Sample records for feature extraction method

  1. Comparative analysis of feature extraction methods in satellite imagery

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Karim, Shahid; Zhang, Ye; Asif, Muhammad Rizwan; Ali, Saad


    Feature extraction techniques are extensively being used in satellite imagery and getting impressive attention for remote sensing applications. The state-of-the-art feature extraction methods are appropriate according to the categories and structures of the objects to be detected. Based on distinctive computations of each feature extraction method, different types of images are selected to evaluate the performance of the methods, such as binary robust invariant scalable keypoints (BRISK), scale-invariant feature transform, speeded-up robust features (SURF), features from accelerated segment test (FAST), histogram of oriented gradients, and local binary patterns. Total computational time is calculated to evaluate the speed of each feature extraction method. The extracted features are counted under shadow regions and preprocessed shadow regions to compare the functioning of each method. We have studied the combination of SURF with FAST and BRISK individually and found very promising results with an increased number of features and less computational time. Finally, feature matching is conferred for all methods.

  2. Deep Learning Methods for Underwater Target Feature Extraction and Recognition

    PubMed Central

    Peng, Yuan; Qiu, Mengran; Shi, Jianfei; Liu, Liangliang


    The classification and recognition technology of underwater acoustic signal were always an important research content in the field of underwater acoustic signal processing. Currently, wavelet transform, Hilbert-Huang transform, and Mel frequency cepstral coefficients are used as a method of underwater acoustic signal feature extraction. In this paper, a method for feature extraction and identification of underwater noise data based on CNN and ELM is proposed. An automatic feature extraction method of underwater acoustic signals is proposed using depth convolution network. An underwater target recognition classifier is based on extreme learning machine. Although convolution neural networks can execute both feature extraction and classification, their function mainly relies on a full connection layer, which is trained by gradient descent-based; the generalization ability is limited and suboptimal, so an extreme learning machine (ELM) was used in classification stage. Firstly, CNN learns deep and robust features, followed by the removing of the fully connected layers. Then ELM fed with the CNN features is used as the classifier to conduct an excellent classification. Experiments on the actual data set of civil ships obtained 93.04% recognition rate; compared to the traditional Mel frequency cepstral coefficients and Hilbert-Huang feature, recognition rate greatly improved. PMID:29780407

  3. A method for real-time implementation of HOG feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luo, Hai-bo; Yu, Xin-rong; Liu, Hong-mei; Ding, Qing-hai


    Histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) is an efficient feature extraction scheme, and HOG descriptors are feature descriptors which is widely used in computer vision and image processing for the purpose of biometrics, target tracking, automatic target detection(ATD) and automatic target recognition(ATR) etc. However, computation of HOG feature extraction is unsuitable for hardware implementation since it includes complicated operations. In this paper, the optimal design method and theory frame for real-time HOG feature extraction based on FPGA were proposed. The main principle is as follows: firstly, the parallel gradient computing unit circuit based on parallel pipeline structure was designed. Secondly, the calculation of arctangent and square root operation was simplified. Finally, a histogram generator based on parallel pipeline structure was designed to calculate the histogram of each sub-region. Experimental results showed that the HOG extraction can be implemented in a pixel period by these computing units.

  4. Efficacy Evaluation of Different Wavelet Feature Extraction Methods on Brain MRI Tumor Detection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nabizadeh, Nooshin; John, Nigel; Kubat, Miroslav


    Automated Magnetic Resonance Imaging brain tumor detection and segmentation is a challenging task. Among different available methods, feature-based methods are very dominant. While many feature extraction techniques have been employed, it is still not quite clear which of feature extraction methods should be preferred. To help improve the situation, we present the results of a study in which we evaluate the efficiency of using different wavelet transform features extraction methods in brain MRI abnormality detection. Applying T1-weighted brain image, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform (DWPT), Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT), and Complex Morlet Wavelet Transform (CMWT) methods are applied to construct the feature pool. Three various classifiers as Support Vector Machine, K Nearest Neighborhood, and Sparse Representation-Based Classifier are applied and compared for classifying the selected features. The results show that DTCWT and CMWT features classified with SVM, result in the highest classification accuracy, proving of capability of wavelet transform features to be informative in this application.

  5. A Generic multi-dimensional feature extraction method using multiobjective genetic programming.


    Zhang, Yang; Rockett, Peter I


    In this paper, we present a generic feature extraction method for pattern classification using multiobjective genetic programming. This not only evolves the (near-)optimal set of mappings from a pattern space to a multi-dimensional decision space, but also simultaneously optimizes the dimensionality of that decision space. The presented framework evolves vector-to-vector feature extractors that maximize class separability. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by making statistically-founded comparisons with a wide variety of established classifier paradigms over a range of datasets and find that for most of the pairwise comparisons, our evolutionary method delivers statistically smaller misclassification errors. At very worst, our method displays no statistical difference in a few pairwise comparisons with established classifier/dataset combinations; crucially, none of the misclassification results produced by our method is worse than any comparator classifier. Although principally focused on feature extraction, feature selection is also performed as an implicit side effect; we show that both feature extraction and selection are important to the success of our technique. The presented method has the practical consequence of obviating the need to exhaustively evaluate a large family of conventional classifiers when faced with a new pattern recognition problem in order to attain a good classification accuracy.

  6. Accurate facade feature extraction method for buildings from three-dimensional point cloud data considering structural information

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Yongzhi; Ma, Yuqing; Zhu, A.-xing; Zhao, Hui; Liao, Lixia


    Facade features represent segmentations of building surfaces and can serve as a building framework. Extracting facade features from three-dimensional (3D) point cloud data (3D PCD) is an efficient method for 3D building modeling. By combining the advantages of 3D PCD and two-dimensional optical images, this study describes the creation of a highly accurate building facade feature extraction method from 3D PCD with a focus on structural information. The new extraction method involves three major steps: image feature extraction, exploration of the mapping method between the image features and 3D PCD, and optimization of the initial 3D PCD facade features considering structural information. Results show that the new method can extract the 3D PCD facade features of buildings more accurately and continuously. The new method is validated using a case study. In addition, the effectiveness of the new method is demonstrated by comparing it with the range image-extraction method and the optical image-extraction method in the absence of structural information. The 3D PCD facade features extracted by the new method can be applied in many fields, such as 3D building modeling and building information modeling.

  7. Effective and extensible feature extraction method using genetic algorithm-based frequency-domain feature search for epileptic EEG multiclassification

    PubMed Central

    Wen, Tingxi; Zhang, Zhongnan


    Abstract In this paper, genetic algorithm-based frequency-domain feature search (GAFDS) method is proposed for the electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis of epilepsy. In this method, frequency-domain features are first searched and then combined with nonlinear features. Subsequently, these features are selected and optimized to classify EEG signals. The extracted features are analyzed experimentally. The features extracted by GAFDS show remarkable independence, and they are superior to the nonlinear features in terms of the ratio of interclass distance and intraclass distance. Moreover, the proposed feature search method can search for features of instantaneous frequency in a signal after Hilbert transformation. The classification results achieved using these features are reasonable; thus, GAFDS exhibits good extensibility. Multiple classical classifiers (i.e., k-nearest neighbor, linear discriminant analysis, decision tree, AdaBoost, multilayer perceptron, and Naïve Bayes) achieve satisfactory classification accuracies by using the features generated by the GAFDS method and the optimized feature selection. The accuracies for 2-classification and 3-classification problems may reach up to 99% and 97%, respectively. Results of several cross-validation experiments illustrate that GAFDS is effective in the extraction of effective features for EEG classification. Therefore, the proposed feature selection and optimization model can improve classification accuracy. PMID:28489789

  8. Effective and extensible feature extraction method using genetic algorithm-based frequency-domain feature search for epileptic EEG multiclassification.


    Wen, Tingxi; Zhang, Zhongnan


    In this paper, genetic algorithm-based frequency-domain feature search (GAFDS) method is proposed for the electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis of epilepsy. In this method, frequency-domain features are first searched and then combined with nonlinear features. Subsequently, these features are selected and optimized to classify EEG signals. The extracted features are analyzed experimentally. The features extracted by GAFDS show remarkable independence, and they are superior to the nonlinear features in terms of the ratio of interclass distance and intraclass distance. Moreover, the proposed feature search method can search for features of instantaneous frequency in a signal after Hilbert transformation. The classification results achieved using these features are reasonable; thus, GAFDS exhibits good extensibility. Multiple classical classifiers (i.e., k-nearest neighbor, linear discriminant analysis, decision tree, AdaBoost, multilayer perceptron, and Naïve Bayes) achieve satisfactory classification accuracies by using the features generated by the GAFDS method and the optimized feature selection. The accuracies for 2-classification and 3-classification problems may reach up to 99% and 97%, respectively. Results of several cross-validation experiments illustrate that GAFDS is effective in the extraction of effective features for EEG classification. Therefore, the proposed feature selection and optimization model can improve classification accuracy.

  9. Combining Feature Extraction Methods to Assist the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease.


    Segovia, F; Górriz, J M; Ramírez, J; Phillips, C


    Neuroimaging data as (18)F-FDG PET is widely used to assist the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Looking for regions with hypoperfusion/ hypometabolism, clinicians may predict or corroborate the diagnosis of the patients. Modern computer aided diagnosis (CAD) systems based on the statistical analysis of whole neuroimages are more accurate than classical systems based on quantifying the uptake of some predefined regions of interests (ROIs). In addition, these new systems allow determining new ROIs and take advantage of the huge amount of information comprised in neuroimaging data. A major branch of modern CAD systems for AD is based on multivariate techniques, which analyse a neuroimage as a whole, considering not only the voxel intensities but also the relations among them. In order to deal with the vast dimensionality of the data, a number of feature extraction methods have been successfully applied. In this work, we propose a CAD system based on the combination of several feature extraction techniques. First, some commonly used feature extraction methods based on the analysis of the variance (as principal component analysis), on the factorization of the data (as non-negative matrix factorization) and on classical magnitudes (as Haralick features) were simultaneously applied to the original data. These feature sets were then combined by means of two different combination approaches: i) using a single classifier and a multiple kernel learning approach and ii) using an ensemble of classifier and selecting the final decision by majority voting. The proposed approach was evaluated using a labelled neuroimaging database along with a cross validation scheme. As conclusion, the proposed CAD system performed better than approaches using only one feature extraction technique. We also provide a fair comparison (using the same database) of the selected feature extraction methods.

  10. A window-based time series feature extraction method.


    Katircioglu-Öztürk, Deniz; Güvenir, H Altay; Ravens, Ursula; Baykal, Nazife


    This study proposes a robust similarity score-based time series feature extraction method that is termed as Window-based Time series Feature ExtraCtion (WTC). Specifically, WTC generates domain-interpretable results and involves significantly low computational complexity thereby rendering itself useful for densely sampled and populated time series datasets. In this study, WTC is applied to a proprietary action potential (AP) time series dataset on human cardiomyocytes and three precordial leads from a publicly available electrocardiogram (ECG) dataset. This is followed by comparing WTC in terms of predictive accuracy and computational complexity with shapelet transform and fast shapelet transform (which constitutes an accelerated variant of the shapelet transform). The results indicate that WTC achieves a slightly higher classification performance with significantly lower execution time when compared to its shapelet-based alternatives. With respect to its interpretable features, WTC has a potential to enable medical experts to explore definitive common trends in novel datasets. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Planetary Gears Feature Extraction and Fault Diagnosis Method Based on VMD and CNN.


    Liu, Chang; Cheng, Gang; Chen, Xihui; Pang, Yusong


    Given local weak feature information, a novel feature extraction and fault diagnosis method for planetary gears based on variational mode decomposition (VMD), singular value decomposition (SVD), and convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed. VMD was used to decompose the original vibration signal to mode components. The mode matrix was partitioned into a number of submatrices and local feature information contained in each submatrix was extracted as a singular value vector using SVD. The singular value vector matrix corresponding to the current fault state was constructed according to the location of each submatrix. Finally, by training a CNN using singular value vector matrices as inputs, planetary gear fault state identification and classification was achieved. The experimental results confirm that the proposed method can successfully extract local weak feature information and accurately identify different faults. The singular value vector matrices of different fault states have a distinct difference in element size and waveform. The VMD-based partition extraction method is better than ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), resulting in a higher CNN total recognition rate of 100% with fewer training times (14 times). Further analysis demonstrated that the method can also be applied to the degradation recognition of planetary gears. Thus, the proposed method is an effective feature extraction and fault diagnosis technique for planetary gears.

  12. Planetary Gears Feature Extraction and Fault Diagnosis Method Based on VMD and CNN

    PubMed Central

    Cheng, Gang; Chen, Xihui


    Given local weak feature information, a novel feature extraction and fault diagnosis method for planetary gears based on variational mode decomposition (VMD), singular value decomposition (SVD), and convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed. VMD was used to decompose the original vibration signal to mode components. The mode matrix was partitioned into a number of submatrices and local feature information contained in each submatrix was extracted as a singular value vector using SVD. The singular value vector matrix corresponding to the current fault state was constructed according to the location of each submatrix. Finally, by training a CNN using singular value vector matrices as inputs, planetary gear fault state identification and classification was achieved. The experimental results confirm that the proposed method can successfully extract local weak feature information and accurately identify different faults. The singular value vector matrices of different fault states have a distinct difference in element size and waveform. The VMD-based partition extraction method is better than ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), resulting in a higher CNN total recognition rate of 100% with fewer training times (14 times). Further analysis demonstrated that the method can also be applied to the degradation recognition of planetary gears. Thus, the proposed method is an effective feature extraction and fault diagnosis technique for planetary gears. PMID:29751671

  13. A Novel Feature Extraction Method with Feature Selection to Identify Golgi-Resident Protein Types from Imbalanced Data

    PubMed Central

    Yang, Runtao; Zhang, Chengjin; Gao, Rui; Zhang, Lina


    The Golgi Apparatus (GA) is a major collection and dispatch station for numerous proteins destined for secretion, plasma membranes and lysosomes. The dysfunction of GA proteins can result in neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, accurate identification of protein subGolgi localizations may assist in drug development and understanding the mechanisms of the GA involved in various cellular processes. In this paper, a new computational method is proposed for identifying cis-Golgi proteins from trans-Golgi proteins. Based on the concept of Common Spatial Patterns (CSP), a novel feature extraction technique is developed to extract evolutionary information from protein sequences. To deal with the imbalanced benchmark dataset, the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) is adopted. A feature selection method called Random Forest-Recursive Feature Elimination (RF-RFE) is employed to search the optimal features from the CSP based features and g-gap dipeptide composition. Based on the optimal features, a Random Forest (RF) module is used to distinguish cis-Golgi proteins from trans-Golgi proteins. Through the jackknife cross-validation, the proposed method achieves a promising performance with a sensitivity of 0.889, a specificity of 0.880, an accuracy of 0.885, and a Matthew’s Correlation Coefficient (MCC) of 0.765, which remarkably outperforms previous methods. Moreover, when tested on a common independent dataset, our method also achieves a significantly improved performance. These results highlight the promising performance of the proposed method to identify Golgi-resident protein types. Furthermore, the CSP based feature extraction method may provide guidelines for protein function predictions. PMID:26861308

  14. Automatic extraction of planetary image features

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    LeMoigne-Stewart, Jacqueline J. (Inventor); Troglio, Giulia (Inventor); Benediktsson, Jon A. (Inventor); Serpico, Sebastiano B. (Inventor); Moser, Gabriele (Inventor)


    A method for the extraction of Lunar data and/or planetary features is provided. The feature extraction method can include one or more image processing techniques, including, but not limited to, a watershed segmentation and/or the generalized Hough Transform. According to some embodiments, the feature extraction method can include extracting features, such as, small rocks. According to some embodiments, small rocks can be extracted by applying a watershed segmentation algorithm to the Canny gradient. According to some embodiments, applying a watershed segmentation algorithm to the Canny gradient can allow regions that appear as close contours in the gradient to be segmented.

  15. An effective hand vein feature extraction method.


    Li, Haigang; Zhang, Qian; Li, Chengdong


    As a new authentication method developed years ago, vein recognition technology features the unique advantage of bioassay. This paper studies the specific procedure for the extraction of hand back vein characteristics. There are different positions used in the collecting process, so that a suitable intravenous regional orientation method is put forward, allowing the positioning area to be the same for all hand positions. In addition, to eliminate the pseudo vein area, the valley regional shape extraction operator can be improved and combined with multiple segmentation algorithms. The images should be segmented step by step, making the vein texture to appear clear and accurate. Lastly, the segmented images should be filtered, eroded, and refined. This process helps to filter the most of the pseudo vein information. Finally, a clear vein skeleton diagram is obtained, demonstrating the effectiveness of the algorithm. This paper presents a hand back vein region location method. This makes it possible to rotate and correct the image by working out the inclination degree of contour at the side of hand back.

  16. a Landmark Extraction Method Associated with Geometric Features and Location Distribution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, W.; Li, J.; Wang, Y.; Xiao, Y.; Liu, P.; Zhang, S.


    Landmark plays an important role in spatial cognition and spatial knowledge organization. Significance measuring model is the main method of landmark extraction. It is difficult to take account of the spatial distribution pattern of landmarks because that the significance of landmark is built in one-dimensional space. In this paper, we start with the geometric features of the ground object, an extraction method based on the target height, target gap and field of view is proposed. According to the influence region of Voronoi Diagram, the description of target gap is established to the geometric representation of the distribution of adjacent targets. Then, segmentation process of the visual domain of Voronoi K order adjacent is given to set up target view under the multi view; finally, through three kinds of weighted geometric features, the landmarks are identified. Comparative experiments show that this method has a certain coincidence degree with the results of traditional significance measuring model, which verifies the effectiveness and reliability of the method and reduces the complexity of landmark extraction process without losing the reference value of landmark.

  17. A method for automatic feature points extraction of human vertebrae three-dimensional model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, Zhen; Wu, Junsheng


    A method for automatic extraction of the feature points of the human vertebrae three-dimensional model is presented. Firstly, the statistical model of vertebrae feature points is established based on the results of manual vertebrae feature points extraction. Then anatomical axial analysis of the vertebrae model is performed according to the physiological and morphological characteristics of the vertebrae. Using the axial information obtained from the analysis, a projection relationship between the statistical model and the vertebrae model to be extracted is established. According to the projection relationship, the statistical model is matched with the vertebrae model to get the estimated position of the feature point. Finally, by analyzing the curvature in the spherical neighborhood with the estimated position of feature points, the final position of the feature points is obtained. According to the benchmark result on multiple test models, the mean relative errors of feature point positions are less than 5.98%. At more than half of the positions, the error rate is less than 3% and the minimum mean relative error is 0.19%, which verifies the effectiveness of the method.

  18. New feature extraction method for classification of agricultural products from x-ray images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Talukder, Ashit; Casasent, David P.; Lee, Ha-Woon; Keagy, Pamela M.; Schatzki, Thomas F.


    Classification of real-time x-ray images of randomly oriented touching pistachio nuts is discussed. The ultimate objective is the development of a system for automated non- invasive detection of defective product items on a conveyor belt. We discuss the extraction of new features that allow better discrimination between damaged and clean items. This feature extraction and classification stage is the new aspect of this paper; our new maximum representation and discrimination between damaged and clean items. This feature extraction and classification stage is the new aspect of this paper; our new maximum representation and discriminating feature (MRDF) extraction method computes nonlinear features that are used as inputs to a new modified k nearest neighbor classifier. In this work the MRDF is applied to standard features. The MRDF is robust to various probability distributions of the input class and is shown to provide good classification and new ROC data.

  19. A DFT-Based Method of Feature Extraction for Palmprint Recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Choge, H. Kipsang; Karungaru, Stephen G.; Tsuge, Satoru; Fukumi, Minoru

    Over the last quarter century, research in biometric systems has developed at a breathtaking pace and what started with the focus on the fingerprint has now expanded to include face, voice, iris, and behavioral characteristics such as gait. Palmprint is one of the most recent additions, and is currently the subject of great research interest due to its inherent uniqueness, stability, user-friendliness and ease of acquisition. This paper describes an effective and procedurally simple method of palmprint feature extraction specifically for palmprint recognition, although verification experiments are also conducted. This method takes advantage of the correspondences that exist between prominent palmprint features or objects in the spatial domain with those in the frequency or Fourier domain. Multi-dimensional feature vectors are formed by extracting a GA-optimized set of points from the 2-D Fourier spectrum of the palmprint images. The feature vectors are then used for palmprint recognition, before and after dimensionality reduction via the Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT). Experiments performed using palmprint images from the ‘PolyU Palmprint Database’ indicate that using a compact set of DFT coefficients, combined with KLT and data preprocessing, produces a recognition accuracy of more than 98% and can provide a fast and effective technique for personal identification.

  20. Audio feature extraction using probability distribution function

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Suhaib, A.; Wan, Khairunizam; Aziz, Azri A.; Hazry, D.; Razlan, Zuradzman M.; Shahriman A., B.


    Voice recognition has been one of the popular applications in robotic field. It is also known to be recently used for biometric and multimedia information retrieval system. This technology is attained from successive research on audio feature extraction analysis. Probability Distribution Function (PDF) is a statistical method which is usually used as one of the processes in complex feature extraction methods such as GMM and PCA. In this paper, a new method for audio feature extraction is proposed which is by using only PDF as a feature extraction method itself for speech analysis purpose. Certain pre-processing techniques are performed in prior to the proposed feature extraction method. Subsequently, the PDF result values for each frame of sampled voice signals obtained from certain numbers of individuals are plotted. From the experimental results obtained, it can be seen visually from the plotted data that each individuals' voice has comparable PDF values and shapes.

  1. An Optimal Mean Based Block Robust Feature Extraction Method to Identify Colorectal Cancer Genes with Integrated Data.


    Liu, Jian; Cheng, Yuhu; Wang, Xuesong; Zhang, Lin; Liu, Hui


    It is urgent to diagnose colorectal cancer in the early stage. Some feature genes which are important to colorectal cancer development have been identified. However, for the early stage of colorectal cancer, less is known about the identity of specific cancer genes that are associated with advanced clinical stage. In this paper, we conducted a feature extraction method named Optimal Mean based Block Robust Feature Extraction method (OMBRFE) to identify feature genes associated with advanced colorectal cancer in clinical stage by using the integrated colorectal cancer data. Firstly, based on the optimal mean and L 2,1 -norm, a novel feature extraction method called Optimal Mean based Robust Feature Extraction method (OMRFE) is proposed to identify feature genes. Then the OMBRFE method which introduces the block ideology into OMRFE method is put forward to process the colorectal cancer integrated data which includes multiple genomic data: copy number alterations, somatic mutations, methylation expression alteration, as well as gene expression changes. Experimental results demonstrate that the OMBRFE is more effective than previous methods in identifying the feature genes. Moreover, genes identified by OMBRFE are verified to be closely associated with advanced colorectal cancer in clinical stage.

  2. Cepstrum based feature extraction method for fungus detection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yorulmaz, Onur; Pearson, Tom C.; Çetin, A. Enis


    In this paper, a method for detection of popcorn kernels infected by a fungus is developed using image processing. The method is based on two dimensional (2D) mel and Mellin-cepstrum computation from popcorn kernel images. Cepstral features that were extracted from popcorn images are classified using Support Vector Machines (SVM). Experimental results show that high recognition rates of up to 93.93% can be achieved for both damaged and healthy popcorn kernels using 2D mel-cepstrum. The success rate for healthy popcorn kernels was found to be 97.41% and the recognition rate for damaged kernels was found to be 89.43%.

  3. Text feature extraction based on deep learning: a review.


    Liang, Hong; Sun, Xiao; Sun, Yunlei; Gao, Yuan


    Selection of text feature item is a basic and important matter for text mining and information retrieval. Traditional methods of feature extraction require handcrafted features. To hand-design, an effective feature is a lengthy process, but aiming at new applications, deep learning enables to acquire new effective feature representation from training data. As a new feature extraction method, deep learning has made achievements in text mining. The major difference between deep learning and conventional methods is that deep learning automatically learns features from big data, instead of adopting handcrafted features, which mainly depends on priori knowledge of designers and is highly impossible to take the advantage of big data. Deep learning can automatically learn feature representation from big data, including millions of parameters. This thesis outlines the common methods used in text feature extraction first, and then expands frequently used deep learning methods in text feature extraction and its applications, and forecasts the application of deep learning in feature extraction.

  4. Feature extraction for document text using Latent Dirichlet Allocation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Prihatini, P. M.; Suryawan, I. K.; Mandia, IN


    Feature extraction is one of stages in the information retrieval system that used to extract the unique feature values of a text document. The process of feature extraction can be done by several methods, one of which is Latent Dirichlet Allocation. However, researches related to text feature extraction using Latent Dirichlet Allocation method are rarely found for Indonesian text. Therefore, through this research, a text feature extraction will be implemented for Indonesian text. The research method consists of data acquisition, text pre-processing, initialization, topic sampling and evaluation. The evaluation is done by comparing Precision, Recall and F-Measure value between Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency KMeans which commonly used for feature extraction. The evaluation results show that Precision, Recall and F-Measure value of Latent Dirichlet Allocation method is higher than Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency KMeans method. This shows that Latent Dirichlet Allocation method is able to extract features and cluster Indonesian text better than Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency KMeans method.

  5. Automatic Extraction of Planetary Image Features

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Troglio, G.; LeMoigne, J.; Moser, G.; Serpico, S. B.; Benediktsson, J. A.


    With the launch of several Lunar missions such as the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and Chandrayaan-1, a large amount of Lunar images will be acquired and will need to be analyzed. Although many automatic feature extraction methods have been proposed and utilized for Earth remote sensing images, these methods are not always applicable to Lunar data that often present low contrast and uneven illumination characteristics. In this paper, we propose a new method for the extraction of Lunar features (that can be generalized to other planetary images), based on the combination of several image processing techniques, a watershed segmentation and the generalized Hough Transform. This feature extraction has many applications, among which image registration.

  6. [A Feature Extraction Method for Brain Computer Interface Based on Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition].


    Wang, Jinjia; Liu, Yuan


    This paper presents a feature extraction method based on multivariate empirical mode decomposition (MEMD) combining with the power spectrum feature, and the method aims at the non-stationary electroencephalogram (EEG) or magnetoencephalogram (MEG) signal in brain-computer interface (BCI) system. Firstly, we utilized MEMD algorithm to decompose multichannel brain signals into a series of multiple intrinsic mode function (IMF), which was proximate stationary and with multi-scale. Then we extracted and reduced the power characteristic from each IMF to a lower dimensions using principal component analysis (PCA). Finally, we classified the motor imagery tasks by linear discriminant analysis classifier. The experimental verification showed that the correct recognition rates of the two-class and four-class tasks of the BCI competition III and competition IV reached 92.0% and 46.2%, respectively, which were superior to the winner of the BCI competition. The experimental proved that the proposed method was reasonably effective and stable and it would provide a new way for feature extraction.

  7. A new automated spectral feature extraction method and its application in spectral classification and defective spectra recovery

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Ke; Guo, Ping; Luo, A.-Li


    Spectral feature extraction is a crucial procedure in automated spectral analysis. This procedure starts from the spectral data and produces informative and non-redundant features, facilitating the subsequent automated processing and analysis with machine-learning and data-mining techniques. In this paper, we present a new automated feature extraction method for astronomical spectra, with application in spectral classification and defective spectra recovery. The basic idea of our approach is to train a deep neural network to extract features of spectra with different levels of abstraction in different layers. The deep neural network is trained with a fast layer-wise learning algorithm in an analytical way without any iterative optimization procedure. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme on real-world spectral data. The results demonstrate that our method is superior regarding its comprehensive performance, and the computational cost is significantly lower than that for other methods. The proposed method can be regarded as a new valid alternative general-purpose feature extraction method for various tasks in spectral data analysis.

  8. [A novel method of multi-channel feature extraction combining multivariate autoregression and multiple-linear principal component analysis].


    Wang, Jinjia; Zhang, Yanna


    Brain-computer interface (BCI) systems identify brain signals through extracting features from them. In view of the limitations of the autoregressive model feature extraction method and the traditional principal component analysis to deal with the multichannel signals, this paper presents a multichannel feature extraction method that multivariate autoregressive (MVAR) model combined with the multiple-linear principal component analysis (MPCA), and used for magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals and electroencephalograph (EEG) signals recognition. Firstly, we calculated the MVAR model coefficient matrix of the MEG/EEG signals using this method, and then reduced the dimensions to a lower one, using MPCA. Finally, we recognized brain signals by Bayes Classifier. The key innovation we introduced in our investigation showed that we extended the traditional single-channel feature extraction method to the case of multi-channel one. We then carried out the experiments using the data groups of IV-III and IV - I. The experimental results proved that the method proposed in this paper was feasible.

  9. An energy ratio feature extraction method for optical fiber vibration signal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sheng, Zhiyong; Zhang, Xinyan; Wang, Yanping; Hou, Weiming; Yang, Dan


    The intrusion events in the optical fiber pre-warning system (OFPS) are divided into two types which are harmful intrusion event and harmless interference event. At present, the signal feature extraction methods of these two types of events are usually designed from the view of the time domain. However, the differences of time-domain characteristics for different harmful intrusion events are not obvious, which cannot reflect the diversity of them in detail. We find that the spectrum distribution of different intrusion signals has obvious differences. For this reason, the intrusion signal is transformed into the frequency domain. In this paper, an energy ratio feature extraction method of harmful intrusion event is drawn on. Firstly, the intrusion signals are pre-processed and the power spectral density (PSD) is calculated. Then, the energy ratio of different frequency bands is calculated, and the corresponding feature vector of each type of intrusion event is further formed. The linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifier is used to identify the harmful intrusion events in the paper. Experimental results show that the algorithm improves the recognition rate of the intrusion signal, and further verifies the feasibility and validity of the algorithm.

  10. Statistical Methods for Proteomic Biomarker Discovery based on Feature Extraction or Functional Modeling Approaches.


    Morris, Jeffrey S


    In recent years, developments in molecular biotechnology have led to the increased promise of detecting and validating biomarkers, or molecular markers that relate to various biological or medical outcomes. Proteomics, the direct study of proteins in biological samples, plays an important role in the biomarker discovery process. These technologies produce complex, high dimensional functional and image data that present many analytical challenges that must be addressed properly for effective comparative proteomics studies that can yield potential biomarkers. Specific challenges include experimental design, preprocessing, feature extraction, and statistical analysis accounting for the inherent multiple testing issues. This paper reviews various computational aspects of comparative proteomic studies, and summarizes contributions I along with numerous collaborators have made. First, there is an overview of comparative proteomics technologies, followed by a discussion of important experimental design and preprocessing issues that must be considered before statistical analysis can be done. Next, the two key approaches to analyzing proteomics data, feature extraction and functional modeling, are described. Feature extraction involves detection and quantification of discrete features like peaks or spots that theoretically correspond to different proteins in the sample. After an overview of the feature extraction approach, specific methods for mass spectrometry ( Cromwell ) and 2D gel electrophoresis ( Pinnacle ) are described. The functional modeling approach involves modeling the proteomic data in their entirety as functions or images. A general discussion of the approach is followed by the presentation of a specific method that can be applied, wavelet-based functional mixed models, and its extensions. All methods are illustrated by application to two example proteomic data sets, one from mass spectrometry and one from 2D gel electrophoresis. While the specific methods

  11. Built-up Areas Extraction in High Resolution SAR Imagery based on the method of Multiple Feature Weighted Fusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, X.; Zhang, J. X.; Zhao, Z.; Ma, A. D.


    Synthetic aperture radar in the application of remote sensing technology is becoming more and more widely because of its all-time and all-weather operation, feature extraction research in high resolution SAR image has become a hot topic of concern. In particular, with the continuous improvement of airborne SAR image resolution, image texture information become more abundant. It's of great significance to classification and extraction. In this paper, a novel method for built-up areas extraction using both statistical and structural features is proposed according to the built-up texture features. First of all, statistical texture features and structural features are respectively extracted by classical method of gray level co-occurrence matrix and method of variogram function, and the direction information is considered in this process. Next, feature weights are calculated innovatively according to the Bhattacharyya distance. Then, all features are weighted fusion. At last, the fused image is classified with K-means classification method and the built-up areas are extracted after post classification process. The proposed method has been tested by domestic airborne P band polarization SAR images, at the same time, two groups of experiments based on the method of statistical texture and the method of structural texture were carried out respectively. On the basis of qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis based on the built-up area selected artificially is enforced, in the relatively simple experimentation area, detection rate is more than 90%, in the relatively complex experimentation area, detection rate is also higher than the other two methods. In the study-area, the results show that this method can effectively and accurately extract built-up areas in high resolution airborne SAR imagery.

  12. Automatic Feature Extraction from Planetary Images

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Troglio, Giulia; Le Moigne, Jacqueline; Benediktsson, Jon A.; Moser, Gabriele; Serpico, Sebastiano B.


    With the launch of several planetary missions in the last decade, a large amount of planetary images has already been acquired and much more will be available for analysis in the coming years. The image data need to be analyzed, preferably by automatic processing techniques because of the huge amount of data. Although many automatic feature extraction methods have been proposed and utilized for Earth remote sensing images, these methods are not always applicable to planetary data that often present low contrast and uneven illumination characteristics. Different methods have already been presented for crater extraction from planetary images, but the detection of other types of planetary features has not been addressed yet. Here, we propose a new unsupervised method for the extraction of different features from the surface of the analyzed planet, based on the combination of several image processing techniques, including a watershed segmentation and the generalized Hough Transform. The method has many applications, among which image registration and can be applied to arbitrary planetary images.

  13. Histogram of gradient and binarized statistical image features of wavelet subband-based palmprint features extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Attallah, Bilal; Serir, Amina; Chahir, Youssef; Boudjelal, Abdelwahhab


    Palmprint recognition systems are dependent on feature extraction. A method of feature extraction using higher discrimination information was developed to characterize palmprint images. In this method, two individual feature extraction techniques are applied to a discrete wavelet transform of a palmprint image, and their outputs are fused. The two techniques used in the fusion are the histogram of gradient and the binarized statistical image features. They are then evaluated using an extreme learning machine classifier before selecting a feature based on principal component analysis. Three palmprint databases, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Multispectral Palmprint Database, Hong Kong PolyU Palmprint Database II, and the Delhi Touchless (IIDT) Palmprint Database, are used in this study. The study shows that our method effectively identifies and verifies palmprints and outperforms other methods based on feature extraction.

  14. [Identification of special quality eggs with NIR spectroscopy technology based on symbol entropy feature extraction method].


    Zhao, Yong; Hong, Wen-Xue


    Fast, nondestructive and accurate identification of special quality eggs is an urgent problem. The present paper proposed a new feature extraction method based on symbol entropy to identify near infrared spectroscopy of special quality eggs. The authors selected normal eggs, free range eggs, selenium-enriched eggs and zinc-enriched eggs as research objects and measured the near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra in the range of 12 000-4 000 cm(-1). Raw spectra were symbolically represented with aggregation approximation algorithm and symbolic entropy was extracted as feature vector. An error-correcting output codes multiclass support vector machine classifier was designed to identify the spectrum. Symbolic entropy feature is robust when parameter changed and the highest recognition rate reaches up to 100%. The results show that the identification method of special quality eggs using near-infrared is feasible and the symbol entropy can be used as a new feature extraction method of near-infrared spectra.

  15. Image segmentation-based robust feature extraction for color image watermarking

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Mianjie; Deng, Zeyu; Yuan, Xiaochen


    This paper proposes a local digital image watermarking method based on Robust Feature Extraction. The segmentation is achieved by Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) based on which an Image Segmentation-based Robust Feature Extraction (ISRFE) method is proposed for feature extraction. Our method can adaptively extract feature regions from the blocks segmented by SLIC. This novel method can extract the most robust feature region in every segmented image. Each feature region is decomposed into low-frequency domain and high-frequency domain by Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). Watermark images are then embedded into the coefficients in the low-frequency domain. The Distortion-Compensated Dither Modulation (DC-DM) algorithm is chosen as the quantization method for embedding. The experimental results indicate that the method has good performance under various attacks. Furthermore, the proposed method can obtain a trade-off between high robustness and good image quality.

  16. Integrated feature extraction and selection for neuroimage classification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fan, Yong; Shen, Dinggang


    Feature extraction and selection are of great importance in neuroimage classification for identifying informative features and reducing feature dimensionality, which are generally implemented as two separate steps. This paper presents an integrated feature extraction and selection algorithm with two iterative steps: constrained subspace learning based feature extraction and support vector machine (SVM) based feature selection. The subspace learning based feature extraction focuses on the brain regions with higher possibility of being affected by the disease under study, while the possibility of brain regions being affected by disease is estimated by the SVM based feature selection, in conjunction with SVM classification. This algorithm can not only take into account the inter-correlation among different brain regions, but also overcome the limitation of traditional subspace learning based feature extraction methods. To achieve robust performance and optimal selection of parameters involved in feature extraction, selection, and classification, a bootstrapping strategy is used to generate multiple versions of training and testing sets for parameter optimization, according to the classification performance measured by the area under the ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve. The integrated feature extraction and selection method is applied to a structural MR image based Alzheimer's disease (AD) study with 98 non-demented and 100 demented subjects. Cross-validation results indicate that the proposed algorithm can improve performance of the traditional subspace learning based classification.

  17. Chinese License Plates Recognition Method Based on A Robust and Efficient Feature Extraction and BPNN Algorithm

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Ming; Xie, Fei; Zhao, Jing; Sun, Rui; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Yue


    The prosperity of license plate recognition technology has made great contribution to the development of Intelligent Transport System (ITS). In this paper, a robust and efficient license plate recognition method is proposed which is based on a combined feature extraction model and BPNN (Back Propagation Neural Network) algorithm. Firstly, the candidate region of the license plate detection and segmentation method is developed. Secondly, a new feature extraction model is designed considering three sets of features combination. Thirdly, the license plates classification and recognition method using the combined feature model and BPNN algorithm is presented. Finally, the experimental results indicate that the license plate segmentation and recognition both can be achieved effectively by the proposed algorithm. Compared with three traditional methods, the recognition accuracy of the proposed method has increased to 95.7% and the consuming time has decreased to 51.4ms.

  18. Maximum entropy methods for extracting the learned features of deep neural networks.


    Finnegan, Alex; Song, Jun S


    New architectures of multilayer artificial neural networks and new methods for training them are rapidly revolutionizing the application of machine learning in diverse fields, including business, social science, physical sciences, and biology. Interpreting deep neural networks, however, currently remains elusive, and a critical challenge lies in understanding which meaningful features a network is actually learning. We present a general method for interpreting deep neural networks and extracting network-learned features from input data. We describe our algorithm in the context of biological sequence analysis. Our approach, based on ideas from statistical physics, samples from the maximum entropy distribution over possible sequences, anchored at an input sequence and subject to constraints implied by the empirical function learned by a network. Using our framework, we demonstrate that local transcription factor binding motifs can be identified from a network trained on ChIP-seq data and that nucleosome positioning signals are indeed learned by a network trained on chemical cleavage nucleosome maps. Imposing a further constraint on the maximum entropy distribution also allows us to probe whether a network is learning global sequence features, such as the high GC content in nucleosome-rich regions. This work thus provides valuable mathematical tools for interpreting and extracting learned features from feed-forward neural networks.

  19. The method of micro-motion cycle feature extraction based on confidence coefficient evaluation criteria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tang, Chuanzi; Ren, Hongmei; Bo, Li; Jing, Huang


    In radar target recognition, the micro motion characteristics of target is one of the characteristics that researchers pay attention to at home and abroad, in which the characteristics of target precession cycle is one of the important characteristics of target movement characteristics. Periodic feature extraction methods have been studied for years, the complex shape of the target and the scattering center stack lead to random fluctuations of the RCS. These random fluctuations also exist certain periodicity, which has a great influence on the target recognition result. In order to solve the problem, this paper proposes a extraction method of micro-motion cycle feature based on confidence coefficient evaluation criteria.

  20. Vertical Feature Mask Feature Classification Flag Extraction

    Atmospheric Science Data Center


      Vertical Feature Mask Feature Classification Flag Extraction This routine demonstrates extraction of the ... in a CALIPSO Lidar Level 2 Vertical Feature Mask feature classification flag value. It is written in Interactive Data Language (IDL) ...

  1. [The research on separating and extracting overlapping spectral feature lines in LIBS using damped least squares method].


    Wang, Yin; Zhao, Nan-jing; Liu, Wen-qing; Yu, Yang; Fang, Li; Meng, De-shuo; Hu, Li; Zhang, Da-hai; Ma, Min-jun; Xiao, Xue; Wang, Yu; Liu, Jian-guo


    In recent years, the technology of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy has been developed rapidly. As one kind of new material composition detection technology, laser induced breakdown spectroscopy can simultaneously detect multi elements fast and simply without any complex sample preparation and realize field, in-situ material composition detection of the sample to be tested. This kind of technology is very promising in many fields. It is very important to separate, fit and extract spectral feature lines in laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, which is the cornerstone of spectral feature recognition and subsequent elements concentrations inversion research. In order to realize effective separation, fitting and extraction of spectral feature lines in laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, the original parameters for spectral lines fitting before iteration were analyzed and determined. The spectral feature line of' chromium (Cr I : 427.480 nm) in fly ash gathered from a coal-fired power station, which was overlapped with another line(FeI: 427.176 nm), was separated from the other one and extracted by using damped least squares method. Based on Gauss-Newton iteration, damped least squares method adds damping factor to step and adjust step length dynamically according to the feedback information after each iteration, in order to prevent the iteration from diverging and make sure that the iteration could converge fast. Damped least squares method helps to obtain better results of separating, fitting and extracting spectral feature lines and give more accurate intensity values of these spectral feature lines: The spectral feature lines of chromium in samples which contain different concentrations of chromium were separated and extracted. And then, the intensity values of corresponding spectral lines were given by using damped least squares method and least squares method separately. The calibration curves were plotted, which showed the relationship between spectral

  2. Research of facial feature extraction based on MMC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xue, Donglin; Zhao, Jiufen; Tang, Qinhong; Shi, Shaokun


    Based on the maximum margin criterion (MMC), a new algorithm of statistically uncorrelated optimal discriminant vectors and a new algorithm of orthogonal optimal discriminant vectors for feature extraction were proposed. The purpose of the maximum margin criterion is to maximize the inter-class scatter while simultaneously minimizing the intra-class scatter after the projection. Compared with original MMC method and principal component analysis (PCA) method, the proposed methods are better in terms of reducing or eliminating the statistically correlation between features and improving recognition rate. The experiment results on Olivetti Research Laboratory (ORL) face database shows that the new feature extraction method of statistically uncorrelated maximum margin criterion (SUMMC) are better in terms of recognition rate and stability. Besides, the relations between maximum margin criterion and Fisher criterion for feature extraction were revealed.

  3. An Efficient Method for Automatic Road Extraction Based on Multiple Features from LiDAR Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Y.; Hu, X.; Guan, H.; Liu, P.


    The road extraction in urban areas is difficult task due to the complicated patterns and many contextual objects. LiDAR data directly provides three dimensional (3D) points with less occlusions and smaller shadows. The elevation information and surface roughness are distinguishing features to separate roads. However, LiDAR data has some disadvantages are not beneficial to object extraction, such as the irregular distribution of point clouds and lack of clear edges of roads. For these problems, this paper proposes an automatic road centerlines extraction method which has three major steps: (1) road center point detection based on multiple feature spatial clustering for separating road points from ground points, (2) local principal component analysis with least squares fitting for extracting the primitives of road centerlines, and (3) hierarchical grouping for connecting primitives into complete roads network. Compared with MTH (consist of Mean shift algorithm, Tensor voting, and Hough transform) proposed in our previous article, this method greatly reduced the computational cost. To evaluate the proposed method, the Vaihingen data set, a benchmark testing data provided by ISPRS for "Urban Classification and 3D Building Reconstruction" project, was selected. The experimental results show that our method achieve the same performance by less time in road extraction using LiDAR data.

  4. Extraction of linear features on SAR imagery

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Junyi; Li, Deren; Mei, Xin


    Linear features are usually extracted from SAR imagery by a few edge detectors derived from the contrast ratio edge detector with a constant probability of false alarm. On the other hand, the Hough Transform is an elegant way of extracting global features like curve segments from binary edge images. Randomized Hough Transform can reduce the computation time and memory usage of the HT drastically. While Randomized Hough Transform will bring about a great deal of cells invalid during the randomized sample. In this paper, we propose a new approach to extract linear features on SAR imagery, which is an almost automatic algorithm based on edge detection and Randomized Hough Transform. The presented improved method makes full use of the directional information of each edge candidate points so as to solve invalid cumulate problems. Applied result is in good agreement with the theoretical study, and the main linear features on SAR imagery have been extracted automatically. The method saves storage space and computational time, which shows its effectiveness and applicability.

  5. [Feature extraction for breast cancer data based on geometric algebra theory and feature selection using differential evolution].


    Li, Jing; Hong, Wenxue


    The feature extraction and feature selection are the important issues in pattern recognition. Based on the geometric algebra representation of vector, a new feature extraction method using blade coefficient of geometric algebra was proposed in this study. At the same time, an improved differential evolution (DE) feature selection method was proposed to solve the elevated high dimension issue. The simple linear discriminant analysis was used as the classifier. The result of the 10-fold cross-validation (10 CV) classification of public breast cancer biomedical dataset was more than 96% and proved superior to that of the original features and traditional feature extraction method.

  6. Texture feature extraction based on a uniformity estimation method for local brightness and structure in chest CT images.


    Peng, Shao-Hu; Kim, Deok-Hwan; Lee, Seok-Lyong; Lim, Myung-Kwan


    Texture feature is one of most important feature analysis methods in the computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems for disease diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a Uniformity Estimation Method (UEM) for local brightness and structure to detect the pathological change in the chest CT images. Based on the characteristics of the chest CT images, we extract texture features by proposing an extension of rotation invariant LBP (ELBP(riu4)) and the gradient orientation difference so as to represent a uniform pattern of the brightness and structure in the image. The utilization of the ELBP(riu4) and the gradient orientation difference allows us to extract rotation invariant texture features in multiple directions. Beyond this, we propose to employ the integral image technique to speed up the texture feature computation of the spatial gray level dependent method (SGLDM). Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. A method of evolving novel feature extraction algorithms for detecting buried objects in FLIR imagery using genetic programming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Paino, A.; Keller, J.; Popescu, M.; Stone, K.


    In this paper we present an approach that uses Genetic Programming (GP) to evolve novel feature extraction algorithms for greyscale images. Our motivation is to create an automated method of building new feature extraction algorithms for images that are competitive with commonly used human-engineered features, such as Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG). The evolved feature extraction algorithms are functions defined over the image space, and each produces a real-valued feature vector of variable length. Each evolved feature extractor breaks up the given image into a set of cells centered on every pixel, performs evolved operations on each cell, and then combines the results of those operations for every cell using an evolved operator. Using this method, the algorithm is flexible enough to reproduce both LBP and HOG features. The dataset we use to train and test our approach consists of a large number of pre-segmented image "chips" taken from a Forward Looking Infrared Imagery (FLIR) camera mounted on the hood of a moving vehicle. The goal is to classify each image chip as either containing or not containing a buried object. To this end, we define the fitness of a candidate solution as the cross-fold validation accuracy of the features generated by said candidate solution when used in conjunction with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. In order to validate our approach, we compare the classification accuracy of an SVM trained using our evolved features with the accuracy of an SVM trained using mainstream feature extraction algorithms, including LBP and HOG.

  8. Deep feature extraction and combination for synthetic aperture radar target classification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amrani, Moussa; Jiang, Feng


    Feature extraction has always been a difficult problem in the classification performance of synthetic aperture radar automatic target recognition (SAR-ATR). It is very important to select discriminative features to train a classifier, which is a prerequisite. Inspired by the great success of convolutional neural network (CNN), we address the problem of SAR target classification by proposing a feature extraction method, which takes advantage of exploiting the extracted deep features from CNNs on SAR images to introduce more powerful discriminative features and robust representation ability for them. First, the pretrained VGG-S net is fine-tuned on moving and stationary target acquisition and recognition (MSTAR) public release database. Second, after a simple preprocessing is performed, the fine-tuned network is used as a fixed feature extractor to extract deep features from the processed SAR images. Third, the extracted deep features are fused by using a traditional concatenation and a discriminant correlation analysis algorithm. Finally, for target classification, K-nearest neighbors algorithm based on LogDet divergence-based metric learning triplet constraints is adopted as a baseline classifier. Experiments on MSTAR are conducted, and the classification accuracy results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

  9. Experience improves feature extraction in Drosophila.


    Peng, Yueqing; Xi, Wang; Zhang, Wei; Zhang, Ke; Guo, Aike


    Previous exposure to a pattern in the visual scene can enhance subsequent recognition of that pattern in many species from honeybees to humans. However, whether previous experience with a visual feature of an object, such as color or shape, can also facilitate later recognition of that particular feature from multiple visual features is largely unknown. Visual feature extraction is the ability to select the key component from multiple visual features. Using a visual flight simulator, we designed a novel protocol for visual feature extraction to investigate the effects of previous experience on visual reinforcement learning in Drosophila. We found that, after conditioning with a visual feature of objects among combinatorial shape-color features, wild-type flies exhibited poor ability to extract the correct visual feature. However, the ability for visual feature extraction was greatly enhanced in flies trained previously with that visual feature alone. Moreover, we demonstrated that flies might possess the ability to extract the abstract category of "shape" but not a particular shape. Finally, this experience-dependent feature extraction is absent in flies with defective MBs, one of the central brain structures in Drosophila. Our results indicate that previous experience can enhance visual feature extraction in Drosophila and that MBs are required for this experience-dependent visual cognition.

  10. Uniform competency-based local feature extraction for remote sensing images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sedaghat, Amin; Mohammadi, Nazila


    Local feature detectors are widely used in many photogrammetry and remote sensing applications. The quantity and distribution of the local features play a critical role in the quality of the image matching process, particularly for multi-sensor high resolution remote sensing image registration. However, conventional local feature detectors cannot extract desirable matched features either in terms of the number of correct matches or the spatial and scale distribution in multi-sensor remote sensing images. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel method for uniform and robust local feature extraction for remote sensing images, which is based on a novel competency criterion and scale and location distribution constraints. The proposed method, called uniform competency (UC) local feature extraction, can be easily applied to any local feature detector for various kinds of applications. The proposed competency criterion is based on a weighted ranking process using three quality measures, including robustness, spatial saliency and scale parameters, which is performed in a multi-layer gridding schema. For evaluation, five state-of-the-art local feature detector approaches, namely, scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT), speeded up robust features (SURF), scale-invariant feature operator (SFOP), maximally stable extremal region (MSER) and hessian-affine, are used. The proposed UC-based feature extraction algorithms were successfully applied to match various synthetic and real satellite image pairs, and the results demonstrate its capability to increase matching performance and to improve the spatial distribution. The code to carry out the UC feature extraction is available from href="

  11. Large Margin Multi-Modal Multi-Task Feature Extraction for Image Classification.


    Yong Luo; Yonggang Wen; Dacheng Tao; Jie Gui; Chao Xu


    The features used in many image analysis-based applications are frequently of very high dimension. Feature extraction offers several advantages in high-dimensional cases, and many recent studies have used multi-task feature extraction approaches, which often outperform single-task feature extraction approaches. However, most of these methods are limited in that they only consider data represented by a single type of feature, even though features usually represent images from multiple modalities. We, therefore, propose a novel large margin multi-modal multi-task feature extraction (LM3FE) framework for handling multi-modal features for image classification. In particular, LM3FE simultaneously learns the feature extraction matrix for each modality and the modality combination coefficients. In this way, LM3FE not only handles correlated and noisy features, but also utilizes the complementarity of different modalities to further help reduce feature redundancy in each modality. The large margin principle employed also helps to extract strongly predictive features, so that they are more suitable for prediction (e.g., classification). An alternating algorithm is developed for problem optimization, and each subproblem can be efficiently solved. Experiments on two challenging real-world image data sets demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.

  12. A Transform-Based Feature Extraction Approach for Motor Imagery Tasks Classification

    PubMed Central

    Khorshidtalab, Aida; Mesbah, Mostefa; Salami, Momoh J. E.


    In this paper, we present a new motor imagery classification method in the context of electroencephalography (EEG)-based brain–computer interface (BCI). This method uses a signal-dependent orthogonal transform, referred to as linear prediction singular value decomposition (LP-SVD), for feature extraction. The transform defines the mapping as the left singular vectors of the LP coefficient filter impulse response matrix. Using a logistic tree-based model classifier; the extracted features are classified into one of four motor imagery movements. The proposed approach was first benchmarked against two related state-of-the-art feature extraction approaches, namely, discrete cosine transform (DCT) and adaptive autoregressive (AAR)-based methods. By achieving an accuracy of 67.35%, the LP-SVD approach outperformed the other approaches by large margins (25% compared with DCT and 6 % compared with AAR-based methods). To further improve the discriminatory capability of the extracted features and reduce the computational complexity, we enlarged the extracted feature subset by incorporating two extra features, namely, Q- and the Hotelling’s \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document} }{}$T^{2}$ \\end{document} statistics of the transformed EEG and introduced a new EEG channel selection method. The performance of the EEG classification based on the expanded feature set and channel selection method was compared with that of a number of the state-of-the-art classification methods previously reported with the BCI IIIa competition data set. Our method came second with an average accuracy of 81.38%. PMID:27170898

  13. Feature extraction and selection strategies for automated target recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Greene, W. Nicholas; Zhang, Yuhan; Lu, Thomas T.; Chao, Tien-Hsin


    Several feature extraction and selection methods for an existing automatic target recognition (ATR) system using JPLs Grayscale Optical Correlator (GOC) and Optimal Trade-Off Maximum Average Correlation Height (OT-MACH) filter were tested using MATLAB. The ATR system is composed of three stages: a cursory regionof- interest (ROI) search using the GOC and OT-MACH filter, a feature extraction and selection stage, and a final classification stage. Feature extraction and selection concerns transforming potential target data into more useful forms as well as selecting important subsets of that data which may aide in detection and classification. The strategies tested were built around two popular extraction methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Performance was measured based on the classification accuracy and free-response receiver operating characteristic (FROC) output of a support vector machine(SVM) and a neural net (NN) classifier.

  14. Morphological Feature Extraction for Automatic Registration of Multispectral Images

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Plaza, Antonio; LeMoigne, Jacqueline; Netanyahu, Nathan S.


    The task of image registration can be divided into two major components, i.e., the extraction of control points or features from images, and the search among the extracted features for the matching pairs that represent the same feature in the images to be matched. Manual extraction of control features can be subjective and extremely time consuming, and often results in few usable points. On the other hand, automated feature extraction allows using invariant target features such as edges, corners, and line intersections as relevant landmarks for registration purposes. In this paper, we present an extension of a recently developed morphological approach for automatic extraction of landmark chips and corresponding windows in a fully unsupervised manner for the registration of multispectral images. Once a set of chip-window pairs is obtained, a (hierarchical) robust feature matching procedure, based on a multiresolution overcomplete wavelet decomposition scheme, is used for registration purposes. The proposed method is validated on a pair of remotely sensed scenes acquired by the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) multispectral instrument and the Hyperion hyperspectral instrument aboard NASA's Earth Observing-1 satellite.

  15. Research on the feature extraction and pattern recognition of the distributed optical fiber sensing signal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Bingjie; Sun, Qi; Pi, Shaohua; Wu, Hongyan


    In this paper, feature extraction and pattern recognition of the distributed optical fiber sensing signal have been studied. We adopt Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) feature extraction, wavelet packet energy feature extraction and wavelet packet Shannon entropy feature extraction methods to obtain sensing signals (such as speak, wind, thunder and rain signals, etc.) characteristic vectors respectively, and then perform pattern recognition via RBF neural network. Performances of these three feature extraction methods are compared according to the results. We choose MFCC characteristic vector to be 12-dimensional. For wavelet packet feature extraction, signals are decomposed into six layers by Daubechies wavelet packet transform, in which 64 frequency constituents as characteristic vector are respectively extracted. In the process of pattern recognition, the value of diffusion coefficient is introduced to increase the recognition accuracy, while keeping the samples for testing algorithm the same. Recognition results show that wavelet packet Shannon entropy feature extraction method yields the best recognition accuracy which is up to 97%; the performance of 12-dimensional MFCC feature extraction method is less satisfactory; the performance of wavelet packet energy feature extraction method is the worst.

  16. Wearable Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition Method with Multi-Features Extracted from Hilbert-Huang Transform.


    Xu, Huile; Liu, Jinyi; Hu, Haibo; Zhang, Yi


    Wearable sensors-based human activity recognition introduces many useful applications and services in health care, rehabilitation training, elderly monitoring and many other areas of human interaction. Existing works in this field mainly focus on recognizing activities by using traditional features extracted from Fourier transform (FT) or wavelet transform (WT). However, these signal processing approaches are suitable for a linear signal but not for a nonlinear signal. In this paper, we investigate the characteristics of the Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) for dealing with activity data with properties such as nonlinearity and non-stationarity. A multi-features extraction method based on HHT is then proposed to improve the effect of activity recognition. The extracted multi-features include instantaneous amplitude (IA) and instantaneous frequency (IF) by means of empirical mode decomposition (EMD), as well as instantaneous energy density (IE) and marginal spectrum (MS) derived from Hilbert spectral analysis. Experimental studies are performed to verify the proposed approach by using the PAMAP2 dataset from the University of California, Irvine for wearable sensors-based activity recognition. Moreover, the effect of combining multi-features vs. a single-feature are investigated and discussed in the scenario of a dependent subject. The experimental results show that multi-features combination can further improve the performance measures. Finally, we test the effect of multi-features combination in the scenario of an independent subject. Our experimental results show that we achieve four performance indexes: recall, precision, F-measure, and accuracy to 0.9337, 0.9417, 0.9353, and 0.9377 respectively, which are all better than the achievements of related works.

  17. Wearable Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition Method with Multi-Features Extracted from Hilbert-Huang Transform

    PubMed Central

    Xu, Huile; Liu, Jinyi; Hu, Haibo; Zhang, Yi


    Wearable sensors-based human activity recognition introduces many useful applications and services in health care, rehabilitation training, elderly monitoring and many other areas of human interaction. Existing works in this field mainly focus on recognizing activities by using traditional features extracted from Fourier transform (FT) or wavelet transform (WT). However, these signal processing approaches are suitable for a linear signal but not for a nonlinear signal. In this paper, we investigate the characteristics of the Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) for dealing with activity data with properties such as nonlinearity and non-stationarity. A multi-features extraction method based on HHT is then proposed to improve the effect of activity recognition. The extracted multi-features include instantaneous amplitude (IA) and instantaneous frequency (IF) by means of empirical mode decomposition (EMD), as well as instantaneous energy density (IE) and marginal spectrum (MS) derived from Hilbert spectral analysis. Experimental studies are performed to verify the proposed approach by using the PAMAP2 dataset from the University of California, Irvine for wearable sensors-based activity recognition. Moreover, the effect of combining multi-features vs. a single-feature are investigated and discussed in the scenario of a dependent subject. The experimental results show that multi-features combination can further improve the performance measures. Finally, we test the effect of multi-features combination in the scenario of an independent subject. Our experimental results show that we achieve four performance indexes: recall, precision, F-measure, and accuracy to 0.9337, 0.9417, 0.9353, and 0.9377 respectively, which are all better than the achievements of related works. PMID:27918414

  18. A multiple maximum scatter difference discriminant criterion for facial feature extraction.


    Song, Fengxi; Zhang, David; Mei, Dayong; Guo, Zhongwei


    Maximum scatter difference (MSD) discriminant criterion was a recently presented binary discriminant criterion for pattern classification that utilizes the generalized scatter difference rather than the generalized Rayleigh quotient as a class separability measure, thereby avoiding the singularity problem when addressing small-sample-size problems. MSD classifiers based on this criterion have been quite effective on face-recognition tasks, but as they are binary classifiers, they are not as efficient on large-scale classification tasks. To address the problem, this paper generalizes the classification-oriented binary criterion to its multiple counterpart--multiple MSD (MMSD) discriminant criterion for facial feature extraction. The MMSD feature-extraction method, which is based on this novel discriminant criterion, is a new subspace-based feature-extraction method. Unlike most other subspace-based feature-extraction methods, the MMSD computes its discriminant vectors from both the range of the between-class scatter matrix and the null space of the within-class scatter matrix. The MMSD is theoretically elegant and easy to calculate. Extensive experimental studies conducted on the benchmark database, FERET, show that the MMSD out-performs state-of-the-art facial feature-extraction methods such as null space method, direct linear discriminant analysis (LDA), eigenface, Fisherface, and complete LDA.

  19. Feature Extraction and Selection Strategies for Automated Target Recognition

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Greene, W. Nicholas; Zhang, Yuhan; Lu, Thomas T.; Chao, Tien-Hsin


    Several feature extraction and selection methods for an existing automatic target recognition (ATR) system using JPLs Grayscale Optical Correlator (GOC) and Optimal Trade-Off Maximum Average Correlation Height (OT-MACH) filter were tested using MATLAB. The ATR system is composed of three stages: a cursory region of-interest (ROI) search using the GOC and OT-MACH filter, a feature extraction and selection stage, and a final classification stage. Feature extraction and selection concerns transforming potential target data into more useful forms as well as selecting important subsets of that data which may aide in detection and classification. The strategies tested were built around two popular extraction methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Performance was measured based on the classification accuracy and free-response receiver operating characteristic (FROC) output of a support vector machine(SVM) and a neural net (NN) classifier.

  20. A novel feature extraction approach for microarray data based on multi-algorithm fusion

    PubMed Central

    Jiang, Zhu; Xu, Rong


    Feature extraction is one of the most important and effective method to reduce dimension in data mining, with emerging of high dimensional data such as microarray gene expression data. Feature extraction for gene selection, mainly serves two purposes. One is to identify certain disease-related genes. The other is to find a compact set of discriminative genes to build a pattern classifier with reduced complexity and improved generalization capabilities. Depending on the purpose of gene selection, two types of feature extraction algorithms including ranking-based feature extraction and set-based feature extraction are employed in microarray gene expression data analysis. In ranking-based feature extraction, features are evaluated on an individual basis, without considering inter-relationship between features in general, while set-based feature extraction evaluates features based on their role in a feature set by taking into account dependency between features. Just as learning methods, feature extraction has a problem in its generalization ability, which is robustness. However, the issue of robustness is often overlooked in feature extraction. In order to improve the accuracy and robustness of feature extraction for microarray data, a novel approach based on multi-algorithm fusion is proposed. By fusing different types of feature extraction algorithms to select the feature from the samples set, the proposed approach is able to improve feature extraction performance. The new approach is tested against gene expression dataset including Colon cancer data, CNS data, DLBCL data, and Leukemia data. The testing results show that the performance of this algorithm is better than existing solutions. PMID:25780277

  1. A novel feature extraction approach for microarray data based on multi-algorithm fusion.


    Jiang, Zhu; Xu, Rong


    Feature extraction is one of the most important and effective method to reduce dimension in data mining, with emerging of high dimensional data such as microarray gene expression data. Feature extraction for gene selection, mainly serves two purposes. One is to identify certain disease-related genes. The other is to find a compact set of discriminative genes to build a pattern classifier with reduced complexity and improved generalization capabilities. Depending on the purpose of gene selection, two types of feature extraction algorithms including ranking-based feature extraction and set-based feature extraction are employed in microarray gene expression data analysis. In ranking-based feature extraction, features are evaluated on an individual basis, without considering inter-relationship between features in general, while set-based feature extraction evaluates features based on their role in a feature set by taking into account dependency between features. Just as learning methods, feature extraction has a problem in its generalization ability, which is robustness. However, the issue of robustness is often overlooked in feature extraction. In order to improve the accuracy and robustness of feature extraction for microarray data, a novel approach based on multi-algorithm fusion is proposed. By fusing different types of feature extraction algorithms to select the feature from the samples set, the proposed approach is able to improve feature extraction performance. The new approach is tested against gene expression dataset including Colon cancer data, CNS data, DLBCL data, and Leukemia data. The testing results show that the performance of this algorithm is better than existing solutions.

  2. Low complexity feature extraction for classification of harmonic signals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    William, Peter E.

    In this dissertation, feature extraction algorithms have been developed for extraction of characteristic features from harmonic signals. The common theme for all developed algorithms is the simplicity in generating a significant set of features directly from the time domain harmonic signal. The features are a time domain representation of the composite, yet sparse, harmonic signature in the spectral domain. The algorithms are adequate for low-power unattended sensors which perform sensing, feature extraction, and classification in a standalone scenario. The first algorithm generates the characteristic features using only the duration between successive zero-crossing intervals. The second algorithm estimates the harmonics' amplitudes of the harmonic structure employing a simplified least squares method without the need to estimate the true harmonic parameters of the source signal. The third algorithm, resulting from a collaborative effort with Daniel White at the DSP Lab, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, presents an analog front end approach that utilizes a multichannel analog projection and integration to extract the sparse spectral features from the analog time domain signal. Classification is performed using a multilayer feedforward neural network. Evaluation of the proposed feature extraction algorithms for classification through the processing of several acoustic and vibration data sets (including military vehicles and rotating electric machines) with comparison to spectral features shows that, for harmonic signals, time domain features are simpler to extract and provide equivalent or improved reliability over the spectral features in both the detection probabilities and false alarm rate.

  3. iPcc: a novel feature extraction method for accurate disease class discovery and prediction

    PubMed Central

    Ren, Xianwen; Wang, Yong; Zhang, Xiang-Sun; Jin, Qi


    Gene expression profiling has gradually become a routine procedure for disease diagnosis and classification. In the past decade, many computational methods have been proposed, resulting in great improvements on various levels, including feature selection and algorithms for classification and clustering. In this study, we present iPcc, a novel method from the feature extraction perspective to further propel gene expression profiling technologies from bench to bedside. We define ‘correlation feature space’ for samples based on the gene expression profiles by iterative employment of Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Numerical experiments on both simulated and real gene expression data sets demonstrate that iPcc can greatly highlight the latent patterns underlying noisy gene expression data and thus greatly improve the robustness and accuracy of the algorithms currently available for disease diagnosis and classification based on gene expression profiles. PMID:23761440

  4. Feature Vector Construction Method for IRIS Recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Odinokikh, G.; Fartukov, A.; Korobkin, M.; Yoo, J.


    One of the basic stages of iris recognition pipeline is iris feature vector construction procedure. The procedure represents the extraction of iris texture information relevant to its subsequent comparison. Thorough investigation of feature vectors obtained from iris showed that not all the vector elements are equally relevant. There are two characteristics which determine the vector element utility: fragility and discriminability. Conventional iris feature extraction methods consider the concept of fragility as the feature vector instability without respect to the nature of such instability appearance. This work separates sources of the instability into natural and encodinginduced which helps deeply investigate each source of instability independently. According to the separation concept, a novel approach of iris feature vector construction is proposed. The approach consists of two steps: iris feature extraction using Gabor filtering with optimal parameters and quantization with separated preliminary optimized fragility thresholds. The proposed method has been tested on two different datasets of iris images captured under changing environmental conditions. The testing results show that the proposed method surpasses all the methods considered as a prior art by recognition accuracy on both datasets.

  5. Optical character recognition with feature extraction and associative memory matrix

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sasaki, Osami; Shibahara, Akihito; Suzuki, Takamasa


    A method is proposed in which handwritten characters are recognized using feature extraction and an associative memory matrix. In feature extraction, simple processes such as shifting and superimposing patterns are executed. A memory matrix is generated with singular value decomposition and by modifying small singular values. The method is optically implemented with two liquid crystal displays. Experimental results for the recognition of 25 handwritten alphabet characters clearly shows the effectiveness of the method.

  6. Multiple feature extraction by using simultaneous wavelet transforms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mazzaferri, Javier; Ledesma, Silvia; Iemmi, Claudio


    We propose here a method to optically perform multiple feature extraction by using wavelet transforms. The method is based on obtaining the optical correlation by means of a Vander Lugt architecture, where the scene and the filter are displayed on spatial light modulators (SLMs). Multiple phase filters containing the information about the features that we are interested in extracting are designed and then displayed on an SLM working in phase mostly mode. We have designed filters to simultaneously detect edges and corners or different characteristic frequencies contained in the input scene. Simulated and experimental results are shown.

  7. Prominent feature extraction for review analysis: an empirical study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Agarwal, Basant; Mittal, Namita


    Sentiment analysis (SA) research has increased tremendously in recent times. SA aims to determine the sentiment orientation of a given text into positive or negative polarity. Motivation for SA research is the need for the industry to know the opinion of the users about their product from online portals, blogs, discussion boards and reviews and so on. Efficient features need to be extracted for machine-learning algorithm for better sentiment classification. In this paper, initially various features are extracted such as unigrams, bi-grams and dependency features from the text. In addition, new bi-tagged features are also extracted that conform to predefined part-of-speech patterns. Furthermore, various composite features are created using these features. Information gain (IG) and minimum redundancy maximum relevancy (mRMR) feature selection methods are used to eliminate the noisy and irrelevant features from the feature vector. Finally, machine-learning algorithms are used for classifying the review document into positive or negative class. Effects of different categories of features are investigated on four standard data-sets, namely, movie review and product (book, DVD and electronics) review data-sets. Experimental results show that composite features created from prominent features of unigram and bi-tagged features perform better than other features for sentiment classification. mRMR is a better feature selection method as compared with IG for sentiment classification. Boolean Multinomial Naïve Bayes) algorithm performs better than support vector machine classifier for SA in terms of accuracy and execution time.

  8. A PCA aided cross-covariance scheme for discriminative feature extraction from EEG signals.


    Zarei, Roozbeh; He, Jing; Siuly, Siuly; Zhang, Yanchun


    Feature extraction of EEG signals plays a significant role in Brain-computer interface (BCI) as it can significantly affect the performance and the computational time of the system. The main aim of the current work is to introduce an innovative algorithm for acquiring reliable discriminating features from EEG signals to improve classification performances and to reduce the time complexity. This study develops a robust feature extraction method combining the principal component analysis (PCA) and the cross-covariance technique (CCOV) for the extraction of discriminatory information from the mental states based on EEG signals in BCI applications. We apply the correlation based variable selection method with the best first search on the extracted features to identify the best feature set for characterizing the distribution of mental state signals. To verify the robustness of the proposed feature extraction method, three machine learning techniques: multilayer perceptron neural networks (MLP), least square support vector machine (LS-SVM), and logistic regression (LR) are employed on the obtained features. The proposed methods are evaluated on two publicly available datasets. Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of the proposed methods by comparing it with some recently reported algorithms. The experimental results show that all three classifiers achieve high performance (above 99% overall classification accuracy) for the proposed feature set. Among these classifiers, the MLP and LS-SVM methods yield the best performance for the obtained feature. The average sensitivity, specificity and classification accuracy for these two classifiers are same, which are 99.32%, 100%, and 99.66%, respectively for the BCI competition dataset IVa and 100%, 100%, and 100%, for the BCI competition dataset IVb. The results also indicate the proposed methods outperform the most recently reported methods by at least 0.25% average accuracy improvement in dataset IVa. The execution time

  9. A combination of feature extraction methods with an ensemble of different classifiers for protein structural class prediction problem.


    Dehzangi, Abdollah; Paliwal, Kuldip; Sharma, Alok; Dehzangi, Omid; Sattar, Abdul


    Better understanding of structural class of a given protein reveals important information about its overall folding type and its domain. It can also be directly used to provide critical information on general tertiary structure of a protein which has a profound impact on protein function determination and drug design. Despite tremendous enhancements made by pattern recognition-based approaches to solve this problem, it still remains as an unsolved issue for bioinformatics that demands more attention and exploration. In this study, we propose a novel feature extraction model that incorporates physicochemical and evolutionary-based information simultaneously. We also propose overlapped segmented distribution and autocorrelation-based feature extraction methods to provide more local and global discriminatory information. The proposed feature extraction methods are explored for 15 most promising attributes that are selected from a wide range of physicochemical-based attributes. Finally, by applying an ensemble of different classifiers namely, Adaboost.M1, LogitBoost, naive Bayes, multilayer perceptron (MLP), and support vector machine (SVM) we show enhancement of the protein structural class prediction accuracy for four popular benchmarks.

  10. Line fitting based feature extraction for object recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Bing


    Image feature extraction plays a significant role in image based pattern applications. In this paper, we propose a new approach to generate hierarchical features. This new approach applies line fitting to adaptively divide regions based upon the amount of information and creates line fitting features for each subsequent region. It overcomes the feature wasting drawback of the wavelet based approach and demonstrates high performance in real applications. For gray scale images, we propose a diffusion equation approach to map information-rich pixels (pixels near edges and ridge pixels) into high values, and pixels in homogeneous regions into small values near zero that form energy map images. After the energy map images are generated, we propose a line fitting approach to divide regions recursively and create features for each region simultaneously. This new feature extraction approach is similar to wavelet based hierarchical feature extraction in which high layer features represent global characteristics and low layer features represent local characteristics. However, the new approach uses line fitting to adaptively focus on information-rich regions so that we avoid the feature waste problems of the wavelet approach in homogeneous regions. Finally, the experiments for handwriting word recognition show that the new method provides higher performance than the regular handwriting word recognition approach.

  11. A novel murmur-based heart sound feature extraction technique using envelope-morphological analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yao, Hao-Dong; Ma, Jia-Li; Fu, Bin-Bin; Wang, Hai-Yang; Dong, Ming-Chui


    Auscultation of heart sound (HS) signals serves as an important primary approach to diagnose cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) for centuries. Confronting the intrinsic drawbacks of traditional HS auscultation, computer-aided automatic HS auscultation based on feature extraction technique has witnessed explosive development. Yet, most existing HS feature extraction methods adopt acoustic or time-frequency features which exhibit poor relationship with diagnostic information, thus restricting the performance of further interpretation and analysis. Tackling such a bottleneck problem, this paper innovatively proposes a novel murmur-based HS feature extraction method since murmurs contain massive pathological information and are regarded as the first indications of pathological occurrences of heart valves. Adapting discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and Shannon envelope, the envelope-morphological characteristics of murmurs are obtained and three features are extracted accordingly. Validated by discriminating normal HS and 5 various abnormal HS signals with extracted features, the proposed method provides an attractive candidate in automatic HS auscultation.

  12. A P-Norm Robust Feature Extraction Method for Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Jian; Liu, Jin-Xing; Gao, Ying-Lian; Kong, Xiang-Zhen; Wang, Xue-Song; Wang, Dong


    In current molecular biology, it becomes more and more important to identify differentially expressed genes closely correlated with a key biological process from gene expression data. In this paper, based on the Schatten p-norm and Lp-norm, a novel p-norm robust feature extraction method is proposed to identify the differentially expressed genes. In our method, the Schatten p-norm is used as the regularization function to obtain a low-rank matrix and the Lp-norm is taken as the error function to improve the robustness to outliers in the gene expression data. The results on simulation data show that our method can obtain higher identification accuracies than the competitive methods. Numerous experiments on real gene expression data sets demonstrate that our method can identify more differentially expressed genes than the others. Moreover, we confirmed that the identified genes are closely correlated with the corresponding gene expression data. PMID:26201006

  13. A P-Norm Robust Feature Extraction Method for Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes.


    Liu, Jian; Liu, Jin-Xing; Gao, Ying-Lian; Kong, Xiang-Zhen; Wang, Xue-Song; Wang, Dong


    In current molecular biology, it becomes more and more important to identify differentially expressed genes closely correlated with a key biological process from gene expression data. In this paper, based on the Schatten p-norm and Lp-norm, a novel p-norm robust feature extraction method is proposed to identify the differentially expressed genes. In our method, the Schatten p-norm is used as the regularization function to obtain a low-rank matrix and the Lp-norm is taken as the error function to improve the robustness to outliers in the gene expression data. The results on simulation data show that our method can obtain higher identification accuracies than the competitive methods. Numerous experiments on real gene expression data sets demonstrate that our method can identify more differentially expressed genes than the others. Moreover, we confirmed that the identified genes are closely correlated with the corresponding gene expression data.

  14. A judicious multiple hypothesis tracker with interacting feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McAnanama, James G.; Kirubarajan, T.


    The multiple hypotheses tracker (mht) is recognized as an optimal tracking method due to the enumeration of all possible measurement-to-track associations, which does not involve any approximation in its original formulation. However, its practical implementation is limited by the NP-hard nature of this enumeration. As a result, a number of maintenance techniques such as pruning and merging have been proposed to bound the computational complexity. It is possible to improve the performance of a tracker, mht or not, using feature information (e.g., signal strength, size, type) in addition to kinematic data. However, in most tracking systems, the extraction of features from the raw sensor data is typically independent of the subsequent association and filtering stages. In this paper, a new approach, called the Judicious Multi Hypotheses Tracker (jmht), whereby there is an interaction between feature extraction and the mht, is presented. The measure of the quality of feature extraction is input into measurement-to-track association while the prediction step feeds back the parameters to be used in the next round of feature extraction. The motivation for this forward and backward interaction between feature extraction and tracking is to improve the performance in both steps. This approach allows for a more rational partitioning of the feature space and removes unlikely features from the assignment problem. Simulation results demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach.

  15. A graph-Laplacian-based feature extraction algorithm for neural spike sorting.


    Ghanbari, Yasser; Spence, Larry; Papamichalis, Panos


    Analysis of extracellular neural spike recordings is highly dependent upon the accuracy of neural waveform classification, commonly referred to as spike sorting. Feature extraction is an important stage of this process because it can limit the quality of clustering which is performed in the feature space. This paper proposes a new feature extraction method (which we call Graph Laplacian Features, GLF) based on minimizing the graph Laplacian and maximizing the weighted variance. The algorithm is compared with Principal Components Analysis (PCA, the most commonly-used feature extraction method) using simulated neural data. The results show that the proposed algorithm produces more compact and well-separated clusters compared to PCA. As an added benefit, tentative cluster centers are output which can be used to initialize a subsequent clustering stage.

  16. Sample-space-based feature extraction and class preserving projection for gene expression data.


    Wang, Wenjun


    In order to overcome the problems of high computational complexity and serious matrix singularity for feature extraction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Fisher's Linear Discrinimant Analysis (LDA) in high-dimensional data, sample-space-based feature extraction is presented, which transforms the computation procedure of feature extraction from gene space to sample space by representing the optimal transformation vector with the weighted sum of samples. The technique is used in the implementation of PCA, LDA, Class Preserving Projection (CPP) which is a new method for discriminant feature extraction proposed, and the experimental results on gene expression data demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.

  17. Retinal status analysis method based on feature extraction and quantitative grading in OCT images.


    Fu, Dongmei; Tong, Hejun; Zheng, Shuang; Luo, Ling; Gao, Fulin; Minar, Jiri


    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is widely used in ophthalmology for viewing the morphology of the retina, which is important for disease detection and assessing therapeutic effect. The diagnosis of retinal diseases is based primarily on the subjective analysis of OCT images by trained ophthalmologists. This paper describes an OCT images automatic analysis method for computer-aided disease diagnosis and it is a critical part of the eye fundus diagnosis. This study analyzed 300 OCT images acquired by Optovue Avanti RTVue XR (Optovue Corp., Fremont, CA). Firstly, the normal retinal reference model based on retinal boundaries was presented. Subsequently, two kinds of quantitative methods based on geometric features and morphological features were proposed. This paper put forward a retinal abnormal grading decision-making method which was used in actual analysis and evaluation of multiple OCT images. This paper showed detailed analysis process by four retinal OCT images with different abnormal degrees. The final grading results verified that the analysis method can distinguish abnormal severity and lesion regions. This paper presented the simulation of the 150 test images, where the results of analysis of retinal status showed that the sensitivity was 0.94 and specificity was 0.92.The proposed method can speed up diagnostic process and objectively evaluate the retinal status. This paper aims on studies of retinal status automatic analysis method based on feature extraction and quantitative grading in OCT images. The proposed method can obtain the parameters and the features that are associated with retinal morphology. Quantitative analysis and evaluation of these features are combined with reference model which can realize the target image abnormal judgment and provide a reference for disease diagnosis.

  18. Chinese character recognition based on Gabor feature extraction and CNN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xiong, Yudian; Lu, Tongwei; Jiang, Yongyuan


    As an important application in the field of text line recognition and office automation, Chinese character recognition has become an important subject of pattern recognition. However, due to the large number of Chinese characters and the complexity of its structure, there is a great difficulty in the Chinese character recognition. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a method of printed Chinese character recognition based on Gabor feature extraction and Convolution Neural Network(CNN). The main steps are preprocessing, feature extraction, training classification. First, the gray-scale Chinese character image is binarized and normalized to reduce the redundancy of the image data. Second, each image is convoluted with Gabor filter with different orientations, and the feature map of the eight orientations of Chinese characters is extracted. Third, the feature map through Gabor filters and the original image are convoluted with learning kernels, and the results of the convolution is the input of pooling layer. Finally, the feature vector is used to classify and recognition. In addition, the generalization capacity of the network is improved by Dropout technology. The experimental results show that this method can effectively extract the characteristics of Chinese characters and recognize Chinese characters.

  19. A two-dimensional matrix image based feature extraction method for classification of sEMG: A comparative analysis based on SVM, KNN and RBF-NN.


    Wen, Tingxi; Zhang, Zhongnan; Qiu, Ming; Zeng, Ming; Luo, Weizhen


    The computer mouse is an important human-computer interaction device. But patients with physical finger disability are unable to operate this device. Surface EMG (sEMG) can be monitored by electrodes on the skin surface and is a reflection of the neuromuscular activities. Therefore, we can control limbs auxiliary equipment by utilizing sEMG classification in order to help the physically disabled patients to operate the mouse. To develop a new a method to extract sEMG generated by finger motion and apply novel features to classify sEMG. A window-based data acquisition method was presented to extract signal samples from sEMG electordes. Afterwards, a two-dimensional matrix image based feature extraction method, which differs from the classical methods based on time domain or frequency domain, was employed to transform signal samples to feature maps used for classification. In the experiments, sEMG data samples produced by the index and middle fingers at the click of a mouse button were separately acquired. Then, characteristics of the samples were analyzed to generate a feature map for each sample. Finally, the machine learning classification algorithms (SVM, KNN, RBF-NN) were employed to classify these feature maps on a GPU. The study demonstrated that all classifiers can identify and classify sEMG samples effectively. In particular, the accuracy of the SVM classifier reached up to 100%. The signal separation method is a convenient, efficient and quick method, which can effectively extract the sEMG samples produced by fingers. In addition, unlike the classical methods, the new method enables to extract features by enlarging sample signals' energy appropriately. The classical machine learning classifiers all performed well by using these features.

  20. Information based universal feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amiri, Mohammad; Brause, Rüdiger


    In many real world image based pattern recognition tasks, the extraction and usage of task-relevant features are the most crucial part of the diagnosis. In the standard approach, they mostly remain task-specific, although humans who perform such a task always use the same image features, trained in early childhood. It seems that universal feature sets exist, but they are not yet systematically found. In our contribution, we tried to find those universal image feature sets that are valuable for most image related tasks. In our approach, we trained a neural network by natural and non-natural images of objects and background, using a Shannon information-based algorithm and learning constraints. The goal was to extract those features that give the most valuable information for classification of visual objects hand-written digits. This will give a good start and performance increase for all other image learning tasks, implementing a transfer learning approach. As result, in our case we found that we could indeed extract features which are valid in all three kinds of tasks.

  1. Spectral Regression Based Fault Feature Extraction for Bearing Accelerometer Sensor Signals

    PubMed Central

    Xia, Zhanguo; Xia, Shixiong; Wan, Ling; Cai, Shiyu


    Bearings are not only the most important element but also a common source of failures in rotary machinery. Bearing fault prognosis technology has been receiving more and more attention recently, in particular because it plays an increasingly important role in avoiding the occurrence of accidents. Therein, fault feature extraction (FFE) of bearing accelerometer sensor signals is essential to highlight representative features of bearing conditions for machinery fault diagnosis and prognosis. This paper proposes a spectral regression (SR)-based approach for fault feature extraction from original features including time, frequency and time-frequency domain features of bearing accelerometer sensor signals. SR is a novel regression framework for efficient regularized subspace learning and feature extraction technology, and it uses the least squares method to obtain the best projection direction, rather than computing the density matrix of features, so it also has the advantage in dimensionality reduction. The effectiveness of the SR-based method is validated experimentally by applying the acquired vibration signals data to bearings. The experimental results indicate that SR can reduce the computation cost and preserve more structure information about different bearing faults and severities, and it is demonstrated that the proposed feature extraction scheme has an advantage over other similar approaches. PMID:23202017

  2. Waveform fitting and geometry analysis for full-waveform lidar feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tsai, Fuan; Lai, Jhe-Syuan; Cheng, Yi-Hsiu


    This paper presents a systematic approach that integrates spline curve fitting and geometry analysis to extract full-waveform LiDAR features for land-cover classification. The cubic smoothing spline algorithm is used to fit the waveform curve of the received LiDAR signals. After that, the local peak locations of the waveform curve are detected using a second derivative method. According to the detected local peak locations, commonly used full-waveform features such as full width at half maximum (FWHM) and amplitude can then be obtained. In addition, the number of peaks, time difference between the first and last peaks, and the average amplitude are also considered as features of LiDAR waveforms with multiple returns. Based on the waveform geometry, dynamic time-warping (DTW) is applied to measure the waveform similarity. The sum of the absolute amplitude differences that remain after time-warping can be used as a similarity feature in a classification procedure. An airborne full-waveform LiDAR data set was used to test the performance of the developed feature extraction method for land-cover classification. Experimental results indicate that the developed spline curve- fitting algorithm and geometry analysis can extract helpful full-waveform LiDAR features to produce better land-cover classification than conventional LiDAR data and feature extraction methods. In particular, the multiple-return features and the dynamic time-warping index can improve the classification results significantly.

  3. Hierarchical Feature Extraction With Local Neural Response for Image Recognition.


    Li, Hong; Wei, Yantao; Li, Luoqing; Chen, C L P


    In this paper, a hierarchical feature extraction method is proposed for image recognition. The key idea of the proposed method is to extract an effective feature, called local neural response (LNR), of the input image with nontrivial discrimination and invariance properties by alternating between local coding and maximum pooling operation. The local coding, which is carried out on the locally linear manifold, can extract the salient feature of image patches and leads to a sparse measure matrix on which maximum pooling is carried out. The maximum pooling operation builds the translation invariance into the model. We also show that other invariant properties, such as rotation and scaling, can be induced by the proposed model. In addition, a template selection algorithm is presented to reduce computational complexity and to improve the discrimination ability of the LNR. Experimental results show that our method is robust to local distortion and clutter compared with state-of-the-art algorithms.

  4. Datum Feature Extraction and Deformation Analysis Method Based on Normal Vector of Point Cloud

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sun, W.; Wang, J.; Jin, F.; Liang, Z.; Yang, Y.


    In order to solve the problem lacking applicable analysis method in the application of three-dimensional laser scanning technology to the field of deformation monitoring, an efficient method extracting datum feature and analysing deformation based on normal vector of point cloud was proposed. Firstly, the kd-tree is used to establish the topological relation. Datum points are detected by tracking the normal vector of point cloud determined by the normal vector of local planar. Then, the cubic B-spline curve fitting is performed on the datum points. Finally, datum elevation and the inclination angle of the radial point are calculated according to the fitted curve and then the deformation information was analyzed. The proposed approach was verified on real large-scale tank data set captured with terrestrial laser scanner in a chemical plant. The results show that the method could obtain the entire information of the monitor object quickly and comprehensively, and reflect accurately the datum feature deformation.

  5. Automatic detection of wheezes by evaluation of multiple acoustic feature extraction methods and C-weighted SVM

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sosa, Germán. D.; Cruz-Roa, Angel; González, Fabio A.


    This work addresses the problem of lung sound classification, in particular, the problem of distinguishing between wheeze and normal sounds. Wheezing sound detection is an important step to associate lung sounds with an abnormal state of the respiratory system, usually associated with tuberculosis or another chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). The paper presents an approach for automatic lung sound classification, which uses different state-of-the-art sound features in combination with a C-weighted support vector machine (SVM) classifier that works better for unbalanced data. Feature extraction methods used here are commonly applied in speech recognition and related problems thanks to the fact that they capture the most informative spectral content from the original signals. The evaluated methods were: Fourier transform (FT), wavelet decomposition using Wavelet Packet Transform bank of filters (WPT) and Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). For comparison, we evaluated and contrasted the proposed approach against previous works using different combination of features and/or classifiers. The different methods were evaluated on a set of lung sounds including normal and wheezing sounds. A leave-two-out per-case cross-validation approach was used, which, in each fold, chooses as validation set a couple of cases, one including normal sounds and the other including wheezing sounds. Experimental results were reported in terms of traditional classification performance measures: sensitivity, specificity and balanced accuracy. Our best results using the suggested approach, C-weighted SVM and MFCC, achieve a 82.1% of balanced accuracy obtaining the best result for this problem until now. These results suggest that supervised classifiers based on kernel methods are able to learn better models for this challenging classification problem even using the same feature extraction methods.

  6. Opinion mining feature-level using Naive Bayes and feature extraction based analysis dependencies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sanda, Regi; Baizal, Z. K. Abdurahman; Nhita, Fhira


    Development of internet and technology, has major impact and providing new business called e-commerce. Many e-commerce sites that provide convenience in transaction, and consumers can also provide reviews or opinions on products that purchased. These opinions can be used by consumers and producers. Consumers to know the advantages and disadvantages of particular feature of the product. Procuders can analyse own strengths and weaknesses as well as it's competitors products. Many opinions need a method that the reader can know the point of whole opinion. The idea emerged from review summarization that summarizes the overall opinion based on sentiment and features contain. In this study, the domain that become the main focus is about the digital camera. This research consisted of four steps 1) giving the knowledge to the system to recognize the semantic orientation of an opinion 2) indentify the features of product 3) indentify whether the opinion gives a positive or negative 4) summarizing the result. In this research discussed the methods such as Naï;ve Bayes for sentiment classification, and feature extraction algorithm based on Dependencies Analysis, which is one of the tools in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and knowledge based dictionary which is useful for handling implicit features. The end result of research is a summary that contains a bunch of reviews from consumers on the features and sentiment. With proposed method, accuration for sentiment classification giving 81.2 % for positive test data, 80.2 % for negative test data, and accuration for feature extraction reach 90.3 %.

  7. The algorithm of fast image stitching based on multi-feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Chunde; Wu, Ge; Shi, Jing


    This paper proposed an improved image registration method combining Hu-based invariant moment contour information and feature points detection, aiming to solve the problems in traditional image stitching algorithm, such as time-consuming feature points extraction process, redundant invalid information overload and inefficiency. First, use the neighborhood of pixels to extract the contour information, employing the Hu invariant moment as similarity measure to extract SIFT feature points in those similar regions. Then replace the Euclidean distance with Hellinger kernel function to improve the initial matching efficiency and get less mismatching points, further, estimate affine transformation matrix between the images. Finally, local color mapping method is adopted to solve uneven exposure, using the improved multiresolution fusion algorithm to fuse the mosaic images and realize seamless stitching. Experimental results confirm high accuracy and efficiency of method proposed in this paper.

  8. FEX: A Knowledge-Based System For Planimetric Feature Extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zelek, John S.


    Topographical planimetric features include natural surfaces (rivers, lakes) and man-made surfaces (roads, railways, bridges). In conventional planimetric feature extraction, a photointerpreter manually interprets and extracts features from imagery on a stereoplotter. Visual planimetric feature extraction is a very labour intensive operation. The advantages of automating feature extraction include: time and labour savings; accuracy improvements; and planimetric data consistency. FEX (Feature EXtraction) combines techniques from image processing, remote sensing and artificial intelligence for automatic feature extraction. The feature extraction process co-ordinates the information and knowledge in a hierarchical data structure. The system simulates the reasoning of a photointerpreter in determining the planimetric features. Present efforts have concentrated on the extraction of road-like features in SPOT imagery. Keywords: Remote Sensing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), SPOT, image understanding, knowledge base, apars.

  9. A harmonic linear dynamical system for prominent ECG feature extraction.


    Thi, Ngoc Anh Nguyen; Yang, Hyung-Jeong; Kim, SunHee; Do, Luu Ngoc


    Unsupervised mining of electrocardiography (ECG) time series is a crucial task in biomedical applications. To have efficiency of the clustering results, the prominent features extracted from preprocessing analysis on multiple ECG time series need to be investigated. In this paper, a Harmonic Linear Dynamical System is applied to discover vital prominent features via mining the evolving hidden dynamics and correlations in ECG time series. The discovery of the comprehensible and interpretable features of the proposed feature extraction methodology effectively represents the accuracy and the reliability of clustering results. Particularly, the empirical evaluation results of the proposed method demonstrate the improved performance of clustering compared to the previous main stream feature extraction approaches for ECG time series clustering tasks. Furthermore, the experimental results on real-world datasets show scalability with linear computation time to the duration of the time series.

  10. Structural Features, Antitumor and Antioxidant Activities of Rice Bran Polysaccharides Using Different Extraction Methods.


    Han, Wenfang; Li, Jiangtao; Ding, Yuqin; Xiong, Shanbai; Zhao, Siming


    In this study, rice bran polysaccharides (RBP) were extracted using the hydrothermal method (RBP-H), microwave-assisted extraction (RBP-M) and enzyme-assisted extraction (RBP-E). The prepared RBP samples exhibited the typical spectral patterns of polysaccharides, but differed in chemical composition, molecular features, antitumor and antioxidant activities. The molecular weights (Mw) of RBP-H, RBP-M, and RBP-E were 1.03 × 10 5 , 2.62 × 10 5 , and 0.46 × 10 5 g/mol, respectively. In vitro, all RBP samples significantly inhibited mouse sarcoma S180 cells viability in a dose-dependent manner. In vivo, RBP-M or RBP-E could not only inhibit the growth of the tumor, but also enhance the spleen index. In addition, RBP-E could induce an enhancement of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase activities and a scavenging effect on malondialdehyde. This study demonstrated that the effective antitumor activity of RBP may be owed to its enhancement of antioxidant activity function. The present work suggested that RBP, especially RBP-E could be a safe and effective antitumor, bioactive agent or functional food. Polysaccharides is extracted from rice bran (RBP) using hydrothermal, microwave-assisted and enzyme-assisted extraction methods. The results suggested that the antitumor activity of RBP was associated with enhancement of immunization and antioxidant. RBP could be explored as a natural antitumor and antioxidant agent applied in medicines and functional foods. © 2017 Institute of Food Technologists®.

  11. Feature extraction and classification algorithms for high dimensional data

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lee, Chulhee; Landgrebe, David


    Feature extraction and classification algorithms for high dimensional data are investigated. Developments with regard to sensors for Earth observation are moving in the direction of providing much higher dimensional multispectral imagery than is now possible. In analyzing such high dimensional data, processing time becomes an important factor. With large increases in dimensionality and the number of classes, processing time will increase significantly. To address this problem, a multistage classification scheme is proposed which reduces the processing time substantially by eliminating unlikely classes from further consideration at each stage. Several truncation criteria are developed and the relationship between thresholds and the error caused by the truncation is investigated. Next an approach to feature extraction for classification is proposed based directly on the decision boundaries. It is shown that all the features needed for classification can be extracted from decision boundaries. A characteristic of the proposed method arises by noting that only a portion of the decision boundary is effective in discriminating between classes, and the concept of the effective decision boundary is introduced. The proposed feature extraction algorithm has several desirable properties: it predicts the minimum number of features necessary to achieve the same classification accuracy as in the original space for a given pattern recognition problem; and it finds the necessary feature vectors. The proposed algorithm does not deteriorate under the circumstances of equal means or equal covariances as some previous algorithms do. In addition, the decision boundary feature extraction algorithm can be used both for parametric and non-parametric classifiers. Finally, some problems encountered in analyzing high dimensional data are studied and possible solutions are proposed. First, the increased importance of the second order statistics in analyzing high dimensional data is recognized

  12. Iris recognition based on key image feature extraction.


    Ren, X; Tian, Q; Zhang, J; Wu, S; Zeng, Y


    In iris recognition, feature extraction can be influenced by factors such as illumination and contrast, and thus the features extracted may be unreliable, which can cause a high rate of false results in iris pattern recognition. In order to obtain stable features, an algorithm was proposed in this paper to extract key features of a pattern from multiple images. The proposed algorithm built an iris feature template by extracting key features and performed iris identity enrolment. Simulation results showed that the selected key features have high recognition accuracy on the CASIA Iris Set, where both contrast and illumination variance exist.

  13. A new feature extraction method and classification of early stage Parkinsonian rats with and without DBS treatment.


    Iravani, B; Towhidkhah, F; Roghani, M


    Parkinson Disease (PD) is one of the most common neural disorders worldwide. Different treatments such as medication and deep brain stimulation (DBS) have been proposed to minimize and control Parkinson's symptoms. DBS has been recognized as an effective approach to decrease most movement disorders of PD. In this study, a new method is proposed for feature extraction and separation of treated and untreated Parkinsonan rats. For this purpose, unilateral intrastriatal 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA, 12.5 μg/5 μl of saline-ascorbate)-lesioned rats were treated with DBS. We performed a behavioral experiment and video tracked traveled trajectories of rats. Then, we investigated the effect of deep brain stimulation of subthalamus nucleus on their behavioral movements. Time, frequency and chaotic features of traveled trajectories were extracted. These features provide the ability to quantify the behavioral movements of Parkinsonian rats. The results showed that the traveled trajectories of untreated were more convoluted with the different time/frequency response. Compared to the traditional features used before to quantify the animals' behavior, the new features improved classification accuracy up to 80 % for untreated and treated rats.

  14. Tool Wear Feature Extraction Based on Hilbert Marginal Spectrum

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guan, Shan; Song, Weijie; Pang, Hongyang


    In the metal cutting process, the signal contains a wealth of tool wear state information. A tool wear signal’s analysis and feature extraction method based on Hilbert marginal spectrum is proposed. Firstly, the tool wear signal was decomposed by empirical mode decomposition algorithm and the intrinsic mode functions including the main information were screened out by the correlation coefficient and the variance contribution rate. Secondly, Hilbert transform was performed on the main intrinsic mode functions. Hilbert time-frequency spectrum and Hilbert marginal spectrum were obtained by Hilbert transform. Finally, Amplitude domain indexes were extracted on the basis of the Hilbert marginal spectrum and they structured recognition feature vector of tool wear state. The research results show that the extracted features can effectively characterize the different wear state of the tool, which provides a basis for monitoring tool wear condition.

  15. Driver drowsiness classification using fuzzy wavelet-packet-based feature-extraction algorithm.


    Khushaba, Rami N; Kodagoda, Sarath; Lal, Sara; Dissanayake, Gamini


    Driver drowsiness and loss of vigilance are a major cause of road accidents. Monitoring physiological signals while driving provides the possibility of detecting and warning of drowsiness and fatigue. The aim of this paper is to maximize the amount of drowsiness-related information extracted from a set of electroencephalogram (EEG), electrooculogram (EOG), and electrocardiogram (ECG) signals during a simulation driving test. Specifically, we develop an efficient fuzzy mutual-information (MI)- based wavelet packet transform (FMIWPT) feature-extraction method for classifying the driver drowsiness state into one of predefined drowsiness levels. The proposed method estimates the required MI using a novel approach based on fuzzy memberships providing an accurate-information content-estimation measure. The quality of the extracted features was assessed on datasets collected from 31 drivers on a simulation test. The experimental results proved the significance of FMIWPT in extracting features that highly correlate with the different drowsiness levels achieving a classification accuracy of 95%-- 97% on an average across all subjects.

  16. A Review of Feature Extraction Software for Microarray Gene Expression Data

    PubMed Central

    Tan, Ching Siang; Ting, Wai Soon; Mohamad, Mohd Saberi; Chan, Weng Howe; Deris, Safaai; Ali Shah, Zuraini


    When gene expression data are too large to be processed, they are transformed into a reduced representation set of genes. Transforming large-scale gene expression data into a set of genes is called feature extraction. If the genes extracted are carefully chosen, this gene set can extract the relevant information from the large-scale gene expression data, allowing further analysis by using this reduced representation instead of the full size data. In this paper, we review numerous software applications that can be used for feature extraction. The software reviewed is mainly for Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), Partial Least Squares (PLS), and Local Linear Embedding (LLE). A summary and sources of the software are provided in the last section for each feature extraction method. PMID:25250315

  17. Feature Extraction Using an Unsupervised Neural Network

    DTIC Science & Technology


    with this neural netowrk is given and its connection to exploratory projection pursuit methods is established. DD I 2 P JA d 73 EDITIONj Of I NOV 6s...IS OBSOLETE $IN 0102- LF- 014- 6601 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Daoes Enlered) Feature Extraction using an Unsupervised Neural Network

  18. Recursive Feature Extraction in Graphs

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)


    ReFeX extracts recursive topological features from graph data. The input is a graph as a csv file and the output is a csv file containing feature values for each node in the graph. The features are based on topological counts in the neighborhoods of each nodes, as well as recursive summaries of neighbors' features.

  19. SD-MSAEs: Promoter recognition in human genome based on deep feature extraction.


    Xu, Wenxuan; Zhang, Li; Lu, Yaping


    The prediction and recognition of promoter in human genome play an important role in DNA sequence analysis. Entropy, in Shannon sense, of information theory is a multiple utility in bioinformatic details analysis. The relative entropy estimator methods based on statistical divergence (SD) are used to extract meaningful features to distinguish different regions of DNA sequences. In this paper, we choose context feature and use a set of methods of SD to select the most effective n-mers distinguishing promoter regions from other DNA regions in human genome. Extracted from the total possible combinations of n-mers, we can get four sparse distributions based on promoter and non-promoters training samples. The informative n-mers are selected by optimizing the differentiating extents of these distributions. Specially, we combine the advantage of statistical divergence and multiple sparse auto-encoders (MSAEs) in deep learning to extract deep feature for promoter recognition. And then we apply multiple SVMs and a decision model to construct a human promoter recognition method called SD-MSAEs. Framework is flexible that it can integrate new feature extraction or new classification models freely. Experimental results show that our method has high sensitivity and specificity. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Automated Fluid Feature Extraction from Transient Simulations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Haimes, Robert; Lovely, David


    In the past, feature extraction and identification were interesting concepts, but not required to understand the underlying physics of a steady flow field. This is because the results of the more traditional tools like iso-surfaces, cuts and streamlines were more interactive and easily abstracted so they could be represented to the investigator. These tools worked and properly conveyed the collected information at the expense of much interaction. For unsteady flow-fields, the investigator does not have the luxury of spending time scanning only one "snap-shot" of the simulation. Automated assistance is required in pointing out areas of potential interest contained within the flow. This must not require a heavy compute burden (the visualization should not significantly slow down the solution procedure for co-processing environments like pV3). And methods must be developed to abstract the feature and display it in a manner that physically makes sense. The following is a list of the important physical phenomena found in transient (and steady-state) fluid flow: (1) Shocks, (2) Vortex cores, (3) Regions of recirculation, (4) Boundary layers, (5) Wakes. Three papers and an initial specification for the (The Fluid eXtraction tool kit) FX Programmer's guide were included. The papers, submitted to the AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, are entitled : (1) Using Residence Time for the Extraction of Recirculation Regions, (2) Shock Detection from Computational Fluid Dynamics results and (3) On the Velocity Gradient Tensor and Fluid Feature Extraction.

  1. A Study of Feature Extraction Using Divergence Analysis of Texture Features

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hallada, W. A.; Bly, B. G.; Boyd, R. K.; Cox, S.


    An empirical study of texture analysis for feature extraction and classification of high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery (10 meters) is presented in terms of specific land cover types. The principal method examined is the use of spatial gray tone dependence (SGTD). The SGTD method reduces the gray levels within a moving window into a two-dimensional spatial gray tone dependence matrix which can be interpreted as a probability matrix of gray tone pairs. Haralick et al (1973) used a number of information theory measures to extract texture features from these matrices, including angular second moment (inertia), correlation, entropy, homogeneity, and energy. The derivation of the SGTD matrix is a function of: (1) the number of gray tones in an image; (2) the angle along which the frequency of SGTD is calculated; (3) the size of the moving window; and (4) the distance between gray tone pairs. The first three parameters were varied and tested on a 10 meter resolution panchromatic image of Maryville, Tennessee using the five SGTD measures. A transformed divergence measure was used to determine the statistical separability between four land cover categories forest, new residential, old residential, and industrial for each variation in texture parameters.

  2. Automated Image Registration Using Morphological Region of Interest Feature Extraction

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Plaza, Antonio; LeMoigne, Jacqueline; Netanyahu, Nathan S.


    With the recent explosion in the amount of remotely sensed imagery and the corresponding interest in temporal change detection and modeling, image registration has become increasingly important as a necessary first step in the integration of multi-temporal and multi-sensor data for applications such as the analysis of seasonal and annual global climate changes, as well as land use/cover changes. The task of image registration can be divided into two major components: (1) the extraction of control points or features from images; and (2) the search among the extracted features for the matching pairs that represent the same feature in the images to be matched. Manual control feature extraction can be subjective and extremely time consuming, and often results in few usable points. Automated feature extraction is a solution to this problem, where desired target features are invariant, and represent evenly distributed landmarks such as edges, corners and line intersections. In this paper, we develop a novel automated registration approach based on the following steps. First, a mathematical morphology (MM)-based method is used to obtain a scale-orientation morphological profile at each image pixel. Next, a spectral dissimilarity metric such as the spectral information divergence is applied for automated extraction of landmark chips, followed by an initial approximate matching. This initial condition is then refined using a hierarchical robust feature matching (RFM) procedure. Experimental results reveal that the proposed registration technique offers a robust solution in the presence of seasonal changes and other interfering factors. Keywords-Automated image registration, multi-temporal imagery, mathematical morphology, robust feature matching.

  3. Single-trial laser-evoked potentials feature extraction for prediction of pain perception.


    Huang, Gan; Xiao, Ping; Hu, Li; Hung, Yeung Sam; Zhang, Zhiguo


    Pain is a highly subjective experience, and the availability of an objective assessment of pain perception would be of great importance for both basic and clinical applications. The objective of the present study is to develop a novel approach to extract pain-related features from single-trial laser-evoked potentials (LEPs) for classification of pain perception. The single-trial LEP feature extraction approach combines a spatial filtering using common spatial pattern (CSP) and a multiple linear regression (MLR). The CSP method is effective in separating laser-evoked EEG response from ongoing EEG activity, while MLR is capable of automatically estimating the amplitudes and latencies of N2 and P2 from single-trial LEP waveforms. The extracted single-trial LEP features are used in a Naïve Bayes classifier to classify different levels of pain perceived by the subjects. The experimental results show that the proposed single-trial LEP feature extraction approach can effectively extract pain-related LEP features for achieving high classification accuracy.

  4. Extracting physicochemical features to predict protein secondary structure.


    Huang, Yin-Fu; Chen, Shu-Ying


    We propose a protein secondary structure prediction method based on position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) profiles and four physicochemical features including conformation parameters, net charges, hydrophobic, and side chain mass. First, the SVM with the optimal window size and the optimal parameters of the kernel function is found. Then, we train the SVM using the PSSM profiles generated from PSI-BLAST and the physicochemical features extracted from the CB513 data set. Finally, we use the filter to refine the predicted results from the trained SVM. For all the performance measures of our method, Q 3 reaches 79.52, SOV94 reaches 86.10, and SOV99 reaches 74.60; all the measures are higher than those of the SVMpsi method and the SVMfreq method. This validates that considering these physicochemical features in predicting protein secondary structure would exhibit better performances.

  5. Extracting Physicochemical Features to Predict Protein Secondary Structure

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Shu-Ying


    We propose a protein secondary structure prediction method based on position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) profiles and four physicochemical features including conformation parameters, net charges, hydrophobic, and side chain mass. First, the SVM with the optimal window size and the optimal parameters of the kernel function is found. Then, we train the SVM using the PSSM profiles generated from PSI-BLAST and the physicochemical features extracted from the CB513 data set. Finally, we use the filter to refine the predicted results from the trained SVM. For all the performance measures of our method, Q 3 reaches 79.52, SOV94 reaches 86.10, and SOV99 reaches 74.60; all the measures are higher than those of the SVMpsi method and the SVMfreq method. This validates that considering these physicochemical features in predicting protein secondary structure would exhibit better performances. PMID:23766688

  6. Research on feature extraction techniques of Hainan Li brocade pattern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Yuping; Chen, Fuqiang; Zhou, Yuhua


    Hainan Li brocade skills has been listed as world non-material cultural heritage preservation, therefore, the research on Hainan Li brocade patterns plays an important role in Li brocade culture inheritance. The meaning of Li brocade patterns was analyzed and the shape feature extraction techniques to original Li brocade patterns were advanced in this paper, based on the contour tracking algorithm. First, edge detection was made on the design patterns, and then the morphological closing operation was used to smooth the image, and finally contour tracking was used to extract the outer contours of Li brocade patterns. The extracted contour features were processed by means of morphology, and digital characteristics of contours are obtained by invariant moments. At last, different patterns of Li brocade design are briefly analyzed according to the digital characteristics. The results showed that the pattern extraction method to Li brocade pattern shapes is feasible and effective according to above method.

  7. Compact and Hybrid Feature Description for Building Extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Z.; Liu, Y.; Hu, Y.; Li, P.; Ding, Y.


    Building extraction in aerial orthophotos is crucial for various applications. Currently, deep learning has been shown to be successful in addressing building extraction with high accuracy and high robustness. However, quite a large number of samples is required in training a classifier when using deep learning model. In order to realize accurate and semi-interactive labelling, the performance of feature description is crucial, as it has significant effect on the accuracy of classification. In this paper, we bring forward a compact and hybrid feature description method, in order to guarantees desirable classification accuracy of the corners on the building roof contours. The proposed descriptor is a hybrid description of an image patch constructed from 4 sets of binary intensity tests. Experiments show that benefiting from binary description and making full use of color channels, this descriptor is not only computationally frugal, but also accurate than SURF for building extraction.

  8. Arrhythmia Classification Based on Multi-Domain Feature Extraction for an ECG Recognition System.


    Li, Hongqiang; Yuan, Danyang; Wang, Youxi; Cui, Dianyin; Cao, Lu


    Automatic recognition of arrhythmias is particularly important in the diagnosis of heart diseases. This study presents an electrocardiogram (ECG) recognition system based on multi-domain feature extraction to classify ECG beats. An improved wavelet threshold method for ECG signal pre-processing is applied to remove noise interference. A novel multi-domain feature extraction method is proposed; this method employs kernel-independent component analysis in nonlinear feature extraction and uses discrete wavelet transform to extract frequency domain features. The proposed system utilises a support vector machine classifier optimized with a genetic algorithm to recognize different types of heartbeats. An ECG acquisition experimental platform, in which ECG beats are collected as ECG data for classification, is constructed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the system in ECG beat classification. The presented system, when applied to the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, achieves a high classification accuracy of 98.8%. Experimental results based on the ECG acquisition experimental platform show that the system obtains a satisfactory classification accuracy of 97.3% and is able to classify ECG beats efficiently for the automatic identification of cardiac arrhythmias.

  9. Arrhythmia Classification Based on Multi-Domain Feature Extraction for an ECG Recognition System

    PubMed Central

    Li, Hongqiang; Yuan, Danyang; Wang, Youxi; Cui, Dianyin; Cao, Lu


    Automatic recognition of arrhythmias is particularly important in the diagnosis of heart diseases. This study presents an electrocardiogram (ECG) recognition system based on multi-domain feature extraction to classify ECG beats. An improved wavelet threshold method for ECG signal pre-processing is applied to remove noise interference. A novel multi-domain feature extraction method is proposed; this method employs kernel-independent component analysis in nonlinear feature extraction and uses discrete wavelet transform to extract frequency domain features. The proposed system utilises a support vector machine classifier optimized with a genetic algorithm to recognize different types of heartbeats. An ECG acquisition experimental platform, in which ECG beats are collected as ECG data for classification, is constructed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the system in ECG beat classification. The presented system, when applied to the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, achieves a high classification accuracy of 98.8%. Experimental results based on the ECG acquisition experimental platform show that the system obtains a satisfactory classification accuracy of 97.3% and is able to classify ECG beats efficiently for the automatic identification of cardiac arrhythmias. PMID:27775596

  10. Extracting foreground ensemble features to detect abnormal crowd behavior in intelligent video-surveillance systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chan, Yi-Tung; Wang, Shuenn-Jyi; Tsai, Chung-Hsien


    Public safety is a matter of national security and people's livelihoods. In recent years, intelligent video-surveillance systems have become important active-protection systems. A surveillance system that provides early detection and threat assessment could protect people from crowd-related disasters and ensure public safety. Image processing is commonly used to extract features, e.g., people, from a surveillance video. However, little research has been conducted on the relationship between foreground detection and feature extraction. Most current video-surveillance research has been developed for restricted environments, in which the extracted features are limited by having information from a single foreground; they do not effectively represent the diversity of crowd behavior. This paper presents a general framework based on extracting ensemble features from the foreground of a surveillance video to analyze a crowd. The proposed method can flexibly integrate different foreground-detection technologies to adapt to various monitored environments. Furthermore, the extractable representative features depend on the heterogeneous foreground data. Finally, a classification algorithm is applied to these features to automatically model crowd behavior and distinguish an abnormal event from normal patterns. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method's performance is both comparable to that of state-of-the-art methods and satisfies the requirements of real-time applications.

  11. Subject-based feature extraction by using fisher WPD-CSP in brain-computer interfaces.


    Yang, Banghua; Li, Huarong; Wang, Qian; Zhang, Yunyuan


    Feature extraction of electroencephalogram (EEG) plays a vital role in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). In recent years, common spatial pattern (CSP) has been proven to be an effective feature extraction method. However, the traditional CSP has disadvantages of requiring a lot of input channels and the lack of frequency information. In order to remedy the defects of CSP, wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) and CSP are combined to extract effective features. But WPD-CSP method considers less about extracting specific features that are fitted for the specific subject. So a subject-based feature extraction method using fisher WPD-CSP is proposed in this paper. The idea of proposed method is to adapt fisher WPD-CSP to each subject separately. It mainly includes the following six steps: (1) original EEG signals from all channels are decomposed into a series of sub-bands using WPD; (2) average power values of obtained sub-bands are computed; (3) the specified sub-bands with larger values of fisher distance according to average power are selected for that particular subject; (4) each selected sub-band is reconstructed to be regarded as a new EEG channel; (5) all new EEG channels are used as input of the CSP and a six-dimensional feature vector is obtained by the CSP. The subject-based feature extraction model is so formed; (6) the probabilistic neural network (PNN) is used as the classifier and the classification accuracy is obtained. Data from six subjects are processed by the subject-based fisher WPD-CSP, the non-subject-based fisher WPD-CSP and WPD-CSP, respectively. Compared with non-subject-based fisher WPD-CSP and WPD-CSP, the results show that the proposed method yields better performance (sensitivity: 88.7±0.9%, and specificity: 91±1%) and the classification accuracy from subject-based fisher WPD-CSP is increased by 6-12% and 14%, respectively. The proposed subject-based fisher WPD-CSP method can not only remedy disadvantages of CSP by WPD but also discriminate

  12. Facial Expression Recognition with Fusion Features Extracted from Salient Facial Areas.


    Liu, Yanpeng; Li, Yibin; Ma, Xin; Song, Rui


    In the pattern recognition domain, deep architectures are currently widely used and they have achieved fine results. However, these deep architectures make particular demands, especially in terms of their requirement for big datasets and GPU. Aiming to gain better results without deep networks, we propose a simplified algorithm framework using fusion features extracted from the salient areas of faces. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm has achieved a better result than some deep architectures. For extracting more effective features, this paper firstly defines the salient areas on the faces. This paper normalizes the salient areas of the same location in the faces to the same size; therefore, it can extracts more similar features from different subjects. LBP and HOG features are extracted from the salient areas, fusion features' dimensions are reduced by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and we apply several classifiers to classify the six basic expressions at once. This paper proposes a salient areas definitude method which uses peak expressions frames compared with neutral faces. This paper also proposes and applies the idea of normalizing the salient areas to align the specific areas which express the different expressions. As a result, the salient areas found from different subjects are the same size. In addition, the gamma correction method is firstly applied on LBP features in our algorithm framework which improves our recognition rates significantly. By applying this algorithm framework, our research has gained state-of-the-art performances on CK+ database and JAFFE database.

  13. ECG feature extraction and disease diagnosis.


    Bhyri, Channappa; Hamde, S T; Waghmare, L M


    An important factor to consider when using findings on electrocardiograms for clinical decision making is that the waveforms are influenced by normal physiological and technical factors as well as by pathophysiological factors. In this paper, we propose a method for the feature extraction and heart disease diagnosis using wavelet transform (WT) technique and LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering workbench). LabVIEW signal processing tools are used to denoise the signal before applying the developed algorithm for feature extraction. First, we have developed an algorithm for R-peak detection using Haar wavelet. After 4th level decomposition of the ECG signal, the detailed coefficient is squared and the standard deviation of the squared detailed coefficient is used as the threshold for detection of R-peaks. Second, we have used daubechies (db6) wavelet for the low resolution signals. After cross checking the R-peak location in 4th level, low resolution signal of daubechies wavelet P waves and T waves are detected. Other features of diagnostic importance, mainly heart rate, R-wave width, Q-wave width, T-wave amplitude and duration, ST segment and frontal plane axis are also extracted and scoring pattern is applied for the purpose of heart disease diagnosis. In this study, detection of tachycardia, bradycardia, left ventricular hypertrophy, right ventricular hypertrophy and myocardial infarction have been considered. In this work, CSE ECG data base which contains 5000 samples recorded at a sampling frequency of 500 Hz and the ECG data base created by the S.G.G.S. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded (Maharashtra) have been used.

  14. Image feature extraction based on the camouflage effectiveness evaluation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yuan, Xin; Lv, Xuliang; Li, Ling; Wang, Xinzhu; Zhang, Zhi


    The key step of camouflage effectiveness evaluation is how to combine the human visual physiological features, psychological features to select effectively evaluation indexes. Based on the predecessors' camo comprehensive evaluation method, this paper chooses the suitable indexes combining with the image quality awareness, and optimizes those indexes combining with human subjective perception. Thus, it perfects the theory of index extraction.

  15. Speech Emotion Feature Selection Method Based on Contribution Analysis Algorithm of Neural Network

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wang Xiaojia; Mao Qirong; Zhan Yongzhao

    There are many emotion features. If all these features are employed to recognize emotions, redundant features may be existed. Furthermore, recognition result is unsatisfying and the cost of feature extraction is high. In this paper, a method to select speech emotion features based on contribution analysis algorithm of NN is presented. The emotion features are selected by using contribution analysis algorithm of NN from the 95 extracted features. Cluster analysis is applied to analyze the effectiveness for the features selected, and the time of feature extraction is evaluated. Finally, 24 emotion features selected are used to recognize six speech emotions.more » The experiments show that this method can improve the recognition rate and the time of feature extraction.« less

  16. Approximation-based common principal component for feature extraction in multi-class brain-computer interfaces.


    Hoang, Tuan; Tran, Dat; Huang, Xu


    Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) is a state-of-the-art method for feature extraction in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems. However it is designed for 2-class BCI classification problems. Current extensions of this method to multiple classes based on subspace union and covariance matrix similarity do not provide a high performance. This paper presents a new approach to solving multi-class BCI classification problems by forming a subspace resembled from original subspaces and the proposed method for this approach is called Approximation-based Common Principal Component (ACPC). We perform experiments on Dataset 2a used in BCI Competition IV to evaluate the proposed method. This dataset was designed for motor imagery classification with 4 classes. Preliminary experiments show that the proposed ACPC feature extraction method when combining with Support Vector Machines outperforms CSP-based feature extraction methods on the experimental dataset.

  17. Acoustic⁻Seismic Mixed Feature Extraction Based on Wavelet Transform for Vehicle Classification in Wireless Sensor Networks.


    Zhang, Heng; Pan, Zhongming; Zhang, Wenna


    An acoustic⁻seismic mixed feature extraction method based on the wavelet coefficient energy ratio (WCER) of the target signal is proposed in this study for classifying vehicle targets in wireless sensor networks. The signal was decomposed into a set of wavelet coefficients using the à trous algorithm, which is a concise method used to implement the wavelet transform of a discrete signal sequence. After the wavelet coefficients of the target acoustic and seismic signals were obtained, the energy ratio of each layer coefficient was calculated as the feature vector of the target signals. Subsequently, the acoustic and seismic features were merged into an acoustic⁻seismic mixed feature to improve the target classification accuracy after the acoustic and seismic WCER features of the target signal were simplified using the hierarchical clustering method. We selected the support vector machine method for classification and utilized the data acquired from a real-world experiment to validate the proposed method. The calculated results show that the WCER feature extraction method can effectively extract the target features from target signals. Feature simplification can reduce the time consumption of feature extraction and classification, with no effect on the target classification accuracy. The use of acoustic⁻seismic mixed features effectively improved target classification accuracy by approximately 12% compared with either acoustic signal or seismic signal alone.

  18. Comparison of sEMG-Based Feature Extraction and Motion Classification Methods for Upper-Limb Movement

    PubMed Central

    Guo, Shuxiang; Pang, Muye; Gao, Baofeng; Hirata, Hideyuki; Ishihara, Hidenori


    The surface electromyography (sEMG) technique is proposed for muscle activation detection and intuitive control of prostheses or robot arms. Motion recognition is widely used to map sEMG signals to the target motions. One of the main factors preventing the implementation of this kind of method for real-time applications is the unsatisfactory motion recognition rate and time consumption. The purpose of this paper is to compare eight combinations of four feature extraction methods (Root Mean Square (RMS), Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA), Weight Peaks (WP), and Muscular Model (MM)) and two classifiers (Neural Networks (NN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM)), for the task of mapping sEMG signals to eight upper-limb motions, to find out the relation between these methods and propose a proper combination to solve this issue. Seven subjects participated in the experiment and six muscles of the upper-limb were selected to record sEMG signals. The experimental results showed that NN classifier obtained the highest recognition accuracy rate (88.7%) during the training process while SVM performed better in real-time experiments (85.9%). For time consumption, SVM took less time than NN during the training process but needed more time for real-time computation. Among the four feature extraction methods, WP had the highest recognition rate for the training process (97.7%) while MM performed the best during real-time tests (94.3%). The combination of MM and NN is recommended for strict real-time applications while a combination of MM and SVM will be more suitable when time consumption is not a key requirement. PMID:25894941

  19. [Lithology feature extraction of CASI hyperspectral data based on fractal signal algorithm].


    Tang, Chao; Chen, Jian-Ping; Cui, Jing; Wen, Bo-Tao


    Hyperspectral data is characterized by combination of image and spectrum and large data volume dimension reduction is the main research direction. Band selection and feature extraction is the primary method used for this objective. In the present article, the authors tested methods applied for the lithology feature extraction from hyperspectral data. Based on the self-similarity of hyperspectral data, the authors explored the application of fractal algorithm to lithology feature extraction from CASI hyperspectral data. The "carpet method" was corrected and then applied to calculate the fractal value of every pixel in the hyperspectral data. The results show that fractal information highlights the exposed bedrock lithology better than the original hyperspectral data The fractal signal and characterized scale are influenced by the spectral curve shape, the initial scale selection and iteration step. At present, research on the fractal signal of spectral curve is rare, implying the necessity of further quantitative analysis and investigation of its physical implications.

  20. Identification of DNA-Binding Proteins Using Mixed Feature Representation Methods.


    Qu, Kaiyang; Han, Ke; Wu, Song; Wang, Guohua; Wei, Leyi


    DNA-binding proteins play vital roles in cellular processes, such as DNA packaging, replication, transcription, regulation, and other DNA-associated activities. The current main prediction method is based on machine learning, and its accuracy mainly depends on the features extraction method. Therefore, using an efficient feature representation method is important to enhance the classification accuracy. However, existing feature representation methods cannot efficiently distinguish DNA-binding proteins from non-DNA-binding proteins. In this paper, a multi-feature representation method, which combines three feature representation methods, namely, K-Skip-N-Grams, Information theory, and Sequential and structural features (SSF), is used to represent the protein sequences and improve feature representation ability. In addition, the classifier is a support vector machine. The mixed-feature representation method is evaluated using 10-fold cross-validation and a test set. Feature vectors, which are obtained from a combination of three feature extractions, show the best performance in 10-fold cross-validation both under non-dimensional reduction and dimensional reduction by max-relevance-max-distance. Moreover, the reduced mixed feature method performs better than the non-reduced mixed feature technique. The feature vectors, which are a combination of SSF and K-Skip-N-Grams, show the best performance in the test set. Among these methods, mixed features exhibit superiority over the single features.

  1. Automated Extraction of Flow Features

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dorney, Suzanne (Technical Monitor); Haimes, Robert


    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are routinely performed as part of the design process of most fluid handling devices. In order to efficiently and effectively use the results of a CFD simulation, visualization tools are often used. These tools are used in all stages of the CFD simulation including pre-processing, interim-processing, and post-processing, to interpret the results. Each of these stages requires visualization tools that allow one to examine the geometry of the device, as well as the partial or final results of the simulation. An engineer will typically generate a series of contour and vector plots to better understand the physics of how the fluid is interacting with the physical device. Of particular interest are detecting features such as shocks, re-circulation zones, and vortices (which will highlight areas of stress and loss). As the demand for CFD analyses continues to increase the need for automated feature extraction capabilities has become vital. In the past, feature extraction and identification were interesting concepts, but not required in understanding the physics of a steady flow field. This is because the results of the more traditional tools like; isc-surface, cuts and streamlines, were more interactive and easily abstracted so they could be represented to the investigator. These tools worked and properly conveyed the collected information at the expense of a great deal of interaction. For unsteady flow-fields, the investigator does not have the luxury of spending time scanning only one "snapshot" of the simulation. Automated assistance is required in pointing out areas of potential interest contained within the flow. This must not require a heavy compute burden (the visualization should not significantly slow down the solution procedure for co-processing environments). Methods must be developed to abstract the feature of interest and display it in a manner that physically makes sense.

  2. Automated Extraction of Flow Features

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dorney, Suzanne (Technical Monitor); Haimes, Robert


    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are routinely performed as part of the design process of most fluid handling devices. In order to efficiently and effectively use the results of a CFD simulation, visualization tools are often used. These tools are used in all stages of the CFD simulation including pre-processing, interim-processing, and post-processing, to interpret the results. Each of these stages requires visualization tools that allow one to examine the geometry of the device, as well as the partial or final results of the simulation. An engineer will typically generate a series of contour and vector plots to better understand the physics of how the fluid is interacting with the physical device. Of particular interest are detecting features such as shocks, recirculation zones, and vortices (which will highlight areas of stress and loss). As the demand for CFD analyses continues to increase the need for automated feature extraction capabilities has become vital. In the past, feature extraction and identification were interesting concepts, but not required in understanding the physics of a steady flow field. This is because the results of the more traditional tools like; iso-surface, cuts and streamlines, were more interactive and easily abstracted so they could be represented to the investigator. These tools worked and properly conveyed the collected information at the expense of a great deal of interaction. For unsteady flow-fields, the investigator does not have the luxury of spending time scanning only one "snapshot" of the simulation. Automated assistance is required in pointing out areas of potential interest contained within the flow. This must not require a heavy compute burden (the visualization should not significantly slow down the solution procedure for (co-processing environments). Methods must be developed to abstract the feature of interest and display it in a manner that physically makes sense.

  3. On-line object feature extraction for multispectral scene representation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ghassemian, Hassan; Landgrebe, David


    A new on-line unsupervised object-feature extraction method is presented that reduces the complexity and costs associated with the analysis of the multispectral image data and data transmission, storage, archival and distribution. The ambiguity in the object detection process can be reduced if the spatial dependencies, which exist among the adjacent pixels, are intelligently incorporated into the decision making process. The unity relation was defined that must exist among the pixels of an object. Automatic Multispectral Image Compaction Algorithm (AMICA) uses the within object pixel-feature gradient vector as a valuable contextual information to construct the object's features, which preserve the class separability information within the data. For on-line object extraction the path-hypothesis and the basic mathematical tools for its realization are introduced in terms of a specific similarity measure and adjacency relation. AMICA is applied to several sets of real image data, and the performance and reliability of features is evaluated.

  4. Extraction of multi-scale landslide morphological features based on local Gi* using airborne LiDAR-derived DEM

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shi, Wenzhong; Deng, Susu; Xu, Wenbing


    For automatic landslide detection, landslide morphological features should be quantitatively expressed and extracted. High-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data allow fine-scale morphological features to be extracted, but noise in DEMs influences morphological feature extraction, and the multi-scale nature of landslide features should be considered. This paper proposes a method to extract landslide morphological features characterized by homogeneous spatial patterns. Both profile and tangential curvature are utilized to quantify land surface morphology, and a local Gi* statistic is calculated for each cell to identify significant patterns of clustering of similar morphometric values. The method was tested on both synthetic surfaces simulating natural terrain and airborne LiDAR data acquired over an area dominated by shallow debris slides and flows. The test results of the synthetic data indicate that the concave and convex morphologies of the simulated terrain features at different scales and distinctness could be recognized using the proposed method, even when random noise was added to the synthetic data. In the test area, cells with large local Gi* values were extracted at a specified significance level from the profile and the tangential curvature image generated from the LiDAR-derived 1-m DEM. The morphologies of landslide main scarps, source areas and trails were clearly indicated, and the morphological features were represented by clusters of extracted cells. A comparison with the morphological feature extraction method based on curvature thresholds proved the proposed method's robustness to DEM noise. When verified against a landslide inventory, the morphological features of almost all recent (< 5 years) landslides and approximately 35% of historical (> 10 years) landslides were extracted. This finding indicates that the proposed method can facilitate landslide detection, although the cell

  5. EEG feature selection method based on decision tree.


    Duan, Lijuan; Ge, Hui; Ma, Wei; Miao, Jun


    This paper aims to solve automated feature selection problem in brain computer interface (BCI). In order to automate feature selection process, we proposed a novel EEG feature selection method based on decision tree (DT). During the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal processing, a feature extraction method based on principle component analysis (PCA) was used, and the selection process based on decision tree was performed by searching the feature space and automatically selecting optimal features. Considering that EEG signals are a series of non-linear signals, a generalized linear classifier named support vector machine (SVM) was chosen. In order to test the validity of the proposed method, we applied the EEG feature selection method based on decision tree to BCI Competition II datasets Ia, and the experiment showed encouraging results.

  6. A Method of Three-Dimensional Recording of Mandibular Movement Based on Two-Dimensional Image Feature Extraction

    PubMed Central

    Li, Zhongke; Yang, Huifang; Lü, Peijun; Wang, Yong; Sun, Yuchun


    Background and Objective To develop a real-time recording system based on computer binocular vision and two-dimensional image feature extraction to accurately record mandibular movement in three dimensions. Methods A computer-based binocular vision device with two digital cameras was used in conjunction with a fixed head retention bracket to track occlusal movement. Software was developed for extracting target spatial coordinates in real time based on two-dimensional image feature recognition. A plaster model of a subject’s upper and lower dentition were made using conventional methods. A mandibular occlusal splint was made on the plaster model, and then the occlusal surface was removed. Temporal denture base resin was used to make a 3-cm handle extending outside the mouth connecting the anterior labial surface of the occlusal splint with a detection target with intersecting lines designed for spatial coordinate extraction. The subject's head was firmly fixed in place, and the occlusal splint was fully seated on the mandibular dentition. The subject was then asked to make various mouth movements while the mandibular movement target locus point set was recorded. Comparisons between the coordinate values and the actual values of the 30 intersections on the detection target were then analyzed using paired t-tests. Results The three-dimensional trajectory curve shapes of the mandibular movements were consistent with the respective subject movements. Mean XYZ coordinate values and paired t-test results were as follows: X axis: -0.0037 ± 0.02953, P = 0.502; Y axis: 0.0037 ± 0.05242, P = 0.704; and Z axis: 0.0007 ± 0.06040, P = 0.952. The t-test result showed that the coordinate values of the 30 cross points were considered statistically no significant. (P<0.05) Conclusions Use of a real-time recording system of three-dimensional mandibular movement based on computer binocular vision and two-dimensional image feature recognition technology produced a recording

  7. Feature Extraction of Electronic Nose Signals Using QPSO-Based Multiple KFDA Signal Processing

    PubMed Central

    Wen, Tailai; Huang, Daoyu; Lu, Kun; Deng, Changjian; Zeng, Tanyue; Yu, Song; He, Zhiyi


    The aim of this research was to enhance the classification accuracy of an electronic nose (E-nose) in different detecting applications. During the learning process of the E-nose to predict the types of different odors, the prediction accuracy was not quite satisfying because the raw features extracted from sensors’ responses were regarded as the input of a classifier without any feature extraction processing. Therefore, in order to obtain more useful information and improve the E-nose’s classification accuracy, in this paper, a Weighted Kernels Fisher Discriminant Analysis (WKFDA) combined with Quantum-behaved Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO), i.e., QWKFDA, was presented to reprocess the original feature matrix. In addition, we have also compared the proposed method with quite a few previously existing ones including Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Locality Preserving Projections (LPP), Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) and Kernels Fisher Discriminant Analysis (KFDA). Experimental results proved that QWKFDA is an effective feature extraction method for E-nose in predicting the types of wound infection and inflammable gases, which shared much higher classification accuracy than those of the contrast methods. PMID:29382146

  8. Feature Extraction of Electronic Nose Signals Using QPSO-Based Multiple KFDA Signal Processing.


    Wen, Tailai; Yan, Jia; Huang, Daoyu; Lu, Kun; Deng, Changjian; Zeng, Tanyue; Yu, Song; He, Zhiyi


    The aim of this research was to enhance the classification accuracy of an electronic nose (E-nose) in different detecting applications. During the learning process of the E-nose to predict the types of different odors, the prediction accuracy was not quite satisfying because the raw features extracted from sensors' responses were regarded as the input of a classifier without any feature extraction processing. Therefore, in order to obtain more useful information and improve the E-nose's classification accuracy, in this paper, a Weighted Kernels Fisher Discriminant Analysis (WKFDA) combined with Quantum-behaved Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO), i.e., QWKFDA, was presented to reprocess the original feature matrix. In addition, we have also compared the proposed method with quite a few previously existing ones including Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Locality Preserving Projections (LPP), Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) and Kernels Fisher Discriminant Analysis (KFDA). Experimental results proved that QWKFDA is an effective feature extraction method for E-nose in predicting the types of wound infection and inflammable gases, which shared much higher classification accuracy than those of the contrast methods.

  9. Weak Fault Feature Extraction of Rolling Bearings Based on an Improved Kurtogram.


    Chen, Xianglong; Feng, Fuzhou; Zhang, Bingzhi


    Kurtograms have been verified to be an efficient tool in bearing fault detection and diagnosis because of their superiority in extracting transient features. However, the short-time Fourier Transform is insufficient in time-frequency analysis and kurtosis is deficient in detecting cyclic transients. Those factors weaken the performance of the original kurtogram in extracting weak fault features. Correlated Kurtosis (CK) is then designed, as a more effective solution, in detecting cyclic transients. Redundant Second Generation Wavelet Packet Transform (RSGWPT) is deemed to be effective in capturing more detailed local time-frequency description of the signal, and restricting the frequency aliasing components of the analysis results. The authors in this manuscript, combining the CK with the RSGWPT, propose an improved kurtogram to extract weak fault features from bearing vibration signals. The analysis of simulation signals and real application cases demonstrate that the proposed method is relatively more accurate and effective in extracting weak fault features.

  10. Weak Fault Feature Extraction of Rolling Bearings Based on an Improved Kurtogram

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Xianglong; Feng, Fuzhou; Zhang, Bingzhi


    Kurtograms have been verified to be an efficient tool in bearing fault detection and diagnosis because of their superiority in extracting transient features. However, the short-time Fourier Transform is insufficient in time-frequency analysis and kurtosis is deficient in detecting cyclic transients. Those factors weaken the performance of the original kurtogram in extracting weak fault features. Correlated Kurtosis (CK) is then designed, as a more effective solution, in detecting cyclic transients. Redundant Second Generation Wavelet Packet Transform (RSGWPT) is deemed to be effective in capturing more detailed local time-frequency description of the signal, and restricting the frequency aliasing components of the analysis results. The authors in this manuscript, combining the CK with the RSGWPT, propose an improved kurtogram to extract weak fault features from bearing vibration signals. The analysis of simulation signals and real application cases demonstrate that the proposed method is relatively more accurate and effective in extracting weak fault features. PMID:27649171

  11. a Statistical Texture Feature for Building Collapse Information Extraction of SAR Image

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, L.; Yang, H.; Chen, Q.; Liu, X.


    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has become one of the most important ways to extract post-disaster collapsed building information, due to its extreme versatility and almost all-weather, day-and-night working capability, etc. In view of the fact that the inherent statistical distribution of speckle in SAR images is not used to extract collapsed building information, this paper proposed a novel texture feature of statistical models of SAR images to extract the collapsed buildings. In the proposed feature, the texture parameter of G0 distribution from SAR images is used to reflect the uniformity of the target to extract the collapsed building. This feature not only considers the statistical distribution of SAR images, providing more accurate description of the object texture, but also is applied to extract collapsed building information of single-, dual- or full-polarization SAR data. The RADARSAT-2 data of Yushu earthquake which acquired on April 21, 2010 is used to present and analyze the performance of the proposed method. In addition, the applicability of this feature to SAR data with different polarizations is also analysed, which provides decision support for the data selection of collapsed building information extraction.

  12. A Method for Extracting Suspected Parotid Lesions in CT Images using Feature-based Segmentation and Active Contours based on Stationary Wavelet Transform

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, T. Y.; Lin, S. F.


    Automatic suspected lesion extraction is an important application in computer-aided diagnosis (CAD). In this paper, we propose a method to automatically extract the suspected parotid regions for clinical evaluation in head and neck CT images. The suspected lesion tissues in low contrast tissue regions can be localized with feature-based segmentation (FBS) based on local texture features, and can be delineated with accuracy by modified active contour models (ACM). At first, stationary wavelet transform (SWT) is introduced. The derived wavelet coefficients are applied to derive the local features for FBS, and to generate enhanced energy maps for ACM computation. Geometric shape features (GSFs) are proposed to analyze each soft tissue region segmented by FBS; the regions with higher similarity GSFs with the lesions are extracted and the information is also applied as the initial conditions for fine delineation computation. Consequently, the suspected lesions can be automatically localized and accurately delineated for aiding clinical diagnosis. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by comparing with the results outlined by clinical experts. The experiments on 20 pathological CT data sets show that the true-positive (TP) rate on recognizing parotid lesions is about 94%, and the dimension accuracy of delineation results can also approach over 93%.

  13. Machine learning methods for the classification of gliomas: Initial results using features extracted from MR spectroscopy.


    Ranjith, G; Parvathy, R; Vikas, V; Chandrasekharan, Kesavadas; Nair, Suresh


    With the advent of new imaging modalities, radiologists are faced with handling increasing volumes of data for diagnosis and treatment planning. The use of automated and intelligent systems is becoming essential in such a scenario. Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, is increasingly being used in medical image analysis applications such as image segmentation, registration and computer-aided diagnosis and detection. Histopathological analysis is currently the gold standard for classification of brain tumors. The use of machine learning algorithms along with extraction of relevant features from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) holds promise of replacing conventional invasive methods of tumor classification. The aim of the study is to classify gliomas into benign and malignant types using MRI data. Retrospective data from 28 patients who were diagnosed with glioma were used for the analysis. WHO Grade II (low-grade astrocytoma) was classified as benign while Grade III (anaplastic astrocytoma) and Grade IV (glioblastoma multiforme) were classified as malignant. Features were extracted from MR spectroscopy. The classification was done using four machine learning algorithms: multilayer perceptrons, support vector machine, random forest and locally weighted learning. Three of the four machine learning algorithms gave an area under ROC curve in excess of 0.80. Random forest gave the best performance in terms of AUC (0.911) while sensitivity was best for locally weighted learning (86.1%). The performance of different machine learning algorithms in the classification of gliomas is promising. An even better performance may be expected by integrating features extracted from other MR sequences. © The Author(s) 2015 Reprints and permissions:

  14. A multi-approach feature extractions for iris recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sanpachai, H.; Settapong, M.


    Biometrics is a promising technique that is used to identify individual traits and characteristics. Iris recognition is one of the most reliable biometric methods. As iris texture and color is fully developed within a year of birth, it remains unchanged throughout a person's life. Contrary to fingerprint, which can be altered due to several aspects including accidental damage, dry or oily skin and dust. Although iris recognition has been studied for more than a decade, there are limited commercial products available due to its arduous requirement such as camera resolution, hardware size, expensive equipment and computational complexity. However, at the present time, technology has overcome these obstacles. Iris recognition can be done through several sequential steps which include pre-processing, features extractions, post-processing, and matching stage. In this paper, we adopted the directional high-low pass filter for feature extraction. A box-counting fractal dimension and Iris code have been proposed as feature representations. Our approach has been tested on CASIA Iris Image database and the results are considered successful.

  15. Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data for Features Extraction of High Accuracy Driving Maps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Bisheng; Liu, Yuan; Liang, Fuxun; Dong, Zhen


    High Accuracy Driving Maps (HADMs) are the core component of Intelligent Drive Assistant Systems (IDAS), which can effectively reduce the traffic accidents due to human error and provide more comfortable driving experiences. Vehicle-based mobile laser scanning (MLS) systems provide an efficient solution to rapidly capture three-dimensional (3D) point clouds of road environments with high flexibility and precision. This paper proposes a novel method to extract road features (e.g., road surfaces, road boundaries, road markings, buildings, guardrails, street lamps, traffic signs, roadside-trees, power lines, vehicles and so on) for HADMs in highway environment. Quantitative evaluations show that the proposed algorithm attains an average precision and recall in terms of 90.6% and 91.2% in extracting road features. Results demonstrate the efficiencies and feasibilities of the proposed method for extraction of road features for HADMs.

  16. Cascade Classification with Adaptive Feature Extraction for Arrhythmia Detection.


    Park, Juyoung; Kang, Mingon; Gao, Jean; Kim, Younghoon; Kang, Kyungtae


    Detecting arrhythmia from ECG data is now feasible on mobile devices, but in this environment it is necessary to trade computational efficiency against accuracy. We propose an adaptive strategy for feature extraction that only considers normalized beat morphology features when running in a resource-constrained environment; but in a high-performance environment it takes account of a wider range of ECG features. This process is augmented by a cascaded random forest classifier. Experiments on data from the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database showed classification accuracies from 96.59% to 98.51%, which are comparable to state-of-the art methods.

  17. Linearly Supporting Feature Extraction for Automated Estimation of Stellar Atmospheric Parameters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Xiangru; Lu, Yu; Comte, Georges; Luo, Ali; Zhao, Yongheng; Wang, Yongjun


    We describe a scheme to extract linearly supporting (LSU) features from stellar spectra to automatically estimate the atmospheric parameters {{T}{\\tt{eff} }}, log g, and [Fe/H]. “Linearly supporting” means that the atmospheric parameters can be accurately estimated from the extracted features through a linear model. The successive steps of the process are as follow: first, decompose the spectrum using a wavelet packet (WP) and represent it by the derived decomposition coefficients; second, detect representative spectral features from the decomposition coefficients using the proposed method Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LARS)bs; third, estimate the atmospheric parameters {{T}{\\tt{eff} }}, log g, and [Fe/H] from the detected features using a linear regression method. One prominent characteristic of this scheme is its ability to evaluate quantitatively the contribution of each detected feature to the atmospheric parameter estimate and also to trace back the physical significance of that feature. This work also shows that the usefulness of a component depends on both the wavelength and frequency. The proposed scheme has been evaluated on both real spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)/SEGUE and synthetic spectra calculated from Kurucz's NEWODF models. On real spectra, we extracted 23 features to estimate {{T}{\\tt{eff} }}, 62 features for log g, and 68 features for [Fe/H]. Test consistencies between our estimates and those provided by the Spectroscopic Parameter Pipeline of SDSS show that the mean absolute errors (MAEs) are 0.0062 dex for log {{T}{\\tt{eff} }} (83 K for {{T}{\\tt{eff} }}), 0.2345 dex for log g, and 0.1564 dex for [Fe/H]. For the synthetic spectra, the MAE test accuracies are 0.0022 dex for log {{T}{\\tt{eff} }} (32 K for {{T}{\\tt{eff} }}), 0.0337 dex for log g, and 0.0268 dex for [Fe/H].

  18. A face and palmprint recognition approach based on discriminant DCT feature extraction.


    Jing, Xiao-Yuan; Zhang, David


    In the field of image processing and recognition, discrete cosine transform (DCT) and linear discrimination are two widely used techniques. Based on them, we present a new face and palmprint recognition approach in this paper. It first uses a two-dimensional separability judgment to select the DCT frequency bands with favorable linear separability. Then from the selected bands, it extracts the linear discriminative features by an improved Fisherface method and performs the classification by the nearest neighbor classifier. We detailedly analyze theoretical advantages of our approach in feature extraction. The experiments on face databases and palmprint database demonstrate that compared to the state-of-the-art linear discrimination methods, our approach obtains better classification performance. It can significantly improve the recognition rates for face and palmprint data and effectively reduce the dimension of feature space.

  19. Joint Feature Extraction and Classifier Design for ECG-Based Biometric Recognition.


    Gutta, Sandeep; Cheng, Qi


    Traditional biometric recognition systems often utilize physiological traits such as fingerprint, face, iris, etc. Recent years have seen a growing interest in electrocardiogram (ECG)-based biometric recognition techniques, especially in the field of clinical medicine. In existing ECG-based biometric recognition methods, feature extraction and classifier design are usually performed separately. In this paper, a multitask learning approach is proposed, in which feature extraction and classifier design are carried out simultaneously. Weights are assigned to the features within the kernel of each task. We decompose the matrix consisting of all the feature weights into sparse and low-rank components. The sparse component determines the features that are relevant to identify each individual, and the low-rank component determines the common feature subspace that is relevant to identify all the subjects. A fast optimization algorithm is developed, which requires only the first-order information. The performance of the proposed approach is demonstrated through experiments using the MIT-BIH Normal Sinus Rhythm database.

  20. Recent development of feature extraction and classification multispectral/hyperspectral images: a systematic literature review

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Setiyoko, A.; Dharma, I. G. W. S.; Haryanto, T.


    Multispectral data and hyperspectral data acquired from satellite sensor have the ability in detecting various objects on the earth ranging from low scale to high scale modeling. These data are increasingly being used to produce geospatial information for rapid analysis by running feature extraction or classification process. Applying the most suited model for this data mining is still challenging because there are issues regarding accuracy and computational cost. This research aim is to develop a better understanding regarding object feature extraction and classification applied for satellite image by systematically reviewing related recent research projects. A method used in this research is based on PRISMA statement. After deriving important points from trusted sources, pixel based and texture-based feature extraction techniques are promising technique to be analyzed more in recent development of feature extraction and classification.

  1. Feature extraction using convolutional neural network for classifying breast density in mammographic images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thomaz, Ricardo L.; Carneiro, Pedro C.; Patrocinio, Ana C.


    Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for women in most countries. The high levels of mortality relate mostly to late diagnosis and to the direct proportionally relationship between breast density and breast cancer development. Therefore, the correct assessment of breast density is important to provide better screening for higher risk patients. However, in modern digital mammography the discrimination among breast densities is highly complex due to increased contrast and visual information for all densities. Thus, a computational system for classifying breast density might be a useful tool for aiding medical staff. Several machine-learning algorithms are already capable of classifying small number of classes with good accuracy. However, machinelearning algorithms main constraint relates to the set of features extracted and used for classification. Although well-known feature extraction techniques might provide a good set of features, it is a complex task to select an initial set during design of a classifier. Thus, we propose feature extraction using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for classifying breast density by a usual machine-learning classifier. We used 307 mammographic images downsampled to 260x200 pixels to train a CNN and extract features from a deep layer. After training, the activation of 8 neurons from a deep fully connected layer are extracted and used as features. Then, these features are feedforward to a single hidden layer neural network that is cross-validated using 10-folds to classify among four classes of breast density. The global accuracy of this method is 98.4%, presenting only 1.6% of misclassification. However, the small set of samples and memory constraints required the reuse of data in both CNN and MLP-NN, therefore overfitting might have influenced the results even though we cross-validated the network. Thus, although we presented a promising method for extracting features and classifying breast density, a greater database is

  2. Tensor-driven extraction of developmental features from varying paediatric EEG datasets.


    Kinney-Lang, Eli; Spyrou, Loukianos; Ebied, Ahmed; Chin, Richard Fm; Escudero, Javier


    Constant changes in developing children's brains can pose a challenge in EEG dependant technologies. Advancing signal processing methods to identify developmental differences in paediatric populations could help improve function and usability of such technologies. Taking advantage of the multi-dimensional structure of EEG data through tensor analysis may offer a framework for extracting relevant developmental features of paediatric datasets. A proof of concept is demonstrated through identifying latent developmental features in resting-state EEG. Approach. Three paediatric datasets (n = 50, 17, 44) were analyzed using a two-step constrained parallel factor (PARAFAC) tensor decomposition. Subject age was used as a proxy measure of development. Classification used support vector machines (SVM) to test if PARAFAC identified features could predict subject age. The results were cross-validated within each dataset. Classification analysis was complemented by visualization of the high-dimensional feature structures using t-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (t-SNE) maps. Main Results. Development-related features were successfully identified for the developmental conditions of each dataset. SVM classification showed the identified features could accurately predict subject at a significant level above chance for both healthy and impaired populations. t-SNE maps revealed suitable tensor factorization was key in extracting the developmental features. Significance. The described methods are a promising tool for identifying latent developmental features occurring throughout childhood EEG. © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd.

  3. An image-processing methodology for extracting bloodstain pattern features.


    Arthur, Ravishka M; Humburg, Philomena J; Hoogenboom, Jerry; Baiker, Martin; Taylor, Michael C; de Bruin, Karla G


    There is a growing trend in forensic science to develop methods to make forensic pattern comparison tasks more objective. This has generally involved the application of suitable image-processing methods to provide numerical data for identification or comparison. This paper outlines a unique image-processing methodology that can be utilised by analysts to generate reliable pattern data that will assist them in forming objective conclusions about a pattern. A range of features were defined and extracted from a laboratory-generated impact spatter pattern. These features were based in part on bloodstain properties commonly used in the analysis of spatter bloodstain patterns. The values of these features were consistent with properties reported qualitatively for such patterns. The image-processing method developed shows considerable promise as a way to establish measurable discriminating pattern criteria that are lacking in current bloodstain pattern taxonomies. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. A flower image retrieval method based on ROI feature.


    Hong, An-Xiang; Chen, Gang; Li, Jun-Li; Chi, Zhe-Ru; Zhang, Dan


    Flower image retrieval is a very important step for computer-aided plant species recognition. In this paper, we propose an efficient segmentation method based on color clustering and domain knowledge to extract flower regions from flower images. For flower retrieval, we use the color histogram of a flower region to characterize the color features of flower and two shape-based features sets, Centroid-Contour Distance (CCD) and Angle Code Histogram (ACH), to characterize the shape features of a flower contour. Experimental results showed that our flower region extraction method based on color clustering and domain knowledge can produce accurate flower regions. Flower retrieval results on a database of 885 flower images collected from 14 plant species showed that our Region-of-Interest (ROI) based retrieval approach using both color and shape features can perform better than a method based on the global color histogram proposed by Swain and Ballard (1991) and a method based on domain knowledge-driven segmentation and color names proposed by Das et al.(1999).

  5. Linguistic feature analysis for protein interaction extraction

    PubMed Central


    Background The rapid growth of the amount of publicly available reports on biomedical experimental results has recently caused a boost of text mining approaches for protein interaction extraction. Most approaches rely implicitly or explicitly on linguistic, i.e., lexical and syntactic, data extracted from text. However, only few attempts have been made to evaluate the contribution of the different feature types. In this work, we contribute to this evaluation by studying the relative importance of deep syntactic features, i.e., grammatical relations, shallow syntactic features (part-of-speech information) and lexical features. For this purpose, we use a recently proposed approach that uses support vector machines with structured kernels. Results Our results reveal that the contribution of the different feature types varies for the different data sets on which the experiments were conducted. The smaller the training corpus compared to the test data, the more important the role of grammatical relations becomes. Moreover, deep syntactic information based classifiers prove to be more robust on heterogeneous texts where no or only limited common vocabulary is shared. Conclusion Our findings suggest that grammatical relations play an important role in the interaction extraction task. Moreover, the net advantage of adding lexical and shallow syntactic features is small related to the number of added features. This implies that efficient classifiers can be built by using only a small fraction of the features that are typically being used in recent approaches. PMID:19909518

  6. Machine fault feature extraction based on intrinsic mode functions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fan, Xianfeng; Zuo, Ming J.


    This work employs empirical mode decomposition (EMD) to decompose raw vibration signals into intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) that represent the oscillatory modes generated by the components that make up the mechanical systems generating the vibration signals. The motivation here is to develop vibration signal analysis programs that are self-adaptive and that can detect machine faults at the earliest onset of deterioration. The change in velocity of the amplitude of some IMFs over a particular unit time will increase when the vibration is stimulated by a component fault. Therefore, the amplitude acceleration energy in the intrinsic mode functions is proposed as an indicator of the impulsive features that are often associated with mechanical component faults. The periodicity of the amplitude acceleration energy for each IMF is extracted by spectrum analysis. A spectrum amplitude index is introduced as a method to select the optimal result. A comparison study of the method proposed here and some well-established techniques for detecting machinery faults is conducted through the analysis of both gear and bearing vibration signals. The results indicate that the proposed method has superior capability to extract machine fault features from vibration signals.

  7. Machinery running state identification based on discriminant semi-supervised local tangent space alignment for feature fusion and extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Su, Zuqiang; Xiao, Hong; Zhang, Yi; Tang, Baoping; Jiang, Yonghua


    Extraction of sensitive features is a challenging but key task in data-driven machinery running state identification. Aimed at solving this problem, a method for machinery running state identification that applies discriminant semi-supervised local tangent space alignment (DSS-LTSA) for feature fusion and extraction is proposed. Firstly, in order to extract more distinct features, the vibration signals are decomposed by wavelet packet decomposition WPD, and a mixed-domain feature set consisted of statistical features, autoregressive (AR) model coefficients, instantaneous amplitude Shannon entropy and WPD energy spectrum is extracted to comprehensively characterize the properties of machinery running state(s). Then, the mixed-dimension feature set is inputted into DSS-LTSA for feature fusion and extraction to eliminate redundant information and interference noise. The proposed DSS-LTSA can extract intrinsic structure information of both labeled and unlabeled state samples, and as a result the over-fitting problem of supervised manifold learning and blindness problem of unsupervised manifold learning are overcome. Simultaneously, class discrimination information is integrated within the dimension reduction process in a semi-supervised manner to improve sensitivity of the extracted fusion features. Lastly, the extracted fusion features are inputted into a pattern recognition algorithm to achieve the running state identification. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by a running state identification case in a gearbox, and the results confirm the improved accuracy of the running state identification.

  8. Study on identifying deciduous forest by the method of feature space transformation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Xuexia; Wu, Pengfei


    The thematic remotely sensed information extraction is always one of puzzling nuts which the remote sensing science faces, so many remote sensing scientists devotes diligently to this domain research. The methods of thematic information extraction include two kinds of the visual interpretation and the computer interpretation, the developing direction of which is intellectualization and comprehensive modularization. The paper tries to develop the intelligent extraction method of feature space transformation for the deciduous forest thematic information extraction in Changping district of Beijing city. The whole Chinese-Brazil resources satellite images received in 2005 are used to extract the deciduous forest coverage area by feature space transformation method and linear spectral decomposing method, and the result from remote sensing is similar to woodland resource census data by Chinese forestry bureau in 2004.

  9. A Neuro-Fuzzy System for Extracting Environment Features Based on Ultrasonic Sensors

    PubMed Central

    Marichal, Graciliano Nicolás; Hernández, Angela; Acosta, Leopoldo; González, Evelio José


    In this paper, a method to extract features of the environment based on ultrasonic sensors is presented. A 3D model of a set of sonar systems and a workplace has been developed. The target of this approach is to extract in a short time, while the vehicle is moving, features of the environment. Particularly, the approach shown in this paper has been focused on determining walls and corners, which are very common environment features. In order to prove the viability of the devised approach, a 3D simulated environment has been built. A Neuro-Fuzzy strategy has been used in order to extract environment features from this simulated model. Several trials have been carried out, obtaining satisfactory results in this context. After that, some experimental tests have been conducted using a real vehicle with a set of sonar systems. The obtained results reveal the satisfactory generalization properties of the approach in this case. PMID:22303160

  10. Homomorphic encryption-based secure SIFT for privacy-preserving feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hsu, Chao-Yung; Lu, Chun-Shien; Pei, Soo-Chang


    Privacy has received much attention but is still largely ignored in the multimedia community. Consider a cloud computing scenario, where the server is resource-abundant and is capable of finishing the designated tasks, it is envisioned that secure media retrieval and search with privacy-preserving will be seriously treated. In view of the fact that scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) has been widely adopted in various fields, this paper is the first to address the problem of secure SIFT feature extraction and representation in the encrypted domain. Since all the operations in SIFT must be moved to the encrypted domain, we propose a homomorphic encryption-based secure SIFT method for privacy-preserving feature extraction and representation based on Paillier cryptosystem. In particular, homomorphic comparison is a must for SIFT feature detection but is still a challenging issue for homomorphic encryption methods. To conquer this problem, we investigate a quantization-like secure comparison strategy in this paper. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed homomorphic encryption-based SIFT performs comparably to original SIFT on image benchmarks, while preserving privacy additionally. We believe that this work is an important step toward privacy-preserving multimedia retrieval in an environment, where privacy is a major concern.

  11. Thermal feature extraction of servers in a datacenter using thermal image registration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Hang; Ran, Jian; Xie, Ting; Gao, Shan


    Thermal cameras provide fine-grained thermal information that enhances monitoring and enables automatic thermal management in large datacenters. Recent approaches employing mobile robots or thermal camera networks can already identify the physical locations of hot spots. Other distribution information used to optimize datacenter management can also be obtained automatically using pattern recognition technology. However, most of the features extracted from thermal images, such as shape and gradient, may be affected by changes in the position and direction of the thermal camera. This paper presents a method for extracting the thermal features of a hot spot or a server in a container datacenter. First, thermal and visual images are registered based on textural characteristics extracted from images acquired in datacenters. Then, the thermal distribution of each server is standardized. The features of a hot spot or server extracted from the standard distribution can reduce the impact of camera position and direction. The results of experiments show that image registration is efficient for aligning the corresponding visual and thermal images in the datacenter, and the standardization procedure reduces the impacts of camera position and direction on hot spot or server features.

  12. Incoherent optical generalized Hough transform: pattern recognition and feature extraction applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fernández, Ariel; Ferrari, José A.


    Pattern recognition and feature extraction are image processing applications of great interest in defect inspection and robot vision among others. In comparison to purely digital methods, the attractiveness of optical processors for pattern recognition lies in their highly parallel operation and real-time processing capability. This work presents an optical implementation of the generalized Hough transform (GHT), a well-established technique for recognition of geometrical features in binary images. Detection of a geometric feature under the GHT is accomplished by mapping the original image to an accumulator space; the large computational requirements for this mapping make the optical implementation an attractive alternative to digital-only methods. We explore an optical setup where the transformation is obtained, and the size and orientation parameters can be controlled, allowing for dynamic scale and orientation-variant pattern recognition. A compact system for the above purposes results from the use of an electrically tunable lens for scale control and a pupil mask implemented on a high-contrast spatial light modulator for orientation/shape variation of the template. Real-time can also be achieved. In addition, by thresholding of the GHT and optically inverse transforming, the previously detected features of interest can be extracted.

  13. The Research of Feature Extraction Method of Liver Pathological Image Based on Multispatial Mapping and Statistical Properties

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Huiling; Xia, Bingbing; Yi, Dehui


    We propose a new feature extraction method of liver pathological image based on multispatial mapping and statistical properties. For liver pathological images of Hematein Eosin staining, the image of R and B channels can reflect the sensitivity of liver pathological images better, while the entropy space and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) space can reflect the texture features of the image better. To obtain the more comprehensive information, we map liver pathological images to the entropy space, LBP space, R space, and B space. The traditional Higher Order Local Autocorrelation Coefficients (HLAC) cannot reflect the overall information of the image, so we propose an average correction HLAC feature. We calculate the statistical properties and the average gray value of pathological images and then update the current pixel value as the absolute value of the difference between the current pixel gray value and the average gray value, which can be more sensitive to the gray value changes of pathological images. Lastly the HLAC template is used to calculate the features of the updated image. The experiment results show that the improved features of the multispatial mapping have the better classification performance for the liver cancer. PMID:27022407

  14. Biosensor method and system based on feature vector extraction


    Greenbaum, Elias [Knoxville, TN; Rodriguez, Jr., Miguel; Qi, Hairong [Knoxville, TN; Wang, Xiaoling [San Jose, CA


    A method of biosensor-based detection of toxins comprises the steps of providing at least one time-dependent control signal generated by a biosensor in a gas or liquid medium, and obtaining a time-dependent biosensor signal from the biosensor in the gas or liquid medium to be monitored or analyzed for the presence of one or more toxins selected from chemical, biological or radiological agents. The time-dependent biosensor signal is processed to obtain a plurality of feature vectors using at least one of amplitude statistics and a time-frequency analysis. At least one parameter relating to toxicity of the gas or liquid medium is then determined from the feature vectors based on reference to the control signal.

  15. Automatic building extraction from LiDAR data fusion of point and grid-based features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Du, Shouji; Zhang, Yunsheng; Zou, Zhengrong; Xu, Shenghua; He, Xue; Chen, Siyang


    This paper proposes a method for extracting buildings from LiDAR point cloud data by combining point-based and grid-based features. To accurately discriminate buildings from vegetation, a point feature based on the variance of normal vectors is proposed. For a robust building extraction, a graph cuts algorithm is employed to combine the used features and consider the neighbor contexture information. As grid feature computing and a graph cuts algorithm are performed on a grid structure, a feature-retained DSM interpolation method is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is validated by the benchmark ISPRS Test Project on Urban Classification and 3D Building Reconstruction and compared to the state-art-of-the methods. The evaluation shows that the proposed method can obtain a promising result both at area-level and at object-level. The method is further applied to the entire ISPRS dataset and to a real dataset of the Wuhan City. The results show a completeness of 94.9% and a correctness of 92.2% at the per-area level for the former dataset and a completeness of 94.4% and a correctness of 95.8% for the latter one. The proposed method has a good potential for large-size LiDAR data.

  16. Extracting BI-RADS Features from Portuguese Clinical Texts.


    Nassif, Houssam; Cunha, Filipe; Moreira, Inês C; Cruz-Correia, Ricardo; Sousa, Eliana; Page, David; Burnside, Elizabeth; Dutra, Inês


    In this work we build the first BI-RADS parser for Portuguese free texts, modeled after existing approaches to extract BI-RADS features from English medical records. Our concept finder uses a semantic grammar based on the BIRADS lexicon and on iterative transferred expert knowledge. We compare the performance of our algorithm to manual annotation by a specialist in mammography. Our results show that our parser's performance is comparable to the manual method.

  17. Image feature detection and extraction techniques performance evaluation for development of panorama under different light conditions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Patil, Venkat P.; Gohatre, Umakant B.


    The technique of obtaining a wider field-of-view of an image to get high resolution integrated image is normally required for development of panorama of a photographic images or scene from a sequence of part of multiple views. There are various image stitching methods developed recently. For image stitching five basic steps are adopted stitching which are Feature detection and extraction, Image registration, computing homography, image warping and Blending. This paper provides review of some of the existing available image feature detection and extraction techniques and image stitching algorithms by categorizing them into several methods. For each category, the basic concepts are first described and later on the necessary modifications made to the fundamental concepts by different researchers are elaborated. This paper also highlights about the some of the fundamental techniques for the process of photographic image feature detection and extraction methods under various illumination conditions. The Importance of Image stitching is applicable in the various fields such as medical imaging, astrophotography and computer vision. For comparing performance evaluation of the techniques used for image features detection three methods are considered i.e. ORB, SURF, HESSIAN and time required for input images feature detection is measured. Results obtained finally concludes that for daylight condition, ORB algorithm found better due to the fact that less tome is required for more features extracted where as for images under night light condition it shows that SURF detector performs better than ORB/HESSIAN detectors.

  18. [Image Feature Extraction and Discriminant Analysis of Xinjiang Uygur Medicine Based on Color Histogram].


    Hamit, Murat; Yun, Weikang; Yan, Chuanbo; Kutluk, Abdugheni; Fang, Yang; Alip, Elzat


    Image feature extraction is an important part of image processing and it is an important field of research and application of image processing technology. Uygur medicine is one of Chinese traditional medicine and researchers pay more attention to it. But large amounts of Uygur medicine data have not been fully utilized. In this study, we extracted the image color histogram feature of herbal and zooid medicine of Xinjiang Uygur. First, we did preprocessing, including image color enhancement, size normalizition and color space transformation. Then we extracted color histogram feature and analyzed them with statistical method. And finally, we evaluated the classification ability of features by Bayes discriminant analysis. Experimental results showed that high accuracy for Uygur medicine image classification was obtained by using color histogram feature. This study would have a certain help for the content-based medical image retrieval for Xinjiang Uygur medicine.

  19. Automated feature extraction and classification from image sources

    USGS Publications Warehouse



    The U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and Unisys Corporation have completed a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) to explore automated feature extraction and classification from image sources. The CRADA helped the USGS define the spectral and spatial resolution characteristics of airborne and satellite imaging sensors necessary to meet base cartographic and land use and land cover feature classification requirements and help develop future automated geographic and cartographic data production capabilities. The USGS is seeking a new commercial partner to continue automated feature extraction and classification research and development.

  20. Feature extraction algorithm for space targets based on fractal theory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tian, Balin; Yuan, Jianping; Yue, Xiaokui; Ning, Xin


    In order to offer a potential for extending the life of satellites and reducing the launch and operating costs, satellite servicing including conducting repairs, upgrading and refueling spacecraft on-orbit become much more frequently. Future space operations can be more economically and reliably executed using machine vision systems, which can meet real time and tracking reliability requirements for image tracking of space surveillance system. Machine vision was applied to the research of relative pose for spacecrafts, the feature extraction algorithm was the basis of relative pose. In this paper fractal geometry based edge extraction algorithm which can be used in determining and tracking the relative pose of an observed satellite during proximity operations in machine vision system was presented. The method gets the gray-level image distributed by fractal dimension used the Differential Box-Counting (DBC) approach of the fractal theory to restrain the noise. After this, we detect the consecutive edge using Mathematical Morphology. The validity of the proposed method is examined by processing and analyzing images of space targets. The edge extraction method not only extracts the outline of the target, but also keeps the inner details. Meanwhile, edge extraction is only processed in moving area to reduce computation greatly. Simulation results compared edge detection using the method which presented by us with other detection methods. The results indicate that the presented algorithm is a valid method to solve the problems of relative pose for spacecrafts.

  1. Sparse Coding for N-Gram Feature Extraction and Training for File Fragment Classification

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wang, Felix; Quach, Tu-Thach; Wheeler, Jason

    File fragment classification is an important step in the task of file carving in digital forensics. In file carving, files must be reconstructed based on their content as a result of their fragmented storage on disk or in memory. Existing methods for classification of file fragments typically use hand-engineered features such as byte histograms or entropy measures. In this paper, we propose an approach using sparse coding that enables automated feature extraction. Sparse coding, or sparse dictionary learning, is an unsupervised learning algorithm, and is capable of extracting features based simply on how well those features can be used tomore » reconstruct the original data. With respect to file fragments, we learn sparse dictionaries for n-grams, continuous sequences of bytes, of different sizes. These dictionaries may then be used to estimate n-gram frequencies for a given file fragment, but for significantly larger n-gram sizes than are typically found in existing methods which suffer from combinatorial explosion. To demonstrate the capability of our sparse coding approach, we used the resulting features to train standard classifiers such as support vector machines (SVMs) over multiple file types. Experimentally, we achieved significantly better classification results with respect to existing methods, especially when the features were used in supplement to existing hand-engineered features.« less

  2. Sparse Coding for N-Gram Feature Extraction and Training for File Fragment Classification


    Wang, Felix; Quach, Tu-Thach; Wheeler, Jason; ...


    File fragment classification is an important step in the task of file carving in digital forensics. In file carving, files must be reconstructed based on their content as a result of their fragmented storage on disk or in memory. Existing methods for classification of file fragments typically use hand-engineered features such as byte histograms or entropy measures. In this paper, we propose an approach using sparse coding that enables automated feature extraction. Sparse coding, or sparse dictionary learning, is an unsupervised learning algorithm, and is capable of extracting features based simply on how well those features can be used tomore » reconstruct the original data. With respect to file fragments, we learn sparse dictionaries for n-grams, continuous sequences of bytes, of different sizes. These dictionaries may then be used to estimate n-gram frequencies for a given file fragment, but for significantly larger n-gram sizes than are typically found in existing methods which suffer from combinatorial explosion. To demonstrate the capability of our sparse coding approach, we used the resulting features to train standard classifiers such as support vector machines (SVMs) over multiple file types. Experimentally, we achieved significantly better classification results with respect to existing methods, especially when the features were used in supplement to existing hand-engineered features.« less

  3. Extracting BI-RADS Features from Portuguese Clinical Texts

    PubMed Central

    Nassif, Houssam; Cunha, Filipe; Moreira, Inês C.; Cruz-Correia, Ricardo; Sousa, Eliana; Page, David; Burnside, Elizabeth; Dutra, Inês


    In this work we build the first BI-RADS parser for Portuguese free texts, modeled after existing approaches to extract BI-RADS features from English medical records. Our concept finder uses a semantic grammar based on the BIRADS lexicon and on iterative transferred expert knowledge. We compare the performance of our algorithm to manual annotation by a specialist in mammography. Our results show that our parser’s performance is comparable to the manual method. PMID:23797461

  4. The prediction of palmitoylation site locations using a multiple feature extraction method.


    Shi, Shao-Ping; Sun, Xing-Yu; Qiu, Jian-Ding; Suo, Sheng-Bao; Chen, Xiang; Huang, Shu-Yun; Liang, Ru-Ping


    As an extremely important and ubiquitous post-translational lipid modification, palmitoylation plays a significant role in a variety of biological and physiological processes. Unlike other lipid modifications, protein palmitoylation and depalmitoylation are highly dynamic and can regulate both protein function and localization. The dynamic nature of palmitoylation is poorly understood because of the limitations in current assay methods. The in vivo or in vitro experimental identification of palmitoylation sites is both time consuming and expensive. Due to the large volume of protein sequences generated in the post-genomic era, it is extraordinarily important in both basic research and drug discovery to rapidly identify the attributes of a new protein's palmitoylation sites. In this work, a new computational method, WAP-Palm, combining multiple feature extraction, has been developed to predict the palmitoylation sites of proteins. The performance of the WAP-Palm model is measured herein and was found to have a sensitivity of 81.53%, a specificity of 90.45%, an accuracy of 85.99% and a Matthews correlation coefficient of 72.26% in 10-fold cross-validation test. The results obtained from both the cross-validation and independent tests suggest that the WAP-Palm model might facilitate the identification and annotation of protein palmitoylation locations. The online service is available at Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Intelligibility Evaluation of Pathological Speech through Multigranularity Feature Extraction and Optimization.


    Fang, Chunying; Li, Haifeng; Ma, Lin; Zhang, Mancai


    Pathological speech usually refers to speech distortion resulting from illness or other biological insults. The assessment of pathological speech plays an important role in assisting the experts, while automatic evaluation of speech intelligibility is difficult because it is usually nonstationary and mutational. In this paper, we carry out an independent innovation of feature extraction and reduction, and we describe a multigranularity combined feature scheme which is optimized by the hierarchical visual method. A novel method of generating feature set based on S -transform and chaotic analysis is proposed. There are BAFS (430, basic acoustics feature), local spectral characteristics MSCC (84, Mel S -transform cepstrum coefficients), and chaotic features (12). Finally, radar chart and F -score are proposed to optimize the features by the hierarchical visual fusion. The feature set could be optimized from 526 to 96 dimensions based on NKI-CCRT corpus and 104 dimensions based on SVD corpus. The experimental results denote that new features by support vector machine (SVM) have the best performance, with a recognition rate of 84.4% on NKI-CCRT corpus and 78.7% on SVD corpus. The proposed method is thus approved to be effective and reliable for pathological speech intelligibility evaluation.

  6. Hidden discriminative features extraction for supervised high-order time series modeling.


    Nguyen, Ngoc Anh Thi; Yang, Hyung-Jeong; Kim, Sunhee


    In this paper, an orthogonal Tucker-decomposition-based extraction of high-order discriminative subspaces from a tensor-based time series data structure is presented, named as Tensor Discriminative Feature Extraction (TDFE). TDFE relies on the employment of category information for the maximization of the between-class scatter and the minimization of the within-class scatter to extract optimal hidden discriminative feature subspaces that are simultaneously spanned by every modality for supervised tensor modeling. In this context, the proposed tensor-decomposition method provides the following benefits: i) reduces dimensionality while robustly mining the underlying discriminative features, ii) results in effective interpretable features that lead to an improved classification and visualization, and iii) reduces the processing time during the training stage and the filtering of the projection by solving the generalized eigenvalue issue at each alternation step. Two real third-order tensor-structures of time series datasets (an epilepsy electroencephalogram (EEG) that is modeled as channel×frequency bin×time frame and a microarray data that is modeled as gene×sample×time) were used for the evaluation of the TDFE. The experiment results corroborate the advantages of the proposed method with averages of 98.26% and 89.63% for the classification accuracies of the epilepsy dataset and the microarray dataset, respectively. These performance averages represent an improvement on those of the matrix-based algorithms and recent tensor-based, discriminant-decomposition approaches; this is especially the case considering the small number of samples that are used in practice. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Gender Recognition from Human-Body Images Using Visible-Light and Thermal Camera Videos Based on a Convolutional Neural Network for Image Feature Extraction

    PubMed Central

    Nguyen, Dat Tien; Kim, Ki Wan; Hong, Hyung Gil; Koo, Ja Hyung; Kim, Min Cheol; Park, Kang Ryoung


    Extracting powerful image features plays an important role in computer vision systems. Many methods have previously been proposed to extract image features for various computer vision applications, such as the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT), speed-up robust feature (SURF), local binary patterns (LBP), histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), and weighted HOG. Recently, the convolutional neural network (CNN) method for image feature extraction and classification in computer vision has been used in various applications. In this research, we propose a new gender recognition method for recognizing males and females in observation scenes of surveillance systems based on feature extraction from visible-light and thermal camera videos through CNN. Experimental results confirm the superiority of our proposed method over state-of-the-art recognition methods for the gender recognition problem using human body images. PMID:28335510

  8. Gender Recognition from Human-Body Images Using Visible-Light and Thermal Camera Videos Based on a Convolutional Neural Network for Image Feature Extraction.


    Nguyen, Dat Tien; Kim, Ki Wan; Hong, Hyung Gil; Koo, Ja Hyung; Kim, Min Cheol; Park, Kang Ryoung


    Extracting powerful image features plays an important role in computer vision systems. Many methods have previously been proposed to extract image features for various computer vision applications, such as the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT), speed-up robust feature (SURF), local binary patterns (LBP), histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), and weighted HOG. Recently, the convolutional neural network (CNN) method for image feature extraction and classification in computer vision has been used in various applications. In this research, we propose a new gender recognition method for recognizing males and females in observation scenes of surveillance systems based on feature extraction from visible-light and thermal camera videos through CNN. Experimental results confirm the superiority of our proposed method over state-of-the-art recognition methods for the gender recognition problem using human body images.

  9. Finger-vein and fingerprint recognition based on a feature-level fusion method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Jinfeng; Hong, Bofeng


    Multimodal biometrics based on the finger identification is a hot topic in recent years. In this paper, a novel fingerprint-vein based biometric method is proposed to improve the reliability and accuracy of the finger recognition system. First, the second order steerable filters are used here to enhance and extract the minutiae features of the fingerprint (FP) and finger-vein (FV). Second, the texture features of fingerprint and finger-vein are extracted by a bank of Gabor filter. Third, a new triangle-region fusion method is proposed to integrate all the fingerprint and finger-vein features in feature-level. Thus, the fusion features contain both the finger texture-information and the minutiae triangular geometry structure. Finally, experimental results performed on the self-constructed finger-vein and fingerprint databases are shown that the proposed method is reliable and precise in personal identification.

  10. Detailed Hydrographic Feature Extraction from High-Resolution LiDAR Data

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Danny L. Anderson

    Detailed hydrographic feature extraction from high-resolution light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data is investigated. Methods for quantitatively evaluating and comparing such extractions are presented, including the use of sinuosity and longitudinal root-mean-square-error (LRMSE). These metrics are then used to quantitatively compare stream networks in two studies. The first study examines the effect of raster cell size on watershed boundaries and stream networks delineated from LiDAR-derived digital elevation models (DEMs). The study confirmed that, with the greatly increased resolution of LiDAR data, smaller cell sizes generally yielded better stream network delineations, based on sinuosity and LRMSE. The second study demonstrates amore » new method of delineating a stream directly from LiDAR point clouds, without the intermediate step of deriving a DEM. Direct use of LiDAR point clouds could improve efficiency and accuracy of hydrographic feature extractions. The direct delineation method developed herein and termed “mDn”, is an extension of the D8 method that has been used for several decades with gridded raster data. The method divides the region around a starting point into sectors, using the LiDAR data points within each sector to determine an average slope, and selecting the sector with the greatest downward slope to determine the direction of flow. An mDn delineation was compared with a traditional grid-based delineation, using TauDEM, and other readily available, common stream data sets. Although, the TauDEM delineation yielded a sinuosity that more closely matches the reference, the mDn delineation yielded a sinuosity that was higher than either the TauDEM method or the existing published stream delineations. Furthermore, stream delineation using the mDn method yielded the smallest LRMSE.« less

  11. Alexnet Feature Extraction and Multi-Kernel Learning for Objectoriented Classification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ding, L.; Li, H.; Hu, C.; Zhang, W.; Wang, S.


    In view of the fact that the deep convolutional neural network has stronger ability of feature learning and feature expression, an exploratory research is done on feature extraction and classification for high resolution remote sensing images. Taking the Google image with 0.3 meter spatial resolution in Ludian area of Yunnan Province as an example, the image segmentation object was taken as the basic unit, and the pre-trained AlexNet deep convolution neural network model was used for feature extraction. And the spectral features, AlexNet features and GLCM texture features are combined with multi-kernel learning and SVM classifier, finally the classification results were compared and analyzed. The results show that the deep convolution neural network can extract more accurate remote sensing image features, and significantly improve the overall accuracy of classification, and provide a reference value for earthquake disaster investigation and remote sensing disaster evaluation.

  12. Classifier dependent feature preprocessing methods

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodriguez, Benjamin M., II; Peterson, Gilbert L.


    In mobile applications, computational complexity is an issue that limits sophisticated algorithms from being implemented on these devices. This paper provides an initial solution to applying pattern recognition systems on mobile devices by combining existing preprocessing algorithms for recognition. In pattern recognition systems, it is essential to properly apply feature preprocessing tools prior to training classification models in an attempt to reduce computational complexity and improve the overall classification accuracy. The feature preprocessing tools extended for the mobile environment are feature ranking, feature extraction, data preparation and outlier removal. Most desktop systems today are capable of processing a majority of the available classification algorithms without concern of processing while the same is not true on mobile platforms. As an application of pattern recognition for mobile devices, the recognition system targets the problem of steganalysis, determining if an image contains hidden information. The measure of performance shows that feature preprocessing increases the overall steganalysis classification accuracy by an average of 22%. The methods in this paper are tested on a workstation and a Nokia 6620 (Symbian operating system) camera phone with similar results.

  13. Prediction of occult invasive disease in ductal carcinoma in situ using computer-extracted mammographic features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shi, Bibo; Grimm, Lars J.; Mazurowski, Maciej A.; Marks, Jeffrey R.; King, Lorraine M.; Maley, Carlo C.; Hwang, E. Shelley; Lo, Joseph Y.


    Predicting the risk of occult invasive disease in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is an important task to help address the overdiagnosis and overtreatment problems associated with breast cancer. In this work, we investigated the feasibility of using computer-extracted mammographic features to predict occult invasive disease in patients with biopsy proven DCIS. We proposed a computer-vision algorithm based approach to extract mammographic features from magnification views of full field digital mammography (FFDM) for patients with DCIS. After an expert breast radiologist provided a region of interest (ROI) mask for the DCIS lesion, the proposed approach is able to segment individual microcalcifications (MCs), detect the boundary of the MC cluster (MCC), and extract 113 mammographic features from MCs and MCC within the ROI. In this study, we extracted mammographic features from 99 patients with DCIS (74 pure DCIS; 25 DCIS plus invasive disease). The predictive power of the mammographic features was demonstrated through binary classifications between pure DCIS and DCIS with invasive disease using linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Before classification, the minimum redundancy Maximum Relevance (mRMR) feature selection method was first applied to choose subsets of useful features. The generalization performance was assessed using Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Using the computer-extracted mammographic features, the proposed model was able to distinguish DCIS with invasive disease from pure DCIS, with an average classification performance of AUC = 0.61 +/- 0.05. Overall, the proposed computer-extracted mammographic features are promising for predicting occult invasive disease in DCIS.

  14. Modified kernel-based nonlinear feature extraction.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ma, J.; Perkins, S. J.; Theiler, J. P.


    Feature Extraction (FE) techniques are widely used in many applications to pre-process data in order to reduce the complexity of subsequent processes. A group of Kernel-based nonlinear FE ( H E ) algorithms has attracted much attention due to their high performance. However, a serious limitation that is inherent in these algorithms -- the maximal number of features extracted by them is limited by the number of classes involved -- dramatically degrades their flexibility. Here we propose a modified version of those KFE algorithms (MKFE), This algorithm is developed from a special form of scatter-matrix, whose rank is not determinedmore » by the number of classes involved, and thus breaks the inherent limitation in those KFE algorithms. Experimental results suggest that MKFE algorithm is .especially useful when the training set is small.« less

  15. Breast cancer mitosis detection in histopathological images with spatial feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Albayrak, Abdülkadir; Bilgin, Gökhan


    In this work, cellular mitosis detection in histopathological images has been investigated. Mitosis detection is very expensive and time consuming process. Development of digital imaging in pathology has enabled reasonable and effective solution to this problem. Segmentation of digital images provides easier analysis of cell structures in histopathological data. To differentiate normal and mitotic cells in histopathological images, feature extraction step is very crucial step for the system accuracy. A mitotic cell has more distinctive textural dissimilarities than the other normal cells. Hence, it is important to incorporate spatial information in feature extraction or in post-processing steps. As a main part of this study, Haralick texture descriptor has been proposed with different spatial window sizes in RGB and La*b* color spaces. So, spatial dependencies of normal and mitotic cellular pixels can be evaluated within different pixel neighborhoods. Extracted features are compared with various sample sizes by Support Vector Machines using k-fold cross validation method. According to the represented results, it has been shown that separation accuracy on mitotic and non-mitotic cellular pixels gets better with the increasing size of spatial window.

  16. A Spatial Division Clustering Method and Low Dimensional Feature Extraction Technique Based Indoor Positioning System

    PubMed Central

    Mo, Yun; Zhang, Zhongzhao; Meng, Weixiao; Ma, Lin; Wang, Yao


    Indoor positioning systems based on the fingerprint method are widely used due to the large number of existing devices with a wide range of coverage. However, extensive positioning regions with a massive fingerprint database may cause high computational complexity and error margins, therefore clustering methods are widely applied as a solution. However, traditional clustering methods in positioning systems can only measure the similarity of the Received Signal Strength without being concerned with the continuity of physical coordinates. Besides, outage of access points could result in asymmetric matching problems which severely affect the fine positioning procedure. To solve these issues, in this paper we propose a positioning system based on the Spatial Division Clustering (SDC) method for clustering the fingerprint dataset subject to physical distance constraints. With the Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine techniques, SDC can achieve higher coarse positioning accuracy than traditional clustering algorithms. In terms of fine localization, based on the Kernel Principal Component Analysis method, the proposed positioning system outperforms its counterparts based on other feature extraction methods in low dimensionality. Apart from balancing online matching computational burden, the new positioning system exhibits advantageous performance on radio map clustering, and also shows better robustness and adaptability in the asymmetric matching problem aspect. PMID:24451470

  17. Feature extraction using first and second derivative extrema (FSDE) for real-time and hardware-efficient spike sorting.


    Paraskevopoulou, Sivylla E; Barsakcioglu, Deren Y; Saberi, Mohammed R; Eftekhar, Amir; Constandinou, Timothy G


    Next generation neural interfaces aspire to achieve real-time multi-channel systems by integrating spike sorting on chip to overcome limitations in communication channel capacity. The feasibility of this approach relies on developing highly efficient algorithms for feature extraction and clustering with the potential of low-power hardware implementation. We are proposing a feature extraction method, not requiring any calibration, based on first and second derivative features of the spike waveform. The accuracy and computational complexity of the proposed method are quantified and compared against commonly used feature extraction methods, through simulation across four datasets (with different single units) at multiple noise levels (ranging from 5 to 20% of the signal amplitude). The average classification error is shown to be below 7% with a computational complexity of 2N-3, where N is the number of sample points of each spike. Overall, this method presents a good trade-off between accuracy and computational complexity and is thus particularly well-suited for hardware-efficient implementation. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Identification of lesion images from gastrointestinal endoscope based on feature extraction of combinational methods with and without learning process.


    Liu, Ding-Yun; Gan, Tao; Rao, Ni-Ni; Xing, Yao-Wen; Zheng, Jie; Li, Sang; Luo, Cheng-Si; Zhou, Zhong-Jun; Wan, Yong-Li


    The gastrointestinal endoscopy in this study refers to conventional gastroscopy and wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE). Both of these techniques produce a large number of images in each diagnosis. The lesion detection done by hand from the images above is time consuming and inaccurate. This study designed a new computer-aided method to detect lesion images. We initially designed an algorithm named joint diagonalisation principal component analysis (JDPCA), in which there are no approximation, iteration or inverting procedures. Thus, JDPCA has a low computational complexity and is suitable for dimension reduction of the gastrointestinal endoscopic images. Then, a novel image feature extraction method was established through combining the algorithm of machine learning based on JDPCA and conventional feature extraction algorithm without learning. Finally, a new computer-aided method is proposed to identify the gastrointestinal endoscopic images containing lesions. The clinical data of gastroscopic images and WCE images containing the lesions of early upper digestive tract cancer and small intestinal bleeding, which consist of 1330 images from 291 patients totally, were used to confirm the validation of the proposed method. The experimental results shows that, for the detection of early oesophageal cancer images, early gastric cancer images and small intestinal bleeding images, the mean values of accuracy of the proposed method were 90.75%, 90.75% and 94.34%, with the standard deviations (SDs) of 0.0426, 0.0334 and 0.0235, respectively. The areas under the curves (AUCs) were 0.9471, 0.9532 and 0.9776, with the SDs of 0.0296, 0.0285 and 0.0172, respectively. Compared with the traditional related methods, our method showed a better performance. It may therefore provide worthwhile guidance for improving the efficiency and accuracy of gastrointestinal disease diagnosis and is a good prospect for clinical application. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. A Local DCT-II Feature Extraction Approach for Personal Identification Based on Palmprint

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Choge, H. Kipsang; Oyama, Tadahiro; Karungaru, Stephen; Tsuge, Satoru; Fukumi, Minoru

    Biometric applications based on the palmprint have recently attracted increased attention from various researchers. In this paper, a method is presented that differs from the commonly used global statistical and structural techniques by extracting and using local features instead. The middle palm area is extracted after preprocessing for rotation, position and illumination normalization. The segmented region of interest is then divided into blocks of either 8×8 or 16×16 pixels in size. The type-II Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is applied to transform the blocks into DCT space. A subset of coefficients that encode the low to medium frequency components is selected using the JPEG-style zigzag scanning method. Features from each block are subsequently concatenated into a compact feature vector and used in palmprint verification experiments with palmprints from the PolyU Palmprint Database. Results indicate that this approach achieves better results than many conventional transform-based methods, with an excellent recognition accuracy above 99% and an Equal Error Rate (EER) of less than 1.2% in palmprint verification.

  20. Texture Analysis and Cartographic Feature Extraction.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Investigations into using various image descriptors as well as developing interactive feature extraction software on the Digital Image Analysis Laboratory...system. Originator-supplied keywords: Ad-Hoc image descriptor; Bayes classifier; Bhattachryya distance; Clustering; Digital Image Analysis Laboratory

  1. Extracting Product Features and Opinion Words Using Pattern Knowledge in Customer Reviews

    PubMed Central

    Lynn, Khin Thidar


    Due to the development of e-commerce and web technology, most of online Merchant sites are able to write comments about purchasing products for customer. Customer reviews expressed opinion about products or services which are collectively referred to as customer feedback data. Opinion extraction about products from customer reviews is becoming an interesting area of research and it is motivated to develop an automatic opinion mining application for users. Therefore, efficient method and techniques are needed to extract opinions from reviews. In this paper, we proposed a novel idea to find opinion words or phrases for each feature from customer reviews in an efficient way. Our focus in this paper is to get the patterns of opinion words/phrases about the feature of product from the review text through adjective, adverb, verb, and noun. The extracted features and opinions are useful for generating a meaningful summary that can provide significant informative resource to help the user as well as merchants to track the most suitable choice of product. PMID:24459430

  2. Extracting product features and opinion words using pattern knowledge in customer reviews.


    Htay, Su Su; Lynn, Khin Thidar


    Due to the development of e-commerce and web technology, most of online Merchant sites are able to write comments about purchasing products for customer. Customer reviews expressed opinion about products or services which are collectively referred to as customer feedback data. Opinion extraction about products from customer reviews is becoming an interesting area of research and it is motivated to develop an automatic opinion mining application for users. Therefore, efficient method and techniques are needed to extract opinions from reviews. In this paper, we proposed a novel idea to find opinion words or phrases for each feature from customer reviews in an efficient way. Our focus in this paper is to get the patterns of opinion words/phrases about the feature of product from the review text through adjective, adverb, verb, and noun. The extracted features and opinions are useful for generating a meaningful summary that can provide significant informative resource to help the user as well as merchants to track the most suitable choice of product.

  3. Raft cultivation area extraction from high resolution remote sensing imagery by fusing multi-scale region-line primitive association features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Min; Cui, Qi; Wang, Jie; Ming, Dongping; Lv, Guonian


    In this paper, we first propose several novel concepts for object-based image analysis, which include line-based shape regularity, line density, and scale-based best feature value (SBV), based on the region-line primitive association framework (RLPAF). We then propose a raft cultivation area (RCA) extraction method for high spatial resolution (HSR) remote sensing imagery based on multi-scale feature fusion and spatial rule induction. The proposed method includes the following steps: (1) Multi-scale region primitives (segments) are obtained by image segmentation method HBC-SEG, and line primitives (straight lines) are obtained by phase-based line detection method. (2) Association relationships between regions and lines are built based on RLPAF, and then multi-scale RLPAF features are extracted and SBVs are selected. (3) Several spatial rules are designed to extract RCAs within sea waters after land and water separation. Experiments show that the proposed method can successfully extract different-shaped RCAs from HR images with good performance.

  4. Generalized Feature Extraction for Wrist Pulse Analysis: From 1-D Time Series to 2-D Matrix.


    Dimin Wang; Zhang, David; Guangming Lu


    Traditional Chinese pulse diagnosis, known as an empirical science, depends on the subjective experience. Inconsistent diagnostic results may be obtained among different practitioners. A scientific way of studying the pulse should be to analyze the objectified wrist pulse waveforms. In recent years, many pulse acquisition platforms have been developed with the advances in sensor and computer technology. And the pulse diagnosis using pattern recognition theories is also increasingly attracting attentions. Though many literatures on pulse feature extraction have been published, they just handle the pulse signals as simple 1-D time series and ignore the information within the class. This paper presents a generalized method of pulse feature extraction, extending the feature dimension from 1-D time series to 2-D matrix. The conventional wrist pulse features correspond to a particular case of the generalized models. The proposed method is validated through pattern classification on actual pulse records. Both quantitative and qualitative results relative to the 1-D pulse features are given through diabetes diagnosis. The experimental results show that the generalized 2-D matrix feature is effective in extracting both the periodic and nonperiodic information. And it is practical for wrist pulse analysis.

  5. Feature extraction from multiple data sources using genetic programming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Szymanski, John J.; Brumby, Steven P.; Pope, Paul A.; Eads, Damian R.; Esch-Mosher, Diana M.; Galassi, Mark C.; Harvey, Neal R.; McCulloch, Hersey D.; Perkins, Simon J.; Porter, Reid B.; Theiler, James P.; Young, Aaron C.; Bloch, Jeffrey J.; David, Nancy A.


    Feature extraction from imagery is an important and long-standing problem in remote sensing. In this paper, we report on work using genetic programming to perform feature extraction simultaneously from multispectral and digital elevation model (DEM) data. We use the GENetic Imagery Exploitation (GENIE) software for this purpose, which produces image-processing software that inherently combines spatial and spectral processing. GENIE is particularly useful in exploratory studies of imagery, such as one often does in combining data from multiple sources. The user trains the software by painting the feature of interest with a simple graphical user interface. GENIE then uses genetic programming techniques to produce an image-processing pipeline. Here, we demonstrate evolution of image processing algorithms that extract a range of land cover features including towns, wildfire burnscars, and forest. We use imagery from the DOE/NNSA Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) spacecraft, fused with USGS 1:24000 scale DEM data.

  6. Feature extraction based on extended multi-attribute profiles and sparse autoencoder for remote sensing image classification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Teffahi, Hanane; Yao, Hongxun; Belabid, Nasreddine; Chaib, Souleyman


    The satellite images with very high spatial resolution have been recently widely used in image classification topic as it has become challenging task in remote sensing field. Due to a number of limitations such as the redundancy of features and the high dimensionality of the data, different classification methods have been proposed for remote sensing images classification particularly the methods using feature extraction techniques. This paper propose a simple efficient method exploiting the capability of extended multi-attribute profiles (EMAP) with sparse autoencoder (SAE) for remote sensing image classification. The proposed method is used to classify various remote sensing datasets including hyperspectral and multispectral images by extracting spatial and spectral features based on the combination of EMAP and SAE by linking them to kernel support vector machine (SVM) for classification. Experiments on new hyperspectral image "Huston data" and multispectral image "Washington DC data" shows that this new scheme can achieve better performance of feature learning than the primitive features, traditional classifiers and ordinary autoencoder and has huge potential to achieve higher accuracy for classification in short running time.

  7. Texture Feature Extraction and Classification for Iris Diagnosis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ma, Lin; Li, Naimin

    Appling computer aided techniques in iris image processing, and combining occidental iridology with the traditional Chinese medicine is a challenging research area in digital image processing and artificial intelligence. This paper proposes an iridology model that consists the iris image pre-processing, texture feature analysis and disease classification. To the pre-processing, a 2-step iris localization approach is proposed; a 2-D Gabor filter based texture analysis and a texture fractal dimension estimation method are proposed for pathological feature extraction; and at last support vector machines are constructed to recognize 2 typical diseases such as the alimentary canal disease and the nerve system disease. Experimental results show that the proposed iridology diagnosis model is quite effective and promising for medical diagnosis and health surveillance for both hospital and public use.

  8. Robust image features: concentric contrasting circles and their image extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gatrell, Lance B.; Hoff, William A.; Sklair, Cheryl W.


    Many computer vision tasks can be simplified if special image features are placed on the objects to be recognized. A review of special image features that have been used in the past is given and then a new image feature, the concentric contrasting circle, is presented. The concentric contrasting circle image feature has the advantages of being easily manufactured, easily extracted from the image, robust extraction (true targets are found, while few false targets are found), it is a passive feature, and its centroid is completely invariant to the three translational and one rotational degrees of freedom and nearly invariant to the remaining two rotational degrees of freedom. There are several examples of existing parallel implementations which perform most of the extraction work. Extraction robustness was measured by recording the probability of correct detection and the false alarm rate in a set of images of scenes containing mockups of satellites, fluid couplings, and electrical components. A typical application of concentric contrasting circle features is to place them on modeled objects for monocular pose estimation or object identification. This feature is demonstrated on a visually challenging background of a specular but wrinkled surface similar to a multilayered insulation spacecraft thermal blanket.

  9. Pattern recognition and feature extraction with an optical Hough transform

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fernández, Ariel


    Pattern recognition and localization along with feature extraction are image processing applications of great interest in defect inspection and robot vision among others. In comparison to purely digital methods, the attractiveness of optical processors for pattern recognition lies in their highly parallel operation and real-time processing capability. This work presents an optical implementation of the generalized Hough transform (GHT), a well-established technique for the recognition of geometrical features in binary images. Detection of a geometric feature under the GHT is accomplished by mapping the original image to an accumulator space; the large computational requirements for this mapping make the optical implementation an attractive alternative to digital- only methods. Starting from the integral representation of the GHT, it is possible to device an optical setup where the transformation is obtained, and the size and orientation parameters can be controlled, allowing for dynamic scale and orientation-variant pattern recognition. A compact system for the above purposes results from the use of an electrically tunable lens for scale control and a rotating pupil mask for orientation variation, implemented on a high-contrast spatial light modulator (SLM). Real-time (as limited by the frame rate of the device used to capture the GHT) can also be achieved, allowing for the processing of video sequences. Besides, by thresholding of the GHT (with the aid of another SLM) and inverse transforming (which is optically achieved in the incoherent system under appropriate focusing setting), the previously detected features of interest can be extracted.

  10. A new feature extraction method for signal classification applied to cord dorsum potentials detection

    PubMed Central

    Vidaurre, D.; Rodríguez, E. E.; Bielza, C.; Larrañaga, P.; Rudomin, P.


    In the spinal cord of the anesthetized cat, spontaneous cord dorsum potentials (CDPs) appear synchronously along the lumbo-sacral segments. These CDPs have different shapes and magnitudes. Previous work has indicated that some CDPs appear to be specially associated with the activation of spinal pathways that lead to primary afferent depolarization and presynaptic inhibition. Visual detection and classification of these CDPs provides relevant information on the functional organization of the neural networks involved in the control of sensory information and allows the characterization of the changes produced by acute nerve and spinal lesions. We now present a novel feature extraction approach for signal classification, applied to CDP detection. The method is based on an intuitive procedure. We first remove by convolution the noise from the CDPs recorded in each given spinal segment. Then, we assign a coefficient for each main local maximum of the signal using its amplitude and distance to the most important maximum of the signal. These coefficients will be the input for the subsequent classification algorithm. In particular, we employ gradient boosting classification trees. This combination of approaches allows a faster and more accurate discrimination of CDPs than is obtained by other methods. PMID:22929924

  11. A new feature extraction method for signal classification applied to cord dorsum potential detection.


    Vidaurre, D; Rodríguez, E E; Bielza, C; Larrañaga, P; Rudomin, P


    In the spinal cord of the anesthetized cat, spontaneous cord dorsum potentials (CDPs) appear synchronously along the lumbo-sacral segments. These CDPs have different shapes and magnitudes. Previous work has indicated that some CDPs appear to be specially associated with the activation of spinal pathways that lead to primary afferent depolarization and presynaptic inhibition. Visual detection and classification of these CDPs provides relevant information on the functional organization of the neural networks involved in the control of sensory information and allows the characterization of the changes produced by acute nerve and spinal lesions. We now present a novel feature extraction approach for signal classification, applied to CDP detection. The method is based on an intuitive procedure. We first remove by convolution the noise from the CDPs recorded in each given spinal segment. Then, we assign a coefficient for each main local maximum of the signal using its amplitude and distance to the most important maximum of the signal. These coefficients will be the input for the subsequent classification algorithm. In particular, we employ gradient boosting classification trees. This combination of approaches allows a faster and more accurate discrimination of CDPs than is obtained by other methods.

  12. Incipient fault feature extraction of rolling bearings based on the MVMD and Teager energy operator.


    Ma, Jun; Wu, Jiande; Wang, Xiaodong


    Aiming at the problems that the incipient fault of rolling bearings is difficult to recognize and the number of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) decomposed by variational mode decomposition (VMD) must be set in advance and can not be adaptively selected, taking full advantages of the adaptive segmentation of scale spectrum and Teager energy operator (TEO) demodulation, a new method for early fault feature extraction of rolling bearings based on the modified VMD and Teager energy operator (MVMD-TEO) is proposed. Firstly, the vibration signal of rolling bearings is analyzed by adaptive scale space spectrum segmentation to obtain the spectrum segmentation support boundary, and then the number K of IMFs decomposed by VMD is adaptively determined. Secondly, the original vibration signal is adaptively decomposed into K IMFs, and the effective IMF components are extracted based on the correlation coefficient criterion. Finally, the Teager energy spectrum of the reconstructed signal of the effective IMF components is calculated by the TEO, and then the early fault features of rolling bearings are extracted to realize the fault identification and location. Comparative experiments of the proposed method and the existing fault feature extraction method based on Local Mean Decomposition and Teager energy operator (LMD-TEO) have been implemented using experimental data-sets and a measured data-set. The results of comparative experiments in three application cases show that the presented method can achieve a fairly or slightly better performance than LMD-TEO method, and the validity and feasibility of the proposed method are proved. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  13. Special object extraction from medieval books using superpixels and bag-of-features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Ying; Rushmeier, Holly


    We propose a method to extract special objects in images of medieval books, which generally represent, for example, figures and capital letters. Instead of working on the single-pixel level, we consider superpixels as the basic classification units for improved time efficiency. More specifically, we classify superpixels into different categories/objects by using a bag-of-features approach, where a superpixel category classifier is trained with the local features of the superpixels of the training images. With the trained classifier, we are able to assign the category labels to the superpixels of a historical document image under test. Finally, special objects can easily be identified and extracted after analyzing the categorization results. Experimental results demonstrate that, as compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms, our method provides comparable performance for some historical books but greatly outperforms them in terms of generality and computational time.

  14. Automated Fluid Feature Extraction from Transient Simulations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Haimes, Robert


    In the past, feature extraction and identification were interesting concepts, but not required in understanding the physics of a steady flow field. This is because the results of the more traditional tools like iso-surfaces, cuts and streamlines, were more interactive and easily abstracted so they could be represented to the investigator. These tools worked and properly conveyed the collected information at the expense of a great deal of interaction. For unsteady flow-fields, the investigator does not have the luxury of spending time scanning only one 'snap-shot' of the simulation. Automated assistance is required in pointing out areas of potential interest contained within the flow. This must not require a heavy compute burden (the visualization should not significantly slow down the solution procedure for co-processing environments like pV3). And methods must be developed to abstract the feature and display it in a manner that physically makes sense.

  15. Distinctive Feature Extraction for Indian Sign Language (ISL) Gesture using Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Patil, Sandeep Baburao; Sinha, G. R.


    India, having less awareness towards the deaf and dumb peoples leads to increase the communication gap between deaf and hard hearing community. Sign language is commonly developed for deaf and hard hearing peoples to convey their message by generating the different sign pattern. The scale invariant feature transform was introduced by David Lowe to perform reliable matching between different images of the same object. This paper implements the various phases of scale invariant feature transform to extract the distinctive features from Indian sign language gestures. The experimental result shows the time constraint for each phase and the number of features extracted for 26 ISL gestures.

  16. Feature-extracted joint transform correlation.


    Alam, M S


    A new technique for real-time optical character recognition that uses a joint transform correlator is proposed. This technique employs feature-extracted patterns for the reference image to detect a wide range of characters in one step. The proposed technique significantly enhances the processing speed when compared with the presently available joint transform correlator architectures and shows feasibility for multichannel joint transform correlation.

  17. Simultaneous Spectral-Spatial Feature Selection and Extraction for Hyperspectral Images.


    Zhang, Lefei; Zhang, Qian; Du, Bo; Huang, Xin; Tang, Yuan Yan; Tao, Dacheng


    In hyperspectral remote sensing data mining, it is important to take into account of both spectral and spatial information, such as the spectral signature, texture feature, and morphological property, to improve the performances, e.g., the image classification accuracy. In a feature representation point of view, a nature approach to handle this situation is to concatenate the spectral and spatial features into a single but high dimensional vector and then apply a certain dimension reduction technique directly on that concatenated vector before feed it into the subsequent classifier. However, multiple features from various domains definitely have different physical meanings and statistical properties, and thus such concatenation has not efficiently explore the complementary properties among different features, which should benefit for boost the feature discriminability. Furthermore, it is also difficult to interpret the transformed results of the concatenated vector. Consequently, finding a physically meaningful consensus low dimensional feature representation of original multiple features is still a challenging task. In order to address these issues, we propose a novel feature learning framework, i.e., the simultaneous spectral-spatial feature selection and extraction algorithm, for hyperspectral images spectral-spatial feature representation and classification. Specifically, the proposed method learns a latent low dimensional subspace by projecting the spectral-spatial feature into a common feature space, where the complementary information has been effectively exploited, and simultaneously, only the most significant original features have been transformed. Encouraging experimental results on three public available hyperspectral remote sensing datasets confirm that our proposed method is effective and efficient.

  18. Texture feature extraction based on wavelet transform and gray-level co-occurrence matrices applied to osteosarcoma diagnosis.


    Hu, Shan; Xu, Chao; Guan, Weiqiao; Tang, Yong; Liu, Yana


    Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant bone tumor among children and adolescents. In this study, image texture analysis was made to extract texture features from bone CR images to evaluate the recognition rate of osteosarcoma. To obtain the optimal set of features, Sym4 and Db4 wavelet transforms and gray-level co-occurrence matrices were applied to the image, with statistical methods being used to maximize the feature selection. To evaluate the performance of these methods, a support vector machine algorithm was used. The experimental results demonstrated that the Sym4 wavelet had a higher classification accuracy (93.44%) than the Db4 wavelet with respect to osteosarcoma occurrence in the epiphysis, whereas the Db4 wavelet had a higher classification accuracy (96.25%) for osteosarcoma occurrence in the diaphysis. Results including accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and ROC curves obtained using the wavelets were all higher than those obtained using the features derived from the GLCM method. It is concluded that, a set of texture features can be extracted from the wavelets and used in computer-aided osteosarcoma diagnosis systems. In addition, this study also confirms that multi-resolution analysis is a useful tool for texture feature extraction during bone CR image processing.

  19. Efficient feature extraction from wide-area motion imagery by MapReduce in Hadoop

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cheng, Erkang; Ma, Liya; Blaisse, Adam; Blasch, Erik; Sheaff, Carolyn; Chen, Genshe; Wu, Jie; Ling, Haibin


    Wide-Area Motion Imagery (WAMI) feature extraction is important for applications such as target tracking, traffic management and accident discovery. With the increasing amount of WAMI collections and feature extraction from the data, a scalable framework is needed to handle the large amount of information. Cloud computing is one of the approaches recently applied in large scale or big data. In this paper, MapReduce in Hadoop is investigated for large scale feature extraction tasks for WAMI. Specifically, a large dataset of WAMI images is divided into several splits. Each split has a small subset of WAMI images. The feature extractions of WAMI images in each split are distributed to slave nodes in the Hadoop system. Feature extraction of each image is performed individually in the assigned slave node. Finally, the feature extraction results are sent to the Hadoop File System (HDFS) to aggregate the feature information over the collected imagery. Experiments of feature extraction with and without MapReduce are conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed Cloud-Enabled WAMI Exploitation (CAWE) approach.

  20. Toward high-throughput phenotyping: unbiased automated feature extraction and selection from knowledge sources.


    Yu, Sheng; Liao, Katherine P; Shaw, Stanley Y; Gainer, Vivian S; Churchill, Susanne E; Szolovits, Peter; Murphy, Shawn N; Kohane, Isaac S; Cai, Tianxi


    Analysis of narrative (text) data from electronic health records (EHRs) can improve population-scale phenotyping for clinical and genetic research. Currently, selection of text features for phenotyping algorithms is slow and laborious, requiring extensive and iterative involvement by domain experts. This paper introduces a method to develop phenotyping algorithms in an unbiased manner by automatically extracting and selecting informative features, which can be comparable to expert-curated ones in classification accuracy. Comprehensive medical concepts were collected from publicly available knowledge sources in an automated, unbiased fashion. Natural language processing (NLP) revealed the occurrence patterns of these concepts in EHR narrative notes, which enabled selection of informative features for phenotype classification. When combined with additional codified features, a penalized logistic regression model was trained to classify the target phenotype. The authors applied our method to develop algorithms to identify patients with rheumatoid arthritis and coronary artery disease cases among those with rheumatoid arthritis from a large multi-institutional EHR. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC) for classifying RA and CAD using models trained with automated features were 0.951 and 0.929, respectively, compared to the AUCs of 0.938 and 0.929 by models trained with expert-curated features. Models trained with NLP text features selected through an unbiased, automated procedure achieved comparable or slightly higher accuracy than those trained with expert-curated features. The majority of the selected model features were interpretable. The proposed automated feature extraction method, generating highly accurate phenotyping algorithms with improved efficiency, is a significant step toward high-throughput phenotyping. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association. All

  1. Feature extraction and classification of clouds in high resolution panchromatic satellite imagery

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sharghi, Elan

    The development of sophisticated remote sensing sensors is rapidly increasing, and the vast amount of satellite imagery collected is too much to be analyzed manually by a human image analyst. It has become necessary for a tool to be developed to automate the job of an image analyst. This tool would need to intelligently detect and classify objects of interest through computer vision algorithms. Existing software called the Rapid Image Exploitation Resource (RAPIER®) was designed by engineers at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific (SSC PAC) to perform exactly this function. This software automatically searches for anomalies in the ocean and reports the detections as a possible ship object. However, if the image contains a high percentage of cloud coverage, a high number of false positives are triggered by the clouds. The focus of this thesis is to explore various feature extraction and classification methods to accurately distinguish clouds from ship objects. An examination of a texture analysis method, line detection using the Hough transform, and edge detection using wavelets are explored as possible feature extraction methods. The features are then supplied to a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) or Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Parameter options for these classifiers are explored and the optimal parameters are determined.

  2. Feature extraction inspired by V1 in visual cortex

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lv, Chao; Xu, Yuelei; Zhang, Xulei; Ma, Shiping; Li, Shuai; Xin, Peng; Zhu, Mingning; Ma, Hongqiang


    Target feature extraction plays an important role in pattern recognition. It is the most complicated activity in the brain mechanism of biological vision. Inspired by high properties of primary visual cortex (V1) in extracting dynamic and static features, a visual perception model was raised. Firstly, 28 spatial-temporal filters with different orientations, half-squaring operation and divisive normalization were adopted to obtain the responses of V1 simple cells; then, an adjustable parameter was added to the output weight so that the response of complex cells was got. Experimental results indicate that the proposed V1 model can perceive motion information well. Besides, it has a good edge detection capability. The model inspired by V1 has good performance in feature extraction and effectively combines brain-inspired intelligence with computer vision.

  3. An ensemble method for extracting adverse drug events from social media.


    Liu, Jing; Zhao, Songzheng; Zhang, Xiaodi


    Because adverse drug events (ADEs) are a serious health problem and a leading cause of death, it is of vital importance to identify them correctly and in a timely manner. With the development of Web 2.0, social media has become a large data source for information on ADEs. The objective of this study is to develop a relation extraction system that uses natural language processing techniques to effectively distinguish between ADEs and non-ADEs in informal text on social media. We develop a feature-based approach that utilizes various lexical, syntactic, and semantic features. Information-gain-based feature selection is performed to address high-dimensional features. Then, we evaluate the effectiveness of four well-known kernel-based approaches (i.e., subset tree kernel, tree kernel, shortest dependency path kernel, and all-paths graph kernel) and several ensembles that are generated by adopting different combination methods (i.e., majority voting, weighted averaging, and stacked generalization). All of the approaches are tested using three data sets: two health-related discussion forums and one general social networking site (i.e., Twitter). When investigating the contribution of each feature subset, the feature-based approach attains the best area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC) values, which are 78.6%, 72.2%, and 79.2% on the three data sets. When individual methods are used, we attain the best AUC values of 82.1%, 73.2%, and 77.0% using the subset tree kernel, shortest dependency path kernel, and feature-based approach on the three data sets, respectively. When using classifier ensembles, we achieve the best AUC values of 84.5%, 77.3%, and 84.5% on the three data sets, outperforming the baselines. Our experimental results indicate that ADE extraction from social media can benefit from feature selection. With respect to the effectiveness of different feature subsets, lexical features and semantic features can enhance the ADE extraction

  4. Enhancement of the Feature Extraction Capability in Global Damage Detection Using Wavelet Theory

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Saleeb, Atef F.; Ponnaluru, Gopi Krishna


    The main objective of this study is to assess the specific capabilities of the defect energy parameter technique for global damage detection developed by Saleeb and coworkers. The feature extraction is the most important capability in any damage-detection technique. Features are any parameters extracted from the processed measurement data in order to enhance damage detection. The damage feature extraction capability was studied extensively by analyzing various simulation results. The practical significance in structural health monitoring is that the detection at early stages of small-size defects is always desirable. The amount of changes in the structure's response due to these small defects was determined to show the needed level of accuracy in the experimental methods. The arrangement of fine/extensive sensor network to measure required data for the detection is an "unlimited" ability, but there is a difficulty to place extensive number of sensors on a structure. Therefore, an investigation was conducted using the measurements of coarse sensor network. The white and the pink noises, which cover most of the frequency ranges that are typically encountered in the many measuring devices used (e.g., accelerometers, strain gauges, etc.) are added to the displacements to investigate the effect of noisy measurements in the detection technique. The noisy displacements and the noisy damage parameter values are used to study the signal feature reconstruction using wavelets. The enhancement of the feature extraction capability was successfully achieved by the wavelet theory.

  5. Acousto-Optic Technology for Topographic Feature Extraction and Image Analysis.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    This report contains all findings of the acousto - optic technology study for feature extraction conducted by Deft Laboratories Inc. for the U.S. Army...topographic feature extraction and image analysis using acousto - optic (A-O) technology. A conclusion of this study was that A-O devices are potentially

  6. Achieving Accurate Automatic Sleep Staging on Manually Pre-processed EEG Data Through Synchronization Feature Extraction and Graph Metrics.


    Chriskos, Panteleimon; Frantzidis, Christos A; Gkivogkli, Polyxeni T; Bamidis, Panagiotis D; Kourtidou-Papadeli, Chrysoula


    Sleep staging, the process of assigning labels to epochs of sleep, depending on the stage of sleep they belong, is an arduous, time consuming and error prone process as the initial recordings are quite often polluted by noise from different sources. To properly analyze such data and extract clinical knowledge, noise components must be removed or alleviated. In this paper a pre-processing and subsequent sleep staging pipeline for the sleep analysis of electroencephalographic signals is described. Two novel methods of functional connectivity estimation (Synchronization Likelihood/SL and Relative Wavelet Entropy/RWE) are comparatively investigated for automatic sleep staging through manually pre-processed electroencephalographic recordings. A multi-step process that renders signals suitable for further analysis is initially described. Then, two methods that rely on extracting synchronization features from electroencephalographic recordings to achieve computerized sleep staging are proposed, based on bivariate features which provide a functional overview of the brain network, contrary to most proposed methods that rely on extracting univariate time and frequency features. Annotation of sleep epochs is achieved through the presented feature extraction methods by training classifiers, which are in turn able to accurately classify new epochs. Analysis of data from sleep experiments on a randomized, controlled bed-rest study, which was organized by the European Space Agency and was conducted in the "ENVIHAB" facility of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne, Germany attains high accuracy rates, over 90% based on ground truth that resulted from manual sleep staging by two experienced sleep experts. Therefore, it can be concluded that the above feature extraction methods are suitable for semi-automatic sleep staging.

  7. Achieving Accurate Automatic Sleep Staging on Manually Pre-processed EEG Data Through Synchronization Feature Extraction and Graph Metrics

    PubMed Central

    Chriskos, Panteleimon; Frantzidis, Christos A.; Gkivogkli, Polyxeni T.; Bamidis, Panagiotis D.; Kourtidou-Papadeli, Chrysoula


    Sleep staging, the process of assigning labels to epochs of sleep, depending on the stage of sleep they belong, is an arduous, time consuming and error prone process as the initial recordings are quite often polluted by noise from different sources. To properly analyze such data and extract clinical knowledge, noise components must be removed or alleviated. In this paper a pre-processing and subsequent sleep staging pipeline for the sleep analysis of electroencephalographic signals is described. Two novel methods of functional connectivity estimation (Synchronization Likelihood/SL and Relative Wavelet Entropy/RWE) are comparatively investigated for automatic sleep staging through manually pre-processed electroencephalographic recordings. A multi-step process that renders signals suitable for further analysis is initially described. Then, two methods that rely on extracting synchronization features from electroencephalographic recordings to achieve computerized sleep staging are proposed, based on bivariate features which provide a functional overview of the brain network, contrary to most proposed methods that rely on extracting univariate time and frequency features. Annotation of sleep epochs is achieved through the presented feature extraction methods by training classifiers, which are in turn able to accurately classify new epochs. Analysis of data from sleep experiments on a randomized, controlled bed-rest study, which was organized by the European Space Agency and was conducted in the “ENVIHAB” facility of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne, Germany attains high accuracy rates, over 90% based on ground truth that resulted from manual sleep staging by two experienced sleep experts. Therefore, it can be concluded that the above feature extraction methods are suitable for semi-automatic sleep staging. PMID:29628883

  8. The extraction and use of facial features in low bit-rate visual communication.


    Pearson, D


    A review is given of experimental investigations by the author and his collaborators into methods of extracting binary features from images of the face and hands. The aim of the research has been to enable deaf people to communicate by sign language over the telephone network. Other applications include model-based image coding and facial-recognition systems. The paper deals with the theoretical postulates underlying the successful experimental extraction of facial features. The basic philosophy has been to treat the face as an illuminated three-dimensional object and to identify features from characteristics of their Gaussian maps. It can be shown that in general a composite image operator linked to a directional-illumination estimator is required to accomplish this, although the latter can often be omitted in practice.

  9. A Rapid Segmentation-Insensitive "Digital Biopsy" Method for Radiomic Feature Extraction: Method and Pilot Study Using CT Images of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.


    Echegaray, Sebastian; Nair, Viswam; Kadoch, Michael; Leung, Ann; Rubin, Daniel; Gevaert, Olivier; Napel, Sandy


    Quantitative imaging approaches compute features within images' regions of interest. Segmentation is rarely completely automatic, requiring time-consuming editing by experts. We propose a new paradigm, called "digital biopsy," that allows for the collection of intensity- and texture-based features from these regions at least 1 order of magnitude faster than the current manual or semiautomated methods. A radiologist reviewed automated segmentations of lung nodules from 100 preoperative volume computed tomography scans of patients with non-small cell lung cancer, and manually adjusted the nodule boundaries in each section, to be used as a reference standard, requiring up to 45 minutes per nodule. We also asked a different expert to generate a digital biopsy for each patient using a paintbrush tool to paint a contiguous region of each tumor over multiple cross-sections, a procedure that required an average of <3 minutes per nodule. We simulated additional digital biopsies using morphological procedures. Finally, we compared the features extracted from these digital biopsies with our reference standard using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to characterize robustness. Comparing the reference standard segmentations to our digital biopsies, we found that 84/94 features had an ICC >0.7; comparing erosions and dilations, using a sphere of 1.5-mm radius, of our digital biopsies to the reference standard segmentations resulted in 41/94 and 53/94 features, respectively, with ICCs >0.7. We conclude that many intensity- and texture-based features remain consistent between the reference standard and our method while substantially reducing the amount of operator time required.

  10. Feature Extraction from Subband Brain Signals and Its Classification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mukul, Manoj Kumar; Matsuno, Fumitoshi

    This paper considers both the non-stationarity as well as independence/uncorrelated criteria along with the asymmetry ratio over the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and proposes a hybrid approach of the signal preprocessing methods before the feature extraction. A filter bank approach of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is used to exploit the non-stationary characteristics of the EEG signals and it decomposes the raw EEG signals into the subbands of different center frequencies called as rhythm. A post processing of the selected subband by the AMUSE algorithm (a second order statistics based ICA/BSS algorithm) provides the separating matrix for each class of the movement imagery. In the subband domain the orthogonality as well as orthonormality criteria over the whitening matrix and separating matrix do not come respectively. The human brain has an asymmetrical structure. It has been observed that the ratio between the norms of the left and right class separating matrices should be different for better discrimination between these two classes. The alpha/beta band asymmetry ratio between the separating matrices of the left and right classes will provide the condition to select an appropriate multiplier. So we modify the estimated separating matrix by an appropriate multiplier in order to get the required asymmetry and extend the AMUSE algorithm in the subband domain. The desired subband is further subjected to the updated separating matrix to extract subband sub-components from each class. The extracted subband sub-components sources are further subjected to the feature extraction (power spectral density) step followed by the linear discriminant analysis (LDA).

  11. Features extraction in anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments analysis.


    Zarychta, P


    The main aim of this research is finding the feature vectors of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (ACL and PCL). These feature vectors have to clearly define the ligaments structure and make it easier to diagnose them. Extraction of feature vectors is obtained by analysis of both anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. This procedure is performed after the extraction process of both ligaments. In the first stage in order to reduce the area of analysis a region of interest including cruciate ligaments (CL) is outlined in order to reduce the area of analysis. In this case, the fuzzy C-means algorithm with median modification helping to reduce blurred edges has been implemented. After finding the region of interest (ROI), the fuzzy connectedness procedure is performed. This procedure permits to extract the anterior and posterior cruciate ligament structures. In the last stage, on the basis of the extracted anterior and posterior cruciate ligament structures, 3-dimensional models of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligament are built and the feature vectors created. This methodology has been implemented in MATLAB and tested on clinical T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) slices of the knee joint. The 3D display is based on the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Combined rule extraction and feature elimination in supervised classification.


    Liu, Sheng; Patel, Ronak Y; Daga, Pankaj R; Liu, Haining; Fu, Gang; Doerksen, Robert J; Chen, Yixin; Wilkins, Dawn E


    There are a vast number of biology related research problems involving a combination of multiple sources of data to achieve a better understanding of the underlying problems. It is important to select and interpret the most important information from these sources. Thus it will be beneficial to have a good algorithm to simultaneously extract rules and select features for better interpretation of the predictive model. We propose an efficient algorithm, Combined Rule Extraction and Feature Elimination (CRF), based on 1-norm regularized random forests. CRF simultaneously extracts a small number of rules generated by random forests and selects important features. We applied CRF to several drug activity prediction and microarray data sets. CRF is capable of producing performance comparable with state-of-the-art prediction algorithms using a small number of decision rules. Some of the decision rules are biologically significant.

  13. Automated Extraction of Secondary Flow Features

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dorney, Suzanne M.; Haimes, Robert


    The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become standard practice in the design and development of the major components used for air and space propulsion. To aid in the post-processing and analysis phase of CFD many researchers now use automated feature extraction utilities. These tools can be used to detect the existence of such features as shocks, vortex cores and separation and re-attachment lines. The existence of secondary flow is another feature of significant importance to CFD engineers. Although the concept of secondary flow is relatively understood there is no commonly accepted mathematical definition for secondary flow. This paper will present a definition for secondary flow and one approach for automatically detecting and visualizing secondary flow.

  14. A novel framework for feature extraction in multi-sensor action potential sorting.


    Wu, Shun-Chi; Swindlehurst, A Lee; Nenadic, Zoran


    Extracellular recordings of multi-unit neural activity have become indispensable in neuroscience research. The analysis of the recordings begins with the detection of the action potentials (APs), followed by a classification step where each AP is associated with a given neural source. A feature extraction step is required prior to classification in order to reduce the dimensionality of the data and the impact of noise, allowing source clustering algorithms to work more efficiently. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for multi-sensor AP feature extraction based on the so-called Matched Subspace Detector (MSD), which is shown to be a natural generalization of standard single-sensor algorithms. Clustering using both simulated data and real AP recordings taken in the locust antennal lobe demonstrates that the proposed approach yields features that are discriminatory and lead to promising results. Unlike existing methods, the proposed algorithm finds joint spatio-temporal feature vectors that match the dominant subspace observed in the two-dimensional data without needs for a forward propagation model and AP templates. The proposed MSD approach provides more discriminatory features for unsupervised AP sorting applications. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. EEG artifact elimination by extraction of ICA-component features using image processing algorithms.


    Radüntz, T; Scouten, J; Hochmuth, O; Meffert, B


    Artifact rejection is a central issue when dealing with electroencephalogram recordings. Although independent component analysis (ICA) separates data in linearly independent components (IC), the classification of these components as artifact or EEG signal still requires visual inspection by experts. In this paper, we achieve automated artifact elimination using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) for classification of feature vectors extracted from ICA components via image processing algorithms. We compare the performance of this automated classifier to visual classification by experts and identify range filtering as a feature extraction method with great potential for automated IC artifact recognition (accuracy rate 88%). We obtain almost the same level of recognition performance for geometric features and local binary pattern (LBP) features. Compared to the existing automated solutions the proposed method has two main advantages: First, it does not depend on direct recording of artifact signals, which then, e.g. have to be subtracted from the contaminated EEG. Second, it is not limited to a specific number or type of artifact. In summary, the present method is an automatic, reliable, real-time capable and practical tool that reduces the time intensive manual selection of ICs for artifact removal. The results are very promising despite the relatively small channel resolution of 25 electrodes. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. PyEEG: an open source Python module for EEG/MEG feature extraction.


    Bao, Forrest Sheng; Liu, Xin; Zhang, Christina


    Computer-aided diagnosis of neural diseases from EEG signals (or other physiological signals that can be treated as time series, e.g., MEG) is an emerging field that has gained much attention in past years. Extracting features is a key component in the analysis of EEG signals. In our previous works, we have implemented many EEG feature extraction functions in the Python programming language. As Python is gaining more ground in scientific computing, an open source Python module for extracting EEG features has the potential to save much time for computational neuroscientists. In this paper, we introduce PyEEG, an open source Python module for EEG feature extraction.

  17. PyEEG: An Open Source Python Module for EEG/MEG Feature Extraction

    PubMed Central

    Bao, Forrest Sheng; Liu, Xin; Zhang, Christina


    Computer-aided diagnosis of neural diseases from EEG signals (or other physiological signals that can be treated as time series, e.g., MEG) is an emerging field that has gained much attention in past years. Extracting features is a key component in the analysis of EEG signals. In our previous works, we have implemented many EEG feature extraction functions in the Python programming language. As Python is gaining more ground in scientific computing, an open source Python module for extracting EEG features has the potential to save much time for computational neuroscientists. In this paper, we introduce PyEEG, an open source Python module for EEG feature extraction. PMID:21512582

  18. Defect-Repairable Latent Feature Extraction of Driving Behavior via a Deep Sparse Autoencoder

    PubMed Central

    Taniguchi, Tadahiro; Takenaka, Kazuhito; Bando, Takashi


    Data representing driving behavior, as measured by various sensors installed in a vehicle, are collected as multi-dimensional sensor time-series data. These data often include redundant information, e.g., both the speed of wheels and the engine speed represent the velocity of the vehicle. Redundant information can be expected to complicate the data analysis, e.g., more factors need to be analyzed; even varying the levels of redundancy can influence the results of the analysis. We assume that the measured multi-dimensional sensor time-series data of driving behavior are generated from low-dimensional data shared by the many types of one-dimensional data of which multi-dimensional time-series data are composed. Meanwhile, sensor time-series data may be defective because of sensor failure. Therefore, another important function is to reduce the negative effect of defective data when extracting low-dimensional time-series data. This study proposes a defect-repairable feature extraction method based on a deep sparse autoencoder (DSAE) to extract low-dimensional time-series data. In the experiments, we show that DSAE provides high-performance latent feature extraction for driving behavior, even for defective sensor time-series data. In addition, we show that the negative effect of defects on the driving behavior segmentation task could be reduced using the latent features extracted by DSAE. PMID:29462931

  19. Bilinear modeling of EMG signals to extract user-independent features for multiuser myoelectric interface.


    Matsubara, Takamitsu; Morimoto, Jun


    In this study, we propose a multiuser myoelectric interface that can easily adapt to novel users. When a user performs different motions (e.g., grasping and pinching), different electromyography (EMG) signals are measured. When different users perform the same motion (e.g., grasping), different EMG signals are also measured. Therefore, designing a myoelectric interface that can be used by multiple users to perform multiple motions is difficult. To cope with this problem, we propose for EMG signals a bilinear model that is composed of two linear factors: 1) user dependent and 2) motion dependent. By decomposing the EMG signals into these two factors, the extracted motion-dependent factors can be used as user-independent features. We can construct a motion classifier on the extracted feature space to develop the multiuser interface. For novel users, the proposed adaptation method estimates the user-dependent factor through only a few interactions. The bilinear EMG model with the estimated user-dependent factor can extract the user-independent features from the novel user data. We applied our proposed method to a recognition task of five hand gestures for robotic hand control using four-channel EMG signals measured from subject forearms. Our method resulted in 73% accuracy, which was statistically significantly different from the accuracy of standard nonmultiuser interfaces, as the result of a two-sample t -test at a significance level of 1%.

  20. Automation of lidar-based hydrologic feature extraction workflows using GIS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Borlongan, Noel Jerome B.; de la Cruz, Roel M.; Olfindo, Nestor T.; Perez, Anjillyn Mae C.


    With the advent of LiDAR technology, higher resolution datasets become available for use in different remote sensing and GIS applications. One significant application of LiDAR datasets in the Philippines is in resource features extraction. Feature extraction using LiDAR datasets require complex and repetitive workflows which can take a lot of time for researchers through manual execution and supervision. The Development of the Philippine Hydrologic Dataset for Watersheds from LiDAR Surveys (PHD), a project under the Nationwide Detailed Resources Assessment Using LiDAR (Phil-LiDAR 2) program, created a set of scripts, the PHD Toolkit, to automate its processes and workflows necessary for hydrologic features extraction specifically Streams and Drainages, Irrigation Network, and Inland Wetlands, using LiDAR Datasets. These scripts are created in Python and can be added in the ArcGIS® environment as a toolbox. The toolkit is currently being used as an aid for the researchers in hydrologic feature extraction by simplifying the workflows, eliminating human errors when providing the inputs, and providing quick and easy-to-use tools for repetitive tasks. This paper discusses the actual implementation of different workflows developed by Phil-LiDAR 2 Project 4 in Streams, Irrigation Network and Inland Wetlands extraction.

  1. Autonomous celestial navigation based on Earth ultraviolet radiance and fast gradient statistic feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lu, Shan; Zhang, Hanmo


    To meet the requirement of autonomous orbit determination, this paper proposes a fast curve fitting method based on earth ultraviolet features to obtain accurate earth vector direction, in order to achieve the high precision autonomous navigation. Firstly, combining the stable characters of earth ultraviolet radiance and the use of transmission model software of atmospheric radiation, the paper simulates earth ultraviolet radiation model on different time and chooses the proper observation band. Then the fast improved edge extracting method combined Sobel operator and local binary pattern (LBP) is utilized, which can both eliminate noises efficiently and extract earth ultraviolet limb features accurately. And earth's centroid locations on simulated images are estimated via the least square fitting method using part of the limb edges. Taken advantage of the estimated earth vector direction and earth distance, Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is applied to realize the autonomous navigation finally. Experiment results indicate the proposed method can achieve a sub-pixel earth centroid location estimation and extremely enhance autonomous celestial navigation precision.

  2. Segmentation, feature extraction, and multiclass brain tumor classification.


    Sachdeva, Jainy; Kumar, Vinod; Gupta, Indra; Khandelwal, Niranjan; Ahuja, Chirag Kamal


    Multiclass brain tumor classification is performed by using a diversified dataset of 428 post-contrast T1-weighted MR images from 55 patients. These images are of primary brain tumors namely astrocytoma (AS), glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), childhood tumor-medulloblastoma (MED), meningioma (MEN), secondary tumor-metastatic (MET), and normal regions (NR). Eight hundred fifty-six regions of interest (SROIs) are extracted by a content-based active contour model. Two hundred eighteen intensity and texture features are extracted from these SROIs. In this study, principal component analysis (PCA) is used for reduction of dimensionality of the feature space. These six classes are then classified by artificial neural network (ANN). Hence, this approach is named as PCA-ANN approach. Three sets of experiments have been performed. In the first experiment, classification accuracy by ANN approach is performed. In the second experiment, PCA-ANN approach with random sub-sampling has been used in which the SROIs from the same patient may get repeated during testing. It is observed that the classification accuracy has increased from 77 to 91 %. PCA-ANN has delivered high accuracy for each class: AS-90.74 %, GBM-88.46 %, MED-85 %, MEN-90.70 %, MET-96.67 %, and NR-93.78 %. In the third experiment, to remove bias and to test the robustness of the proposed system, data is partitioned in a manner such that the SROIs from the same patient are not common for training and testing sets. In this case also, the proposed system has performed well by delivering an overall accuracy of 85.23 %. The individual class accuracy for each class is: AS-86.15 %, GBM-65.1 %, MED-63.36 %, MEN-91.5 %, MET-65.21 %, and NR-93.3 %. A computer-aided diagnostic system comprising of developed methods for segmentation, feature extraction, and classification of brain tumors can be beneficial to radiologists for precise localization, diagnosis, and interpretation of brain tumors on MR images.

  3. An integrated condition-monitoring method for a milling process using reduced decomposition features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Jie; Wu, Bo; Wang, Yan; Hu, Youmin


    Complex and non-stationary cutting chatter affects productivity and quality in the milling process. Developing an effective condition-monitoring approach is critical to accurately identify cutting chatter. In this paper, an integrated condition-monitoring method is proposed, where reduced features are used to efficiently recognize and classify machine states in the milling process. In the proposed method, vibration signals are decomposed into multiple modes with variational mode decomposition, and Shannon power spectral entropy is calculated to extract features from the decomposed signals. Principal component analysis is adopted to reduce feature size and computational cost. With the extracted feature information, the probabilistic neural network model is used to recognize and classify the machine states, including stable, transition, and chatter states. Experimental studies are conducted, and results show that the proposed method can effectively detect cutting chatter during different milling operation conditions. This monitoring method is also efficient enough to satisfy fast machine state recognition and classification.

  4. Shape Adaptive, Robust Iris Feature Extraction from Noisy Iris Images

    PubMed Central

    Ghodrati, Hamed; Dehghani, Mohammad Javad; Danyali, Habibolah


    In the current iris recognition systems, noise removing step is only used to detect noisy parts of the iris region and features extracted from there will be excluded in matching step. Whereas depending on the filter structure used in feature extraction, the noisy parts may influence relevant features. To the best of our knowledge, the effect of noise factors on feature extraction has not been considered in the previous works. This paper investigates the effect of shape adaptive wavelet transform and shape adaptive Gabor-wavelet for feature extraction on the iris recognition performance. In addition, an effective noise-removing approach is proposed in this paper. The contribution is to detect eyelashes and reflections by calculating appropriate thresholds by a procedure called statistical decision making. The eyelids are segmented by parabolic Hough transform in normalized iris image to decrease computational burden through omitting rotation term. The iris is localized by an accurate and fast algorithm based on coarse-to-fine strategy. The principle of mask code generation is to assign the noisy bits in an iris code in order to exclude them in matching step is presented in details. An experimental result shows that by using the shape adaptive Gabor-wavelet technique there is an improvement on the accuracy of recognition rate. PMID:24696801

  5. Shape adaptive, robust iris feature extraction from noisy iris images.


    Ghodrati, Hamed; Dehghani, Mohammad Javad; Danyali, Habibolah


    In the current iris recognition systems, noise removing step is only used to detect noisy parts of the iris region and features extracted from there will be excluded in matching step. Whereas depending on the filter structure used in feature extraction, the noisy parts may influence relevant features. To the best of our knowledge, the effect of noise factors on feature extraction has not been considered in the previous works. This paper investigates the effect of shape adaptive wavelet transform and shape adaptive Gabor-wavelet for feature extraction on the iris recognition performance. In addition, an effective noise-removing approach is proposed in this paper. The contribution is to detect eyelashes and reflections by calculating appropriate thresholds by a procedure called statistical decision making. The eyelids are segmented by parabolic Hough transform in normalized iris image to decrease computational burden through omitting rotation term. The iris is localized by an accurate and fast algorithm based on coarse-to-fine strategy. The principle of mask code generation is to assign the noisy bits in an iris code in order to exclude them in matching step is presented in details. An experimental result shows that by using the shape adaptive Gabor-wavelet technique there is an improvement on the accuracy of recognition rate.

  6. Feature extraction via KPCA for classification of gait patterns.


    Wu, Jianning; Wang, Jue; Liu, Li


    Automated recognition of gait pattern change is important in medical diagnostics as well as in the early identification of at-risk gait in the elderly. We evaluated the use of Kernel-based Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) to extract more gait features (i.e., to obtain more significant amounts of information about human movement) and thus to improve the classification of gait patterns. 3D gait data of 24 young and 24 elderly participants were acquired using an OPTOTRAK 3020 motion analysis system during normal walking, and a total of 36 gait spatio-temporal and kinematic variables were extracted from the recorded data. KPCA was used first for nonlinear feature extraction to then evaluate its effect on a subsequent classification in combination with learning algorithms such as support vector machines (SVMs). Cross-validation test results indicated that the proposed technique could allow spreading the information about the gait's kinematic structure into more nonlinear principal components, thus providing additional discriminatory information for the improvement of gait classification performance. The feature extraction ability of KPCA was affected slightly with different kernel functions as polynomial and radial basis function. The combination of KPCA and SVM could identify young-elderly gait patterns with 91% accuracy, resulting in a markedly improved performance compared to the combination of PCA and SVM. These results suggest that nonlinear feature extraction by KPCA improves the classification of young-elderly gait patterns, and holds considerable potential for future applications in direct dimensionality reduction and interpretation of multiple gait signals.

  7. iFeature: a python package and web server for features extraction and selection from protein and peptide sequences.


    Chen, Zhen; Zhao, Pei; Li, Fuyi; Leier, André; Marquez-Lago, Tatiana T; Wang, Yanan; Webb, Geoffrey I; Smith, A Ian; Daly, Roger J; Chou, Kuo-Chen; Song, Jiangning


    Structural and physiochemical descriptors extracted from sequence data have been widely used to represent sequences and predict structural, functional, expression and interaction profiles of proteins and peptides as well as DNAs/RNAs. Here, we present iFeature, a versatile Python-based toolkit for generating various numerical feature representation schemes for both protein and peptide sequences. iFeature is capable of calculating and extracting a comprehensive spectrum of 18 major sequence encoding schemes that encompass 53 different types of feature descriptors. It also allows users to extract specific amino acid properties from the AAindex database. Furthermore, iFeature integrates 12 different types of commonly used feature clustering, selection, and dimensionality reduction algorithms, greatly facilitating training, analysis, and benchmarking of machine-learning models. The functionality of iFeature is made freely available via an online web server and a stand-alone toolkit.;;; Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  8. Investigation of automated feature extraction using multiple data sources

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Harvey, Neal R.; Perkins, Simon J.; Pope, Paul A.; Theiler, James P.; David, Nancy A.; Porter, Reid B.


    An increasing number and variety of platforms are now capable of collecting remote sensing data over a particular scene. For many applications, the information available from any individual sensor may be incomplete, inconsistent or imprecise. However, other sources may provide complementary and/or additional data. Thus, for an application such as image feature extraction or classification, it may be that fusing the mulitple data sources can lead to more consistent and reliable results. Unfortunately, with the increased complexity of the fused data, the search space of feature-extraction or classification algorithms also greatly increases. With a single data source, the determination of a suitable algorithm may be a significant challenge for an image analyst. With the fused data, the search for suitable algorithms can go far beyond the capabilities of a human in a realistic time frame, and becomes the realm of machine learning, where the computational power of modern computers can be harnessed to the task at hand. We describe experiments in which we investigate the ability of a suite of automated feature extraction tools developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory to make use of multiple data sources for various feature extraction tasks. We compare and contrast this software's capabilities on 1) individual data sets from different data sources 2) fused data sets from multiple data sources and 3) fusion of results from multiple individual data sources.

  9. Iris Recognition Using Feature Extraction of Box Counting Fractal Dimension

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khotimah, C.; Juniati, D.


    Biometrics is a science that is now growing rapidly. Iris recognition is a biometric modality which captures a photo of the eye pattern. The markings of the iris are distinctive that it has been proposed to use as a means of identification, instead of fingerprints. Iris recognition was chosen for identification in this research because every human has a special feature that each individual is different and the iris is protected by the cornea so that it will have a fixed shape. This iris recognition consists of three step: pre-processing of data, feature extraction, and feature matching. Hough transformation is used in the process of pre-processing to locate the iris area and Daugman’s rubber sheet model to normalize the iris data set into rectangular blocks. To find the characteristics of the iris, it was used box counting method to get the fractal dimension value of the iris. Tests carried out by used k-fold cross method with k = 5. In each test used 10 different grade K of K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The result of iris recognition was obtained with the best accuracy was 92,63 % for K = 3 value on K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) method.

  10. Quantitative 3-D Imaging, Segmentation and Feature Extraction of the Respiratory System in Small Mammals for Computational Biophysics Simulations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Trease, Lynn L.; Trease, Harold E.; Fowler, John


    One of the critical steps toward performing computational biology simulations, using mesh based integration methods, is in using topologically faithful geometry derived from experimental digital image data as the basis for generating the computational meshes. Digital image data representations contain both the topology of the geometric features and experimental field data distributions. The geometric features that need to be captured from the digital image data are three-dimensional, therefore the process and tools we have developed work with volumetric image data represented as data-cubes. This allows us to take advantage of 2D curvature information during the segmentation and feature extraction process.more » The process is basically: 1) segmenting to isolate and enhance the contrast of the features that we wish to extract and reconstruct, 2) extracting the geometry of the features in an isosurfacing technique, and 3) building the computational mesh using the extracted feature geometry. “Quantitative” image reconstruction and feature extraction is done for the purpose of generating computational meshes, not just for producing graphics "screen" quality images. For example, the surface geometry that we extract must represent a closed water-tight surface.« less

  11. Automated Fluid Feature Extraction from Transient Simulations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Haimes, Robert


    In the past, feature extraction and identification were interesting concepts, but not required to understand the underlying physics of a steady flow field. This is because the results of the more traditional tools like iso-surfaces, cuts and streamlines were more interactive and easily abstracted so they could be represented to the investigator. These tools worked and properly conveyed the collected information at the expense of much interaction. For unsteady flow-fields, the investigator does not have the luxury of spending time scanning only one 'snap-shot' of the simulation. Automated assistance is required in pointing out areas of potential interest contained within the flow. This must not require a heavy compute burden (the visualization should not significantly slow down the solution procedure for co-processing environments like pV3). And methods must be developed to abstract the feature and display it in a manner that physically makes sense. The following is a list of the important physical phenomena found in transient (and steady-state) fluid flow: Shocks; Vortex ores; Regions of Recirculation; Boundary Layers; Wakes.

  12. A multiple distributed representation method based on neural network for biomedical event extraction.


    Wang, Anran; Wang, Jian; Lin, Hongfei; Zhang, Jianhai; Yang, Zhihao; Xu, Kan


    Biomedical event extraction is one of the most frontier domains in biomedical research. The two main subtasks of biomedical event extraction are trigger identification and arguments detection which can both be considered as classification problems. However, traditional state-of-the-art methods are based on support vector machine (SVM) with massive manually designed one-hot represented features, which require enormous work but lack semantic relation among words. In this paper, we propose a multiple distributed representation method for biomedical event extraction. The method combines context consisting of dependency-based word embedding, and task-based features represented in a distributed way as the input of deep learning models to train deep learning models. Finally, we used softmax classifier to label the example candidates. The experimental results on Multi-Level Event Extraction (MLEE) corpus show higher F-scores of 77.97% in trigger identification and 58.31% in overall compared to the state-of-the-art SVM method. Our distributed representation method for biomedical event extraction avoids the problems of semantic gap and dimension disaster from traditional one-hot representation methods. The promising results demonstrate that our proposed method is effective for biomedical event extraction.

  13. PCA feature extraction for change detection in multidimensional unlabeled data.


    Kuncheva, Ludmila I; Faithfull, William J


    When classifiers are deployed in real-world applications, it is assumed that the distribution of the incoming data matches the distribution of the data used to train the classifier. This assumption is often incorrect, which necessitates some form of change detection or adaptive classification. While there has been a lot of work on change detection based on the classification error monitored over the course of the operation of the classifier, finding changes in multidimensional unlabeled data is still a challenge. Here, we propose to apply principal component analysis (PCA) for feature extraction prior to the change detection. Supported by a theoretical example, we argue that the components with the lowest variance should be retained as the extracted features because they are more likely to be affected by a change. We chose a recently proposed semiparametric log-likelihood change detection criterion that is sensitive to changes in both mean and variance of the multidimensional distribution. An experiment with 35 datasets and an illustration with a simple video segmentation demonstrate the advantage of using extracted features compared to raw data. Further analysis shows that feature extraction through PCA is beneficial, specifically for data with multiple balanced classes.

  14. Feature extraction based on semi-supervised kernel Marginal Fisher analysis and its application in bearing fault diagnosis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jiang, Li; Xuan, Jianping; Shi, Tielin


    Generally, the vibration signals of faulty machinery are non-stationary and nonlinear under complicated operating conditions. Therefore, it is a big challenge for machinery fault diagnosis to extract optimal features for improving classification accuracy. This paper proposes semi-supervised kernel Marginal Fisher analysis (SSKMFA) for feature extraction, which can discover the intrinsic manifold structure of dataset, and simultaneously consider the intra-class compactness and the inter-class separability. Based on SSKMFA, a novel approach to fault diagnosis is put forward and applied to fault recognition of rolling bearings. SSKMFA directly extracts the low-dimensional characteristics from the raw high-dimensional vibration signals, by exploiting the inherent manifold structure of both labeled and unlabeled samples. Subsequently, the optimal low-dimensional features are fed into the simplest K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier to recognize different fault categories and severities of bearings. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach improves the fault recognition performance and outperforms the other four feature extraction methods.

  15. An Automatic Gait Feature Extraction Method for Identifying Gait Asymmetry Using Wearable Sensors

    PubMed Central

    Vassallo, Michael


    This paper aims to assess the use of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors to identify gait asymmetry by extracting automatic gait features. We design and develop an android app to collect real time synchronous IMU data from legs. The results from our method are validated using a Qualisys Motion Capture System. The data are collected from 10 young and 10 older subjects. Each performed a trial in a straight corridor comprising 15 strides of normal walking, a turn around and another 15 strides. We analyse the data for total distance, total time, total velocity, stride, step, cadence, step ratio, stance, and swing. The accuracy of detecting the stride number using the proposed method is 100% for young and 92.67% for older subjects. The accuracy of estimating travelled distance using the proposed method for young subjects is 97.73% and 98.82% for right and left legs; and for the older, is 88.71% and 89.88% for right and left legs. The average travelled distance is 37.77 (95% CI ± 3.57) meters for young subjects and is 22.50 (95% CI ± 2.34) meters for older subjects. The average travelled time for young subjects is 51.85 (95% CI ± 3.08) seconds and for older subjects is 84.02 (95% CI ± 9.98) seconds. The results show that wearable sensors can be used for identifying gait asymmetry without the requirement and expense of an elaborate laboratory setup. This can serve as a tool in diagnosing gait abnormalities in individuals and opens the possibilities for home based self-gait asymmetry assessment. PMID:29495299

  16. Multi range spectral feature fitting for hyperspectral imagery in extracting oilseed rape planting area

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pan, Zhuokun; Huang, Jingfeng; Wang, Fumin


    Spectral feature fitting (SFF) is a commonly used strategy for hyperspectral imagery analysis to discriminate ground targets. Compared to other image analysis techniques, SFF does not secure higher accuracy in extracting image information in all circumstances. Multi range spectral feature fitting (MRSFF) from ENVI software allows user to focus on those interesting spectral features to yield better performance. Thus spectral wavelength ranges and their corresponding weights must be determined. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the performance of MRSFF in oilseed rape planting area extraction. A practical method for defining the weighted values, the variance coefficient weight method, was proposed to set up criterion. Oilseed rape field canopy spectra from the whole growth stage were collected prior to investigating its phenological varieties; oilseed rape endmember spectra were extracted from the Hyperion image as identifying samples to be used in analyzing the oilseed rape field. Wavelength range divisions were determined by the difference between field-measured spectra and image spectra, and image spectral variance coefficient weights for each wavelength range were calculated corresponding to field-measured spectra from the closest date. By using MRSFF, wavelength ranges were classified to characterize the target's spectral features without compromising spectral profile's entirety. The analysis was substantially successful in extracting oilseed rape planting areas (RMSE ≤ 0.06), and the RMSE histogram indicated a superior result compared to a conventional SFF. Accuracy assessment was based on the mapping result compared with spectral angle mapping (SAM) and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The MRSFF yielded a robust, convincible result and, therefore, may further the use of hyperspectral imagery in precision agriculture.

  17. The feature extraction of "cat-eye" targets based on bi-spectrum

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Tinghua; Fan, Guihua; Sun, Huayan


    In order to resolve the difficult problem of detection and identification of optical targets in complex background or in long-distance transmission, this paper mainly study the range profiles of "cat-eye" targets using bi-spectrum. For the problems of laser echo signal attenuation serious and low Signal-Noise Ratio (SNR), the multi-pulse laser signal echo signal detection algorithm which is based on high-order cumulant, filter processing and the accumulation of multi-pulse is proposed. This could improve the detection range effectively. In order to extract the stable characteristics of the one-dimensional range profile coming from the cat-eye targets, a method is proposed which extracts the bi-spectrum feature, and uses the singular value decomposition to simplify the calculation. Then, by extracting data samples of different distance, type and incidence angle, verify the stability of the eigenvector and effectiveness extracted by bi-spectrum.

  18. A framework for feature extraction from hospital medical data with applications in risk prediction.


    Tran, Truyen; Luo, Wei; Phung, Dinh; Gupta, Sunil; Rana, Santu; Kennedy, Richard Lee; Larkins, Ann; Venkatesh, Svetha


    Feature engineering is a time consuming component of predictive modeling. We propose a versatile platform to automatically extract features for risk prediction, based on a pre-defined and extensible entity schema. The extraction is independent of disease type or risk prediction task. We contrast auto-extracted features to baselines generated from the Elixhauser comorbidities. Hospital medical records was transformed to event sequences, to which filters were applied to extract feature sets capturing diversity in temporal scales and data types. The features were evaluated on a readmission prediction task, comparing with baseline feature sets generated from the Elixhauser comorbidities. The prediction model was through logistic regression with elastic net regularization. Predictions horizons of 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 months were considered for four diverse diseases: diabetes, COPD, mental disorders and pneumonia, with derivation and validation cohorts defined on non-overlapping data-collection periods. For unplanned readmissions, auto-extracted feature set using socio-demographic information and medical records, outperformed baselines derived from the socio-demographic information and Elixhauser comorbidities, over 20 settings (5 prediction horizons over 4 diseases). In particular over 30-day prediction, the AUCs are: COPD-baseline: 0.60 (95% CI: 0.57, 0.63), auto-extracted: 0.67 (0.64, 0.70); diabetes-baseline: 0.60 (0.58, 0.63), auto-extracted: 0.67 (0.64, 0.69); mental disorders-baseline: 0.57 (0.54, 0.60), auto-extracted: 0.69 (0.64,0.70); pneumonia-baseline: 0.61 (0.59, 0.63), auto-extracted: 0.70 (0.67, 0.72). The advantages of auto-extracted standard features from complex medical records, in a disease and task agnostic manner were demonstrated. Auto-extracted features have good predictive power over multiple time horizons. Such feature sets have potential to form the foundation of complex automated analytic tasks.

  19. Automated Solar Flare Detection and Feature Extraction in High-Resolution and Full-Disk Hα Images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Meng; Tian, Yu; Liu, Yangyi; Rao, Changhui


    In this article, an automated solar flare detection method applied to both full-disk and local high-resolution Hα images is proposed. An adaptive gray threshold and an area threshold are used to segment the flare region. Features of each detected flare event are extracted, e.g. the start, peak, and end time, the importance class, and the brightness class. Experimental results have verified that the proposed method can obtain more stable and accurate segmentation results than previous works on full-disk images from Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) and Kanzelhöhe Observatory for Solar and Environmental Research (KSO), and satisfying segmentation results on high-resolution images from the Goode Solar Telescope (GST). Moreover, the extracted flare features correlate well with the data given by KSO. The method may be able to implement a more complicated statistical analysis of Hα solar flares.

  20. Extracting features from protein sequences to improve deep extreme learning machine for protein fold recognition.


    Ibrahim, Wisam; Abadeh, Mohammad Saniee


    Protein fold recognition is an important problem in bioinformatics to predict three-dimensional structure of a protein. One of the most challenging tasks in protein fold recognition problem is the extraction of efficient features from the amino-acid sequences to obtain better classifiers. In this paper, we have proposed six descriptors to extract features from protein sequences. These descriptors are applied in the first stage of a three-stage framework PCA-DELM-LDA to extract feature vectors from the amino-acid sequences. Principal Component Analysis PCA has been implemented to reduce the number of extracted features. The extracted feature vectors have been used with original features to improve the performance of the Deep Extreme Learning Machine DELM in the second stage. Four new features have been extracted from the second stage and used in the third stage by Linear Discriminant Analysis LDA to classify the instances into 27 folds. The proposed framework is implemented on the independent and combined feature sets in SCOP datasets. The experimental results show that extracted feature vectors in the first stage could improve the performance of DELM in extracting new useful features in second stage. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Feature extraction applied to agricultural crops as seen by LANDSAT

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kauth, R. J.; Lambeck, P. F.; Richardson, W.; Thomas, G. S.; Pentland, A. P. (Principal Investigator)


    The physical interpretation of the spectral-temporal structure of LANDSAT data can be conveniently described in terms of a graphic descriptive model called the Tassled Cap. This model has been a source of development not only in crop-related feature extraction, but also for data screening and for haze effects correction. Following its qualitative description and an indication of its applications, the model is used to analyze several feature extraction algorithms.

  2. Features extraction of EMG signal using time domain analysis for arm rehabilitation device

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jali, Mohd Hafiz; Ibrahim, Iffah Masturah; Sulaima, Mohamad Fani; Bukhari, W. M.; Izzuddin, Tarmizi Ahmad; Nasir, Mohamad Na'im


    Rehabilitation device is used as an exoskeleton for people who had failure of their limb. Arm rehabilitation device may help the rehab program whom suffers from arm disability. The device that is used to facilitate the tasks of the program should improve the electrical activity in the motor unit and minimize the mental effort of the user. Electromyography (EMG) is the techniques to analyze the presence of electrical activity in musculoskeletal systems. The electrical activity in muscles of disable person is failed to contract the muscle for movements. In order to prevent the muscles from paralysis becomes spasticity, the force of movements should minimize the mental efforts. Therefore, the rehabilitation device should analyze the surface EMG signal of normal people that can be implemented to the device. The signal is collected according to procedure of surface electromyography for non-invasive assessment of muscles (SENIAM). The EMG signal is implemented to set the movements' pattern of the arm rehabilitation device. The filtered EMG signal was extracted for features of Standard Deviation (STD), Mean Absolute Value (MAV) and Root Mean Square (RMS) in time-domain. The extraction of EMG data is important to have the reduced vector in the signal features with less of error. In order to determine the best features for any movements, several trials of extraction methods are used by determining the features with less of errors. The accurate features can be use for future works of rehabilitation control in real-time.

  3. Line drawing extraction from gray level images by feature integration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yoo, Hoi J.; Crevier, Daniel; Lepage, Richard; Myler, Harley R.


    We describe procedures that extract line drawings from digitized gray level images, without use of domain knowledge, by modeling preattentive and perceptual organization functions of the human visual system. First, edge points are identified by standard low-level processing, based on the Canny edge operator. Edge points are then linked into single-pixel thick straight- line segments and circular arcs: this operation serves to both filter out isolated and highly irregular segments, and to lump the remaining points into a smaller number of structures for manipulation by later stages of processing. The next stages consist in linking the segments into a set of closed boundaries, which is the system's definition of a line drawing. According to the principles of Gestalt psychology, closure allows us to organize the world by filling in the gaps in a visual stimulation so as to perceive whole objects instead of disjoint parts. To achieve such closure, the system selects particular features or combinations of features by methods akin to those of preattentive processing in humans: features include gaps, pairs of straight or curved parallel lines, L- and T-junctions, pairs of symmetrical lines, and the orientation and length of single lines. These preattentive features are grouped into higher-level structures according to the principles of proximity, similarity, closure, symmetry, and feature conjunction. Achieving closure may require supplying missing segments linking contour concavities. Choices are made between competing structures on the basis of their overall compliance with the principles of closure and symmetry. Results include clean line drawings of curvilinear manufactured objects. The procedures described are part of a system called VITREO (viewpoint-independent 3-D recognition and extraction of objects).

  4. Nonredundant sparse feature extraction using autoencoders with receptive fields clustering.


    Ayinde, Babajide O; Zurada, Jacek M


    This paper proposes new techniques for data representation in the context of deep learning using agglomerative clustering. Existing autoencoder-based data representation techniques tend to produce a number of encoding and decoding receptive fields of layered autoencoders that are duplicative, thereby leading to extraction of similar features, thus resulting in filtering redundancy. We propose a way to address this problem and show that such redundancy can be eliminated. This yields smaller networks and produces unique receptive fields that extract distinct features. It is also shown that autoencoders with nonnegativity constraints on weights are capable of extracting fewer redundant features than conventional sparse autoencoders. The concept is illustrated using conventional sparse autoencoder and nonnegativity-constrained autoencoders with MNIST digits recognition, NORB normalized-uniform object data and Yale face dataset. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Coding visual features extracted from video sequences.


    Baroffio, Luca; Cesana, Matteo; Redondi, Alessandro; Tagliasacchi, Marco; Tubaro, Stefano


    Visual features are successfully exploited in several applications (e.g., visual search, object recognition and tracking, etc.) due to their ability to efficiently represent image content. Several visual analysis tasks require features to be transmitted over a bandwidth-limited network, thus calling for coding techniques to reduce the required bit budget, while attaining a target level of efficiency. In this paper, we propose, for the first time, a coding architecture designed for local features (e.g., SIFT, SURF) extracted from video sequences. To achieve high coding efficiency, we exploit both spatial and temporal redundancy by means of intraframe and interframe coding modes. In addition, we propose a coding mode decision based on rate-distortion optimization. The proposed coding scheme can be conveniently adopted to implement the analyze-then-compress (ATC) paradigm in the context of visual sensor networks. That is, sets of visual features are extracted from video frames, encoded at remote nodes, and finally transmitted to a central controller that performs visual analysis. This is in contrast to the traditional compress-then-analyze (CTA) paradigm, in which video sequences acquired at a node are compressed and then sent to a central unit for further processing. In this paper, we compare these coding paradigms using metrics that are routinely adopted to evaluate the suitability of visual features in the context of content-based retrieval, object recognition, and tracking. Experimental results demonstrate that, thanks to the significant coding gains achieved by the proposed coding scheme, ATC outperforms CTA with respect to all evaluation metrics.

  6. Stimulus encoding and feature extraction by multiple sensory neurons.


    Krahe, Rüdiger; Kreiman, Gabriel; Gabbiani, Fabrizio; Koch, Christof; Metzner, Walter


    Neighboring cells in topographical sensory maps may transmit similar information to the next higher level of processing. How information transmission by groups of nearby neurons compares with the performance of single cells is a very important question for understanding the functioning of the nervous system. To tackle this problem, we quantified stimulus-encoding and feature extraction performance by pairs of simultaneously recorded electrosensory pyramidal cells in the hindbrain of weakly electric fish. These cells constitute the output neurons of the first central nervous stage of electrosensory processing. Using random amplitude modulations (RAMs) of a mimic of the fish's own electric field within behaviorally relevant frequency bands, we found that pyramidal cells with overlapping receptive fields exhibit strong stimulus-induced correlations. To quantify the encoding of the RAM time course, we estimated the stimuli from simultaneously recorded spike trains and found significant improvements over single spike trains. The quality of stimulus reconstruction, however, was still inferior to the one measured for single primary sensory afferents. In an analysis of feature extraction, we found that spikes of pyramidal cell pairs coinciding within a time window of a few milliseconds performed significantly better at detecting upstrokes and downstrokes of the stimulus compared with isolated spikes and even spike bursts of single cells. Coincident spikes can thus be considered "distributed bursts." Our results suggest that stimulus encoding by primary sensory afferents is transformed into feature extraction at the next processing stage. There, stimulus-induced coincident activity can improve the extraction of behaviorally relevant features from the stimulus.

  7. Supervised non-negative tensor factorization for automatic hyperspectral feature extraction and target discrimination

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Anderson, Dylan; Bapst, Aleksander; Coon, Joshua; Pung, Aaron; Kudenov, Michael


    Hyperspectral imaging provides a highly discriminative and powerful signature for target detection and discrimination. Recent literature has shown that considering additional target characteristics, such as spatial or temporal profiles, simultaneously with spectral content can greatly increase classifier performance. Considering these additional characteristics in a traditional discriminative algorithm requires a feature extraction step be performed first. An example of such a pipeline is computing a filter bank response to extract spatial features followed by a support vector machine (SVM) to discriminate between targets. This decoupling between feature extraction and target discrimination yields features that are suboptimal for discrimination, reducing performance. This performance reduction is especially pronounced when the number of features or available data is limited. In this paper, we propose the use of Supervised Nonnegative Tensor Factorization (SNTF) to jointly perform feature extraction and target discrimination over hyperspectral data products. SNTF learns a tensor factorization and a classification boundary from labeled training data simultaneously. This ensures that the features learned via tensor factorization are optimal for both summarizing the input data and separating the targets of interest. Practical considerations for applying SNTF to hyperspectral data are presented, and results from this framework are compared to decoupled feature extraction/target discrimination pipelines.

  8. Extraction and representation of common feature from uncertain facial expressions with cloud model.


    Wang, Shuliang; Chi, Hehua; Yuan, Hanning; Geng, Jing


    Human facial expressions are key ingredient to convert an individual's innate emotion in communication. However, the variation of facial expressions affects the reliable identification of human emotions. In this paper, we present a cloud model to extract facial features for representing human emotion. First, the uncertainties in facial expression are analyzed in the context of cloud model. The feature extraction and representation algorithm is established under cloud generators. With forward cloud generator, facial expression images can be re-generated as many as we like for visually representing the extracted three features, and each feature shows different roles. The effectiveness of the computing model is tested on Japanese Female Facial Expression database. Three common features are extracted from seven facial expression images. Finally, the paper is concluded and remarked.

  9. Mining hidden data to predict patient prognosis: texture feature extraction and machine learning in mammography

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Leighs, J. A.; Halling-Brown, M. D.; Patel, M. N.


    The UK currently has a national breast cancer-screening program and images are routinely collected from a number of screening sites, representing a wealth of invaluable data that is currently under-used. Radiologists evaluate screening images manually and recall suspicious cases for further analysis such as biopsy. Histological testing of biopsy samples confirms the malignancy of the tumour, along with other diagnostic and prognostic characteristics such as disease grade. Machine learning is becoming increasingly popular for clinical image classification problems, as it is capable of discovering patterns in data otherwise invisible. This is particularly true when applied to medical imaging features; however clinical datasets are often relatively small. A texture feature extraction toolkit has been developed to mine a wide range of features from medical images such as mammograms. This study analysed a dataset of 1,366 radiologist-marked, biopsy-proven malignant lesions obtained from the OPTIMAM Medical Image Database (OMI-DB). Exploratory data analysis methods were employed to better understand extracted features. Machine learning techniques including Classification and Regression Trees (CART), ensemble methods (e.g. random forests), and logistic regression were applied to the data to predict the disease grade of the analysed lesions. Prediction scores of up to 83% were achieved; sensitivity and specificity of the models trained have been discussed to put the results into a clinical context. The results show promise in the ability to predict prognostic indicators from the texture features extracted and thus enable prioritisation of care for patients at greatest risk.

  10. A Study for Texture Feature Extraction of High-Resolution Satellite Images Based on a Direction Measure and Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Fusion Algorithm

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Xin; Cui, Jintian; Wang, Weisheng; Lin, Chao


    To address the problem of image texture feature extraction, a direction measure statistic that is based on the directionality of image texture is constructed, and a new method of texture feature extraction, which is based on the direction measure and a gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) fusion algorithm, is proposed in this paper. This method applies the GLCM to extract the texture feature value of an image and integrates the weight factor that is introduced by the direction measure to obtain the final texture feature of an image. A set of classification experiments for the high-resolution remote sensing images were performed by using support vector machine (SVM) classifier with the direction measure and gray level co-occurrence matrix fusion algorithm. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied to assess the classification results. The experimental results demonstrated that texture feature extraction based on the fusion algorithm achieved a better image recognition, and the accuracy of classification based on this method has been significantly improved. PMID:28640181

  11. Toward optimal feature and time segment selection by divergence method for EEG signals classification.


    Wang, Jie; Feng, Zuren; Lu, Na; Luo, Jing


    Feature selection plays an important role in the field of EEG signals based motor imagery pattern classification. It is a process that aims to select an optimal feature subset from the original set. Two significant advantages involved are: lowering the computational burden so as to speed up the learning procedure and removing redundant and irrelevant features so as to improve the classification performance. Therefore, feature selection is widely employed in the classification of EEG signals in practical brain-computer interface systems. In this paper, we present a novel statistical model to select the optimal feature subset based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence measure, and automatically select the optimal subject-specific time segment. The proposed method comprises four successive stages: a broad frequency band filtering and common spatial pattern enhancement as preprocessing, features extraction by autoregressive model and log-variance, the Kullback-Leibler divergence based optimal feature and time segment selection and linear discriminate analysis classification. More importantly, this paper provides a potential framework for combining other feature extraction models and classification algorithms with the proposed method for EEG signals classification. Experiments on single-trial EEG signals from two public competition datasets not only demonstrate that the proposed method is effective in selecting discriminative features and time segment, but also show that the proposed method yields relatively better classification results in comparison with other competitive methods. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Low-power coprocessor for Haar-like feature extraction with pixel-based pipelined architecture

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luo, Aiwen; An, Fengwei; Fujita, Yuki; Zhang, Xiangyu; Chen, Lei; Jürgen Mattausch, Hans


    Intelligent analysis of image and video data requires image-feature extraction as an important processing capability for machine-vision realization. A coprocessor with pixel-based pipeline (CFEPP) architecture is developed for real-time Haar-like cell-based feature extraction. Synchronization with the image sensor’s pixel frequency and immediate usage of each input pixel for the feature-construction process avoids the dependence on memory-intensive conventional strategies like integral-image construction or frame buffers. One 180 nm CMOS prototype can extract the 1680-dimensional Haar-like feature vectors, applied in the speeded up robust features (SURF) scheme, using an on-chip memory of only 96 kb (kilobit). Additionally, a low power dissipation of only 43.45 mW at 1.8 V supply voltage is achieved during VGA video procession at 120 MHz frequency with more than 325 fps. The Haar-like feature-extraction coprocessor is further evaluated by the practical application of vehicle recognition, achieving the expected high accuracy which is comparable to previous work.

  13. Blurred Palmprint Recognition Based on Stable-Feature Extraction Using a Vese–Osher Decomposition Model

    PubMed Central

    Hong, Danfeng; Su, Jian; Hong, Qinggen; Pan, Zhenkuan; Wang, Guodong


    As palmprints are captured using non-contact devices, image blur is inevitably generated because of the defocused status. This degrades the recognition performance of the system. To solve this problem, we propose a stable-feature extraction method based on a Vese–Osher (VO) decomposition model to recognize blurred palmprints effectively. A Gaussian defocus degradation model is first established to simulate image blur. With different degrees of blurring, stable features are found to exist in the image which can be investigated by analyzing the blur theoretically. Then, a VO decomposition model is used to obtain structure and texture layers of the blurred palmprint images. The structure layer is stable for different degrees of blurring (this is a theoretical conclusion that needs to be further proved via experiment). Next, an algorithm based on weighted robustness histogram of oriented gradients (WRHOG) is designed to extract the stable features from the structure layer of the blurred palmprint image. Finally, a normalized correlation coefficient is introduced to measure the similarity in the palmprint features. We also designed and performed a series of experiments to show the benefits of the proposed method. The experimental results are used to demonstrate the theoretical conclusion that the structure layer is stable for different blurring scales. The WRHOG method also proves to be an advanced and robust method of distinguishing blurred palmprints. The recognition results obtained using the proposed method and data from two palmprint databases (PolyU and Blurred–PolyU) are stable and superior in comparison to previous high-performance methods (the equal error rate is only 0.132%). In addition, the authentication time is less than 1.3 s, which is fast enough to meet real-time demands. Therefore, the proposed method is a feasible way of implementing blurred palmprint recognition. PMID:24992328

  14. Blurred palmprint recognition based on stable-feature extraction using a Vese-Osher decomposition model.


    Hong, Danfeng; Su, Jian; Hong, Qinggen; Pan, Zhenkuan; Wang, Guodong


    As palmprints are captured using non-contact devices, image blur is inevitably generated because of the defocused status. This degrades the recognition performance of the system. To solve this problem, we propose a stable-feature extraction method based on a Vese-Osher (VO) decomposition model to recognize blurred palmprints effectively. A Gaussian defocus degradation model is first established to simulate image blur. With different degrees of blurring, stable features are found to exist in the image which can be investigated by analyzing the blur theoretically. Then, a VO decomposition model is used to obtain structure and texture layers of the blurred palmprint images. The structure layer is stable for different degrees of blurring (this is a theoretical conclusion that needs to be further proved via experiment). Next, an algorithm based on weighted robustness histogram of oriented gradients (WRHOG) is designed to extract the stable features from the structure layer of the blurred palmprint image. Finally, a normalized correlation coefficient is introduced to measure the similarity in the palmprint features. We also designed and performed a series of experiments to show the benefits of the proposed method. The experimental results are used to demonstrate the theoretical conclusion that the structure layer is stable for different blurring scales. The WRHOG method also proves to be an advanced and robust method of distinguishing blurred palmprints. The recognition results obtained using the proposed method and data from two palmprint databases (PolyU and Blurred-PolyU) are stable and superior in comparison to previous high-performance methods (the equal error rate is only 0.132%). In addition, the authentication time is less than 1.3 s, which is fast enough to meet real-time demands. Therefore, the proposed method is a feasible way of implementing blurred palmprint recognition.

  15. Feature extraction with deep neural networks by a generalized discriminant analysis.


    Stuhlsatz, André; Lippel, Jens; Zielke, Thomas


    We present an approach to feature extraction that is a generalization of the classical linear discriminant analysis (LDA) on the basis of deep neural networks (DNNs). As for LDA, discriminative features generated from independent Gaussian class conditionals are assumed. This modeling has the advantages that the intrinsic dimensionality of the feature space is bounded by the number of classes and that the optimal discriminant function is linear. Unfortunately, linear transformations are insufficient to extract optimal discriminative features from arbitrarily distributed raw measurements. The generalized discriminant analysis (GerDA) proposed in this paper uses nonlinear transformations that are learnt by DNNs in a semisupervised fashion. We show that the feature extraction based on our approach displays excellent performance on real-world recognition and detection tasks, such as handwritten digit recognition and face detection. In a series of experiments, we evaluate GerDA features with respect to dimensionality reduction, visualization, classification, and detection. Moreover, we show that GerDA DNNs can preprocess truly high-dimensional input data to low-dimensional representations that facilitate accurate predictions even if simple linear predictors or measures of similarity are used.

  16. Vaccine adverse event text mining system for extracting features from vaccine safety reports.


    Botsis, Taxiarchis; Buttolph, Thomas; Nguyen, Michael D; Winiecki, Scott; Woo, Emily Jane; Ball, Robert


    To develop and evaluate a text mining system for extracting key clinical features from vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) narratives to aid in the automated review of adverse event reports. Based upon clinical significance to VAERS reviewing physicians, we defined the primary (diagnosis and cause of death) and secondary features (eg, symptoms) for extraction. We built a novel vaccine adverse event text mining (VaeTM) system based on a semantic text mining strategy. The performance of VaeTM was evaluated using a total of 300 VAERS reports in three sequential evaluations of 100 reports each. Moreover, we evaluated the VaeTM contribution to case classification; an information retrieval-based approach was used for the identification of anaphylaxis cases in a set of reports and was compared with two other methods: a dedicated text classifier and an online tool. The performance metrics of VaeTM were text mining metrics: recall, precision and F-measure. We also conducted a qualitative difference analysis and calculated sensitivity and specificity for classification of anaphylaxis cases based on the above three approaches. VaeTM performed best in extracting diagnosis, second level diagnosis, drug, vaccine, and lot number features (lenient F-measure in the third evaluation: 0.897, 0.817, 0.858, 0.874, and 0.914, respectively). In terms of case classification, high sensitivity was achieved (83.1%); this was equal and better compared to the text classifier (83.1%) and the online tool (40.7%), respectively. Our VaeTM implementation of a semantic text mining strategy shows promise in providing accurate and efficient extraction of key features from VAERS narratives.

  17. Deep SOMs for automated feature extraction and classification from big data streaming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sakkari, Mohamed; Ejbali, Ridha; Zaied, Mourad


    In this paper, we proposed a deep self-organizing map model (Deep-SOMs) for automated features extracting and learning from big data streaming which we benefit from the framework Spark for real time streams and highly parallel data processing. The SOMs deep architecture is based on the notion of abstraction (patterns automatically extract from the raw data, from the less to more abstract). The proposed model consists of three hidden self-organizing layers, an input and an output layer. Each layer is made up of a multitude of SOMs, each map only focusing at local headmistress sub-region from the input image. Then, each layer trains the local information to generate more overall information in the higher layer. The proposed Deep-SOMs model is unique in terms of the layers architecture, the SOMs sampling method and learning. During the learning stage we use a set of unsupervised SOMs for feature extraction. We validate the effectiveness of our approach on large data sets such as Leukemia dataset and SRBCT. Results of comparison have shown that the Deep-SOMs model performs better than many existing algorithms for images classification.

  18. Kernel-based discriminant feature extraction using a representative dataset

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Honglin; Sancho Gomez, Jose-Luis; Ahalt, Stanley C.


    Discriminant Feature Extraction (DFE) is widely recognized as an important pre-processing step in classification applications. Most DFE algorithms are linear and thus can only explore the linear discriminant information among the different classes. Recently, there has been several promising attempts to develop nonlinear DFE algorithms, among which is Kernel-based Feature Extraction (KFE). The efficacy of KFE has been experimentally verified by both synthetic data and real problems. However, KFE has some known limitations. First, KFE does not work well for strongly overlapped data. Second, KFE employs all of the training set samples during the feature extraction phase, which can result in significant computation when applied to very large datasets. Finally, KFE can result in overfitting. In this paper, we propose a substantial improvement to KFE that overcomes the above limitations by using a representative dataset, which consists of critical points that are generated from data-editing techniques and centroid points that are determined by using the Frequency Sensitive Competitive Learning (FSCL) algorithm. Experiments show that this new KFE algorithm performs well on significantly overlapped datasets, and it also reduces computational complexity. Further, by controlling the number of centroids, the overfitting problem can be effectively alleviated.

  19. A fuzzy-based data transformation for feature extraction to increase classification performance with small medical data sets.


    Li, Der-Chiang; Liu, Chiao-Wen; Hu, Susan C


    Medical data sets are usually small and have very high dimensionality. Too many attributes will make the analysis less efficient and will not necessarily increase accuracy, while too few data will decrease the modeling stability. Consequently, the main objective of this study is to extract the optimal subset of features to increase analytical performance when the data set is small. This paper proposes a fuzzy-based non-linear transformation method to extend classification related information from the original data attribute values for a small data set. Based on the new transformed data set, this study applies principal component analysis (PCA) to extract the optimal subset of features. Finally, we use the transformed data with these optimal features as the input data for a learning tool, a support vector machine (SVM). Six medical data sets: Pima Indians' diabetes, Wisconsin diagnostic breast cancer, Parkinson disease, echocardiogram, BUPA liver disorders dataset, and bladder cancer cases in Taiwan, are employed to illustrate the approach presented in this paper. This research uses the t-test to evaluate the classification accuracy for a single data set; and uses the Friedman test to show the proposed method is better than other methods over the multiple data sets. The experiment results indicate that the proposed method has better classification performance than either PCA or kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) when the data set is small, and suggest creating new purpose-related information to improve the analysis performance. This paper has shown that feature extraction is important as a function of feature selection for efficient data analysis. When the data set is small, using the fuzzy-based transformation method presented in this work to increase the information available produces better results than the PCA and KPCA approaches. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Difet: Distributed Feature Extraction Tool for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eken, S.; Aydın, E.; Sayar, A.


    In this paper, we propose distributed feature extraction tool from high spatial resolution remote sensing images. Tool is based on Apache Hadoop framework and Hadoop Image Processing Interface. Two corner detection (Harris and Shi-Tomasi) algorithms and five feature descriptors (SIFT, SURF, FAST, BRIEF, and ORB) are considered. Robustness of the tool in the task of feature extraction from LandSat-8 imageries are evaluated in terms of horizontal scalability.

  1. Data Exploration using Unsupervised Feature Extraction for Mixed Micro-Seismic Signals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meyer, Matthias; Weber, Samuel; Beutel, Jan


    We present a system for the analysis of data originating in a multi-sensor and multi-year experiment focusing on slope stability and its underlying processes in fractured permafrost rock walls undertaken at 3500m a.s.l. on the Matterhorn Hörnligrat, (Zermatt, Switzerland). This system incorporates facilities for the transmission, management and storage of large-scales of data ( 7 GB/day), preprocessing and aggregation of multiple sensor types, machine-learning based automatic feature extraction for micro-seismic and acoustic emission data and interactive web-based visualization of the data. Specifically, a combination of three types of sensors are used to profile the frequency spectrum from 1 Hz to 80 kHz with the goal to identify the relevant destructive processes (e.g. micro-cracking and fracture propagation) leading to the eventual destabilization of large rock masses. The sensors installed for this profiling experiment (2 geophones, 1 accelerometers and 2 piezo-electric sensors for detecting acoustic emission), are further augmented with sensors originating from a previous activity focusing on long-term monitoring of temperature evolution and rock kinematics with the help of wireless sensor networks (crackmeters, cameras, weather station, rock temperature profiles, differential GPS) [Hasler2012]. In raw format, the data generated by the different types of sensors, specifically the micro-seismic and acoustic emission sensors, is strongly heterogeneous, in part unsynchronized and the storage and processing demand is large. Therefore, a purpose-built signal preprocessing and event-detection system is used. While the analysis of data from each individual sensor follows established methods, the application of all these sensor types in combination within a field experiment is unique. Furthermore, experience and methods from using such sensors in laboratory settings cannot be readily transferred to the mountain field site setting with its scale and full exposure to

  2. Ensemble methods with simple features for document zone classification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Obafemi-Ajayi, Tayo; Agam, Gady; Xie, Bingqing


    Document layout analysis is of fundamental importance for document image understanding and information retrieval. It requires the identification of blocks extracted from a document image via features extraction and block classification. In this paper, we focus on the classification of the extracted blocks into five classes: text (machine printed), handwriting, graphics, images, and noise. We propose a new set of features for efficient classifications of these blocks. We present a comparative evaluation of three ensemble based classification algorithms (boosting, bagging, and combined model trees) in addition to other known learning algorithms. Experimental results are demonstrated for a set of 36503 zones extracted from 416 document images which were randomly selected from the tobacco legacy document collection. The results obtained verify the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed set of features in comparison to the commonly used Ocropus recognition features. When used in conjunction with the Ocropus feature set, we further improve the performance of the block classification system to obtain a classification accuracy of 99.21%.

  3. Non-linear feature extraction from HRV signal for mortality prediction of ICU cardiovascular patient.


    Karimi Moridani, Mohammad; Setarehdan, Seyed Kamaledin; Motie Nasrabadi, Ali; Hajinasrollah, Esmaeil


    Intensive care unit (ICU) patients are at risk of in-ICU morbidities and mortality, making specific systems for identifying at-risk patients a necessity for improving clinical care. This study presents a new method for predicting in-hospital mortality using heart rate variability (HRV) collected from the times of a patient's ICU stay. In this paper, a HRV time series processing based method is proposed for mortality prediction of ICU cardiovascular patients. HRV signals were obtained measuring R-R time intervals. A novel method, named return map, is then developed that reveals useful information from the HRV time series. This study also proposed several features that can be extracted from the return map, including the angle between two vectors, the area of triangles formed by successive points, shortest distance to 45° line and their various combinations. Finally, a thresholding technique is proposed to extract the risk period and to predict mortality. The data used to evaluate the proposed algorithm obtained from 80 cardiovascular ICU patients, from the first 48 h of the first ICU stay of 40 males and 40 females. This study showed that the angle feature has on average a sensitivity of 87.5% (with 12 false alarms), the area feature has on average a sensitivity of 89.58% (with 10 false alarms), the shortest distance feature has on average a sensitivity of 85.42% (with 14 false alarms) and, finally, the combined feature has on average a sensitivity of 92.71% (with seven false alarms). The results showed that the last half an hour before the patient's death is very informative for diagnosing the patient's condition and to save his/her life. These results confirm that it is possible to predict mortality based on the features introduced in this paper, relying on the variations of the HRV dynamic characteristics.

  4. Road and Roadside Feature Extraction Using Imagery and LIDAR Data for Transportation Operation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ural, S.; Shan, J.; Romero, M. A.; Tarko, A.


    Transportation agencies require up-to-date, reliable, and feasibly acquired information on road geometry and features within proximity to the roads as input for evaluating and prioritizing new or improvement road projects. The information needed for a robust evaluation of road projects includes road centerline, width, and extent together with the average grade, cross-sections, and obstructions near the travelled way. Remote sensing is equipped with a large collection of data and well-established tools for acquiring the information and extracting aforementioned various road features at various levels and scopes. Even with many remote sensing data and methods available for road extraction, transportation operation requires more than the centerlines. Acquiring information that is spatially coherent at the operational level for the entire road system is challenging and needs multiple data sources to be integrated. In the presented study, we established a framework that used data from multiple sources, including one-foot resolution color infrared orthophotos, airborne LiDAR point clouds, and existing spatially non-accurate ancillary road networks. We were able to extract 90.25% of a total of 23.6 miles of road networks together with estimated road width, average grade along the road, and cross sections at specified intervals. Also, we have extracted buildings and vegetation within a predetermined proximity to the extracted road extent. 90.6% of 107 existing buildings were correctly identified with 31% false detection rate.

  5. Human listening studies reveal insights into object features extracted by echolocating dolphins

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Delong, Caroline M.; Au, Whitlow W. L.; Roitblat, Herbert L.


    Echolocating dolphins extract object feature information from the acoustic parameters of object echoes. However, little is known about which object features are salient to dolphins or how they extract those features. To gain insight into how dolphins might be extracting feature information, human listeners were presented with echoes from objects used in a dolphin echoic-visual cross-modal matching task. Human participants performed a task similar to the one the dolphin had performed; however, echoic samples consisting of 23-echo trains were presented via headphones. The participants listened to the echoic sample and then visually selected the correct object from among three alternatives. The participants performed as well as or better than the dolphin (M=88.0% correct), and reported using a combination of acoustic cues to extract object features (e.g., loudness, pitch, timbre). Participants frequently reported using the pattern of aural changes in the echoes across the echo train to identify the shape and structure of the objects (e.g., peaks in loudness or pitch). It is likely that dolphins also attend to the pattern of changes across echoes as objects are echolocated from different angles.

  6. Feature extraction and descriptor calculation methods for automatic georeferencing of Philippines' first microsatellite imagery

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tupas, M. E. A.; Dasallas, J. A.; Jiao, B. J. D.; Magallon, B. J. P.; Sempio, J. N. H.; Ramos, M. K. F.; Aranas, R. K. D.; Tamondong, A. M.


    The FAST-SIFT corner detector and descriptor extractor combination was used to automatically georeference DIWATA-1 Spaceborne Multispectral Imager images. Features from the Fast Accelerated Segment Test (FAST) algorithm detects corners or keypoints in an image, and these robustly detected keypoints have well-defined positions. Descriptors were computed using Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) extractor. FAST-SIFT method effectively SMI same-subscene images detected by the NIR sensor. The method was also tested in stitching NIR images with varying subscene swept by the camera. The slave images were matched to the master image. The keypoints served as the ground control points. Random sample consensus was used to eliminate fall-out matches and ensure accuracy of the feature points from which the transformation parameters were derived. Keypoints are matched based on their descriptor vector. Nearest-neighbor matching is employed based on a metric distance between the descriptors. The metrics include Euclidean and city block, among others. Rough matching outputs not only the correct matches but also the faulty matches. A previous work in automatic georeferencing incorporates a geometric restriction. In this work, we applied a simplified version of the learning method. RANSAC was used to eliminate fall-out matches and ensure accuracy of the feature points. This method identifies if a point fits the transformation function and returns inlier matches. The transformation matrix was solved by Affine, Projective, and Polynomial models. The accuracy of the automatic georeferencing method were determined by calculating the RMSE of interest points, selected randomly, between the master image and transformed slave image.

  7. Extraction of edge-based and region-based features for object recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coutts, Benjamin; Ravi, Srinivas; Hu, Gongzhu; Shrikhande, Neelima


    One of the central problems of computer vision is object recognition. A catalogue of model objects is described as a set of features such as edges and surfaces. The same features are extracted from the scene and matched against the models for object recognition. Edges and surfaces extracted from the scenes are often noisy and imperfect. In this paper algorithms are described for improving low level edge and surface features. Existing edge extraction algorithms are applied to the intensity image to obtain edge features. Initial edges are traced by following directions of the current contour. These are improved by using corresponding depth and intensity information for decision making at branch points. Surface fitting routines are applied to the range image to obtain planar surface patches. An algorithm of region growing is developed that starts with a coarse segmentation and uses quadric surface fitting to iteratively merge adjacent regions into quadric surfaces based on approximate orthogonal distance regression. Surface information obtained is returned to the edge extraction routine to detect and remove fake edges. This process repeats until no more merging or edge improvement can take place. Both synthetic (with Gaussian noise) and real images containing multiple object scenes have been tested using the merging criteria. Results appeared quite encouraging.

  8. A Hybrid Neural Network and Feature Extraction Technique for Target Recognition.

    DTIC Science & Technology

    target features are extracted, the extracted data being evaluated in an artificial neural network to identify a target at a location within the image scene from which the different viewing angles extend.

  9. An Evaluation of Feature Learning Methods for High Resolution Image Classification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tokarczyk, P.; Montoya, J.; Schindler, K.


    Automatic image classification is one of the fundamental problems of remote sensing research. The classification problem is even more challenging in high-resolution images of urban areas, where the objects are small and heterogeneous. Two questions arise, namely which features to extract from the raw sensor data to capture the local radiometry and image structure at each pixel or segment, and which classification method to apply to the feature vectors. While classifiers are nowadays well understood, selecting the right features remains a largely empirical process. Here we concentrate on the features. Several methods are evaluated which allow one to learn suitable features from unlabelled image data by analysing the image statistics. In a comparative study, we evaluate unsupervised feature learning with different linear and non-linear learning methods, including principal component analysis (PCA) and deep belief networks (DBN). We also compare these automatically learned features with popular choices of ad-hoc features including raw intensity values, standard combinations like the NDVI, a few PCA channels, and texture filters. The comparison is done in a unified framework using the same images, the target classes, reference data and a Random Forest classifier.

  10. L1-norm kernel discriminant analysis via Bayes error bound optimization for robust feature extraction.


    Zheng, Wenming; Lin, Zhouchen; Wang, Haixian


    A novel discriminant analysis criterion is derived in this paper under the theoretical framework of Bayes optimality. In contrast to the conventional Fisher's discriminant criterion, the major novelty of the proposed one is the use of L1 norm rather than L2 norm, which makes it less sensitive to the outliers. With the L1-norm discriminant criterion, we propose a new linear discriminant analysis (L1-LDA) method for linear feature extraction problem. To solve the L1-LDA optimization problem, we propose an efficient iterative algorithm, in which a novel surrogate convex function is introduced such that the optimization problem in each iteration is to simply solve a convex programming problem and a close-form solution is guaranteed to this problem. Moreover, we also generalize the L1-LDA method to deal with the nonlinear robust feature extraction problems via the use of kernel trick, and hereafter proposed the L1-norm kernel discriminant analysis (L1-KDA) method. Extensive experiments on simulated and real data sets are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparing with the state-of-the-art methods.

  11. Texture analysis with statistical methods for wheat ear extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bakhouche, M.; Cointault, F.; Gouton, P.


    In agronomic domain, the simplification of crop counting, necessary for yield prediction and agronomic studies, is an important project for technical institutes such as Arvalis. Although the main objective of our global project is to conceive a mobile robot for natural image acquisition directly in a field, Arvalis has proposed us first to detect by image processing the number of wheat ears in images before to count them, which will allow to obtain the first component of the yield. In this paper we compare different texture image segmentation techniques based on feature extraction by first and higher order statistical methods which have been applied on our images. The extracted features are used for unsupervised pixel classification to obtain the different classes in the image. So, the K-means algorithm is implemented before the choice of a threshold to highlight the ears. Three methods have been tested in this feasibility study with very average error of 6%. Although the evaluation of the quality of the detection is visually done, automatic evaluation algorithms are currently implementing. Moreover, other statistical methods of higher order will be implemented in the future jointly with methods based on spatio-frequential transforms and specific filtering.

  12. A flexible data-driven comorbidity feature extraction framework.


    Sideris, Costas; Pourhomayoun, Mohammad; Kalantarian, Haik; Sarrafzadeh, Majid


    Disease and symptom diagnostic codes are a valuable resource for classifying and predicting patient outcomes. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology for utilizing disease diagnostic information in a predictive machine learning framework. Our methodology relies on a novel, clustering-based feature extraction framework using disease diagnostic information. To reduce the data dimensionality, we identify disease clusters using co-occurrence statistics. We optimize the number of generated clusters in the training set and then utilize these clusters as features to predict patient severity of condition and patient readmission risk. We build our clustering and feature extraction algorithm using the 2012 National Inpatient Sample (NIS), Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) which contains 7 million hospital discharge records and ICD-9-CM codes. The proposed framework is tested on Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center Electronic Health Records (EHR) from 3041 Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients and the UCI 130-US diabetes dataset that includes admissions from 69,980 diabetic patients. We compare our cluster-based feature set with the commonly used comorbidity frameworks including Charlson's index, Elixhauser's comorbidities and their variations. The proposed approach was shown to have significant gains between 10.7-22.1% in predictive accuracy for CHF severity of condition prediction and 4.65-5.75% in diabetes readmission prediction. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Interpretation of fingerprint image quality features extracted by self-organizing maps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Danov, Ivan; Olsen, Martin A.; Busch, Christoph


    Accurate prediction of fingerprint quality is of significant importance to any fingerprint-based biometric system. Ensuring high quality samples for both probe and reference can substantially improve the system's performance by lowering false non-matches, thus allowing finer adjustment of the decision threshold of the biometric system. Furthermore, the increasing usage of biometrics in mobile contexts demands development of lightweight methods for operational environment. A novel two-tier computationally efficient approach was recently proposed based on modelling block-wise fingerprint image data using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) to extract specific ridge pattern features, which are then used as an input to a Random Forests (RF) classifier trained to predict the quality score of a propagated sample. This paper conducts an investigative comparative analysis on a publicly available dataset for the improvement of the two-tier approach by proposing additionally three feature interpretation methods, based respectively on SOM, Generative Topographic Mapping and RF. The analysis shows that two of the proposed methods produce promising results on the given dataset.

  14. A Sparsity-Promoted Method Based on Majorization-Minimization for Weak Fault Feature Enhancement

    PubMed Central

    Hao, Yansong; Song, Liuyang; Tang, Gang; Yuan, Hongfang


    Fault transient impulses induced by faulty components in rotating machinery usually contain substantial interference. Fault features are comparatively weak in the initial fault stage, which renders fault diagnosis more difficult. In this case, a sparse representation method based on the Majorzation-Minimization (MM) algorithm is proposed to enhance weak fault features and extract the features from strong background noise. However, the traditional MM algorithm suffers from two issues, which are the choice of sparse basis and complicated calculations. To address these challenges, a modified MM algorithm is proposed in which a sparse optimization objective function is designed firstly. Inspired by the Basis Pursuit (BP) model, the optimization function integrates an impulsive feature-preserving factor and a penalty function factor. Second, a modified Majorization iterative method is applied to address the convex optimization problem of the designed function. A series of sparse coefficients can be achieved through iterating, which only contain transient components. It is noteworthy that there is no need to select the sparse basis in the proposed iterative method because it is fixed as a unit matrix. Then the reconstruction step is omitted, which can significantly increase detection efficiency. Eventually, envelope analysis of the sparse coefficients is performed to extract weak fault features. Simulated and experimental signals including bearings and gearboxes are employed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. In addition, comparisons are made to prove that the proposed method outperforms the traditional MM algorithm in terms of detection results and efficiency. PMID:29597280

  15. A Sparsity-Promoted Method Based on Majorization-Minimization for Weak Fault Feature Enhancement.


    Ren, Bangyue; Hao, Yansong; Wang, Huaqing; Song, Liuyang; Tang, Gang; Yuan, Hongfang


    Fault transient impulses induced by faulty components in rotating machinery usually contain substantial interference. Fault features are comparatively weak in the initial fault stage, which renders fault diagnosis more difficult. In this case, a sparse representation method based on the Majorzation-Minimization (MM) algorithm is proposed to enhance weak fault features and extract the features from strong background noise. However, the traditional MM algorithm suffers from two issues, which are the choice of sparse basis and complicated calculations. To address these challenges, a modified MM algorithm is proposed in which a sparse optimization objective function is designed firstly. Inspired by the Basis Pursuit (BP) model, the optimization function integrates an impulsive feature-preserving factor and a penalty function factor. Second, a modified Majorization iterative method is applied to address the convex optimization problem of the designed function. A series of sparse coefficients can be achieved through iterating, which only contain transient components. It is noteworthy that there is no need to select the sparse basis in the proposed iterative method because it is fixed as a unit matrix. Then the reconstruction step is omitted, which can significantly increase detection efficiency. Eventually, envelope analysis of the sparse coefficients is performed to extract weak fault features. Simulated and experimental signals including bearings and gearboxes are employed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. In addition, comparisons are made to prove that the proposed method outperforms the traditional MM algorithm in terms of detection results and efficiency.

  16. Exact extraction method for road rutting laser lines

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hong, Zhiming


    This paper analyzes the importance of asphalt pavement rutting detection in pavement maintenance and pavement administration in today's society, the shortcomings of the existing rutting detection methods are presented and a new rutting line-laser extraction method based on peak intensity characteristic and peak continuity is proposed. The intensity of peak characteristic is enhanced by a designed transverse mean filter, and an intensity map of peak characteristic based on peak intensity calculation for the whole road image is obtained to determine the seed point of the rutting laser line. Regarding the seed point as the starting point, the light-points of a rutting line-laser are extracted based on the features of peak continuity, which providing exact basic data for subsequent calculation of pavement rutting depths.

  17. Extracting intrinsic functional networks with feature-based group independent component analysis.


    Calhoun, Vince D; Allen, Elena


    There is increasing use of functional imaging data to understand the macro-connectome of the human brain. Of particular interest is the structure and function of intrinsic networks (regions exhibiting temporally coherent activity both at rest and while a task is being performed), which account for a significant portion of the variance in functional MRI data. While networks are typically estimated based on the temporal similarity between regions (based on temporal correlation, clustering methods, or independent component analysis [ICA]), some recent work has suggested that these intrinsic networks can be extracted from the inter-subject covariation among highly distilled features, such as amplitude maps reflecting regions modulated by a task or even coordinates extracted from large meta analytic studies. In this paper our goal was to explicitly compare the networks obtained from a first-level ICA (ICA on the spatio-temporal functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data) to those from a second-level ICA (i.e., ICA on computed features rather than on the first-level fMRI data). Convergent results from simulations, task-fMRI data, and rest-fMRI data show that the second-level analysis is slightly noisier than the first-level analysis but yields strikingly similar patterns of intrinsic networks (spatial correlations as high as 0.85 for task data and 0.65 for rest data, well above the empirical null) and also preserves the relationship of these networks with other variables such as age (for example, default mode network regions tended to show decreased low frequency power for first-level analyses and decreased loading parameters for second-level analyses). In addition, the best-estimated second-level results are those which are the most strongly reflected in the input feature. In summary, the use of feature-based ICA appears to be a valid tool for extracting intrinsic networks. We believe it will become a useful and important approach in the study of the macro

  18. SHERPA: an image segmentation and outline feature extraction tool for diatoms and other objects.


    Kloster, Michael; Kauer, Gerhard; Beszteri, Bánk


    Light microscopic analysis of diatom frustules is widely used both in basic and applied research, notably taxonomy, morphometrics, water quality monitoring and paleo-environmental studies. In these applications, usually large numbers of frustules need to be identified and/or measured. Although there is a need for automation in these applications, and image processing and analysis methods supporting these tasks have previously been developed, they did not become widespread in diatom analysis. While methodological reports for a wide variety of methods for image segmentation, diatom identification and feature extraction are available, no single implementation combining a subset of these into a readily applicable workflow accessible to diatomists exists. The newly developed tool SHERPA offers a versatile image processing workflow focused on the identification and measurement of object outlines, handling all steps from image segmentation over object identification to feature extraction, and providing interactive functions for reviewing and revising results. Special attention was given to ease of use, applicability to a broad range of data and problems, and supporting high throughput analyses with minimal manual intervention. Tested with several diatom datasets from different sources and of various compositions, SHERPA proved its ability to successfully analyze large amounts of diatom micrographs depicting a broad range of species. SHERPA is unique in combining the following features: application of multiple segmentation methods and selection of the one giving the best result for each individual object; identification of shapes of interest based on outline matching against a template library; quality scoring and ranking of resulting outlines supporting quick quality checking; extraction of a wide range of outline shape descriptors widely used in diatom studies and elsewhere; minimizing the need for, but enabling manual quality control and corrections. Although primarily

  19. Variogram-based feature extraction for neural network recognition of logos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pham, Tuan D.


    This paper presents a new approach for extracting spatial features of images based on the theory of regionalized variables. These features can be effectively used for automatic recognition of logo images using neural networks. Experimental results on a public-domain logo database show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

  20. A Joint Time-Frequency and Matrix Decomposition Feature Extraction Methodology for Pathological Voice Classification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ghoraani, Behnaz; Krishnan, Sridhar


    The number of people affected by speech problems is increasing as the modern world places increasing demands on the human voice via mobile telephones, voice recognition software, and interpersonal verbal communications. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology for automatic pattern classification of pathological voices. The main contribution of this paper is extraction of meaningful and unique features using Adaptive time-frequency distribution (TFD) and nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). We construct Adaptive TFD as an effective signal analysis domain to dynamically track the nonstationarity in the speech and utilize NMF as a matrix decomposition (MD) technique to quantify the constructed TFD. The proposed method extracts meaningful and unique features from the joint TFD of the speech, and automatically identifies and measures the abnormality of the signal. Depending on the abnormality measure of each signal, we classify the signal into normal or pathological. The proposed method is applied on the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI) voice disorders database which consists of 161 pathological and 51 normal speakers, and an overall classification accuracy of 98.6% was achieved.

  1. Self adaptive multi-scale morphology AVG-Hat filter and its application to fault feature extraction for wheel bearing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Deng, Feiyue; Yang, Shaopu; Tang, Guiji; Hao, Rujiang; Zhang, Mingliang


    Wheel bearings are essential mechanical components of trains, and fault detection of the wheel bearing is of great significant to avoid economic loss and casualty effectively. However, considering the operating conditions, detection and extraction of the fault features hidden in the heavy noise of the vibration signal have become a challenging task. Therefore, a novel method called adaptive multi-scale AVG-Hat morphology filter (MF) is proposed to solve it. The morphology AVG-Hat operator not only can suppress the interference of the strong background noise greatly, but also enhance the ability of extracting fault features. The improved envelope spectrum sparsity (IESS), as a new evaluation index, is proposed to select the optimal filtering signal processed by the multi-scale AVG-Hat MF. It can present a comprehensive evaluation about the intensity of fault impulse to the background noise. The weighted coefficients of the different scale structural elements (SEs) in the multi-scale MF are adaptively determined by the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The effectiveness of the method is validated by analyzing the real wheel bearing fault vibration signal (e.g. outer race fault, inner race fault and rolling element fault). The results show that the proposed method could improve the performance in the extraction of fault features effectively compared with the multi-scale combined morphological filter (CMF) and multi-scale morphology gradient filter (MGF) methods.

  2. Accelerating Biomedical Signal Processing Using GPU: A Case Study of Snore Sound Feature Extraction.


    Guo, Jian; Qian, Kun; Zhang, Gongxuan; Xu, Huijie; Schuller, Björn


    The advent of 'Big Data' and 'Deep Learning' offers both, a great challenge and a huge opportunity for personalised health-care. In machine learning-based biomedical data analysis, feature extraction is a key step for 'feeding' the subsequent classifiers. With increasing numbers of biomedical data, extracting features from these 'big' data is an intensive and time-consuming task. In this case study, we employ a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) via Python to extract features from a large corpus of snore sound data. Those features can subsequently be imported into many well-known deep learning training frameworks without any format processing. The snore sound data were collected from several hospitals (20 subjects, with 770-990 MB per subject - in total 17.20 GB). Experimental results show that our GPU-based processing significantly speeds up the feature extraction phase, by up to seven times, as compared to the previous CPU system.

  3. Differentiation of Glioblastoma and Lymphoma Using Feature Extraction and Support Vector Machine.


    Yang, Zhangjing; Feng, Piaopiao; Wen, Tian; Wan, Minghua; Hong, Xunning


    Differentiation of glioblastoma multiformes (GBMs) and lymphomas using multi-sequence magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important task that is valuable for treatment planning. However, this task is a challenge because GBMs and lymphomas may have a similar appearance in MRI images. This similarity may lead to misclassification and could affect the treatment results. In this paper, we propose a semi-automatic method based on multi-sequence MRI to differentiate these two types of brain tumors. Our method consists of three steps: 1) the key slice is selected from 3D MRIs and region of interests (ROIs) are drawn around the tumor region; 2) different features are extracted based on prior clinical knowledge and validated using a t-test; and 3) features that are helpful for classification are used to build an original feature vector and a support vector machine is applied to perform classification. In total, 58 GBM cases and 37 lymphoma cases are used to validate our method. A leave-one-out crossvalidation strategy is adopted in our experiments. The global accuracy of our method was determined as 96.84%, which indicates that our method is effective for the differentiation of GBM and lymphoma and can be applied in clinical diagnosis. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  4. Extracted facial feature of racial closely related faces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liewchavalit, Chalothorn; Akiba, Masakazu; Kanno, Tsuneo; Nagao, Tomoharu


    Human faces contain a lot of demographic information such as identity, gender, age, race and emotion. Human being can perceive these pieces of information and use it as an important clue in social interaction with other people. Race perception is considered the most delicacy and sensitive parts of face perception. There are many research concerning image-base race recognition, but most of them are focus on major race group such as Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid. This paper focuses on how people classify race of the racial closely related group. As a sample of racial closely related group, we choose Japanese and Thai face to represents difference between Northern and Southern Mongoloid. Three psychological experiment was performed to study the strategies of face perception on race classification. As a result of psychological experiment, it can be suggested that race perception is an ability that can be learn. Eyes and eyebrows are the most attention point and eyes is a significant factor in race perception. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to extract facial features of sample race group. Extracted race features of texture and shape were used to synthesize faces. As the result, it can be suggested that racial feature is rely on detailed texture rather than shape feature. This research is a indispensable important fundamental research on the race perception which are essential in the establishment of human-like race recognition system.

  5. Distant supervision for neural relation extraction integrated with word attention and property features.


    Qu, Jianfeng; Ouyang, Dantong; Hua, Wen; Ye, Yuxin; Li, Ximing


    Distant supervision for neural relation extraction is an efficient approach to extracting massive relations with reference to plain texts. However, the existing neural methods fail to capture the critical words in sentence encoding and meanwhile lack useful sentence information for some positive training instances. To address the above issues, we propose a novel neural relation extraction model. First, we develop a word-level attention mechanism to distinguish the importance of each individual word in a sentence, increasing the attention weights for those critical words. Second, we investigate the semantic information from word embeddings of target entities, which can be developed as a supplementary feature for the extractor. Experimental results show that our model outperforms previous state-of-the-art baselines. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Development of feature extraction analysis for a multi-functional optical profiling device applied to field engineering applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Han, Xu; Xie, Guangping; Laflen, Brandon; Jia, Ming; Song, Guiju; Harding, Kevin G.


    In the real application environment of field engineering, a large variety of metrology tools are required by the technician to inspect part profile features. However, some of these tools are burdensome and only address a sole application or measurement. In other cases, standard tools lack the capability of accessing irregular profile features. Customers of field engineering want the next generation metrology devices to have the ability to replace the many current tools with one single device. This paper will describe a method based on the ring optical gage concept to the measurement of numerous kinds of profile features useful for the field technician. The ring optical system is composed of a collimated laser, a conical mirror and a CCD camera. To be useful for a wide range of applications, the ring optical system requires profile feature extraction algorithms and data manipulation directed toward real world applications in field operation. The paper will discuss such practical applications as measuring the non-ideal round hole with both off-centered and oblique axes. The algorithms needed to analyze other features such as measuring the width of gaps, radius of transition fillets, fall of step surfaces, and surface parallelism will also be discussed in this paper. With the assistance of image processing and geometric algorithms, these features can be extracted with a reasonable performance. Tailoring the feature extraction analysis to this specific gage offers the potential for a wider application base beyond simple inner diameter measurements. The paper will present experimental results that are compared with standard gages to prove the performance and feasibility of the analysis in real world field engineering. Potential accuracy improvement methods, a new dual ring design and future work will be discussed at the end of this paper.

  7. Features extraction algorithm about typical railway perimeter intrusion event

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Jieyun; Wang, Chaodong; Liu, Lihai


    Research purposes: Optical fiber vibration sensing system has been widely used in the oil, gas, frontier defence, prison and power industries. But, there are few reports about the application in railway defence. That is because the surrounding environment is complicated and there are many challenges to be overcomed in the optical fiber vibration sensing system application. For example, how to eliminate the effects of vibration caused by train, the natural environments such as wind and rain and how to identify and classify the intrusion events. In order to solve these problems, the feature signals of these events should be extracted firstly. Research conclusions: (1) In optical fiber vibration sensing system based on Sagnac interferometer, the peak-to-peak value, peak-to-average ratio, standard deviation, zero-crossing rate, short-term energy and kurtosis may serve as feature signals. (2) The feature signals of resting state, climbing concrete fence, breaking barbed wire, knocking concrete fence and rainstorm have been extracted, which shows significant difference among each other. (3) The research conclusions can be used in the identification and classification of intrusion events.

  8. Comparison of Different EHG Feature Selection Methods for the Detection of Preterm Labor

    PubMed Central

    Alamedine, D.; Khalil, M.; Marque, C.


    Numerous types of linear and nonlinear features have been extracted from the electrohysterogram (EHG) in order to classify labor and pregnancy contractions. As a result, the number of available features is now very large. The goal of this study is to reduce the number of features by selecting only the relevant ones which are useful for solving the classification problem. This paper presents three methods for feature subset selection that can be applied to choose the best subsets for classifying labor and pregnancy contractions: an algorithm using the Jeffrey divergence (JD) distance, a sequential forward selection (SFS) algorithm, and a binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) algorithm. The two last methods are based on a classifier and were tested with three types of classifiers. These methods have allowed us to identify common features which are relevant for contraction classification. PMID:24454536

  9. Summary of water body extraction methods based on ZY-3 satellite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhu, Yu; Sun, Li Jian; Zhang, Chuan Yin


    Extracting from remote sensing images is one of the main means of water information extraction. Affected by spectral characteristics, many methods can be not applied to the satellite image of ZY-3. To solve this problem, we summarize the extraction methods for ZY-3 and analyze the extraction results of existing methods. According to the characteristics of extraction results, the method of WI& single band threshold and the method of texture filtering based on probability statistics are explored. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of all methods are compared, which provides some reference for the research of water extraction from images. The obtained conclusions are as follows. 1) NIR has higher water sensitivity, consequently when the surface reflectance in the study area is less similar to water, using single band threshold method or multi band operation can obtain the ideal effect. 2) Compared with the water index and HIS optimal index method, object extraction method based on rules, which takes into account not only the spectral information of the water, but also space and texture feature constraints, can obtain better extraction effect, yet the image segmentation process is time consuming and the definition of the rules requires a certain knowledge. 3) The combination of the spectral relationship and water index can eliminate the interference of the shadow to a certain extent. When there is less small water or small water is not considered in further study, texture filtering based on probability statistics can effectively reduce the noises in result and avoid mixing shadows or paddy field with water in a certain extent.

  10. Multiple feature extraction and classification of electroencephalograph signal for Alzheimers' with spectrum and bispectrum

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Ruofan; Wang, Jiang; Li, Shunan; Yu, Haitao; Deng, Bin; Wei, Xile


    In this paper, we have combined experimental neurophysiologic recording and statistical analysis to investigate the nonlinear characteristic and the cognitive function of the brain. Spectrum and bispectrum analyses are proposed to extract multiple effective features of electroencephalograph (EEG) signals from Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and further applied to distinguish AD patients from the normal controls. Spectral analysis based on autoregressive Burg method is first used to quantify the power distribution of EEG series in the frequency domain. Compared to the control group, the relative power spectral density of AD group is significantly higher in the theta frequency band, while lower in the alpha frequency bands. In addition, median frequency of spectrum is decreased, and spectral entropy ratio of these two frequency bands undergoes drastic changes at the P3 electrode in the central-parietal brain region, implying that the electrophysiological behavior in AD brain is much slower and less irregular. In order to explore the nonlinear high order information, bispectral analysis which measures the complexity of phase-coupling is further applied to P3 electrode in the whole frequency band. It is demonstrated that less bispectral peaks appear and the amplitudes of peaks fall, suggesting a decrease of non-Gaussianity and nonlinearity of EEG in ADs. Notably, the application of this method to five brain regions shows higher concentration of the weighted center of bispectrum and lower complexity reflecting phase-coupling by bispectral entropy. Based on spectrum and bispectrum analyses, six efficient features are extracted and then applied to discriminate AD from the normal in the five brain regions. The classification results indicate that all these features could differentiate AD patients from the normal controls with a maximum accuracy of 90.2%. Particularly, different brain regions are sensitive to different features. Moreover, the optimal combination of

  11. Multiple feature extraction and classification of electroencephalograph signal for Alzheimers' with spectrum and bispectrum.


    Wang, Ruofan; Wang, Jiang; Li, Shunan; Yu, Haitao; Deng, Bin; Wei, Xile


    In this paper, we have combined experimental neurophysiologic recording and statistical analysis to investigate the nonlinear characteristic and the cognitive function of the brain. Spectrum and bispectrum analyses are proposed to extract multiple effective features of electroencephalograph (EEG) signals from Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and further applied to distinguish AD patients from the normal controls. Spectral analysis based on autoregressive Burg method is first used to quantify the power distribution of EEG series in the frequency domain. Compared to the control group, the relative power spectral density of AD group is significantly higher in the theta frequency band, while lower in the alpha frequency bands. In addition, median frequency of spectrum is decreased, and spectral entropy ratio of these two frequency bands undergoes drastic changes at the P3 electrode in the central-parietal brain region, implying that the electrophysiological behavior in AD brain is much slower and less irregular. In order to explore the nonlinear high order information, bispectral analysis which measures the complexity of phase-coupling is further applied to P3 electrode in the whole frequency band. It is demonstrated that less bispectral peaks appear and the amplitudes of peaks fall, suggesting a decrease of non-Gaussianity and nonlinearity of EEG in ADs. Notably, the application of this method to five brain regions shows higher concentration of the weighted center of bispectrum and lower complexity reflecting phase-coupling by bispectral entropy. Based on spectrum and bispectrum analyses, six efficient features are extracted and then applied to discriminate AD from the normal in the five brain regions. The classification results indicate that all these features could differentiate AD patients from the normal controls with a maximum accuracy of 90.2%. Particularly, different brain regions are sensitive to different features. Moreover, the optimal combination of

  12. Image feature extraction in encrypted domain with privacy-preserving SIFT.


    Hsu, Chao-Yung; Lu, Chun-Shien; Pei, Soo-Chang


    Privacy has received considerable attention but is still largely ignored in the multimedia community. Consider a cloud computing scenario where the server is resource-abundant, and is capable of finishing the designated tasks. It is envisioned that secure media applications with privacy preservation will be treated seriously. In view of the fact that scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) has been widely adopted in various fields, this paper is the first to target the importance of privacy-preserving SIFT (PPSIFT) and to address the problem of secure SIFT feature extraction and representation in the encrypted domain. As all of the operations in SIFT must be moved to the encrypted domain, we propose a privacy-preserving realization of the SIFT method based on homomorphic encryption. We show through the security analysis based on the discrete logarithm problem and RSA that PPSIFT is secure against ciphertext only attack and known plaintext attack. Experimental results obtained from different case studies demonstrate that the proposed homomorphic encryption-based privacy-preserving SIFT performs comparably to the original SIFT and that our method is useful in SIFT-based privacy-preserving applications.

  13. Chemical-induced disease relation extraction with various linguistic features.


    Gu, Jinghang; Qian, Longhua; Zhou, Guodong


    Understanding the relations between chemicals and diseases is crucial in various biomedical tasks such as new drug discoveries and new therapy developments. While manually mining these relations from the biomedical literature is costly and time-consuming, such a procedure is often difficult to keep up-to-date. To address these issues, the BioCreative-V community proposed a challenging task of automatic extraction of chemical-induced disease (CID) relations in order to benefit biocuration. This article describes our work on the CID relation extraction task on the BioCreative-V tasks. We built a machine learning based system that utilized simple yet effective linguistic features to extract relations with maximum entropy models. In addition to leveraging various features, the hypernym relations between entity concepts derived from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)-controlled vocabulary were also employed during both training and testing stages to obtain more accurate classification models and better extraction performance, respectively. We demoted relation extraction between entities in documents to relation extraction between entity mentions. In our system, pairs of chemical and disease mentions at both intra- and inter-sentence levels were first constructed as relation instances for training and testing, then two classification models at both levels were trained from the training examples and applied to the testing examples. Finally, we merged the classification results from mention level to document level to acquire final relations between chemicals and diseases. Our system achieved promisingF-scores of 60.4% on the development dataset and 58.3% on the test dataset using gold-standard entity annotations, respectively. Database URL: © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.

  14. An expert botanical feature extraction technique based on phenetic features for identifying plant species.


    Kolivand, Hoshang; Fern, Bong Mei; Rahim, Mohd Shafry Mohd; Sulong, Ghazali; Baker, Thar; Tully, David


    In this paper, we present a new method to recognise the leaf type and identify plant species using phenetic parts of the leaf; lobes, apex and base detection. Most of the research in this area focuses on the popular features such as the shape, colour, vein, and texture, which consumes large amounts of computational processing and are not efficient, especially in the Acer database with a high complexity structure of the leaves. This paper is focused on phenetic parts of the leaf which increases accuracy. Detecting the local maxima and local minima are done based on Centroid Contour Distance for Every Boundary Point, using north and south region to recognise the apex and base. Digital morphology is used to measure the leaf shape and the leaf margin. Centroid Contour Gradient is presented to extract the curvature of leaf apex and base. We analyse 32 leaf images of tropical plants and evaluated with two different datasets, Flavia, and Acer. The best accuracy obtained is 94.76% and 82.6% respectively. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed technique without considering the commonly used features with high computational cost.

  15. An expert botanical feature extraction technique based on phenetic features for identifying plant species

    PubMed Central

    Fern, Bong Mei; Rahim, Mohd Shafry Mohd; Sulong, Ghazali; Baker, Thar; Tully, David


    In this paper, we present a new method to recognise the leaf type and identify plant species using phenetic parts of the leaf; lobes, apex and base detection. Most of the research in this area focuses on the popular features such as the shape, colour, vein, and texture, which consumes large amounts of computational processing and are not efficient, especially in the Acer database with a high complexity structure of the leaves. This paper is focused on phenetic parts of the leaf which increases accuracy. Detecting the local maxima and local minima are done based on Centroid Contour Distance for Every Boundary Point, using north and south region to recognise the apex and base. Digital morphology is used to measure the leaf shape and the leaf margin. Centroid Contour Gradient is presented to extract the curvature of leaf apex and base. We analyse 32 leaf images of tropical plants and evaluated with two different datasets, Flavia, and Acer. The best accuracy obtained is 94.76% and 82.6% respectively. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed technique without considering the commonly used features with high computational cost. PMID:29420568

  16. Extraction of features from ultrasound acoustic emissions: a tool to assess the hydraulic vulnerability of Norway spruce trunkwood?

    PubMed Central

    Rosner, Sabine; Klein, Andrea; Wimmer, Rupert; Karlsson, Bo


    Summary • The aim of this study was to assess the hydraulic vulnerability of Norway spruce (Picea abies) trunkwood by extraction of selected features of acoustic emissions (AEs) detected during dehydration of standard size samples. • The hydraulic method was used as the reference method to assess the hydraulic vulnerability of trunkwood of different cambial ages. Vulnerability curves were constructed by plotting the percentage loss of conductivity vs an overpressure of compressed air. • Differences in hydraulic vulnerability were very pronounced between juvenile and mature wood samples; therefore, useful AE features, such as peak amplitude, duration and relative energy, could be filtered out. The AE rates of signals clustered by amplitude and duration ranges and the AE energies differed greatly between juvenile and mature wood at identical relative water losses. • Vulnerability curves could be constructed by relating the cumulated amount of relative AE energy to the relative loss of water and to xylem tension. AE testing in combination with feature extraction offers a readily automated and easy to use alternative to the hydraulic method. PMID:16771986

  17. Comparison of Feature Learning Methods for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors

    PubMed Central

    Li, Frédéric; Nisar, Muhammad Adeel; Köping, Lukas; Grzegorzek, Marcin


    Getting a good feature representation of data is paramount for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) using wearable sensors. An increasing number of feature learning approaches—in particular deep-learning based—have been proposed to extract an effective feature representation by analyzing large amounts of data. However, getting an objective interpretation of their performances faces two problems: the lack of a baseline evaluation setup, which makes a strict comparison between them impossible, and the insufficiency of implementation details, which can hinder their use. In this paper, we attempt to address both issues: we firstly propose an evaluation framework allowing a rigorous comparison of features extracted by different methods, and use it to carry out extensive experiments with state-of-the-art feature learning approaches. We then provide all the codes and implementation details to make both the reproduction of the results reported in this paper and the re-use of our framework easier for other researchers. Our studies carried out on the OPPORTUNITY and UniMiB-SHAR datasets highlight the effectiveness of hybrid deep-learning architectures involving convolutional and Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) to obtain features characterising both short- and long-term time dependencies in the data. PMID:29495310

  18. Comparison of Feature Learning Methods for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors.


    Li, Frédéric; Shirahama, Kimiaki; Nisar, Muhammad Adeel; Köping, Lukas; Grzegorzek, Marcin


    Getting a good feature representation of data is paramount for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) using wearable sensors. An increasing number of feature learning approaches-in particular deep-learning based-have been proposed to extract an effective feature representation by analyzing large amounts of data. However, getting an objective interpretation of their performances faces two problems: the lack of a baseline evaluation setup, which makes a strict comparison between them impossible, and the insufficiency of implementation details, which can hinder their use. In this paper, we attempt to address both issues: we firstly propose an evaluation framework allowing a rigorous comparison of features extracted by different methods, and use it to carry out extensive experiments with state-of-the-art feature learning approaches. We then provide all the codes and implementation details to make both the reproduction of the results reported in this paper and the re-use of our framework easier for other researchers. Our studies carried out on the OPPORTUNITY and UniMiB-SHAR datasets highlight the effectiveness of hybrid deep-learning architectures involving convolutional and Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) to obtain features characterising both short- and long-term time dependencies in the data.

  19. Terrain-driven unstructured mesh development through semi-automatic vertical feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bilskie, Matthew V.; Coggin, David; Hagen, Scott C.; Medeiros, Stephen C.


    A semi-automated vertical feature terrain extraction algorithm is described and applied to a two-dimensional, depth-integrated, shallow water equation inundation model. The extracted features describe what are commonly sub-mesh scale elevation details (ridge and valleys), which may be ignored in standard practice because adequate mesh resolution cannot be afforded. The extraction algorithm is semi-automated, requires minimal human intervention, and is reproducible. A lidar-derived digital elevation model (DEM) of coastal Mississippi and Alabama serves as the source data for the vertical feature extraction. Unstructured mesh nodes and element edges are aligned to the vertical features and an interpolation algorithm aimed at minimizing topographic elevation error assigns elevations to mesh nodes via the DEM. The end result is a mesh that accurately represents the bare earth surface as derived from lidar with element resolution in the floodplain ranging from 15 m to 200 m. To examine the influence of the inclusion of vertical features on overland flooding, two additional meshes were developed, one without crest elevations of the features and another with vertical features withheld. All three meshes were incorporated into a SWAN+ADCIRC model simulation of Hurricane Katrina. Each of the three models resulted in similar validation statistics when compared to observed time-series water levels at gages and post-storm collected high water marks. Simulated water level peaks yielded an R2 of 0.97 and upper and lower 95% confidence interval of ∼ ± 0.60 m. From the validation at the gages and HWM locations, it was not clear which of the three model experiments performed best in terms of accuracy. Examination of inundation extent among the three model results were compared to debris lines derived from NOAA post-event aerial imagery, and the mesh including vertical features showed higher accuracy. The comparison of model results to debris lines demonstrates that additional

  20. Extraction of texture features with a multiresolution neural network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lepage, Richard; Laurendeau, Denis; Gagnon, Roger A.


    Texture is an important surface characteristic. Many industrial materials such as wood, textile, or paper are best characterized by their texture. Detection of defaults occurring on such materials or classification for quality control anD matching can be carried out through careful texture analysis. A system for the classification of pieces of wood used in the furniture industry is proposed. This paper is concerned with a neural network implementation of the features extraction and classification components of the proposed system. Texture appears differently depending at which spatial scale it is observed. A complete description of a texture thus implies an analysis at several spatial scales. We propose a compact pyramidal representation of the input image for multiresolution analysis. The feature extraction system is implemented on a multilayer artificial neural network. Each level of the pyramid, which is a representation of the input image at a given spatial resolution scale, is mapped into a layer of the neural network. A full resolution texture image is input at the base of the pyramid and a representation of the texture image at multiple resolutions is generated by the feedforward pyramid structure of the neural network. The receptive field of each neuron at a given pyramid level is preprogrammed as a discrete Gaussian low-pass filter. Meaningful characteristics of the textured image must be extracted if a good resolving power of the classifier must be achieved. Local dominant orientation is the principal feature which is extracted from the textured image. Local edge orientation is computed with a Sobel mask at four orientation angles (multiple of (pi) /4). The resulting intrinsic image, that is, the local dominant orientation image, is fed to the texture classification neural network. The classification network is a three-layer feedforward back-propagation neural network.

  1. Biomorphic networks: approach to invariant feature extraction and segmentation for ATR

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baek, Andrew; Farhat, Nabil H.


    Invariant features in two dimensional binary images are extracted in a single layer network of locally coupled spiking (pulsating) model neurons with prescribed synapto-dendritic response. The feature vector for an image is represented as invariant structure in the aggregate histogram of interspike intervals obtained by computing time intervals between successive spikes produced from each neuron over a given period of time and combining such intervals from all neurons in the network into a histogram. Simulation results show that the feature vectors are more pattern-specific and invariant under translation, rotation, and change in scale or intensity than achieved in earlier work. We also describe an application of such networks to segmentation of line (edge-enhanced or silhouette) images. The biomorphic spiking network's capabilities in segmentation and invariant feature extraction may prove to be, when they are combined, valuable in Automated Target Recognition (ATR) and other automated object recognition systems.

  2. Fault feature extraction of planet gear in wind turbine gearbox based on spectral kurtosis and time wavelet energy spectrum

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kong, Yun; Wang, Tianyang; Li, Zheng; Chu, Fulei


    Planetary transmission plays a vital role in wind turbine drivetrains, and its fault diagnosis has been an important and challenging issue. Owing to the complicated and coupled vibration source, time-variant vibration transfer path, and heavy background noise masking effect, the vibration signal of planet gear in wind turbine gearboxes exhibits several unique characteristics: Complex frequency components, low signal-to-noise ratio, and weak fault feature. In this sense, the periodic impulsive components induced by a localized defect are hard to extract, and the fault detection of planet gear in wind turbines remains to be a challenging research work. Aiming to extract the fault feature of planet gear effectively, we propose a novel feature extraction method based on spectral kurtosis and time wavelet energy spectrum (SK-TWES) in the paper. Firstly, the spectral kurtosis (SK) and kurtogram of raw vibration signals are computed and exploited to select the optimal filtering parameter for the subsequent band-pass filtering. Then, the band-pass filtering is applied to extrude periodic transient impulses using the optimal frequency band in which the corresponding SK value is maximal. Finally, the time wavelet energy spectrum analysis is performed on the filtered signal, selecting Morlet wavelet as the mother wavelet which possesses a high similarity to the impulsive components. The experimental signals collected from the wind turbine gearbox test rig demonstrate that the proposed method is effective at the feature extraction and fault diagnosis for the planet gear with a localized defect.

  3. LiDAR DTMs and anthropogenic feature extraction: testing the feasibility of geomorphometric parameters in floodplains

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sofia, G.; Tarolli, P.; Dalla Fontana, G.


    In floodplains, massive investments in land reclamation have always played an important role in the past for flood protection. In these contexts, human alteration is reflected by artificial features ('Anthropogenic features'), such as banks, levees or road scarps, that constantly increase and change, in response to the rapid growth of human populations. For these areas, various existing and emerging applications require up-to-date, accurate and sufficiently attributed digital data, but such information is usually lacking, especially when dealing with large-scale applications. More recently, National or Local Mapping Agencies, in Europe, are moving towards the generation of digital topographic information that conforms to reality and are highly reliable and up to date. LiDAR Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) covering large areas are readily available for public authorities, and there is a greater and more widespread interest in the application of such information by agencies responsible for land management for the development of automated methods aimed at solving geomorphological and hydrological problems. Automatic feature recognition based upon DTMs can offer, for large-scale applications, a quick and accurate method that can help in improving topographic databases, and that can overcome some of the problems associated with traditional, field-based, geomorphological mapping, such as restrictions on access, and constraints of time or costs. Although anthropogenic features as levees and road scarps are artificial structures that actually do not belong to what is usually defined as the bare ground surface, they are implicitly embedded in digital terrain models (DTMs). Automatic feature recognition based upon DTMs, therefore, can offer a quick and accurate method that does not require additional data, and that can help in improving flood defense asset information, flood modeling or other applications. In natural contexts, morphological indicators derived from high

  4. Automated Diagnosis of Glaucoma Using Empirical Wavelet Transform and Correntropy Features Extracted From Fundus Images.


    Maheshwari, Shishir; Pachori, Ram Bilas; Acharya, U Rajendra


    Glaucoma is an ocular disorder caused due to increased fluid pressure in the optic nerve. It damages the optic nerve and subsequently causes loss of vision. The available scanning methods are Heidelberg retinal tomography, scanning laser polarimetry, and optical coherence tomography. These methods are expensive and require experienced clinicians to use them. So, there is a need to diagnose glaucoma accurately with low cost. Hence, in this paper, we have presented a new methodology for an automated diagnosis of glaucoma using digital fundus images based on empirical wavelet transform (EWT). The EWT is used to decompose the image, and correntropy features are obtained from decomposed EWT components. These extracted features are ranked based on t value feature selection algorithm. Then, these features are used for the classification of normal and glaucoma images using least-squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) classifier. The LS-SVM is employed for classification with radial basis function, Morlet wavelet, and Mexican-hat wavelet kernels. The classification accuracy of the proposed method is 98.33% and 96.67% using threefold and tenfold cross validation, respectively.

  5. Visualizing dispersive features in 2D image via minimum gradient method

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    He, Yu; Wang, Yan; Shen, Zhi -Xun

    Here, we developed a minimum gradient based method to track ridge features in a 2D image plot, which is a typical data representation in many momentum resolved spectroscopy experiments. Through both analytic formulation and numerical simulation, we compare this new method with existing DC (distribution curve) based and higher order derivative based analyses. We find that the new method has good noise resilience and enhanced contrast especially for weak intensity features and meanwhile preserves the quantitative local maxima information from the raw image. An algorithm is proposed to extract 1D ridge dispersion from the 2D image plot, whose quantitative applicationmore » to angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements on high temperature superconductors is demonstrated.« less

  6. Visualizing dispersive features in 2D image via minimum gradient method


    He, Yu; Wang, Yan; Shen, Zhi -Xun


    Here, we developed a minimum gradient based method to track ridge features in a 2D image plot, which is a typical data representation in many momentum resolved spectroscopy experiments. Through both analytic formulation and numerical simulation, we compare this new method with existing DC (distribution curve) based and higher order derivative based analyses. We find that the new method has good noise resilience and enhanced contrast especially for weak intensity features and meanwhile preserves the quantitative local maxima information from the raw image. An algorithm is proposed to extract 1D ridge dispersion from the 2D image plot, whose quantitative applicationmore » to angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements on high temperature superconductors is demonstrated.« less

  7. Prostate cancer detection using machine learning techniques by employing combination of features extracting strategies.


    Hussain, Lal; Ahmed, Adeel; Saeed, Sharjil; Rathore, Saima; Awan, Imtiaz Ahmed; Shah, Saeed Arif; Majid, Abdul; Idris, Adnan; Awan, Anees Ahmed


    Prostate is a second leading causes of cancer deaths among men. Early detection of cancer can effectively reduce the rate of mortality caused by Prostate cancer. Due to high and multiresolution of MRIs from prostate cancer require a proper diagnostic systems and tools. In the past researchers developed Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) systems that help the radiologist to detect the abnormalities. In this research paper, we have employed novel Machine learning techniques such as Bayesian approach, Support vector machine (SVM) kernels: polynomial, radial base function (RBF) and Gaussian and Decision Tree for detecting prostate cancer. Moreover, different features extracting strategies are proposed to improve the detection performance. The features extracting strategies are based on texture, morphological, scale invariant feature transform (SIFT), and elliptic Fourier descriptors (EFDs) features. The performance was evaluated based on single as well as combination of features using Machine Learning Classification techniques. The Cross validation (Jack-knife k-fold) was performed and performance was evaluated in term of receiver operating curve (ROC) and specificity, sensitivity, Positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), false positive rate (FPR). Based on single features extracting strategies, SVM Gaussian Kernel gives the highest accuracy of 98.34% with AUC of 0.999. While, using combination of features extracting strategies, SVM Gaussian kernel with texture + morphological, and EFDs + morphological features give the highest accuracy of 99.71% and AUC of 1.00.

  8. Sensor-based auto-focusing system using multi-scale feature extraction and phase correlation matching.


    Jang, Jinbeum; Yoo, Yoonjong; Kim, Jongheon; Paik, Joonki


    This paper presents a novel auto-focusing system based on a CMOS sensor containing pixels with different phases. Robust extraction of features in a severely defocused image is the fundamental problem of a phase-difference auto-focusing system. In order to solve this problem, a multi-resolution feature extraction algorithm is proposed. Given the extracted features, the proposed auto-focusing system can provide the ideal focusing position using phase correlation matching. The proposed auto-focusing (AF) algorithm consists of four steps: (i) acquisition of left and right images using AF points in the region-of-interest; (ii) feature extraction in the left image under low illumination and out-of-focus blur; (iii) the generation of two feature images using the phase difference between the left and right images; and (iv) estimation of the phase shifting vector using phase correlation matching. Since the proposed system accurately estimates the phase difference in the out-of-focus blurred image under low illumination, it can provide faster, more robust auto focusing than existing systems.

  9. Sensor-Based Auto-Focusing System Using Multi-Scale Feature Extraction and Phase Correlation Matching

    PubMed Central

    Jang, Jinbeum; Yoo, Yoonjong; Kim, Jongheon; Paik, Joonki


    This paper presents a novel auto-focusing system based on a CMOS sensor containing pixels with different phases. Robust extraction of features in a severely defocused image is the fundamental problem of a phase-difference auto-focusing system. In order to solve this problem, a multi-resolution feature extraction algorithm is proposed. Given the extracted features, the proposed auto-focusing system can provide the ideal focusing position using phase correlation matching. The proposed auto-focusing (AF) algorithm consists of four steps: (i) acquisition of left and right images using AF points in the region-of-interest; (ii) feature extraction in the left image under low illumination and out-of-focus blur; (iii) the generation of two feature images using the phase difference between the left and right images; and (iv) estimation of the phase shifting vector using phase correlation matching. Since the proposed system accurately estimates the phase difference in the out-of-focus blurred image under low illumination, it can provide faster, more robust auto focusing than existing systems. PMID:25763645

  10. Automated feature extraction in color retinal images by a model based approach.


    Li, Huiqi; Chutatape, Opas


    Color retinal photography is an important tool to detect the evidence of various eye diseases. Novel methods to extract the main features in color retinal images have been developed in this paper. Principal component analysis is employed to locate optic disk; A modified active shape model is proposed in the shape detection of optic disk; A fundus coordinate system is established to provide a better description of the features in the retinal images; An approach to detect exudates by the combined region growing and edge detection is proposed. The success rates of disk localization, disk boundary detection, and fovea localization are 99%, 94%, and 100%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of exudate detection are 100% and 71%, correspondingly. The success of the proposed algorithms can be attributed to the utilization of the model-based methods. The detection and analysis could be applied to automatic mass screening and diagnosis of the retinal diseases.

  11. Study of a Vocal Feature Selection Method and Vocal Properties for Discriminating Four Constitution Types

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Keun Ho; Ku, Boncho; Kang, Namsik; Kim, Young-Su; Jang, Jun-Su; Kim, Jong Yeol


    The voice has been used to classify the four constitution types, and to recognize a subject's health condition by extracting meaningful physical quantities, in traditional Korean medicine. In this paper, we propose a method of selecting the reliable variables from various voice features, such as frequency derivative features, frequency band ratios, and intensity, from vowels and a sentence. Further, we suggest a process to extract independent variables by eliminating explanatory variables and reducing their correlation and remove outlying data to enable reliable discriminant analysis. Moreover, the suitable division of data for analysis, according to the gender and age of subjects, is discussed. Finally, the vocal features are applied to a discriminant analysis to classify each constitution type. This method of voice classification can be widely used in the u-Healthcare system of personalized medicine and for improving diagnostic accuracy. PMID:22529874

  12. Feature extraction using extrema sampling of discrete derivatives for spike sorting in implantable upper-limb neural prostheses.


    Zamani, Majid; Demosthenous, Andreas


    Next generation neural interfaces for upper-limb (and other) prostheses aim to develop implantable interfaces for one or more nerves, each interface having many neural signal channels that work reliably in the stump without harming the nerves. To achieve real-time multi-channel processing it is important to integrate spike sorting on-chip to overcome limitations in transmission bandwidth. This requires computationally efficient algorithms for feature extraction and clustering suitable for low-power hardware implementation. This paper describes a new feature extraction method for real-time spike sorting based on extrema analysis (namely positive peaks and negative peaks) of spike shapes and their discrete derivatives at different frequency bands. Employing simulation across different datasets, the accuracy and computational complexity of the proposed method are assessed and compared with other methods. The average classification accuracy of the proposed method in conjunction with online sorting (O-Sort) is 91.6%, outperforming all the other methods tested with the O-Sort clustering algorithm. The proposed method offers a better tradeoff between classification error and computational complexity, making it a particularly strong choice for on-chip spike sorting.

  13. Historical feature pattern extraction based network attack situation sensing algorithm.


    Zeng, Yong; Liu, Dacheng; Lei, Zhou


    The situation sequence contains a series of complicated and multivariate random trends, which are very sudden, uncertain, and difficult to recognize and describe its principle by traditional algorithms. To solve the above questions, estimating parameters of super long situation sequence is essential, but very difficult, so this paper proposes a situation prediction method based on historical feature pattern extraction (HFPE). First, HFPE algorithm seeks similar indications from the history situation sequence recorded and weighs the link intensity between occurred indication and subsequent effect. Then it calculates the probability that a certain effect reappears according to the current indication and makes a prediction after weighting. Meanwhile, HFPE method gives an evolution algorithm to derive the prediction deviation from the views of pattern and accuracy. This algorithm can continuously promote the adaptability of HFPE through gradual fine-tuning. The method preserves the rules in sequence at its best, does not need data preprocessing, and can track and adapt to the variation of situation sequence continuously.

  14. Historical Feature Pattern Extraction Based Network Attack Situation Sensing Algorithm

    PubMed Central

    Zeng, Yong; Liu, Dacheng; Lei, Zhou


    The situation sequence contains a series of complicated and multivariate random trends, which are very sudden, uncertain, and difficult to recognize and describe its principle by traditional algorithms. To solve the above questions, estimating parameters of super long situation sequence is essential, but very difficult, so this paper proposes a situation prediction method based on historical feature pattern extraction (HFPE). First, HFPE algorithm seeks similar indications from the history situation sequence recorded and weighs the link intensity between occurred indication and subsequent effect. Then it calculates the probability that a certain effect reappears according to the current indication and makes a prediction after weighting. Meanwhile, HFPE method gives an evolution algorithm to derive the prediction deviation from the views of pattern and accuracy. This algorithm can continuously promote the adaptability of HFPE through gradual fine-tuning. The method preserves the rules in sequence at its best, does not need data preprocessing, and can track and adapt to the variation of situation sequence continuously. PMID:24892054

  15. Secondary iris recognition method based on local energy-orientation feature

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huo, Guang; Liu, Yuanning; Zhu, Xiaodong; Dong, Hongxing


    This paper proposes a secondary iris recognition based on local features. The application of the energy-orientation feature (EOF) by two-dimensional Gabor filter to the extraction of the iris goes before the first recognition by the threshold of similarity, which sets the whole iris database into two categories-a correctly recognized class and a class to be recognized. Therefore, the former are accepted and the latter are transformed by histogram to achieve an energy-orientation histogram feature (EOHF), which is followed by a second recognition with the chi-square distance. The experiment has proved that the proposed method, because of its higher correct recognition rate, could be designated as the most efficient and effective among its companion studies in iris recognition algorithms.

  16. A nonlinear discriminant algorithm for feature extraction and data classification.


    Santa Cruz, C; Dorronsoro, J R


    This paper presents a nonlinear supervised feature extraction algorithm that combines Fisher's criterion function with a preliminary perceptron-like nonlinear projection of vectors in pattern space. Its main motivation is to combine the approximation properties of multilayer perceptrons (MLP's) with the target free nature of Fisher's classical discriminant analysis. In fact, although MLP's provide good classifiers for many problems, there may be some situations, such as unequal class sizes with a high degree of pattern mixing among them, that may make difficult the construction of good MLP classifiers. In these instances, the features extracted by our procedure could be more effective. After the description of its construction and the analysis of its complexity, we will illustrate its use over a synthetic problem with the above characteristics.

  17. SHERPA: an image segmentation and outline feature extraction tool for diatoms and other objects

    PubMed Central


    Background Light microscopic analysis of diatom frustules is widely used both in basic and applied research, notably taxonomy, morphometrics, water quality monitoring and paleo-environmental studies. In these applications, usually large numbers of frustules need to be identified and/or measured. Although there is a need for automation in these applications, and image processing and analysis methods supporting these tasks have previously been developed, they did not become widespread in diatom analysis. While methodological reports for a wide variety of methods for image segmentation, diatom identification and feature extraction are available, no single implementation combining a subset of these into a readily applicable workflow accessible to diatomists exists. Results The newly developed tool SHERPA offers a versatile image processing workflow focused on the identification and measurement of object outlines, handling all steps from image segmentation over object identification to feature extraction, and providing interactive functions for reviewing and revising results. Special attention was given to ease of use, applicability to a broad range of data and problems, and supporting high throughput analyses with minimal manual intervention. Conclusions Tested with several diatom datasets from different sources and of various compositions, SHERPA proved its ability to successfully analyze large amounts of diatom micrographs depicting a broad range of species. SHERPA is unique in combining the following features: application of multiple segmentation methods and selection of the one giving the best result for each individual object; identification of shapes of interest based on outline matching against a template library; quality scoring and ranking of resulting outlines supporting quick quality checking; extraction of a wide range of outline shape descriptors widely used in diatom studies and elsewhere; minimizing the need for, but enabling manual quality control and

  18. Feature Extraction and Selection for Myoelectric Control Based on Wearable EMG Sensors.


    Phinyomark, Angkoon; N Khushaba, Rami; Scheme, Erik


    Specialized myoelectric sensors have been used in prosthetics for decades, but, with recent advancements in wearable sensors, wireless communication and embedded technologies, wearable electromyographic (EMG) armbands are now commercially available for the general public. Due to physical, processing, and cost constraints, however, these armbands typically sample EMG signals at a lower frequency (e.g., 200 Hz for the Myo armband) than their clinical counterparts. It remains unclear whether existing EMG feature extraction methods, which largely evolved based on EMG signals sampled at 1000 Hz or above, are still effective for use with these emerging lower-bandwidth systems. In this study, the effects of sampling rate (low: 200 Hz vs. high: 1000 Hz) on the classification of hand and finger movements were evaluated for twenty-six different individual features and eight sets of multiple features using a variety of datasets comprised of both able-bodied and amputee subjects. The results show that, on average, classification accuracies drop significantly ( p.

  19. Space-Based Identification of Archaeological Illegal Excavations and a New Automatic Method for Looting Feature Extraction in Desert Areas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lasaponara, Rosa; Masini, Nicola


    The identification and quantification of disturbance of archaeological sites has been generally approached by visual inspection of optical aerial or satellite pictures. In this paper, we briefly summarize the state of the art of the traditionally satellite-based approaches for looting identification and propose a new automatic method for archaeological looting feature extraction approach (ALFEA). It is based on three steps: the enhancement using spatial autocorrelation, unsupervised classification, and segmentation. ALFEA has been applied to Google Earth images of two test areas, selected in desert environs in Syria (Dura Europos), and in Peru (Cahuachi-Nasca). The reliability of ALFEA was assessed through field surveys in Peru and visual inspection for the Syrian case study. Results from the evaluation procedure showed satisfactory performance from both of the two analysed test cases with a rate of success higher than 90%.

  20. Multi-source feature extraction and target recognition in wireless sensor networks based on adaptive distributed wavelet compression algorithms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hortos, William S.


    Proposed distributed wavelet-based algorithms are a means to compress sensor data received at the nodes forming a wireless sensor network (WSN) by exchanging information between neighboring sensor nodes. Local collaboration among nodes compacts the measurements, yielding a reduced fused set with equivalent information at far fewer nodes. Nodes may be equipped with multiple sensor types, each capable of sensing distinct phenomena: thermal, humidity, chemical, voltage, or image signals with low or no frequency content as well as audio, seismic or video signals within defined frequency ranges. Compression of the multi-source data through wavelet-based methods, distributed at active nodes, reduces downstream processing and storage requirements along the paths to sink nodes; it also enables noise suppression and more energy-efficient query routing within the WSN. Targets are first detected by the multiple sensors; then wavelet compression and data fusion are applied to the target returns, followed by feature extraction from the reduced data; feature data are input to target recognition/classification routines; targets are tracked during their sojourns through the area monitored by the WSN. Algorithms to perform these tasks are implemented in a distributed manner, based on a partition of the WSN into clusters of nodes. In this work, a scheme of collaborative processing is applied for hierarchical data aggregation and decorrelation, based on the sensor data itself and any redundant information, enabled by a distributed, in-cluster wavelet transform with lifting that allows multiple levels of resolution. The wavelet-based compression algorithm significantly decreases RF bandwidth and other resource use in target processing tasks. Following wavelet compression, features are extracted. The objective of feature extraction is to maximize the probabilities of correct target classification based on multi-source sensor measurements, while minimizing the resource expenditures at

  1. Computer extracted texture features on T2w MRI to predict biochemical recurrence following radiation therapy for prostate cancer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ginsburg, Shoshana B.; Rusu, Mirabela; Kurhanewicz, John; Madabhushi, Anant


    T2w MRI texture features are potential independent prognostic markers of PSA failure, we implement a partial least squares (PLS) method to embed the data in a low{dimensional space and then use the variable importance in projections (VIP) method to quantify the contributions of individual features to classification on the PLS embedding. In spite of the poor resolution of the 1.5 T MRI data, we are able to identify three Gabor wavelet features that, in conjunction with a logistic regression classifier, yield an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.83 for predicting the probability of biochemical recurrence following radiation therapy. In comparison to both the Kattan nomogram and semantic MRI attributes, the ability of these three computer-extracted features to predict biochemical recurrence risk is demonstrated.

  2. Resonance-Based Time-Frequency Manifold for Feature Extraction of Ship-Radiated Noise.


    Yan, Jiaquan; Sun, Haixin; Chen, Hailan; Junejo, Naveed Ur Rehman; Cheng, En


    In this paper, a novel time-frequency signature using resonance-based sparse signal decomposition (RSSD), phase space reconstruction (PSR), time-frequency distribution (TFD) and manifold learning is proposed for feature extraction of ship-radiated noise, which is called resonance-based time-frequency manifold (RTFM). This is suitable for analyzing signals with oscillatory, non-stationary and non-linear characteristics in a situation of serious noise pollution. Unlike the traditional methods which are sensitive to noise and just consider one side of oscillatory, non-stationary and non-linear characteristics, the proposed RTFM can provide the intact feature signature of all these characteristics in the form of a time-frequency signature by the following steps: first, RSSD is employed on the raw signal to extract the high-oscillatory component and abandon the low-oscillatory component. Second, PSR is performed on the high-oscillatory component to map the one-dimensional signal to the high-dimensional phase space. Third, TFD is employed to reveal non-stationary information in the phase space. Finally, manifold learning is applied to the TFDs to fetch the intrinsic non-linear manifold. A proportional addition of the top two RTFMs is adopted to produce the improved RTFM signature. All of the case studies are validated on real audio recordings of ship-radiated noise. Case studies of ship-radiated noise on different datasets and various degrees of noise pollution manifest the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method.

  3. Resonance-Based Time-Frequency Manifold for Feature Extraction of Ship-Radiated Noise

    PubMed Central

    Yan, Jiaquan; Sun, Haixin; Chen, Hailan; Junejo, Naveed Ur Rehman; Cheng, En


    In this paper, a novel time-frequency signature using resonance-based sparse signal decomposition (RSSD), phase space reconstruction (PSR), time-frequency distribution (TFD) and manifold learning is proposed for feature extraction of ship-radiated noise, which is called resonance-based time-frequency manifold (RTFM). This is suitable for analyzing signals with oscillatory, non-stationary and non-linear characteristics in a situation of serious noise pollution. Unlike the traditional methods which are sensitive to noise and just consider one side of oscillatory, non-stationary and non-linear characteristics, the proposed RTFM can provide the intact feature signature of all these characteristics in the form of a time-frequency signature by the following steps: first, RSSD is employed on the raw signal to extract the high-oscillatory component and abandon the low-oscillatory component. Second, PSR is performed on the high-oscillatory component to map the one-dimensional signal to the high-dimensional phase space. Third, TFD is employed to reveal non-stationary information in the phase space. Finally, manifold learning is applied to the TFDs to fetch the intrinsic non-linear manifold. A proportional addition of the top two RTFMs is adopted to produce the improved RTFM signature. All of the case studies are validated on real audio recordings of ship-radiated noise. Case studies of ship-radiated noise on different datasets and various degrees of noise pollution manifest the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method. PMID:29565288

  4. Apparatus and methods for hydrocarbon extraction

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bohnert, George W.; Verhulst, Galen G.

    Systems and methods for hydrocarbon extraction from hydrocarbon-containing material. Such systems and methods relate to extracting hydrocarbon from hydrocarbon-containing material employing a non-aqueous extractant. Additionally, such systems and methods relate to recovering and reusing non-aqueous extractant employed for extracting hydrocarbon from hydrocarbon-containing material.

  5. Adventitious sounds identification and extraction using temporal-spectral dominance-based features.


    Jin, Feng; Krishnan, Sridhar Sri; Sattar, Farook


    Respiratory sound (RS) signals carry significant information about the underlying functioning of the pulmonary system by the presence of adventitious sounds (ASs). Although many studies have addressed the problem of pathological RS classification, only a limited number of scientific works have focused on the analysis of the evolution of symptom-related signal components in joint time-frequency (TF) plane. This paper proposes a new signal identification and extraction method for various ASs based on instantaneous frequency (IF) analysis. The presented TF decomposition method produces a noise-resistant high definition TF representation of RS signals as compared to the conventional linear TF analysis methods, yet preserving the low computational complexity as compared to those quadratic TF analysis methods. The discarded phase information in conventional spectrogram has been adopted for the estimation of IF and group delay, and a temporal-spectral dominance spectrogram has subsequently been constructed by investigating the TF spreads of the computed time-corrected IF components. The proposed dominance measure enables the extraction of signal components correspond to ASs from noisy RS signal at high noise level. A new set of TF features has also been proposed to quantify the shapes of the obtained TF contours, and therefore strongly, enhances the identification of multicomponents signals such as polyphonic wheezes. An overall accuracy of 92.4±2.9% for the classification of real RS recordings shows the promising performance of the presented method.

  6. Text-in-context: a method for extracting findings in mixed-methods mixed research synthesis studies.


    Sandelowski, Margarete; Leeman, Jennifer; Knafl, Kathleen; Crandell, Jamie L


    Our purpose in this paper is to propose a new method for extracting findings from research reports included in mixed-methods mixed research synthesis studies. International initiatives in the domains of systematic review and evidence synthesis have been focused on broadening the conceptualization of evidence, increased methodological inclusiveness and the production of evidence syntheses that will be accessible to and usable by a wider range of consumers. Initiatives in the general mixed-methods research field have been focused on developing truly integrative approaches to data analysis and interpretation. The data extraction challenges described here were encountered, and the method proposed for addressing these challenges was developed, in the first year of the ongoing (2011-2016) study: Mixed-Methods Synthesis of Research on Childhood Chronic Conditions and Family. To preserve the text-in-context of findings in research reports, we describe a method whereby findings are transformed into portable statements that anchor results to relevant information about sample, source of information, time, comparative reference point, magnitude and significance and study-specific conceptions of phenomena. The data extraction method featured here was developed specifically to accommodate mixed-methods mixed research synthesis studies conducted in nursing and other health sciences, but reviewers might find it useful in other kinds of research synthesis studies. This data extraction method itself constitutes a type of integration to preserve the methodological context of findings when statements are read individually and in comparison to each other. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  7. Feature extraction through parallel Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis for heart disease diagnosis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shah, Syed Muhammad Saqlain; Batool, Safeera; Khan, Imran; Ashraf, Muhammad Usman; Abbas, Syed Hussnain; Hussain, Syed Adnan


    Automatic diagnosis of human diseases are mostly achieved through decision support systems. The performance of these systems is mainly dependent on the selection of the most relevant features. This becomes harder when the dataset contains missing values for the different features. Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA) has reputation to deal with the problem of missing values of attributes. This research presents a methodology which uses the results of medical tests as input, extracts a reduced dimensional feature subset and provides diagnosis of heart disease. The proposed methodology extracts high impact features in new projection by using Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA). PPCA extracts projection vectors which contribute in highest covariance and these projection vectors are used to reduce feature dimension. The selection of projection vectors is done through Parallel Analysis (PA). The feature subset with the reduced dimension is provided to radial basis function (RBF) kernel based Support Vector Machines (SVM). The RBF based SVM serves the purpose of classification into two categories i.e., Heart Patient (HP) and Normal Subject (NS). The proposed methodology is evaluated through accuracy, specificity and sensitivity over the three datasets of UCI i.e., Cleveland, Switzerland and Hungarian. The statistical results achieved through the proposed technique are presented in comparison to the existing research showing its impact. The proposed technique achieved an accuracy of 82.18%, 85.82% and 91.30% for Cleveland, Hungarian and Switzerland dataset respectively.

  8. Biosensor method and system based on feature vector extraction


    Greenbaum, Elias; Rodriguez, Jr., Miguel; Qi, Hairong; Wang, Xiaoling


    A system for biosensor-based detection of toxins includes providing at least one time-dependent control signal generated by a biosensor in a gas or liquid medium, and obtaining a time-dependent biosensor signal from the biosensor in the gas or liquid medium to be monitored or analyzed for the presence of one or more toxins selected from chemical, biological or radiological agents. The time-dependent biosensor signal is processed to obtain a plurality of feature vectors using at least one of amplitude statistics and a time-frequency analysis. At least one parameter relating to toxicity of the gas or liquid medium is then determined from the feature vectors based on reference to the control signal.

  9. Synthetic aperture radar target detection, feature extraction, and image formation techniques

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Li, Jian


    This report presents new algorithms for target detection, feature extraction, and image formation with the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology. For target detection, we consider target detection with SAR and coherent subtraction. We also study how the image false alarm rates are related to the target template false alarm rates when target templates are used for target detection. For feature extraction from SAR images, we present a computationally efficient eigenstructure-based 2D-MODE algorithm for two-dimensional frequency estimation. For SAR image formation, we present a robust parametric data model for estimating high resolution range signatures of radar targets and for forming high resolution SAR images.

  10. Automated Feature Extraction of Foredune Morphology from Terrestrial Lidar Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Spore, N.; Brodie, K. L.; Swann, C.


    Foredune morphology is often described in storm impact prediction models using the elevation of the dune crest and dune toe and compared with maximum runup elevations to categorize the storm impact and predicted responses. However, these parameters do not account for other foredune features that may make them more or less erodible, such as alongshore variations in morphology, vegetation coverage, or compaction. The goal of this work is to identify other descriptive features that can be extracted from terrestrial lidar data that may affect the rate of dune erosion under wave attack. Daily, mobile-terrestrial lidar surveys were conducted during a 6-day nor'easter (Hs = 4 m in 6 m water depth) along 20km of coastline near Duck, North Carolina which encompassed a variety of foredune forms in close proximity to each other. This abstract will focus on the tools developed for the automated extraction of the morphological features from terrestrial lidar data, while the response of the dune will be presented by Brodie and Spore as an accompanying abstract. Raw point cloud data can be dense and is often under-utilized due to time and personnel constraints required for analysis, since many algorithms are not fully automated. In our approach, the point cloud is first projected into a local coordinate system aligned with the coastline, and then bare earth points are interpolated onto a rectilinear 0.5 m grid creating a high resolution digital elevation model. The surface is analyzed by identifying features along each cross-shore transect. Surface curvature is used to identify the position of the dune toe, and then beach and berm morphology is extracted shoreward of the dune toe, and foredune morphology is extracted landward of the dune toe. Changes in, and magnitudes of, cross-shore slope, curvature, and surface roughness are used to describe the foredune face and each cross-shore transect is then classified using its pre-storm morphology for storm-response analysis.

  11. Hydro-geomorphic connectivity and landslide features extraction to identifying potential threats and hazardous areas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tarolli, Paolo; Fuller, Ian C.; Basso, Federica; Cavalli, Marco; Sofia, Giulia


    Hydro-geomorphic connectivity has significantly emerged as a new concept to understand the transfer of surface water and sediment through landscapes. A further scientific challenge is determining how the concept can be used to enable sustainable land and water management. This research proposes an interesting approach to integrating remote sensing techniques, connectivity theory, and geomorphometry based on high-resolution digital terrain model (HR-DTMs) to automatically extract landslides crowns and gully erosion, to determine the different rate of connectivity among the main extracted features and the river network, and thus determine a possible categorization of hazardous areas. The study takes place in two mountainous regions in the Wellington Region (New Zealand). The methodology is a three step approach. Firstly, we performed an automatic detection of the likely landslides crowns through the use of thresholds obtained by the statistical analysis of the variability of landform curvature. After that, the research considered the Connectivity Index to analyse how a complex and rugged topography induces large variations in erosion and sediment delivery in the two catchments. Lastly, the two methods have been integrated to create a unique procedure able to classify the different rate of connectivity among the main features and the river network and thus identifying potential threats and hazardous areas. The methodology is fast, and it can produce a detailed and updated inventory map that could be a key tool for erosional and sediment delivery hazard mitigation. This fast and simple method can be a useful tool to manage emergencies giving priorities to more failure-prone zones. Furthermore, it could be considered to do a preliminary interpretations of geomorphological phenomena and more in general, it could be the base to develop inventory maps. References Cavalli M, Trevisani S, Comiti F, Marchi L. 2013. Geomorphometric assessment of spatial sediment connectivity

  12. An effective image classification method with the fusion of invariant feature and a new color descriptor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mansourian, Leila; Taufik Abdullah, Muhamad; Nurliyana Abdullah, Lili; Azman, Azreen; Mustaffa, Mas Rina


    Pyramid Histogram of Words (PHOW), combined Bag of Visual Words (BoVW) with the spatial pyramid matching (SPM) in order to add location information to extracted features. However, different PHOW extracted from various color spaces, and they did not extract color information individually, that means they discard color information, which is an important characteristic of any image that is motivated by human vision. This article, concatenated PHOW Multi-Scale Dense Scale Invariant Feature Transform (MSDSIFT) histogram and a proposed Color histogram to improve the performance of existing image classification algorithms. Performance evaluation on several datasets proves that the new approach outperforms other existing, state-of-the-art methods.

  13. A Spiking Neural Network in sEMG Feature Extraction.


    Lobov, Sergey; Mironov, Vasiliy; Kastalskiy, Innokentiy; Kazantsev, Victor


    We have developed a novel algorithm for sEMG feature extraction and classification. It is based on a hybrid network composed of spiking and artificial neurons. The spiking neuron layer with mutual inhibition was assigned as feature extractor. We demonstrate that the classification accuracy of the proposed model could reach high values comparable with existing sEMG interface systems. Moreover, the algorithm sensibility for different sEMG collecting systems characteristics was estimated. Results showed rather equal accuracy, despite a significant sampling rate difference. The proposed algorithm was successfully tested for mobile robot control.

  14. Evaluation of image features and classification methods for Barrett's cancer detection using VLE imaging

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Klomp, Sander; van der Sommen, Fons; Swager, Anne-Fré; Zinger, Svitlana; Schoon, Erik J.; Curvers, Wouter L.; Bergman, Jacques J.; de With, Peter H. N.


    Volumetric Laser Endomicroscopy (VLE) is a promising technique for the detection of early neoplasia in Barrett's Esophagus (BE). VLE generates hundreds of high resolution, grayscale, cross-sectional images of the esophagus. However, at present, classifying these images is a time consuming and cumbersome effort performed by an expert using a clinical prediction model. This paper explores the feasibility of using computer vision techniques to accurately predict the presence of dysplastic tissue in VLE BE images. Our contribution is threefold. First, a benchmarking is performed for widely applied machine learning techniques and feature extraction methods. Second, three new features based on the clinical detection model are proposed, having superior classification accuracy and speed, compared to earlier work. Third, we evaluate automated parameter tuning by applying simple grid search and feature selection methods. The results are evaluated on a clinically validated dataset of 30 dysplastic and 30 non-dysplastic VLE images. Optimal classification accuracy is obtained by applying a support vector machine and using our modified Haralick features and optimal image cropping, obtaining an area under the receiver operating characteristic of 0.95 compared to the clinical prediction model at 0.81. Optimal execution time is achieved using a proposed mean and median feature, which is extracted at least factor 2.5 faster than alternative features with comparable performance.

  15. A novel automated spike sorting algorithm with adaptable feature extraction.


    Bestel, Robert; Daus, Andreas W; Thielemann, Christiane


    To study the electrophysiological properties of neuronal networks, in vitro studies based on microelectrode arrays have become a viable tool for analysis. Although in constant progress, a challenging task still remains in this area: the development of an efficient spike sorting algorithm that allows an accurate signal analysis at the single-cell level. Most sorting algorithms currently available only extract a specific feature type, such as the principal components or Wavelet coefficients of the measured spike signals in order to separate different spike shapes generated by different neurons. However, due to the great variety in the obtained spike shapes, the derivation of an optimal feature set is still a very complex issue that current algorithms struggle with. To address this problem, we propose a novel algorithm that (i) extracts a variety of geometric, Wavelet and principal component-based features and (ii) automatically derives a feature subset, most suitable for sorting an individual set of spike signals. Thus, there is a new approach that evaluates the probability distribution of the obtained spike features and consequently determines the candidates most suitable for the actual spike sorting. These candidates can be formed into an individually adjusted set of spike features, allowing a separation of the various shapes present in the obtained neuronal signal by a subsequent expectation maximisation clustering algorithm. Test results with simulated data files and data obtained from chick embryonic neurons cultured on microelectrode arrays showed an excellent classification result, indicating the superior performance of the described algorithm approach. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Detection of Perlger-Huet anomaly based on augmented fast marching method and speeded up robust features.


    Sun, Minglei; Yang, Shaobao; Jiang, Jinling; Wang, Qiwei


    Pelger-Huet anomaly (PHA) and Pseudo Pelger-Huet anomaly (PPHA) are neutrophil with abnormal morphology. They have the bilobed or unilobed nucleus and excessive clumping chromatin. Currently, detection of this kind of cell mainly depends on the manual microscopic examination by a clinician, thus, the quality of detection is limited by the efficiency and a certain subjective consciousness of the clinician. In this paper, a detection method for PHA and PPHA is proposed based on karyomorphism and chromatin distribution features. Firstly, the skeleton of the nucleus is extracted using an augmented Fast Marching Method (AFMM) and width distribution is obtained through distance transform. Then, caryoplastin in the nucleus is extracted based on Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and a K-nearest-neighbor (KNN) classifier is constructed to analyze the features. Experiment shows that the sensitivity and specificity of this method achieved 87.5% and 83.33%, which means that the detection accuracy of PHA is acceptable. Meanwhile, the detection method should be helpful to the automatic morphological classification of blood cells.

  17. A novel fusion method of improved adaptive LTP and two-directional two-dimensional PCA for face feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luo, Yuan; Wang, Bo-yu; Zhang, Yi; Zhao, Li-ming


    In this paper, under different illuminations and random noises, focusing on the local texture feature's defects of a face image that cannot be completely described because the threshold of local ternary pattern (LTP) cannot be calculated adaptively, a local three-value model of improved adaptive local ternary pattern (IALTP) is proposed. Firstly, the difference function between the center pixel and the neighborhood pixel weight is established to obtain the statistical characteristics of the central pixel and the neighborhood pixel. Secondly, the adaptively gradient descent iterative function is established to calculate the difference coefficient which is defined to be the threshold of the IALTP operator. Finally, the mean and standard deviation of the pixel weight of the local region are used as the coding mode of IALTP. In order to reflect the overall properties of the face and reduce the dimension of features, the two-directional two-dimensional PCA ((2D)2PCA) is adopted. The IALTP is used to extract local texture features of eyes and mouth area. After combining the global features and local features, the fusion features (IALTP+) are obtained. The experimental results on the Extended Yale B and AR standard face databases indicate that under different illuminations and random noises, the algorithm proposed in this paper is more robust than others, and the feature's dimension is smaller. The shortest running time reaches 0.329 6 s, and the highest recognition rate reaches 97.39%.

  18. Diagnostic features of Alzheimer's disease extracted from PET sinograms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sayeed, A.; Petrou, M.; Spyrou, N.; Kadyrov, A.; Spinks, T.


    Texture analysis of positron emission tomography (PET) images of the brain is a very difficult task, due to the poor signal to noise ratio. As a consequence, very few techniques can be implemented successfully. We use a new global analysis technique known as the Trace transform triple features. This technique can be applied directly to the raw sinograms to distinguish patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) from normal volunteers. FDG-PET images of 18 AD and 10 normal controls obtained from the same CTI ECAT-953 scanner were used in this study. The Trace transform triple feature technique was used to extract features that were invariant to scaling, translation and rotation, referred to as invariant features, as well as features that were sensitive to rotation but invariant to scaling and translation, referred to as sensitive features in this study. The features were used to classify the groups using discriminant function analysis. Cross-validation tests using stepwise discriminant function analysis showed that combining both sensitive and invariant features produced the best results, when compared with the clinical diagnosis. Selecting the five best features produces an overall accuracy of 93% with sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 90%. This is comparable with the classification accuracy achieved by Kippenhan et al (1992), using regional metabolic activity.

  19. An X-Band Radar Terrain Feature Detection Method for Low-Altitude SVS Operations and Calibration Using LiDAR

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Young, Steve; UijtdeHaag, Maarten; Campbell, Jacob


    To enable safe use of Synthetic Vision Systems at low altitudes, real-time range-to-terrain measurements may be required to ensure the integrity of terrain models stored in the system. This paper reviews and extends previous work describing the application of x-band radar to terrain model integrity monitoring. A method of terrain feature extraction and a transformation of the features to a common reference domain are proposed. Expected error distributions for the extracted features are required to establish appropriate thresholds whereby a consistency-checking function can trigger an alert. A calibration-based approach is presented that can be used to obtain these distributions. To verify the approach, NASA's DC-8 airborne science platform was used to collect data from two mapping sensors. An Airborne Laser Terrain Mapping (ALTM) sensor was installed in the cargo bay of the DC-8. After processing, the ALTM produced a reference terrain model with a vertical accuracy of less than one meter. Also installed was a commercial-off-the-shelf x-band radar in the nose radome of the DC-8. Although primarily designed to measure precipitation, the radar also provides estimates of terrain reflectivity at low altitudes. Using the ALTM data as the reference, errors in features extracted from the radar are estimated. A method to estimate errors in features extracted from the terrain model is also presented.

  20. Land Covers Classification Based on Random Forest Method Using Features from Full-Waveform LIDAR Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ma, L.; Zhou, M.; Li, C.


    In this study, a Random Forest (RF) based land covers classification method is presented to predict the types of land covers in Miyun area. The returned full-waveforms which were acquired by a LiteMapper 5600 airborne LiDAR system were processed, including waveform filtering, waveform decomposition and features extraction. The commonly used features that were distance, intensity, Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM), skewness and kurtosis were extracted. These waveform features were used as attributes of training data for generating the RF prediction model. The RF prediction model was applied to predict the types of land covers in Miyun area as trees, buildings, farmland and ground. The classification results of these four types of land covers were obtained according to the ground truth information acquired from CCD image data of the same region. The RF classification results were compared with that of SVM method and show better results. The RF classification accuracy reached 89.73% and the classification Kappa was 0.8631.

  1. Multi-Feature Based Information Extraction of Urban Green Space Along Road

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhao, H. H.; Guan, H. Y.


    Green space along road of QuickBird image was studied in this paper based on multi-feature-marks in frequency domain. The magnitude spectrum of green along road was analysed, and the recognition marks of the tonal feature, contour feature and the road were built up by the distribution of frequency channels. Gabor filters in frequency domain were used to detect the features based on the recognition marks built up. The detected features were combined as the multi-feature-marks, and watershed based image segmentation were conducted to complete the extraction of green space along roads. The segmentation results were evaluated by Fmeasure with P = 0.7605, R = 0.7639, F = 0.7622.

  2. Scale-invariant feature extraction of neural network and renormalization group flow

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iso, Satoshi; Shiba, Shotaro; Yokoo, Sumito


    Theoretical understanding of how a deep neural network (DNN) extracts features from input images is still unclear, but it is widely believed that the extraction is performed hierarchically through a process of coarse graining. It reminds us of the basic renormalization group (RG) concept in statistical physics. In order to explore possible relations between DNN and RG, we use the restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) applied to an Ising model and construct a flow of model parameters (in particular, temperature) generated by the RBM. We show that the unsupervised RBM trained by spin configurations at various temperatures from T =0 to T =6 generates a flow along which the temperature approaches the critical value Tc=2.2 7 . This behavior is the opposite of the typical RG flow of the Ising model. By analyzing various properties of the weight matrices of the trained RBM, we discuss why it flows towards Tc and how the RBM learns to extract features of spin configurations.

  3. Improved classification accuracy by feature extraction using genetic algorithms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Patriarche, Julia; Manduca, Armando; Erickson, Bradley J.


    A feature extraction algorithm has been developed for the purposes of improving classification accuracy. The algorithm uses a genetic algorithm / hill-climber hybrid to generate a set of linearly recombined features, which may be of reduced dimensionality compared with the original set. The genetic algorithm performs the global exploration, and a hill climber explores local neighborhoods. Hybridizing the genetic algorithm with a hill climber improves both the rate of convergence, and the final overall cost function value; it also reduces the sensitivity of the genetic algorithm to parameter selection. The genetic algorithm includes the operators: crossover, mutation, and deletion / reactivation - the last of these effects dimensionality reduction. The feature extractor is supervised, and is capable of deriving a separate feature space for each tissue (which are reintegrated during classification). A non-anatomical digital phantom was developed as a gold standard for testing purposes. In tests with the phantom, and with images of multiple sclerosis patients, classification with feature extractor derived features yielded lower error rates than using standard pulse sequences, and with features derived using principal components analysis. Using the multiple sclerosis patient data, the algorithm resulted in a mean 31% reduction in classification error of pure tissues.

  4. Text-in-Context: A Method for Extracting Findings in Mixed-Methods Mixed Research Synthesis Studies

    PubMed Central

    Leeman, Jennifer; Knafl, Kathleen; Crandell, Jamie L.


    Aim Our purpose in this paper is to propose a new method for extracting findings from research reports included in mixed-methods mixed research synthesis studies. Background International initiatives in the domains of systematic review and evidence synthesis have been focused on broadening the conceptualization of evidence, increased methodological inclusiveness and the production of evidence syntheses that will be accessible to and usable by a wider range of consumers. Initiatives in the general mixed-methods research field have been focused on developing truly integrative approaches to data analysis and interpretation. Data source The data extraction challenges described here were encountered and the method proposed for addressing these challenges was developed, in the first year of the ongoing (2011–2016) study: Mixed-Methods Synthesis of Research on Childhood Chronic Conditions and Family. Discussion To preserve the text-in-context of findings in research reports, we describe a method whereby findings are transformed into portable statements that anchor results to relevant information about sample, source of information, time, comparative reference point, magnitude and significance and study-specific conceptions of phenomena. Implications for nursing The data extraction method featured here was developed specifically to accommodate mixed-methods mixed research synthesis studies conducted in nursing and other health sciences, but reviewers might find it useful in other kinds of research synthesis studies. Conclusion This data extraction method itself constitutes a type of integration to preserve the methodological context of findings when statements are read individually and in comparison to each other. PMID:22924808

  5. Nuclear norm-based 2-DPCA for extracting features from images.


    Zhang, Fanlong; Yang, Jian; Qian, Jianjun; Xu, Yong


    The 2-D principal component analysis (2-DPCA) is a widely used method for image feature extraction. However, it can be equivalently implemented via image-row-based principal component analysis. This paper presents a structured 2-D method called nuclear norm-based 2-DPCA (N-2-DPCA), which uses a nuclear norm-based reconstruction error criterion. The nuclear norm is a matrix norm, which can provide a structured 2-D characterization for the reconstruction error image. The reconstruction error criterion is minimized by converting the nuclear norm-based optimization problem into a series of F-norm-based optimization problems. In addition, N-2-DPCA is extended to a bilateral projection-based N-2-DPCA (N-B2-DPCA). The virtue of N-B2-DPCA over N-2-DPCA is that an image can be represented with fewer coefficients. N-2-DPCA and N-B2-DPCA are applied to face recognition and reconstruction and evaluated using the Extended Yale B, CMU PIE, FRGC, and AR databases. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

  6. A practical salient region feature based 3D multi-modality registration method for medical images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hahn, Dieter A.; Wolz, Gabriele; Sun, Yiyong; Hornegger, Joachim; Sauer, Frank; Kuwert, Torsten; Xu, Chenyang


    We present a novel representation of 3D salient region features and its integration into a hybrid rigid-body registration framework. We adopt scale, translation and rotation invariance properties of those intrinsic 3D features to estimate a transform between underlying mono- or multi-modal 3D medical images. Our method combines advantageous aspects of both feature- and intensity-based approaches and consists of three steps: an automatic extraction of a set of 3D salient region features on each image, a robust estimation of correspondences and their sub-pixel accurate refinement with outliers elimination. We propose a region-growing based approach for the extraction of 3D salient region features, a solution to the problem of feature clustering and a reduction of the correspondence search space complexity. Results of the developed algorithm are presented for both mono- and multi-modal intra-patient 3D image pairs (CT, PET and SPECT) that have been acquired for change detection, tumor localization, and time based intra-person studies. The accuracy of the method is clinically evaluated by a medical expert with an approach that measures the distance between a set of selected corresponding points consisting of both anatomical and functional structures or lesion sites. This demonstrates the robustness of the proposed method to image overlap, missing information and artefacts. We conclude by discussing potential medical applications and possibilities for integration into a non-rigid registration framework.

  7. The research of edge extraction and target recognition based on inherent feature of objects

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xie, Yu-chan; Lin, Yu-chi; Huang, Yin-guo


    Current research on computer vision often needs specific techniques for particular problems. Little use has been made of high-level aspects of computer vision, such as three-dimensional (3D) object recognition, that are appropriate for large classes of problems and situations. In particular, high-level vision often focuses mainly on the extraction of symbolic descriptions, and pays little attention to the speed of processing. In order to extract and recognize target intelligently and rapidly, in this paper we developed a new 3D target recognition method based on inherent feature of objects in which cuboid was taken as model. On the basis of analysis cuboid nature contour and greyhound distributing characteristics, overall fuzzy evaluating technique was utilized to recognize and segment the target. Then Hough transform was used to extract and match model's main edges, we reconstruct aim edges by stereo technology in the end. There are three major contributions in this paper. Firstly, the corresponding relations between the parameters of cuboid model's straight edges lines in an image field and in the transform field were summed up. By those, the aimless computations and searches in Hough transform processing can be reduced greatly and the efficiency is improved. Secondly, as the priori knowledge about cuboids contour's geometry character known already, the intersections of the component extracted edges are taken, and assess the geometry of candidate edges matches based on the intersections, rather than the extracted edges. Therefore the outlines are enhanced and the noise is depressed. Finally, a 3-D target recognition method is proposed. Compared with other recognition methods, this new method has a quick response time and can be achieved with high-level computer vision. The method present here can be used widely in vision-guide techniques to strengthen its intelligence and generalization, which can also play an important role in object tracking, port AGV, robots

  8. A Framework of Temporal-Spatial Descriptors-Based Feature Extraction for Improved Myoelectric Pattern Recognition.


    Khushaba, Rami N; Al-Timemy, Ali H; Al-Ani, Ahmed; Al-Jumaily, Adel


    The extraction of the accurate and efficient descriptors of muscular activity plays an important role in tackling the challenging problem of myoelectric control of powered prostheses. In this paper, we present a new feature extraction framework that aims to give an enhanced representation of muscular activities through increasing the amount of information that can be extracted from individual and combined electromyogram (EMG) channels. We propose to use time-domain descriptors (TDDs) in estimating the EMG signal power spectrum characteristics; a step that preserves the computational power required for the construction of spectral features. Subsequently, TDD is used in a process that involves: 1) representing the temporal evolution of the EMG signals by progressively tracking the correlation between the TDD extracted from each analysis time window and a nonlinearly mapped version of it across the same EMG channel and 2) representing the spatial coherence between the different EMG channels, which is achieved by calculating the correlation between the TDD extracted from the differences of all possible combinations of pairs of channels and their nonlinearly mapped versions. The proposed temporal-spatial descriptors (TSDs) are validated on multiple sparse and high-density (HD) EMG data sets collected from a number of intact-limbed and amputees performing a large number of hand and finger movements. Classification results showed significant reductions in the achieved error rates in comparison to other methods, with the improvement of at least 8% on average across all subjects. Additionally, the proposed TSDs achieved significantly well in problems with HD-EMG with average classification errors of <5% across all subjects using windows lengths of 50 ms only.

  9. An adaptive singular spectrum analysis method for extracting brain rhythms of electroencephalography

    PubMed Central

    Hu, Hai; Guo, Shengxin; Liu, Ran


    Artifacts removal and rhythms extraction from electroencephalography (EEG) signals are important for portable and wearable EEG recording devices. Incorporating a novel grouping rule, we proposed an adaptive singular spectrum analysis (SSA) method for artifacts removal and rhythms extraction. Based on the EEG signal amplitude, the grouping rule determines adaptively the first one or two SSA reconstructed components as artifacts and removes them. The remaining reconstructed components are then grouped based on their peak frequencies in the Fourier transform to extract the desired rhythms. The grouping rule thus enables SSA to be adaptive to EEG signals containing different levels of artifacts and rhythms. The simulated EEG data based on the Markov Process Amplitude (MPA) EEG model and the experimental EEG data in the eyes-open and eyes-closed states were used to verify the adaptive SSA method. Results showed a better performance in artifacts removal and rhythms extraction, compared with the wavelet decomposition (WDec) and another two recently reported SSA methods. Features of the extracted alpha rhythms using adaptive SSA were calculated to distinguish between the eyes-open and eyes-closed states. Results showed a higher accuracy (95.8%) than those of the WDec method (79.2%) and the infinite impulse response (IIR) filtering method (83.3%). PMID:28674650

  10. Hybrid method for building extraction in vegetation-rich urban areas from very high-resolution satellite imagery

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jayasekare, Ajith S.; Wickramasuriya, Rohan; Namazi-Rad, Mohammad-Reza; Perez, Pascal; Singh, Gaurav


    A continuous update of building information is necessary in today's urban planning. Digital images acquired by remote sensing platforms at appropriate spatial and temporal resolutions provide an excellent data source to achieve this. In particular, high-resolution satellite images are often used to retrieve objects such as rooftops using feature extraction. However, high-resolution images acquired over built-up areas are associated with noises such as shadows that reduce the accuracy of feature extraction. Feature extraction heavily relies on the reflectance purity of objects, which is difficult to perfect in complex urban landscapes. An attempt was made to increase the reflectance purity of building rooftops affected by shadows. In addition to the multispectral (MS) image, derivatives thereof namely, normalized difference vegetation index and principle component (PC) images were incorporated in generating the probability image. This hybrid probability image generation ensured that the effect of shadows on rooftop extraction, particularly on light-colored roofs, is largely eliminated. The PC image was also used for image segmentation, which further increased the accuracy compared to segmentation performed on an MS image. Results show that the presented method can achieve higher rooftop extraction accuracy (70.4%) in vegetation-rich urban areas compared to traditional methods.

  11. Sparse Feature Extraction for Pose-Tolerant Face Recognition.


    Abiantun, Ramzi; Prabhu, Utsav; Savvides, Marios


    Automatic face recognition performance has been steadily improving over years of research, however it remains significantly affected by a number of factors such as illumination, pose, expression, resolution and other factors that can impact matching scores. The focus of this paper is the pose problem which remains largely overlooked in most real-world applications. Specifically, we focus on one-to-one matching scenarios where a query face image of a random pose is matched against a set of gallery images. We propose a method that relies on two fundamental components: (a) A 3D modeling step to geometrically correct the viewpoint of the face. For this purpose, we extend a recent technique for efficient synthesis of 3D face models called 3D Generic Elastic Model. (b) A sparse feature extraction step using subspace modeling and ℓ1-minimization to induce pose-tolerance in coefficient space. This in return enables the synthesis of an equivalent frontal-looking face, which can be used towards recognition. We show significant performance improvements in verification rates compared to commercial matchers, and also demonstrate the resilience of the proposed method with respect to degrading input quality. We find that the proposed technique is able to match non-frontal images to other non-frontal images of varying angles.

  12. Radiomics: Extracting more information from medical images using advanced feature analysis

    PubMed Central

    Lambin, Philippe; Rios-Velazquez, Emmanuel; Leijenaar, Ralph; Carvalho, Sara; van Stiphout, Ruud G.P.M.; Granton, Patrick; Zegers, Catharina M.L.; Gillies, Robert; Boellard, Ronald; Dekker, André; Aerts, Hugo J.W.L.


    Solid cancers are spatially and temporally heterogeneous. This limits the use of invasive biopsy based molecular assays but gives huge potential for medical imaging, which has the ability to capture intra-tumoural heterogeneity in a non-invasive way. During the past decades, medical imaging innovations with new hardware, new imaging agents and standardised protocols, allows the field to move towards quantitative imaging. Therefore, also the development of automated and reproducible analysis methodologies to extract more information from image-based features is a requirement. Radiomics – the high-throughput extraction of large amounts of image features from radiographic images – addresses this problem and is one of the approaches that hold great promises but need further validation in multi-centric settings and in the laboratory. PMID:22257792

  13. Method of Grassland Information Extraction Based on Multi-Level Segmentation and Cart Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Qiao, Y.; Chen, T.; He, J.; Wen, Q.; Liu, F.; Wang, Z.


    It is difficult to extract grassland accurately by traditional classification methods, such as supervised method based on pixels or objects. This paper proposed a new method combing the multi-level segmentation with CART (classification and regression tree) model. The multi-level segmentation which combined the multi-resolution segmentation and the spectral difference segmentation could avoid the over and insufficient segmentation seen in the single segmentation mode. The CART model was established based on the spectral characteristics and texture feature which were excavated from training sample data. Xilinhaote City in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was chosen as the typical study area and the proposed method was verified by using visual interpretation results as approximate truth value. Meanwhile, the comparison with the nearest neighbor supervised classification method was obtained. The experimental results showed that the total precision of classification and the Kappa coefficient of the proposed method was 95 % and 0.9, respectively. However, the total precision of classification and the Kappa coefficient of the nearest neighbor supervised classification method was 80 % and 0.56, respectively. The result suggested that the accuracy of classification proposed in this paper was higher than the nearest neighbor supervised classification method. The experiment certificated that the proposed method was an effective extraction method of grassland information, which could enhance the boundary of grassland classification and avoid the restriction of grassland distribution scale. This method was also applicable to the extraction of grassland information in other regions with complicated spatial features, which could avoid the interference of woodland, arable land and water body effectively.

  14. A novel Bayesian framework for discriminative feature extraction in Brain-Computer Interfaces.


    Suk, Heung-Il; Lee, Seong-Whan


    As there has been a paradigm shift in the learning load from a human subject to a computer, machine learning has been considered as a useful tool for Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). In this paper, we propose a novel Bayesian framework for discriminative feature extraction for motor imagery classification in an EEG-based BCI in which the class-discriminative frequency bands and the corresponding spatial filters are optimized by means of the probabilistic and information-theoretic approaches. In our framework, the problem of simultaneous spatiospectral filter optimization is formulated as the estimation of an unknown posterior probability density function (pdf) that represents the probability that a single-trial EEG of predefined mental tasks can be discriminated in a state. In order to estimate the posterior pdf, we propose a particle-based approximation method by extending a factored-sampling technique with a diffusion process. An information-theoretic observation model is also devised to measure discriminative power of features between classes. From the viewpoint of classifier design, the proposed method naturally allows us to construct a spectrally weighted label decision rule by linearly combining the outputs from multiple classifiers. We demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method by analyzing the results and its success on three public databases.

  15. Classification and pose estimation of objects using nonlinear features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Talukder, Ashit; Casasent, David P.


    A new nonlinear feature extraction method called the maximum representation and discrimination feature (MRDF) method is presented for extraction of features from input image data. It implements transformations similar to the Sigma-Pi neural network. However, the weights of the MRDF are obtained in closed form, and offer advantages compared to nonlinear neural network implementations. The features extracted are useful for both object discrimination (classification) and object representation (pose estimation). We show its use in estimating the class and pose of images of real objects and rendered solid CAD models of machine parts from single views using a feature-space trajectory (FST) neural network classifier. We show more accurate classification and pose estimation results than are achieved by standard principal component analysis (PCA) and Fukunaga-Koontz (FK) feature extraction methods.

  16. Wavelet Types Comparison for Extracting Iris Feature Based on Energy Compaction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rizal Isnanto, R.


    Human iris has a very unique pattern which is possible to be used as a biometric recognition. To identify texture in an image, texture analysis method can be used. One of method is wavelet that extract the image feature based on energy. Wavelet transforms used are Haar, Daubechies, Coiflets, Symlets, and Biorthogonal. In the research, iris recognition based on five mentioned wavelets was done and then comparison analysis was conducted for which some conclusions taken. Some steps have to be done in the research. First, the iris image is segmented from eye image then enhanced with histogram equalization. The features obtained is energy value. The next step is recognition using normalized Euclidean distance. Comparison analysis is done based on recognition rate percentage with two samples stored in database for reference images. After finding the recognition rate, some tests are conducted using Energy Compaction for all five types of wavelets above. As the result, the highest recognition rate is achieved using Haar, whereas for coefficients cutting for C(i) < 0.1, Haar wavelet has a highest percentage, therefore the retention rate or significan coefficient retained for Haaris lower than other wavelet types (db5, coif3, sym4, and bior2.4)

  17. High Resolution SAR Imaging Employing Geometric Features for Extracting Seismic Damage of Buildings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cui, L. P.; Wang, X. P.; Dou, A. X.; Ding, X.


    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image is relatively easy to acquire but difficult for interpretation. This paper probes how to identify seismic damage of building using geometric features of SAR. The SAR imaging geometric features of buildings, such as the high intensity layover, bright line induced by double bounce backscattering and dark shadow is analysed, and show obvious differences texture features of homogeneity, similarity and entropy in combinatorial imaging geometric regions between the un-collapsed and collapsed buildings in airborne SAR images acquired in Yushu city damaged by 2010 Ms7.1 Yushu, Qinghai, China earthquake, which implicates a potential capability to discriminate collapsed and un-collapsed buildings from SAR image. Study also shows that the proportion of highlight (layover & bright line) area (HA) is related to the seismic damage degree, thus a SAR image damage index (SARDI), which related to the ratio of HA to the building occupation are of building in a street block (SA), is proposed. While HA is identified through feature extraction with high-pass and low-pass filtering of SAR image in frequency domain. A partial region with 58 natural street blocks in the Yushu City are selected as study area. Then according to the above method, HA is extracted, SARDI is then calculated and further classified into 3 classes. The results show effective through validation check with seismic damage classes interpreted artificially from post-earthquake airborne high resolution optical image, which shows total classification accuracy 89.3 %, Kappa coefficient 0.79 and identical to the practical seismic damage distribution. The results are also compared and discussed with the building damage identified from SAR image available by other authors.

  18. Method of infusion extraction

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chang-Diaz, Franklin R. (Inventor)


    Apparatus and method of removing desirable constituents from an infusible material by infusion extraction, where a piston operating in a first chamber draws a solvent into the first chamber where it may be heated, and then moves the heated solvent into a second chamber containing the infusible material, and where infusion extraction takes place. The piston then moves the solvent containing the extract through a filter into the first chamber, leaving the extraction residue in the second chamber.

  19. The extraction of motion-onset VEP BCI features based on deep learning and compressed sensing.


    Ma, Teng; Li, Hui; Yang, Hao; Lv, Xulin; Li, Peiyang; Liu, Tiejun; Yao, Dezhong; Xu, Peng


    Motion-onset visual evoked potentials (mVEP) can provide a softer stimulus with reduced fatigue, and it has potential applications for brain computer interface(BCI)systems. However, the mVEP waveform is seriously masked in the strong background EEG activities, and an effective approach is needed to extract the corresponding mVEP features to perform task recognition for BCI control. In the current study, we combine deep learning with compressed sensing to mine discriminative mVEP information to improve the mVEP BCI performance. The deep learning and compressed sensing approach can generate the multi-modality features which can effectively improve the BCI performance with approximately 3.5% accuracy incensement over all 11 subjects and is more effective for those subjects with relatively poor performance when using the conventional features. Compared with the conventional amplitude-based mVEP feature extraction approach, the deep learning and compressed sensing approach has a higher classification accuracy and is more effective for subjects with relatively poor performance. According to the results, the deep learning and compressed sensing approach is more effective for extracting the mVEP feature to construct the corresponding BCI system, and the proposed feature extraction framework is easy to extend to other types of BCIs, such as motor imagery (MI), steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)and P300. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Improving protein fold recognition by extracting fold-specific features from predicted residue-residue contacts.


    Zhu, Jianwei; Zhang, Haicang; Li, Shuai Cheng; Wang, Chao; Kong, Lupeng; Sun, Shiwei; Zheng, Wei-Mou; Bu, Dongbo


    Accurate recognition of protein fold types is a key step for template-based prediction of protein structures. The existing approaches to fold recognition mainly exploit the features derived from alignments of query protein against templates. These approaches have been shown to be successful for fold recognition at family level, but usually failed at superfamily/fold levels. To overcome this limitation, one of the key points is to explore more structurally informative features of proteins. Although residue-residue contacts carry abundant structural information, how to thoroughly exploit these information for fold recognition still remains a challenge. In this study, we present an approach (called DeepFR) to improve fold recognition at superfamily/fold levels. The basic idea of our approach is to extract fold-specific features from predicted residue-residue contacts of proteins using deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) technique. Based on these fold-specific features, we calculated similarity between query protein and templates, and then assigned query protein with fold type of the most similar template. DCNN has showed excellent performance in image feature extraction and image recognition; the rational underlying the application of DCNN for fold recognition is that contact likelihood maps are essentially analogy to images, as they both display compositional hierarchy. Experimental results on the LINDAHL dataset suggest that even using the extracted fold-specific features alone, our approach achieved success rate comparable to the state-of-the-art approaches. When further combining these features with traditional alignment-related features, the success rate of our approach increased to 92.3%, 82.5% and 78.8% at family, superfamily and fold levels, respectively, which is about 18% higher than the state-of-the-art approach at fold level, 6% higher at superfamily level and 1% higher at family level. An independent assessment on SCOP_TEST dataset showed consistent

  1. Novel Features for Brain-Computer Interfaces

    PubMed Central

    Woon, W. L.; Cichocki, A.


    While conventional approaches of BCI feature extraction are based on the power spectrum, we have tried using nonlinear features for classifying BCI data. In this paper, we report our test results and findings, which indicate that the proposed method is a potentially useful addition to current feature extraction techniques. PMID:18364991

  2. Depth-time interpolation of feature trends extracted from mobile microelectrode data with kernel functions.


    Wong, Stephen; Hargreaves, Eric L; Baltuch, Gordon H; Jaggi, Jurg L; Danish, Shabbar F


    Microelectrode recording (MER) is necessary for precision localization of target structures such as the subthalamic nucleus during deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. Attempts to automate this process have produced quantitative temporal trends (feature activity vs. time) extracted from mobile MER data. Our goal was to evaluate computational methods of generating spatial profiles (feature activity vs. depth) from temporal trends that would decouple automated MER localization from the clinical procedure and enhance functional localization in DBS surgery. We evaluated two methods of interpolation (standard vs. kernel) that generated spatial profiles from temporal trends. We compared interpolated spatial profiles to true spatial profiles that were calculated with depth windows, using correlation coefficient analysis. Excellent approximation of true spatial profiles is achieved by interpolation. Kernel-interpolated spatial profiles produced superior correlation coefficient values at optimal kernel widths (r = 0.932-0.940) compared to standard interpolation (r = 0.891). The choice of kernel function and kernel width resulted in trade-offs in smoothing and resolution. Interpolation of feature activity to create spatial profiles from temporal trends is accurate and can standardize and facilitate MER functional localization of subcortical structures. The methods are computationally efficient, enhancing localization without imposing additional constraints on the MER clinical procedure during DBS surgery. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  3. Automated characterization of diabetic foot using nonlinear features extracted from thermograms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adam, Muhammad; Ng, Eddie Y. K.; Oh, Shu Lih; Heng, Marabelle L.; Hagiwara, Yuki; Tan, Jen Hong; Tong, Jasper W. K.; Acharya, U. Rajendra


    Diabetic foot is a major complication of diabetes mellitus (DM). The blood circulation to the foot decreases due to DM and hence, the temperature reduces in the plantar foot. Thermography is a non-invasive imaging method employed to view the thermal patterns using infrared (IR) camera. It allows qualitative and visual documentation of temperature fluctuation in vascular tissues. But it is difficult to diagnose these temperature changes manually. Thus, computer assisted diagnosis (CAD) system may help to accurately detect diabetic foot to prevent traumatic outcomes such as ulcerations and lower extremity amputation. In this study, plantar foot thermograms of 33 healthy persons and 33 individuals with type 2 diabetes are taken. These foot images are decomposed using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and higher order spectra (HOS) techniques. Various texture and entropy features are extracted from the decomposed images. These combined (DWT + HOS) features are ranked using t-values and classified using support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Our proposed methodology achieved maximum accuracy of 89.39%, sensitivity of 81.81% and specificity of 96.97% using only five features. The performance of the proposed thermography-based CAD system can help the clinicians to take second opinion on their diagnosis of diabetic foot.

  4. Extraction of Features from High-resolution 3D LiDaR Point-cloud Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Keller, P.; Kreylos, O.; Hamann, B.; Kellogg, L. H.; Cowgill, E. S.; Yikilmaz, M. B.; Hering-Bertram, M.; Hagen, H.


    Airborne and tripod-based LiDaR scans are capable of producing new insight into geologic features by providing high-quality 3D measurements of the landscape. High-resolution LiDaR is a promising method for studying slip on faults, erosion, and other landscape-altering processes. LiDaR scans can produce up to several billion individual point returns associated with the reflection of a laser from natural and engineered surfaces; these point clouds are typically used to derive a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM). Currently, there exist only few methods that can support the analysis of the data at full resolution and in the natural 3D perspective in which it was collected by working directly with the points. We are developing new algorithms for extracting features from LiDaR scans, and present method for determining the local curvature of a LiDaR data set, working directly with the individual point returns of a scan. Computing the curvature enables us to rapidly and automatically identify key features such as ridge-lines, stream beds, and edges of terraces. We fit polynomial surface patches via a moving least squares (MLS) approach to local point neighborhoods, determining curvature values for each point. The size of the local point neighborhood is defined by a user. Since both terrestrial and airborne LiDaR scans suffer from high noise, we apply additional pre- and post-processing smoothing steps to eliminate unwanted features. LiDaR data also captures objects like buildings and trees complicating greatly the task of extracting reliable curvature values. Hence, we use a stochastic approach to determine whether a point can be reliably used to estimate curvature or not. Additionally, we have developed a graph-based approach to establish connectivities among points that correspond to regions of high curvature. The result is an explicit description of ridge-lines, for example. We have applied our method to the raw point cloud data collected as part of the Geo

  5. Automated video feature extraction : workshop summary report October 10-11 2012.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This report summarizes a 2-day workshop on automated video feature extraction. Discussion focused on the Naturalistic Driving : Study, funded by the second Strategic Highway Research Program, and also involved the companion roadway inventory dataset....

  6. A similarity measure method combining location feature for mammogram retrieval.


    Wang, Zhiqiong; Xin, Junchang; Huang, Yukun; Li, Chen; Xu, Ling; Li, Yang; Zhang, Hao; Gu, Huizi; Qian, Wei


    Breast cancer, the most common malignancy among women, has a high mortality rate in clinical practice. Early detection, diagnosis and treatment can reduce the mortalities of breast cancer greatly. The method of mammogram retrieval can help doctors to find the early breast lesions effectively and determine a reasonable feature set for image similarity measure. This will improve the accuracy effectively for mammogram retrieval. This paper proposes a similarity measure method combining location feature for mammogram retrieval. Firstly, the images are pre-processed, the regions of interest are detected and the lesions are segmented in order to get the center point and radius of the lesions. Then, the method, namely Coherent Point Drift, is used for image registration with the pre-defined standard image. The center point and radius of the lesions after registration are obtained and the standard location feature of the image is constructed. This standard location feature can help figure out the location similarity between the image pair from the query image to each dataset image in the database. Next, the content feature of the image is extracted, including the Histogram of Oriented Gradients, the Edge Direction Histogram, the Local Binary Pattern and the Gray Level Histogram, and the image pair content similarity can be calculated using the Earth Mover's Distance. Finally, the location similarity and content similarity are fused to form the image fusion similarity, and the specified number of the most similar images can be returned according to it. In the experiment, 440 mammograms, which are from Chinese women in Northeast China, are used as the database. When fusing 40% lesion location feature similarity and 60% content feature similarity, the results have obvious advantages. At this time, precision is 0.83, recall is 0.76, comprehensive indicator is 0.79, satisfaction is 96.0%, mean is 4.2 and variance is 17.7. The results show that the precision and recall of this

  7. Method of extracting heat from dry geothermal reservoirs


    Potter, R.M.; Robinson, E.S.; Smith, M.C.


    Hydraulic fracturing is used to interconnect two or more holes that penetrate a previously dry geothermal reservoir, and to produce within the reservoir a sufficiently large heat-transfer surface so that heat can be extracted from the reservoir at a usefully high rate by a fluid entering it through one hole and leaving it through another. Introduction of a fluid into the reservoir to remove heat from it and establishment of natural (unpumped) convective circulation through the reservoir to accomplish continuous heat removal are important and novel features of the method. (auth)

  8. Augmenting the decomposition of EMG signals using supervised feature extraction techniques.


    Parsaei, Hossein; Gangeh, Mehrdad J; Stashuk, Daniel W; Kamel, Mohamed S


    Electromyographic (EMG) signal decomposition is the process of resolving an EMG signal into its constituent motor unit potential trains (MUPTs). In this work, the possibility of improving the decomposing results using two supervised feature extraction methods, i.e., Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) and supervised principal component analysis (SPCA), is explored. Using the MUP labels provided by a decomposition-based quantitative EMG system as a training data for FDA and SPCA, the MUPs are transformed into a new feature space such that the MUPs of a single MU become as close as possible to each other while those created by different MUs become as far as possible. The MUPs are then reclassified using a certainty-based classification algorithm. Evaluation results using 10 simulated EMG signals comprised of 3-11 MUPTs demonstrate that FDA and SPCA on average improve the decomposition accuracy by 6%. The improvement for the most difficult-to-decompose signal is about 12%, which shows the proposed approach is most beneficial in the decomposition of more complex signals.

  9. Wavelet feature extraction for reliable discrimination between high explosive and chemical/biological artillery

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hohil, Myron E.; Desai, Sachi V.; Bass, Henry E.; Chambers, Jim


    Feature extraction methods based on the discrete wavelet transform and multiresolution analysis are used to develop a robust classification algorithm that reliably discriminates between conventional and simulated chemical/biological artillery rounds via acoustic signals produced during detonation. Distinct characteristics arise within the different airburst signatures because high explosive warheads emphasize concussive and shrapnel effects, while chemical/biological warheads are designed to disperse their contents over large areas, therefore employing a slower burning, less intense explosive to mix and spread their contents. The ensuing blast waves are readily characterized by variations in the corresponding peak pressure and rise time of the blast, differences in the ratio of positive pressure amplitude to the negative amplitude, and variations in the overall duration of the resulting waveform. Unique attributes can also be identified that depend upon the properties of the gun tube, projectile speed at the muzzle, and the explosive burn rates of the warhead. In this work, the discrete wavelet transform is used to extract the predominant components of these characteristics from air burst signatures at ranges exceeding 2km. Highly reliable discrimination is achieved with a feedforward neural network classifier trained on a feature space derived from the distribution of wavelet coefficients and higher frequency details found within different levels of the multiresolution decomposition.

  10. Fractal Complexity-Based Feature Extraction Algorithm of Communication Signals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Hui; Li, Jingchao; Guo, Lili; Dou, Zheng; Lin, Yun; Zhou, Ruolin

    How to analyze and identify the characteristics of radiation sources and estimate the threat level by means of detecting, intercepting and locating has been the central issue of electronic support in the electronic warfare, and communication signal recognition is one of the key points to solve this issue. Aiming at accurately extracting the individual characteristics of the radiation source for the increasingly complex communication electromagnetic environment, a novel feature extraction algorithm for individual characteristics of the communication radiation source based on the fractal complexity of the signal is proposed. According to the complexity of the received signal and the situation of environmental noise, use the fractal dimension characteristics of different complexity to depict the subtle characteristics of the signal to establish the characteristic database, and then identify different broadcasting station by gray relation theory system. The simulation results demonstrate that the algorithm can achieve recognition rate of 94% even in the environment with SNR of -10dB, and this provides an important theoretical basis for the accurate identification of the subtle features of the signal at low SNR in the field of information confrontation.

  11. Graph theory for feature extraction and classification: a migraine pathology case study.


    Jorge-Hernandez, Fernando; Garcia Chimeno, Yolanda; Garcia-Zapirain, Begonya; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gomez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Fernandez-Ruanova, Begonya


    Graph theory is also widely used as a representational form and characterization of brain connectivity network, as is machine learning for classifying groups depending on the features extracted from images. Many of these studies use different techniques, such as preprocessing, correlations, features or algorithms. This paper proposes an automatic tool to perform a standard process using images of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine. The process includes pre-processing, building the graph per subject with different correlations, atlas, relevant feature extraction according to the literature, and finally providing a set of machine learning algorithms which can produce analyzable results for physicians or specialists. In order to verify the process, a set of images from prescription drug abusers and patients with migraine have been used. In this way, the proper functioning of the tool has been proved, providing results of 87% and 92% of success depending on the classifier used.

  12. Skipping the real world: Classification of PolSAR images without explicit feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hänsch, Ronny; Hellwich, Olaf


    The typical processing chain for pixel-wise classification from PolSAR images starts with an optional preprocessing step (e.g. speckle reduction), continues with extracting features projecting the complex-valued data into the real domain (e.g. by polarimetric decompositions) which are then used as input for a machine-learning based classifier, and ends in an optional postprocessing (e.g. label smoothing). The extracted features are usually hand-crafted as well as preselected and represent (a somewhat arbitrary) projection from the complex to the real domain in order to fit the requirements of standard machine-learning approaches such as Support Vector Machines or Artificial Neural Networks. This paper proposes to adapt the internal node tests of Random Forests to work directly on the complex-valued PolSAR data, which makes any explicit feature extraction obsolete. This approach leads to a classification framework with a significantly decreased computation time and memory footprint since no image features have to be computed and stored beforehand. The experimental results on one fully-polarimetric and one dual-polarimetric dataset show that, despite the simpler approach, accuracy can be maintained (decreased by only less than 2 % for the fully-polarimetric dataset) or even improved (increased by roughly 9 % for the dual-polarimetric dataset).

  13. Comparison of EEG-Features and Classification Methods for Motor Imagery in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness

    PubMed Central

    Höller, Yvonne; Bergmann, Jürgen; Thomschewski, Aljoscha; Kronbichler, Martin; Höller, Peter; Crone, Julia S.; Schmid, Elisabeth V.; Butz, Kevin; Nardone, Raffaele; Trinka, Eugen


    Current research aims at identifying voluntary brain activation in patients who are behaviorally diagnosed as being unconscious, but are able to perform commands by modulating their brain activity patterns. This involves machine learning techniques and feature extraction methods such as applied in brain computer interfaces. In this study, we try to answer the question if features/classification methods which show advantages in healthy participants are also accurate when applied to data of patients with disorders of consciousness. A sample of healthy participants (N = 22), patients in a minimally conscious state (MCS; N = 5), and with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS; N = 9) was examined with a motor imagery task which involved imagery of moving both hands and an instruction to hold both hands firm. We extracted a set of 20 features from the electroencephalogram and used linear discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbor classification, and support vector machines (SVM) as classification methods. In healthy participants, the best classification accuracies were seen with coherences (mean = .79; range = .53−.94) and power spectra (mean = .69; range = .40−.85). The coherence patterns in healthy participants did not match the expectation of central modulated -rhythm. Instead, coherence involved mainly frontal regions. In healthy participants, the best classification tool was SVM. Five patients had at least one feature-classifier outcome with p0.05 (none of which were coherence or power spectra), though none remained significant after false-discovery rate correction for multiple comparisons. The present work suggests the use of coherences in patients with disorders of consciousness because they show high reliability among healthy subjects and patient groups. However, feature extraction and classification is a challenging task in unresponsive patients because there is no ground truth to validate the results. PMID:24282545

  14. Road marking features extraction using the VIAPIX® system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaddah, W.; Ouerhani, Y.; Alfalou, A.; Desthieux, M.; Brosseau, C.; Gutierrez, C.


    Precise extraction of road marking features is a critical task for autonomous urban driving, augmented driver assistance, and robotics technologies. In this study, we consider an autonomous system allowing us lane detection for marked urban roads and analysis of their features. The task is to relate the georeferencing of road markings from images obtained using the VIAPIX® system. Based on inverse perspective mapping and color segmentation to detect all white objects existing on this road, the present algorithm enables us to examine these images automatically and rapidly and also to get information on road marks, their surface conditions, and their georeferencing. This algorithm allows detecting all road markings and identifying some of them by making use of a phase-only correlation filter (POF). We illustrate this algorithm and its robustness by applying it to a variety of relevant scenarios.

  15. Hybrid Feature Extraction-based Approach for Facial Parts Representation and Recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rouabhia, C.; Tebbikh, H.


    Face recognition is a specialized image processing which has attracted a considerable attention in computer vision. In this article, we develop a new facial recognition system from video sequences images dedicated to person identification whose face is partly occulted. This system is based on a hybrid image feature extraction technique called ACPDL2D (Rouabhia et al. 2007), it combines two-dimensional principal component analysis and two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis with neural network. We performed the feature extraction task on the eyes and the nose images separately then a Multi-Layers Perceptron classifier is used. Compared to the whole face, the results of simulation are in favor of the facial parts in terms of memory capacity and recognition (99.41% for the eyes part, 98.16% for the nose part and 97.25 % for the whole face).

  16. 2D/3D facial feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Çinar Akakin, Hatice; Ali Salah, Albert; Akarun, Lale; Sankur, Bülent


    We propose and compare three different automatic landmarking methods for near-frontal faces. The face information is provided as 480x640 gray-level images in addition to the corresponding 3D scene depth information. All three methods follow a coarse-to-fine suite and use the 3D information in an assist role. The first method employs a combination of principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) features to analyze the Gabor feature set. The second method uses a subset of DCT coefficients for template-based matching. These two methods employ SVM classifiers with polynomial kernel functions. The third method uses a mixture of factor analyzers to learn Gabor filter outputs. We contrast the localization performance separately with 2D texture and 3D depth information. Although the 3D depth information per se does not perform as well as texture images in landmark localization, the 3D information has still a beneficial role in eliminating the background and the false alarms.

  17. Nonlocal sparse model with adaptive structural clustering for feature extraction of aero-engine bearings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Han; Chen, Xuefeng; Du, Zhaohui; Li, Xiang; Yan, Ruqiang


    Fault information of aero-engine bearings presents two particular phenomena, i.e., waveform distortion and impulsive feature frequency band dispersion, which leads to a challenging problem for current techniques of bearing fault diagnosis. Moreover, although many progresses of sparse representation theory have been made in feature extraction of fault information, the theory also confronts inevitable performance degradation due to the fact that relatively weak fault information has not sufficiently prominent and sparse representations. Therefore, a novel nonlocal sparse model (coined NLSM) and its algorithm framework has been proposed in this paper, which goes beyond simple sparsity by introducing more intrinsic structures of feature information. This work adequately exploits the underlying prior information that feature information exhibits nonlocal self-similarity through clustering similar signal fragments and stacking them together into groups. Within this framework, the prior information is transformed into a regularization term and a sparse optimization problem, which could be solved through block coordinate descent method (BCD), is formulated. Additionally, the adaptive structural clustering sparse dictionary learning technique, which utilizes k-Nearest-Neighbor (kNN) clustering and principal component analysis (PCA) learning, is adopted to further enable sufficient sparsity of feature information. Moreover, the selection rule of regularization parameter and computational complexity are described in detail. The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated through numerical experiment and its superiority with respect to the state-of-the-art method in the field is demonstrated through the vibration signals of experimental rig of aircraft engine bearings.

  18. Joint recognition and discrimination in nonlinear feature space

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Talukder, Ashit; Casasent, David P.


    A new general method for linear and nonlinear feature extraction is presented. It is novel since it provides both representation and discrimination while most other methods are concerned with only one of these issues. We call this approach the maximum representation and discrimination feature (MRDF) method and show that the Bayes classifier and the Karhunen- Loeve transform are special cases of it. We refer to our nonlinear feature extraction technique as nonlinear eigen- feature extraction. It is new since it has a closed-form solution and produces nonlinear decision surfaces with higher rank than do iterative methods. Results on synthetic databases are shown and compared with results from standard Fukunaga- Koontz transform and Fisher discriminant function methods. The method is also applied to an automated product inspection problem (discrimination) and to the classification and pose estimation of two similar objects (representation and discrimination).

  19. Average combination difference morphological filters for fault feature extraction of bearing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lv, Jingxiang; Yu, Jianbo


    In order to extract impulse components from vibration signals with much noise and harmonics, a new morphological filter called average combination difference morphological filter (ACDIF) is proposed in this paper. ACDIF constructs firstly several new combination difference (CDIF) operators, and then integrates the best two CDIFs as the final morphological filter. This design scheme enables ACIDF to extract positive and negative impacts existing in vibration signals to enhance accuracy of bearing fault diagnosis. The length of structure element (SE) that affects the performance of ACDIF is determined adaptively by a new indicator called Teager energy kurtosis (TEK). TEK further improves the effectiveness of ACDIF for fault feature extraction. Experimental results on the simulation and bearing vibration signals demonstrate that ACDIF can effectively suppress noise and extract periodic impulses from bearing vibration signals.

  20. A TV Camera System Which Extracts Feature Points For Non-Contact Eye Movement Detection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tomono, Akira; Iida, Muneo; Kobayashi, Yukio


    This paper proposes a highly efficient camera system which extracts, irrespective of background, feature points such as the pupil, corneal reflection image and dot-marks pasted on a human face in order to detect human eye movement by image processing. Two eye movement detection methods are sugested: One utilizing face orientation as well as pupil position, The other utilizing pupil and corneal reflection images. A method of extracting these feature points using LEDs as illumination devices and a new TV camera system designed to record eye movement are proposed. Two kinds of infra-red LEDs are used. These LEDs are set up a short distance apart and emit polarized light of different wavelengths. One light source beams from near the optical axis of the lens and the other is some distance from the optical axis. The LEDs are operated in synchronization with the camera. The camera includes 3 CCD image pick-up sensors and a prism system with 2 boundary layers. Incident rays are separated into 2 wavelengths by the first boundary layer of the prism. One set of rays forms an image on CCD-3. The other set is split by the half-mirror layer of the prism and forms an image including the regularly reflected component by placing a polarizing filter in front of CCD-1 or another image not including the component by not placing a polarizing filter in front of CCD-2. Thus, three images with different reflection characteristics are obtained by three CCDs. Through the experiment, it is shown that two kinds of subtraction operations between the three images output from CCDs accentuate three kinds of feature points: the pupil and corneal reflection images and the dot-marks. Since the S/N ratio of the subtracted image is extremely high, the thresholding process is simple and allows reducting the intensity of the infra-red illumination. A high speed image processing apparatus using this camera system is decribed. Realtime processing of the subtraction, thresholding and gravity position

  1. Two-dimensional wavelet transform feature extraction for porous silicon chemical sensors.


    Murguía, José S; Vergara, Alexander; Vargas-Olmos, Cecilia; Wong, Travis J; Fonollosa, Jordi; Huerta, Ramón


    Designing reliable, fast responding, highly sensitive, and low-power consuming chemo-sensory systems has long been a major goal in chemo-sensing. This goal, however, presents a difficult challenge because having a set of chemo-sensory detectors exhibiting all these aforementioned ideal conditions are still largely un-realizable to-date. This paper presents a unique perspective on capturing more in-depth insights into the physicochemical interactions of two distinct, selectively chemically modified porous silicon (pSi) film-based optical gas sensors by implementing an innovative, based on signal processing methodology, namely the two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform. Specifically, the method consists of using the two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform as a feature extraction method to capture the non-stationary behavior from the bi-dimensional pSi rugate sensor response. Utilizing a comprehensive set of measurements collected from each of the aforementioned optically based chemical sensors, we evaluate the significance of our approach on a complex, six-dimensional chemical analyte discrimination/quantification task problem. Due to the bi-dimensional aspects naturally governing the optical sensor response to chemical analytes, our findings provide evidence that the proposed feature extractor strategy may be a valuable tool to deepen our understanding of the performance of optically based chemical sensors as well as an important step toward attaining their implementation in more realistic chemo-sensing applications. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Rotation, scale, and translation invariant pattern recognition using feature extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Prevost, Donald; Doucet, Michel; Bergeron, Alain; Veilleux, Luc; Chevrette, Paul C.; Gingras, Denis J.


    A rotation, scale and translation invariant pattern recognition technique is proposed.It is based on Fourier- Mellin Descriptors (FMD). Each FMD is taken as an independent feature of the object, and a set of those features forms a signature. FMDs are naturally rotation invariant. Translation invariance is achieved through pre- processing. A proper normalization of the FMDs gives the scale invariance property. This approach offers the double advantage of providing invariant signatures of the objects, and a dramatic reduction of the amount of data to process. The compressed invariant feature signature is next presented to a multi-layered perceptron neural network. This final step provides some robustness to the classification of the signatures, enabling good recognition behavior under anamorphically scaled distortion. We also present an original feature extraction technique, adapted to optical calculation of the FMDs. A prototype optical set-up was built, and experimental results are presented.

  3. A stable biologically motivated learning mechanism for visual feature extraction to handle facial categorization.


    Rajaei, Karim; Khaligh-Razavi, Seyed-Mahdi; Ghodrati, Masoud; Ebrahimpour, Reza; Shiri Ahmad Abadi, Mohammad Ebrahim


    The brain mechanism of extracting visual features for recognizing various objects has consistently been a controversial issue in computational models of object recognition. To extract visual features, we introduce a new, biologically motivated model for facial categorization, which is an extension of the Hubel and Wiesel simple-to-complex cell hierarchy. To address the synaptic stability versus plasticity dilemma, we apply the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) for extracting informative intermediate level visual features during the learning process, which also makes this model stable against the destruction of previously learned information while learning new information. Such a mechanism has been suggested to be embedded within known laminar microcircuits of the cerebral cortex. To reveal the strength of the proposed visual feature learning mechanism, we show that when we use this mechanism in the training process of a well-known biologically motivated object recognition model (the HMAX model), it performs better than the HMAX model in face/non-face classification tasks. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our proposed mechanism is capable of following similar trends in performance as humans in a psychophysical experiment using a face versus non-face rapid categorization task.

  4. Study of Burn Scar Extraction Automatically Based on Level Set Method using Remote Sensing Data

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Yang; Dai, Qin; Liu, JianBo; Liu, ShiBin; Yang, Jin


    Burn scar extraction using remote sensing data is an efficient way to precisely evaluate burn area and measure vegetation recovery. Traditional burn scar extraction methodologies have no well effect on burn scar image with blurred and irregular edges. To address these issues, this paper proposes an automatic method to extract burn scar based on Level Set Method (LSM). This method utilizes the advantages of the different features in remote sensing images, as well as considers the practical needs of extracting the burn scar rapidly and automatically. This approach integrates Change Vector Analysis (CVA), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) to obtain difference image and modifies conventional Level Set Method Chan-Vese (C-V) model with a new initial curve which results from a binary image applying K-means method on fitting errors of two near-infrared band images. Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI data sets are used to validate the proposed method. Comparison with conventional C-V model, OSTU algorithm, Fuzzy C-mean (FCM) algorithm are made to show that the proposed approach can extract the outline curve of fire burn scar effectively and exactly. The method has higher extraction accuracy and less algorithm complexity than that of the conventional C-V model. PMID:24503563

  5. A Low Cost VLSI Architecture for Spike Sorting Based on Feature Extraction with Peak Search.


    Chang, Yuan-Jyun; Hwang, Wen-Jyi; Chen, Chih-Chang


    The goal of this paper is to present a novel VLSI architecture for spike sorting with high classification accuracy, low area costs and low power consumption. A novel feature extraction algorithm with low computational complexities is proposed for the design of the architecture. In the feature extraction algorithm, a spike is separated into two portions based on its peak value. The area of each portion is then used as a feature. The algorithm is simple to implement and less susceptible to noise interference. Based on the algorithm, a novel architecture capable of identifying peak values and computing spike areas concurrently is proposed. To further accelerate the computation, a spike can be divided into a number of segments for the local feature computation. The local features are subsequently merged with the global ones by a simple hardware circuit. The architecture can also be easily operated in conjunction with the circuits for commonly-used spike detection algorithms, such as the Non-linear Energy Operator (NEO). The architecture has been implemented by an Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) with 90-nm technology. Comparisons to the existing works show that the proposed architecture is well suited for real-time multi-channel spike detection and feature extraction requiring low hardware area costs, low power consumption and high classification accuracy.

  6. Object-Based Arctic Sea Ice Feature Extraction through High Spatial Resolution Aerial photos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Miao, X.; Xie, H.


    High resolution aerial photographs used to detect and classify sea ice features can provide accurate physical parameters to refine, validate, and improve climate models. However, manually delineating sea ice features, such as melt ponds, submerged ice, water, ice/snow, and pressure ridges, is time-consuming and labor-intensive. An object-based classification algorithm is developed to automatically extract sea ice features efficiently from aerial photographs taken during the Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in summer 2010 (CHINARE 2010) in the MIZ near the Alaska coast. The algorithm includes four steps: (1) the image segmentation groups the neighboring pixels into objects based on the similarity of spectral and textural information; (2) the random forest classifier distinguishes four general classes: water, general submerged ice (GSI, including melt ponds and submerged ice), shadow, and ice/snow; (3) the polygon neighbor analysis separates melt ponds and submerged ice based on spatial relationship; and (4) pressure ridge features are extracted from shadow based on local illumination geometry. The producer's accuracy of 90.8% and user's accuracy of 91.8% are achieved for melt pond detection, and shadow shows a user's accuracy of 88.9% and producer's accuracies of 91.4%. Finally, pond density, pond fraction, ice floes, mean ice concentration, average ridge height, ridge profile, and ridge frequency are extracted from batch processing of aerial photos, and their uncertainties are estimated.

  7. Classification Influence of Features on Given Emotions and Its Application in Feature Selection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xing, Yin; Chen, Chuang; Liu, Li-Long


    In order to solve the problem that there is a large amount of redundant data in high-dimensional speech emotion features, we analyze deeply the extracted speech emotion features and select better features. Firstly, a given emotion is classified by each feature. Secondly, the recognition rate is ranked in descending order. Then, the optimal threshold of features is determined by rate criterion. Finally, the better features are obtained. When applied in Berlin and Chinese emotional data set, the experimental results show that the feature selection method outperforms the other traditional methods.

  8. Extraction Methods in Soil Phosphorus Characterisation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Soinne, Helena


    Extraction methods are widely used to assess the bioavailability of P and to characterise soil P reserves. Even though new and more sophisticated methods to characterise soil P are constantly developed the use of extraction methods is not likely to be replaced because of the relatively simple analytical equipment needed for the analysis. However, the large variety of extractants, pre-treatments and sample preparation procedures complicate the comparison of published results. In order to improve our understanding of the behaviour and cycling of P in soil, it is important to know the role of extracted P in the soil P cycle. The knowledge of the factors affecting the analytical outcome is a prerequisite for justified interpretation of the results. In this study, the effect of sample pre-treatment and properties of the used extractant on extractable molybdate-reactive phosphorus (MRP) and molybdate-unreactive phosphorus (MUP) was studied. Furthermore, the effect of sample preparation procedures prior the analysis on measured MRP and MUP was studied. Two widely used sequential extraction procedures were compared on their ability to show management induced differences on soil P. These results revealed that pre-treatments changed soil properties and air-drying was found to affect soil P, particularly extractable MUP, thought to represent organic P, by disrupting organic matter. This was evidenced by an increase in the water-extractable small-sized (<0.2 µm) P that, at least partly, took place at the expense of the large-sized (>0.2 µm) P. In addition to the effects of sample pre-treatment, the results showed that extractable organic P was sensitive to the chemical nature of the used extractant and to the sample preparation procedures employed prior to P analysis, including centrifugation and filtering of soil suspensions. Filtering may remove a major proportion of extractable MUP; therefore filtering cannot be recommended in the characterisation of solubilised MUP

  9. Object-oriented feature extraction approach for mapping supraglacial debris in Schirmacher Oasis using very high-resolution satellite data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jawak, Shridhar D.; Jadhav, Ajay; Luis, Alvarinho J.


    Supraglacial debris was mapped in the Schirmacher Oasis, east Antarctica, by using WorldView-2 (WV-2) high resolution optical remote sensing data consisting of 8-band calibrated Gram Schmidt (GS)-sharpened and atmospherically corrected WV-2 imagery. This study is a preliminary attempt to develop an object-oriented rule set to extract supraglacial debris for Antarctic region using 8-spectral band imagery. Supraglacial debris was manually digitized from the satellite imagery to generate the ground reference data. Several trials were performed using few existing traditional pixel-based classification techniques and color-texture based object-oriented classification methods to extract supraglacial debris over a small domain of the study area. Multi-level segmentation and attributes such as scale, shape, size, compactness along with spectral information from the data were used for developing the rule set. The quantitative analysis of error was carried out against the manually digitized reference data to test the practicability of our approach over the traditional pixel-based methods. Our results indicate that OBIA-based approach (overall accuracy: 93%) for extracting supraglacial debris performed better than all the traditional pixel-based methods (overall accuracy: 80-85%). The present attempt provides a comprehensive improved method for semiautomatic feature extraction in supraglacial environment and a new direction in the cryospheric research.

  10. A Method for Extracting Road Boundary Information from Crowdsourcing Vehicle GPS Trajectories.


    Yang, Wei; Ai, Tinghua; Lu, Wei


    Crowdsourcing trajectory data is an important approach for accessing and updating road information. In this paper, we present a novel approach for extracting road boundary information from crowdsourcing vehicle traces based on Delaunay triangulation (DT). First, an optimization and interpolation method is proposed to filter abnormal trace segments from raw global positioning system (GPS) traces and interpolate the optimization segments adaptively to ensure there are enough tracking points. Second, constructing the DT and the Voronoi diagram within interpolated tracking lines to calculate road boundary descriptors using the area of Voronoi cell and the length of triangle edge. Then, the road boundary detection model is established integrating the boundary descriptors and trajectory movement features (e.g., direction) by DT. Third, using the boundary detection model to detect road boundary from the DT constructed by trajectory lines, and a regional growing method based on seed polygons is proposed to extract the road boundary. Experiments were conducted using the GPS traces of taxis in Beijing, China, and the results show that the proposed method is suitable for extracting the road boundary from low-frequency GPS traces, multi-type road structures, and different time intervals. Compared with two existing methods, the automatically extracted boundary information was proved to be of higher quality.

  11. A Method for Extracting Road Boundary Information from Crowdsourcing Vehicle GPS Trajectories

    PubMed Central

    Yang, Wei


    Crowdsourcing trajectory data is an important approach for accessing and updating road information. In this paper, we present a novel approach for extracting road boundary information from crowdsourcing vehicle traces based on Delaunay triangulation (DT). First, an optimization and interpolation method is proposed to filter abnormal trace segments from raw global positioning system (GPS) traces and interpolate the optimization segments adaptively to ensure there are enough tracking points. Second, constructing the DT and the Voronoi diagram within interpolated tracking lines to calculate road boundary descriptors using the area of Voronoi cell and the length of triangle edge. Then, the road boundary detection model is established integrating the boundary descriptors and trajectory movement features (e.g., direction) by DT. Third, using the boundary detection model to detect road boundary from the DT constructed by trajectory lines, and a regional growing method based on seed polygons is proposed to extract the road boundary. Experiments were conducted using the GPS traces of taxis in Beijing, China, and the results show that the proposed method is suitable for extracting the road boundary from low-frequency GPS traces, multi-type road structures, and different time intervals. Compared with two existing methods, the automatically extracted boundary information was proved to be of higher quality. PMID:29671792

  12. Extraction of sandy bedforms features through geodesic morphometry

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Debese, Nathalie; Jacq, Jean-José; Garlan, Thierry


    State-of-art echosounders reveal fine-scale details of mobile sandy bedforms, which are commonly found on continental shelfs. At present, their dynamics are still far from being completely understood. These bedforms are a serious threat to navigation security, anthropic structures and activities, placing emphasis on research breakthroughs. Bedform geometries and their dynamics are closely linked; therefore, one approach is to develop semi-automatic tools aiming at extracting their structural features from bathymetric datasets. Current approaches mimic manual processes or rely on morphological simplification of bedforms. The 1D and 2D approaches cannot address the wide ranges of both types and complexities of bedforms. In contrast, this work attempts to follow a 3D global semi-automatic approach based on a bathymetric TIN. The currently extracted primitives are the salient ridge and valley lines of the sand structures, i.e., waves and mega-ripples. The main difficulty is eliminating the ripples that are found to heavily overprint any observations. To this end, an anisotropic filter that is able to discard these structures while still enhancing the wave ridges is proposed. The second part of the work addresses the semi-automatic interactive extraction and 3D augmented display of the main lines structures. The proposed protocol also allows geoscientists to interactively insert topological constraints.

  13. PrAS: Prediction of amidation sites using multiple feature extraction.


    Wang, Tong; Zheng, Wei; Wuyun, Qiqige; Wu, Zhenfeng; Ruan, Jishou; Hu, Gang; Gao, Jianzhao


    Amidation plays an important role in a variety of pathological processes and serious diseases like neural dysfunction and hypertension. However, identification of protein amidation sites through traditional experimental methods is time consuming and expensive. In this paper, we proposed a novel predictor for Prediction of Amidation Sites (PrAS), which is the first software package for academic users. The method incorporated four representative feature types, which are position-based features, physicochemical and biochemical properties features, predicted structure-based features and evolutionary information features. A novel feature selection method, positive contribution feature selection was proposed to optimize features. PrAS achieved AUC of 0.96, accuracy of 92.1%, sensitivity of 81.2%, specificity of 94.9% and MCC of 0.76 on the independent test set. PrAS is freely available at Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. SU-E-J-252: Reproducibility of Radiogenomic Image Features: Comparison of Two Semi-Automated Segmentation Methods

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lee, M; Woo, B; Kim, J

    Purpose: Objective and reliable quantification of imaging phenotype is an essential part of radiogenomic studies. We compared the reproducibility of two semi-automatic segmentation methods for quantitative image phenotyping in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Methods: MRI examinations with T1 post-gadolinium and FLAIR sequences of 10 GBM patients were downloaded from the Cancer Image Archive site. Two semi-automatic segmentation tools with different algorithms (deformable model and grow cut method) were used to segment contrast enhancement, necrosis and edema regions by two independent observers. A total of 21 imaging features consisting of area and edge groups were extracted automaticallymore » from the segmented tumor. The inter-observer variability and coefficient of variation (COV) were calculated to evaluate the reproducibility. Results: Inter-observer correlations and coefficient of variation of imaging features with the deformable model ranged from 0.953 to 0.999 and 2.1% to 9.2%, respectively, and the grow cut method ranged from 0.799 to 0.976 and 3.5% to 26.6%, respectively. Coefficient of variation for especially important features which were previously reported as predictive of patient survival were: 3.4% with deformable model and 7.4% with grow cut method for the proportion of contrast enhanced tumor region; 5.5% with deformable model and 25.7% with grow cut method for the proportion of necrosis; and 2.1% with deformable model and 4.4% with grow cut method for edge sharpness of tumor on CE-T1W1. Conclusion: Comparison of two semi-automated tumor segmentation techniques shows reliable image feature extraction for radiogenomic analysis of GBM patients with multiparametric Brain MRI.« less

  15. Magnetic field feature extraction and selection for indoor location estimation.


    Galván-Tejada, Carlos E; García-Vázquez, Juan Pablo; Brena, Ramon F


    User indoor positioning has been under constant improvement especially with the availability of new sensors integrated into the modern mobile devices, which allows us to exploit not only infrastructures made for everyday use, such as WiFi, but also natural infrastructure, as is the case of natural magnetic field. In this paper we present an extension and improvement of our current indoor localization model based on the feature extraction of 46 magnetic field signal features. The extension adds a feature selection phase to our methodology, which is performed through Genetic Algorithm (GA) with the aim of optimizing the fitness of our current model. In addition, we present an evaluation of the final model in two different scenarios: home and office building. The results indicate that performing a feature selection process allows us to reduce the number of signal features of the model from 46 to 5 regardless the scenario and room location distribution. Further, we verified that reducing the number of features increases the probability of our estimator correctly detecting the user's location (sensitivity) and its capacity to detect false positives (specificity) in both scenarios.

  16. Classification of product inspection items using nonlinear features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Talukder, Ashit; Casasent, David P.; Lee, H.-W.


    Automated processing and classification of real-time x-ray images of randomly oriented touching pistachio nuts is discussed. The ultimate objective is the development of a system for automated non-invasive detection of defective product items on a conveyor belt. This approach involves two main steps: preprocessing and classification. Preprocessing locates individual items and segments ones that touch using a modified watershed algorithm. The second stage involves extraction of features that allow discrimination between damaged and clean items (pistachio nuts). This feature extraction and classification stage is the new aspect of this paper. We use a new nonlinear feature extraction scheme called the maximum representation and discriminating feature (MRDF) extraction method to compute nonlinear features that are used as inputs to a classifier. The MRDF is shown to provide better classification and a better ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve than other methods.

  17. SU-D-BRA-07: A Phantom Study to Assess the Variability in Radiomics Features Extracted From Cone-Beam CT Images

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fave, X; Fried, D; UT Health Science Center Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Houston, TX


    Purpose: Several studies have demonstrated the prognostic potential for texture features extracted from CT images of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. The purpose of this study was to determine if these features could be extracted with high reproducibility from cone-beam CT (CBCT) images in order for features to be easily tracked throughout a patient’s treatment. Methods: Two materials in a radiomics phantom, designed to approximate NSCLC tumor texture, were used to assess the reproducibility of 26 features. This phantom was imaged on 9 CBCT scanners, including Elekta and Varian machines. Thoracic and head imaging protocols were acquired on eachmore » machine. CBCT images from 27 NSCLC patients imaged using the thoracic protocol on Varian machines were obtained for comparison. The variance for each texture measured from these patients was compared to the variance in phantom values for different manufacturer/protocol subsets. Levene’s test was used to identify features which had a significantly smaller variance in the phantom scans versus the patient data. Results: Approximately half of the features (13/26 for material1 and 15/26 for material2) had a significantly smaller variance (p<0.05) between Varian thoracic scans of the phantom compared to patient scans. Many of these same features remained significant for the head scans on Varian (12/26 and 8/26). However, when thoracic scans from Elekta and Varian were combined, only a few features were still significant (4/26 and 5/26). Three features (skewness, coarsely filtered mean and standard deviation) were significant in almost all manufacturer/protocol subsets. Conclusion: Texture features extracted from CBCT images of a radiomics phantom are reproducible and show significantly less variation than the same features measured from patient images when images from the same manufacturer or with similar parameters are used. Reproducibility between CBCT scanners may be high enough to allow the extraction

  18. Hybrid genetic algorithm-neural network: feature extraction for unpreprocessed microarray data.


    Tong, Dong Ling; Schierz, Amanda C


    Suitable techniques for microarray analysis have been widely researched, particularly for the study of marker genes expressed to a specific type of cancer. Most of the machine learning methods that have been applied to significant gene selection focus on the classification ability rather than the selection ability of the method. These methods also require the microarray data to be preprocessed before analysis takes place. The objective of this study is to develop a hybrid genetic algorithm-neural network (GANN) model that emphasises feature selection and can operate on unpreprocessed microarray data. The GANN is a hybrid model where the fitness value of the genetic algorithm (GA) is based upon the number of samples correctly labelled by a standard feedforward artificial neural network (ANN). The model is evaluated by using two benchmark microarray datasets with different array platforms and differing number of classes (a 2-class oligonucleotide microarray data for acute leukaemia and a 4-class complementary DNA (cDNA) microarray dataset for SRBCTs (small round blue cell tumours)). The underlying concept of the GANN algorithm is to select highly informative genes by co-evolving both the GA fitness function and the ANN weights at the same time. The novel GANN selected approximately 50% of the same genes as the original studies. This may indicate that these common genes are more biologically significant than other genes in the datasets. The remaining 50% of the significant genes identified were used to build predictive models and for both datasets, the models based on the set of genes extracted by the GANN method produced more accurate results. The results also suggest that the GANN method not only can detect genes that are exclusively associated with a single cancer type but can also explore the genes that are differentially expressed in multiple cancer types. The results show that the GANN model has successfully extracted statistically significant genes from the

  19. Fundus Image Features Extraction for Exudate Mining in Coordination with Content Based Image Retrieval: A Study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gururaj, C.; Jayadevappa, D.; Tunga, Satish


    Medical field has seen a phenomenal improvement over the previous years. The invention of computers with appropriate increase in the processing and internet speed has changed the face of the medical technology. However there is still scope for improvement of the technologies in use today. One of the many such technologies of medical aid is the detection of afflictions of the eye. Although a repertoire of research has been accomplished in this field, most of them fail to address how to take the detection forward to a stage where it will be beneficial to the society at large. An automated system that can predict the current medical condition of a patient after taking the fundus image of his eye is yet to see the light of the day. Such a system is explored in this paper by summarizing a number of techniques for fundus image features extraction, predominantly hard exudate mining, coupled with Content Based Image Retrieval to develop an automation tool. The knowledge of the same would bring about worthy changes in the domain of exudates extraction of the eye. This is essential in cases where the patients may not have access to the best of technologies. This paper attempts at a comprehensive summary of the techniques for Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) or fundus features image extraction, and few choice methods of both, and an exploration which aims to find ways to combine these two attractive features, and combine them so that it is beneficial to all.

  20. Fundus Image Features Extraction for Exudate Mining in Coordination with Content Based Image Retrieval: A Study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gururaj, C.; Jayadevappa, D.; Tunga, Satish


    Medical field has seen a phenomenal improvement over the previous years. The invention of computers with appropriate increase in the processing and internet speed has changed the face of the medical technology. However there is still scope for improvement of the technologies in use today. One of the many such technologies of medical aid is the detection of afflictions of the eye. Although a repertoire of research has been accomplished in this field, most of them fail to address how to take the detection forward to a stage where it will be beneficial to the society at large. An automated system that can predict the current medical condition of a patient after taking the fundus image of his eye is yet to see the light of the day. Such a system is explored in this paper by summarizing a number of techniques for fundus image features extraction, predominantly hard exudate mining, coupled with Content Based Image Retrieval to develop an automation tool. The knowledge of the same would bring about worthy changes in the domain of exudates extraction of the eye. This is essential in cases where the patients may not have access to the best of technologies. This paper attempts at a comprehensive summary of the techniques for Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) or fundus features image extraction, and few choice methods of both, and an exploration which aims to find ways to combine these two attractive features, and combine them so that it is beneficial to all.

  1. A Feature and Algorithm Selection Method for Improving the Prediction of Protein Structural Class.


    Ni, Qianwu; Chen, Lei


    Correct prediction of protein structural class is beneficial to investigation on protein functions, regulations and interactions. In recent years, several computational methods have been proposed in this regard. However, based on various features, it is still a great challenge to select proper classification algorithm and extract essential features to participate in classification. In this study, a feature and algorithm selection method was presented for improving the accuracy of protein structural class prediction. The amino acid compositions and physiochemical features were adopted to represent features and thirty-eight machine learning algorithms collected in Weka were employed. All features were first analyzed by a feature selection method, minimum redundancy maximum relevance (mRMR), producing a feature list. Then, several feature sets were constructed by adding features in the list one by one. For each feature set, thirtyeight algorithms were executed on a dataset, in which proteins were represented by features in the set. The predicted classes yielded by these algorithms and true class of each protein were collected to construct a dataset, which were analyzed by mRMR method, yielding an algorithm list. From the algorithm list, the algorithm was taken one by one to build an ensemble prediction model. Finally, we selected the ensemble prediction model with the best performance as the optimal ensemble prediction model. Experimental results indicate that the constructed model is much superior to models using single algorithm and other models that only adopt feature selection procedure or algorithm selection procedure. The feature selection procedure or algorithm selection procedure are really helpful for building an ensemble prediction model that can yield a better performance. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  2. Local structure-based image decomposition for feature extraction with applications to face recognition.


    Qian, Jianjun; Yang, Jian; Xu, Yong


    This paper presents a robust but simple image feature extraction method, called image decomposition based on local structure (IDLS). It is assumed that in the local window of an image, the macro-pixel (patch) of the central pixel, and those of its neighbors, are locally linear. IDLS captures the local structural information by describing the relationship between the central macro-pixel and its neighbors. This relationship is represented with the linear representation coefficients determined using ridge regression. One image is actually decomposed into a series of sub-images (also called structure images) according to a local structure feature vector. All the structure images, after being down-sampled for dimensionality reduction, are concatenated into one super-vector. Fisher linear discriminant analysis is then used to provide a low-dimensional, compact, and discriminative representation for each super-vector. The proposed method is applied to face recognition and examined using our real-world face image database, NUST-RWFR, and five popular, publicly available, benchmark face image databases (AR, Extended Yale B, PIE, FERET, and LFW). Experimental results show the performance advantages of IDLS over state-of-the-art algorithms.

  3. A new breast cancer risk analysis approach using features extracted from multiple sub-regions on bilateral mammograms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sun, Wenqing; Tseng, Tzu-Liang B.; Zheng, Bin; Zhang, Jianying; Qian, Wei


    A novel breast cancer risk analysis approach is proposed for enhancing performance of computerized breast cancer risk analysis using bilateral mammograms. Based on the intensity of breast area, five different sub-regions were acquired from one mammogram, and bilateral features were extracted from every sub-region. Our dataset includes 180 bilateral mammograms from 180 women who underwent routine screening examinations, all interpreted as negative and not recalled by the radiologists during the original screening procedures. A computerized breast cancer risk analysis scheme using four image processing modules, including sub-region segmentation, bilateral feature extraction, feature selection, and classification was designed to detect and compute image feature asymmetry between the left and right breasts imaged on the mammograms. The highest computed area under the curve (AUC) is 0.763 ± 0.021 when applying the multiple sub-region features to our testing dataset. The positive predictive value and the negative predictive value were 0.60 and 0.73, respectively. The study demonstrates that (1) features extracted from multiple sub-regions can improve the performance of our scheme compared to using features from whole breast area only; (2) a classifier using asymmetry bilateral features can effectively predict breast cancer risk; (3) incorporating texture and morphological features with density features can boost the classification accuracy.

  4. Antepartum fetal heart rate feature extraction and classification using empirical mode decomposition and support vector machine

    PubMed Central


    Background Cardiotocography (CTG) is the most widely used tool for fetal surveillance. The visual analysis of fetal heart rate (FHR) traces largely depends on the expertise and experience of the clinician involved. Several approaches have been proposed for the effective interpretation of FHR. In this paper, a new approach for FHR feature extraction based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is proposed, which was used along with support vector machine (SVM) for the classification of FHR recordings as 'normal' or 'at risk'. Methods The FHR were recorded from 15 subjects at a sampling rate of 4 Hz and a dataset consisting of 90 randomly selected records of 20 minutes duration was formed from these. All records were labelled as 'normal' or 'at risk' by two experienced obstetricians. A training set was formed by 60 records, the remaining 30 left as the testing set. The standard deviations of the EMD components are input as features to a support vector machine (SVM) to classify FHR samples. Results For the training set, a five-fold cross validation test resulted in an accuracy of 86% whereas the overall geometric mean of sensitivity and specificity was 94.8%. The Kappa value for the training set was .923. Application of the proposed method to the testing set (30 records) resulted in a geometric mean of 81.5%. The Kappa value for the testing set was .684. Conclusions Based on the overall performance of the system it can be stated that the proposed methodology is a promising new approach for the feature extraction and classification of FHR signals. PMID:21244712

  5. Singular value decomposition based feature extraction technique for physiological signal analysis.


    Chang, Cheng-Ding; Wang, Chien-Chih; Jiang, Bernard C


    Multiscale entropy (MSE) is one of the popular techniques to calculate and describe the complexity of the physiological signal. Many studies use this approach to detect changes in the physiological conditions in the human body. However, MSE results are easily affected by noise and trends, leading to incorrect estimation of MSE values. In this paper, singular value decomposition (SVD) is adopted to replace MSE to extract the features of physiological signals, and adopt the support vector machine (SVM) to classify the different physiological states. A test data set based on the PhysioNet website was used, and the classification results showed that using SVD to extract features of the physiological signal could attain a classification accuracy rate of 89.157%, which is higher than that using the MSE value (71.084%). The results show the proposed analysis procedure is effective and appropriate for distinguishing different physiological states. This promising result could be used as a reference for doctors in diagnosis of congestive heart failure (CHF) disease.

  6. Feature extraction across individual time series observations with spikes using wavelet principal component analysis.


    Røislien, Jo; Winje, Brita


    Clinical studies frequently include repeated measurements of individuals, often for long periods. We present a methodology for extracting common temporal features across a set of individual time series observations. In particular, the methodology explores extreme observations within the time series, such as spikes, as a possible common temporal phenomenon. Wavelet basis functions are attractive in this sense, as they are localized in both time and frequency domains simultaneously, allowing for localized feature extraction from a time-varying signal. We apply wavelet basis function decomposition of individual time series, with corresponding wavelet shrinkage to remove noise. We then extract common temporal features using linear principal component analysis on the wavelet coefficients, before inverse transformation back to the time domain for clinical interpretation. We demonstrate the methodology on a subset of a large fetal activity study aiming to identify temporal patterns in fetal movement (FM) count data in order to explore formal FM counting as a screening tool for identifying fetal compromise and thus preventing adverse birth outcomes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  7. Rapid extraction of auditory feature contingencies.


    Bendixen, Alexandra; Prinz, Wolfgang; Horváth, János; Trujillo-Barreto, Nelson J; Schröger, Erich


    Contingent relations between sensory events render the environment predictable and thus facilitate adaptive behavior. The human capacity to detect such relations has been comprehensively demonstrated in paradigms in which contingency rules were task-relevant or in which they applied to motor behavior. The extent to which contingencies can also be extracted from events that are unrelated to the current goals of the organism has remained largely unclear. The present study addressed the emergence of contingency-related effects for behaviorally irrelevant auditory stimuli and the cortical areas involved in the processing of such contingency rules. Contingent relations between different features of temporally separate events were embedded in a new dynamic protocol. Participants were presented with the auditory stimulus sequences while their attention was captured by a video. The mismatch negativity (MMN) component of the event-related brain potential (ERP) was employed as an electrophysiological correlate of contingency detection. MMN generators were localized by means of scalp current density (SCD) and primary current density (PCD) analyses with variable resolution electromagnetic tomography (VARETA). Results show that task-irrelevant contingencies can be extracted from about fifteen to twenty successive events conforming to the contingent relation. Topographic and tomographic analyses reveal the involvement of the auditory cortex in the processing of contingency violations. The present data provide evidence for the rapid encoding of complex extrapolative relations in sensory areas. This capacity is of fundamental importance for the organism in its attempt to model the sensory environment outside the focus of attention.

  8. Enhancing interpretability of automatically extracted machine learning features: application to a RBM-Random Forest system on brain lesion segmentation.


    Pereira, Sérgio; Meier, Raphael; McKinley, Richard; Wiest, Roland; Alves, Victor; Silva, Carlos A; Reyes, Mauricio


    Machine learning systems are achieving better performances at the cost of becoming increasingly complex. However, because of that, they become less interpretable, which may cause some distrust by the end-user of the system. This is especially important as these systems are pervasively being introduced to critical domains, such as the medical field. Representation Learning techniques are general methods for automatic feature computation. Nevertheless, these techniques are regarded as uninterpretable "black boxes". In this paper, we propose a methodology to enhance the interpretability of automatically extracted machine learning features. The proposed system is composed of a Restricted Boltzmann Machine for unsupervised feature learning, and a Random Forest classifier, which are combined to jointly consider existing correlations between imaging data, features, and target variables. We define two levels of interpretation: global and local. The former is devoted to understanding if the system learned the relevant relations in the data correctly, while the later is focused on predictions performed on a voxel- and patient-level. In addition, we propose a novel feature importance strategy that considers both imaging data and target variables, and we demonstrate the ability of the approach to leverage the interpretability of the obtained representation for the task at hand. We evaluated the proposed methodology in brain tumor segmentation and penumbra estimation in ischemic stroke lesions. We show the ability of the proposed methodology to unveil information regarding relationships between imaging modalities and extracted features and their usefulness for the task at hand. In both clinical scenarios, we demonstrate that the proposed methodology enhances the interpretability of automatically learned features, highlighting specific learning patterns that resemble how an expert extracts relevant data from medical images. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Nonlinear features for product inspection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Talukder, Ashit; Casasent, David P.


    Classification of real-time X-ray images of randomly oriented touching pistachio nuts is discussed. The ultimate objective is the development of a system for automated non-invasive detection of defective product items on a conveyor belt. We discuss the extraction of new features that allow better discrimination between damaged and clean items (pistachio nuts). This feature extraction and classification stage is the new aspect of this paper; our new maximum representation and discriminating feature (MRDF) extraction method computes nonlinear features that are used as inputs to a new modified k nearest neighbor classifier. In this work, the MRDF is applied to standard features (rather than iconic data). The MRDF is robust to various probability distributions of the input class and is shown to provide good classification and new ROC (receiver operating characteristic) data.

  10. Research on oral test modeling based on multi-feature fusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shi, Yuliang; Tao, Yiyue; Lei, Jun


    In this paper, the spectrum of speech signal is taken as an input of feature extraction. The advantage of PCNN in image segmentation and other processing is used to process the speech spectrum and extract features. And a new method combining speech signal processing and image processing is explored. At the same time of using the features of the speech map, adding the MFCC to establish the spectral features and integrating them with the features of the spectrogram to further improve the accuracy of the spoken language recognition. Considering that the input features are more complicated and distinguishable, we use Support Vector Machine (SVM) to construct the classifier, and then compare the extracted test voice features with the standard voice features to achieve the spoken standard detection. Experiments show that the method of extracting features from spectrograms using PCNN is feasible, and the fusion of image features and spectral features can improve the detection accuracy.

  11. Predicting lysine glycation sites using bi-profile bayes feature extraction.


    Ju, Zhe; Sun, Juhe; Li, Yanjie; Wang, Li


    Glycation is a nonenzymatic post-translational modification which has been found to be involved in various biological processes and closely associated with many metabolic diseases. The accurate identification of glycation sites is important to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of glycation. As the traditional experimental methods are often labor-intensive and time-consuming, it is desired to develop computational methods to predict glycation sites. In this study, a novel predictor named BPB_GlySite is proposed to predict lysine glycation sites by using bi-profile bayes feature extraction and support vector machine algorithm. As illustrated by 10-fold cross-validation, BPB_GlySite achieves a satisfactory performance with a Sensitivity of 63.68%, a Specificity of 72.60%, an Accuracy of 69.63% and a Matthew's correlation coefficient of 0.3499. Experimental results also indicate that BPB_GlySite significantly outperforms three existing glycation sites predictors: NetGlycate, PreGly and Gly-PseAAC. Therefore, BPB_GlySite can be a useful bioinformatics tool for the prediction of glycation sites. A user-friendly web-server for BPB_GlySite is established at Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Real-time implementation of optimized maximum noise fraction transform for feature extraction of hyperspectral images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, Yuanfeng; Gao, Lianru; Zhang, Bing; Zhao, Haina; Li, Jun


    We present a parallel implementation of the optimized maximum noise fraction (G-OMNF) transform algorithm for feature extraction of hyperspectral images on commodity graphics processing units (GPUs). The proposed approach explored the algorithm data-level concurrency and optimized the computing flow. We first defined a three-dimensional grid, in which each thread calculates a sub-block data to easily facilitate the spatial and spectral neighborhood data searches in noise estimation, which is one of the most important steps involved in OMNF. Then, we optimized the processing flow and computed the noise covariance matrix before computing the image covariance matrix to reduce the original hyperspectral image data transmission. These optimization strategies can greatly improve the computing efficiency and can be applied to other feature extraction algorithms. The proposed parallel feature extraction algorithm was implemented on an Nvidia Tesla GPU using the compute unified device architecture and basic linear algebra subroutines library. Through the experiments on several real hyperspectral images, our GPU parallel implementation provides a significant speedup of the algorithm compared with the CPU implementation, especially for highly data parallelizable and arithmetically intensive algorithm parts, such as noise estimation. In order to further evaluate the effectiveness of G-OMNF, we used two different applications: spectral unmixing and classification for evaluation. Considering the sensor scanning rate and the data acquisition time, the proposed parallel implementation met the on-board real-time feature extraction.

  13. Modeling for Visual Feature Extraction Using Spiking Neural Networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kimura, Ichiro; Kuroe, Yasuaki; Kotera, Hiromichi; Murata, Tomoya

    This paper develops models for “visual feature extraction” in biological systems by using “spiking neural network (SNN)”. The SNN is promising for developing the models because the information is encoded and processed by spike trains similar to biological neural networks. Two architectures of SNN are proposed for modeling the directionally selective and the motion parallax cell in neuro-sensory systems and they are trained so as to possess actual biological responses of each cell. To validate the developed models, their representation ability is investigated and their visual feature extraction mechanisms are discussed from the neurophysiological viewpoint. It is expected that this study can be the first step to developing a sensor system similar to the biological systems and also a complementary approach to investigating the function of the brain.

  14. Reaction Decoder Tool (RDT): extracting features from chemical reactions.


    Rahman, Syed Asad; Torrance, Gilliean; Baldacci, Lorenzo; Martínez Cuesta, Sergio; Fenninger, Franz; Gopal, Nimish; Choudhary, Saket; May, John W; Holliday, Gemma L; Steinbeck, Christoph; Thornton, Janet M


    Extracting chemical features like Atom-Atom Mapping (AAM), Bond Changes (BCs) and Reaction Centres from biochemical reactions helps us understand the chemical composition of enzymatic reactions. Reaction Decoder is a robust command line tool, which performs this task with high accuracy. It supports standard chemical input/output exchange formats i.e. RXN/SMILES, computes AAM, highlights BCs and creates images of the mapped reaction. This aids in the analysis of metabolic pathways and the ability to perform comparative studies of chemical reactions based on these features. This software is implemented in Java, supported on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX, and freely available at : or © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.

  15. Integrative analysis of gene expression and DNA methylation using unsupervised feature extraction for detecting candidate cancer biomarkers.


    Moon, Myungjin; Nakai, Kenta


    Currently, cancer biomarker discovery is one of the important research topics worldwide. In particular, detecting significant genes related to cancer is an important task for early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Conventional studies mostly focus on genes that are differentially expressed in different states of cancer; however, noise in gene expression datasets and insufficient information in limited datasets impede precise analysis of novel candidate biomarkers. In this study, we propose an integrative analysis of gene expression and DNA methylation using normalization and unsupervised feature extractions to identify candidate biomarkers of cancer using renal cell carcinoma RNA-seq datasets. Gene expression and DNA methylation datasets are normalized by Box-Cox transformation and integrated into a one-dimensional dataset that retains the major characteristics of the original datasets by unsupervised feature extraction methods, and differentially expressed genes are selected from the integrated dataset. Use of the integrated dataset demonstrated improved performance as compared with conventional approaches that utilize gene expression or DNA methylation datasets alone. Validation based on the literature showed that a considerable number of top-ranked genes from the integrated dataset have known relationships with cancer, implying that novel candidate biomarkers can also be acquired from the proposed analysis method. Furthermore, we expect that the proposed method can be expanded for applications involving various types of multi-omics datasets.

  16. Face-iris multimodal biometric scheme based on feature level fusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huo, Guang; Liu, Yuanning; Zhu, Xiaodong; Dong, Hongxing; He, Fei


    Unlike score level fusion, feature level fusion demands all the features extracted from unimodal traits with high distinguishability, as well as homogeneity and compatibility, which is difficult to achieve. Therefore, most multimodal biometric research focuses on score level fusion, whereas few investigate feature level fusion. We propose a face-iris recognition method based on feature level fusion. We build a special two-dimensional-Gabor filter bank to extract local texture features from face and iris images, and then transform them by histogram statistics into an energy-orientation variance histogram feature with lower dimensions and higher distinguishability. Finally, through a fusion-recognition strategy based on principal components analysis and support vector machine (FRSPS), feature level fusion and one-to-n identification are accomplished. The experimental results demonstrate that this method can not only effectively extract face and iris features but also provide higher recognition accuracy. Compared with some state-of-the-art fusion methods, the proposed method has a significant performance advantage.

  17. On Feature Extraction from Large Scale Linear LiDAR Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Acharjee, Partha Pratim

    Airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) can generate co-registered elevation and intensity map over large terrain. The co-registered 3D map and intensity information can be used efficiently for different feature extraction application. In this dissertation, we developed two algorithms for feature extraction, and usages of features for practical applications. One of the developed algorithms can map still and flowing waterbody features, and another one can extract building feature and estimate solar potential on rooftops and facades. Remote sensing capabilities, distinguishing characteristics of laser returns from water surface and specific data collection procedures provide LiDAR data an edge in this application domain. Furthermore, water surface mapping solutions must work on extremely large datasets, from a thousand square miles, to hundreds of thousands of square miles. National and state-wide map generation/upgradation and hydro-flattening of LiDAR data for many other applications are two leading needs of water surface mapping. These call for as much automation as possible. Researchers have developed many semi-automated algorithms using multiple semi-automated tools and human interventions. This reported work describes a consolidated algorithm and toolbox developed for large scale, automated water surface mapping. Geometric features such as flatness of water surface, higher elevation change in water-land interface and, optical properties such as dropouts caused by specular reflection, bimodal intensity distributions were some of the linear LiDAR features exploited for water surface mapping. Large-scale data handling capabilities are incorporated by automated and intelligent windowing, by resolving boundary issues and integrating all results to a single output. This whole algorithm is developed as an ArcGIS toolbox using Python libraries. Testing and validation are performed on a large datasets to determine the effectiveness of the toolbox and results are

  18. Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus by Extraction of Morphological Features of Red Blood Cells Using an Artificial Neural Network.


    Palanisamy, Vinupritha; Mariamichael, Anburajan


    Background and Aim: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by varying hyperglycemias either due to insufficient secretion of insulin by the pancreas or improper utilization of glucose. The study was aimed to investigate the association of morphological features of erythrocytes among normal and diabetic subjects and its gender-based changes and thereby to develop a computer aided tool to diagnose diabetes using features extracted from RBC. Materials and Methods: The study involved 138 normal and 144 diabetic subjects. The blood was drawn from the subjects and the blood smear prepared was digitized using Zeiss fluorescent microscope. The digitized images were pre-processed and texture segmentation was performed to extract the various morphological features. The Pearson correlation test was performed and subsequently, classification of subjects as normal and diabetes was carried out by a neural network classifier based on the features that demonstrated significance at the level of P <0.05. Result: The proposed system demonstrated an overall accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of 93.3, 93.71, 92.8, 93.1 and 93.5% respectively. Conclusion: The morphological features exhibited a statistically significant difference (P<0.01) between the normal and diabetic cells, suggesting that it could be helpful in the diagnosis of Diabetes mellitus using a computer aided system. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  19. Automated identification and geometrical features extraction of individual trees from Mobile Laser Scanning data in Budapest

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Koma, Zsófia; Székely, Balázs; Folly-Ritvay, Zoltán; Skobrák, Ferenc; Koenig, Kristina; Höfle, Bernhard


    Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) is an evolving operational measurement technique for urban environment providing large amounts of high resolution information about trees, street features, pole-like objects on the street sides or near to motorways. In this study we investigate a robust segmentation method to extract the individual trees automatically in order to build an object-based tree database system. We focused on the large urban parks in Budapest (Margitsziget and Városliget; KARESZ project) which contained large diversity of different kind of tree species. The MLS data contained high density point cloud data with 1-8 cm mean absolute accuracy 80-100 meter distance from streets. The robust segmentation method contained following steps: The ground points are determined first. As a second step cylinders are fitted in vertical slice 1-1.5 meter relative height above ground, which is used to determine the potential location of each single trees trunk and cylinder-like object. Finally, residual values are calculated as deviation of each point from a vertically expanded fitted cylinder; these residual values are used to separate cylinder-like object from individual trees. After successful parameterization, the model parameters and the corresponding residual values of the fitted object are extracted and imported into the tree database. Additionally, geometric features are calculated for each segmented individual tree like crown base, crown width, crown length, diameter of trunk, volume of the individual trees. In case of incompletely scanned trees, the extraction of geometric features is based on fitted circles. The result of the study is a tree database containing detailed information about urban trees, which can be a valuable dataset for ecologist, city planners, planting and mapping purposes. Furthermore, the established database will be the initial point for classification trees into single species. MLS data used in this project had been measured in the framework of

  20. Four-Channel Biosignal Analysis and Feature Extraction for Automatic Emotion Recognition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Jonghwa; André, Elisabeth

    This paper investigates the potential of physiological signals as a reliable channel for automatic recognition of user's emotial state. For the emotion recognition, little attention has been paid so far to physiological signals compared to audio-visual emotion channels such as facial expression or speech. All essential stages of automatic recognition system using biosignals are discussed, from recording physiological dataset up to feature-based multiclass classification. Four-channel biosensors are used to measure electromyogram, electrocardiogram, skin conductivity and respiration changes. A wide range of physiological features from various analysis domains, including time/frequency, entropy, geometric analysis, subband spectra, multiscale entropy, etc., is proposed in order to search the best emotion-relevant features and to correlate them with emotional states. The best features extracted are specified in detail and their effectiveness is proven by emotion recognition results.

  1. Concrete Slump Classification using GLCM Feature Extraction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Andayani, Relly; Madenda, Syarifudin


    Digital image processing technologies have been widely applies in analyzing concrete structure because the accuracy and real time result. The aim of this study is to classify concrete slump by using image processing technique. For this purpose, concrete mix design of 30 MPa compression strength designed with slump of 0-10 mm, 10-30 mm, 30-60 mm, and 60-180 mm were analysed. Image acquired by Nikon Camera D-7000 using high resolution was set up. In the first step RGB converted to greyimage than cropped to 1024 x 1024 pixel. With open-source program, cropped images to be analysed to extract GLCM feature. The result shows for the higher slump contrast getting lower, but higher correlation, energy, and homogeneity.

  2. Feature engineering for drug name recognition in biomedical texts: feature conjunction and feature selection.


    Liu, Shengyu; Tang, Buzhou; Chen, Qingcai; Wang, Xiaolong; Fan, Xiaoming


    Drug name recognition (DNR) is a critical step for drug information extraction. Machine learning-based methods have been widely used for DNR with various types of features such as part-of-speech, word shape, and dictionary feature. Features used in current machine learning-based methods are usually singleton features which may be due to explosive features and a large number of noisy features when singleton features are combined into conjunction features. However, singleton features that can only capture one linguistic characteristic of a word are not sufficient to describe the information for DNR when multiple characteristics should be considered. In this study, we explore feature conjunction and feature selection for DNR, which have never been reported. We intuitively select 8 types of singleton features and combine them into conjunction features in two ways. Then, Chi-square, mutual information, and information gain are used to mine effective features. Experimental results show that feature conjunction and feature selection can improve the performance of the DNR system with a moderate number of features and our DNR system significantly outperforms the best system in the DDIExtraction 2013 challenge.

  3. Discriminative spatial-frequency-temporal feature extraction and classification of motor imagery EEG: An sparse regression and Weighted Naïve Bayesian Classifier-based approach.


    Miao, Minmin; Zeng, Hong; Wang, Aimin; Zhao, Changsen; Liu, Feixiang


    Common spatial pattern (CSP) is most widely used in motor imagery based brain-computer interface (BCI) systems. In conventional CSP algorithm, pairs of the eigenvectors corresponding to both extreme eigenvalues are selected to construct the optimal spatial filter. In addition, an appropriate selection of subject-specific time segments and frequency bands plays an important role in its successful application. This study proposes to optimize spatial-frequency-temporal patterns for discriminative feature extraction. Spatial optimization is implemented by channel selection and finding discriminative spatial filters adaptively on each time-frequency segment. A novel Discernibility of Feature Sets (DFS) criteria is designed for spatial filter optimization. Besides, discriminative features located in multiple time-frequency segments are selected automatically by the proposed sparse time-frequency segment common spatial pattern (STFSCSP) method which exploits sparse regression for significant features selection. Finally, a weight determined by the sparse coefficient is assigned for each selected CSP feature and we propose a Weighted Naïve Bayesian Classifier (WNBC) for classification. Experimental results on two public EEG datasets demonstrate that optimizing spatial-frequency-temporal patterns in a data-driven manner for discriminative feature extraction greatly improves the classification performance. The proposed method gives significantly better classification accuracies in comparison with several competing methods in the literature. The proposed approach is a promising candidate for future BCI systems. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Feature extraction for ultrasonic sensor based defect detection in ceramic components

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kesharaju, Manasa; Nagarajah, Romesh


    High density silicon carbide materials are commonly used as the ceramic element of hard armour inserts used in traditional body armour systems to reduce their weight, while providing improved hardness, strength and elastic response to stress. Currently, armour ceramic tiles are inspected visually offline using an X-ray technique that is time consuming and very expensive. In addition, from X-rays multiple defects are also misinterpreted as single defects. Therefore, to address these problems the ultrasonic non-destructive approach is being investigated. Ultrasound based inspection would be far more cost effective and reliable as the methodology is applicable for on-line quality control including implementation of accept/reject criteria. This paper describes a recently developed methodology to detect, locate and classify various manufacturing defects in ceramic tiles using sub band coding of ultrasonic test signals. The wavelet transform is applied to the ultrasonic signal and wavelet coefficients in the different frequency bands are extracted and used as input features to an artificial neural network (ANN) for purposes of signal classification. Two different classifiers, using artificial neural networks (supervised) and clustering (un-supervised) are supplied with features selected using Principal Component Analysis(PCA) and their classification performance compared. This investigation establishes experimentally that Principal Component Analysis(PCA) can be effectively used as a feature selection method that provides superior results for classifying various defects in the context of ultrasonic inspection in comparison with the X-ray technique.

  5. Method of purifying neutral organophosphorus extractants


    Horwitz, E. Philip; Gatrone, Ralph C.; Chiarizia, Renato


    A method for removing acidic contaminants from neutral mono and bifunctional organophosphorous extractants by contacting the extractant with a macroporous cation exchange resin in the H.sup.+ state followed by contact with a macroporous anion exchange resin in the OH.sup.- state, whereupon the resins take up the acidic contaminants from the extractant, purifying the extractant and improving its extraction capability.

  6. Steroid hormones in environmental matrices: extraction method comparison.


    Andaluri, Gangadhar; Suri, Rominder P S; Graham, Kendon


    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed methods for the analysis of steroid hormones in water, soil, sediment, and municipal biosolids by HRGC/HRMS (EPA Method 1698). Following the guidelines provided in US-EPA Method 1698, the extraction methods were validated with reagent water and applied to municipal wastewater, surface water, and municipal biosolids using GC/MS/MS for the analysis of nine most commonly detected steroid hormones. This is the first reported comparison of the separatory funnel extraction (SFE), continuous liquid-liquid extraction (CLLE), and Soxhlet extraction methods developed by the U.S. EPA. Furthermore, a solid phase extraction (SPE) method was also developed in-house for the extraction of steroid hormones from aquatic environmental samples. This study provides valuable information regarding the robustness of the different extraction methods. Statistical analysis of the data showed that SPE-based methods provided better recovery efficiencies and lower variability of the steroid hormones followed by SFE. The analytical methods developed in-house for extraction of biosolids showed a wide recovery range; however, the variability was low (≤ 7% RSD). Soxhlet extraction and CLLE are lengthy procedures and have been shown to provide highly variably recovery efficiencies. The results of this study are guidance for better sample preparation strategies in analytical methods for steroid hormone analysis, and SPE adds to the choice in environmental sample analysis.

  7. Extracting DNA words based on the sequence features: non-uniform distribution and integrity.


    Li, Zhi; Cao, Hongyan; Cui, Yuehua; Zhang, Yanbo


    DNA sequence can be viewed as an unknown language with words as its functional units. Given that most sequence alignment algorithms such as the motif discovery algorithms depend on the quality of background information about sequences, it is necessary to develop an ab initio algorithm for extracting the "words" based only on the DNA sequences. We considered that non-uniform distribution and integrity were two important features of a word, based on which we developed an ab initio algorithm to extract "DNA words" that have potential functional meaning. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used for consistency test of uniform distribution of DNA sequences, and the integrity was judged by the sequence and position alignment. Two random base sequences were adopted as negative control, and an English book was used as positive control to verify our algorithm. We applied our algorithm to the genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and 10 strains of Escherichia coli to show the utility of the methods. The results provide strong evidences that the algorithm is a promising tool for ab initio building a DNA dictionary. Our method provides a fast way for large scale screening of important DNA elements and offers potential insights into the understanding of a genome.

  8. The optional selection of micro-motion feature based on Support Vector Machine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Bo; Ren, Hongmei; Xiao, Zhi-he; Sheng, Jing


    Micro-motion form of target is multiple, different micro-motion forms are apt to be modulated, which makes it difficult for feature extraction and recognition. Aiming at feature extraction of cone-shaped objects with different micro-motion forms, this paper proposes the best selection method of micro-motion feature based on support vector machine. After the time-frequency distribution of radar echoes, comparing the time-frequency spectrum of objects with different micro-motion forms, features are extracted based on the differences between the instantaneous frequency variations of different micro-motions. According to the methods based on SVM (Support Vector Machine) features are extracted, then the best features are acquired. Finally, the result shows the method proposed in this paper is feasible under the test condition of certain signal-to-noise ratio(SNR).

  9. A method for normalizing pathology images to improve feature extraction for quantitative pathology

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Tam, Allison; Barker, Jocelyn; Rubin, Daniel

    Purpose: With the advent of digital slide scanning technologies and the potential proliferation of large repositories of digital pathology images, many research studies can leverage these data for biomedical discovery and to develop clinical applications. However, quantitative analysis of digital pathology images is impeded by batch effects generated by varied staining protocols and staining conditions of pathological slides. Methods: To overcome this problem, this paper proposes a novel, fully automated stain normalization method to reduce batch effects and thus aid research in digital pathology applications. Their method, intensity centering and histogram equalization (ICHE), normalizes a diverse set of pathology imagesmore » by first scaling the centroids of the intensity histograms to a common point and then applying a modified version of contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization. Normalization was performed on two datasets of digitized hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) slides of different tissue slices from the same lung tumor, and one immunohistochemistry dataset of digitized slides created by restaining one of the H&E datasets. Results: The ICHE method was evaluated based on image intensity values, quantitative features, and the effect on downstream applications, such as a computer aided diagnosis. For comparison, three methods from the literature were reimplemented and evaluated using the same criteria. The authors found that ICHE not only improved performance compared with un-normalized images, but in most cases showed improvement compared with previous methods for correcting batch effects in the literature. Conclusions: ICHE may be a useful preprocessing step a digital pathology image processing pipeline.« less

  10. A method for normalizing pathology images to improve feature extraction for quantitative pathology.


    Tam, Allison; Barker, Jocelyn; Rubin, Daniel


    With the advent of digital slide scanning technologies and the potential proliferation of large repositories of digital pathology images, many research studies can leverage these data for biomedical discovery and to develop clinical applications. However, quantitative analysis of digital pathology images is impeded by batch effects generated by varied staining protocols and staining conditions of pathological slides. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes a novel, fully automated stain normalization method to reduce batch effects and thus aid research in digital pathology applications. Their method, intensity centering and histogram equalization (ICHE), normalizes a diverse set of pathology images by first scaling the centroids of the intensity histograms to a common point and then applying a modified version of contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization. Normalization was performed on two datasets of digitized hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) slides of different tissue slices from the same lung tumor, and one immunohistochemistry dataset of digitized slides created by restaining one of the H&E datasets. The ICHE method was evaluated based on image intensity values, quantitative features, and the effect on downstream applications, such as a computer aided diagnosis. For comparison, three methods from the literature were reimplemented and evaluated using the same criteria. The authors found that ICHE not only improved performance compared with un-normalized images, but in most cases showed improvement compared with previous methods for correcting batch effects in the literature. ICHE may be a useful preprocessing step a digital pathology image processing pipeline.

  11. A ROC-based feature selection method for computer-aided detection and diagnosis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Songyuan; Zhang, Guopeng; Liao, Qimei; Zhang, Junying; Jiao, Chun; Lu, Hongbing


    Image-based computer-aided detection and diagnosis (CAD) has been a very active research topic aiming to assist physicians to detect lesions and distinguish them from benign to malignant. However, the datasets fed into a classifier usually suffer from small number of samples, as well as significantly less samples available in one class (have a disease) than the other, resulting in the classifier's suboptimal performance. How to identifying the most characterizing features of the observed data for lesion detection is critical to improve the sensitivity and minimize false positives of a CAD system. In this study, we propose a novel feature selection method mR-FAST that combines the minimal-redundancymaximal relevance (mRMR) framework with a selection metric FAST (feature assessment by sliding thresholds) based on the area under a ROC curve (AUC) generated on optimal simple linear discriminants. With three feature datasets extracted from CAD systems for colon polyps and bladder cancer, we show that the space of candidate features selected by mR-FAST is more characterizing for lesion detection with higher AUC, enabling to find a compact subset of superior features at low cost.

  12. Extraction of Airport Features from High Resolution Satellite Imagery for Design and Risk Assessment

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Robinson, Chris; Qiu, You-Liang; Jensen, John R.; Schill, Steven R.; Floyd, Mike


    The LPA Group, consisting of 17 offices located throughout the eastern and central United States is an architectural, engineering and planning firm specializing in the development of Airports, Roads and Bridges. The primary focus of this ARC project is concerned with assisting their aviation specialists who work in the areas of Airport Planning, Airfield Design, Landside Design, Terminal Building Planning and design, and various other construction services. The LPA Group wanted to test the utility of high-resolution commercial satellite imagery for the purpose of extracting airport elevation features in the glide path areas surrounding the Columbia Metropolitan Airport. By incorporating remote sensing techniques into their airport planning process, LPA wanted to investigate whether or not it is possible to save time and money while achieving the equivalent accuracy as traditional planning methods. The Affiliate Research Center (ARC) at the University of South Carolina investigated the use of remotely sensed imagery for the extraction of feature elevations in the glide path zone. A stereo pair of IKONOS panchromatic satellite images, which has a spatial resolution of 1 x 1 m, was used to determine elevations of aviation obstructions such as buildings, trees, towers and fence-lines. A validation dataset was provided by the LPA Group to assess the accuracy of the measurements derived from the IKONOS imagery. The initial goal of this project was to test the utility of IKONOS imagery in feature extraction using ERDAS Stereo Analyst. This goal was never achieved due to problems with ERDAS software support of the IKONOS sensor model and the unavailability of imperative sensor model information from Space Imaging. The obstacles encountered in this project pertaining to ERDAS Stereo Analyst and IKONOS imagery will be reviewed in more detail later in this report. As a result of the technical difficulties with Stereo Analyst, ERDAS OrthoBASE was used to derive aviation

  13. n-SIFT: n-dimensional scale invariant feature transform.


    Cheung, Warren; Hamarneh, Ghassan


    We propose the n-dimensional scale invariant feature transform (n-SIFT) method for extracting and matching salient features from scalar images of arbitrary dimensionality, and compare this method's performance to other related features. The proposed features extend the concepts used for 2-D scalar images in the computer vision SIFT technique for extracting and matching distinctive scale invariant features. We apply the features to images of arbitrary dimensionality through the use of hyperspherical coordinates for gradients and multidimensional histograms to create the feature vectors. We analyze the performance of a fully automated multimodal medical image matching technique based on these features, and successfully apply the technique to determine accurate feature point correspondence between pairs of 3-D MRI images and dynamic 3D + time CT data.

  14. An improved feature extraction algorithm based on KAZE for multi-spectral image

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Jianping; Li, Jun


    Multi-spectral image contains abundant spectral information, which is widely used in all fields like resource exploration, meteorological observation and modern military. Image preprocessing, such as image feature extraction and matching, is indispensable while dealing with multi-spectral remote sensing image. Although the feature matching algorithm based on linear scale such as SIFT and SURF performs strong on robustness, the local accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, this paper proposes an improved KAZE algorithm, which is based on nonlinear scale, to raise the number of feature and to enhance the matching rate by using the adjusted-cosine vector. The experiment result shows that the number of feature and the matching rate of the improved KAZE are remarkably than the original KAZE algorithm.

  15. Build a Robust Learning Feature Descriptor by Using a New Image Visualization Method for Indoor Scenario Recognition

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Xin; Deng, Zhongliang


    In order to recognize indoor scenarios, we extract image features for detecting objects, however, computers can make some unexpected mistakes. After visualizing the histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) features, we find that the world through the eyes of a computer is indeed different from human eyes, which assists researchers to see the reasons that cause a computer to make errors. Additionally, according to the visualization, we notice that the HOG features can obtain rich texture information. However, a large amount of background interference is also introduced. In order to enhance the robustness of the HOG feature, we propose an improved method for suppressing the background interference. On the basis of the original HOG feature, we introduce a principal component analysis (PCA) to extract the principal components of the image colour information. Then, a new hybrid feature descriptor, which is named HOG–PCA (HOGP), is made by deeply fusing these two features. Finally, the HOGP is compared to the state-of-the-art HOG feature descriptor in four scenes under different illumination. In the simulation and experimental tests, the qualitative and quantitative assessments indicate that the visualizing images of the HOGP feature are close to the observation results obtained by human eyes, which is better than the original HOG feature for object detection. Furthermore, the runtime of our proposed algorithm is hardly increased in comparison to the classic HOG feature. PMID:28677635

  16. A novel method for extraction of neural response from single channel cochlear implant auditory evoked potentials.


    Sinkiewicz, Daniel; Friesen, Lendra; Ghoraani, Behnaz


    Cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEP) are used to evaluate cochlear implant (CI) patient auditory pathways, but the CI device produces an electrical artifact, which obscures the relevant information in the neural response. Currently there are multiple methods, which attempt to recover the neural response from the contaminated CAEP, but there is no gold standard, which can quantitatively confirm the effectiveness of these methods. To address this crucial shortcoming, we develop a wavelet-based method to quantify the amount of artifact energy in the neural response. In addition, a novel technique for extracting the neural response from single channel CAEPs is proposed. The new method uses matching pursuit (MP) based feature extraction to represent the contaminated CAEP in a feature space, and support vector machines (SVM) to classify the components as normal hearing (NH) or artifact. The NH components are combined to recover the neural response without artifact energy, as verified using the evaluation tool. Although it needs some further evaluation, this approach is a promising method of electrical artifact removal from CAEPs. Copyright © 2016 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. [An Extraction and Recognition Method of the Distributed Optical Fiber Vibration Signal Based on EMD-AWPP and HOSA-SVM Algorithm].


    Zhang, Yanjun; Liu, Wen-zhe; Fu, Xing-hu; Bi, Wei-hong


    Given that the traditional signal processing methods can not effectively distinguish the different vibration intrusion signal, a feature extraction and recognition method of the vibration information is proposed based on EMD-AWPP and HOSA-SVM, using for high precision signal recognition of distributed fiber optic intrusion detection system. When dealing with different types of vibration, the method firstly utilizes the adaptive wavelet processing algorithm based on empirical mode decomposition effect to reduce the abnormal value influence of sensing signal and improve the accuracy of signal feature extraction. Not only the low frequency part of the signal is decomposed, but also the high frequency part the details of the signal disposed better by time-frequency localization process. Secondly, it uses the bispectrum and bicoherence spectrum to accurately extract the feature vector which contains different types of intrusion vibration. Finally, based on the BPNN reference model, the recognition parameters of SVM after the implementation of the particle swarm optimization can distinguish signals of different intrusion vibration, which endows the identification model stronger adaptive and self-learning ability. It overcomes the shortcomings, such as easy to fall into local optimum. The simulation experiment results showed that this new method can effectively extract the feature vector of sensing information, eliminate the influence of random noise and reduce the effects of outliers for different types of invasion source. The predicted category identifies with the output category and the accurate rate of vibration identification can reach above 95%. So it is better than BPNN recognition algorithm and improves the accuracy of the information analysis effectively.

  18. Depth estimation of features in video frames with improved feature matching technique using Kinect sensor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sharma, Kajal; Moon, Inkyu; Kim, Sung Gaun


    Estimating depth has long been a major issue in the field of computer vision and robotics. The Kinect sensor's active sensing strategy provides high-frame-rate depth maps and can recognize user gestures and human pose. This paper presents a technique to estimate the depth of features extracted from video frames, along with an improved feature-matching method. In this paper, we used the Kinect camera developed by Microsoft, which captured color and depth images for further processing. Feature detection and selection is an important task for robot navigation. Many feature-matching techniques have been proposed earlier, and this paper proposes an improved feature matching between successive video frames with the use of neural network methodology in order to reduce the computation time of feature matching. The features extracted are invariant to image scale and rotation, and different experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of feature matching between successive video frames. The extracted features are assigned distance based on the Kinect technology that can be used by the robot in order to determine the path of navigation, along with obstacle detection applications.

  19. Topology reduction in deep convolutional feature extraction networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wiatowski, Thomas; Grohs, Philipp; Bölcskei, Helmut


    Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) used in practice employ potentially hundreds of layers and 10,000s of nodes. Such network sizes entail significant computational complexity due to the large number of convolutions that need to be carried out; in addition, a large number of parameters needs to be learned and stored. Very deep and wide CNNs may therefore not be well suited to applications operating under severe resource constraints as is the case, e.g., in low-power embedded and mobile platforms. This paper aims at understanding the impact of CNN topology, specifically depth and width, on the network's feature extraction capabilities. We address this question for the class of scattering networks that employ either Weyl-Heisenberg filters or wavelets, the modulus non-linearity, and no pooling. The exponential feature map energy decay results in Wiatowski et al., 2017, are generalized to O(a-N), where an arbitrary decay factor a > 1 can be realized through suitable choice of the Weyl-Heisenberg prototype function or the mother wavelet. We then show how networks of fixed (possibly small) depth N can be designed to guarantee that ((1 - ɛ) · 100)% of the input signal's energy are contained in the feature vector. Based on the notion of operationally significant nodes, we characterize, partly rigorously and partly heuristically, the topology-reducing effects of (effectively) band-limited input signals, band-limited filters, and feature map symmetries. Finally, for networks based on Weyl-Heisenberg filters, we determine the prototype function bandwidth that minimizes - for fixed network depth N - the average number of operationally significant nodes per layer.

  20. Extracting the driving force from ozone data using slow feature analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Geli; Yang, Peicai; Zhou, Xiuji


    Slow feature analysis (SFA) is a recommended technique for extracting slowly varying features from a quickly varying signal. In this work, we apply SFA to total ozone data from Arosa, Switzerland. The results show that the signal of volcanic eruptions can be found in the driving force, and wavelet analysis of this driving force shows that there are two main dominant scales, which may be connected with the effect of climate mode such as North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and solar activity. The findings of this study represent a contribution to our understanding of the causality from observed climate data.

  1. Features Extraction of Flotation Froth Images and BP Neural Network Soft-Sensor Model of Concentrate Grade Optimized by Shuffled Cuckoo Searching Algorithm

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Jie-sheng; Han, Shuang; Shen, Na-na; Li, Shu-xia


    For meeting the forecasting target of key technology indicators in the flotation process, a BP neural network soft-sensor model based on features extraction of flotation froth images and optimized by shuffled cuckoo search algorithm is proposed. Based on the digital image processing technique, the color features in HSI color space, the visual features based on the gray level cooccurrence matrix, and the shape characteristics based on the geometric theory of flotation froth images are extracted, respectively, as the input variables of the proposed soft-sensor model. Then the isometric mapping method is used to reduce the input dimension, the network size, and learning time of BP neural network. Finally, a shuffled cuckoo search algorithm is adopted to optimize the BP neural network soft-sensor model. Simulation results show that the model has better generalization results and prediction accuracy. PMID:25133210

  2. Mechanomyographic Parameter Extraction Methods: An Appraisal for Clinical Applications

    PubMed Central

    Ibitoye, Morufu Olusola; Hamzaid, Nur Azah; Zuniga, Jorge M.; Hasnan, Nazirah; Wahab, Ahmad Khairi Abdul


    The research conducted in the last three decades has collectively demonstrated that the skeletal muscle performance can be alternatively assessed by mechanomyographic signal (MMG) parameters. Indices of muscle performance, not limited to force, power, work, endurance and the related physiological processes underlying muscle activities during contraction have been evaluated in the light of the signal features. As a non-stationary signal that reflects several distinctive patterns of muscle actions, the illustrations obtained from the literature support the reliability of MMG in the analysis of muscles under voluntary and stimulus evoked contractions. An appraisal of the standard practice including the measurement theories of the methods used to extract parameters of the signal is vital to the application of the signal during experimental and clinical practices, especially in areas where electromyograms are contraindicated or have limited application. As we highlight the underpinning technical guidelines and domains where each method is well-suited, the limitations of the methods are also presented to position the state of the art in MMG parameters extraction, thus providing the theoretical framework for improvement on the current practices to widen the opportunity for new insights and discoveries. Since the signal modality has not been widely deployed due partly to the limited information extractable from the signals when compared with other classical techniques used to assess muscle performance, this survey is particularly relevant to the projected future of MMG applications in the realm of musculoskeletal assessments and in the real time detection of muscle activity. PMID:25479326

  3. A method for quickly and exactly extracting hepatic vein

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xiong, Qing; Yuan, Rong; Wang, Luyao; Wang, Yanchun; Li, Zhen; Hu, Daoyu; Xie, Qingguo


    It is of vital importance that providing detailed and accurate information about hepatic vein (HV) for liver surgery planning, such as pre-operative planning of living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). Due to the different blood flow rate of intra-hepatic vascular systems and the restrictions of CT scan, it is common that HV and hepatic portal vein (HPV) are both filled with contrast medium during the scan and in high intensity in the hepatic venous phase images. As a result, the HV segmentation result obtained from the hepatic venous phase images is always contaminated by HPV which makes accurate HV modeling difficult. In this paper, we proposed a method for quick and accurate HV extraction. Based on the topological structure of intra-hepatic vessels, we analyzed the anatomical features of HV and HPV. According to the analysis, three conditions were presented to identify the nodes that connect HV with HPV in the topological structure, and thus to distinguish HV from HPV. The method costs less than one minute to extract HV and provides a correct and detailed HV model even with variations in vessels. Evaluated by two experienced radiologists, the accuracy of the HV model obtained from our method is over 97%. In the following work, we will extend our work to a comprehensive clinical evaluation and apply this method to actual LDLT surgical planning.

  4. An effective method for cirrhosis recognition based on multi-feature fusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Yameng; Sun, Gengxin; Lei, Yiming; Zhang, Jinpeng


    Liver disease is one of the main causes of human healthy problem. Cirrhosis, of course, is the critical phase during the development of liver lesion, especially the hepatoma. Many clinical cases are still influenced by the subjectivity of physicians in some degree, and some objective factors such as illumination, scale, edge blurring will affect the judgment of clinicians. Then the subjectivity will affect the accuracy of diagnosis and the treatment of patients. In order to solve the difficulty above and improve the recognition rate of liver cirrhosis, we propose a method of multi-feature fusion to obtain more robust representations of texture in ultrasound liver images, the texture features we extract include local binary pattern(LBP), gray level co-occurrence matrix(GLCM) and histogram of oriented gradient(HOG). In this paper, we firstly make a fusion of multi-feature to recognize cirrhosis and normal liver based on parallel combination concept, and the experimental results shows that the classifier is effective for cirrhosis recognition which is evaluated by the satisfying classification rate, sensitivity and specificity of receiver operating characteristic(ROC), and cost time. Through the method we proposed, it will be helpful to improve the accuracy of diagnosis of cirrhosis and prevent the development of liver lesion towards hepatoma.

  5. Detecting epileptic seizure with different feature extracting strategies using robust machine learning classification techniques by applying advance parameter optimization approach.


    Hussain, Lal


    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder produced due to abnormal excitability of neurons in the brain. The research reveals that brain activity is monitored through electroencephalogram (EEG) of patients suffered from seizure to detect the epileptic seizure. The performance of EEG detection based epilepsy require feature extracting strategies. In this research, we have extracted varying features extracting strategies based on time and frequency domain characteristics, nonlinear, wavelet based entropy and few statistical features. A deeper study was undertaken using novel machine learning classifiers by considering multiple factors. The support vector machine kernels are evaluated based on multiclass kernel and box constraint level. Likewise, for K-nearest neighbors (KNN), we computed the different distance metrics, Neighbor weights and Neighbors. Similarly, the decision trees we tuned the paramours based on maximum splits and split criteria and ensemble classifiers are evaluated based on different ensemble methods and learning rate. For training/testing tenfold Cross validation was employed and performance was evaluated in form of TPR, NPR, PPV, accuracy and AUC. In this research, a deeper analysis approach was performed using diverse features extracting strategies using robust machine learning classifiers with more advanced optimal options. Support Vector Machine linear kernel and KNN with City block distance metric give the overall highest accuracy of 99.5% which was higher than using the default parameters for these classifiers. Moreover, highest separation (AUC = 0.9991, 0.9990) were obtained at different kernel scales using SVM. Additionally, the K-nearest neighbors with inverse squared distance weight give higher performance at different Neighbors. Moreover, to distinguish the postictal heart rate oscillations from epileptic ictal subjects, and highest performance of 100% was obtained using different machine learning classifiers.

  6. Multiple kernels learning-based biological entity relationship extraction method.


    Dongliang, Xu; Jingchang, Pan; Bailing, Wang


    Automatic extracting protein entity interaction information from biome