, J.L.


    A compacting die is disclosed wherein the improvement comprises providing a screen in the die cavity, the screen being positioned parallel to the side walls of said die and dividing the die cavity into center and annular compartments. In addition, the use of this die in a method for producing an annular clad ceramic fuel material is disclosed.

  10. Living and Dying: A Window on (Christian) Children's Spirituality

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Champagne, Elaine


    Faith and beliefs about living and dying are fundamental constituents of spiritual development. However, children are seldom asked to talk about their experiences of life and death. This article has a twofold purpose. It first describes children's expressions on living and dying, as heard during a newly developed programme which encourages…

  11. Clinical nurses' attitudes towards death and caring for dying patients in China.


    Wang, Liping; Li, Chaxiang; Zhang, Qiongling; Li, YaJie


    To examine Chinese clinical nurses' attitudes towards death and caring for dying patients, and to examine the relationships between clinical nurses' attitudes towards death and caring for dying patients. A convenience sample of 770 clinical nurses from 15 hospitals in China. All participants completed the Chinese version of the Frommelt Attitude Toward Care of the Dying Scale, Form B (FATCOD-B-C), the Chinese version of the Death Attitude Profile-Revised (DAP-R-C), and a demographic questionnaire. The mean score of the FATCOD-B-C items was 95.62 (SD = 7.45). The majority of Chinese clinical nurses were likely to provide care for the dying person's family (mean = 3.77), but did not have a positive attitude towards communication with the dying person(mean = 2.62). The majority of Chinese clinical nurses showed low scores on death avoidance (mean=1.96) and natural acceptance (mean = 1.61), and most of them viewed death as a passageway to a happy afterlife (mean = 4.33). Attitudes towards caring for dying patients were significantly negatively correlated with fear of death (r = -0.120) and positively correlated with approach acceptance (r = 0.127) and natural acceptance (r = 0.117). Factors that predicted clinical nurses' attitudes towards the care of dying patients included education level, fear of death, approach acceptance, religious beliefs, previous education on death and dying, natural acceptance, professional title, and experience with death or dying patients, which accounted for 18.7% of the variance. Nurses' personal attitudes towards death were associated with their attitudes towards the care of dying patients. Training and educational programmes for clinical nurses should take into consideration nurses' personal attitudes towards death as well as their cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs.

  12. Dying with motor neurone disease, what can we learn from family caregivers?

    PubMed Central

    Ray, Robin A.; Brown, Janice; Street, Annette F.


    Abstract Background  Increasingly, people with neurodegenerative illness are cared for at home until close to death. Yet, discussing the reality of dying remains a social taboo. Objective  To examine the ways, family caregivers of people living with motor neurone disease (MND) experienced the dying of their relative and to identify how health practitioners can better prepare families for end‐of‐life care. Design  Secondary analysis was undertaken on data sets generated from two longitudinal qualitative studies employing similar data collection and analysis methods. Combining data sets increased participant numbers in a low incidence disease group. Setting and participants  Primary studies were undertaken with family caregivers in England and Australia. Interview and observational data were collected mostly in home. Participants who discussed dying and death formed the sample for secondary analysis. Results  Combined data revealed four major themes: planning for end of life, unexpected dying, dignity in the dying body and positive end to MND. Despite short survival predictions, discussions among family members about dying were often sporadic and linked to loss of hope. Effective planning for death assisted caregivers to manage the final degenerative processes of dying. When plans were not effectively communicated or enacted, capacity to preserve personhood was reduced. Discussion and Conclusion  Returning death and dying to social discourse will raise the level of community awareness and normalize conversations about end‐of‐life care. Strategies for on‐going, effective communication that facilitates advance care planning among patients, their families and practitioners are essential to improve dying and death for people with MND and their family caregivers. PMID:22512686

  13. Regional vegetation die-off in response to global-change-type drought

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Breshears, D.D.; Cobb, N.S.; Rich, P.M.; Price, K.P.; Allen, Craig D.; Balice, R.G.; Romme, W.H.; Kastens, J.H.; Floyd, M. Lisa; Belnap, J.; Anderson, J.J.; Myers, O.B.; Meyer, Clifton W.


    Future drought is projected to occur under warmer temperature conditions as climate change progresses, referred to here as global-change-type drought, yet quantitative assessments of the triggers and potential extent of drought-induced vegetation die-off remain pivotal uncertainties in assessing climate-change impacts. Of particular concern is regional-scale mortality of overstory trees, which rapidly alters ecosystem type, associated ecosystem properties, and land surface conditions for decades. Here, we quantify regional-scale vegetation die-off across southwestern North American woodlands in 2002-2003 in response to drought and associated bark beetle infestations. At an intensively studied site within the region, we quantified that after 15 months of depleted soil water content, >90% of the dominant, overstory tree species (Pinus edulis, a piñon) died. The die-off was reflected in changes in a remotely sensed index of vegetation greenness (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), not only at the intensively studied site but also across the region, extending over 12,000 km2 or more; aerial and field surveys confirmed the general extent of the die-off. Notably, the recent drought was warmer than the previous subcontinental drought of the 1950s. The limited, available observations suggest that die-off from the recent drought was more extensive than that from the previous drought, extending into wetter sites within the tree species' distribution. Our results quantify a trigger leading to rapid, drought-induced die-off of overstory woody plants at subcontinental scale and highlight the potential for such die-off to be more severe and extensive for future global-change-type drought under warmer conditions.

  14. Regional vegetation die-off in response to global-change-type drought

    PubMed Central

    Breshears, David D.; Cobb, Neil S.; Rich, Paul M.; Price, Kevin P.; Allen, Craig D.; Balice, Randy G.; Romme, William H.; Kastens, Jude H.; Floyd, M. Lisa; Belnap, Jayne; Anderson, Jesse J.; Myers, Orrin B.; Meyer, Clifton W.


    Future drought is projected to occur under warmer temperature conditions as climate change progresses, referred to here as global-change-type drought, yet quantitative assessments of the triggers and potential extent of drought-induced vegetation die-off remain pivotal uncertainties in assessing climate-change impacts. Of particular concern is regional-scale mortality of overstory trees, which rapidly alters ecosystem type, associated ecosystem properties, and land surface conditions for decades. Here, we quantify regional-scale vegetation die-off across southwestern North American woodlands in 2002-2003 in response to drought and associated bark beetle infestations. At an intensively studied site within the region, we quantified that after 15 months of depleted soil water content, >90% of the dominant, overstory tree species (Pinus edulis, a piñon) died. The die-off was reflected in changes in a remotely sensed index of vegetation greenness (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), not only at the intensively studied site but also across the region, extending over 12,000 km2 or more; aerial and field surveys confirmed the general extent of the die-off. Notably, the recent drought was warmer than the previous subcontinental drought of the 1950s. The limited, available observations suggest that die-off from the recent drought was more extensive than that from the previous drought, extending into wetter sites within the tree species' distribution. Our results quantify a trigger leading to rapid, drought-induced die-off of overstory woody plants at subcontinental scale and highlight the potential for such die-off to be more severe and extensive for future global-change-type drought under warmer conditions. PMID:16217022

  15. Der evolutionäre Naturalismus in der Ethik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaiser, Marie I.

    Charles Darwin hat eindrucksvoll gezeigt, dass der Mensch ebenso wie alle anderen Lebewesen ein Produkt der biologischen Evolution ist. Die sich an Darwin anschließende Forschung hat außerdem plausibel gemacht, dass sich nicht nur viele der körperlichen Merkmale des Menschen, sondern auch (zumindest einige) seiner Verhaltensdispositionen in adaptiven Selektionsprozessen herausgebildet haben. Die Vorstellung, dass auch die menschliche Moralität evolutionär bedingt ist, scheint daher auf den ersten Blick ganz überzeugend. Schließlich hat die Evolutionstheorie in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten in vielen Bereichen (auch außerhalb der Biologie) ihre weitreichende Bedeutung unter Beweis gestellt. Warum sollte, so könnte man beispielsweise fragen, gerade die Fähigkeit des Menschen, moralische Normen aufzustellen und gemäß ihnen zu handeln, nicht evolutionär erklärt werden können? Und warum sollte eine solche evolutionäre Erklärung der menschlichen Moralität irrelevant für die Rechtfertigung moralischer Normen sein? Warum sollte die Ethik eine Bastion der Philosophen bleiben, für die evolutionsbiologische Forschungsergebnisse über den Menschen und seine nächsten Verwandten keinerlei Relevanz besitzen?

  16. Key factors affecting dying children and their families.


    Hinds, Pamela S; Schum, Lisa; Baker, Justin N; Wolfe, Joanne


    The death of a child alters the life and health of others immediately and for the rest of their lives. How a child dies influences parents' abilities to continue their role functions as well as siblings' abilities to make and maintain friendships, and may be the basis for health care providers' decisions to exit direct care roles. Thus, facilitating a "good death"-an obvious care priority for all involved with the dying child-ought also to be a priority for the health of bereaved families and affected health care providers. Making this a care priority is complicated by a serious lack of data, as details of the last hours or weeks of a dying child or adolescent's life are largely unknown. The purpose of this paper is to identify key factors that affect the course of dying children and adolescents and that of their bereaved survivors, and to link those key factors to needed research that could produce clinically relevant findings to improve the care of these patients. Key factors described here include suffering (physical, psychological, and spiritual), communication, decision making, prognostic ambiguities, ability of the seriously ill child to give assent to research participation, and educational preparation of health care providers to give competent end-of-life care.

  17. Von neuen Geschäftsideen zur gelebten Digitalisierung in Utility 4.0 - das Integrierte Geschäftsmodell

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Doleski, Oliver D.

    Die Energiewirtschaft benötigt neue, digitale Geschäftsmodelle. Gegenwärtig folgt auf Liberalisierung und Energiewende die nächste Stufe einer weitreichenden Bereinigung des Versorgungsmarktes. Digitalisierung und Dezentralisierung sind heute in aller Munde und verlangen nach neuen Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Dabei wirken die immensen Herausforderungen einer digitalen Energiewelt wie Beschleuniger für die Transformation im Versorgungssektor und tragen damit zur breiten Etablierung von Utilities 4.0 bei. Dieser Entwicklungsprozess vollzieht sich mithilfe unterschiedlicher Methoden zur Realisierung neuer Geschäftsideen. Allerdings greifen die gängigen Konzepte zur Entwicklung von Geschäftsmodellen gerade im Hinblick auf die Berücksichtigung komplexer, unbeständiger Rahmenbedingungen und spezifischer Anforderungen der digitalen Energiewelt mitunter zu kurz. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das auf dem ganzheitlichen St. Galler Management-Konzept beruhende Integrierte Geschäftsmodell iOcTen als geeignetes Instrumentarium zur Geschäftsmodellentwicklung vorgestellt. Neben der Modellbeschreibung unterstützt ein intuitiv verständlicher Leitfaden den Praktiker bei der Transformation vom klassischen Versorgungsunternehmen zum digitalen Energiedienstleistungsunternehmen.

  18. Aerial image based die-to-model inspections of advanced technology masks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Jun; Lei, Wei-Guo; McCall, Joan; Zaatri, Suheil; Penn, Michael; Nagpal, Rajesh; Faivishevsky, Lev; Ben-Yishai, Michael; Danino, Udy; Tam, Aviram; Dassa, Oded; Balasubramanian, Vivek; Shah, Tejas H.; Wagner, Mark; Mangan, Shmoolik


    Die-to-Model (D2M) inspection is an innovative approach to running inspection based on a mask design layout data. The D2M concept takes inspection from the traditional domain of mask pattern to the preferred domain of the wafer aerial image. To achieve this, D2M transforms the mask layout database into a resist plane aerial image, which in turn is compared to the aerial image of the mask, captured by the inspection optics. D2M detection algorithms work similarly to an Aerial D2D (die-to-die) inspection, but instead of comparing a die to another die it is compared to the aerial image model. D2M is used whenever D2D inspection is not practical (e.g., single die) or when a validation of mask conformity to design is needed, i.e., for printed pattern fidelity. D2M is of particular importance for inspection of logic single die masks, where no simplifying assumption of pattern periodicity may be done. The application can tailor the sensitivity to meet the needs at different locations, such as device area, scribe lines and periphery. In this paper we present first test results of the D2M mask inspection application at a mask shop. We describe the methodology of using D2M, and review the practical aspects of the D2M mask inspection.

  19. Proper care for the dying: a critical public issue.

    PubMed Central

    Crispell, K R; Gomez, C F


    The ability of the medical profession to sustain life, or more appropriately, to prolong dying, in patients with terminal illness, creates a most complex and controversial situation for all involved: the patient, if mentally alert; the patient's family; and the medical care team including physicians, nurses and attendants. This situation is especially complex in large acute care hospitals where medical and nursing students, residents and house officers receive advanced medical training. A major problem, prolonging the dying of the terminally ill, with its medical, legal, ethical and economic complexities now confronts American society. The problem is particularly acute in teaching hospitals, in which one finds a disproportionate number of terminally ill patients. The ability to work at these questions as a community rather than as adversaries will determine much about the ability of the health care system to respect the dignity and autonomy of those who seek aid and comfort when faced with serious illness and impending death. Better communication between the physicians, health care providers, the lawyers and ethicists must be developed in order to solve these problems. Over the next ten years society and our elected representatives will be making very demanding decisions about the use of the health dollar. One possible way to prevent increasing costs is to reach significant agreement on the proper care of the dying. Proper care for the dying is being considered, discussed, and evaluated by very thoughtful people. It is not governments which should decide who is to live or who is to die. There is the serious problem of the 'slippery slope' to euthanasia by omission if cost containment becomes the major force in formulating policy on the proper care of the dying. PMID:3612698

  20. The dying neonate: family-centered end-of-life care.


    De Lisle-Porter, Martine; Podruchny, Ann Marie


    There is a need in the NICU for an end-of-life care guideline that nurses can follow when working with dying infants and their families. Maintaining intravenous access to relieve the infant's pain, communicating sensitively to the family, and creating precious, everlasting memories are goals that should be part of every dying infant's care. The nurse's ability to partner with the family in caring for the infant is integral to helping the family take the first steps in their grief journey. Evidence-based literature provides NICU nurses with the knowledge that they are the facilitators of end-of-life care for dying infants. New mothers and fathers are not aware of the caring parental tasks they can perform for their dying baby. They look to and depend on their infant's nurses to encourage them. The guideline included here provides nurses with a tool for ensuring that families have the opportunity to create memories that will not only help them with their immediate pain, but also comfort them for a lifetime.

  1. Solid explosive plane-wave lenses pressed-to-shape with dies

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Olinger, B.


    Solid-explosive plane-wave lenses 1", 2" and 4¼" in diameter have been mass-produced from components pressed-to-shape with aluminum dies. The method used to calculate the contour between the solid plane-wave lens components pressed-to-shape with the dies is explained. The steps taken to press, machine, and assemble the lenses are described. The method of testing the lenses, the results of those tests, and the corrections to the dies are reviewed. The work on the ½", 8", and 12" diameter lenses is also discussed.

  2. Dying scenarios improve recall as much as survival scenarios.


    Burns, Daniel J; Hart, Joshua; Kramer, Melanie E


    Merely contemplating one's death improves retention for entirely unrelated material learned subsequently. This "dying to remember" effect seems conceptually related to the survival processing effect, whereby processing items for their relevance to being stranded in the grasslands leads to recall superior to that of other deep processing control conditions. The present experiments directly compared survival processing scenarios with "death processing" scenarios. Results showed that when the survival and dying scenarios are closely matched on key dimensions, and possible congruency effects are controlled, the dying and survival scenarios produced equivalently high recall levels. We conclude that the available evidence (cf. Bell, Roer, & Buchner, 2013; Klein, 2012), while not definitive, is consistent with the possibility of overlapping mechanisms.

  3. New Lubricant for Pressure Die Casting,

    DTIC Science & Technology

    synthetic acids, finely dispersed graphite preparations, etc. The new lubricants are not inferior in their properties to the well known foreign lubricants antilov, olea , and emtek used in pressure die casting.

  4. 9 CFR 309.3 - Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and similar livestock.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and... AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION ANTE-MORTEM INSPECTION § 309.3 Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and similar livestock. (a) Livestock found to be dead or in a dying condition on the premises of...

  5. 9 CFR 309.3 - Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and similar livestock.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and... AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION ANTE-MORTEM INSPECTION § 309.3 Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and similar livestock. (a) Livestock found to be dead or in a dying condition on the premises of...

  6. 9 CFR 309.3 - Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and similar livestock.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and... AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION ANTE-MORTEM INSPECTION § 309.3 Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and similar livestock. (a) Livestock found to be dead or in a dying condition on the premises of...

  7. 9 CFR 309.3 - Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and similar livestock.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and... AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION ANTE-MORTEM INSPECTION § 309.3 Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and similar livestock. (a) Livestock found to be dead or in a dying condition on the premises of...

  8. 9 CFR 309.3 - Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and similar livestock.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and... AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION ANTE-MORTEM INSPECTION § 309.3 Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased and similar livestock. (a) Livestock found to be dead or in a dying condition on the premises of...

  9. Discussion of death and dying in surgical textbooks.


    Easson, A M; Crosby, J A; Librach, S L


    Quality end-of-life care is an increasing concern for the public and the medical profession. Surgical textbooks could serve as an important educational and reference resource to improve this care. Four general surgical textbooks were scored for helpful information on death and dying for eight surgical diseases. For each disease, nine content domains related to care of the dying patient were evaluated. Three texts included a chapter on cancer that was evaluated separately. Disease epidemiology, prognosis/prevention, progression, and medical interventions were generally well discussed in all textbooks. However, little helpful information was provided with regards to breaking bad news/advanced care planning, mode of death, treatment decision-making, effect on family/surgeon, and symptom management. Cancer chapters also addressed only a few of these concerns. Death and the dying patient are sufficiently frequent in surgical practice that it would be appropriate to increase the amount of information provided.

  10. Investigating the Evolution of Progressive Die Wear on Uncoated Dp1180 Steel in Production Environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, W.; Zhou, D. J.; Adamski, D. J.; Young, D.; Wang, Y. W.


    A study of die wear was performed using an uncoated dual phase, 1,180 MPa ultimate tensile strength steel (DP1180) in a progressive die. The objectives of the current study are to evaluate the die durability of various tooling materials and coatings for forming operations on uncoated DP1180 steel and update OEM’s die standards based on the experimental results in the real production environment. In total, 100,800 hits were performed in manufacturing production conditions, where 33 die inserts with the combination of 10 die materials and 9 coatings were investigated. The die inserts were evaluated for surface wear using scanning electron microscopy and characterized in terms of die material and/or coating defects, failure mode, failure initiation and propagation. Surface roughness of the formed parts was characterized using a WYKO NT110 machine. The analytical analysis of the die inserts and formed parts, combined with the failure mode and service life, provide a basis for die material and coating selection for forming AHSS components. The conclusions of this study will guide the selection of die material and coatings for high-volume production of AHSS components.

  11. 3D FEM Geometry and Material Flow Optimization of Porthole-Die Extrusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ceretti, Elisabetta; Mazzoni, Luca; Giardini, Claudio


    The aim of this work is to design and to improve the geometry of a porthole-die for the production of aluminum components by means of 3D FEM simulations. In fact, the use of finite element models will allow to investigate the effects of the die geometry (webs, extrusion cavity) on the material flow and on the stresses acting on the die so to reduce the die wear and to improve the tool life. The software used to perform the simulations was a commercial FEM code, Deform 3D. The technological data introduced in the FE model have been furnished by METRA S.p.A. Company, partner in this research. The results obtained have been considered valid and helpful by the Company for building a new optimized extrusion porthole-die.

  12. Being One with the Universe: Finding a Silver Lining in Dying.


    Caratao-Mojica, Rhea


    Woody Allen once quoted, "I don't mind dying so much, I just don't want to be there when it happens" (as cited in Ingram, 2002, p. 1). Oftentimes, death is not a happy subject, a reality that most of us fear, yet something we all must face. In this paper, three articles were reviewed that explored the living-dying (Phillips, 1992) process of the terminally ill and the material was conceptualized in light of Rogers (1994) science of unitary human beings. To further understand and explore the living-dying process, creative examples (movie screenplay, novel, song and others) were cited. During the living-dying process exploration, three common themes were expressed by the subjects (dying persons), namely: valuing own perspective of quality of life; choosing personal meanings with ways of moving beyond with the possibles (Lee & Pilkington, 1999), while focusing on life's meaning rather than life's details (Dobratz, 2002); and connecting to the world-as-unknown while self-separating to the world-as-known in actively seeking the union with death (Kubler-Ross, 1981; Callanan & Kelly, 1992; Dobratz, 2002). It is important for healthcare providers to recognize and acknowledge all three themes to be able to understand dying persons, to focus on their wholeness rather than their disease, and to help families discern symbolic messages conveyed by them. Moreover, knowing these themes also enables healthcare providers to help all parties to transition and be able to accept and embrace the most difficult process—the living-dying (Phillips, 1992) process. © The Author(s) 2015.

  13. Measuring attitudes towards the dying process: A systematic review of tools.


    Groebe, Bernadette; Strupp, Julia; Eisenmann, Yvonne; Schmidt, Holger; Schlomann, Anna; Rietz, Christian; Voltz, Raymond


    At the end of life, anxious attitudes concerning the dying process are common in patients in Palliative Care. Measurement tools can identify vulnerabilities, resources and the need for subsequent treatment to relieve suffering and support well-being. To systematically review available tools measuring attitudes towards dying, their operationalization, the method of measurement and the methodological quality including generalizability to different contexts. Systematic review according to the PRISMA Statement. Methodological quality of tools assessed by standardized review criteria. MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PsyndexTests and the Health and Psychosocial Instruments were searched from their inception to April 2017. A total of 94 identified studies reported the development and/or validation of 44 tools. Of these, 37 were questionnaires and 7 alternative measurement methods (e.g. projective measures). In 34 of 37 questionnaires, the emotional evaluation (e.g. anxiety) towards dying is measured. Dying is operationalized in general items ( n = 20), in several specific aspects of dying ( n = 34) and as dying of others ( n = 14). Methodological quality of tools was reported inconsistently. Nine tools reported good internal consistency. Of 37 tools, 4 were validated in a clinical sample (e.g. terminal cancer; Huntington disease), indicating questionable generalizability to clinical contexts for most tools. Many tools exist to measure attitudes towards the dying process using different endpoints. This overview can serve as decision framework on which tool to apply in which contexts. For clinical application, only few tools were available. Further validation of existing tools and potential alternative methods in various populations is needed.

  14. Manufacture of gradient micro-structures of magnesium alloys using two stage extrusion dies

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hwang, Yeong-Maw; Huang, Tze-Hui; Alexandrov, Sergei


    This paper aims to manufacture magnesium alloy metals with gradient micro-structures using hot extrusion process. The extrusion die was designed to have a straight channel part combined with a conical part. Materials pushed through this specially-designed die generate a non-uniform velocity distribution at cross sections inside the die and result in different strain and strain rate distributions. Accordingly, a gradient microstructure product can be obtained. Using the finite element analysis, the forming temperature, effective strain, and effective strain rate distributions at the die exit were firstly discussed for various inclination angles in the conical die. Then, hot extrusion experiments withmore » a two stage die were conducted to obtain magnesium alloy products with gradient micro-structures. The effects of the inclination angle on the grain size distribution at cross sections of the products were also discussed. Using a die of an inclination angle of 15°, gradient micro-structures of the grain size decreasing gradually from 17 μm at the center to 4 μm at the edge of product were achieved.« less

  15. Results from a new die-to-database reticle inspection platform

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Broadbent, William; Xiong, Yalin; Giusti, Michael; Walsh, Robert; Dayal, Aditya


    A new die-to-database high-resolution reticle defect inspection system has been developed for the 45nm logic node and extendable to the 32nm node (also the comparable memory nodes). These nodes will use predominantly 193nm immersion lithography although EUV may also be used. According to recent surveys, the predominant reticle types for the 45nm node are 6% simple tri-tone and COG. Other advanced reticle types may also be used for these nodes including: dark field alternating, Mask Enhancer, complex tri-tone, high transmission, CPL, EUV, etc. Finally, aggressive model based OPC will typically be used which will include many small structures such as jogs, serifs, and SRAF (sub-resolution assist features) with accompanying very small gaps between adjacent structures. The current generation of inspection systems is inadequate to meet these requirements. The architecture and performance of a new die-to-database inspection system is described. This new system is designed to inspect the aforementioned reticle types in die-to-database and die-to-die modes. Recent results from internal testing of the prototype systems are shown. The results include standard programmed defect test reticles and advanced 45nm and 32nm node reticles from industry sources. The results show high sensitivity and low false detections being achieved.

  16. Method of making cascaded die mountings with springs-loaded contact-bond options


    Hsu, John S [Oak Ridge, TN; Adams, Donald J [Knoxville, TN; Su, Gui-Jia [Knoxville, TN; Marlino, Laura D [Oak Ridge, TN; Ayers, Curtis W [Kingston, TN; Coomer, Chester [Knoxville, TN


    A cascaded die mounting device and method using spring contacts for die attachment, with or without metallic bonds between the contacts and the dies, is disclosed. One embodiment is for the direct refrigerant cooling of an inverter/converter carrying higher power levels than most of the low power circuits previously taught, and does not require using a heat sink.

  17. Prior suicide attempts are less common in suicide decedents who died by firearms relative to those who died by other means.


    Anestis, Michael D


    Suicide prevention efforts often center on the identification of risk factors (e.g., prior suicide attempts); however, lists of risk factors without consideration of context may prove incapable of impacting suicide rates. One contextual variable worth considering is attempt method. Utilizing data from the National Violent Death Reporting System (2005-2012), I examined suicide deaths (n=71,775) by firearms and other means to determine whether prior suicide attempts were more common in one group versus the other. Significantly fewer suicide decedents who died by firearms reported a prior history of suicide attempts (12.10%) than did decedents who died by other means (28.66%). This result was further replicated within each state that contributed data to the NVDRS. Only 17 states have contributed to the NVDRS thus far and, within those states, not all suicide deaths were reported. Due to the nature of the data, I was unable to test proposed mediators within our model. Suicide decedents who die by firearms may die on their first attempt more often than other decedents due to a capability and willingness to utilize a highly lethal means. Current risk assessment protocols may be ill equipped to identify such individuals prospectively on their own. Broader methods of implementing means restriction (e.g., legislation) may thus be pivotal in suicide prevention efforts. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Nurses' views on legalising assisted dying in New Zealand: A cross-sectional study.


    Wilson, Michael; Oliver, Pam; Malpas, Phillipa


    This study investigated New Zealand nurses' views on legalising assisted dying across a range of clinical conditions, nurses' willingness to engage in legal assisted dying, potential deterrents and enablers to such engagement, and nurses' perceptions of the proper role of their professional bodies in relation to legalising assisted dying. A Bill for legalising assisted dying is currently before the New Zealand parliament. Of the 16 jurisdictions where assisted dying has been specifically legislated, only the Canadian federal statute provides nurses with explicit legal protection for their performance of assisted dying-related tasks. An absence of policy development and planning for safe nursing practice prior to legalisation of assisted dying results in a gap in professional support and guidance. Exploratory cross-sectional survey. A self-selected sample of 475 New Zealand nurses responded to an anonymous online survey disseminated through the newsletters and websites of relevant medical and nursing professional bodies. A sub-sample of nurses who expressed support for or ambivalence about legalisation (n = 356): rated their level of support for legalising assisted dying in New Zealand across a range of medical conditions, and their willingness to participate in a range of assisted dying tasks; identified barriers and facilitators to potential participation; and assessed the responsibility of the professional bodies to provide practice supports. Mixed-method approach using descriptive analysis of quantitative data; qualitative data were analysed thematically. Nurses supported legalisation at a rate (67%) significantly greater than that of doctors (37%) and for a diverse range of medical conditions. Most supporting nurses were willing to engage in the full range of relevant assisted dying roles. They identified several practical and ethical supports as essential to safe engagement, in particular practice guidelines, specific training, legal protections, clinical

  19. Dying in the Hospital: Perspectives of family members.


    Dose, Ann Marie; Carey, Elise C; Rhudy, Lori M; Chiu, Yichen; Frimannsdottir, Katrin; Ottenberg, Abigale L; Koenig, Barbara A


    Although most patients express a preference to die at home, many (over 30 percent) still die in hospital. This study's purpose was to explore the experience of hospital death from the perspective of patients' family members. interviews were conducted with family members of patients who had died at hospitals affiliated with a large tertiary referral centre in the United States. Content analysis was used to analyze findings. We interviewed 30 family members by phone. Themes were arranged by time frame: before death, time of death, and after death. Families do not interpret clinical cues leading up to death in the same way healthcare providers do; families need clear and direct explanations from providers. Clinicians should assess patient and family understandings of prognosis and communicate clearly and directly. Family members value being with their loved one at the time of death, and they value spending time with the body after death; this should be facilitated in clinical practice.

  20. Study of radial die-wall pressure changes during pharmaceutical powder compaction.


    Abdel-Hamid, Sameh; Betz, Gabriele


    In tablet manufacturing, less attention is paid to the measurement of die-wall pressure than to force-displacement diagrams. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate radial stress change during pharmaceutical compaction. The Presster(TM), a tablet-press replicator, was used to characterize compaction behavior of microcrystalline cellulose (viscoelastic), calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate (brittle), direct compressible mannitol (plastic), pre-gelatinized starch (plastic/elastic), and spray dried lactose monohydrate (plastic/brittle) by measuring radial die-wall pressure; therefore powders were compacted at different (pre) compaction pressures as well as different speeds. Residual die-wall pressure (RDP) and maximum die-wall pressure (MDP) were measured. Various tablet physical properties were correlated to radial die-wall pressure. With increasing compaction pressure, RDP and MDP (P < 0.0001) increased for all materials, with increasing precompaction RDP decreased for plastic materials (P < 0.05), whereas with increasing speed MDP decreased for all materials (P < 0.05). During decompression, microcrystalline cellulose and pre-gelatinized starch showed higher axial relaxation, whereas mannitol and lactose showed higher radial relaxation, calcium hydrogen phosphate showed high axial and radial relaxations. Plastic and brittle materials showed increased tendencies for friction because of high radial relaxation. Die-wall monitoring is suggested as a valuable tool for characterizing compaction behavior of materials and detecting friction phenomena in the early stage of development.

  1. Wolfgang Pauli

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Enz, Charles P.


    Wolfgang Pauli gehört zu den bedeutendsten Physikern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Erst das von ihm entdeckte Ausschließungsprinzip erklärt den Aufbau des Periodensystems der Elemente. Darüber hinaus legte er den Grundstein für die Quantenfeldtheorie. Privat zeigte sich Pauli als bissiger und humorvoller Mensc gleichermaßen, und sein Hang zur Psychoanalyse lässt ihn überdies als interessante Persönlichkeit erscheinen.

  2. Nurses attitudes towards death, dying patients and euthanasia: A descriptive study.


    Ay, Melike Ayça; Öz, Fatma


    Attitudes of nurses towards death and related concepts influence end-of-life care. Determining nurses' views and attitudes towards these concepts and the factors that affect them are necessary to ensure quality end-of-life care. The purpose of this study was to determine nurses' views and attitudes about death, dying patient, euthanasia and the relationships between nurses' characteristics. Participants consist of the nurses who volunteered to take part in this descriptive study from 25 hospitals (n = 340) which has a paediatric or adult intensive care unit and located within the boundaries of Ankara, Turkey. 'Nurse Information Form' and 'Attitude Scale about Euthanasia, Death and Dying Patients (DAS)' were used as data collection tool. Ethical consideration: Written permissions were received from the 'Noninterventional Clinical Researches Ethics Board' of authors' university and education councils of each hospital. Informed consent was obtained from participants. It is found that there are statistically significant difference among the factors of marital status, having a child, years of experience, bereavement experience, affected by working with dying patient, definition of euthanasia, views about patients who are appropriate for euthanasia, views about patients who desire to die and feeling need for counselling on these concepts according to the mean total score of nurses' attitudes about euthanasia, death and dying patient (p < 0.05). The results indicate that nurses are negatively affected to face the concepts of death, euthanasia and work with dying patient. This is reflected in their attitude. In order to gain positive attitude towards death, dying patient and euthanasia, the implementation of training and consulting services to nurses at appropriate intervals during both education and professional life are required.

  3. Facilitating Attachment between School-Aged Children and a Dying Parent

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Saldinger, Amy; Cain, Albert C.; Porterfield, Katherine; Lohnes, Kelly


    A qualitative, community study of 58 parentally bereaved children and their 35 surviving parents illustrates how families take advantage of forewarning of death to foster connections between children and dying parents and prepare for youngsters' continued attachment to dying parents after the death. Children and parents displayed strong yearnings…

  4. High moisture corn stover pelleting in a flat die pellet mill fitted with a 6 mm die: physical properties and specific energy consumption


    Tumuluru, Jaya Shankar


    The quality and specific energy consumption (SEC) of the biomass pellets produced depend upon pelleting process conditions. The present study includes understanding the effect of feedstock moisture in the range of 28–38% (wet basis [w.b.]) and preheating in the range of 30–110°C at two die speeds of 40 and 60 Hz on the physical properties and SEC. A flat die pellet mill fitted with a 6 mm die was used in the present study. The physical properties of pellets such as moisture content, unit, bulk and tapped density, durability, and expansion ratio and SEC of the pelleting process are measured.more » The results indicate that the pellets produced have durability values in the range of 87–98%, and unit bulk and tapped density in the range of 670–1100, 375–575, and 420–620 kg/m³. Increasing the feedstock moisture content from 33% to 38% (w.b) decreased the unit, bulk and tapped density by about 30–40%. Increasing feedstock moisture content increased the expansion ratio and decreased the density values. A higher feedstock moisture content of 38% (w.b.) and higher preheating temperature of 110°C resulted in lower density and a higher expansion ratio, which can be attributed to flash off of moisture as the material extrudes out of the die. The SEC was in the range of 75–275 kWh/ton. Higher feedstock moisture content of 38% (w.b.) and a lower die speed of 40 Hz increased the SEC, whereas lower to medium preheating temperature (30–70°C), medium feedstock moisture content of 33% (w.b.), and a higher die speed of 60 Hz minimized the SEC to <100 kWh/ton.« less

  5. Understandings of death and dying for people of Chinese origin.


    Hsu, Chiung-yin; O'Connor, Margaret; Lee, Susan


    This article introduces the primary beliefs about ancestor worship, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism and traditional Chinese medicine that have influenced Chinese people for thousands of years, particularly in relation to death and dying. These cultures and traditions remain important for Chinese people wherever they live. Over a long period, Chinese people have integrated these philosophies and religions to form the basis of their culture and traditions. Although they agree that death is a natural part of the life span, a unique belief about death and dying has emerged among the Chinese from this integration. From this, the people find a significant definition of death and dying.

  6. Death and Dying Anxiety among Bereaved and Nonbereaved Elderly Parents

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Azaiza, Faisal; Ron, Pnina; Shoham, Meyrav; Tinsky-Roimi, Tal


    This study examines differences in death and dying anxiety between bereaved and nonbereaved elderly Israeli parents, as well as correlates of these factors among bereaved parents. A total of 97 parents (49 bereaved, 48 nonbereaved) completed measures of death and dying anxiety and religiosity. Bereaved parents reported significantly higher dying…

  7. Teaching about Dying and Death in a Multidisciplinary Student Group.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barton, David; And Others


    Discusses dimensions which emerged in a multidisciplinary class of medical, nursing, social work, and theology students about dying and death. Group process was the most important aspect. Students evaluated their roles and transactions in caring for the dying. The recognition of solidarity of purpose, shared feeling, and mutual support emerged.…

  8. [Cardiodoron® bei Patienten mit Schlafstörungen - Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Beobachtungsstudie].


    Rother, Claudia; Schnelle, Martin

    Hintergrund: Schlafstörungen gehören zu den häufigsten gesundheitlichen Problemen der heutigen Zeit. Stress und die dadurch bedingte innere Anspannung sowie eine unrhythmische Lebensführung z.B. durch Schichtarbeit sind bekannte auslösende Faktoren. Weniger bekannt ist, dass auch funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden zu Störungen des Schlafs führen können und dass deren Behandlung zu einer Verbesserung der Schlafqualität beiträgt. Ganzheitlich betrachtet geht es daher um die Wiederherstellung einer gesunden Rhythmik, insbesondere des Herz-/Atem- sowie des Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus, die Cardiodoron®, eine Heilpflanzenkomposition aus Primula veris, Hyoscyamus niger und Onopordum acanthium, unterstützt. Patienten und Methoden: Mittels einer prospektiven, multizentrischen Beobachtungsstudie sollte ermittelt werden, wie sich funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden und/oder Schlafstörungen unter der Behandlung mit Cardiodoron® (Dilution) über 3-6 Monate entwickeln. Im Zeitraum von September 2009 bis März 2012 dokumentierten 92 Ärzte 501 Patienten, von denen 380 über Schlafstörungen klagten und deren Daten in dieser Publikation näher betrachtet werden. Nach einer Aufnahmeuntersuchung erfolgte nach 90 Tagen eine Abschlussuntersuchung und bei Fortführung der Therapie nach nochmals 90 Tagen eine Follow-up-Untersuchung. Neben 30 ärztlicherseits bewerteten Symptomen beurteilten die Patienten ihr Befinden mittels Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) nach Buysse und der Beschwerden-Liste nach von Zerssen (B-L und B-L'). Ergebnisse: Unter der Cardiodoron®-Therapie gingen bei guter Verträglichkeit sowohl die Ausprägung der Schlafstörungen (um 65% von 2,0 auf 0,7 Punkte) als auch die erfassten 30 Symptome (um 59% von 24,3 auf 9,9 Punkte) deutlich zurück (p < 0,01). Weiterhin reduzierten sich der PSQI und der Gesamtwert der Beschwerden-Liste signifikant (p < 0,0001) um 60% bzw. 56% (von 12,2 auf 4,8 bzw. von 25,6 auf 11,4 Punkte). Schlussfolgerungen: Bei

  9. Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography as a Method for Finding Die Attach Voids in Diodes

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Brahm, E. N.; Rolin, T. D.


    NASA analyzes electrical, electronic, and electromechanical (EEE) parts used in space vehicles to understand failure modes of these components. The diode is an EEE part critical to NASA missions that can fail due to excessive voiding in the die attach. Metallography, one established method for studying the die attach, is a time-intensive, destructive, and equivocal process whereby mechanical grinding of the diodes is performed to reveal voiding in the die attach. Problems such as die attach pull-out tend to complicate results and can lead to erroneous conclusions. The objective of this study is to determine if three-dimensional computed tomography (3DCT), a nondestructive technique, is a viable alternative to metallography for detecting die attach voiding. The die attach voiding in two- dimensional planes created from 3DCT scans was compared to several physical cross sections of the same diode to determine if the 3DCT scan accurately recreates die attach volumetric variability

  10. 9 CFR 381.194 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died otherwise... transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died... commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry or parts of the carcasses of any...

  11. 9 CFR 381.194 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died otherwise... transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died... commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry or parts of the carcasses of any...

  12. 9 CFR 381.194 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died otherwise... transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died... commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry or parts of the carcasses of any...

  13. 9 CFR 381.194 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died otherwise... transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died... commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry or parts of the carcasses of any...

  14. 9 CFR 381.194 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died otherwise... transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died... commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry or parts of the carcasses of any...

  15. The quality of dying and death measurement instruments: A systematic psychometric review.


    Gutiérrez Sánchez, Daniel; Pérez Cruzado, David; Cuesta-Vargas, Antonio I


    To identify instruments that could assess the quality of dying and death and their psychometric properties. To assess the methodological quality of studies on measurement properties. A high quality of death is regarded as a goal at the end of life and, therefore, an assessment of the end of life experience is essential. Many instruments have been developed to evaluate the quality of dying and death. The selection of the most appropriate measure to be used in clinical and research settings is crucial. Psychometric systematic review. We systematically searched ProQuest Medline, SciELO and ProQuest PsycINFO from 1970 - May 2016. Identification and evaluation of instruments that assessed quality of dying and death. Papers were evaluated by two independent reviewers according to the COSMIN checklist with a 4-point scale. A total of 19 studies were included in this review. Seven instruments were found that were specifically designed for assessing quality of dying and death. A retrospective carer proxy report to evaluate this construct was used in most of the papers. The methodological quality of the studies was fair for most of the psychometric characteristics analyzed. Many instruments have been developed to assess the quality of dying and death. The Quality of Dying and Death Questionnaire is the best available measure of the quality of dying and death. It is the only questionnaire identified in this review where all psychometric properties according to the COSMIN checklist have been evaluated. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Kraft-Wärmekopplung und Blockheiz-Kraftwerke BHKW

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zahoransky, Richard; Allelein, Hans-Josef; Bollin, Elmar; Oehler, Helmut; Schelling, Udo

    Die thermischen Wirkungsgrade von Kraftwerken zur Stromerzeugung sind relativ gering. Beispielsweise erreichen moderne Kohlekraftwerke heute bis etwa 45 %, Gasturbinen maximal 40 % und Diesel-Motoren nicht über 50 %. Kombinations-Kraftwerke, Gas- und Dampfturbinen-Prozesse können an die 60 % thermischer Wirkungsgrad bei der Umwandlung der zugeführten Wärme in mechanische bzw. elektrische Energie erzielen. Ein ähnlich hoher Wert wird in Zukunft von den Brennstoffzellen erwartet. Der nicht in Arbeit umgewandelte Anteil der zugeführten Wärme fällt als Abwärme an und geht ungenutzt in die Umgebung. Ein Teil dieser Abwärme lässt sich durch entsprechende Installationen bei allen Kraftwerksprozessen zur Wassererwärmung oder zur Dampferzeugung für industrielle Zwecke nutzen. Für Heizzwecke genügt eine Temperatur der Abwärme von 60 %C bis 80 %C, während die Erzeugung von Industriedampf deutlich höhere Temperaturen voraussetzt.

  17. Der deutsche Röntgensatellit ABRIXAS: Mission und wissenschaftliche Zielsetzung.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Predehl, P.

    ABRIXAS (A BRoad band Imaging X-ray All-sky Survey) ist ein Röntgensatellit mit sieben 27-fach genesteten Wolterteleskopen, die sich in ihren Brennpunkten eine pn-CCD Kamera teilen. ABRIXAS soll im Frühjahr 1999 auf einer russischen Cosmos-Rakete gestartet werden und die erste abbildende Himmelsdurchmusterung oberhalb von 2.4 keV durchführen. Man erwartet während der dreijährigen Mission wenigstens 10.000 neue Röntgenquellen zu entdecken. Dies sind vor allem solche Quellen, die durch vorgelagerte Staub- und Gasschichten für den ABRIXAS-Vorgänger ROSAT unsichtbar blieben. Darüber hinaus wird ABRIXAS hervorragend geeignet sein, ausgedehnte, diffuse Quellen spektroskopisch zu studieren und Intensitätsvariationen von Röntgenquellen auf sehr unterschiedlichen Zeitskalen zu untersuchen. Das Projekt ist eine wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Astrophysikalischen Institut Potsdam (AIP), dem Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik der Universität Tübingen (IAAT) und dem Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (MPE).

  18. Modulare und durchgängige Produktmodelle als Erfolgsfaktor zur Bedienung einer Omni-Channel-Architektur - PLM 4.0

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Golovatchev, Julius; Felsmann, Marcus

    Mit der Transformation der Wertschöpfungsstrukturen von Utility 1.0 zu Utility 4.0 erfolgt offensichtlich auch eine Veränderung des Produkts. Vor dem Hintergrund disruptiver Technologien (IoT, Big Data, Cloud, Robotics etc.) und auch gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen entstehen ständig neue Geschäftsmodelle und Produkte, die über die reine Versorgungsdienstleistung (z. B. Strom) hinausgehen. Dabei muss der wertvolle Rohstoff Produktdaten für smarte Produkte durchgängiger und schneller nutzbar gemacht werden. Die modularen und durchgängigen Produktstrukturen leisten einen Beitrag zur Beherrschung von Komplexität und stellen somit einen wesentlichen Hebel für erfolgreiche Produktentwicklung und -management dar. In diesem Beitrag werden Ansätze beschrieben, wie es den vor der Herausforderung Utility 4.0 stehenden Unternehmen gelingen kann, Smart-Energy-Produkte so zu modellieren, dass sie die Interoperabilität der einzelnen Produktionsmodule sicherstellt und ein Ende-zu-Ende-Management ermöglicht.

  19. Hubble View of a Dying Star

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This image of a dying star, protoplanetary nebula IRAS22036+5306, containing strange, complex structures may help explain the death throes of stars and defy our current understanding of physics. Taken by NASA Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2.

  20. 9 CFR 325.20 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of livestock that died... other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of... transporting in commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled or diseased animals or parts of the carcasses...

  1. 9 CFR 325.20 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of livestock that died... other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of... transporting in commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled or diseased animals or parts of the carcasses...

  2. 9 CFR 325.20 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of livestock that died... other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of... transporting in commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled or diseased animals or parts of the carcasses...

  3. 9 CFR 325.20 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of livestock that died... other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of... transporting in commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled or diseased animals or parts of the carcasses...

  4. 9 CFR 325.20 - Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of livestock that died... other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock, and parts of carcasses of... transporting in commerce, or importing any dead, dying, disabled or diseased animals or parts of the carcasses...

  5. Communication About Dying, Death, and Bereavement: A Systematic Review of Children's Literature

    PubMed Central

    Arruda-Colli, Marina N. F.; Weaver, Meaghann S.


    Abstract Background: Children's books have the potential to facilitate communication about death for children living with a serious illness and for children coping with the death of a loved one. Objectives: This study examines the content of children's literature relevant to the topic of dying and death and identifies books providers can share with children and their families. Design: A search of children's literature was conducted using four electronic databases and one additional search engine using the word “Death” or “Dying.” Storybooks about dying, death, and bereavement published in English, French, or Spanish between 1995 and 2015 were included. Measurements: Each book underwent content analysis by at least two independent reviewers. Strict PRISMA standard was followed. Full protocol is available as PROSPERO #CRD42016042129. Results: Two hundred ten books met inclusion criteria. The dying subject was primarily a grandparent (n = 78) or pet (n = 44). Books on the experience of a child dying were scarce (n = 5). The word death or dying was used in 75% of the books (n = 158), while others utilized euphemisms. The majority of books featured animals (n = 40) or Caucasian subjects (n = 122) and included spiritual elements such as heaven (n = 122). Less than one-quarter of the books included tools for readers to address the topic of death. Conclusions: Storybooks can be a helpful tool to introduce communication about dying and death with children. Gaps exist in current children's literature to effectively enable children to reflect on their own dying process. A general summary of available books is provided to assist those caring for children and families facing end-of-life issues. PMID:28346862

  6. Energy Saving Melting and Revert Reduction Technology (E-SMARRT): Mechanical Performance of Dies

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    R. Allen Miller, Principal Investigator; Kabiri-Bamoradian, Contributors: Khalil; Delgado-Garza, Abelardo


    As a net shape process, die casting is intrinsically efficient and improvements in energy efficiency are strongly dependent on design and process improvements that reduce scrap rates so that more of the total consumed energy goes into acceptable, usable castings. A casting that is distorted and fails to meet specified dimensional requirements is typically remelted but this still results in a decrease in process yield, lost productivity, and increased energy consumption. This work focuses on developing, and expanding the use of, computer modeling methods that can be used to improve the dimensional accuracy of die castings and produce die designsmore » and machine/die setups that reduce rejection rates due to dimensional issues. A major factor contributing to the dimensional inaccuracy of the casting is the elastic deformations of the die cavity caused by the thermo mechanical loads the dies are subjected to during normal operation. Although thermal and die cavity filling simulation are widely used in the industry, structural modeling of the die, particularly for managing part distortion, is not yet widely practiced. This may be due in part to the need to have a thorough understanding of the physical phenomenon involved in die distortion and the mathematical theory employed in the numerical models to efficiently model the die distortion phenomenon. Therefore, two of the goals of this work are to assist in efforts to expand the use of structural modeling and related technologies in the die casting industry by 1) providing a detailed modeling guideline and tutorial for those interested in developing the necessary skills and capability and 2) by developing simple meta-models that capture the results and experience gained from several years of die distortion research and can be used to predict key distortion phenomena of relevance to a die caster with a minimum of background and without the need for simulations. These objectives were met. A detailed modeling tutorial

  7. Living through the end: The phenomenon of dying at home.


    Solomon, Diane N; Hansen, Lissi


    To explore the unique lived experiences of one patient who died at home and her family members, and to interpret how dying at home influenced patterns of bereavement for this patient's family. Benner's (1985) interpretive phenomenological approach was employed to get at the embedded nature of the social phenomenon of dying at home, uncovering what may be taken for granted by participants - in this case, during and after the patient's home hospice course. The participants were a 78-year-old female diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis six months prior to death, her husband, and three of her four children. In line with the patient's wish to die at home, she voluntarily forewent food and drink when she no longer wished to watch her body deteriorate and felt that her life had run its course. She informed her family of this plan, and all were supportive. For data collection, separate single in-depth interviews were conducted with the deceased three months prior to death, and after death with three of her four children and her spouse of 60 years. For data analysis, the interview transcripts were coded for paradigm cases, exemplars, and themes. The paradigm case, "The Meaning of Being at Home," revealed that for study participants, remaining home with hospice provided a richly familiar, quiet, and safe environment for being together over time and focusing on relationships. Exemplars included "Driving Her Own Course" and "Not Being a Burden." Salient themes encompassed patient and family characteristics, support, emotions, the value of time, and aspects of the healthcare team. End-of-life care providers need to hold a patient-centered, family-focused view to facilitate patient and family wishes to remain home to die. Investigation into family relationships, from the perspectives of both patient and family members, longitudinally, may enrich understanding and ability and help patients to die at home.

  8. Death and Dying Anxiety among Elderly Arab Muslims in Israel

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Azaiza, Faisal; Ron, Pnina; Shoham, Meyrav; Gigini, Ibrahim


    Death and dying anxiety were examined among elderly Arab Muslims in Israel. A total of 145 people aged 60 and over were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire. Nursing home residents reported higher death anxiety than others; women and uneducated participants reported greater levels of fear of death and dying than others. There were no…

  9. Der Begriff mathematischer Schönheit in einer empirisch informierten Ästhetik der Mathematik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Müller-Hill, Eva; Spies, Susanne

    Dieses Zitat des britischen Mathematikers G. H. Hardy bringt pointiert die unter praktizierenden Mathematikern, aber auch unter Philosophen der Mathematik weithin akzeptierte Ansicht zum Ausdruck, dass mathematische Schönheit eine nicht zu vernachlässigende Rolle in der mathematischen Forschungspraxis spielt und sowohl interessante ästhetiktheoretische, epistemische als auch ontologische Aspekte aufweist. Danach beeinflusst also das Verständnis dessen, was mathematische Schönheit ist, auch das Verständnis dessen, was Mathematik ist: "Was sind die Träger mathematischer Schönheit?" ist die Frage nach der Art der Gegenstände, für deren Schönheit Mathematiker sich begeistern und nach der sie streben. "Was sind die Kriterien für mathematische Schönheit?" ist die Frage nach den Kategorien, unter denen Mathematiker ihre Arbeit bewerten. Egal, ob sich das Phänomen mathematischer Schönheit als Ausnahmemerkmal oder als ständiger Begleiter mathematischen Tuns erweist - ein adäquates allgemeines Mathematikverständnis sollte dieses Phänomen berücksichtigen und bestenfalls auch erklären können.

  10. Grundlagen des Tissue Engineering

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mayer, Jörg; Blum, Janaki; Wintermantel, Erich

    Die Organtransplantation stellt eine verbreitete Therapie dar, um bei krankheitsoder unfallbedingter Schädigung eines Organs die Gesamtheit seiner Funktionen wieder herzustellen, indem es durch ein Spenderorgan ersetzt wird. Organtransplantationen werden für die Leber, die Niere, die Lunge, das Herz oder bei schweren grossflächigen Verbrennungen der Haut vorgenommen. Der grosse apparative, personelle und logistische Aufwand und die Risiken der Transplantationschirurgie (Abstossungsreaktionen) sowie die mangelnde Verfügbarkeit von immunologisch kompatiblen Spenderorganen führen jedoch dazu, dass der Bedarf an Organtransplantaten nur zu einem sehr geringen Teil gedeckt werden kann. Sind Spenderorgane nicht verfügbar, können in einzelnen Fällen lebenswichtige Teilfunktionen, wie beispielsweise die Filtrationsfunktion der Niere durch die Blutreinigung mittels Dialyse ersetzt oder, bei mangelnder Funktion der Bauchspeicheldrüse (Diabetes), durch die Verabreichung von Insulin ein normaler Zustand des Gesamtorganismus auch über Jahre hinweg erhalten werden. Bei der notwendigen lebenslangen Anwendung apparativer oder medikamentöser Therapie können für den Patienten jedoch häufig schwerwiegende, möglicherweise lebensverkürzende Nebenwirkungen entstehen. Daher werden in der Forschung Alternativen gesucht, um die Funktionen des ausgefallenen Organs durch die Implantation von Zellen oder in vitro gezüchteten Geweben möglichst umfassend wieder herzustellen. Dies erfordert biologisch aktive Implantate, welche die für den Stoffwechsel des Organs wichtigen Zellen enthalten und einen organtypischen Stoffwechsel entfalten.

  11. The Myriad Strategies for Seeking Control in the Dying Process

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schroepfer, Tracy A.; Noh, Hyunjin; Kavanaugh, Melinda


    Purpose: This study explored the role control plays in the dying process of terminally ill elders by investigating the aspects of the dying process over which they seek to exercise control, the strategies they use, and whether they desire to exercise more control. Design and Methods: In-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted with 84…

  12. Smartes System für die Energiewende - der Übertragungsnetzbetreiber in der digitalen Zukunft

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pflaum, Rainer; Egeler, Tobias

    Die Übertragungsnetze stellen eine zuverlässige Versorgung von Haushalt, Gewerbe und Industrie mit elektrischer Energie sicher und sind damit Grundlage einer modernen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Die mittlerweile unumkehrbaren Entwicklungen der nationalen und europäischen Energiewende stellen den Übertragungsnetzbetreiber in seinen Kernaufgaben, dem Bau und Betrieb von Netzen, dem Markt- und Netzzugang und der Integration der erneuerbaren Energien vor neue und große Herausforderungen. Verbrauchsnahe dezentrale Erzeugung wie verbrauchsferne zentrale Erzeugung muss im Sinne der Gewährleistung der Systemstabilität gemanagt und in Einklang mit dem Verbrauch gebracht werden. Erneuerbare Energien müssen zudem in einem solchen System ihren Beitrag zur System- und Marktintegration leisten. All das erfordert mehr Daten, um in einem Gesamtsystem dynamische Reaktionsmöglichkeiten gewährleisten zu können. Erst die "Digitalisierung" schafft dabei die notwendigen Voraussetzungen die Komplexität zu stemmen. Die Digitalisierung stellt daher ein Kernelement dieses Wandels des Übertragungsnetzbetreibers dar, die einerseits mit zum Entstehen der neuen Herausforderungen beiträgt, andererseits aber auch hilft Werkzeuge bereitzustellen, diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen. Im folgenden Beitrag wird aufgezeigt, wie die Digitalisierung die Aufgaben und Instrumente des Übertragungsnetzbetreibers verändern. Ausgehend von den heutigen Aufgaben eines Übertragungsnetzbetreibers und dem gültigen Rechtsrahmen werden unter dem Begriff "Notwendiges Set für morgen" smarte Elemente und Werkzeuge beschrieben, die bereits heute im Einsatz sind oder in den nächsten Jahren notwendig werden. Im Anschluss erfolgt anhand einiger Beispiele aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen eine Konkretisierung der Einsatzzwecke der Digitalisierung beim Übertragungsnetzbetreiber. Ein kurzer Ausblick mit Fokus auf den weiteren Veränderungsprozess rundet den Beitrag ab.

  13. Study the effect of elevated dies temperature on aluminium and steel round deep drawing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lean, Yeong Wei; Azuddin, M.


    Round deep drawing operation can only be realized by expensive multi-step production processes. To reduce the cost of processes while expecting an acceptable result, round deep drawing can be done at elevated temperature. There are 3 common problems which are fracture, wrinkling and earing of deep drawing a round cup. The main objective is to investigate the effect of dies temperature on aluminium and steel round deep drawing; with a sub-objective of eliminate fracture and reducing wrinkling effect. Experimental method is conducted with 3 different techniques on heating the die. The techniques are heating both upper and lower dies, heating only the upper dies, and heating only the lower dies. 4 different temperatures has been chosen throughout the experiment. The experimental result then will be compared with finite element analysis software. There is a positive result from steel material on heating both upper and lower dies, where the simulation result shows comparable as experimental result. Heating both upper and lower dies will be the best among 3 types of heating techniques.

  14. The Onion and "When Legends Die."

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bell, Loren C.


    Describes the eight layers in Thomas Black Bull's ("When the Legends Die") journey to spiritual rebirth and stresses that students can easily identify these layers and can thereby achieve a clearer understanding of the relationship between structure and meaning in fiction. (CRH)

  15. Archaeometric study on minting dies produced under papal rule in Ferrara

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Monticelli, Cecilia; Balbo, Andrea; Vaccaro, Carmela; Gulinelli, Maria Teresa; Garagnani, Gian Luca


    In the Civic Museum of Palazzo Schifanoia in Ferrara, a collection of 1104 coin striking tools is stored. Among these, eight steel dies produced from the 2nd decade of the seventeenth to the half of the eighteenth century, representative of the whole period of activity of the papal mint in Ferrara, have been chosen and studied. In that period, while important innovations in the coin minting technique were introduced in Europe, Ferrara declined from the rank of ducal mint to that of peripheral minting center of the highly centralized Papal States. The dies have been characterized by metallographic, chemical, and microhardness investigations. The results suggest that the dies were obtained by a manual smithing technique consisting in hammer hot forging. The die quality improved with time. In fact, in the period 1619-1622, a hardening treatment for the engraved die end consisting in a simple local carburization coexisted with a more efficient production method, based on the application of a proper final heat treatment. This treatment induced a graded microstructure from the engraved end, with a hard martensitic or bainitic structure, to the opposite end, with a tough ferritic/pearlitic structure. From 1675 onward, the latter production method was applied on all the studied dies. The chemical analysis of the alloys suggest that they were likely obtained from iron ores with a common provenance, while the analysis of the slag inclusions suggests the adoption of a direct method of ironmaking throughout the activity period of the mint.

  16. Dying cancer patients talk about euthanasia.


    Eliott, Jaklin A; Olver, Ian N


    Within developed nations, there is increasing public debate about and apparent endorsement of the appropriateness of euthanasia as an autonomous choice to die in the face of intolerable suffering. Surveys report socio-demographic differences in rates of acceptance of euthanasia, but there is little in-depth analysis of how euthanasia is understood and positioned within the social and moral lives of individuals, particularly those who might be considered suitable candidates-for example, terminally-ill cancer patients. During discussions with 28 such patients in Australia regarding medical decisions at the end of life, euthanasia was raised by 13 patients, with the others specifically asked about it. Twenty-four patients spoke positively of euthanasia, 19 of these voicing some concerns. None identified euthanasia as a currently favoured option. Four were completely against it. Endorsement for euthanasia was in the context of a hypothetical future or for a hypothetical other person, or temporally associated with acute pain. Arguments supporting euthanasia framed the issue as a matter of freedom of choice, as preserving dignity in death, and as curbing intolerable pain and suffering, both of the patient and of those around them. A common analogy featured was that of euthanising a dog. These arguments were typically presented as self-evident justification for euthanasia, construed as an appropriate choice to die, with opposers positioned as morally inferior or ignorant. The difficulties of ensuring 'choice' and the moral connotations of 'choosing to die,' however, worked to problematise the appropriateness of euthanising specific individuals. We recommend further empirical investigation of the moral and social meanings associated with euthanasia.

  17. Daughters caring for dying parents: a process of relinquishing.


    Read, Trudy; Wuest, Judith


    Caring for elderly, dying parents is challenging for daughters as they try to balance other obligations and responsibilities. The purpose of this grounded theory study was to explain the domain of daughters' caregiving experiences in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The primary author interviewed 12 women whose parents had died. Three types of turmoil (emotional, relational, and societal) emerged as the central issue for these women. The authors discovered a substantive theory of Relinquishing with interdependent processes of Keeping Vigil, Navigating Systems, Facing Loss, and an end process of Coming to Terms. In moving through the process of Relinquishing, social conditions of personal ideals, family expectations, and societal demands determine strategies employed by any one daughter to manage her turmoil. The findings fill a gap in knowledge related to daughters' caregiving for dying parents by contributing a theoretical framework that will inform women, health care providers, researchers, and health policy makers.

  18. Agency behind bars: Advance care planning with aging and dying offenders.


    Sanders, Sara; Stensland, Meredith; Juraco, Kim


    Aging and terminally ill individuals in U.S. prisons are increasing, making critical the need for appropriate end-of-life (EOL) care and advance care planning (ACP). Applying Bandura's agentic perspective, the authors examined 20 aging/dying offenders' EOL preferences and ACP. Findings include 6 themes: decisions in the shadow of the past, what works best for me, feeling blessed, what is really going on, can anyone be trusted, and turning agency over to someone else. This study provides critical information that will assist professionals who work with dying offenders, as it presents a vivid illustration of their dying process.

  19. Design and Analysis of a Forging Die for Manufacturing of Multiple Connecting Rods

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Megharaj, C. E.; Nagaraj, P. M.; Jeelan Pasha, K.


    This paper demonstrates to utilize the hammer capacity by modifying the die design such that forging hammer can manufacture more than one connecting rod in a given forging cycle time. To modify the die design study is carried out to understand the parameters that are required for forging die design. By considering these parameters, forging die is designed using design modelling tool solid edge. This new design now can produce two connecting rods in same capacity hammer. The new design is required to validate by verifying complete filing of metal in die cavities without any defects in it. To verify this, analysis tool DEFORM 3D is used in this project. Before start of validation process it is require to convert 3D generated models in to. STL file format to import the models into the analysis tool DEFORM 3D. After importing these designs they are analysed for material flow into the cavities and energy required to produce two connecting rods in new forging die design. It is found that the forging die design is proper without any defects and also energy graph shows that the forging energy required to produce two connecting rods is within the limit of that hammer capacity. Implementation of this project increases the production of connecting rods by 200% in less than previous cycle time.

  20. Einleitung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ha, Suk-Woo

    Der Einsatz von Implantaten zielt auf die Unterstützung oder den Ersatz von Zelloder Gewebefunktionen im menschlichen Körper. Die Werkstoffauswahl für diese Implantate hängt dabei von der Art und der Funktion des zu ersetzenden Gewebes ab. Die Anforderungen an den Implantatwerkstoff bezüglich Eigenschaften und Struktur können je nach Implantationsort und Funktionalität ganz unterschiedlich sein. Implantate, die im Knochengewebe Funktionen der Lasteinleitung und -überleitung ausüben, sind hohen mechanischen Anforderungen (optimale Bauteilsteifigkeit, Dauerfestigkeit) unterworfen, während bei Blutgefässimplantaten die Werkstoffoberfläche, primär in ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung derart gestaltet sein muss, dass eine minimale Thrombogenität resultiert. Für den Erfolg des Implantatwerkstoffes oder -bauteils sind folgende drei Faktoren relevant: (a) Biokompatibilität, (b) Gesundheitszustand des Patienten und (c) Verlauf der Operation und der nachfolgenden Therapie. Bei Vorliegen einer Erkrankung, wie z. B. die allergische Sensibilisierung gegenüber Metallionen (Nickelallergie) oder Osteoporose im Fall der Verankerung von Hüftprothesen, ist der Implantatwerkstoff höheren Anforderungen bezüglich der Biokompatibilität unterworfen als bei organisch gesunden Patienten.

  1. Robert Merton Dies at 92

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Snell, Joel C.


    This article features Robert Merton, who died recently at age 92. Merton came into this world as a Jewish baby named Meyer Schkolnick. He lived in South Philly where his parents wrenched a living as blue-collar workers. Merton chose an Anglicized name to move into the Yankee dominated America of the 20's and 30's. At Harvard, he studied under…

  2. Dying and the Conspiracy of Denial

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Doherty, Gillian; Doherty, Joseph


    The first author presents her reviews on death based on her experiences as a nurse and a wife whose husband had a terminal illness. The second author presents a poem expressing his views on death while he was dying of a terminal illness. (HLM)

  3. Noncanonical autophagy inhibits the auto-inflammatory, lupus-like response to dying cells

    PubMed Central

    Martinez, Jennifer; Cunha, Larissa D.; Park, Sunmin; Yang, Mao; Lu, Qun; Orchard, Robert; Li, Quan-Zhen; Yan, Mei; Janke, Laura; Guy, Cliff; Linkermann, Andreas; Virgin, Herbert W.; Green, Douglas R.


    Defects in dying cell clearance are postulated to underlie the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)1. Mice lacking molecules associated with dying cell clearance develop SLE-like disease2, and phagocytes from SLE patients often display defective clearance and increased inflammatory cytokine production when exposed to dying cells in vitro. Previously, we3–6 and others7 described a form of noncanonical autophagy called “LC3-associated phagocytosis” (LAP), wherein phagosomes containing engulfed particles, including dying cells3,4,7, recruit elements of the autophagy pathway to facilitate phagosome maturation and digestion of cargo. Genome-wide association studies have identified polymorphisms in atg58 and possibly atg79, involved in both canonical autophagy and LAP3–7, as predisposition markers for SLE. Here, we describe the consequences of defective LAP in vivo. Mice lacking any of several components of the LAP pathway display elevated serum inflammatory cytokines, autoantibodies, glomerular immune complex deposition, and evidence of kidney damage. Dying cells, injected into LAP-deficient animals, are engulfed but not efficiently degraded, and trigger acute elevation of pro-inflammatory cytokines but not the anti-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-10. Repeated injection of dying cells into LAP-deficient, but not LAP-sufficient animals accelerated SLE-like disease, including increased serum levels of autoantibodies. In contrast, animals deficient for genes required for canonical autophagy but not LAP do not display defective dead cell clearance, inflammatory cytokine production, or SLE-like disease, and like wild-type animals, produce IL-10 in response to dying cells. Therefore, defects in LAP, rather than canonical autophagy, can cause SLE-like phenomena, and may contribute to the pathogenesis of SLE. PMID:27096368

  4. Effects of anisotropy in permeability on the two-phase flow and heat transfer in a porous cavity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, X. L.; Nguyen, T. Hung; Kahawita, R.

    Zusammenfassung In der Arbeit wird über die Ergebnisse einer numerischen Studie, betreffend die stationäre Konvektionsströmung und den stationären Wärmeübergang in einer rechteckigen, mit einem porösen, phasenveränderlichen Medium (PCM) verfüllten Kavität, berichtet. Den zwei vertikalen Berandungen der Kavität sind zwei, den Schmelzpunkt des PCM einschließende Temperaturen aufgeprägt, während die beiden horizontalen Berandungen adiabat gehalten werden. Das poröse Medium ist durch einen anisotropen Permeabilitätstensor charakterisiert, dessen Hauptachsen bezüglich des Gravitationsvektors beliebig orientiert sein können. Das Problem ist durch das Seitenverhältnis A, die Rayleigh-Zahl Ra, das Anisotropienverhältnis R und den Orientierungswinkel Θ des Permeabilitätstensor bestimmt. Hauptaugenmerk gilt dem Einfluß der anisotropen Permeabilität auf das Strömungsverhalten und den Wärme-übergang beim Phasenwechselprozeß flüssig/fest. Die Lösungsmethode basiert auf dem Kontrollvolumenprinzip in Verbindung mit der Landau-Transformation über welche das irreguläre Strömungsgebiet in ein rechteckiges abgebildet wird. Ergebnisse bezüglich Strömungsfeld, Temperaturverteilung, Phasengrenzenort und Wärmeübergang werden fürA=2,5Ra=40 0<=Θ<=π 0,25<=R<=4 mitgeteilt. Es zeigte sich, daß der Gleichgewichtszustand des Phasenwechselsprozesses fest/flüssig sowohl durch das Anisotropieverhältnis R als auch durch den Orientierungswinkel Θ des Permeabilitätstensors wesentlich beeinflußt werden kann. Zum einen existiert bei festgehaltenen ParameternA, Ra undR eine optimale Orientierung Θmax, bei der die Stromstärke, das Flüssigkeitsvolumen und der Wärmestrom Maximalwerte erreichen, während für Θmin=Θmax+π/2 Minimalwerte resultieren. Ist das anisotrope Medium entlang der Optimalrichtung Θmax orientiert, so ergibt sich zum anderen, daß eine Vergrößerung der in diese Richtung fallenden Permeabilitätskomponente die Stromstärke und den W

  5. Health Care Providers and Dying Patients: Critical Issues in Terminal Care.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Benoliel, Jeanne Quint


    Identifies three major areas of concern in relationship between health care providers and dying patients: (1) nature of difficulties and stresses associated with terminal care; (2) education of providers for work; and (3) influence of organizational structure and institutionalized values on services for dying patients and families. Reviews…

  6. Removing function model and experiments on ultrasonic polishing molding die

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huang, Qitai; Ni, Ying; Yu, Jingchi


    Low temperature glass molding technology is the main method on volume-producing high precision middle and small diameter optical cells in the future. While the accuracy of the molding die will effect the cell precision, so the high precision molding die development is one of the most important part of the low temperature glass molding technology. The molding die is manufactured from high rigid and crisp metal alloy, with the ultrasonic vibration character of high vibration frequency and concentrative energy distribution; abrasive particles will impact the rigid metal alloy surface with very high speed that will remove the material from the work piece. Ultrasonic can make the rigid metal alloy molding die controllable polishing and reduce the roughness and surface error. Different from other ultrasonic fabrication method, untouched ultrasonic polishing is applied on polish the molding die, that means the tool does not touch the work piece in the process of polishing. The abrasive particles vibrate around the balance position with high speed and frequency under the drive of ultrasonic vibration in the liquid medium and impact the workspace surface, the energy of abrasive particles come from ultrasonic vibration, while not from the direct hammer blow of the tool. So a nummular vibrator simple harmonic vibrates on an infinity plane surface is considered as a model of ultrasonic polishing working condition. According to Huygens theory the sound field distribution on a plane surface is analyzed and calculated, the tool removing function is also deduced from this distribution. Then the simple point ultrasonic polishing experiment is proceeded to certificate the theory validity.

  7. Acceptance of dying: a discourse analysis of palliative care literature.


    Zimmermann, Camilla


    The subject of death denial in the West has been examined extensively in the sociological literature. However, there has not been a similar examination of its "opposite", the acceptance of death. In this study, I use the qualitative method of discourse analysis to examine the use of the term "acceptance" of dying in the palliative care literature from 1970 to 2001. A Medline search was performed by combining the text words "accept or acceptance" with the subject headings "terminal care or palliative care or hospice care", and restricting the search to English language articles in clinical journals discussing acceptance of death in adults. The 40 articles were coded and analysed using a critical discourse analysis method. This paper focuses on the theme of acceptance as integral to palliative care, which had subthemes of acceptance as a goal of care, personal acceptance of healthcare workers, and acceptance as a facilitator of care. For patients and families, death acceptance is a goal that they can be helped to attain; for palliative care staff, acceptance of dying is a personal quality that is a precondition for effective practice. Acceptance not only facilitates the dying process for the patient and family, but also renders care easier. The analysis investigates the intertextuality of these themes with each other and with previous texts. From a Foucauldian perspective, I suggest that the discourse on acceptance of dying represents a productive power, which disciplines patients through apparent psychological and spiritual gratification, and encourages participation in a certain way to die. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Fatigue of die cast zinc alloys

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Schrems, K.K.; Dogan, O.N.; Goodwin, F.E.


    The rotating bending fatigue limit of die cast zinc alloy 2, alloy 3, alloy 5, AcuZinc 5, and ZA-8 were determined as a part of an on-going program by ILZRO into the mechanical properties of die cast zinc. The stress-life (S-N) curves of alloys 3, 5, AcuZinc 5, and ZA-8 were determined previously. This presentation reports the results of the S-N curve for Alloy 2 and the calculated fatigue limits for all five alloys. During the previous stress-life testing, the samples were stopped at 10 million cycles and the fatigue limit for alloy 3, alloy 5, and AcuZinc 5 appearedmore » to be higher and the fatigue limit for ZA-8 appeared to be lower than the values reported in the literature. This was further investigated in alloy 5 and ZA-8 by testing continuous cast bulk alloy 5 and ZA-8.« less

  9. Die-target for dynamic powder consolidation


    Flinn, John E.; Korth, Gary E.


    A die/target is disclosed for consolidation of a powder, especially an atomized rapidly solidified metal powder, to produce monoliths by the dynamic action of a shock wave, especially a shock wave produced by the detonation of an explosive charge. The die/target comprises a rectangular metal block having a square primary surface with four rectangular mold cavities formed therein to receive the powder. The cavities are located away from the geometrical center of the primary surface and are distributed around such center while also being located away from the geometrical diagonals of the primary surface to reduce the action of reflected waves so as to avoid tensile cracking of the monoliths. The primary surface is covered by a powder retention plate which is engaged by a flyer plate to transmit the shock wave to the primary surface and the powder. Spawl plates are adhesively mounted on other surfaces of the block to act as momentum traps so as to reduce reflected waves in the block.

  10. Assisted dying in liberalised jurisdictions and the role of psychiatry: a clinician's view.


    Macleod, Sandy


    Assisted dying is a contentious and topical issue. Mental disorder is a relevant influence on requests of hastened death. The psychiatry of dying is not a prominent component in the assessment of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS) in jurisdictions with liberalised assisted dying laws. The literature on the assessment processes, with particular reference to mental status, involved in euthanasia requests is considered. An experienced palliative medicine specialist and psychiatrist selectively reviewed the recent literature published about the mental health issues involved in euthanasia and PAS. Assessments of competency, sustained wish to die prematurely, depressive disorder, demoralisation and 'unbearable suffering' in the terminally ill are clinically uncertain and difficult tasks. There is a growing psychiatric and psychological literature on the mental status of the terminally ill. As yet psychiatry does not have the expertise to 'select' those whose wish for hastened death is rational, humane and 'healthy'. Rarely in those societies with liberalised assisted dying laws are psychiatrists involved in the decision-making for individuals requesting early death. This role is fulfilled by non-specialists. There remain significant concerns about the accuracy of psychiatric assessment in the terminally ill. Mental processes are more relevant influences on a hastened wish to die than are the physical symptoms of terminal malignant disease. Psychiatric review of persons requesting euthanasia is relevant. It is not obligatory or emphasised in those legislations allowing assisted dying. Psychiatry needs to play a greater role in the assessment processes of euthanasia and PAS.

  11. Finite element design procedure for correcting the coining die profiles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alexandrino, Paulo; Leitão, Paulo J.; Alves, Luis M.; Martins, Paulo A. F.


    This paper presents a new finite element based design procedure for correcting the coining die profiles in order to optimize the distribution of pressure and the alignment of the resultant vertical force at the end of the die stroke. The procedure avoids time consuming and costly try-outs, does not interfere with the creative process of the sculptors and extends the service life of the coining dies by significantly decreasing the applied pressure and bending moments. The numerical simulations were carried out in a computer program based on the finite element flow formulation that is currently being developed by the authors in collaboration with the Portuguese Mint. A new experimental procedure based on the stack compression test is also proposed for determining the stress-strain curve of the materials directly from the coin blanks.

  12. Why do we want the right to die? A systematic review of the international literature on the views of patients, carers and the public on assisted dying.


    Hendry, Maggie; Pasterfield, Diana; Lewis, Ruth; Carter, Ben; Hodgson, Daniel; Wilkinson, Clare


    Assisted dying is legal in four European countries and three American states. Elsewhere, particularly in more affluent or mainly Protestant countries, it remains controversial. Dominant headlines feature professional (medical, legal, religious) arguments versus celebrity campaigners; ordinary people are less clearly represented. To synthesise the international evidence of people's views and attitudes towards assisted dying in order to inform current debate about this controversial issue. Systematic review and mixed method synthesis of qualitative and survey data. Eleven electronic databases from inception to October 2011; bibliographies of included studies. Two reviewers independently screened papers and appraised quality. Qualitative results were extracted verbatim; survey results were summarised in a table. Qualitative data were synthesised using framework methods and survey results integrated where they supported, contrasted or added to the themes identified. Sixteen qualitative studies and 94 surveys were included; many participants considered the immediate relevance of assisted dying for them. Themes related to poor quality of life, a good quality of death, potential abuse of assisted dying and the importance of individual stance. People valued autonomy in death as much as in life. Attitudes were diverse, complex and related to definitions of unbearable suffering including physical, psycho-social and existential factors and were consistent regardless of social, economic, legal and health-care contexts. Our review sheds light on ordinary people's perspectives about assisted dying, when they are ill or disabled. Unbearable suffering is a key construct, and common factors are revealed that lead people to ask for help to die. The consistency of international views indicates a mandate for legislative and medical systems worldwide to listen and understand this.

  13. Death and Dying in Modern America

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Feifel, Herman


    Appreciation of finiteness, of our temporal character, can serve not only to enrich self-knowledge but also to provide the momentum to propel us forward toward productivity, achievement, and creativity. Presented at the Conference on Death and Dying: Education, Counseling, and Care, December 1-3, 1976, Orlando, Florida. (Author)

  14. Chirurgie angeborener Herzfehler

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schreiber, Christian; Libera, Paul; Lange, Rüdiger

    Störungen der embryonalen Entwicklung in der frühen Phase der Schwangerschaft können zu Fehlbildungen am Herz- und Gefäßsystem führen. Die Häufigkeit liegt bei 0.8-1 % aller lebend geborenen Kinder. In Deutschland werden jedes Jahr etwa 6.000 Kinder mit einem Herzfehler geboren (Quelle: Das Spektrum reicht von einfachen Fehlern, die das Herz-Kreislauf-System wenig beeinträchtigen, bis zu sehr schweren Herzerkrankungen, die unbehandelt zum Tode führen. Fortschritte der Kinderkardiologie, Herzchirurgie und Anästhesie ermöglichen heute ein Überleben bei über 90 % der Patienten. Auch die spezialisierte Pränataldiagnostik (vorgeburtliche Diagnostik) ermöglicht schon die frühe Weichenstellung für mögliche Therapieoptionen. Bei der chirurgischen Therapie ist jedoch festzuhalten, dass ein Herzfehler entweder korrigierend behandelt wird oder nur "palliiert“ werden kann. Bei letzterer Therapie wird bei einem Patienten eine medizinische Maßnahme durchgeführt, die nicht die Herstellung normaler Körperfunktionen zum Ziel hat, sondern in Anpassung an die physiologischen Besonderheiten des Patienten dessen Zustand lediglich stabilisiert und optimiert. Dies kann beispielsweise bei einer nicht korrigierbaren angeborenen Fehlbildung notwendig sein, bei der lediglich eine funktionelle Herzkammer vorhanden ist (z. B. hypoplastisches Linksherz). Hierbei muss eine prothetische Verbindung zur Lungenstrombahn in der Folgezeit entfernt werden.

  15. Is the patient's right to die evolving into a duty to die?: Medical decision making and ethical evaluations in health care.


    Sprung, C L; Eidelman, L A; Steinberg, A


    When patient or family requests for continued life-sustaining treatments conflict with doctor recommendations, different conclusions as to what is beneficial for the patient may arise. Past practices usually accepted patient or family requests based on the principle of autonomy or that the doctor's primary responsibility is to the individual patient. Many patients die in intensive care units after doctors forego life-prolonging interventions. Health care changes and cost containment have led to a change in the classical ethical model of the patient-doctor relationship such that concerns for societal requirements increasingly overrule those for individual patient needs. The ability to keep patients alive with little likelihood of recovery and the recognition of escalating health costs have led to calls for the needs of society and distributive justice to be taken into account. A tendency to justify a duty to die for these patients has arisen. Recent legal decisions in cases with conflicts between families and health care providers and institutions over foregoing life-sustaining therapies have decided for the families against doctors and hospitals, compelling institutions and their staff to act contrary to their ethical views. Value judgments of doctors are sometimes confused with medical indications for therapy. Doctors have defined therapies as futile or non-beneficial based on their own values and even withdrawn life-sustaining treatments without patient or family input. In some cases, the right to die is leading to the duty to die even against patient or surrogate wishes. Such observations indicate the need for rigorous analyses of medical decision making in this context and for ethical evaluations in health care in general.

  16. Understanding the Problems of Death and Dying: A Health Professionals' Attitude Survey.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Green, Joseph S.; And Others


    Attitudes of health practitioners and others toward death and dying and their emotional reactions to dying patients were surveyed both before and after a Veterans Administration workshop. Some attitude changes were noted, with implications for future workshops. (MF)

  17. Quality of Dying in Nursing Home Residents Dying with Dementia: Does Advanced Care Planning Matter? A Nationwide Postmortem Study

    PubMed Central

    Vandervoort, An; Houttekier, Dirk; Vander Stichele, Robert; van der Steen, Jenny T.; Van den Block, Lieve


    Background Advance care planning is considered a central component of good quality palliative care and especially relevant for people who lose the capacity to make decisions at the end of life, which is the case for many nursing home residents with dementia. We set out to investigate to what extent (1) advance care planning in the form of written advance patient directives and verbal communication with patient and/or relatives about future care and (2) the existence of written advance general practitioner orders are related to the quality of dying of nursing home residents with dementia. Methods Cross-sectional study of deaths (2010) using random cluster-sampling. Representative sample of nursing homes in Flanders, Belgium. Deaths of residents with dementia in a three-month period were reported; for each the nurse most involved in care, GP and closest relative completed structured questionnaires. Findings We identified 101 deaths of residents with dementia in 69 nursing homes (58% response rate). A written advance patient directive was present for 17.5%, GP-orders for 56.7%. Controlling for socio-demographic/clinical characteristics in multivariate regression analyses, chances of having a higher mean rating of emotional well-being (less fear and anxiety) on the Comfort Assessment in Dying with Dementia scale were three times higher with a written advance patient directive and more specifically when having a do-not-resuscitate order (AOR 3.45; CI,1.1–11) than for those without either (AOR 2.99; CI,1.1–8.3). We found no association between verbal communication or having a GP order and quality of dying. Conclusion For nursing home residents with dementia there is a strong association between having a written advance directive and quality of dying. Where wishes are written, relatives report lower levels of emotional distress at the end of life. These results underpin the importance of advance care planning for people with dementia and beginning this process as

  18. To Die, To Sleep: A Contrastive Study of Metaphors for Death and Dying in English and Spanish.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Marin-Arrese, Juana I.


    Contrasts the use of metaphors for death and dying in English and Spanish and makes some observations concerning universal and culture-specific conceptualizations. The article points out that the human capacity to conceptualize and reason derives from experience (perceptions, cultural practices, motor activity) and imagination (metaphor, metonymy,…

  19. Counseling Older Persons: Careers, Retirement, Dying.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sinick, Daniel

    The focus of this monograph is on three areas of counseling with older clients: career counseling, retirement counseling, and counseling regarding death and dying. The portion on career counseling includes reasons older persons change careers, obstacles they are likely to face when seeking employment, myths surrounding the employability of older…

  20. Are religiousness and death attitudes associated with the wish to die in older people?


    Bonnewyn, Anke; Shah, Ajit; Bruffaerts, Ronny; Demyttenaere, Koen


    A wish to die is common in older persons and is associated with increased mortality. Several risk factors have been identified, but the association between religiousness and a wish to die in older adults has been underexplored, and the association between death attitudes and the presence of a wish to die has not been investigated yet. The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between religiousness and death attitudes on the one hand and wish to die on the other hand, adjusting for clinical factors such as the presence of depression or somatic disorder. The sample comprised 113 older inpatients (from a psychiatric and somatic ward) with a mean age of 74 years. Psychiatric diagnoses were assessed by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Disorders, and logistic regression analyses estimated the unique contribution of religiousness and death attitudes to the wish to die, controlling for socio-demographic variables, depressive disorder, and somatic symptoms. Both religiousness and death attitudes were associated with a wish to die in univariate models. Adding these variables in a multivariate logistic hierarchical model, death attitudes remained significant predictors but religiousness did not; 55% of the pseudovariance of the wish to die was explained by these variables, with an effective size of 0.89. Major depressive episode, somatic symptoms, Fear of Death, and Escape Acceptance were the most important predictors of the wish to die. This study suggests that how older adults perceive death partly determines whether they have a wish to die. There may be a clinical, patient-oriented benefit in discussing with older patients about how they perceive death, as this can play a role in the early detection (and prevention) of death or suicide ideation and associated behaviors in older adults.

  1. Energy Saving Melting and Revert Reduction Technology: Improved Die Casting Process to Preserve the Life of the Inserts

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    David Schwam, PI; Xuejun Zhu, Sr. Research Associate


    The goal of this project was to study the combined effects of die design, proper internal cooling and efficient die lubricants on die life. The project targeted improvements in die casting insert life by: Optomized Die Design for Reduced Surface Temperature: The life of die casting dies is significantly shorter when the die is exposed to elevated temperature for significant periods of time. Any die operated under conditions leading to surface temperature in excess of 1050oF undergoes structural changes that reduce its strength. Optimized die design can improve die life significantly. This improvement can be accomplished by means of coolingmore » lines, baffles and bubblers in the die. A key objective of the project was to establish criteria for the minimal distance of the cooling lines from the surface. This effort was supported with alloys and machining by BohlerUddeholm, Dunn Steel, HH Stark and Rex Buckeye. In plant testing and evaluation was conducted as in-kind cost share at St. Clair Die Casting. The Uddeholm Dievar steel evaluated in this program showed superior resistance to thermal fatigue resistance. Based on the experimental evidence, cooling lines could be placed as close as 0.5" from the surface. Die Life Extension by Optimized Die Lubrication: The life of die casting dies is affected by additions made to its surface with the proper lubricants. These lubricants will protect the surface from the considerable temperature peaks that occur when the molten melt enters the die. Dies will reach a significantly higher temperature without this lubricant being applied. The amount and type of the lubricant are critical variables in the die casting process. However, these lubricants must not corrode the die surface. This effort was supported with alloys and machining by BohlerUddeholm, Dunn Steel, HH Stark and Rex Buckeye. In plant testing and evaluation was conducted as in-kind cost share at St. Clair Die Casting. Chem- Trend participated in the program

  2. Attitudes and experiences of nurses toward death and caring for dying patients in Turkey.


    Cevik, Banu; Kav, Sultan


    Caring of the dying patients and facing the death can be a stressful and difficult experience for nurses. Besides personal and professional experiences, nurses' own attitudes toward death may affect the care given to dying individuals. The aim of this study was to examine Turkish nurses' attitudes toward and experiences with death and caring for dying patients. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted at 2 university hospitals and 1 state hospital located in Ankara, Turkey. Data were collected via sociodemographics form, the Death Attitude Profile-Revised, and Frommelt's Attitude Toward Caring for Dying Patients. The attitudes of Turkish nurses toward death and caring for dying patients are less positive than the reported attitudes of nurses in other studies. Significant relationships were found among level of education, willingness to care for dying patients, and scores on Frommelt's Attitude Toward Caring for Dying Patients and on Death Attitude Profile-Revised subscales (P < .05). Although the majority of nurses (85%) stated that they had received education on end of life, most of them (82%) were not comfortable talking about death. A lack of education and experience may contribute to the negative attitudes. Providing a reflective narrative environment in which nurses can express their personal feelings about death and dying could be a potentially effective approach. This study highlights the need for further educational research and development of better educational programs to help nurses to explore and understand their attitudes toward death, overcome fears, increase communication skills, and enhance coping strategies.

  3. Influence of the supporting die structures on the fracture strength of all-ceramic materials.


    Yucel, Munir Tolga; Yondem, Isa; Aykent, Filiz; Eraslan, Oğuz


    This study investigated the influence of the elastic modulus of supporting dies on the fracture strengths of all-ceramic materials used in dental crowns. Four different types of supporting die materials (dentin, epoxy resin, brass, and stainless steel) (24 per group) were prepared using a milling machine to simulate a mandibular molar all-ceramic core preparation. A total number of 96 zirconia cores were fabricated using a CAD/CAM system. The specimens were divided into two groups. In the first group, cores were cemented to substructures using a dual-cure resin cement. In the second group, cores were not cemented to the supporting dies. The specimens were loaded using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until fracture occurred. Data were statistically analyzed using two-way analysis of variance and Tukey HSD tests (α = 0.05). The geometric models of cores and supporting die materials were developed using finite element method to obtain the stress distribution of the forces. Cemented groups showed statistically higher fracture strength values than non-cemented groups. While ceramic cores on stainless steel dies showed the highest fracture strength values, ceramic cores on dentin dies showed the lowest fracture strength values among the groups. The elastic modulus of the supporting die structure is a significant factor in determining the fracture resistance of all-ceramic crowns. Using supporting die structures that have a low elastic modulus may be suitable for fracture strength tests, in order to accurately reflect clinical conditions.

  4. The contribution of a MOOC to community discussions around death and dying.


    Tieman, Jennifer; Miller-Lewis, Lauren; Rawlings, Deb; Parker, Deborah; Sanderson, Christine


    Advances in medicine have helped many to live longer lives and to be able to meet health challenges. However death rates are anticipated to increase given the ageing population and chronic disease progression. Being able to talk about death is seen to be important in normalising death as part of life and supporting preparedness for death. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) provide opportunities for the community to engage in collaborative learning. A 5 week MOOC was developed covering four main topics (language and humour, representations of death, medicalisation of dying, and digital dying) aiming: To enable participants to openly and supportively discuss and learn about issues around living, death and dying, To explore the normally unheard opinions and views of Australians around death and dying, and To determine what effect online learning and discussions offered through the MOOC had on participants' feelings and attitudes towards death and dying. Data was captured on engagement rates in the various MOOC activities. Death Attitudes were measured by five items representing the MOOC's learning objectives and completed at enrolment and conclusion. MOOC Satisfaction was measured with six items at the end of the MOOC. Descriptive statistics were produced for each variable and Chi-Square Tests of Independence assessed the extent of the relationship between categorical variables. Socio-demographic variables were examined as predictors of the outcome variables of MOOC engagement, MOOC satisfaction, and death attitudes. Ethical approval was received from Flinders University Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee (Project No. 7247). One thousand one hundred fifty six people enrolled in the Dying2Learn MOOC with 895 participating in some way. Enrolees were primarily female (92.1%). Age ranged from 16 to 84 (mean = 49.5, SD = 12.3). MOOC satisfaction scores were high. Responses to the experience of participating in the MOOC were very positive, with mean

  5. Self-Determination, the Right to Die, and Culture: A Literature Review

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McCormick, Andrew J.


    Self-determination is a primary ethical principle underlying social work practice in health care settings. Since the 1970s, a right-to-die movement that shares the social work commitment to self-determination has grown and influences end-of-life care decisions. However, the role of culture is notably absent in discussions of the right to die. A…

  6. Stamping Die Making. 439-318/320.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yunke, P.; And Others

    Each unit in this curriculum guide on stamping die making contains an introduction, objectives, materials required, lessons, space for notes, figures, and diagrams. There are 29 units in this guide, dealing with the following topics: EZ-MILL programming; EZ-MILL BATT; print of punch and EZ-MILL part programming; download to Computer Numerical…

  7. Constructing Death: Three Pathographies about Dying.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hawkins, Anne Hunsaker


    Discusses three pathographies as models for the "good death." In each, the author organizes the phenomena associated with the illness and death of a spouse from cancer into a coherent pattern. The result is three different paradigms of the experience of dying: "ritual death,""victorious death," and "one's own death." (Author/LLL)

  8. Development of materials for the rapid manufacture of die cast tooling

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hardro, Peter Jason

    The focus of this research is to develop a material composition that can be processed by rapid prototyping (RP) in order to produce tooling for the die casting process. Where these rapidly produced tools will be superior to traditional tooling production methods by offering one or more of the following advantages: reduced tooling cost, shortened tooling creation time, reduced man-hours for tool creation, increased tool life, and shortened die casting cycle time. By utilizing RP's additive build process and vast material selection, there was a prospect that die cast tooling may be produced quicker and with superior material properties. To this end, the material properties that influence die life and cycle time were determined, and a list of materials that fulfill these "optimal" properties were highlighted. Physical testing was conducted in order to grade the processability of each of the material systems and to optimize the manufacturing process for the downselected material system. Sample specimens were produced and microscopy techniques were utilized to determine a number of physical properties of the material system. Additionally, a benchmark geometry was selected and die casting dies were produced from traditional tool materials (H13 steel) and techniques (machining) and from the newly developed materials and RP techniques (selective laser sintering (SLS) and laser engineered net shaping (LENS)). Once the tools were created, a die cast alloy was selected and a preset number of parts were shot into each tool. During tool creation, the manufacturing time and cost was closely monitored and an economic model was developed to compare traditional tooling to RP tooling. This model allows one to determine, in the early design stages, when it is advantageous to implement RP tooling and when traditional tooling would be best. The results of the physical testing and economic analysis has shown that RP tooling is able to achieve a number of the research objectives, namely

  9. Exploring the Contemporary Stage and Scripts for the Enactment of Dying Roles: A Narrative Review of the Literature.


    Lowrie, Daniel; Ray, Robin; Plummer, David; Yau, Matthew


    This narrative review explores the literature regarding the drama of dying from several academic perspectives. Three key themes were identified including "The impact of blurred boundaries on roles and transitions," "The orchestration of death and dying through time," and "Contemporary dying and new machinery of control." This review reveals the manner in which tightly scripted dying roles serve the needs of the living to a greater extent than those of the dying, by ensuring the depiction of both dying and death as phenomena which have been brought under the control of the living, thereby countering death anxiety. An incongruence between the actual experience of dying and contemporary dying scripts is also highlighted. The authors argue that this incongruence is hidden from the broader societal audience through the maintenance of a dying role that demands serenity and acceptance, thus downplaying or even hiding the actual end-of-life experiences of the dying themselves.

  10. Marginal adaptation of four inlay casting waxes on stone, titanium, and zirconia dies.


    Michalakis, Konstantinos X; Kapsampeli, Vassiliki; Kitsou, Aikaterini; Kirmanidou, Yvone; Fotiou, Anna; Pissiotis, Argirios L; Calvani, Pasquale Lino; Hirayama, Hiroshi; Kudara, Yukio


    Different inlay casting waxes do not produce copings with satisfactory marginal accuracy when used on different die materials. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the marginal accuracy of 4 inlay casting waxes on stone dies and titanium and zirconia abutments and to correlate the findings with the degree of wetting between the die specimens and the inlay casting waxes. The inlay casting waxes tested were Starwax (Dentaurum), Unterziehwachs (Bredent), SU Esthetic wax (Schuler), and Sculpturing wax (Renfert). The marginal opening of the waxes was measured with a stereomicroscope on high-strength stone dies and on titanium and zirconia abutments. Photographic images were obtained, and the mean marginal opening for each specimen was calculated. A total of 1440 measurements were made. Wetting between die materials and waxes was determined after fabricating stone, titanium, and zirconia rectangular specimens. A calibrated pipette was used to place a drop of molten wax onto each specimen. The contact angle was calculated with software after an image of each specimen had been made with a digital camera. Collected data were subjected to a 2-way analysis of variance (α=.05). Any association between marginal accuracy and wetting of different materials was found by using the Pearson correlation. The wax factor had a statistically significant effect both on the marginal discrepancy (F=158.31, P<.001) and contact angle values (F=68.09, P<.001). A statistically significant effect of the die material factor both on the marginal adaptation (F=503.47, P<.001) and contact angle values (F=585.02, P<.001) was detected. A significant correlation between the marginal accuracy and the contact angle values (Pearson=0.881, P=.01) was also found. Stone dies provided wax copings with the best marginal integrity, followed by titanium and zirconia abutments. Unterziehwachs (Bredent), wax produced the best marginal adaptation on different die materials. A significant correlation was found

  11. Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study of "Talk and Die" After Traumatic Brain Injury.


    Shibahashi, Keita; Sugiyama, Kazuhiro; Okura, Yoshihiro; Hoda, Hidenori; Hamabe, Yuichi


    Patients who "talk and die" after traumatic brain injury (TBI) are potentially salvageable. The reported incidences and risk factors for the "talk and die" phenomenon are conflicting and do not take into account recent improvements in trauma care. The aim of this study was to determine the incidences of "talk and die" after TBI in a modern trauma care system, as well as associated risk factors. We identified patients who experienced TBI (abbreviated injury scale 3-5) between 2004 and 2015 who talked on admission (i.e., their verbal component on the Glasgow Coma Scale was ≥3 on admission) using a nationwide trauma registry (the Japan Trauma Data Bank). The end point was in-hospital mortality. We compared patients who talked and died with those who talked and survived. During the study period, 236,698 patients were registered in the database. Of the 24,833 patients who were eligible for analysis, 956 (4.0%) patients subsequently died in the hospital. The in-hospital mortality rate significantly decreased over the past 12 years. Older age; male sex; a higher injury severity score; a lower Glasgow Coma Scale score; comorbidities (congestive heart failure, chronic kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, and hematologic disorders); hypotension on arrival; subdural hemorrhage; contusion; and vault fracture were independently associated with higher in-hospital mortality. Even in modern trauma care systems, some patients still talk and die after TBI. We identified certain risk factors in patients with TBI that elicit the requirement for close observation, even if these patients talk after TBI. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Dying with dignity: a concept analysis.


    Hemati, Zeinab; Ashouri, Elaheh; AllahBakhshian, Maryam; Pourfarzad, Zahra; Shirani, Farimah; Safazadeh, Shima; Ziyaei, Marziyeh; Varzeshnejad, Maryam; Hashemi, Maryam; Taleghani, Fariba


    This article is a report of an analysis of the concept of dying with dignity. Dignity is an important component of providing care for dying patients and their families. Nevertheless, given that this concept is poorly defined, concept analysis is one of the best ways to define and clarify the concept of death with dignity with the aim to enhance its application in clinical practice, research and education. A search of multiple nursing and social sciences databases was undertaken, including Academic Search Complete, Science Direct, ProQuest, Scopus, Medline, PubMed, EBSCO, Ovid, Noormage, Cinahl, Magiran, PsycINFO and SID. After an extensive review of the literature from 1998-2014, about 14 related articles were included in the study. Based on these articles, the applications, attributes and experimental results of and references to death with dignity were recorded. Based on this analysis, the most important attributes of this concept included respect for privacy, respect, spiritual peace and hope. The antecedents of this concept included consideration of moral values during caregiving, preservation of human dignity as a patient right and professional ethics, and belief in the dignity of self and others, consideration of culture in providing end-of-life care. The consequences of this concept included a sense of peace in the patient and their family, peaceful death and provision of patient privacy and comfort. The concept of patient dignity has been referred to in many contexts. However, considering the dignity of dying patients commensurate with their culture is the most important component of care provided by nurses to facilitate a peaceful death. Respecting the dignity of the patient results in the reduction of her/his suffering and prepares her/him for a comfortable death. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Die-target for dynamic powder consolidation


    Flinn, J.E.; Korth, G.E.


    A die/target is disclosed for consolidation of a powder, especially an atomized rapidly solidified metal powder, to produce monoliths by the dynamic action of a shock wave, especially a shock wave produced by the detonation of an explosive charge. The die/target comprises a rectangular metal block having a square primary surface with four rectangular mold cavities formed therein to receive the powder. The cavities are located away from the geometrical center of the primary surface and are distributed around such center while also being located away from the geometrical diagonals of the primary surface to reduce the action of reflected waves so as to avoid tensile cracking of the monoliths. The primary surface is covered by a powder retention plate which is engaged by a flyer plate to transmit the shock wave to the primary surface and the powder. Spawl plates are adhesively mounted on other surfaces of the block to act as momentum traps so as to reduce reflected waves in the block. 4 figs.

  14. Increasing of the lifetime of large forging dies by repairwelding

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Duchek, M.; Koukolikova, M.; Kotous, J.; Majer, M.


    Repair welding is often used for rebuilding discarded or failed forging dies. It saves the cost of new tools. Increased useful life of repaired dies is another motivation for repair welding. This article focuses on the development of new filler materials for this purpose. The main goal was to prolong the life of tools of DIN 1.2714 material. Filler wires of two chemistries were made and several samples were experimentally welded. Metallographic and tribological analyses were carried out.

  15. Ways to Improve the Quality of Die Steel 5KhNM

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Efimov, S. V.; Malykhina, O. Yu; Pavlova, A. G.; Milyuts, V. G.; Tsukanov, V. V.; Vikharev, V. V.


    There was performed an analysis of influence of the deoxidation technology, hydrogen content and high concentration of titanium in steel 5KhNM (Rus. “5XHM”) on quality of die blanks, evaluated based on the results of the ultrasonic test. The fractographic examinations of fractures and the X-ray microprobe analysis of chemical composition of non-metallic inclusions were conducted, the evaluation of macro- and micro-structure of a die blank with high titanium content was performed. It is demonstrated that defects of dies from steel 5KhNM (Rus. “5XHM”) are cracks from merged flakes and micro-flakes; in most cases large concentrations of sulphides appeared to be hydrogen collectors for formation of flakes and micro-flakes.

  16. Communicating With Dying Patients and Their Families: Multimedia Training in End-of-Life Care.


    Chappell, Phylliss M; Healy, Jennifer; Lee, Shuko; Medellin, Glen; Sanchez-Reilly, Sandra


    The need for end-of-life (EOL), high-impact education initiatives to prepare medical students to communicate with dying patients and their families and to cope with issues of death and dying, is well recognized. Third-year medical students (n = 224), during their ambulatory rotation, completed a multimedia EOL curriculum, which included pre-/posttests, an online case-based module, didactic presentation, and a tablet computer application designed to demonstrate the signs and symptoms seen in the last hours of life for families of dying patients. Pre- and posttests were compared using Pearson χ 2 or Fisher exact test, and improvement was measured by weighted κ coefficient. On preintervention surveys, the majority of students demonstrated positive attitudes toward the care of dying patients and their families. Despite this high pretest positive attitude, there was a statistically significant overall positive attitude change after the intervention. The lowest pretest positive attitudes and lowest posttest positive attitude shifts, although all statistically improved, involved addressing the thoughts and feelings of dying patients and in coping with their own emotional response. Medical students exposure to this multimedia EOL curriculum increases positive attitudes in caring for dying patients and their families.

  17. Update zum klinischen Einsatz von Inhibitoren mutierter Phosphokinasen beim Melanom.


    Cosgarea, Ioana; Ritter, Cathrin; Becker, Jürgen C; Schadendorf, Dirk; Ugurel, Selma


    Die Behandlungsstrategie beim metastasierten Melanom hat sich mit der Identifizierung therapeutisch angreifbarer molekularer Zielstrukturen innerhalb zellulärer Signalwege radikal geändert. Durch die Zulassung von Substanzen, die gezielt an den zentralen Schaltmolekülen, den Phosphokinasen, angreifen, können diese Signalwege selektiv abgeschaltet werden. Dies ist insbesondere bei denjenigen Tumoren von Interesse, deren Signalwege durch aktivierende Mutationen der für die Schaltmoleküle kodierenden Gene konstitutiv aktiviert sind. Aktuell ist diese therapeutische Strategie insbesondere für Patienten bedeutsam, deren Melanome eine Mutation im BRAF-Gen aufweisen. Diese Patienten können durch eine Kombinationstherapie aus Inhibitoren der Phosphokinasen BRAF und MEK langfristig mit sehr guter Krankheitskontrolle behandelt werden. Unter dieser Kombinationstherapie wird aktuell ein progressionsfreies Überleben von über zehn Monaten und ein Gesamtüberleben von mehr als zwei Jahren bei guter Lebensqualität erzielt. Da unter längerfristiger Therapie mit Kinaseinhibitoren jedoch bei einem Großteil der Patienten eine Resistenzbildung auftritt, sind aktuelle klinische Therapiestudien auf die Suche nach geeigneten Kombinationspartnern unter Blockierung anderer Signalwege oder unter Aktivierung der T-Zell-vermittelten Immunantwort ausgerichtet. Der vorliegende Übersichtsartikel stellt sowohl die aktuell verfügbaren als auch die in der klinischen Testung befindlichen zukünftigen Optionen der zielgerichteten Therapie des Melanoms dar. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Multi-objective optimization of swash plate forging process parameters for the die wear/service life improvement

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hu, X. F.; Wang, L. G.; Wu, H.; Liu, S. S.


    For the forging process of the swash plate, the author designed a kind of multi-index orthogonal experiment. Based on the Archard wear model, the influences of billet temperature, die temperature, forming speed, top die hardness and friction coefficient on forming load and die wear were numerically simulated by DEFORM software. Through the analysis of experimental results, the best forging process parameters were optimized and determined, which could effectively reduce the die wear and prolong the die service life. It is significant to increase the practical production of enterprise, especially to reduce the production cost and to promote enterprise profit.

  19. Precision technique for trimming dies using a magnification device.


    Beck, D B


    This article described a technique for trimming a die under magnification. However, the microscope is also useful for checking (1) margins of wax patterns for completeness, (2) the internal surfaces of castings for imperfections, bubbles, or retained investment particles which could prevent proper seating of the castings on the dies, (3) for cracks or contamination in dental porcelain as well as porcelain flash on margins; and (4) precision attachment operation after casting or soldering procedures. Attention to detail in these laboratory procedures greatly improves the final fit of dental castings and saves subsequent chairside adjustments and remakes.

  20. Asymmetric Die Grows Purer Silicon Ribbon

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kalejs, J. P.; Chalmers, B.; Surek, T.


    Concentration of carbide impurities in silicon ribbon is reduced by growing crystalline ribbon with die one wall higher than other. Height difference controls shape of meniscus at liquid/crystal interface and concentrates silicon carbide impurity near one of broad faces. Opposite face is left with above-average purity. Significantly improves efficiency of solar cells made from ribbon.

  1. The Hospice: Advocate for the Dying.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Anspaugh, David J.


    The hospice philosophy seeks to meet the needs of dying patients and their families. These needs include: effective control of pain; to be loved and to alleviate loneliness; to retain dignity and maintain control of as many aspects of life as possible; and to help the family be supportive and adapt to their inevitable loss. (JMF)

  2. Dürre, Waldbrände, gravitative Massenbewegungen und andere klimarelevante Naturgefahren

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Glade, Thomas; Hoffmann, Peter; Thonicke, Kirsten

    Klimarelevante Naturgefahren sind auf vielfältige Faktoren zurückzuführen, deren Zusammenwirken in der Gesamtheit betrachtet werden muss. Die vorbereitenden, auslösenden und kontrollierenden Faktoren werden in unterschiedlichster Weise vom Klimawandel beeinflusst. Die Autoren beschreiben beobachtete Trends und Projektionen zu Dürre, Waldbränden, gravitativen Massenbewegungen (Muren, Fels- und Bergstürze, Hangrutschungen) und Schneelawinen sowie das Zusammenspiel der unterschiedlichen Ursachen. Sie diskutieren darüber hinaus, welche der Veränderungen in der Häufigkeit oder Stärke von Naturgefahren tatsächlich ausschließlich dem Klimawandel zuzuschreiben sein könnten und welche Anteile hierbei der direkte menschliche Einfluss hat und konstatieren, dass eine eindeutige Trennung häufig nicht vollzogen werden kann.

  3. Improving the automated optimization of profile extrusion dies by applying appropriate optimization areas and strategies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hopmann, Ch.; Windeck, C.; Kurth, K.; Behr, M.; Siegbert, R.; Elgeti, S.


    The rheological design of profile extrusion dies is one of the most challenging tasks in die design. As no analytical solution is available, the quality and the development time for a new design highly depend on the empirical knowledge of the die manufacturer. Usually, prior to start production several time-consuming, iterative running-in trials need to be performed to check the profile accuracy and the die geometry is reworked. An alternative are numerical flow simulations. These simulations enable to calculate the melt flow through a die so that the quality of the flow distribution can be analyzed. The objective of a current research project is to improve the automated optimization of profile extrusion dies. Special emphasis is put on choosing a convenient starting geometry and parameterization, which enable for possible deformations. In this work, three commonly used design features are examined with regard to their influence on the optimization results. Based on the results, a strategy is derived to select the most relevant areas of the flow channels for the optimization. For these characteristic areas recommendations are given concerning an efficient parameterization setup that still enables adequate deformations of the flow channel geometry. Exemplarily, this approach is applied to a L-shaped profile with different wall thicknesses. The die is optimized automatically and simulation results are qualitatively compared with experimental results. Furthermore, the strategy is applied to a complex extrusion die of a floor skirting profile to prove the universal adaptability.

  4. Natural law and the "right to die".


    Whiting, R A

    Over the last two decades social concerns with the "right to die" have grown beyond the ability of our governmental and judicial institutions to consistently deal with them. One reason for this difficulty has been the unavailability of any legal or judicial standard that is consistent with American conceptions of liberty, morality, and justice. This article attempts to examine the theory of natural law to determine whether it may provide a consistent standard for resolving these difficult questions. As natural law theories are traced through history, they lead directly to the United States where a uniquely American interpretation became one of the foundational principles for our constitution. By applying these theories to the contemporary question of the "right to die," natural law can again provide the foundational principles needed to develop standards for dealing with such questions that are consistent with our historical, philosophical, and political traditions.

  5. A simplified simulation model for a HPDC die with conformal cooling channels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Frings, Markus; Behr, Marek; Elgeti, Stefanie


    In general, the cooling phase of the high-pressure die casting process is based on complex physical phenomena: so-lidification of molten material; heat exchange between cast part, die and cooling fluid; turbulent flow inside the cooling channels that needs to be considered when computing the heat flux; interdependency of properties and temperature of the cooling liquid. Intuitively understanding and analyzing all of these effects when designing HPDC dies is not feasible. A remedy that has become available is numerical design, based for example on shape optimization methods. However, current computing power is not sufficient to perform optimization while at the same time fully resolving all physical phenomena. But since in HPDC suitable objective functions very often lead to integral values, e.g., average die temperature, this paper identifies possible simplifications in the modeling of the cooling phase. As a consequence, the computational effort is reduced to an acceptable level. A further aspect that arises in the context of shape optimization is the evaluation of shape gradients. The challenge here is to allow for large shape deformations without remeshing. In our approach, the cooling channels are described by their center lines. The flow profile of the cooling fluid is then estimated based on experimental data found in literature for turbulent pipe flows. In combination, the heat flux throughout cavity, die, and cooling channel can be described by one single advection-diffusion equation on a fixed mesh. The parameters in the equation are adjusted based on the position of cavity and cooling channel. Both results contribute towards a computationally efficient, yet accurate method, which can be employed within the frame of shape optimization of cooling channels in HPDC dies.

  6. GPU-basierte Smart Visibility Techniken für die Planung von Tumor-Operationen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tietjen, Christian; Kubisch, Christoph; Hiller, Stefan; Preim, Bernhard

    Bei der Planung von Tumoroperationen ist die Einschätzung von Abständen und Infiltrationen zu vitalen Strukturen wichtig. Im Bereich der medizinischen Visualisierung wurden hierfür bereits zahlreiche Techniken entwickelt, die unter dem Begriff Smart Visibility zusammengefasst werden. Zu diesen zählen Ghost Views und Section Views. In diesem Beitrag wird eine GPU-basierte Realisierung dieser Techniken für polygonale Daten vorgestellt. Die Parametrisierung der Techniken erfolgt automatisch, um einen klinischen Einsatz ermöglichen zu können.

  7. Illustration of cross flow of polystyrene melts through a coathanger die

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schöppner, V.; Henke, B.


    To design an optimal coathanger die with a uniform flow rate distribution and low pressure drop, it is essential to understand the flow conditions in the die. This is important because the quality of the product is influenced by the flow velocity and the flow rate distribution. In extrusion dies, cross flows also occur in addition to the main flow, which flow perpendicular to the main flow. This results in pressure gradients in the extrusion direction, which have an influence on flow distribution and pressure drop in the die. In recent decades, quantitative representation and analysis of physical flow processes have made considerable progress in predicting the weather, developing drive technologies and designing aircraft using simulation methods and lab trials. Using the flow-line method, the flow is analyzed in flat film extrusion dies with a rectangular cross-section, in particular cross flows. The simplest method to visualize the flow is based on the measurement of obstacle orientation in the flow field by adding individual particles. A near-surface flow field can be visualized by using wool or textile yarns. By sticking thin, frayed at the ends of strands of wool surface that is to be examined cross flows, near-wall profiles of the flow and vortex and separation regions can be visualized. A further possibility is to add glass fibers and analyze the fiber orientation by microscopy and x-ray analysis. In this paper the influence of process parameters (e.g. melt temperatures and throughput) on cross flow and fiber orientation is described.

  8. Development of an Innovative Laser-Assisted Coating Process for Extending Lifetime of Metal Casting Dies. Final Report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Madhav Rao Gonvindaraju


    Die casting dies used in the metal casting industry fail due to thermal fatigue cracking accompanied by the presence of residual tensile stresses, corrosion, erosion and wear of die surfaces. This phase 1 SBIR Final Report summarize Karta Technologies research involving the development of an innovative laser coating technology for metal casting dies. The process involves depositing complex protective coatings of nanocrystalline powders of TiC followed by a laser shot peening. The results indicate a significant improvement in corrosion and erosion resistance in molten aluminum for H13 die casting die steels. The laser-coated samples also showed improved surface finish, amore » homogeneous and uniform coating mircrostructure. The technology developed in this research can have a significant impact on the casting industry by saving the material costs involved in replacing dies, reducing downtime and improving the quality.« less

  9. Magnetisches Tracking für die Navigation mit dem da Vinci® Surgical System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nickel, Felix; Wegner, Ingmar; Kenngott, Hannes; Neuhaus, Jochen; Müller-Stich, Beat P.; Meinzer, Hans-Peter; Gutt, Carsten N.

    In dieser Studie wurde untersucht ob in einem typischen OP-Aufbau mit dem da Vinci® Telemanipulator elektromagnetisches Tracking für die Realisation eines Navigationssystems eingesetzt werden kann. Hierfür wurde in einem realen OP-Aufbau untersucht, wie stark metallische und ferromagnetisch wirksame Objekte wie Operationstisch und Telemanipulator das elektromagnetische Feld des Trackingsystems beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Telemanipulator nur unwesentlich die Störung des Magnetfeldes durch den OP-Tisch verstärkt. Insbesondere die Bewegung der Instrumente im Trackingvolumen verursachte keine zusätzliche relevante Störung des Magnetfeldes. Bei Begrenzung des Trackingvolumens auf eine Länge von 190 mm, Höhe von 200mm und Breite von 400 mm war der maximale Fehler in diesem Bereich an allen Messpunkten kleiner 10 mm. Der Einsatz von elektromagnetischem Tracking für die Navigation mit dem da Vinci® Surgical System ist somit in einem begrenzten Arbeitsvolumen mit hinreichender Genauigkeit möglich.

  10. Hospice nurses’ emotional challenges in their encounters with the dying

    PubMed Central

    Ingebretsen, Lina Paola; Sagbakken, Mette


    The purpose of this study was to explore nurses’ emotional challenges when caring for the dying in hospices. The study has a qualitative design, and knowledge was developed through a dialectical exchange between theory and data. Ten individual in-depth interviews were conducted with nurses recruited from two hospices in Denmark. Although all of the nurses said that they experienced emotional challenges or felt emotionally touched during their work, the study found a variety of opinions related to the extent to which their emotional reactions should be revealed in their role as a hospice professional. The participants described their emotional challenges as being simultaneously draining and enriching experiences leading to personal and professional growth and development. The study may contribute to increased awareness of emotional challenges for hospice nurses, which involve continuous reflection and balancing between meeting the dying as a human being and meeting the dying as a hospice professional. PMID:27258584

  11. A Dying Star in a Different Light

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This image composite shows two views of a puffy, dying star, or planetary nebula, known as NGC 1514. At left is a view from a ground-based, visible-light telescope; the view on the right shows the object in infrared light from NASA WISE telescope.

  12. Die Struktur von schlankem Materialfluss mit Lean Production Kanban und Innovationen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Scheid, Wolf-Michael

    In der Literatur wird Materialfluss überwiegend in Spezialdisziplinen betrachtet, etwa der Steuerungslogik, der Logistiktechnik oder dem Supply Chain Management. Ein charakterisierendes Merkmal des Materialflusses ist jedoch, dass er sich aus vielfältigen Einzelbausteinen zusammensetzt, die alle harmonisch abgestimmt sein müssen. Die maximal erreichbare Effizienz wird nicht durch Höchstleistungen in dem einen oder anderen Spezialthema bestimmt, sondern durch das schwächste Glied im gesamten komplexen Netzwerk. Den Schnittstellen zwischen den betroffenen Fachbereichen in einem Unternehmen kommt hier eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zu: Erst ein harmonischer Einklang ermöglicht hohe Effektivität. Dies setzt umfassendes Verständnis für interdisziplinäre Notwendigkeiten, ein hohes Maß an Abstimmung mit den operativen Prozessen und letztlich einen einvernehmlichen Umgang und den Respekt vor den Problemstellungen des Anderen voraus.

  13. Long-term lumen depreciation behavior and failure modes of multi-die array LEDs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jayawardena, Asiri; Marcus, Daniel; Prugue, Ximena; Narendran, Nadarajah


    One of the main advantages of multi-die array light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is their high flux density. However, a challenge for using such a product in lighting fixture applications is the heat density and the need for thermal management to keep the junction temperatures of all the dies low for long-term reliable performance. Ten multi-die LED array samples for each product from four different manufacturers were subjected to lumen maintenance testing (as described in IES-LM-80-08), and their resulting lumen depreciation and failure modes were studied. The products were tested at the maximum case (or pin) temperature reported by the respective manufacturer by appropriately powering the LEDs. In addition, three samples for each product from two different manufacturers were subjected to rapid thermal cycling, and the resulting lumen depreciation and failure modes were studied. The results showed that the exponential lumen decay model using long-term lumen maintenance data as recommended in IES TM-21 does not fit for all package types. The failure of a string of dies and single die failure in a string were observed in some of the packages.

  14. Prolonging dying is the same as prolonging living--one more response to Long.

    PubMed Central

    Kuhse, H; Singer, P


    In earlier publications, we had argued that Paul Ramsey is inconsistent because he simultaneously asserts that (i) 'all our days and years are of equal worth' and (ii) 'that it is permissible to refrain from prolonging the lives of some dying patients'. Thomas Long has suggested that we have not shown that Paul Ramsey is inconsistent. Ramsey and we, he holds, start from incommensurable metaphysical views: for Ramsey, the dying process has religious significance--God is calling his servant home. While it is normally a good thing to keep a patient alive, it would, for Ramsey, show deafness to God's call to keep a dying patient alive. It is true we do not share Paul Ramsey's religious views. It is, however, not necessary to rely on any particular metaphysical views to refute Ramsey's position. For Ramsey's view to be internally consistent, Ramsey would have to be able to distinguish between dying and non-dying patients. We examine some of Ramsey's examples and show that his practical judgements do not allow us to draw this distinction. This means that, contra Long, we hold fast to our charge that Ramsey's view is inconsistent. PMID:1787522

  15. Chandra Observations of Dying Radio Sources in Galaxy Clusters

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Murgia, M.; Markevitch, M.; Govoni, F.; Parma, P.; Fanti, R.; de Ruiter, H. R.; Mack, K.-H.


    Context. The dying radio sources represent a very interesting and largely unexplored stage of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) evolution. They are considered to be very rare, and almost all of the few known ones were found in galaxy clusters. However, considering the small number detected so far, it has not been possible to draw any firm conclusions about their X-ray environment. Aims. We present X-ray observations performed with the Chandra satellite of the three galaxy clusters Abell 2276, ZwCl 1829.3+6912, and RX J1852.1+5711, which harbor at their center a dying radio source with an ultra-steep spectrum that we recently discovered. Methods. We analyzed the physical properties of the X-ray emitting gas surrounding these elusive radio sources. We determined the global X-ray properties of the clusters, derived the azimuthally averaged profiles of metal abundance, gas temperature, density, and pressure. Furthermore, we estimated the total mass profiles. Results. The large-scale X-ray emission is regular and spherical, suggesting a relaxed state for these systems. Indeed, we found that the three clusters are also characterized by significant enhancements in the metal abundance and declining temperature profiles toward the central region. For all these reasons, we classified RX J1852.1+5711, Abell 2276, and ZwCl 1829.3+6912 as cool-core galaxy clusters. Conclusions. We calculated the non-thermal pressure of the radio lobes assuming that the radio sources are in the minimum energy condition. For all dying sources we found that this is on average about one to two orders of magnitude lower than that of the external gas, as found for many other radio sources at the center of galaxy groups and clusters. We found marginal evidence for the presence of X-ray surface brightness depressions coincident with the fossil radio lobes of the dying sources in A2276 and ZwCl 1829.3+691. We estimated the outburst age and energy output for these two dying sources. The energy power from

  16. Die Baukastensystematik in der Fördertechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sebulke, Johannes

    In der Fördertechnik wird kaum ein größerer Einsatzfall so dem anderen gleichen, dass man zwei Anlagen nach denselben Zeichnungen fertigen kann. Konstruktionszeiten, Rüst- und Umstellungszeiten der Fertigung sind hoch; der Kunde muss bei Einzelanfertigung lange Lieferzeiten in Kauf nehmen. In der Fördertechnik haben sich daher Baukastenprinzip, Standardisierung und die Konstruktion von Erzeugnisreihen weitgehend durchgesetzt.

  17. Results from prototype die-to-database reticle inspection system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mu, Bo; Dayal, Aditya; Broadbent, Bill; Lim, Phillip; Goonesekera, Arosha; Chen, Chunlin; Yeung, Kevin; Pinto, Becky


    A prototype die-to-database high-resolution reticle defect inspection system has been developed for 32nm and below logic reticles, and 4X Half Pitch (HP) production and 3X HP development memory reticles. These nodes will use predominantly 193nm immersion lithography (with some layers double patterned), although EUV may also be used. Many different reticle types may be used for these generations including: binary (COG, EAPSM), simple tritone, complex tritone, high transmission, dark field alternating (APSM), mask enhancer, CPL, and EUV. Finally, aggressive model based OPC is typically used, which includes many small structures such as jogs, serifs, and SRAF (sub-resolution assist features), accompanied by very small gaps between adjacent structures. The architecture and performance of the prototype inspection system is described. This system is designed to inspect the aforementioned reticle types in die-todatabase mode. Die-to-database inspection results are shown on standard programmed defect test reticles, as well as advanced 32nm logic, and 4X HP and 3X HP memory reticles from industry sources. Direct comparisons with currentgeneration inspection systems show measurable sensitivity improvement and a reduction in false detections.

  18. High pressure die casting of Fe-based metallic glass.


    Ramasamy, Parthiban; Szabo, Attila; Borzel, Stefan; Eckert, Jürgen; Stoica, Mihai; Bárdos, András


    Soft ferromagnetic Fe-based bulk metallic glass key-shaped specimens with a maximum and minimum width of 25.4 and 5 mm, respectively, were successfully produced using a high pressure die casting (HPDC) method, The influence of die material, alloy temperature and flow rate on the microstructure, thermal stability and soft ferromagnetic properties has been studied. The results suggest that a steel die in which the molten metal flows at low rate and high temperature can be used to produce completely glassy samples. This can be attributed to the laminar filling of the mold and to a lower heat transfer coefficient, which avoids the skin effect in the steel mold. In addition, magnetic measurements reveal that the amorphous structure of the material is maintained throughout the key-shaped samples. Although it is difficult to control the flow and cooling rate of the molten metal in the corners of the key due to different cross sections, this can be overcome by proper tool geometry. The present results confirm that HPDC is a suitable method for the casting of Fe-based bulk glassy alloys even with complex geometries for a broad range of applications.

  19. High pressure die casting of Fe-based metallic glass

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ramasamy, Parthiban; Szabo, Attila; Borzel, Stefan; Eckert, Jürgen; Stoica, Mihai; Bárdos, András


    Soft ferromagnetic Fe-based bulk metallic glass key-shaped specimens with a maximum and minimum width of 25.4 and 5 mm, respectively, were successfully produced using a high pressure die casting (HPDC) method, The influence of die material, alloy temperature and flow rate on the microstructure, thermal stability and soft ferromagnetic properties has been studied. The results suggest that a steel die in which the molten metal flows at low rate and high temperature can be used to produce completely glassy samples. This can be attributed to the laminar filling of the mold and to a lower heat transfer coefficient, which avoids the skin effect in the steel mold. In addition, magnetic measurements reveal that the amorphous structure of the material is maintained throughout the key-shaped samples. Although it is difficult to control the flow and cooling rate of the molten metal in the corners of the key due to different cross sections, this can be overcome by proper tool geometry. The present results confirm that HPDC is a suitable method for the casting of Fe-based bulk glassy alloys even with complex geometries for a broad range of applications.

  20. High pressure die casting of Fe-based metallic glass

    PubMed Central

    Ramasamy, Parthiban; Szabo, Attila; Borzel, Stefan; Eckert, Jürgen; Stoica, Mihai; Bárdos, András


    Soft ferromagnetic Fe-based bulk metallic glass key-shaped specimens with a maximum and minimum width of 25.4 and 5 mm, respectively, were successfully produced using a high pressure die casting (HPDC) method, The influence of die material, alloy temperature and flow rate on the microstructure, thermal stability and soft ferromagnetic properties has been studied. The results suggest that a steel die in which the molten metal flows at low rate and high temperature can be used to produce completely glassy samples. This can be attributed to the laminar filling of the mold and to a lower heat transfer coefficient, which avoids the skin effect in the steel mold. In addition, magnetic measurements reveal that the amorphous structure of the material is maintained throughout the key-shaped samples. Although it is difficult to control the flow and cooling rate of the molten metal in the corners of the key due to different cross sections, this can be overcome by proper tool geometry. The present results confirm that HPDC is a suitable method for the casting of Fe-based bulk glassy alloys even with complex geometries for a broad range of applications. PMID:27725780

  1. Influence of polyurethane resin dies on the fit and adaptation of full veneer crowns.


    Lillywhite, Graeme R R; Vohra, Fahim


    Polyurethane resin is a possible alternative to type IV dental stone for fabrication of indirect restorations however its dimensional accuracy is questionable. The aim was to investigate the dimensional accuracy of silica filled polyurethane resin die material by evaluating the marginal fit and adaptation of indirect gold castings. Experimental, in vitro study. Totally 40 copper plated replicas of a nickel chrome master die analogous to a veneer gold crown preparation were made and impressions recorded using polyvinylsiloxane material. Twenty impressions were poured in type IV dental stone (control group (Vel-mix, Kerr, UK) and the remaining (n = 20) in silica filled polyurethane die material (test group) (Alpha Die MF, CA, USA). Gold castings were fabricated for each die using standardized techniques. The castings were seated on their respective copper plated dies, embedded in resin and sectioned. The specimens were analyzed by measuring marginal opening and the area beneath the casting at a ×63 magnification and using image analysis software. Data were analyzed using a Student's t-test. No significant difference was observed between the experimental groups (P > 0.05). The mean marginal opening for type IV, dental stone and polyurethane resin, was 57 ± 22.6 μm and 63.47 ± 27.1 μm, respectively. Stone displayed a smaller area beneath the casting (31581 ± 16297 μm 2 ) as compared to polyurethane resin (35003 ± 23039 μm 2 ). The fit and adaptation of indirect gold castings made on polyurethane and type IV dental stone dies were comparable.

  2. A Module on Death and Dying to Develop Empathy in Student Pharmacists

    PubMed Central

    Olin, Jacqueline L.; Thornton, Phillip L.; Dolder, Christian R.; Hanrahan, Conor


    Objective To implement an integrated module on death and dying into a 15-week bioethics course and determine whether it increased student pharmacists’ empathy. Design Students participated in a 5-week death and dying module that included presentation of the film Wit, an interactive lecture on hospice, and a lecture on the ethics of pain management. Assessment Fifty-six students completed the 30-item Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale (BEES) before and after completing the module and wrote a reflective essay. Students demonstrated an appreciation of patient-specific values in their essay. Quantitative data collected via BEES scores demonstrated significant improvement in measured empathy. Conclusion A 5-week instructional model on death and dying significantly increased student empathy. PMID:21769147

  3. Self-determination, the right to die, and culture: a literature review.


    McCormick, Andrew J


    Self-determination is a primary ethical principle underlying social work practice in health care settings. Since the 1970s, a right-to-die movement that shares the social work commitment to self-determination has grown and influences end-of-life care decisions. However, the role of culture is notably absent in discussions of the right to die. A literature review was conducted to explore self-determination and the role of culture in the context of the history of the right-to-die movement. A total of 54 articles met the criteria for inclusion in the review. Of the total, 21 related to self-determination, and 12 related to ethnicity and culture at the end of life. A history based on the review of the right-to-die movement is presented. The review found that social workers support passively hastening death and that views of self-determination are affected by both law and culture. In response, social workers will face three tasks: (1) becoming more public in their support for client self-determination as an important standard in end-of-life care, (2) being more explicit in support of diverse cultural traditions in end-of-life decision making, and (3) expanding their traditional educational and bridging roles between families and medical personnel.

  4. Dying at home: experience of the Verdun local community service centre.


    Kiyanda, Brigitte Gagnon; Dechêne, Geneviève; Marchand, Robert


    To demonstrate that it is possible for a team of palliative care nurses in an urban centre to care for more than 50% of their terminally ill patients at home until they die, and that medical care delivered in the home is a determining factor in death at home versus death in a hospital. Analysis of place of death of terminally ill patients who died in 2012 and 2013 (N = 212) and who had been cared for by palliative care nurses, by type of medical care. The centre local de services communautaires (CLSC) in Verdun, Que, an urban neighbourhood in southwest Montreal. A total of 212 terminally ill patients. Rate of deaths at home. Of the 212 patients cared for at home by palliative care nurses, 56.6% died at home; 62.6% received medical home care from CLSC physicians, compared with 5.0% who did not receive medical home care from any physician. Combined with a straightforward restructuring of the nursing care delivered by CLSCs, development of medical services delivered in the home would enable the more than 50% of terminally ill patients in Quebec who are cared for by CLSCs to die at home--something that most of them wish for. Copyright© the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

  5. The case for a sociology of dying, death, and bereavement.


    Thompson, Neil; Allan, June; Carverhill, Philip A; Cox, Gerry R; Davies, Betty; Doka, Kenneth; Granek, Leeat; Harris, Darcy; Ho, Andy; Klass, Dennis; Small, Neil; Wittkowski, Joachim


    Dying, death, and bereavement do not occur in a social vacuum. How individuals and groups experience these phenomena will be largely influenced by the social context in which they occur. To develop an adequate understanding of dying, death, and bereavement we therefore need to incorporate a sociological perspective into our analysis. This article examines why a sociological perspective is necessary and explores various ways in which sociology can be of practical value in both intellectual and professional contexts. A case study comparing psychological and sociological perspectives is offered by way of illustration.

  6. The End-of-Life Phase of High-Grade Glioma Patients: Dying With Dignity?

    PubMed Central

    Taphoorn, Martin J.B.; Uitdehaag, Bernard; Heimans, Jan J.; Deliens, Luc; Reijneveld, Jaap C.; Pasman, H. Roeline W.


    Background. In the end-of-life (EOL) phase, high-grade glioma (HGG) patients have a high symptom burden and often lose independence because of physical and cognitive dysfunction. This might affect the patient's personal dignity. We aimed to (a) assess the proportion of HGG patients dying with dignity as perceived by their relatives and (b) identify disease and care factors correlated with dying with dignity in HGG patients. Methods. We approached relatives of a cohort of 155 deceased HGG patients for the study. Participants completed a questionnaire concerning the EOL phase of the patient, covering several subthemes: (a) symptoms and signs, (b) health-related quality of life, (c) decision making, (d) place and quality of EOL care, and (e) dying with dignity. Results. Relatives of 81 patients participated and 75% indicated that the patient died with dignity. These patients had fewer communication deficits, experienced fewer transitions between health care settings in the EOL phase, and more frequently died at their preferred place of death. Relatives were more satisfied with the physician providing EOL care and reported that the physician adequately explained treatment options. Multivariate analysis identified satisfaction with the physician, the ability to communicate, and the absence of transitions between settings as most predictive of a dignified death. Conclusions. Physicians caring for HGG patients in the EOL phase should timely focus on explaining possible treatment options, because patients experience communication deficits toward death. Physicians should strive to allow patients to die at their preferred place and avoid transitions during the last month of life. PMID:23335620

  7. The end-of-life phase of high-grade glioma patients: dying with dignity?


    Sizoo, Eefje M; Taphoorn, Martin J B; Uitdehaag, Bernard; Heimans, Jan J; Deliens, Luc; Reijneveld, Jaap C; Pasman, H Roeline W


    In the end-of-life (EOL) phase, high-grade glioma (HGG) patients have a high symptom burden and often lose independence because of physical and cognitive dysfunction. This might affect the patient's personal dignity. We aimed to (a) assess the proportion of HGG patients dying with dignity as perceived by their relatives and (b) identify disease and care factors correlated with dying with dignity in HGG patients. We approached relatives of a cohort of 155 deceased HGG patients for the study. Participants completed a questionnaire concerning the EOL phase of the patient, covering several subthemes: (a) symptoms and signs, (b) health-related quality of life, (c) decision making, (d) place and quality of EOL care, and (e) dying with dignity. Relatives of 81 patients participated and 75% indicated that the patient died with dignity. These patients had fewer communication deficits, experienced fewer transitions between health care settings in the EOL phase, and more frequently died at their preferred place of death. Relatives were more satisfied with the physician providing EOL care and reported that the physician adequately explained treatment options. Multivariate analysis identified satisfaction with the physician, the ability to communicate, and the absence of transitions between settings as most predictive of a dignified death. Physicians caring for HGG patients in the EOL phase should timely focus on explaining possible treatment options, because patients experience communication deficits toward death. Physicians should strive to allow patients to die at their preferred place and avoid transitions during the last month of life.

  8. Attitudes of elderly Korean patients toward death and dying: an application of Q-methodology.


    Yeun, Eunja


    The aim of this study was to identify the attitudes of elderly Korean patients toward death and dying using Q-methodology to aid in the development of basic strategies for nursing care of elderly Koreans. Thirty participants at a university hospital sorted 40 selected Q-statements on a nine-point scale. Data analysis identified three types of attitudes toward death and dying in elderly patients in Korea: religion-dependent, science-adherent, and sardonic. Religion-dependent elders are highly dependent upon religion as evidenced by their reply that they would like to rely on God and a minister the most. Science-adherent elders have great affection for life and believe in modern medical advancements. The sardonic elders regard death as the dispensation of nature so there is no need to be afraid of death and dying. This study will contribute to the understanding that nurses and other health professionals have of the perceptions of elderly Koreans about death and dying. Also, the findings may provide the basis for the development of more appropriate strategies to improve death and dying education programs of health professionals.

  9. Imagining the alternatives to life prolonging treatments: elders' beliefs about the dying experience.


    Winter, Laraine; Parker, Barbara; Schneider, Melissa


    Deciding for or against a life-prolonging treatment represents a choice between prolonged life and death. When the death alternative is not described, individuals must supply their own assumptions. How do people imagine the experience of dying? We asked 40 elderly people open-ended questions about dying without 4 common life-prolonging treatments, eliciting beliefs about pain, length of time, loneliness, and palliative care. Beliefs were diverse, loneliness was commonly assumed, and palliation was rarely mentioned spontaneously. Results underscore needs for improved understanding of the dying process and palliative care and for fuller communication between patients and healthcare providers.

  10. WAMA: a method of optimizing reticle/die placement to increase litho cell productivity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dor, Amos; Schwarz, Yoram


    This paper focuses on reticle/field placement methodology issues, the disadvantages of typical methods used in the industry, and the innovative way that the WAMA software solution achieves optimized placement. Typical wafer placement methodologies used in the semiconductor industry considers a very limited number of parameters, like placing the maximum amount of die on the wafer circle and manually modifying die placement to minimize edge yield degradation. This paper describes how WAMA software takes into account process characteristics, manufacturing constraints and business objectives to optimize placement for maximum stepper productivity and maximum good die (yield) on the wafer.

  11. HVM die yield improvement as a function of DRSEM ADC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maheshwary, Sonu; Haas, Terry; McGarvey, Steve


    Given the current manufacturing technology roadmap and the competitiveness of the global semiconductor manufacturing environment in conjunction with the semiconductor manufacturing market dynamics, the market place continues to demand a reduced die manufacturing cost. This continuous pressure on lowering die cost in turn drives an aggressive yield learning curve, a key component of which is defect reduction of manufacturing induced anomalies. In order to meet and even exceed line and die yield targets there is a need to revamp defect classification strategies and place a greater emphasize on increasing the accuracy and purity of the Defect Review Scanning Electron Microscope (DRSEM) Automated Defect Classification (ADC) results while placing less emphasis on the ADC results of patterned/un-patterned wafer inspection systems. The increased emphasis on DRSEM ADC results allows for a high degree of automation and consistency in the classification data and eliminates variance induced by the manufacturing staff. This paper examines the use of SEM based Auto Defect Classification in a high volume manufacturing environment as a key driver in the reduction of defect limited yields.

  12. Talking it out: helping our patients live better while dying.


    Zeytinoglu, Meltem


    Although dying is an inevitable part of the life cycle, there has been extensive political debate over end-of-life care. Participating in end-of-life care conversations can be emotionally challenging for everyone involved. Messages about serious or terminal illnesses can be very hard for patients and their families to hear, and physicians frequently struggle with the burden of delivering these messages. Still, evidence shows that conversations about end-of-life care options between physicians and patients can improve the quality of life of dying patients and help to relieve the emotional burden on surviving loved ones. Legislation to support these discussions by consistently reimbursing physicians for their time spent performing this service has been blocked on multiple occasions. More research on how to improve end-of-life care will enable health care providers to optimize treatment of their patients. Overcoming political divides to support end-of-life care conversations is needed to promote care that is consistent with patients' values and needs and is a key step in encouraging better quality of life for dying patients.

  13. How dying cells alert the immune system to danger

    PubMed Central

    Kono, Hajime; Rock, Kenneth L.


    When a cell dies in vivo the event does not go unnoticed. The host has evolved mechanisms to detect the death of cells and rapidly investigate the nature of their demise. If cell death is a result of natural causes, that is, it is part of normal physiological processes, then there is little threat to the organism. In this situation, little else is done other than removing the corpse. However, if cells have died as the consequence of some violence or disease, then both defence and repair mechanisms are mobilized. The importance of this process to host defence and disease pathogenesis has only been appreciated relatively recently. This article will review our current knowledge of these processes. PMID:18340345

  14. Heat damage-free laser-microjet cutting achieves highest die fracture strength

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Perrottet, Delphine; Housh, Roy; Richerzhagen, Bernold; Manley, John


    Unlike conventional laser-based technologies, the water jet guided laser does not generate heat damage and contamination is also very low. The negligible heat-affected zone is one reason why die fracture strength is higher than with sawing. This paper first presents the water jet guided laser technology and then explains how it differs from conventional dry laser cutting. Finally, it presents the results obtained by three recent studies conducted to determine die fracture strength after Laser-Microjet cutting.

  15. Moral distress and providing care to dying babies in neonatal nursing.


    Kain, Victoria J


    Moral distress in nursing is a prevalent theme in the literature. Although this issue has been investigated in other nursing disciplines, it has not been investigated by empirical research in the emotionally and ethically sensitive area of providing care to dying babies. Moral distress occurs when nurses are prevented from translating moral choices into moral action. The response to moral distress is anger, resentment, guilt, frustration, sorrow and powerlessness. If not addressed, self-worth may be jeopardised, affecting personal and professional relationships. A review of the literature was conducted to explore moral distress in neonatal nursing when providing care to dying babies. This literature review provides a basis for the direction of further research and hypothesis testing. Further focused research is necessary in this under-theorised area of nursing practice to clarify the significance of moral distress for neonatal nurses caring for dying babies.

  16. Quality insights of university teachers on dying, death, and death education.


    Mak, Mui-Hing June

    One of the main responsibilities of teachers is to help individual students cope with life difficulties such as grief following a death. However, very little research explores teachers' views on death, dying, and how they handle grief and loss in schools. This study aims to explore university teachers' knowledge and attitudes on dying, death, and death education. Fifteen university teachers were recruited using a qualitative method. This study reveals that most teachers' views on death and related issues are largely affected by their death experiences, religious beliefs, professional background, and the mass media. Although they have a general negative response toward death and dying, some teachers begin to affirm their meanings of life and death. Most teachers agree that they do not feel adequate about managing and teaching on life and death issues, so they strongly support including death education in the formal programs in Hong Kong.

  17. Ethics of Death and Dying: Historical Perspective.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gruman, Gerald J.


    Argues that the ethical dilemmas surrounding dying and death today can be better understood from a historical perspective. The methodology of intellectual history is employed to examine the sequence of cultural stages from pre-history to the contemporary scene, using the concept of the death system (Kastenbaum) as an organizing formulation.…

  18. Development of Integrated Die Casting Process for Large Thin-Wall Magnesium Applications

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Carter, Jon T.; Wang, Gerry; Luo, Alan

    The purpose of this project was to develop a process and product which would utilize magnesium die casting and result in energy savings when compared to the baseline steel product. The specific product chosen was a side door inner panel for a mid-size car. The scope of the project included: re-design of major structural parts of the door, design and build of the tooling required to make the parts, making of parts, assembly of doors, and testing (both physical and simulation) of doors. Additional work was done on alloy development, vacuum die casting, and overcasting, all in order to improvemore » the performance of the doors and reduce cost. The project achieved the following objectives: 1. Demonstrated ability to design a large thin-wall magnesium die casting. 2. Demonstrated ability to manufacture a large thin-wall magnesium die casting in AM60 alloy. 3. Tested via simulations and/or physical tests the mechanical behavior and corrosion behavior of magnesium die castings and/or lightweight experimental automotive side doors which incorporate a large, thin-wall, powder coated, magnesium die casting. Under some load cases, the results revealed cracking of the casting, which can be addressed with re-design and better material models for CAE analysis. No corrosion of the magnesium panel was observed. 4. Using life cycle analysis models, compared the energy consumption and global warming potential of the lightweight door with those of a conventional steel door, both during manufacture and in service. Compared to a steel door, the lightweight door requires more energy to manufacture but less energy during operation (i.e., fuel consumption when driving vehicle). Similarly, compared to a steel door, the lightweight door has higher global warming potential (GWP) during manufacture, but lower GWP during operation. 5. Compared the conventional magnesium die casting process with the “super-vacuum” die casting process. Results achieved with cast tensile bars suggest some

  19. Treatment of Die-Punch Fractures with 3D Printing Technology.


    Chen, Chunhui; Cai, Leyi; Zhang, Chuanxu; Wang, Jianshun; Guo, Xiaoshan; Zhou, Yifei


    We evaluated the feasibility, accuracy and effectiveness of applying three-dimensional (3D) printing technology for preoperative planning for die-punch fractures. A total of 107 patients who underwent die-punch fracture surgery were enrolled in the study. They were randomly divided into two groups: 52 cases in the 3D model group and 55 cases in the routine group. A 3D digital model of each die-punch fracture was reconstructed in the 3D group. The 3D digital model was imported to a 3D printer to build the full solid model. The operation time, blood loss volume, and the number of intraoperative fluoroscopy were recorded. Follow-up was performed to evaluate the patients' surgical outcomes. Treatment of die-punch fractures using the 3D printing approach reduced the number of intraoperative fluoroscopy, blood loss volume, and operation time, but did not improve wrist function compared to those in the routine group. The patients wanted the doctor to use the 3D model to introduce the condition and operative plan because it was easier for them to understand. The orthopedic surgeons thought that the 3D model was useful for communicating with their patients, but their satisfaction with the preoperative plan was much lower than the benefit of using the 3D model to communicate with their patients. 3D printing technology produced more accurate morphometric information for orthopedists to provide personalized surgical planning and communicate better with their patients. However, it is difficult to use widely in the department of orthopedics.

  20. Physician Burnout and the Calling to Care for the Dying: A National Survey.


    Yoon, John D; Hunt, Natalie B; Ravella, Krishna C; Jun, Christine S; Curlin, Farr A


    Physician burnout raises concerns over what sustains physicians' career motivations. We assess whether physicians in end-of-life specialties had higher rates of burnout and/or calling to care for the dying. We also examined whether the patient centeredness of the clinical environment was associated with burnout. In 2010 to 2011, we conducted a national survey of US physicians from multiple specialties. Primary outcomes were a validated single-item measure of burnout or sense of calling to end-of-life care. Primary predictors of burnout (or calling) included clinical specialty, frequency of encounters with dying patients, and patient centeredness of the clinical environments ("My clinical environment prioritizes the need of the patient over maximizing revenue"). Adjusted response rate among eligible respondents was 62% (1156 of 1878). Nearly a quarter of physicians (23%) experienced burnout, and rates were similar across all specialties. Half of the responding physicians (52%) agreed that they felt called to take care of patients who are dying. Burned-out physicians were more likely to report working in profit-centered clinical environments (multivariate odds ratio [OR] of 1.9; confidence interval [CI]: 1.3-2.8) or experiencing emotional exhaustion when caring for the dying (multivariate OR of 2.1; CI: 1.4-3.0). Physicians who identified their work as a calling were more likely to work in end-of-life specialties, to feel emotionally energized when caring for the dying, and to be religious. Physicians from end-of-life specialties not only did not have increased rates of burnout but they were also more likely to report a sense of calling in caring for the dying.

  1. Inosine Released from Dying or Dead Cells Stimulates Cell Proliferation via Adenosine Receptors.


    Chen, Jin; Chaurio, Ricardo A; Maueröder, Christian; Derer, Anja; Rauh, Manfred; Kost, Andriy; Liu, Yi; Mo, Xianming; Hueber, Axel; Bilyy, Rostyslav; Herrmann, Martin; Zhao, Yi; Muñoz, Luis E


    Many antitumor therapies induce apoptotic cell death in order to cause tumor regression. Paradoxically, apoptotic cells are also known to promote wound healing, cell proliferation, and tumor cell repopulation in multicellular organisms. We aimed to characterize the nature of the regenerative signals concentrated in the micromilieu of dead and dying cells. Cultures of viable melanoma B16F10 cells, mouse fibroblasts, and primary human fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) in the presence of dead and dying cells, their supernatants (SNs), or purified agonists and antagonists were used to evaluate the stimulation of proliferation. Viable cell quantification was performed by either flow cytometry of harvested cells or by crystal violet staining of adherent cells. High-performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry of cell SNs were deployed to identify the nature of growth-promoting factors. Coimplantation of living cells in the presence of SNs collected from dead and dying cells and specific agonists was used to evaluate tumor growth in vivo . The stimulation of proliferation of few surviving cells by bystander dead cells was confirmed for melanoma cells, mouse fibroblasts, and primary FLS. We found that small soluble molecules present in the protein-free fraction of SNs of dead and dying cells were responsible for the promotion of proliferation. The nucleoside inosine released by dead and dying cells acting via adenosine receptors was identified as putative inducer of proliferation of surviving tumor cells after irradiation and heat treatment. Inosine released by dead and dying cells mediates tumor cell proliferation via purinergic receptors. Therapeutic strategies surmounting this pathway may help to reduce the rate of recurrence after radio- and chemotherapy.

  2. Care of the dying: how do we replace the Liverpool Care Pathway?


    Davis, Charles; Tomas, Jon


    Death is an inescapable certainty of life. Variability in care for dying persons, however, is present. The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) sought to guide care for the last days of life but was phased out after intense scrutiny. A governmental report and rapid review of evidence were considered alongside mass and social media reporting. An evidence review of end-of-life care was undertaken. Any person's death is inherently challenging. Much consideration must be given to holistic needs when approaching death. Communication skills may be lacking for professional and patient alike. The LCP became flawed in use rather than intention or principle. Seeming financial gains from death were concerning to all. We have responsibility for making choices prospectively in order for them to influence our care when we are dying. Normalization of death is key on both micro- and macro communication levels. Perceptions of relevant terminology; review of the definition of dying; improved recognition of the dying process and measuring the impact of communication skills training. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  3. Impact of Simulation Technology on Die and Stamping Business

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stevens, Mark W.


    Over the last ten years, we have seen an explosion in the use of simulation-based techniques to improve the engineering, construction, and operation of GM production tools. The impact has been as profound as the overall switch to CAD/CAM from the old manual design and construction methods. The changeover to N/C machining from duplicating milling machines brought advances in accuracy and speed to our construction activity. It also brought significant reductions in fitting sculptured surfaces. Changing over to CAD design brought similar advances in accuracy, and today's use of solid modeling has enhanced that accuracy gain while finally leading to the reduction in lead time and cost through the development of parametric techniques. Elimination of paper drawings for die design, along with the process of blueprinting and distribution, provided the savings required to install high capacity computer servers, high-speed data transmission lines and integrated networks. These historic changes in the application of CAE technology in manufacturing engineering paved the way for the implementation of simulation to all aspects of our business. The benefits are being realized now, and the future holds even greater promise as the simulation techniques mature and expand. Every new line of dies is verified prior to casting for interference free operation. Sheet metal forming simulation validates the material flow, eliminating the high costs of physical experimentation dependent on trial and error methods of the past. Integrated forming simulation and die structural analysis and optimization has led to a reduction in die size and weight on the order of 30% or more. The latest techniques in factory simulation enable analysis of automated press lines, including all stamping operations with corresponding automation. This leads to manufacturing lines capable of running at higher levels of throughput, with actual results providing the capability of two or more additional strokes per

  4. Chandra observations of dying radio sources in galaxy clusters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Murgia, M.; Markevitch, M.; Govoni, F.; Parma, P.; Fanti, R.; de Ruiter, H. R.; Mack, K.-H.


    Context. The dying radio sources represent a very interesting and largely unexplored stage of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) evolution. They are considered to be very rare, and almost all of the few known ones were found in galaxy clusters. However, considering the small number detected so far, it has not been possible to draw any firm conclusions about their X-ray environment. Aims: We present X-ray observations performed with the Chandra satellite of the three galaxy clusters Abell 2276, ZwCl 1829.3+6912, and RX J1852.1+5711, which harbor at their center a dying radio source with an ultra-steep spectrum that we recently discovered. Methods: We analyzed the physical properties of the X-ray emitting gas surrounding these elusive radio sources. We determined the global X-ray properties of the clusters, derived the azimuthally averaged profiles of metal abundance, gas temperature, density, and pressure. Furthermore, we estimated the total mass profiles. Results: The large-scale X-ray emission is regular and spherical, suggesting a relaxed state for these systems. Indeed, we found that the three clusters are also characterized by significant enhancements in the metal abundance and declining temperature profiles toward the central region. For all these reasons, we classified RX J1852.1+5711, Abell 2276, and ZwCl 1829.3+6912 as cool-core galaxy clusters. Conclusions: We calculated the non-thermal pressure of the radio lobes assuming that the radio sources are in the minimum energy condition. For all dying sources we found that this is on average about one to two orders of magnitude lower than that of the external gas, as found for many other radio sources at the center of galaxy groups and clusters. We found marginal evidence for the presence of X-ray surface brightness depressions coincident with the fossil radio lobes of the dying sources in A2276 and ZwCl 1829.3+691. We estimated the outburst age and energy output for these two dying sources. The energy power from

  5. One Chance to Get it Right: understanding the new guidance for care of the dying person.


    Sykes, Nigel


    Following criticism of the Liverpool Care of the Dying Pathway (LCP), widely used to guide care of dying people in British health-care settings, the UK Government set up an independent review which in 2013 recommended that use of the LCP be discontinued. In response, the Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People, a coalition of a wide range of stakeholders, recently published guidance entitled One Chance to Get it Right. This guidance contains five Priorities of Care for the dying person that are intended to guide clinical staff and will inform Care Quality Commission inspections of health-care providers. This article summarizes the background to One Chance to Get it Right and the guidance it contains. One Chance to Get it Right, More Care, Less Pathway and related guidance documents. The need to improve the standard of end-of-life care in every clinical setting. The value of a pathway-based approach to end-of-life care in a context where well-implemented programmes of staff education in the subject are lacking. Public concern with, and scrutiny of, the quality of dying in the UK health-care system, particularly in hospitals but also the ability of patients to die well at home where that is their place of choice. Effective methods of teaching end of life care to all clinical staff; the effect upon families of caring for a dying relative at home; the optimum type, quantity and source of external support to informal carers that is perceived by them as adequate and enables the ill person to die well in in their own home; fuller understanding of the physiology of dying. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  6. Seating positions and children's risk of dying in motor vehicle crashes

    PubMed Central

    Braver, E.; Whitfield, R.; Ferguson, S.


    Objectives—To determine the effects of seating position, combined with restraint use and airbag status, on children's risk of dying in crashes. Methods—Using 1988–95 data from the United States Fatality Analysis Reporting System, risk of death was compared among front and rear seated passengers aged 12 and younger who were involved in fatal crashes for different categories of restraint use and in vehicles with and without passenger airbags. Results—Restrained children in rear seats had the lowest risk of dying in fatal crashes. Among children seated in the rear, risk of death was reduced 35% in vehicles without any airbags, 31% in vehicles equipped only with driver airbags, and 46% in vehicles with passenger airbags. Both restrained and unrestrained children aged 0–12 were at lower risk of dying in rear seats. Rear seats also afforded additional protection to children aged 5–12 restrained only with lap belts compared with lap/shoulder belted children in front seats. Children were about 10–20% less likely to die in rear center than in rear outboard positions. Conclusions—Parents and others who transport children should be strongly encouraged to place infants and children in rear seats whether or not vehicles have airbags. Existing laws requiring restraint use by children should be strengthened and actively enforced. PMID:9788087

  7. Experiences with and attitudes toward death and dying among homeless persons.


    Song, John; Ratner, Edward R; Bartels, Dianne M; Alderton, Lucy; Hudson, Brenda; Ahluwalia, Jasjit S


    Homeless persons face many barriers to health care, have few resources, and experience high death rates. They live lives of disenfranchisement and neglect. Few studies have explored their experiences and attitudes toward death and dying. Unfortunately, studies done in other populations may not apply to homeless persons. Exploring these experiences and attitudes may provide insight into life, health care, and end-of-life (EOL) concerns of this population. To explore the experiences and attitudes toward death and dying among homeless persons. Qualitative study utilizing focus groups. Fifty-three homeless persons recruited from homeless service agencies. In-depth interviews, which were audiotaped and transcribed. We present seven themes, some of which are previously unreported. Homeless persons described many significant experiences with death and dying, and many participants suffered losses while very young. These encounters influenced participants' attitudes toward risks and risky behavior: e.g., for some, these experiences provided justification for high-risk behaviors and influenced their behaviors while living on the streets. For others, they may be associated with their homelessness. Finally, these experiences informed their attitudes toward death and dying as well as EOL care; homeless persons believe that care will be poor at the EOL. Findings from this study have implications for addressing social services, health promotion, prevention, and EOL care for homeless persons, as well as for others who are poor and disenfranchised.

  8. On the Moral Acceptability of Physician-Assisted Dying for Non-Autonomous Psychiatric Patients.


    Varelius, Jukka


    Several authors have recently suggested that the suffering caused by mental illness could provide moral grounds for physician-assisted dying. Yet they typically require that psychiatric-assisted dying could come to question in the cases of autonomous, or rational, psychiatric patients only. Given that also non-autonomous psychiatric patients can sometimes suffer unbearably, this limitation appears questionable. In this article, I maintain that restricting psychiatric-assisted dying to autonomous, or rational, psychiatric patients would not be compatible with endorsing certain end-of-life practices commonly accepted in current medical ethics and law, practices often referred to as 'passive euthanasia'. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. B-Zell-Lymphome der Haut - Pathogenese, Diagnostik und Therapie.


    Nicolay, Jan P; Wobser, Marion


    Primär kutane B-Zell-Lymphome (PCBCL) beschreiben reifzellige lymphoproliferative Erkrankungen der B-Zell-Reihe, die primär die Haut betreffen. Die Biologie und der klinische Verlauf der einzelnen PCBCL-Subtypen variieren untereinander stark und unterscheiden sich grundsätzlich von primär nodalen und systemischen B-Zell-Lymphomen. Primär kutane Marginalzonenlymphome (PCMZL) und primäre kutane follikuläre Keimzentrumslymphome (PCFCL) werden auf Grund ihres unkomplizierten Verlaufs und ihrer exzellenten Prognose zu den indolenten PCBCL gezählt. Demgegenüber stellen die diffus großzelligen B-Zell-Lymphome, hauptsächlich vom Beintyp (DLBCL, LT) die aggressiveren PCBCL-Varianten mit schlechterer Prognose dar. Für die Ausbreitungsdiagnostik und die Therapieentscheidung sind eine genaue histologische und immunhistochemische Klassifizierung sowie der Ausschluss einer systemischen Beteiligung in Abgrenzung zu nodalen oder systemischen Lymphomen notwendig. Die Diagnostik sollte dabei durch molekularbiologische Untersuchungen unterstützt werden. Therapeutisch stehen für die indolenten PCBCL primär operative und radioonkologische Maßnahmen im Vordergrund sowie eine Systemtherapie mit dem CD20-Antikörper Rituximab bei disseminiertem Befall. Die aggressiveren Varianten sollten in erster Linie mit Kombinationen aus Rituximab und Polychemotherapieschemata wie z. B. dem CHOP-Schema oder Modifikationen davon behandelt werden. Auf Grund der in allen seinen Einzelheiten noch nicht vollständig verstandenen Pathogenese und Biologie sowie des begrenzten Therapiespektrums der PCBCL besteht hier, speziell beim DLBCL, LT, noch erheblicher Forschungsbedarf. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. ELID grinding characteristics of large stamping die for Wolter mirror.


    Yin, Shaohui; Ohmori, Hitoshi; Liu, Qing; Morita, Shinnya; Chen, Fengjun; Asami, Muneaki; Fan, Yufeng


    An ultra-precision ELID grinding of large stamping dies of Wolter mirror for X-ray telescope was presented in this paper. The large stamping dies (S55C) with confocal paraboloid and hyperboloid was ground by ELID arc-enveloped grinding. In this ELID grinding system, cast iron fiber bonded (CIFB) diamond wheels were controlled by 3-dimentional ways to scan the work-piece and generate required surfaces. Its grinding characteristics such as attainable form accuracy, surface roughness were investigated. Furthermore, some measures to improve form accuracy were discussed and verified such as truing, compensating, and on-machine measuring.

  11. Review of Ordering Don't Resuscitate in Iranian Dying Patients.


    Cheraghi, Mohammad Ali; Bahramnezhad, Fatemeh; Mehrdad, Neda


    Making decision on not to resuscitate is a confusing, conflicting and complex issue and depends on each country's culture and customs. Therefore, each country needs to take action in accordance with its cultural, ethical, religious and legal contexts to develop guidelines in this regard. Since the majority of Iran's people are Muslims, and in Islam, the human life is considered sacred, based on the values of the community, an Iranian Islamic agenda needs to be developed not taking measures about resuscitation of dying patients. It is necessary to develop an Iranian Islamic guidelines package in order to don't resuscitate in dying patients.

  12. Special not different: general practitioners' accounts of their care of dying people.


    Field, D


    In modern Britain the majority of terminal care occurs in people's own homes and many dying people and their carers would prefer the death itself to occur in the home. The quality of terminal care in the home and the possibility of a home death depend to a great extent upon the care provided by GPs and community nurses. This paper reports on GPs' experiences of caring for dying people and their attitudes towards such work. It is based on unstructured interviews with 25 GPs who graduated from the 1979 entry cohort to the University of Leicester medical school. The respondents were recruited via a questionnaire following up previous research with this cohort on 'fear of death'. Although self-selecting, interviewees were not significantly different from those who did not volunteer for interview in any of the statistical analyses of the questionnaire data. There were a number of similarities in their accounts of their care of dying people. Common themes were that the care of dying people was important, rewarding and satisfying; that the GPs saw themselves as part of a team of carers, frequently as team co-ordinators; good working relationships with district nurses but less satisfactory relationships with hospitals and social workers; that patient and family were both recipients of care; and honesty in communication with dying people, albeit tempered. Three issues of contemporary relevance were: tensions over the role of hospice and specialist terminal care services; care of people with chronic terminal illnesses other than cancer; and the role of GPs in the social construction of bereavement.

  13. Ageless Aluminum-Cerium-Based Alloys in High-Volume Die Casting for Improved Energy Efficiency

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stromme, Eric T.; Henderson, Hunter B.; Sims, Zachary C.; Kesler, Michael S.; Weiss, David; Ott, Ryan T.; Meng, Fanqiang; Kassoumeh, Sam; Evangelista, James; Begley, Gerald; Rios, Orlando


    Strong chemical reactions between Al and Ce lead to the formation of intermetallics with exceptional thermal stability. The rapid formation of intermetallics directly from the liquid phase during solidification of Al-Ce alloys leads to an ultrafine microconstituent structure that effectively strengthens as-cast alloys without further microstructural optimization via thermal processing. Die casting is a high-volume manufacturing technology that accounts for greater than 40% of all cast Al products, whereas Ce is highly overproduced as a waste product of other rare earth element (REE) mining. Reducing heat treatments would stimulate significant improvements in manufacturing energy efficiency, exceeding (megatonnes/year) per large-scale heat-treatment line. In this study, multiple compositions were evaluated with wedge mold castings to test the sensitivity of alloys to the variable solidification rate inherent in high-pressure die casting. Once a suitable composition was determined, it was successfully demonstrated at 800 lbs/h in a 600-ton die caster, after which the as-die cast parts performed similarly to ubiquitous A380 in the same geometry without requiring heat treatment. This work demonstrates the compatibility of Al REE alloys with high-volume die-casting applications with minimal heat treatments.

  14. Ageless Aluminum-Cerium-Based Alloys in High-Volume Die Casting for Improved Energy Efficiency

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stromme, Eric T.; Henderson, Hunter B.; Sims, Zachary C.; Kesler, Michael S.; Weiss, David; Ott, Ryan T.; Meng, Fanqiang; Kassoumeh, Sam; Evangelista, James; Begley, Gerald; Rios, Orlando


    Strong chemical reactions between Al and Ce lead to the formation of intermetallics with exceptional thermal stability. The rapid formation of intermetallics directly from the liquid phase during solidification of Al-Ce alloys leads to an ultrafine microconstituent structure that effectively strengthens as-cast alloys without further microstructural optimization via thermal processing. Die casting is a high-volume manufacturing technology that accounts for greater than 40% of all cast Al products, whereas Ce is highly overproduced as a waste product of other rare earth element (REE) mining. Reducing heat treatments would stimulate significant improvements in manufacturing energy efficiency, exceeding (megatonnes/year) per large-scale heat-treatment line. In this study, multiple compositions were evaluated with wedge mold castings to test the sensitivity of alloys to the variable solidification rate inherent in high-pressure die casting. Once a suitable composition was determined, it was successfully demonstrated at 800 lbs/h in a 600-ton die caster, after which the as-die cast parts performed similarly to ubiquitous A380 in the same geometry without requiring heat treatment. This work demonstrates the compatibility of Al REE alloys with high-volume die-casting applications with minimal heat treatments.

  15. Modeling of microstructure evolution of magnesium alloy during the high pressure die casting process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, Mengwu; Xiong, Shoumei


    Two important microstructure characteristics of high pressure die cast magnesium alloy are the externally solidified crystals (ESCs) and the fully divorced eutectic which form at the filling stage of the shot sleeve and at the last stage of solidification in the die cavity, respectively. Both of them have a significant influence on the mechanical properties and performance of magnesium alloy die castings. In the present paper, a numerical model based on the cellular automaton (CA) method was developed to simulate the microstructure evolution of magnesium alloy during cold-chamber high pressure die casting (HPDC) process. Modeling of dendritic growth of magnesium alloy with six-fold symmetry was achieved by defining a special neighbourhood configuration and calculating of the growth kinetics from complete solution of the transport equations. Special attention was paid to establish a nucleation model considering both of the nucleation of externally solidified crystals in the shot sleeve and the massive nucleation in the die cavity. Meanwhile, simulation of the formation of fully divorced eutectic was also taken into account in the present CA model. Validation was performed and the capability of the present model was addressed by comparing the simulated results with those obtained by experiments.

  16. Einsatz und Wirksamkeit von Systemtherapien bei Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis: Erste Ergebnisse des deutschen Neurodermitis-Registers TREATgermany.


    Schmitt, Jochen; Abraham, Susanne; Trautmann, Freya; Stephan, Victoria; Fölster-Holst, Regina; Homey, Bernhard; Bieber, Thomas; Novak, Natalija; Sticherling, Michael; Augustin, Matthias; Kleinheinz, Andreas; Elsner, Peter; Weidinger, Stephan; Werfel, Thomas


    Versorgungsregister dienen der Erfassung des Einsatzes und der Wirksamkeit von Therapien unter realen Versorgungsbedingungen und sind als Basis einer evidenzbasierten Gesundheitsversorgung unverzichtbar. Das deutsche Neurodermitis-Register TREATgermany wurde als weltweit erstes Register für Patienten mit schwerer Neurodermitis 2011 initiiert. Erwachsene mit schwerer Neurodermitis (aktuelle/frühere antientzündliche Systemtherapie und/oder objektiver SCORAD ≥ 40) werden über einen Zeitraum von 24 Monaten prospektiv beobachtet. Anhand validierter Erhebungsinstrumente werden die klinische Erkrankungsschwere (EASI, SCORAD), Lebensqualität (DLQI), Symptome, globale Erkrankungsschwere sowie die Patientenzufriedenheit erfasst und die durchgeführten Therapien dokumentiert. Die vorliegende Analyse beschreibt die Charakteristika, Therapiewahl und Wirksamkeit der eingesetzten antiinflammatorischen Systemtherapien der bis Oktober 2014 eingeschlossenen Patienten. An fünf Zentren wurden insgesamt 78 Patienten (Durchschnittsalter 39 Jahre, 61 % männlich) eingeschlossen. Bei den Patienten besteht eine hohe Inanspruchnahme ambulanter und stationärer Leistungen. Ciclosporin war das am häufigsten eingesetzte Systemtherapeutikum und zeigte die höchste klinische Effektivität (EASI-50-Ansprechrate 51 %; EASI-75-Ansprechrate 34 % nach zwölfwöchiger Therapie). Azathioprin, Methotrexat (MTX), Prednisolon oral, Mycophenolat, Alitretinoin und Leflunomid wurden ebenfalls bei einzelnen Patienten eingesetzt. Die vorliegende Registerauswertung gibt wichtige Hinweise zur derzeitigen Versorgung von Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis in Deutschland, dokumentiert die hohe Erkrankungslast, den Nutzen vorhandener Therapien und den Bedarf an weiteren, effektiven und in der Langzeitanwendung sicheren Therapieoptionen. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. Liquid Biopsy zur Überwachung von Melanompatienten.


    Gaiser, Maria Rita; von Bubnoff, Nikolas; Gebhardt, Christoffer; Utikal, Jochen Sven


    In den letzten sechs Jahren wurden verschiedene innovative systemische Therapien zur Behandlung des metastasierten malignen Melanoms (MM) entwickelt. Die konventionelle Chemotherapie wurde durch neuartige Primärtherapien abgelöst, darunter systemische Immuntherapien (Anti-CTLA4- und Anti-PD1-Antikörper; Zulassung von Anti-PDL1-Antikörpern erwartet) und Therapien, die gegen bestimmte Mutationen gerichtet sind (BRAF, NRAS und c-KIT). Daher stehen die behandelnden Ärzte neuen Herausforderungen gegenüber, beispielsweise der Stratifizierung von Patienten für geeignete Behandlungen und der Überwachung von Langzeit-Respondern auf Progression. Folglich werden zuverlässige Methoden zur Überwachung von Krankheitsprogression oder Behandlungsresistenz benötigt. Lokalisierte und fortgeschrittene Krebserkrankungen können zur Bildung zirkulierender Tumorzellen und Tumor-DNA (ctDNA) führen, die sich in Proben von peripherem Blut nachweisen und quantifizieren lassen (Liquid Biopsy). Im Fall von Melanompatienten können die Ergebnisse von Liquid Biopsy als neuartige prädiktive Biomarker bei therapeutischen Entscheidungen hilfreich sein, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit mutationsbasierten zielgerichteten Therapien. Die Herausforderungen bei der Anwendung der Liquid Biopsy beinhalten strikte Kriterien für den Phänotyp der zirkulierenden MM-Zellen oder ihrer Fragmente und die Instabilität von ctDNA im Blut. In diesem Übersichtsartikel diskutieren wir die Beschränkungen der Liquid Biopsy hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendung in der Routinediagnostik. © 2018 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Definitive Determinations of the Solubilities of Oxygen and Hydrogen, and Verification of the Applicability of the Setschenow Relationship to Sea Water.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    International Ocean- defined an(1 of’ settling the conflict over ographic ’Tab-les for the solubility of oxygen in whether to use the Symbol a for the Bun... Wasser . Z. Ph\\vs. 42: 25:3-264. di I ite a(ineon s sil itiiln. 1. Oxygen. J. Soilntion WEISS, B. F. 1970. The sol ijbi iits’ of nitrogen. oxy- (,heart. 8...tile Winkler dissolved oxy- WINKLER, L.. W. 1889. Die Loslidikeit des Satter- getslomethlid. Limnlll. Oceanogr. 10; 141-143. stoaffs in Wasser . Ber

  19. Beschallungstechnik, Beschallungsplanung und Simulation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ahnert, Wolfgang; Goertz, Anselm

    Die primäre Aufgabe einer Lautsprecheranlage ist es, Musik, Sprache oder auch Signaltöne und Geräusche wiederzugeben. Diese können von einem Tonträger kommen (CD, Sprachspeicher), von einem anderen Ort übertragen (Zuspielung über Radio, TV, Telefon) oder vor Ort erzeugt werden. Letzteres umfasst Konzerte, Ansprachen, Durchsagen oder künstlerische Darbietungen, bei denen es meist darum geht, eine bereits vorhandene Quelle einer größeren oder weiter verteilten Anzahl von Personen zugänglich zu machen.

  20. Effects of climate-change induced vegetation die-off on soil biodiversity and functioning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Curiel Yuste, Jorge; Garcia Angulo, Daniel; Barba, Josep; Poyatos, Rafael


    Climate change-induced vegetation die-off is nowadays a widespread phenomenon responsible for limiting the capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to provide essential services worldwide. Less is known, however, about how vegetation die-off relates with changes in the biodiversity and ecology of the soil compartment, which accounts for many of the vital ecosystem functions such as providing essential nutrients for plant growth (nitrogen, N; or phosphorous, P), or long-term carbon (C) sequestration. The death of the vegetation alters soil abiotic (microclimate) conditions and limits the supply of the energy (carbohydrates specially) demanded by the soil biological communities. These abiotic and biotic changes triggers a cascade of causal-effect processes that may result in irreversible losses in soil biodiversity and in the stability of the trophic webs that sustain soil functions such as N fixation, mineralization of essential nutrients or C stabilization. However, to date, information on the potential impacts of climate-change induced vegetation die-off over soil biodiversity and functioning is fragmented (e.g. case-studies) and not very conclusive. We here want to summarize the state of the knowledge on all potential effects of climate-change induced vegetation die-off over soil biodiversity and soil functioning. Additionally, we also discuss the functional resilience of soils to climate-change vegetation die-off and how management practices could improve the resilience and the sustainability of the soil functioning.

  1. Expectation and Variation with a Virtual Die

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Watson, Jane; English, Lyn


    By the time students reach the middle years they have experienced many chance activities based on dice. Common among these are rolling one die to explore the relationship of frequency and theoretical probability, and rolling two dice and summing the outcomes to consider their probabilities. Although dice may be considered overused by some, the…

  2. The dying child and surviving family members.


    Shrier, D K


    This overview of death and dying focuses on the dying child and surviving family members. Children's concepts of death at different developmental stages are reviewed. These range from an inability to distinguish death from other forms of separation prior to age 3, through partial concepts of death until, by age 10 to 15 years, children are able to conceptualize death as universal, inevitable and final. The importance of adults assisting in the child's growing comprehension of death is stressed. The stages of grief and mourning, as outlined by Kubler-Ross, are reviewed from the perspective of the child and family: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Recognition is given to the variations in coping styles among different family members. The special circumstances related to the death of an infant and the impact of the death of a child on the surviving siblings are discussed. Specific helpful interventions to assist families in coping with mourning are described. The death of a child remains one of the most painful and difficult events for a family and its physician to accept.

  3. Nebenwirkungen von TNF-alpha-Inhibitoren am Hautorgan.


    Lindhaus, Claudia; Tittelbach, Jörg; Elsner, Peter


    TNF-alpha-Inhibitoren werden seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre erfolgreich zur Behandlung diverser immunvermittelter entzündlicher Erkrankungen eingesetzt. Inzwischen gibt es eine umfangreiche Datenlage bezüglich ihrer Sicherheit. Nebenwirkungen sind bezogen auf die Häufigkeit der Anwendung selten und meist nicht schwerwiegend. Zu den Nebenwirkungen am Hautorgan zählen lokale injektionsassoziierte Reaktionen, Infektionen, immunvermittelte Reaktionen sowie Neoplasien. Die häufigsten schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen sind infektiöser Natur. Mykobakterielle Infektionen, aber auch non-mykobakterielle Erreger, Viren und Pilze können potenziell letale, systemische Infektionen auslösen. Im Folgenden wird eine Übersicht über das gegenwärtige Wissen bezüglich der Nebenwirkungen von TNFα-Inhibitoren am Hautorgan gegeben. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Prognostischer Wert der Fläche und Dichte von Lymphgefäßen bei kutanem Plattenepithelkarzinom.


    Krediet, Jorien Tannette; Kanitakis, Jean; Bob, Adrienne; Schmitter, Julia; Carine Krediet, Annelot; Röwert, Joachim; Stockfleth, Eggert; Painsi, Clemens; Hügel, Rainer; Terhorst, Dorothea; Lange-Asschenfeldt, Bernhard


    Kutane Plattenepithelkarzinome (SCC) sind bekannt für ihre Fähigkeit, über Lymphgefäße zu metastasieren. In neueren Studien wird das Ausmaß der Lymphangiogenese als möglicher prognostischer Faktor bei einigen Hauttumoren genannt. Ziel dieser Studie war die Quantifizierung der Lymphangiogenese bei SCC entweder durch computergestützte Bildanalyse oder mithilfe der Zählmethode nach Chalkley. Gefäßparameter wurden im Hinblick auf ihre Vorhersagekraft für die Bildung von Tumormetastasen beurteilt und verglichen. In dieser Fallkontrollstudie wurden die klinischen und histologischen Daten von jeweils 15 SCC-Patienten mit bzw. ohne Metastasen retrospektiv analysiert. In den SCC-Proben wurde der für das Lymphendothel spezifische Marker D2-40 und der pan-vaskuläre Marker CD31 immunhistochemisch angefärbt und durch computergestützte morphometrische Bildanalyse in Hotspots sowie mithilfe der digitalisierten Zählmethode nach Chalkley analysiert. Die Dichte von Lymphgefäßen, die relative Lymphgefäßfläche und die mit der Chalkley-Methode ermittelte Zahl an Lymphgefäßen (Chalkley-Count) waren bei metastasierten SCC signifikant erhöht. Die Tumordicke war bei metastasierten SCC signifikant höher und besaß die höchste Vorhersagekraft für eine Metastasierung. Die Tumordicke war ein signifikanter Prädiktor für Lymphangiogeneseparameter. Die Lymphangiogenese ist bei metastasierten SCC erhöht, doch ihr Ausmaß wird von der Tumordicke beeinflusst. Die Tumordicke bildet weiterhin den zuverlässigsten prädiktiven Faktor für die Metastasierung. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. The Fidelity and Usability of 5-DIE: A Design Study of Enacted Cyberlearning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kern, Cindy L.; Crippen, Kent J.; Skaza, Heather


    This paper describes a design study of a cyberlearning instructional unit about climate change created with a new inquiry-based design framework, the 5-featured Dynamic Inquiry Enterprise (5-DIE). The 5-DIE framework was created to address the need for authentic science inquiry experiences in cyberlearning environments that leverage existing tools…

  6. Imagining the Alternatives to Life Prolonging Treatments: Elders' Beliefs about the Dying Experience

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Winter, Laraine; Parker, Barbara; Schneider, Melissa


    Deciding for or against a life-prolonging treatment represents a choice between prolonged life and death. When the death alternative is not described, individuals must supply their own assumptions. How do people imagine the experience of dying? The authors asked 40 elderly people open-ended questions about dying without 4 common life-prolonging…

  7. Optimized testing schemes using nucleus progeny, adult MOET siblings, or juvenile MOET pedigrees in dairy cattle closed populations.


    Bondoc, O L; Smith, C


    ätzt. Deterministische Modelle werden modifiziert zur Berücksichtigung geschätzter genetischer Fortschritte für die Wirkungen von Populationsgröße, Struktur, Selektionsungleichgewicht, Stichprobenungenauigkeit und Inzuchtdepression. Die Zuchtpläne werden für verschiedene Zahlen von Stieren und Erstlaktationskühe pro Jahr optimiert. Die Zahl der geprüften Nukleustöchter je Stier und Kühe je MOETVollgeschwistergruppe, die den geschätzten Erfolg maximieren, werden bestimmt. Um die optimierten Pläne über einen weiten Bereich zu vergleichen, werden jährlicher Zuchtfortschritt und Inzuchtzuwachs für den gleichen Planungshorizont von 20 Jahren interpoliert. Der geschätzte maximale Zuchtfortschritt pro Jahr ist für adultes MOET höher als bei juvenilem (wegen zusätzlicher Zeit zur Embryonengewinnung) und bei Nukleusnachkommenschaftsprüfung. Durchschnittliche jährliche Inzuchtraten sind viel höher für MOET Pläne als für das Nachkommenschaftsprüfsystem. Die Vorteile des adulten und juvenilen MOET über Nukleusnachkommenprüfung werden durch den Planungshorizont nur geringfügig tangiert, werden aber höher, wenn mehr weibliche Tiere je Jahr geprüft werden bei höherer Heritabilität, höherer Reproduktions- und Erfolgsrate. Der Vergleich der Pläne beim gleichen Inzuchtniveau ist für gegebene Testresourcen angemessener. 1993 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lavender, Curt A.; Hong, Sung-tae; Smith, Mark T.


    The laser shock peening process was used to increase fatigue life of pilger dies made of A2 tool steel by imparting compressive residual stresses to fatigue prone areas of the dies. The result of X-Ray diffraction analysis indicated that deep, high- magnitude compressive residual stresses were generated by the laser shock peening process, and the peened dies exhibited a significant increase of in-service life. Fractography of the failed dies indicates that the fracture mechanism was altered by the peening process.

  9. Physical and Psychological Distress Are Related to Dying Peacefully in Residents With Dementia in Long-Term Care Facilities.


    De Roo, Maaike L; Albers, Gwenda; Deliens, Luc; de Vet, Henrica C W; Francke, Anneke L; Van Den Noortgate, Nele; Van den Block, Lieve


    Although dying peacefully is considered an important outcome of high-quality palliative care, large-scale quantitative research on dying peacefully and the factors associated with a peaceful death is lacking. To gain insight into how many residents with dementia in long-term care facilities die peacefully, according to their relatives, and whether that assessment is correlated with observed physical and psychological distress. This was a retrospective cross-sectional study of deceased nursing home residents in a representative sample of long-term care facilities in Flanders, Belgium (2010). Structured post-mortem questionnaires were completed by relatives of the resident, who were asked to what extent they agreed that the resident "appeared to be at peace" during the dying process. Spearman correlation coefficients gave the correlations between physical and psychological distress (as measured using the Symptom Management at the End of Life with Dementia and Comfort Assessment in Dying at the End of Life with Dementia scales) and dying peacefully (as measured using the Quality of Dying in Long Term Care instrument). The sample comprised 92 relatives of deceased residents with dementia. In 54% of cases, relatives indicated that the resident died peacefully. Weak-to-moderate correlations (0.2-0.57) were found between dying peacefully and physical distress in the last week of life. Regarding psychological distress, weak-to-moderate correlations were found for both the last week (0.33-0.44) and last month of life (0.28-0.47). Only half of the residents with dementia died peacefully as perceived by their relatives. Relatives' assessment of whether death was peaceful is related to both physical and psychological distress. Further qualitative research is recommended to gain more in-depth insights into the aspects on which relatives base their judgment of dying peacefully. Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All

  10. The Academic Study of Death and Dying.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Amend, Edward W.

    The current study of death and dying is an example of constant change and development in academic disciplines. While the discussion of death in time of crisis is hard, if not impossible, youthful undergraduates find this topic to be of considerable interest. For them, a course can be organized effectively as a small and intimate seminar, which…

  11. Dying with Dementia in Long-Term Care

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sloane, Philip D.; Zimmerman, Sheryl; Williams, Christianna S.; Hanson, Laura C.


    Purpose: To better understand the experiences and potential unmet need of persons who die in long-term care. Design and Methods: We conducted after-death interviews with staff who had cared for 422 decedents with dementia and 159 who were cognitively intact and received terminal care in U.S. nursing homes (NHs) or residential care-assisted living…

  12. [Cervical adaptation of complete cast crowns of various metal alloys, with and without die spacers].


    Stephano, C B; Roselino, R F; Roselino, R B; Campos, G M


    A metallic replica from a dental preparation for crown was used to make 8 class-IV stone dies. The wax patterns for the casting of the crowns were obtained in two conditions: a) from the stone die with no spacer; and b) from the stone die with an acrylic spacer. Thus, 64 metallic crowns were casted, using 4 different alloys: DURACAST (Cu-Al), NICROCAST (Ni-Cr) and DURABOND (Ni-Cr), and gold. The casted crowns were fitted in the metallic replica and measured as to the cervical discrepance of fitting. The results showed that the use of die spacers decreases the clinical discrepancies of fitting of the casted crowns (in a statistically significant level), no matter the metallic alloy employed.

  13. Two Decades of Research on Dying: What Do We Know About the Patient?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schultz, Richard; Schlarb, Janet


    Reviews literature on terminal patients and nature of their experiences during the time before their death by examining: (1) the number of persons each year who must confront their own death; (2) emotional responses of dying patients to their impending death; (3) interventions for the dying patient; and (4) areas for future research. (Author/NB)

  14. Effect of mold designs on molten metal behaviour in high-pressure die casting

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ibrahim, M. D.; Rahman, M. R. A.; Khan, A. A.; Mohamad, M. R.; Suffian, M. S. Z. M.; Yunos, Y. S.; Wong, L. K.; Mohtar, M. Z.


    This paper presents a research study conducted in a local automotive component manufacturer that produces aluminium alloy steering housing local and global markets. This study is to investigate the effect of design modification of mold in die casting as to improve the production rate. Design modification is carried out on the casting shot of the mold. Computer flow simulation was carried out to study the flow of molten metal in the mold with respect to the mold design modification. The design parameters of injection speed, die temperature and clamping force has been included in the study. The result of the simulation showed that modifications of casting shot give significant impact towards the molten flow behaviour in casting process. The capabilities and limitations of die casting process simulation to conduct defect analysis had been optimized. This research will enhance the efficiency of the mass production of the industry of die casting with the understanding of defect analysis, which lies on the modification of the mold design, a way early in its stages of production.

  15. The Simulation of Magnesium Wheel Low Pressure Die Casting Based on PAM-CAST™

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Peng, Yinghong; Wang, Yingchun; Li, Dayong; Zeng, Xiaoqin


    Magnesium is the lightest metal commonly used in engineering, with various excellent characteristics such as high strength and electromagnetic interference shielding capability. Particularly, the usage of magnesium in automotive industry can meet better the need to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Nowadays, most current magnesium components in automobiles are made by die casting. In this paper, commercial software for die casting, PAM-CAST™, was utilized to simulate the low pressure die casting process of magnesium wheel. Through calculating temperature field and velocity field during filling and solidification stages, the evolution of temperature distribution and liquid fraction was analyzed. Then, the potential defects including the gas entrapments in the middle of the spokes, shrinkages between the rim and the spokes were forecasted. The analytical results revealed that the mold geometry and die casting parameters should be improved in order to get the sound magnesium wheel. The reasons leading to these defects were also analyzed and the solutions to eliminate them were put forward. Furthermore, through reducing the pouring velocity, the air gas entrapments and partial shrinkages were eliminated effectively.

  16. Simulation and experiment of thermal fatigue in the CPV die attach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bosco, Nick; Silverman, Timothy; Kurtz, Sarah


    FEM simulation and accelerated thermal cycling have been performed for the CPV die attach. Trends in fatigue damage accumulation and equivalent test time are explored and found to be most sensitive to temperature ramp rate. Die attach crack growth is measured through cycling and found to be in excellent agreement with simulations of the inelastic strain energy accumulated. Simulations of an entire year of weather data provides for the relative ranking of fatigue damage between four cities as well as their equivalent accelerated test time.

  17. Development of a 3D Filling Model of Low-Pressure Die-Cast Aluminum Alloy Wheels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Duan, Jianglan; Maijer, Daan; Cockcroft, Steve; Reilly, Carl


    A two-phase computational fluid dynamics model of the low-pressure die-cast process for the production of A356 aluminum alloy wheels has been developed to predict the flow conditions during die filling. The filling model represents a 36-deg section of a production wheel, and was developed within the commercial finite-volume package, ANSYS CFX, assuming isothermal conditions. To fully understand the behavior of the free surface, a novel technique was developed to approximate the vent resistances as they impact on the development of a backpressure within the die cavity. The filling model was first validated against experimental data, and then was used to investigate the effects of venting conditions and pressure curves during die filling. It was found that vent resistance and vent location strongly affected die filling time, free surface topography, and air entrainment for a given pressure fill-curve. With regard to the pressure curve, the model revealed a strong relation between the pressure curve and the flow behavior in the hub, which is an area prone to defect formation.

  18. Why Do Cancer Patients Die in the Emergency Department? An Analysis of 283 Deaths in NC EDs

    PubMed Central

    Leak, Ashley; Mayer, Deborah K.; Wyss, Annah; Travers, Debbie; Waller, Anna


    Emergency department (ED) visits are made by cancer patients for symptom management, treatment effects, oncologic emergencies, or end of life care. While most patients prefer to die at home, many die in health care institutions. The purpose of this study is to describe visit characteristics of cancer patients who died in the ED and their most common chief complaints using 2008 ED visit data from the North Carolina Disease Event Tracking and Epidemiologic Collection Tool (NC DETECT). Of the 37,760 cancer-related ED visits, 283 resulted in death. For lung cancer patients, 104 died in the ED with 70.9% dying on their first ED visit. Research on factors precipitating ED visits by cancer patients is needed to address end of life care needs. PMID:22556288

  19. Where to die? That is the question: A study of cancer patients in Israel.


    Barak, Frida; Livshits, Sofia; Kaufer, Haana; Netanel, Ruth; Siegelmann-Danieli, Nava; Alkalay, Yasmin; Kreitler, Shulamith


    Most patients prefer to die at home, but barely 30% do so. This study examines the variables contributing to dying at home. The participants were 326 cancer patients, of both genders, with a mean age of 63.25 years, who died from 2000 to 2008 and were treated by the palliative care unit of the Barzilai Hospital. Some 65.7% died at home and 33.4% in a hospital. The data were extracted from patient files. The examined variables were demographic (e.g., age, gender, marital status, ethnic background, number of years in Israel until death), medical (e.g., age at diagnosis, diagnosis, nature of last treatment, patient received nursing care, patient given the care of a social worker, patient had care of a psychologist, family received care of a social worker, patient had a special caregiver), and sociological (e.g., having insurance, having worked in Israel, living alone or with family, living with one's children, living in self-owned or rented house, family members working). The findings indicate that the chances of dying at home are higher if the patient is non-Ashkenazi, the family got social worker care, the patient lived in a self-owned house, the patient lived with his family, the family members worked, and the patient's stay in Israel since immigration was longer. Logistic regression showed that all the predictors together yielded a significant model accounting for 10.9-12.3% of the variance. The findings suggest that dying at home requires maintaining continued care for the patient and family in a community context.

  20. CAD system of design and engineering provision of die forming of compressor blades for aircraft engines

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khaimovich, I. N.


    The articles provides the calculation algorithms for blank design and die forming fitting to produce the compressor blades for aircraft engines. The design system proposed in the article allows generating drafts of trimming and reducing dies automatically, leading to significant reduction of work preparation time. The detailed analysis of the blade structural elements features was carried out, the taken limitations and technological solutions allowed forming generalized algorithms of forming parting stamp face over the entire circuit of the engraving for different configurations of die forgings. The author worked out the algorithms and programs to calculate three dimensional point locations describing the configuration of die cavity. As a result the author obtained the generic mathematical model of final die block in the form of three-dimensional array of base points. This model is the base for creation of engineering documentation of technological equipment and means of its control.

  1. Methods and Algorithms for Computer-aided Engineering of Die Tooling of Compressor Blades from Titanium Alloy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khaimovich, A. I.; Khaimovich, I. N.


    The articles provides the calculation algorithms for blank design and die forming fitting to produce the compressor blades for aircraft engines. The design system proposed in the article allows generating drafts of trimming and reducing dies automatically, leading to significant reduction of work preparation time. The detailed analysis of the blade structural elements features was carried out, the taken limitations and technological solutions allowed to form generalized algorithms of forming parting stamp face over the entire circuit of the engraving for different configurations of die forgings. The author worked out the algorithms and programs to calculate three dimensional point locations describing the configuration of die cavity.

  2. Results from a new 193nm die-to-database reticle inspection platform

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Broadbent, William H.; Alles, David S.; Giusti, Michael T.; Kvamme, Damon F.; Shi, Rui-fang; Sousa, Weston L.; Walsh, Robert; Xiong, Yalin


    A new 193nm wavelength high resolution reticle defect inspection platform has been developed for both die-to-database and die-to-die inspection modes. In its initial configuration, this innovative platform has been designed to meet the reticle qualification requirements of the IC industry for the 22nm logic and 3xhp memory generations (and shrinks) with planned extensions to the next generation. The 22nm/3xhp IC generation includes advanced 193nm optical lithography using conventional RET, advanced computational lithography, and double patterning. Further, EUV pilot line lithography is beginning. This advanced 193nm inspection platform has world-class performance and the capability to meet these diverse needs in optical and EUV lithography. The architecture of the new 193nm inspection platform is described. Die-to-database inspection results are shown on a variety of reticles from industry sources; these reticles include standard programmed defect test reticles, as well as advanced optical and EUV product and product-like reticles. Results show high sensitivity and low false and nuisance detections on complex optical reticle designs and small feature size EUV reticles. A direct comparison with the existing industry standard 257nm wavelength inspection system shows measurable sensitivity improvement for small feature sizes

  3. Differential die-away analysis system response modeling and detector design

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jordan, K. A.; Gozani, T.; Vujic, J.


    Differential die-away-analysis (DDAA) is a sensitive technique to detect presence of fissile materials such as 235U and 239Pu. DDAA uses a high-energy (14 MeV) pulsed neutron generator to interrogate a shipping container. The signature is a fast neutron signal hundreds of microseconds after the cessation of the neutron pulse. This fast neutron signal has decay time identical to the thermal neutron diffusion decay time of the inspected cargo. The theoretical aspects of a cargo inspection system based on the differential die-away technique are explored. A detailed mathematical model of the system is developed, and experimental results validating this model are presented.

  4. Reducing the Surface Degradation of Aluminum Extrusion Dies During Preheating

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stratton, Paul


    Aluminum extrusion dies are usually made from H13 steel that is ferritically nitrocarburized to minimize wear and pick-up. Before being placed in the extrusion press, the dies are preheated to minimize thermal shock at the start of the extrusion cycle. During the preheating time, the nitrocarburized layer oxidizes. Some of this layer can break away during extrusion leaving marks on the product. Although inerting the preheat furnaces with nitrogen has been found to reduce the oxidation, it does not solve the problem completely. Experiments have shown that a small addition of ammonia to the preheating protective atmosphere could eliminate oxidation and prevent nitrogen loss from the surface nitride layer.

  5. Experiences With and Attitudes Toward Death and Dying Among Homeless Persons

    PubMed Central

    Ratner, Edward R; Bartels, Dianne M.; Alderton, Lucy; Hudson, Brenda; Ahluwalia, Jasjit S.


    Background Homeless persons face many barriers to health care, have few resources, and experience high death rates. They live lives of disenfranchisement and neglect. Few studies have explored their experiences and attitudes toward death and dying. Unfortunately, studies done in other populations may not apply to homeless persons. Exploring these experiences and attitudes may provide insight into life, health care, and end-of-life (EOL) concerns of this population. Objective To explore the experiences and attitudes toward death and dying among homeless persons. Design Qualitative study utilizing focus groups. Participants Fifty-three homeless persons recruited from homeless service agencies. Measurements In-depth interviews, which were audiotaped and transcribed. Results We present seven themes, some of which are previously unreported. Homeless persons described many significant experiences with death and dying, and many participants suffered losses while very young. These encounters influenced participants’ attitudes toward risks and risky behavior: e.g., for some, these experiences provided justification for high-risk behaviors and influenced their behaviors while living on the streets. For others, they may be associated with their homelessness. Finally, these experiences informed their attitudes toward death and dying as well as EOL care; homeless persons believe that care will be poor at the EOL. Conclusions Findings from this study have implications for addressing social services, health promotion, prevention, and EOL care for homeless persons, as well as for others who are poor and disenfranchised. PMID:17372788

  6. Does the internet change how we die and mourn? Overview and analysis.


    Walter, Tony; Hourizi, Rachid; Moncur, Wendy; Pitsillides, Stacey

    The article outlines the issues that the internet presents to death studies. Part 1 describes a range of online practices that may affect dying, the funeral, grief and memorialization, inheritance and archaeology; it also summarizes the kinds of research that have been done in these fields. Part 2 argues that these new online practices have implications for, and may be illuminated by, key concepts in death studies: the sequestration (or separation from everyday life) of death and dying, disenfranchisement of grief, private grief, social death, illness and grief narratives, continuing bonds with the dead, and the presence of the dead in society. In particular, social network sites can bring dying and grieving out of both the private and public realms and into the everyday life of social networks beyond the immediate family, and provide an audience for once private communications with the dead.

  7. Ageless Aluminum-Cerium-Based Alloys in High-Volume Die Casting for Improved Energy Efficiency


    Stromme, Eric T.; Henderson, Hunter B.; Sims, Zachary C.; ...


    Strong chemical reactions between Al and Ce lead to the formation of intermetallics with exceptional thermal stability. The rapid formation of intermetallics directly from the liquid phase during solidification of Al-Ce alloys leads to an ultrafine microconstituent structure that effectively strengthens as-cast alloys without further microstructural optimization via thermal processing. Die casting is a high-volume manufacturing technology that accounts for greater than 40% of all cast Al products, whereas Ce is highly overproduced as a waste product of other rare earth element (REE) mining. Reducing heat treatments would stimulate significant improvements in manufacturing energy efficiency, exceeding (megatonnes/year) per large-scale heat-treatmentmore » line. In this study, multiple compositions were evaluated with wedge mold castings to test the sensitivity of alloys to the variable solidification rate inherent in high-pressure die casting. Once a suitable composition was determined, it was successfully demonstrated at 800 lbs/h in a 600-ton die caster, after which the as-die cast parts performed similarly to ubiquitous A380 in the same geometry without requiring heat treatment. Furthermore, this work demonstrates the compatibility of Al REE alloys with high-volume die-casting applications with minimal heat treatments.« less

  8. Ageless Aluminum-Cerium-Based Alloys in High-Volume Die Casting for Improved Energy Efficiency

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Stromme, Eric T.; Henderson, Hunter B.; Sims, Zachary C.

    Strong chemical reactions between Al and Ce lead to the formation of intermetallics with exceptional thermal stability. The rapid formation of intermetallics directly from the liquid phase during solidification of Al-Ce alloys leads to an ultrafine microconstituent structure that effectively strengthens as-cast alloys without further microstructural optimization via thermal processing. Die casting is a high-volume manufacturing technology that accounts for greater than 40% of all cast Al products, whereas Ce is highly overproduced as a waste product of other rare earth element (REE) mining. Reducing heat treatments would stimulate significant improvements in manufacturing energy efficiency, exceeding (megatonnes/year) per large-scale heat-treatmentmore » line. In this study, multiple compositions were evaluated with wedge mold castings to test the sensitivity of alloys to the variable solidification rate inherent in high-pressure die casting. Once a suitable composition was determined, it was successfully demonstrated at 800 lbs/h in a 600-ton die caster, after which the as-die cast parts performed similarly to ubiquitous A380 in the same geometry without requiring heat treatment. Furthermore, this work demonstrates the compatibility of Al REE alloys with high-volume die-casting applications with minimal heat treatments.« less

  9. A framework for development of an intelligent system for design and manufacturing of stamping dies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hussein, H. M. A.; Kumar, S.


    An integration of computer aided design (CAD), computer aided process planning (CAPP) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) is required for development of an intelligent system to design and manufacture stamping dies in sheet metal industries. In this paper, a framework for development of an intelligent system for design and manufacturing of stamping dies is proposed. In the proposed framework, the intelligent system is structured in form of various expert system modules for different activities of design and manufacturing of dies. All system modules are integrated with each other. The proposed system takes its input in form of a CAD file of sheet metal part, and then system modules automate all tasks related to design and manufacturing of stamping dies. Modules are coded using Visual Basic (VB) and developed on the platform of AutoCAD software.

  10. Improving Attitudes and Perceived Competence in Caring for Dying Patients: An End-of-Life Simulation.


    Lippe, Megan Pfitzinger; Becker, Heather


    The aim of this study was to assess learning outcomes from a simulation on providing care to a critically ill patient from whom care is ultimately withdrawn. Nursing students have anxiety and low perceived competence for caring for dying patients. Effective strategies for teaching communication, assessment, and basic nursing skills are needed. A pretest-posttest design compared perceived competence and attitudes in caring for dying patients with three separate cohorts of undergraduate nursing students performing the simulation. The cohorts had significantly improved scores on the perceived competence (p < .001) and attitude (p < .01) measures following the simulation. Reliability for a new instrument to assess perceived competence in caring for dying patients was also established. This study's simulation offers a robust teaching strategy for improving nursing students' attitudes and perceived competence in caring for dying patients.

  11. Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Fumarsäureestern in Kombination mit Phototherapie bei Patienten mit moderater bis schwerer Plaque-Psoriasis (FAST).


    Weisenseel, Peter; Reich, Kristian; Griemberg, Wiebke; Merten, Katharina; Gröschel, Christine; Gomez, Natalie Nunez; Taipale, Kirsi; Bräu, Beate; Zschocke, Ina


    Die Behandlung von Psoriasis-Patienten mit einer Kombination aus Fumarsäureestern (FSE, Fumaderm ® ) und Phototherapie (UV) ist verbreitet, wurde aber im Rahmen von Studien wenig untersucht. Bisher liegen lediglich Daten aus einer kleinen Pilotstudie vor. Intention dieser Studie war, eine FSE/UV-Kombinationsbehandlung an einem größeren Patientenkollektiv mit mittelschwerer bis schwerer Psoriasis zu untersuchen. In dieser prospektiven, multizentrischen, nichtinterventionellen Studie wurden Daten von Patienten mit FSE/UV-Kombinationstherapie hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit (PGA' PASI, DLQI, EQ-5D), Sicherheit und Dosierung über einen Zeitraum von zwölf Monaten erfasst und mit Daten einer retrospektiven Studie mit FSE-Monotherapie verglichen. Es wurden Daten von 363 Patienten ausgewertet. Unter der Kombinationstherapie verbesserten sich alle Wirksamkeitsparameter deutlich. Im Vergleich zur Monotherapie mit FSE konnte durch die Kombination mit UV ein schnellerer Wirkeintritt erzielt werden, wobei nach zwölf Monaten kein Unterschied in der Wirksamkeit bestand. Die Dauer und Art der Phototherapie zeigte keinen Einfluss auf die Wirksamkeitsparameter. Allgemein wurde die Kombinationstherapie gut vertragen. Unerwünschte Ereignisse wurden bei 7 % der Patienten berichtet. Die FSE/UV Kombinationstherapie zeigt eine gute Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit und kann zu einem schnelleren Wirkeintritt führen. Eine Kombinationstherapie erscheint vor allem in den ersten drei Monaten der FSE Behandlung sinnvoll. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Betriebsführung multimodaler Energiesysteme

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mackensen, Reinhard

    Die Transformation des Energiesystems von einer zentral geprägten, unidirektional orientierten und in unterschiedliche Sektoren separierten Struktur hin zu einer umfassenden, multimodalen, dezentralen und flexiblen Erzeuger- und Verbraucherlandschaft findet auf verschiedenen Ebenen statt. Randbedingung bei dieser Umwälzung ist immer die Einhaltung der Teilziele Versorgungssicherheit, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Effizienz. Im Einzelnen schlägt sich diese Transformation in einer Diversifizierung der Akteurslandschaft durch die Mechanismen des Unbundling nieder. Weiterhin finden eine Dezentralisierung der Erzeugerlandschaft und damit eine Substitution von mehrheitlich fossil betriebener Großkraftwerkstechnologie durch eine Vielzahl dezentraler Erzeuger mit zumeist regenerativem Charakter statt. Dieser Wandel hat im Wesentlichen zwei Hauptkonsequenzen. Zum einen ergeben sich durch dezentrale, flächige Verteilung der Erzeuger neue Anforderungen an den Energieaustausch, bspw. aus der Erweiterung der Stromnetze für einen bidirektionalen Energieaustausch, zum anderen werden Abstimmungsmechanismen erforderlich, welche die fluktuierende Einspeisung derart mit dem Verbrauch in Waage hält, dass sowohl elektrische Netzrestriktionen, die Qualität der Versorgung und Aspekte der Energieeffizienz und damit der Wirtschaftlichkeit berücksichtigt werden. Mögliche Antworten auf die mit dieser Betrachtung einhergehenden Fragen liegen in der Konzeption eines multimodalen Energiesystems, also in der Gesamtbetrachtung der Sektoren Strom, Wärme und Verkehr. Dieses Kapitel soll Mechanismen darlegen und Wege aufzeigen, wie eine solche Konzeption gestaltet werden kann und wie solche komplexen Systeme in der Praxis betrieben werden können.

  13. LED Die-Bonded on the Ag/Cu Substrate by a Sn-BiZn-Sn Bonding System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tang, Y. K.; Hsu, Y. C.; Lin, E. J.; Hu, Y. J.; Liu, C. Y.


    In this study, light emitting diode (LED) chips were die-bonded on a Ag/Cu substrate by a Sn-BixZn-Sn bonding system. A high die-bonding strength is successfully achieved by using a Sn-BixZn-Sn ternary system. At the bonding interface, there is observed a Bi-segregation phenomenon. This Bi-segregation phenomenon solves the problems of the brittle layer-type Bi at the joint interface. Our shear test results show that the bonding interface with Bi-segregation enhances the shear strength of the LED die-bonding joints. The Bi-0.3Zn and Bi-0.5Zn die-bonding cases have the best shear strength among all die-bonding systems. In addition, we investigate the atomic depth profile of the deposited Bi-xZn layer by evaporating Bi-xZn E-gun alloy sources. The initial Zn content of the deposited Bi-Zn alloy layers are much higher than the average Zn content in the deposited Bi-Zn layers.

  14. How inverse solver technologies can support die face development and process planning in the automotive industry

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huhn, Stefan; Peeling, Derek; Burkart, Maximilian


    With the availability of die face design tools and incremental solver technologies to provide detailed forming feasibility results in a timely fashion, the use of inverse solver technologies and resulting process improvements during the product development process of stamped parts often is underestimated. This paper presents some applications of inverse technologies that are currently used in the automotive industry to streamline the product development process and greatly increase the quality of a developed process and the resulting product. The first focus is on the so-called target strain technology. Application examples will show how inverse forming analysis can be applied to support the process engineer during the development of a die face geometry for Class `A' panels. The drawing process is greatly affected by the die face design and the process designer has to ensure that the resulting drawn panel will meet specific requirements regarding surface quality and a minimum strain distribution to ensure dent resistance. The target strain technology provides almost immediate feedback to the process engineer during the die face design process if a specific change of the die face design will help to achieve these specific requirements or will be counterproductive. The paper will further show how an optimization of the material flow can be achieved through the use of a newly developed technology called Sculptured Die Face (SDF). The die face generation in SDF is more suited to be used in optimization loops than any other conventional die face design technology based on cross section design. A second focus in this paper is on the use of inverse solver technologies for secondary forming operations. The paper will show how the application of inverse technology can be used to accurately and quickly develop trim lines on simple as well as on complex support geometries.

  15. Oregon's experience with aid in dying: findings from the death with dignity laboratory.


    Coombs Lee, Barbara


    With passage of the Death with Dignity Act in 1994, Oregon became the first jurisdiction to authorize and regulate aid in dying. Data from that experience are comprehensive and bountiful, and answer a multitude of questions and concerns about whether the benefits of recognizing the medical practice of aid in dying justify the risks. An exhaustive description of findings from Oregon's aid-in-dying experience is beyond the scope of this or any single article on the subject. This article provides a summary of data highlights, gleaned from scientific investigations and governmental reporting. It organizes highlighted reports along subjects so that readers may see what various sources have to teach on a number of questions important to policy makers. © 2014 New York Academy of Sciences.

  16. The Influence of Race/Ethnicity and Education on Family Ratings of the Quality of Dying in the ICU.


    Lee, Janet J; Long, Ann C; Curtis, J Randall; Engelberg, Ruth A


    Racial and ethnic differences in end-of-life care may be attributable to both patient preferences and health-care disparities. Identifying factors that differentiate preferences from disparities may enhance end-of-life care for critically ill patients and their families. To understand the association of minority race/ethnicity and education with family ratings of the quality of dying and death, taking into consideration possible markers of patient and family preferences for end-of-life care as mediators of this association. Data were obtained from 15 intensive care units participating in a cluster-randomized trial of a palliative care intervention. Family members of decedents completed self-report surveys evaluating quality of dying. We used regression analyses to identify associations between race/ethnicity, education, and quality of dying ratings. We then used path analyses to investigate whether advance directives and life-sustaining treatment acted as mediators between patient characteristics and ratings of quality of dying. Family members returned 1290 surveys for 2850 decedents. Patient and family minority race/ethnicity were both associated with lower ratings of quality of dying. Presence of a living will and dying in the setting of full support mediated the relationship between patient race and family ratings; patient race exerted an indirect, rather than direct, effect on quality of dying. Family minority race had a direct effect on lower ratings of quality of dying. Neither patient nor family education was associated with quality of dying. Minority race/ethnicity was associated with lower family ratings of quality of dying. This association was mediated by factors that may be markers of patient and family preferences (living will, death in the setting of full support); family member minority race/ethnicity was directly associated with lower ratings of quality of dying. Our findings generate hypothesized pathways that require future evaluation. Copyright

  17. Dying or living?: The double bind.


    Longhofer, J


    Describing the behaviors of terminally ill patients, their families and those charged with their care has received considerable attention during the past decade. This study of comprehensive cancer treatment and research facility indicates that the prevailing theory is limited to explanation at the intra-psychic level. In her work with hundreds of terminal cases, Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross found that patients typically progress through five stages: 1) denial, 2) anger, 3) bargaining, 4) depression, and 5) acceptance. She concludes that the majority of her patients die in a stage of acceptance--a state of equanimity. Recently, scholars have claimed that this five stage scheme has limited applicability and may in fact contribute to the formalization of a dying person's behavior. This preliminary report proposes that the stage theory, if it has any descriptive validity, becomes meaningful only when used to describe behaviors occurring among patients, families, and medical practitioners. A plausible explanation of these behaviors is accomplished by examination of communication patterns containing the structure of paradox or double bind. Patients are forced to perceive realities about their physical conditions not as they appear to them, but as they are defined by those in their environment. This paper explores these communication patterns in relation to the structure of social relationships and the specific contents of messages being transmitted and received.

  18. Prediction of Thermal Fatigue in Tooling for Die-casting Copper via Finite Element Analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sakhuja, Amit; Brevick, Jerald R.


    Recent research by the Copper Development Association (CDA) has demonstrated the feasibility of die-casting electric motor rotors using copper. Electric motors using copper rotors are significantly more energy efficient relative to motors using aluminum rotors. However, one of the challenges in copper rotor die-casting is low tool life. Experiments have shown that the higher molten metal temperature of copper (1085 °C), as compared to aluminum (660 °C) accelerates the onset of thermal fatigue or heat checking in traditional H-13 tool steel. This happens primarily because the mechanical properties of H-13 tool steel decrease significantly above 650 °C. Potential approaches to mitigate the heat checking problem include: 1) identification of potential tool materials having better high temperature mechanical properties than H-13, and 2) reduction of the magnitude of cyclic thermal excursions experienced by the tooling by increasing the bulk die temperature. A preliminary assessment of alternative tool materials has led to the selection of nickel-based alloys Haynes 230 and Inconel 617 as potential candidates. These alloys were selected based on their elevated temperature physical and mechanical properties. Therefore, the overall objective of this research work was to predict the number of copper rotor die-casting cycles to the onset of heat checking (tool life) as a function of bulk die temperature (up to 650 °C) for Haynes 230 and Inconel 617 alloys. To achieve these goals, a 2D thermo-mechanical FEA was performed to evaluate strain ranges on selected die surfaces. The method of Universal Slopes (Strain Life Method) was then employed for thermal fatigue life predictions.

  19. Preventive Therapy with Siblings of a Dying Child.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Feinberg, Daniel

    A case study of psychiatric intervention for two sisters whose brother is dying of leukemia is presented. The therapeutic technique attempted to deal with the threatened loss by a forthright approach to the reality situation, encouraging "immunizing" discussions, allowance for catharsis without severe regression, emphasis on reality orientation,…

  20. You can only die thrice: death and dying of a human body in psychoanalytical perspective.


    Sterk, Karmen


    This paper compares the (cultural) necessity of death/dying, perceived as a sequence of Imaginary--Real--Symbolic, to Van Gennep's three-staged rite of passage. If this logic is disrupted, the subject responsible necessitates attribution of special social status and can come to embody the imagery of a life worth living. This philosophical framework, which includes epistemologies borrowed from medical anthropology, demonstrates there is more for humans to lose than biological (Real) life; a far greater loss is to exist without (Symbolic) reason to live. A critique of prevalent quantitative methodology in assessing links between spirituality and the human body is added.

  1. An investigation on die crack detection using Temperature Sensitive Parameter for high speed LED mass production

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Annaniah, Luruthudass; Devarajan, Mutharasu; San, Teoh Kok

    To ensure the highest quality & long-term reliability of LED components it is necessary to examine LED dice that have sustained mechanical damage during the manufacturing process. This paper has demonstrated that detection of die crack in mass manufactured LEDs can be achieved by measuring Temperature Sensitive Parameters (TSPs) during final testing. A newly-designed apparatus and microcontroller was used for this investigation in order to achieve the millisecond switching time needed for detecting thermal transient effects and at the same time meet the expected speed for mass manufacturing. Evaluations conducted at lab scale shows that thermal transient behaviour of cracked die is significantly different than that of an undamaged die. Having an established test limits to differentiate cracked dice, large volume tests in a production environment were used to confirm the effectiveness of this test method. Failure Bin Analysis (FBA) of this high volume experiment confirmed that all the cracked die LEDs were detected and the undamaged LEDs passed this test without over-rejection. The work verifies that tests based on TSP are effective in identifying die cracks and it is believed that the method could be extended to other types of rejects that have thermal transient signatures such as die delamination.

  2. Geometrie verstehen: statisch - kinematisch

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kroll, Ekkehard

    Dem Allgemeinen steht begrifflich das Besondere gegenüber. In diesem Sinne sind allgemeine Überlegungen zum Verstehen von Mathematik zu ergänzen durch Untersuchungen hinsichtlich des Verstehens der einzelnen mathematischen Disziplinen, insbesondere der Geometrie. Hier haben viele Schülerinnen und Schüler Probleme. Diese rühren hauptsächlich daher, dass eine fertige geometrische Konstruktion in ihrer statischen Präsentation auf Papier nicht mehr die einzelnen Konstruktionsschritte erkennen lässt; zum Nachvollzug müssen sie daher ergänzend in einer Konstruktionsbeschreibung festgehalten werden.

  3. Mathematisches Bewusstsein

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaenders, Rainer; Kvasz, Ladislav

    Wenn jemand sagt, dass ein Bus um 9 Uhr abfährt - weiß man es dann? Angenommen, man ist darüber unterrichtet, dass die Busse unter der Woche immer zur vollen Stunde abfahren - von 7 Uhr morgens bis 7 Uhr abends, weiß man es dann mit dem Wissen um diese allgemeine Regel besser, dass der Bus um 9 Uhr abfährt? Macht es einen Unterschied, ob man den Fahrplan erstellt, den Bus lenkt oder nur mitfährt, um sich dieser Tatsache bewusst zu sein?

  4. CHONDRICHTHYES, Knorpelfische

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Goldschmid, Alfred

    Die über 1.100 Arten der Knorpelfische sind nur etwa 4% aller heute lebenden Fischarten. Ihrknorpeliges Endoskelett kann zwar verkalken, wird abernie zu Knochen umgebaut. Der Schädel besteht nur aus Neurocranium und Viscerocranium, ein Dermatocranium fehlt. Knochen findet sich nur in den Plakoidschuppen der Körperdecke. Eine Schwimmblase wie bei den Knochenfischen wird nie gebildet. Mund- und Nasenöffnungen liegen ventral; der Endolymphgang bleibt zeitlebens mit der Epidermis verbunden. Der mediale Teil der Beckenflosse der Männchen dient als Kopulationsorgan (Mixopterygium, Klasper) (Abb. 208, 209B) bei der inneren Befruchtung.

  5. Metallographic assessment of Al-12Si high-pressure die casting escalator steps.


    Vander Voort, George Frederic; Suárez-Peña, Beatriz; Asensio-Lozano, Juan


    A microstructural characterization study was performed on high-pressure die cast specimens extracted from escalator steps manufactured from an Al-12 wt.% Si alloy designed for structural applications. Black and white, color light optical imaging and scanning electron microscopy techniques were used to conduct the microstructural analysis. Most regions in the samples studied contained globular-rosette primary α-Al grains surrounded by an Al-Si eutectic aggregate, while primary dendritic α-Al grains were present in the surface layer. This dendritic microstructure was observed in the regions where the melt did not impinge directly on the die surface during cavity filling. Consequently, microstructures in the surface layer were nonuniform. Utilizing physical metallurgy principles, these results were analyzed in terms of the applied pressure and filling velocity during high-pressure die casting. The effects of these parameters on solidification at different locations of the casting are discussed.

  6. Telemedicine’s Potential to Support Good Dying in Nigeria: A Qualitative Study

    PubMed Central

    van Gurp, Jelle; Soyannwo, Olaitan; Odebunmi, Kehinde; Dania, Simpa; van Selm, Martine; van Leeuwen, Evert; Vissers, Kris; Hasselaar, Jeroen


    Objectives This qualitative study explores Nigerian health care professionals’ concepts of good dying/a good death and how telemedicine technologies and services would fit the current Nigerian palliative care practice. Materials and Methods Supported by the Centre for Palliative Care Nigeria (CPCN) and the University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan, Nigeria, the authors organized three focus groups with Nigerian health care professionals interested in palliative care, unstructured interviews with key role players for palliative care and representatives of telecom companies, and field visits to primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare clinics that provided palliative care. Data analysis consisted of open coding, constant comparison, diagramming of categorizations and relations, and extensive member checks. Results The focus group participants classified good dying into 2 domains: a feeling of completion of the individual life and dying within the community. Reported barriers to palliative care provision were socio-economic consequences of being seriously ill, taboos on dying and being ill, restricted access to adequate medical–technical care, equation of religion with medicine, and the faulty implementation of palliative care policy by government. The addition of telemedicine to Nigeria’s palliative care practice appears problematic, due to irregular bandwidth, poor network coverage, and unstable power supply obstructing interactivity and access to information. However, a tele-education ‘lite’ scenario seemed viable in Nigeria, wherein low-tech educational networks are central that build on non-synchronous online communication. Discussion Nigerian health care professionals’ concepts on good dying/a good death and barriers and opportunities for palliative care provision were, for the greater part, similar to prior findings from other studies in Africa. Information for and education of patient, family, and community are essential to further improve

  7. Hospice Use and High-Intensity Care in Men Dying of Prostate Cancer

    PubMed Central

    Bergman, Jonathan; Saigal, Christopher S.; Lorenz, Karl A.; Hanley, Janet; Miller, David C.; Gore, John L.; Litwin, Mark S.


    Background Hospice programs improve the quality of life and quality of death for men dying of cancer. We sought to characterize hospice use by men dying of prostate cancer and to compare the use of high-intensity care between those who did or did not enroll in hospice. Methods We used linked Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results–Medicare data to identify a cohort of Medicare beneficiaries who died of prostate cancer between 1992 and 2005. We created 2 multivariable logistic regression models, one to identify factors associated with hospice use and one to determine the association of hospice use with the receipt of diagnostic and interventional procedures and physician visits at the end of life. Results Of 14 521 men dying of prostate cancer, 7646 (53%) used hospice for a median of 24 days. Multivariable modeling demonstrated that African American ethnicity (odds ratio [OR], 0.78; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.68–0.88) and higher Charlson comorbidity index (OR, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.44–0.55) were associated with lower odds of hospice use, while having a partner (OR, 1.23; 95% CI, 1.14–1.32) and more recent year of death (OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.11–1.14) were associated with higher odds of hospice use. Men dying of prostate cancer who enrolled in hospice were less likely (OR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.74–0.91) to receive high-intensity care, including intensive care unit admissions, inpatient stays, and multiple emergency department visits. Conclusions The proportion of individuals using hospice is increasing, but the timing of hospice referral remains poor. Those who enroll in hospice are less likely to receive high-intensity end-of-life care. PMID:20937914

  8. Perovskite solar cells in N-I-P structure with four slot-die-coated layers

    PubMed Central

    Burkitt, Daniel; Searle, Justin


    The fabrication of perovskite solar cells in an N-I-P structure with compact titanium dioxide blocking, mesoporous titanium dioxide scaffold, single-step perovskite and hole-transport layers deposited using the slot-die coating technique is reported. Devices on fluorine-doped tin oxide-coated glass substrates with evaporated gold top contacts and four slot-die-coated layers are demonstrated, and best cells reach stabilized power conversion efficiencies of 7%. This work demonstrates the suitability of slot-die coating for the production of layers within this perovskite solar cell stack and the potential to transfer to large area and roll-to-roll manufacturing processes. PMID:29892402

  9. Energy Saving Melting and Revert Reduction Technology: Melting Efficiency in Die Casting Operations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    David Schwam


    This project addressed multiple aspects of the aluminum melting and handling in die casting operations, with the objective of increasing the energy efficiency while improving the quality of the molten metal. The efficiency of melting has always played an important role in the profitability of aluminum die casting operations. Consequently, die casters need to make careful choices in selecting and operating melting equipment and procedures. The capital cost of new melting equipment with higher efficiency can sometimes be recovered relatively fast when it replaces old melting equipment with lower efficiency. Upgrades designed to improve energy efficiency of existing equipment maymore » be well justified. Energy efficiency is however not the only factor in optimizing melting operations. Melt losses and metal quality are also very important. Selection of melting equipment has to take into consideration the specific conditions at the die casting shop such as availability of floor space, average quantity of metal used as well as the ability to supply more metal during peaks in demand. In all these cases, it is essential to make informed decisions based on the best available data.« less

  10. Gerbstoffe aus Potentilla officinalis wirken entzündungshemmend im UV-Erythem-Test und bei Anwendung auf atopischer Haut.


    Hoffmann, Julia; Wölfle, Ute; Schempp, Christoph M; Casetti, Federica


    Das Rhizom von Potentilla officinalis (PO) ist reich an Gerbstoffen und wird traditionell zur äußerlichen Behandlung von Entzündungen der Haut und der Schleimhäute verwendet. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Bestätigung der antiinflammatorischen Eigenschaften von PO mittels eines UV-Erythem-Tests und einer klinischen Anwendungsstudie bei atopischer Haut. Die antiinflammatorische Wirkung eines PO-Extrakts (standardisiert auf 2 % Trockensubstanz) wurde in einer prospektiven, randomisierten, placebokontrollierten Doppelblindstudie mit 40 gesunden Erwachsenen im UV-Erythem-Test im Vergleich zu 1 % Hydrocortisonacetat untersucht. Im Rahmen einer prospektiven nicht kontrollierten Studie wurde die Wirkung und Verträglichkeit der 2 % PO-Creme an zwölf Erwachsenen und zwölf Kindern mit atopischer Haut nach Anwendung über zwei Wochen in einem definierten Testareal anhand eines Teil-SCORAD untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde die Beeinflussung der Hautrötung im Testareal photometrisch gemessen. Im UV-Erythem-Test zeigte die PO-Creme eine signifikante Reduktion des Erythemindex im Vergleich zum Vehikel. Die antiinflammatorische Wirkung des Verums entsprach der der 1 % Hydrocortisonacetat-Creme. Die klinische Studie bei Atopikern zeigte eine signifikante Abnahme des Teil-SCORAD und des Erythems im Testareal. Es wurden keine Unverträglichkeitsreaktionen beobachtet. PO als 2%ige Zubereitung besitzt entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften und ist wirksam und gut verträglich auf atopischer Haut. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Field results from a new die-to-database reticle inspection platform

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Broadbent, William; Yokoyama, Ichiro; Yu, Paul; Seki, Kazunori; Nomura, Ryohei; Schmalfuss, Heiko; Heumann, Jan; Sier, Jean-Paul


    A new die-to-database high-resolution reticle defect inspection platform, TeraScanHR, has been developed for advanced production use with the 45nm logic node, and extendable for development use with the 32nm node (also the comparable memory nodes). These nodes will use predominantly ArF immersion lithography although EUV may also be used. According to recent surveys, the predominant reticle types for the 45nm node are 6% simple tri-tone and COG. Other advanced reticle types may also be used for these nodes including: dark field alternating, Mask Enhancer, complex tri-tone, high transmission, CPL, etc. Finally, aggressive model based OPC will typically be used which will include many small structures such as jogs, serifs, and SRAF (sub-resolution assist features) with accompanying very small gaps between adjacent structures. The current generation of inspection systems is inadequate to meet these requirements. The architecture and performance of the new TeraScanHR reticle inspection platform is described. This new platform is designed to inspect the aforementioned reticle types in die-to-database and die-to-die modes using both transmitted and reflected illumination. Recent results from field testing at two of the three beta sites are shown (Toppan Printing in Japan and the Advanced Mask Technology Center in Germany). The results include applicable programmed defect test reticles and advanced 45nm product reticles (also comparable memory reticles). The results show high sensitivity and low false detections being achieved. The platform can also be configured for the current 65nm, 90nm, and 130nm nodes.

  12. Length of home hospice care, family-perceived timing of referrals, perceived quality of care, and quality of death and dying in terminally ill cancer patients who died at home.


    Yamagishi, Akemi; Morita, Tatsuya; Kawagoe, Shohei; Shimizu, Megumi; Ozawa, Taketoshi; An, Emi; Kobayakawa, Makoto; Tsuneto, Satoru; Shima, Yasuo; Miyashita, Mitsunori


    This study aims to clarify the length of home hospice care, family-perceived timing of referrals, and their effects on the family-perceived quality of care and quality of death and dying of terminally ill cancer patients who died at home and identify the determinants of perceived late referrals. A multicenter questionnaire survey was conducted involving 1,052 family members of cancer patients who died at home supported by 15 home-based hospice services throughout Japan. A total of 693 responses were analyzed (effective response rate, 66 %). Patients received home-based hospice care for a median of 35.0 days, and 8.0 % received home hospice care for less than 1 week. While 1.5 % of the families reported the timing of referrals as early, 42 % reported the timing as late or too late. The families of patients with a length of care of less than 4 weeks were more likely to regard the timing of referrals as late or too late. The patients of family members who regarded the timing of referrals as late or too late had a significantly lower perceived quality of care (effect size, 0.18; P = 0.039) and lower quality of death and dying (effect size, 0.15, P = 0.063). Independent determinants of higher likelihoods of perceived late referrals included: frequent visits to emergency departments, patient being unprepared for worsening condition, and patient having concerns about relationship with new doctor. Discharge nurse availability was independently associated with lower likelihoods of perceived late referrals. A significant number of bereaved families regarded the timing of referrals to home hospices as late, and the perceived timing was associated with the family-perceived quality of care and quality of death and dying. Systematic strategies to overcome the barriers related to perceived late referrals are necessary.


    EPA Science Inventory

    Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) are often considered effective tools to mitigate the effects of stormwater pollutants before they are discharged to receiving waters. However, BMP performance for microorganisms removal is not well documented. Microorganisms die-off in ...


    EPA Science Inventory

    Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) are often considered effective tools to mitigate the effects of stormwater pollutants before they are discharged to receiving waters. However, BMP performance for microorganisms removal is not well documented. Microorganisms die-off in...

  15. Ars Moriendi; the art of dying well - new insights into the molecular pathways of necroptotic cell death.


    Murphy, James M; Silke, John


    When our time comes to die most people would probably opt for a quick, peaceful and painless exit. But the manner and timing are rarely under our direct control. Hence the Ars moriendi, literally, "The Art of Dying", two texts written in Latin around the 15th century that offered advice on how to die well according to the Christian ideals of the time. In contrast, for individual cells, the death process is frequently under their control and several signaling pathways that cause cell death, including apoptosis, pyroptosis and necroptosis, have been described. Furthermore the manner in which cells die can have good or bad consequences for the organism. In this review we will discuss how cells die via the necroptotic signaling pathway, with emphasis on recent structural work and place this work in a biological context by discussing relevant studies with knock-out animals.

  16. Exploring the concept of quality care for the person who is dying.


    Stefanou, Nichola; Faircloth, Sandra


    The concept of good quality care for the patient who is dying is diverse and complex. Many of the actions that are being taken to increase the quality of care of the dying patient are based around outcome, uniformity of service and standardization of process. There are two main areas that are referred to when dealing with care of the dying patient; end-of-life care and palliative care. High quality end-of-life care is increasingly recognized as an ethical obligation of health-care providers, clinicians and organizations, and yet there appears little evidence from the patients' perspective. There are many national and local initiatives taking place to improve the quality of care people receive towards the end of their life. This being said initiatives alone will not achieve good quality care and deliver good patient experiences. Only clinicians working at the front line can truly influence the way in which quality is improved and good experiences delivered.

  17. Challenges Facing a Deaf Family Member Concerning a Loved One’s Dying

    PubMed Central

    Kehl, Karen A.; Gartner, Constance M.


    Individuals who are Deaf face challenges both similar and unique from those faced by hearing individuals when a family member is dying. This study was guided by the question “What are the challenges faced by a Deaf family member when a loved one is dying?” Methods - This qualitative study is guided by critical theory and an interpretive perspective. Robert, a college-educated older adult who has been Deaf from birth was interviewed in American Sign Language using a death history format. Results – There are challenges for Deaf family members that affect communication with both the dying person and health care professionals. Patient-family communication issues included physical challenges and financial challenges. Lack of cultural competence concerning the Deaf community created challenges communicating with professionals. Decision-making was also a challenge. Conclusions These findings provide a framework for future research concerning the needs of Deaf individuals facing the end of life and provide guidance for clinicians. PMID:19910395

  18. Transcultural comparison of hospital and hospice as caring environments for dying patients.


    Gates, M F


    Leininger's nursing Theory of Cultural Care Diversity and Universality provided the framework for this comparative study of two environments for persons who are dying; namely a hospital oncology unit and a free-standing hospice unit. Analysis of data from ethnographic and ethnonursing research methods including unstructured interviews, observation-participation, and field journal materials yielded contrasts with two settings. The presence of a caring atmosphere/ambience was apparent in both the hospital and hospice. Universal patterns common to both were: caring beliefs and practices of staff; identification of each setting as "community" or "home"; and multiple symbolic uses of humor and food. Diversities included hierarchical organizational structure and cure orientation in the hospital; interdisciplinary collaboration and care orientation in hospice; more pronounced use of touch as a caring modality; and greater evidence of symbolism and ritual related to death and dying in hospice. Adoption of the cultural care modes of accommodation, repatterning, and maintenance are suggested in promoting a caring atmosphere wherever dying patients are served.

  19. The Conjugation-Specific Die5 Protein Is Required for Development of the Somatic Nucleus in both Paramecium and Tetrahymena▿

    PubMed Central

    Matsuda, Atsushi; Shieh, Annie Wan-Yi; Chalker, Douglas L.; Forney, James D.


    Development in ciliated protozoa involves extensive genome reorganization within differentiating macronuclei, which shapes the somatic genome of the next vegetative generation. Major events of macronuclear differentiation include excision of internal eliminated sequences (IESs), chromosome fragmentation, and genome amplification. Proteins required for these events include those with homology throughout eukaryotes as well as proteins apparently unique to ciliates. In this study, we identified the ciliate-specific Defective in IES Excision 5 (DIE5) genes of Paramecium tetraurelia (PtDIE5) and Tetrahymena thermophila (TtDIE5) as orthologs that encode nuclear proteins expressed exclusively during development. Abrogation of PtDie5 protein (PtDie5p) function by RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated silencing or TtDie5p by gene disruption resulted in the failure of developing macronuclei to differentiate into new somatic nuclei. Tetrahymena ΔDIE5 cells arrested late in development and failed to complete genome amplification, whereas RNAi-treated Paramecium cells highly amplified new macronuclear DNA before the failure in differentiation, findings that highlight clear differences in the biology of these distantly related species. Nevertheless, IES excision and chromosome fragmentation failed to occur in either ciliate, which strongly supports that Die5p is a critical player in these processes. In Tetrahymena, loss of zygotic expression during development was sufficient to block nuclear differentiation. This observation, together with the finding that knockdown of Die5p in Paramecium still allows genome amplification, indicates that this protein acts late in macronuclear development. Even though DNA rearrangements in these two ciliates look to be quite distinct, analysis of DIE5 establishes the action of a conserved mechanism within the genome reorganization pathway. PMID:20495055

  20. The conjugation-specific Die5 protein is required for development of the somatic nucleus in both Paramecium and Tetrahymena.


    Matsuda, Atsushi; Shieh, Annie Wan-Yi; Chalker, Douglas L; Forney, James D


    Development in ciliated protozoa involves extensive genome reorganization within differentiating macronuclei, which shapes the somatic genome of the next vegetative generation. Major events of macronuclear differentiation include excision of internal eliminated sequences (IESs), chromosome fragmentation, and genome amplification. Proteins required for these events include those with homology throughout eukaryotes as well as proteins apparently unique to ciliates. In this study, we identified the ciliate-specific Defective in IES Excision 5 (DIE5) genes of Paramecium tetraurelia (PtDIE5) and Tetrahymena thermophila (TtDIE5) as orthologs that encode nuclear proteins expressed exclusively during development. Abrogation of PtDie5 protein (PtDie5p) function by RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated silencing or TtDie5p by gene disruption resulted in the failure of developing macronuclei to differentiate into new somatic nuclei. Tetrahymena DeltaDIE5 cells arrested late in development and failed to complete genome amplification, whereas RNAi-treated Paramecium cells highly amplified new macronuclear DNA before the failure in differentiation, findings that highlight clear differences in the biology of these distantly related species. Nevertheless, IES excision and chromosome fragmentation failed to occur in either ciliate, which strongly supports that Die5p is a critical player in these processes. In Tetrahymena, loss of zygotic expression during development was sufficient to block nuclear differentiation. This observation, together with the finding that knockdown of Die5p in Paramecium still allows genome amplification, indicates that this protein acts late in macronuclear development. Even though DNA rearrangements in these two ciliates look to be quite distinct, analysis of DIE5 establishes the action of a conserved mechanism within the genome reorganization pathway.